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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><BillSummaries>
<item congress="118" measure-type="s" measure-number="1039" measure-id="id118s1039" originChamber="SENATE" orig-publish-date="2023-03-29" update-date="2023-07-07">
<title>National Flood Insurance Program Consultant Accountability Act of 2023</title>
<summary summary-id="id118s1039v00" currentChamber="SENATE" update-date="2023-07-07">
<action-desc>Introduced in Senate</action-desc>
<p><strong>National Flood Insurance Program Consultant Accountability Act of 2023</strong></p> <p>This bill allows the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to terminate certain contracts under the National Flood Insurance Program on the basis of detrimental conduct to the program by a covered entity (an attorney, law firm, consultant, or third-party company that provides certain services under the contract). Specifically, on such basis, FEMA may terminate a contract between a covered entity&nbsp;and a Write Your Own company (a property and casualty company that writes and services federal standard flood insurance policies in its own name).</p> <p>FEMA shall establish a process for a covered entity to appeal such a termination.</p> <p>Neither FEMA nor a Write Your Own company is required to make an early-termination payout to a covered entity with respect to a contract terminated under the&nbsp;bill.</p>
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<dc:rights>Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.</dc:rights>
<dc:contributor>Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress</dc:contributor>
<dc:description>This file contains bill summaries for federal legislation. A bill summary describes the most significant provisions of a piece of legislation and details the effects the legislative text may have on current law and federal programs. Bill summaries are authored by the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress. As stated in Public Law 91-510 (2 USC 166 (d)(6)), one of the duties of CRS is "to prepare summaries and digests of bills and resolutions of a public general nature introduced in the Senate or House of Representatives". For more information, refer to the User Guide that accompanies this file.</dc:description>