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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><BillSummaries>
<item congress="115" measure-type="s" measure-number="1004" measure-id="id115s1004" originChamber="SENATE" orig-publish-date="2017-05-02" update-date="2017-11-13">
<title>Perkins Fund for Equity and Excellence</title>
<summary summary-id="id115s1004v00" currentChamber="SENATE" update-date="2017-11-13">
<action-desc>Introduced in Senate</action-desc>
<summary-text><![CDATA[<p><strong>Perkins Fund for Equity and Excellence</strong></p> <p>This bill amends the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 to&nbsp;replace the existing Tech Prep program with a new competitive grant program to support career and technical education.&nbsp;Under the program,&nbsp;local educational agencies&nbsp;and their&nbsp;partners may apply for grant funding to support:</p> <ul> <li>career and technical education programs that are aligned with postsecondary education programs,</li> <li>dual or concurrent enrollment programs and early college programs,</li> <li>certain evidence-based strategies and delivery models related to career and technical education,</li> <li>teacher and leader experiential and informational-gathering site visits,</li> <li>professional development of educators and business partners,</li> <li>structured interdisciplinary collaboration and common planning time,</li> <li>teacher and leader externship programs,</li> <li>cross-credentialing for teachers,</li> <li>paid student internships or other paid work-based learning experiences, and</li> <li>guidance counseling.</li></ul> <p>Unless granted a waiver, a grant recipient must provide specified matching funds in the fourth and fifth years of the five-year grant.</p>]]></summary-text>
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<dc:rights>Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.</dc:rights>
<dc:contributor>Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress</dc:contributor>
<dc:description>This file contains bill summaries for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.</dc:description>