ROV In-Depth Examination Act of 2015 2016-09-22 Reported to Senate amended ROV In-Depth Examination Act of 2015

(Sec. 2) This bill denies the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) authority to establish recreational off-highway vehicle (ROV) performance or configuration standards, or to require ROV manufacturers to provide performance and technical data to prospective purchasers and to the first purchaser of an ROV for purposes other than resale, until the study required by this bill is completed.

The CPSC shall contract with the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) to complete within two years after enactment of this bill a study of the lateral stability and vehicle handling requirements proposed by the CPSC in a notice of proposed rulemaking published on November 19, 2014. Such study shall determine:

  • the technical validity of such proposed requirements for reducing the risk of ROV off-road rollovers, and
  • whether there is a technical basis for the proposal to provide information on a point-of-sale hangtag about a vehicle's rollover resistance on a progressive scale.

The CPSC must consider the results of the study in any subsequent rulemaking regarding the performance or configuration of ROVs or the provision of point-of-sale information regarding ROV performance.

If the CPSC is unable to enter into an acceptable agreement for the study with NAS within a specified time frame, it shall seek to enter into such agreement with another appropriate organization that is not part of the government, that operates as a not-for-profit entity, and that has expertise and objectivity comparable to NAS.

2015-04-22 Introduced in Senate ROV In-Depth Examination Act of 2015

This bill denies the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) authority to establish recreational off-highway vehicle (ROV) performance or configuration standards, or to require ROV manufacturers to provide performance and technical data to prospective purchasers and to the first purchaser of an ROV for purposes other than resale, until the study required by this Act is completed.

The CPSC shall contract with the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) to complete within two years after enactment of this Act a study of the lateral stability and vehicle handling requirements proposed by the CPSC in a notice of proposed rulemaking published on November 19, 2014. Such study shall determine:

  • the technical validity of such proposed requirements for reducing the risk of ROV off-road rollovers,
  • the number of ROV rollovers that would be prevented if the proposed requirements were adopted,
  • whether there is a technical basis for the proposal to provide information on a point-of-sale hangtag about a vehicle's rollover resistance on a progressive scale, and
  • the effect on the utility of ROVs used by the Armed Forces if the proposed requirements were adopted.

The CPSC must consider the results of the study in any subsequent rulemaking regarding the performance or configuration of ROVs or the provision of point-of-sale information regarding ROV performance.

If the CPSC is unable to enter into an acceptable agreement for the study with NAS within a specified time frame, it shall seek to enter into such agreement with another appropriate organization that is not part of the government, that operates as a not-for-profit entity, and that has expertise and objectivity comparable to NAS.

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