A bill to incentivize early adoption of positive train control, and for other purposes. 2015-04-16 Introduced in Senate Positive Train Control Safety Act

This bill authorizes the Department of Transportation (DOT) to extend the deadline, in one-year increments, for implementation of positive train control systems if full implementation by the existing deadline will likely be infeasible due to circumstances beyond the control of the applicant, and other certain other criteria are met.

Each Class I railroad carrier, and each entity providing regularly scheduled intercity or commuter rail passenger transportation, must submit annual progress reports to DOT on the status of fits implementation plan.

Such plans shall now be required for any such carrier or entity governing operations on a main line over which 20 or more tank cars loaded with petroleum crude oil, ethanol, or other Class 3 material are transported.

DOT shall assess electromagnetic spectrum needs and availability for implementing positive train control systems.

Applicable railroad carriers shall establish a confidential close call reporting system program subject to DOT regulations.

A railroad carrier providing commuter rail passenger transportation on high density commuter railroad lines, when performing a required inspection, shall:

  • at least once each two weeks traverse each line by vehicle or inspect each main line on foot, and
  • at least once each month traverse and inspect each siding by vehicle or by foot.

DOT shall:

  • study the effectiveness of positive train control and related technologies on reducing collisions at highway-rail grade crossings; and
  • promulgate regulations to require that on-track safety programs, whenever practicable and consistent with other safety requirements and operational considerations, include requiring implementation of redundant signal protection, such as shunting, for maintenance-of-way work crews who depend on a train dispatcher to provide signal protection.
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