Natural Disaster Fairness in Contracting Act of 2015 2015-01-07 Introduced in Senate Natural Disaster Fairness in Contracting Act of 2015 

Requires agencies, in entering into a contract to procure property or services in connection with natural disaster reconstruction efforts, to use specified competitive procedures.

Allows agencies to enter into a contract to procure property or services in connection with such reconstruction efforts using other than full and open competition only upon the written approval of the President or the President's designee. Requires congressional notification when procedures other than full and open competitive procedures are to be used.

Instructs agencies that enter into a contract for the procurement of property or services in connection with such reconstruction efforts through the use of other than full and open competitive procedures to publish in the Federal Register or Federal Business Opportunities and otherwise make available to the public specified information concerning the contract seven days before it is finalized.

Permits the use of noncompetitive procedures by agencies when: (1) a contract will be performed within a six-month period, and (2) the need for the property or services is of such an unusual and compelling urgency that the government would otherwise be seriously injured.

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