import argparse import json from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict from mistral_common.exceptions import ( InvalidAssistantMessageException, InvalidFunctionCallException, InvalidMessageStructureException, InvalidToolSchemaException, TokenizerException, ) from mistral_common.tokens.tokenizers.mistral import MistralTokenizer from tqdm import tqdm from finetune.args import TrainArgs from import parse_data_sources from import ( ConversationFormatError, FunctionFormatError, MessageFormatError, SampleType, ToolCallFormatError, UnrecognizedRoleError, build_instruct_sample, get_pretrain_sample, tokenize, ) NUM_GPUS = 8 # EXPECTED WPS for batch_size = 32768 per GPU on H100 EXPECTED_WPS = { "open-mistral-7b": 5720, "open-mixtral-8x7b": 2966, "open-mixtral-8x22b": 1007, } MIN_NUM_JSONL_LINES = 10 MAX_NUM_JSONL_LINES = 10_000_000 MIN_BYTES = 1_000 MAX_BYTES = 10_000_000_000 # rougly 10 GB def convert_seconds_to_hms(seconds: float) -> str: hours = int(seconds // 3600) seconds %= 3600 minutes = int(seconds // 60) seconds %= 60 seconds = int(seconds) return f"{hours:02d}:{minutes:02d}:{seconds:02d}" def verify_size(jsonl_file: Path): print(f"Verifying {jsonl_file} ...") with as f: num_lines = 0 num_bytes = 0 for line in f: num_lines += 1 num_bytes += len(line) if num_lines < MIN_NUM_JSONL_LINES: raise ValueError( f"{jsonl_file} has only {num_lines} conversation which is less than the minimum amount of conversations required per dataset file: {MIN_NUM_JSONL_LINES}. Please make sure that each dataset has at least {MIN_NUM_JSONL_LINES} conversations." ) elif num_bytes < MIN_BYTES: raise ValueError( f"{jsonl_file} has only {num_bytes} bytes which is less than the minimum amount of bytes required per dataset file: {MIN_BYTES}. Please make sure that each dataset has at least {MIN_BYTES} bytes." ) elif num_lines > MAX_NUM_JSONL_LINES: raise ValueError( f"{jsonl_file} has {num_lines} conversation which is more than the maximum amount of allowed per dataset file: {MAX_NUM_JSONL_LINES}. Please make sure that each dataset has no more than {MAX_NUM_JSONL_LINES} conversations." ) elif num_bytes > MAX_BYTES: raise ValueError( f"{jsonl_file} has {num_bytes} bytes which is more than the maximum amount of bytes allowed per dataset file: {MAX_BYTES}. Please make sure that each dataset has no more than {MAX_BYTES} bytes." ) print( f"Dataset {jsonl_file} is valid. Dataset has {num_lines} conversations amounting to a total of {num_bytes} bytes." ) def get_train_stats( num_tokens: Dict[str, int], datasets_proportion: Dict[str, float], train_args: TrainArgs, return_type: str, ): dataset_tokens = sum(num_tokens.values()) batch_size = train_args.batch_size * train_args.seq_len * NUM_GPUS if Path(train_args.model_id_or_path).is_dir(): params_config = json.load( (Path(train_args.model_id_or_path) / "params.json").open() ) if params_config["dim"] == 4096 and params_config.get("moe") is None: model_id = "open-mistral-7b" elif params_config["dim"] == 4096 and params_config.get("moe") is not None: model_id = "open-mixtral-8x7b" elif params_config["dim"] == 6144: model_id = "open-mixtral-8x22b" else: raise ValueError("Provided model folder seems incorrect.") else: model_id = train_args.model_id_or_path wps = EXPECTED_WPS[model_id] if return_type == "expected": train_tokens = train_args.max_steps * batch_size max_steps = train_args.max_steps num_epochs = train_tokens / dataset_tokens elif return_type == "recommended": num_epochs = 3 max_steps = int(sum(num_tokens.values()) / batch_size * num_epochs) train_tokens = max_steps * batch_size else: raise ValueError( f"`return_type` is {return_type}, but has to be one of ['expected', 'recommended']" ) expected_time_in_sec = train_tokens / NUM_GPUS / wps # Add 5min buffer for loading/init/ckpt/eval expected_time_in_sec += 300 train_tokens_per_dataset = { k: (train_tokens * v) for k, v in datasets_proportion.items() } return { "eta": convert_seconds_to_hms(expected_time_in_sec), "data_tokens": dataset_tokens, "train_tokens": train_tokens, "epochs": f"{num_epochs:.2f}", "max_steps": max_steps, "data_tokens_per_dataset": {k: f"{v:.1f}" for k, v in num_tokens.items()}, "train_tokens_per_dataset": { k: f"{v:.1f}" for k, v in train_tokens_per_dataset.items() }, "epochs_per_dataset": { k: f"{(train_tokens_per_dataset[k] / num_tokens[k]):.1f}" for k in num_tokens.keys() }, } def main(args): train_args = TrainArgs.load(args.train_yaml) yaml_data_errors = [] conversation_format_errors = [] message_format_errors = [] tokenization_errors = [] # Check if pretrain can be loaded # train_pretrain_data = data = [("train",,] if != "": data.append(("eval", "", EXPECTED_WPS.keys() instruct_tokenizer = MistralTokenizer.v3().instruct_tokenizer for name, pretrain_file, instruct_file in data: datasets, weights = parse_data_sources(pretrain_file, instruct_file) data_types = [d.sample_type for d in datasets] datasets = [str(d.path) for d in datasets] datasets_proportion = dict(zip(datasets, weights)) num_tokens = {k: 0 for k in datasets_proportion} for data_type, dataset in tqdm(zip(data_types, datasets)): # verify_size(Path(dataset)) print(f"Validating {dataset} ...") corrected_dataset = dataset + ".corrected" correct_lines = [] sub_yaml_data_errors = [] sub_conversation_format_errors = [] sub_message_format_errors = [] sub_tokenization_errors = [] # Load the dataset with open(dataset, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: lines = f.readlines() for idx, line in tqdm(enumerate(lines), total=len(lines)): try: data = json.loads(line) except ValueError as e: prefix = f"The data in line {idx + 1} of dataset {dataset} is incorrectly formated." sub_yaml_data_errors.append(prefix + str(e)) continue if data_type == SampleType.PRETRAIN: # TODO(Patrick) - Get good error message sample = get_pretrain_sample(data) else: try: sample = build_instruct_sample(data) except ( ConversationFormatError, UnrecognizedRoleError, MessageFormatError, ToolCallFormatError, FunctionFormatError, InvalidAssistantMessageException, InvalidFunctionCallException, InvalidMessageStructureException, InvalidToolSchemaException, ) as e: prefix = f"The data in line {idx + 1} of dataset {dataset} is incorrectly formated." if isinstance( e, (ConversationFormatError, FunctionFormatError) ): sub_conversation_format_errors.append(prefix + str(e)) elif isinstance( e, ( MessageFormatError, UnrecognizedRoleError, ToolCallFormatError, ), ): sub_message_format_errors.append(prefix + str(e)) if isinstance( e, ( InvalidFunctionCallException, InvalidMessageStructureException, InvalidAssistantMessageException, InvalidToolSchemaException, ), ): sub_conversation_format_errors.append(prefix + str(e)) continue try: tokens = tokenize(sample, instruct_tokenizer).tokens except TokenizerException as e: error_message = ( f"The data in line {idx + 1} of dataset {dataset} could not be tokenized. " + str(e) ) sub_tokenization_errors.append(error_message) correct_lines.append(line) num_tokens[dataset] += len(tokens) is_sub_error = ( len( sub_yaml_data_errors + sub_conversation_format_errors + sub_message_format_errors + sub_tokenization_errors ) > 0 ) if is_sub_error and args.create_corrected: with open(corrected_dataset, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: for line in correct_lines: f.write(line) print(f"Saved {corrected_dataset}.") elif args.create_corrected: print(f"No error in {dataset} - no need to create a corrected version.") yaml_data_errors.extend(sub_yaml_data_errors) conversation_format_errors.extend(sub_conversation_format_errors) message_format_errors.extend(sub_message_format_errors) tokenization_errors.extend(sub_tokenization_errors) is_error = ( len( yaml_data_errors + conversation_format_errors + message_format_errors + tokenization_errors ) > 0 ) if is_error: all_yaml_data_errors = "\n".join(yaml_data_errors) all_conversation_format_errors = "\n".join(conversation_format_errors) all_message_format_errors = "\n".join(message_format_errors) all_tokenization_errors = "\n".join(tokenization_errors) error_report = f""" Data error report ----------------------- \n The passed datasets contains some errors as listed below. Please make sure to fix these errors in order to start training. YAML data load errors: \n\n {all_yaml_data_errors} \n\n Conversation format errors: \n\n {all_conversation_format_errors} \n\n Message format errors: \n\n {all_message_format_errors} \n\n Tokenization errors: \n\n {all_tokenization_errors} \n\n """ if args.save_reports: with open(args.error_report_txt, "w") as f: f.write(error_report) print(error_report) else: print("No errors! Data is correctly formated!") if name == "train" and not is_error: expected_stats = get_train_stats( num_tokens, datasets_proportion, train_args, return_type="expected" ) stats = { "expected": expected_stats, } filenames = ( f"{instruct_file}" if pretrain_file == "" else f"{instruct_file} and {pretrain_file}" ) print( f"Stats for {filenames} \n {20 * '-'} \n {json.dumps(stats, indent=4)}" ) if args.save_reports: if name == "train": with open(args.train_stats_json, "w") as file: json.dump(stats, file, indent=4) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Validate jsonl.") parser.add_argument( "--train_yaml", type=str, help="Path to the data file", ) parser.add_argument( "--error_report_txt", type=str, default="data_errors.txt", help="Path to the error report.", ) parser.add_argument( "--train_stats_json", type=str, default="train_stats.json", help="Path to training statistics json file.", ) parser.add_argument( "--save_reports", action="store_true", help="Save reports to disk" ) parser.add_argument( "--create_corrected", action="store_true", help="Skip faulty lines and append all correct lines to `.corrected` datasets.", ) args = parser.parse_args() main(args)