118 S103 IS: Defending Domestic Orange Juice Production Act of 2023 U.S. Senate 2023-01-26 text/xml EN Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain.
II118th CONGRESS1st SessionS. 103IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATESJanuary 26, 2023Mr. Rubio (for himself and Mr. Scott of Florida) introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and PensionsA BILLTo modify the minimum required weight of orange juice soluble solids.
Short title
This Act may be cited as the Defending Domestic Orange Juice Production Act of 2023.
Revision of pasteurized orange juice standards
In general
Effective on the date of enactment of this Act, the standard of identity for pasteurized orange juice, established in section 146.140 of title 21, Code of Federal Regulations, shall be deemed to require finished pasteurized orange juice to contain not less than 10.0 percent by weight of orange juice soluble solids, exclusive of the solids of any added optional sweetening ingredients.
Regulation authority
Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the authority of the Secretary of Health and Human Services to promulgate regulations to amend the standard of identity for pasteurized orange juice.