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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><BillSummaries>
<item congress="115" measure-type="s" measure-number="1000" measure-id="id115s1000" originChamber="SENATE" orig-publish-date="2017-05-01" update-date="2017-11-03">
<title>Protecting America's Workers Act</title>
<summary summary-id="id115s1000v00" currentChamber="SENATE" update-date="2017-11-03">
<action-desc>Introduced in Senate</action-desc>
<summary-text><![CDATA[<p><b>Protecting America's Workers Act</b></p> <p>This bill amends the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA) to increase the scope of the Act by applying its coverage to federal, state, and local government employees. However, the bill makes OSHA inapplicable to working conditions covered by the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977.</p> <p>The bill revises requirements governing worker protection, including by:</p> <ul> <li>increasing protections for whistle-blowers as well as employees participating in or aiding inspections;</li> <li>directing employers to furnish a hazard-free place of employment to all individuals, not just employees;</li> <li>requiring the posting of employee rights concerning protection from retaliation;</li> <li>requiring site logs of employees' work-related injuries and illnesses, including those of employees of other employers and contractors;</li> <li>directing employers to report work-related deaths or hospitalizations;</li> <li> prohibiting employers from discouraging accurate record keeping and reporting of work-related injuries or illnesses;</li> <li>requiring the Department of Labor to investigate an incident in the workplace that results in the death of an employee or one that results in the hospitalization of two or more employees; </li> <li>establishing rights for victims, or representatives of victims, with respect to inspections or investigations of work-related bodily injuries or deaths; </li> <li>setting the permitted period for employers to correct serious, willful, or repeated violations while citations for the violations are being contested;</li> <li>increasing civil and criminal penalties for certain violations;</li> <li>expanding enforcement requirements relating to state occupational safety and health plans, including by allowing Labor concurrent enforcement authority in states where the state plans fail to meet minimum requirements; and </li> <li>expanding requirements for workplace health hazard evaluations by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. </li></ul>]]></summary-text>
<dublinCore xmlns:dc="">
<dc:rights>Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.</dc:rights>
<dc:contributor>Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress</dc:contributor>
<dc:description>This file contains bill summaries for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.</dc:description>