{"text":"blue tarp on old train"} {"text":"skateboarder leaning forward with feet on board"} {"text":"What is growing on the sides of the dirt path? Lush green plants."} {"text":"Leg of a person"} {"text":"birds sitting down outside"} {"text":"The zebras are outside."} {"text":"a patch of grass in the background"} {"text":"the shallow square bowl"} {"text":"The name of who took the photo"} {"text":"What does the man hold? Rope."} {"text":"one rhino one elephant"} {"text":"What device is in the photo? Toilet."} {"text":"What color bananas are in the photo? Green."} {"text":"What is on the water? Reflections."} {"text":"What is the name of the blue clothing items? Jeans."} {"text":"snow covers the ground"} {"text":"the dog has a black nose"} {"text":"a dog carrying a frisbee"} {"text":"hpc letters are on the ground"} {"text":"the phone is cordless"} {"text":"Batting helmet on baseball player"} {"text":"metal and plastic bird feeder"} {"text":"green leaves on the tree"} {"text":"Is the bottle to the right of a can? No."} {"text":"part of a plate"} {"text":"What is she eating? Cake."} {"text":"How many white birds? 0."} {"text":"white and black license plate"} {"text":"room with wood floors"} {"text":"a metal railing on a road"} {"text":"tennis player on the court"} {"text":"What food is prepared in a pot? The soup."} {"text":"What is the color of the wristwatch? Black."} {"text":"What is the small animal? A deer."} {"text":"window on the bus."} {"text":"person skateboarding on ramp"} {"text":"What type of pizza is this? Cheese."} {"text":"a light blue cup on table"} {"text":"What kind of wall is reflected in the mirror? Yellow wall."} {"text":"grey color of Elephant"} {"text":"ripple in the water"} {"text":"the tree in the yard"} {"text":"a black arrow on a box"} {"text":"a piece of sauce covered meat"} {"text":"road with white line"} {"text":"Rearview mirror on a motorcycle"} {"text":"How many bikes on the floor? 1."} {"text":"purple shirt on man"} {"text":"The bench is wood."} {"text":"A zebra that is standing in the dirt."} {"text":"Can you count all these motorbikes? Yes."} {"text":"Are there any closed umbrellas or books? Yes."} {"text":"Are there eyeglasses in this picture? Yes."} {"text":"white clouds in blue sky"} {"text":"watermelon is next to watermelon"} {"text":"smooth snowy area"} {"text":"orange and white diagonal stripes"} {"text":"Horse's slick and shiny brown mane"} {"text":"a black sheep with a white face"} {"text":"cows that are black and white"} {"text":"top view of a toilet seat"} {"text":"a man wearing orange and white shorts"} {"text":"The light is yellow"} {"text":"glass window on building"} {"text":"A fire hydrant that was busted and is shooting water out."} {"text":"A red double decker bus filled with people turns the corner."} {"text":"What kind of furniture is to the left of the sandwich? Couch."} {"text":"A woman at a baking rack with doughnuts in her hands."} {"text":"What type of shop is this? Signs."} {"text":"the jeans are blue"} {"text":"skateboarder wearing plaid shirt"} {"text":"green tile on wall"} {"text":"black flip flops"} {"text":"people reflected i the mirror"} {"text":"a white vase sitting on a table"} {"text":"A white sailboat on some calm waters and a bicyclist next to it."} {"text":"white clouds in blue sky"} {"text":"a black athletic shoe"} {"text":"Where is the man with the box? Top of bus."} {"text":"Black and white cat is hanging on the window"} {"text":"Batter holding a bat"} {"text":"In which part is the plastic coffee cup? Left."} {"text":"a red triangle sign"} {"text":"white paper underneath pizza"} {"text":"On which side of the picture is the giraffe? Right."} {"text":"Is it daytime? Yes."} {"text":"Does this sign look like it originally did? No."} {"text":"What is the railing made of? Metal."} {"text":"Are there helmets in the image? Yes."} {"text":"a cake on a table"} {"text":"How many wheels does the skateboard have? Four."} {"text":"snowboarder goes downhill"} {"text":"cardboard box with blue writing"} {"text":"a hot dog with mustard, onions and relish"} {"text":"photograph of hair salon"} {"text":"people on the sidewalk"} {"text":"Does someplace specialize in casual apparel? No."} {"text":"bottom of the glass"} {"text":"a container with waste"} {"text":"man sitting inside blue car"} {"text":"Is the cupboard large and brown? No."} {"text":"a window on a building"} {"text":"yellow billboard above building"} {"text":"Where is the yellow line? In the middle of the road?."} {"text":"What is brown on the bed? Blanket."} {"text":"Spoons in a container"} {"text":"a window on a building"} {"text":"When surrounds the pool? Fence."} {"text":"Blue towel on rack"} {"text":"The child to the far right"} {"text":"Are there any cars or trains? No."} {"text":"red tail with white designs"} {"text":"man wearing a black and white jacket"} {"text":"An orange cat walking in a clearing."} {"text":"primary mountain has a squarish, angular top."} {"text":"A brown dog sleeping with a blue collar on."} {"text":"a base ball player in a batters box"} {"text":"Dark blue, long sleeved shirt"} {"text":"A motorcycle parked next two a car in a parking lot."} {"text":"The plate is white"} {"text":"Is there any cake to the left of the knife that is to the left of the tablecloth? Yes."} {"text":"the head is streamlined"} {"text":"What is the tallest animal in the picture? Giraffe."} {"text":"Woman in black coat holding a blue umbrella"} {"text":"Are there any vases on the table? No."} {"text":"What color is the helmet? Brown."} {"text":"the ceiling fixture is turned off"} {"text":"Is that plate empty or full? Full."} {"text":"Foot of thoughtful woman"} {"text":"What color is the ground next to the grass? Grey."} {"text":"Does the shelf made of wire appear to be black? No."} {"text":"How many people in picture? None."} {"text":"the large hand of a clock"} {"text":"Metal legs on the benches."} {"text":"Large multi level floor buildings."} {"text":"a white fireplace in a kitchen"} {"text":"Brown leaf on the ground"} {"text":"Are there both clocks and bells in the scene? No."} {"text":"What is the name of this item of furniture? Table."} {"text":"A quilted bed littered with papers and a laptop."} {"text":"window on the castle"} {"text":"A leaf on a stem."} {"text":"guy takes a picture wearing glasses, shirt and tie"} {"text":"What kind of computer is this? Apple."} {"text":"A black and white cat playing with strap of blue backpack."} {"text":"Two young men competing in a game of Wii."} {"text":"Are the street signs solid? Yes."} {"text":"Where is the shadow? In the road."} {"text":"Patch of pretty blue sky"} {"text":"Does the brown cake look round or maybe rectangular? Round."} {"text":"What is the device that is to the right of the American person that is looking at the cake called? Camera."} {"text":"sun on the water"} {"text":"Which kind of vehicle is to the left of the mirror? Cars."} {"text":"A group of people on motor bikes on a road."} {"text":"What vehicle is the horse pulling? Wagon."} {"text":"surfboard held by human"} {"text":"What item has long sleeves? A jacket."} {"text":"a girl's blonde hair"} {"text":"Is this photo blurry? No."} {"text":"containers on sink"} {"text":"man wearing green cargo pants"} {"text":"a snow covered orange fruit"} {"text":"Catching mitt of the catcher"} {"text":"The boat is vacant."} {"text":"two pillows on a chair"} {"text":"How many people are pictured? Three."} {"text":"Why is the helmet recovered? Safety."} {"text":"Is it an outdoors or indoors picture? Outdoors."} {"text":"What color are the shoes in the picture? Black and white."} {"text":"A street scene of an intersection with a motorcycle in the background."} {"text":"wet black elephant in river water"} {"text":"What hand is the woman holding the tennis racket in? Right hand."} {"text":"the leave is redish brown"} {"text":"Towels can be seen in the reflection of a bathroom mirror near a sink."} {"text":"How is the weather in the picture? Sunny."} {"text":"Which color does the jacket that the man is wearing have? Gray."} {"text":"What is on the tail of the plane? An emblem."} {"text":"Where is the setting? A living room."} {"text":"What color is the trunk? Brown."} {"text":"What color is the bird? Black, white, and gray."} {"text":"yellow sail boat in calm water"} {"text":"Bottle of wine in fridge"} {"text":"Letter P in stop sign"} {"text":"A skateboarder is airborne over a flight of concrete steps."} {"text":"The bird is where? Ground."} {"text":"There is a window that has moulding"} {"text":"Two green and white plaid chairs."} {"text":"What is in the sky? Clouds."} {"text":"clock on big building"} {"text":"bear has brown legs"} {"text":"A fresh banana tree stem"} {"text":"Black and white cow walking on street"} {"text":"Light reflecting from lamp"} {"text":"Man is wearing light blue shoes."} {"text":"How old is the person that is holding the suitcase? Young."} {"text":"a white engine with a blue stripe"} {"text":"a window on a building"} {"text":"sand on beach with waves"} {"text":"The sky is blue."} {"text":"the trunk is in the mouth"} {"text":"Are both dogs wearing collars? Yes."} {"text":"A mulit-colored stripe on a dog jacket"} {"text":"Two little girls standing under a umbrella posing ."} {"text":"Person wearing red hat."} {"text":"Foot of tennis player"} {"text":"a woman is smiling"} {"text":"The man is sitting down using a laptop."} {"text":"edge of a seat"} {"text":"the ground is gravel"} {"text":"a surfer bending down while riding a wave"} {"text":"What vegetable is on the food which is on the stove? Onion."} {"text":"What is under the glass? A table."} {"text":"The person on the left in black pants behind the meter."} {"text":"The high speed transit train is elevated above the city at this point"} {"text":"Why is the sand in the distance darker? It is wet."} {"text":"this pink bear has a rainbow"} {"text":"6 toilets"} {"text":"Is the dog going to surf? No."} {"text":"What is the person to the right of the food wearing? Glasses."} {"text":"How many horses are in the photo? 2."} {"text":"What color are the walls? Tan."} {"text":"shadow is on pavement"} {"text":"beautiful view of clouds"} {"text":"A person standing on the sidewalk"} {"text":"two pictures hanging on wall"} {"text":"wheel on the truck"} {"text":"a man sking on a mountain"} {"text":"the leg of a zebra"} {"text":"How many lights on there? 1."} {"text":"What colors are the tires? Black."} {"text":"What is on the man's head? Hat."} {"text":"A flag is flying here"} {"text":"left turn signal on a fire truck."} {"text":"Are there pears on the counter? No."} {"text":"What color is the towel? Red."} {"text":"the man has a light skin"} {"text":"boat has a number on it"} {"text":"white letter on package"} {"text":"Why the man is floating? To jump."} {"text":"a window on the building"} {"text":"Where is the cereal? The left."} {"text":"the zebras are white and black in color"} {"text":"The keyboard features all the most popular keys."} {"text":"Sign labeled Riverdale MARC Station"} {"text":"piece of onion on side of hot dog bun"} {"text":"Is there a window in the kitchen? Yes."} {"text":"this is a yellow thing"} {"text":"Is there an yellow airplane or truck? Yes."} {"text":"What is the item of furniture that is to the right of the device that the clock is on top of called? Bookshelf."} {"text":"clouds with sun coming through"} {"text":"What color is the door knob? White."} {"text":"When was the photo taken? Daytime."} {"text":"black glove of the skier"} {"text":"a snowy ski slope"} {"text":"What is on a plate? Pizza."} {"text":"A wall on the side of a building"} {"text":"man's blue striped shorts"} {"text":"white shower curtain on rod"} {"text":"What color is the table? Brown."} {"text":"A box sitting on a dirty street surrounded by garbage"} {"text":"White and grey patch of clouds"} {"text":"wheel of the car"} {"text":"A chicken coop."} {"text":"the giraffe is small"} {"text":"baseball player at baseball field"} {"text":"this person is about to work"} {"text":"rock in the water"} {"text":"Man in a black suit, black hat, and sunglasses."} {"text":"A traffic signal laying in the grass with some yellow tape."} {"text":"a woman holding a baseball mitt and a ballgame"} {"text":"red snow suit worn by child"} {"text":"many numbers on the clock"} {"text":"tan bed spread in bed room"} {"text":"Are there cabinets or can openers? No."} {"text":"arm rest on bench"} {"text":"A young person in a snow ski suit with helmet and goggles skiing down a mountain."} {"text":"Does the drawer in the cabinet look brown? Yes."} {"text":"leg of the zebra"} {"text":"black o on a sign"} {"text":"black ski under foot"} {"text":"Are there benches or skateboards? Yes."} {"text":"Stuffed animals sitting against tree"} {"text":"Is the orange on the right? Yes."} {"text":"this is a window"} {"text":"large weeping willow tree"} {"text":"white bench on walk way"} {"text":"What is behind the fence? Cow."} {"text":"green grass in the pasture"} {"text":"clothes in the toilet"} {"text":"brown rusty fire hydrant behind plant"} {"text":"this is a window pane"} {"text":"How many dinosaurs are in the picture? Zero."} {"text":"white helmet of cyclist"} {"text":"This is a zebra"} {"text":"Airplane engine and cowling"} {"text":"player on the field"} {"text":"What design is on the plate? Flowers."} {"text":"What color are the sheep? White."} {"text":"a bluetooth computer keyboard"} {"text":"cup covered in flower print"} {"text":"melted cheese in sandwich"} {"text":"What shade of color is the faucet? Brownish."} {"text":"man wearing white shirt"} {"text":"Where is the lamp shade? On the lamp."} {"text":"a person on the sidewalk"} {"text":"the side of the building is wood"} {"text":"When was this photo taken? During the daytime."} {"text":"the batter swinging the bat"} {"text":"Where is this taken? A skate park."} {"text":"Is he wearing jeans? No."} {"text":"What is on the lady's head? A hat."} {"text":"Is the weather cloudy? Yes."} {"text":"Will the batter hit the ball? No."} {"text":"What style of bed is this? Bunk."} {"text":"What is the main color of the letter S? Yellow."} {"text":"book in hand of man"} {"text":"What is black and concrete? The road."} {"text":"line of gray street light poles"} {"text":"What's the dog staring at? Clock."} {"text":"one shiny metal bathroom faucet"} {"text":"leaves on palm tree"} {"text":"What word is on wall above an arrow? Out."} {"text":"Is there white on the horses face? No."} {"text":"A boat floating on a large body of water next to a smaller boat."} {"text":"Christian cross on the roof of the cathedral"} {"text":"pot on the stove"} {"text":"black keyboard on laptop"} {"text":"A wooden chair in background"} {"text":"white clouds in blue sky"} {"text":"female's black workout pants"} {"text":"this is a baggage claim"} {"text":"What is behind the monkey? A white chair."} {"text":"How many pillows are on the couch? Two."} {"text":"What is the man doing? Looking up."} {"text":"person skiing down a ski slope"} {"text":"White flower shape on blanket"} {"text":"a yellow safety line"} {"text":"rim of the glass"} {"text":"Where are the green needles on the pine tree? Covered with snow."} {"text":"Is there a ball to the left of the man that is wearing a shirt? No."} {"text":"Why is the ground wet? The rain."} {"text":"How many tennis balls is the man holding? Two."} {"text":"Is it indoors or outdoors? Indoors."} {"text":"A woman in a white shirt and blue skirt playing tennis."} {"text":"a woman laying on a bed."} {"text":"white cap on head"} {"text":"A baseball player swinging his bat with gloves on."} {"text":"a person in a distance"} {"text":"Where is the vase? On the nightstand."} {"text":"computer monitor on desk"} {"text":"letter C above the border"} {"text":"train on the track"} {"text":"train signal on the side of tracks."} {"text":"a brown wicker basket"} {"text":"the tie on the right side of the woman's swimsuit"} {"text":"a bird in the sky"} {"text":"lady has open toed shoes"} {"text":"white painted wooden door"} {"text":"the helmet is red"} {"text":"Is the van to the left of the fence? No."} {"text":"A brown teddy bear sitting next to a blue piece of luggage."} {"text":"white snow on hill side"} {"text":"Adult elephant beside the baby"} {"text":"A man walking with a dog that has a frisbee in his mouth."} {"text":"sunshine on the green leaves"} {"text":"Statue with blue eyes"} {"text":"What Disney character is she dressed like? Robin."} {"text":"tan dirt on field"} {"text":"How many ropes are shown? 2."} {"text":"What color is the countertop? Black."} {"text":"Golden Labrador wearing a diaper"} {"text":"Smog in the sky."} {"text":"What is on his shirt? Picture."} {"text":"Who is wearing a hat? Guy."} {"text":"sunglasses on a man's face"} {"text":"three people skiing in a fog"} {"text":"wet spot on a counter."} {"text":"Which way is Newmarket? Left."} {"text":"A patch of paved pavement"} {"text":"Is the ladder to the right or to the left of the man that is to the right of the soccer ball? Right."} {"text":"Where is the plastic chair? Under the boat."} {"text":"Is there a chair or a plate in the photo? Yes."} {"text":"two bright red daisys"} {"text":"part of a digital camera"} {"text":"a torn piece of paper is on the wall"} {"text":"A beige and orange mug."} {"text":"Is the floor made of hardwood? No."} {"text":"What color is a baseball bat? Black."} {"text":"front wings of a plane"} {"text":"zebra's side is white and black"} {"text":"little kid eating pizza"} {"text":"part of a black stove"} {"text":"food inside of a boat in the river covered with unbrellas ."} {"text":"Is there a skateboard or a bicycle in this image? Yes."} {"text":"black letters on cake"} {"text":"A man touches a hammer to the center of a clock."} {"text":"Which place is it? Field."} {"text":"When was the picture taken? Daytime."} {"text":"Stone building."} {"text":"white curtain on window"} {"text":"Who wears a helmet? Boy."} {"text":"Small black open umbrella"} {"text":"Who is laying on the carrots? The cat."} {"text":"A white kitchen sink"} {"text":"pole in woman's hand"} {"text":"Where was the photo taken? On the sidewalk."} {"text":"The hot dog entering the boy's mouth."} {"text":"What is the plane doing? Flying."} {"text":"Who is wearing the hat? Man."} {"text":"glass on the door"} {"text":"a black crate"} {"text":"a large patch of grass"} {"text":"A black desk chair"} {"text":"What hue is the wall behind the boy? Green."} {"text":"knobby knees of brown and white giraffe"} {"text":"paper plate with streamer print"} {"text":"What shade are the man's shorts? White."} {"text":"Who is standing behind the catcher? The umpire."} {"text":"name of cellphone model"} {"text":"Man sitting with his legs folded on phone smoking."} {"text":"the Jacket is black"} {"text":"black minute hand"} {"text":"leg of a giraffe"} {"text":"How many slats are in the top of the wooden door? Four."} {"text":"small round metal cover"} {"text":"White van parked on street"} {"text":"man on the stairs wearing a red coat"} {"text":"Dark red fruit is in the background"} {"text":"the buttons are two"} {"text":"Is there only one woman there? No."} {"text":"picture hanging on wall"} {"text":"Person wearing black and red socks."} {"text":"light blue ladies headband"} {"text":"Who is riding the horse? Man."} {"text":"What is on the woman's feet? Sneakers."} {"text":"there are many horses that can be seen on this field"} {"text":"A bed and bedside lights in a hotel room."} {"text":"person with black umbrella"} {"text":"What is lying in the grass? A cow."} {"text":"grey pillow on couch"} {"text":"The bird is perched."} {"text":"a yellow frisbee in a man hand"} {"text":"What is the ocean condition? Calm."} {"text":"Man has gray hair."} {"text":"green and clear coaster on wood table"} {"text":"On which side of the photo is the adult animal? Right."} {"text":"Large wooden boat sitting in shallow body of water."} {"text":"What is the floor made of? Tile."} {"text":"a scene during the day time"} {"text":"What is on the ground? Leaves."} {"text":"Large stone in background."} {"text":"Where is the surfer? Beach."} {"text":"a red button on a parking meter."} {"text":"Two young men walking past a projection screen."} {"text":"Is the man on the right side of the photo? Yes."} {"text":"What is the white food item next to corn? Rice."} {"text":"the tomatoes are red in color"} {"text":"the head of a man"} {"text":"bear laying on its back proped up"} {"text":"small green plant on the ground"} {"text":"the man is wearing a white shirt"} {"text":"vent on the train car"} {"text":"the grass is tall and needs to be cut"} {"text":"Why was this picture taken? Pure art."} {"text":"Where is that table? Kitchen."} {"text":"What is on the man's face? Glasses."} {"text":"man wearing board shorts"} {"text":"white clouds in blue sky"} {"text":"the arm of a person"} {"text":"the bird is blue"} {"text":"The sheep in the field"} {"text":"Who is standing by the pond? Boys."} {"text":"faint shadow of cupcake"} {"text":"What color is the plate? Plain white."} {"text":"Is he wearing a hat? No."} {"text":"Why are their heads down? Eating."} {"text":"In which part of the image is the empty box, the bottom or the top? Bottom."} {"text":"Man in hoodie riding purple snowboard."} {"text":"A bronze statue of a man sitting on a park bench."} {"text":"the elephant is gray"} {"text":"What time of day is this? Daylight hours."} {"text":"The woman is carrying a backpack."} {"text":"Man in 4th of July outfit"} {"text":"What is the person pulled by? Boat."} {"text":"pink bloom in green"} {"text":"On which side of the picture is the painting? Right."} {"text":"small pizza on a plate"} {"text":"weeds on the gruond"} {"text":"Poster depicting surfer riding very large wave in ocean."} {"text":"a black teddy bear eye"} {"text":"A persons foot that is just above a banana peel."} {"text":"A floral pattern on the mattress"} {"text":"What color is the batter's uniform? White."} {"text":"a woman holding a neon yellow frisbee in a pool with another person holding a white frisbee."} {"text":"Is the man to the left or to the right of the person that is wearing pants? Left."} {"text":"Big brown and white church on the corner."} {"text":"What is behind the elephant? Dry land."} {"text":"Where is the date stamped? Right hand corner."} {"text":"THIS PERSON IS IN A SOLID BLACK WETSUIT RIDING A WAVE"} {"text":"Who designed the tower? Architect."} {"text":"She is holding a bottle."} {"text":"Who is in the photo? No one."} {"text":"What animal is shown? A horse."} {"text":"A small white van."} {"text":"blue and black backpack"} {"text":"metal strip on cage."} {"text":"light on the newspaper"} {"text":"Meter on the sidewalk."} {"text":"white clouds in blue sky"} {"text":"What type of scene? Outdoor."} {"text":"What is on top of the toilet? Toilet paper."} {"text":"an ornate wall covering"} {"text":"a soda machine"} {"text":"right hand holding tennis racket"} {"text":"white and red wool cap"} {"text":"A group of people standing in line on a city street."} {"text":"Where is the vase sitting? On the table."} {"text":"tile on the shower wall"} {"text":"What is hanging over the oven? A fan."} {"text":"Is the orange to the right or to the left of the man? Right."} {"text":"What is behind the phone? A radio set."} {"text":"A bowl of dressing."} {"text":"Does the stop sign near the branches look green? No."} {"text":"yellow surf board"} {"text":"How many people are probably sitting at this table? 6."} {"text":"What is the name of the pattern on her sweater? Plaid."} {"text":"glass coffee table in front of sofa"} {"text":"the helmet is black"} {"text":"Coffee inside of mug"} {"text":"Is the onion on a pizza? No."} {"text":"What is on the seat? Water bottle."} {"text":"this is a train"} {"text":"Faucet spout on the right belonging to the last sink."} {"text":"white stripes on the street"} {"text":"What is the color of the necktie? Blue."} {"text":"Yellow cup on the table"} {"text":"How many people are in the photo? None."} {"text":"Do you see an black oven or pot? Yes."} {"text":"What is light in the background? The sky."} {"text":"Is the sky blue? No."} {"text":"Is the desk cluttered? No."} {"text":"Close up of the flower extending from a banana tree stalk"} {"text":"What piece of furniture is brown? Cabinet."} {"text":"What type of vehicle is in front of the large tree? Train."} {"text":"picture of black and white cat"} {"text":"the kitchen is ready to use"} {"text":"Is there either any coffee table or lamp? Yes."} {"text":"the lamp is lit"} {"text":"The sandwich is full of red stuff and there is bottle behind it."} {"text":"Which place is it? Beach."} {"text":"green and white Wall paper"} {"text":"Jet plane taking flight"} {"text":"silver Toyota truck"} {"text":"What animal are the people riding? Elephant."} {"text":"Orange helmet worn by the kid."} {"text":"rocks on the ground"} {"text":"the writing in the corner"} {"text":"What is on the river? Shadows."} {"text":"white stars on a blue background"} {"text":"Spokes of wheels are metal"} {"text":"Do the children look like they are having fun? Yes."} {"text":"Who is wearing the button down shirt? The man."} {"text":"Person sitting on a bench"} {"text":"How many people are in this photo? 6."} {"text":"The water bottle is blue."} {"text":"What else is in the photo? Plants."} {"text":"a dog with mouth open"} {"text":"This is a pizza."} {"text":"What color is the fence? White."} {"text":"Four colorful toothbrushes standing upright next to a mirror."} {"text":"cat sitting on top of white laptop"} {"text":"What is in the woman's hand? Avocado."} {"text":"An intersection's street sign and traffic signal"} {"text":"What are brown and white? Lambs."} {"text":"Who is wearing a mask? Umpire."} {"text":"the dark window shows it is evening time"} {"text":"cut dough on table"} {"text":"blue jet engine on white plane"} {"text":"A long green and white bus"} {"text":"the big fancy building next to the tower"} {"text":"number 15 in yellow"} {"text":"The man is in front of what? Wall."} {"text":"vintage hardback wood chair"} {"text":"Do people use this object to travel with? Yes."} {"text":"brown vegetable behind cabbage"} {"text":"A large number of kites flying in the sky."} {"text":"the cat's body"} {"text":"a black tennis net"} {"text":"the small window of the building"} {"text":"small gold earring in woman's ear"} {"text":"What kind of furniture is to the right of the tall lamp? Chair."} {"text":"fence bordering sidewalk"} {"text":"Where is the kite? In the air."} {"text":"Where is the cars that are in a straight line parked next to? Building."} {"text":"three red cherries on cake"} {"text":"pizza is very big"} {"text":"How many hands are visibly holding a phone in this photo? One."} {"text":"metal handle on a desk drawer"} {"text":"green on the floor"} {"text":"What color is this bear? Tan."} {"text":"Woman wearing silve hoop earrings."} {"text":"brown sugar laying on plate"} {"text":"What is black and white? Dog on bench."} {"text":"How is the weather? Overcast and grey."} {"text":"bottom of electrical outlet"} {"text":"This is a canopy."} {"text":"Are the rocks real? No."} {"text":"What kind of animal is in the grass? Ostrich."} {"text":"On which side of the image is the ball? Left."} {"text":"Is the chair to the right of a girl? Yes."} {"text":"white sea foam on top of wave"} {"text":"Is this photo showing an airport or a train station? Airport."} {"text":"Dog paws on the left."} {"text":"Did she hit the ball? No."} {"text":"the headset on the boy's head"} {"text":"Is the tree behind a horse? No."} {"text":"the tree without leaves"} {"text":"zebra on a grassy field"} {"text":"A clean, organized bathroom with accessories in it."} {"text":"leg of a horse"} {"text":"Is the man wearing a coat? Yes."} {"text":"A man surfing on the ocean by a rocky beach."} {"text":"part of a beach"} {"text":"Table is made of plastic"} {"text":"red flowers in a pot"} {"text":"person breaking a sandwich"} {"text":"a tall black building"} {"text":"The giraffe has spots"} {"text":"What color are the shorts? Pink."} {"text":"people going down a hill"} {"text":"Is the bed to the right of a desk? No."} {"text":"A cross country skier skiing along a groomed path."} {"text":"the giraffe has stripes"} {"text":"What is the watercraft in the blue water? Ship."} {"text":"Where are the clouds located? Sky."} {"text":"What color is the road? Gray."} {"text":"Who is on the elephant? A man."} {"text":"roll of toilet paper on white bar"} {"text":"What is located on top of the counter? Pan."} {"text":"Where is the bear? In the water."} {"text":"What is on the masts? Sails."} {"text":"cockpit area of plane"} {"text":"dark brown ceiling fan"} {"text":"Are there any spectators by the water? Yes."} {"text":"Trash can in a bathroom"} {"text":"sideways black roman numerals"} {"text":"a very fruity picture"} {"text":"Handler with rod atop elephant"} {"text":"The trees are green"} {"text":"What is on the black object? Three lights."} {"text":"Who is in the water? A surfer."} {"text":"part of a board"} {"text":"horse the woman is riding"} {"text":"Tan and brown house"} {"text":"Empty bleachers in the background"} {"text":"The ground is carpeted."} {"text":"An animal that is out by some water."} {"text":"white clouds in blue sky"} {"text":"A knife and fork wraped in a red napkin"} {"text":"brown bear on floor"} {"text":"Small grass in the dirt"} {"text":"Is the magazine to the right of the other magazine closed or open? Closed."} {"text":"Map hanging on wooden wall"} {"text":"What color is the middle vehicle? White."} {"text":"woman in green shirt holding wii remote"} {"text":"white clouds in blue sky"} {"text":"red and white tennis racket in mans hand"} {"text":"Where are two plates? On the wall."} {"text":"a close up of a person typing on a keyboard"} {"text":"What is the person wearing? Shirt."} {"text":"the plate has a gold trim"} {"text":"The boy is holding the board"} {"text":"What kind of animal is large? Dog."} {"text":"What color are the umbrellas? White."} {"text":"a fork is on the plate"} {"text":"the television the woman is watching"} {"text":"train car on the tracks"} {"text":"What is scattered all across the floor? Kids' toys."} {"text":"white helmet on top of the head"} {"text":"A person is standing up"} {"text":"people sitting down."} {"text":"a small head of broccoli next to a large head"} {"text":"Large red grill guard on front of train."} {"text":"black character on boat"} {"text":"man has a black backpack"} {"text":"A nail in the bench"} {"text":"A yellow and white train traveling down train tracks."} {"text":"The cow is brown and white."} {"text":"grass on side of runway"} {"text":"this is a trouser"} {"text":"Is the lady on the horse wearing a jacket? No."} {"text":"colorful toppings of the pizza"} {"text":"The celery is green."} {"text":"Is there a boat? No."} {"text":"A little boy sitting in the back seat of a car."} {"text":"Where is the manhole? In street."} {"text":"What is the cat doing? Sleeping."} {"text":"birds over the area"} {"text":"A leaf on a stem."} {"text":"Man wearing a black jacket"} {"text":"Is there a computer to the left of the boys on the right of the image? No."} {"text":"Is the bus on the left or on the right side? Left."} {"text":"part of a ground"} {"text":"Where is the stereo? On the ground."} {"text":"a row of windows is on the side"} {"text":"Are these patterns also on flags? Yes."} {"text":"What is the bookcase on? Shelf."} {"text":"black and orange sign"} {"text":"vans in the field"} {"text":"this is a remote controlled boat"} {"text":"small stone arched window"} {"text":"child has brown hair"} {"text":"boy dressed in blue shorts and black tank top"} {"text":"stone block in walk"} {"text":"yellow light on the ceiling"} {"text":"Roman numerals on a clock"} {"text":"Are there small mirrors or nightstands? No."} {"text":"the trunk is brown"} {"text":"The lady hair is cut in a bob."} {"text":"Do these animals have horns on their head? No."} {"text":"two spoons on a table"} {"text":"What animals are in the field? Giraffes."} {"text":"a blue airplane on the ground"} {"text":"the wardrobe is wide opened"} {"text":"Man and woman standing together"} {"text":"Green bus"} {"text":"Is the stuffed animal to the right or to the left of the teddy bear that is wearing a bandana? Left."} {"text":"What is in the dog's mouth? Frisbee."} {"text":"Is the green bottle to the left of a chair? Yes."} {"text":"Are the tape and the water hose the same color? No."} {"text":"Sheep walking on side of the road"} {"text":"little brown nose"} {"text":"Very Shiny Vase Looks Like a Heart"} {"text":"head of a person"} {"text":"The shorts are what pattern? Striped."} {"text":"White tag on teddy bear"} {"text":"Some red boxes are on the ground."} {"text":"What covers window? Curtain."} {"text":"What meal does this appear to be? Breakfast."} {"text":"a car on a street"} {"text":"windows on the boat"} {"text":"A piece of ripe banana"} {"text":"Floor is light brown"} {"text":"Fence behind the skate boarder."} {"text":"What is in front of the men? A podium."} {"text":"Mass of hay on floor"} {"text":"Wall is black and white tile."} {"text":"people skiing on mountain"} {"text":"The hat the guy in the black tank top is wearing."} {"text":"clear blue sky"} {"text":"Green bushes behind the boy."} {"text":"What is the main color of the chair? White."} {"text":"white cow near bush"} {"text":"Who is wearing the pants? Man."} {"text":"What is the appliance on the countertop that looks white called? Toaster."} {"text":"white rimmed sunglasses"} {"text":"What is the person standing on the roof doing? Raising his right arm straight up."} {"text":"Where is the pole? Next to giraffe."} {"text":"Is the microwave to the right of cabinets? No."} {"text":"A white plastic bottle with a red cap."} {"text":"Where are the passengers? Bus."} {"text":"Is there either any truck or train in the photo? Yes."} {"text":"A man and a woman play Frisbee in a field."} {"text":"A pair of brown and white ski pants"} {"text":"beans on the food"} {"text":"Who is white and brown? Cat on top."} {"text":"Section of food in a plate"} {"text":"Is the blue car to the left or to the right of the truck on the right? Left."} {"text":"window on the building"} {"text":"What is on the post? Shadows."} {"text":"What angle is the photo taken from? Underneath the sign."} {"text":"the pole is yellow and black"} {"text":"numbers on the front of the train"} {"text":"A train is traveling through a city"} {"text":"Where is the sign with the green pole? Left of the man."} {"text":"Is this cat in a sink? No."} {"text":"girl wearing a skateboard helmet"} {"text":"What is the man holding? Racket."} {"text":"Nine giraffes walking in the grass"} {"text":"A red fire hydrant"} {"text":"Are there men to the left of the shelf that looks brown? Yes."} {"text":"What color is the horse's hind feet? White."} {"text":"tie on the man"} {"text":"patch of green grass"} {"text":"the table cloth is white"} {"text":"street light on platform"} {"text":"a big red bucket."} {"text":"sugar on the pastry"} {"text":"Does the clock tower seem to be outdoors? Yes."} {"text":"How many people? One."} {"text":"A bunch of parked cars"} {"text":"wooden telephone pole"} {"text":"white plate on a table"} {"text":"A zebra stands alone in the grass in an artificial habitat."} {"text":"small piece of broccoli"} {"text":"What is hanging on the wall? Mirror."} {"text":"blue sky witn no clouds"} {"text":"Several snowboarders are snowboarding down the side of a mountain."} {"text":"green leafy part of carrot"} {"text":"mirror hanging on the wall"} {"text":"Do you see both plates and breads? No."} {"text":"Picnic in the park"} {"text":"What color is the television? Silver."} {"text":"White clouds in a sky"} {"text":"a woman's long hair"} {"text":"What is tall? The trees."} {"text":"food on a plate"} {"text":"blue sign on stop light displaying important information"} {"text":"How many men are shown? 10."} {"text":"Why are there s many cones? For a skateboarding course."} {"text":"Loading equipment in the distance"} {"text":"red shit is worn by woman"} {"text":"man sitting at desk"} {"text":"man wearing white and red ball cap"} {"text":"white numbers on the front of a train"} {"text":"concrete stairs behind two boys"} {"text":"the hand of a woman"} {"text":"What are the 5 objects on the cake? Candles."} {"text":"a green and brown smooth bowl"} {"text":"a silver luggage in an airport"} {"text":"black and grey cleat"} {"text":"Is this a bench? No."} {"text":"a tall building in distance"} {"text":"Is the white car in the top of the photo? Yes."} {"text":"branch on the tree"} {"text":"this is a cup"} {"text":"Where is the black tank? On the motorbike."} {"text":"The trees are covered in snow"} {"text":"What is white color? Frosting."} {"text":"Leafy purple Chinese cabbage"} {"text":"A man playing ping pong on a wooden ping pong table."} {"text":"A close shot of a brown black bear walking alone."} {"text":"A young giraffe looks over its left shoulder."} {"text":"The man is wearing a white shirt"} {"text":"a large bowl on table"} {"text":"What color is the batter's hat? Blue."} {"text":"large covered bridge over tracks"} {"text":"What kind of furniture is the cat on? Couch."} {"text":"A large wooden pole with a green street sign hanging from it."} {"text":"What is the white object in the oven? Cupcakes."} {"text":"Man on the right's dark beard"} {"text":"eye of a person"} {"text":"What is the dog wearing around it's neck? A red collar."} {"text":"When was the picture taken? Daytime."} {"text":"man wears light blue, probably chambray, shirt"} {"text":"What zebra is facing right? The one on the left."} {"text":"Where is the brown teddy bear? Laying on the dirty cement ground."} {"text":"Boy with red cap and long brown hair"} {"text":"What color is the on the boat in the center of the image? Red."} {"text":"a white piece of paper"} {"text":"How many clocks are on the building? Two."} {"text":"Where is the tallest tree? Behind the hand."} {"text":"red motorcycle parked on the other side of street"} {"text":"the clock hanging above the doorway"} {"text":"picture taken during the day"} {"text":"Someone is lighting a candle on piece of cake."} {"text":"Large group of spectators looking at large white plane on display."} {"text":"The clock facing right"} {"text":"a bricked building here"} {"text":"hind leg on a zebra"} {"text":"brown and black dog"} {"text":"a gray stone tower"} {"text":"a hat on the person"} {"text":"this is the playing ground"} {"text":"Why are the heads of the sheep down? They are eating."} {"text":"the floor is tiled"} {"text":"the person is puckering up"} {"text":"A man is flying a kite as he stands on the beach."} {"text":"hinge of a white door"} {"text":"pair of people walking along the platform"} {"text":"pole sticking out of the ski run"} {"text":"What is the tray sitting on? A table."} {"text":"a cluster of penguins"} {"text":"the wristband on the player's right hand"} {"text":"wheels hanging down under the airplane"} {"text":"a black metal fence post"} {"text":"a woman in a blue skirt"} {"text":"small brass container on a mantel"} {"text":"Are there ATMs near? Yes."} {"text":"A slot for quarters"} {"text":"Man in grey suit wearing glasses"} {"text":"People standing on the railroad tracks"} {"text":"brown wet sand on beach"} {"text":"Why are the people playing the game? To have fun."} {"text":"Is the rug light and gold? No."} {"text":"person has a leg"} {"text":"A clean kitchen of a brand new house."} {"text":"large round white plate"} {"text":"Are there any balls on top of the pole that is not small? Yes."} {"text":"A bird with long feathers is by a giraffe."} {"text":"A sign by the side of the road"} {"text":"What type of device is to the left of the black screen? Computer mouse."} {"text":"Did she just peel the banana? Yes."} {"text":"What is the vehicle in the image? Fire truck."} {"text":"the white lines on the road"} {"text":"a white ceramic cup"} {"text":"Is the shelf to the left or to the right of the man that is on the right? Left."} {"text":"A lamp with orange fire"} {"text":"a small giraffe is laying down in its pen and rocks"} {"text":"Is it spring? No."} {"text":"What is in the hair? Band."} {"text":"The metal utensil is what color? Gray."} {"text":"How many orange shorts do you see? 0."} {"text":"Where is this picture taken? Tennis court."} {"text":"A cat is looking intently ahead at something."} {"text":"How many people? 2."} {"text":"Are there any laptops on the desk? Yes."} {"text":"What is the couch made of? Dark gray material."} {"text":"the white top of a table"} {"text":"What colour is the wire? Orange."} {"text":"man smiling at the camera"} {"text":"Man wearing white hat."} {"text":"the man is wearing a cap"} {"text":"Dual lights on train engine"} {"text":"Who is wearing the t-shirt? Woman."} {"text":"What device is it? Laptop."} {"text":"What color is the hat the man is wearing? Blue."} {"text":"Is the man drinking or posing? Posing."} {"text":"What is the type of footwear a man is wearing? Shoe."} {"text":"headboard of the bed"} {"text":"large dark green tree"} {"text":"four black grates on top of stove"} {"text":"pat of a paper"} {"text":"green license hung on wall"} {"text":"A woman in blue"} {"text":"glasses on woman's face"} {"text":"The dog is smiling"} {"text":"the pan is blue"} {"text":"Is the player below the sky? Yes."} {"text":"What Kind of topping is in the sandwich? Lobster."} {"text":"The wall has graffiti on it"} {"text":"A tree trunk with two forks."} {"text":"What kind of watercraft are the hills behind of? Boats."} {"text":"bare trees in the background"} {"text":"What airport are these planes at? Klm."} {"text":"The tale wings of the plane"} {"text":"Four zebras standing in the grass on a cloudy day."} {"text":"Black helmet cover the face and head of motorcyclist"} {"text":"rock formation on mountain side"} {"text":"white clouds in blue sky"} {"text":"grey speckles on the table"} {"text":"A light shining"} {"text":"A cup hanging on the wall"} {"text":"Is this the countryside? Yes."} {"text":"a round white clock face"} {"text":"White shirt of horseback rider"} {"text":"a wooden seawall"} {"text":"What is under the knife and fork? Napkin."} {"text":"Where is the woman looking? Behind her."} {"text":"the grass is there"} {"text":"two legs of the elephant"} {"text":"the green railing behind the woman"} {"text":"a sandwich cut in half"} {"text":"a leg of a woman"} {"text":"What material is the fence made of? Metal."} {"text":"Back right leg of elephant"} {"text":"two little boys eating a meal"} {"text":"What type of sandwich is this? Cheese."} {"text":"this is a riding hat"} {"text":"Several street signs attached to each other near a building."} {"text":"What is on the eyes of the man in front? Eyeglasses."} {"text":"A green roof"} {"text":"Elephants crossing a dirt road"} {"text":"a close up of a plate of food with broccoli"} {"text":"the main of a zebra"} {"text":"A black bear curiously looking at something in a field."} {"text":"a pair of glasses"} {"text":"A bride and groom exchange a fork-full of cake on their wedding day."} {"text":"black and yellow rain coat"} {"text":"Is there graffiti? No."} {"text":"Two rows of bananas are attached to electrodes."} {"text":"What is the small white thing on the right of the picture? Building."} {"text":"TWO ORANGE LIGHTS ARE OVER THE WHEELS"} {"text":"A man with a rainbow umbrella fishing off a rock coast."} {"text":"Leg of a giraffe"} {"text":"What is the red stand selling? Margaritas."} {"text":"tree with red leaves beyond speed limit sign"} {"text":"private jet painted white with red and blue accents"} {"text":"What shade of color is the woman's coat? White."} {"text":"the wire is black"} {"text":"long green and red boat sitting in water"} {"text":"a vase on a table filled with tulips"} {"text":"What is the person doing? Standing."} {"text":"The bottle is black, white and yellow."} {"text":"A large set of bookshelves"} {"text":"mugs hanging from a rack"} {"text":"reflection of white water"} {"text":"red flowers in screen reflection"} {"text":"black chairs"} {"text":"Where is the sheep standing? On craggy rocks."} {"text":"Long black hair in the photo"} {"text":"circles on the ground"} {"text":"Pan of food on the back of stove."} {"text":"Is the post made of the same material as the pole? Yes."} {"text":"What type of desert is on the photo? Sandwich."} {"text":"the lady is holding a phone"} {"text":"gray road next to strip of green grass along curb"} {"text":"What is the man doing? Skiing."} {"text":"What would a French chef call this? Pizza."} {"text":"Do you see a fruit inside the bag made of plastic? No."} {"text":"photo was taken in 2013"} {"text":"Is the pizza in the picture a triangle or a circle? Circle."} {"text":"Is the boy to the left or to the right of the person that wears a hat? Right."} {"text":"a pair of scissors"} {"text":"a sheet of white poster board"} {"text":"part of a laptop"} {"text":"What do the device and the sky have in common? Color."} {"text":"How many animals do you see? None."} {"text":"A man jumps to catch a frisbee on the beach."} {"text":"yellow caution tape"} {"text":"a sign is on the tv"} {"text":"the boy is wearing shoes"} {"text":"window with white frame and black shutters"} {"text":"Green food that is prepared on a black and white plate."} {"text":"How many people are in the image? Two."} {"text":"a man with a beard"} {"text":"Who is posing with the pole? Man."} {"text":"What is the type of road called? Highway."} {"text":"brick on the wall"} {"text":"a woman's black purse"} {"text":"part of some clouds"} {"text":"the hand is lifted"} {"text":"Antennas on top of a building."} {"text":"Is there a bed or a lamp in this picture? No."} {"text":"What does the woman wear? Watch."} {"text":"Where are the cows resting? On top of the mountain."} {"text":"red and white plane"} {"text":"Front windows of trolley."} {"text":"sky above the land"} {"text":"What color is the train? Yellow."} {"text":"Is the orange car to the right or to the left of the man on the right? Left."} {"text":"The vases are clear."} {"text":"Planter on wooden post"} {"text":"What is the man getting ready to do? Surf."} {"text":"dog's nose is black"} {"text":"the street that the horse is pulling the carraige on"} {"text":"Goose beak is orange."} {"text":"overhanging branches"} {"text":"ducks head against the water"} {"text":"blurry scenery in the distance"} {"text":"A knife on a cutting board"} {"text":"Beautil white teddy bear"} {"text":"The curtain is white."} {"text":"Where is the store in junction to the bus? On the left."} {"text":"What way are the heads pointing? Up."} {"text":"light reflecting off plate"} {"text":"a white sign on the fence"} {"text":"A white and red KELLER bus."} {"text":"a mug of beef sitting next to a plate with a slice of deep dish pizza on it"} {"text":"he wears a couple of blue sneakers"} {"text":"towel hanging on rack"} {"text":"a small glass container of a sauce"} {"text":"A sheep laying on top of a lush green field."} {"text":"the cat enjoys the sun"} {"text":"Where is the man standing? Beach."} {"text":"this is an umbrella"} {"text":"Are there clocks on the tower? Yes."} {"text":"man wearing a white shirt"} {"text":"What kind of vegetable is green? Broccoli."} {"text":"a pile of clothes on the floor"} {"text":"Are these people all the same gender? No."} {"text":"Microwave over the counter"} {"text":"a jacket hanging in a bathroom"} {"text":"Who has a wetsuit on? The surfer."} {"text":"Black book on the table"} {"text":"Where are the bears? Near stairs."} {"text":"What is sticking out of the mug? Spoon."} {"text":"What color is the suitcase? Tan."} {"text":"TWo people staring at a plane."} {"text":"A wall on the side of a building"} {"text":"Are there skateboards or pictures? Yes."} {"text":"the scene is in the kitchen"} {"text":"What is written on the skis? Movement."} {"text":"Cars parked on street"} {"text":"How many ties are pictured? 5."} {"text":"the hand of a person"} {"text":"Is the dog looking out a window? No."} {"text":"A flat screen TV."} {"text":"Are those cutting boards plastic? Yes."} {"text":"Orange and white design on bowl"} {"text":"the man is wearing white shorts"} {"text":"black speaker"} {"text":"Who wears shorts? Girl."} {"text":"gray manhole cover on a stone sidewalk"} {"text":"a few small ripples in the water"} {"text":"What has a lamp on top? Wood table."} {"text":"windows of the trailer"} {"text":"What color is the hangar? Yellow."} {"text":"Which kind of furniture is not wooden? Drawer."} {"text":"What color is the wall? Black and white."} {"text":"tile on a floor"} {"text":"the broccoli is green"} {"text":"What is on top of the cake? Robots."} {"text":"What fruit sits in front of the man? Oranges."} {"text":"open cardboard box across from couple"} {"text":"What is white and black pinstripes? Uniform."} {"text":"white hookup valve"} {"text":"A man riding skis down a snow covered slope."} {"text":"orange soccer jersey"} {"text":"salt shaker on the counter"} {"text":"A man in a plaid shirt"} {"text":"What is the giraffe in front of? Trunk."} {"text":"the umbrella is open"} {"text":"What is the man doing? Reading a book."} {"text":"What undergarment is visible? Bra."} {"text":"What is open and purple? Scissor handle."} {"text":"Who wears shoes? Boy."} {"text":"a rock in the water"} {"text":"Do the chair and the frisbee have the same color? Yes."} {"text":"Line of cars in road"} {"text":"Which color is the shirt the boy wears? Blue."} {"text":"Is this a real kitchen? No."} {"text":"What color is the dog's nose? Black."} {"text":"a pole beside the road"} {"text":"Where is this scene? On a sidewalk."} {"text":"What is in front of the girls? Man."} {"text":"A baby in a diaper laying on a bed."} {"text":"Do you see any towel dispensers or vases? No."} {"text":"Two men in dress clothes standing by a limousine."} {"text":"A person riding a ski lift while attached to a snowboard."} {"text":"a brown hat"} {"text":"grey string attached to cell phone"} {"text":"What's on the window? Drape."} {"text":"partially sunlit dark green trees"} {"text":"A yellow notepad."} {"text":"What is purple and white? Jersey."} {"text":"red building across the street from bus"} {"text":"A skier going down fast on a slope"} {"text":"Silver tea spoon."} {"text":"palm tree on hill"} {"text":"A woman wearing an orange sweater"} {"text":"Is the horse casting a shadow? Yes."} {"text":"catcher in postion"} {"text":"a white sink"} {"text":"Is the sky cloudless and blue? No."} {"text":"part of a line"} {"text":"What are the chairs made of? Wood."} {"text":"What color is the flower on her shirt? Pink."} {"text":"a red leaf on their sleeve"} {"text":"People are standing by a small passenger train."} {"text":"Train is on bridge."} {"text":"What is the color of the shirt? Yellow."} {"text":"Is the person with the shorts wearing a hat? No."} {"text":"food on the silver plate"} {"text":"man holding hot dog with two hands"} {"text":"a person on a surf board rides on the waves"} {"text":"Are there chairs or plates? Yes."} {"text":"bushes in the back of second bear"} {"text":"Is the sign near the tree both octagonal and dark? Yes."} {"text":"a simple black keyboard"} {"text":"Which kind of vegetable is green? Celery."} {"text":"The roll of toilet paper"} {"text":"Where is the plate of delicious food? Next to the fork."} {"text":"male carrying an orange and white backpack"} {"text":"a couch"} {"text":"A man riding a dirt bike."} {"text":"in his hands are more frisbees"} {"text":"left ear of a horse"} {"text":"What is on the wall? A photo."} {"text":"a boy's watch"} {"text":"border of mane is black"} {"text":"A man is riding a motorcycle with his dog."} {"text":"Orange and black uniformed worker standing outside of moving train."} {"text":"a logo on the shoe"} {"text":"the can next to the monitor"} {"text":"Is the batter to the right of the helmet? No."} {"text":"A baseball player pitching a ball during a game."} {"text":"Do the people know each other? No."} {"text":"solid panels, rods and windows on ceiling"} {"text":"a dead fish"} {"text":"What are both the women wearing? Bikinis."} {"text":"Pink hat on the ground."} {"text":"What time frames does this bus run? Morning."} {"text":"the leg of an elephant"} {"text":"The helmet is white"} {"text":"the guy with grey hair"} {"text":"green and black car"} {"text":"How many women? One woman."} {"text":"The giraffes are waiting for food"} {"text":"a woman sittiing down"} {"text":"a cool blue pond of water"} {"text":"What is the brown vegetable? Potatoes."} {"text":"a man with a handle plays with a woman"} {"text":"green cups stacked on clear glasses"} {"text":"What time is it? 1:15."} {"text":"What is in the corner of the building? The tree."} {"text":"Are there large buses or mirrors? Yes."} {"text":"salt shaker made from pink play doh"} {"text":"How is the person traveling? Motorcycle."} {"text":"The lemon is yellow."} {"text":"What is the wall made of? Brick."} {"text":"Are there both doors and windows in the image? Yes."} {"text":"The roof is brown"} {"text":"a person leaning against a rock wall"} {"text":"platform sign"} {"text":"two black cows on a field"} {"text":"mouth of the man"} {"text":"woman's shirt is black"} {"text":"part of a stone cement wall"} {"text":"What is the wall made of? Wood."} {"text":"How many elephants are shown? One."} {"text":"What is in the air? Smoke."} {"text":"the gift bag is blue"} {"text":"The entrance on the bus"} {"text":"three candles on a table"} {"text":"A car on a street."} {"text":"What is the color of the tray? Gray."} {"text":"two wings are folded"} {"text":"the hat is white"} {"text":"A clock on a green lamp post on a sidewalk"} {"text":"blurry image of a remote in fast motion"} {"text":"the sign is yellow"} {"text":"What device is the girl using? Phone."} {"text":"What is on the ground between the tracks? Gravel."} {"text":"What are the two girls on the left of the photo, in the front seat, doing? Reading books."} {"text":"Bread is brown"} {"text":"Does the cup look empty or full? Empty."} {"text":"Who is sitting on the couch? Three people."} {"text":"batter in batter box"} {"text":"the batter wearing the helmet"} {"text":"brush grows along the side of railroad"} {"text":"white post on track fence"} {"text":"the shoes are velcrow"} {"text":"White sailboat"} {"text":"white stickers on the tables"} {"text":"a train car on a track"} {"text":"a slice of orange"} {"text":"The muddy shore along the bank"} {"text":"a red dot partten"} {"text":"Are there clouds in the sky? Yes."} {"text":"black stripe down white car"} {"text":"Grass is growing in-between the rails."} {"text":"There are two holes pictured"} {"text":"Long train coming down the tracks"} {"text":"blue and white sunglasses"} {"text":"Person is wearing white pants"} {"text":"What is the vehicle on the road? Van."} {"text":"What is in front of the building near the tree? Sign."} {"text":"What is the large animal in the picture called? Dog."} {"text":"Is the statue to the right of the bell holding a shield? No."} {"text":"Where is the stove? Next to the blender."} {"text":"a car parked on a street"} {"text":"How much are these bananas? 45."} {"text":"Where is the cat laying? In the grass."} {"text":"Is the truck to the right or to the left of the person in the bottom of the picture? Right."} {"text":"What is behind the man? A snow capped mountain range."} {"text":"White clouds in the blue sky."} {"text":"Do you see any boys near the window? Yes."} {"text":"baseball player sitting on a bench"} {"text":"the eye of a man"} {"text":"Tall white light pole"} {"text":"A river under the bridge."} {"text":"a boat on the sand"} {"text":"chocolate pieces on top of topping"} {"text":"the sky is blue in color"} {"text":"A green ear marker tag"} {"text":"small clock in left hand"} {"text":"Where is the bed? Against the wall."} {"text":"Where are the spectators? Wall."} {"text":"the top of this building is red brick"} {"text":"a man standing and looking at his laptop"} {"text":"When was this picture taken? Daytime."} {"text":"On which side of the photo is the man? Right."} {"text":"light on the ceiling"} {"text":"Where is the flower? On the plant."} {"text":"Orange motorcycle parked on street"} {"text":"What are the people eating? Cake."} {"text":"The cockpit of a silver airplane."} {"text":"The hair is black."} {"text":"Are the sprinkles white or brown? White."} {"text":"What mode of transportation is shown? Trains."} {"text":"What color are the leaves? Green."} {"text":"light pole on boardwalk"} {"text":"person in a white shirt"} {"text":"The clocktower is made of stone"} {"text":"What do you think is inside the basket the toilet is below? Towel."} {"text":"black horse with ears standing up"} {"text":"a kitchen with mostly wooden furniture and a window"} {"text":"THE CHAIR IS IN FRONT OF THE WINDOW"} {"text":"How many horses can be seen in the photo? Two."} {"text":"What is the man wearing on his face? Eyeglasses."} {"text":"Are there doors in the picture? No."} {"text":"a bright red bench covering"} {"text":"the blouse is black in color"} {"text":"Are the women walking on the beach? No."} {"text":"stone on wall of tower"} {"text":"man with short blond hair"} {"text":"What numbers are on the front of the train? 997237-3."} {"text":"a fire hydrant with a computer monitor broken on top of it"} {"text":"black and white sign"} {"text":"What color is the man's hair? Brown."} {"text":"What type of food is this? Muffin."} {"text":"How are the people? In motion."} {"text":"Are there doors or chairs that are black? Yes."} {"text":"four white and blue street signs on a wooden pole"} {"text":"What tool is the adult holding? Clippers."} {"text":"How many steps are there? 20."} {"text":"an image on a vase of a standing woman"} {"text":"A toilet paper holder."} {"text":"ripe plantain with black marks"} {"text":"What color is dominant? Black."} {"text":"cityline at the water edge"} {"text":"Is there a fruit basket on the counter? No."} {"text":"Striped marking on tail of airplane."} {"text":"the stripe is white"} {"text":"part of a cloud"} {"text":"a desk with bananas, a instrument case and a globe sitting on it."} {"text":"Right front hoof of zebra"} {"text":"Does the truck have a different color than the helmet? Yes."} {"text":"the woman has blue eyes"} {"text":"a woman with flowers in her hair"} {"text":"a clock on the wall"} {"text":"Tan carpet on the floor."} {"text":"nose of a person"} {"text":"trying to make money selling food"} {"text":"What does the woman wear? Pants."} {"text":"How high are they? Very."} {"text":"What color is the table? Brown."} {"text":"small black cloth shorts"} {"text":"What is the man doing? Throwing a ball."} {"text":"Where is a remote? On the coffee table."} {"text":"tall green trees in background"} {"text":"A kid is standing in the snow on skis facing two other people."} {"text":"green and tan colored jacket on man"} {"text":"a person with brown hair"} {"text":"Where was this picture taken? The beach."} {"text":"black wetsuit man is wearing"} {"text":"What is in the window? A neon sign."} {"text":"large ear laying down the side of the face"} {"text":"What type of food is on the plate to the right of the tomato? Noodles."} {"text":"What is watching TV? Cat."} {"text":"Do you see a fence in front of the pole by the grass? No."} {"text":"tan sandwich bun bottom"} {"text":"red lanterns on wall"} {"text":"leaves on trees are green"} {"text":"Sign on front of bus announcing Bristol as destination"} {"text":"What is the statue of? A person."} {"text":"black numbers on clock"} {"text":"a person riding a bike on a busy street"} {"text":"orange car with orange rims"} {"text":"What is the reflection on the fork? Lights."} {"text":"checkered patter on wall"} {"text":"What is covering the woman's legs? A brown skirt."} {"text":"a tall green umbrella"} {"text":"RED BRAKE LIGHTS ON TRUCK"} {"text":"toilet seat is lowered"} {"text":"the man's left hand"} {"text":"side of metal walkway"} {"text":"a yellow snow covered jeep"} {"text":"patch of green grass"} {"text":"Part of the person's hair"} {"text":"How many players have on blue? 0."} {"text":"What is the man holding? A tennis racket."} {"text":"the shirt is yellow"} {"text":"White stripe on man's shirt"} {"text":"A little league baseball player hits a ball."} {"text":"Where are these women at? Tennis court."} {"text":"What's closer, the chair or the laptop? Laptop."} {"text":"A desk with a computer, a keyboard, a mouse, a bobble head, speakers and a lava lamp on it."} {"text":"Is there a poster on the wall? Yes."} {"text":"the woman's white t-shirt"} {"text":"Microwave hanging over stove"} {"text":"the metal rack is silver"} {"text":"What terrain is it? Field."} {"text":"Is he wearing glasses? No."} {"text":"person is walking next to train"} {"text":"What is on the wall? Artwork."} {"text":"Ski on the snow"} {"text":"What is the large toy called? Stuffed dog."} {"text":"the arm of a teddy bear"} {"text":"two baseball players from different teams"} {"text":"Why does the cigarette have ashes on the end? It's lit."} {"text":"The pizzas are cooked."} {"text":"The sign is blue"} {"text":"a man looking at bike"} {"text":"A skateboarder doing a jump of stairs through confetti"} {"text":"hotel room wall has blue and white wallpaper"} {"text":"Where is the cabinet? Above the microwave."} {"text":"the green cucumber"} {"text":"A white column with a sign"} {"text":"What is the handle color? Yellow."} {"text":"ear of the animal"} {"text":"A red stop sign in front of a red traffic signal."} {"text":"the leg of a person sitting"} {"text":"The brace is white"} {"text":"a young boy riding a bike"} {"text":"What is the little girl getting ready for? To play tennis."} {"text":"Where is the kite? Sky."} {"text":"Where is this? Kitchen."} {"text":"A train traveling through a wilderness surrounded by mountains."} {"text":"What are the two boys wearing? The same shirt."} {"text":"tan boat in blue water"} {"text":"Opened dark brown wood door."} {"text":"white clouds in blue sky"} {"text":"What fruit is in this picture? Banana."} {"text":"vehicle under nose of plane"} {"text":"What's the floor made of? Wood."} {"text":"A silver bowl of sliced carrots and chopped broccoli."} {"text":"a blue toy octopus"} {"text":"the mouth of a baby"} {"text":"What type of animals are shown? Elephants."} {"text":"these are two men"} {"text":"Where has the picture been taken? On a counter."} {"text":"white line on platform"} {"text":"the hair is black"} {"text":"What kind of bus is this? City."} {"text":"Canned lighting above the bed in ceiling."} {"text":"clock on top of a building"} {"text":"Are there glasses to the right of the person that is wearing a coat? No."} {"text":"a white and brown cow"} {"text":"Sign with the number 60 on it"} {"text":"Is this food healthy? No."} {"text":"Large pink bag with brown handle"} {"text":"Where is the controller? On the desk."} {"text":"a paper attached to locker"} {"text":"TWO TOMATOES AND A PICKLE"} {"text":"What animal is this? Dog."} {"text":"Is the frisbee on the right? No."} {"text":"a baseball field that has some baseball players on it"} {"text":"roman numeral number 7"} {"text":"a sugar coating on a jelly donut"} {"text":"Animal sticking face through fence"} {"text":"helmet on man's head."} {"text":"Are they wearing shorts? Yes."} {"text":"cat looking at a computer"} {"text":"white clouds in blue sky"} {"text":"a white fluffy cloud"} {"text":"A city with lots of tall buildings and a cat stopped at a traffic light."} {"text":"blue painted wall"} {"text":"family eating dinner together"} {"text":"Where are two lamps? On end tables."} {"text":"sign on the window"} {"text":"Is the bird afraid of the animal? No."} {"text":"What is the name of the vegetable to the right of the fruits on the counter? Spinach."} {"text":"How many lights immediately to the left of the train? Three."} {"text":"a white flower pot with green plant in it"} {"text":"black glove"} {"text":"What color is the motorcycle? Red."} {"text":"water rolling into the shore"} {"text":"A cat in a room with a rug and a backpack."} {"text":"cigarette butt in flower box"} {"text":"tracks of vehicle in snow"} {"text":"White sign on the side of the road."} {"text":"front legs of bear"} {"text":"this is a grass area"} {"text":"Two skiers are headed up a mountain side with loaded backpacks."} {"text":"Person on the pavement"} {"text":"Snow ramp beneath jumping man"} {"text":"The person is wearing gloves."} {"text":"What runs above the street? Electric wires."} {"text":"two butts of bears"} {"text":"man has receding hairline"} {"text":"Face of a person"} {"text":"the phone is on the desk"} {"text":"one black and white zebra backside"} {"text":"A light pole in the background"} {"text":"What is the piece of furniture to the right of the girl? Chair."} {"text":"name of the shop on the sign"} {"text":"What kind of a bear is this? A teddy bear."} {"text":"Who is wearing a helmet? Child."} {"text":"Iron railing on bridge"} {"text":"pizza is partially served"} {"text":"trees behind the man"} {"text":"What color is the rescue device? Yellow."} {"text":"the skier has black pants"} {"text":"Red helmet worn by batter."} {"text":"hay laying on ground"} {"text":"What kind of toy are the glasses on? Stuffed dog."} {"text":"What color is the refrigerator? White."} {"text":"tire tracks in the street"} {"text":"a hedge row"} {"text":"Dining table with two pizzas including one with two types of ham, cheese and black olives."} {"text":"White and red baseball"} {"text":"red gondola moving along the line"} {"text":"a blue and white arm band"} {"text":"Are there women or glasses? Yes."} {"text":"Are the closet doors open? Yes."} {"text":"a close up of a cow next to a tree"} {"text":"A piece of wheat bread, shaped like a person, in a metal container."} {"text":"On which side are the people? Left."} {"text":"The nose of the woman."} {"text":"single blue passenger train car on the tracks"} {"text":"Where are the houses? Outside the window."} {"text":"What color is the man's shorts? Black."} {"text":"Where was the photo taken? On a tennis court."} {"text":"woman with a black vest"} {"text":"man in black and white socks"} {"text":"Do you see any scooters near the vehicle behind the woman? No."} {"text":"What is the person on the left doing? Speaking on the cellphone."} {"text":"Do you see any photographers? No."} {"text":"light on bike pushed down"} {"text":"What vehicle has the same color as the tree? Van."} {"text":"The player is leaning forward."} {"text":"people sitting on a elephant"} {"text":"Are there trains in the area? No."} {"text":"What encloses the animals? A wire fence."} {"text":"small green tropical tree in corner of room"} {"text":"Do you see any trains or doors that are black? Yes."} {"text":"Which kind of appliance is inside the restaurant? Pizza oven."} {"text":"What animal is the fence in front of? Horse."} {"text":"Lots of train tracks"} {"text":"The drawer of the work bench has a logo displayed on it."} {"text":"Where are the row of buildings? Near the train."} {"text":"smooth tan sand on a hill"} {"text":"a green tree over the water"} {"text":"white print style letter"} {"text":"How many pieces of fruit are visible? Nine."} {"text":"What is the appliance to the left of the smiling person near the bag? Refrigerator."} {"text":"the lift is transporting the man"} {"text":"Wooden toilet paper dispenser"} {"text":"Are there any beds or pillows? Yes."} {"text":"number 11 can be seen"} {"text":"A black leather couch next to the table and chairs."} {"text":"white and red baseball"} {"text":"Trees in front of the building with no leaves"} {"text":"a dark blue winter glove"} {"text":"a golden lion laying down"} {"text":"What color is the horse's face? White."} {"text":"How is the sign? Small and black."} {"text":"the vest is orange"} {"text":"How is the dog in the middle different? He is brown."} {"text":"curly haired brunette woman"} {"text":"Why is the young man in green shirt and white shorts have his back foot off the ground? Hitting."} {"text":"A pole connected to the traffic light"} {"text":"A dog with a sweater on sitting on a bed."} {"text":"Is that building behind a bench? No."} {"text":"Glass of lemonade sitting on table."} {"text":"a surfer"} {"text":"stem of wine glass"} {"text":"What is infront of the orange wall? A white wall."} {"text":"a festive bus"} {"text":"The person has a blue shirt o"} {"text":"Thong sandals both feet."} {"text":"Wii videogame console"} {"text":"Is the bench on the left? No."} {"text":"this is sausage is brown"} {"text":"edge of a door"} {"text":"Where are the fruits on? Counter."} {"text":"Green field of grass."} {"text":"Which side of the picture are the tourists on? Right."} {"text":"Are there both bikes and cars in the image? No."} {"text":"a building behind a fence"} {"text":"blue water under a blue sky"} {"text":"Young girl playing a video game"} {"text":"Middle drawer closed on desk"} {"text":"this is a tiffany style lamp"} {"text":"Where is the table? Next to person."} {"text":"a small lamp on night stand"} {"text":"The carpet is gray in color"} {"text":"the ground here is sandy"} {"text":"A small square pillow"} {"text":"black laptop on desk"} {"text":"red and white license plate on a bus"} {"text":"the ground is blue in color"} {"text":"A distant area covered with colorful umbrellas"} {"text":"Is the woman to the right or to the left of the baby that is on the right? Right."} {"text":"a boy wearing a red baseball hat is swinging a bat"} {"text":"shiny skyscrapers with tons of windows"} {"text":"How many people are there? Two."} {"text":"A white walled bathroom with six rolls of toilet paper next to a white toilet."} {"text":"metal rack in a oven"} {"text":"Stitching around the edge of a suitcase"} {"text":"What type of skateboard ramp is the skateboarder on? Round."} {"text":"A lot of empty seats in the stands"} {"text":"puffy clouds over blue sky at skateboard park"} {"text":"Sea water is calm"} {"text":"Tap is silver color."} {"text":"brown basket with a pineapple in it"} {"text":"top of a car"} {"text":"ground with no grass"} {"text":"How many boys are there? One."} {"text":"What device is to the left of the side table in the middle? Television."} {"text":"Where do you wash your hands? Sink."} {"text":"When was the photo taken? Daytime."} {"text":"White subway train doors"} {"text":"Blue sky with no clouds."} {"text":"man is wearing eyeglasses"} {"text":"a small white trash can"} {"text":"What's the girl carrying? Surfboard."} {"text":"Is there a lamp to the left of the chair near the window? Yes."} {"text":"The nose of the guy."} {"text":"Countertop has stove burners in it."} {"text":"spiky plants lighter than surroundings"} {"text":"eyes and nose marked by black buttons"} {"text":"A key on a keyboard."} {"text":"A commercial airplane is ascending in the sky."} {"text":"the person is rolling a luggage"} {"text":"A flower on a stem."} {"text":"woman walking with yellow and red top on"} {"text":"A woman holding a racquet extended toward a ball."} {"text":"Black grafitti on a wall."} {"text":"this is a person"} {"text":"A rendering of a bathroom shows what it might look like."} {"text":"What animal is the slide mimicking? Frog."} {"text":"two feet that have left the ground"} {"text":"A double decker bus."} {"text":"The man is holding a shopping bag"} {"text":"Bright lit up house in the back."} {"text":"What are the oranges in? A bowl."} {"text":"Bus going down the road way"} {"text":"Two large analog clocks"} {"text":"Where is the kid playing in? Skate park."} {"text":"a white rock"} {"text":"boy wearing knee pads"} {"text":"What color is the tree bottom? Brown."} {"text":"What is the in between the lemons? Red chillis."} {"text":"a child wearing a white tee shirt"} {"text":"a set of yellow bananas"} {"text":"Which place is it? Station."} {"text":"How many sheep are in the photo? Nine."} {"text":"boy wearing a black cap"} {"text":"What material is the umbrella on the beach, straw or paper? Straw."} {"text":"a tub"} {"text":"Thick ham pieces on sandwich"} {"text":"Bananas are displayed at an outdoor fruit stand."} {"text":"What are the girls doing? Sitting."} {"text":"a snowboard on the snow"} {"text":"man talking on phone"} {"text":"tomatoes are on top of the pizza"} {"text":"Is the fence metallic and black? Yes."} {"text":"A woman that is holding a hotdog to her mouth."} {"text":"Do you see a horse behind the man that is riding? Yes."} {"text":"Gray slide privacy curtain"} {"text":"Where is the train? On the track."} {"text":"What are the sheep doing? Eating grass."} {"text":"What is in the dirt? Food for elephant."} {"text":"skateboard with blue and green designs"} {"text":"The trunks are brown."} {"text":"two umbrellas on top of the elephant"} {"text":"white pillow on the bed"} {"text":"three beer cans"} {"text":"Girl holding a red bowl"} {"text":"Is he behind the brown wall? No."} {"text":"What is on the handlebars? Hands."} {"text":"white flowers in vase"} {"text":"A couple of people holding racquets on a tennis court."} {"text":"Does the woman that to the right of the man look in the black bag? Yes."} {"text":"a boat on the water"} {"text":"person wearing a blue jean"} {"text":"What is on the wall? Dispenser."} {"text":"A yellow sign"} {"text":"MOB Grip sign leaning against table"} {"text":"red colored train on tracks"} {"text":"The sky is white."} {"text":"The person to the left of the cab is wearing what? Jacket."} {"text":"a yellow tennis ball"} {"text":"What type of animal? Bear."} {"text":"the horses are walking"} {"text":"What is the weather condition? Sunny."} {"text":"A black bin by the road"} {"text":"the sheet is meattalic"} {"text":"Is the person in the bottom or in the top of the picture? Bottom."} {"text":"What is the dominant color in this room? White."} {"text":"window on side of airplane"} {"text":"Why would these cats be on a chair? To relax."} {"text":"What does the person have on head shown closest to folliage in the bottom left picture? Hat."} {"text":"Is it cloudy? No."} {"text":"Person wearing hat on head."} {"text":"street light on a pole"} {"text":"White dress shirt."} {"text":"Man carrying two shopping bags"} {"text":"the man in the boat"} {"text":"What is the woman doing? Paddling on a surfboard."} {"text":"man wearing a cap"} {"text":"A man flying though the air while riding skis."} {"text":"this is a giraffe"} {"text":"cat has long whiskers"} {"text":"Group of skiers getting ready for run"} {"text":"Where are the houses behind the red building? On the hill."} {"text":"planter baskets hanging from lamp posts"} {"text":"man wearing red shirt"} {"text":"baby has blue eyes"} {"text":"pizza in the oven"} {"text":"The living room is clean and empty from people."} {"text":"A cigarette butt"} {"text":"big trees pictured behind the bus"} {"text":"The black glove."} {"text":"black pants of snowboarder"} {"text":"Back windshield on a bus."} {"text":"A group of people with snowboards in the snow."} {"text":"tall grass in the front"} {"text":"train's door is closed"} {"text":"red grape in a bunch"} {"text":"What animal is shown? Cow."} {"text":"The plane is oddly shaped"} {"text":"black plastic toilet seat"} {"text":"trees beside the square"} {"text":"the spots are brown"} {"text":"Male tennis player celebrates during a tennis match."} {"text":"The horse has a long brown and black mane"} {"text":"these are elephants in the photo"} {"text":"picnic chair in front of a table"} {"text":"man taking a selfie while brushing his teeth"} {"text":"What is the person in red holding? Ski poles."} {"text":"What is sitting on the brown cow's back? Birds."} {"text":"black tire on a cycle"} {"text":"pieces of white fruits"} {"text":"number 2 on a car"} {"text":"A bronze stature with two people on it."} {"text":"small blue ball in the grass"} {"text":"green tree in pot"} {"text":"giraffes spots on neck"} {"text":"People are enjoying their day"} {"text":"Is the young man to the right or to the left of the car on the left? Right."} {"text":"girl holding something"} {"text":"hot dog and bun"} {"text":"A man stands inside the bus"} {"text":"a laughing man is wearing blue jeans"} {"text":"Who wears a sweater? Child."} {"text":"Is the boy to the left or to the right of the vehicle that is on the left side? Right."} {"text":"people laying on the sand"} {"text":"Is this a full size van? No."} {"text":"woman grating cheese"} {"text":"blue water separating two lands"} {"text":"Where are the boats? On the water."} {"text":"What light is shining in the tree? Sunlight."} {"text":"WHITE TOILET BOWL IN BATHROOM"} {"text":"the shadow of a man"} {"text":"wavy black bear fur"} {"text":"A woman standing in a kitchen stirring something in the oven."} {"text":"Who is sitting on the horse? A man."} {"text":"the stop sign is an octagon"} {"text":"Are those gold candles? No."} {"text":"Silver metal bathroom faucet"} {"text":"red and grey rock sitting in dirt"} {"text":"tree is bare and in the park"} {"text":"Broccoli on white round plate"} {"text":"red dress worn by female model"} {"text":"the game controller is white in color"} {"text":"Passenger with red shirt."} {"text":"two people under bananas"} {"text":"A close-up photo of a parking meter displaying the time."} {"text":"Ropes."} {"text":"What color are the fields? Green."} {"text":"a colorful bird's eye"} {"text":"How many wheels does the wagon have? 4."} {"text":"What is the subject of the photo? Bus."} {"text":"Who is in the photo? Some people."} {"text":"Is the giraffe color almost similar to the rock? No."} {"text":"flower in a pot"} {"text":"right hand of the man"} {"text":"this is the ground"} {"text":"a yellow snow jacket"} {"text":"Which kind of furniture is not light brown, the coffee table or the couch? Couch."} {"text":"shadow on the street"} {"text":"Is there a shadow blocking the woman in pink? No."} {"text":"blurred ball in air"} {"text":"Cow has black nose."} {"text":"How animals do you see? 3."} {"text":"What is the red and white building made of? Brick."} {"text":"white frisbee flying through the air"} {"text":"nightstand has phone"} {"text":"Where is this picture taken? A barn."} {"text":"What color is the jacket the man wears? Red."} {"text":"Which kind of food is not shiny? Orange."} {"text":"How is the street? Paved."} {"text":"square window pane in window"} {"text":"When is the picture taken? Daytime."} {"text":"A Visa logo on a credit card."} {"text":"A person's right shoulder"} {"text":"What color is the snow? White."} {"text":"Many signs are posted on the light post near a skyscraper."} {"text":"black text on buttons."} {"text":"Who is pitching the ball? A man."} {"text":"fork laying on table"} {"text":"What is the color of the pot? Silver."} {"text":"part of a floor"} {"text":"A group of men playing a game of frisbee."} {"text":"How many umpires are in the picture? One."} {"text":"What is sitting on the top of the couch? A teddy bear."} {"text":"window on side of bus"} {"text":"the ball is striped"} {"text":"Black pole on parking meter."} {"text":"A lone giraffe is in the middle of a meadow that is spotted with trees."} {"text":"white plastic gloves"} {"text":"blue sneaker with yellow and white stripes"} {"text":"Is the ground sandy or snowy? Sandy."} {"text":"Brown rim of a bowl"} {"text":"a reflection of the bird"} {"text":"What is the main color of the eyes? Black."} {"text":"What is the vegetable on? Plate."} {"text":"Where was this photo taken? A city by the water."} {"text":"The vegetation is lush."} {"text":"an eye"} {"text":"white wall in bedroom"} {"text":"Small strip of blue sky."} {"text":"rope tying boat to pier"} {"text":"Some leaves and other items arranged in a white ceramic dish."} {"text":"A wall on the side of a building"} {"text":"What vehicle is not blue? Taxi."} {"text":"The frame around the mirror."} {"text":"ear of a plush elephant"} {"text":"What type of uniform? Soccer."} {"text":"a smooth brown wall."} {"text":"Women wearing blue shoes"} {"text":"What type of aircraft is above the people on the sand? Airplane."} {"text":"a motorcyle rider on the street"} {"text":"Who is on the beach? Woman and dog."} {"text":"this is a grass area"} {"text":"What kind of furniture is wooden? Desk."} {"text":"a man holding a umbrella in front of a pond"} {"text":"The man is holding a glass."} {"text":"bright light on ceiling of station"} {"text":"A bright ceiling light"} {"text":"What color are the clouds? Pink."} {"text":"the wall behind the man is green"} {"text":"this is a pole"} {"text":"chairs beneath the monument"} {"text":"a young boy with blonde hair"} {"text":"What is the man doing? Riding a skateboard."} {"text":"Is the elephant wearing a collar in this picture? No."} {"text":"A pizza sitting on a plate on a table."} {"text":"The bench is made of wood."} {"text":"Pants on a woman"} {"text":"A flat screen television on a wooden cabinet with electronics below it and two trays with computer controllers on them."} {"text":"the jacket of a grown woman"} {"text":"Barely visible red brick building past the trees."} {"text":"bicycle propped up with kickstand"} {"text":"What is on the woman's face? Paint."} {"text":"dark haired man wearing adidas shorts"} {"text":"Is this meat and potatoes? Yes."} {"text":"window on the building"} {"text":"What color is the phone? Black."} {"text":"The zebras black hairy tail"} {"text":"What color is the fence? Green."} {"text":"When was the picture taken? Daytime."} {"text":"What device is below the bag? Calculator."} {"text":"a train that is green"} {"text":"What color are the wisp clouds? White."} {"text":"Was this structure built before 1920? No."} {"text":"Is the girl wearing a helmet? No."} {"text":"woman wearing a dress"} {"text":"Red car in parking lot"} {"text":"striation marks on desk"} {"text":"a train on train tracks"} {"text":"Flowers on the concrete"} {"text":"Blue and white canopy"} {"text":"this is a train"} {"text":"A yellow eye of a cat"} {"text":"What type of animal is shown? Giraffe."} {"text":"What kind of animal is to the right of the man on the left of the image? Horse."} {"text":"A traffic light"} {"text":"a man playing in the windsurf"} {"text":"weight scale laying underneath stepstool"} {"text":"Two women with glasses are by their laptops."} {"text":"What is the silver fork sitting on? Napkin."} {"text":"a snow covered mountain in background"} {"text":"brown metal roof on a sunny day"} {"text":"white long sleeve dress shirt"} {"text":"Which color do you think the wool is? Brown."} {"text":"Do you see any surfer or surfboard in the image? Yes."} {"text":"a steel drawer handle"} {"text":"patch of green grass"} {"text":"What does the sign on the fence say? The caboose."} {"text":"a person standing"} {"text":"The blue jeans the man in the white t-shirt is wearing."} {"text":"What is on the plate of the food? Cookie."} {"text":"What is the drink on the refrigerator? Soda."} {"text":"Where does the brand name appear? In the lower center of the window."} {"text":"green leaves in brown bush"} {"text":"A bathroom with a vanity, two sinks, and large mirror."} {"text":"Two elephants playing in water in grassy fenced in area."} {"text":"art piece hung low over bureau"} {"text":"the suitcase is maroon"} {"text":"What is the color of the shirt? White."} {"text":"boy with mouth open"} {"text":"a little lake, almost, of wet muck"} {"text":"PART OF DOGS RED COLLAR"} {"text":"lamp on entertainment center"} {"text":"poles on top of the building"} {"text":"white bowl full of food"} {"text":"Where are the skis on the man? His feet."} {"text":"How is the dog's mouth? Open."} {"text":"White sky in the background."} {"text":"Trash in the can."} {"text":"this is an outdoors scene"} {"text":"base of the wine bottle"} {"text":"What is under the hot dogs? Charcoal."} {"text":"What is on the donut? Chocolate."} {"text":"Is this truck parked? No."} {"text":"a black and white dog on a leash"} {"text":"person wearing red cap"} {"text":"Dark straps on horse's face."} {"text":"a spindle of DVD media"} {"text":"What piece of furniture is the couch behind of? Coffee table."} {"text":"a baby's little foot"} {"text":"pink flowers in a huge planter pot"} {"text":"yellow and white departure signs"} {"text":"a orange and white baricade"} {"text":"Assorted vegetable along with cheese and nuts for food preperation."} {"text":"A zebra's tail"} {"text":"What is in the sky? White clouds."} {"text":"What color is the dog? Brown."} {"text":"Is the cat playing? No."} {"text":"piano stool with leather cushion"} {"text":"What color is the bigger remote? Black."} {"text":"Is the sky clear or cloudy? Cloudy."} {"text":"orange silverware on a napkin"} {"text":"What is the vehicle that is to the right of the fence on the left? Train."} {"text":"The smoke detector is on the ceiling."} {"text":"A clear cloudless sky"} {"text":"red grocery store basket"} {"text":"man holding phone in hand"} {"text":"black nose of zebra"} {"text":"Blue sky over a train."} {"text":"What beverage does the woman have? Wine."} {"text":"Is the man in the top of the photo? No."} {"text":"this is a t shirt"} {"text":"What is on the right side of the shore? Hill."} {"text":"tall bottle of water with a hula girl on it"} {"text":"packs of clay and dirt"} {"text":"A person who in riding a skateboard on a half pipe."} {"text":"the long red tie on the man"} {"text":"What color is the sky? Gray."} {"text":"Man swinging his coat."} {"text":"Tall white building"} {"text":"snow on a handle"} {"text":"the elbow of a man"} {"text":"Is this fence silver or orange? Silver."} {"text":"two men playing soccer"} {"text":"orange and white basketball jersey"} {"text":"the sky has some clouds"} {"text":"What type of bottoms? Jeans."} {"text":"white dinner plate on table"} {"text":"Where is the bus parked? By the curb."} {"text":"grey elephant standing on rock"} {"text":"a rusty metal pole"} {"text":"A lady wearing a blue coat and white mittens"} {"text":"Who is wearing socks? Lady."} {"text":"left foot on zebra"} {"text":"a mirror on the background"} {"text":"What has flowers in it? The vase."} {"text":"Are all the people walking? No."} {"text":"A wooden bench surrounded by a garden with flowers."} {"text":"green paint on the fence."} {"text":"Is the sky orange or blue? Blue."} {"text":"McIntosh apples."} {"text":"the pattern of a giraffe's spots"} {"text":"white engine in front of wing"} {"text":"yellow tiles on countertop"} {"text":"petal of a flower"} {"text":"Two men and several juvenile soccer players congregate near a bench."} {"text":"man walking past patio"} {"text":"man is wearing a black jacket and blue jeans"} {"text":"metal railing behind person"} {"text":"a building in a city"} {"text":"How many bags have tags? 1."} {"text":"white crumbled paper on plate"} {"text":"What are the gray animals in far left? Elephants."} {"text":"What animal is shown in the photo? Cat."} {"text":"A large passenger jet sits parked at an airport."} {"text":"What is the blue bird doing? Walking in the water."} {"text":"What color is the frisbee? White."} {"text":"What is the color of that truck? Black."} {"text":"it is a blue sign"} {"text":"glass window on the building"} {"text":"the sails are varied in colors"} {"text":"What kind of fast food is the sausage on? Pizza."} {"text":"Where in the house is this taken? The bedroom."} {"text":"Tall buildings lining street."} {"text":"skiier wearing white helmet"} {"text":"a glass doorknob"} {"text":"picture taken during the day"} {"text":"Who is wearing shoes? Girl."} {"text":"Are there any toilets or umbrellas? No."} {"text":"the writing is white"} {"text":"What is the person to the left of the monitor playing? Game."} {"text":"Two small pointed ears."} {"text":"landing gear down on plane"} {"text":"What is the most dominant color vegetable? Carrot."} {"text":"Gray hoodie worn by young man"} {"text":"a black light pole"} {"text":"What is the main color of the nearest surfboard? White."} {"text":"A large herd of elephants hiding behind trees."} {"text":"There are two slices of pizza on the plate."} {"text":"What color are the curtains? White."} {"text":"Man wearing a baseball mitt."} {"text":"the man is holding a sandwich"} {"text":"a window on a building"} {"text":"Do you see any cows on the road? No."} {"text":"Where is the bus? On the ship deck."} {"text":"Which side of the picture is the ski on? Left."} {"text":"Chair for sitting"} {"text":"When was this photo taken? Outside, during the daytime."} {"text":"words on the label"} {"text":"a woman wearing a wetsuit"} {"text":"How is the office? Clean."} {"text":"a kite used for kite surfing"} {"text":"Where are the white tiles? The walls."} {"text":"Light brown wood grain"} {"text":"a sign on a window"} {"text":"A large crowd of people are gathered in the city."} {"text":"a girl with backpack"} {"text":"stack of silver metal and green wicker chairs"} {"text":"the bananas are on the fridge"} {"text":"Top section of a wooden post."} {"text":"A bare table and chair sits in front of double window with Christmas lights and clutter beside."} {"text":"brown patch above a dogs eye"} {"text":"the green street signs"} {"text":"pair of blue totes"} {"text":"What is the person holding? Knife and fork."} {"text":"the pavement is cracked"} {"text":"water splashing from end of the surfboard"} {"text":"a person walking along the beach"} {"text":"little white metal door with round window"} {"text":"tall grass"} {"text":"basket on the floor"} {"text":"a brown horse with white feet"} {"text":"How many open umbrellas are there? Six."} {"text":"Which kind of vegetable is it? Lettuce."} {"text":"a man's forefinger"} {"text":"the rear window of a car"} {"text":"round chocolate cake on tray over yellow ball"} {"text":"dark blue denim jeans"} {"text":"strawberry on top of whipped cream on right"} {"text":"red and white flag"} {"text":"Wood headboard against the wall."} {"text":"handle of the stove"} {"text":"round light in the ceiling"} {"text":"What article of clothing is not long? Skirt."} {"text":"tie on the man"} {"text":"Who is wearing the wetsuit? Surfer."} {"text":"What type of building is in the background? Community center."} {"text":"a bunch of black luggage"} {"text":"The bathroom is off white and has a bathtub with a wood frame."} {"text":"Thin clouds in sunset sky."} {"text":"What does the guy wear? Jacket."} {"text":"What are the floor and walls made of? Tile."} {"text":"Fluffy cat in the duffel bag."} {"text":"Paint coming off the wall."} {"text":"What time is it? Evening."} {"text":"Are there clouds in the sky? Yes."} {"text":"Picture taken at night."} {"text":"a pathway with some green grass in it"} {"text":"What kind of hot dog is pictured? Chili cheese."} {"text":"Whose lap is the cat in? Girl."} {"text":"Large trees in the background"} {"text":"The sign has arrows."} {"text":"dog's foot on pink carpet"} {"text":"Where is the bed? In the bedroom."} {"text":"Who is riding the horse? A male."} {"text":"What pattern is on the blanket? Zebra stripe."} {"text":"the boarder of a computer screen"} {"text":"What color is the girl's jacket? Blue."} {"text":"A group of women standing outside with a snack."} {"text":"worn out paint on the top of the hydrant"} {"text":"Is the cup in the bottom or in the top part? Top."} {"text":"a hand on the knife"} {"text":"The man that is to the left of the motorcycle is wearing what? Hat."} {"text":"a woman wearing white on a boat"} {"text":"Are there both trucks and airplanes in the picture? Yes."} {"text":"42 seconds on a digital clock."} {"text":"Do you see any trash cans to the left of the woman? No."} {"text":"A light in the city."} {"text":"A White wall in the background"} {"text":"horse has black ears"} {"text":"the corner of a plastic bag filled with bows for gift wrapping"} {"text":"cutoff jean shorts"} {"text":"How many cars are there? Two."} {"text":"What is under the balcony on the tall building? Clock."} {"text":"What is the white animal called? Giraffe."} {"text":"What is the woman's right hand doing? Supporting her."} {"text":"What color are the man to the right pants? Blue."} {"text":"Where is the image taken? Near beach."} {"text":"a ripple in the water"} {"text":"An airplane has long wings on some dark green grass."} {"text":"Fridge is in room"} {"text":"Two cats are in the picture."} {"text":"Who is standing against the wall? Two people."} {"text":"piano music sheet on the piano"} {"text":"Is the pattern on the wall behind them called a mosaic? Yes."} {"text":"a foot step in sand"} {"text":"blue pole near playset"} {"text":"baseball inside baseball mit"} {"text":"glass window on building"} {"text":"ice cream center of a cookie sandwich"} {"text":"the cat has pink nose"} {"text":"Is the blue kite in the top part or in the bottom of the image? Top."} {"text":"the jet engine of the plane"} {"text":"two red haired women"} {"text":"wing of a bird"} {"text":"train has the number 150 in front"} {"text":"What color is the umbrella? Blue."} {"text":"a black symbol on the board"} {"text":"Child on a surf board next to a standing man on the beach."} {"text":"Would most people use these modes of transportation to commute to work? No."} {"text":"Are there any men to the left of the drink the elephant drinks? Yes."} {"text":"Is the red vehicle to the right or to the left of the person that is to the left of the trash bin? Left."} {"text":"a tall green tree"} {"text":"What kind of food is the man holding, a hotdog bun or a donut? Hotdog bun."} {"text":"a sign on a post"} {"text":"Who is in the image? Animals."} {"text":"A herd of elephants lumbar through tall grass."} {"text":"The ball is in the air."} {"text":"Khaki pants on the woman"} {"text":"nose on the lady riding a bike"} {"text":"Where was the picture taken? A ski slope."} {"text":"Where is the towel located? On the stove."} {"text":"Brown and white legs of a large tall giraffe."} {"text":"Does the container on the ground look brown? Yes."} {"text":"THE BACK OF A LAWN CHAIR"} {"text":"silver van parked on a curb"} {"text":"microwave with silver face"} {"text":"head light of bus"} {"text":"Is the boat on the shore? Yes."} {"text":"a tree trunk"} {"text":"Tree growing in park."} {"text":"tip of a banana"} {"text":"The spray bottle is green and yellow"} {"text":"Front of fighter jet"} {"text":"Is the beer on the left side or on the right? Left."} {"text":"Are the brown rocks behind a person? Yes."} {"text":"the uniform the man is wearing"} {"text":"fruit crate on top of fruit crate"} {"text":"larger green tree with thick branches"} {"text":"A man wearing a jacket, tie and holding a drink."} {"text":"Four manikins in the window advertising."} {"text":"Which side of the image is the man on? Right."} {"text":"Is this a bed or a couch? Couch."} {"text":"arm of a couch"} {"text":"part of the clear blue sky"} {"text":"White styrofoam cup"} {"text":"glass window on vehicle"} {"text":"How is the cow's coat? Brown."} {"text":"a four tiered wedding cake"} {"text":"a person in the background skiing"} {"text":"a potted plant"} {"text":"A clock saying it is 5:10"} {"text":"two zebras standing together"} {"text":"the black hands on the clock"} {"text":"What are the people doing? Crossing the street."} {"text":"What is in the bottle? Wine."} {"text":"What kind of tree is in the middle of the picture? Oak."} {"text":"A grey colored surface"} {"text":"A piece of wood coming out of a fire."} {"text":"a surfboard on the sand"} {"text":"young girl in a tank top and shorts"} {"text":"the knob is silver"} {"text":"Would I take this on vacation? No."} {"text":"What color is the bus? Blue."} {"text":"Who is the horse handler? Man."} {"text":"A woman carries a plastic bag as she moves along the sidewalk."} {"text":"A parking meter sitting behind a blue truck."} {"text":"What are the vegetables on the cutting board? Herbs."} {"text":"What color is the food? Orange and white."} {"text":"trunks of trees on ground"} {"text":"What letters are on the cup? 0."} {"text":"Where is the dog standing? In the sand."} {"text":"A pair of blue jeans"} {"text":"the bathroom floor is tiled in white and blue"} {"text":"window on a building"} {"text":"Black and white colored FREE under Bob Marley's picture."} {"text":"the sheep are grazing"} {"text":"Why is the player wearing a headband? Sweat."} {"text":"Would you have this for breakfast? Yes."} {"text":"What is keeping the legs warm? Pants."} {"text":"How many ovens are in the photo? One."} {"text":"person walking on the sidewalk"} {"text":"this is a living room with couches and a table"} {"text":"What number is on the bottom right? 96."} {"text":"unmowed grass in the camping area"} {"text":"wooden-like toilet seat top"} {"text":"mountain side covered with vegetation"} {"text":"Small ripples in the water"} {"text":"Is this a beach carnival? No."} {"text":"this is a motorbike"} {"text":"Cartoon fish with a scarf and a hat"} {"text":"Is there a skateboard or an umbrella in the image? No."} {"text":"a hut behind the giraffe"} {"text":"Are there both doors and windows in this image? No."} {"text":"the man is wearing a blue button down shirt"} {"text":"green leaves on the tree"} {"text":"How many giraffes are there? 1."} {"text":"A letter on a sign."} {"text":"Why is the woman holding her camera so close to the tree? Taking photo."} {"text":"two white sheep lying in grass"} {"text":"What is in the water? Sailboats."} {"text":"Has a bite been taken out of the hot dog? No."} {"text":"pink yellow and blue sky of sunset"} {"text":"What is silver? The pizza pan is silver."} {"text":"Streak of water inside of hole"} {"text":"Group of regular green trees"} {"text":"What is on the corner of the tub? A blue star."} {"text":"red and black ski suit"} {"text":"Bench made of wood"} {"text":"he's holding the racket"} {"text":"the basket is brown in color"} {"text":"Where is the pizza? Table."} {"text":"Wine bottles on the shelf"} {"text":"front light of a motorcycle"} {"text":"This is an elephant"} {"text":"Is the metal fence in the top of the image? No."} {"text":"lit logo of the laptop"} {"text":"What animal keeps the sheep in line? Dog."} {"text":"the frisbee player is wearing black and orange short"} {"text":"the hand of a person"} {"text":"the back of the building id covered in foliage"} {"text":"beliveau words on the photo"} {"text":"plants near the beach"} {"text":"How many pointed roofs are there in the background? 1."} {"text":"What is on the white refrigerator? Drawing."} {"text":"a small hand shovel"} {"text":"What do the blue letters say? Mta."} {"text":"vehicle traveling down road"} {"text":"Are the zebras tired? No."} {"text":"What are the spoon and the fork made of? Plastic."} {"text":"several fluffy clouds are in the sky"} {"text":"Home on right side is white"} {"text":"Silver eyebrow jewelery"} {"text":"What is the beverage? Beer wine."} {"text":"person waiting for the bus"} {"text":"What is the dog standing next to? A kayak."} {"text":"What is in the pot? Vegetables."} {"text":"A post with a clock on it is in front of a historic building for sale."} {"text":"What is on the ground? Dirt."} {"text":"What is the device to the right of the bottle on the sidewalk? Camera."} {"text":"Who is on a surfboard? A man."} {"text":"A toilet cleaning tool on the floor."} {"text":"orange traffic cone with white stripes"} {"text":"Which color are the sandals that she is wearing? Pink."} {"text":"the frame is black in color"} {"text":"the pigeons on a sidewalk"} {"text":"White car driving on road."} {"text":"a clock on a building"} {"text":"a woman wearing a black and white glove"} {"text":"A spatula"} {"text":"tail of the dog"} {"text":"Parking lot with white lines"} {"text":"ripples in the blue water"} {"text":"Black handlebar to the bike"} {"text":"What the girl holding? A bat."} {"text":"a cobble stone road"} {"text":"A person is water skiing and there are birds flying around above them."} {"text":"Which is the color of the horse? Brown."} {"text":"What is under the mouse? A mouse pad."} {"text":"this is a trunk"} {"text":"Strawberry slice on white plate"} {"text":"3 plastic bottles sitting on shelf"} {"text":"Skiers having fun next to a small ravine."} {"text":"Where is the boat? On the river."} {"text":"a building in a city"} {"text":"the teeth of a man"} {"text":"Who is posing? Girl."} {"text":"a balck and white bear"} {"text":"What do both the refrigerator and the stove top have in common? Color."} {"text":"A person with sewing needles sitting down with a laptop in their lap."} {"text":"tiled floor is white"} {"text":"Black pan on stove"} {"text":"What is the woman walking in? Rain."} {"text":"The flowers on the vase are roses"} {"text":"a bird flying above other birds"} {"text":"What are the green vegetables on the pizza? Broccoli."} {"text":"Do you see either any window or door that are made of metal? No."} {"text":"the red light"} {"text":"Large building out side"} {"text":"A woman sits on a man's lap under a pink umbrella."} {"text":"Who is in the water? Child."} {"text":"Where is the tall building? On the far left."} {"text":"man's skin shiny wet from ocean water"} {"text":"guy is wearing eyeglasses"} {"text":"a pair of silver and white skis"} {"text":"Where was the picture taken? In a kitchen."} {"text":"a lamb at night"} {"text":"White snow on the ground"} {"text":"sign behind metal railing on side of curb"} {"text":"a giraffe kissing a pole"} {"text":"many green trees in the background"} {"text":"A truck and luggage sitting on a cart by the dining saloon car of a train."} {"text":"An elephant's butt"} {"text":"A person ridding the waves on their surfboard about to crash."} {"text":"A person is sitting on a motorcycle in an alley."} {"text":"A blue, yellow and white motorcycle parked at a gas station."} {"text":"A clock that is inside of a large tower."} {"text":"A cat that is staring out of a hamper."} {"text":"the strap is yellow"} {"text":"player in the dugout"} {"text":"shorts on the man"} {"text":"Where are the stripes on the zebra's? Body."} {"text":"sink on island"} {"text":"What is the kid holding? Toy."} {"text":"ear of the zebra"} {"text":"the motorcycle and rider on the road"} {"text":"What is the sign's background color? White."} {"text":"What shade is the bus? Blue."} {"text":"Where are the people carrying this object? Luggage."} {"text":"A table top scene"} {"text":"red and white ball"} {"text":"There are a few cows standing in a field."} {"text":"person in a hoodie kneeling in the field"} {"text":"yellow green moss growing on the sidewalk"} {"text":"Two boys dressed in black shorts."} {"text":"seven wood chairs"} {"text":"the man wears glasses"} {"text":"What color is the drape? White."} {"text":"the ear of a cat"} {"text":"What color is the front of the train? Yellow."} {"text":"silver van driving up the hill"} {"text":"surf board the man is riding"} {"text":"a wood and metal park bench"} {"text":"An aircraft in the picture."} {"text":"Are there airplanes on the ground? No."} {"text":"When is this taken? Daytime."} {"text":"cream colored tennis shoe"} {"text":"What color is the dot to the right side? White."} {"text":"A tree that has several different chopped bananas."} {"text":"part of a brown hardwood floor"} {"text":"the thick black and yellow glove"} {"text":"bottom of bus is blue"} {"text":"A brown marble bathrom with a white toilet and polka dot linens"} {"text":"PAtches on the giraffe"} {"text":"White lines on the court"} {"text":"What kind of flooring is in the kitchen? Wood."} {"text":"Is there either a polar bear or an elephant in this photograph? No."} {"text":"part of a bottle"} {"text":"Do the curtains and lighting in this room look modern or old fashioned? Old."} {"text":"person wearing long pants"} {"text":"blue and white motorboat"} {"text":"The little girl picks at the cake."} {"text":"handle bars on a four wheeler"} {"text":"What is the bird walking in? Water."} {"text":"The color of the wall is a very bright white"} {"text":"policeman on large white motorcycle"} {"text":"What flavor frosting is on the cupcake? Chocolate."} {"text":"castle"} {"text":"grave with seasoning on top"} {"text":"a fork on a white background"} {"text":"Some sort of crane."} {"text":"a girl with half an orange shoved in her mouth"} {"text":"Is this person wearing socks? Yes."} {"text":"a white ceramic container with fruits"} {"text":"Do you see a scale? Yes."} {"text":"On which side of the image is the person? Right."} {"text":"Where was the photo taken? At a tennis court."} {"text":"The ground is brown,"} {"text":"Red cover dress of girl"} {"text":"When was the photo taken? Daytime."} {"text":"the number 5 on the coin"} {"text":"lamp mounted on the wall"} {"text":"herd of elephants walking through grass"} {"text":"this is a wave"} {"text":"Bluw vase with flower in it."} {"text":"Who is staring at boy? Spectators."} {"text":"What is the cat doing? Sitting."} {"text":"green line on wall"} {"text":"a man standing in front of a red back ground"} {"text":"The ground is made of concrete"} {"text":"What is the coffee mug that is to the right of the bacon full of? Coffee."} {"text":"a brown park bench"} {"text":"screen is turned on"} {"text":"Are both the planter that looks red and brown and the black bench made of wood? Yes."} {"text":"Black strap in front of green bag."} {"text":"brown dirt on baseball field"} {"text":"Fence next to table"} {"text":"Is the skier in a competition? Yes."} {"text":"a girl in the water holding her surfboard"} {"text":"A sea bird in flight"} {"text":"big blue flowers"} {"text":"a little kid in a very small swim suit"} {"text":"a truck is parked at the end of a street"} {"text":"red backpack"} {"text":"a yellow and red can"} {"text":"white numbers on side of train"} {"text":"The face of the dog"} {"text":"What color are his shoes? Black."} {"text":"A man stands next to a bird on a rock."} {"text":"Is the TV off or on? On."} {"text":"edge of a hallway"} {"text":"Where is the bear's face? In the water."} {"text":"Bird walking on the ground"} {"text":"What is on the elephant that is to the right of the people? Ornament."} {"text":"What shape is the clock in the photo? Round."} {"text":"window pane on city building"} {"text":"Man wearing a brown shirt"} {"text":"white whiskers of cat"} {"text":"Person has dark hair."} {"text":"The elephants eyes."} {"text":"The crib has a white pillow"} {"text":"blue and white tennis court"} {"text":"man with hat on smiling"} {"text":"black and grey purse"} {"text":"What is the aircraft to the left of the jet on the right? Airplanes."} {"text":"Young adults stand in front of a girl and a large wall painting."} {"text":"What is the gate made of? Wood."} {"text":"a carton of juice"} {"text":"one lone wooden shelf on wall"} {"text":"How are the boats? Small and mostly white in color."} {"text":"What is the horse doing? Drinking."} {"text":"What animal do the kids watch? Elephants."} {"text":"A white object mounted to a wall."} {"text":"the wheel on a cargo carrier"} {"text":"part of a court"} {"text":"Is this food considered dinner or dessert? Dessert."} {"text":"the fuel tank"} {"text":"This is a plane"} {"text":"shadow cast by shopping cart"} {"text":"The people are waiting for what? Train."} {"text":"two people eating outside a booth"} {"text":"Is the boy of the man wearing a bandana? Yes."} {"text":"Hot dog on wooden board"} {"text":"black number on clock"} {"text":"the man is wearing jeans"} {"text":"What does the man to the right of the TV wear? Pants."} {"text":"fuzzy brown bear ear"} {"text":"blue umbrella with dots"} {"text":"Where is this taken? Park."} {"text":"What is in the middle? Clock tower."} {"text":"woman surfing"} {"text":"Line across wooden table"} {"text":"A wall on the side of a building"} {"text":"Why is the over city foggy? Air pollution."} {"text":"green and brown grass"} {"text":"What is on the hot dog? Chili."} {"text":"tail of a bird"} {"text":"cup with brush"} {"text":"browned hamburger roll"} {"text":"Small black car parked on side of the road."} {"text":"white wave crest"} {"text":"a wood framed clock on the wall"} {"text":"White counter with wood edge"} {"text":"What is in the image? Train."} {"text":"A cluttered wooden coffee table."} {"text":"guys are on the background"} {"text":"A city bus is headed up a hill over a bridge."} {"text":"The skies in the snow."} {"text":"part of a trouser"} {"text":"the car is white"} {"text":"a noodle in a soup."} {"text":"What is the man wearing? Shorts."} {"text":"Pavement is stained with oil"} {"text":"An opened flip phone"} {"text":"cat has a pointy gray ear"} {"text":"On which side of the photo is the fork? Left."} {"text":"the boy is wearing a white shirt"} {"text":"A baseball player swings his bat while the umpire and referee wait behind him."} {"text":"What's the bear doing? Standing."} {"text":"surfer's feet on surfboard"} {"text":"The giraffes are standing in tall grass."} {"text":"Who is wearing a green shirt? A girl."} {"text":"Which kind of food is not white? Mushrooms."} {"text":"loading gear at the airport"} {"text":"yellow padding on the post"} {"text":"man wearing white collared shirt"} {"text":"An arm holding onto a surfboard"} {"text":"Several traffic lights are attached to a pole."} {"text":"The trunk is pointing to the ground."} {"text":"Is the water both rough and blue? Yes."} {"text":"How many players do you see in the forefront? 4."} {"text":"the label is on the jar"} {"text":"Three large kites flying in the sky near the water."} {"text":"a large plane parked on a runway"} {"text":"What is the person to the left of the motorcycle wearing? Boot."} {"text":"Which kind of food is on the bread? Sausage."} {"text":"smoke coming out of the caboose"} {"text":"white case on pillow"} {"text":"man wearing khaki pants"} {"text":"a folded white sheet for a bed"} {"text":"Where is the green truck? In the distance."} {"text":"What is green in the picture? Plants."} {"text":"large bush in the park"} {"text":"Is there any broccoli on the plate in the bottom? No."} {"text":"window of train"} {"text":"In which part is the man, the top or the bottom? Bottom."} {"text":"Does the car to the right of the other car look blue? Yes."} {"text":"the nose of a skater"} {"text":"man wearing a black jacket"} {"text":"Are both the backpack and the shirt the same color? No."} {"text":"What is shape of the front wheel? Round."} {"text":"girl has dark dress"} {"text":"Where is the television? On the wall."} {"text":"Where is the woman looking? To her left."} {"text":"How many women are in the picture? One."} {"text":"giraffe's neck is long"} {"text":"Part of brown tree trunk"} {"text":"What is on the stove? Teapot."} {"text":"red maple leaf"} {"text":"A man on a wake board on a body of water"} {"text":"car interior door handle"} {"text":"A blue tennis court"} {"text":"What is the line of? Cross country skiers."} {"text":"a red car on the road"} {"text":"dark pink teddy bear"} {"text":"a white napkin on table"} {"text":"a piece of sausage"} {"text":"A small refrigerator in a small kitchen with a window."} {"text":"Do they sell alcohol at this restaurant? Yes."} {"text":"a girl wears a crown"} {"text":"a patch on the army uniform"} {"text":"par tof a shade"} {"text":"He is outside."} {"text":"A window on the side of a building"} {"text":"offier riding bike"} {"text":"a white line painted on a road"} {"text":"A line of people in suits holding roses."} {"text":"The letter is black."} {"text":"A red apple beside a yellow apple."} {"text":"A small iced donut with sprinkles in a hand"} {"text":"a logo on the car"} {"text":"A mouth of a horse."} {"text":"Telephone line next to the train"} {"text":"Mirror hanging on the wall"} {"text":"On which side are the blinds? Left."} {"text":"wooden pole"} {"text":"zebra has black and white stripe"} {"text":"Two sheep on a green grassy pasture during a cloudy day."} {"text":"What type of food is this? Breakfast."} {"text":"A person walking on a street."} {"text":"Headlight of a vehicle"} {"text":"a pair of blue jeans"} {"text":"Are the blueberries to the right of the berry? Yes."} {"text":"black purse on chair"} {"text":"a man wearing a leather jacket"} {"text":"white clouds on the sky"} {"text":"How many bulls are there? Two."} {"text":"an exercise bike"} {"text":"What is on the wedding cake? Flowers."} {"text":"A baseball player pitching the ball to the hitter at a major league baseball game."} {"text":"the arm of a man"} {"text":"a man with black hair"} {"text":"Soup with broccoli in it."} {"text":"white and brown jacket"} {"text":"What's located on top of the eggs? Package."} {"text":"some children sit on their high chairs while eating"} {"text":"a dark blue ocean"} {"text":"tennis player venis williams"} {"text":"yellow letter on a sign"} {"text":"How many hanging lights are there? 3."} {"text":"A green and white street sign."} {"text":"What's sitting on the floor? Boot."} {"text":"Wood logs in front of the garden"} {"text":"the paddle is black"} {"text":"white snow"} {"text":"There is a wastepaper basket"} {"text":"A wall on the side of a building"} {"text":"Two wild horses cross a road in a green mountainous region."} {"text":"the arm and hand of person"} {"text":"Baseball shoes on a man"} {"text":"Photograph of competing horse and rider, tagged with URL."} {"text":"bright blue clear water"} {"text":"Who is wearing the jersey? Baseball players."} {"text":"A fence is visible."} {"text":"PARKING METER"} {"text":"Is the ocean shallow? No."} {"text":"a right handle to turn on facuet"} {"text":"the wall is white"} {"text":"tall pole posted on side of road"} {"text":"A plane traveling through the air, on a cloudy day."} {"text":"big red wagon"} {"text":"Of what color is the helmet that the boy is wearing? Black."} {"text":"Who is looking at the lady? Girl."} {"text":"Who is riding on the snowboard? Man."} {"text":"What sport are they playing? Skiing."} {"text":"White and red sign with a website address"} {"text":"the white cloud in the sky"} {"text":"camera on a persons sweater"} {"text":"Yellow and black school bus in the yard."} {"text":"Scooner boat on ripply waves of the water"} {"text":"a space with water"} {"text":"Why was this photo taken? To show the animal."} {"text":"directors chair made of brown wood"} {"text":"this is a road"} {"text":"wheel of the skateboard"} {"text":"Black eye of young giraffe"} {"text":"the leaves are green in color"} {"text":"What is the shop selling? Tool."} {"text":"white and grey bird"} {"text":"a coffee filter flower"} {"text":"a blue helmet on the girl"} {"text":"What part of the car is behind the cat? The windshield."} {"text":"blue and grey nike sneakers"} {"text":"Who is in the lap of the woman? A dog."} {"text":"Does the cow's hair look black? No."} {"text":"floating cylinder holding up a boat"} {"text":"small cart in building"} {"text":"the tiles are white in color"} {"text":"What colors the fence? Gray."} {"text":"a skier on the snow posing for the camera"} {"text":"a child baseball player on field"} {"text":"What kind of chairs are shown? Wooden."} {"text":"black sneakers on gray skateboard"} {"text":"What are the people wearing? Tie."} {"text":"two illuminated train headlights"} {"text":"What is the name of the cheese food? Sandwich."} {"text":"a yellow label is on the side of the hot dog"} {"text":"What is in the photo? An oven."} {"text":"A breakfast made by a child with a fathers day card."} {"text":"What color are the two sofas? White."} {"text":"What color is the top of the clock? Black."} {"text":"The computer is at the desk in front of the window."} {"text":"Bat in the player's hand."} {"text":"What do the symbols of the street sign mean? Walk and don't walk."} {"text":"A dark haired small boy"} {"text":"What kind of animal is calm? Zebra."} {"text":"lady in a yellow tank top"} {"text":"How many people have facial hair in the photo? 1."} {"text":"head of the man"} {"text":"Dirty, gray baseball pants"} {"text":"person wearing harness"} {"text":"calm marina water"} {"text":"hand of the person"} {"text":"large clouds over blue skies"} {"text":"Is the toilet seat up? Yes."} {"text":"person's shoes are black."} {"text":"leg of a person"} {"text":"How is the speaker's right arm positioned? Raised."} {"text":"What type of material was used to make the bottle that is to the left of the woman? Glass."} {"text":"Why is the giraffe's head bent down? To drink."} {"text":"What service is presented here? Food."} {"text":"white line on road"} {"text":"man in a white shirt"} {"text":"Toilet tank on back of toilet"} {"text":"man pointing at the cone"} {"text":"What color is the dog? The dog is brown."} {"text":"wheel on the skateboard"} {"text":"Is this a skateboarder or a snowboarder? Snowboarder."} {"text":"The photo is no longer available"} {"text":"What is the brown fruit? Kiwi."} {"text":"What is the woman using? Pole."} {"text":"A round white and silver clock on the wall"} {"text":"What is the name of the player to the left? Dye."} {"text":"A dark colored horse"} {"text":"two towels hanging above tub"} {"text":"red plane against blue sky"} {"text":"head of a guy"} {"text":"Brown and white patterned rug"} {"text":"Will this vehicle get a ticket from the police? No."} {"text":"A group of kids at a table with a pizza."} {"text":"a people holding a VOTE sign"} {"text":"Are there any glasses to the right of the person that is wearing a chef hat? No."} {"text":"Is the floor dirty? Yes."} {"text":"glass window on building"} {"text":"black post"} {"text":"man behind the counter"} {"text":"Where is this photo taken? In a bathroom."} {"text":"What is the color of the hut? Brown."} {"text":"Why is the leg in the air? Pitching the ball."} {"text":"Man wearing black tie"} {"text":"white thin paper plate"} {"text":"When is one good time to use computer? When researching."} {"text":"Three benches are next to the water near the bridge."} {"text":"What is in front of the van? Bench."} {"text":"A couple of kids are on their laptops"} {"text":"FRESH ORANGE CARROT"} {"text":"the mouse is gray and black"} {"text":"partial windshield of a car"} {"text":"What color is the street sign? Green."} {"text":"horse in the field"} {"text":"woman's white studded belt"} {"text":"a bear hugging another bear"} {"text":"What do the magnets on the fridge spell out? Nothing."} {"text":"Where is the snowboard? On the snowy ground."} {"text":"A bathroom with a red wall and poster in front of a toilet."} {"text":"A person in a purple jacket"} {"text":"section where knife connects to handle."} {"text":"The person that is to the right of the umpire is covered by what? Mask."} {"text":"A person is laying on top of an elephant."} {"text":"How many controllers are there? Three."} {"text":"How many surfers are walking out of the water? 2."} {"text":"the picture is framed"} {"text":"green cap on plug"} {"text":"pciture on the wall"} {"text":"wooden table with a blue plate on it"} {"text":"Man in dark shirt putting on a red neck tie."} {"text":"What is the person to the left of the ski wearing? Pants."} {"text":"Is there grass in the background? No."} {"text":"When is this? Daytime."} {"text":"Corner of the mattress"} {"text":"A black plastic lid."} {"text":"woman standing there watching"} {"text":"a black chair"} {"text":"View of the street with a traffic signal and shops."} {"text":"Black and white Boston Terrier dog"} {"text":"a couple of people with wii remotes in their hands"} {"text":"A large red stop sign."} {"text":"What color is the train? Yellow."} {"text":"White t-shirt on the light brown bear."} {"text":"concrete sidewalk next to water"} {"text":"Which color is the fireplace, black or white? Black."} {"text":"giraffe enclosed by rocky walls"} {"text":"What two colors comprise the fire hydrant? Red and black."} {"text":"What kind of animals are these? Zebras."} {"text":"What is on the wagon? Hay."} {"text":"the leaves of a tree"} {"text":"Is this a Mexican truck? No."} {"text":"A white towel"} {"text":"Two wings tacked on the side"} {"text":"waves in white and gray ocean"} {"text":"a purple-colored wall"} {"text":"Where is the dog? Living room."} {"text":"A tall, two-pane window"} {"text":"Which color is the chair the fruit is to the left of? Green."} {"text":"Clump of sheets on the bed."} {"text":"man wearing a hat"} {"text":"Where are the trees? Beside the elephant."} {"text":"A small blue oil can."} {"text":"guys with black shirt"} {"text":"Is the toasted sandwich on the round plate? Yes."} {"text":"patch of acne on man's neck"} {"text":"Dry and dead tree branches"} {"text":"Is the bag on the left of the picture? No."} {"text":"TWO GIRAFFES GRAZING IN THE TREES DURING THE DAY"} {"text":"What is the woman doing? Blow drying hair."} {"text":"What is around the man's head? Headphones."} {"text":"Is there onions in the bun? Yes."} {"text":"Is the pan to the left or to the right of the person near the sink? Right."} {"text":"arm of a person"} {"text":"kitchen sink full of dishes"} {"text":"What is covering the ground? Snow."} {"text":"Limbs hanging over water"} {"text":"a support metal bar of a shade"} {"text":"two yellow roses"} {"text":"driver of the motorcycle"} {"text":"Man and boy Ice sledding with umbrella"} {"text":"bear swimming in the water"} {"text":"a tire thread on the truck"} {"text":"Is there any laptop that is black? No."} {"text":"tree branch on a tree"} {"text":"door is color white"} {"text":"What is left of the toilet? Sink."} {"text":"What type of clouds are in the sky? Cirrus."} {"text":"The letters are white."} {"text":"Two black urn style vases with flowers in them atop a stone wall."} {"text":"a yellow stripe on road"} {"text":"Silver colored foil wrapper on the table"} {"text":"a tan building with a red roof"} {"text":"Bare branches with no leaves"} {"text":"a chair with green pillow"} {"text":"blue t-shirt"} {"text":"towel on a towel rack"} {"text":"Where is the train? On the train track."} {"text":"Which kind of clothing is puffy? Coat."} {"text":"small hanging clock"} {"text":"suns reflection is on the ground"} {"text":"Where is the dog laying? On the floor."} {"text":"white candle on the toilet"} {"text":"What animal is on the toy? Tinkerbell."} {"text":"the grass is green and tall"} {"text":"powered on desktop computer monitor displaying webpage"} {"text":"circular shaped roof of a large building"} {"text":"spots of a brown and white zebra"} {"text":"Snow on the ground."} {"text":"White helmet and goggles on skier."} {"text":"Sawhorses painted white and sitting in grass"} {"text":"Three ducks at a small artificial pond in a garden."} {"text":"How time of day was this picture taken? Daytime."} {"text":"How many people appear in this picture? Zero."} {"text":"dark drawer pull"} {"text":"ground with no grass where kid and man are standing"} {"text":"jet engines under two wings"} {"text":"Is the man in the bottom? No."} {"text":"The bikes kick stand."} {"text":"flowers on the bedspread"} {"text":"Are there any keyboards to the left of the device on the right of the photo? Yes."} {"text":"front tire of old world war II tan motercycle"} {"text":"A toddler walking around in a diaper with a toothbrush in his mouth."} {"text":"a white bird fying"} {"text":"A white four paned window"} {"text":"What is this room? Kitchen."} {"text":"three tree trunks"} {"text":"A picture of a hotel suite that is ready for anyone to stay in."} {"text":"the man's left arm"} {"text":"What color is the car closest to the camera? Red."} {"text":"Where is the grass? On the ground."} {"text":"What type of meat is on the pizza that is on the cutting board? Pepperoni."} {"text":"a silver door knob"} {"text":"Teddy bear is wearing a shirt"} {"text":"three brown spotted giraffes"} {"text":"the man is wearing jeans"} {"text":"How many phones are on the wall? One."} {"text":"Small horn on cow's head"} {"text":"door is white"} {"text":"Two elephants on the savannah"} {"text":"Does the soft blanket look blue? No."} {"text":"There is a bank with a green awning"} {"text":"What color are the walls? Powder blue."} {"text":"A bald man in the air."} {"text":"woman holding a bloody knife"} {"text":"Traffic signal on lightpole"} {"text":"What type of grass? Long."} {"text":"Who wears a hat? Skier."} {"text":"hat on the man"} {"text":"Where was this picture taken? Beach."} {"text":"What time is shown on the clocks? 10:20."} {"text":"How many drawers does the desk have? Two."} {"text":"a long stem glass containing red wine"} {"text":"a brown and black butterfly"} {"text":"How many zebra are in the water? 7."} {"text":"plate with paper on it"} {"text":"Pepper in a shaker."} {"text":"Who is driving the train? The engineer."} {"text":"What brand is the mouse? Dell."} {"text":"person on a surfboard"} {"text":"a body of water"} {"text":"What sandwich is shown? A hot dog."} {"text":"black letter on a sign"} {"text":"Are both these people male? No."} {"text":"The woman to the left of the man is holding what? Glove."} {"text":"the lady is in the store"} {"text":"a close up view of a girl in glasses and a tie"} {"text":"What room in the house is this? Kitchen."} {"text":"A metal pole in the photo"} {"text":"tall office building adjacent to park"} {"text":"blank screen on cell phone"} {"text":"a dim moon shares the sky with an airplane"} {"text":"White sign on side of road"} {"text":"a multi colored piece of art on wall"} {"text":"How many people in the photo? 30."} {"text":"Open laptop turned on"} {"text":"What is in the mug? Soup."} {"text":"three green lights for three lanes"} {"text":"Who is riding on the bike? A man and his dog."} {"text":"A young boy holding a silver baseball bat while wearing a hat."} {"text":"white surfboard on the sand"} {"text":"window on the building"} {"text":"A man stares at the ocean while carrying a boogie board in this black and white photograph."} {"text":"What is in front of the tree? Wall."} {"text":"Who has white snowboard with big lettering? Middle person."} {"text":"door has small window"} {"text":"What is the food in picture that cow can eat? Grass."} {"text":"The sneakers are new balance"} {"text":"black eyes on white face of panda bear"} {"text":"What cooking utensil is it? Pan."} {"text":"Street of a city"} {"text":"What is the number of luggage? 2."} {"text":"What are on the people's feet? Sandals."} {"text":"Front turn signal lights of a motorbike"} {"text":"Does the water look blue and calm? No."} {"text":"tan stitch on purse"} {"text":"What are girls holding? Umbrellas."} {"text":"Gray button on side of phone."} {"text":"Which kind of furniture is brown? Cabinet."} {"text":"nose on the blond man"} {"text":"What shape is the yield sign? Triangle."} {"text":"What item is behind the vase? A door."} {"text":"people skiing on the snow"} {"text":"Is this real? Yes."} {"text":"Are there any chairs or laptops in the picture? Yes."} {"text":"cockpit windows on a plane"} {"text":"red and white sign on a pole"} {"text":"What is the man wearing? Hat."} {"text":"A wall on the side of a building"} {"text":"Are there square tables or ottomen? No."} {"text":"How many people are in the image? None."} {"text":"Where is the fork? In a napkin."} {"text":"The top of the building is red and yellow"} {"text":"A wall on the side of a building"} {"text":"Does the sign say no dogs are allowed? Yes."} {"text":"What is in the ground? Giraffe."} {"text":"Rice on the plate"} {"text":"When does the scene take place? During daytime."} {"text":"black burner on the stove"} {"text":"Are there both a fence and a horse in the photo? Yes."} {"text":"blue couch with white symbols"} {"text":"Woman is wearing a black tank top"} {"text":"In which part of the photo is the mirror, the bottom or the top? Top."} {"text":"How many phones is the girl holding? One."} {"text":"People and cars on the street"} {"text":"pink tree on blanket"} {"text":"Green bush"} {"text":"What material is the ottoman? Leather."} {"text":"baseball players listed on black and white form"} {"text":"the black color watch"} {"text":"The man in red."} {"text":"the shorts are black"} {"text":"Glowing lamp on building"} {"text":"dim lights in the background"} {"text":"A man and women walking down a street while holding an umbrella."} {"text":"rear view mirror on a bus"} {"text":"Metal bolts on fire hydrant"} {"text":"Metal and glass light"} {"text":"Which kind of animal is perched on the boat? Dog."} {"text":"Which kind of vehicle is coming down the street? Bus."} {"text":"floor made out of tiles."} {"text":"orange color on the pumpkin"} {"text":"windows on a building"} {"text":"Is the happy person to the left or to the right of the chair in the top of the photo? Left."} {"text":"Red and white bus on the side of the road."} {"text":"building has a window"} {"text":"Are these vegetables? No."} {"text":"What item is slanted on the building? A roof."} {"text":"How is the food to the right of the veggies that are on the left called? Eggs."} {"text":"grated carrots on a plate"} {"text":"The bike is pink in color"} {"text":"home plate on baseball field"} {"text":"A group of tall green trees."} {"text":"heavy white snow on mountain"} {"text":"two people wearing ponchos and red hats"} {"text":"black flag on top of jump"} {"text":"How many people are on stage? One."} {"text":"Who wears the pants? Man."} {"text":"What color is the animal in the photo? Black."} {"text":"Where are the pillows? Bed."} {"text":"Bottom teeth of a zebra"} {"text":"Is it outdoors? Yes."} {"text":"What color is her shirt? White."} {"text":"fuzz around the hands"} {"text":"dirt covered playing field"} {"text":"What color is the grass? Green."} {"text":"What color is the side of the bus? White."} {"text":"tip of an evergreen tree"} {"text":"skateboard made of wood"} {"text":"pink mountain bike with basket on the front"} {"text":"engine of an airplane turned on"} {"text":"Which side is the gray curtain on? Right."} {"text":"black and white oven"} {"text":"Two blue umbrellas protect three boys while they are texting."} {"text":"What color is the skateboarder's shorts? Black."} {"text":"A man in a hooded jacked holding a CD player"} {"text":"What is wearing a white shirt? The man."} {"text":"slices of pizza"} {"text":"Who is behind the counter? A butcher."} {"text":"A white building wall"} {"text":"white plate on motorcycle"} {"text":"What is in the cup? Coffee."} {"text":"Is the man to the right or to the left of the woman that wears jeans? Right."} {"text":"Person is not wearing shoes"} {"text":"the brown hair of the woman"} {"text":"a steep snowy hill"} {"text":"Two people under one umbrella."} {"text":"What kind of trees are in the background? Green."} {"text":"books next to the microwave"} {"text":"Two feet on the ground."} {"text":"A leaf on the ground."} {"text":"the wall is shiny"} {"text":"The big right ear of a dog"} {"text":"top of white tree branch"} {"text":"What color is the grass? Green."} {"text":"What sport is being played with the elephants? Soccer."} {"text":"people at bus stop"} {"text":"How is the photo? Clear."} {"text":"A child who is in bed sleeping with toys."} {"text":"man's leg on surfboard"} {"text":"What is inside the cages? Cows."} {"text":"the neck of a giraffe"} {"text":"What color is the wetsuit? Blue and black."} {"text":"a parked black car"} {"text":"Is this a sea? No."} {"text":"this is an outdoors scene"} {"text":"the wall is tile here"} {"text":"cat has dark stripes"} {"text":"a red collar on the dog"} {"text":"a man wearing a cap"} {"text":"What is the woman's mouth doing? Smiling."} {"text":"bird sitting on a wire"} {"text":"What is on the wall? Clock."} {"text":"metal door of the tennis court"} {"text":"A train car on a bridge"} {"text":"What color is the sky? Blue."} {"text":"man is wearing dark green ski pants"} {"text":"Who is crouched behind the batter? The catcher."} {"text":"Stairs up to an entrance"} {"text":"The arm of a chair"} {"text":"What is on the plate? Sandwiches."} {"text":"How many arrows are seen in the photo? Four."} {"text":"this is a cable"} {"text":"How many animals are in the picture? 5."} {"text":"A young girl sitting in her bed and smiling at someone."} {"text":"a cord is hanging from the side"} {"text":"a white cup of black coffee"} {"text":"What is the name of the cathedral in the background? White house."} {"text":"Air purifier behind cat head"} {"text":"black wheel of airplane"} {"text":"The man is wearing jeans."} {"text":"Is there a boat in the water? Yes."} {"text":"bananas on a tree branch"} {"text":"Where is the picture taken? In a eatery."} {"text":"flag sticker is from Italy"} {"text":"Where in this image is the person, in the bottom or in the top? Bottom."} {"text":"Is it an indoors scene? Yes."} {"text":"Do you see skateboards in the park that is surrounded by the fence? Yes."} {"text":"blue and white plate on table"} {"text":"street light on the sidewalk"} {"text":"the wall in the background is made of brick"} {"text":"What is the man in front of? A building."} {"text":"a person walking across a street with a school bus in the background"} {"text":"The other man is also making a gesture with the hand."} {"text":"What type of transport is shown? Motorcycle."} {"text":"What is the boy holding? Cell phone."} {"text":"white clouds in blue sky"} {"text":"Wheels of an airplane."} {"text":"trees are green"} {"text":"the flower is blue"} {"text":"a person standing on the beach"} {"text":"woman has object on her head"} {"text":"stem end of a mango"} {"text":"flag on a flag pole"} {"text":"Woman wearing a black sleeveless dress"} {"text":"What is the name of the white piece of furniture? Table."} {"text":"What color is the man's hair? Brown."} {"text":"One white garage door"} {"text":"What pieces of furniture are made of wood? Cabinets."} {"text":"window on side of passenger bus"} {"text":"Tan colored row boat"} {"text":"Are the candles lit? Yes."} {"text":"light colored long sleeved hoodie"} {"text":"Who are these people? Frisbee players."} {"text":"bush being covered in snow"} {"text":"white foam from the wave"} {"text":"snow on the ground"} {"text":"What is the main subject? Bicycle."} {"text":"the mane and ear of a zebra"} {"text":"sailing boat with tall mast"} {"text":"eye of blue bird"} {"text":"One of three small clouds"} {"text":"yield sign attached to pole"} {"text":"What is on the table? Bowl."} {"text":"What is the number of bears in the photo? There are two bears."} {"text":"What is illuminating the room? A lamp."} {"text":"Rails near the train"} {"text":"letter g on silver jar"} {"text":"mast behind a motorcycle"} {"text":"bird walking on beach"} {"text":"light blue sky"} {"text":"two chairs with blue and green backs"} {"text":"What color is the wall? White."} {"text":"Is the cake being served? Yes."} {"text":"three people standing on the sidelines"} {"text":"Is the weather cloudless today? Yes."} {"text":"a white pillar"} {"text":"counter with shelves above"} {"text":"What is the plate sitting on? Tiles."} {"text":"What color shorts is the skateboarder wearing? White."} {"text":"Of which color is the mobile phone? White."} {"text":"A table full of cellphones of various shapes, colors and sizes."} {"text":"A woman standing beside a vintage red and white aircraft."} {"text":"a man's blue long sleeve shirt"} {"text":"Girl is wearing a headband"} {"text":"What is the statue holding? A bat."} {"text":"a bird that is standing in the grass"} {"text":"What is on the man's head? A hat."} {"text":"white pillow in hotel room"} {"text":"man has brown mole"} {"text":"What is in the background? Buildings."} {"text":"Two young people with their surfboards"} {"text":"A cross"} {"text":"umbrella is being carried"} {"text":"What animals are pictured? Sheep."} {"text":"A paddle boarder is navigating his paddle board through the surf."} {"text":"Is anyone in this photo sitting? No."} {"text":"grey sofa in living room"} {"text":"Are the utensils in the top or in the bottom? Top."} {"text":"Slow-cooked meat with tangy sauce."} {"text":"a beige and blue public service bus"} {"text":"ocean waves near beach sand"} {"text":"A woman opens the lid of a laptop built into a suitcase."} {"text":"round clock on building"} {"text":"top of green bin"} {"text":"reflection of person in electronic"} {"text":"When was the photo taken? Daytime."} {"text":"Group of men standing"} {"text":"green blade of grass"} {"text":"A woman standing by an oven"} {"text":"smoke from the planes"} {"text":"Where are the cars? On the street."} {"text":"The butterfly has orange spots"} {"text":"Reflector on the road"} {"text":"Are there either any trains or fences? Yes."} {"text":"What is on the white freezer to the right of the appliance? Paper."} {"text":"What is the lamp on? Side table."} {"text":"an arm of a person"} {"text":"yellow colored stabilizer pole"} {"text":"What is the man riding on? Skateboard."} {"text":"Pottery making artisan hand shapes her work on a pottery wheel."} {"text":"a building with vertical white bars"} {"text":"the bracelets on the wrist"} {"text":"Are there both helmets and bats in this photograph? Yes."} {"text":"A wedding picture of a bride and groom."} {"text":"a pink and white umbrella"} {"text":"Hills behind railroad tracks"} {"text":"Which kind of animal is on the beach? Horses."} {"text":"Which place is it? Forest."} {"text":"green zucchini squash on a green tray"} {"text":"Who is wearing the pink shirt? Woman holding the baby."} {"text":"What's behind the clock? A building."} {"text":"Electrical outlet on wall next to sink."} {"text":"Man with red suit on red and white motorcycle."} {"text":"a man staring at the elephant"} {"text":"the head of a man"} {"text":"The boy is holding the dog leash."} {"text":"Where is the black awning? Attached to the tan building."} {"text":"What is the guy doing? Sitting."} {"text":"the tv has a dark frame"} {"text":"What dark color is this long stem? Brown."} {"text":"long train is moving"} {"text":"What is on the dessert on the left? Strawberry."} {"text":"the water is calm"} {"text":"Where was this photo taken? Outside a building."} {"text":"Long painting on the wall"} {"text":"silverware wrapped up in a napkin"} {"text":"Stuffing is homemade and brown"} {"text":"Who is wearing the jacket? Umpire."} {"text":"Where is the red frame? On the wall."} {"text":"Green Hanging Glass From Ceiling"} {"text":"What brand is the clock? Sony."} {"text":"What is the bird doing? Sitting."} {"text":"brown metal train tracks on ground"} {"text":"A large chair"} {"text":"How many kids are eating? 2."} {"text":"Shoes hanging from telephone wire."} {"text":"gold ball on bottom of weather vane"} {"text":"Where is the strap for the umbrella? Hanging just behind the girl."} {"text":"How many toilets are seen? One."} {"text":"yellow and brown passenger train"} {"text":"A man in a red tie standing in front of a festival."} {"text":"What is next to the book? A spoon."} {"text":"Metal humanoid figues in black"} {"text":"white sneakers on skate board"} {"text":"A wood counter to display the vases."} {"text":"the clock is on the wall"} {"text":"Is the red vehicle to the left of the white fence? Yes."} {"text":"Are the people getting on the train? No."} {"text":"bird and cat facing off"} {"text":"an eye of a person"} {"text":"Who is riding an animal on the beach? Girl."} {"text":"a wood framed chalkboard"} {"text":"Who is wearing gloves? Man."} {"text":"Man has short hair."} {"text":"Chop sticks sitting on plate."} {"text":"the nose on the woman"} {"text":"Birds sit in a nest on top of a building tower."} {"text":"elevated terrain in back"} {"text":"green unripe blackberries"} {"text":"Where is the buildings? Behind clock."} {"text":"handle of the cup"} {"text":"Piece of cut up chicken on a sandwich."} {"text":"pizza on table"} {"text":"Is the blue water clean and choppy? No."} {"text":"What is suporting the sign? A pole."} {"text":"Are there any balls or pizza slices? No."} {"text":"a man's face"} {"text":"What kind of fast food is to the left of the man? Pizza."} {"text":"THIS MAN IS WEARING A BELT"} {"text":"car on a street"} {"text":"halfpipe skateboarder is skating on"} {"text":"brown handle of a wooden board holding pizza"} {"text":"What color is the plant life behind the bird? Green."} {"text":"he has two different colored wristbands"} {"text":"What kind of tire is against the building? Tractor."} {"text":"What color is the water? Blue."} {"text":"What color is the wall? White."} {"text":"What is the pattern on the plate? Polka dots."} {"text":"What is one man holding? Game controller."} {"text":"Handle bars of the bike."} {"text":"the skateboard under the dog"} {"text":"What is the tire made of? Rubber."} {"text":"the clouds is very dark"} {"text":"What pattern is on the surfboard? Wavy lines."} {"text":"red ball"} {"text":"jeep suv parked on curb"} {"text":"a black skateboard"} {"text":"arm of the man"} {"text":"A man holding a stick with some flowers behind him"} {"text":"black spot around cow's eye"} {"text":"the door of a gray minivan"} {"text":"Windshield of truck."} {"text":"tail of the bird"} {"text":"Does that sky look white? Yes."} {"text":"the pizza is yellow in color"} {"text":"What color is that bear? Black."} {"text":"these are some buildings"} {"text":"a sign says PATTISON"} {"text":"turquoise suitcase"} {"text":"Apples beneath the bananas"} {"text":"Which place is it? Field."} {"text":"What is the boy to the right of the person wearing? Shirts."} {"text":"Which kind of animal is to the left of the utensils? Dogs."} {"text":"the horses have hooves in the dirt"} {"text":"The dog's tongue is showing."} {"text":"Which side are the vehicles on? Right."} {"text":"Is the woman's heel touching the court line? No."} {"text":"Are there any kites to the left of the boy? Yes."} {"text":"What is on the plains tail? Woman."} {"text":"What is open? Oven."} {"text":"What color is the star? White."} {"text":"A man surfing a wave"} {"text":"A man riding a horse"} {"text":"Where are the mountains in the photo? Background."} {"text":"Young man on skate board"} {"text":"Was it taken in Winter? Yes."} {"text":"A pizza"} {"text":"Are the letters black? No."} {"text":"Is the small cabinet to the right or to the left of the drawer on the right? Left."} {"text":"Two men playing tennis on one side of the court."} {"text":"What is the woman holding? A teddy bear."} {"text":"Who is holding a fork? The baby."} {"text":"this is a truck"} {"text":"This is a person"} {"text":"buildings in the background"} {"text":"gray curb at the edge of the paved walkway"} {"text":"Where was this picture taken? Outside by street."} {"text":"HANDLE FOR CAR DOOR"} {"text":"A wet brown dog carrying a red frisbee."} {"text":"Does the boat on the left appear to be involved in a race against the boat on the right? Yes."} {"text":"A candle in a tray"} {"text":"Is it sunny? No."} {"text":"What is gray in the photo? Slab of cement."} {"text":"red print reaing HUNT F.O."} {"text":"Foot of white and black horse"} {"text":"What does the sign of the sitting man say? U.s. out of afghanistan."} {"text":"What animal is the door in front of? Dog."} {"text":"What color is the phone? White."} {"text":"Soap dispenser on mirror"} {"text":"A tall lightpole"} {"text":"Where are the animals? In the field."} {"text":"What is in front of the boy? Scooter."} {"text":"People are looking at horse"} {"text":"a small child wearing a brightly colored shirt"} {"text":"horse droppings on ground"} {"text":"Are there both fences and rackets in this photo? No."} {"text":"stop signs that are only pink"} {"text":"What the animal that is wild is called? Cheetah."} {"text":"Butter to spread on pancakes."} {"text":"A person holding up their pastry for the camera."} {"text":"white clouds in blue sky"} {"text":"multiple lights on the building"} {"text":"What are the birds doing? Swimming."} {"text":"What color is the clock? White."} {"text":"this is a man"} {"text":"Are there any sheep or horses? No."} {"text":"Do you see a truck near the fence? Yes."} {"text":"conveyor belt with dark suitcases"} {"text":"Is the horse's mane the same color as the rest of his body? No."} {"text":"What color is the umbrella? Pink."} {"text":"Does the envelope on the desk seem to be closed and white? No."} {"text":"thick stand of trees"} {"text":"\"Land near the ocean\""} {"text":"A child sits on a bed looking at a book."} {"text":"How many sinks are in the vanity top? 1."} {"text":"What type of bird is this? Hawk."} {"text":"bright eye on the side of the face"} {"text":"two brown bowls on top of salad bar"} {"text":"Cars are stopped at a stop light on a rainy day."} {"text":"How many people are at home base? 3."} {"text":"How many planes are pictured? One."} {"text":"A grassy tennis court"} {"text":"silver knives used for cutting the cakes"} {"text":"Why would this item be used? To put out a fire."} {"text":"Tracks on the ground."} {"text":"a black tennis racket with white strings"} {"text":"What is in the foreground of the photo? Sand."} {"text":"A man at a party holds up a large plastic bone"} {"text":"What shape is the door? Rectangular."} {"text":"bowl holding berries in it"} {"text":"What is this? Train."} {"text":"the black cane"} {"text":"a couch with two pillows"} {"text":"Sandwich on a bun on a white china plate with blue chevron trim."} {"text":"this is an eye"} {"text":"a silver fence"} {"text":"gravel surface"} {"text":"What is the fence made out of? Redwood."} {"text":"Large Rock in Field"} {"text":"What color are the letters? Blue and red."} {"text":"Are there red numbers or words? No."} {"text":"patch of grass near tree"} {"text":"Do you see skateboards or boys in the picture? Yes."} {"text":"Is the mirror on the right side? No."} {"text":"tree with tall skinny trunk"} {"text":"Is the ball on the left of the photo? No."} {"text":"What is the sun doing? Shining on the giraffes."} {"text":"Did the player swing at the ball? No."} {"text":"group of sheep drinking bottles"} {"text":"windows on side of buoilding"} {"text":"Young girl enjoying slice of pizza with sauce smeared on face."} {"text":"A person sewing a nose to a teddy bear."} {"text":"Do you think these are homegrown? Yes."} {"text":"The pants the person the horse is wearing."} {"text":"Are there coffee tables or mirrors that are not black? No."} {"text":"Person wearing a white uniform"} {"text":"square trailer on wheels"} {"text":"What animal is pictured? Sheep."} {"text":"What is the green light of? Man walking."} {"text":"a bunch of bacon"} {"text":"There are two men next to a computer."} {"text":"Where are the windows of the tower? Under the clock."} {"text":"this is the playing ground"} {"text":"What is in the girl's mouth? Her hand."} {"text":"fabric on the wall"} {"text":"red cap on spray can"} {"text":"What's painted on the door? Logo."} {"text":"Is the frisbee in the top part of the picture? No."} {"text":"A green traffic light at an intersection at night time."} {"text":"brown and white cow"} {"text":"Bright red stove knobs"} {"text":"woman waiting to get on bus"} {"text":"A skier wearing a backpack skiing down a hill side."} {"text":"gray and blue duck preening itself"} {"text":"How many in the photo? Two."} {"text":"Big cirle with gold in it."} {"text":"Is there a tea kettle or a pot that is not black? No."} {"text":"item to weigh product"} {"text":"wooden pole"} {"text":"Who operates the bus? Driver."} {"text":"red shoe worn by man"} {"text":"a man riding a bike"} {"text":"Men's white dress shirt"} {"text":"SMALL GRASS IN THE DIRT"} {"text":"How many feet are shown? 2."} {"text":"wheel of a skateboard"} {"text":"the man has a white shirt on"} {"text":"a roof covered structure"} {"text":"Girl is wearing black pants"} {"text":"patches of blue sky in between clouds"} {"text":"this is a sign"} {"text":"laptop on right is silver"} {"text":"Are they trying to figure out what to eat? No."} {"text":"Silver tap control handle for sink"} {"text":"two horses are by water and eating grass."} {"text":"Who took this photo? Person."} {"text":"The young boy is enjoying playing with the ball."} {"text":"What is the white area behind the bears? A wall."} {"text":"th ear has green tag"} {"text":"Is the small bowl to the right or to the left of the banana that is on the right? Left."} {"text":"tags are tied to the handle."} {"text":"some people are sitting outside in a village"} {"text":"a tree trunk"} {"text":"Is this a prairie? Yes."} {"text":"condiment bottle in the white fridge"} {"text":"What is the item of furniture to the right of the shelf in the center of the picture? Chair."} {"text":"How many people in picture? One."} {"text":"tennis backboard with the letter c on it"} {"text":"What does the tree surround? Field."} {"text":"stitched seam on a tan bear"} {"text":"the ground is paved with bricks"} {"text":"Is there any food or ice cream? Yes."} {"text":"man in the subway"} {"text":"a person on skis travels through the snow"} {"text":"plane with red, orange, and yellow stripes"} {"text":"blue sky with no clouds"} {"text":"Is the white cable behind a blender? Yes."} {"text":"a red brick"} {"text":"a black baseball helmet"} {"text":"Are the clouds below the white airplane? Yes."} {"text":"elephant walking in water"} {"text":"Several horses running down the track near a fence."} {"text":"baby in the blanket"} {"text":"Why is the photo blurry? Everything is in motion."} {"text":"What is the cow wearing in the left ear? A tag."} {"text":"Tree branches without leaves"} {"text":"How the image looks like? Good."} {"text":"brick building off in distance"} {"text":"one shiny metal door handle"} {"text":"The back tire that is visible on the gray car."} {"text":"boy wearing blue pants"} {"text":"A table with apples, peaches, toast, cereal and a beverage on it."} {"text":"What color is the woman's bag? White."} {"text":"side of a train"} {"text":"Are these people cooking? Yes."} {"text":"How big is the animal that the boy is holding? Small."} {"text":"two men kneeling with snowboards in the mountains."} {"text":"How many remotes are there? 2."} {"text":"purple box of tissues"} {"text":"Why is the giraffe's tongue sticking out? To eat."} {"text":"white baseball flying in air"} {"text":"Glasses on man's face"} {"text":"Are there either white beds or couches? No."} {"text":"Is the lady in the bottom part of the image? No."} {"text":"Is the empty pot in the top or in the bottom of the photo? Bottom."} {"text":"green leaves on trees"} {"text":"Small ripples in the water"} {"text":"surfboards on the roof of the car"} {"text":"What color is the jacket? Black."} {"text":"Brown spots on a giraffe"} {"text":"Blue jeans on the bottom of a man."} {"text":"structure for feeding giraffes"} {"text":"the woman is wearing a head scarf"} {"text":"skier wearing black coat and pants"} {"text":"Where is the snowboarder? In the air."} {"text":"The mane of the zebra on the right."} {"text":"these are some people"} {"text":"Is there either a cow or a fence in this picture? Yes."} {"text":"A man sitting on the floor of an empty room."} {"text":"stuffed animal is white"} {"text":"A pole holding traffic lights"} {"text":"What is in the sky? Storm clouds."} {"text":"Giraffe is eating."} {"text":"black mane on a horse"} {"text":"How many ovens are there? Two."} {"text":"Is there a cap on the bottle? No."} {"text":"Two boys standing next to a bed holding up different cellphones."} {"text":"Colorful hat with a bunch of hearts."} {"text":"This is a stop sign"} {"text":"A cat sitting in a chair pulled up to a table."} {"text":"A dish containing broccoli, carrots and beans on a white plate."} {"text":"train tracks on the street"} {"text":"What do both the wall and the towel have in common? Color."} {"text":"A bed is ready for someone to sleep"} {"text":"How many motorcycles are in the picture? Five."} {"text":"A plate of food of sandwiches and fruit"} {"text":"How large is the blue vehicle? Little."} {"text":"the kitchen door is open"} {"text":"beanie is color brown"} {"text":"What does the sign read? Italian raffaello restaurant."} {"text":"White clouds in a blue sky"} {"text":"white skirt girl is wearing"} {"text":"Is the banana green? No."} {"text":"Two light bronze colored candle sticks"} {"text":"a brown building in the distance"} {"text":"What does the meter read? Donation station."} {"text":"Green grass below the cow"} {"text":"Are there helmets or players? Yes."} {"text":"What meal is this food served? Breakfast."} {"text":"number on the clock"} {"text":"a second zebra standing in the background"} {"text":"A coach coaching people rowing."} {"text":"Discoloration on horses leg"} {"text":"this is the wall"} {"text":"What food is on the beef? Cheese."} {"text":"Faucet on the sink"} {"text":"brick wall used to support structure"} {"text":"an adult elephant a teen elephant and a baby elephant"} {"text":"a person walking on a sidewalk"} {"text":"Are there both hammers and surfboards in the picture? No."} {"text":"a woman holding an orange spoon"} {"text":"How is the weather? Overcast."} {"text":"How many lights are on the wall? Three."} {"text":"Who is in front of the large building? Snowboarder."} {"text":"people on snowboards"} {"text":"the pothole is round"} {"text":"Woman is wearing shorts"} {"text":"dark square brick on ground"} {"text":"eye of an elephant"} {"text":"man holding a long pole with a spatula-shaped object on one end"} {"text":"sunglasses on the face"} {"text":"PErson on the pavement"} {"text":"roman numeral number six"} {"text":"What is this a sideview of? A zebra's body."} {"text":"On which side is the small bowl? Left."} {"text":"What color is the remote? White."} {"text":"glass in window sill"} {"text":"a person behind the fence"} {"text":"a brown horse"} {"text":"How does the sky look? Overcast."} {"text":"What is on the mouth of the seagull? A beak."} {"text":"bicycle has arched handlebars"} {"text":"Who is in front of the tissue box? Boy."} {"text":"White pole object behind cat"} {"text":"A tree standing tall and straight."} {"text":"this is a spoon"} {"text":"cow standing in grass"} {"text":"Yellow, red, green traffic lights."} {"text":"cat looking at the camera"} {"text":"Woman walking holding umbrella"} {"text":"part of a cloth"} {"text":"A baseball player hitting a baseball with a bat at home plate."} {"text":"an electrical transformer"} {"text":"What color is the picture? Dark."} {"text":"this is food in a plate"} {"text":"What is the Frisbee blocking? Sun."} {"text":"Papers on a brown chair"} {"text":"What is on the ground? Snow."} {"text":"a metal man hole cover on a sidewalk"} {"text":"group of black cows"} {"text":"the picnic table near the food truck"} {"text":"A man wearing blue jeans"} {"text":"the train face is yellow"} {"text":"the table"} {"text":"The word REAR."} {"text":"A man wearing a white shirt."} {"text":"Is there either a mirror or a table that is black? Yes."} {"text":"Large animal in grassy field."} {"text":"young man on skateboard in front of green trees"} {"text":"Clock outside of the window."} {"text":"Is that an oven or a refrigerator? Refrigerator."} {"text":"Baby elephant is walking."} {"text":"A small giraffe laying down"} {"text":"Man and woman posing as clowns."} {"text":"Who is riding the motorcycle? No one."} {"text":"dark colored long sleeve shirt on a man"} {"text":"Green tree in background."} {"text":"A field full of green grass."} {"text":"A plate of hot dogs and other food."} {"text":"What type of sneakers is the skateboarding wearing? Black with white trim."} {"text":"How many items? 100."} {"text":"smoke detector on wall"} {"text":"A black cat sitting on top of a silver laptop."} {"text":"the table is dark"} {"text":"telephone poles line the road"} {"text":"What is the boy practicing? Tennis."} {"text":"the lettering is black in color"} {"text":"large jar of Frito-Lay Cheese Dip"} {"text":"What color are the boots, tan or blue? Tan."} {"text":"Does the cage seem to be large? Yes."} {"text":"Where is the boy? Boat."} {"text":"What flavor are the donuts? Chocolate."} {"text":"the mirror on the wall"} {"text":"Is the pot to the right or to the left of the chair that is made of wood? Right."} {"text":"A double decker bus going down the street."} {"text":"a little reading lamp beside the bed"} {"text":"Stones are yellow"} {"text":"CRUST MADE VERY NICE THIN"} {"text":"glass window on the building"} {"text":"the truck is parked"} {"text":"ground is dark brown"} {"text":"What is the man doing? Snowboarding."} {"text":"The goat has a green collar"} {"text":"What is on the staircase? A railing."} {"text":"an overhead street light"} {"text":"black cat on bed"} {"text":"What is behind the pans? A bottle."} {"text":"window attached to building"} {"text":"What does the woman's shirt say? I heart atl."} {"text":"Who is in the air? Skateboarder."} {"text":"guy is wearing black pants"} {"text":"this is a motor cycle"} {"text":"metal bar on decoration"} {"text":"Looking at the back end of a zebra while it's walking."} {"text":"a number of sheep in a field with dogs"} {"text":"large white bath tub"} {"text":"A car is parked outside."} {"text":"What sign is there? Crossing."} {"text":"pinky toe and toenail"} {"text":"What colors are on the book? White."} {"text":"the green tennis court the players are on"} {"text":"the banner is black"} {"text":"Light hard wood flooring."} {"text":"a light blue neck tie"} {"text":"The pizza is cut."} {"text":"silver handle on wood cabinet"} {"text":"What are the bears sitting on? An upright piano."} {"text":"Two older trucks are parked on opposite sides of the street."} {"text":"What kind of vegetable is in the pan? Broccoli."} {"text":"What color is the pot that is to the left of the magazine? Orange."} {"text":"A reflection of a man stepping over a puddle holding an umbrella."} {"text":"What color is the fire hydrant? Yellow."} {"text":"Small silver scissors next to silver scissors"} {"text":"A cow with horns and a rope halted and rope hanging in the brush."} {"text":"yellow and black engine"} {"text":"tree is next to tree"} {"text":"two knobs on the front of the stove"} {"text":"What are these creations made of? Bread."} {"text":"Does the road have white color? Yes."} {"text":"orange umbrella above people"} {"text":"part of a grass"} {"text":"woman talking on the phone"} {"text":"Three zebras eating straw at a metal manger."} {"text":"a black baseball cleat of batter"} {"text":"What are they for? Writing."} {"text":"thick white line on the ground"} {"text":"this is a grass area"} {"text":"Is the white keyboard to the right or to the left of the laptop on the desk? Right."} {"text":"A PAIR OF WHITE HANDLE BARS"} {"text":"What is the man doing? Sitting."} {"text":"What is cooking on the street? The man."} {"text":"What is above the train? Wires."} {"text":"What is the man studying? Paper."} {"text":"Are there any people to the right of the woman on the right? No."} {"text":"What is the boy doing? Skateboarding."} {"text":"chain links of fence"} {"text":"A bird walking through a dry grass covered park."} {"text":"sky is clear and blue"} {"text":"Slice pizza on a pie pan."} {"text":"Where is the microwave? Above the stove."} {"text":"Door on a train"} {"text":"What is on the ground? Grass."} {"text":"What is coming out of the train? Steam."} {"text":"Are the eyes blue or brown? Brown."} {"text":"Are there either helmets or catchers? No."} {"text":"drown spots on the bananas"} {"text":"Which place is it? Station."} {"text":"a white tennis skirt on a woman"} {"text":"Where is the pink plastic pot? Sink."} {"text":"pole by the house"} {"text":"snow on the ski tops"} {"text":"a cook wearing a red shirt"} {"text":"Do you see lamps that are not gray? No."} {"text":"Small ripples in the water"} {"text":"What is the color of the bowl that is in the bottom part of the photo? Green."} {"text":"silver knob on door"} {"text":"person at the baseball game"} {"text":"the water is clear and calm"} {"text":"A group of elephants on a grass surface."} {"text":"A green backpack"} {"text":"orange workers on model"} {"text":"the sun in the sky"} {"text":"His shirt is blue."} {"text":"the bus is black"} {"text":"Is the sign in English? No."} {"text":"When is the day is this occurring? Generally this photo appears to be occurring mid day."} {"text":"What color is the bucket to the left of the sheep? Black."} {"text":"brown table under stuff"} {"text":"the zebras are eating"} {"text":"a red and white piece of paper"} {"text":"stripes on cat leg"} {"text":"What mode of transportation is shown? Train."} {"text":"The white plate in the right hand corner."} {"text":"female on the poster"} {"text":"What is the device that is the same color as the antique chair called? Phone."} {"text":"a clock tower with two white clocks and some trees"} {"text":"the sheets on the bed"} {"text":"lego workshop bench"} {"text":"Which color is the coat, gray or red? Gray."} {"text":"this is an outdoors scene"} {"text":"A white trash bin"} {"text":"Where are bricks? On the ground."} {"text":"the water is blue"} {"text":"bicycle pedal on ground"} {"text":"Most of the grass is green"} {"text":"green pillows on the bed"} {"text":"What's in the container? Cheesecake."} {"text":"What color is the ball? Red and white."} {"text":"Is this a hotel? No."} {"text":"Which place is it? River."} {"text":"yellow wrist band on handa"} {"text":"What vehicle is on the dirt? Train."} {"text":"small holes in sneakers"} {"text":"What is the tray made of? Plastic."} {"text":"A muffin with topping on a white plate."} {"text":"shadows on green grass"} {"text":"What is reflected on the wall? There is a reflection of a white toilet."} {"text":"white keyboard under desk"} {"text":"a black car"} {"text":"Pink Christmas ornament on the tree."} {"text":"What is in the toilet? Toilet paper."} {"text":"A black sedan is in the foreground"} {"text":"a boy wearing pants"} {"text":"a woman wearing a black apron"} {"text":"What is shining in the dusk? Street lights."} {"text":"What color are the cabinets? White."} {"text":"BATTER GETTING READY TO SWING"} {"text":"Little boy wearing red baseball cap"} {"text":"What is the cake? A nurse hat."} {"text":"What is the cat blocking? A tv screen."} {"text":"green grass is on the ground"} {"text":"woman dressed in black shorts"} {"text":"electrical box is gray"} {"text":"The light on the wall"} {"text":"The Week Newspaper in a wall rack"} {"text":"an orange in a metal basket"} {"text":"the baseball on the ground"} {"text":"How many computer screens are in this picture? 1."} {"text":"the bank sloping into the water"} {"text":"Is the woman's hair short and brown? Yes."} {"text":"picture hanging on the wall"} {"text":"red double deck passenger bus"} {"text":"the woman is wearing a wet suit"} {"text":"Person wearing black coat."} {"text":"kid on a toilet"} {"text":"A man in a wheel chair shaking hands with a skateboarder"} {"text":"crease is in orange peel"} {"text":"Passengers after a flight awaiting for their luggage at baggage claim area in an airport"} {"text":"Do you think there's water nearby? Yes."} {"text":"The shorts have a pocket on the leg"} {"text":"the guy is upside down"} {"text":"vgreen leaves on the tree"} {"text":"Table that includes money, cellphones and pints of beer."} {"text":"the oriental rug on the floor"} {"text":"pizzza covered with vegetables"} {"text":"an exit sign on wall"} {"text":"A teddy bear in a chair"} {"text":"Puddles in the street"} {"text":"white print style letter"} {"text":"A man smiling holding a tennis racket"} {"text":"a fully open red rose"} {"text":"a black and silver chair"} {"text":"tall tree in parking lot"} {"text":"tusk of an elephant"} {"text":"A man in white"} {"text":"Who is wearing the glove? Man."} {"text":"Metalic rusted railway line"} {"text":"What's the necklace made of? Leather."} {"text":"the heater on the oven is on"} {"text":"Where are the switches? On the wall."} {"text":"What animals are shown in the photo? Birds."} {"text":"Where are the people at? Football field."} {"text":"bear has a foot"} {"text":"person in the water"} {"text":"The light post is across the street."} {"text":"two buildings in the foreground"} {"text":"woman wears a white shirt"} {"text":"front of a red double decker bus"} {"text":"What is the beverage in the container to the left of picture? Orange juice."} {"text":"The dirt is where? Hillside."} {"text":"man in the water"} {"text":"What is the older woman holding? A camera."} {"text":"Are there any chalkboards or skateboards in this scene? No."} {"text":"sliced cucumber on a sandwich"} {"text":"A sideways traffic light over a truck and pt cruiser."} {"text":"Plane's tail is visible in backgroud"} {"text":"A plate of food"} {"text":"small tuft of green grass near hyena"} {"text":"Where was the photo taken? Skate park."} {"text":"What color are the surfboards? White."} {"text":"A wooden tennis racket"} {"text":"A clock on a building"} {"text":"orange and white cones on road"} {"text":"the circular white plate"} {"text":"brown frame on wall"} {"text":"Does the sign have a different color than the car? Yes."} {"text":"Do you see plates or cakes? Yes."} {"text":"mouth of man in the red tee shirt"} {"text":"a hole on the mesh"} {"text":"What are they riding on? Surfboards."} {"text":"Is the child to the left or to the right of the woman in the middle of the picture? Left."} {"text":"carriage is dark green"} {"text":"the boy is wearing a white shirt"} {"text":"What is under the brown animal to the right of the woman? Motorcycle."} {"text":"What is he doing? Snowboarding."} {"text":"red bleacher seats by green wall"} {"text":"twisted black tire panel"} {"text":"the eye of a woman"} {"text":"A baseball game is happening as people look on."} {"text":"Does the grass in front of the fence look short? Yes."} {"text":"Person working in stone area"} {"text":"A kitchen that is neatly organized with kitchen decor."} {"text":"a white kitchen cabinet with one glass front door"} {"text":"Is this a professional photograph? Yes."} {"text":"Small single engine aircraft"} {"text":"the glasses of wine are half full"} {"text":"a white male wearing a shirt"} {"text":"a black cord plugged into a electrical outlet"} {"text":"a white city bus"} {"text":"red stripe at top of white poles"} {"text":"An orange traffic cone"} {"text":"Many leaveless trees in the background"} {"text":"Is it likely the photographer was impressed by the beauty and cleanliness of the room? No."} {"text":"Man is covering his face"} {"text":"concrete blocks are to the right"} {"text":"person wearing a black hoodie"} {"text":"A man riding a surfboard across a wave in an ocean."} {"text":"white clouds in blue sky"} {"text":"The meat is well cooked."} {"text":"What is the color of the plate on the table? Orange."} {"text":"Who is wearing the coat? Man."} {"text":"metal handle on roll up door"} {"text":"Is there either a red lamp or bed? No."} {"text":"What is situated in front of the dog? A tuft of grass."} {"text":"whiskers of the cat"} {"text":"What is the white piece of clothing called? T-shirt."} {"text":"What is on the man's feet? Sandals."} {"text":"text on a wii remote reading Power"} {"text":"part of a foot"} {"text":"What symbol is on the shirt? An eagle."} {"text":"beige roof over sidewalk"} {"text":"Man wearing a tan hat"} {"text":"Red and yellow train station on tracks."} {"text":"mirror to look at yourself while hand washing"} {"text":"a beautiful ,peaceful lake with a couple rowing a boat"} {"text":"A wall on the side of a building"} {"text":"What kind of animals are here? Dog and cat."} {"text":"Which place is it? Sidewalk."} {"text":"A green fried fresh onion"} {"text":"man leaping in the air"} {"text":"outer part of an apple"} {"text":"a woman on a beach holding a surfboard behind her"} {"text":"Three guys playing Frisbee on the sand at the beach."} {"text":"A scarf worn by the shepherd for protection from the sun."} {"text":"the room is an arch"} {"text":"What device does the person to the left of the stove hold? Phone."} {"text":"headlights on front of train"} {"text":"tile pedestal is white"} {"text":"the grass is green"} {"text":"Street signs hang at the intersection of Seaman Avenue and Cumming Street."} {"text":"Three tennis rackets together"} {"text":"What is on the bottom of the skateboard? Decorative art on bottom of two skateboard."} {"text":"A tall green tree"} {"text":"How many houses are there? Three."} {"text":"a pair of chopsticks"} {"text":"How many vases? 3."} {"text":"The mane is brown."} {"text":"What is a black color? Phone on the right."} {"text":"What part of the body is visible on everyone? Feet."} {"text":"What appliance is to the right of the stove? Dishwasher."} {"text":"Where is the picture in relation to the mirrors? In between."} {"text":"Stickers on the laptop"} {"text":"a awning on a building"} {"text":"Does this photo have a border? Yes."} {"text":"leg of a person"} {"text":"Empty standing platform."} {"text":"The propellers of the old fighter jet are spinning."} {"text":"What is the shape of the building's windows? Arch."} {"text":"Zebra standing in the shade between some trees."} {"text":"two eggplant on table"} {"text":"window in far wall"} {"text":"a snow covered pine tree"} {"text":"What is in the background? A tall palm tree."} {"text":"A pasta dish on a white plate with a fork."} {"text":"What is on the plate? Chili dog."} {"text":"wooden table in middle of room"} {"text":"Which kind of food is not frosted, the cake or the carrot? Carrot."} {"text":"What is the knife made of? Metal."} {"text":"a man wearing a ring"} {"text":"What color are the walls? Yellow."} {"text":"the bird has a beak"} {"text":"Is there a tennis racket or a bat that is made of metal? No."} {"text":"she is wearing white pants"} {"text":"leather arm chair"} {"text":"What is orange? Woman's tank top."} {"text":"a little boy sitting in front of a man on a motorcycle"} {"text":"water bottle laying down"} {"text":"woman with a brown fitting hat on her head"} {"text":"man kneeing on tennis court"} {"text":"railroad rails and ties"} {"text":"dirt field that the elephant is walking on"} {"text":"Capers in the blender."} {"text":"man looking at camera"} {"text":"yellow license plate on bus"} {"text":"a bear thick leg"} {"text":"small house has a window panel"} {"text":"A galley bathroom with a vanity an separate enclosed toilet."} {"text":"dinner in a bowl"} {"text":"the donut is whole"} {"text":"Child is standing on a yellow toy chair"} {"text":"Man in tan, blue and yellow shirt."} {"text":"A woman holding a flip phone"} {"text":"Which color is the cake to the right of the boy? Purple."} {"text":"Are the kids wearing the same color clothes? No."} {"text":"What is parked behind him? Motorcycle."} {"text":"Mirror mounted on wall"} {"text":"What is the rider in the foreground wearing on head? Hat."} {"text":"aluminum foil"} {"text":"The fireplace is painted white"} {"text":"Couple of people on the snow"} {"text":"What kind of trunk is in front of the zebra's? Thin brown tree trunk."} {"text":"Happy kite flying participant"} {"text":"How does the fence appear? Rusty."} {"text":"Red and white banner on the side."} {"text":"an ump in a light blue shirt"} {"text":"A linden tree overlooks a park bench on the banks of a lake."} {"text":"a big plane sits parked in an air port"} {"text":"the fence is white picket"} {"text":"What is the person to the right of the car wearing? Wetsuit."} {"text":"a license plate"} {"text":"Has someone eaten nearly half of the pizza? No."} {"text":"vase on the table"} {"text":"On which side of the photo is the SUV? Right."} {"text":"What item of furniture is not black? Desk."} {"text":"the white dish is empty"} {"text":"A blue line in the street."} {"text":"Are there doors or trains? Yes."} {"text":"BMW motorcycle for transportation."} {"text":"How many dogs are there? One."} {"text":"Are there both bags and bananas in this photo? No."} {"text":"What color are the fixtures on the white sink? Silver."} {"text":"Is this a store bought cake? No."} {"text":"What sport is being played? Baseball."} {"text":"There is a pair of black shorts here"} {"text":"Is the tree behind the parked vehicle? No."} {"text":"Brown medium length hair"} {"text":"the table is black"} {"text":"part of a table"} {"text":"Are there benches or mailboxes in the scene? No."} {"text":"he is wearing a gray shirt"} {"text":"elephant jumping on another elephant"} {"text":"What is the red fabric? Divider."} {"text":"Pretty pink decorated box."} {"text":"red and brown lables"} {"text":"What is the player holding? Tennis racket."} {"text":"What is the horse in? Air."} {"text":"What is the patch on the plane? Silver."} {"text":"What vehicle is the building behind of? Car."} {"text":"Where is the baby giraffe looking? Forward."} {"text":"Umbrella is black"} {"text":"Elephant is huge"} {"text":"Is the man wearing a watch? No."} {"text":"What's hanging above the fireplace? Painting."} {"text":"small brown teddy bear with dark brown eyes"} {"text":"Do the bowl and the suit have the same color? Yes."} {"text":"faded broken line down street"} {"text":"What is the vegetable that is to the right of the carrot near the cabbage called? Corn."} {"text":"a white colored traffic sign"} {"text":"Three chairs are arrayed around a table in a library."} {"text":"What ear is visible? The left side."} {"text":"this lawn is on an incline"} {"text":"Where was the picture taken? A bathroom."} {"text":"What year is the car? 1950."} {"text":"What does the sign mean? Stop."} {"text":"What is on the man's head? Headband."} {"text":"the cat is sitting at the table"} {"text":"woman has long hair"} {"text":"Lighted signs in bus windows"} {"text":"tall trees full of leaves"} {"text":"What color is the bowl? Clear."} {"text":"picture taken outdoors"} {"text":"slide behind the animal"} {"text":"the leaves are green in color"} {"text":"What color are the shoes? Black."} {"text":"Water in the ocean"} {"text":"What is reflected in the glass behind the vase? A camera."} {"text":"a white flag pole"} {"text":"What is the main focal point of this photo? A black and white zebra."} {"text":"What texture is the woman's hair? Straight."} {"text":"How many vehicles are in the photo? Two."} {"text":"What is the woman on? Surfboard."} {"text":"The young girl on the horse is wearing glasses"} {"text":"boots on the person's feet"} {"text":"What are the animals to the left of the stuffed bear in the top of the picture? Bears."} {"text":"What color is the wastebasket? Black."} {"text":"Glass bottle sitting on table."} {"text":"What vehicle is to the left of the helmet that is in the center? Truck."} {"text":"What color is the wall painted? White."} {"text":"Santa Claus is texting"} {"text":"A round dark bottle with white and blue lable."} {"text":"Is there a motorcycle or an umbrella in the photograph? No."} {"text":"man wearing black sneakers"} {"text":"ground is covered in snow"} {"text":"She is wearing a peach shirt"} {"text":"two wings on a plane"} {"text":"white plastic wheel on skate board"} {"text":"This is a boy"} {"text":"coconut trees in the background"} {"text":"What is the woman holding? Ski poles."} {"text":"a white tent is up"} {"text":"reflection of white carousel horse"} {"text":"Do the heels have black color? No."} {"text":"a person is wearing jams"} {"text":"A couple of bikers riding on top of motorcycles down a street."} {"text":"a bite in the apple"} {"text":"Where is the charger? Next to the laptop."} {"text":"George Bush for President poster"} {"text":"Where is the horse and dog? Ranch land."} {"text":"grainy green stripes"} {"text":"Left key on a dell mouse"} {"text":"furry ears of the dog"} {"text":"man sitting and using remote"} {"text":"A woman wearing a white shirt"} {"text":"What is the woman's dress called? Floral."} {"text":"white whiskers on black cat"} {"text":"A zebra is munching on some grass in a big field."} {"text":"blue walkway arbor"} {"text":"couple sitting on a bench"} {"text":"Is the red car to the right of the white helmet? Yes."} {"text":"Person comes in smiling using skis in a competition."} {"text":"blue trash can on a sidewalk"} {"text":"sheeps in a prairie"} {"text":"part of a paper"} {"text":"Are there any black skis or goggles? Yes."} {"text":"woman sitting on black seat"} {"text":"a green and white bus"} {"text":"design on the surfboard"} {"text":"White building beside river"} {"text":"Person is making a pizza"} {"text":"A white dog appears to be watching television."} {"text":"Is the blue helmet to the left or to the right of the player? Right."} {"text":"the frames are silvery in color"} {"text":"the sky is blue and clear"} {"text":"What is hanging from the bed? Ladders."} {"text":"Handle on front of washing machine door"} {"text":"What is that ring on? Rope."} {"text":"Is this giraffe poking its head in a cave? No."} {"text":"Where is the woman walking? On the sidewalk."} {"text":"Big green monument with a clock on top."} {"text":"the truck is parked"} {"text":"What device is flat? Computer monitor."} {"text":"Where is this located? Arizona."} {"text":"Kite in the sky."} {"text":"What is the device that the logo is printed on? Cell phone."} {"text":"part of a forest"} {"text":"What are the people that are to the left of the cake wearing? Sandals."} {"text":"City skyline"} {"text":"tracks in the snow"} {"text":"Are there any knives? No."} {"text":"What color is the silverware? Black."} {"text":"white car park on the side of the road"} {"text":"What animals are these? Horses."} {"text":"sink on top of cabinet"} {"text":"Person standing on concrete."} {"text":"Mario stuffed toy"} {"text":"When is the picture taken? Day time."} {"text":"What device is on the table? Cell phone."} {"text":"streetlamps along the road"} {"text":"Long sleeve navy blue shirt."} {"text":"black nose and mouth of the zebra"} {"text":"Large front orange wheel on a skateboard."} {"text":"Stem on outside of orange"} {"text":"white water from wave"} {"text":"Brown and black eyes on a chicken."} {"text":"Is the ground white? Yes."} {"text":"Window on the bottom of the building"} {"text":"the meter is next to the road"} {"text":"How many person carrying a surfboard? 2."} {"text":"What's the person doing? Taking a picture."} {"text":"surf board"} {"text":"The girl holds what? Surfboard."} {"text":"Where is the transmission? On the motorcycle."} {"text":"left curtains on door"} {"text":"Is the person falling off the surfboard? No."} {"text":"a roll of tissue"} {"text":"pimple near girls mouth"} {"text":"an umbrella"} {"text":"Does the boat on the dock have striped pattern and blue color? Yes."} {"text":"What game are they playing? Frisbee."} {"text":"What is directly outside the door? Rocks."} {"text":"How many horns does the animal have? 2."} {"text":"towel lying on bathroom vanity"} {"text":"Is the bread to the left or to the right of the bottle? Right."} {"text":"A house in the background."} {"text":"A horse in the bed of a truck"} {"text":"black and white shoe"} {"text":"it is daylight outside"} {"text":"light on the ceiling"} {"text":"a red stripe is on the plane"} {"text":"pants in the window"} {"text":"arched area on building"} {"text":"name of shop on canopy"} {"text":"Where is the can with the orange lid? Behind the cat."} {"text":"A bathroom with a white toilet next to a white tub."} {"text":"A large mirror with black framing on the wall of a bathroom above the sink."} {"text":"What is the cow doing? Standing."} {"text":"Who wears the shirt? People."} {"text":"yellow object on the counter"} {"text":"shadow of a bus on the road"} {"text":"The train is red."} {"text":"What is the animal that is walking near the water? Bear."} {"text":"Is the young boy to the right or to the left of the fence on the left? Right."} {"text":"A man is moving very quickly"} {"text":"weather vane at top of building"} {"text":"a bird on a book"} {"text":"solid black cat on top of wooden desk"} {"text":"Fork sitting on top of table"} {"text":"wooden doll on wooden block"} {"text":"What device is to the right of the laptop? Camera."} {"text":"horse is next to water"} {"text":"The shirt the man is wearing has what color? Black."} {"text":"Is there a fence to the left of the cow that looks black and white? No."} {"text":"Faucet on the sink."} {"text":"The sheep is white."} {"text":"the front view of this fire truck"} {"text":"What is the grains in the meal? Yellow rice."} {"text":"the shirt is gray"} {"text":"Number 12 written on red umbrella"} {"text":"Light reflection on the wall."} {"text":"Which side of the photo is the screen on? Left."} {"text":"Which animal is walking? Zebra."} {"text":"the black springs are metal"} {"text":"his shirt is orange"} {"text":"Black Nike shorts with a white line down the side of them."} {"text":"person on a skateboard"} {"text":"the red edge of a container"} {"text":"A cake with white frosting with a huge chocolate tennis show on top."} {"text":"license plate on wall"} {"text":"On which side is the chair? Left."} {"text":"What white matter covers the ground? Snow."} {"text":"What color is the food? Brown."} {"text":"The painting is of a zebra in a cage."} {"text":"Are both the pitcher and the ceiling made of the same material? No."} {"text":"What color is the tree? Green."} {"text":"white stripe on dark pants"} {"text":"White letter on green sign"} {"text":"edge of a cup"} {"text":"dirt and sand near deck"} {"text":"a group of horse racers running down a beach"} {"text":"What is the weather like? Sunny."} {"text":"tree growing in front of a building"} {"text":"Do you see cars or words? Yes."} {"text":"platform near the tracks."} {"text":"man skateboarding at park"} {"text":"Medium size trees are growing in the landscape"} {"text":"a yellow flower in the field"} {"text":"car is stopped in the middle of the crosswalk"} {"text":"What kind of animal is on the carpet? Bear."} {"text":"What sport do the children like? Soccer."} {"text":"What animal is in the foreground? Zebra."} {"text":"Oil lamps sits atop"} {"text":"Who is in the picture? Nobody."} {"text":"Where is the branch? On the tree."} {"text":"a glass with wine"} {"text":"child standing in back ground with father"} {"text":"A shrimp and tomato pizza on a wooden board"} {"text":"black shirt with small white polka dots"} {"text":"two clocks on a tower"} {"text":"the car is blue"} {"text":"a black metal trash can"} {"text":"A man wearing a wood tie in a booth selling them."} {"text":"an image of a person with a luggage rack"} {"text":"How many people are sitting down? 1."} {"text":"dry grass in background"} {"text":"black and grey snow glove"} {"text":"small trash receptacle with sliding lid"} {"text":"a white wrist band"} {"text":"light blue box between train tracks"} {"text":"Why is the pizza on a tray? To eat."} {"text":"The man is lifting up a dog"} {"text":"black snout"} {"text":"What time does the clock say it is? 5:10."} {"text":"Number 12 on green and yellow uniform"} {"text":"A public phone sign on a street sign."} {"text":"On which side is the carrot? Left."} {"text":"black helmet on the head"} {"text":"man holding phone in right hand"} {"text":"There is a brown floor visible here"} {"text":"water is rippled and glossy"} {"text":"Relish in the door"} {"text":"Two people are walking together with their skis in hand."} {"text":"What side of the microwave oven is the handle on? Right."} {"text":"black and grey tail"} {"text":"Where are the bananas? On a table."} {"text":"What is the woman riding? Skateboard."} {"text":"Are there any tomatoes on the white plate? Yes."} {"text":"patch of snow on mountain"} {"text":"the suitcase is color black"} {"text":"this is a surf board"} {"text":"purple and white sign"} {"text":"white clouds in blue sky"} {"text":"peach colored wall behind bed"} {"text":"green bush on side"} {"text":"black seat of a motorcycle"} {"text":"Are the people excited about their match? Yes."} {"text":"What is the color of horses? Brown."} {"text":"Snow on the ground."} {"text":"What is in the container? Plants."} {"text":"When was this? Daytime."} {"text":"Where is the tennis racket? In the man's hand."} {"text":"What color are the plants? Green."} {"text":"What color are the tusks? White."} {"text":"a picture of a duck and ducklings is part of this collage"} {"text":"multi colored flowers in vase"} {"text":"Four engine plane flying in lightly overcast sky."} {"text":"Which side of the photo are the kitchen cabinets on? Left."} {"text":"animal with yellow and red bombs"} {"text":"black item in photo"} {"text":"How many donuts do you see? 14."} {"text":"tall crane structures in the background"} {"text":"How many airplanes are there? 1."} {"text":"a logo on the life vest"} {"text":"What is on the bus? People are on the bus."} {"text":"Yellow line in the road."} {"text":"front two legs of giraffee"} {"text":"What are the photos of? Inside a house."} {"text":"Where are the people standing? By a double decker bus."} {"text":"Young child peering at simulated water wave in outdoor setting."} {"text":"What is the meat on top of the food with the cheese? Pepperoni."} {"text":"a brown wooden chair"} {"text":"What is white with grain? The bread."} {"text":"sugar from the donut"} {"text":"edge of the log"} {"text":"Where is the man? In the bathroom."} {"text":"What color is the sink? White."} {"text":"a tall building with a clock"} {"text":"a police officer is riding on a motorcycle"} {"text":"smiling face of Asian boy"} {"text":"the road is clean"} {"text":"In which part of the image is the man, the top or the bottom? Bottom."} {"text":"What is in the bottom right picture? Radishes."} {"text":"Is the man that is performing trick wearing a jacket? No."} {"text":"The two cats are sitting on the blue chair."} {"text":"front portion of the aeroplane"} {"text":"What is stuck to the trees? Ice and snow."} {"text":"frosting and cereal on donut"} {"text":"motorcycle helmet on man's head"} {"text":"the keyboard is white"} {"text":"black and white sneakers"} {"text":"woman wears a blue jacket"} {"text":"a veggie on plate"} {"text":"Large bushy green bush."} {"text":"cooked brocolli with seasonings"} {"text":"Why is he using his laptop in a library? Reading."} {"text":"Body of water by sheep."} {"text":"bar stools in a row"} {"text":"A bunch of people are walking down the street in a snow storm."} {"text":"Where are the lights on? Inside the store."} {"text":"Is this a competition? Yes."} {"text":"Who has the remote? The lady."} {"text":"The light is off."} {"text":"Is the cabinet on the left? No."} {"text":"What are the items of furniture on the brown sand? Chairs."} {"text":"Three people riding on ski lift"} {"text":"a lady bending over a desk in a room with a red chair and a blue chair"} {"text":"the tire is black"} {"text":"What is the woman doing with the food? Cooking."} {"text":"part of a trouser"} {"text":"piece of cake on a plate"} {"text":"A GREEN RIM AROUND THE SKATEBOARD"} {"text":"wicker container with personal products"} {"text":"Why is the person skiing? To move through the snow faster."} {"text":"Womans hand holding a hotdog"} {"text":"a silver fork being held"} {"text":"White melting cheese on a burger"} {"text":"sign on wooden post"} {"text":"How many shoes are on the bed? Two."} {"text":"What do the computer desk and the chair have in common? Material."} {"text":"Is the door brown or silver? Brown."} {"text":"a couple of birds standing on a dock"} {"text":"Where are do you see J-144? Tail."} {"text":"Braves written on baseball jersey"} {"text":"A silver and clear blender."} {"text":"Where is this location? Train station."} {"text":"What is the device to the right of the book in the bottom? Monitor."} {"text":"wood leg on table"} {"text":"green leaves on the tree"} {"text":"streetlights are present"} {"text":"The curtain hanging above the window"} {"text":"A bike parked in front of a couch next to a dog head."} {"text":"a man wearing a hard hat is riding a horse"} {"text":"woman holding a baby"} {"text":"magazine on the table"} {"text":"Which kind of meat is brown? Chicken."} {"text":"Is it dark outside? No."} {"text":"the grass"} {"text":"a building in a city"} {"text":"manicured green bush in distance"} {"text":"Is there a bike in the picture? Yes."} {"text":"4 sesame seed rolls"} {"text":"The flooring is tile."} {"text":"Does the shoe look white? Yes."} {"text":"the nose of a woman"} {"text":"Two blue train engines facing one another in a station."} {"text":"Where is the lid? On the table."} {"text":"The base of the skillet"} {"text":"top blue button on vest"} {"text":"this is a clock"} {"text":"Can you count all these bicycles? No."} {"text":"the plate is round"} {"text":"What is on the bookshelf? Books."} {"text":"The man is wearing a polo shirt"} {"text":"Laptop computer sitting on top of a table in a personal office."} {"text":"Is this mug to the left of a croissant? No."} {"text":"Red and white stop sign"} {"text":"What type of face is on the red light? Sad."} {"text":"table and set of chairs"} {"text":"gold and red crest"} {"text":"the toilet bowl cleaner"} {"text":"landing gear on a jet."} {"text":"Three skyscrapers in the distance"} {"text":"What is the door made of? Glass."} {"text":"donuts in a box"} {"text":"green grass on hill"} {"text":"Orange numbers that say 186"} {"text":"orange safety cone on floor"} {"text":"man wearing white dress"} {"text":"What color are the flowers? No flowers."} {"text":"How many martini glasses are there? One."} {"text":"leaves on the ground"} {"text":"the horse has ears that are straight up"} {"text":"What is the fence to the right of the bird made of, metal or wood? Metal."} {"text":"white shorts on a man"} {"text":"this is a boat"} {"text":"Which kind of furniture is gray? Chair."} {"text":"A person wearing pair of shoes"} {"text":"A person and a surfboard in the water."} {"text":"the bushes"} {"text":"Black glove on right hand of man riding the horse"} {"text":"white skis on the snow"} {"text":"part of white serving platre"} {"text":"a desk with a computer a laptop and monitor"} {"text":"The ear of the dog"} {"text":"the sign is red"} {"text":"What kind of business is across the street? Hair salon."} {"text":"black shoes on a man"} {"text":"A red pickup truck."} {"text":"What number is on the bus? 22."} {"text":"A bathroom is small with all white fixtures."} {"text":"wet brown sand"} {"text":"The water is blue."} {"text":"A purple sign with white writing"} {"text":"piece of broccoli covered in cheese"} {"text":"Batter watching a low ball during baseball game"} {"text":"The white bowl has food in it."} {"text":"A man wearing jeans and a black shirt riding a motorcycle in front of a truck and car."} {"text":"Have these sheep been sheared recently? No."} {"text":"two dishes on tray"} {"text":"red streamers on hood and around car"} {"text":"the women are wearing sunglasses"} {"text":"a grey cat sitting at a stool in front of a piano"} {"text":"a group of cows standing"} {"text":"Do these animals appear to be in a zoo? No."} {"text":"What type of horses are shown? Clydesdale."} {"text":"How close are the two giraffes standing? Next to each other."} {"text":"Right ear of a boy."} {"text":"a group of trees on the right side of the road"} {"text":"Does that shirt have black color? Yes."} {"text":"What kind of furniture is to the left of the book? Shelves."} {"text":"A woman hitting a ball."} {"text":"a rubber band on the wrist"} {"text":"black hair"} {"text":"A window you can see into"} {"text":"a woman's necklace"} {"text":"pizza in the box"} {"text":"colorful picture behind the ladies"} {"text":"What color is his shirt? Blue."} {"text":"tennis player on clay court"} {"text":"Who is playing frisbee? Man."} {"text":"the glasses on the boy's face"} {"text":"Is there a stuffed giraffe in pictured? No."} {"text":"A pavement on which there is a bicycle and a toilet."} {"text":"What is in the black bag? Trash."} {"text":"a row of bikes ontop the bus"} {"text":"What color is the snowboarder's jacket? Brown."} {"text":"What are the main toppings on the pizza? Cheese."} {"text":"a bush covered in snow"} {"text":"What's the mirror on? Wall."} {"text":"What is a man doing? Walking dog."} {"text":"Is she sleeping? No."} {"text":"Windows on front cockpit"} {"text":"black dog biting frisbee"} {"text":"What is the altitude of the plane? Low."} {"text":"What is red on the inside of the donut box? Sprinkles."} {"text":"the car is black"} {"text":"cat sleeping on blanket"} {"text":"Front door on the building"} {"text":"orange lettering on kite"} {"text":"the mane of a zebra"} {"text":"Rocks in the foreground"} {"text":"triangle shaped kite in sky"} {"text":"the print on the picture"} {"text":"What is the person dressed as? Optimus prime."} {"text":"What type of plane is it? Propeller."} {"text":"closed bay door at a fire station"} {"text":"A black and white cow stands in an enclosure."} {"text":"A living room with leather furniture and a flat screen TV."} {"text":"the man is wearing socks"} {"text":"person at top of building"} {"text":"A cut up banana and a bowl on a table."} {"text":"Table with a mac desktop and a mac laptop."} {"text":"What color is the mouse? White."} {"text":"dark drape covering part of window"} {"text":"A cup of plain yogurt."} {"text":"Who is playing? Child."} {"text":"this is the sky"} {"text":"man in white shirt wearing sun glasses"} {"text":"white desktop computer keyboard"} {"text":"What state are the bicycles in? Parked."} {"text":"The fence is brown"} {"text":"What is in front of the window? Plant."} {"text":"What color do you think the hat he wears is? White."} {"text":"red, black and white beaded headband"} {"text":"detailed artwork on the wall"} {"text":"Older Asian man holding camera."} {"text":"A bird's head."} {"text":"a tree in a field"} {"text":"The blue and white mat"} {"text":"Kicked up snow from snowborder."} {"text":"Is the umbrella on the right side? Yes."} {"text":"asian person has a hand"} {"text":"White cat in front of ironing board"} {"text":"A vehicle is yellow"} {"text":"What is the position of the closest zebra's ears? Up."} {"text":"the snowboarder is wearing an abstract design jacket"} {"text":"several buildings in the trees next to the runway"} {"text":"river running through the city"} {"text":"mustard is on the bun"} {"text":"this is a keybard and speaker on a desk"} {"text":"A farmers market with a variety of tropical fruits for sale."} {"text":"Man surfing on a small wave."} {"text":"man is holding a handle with strings"} {"text":"How many people are in the photo? None."} {"text":"Which kind of animal is on the grass? Elephant."} {"text":"A hotdog with toppings next to a basket of seasoned fries."} {"text":"a young girl wearing a black shirt"} {"text":"A man riding the waves in the ocean on a surfboard"} {"text":"Stuffed buck head hanging on wall."} {"text":"What shade of color is the tie? Brown."} {"text":"What kind of surface is the street? Pavement."} {"text":"A light colored cat sits in the window."} {"text":"dustbin is black in color."} {"text":"hazy gray skies"} {"text":"pole with signs on it"} {"text":"What is the pan located on? The stovetop."} {"text":"What is in the background? Tables."} {"text":"A cat that is in a kitchen sink."} {"text":"part of a floor"} {"text":"Where is the surfboard? In the man's hand."} {"text":"Some luggage appears to be locked to a rack."} {"text":"a red dog collar"} {"text":"Does the shower curtain match the curtain under the counter? No."} {"text":"bumper of the car"} {"text":"What is written on the white ship in the background? Armas."} {"text":"a man stretching his arm above head"} {"text":"An Air One logo on the plane"} {"text":"a man is sitting near a red sign by a street"} {"text":"What are the bulbs on? Ceiling."} {"text":"the red arm rests on the benches"} {"text":"skateboarder is wearing a white shirt"} {"text":"tall black riding boots"} {"text":"edge of computer screen"} {"text":"What kind of furniture is the cat on? Sofa."} {"text":"Wire of fan is black"} {"text":"Who is in the photo? Nobody."} {"text":"food is on a long white plate"} {"text":"Is there either a bag or an umbrella in this picture? Yes."} {"text":"safety rails for the skatepark"} {"text":"Who is wearing helmets? Two players."} {"text":"Yellow on the stem."} {"text":"Calm body of water"} {"text":"tall, skinny, yellow book"} {"text":"trees are in the background"} {"text":"A sandwich on a green plate"} {"text":"A bird flying in a beautiful sunset over the ocean."} {"text":"Wooden park bench with broken armrest"} {"text":"there is a toilet that is in the middle of the woods"} {"text":"The yellow part of the building"} {"text":"Is it outdoors or indoors? Outdoors."} {"text":"What time of day is it? Day time."} {"text":"What does the smaller horse like to eat? Grass."} {"text":"a long stick leaning on a rock"} {"text":"What is the pattern of the man's shirt? Stripes."} {"text":"What is the color of the train? Grey."} {"text":"a sky that is blue"} {"text":"train car on track"} {"text":"black tube that holds doughnut dough"} {"text":"Why is he standing against the car? Talking to the driver."} {"text":"What is the wood item of furniture? Desk."} {"text":"Traffic on a busy city street."} {"text":"Where is an area rug? On the floor."} {"text":"Is the cow tethered? No."} {"text":"Person has legs on the water"} {"text":"Where are the sinks? Mounted on the walls."} {"text":"What is brown? Giraffe."} {"text":"A sign that reads Abbetved and points to the right."} {"text":"Who is standing in the middle of the street? A boy."} {"text":"Man resting his face on his hand"} {"text":"What covers most of the ground? Dirt."} {"text":"a pair of women's blue jeans"} {"text":"writing on man's shirt"} {"text":"woman in a red jacket with long blonde hair"} {"text":"A clear blue sky"} {"text":"sandy beach front near water"} {"text":"Who is on the court? A woman."} {"text":"Three animals next to each other"} {"text":"sky is blue with wispy white clouds"} {"text":"Where was the picture taken? At a street corner."} {"text":"What do you think is reflected in the mirror on the left? Flower."} {"text":"Is this in England? No."} {"text":"What is the luggage on? Conveyor belt."} {"text":"Is the toilet paper roll full? No."} {"text":"What structure is pictured in the background? Cabin."} {"text":"Two balloons are flying."} {"text":"white colored human toe"} {"text":"Is this a wild horse? No."} {"text":"TRUNK ON THE FLOOR"} {"text":"What is under the man that is holding the surf board? Sand."} {"text":"hat is dark gray"} {"text":"Is the suitcase behind the cat? Yes."} {"text":"Light colored cars are in the background"} {"text":"Front window of train"} {"text":"clear glass of water"} {"text":"Brown hat with darker band"} {"text":"leg on man holding surfboard"} {"text":"Orange cup"} {"text":"Are there either umbrellas or benches in the picture? Yes."} {"text":"Who has brown hair? The young girl."} {"text":"clothes on the wall"} {"text":"What's on the grill? Lid."} {"text":"What animal is this? Dog."} {"text":"The cat has been hunting for mice"} {"text":"the lady is wearing a white t-shirt and a white hat"} {"text":"a kid playing baseball"} {"text":"What color is the frisbee? Blue."} {"text":"a length of chain hanging from the locomotive"} {"text":"What are the cooking utensils to the right of the woman that is wearing gloves? Pans."} {"text":"the bar is orange"} {"text":"glass partially filled with wine"} {"text":"large sign hanging from a pole"} {"text":"The white pillows on the bed"} {"text":"What is the yellow fruit? Lemon."} {"text":"Is the logo on a fence? No."} {"text":"What is the woman standing on? Grass."} {"text":"What kind of animal is this? A cat."} {"text":"Large reflective window on a bus"} {"text":"blonde hair"} {"text":"What kind of pants is the man wearing? Jeans."} {"text":"The boy has curly brown hair."} {"text":"Which side of the picture is the red vehicle on? Right."} {"text":"A man with a baby in his lap eating a pizza."} {"text":"Red frisbee in the air."} {"text":"Where is the man? In a bathroom."} {"text":"a clear place mat with green Christmas trees on it"} {"text":"white design on black surface"} {"text":"a large tree in distance"} {"text":"Are there both trains and windows in the photograph? Yes."} {"text":"A man standing in the city"} {"text":"green bananas on the tree"} {"text":"A cow standing in the ruins of buildings."} {"text":"Who is flying the kites? People."} {"text":"Which color is that logo? Brown."} {"text":"the police man is wearing a helmet"} {"text":"Clouds in the sky."} {"text":"woman with big smile holding racket"} {"text":"Is the fridge full? Yes."} {"text":"front of yellow car"} {"text":"A pile of wood on top of a dead animal."} {"text":"Number 90 on boat."} {"text":"white bubbles of water"} {"text":"Is the shirt short sleeved or sleeveless? Short sleeved."} {"text":"train has several passenger cars"} {"text":"A person playing with skateboard"} {"text":"wipers on the windshield"} {"text":"Is it a sailboat in the image? Yes."} {"text":"a tall lamp"} {"text":"Are there clouds? Yes."} {"text":"The word flickr spelled out in random tools"} {"text":"What number of airplanes are pictured? Seven."} {"text":"Two cows in the foreground grazing in the field while two sheep do the same in the background."} {"text":"waves rippling on ocean"} {"text":"Are there skateboards in the image that are not white? Yes."} {"text":"Where is the plate? On the table."} {"text":"zebra's two front legs"} {"text":"How does the sky look? The sky looks blue."} {"text":"Are there carrots to the left of the cat that looks black and white? Yes."} {"text":"dog has brown eye brows"} {"text":"boy smiling at a camera"} {"text":"the snow is sliced"} {"text":"umpire is watching play at third"} {"text":"Where are the black pants? On the skiers."} {"text":"edge of the bed"} {"text":"2 cats laying with each other."} {"text":"a black and white watch"} {"text":"Recessed lighting within a modern bathroom."} {"text":"A narrow desk with phone, computer and lamp."} {"text":"Where is the white comforter? Bed."} {"text":"What vehicle is shown? A bus."} {"text":"Where is the train? Tracks."} {"text":"a man lifting up a blue bag"} {"text":"Where is the man? Ground."} {"text":"balcony on front a door"} {"text":"the t is red and white"} {"text":"Is the utility pole that is made of wood carrying wires? Yes."} {"text":"the man is standing"} {"text":"dirt stain on the mans left knee of blue jeans"} {"text":"What is surrounding the area? Trees."} {"text":"Where is the giraffe? In front of the person."} {"text":"Eye of elephant"} {"text":"What are they looking at? Tv."} {"text":"electric wires in the background"} {"text":"How many horses are there? One."} {"text":"What is the floor made of? Of tiles."} {"text":"What type of business would you find a room like this in? Hotel."} {"text":"The phone is white"} {"text":"Two men pose while having a photograph taken."} {"text":"Red light on front of the train"} {"text":"What does that child hold? Bat."} {"text":"a group of trees"} {"text":"boy with his left leg behind him"} {"text":"one eye of the giraffe"} {"text":"Poles with red strips"} {"text":"Do these animals have the same type? No."} {"text":"A woman taking a picture of herself in a mirror with a camera."} {"text":"Belt loop on a man's pants that look green in color."} {"text":"A kid sitting on a motor bike with a helmet."} {"text":"red doors of train"} {"text":"strange drawings on a dusty window"} {"text":"the shirt is yellow and has buttons"} {"text":"giraffe with long brown mane"} {"text":"i on the bottom"} {"text":"A cup of dipping sauce"} {"text":"reflection in the glass"} {"text":"What type of fruit is to the right of the toy that is to the right of the stuffed dog? Banana."} {"text":"part f a food"} {"text":"white clouds in blue sky"} {"text":"A car on the road"} {"text":"How is the skateboard brand noted? With red paint."} {"text":"What colors are on the kite? Red and black."} {"text":"Where is the person? On the magazine."} {"text":"What is next to the stream? Bird."} {"text":"the floor is tarmacked"} {"text":"white lining around sneaker"} {"text":"The background is dark"} {"text":"this is a red shirt"} {"text":"a woman with long brown hair"} {"text":"Two people almost naked with cookies from the oven."} {"text":"the sky is discolored"} {"text":"these are two legs"} {"text":"What is on the table? Saucer."} {"text":"How many windows are visible? 13."} {"text":"a blue sun flower"} {"text":"Helmet on man's head"} {"text":"White cloud in the sky"} {"text":"Brown feathers on the duck."} {"text":"Four men playing Wii in a school room"} {"text":"cats ear"} {"text":"On which side of the photo is the pillow? Right."} {"text":"there are two men that are playing frisbee at the beach"} {"text":"dough nut used as bun"} {"text":"What is the plane doing? Landing."} {"text":"shirt is black"} {"text":"the number 5 on a clock"} {"text":"Is the mirror to the right of the cabinet on the right of the picture? Yes."} {"text":"Where are these cows? In a barn."} {"text":"The cat is eating off the plate."} {"text":"What has flowers? A vase."} {"text":"two people on a boat"} {"text":"a beautiful view of clouds"} {"text":"four long windows"} {"text":"bambo shade at top of the window"} {"text":"color blue in sky"} {"text":"What material is the snowboard made up of? Wood."} {"text":"STAINLESS STEEL HAND SINK"} {"text":"There is a sign on the wall."} {"text":"What is the batter to the left of the helmet holding? Bat."} {"text":"Log bench on the ground."} {"text":"Who is skiing? The woman."} {"text":"Are there both oranges and boxes in the image? Yes."} {"text":"wood bat of baseball player"} {"text":"Why is this person wet? In water."} {"text":"The remote controll button is black and white."} {"text":"A woman wearing a wrist watch."} {"text":"What color is the grass? Green."} {"text":"this is a tree trunk"} {"text":"What time is it? 3:02."} {"text":"Where is this photo taken? On the tennis court."} {"text":"This the truck's cab"} {"text":"a wooden bunk bed"} {"text":"pizza with meat toppings"} {"text":"sticky notes attached to computer screen"} {"text":"Letters are white color."} {"text":"an onion ring"} {"text":"What is made of wood? The cabinets."} {"text":"Is the young man to the right or to the left of the towel? Right."} {"text":"Is there a white skateboard or motorcycle? No."} {"text":"Are the people riding a buggy? No."} {"text":"The wine bottle is green."} {"text":"What is the pattern on the material across the table from the woman? Striped."} {"text":"people walking on the sidewalk"} {"text":"Who is in the photo? A man."} {"text":"Which theme park would have this display? Disney."} {"text":"Where is the train? On the tracks."} {"text":"there is a woman eating a burger between two men."} {"text":"plates on a shelf"} {"text":"This is a car"} {"text":"tall buildings behind the green trees"} {"text":"People are in background"} {"text":"What is the man in the foreground holding in his right hand? Tennis racket."} {"text":"Are the glasses silver or brown? Silver."} {"text":"the bike is blue"} {"text":"Does the plate on the table look square? Yes."} {"text":"light yellow fridge with wood trim"} {"text":"Do you see plastic chairs? Yes."} {"text":"Is the window above a cabinet? No."} {"text":"This is a tire axis."} {"text":"this is the sky"} {"text":"How many cups are there? 1."} {"text":"the red shoes on the man"} {"text":"Is there a chair to the left of the pizza in the middle? No."} {"text":"a white object in the water"} {"text":"Seat in front of the man."} {"text":"Where is the canister? On counter."} {"text":"the mans right shoe"} {"text":"Are there both boys and hats in this image? No."} {"text":"Does the dog that is standing look black? No."} {"text":"A ball boy waiting."} {"text":"remote holding by hand"} {"text":"decorative carvings on the column"} {"text":"a stuffed animal posed to look like its using a laptop"} {"text":"the item is color red"} {"text":"What type of place is shown? Yard."} {"text":"How many people do you see? 3."} {"text":"jar sitting on the counter"} {"text":"A baseball game is in progress with a pitch nearing the batter."} {"text":"name of the photographer responsible for this work of art"} {"text":"Woman wearing red jacket."} {"text":"this is a knife"} {"text":"What is the vegetable that the fork is on called? Corn."} {"text":"the head band is white"} {"text":"white line"} {"text":"Why is one sheep smaller than the rest? It's a baby."} {"text":"the girl's head with black hair"} {"text":"What is the red object? A piece of luggage."} {"text":"Who is wearing a hat? The skateboarder."} {"text":"How many trains are there? 1."} {"text":"a auqua blue and white bus"} {"text":"Nintendo Wii Nunchuck controller"} {"text":"What color is the woman's hair? Brown."} {"text":"Are these animals fighting? No."} {"text":"Two people taking a photograph of themselves in a mirror."} {"text":"Black case on the back of a motorcycle"} {"text":"For Rent sign with handwritten information"} {"text":"What is the color of the shirt? Red."} {"text":"What is the number of people with snowboards? 3."} {"text":"hand holding a cellphone"} {"text":"Tissue in the toilet bowl"} {"text":"Does the young person sit on a bench? No."} {"text":"The cheese is the color yellow"} {"text":"only one ball in photo"} {"text":"Are there both skis and frisbees in the image? No."} {"text":"Is the grass tall or short? Tall."} {"text":"Flag pole with flaccid flag"} {"text":"brown board on bench"} {"text":"A bus driving down the road near grass and trees."} {"text":"tan and brown patterned wallpaper"} {"text":"blue cloudy sky"} {"text":"Man wearing a white shirt."} {"text":"small elephant on sand"} {"text":"A key on a keyboard."} {"text":"When was this picture taken? Daytime."} {"text":"Are the container and the tap made of the same material? No."} {"text":"Who is in front of the black table? Woman."} {"text":"Two customers stand outside a Korean taco food truck."} {"text":"What is the street made of? Brick."} {"text":"a window on a building"} {"text":"city buildings in background"} {"text":"Where are they at? Farm."} {"text":"edge of a board"} {"text":"Does someone shape the hedge? No."} {"text":"Food stands are set up on the platform of a train stop."} {"text":"A pitcher filled with few flowers with green leaves."} {"text":"What type of vehicle is the house behind of? Truck."} {"text":"Metal city light pole"} {"text":"Where does the wine glass project a shadow? On table."} {"text":"A black rubber tire"} {"text":"Which color is this bench? Brown."} {"text":"Are there any gifts or bells in this picture? No."} {"text":"brown dirt around two zebras"} {"text":"What do the entertainment center and the dresser have in common? Material."} {"text":"a short metal fence"} {"text":"What part of the kitchen has a facet? The sink."} {"text":"man has his cellphone on his belt"} {"text":"What kind of cooking utensil is it? Pan."} {"text":"Ingredients for cooking sitting on the table"} {"text":"the waves are rough"} {"text":"the top of some kind of tower"} {"text":"A wall on the side of a building"} {"text":"bunch of bright oranges"} {"text":"What shade is the bottom portion of the train? Red."} {"text":"skis on a young female"} {"text":"Which kind of vegetable is to the left of the lettuce? Broccoli."} {"text":"Woman wearing green bracelet"} {"text":"big right wet ear"} {"text":"a black button on the phone"} {"text":"brocolli on the salad"} {"text":"How many giraffes are in the picture? 2."} {"text":"A door behind a man"} {"text":"What is in the sandwich? Meat."} {"text":"plastic floral tablecloth"} {"text":"Why is there a tree in the house? It's a christmas tree."} {"text":"A hand holding a bowl of broccoli and vegetables."} {"text":"Who is wearing a jacket? The man boarding the bus."} {"text":"Is the color of the pocket the same as that of the necktie? No."} {"text":"the yellow street light shining"} {"text":"What are the people on the road doing? Skateboarding."} {"text":"part of the sky"} {"text":"glacial valley"} {"text":"How many courts can be seen in the photo? 2."} {"text":"glasses in the building"} {"text":"giraffe has a right leg"} {"text":"Where is the man riding the bike? On a busy street."} {"text":"A group of people sitting on top of a green boat."} {"text":"What color is the sign? White and red."} {"text":"Is the tray on the black counter? Yes."} {"text":"Is that glare from the picture flash in its eyes? No."} {"text":"part of the ground"} {"text":"a small pretty brown vase with flowers."} {"text":"What is the girl holding? A racket."} {"text":"What color is the elephant? Grey and brown."} {"text":"Where was this picture taken? Restaurant."} {"text":"small and green limes"} {"text":"yellow frosting on cake"} {"text":"Photo is in black and white"} {"text":"blue street sign with white picture of adult and child"} {"text":"floor is brown and tiled"} {"text":"small tan brick on column"} {"text":"large round wheel on bus"} {"text":"What is the man on? Water."} {"text":"What is the cake sitting on? The counter."} {"text":"white snow on hill side"} {"text":"metal pipe under the sink"} {"text":"Is the person near the motorbike wearing a scarf? No."} {"text":"The rug is in front of what? Shower."} {"text":"bright green leaves on tree"} {"text":"blue plastic crates in boat"} {"text":"What is on the man's face? Goatee."} {"text":"the elephant is wet"} {"text":"ketchup on a weiner"} {"text":"Shadow of the two elephants"} {"text":"What color are these bananas? Green."} {"text":"this is a tissue paper"} {"text":"left arm of man in front of boat"} {"text":"flamingo in front of window display"} {"text":"Blue and red warning sign"} {"text":"Which kind of furniture is to the left of the lamp? Chair."} {"text":"How many bears? 1."} {"text":"words on bottom of blue snow board"} {"text":"How are the traffic lights hung? Pole."} {"text":"How many feathered animals can you see? 2."} {"text":"A person is standing up"} {"text":"What is the table made of? Wood."} {"text":"What is the tennis player wearing on his head? A sweatband."} {"text":"Any people on the trail? Yes."} {"text":"Is there either any brown grass or sand? Yes."} {"text":"What is the batter holding? Baseball bat."} {"text":"Are they playing the Wii? Yes."} {"text":"A gray lamp post"} {"text":"small child with brown hair"} {"text":"green plants in a planter"} {"text":"Who is catching the frisbee? Boy in the blue shirt."} {"text":"the handle on a bag"} {"text":"a small travel case on the ground"} {"text":"small short green tree"} {"text":"The track is clear."} {"text":"black box reflected in mirror"} {"text":"a persons arm"} {"text":"a red,white and black sign"} {"text":"green leaves on brown trees"} {"text":"Rear license plate on car"} {"text":"plates on the table"} {"text":"What do you think is the device that is to the right of the computer monitor? Router."} {"text":"Open-mouth boy in blue shirt"} {"text":"This door is open"} {"text":"Where is the linesman located? Standing in front of his chair."} {"text":"Is this a stunt actor? No."} {"text":"pack of giant yellow sponges"} {"text":"Black tire of plane"} {"text":"golden cross on building"} {"text":"the tab of a soda can"} {"text":"What are the people in? A row."} {"text":"Does the horse look friendly? Yes."} {"text":"A plate with a sandwich, hushpuppies and a salad."} {"text":"What is in the napkin? Toast."} {"text":"a pink napkin"} {"text":"Who is wearing the tank top? Girl."} {"text":"phone lifted up to the face"} {"text":"a wooden telephone pole"} {"text":"Where is the man skateboarding? Skate park."} {"text":"man with oar in hand"} {"text":"large bouquet of different kind of flowers"} {"text":"phone in mans left hand"} {"text":"Which place is it? Skate park."} {"text":"Table cloth is is green with light green squares"} {"text":"Gray elephant"} {"text":"What is next to the bottle? Bananas."} {"text":"a square of crossing wires"} {"text":"some power lines"} {"text":"dust covered black floor"} {"text":"Are there any vegetables or pizzas that are sitting? Yes."} {"text":"A man cutting a piece of paper with scissors."} {"text":"tire on the left"} {"text":"a soccer player on field"} {"text":"On which side of the photo is the cat? Left."} {"text":"Does the boy have long hair? No."} {"text":"What is on the person's head? A hat."} {"text":"A cute white goat eating grass near the street."} {"text":"Orange shirted man on a surf board."} {"text":"the remotes are white"} {"text":"What type of furniture is wooden? Bed."} {"text":"There is a toilet and a bathtub in a bathroom."} {"text":"Does the frisbee have red color and round shape? No."} {"text":"Black and white tennis shoes."} {"text":"carpet on the floor."} {"text":"Back wheel of motorcycle"} {"text":"What kind of lighting is in the room? Artificial."} {"text":"How does the sky look? Gray."} {"text":"What vehicle is large? Car."} {"text":"The vase is painting."} {"text":"surfer with hair slicked back"} {"text":"A small artisan pizza and a mug of liquid."} {"text":"Steps leading into a building"} {"text":"Is the glass in front of the pizza? Yes."} {"text":"What time is the picture taken? Daytime."} {"text":"metal information plate on stone building"} {"text":"Are there any leaves on the trees? No."} {"text":"What is the field's color? Brown."} {"text":"a bright white wall"} {"text":"Is the animal in the top part or in the bottom? Top."} {"text":"What hair is on the chin? Beard."} {"text":"red and yellow small kite"} {"text":"the ear of a cow"} {"text":"arches on clock tower"} {"text":"What is on the boys back? A book bag."} {"text":"How is the metal sign called? Stop sign."} {"text":"What is top of the pickles? Tomato slices."} {"text":"an electric traffic signal"} {"text":"the round blue sign"} {"text":"What is present? Motorcycles."} {"text":"A large yellow school bus on a road."} {"text":"white wheels with gray axles"} {"text":"Is this a dessert? Yes."} {"text":"a man's wrist watch"} {"text":"the bathroom is clean"} {"text":"this is a body of water"} {"text":"this is a doll"} {"text":"the flower pot beside the doorway"} {"text":"a fifties style motel sign"} {"text":"Is this a food that is good for your health? No."} {"text":"the placemat is green"} {"text":"How clean is the white thing near the sink? Dirty."} {"text":"Does the merchant have a diverse product mix? No."} {"text":"man wearing black shirt"} {"text":"the windows on top of the train"} {"text":"The picture is yellow"} {"text":"Who is wearing a shoe? Man."} {"text":"Toy figures sitting on top of monitor."} {"text":"A silver long towel rack hanging on the wall"} {"text":"A living are with couch, chair and a television."} {"text":"the sky is white"} {"text":"The left headlight on the car."} {"text":"What type of furniture is the person to the left of the napkin sitting at? Table."} {"text":"a white chinese spoon in a bowl"} {"text":"a pizza with green leafy vegetables"} {"text":"the lamp pole is dark in color."} {"text":"Is the dog to the left of a pillow? No."} {"text":"A cement bench with graffiti"} {"text":"A young man feeding a baby giraffe next to a wooden fence."} {"text":"a person in the photo"} {"text":"Red, white, yellow, and black stop sign"} {"text":"Baseball bats lined against a fence"} {"text":"Where are there sunglasses? Man's face."} {"text":"red pair of scissors."} {"text":"Is it cold? Yes."} {"text":"What's the man wearing on the elbows? Elbow pads."} {"text":"dot on an umbrella"} {"text":"What are the cars driving on? The street."} {"text":"Girl smiling"} {"text":"Uncooked pizza on a tray"} {"text":"White columns in front of building"} {"text":"Microphones mounted on boom stands"} {"text":"Is this truck backing up? Yes."} {"text":"What color is the top light? Red."} {"text":"large flaky croissant on plate"} {"text":"dinner plate with gold design"} {"text":"What's the sand in front of? Rock."} {"text":"A trunk of a car with milk, bowls, food and bags in it."} {"text":"A person is bent over on the ground"} {"text":"A black and white dog leaning on the man's soulder."} {"text":"the clock is white in color"} {"text":"black tissue dispenser on toilet"} {"text":"two people in the train stairway"} {"text":"two boxes on the wooden floor"} {"text":"Track ballast on the railway line"} {"text":"two cups in holders"} {"text":"Where are the people? Standing outside the train."} {"text":"electric pole along the street"} {"text":"blonde woman wearing black leather boots"} {"text":"The man is walking on the sand."} {"text":"black tire of bus"} {"text":"railing is ornate design"} {"text":"The steering wheel of the truck."} {"text":"Where's the polar bear? In animal pen."} {"text":"An old bench sits beside a pond where a goose is wading."} {"text":"the flowers are yellow"} {"text":"a close up of a person holding an open umbrella"} {"text":"A pair of little elephants drinking from the water."} {"text":"Where is the giraffe looking? At the ground."} {"text":"Girl with brown hair smiling"} {"text":"A glass of water"} {"text":"cell phone on table"} {"text":"What is arched and made of brick? The doorways."} {"text":"chimney on the roof"} {"text":"green grass area in view"} {"text":"What breed of dog might this be? Golden retriever."} {"text":"Fall trees with hardly any leaves"} {"text":"What kind of bus is behind the truck? Double decker."} {"text":"White stripes drawn on the street"} {"text":"What shape are the plates? Round."} {"text":"boy holding a hamburger"} {"text":"Is there a chair in the image? Yes."} {"text":"train with two small headlights"} {"text":"a child holding chopsticks"} {"text":"The boy is determined to show everyone how good he is on his skateboard."} {"text":"brown UPS vehicle"} {"text":"the ski poles are red"} {"text":"Is this picture taken from the ground or the air? Ground."} {"text":"sign on a pole"} {"text":"Are there both wine and food in the picture? No."} {"text":"On which side is the guy, the right or the left? Left."} {"text":"a catcher's mitt"} {"text":"Are there both a mirror and a trash bag in the scene? Yes."} {"text":"Is she having fun? Yes."} {"text":"What are white around the cat's mouth? Whiskers."} {"text":"this is a cap"} {"text":"What is outside? Water."} {"text":"man walking on skis"} {"text":"curved wood grain lines on table"} {"text":"the balcony is green"} {"text":"Who is wearing the helmet? Man."} {"text":"part of a grass"} {"text":"How many people are shown? Zero."} {"text":"Where is the cement slab? On the street."} {"text":"A man in a yellow and blue striped shirt"} {"text":"What color are the clock hands? Black."} {"text":"There are several trees behind the sign"} {"text":"airplane entry door"} {"text":"Which color is the cat the hat is on? Gray."} {"text":"the cars are parked"} {"text":"What color is the animal lying down? Brown."} {"text":"the boat is in the water"} {"text":"the street lamp lights"} {"text":"What is the vegetable to the left of the bowl made out of metal? Broccoli."} {"text":"When is the picture taken? Daytime."} {"text":"back of wooden dinner chair"} {"text":"the bent knees of a skier"} {"text":"Where was this photo taken? Living room."} {"text":"still water"} {"text":"silver railings on both side of the stairs"} {"text":"A cow with several people around it looks at the camera."} {"text":"chain-link fence near bus"} {"text":"edge of a wood"} {"text":"Where is the white vent? On the wall."} {"text":"How many claws can clearly be seen? 2."} {"text":"white and green waves in ocean"} {"text":"What color is the walls? Blue."} {"text":"Can you see the giraffe's legs? Yes."} {"text":"writing on top of the building"} {"text":"a person sits on a couch next to a box of pizza"} {"text":"Man is wearing pants"} {"text":"How many cars on this train? 4."} {"text":"How often are red signs with horizontal white lines shown in the photo? Twice."} {"text":"THE COUCH IS WHITE"} {"text":"A bags handle broke into three different peices"} {"text":"the inside of the boat is blue"} {"text":"Is there a lamp or a bottle in the picture? No."} {"text":"Is the elephant wearing a harness? Yes."} {"text":"Female horse jockey running with her horse."} {"text":"the dog has a red leash"} {"text":"Rocks by the track."} {"text":"The man is dancing"} {"text":"white ceramic bathroom sink"} {"text":"Who has blone hair? Boy holding phone."} {"text":"a dual sink"} {"text":"a picture on the wall"} {"text":"the drawer is wooden"} {"text":"Surf board in the white clumpy snow."} {"text":"Where is the shadow? On the wall."} {"text":"iced cake with writing"} {"text":"What is the item of furniture below the sink called? Shelf."} {"text":"Man is riding motorcycle on asphalt."} {"text":"Vehicle emblem on grill on silver car."} {"text":"a rusty wall of metal"} {"text":"white clouds in blue sky"} {"text":"bench has a wood post"} {"text":"part of a strap"} {"text":"the steel on crane"} {"text":"the shirt is orange"} {"text":"A bride and groom are standing next to their cake."} {"text":"the phone is black"} {"text":"Grass by the water"} {"text":"What decoration is on the top front of the building? Statue."} {"text":"Does the heater have a different color than the wall? No."} {"text":"a public service bus"} {"text":"Who is watching the crowd? Lady."} {"text":"Sandals for use at the beach"} {"text":"Is the ladder to the right of a boat? No."} {"text":"the red big bolt of a fire hydrant"} {"text":"What are the metal triangles for? Hold up roof."} {"text":"eye of a person"} {"text":"black head on the bird"} {"text":"Window of a building"} {"text":"plant is hanging over the side of the pot"} {"text":"light brown and white fluffy ears"} {"text":"the zebra's two back legs"} {"text":"Several people gather around a phone charger to charge their phones."} {"text":"What color is the vehicle? White and blue."} {"text":"a train is green"} {"text":"What has a flag on it? The building."} {"text":"What color is the second hand? Red."} {"text":"Which kind of furniture is green? Chair."} {"text":"What is that aircraft called? Airplane."} {"text":"Skiies leaning on the wall."} {"text":"a wave in the ocean"} {"text":"What is the man riding? A red bike."} {"text":"dog has frisbee in mouth"} {"text":"What is the man wearing? Red pin stripe pants."} {"text":"Where is the picture taken? Baseball field."} {"text":"What color is the vehicle? Black."} {"text":"a white tiled wall"} {"text":"Is the man to the left of the racket on the right of the picture? Yes."} {"text":"window glass in the car"} {"text":"Are the elephants fighting? No."} {"text":"Blue color on the surfboard"} {"text":"What ethnic group is the woman representing? African americans."} {"text":"Where is the skateboard? Under the man."} {"text":"Who are watching the elephants? Spectators."} {"text":"A wall on the side of a building"} {"text":"girl talking on cell phone"} {"text":"Is there a horse in the image? No."} {"text":"Should this person be sitting here? No."} {"text":"brown pit in avocado"} {"text":"gray dump truck on road"} {"text":"Airplane soaring in the blue sky"} {"text":"homo sapien in a wet suit"} {"text":"trees in the distance"} {"text":"Brown leg with white on it"} {"text":"What's on the stone? Bowl."} {"text":"Where is there a lot of baggage? On the motorcycle."} {"text":"Is the older human or younger human wearing glasses? Older."} {"text":"She wears glasses"} {"text":"What color is the man's jacket? Gray."} {"text":"a blue hood worn under a white parka"} {"text":"What is the man holding? Frisbee."} {"text":"white clouds in blue sky"} {"text":"the part of a train"} {"text":"Who invented time? Humans."} {"text":"What is green on horizon? Trees."} {"text":"clay colored striped border at top of vase"} {"text":"Brown glass hanging lights."} {"text":"Nose of seated woman"} {"text":"What is the train on? The train is on the railroad tracks."} {"text":"Where does the scene take place? In a bathroom."} {"text":"A cloudy sky."} {"text":"grey carpet on the floor"} {"text":"a large dog laying inside"} {"text":"the arm of a man"} {"text":"Parachute with yellow and black on it"} {"text":"Is there a sheep or a cow in the photograph? No."} {"text":"woman riding red bike"} {"text":"someone standing on a ski slope"} {"text":"Is the cow pulling the tractor? No."} {"text":"person in mid air"} {"text":"People walking up a dirt and rock pathway while leading donkeys carrying packs next to them."} {"text":"What surface are the sports players playing on? Grass."} {"text":"What vehicles are these? Buses."} {"text":"Where is the cake? On the small plates."} {"text":"A train going down the railroad tracks in the middle of snow."} {"text":"a brown part of a muffin"} {"text":"the red and white tablecloth"} {"text":"Man playing guitar in his car with a surfboard."} {"text":"pink horse on table"} {"text":"The animal is the background is small."} {"text":"man wearing a white shirt"} {"text":"a dark brown table"} {"text":"a snowboarder coming down a hill"} {"text":"Large window on a house"} {"text":"the ear of a brown and tan giraffe"} {"text":"man holding onto string of kite on ground"} {"text":"The person's nose"} {"text":"Does the table made of wood appear to be up? Yes."} {"text":"Where is the streetlight? In the forefront of the photo."} {"text":"What is in the bowl? Fruit."} {"text":"Where is the smaller truck facing? Toward the camera."} {"text":"yellow daffodils on a stem"} {"text":"black base of light"} {"text":"Is the person that is skiing wearing a ski? Yes."} {"text":"a copyright label"} {"text":"group of young kids"} {"text":"Is the spinach in the bottom or in the top part of the image? Bottom."} {"text":"Stainless steel kitchen appliance."} {"text":"A man playing tennis stirs up a cloud of dust."} {"text":"What shade is the truck? Pink."} {"text":"windows to a building"} {"text":"Four fingers wrap handle of knife"} {"text":"Box are brown color."} {"text":"a large metal machine"} {"text":"blue plastic suitcase behidn"} {"text":"the horse has white legs"} {"text":"long tail on giraffe"} {"text":"A series of cargo planes sits on the runway."} {"text":"man playing tennis on a dirt court"} {"text":"What color are the buses in front? Green."} {"text":"white line painted on a tennis court"} {"text":"patch of black hair on the end of a tail"} {"text":"Does the chair by the tree look open or closed? Open."} {"text":"Close up picture of a broccoli and bacon dish"} {"text":"One player lurching over the other to catch a frisbee in open grassy area."} {"text":"a small green leaf"} {"text":"two people on couch"} {"text":"man has blue pants"} {"text":"An apple on the table"} {"text":"Two broken toilets sit on a sidewalk waiting to be picked up."} {"text":"white flecks on the table"} {"text":"Who is doing the tricks? The boy."} {"text":"The hand has lines."} {"text":"tall brown bottle on table"} {"text":"people are sitting in chair"} {"text":"girl has long hair"} {"text":"blurry grey elephant"} {"text":"large wide white paper"} {"text":"What part of the bench do people sit? The seat."} {"text":"A yellow line on a runway"} {"text":"the trunk of a elephant"} {"text":"neon sign for hotel."} {"text":"The AA is on the tail."} {"text":"What is the baseball bat made of? Wood."} {"text":"a light blocked by a plant"} {"text":"Where are many trees? In the distance."} {"text":"the reflector is orange"} {"text":"Which color are the child's shoes? Black."} {"text":"What are the five yellow items in the sky? Kites."} {"text":"a cow eating grass"} {"text":"Who is this bike made for? A man."} {"text":"What color elephant head is on top of the car? Pink."} {"text":"On which side of the image is the towel? Right."} {"text":"What is white on the table? A plate."} {"text":"Large hills in background of airport"} {"text":"a black backpack"} {"text":"two boys eating hotdogs next to a camp fire one boy is waring a clack shirt the other isn't but waring white shorts"} {"text":"long black fur on goat"} {"text":"Where is the motorcycle seat? In the center on the motorcycle."} {"text":"white stickers on the box"} {"text":"Who holds the remote that looks white? Boy."} {"text":"What is on display? Clocks."} {"text":"How are the children walking? Together."} {"text":"Brown and yellow banana"} {"text":"the mountains behind the trees"} {"text":"Which kind of furniture is under the island? Cabinets."} {"text":"an orange van in the street"} {"text":"a red brick on the fireplace"} {"text":"three people siting at table"} {"text":"this is a black bag"} {"text":"underside of two wings"} {"text":"Are there both stars and pictures in this photo? No."} {"text":"Are both the cup and the desk made of the same material? No."} {"text":"a spoon on the plate"} {"text":"What is filled with food? Dish."} {"text":"How many people are shown? 5."} {"text":"white electric toothbrush with long neck"} {"text":"Gas tank on a motorcycle."} {"text":"Where is the towel hanging? Bathroom."} {"text":"What is the bear doing? Walking."} {"text":"A man in a striped shirt"} {"text":"a range of snowy mountains"} {"text":"Is the side table in the bottom part of the image? Yes."} {"text":"Window with wood frame"} {"text":"A woman with strawberry blonde hair."} {"text":"Is the kitchen tidy? Yes."} {"text":"Which place is it? Street."} {"text":"What is the giraffe doing in the picture? Walking."} {"text":"the truck parked behind the tree"} {"text":"What vegetable is lining the dish? Beans."} {"text":"Model train cars and train station"} {"text":"What is the cat lying on? Drawer."} {"text":"the grass is green"} {"text":"What color does the giant chair have? Pink."} {"text":"Decorative art on the wall of the building"} {"text":"Why is the car stationary? It is parked."} {"text":"black candy bar phone"} {"text":"What kind of event is likely taking place here? Meeting."} {"text":"the pot is white"} {"text":"edge of a lamp"} {"text":"Is there a water body? Yes."} {"text":"A heard of zebras grazing in the wild"} {"text":"How is the plant standing? In a vase."} {"text":"Are these zebras in the wild? Yes."} {"text":"Where is the crowd? Behind the dog."} {"text":"The top traffic light."} {"text":"What airplane is leading? The middle one."} {"text":"What is on the man's head? White hat."} {"text":"condiment on the table"} {"text":"part of the tail of a kite"} {"text":"item sitting on round clear plastic tray"} {"text":"crumbs from cake on plate"} {"text":"hat with white tag"} {"text":"A metal covered roof"} {"text":"Man is wearing a cap"} {"text":"What is the man using? Laptop."} {"text":"white and gray cat sitting inside a sink"} {"text":"Was this photo taken in the wild? Yes."} {"text":"gray beard on face"} {"text":"Who is wearing black gloves? Skier."} {"text":"What is white on the sign? Graffiti."} {"text":"sun on the floor"} {"text":"Three dogs lying on the ground covered with grass"} {"text":"How is the piece of furniture on the thin pole called? Table."} {"text":"What is spraying out of the hydrant? Water."} {"text":"brown wooden fence"} {"text":"woman carrying a bag walking down sidewalk"} {"text":"When was this photo taken? Outside, during the daytime."} {"text":"Who has male pattern baldness? Man in black jacket."} {"text":"legs of the animal"} {"text":"black shadow under elephant"} {"text":"Some cars are at an intersection with stop lights."} {"text":"Trees standing inside the pavement"} {"text":"street beside the sidewalk"} {"text":"helmet is white"} {"text":"A light in the room"} {"text":"an ear of a person"} {"text":"Front part of car is black."} {"text":"Do you see any people to the right of the vehicle that is to the right of the bus? Yes."} {"text":"the fence in front of the church"} {"text":"A leafless tree"} {"text":"eyebrow on man's face"} {"text":"Pair of piers."} {"text":"tall metal overhead above train"} {"text":"Do you see a bike that is not silver? Yes."} {"text":"Lots of dead grass in the foreground."} {"text":"Car parked near the park"} {"text":"cattle grazing in a field of grass"} {"text":"hair on a mans head"} {"text":"an emergency door of a plane"} {"text":"a man in front of a restaurant"} {"text":"white and yellow flowers"} {"text":"a trunk of a tree is in front of the elephant"} {"text":"A woman in blue dress playing a game of tennis."} {"text":"Which kind of vehicle is in front of the house? Truck."} {"text":"A tall clock tower on the face of a building."} {"text":"a section of brown split-rail fence"} {"text":"What are these? Giraffes."} {"text":"two red poles in the ground with a sign"} {"text":"A hoop earring hanging from an ear"} {"text":"The door of the bus."} {"text":"white splashes of water."} {"text":"Is this a bento box? Yes."} {"text":"Two people ride a motorbike."} {"text":"What's shown in the display case? Donuts."} {"text":"Is he wearing jeans? Yes."} {"text":"snowboarder in motion on slope"} {"text":"a red and black camera strap"} {"text":"A black and white photograph of a man in a suit standing in front of a license plate on a wall."} {"text":"white blind on window"} {"text":"section of a cake that is missing"} {"text":"edge of a wave"} {"text":"What kind of furniture are the books on? Chairs."} {"text":"Is there a cup to the right of the food at the table? Yes."} {"text":"What is located on top of the cake? Candle."} {"text":"Mist of snow made by the skier."} {"text":"What is being flown in the sky? Kites."} {"text":"A car on the road."} {"text":"Where are the houses located? To the left of the train."} {"text":"Gift box wrapped in blue."} {"text":"poster hanging on the wall"} {"text":"traffic signal on a pole"} {"text":"What is the brown horse walking in? Water."} {"text":"Are there either any benches or grinders in this image? No."} {"text":"hat worn by man"} {"text":"The sky is blue."} {"text":"Tennis racquet resting against a bench"} {"text":"the front of a passenger bus"} {"text":"a watch the guy is using"} {"text":"What is the inside of the van made of? Steel."} {"text":"Where are eggplants? Behind green bell peppers."} {"text":"Small white groutline on the floor"} {"text":"flowered upholstery fabric"} {"text":"a red brick on the wall"} {"text":"head and bulb portion of a streetlight"} {"text":"Electrical poles in the background"} {"text":"Is that a heater in the refrigerator? No."} {"text":"donut has brown glaze"} {"text":"What is in the road? Cracks."} {"text":"many flags stuck the ground in a grassy area"} {"text":"What color is the dishwasher? White."} {"text":"What is the woman buying in the store? Groceries."} {"text":"a zebra facing left"} {"text":"Where was the picture taken? In a kitchen."} {"text":"What does the woman wear? Pants."} {"text":"What color is the street? Grey."} {"text":"What color is the grass? Green."} {"text":"The brick sidewalk the people are walking on."} {"text":"What is in the bottles? Hot sauce."} {"text":"What is the vase in? Glass cube."} {"text":"What kind of animal is to the left of the rope? Dog."} {"text":"What animal is covered by the blue sheet? Dog."} {"text":"Pole by the door"} {"text":"What is the man to the left of the laptop sitting on? Couch."} {"text":"a tree branch in the area"} {"text":"man wearing blue jeans"} {"text":"tall green grass grows in a field"} {"text":"Which room is this? Bathroom."} {"text":"cat has orange eyes"} {"text":"a man in a blue shirt"} {"text":"Are there either any cups or plates in the image? No."} {"text":"two pairs of scissors"} {"text":"the left knee of a guy"} {"text":"side of the bus"} {"text":"What hand is the man holding the plate in? Right."} {"text":"What has windows on it? Building."} {"text":"A slice of cake on a blue plate"} {"text":"Sign on the building"} {"text":"How many animals are pictured? 1."} {"text":"A yellowish blanket under the top one"} {"text":"Shirt hanging aside."} {"text":"What pattern is the woman's shirt? Plaid."} {"text":"What is the main color of the van? White."} {"text":"blue wheels on cart"} {"text":"Two people are enjoying their day"} {"text":"homemade pizza being made"} {"text":"Which symbol we can see on bike? Bmw."} {"text":"Is there a bear in the picture that is sitting? Yes."} {"text":"white grooves in vase"} {"text":"A window on a building."} {"text":"A bathroom sink beneath a very large mirror reflecting a roll of toilet paper."} {"text":"hand sticking through the fence"} {"text":"What is the pink sheep doing? Grazing."} {"text":"Is that a missile in the background? No."} {"text":"part of a white ceiling"} {"text":"woman wearing a backpack"} {"text":"a pit in sand"} {"text":"A bathroom counter"} {"text":"What color are the leaves on the tree? Brown."} {"text":"A girl posing for the camera while holding a sandwich."} {"text":"What are the yellow colored items? Pasta."} {"text":"How many people are shown in this photo? Three."} {"text":"a bird is in a boat"} {"text":"The horse's tail is long"} {"text":"What type of food is to the right of the tomatoes that are on top of the meat? Onion ring."} {"text":"a pan on a gas stove"} {"text":"Who is holding the remote control to the left of the blinds? Child."} {"text":"windows on the tug boat"} {"text":"Is the man to the right or to the left of the truck? Right."} {"text":"the trunk of a tree in the zebra pen"} {"text":"a yellow caution sign"} {"text":"What is the name of the appliance that is to the left of the pillows in the middle? Radiator."} {"text":"What color is the man's shirt? White."} {"text":"the tree is bare"} {"text":"Does the shirt look orange? Yes."} {"text":"What is next to the table? A silver chair."} {"text":"a man"} {"text":"Who would use this location? Someone needing to go to the bathroom."} {"text":"Are there any sheep to the right of the fridge? Yes."} {"text":"a brown football"} {"text":"The tail end of a car"} {"text":"What kind of vehicle has the same color as the sticker? Truck."} {"text":"Who is wearing a ski? Man."} {"text":"a woman"} {"text":"What type of body part is this? The back legs on the big zebra."} {"text":"the handle on the racket is white"} {"text":"What is holding the games? Shelf."} {"text":"What color is the horse? Brown."} {"text":"Two adult and one baby elephant are standing in a muddy area."} {"text":"Player preparing to take swing at pitch during major baseball game."} {"text":"What color is the gate? Yellow."} {"text":"How many trains in the train tracks? One."} {"text":"What is yellow and plastic? A container."} {"text":"What time was this photo taken? 12:20."} {"text":"What is the man holding in his hand? Cell phone."} {"text":"car has break lights on"} {"text":"What is the green stuff on the tree? Moss."} {"text":"Which side of the photo is the can on? Right."} {"text":"black section of the kite"} {"text":"a guy throwing a baseball on the field"} {"text":"legs of bench are round"} {"text":"What are the girls doing? Cooking."} {"text":"woman sitting down"} {"text":"a hand pointing in a downward direction"} {"text":"What race are the people? White."} {"text":"the phone is red"} {"text":"Why are the boats still on the beach? Anchored."} {"text":"the tree produced many fruit"} {"text":"A hairbrush is on the kleenex box."} {"text":"Why is the photo so blurry? Motion."} {"text":"airplane wings used for direction"} {"text":"What color is the boy's shirt? White."} {"text":"the train is blue"} {"text":"the jet's cockpit holds the pilot"} {"text":"taxi cab driving near building"} {"text":"Gray concrete sidewalk"} {"text":"A man and woman on a cart with a horse."} {"text":"apple computer logo"} {"text":"Man leaning against blue wall"} {"text":"What the kid are doing? Touching the elephant."} {"text":"girl sitting on the floor"} {"text":"What is written on the airplane's left wing? Can't see."} {"text":"Which kind of fast food is the sauce on? Pizza."} {"text":"the ear of a giraffe"} {"text":"What is behind the frosted glass? Shower."} {"text":"black letters on sign"} {"text":"the log on the woman's skirt"} {"text":"White closet doors in background"} {"text":"What color is the man's outfit? Black."} {"text":"Clock on building behind"} {"text":"What makes the truck roll? Wheels."} {"text":"a man earing plastic glasses"} {"text":"a long pink ribbon"} {"text":"it is an outdoor scene"} {"text":"How are the zebras standing? Facing opposite directions."} {"text":"An electric, musical keyboard sits in front of a computer."} {"text":"the balls are on the ground"} {"text":"white on plastic pony"} {"text":"Where are the trees? Behind the fence."} {"text":"large white coffee table"} {"text":"a picture on the wall"} {"text":"identification badge clipped to suit coat"} {"text":"How many balloons are in the image? Four."} {"text":"What type of train is that? Freightliner."} {"text":"corner of the bed"} {"text":"What is the player holding? Frisbee."} {"text":"Do you see any people to the left of the trash can? Yes."} {"text":"White writing on side of bus."} {"text":"brown crust of pizza"} {"text":"Is anyone reading a book? Yes."} {"text":"What is the animal that is walking in the grass? Zebra."} {"text":"strawberries that are in a store"} {"text":"What are the people looking at? The plane."} {"text":"What is on the end of this branch? A flower."} {"text":"Brown horse with a black tail"} {"text":"Are there chefs or women in the image? Yes."} {"text":"white feathers on a bird's belly"} {"text":"A sidewalk."} {"text":"a ceramic planter with foliage in it"} {"text":"Are there either any zebras or giraffes? Yes."} {"text":"What does the simulated sign say? Stop."} {"text":"skateboard steel ramp"} {"text":"Where is the box? On screen."} {"text":"What sport is this? Tennis."} {"text":"Someone watching something on their TV, laptop, and phone."} {"text":"The shirt is blue."} {"text":"The man is wearing khaki pants."} {"text":"Women making homemade pizzas."} {"text":"the wave of the ocean"} {"text":"cars headlights are off"} {"text":"side mirror on car"} {"text":"Is there any bike to the right of the person in the middle of the image? No."} {"text":"sauce on a pizza"} {"text":"What are the sheep doing? Grazing."} {"text":"this is a forest"} {"text":"a white bottle on mouth of baby elephant"} {"text":"cat looking forward"} {"text":"CHOPPED CELERY ON A WHITE CUTTING BOARD"} {"text":"White mug is on a desk"} {"text":"white letters on the black sign"} {"text":"bee eater not eating bee"} {"text":"What meter color is shown? Blue, red, and white."} {"text":"piston on the round bi-plane engine"} {"text":"A man riding a skateboard down the side of a ramp."} {"text":"A man holding black camera"} {"text":"Does the horse have a saddle on? No."} {"text":"A dog and a horse looking at one another while a woman stands over them."} {"text":"Is there a sheep near the boy that is wearing pants? Yes."} {"text":"Two pink ears on animal"} {"text":"train signs on the pole"} {"text":"Is the grass tall and green? Yes."} {"text":"What has a green design? Bottom plate."} {"text":"baseball players tennis shoe"} {"text":"the sand"} {"text":"wall is wooden"} {"text":"Is the blue rope in the top part or in the bottom of the picture? Bottom."} {"text":"A child standing on a head board."} {"text":"Is the man's hair long or short? Short."} {"text":"people standing behind fence"} {"text":"Where is the ipod and dock? On a kitchen counter."} {"text":"A beautiful young woman holding a tennis racquet on a tennis court."} {"text":"the foamy top of a wave"} {"text":"What is the subject of the picture? A doughnut."} {"text":"Black pants on person"} {"text":"snow-topped hydrant"} {"text":"this is a shoe"} {"text":"A giraffe is standing tall next to a bush."} {"text":"A woman in an apron and a man standing by a stoplight"} {"text":"Where was this picture taken? On a road."} {"text":"Where is the hydrant? The sidewalk."} {"text":"a dogs head"} {"text":"Is the beige couch to the left or to the right of the table the lamp is on? Left."} {"text":"Where are the people? In alley."} {"text":"Is the child dressed for bed? No."} {"text":"satellite on the side of the house"} {"text":"What is the man to the left of the cone doing? Playing."} {"text":"How many tools is he using? 1."} {"text":"Is the bowl white or brown? Brown."} {"text":"grass area down below"} {"text":"What animals are these? Elephants."} {"text":"A Harley Davidson jacket"} {"text":"there are two small birds that are standing on a tree branch"} {"text":"Cream colored roof with two lighting units"} {"text":"the horse is light brown"} {"text":"What kind of tree is on the right? Oak."} {"text":"brown bricks in older buidling"} {"text":"How many cakes are in the photo? One."} {"text":"Where was this picture taken? Downtown."} {"text":"Hotel complex"} {"text":"zebra is standing still"} {"text":"What is behind the tree? Wall."} {"text":"clock tower of church"} {"text":"What is on the woman's head? Glasses are on her head."} {"text":"Is the man wearing glasses? No."} {"text":"skyscraper in the distance"} {"text":"machine for paying your parking fare"} {"text":"What is the number of clocks pictured? One."} {"text":"A hand dolly with several packages on it near a tractor trailer"} {"text":"black leather seating"} {"text":"A back wheel of an airplane"} {"text":"brown grass behind elephant"} {"text":"A hand reaches toward a pair of hot dogs with sauerkraut, on a round white plate."} {"text":"What is on the man's hands? Gloves."} {"text":"a blue and white plane taking off for flight"} {"text":"the boy is wearing a red shirt"} {"text":"What is the poster on? Ceiling."} {"text":"The warehouse holds several used toilets on the dusty floor."} {"text":"Is the large food both thick and brown? No."} {"text":"A small end table"} {"text":"TIRE OF GREEN TUCK"} {"text":"A bottle of strawberry milk."} {"text":"Three people sitting a horse drawn buggy on a country side road."} {"text":"Bicycles with back packs parked in a public place."} {"text":"Who is the airplane carrying? People."} {"text":"Two slices of banana"} {"text":"Batter holding a black bat"} {"text":"What pattern is on the couch? Checkered."} {"text":"red house is shown"} {"text":"A person and some animals that are by some plants."} {"text":"woman on surfboard on top of a wave"} {"text":"the man is on the water"} {"text":"A bench in the vegetation with trees over head."} {"text":"Trash on the ground."} {"text":"Bread on a round plate"} {"text":"What color is the shirt? White."} {"text":"a beautiful blue sky"} {"text":"two ships near the mountain"} {"text":"black and white cat"} {"text":"When was the photo taken? Daytime."} {"text":"What is the bus number? 53."} {"text":"green and white sign"} {"text":"What caused these conditions in this home? Fire."} {"text":"Advertisement on bus stop"} {"text":"Who are the people behind the boy? Parents."} {"text":"How would you describe the weather conditions? Rainy and cold."} {"text":"What type of toy? Brown teddy bear."} {"text":"the grass is green"} {"text":"Where is the watermark on the photo? Bottom left corner."} {"text":"the trunk of a tree"} {"text":"Is this girl or a boy? Girl."} {"text":"Which kind of furniture is brown? Couch."} {"text":"A long white scarf."} {"text":"wings of fighter jet"} {"text":"empire wearing a mask"} {"text":"Airplane flying in the air."} {"text":"Was the photo taken from far away? Yes."} {"text":"Who is in bed? The girl."} {"text":"clouds in the sky"} {"text":"this is a slice of cake"} {"text":"green lock on the suitcase of the boy in the middle"} {"text":"Apicture of someone laying on the bed with only their feet exposed."} {"text":"Man has beard"} {"text":"What shape is the food? Circle."} {"text":"the grass is long"} {"text":"Where was this picture taken? In the sky."} {"text":"small white lantern sitting on wooden table"} {"text":"Where is the half eaten taco? On the woman's plate."} {"text":"rectangle light on ceiling"} {"text":"Do you see women in the scene? No."} {"text":"Surfer is bare foot."} {"text":"Is it nighttime? No."} {"text":"the bell is on the firetruck"} {"text":"the ear of a elephant"} {"text":"Where is the food? In the oven."} {"text":"a group of players on field"} {"text":"The snow in the background is white."} {"text":"Where was the photo taken? In a room."} {"text":"the chest of a woman"} {"text":"A bare white, undecorated bathroom with tub, toilet, and window."} {"text":"A young man is cooking ramen in a kitchen."} {"text":"Do people typically eat this food with their hands? No."} {"text":"On which side is the animal? Right."} {"text":"large white plate with food"} {"text":"What is the person wearing? Jacket."} {"text":"the biker on the bike"} {"text":"orange and black remote control car"} {"text":"Of what color are the clouds in the sky? White."} {"text":"Is the bowl in the top or in the bottom part of the image? Bottom."} {"text":"a nose on a man"} {"text":"Blue jeans of man sitting on sofa."} {"text":"short sleeved green shirt"} {"text":"a brown tray donuts and a drink and paper wrappers"} {"text":"A bathroom with a white toilet sitting under a bathroom window."} {"text":"person operating a train"} {"text":"Where is there a small white lamp? Nightstand."} {"text":"Does the brown bird look small? No."} {"text":"What is the woman in the center doing? Smelling the cake."} {"text":"Woman sitting down and eventually milking a brown Cow."} {"text":"a woman in a white shirt"} {"text":"A small partiotioned glass window"} {"text":"Bicycle in the middle of the road"} {"text":"Overlooking a baseball diamond near some piers on the water."} {"text":"What color is the chair to the left of the sofa? Black."} {"text":"What color are the hands and numbers? Black."} {"text":"Which color is the bag to the left of the orange? Green."} {"text":"Who is in this picture? A giraffe."} {"text":"grey rail in foreground"} {"text":"Dark mane of zebra"} {"text":"What type of clothing does the man have on? Wetsuit."} {"text":"A woman is hitting a tennis ball with her racket."} {"text":"player keeps foot near base"} {"text":"Where is the man? Beach."} {"text":"a view of chair"} {"text":"The woman is wearing a red shirt."} {"text":"A small tree"} {"text":"When was the picture taken? Day time."} {"text":"two signs on the wooden pole"} {"text":"Young woman on bed hugging a cat"} {"text":"Which hand does this batter write with? Right."} {"text":"photo belongs to Atiempo.dk"} {"text":"Are there any ships in the ocean? Yes."} {"text":"woman wearing white tank top"} {"text":"An elephant knocks a boy's hat off his head with its trunk."} {"text":"an electric traffic sign"} {"text":"the ear of a man"} {"text":"Where is the large painting? On the wall."} {"text":"This is a wiremesh barrier"} {"text":"When was this photo taken? During the day."} {"text":"Where is the man sitting? On a couch."} {"text":"How many clocks? 1."} {"text":"How many lifts are visible? 1."} {"text":"Mercedes emblem on trunk"} {"text":"this person is wading in the water"} {"text":"How is the piece of furniture that is to the left of the pillow that is on the bed called? Nightstand."} {"text":"buildings in the skyline"} {"text":"Are there coffee cups on the counter? Yes."} {"text":"the chair is wood"} {"text":"How long is the brown hair? Short."} {"text":"the nose of the man"} {"text":"Is the clock on the post orange or green? Green."} {"text":"What item is on top of the ledge? Bike."} {"text":"a man riding a bike"} {"text":"What is this device? Camera."} {"text":"a plain white colored wall"} {"text":"A man on the tennis court holding a racquet."} {"text":"audio port of cell phone"} {"text":"The front of the train is yellow"} {"text":"A jockey wearing white."} {"text":"girl waiting to skateboard"} {"text":"tip of the wing is raised"} {"text":"Does the car to the right of the container look blue? Yes."} {"text":"a clock tower on one end of the building"} {"text":"a young elephant eating grasses"} {"text":"lady seated on bed"} {"text":"Is the green bottle to the left or to the right of the man that is sitting on the table? Right."} {"text":"the water is clear"} {"text":"Where is the bridge? Over water."} {"text":"a stone in a wall"} {"text":"Tennis ball flying in the air."} {"text":"white clouds in blue sky"} {"text":"The large giraffe in the middle."} {"text":"People on the sidewalk"} {"text":"What is sliced on a plate? Pizza."} {"text":"What is the color of the fence in the park? Blue."} {"text":"A green leaf on a plant"} {"text":"Are the dogs being treated like humans? No."} {"text":"Who is wearing a tape? Woman."} {"text":"Is the speaker to the left of a screen? No."} {"text":"Man wearing white shirt."} {"text":"small mouse is on a cat"} {"text":"biker is wearing a red striped pants"} {"text":"head is turned to the side"} {"text":"How many people are in the picture? Two."} {"text":"What is the man holding? Paddle."} {"text":"several bikers wear helmets"} {"text":"What color is the blossom that is not open? Green."} {"text":"left hind leg of the zebra"} {"text":"A square black clock is on a clear glass table."} {"text":"Where is the water? Background."} {"text":"the machine takes coins"} {"text":"Orange and yellow design on computer."} {"text":"What sport is portrayed? Skateboarding."} {"text":"a light is in the ceiling"} {"text":"large wall of white water"} {"text":"a bird under the plane"} {"text":"this is a tile"} {"text":"A wooden staircase."} {"text":"man wearing a white cap"} {"text":"Statue of a woman cleaning a toy toilet."} {"text":"A young man riding a skateboard at a skate park."} {"text":"What device is to the right of the girl that is wearing a helmet? Camera."} {"text":"Which place is it? Hangar."} {"text":"this is a lorry"} {"text":"Are they racing? Yes."} {"text":"What is next to the boy's right leg? Can."} {"text":"the trunk and some branches on the tree"} {"text":"sidewalk lining street"} {"text":"How many shutters are on the window? Two."} {"text":"What color is the plane's tail? Red."} {"text":"Who is in the image? A man playing tennis."} {"text":"What color are the cones on the field? Orange."} {"text":"Person's foot falling on the snow."} {"text":"part of the brown grass."} {"text":"Is that an old lamp? No."} {"text":"This vehicle has a bright, black color"} {"text":"Have the sheep been sheared? No."} {"text":"this is an alarm"} {"text":"patch of green grass"} {"text":"a white board with black on it"} {"text":"A baseball player standing next to to home plate."} {"text":"white apple lap top on table"} {"text":"hand holding fork and hot dog"} {"text":"multiple teddy bears"} {"text":"Blue and white skis on man's feet"} {"text":"The house with a raised window."} {"text":"car passenger seat window"} {"text":"What is the dog doing? Sitting."} {"text":"two pillows on a gray couch"} {"text":"Is this a race? Yes."} {"text":"A helmet is blue"} {"text":"Is the man in the bottom or in the top part of the photo? Bottom."} {"text":"What is the person swinging? A tennis racket."} {"text":"plane windows are black"} {"text":"shadow cast by man"} {"text":"What color is the door? White."} {"text":"a wet concrete sidewalk"} {"text":"Is there a plate to the left of the chair on the right? No."} {"text":"THERE IS A WOMAN THAT IS MAKING SANDWICHES AT A DELI"} {"text":"a bear that is standing inside of a fence"} {"text":"A yellow line is visible."} {"text":"What color is the couch? Beige."} {"text":"What is the gold animal called? Elephant."} {"text":"a drawing on fridge"} {"text":"eyes looking forward on head slightly bent"} {"text":"What animal is above the shoe? Cat."} {"text":"What is the animal that is above the computer in the middle of the picture called? Cat."} {"text":"A clock is on each side of the building"} {"text":"person watching the skateboarder"} {"text":"red and black paint on aircraft wing"} {"text":"Rock in the water"} {"text":"Do you see both a window and a door in the photograph? No."} {"text":"A white pickup truck is parked in a parking lot."} {"text":"brown pants of woman holding kite"} {"text":"tile on the floor"} {"text":"What color is the vehicle in the picture? Red."} {"text":"Where is this scene? In a bedroom."} {"text":"white clouds in blue sky"} {"text":"Where was the picture taken? At a baseball game."} {"text":"What color is the grass? Green."} {"text":"black iron shelf with vertical bars"} {"text":"Is the dog to the left or to the right of the person? Left."} {"text":"What is black in color? The train engine."} {"text":"What are the veggies for? Eating."} {"text":"White plastic toilet brush holder."} {"text":"a group of people"} {"text":"the view of a white wall and chairs"} {"text":"Wooden chair in front of the bed"} {"text":"the head of a man"} {"text":"the clouds in the sky are white in color."} {"text":"Is the jet moving? No."} {"text":"Where was the photo taken? Living room."} {"text":"Shorts in the photo"} {"text":"bacon on the burger"} {"text":"What is the name written on the bus? White lighting."} {"text":"Who plays a game? Batter."} {"text":"3 small white fence posts"} {"text":"white blanket on bed"} {"text":"Are there both paintings and skateboards in this picture? No."} {"text":"bar code on the bottom front of a baseball hat"} {"text":"people riding horses on a track"} {"text":"street sign for Jordan St."} {"text":"grey stone in water"} {"text":"Where was this picture likely taken? A bus stop."} {"text":"Does the white shirt look short sleeved? Yes."} {"text":"Where is the guy? Jumping above the skateboard."} {"text":"a pizza with large toppings"} {"text":"A large white colored monitor on the floor."} {"text":"left thumb of a person's hand."} {"text":"People walking across the street."} {"text":"helicopter with red and blue"} {"text":"the laptop is open"} {"text":"surfer in the ocean"} {"text":"Graffiti on the brown wall"} {"text":"What is covering the ground? Sand."} {"text":"yellow traffic light"} {"text":"green metal pole near sign"} {"text":"the floor is cream color"} {"text":"piping around seam of mattress"} {"text":"White, red, orange colors"} {"text":"Where was the picture taken? A living room."} {"text":"tape dispenser on the desk"} {"text":"A boy kneels down in the sand at the beach and assembles a kite."} {"text":"Is there a coffee table in the living room? No."} {"text":"a design on the curtain"} {"text":"Which kind of appliance is white? Refrigerator."} {"text":"a plate with a salad, bread, and mushrooms on it"} {"text":"How does the grass appear? Green with patches."} {"text":"bright green small bananas"} {"text":"a black ski cap"} {"text":"Grass growing up in between tracks."} {"text":"A computer that is sleeping on a computer."} {"text":"The shape of the sign is an octagon."} {"text":"The woman standing behind the older man sitting on the motorcycle."} {"text":"An elephant's long trunk"} {"text":"Does the floor have carpet? Yes."} {"text":"a man surfing has one leg up"} {"text":"a white toilet seat"} {"text":"a silver trash bin"} {"text":"Are there both doors and windows? Yes."} {"text":"Which seems to be younger, the boy or the woman? Boy."} {"text":"A black leather glove"} {"text":"Where is the juicer spout? Above the bowl."} {"text":"a long row of cars by the sidewalk"} {"text":"a person in a black shirt"} {"text":"Which place is it? Ocean."} {"text":"a bird flying in the sky"} {"text":"a large green bush behind the truck"} {"text":"What's the cutter doing? Cutting."} {"text":"Many people are standing around a dining table."} {"text":"Pine trees in the mountain"} {"text":"flash drive and cables connected to the laptop"} {"text":"Where was the photo taken? It was taken inside."} {"text":"tile on shower wall"} {"text":"What is behind woman in red coat? Store items on display."} {"text":"white long sign on side of bus"} {"text":"Is there a blue plate or can? No."} {"text":"woman has jet black hair"} {"text":"How are the flowers looks? White."} {"text":"What is protecting the woman's hands? Towels."} {"text":"The double-decker bus is about to pass a biker and two pedestrians on the city street."} {"text":"sheeps on green field"} {"text":"What color is the item that the cat has possession of? Yellow."} {"text":"the garbage bin is grey in color"} {"text":"two horses pulling a cart"} {"text":"How many animals are standing? 16."} {"text":"Are the speakers on the right side or on the left of the image? Left."} {"text":"people gathered in a park"} {"text":"What color is the fire hydrant? Red and yellow."} {"text":"A clear blue sky."} {"text":"What is on the ground? Cement."} {"text":"bean bag chair is color pink"} {"text":"How many peaks does the house's roof have? 2."} {"text":"silhouetted trees on a hillside"} {"text":"A sheep head sitting on top of a chair with long horns."} {"text":"Do you see people to the left of the mirror in the middle of the photo? Yes."} {"text":"Who is wearing red shoes? Man on left."} {"text":"Green hot peppers sitting on the wooden deck."} {"text":"What color are the trees? Green."} {"text":"A remote control sitting on a bed"} {"text":"the two road signs"} {"text":"Is there a remote control on the desk? No."} {"text":"What color is the stoplight? Green."} {"text":"the corner of the brick building"} {"text":"Are there both animals and lambs in the picture? Yes."} {"text":"this is a cap"} {"text":"a man's barefoot"} {"text":"horses walking in sand"} {"text":"What is the chair made of? Blue cloth."} {"text":"What is on the bottom of the chair? Wheels."} {"text":"A clock is posted on top of a brick tower."} {"text":"blue sleeve on the boy"} {"text":"Does the dog want to enter the door? Yes."} {"text":"the boys blue shorts"} {"text":"Are the cats in the window real? No."} {"text":"a clear stemmed glass"} {"text":"Where does the bird stand on? Ground."} {"text":"white letters and design on front of green sweatshirt"} {"text":"Yellow and black jpj tag on the car."} {"text":"Dark metal sign pole"} {"text":"Two donuts with creamed coffee on a table in a restaurant."} {"text":"Who is wearing the pants? Boy."} {"text":"the bananas are yellow"} {"text":"knife under tray wih pizza"} {"text":"A white dog is looking towards the distance."} {"text":"Is this lady to the right of glasses? No."} {"text":"White laces on black tennis shoes"} {"text":"A black computer monitor."} {"text":"What kind of room is this? Bathroom."} {"text":"Where is the freezer? On the left side of the refrigerator."} {"text":"What is flying in the air? Plane."} {"text":"the frame around the clock"} {"text":"CONTAINER HAS KETCHUP INSIDE"} {"text":"post for the bench"} {"text":"grapes is in white bag"} {"text":"Where are the clouds? In the sky."} {"text":"A cat watches another cat sit in a sink"} {"text":"red side to building"} {"text":"LARGE ROUND CLOCK PROTRUDING OUT FROM A HISTORIC BUILDING"} {"text":"A suitcase full of twenty dollar bills."} {"text":"What color is the hay? Yellow."} {"text":"This is the ocean"} {"text":"What is the wall behind the people made of? Brick."} {"text":"Skis and ski poles"} {"text":"A standard toilet sitting next to a bathtub full of office supplies."} {"text":"How many people are pictured? Two."} {"text":"part of a clous"} {"text":"a mouth on the man"} {"text":"Who looks tentative? A skateboarder, wearing a hoodie."} {"text":"wooden shelf beside chair"} {"text":"the tablet by the monitor"} {"text":"Where is the laptop sitting? Passenger seat."} {"text":"What is the item of furniture that the book is on? Coffee table."} {"text":"Large green tree in background"} {"text":"Does the tail have black color? Yes."} {"text":"How is the striped clothing item called? Suit."} {"text":"Skateboarder on a concrete course riding his board."} {"text":"purple table top umbrella"} {"text":"What is the man holding? Stick."} {"text":"white, orange and grey cake"} {"text":"What type of animal is it? A zebra."} {"text":"The microwave door is what color? Silver."} {"text":"the doughnut is broken"} {"text":"What is the woman doing? Smiling."} {"text":"dog running next to man"} {"text":"What color is the player's skirt? Black."} {"text":"black cow in the background."} {"text":"What snack is under the counter? Bags of chips."} {"text":"Small windows on top of train."} {"text":"Is the giraffe looking down? No."} {"text":"How many people are there? 11."} {"text":"What season is this? Summer."} {"text":"How is the skateboarder's hat turned? Backwards."} {"text":"What event is taking place? Surf in the city."} {"text":"Part of a docked boat is full of bananas."} {"text":"large stalk of celery"} {"text":"A bundle of clean napkins"} {"text":"a person wearing gloves"} {"text":"Green unripe bananas on the ground."} {"text":"Which type of clothing is light blue, the uniform or the shirt? Uniform."} {"text":"the plate is ceramic"} {"text":"What color is that wristband? Black."} {"text":"What is the color of the hair? Black."} {"text":"Logo on baseball player's cap"} {"text":"A key on a keyboard."} {"text":"clock is black and white"} {"text":"Beige shorts on a man"} {"text":"a brick on a wall"} {"text":"the face of the surfer"} {"text":"Black shiny leather fabric."} {"text":"Is this English? No."} {"text":"man has blonde hair"} {"text":"an old fashioned lamp post"} {"text":"Where is this picture taken? A race."} {"text":"Low, retail buildings, predominantly white."} {"text":"A blue and white sign"} {"text":"the giraffe is looking at the bird"} {"text":"What do you think is the piece of furniture to the right of the curtains called? Computer desk."} {"text":"a small part of wooden fence"} {"text":"owl is in table."} {"text":"What color is the tie? White."} {"text":"it is queue dividers"} {"text":"Black bars over window"} {"text":"Where are the people surfing? Ocean."} {"text":"A woman in a kitchen with many things on the walls"} {"text":"window on the building"} {"text":"A woman posing for pictures with her skateboard."} {"text":"What is the man doing? Feeding."} {"text":"What is in the top tier of the cake? A knife."} {"text":"white and blue book"} {"text":"White frosting on top of cake."} {"text":"the blue sign on the pole"} {"text":"Windows in the building"} {"text":"Pink strap over woman's shoulder"} {"text":"a blue motorcycle is parked on a street"} {"text":"What color is the helmet? Red."} {"text":"What is in the photo? A horse."} {"text":"eye of a cow"} {"text":"red color on the ground"} {"text":"a bunch of parked cars in the street"} {"text":"What is the woman holding? A child."} {"text":"Which color do you think the leaves that are on the ground are? Brown."} {"text":"What is flooring made of? Tile."} {"text":"thetrain is green"} {"text":"Where is the soup? In a bowl."} {"text":"APPLE SYMBOL ON LAPTOP"} {"text":"white letters reading REPSOL"} {"text":"What is the girl in the white dress eating? Cake."} {"text":"Wood slats are visible where the dog is sleeping under the bed."} {"text":"There is a big wave behind the surfer."} {"text":"this is a t-shirt"} {"text":"the bread is brown"} {"text":"What color are the girls pants? Blue."} {"text":"column with a carving of a god"} {"text":"The shirt has a collar."} {"text":"logo engraved on keyboard"} {"text":"Are there any tents or girls? No."} {"text":"A neatly made double bed accented by a pair of teddy bears."} {"text":"shadows on the ground"} {"text":"a bathroom window with curtain"} {"text":"What kind of device is on the tape? Remote control."} {"text":"Long thick brown piece of paper"} {"text":"Lit up apple on device"} {"text":"the mouth of a woman"} {"text":"Backpack on person waiting for train"} {"text":"On which side is the camera? Left."} {"text":"a black sign indicating parking"} {"text":"the light is small"} {"text":"Is the computer mouse nearby? No."} {"text":"Where are the trees? Behind the building."} {"text":"Is there bottled water? No."} {"text":"A bus behind cars."} {"text":"What animal is walking down the path? Elephant."} {"text":"plate of food"} {"text":"What is the giraffe looking through? Window."} {"text":"a man in a white shirt"} {"text":"black jet plane"} {"text":"a kite in the air"} {"text":"How old is the young boy? 4."} {"text":"What is the number on? Skateboard."} {"text":"What is the man riding? A bicycle."} {"text":"A person dressed in yellow."} {"text":"someone standing behind a concrete wall"} {"text":"toilet with lid up"} {"text":"Where was this picture taken? The beach."} {"text":"a blue car on a hill"} {"text":"When was this picture taken? Daytime."} {"text":"Four windows on the bus? Yes."} {"text":"Green tree between two buildings"} {"text":"Sticker indicating vehicle belongs to the Orlando Police"} {"text":"batter leaning toward one side"} {"text":"This is a pharmacy"} {"text":"On which side is the white bus? Right."} {"text":"strap hanging from bag"} {"text":"pole near the sidewalk."} {"text":"palm tree at edge of sidewalk"} {"text":"Are there either any fences or pictures in the image? No."} {"text":"TEA IN THE CUP"} {"text":"window on city building"} {"text":"the keyboard on the laptop"} {"text":"Do you see shampoos or paintings? No."} {"text":"Do the shorts and the wires have the same color? No."} {"text":"A man is leading a horse into the road"} {"text":"A no smoking sign"} {"text":"a cat"} {"text":"grass growing on top of rock wall"} {"text":"What ethnicity is the person in the scene? Asian."} {"text":"a tall white building"} {"text":"Are there any kitchen cabinets or tables? Yes."} {"text":"What kind of place is this? Lake."} {"text":"Are there flags or bikes? No."} {"text":"What is the man holding in the right hand? Bananas."} {"text":"a man stands in frame with his arms crossed wearing a black suit"} {"text":"Icing is in the cakes."} {"text":"Large bushes on the right side of the road"} {"text":"What sport is this? Baseball."} {"text":"Does the dog have a bone near it? Yes."} {"text":"red folder on right"} {"text":"Grass land strip between the bars and the curb"} {"text":"Are the houses on the right side or on the left of the picture? Left."} {"text":"the person's shirt is red"} {"text":"Is the man in the top part of the image? Yes."} {"text":"Man in a white scarf with his hand on his hand"} {"text":"Flower pot on a stool"} {"text":"this is a skier"} {"text":"A box of donuts that is opened up."} {"text":"the face of a dog"} {"text":"a train travelling on the tracks"} {"text":"A pair of dogs peer out the rear window of a Smart car."} {"text":"a black spice rack"} {"text":"How many cows have spots? All of them."} {"text":"white goose looking to the right"} {"text":"onions on hotdog and bun"} {"text":"Is there any brown grass or mud? No."} {"text":"What color is the table? Brown."} {"text":"Are there any rackets or balls in the picture? No."} {"text":"Who is wearing a shirt? Boy."} {"text":"Who is on the skateboard? The man."} {"text":"tip of a sliver butte knife"} {"text":"part of a label"} {"text":"A person wearing skis and standing in the snow."} {"text":"Is there a bus on the paved street? Yes."} {"text":"What are the women wearing? Clothes."} {"text":"a person is sitting down"} {"text":"two women with surfboards"} {"text":"a mirror with bronze frame"} {"text":"What is the main focus of this photo? A bunk bed's lower bed."} {"text":"a white large truck"} {"text":"patterned brown and tan wall paper"} {"text":"What is the food? Sandwich."} {"text":"Small golden french fry on a white plate"} {"text":"Various trains at a train station next to people on loading dock."} {"text":"What is the man watching? Mountain."} {"text":"gold clock hands"} {"text":"Person wearing plaid shirt."} {"text":"the flower is red"} {"text":"Are the boy and cow friends? Yes."} {"text":"the eye is black"} {"text":"What sort of sport's memorabilia is this? Baseball memorabilia."} {"text":"old blue book on table"} {"text":"Man eating at glass table"} {"text":"banana has black spot"} {"text":"the shirt is green"} {"text":"What is the person doing? Skiing."} {"text":"Who is carrying the backpack? Guy."} {"text":"Where is the sidewalk? Beside the street."} {"text":"Is there a pillow in the picture? No."} {"text":"topping on the pizza"} {"text":"the feet of a man"} {"text":"coffee cups on a rack"} {"text":"Black car next to a van"} {"text":"double side mirrors of bus"} {"text":"people riding on large gray elephants"} {"text":"What is the sign before? Crane."} {"text":"What brand is on the disposable cup? Starbucks."} {"text":"What is the color of the toilet? White."} {"text":"windows for the pilots"} {"text":"a man carrying surfboard"} {"text":"a cement sidewalk"} {"text":"Headlights on front of antique car."} {"text":"people are watching the game"} {"text":"a green Fribee disk"} {"text":"dark haired dog, tennis player"} {"text":"The minute hand on the left clock"} {"text":"the pole of the sign with the truck on it"} {"text":"the hair of a tennis player"} {"text":"Lawn area outside a McDonalds, no customers, appearing closed."} {"text":"small young zebra near water trough"} {"text":"What color are the man's shorts? Gray."} {"text":"A pool"} {"text":"the sand is clear"} {"text":"team name written on front of shirt"} {"text":"Eye contact case is white"} {"text":"A yellow brick stoned wall."} {"text":"Small green leaves growing from a nut tree"} {"text":"a man wearing a dark shirt."} {"text":"Is the oven above the towels open or closed? Open."} {"text":"A black tv remote"} {"text":"blue carpet with yellow and white circles"} {"text":"black horse in yard"} {"text":"the man is wearing sunglasses"} {"text":"What is the plate holder made of? Wood."} {"text":"Person walking in the rain"} {"text":"nose of a dog"} {"text":"6 sandwiches on a grill"} {"text":"A woman standing at the entrance to the building"} {"text":"How many dogs on the beach? 2."} {"text":"design on top of frisbee"} {"text":"women has red hair"} {"text":"branch on large tree"} {"text":"a brick house"} {"text":"the stomach of a teddy bear"} {"text":"What is the black-and-white object beneath the red balloon? Umbrella."} {"text":"double french doors leading outside"} {"text":"A man posing by a fire hydrant with an object in his hand."} {"text":"An orange bag in the picture."} {"text":"What color is the background? Blue."} {"text":"What is the food that the boy that to the left of the soda sells? Pretzel."} {"text":"yellow boat in the water"} {"text":"decorative trim on the vase"} {"text":"What kind of animal walks on the white rock? Bear."} {"text":"wrinkles on man's forehead"} {"text":"light blue jeans"} {"text":"Which kind of drink is on the counter? Beer."} {"text":"A white cabinetry is shown in a kitchen."} {"text":"What color is the clock? Black and white."} {"text":"Where is the wooden chair? On the right."} {"text":"A living room with sofa, table, and book shelf."} {"text":"a black ski pole in a mans hand"} {"text":"Two orange life preservers"} {"text":"Is the television to the left or to the right of the man in the center? Left."} {"text":"The sky is hazy"} {"text":"Is the tennis racket in the top of the picture? No."} {"text":"What type of sky is there? A daytime sky."} {"text":"a car on a street"} {"text":"Are there either trucks or airplanes that are green? Yes."} {"text":"A man preparing to bat"} {"text":"the batter of a baseball game"} {"text":"The man is posing."} {"text":"a parked silver car"} {"text":"shadow of toilet on left"} {"text":"a pink and purple frisbee"} {"text":"the rocks on the ground of the animal enclosure"} {"text":"Is the curtain closed? Yes."} {"text":"What is the man that is to the right of the person wearing? Hat."} {"text":"metal legs of green bench"} {"text":"powdered sugar on french toast"} {"text":"surfing occurs in the ocean"} {"text":"What animals are shown? Sheep."} {"text":"A little girl inside of a shopping cart."} {"text":"Black trash can on the floor."} {"text":"people in bathing suits enjoying barbecue foods"} {"text":"This is a snow"} {"text":"a small brown table"} {"text":"What kind of device is above the keyboard that is to the right of the animal? Screen."} {"text":"dark glass bottle on the table"} {"text":"What is on the tablecloth that is to the left of the chair? Table."} {"text":"these are plants grown"} {"text":"Is the woman to the left or to the right of the person the toy is next to? Right."} {"text":"Who is on the surfboard on the right side? Boy."} {"text":"Who is wearing a tie? The man."} {"text":"What is to the left of the photo? Table."} {"text":"a pair of chaise lounges"} {"text":"What is on the table on the tv? Flowers."} {"text":"What type of weather is shown? Clear."} {"text":"chain attached to elephant"} {"text":"What is the man to the right of the food wearing? Shirt."} {"text":"Floral designed bedroom with bed, chairs, and other furniture."} {"text":"two windows on the back wall"} {"text":"What is white in the photo? Toilet and wall."} {"text":"Photo taken during the day"} {"text":"Electrical outlet."} {"text":"When was the picture taken? Daytime."} {"text":"long green railing on the side of the road"} {"text":"How many people are in the picture? 2."} {"text":"A grey wood fence"} {"text":"Man with a mustache and beard"} {"text":"Why might the man be wearing the jacket? Because of the cold."} {"text":"Black sauce pan behind the skillet."} {"text":"man wearing a hat"} {"text":"The plane says Iron Maiden"} {"text":"What is the motorcycle made out of? Metal."} {"text":"a plush red chair"} {"text":"red and white sign in window"} {"text":"bunches of yellow banana hanging"} {"text":"People riding in train"} {"text":"A city view is seen from the window"} {"text":"Green grass in the background."} {"text":"How the image looks like? Good."} {"text":"A bicycle"} {"text":"When was the photo taken? Daytime."} {"text":"Man's face with mouth open."} {"text":"Who is on the field? Soccer players."} {"text":"Some eggs on the plate."} {"text":"Long wire plugged into the wall outlet"} {"text":"branches of a forest"} {"text":"Crown molding around fireplace"} {"text":"What gesture is shown? Middle finger."} {"text":"Where is the street? On the left."} {"text":"The couch is black."} {"text":"a red pocket with yellow"} {"text":"What color are the shoes the teddy bear is wearing? White."} {"text":"How is the gate of the fence secured? Chain."} {"text":"What is the color of the sky? White."} {"text":"surfboard in the water"} {"text":"What is the person doing? Water skiing."} {"text":"Woman wearing black jacket."} {"text":"green car parked next to tree"} {"text":"Left-brown wooden rails"} {"text":"Where in this picture is the guy, in the bottom or in the top? Top."} {"text":"narrow glass"} {"text":"What is the boy doing? Skateboarding."} {"text":"What dessert is to the right of the doughnut with the icing? Cupcake."} {"text":"What is the animal on the grass that is on the ground? Giraffe."} {"text":"Is there a snowboarder or a snowboard in the scene? Yes."} {"text":"an orange cone in the grass"} {"text":"bear is on table"} {"text":"box of variety of doughnuts"} {"text":"The branch the bird is perched on."} {"text":"building with paint on windows"} {"text":"tall green grass"} {"text":"What is the color of the giraffe? Brown."} {"text":"When was this taken? Daytime."} {"text":"What are the men riding on? Bicycles."} {"text":"Aeropostale written on t-shirt worn by boy."} {"text":"Of what color is the keyboard on the left side? White."} {"text":"Is there either a white dog or horse? Yes."} {"text":"Who carries the racket? Boy."} {"text":"boy in background wearing blue, white, and black shorts"} {"text":"wooden board on bed"} {"text":"freezer compartment of a refrigerator"} {"text":"What is round? Plates."} {"text":"Can you see a person in the reflection? Yes."} {"text":"gray shirt the woman is wearing"} {"text":"The recessed lighting"} {"text":"Is the bald person wearing a suit? No."} {"text":"A couple sitting on the bench"} {"text":"Day time picture."} {"text":"White light next to garage"} {"text":"the car is black"} {"text":"A blue ceramic vase with fresh flowers on a window sill."} {"text":"bold black letters on the white plane"} {"text":"What color is the cake? White."} {"text":"pizza with assorted toppings cooking in oven"} {"text":"Madrian oranges are on a plate."} {"text":"How many cups do you see? 2."} {"text":"Where is a knife and fork? On bottom plate."} {"text":"Is the man wearing a coat? No."} {"text":"What shape is the feeder? Cylindrical."} {"text":"What is the catcher wearing? Outfit."} {"text":"truck beside plane tail"} {"text":"What sport is the person playing? Tennis."} {"text":"part of a red t-shirt"} {"text":"the finger of a girl"} {"text":"man wearing black sunglasses"} {"text":"square on the quilt"} {"text":"Is there bad weather? No."} {"text":"When was this picture taken? Daytime."} {"text":"Sheep grazing and laying in a field of green."} {"text":"shadows on the sand"} {"text":"What character is on the center kite? Tinkerbell."} {"text":"A chair sitting near a kitchen table with chairs around it."} {"text":"black ears sticking out of holes in cloth"} {"text":"pole supporting electrical wires."} {"text":"What is in front of the car? Parking meter."} {"text":"the light s are on"} {"text":"elephant pulling grasses into its mouth with its trunk"} {"text":"kettle sitting on an electric oven in the kitchen"} {"text":"mating pair of birds"} {"text":"a ball in the air"} {"text":"This is an elephant"} {"text":"posters on side of counter"} {"text":"What kind of device is to the right of the speaker? Laptop."} {"text":"What is sitting on the elephant's back? The children."} {"text":"black van parked across street"} {"text":"the train tracks have small rocks"} {"text":"salt and pepper shakers"} {"text":"two bags of charcoal on the ground"} {"text":"Is the bench wooden and large? Yes."} {"text":"Where are the animals? Street."} {"text":"a scene inside"} {"text":"back of car on street"} {"text":"a tan silky vest"} {"text":"What kind of animal is to the right of the cups? Horse."} {"text":"a person wearing white color t-shirt"} {"text":"Man standing on wood floor"} {"text":"stones beneath the fence"} {"text":"What is the color of the pic? Black and white."} {"text":"Who is wearing the vest? Woman."} {"text":"rim of the toilet"} {"text":"red pipes running along side of the wall"} {"text":"What is the color of the grass? Green."} {"text":"a glass juicer is sitting on top of a cutting board"} {"text":"Where is the logo? On the board."} {"text":"wall is made of stone"} {"text":"number on the clock"} {"text":"a dog is relaxing"} {"text":"Shadows from the trees in the parking lot"} {"text":"Are the animals facing the same way? No."} {"text":"a brown spotted banana"} {"text":"White line on the pavement"} {"text":"girl has a pink short"} {"text":"bottles sitting on the counter top"} {"text":"Where is a stop sign? In the dirt."} {"text":"What kind of leaf is on the tail of plane? Maple."} {"text":"Who is on the sidewalk? No one."} {"text":"three red grapes"} {"text":"number on side of plane"} {"text":"Four sheep on the other side of a black sheep."} {"text":"the number 9 on a clock"} {"text":"What pebble things are all around the tracks? Gravel."} {"text":"On which side of the photo is the woman? Left."} {"text":"White toilet through the door."} {"text":"bell on the cow's neck"} {"text":"red and green light rail train"} {"text":"What is this person holding? Surfboard."} {"text":"the sheep is black and brown"} {"text":"a forest of green trees."} {"text":"blue and calm water"} {"text":"the eye of a man"} {"text":"POLE ON SKIERS SIDE"} {"text":"black letter on sign"} {"text":"Is the flower edible? No."} {"text":"traffic signal casing is yellow"} {"text":"How many people are seen? 3."} {"text":"Are there any animals in the field? No."} {"text":"coconut covered swirled donuts"} {"text":"Someone is still in bed, and wrapped in a blanket."} {"text":"What is in the right hand of the man? Tennis racket."} {"text":"Are there both toilets and towels in this image? No."} {"text":"What kind of watercraft is in the water? Boat."} {"text":"A piece of pepperoni."} {"text":"The sand is where? Beach."} {"text":"What are the animals in the pictures in the background? Monkey."} {"text":"Landing gear door under airplane"} {"text":"a kite in the sky"} {"text":"person watching the tennis match"} {"text":"green bush in field"} {"text":"What is this a photo of? People sitting on a bench."} {"text":"Are there any towels under the cat? Yes."} {"text":"a white doll shirt"} {"text":"What can be seen in the background on the right? Bookcase."} {"text":"Where is the TV? In the corner."} {"text":"a small tree with no leaves"} {"text":"Is any cheese visible in this scene? No."} {"text":"A vase that has some brown plants in it."} {"text":"a colorful bird stands on top of a wooden fence"} {"text":"A cattle lays down around some other animals."} {"text":"A mother and her baby horse"} {"text":"roof of shed is black"} {"text":"What number is on the player's shirt? 10."} {"text":"Dish towel on kitchen counter."} {"text":"What are the hot dog and burger resting on? A plate."} {"text":"This is a crosswalk"} {"text":"person on a surfboard"} {"text":"What does the guy wear? Eye glasses."} {"text":"ground under the car"} {"text":"the clock is a circle"} {"text":"knee guard worn by the person"} {"text":"the engine is below the plane"} {"text":"person skiing on snpw"} {"text":"Are there either cabinets or towels? Yes."} {"text":"the right eye of a horse."} {"text":"The mouse is white"} {"text":"A woman on a tennis court preparing to serve the ball."} {"text":"Where is the globe? On desk."} {"text":"the tiles of a terracotta roof"} {"text":"Is this refrigerator to the right of an oven? No."} {"text":"eye of a zebra"} {"text":"arm on a purple teddy bear"} {"text":"trees outside the restaurant"} {"text":"What game are the people playing? Rodeo."} {"text":"white curtains on window"} {"text":"What animal is in the photo? A cat."} {"text":"Where is this place? National park."} {"text":"Who is swinging a bat? Baseball player."} {"text":"Are the flowers in a vase? No."} {"text":"The young kids are learning to play tennis."} {"text":"part of a cloud"} {"text":"two glasses filled with a dark liquid"} {"text":"A white slat on a horizontal window blind"} {"text":"A green stuffed animal"} {"text":"Photo of a brown dog"} {"text":"sign in the snow"} {"text":"Weeds in the grass."} {"text":"round clock on building"} {"text":"How many donuts? 4."} {"text":"a large man holding a bat."} {"text":"coffee in paper cup"} {"text":"the rabbit is climbing the tree"} {"text":"This is a zebra"} {"text":"A display with various types of pastries, including doughnuts, bread and more"} {"text":"white clouds in blue sky"} {"text":"this is a girl out flying a kite"} {"text":"Is this in the ocean? No."} {"text":"Is the cup on a bench? No."} {"text":"What is the poster on the wall in the background on the left? Calendar."} {"text":"The flooring is tiles."} {"text":"How many giraffes are photographed? One."} {"text":"What is the home plate that looks white covered in? Dirt."} {"text":"A COMMUTER BUS"} {"text":"This is a tree"} {"text":"Building near the train tracks"} {"text":"People walking inside of a large building wit a clock on the wall."} {"text":"Are there any skateboards? Yes."} {"text":"What is on the carts? Nothing."} {"text":"bark on tree truck"} {"text":"a yellow and black train engine"} {"text":"woman walking on the platform"} {"text":"A flock of sheep in the field, some laying down, and some standing to graze."} {"text":"piece of lettuce in container"} {"text":"a large pillow on bed"} {"text":"What shirt is the woman in front wearing? A black tank-top."} {"text":"What color is the truck? White."} {"text":"yellow and black sign"} {"text":"A variety of produce on a table including carrots."} {"text":"A man is riding with a box on the back of his bike."} {"text":"What time of day is it? Daytime."} {"text":"The eyes of the cow in the pasture."} {"text":"a white street sign"} {"text":"An arrangement of fruit and vegetables are on a stand."} {"text":"What material is the sidewalk made from? Concrete."} {"text":"3 columns of green apples"} {"text":"Wheat field in the distance."} {"text":"A truck in the street."} {"text":"the wall is red"} {"text":"Is this a restroom for ladies? No."} {"text":"water coming on to the beach"} {"text":"A baseball sits in a catcher's glove on a red blanket."} {"text":"A pair of bicycles"} {"text":"chrome colored shower faucet"} {"text":"clear pepper shaker with silver top"} {"text":"white clouds against blue sky"} {"text":"green and brown grass"} {"text":"The man is wearing white earphones"} {"text":"one thin white pole"} {"text":"What is the man to the left of the boy wearing? Glasses."} {"text":"A man's right hand"} {"text":"the bowl of a toilet"} {"text":"bottle on the wooden table"} {"text":"fork on the plate"} {"text":"a white surfboard skimming the water"} {"text":"dark seaweed on beach"} {"text":"What is on the plate? Silverware."} {"text":"these are the ribs"} {"text":"a green tree next to building"} {"text":"What is the ball on? Desk."} {"text":"wall of room is white"} {"text":"What is the man holding? A purse."} {"text":"How many people are seen? Three."} {"text":"The person is in the restaurant eating pizza."} {"text":"Who is in the photo? Nobody."} {"text":"Man with arms folded"} {"text":"What is the ground made of? Dirt."} {"text":"a oven with a blue inside"} {"text":"What is the spoon made out of? The spoon is made of metal."} {"text":"a sky that is blue"} {"text":"How many animals are standing? 2."} {"text":"number 3 on a clock"} {"text":"cigarette in between two fingers"} {"text":"dog has small nose"} {"text":"part of a left arm"} {"text":"clock tower made of bricks"} {"text":"person has brown shirt"} {"text":"a silver black and red oar"} {"text":"Is the person with the bag wearing a glove? No."} {"text":"Where are the people? At a park."} {"text":"What kind of zebra is walking behind the other zebra? A baby zebra."} {"text":"What is she doing? Laying her head down."} {"text":"What is the kid wearing? Pajamas."} {"text":"pedestal in center of spiral staircase"} {"text":"foreground of picture blurry to accentuate bench"} {"text":"Leaves are green color."} {"text":"yellow banana on counter"} {"text":"Is the elephant gray and short? No."} {"text":"Man giving two thumbs up."} {"text":"Can you go swimming here? No."} {"text":"What is the color of the necktie? Blue."} {"text":"This is a brown ball"} {"text":"Yellow potted sunflowers"} {"text":"The front wheel of the plane."} {"text":"an orange handle"} {"text":"plastic strap from boxes"} {"text":"What color is the bus? Red."} {"text":"Where is the indoor walkway? Enclosed in glass."} {"text":"What is by the men feet sitting on the bench? A book bag."} {"text":"Description of the red motorcycle"} {"text":"A very cool fighter style jet flying in the air."} {"text":"Chopsticks on top of a bowl"} {"text":"What type of vehicle is to the left of the taxi cab? Trailer."} {"text":"Are the condiments on a plate? No."} {"text":"grey pants on snowboarder"} {"text":"What color is the sky? Blue."} {"text":"window on large apartment building"} {"text":"crosswalk signs saying WALK"} {"text":"What color is the sauce? Red."} {"text":"A man in a vintage costume"} {"text":"How is the man not falling due to gravity? Momentum."} {"text":"woman at a desk"} {"text":"man standing on tennis court"} {"text":"Who is on the other side of the fence? No one."} {"text":"green leafy trees behind wall"} {"text":"yellow and red warning sign"} {"text":"his shirt has pin tucks pleats"} {"text":"purple flowers in a vase"} {"text":"white bark on tree trunk"} {"text":"What are the rubber tracks for? Balance."} {"text":"A plant with three colors."} {"text":"When was picture taken? Daytime."} {"text":"What is the tower? White."} {"text":"On which side of the picture is the car? Right."} {"text":"green squash on counter"} {"text":"What is on the ceiling? Light fixture."} {"text":"a fence pole"} {"text":"The bag is black"} {"text":"What color is the grass? The grass is green."} {"text":"snowboarder with striped sweater"} {"text":"a horse next to a tall red structure"} {"text":"giraffe sticks his tongue out"} {"text":"A woman in a green shirt"} {"text":"The boy has on blue pants"} {"text":"man in long sleeve shirt holding a frisbee"} {"text":"the wii controllers are white"} {"text":"What are the sticks there? Chow mein."} {"text":"When is this? Winter."} {"text":"People waiting for the bus"} {"text":"A man with no shirt"} {"text":"a boy a red, white, and black soccer uniform"} {"text":"Man in black jacket"} {"text":"window on front of bus"} {"text":"white pants above dark boots"} {"text":"What animal is on the wall? Cat."} {"text":"a black and white photo"} {"text":"How many ties is this man wearing? 1."} {"text":"White socks on woman"} {"text":"How many toppings are on the pizza? 2."} {"text":"Police officer is directing traffic"} {"text":"This sign says \"Le Petit Tortus\""} {"text":"A lamp on a pole"} {"text":"a person in the beach"} {"text":"Which color does that towel have? Pink."} {"text":"What color is the bench on the right side of the picture? Black."} {"text":"the roof is grey and white"} {"text":"Two giraffe waling in the dry grass under trees."} {"text":"A double decker bus"} {"text":"mustard bottle"} {"text":"Blue sign hanging on wall"} {"text":"Is the person below a comforter? Yes."} {"text":"What color is the boys helmet? Red."} {"text":"Horn on a ram"} {"text":"terrier dog in kitchen"} {"text":"What is the item of furniture that is to the right of the man that plays with a controller? Bookcase."} {"text":"the ball is yellow"} {"text":"The table is on what? Deck."} {"text":"green leaves on the tree"} {"text":"white graphic print on a black shirt"} {"text":"this is a sealed hole on top of a tank"} {"text":"Cotton sticking out of a bear."} {"text":"An artistic photo of a dirt bike in front of trees."} {"text":"Where are the cups? Beside the fridge."} {"text":"On which side of the picture is the black bag? Left."} {"text":"statues mounted on the balcony"} {"text":"lights reflected on shiny floor"} {"text":"a person is standing up"} {"text":"A woman eating near a baby in a carriage"} {"text":"blue text on tan background"} {"text":"What are the elephants doing? Walking."} {"text":"the left ear of an elephant."} {"text":"What is the color of the bowl? Green."} {"text":"splashed snow in the air"} {"text":"What is sitting on the bench? Bird."} {"text":"commemerative plaque on bench"} {"text":"a black helmet"} {"text":"eye of a polar bear"} {"text":"What is the girl looking into? A mirror."} {"text":"How many windows are visible? 14."} {"text":"Who is looking at the flowers? People."} {"text":"black cat with tail wrapped around legs"} {"text":"What kind of trees are in the background? Pine trees."} {"text":"A cute baby is sitting at the dining room table."} {"text":"Where is the woman? In the street."} {"text":"green mug on the table"} {"text":"What kind of clothing is the left girl wearing on top? A hoodie."} {"text":"three cardboard boxes"} {"text":"a 4 way cross road"} {"text":"Are there women to the left of the person that the frisbee is behind of? No."} {"text":"the shelf is black in color"} {"text":"Cherry picker crane on street"} {"text":"What is between the cat's eyes? A white mark."} {"text":"the t-shirt is gray"} {"text":"A lighter colored red car."} {"text":"graffiti on the rock"} {"text":"The two rams are standing on some rocks."} {"text":"What color are the bears? Brown."} {"text":"How many people are in the photo? One."} {"text":"jar on the shelf"} {"text":"What mode of transportation is on the roads? Automobiles."} {"text":"pile of wrapped sandwiches"} {"text":"Yellow shoes the little girl is wearing."} {"text":"What is above the window? A sign."} {"text":"Is the cat near the umbrella orange or gray? Orange."} {"text":"The background is white"} {"text":"Small symbol on a sign"} {"text":"People standing with flags"} {"text":"lot of trees with plants"} {"text":"Where is the train? On tracks."} {"text":"Back part of a pickup truck."} {"text":"Are there any pillows to the left of the lamp? No."} {"text":"What do both the table and the chair have in common? Material."} {"text":"small bronze kangaroo statue"} {"text":"blue lettering above the sign"} {"text":"a brown and white giraffe standing in grass"} {"text":"Small part of the dirt."} {"text":"What shirt is the boy wearing? A blue t-shirt."} {"text":"What is used to shelter from rain? A umbrella."} {"text":"streetlight on the right"} {"text":"hair on the tail"} {"text":"A man riding a skateboard next to a blue and white building."} {"text":"two slices of cooked pizza on cardboard"} {"text":"a pink and clear plastic tooth brush with blue and white bristles"} {"text":"the cat is gray"} {"text":"toilet paper on roll"} {"text":"white spray paint on ramp"} {"text":"the building has a tall steeple"} {"text":"What is on the player's head? A hat."} {"text":"the pizza paddle is wooden"} {"text":"What kind of furniture is not wooden? Bookshelf."} {"text":"What are the toilets made of? Porcelain."} {"text":"Is this person wearing a dust mask? No."} {"text":"brown colored sedan on street"} {"text":"the person carrying a bag"} {"text":"A person sits on the road near their motorcycle."} {"text":"the word UNIVERSITY on the window"} {"text":"What animals are on the beach? Cows."} {"text":"brown hat with brim"} {"text":"Woman's brown hair is in a bun"} {"text":"The wall is rocky"} {"text":"white shirt on man"} {"text":"How many ears are in the picture? Four."} {"text":"white porcelain toilet bowl"} {"text":"Where is the white stripe on the can? Down side."} {"text":"a girl wearing a SMU t-shirt"} {"text":"What color are the cat's eyes? Yellow."} {"text":"a small package of CSR white sugar"} {"text":"Are there either any giraffes or wolves? Yes."} {"text":"What color is the ball? Orange."} {"text":"How are the 3 people not touching the ground moving across the ground? Bicycle."} {"text":"Laptop on a counter"} {"text":"What kind of baked good is covered in flour? Donut."} {"text":"Who is behind the brown cow? A white cow."} {"text":"Which kind of animal is wearing the collar? Cat."} {"text":"What does the roof appear to be made of? Bamboo and straw."} {"text":"Women are getting ready to surf on a stormy day."} {"text":"blue material on bedding"} {"text":"Where is the hydrant? On the ground."} {"text":"the track is gray"} {"text":"the head of a boy"} {"text":"How many sets of wheels? Three."} {"text":"red train's front headlights"} {"text":"Large thick white arrow on the road."} {"text":"A traffic light with a bike signal on a pole."} {"text":"What has pink white and purple chevron? Dress shirt."} {"text":"Bear trees in the forest."} {"text":"How is the photo? Clear."} {"text":"An orange cat napping on top of a kitty tree."} {"text":"How long this man has been waterskiing? 0."} {"text":"What type of animal is to the left of the stuffed bear? Cat."} {"text":"What is eating a banana? A bird."} {"text":"Is the water calm? Yes."} {"text":"train tracks on gravel"} {"text":"Blue shoulder straps on backpack"} {"text":"a window on a building"} {"text":"Are the waves shorter or taller than the surfer? Shorter."} {"text":"the phone is silver"} {"text":"black and gray car seat"} {"text":"the coat is green"} {"text":"an electric stove top"} {"text":"chains on the scale"} {"text":"an electric plug on wall"} {"text":"What is in the plate? Pizza."} {"text":"What is seen on the photo? Men."} {"text":"Why are there shadows? It is sunny."} {"text":"shirt on the woman"} {"text":"Are there any windows? No."} {"text":"the ear of a calf"} {"text":"The bush is tall"} {"text":"this is some chopped broccoli"} {"text":"the man has glasses on"} {"text":"What is shirt color? Red."} {"text":"Does the shirt appear to be orange? No."} {"text":"a red train on the tracks"} {"text":"eye of the animal"} {"text":"short green and yellow grass"} {"text":"the button is round"} {"text":"What color is the left woman's sweater? Yellow."} {"text":"the top suitcase is two toned"} {"text":"The light is on in microwave"} {"text":"A snow skier is in mid air on top of a mountain."} {"text":"yellow gummy bears"} {"text":"boy wearing white shirt"} {"text":"When is this scene taking place? Daytime."} {"text":"a wooden handle sticking out of pot"} {"text":"An old and worn toilet inside an abandoned building."} {"text":"the water has some ripples"} {"text":"Who in the image is standing? Boys."} {"text":"Are the green vegetables in the bottom part of the picture? Yes."} {"text":"A black sleeve on a coat."} {"text":"a cable with multiple chords"} {"text":"building in background"} {"text":"green vintage motor scooter"} {"text":"The sunglasses the man in the green sweater is wearing."} {"text":"man wearing a grey snowsuit"} {"text":"part of a salt or pepper shaker"} {"text":"traffic light on black and white pole"} {"text":"What is graffitied? Revolution."} {"text":"blue pants on a woman"} {"text":"white clock face with black roman numerals and gold trim"} {"text":"a brown plastic tray filled with food"} {"text":"A small white dog puts his nose up to the glass."} {"text":"How many umbrellas are present? 15."} {"text":"man standing in snow"} {"text":"a man wearing socks"} {"text":"What sport is played? Baseball."} {"text":"A long forest of trees."} {"text":"Woman looking at other graduates at ceremony at school event."} {"text":"white clouds in the sky"} {"text":"What is the person sitting on? Snow."} {"text":"Children playing soccer"} {"text":"a short tree stump in the lawn"} {"text":"What is in the bowl? Tea."} {"text":"In which part of the image is the bench, the top or the bottom? Top."} {"text":"white and green water in river"} {"text":"The black hands on the clock."} {"text":"the train has 3 cars"} {"text":"Does the bear look like it is missing some fur? Yes."} {"text":"horizon in the far distance"} {"text":"Zebras grace on the grass in the woods"} {"text":"Thumb is touching the grey remote."} {"text":"red container with a black interior"} {"text":"A man watching a woman fly a kite on the beach."} {"text":"Is the pizza slice on a plate? No."} {"text":"woman in a green and black shirt"} {"text":"Closeup of birthday confections, against pool backdrop."} {"text":"black casters on chairs"} {"text":"short green and yellow grass"} {"text":"What is the man sitting on? A chair."} {"text":"rose on man's jacket"} {"text":"Clothes all over top of bed."} {"text":"A ground covered by snow"} {"text":"A clock on the wall"} {"text":"A hamburger and french fries with ketchup on a white plate."} {"text":"What kind of print is on the wrapper? Hot dog."} {"text":"this picture is taken indoors"} {"text":"Is the car driveable? Yes."} {"text":"a step on stairway"} {"text":"What is the dog catching? A frisbee."} {"text":"a cake on the table"} {"text":"What device is to the left of the unlit candle? Phone."} {"text":"man walking on sidewalk"} {"text":"a man wearing a green, black and white jacket"} {"text":"Do the arrow and the bus have the same color? Yes."} {"text":"a long spotted giraffe leg."} {"text":"What is coming through the windows? Sunlight."} {"text":"Who is standing? Boy."} {"text":"zebras are walking in the grass"} {"text":"this is a racket"} {"text":"A colorful cat is next to a keyoard"} {"text":"eye of an elephant"} {"text":"What is surfing? The man."} {"text":"Who are people in the image? Kids' baseball team."} {"text":"Do you see any speakers that are silver? No."} {"text":"The left headlight of the train"} {"text":"How is the red vehicle called? Bus."} {"text":"tip of cooked bacon"} {"text":"the tire of a vehicle"} {"text":"a sand hill with grass"} {"text":"A wooden bowl on a counter."} {"text":"Handle of the racket."} {"text":"How many stations are there? 1."} {"text":"How many chairs in the room? Two."} {"text":"White car on the road"} {"text":"irregular knobs and protrusions on cow legs"} {"text":"a hog dog in a basket"} {"text":"elephant walking in a field of tall grass"} {"text":"white legs with grey toes spread out"} {"text":"A row of CD cases"} {"text":"Front door of the airplane"} {"text":"black and red ski jacket"} {"text":"The tree to the right"} {"text":"the green tennis court"} {"text":"a black car parked on the side of a street"} {"text":"Where is the trash can? To the left of the toilet."} {"text":"yellow and green vest"} {"text":"What is hanging on the wall? Picture."} {"text":"In what direction is the ski pole in the person's right hand pointing? Up."} {"text":"cars moving in the opposite direction"} {"text":"The neck of a giraffe"} {"text":"the keyboard is black in color"} {"text":"green grass is patchy."} {"text":"Large window on a bus"} {"text":"What is tied around the bears neck? A bowtie."} {"text":"What do the people in stands appear to be doing? Clapping."} {"text":"What animal is in the photo? Elephant."} {"text":"ramp leading to water"} {"text":"A train traveling down train tracks near a house."} {"text":"three windows on a boat"} {"text":"pink coffee mug"} {"text":"a person doing karate"} {"text":"What is behind the field? Grey color building."} {"text":"female walking down a side walk with a pink skirt"} {"text":"edge of a table"} {"text":"a window on the building"} {"text":"snowboard under boy on a ledge"} {"text":"Is the tall candle inside the vase that holds the paper? Yes."} {"text":"a white rusty bolt"} {"text":"arm of a person"} {"text":"two zebras in the wild"} {"text":"How is the appliance to the left of the oven that is to the left of the bag called? Refrigerator."} {"text":"This man is wearing a baseball glove on left hand"} {"text":"a filtered look at the sun"} {"text":"metal roll-up security door"} {"text":"window on a stone building"} {"text":"edge of an ear"} {"text":"tile on a floor"} {"text":"What is the food that is on the plate that is not big? Salad."} {"text":"Small round mirror on computer monitor"} {"text":"Cows grazing in field"} {"text":"animal tracks in the sand"} {"text":"What is in the background? Sign."} {"text":"What color is this woman's jacket? Green."} {"text":"What wheel are shown? Front."} {"text":"Green grass around the stump."} {"text":"burgandy skating helmet"} {"text":"What color are the tree trunks? Brown."} {"text":"What is the building made of? Brick."} {"text":"horse's head faces right"} {"text":"A window on a building."} {"text":"Small golden brown pastry"} {"text":"Turbulent waters of the sea"} {"text":"Closest yellow number 1 sign on wall."} {"text":"Brown broth of a soup"} {"text":"black grate on the street"} {"text":"What color jacket is man to left? Red."} {"text":"green vertical metal support pole"} {"text":"A walkie talkie on man's jeans"} {"text":"man in long sleeved shirt on the platform"} {"text":"sand on the ground"} {"text":"What type of food is this? Sandwich."} {"text":"Baby in the man's arms."} {"text":"What color are the pillows? White."} {"text":"Meat inside a sandwich"} {"text":"black pylon near road"} {"text":"condiment for the grilled saugage"} {"text":"the second elephant from the right"} {"text":"plushies on the top of the couch"} {"text":"What is across between the giraffes? Two wooden beams."} {"text":"brown horse with rider"} {"text":"Where is the blanket? In a pile at the end of the bed."} {"text":"A STICKER ON BACK OF A SIGN"} {"text":"Who in the photo is playing? Boy."} {"text":"What is under the cat on the bench? Food."} {"text":"What is the girl doing? Playing."} {"text":"orange door of big building"} {"text":"Brown marble wall by a bath tub."} {"text":"On which side of the photo is the woman, the right or the left? Left."} {"text":"Do you see either pillows or helmets that are red? Yes."} {"text":"What number of motors does the boat have? Two."} {"text":"oven door is open"} {"text":"slice mark in pie"} {"text":"A slice of cake"} {"text":"Is the man in motion? No."} {"text":"white clouds in blue sky"} {"text":"How many are they? 1."} {"text":"Sand is brown color."} {"text":"strands of cabbage under the fish"} {"text":"a person sitting on a bench with their head crouched over"} {"text":"knees on tennis player"} {"text":"white cabinet has a door"} {"text":"Where is the silver faucet? Above the cat."} {"text":"red brick on wall"} {"text":"a window on the building"} {"text":"tree in the cold snowy ground"} {"text":"An elephant's front foot"} {"text":"What is the man doing on the end of the dock? Fishing."} {"text":"dark blue shirt with red number and his last name in white"} {"text":"Are there both an ottoman and a remote control in this photo? Yes."} {"text":"What is in front of the clock? Bushes."} {"text":"Tree reflection on the lake water"} {"text":"Ground is dry, tan, and covered with hay"} {"text":"What color is the man's shirt? White."} {"text":"Black mane on a brown horse."} {"text":"patches of grass and brown dirt"} {"text":"green vegetation near road"} {"text":"The right handlebar on the bike"} {"text":"What is the girl carrying? Suitcase."} {"text":"tall and old building"} {"text":"Which color do you think the dresser to the left of the towel is? White."} {"text":"A picture of a bird eating seeds through a hanging bird house."} {"text":"A couple of sausages sitting on top of a white plate."} {"text":"two hands held together"} {"text":"Toilet is white color."} {"text":"glass window on train"} {"text":"table that white container is sitting on"} {"text":"Is anyone living in the house? Yes."} {"text":"How many people are shown? Zero."} {"text":"A man in the background"} {"text":"Does the man jacket have blue color? No."} {"text":"A person in fancy costume is riding a horse while others look on."} {"text":"Bird sitting on branch"} {"text":"Is the water green or light blue? Green."} {"text":"the mirror has water on it"} {"text":"paper balloon over window"} {"text":"this is a spoon"} {"text":"Large brown bear sitting next to rocks in open area."} {"text":"Decorative figure by house."} {"text":"Where is the water coming from? Crack in the rock."} {"text":"Skateboarder and board in mid air at a contoured park."} {"text":"man wearing a blue tie"} {"text":"What texture is the ground? Grass."} {"text":"What is the main color of the people's shorts? Blue."} {"text":"a tall palm tree"} {"text":"A pizza in a box."} {"text":"plants growing behind the bench"} {"text":"What is black? The back and bottom of shoe."} {"text":"Brown dirt on the ground"} {"text":"Are these boys having a picnic? No."} {"text":"What color is the small computer? Black."} {"text":"Dogs sleeping on a bed, one staring at photographer."} {"text":"What is the weather like, stormy or clear? Stormy."} {"text":"wheel on a chair"} {"text":"Little boy wearing jeans."} {"text":"A decorative dish shaped like an apple with apples on it and a bowl of oranges."} {"text":"What is the pizza on? A plate."} {"text":"What color is the helmet? White."} {"text":"Are there both pineapples and watermelons in the picture? No."} {"text":"Is that grass green and dirty? No."} {"text":"bright red work table"} {"text":"four silver spoon kept in a glass bowl"} {"text":"street light not on"} {"text":"Snowboarder in the air while snowboarding"} {"text":"What color are the road lines? White."} {"text":"Who is holding the racket? Player."} {"text":"fuzzy light brown fur"} {"text":"The girl has a mole."} {"text":"ball in a woman hand"} {"text":"a lady in a dress holding an umbrella"} {"text":"road does not have lots of traffic on it"} {"text":"the man on the snow"} {"text":"Man with dark hair"} {"text":"Is the woman painting? Yes."} {"text":"Cross section photo of surfboard"} {"text":"Woman sitting on a bench"} {"text":"Wild animal in natural setting with man-made object."} {"text":"window on a building"} {"text":"What is shown in the picture? An orange."} {"text":"Who is the best surfer? 4."} {"text":"Crates on the ground behind the baskets"} {"text":"What is the photo's subject? Slice of cake."} {"text":"What is the pink and purple item the woman's wearing? Coat."} {"text":"a red flower"} {"text":"Curtain behind the chair."} {"text":"the woman holds a racket"} {"text":"a dried out plant"} {"text":"What is the bottle in? Window."} {"text":"Colorful view of the ocean with ships, blue sky, water, and red and blue beach umbrellas."} {"text":"the front wheel on a bike"} {"text":"What is the man playing? Wii."} {"text":"white heating along baseboard"} {"text":"heating instructions and warning label"} {"text":"Aloe plant in planter"} {"text":"wheels on the airplane"} {"text":"Sprite bottle on the counter"} {"text":"a two pronged fork"} {"text":"Photo frames hanging in the wall"} {"text":"the post is black"} {"text":"Knife beside the plate"} {"text":"What color are the bananas? Green."} {"text":"The tree has been tilted"} {"text":"trees near a field"} {"text":"Car is being towed"} {"text":"When was this taken? At night time."} {"text":"the door is grey"} {"text":"What is under the cat? Blanket."} {"text":"Where are the people? None in photo."} {"text":"What is the black item of furniture called? Table."} {"text":"Do you see a duck? No."} {"text":"The boy is wearing what? T-shirt."} {"text":"Person wearing white helmet and standing on skateboard"} {"text":"What is on the mousepad? A mouse."} {"text":"What is the glare coming from the object? The television is on."} {"text":"How many people are playing? Two."} {"text":"What color is the refrigerator? White."} {"text":"What has eyes on cake? Monster truck."} {"text":"A woman has on a black outfit"} {"text":"Where is the horse standing? A river bank."} {"text":"the long finger of the hand"} {"text":"Is the man in the ocean wearing shorts? Yes."} {"text":"glass window on building"} {"text":"What animal is the child that is to the right of the man looking at? Cow."} {"text":"Is this a quilt or bedspread? Quilt."} {"text":"a troll doll with red hair"} {"text":"Is the horse galloping? Yes."} {"text":"an orange childs cup"} {"text":"This is a fruit"} {"text":"How many people in the picture? 2."} {"text":"What kind of vegetable is lying in the box? Broccoli."} {"text":"Right pointy ear of pony"} {"text":"Cheese on a piece of pizza"} {"text":"A pole on the side of a street next to a building"} {"text":"What is the woman in front of? Statue."} {"text":"plates displayed on shelves"} {"text":"A high seat for a referee."} {"text":"a row boat that is anchored"} {"text":"Shrimp, broccoli, carrots, shrimp and cheese are being cooked in a skillet."} {"text":"A road sign in the photo."} {"text":"Where was the picture taken? Outdoors in the water."} {"text":"elephant turning towards other elephant"} {"text":"gift is on toilet"} {"text":"How is the tiles looking? Ceramic."} {"text":"the collar is green"} {"text":"milk in the glass"} {"text":"Snow on the ground."} {"text":"vegetables cut in a salad"} {"text":"an outside clock on a building"} {"text":"mint chip ice cream"} {"text":"a paved platform next to the tracks"} {"text":"a tall flagpole with the American flag"} {"text":"small pic on wall"} {"text":"a man is wearing a black suit"} {"text":"What piece of furniture is not white? Dresser."} {"text":"Two boy engraved eyes on a vase."} {"text":"How many trains? 1."} {"text":"The leg of a dog."} {"text":"The curtain that is on the right side is what color? White."} {"text":"A modern toilet in a a cool modern bathroom."} {"text":"Is the bag to the left or to the right of the boy? Right."} {"text":"What kind of pants are on the child? Blue jeans."} {"text":"Left ear of giraffe"} {"text":"Gray rocks on a hill"} {"text":"Circular shape on the kite."} {"text":"cactus on the arid desert"} {"text":"two yellow and blue umbrellas"} {"text":"dark windows on side of plane"} {"text":"wheel of a car"} {"text":"Where are the hats? On the cats."} {"text":"rock in dirt area"} {"text":"yellow paint on train."} {"text":"paw of the bear"} {"text":"candy with yellow and brown candy wrapper"} {"text":"Is it an indoors or outdoors picture? Outdoors."} {"text":"A bright light shining from the building."} {"text":"What is on the clock? Number."} {"text":"The man's head is covered."} {"text":"Is there a cookie or a cheesecake in the picture? Yes."} {"text":"Where is the large black tile? Forefront floor."} {"text":"Where is a detached sink? On the left."} {"text":"head of a person"} {"text":"man in dark gray sweater and jeans flying kite"} {"text":"boy wearing blue rain jacket"} {"text":"A white plate topped with a green salad next to a cup of coffee."} {"text":"Young woman relaxing outdoors on a wooden bench."} {"text":"What time was this picture taken? Morning."} {"text":"What color do you think the bicycle is? Red."} {"text":"hex head bolt on fire hydrant"} {"text":"the player is wearing long pants"} {"text":"a black and red band on a hat"} {"text":"How many cars on the road? 1."} {"text":"a green tree leaf"} {"text":"a metal railing"} {"text":"A colorful dessert garnished with orange slices on a white plate."} {"text":"small yellow sign"} {"text":"What is looking down while bending? The people."} {"text":"A cat sleeping on a cat bed on top of a couch."} {"text":"The grass field the sheep are in"} {"text":"Tennis ball in hand"} {"text":"a white napkin"} {"text":"mirror over a sink counter"} {"text":"white stripe on train platform"} {"text":"Where is the trash bin? Beside the fence."} {"text":"Gray carpet on the floor"} {"text":"kite in the sky"} {"text":"What is next to bench? Flowers."} {"text":"a gray, white and black parakeet"} {"text":"What kind of food is not mixed, the vegetables or the tomatoes? Tomatoes."} {"text":"A laptop with a picture of the earth on its screen while sitting on a surfboard."} {"text":"the comforter on the bed"} {"text":"How many bald men in this photo? 1."} {"text":"Where is the person's hand? On their neck."} {"text":"bucket hat on stuffed bear"} {"text":"person is a woman"} {"text":"A car is parked on the street near a parking meter."} {"text":"mushroom on the plate"} {"text":"white and brown cow"} {"text":"shiny reflection on some wood"} {"text":"a big rock at the end of the path"} {"text":"What is the person that is to the right of the banana wearing? Sweater."} {"text":"What color is her hair? Blonde."} {"text":"a metal balcony"} {"text":"the cat's paws are white"} {"text":"the beak is large"} {"text":"Who is wearing the safety guard over his face? The catcher."} {"text":"A dish with meat and veggies smothered in some type of sauce."} {"text":"Do you see any sailboats in the shallow water? No."} {"text":"gold letter on a sign"} {"text":"What vehicle is on the sidewalk? Truck."} {"text":"What is in front of the wall that is cream-colored and white? Orange."} {"text":"the beautiful ocean"} {"text":"Head of the statue of liberty"} {"text":"a red and white umbrella"} {"text":"A brightly lit, quaint and clean living room."} {"text":"Small black birds on a traffic signal"} {"text":"grey poles near man"} {"text":"The faucet is silver."} {"text":"home made potato chip"} {"text":"Red and White State Farm Advertising Sign"} {"text":"Are there any trees? No."} {"text":"What is the number of people in the picture? One."} {"text":"a young boy watching"} {"text":"Is there either a brown door or window in this scene? No."} {"text":"Orange cones near the vans."} {"text":"A chair and a couch in a room."} {"text":"How many airplanes are there? One."} {"text":"How many cars are there? Two."} {"text":"A plate holder with a paper plate in it"} {"text":"What is underneath the pizza plates? Metal surface."} {"text":"A man using his phone"} {"text":"The writing on the fire hydrant is in English."} {"text":"number eighty seven on bike"} {"text":"What kind of furniture is the mug on? Table."} {"text":"Snow covered trees"} {"text":"trees above the road"} {"text":"this is a white towel"} {"text":"Which kind of furniture is under the spoon? Table."} {"text":"What is on the person's left wrist? A watch."} {"text":"yellow front license plate"} {"text":"window in front of white building"} {"text":"The tail on the cat"} {"text":"A person that is taking a picture of themselves."} {"text":"Which color are the trousers, white or black? White."} {"text":"black letter on sign"} {"text":"Several people behind a fence"} {"text":"Where was this taken? Beach."} {"text":"Is the kite in the sky large and white? Yes."} {"text":"red and white Bike-It sign"} {"text":"How many people are in the photo? 0."} {"text":"What kind of baked good are the nuts on? Bagel."} {"text":"How many waves are visible? One."} {"text":"On which side is the spoon? Right."} {"text":"Where are the candles? In the cake."} {"text":"Which is ship is a smoother ride? Big."} {"text":"How many people are in the image? 1."} {"text":"What color is the microwave? Black."} {"text":"Man in the distance looking at the kids in the room"} {"text":"When was the photo taken? Daytime."} {"text":"The motorcycle belongs to a collector"} {"text":"blurry view of the land behind the ocean"} {"text":"the elephant has a trunk"} {"text":"this is a table"} {"text":"dark black sunglasses"} {"text":"The planter is in front of what? Wall."} {"text":"the floor is grey"} {"text":"Two story bus coming down a hill toward camera."} {"text":"Newspaper baggage platform"} {"text":"back tire of truck"} {"text":"dead snow covered trees"} {"text":"the motorcycles in front of the building"} {"text":"jet engine on a plane"} {"text":"How many legs are visible? 3."} {"text":"What is the man riding? A skateboard."} {"text":"Are those candles curly? No."} {"text":"the pinky finger on a hand"} {"text":"Light shining on the tower"} {"text":"a reflection is seen in the wine glass"} {"text":"front of a car"} {"text":"right ear on brown bear"} {"text":"blue jeans"} {"text":"Who is in the picture? Men and women."} {"text":"a large white airplane"} {"text":"the car is blue"} {"text":"Which kind of vehicle is to the left of the woman? Car."} {"text":"tracks for trains to travel"} {"text":"Thin piece of meat on top of a pizza."} {"text":"Why the sheep are bending over? To eat."} {"text":"boy and skateboard are airborne"} {"text":"A person in black jacket snowboarding on a white slope."} {"text":"the sun is setting"} {"text":"Number 51 on a bus"} {"text":"red umbrella with white pattern"} {"text":"the umbrella has polka dots"} {"text":"a tap on a beer barrel"} {"text":"What is the sign that is on the post made of wood? Traffic sign."} {"text":"a red awning"} {"text":"A man swims in water."} {"text":"edge of a rail"} {"text":"Windows on airplane"} {"text":"The word ITEMS on the sign."} {"text":"a rusting blue thing outside"} {"text":"Dark lines on back of tiger colored cat"} {"text":"A tree in the woods."} {"text":"donut is next to donut"} {"text":"a few puffy little white clouds are in the sky"} {"text":"How many skateboarders are in this photo? 1."} {"text":"Traffic sign with white letters"} {"text":"red car on train"} {"text":"the red helmet on the head"} {"text":"What's the man playing? Video games."} {"text":"A little girl sitting in front of a white bag filled with green apples."} {"text":"Where is the food on the table with char on it? The bread."} {"text":"What is the piece of furniture that the clothes are on? Dresser."} {"text":"A messy apartment with a person resting their foot on a table."} {"text":"a lamp with a black post"} {"text":"woman in black running"} {"text":"numbers on the cellphone"} {"text":"What color are the walls? Red."} {"text":"Is there a skateboard or a surfboard in the picture? Yes."} {"text":"On which side of the photo is the van, the left or the right? Right."} {"text":"white tray of highchair"} {"text":"man cutting a boys hair"} {"text":"Does the vehicle near the road look gray and short? No."} {"text":"edge of a boat"} {"text":"What animal sits on the ground? Giraffe."} {"text":"A bunch of fruit that is at a stand."} {"text":"a couple of people sit inside of a truck as people look on"} {"text":"a brown horse with blanket"} {"text":"Liquor for making mixed drinks on shelves"} {"text":"How many dogs are in this photo? 0."} {"text":"A group of men cooking meat in kitchen."} {"text":"What color does the short sleeved shirt have? Green."} {"text":"window on side of house"} {"text":"missle beneath jet wing"} {"text":"person standing in front of train"} {"text":"The motorcycle is orange and black."} {"text":"THe cat has a black tail"} {"text":"What is on the tower? Clock."} {"text":"What is the man in the air reaching for? Kite."} {"text":"restaurant dining table"} {"text":"A couple at a table in front of a window in a small living space."} {"text":"What fruit is in the bowl? Raspberry."} {"text":"Where is the appliance usually found? Kitchen."} {"text":"Where are the pinstripe on the plane? Sides ."} {"text":"The cartoon sun on the board"} {"text":"this is a man"} {"text":"white stars on blue cloth"} {"text":"In which part of the picture is the skateboard? Left."} {"text":"the ear of a man"} {"text":"On which side of the photo is the mirror? Left."} {"text":"The t.v. on the brown dresser."} {"text":"a series of boards"} {"text":"Where are the birds? Ground."} {"text":"How many airplanes are in the picture? One."} {"text":"brown bedside table with drawers"} {"text":"Do the chains look short? Yes."} {"text":"Black and cream colored chair"} {"text":"metal pieces in toilet"} {"text":"A woman's blue ski jacket"} {"text":"A woman has a small zebra on a leash."} {"text":"The snow is white."} {"text":"statue on top of building"} {"text":"Where is the napkin? Wrapped around the utensils on the plate."} {"text":"What is the person have around forehead? Goggles."} {"text":"What color is the clock face? White."} {"text":"Where can people sit? Chairs."} {"text":"A cup with a toothbrush, and two different kids of toothpastes beside it on a shelf."} {"text":"On which side of the photo is the dog? Left."} {"text":"number 12"} {"text":"Is the man to the left or to the right of the person that is wearing a blouse? Left."} {"text":"a piece of construction equipment"} {"text":"Do you see any peppers to the right of the white vegetable? No."} {"text":"this is a wheel"} {"text":"A large plant in a pot"} {"text":"a young boy trying to hit the tennis ball"} {"text":"a row of windows"} {"text":"Does the mug to the right of the person have large size and black color? No."} {"text":"Person wears long pants"} {"text":"a piece of purple cabbage"} {"text":"Are there napkins or pizzas? No."} {"text":"Stove has gas burners."} {"text":"A red metal railing"} {"text":"What color is the clock? Beige."} {"text":"How is the vehicle? Parked."} {"text":"THE SHOES ARE RED"} {"text":"leg of the pitcher"} {"text":"black thin leather belt"} {"text":"What color is the car? White."} {"text":"the wave is crashing"} {"text":"A giraffe is leaning towards the grass land."} {"text":"spoon's handle is blue"} {"text":"Is there any purse or backpack that is red? Yes."} {"text":"A video game system."} {"text":"yellow hut on the sand"} {"text":"the cloth is green"} {"text":"two towers in the distance"} {"text":"man is leaning forward"} {"text":"bull swimming next to man"} {"text":"What is the man doing? Licking pole."} {"text":"Slender black tap handle"} {"text":"Man wearing gray pants"} {"text":"the poster on the wall"} {"text":"A closed white umbrella"} {"text":"yellow airplane wing in museum"} {"text":"Exit sign above the door."} {"text":"The blender is silver"} {"text":"Is there a bed or a chair in this image? Yes."} {"text":"large planetrs with red flowers across the street"} {"text":"Arches all along the building."} {"text":"black patch on wall"} {"text":"Where is this photo taken? In a bathroom."} {"text":"Is there a bear on the tree in front of the person? No."} {"text":"a woman catches a frisbee on a beach"} {"text":"the vase is glass"} {"text":"Black laces on tennis shoes."} {"text":"What color is the catcher's glove? Brown."} {"text":"a tree in the woods"} {"text":"What number is in the picture? 15."} {"text":"an orange snow plow in front of a truck"} {"text":"Two sheep in the background"} {"text":"a male tennis player"} {"text":"a herd of cows"} {"text":"a lady and a man are sanding out in a park."} {"text":"What color are the bears? Brown."} {"text":"The faucet of the sink."} {"text":"What color is that helmet? Silver."} {"text":"black strap on the dog"} {"text":"Elder man wearing a black suit"} {"text":"A family flying a kite"} {"text":"a green electrical box"} {"text":"What is the sand in front of? Ocean."} {"text":"What liquid is in the glass? Milk."} {"text":"the boat has people"} {"text":"These men are on motorcycles."} {"text":"What is the dog looking at? The dog food."} {"text":"A street light and stoplight"} {"text":"these are green leaves"} {"text":"window in a blue building"} {"text":"Do you see any small cars or windows in this picture? Yes."} {"text":"the building is red and white"} {"text":"Two people are walking next to each other."} {"text":"THE MAN IS CHASING THE BALL"} {"text":"animal facing uphill"} {"text":"Which side of the photo are the traffic lights on? Left."} {"text":"part of a black train car"} {"text":"a window on a building"} {"text":"the engine of the plane"} {"text":"Bar table is light brown in color"} {"text":"Elephants drinking water in a river"} {"text":"concrete outside fence area"} {"text":"The cap of the toothpaste"} {"text":"What time is it? Dinner."} {"text":"A group of cattle grazing"} {"text":"Cars traveling down road."} {"text":"towel bar above bathtub"} {"text":"a person skating"} {"text":"dark green hammock"} {"text":"What else is visible? Trees."} {"text":"What color is the water? Blue green."} {"text":"Where is the rock the sheep are standing on? Hillside."} {"text":"a n elephant is poking its head through a fence"} {"text":"yellow motorcycle helmet"} {"text":"number four in white on back of red t-shirt"} {"text":"What is grey in color? The runway."} {"text":"person stake boarding on the street"} {"text":"cobble stone road"} {"text":"A woman is in the background"} {"text":"these are tiles on the wall"} {"text":"a yellow phonebook"} {"text":"What is the man on? A horse."} {"text":"Lamppost next to building"} {"text":"a clock tower on top of a historical building"} {"text":"a gray and yellow couch"} {"text":"A woman by a market with a train passing by."} {"text":"Do the dip and the spatula have the same color? No."} {"text":"an apple logo on laptop"} {"text":"a man riding a convertible"} {"text":"What type of bus is this? Double decker."} {"text":"Someone in an enormous fat puffy suit carrying a snowboard."} {"text":"A red umbrella"} {"text":"white ceiling support pillow"} {"text":"the white plate is ceramic"} {"text":"Is there either any metallic chair or table? No."} {"text":"black and blue board"} {"text":"Is there a fence in the picture? Yes."} {"text":"What type of furniture is to the right of the trash bin? Table."} {"text":"fence behind the elephant."} {"text":"Does the yellow car have a motor? No."} {"text":"white shoes and striped leggings"} {"text":"On which side of the photo is the young man? Right."} {"text":"black jacket of skiier"} {"text":"the logo on the advertisement"} {"text":"this is a cloud"} {"text":"A red tray containing a meal"} {"text":"head of the man"} {"text":"Who is in the picture? A little boy."} {"text":"an image of a group of people riding skateboards in the middle of the street"} {"text":"Is the croissant in the bottom part or in the top of the photo? Bottom."} {"text":"cat standing on empty book shelf"} {"text":"What type of computer monitor is visible? Large old fashioned one."} {"text":"sign on a pole"} {"text":"What vehicle is this? Bus."} {"text":"pair of skiis"} {"text":"Do you see any table lamps or spoons in the photo? No."} {"text":"top of light pole"} {"text":"The tan pillow is on the couch"} {"text":"man has white shorts"} {"text":"white design on tennis court"} {"text":"What is in the background? Buildings."} {"text":"What is the black 'c' and circle mean? Copyright."} {"text":"Is this an airport? No."} {"text":"What does the guy sit on? Bench."} {"text":"Which kind of furniture is it? Bed."} {"text":"The worn tie of the mannequin."} {"text":"a blue chair with round shape."} {"text":"dark brown wooden armoire"} {"text":"the sky is blue in color"} {"text":"Who is in front of the catcher that is to the left of the shelf? Player."} {"text":"What is in the background? A shop."} {"text":"man wearing a white tee shirt"} {"text":"Which kind of animal is the blossom behind of? Bear."} {"text":"Is it a nice day or a rainy day? Sunny."} {"text":"this horse is brown an dwhite"} {"text":"Young T-ball player all wound up, ready to hit the ball."} {"text":"gold medallion design on navy tie"} {"text":"hair line crack in street"} {"text":"A black train on the trucks"} {"text":"the sand at the beach"} {"text":"A black and white photo of a man holding a baby boy in one arm and propping up a bicycle with the other, and Chow puppies in the foreground."} {"text":"What are the zebras doing? Just standing in the field."} {"text":"book on the night stand"} {"text":"What is the baby reaching for? Oven."} {"text":"Who is in the photo? A boy."} {"text":"How many pizzas are there? 1."} {"text":"a large white refrigerator"} {"text":"Where was the photo taken? Outdoors somewhere."} {"text":"What is near the corn? Strawberries."} {"text":"red sign with arrow"} {"text":"plane in the sky"} {"text":"Do you see any pots or tissue papers? Yes."} {"text":"small lock on topmost suitcase"} {"text":"man wearing gray pants"} {"text":"How clean is the screen that is on the left? Dirty."} {"text":"man holding a surfboard"} {"text":"How many planes are there? Four."} {"text":"A brick building with a clock on its front exterior."} {"text":"What kind of furniture is to the right of the utensil in the bowl? Chairs."} {"text":"black pants on a child"} {"text":"Are these cows or bulls? Cows."} {"text":"green leaves in brown trees"} {"text":"white refrigerator"} {"text":"A stainless steal refrigerator door is next to kitchen cabinets and countertop."} {"text":"How many bags with initials are visible? One."} {"text":"holes in a metal drain"} {"text":"What type of barrier? Metal fence."} {"text":"Black and orange helmet"} {"text":"Umpire standing behind the catcher in black and grey gear."} {"text":"What time of day? Daylight."} {"text":"Several male horse riders crossing a river to shore."} {"text":"How many planes in the air? 2."} {"text":"The disco ball is hanging from ceiling"} {"text":"A shadow on the ground cast by the park bench"} {"text":"a mountain in the background"} {"text":"stacked up cans of paint"} {"text":"Are these animals of different types? Yes."} {"text":"What are the walls made from? Wood."} {"text":"kids sitting at the table"} {"text":"two computer monitors on desk"} {"text":"white lines on the ground"} {"text":"What is the man being dressed behind? The computer."} {"text":"The paved road"} {"text":"Hershey candy bar bouquet"} {"text":"curb on edge of grass"} {"text":"What country flags are posted on the building? China."} {"text":"What is on the side of the bus? Window."} {"text":"Is the green vehicle to the right of the black vehicle? No."} {"text":"A RCT bus is currently parked and waiting for passengers."} {"text":"the rear wheel of a car"} {"text":"bench has wood slats"} {"text":"the leaves on the tree"} {"text":"Where are the flowers? On the boat."} {"text":"Woman wearing yellow pants"} {"text":"An old fashion train sits on the tracks at a station."} {"text":"A cat is observing a chalk drawing on the cement."} {"text":"How many players are shown? Two."} {"text":"Artisan salt to be put on the meal."} {"text":"Yellow beak on a black bird that is perched."} {"text":"an empty bird feeder"} {"text":"black edge at end of wall"} {"text":"A 6 key on a macintosh keyboard."} {"text":"A bunch of vegetables laying on plastic wrap."} {"text":"Bush on the field"} {"text":"Street sign saying Houston St"} {"text":"the hand of a boy"} {"text":"Which is the person's left hand? Phone."} {"text":"a window on a building"} {"text":"Small black circle design"} {"text":"trees next to grassy field"} {"text":"this is an electrical wire"} {"text":"a flower on the cake"} {"text":"A tie around his neck"} {"text":"What is on the hands? Gloves."} {"text":"Woman with a concerned look on her face"} {"text":"A couple of parking meters on a city street."} {"text":"a mirror in front of a window"} {"text":"What color fur is the cat shedding? White."} {"text":"What kind of shirt is the baby wearing? Onesies."} {"text":"How is the weather? Cloudy."} {"text":"What color is the ground? Tan."} {"text":"a woman posing near a table"} {"text":"black back wheel"} {"text":"Why are the animals drinking the water? Thirsty."} {"text":"a white keyboard"} {"text":"bus behind the man"} {"text":"A man surfing in the waters"} {"text":"white Wii controller"} {"text":"small brown bear"} {"text":"white letter on sign"} {"text":"What food makes the nose? Nuts."} {"text":"Where would the photographer of this picture have probably been standing? Grass."} {"text":"tall skyscraper to the right of the building"} {"text":"WHITE MARKINGS ON THE STREET"} {"text":"toilet lid is up"} {"text":"tennis player getting ready to serve"} {"text":"Silver colored metal pipe"} {"text":"gray sneakers with blue and pink shoelaces and trim"} {"text":"What is the batter holding? Bat."} {"text":"car driving on busy street"} {"text":"green trash container on sidewalk"} {"text":"A mother bear and her young cub in a river"} {"text":"What is the track made of? Sand."} {"text":"mouth of the bear"} {"text":"Does the floor match the countertop? No."} {"text":"a tall palm tree"} {"text":"White plastic bag on ground"} {"text":"curtain on the window"} {"text":"a brown tree trunk"} {"text":"What time is it? Three ten."} {"text":"Who is in the picture? No-one."} {"text":"a bird on the wire"} {"text":"What is the person next to the screen wearing? Tie."} {"text":"Is this a cold sandwich? No."} {"text":"How many couples are marching? 2."} {"text":"shadows bein cast over the snow"} {"text":"a toilet in a bathroom"} {"text":"Right arm of girl on the left"} {"text":"What animal does the statue look like? Elephant."} {"text":"white logo on hat"} {"text":"Where are the books? On shelf."} {"text":"A sink in a bathroom"} {"text":"a woman wearing sunglasses"} {"text":"man who appears to be in a queue"} {"text":"white clouds in blue sky"} {"text":"white horse behind fence"} {"text":"What is the boy doing? Flying kite."} {"text":"wooden slats of a wooden bench"} {"text":"Luggage."} {"text":"these are vehicles on the road"} {"text":"man in a field"} {"text":"Part of a bag of Lays"} {"text":"What is hanging on the wall above the headboard? Pictures."} {"text":"the wooden, brown fence"} {"text":"woman on black bikes hands on handle bar"} {"text":"A piece of bread near a cup of sauce."} {"text":"manufacturer's signature on spoot"} {"text":"handlebar on a bicycle"} {"text":"The walls are light yellow."} {"text":"Do you see hats in the image that are blue? Yes."} {"text":"building with tall stone tower"} {"text":"wooden bench by the ocean"} {"text":"the man's shirt is red"} {"text":"What style bus is shown? Double decker."} {"text":"face of the horse"} {"text":"the coca cola logo"} {"text":"Do you see any cheese on the rectangular plate? Yes."} {"text":"white plane on run way"} {"text":"man wearing suit jacket"} {"text":"green and white public buses"} {"text":"open black and silver laptop"} {"text":"the thumb of a person"} {"text":"Red shirt on child"} {"text":"the head of a man"} {"text":"rocking chair in room"} {"text":"White lines on the street"} {"text":"skinny black pole"} {"text":"a grouping of yellow flowers arranged in a base"} {"text":"large grey building brick"} {"text":"Why do you like this photo? Bmw."} {"text":"post behind the flowers"} {"text":"two glasses with wine in them on a brown table"} {"text":"A fire hydrant sitting on the side of the road."} {"text":"Who is wearing a tag? Skier."} {"text":"a couple of monitors are on a wood desk"} {"text":"Who is wearing a shirt? Player."} {"text":"What kind of light is used on the sign? Neon."} {"text":"What kind of furniture is to the right of the black thing that is in front of the desk? Shelf."} {"text":"Pots on stove top"} {"text":"What is looking at the dog? A sheep."} {"text":"an orange in a sink"} {"text":"leaves and rocks on the ground"} {"text":"the floor is red"} {"text":"What kind of clouds are in the sky? Cirrus."} {"text":"Bottled water sitting on top of a table."} {"text":"man riding a bike in the sand"} {"text":"Where is the vehicle? In the river."} {"text":"shadow on the ground."} {"text":"What is the girl with the red surfboard near? The shoreline of the ocean."} {"text":"What color is the animal? Brown and white."} {"text":"How many people on with skateboards? One."} {"text":"Well Marked Visible Lines on Street"} {"text":"How does the cheese appear? Melted."} {"text":"Where are the stripes? On shirt."} {"text":"train car is red on the bottom"} {"text":"person walking down the street"} {"text":"Do you see any kites by the building of the stone? No."} {"text":"the street is grey"} {"text":"a cloud in the sky"} {"text":"When is the picture taken? Daytime."} {"text":"white keys on the keyboard"} {"text":"back wheel of the motorcycle"} {"text":"Why is the catcher crouching? To catch the ball."} {"text":"blue sky without clouds"} {"text":"What is the animal that looks black and brown sleeping on? Motorcycle."} {"text":"What room is this? Bathroom."} {"text":"a jumble of power lines"} {"text":"Black hair from a giraffes tail."} {"text":"A person is sitting down"} {"text":"A group of zebras are standing in a field."} {"text":"Man with black flip flops on the bike."} {"text":"What brand name are of the shorts in black? Nike."} {"text":"silver pole parking meters are on"} {"text":"a blue and grey train engine"} {"text":"a dark green banana"} {"text":"Can you tell where the skateboarder will come down on the concrete? No."} {"text":"Is the man wearing jeans? Yes."} {"text":"the cake is white"} {"text":"A cat sitting in a black suitcase on the clothes."} {"text":"What is the man to the left of the bird wearing? Pants."} {"text":"knob on the oven"} {"text":"On which side of the picture are the men? Left."} {"text":"A mostly white head of a little giraffe."} {"text":"a man walking near a fountain."} {"text":"Where are the children standing? On the grass."} {"text":"Three glass candles sitting on a table and lit."} {"text":"flags are on the post"} {"text":"What type of room is this? Kitchen."} {"text":"Roman numeral three"} {"text":"a small dog wearing a pink collar"} {"text":"people walking by a boat dock"} {"text":"stewed beef and beets"} {"text":"What color is the floor? Brown."} {"text":"a metal wrapped tree trunk"} {"text":"Is the color of the shirt different than the entrance? Yes."} {"text":"This is a tree"} {"text":"the chimney is made of bricks"} {"text":"nostril of a cow"} {"text":"Young girl with right straight hair eating a banana."} {"text":"This is the left leg."} {"text":"the sky is very clear"} {"text":"headlights on commuter train"} {"text":"What is on the people's backs? Backpacks."} {"text":"kid showing off his food"} {"text":"black hat on man"} {"text":"Where is the person? In the ocean."} {"text":"a man playing baseball"} {"text":"Man carrying small pink bag"} {"text":"part of a ground"} {"text":"What make is the phone? Samsung."} {"text":"child wearing pink dress"} {"text":"the posts are tall and brown"} {"text":"Is this area flooded? No."} {"text":"a delicate flower"} {"text":"Brown street sign on black pole"} {"text":"a green traffic light"} {"text":"What is the bathroom door's color? Blue."} {"text":"Front glass with wiper"} {"text":"vehicles are parked alongside of the road"} {"text":"red bow on teddy bear's neck"} {"text":"White letters on the flyer."} {"text":"white shaggy rug by the bed"} {"text":"A fatty breakfast is not healthy for a young child."} {"text":"ten straight white columns on a white building with black doors"} {"text":"the train is blue"} {"text":"indoor tree in a planter in the dining area"} {"text":"Is the girl in the top or in the bottom of the image? Top."} {"text":"a man is sitting on a bench"} {"text":"A glass filled with pens and scissors and pencils."} {"text":"Do you see a child in the photo that is not walking? No."} {"text":"the water is murky"} {"text":"part of an elbow"} {"text":"How many tusks are visible? 2."} {"text":"What type of animal is shown? Sheep."} {"text":"Fruit is in the baskets."} {"text":"this is a person"} {"text":"a white toilet"} {"text":"Do you see doors there? No."} {"text":"Which color is that nose? White."} {"text":"What is the man doing? Cooking."} {"text":"Snow covering tree branches"} {"text":"Outlet on a white wall"} {"text":"How many busses are there? Two."} {"text":"Dark black shade of color"} {"text":"What is on the ground? Grass."} {"text":"dog sleeping on a bed"} {"text":"What stands out on the black object against wall? A floral design surrounding the clock face."} {"text":"part of a shower head"} {"text":"What color are the helmets? Black."} {"text":"IS there flowers on the table? Yes."} {"text":"bushes outside the building"} {"text":"top of green trees"} {"text":"What kind of animal is to the left of the dog? Horses."} {"text":"What color shirts do the players wear? White."} {"text":"a red sign stating \"Melvin Motors\""} {"text":"The pizza is cheesey wiith peporoni for the topping"} {"text":"The people sitting on the ledge"} {"text":"A leaf at top of tree with brown spots"} {"text":"white sign on the building"} {"text":"What is on top of the giraffe's head? Brown horns."} {"text":"dark beanie on a man"} {"text":"When was the picture taken of the skateboarder? Daytime."} {"text":"no one is in the plane"} {"text":"valley formed by circle of rocky mountains"} {"text":"A green seat cushion"} {"text":"When was the photo taken? Daytime."} {"text":"When during the jump was the photo taken? Before landing."} {"text":"photo album sitting on a cocktail table"} {"text":"Chair next to the bed"} {"text":"Dark roof over a garage."} {"text":"there are many of the same busses parked together"} {"text":"orange traffic cones"} {"text":"the black and white wall"} {"text":"Is the sky blue? No."} {"text":"yellow and green bunches of bananas"} {"text":"Could the woman be the horse's owner? Yes."} {"text":"What color is the car? White."} {"text":"Is the blue chair in the top of the image? No."} {"text":"What animal is this? Dog."} {"text":"a pink stuffed toy"} {"text":"gray and black winter knit cap"} {"text":"man with a dark tie with white dots"} {"text":"Colorful vegetarian meal"} {"text":"Tennis fans watching a match."} {"text":"Sandwhich the man is holding"} {"text":"Who wears a coat? Boy."} {"text":"The bear is standing on the rock."} {"text":"A woman on skateboard is looking at her phone."} {"text":"Is there a mug or a can that is not gray? No."} {"text":"The house on the island."} {"text":"How many dogs are With the person on the beach? One."} {"text":"dog running in the water"} {"text":"neck of the man"} {"text":"man wearing yellow shirt"} {"text":"a slice of tomato on the pizza"} {"text":"reflection in the mirror"} {"text":"There is a brick building in the background"} {"text":"What is on the batter's left leg? Shin guard."} {"text":"What is on the top of the shirt? Collar."} {"text":"What is the vehicle to the right of the person that is wearing a hat? Car."} {"text":"What vehicle is shown? Boat."} {"text":"What is the number of beer bottles in photo? Three."} {"text":"What is brown? Bear."} {"text":"decorated with chocolate sauce"} {"text":"pair of green pants"} {"text":"a sandy tan colored beach"} {"text":"What is the hook with the blue handle used for? Latchhook."} {"text":"a man behind the wheel"} {"text":"Who has on a blue jacket? Person on left."} {"text":"this is a pillow"} {"text":"black markings on white sneakers"} {"text":"silver metal fence enclosure"} {"text":"The boy is holding on to railing."} {"text":"Lady has brown hair."} {"text":"a green check mark"} {"text":"What color is the truck? White."} {"text":"What is the grass color? Brown."} {"text":"Are the streets wet in this picture? Yes."} {"text":"What is on the railroad tracks? A train."} {"text":"double window with arch"} {"text":"What color is the tie? Black."} {"text":"Are there any roses in the flower arrangement? Yes."} {"text":"How old is the person? 30."} {"text":"a slice of pizza"} {"text":"Large gray and white clouds."} {"text":"bent square sign on pole"} {"text":"person standing on the street"} {"text":"Three people sitting at a table shaped like a wine barrel, with small plates of food and goblets of wine on the table and shelves of wine bottles behind them."} {"text":"Is the weather partly cloudy or sunny today? Sunny."} {"text":"Toddler enjoying playing with a colorful kite in a grassy field"} {"text":"blue sky between trees"} {"text":"A man in a sombrero talking on a cell phone."} {"text":"this is a piece of vegetable"} {"text":"A leafless tree."} {"text":"Who is wearing the coat? Snowboarder."} {"text":"tracks in snow"} {"text":"What is in the air? Kites."} {"text":"the legs of a person standing in the back"} {"text":"What is the color of the bottle on the left of the window? Blue."} {"text":"knuckles of a person"} {"text":"there are buildings in the background"} {"text":"Mountains behind a city"} {"text":"silver laptop computer"} {"text":"Person playing violin."} {"text":"front light of bus"} {"text":"the giraffe is brown"} {"text":"a group of sheeps"} {"text":"part of a trouser"} {"text":"dark metal traffic light pole"} {"text":"small pillow covered in a red pillow case"} {"text":"the wall is made of stone"} {"text":"a white stuffed toy"} {"text":"part of a rim"} {"text":"Which color is the fence? Silver."} {"text":"Is the beer to the right or to the left of the man the woman is next to? Right."} {"text":"Where are clouds? In sky."} {"text":"Where are people standing? On the tarmac."} {"text":"The man is on what? Skateboard."} {"text":"batter has blue shoes"} {"text":"windshield wipers on the front glass of the train"} {"text":"the tattoo on the woman's leg"} {"text":"How many signs? Three."} {"text":"Antenna on top of an airport."} {"text":"the wooden post"} {"text":"What kind of room is this? A bathroom."} {"text":"Does the shirt look blue? Yes."} {"text":"the pants are brown"} {"text":"boy wearing red shirt"} {"text":"woman is standing over the canister"} {"text":"Where is the pot? On a stove."} {"text":"the handle"} {"text":"tag on the glass"} {"text":"Who is in the image? A skateboarder."} {"text":"Hat on little boys head"} {"text":"a glass measuring cup with red letters and numbers"} {"text":"the animal has horns"} {"text":"the sofa has a red and white throw pillow"} {"text":"A guy in a blue shirt sits in a red chair."} {"text":"What is the main focal point of this picture? White boat in river."} {"text":"Pile of blue jeans"} {"text":"What is the man pulling? A suitcase."} {"text":"Which color is the tail? White."} {"text":"Horns on the cow."} {"text":"What is chiseled into the stone below the clock? Fruit."} {"text":"How thick are the high hills? Thick."} {"text":"The window is rectangular."} {"text":"What type of vegetable is to the right of the scissors? Carrot."} {"text":"What sauce is on the pizza? Tomato sauce."} {"text":"A valve for adjusting heat"} {"text":"A grey watery mass"} {"text":"Man has black shoes on"} {"text":"What length is the shirt's sleeves? Long."} {"text":"edge of a cake"} {"text":"the bricks are red in color"} {"text":"What time of year is it? Winter."} {"text":"Silver handles on cupboards."} {"text":"A pair of red pants."} {"text":"Is it cutting something? No."} {"text":"What kind of animal is to the right of the people that are riding? Horse."} {"text":"bread has multiple toppings"} {"text":"silver hair on head"} {"text":"What is the color of the man's shirt? Gray."} {"text":"Where are the utensils? In the bowl."} {"text":"What is the color of the train? Multi."} {"text":"orange leaves on brown trees"} {"text":"LIT RED REAR BRAKE LIGHT"} {"text":"slice of pizza man is holding"} {"text":"Giraffe droppings on ground"} {"text":"large yellow bowl on side"} {"text":"dark blue handwriting on light blue paper"} {"text":"What object is octagonal? The stop sign."} {"text":"torn paper on floor"} {"text":"man on a boat"} {"text":"Who is riding the bike? The man."} {"text":"What is the color of the boy's suit? Black."} {"text":"What device is sitting on the desk? Phone."} {"text":"This is a zebra"} {"text":"window on the building"} {"text":"Where is the brown tail? On a horse."} {"text":"On which side of the picture is the bird? Right."} {"text":"part of a laptop"} {"text":"What material is the train? Silver."} {"text":"Is the water in a glass? No."} {"text":"When was this taken? Daytime."} {"text":"When are the boats in the lake? Now."} {"text":"THE CAT HAS EARS"} {"text":"boy on top of skateboard"} {"text":"the edge of a rug on the floor"} {"text":"A pile of different flavored donuts on a white plate."} {"text":"edge of brown bowl fruit is in"} {"text":"What is the color of the horse? Brown."} {"text":"Which kind of furniture is the television in front of? Coffee table."} {"text":"Who wears socks? Children."} {"text":"the sky has clouds"} {"text":"railroad track on ground"} {"text":"Is the yellow vehicle to the right or to the left of the person? Left."} {"text":"Is the person to the left or to the right of the table? Left."} {"text":"Screws on the top of a skateboard"} {"text":"a person standing outside"} {"text":"two key chains on table"} {"text":"What is the tortilla in? Baking pan."} {"text":"pole standing in middle of field"} {"text":"Where is the surf board? Ocean."} {"text":"books are on the table"} {"text":"Big brown boat in the water by trees."} {"text":"A herd of cattle standing on top of a lush green hill."} {"text":"number under two lights"} {"text":"light on the pole"} {"text":"What are the containers on top right? Boxes."} {"text":"a white puppy in a metal basket"} {"text":"there is a horse waking on a street next to cars"} {"text":"the truck is orange"} {"text":"What color is the dog? Tan."} {"text":"sliced half of a lemon"} {"text":"What is the toddler wearing? A yellow outfit."} {"text":"kite in the sky"} {"text":"the skier's boots are black and white"} {"text":"bird has white breast"} {"text":"A glass of water."} {"text":"Where are the clouds? In the sky by the mountains."} {"text":"man walking in the street"} {"text":"a surfer doing a crazy trick"} {"text":"pizza slices for sale at a deli couner"} {"text":"Open terrace on the top floor"} {"text":"A wooden fence post"} {"text":"a big bell & a small bell are in the tower"} {"text":"A man is doing a trick on a skateboard."} {"text":"bumps on elephant's head"} {"text":"a man is walking with a horse next to some bushes"} {"text":"people are in the shop"} {"text":"The girl is blonde."} {"text":"What are the hot dogs doing? Being cooked."} {"text":"A sharp knife covered in frosting."} {"text":"What is on the side of the plane? Jet engine."} {"text":"Is this person in an office? No."} {"text":"Where is this scene? Restroom."} {"text":"this is a building"} {"text":"this is a body of water"} {"text":"three horses walking down the path"} {"text":"small wooden child's bed"} {"text":"bird's beak is black and red"} {"text":"On which side of the picture is the calf? Left."} {"text":"Light hanging from the ceiling."} {"text":"yellow tennis ball"} {"text":"Which color is the cap? Black."} {"text":"purple tinted brick wall"} {"text":"When is the elephant on the chair? Now."} {"text":"a car on a street"} {"text":"On which side is the remote? Right."} {"text":"a sheep and a bird in a field of grass near a fence"} {"text":"How many bases are in the background? 5."} {"text":"Baseball player leather glove"} {"text":"short green and brown grass"} {"text":"the table is glass"} {"text":"white tile on bathroom floor"} {"text":"What is in the sky? Clouds."} {"text":"When was the photo taken? During daylight hours."} {"text":"How many drawers? 5."} {"text":"a man with black hair"} {"text":"a light in the ceiling"} {"text":"A large sandwich, fries, and a soda sit on a table in a restaurant."} {"text":"Of which color is the tail? Red."} {"text":"WINDOW OF PASSENGER TRAIN"} {"text":"traffic lights on poles"} {"text":"What kind of fast food is brown? Hamburger."} {"text":"the dog is brown and white"} {"text":"woman talking on a phone"} {"text":"Plane is flying in the air"} {"text":"A village shop displays items outdoors under umbrellas."} {"text":"What is the color of the wall? Light yellow."} {"text":"surfer wearing a yellow life jacket"} {"text":"a pizza serving utensil"} {"text":"This is a piece of food"} {"text":"What has knobs on it? The microwave."} {"text":"Person beside the street"} {"text":"man wearing gold ring on right hand"} {"text":"What bag is a suitcase? The black one."} {"text":"What is in front of the animals? Glass."} {"text":"What is this net people throw things into? Basketball hoop."} {"text":"TISSUE ON THE BACK OF TOLIET"} {"text":"What is on the silver part? A handle."} {"text":"Where is the black lid? Wooden picnic table."} {"text":"zig zag wooden panel flooring"} {"text":"What color is the baby's hair? Brown."} {"text":"a brown building to the left"} {"text":"A picture of a very tall clock in the street."} {"text":"When is the picture taken? Daytime."} {"text":"What is the smoke color? White."} {"text":"fruit stand with yellow wheels"} {"text":"Which color is the bag on the left side? Brown."} {"text":"A group of stuffed bears against a fuzzy backdrop"} {"text":"Where are white lines? On the court."} {"text":"a white and brown giraffe"} {"text":"A boy wearing a black jacket eating cereal."} {"text":"A tree hanging over the water"} {"text":"Green leaves in a full tree"} {"text":"yellow flower in field"} {"text":"What color is the ocean water? Green and gray."} {"text":"Is the batter to the right or to the left of the person that is standing behind the home plate? Right."} {"text":"waves in large body of water hitting beach"} {"text":"When was this picture taken? Daytime."} {"text":"white string"} {"text":"How many people can this sink accommodate? 2."} {"text":"On which side are the cabinets, the right or the left? Left."} {"text":"Gray hoof of a zebra"} {"text":"A group of zebras."} {"text":"What is the wall color? White."} {"text":"an airplane flying"} {"text":"What color sticker is on the box on the right? Red."} {"text":"tree by the little green engine"} {"text":"this is a sign"} {"text":"What is the jacket color? Black."} {"text":"A man is sitting in a hospital room with a piece of pizza on a plate."} {"text":"slice of red strawberry on pancakes"} {"text":"this is a dog's nose"} {"text":"kite is multicolor"} {"text":"this is a button"} {"text":"a statue"} {"text":"a shadow on the door"} {"text":"handle of racket is white"} {"text":"woman wearing gray dress"} {"text":"What color is the person's parachute? White, blue, and red."} {"text":"bush in front of wooden fence posts"} {"text":"maad is on the riverbank"} {"text":"large metal clock on wall"} {"text":"What is the name of the black device in this image? Remote control."} {"text":"Which kind of vegetable is to the right of the bowl? Cauliflower."} {"text":"zebra ears"} {"text":"gold helmet on girl's head"} {"text":"a close up of a toilet in a bath room with toilet paper"} {"text":"Do the curtains that are to the left of the other curtains look open? Yes."} {"text":"a man in white top and yellow bottom"} {"text":"light reflecting on the tub"} {"text":"Hat has the letter A"} {"text":"white lines on back of elephant"} {"text":"a pole"} {"text":"These are glasses"} {"text":"a red sign with white letters"} {"text":"White rectangle right turn only sign"} {"text":"Are these people waiters? Yes."} {"text":"a white couch"} {"text":"chocolate frosted ghost donut has a red icing mouth, a blue icing stripe, & 2 blue icing googly eyes"} {"text":"a bunch of people running and dancing"} {"text":"Water spilled on cement"} {"text":"the elephant is grey"} {"text":"What color are the dials on the clock? Black."} {"text":"Man running along a beach"} {"text":"A small Santa figurine on the stove"} {"text":"What is the number visible wheels on the skateboard? Four."} {"text":"What sport is the woman? Tennis."} {"text":"this is the eyebrow"} {"text":"The print is signed by the artist"} {"text":"Who has on red shirt? The lady."} {"text":"Jet airplane parked at terminal gate"} {"text":"person wearing a yellow jacket"} {"text":"Is that our president? No."} {"text":"Does the bottle to the left of the other bottle look brown? Yes."} {"text":"white, blue, and purple paper cup"} {"text":"Are the people getting wet? Yes."} {"text":"What is in the picture? Stuffed panda bears."} {"text":"A person walking on a sidewalk."} {"text":"webbed foot of bird underwater"} {"text":"grass on the ground"} {"text":"What is behind the high chair? A white wall."} {"text":"The couches are made of leather."} {"text":"What color is the line on the road? Yellow."} {"text":"Close up of a chopped vegetable salad with dressing"} {"text":"a red blanket near a green blanket."} {"text":"What has a long neck? A giraffe."} {"text":"Helmet on the man."} {"text":"What is on top of the hot dog? Relish."} {"text":"What is on the table in a paper box? Doughnuts."} {"text":"What kind of bench is there? White."} {"text":"man is skating down steps"} {"text":"A man in white shirt standing by a skateboard."} {"text":"Is the pot blue or tan? Tan."} {"text":"kid is flying a kite"} {"text":"puffy clouds in sky"} {"text":"the burger has cheese on it"} {"text":"Where is the pink sweater? Bear on right."} {"text":"a woman wearing cutoff blue jeans"} {"text":"How many people do you see? 1."} {"text":"A speaker at the train depot"} {"text":"a white picket fence"} {"text":"Are there both cabinets and utensils in this photo? Yes."} {"text":"a racket on the ground"} {"text":"a silver fork and spoon"} {"text":"Windshield of city bus"} {"text":"What number is written on the front store? 85."} {"text":"trees near a parking lot"} {"text":"What is behind the fence? A cow."} {"text":"The fire hydrant"} {"text":"What is between the log? The elephant."} {"text":"white lines on the road"} {"text":"A black and white border collie catching a red Frisbee,"} {"text":"this is a white sock"} {"text":"What is the man eating? Banana."} {"text":"Which color is the goat in the middle of the photo? Brown."} {"text":"The man is standing up in a boat while fishing."} {"text":"traffic light visible in silhouette"} {"text":"Does the truck have a different color than the car? No."} {"text":"Girl with braided hair"} {"text":"Person with a brown hangbag"} {"text":"white chair in front of the table"} {"text":"What kind of weather is the plane flying in? Sunny clear weather."} {"text":"player wearing hair in ponytail"} {"text":"hair laying over the shoulder"} {"text":"the hand of a man"} {"text":"row of dark blue teddy bears"} {"text":"Paved road has loose dirt on it."} {"text":"Which kind of furniture is to the left of the blanket? End table."} {"text":"a yellow mouse pad"} {"text":"the mans board is off of the ground"} {"text":"a person skiing downhill"} {"text":"The shadow of the fork"} {"text":"What is the girl doing? Talking on the phone."} {"text":"What Is growing near the fence? Grass."} {"text":"a field of green grass"} {"text":"Man wearing glasses on face."} {"text":"a manhole in the sidewalk"} {"text":"red square in the picture"} {"text":"a knife laying on the cutting board"} {"text":"The dogs nose is black."} {"text":"white clouds in blue sky"} {"text":"What is on the ground? Sand."} {"text":"this is a flat panel TV"} {"text":"A store window with a tray of grass and vegetables"} {"text":"head of a person"} {"text":"person holding a large hamburger"} {"text":"What is stuck in the bananas? Small umbrellas."} {"text":"handle to hold cup"} {"text":"The lights inside of the bus."} {"text":"black and yellow baseball glove"} {"text":"The stump is wooden."} {"text":"branches of a tree in the left side"} {"text":"the engine has two windows"} {"text":"bricks on a building"} {"text":"Bushes are in front of the building"} {"text":"a person in black on a snowbard"} {"text":"Mountain hill in the background."} {"text":"a rope tied to a cow"} {"text":"blue stripe on tie"} {"text":"The back of a train"} {"text":"What kind of pants is the woman wearing? White."} {"text":"Little boy eating out of a white plate"} {"text":"a woman is wind surfing on water"} {"text":"woman resting arm on sheep's back"} {"text":"brown top on donuts"} {"text":"a dirty drinking hole"} {"text":"person wearing white jacket"} {"text":"ear of a cat"} {"text":"A black and white photo of people eating hotdogs in the grass."} {"text":"Two bathroom sinks with large sun shaped mirrors."} {"text":"A red shirt"} {"text":"Are there people to the left of the person on the left side? No."} {"text":"A living room with walls painted beige and furnishings and accents in shades of blue and purple."} {"text":"the handle is silver"} {"text":"man sitting in a dining establishment"} {"text":"Two giraffes standing in the grass in the woods."} {"text":"Where is the Christmas Tree? In front of living room window."} {"text":"Is the happy man to the right or to the left of the chair? Right."} {"text":"the scaffolding of the canopy"} {"text":"Four people getting ready to load onto the bus."} {"text":"What is hanging on the wall of the phone booth? Pay phone."} {"text":"Side of the medicine cabinet."} {"text":"What is the mode of transportation for the people in santa outfits? Motorcycles."} {"text":"What color does the shirt have? Tan."} {"text":"table that bowl and plate are on"} {"text":"the zebra is standing"} {"text":"What color is the pavement? Black with white lines."} {"text":"this is a bike"} {"text":"Where does the head and neck meet? Below jowls."} {"text":"Is the pillow near the lamp both large and white? No."} {"text":"red neck tie"} {"text":"the table is made of wood"} {"text":"a section of tall brown grass"} {"text":"a woman is sitting down"} {"text":"A couple of brown and black horses eating grass."} {"text":"On which side is the medicine cabinet? Left."} {"text":"What is this? A sandwich."} {"text":"Where is the location? A train station."} {"text":"trees in the background."} {"text":"gray ground near the bench"} {"text":"two parrots standing on a tree"} {"text":"metal sheet on brick wall"} {"text":"a vase is sitting under a carriage outside"} {"text":"a couple of telephone poles"} {"text":"A bearded man is brushing his teeth with his right hand."} {"text":"What object is blue? The teddy bear."} {"text":"How many umbrellas are there? 2."} {"text":"Silver metal entrance gate"} {"text":"a baseball player"} {"text":"window on the building"} {"text":"a person standing behind an open grill cooking with someone else"} {"text":"orange lining of a hood"} {"text":"A large white handled knive"} {"text":"A raspberry sauce inside a chocolate nest and decorated with pom-pom chicks."} {"text":"Two large boulders on the ground"} {"text":"A woman wears a light blue shirt"} {"text":"cow has big white patches"} {"text":"What is this an image of? A zebra."} {"text":"Do you see fences to the right of the kid that is wearing a cap? No."} {"text":"airplane painted blue and white"} {"text":"two black skis"} {"text":"the buses are red"} {"text":"Branches of the tree"} {"text":"man surfing in the ocean"} {"text":"Is the person to the left of the clock wearing a jacket? Yes."} {"text":"A wall on the side of a building"} {"text":"Who has a wig? The man in the white shirt."} {"text":"A GREEN HAT"} {"text":"The mand has shoulder length hair"} {"text":"An old pizza oven."} {"text":"Are there Christmas lights on the fireplace? Yes."} {"text":"Are there both chairs and lamps in the picture? Yes."} {"text":"a piece cooked hamburger"} {"text":"dark brown horses mane"} {"text":"How many building's are next to the plane? 0."} {"text":"Clouds in the sky"} {"text":"one girl wearing two white skis"} {"text":"a picture of a hang glider on a beach"} {"text":"Is the sandwich on a round plate? Yes."} {"text":"clock on the side of a tower"} {"text":"The two planes are flying."} {"text":"What is protecting the woman? An umbrella."} {"text":"the girl has a smile"} {"text":"part of a jersey"} {"text":"green yellow and white light rail train car"} {"text":"How is the pathway? Concrete."} {"text":"A cloudy open sky"} {"text":"large orange safety pole for skiing"} {"text":"What plants are in the distance? Bushes."} {"text":"What is in the dish in front of the first man? Ice cream."} {"text":"Bicycles are in the background"} {"text":"A fruit stand with a diverse selection"} {"text":"concrete tile on the floor"} {"text":"chain on the fire hydrant"} {"text":"a medium wave"} {"text":"Stainless steel kitchen sink"} {"text":"Where is the tall street light? To the right of the bus."} {"text":"A lone kite flies over the beach on a summer day."} {"text":"a red bed spread"} {"text":"edge of a television"} {"text":"What is the design on the bedspread? Plain."} {"text":"sheet on top of bed"} {"text":"huge fur of the big bear"} {"text":"bat is brown and black"} {"text":"What is the white object laying against the headboard? Pillow."} {"text":"toilet in an airplane bathroom"} {"text":"What vehicles are in the photo? Airplanes."} {"text":"A dark metal railing"} {"text":"A person holding wii controllers in both hands."} {"text":"the head of a the leg of a brown and white giraffe"} {"text":"How many bottles are there? One."} {"text":"The goat has horns"} {"text":"Could large semi trucks cross this bridge? No."} {"text":"the front of a train"} {"text":"A group of people holding a sign"} {"text":"the roof is a brick red color"} {"text":"What is on the pizza? Black olives."} {"text":"Where in the photo is the silver pot, on the left or on the right? Left."} {"text":"What color are the trees? Green."} {"text":"What is to the left of the man? White foamy waves."} {"text":"What is common to the frame and the hook? Material."} {"text":"surf board in the water"} {"text":"What kind of top is the girl wearing? A tank top."} {"text":"white sauce on sandwich"} {"text":"a pair of snow goggles"} {"text":"Do the olives have the same color as the peppers? Yes."} {"text":"license plate of motorcycle"} {"text":"Which side of the image is the catcher on? Right."} {"text":"On which side of the image is the mushroom? Left."} {"text":"Banner on the right column of a building."} {"text":"boy wearing tennis shoes"} {"text":"Part of a red building."} {"text":"Are there both lamps and televisions in the photograph? Yes."} {"text":"clock is over a table"} {"text":"The lady sitting on the left."} {"text":"A radiator."} {"text":"the grass is green in color"} {"text":"When was this? Daytime."} {"text":"a little girl is sitting on the black bench."} {"text":"a man in a life vest"} {"text":"What do you think is the appliance to the left of the shelf that is to the left of the oven? Dishwasher."} {"text":"Is the man on the motorcycle wearing a hat? Yes."} {"text":"red light signals in road"} {"text":"green handle of suitcase"} {"text":"a scene downtown"} {"text":"What foot is close to the racket? Left."} {"text":"man is holding two bats"} {"text":"Two men are sitting at a table holding cellphones."} {"text":"Is he going to land safely? Yes."} {"text":"What type of water is shown? Saltwater."} {"text":"the rug is white"} {"text":"Black shirt on a man's body."} {"text":"black arrow design in bricks"} {"text":"the kid is sitting"} {"text":"Trees with sparse foilage"} {"text":"light reflection on leaves"} {"text":"A row of foreign motorcycles is lined up in front of a wooden fence."} {"text":"A cellphone taken apart to show all of its components."} {"text":"socks worn by human"} {"text":"A large jetliner sitting on top of an airport tarmac"} {"text":"decorations lights aligned"} {"text":"What appliance has the same color as the toaster the fridge is to the left of? Coffee maker."} {"text":"electrical wall outlet with switch"} {"text":"reflection of the sky in the water"} {"text":"Large brown spot on giraffe"} {"text":"a bottle on the shelf"} {"text":"a plane leaving the airport"} {"text":"What is in front of the tower? Wires."} {"text":"What is on the stove? Pot."} {"text":"Is it indoors? Yes."} {"text":"oval mirror hanging above fireplace"} {"text":"The man wears white shoes"} {"text":"What animal is on the animal above the floor? Duck."} {"text":"red bag with black handles"} {"text":"Yellow ribbon on the tree."} {"text":"Brown horse wearing visor"} {"text":"A boy riding on a skateboard in front of a building."} {"text":"a black back pack."} {"text":"What color is the man's shirt? White."} {"text":"What is the color of the boy's hair? Brown."} {"text":"Is there a napkin on the table? No."} {"text":"dirt trail in the grass"} {"text":"Do their names have stripes? Yes."} {"text":"the grass on the soccer field is very green"} {"text":"What animal is it? Dog."} {"text":"a orange and black chair"} {"text":"picture hanging on the wall"} {"text":"Where is the motorcycle? Next to a man."} {"text":"red feather symbol on bag"} {"text":"Are there any drawers or pizza cutters? No."} {"text":"A short glass filled with liquid"} {"text":"a green leaf on a tree"} {"text":"the man wears white shoes"} {"text":"a man that is skateboarding"} {"text":"riders wearing different colors"} {"text":"two head lights on the train"} {"text":"a refrigerator with magnets on it"} {"text":"The clothes on the bottom shelf"} {"text":"What continent is drawn on the man's shirt? Africa."} {"text":"Which side of the photo is the towel on? Left."} {"text":"the shoes are blue"} {"text":"What is the color of the sinks? Colorless."} {"text":"the tree is big"} {"text":"Bear wearing glasses"} {"text":"black left wing on the black bird"} {"text":"the reflection on the water"} {"text":"A piece of paper is near the green rug."} {"text":"this is a surf board"} {"text":"How many bears are obvious females? Two."} {"text":"Orange candle shaped like letter H"} {"text":"What is on the surfboard? Graffiti."} {"text":"A man jumping a skateboard up into the air over a metal rail."} {"text":"yellow sedan"} {"text":"red train against blue sky"} {"text":"single light on the building"} {"text":"Is the rope on the left side or on the right? Right."} {"text":"green leaves on the plant"} {"text":"Is the white animal to the right of the other animal resting or eating? Resting."} {"text":"Who made the cake? A baker."} {"text":"Which kind of clothing is red? Pajamas."} {"text":"What animal is the woman holding? Elephant."} {"text":"front legs of a mare in a fenced in area"} {"text":"What kind of fruit is on the counter? Oranges."} {"text":"building is made with wood"} {"text":"whiskers of the cat"} {"text":"red and blue striped fabric"} {"text":"the head of a man"} {"text":"long green colored grass"} {"text":"The scissors in the cup next to the telephone."} {"text":"the bottle on the floor"} {"text":"What is the time of year? Summer."} {"text":"When was this photo taken? Outside, during the daytime."} {"text":"What shape is the kite on the ground? Round."} {"text":"a clock showing the time as 12:21"} {"text":"people sitting under a tree"} {"text":"the power lines above the train"} {"text":"tall dried grass"} {"text":"What color is the man's suit? Black."} {"text":"round pizza on table"} {"text":"this is a street at night with many lights on"} {"text":"the man is wearing a black jacket"} {"text":"How is the woman's mouth? Frowning."} {"text":"A woman has long blonde hair"} {"text":"What color wrapper is the sucker in? Green."} {"text":"a tall clock tower behind some buildings"} {"text":"headstone in the ground"} {"text":"Where is the rack? In the oven."} {"text":"A man standing on a beach under three seagulls."} {"text":"different bikes in a show room"} {"text":"Dark colored carpet on the office"} {"text":"the man has a very bright shirt on"} {"text":"Who is wearing pants? Girl."} {"text":"What color are the letters of the stop sign? White."} {"text":"plane in air"} {"text":"yellow wheels under skateboard"} {"text":"the mint green part of the boat"} {"text":"the grasses are tall"} {"text":"What is in the air? Plane."} {"text":"Is there a sheep under the canopy? No."} {"text":"The warplane is carrying weapons"} {"text":"What's on the table? Coffee mug."} {"text":"Two cows in a field"} {"text":"Where is the basket? Back of the toilet."} {"text":"People dressed up as animals"} {"text":"What is on a kitchen board? Tortilla."} {"text":"Where are the large glass windows? Behind the sink."} {"text":"Why is the road not covered in snow? Plowed."} {"text":"eye of a kid"} {"text":"A bathroom has blue carpet and a tub."} {"text":"man holding a camera in the mirror"} {"text":"On which side of the photo is the fence? Left."} {"text":"Wood framed window with white blinds"} {"text":"A herd of cattle is grazing through the field beside houses."} {"text":"A white sink sitting in a blue area under a brick wall."} {"text":"Dark brown spot on animal"} {"text":"Sidewalk is grey color."} {"text":"a smiling man and woman"} {"text":"the opaque double doors"} {"text":"the wheels of a plane"} {"text":"What animal Is in the photo? A cow."} {"text":"How many trains? One."} {"text":"Black collar of a sweater"} {"text":"purse by woman's waist."} {"text":"pink meat is uncooked"} {"text":"woman wearing a gray cap"} {"text":"the t-shirt is red"} {"text":"What is the man eating the cake with? Fingers."} {"text":"man in black pants on striped long sleeve top"} {"text":"a little boy in a ski outfit"} {"text":"blue ground on tennis cort"} {"text":"The surfer is surfing on the large waves."} {"text":"the photo was taken during the day"} {"text":"Some people are seen eating several large pizzas."} {"text":"Is the white hose on the right side or on the left? Left."} {"text":"modern bed with modern bedding"} {"text":"plates on table"} {"text":"When was the food served? Earlier."} {"text":"White umbrellas are in the background."} {"text":"A wooden pole with two signs attached."} {"text":"a label on the clock face"} {"text":"People play Wii while wearing colorful clothing and posing for the camera."} {"text":"Is there a TV in the room? Yes."} {"text":"the foot of a zebra"} {"text":"What is in the background? Trees."} {"text":"Does the lady in green have a bag? Yes."} {"text":"What is in the sky? Clouds."} {"text":"What color is the throw on the sofa? Green."} {"text":"Who is standing and in a black shirt? A man."} {"text":"Two people in the snow."} {"text":"Where are the rocks? On the beach."} {"text":"this is a man"} {"text":"a big group of people that are standing in some snow"} {"text":"What time is it? 1:15."} {"text":"What is the man doing? Turning on computers."} {"text":"What type of cooking utensil is to the left of the bun that is in the bottom of the photo? Tongs."} {"text":"What color is the little boys hat? Blue."} {"text":"green pot on the oven"} {"text":"What are the sheep doing? Grazing."} {"text":"Is this a horse or a goat? Horse."} {"text":"The cat is lying on top of a pair of shoes."} {"text":"Tower with two clocks"} {"text":"the orange has green"} {"text":"toilet paper on holder"} {"text":"a small bed that has some curtains near by"} {"text":"An uncooked pizza."} {"text":"What game are the men playing? Baseball."} {"text":"metal railings on deck"} {"text":"the car is parked"} {"text":"small pile of show that has been plowed"} {"text":"cooked orange baby carrot"} {"text":"A wall on the side of a building"} {"text":"Are there any expensive carpets on the floor? No."} {"text":"What toy is the girl holding? Stuffed bear."} {"text":"Front legs of giraffe"} {"text":"What is this head of vegetable for sandwiches? Lettuce."} {"text":"How many monitors are on? 1."} {"text":"Who is closest to the red motorcycle? A small boy."} {"text":"Is the mirror on the right or on the left? Right."} {"text":"How many planes are depicted? 1."} {"text":"a pizza on the table"} {"text":"A bowl of soup sits on a plate on the table"} {"text":"Ears in the photo"} {"text":"the lady is light skinned"} {"text":"a white door"} {"text":"post card on board"} {"text":"a round metal ball"} {"text":"Hungry cat near refrigerator"} {"text":"Is the color of the boot different than the color of the glove? Yes."} {"text":"What is behind the benches? Bushes."} {"text":"A white stuffed animal laying on the sidewalk."} {"text":"a black skateboard"} {"text":"a long yellow net"} {"text":"bikes parked on racks"} {"text":"What does the statue stand on? Platform."} {"text":"A street sign saying Troll Avenue on it."} {"text":"a white counter top"} {"text":"Where are the people? Train."} {"text":"The pillars in the building"} {"text":"What is following the truck? Bus."} {"text":"What is in front of the gray roof? Trees."} {"text":"a person doing tricks with a frisbee near rocks"} {"text":"building has a window"} {"text":"line of trees with thin and tall trunks"} {"text":"When was the picture taken? Daytime."} {"text":"What is in the corner of the shower? Toiletries."} {"text":"small portion of pickled vegetables"} {"text":"Jacket is black color."} {"text":"A silver truck parked by the motorcycles"} {"text":"blue fence for boundary making"} {"text":"Where is the cat? On the floor."} {"text":"What is sitting on the floor? Suitcase."} {"text":"A Volkswagon bus with the back hatch open."} {"text":"The lights are silver."} {"text":"Lot with trash and bus."} {"text":"What is in the jar on the left? Flower."} {"text":"A display case full of various donuts is shown."} {"text":"What activity is this man engaged in? Skiing."} {"text":"big grey stone wall"} {"text":"top of a grill"} {"text":"People walking and sitting along a road dividing a green park and a cemetery."} {"text":"Who is wearing pink? Woman in background."} {"text":"What is the bear sitting on? Tv stand."} {"text":"a small white ticket booth"} {"text":"a book about a baseball team"} {"text":"a child with blonde colored hari"} {"text":"tall tree landscape along the roads"} {"text":"black protective eye wear"} {"text":"lady under a white umbrella"} {"text":"a small tree and white sign behind a fence"} {"text":"What are the people holding? Game remotes."} {"text":"Homemade pizzas with multiple vegetables cooking on a BBQ grill"} {"text":"the back wheel on a bus"} {"text":"family stands in front of building"} {"text":"On which side is the tray? Right."} {"text":"Dark skin of an elephant"} {"text":"a little pile of cut up french onions"} {"text":"woman with a black cross-body purse"} {"text":"What is visible? A hand."} {"text":"Base of an umbrella mounted on concrete"} {"text":"A bare foot"} {"text":"Mash potatoes are in the middle of the plate"} {"text":"What is next to the toilet? A garbage can."} {"text":"What kind of animal is it? Horse."} {"text":"Bottle of aqaufina on top of the table."} {"text":"What is on the bed? Laptop."} {"text":"Elephant with trunk in water"} {"text":"What color is the handle? Silver."} {"text":"What type of pants is the man wearing? Jeans."} {"text":"What is the weather like? Partly cloudy."} {"text":"Jars with white lids."} {"text":"merchandise on the sidewalk"} {"text":"Who is holding the umbrella? The man."} {"text":"man using a laptop"} {"text":"a parrot looking at fruit on a branch"} {"text":"shadow of a man standing"} {"text":"Swim trunks on the male."} {"text":"A number of business signs under a cloudy sky."} {"text":"A lit candle on a cake."} {"text":"What color are the umbrellas? Orange, black, brown and white."} {"text":"Two small green and white cups in the table."} {"text":"black metal and mesh fenching at the giraffe pen"} {"text":"A yellow traffic barrier"} {"text":"Is the man flying a kite? No."} {"text":"Girls hair is braided"} {"text":"Fire hydrant on the side of the road"} {"text":"fluorescent tube lighting"} {"text":"A small grassy area."} {"text":"Is this picture superimposed? No."} {"text":"the phone is orange and black"} {"text":"What fruit is this? An orange."} {"text":"plants are in the photo"} {"text":"A black car"} {"text":"Train on the tracks."} {"text":"person kneeling on the beach"} {"text":"papers tacked to corkboard"} {"text":"Three baseball players are in the image"} {"text":"skier has an orange vest"} {"text":"Is the woman wearing jeans? Yes."} {"text":"Tray with a white napkin on it."} {"text":"Do you see either any black chair or keyboard? Yes."} {"text":"remote control on wood table"} {"text":"Is the chair below the table metallic and white? No."} {"text":"clocks on a building"} {"text":"images of frowning pink cats on straps"} {"text":"What animal is behind the bush? Zebra."} {"text":"Is this a Chinese wedding? No."} {"text":"a cracked city street"} {"text":"Is the pot purple? Yes."} {"text":"green leaf on tree"} {"text":"Where is the red hankerchief? Around boys neck."} {"text":"Are the trees blocking view of oncoming traffic? Yes."} {"text":"The avocado is on what? Bagel."} {"text":"a bench on green grass"} {"text":"people are on water"} {"text":"Pineapples in the boat"} {"text":"What place is pictured? Display."} {"text":"The man to the left of the backpack is wearing what? Helmet."} {"text":"the snow has lots of tracks"} {"text":"There are seven giraffes"} {"text":"Who is hitting the ball? Man."} {"text":"hand holding a donut"} {"text":"white lines on shirt"} {"text":"What colour are the spots? Brown."} {"text":"gray sweatshirt on the woman"} {"text":"Why are the animals surrounding the hay basket? To eat."} {"text":"A man in a wetsuit surfing a wave"} {"text":"What is on the animals head in front of the smaller animal? Horns."} {"text":"the lamp in the corner"} {"text":"A skateboarder is riding the rail next to a building."} {"text":"Light colored wooden drawer with black knob"} {"text":"the person is by the door"} {"text":"What time does the clock say? 5:30."} {"text":"What is the tie wrapped around? Collar."} {"text":"white tile on wall"} {"text":"What is the bathtub made of? Metal."} {"text":"grey staircase in a hill"} {"text":"hour tick of a clock"} {"text":"a wooden bowl on a counter"} {"text":"a metal scoop shovel"} {"text":"gold ring on man's hand"} {"text":"Are any of the elephants on the dirt road? No."} {"text":"a group of people standing on a beach playing sports"} {"text":"Is the photo colored? No."} {"text":"Is the bread to the left of a tomato? Yes."} {"text":"Is the small boat to the right or to the left of the man that is wearing a sweater? Left."} {"text":"At roughly what angle is the flag in the background tilted? 45."} {"text":"Who rides the wave? Surfer."} {"text":"a male skateboarder"} {"text":"What is in the glass? Tomato juice."} {"text":"What is the man riding? Scooter."} {"text":"this is a clear butane lighter"} {"text":"front corner of yellow cab"} {"text":"What is the color of the train tracks? Gray."} {"text":"Where is the tree located? In the city."} {"text":"What color is the fence? White."} {"text":"Passenger entrance of the aeroplane"} {"text":"What game system is shown? Wii."} {"text":"he is wearing a hat"} {"text":"Does the sky seem to be blue and partly cloudy? Yes."} {"text":"Who is controlling the train? Engineer."} {"text":"What breed is the dog? No dog."} {"text":"these beautiful purple flowers"} {"text":"A letter in the room."} {"text":"The girl is wearing pants"} {"text":"How many cats are there? 1."} {"text":"This is a boy dancing"} {"text":"What animal is Bungle? Bear."} {"text":"What is the man doing? Eating."} {"text":"Train has the number two on it."} {"text":"Is the water wavy? No."} {"text":"White, yellow and green paper plate"} {"text":"the fence is black"} {"text":"Person snowboarding on slope"} {"text":"Bright white background"} {"text":"Does the pot have brown color? Yes."} {"text":"man in dark clothing with arms bent"} {"text":"The wall tile is square"} {"text":"Where are the shadows? On the street."} {"text":"clear blue daytime sky"} {"text":"What is wide open? Truck's door."} {"text":"Is the passenger on the left side? No."} {"text":"He is surfing alone in the ocean."} {"text":"a glass display case"} {"text":"the eye of a cat"} {"text":"the arm of a person standing"} {"text":"stone block wall next to building"} {"text":"Power lines running beside train tracks"} {"text":"Who is wearing a shirt? Catcher."} {"text":"Plane descending for a landing"} {"text":"Which side is the woman on? Right."} {"text":"a wagging tail on a dog"} {"text":"leg of metal chair"} {"text":"the wet suit is blue"} {"text":"a wooden dining room table"} {"text":"Do the trees look brown and tall? No."} {"text":"round blue sign with white arrow"} {"text":"tooth sticking out of the mouth"} {"text":"Is the chair on the left side? No."} {"text":"black metal frame of bench"} {"text":"wave breaking into ocean"} {"text":"Where is the bicycle? Next to the bike lane."} {"text":"What game is this? Baseball."} {"text":"Which side are the tennis balls on? Left."} {"text":"the hand is raised"} {"text":"person is wearing a bike helmet"} {"text":"Dark gray tip of a cats nose"} {"text":"A white plate topped with rice, beans and broccoli."} {"text":"Two brown bears wandering in the grassy plains wilderness"} {"text":"Calf length white sock."} {"text":"stainless steel microwave"} {"text":"pair of white slippers"} {"text":"Is the woman to the left or to the right of the cup in the top? Right."} {"text":"colored beach ball in sand"} {"text":"Blue, hard tennis court."} {"text":"The back door to the train"} {"text":"What kind of furniture are the people to the right of the tents eating at? Tables."} {"text":"the plates are folded"} {"text":"What is going on in the kitchen? Construction."} {"text":"The man is wearing a safety vest."} {"text":"Men are sitting in chairs relaxing, one with a dog in his lap."} {"text":"Woman in bright yellow sari."} {"text":"A white and green mouse"} {"text":"Person standing in the shade"} {"text":"What shape are the spots on the giraffe fur? Circular."} {"text":"Who is holding the surfboard? The man on the left."} {"text":"A white rectangular cabinet."} {"text":"Green vegetation behind an elephant."} {"text":"Mirror of passenger side is red"} {"text":"short sleeved shirt"} {"text":"What kind of furniture is in the kitchen? Cabinets."} {"text":"Cars parked in the front yard"} {"text":"waves are crashing in the water"} {"text":"a leaf on a stem"} {"text":"the roof"} {"text":"a group of people standing on a grassy hill"} {"text":"this is a sheep"} {"text":"the apple is red"} {"text":"What is young lady wearing? Bikini."} {"text":"Are wires shown in this picture? Yes."} {"text":"Are there both pillows and blankets in the photograph? No."} {"text":"the man is wearing a green shirt"} {"text":"The white microwave has stickers on the front of it."} {"text":"Some onion rings in a paper holder."} {"text":"The letter O on the stop sign."} {"text":"yellow ball near racket"} {"text":"What color is the hydrant? Orange."} {"text":"decorative floral arrangement found on an end table in a living room"} {"text":"green evergreen trees along the mountainside"} {"text":"Do you see both men and women? No."} {"text":"elephants are wet"} {"text":"What are the clothing items that are white? Pants."} {"text":"When was this picture taken? Day time."} {"text":"angel statue next to clock"} {"text":"large red sign with black writing"} {"text":"the eyes are black"} {"text":"a large bedroom with a big bed and cabinets"} {"text":"the leg of a zebra"} {"text":"How many legs does the zebra have? Four."} {"text":"the pitching hand of the player"} {"text":"What is on the window? The bars."} {"text":"Are there horses in the photo? No."} {"text":"What do you think the cooked food is called? Egg."} {"text":"Limbs in the tree"} {"text":"black and silver knob"} {"text":"Person wearing black shirt"} {"text":"A close up of a very tasty looking pizza."} {"text":"edge of a road"} {"text":"the mouth of a cat"} {"text":"The pick up truck is plowing the snow."} {"text":"small chip in brown shutter paint"} {"text":"flowers on the cake"} {"text":"The nose of the plane in front is rounded like an older model and it has green on the wings."} {"text":"the hands on the food"} {"text":"red pole behind bus"} {"text":"horned animal on cliff with head down"} {"text":"What is the big object in the center? Inflatable can."} {"text":"picture on a wall"} {"text":"A living room area, showing colorful furnishings and decorations."} {"text":"Man is wearing a white shirt"} {"text":"How many people can be seen? 15."} {"text":"there is a woman that is cutting and combing someones hair"} {"text":"mouth of a zebra"} {"text":"Brown eyes on the dog."} {"text":"Black and white stripes on zebra."} {"text":"Woman's hair is black"} {"text":"Man wearing a white shirt"} {"text":"What is a yellow color? A construction crane."} {"text":"What surrounds the woman? Scissors."} {"text":"Who is riding on the surfboard that looks green? Woman."} {"text":"The sign has a rectangular shape"} {"text":"candles on the cake"} {"text":"The bush is leafy."} {"text":"the mouse is white"} {"text":"A wall that includes white displays and vases."} {"text":"Are there numbers in the photograph? No."} {"text":"logotype of Apple computer"} {"text":"What has three rectangular doors and many small windows? Plane."} {"text":"Did he catch the ball? No."} {"text":"What is the man riding on? Snowboard."} {"text":"This is a person"} {"text":"A machine that collects money"} {"text":"Blue ocean horizon"} {"text":"What color is the lid? Silver."} {"text":"website URL written in white"} {"text":"Does the girl's hair look gray or blond? Blond."} {"text":"the baseball player is wearing clets"} {"text":"words are scrubbed on the bridge side"} {"text":"A man and a woman on their scooters riding down the road."} {"text":"Where are the beige vertical blinds? On the window."} {"text":"What is hanging from the pants the player is wearing? Glove."} {"text":"cross on top of the tower"} {"text":"calf is beside the cow"} {"text":"Dish washer next to a stove and oven"} {"text":"a brown tree trunk"} {"text":"the head of a person"} {"text":"a red car"} {"text":"When was the photo taken? Daytime."} {"text":"hair is brown color."} {"text":"bag in woman's hand"} {"text":"Brown catching mitt of pitcher"} {"text":"cap has a logo on it"} {"text":"the door is blue"} {"text":"The street is empty and grey"} {"text":"open shelves at the end of the cabinets"} {"text":"The orange box is being used for arrow target practice."} {"text":"a black rubber tire"} {"text":"Where are the black letters? On the sign."} {"text":"Where was the photo taken? In a wildlife preserve."} {"text":"A young toddler is standing next to the high toilet."} {"text":"Buildings in the background"} {"text":"roof of a tan house"} {"text":"What food are they eating? Pizza."} {"text":"How many flowers are in the vase? 3."} {"text":"multiple houses across the street"} {"text":"sidewalk is light brown"} {"text":"a man in a white shirt"} {"text":"Do you see steps in the photo? No."} {"text":"What kind do numbers are on the clock face? Roman numerals."} {"text":"the wall is clean"} {"text":"The ear of a cow"} {"text":"Which place is it? Field."} {"text":"A traffic signal shows a red stop light in front of some building on a city street."} {"text":"The green steps next to the slides."} {"text":"a slice of toast"} {"text":"Is the chair wooden? Yes."} {"text":"taco being cooked in pan"} {"text":"tennis player wearing black sport shoes"} {"text":"a finger on the man"} {"text":"electrical socket is white"} {"text":"black rimmed glasses with thin eyebrows"} {"text":"metal beam in train station"} {"text":"house has green siding"} {"text":"sliced tomato next to pickles"} {"text":"tall leafy green tree"} {"text":"How many bicycles are in the photo? 0."} {"text":"What is green and black? Light."} {"text":"What are the letters on front of train? Txlogistik."} {"text":"A WHITE TENNIS HAT"} {"text":"What color is the statue? Green."} {"text":"he buggy could use a coat of new paint"} {"text":"white horse wearing cloth"} {"text":"horizon line in the distance"} {"text":"the white and brown leg of the giraffe"} {"text":"How bright is it? Very bright."} {"text":"A woman in a bakery smiling behind the counter."} {"text":"sheep with a black head"} {"text":"white towel on bed"} {"text":"How many people are shown? Two."} {"text":"a long white gutter"} {"text":"Man in an orange shirt"} {"text":"there is a rock behind"} {"text":"skatingboard is b;ack in color"} {"text":"What helps the man see better? Eye glasses."} {"text":"Handles are on the the refrigerator."} {"text":"Are the man's feet touching the floor? No."} {"text":"Is there a horse to the right of the fence in the middle? Yes."} {"text":"right headlight on a moving yellow train"} {"text":"Are the papers on the desk organized? No."} {"text":"rust on fire hydrant"} {"text":"right eye of giraffe"} {"text":"Are the people to the right of the baker sitting at a lamp? No."} {"text":"a bear holding a razor blade"} {"text":"The bird has a short beak."} {"text":"giraffe is white with brown spots"} {"text":"round pizza on plate"} {"text":"Is the book small? Yes."} {"text":"slices of green onion topping"} {"text":"The man has dark hair"} {"text":"Small green stock on a plant"} {"text":"What color is the earring? Blue."} {"text":"a white pedestrian crosswalk"} {"text":"What shape is the window on the oven door? Circle."} {"text":"this is as writing"} {"text":"Who is pictured? A skateboarder."} {"text":"A bus that is sitting in the street with its door open."} {"text":"the cats whiskers"} {"text":"black number on clock"} {"text":"a boy standing on a beach"} {"text":"silver 4 door car driving down street"} {"text":"machu piccu is 897 km away"} {"text":"some rocks sticking up from the water"} {"text":"white furry kitten"} {"text":"How many slices of pizza are in the pan? Two."} {"text":"the cat is tan black and white"} {"text":"blue and white stripe on socks"} {"text":"The waves are large."} {"text":"Who is he with? No one."} {"text":"What color is the street? Gray."} {"text":"the ridge of a white plate"} {"text":"light beige colored wall made of brick"} {"text":"The railing behind the people."} {"text":"callendar under a lamp"} {"text":"Two front windows of a food truck"} {"text":"Where is the ball? In air."} {"text":"What is the person that is to the right of the train walking on? Platform."} {"text":"Where are the weeds? On the ground."} {"text":"Are there soaps or toilets? No."} {"text":"What is the bus size? Large."} {"text":"Man in a shirt and tie"} {"text":"plastic container of solutions"} {"text":"Who is sitting on the steps? Man."} {"text":"the light"} {"text":"What letters are on the toilet? Red letters."} {"text":"Are there both a lamp and a pillow in the image? Yes."} {"text":"grey sand on beach"} {"text":"Is there a truck to the right of the silver car that is traveling down the road? Yes."} {"text":"woman is wearing black pants"} {"text":"man is wearing blue pant."} {"text":"Where are the plates? On the wall."} {"text":"a pillow on the bed"} {"text":"the grass are green in color"} {"text":"Is this an old fashioned stove? Yes."} {"text":"two ski poles stuck in earth"} {"text":"What color is that shirt? Black."} {"text":"Blue wolf logo"} {"text":"A snowboarder heading down a slope"} {"text":"black tank top of man"} {"text":"Lime green wheels on a skateboard"} {"text":"Is the player that is to the left of the fence holding a bat? No."} {"text":"What is the man on? Bed."} {"text":"A lightly cloudy sky."} {"text":"Air conditioning unit in window"} {"text":"whiskers on the cat"} {"text":"What is the floor made of? Carpet."} {"text":"wrinkles on a towel"} {"text":"A pair of yellow umbrellas"} {"text":"blue and white surf board"} {"text":"Is it an outdoors or indoors scene? Outdoors."} {"text":"What is in front of the flames on the bike? Seat."} {"text":"Where is the foot? On the ground."} {"text":"an orange and white cat and a red towel"} {"text":"What is stuffed in the animal's mouth? Beer bottle."} {"text":"pile of brown paper towels"} {"text":"Is there either a glass window or door? Yes."} {"text":"snow projected on the air by the skis"} {"text":"What color is the stem? Pale green."} {"text":"a window on a train"} {"text":"What color are the wheels of the skateboard? White."} {"text":"Which place is it? Beach."} {"text":"The laptop on the table."} {"text":"Are these carrots safe to eat? Yes."} {"text":"Small white socket on the corner of kitchen."} {"text":"A small yellow and black toy bus made out of Legos."} {"text":"an orange headband in head"} {"text":"mountain in the distance"} {"text":"boat docked on the sand"} {"text":"What color do you think the bag is? Brown."} {"text":"What type of salad is shown? Potato."} {"text":"What shape is the green and white sign? Square."} {"text":"Box planter with white flowers."} {"text":"yellow brush on sign"} {"text":"the conducter in the window"} {"text":"This is a bunch of street signs on a city street."} {"text":"One dill pickle spear"} {"text":"A old white open fridge"} {"text":"young male on a tennis court"} {"text":"a picture taken of the TV screen with a little girl wearing a blue hat"} {"text":"What are buildings made of? Brick."} {"text":"a large pizza on a table"} {"text":"the passenger's headrest of a car"} {"text":"no waves on water"} {"text":"a large body of water"} {"text":"Is there more than one umbrella on the beach? No."} {"text":"a wheel of a bus"} {"text":"Where is this picture taken? A field."} {"text":"What color is the plane? White and red."} {"text":"A lamp post"} {"text":"How many people can you see not wearing shoes? Two."} {"text":"People gather on the beach to watch the Air Show"} {"text":"the woman is light skinned"} {"text":"Is he sleeping? Yes."} {"text":"black letter on bus"} {"text":"What is yellow? The front of the train."} {"text":"the trees are cleared"} {"text":"Is the skateboard to the right or to the left of the girl that wears a necklace? Right."} {"text":"The table is which color? Gray."} {"text":"Is the vase that is to the right of the other vase large and orange? No."} {"text":"Is the pitcher's left or right foot in the air? Left."} {"text":"a white bucket next to the pitcher"} {"text":"How many birds are there? 2."} {"text":"the woods behind the fence"} {"text":"What is stacked on the table? Napkin."} {"text":"A small round container of butter"} {"text":"group of people on the elephant"} {"text":"A whole tuna sandwich."} {"text":"child in blue helmet and orange jacket"} {"text":"A single jet flies above the beautiful blue ocean."} {"text":"part of the sky"} {"text":"A blurry picture of two geese on a grass field."} {"text":"What is attached to the tie? Tie clip."} {"text":"Are there either plates or tomatoes? Yes."} {"text":"What color is the water? Blue."} {"text":"it stands to reason that an elephant in water would cause lots of splashing"} {"text":"it is an in door scene"} {"text":"What activity is depicted in the picture? Skiing."} {"text":"What is the bottle on? Table."} {"text":"What is behind the vase? Wooden cabinet."} {"text":"What color is the dish towel? Green."} {"text":"Why are they there? To get food."} {"text":"sandals on the kid"} {"text":"The body of the cat."} {"text":"blue skies in the middle of the day"} {"text":"When was this picture taken? Daytime."} {"text":"The windows on the second floor of the building."} {"text":"Does the old truck look blue and large? Yes."} {"text":"On which side is the plastic bottle? Right."} {"text":"What color nose does the cow have? Pink."} {"text":"What is this person doing? Skateboarding."} {"text":"Who is walking behind the man? A group of people."} {"text":"Long white surf board with orange writing on it"} {"text":"Is the cabin in the bottom? No."} {"text":"Two people and a dog in a boat floating on the water."} {"text":"dark round trash can with black plastic liner"} {"text":"white airplane with Continental written on tail"} {"text":"flag on back of boat"} {"text":"What is on the man's head? Sunglasses."} {"text":"part of a black ski"} {"text":"the wing of a jet"} {"text":"water behind elephant"} {"text":"Is anyone wearing sunglasses? Yes."} {"text":"What are the cooking utensils in the photo? Ladles."} {"text":"the post for the power lines"} {"text":"Does the room appear to be cluttered? No."} {"text":"Child has short hair."} {"text":"medium sized round button showing number 1"} {"text":"tail of the horse"} {"text":"Which place is it? Shop."} {"text":"What is the bag on? Motorcycle."} {"text":"What is in the middle of the field? Van."} {"text":"What is the girl wearing? Goggles."} {"text":"Which kind of furniture is the book on? Table."} {"text":"the neck of a man"} {"text":"the train tracks"} {"text":"Red flower petals"} {"text":"What color is the bird's eye? Red."} {"text":"stepping stone walk way to the plane"} {"text":"What is near the dog? Toys."} {"text":"a red, white and blue ball"} {"text":"The hands are black."} {"text":"long tangled cord on bed"} {"text":"What area is this? Field."} {"text":"batter at a baseball game"} {"text":"A little girl in a blue shirt"} {"text":"a picture hanging on a wall"} {"text":"How many lines on the sidewalk? 2."} {"text":"a couple of zebras"} {"text":"a view of sky"} {"text":"black sunglasses on the woman's head"} {"text":"grey push button controller"} {"text":"triangular and straight building supports"} {"text":"wooly brown ram in the bushes"} {"text":"Chain hanging down"} {"text":"What do all the leaves have in common? They're green."} {"text":"What kind of cat is this? Siamese."} {"text":"cooking show on television"} {"text":"A red sign on top of a pole."} {"text":"the pile of carrots"} {"text":"closed flip phone on a red tray"} {"text":"the red lined casino table"} {"text":"white clouds in blue sky"} {"text":"The bird is on the shore."} {"text":"a bright light reflection"} {"text":"Are there any screens to the left of the laptop on the blanket? No."} {"text":"Several giraffes shown from the neck up gathered around a feeding station."} {"text":"white clouds in blue sky"} {"text":"Is the magazine on the right? Yes."} {"text":"Refrigerator and microwave in the break room at work."} {"text":"A black round plane wheel"} {"text":"THE KID'S HAIR IS CURLY"} {"text":"Are there both balls and toilets in the picture? No."} {"text":"A television remote control"} {"text":"What does the woman wear on the legs? Shorts."} {"text":"What is black? Bird."} {"text":"A group hotdogs that have been dipped in batter and are on a stick."} {"text":"trees behind the fence"} {"text":"Where is the palm tree? By the sidewalk."} {"text":"Where was the picture taken? On a street."} {"text":"one pillow is seen."} {"text":"white creamer is on the table."} {"text":"What skateboard is black? Right."} {"text":"the tomatoes are red"} {"text":"the boy's left ear"} {"text":"What is near the road? Green plants."} {"text":"What does the middle sign read? Dead end."} {"text":"What color is the leftmost person coat? Beige."} {"text":"A WOODEN FENCE POLE"} {"text":"Where is this photo taken? On a baseball field."} {"text":"wooden staircase with open risers"} {"text":"Is there a hat in this scene? Yes."} {"text":"Inside of boat is green."} {"text":"What brand of tennis shoes is the batter wearing? Nike."} {"text":"What kind of vehicle is on the bridge? Van."} {"text":"A skier standing behind a difficulty level sign on the slope"} {"text":"What is lit? Lights."} {"text":"green sign to show directions"} {"text":"the eye of a woman"} {"text":"What is the tape on? Suitcase."} {"text":"a small glass of water"} {"text":"Two ladies with umbrellas greet a man with a guitar."} {"text":"What shape is the Pirates Alley sign? Rectangle."} {"text":"An elephant's front left leg."} {"text":"a seat in a car"} {"text":"Red shorts on guy"} {"text":"What are the red items in the bowl? Tomato slices."} {"text":"Is the charger in the top of the picture? Yes."} {"text":"a roll of toilet paper"} {"text":"white clouds in blue sky"} {"text":"a blue napkin on a wooden surface"} {"text":"What color is the mans shirt? Blue."} {"text":"Black book bag on the floor"} {"text":"Man is wearing safety helmet."} {"text":"baseball baseline with homeplate"} {"text":"people standing by the edge of water"} {"text":"colorful bush in yard"} {"text":"Where is a sign? On side of a building."} {"text":"What is in the kitchen? Drum."} {"text":"Silver fork sitting on the plate."} {"text":"Woman wearing a half smile."} {"text":"A person on skis on a snow slope."} {"text":"The window in the middle on the front of the train."} {"text":"carpet is color black"} {"text":"kitchen area"} {"text":"Which bike has the taller mirrors? Blue."} {"text":"Can you eat what's in this picture? No."} {"text":"this is a lit traffic light"} {"text":"Line of big rocks"} {"text":"lighter part of the sky"} {"text":"A woman wearing jeans."} {"text":"a tall clock tower"} {"text":"handles on the fridge"} {"text":"What do the shelf and the sink have in common? Color."} {"text":"white snowboard with stickers on it"} {"text":"Is the yellow fruit to the right of the chair that is on the right? No."} {"text":"umpire wears a helmet with face protection"} {"text":"The motorcycle is where? Street."} {"text":"the trains rear area"} {"text":"White plastic plate on top of table."} {"text":"tree without leaves"} {"text":"Thick vegetation on the edge of the lake"} {"text":"black car traveling north"} {"text":"Brown dead trees by elephants"} {"text":"STOP on an orange street sign"} {"text":"black and white print sign on side of building"} {"text":"What word is written in yellow letters in the background? The word \"spring\"."} {"text":"orange letter on bus"} {"text":"Is there any sand or grass that is not brown? No."} {"text":"hat on a wakeboarder"} {"text":"the wall is brown in color"} {"text":"Are there any towels or mirrors? Yes."} {"text":"Are the dogs wearing collars? Yes."} {"text":"A boy with brown hair"} {"text":"tan colored cupboard over the countertop"} {"text":"the moped is blue"} {"text":"What material is the chair made out of? Wood."} {"text":"skies leaning on table"} {"text":"The glove is pink and white."} {"text":"A snow white head cover"} {"text":"Where is a soccer ball? In the air."} {"text":"collar of the shirt"} {"text":"What toy wears the dress? Doll."} {"text":"Who is in the lead? Number 30."} {"text":"Passenger loading and unloading ramp."} {"text":"Red string from bear on the floor."} {"text":"What is under the pizza? Plastic."} {"text":"Which kind of vehicle is the man exiting? Train."} {"text":"A horse with dark brown mane."} {"text":"a giraffe in the serengeti"} {"text":"Male-female couple in ski gear"} {"text":"How many pizza cutters? One."} {"text":"This is a house"} {"text":"What is in the player's left hand? A baseball."} {"text":"large telephone pole made of wood"} {"text":"Is this a meal for humans? No."} {"text":"the street is paved"} {"text":"bridge spanning over water"} {"text":"Is the person near the man wearing a bracelet? No."} {"text":"slices of tomato on a sandwich"} {"text":"Is the person feeding a giraffe? No."} {"text":"Is the goat sitting? No."} {"text":"white clouds in blue sky"} {"text":"a woman holding a freesbee"} {"text":"a red flower"} {"text":"the umbrella is flipped upside down"} {"text":"Does that heater work? Yes."} {"text":"red leaves on the tree"} {"text":"A cat rests its chin on a table which holds a knife"} {"text":"green tennis ball"} {"text":"Where in the image is the bench, in the bottom or in the top? Bottom."} {"text":"A street light next to a busy city street."} {"text":"a container on a table."} {"text":"A mans face on the paper."} {"text":"Where are the sheep? Bridge."} {"text":"white comforter on bed"} {"text":"white frisbee in hand"} {"text":"part of hooker"} {"text":"the hair is long"} {"text":"a white line on a street"} {"text":"meat underneath melted cheese"} {"text":"Which direction is the giraffe behind the fence looking at? Ahead."} {"text":"Where is the blanket? On bed."} {"text":"What are the fruits in the container on the ground called? Oranges."} {"text":"a website address printed on paper"} {"text":"Is it afternoon in this picture? No."} {"text":"burners on top of stove"} {"text":"What vegetables are on the table? Potatoes."} {"text":"window on the building"} {"text":"Three fresh flower bouquets"} {"text":"How many teddy bears are there? 1."} {"text":"this is a middle finger"} {"text":"The popcorn roof."} {"text":"A flower that is sitting inside of a vase on a table."} {"text":"What is beneath the hotdog? Tissue paper."} {"text":"this is a flower"} {"text":"an organic brand name"} {"text":"Are there any mirrors or cabinets? Yes."} {"text":"Blue bucket in the pen"} {"text":"What terrain is this? Hilly grassland."} {"text":"the number 276 on bus"} {"text":"Where is the sign? On the pole."} {"text":"How many cattle in this pasture? 20."} {"text":"Coat is deep blue color."} {"text":"The sneakers the skateboarder is wearing."} {"text":"Pair of white pants."} {"text":"Are there any bottles on top of the large table? Yes."} {"text":"Bed backboard dark brown"} {"text":"What color is the boat? White."} {"text":"The woman is smiling."} {"text":"black smoke from a steam engine"} {"text":"A yellow cat eye."} {"text":"Ears and snout perceivable."} {"text":"A fruit stand with several oranges, peaches, grapes other fruits."} {"text":"a black bag"} {"text":"the light is yellow"} {"text":"girl wearing red plaid shirt"} {"text":"it is black in color"} {"text":"Two men walking with surfboards"} {"text":"What is in the forefront? Tree."} {"text":"Do you see men to the right of the person that wears a backpack? Yes."} {"text":"man playing tennis on court"} {"text":"spare tire on back of car"} {"text":"arena doorway under stands"} {"text":"man with gold glitter under his eyes"} {"text":"What material is used to make the floor? Concrete."} {"text":"Is the woman in the top of the image? No."} {"text":"Which meal is he eating? Breakfast."} {"text":"Is the shirt black or white? Black."} {"text":"Plane is white"} {"text":"Baseball player's black belt"} {"text":"What is under the bench? Log."} {"text":"Which direction is he looking in the photo? Forward."} {"text":"What is the sign for? Warning."} {"text":"Why is the plane flying? To move people."} {"text":"What are the sunglasses used for? Protection."} {"text":"eye of a dog"} {"text":"the table is brown wood"} {"text":"What is the color of the grass that looks dry? Brown."} {"text":"an ornament on the christmas tree"} {"text":"Are the cabinets to the right of the blinds blue or white? White."} {"text":"part of tall building"} {"text":"What does the shadow reveal? Man."} {"text":"What kind of vehicle is white, the car or the truck? Truck."} {"text":"Where are the candles? On the cake."} {"text":"a girl wearing a white shirt"} {"text":"Is there a cat in the sink near the toothbrush? Yes."} {"text":"Red and black checkered wall"} {"text":"shirt is blue"} {"text":"a train oil car"} {"text":"What color is the grass? Green."} {"text":"What is on the stove? Burner."} {"text":"Is the helmet to the right or to the left of the kid on the field? Right."} {"text":"A white line drawn on the field."} {"text":"What kind of food is to the left of the spoon that looks gray and black? Mushrooms."} {"text":"What color scheme is this photo taken in? Black and white."} {"text":"A boy wearing ski clothing stands in the snow."} {"text":"Is the license plate displayed in the normal spot? No."} {"text":"white security camera attached to building"} {"text":"zebra facial striping is very similar"} {"text":"There are more tomatoes in the bowl than anything else"} {"text":"the forest is in the background"} {"text":"Several people have parked their cars here to enjoy the par."} {"text":"A flooded street with trees and street signs to demonstrate the water level."} {"text":"How many trees are in the forest? Many."} {"text":"Is the cabinet to the left or to the right of the black towel? Right."} {"text":"Where are the shadows? On the ground."} {"text":"Who is jumping? Child."} {"text":"a half full glass of wine"} {"text":"Are there any cream colored rugs or sofas? Yes."} {"text":"man's hands resting on the head"} {"text":"Two small carrot slices between apples."} {"text":"When was the photo taken? Daytime."} {"text":"three drawer file cabinet black"} {"text":"part of a bread"} {"text":"Who wears the shirt? Boy."} {"text":"Is the tower in front of the building white and tall? No."} {"text":"Where is the picture taken? In an urban scene."} {"text":"a brown food tray"} {"text":"electronic equipment on desk"} {"text":"A guy standing on the beach"} {"text":"What is lying on the table? Papers."} {"text":"Person wearing a long sleeve jacket"} {"text":"cockpit of the plane"} {"text":"Is it outdoors? No."} {"text":"Do you see cars to the right of the bus in the garage? Yes."} {"text":"Where are the people playing baseball? At the beach."} {"text":"What color is the watch band? Brown."} {"text":"This is a monitor"} {"text":"What is the weather like? Cloudy."} {"text":"the wooden chopping block"} {"text":"the plate is plastic"} {"text":"Photo was taken outdoors"} {"text":"this is a slice of pizza"} {"text":"the shoe is blue"} {"text":"What is the man on the right wearing? Gray coat with hoodie."} {"text":"What color is the shirt of the person holding the rope? Blue."} {"text":"Black gloves on the hands of a skier."} {"text":"doors on the side of the bus"} {"text":"Who is wearing a backpack? The man."} {"text":"Boy in black vest and tie pursing his lips."} {"text":"clock on a shelf"} {"text":"Black bookshelf on the wall"} {"text":"A car of the train"} {"text":"a superman magnet on a refrigerator"} {"text":"Is this an older photo? No."} {"text":"YOung child wearing white socks"} {"text":"What word is printed on the bat? Easton."} {"text":"Is the chair to the right or to the left of the fridge? Right."} {"text":"What is at the man's feet? A snowboard."} {"text":"How is the giraffe getting the food? Its tongue."} {"text":"papers on the bed"} {"text":"Wooden table is dark brown"} {"text":"A chair that you sit in."} {"text":"What sport is this? Baseball."} {"text":"skiers on a snowy slope"} {"text":"white letter O on a sign"} {"text":"Two sinks on the countertop"} {"text":"Do you see a keyboard there that is tan? Yes."} {"text":"man with black belt"} {"text":"What is the woman's hair length? Short."} {"text":"A large airplane that is on the runway."} {"text":"yellow shirt on the player"} {"text":"small table by the door"} {"text":"Where is the younger giraffe? Under the adult."} {"text":"The right wing of the plane."} {"text":"dirt stains on the white pants"} {"text":"Person standing near water"} {"text":"What sauce has the same color as the plate the potatoes are on top of? Dressing."} {"text":"wooden boat shipwrecked on rocky beach"} {"text":"What is the color of the vehicle to the left of the truck? Orange."} {"text":"What is in the man holding? Donut."} {"text":"An orange safety vest."} {"text":"Where are the double doors? On the left."} {"text":"What is by the tracks? Grass."} {"text":"Which kind of clothing is red? Jacket."} {"text":"Are there towels to the left of the man? No."} {"text":"What has black frames? Windows."} {"text":"silver computer mouse"} {"text":"Gold tone bell in glass box"} {"text":"Does the cap look white? No."} {"text":"a man wearing a shirt"} {"text":"What animal is pictured? An elephant."} {"text":"wooden post fence by the side of a road"} {"text":"What room is shown? Living room."} {"text":"What type of furniture is not blue, the shelf or the chair? Shelf."} {"text":"Two women are walking on the beach with surf boards"} {"text":"a black helmet on man"} {"text":"a cow standing on the grass in the left side"} {"text":"A white slice of cheese on the burger"} {"text":"What number is on the batter's shirt? 21."} {"text":"racquet in the right hand"} {"text":"What is the shower curtain leaning against? The bottom of the bathtub."} {"text":"What is the zebra doing? Grazing."} {"text":"A computer next to a cup of black stuff"} {"text":"Black metal chair with perforated seat"} {"text":"Yellow and red slope in the snow."} {"text":"What are the green things on the ground? Bushes."} {"text":"man with his shirt off"} {"text":"a woman walking into a room while holding onto a box"} {"text":"this is a wave"} {"text":"a red shirt on a woman"} {"text":"woman wearing black pants with white designs"} {"text":"Does the chain have gold color? Yes."} {"text":"this is the wall"} {"text":"What's the color of the branch? Brown."} {"text":"person wearing red pants"} {"text":"WOODEN DESK TOP"} {"text":"Is the bear looking for fish? No."} {"text":"What is the name of the piece of furniture that this doll is at? Desk."} {"text":"shirt says I heart London"} {"text":"The ground is made of concrete"} {"text":"A wooden desk with a laptop computer and two monitors."} {"text":"Is the person to the left of the napkin eating a cake? No."} {"text":"When does the scene occur? Daytime."} {"text":"blue ocean water"} {"text":"Is the fence the same color as the car? No."} {"text":"What are the brown objects behind the tables called? Planters."} {"text":"What kind of flowers are in the vase? Tulips."} {"text":"strip of pattern wallpaper"} {"text":"woman's left hand on blender"} {"text":"Piece of land on the shore"} {"text":"Person playing instrument."} {"text":"blue mug next to purple plate"} {"text":"Blue patch on the flag"} {"text":"A person wearing glasses and a hat standing on a platform as a train enters."} {"text":"A man is speaking into a microphone for a crowd."} {"text":"beige telephone on wooden night stand"} {"text":"What is behind the fence? Body of water."} {"text":"Metal wire mesh fence"} {"text":"Where is the aircraft? Runway."} {"text":"the word stop is written on the street"} {"text":"a bush"} {"text":"cake covered in white frosting"} {"text":"A stop sign with street name signs above it"} {"text":"Hand on a table"} {"text":"short brown and green grass"} {"text":"a man sitting on a couch"} {"text":"A white porcelain bathtub"} {"text":"head of a person"} {"text":"brown wooden fence"} {"text":"Why is the woman bending down? To pick flowers."} {"text":"the pizza boxes are open"} {"text":"water near a hill"} {"text":"short green and yellow grass"} {"text":"tall steeples on tower"} {"text":"The number 2 on the clock."} {"text":"Where is the bun? On the paper."} {"text":"Train on the railway track"} {"text":"a white clouds in sky"} {"text":"a man wearing a helmet"} {"text":"Lights behind the boarder."} {"text":"What color is the wall? White."} {"text":"blue and red ribbon on bear"} {"text":"Who is wearing the shorts? Girl."} {"text":"White tennis skirt in the air."} {"text":"How many animals are in the picture? Two."} {"text":"Nobody pictured in the photo."} {"text":"man has black pants"} {"text":"An umbrella colored like a British flag."} {"text":"a wet pink tongue"} {"text":"What is in the sky? Kites."} {"text":"ship docked next to ship"} {"text":"White line in street"} {"text":"Is the door to the bus open? No."} {"text":"a man stands in front of a skate board"} {"text":"the two men are topless"} {"text":"a bag on a white chair"} {"text":"People are enjoying the outdoors"} {"text":"two silver knives on a table"} {"text":"A brightly colored red train is parked outside in the train yard."} {"text":"A wall on the side of a building"}