A bill to require the Secretary of Defense to award grants to fund research on orthotics and prosthetics, and for other purposes. 2015-04-21 Introduced in Senate Wounded Warrior Research Enhancement Act

This bill directs the Secretary of Defense to award research grants for:

  • actions that can be taken to prevent amputation of limbs,
  • the most effective point for orthotic and prosthetic intervention during patient treatment,
  • orthotic interventions that are most effective in treating the physical effects of traumatic brain injury,
  • patients that benefit most from particular orthotic and prosthetic technologies,
  • orthotic and prosthetic services that best facilitate the return to active duty of members of the Armed Forces, and
  • the effect of aging on the use of prosthetics.

The Secretary shall award research grants for the improvement of existing, and development of new, materials and technology used in orthotics and prosthetics.

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