118 S1026 IS: Gun Violence Prevention Research Act of 2023 U.S. Senate 2023-03-29 text/xml EN Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.
II118th CONGRESS1st SessionS. 1026IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATESMarch 29, 2023Mr. Markey (for himself, Ms. Duckworth, Ms. Cortez Masto, Mr. Kaine, Ms. Smith, Mr. Casey, Mr. Murphy, Mr. Booker, Mr. Welch, Mr. Carper, Mr. Merkley, Mrs. Feinstein, Mr. Reed, Ms. Warren, Ms. Cantwell, Mr. Whitehouse, Mr. Wyden, Mr. Menendez, Ms. Klobuchar, Ms. Hirono, Mr. Durbin, Mr. Sanders, Mr. Schatz, Mr. Blumenthal, Mr. Heinrich, Mrs. Gillibrand, Ms. Baldwin, and Mr. Coons) introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and PensionsA BILLTo authorize the appropriation of funds to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for conducting or supporting research on firearms safety or gun violence prevention.
Short title
This Act may be cited as the Gun Violence Prevention Research Act of 2023.
Funding for research by CDC on firearms safety or gun violence prevention
There is authorized to be appropriated to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention $50,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2024 through 2029 for the purpose of conducting or supporting research on firearms safety or gun violence prevention under the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 201 et seq.). The amount authorized to be appropriated by the preceding sentence is in addition to any other amounts authorized to be appropriated for such purpose.