import csv from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict, List, Tuple import datasets from seacrowd.utils.configs import SEACrowdConfig from seacrowd.utils.constants import SCHEMA_TO_FEATURES, Licenses, Tasks _CITATION = """\ @inproceedings{lin2022fewshot, author = {Xi Victoria Lin and Todor Mihaylov and Mikel Artetxe and Tianlu Wang and Shuohui Chen and Daniel Simig and Myle Ott and Naman Goyal and Shruti Bhosale and Jingfei Du and Ramakanth Pasunuru and Sam Shleifer and Punit Singh Koura and Vishrav Chaudhary and Brian O'Horo and Jeff Wang and Luke Zettlemoyer and Zornitsa Kozareva and Mona T. Diab and Veselin Stoyanov and Xian Li}, editor = {Yoav Goldberg and Zornitsa Kozareva and Yue Zhang}, title = {Few-shot Learning with Multilingual Generative Language Models}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, {EMNLP} 2022, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, December 7-11, 2022}, pages = {9019--9052}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, year = {2022}, url = {}, doi = {10.18653/V1/2022.EMNLP-MAIN.616}, } """ _DATASETNAME = "xstorycloze" _DESCRIPTION = """\ XStoryCloze consists of the professionally translated version of the English StoryCloze dataset (Spring 2016 version) to 10 non-English languages. This dataset is released by Meta AI. """ _HOMEPAGE = "" _LANGUAGES = ["ind", "mya"] _LICENSE = Licenses.CC_BY_SA_4_0.value _LOCAL = False _BASE_URL = "{lang}.tsv.split_20_80_{split}.tsv" _SUPPORTED_TASKS = [Tasks.COMMONSENSE_REASONING] _SOURCE_VERSION = "1.0.0" _SEACROWD_VERSION = "2024.06.20" class XStoryClozeDataset(datasets.GeneratorBasedBuilder): """XStoryCloze subset for Indonesian and Burmese language.""" SOURCE_VERSION = datasets.Version(_SOURCE_VERSION) SEACROWD_VERSION = datasets.Version(_SEACROWD_VERSION) SEACROWD_SUBSET = ["id", "my"] BUILDER_CONFIGS = [ SEACrowdConfig( name=f"{_DATASETNAME}_{subset}_source", version=datasets.Version(_SOURCE_VERSION), description=f"{_DATASETNAME} {subset} source schema", schema="source", subset_id=f"{_DATASETNAME}_{subset}", ) for subset in SEACROWD_SUBSET ] + [ SEACrowdConfig( name=f"{_DATASETNAME}_{subset}_seacrowd_qa", version=datasets.Version(_SEACROWD_VERSION), description=f"{_DATASETNAME} {subset} SEACrowd schema", schema="seacrowd_qa", subset_id=f"{_DATASETNAME}_{subset}", ) for subset in SEACROWD_SUBSET ] DEFAULT_CONFIG_NAME = f"{_DATASETNAME}_{SEACROWD_SUBSET[0]}_source" def _info(self) -> datasets.DatasetInfo: if self.config.schema == "source": features = datasets.Features( { "story_id": datasets.Value("string"), "input_sentence_1": datasets.Value("string"), "input_sentence_2": datasets.Value("string"), "input_sentence_3": datasets.Value("string"), "input_sentence_4": datasets.Value("string"), "sentence_quiz1": datasets.Value("string"), "sentence_quiz2": datasets.Value("string"), "answer_right_ending": datasets.Value("int32"), } ) elif self.config.schema == "seacrowd_qa": features = SCHEMA_TO_FEATURES["QA"] return datasets.DatasetInfo( description=_DESCRIPTION, features=features, homepage=_HOMEPAGE, license=_LICENSE, citation=_CITATION, ) def _split_generators(self, dl_manager: datasets.DownloadManager) -> List[datasets.SplitGenerator]: lang ="_")[1] filepaths = dl_manager.download_and_extract( { "train": _BASE_URL.format(lang=lang, split="train"), "test": _BASE_URL.format(lang=lang, split="eval"), } ) return [ datasets.SplitGenerator( name=datasets.Split.TRAIN, gen_kwargs={ "filepath": filepaths["train"], "split": "train", }, ), datasets.SplitGenerator( name=datasets.Split.TEST, gen_kwargs={ "filepath": filepaths["test"], "split": "test", }, ), ] def _generate_examples(self, filepath: Path, split: str) -> Tuple[int, Dict]: with open(filepath, encoding="utf-8") as f: data = csv.reader(f, quotechar='"', delimiter="\t", quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL, skipinitialspace=True) _ = next(data) # skip header if self.config.schema == "source": for id, row in enumerate(data): yield id, { "story_id": row[0], "input_sentence_1": row[1], "input_sentence_2": row[2], "input_sentence_3": row[3], "input_sentence_4": row[4], "sentence_quiz1": row[5], "sentence_quiz2": row[6], "answer_right_ending": int(row[7]), } elif self.config.schema == "seacrowd_qa": for id, row in enumerate(data): question = " ".join(row[1:5]) choices = [row[5], row[6]] yield id, { "id": str(id), "question_id": row[0], "document_id": None, "question": question, "type": "multiple_choice", "choices": choices, "context": None, "answer": [choices[int(row[7]) - 1]], "meta": {}, }