import unittest from jiwer.transforms import * from jiwer.transforms import ReduceToListOfListOfChars def _apply_test_on(self: unittest.TestCase, tr, cases): for inp, outp in cases: self.assertEqual(outp, tr(inp)) class TestReduceToSingleSentence(unittest.TestCase): def test_normal(self): cases = [ ("this is a test", "this is a test"), ("", ""), (["this is one", "is two"], ["this is one is two"]), (["one", "two", "three", "", "five six"], ["one two three five six"]), ([""], []), ] _apply_test_on(self, ReduceToSingleSentence(), cases) def test_delimiter(self): cases = [ ("this_is_a_test", "this_is_a_test"), ("", ""), (["this_is_one", "is_two"], ["this_is_one_is_two"]), (["one", "two", "three", "", "five_six"], ["one_two_three_five_six"]), ([""], []), ] _apply_test_on(self, ReduceToSingleSentence("_"), cases) class TestReduceToListOfListOfWords(unittest.TestCase): def test_normal(self): cases = [ ("this is a test", [["this", "is", "a", "test"]]), ("", [[]]), (["this is one", "is two"], [["this", "is", "one"], ["is", "two"]]), ( ["one", "two", "three", "", "five six"], [["one"], ["two"], ["three"], [], ["five", "six"]], ), ([], [[]]), ([""], [[]]), (["", "", ""], [[], [], []]), ] _apply_test_on(self, ReduceToListOfListOfWords(), cases) def test_delimiter(self): cases = [ ("this_is_a_test", [["this", "is", "a", "test"]]), ("", [[]]), (["this_is_one", "is_two"], [["this", "is", "one"], ["is", "two"]]), ( ["one", "two", "three", "", "five_six"], [["one"], ["two"], ["three"], [], ["five", "six"]], ), ([], [[]]), ([""], [[]]), (["", "", ""], [[], [], []]), ] _apply_test_on(self, ReduceToListOfListOfWords("_"), cases) class TestReduceToListOfListOfChars(unittest.TestCase): def test_normal(self): cases = [ ( "this is a test", [ [ "t", "h", "i", "s", " ", "i", "s", " ", "a", " ", "t", "e", "s", "t", ] ], ), ("", [[]]), ( ["this is one", "is two"], [ ["t", "h", "i", "s", " ", "i", "s", " ", "o", "n", "e"], ["i", "s", " ", "t", "w", "o"], ], ), ( ["one", "two", "three", "", "five six"], [ ["o", "n", "e"], ["t", "w", "o"], ["t", "h", "r", "e", "e"], [], ["f", "i", "v", "e", " ", "s", "i", "x"], ], ), ([], [[]]), ([""], [[]]), (["", "", ""], [[], [], []]), ] _apply_test_on(self, ReduceToListOfListOfChars(), cases) def test_delimiter(self): cases = [ ( "this_is_a_test", [ [ "t", "h", "i", "s", "_", "i", "s", "_", "a", "_", "t", "e", "s", "t", ] ], ), ("", [[]]), ( ["this_is_one", "is_two"], [ ["t", "h", "i", "s", "_", "i", "s", "_", "o", "n", "e"], ["i", "s", "_", "t", "w", "o"], ], ), ( ["one", "two", "three", "", "five_six"], [ ["o", "n", "e"], ["t", "w", "o"], ["t", "h", "r", "e", "e"], [], ["f", "i", "v", "e", "_", "s", "i", "x"], ], ), ([], [[]]), ([""], [[]]), (["", "", ""], [[], [], []]), ] _apply_test_on(self, ReduceToListOfListOfChars(), cases) class TestRemoveSpecificWords(unittest.TestCase): def test_normal(self): cases = [ (["yhe about that bug"], [" about that bug"]), (["yeah about that bug"], [" about that bug"]), (["one bug"], ["one bug"]), (["yhe", "about", "bug"], [" ", "about", "bug"]), (["yeah", "about", "bug"], [" ", "about", "bug"]), (["one", "bug"], ["one", "bug"]), (["yhe about bug"], [" about bug"]), (["yeah about bug"], [" about bug"]), (["about bug yhe"], ["about bug "]), (["one bug"], ["one bug"]), (["he asked a helpful question"], [" asked helpful question"]), (["normal sentence"], ["normal sentence"]), (["yhe awesome", " awesome"]), (["the apple is not a pear", " apple is not pear"]), (["yhe", " "]), ] _apply_test_on( self, RemoveSpecificWords(["yhe", "yeah", "a", "he", "the"]), cases ) class TestRemoveWhiteSpace(unittest.TestCase): def test_normal(self): cases = [ (["this is an example", "thisisanexample"]), (["hello\tworld\n\r", "helloworld"]), ] _apply_test_on(self, RemoveWhiteSpace(), cases) def test_replace_by_space(self): cases = [ (["this is an example", "this is an example"]), (["hello\tworld\n\r", "hello world "]), ] _apply_test_on(self, RemoveWhiteSpace(replace_by_space=True), cases) class TestRemovePunctuation(unittest.TestCase): def test_normal(self): cases = [ (["this is an example!", "this is an example"]), (["hello. goodbye", "hello goodbye"]), (["this sentence has no punctuation", "this sentence has no punctuation"]), ] _apply_test_on(self, RemovePunctuation(), cases) def test_non_ascii_punctuation(self): cases = [ (["word༆’'", "word"]), (["‘no’", "no"]), (["“yes”", "yes"]), ] _apply_test_on(self, RemovePunctuation(), cases) class TestRemoveMultipleSpaces(unittest.TestCase): def test_normal(self): cases = [ (["this is an example "], ["this is an example "]), ([" hello goodbye "], [" hello goodbye "]), ([" "], [" "]), ] _apply_test_on(self, RemoveMultipleSpaces(), cases) pass class TestSubstituteWords(unittest.TestCase): def test_normal(self): cases = [ (["you're pretty"], ["i am awesome"]), (["your book"], ["your book"]), (["foobar"], ["foobar"]), ] _apply_test_on( self, SubstituteWords( {"pretty": "awesome", "you": "i", "'re": " am", "foo": "bar"} ), cases, ) class TestSubstituteRegexes(unittest.TestCase): def test_normal(self): cases = [ (["is the world doomed or loved?"], ["is the world sacr or lov?"]), (["the sun is loved"], ["the sun is lov"]), (["edibles are allegedly cultivated"], ["edibles are allegedly cultivat"]), ] _apply_test_on( self, SubstituteRegexes({r"doom": r"sacr", r"\b(\w+)ed\b": r"\1"}), cases, ) class TestStrip(unittest.TestCase): def test_normal(self): cases = [ ([" this is an example "], ["this is an example"]), ([" hello goodbye "], ["hello goodbye"]), ([" "], [""]), ([" "], [""]), ] _apply_test_on(self, Strip(), cases) class TestRemoveEmptyStrings(unittest.TestCase): def test_normal(self): cases = [ ([""], []), (["this is an example"], ["this is an example"]), ([" "], []), ([" "], []), ] _apply_test_on(self, RemoveEmptyStrings(), cases) class TestExpandCommonEnglishContractions(unittest.TestCase): def test_normal(self): cases = [ ( ["she'll make sure you can't make it"], ["she will make sure you can not make it"], ), (["let's party!"], ["let us party!"]), ] _apply_test_on(self, ExpandCommonEnglishContractions(), cases) class TestToLowerCase(unittest.TestCase): def test_normal(self): cases = [ (["You're PRETTY"], ["you're pretty"]), ] _apply_test_on(self, ToLowerCase(), cases) class TestToUpperCase(unittest.TestCase): def test_normal(self): cases = [ (["You're amazing"], ["YOU'RE AMAZING"]), ] _apply_test_on(self, ToUpperCase(), cases) class TestRemoveKaldiNonWords(unittest.TestCase): def test_normal(self): cases = [ (["you like [laugh]"], ["you like "]), ] _apply_test_on(self, RemoveKaldiNonWords(), cases)