A bill to amend the Energy Policy and Conservation Act to prohibit the Secretary of Energy from prescribing a final rule amending the efficiency standards for residential non-weatherized gas furnaces or mobile home furnaces until an analysis has been completed, and for other purposes. 2015-04-21 Introduced in Senate This bill amends the Energy Policy and Conservation Act to prohibit the Department of Energy (DOE) from prescribing a final rule amending the efficiency standards for residential non-weatherized gas furnaces or mobile home furnaces until each of the following has occurred:

  • DOE convenes a representative advisory group of interested stakeholders,
  • the advisory group completes an analysis of a nationwide requirement of a condensing furnace efficiency standard,
  • the advisory group determines whether that standard is technically feasible and economically justified, and
  • the determination is published in the Federal Register.

If the advisory group determines that the standard is not technically feasible and economically justified, DOE must establish amended standards through the negotiated rulemaking procedure provided for under the Negotiated Rulemaking Act of 1990.

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