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"package rename to io.objectbox","Perfective"
"move java tests to tests sub dir","Perfective"
"minor improvements to flatbuffers model, move java model classes with cp and sed","Perfective"
"fix imports for new model package","Corrective"
"more flexible and android Context support","Perfective"
"defaultStore in","Other"
"move defaultStore in","Perfective"
"renamed some VS stuff to ObjectBox, removed .gitignore for tests","Perfective"
"load lib objectbox","Other"
"added property flag NON_PRIMITIVE_TYPE. added Properties class. give Cursors a Properties instance. verify entity is know before returning a box. prepared 2nd entity for unit testing","Adaptive"
"sharedReadTx to make txs across boxes work. fix some test deps","Corrective"
"Box: some JavaDocs, shortcut for null or empty collections","Administrative"
"prep daocompat for upload","Adaptive"
"added find()s to Box","Adaptive"
"various, e.g. running bulk perf test from example app","Perfective"
"perf test: added fixed byte array with length 6","Adaptive"
"add version","Other"
" Sizes must be multiple of 4 (currently not enforced)","Adaptive"
"fix some java tests: pad bytes to length 4","Corrective"
"moved objectbox-api to objectbox-java-api","Perfective"
"prepared Query&Builder on the Java side","Adaptive"
"fixes to build Query in Java","Corrective"
"added @Temporary to API","Adaptive"
"fixes to make Java Query work","Corrective"
"in and betwwen for Java QueryBuilder (FIXME DbException: invalid unordered_map<K, T> key). Java query builder: null/notNull && FP. Fix TestEntityProperties types and all properties field. - Also populate simpleLong property in Query test. Support additional query conditions. Do not validate values for null/notNull operations. Actually copy values for in op.","Corrective"
"Add Float support to PropertyCondition greater/less ops. - They support Double, so they should support Float as well.","Adaptive"
"rename WhereCondition to QueryCondition","Perfective"
"fix tests using DummyProperties","Corrective"
"Add contains, starts/endsWith to Property class.","Adaptive"
"- Replacement for like() from greenDAO.","Perfective"
"prep some PropertyConverter stuff to happen in C++","Adaptive"
"Generate converter info into Property Java class (0.9.1-SNAPSHOT)","Adaptive"
"make Properties available to BoxStore, prep native registration","Perfective"
"fix JniPropertyConverter.javaClassName","Corrective"
"added testBigResultList","Adaptive"
"added idAssignable flag","Adaptive"
"Need to retain Entity annotation for ProGuard. #25 - With RetentionPolicy.SOURCE the annotation is already stripped by the compiler, before ProGuard gets a chance to transform the byte code. So set at least RetentionPolicy.CLASS.","Corrective"
"added refId to @Entity and @Property","Adaptive"
"add refId and id to model","Adaptive"
"added id and refId to ModelBuilder","Adaptive"
"ignore tests with size != modulo 4","Perfective"
"add indexId to model","Adaptive"
"fixes for model IDs","Corrective"
"add lastEntityId and lastIndexId to model","Adaptive"
"RetentionPolicy.CLASS for a couple more annotations","Adaptive"
"added lastPropertyId to model entity","Adaptive"
"added lastEntityId to model builder and ftl","Adaptive"
"generator fixes","Corrective"
"test adjustments for recent schema sync changes (ref IDs etc.)","Perfective"
"added OrderFlags","Adaptive"
"removed NULLS_FIRST order flag, CASE_SENSITIVE replaces IGNORE_CASE_ASCII","Perfective"
"added order to","Adaptive"
"improved JavaDoc on queries","Administrative"
"use collect400000 and collect430000 to consume non-primitive values first","Adaptive"
"collect002033 for FP intensive entities, added Char type to generator","Adaptive"
"properties to begin with lower char in accordance to JPA2","Perfective"
"createMinMaxVisitor with type trades to compile with VS, connected new query aggregates to java, remove too but still throws","Corrective"
" fix remove()","Corrective"
"add testFindKeysUnordered","Adaptive"
"Port stringOrderCollation to QueryBuilder. - Though change signature to accept only new StringOrder constant instead of any SQLite collate string. Support setParameter in daocompat, properly rebuild query. - Support setParameter and undeprecate it. - The ObjectBox query is now (re)built when creating a new query or resetting it (for a new thread). QueryBuilder now only records desired conditions and orders. Previously would simply re-use the same ObjectBox query object built by QueryBuilder, which would obviously not be re-set to initial values. JNI/Java: setParameter for FP, between for FP Support double values for setParameter. - Also throw on unsupported parameter types. Support double values for BETWEEN op.","Perfective"
"- Add test. add :tests:test-proguard","Adaptive"
"make Query.setParameter return Query to make Query chainable","Perfective"
"JNI for new Store and Tx methods (renewal etc.)","Adaptive"
"fix TransactionPerfTest","Corrective"
"preped Cursor.renew(tx) in Java","Adaptive"
"test for Cursor.renew(tx) in Java","Adaptive"
"recycle and renew box reader instead of sharing to avoid readers to hold on to their data","Perfective"
"added CrashReportLogger from Java side","Corrective"
"Update flatbuffers to 03ee3db2408e477137c83195e0e18c26f9d2ab25","Perfective"
"add native lib unpack logic for linux","Adaptive"
"embedd flatbuffers as source to fix dependency issue","Corrective"
"check for android native lib","Perfective"
"rename PropertyType_Reference to PropertyType_Reference","Perfective"
"0.9.6-SNAPSHOT, VS updates, @Relation","Perfective"
"setting some years to 2017","Other"
"fix setting boxStore, to-one relations now work!","Corrective"
"some fixes for relation","Corrective"
"prepared getBacklinkEntities to resolve to-many relations","Corrective"
"fixes to make to-many relations work","Corrective"
"added Box.attach for entities not originating from DB","Adaptive"
"add Cursor.boxStoreForEntities etc.","Adaptive"
"ToOne: Sketching a replacement for length generation of to-one getters","Perfective"
"make public final","Perfective"
"prepare ToOne to be used in generated to-one getters etc.","Adaptive"
"various improvements to ToOne","Perfective"
"fixes to make ToOne work","Corrective"
"Copied entity annotation test to java-test","Perfective"
"rename to findIdsUnordered","Perfective"
"added some putTestEntity methods to AbstractObjectBoxTest","Adaptive"
"rename to","Perfective"
"renaming refID to uid on Java side","Perfective"
"more renaming refId to uid on C++ side","Perfective"
"some more renaming refID to uid on Java side","Perfective"
"add LazyListTest to","Adaptive"
"use IdUid for in model for last*Ids, more UID checks, e.g. check incoming vs existing UIDs","Adaptive"
"add missing","Perfective"
"switched IdUid to struct","Perfective"
"adjust Java part to IdUid model changes","Perfective"
"added indexUid to FlatProperty&Property, CURRENT_META_VERSION = 2, MODEL_VERSION = 2, extended Schema-Entity-Flat-Roundtrip to check property/index IDs&UIDs","Adaptive"
"Query: support for boolean and Date types","Adaptive"
"set versions to 0.9.7-2017-02-09","Perfective"
"using io.objectbox:objectbox-generator:0.9.7-RC, fixing generated stuff","Corrective"
"added ObjectClassListener on Java side","Adaptive"
"added BoxStore.removeObjectClassListener()","Adaptive"
"moved ModelUpdate, and ModelModifier away","Perfective"
"changed listeners to Multiset","Perfective"
"some docs for async transactions","Administrative"
"added close&finalize to Query","Adaptive"
"'Observer'name more en vogue these days...","Other"
"rename addObjectClassObserver to subscribe etc.","Perfective"
"General observers","Other"
"Transformer test","Perfective"
"Scheduler test","Perfective"
"remove obsolete and Subscription (android)","Perfective"
"Data prefix for Observer, Publisher, and Subscription classes","Adaptive"
"SubscriptionBuilder: renamed subscribe() to observer(), JavaDocs; tests for ErrorObserver","Perfective"
"added basic JavaDocs for BoxStore, Box, SubscriptionBuilder","Administrative"
"Make use one thread for observer notifications","Perfective"
"updated javadoc for subscribing observers (threading)","Administrative"
"use generic Observer for Query","Adaptive"
"archived: Query observer with Transformer (not weak!)","Perfective"
"Revert 'archived: Query observer with Transformer (not weak!)' This reverts commit a52e340acdbb0759da50d071733e418945e008a4.","Other"
"Query uses SubscriptionBuilder via QueryPublisher","Adaptive"
"testTranformer for Query","Adaptive"
"call onError also for Observer exceptions","Corrective"
"JavaDoc updates for Observer exceptions","Administrative"
"Added JavaDoc to Query","Administrative"
"renamed to","Perfective"
"added JavaDoc","Administrative"
"introduced DelegatingObserver to unwrap observers during removal, fixes a observer leak with wrapped observers","Corrective"
"use DataPublisherUtils.removeObserverFromCopyOnWriteSet in, too","Adaptive"
"fixing weak observers","Corrective"
"test tweek: allocating 16 MB chunks is faster than 64 & 128 (~0,3s instead of ~1s) and a bit faster than 8 and 32","Perfective"
"improved state checks for Query","Perfective"
" static method instead of field","Perfective"
"some notes on weak references and stale query observers","Administrative"
"added testRunInReadTxAndThenPut (failing)","Adaptive"
"fix relation test for android","Corrective"
"JniBasicsTest to identify ReferenceTable leak","Corrective"
"Query.forEach (FIXME: make public after runInReadTx is fixed)","Corrective"
"tx is null despite check in constructor in some tests (called by finalizer): Null check avoids NPE in finalizer and seems to stabilize Android instrumentation perf tests.","Corrective"
"Cursor calls nativeDestroy now also when tx is closed","Perfective"
"make testTxGC() run finalizers to clean up dangling TXs to avoid them surving the store closing","Perfective"
" WARN_FINALIZER debug flag to see finalizers in action","Corrective"
" run finalizers to clean up before store closing","Perfective"
"debug finalizer warning for Cursor","Corrective"
"clean read-only cursor from box after read-only TX completes","Perfective"
"make Query.forEach public","Perfective"
"make handle package visible to avoid accessor creation","Perfective"
"api annotation changes for 0.9.10","Perfective"
"Query: remove private from native methods because they are typically accessed in an anonymous class, which requires the compiler to generate an access method","Perfective"
"remove getProperties call from - does not seem to have an effect, but creates&releases a reader","Perfective"
"custom toString for and","Adaptive"
"Java: keep thread local reader after TX was committed, debugTransactions flag","Corrective"
"added to verify today's changes","Adaptive"
"added IndexReaderRenewTest to","Adaptive"
"closeThreadResources() to free any cached resources tied to the calling thread (e.g. readers)","Adaptive"
"added to release thread local resources, etc","Adaptive"
"better error message for getBacklinkEntities (closes GitHub issue #41)","Corrective"
"Java version: 0.9.10-2017-04-13","Other"
"ToOne: remove SOURCE generics","Perfective"
"add optional targetId property, added","Adaptive"
"added AbstractRelationTest, used now by ToOneTest","Adaptive"
"Use IdSetter instead of dummy Cursor","Perfective"
"Use IdGetter instead of dummy Cursor","Perfective"
"de-activate and in test","Perfective"
"updates to generated test classes","Perfective"
"sketching CursorFactory","Adaptive"
"test fixes","Corrective"
"fixed a couple of warnings","Corrective"
"started to use JSR-305 annotations","Adaptive"
"more JSR-305 annotations","Adaptive"
"updated flatbuffers to 340d1a3447cf821924aaaeefa5e6aef0fcdbf0c0","Perfective"
"multiple refactorings: Cursor creation via factory, added RelationInfo, extended Properties class to be single source for entity info","Perfective"
"renamed Properties to EntityInfo","Perfective"
"refactoring: used EntityInfo","Perfective"
"ToOne fixes: isResolved(), cached target/id after put","Corrective"
"ToOne: flag to avoid calls to {@link #getTargetId()}, which may involve expensive reflection","Adaptive"
"updated cursor gen","Perfective"
"shorter @Generated (no more "hash = ")","Perfective"
"removed @JoinEntity which does not make sense for ObjectBox","Perfective"
"JavaDoc covering special @Uid values","Administrative"
"@NameInDb replaces attribute in @Property and @Entity","Perfective"
"minor docs, todos, v","Administrative"
"fix testCloseThreadResources by using getReader()","Corrective"
"Move loadLibrary into NativeLibraryLoader to make BoxStore mockable","Perfective"
"minor, added javadocs","Administrative"
"added EntityInfo.getEntityId()","Adaptive"
"first compilable ToMany","Adaptive"
"improved ToMany.checkGetEntities()","Perfective"
"use ToMany in tests","Perfective"
"started ToMany.add methods, experimental","Adaptive"
"lazy ListFactory init","Adaptive"
"ToMany puts added target entities","Adaptive"
"ensure order of added entities to ToMany","Perfective"
"internalRequiresPutTarget determines entities to put (avoids getting cursors if not required)","Perfective"
"remove with remove from DB","Perfective"
"ToMany.removeFromTargetBox flag","Adaptive"
"ToMany: add() removes entities from remove tracking, tests for remove","Adaptive"
"added @Backlink","Adaptive"
"for non-Android OS, prefer System.load over System.loadLibrary","Perfective"
"throw to test sth in Jenkins","Corrective"
"temp code to debug Jenkins","Corrective"
"revert debug code","Corrective"
"added flags for entity meta data","Adaptive"
"prep Java test for non-arg constructor usage","Adaptive"
"add NonArgConstructorTest to suite","Adaptive"
"add NonArgConstructorTest to suite (Gradle)","Adaptive"
"API: @Entity(useNoArgConstructor=...)","Other"
"minor JavaDoc","Administrative"
"start of objectbox-kotlin","Administrative"
"move kotlin extentions into kotlin sub package","Perfective"
"make ToOne and ToMany serializable","Perfective"
"shutdown thread pool when closing BoxStore","Perfective"
"minor: suppress warning","Corrective"
"dump thread stacks if pool does not terminate promptly","Corrective"
"testCloseBulk to check on Linux","Adaptive"
"testCloseBulk to check on Linux, now with 2 TXs","Perfective"
"removed testCloseBulk again; no flaws discovered","Perfective"
"allow setting max readers C++ & JNI","Perfective"
"simplify test","Perfective"
"javadocs for BoxStoreBuilder","Administrative"
"fix: DbMaxReadersExceededException needs error code constructor","Corrective"
"Jenkinsfile: enable extensive-tests for Java tests","Perfective"
"property: added virtual flag and virtualTarget","Adaptive"
"minor improvements for ToOne","Perfective"
"ModelBuilder: allow passing virtualTarget","Adaptive"
"temp debug log for setResolvedTarget","Corrective"
"debugRelations flag","Corrective"
"prevent two BoxStores from being opened for the same directory","Corrective"
"better to explicitly close store before building new one","Perfective"
"added Box.get(Iterable) and .getMap(Iterable)","Adaptive"
"updated, typo","Administrative"
"add Box.get(long[] ids)","Adaptive"
"Replaced some greenrobot references with ObjectBox","Perfective"
"inValues method alias for Kotlin","Adaptive"
"model support for Relation","Adaptive"
"prep RelationInfo for relationId","Adaptive"
"some prep for standalone relations","Adaptive"
"some more prep for for standalone relations","Adaptive"
"prep standalone relation modifications","Adaptive"
"prep standalone relation loading","Adaptive"
" add relations","Adaptive"
"relation fixes","Corrective"
"fix EntityBuilder.relation model building","Corrective"
"adjustments to getting relations (Java)","Perfective"
" Do not use Iterator with remove because not all List Types support it (e.g. CopyOnWriteArrayList)","Other"
"added stand alone relation tests","Adaptive"
"API_ added @TargetIdProperty, deprecated old annotations","Adaptive"
"testToOneBulk and testToManyBulk","Adaptive"
"some renames","Perfective"
"added ToManyGetter","Adaptive"
"use To[Many|One]Getters in","Adaptive"
"make ToManyGetter return List","Perfective"
"added store.callInReadTx()","Adaptive"
"Query: eager relations","Adaptive"
"JavaDocs for QueryBuilder.eager(...)","Administrative"
"change RelationInfo signature","Perfective"
"BreakForEach for Query.forEach()","Adaptive"
"added query filtering","Adaptive"
"add javadoc-style","Administrative"
"add .gitignore","Administrative"
"add gradle files","Administrative"
"add gradle files for tests","Administrative"
"for linux64, add native dependency","Adaptive"
"fix version for native dependency","Corrective"
"fix copyright headers","Administrative"
"Java V1.0.0-2017-09-02","Other"
"added LICENSE.txt","Administrative"
"first README.txt","Administrative"
"added GitHub issue template","Adaptive"
"improved github issue template","Perfective"
" V1.0.1-2017-09-10","Other"
"dropAllData() is not implemented on native side; remove public for now","Perfective"
"adding logo to","Administrative"
"Jenkinsfile: adding upstreamProjects","Adaptive"
"Jenkinsfile: adding upstrea threshold","Adaptive"
"Jenkinsfile: oops, variable sneaked in","Other"
"add data browser methods to","Adaptive"
"added hasA and hasAll to ToMany","Adaptive"
"startObjectBrowser() trying port range","Adaptive"
"NPE fix","Corrective"
"update for 1.1.0","Administrative"
"ToMany: added indexOfId() and getById()","Adaptive"
"added ToMany.removeById()","Adaptive"
"added testBuildTwice","Adaptive"
"extracted getAndroidFilesDir","Perfective"
"getAndroidFilesDir: workaround for race condition in Android before 4.4","Corrective"
"getAndroidFilesDir: fail fast if dir does not exist, etc.","Corrective"
"Put 1.2.0-RC in","Administrative"
"Added PropertyFlags.INDEX_HASH","Adaptive"
"Cursor: remove property name based find methods","Perfective"
"Box: remove find methods except with Property param, adjust tests","Perfective"
"using flatbuffers-java:1.7.2 from maven repo, removing embedded sources","Perfective"
"Help people with floating point equality","Other"
"DataSubscriptionList: add clears canceled state","Adaptive"
"java docs","Administrative"
"deprecated Cursor.lookupKeyUsingIndex","Perfective"
"Gradle: Drop FunctionalTestSuite, instead add main source set to tests.","Perfective"
"Drop unused Android Gradle plugin dependency.","Perfective"
"QueryTest: expand testBuildTwice to call other builder methods.","Perfective"
"added observer method with DataSubscriptionList param","Adaptive"
"Revert 'Gradle: Drop FunctionalTestSuite, instead add main source set to tests.' This reverts commit 38e8214","Other"
"Gradle 4.3","Other"
"1.2.0 last minute change: passing DataSubscriptionList","Perfective"
"1.2.0 last minute change: updating BoxStore version","Perfective"
"Update to 1.2.0","Administrative"
"kotlin_version = '1.1.51'","Other"
"pass canonical instead of absolute path","Perfective"
"BoxStore.getVersion(): '1.2.1-2017-11-09'","Adaptive"
"move OrderFlags into query package","Perfective"
"Add generated DebugFlags","Adaptive"
"use new debug flags","Adaptive"
"fix return type of nativeSetDebugFlags","Corrective"
"only apply debugFlags if != 0","Corrective"
"fix previous commit","Corrective"
"Update to 1.2.1","Administrative"
"1.3.0-SNAPSHOT (again)","Other"
"1.2.2-beta, kotlin_version = '1.1.60'","Other"
"1.3.0-SNAPSHOT (again)","Other"
"Setting BoxStore version to 1.2.2-2017-11-17","Perfective"
"increased default max db size to 1 GB DEFAULT_MAX_DB_SIZE_KBYTE","Perfective"
"Jenkinsfile: dedicated init stage, archive hs_err_pid files if any","Perfective"
"Jenkinsfile: trigger every 20 minutes at night (0:00 - 6:00)","Perfective"
"+x gradlew","Other"
"Jenkinsfile: LD_PRELOAD=$ASAN_LIB_SO","Adaptive"
"make Transaction.closed flag volatile because finalizer thread may interfere with 'one thread, one TX' rule","Perfective"
"build.gradle: enable test logging","Perfective"
"added allow arguments to be forwarded to gradle","Adaptive"
"Jenkinsfile: use","Perfective"
"set BoxStore version to 1.2.2-2017-11-21","Perfective"
"Jenkinsfile: disable testing with asan for now","Perfective"
"Jenkinsfile: disable test collection temporarily","Perfective"
"back to 1.3.0-SNAPSHOT","Perfective"
"reworked deleteAllFiles: fail fast, throw NPE for null param, safer concurrency","Corrective"
"added JavaDocs","Administrative"
"added link to BoxStore.diagnose() for DbMaxReadersExceededException","Adaptive"
"new static deleteAllFiles methods","Adaptive"
"tests for deleteAllFiles","Adaptive"
"enable tests again","Perfective"
" use Gradle daemon on Jenkins","Perfective"
"Cursor & Transaction: always log error if not closed","Corrective"
"Transaction finalizer should only complain about non-active transactions","Perfective"
"enableCreationStackTracking() for tests","Adaptive"
"test fixes for transaction not cleaned up","Corrective"
"Ignore testTxGC: Tests robustness in invalid usage scenarios with lots of errors raised and resources leaked. Only run this test manually from time to time, but spare regular test runs from those errors.","Corrective"
"By default only complain about write cursors not being closed","Perfective"
"kotlin_version = '1.1.61'","Other"
"enforce Cursor.renew() to be tied to the same TX","Perfective"
"BoxStore version 1.3.0-2017-11-27","Other"
"JavaDocs for Transaction.reset","Administrative"
"remove tx param from Cursor.nativeRenew","Perfective"
"fix TX leak in testCommitReadTxException()","Corrective"
"added DbShutdownException","Adaptive"
"Query and QueryBuilder do not use static native methods anymore","Perfective"
"BoxStore 1.3.1-2017-11-29","Other"
" 1.3.1","Administrative"
"added callInReadTxWithRetry","Adaptive"
"experimental query retry configuration","Adaptive"
"1.3.2 for","Administrative"
"JavaDocs, minor","Administrative"
"renamed to queryAttempts, etc.","Perfective"
"added DebugFlags.LOG_QUERY_PARAMETERS","Adaptive"
"Add @BaseEntity annotation for entity super classes.","Adaptive"
"Merge branch 'dev' into entity-inheritance","Other"
" 1.3.3","Administrative"
"Merge branch 'master' into dev","Other"
"added test for Date query","Adaptive"
"Added ToOne.equals and .hashCode","Adaptive"
" 1.3.4","Administrative"
"kotlin_version = '1.2.0'","Other"
"BoxStore version 1.3.5-2017-12-08","Other"
"Query: first version of finding strings","Adaptive"
"added testFindStrings_wrongPropertyType","Adaptive"
"introduced 'upload-to-repo' stage for dev & master branch, etc.","Adaptive"
"Jenkinsfile: archive FindBugs report","Perfective"
"testing what happens if Jenkins does not use a Gradle daemon","Perfective"
"Merge branch 'dev' into entity-inheritance","Other"
"BoxStore version '1.4.0-2017-12-10'","Other"
"JavaDocs for findStrings* methods","Administrative"
"remove @Generated from test entity","Perfective"
"offload property query methods into new class PropertyQuery","Perfective"
"fix test compilation","Corrective"
"PropertyQuery: single findStrings() method with config methods distinct() etc.","Adaptive"
"PropertyQuery: JavaDocs, check string type","Administrative"
"added missing copyright headers","Administrative"
"findInts() and findBytes()","Adaptive"
"Merge branch 'entity-inheritance' into dev","Other"
"BoxStore version 1.4.0-2017-12-18","Other"
"add QueryPropertiesTest to FunctionalTestSuite","Adaptive"
"Jenkinsfile: restrict nightly cron to 1:00 - 5:00","Perfective"
"PropertyQuery: added findShorts, findChars, findFloats, findDoubles","Adaptive"
"added Query.cursorHandle()","Adaptive"
"rename to PropertyQueryTest","Perfective"
"TestEntity: test null or default values, inline asserts.","Adaptive"
"Merge pull request #325 from ligi/syntax_highlight Highlight java and groovy(gradle) code","Other"
"Merge branch 'property-find-tests' into dev","Other"
"JavaDocs for","Administrative"
"Merge branches 'dev' and 'master' of","Other"
" 1.4.0","Administrative"
"minor RelationInfo Javadoc","Administrative"
" 1.4.1","Administrative"
" 1.4.3","Administrative"
" mention supported platforms, improve "first steps" section","Administrative"
" minor","Administrative"
" 1.4.4","Administrative"
"JavaDocs for initialDbFile","Administrative"
" 1.4.5","Administrative"
"README: 1.5.0","Administrative"
"Revert: version = '1.5.1-to-many-backlink-SNAPSHOT'","Other"
"Merge branch 'to-many-backlink' into dev","Other"
"Revert: version = '1.5.1-to-many-backlink-update-SNAPSHOT'","Other"
"Merge branch 'to-many-backlink-update' into dev","Other"
"adjust setting query param to also use entity ID","Perfective"
"remove obsolete annotations","Perfective"
"fix nullability and other warnings","Corrective"
" 2.0.0-beta2","Administrative"
"Merge branch 'to-one-detached' into dev","Other"
"Don't use '>' in JavaDoc","Administrative"
" 2.2.0","Administrative"
"libname changed to objectbox-jni","Perfective"
" updated a few links","Administrative"
"Revert 'Do not send null certificatePath or credentialsBytes to JNI (broken).' This reverts commit fee5a1f2","Other"
"fix: getRelationBacklinkEntities() must also use source entity","Corrective"
"Merge branch 'dev' into sync","Other"
"Update JavaDoc footers for 2020","Administrative"
"Merge branch 'dev' into sync # Conflicts: # objectbox-java/src/main/java/io/objectbox/","Other"
"Gradle: turn off daemon for Windows build, clean up.","Perfective"
" add twitter and JavaDocs links","Administrative"
"Clean up buildscript ext.","Perfective"
"Part 2: test native 2.4.2-dev-SNAPSHOT, BoxStore 2.4.2-2019-10-15.","Perfective"
"Merge branch '28-web-javadoc-task' into dev","Other"
"Jenkinsfile: print Gradle version (JDK, OS) info during init step.","Perfective"
"Extensions.kt: add missing docs.","Administrative"
"Part 1: Version 2.4.2-SNAPSHOT.","Other"
"Require and use JDK 8 in all artifacts.","Perfective"
"Update dokka [0.9.18->0.10.0]","Perfective"
"fix Java API links (point to website).","Corrective"
"Also produce Java 8 byte code for objectbox-kotlin.","Adaptive"
"Add packageJavadocForWeb task. Note that javadoc for web only works using JDK 10+.","Administrative"
"Add @Unsigned annotation.","Adaptive"
"Clean up and update RxJava 3 tests, match internal integration tests.","Perfective"
"Replace java with java-library plugin.","Perfective"
"Merge branch 'v2.4.1'","Other"
"Drop unused deploy and verify tasks.","Perfective"
"Document how to use case sensitive conditions for String. Also recommend using case sensitive conditions for indexed strings.","Administrative"
"SyncBuilder: add trustedCertificates option.","Adaptive"
"Replaces certificate path option.","Perfective"
"Merge branch '25-sync-certificate-api' into 'sync' Java: add option to pass trusted certificate paths See merge request objectbox/objectbox-java!27","Other"
"Switch to new dependency configurations.","Perfective"
"Merge branch '45-signing' into 'dev' Re-enable signing of artifacts See merge request objectbox/objectbox-java!62","Other"
"Start RxJava 3 support by copying RxJava 2 module.","Perfective"
"Migrate to RxJava 3, update mockito [2.28.2->3.3.3] as Java 8 now available.","Perfective"
"Add fileMode docs.","Administrative"
"Merge branch '43-rxjava3' into 'dev' Resolve "Add new artifact supporting RxJava 3" See merge request objectbox/objectbox-java!56","Other"
"Prepare version 2.6.0-RC.","Other"
"BoxStore: ensure same file open thread is configured and joined. Also make defensive copy before checking nullability.","Perfective"
"Protect static String array contents from modification.","Perfective"
"ToMany: ensure double-checked locking works (e.g. use volatile). Also performance improvement by only reading listFactory field once in most cases.","Perfective"
"Use archiveClassifier instead of deprecated classifier.","Perfective"
"README: fix outdated docs link.","Administrative"
"Regression: Drop rx-java3 dependency from kotlin module. Regression from Move Rx3 Kotlin extensions to Rx3 module.","Perfective"
" 2.7.0","Administrative"
"BoxStoreBuilder: prevent modification of model after init. This is currently not really relevant as model is passed unchecked to the native side and not used for any other purpose. But it may be in the future, so rather be safe than sorry.","Perfective"
"BoxStore: access context and relinker fields through methods. However, still setting static field from constructor. Not sure of better solution, yet.","Perfective"
"Test BoxStore.validate(...) with limit.","Perfective"
"JavaDocs sync package: add link","Administrative"
"Javadoc: generate into docs directory (was reporting dir).","Administrative"
"Javadoc: add overview.","Administrative"
"prepare new dev version 2.7.1-SNAPSHOT","Other"
"add test validateOnOpenCorruptFile() based on corrupt-pageno-in-branch-data.mdb","Adaptive"
"JavaDocs overview: add some relevant links","Administrative"
" typos","Administrative"
"Javadoc: improve for observer.","Administrative"
"Javadoc: add for internal ActionObserver.","Administrative"
"Box: add docs to point out contains() is more efficient than get()","Administrative"
"DAOcompat: restore old Property condition methods.","Perfective"
"Merge branch 'fix-daocompat' into 'dev' Restore compat with DAOcompat See merge request objectbox/objectbox-java!95","Other"
"To deliver in order run transform on same thread as ActionObserver was notified on.","Perfective"
" minor edits","Administrative"
"return value docs for nativeGetSupportedSync()","Administrative"
"Test transformed data is received in order of publish.","Perfective"
"Added Table of Contents to README","Administrative"
"README: easy copy and paste of version.","Administrative"
"README: move toc above first headline.","Administrative"
"Update README","Administrative"
"README: add note about licenses of other components.","Administrative"
"Javadoc: hide FlatBuffers docs (have errors anyway).","Administrative"
"Update Giving it a fresh look for better SEO","Administrative"
"Merge branch 'fix-load-native-lib-for-static-methods' into 'dev' Regression: ensure native library is loaded in static methods See merge request objectbox/objectbox-java!131","Other"
"Merge branch 'max-data-size-stable' into 'dev' maxDataSize is stable See merge request objectbox/objectbox-java!130","Other"
"Merge branch '194-in-memory' into 'dev' Resolve "Add test for in-memory" See merge request objectbox/objectbox-java!127","Other"
"BoxStoreBuilder: extract directory state checks.","Perfective"
"Merge branch '196-query-build-fail-fatal' into 'dev' Guard any Store pointer access with open check See merge request objectbox/objectbox-java!128","Other"
"InternalAccess: remove unused APIs.","Perfective"
"Merge branch 'main' into dev","Other"
"BoxStore: update VERSION to 3.1.3-2022-05-05","Perfective"
".gitlab-ci.yml: set file.encoding=UTF-8.","Perfective"
"Merge branch 'ci-fix-asan-detection' into 'dev' Fix run with ASAN script See merge request objectbox/objectbox-java!123","Other"
"Merge branch 'kotlin-1.4-compat' into 'dev' Make objectbox-kotlin compilable by Kotlin 1.4 See merge request objectbox/objectbox-java!126","Other"
"Follow-up: fix script error due to Gradle 8 regression.","Corrective"
"README: clarify supported platforms of the Java library, clean up.","Administrative"
"Merge branch '190-config-package' into 'dev' Create config package for FlatBuffers-generated config types #190 See merge request objectbox/objectbox-java!125","Other"
"Merge branch '186-kv-validation-support' into 'dev' Add Key/Value validation options and tests See merge request objectbox/objectbox-java!124","Other"
"Tests: move validation tests to new class.","Perfective"
"Merge branch 'update-flatbuffers' into dev","Other"
"Merge branch 'ci-test-jdk-11' into 'dev' [CI] Gradle 8 follow-up: fix toolchain auto-download See merge request objectbox/objectbox-java!122","Other"
"Gradle: rename settings.gradle for KTS.","Perfective"
"Gradle: convert settings.gradle to KTS.","Perfective"
"Gradle 8: add plugin to resolve toolchain.","Corrective"
"Copyright: update license year to 2023.","Administrative"
"Merge branch '176-support-scalar-arrays' into 'dev' Java library: Support scalar arrays See merge request objectbox/objectbox-java!118","Other"
"CursorTest: assert put with invalid ID error message.","Corrective"
"Add docs to SchemaException, other docs changes, match with Dart.","Administrative"
"Unchecked warnings: fix type params for ToOneGetter/ToManyGetter (#59)","Corrective"
"javadoc and code formatting.","Administrative"
"Add maxDataSizeInKbyte to FlatStoreOptions, add TreeOptionFlags","Adaptive"
"Also reapply: 'Update SyncFlags: rename to DebugLogIdMapping","Perfective"
"add ClientKeepDataOnSyncError'","Adaptive"
"Update SyncFlags: rename to DebugLogIdMapping","Perfective"
"add ClientKeepDataOnSyncError","Adaptive"
"Fold FlexMapConverter into FlexObjectConverter.","Perfective"
"Extract publishing configuration to precompiled script plugin.","Perfective"
"FlatBuffers update: add docs for update script.","Administrative"
"FlatBuffers update: add license file.","Administrative"
"Query tests: close query, resolve all warnings.","Corrective"
"BoxStore: assert native Entity instances are not leaked (objectbox#825)","Corrective"
"Feature: resolve warnings.","Corrective"
"Query: throw helpful error if using closed query (objectbox#818)","Corrective"
"QueryBuilder: fix assert when closed, throw on and/or (objectbox#818)","Corrective"
"Query: throw helpful error if using closed query (objectbox#818)","Corrective"
"BoxStore: move subscribe methods together.","Perfective"
"BoxStore: throw if not open on subscribe, clean (objectbox#818) - Also test various methods when closed. - Use existing check open check for getNativeStore().","Corrective"
"GitLab CI: do not trigger plugin on publish branch.","Other"
"API docs: update copyright year to 2022.","Administrative"
"Query: test usage when store is closed (objectbox#818)","Corrective"
"Transaction: test it throws after close (objectbox#818)","Corrective"
"QueryBuilder: fix assert when closed, throw on and/or (objectbox#818)","Corrective"
"database description in README plus a couple of other small edits","Administrative"
"Add feedback link to, small updates.","Administrative"
"Update year in API docs footer.","Administrative"
"Use Gitlab CI, also test on macOS, spotbugs HTML report.","Perfective"
"Add FlexObjectConverter.","Adaptive"
"Update containsElement docs.","Administrative"
"Test flex map queries.","Perfective"
"TestEntity: add flexible String map.","Adaptive"
"QueryBuilder: ignore some raw type warnings.","Perfective"
"Jenkinsfile: avoid uploading snapshot while integ tests are scheduled.","Perfective"
"GitLab: use needs to replace multiple test stages.","Perfective"
"Fix dokka config for rxjava3 artifact as well.","Corrective"
"CI: trigger plugin project instead of integ tests (objectbox#795)","Corrective"
"Add containsKeyValue query condition and setParameters overload.","Adaptive"
"Resolve warning: Instead of toString() use this.","Corrective"
"Add BoxStore.awaitCallInTx suspend function.","Adaptive"
"Add link to docs about sideloading and lib loading issues.","Administrative"
"Merge branch '113-string-condition-case-updates' into dev","Other"
"BoxStoreTest: resolve warnings.","Corrective"
"BoxStoreTest: use correct assertEquals argument order.","Perfective"
"Add generic FlexMapConverter.","Adaptive"
"Flex map: support restoring Long maps as always Long.","Perfective"
"MapConverter: avoid HashMap re-hashing.","Perfective"
"prepare statically cached FlexBuffersBuilder","Adaptive"
"Tree: make all put methods public.","Perfective"
"Merge branch '25-date-nano' into 'dev' ID_COMPANION flag, DateNano type, @Type annotation See merge request objectbox/objectbox-java!54","Other"
"Merge branch '60-string-map-to-flexbuffer-converter' into dev","Other"
"MapConverter: test empty string key.","Perfective"
"SyncChange: fix entityTypeId type to int","Corrective"
"Merge branch '67-generic-map-converter' into 'dev' Java: base classes for generic map converter See merge request objectbox/objectbox-java!69","Other"
"Tree: extend JavaDocs","Administrative"
"BoxStore: update version string to 2021-08-18","Perfective"
"minor doc fixes","Administrative"
"Tree: add pathSeparatorRegex property","Adaptive"
"Branch path changes (make path string more prominent)","Perfective"
"TreeTest: rename root() to getRoot()","Perfective"
"add getRootId(), implement Closeable","Adaptive"
"add JavaDocs","Administrative"
"Add and use native feature detection API.","Adaptive"
"Add StringMapConverter using FlexBuffers, test it.","Adaptive"
"Add @Type annotation and DatabaseType enum.","Adaptive"
"Tests: always use UTF-8 encoding when compiling.","Perfective"
"Sync: add objects message API (internal only for now).","Adaptive"
"Jenkins: trigger integ tests on successful build.","Perfective"
"Jenkinsfile: do not trigger integ tests if timer triggered.","Perfective"
"BoxStore: make sysProcMeminfoKb() and sysProcStatusKb() public API.","Perfective"
"Jenkinsfile: define Gradle signing properties only when needed.","Perfective"
"BoxStoreBuilder: add noReaderThreadLocals flag","Adaptive"
"Update docs on Index and StringOrder.","Administrative"
"Merge branch '123-sync-closed-checks' into dev","Other"
"TransactionTest: simplify test asserts","Perfective"
"Add a test that passes that notices that if the thread pool size is <= the max readers, we will not have a MaxDbReaders error","Corrective"
"TransactionTest: use noReaderThreadLocals to fix unbounded threads tests","Corrective"
"Update the timeout on the tx task .get() since it was way too small.","Perfective"
"BoxStore: add Linux-only sysProcMeminfoKb() and sysProcStatusKb()","Adaptive"
"Prepare release 2.9.2-RC3","Other"
"Prepare release 2.9.2-RC2","Other"
"DAOcompat: provide access to some internals.","Perfective"
"Kotlin: make flow tests publisher thread safe.","Perfective"
"FlatBuffers: use inlined version, drop dependency.","Perfective"
"SyncClient: add getRoundtripTimeNanos() and consolidate time related docs with core","Adaptive"
"Publisher order: refactor duplicate code.","Perfective"
"Update subscriber and transformer documentation.","Administrative"
"Query API 2: rename conditions to match old names.","Perfective"
"Kotlin: add flow extension functions for BoxStore and Query.","Adaptive"
"Reorganize extension functions (keep package name).","Perfective"
"Move Kotlin tests next to Java tests.","Perfective"
"Query API 2: update between docs.","Administrative"
"Mark new query API as experimental.","Adaptive"
"Query API 2: add orEqual for long, double, String, byte[].","Adaptive"
"Add infix function for PropertyQueryCondition.alias(name).","Adaptive"
"Document how to use case sensitive conditions for String properties.","Administrative"
"Add infix extension functions for Property condition methods.","Adaptive"
"Add some tests for the new query API.","Adaptive"
"Add SyncFlags","Adaptive"
"Merge branch '721-tree-api' into dev","Other"
"Add Kotlin extensions for QueryCondition.","Adaptive"
"Tree: add getter for the store","Adaptive"
"Build: drop jCenter (dokka 1.4.30+ is now available).","Perfective"
"Kotlin: add tests for some extension functions.","Adaptive"
"Tree API: resolve some warnings.","Corrective"
"Apply Kotlin plugin to test project.","Perfective"
"Tree: put meta branch/leaf","Perfective"
"Tree: first working version of treePath() test, add delegate methods in Leaf for IDs, Branch nullable","Adaptive"
"Tree: add setters for Leaf values and add put() for Leaf","Adaptive"
"switch test project to Java 9 to enable printing the process ID","Perfective"
"Tree API: add overload to pass dot path.","Adaptive"
"Trees: move Branch and Leaf to upper level","Perfective"
"add native methods.","Adaptive"
"Trees: add incl. nullability info.","Administrative"
"Tree: add valueType to LeafNode","Adaptive"
"native method renames","Perfective"
"switch test project back to Java 8 and use reflection to print the process ID if Java 9 APIs are available","Perfective"
"Trees: implement Branch.branch()/leaf() overloads.","Adaptive"
"Trees: move to tree package.","Perfective"
"Trees: draft API.","Adaptive"
"Drop unused FunctionalTestSuite.","Perfective"
"2.9.2-RC release","Other"
"Build: update publish-plugin [1.0.0 -> 1.1.0], logs Sonatype errors.","Perfective"
"JniBasicsTest: reduce log output.","Perfective"
"Merge branch 'conflict-resolution' into 'dev' Add @Unique flag for conflict resolution See merge request objectbox/objectbox-java!2","Other"
"Jenkins: run tests on Windows only once.","Perfective"
"Conflict: only support REPLACE strategy for now","Corrective"
"update docs.","Administrative"
"Trees: Trees->Tree, DataBranch->Branch, Attribute->Leaf.","Perfective"
"Trees: add remaining types.","Adaptive"
"SyncCredentials: increment type IDs.","Perfective"
"Drop jcenter from repos.","Perfective"
"Update Gradle [6.7 -> 6.8.3].","Perfective"
"Sync: add isServerAvailable.","Adaptive"
"Re-add jcenter repo (for dokka deps).","Perfective"
"Cursor: add collectStringArray to support PropertyType.StringVector","Adaptive"
"Verify String array with a null item or only null item works.","Perfective"
"PropertyFlags: add UNIQUE_ON_CONFLICT_REPLACE","Adaptive"
"QueryTest: resolve all warnings.","Corrective"
"Add SHARED_GLOBAL_IDS entity flag","Adaptive"
"Or equal: add conditions to QueryBuilder.","Adaptive"
"Merge branch '27-unsigned' into 'dev' Java: Add @Unsigned annotation, update docs for UNSIGNED flag. See merge request objectbox/objectbox-java!40","Other"
"update ModelProperty docs","Administrative"
"CI: run tests with 32-bit JVM and ObjectBox.","Perfective"
"Or equal: add tests for integer, float and byte array.","Adaptive"
"BoxStore: make setSyncClient() package private","Perfective"
"SyncClient: change some "request" methods to return a bool","Perfective"
"Merge branch 'sync' into dev","Other"
"Improve messages if Sync is unavailable etc.","Perfective"
"Update SpotBugs [4.0.4 -> 4.1.4] and plugin [4.0.5 -> 4.5.1].","Perfective"
"Update dokka [0.10.1 -> 1.4.20].","Perfective"
"BoxStore: match VERSION with native library.","Perfective"
"Or equal: add tests for double.","Adaptive"
"Or equal: add shortcut Kotlin extensions.","Adaptive"
"Model: add hash","Adaptive"
"Align APIs: nativeTriggerReconnect returns [void -> boolean].","Perfective"
"Align APIs: replace manualStart() with buildAndStart() for server.","Perfective"
"Or equal: add tests for String.","Adaptive"
"Align APIs: shared secret instead of API key.","Perfective"
"Add Sync.isAvailable, add SyncTest to test it's not.","Adaptive"
"SyncServerImpl: suppress finalize warning.","Perfective"
"Shared IDs: add property on Sync annotation.","Adaptive"
"Jenkinsfile: switch to non-leaking GitLab connection name.","Perfective"
"ARM support: expand JVM os.arch detection, bit-ness fall back.","Perfective"
"Share db file: add API to check if database files are open.","Adaptive"
"Add Sync annotation.","Adaptive"
"Align APIs: replace manualStart() with buildAndStart().","Perfective"
"Docs: upper-case ObjectBox names, update and expand some.","Administrative"
"QueryBuilder: remove Experimental annotation.","Perfective"
"Remove unused Temporary annotation, duplicated by Experimental.","Perfective"
"QueryObserverTest: refactor to use common TestObserver.","Perfective"
"add ExceptionTest","Adaptive"
"BoxStoreBuilder: switch file mode to int","Perfective"
"ExceptionTest: better failure messages.","Perfective"
"ExceptionTest: note test duplicate in Android tests.","Perfective"
"clarify some docs","Administrative"
"BoxStore fix: close resources and remove path from openFiles if an exception is thrown in constructor","Corrective"
"add test usePreviousCommitAfterFileCorruptException()","Adaptive"
"Corrupt test: do not use previous commit so db is actually broken.","Corrective"
"Kotlin 1.4.0","Other"
"add usePreviousCommitWithCorruptFile() test","Adaptive"
"add PagesCorruptException to better differentiate exception causes","Corrective"
"draft DbExceptionListener.cancelCurrentException()","Adaptive"
"QueryObserverTest: remove all is observed.","Perfective"
"change versions to 2.7.0 (release)","Perfective"
"update Box.validate() docs (sync with core docs)","Administrative"
"move buildFlatStoreOptions() into BoxStoreBuilder; seems a better fit ("build") and makes BoxStore shorter","Perfective"
"update FlatStoreOptions and use reversed skipReadSchema semantics","Perfective"
"Box: add contains()","Adaptive"
"BoxStore: add sizeOnDisk()","Adaptive"
"Use same model for read-only test.","Perfective"
"Remove empty line.","Perfective"
"Disable reading schema when opening without model (debug).","Perfective"
"up version to '2.7.0-2020-07-30', add validateOnOpen() test","Adaptive"
"Comment about forceDefaults for FlatStoreOptions.","Administrative"
"FileCorruptException: add docs and constructor with error code","Administrative"
"Add more docs to new store create, read-only, validate methods.","Administrative"
"minor updates to classes generated by FlatBuffers","Perfective"
"add FlatStoreOptions","Adaptive"
"Merge branch 'java-library-plugin' into 'dev' Migrate to Java library plugin See merge request objectbox/objectbox-java!66","Other"
"Start development of next version (2).","Adaptive"
"Merge branch 'dev-latest' into sync","Other"
"Prepare version 2.6.0.","Other"
"Platform: use BoxStore.getContext().","Adaptive"
"Ignore some SpotBugs warnings.","Perfective"
"Embed R8/ProGuard rules in JAR. Note that Android specific rules remain in the Android AAR.","Perfective"
"Merge branch '49-spotbugs-issues' into 'dev' Fix some SpotBugs issues See merge request objectbox/objectbox-java!65","Other"
"Merge branch '58-embed-r8-rules' into 'dev' Embed R8/ProGuard rules in JAR. See merge request objectbox/objectbox-java!68","Other"
"Move Rx3 Kotlin extensions to Rx3 module.","Perfective"
"Add Kotlin extensions to build Rx types.","Adaptive"
"BoxStore: prepare new native methods: create with flat options, is read-only, validation","Adaptive"
"Add migration notes to READMEs. - Fix examples. - Do not link to unrelated example, it's confusing.","Administrative"
"Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/57-null-to-empty-string-converter' into dev","Other"
"Drop default for @DefaultValue value.","Perfective"
"Merge branch '42-alias-combined-condition-crash' into dev","Other"
"Jenkinsfile: also run rx3.QueryObserverTest.","Perfective"
"Box: annotate varargs methods as safe.","Perfective"
"ToMany: suppress casting warnings.","Perfective"
"Tests: Ignore some rawtypes and unchecked warngings.","Perfective"
"Add missing type args for tests.","Adaptive"
"Add @DefaultValue and NullToEmptyStringConverter.","Adaptive"
"Merge branch 'fix-generic-type-usage' into 'dev' Resolve generic type issues See merge request objectbox/objectbox-java!60","Other"
"Move to rx3 package to allow side-by-side usage with RxJava 2.","Perfective"
"Add type parameters in ToMany.","Adaptive"
"Use assertThrows for better failure message.","Perfective"
"Add test for a throwing constructor (all-args)","Adaptive"
"bump version to 2.6.0(-RC)","Perfective"
"Remove generic type parameter from PropertyQuery","Perfective"
"Build: repo warning might also be about credentials.","Corrective"
"Update Flatbuffers to 1.12","Perfective"
"RxBoxStore: remove unused code","Perfective"
"suppress expected raw type warning.","Perfective"
"Add type parameters in remaining internal usage.","Adaptive"
"Add type parameters for all TxCallback<T> usage.","Adaptive"
"Add type parameters for all Class<T> usage in BoxStore and ObjectClassPublisher.","Adaptive"
"Add type parameters for all Box<T> usage.","Adaptive"
"Add type parameters for all Property<T> usage. - Note: Query.setParameter also works with link queries, so allow any Property type.","Adaptive"
"Enforce db and Java types match for PropertyConverter in Property constructors.","Adaptive"
"Add type parameters for all EntityInfo<T> usage.","Adaptive"
"ToMany: drop outdated @Nullable annotation.","Perfective"
"Merge branch '48-java-8-features' into 'dev' Use lambdas, method ref, diamonds and try-with-resources See merge request objectbox/objectbox-java!59","Other"
"Fix dangling Javadoc comments, also fixes Javadoc not getting picked up.","Administrative"
"Merge branch 'java-8' into 'dev' Require Java 8 and produce Java 8 byte code See merge request objectbox/objectbox-java!58","Other"
"Add ConnectivityMonitor API.","Adaptive"
"Update Gradle [5.6.4 -> 6.3].","Perfective"
"Merge branch '38-network-state-provider' into 'sync' objectbox/objectbox-java#38 Add NetworkStateProvider API. See merge request objectbox/objectbox-java!47","Other"
"Replace findbugs with SpotBugs plugin.","Perfective"
"Provide connectivity monitor through platform-specific code.","Adaptive"
"SyncClientImpl: use new nativeTriggerReconnect instead of start.","Adaptive"
"SyncClientImpl: stop observing network on close as well.","Perfective"
"Record SpotBugs issues with Jenkins Warnings Next Generation plugin.","Corrective"
"Test Platform and ConnectivityMonitor.","Perfective"
"Guard against setting null observer (SyncClient).","Adaptive"
"Define version and group in root build.gradle.","Perfective"
"Fail better and improve messages for internal repo.","Perfective"
"Use try-with-resources (Java 7 or Android Gradle Plugin 3.x).","Perfective"
"Use lambdas and method references (Java 8 or Android Plugin 3.x).","Perfective"
"Use Math.max to ensure BoxStore.queryAttempts is 1 or greater.","Perfective"
"Use diamond operator.","Perfective"
"Test parameter alias and combining with OR.","Corrective"
"Merge branch 'updates-and-spotbugs' into dev","Other"
"Remove unnecessary throws.","Perfective"
"Use parameterized Property<T> in all test entities.","Perfective"
"Use lambdas, method references and Comparator APIs.","Perfective"
"Tests: use try with resources.","Perfective"
"Clarify BoxStore.removeAllObjects() docs (does not reclaim disk space), and instruct how to reclaim space","Administrative"
"Merge branch 'updates' into dev","Other"
"Update mockito [2.25.1 -> 2.28.2].","Perfective"
"Merge branch 'tests-java8-and-updates' into dev","Other"
"AbstractRelationTest: use debugFlags() instead of debugTransactions().","Perfective"
"Ignore nullability warning on public API, annotation can not enforce.","Perfective"
"PropertyFlags: update internal docs for UNSIGNED usage.","Administrative"
"Merge branch '48-sync-state-api' into 'sync' Expose sync state JNI API See merge request objectbox/objectbox-java!48","Other"
"Fix illegal javadoc characters.","Administrative"
"Prepare release 2.5.1.","Other"
"SyncClient: ignore checkNotNull warning.","Perfective"
"SyncBuilder: ignore checkNotNull warning.","Perfective"
"SyncClient: ignore finalize() warning.","Perfective"
"SyncBuilder: support configuring request updates mode. - SyncClient: do no longer request updates after log-in, is now done by default.","Perfective"
"SyncBuilder: support turning on uncommitted acks.","Perfective"
"Merge branch '39-request-updates-acks-changes' into 'sync' Sync: support configuring request updates mode, uncommitted acks merge request objectbox/objectbox-java!46","Other"
"Back to development version 2.5.2-SNAPSHOT.","Perfective"
"Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/dev' into sync","Other"
"SyncClientImpl: add getSyncState and SyncClientState enum.","Adaptive"
"sync API: add docs and @Experimental/@Internal annotations","Administrative"
"Merge branch '30-jni-query-describe' into dev","Other"
"PropertyQuery: improve docs, e.g. clarify special return values","Administrative"
"TestEntity: add unsigned properties (short, int and long).","Adaptive"
" add 'tell about your app'","Administrative"
"QueryTest: drop unused import.","Perfective"
"PropertyQueryTest: drop assert on long overflow exception.","Perfective"
"PropertyQueryTest: not supported throws Illegal[Argument->State]Exception.","Corrective"
"Merge branch '31-property-query-test-edge-cases' into 'dev' Add edge-case tests for property queries Closes #31 See merge request objectbox/objectbox-java!39","Other"
"Part 1: Version 2.4.1, update README (still native snapshots for tests).","Administrative"
"Update docs for some important annotations.","Administrative"
"Add package docs.","Administrative"
"PropertyQueryTest: count with 0.","Adaptive"
"BoxStore: make removeAllObjects public","Perfective"
"Merge branch 'refs/heads/v2.4.0' into dev","Other"
"Merge branch '29-package-docs' into v2.4.0","Other"
"Step 2: tests use native version 2.4.0, BoxStore versions stay the same.","Perfective"
"Merge branch 'v2.4.0'","Other"
"Merge branch '28-javadocs-for-mobile' into 'dev' Resolve "Improve Javadocs for mobile screens" See merge request objectbox/objectbox-java!36","Other"
"Merge branch '29-package-docs' into 'dev' Add package docs. See merge request objectbox/objectbox-java!37","Other"
"add BoxStore.getNativeStore()","Adaptive"
"Step 1: Version 2.4.0, update README (still native snapshots for tests).","Administrative"
"Part 1: Version 2.4.1-SNAPSHOT.","Other"
"add docs","Administrative"
"Part 2: test native 2.4.1-dev-SNAPSHOT, BoxStore 2.4.1-2019-10-15.","Perfective"
"Tests: use Java 8 language features (lambdas!).","Perfective"
"Query(Builder): add missing nullable flags.","Adaptive"
"PropertyQueryTest: test not supported, no data, overflows and NaN cases.","Adaptive"
"PropertyQueryTest: test more supported types.","Adaptive"
"PropertyQueryTest: update not supported messages.","Perfective"
"PropertyQuery: min/max with no data is now 0 instead of min/max.","Perfective"
"PropertyQueryTest: avg supports boolean.","Adaptive"
"PropertyQueryTest: avg pos/neg overflow is [NaN -> (-)Infinity].","Adaptive"
"PropertyQueryTest: sumDouble pos/neg overflow [throws -> (-)Infinity].","Adaptive"
"Add NumericOverflowException, thrown if sum overflows.","Adaptive"
"PropertyQueryTest: no data avg for integers is [0.0 -> NaN].","Adaptive"
"Update TestEntity_ and TestEntityCursor to latest format.","Perfective"
"PropertyQuery: test unsigned properties.","Perfective"
"PropertyQuery: test sumDouble with no data for integers.","Perfective"
"PropertyQuery: add avgLong, also update avg docs to advertise it, add tests.","Adaptive"
"PropertyQuery tests: revert expected long max/min values for no results","Perfective"
"Merge branch '36-property-query-updates' into dev","Other"
"Javadoc: handle horizontal overflow of descriptions, tables, code. - Also replace all colors used in newer JDK versions.","Administrative"
"Javadoc: remove leading space from title.","Administrative"
"Follow-up: javadoc stylesheet file unused. Follow-up to: 59a1819a update JavaDoc style; do a search and replace on stylesheet colors","Administrative"
"QueryBuilder: resolve warnings.","Corrective"
"set versions to 2.5.0 (release prep, still snapshot)","Perfective"
"Query: add missing type parameters","Adaptive"
"fix docs","Administrative"
"prepare 2.4.0 RC","Other"
"resolve warnings.","Corrective"
"QueryPublisher: add missing diamond to resolve warning.","Corrective"
"QueryObserverTest: remove unused annotation, return value.","Perfective"
"Jenkinsfile: bintray upload may also use internal repo for dependencies","Perfective"
"Jenkinsfile: note about publishing requiring internal repo.","Administrative"
"Version 2.4.0-dev-SNAPSHOT, tests use native 2.4.0-dev-SNAPSHOT.","Perfective"
"Query: add describe and describeParams, test.","Administrative"
"resolve warnings.","Corrective"
"Query(Builder): implement Closeable.","Adaptive"
"Document finalize methods.","Administrative"
"Box.getAll(): always return mutable list (ArrayList), simplify","Perfective"
"Merge branch 'plugin-21-id-drop-not-null' into 'dev' MyObjectBox: drop PropertyFlags.NOT_NULL for ID properties. See merge request objectbox/objectbox-java!28","Other"
"ToOne docs: typo in class description, polish while at it.","Administrative"
"ToOne: add missing nullable annotation to resolve warnings.","Corrective"
"SyncServer: clean-up and document.","Administrative"
"SyncClient: clean-up and document.","Administrative"
"Untangle and simplify sync credentials classes.","Perfective"
"Query: throw if filter is used with remove().","Corrective"
"Update listener documentation.","Administrative"
"Query: allow comparator for findUnique()","Perfective"
"Sync+Builder: expand and simplify documentation.","Administrative"
"testWriteTxBlocksOtherWriteTx() just failed in CI; double/quadruple waitTime","Corrective"
"Property: minor java docs improvements","Administrative"
"Jenkins: replace deprecated archive with archiveArtifacts.","Perfective"
"add AbstractSyncClientListener","Adaptive"
"improve and update build.gradle files, e.g.","Perfective"
"add buildscript.ext.objectboxNativeDependency","Adaptive"
"switch Cursor.getRelationTargetCursor() to use nativeGetCursorFor() and secondary Cursors; this should be more lightweight and allows secondary cursors to be re-used from the main Cursor","Perfective"
"add sync server peers","Adaptive"
"add Box.putBatched()","Adaptive"
"added getRelationIds() and related methods","Adaptive"
"Sync client: minor docs and ","Administrative"
"annotation clean up","Perfective"
"SyncServerBuilder: add manualStart() and changesListener()","Adaptive"
"BoxStore: add isObjectBrowserRunning()","Adaptive"
"SyncServer: add isRunning() and getPort();","Adaptive"
"New sync entry points: Sync.client() and Sync.server()","Adaptive"
"SyncClient: create native object in constructor with login info","Adaptive"
"expose start() and stop(), rename disconnect() to close()","Perfective"
"sync client: rename nativeSetLogin() to nativeSetLoginInfo()","Perfective"
"make testIsSyncAvailable() ignore flag values","Perfective"
"SyncServer: add getStatsString()","Adaptive"
"rename to SyncCredentialsToken and related refactoring","Perfective"
"SyncClientImpl: native methods not static anymore, rename to nativeSetLogin","Perfective"
"SyncClientImpl: minor thread safety improvement with listeners","Perfective"
"Add new SyncClientListener.onLogin callback, wait on it with timeout.","Adaptive"
"Merge branch '4-ci-builds-without-mavenlocal-dependencies' into dev","Other"
"Jenkins: move publish branch to variable.","Perfective"
"Revert 'Do not send null certificatePath or credentialsBytes to JNI (broken).' This reverts commit fee5a1f2","Other"
"Add SyncClientListener, add set/remove methods on SyncClient.","Adaptive"
"throw LinkageError instead of RuntimeException to wrap UnsatisfiedLinkError","Corrective"
"Add simple SyncClient implementation.","Adaptive"
"SyncCredentials: add none, use int type IDs from Core","Adaptive"
"add docs.","Administrative"
"Merge branch '61-sync-server-time-api' into 'dev' Add server time APIs. Closes #61 See merge request objectbox/objectbox-java!67","Other"
"Remove unused Cursor/Box based find methods. Also remove unused tests (this is now tested with queries).","Perfective"
"update JavaDoc style; do a search and replace on stylesheet colors","Administrative"
"Merge branch '12-relinker' into 'dev' Android: use ReLinker to load native library See merge request objectbox/objectbox-java!11","Other"
"Builder: store context.getApplicationContext to prevent leaks.","Corrective"
"Update TestEntity classes to match latest generated code.","Perfective"
"Drop unused SimpleEntityInfo.","Perfective"
"Merge branch '10-drop-box-extensions' into 'dev' Drop Kotlin extensions for Box methods, should always use Long. See merge request objectbox/objectbox-java!9","Other"
"Box: drop unused import.","Perfective"
"comment out Box/Cursor based find methods","Administrative"
"Revert 'PropertyFlags: added unique on-conflict flags' This reverts commit bd2dd93","Other"
"Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/asan-clang6.0.0' into dev","Other"
"Revert 'ob_version = '2.2.0-property-virtual-SNAPSHOT'' This reverts commit 89cc6a5","Other"
"ToOne: suggest fix in DbDetachedException message.","Corrective"
"rxjava README: fix dependency config.","Administrative"
"Removed deprecated aggregate methods from Query","Perfective"
"increase version date, comment get version methods","Administrative"
"updated docs for @Index.maxValueLength","Administrative"
"Setting BoxStore version to 2.0.0-2018-07-16","Perfective"
"Move non-PropertyQuery tests to QueryTest","Perfective"
"create abstract query test.","Adaptive"
"QueryCondition: fix nullability and other warnings","Corrective"
"ModelBuilder: fix nullability and other warnings","Corrective"
"IndexType JavaDocs","Administrative"
"objectbox-rxjava: Add README.","Administrative"
"Jenkinsfile: add QueryObserverTest rx test","Adaptive"
"Move objectbox-rxjava into this repository.","Perfective"
"more generics in EntityInfo","Perfective"
"make Property usage in QueryBuilder type safe","Perfective"
"add SOURCE type param to RelationInfo","Adaptive"
"Update to 2.0.0-beta","Administrative"
"nativeLink now receives relationOwnerEntityId instead of sourceEntityId","Perfective"
"add query parameter aliases","Adaptive"
"add sourceEntityId param to nativeLink()","Adaptive"
"Updated generated classes to FlatBuffers 1.9","Perfective"
"Update docs about possibility and limitations of to-many backlink.","Administrative"
"Revert ' 1.4.5' (broken, better stay with 1.4.4) This reverts commit deddf5c","Other"
"added secondaryName to PropertyBuilder","Adaptive"
"remove CrashReportLogger","Perfective"
"fixed warnings in BoxStore","Corrective"
"Merge branch 'easy-deploy' into dev","Other"
"Downgrade to Gradle 4.4.1 because of Dokka bug","Corrective"
"ToMany: minor improvements for removed entities with ID 0, etc.","Perfective"
"test: minor clean ups","Perfective"
"Cursor: nullability annotations, suppressed some warnings","Corrective"
"make internalCheckApplyToDbRequired safer against null pointer","Corrective"
"fix some JavaDocs","Administrative"
"DbExceptionListener javadocs","Administrative"
"added DbExceptionListener","Adaptive"
"moved aggregate functions from Query to PropertyQuery","Perfective"
"PropertyQuery.unique flag instead of findFirst/Unique methods","Perfective"
"added find string methods and reset() to PropertyQuery","Adaptive"
"BoxStoreBuilder: maxDataSize is stable!","Corrective"
"In-memory: add option to store builder, test #194","Adaptive"
"KTS: convert objectbox-java-test.","Perfective"
"Prepare Java release 3.7.1","Other"
"InternalAccess: remove unused APIs.","Perfective"
"Tests: add basic link condition tests objectbox/objectbox#934","Adaptive"
"GitHub: update issue templates for easier editing. Also update to latest style.","Administrative"
"Scripts: support finding llvm-symbolizer on Rocky for clang setup.","Perfective"
"GitLab: update merge request template.","Administrative"
"Follow-up: note 32-bit JDK is only available on Windows.","Perfective"
"Start development of next Java version.","Adaptive"
"Rename ValidateOnOpenMode to ValidateOnOpenModePages #190","Perfective"
"CI: keep testing on JDK 11.","Perfective"
"Revert 'CI: keep testing on JDK 11.' This reverts commit d752f9b1be7df628391b65b4844661e081d4b4e2.","Other"
"Update Gradle [7.3.3 -> 8.2.1]","Perfective"
"Prepare release 3.5.1","Other"
"Tests: update Order ToOne to how it should be used.","Perfective"
"Merge branch 'publish' into dev","Other"
"prepare LeafNode for JNI","Other"
"Fix dangling FlatStoreOptions docs.","Administrative"
"Set debug flags using options, remove usePreviousCommitOnValida....","Perfective"
"Store: add experimental maxDataSizeInKByte (#149)","Adaptive"
"Add EXPIRATION_TIME property flag and new debug flags (objectbox#798)","Adaptive"
"Support validate while open.","Other"
"Use nativeCreateWithFlatOptions with existing options.","Perfective"
"Add read-only, previous commit, validate on open options.","Adaptive"
"Update Gradle [7.2 -> 7.3.3]","Perfective"
"KTS: convert root build script.","Perfective"
"Merge branch '818-android-jni-crash-query-find' into 'dev' Throw helpful error if query is closed See merge request objectbox/objectbox-java!112","Other"
"Query: throws store is closed on subscribe (objectbox#818)","Corrective"
"Prepare release 3.3.0","Other"
"Merge branch '144-flatbuffers-2.0.6' into 'dev' Update to FlatBuffers 2.0.8 Closes #144 See merge request objectbox/objectbox-java!114","Other"
"Query: remove explicitly check if store is open, rely on native (#142) This is better: tests native throws, is consistent with Dart.","Corrective"
"BoxStore version 2.5.1","Other"
"build.gradle: 2.5.1-SNAPSHOT","Other"
"build.gradle: version 2.5.0 (release)","Other"
"add objectboxVersionNumber","Adaptive"
"and objectboxVersionRelease to simplify release process","Perfective"
"Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/35-drop-all-data' into dev","Other"
"initial commit","Administrative"
"Added DaoBase Project","Administrative"
"renamed table to entity","Perfective"
"renamed column to property","Perfective"
"docs, etc","Administrative"
"changed to android library, load by rowid","Perfective"
"initial DaoTest project","Administrative"
"new source for generating test entities","Adaptive"
"Generated entity, etc.","Adaptive"
"Column abstraction, more compact DAO subclasses","Perfective"
"various fixes","Corrective"
"more property types, etc.","Adaptive"
"swapped tests","Perfective"
"value tests","Adaptive"
"added 2nd query","Adaptive"
"delete prepStmt","Perfective"
"initial AbstractDaoMaster","Administrative"
"divided AbstractDaoTest","Perfective"
"update lists,","Perfective"
"performance tests","Adaptive"
"deleleteAll, more performance tests","Adaptive"
"added performance test project for ORMLite","Adaptive"
"Collected performance data: greenDAO vs. ORMLite","Perfective"
"renamed package orm to dao","Perfective"
"javadoc, etc.","Administrative"
"consider 'has value' of protobuf","Other"
"updated performance table","Perfective"
"minor renames","Perfective"
"property refactoring","Perfective"
"ignore bin","Perfective"
"out path must exist, changed src dir","Perfective"
"added example project","Administrative"
"Applied Apache License 2.0","Perfective"
"added refresh method, DaoException","Adaptive"
"added DaoMaster, active entities, to-one relations","Adaptive"
"resolved flag for to-one","Corrective"
"make load return null for null key","Adaptive"
"refactored tests","Perfective"
"added dao master test","Adaptive"
"SQLiteOpenHelper etc.","Adaptive"
"new DAO example","Adaptive"
"added run/callInTx","Adaptive"
"refreshed example","Perfective"
"refined relation test","Perfective"
"simplefied build","Perfective"
"make tests more configurable by sub classes","Perfective"
"added testSemantics","Adaptive"
"prepared IdentityScope etc.","Adaptive"
"identity scope passing tests","Perfective"
"refactored statements into separate classes","Perfective"
"minor, tests for identity deep query","Adaptive"
"attachEntity, more tests, etc.","Adaptive"
"fixed loadDeep with idScope","Corrective"
"more intelligent to-one in entities","Perfective"
"fixes for not-null to-one relation, fix for loadDeep without results","Corrective"
"fix & tests for to-one relations without matches in target table","Corrective"
"support identity scopes in session","Perfective"
"session tests","Adaptive"
"method renames to match JPA & Hibernate","Perfective"
"detach, etc.","Other"
"Updated DaoExample","Perfective"
"added docs","Administrative"
"and methods to session","Adaptive"
"some dumb docs","Administrative"
"refreshed example jars (preview 2)","Perfective"
"QueryBuilder concept","Adaptive"
"quote columns for special names","Adaptive"
"first Query working, refactoring","Perfective"
"lazy list iterator","Adaptive"
"list iterator with auto close","Adaptive"
"refactoring: TestEntityTestBase","Perfective"
"added GPL header","Adaptive"
"some fixes","Corrective"
"removed simple OR","Perfective"
"Refactored where conditions for QueryBuilder, DaoLog, etc.","Perfective"
"partial fix for listIterator.previous","Corrective"
"minor fix","Corrective"
"fixed IN","Corrective"
"added javadocs and convenience for query builder","Administrative"
"preview 3","Other"
"renamed dao.test package","Perfective"
"improved & extended performance tests","Perfective"
"added test sub packages","Adaptive"
"performance work wip","Perfective"
"lock optimization","Perfective"
"new performance figures","Adaptive"
"getType, etc","Adaptive"
"added in(Collection)","Adaptive"
"close cursor in tests","Perfective"
"preparing to-ones without fk properties (experimental)","Adaptive"
"check value type, orderDesc","Adaptive"
"tested and fixed Date/boolean property values","Corrective"
"renamed DaoBase to DaoCore","Perfective"
"added dummy ressources as a workaround for the git empty directory problem","Corrective"
"(not)Null tests for query builder","Adaptive"
"enabled findbugs, minor fixes","Corrective"
"using Reference","Other"
"prepared: bind to-one values without fk property","Adaptive"
"updated build","Perfective"
"fixed order with multiple properties","Corrective"
"comment for not-null values","Administrative"
"fixed testAssignPk for protobuf tests, new line","Corrective"
"kicked out Column again; using Property instead","Perfective"
"to-many skeleton","Adaptive"
"first to-many working","Adaptive"
"reset to-many, test refactoring","Perfective"
"new tests for resetting to-many relations","Adaptive"
"Switched to ADT14","Perfective"
"to-many with custom join properties and multiple join properties","Adaptive"
"active entities","Adaptive"
"per entity flag for keep section, global entityActive deafult flag, clean up","Perfective"
"added missing license header to test classes","Adaptive"
"Added some license info and JavaDocs","Administrative"
"JavaDocs, limited scope of DaoConfig","Administrative"
"readme for greenDAO","Administrative"
"managing additional imports to fix imports with different package, fixed toMany problem in DAO template","Corrective"
"superclass and interfaces for entities","Adaptive"
"added tests for tree-like entities","Adaptive"
"Removed schema version from entities and DAOs","Perfective"
"query test package","Adaptive"
"added DeleteQuery","Adaptive"
"allow to pass App class for project specific unit tests","Adaptive"
"better generics for test, still not perfect though","Perfective"
"fix for building multiple queries with one queryBuilder","Corrective"
"Added performance results for Android 4.0 plus a comparison to 2.3","Adaptive"
"created src-test","Adaptive"
"added bi-directional 1:N customer/order example","Adaptive"
"added convenience methods to add relationships with a name, made Entity constructor package-visible","Adaptive"
"added JavaDocs","Administrative"
"Removed schema version from JavaDoc of generated entities and DAOs","Administrative"
"execute SQL script in TX","Adaptive"
"Using a fixed Java 1.6 compiler level for Android projects","Perfective"
"Added LIMIT and OFFSET support for Queries","Adaptive"
"Additional docs","Administrative"
"and unit tests for query limit&offset","Adaptive"
"qoute column names in where and order by clauses","Adaptive"
"use LOCALIZED collation for Strings in ORDER BY","Adaptive"
"moved order test into separate class","Perfective"
"added test for order with upper/lower case and umlauts","Adaptive"
"added orderCustom","Adaptive"
"added testOrderRaw","Adaptive"
"default names for to-many relations end with 'List' now","Perfective"
"Updated libs for example project","Perfective"
"generated example code with current lib version","Adaptive"
"updated readme","Administrative"
"updated copyright year for javadocs","Administrative"
"5 test runs","Perfective"
"deprecated query: groupBy & having does not make sense for entities. Method will be removed","Perfective"
"Don't assume that a Cursor has a CursorWindow (fix for Roboelectric)","Corrective"
"Additional check that key can be acquired (issue #5)","Corrective"
"updated readme for version 1.1.0 and 1.1.1","Administrative"
"added NOT IN condition (#23)","Adaptive"
"preparing V1.1.1 release","Other"
"print schema version before generating","Adaptive"
"throw exception when trying to add relations to protobuf entities","Corrective"
"new flag for skipping table creation & dropping","Adaptive"
"removed unnecessary DAO import for non-active entities","Perfective"
"fixed typo with ordinal","Corrective"
"moved jar to libs (ADT 17)","Perfective"
"V1.1.2 release notes added","Administrative"
"renamed to QuerySpecialNamesTest (missing Test suffix)","Perfective"
"Added 'order' to special names test","Adaptive"
"changed order property to int","Perfective"
"There might be other fields introduced by some tools, just ignore themn(see issue #28)","Corrective"
"Refelected Properties must be public also (issue #28)","Corrective"
"optimized modifier checking for Properties","Perfective"
"added testWhereWithSpecialNamesWithValues","Adaptive"
"make database accessible, refactoring of insert methods","Perfective"
"added insertOrReplaceInTx and another updateInTx variation","Adaptive"
"improved testInsertOrReplaceInTx","Perfective"
"prepared readme for next version (unreleased)","Administrative"
"added logTableDump method","Adaptive"
"Tests: added missing super.setUp and super.teardown, formatting","Adaptive"
"Test for String PK","Adaptive"
"make DAO and DaoSession transient in entities","Perfective"
"Set Cp1252 encoding in project properties","Perfective"
"updated readme: transient and string PKs","Administrative"
"added AbstractDaoTestStringPk","Adaptive"
"added callInTxNoException","Adaptive"
"added deleteInTx to DAO","Adaptive"
"minor clean up","Perfective"
"added AUTOINCREMENT","Adaptive"
"added java docs for *Dao.Properties","Administrative"
"minor rename to pkAutoincrement","Perfective"
"prepared unit test generation for String PK entities","Adaptive"
"idea for future use","Other"
"fixed updateKeyAfterInsert for non-long PKs","Corrective"
"force NOT NULL for String PK, added identity scope test for String PKs","Adaptive"
"added testInsertWithoutPK","Adaptive"
"fixed templates for PK-less entities, test fix","Corrective"
"added SqliteMaster meta entity","Adaptive"
"fixed INDEX creation","Corrective"
"updated readme for V1.2.0RC","Administrative"
"fixed createEntityWithRandomPk: create collision free PKs","Corrective"
"added javaDoc for or() and and()","Administrative"
"outlining some ideas for asynch operations","Adaptive"
"added properties to AsyncOperation","Adaptive"
"TX merging and listeners","Other"
"added async completion features","Adaptive"
"start AsyncSession in DaoSession, first two async tests up and running","Adaptive"
"added support for all operation types to AsyncOperationExecutor","Adaptive"
"Added license headers to asnyc classes","Adaptive"
"added some async docs","Administrative"
"minorcode improvements","Perfective"
"added enqueueEntityOperation helper methods","Adaptive"
"added remaining entity methods to AsyncSession","Adaptive"
"prepared async runInTx and callInTx","Adaptive"
"added queries to async system","Adaptive"
"added DeleteByKey, DeleteAll, Load, LoadAll, Count, and Refresh to async operations","Adaptive"
"added waitForCompletion methods to AsyncOperation","Adaptive"
"changed AsyncOperationExecutor.waitForCompletion methods not to throw InterruptedExecption","Corrective"
"updated for V1.3.0 Preview (2012-??-??): New asynchronous API","Administrative"
"added basic async tests like TX, exception, etc.","Adaptive"
"changed AsyncOperation.getResult semantics","Perfective"
"moved async classes into async package","Perfective"
"introduced AsyncDaoException","Corrective"
"Ignore FindBugs: increment of volatile is fine here because we use a lock","Perfective"
"added AsyncOperation.sequenceNumber","Adaptive"
"added java-formater.xml (Eclipse Code Formatter) so other committers can conform with greenDAO's code style","Adaptive"
"added queryRawCreate returning a Query object","Adaptive"
"added testLike","Adaptive"
"Merge branch 'master' of ssh://","Other"
"dummy file to avoid errors after checkout (no res folder)","Corrective"
"added deleteByKeyInTx","Adaptive"
"added DaoSessionConcurrentTest to verify deadlocks, fixed TX order in executeInsertInTx","Corrective"
"Do TX to acquire a connection before locking the stmt to avoid deadlocks","Corrective"
"throw nice exception if entity is updated or deleted with null key","Corrective"
"fixed potential deadlock in update/updateInTx","Corrective"
"refactoring: TestThread and doTx","Perfective"
"DaoSessionConcurrentTest refactoring and 3 separate concurrent threads","Perfective"
"removed redundant identityScope key removal","Perfective"
"fixed delete locking order to avoid potential deadlocks","Corrective"
"fixed insertWithoutSettingPk locking","Corrective"
"added insertOrReplace to DaoSessionConcurrentTest","Adaptive"
"added testConcurrentQueryDuringTx: Query doesn't involve any statement locking currently, but just to stay on the safe side...","Adaptive"
"prepared for upcoming 1.3.0 release","Administrative"
"added some changes of V1.3.0 to","Administrative"
"added DaoSessionConcurrentWALTest","Adaptive"
"prepared ThreadLocal for queries","Adaptive"
"added forCurrentThread for queries, enforce thread check on queries,","Adaptive"
"Added second thread tests to QueryThreadLocalTest","Adaptive"
"added CountQueryThreadLocalTest and DeleteQueryThreadLocalTest","Adaptive"
"Refactoring: move query classes in new query package","Perfective"
"move IdentityScope related classes in their own package","Perfective"
"fixed identityscope references","Corrective"
"moved WhereCondition to query package","Perfective"
"moved internally used classes into internal package","Perfective"
"updated to reflect refactorings","Administrative"
"fixed locking for to-many","Corrective"
"make to-one relations more thread safe","Perfective"
"prepared maven central upload with gradle","Perfective"
"organized imports","Perfective"
"updated DaoExample to use V1.3.0","Perfective"
"updated freemarker to 2.3.19 for Eclipse","Perfective"
"update year","Perfective"
"build.gradle: We must check if authentication info is available","Other"
"build.gradle: sign only if signing info is available","Other"
"remove DaoExample because R missing from build","Perfective"
"removed redundant != null","Perfective"
"switched to gradle Eclipse plugin for generator projects","Perfective"
"fixed dependencies to 1.3.0","Corrective"
"added getSelectKeys to TableStatements","Adaptive"
"ADT 22","Other"
"export android lib in .classpath","Perfective"
"added dontCreateApplicationDuringSetUp to DbTest","Adaptive"
"initial content provider generation","Adaptive"
"added preferedRepo","Adaptive"
"Fixed typo.","Corrective"
"Merge pull request #95 from mharper/master Fixed typo.","Other"
"Merge branch 'master' of ssh://","Other"
"fixed combined where clauses for count queries","Corrective"
"don't care about groovy.compiler.level (eclipse setting)","Other"
"Switched version to 1.3.2","Perfective"
"1.3.3-SNAPSHOT: Remove table aliases, not supported for DELETE queries","Perfective"
"removed ThreadLocal for Query to fix leaks","Corrective"
"introduced AbstractQueryData","Adaptive"
"renamed test","Perfective"
"better generalization of AbstractQueryData","Perfective"
"some clean up","Perfective"
"DeleteQuery also uses QueryData now","Perfective"
"minor test improvement","Perfective"
"index bug fix within gc","Corrective"
"added testLoadIdScope_load","Adaptive"
"fixed a concurrency problem with attached entities (#101)","Corrective"
"added AnActiveEntityMultithreadingTest","Adaptive"
"big test refactoring: don't use ApplicationTestCase as base class, which can be problematic when creating the application during setUp()","Perfective"
"offer some convenience methods to create new Application objects in DbTest","Adaptive"
"added V1.3.4 and V1.3.5 to changelog","Adaptive"
"added getNotificationUri to comply with API level 19","Adaptive"
"DeleteQuery: Don't use tableName here because it causes trouble when table name ends with tablePrefix.","Corrective"
"gradlew (1.12)","Other"
"adjustments for android build system 0.10.2, trying android with travis","Perfective"
"travis: make gradlew executable","Perfective"
"travis: fix","Corrective"
"travis: adjusted command order","Perfective"
"added build state to","Administrative"
"Rethrow initial exception in updateInTx if endTransaction also throws","Corrective"
"Lock must be locked when entering LazyList.loadEntity","Corrective"
"catch exceptions when ending merged transactions","Corrective"
"added some JavaDocs","Administrative"
"gradle updates","Perfective"
"added FLAG_TRACK_CREATOR_STACKTRACE, sessionFlags","Adaptive"
"CRLF -> LF","Other"
"updated generator dependencies, gradle 2.4","Perfective"
"added outDirEntity to generator","Adaptive"
"Merge branch 'master' into join","Other"
"extracted WhereCollector from QueryBuilder, Join constructor","Perfective"
"sketching JOIN API","Adaptive"
"first working Join","Adaptive"
"added SqlUtils.appendProperty, checkLog, testJoinSimpleParameterValue","Adaptive"
"basic JavaDoc for joins","Administrative"
"bye bye Eclipse","Other"
"CRLF -> LF, remaining files","Other"
"make internal properties package private (#184)","Perfective"
"Revert 'make internal properties package private (#184)' This reverts commit d467bf5be97801b45b53822b3f0be083940ed016.","Other"
"moved TestDaoGenerator into module of its own","Perfective"
"quote columns in PropertyOrderList","Adaptive"
"javadoc to mark internal property used by templates","Administrative"
"setParameter for Date and Boolean values, fixes #58","Corrective"
"single-quote column for indexes and to-many order (#fixes 68)","Corrective"
"place repository in root build.gradle","Perfective"
"throw if interface defined more than once (fixes #87)","Corrective"
"always quote tables (fixes #97)","Corrective"
"fix for implementsInterface","Corrective"
"use double quote for table and property names in templates","Adaptive"
"quick fix for CP compilation issues","Corrective"
"fixed some typos, fixes #102","Corrective"
"prepare model for to-many with join","Adaptive"
"updated templates for to-many with join","Perfective"
"added testToManyWithJoin","Adaptive"
"Add execute bit for Gradle wrapper.","Adaptive"
"Merge pull request #195 from johnjohndoe/file-permissions Add execute bit for Gradle wrapper.","Other"
"fix for LazyList.sublist (fixes #146)","Corrective"
"setting the base for custom property types based on converters","Adaptive"
"use custom types in entity","Adaptive"
"added some value tests for CustomTypeEntityTest","Adaptive"
"new entity version quotes table name","Adaptive"
"set version to 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT","Perfective"
"added addImport for entities","Adaptive"
"moved changelog to separate file","Perfective"
"started feature overview","Adaptive"
"added 'Add greenDAO to your project' section","Adaptive"
"moved PropertyConverter into converter package","Perfective"
"prepared IntegerListConverter","Adaptive"
"Version 2.0.0","Other"
"first version of CursorQuery","Adaptive"
"fix javadoc","Administrative"
"sketching a Database abstraction","Adaptive"
"SQLCipher database implementation","Adaptive"
"fixes, all unit tests are green again","Corrective"
"Actually add dependencies for OrmLite perf test.","Adaptive"
"Merge pull request #209 from greenrobot-team/fix-missing-dependencies Actually add dependencies for OrmLite perf test.","Other"
"Specify artifact ids in build.gradle files. - Remove settings.gradle files.","Perfective"
"Update Android SDK build tools to 23.0.0. - - Also update Android Plugin for Gradle to 1.3.1. -","Perfective"
"Disable sudo for travis, auto uses new container-based builders.","Perfective"
"Fix Android tests failing due to timeouts. -","Corrective"
"Merge pull request #210 from greenrobot-team/fix-project-import Fix project import","Other"
"Merge branch 'master' into DbAbstraction Conflicts: DaoGenerator/build.gradle","Other"
"Make DaoExample a proper Android app project. - Use latest greenDao release 2.0.0. - Fix","Corrective"
"Merge pull request #212 from greenrobot-team/fix-example-app Fix example app","Other"
"Update ORMlite to 4.48. - - Also add as a gradle dependecy, remove library jars.","Perfective"
"Clean up ORMlite test config.","Perfective"
"Add jcenter to global repositories.","Adaptive"
"Add performance test for realm. - Add realm 0.82.1. - Still have to use old JUnit 3 ApplicationTestCase as there is no new equivalent for AndroidJUnitRunner :(","Adaptive"
"Add property access test to greenDAO perf test. - Simply get every property of the entity under test. Logged as "access-all-1" and "access-all-2".","Adaptive"
"Add BuildConfig flags for enabling perf tests, disabled by default.","Adaptive"
"Add perf test for ActiveAndroid.","Adaptive"
"Add space before time unit. - Also add '(batch)' flag to load log output.","Adaptive"
"- Fix realm delete log.","Corrective"
"Move perf tests to their own directory. - Also clean up OrmLite test, restructure to recommended gradle folder hierarchy.","Perfective"
"Merge pull request #226 from greenrobot-team/extend-performance-tests Extend performance tests","Other"
"Add Android support library repository to travis","Adaptive"
"- Fixes build breakage after adding dependency to Android support library.","Corrective"
"Merge pull request #227 from greenrobot-team/add-support-lib-travis Add Android support library repository to travis","Other"
"Fix codeBeforeSetter","Corrective"
"added codeBeforeGetterAndSetter","Adaptive"
"Merge branch 'master' of ssh://","Other"
"fix async queries","Corrective"
"moving to standard src folders","Perfective"
"adding robolectric tests","Adaptive"
"Merge branch 'master' into DbAbstraction","Other"
"added getAllDaos to DaoSession","Adaptive"
"added changes until now for upcoming V2.1.0","Perfective"
"added Parse perf test","Adaptive"
"Set SDK and build tools in root gradle, update travis config. - Compile with SDK level 23. - Use build tools 23.0.1.","Perfective"
"Fix case of DaoCore source file directory name.","Corrective"
"Merge pull request #232 from greenrobot-team/set-sdk-in-root Set SDK level in root Gradle config, fix travis build.","Other"
"Simplify log output.","Perfective"
"Merge pull request #231 from greenrobot-team/erickok-cupboard-performance-test Cupboard performance test","Other"
"Make Parse test an instrumented test. - Also update parse-android to 1.10.1.","Perfective"
"Add Couchbase perf test. - Take this with a grain of salt, as Couchbase is a NoSQL (document-based) data store. All ops can only be one-by-one, no batching is supported.","Adaptive"
"Add Firebase performance test. - Use firebase-client-android 2.3.1.","Adaptive"
"Merge pull request #230 from greenrobot-team/cleanup-parse-test Make Parse test an instrumented test","Other"
"Merge pull request #234 from greenrobot-team/perf-test-couchbase Add Couchbase perf test","Other"
"Merge pull request #233 from greenrobot-team/perf-test-firebase Add Firebase performance test.","Other"
"Improve Cupboard test. - Shorten log tag. - Add proper start log. - Run delete within test. - Formatting.","Perfective"
"Add concept of indexed string entity query perf test. - Added for cupboard first.","Adaptive"
"Extract string and index generator to common module.","Perfective"
"README: Direct users to ObjectBox.","Administrative"
"README: fix image link.","Administrative"
"fix JavaDocs: escape or replace some characters (>, <, &)","Administrative"
"README: add keep rule for SqlCipherEncryptedHelper.","Administrative"
"Merge pull request #924 from greenrobot/428-avoid-art-warning Wrap EncryptedHelper in interface to reduce Art warnings","Other"
"README: add ProGuard rules.","Administrative"
"README: updates.","Administrative"
"README: fix.","Administrative"
"DaoTest: update Robolectric to 3.8, manually include JUnit.","Perfective"
"Merge branch 'example-updates'","Other"
"README: use implementation instead of compile.","Administrative"
"doc updates","Administrative"
"V3.2.2 in README","Administrative"
"V3.2.2 in README fix","Administrative"
"Merge pull request #635 from greenrobot-team/set-parameter-chaining-all-queries Support setParameter chaining for all query types","Other"
"Merge pull request #403 from greenrobot-team/common-android-plugin Use plugin versions defined in root config on test projects","Other"
"Add NotNullThing and basic test.","Adaptive"
"Merge remote-tracking branch 'github-team/not-null-entity-test'","Other"
"Merge remote-tracking branch 'github-team/getters-setters-flag'","Other"
"Rename remaining Java dirs to java.","Perfective"
"extracted getConfiguration","Perfective"
"Merge pull request #400 from greenrobot-team/remaining-rx-dao-tests Add remaining RxRao tests.","Other"
"Merge pull request #398 from greenrobot-team/tools-security-updates Gradle security update","Other"
"Move DaoExample to examples folder.","Perfective"
"Add basic RxDao example.","Adaptive"
"Remove unused proguard and Eclipse config files.","Perfective"
"removed app from test","Perfective"
"update deps to 3.1.0","Administrative"
"fix leak introduced 2 days in 1fd5a337edb91ad53439ab9828f71d7e7df63a59","Corrective"
"move test projects into dir 'tests'","Perfective"
"some minor clean ups","Perfective"
"minor JavaDoc","Administrative"
"Merge remote-tracking branch 'github/build-tools-23.0.3'","Other"
"organized import","Perfective"
" better info on greenDAO 3","Administrative"
" some first updates for V3.0.0","Administrative"
"fix testListenerMainThread","Corrective"
"make protected DAO methods final, remove superfluous @inheritdoc","Perfective"
"updated NOTICE","Administrative"
"fix generation of unit test artifacts","Corrective"
"Merge branch 'freemarker-update'","Other"
"Update freemarker [2.3.22 -> 2.3.29].","Perfective"
"Merge pull request #1015 from greenrobot/updates Updates","Other"
"Examples: migrate to AndroidX, remove redundant casts, code clean-up.","Perfective"
"Update Android Plugin [3.2.1 -> 3.5.3].","Perfective"
"DatabaseOpenHelper: move EncryptedHelper out of class, use reflection.","Perfective"
"Extract publish.gradle, only publish required projects.","Perfective"
"Increase Gradle default daemon heap size.","Perfective"
"Merge branch '839-database-error-handler'","Other"
"Merge pull request #990 from greenrobot/proguard-rules-in-readme README: add ProGuard rules.","Other"
"Update RxJava, update SQLCipher version used by tests. - Update encrypted SQLite version check.","Perfective"
"Merge branch 'allow-collate-sqlcipher'","Other"
"fixed two method typos","Corrective"
"made examples more independent: don't use root variables and have fixed version greenDAO deps (resolving some dep cycle issues, too)","Corrective"
"Fix typo in the comment of QueryBuilder.offset() (#436) Is limit, but is meant to be offset instead.","Corrective"
"added property.nonPrimitiveType flag","Adaptive"
"Merge pull request #404 from greenrobot-team/fix-test-directory-case Fix test directory case","Other"
"Make annotation test java directory lower case. - Should fix test collision issues with travis (case-sensitive file system).","Corrective"
"Change example to use objects instead of a cursor. - Use RecyclerView.","Perfective"
"V3.1.0, javadoc fixes and styling","Administrative"
"clean up","Perfective"
"added RxQuery with list and unique","Adaptive"
"updated/unified copyright texts","Administrative"
"license files for api","Administrative"
"updated copyright headers in DaoCore","Administrative"
"added dao.rx() and JavaDoc","Adaptive"
"new clearIdentityScope to allow calling DaoSession.clear() without identity scope","Adaptive"
"improve example","Perfective"
"updated DAO classes with new template version","Perfective"
"Merge branch 'master' into db-abstraction-always-benchmark Conflicts: .gitignore DaoExample/build.gradle DaoTestPerformance/src/androidTest/java/org/greenrobot/greendao/performance/","Other"
"added Benchmark class to store benchmarks in a csv/tsv file","Adaptive"
"PerformanceTest refactoring","Perfective"
"annotation refactorings: removed @Table, renames","Perfective"
"separated annotations into their own project","Perfective"
"moved basic uploadArchives info into root project for all sub projects","Perfective"
"removed dao generator project for example","Perfective"
"removed broken imports from SimpleEntityContentProvider","Perfective"
"moving database package to org.greenrobot.greendao","Perfective"
"minor clean up of example entities","Perfective"
"convert example project to gradle-plugin","Perfective"
"restore standard/entity.ftl","Perfective"
"moved generator classes to org.greenrobot.greendao.generator","Perfective"
"moved core classes to org.greenrobot.greendao","Perfective"
"rename pkg annotations -> annotation","Perfective"
"Merge branch 'master' into greendao3","Other"
"DaoGenerator: change version to 3.0.0-1-SNAPSHOT","Perfective"
"DaoTestGenerator: add application plugin","Adaptive"
"add @JoinEntity and @JoinOn annotations","Adaptive"
"minor javadoc change","Administrative"
"adjust example to use encryption","Perfective"
"divided test into base, test, and perf-test","Perfective"
"various clean ups & updates","Perfective"
"added DISTINCT to query builder","Adaptive"
"added javaDocs for entity properties","Administrative"
"added javaDoc and codeBeforeClass to Entity, freemarker:2.3.23","Administrative"
"removed org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomStringUtils","Perfective"
"moving database package into new src folder","Perfective"
"loadAllFromCursor with deadlock prevention","Corrective"
"DeadlockPreventionTest: dump thread stacks when deadlock is detected","Corrective"
"Merge pull request #238 from greenrobot-team/perf-test-sqlite Add performance test for raw SQLite.","Other"
"Merge pull request #236 from greenrobot-team/indexed-entity-test Add indexed property performance tests.","Other"
"Clean up Realm test. - Update realm-android to 0.82.2.","Perfective"
"Add indexed string test for greenDAO.","Adaptive"
"Clean up OrmLite test.","Perfective"
"Clean up PerformanceTestActiveAndroid.","Perfective"
"Initial commit","Administrative"
"Added stack overflow link","Adaptive"
"First commit","Administrative"
"Added more info","Administrative"
"Fixed leaks in WebSocketScopes and JDKSchedulingService","Corrective"
"Added ignore for EOFEx in shutdown","Adaptive"
"added the demos note","Administrative"
"Modified quartz scheduler to use newest spring factory beans","Perfective"
"Changed factory beans to prototype","Perfective"
"Fixed job detail casting bug","Corrective"
"Fixed trigger casting bug","Corrective"
"Debugging job trigger issues","Corrective"
"Switched back to old quartz builder pattern","Perfective"
"Added saving of job/trigger keys for schedule once jobs","Adaptive"
"Removed unneeded appcontext from scheduler","Perfective"
"Updated readme","Administrative"
"Fixed some minor bugs","Corrective"
"Added try catch to find issue that sometimes occurs on shared objects","Corrective"
"Fixed major issue with the connection checker; it was clearing the write queue for no good reason","Corrective"
"Modified rtmp data chunker to send while chunking.","Perfective"
"Added mod to prevent re-entrant close on RTMPConnection.","Adaptive"
"Externalized rtmp message queue cap.","Perfective"
"Added catches to SO scope methods","Adaptive"
"Added deadlock guard for rtmp processing to eliminate rejected tasks and prematurly disconnected connections.","Corrective"
"Updated copyright year","Administrative"
"Moved changelog from svn","Perfective"
"Updated assembly to prevent jenkins error.","Corrective"
"Modified javadoc section of pom.","Administrative"
"Replaced tomcat plugin with new update. Modified playengine to close if output pipe is missing","Perfective"
"Adjustment of javadoc settings","Administrative"
"Added detection of java debug wire protocol. Added code to disable rtmp connection deadlock when using jdwp. Fixed some javadoc warnings","Corrective"
"Build warnings are fixed","Corrective"
"Refactored native rtmps handling to resemble that which is working with wss implementation","Perfective"
"Merge pull request #10 from solomax/patch-2 Build warnings are fixed","Other"
"Fixed https","Corrective"
"Fix problem caused by race condition in scope creation. Now the scope is set whether or not the scope creation is successful. This ensures that if two connections try to create the same scope at the same time, both will end up with the right scope.","Corrective"
"Merge pull request #15 from mdalepiane/patch_scopes Fix problem caused by race condition in scope creation","Other"
"Removed redundant io classes","Perfective"
"and added websocket plugin","Adaptive"
"Update Added previous releases","Administrative"
"Fix concurrence problem on BroadcastScope creation. Without the synchronization multiple BroadcastScopes might be created with the same name. This causes problems to clients connected to all but one of them.","Corrective"
"Merge pull request #17 from mdalepiane/patch_broadcastScope Fix concurrence problem on BroadcastScope creation","Other"
"Updated to include subreddit","Perfective"
"Fix for issue #19","Corrective"
"Removed old commented-out semphore","Perfective"
"Compilation warnings are eliminated","Corrective"
"Deprecated API removed","Perfective"
"Merge pull request #1 from solomax/patch-1 Deprecated API removed","Other"
"Compilation error fixed","Corrective"
"Merge pull request #23 from solomax/patch-2 Compilation errors are fixed","Other"
"Added chat classes","Adaptive"
"Added jar for the chat demo","Adaptive"
"Merge pull request #28 from t2y/master Updated policy files from red5.jar to red5-server.jar and red5-service.jar","Other"
"Added check for denied connection in the request message task","Adaptive"
"Modified rtmp handling for ping messages so that they are not queued","Perfective"
"Removed denied conn check in message recv task. Changed handling of disconnected connection requests in RTMPT","Perfective"
"Fixed connection reject issue in rtmpt.","Corrective"
"Refactored received message task.","Perfective"
"Fixing the deadlock guard implementation, it was referencing wrong thread.","Corrective"
"Implemented a way to disable the guard by setting the maxWaitTimeout to 0.","Adaptive"
"Audio packet dropping. Implemented an option that allow you to drop audio packets in order to prevent receive queue filling up.","Adaptive"
"- add more information on logging for rtmp connection","Adaptive"
"- add more info on keep alive ping","Adaptive"
"Merge pull request #32 from bigbluebutton/change-keepalive - add more information on logging for rtmp connection","Other"
"Javadoc add","Administrative"
"Implemented log level check before each log call (for debug and trace)","Adaptive"
"Adding a space after if statements","Adaptive"
"Create red5_codeformat_eclipse.xml. Eclipse formatting config.","Adaptive"
"Create red5_codetemplate.xml. Eclipse code template","Adaptive"
"Updated copyright","Administrative"
"Fixed OutOfMemoryError and lost data in FileConsumer","Corrective"
"Fixes for OOM in FileConsumer.","Corrective"
"Also adjusted logging to mostly trace level.","Perfective"
"Updated version info","Administrative"
"Added build server link","Adaptive"
"Fixed appStop issue 36","Corrective"
"Added header for Releases","Adaptive"
"Moved server common classes to red5-server-common repo","Perfective"
"Fixes for issue 39","Corrective"
"Minor mods, moved some tests","Perfective"
"Cleaned up pom","Perfective"
"added profiles, added sonatype deploy stuff","Adaptive"
"Added release plugin","Adaptive"
"Tomcat is updated to the latest version 7.0.57","Perfective"
"Added snapshot entry","Adaptive"
"Added repos to pom to resolve missing libs","Corrective"
"Added sonatype repos to fix jenkins","Corrective"
"Added description from old site","Administrative"
"Addressed timestamp rollover/range issue","Corrective"
"Added demos.","Adaptive"
"Updated tomcatplugin","Perfective"
"Fix issue with conversion of ImmutableCollections type","Corrective"
"Fixed and cleaned up assembly creation","Perfective"
"Cleaned up links","Perfective"
"Updated versions. Modified registration of client broadcast stream within broadcast scope.","Perfective"
"Cleared up "support" via links","Perfective"
"Replaced embedded tomcat logging with slf friendly version","Perfective"
"Added correct and forked tomcat juli logger","Adaptive"
"Merge branch 'master' of","Other"
"Moved websocket props to red5.props file","Perfective"
"Added supporters","Adaptive"
"Migrated most of the tests to red5-tests repo","Perfective"
"Change the red5-server-common.jar from lib to Red5 basic path. This change is for red5-eclipse-plugin","Perfective"
"Updated copyright and url","Administrative"
"Updated version for release","Perfective"
"Javadoc fixes","Administrative"
"Added 1.0.5 release","Adaptive"
"Added windows installer link","Adaptive"
"Added executable entry for compile plugin to respect java-option pointing to a specific javac path","Adaptive"
"Merge remote-tracking branch 'red5/master'","Other"
"org.apache.httpcomponents.http* version is updated; deprecated code is removed","Perfective"
"Merge pull request #53 from wmz7year/change_server_common_jar_path Change the red5-server-common.jar from lib to Red5 basic path.","Other"
"Merge pull request #77 from solomax/patch-3 commons-lang3 is updated to the most recent version","Other"
"Version update to 1.0.6 Snapshot and modification of RTMPS handling to allow protocol and cipher suite config","Perfective"
"Merge fix","Corrective"
"Moved stuff around and refactored RTMPS","Perfective"
"Mods for RTMPS debugging","Corrective"
"Tomcat8 support is added","Adaptive"
"Added el-api for jsp EL support","Adaptive"
"changed scope for executor from prototype to singleton: thread pools shared by all connections","Perfective"
"Merge pull request #104 from maritelle/connection-task-executors Changed scope of connection task executors","Other"
"Merge pull request #99 from esasse/patch-1 Removes Google Code link","Other"
"Updated jdoc links","Administrative"
"Updated tomcat plugin","Perfective"
"and added embed el impl","Adaptive"
"Servlet-api matching with tomcat is used, empty 'tomcat.8080' is not created, code clean-up","Perfective"
"Merge pull request #112 from solomax/masterServlet-api matching with tomcat is used, empty 'tomcat.8080' is not …","Other"
"Updated version","Perfective"
"Moved and refactored war deployer service, now its in tomcat plugin","Perfective"
"Fixed circular dep in jee-container.xml","Corrective"
"Added configuration for rtmp connection tweaks","Adaptive"
"redundant jboss block is removed","Perfective"
"Merge pull request #114 from solomax/patch-5 redundant jboss block is removed","Other"
"Fixed remote connection to use new stream ids","Corrective"
"Added removal of star prefix on mp4 requests","Adaptive"
"Quartz version is updated","Perfective"
"Modified pom adding profile for milestone assembly","Perfective"
"Added milestone build instruction;","Adaptive"
"removed demos text","Perfective"
"Modified assembly to prevent -server suffix in tarball and zip","Perfective"
"Fix for issue #121","Corrective"
"commons-collections version is bumped","Perfective"
"to have the latest security fix","Corrective"
"Merge pull request #124 from solomax/patch-7 commons-collections version is bumped","Other"
"Updated deps","Perfective"
"Updated Tomcat to 8.0.29. Updated Tomcat plugin to fix concurrent loading of the apps on startup. Fix other small items and formatting.","Perfective"
"Added the chat room","Adaptive"
"Debugging RTMPS; Refactored connection handling.","Perfective"
"Updated copyright year.","Administrative"
"Adjusted launch scripts","Perfective"
"Fixing squid:S2259: Null pointers should not be dereferenced","Corrective"
"Fixing squid:S2583: Conditions should not unconditionally evaluate to 'TRUE' or to 'FALSE'. Fixing squid:S2095: Resources should be closed","Corrective"
"Merge pull request #135 from DevFactory/Null-pointers-should-not-be-dereferenced Fixing squid:S2259: Null pointers should not be dereferenced","Other"
"Reverted changes to FilePersistence since it was a false positive","Perfective"
"Fixing squid:S2275: Printf-style format strings should not lead to unexpected behavior at runtime","Corrective"
"Debugging handshake, fixed key hashing error","Corrective"
"Continued debugging of server side of the handshake","Corrective"
"Clients can connect, but there is still something wrong somewhere","Corrective"
"Merge pull request #137 from DevFactory/Conditions-should-not-evaluate-to-true-fix-1 Fixing squid:S2583: Conditions should not unconditionally evaluate to 'TRUE' or to 'FALSE'","Other"
"Merge pull request #141 from DevFactory/public-static-fields-should-be-constant Fixing squid:S1444 :'public static' fields should be constant","Other"
"Update version to 1.3.29. Refactor RTMP packet handling, remove extra threading, move handler into callable.","Perfective"
"Fixed an issue related to a PR that was merged","Corrective"
"Dependencies were cleaned up","Perfective"
"Inbound handshake is fixed","Corrective"
"RTMP handshake is fixed","Corrective"
"Trying out a cname file for trac links","Adaptive"
"Fixed rtmps (native)","Corrective"
"Performed some clean up and refactoring. Disabled sysout4log.","Perfective"
"Attempting to fix hanging when rtmpt connects","Corrective"
"Fixed MP4 issue with start frame","Corrective"
"Added maven plugin versions back into pom.","Adaptive"
"Fixed indentation in xml. Modified appadapter to use semaphore instead of sync","Perfective"
"Moved connected state processing to end of handshake state to catch and process extra bytes (connect message)","Perfective"
"Modified while debugging AMF decoding","Corrective"
"Eclipse html warnings are fixed","Corrective"
"Maven warnings 'The assembly descriptor contains a filesystem-root relative reference, which is not cross platform compatible' are fixed","Corrective"
"Merge pull request #148 from solomax/master Minor fixes","Other"
"Debugging decode of packets.","Corrective"
"Fixed javadoc","Administrative"
"maven-compiler-plugin version is updated","Perfective"
"Added missing plugin","Adaptive"
"Added contributing doc and eclipse formatter. Updated readme.","Administrative"
"Fixed tomcat issue caused by upgrade to 8.0.32","Corrective"
"Added travis CI file","Adaptive"
"Removed the open jdks because the fail on getHostname","Corrective"
"Added button for TravisCI","Adaptive"
"Fixed button for TravisCI","Corrective"
"Added templates","Adaptive"
"Updated to use parent pom","Perfective"
"Add and update for reflection testing","Adaptive"
"Merge pull request #160 from georgekankava/release/overriding-methods-should-do-more-than-simply-call-the-same-method-in-the-super-class-fix-1 squid:S1185 - Overriding methods should do more than simply call the same method in the super class","Other"
"Added querystring capture onto the connection at publish and play","Adaptive"
"Merge pull request #162 from georgekankava/release/sections-of-code-should-not-be-ommented-out-fix-1 squid:CommentedOutCodeLine - Sections of code should not be commented out","Other"
"Cleaned up view","Perfective"
"Merge pull request #163 from georgekankava/release/the-diamond-operator-should-be-used-fix-1 squid:S2293 - The diamond operator ('<>') should be used","Other"
"Removed javadoc css","Administrative"
"separate configuration for maxReadBufferSize, bump version to 1.2.18","Perfective"
"Multiple code improvements: squid:S00105, squid:S1854","Perfective"
"Merge pull request #165 from solomax/master Deprecated calls and unused import are removed","Other"
"Merge pull request #164 from solomax/patch-11 duplicate inclusion of maven-jar-plugin is removed","Other"
"Multiple code improvements - squid:S1171, squid:S134, squid:S1066","Perfective"
"Merge pull request #168 from DevFactory/release/multiple-code-improvements-fix-2 Multiple code improvements - squid:S1171, squid:S134, squid:S1066","Other"
"Minor mods","Perfective"
"Fixed conflicts","Corrective"
"Added our base maven repo so the parent pom may be located","Adaptive"
"Set to M6 and added handling for fragmented handshake","Adaptive"
"Removed scripting support, it will live elsewhere","Perfective"
"Commit for new tag","Adaptive"
"Releases and maven details","Other"
"Incremented milestone to M9","Perfective"
"Working on handshake issue with ffmpeg 3","Corrective"
"Working on ffmpeg handshake","Adaptive"
"Added flag to allow unvalidated connections","Adaptive"
"Fixed allowing unvalidated handshake connection handling","Corrective"
"Removed xsd versions and extraneous init-method attribute","Perfective"
"Updated websocket","Perfective"
"redundant white-spaces clean-up","Perfective"
"Merge pull request #177 from solomax/patch-13 redundant white-spaces clean-up","Other"
"Updated configs","Perfective"
"Implemented scope security handlers","Adaptive"
"Added links to plugins tomcat, websocket","Adaptive"
"Updated readme for latest release","Administrative"
"Added new way to shutdown the server","Adaptive"
"Commented out remoting beans","Administrative"
"Adjusted the startup/shutdown scripts","Perfective"
"Removed servlet api jar from assembly","Perfective"
"Update for M2","Perfective"
"Added more excludes for assembly","Adaptive"
"Fixed installer app config to point to new app location on github for issue #180","Corrective"
"Updated startup scripts to include a native path component","Perfective"
"Removed exception thrown on RTMPS tunnel attempt on native connector","Corrective"
"Debugging 'best' RTMPS connections from FlashPlayer","Corrective"
"Fixed jar / javadoc attachment issue","Corrective"
"Added shutdownDelay property","Adaptive"
"Added property for shutdown delay","Adaptive"
"Updated to websocket 1.6","Perfective"
"Added fmsVersion log output at debug level","Adaptive"
"Debugging playback and shared objects","Corrective"
"Ordering mod","Perfective"
"context is fixed... so default tomcat plugins works as expected","Corrective"
"comments are removed","Administrative"
"Added badge","Adaptive"
"Update for 1.0.8-M6","Perfective"
"Removed adobe links causing stupid console errors in browsers","Corrective"
"Added metadata tests","Adaptive"
"Added pre/post processor code","Adaptive"
"Setting the keep-alive to unlimited reduces rtmpt disconnection rates.","Perfective"
"Fixed writer processor spring bean configure mismatch with multiple processors","Corrective"
"Merge pull request #200 from menelaosbgr/feature/unlimitedKeepAlive Setting the keep-alive to unlimited reduces rtmpt disconnection rates.","Other"
"Changed tomcat plugin to 1.14","Perfective"
"maxKeepAliveRequests and keepAliveTimout are unified. whitespaces are normilized","Perfective"
"AES_256 ciphers are removed","Perfective"
"Updating for milestone 1.0.8-M10","Perfective"
"Added spring webmvc jar dep","Adaptive"
"Merge pull request #204 from solomax/patch-16 Parent and tomcatplugin versions are updated","Other"
"Added FileProvider test","Adaptive"
"Added CORS lib and implemented in web.xml for vod/live apps; no server code mods","Adaptive"
"Updates for 1.0.8-M13","Perfective"
"Added force option to bash shutdown script","Adaptive"
"Quartz dependencies are cleaned up","Perfective"
"Added video for demo app","Adaptive"
"Fixed shutdown server bug when jee server doesnt exist","Corrective"
"Tomcat plugin version is updated","Perfective"
"Added oflaDemo.","Adaptive"
"Merge pull request #216 from solomax/master Tomcat plugin version is updated","Other"
"Added oflaDemo to assembly","Adaptive"
"Added 1.0.8","Adaptive"
"doc updates","Administrative"
"Mods for oom","Perfective"
"Merge branch 'master' of","Other"
"Updating for next snapshot","Perfective"
"Fixed dependency on websocket preventing build; dep is only needed for assembly profile","Corrective"
"Fixed line endings in jee xml","Corrective"
"Fixed line endings in props file","Corrective"
"Removed keystoreType param","Perfective"
"Update CNAME","Perfective"
"Connection fixes","Corrective"
"Removed timestamp manipulation in rtmpdecoder. Commit for M4 tag","Perfective"
"Added Guardians of the Galaxy 2 trailer","Adaptive"
"Added property change events for CBS.","Adaptive"
"Fixed MP4/M4A readers","Corrective"
"added eclusion for older isoparser used in Tika","Adaptive"
"Removed delta time reset in rtmpdecoder. Tagging for 1.0.9-M9 release","Perfective"
"Fix RTMP deadlock","Corrective"
"Commit for release tag with updated version","Perfective"
"cors-filter version is updated","Perfective"
"Fix for recording avc/aac with queue","Corrective"
"Merge branch 'master' of","Other"
"Merge pull request #232 from solomax/patch-19 cors-filter version is updated","Other"
"Fix for flv append and refactoring of flv recording","Perfective"
"Fixed appending for flv. Refactored lots of recording releated code","Perfective"
"Fixed handling for null broadcast scope on unregister","Corrective"
"Fixed media copy routines","Corrective"
"Moved most of the AMF remoting and servlets to its own module","Perfective"
"Cleared a couple warnings","Corrective"
"Update CNAME","Perfective"
"Merge branch 'master' of","Other"
"java options clean-up. `-XX:+UseParNewGC` is removed in java11. Additionally according to It is automatically enabled if `-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC`","Perfective"
"Merge pull request #265 from solomax/patch-21 java options clean-up","Other"
"Merge pull request #264 from solomax/patch-20 java options clean-up","Other"
"Updated releases","Perfective"
"Merge branch 'master' of","Other"
"Shared Object work for better concurrency","Perfective"
"Added Scope unit tests","Adaptive"
"and switch internal children to new concurrent collection base","Perfective"
"Excluded service jar from plugins","Perfective"
"Create FUNDING.yml","Adaptive"
"Merge branch 'master' of","Other"
"Updates for new version 1.2.1 with JDK11 support","Perfective"
"Commit for version 1.2.3","Other"
"Fix liveWaitSupport bug when play a non-exist stream. Fix bug when liveWaitSupport is set to true and play a stream it does not exist.","Corrective"
"Merge pull request #290 from ipliu/master Fix liveWaitSupport bug when play a non-exist stream.","Other"
"Refactor RTMPProtocolDecoder to favor fill packet vs tiny chunk size if available bytes","Perfective"
"Added note for xerces as not needed for jdk11","Administrative"
"Extracted encrypted writer","Perfective"
"Update propose just making the following changes for better performance; at this point the server shouldn't be run on an instance that can't at least support these values http.max_threads=2000 http.acceptor_thread_count=100 http.processor_cache=200","Perfective"
"Updated binding to be loopback only","Perfective"
"Fixed binding to loopback and parsing of incoming client socket for validation","Corrective"
"Refactored so accept is inside while loop","Perfective"
"Revert packet decode for min/max chunk size","Perfective"
"Update version to 1.3.33 with new Bouncy Castle 1.77","Perfective"
"Move rtmp test to server module. Reorder rtmp handler for notify which may be invoke type","Perfective"
"Add new files and classes for video processing","Adaptive"
"Delete io/src/test/resources/fixtures/stray.flv","Perfective"
"Refactor codecs, logger, and rtmp client executor. Update spring","Perfective"
"Externalize max_poll_time for RTMPConnection","Perfective"
"Fix RTMP deadlock.","Corrective"
"Refactor WebsocketConnection write","Perfective"
"Modify urls using","Perfective"
"Disable some tests per module, focused on server tests right now","Perfective"
"Set test skip enabled, remove surefire","Perfective"
"Enable unit tests; Add reflection utils test","Adaptive"
"Remove cors and rtmpt from apps","Perfective"
"Fix SO scope relection calls; refactored more reflection use","Perfective"
"Replace Number with int for PrivateNetstreamData in client. Update to 1.3.26","Perfective"
"Rework how RTMPClient private stream data is accessed by stream id","Perfective"
"Add publisher load test","Adaptive"
"Remove extraneous loops and recursion where possible when locating methods in services or handlers; update tika to last 1.x version","Perfective"
"Add get/set for WebSocket user props via javax API to skip need for dep/import in projects","Adaptive"
"implemented new getLock in WsRemoteEndpointImplBase.","Adaptive"
"Bumped version to 1.3.22","Perfective"
"Bump version to 1.3.21","Perfective"
"Versioned to 1.3.19; Refactored connection creation and management","Perfective"
"Merge pull request #338 from Red5/bug/R5SI-786 Bug/r5 si 786","Other"
"Removed info logger.","Perfective"
"Refactoring decode packet and header","Perfective"
"Added med-int (3b) size check","Adaptive"
"Added extended header fix from Andy","Adaptive"
"unit test fails with buffer underrun","Corrective"
"Added logging for createStream with map tracking","Adaptive"
"Added rtc and http to IConnection encodings.","Adaptive"
"Added deleteStream protection against non-publisher.","Adaptive"
"Removed extra WS timeout logic","Perfective"
"Bumped version to 1.3.13","Perfective"
"Added close for ws timeout","Adaptive"
"Websocket async handler added for timeout","Adaptive"
"Moved some classes from common to server to support WS lifecycle callbacks","Perfective"
"Removed ws read timeout;","Perfective"
"added ws lifecycle to listener","Adaptive"
"Added read timeout for websockets","Adaptive"
"WebSocket fixes for NPE and clean up","Perfective"
"added adapter to simplify use","Adaptive"
"Versioned 1.2.30 includes dev392 fix for rtmp retransmission error","Corrective"
"Disabled AMF gateway servlet in root/web.xml","Perfective"
"Implemented internal ws conn pinger on a single thread","Adaptive"
"Removed WS connections atomic read/write counters using only local instance updating instead","Perfective"
"Added comparable to WebSocketConnection","Adaptive"
"and removed extra contains check for scope add/remove","Perfective"
"Removed the WS threadlocal usage","Perfective"
"Added sync around ws session blocks to prevent full-text errors","Corrective"
"Added hashCode/equals to WS classes","Adaptive"
"Adjusted loud logger in IO","Perfective"
"Delete .travis.yml","Perfective"
"Updated internal version fields and changed logging in StreamService","Perfective"