id,instruct_1,context,q_1,q_2,q_3,answer_1 019_327,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A man in a gray t-shirt rests. Sentence2 A guy in a t-shirt goes for a jog.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_169,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Paint ball warriors in protective gear hide behind inflatable pink barriers as their teammates fire down range in the distance Sentence2 Paintballers fire at targets.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_424,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A woman is pushing her child in a stroller while walking with her family. Sentence2 The woman and her baby were fast asleep.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_91,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A child cavorts on the road. Sentence2 A child plays on the road.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_459,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 a elderly woman in a tan jacket is standing by the door of a wooden house carrying a green and beige bag. Sentence2 The woman is wearing a black jacket.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_314,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A woman with a straw hat is sitting on steps outdoors. Sentence2 The woman is in the bathroom taking a shower.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_496,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A security guard in a blue shirt moving through an airport. Sentence2 The guard is checking for problems.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_432,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A white dog is in the water. Sentence2 The dog is in a pool of jello",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_298,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A man in an all black outfit just threw a bowling ball down a lane towards the center of the bowling pins. Sentence2 A man hates bowling so he drinks a beer and watches his friends.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_576,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Two people sitting on a dock under a lamp post with clouds in the sky beyond them. Sentence2 Two young girls sit on a dock under a lamp post.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_676,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 An African-American woman sits at a brown table, wearing a purple dress, pink shoes, and black sunglasses. Sentence2 A woman sits at table waiting for her boyfriend.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_13,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Man in shorts standing by the water. Sentence2 The man is standing by the river.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_618,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Three women talking and laughing, while 2 hold glasses of wine. Sentence2 A group at a wine tasting.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_695,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 An Asian band in a parade with a female band majorette. Sentence2 the female majorette in the asian band is the lead in the chinese new year parade.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_149,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A man working on a yellow airplane while a lady wearing sunglasses look away. Sentence2 A man assembles his toy airplane.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_461,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A man looks on in a park in the afternoon. Sentence2 Nobody is looking on.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_178,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A man stands on a mountain overlooking trees and a lake. Sentence2 The man is outside.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_583,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Women holding up little girl on beach. Sentence2 The woman is the child's mother.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_556,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A man and a woman walk around a corner next to a painted wall mural depicting children. Sentence2 A couple inspects a mural.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_638,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A rodeo clown hands out American flags. Sentence2 The rodeo is happening in Texas.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_39,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A woman in a fur coat and a black hat and a gentleman in a brown coat are sitting at an outdoor table. Sentence2 A woman is sitting outside",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_436,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Two men wearing suits are standing behind a video camera on a tripod. Sentence2 two dogs fighting",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_248,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A woman with a purple number 10 shirt and blue shorts stands in front of a brick wall full of sitting children. Sentence2 Children are running in a field.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_652,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A group of people are at a rock concert. Sentence2 People are dancing at a rock concert.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_372,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Two people in shorts are running on the beach. Sentence2 The people are swimming together.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_106,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A woman working outside preparing food. Sentence2 A lady cooking food outdoors.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_559,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Several people are riding motorcycles down a narrow street. Sentence2 A bunch of bikers riding min motorcycles down a narrow street.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_451,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A calico cat raising its paws towards a dog with an open mouth Sentence2 The black cat hisses at the dog.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_326,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A group is letting their political opinion be known. Sentence2 The people are saying their religious beliefs.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_61,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A man stands on a ladder while in a construction zone. Sentence2 A man is outdoors.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_418,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 The old men are sitting on a bench. Sentence2 The old women are sitting on a bench.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_283,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Many people look over a railing to see what is below them in a busy area. Sentence2 A man walks below a bridge on an empty street.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_684,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A man and his dog are dressed up in colorful costumes in the street in front of a bakery. Sentence2 A man and his dog are in front of a bakery.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_513,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A dog leaps in the air to catch a disc. Sentence2 The dog is male.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_511,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Two brown dogs are playing in a field. Sentence2 Two dogs are playing fetch.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_72,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A woman in a tan coat is reaching into her purse. Sentence2 woman reaches into purse",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_664,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Oriental people buying and selling in the street. Sentence2 People are buying and selling amidst a financial crises.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_535,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A man holding a pick is speaking into a mic. Sentence2 The man is nervous",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_209,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A man points his finger at the dinner table. Sentence2 A man points at dinner.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_245,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A little girl wearing a pink shirt and backpack is pushing a little boy wearing a green shirt in a blue stroller. Sentence2 The girl is pushing an empty stroller today.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_303,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Three dogs, one of whom has a blue ball. Sentence2 Three dogs all have red toys.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_577,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A little boy eats a banana while an older woman watches. Sentence2 A grandmother is feeding her grandson a banana while watching a tv",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_420,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A male surfer catching a nice wave. Sentence2 A woman is surfing.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_304,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Three young children squat around a large rock. Sentence2 Parents are doing squats on rocks.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_504,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 People walking up and down on a crowded street in the daytime. Sentence2 People go to work in the city.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_409,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A young boy is sitting in a blue chair. Sentence2 The young boy rode his bicycle all the way to the end of the road",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_454,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A young woman takes pictures while a crowd lounges on a green lawn. Sentence2 A woman bicycles past a crowd of people sitting on the grass.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_236,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A mother holds her daughter's hand while looking at toys. Sentence2 a man and woman are buying tires",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_44,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 An old man rides a bicycle on a country road. Sentence2 A man rides a bike.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_284,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A snowboarder wearing a red jacket is going down a mountain. Sentence2 The snowboarder's jacket is plain white.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_413,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A woman running a marathon. Sentence2 A woman is riding a scooter in a marathon.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_338,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A shirtless man is skinning a fish while another man looks on in the background. Sentence2 Nobody is skinning",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_441,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A man waves to the camera from inside a greenhouse section of a farm products store. Sentence2 The man is sleeping",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_80,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A group of people enjoy a reception. Sentence2 The group is enjoying the reception.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_322,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A rocky land-mass extends into the water in the distance. Sentence2 There is no water near the rocky land mass",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_28,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A man holding the Texas flag is nearly blown off his feet on a city street. Sentence2 The man is walking down the the windy street.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_312,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A young Asian woman looks at the screen of her cellphone in a white coat. Sentence2 A young Indian man receives a fax in his home office.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_626,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Two people, one wearing a checkered shirt, and one wearing a plain light colored shirt, are running on a balcony. Sentence2 Two people are running on a balcony being chased by cops.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_249,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Several children are playing with the man in the red shirt with the bubbles. Sentence2 The man is alone in his kitchen.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_105,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 people are posing for fans at the horse hurdle jumping games Sentence2 People pose for the fans.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_411,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A new sports car exhibition in the city of Angeles world exhibition day in Los Angeles, California. Sentence2 A boat show is taking place in LA, California.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_561,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Teenagers are partying on a boat while a blond teenager is kicking a man. Sentence2 A teenager is in a fight at a party.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_682,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A young student receives fencing instruction from his kneeling teacher while a potential opponent and a woman gaze behind them. Sentence2 An instructor is holding a sword.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_348,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 This person is falling off a scooter, in a parking lot. Sentence2 This person is currently running the scooter",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_366,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A large horse with gear, but no rider. Sentence2 An animal is climbing a tree.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_608,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A man and woman getting married. Sentence2 the couple cried",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_533,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Two young white girls and one white boy sit on a bench outside talking. Sentence2 they are discussing their relationship",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_73,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A woman is teaching a kid while cutting. Sentence2 A woman and a child are together.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_257,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A woman wearing a pink ladies jacket and polka dot skirt with red shoes stands by a man in a leather coat. Sentence2 A woman stands alone looking for a date.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_522,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A lady in a red shirt and two young boys sit around a table eating and drinking. Sentence2 A lady and two boys are eating and drinking sandwiches and lemonade at a table.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_488,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Kids riding on their bicycles near a mound of dirt with a hovel from a backhoe in front of the mound. Sentence2 Kids ride their bicycles over their favorite playing spot",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_417,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A little girl is playing outside in the cold on ice. Sentence2 A couple is kissing on the beach.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_625,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Two men standing in front of a condominium building with grass and trees around. Sentence2 The men are short",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_70,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Young boy wearing jeans and a blue shirt playing with a dog. Sentence2 The boy and the dog are together.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_667,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A person wearing a red coat is holding a beige and plaid umbrella while crossing the street. Sentence2 A person is holding an umbrella to get away from the rain.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_154,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 The two people who are dressed nicely are standing by a fountain. Sentence2 People standing by water.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_483,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A car throws up a large amount of dust and rocks as it races by spectators. Sentence2 The racing car hurtled down the dirt road leaving a trail of dust and gravel to the thrill of onlookers.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_205,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 The boy is playing drums. Sentence2 A boy is playing a musical instrument.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_14,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Two workers, working on a rooftop, looking over a town. Sentence2 People on a roof",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_462,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Tanned man in a animal print Speedo walking down the street. Sentence2 A man in a suit walks through a living room.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_150,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A child in a blue and red jacket is racking a pile of leaves. Sentence2 A child in a jacket is racking.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_404,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A black man with cargo shorts and a striped orange shirt listening to music and dancing. Sentence2 the man is at home sleeping",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_637,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A male playing a miniature guitar jumping in the air with his tongue sticking out. Sentence2 A man joking with friends",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_126,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A woman purchasing greens and sprouts at an outside farmer's market. Sentence2 A female is buying groceries at a market.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_212,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A man in a brown leather jacket plays guitar. Sentence2 A woman in a brown leather jacket plays guitar.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_232,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 There is a man fly fishing in a river with trees behind him. Sentence2 A man sits in his office at work dreaming about going fly fishing.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_507,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A girl wearing white is stretching her foot above her head. Sentence2 the girl is getting ready for class",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_339,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Man with a large stomach sitting at a bar watching television. Sentence2 A thin man is listening to the radio.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_194,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Swimmer descending into water performing a flip while several women in background look on. Sentence2 A swimmer is performing in front of people.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_46,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Three men drinking coffee sitting at a conference table. Sentence2 The men are indoors.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_244,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A Pakistani boy wearing a Nike cap stands amidst his elders and sheep. Sentence2 The boy is running around in a hat",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_531,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Overhead view of a living room with a man on one couch, sleeping, and a dog on another while a coffee table sits in the middle of the room. Sentence2 a man and dog are resting",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_623,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Various people looking at books. Sentence2 People are shopping for books.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_572,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A male eating an ice cream cone. Sentence2 The man is 42 years old.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_4,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A woman in a race turning a corner. Sentence2 A woman is racing around the corner.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_281,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Man performing stunt, lady breaking block on his stomach with sludge hammer. Sentence2 Nobody is performing.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_482,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Cement truck with a yellow mixer parked in front of a building. Sentence2 A cement truck broken down in front of a building.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_251,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A person in a hard hat is doing some work on a train track. Sentence2 Someone is on the grass",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_660,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A lady and her daughter jump in a swimming pool. Sentence2 they are excited",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_407,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Two opposing footballers play on a field. Sentence2 the players are on the same team",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_225,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A man in a straw hat and green shirt is pushing his bicycle. Sentence2 truck in garage",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_38,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A man in a white shirt is seen down a narrow, brick alley. Sentence2 The man is in an alley.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_460,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Two men taking pictures with their cameras outdoors. Sentence2 Two men use their phones to call their wives.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_697,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Man demonstrating an industrial saw at a fair. Sentence2 A man is cutting something with a saw.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_301,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 a snowboarder jumps off of a ramp in the snowy mountains Sentence2 Nothing is jumping.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_379,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A toddler boy seated on a rock wall and looking to his side at a lawn with autumn leaves. Sentence2 A kid sleeping on couch.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_437,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A dog running through the water right toward the camera. Sentence2 Dog sleeping on the lawn.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_69,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A group of army personnel in uniform, wearing their hats upside down. Sentence2 Army personnel dressed informally.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_355,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A man in a brown shirt plays a musical instrument with a band in front of a crowd of people. Sentence2 The man in a brown shirt is juggling in front of a crowd of people.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_473,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Four people are sitting on blue and green couches, while a fifth man sitting aside looks on, underneath a sprawling red tree. Sentence2 A group of people is meeting up.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_116,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A group of guys working together to build something. Sentence2 There are guys.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_23,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A man in uniform waves and smiles at camera Sentence2 A man is guesturing",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_54,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A motorcyclist navigates a forest trail. Sentence2 A motorcyclist navigates down a trail.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_271,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A man working on an old building in an alley hung with red, green and white flags. Sentence2 A man eating on break.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_514,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Two men are competing in a track and field event involving hurdles. Sentence2 Two men are nearly tied as they run the hurdle relay in a track and field event.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_358,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A man is standing next to a tractor. Sentence2 A man is driving a small car.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_554,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 An elderly man walks along a street. Sentence2 A man escapes from a nursing home.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_628,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A hockey player looks intently downward. Sentence2 A tall hockey player looks intently downward.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_363,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Baseball catcher trying to tag out a player from the opposite team that is sliding into home base. Sentence2 The men are playing volleyball.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_172,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 The handle on the mug is small and would be difficult to hold with large hands. Sentence2 The mug is inconvenient",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_383,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A woman is holding a child. Sentence2 The woman dropped the child.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_74,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A brown dog runs through the grass. Sentence2 The dog is outside.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_521,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A young man is standing outside wearing a black denim jacket. Sentence2 A young man is waiting for a ride.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_632,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 An audience listens to a band play as colorful lights light the scene. Sentence2 An audience is at the opera.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_264,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A young lady with brown hair is reading a compass while the man next to her points to a paper. Sentence2 The lady is napping next to the man.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_206,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Four people standing in front of the house with some Meijer bags sitting on a table in front of one of the women. Sentence2 There is a group of people next to a house.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_471,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A gentleman wearing a hat and a blue button-up shirt is painting a city scene outside on a sunny day. Sentence2 A man wearing nice clothes is enjoying the weather outside.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_2,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A couple sits on a slanting tree trunk and poses for the camera. Sentence2 A couple is outdoors.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_117,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Golf practice, by a single man, on a sunny day. Sentence2 It's a pleasant day outdoors.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_275,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A man stands proudly at the side of his green and blue boat. Sentence2 A girl is waterskiing.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_607,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Young men race each other in a marathon. Sentence2 People are competing in an Olympic marathon.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_694,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A girl in a blue tank top is sitting at a table with a red laptop computer sitting on it. Sentence2 they were married",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_59,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A plane flies over a large cruise ship. Sentence2 A plane is flying.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_429,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Eight female dancers in brightly colored dresses on a purple floor, patterned with interlocking rings, look up at the stage lights. Sentence2 man cooks steak",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_566,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A man wearing suspenders performs a split in midair. Sentence2 A man in the circus performs the splits.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_180,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A surfer in black attempts a 180 turn against a cascading wave with a white surfboard. Sentence2 The surfer in black does a turn on a wave.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_334,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A man playing a guitar while a couple is listening and watching another man dancing to the music. Sentence2 The man playing the guitar is standing by himself in a dark room.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_385,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A man in a red hat is sitting on the floor making a craft. Sentence2 A man in a red hat is standing on a chair.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_10,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A gymnast on a bar upside down. Sentence2 A gymnast is using the equipment.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_585,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A young woman walking by a rolling door. Sentence2 The young woman works at the building with the rolling doors.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_541,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 The old man wearing a green jacket is riding his bike. Sentence2 An old man preparing to jump his bike.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_446,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Three people are riding around on ATV's and motorcycles. Sentence2 the child was 18 years old",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_17,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A blue boat with a yellow canopy is floating on calm waters. Sentence2 The blue boat is in the water.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_330,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Two boys are jumping into a pool. Sentence2 Two boys are inside sleeping.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_110,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A man reads a newspaper while sitting on a wooden bench. Sentence2 A person is sitting down.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_261,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Two people in strange outfits sleep on a bed. Sentence2 Two kids are sleep in the car.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_634,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A blond woman is opening a present with a surprised look while other women around her are sitting with concerned faces. Sentence2 The present was opened in the presence of her friends.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_386,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 The basketball player wearing the white outfit and orange sneakers is doing a lay up. Sentence2 The basketball player, wearing a blue outfit and white sneakers, is kicking the basketball.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_336,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Two adults on cellphones downtown. Sentence2 Two people are play basketball.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_210,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Oklahoma University's Sooners football team playing against a rival. Sentence2 Their is a football game going on.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_160,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A man in a green polo plays guitar in front of a window. Sentence2 The musician is practicing",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_563,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 The bat looks worn. Sentence2 The bat was signed by a MLB player.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_584,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A lady looking an information board. Sentence2 A woman looks up local job listings",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_428,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Plastic cup by his side, a portly bearded man wearing black shorts, black fedora, and plum-colored short-sleeved polo, rests on a portable folding chair on a grassy slope, reading a magazine and sporting earbuds. Sentence2 A man is indoors watching TV.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_670,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 The baseball pitcher is looking towards home plate. Sentence2 The pitcher is left handed.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_390,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A man of the street taking a nap resting his head on a rock. While Sentence2 A wealthy man is sleeping in his king sized bed.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_289,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Young girl playing softball with white house in background Sentence2 the female was in the basement",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_215,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Three young students sitting at tables in the library working on homework. Sentence2 The students watch a baseball game.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_516,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A group of people, who look like tourists, standing around a city about to cross the street. Sentence2 A school group takes a tour of the nearby city.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_285,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Three girls in black suits are waiting for their turn to do gymnastics. Sentence2 Girls waiting to jump in gymnastics to break their bones",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_171,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A dog leaps away with a ball in its mouth. Sentence2 A dog leaps",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_0,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 An adorable little boy plays in the dirt while lying on a brick divider. Sentence2 A child plays on the ground.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_207,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A surfer rides inside the barrel of a breaking wave. Sentence2 A person surfs inside a wave.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_520,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 One girl is playing a violin, while another girl is playing the piano, and older lady is in the background with her eyes closed. Sentence2 An older lady has fallen asleep as her grandchildren play music for her.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_293,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A bald man wearing a blue shirt eating. Sentence2 A man is singing.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_517,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 One boy hoists another boy up on his back. Sentence2 A boy is giving another boy a piggyback ride.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_107,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A man is on the ground beside a blue vehicle with it's tire removed. Sentence2 A man is on the ground be a vehicle.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_690,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 An african-american women wearing a striped scarf on her head is in the foreground of a busy market scene which includes a bearded man wearing a blue turban and a young lady wearing a braided headband. Sentence2 The woman is looking for vegetables for the stew she is making for supper.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_162,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A man wearing dark clothing is talk to a young boy while they are walking down the sidewalk. Sentence2 A man with dark clothes in talking to a young boy.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_325,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Children play in an inflatable pool. Sentence2 Children are reading books in the classroom.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_220,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A brave person rides their quad in the desert. Sentence2 A person walks threw the sand.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_343,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A woman wearing a red coat with a black headscarf stands against a wall. Sentence2 A man wearing a blue jacket and a green hat is running.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_465,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Several bicyclists are riding though a wooded area. Sentence2 Bicyclists riding their bikes in a race.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_643,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A man scales a steep rock face as people look on from below. Sentence2 The man is an architect.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_297,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Two dogs are playing together outside. Sentence2 Cats are playing outside",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_125,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A child running in the grass. Sentence2 A child running outside.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_161,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A young girl is sitting at a table writing. Sentence2 A girl is holding a writing instrument in one of her hands.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_148,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A man in summer wear draws an intricate painting on an asphalt lot. Sentence2 The man is painting outside on the ground.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_136,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Kids scale a wall as two other people watch. Sentence2 A kid scales a wall as some people watch.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_100,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 One woman is being carried behind three people who are walking on path. Sentence2 Three people are walking on a path with a woman being carried behind",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_351,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A businessman gets his shoes shined in the city. Sentence2 A business man steps in a mud puddle in the city.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_439,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A woman in purple walking past with a white bag in her hand, while an older man and woman are off to the side. Sentence2 The woman pushed the elderly couple out of the way.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_353,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 The man is working hard to use the saw to cut the logs. Sentence2 A saw is being used.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_382,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A muddy golden dog running in grass Sentence2 the boys were angry",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_611,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A child is standing on a footstool in a kitchen at the kitchen counter. Sentence2 The child is helping someone cook.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_494,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A group of students and professors are assembling inflatable red stars. Sentence2 The students and professors are decorating the gym.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_573,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 People are gathered around tables in a restaurant. Sentence2 The people are at a banquet.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_508,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A basketball player holding a ball with Miami 5 on his shirt. Sentence2 A person is playing basketball on a team.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_204,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Two dogs play tug-of-war with a disc, in knee-high water. Sentence2 There are two animals with wet legs who are playing with each other.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_254,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 two teams playing rugby together Sentence2 Two men are dancing.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_426,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A man operates a drill while working on the window of a building. Sentence2 a man gluing wood",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_484,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Two soccer players walk on the soccer field. Sentence2 The soccor field had players on it,",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_503,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Skilled worker in plaid shirt works with welder. Sentence2 The worker is repairing something.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_534,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A person in a yellow raincoat is sitting on the edge of a rock looking down Sentence2 The person is feeling really down so they are wearing a raincoat because they feel so bad it should be raining all of the time.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_320,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 The ball carrier is being tackled by a group of opposing players. Sentence2 there is no sports team playing.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_57,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A group of people wearing white, orange and yellow outfits pose for a picture with a burning effigy in the background. Sentence2 A group of people wear colorful outfits.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1 019_438,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Two men in red shirts appear to be walking on the exterior walls of a decorative building. Sentence2 A group of people are inside of the building.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_376,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A black puppy chewing on an adult brown dog. Sentence2 A white kitten swipes at an adult orange cat.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,2 019_685,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 Two young girls dressed in winter clothes play in a mound of snow. Sentence2 Two sad girls dressed in winter clothes play in a mound of snow.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,3 019_142,Determine the relationship. between sentences 1&2. Choose from: (1) Entailment (2) Contradiction (3) Neutral. Return the answer in N format.," Sentence1 A child brushes a play crocodiles teeth. Sentence2 The child is playing with a toy.",1) Entailment,2) Contradiction,3) Neutral,1