--- dataset_info: features: - name: id dtype: int64 - name: raw_transcription dtype: string - name: transcription dtype: string - name: sentence_type dtype: string - name: speaker_id dtype: string - name: gender dtype: int64 - name: audio struct: - name: array sequence: float32 - name: path dtype: string - name: sampling_rate dtype: int64 splits: - name: train num_bytes: 10662278090.528124 num_examples: 9349 - name: test num_bytes: 22809451.471875332 num_examples: 20 download_size: 4756967964 dataset_size: 10685087542 configs: - config_name: default data_files: - split: train path: data/train-* - split: test path: data/test-* license: apache-2.0 language: - ky --- # Description Here is the English translation: --- This dataset consists of approximately 7000 samples in Kyrgyz with 44100 sampling rate float32. The total speech duration is around 13 hours. The recording quality matches that of the studio. The dataset includes the following features: - **id**: Sentence number. - **raw_transcription**: Text of the sentence. - **transcription**: Lowercase text, cleaned of punctuation marks. - **sentence_type**: Sentence category (Declarative, Interrogative, Exclamatory). - **speaker_id**: Speaker ID. Always value "1". - **gender**: Gender of the speaker. Always "1". - **audio**: Audio data, presented as a dictionary containing metadata such as sampling rate and audio in the form of a numpy array. **The speaker** is Kanykey Bakashova.