--- license: mit configs: - config_name: default data_files: - split: train path: data/train-* - split: validation path: data/validation-* - split: test path: data/test-* dataset_info: features: - name: premise dtype: string - name: target dtype: string - name: stance dtype: int64 - name: hypothesis dtype: string - name: label dtype: int64 splits: - name: train num_bytes: 869570 num_examples: 1935 - name: validation num_bytes: 288178 num_examples: 645 - name: test num_bytes: 293856 num_examples: 645 download_size: 464770 dataset_size: 1451604 --- This dataset contains quote tweets that have been hand labeled for stance towards a politician. Quote tweets are a particularly challenging classification task because they contain multiple (often contradictory) expressions from multiple authors. Twitter handles from politicians in the dataset have been replaced by their name. Be aware that "rt @realdonaldtrump You're a liar!" has been replaced with "rt trump You're a liar!", And means the author is retweeting Trump calling someone else a liar, not the author calling Trump a liar. Stance: -1: Against: The document is critical of the target. 0: Neutral: The document doesn't express an opinion about the target or it can't be determined what the expressed opinion is with the given context. 1: Support: The document expresses support for the target. Expressing collaboration on bills or letters is considered support. Label: 0: Entail 1: Not Entail The test set contains 645 documents, ~400 of which are were randomly sampled from the entire data set and the rest are about 6 politicians not included in the training or validation data. These politicians are: - Ted Cruz - Hakeem Jeffries - Madison Cawthorn - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - Mitt Romney - Kyrsten Sinema