THE BICYCLE THIEF Ricci? Is Ricci there? Are you deaf? Come on! Get a move on. And because I'm a bricklayer I should die of hunger? What do you want from me? Just be patient. We'll see what we can do. We'll try to find something. - Ricci, you'll hang posters. - Posters? Go to the employment office. They'll give you a work permit. My God, a job! Hey, what about us? I've got two jobs, but they're not for you. Because it's not for me I must continue to rot? There's just no work for you people! Ricci, don't forget to take your bicycle. You need one. It's written on the slip. A bicycle? I have one, only it's broken. I can get it in a couple of days. Well, they won't take you then. Why not? I'll walk for a while. Do you have it or not? If not, somebody else'll get the job. I have a bicycle! You're not the only one! I do too. You're a bricklayer. That's a different category. - Then change it! - I can't. Ricci, either you have a bicycle or not. I have it. I'll pick it up now. Remember: If you don't have a bicycle, nothing doing. I'm not going to wait around another year. Don't worry. I'll have the bicycle. Maria! What is it? My rotten luck, that's what. I found a job and I can't take it. What are you talking about? Stop, Antonio. Tell me. And a good city job too. All right. We'll take care of that, Antonio. Take care of what? I need my bicycle. I must be there this morning... or I lose the job. What can I do? Did you have to hock your bicycle? What would you have eaten? I've been cursed since the day I was born! I feel like a man in chains. Get up! - What are you doing? - You can sleep without sheets, no? They're all sheets, six of them. They're linen and cotton. Real good stuff. Belonged to my dowry. They're used. Not all of them. Two are new. - How many pieces? - Six. Three doubles, three singles. - 7,000. - 7,000. Couldn't you make it a bit more? They're used. They're used. All right, take them away. 7,500. Name? Maria Ricci. Valmelaina. It's for a bicycle. - 6,500. - Why? Interest. It's the 31st. A Fides. Next to the red one. I know, I know. Wait a second. Where's the man in charge? Over there. Put it down. What's the matter? Are you afraid? Put that bicycle down. My name is Ricci. The employment office at Valmelaina sent me. You'll start tomorrow morning. Go to the storeroom. They'll give you what you need. Tomorrow at 6:45. - How did it go? - Good. You had to wait, but everything is okay. There's some work for you. It's the belt of my cap. It's loose. You have to take it in. Come over here and have a look. Everyone has his own locker. See how big it is? They used to give shoes also, but the pay is still good. 6,000 plus an allowance for the family. And there's the overtime! Could you stop at Via della Paglia? - What for? - I have to pay someone a visit. It's up there. Who lives here? I told you. I'll only be a minute. Hurry up! - It's mine! - No, it's mine! Hello! Is anybody here? Excuse me. Does the Santona live here? Santona? Yes, the one that sees. I don't know. Let's try the first floor. - Is the Santona here? - Yes, last door. Could you watch it for a while? How is he? He's been sick over a year. Last door. How long has he been in bed? Almost a year. You could have brought him to me! This one yes and this one no. Dear God, bless me with light. Your son will be out of bed before the first leaf falls. What do you mean "before the first leaf falls"? Your son will be up by autumn. Maria, let's go. - What are you doing here? - I owe her 50 lire. Come on, don't be stupid. She predicted you would get a job. You did. - I want to do my duty. - I'll tell her what I think! How can a woman with two children and a head on her shoulders... think about such nonsense, such stupidity? What are you doing now? You must have money to throw away. I don't know what got into your head. Some woman! Couldn't you spend it better? Better? I'm grateful. Because she's the one that got me the job? Let's go. Let's go home, dumb-dumb. Hurry up, Bruno. It's almost 6:30. I can't clean it good because it's still dark. Daddy, did you see what they've done? It's dented. Maybe it was there. No, it wasn't. This is where it got hit. Who knows how they take care of them. They don't pay for the repairs! - Shut up. - I'll shut up, but I... would have told them. Is my cap ready? - Something good? - Omelet. - Handsome? - Boy, you look like a cop! Stop it! You're hurting me! Will you behave? Stop it. You'll wake the baby. Here's the omelet. Let's go. Bye, Bruno. See you tonight at 7:00. Wait for me here. Good day. First, you give it a coat of glue... like this. Then you put the poster over it like this. Then you attach the poster like this... to flatten the poster and to smooth out the lumps. Got it? Shut up, kid! Because if you leave any lumps... the inspector will see them and he'll fine you. Got it? See, Ricci... to do this job, you've got to be very intelligent. You must have a good eye and work fast. Here, it's done. Let's go. I'll see you, Ricci. So long. - Thief! Thief! - What happened? Get in! Get in! Go after him! Quick! Go into the tunnel! I saw him! Faster! What is it? I was mistaken. I was so sure he went this way. It turned out to be another fellow. Yes, there were people around. Then I started to run. Come over to the meeting. But Capece's going. Everything's changed. Capece stays, and you're going. Sign this. Quadrone! We have to go to the meeting. You'll look for it? Look for it yourself. I can't look all over Rome. You're the only one who knows it. I gave you the description and the license plate. Sure. It'll take me the whole mobile unit to look for it. What's the use of my complaint, then? Suppose you find it tomorrow in a pawn shop. You can call a policeman, you're on file. Anything, Captain? Nothing. Just a bicycle. - Then it's up to me? - I've already told you. You've filed a complaint. There's nothing more I can say. Daddy, it's 7:30. I came by bus. Let's go. And the bicycle? Is it broken? Yes, it's broken. You go inside. I'll be back later. It's not a question of not working. The point is that people are not placed. We have talked about it to the Department of Labor. Nothing is resolved with the subsidy. The welfare check humiliates the worker... and doesn't help things get any better. We need a sociologically-oriented program. At the meeting, they said the same thing: "We can't do miracles." Will you keep quiet? "You can be sure... that we'll do our best to get you jobs..." I've got to speak with you. They stole my bicycle. Really? Where did they steal it? At the Florida as I was starting work. - How could you... - You've got to help me, Baiocco. I have to find that bicycle. I'll help you. Excuse me, Baiocco, listen. We'll be here all night. I'm listening. Silence, everyone! Keep rehearsing! I'm coming. They'll sell it at Piazza Vittorio. They unload their stuff there as soon as it's stolen. They won't waste any time. We'll go first thing tomorrow. Is it true? I avoided going home, so don't start crying here. I'm not crying. But when you hear such news... Did you do something? Did you look for it? Don't cry. You look like a baby. We'll find it. It'll turn up in the market. We'll examine every bicycle in sight. We'll bring it back. Right, Antonio? Tonight you may not sleep too well... but tomorrow the bike'll be back. Don't worry. Ah, no! You can't meet here! Go back or I take my group out. - Tomorrow, then. - Good night. And please... don't worry. Give her a little gas. We'll never leave this place. Get that pushcart out of the way! Meniconi and Bagonghi, come over here. What make was it? A Fides. Frame number: 12033. He knows it better than I do. Good... so we can divide up the work. Stolen bikes are always taken apart. Bagonghi, let's go this way. No, let's go this way. It's better here. You two look only for the tires. You, the frames. Bruno, the pump and the bell. Let's go. A Fides frame. We'll look for it piece by piece, then we'll put it together. There's only vegetables here. We're not looking for that. Remember: Don't let on why we're here. Look how many there are! Isn't this something? The place is loaded with bicycles. Remember, Bruno, pump and bell. That's all. And if you see something, whistle. Bruno, if we find it, we'll celebrate. Wake up, Bagonghi! A Fides. Hey, you want to buy or touch? Let me work, and get off my back! You really got it cozy! Leave me alone. I'm poison this morning! Just stop it and get lost! It's useless to stick together. Antonio, you look for the tires. Bagonghi for the frame, the kid for the pump. I'm going on my own. Take a look at this frame. Well? - What make is it? - You're buying? Don't touch. It's just painted. What's the serial number? Why? You're collecting serial numbers? No, he's not. Just show him the frame number. - What if I don't? - Then I'll call a cop. Go ahead! Call one! You think it's stolen stuff? Who says it is? You must show the number when you're asked to. Do I ask for the size of your shoes? No! So I won't show you my number! - You play the lottery? - No, I don't. Don't you want a bell? You've been here half an hour just looking. How much does this bell cost? 150 lire. He has to show you the number. Show him that frame. Go ahead, look! A man can't even work in peace! Don't you trust me either? 12024. Is it yours? Here. You got paint on you. Listen, a man who's been robbed has the right to look. You see it's my bicycle. We all make mistakes. Hey, friend! Here we're all honest. Come on. Remember, a Fides. - Where is my son? - Must be near the carts. There's nothing more here. It's difficult. Difficult. Want something else? I told you to stay close to me. Come on, let's go. Antonio, he'll go with you. We'll stay here. You never know. I say it's better here. It's too late for the other market. Come on. Take him to the Porta Portese. Can't win. Every Sunday it rains! Sundays I'm through at 1:00. And where can you go? Movies bore me. I'm stuck at home. Look at him! You stupid jerk! I ought to run him over. They get under your car, you don't even know it. Look at how it's pouring. It's hopeless. Every Sunday, it rains. - What happened? - I fell down! Here, use this. 100 lire? That's all I get? That's your split. You're lucky to get that much. It's the thief! Stop him! Thief! Thief! We have to find that old man! There, Daddy! There he is! Damn it! Where did he go? Come back, Bruno! I found him! Come on! Excuse me. I want to ask you something. That young fellow... where can I find him? - What fellow? - The one on the bicycle. He did something wrong? No, nothing. It's a personal matter. It's nothing urgent. What can I do? I don't know him. You were together under the arch! Lots of people stand together. Wait a second! I must talk to him, understand? Where did he go? Please! I'm an old man. Leave me alone! I mind my own business. I bother nobody. And what do I get? Trouble. Again? You're supposed to be here before 10:00. Isn't the mission always open? Come, you must get ready. - And the soup? - I see you have no mess kit. All you newcomers must bring your mess kits out into the yard. All right. Come, come now, let's line up quickly. Let's try to keep some order here. Need a barber? Then go inside. Almost finished, counselor? Almost. Just these two... No, not me. We can begin, then. Don't shave the chin. Just the sides. I'm growing a beard. Please hurry, counselor! Everyone's waiting. Some job for a lawyer! Will you let me in? Listen, I must find that young man. I must talk to him. Will you tell me where I can find him? Listen, I don't even know the boy you're talking about. Why don't you leave me alone. Page six. "O my Lord, we your poor souls yearn for sanctity. We embrace the trials of our lives... - and tread the path of sorrow..." - He'll profit by it. It involves some money. Where is he? I'm not obliged to tell you. Talk, or I'll get the police. What have I done to you? Leave me alone. Don't bother me. "Send us, o Lord, guidance from within..." I'm sure he'll be grateful. Just tell me. What can you lose? I don't expect this for nothing. I'll pay you. - What do we get to eat today? - Pasta and potatoes. So... will you tell me? Jail is worse. You'll rot there. - Where is he? - All right. Via della Campanella. What number? I think it's 15. - You're coming with me. - Me? I won't go. Either you come with me... or I take you to the police! Silence! Silence! Talking is disgraceful during services. Are you coming? Yes or no? Leave me alone. I'm nothing but an old man. What can you lose? - I'm losing my patience! - Lose whatever you like. For the last time, will you go? What do you want? I'm not leaving this place! You're going with me, you hear! I'm not mixed up with anybody. Leave me alone. I've got nothing to do with him. Come on, let's go! Let me have the soup first, at least. I'll go with you. I sat through the service, I'm entitled to the soup. - Where are you going? - To get the soup. Ladies, did you see an old man? Please attend the service. It's too early. Wait! What do you want? - I want to get out! - The door's closed. You can't get out. The lawyer has the key. Stop making so much noise! You're in a church! You're disturbing the service. It's better if you just leave. I have to find him! Did you come for Mass or to make trouble? I'm looking for an old man who was here! I've got to find him! You'll find him after Mass! See, he was here! Who knows where he's gone. He didn't just fly away. Why did you let him go for the soup? Shut up! Where are you going? Come on, Bruno. Come back here. Let's go! Some kid I have. Come on, Bruno! Why did you hit me? Because you got on my nerves. Let's go. Why'd you hit me like that? Will you come on! You act like a father-in-law. Big mouth! I'm going to tell Mama. In a second you'll have more to tell her. Wait for me by the bridge. Just stay there. I'll look for the old man. Help! A boy's drowning! Bruno, put on your jacket. Tired? Sit for a minute. There isn't much we can do now. We'll go home. "Hurray For Modena." Think Modena will win today? Are you hungry? Would you like a pizza? Let's go. Why should I kill myself worrying when I'll end up just as dead? Come on. Let's get something to eat. Let's forget everything. We'll get drunk! Half a bottle? - A whole bottle and a pizza. - No pizzas in this restaurant. This is not a pizzeria. Give us something else. You want mozzarella on bread? Two mozzarellas and a full bottle. We'll drink wine with our meal, but leave room for dessert, okay? What's the matter? Drink. If Mama could see us! We can do anything we want, because we're both men. We'll eat and be happy for now. There's a cure for everything... except death. To eat like them, you have to... earn at least a million a month. Eat, eat. Don't worry. You like it? To think, if I had my bicycle... how much I'd earn. We could live again. I figured... I'll show you. 12,000 a month to start. Write it all down. 12,000... 2,000 overtime... plus the family allowance... which is 800 a day. 30 times 800 makes... Add it all up. Who could want more? Am I to lose it, lose it after one day? I don't want to lose it. See why we must find it? Otherwise, we don't eat. What can we do? We'll find it. We'll go every day to the Porta Portese. They've already slipped away. Your mother and her prayers can't help us. Nobody can but the saints. ...and the following soccer games will take place as scheduled. Last door. She knows everything. Put your faith in her power. I only hope you're right. Easy, easy. This one yes and this one no. You must plant your seeds in another field. Do you understand what I mean? I don't understand. It's simple, my boy. What good is planting seeds... if the soil rejects them? You plant and don't gather. Understand? I haven't understood a word. She doesn't love you! Forget her! Dear boy, you're very ugly. Yes, ugly. There are so many other women. Go and plow a new field. Mama, the tea's getting cold. - Good day. - Good day. Daddy, here! Look, come on! Excuse me, we've all been waiting here for hours. Wait your turn. - Please, it's very important. - I'm in a hurry too, and I came first. Please understand, I beg of you. It's good. Look here, the lady is first, and then me. I shed my light on all. This one yes... this one no. Dear God, send me your light. What's wrong, my son? They stole what? - My bicycle. - Your bicycle? What can I tell you, my son? The Blessed Lord sends his light from above. Now listen carefully: Unless you find it this morning, you won't see it at all. Either you find it now or you never will. So, look. Now? But where? There's no more to say. Try to understand me. Find it now or not at all. It's that simple. What happened today, Adele? My husband's still drunk. It's your cross to bear. Stop giving him money. What can I do? He takes it. We're closed! The ladies are having breakfast! Where are you going? And with a kid too! You can't go upstairs. It's closed! You can't go upstairs! It's not time! When it's closed, it's closed for everybody! No one is allowed in the dining room! I must talk to him. Me? Go ahead. That's the dining room. You can't stay! Get out! Maria, stop shouting. I've got a headache. Throw him out. Give me my bicycle back! Come out in the street with me! This is the first house of Rome. If the Captain finds out... Give me back what you stole from me. What did I steal? The bicycle! What bicycle? I'm no thief. Leave me alone or you'll have trouble! I'll kill you if you don't give it back! Give it back! You hear me? Look at him! He's crazy! Leave me alone. Get your hands off me! I didn't do anything to you. I won't move from here until you give it back. You stole it at the Florida! I wasn't even there! You were there yesterday wearing that German hat! Get a pair of glasses. You can't accuse people like that! You're not getting away with it, understand? Alfredo! What is it? Lay off! Yesterday I was at the fruit market. Excuse me. This man here stole your bicycle? Yes, and I want it back. You're sure it was this man? I'm absolutely sure! Where was it stolen? - At the Florida. - If you're so sure, get the police. No, you're not leaving! Don't touch me! Get him away from me! You've been accusing a man and you're not sure. Why don't you go? Alfredo! He's trying to kill him! Put his head down! I think you better go! And next time, be sure! You know you could be sued for libel? Get him out! He's a murderer! My God, look at my son! Alfredo, my son! Blessed soul of your mother! You already lost your bike, stupid! Want to lose your wallet too? Stay back! You're all alike! You're thieves! - Are you crazy? - No, just trying to cool him off! Where is the bicycle fellow? There he is, putting on a show. Look how scared he is. He's more dead than alive. I said I've nothing to hide. You can't accuse my son! He has a clean record! Everybody knows it! Just because he wears a German cap. I should be arrested then, too. - Come on, get up. - He can't be moved! Let him rest awhile. He's very sick, Officer. Well, show me your house. We're honest people. You can look. I'd sue you for slander. Don't pick on him. He wouldn't hurt a fly. One room we live in. Look for your bicycle. Here's his bed. You see there's plenty of room to hide a bicycle. My daughter, another kid and I sleep here. Instead of insults, you should give my poor boy a job. Bless his soul. They're my brother-in-law's car tires. He used to have a car. Look! Look everywhere. Are there any witnesses? I'll testify myself. Could you wait outside? Take as long as you want. What do I care? Are you sure it's him? You're not mistaken? He's the man. Come here. Look at them. All those people will testify for him. You're sure you saw his face? Yes, as he was making off with it. - You saw the back of his head? - No. His face I remember. Really. - Were there people who saw it? - Yes. Did you get the names of any witnesses? I couldn't stop to take their names. Then you're out of luck. You hardly saw his face, and you have no witnesses. You may be right, but you have no proof. And suppose he's innocent. Then you're in trouble. With these characters, you have to find the stolen goods right on them. If I don't get it back, I'll break his head. Then I'd have to arrest you. If you only knew what this means to me. I have nothing to hide. Satisfied? What did he find? Nothing! I've got a clean record. What's your name? Want to press charges? He's got a clean record. Remember to send us a postcard! Don't forget: Stay out of the Via Panico! Don't ever come around here again! Here, take the streetcar. Wait at Monte Sacro. You heard me. Go on! Help! He's got my bicycle! Thief! Stop him! Catch him! Here! I'll teach you to steal bicycles! Criminal! Scoundrel! - Where to? - To the police station. Wait, let him go. You're not filing a complaint? I don't want the bother. The man has enough trouble. A fine example you set for your son. You're lucky you got off easy. If it had been me, you'd be in jail. Be thankful the man didn't have you arrested. And you can thank God. Presented by the West Bengal Government Based on the novel by Bibhutibhushan Banerji PATHER PANCHALI Horihor, the father: Kanu Banerji Shorbojoya, the mother: Karuna Banerji Durga, the daughter: Uma Das Gupta Apu, the son: Subir Banerji Auntie Indira: Chunibala Photography by Subrata Mitra Music by Ravi Shankar Script and direction by Satyajit Ray Who is that? That child! We won't have any fruit left. Auntie. The orchard is private property, bought and paid for. It will have to be fenced in if we're to save any fruit. There are so many thieves about. That wretched girl of Hori's. She's always taking our fruit. You have to keep your eyes peeled for her. I just saw her taking a guava and who knows what else? - Tell her off. - What's the use? She'll take no notice of me, she's not my daughter. It doesn't matter what we say, it's up to her mother. The mother will be shocked when she's shamed before the village. That child is being badly brought up. Can I help? - It's too heavy for you. - I can manage. Did I forget you, Durga? Wait. Come here. She's doing no harm, let her stay. Why should she watch you eat? Run along to your mother, dear. Did you take something from Mrs. Mukherji's garden? What are you hiding? Take them back to her. Then come back and sweep the yard. You're spoiling Durga. - I don't understand. You eat the fruit. The fruit Durga brings you. You should know better, shouldn't you? You think you can do as you please, living with us. - I know you. - What do you mean? You know. Don't you take things from the kitchen? Oil, salt, chillies. Shall I look in your box? Lost your tongue? It's got to stop. Maybe you'd better go somewhere else I've stood it for eight years, my patience is exhausted. You spoil my daughter and I get the blame for it. It's too much in my old age. Where are you going? Auntie. Leave her alone, Durga. Did you hear me? What else did I tell you to do? - Where have you been, Auntie Indir? - I was staying with Raghu. Then this morning I heard that Hori has... On my way I found this child coming to fetch me. So we met. Go and see your lovely new nephew. Let me see his face properly. What a little darling. What are you cooking? Pilau, korma... fine dishes. One day you shall cook them, or have you forgotten how? I've forgotten. A pity, I thought we might celebrate our son's birth. - What about money? - I shall start work next month. Landlord Ray has promised a job, doing his accounts. Did you ask about pay? No, but I shan't slave as a rent collector for ever. The money from that job and the fees for religious ceremonies will keep the family going for now. Surely you can understand that. Lucky January: the boy was born and you got a job. That's why I think we should spend a little and celebrate his birth in style. It's good for our prestige, and people will praise your cooking. - Will you be paid regularly? - Why not? Ray is a good man. You're no judge of that, you've always been cheated. What do you mean? What about our garden? They said my brother owed them money when he was alive. The garden paid off the debt. If we had the orchard now we wouldn't go hungry. You should hear what they say when Durga takes a few guavas. What do such people matter? I am a scholar. Who cares about that here? Listen to what I have in mind. I am going to write original plays and poems. I'll soon be in great demand. The travelling players need new material. Most writers are merely rehashing old stories. If their stuff is popular shouldn't my stuff be even more popular? Of course. And as a scholar you'll be respected in the village. And you will teach the boy. It's not long to the festival. A good match will be found for Durga. We'll have two good meals a day and new clothes twice a year. That's how it will be, my ancestors were writers, after all. I keep alive the family tradition. In two years we'll be living in comfort, free of debt. The house will be repaired... and no more spinach every day. Wake up, Apu, it's time to go to school. Durga, wake Apu I can't make him stir. There's not much milk, do you feed the cow properly? How many more times must you moisten your duster? Sit down! - What do you want? - Puffed rice, please. Hand over the money, then. You've netted a fine catch. How many pupils now? The new boy makes nine. The nine gems. What are you laughing at? Go on like that and you'll end up behind a plough. - You were saying, sir? - Have you seen any good plays? I did see one company. Gupe, what are you doing? The next village has booked a very good company I'll thrash you. They thought they'd be one up on us, but they reckoned without me I've booked the finest company anyone's ever seen. May I have some of your oil? I've not put you down for a contribution but I'm sure you won't forget my needs. Don't forget your friend Boidyonath. Wait, Mr. Chakrabarti. The drummer of the company sounds like thunder. Sude, come here and bring your slate with you. Bring me his slate. So this is what you've been up to. Hold out your hand. What are you doing? - What are you doing in the kitchen? - Nothing. Nothing? Didn't I see you take something? I have no chillies, so I thought I'd take a couple. Why didn't you ask? Durga, come and help me when you are free. Girls of your age should help about the house, cooking, washing up performing religious rites. Is it right to skylark about all day? You must learn to cook, mustn't you? Are you feverish again today? Remember to drink your herbal tincture. - I'm hungry. - Haven't you had your puffed rice? There is rice for you in the bowl ask Durga to give you some. Help me up. My back is stiff. - How are you these days? - Who cares about an old woman? Just look at this. - It's my shawl for the evenings. - I'll buy you a new one soon. Can I have a light? We can't afford so much tobacco. Did you ask for your pay today? Landlord Ray has his own troubles. I might risk my job if I ask now. There must be other jobs in the town. You haven't been paid for three months. It's the first time. You're happy to let things slide. Durga has not been well, she needs medicine and better food. Apu needs new clothes, he's going to school in rags. The house needs repairing, debts must be repaid. We owe Mrs. Mukherji five rupees, she'll press for repayment. You must do something. You won't tell mother? She'll hear you. The sweet-seller. Halva, fudge, coconut cakes. Ask father for money. You ask. Is he asking for money? Don't pander to him. None today? Let's follow him to the others. Let me see what you've got. Coming to play with us, Durga? Coming? If not, go home, I'll be back soon. Like a sweet, Durga? Don't give them any. If they want sweets, they should buy their own. Tunu, come and play. What lovely beads. - Who gave them to you? - Father. Let me help you. What have things come to, when an old woman has to patch her shawl? Durga, come here. You know it's time to do your hair. - Can you plait four strands? - Don't move your head. Ranu can. What dry hair, and we have no oil. Never mind four-stranded plaits. Some people are coming to see if Ranu is a suitable bride. Who are they? Ever seen a train? Don't lie. Do you know where the railway line is? Over the big meadow, beyond the rice fields. Let's go there. Now write the word... wealth. Were you good at school? You're so tiny, do the other boys tease you? I'm not surprised he's left it. He gets nothing but rice, but what else can I afford? Wash your face. Where's Durga? Shall I fetch her toy-box? She's not well brought up. What has happened? Durga has stolen Tunu's beads. Don't look astonished, she is an accomplished thief. Her father bought the beads in town. Tunu showed Durga. This morning the beads had vanished. Durga hasn't been back, anyway, are you sure she took them? Are you suggesting we've invented it? - The string could have broken. - It didn't. We've searched everywhere. Did you take Tunu's beads? Didn't you? She's a liar. Where do you suppose she got that fruit? What's the matter? What's going on? The garden isn't ours, it's wrong to take the fruit. But how can you accuse her of stealing something bought for money? She's a child. Fruit has no name on it. The rupees I lent you had no name on had they? When will you pay them back? I can't wait forever. When you find the beads I hope you'll return them. Our fruit disappears. I complain and the mother says: Suppose the children take it, fruit has no name on it. Like mother, like daughter: a pair of thieves. Come here. Tell Durga to come in for her meal. Then came an ogress, hobble, cackle, gobble. "I smell humans! Who is awake in my temple?" Iue Lotus Prince kept guard while Red Lotus Prince slept. And at midnight the ogress came once more. Hobble, cackle, gobble. "Who is awake in my temple?" Father's home. Give mother the fish. Put it down. Come here, I have lots to tell you. No matter what people say landlord Ray is a good man. My three months' wages. First I will say evening prayers, then I have much to tell you. Today I met a rich farmer. I don't know him but he greeted me and said my father knew him. He said my father officiated as a priest in his household. Now he wants me to perform the same duties. They're having a religious ceremony next month. He wants me to baptise them. - They are rich. - Have you agreed? If I agree straight away, they'll think we are starving. Accept at once. The trouble is that some people will criticize if they know. Who will know? You might talk, you know what women are like I have better things to do with my time. Don't be upset. The client won't run away. I mustn't seem over-eager, he can wait until after the festival. We'll manage on my wages until then. The children need new clothes and Auntie needs a shawl. We owe Mrs. Mukherji five rupees. We'll have to pay all that out of the wages. And the repairs? We have survived the monsoon. The repairs must wait, but I'll get estimates. Something must be done to the kitchen. Don't worry. Kitchen, walls, roof, everything will be done. How many days to the festival? Twenty-one. Did you take Tunu's beads? - Do you know who did? - No. Go to sleep I have another idea for a play. I might be able to write it in a week. You once lived in Benares, did you have friends there? I had a few. Isn't there a place by the river where men recite from the scriptures? It's called Dasasvamedh Ghat. Let's go to Benares. Don't the orators earn lots of money? We can't go. How can we? This is my ancestral home, how can I leave it? Why not? You were away eight years before. You left me at my father's and never wrote. Then I did not know how sweet you are. Save your compliments. This is my home, too. But look at it: it's like living in the forest. At night the jackals prowl around. There are no neighbours I can talk to. You are not always here and sometimes I'm so depressed. You won't understand these things. You live in your work. Sometimes you're paid, sometimes not I had dreams, too, of all the things I would do. Those who came before are gone. I am left behind, a penniless beggar. Day draws to its close, night's mantle descends. Row me across to the other side. Hurry with the twigs, this wood is too damp to light. A new shawl, Auntie? How nice. What a lovely shawl, Auntie. Raju gave it to me, to keep me warm in the evenings. We're having a picnic, please cook something. Why is it never her turn to go and fetch things? What's the matter? What's that shawl? It's a present from Raju. A present, was it? You didn't ask? Why should I? I just remarked that the evenings were chilly, so he said... Would he feed you, too? Don't be angry. I did ask Hori for a shawl. And as he couldn't give it to you at once, you went begging. You should be ashamed. Can't an old woman have whims? Whims? Don't you realize that the children often go hungry? Are you going to dress and feed them? If you're staying here, stop begging, otherwise, go away. I can always find somewhere else to go. Fine! Take yourself off. You'd better go, you can't stay here any longer. It's lovely, your husband will enjoy your cooking. - When is the wedding? - I've forgotten. I know when. It's in two months, isn't it? - What does it feel like? - Much the same. - Tell me. - You'll find out. It won't happen to me, I just know it won't. Your mother is arranging a match, just wait and see. Raju, are you at home? - Who is it? - Your old auntie. I wonder whether you can take me in, just for a few days? Only a few days. I get no peace at the other place, nothing but nagging. Come in. Tell your mother that Auntie has come to stay. Bring her a chair and a bowl of water I've nowhere to go now I'm old, so I thought of you. Beware, King! If you utter those words again I shall cut out your tongue and throw it to the jackals and the dogs! And I shall destroy you, for the good of the world! Father, do not do it, I beseech you! Durga, go and find the calf. Please tie this on for me. Apu, let's look for Auntie. I want you to find the calf first. What's that? Who gave you the silver paper? - He's been at my toy-box. - You're too old for a toy-box now. He took my silver paper. Go and find the calf. Stupid! Dressing up as a prince. Anyone at home? Why have you come back? I'm not feeling very well. I'd like to spend my last days in the old home. What's the old home to you? The best thing you can do is leave. Just a minute. What are you waiting for? Let me rest here awhile. Sister-in-law, have you gone to sleep? Will you give me some water? Your bowl is there, help yourself. Sit down. Eat it. Where are we? What are those? Those who came before are gone I am left behind Row me across to the other side. Day draws to its close, night's mantle descends. Will you be away for long? About a week. I'll call at Bistupar on the way back. It's a good market town, something may turn up there. Look, there's father. Ask him for some money. Put the cat down and go and buy some molasses. Apu wants rice pudding, he's been asking for it for days. A letter! Give it to me I arrived here yesterday. The rich farmer has lost two sons so a ceremony is out of the question now. But don't worry. I'll try to earn money for the repairs and then I'll return home. Do not worry. Whatever God wills is for the best Give my love to Durga and Apu. Charity, lady. Alms, good mother. Bless you. One day you will be goddess of wealth. Why didn't you tell me? You can't go on like this, why didn't you tell me? After all, we're not strangers. Every day I hope there will be some news. It never comes. Five months now without news, without letters. Let Durga come with me, I'll give her something to tide you over. - Don't be silly. - I can't take it I feel so ashamed. A letter! No doubt you are worried because I have not written for months. Anyway, I have good news: I have been able to earn money. I shall be returning home soon. Whatever God wills is for the best. Holy Pond, Flower Garland, who prays here at noon? I, fortunate sister of my brothers. Mother Goddess, counsel me, I know not how to pray. May I live in happiness with my husband. Mother Goddess, grant me this boon. Rain, rain, go away... Any news of Hori? He says he will be back this month. Why is he away so long? Have you any sago? I can let you have some. If the fever continues to increase, apply cold compresses. No cause for alarm, just see that she doesn't get another chill. We'll go and see the train when I'm better, shall we? We'll have a good look next time Durga is worse, can you come? Sweep the yard. I'm going to look at Durga. Fetch my husband, say I asked him to come. - Is Durga asleep? - Yes. Run along, dear. Mother sends these vegetables. I'll put them here. It would fall while I was away. Couldn't it have waited? How are you? Are the children out? Where are you going now? I've brought some presents. I'd have come earlier, if I could. My luck turned at Ranaghat, at long last. See what I bought in the market there a pastry-board and rolling pin. A picture of Goddess Lakshmi, which you asked me to get. A new sari for Durga. After this last year I have no affection for the old home. I don't know what we would have done if you and your husband hadn't helped us. If we had done more, perhaps you would have stayed. It's not your fault, it's just our bad luck. Other people live here quite happily I hope you'll settle down in the new place. These fell in the storm, I thought you'd like them for the journey. How kind. It's only a few mangoes. I've done nothing for you in the past. You're really going tomorrow? Yes. Perhaps we should have told you before. Never mind. I think that leaving here is a good idea. Everyone should make a move once in a while. Staying in one place makes you mean, it's done that to me. I'd like to go away, too, I'll see what my husband says. Don't put yourself out on my account I've been confined to bed for over a month so I couldn't come to see you I'm told you're moving to Benares, is that so? Yes, we're leaving at dawn tomorrow. You're going tomorrow? Think for a moment, is this a wise decision? You are Rajkestra's son, Tarkalankar's grandson. Your family has lived here for generations. We village elders still exist. You could have asked our advice. Would that have helped? Look at the house, I haven't the means to repair it. Perhaps I should have asked for your help but how long could that last? I have been saddled with debts for fifteen years. My hopes of clearing them by selling some furniture came to nothing I wanted to be a writer, now my manuscripts are worm eaten. I hoped to educate my boy, but it was not to be. And the girl... she is at rest. Sometimes it is necessary to leave the ancestral home. In town I may earn a little reciting from the scriptures Hi. I've got an appointment with Mr. Ullman. My name is Jack Torrance. His office is the first door on the left. Thank you. -Mr. Ullman? -Yes. -I'm Jack Torrance. -Oh, come on in, Jack. -Very nice to meet you. -Nice to meet you. -This is my secretary, Susie. -Hello. -Susie, how do you do? -Any trouble finding us? No problem at all. I made the trip in 3 1/2 hours. That's very good time. Sit down a minute, Jack. Just make yourself at home. Like some coffee? If you're having some, I wouldn't mind. Thanks. -Susie. -Sure. And ask Bill Watson to join us. Yes, I will. Mom? Yeah? Do you really want to go and live in that hotel for the winter? Sure I do. It'll be lots of fun. Yeah. I guess so. Anyway, there's hardly anybody to play with around here. I know. It always takes a little time to make new friends. Yeah, I guess so. What about Tony? He's looking forward to the hotel, I bet. [IN TONY'S VOICE] No, I ain't, Mrs. Torrance. Now, come on, Tony. Don't be silly. I don't want to go there. How come you don't want to go? I just don't. Let's just wait and see. We're all going to have a real good time. Bill, I'd like you to meet Jack Torrance. How do you do, Bill? -Nice to meet you. -Pleasure to meet you. Grab a chair, Bill. Join in. Jack is going to take care of the Overlook for us this winter. I'd like you to take him around soon as we're through. Fine. Jack is a schoolteacher. Uh, formerly a schoolteacher. BILL: What line of work are you in now? I'm a writer. Teaching's been more or less a way of making ends meet. This ought to be quite a change for you. Well, I'm looking for a change. Our people in Denver recommended Jack very highly, and for once I agree with them. Let's see, where were we? I was about to explain that our season here runs from May 15th to October 30th. Then we close down completely until the following May. Do you mind if I ask why you do that? It seems to me that the skiing up here would be fantastic. It would be. The problem is the enormous cost it would be to keep the road to Sidewinder open. It's a 25-mile stretch of road. It gets 20 feet of snow during the winter. There's just no way to make it economically feasible to keep it clear. When the place was built in 1907 there was very little interest in winter sports. This site was chosen for its seclusion and scenic beauty. It's certainly got plenty of that. That's right. Did they give you any idea in Denver about what the job entails? Only in a very general way. Well the winters can be fantastically cruel. The basic idea is to cope with the very costly damage and depreciation which can occur. This consists mainly of running the boiler heating different parts of the hotel on a daily rotating basis repairing damage as it occurs and doing repairs so the elements can't get a foothold. That sounds fine to me. Physically, it's not a very demanding job. The only thing that can get a bit trying here during the winter is a tremendous sense of isolation. That just happens to be exactly what I'm looking for. I'm outlining a new writing project. Five months of peace is just what I want. That's very good, Jack. Because, for some people solitude and isolation can, of itself, become a problem. Not for me. How about your wife and son? Do you think they'll take to it? They'll love it. Great. Well, before I turn you over to Bill there's one other thing I think we should talk about. Not to sound melodramatic but it's been known to give a few people second thoughts about the job. I'm intrigued. I don't suppose they said anything in Denver about the tragedy we had up here during the winter of 1970. I don't believe they did. ULLMAN: Well.... My predecessor in this job hired a man named Charles Grady as the winter caretaker. He came up with his wife and two little girls of about 8 and 10. He had a good employment record, good references. And from what I've been told, he seemed like a completely normal individual. But at some point during the winter he must have suffered some kind of a complete mental breakdown. He ran amuck and killed his family with an ax. Stacked them neatly in a room in the west wing, and then he put both barrels of his shotgun in his mouth. The police thought that it was what the old-timers used to call cabin fever. A kind of claustrophobic reaction which can occur when people are shut in together over long periods of time. Wow. That is quite a story. Yeah, it is. It's still hard for me to believe it actually happened here. But it did. And, uh I think you can appreciate why I wanted to tell you about it. I certainly can. I also understand why your people in Denver left it for you to tell me. Obviously, some people can be put off from staying in a place where something like that happened. You can rest assured that's not going to happen with me. And as far as my wife is concerned I'm sure she'll be absolutely fascinated when I tell her. She's a confirmed ghost story and horror film addict. Tony, do you think Dad'll get the job? He already did. He's going to phone Wendy up in a few minutes to tell her. Hello. -Hi, babe. -Hi, hon. How's it going? Great. I'm at the hotel and I still have a lot to go through. I don't think I can get home before 9:00 or 10:00. Sounds like you got the job. Right. It's a beautiful place. You and Danny are going to love it. Tony, why don't you want to go to the hotel? I don't know. You do too know. Now come on, tell me. I don't want to. Please. No. Now, Tony, tell me. DOCTOR: Now, hold your eyes still so I can see. That's good. Now the other one. Good boy. Now, Danny when you were brushing your teeth do you remember if you smelled anything funny or saw any bright, flashing lights or anything at all strange? No. DOCTOR: Do you remember when you were brushing your teeth? Yes. What's the next thing you remember after you were brushing your teeth? My mom was saying, "Wake up. Wake up, Danny, wake up." Now, Danny, can you remember what you were doing just before you started brushing your teeth? Talking to Tony. Is Tony one of your animals? No. He's a little boy that lives in my mouth. Tony's his imaginary friend. DOCTOR: Oh. If you were to open your mouth now, could I see Tony? No. Why not? Because he hides. Where does he go? To my stomach. Does Tony ever tell you to do things? I don't want to talk about Tony anymore. Okay. That's fine. All right, Danny. I'm going to ask you to do me a favor and stay quietly in bed for the rest of the day. Do I have to? Yes. I'd like you to. We're going in the other room for a few minutes and talk. I'll come back and check on you. -Okay. -Bye. -Shall we go into the living room? -Yes. -Please. -Thank you. Mrs. Torrance, I don't think you have anything to worry about. I'm quite sure there's nothing physically wrong with Danny. Yeah? Oh. He seems absolutely fine now. But you should've seen him. I know. Kids can scare you to death. But believe me, these episodes are not at all uncommon. And they look much worse than they are. But what was the matter with him? Most of the time, these episodes with kids are never explained. They're brought on by emotional factors and rarely occur again. They're more akin to autohypnosis a kind of self-induced trance. If it reoccurs, which I doubt we can always think about having some tests done. No, thank you. I'm sure you're right. Have you been in Boulder long? Only about three months. We're from Vermont. My husband was teaching school there. Did the appearance of Danny's imaginary friend.... Tony. Did Tony's first appearance happen to coincide with your arrival here? No, um.... Let's see.... I guess Danny started talking to Tony about the time we put him in nursery school. Did he adjust well to school? No. He didn't like it too much at first. Then he had an injury, so we kept him out for a while and.... Yeah, I guess that's about when I first noticed he was talking to Tony. What sort of injury did he have? He dislocated his shoulder. How did he manage to do that? It was just one of those things, you know. Purely an accident. My husband had been drinking and he came home about three hours late. So he wasn't exactly in the greatest mood that night. And Danny had scattered some of his school papers all over the room and my husband grabbed his arm to pull him away from them. It's just the sort of thing you do 100 times with a child you know, in a park or in the street. But on this particular occasion my husband just used too much strength and he injured Danny's arm. Anyway, something good did come out of it all because he said: "Wendy, I'm never going to touch another drop. And if I do, you can leave me." And he didn't. He hasn't had any alcohol in 5 months. Boy. We must really be high up. The air feels so different. Mm-hm. Dad? Yes? I'm hungry. You should've eaten your breakfast. We'll get you something as soon as we get to the hotel. Okay, Mom. Wasn't it around here that the Donner party got snowbound? I think that was farther west, in the Sierras. Oh. What was the Donner party? They were a party of settlers in covered wagon times. They got snowbound one winter in the mountains. They had to resort to cannibalism in order to stay alive. You mean they ate each other up? They had to in order to survive. Jack. Don't worry, Mom. I know all about cannibalism. I saw it on TV. See, it's okay. He saw it on the television. -What time does the plane leave? -8:30. That gives us plenty of time to go over everything. -Goodbye, Mr. Ullman. -Bye. Good morning. I hope you haven't been waiting too long. No problem. We had time to grab a bite to eat. Good. Glad you made it before they shut down the kitchen. -Hi. -Is your family having a look around? No, my son's discovered the games room. -Has your luggage been brought in? -Right there. Oh, fine. In view of all we have to cover today I suggest we have a quick look at your apartment and get started. Have the Torrances' things brought to their apartment. -Fine. -I'd better collect my family first. Oh, yes. This is our Colorado Lounge. It's beautiful. My God! This place is fantastic, Isn it, hon? It sure is. I've never seen anything like this before. Are all these Indian designs authentic? I believe they're based mainly on Navajo and Apache motifs. They're really gorgeous. As a matter of fact this is probably the most gorgeous hotel I've ever seen. This old place has had an illustrious past. In its heyday, it was a stopping place for the jet setters even before anybody knew what a jet set was. We had four presidents who stayed here. Lots of movie stars. Royalty? All the best people. This is the staff wing of the hotel. None of the other bedrooms are heated during the winter. -Goodbye, Mr. Ullman. -Goodbye, girls. ULLMAN: And here are your quarters. Living room, bedroom, bathroom. And a small bedroom for your son. Perfect for a child. -Yeah. -Yes. ULLMAN: Well, then. Place is very nicely self-contained. Easy to keep. Cozy. ULLMAN: Yes, very cozy for a family. If you feel like spreading out you have the rest of the hotel to move around in. Well, it's very homey. Yeah. This is our famous hedge maze. It's quite an attraction here. The walls are 13 feet high and the hedge is as old as the hotel itself. A lot of fun, but I wouldn't want to go in there unless I had an hour to spare to find my way out. WENDY: When was the Overlook built? Construction started in 1907. It was finished in 1909. The site's supposed to be on an Indian burial ground. They actually had to repel a few Indian attacks as they were building it. That's our Snowcat. Can you both drive a car? BOTH: Yes. ULLMAN: That's fine. Basically the Snowcat operates very much like a car. It won't take you long to get the hang of it. As a matter of fact, we brought a decorator in from Chicago just last year to refurbish this part of the hotel. Oh. He sure did a beautiful job. Pink and gold are my favorite colors. Well, this is our Gold Ballroom. Oh, I'll say! We can accommodate up to 300 people here very comfortably. Boy, we could really have a good party in this room. I'm afraid you won't do too well here unless you brought supplies. We remove the booze from the premises when we shut down. That reduces the insurance we normally have to carry. We don't drink. Then you're in luck. Dick, come on over and say hello to Mr. and Mrs. Torrance. This is Dick Hallorann, our head chef. Mr. Hallorann, I'm Jack. This is my wife, Winifred. Glad to meet you. The Torrances will take care of the Overlook this winter. That's just great. How do you folks like our hotel so far? It's just wonderful. Hi, Danny! I found him outside looking for you. Dan, did you get tired of bombing the universe? Yeah. Come on over here. -Thanks. -Thank you, Susie. I think it'd be good if you could show Mrs. Torrance the kitchen while I continue on with Jack. It would be a pleasure. Right this way. Great. See you later, hon. Bye, darling. Mrs. Torrance, your husband introduced you as Winifred. Now, are you a "Winnie," or a "Freddie"? I'm a Wendy. Oh, Wendy. That's nice. That's the prettiest. This is the kitchen, huh? This is it. How do you like it, Danny? Is it big enough for you? Yeah. It's the biggest place I ever seen. This whole place is such an enormous maze. I'll have to leave a trail of breadcrumbs every time I come in. Don't let it get you down. It's big, but it ain't nothing but a kitchen. A lot of this stuff you'll never have to touch. I wouldn't know what to do with it if I did. One thing for sure, you don't have to worry about food. You folks could eat here for a year and never have the same menu twice. Right here is our walk-in freezer. This is where we keep all of our meat. You got 15 rib roasts 30 ten-pound bags of hamburger. We got 12 turkeys, about 40 chickens 50 sirloin steaks, two dozen of pork roast and 20 legs of lamb. Do you like lamb, Doc? -No. -You don't? What's your favorite food, then? French fries and ketchup. I think we can manage that too, Doc. Come along, now. Watch your step. Mr. Hallorann how'd you know we call him Doc? -Beg your pardon? -Doc. You called Danny "Doc" twice. -I did? -Yeah. We call him Doc sometimes, like in the Bugs Bunny cartoons. But how did you know? I guess I probably heard you call him that. It's possible. But I honestly don't remember calling him that since we've been with you. Anyway, he looks like a Doc, doesn't he? [IMITATES BUGS BUNNY] Eh, what's up, Doc? Now, this is the storeroom. In here is where we keep all the dried goods and the canned goods. We got canned fruits and vegetables canned fish and meats, hot and cold cereals. Post Toasties, Corn Flakes, Sugar Puffs Rice Krispies, oatmeal, Wheatena and Cream of Wheat. You got a dozen jugs of black molasses. We got 60 boxes of dried milk.... DICK'S VOICE: How'd you like some ice cream, Doc? DICK: Sociables, finger rolls and 7 kinds of what have you. Now, we've got dried peaches, dried apricots dried raisins and dried prunes. You know, you got to keep regular if you want to be happy. -Hi. WENDY: Hi. -How're you getting on? -Fine. Can we borrow Mrs. Torrance? We're on our way to the basement. I promise we won't keep her very long. No problem, Mr. Ullman. I was just getting to the ice cream. -You like ice cream, Doc? -Yeah. I thought you did. You folks mind if I give Danny some ice cream while we wait? -Not at all. -We don't mind. -Good. -Sound good to you, Doc? DANNY: Yeah. -Okay, you behave yourself. What kind of ice cream do you like? Chocolate. Chocolate it shall be. Come on, son. It's amazing, all this activity today. The guests and some staff left yesterday, but the last day's always hectic. Everybody wants to be on their way as early as possible. By 5:00 tonight, you'll never know anybody was ever here. WENDY: Just like a ghost ship, huh? -Yes. Do you know how I knew your name was Doc? You know what I'm talking about, don't you? I can remember when I was a little boy my grandmother and I could hold conversations entirely without ever opening our mouths. She called it "shining." And for a long time I thought it was just the two of us that had "the shine" to us. Just like you probably thought you was the only one. But there are other folks though mostly they don't know it, or don't believe it. How long have you been able to do it? Why don't you want to talk about it? I'm not supposed to. Who says you ain't supposed to? Tony. Who's Tony? Tony's the little boy that lives in my mouth. Is Tony the one that tells you things? Yes. How does he tell you things? It's like I go to sleep, and he shows me things. But when I wake up, I can't remember everything. Does your mom and dad know about Tony? Yes. Do they know he tells you things? Tony told me never to tell them. Has Tony ever told you anything about this place? About the Overlook Hotel? I don't know. Now think real hard, Doc. Think. Maybe he showed me something. Try to think of what it was. Mr. Hallorann, are you scared of this place? No. Scared of nothing here. It's just that you know, some places are like people. Some shine and some don't. I guess you could say the Overlook Hotel has something about it that's like shining. Is there something bad here? Well you know, Doc, when something happens it can leave a trace of itself behind. Say, like if someone burns toast. Well.... Maybe things that happen leave other kind of traces behind. Not things that anyone can notice. But things that people who shine can see. Just like they can see things that haven't happened yet well sometimes they can see things that happened a long time ago. I think a lot of things happened right here in this particular hotel over the years. And not all of them was good. What about room 237? Room 237? You're scared of room 237, ain't you? No, I ain't. Mr. Hallorann, what is in room 237? Nothing. There ain't nothing in room 237. But you ain't got no business going in there anyway. So stay out. You understand? Stay out! Good morning, hon. Your breakfast is ready. What time is it? It's about 11:30. Eleven-thirty, Jesus. I guess we've been staying up too late. I know it. I made them just the way you like them, sunny-side up. Nice. It's really pretty outside. How about taking me for a walk after you finish your breakfast? I suppose I ought to try to do some writing first. Any ideas yet? Lots of ideas. No good ones. Something will come. It's just a matter of settling into the habit of writing every day. Yep. That's all it is. It's really nice up here, Isn it? I love it. I really do. I've never been this happy or comfortable anywhere. It's amazing how fast you get used to such a big place. I tell you, when we first came up here I thought it was kind of scary. I fell in love with it right away. When I came up here for my interview it was as though I'd been here before. I mean, we all have moments of deja vu but this was ridiculous. It was almost as though I knew what was going to be around every corner. Ooh-woo-ooh. The loser has to keep America clean. How's that? -All right. -And you're going to lose. And I'm going to get you. You'd better run fast! Look out! I'm coming in close. DANNY: Loser has to keep America clean. WENDY: Oh, no! DANNY: Keep America clean. Okay. Danny, you win. Let's take the rest of this walking. -Okay. -Whew. Give me your hand. Isn it beautiful? Yeah. DANNY: Dead end. WENDY: Woo, we made it. -Isn it beautiful? DANNY: Yeah. It's so pretty. Yeah. I didn't think it was going to be this big. Did you? Nope. Rutherford was serving a life sentence for a 1968 shooting. And the search continues for that missing Aspen woman. Twenty-four-year-old Susan Robertson has been missing 10 days. She disappeared on a hunting trip with her husband. They may have to call off the search if a predicted snowstorm moves in tomorrow. It's so beautiful in Denver today it's hard to believe a snowstorm could be close. I want to go outside and lie in the sun yet to our north, to our west, it is snowing and cold. And it's moving right here towards Colorado as we talk. Hi, hon. How's it going? Fine. Get a lot written today? Yes. Hey, the weather forecast said it's going to snow tonight. What do you want me to do about it? Come on, hon. Don't be so grouchy. I'm not being grouchy. I just want to finish my work. Okay. I understand. I'll come back later with a couple of sandwiches. Maybe you'll let me read something then. Wendy let me explain something to you. When you come in and interrupt, you're breaking my concentration. You're distracting me and it will then take me time to get back to where I was. Understand? Yeah. Fine. We're going to make a new rule: Whenever I'm in here and you hear me typing... [PUNCHES KEYS] ...or whatever the fuck you hear me doing in here when I'm in here, that means I am working. That means don't come in. Now, do you think you can handle that? Yeah. Fine. Why don't you start right now and get the fuck out of here? Okay. WENDY: All right, you! I know you've got more. DANNY: Missed! DANNY: Don't have! No fair anymore. Oh, no. I knew it. This is KDK 12 calling KDK 1. KDK 12 to KDK 1. This is KDK 1. We're receiving you. Over. Hi, this is Wendy Torrance at the Overlook Hotel. Hi, how are you folks getting on up there? Over. We're just fine. But our telephones aren't doing too well. Are the lines down, by any chance? Over. Yes, quite a few of them are down due to the storm. Over. Any chance of them being repaired soon? Over. Well, I wouldn't like to say. Most winters they stay that way until spring. Over. Boy, this storm is really something, Isn it? Over. Yes. It's one of the worst we've had for years. Is there anything else we can do for you, Mrs. Torrance? I suppose not. Over. If you folks have any problems up there, just give us a call. And, Mrs. Torrance? It might be a good idea if you leave your radio on all the time. Okay. We'll do that. It was real nice talking to you. Bye. Over and out. GIRLS: Hello, Danny. Come and play with us. Come and play with us, Danny. Forever and ever and ever. Tony I'm scared. Remember what Mr. Hallorann said. It's just like pictures in a book, Danny. It Isn real. Please let me give you some money. I wouldn't think of it. Well, how can I repay you? It's okay. Really. Well, I'm going to have some coffee. Would you like some? Sure. Great. Sit down. Ooh, marvelous doughnuts. Help yourself. -Coffee will be ready-- DANNY: Mom. WENDY: Yeah. DANNY: Can I go up to my room and get my fire engine? WENDY: Not right now. Daddy's asleep. DANNY: I won't make any noise. WENDY: Now come on, Doc. He only went to bed a few hours ago. Can't you wait till later? DANNY: I won't make a sound. I promise I'll tiptoe. WENDY: Well, all right. But really don't make a sound. DANNY: I won't, Mom. Make sure you come right back because I'm going to make lunch soon. -Okay? DANNY: Okay, Mom. Can I go to my room and get my fire engine? Come here for a minute first. How's it going, Doc? Okay. Having a good time? Yes, Dad. Good. I want you to have a good time. I am, Dad. Dad? Yes? Do you feel bad? No. I'm just a little bit tired. Then why don't you go to sleep? I can't. I got too much to do. Dad? Yes? Do you like this hotel? Yes. I do. I love it. Don't you? I guess so. Good. I want you to like it here. I wish we could stay here forever and ever and ever. Dad? What? You would never hurt Mommy or me, would you? What do you mean? Did your mother ever say that to you? That I would hurt you? No, Dad. You sure? Yes, Dad. I love you, Danny. I love you more than anything else in the whole world and I would never do anything to hurt you never. You know that, don't you? -Hm? -Yes, Dad. Good. Mom? Mom? Mom, are you in there? WENDY: Jack! Jack? Jack! Jack! What happened? Honey what's wrong? Jack? I had the most terrible nightmare I ever had. -It was the most horrible dream. -It's okay, it's okay now. Really. I dreamed that I that I killed you and Danny. But I didn't just kill you. I cut you up into little pieces. My God. I must be losing my mind. Everything's going to be all right. Come on. Let's get up off the floor. It's okay. There. Now sit up. It's okay. It's okay. Danny! Everything's okay! Just go play in your room for a while. Your dad's just got a headache. Danny, mind what I say. Go play in your room. Honey, let me just go get him out of here. I'll be right back. Danny. Why don't you mind me? Oh, Danny. Oh, my God. What happened to your neck? Danny, what happened to your neck? Huh? You did this to him didn't you? You son of a bitch! You did this to him! Didn't you? ! How could you? ! How could you? ! Oh. God! I'd give anything for a drink. I'd give my goddamn soul for just a glass of beer. Hi, Lloyd. A little slow tonight, Isn it? Yes, it is, Mr. Torrance. What will it be? I'm awfully glad you asked me that, Lloyd because I just happen to have two twenties and two tens right here in my wallet. I was afraid they were going to be there until next April. So here's what: You slip me a bottle of bourbon a little glass and some ice. You can do that, can't you, Lloyd? You're not too busy, are you? No, sir. I'm not busy at all. Good man. You set them up and I'll knock them back, one by one. White man's burden, Lloyd, my man. White man's burden. Say, Lloyd it seems I'm temporarily light. How's my credit in this joint, anyway? Your credit's fine, Mr. Torrance. That's swell. I like you, Lloyd. I always liked you. You were always the best of them. Best goddamned bartender from Timbuktu to Portland, Maine. Or Portland, Oregon, for that matter. Thank you for saying so. Here's to five miserable months on the wagon and all the irreparable harm that it's caused me. How are things going, Mr. Torrance? Things could be better. Things could be a whole lot better. I hope it's nothing serious. No. Nothing serious. Just a little problem with the old sperm bank upstairs. Nothing I can't handle, though. Thanks. Women. Can't live with them can't live without them. Words of wisdom, Lloyd. Words of wisdom. I never laid a hand on him, goddamn it. I didn't. I wouldn't touch one hair on his goddamn little head. I love the little son of a bitch. I'd do anything for him. Any fucking thing for him. But that bitch! As long as I live she'll never let me forget what happened. I did hurt him once, okay? It was an accident. Completely unintentional. It could have happened to anybody. And it was three goddamn years ago! The little fucker had thrown all my papers all over the floor. All I tried to do was pull him up. A momentary loss of muscular coordination. I mean a few extra foot-pounds of energy per second, per second. WENDY: Jack! Oh, Jack. Thank God you're here. Jack. There's someone else in the hotel with us. There's a crazy woman in one of the rooms. She tried to strangle Danny. Are you out of your fucking mind? No. It's the truth! Really. I swear it. Danny told me. He went up into one of the bedrooms. The door was open, and he saw this crazy woman in the bathtub. She tried to strangle him! Which room was it? NEWS NARRATOR: From Channel 10 in Miami this is Newswatch with Glenn Rinker Ann Bishop, and the award-winning Newswatch team. Good evening. I'm Glenn Rinker, Newswatch Ten. As Miami continues to swelter in a record winter heat wave bringing temperatures to the 90s Central and Mountain states are buried in snow. In Colorado, 10 inches of snow fell in just a few hours tonight. Travel in the Rockies is almost impossible. Airports are shut down, stranding thousands of passengers. Highways are blocked by snowdrifts. Railroad tracks are frozen. Officials in Colorado tell Newswatch at least three have been killed by exposure to freezing winds. The governor of Colorado is expected to declare a weather emergency. The National Guard might be called out to clear streets and roads. Weather forecasters predict more snow and heavy winds tonight and tomorrow with temperatures dropping well below zero. Back here in Florida, we've got the opposite problem. The heat and humidity are supposed to climb. Local beaches should be jammed. Our weather expert, Walter Cronice will have the local forecast later on Newswatch. MAN [ON RECORDING]: We're sorry. Your call cannot be completed as dialed. If you need assistance, please call the operator. Jack? JACK: Yes, it's me. Thank God. Did you find anything? No. Nothing at all. I didn't see one goddamn thing. You went into the room Danny said? To 237? Yes, I did. And you didn't see anything at all? Absolutely nothing. How is he? He's still asleep. Good. I'm sure he'll be himself again in the morning. Are you sure it was the right room? I mean, maybe Danny made a mistake. He must have gone in that room. The door was open, the lights were on. I just don't understand it. What about those bruises on his neck? Somebody did that to him. I think he did it to himself. No. That's not possible. Wendy once you rule out his version of what happened there is no other explanation. Is there? It wouldn't be that different from the episode that he had before we came up here. Would it? WENDY: Oh, Jack. Whatever the explanation is I think we have to get Danny out of here. Get him out of here? Yes. You mean just leave the hotel? Yes. JACK: It is so typical of you to create a problem like this when I finally have a chance to accomplish something! When I'm really into my work! I could really write my own ticket if I went back now, couldn't I? Shoveling out driveways, work in a car wash. -Any of that appeal to you? -Jack... Wendy, I have let you fuck up my life so far but I am not going to let you fuck this up. MAN [ON PHONE]: Good evening. Forest Service. Hello, my name is Dick Hallorann. I'm the head chef at the Overlook Hotel. Good evening. What can I do for you? I've been trying to make an urgent phone call up there but the operator said that the phone lines are down. A lot of lines around here are down due to the storm. I hate to put you through any trouble but there's a family up there all by themselves with a young kid. And with this storm and everything I'd appreciate it if you'd give them a call on your radio just to see if everything's okay. I'll be glad to do that. Why don't you call me back in about 20 minutes? Thank you very much. I'll do that. All right, sir. Good evening, Mr. Torrance. Good evening. Hi, Lloyd. Been away, but now I'm back. Good evening, Mr. Torrance. It's good to see you. It's good to be back, Lloyd. What'll it be, sir? Hair of the dog that bit me. Bourbon on the rocks. That'll do her. No charge to you, Mr. Torrance. No charge? Your money's no good here. Orders from the house. Orders from the house. Drink up, Mr. Torrance. I'm the kind of man likes to know who's buying their drinks, Lloyd. It's not a matter that concerns you, Mr. Torrance. At least, not at this point. Anything you say, Lloyd. Anything you say. Oh! Oh, dear! I'm so sorry, sir. -Oh. -Oh, dear. Oh, dear. I've made an awful mess of your jacket, sir. Oh, that's all right. I've got plenty of jackets. I'm afraid it's advocaat, sir. It tends to stain. Advocaat, is it? Yes, sir. I think the best thing is to come along to the gentlemen's room and we'll get some water to it, sir. Looks like you might have got a spot of it on yourself Jeevesy old boy. That doesn't matter, sir. You're the important one. Awfully nice of you to say. Of course, I intended to change my jacket this evening before the fish and goose soiree. Very wise, sir. Very wise. JACK: Here. I'll just hold this for you there, Jeevesy. Thank you, sir. Thank you. Let's see if we can improve this with a little water, sir. All right. I'll just set my bourbon and advocaat down right there. Won't keep you a moment. Fine. What do they call you, Jeevesy? Grady, sir. Delbert Grady. Grady? Yes, sir. Delbert Grady. That's right, sir. Uh.... Mr. Grady haven't I seen you somewhere before? Why, no, sir. I don't believe so. It's coming off now, sir. Uh Mr. Grady weren't you once the caretaker here? Why, no, sir. I don't believe so. You a married man, are you, Mr. Grady? Yes, sir. I have a wife and two daughters, sir. And where are they now? They're somewhere around. I'm not quite sure at the moment. Mr. Grady. You were the caretaker here. I recognize you. I saw your picture in the newspapers. You chopped your wife and daughter up into little bits. And then you blew your brains out. That's strange, sir. I don't have any recollection of that at all. Mr. Grady you were the caretaker here. I'm sorry to differ with you, sir. But you are the caretaker. You've always been the caretaker. I should know, sir. I've always been here. Did you know, Mr. Torrance that your son is attempting to bring an outside party into this situation? Did you know that? No. He is, Mr. Torrance. Who? A nigger. A nigger? A nigger cook. How? Your son has a very great talent. I don't think you are aware how great it is. But he is attempting to use that very talent against your will. Well he is a very willful boy. Indeed he is, Mr. Torrance. A very willful boy. A rather naughty boy if I may be so bold, sir. It's his mother. She interferes. Perhaps they need a good talking-to. If you don't mind my saying so. Perhaps a bit more. My girls, sir they didn't care for the Overlook at first. One of them actually stole a pack of matches and tried to burn it down. But I corrected them, sir. And when my wife tried to prevent me from doing my duty I corrected her. We have the Snowcat. If the weather breaks we might just be able to get down the mountain. I could call the forest rangers first and tell them that we're coming so that they could start searching for us in case we didn't make it. And if Jack won't come with us I'll just have to tell him that we're going by ourselves. That's all there is to it. DANNY [IN TONY'S VOICE]: Redrum. Redrum. Redrum. Redrum. -Danny? -Redrum. Redrum. Redrum. -Redrum. -What's the matter, hon? Redrum! Are you having a bad dream? Danny? Hon? Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. Come on, hon. Wake up. You just had a bad dream. Everything's okay. Danny can't wake up, Mrs. Torrance. Danny. Wake up! Come on. Right now. Wake up! Danny's gone away, Mrs. Torrance. Danny. MAN [OVER RADIO]: This is KDK 1 calling KDK 12. KDK 1 calling KDK 12. Are you receiving me? This is KDK 1 calling KDK 12. KDK 1 calling KDK 12. Do you read me? This is KDK 1 calling KDK 12. KDK 1 calling KDK 12. Are you receiving me? This is KDK 1 calling KDK 12. KDK 1 calling KDK 12. Do you read me? This is KDK 1 calling KDK 12. KDK 1 calling KDK 12. Are you receiv-- MAN: Good evening. Forest service. This is Dick Hallorann again. I called a while ago about the folks at the Overlook Hotel. Oh, yeah. We tried to contact them several times but they didn't answer. Maybe they got their radio turned off or they can't hear it. If you'd like, I'd be glad to try again later on. That's very nice of you. I'll call you back later. Bye. Pardon me, miss. What time will we get to Denver? We're due to arrive at 8:20, sir. Thank you very much. Durkin's Garage. DICK: Can I speak to Larry? Speaking. Hi, Larry. This is Dick. Dick Hallorann. Dick! How you doing? How's the weather down there? I'm not in Florida. I'm calling from Stapleton Airport. What are you doing there? I just got in from Miami. I got to get to the Overlook today. What's the weather like there? The snowplows are keeping things moving in town but the mountain roads are blocked. Then I'm going to need a Snowcat to get up there. Can you fix me up with one? What's the big deal about getting there today especially in this weather? Larry, just between you and me, we got a very serious problem with the people taking care of the place. They turned out to be completely unreliable assholes. Ullman phoned me last night. And I'm supposed to find out if they have to be replaced. How long will it take you to get here? About five hours. I'm going to rent a car here at the airport. Okay, I'll take care of it. Thanks, Larry. I really appreciate that. That's all right. Drive carefully. HAL: You're with Hal and Charlie on Radio 63, KHOW, Denver. And we have a bad day out there. CHARLIE: Heavy snow throughout the Denver metro area. Many mountain passes Wolf Creek and Red Mountain passes are closed and the chain law is in effect at the Eisenhower Tunnel. We hear from the news department only a few flights are landing at Stapleton Airport and with storms like this I guess the entire airport will be closed within the hour. CHARLIE: The storm will continue through the day and the Weather Service has declared a stockman 's and traveler's advisory for all areas outlying the Denver metro region. Get the cows in the barn. Hon? Listen to me for a minute, will you? I'm just going to go and talk to Daddy for a few minutes and I'll be right back. I want you to just stay here and watch your cartoons, okay? Okay, hon? Yes, Mrs. Torrance. All right. I'll- - I'll be back in just about five minutes. I'm going to lock the door behind me. Jack? Jack? JACK: How do you like it? Jack. How do you like it? What are you doing down here? I just wanted to talk to you. Okay. Let's talk. What do you want to talk about? I.... I can't really remember. You can't remember. No I can't. JACK: Maybe it was about Danny? Maybe it was about him. I think we should discuss Danny. I think we should discuss what should be done with him. What should be done with him? I don't know. I don't think that's true. I think you have some very definite ideas about what should be done with Danny. And I'd like to know what they are. Well, I I think maybe he should be taken to a doctor. You think "maybe" he should be taken to a doctor? Yes. When do you think "maybe" he should be taken to a doctor? As soon as possible? [IN HIGH-PITCHED VOICE] "As soon as possible? " Please. You believe his health might be at stake. Yes. And you are concerned about him. Yes. And are you concerned about me? Of course I am. Of course you are! Have you ever thought about my responsibilities? What are you talking about? Have you ever had a single moment's thought about my responsibilities? Have you ever thought for a single moment about my responsibilities to my employers? ! Has it ever occurred to you that I have agreed to look after the hotel until May 1st? Does it matter to you at all that the owners have placed their complete confidence in me and that I have signed a letter of agreement in which I've accepted that responsibility? Do you have the slightest idea what a moral and ethical principal is? Do you? ! Has it ever occurred to you what would happen to my future if I fail to live up to my responsibilities? Has it ever occurred to you? Has it? ! Stay away from me! Why? I just want to go back to my room. Why? Well I'm very confused. And I just need a chance to think things over. You've had your whole fucking life to think things over! What good's a few minutes more going to do you now? Stay away from me! Please! Don't hurt me. I'm not going to hurt you. Stay away from me! -Wendy. -Stay away! Darling. Light of my life. I'm not going to hurt you. You didn't let me finish my sentence. I said, "I'm not going to hurt you." I'm just going to bash your brains in. I'm going to bash them right the fuck in. Stay away from me! Don't hurt me! I'm not going to hurt you. Stay away from me! Stay away! Please! Stop swinging the bat. Stay away from me. Put that bat down, Wendy. Stop it! Wendy. Give me the bat. Please! -Stay away! -Give me the bat. Stop it! -Give me the bat. -Jack. -Stay away from me. -Stop swinging the bat. Please stop! Give me the bat. -Stay away from me. -Wendy. -Stop it! -Give me the bat. -Stay away! -Give me the bat. Ah! Goddamn--! What are you doing? Hey. Wait a minute. What are you doing? What are you doing? Oh! Oh! JACK: Wait a minute! What are you doing? Open the door! Goddamn it! Let me out of here! Open the goddamn door! Wendy, listen. Let me out and I'll forget the whole goddamn thing. It'll be just like nothing ever happened. Wendy, baby. I think you hurt my head real bad. I'm dizzy. I need a doctor. Honey. Don't leave me in here. I'm going to go now. I'm going to try to get Danny down the Sidewinder in the Snowcat today. I'll bring back a doctor. Wendy. WENDY: I'm going to go now. Wendy. Yes. You've got a big surprise coming to you. You're not going anywhere. Go check out the Snowcat and the radio, and you'll see what I mean. Go check it out. Go check it out! Go check it out. Wendy? GRADY: It's Grady, Mr. Torrance. Delbert Grady. Grady? Oh, Grady. Grady, uh.... Hello, Grady. Mr. Torrance I see you can hardly have taken care of the business we discussed. No need to rub it in, Mr. Grady. I'll deal with that situation as soon as I get out of here. Will you indeed, Mr. Torrance? I wonder. I have my doubts. I, and others, have come to believe that your heart is not in this. That you haven't the belly for it. Just give me one more chance to prove it, Mr. Grady. That's all I ask. Your wife appears to be stronger than we imagined, Mr. Torrance. Somewhat more resourceful. She seems to have got the better of you. For the moment, Mr. Grady. Only for the moment. I fear you will have to deal with this matter in the harshest possible way, Mr. Torrance. I fear that is the only thing to do. There's nothing I look forward to with greater pleasure, Mr. Grady. You give your word on that, do you, Mr. Torrance? I give you my word. Redrum. Redrum. Redrum. Redrum. Redrum! -Ah! -Redrum! Redrum! Redrum! Danny, stop it! Redrum! Wendy, I'm home. Come out, come out, wherever you are. Danny I can't get out. Run! Run and hide! Run! Quick! Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in. Not by the hair on your chinny-chin-chin? Then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in! Please! Don't! Don't! Stop it! Here's Johnny! Ah! DICK: Hello? Anybody here? Hello? Anybody here? Hello? Anybody here? Hello? Hello? Anybody here? Danny! Danny-boy! Danny? Danny. Danny. Danny? Danny! Danny! Danny! I'm coming! I'm coming, Dan! Danny? Great party, Isn it? JACK: Danny! Danny! I'm coming! You can't get away! I'm right behind you! Danny! -Mommy! -Danny, come here! Mommy. [THICKLY] Danny! Where...? The Ballad of Narayama produced by Jiro Tomoda Goro Kusakabe By News Shichiro of Fukazawa Image: Masa TOCHIZAWA lighting: Yasuo IWAKI music: Shinichiro Ikebe Sound: Senichi BENITANI assembly: Hajime OKAYASU decoration: Hisao INAGAKI Ken Ogata Sumiko Sakamoto Tonpei Hidari Takejo AKI Nijiko KIYOKAWA Mitsuko Baisho Norinei MIKI Ryutaro Tatsumi written and directed by Shohei Imamura What happened in the "new house"? Not much. How is the old? So-so, it seems. Tome, bring me the logs. Grandma, how old are you? Sixty-nine. You have beautiful tight teeth. You can eat pine cones and dried peas. I have never eaten these things. Grandmother you've thirty-three teeth. Idiot, I only have twenty-eight. You didn't count beyond 28. You've got more than that! Késakichi, shut up and work. The old "home in the middle", his chance is great greater its chance The day he goes to the mountain, it's snowing in large flakes He is still sleeping, stink? Risuke? Our horse is hungry. Have you been to the "new home" last night? It is said by all cadets in the village you are said to kiss their dog. I've never done that. These people treat her as their own daughter. The late head of the line had beaten to death a guy who slept with her. I do not go, I tell you. You're a junior, of course, but you're my brother. If you make such a mistake, I will be ashamed. You stink of the mouth! Go away and I can't breathe. Hey, Uncle Jinsaku! Why cook white rice at home? Our mother is dying. The old Okan? Mom, white rice is cooked. Uncle ... You have thrown the baby our rice? It bothers me that you have done that. The newborn? Your wife had a big belly, it showed. That's not true what you say. The baby of my daughter, I buried in our cemetery. When? About ten days ago, I took him there and buried. The one you saw must come from "the middle house." Again, there was a pregnant woman. That must be it. It's your turn to prepare the coffin. Mom will soon die. I'm counting on you. Dis, Tsun! It was you who left a newborn in our rice? Yes. In the stinking rice paddies, it will decompose faster. You should thank me. I have no need of such fertilizers. This may be your brother's kid. It is not me, anyway. Too bad it was not a girl. Fool! You have been left the edge of a torrent. You're a useless cadet . You as well. All cadets have the same fate. What you stink! If I have another boy, I'll throw it ... In the rice stink. I do not need your fertilizers, I say. Well, you're the merchant of salt. Orin, that time passes. It's been a year now. You've had a grand-daughter in the meantime. But you know, his mother, the wife of my son ... Yes, I heard about it. What a pity ... Last year just after childbirth, picking chestnuts, she fell off the cliff. Mount. Take hot water. Where is your son Tatsuhei? He must be in the rice fields. From here I think seeing him in the mountain West. Who? Tatsuhei? We were far from each other. I could be wrong. Orin, I came today to talk about something. It's salt! But we have not yet decided about the little one. This is not why I'm here. It is Yonékichi the village the other side that gives you the salt. From the village opposite. I have to tell you ... About a second wife for Tatsuhei ... His wife will come from the village opposite. Her name is Tamayan She is a widow for three days. She will come after her mourning. She was thirty-seven eight years younger than you. I do not care. Do not go near the smelly You have to obey him when he asks you to walk away. Késakichi is the heir. It will be head of the family one day. Ginyan of "what the house is raining" Tatsuhei Have you been to the mountain of the west this morning? No. The salt merchant saw you. You look more like your father. Do you think he saw our father? He disappeared thirty years ago. It should not be alive. The merchant had to error. Do not cry. Mom! You do not know why Dad is gone? This year, you had fifteen Risuke were five. A very poor harvest. I had to sell the salt merchant a girl I had just born. The mother of your father reached 69 age, time to go to Mountain. Narayama That she should go to that age With all that was under Your father was very depressed. He did not have the courage to take her mother in the mountains. We must have the respect for the law. It does not work with our feelings. For him it was beyond his courage, he fled. To us it was a shame. And you are like him? I will not be like my father. So that's good. My grandmother counting ina cornerof cubbyhole the thirty-three hair that adorn her lower abdomen Matsu ... - How many hairs do you have down there? - I do not know. Then I'll count them for you. No, I do not want. No, not here. Oh, my ferns! I do not care ... Later I will pluck for you twice. And also many other plants. Everything you want. I'll give you a lot. You'll see. You're hurting me. Orin of "the house of the strain" in a corner of the closet It was attended thirty-three Devil's Teeth You come home. You can count how many teeth my mother has. I was not paying attention. I only repeat it. But your son sings this. - Késakichi sings this? - Yes, of course. Who is it? Help me! My son is a demon. He does not give me to eat. He wants me to starve. Who is it? Papa ... It Tatsuhei de "home of the strain." Oh, it's you. I tied him with a rope. This is not the first time. This winter, I will take him to the mountain. He will reach the age. Your mother too will soon turn 70. Orin of "the house of the strain" in a corner of the closet she met thirty-three Devil's Teeth Teeth of your grandmother the devil are they? You have been so spoiled by it. How can you sing so? Bastard! You will not have to eat! You're lucky, Orin. Why you say that? I want to live a little longer. It's a shame for me to be as healthy. I'm just eating. I want to go to the mountain. I do not want to die in my bed And be buried I know not where. It will not change. In any case, our souls will go to the mountain. - We will meet up there. - See you? Sure. Your husband expects you there as well. As for mine, I do not know. Where could he have gone Leaving his gun in the mountains of the west? He must have died by now. He was flurting and chasing girls. But all in all, he was a good guy. That you're right. He was always in love with you. I do not know. You have had to spend hard times. Mostly, I was ashamed to the villagers. Okan is dying. For when do you think? Tomorrow or after tomorrow By state. In two months, you will have the woman from the village opposite. You will be relieved. Listen to me! You do not need another woman. I'm getting married. My wife will be good at caring the child. What do you say? If there are two more mouths, we will not cope. Little idiot! You do not have food! Him, he will marry Matsu "the house where it rains." Shut up, fool! Is it too big? She'll be a cat which swells after his death. It's a beautiful coffin. How's Okan? It just died. So, hurry. Mama ... You're still alive? I restored since I ate white rice. It's white rice! Go away. Fool! There is nothing to do with them. This fall, there is no good harvest. A lot quackgrass already. This is the party that you came? This is the home of Tatsuhei here? Are you Tamayan, from the other side of the village? With us also is the party, but I was advised to leave early To eat well here. I left that night. You have done well. You must be hungry. Come in quickly. Why did you stay on the stump? You should have come in the house. I was embarrassed to be coming alone. My brother was with me. He was dead drunk at the party. The Merchant of salt speaks to me well of you. If I had known, I would get you gone. I would have then brought on my back. I have already told the merchant of salt. I will go soon on the mountain. You will also have good time to think. But not ... In making me earlier, the god up there to congratulate me. These trout, it's me that I caught. Do you know fish for trout? In the village, no one can not get as much as me. I know where to find it. I'll take you there one day. Eat it all. I have a lot. I'll get Tatsuhei. Do not be embarrassed. Continue to eat. Just two teeth. Risuke, you do not tell anyone. What have you found? Give me that. I tell you it's nothing. The stink! What you stink! You too, you're a cadet. Do not make fun of me. I am your uncle. Bastard! You have all the time, eat well. I'll get Tatsuhei. I'm old enough to go to the mountain. I do not have good teeth. Make the post! Tatsu strain a lucky He married ten months and ten days after the death of his wife Késakichi! Where is Tatsuhei? Do not give up. Jinsaku! How horrible! It will not let go if it bites you. Orin strain in a corner of the closet it brought together thirty-three Devil's Teeth Takeyan, dear a woman came to replace you. With my son Tatsuhei Her name Tamayan It is too big and not pretty but a good wife Takeyan, dear the party is over now You'll stand the mountain Do not blame us How good it is. It's better than before. - The master has moved - The Master? He sends you his greetings. Shiro, be nice. Do not move! Oei! Listen to me. Hey, the Viper is burned out. Our house is cursed. A curse we incur. Instead of the niche, there was an old barn. This is where our dead chief a shot with a tree trunk A cadet of the village entering it in secret To sleep with his daughter. If I got sick So I can not go to Narayama Is because of the curse thrown by the young cadet killed by my father. After my death, You'll sleep with all the cadets of the village. One by one, each a night. - Each one, every night? - That's right. Then, please talk to the god the house, and beg him. Ask these guys also to pray The god of our house. Without that, the curse ... Weigh ... always on our house. I beg you ... You redeem the crime. I'm counting on you. I understand. Fear not. Father, be brave! I repair this crime. It's not true! If it's true! Who did you know all this? This is the old man's statement in the "new home". Who did he say that to? His daughter, Oei, of course. How do you know then? Because Through there, I heard it. The stinking, you went to that bitch last night. Not true, I have never done that! He has lost his mind. It stinks as no Shiro wanted him, and it has made him mad. He's crazy, crazy. You bastards! Everyone is laughing at me. God of the mountain I get rid of the smell. And then the father of Oei die quickly. Still your secrets. I know what you did last night. I've looked through the hole? You spied on us? It's about mom's teeth? How? It forbids me to speak. I'm talking about Shiro! You know what about mother's teeth? It has not broken by falling? I'll give you one of those lessons. You're just stupid. Mom! I liked your teeth solid like stones. Your brother is very much like to his father. It strikes as soon as he is angry. Did Dad give you shots? A shy man up immediately hand. - It does not stink? - No, not at all. My brother not never said that I stank. It's like a swing. Well, it rains inside me ... It's out! It looks like my belly has grown. - when? - Next year. Baby Myself My father My grandmother. For her This baby is a baby mouse. Why a baby mouse? You start too young, such as mice. Orin will not be happy to have a great-grandchild soon. Too bad! Tomorrow, you will live with us. - Really? This evening, each bowl, it must be said. You're right. You know how to make love But you know nothing of the lighting of a fire. You're very kind ... It's nothing. It is too much out there. You not do it again! Why have you saved? You're probably right. This is boring having a baby mouse. Let her come to replace me here. I'm ready to accept it. I'm going to sleep. We ask forgiveness to the god of Narayama! We ask forgiveness God of Narayama have. - Where is Tatsu? And Kesa? - They are gone. - Where? - A "home when it rains." This is home. Stay here and keep the little one. I was going to sleep. Suddenly I heard noise outside. I caught this type that was to fly The bag of peas that I recently harvested. As usual, he must make amends To the god of Narayama. Come, delve his house. That's it, I found! Are you sure there's nothing left? Yes, that's all. Do you realize? Their field would not produce less than half. I doubt that I harvest so little. The potatoes were torn early. Her father did the same thing. Excuse me. Our family is so large. Who did all these kids like a beast? I was wrong, I am ashamed. Késakichi! Have mercy on us. Our daughter marrys you, is not it? It has nothing to do! Everyone leads a difficult life. This is a family of thieves. This is not the first time they do that. It is not Oei. This time, he must be punished otherwise. Oei's Father died earlier. Come on, we need only share what they have stolen. The beans are very tasty, I should taste a bit. Will you only eat or work on the mill also? What do you mean? The food is only so much as one bowl per head. You're right. She did not come to marry Késakichi. She has been kicked out of her home. She must be pregnant for five months. She's eating for two. Do we have enough to feed this winter? You can not leave these people as they are. We must act quickly to be able to sleep peacefully. Otherwise, they will resume. What will we do? We'll meet in Teru To discuss. I will first warn others. Give them the death penalty. Tonight we must Make a decision. If you have to kill the family We will not let Matsu apart. You should prepare youself there. But she's with us like daughter. - The baby has our blood. - Is that a reason that counts? No, not at all. As they say, You start to look like your father. Who dared to say that I looked like my father? Discuss all that good With Orin. We'll make a game just now. Idiot! This is actually three lots. Okay? There will be one that will lose. No complaints! That's it! I win. I have more. I'm sorry. It would be nice to have a girl child. A girl that you do not have to kill, you can sell it. Matsu! There they will have nothing to eat tonight. Take these to them. You just stay there to take care of yours. That's it, it's well done. Tatsuhei! Risuke! You stay here. - Why? - Nothing. Is it good? No! Let me go! Wait! Matsu! Wait! Listen to me! Stop! You bastards! Matsu is pregnant. It is my child. Let us go! Grandma ... What happened to "the house where it rains"? Where is Matsu? Shut up. Do not ever talk about it in this house. Go to bed. Come here and warm up. Grandma You deceived us. Késakichi! You had returned Matsu home. Why? Why did you do that? It was you who killed her! The slut! The devil! Mama Why didn't you speak to us? This winter Go to the mountain. My mother went. Me stepmother as well. I too have to go. It's very hard to live here. I shall see Matsu in the mountains. When I see her ... Do not worry. We have one less mouth. The baby is gone. We will come out this winter. There will be another fast mice. Even in cold weather, we do not put clothing cotton lined ... can not you covered. One must also pray, fool. You pray the god of the house. Get A Life. Get yourself naked. Get on me, quick! No, it's not there. That's it. Come on, shake your hips. How nice! I enjoy! The day before yesterday was Katsuzo, and then yesterday, it was Gen. It tours from west to east. This will be my turn tonight! It will be great! La voila! This fucking Oei! The poor smelly! She did not want you, well done! You, your wife was killed. Thou shalt have no wife. The one that wants to be my wife Here it is already. You laugh, too. Are you kidding me! Filthy beast! I'm running out of patience. Species of idiot! I was told Oeï jumped your turn. I do not care of it. You should not lose his head. I'll take care. I'll give you a chance. Will Oei pick me? No, not that bitch there. It will be just for one night. Not more than that. When? Very soon. Now, calm down. Do not vandalize the field, not beat our horse. One night, right? Accept what I asked you last night. Supports it a night. What do we become the horse dies? This winter, it will be hard enough. I'm afraid he sacked the rice field. Please, sleep with him, just once. We do not even potatoes to pay his daughter. Who lost the potatoes to the game? I know it does not please you, but accept ... All right! Just one time! Risuke no longer working, Since you've ruled out of the tour. The smell disgusts you. But I beg you to stand overnight. I'm sorry, I can not. I'd die. You should follow the will of your father. Did he say to let my son out? I went to his grave this morning. I asked and he agreed. Suddenly I emerged large butterfly Although this time fall. Your father became a butterfly? He flew here and there, looked very happy. I came back, relieved. I do not smell, or very little. So, smell does not bother me. Can you accept it? I have no reason to tell you no. I have not used till now. Can I still do that? Do not worry. He has no experience. He will not see the difference. I'm leaving tomorrow Narayama. I call tonight people who have been there. It's too early. Tell them quickly. Mom! Go quickly to prevent them all Before they go to work. I just saw your husband. Where? In the meadow of the mountain in the west, I saw it happen. I'll call everyone. You, Rihei? Is it his spirit? Even if he returns back after all these years I do not forgive. You just wandering here and there. I'm going to the mountains. I do not welcome you there. At fifteen, I went to hunt with Dad. I killed him to return here. I told him on reflection, It was better to wear the mother in the mountains. He was angry, saying that I did not understand. It has been played, we fought. I shot with his gun And I buried him here. I loved your father But the whole village laughed at him. It's not you, but the god of the mountain that killed him. Do not ever talk to anyone. Reduce heat now. When you're done that, bring the pot of sake. Do not forget to wipe the bottom. It's a bit early, but take your bath now. Tome, you can stop. Come with me. You're so clever! During the day, you can see trout swimming. If you approach the water, they hide under a rock. You remember the place well, and at night, you slip in hand. This time it's your turn. Tatsuhei asked you to give your body for one night to his brother. Do not do that. You have to say no outright. Go. Pass the hand below. I've caught one! You see, that's fine. I have nothing more to teach you. You know everything. Do not tell no one of this place. You always come alone. The pilgrimage to the mountain is painful. We appreciate your courage. Excellent sake. Orin, this preparation Is really worthy of you. We must respect the rules of the pilgrimage. One of them is: on the way it is forbidden to exchange a word. Another one is: you have to leave home Without being seen by anyone. The path to take: around Mount and go under the holly. After the slope of the third mountain, there is a pond. Bypass the pond three times and climb a hill. Continue to advance and along the valley. Two and a half miles later To go through seven turns. This trail is named the seven valleys. After having crossed You get to Narayama. Climb, climb, and god will be waiting. On the way back You should never look back. If it displeases you to go through, You can stop you before the summit. This is something you do not be said in secret. I have told you anyway. It can still be used. What is it? He cut the rope with his teeth. What a shame! You are unworthy to appear before the god. Will you break your bonds with God and with your son? Come, go home. That's stupid! What's this? The teeth of a rabbit, it brings good luck. Is it back? Mom, you're tired? No, I do not want. What about you? All of our ancestors Moved here has always To go to the mountain. Hundreds Thousands of people Perhaps more. Twenty-five years Go to the mountain brought on the back of my son. Twenty-five years later This will be his turn. There is nothing to do. Is it true that up there ... The god of the mountain us? If there really To make it snow, as the song goes! I killed my father And I killed my mother. Let me go! Father! Go to the mountain! It's snowing! It's snow. Mom! It starts to snow. You must be cold. You're lucky, because it snow On the day of your pilgrimage. It is true that snow. It was so cold. It began to snow. What luck. You must be hungry. What's wrong? It's lucky our grandmother. It's like what the song says. It smells really good. From tonight She eats here. If it makes cold, clothing lined with cotton wool, can not you covered. If it is hard to Narayama, when it snows a lot, you are happier Pelle the Conqueror - Papa... - I'm sleeping. Tell me about it again, papa. It's very different this new country. - You'll hardly... - You'll hardly believe your eyes. They put raisins in the pork roast and butter on your bread ... Some places they put butter on your bread. The brandy... is cheap as water and strong enough to knock you off your feet. But your father can handle it, Pelle, because he's strong. - And kids are free all day. - Yes, Pelle, yes. Tell me about it again. Wages are so incredibly high, that kids... That kids don't have to work. - They can ... play all day. - Yes. They won't fool me. Shouldn't take the first offer that comes along. This is my boy. No, widower. We're from Tommelilla. My name is Lasse Karlsson I'm looking for work. That one looks like he'd be kind to children. Lasse Karlsson from Tommelilla. I'm looking for work. Go back to Sweden, you old devil. Lasse Karlsson from Tommelilla. I'm looking for... No... shouldn't take the first offer that comes along. I'm Lasse Karlsson from Tommelilla. I'm looking ... Lasse Karlsson from Tommelilla. I'm looking for work. You're too old, and the boy is too young. Shouldn't take the first offer that comes along. No... You're too late. I suppose you're looking for work. Where are your parents? Lasse Karlsson from Tommelilla. I'm looking for... Let me see your papers. I'll hire you for 100 crowns a year including the boy. Good Lord ... You'll be staying in there. If you have any questions ask me or the trainee. Come back here, you stupid animals! Come back here, you miserable creatures. Come on. Move it. Come on. H it them on their teats. Or their hind legs, then they'll listen. Just hit them. Get back I said. If you help me with the cows and teach me Danish we can share my food. Always keep a stone in your pocket. If one runs away hit her with it and call her name. She'll come back then she'll know who's boss. - What's your name? - Rud. - Rut? - Rud. Stick your tongue out. If you stick your head between your legs and the sun is above the trees it's time to give them water. You can also hear it by the larks' song. That's my mother. She can't say Rud either. Here's my food. Stablehand, why is that cow standing there? Why is Gabriella standing there? Why is Gabriella standing there? The girls can't find their cows when you move them around. Aspasia it says. Perhaps Mr. trainee could tell me where she is suppose to stand. Kongstrup is back! Erik, why haven't you unharnassed Kongstrup's horses? Because I am going to eat my food first. Oh, really? You're not gonna leave these horses there, while you eat. Get out... you lazy dog. Don't you know its forbidden to steal the milk? You should be whipped for that! Well, never mind this time. Hey, Pelle ... I've been thinking. You and your father want to get rich? I know where you can find lots of gold coins. If you can keep a secret. Come in here, Pelle, very quietly. The raven can be dangerous if it hears us. Come. Mr. trainee! Mr. trainee, sir! Jump, you stinking Swede! You dirty bastard! Do you want to taste the whip yourself? Stop it or I'll turn you both in to the authorities. Get out and don't show your face for a good while. You son-of-a-bitch! He'll be punished. You can be sure. - On my word of honor... I'll ... - Kill him. - That dirty bastard ... - Promise you'll kill him? - You can count on it, Pelle. - How? - How? - How are you going to kill him? With a hammer, I think... You'll kill him stone dead ... Like a dead dog? You bet... But who'll read the cows' names then? You're right... Yes... We'd better make it just a whipping. Then he can still read for us. But it will be a proper whipping. Yarn for the boy's grey socks. The patch was for... The Sunday sweater, said Bengta. The sleeves should be let down. Your mother was so worried. She didn't think I could take care of you. Count on me, Bengta. Don't wear the socks too long, she said. Don't wear them through. Lasse! Lasse? Lasse? It's the trainee. Lasse, where the hell are you, you Swedish bumpkin? Will you kill him now, papa? Yes, yes... Mr. trainee ... I want to protest against... Mr. trainee ... As a father I want to protest against... Why don't you answer when I call? Ex cuse me. I just want to protest about the way Pelle was... Are you deaf? Watch out I don't report you to the manager. Aspasia is not going out to pasture tomorrow. - Is she going to calve? - Did you think she was foaling? You can lie there and cry, but if one can't read Aspasia's name one ought to show a little respect. I know where Aspasia's stall is. She's the third one from the door. - You promised, papa! - Speak Swedish with your father! You do speak Swedish, don't you? Are you so proud you won't speak your mother- tongue anymore? Lasse is old and poor... No respect... They can do what they want with you. What good does it do to make a fist when there's no strength left? I'm getting older... But you're young, Pelle ... You can conquer the whole world. I nearly forgot... Look here. Look, Pelle ... Look what I have ... Look at this, Pelle. I brought it with me from Sweden. From Tommelilla. If we're lucky, we'll get wild strawberries. Just think, Pelle ... Real Swedish strawberries. N ils, get your father some water. N ils, how about that water? Watch out! What the hell are you doing son? Where have you been? The Missus sent me to the store. What's that you're hiding under your jacket, Pelle? The Missus said I wasn't to show it to anyone. You're a clever boy, Pelle. If you give me the bag, I'll give it to the Missus so no one sees it. Cognac... Give it to me. I won't move. The boy should know that you take my things. Don't do it! Give me that bottle, Kongstrup! You lousy bastard! Pelle, go down and tell them how he bullies me. - Tell them how he's ruining my life. - That's enough! Keep it. God who keeps his children near, look at me who's kneeling here. My happiness is in God's hands, whatever are the world's demands. - Happiness comes, happiness... - Papa? Tomorrow you can say the day after tomorrow. And the day after tomorrow, you can say tomorrow. - My birthday. - Oh, yes... Pelle, the cognac he poured out was it real cognac? into the flower pot? Happiness comes, happiness goes. You better get dressed. Trousers, Pelle. Trousers first. But what's in your pocket? You haven't been stealing eggs last night, have you? Let's see. Oh, it's only paper. Why do you stuff your pockets? Happy birthday and God bless you, son. Thank you. It's just a poor man's gift, Pelle. Look. Now that's really something! It's a birthday present. I should have guessed. You look like someone who's got a birthday. Happy birthday. They say... Are you really going to run away to America? Run away... Run away, Pelle. Do I look like an idiot? You think I'd risk losing all my savings and be lawless? I want to be free, Pelle. A free man. That's what I'm waiting for. A free man. Come and see. Look here, Pelle. This... This is the boat to America. I've got two years left to work on this damn farm. Then I'll have enough money for the ticket. As soon as the manager pays me, I'll go out and conquer the world. Across the ocean. First to America, then to China, Spain, Negroland. The whole damn world, Pelle. It's there, waiting for you, Pelle. It's almost too easy. - lmagine ... - I'm coming with you. Yes. Since it's your birthday, I'll let you come along. Remember, in two years, as soon as the snow begins to melt we'll go out and conquer it. That great, awful wonderful world. Now. There you are. We've always eaten wild strawberries on your birthday. Think... real Swedish strawberries. How far is America, papa? America? Very far. There's a big mighty ocean between us. Erik says the sea is the strongest there is. It's soft and yet it can hold anything up. Iron or rock. I wonder if the countries America and China are attached to the ocean bottom or do they drift freely about? Then they would be hard to find. They're firmly fix ed to the ocean bottom, I imagine. Kongstrup! Come out, Kongstrup. I want to talk to you! - Your lad is hungry! - The sow and the cabbagehead ... Kongstrup, your bastard son needs money for food! Where are you going, you cabbagehead? Stay here. Come out and say hello to your bastard son. He's hungry. That lecher, he has kids all over the place. Ex cept with his missus. They say she is a witch. - The monthly allowance f or your son. - Didn't I tell you not to come here? The lad's allowed to see his father. - Get out, you disgusting sow. - Kongstrup has to pay his due. Kongstrup! You'll never get rid of your son. You'll never get rid of us! Kongstrup! Kongstrup! Take good care of your slate now, Pelle. And stay out of the way of the big boys, until you can handle them. But if they won't leave you alone, you hit first and run hard. They'll leave you alone if you hit hard enough. Listen to everything the teacher says and don't make trouble. Remember to use your handkerchief. Do not use your fingers. But if no one's looking, then you can save the handkerchief. Take care of your sweater, now that I've mended it. If the teacher's wife invites you to coffee, take only one piece cake. - But she won't. - Why not? - He never got married. - I see. Run along now. B-A is ba. B - E is be. B-A is ba. B - E is be. B - I is bi. B-O is bo. B - U is bu. B-Y is by. B-A is bahh! You miserable brats. Will you be quiet? ! Quiet, you rascals! Quiet! Quiet! You rascals! Let us welcome the new pupil. Stand up. - Tell us your name. - Pelle Karlsson. And what can you do? I can hit a cow with a stone from a hundred paces. And I can make my cows stand still by buzzing like a wasp. - And I can make Bismarck... - Can you read? No, otherwise I wouldn't be here. Leave your impudent remarks at home. What's this one, Pelle? Don't think I've ever seen that one. Have you already forgotten? I remembered after seeing it once. - It's an F. - Of course. That's what it is. What's wrong with my head today? An F that's it. What do you think it's used for? It's the first letter in F-ternoon. Of course. But you didn't figure that out alone. - The teacher must have told you. - No, I figured it out myself. You did? You're getting clever, Pelle. There's no end to what a lad with so much book learning can do. Maybe we'll get roast pork with raisins, Pelle. Or with apples. Some places they make it with apples instead. We'll see. Get out! I don't want any more trouble with you. - Get out! - Oh, hell, herring on Christmas Eve. If you don't like the food, then find some other place. Herring, herring ... Herring every single day! Couldn't we have had roast pork for Christmas? Damn you, always complaining. Go back to Sweden if you don't like it here. Are you so damn stingy? Don't you think we work hard enough? And you, of all people, say that. Go to your room. Damned! Damned! Damn the Stone Farm. Does anyone else have any complaints? Scram, you oaf! What are you doing here? Go back to the other oafs. Watch out, Pelle. The water's wet. You could get wet, you yellow-belly. Get lost, Pelle! You could get dizzy and fall in the water. Go home, Pelle! - Go back to the other oafs. - Get lost, yellow-belly! Go home, yellow-belly! I'm no more that than you! You don't even dare jump in the water. You must be crazy, jumping into the water like some love-sick woman. A good beating is what you need. If you had drowned I'd have given you such a beating, believe me. To think I should be the father of such a half-witted idiot. Do you think, doctor, he'd be better if you bled him? Here you are. Here you are. This will help your cold. This will help your cold. Don't be afraid, Pelle. Don't be afraid, Pelle. Just very unhappy sometimes. Just very unhappy sometimes. Oh, dear Lord ... Oh, dear Lord you don't even have a mother, poor thing. don't even have a mother, poor thing. It's three years since Mama Bengta died. It's three years since Mama Bengta died. She's lying in the left-hand corner of the cemetery now. Do you miss her much? Lasse mends my clothes. She was a good mother to you, wasn't she? She was so ill and grouchy at the end. It was better that she died. But we'll marry again soon. And then you'll leave. You don't like it here anyway, do you? Nobody likes it at Stone Farm. Everything turns bad here. It must be an old curse. Is that what they say? Well, well ... And what do they say about me? That Missus has a pact with the devil and turns into a werewolf at night. And just because I love only one man. Why does he do this to me? He's gone into town again, the lecher. I married him, made him a proprietor gave him my love. The best I have, I've given him. If only he could have given me a child. - I think I'd better go down to papa. - Now you're afraid of me again. You're a good boy, Pelle. If I had a son, I would want him to be like you. Papa, there's the Missus with her young family. Pelle, you step forward. Hello, Pelle. Where's your father? This is our stablehand, Lasse Karlsson and his son Pelle. Hello. This is my niece from Copenhagen. Miss Signe is going to stay with us. I've forgotten what 2 x 2 is. Even if my knowledge is somewhat rusty I'll see if I can help you. 2 x 2 is 5. Which is lighter, a pound of feathers or a pound of lead? Not you, Pelle. Perhaps Pelle would be so kind as to repeat his question. If a pound of flour costs 12 øre, what does a barrel of gunpowder cost? Where the hell's the herring? That's all I ever eat. Herring, herring, herring! Do you know the difference between you and a buttock? I don't know either. Erik, did you hear what I asked? Lasse, can you take my place at the chaff-cutter tonight? But it's Saturday. I'm going out to have some fun. You're not getting off so easy. He's got a way with women, like his papa. It must be a hell of a long time since Lasse Karlsson ... Karna, I've been thinking lately... You've been good to Pelle, and you like the boy. Why not move in together. We could have a good life, the two of us. You're too old, Lasse. My man has to be dangerous. You're not dangerous anymore. I see. So you're out fishing for young men. Watch out you don't miss the boat. Lasse, run down to the store and get us some brandy. Come on, damn it. It's Saturday. You can get your own brandy. Just because someone is old ... In the old days there was respect. They always said "Where's Lasse? Get Lasse Karlsson." The girls were chasing you, even if you were married. There was respect. Papa! I had hoped when we came here that there would be some money left to buy a little house and maybe find a woman, who could take care of us. Then we could have coffee in bed Sunday mornings, eh Pelle? We could run away together, papa. Run away... But think of the authorities. I don't want to become an outlaw. I mean far away, to America. We could go to America and get us a house and a wife. We could save up all our money, papa. We have to get away. What are you doing here? - Stealing eggs. I was so hungry. - Don't tell anyone you saw me. I know who the father is. You mustn't tell anyone. H is father would ... If he knew, he would ... I'm not good enough for them. I don't know what to do. Promise not to tell. Never. Pelle! Come here! - What were you doing there? - Stealing eggs. Bend over. Can I have your half-crown? Have my half-crown? Are you crazy? I'll need it when I go to America. When I'm bigger I'll give you back ten. You'll never get big. You're deformed. I'll go on show ... at tivolis. At tivolis? As a monster. I'll get filthy rich. But Pelle give it to me and you can beat me 100 times with nettles. On your bare skin? A hundred times. - You can't take that. - As hard as you want. A hundred blows. Are you ready? That's enough. Then you don't get the money. You hit too hard. - You want it or not? - The money first, then. Can't you tell us anything about Adam and Eve and the serpent? Well? We're waiting. Have you ever heard of Adam and Eve and the serpent? Haven't you been listening in class? What did the serpent promise them if they ate from the apple? Don't think I feel sorry for you. It promised that if they could distinguish between good and evil. How can we let you continue in this class if you don't understand the most elementary things? Are his parents here? They are not even here. All right, sit down. Ne xt... Pelle. Perhaps you can tell us what God said to the serpent? And God said to the serpent, You shall ... You shall crawl on your belly... You shall crawl on your belly... - And does it still do so? - Yes, because it has no limbs. And can you tell me what a limb is? A limb is... - A hand, for e xample. - Yes. What distinguishes all limbs from other parts of the body? A limb is... A limb moves independently. An e xample? Ears. - Can you move the ears? - Yes. I should really like to see that. So your ears saved you. I always told you to use your ears. Rud! Rud, you idiot. Come back! If you run away you'll never get to your grandma in heaven. You can have my knife if you come back. You can't do that to me. What are you doing? Don't remove those stones. The child is buried there. Yes it is... Anna killed your child and she was sent to jail. I did it... I killed the child. Papa could never kill me. Why can't you leave me alone? It's my meadow, and you mustn't take the stones away from the child. You mustn't say that. You mustn't lie before God. The child is in the cemetery, in consecrated earth. The child is buried here. I've seen his soul burning on the rocks at night. That's because God won't let him come up to Heaven. N ils! Who has gone out there into the arms of death? It's N ils. He went out with the line. Your eyes are young. Can you see N ils? He was a good boy. He was my everything. My light... my warmth. He never spoke an evil word. Even though I denied him his love. Now I'm without a son. Without a child. May he find peace now. He had so little of it here on earth. He rescued the lives of five men. Maybe now Our Lord will receive him. Come on, Erik. Come on! Two more inches and you've won yourself a bottle of brandy. When will you drink it? The Manager says you have to work. He can work if he wants, the bloody Stone Farm manager. No one is going to keep Erik in, when he's free and wants some fun. Can I come with you? Not now, Pelle. Not now ... Remember in one year... When the snow melts, then we'll go out into the real world. First to America and then to Negroland and China. The whole damn world, Pelle. Where are you going? You scoundrel! Erik! What's this? Are you ill? I must have caught a cold. My whole body is shivering. It couldn't be mumps, could it? Let's look at you, boy. Look at you, lying there in your Sunday clothes. What's this, your funeral dress? Were you going out to buy yourself a burial place, huh? It's about time we get you into the ground. You're beginning to smell. I'm not dead yet... And I don't smell more than some people. Always trouble with you. Never satisfied with the food. - Always complaining about work. - Why don't you hit me? Go on, hit me! There must be authorities in this country. Now you do your job or I'll show you the authorities. The manager wants you to be quiet. What are you saying, you little chicken? - The manager wants you ... - I can't hear you. The manager wants you to be quiet. Listen to him. Listen to that stupid boy. He is still wet behind the ears. Run back and tell him to run his own errands. Skol! Skol, you devil! Good Lord ... I'm not dead yet. - Where are you going, Erik? - To rest. - What? - To rest. No. You have to do your job. - I'm allowed to rest. - Who says so? - Like the others. - That's for me to decide. Get back to work, Erik. - I always have to work. - What a pity. That's because you're so clever and yell such loving words at me when I turn my back. What the hell do you think you get your money for? Are you so goddamn stupid? You have to work for your wages. Get back to work you lousy bastard. I'll have to go to the authorities and report you and keep your wages. All your wages, Erik. Fine. Papa! Lasse! They're coming. Good Lord ... They're going to do it. Carry him down to the cellar. Carry him down to the cellar! The rest of you go back to work. Come inside and get warm. I just wanted to get out of the wind. The mama Bengta died and now she's in the cemetery back home. And your father is a widower? I think that's what it's called. The sea is hard. My husband's been out there for a year now. I've been a widow since. Has he drowned? No, he hasn't. I haven't had an omen yet. How long did you say her husband has been at sea? A year, I think. So she's been alone a whole year. That's a long time. And you told her that mama Bengta was dead? Yes, of course you did. This is all we have left of mama's things. It's all or nothing now, Pelle. You go by Madame Olsen's place after school tomorrow and give her this. As a thank you for her kindness to you in the storm. Would you believe it, Pelle I got an omen last night in that awful storm. I dreamt that a big black dog stood at my bed. H is coat was dripping wet and I understood it had to be the shipdog with a message. I got out of bed and outside my window I saw a ship go down. The heavens and the sea met. I saw my husband rise to heaven. He was completely transparent. Saltwater dripped off him. - Who's there? - Pelle's father, Lasse Karlsson. So that's Pelle's father. It's quite a young son you have. Come in and sit down. He was a late-comer you might say. But I can still do a man's work, both here and there. - Here you are. - Thank you. I really ought to be going. Eat. Go ahead, eat. That's how you know a man. You've walked a long way. I just wanted to thank you for being so kind to the boy. Nonsense. Here ... eat. - You must have been a good wife. - That's true enough. He got everything that was his due when he was ashore. But he was ungrateful, and one gets tired. I don't think mama Bengta would have said that about me. There's plenty to do in this house, if there's a man to help. I only have one cow but one could have two. I'm only a poor devil compared to you but we have decent clothes. And I have a pair of good hands. - You're not afraid of lending a hand. - No, I'm not. I'm not afraid of a cup of coffee in bed Sunday morning either. Then I think I should have a kiss. Yes, you should. We must hope for happiness and blessings for all three of us. You already like the boy. I know that. You'd better stay the night. But I must be back before the cows wake. And Pelle's all alone. Pelle ... Come on, Pelle. Everything's been arranged now. We'll have a house and home. And a beautiful mother too. Madame Olsen. You'll be happy. And maybe we'll get coffee in bed Sunday mornings. Give us this day our daily bread ... Is that the book of biblical stories? Does it have the one about the man whose sons pulled down his pants? - Noah? - Yeah, old man Noah. - What did he drink, old man Noah? - Wine. Was it wine? Then he must have been a fine man, old Noah. Then there was the one about the man who was so devilish clever. - Laban. - Laban, of course. Imagine forgetting that... Laban. How was it now? Could you have two wives then? The great prophets. Let me see ... Isaiah and Daniel ... I remember them. If you want to you can ask me about the prophets. Okay, let's hear them. You better stop reading now. Otherwise you may lose track. Of the four great prophets? Let's hear them. Well, first I have to make sure I have them all. I don't understand where they have gone. There's Isaiah ... and Daniel ... No, I can't do it today, Pelle. - Isaiah, Daniel ... Isaiah, Daniel, Jesus... No, not Jesus. Of course not... Not him. They sure had devilish names. Try, papa. Isaiah, Daniel, Ezekiel ... - And ... and ... - Jeremiah! And Jeremiah! Isaiah, Daniel, Ezekiel and Jeremiah. Will you never grow up? Don't be afraid. He wouldn't hurt a fly. Erik are you coming? To the fair, Erik. Come on, Erik. Come on! Come on, Erik. Isn't he coming? He can't stay alone here without the manager. Can't you go get him? You're the only one he listens to. Coming with us to the fair, Erik old boy? Come on, Erik. Come on! Aren't you coming to the fair? Isaiah, Daniel, Ezekiel, Jeremiah. Isaiah, Daniel, Ezekiel, Jeremiah. Those were the days. Imagine, two wives, Pelle. One could make coffee and the other could mend and sew. Smile at the world, and the world smiles back at you. What's going on here? I'm leaving, Aunt. But Signe, dear child... I don't really like living in the country. I want to learn to take care of myself. I've decided to... - You might have said something. - I should have said it earlier. But dear child, I don't understand. I miss the city so... But I thought... Kongstrup and I were sure you were happy here. Dear Signe... I'm sorry, Aunt, but I don't think... So suddenly. If you had said it earlier I could understand. - Sorry, Aunt. - But you might have... Why can't you look me in the eye when we talk? How will you manage the trip? - And so suddenly... - Kongstrup will take me to the boat. Oh thank God. I was so worried. If only I could understand. We'II miss you terribly. I imagined Kongstrup and I, we would sit here and watch you run this glorious place. Signe, my dear, don't cry. My dear... You can always visit us whenever you want. Kongstrup! Kongstrup! Come out and let me talk to you. You owe me money, Kongstrup. Kongstrup! Miss Signe... Let me say hello to you. Are you too proud to say hello to me? One person's just as good as another. Is it because you' re going away to have your child? I had mine in a turnip patch. But it was the same old whoremonger, wasn't it? Signe... Signe. Go up to the old whoremonger. I'm afraid of the Missus. - Come on. - Let me go! Kongstrup, come out and help an old sweetheart! Let me go! Let me go! Get out! Out! What are you staring at? - Why are you late? - Sorry. I don't understand. Only death can put an end to grief so quickly. She must have a damned good grip on herself. Wake u p and fetch the doctor. Quick! - What is it, papa? - I don't know. What is it? What happened? - It's so terrible. - She cut him. - The Missus cut him. - What happened? The Missus cut him. He's bleeding badly. Get help. See what it says about Pelle. Could Master Friis tell me what this means? "Pelle is the young cuckoo in Madame Olsen's nest." - Isn't she married to a sailor? - She's boatsman Olsen's wife. He sleeps with her at night. Your father doesn't care, does he, Pelle? Watch out lecher's son! Pelle's father likes married women. Pelle's father is a whoremonger. He's in for a beating. The cuckoo bird is in for a beating. Here's one from boatsman Olsen. Just wait, Pelle, we'II get you. Pelle... I've been turning it over in my mind... Shouldn't we move down to Madame Olsen's? I've talked to her about it. It's against the law to move in with someone who's still married but my whole body aches sometimes to have my own. Pelle, we could make it look like we were lodgers. She could sew you new clothes. You're growing out of the old ones. If I move into Madame Olsen's, you'd come too, wouldn't you? It's easy for you, Pelle. You have your years ahead of you. I'm beginning to get old and I need someone to take care of me. You just go ahead and move, and I'II run away. You're so smug and proud. Look how you' re cutting up the post and someone e lse has to fill in the holes with cow dung. Stop that now, Pelle! Watch out I don't cut a picture of you and Madame Olsen on the gate. You rascal! Watch out I don't set the manager on to you. Pelle! Could you go by Madame Olsen on the way home from school? Here are some things she promised to mend for us. And tell her I'II come by this eveni ng. Why don't you marry her properly like others do. We will... We will, Pelle but it takes time with the authorities. Boatsman Olsen's death certificate and all. But soon there will be coffee in bed. well, here's Madame Olsen's young cuckoo. Let's see how strong you are, Pelle. - Into the sea with him! - Jump, Pelle! Whoremonger's son! Go back to Sweden! Let's see how good you are. - Into the sea with him! - Jump, Pelle! - Show us what you can do. - Papa's little Pelle, come on. How about a Iittle dance? What's the little cuckoo going to do? Show us what you can do. Go back to Sweden, you whoremonger's son. - Fly away cuckoo bird! - Cuckoo bird! Look! It's boatsman Olsen! Are you back already? Madame Olsen's husband has come home. First they pluck one feather and then another. And finally you stand there like a plucked chicken in the shit. I thought I was going to have a peaceful old age. I've slaved... I'm just a poor, miserable man. Oh, Jesus. Jesus, help me. What's the point of grieving? Here... this is my new sweetheart. Kiss her, lad. Oh, you're too fine for that, are you? well it doesn't help to go around whimpering. Stop it, papa. Frisky isn't she? Easy now, you devil! You're crying, son. Has someone hurt you? Don't you know your father's name is Lasse Karlsson? It's alright. Lasse is here. You can be sure he'II prove... Your father can stand on his own two feet. Now the bastard's going to answer for all these years. We'II have a talk with Missus and her whoremonger. Erik? Spring is coming. That's what papa says. Then you'II be a free man. We can leave, Erik. We can leave this awful place and go out and conquer the world, Erik. Pelle... - What do they say about us? - Wouldn't know. H aven't you heard anything? Do you think I'II go to school and be made a fool of? The Lord forgive me for abusing his gifts but it's a terrible temptation when you' re broken-hearted. If I promise you'II never again see your father like yesterday would you then go to school tomorrow, Pelle? We'II pull through this. You have to go or there will be trouble with the authorities. Master Friis? Master Friis? He's sleeping. Master Friis, it's two o'clock. Master Friis, it's two o'clock. Time to go home. well, Pelle... Where's your father? Is he out running about? I'm sure my father would be happy to marry him as boatsman Olsen's second wife. help me! How dare you hit my son, you scoundrel? You'II hear from the authorities about this! That was about the worst you could do, hit the minister's son. He deserved it, I'm sure, but still you should n't have done it. They'II send you away. He said he could get you married as boatsman Olsen's second wife. Oh, he did... Did he! If I had him here, I'd rip his innards out. - Did you give him what he deserved? - No, not really. He squealed like a pig and his father came running. Damn. This isn't good. And you don't intend to apologize? No, no you shouldn't. Although maybe you should... No, no. You have to twist and turn as the eel said in the frying pan. I hope the proprietor won't mind. We have no choice, but to ask for help. Did you blow your nose properly, Pelle? I hope the proprietor won't mind. - There's probably no one home. - We can't stand here all day. Go first then, if you think you can handle this better. Good day. It's like this you see... I hope the proprietor won't mind... That he won't mind... Forgive us for coming, this has nothing to do with the farm. But when the sins of a father are visited upon his son, then... Are you standing there? Sit down by all means. Why haven't you offered them a seat, dear? What is it? Money? No, it's j ust that... I hope Ma'am won't mind, but it's... It's the boy. They' re going to send him away. Send him away? What have you done? I hit and kicked the minister's son. And why did you do that? Because he said evil things about Lasse. What did he say? He called me boatsman Olsen's second wife. Like, in the story in the bible, I suppose. I was... Madame Olsen's sweetheart. Everyone thought she was a widow and then... The other day, her husband came home. Have one. - And then Pelle got furious. - Yes, unfortunately. That's how it is with poor wretches. They're only there to be pecked at. well, I prefer the bid that pecks back and defends his nest no matter how poor it is. I'II do what I can. Don't worry about it anymore. Thank you. Oh by the way, Kongstrup and I decided. The old trainee is leaving us this Spring. Maybe Pelle would Iike to become trainee here on Stone Farm. Thank you. Thank you very much. Did you notice how I let the Missus know you'd Iike to be trainee? almost as if she thought it was her own idea. These belonged to the old trainee. They're a bit big. Try them on, Pelle? I'II get some boot wax, and they'II be like new. well the n... Stand up straight, Pelle. Shoulders up and chin forward. No, lift your chin. There. Now a sharp look in your eye. You must command respect for yourself. Posture and the look in the eye. That's what does it. No more hard work. Just giving orders. "You can't take tonight off. The stables must be cleaned." And Pelle, maybe you'II get to eat Sunday dinner with the proprietor. And have your own napkin-ring with your name on it. Pelle Karlsson written on it. And who knows, Pelle. Maybe one day you'II be the manager. I could see what the Missus thought. Erik! Erik! Wait, Erik! Wait for me! I won't... We have to leave here, papa. Now, papa! - Oh, it's Karna. - I'm glad I caught you. I was afraid the manager and the Missus would see me. I came to give you this quilt. It'II keep you warm, no matter where you end up in the world. Goodbye, Gabriella. Goodbye, Blakka. Be good. well, Aspasia. Say good bye to Pelle, cause he's going out to see the big world. Papa... What is it? Can't we stay? You'II have to run away without me, Pelle. I'm too old to travel. I don't have the strength anymore. I'm too old. Do you understand that? We'II make a bundle for you. You can have two of my shirts then you'II have four. The one you' re wearing is clean. And remember: never wear it more than two weeks at a time otherwise you'II get a bad name in town. And change your socks before they wear out. He who changes his clothes in time saves half the work and all the shame. And you can have my boots too. Though they're a bit worn. And here's the Bible. Mama Bengta wanted you to have it the day we parted. N ext time we'll meet maybe you'll have a proper home to come to. Say hello to Karna for me. Goodbye and thank you. # If I didn't care # More than words can say # If I didn't care # Would I feel this way? # If this isn't Love # Then why do I thrill? # And what makes my head go round and round # While my heart stands still? # If I didn't care # Would it be the same? # Would my every prayer begin and end # With just your name? # And would I be sure # That this is Love beyond compare? # Would all this be true # If I didn't care for you? Mr Dufresne, describe the confrontation you had with your wife the night she was murdered. It was very bitter. She said she was glad I knew, that she hated all the sneaking around? .? And she said she wanted a divorce in Reno. What was your response? I told her I would not grant one. "I'll see you in hell before I see you in Reno? " Those were the words you used, Mr Dufresne, according to your neighbours. If they say so? I really don't remember. I was upset. What happened after you argued with your wife? She packed a bag? She packed a bag to go and stay with.? . Mr Quentin? Glenn Quentin. Golf pro at the Snowdon Hills Country Club. The man you discovered was your wife's Lover. Did you follow her? I went to a few bars first. Later, I drove to his house to confront them? They weren't home, so I.? . parked in the turnout, and waited. With what intention? I'm not sure. I was confused. Drunk. I think, mostly, I wanted to scare them. When they arrived, you went up to the house and murdered them? No. I was sobering up. I got back in the car, and I drove home to sleep it off? Along the way, I stopped, and I threw my gun into the Royal River. I feel I've been very clear on this point. Well, where I get hazy is where the cleaning woman shows up the following morning and finds your wife in bed with her lover, riddled with? 38 caliber bullets. Now, does that strike you as a fantastic coincidence, Mr Dufresne, or is it just me? Yes, it does. Yet you still maintain that you threw your gun into the river before the murders took place? - That's very convenient. - it's the truth? The police dragged that river for three days, and nary a gun was found. So, there could be no comparison made between your gun and the bullets taken from the bloodstained corpses of the victims. And that also? .? is very convenient? isn't it, Mr Dufresne? Since I am innocent of this crime, sir, I find it decidedly inconvenient that the gun was never found. If I Didn't Care # And would I be sure that this # Is love beyond compare... Ladies and gentlemen, you've heard all the evidence. We have the accused at the scene of the crime. We have footprints, tyre tracks, bullets strewn on the ground which bear his fingerprints, a broken bourbon bottle, likewise with fingerprints. And most of all, we have a beautiful young woman and her Lover Lying dead in each other's arms. They had sinned. But was their crime so great as to merit a death sentence? Now, while you think about that? .? .? think about this. A revolver holds six bullets? Not eight? I submit that this was not a hot-blooded crime of passion? That could be understood, if not condoned? No? This was revenge.? . of a much more brutal and cold-blooded nature. Consider this. Four bullets per victim. Not six shots fired, but eight. That means that he fired the gun empty, and then stopped to reload so that he could shoot each of them again. An extra bullet per Lover. Right in the head. You strike me as a particularly icy and remorseless man, Mr Dufresne. It chills my blood just to look at you? By the power vested in me by the state of Maine, I hereby order you to serve two life sentences, back to back. One for each of your victims. So be it. Sit. We see by your file you've served 20 years of a life sentence. Yes, sir. You feel you've been rehabilitated? Oh, yes, sir. Absolutely, sir. I mean, I learned my lesson? I can honestly say.? .I'm a changed man. I'm no longer a danger to society. That's God's honest truth. Hey, Red. How'd it go? Same old shit. Different day. Yeah? I know how you feel. I'm up for rejection next week. Yeah, I got rejected last week. It happens? Hey, Red? Bump me a deck. Get the fuck out of my face, will you, man? You've had five packs already. - Four? - Five. There must be a con like me in every prison in America. I'm the guy who can get it for you. Cigarettes, a bag of reefer - if that's your thing - a bottle of brandy to celebrate your kid's high-school graduation. Damn near anything, within reason. Yes, sir. I'm a regular Sears and Roebuck. So, when Andy Dufresne came to me in 1949 and asked me to smuggle Rita Hayworth into the prison for him, I told him, "No problem. " Andy came to Shawshank Prison in early 1947, for murdering his wife and the fella she was banging. On the outside he had been vice-president of a large Portland bank. Good work for a man as young as he was. Hey, Red. Do you speak English, butt steak? You follow this officer. I haven't seen such a sorry-looking heap of m-m-maggot shit in all my life. Hey, fish! Come over here? Come on, fish. Taking bets today, Red? Smokes or coins? Better's choice? Smokes. Put me down for two? All right. Who's your horse? That little sack of shit? .? eighth from the front. He'll be first. - Bullshit? I'll take that action. - Me too. You're out some smokes, son. Let me tell you. Heywood, you're so smart, you call it? I'll take? .? t-t-the chubby fat-ass there. The fifth one from the front. Put me down for a quarter deck? Fresh fish! Fresh fish today! We're reeling them in! I must admit, I didn't think much of Andy, first time I laid eyes on him. Looked like a stift breeze would blow him over. That was my first impression of the man. What do you say, Red? That tall drink of water with the silver spoon up his ass? That guy? Never happen? Ten cigarettes? That's a rich bet. All right? Who's gonna prove me wrong? Heywood? Jigger? Skeet? Floyd? Four brave souls. Return to your cell blocks for evening count. All prisoners return to your cell blocks. Turn to the right. Eyes front? This is Mr Hadley. He's Captain of the Guards? I'm Mr Norton, the Warden. You are convicted felons? That's why they've sent you to me. Rule number one: No blasphemy. I'll not have the Lord's name taken in vain in my prison? The other rules... you'll figure out as you go along? Any questions? When do we eat? You eat when we say you eat! You shit when we say you shit, and you piss when we say you piss. You got that, you maggot-dick motherfucker? Aarghh! On your feet. I believe in two things. Discipline and the Bible. Here you'll receive both. Put your trust in the Lord. Your ass belongs to me? Welcome to Shawshank? Unhook 'em. Turn around. That's enough. Move to the end of the cage. Turn around. Delouse him. Turn around. Move out of the cage, go left. Pick up your clothes and Bible. Next man up. To the right. Right, right, right. Left, left.? . The first night's the toughest. No doubt about it. They march you in, naked as the day you were born, skin burning and half-blind from that delousing shit they throw on you. And when they put you in that cell, and those bars slam home... that's when you know it's for real. Old life blown away in the blink of an eye. Nothing left, but all the time in the world to think about it. Most new fish come close to madness the first night. Somebody always breaks down crying. Happens every time. The only question is: Who's it gonna be? It's as good a thing to bet on as any, I guess. I had my money on Andy Dufresne. Lights out! I remember my first night. Seems like a long time ago. Yoo-hoo! Hey, fish. Fish, fish, fish, fish, fishy. - Boy, are you scared of the dark? - You I? ke it here, new fish? You'll wish your daddy never dicked your mommy. Fishy! Oh, I want me a pork chop. Oh, yes! You taking this down, new fish? There's gonna be a quiz later! - Poke your ass out, give me a first look! - Shh! Keep it down. The boys always go fishing with first-timers. They don't quit till they reel someone in. Hey, Fat Ass. Fat Ass. Talk to me, boy. I know you're there. I can hear you breathing. Don't you listen to these nitwits. You hear me? This place ain't so bad. I tell you what. I'll introduce you around? Make you feel right at home. I know a couple of big old bull queers that would just love to make your acquaintance. Especially that big, white, m- mushy butt of yours. God! I don't belong here! We have a winner! I wanna go home! And it's Fat Ass by a nose! Hey, it's the fat guy! It's the fat guy! Fresh fish! Fresh fish! Fresh fish! I don't belong here! Fresh fish! I wanna go home? I want my mommy? I had your mother. She wasn't that great. Fresh fish! What the Christ is this happy horse shit? He took the Lord's name in vain. I'm telling the Warden. With my baton up your ass! Let me out of here! What is your malfunction, you fat barrel of monkey spunk? Please... I ain't supposed to be here? Not me! I ain't gonna count to three, or even one. Shut the fuck up, r I'll sing you a lullaby! Shut up, man? Shut up? There's been a mistake! You don't understand? I'm not supposed to be here! Open that cell. Me neither. You people run this place like a fucking prison! Son of a bitch. Take it easy? if I hear so much as a mouse fart in here the rest of the night, I swear by God and sonny Jesus, you will all visit the infirmary? Every last motherfucker in here. Call the trustees? Take that tub of shit down to the infirmary. His first night in the joint, Andy Dufresne cost me two packs of cigarettes. He never made a sound. Tier 3 North. Clear. Tier 2 South. Clear. Tier 3 South. Clear. Tier 1 North... - Tier 1 South. Clear. - Tier 4 South. Clear. Prepare to roll out. Roll out! Are.? . Are you going to eat that? I hadn't? .? I hadn't planned on it? Do you mind? Ah.? .that's nice and ripe? Jake says thank you. Fell out of his nest over by the plate shop? I'm going to look after him until he's big enough to fly. Oh, no, no? Here he comes. Morning, fellas? Fine morning, ain't it? You know why it's a fine morning, don't you? Come on. I want 'em all lined up here, just like a pretty little chorus line. Yeah, look at that! - Look at that. Oh, Lord! - I can't stand this guy. Yes. Richmond, Virginia? - Smell my ass! - After he smells mine. Gee, Red, it was a terrible shame about your horse coming in last, an' all? But I sure do love that winning horse of mine, though. I owe that boy a great big, sloppy kiss when I see him? Why don't you give him some of your cigarettes, instead? Lucky fuck. Hey, Tyrell. You pull infirmary duty this week? How's that horse of mine doing? Dead? Hadley busted his head up pretty good. The doc had already gone home for the night. Poor bastard lay there till this morning? By then, hell, there weren't nothing we could do? What was his name? What did you say? I was just wondering if anyone knew his name. What the fuck do you care, new fish? it doesn't fuckin' matter what his name was. He's dead. Hey? .? Anybody come at you yet? Anybody get to you yet? Hey, we all need friends in here? I could be a friend to you. Hey? .? Hard to get? I like that? Andy kept pretty much to himself at first. I guess he had a lot on his mind, trying to adapt to life on the inside. It wasn't until a month went by that he opened his mouth to say more than two words to somebody. As it turned out... that somebody was me. Officers Russell and Burwell report to the duty officer. I'm Andy Dufresne. The wife-killing banker? Why did you do it? I didn't, since you ask? You're gonna fit right in! Everybody in here's innocent? Didn't you know that? - Heywood, what are you in here for? - Didn't do it? Lawyer fucked me? Rumor has it you're a real cold fish. You think your shit smells sweeter than most. Is that right? - What do you think? - To tell you the truth, I haven't made up my mind. I understand you're a man that knows how to get things. I'm known to locate certain things, from time to time. - I wonder if you might get me a rock hammer. - A what? A rock hammer. - What is it, and why? - What do you care? Well, if it was a toothbrush, I'd just quote a price, but then a toothbrush is a non-lethal object. Fair enough? A rock hammer is about six or seven inches long. Looks like a miniature pickaxe? Pickaxe? - For rocks? - Rocks? Quartz? Quartz.? And some mica. Shale? Limestone. So? So, I'm a rock hound. At least, I was in my old life? I'd like to be again on a limited basis? Or maybe you want to hammer somebody's skull. No, sir. I have no enemies here? No? Wait a while. Word gets around? The Sisters have taken quite a liking to you? Especially Bogs. I don't suppose it would help any if I explained to them I'm not homosexual? Neither are they. You have to be human first. They don't qualify. Bull queers take by force? it's all they want or understand. If I were you, I'd grow eyes in the back of my head? Thanks for the advice. Well, that's free? You understand my concern. Well, if there's any trouble, I won't use the hammer? Then I guess you want to escape. Tunnel under the wall, maybe? Did I miss something? What's funny? You'll understand when you see the rock hammer. What's an item like this usually go for? Seven dollars in any rock and gem shop. My normal mark-up's 20 per cent. But this is a specialty item. The risk goes up, the price goes up. Let's make it an even ten bucks. Ten it is? Waste of money, if you ask me. Why's that? Folks around this joint love surprise inspections? If they find it, you're gonna lose it? If they do catch you with it, you don't know me. Mention my name, we never do business again? Not for shoelaces or a stick of gum? Now, you got that? I understand. Thank you? .? Mr er.? Red. The name's Red. Red? Why do they call you that? Maybe it's because I'm Irish? I could see why some of the boys took him for snobby. He had a quiet way about him. A walk and a talk that just wasn't normal around here. He strolled... like a man in a park, without a care or worry in the world. Like he had on an invisible coat that would shield him from this place. Yeah. I think it would be fair to say... I liked Andy from the start. Let's go! Some of us have got a schedule to keep? Move it! Come on? Move it! Bob, how are you doing? How's the wife treating you? Easy. Keep it moving. Red.? . Andy was right. I finally got the joke. It would take a man about 600 years to tunnel under the wall with one of these. Book? Not today. - Book? - No. Hey, Brooksy. Delivery for Dufresne. Book? Dufresne.? . Here's your book. Thanks. Dufresne! We're running low on Hexlite? Get on back and fetch us up some? If you get this in your eyes, it blinds you? Honey? .? hush. That's it. You fight. It's better that way. I wish I could tell you that Andy fought the good fight, and the Sisters let him be. I wish I could tell you that. But prison is no fairy-tale world. He never said who did it. But we all knew. Things went on like that for a while. Prison life consists of routine... and then more routine. Every so often, Andy would show up with fresh bruises. The Sisters kept at him. Sometimes he was able to fight 'em off. Sometimes not. And that's how it went for Andy. That was his routine. I do believe those first two years were the worst for him. And I also believe, if things had gone on that way, this place would have got the best of him. But then, in the spring of 1949, the powers that be decided that... The roof of the license-plate factory needs resurfacing? I need a dozen volunteers for a week's work? As you know, special detail carries with it special privileges. It was outdoor detail and May is one damn fine month to be working outdoors. Stay in line there? More than a hundred men volunteered for the job. Wallace E Unger. Ellis Redding. Wouldn't you know it? Me and some fellows I know were among the names. Andrew Dufresne. It only cost us a pack of smokes per man. I made my usual 20 per cent, of course. So, this big-shot lawyer calls me long-distance from Texas. I say, "Yeah?" He says, "Sorry to inform you, but your brother just died. " Oh, damn, Byron? I'm sorry to hear that. I'm not? He was an asshole. Ran oft years ago. Figured him for dead, anyway. So, anyway, this Lawyer fella says to me, "Your brother died a rich man. " O ýi wells and shit. Close to a million bucks. A million bucks? Fucking incredible how lucky some assholes get. Jeez-Louise! Are you gonna see any of that? 35,000? That's what he left me? - Dollars? - Yeah. Holy shit! That's great. That's like winning the sweepstakes. Isn't it? Dumb shit. What do you think the government's gonna do to me? Take a big, wet bite out of my ass, is what? Poor Byron! Terrible fucking luck, huh? Crying shame. Some people really got it awful! Andy, are you nuts? Keep your eyes on your mop, man? Andy! Well, you'll pay some tax, but you'll still end up... Oh, yeah, yeah? Maybe enough to buy a new car. Then what? I've got to pay tax on the car? Repair, maintenance, goddamn kids pestering me to take them for a ride... And at the end of the year, you figure the tax wrong, you pay them out of your own pocket? I tell you? .? Uncle Sam! He puts his hand in your shirt and squeezes your tit till it's purple. - Andy! Andy! - What's he doing? - Getting himself killed. - Keep tarring. Some brother! Shit? Hey! Mr Hadley.? . do you trust your wife? Oh, that's funny. You're gonna look funnier sucking my dick with no teeth? I mean, do you think she'd go behind your back, try to hamstring you? That's it. Step aside, Mert. This fucker's having an accident. He's gonna push him off. Cos if you do trust her, there's no reason you can't keep that 35,000? - What did you say? - 35,000. - 35,000? - All of it? - All of it? - Every penny. You'd better start making sense? If you want to keep the money, give it to your wife. The IRS allows a one-time-only gift to your spouse for up to $60,000? Bullshit! Tax-free? Tax-free? The IRS can't touch one cent? You're the smart banker what killed his wife. Why should I believe a smart banker like you? So I can end up in here with you? It's legal. Ask the IRS. They'll say the same thing? But I feel stupid telling you this. I'm sure you would have investigated the matter. Yeah, I don't need no banker to tell me where the bears shit in the buckwheat? Of course not, but you do need someone to set up the tax-free gift? it'll cost you. A lawyer. A bunch of ball-washing bastards. I suppose I could set it up for you? That would save you some money? If you get the forms, I'll prepare them for you? Nearly free of charge? I'd only ask three beers apiece for each of my co-workers. Co-workers! Get him! That's rich, ain't it? I think a man working outdoors feels more like a man if he can have a bottle of suds. That's only my opinion? .? sir? What are you jimmies staring at? Back to work! Let's go. Work. And that's how it came to pass... that on the second-to-last day of the job, the convict crew that tarred the plate-factory roof in the spring of '49... wound up sitting in a row at ten o'clock in the morning, drinking icy-cold, Bohemia-style beer... courtesy of the hardest screw that ever walked a turn at Shawshank State Prison. Drink up while it's cold, ladies. The colossal prick even managed to sound magnanimous. We sat and drank with the sun on our shoulders, and felt like free men. Hell, we could have been tarring the roof of one of our own houses. We were the lords of all creation. As for Andy, he spent that break hunkered in the shade... a strange little smile on his face, watching us drink his beer. Hey? .? Want a cold one, Andy? No, thanks? I gave up drinking? You could argue he'd done it to curry favor with the guards. Or maybe make a few friends among us cons. Me, I think he did it just to feel normal again. If only for a short while. King me. Chess? Now, there's a game of kings. - What? - Civilized, strategic? And a total fucking mystery. I hate it? Maybe you'll let me teach you someday? Yeah. Sure? I thought of getting a board together. Well, I'm the right man. I'm the guy that can get things. We might do business on a board. But I want to carve the pieces myself? One side in alabaster, the opposing side in soapstone? What do you think? I think it'll take years. Well, years I got. What I don't have are the rocks? Pickings are pretty slim in the yard? Pebbles, mostly? Andy, we're getting to be kinda friends, aren't we? Yeah, I guess? Can I ask you something? Why did you do it? I'm innocent, Red. Just like everybody else here? What are you in for? Murder. Same as you? innocent? Only guilty man in Shawshank? Where's the canary? How did you know? How did I know what? So, you don't know? Come. This is where the canary is, Johnny. Quite a surprise to hear a woman singing in my house, eh, Johnny? That's quite a... surprise. Red.? . Wait, wait, wait, wait? Here she comes? This is the part I like- when she does that shit with her hair? Yeah, I know? I've seen it three times this month. Gilda, are you decent? Me? Hah! God, I love it! I understand you're a man that knows how to get things. Yeah, I'm known to locate certain things from time to time? What do you want? - Rita Hayworth? - What? Can you get her? So, this is Johnny Farrell. I've heard a lot about you, Johnny. Take a few weeks? Weeks? Well, yeah, Andy. I don't have her stuffed down the front of my pants right now, I'm sorry to say. But I'll get her. Relax. Thanks. - It was a surprise, Mr Farrell. - It was. Sit down. Did you tell him what I'm doing here? No, I wanted to save that as a surprise, too. Hang on to your hat, Mr Farrell... - Take a walk. - I gotta change the reel. I said fuck off! Ain't you gonna scream? Let's get this over with. He broke my fuckin' nose! Now? .? I'm gonna open my fly? .? and you're gonna swallow what I give you to swallow. Then you're gonna swallow Rooster's. You broke his nose, he ought to have something to show for it. Anything you put in my mouth, you're gonna lose. No. You don't understand? You do that, and I'll put all eight inches of this steel in your ear. All right? But you should know that sudden, serious brain injury causes the victim to bite down hard? In fact, I hear the bite reflex is so strong, they have to pry the victim's jaws open? .? with a crowbar. Where did you get this shit? I read it. Know how to read, you ignorant fuck? Honey.? . .? you shouldn't? Bogs didn't put anything in Andy's mouth... and neither did his friends. What they did do... is beat him within an inch of his life. Andy spent a month in the infirmary. Bogs spent a week in the hole. Time's up, Bogs? It's your world, boss. Return to your cell blocks for evening count. All prisoners report for Lockdown. What? - Where's he going? - Grab his ankles. No! No! No! Help me.? . Aaarghh! Two things never happened again after that. The Sisters never laid a finger on Andy again and Bogs never walked again. They transferred him to a minimum-security hospital upstate. To my knowledge, he lived out the rest of his days drinking his food through a straw. I'm thinking Andy could use a nice welcome back when he gets out of the infirmary. Sounds good to us? I figure we owe him that much for the beer? The man likes to play chess. Let's get him some rocks. Guys? .? I got one? I got one. Look. Heywood, that isn't soapstone? And it ain't alabaster, either? What are you, a fucking geologist? He's right. it ain't. Well, what the hell is it? A horse apple. - Bullshit. - No, horse shit. Petrified. Oh, Jesus Christ! Oh, damn! Despite a few hitches, the boys came through in fine style. And by the weekend he was due back, we had enough rocks to keep him busy till rapture. I also got a big shipment in that week. Cigarettes. Chewing gum. Sipping whiskey. Playing cards with naked ladies on them. You name it. And of course, the most important item. Rita Hayworth herself. OK, look alive! Open all tiers. Heads up. They're tossing the cells? Heads up? They're tossing the cells. 119? 123? On your feet? Face the wall? Turn around and face the Warden. Pleased to see you reading this? Any favorite passages? "Watch ye, therefore, for ye know not when the master of the house cometh. " Mark 13:35? I always liked that one? But I prefer.? . "I'm the light of the world? He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life? " John, Chapter 8, Verse 12? I hear you're good with numbers? How nice? A man should have a skill. Wanna explain this? It's called a rock blanket? It's for shaping and polishing rocks. A little hobby of mine? It's pretty clean. Some contraband here, but nothing to get in a twist over. I can't say I approve of this. But I suppose.? . .? exceptions can be made? Lock 'em up! I almost forgot. I'd hate to deprive you of this? Salvation lies within. Yes, sir. Tossing cells was just an excuse. The truth is, Norton wanted to size Andy up. My wife made that in church group? Very nice, sir? Do you enjoy working in the laundry? No, sir, not especially? Perhaps we can find something more? .? befitting a man of your education. Hey, Jake. Where's Brooks? Andy? I thought I heard you out here! I've been reassigned to you? I know? They told me. Ain't that a kick in the head? Well, I'll give you the dime tour? Come on? Well, here she is. Shawshank Prison library. National Geographics. Reader's Digest condensed books. Louis L'Amour. Look Magazine? Erle Stanley Gardners. Every evening, I load up the cart and make my round? I enter the names on this clipboard here? Easy-peasy, Japanesey. Any questions? Brooks, how long have you been librarian? Oh.? . I come here in '05, and they made me librarian in 1912. And in all that time, have you ever had an assistant? No? No, not much to it, really? Well, why me? Why now? I don't know, but it'll be nice to have some company down here for a change. Dufresne! That's him. That's the one. I'm Dekins. I was er... thinking about maybe setting up some kind of trust fund for my kids' educations. Oh.? . I see? Well, erm.? why don't we have a seat, and talk it over? .? Brooks, do you have a piece of paper and a pencil? Thanks. So.? . Mr Dekins? .? And then Andy says to Mr Dekins, "Do you want your sons to go to Harvard, - or Yale?" - He didn't say that? As God is my witness, he did! Dekins just blinked for a second. Then he laughed himself silly? And afterwards he shook Andy's hand. My ass! Shook his hand. Hell, I? .? I near soiled myself! All Andy needed was a suit and a tie and a little jiggly hula girl on his desk, and he would have been: "Mr Dufresne, if you please"! Making a few friends, Andy? I wouldn't say "friends ". I'm a convicted murderer who provides sound financial planning? It's a wonderful pet to have? Got you out of the laundry, though? Well, it might do more than that. How about expanding the library? Get some new books in there? If you're gonna ask for something, ask for a pool table. - Right? - How do you expect to do that? I mean, get new books in here, Mr Dufresne, if you please? Ask the Warden for funds. Six wardens have been through here in my tenure, and I've learned one immutable, universal truth. Not one of them born? .? whose asshole wouldn't pucker up tighter than a snare drum when you asked them for funds? The budget's stretched thin, as it is. I see? Perhaps I could write to the State Senate and request funds from them. As far as they're concerned, there's only three ways to spend money when it comes to prisons: more walls, more bars and more guards. Still, I'd like to try, with your permission. A letter a week? They can't ignore me for ever? Sure can. But you write your letters, if it makes you happy? I'll even mail them for you. How's that? So, Andy started writing a letter a week, just like he said. And, just like Norton said, Andy got no answers. The following April, Andy did tax returns for half the guards at Shawshank. The year after that, he did them all... including the Warden's. The year after that, they rescheduled the start of the intramural season to coincide with tax season. The guards on the opposing teams all remembered to bring their W-2s. So, Moresby Prison issued you your gun, but you had to pay for it? Damn right. The holster, too. That's tax-deductible. You can write that off? Yes, sir. Andy was a regular cottage industry. In fact, it got so busy at tax time... he was allowed a staff. Hey, Red, can you hand me a stack of 1040s? It got me out of the wood shop a month out of the year, and that was fine by me. And still... he kept sending those letters. Red, Andy? It's Brooks. Watch the door? Please, Brooks? - Just calm the fuck down. - Stay back! - Stay back! - What the hell's going on? You tell me. One second he's fine? Then out comes the knife. Brooks, we can talk about this. Right? Nothing to talk about, goddamn it! I'm gonna cut his fucking throat? Heywood? Wait, what's he done to you? It's what they done! I? .? I got no choice? .? You're not gonna hurt him. Even Heywood knows that? - Right, Heywood? - I.? . I know that, sure? You won't hurt him, because he's a friend, and you're a reasonable man? That's right? Right, guys? - Yes? - So, put the knife down. Brooks, look at me. Put the knife down. Brooks... Look at his neck, for God's sake. Brooks, look at his neck. It's bleeding. It's the only.? . It's the only way they'd let me stay. Come on. This is crazy? You don't want to do this. Put it down. Come on? Take it easy? You're going to be all right? Him? Hell, what about me? Crazy old fool damn near cut my throat. Shit, Heywood, you've had worse from shaving. What the hell did you do to set him off, anyway? Nothing? I come in here to say fare-thee-well? Ain't you heard? His parole's come through. I just don't understand what happened in there? That's all? The old man's as crazy as a rat in a tin shithouse Oh, Heywood, that's enough out of you? - I heard he had you shitting in your pants. - Fuck you! Would you knock it off? Brooks ain't no bug. He's just? .? He's just institutionalized? Institutionalised, my ass. The man's been in here 50 years, Heywood? 50 years? This is all he knows. In here, he's an important man. He's an educated man? Outside, he's nothing. Just a used-up con with arthritis in both hands. Probably couldn't get a library card if he tried. You know what I'm trying to say? Red, I do believe you're talking out of your ass? You believe whatever you want, Floyd. But I'm telling you, these walls are funny? First you hate 'em? .? ? .then you get used to 'em. Enough time passes.? . you get so you depend on 'em? That's institutionalized? Shit. You can never get like that? Oh, yeah? Say that when you've been here as long as Brooks has. Goddamn right. They send you here for life. That's exactly what they take. The part that counts, anyway? I can't take care of you no more, Jake? You go on, now? You're free. Bye? Good luck, Brooks. Dear fellas... I can't believe how fast things move on the outside. Watch it, old-timer! Are you trying to get killed? I saw an automobile once, when I was a kid, ...but now... they're everywhere. The world went and got itself in a big damn hurry. The parole board got me into this halfway house called The Brewer, and a job bagging groceries at the Foodway. It's hard work, and I try to keep up, but my hands hurt most of the time. Make sure your man double-bags. Last time, the bottom near came out? Make sure you double-bag, like the lady says. Understand? Yes, sir. I surely will. I don't think the store manager likes me very much. Sometimes, after work, I go to the park and feed the birds. I keep thinking Jake might just show up and say hello. But he never does. And I hope, wherever he is, he's doing OK and making new friends. I have trouble sleeping at night. I have bad dreams, like I'm falling. I wake up, scared. Sometimes it takes me a while to remember where I am. Maybe I should get me a gun and rob the Foodway, so they'd send me home. I could shoot the manager, while I was at it. Sort of like a bonus. I guess I'm too old for that sort of nonsense any more. I don't like it here. I'm tired of being afraid all the time. I've decided... not to stay. I doubt they'll kick up any fuss. Not for an old crook like me. "I doubt they'll kick up any fuss. Not for an old crook like me. PS. Tell Heywood I'm sorry I put a knife to his throat? No hard feelings? Brooks. " He should have died in here. What the fuck have you done? It's a goddamn mess. I'll tell you that. What's all this? You tell me, fuck-stick? They're all addressed to you. Take it? "Dear Mr Dufresne? .? In response to your repeated enquiries, the State has allocated the enclosed funds for your library preject. " This is 200 dollars. "In addition, the Library District has generously responded with a charitable donation of used books and sundries? We trust this will fill your needs. We now consider the matter closed? Please stop sending us letters. " I want all this cleared out before the Warden gets back? Yes, sir. Good for you, Andy? Wow! It only took six years. From now on, I'll write two letters a week, instead of one. Oh, I believe you're crazy enough. You'd better get all this stuff out, like the Captain said? Now, I'm gonna go pinch a loaf? When I come back, this is all gone, right? Wow. Duettino from The Marriage Of Figaro # Sull'aria... Andy, do you hear that? # zeffiretto # Questa sera spirera # Sotto i pini # Del boschetto # Sotto i pini... Dufresne? Dufresne.? Andy, let me out. Andy? I have no idea to this day what those two Italian ladies were singing about. The truth is, I don't want to know. Some things are best left unsaid. I like to think they were singing about something so beautiful, it can't be expressed in words... and makes your heart ache because of it. I tell you, those voices soared... higher and farther than anybody in a grey place dares to dream. It was like some beautiful bird flapped into our drab little cage and made those walls dissolve away. And for the briefest of moments... every last man at Shawshank felt free. It pissed the Warden off something awful. Open the door. Open it up! Dufresne, open this door! Turn that off! I am warning you, Dufresne. Turn that off! Dufresne.? . You're mine now. Andy got two weeks in the hole for that little stunt. On your feet! - Hey, look who's here. - Maestro! Y - Y - You couldn't play something good, huh? Hank Williams or something? They broke the door down before I could take requests. Was it worth it, two weeks in the hole? Easiest time I ever did? Bullshit! There's no such thing as easy time in the hole? A week in the hole is like a year? I had Mr Mozart to keep me company? So, they let you tote that record player down there, huh? It was in here. And in here. That's the beauty of music? They can't get that from you? Haven't you ever felt that way about music? Well, I played a mean harmonica, as a younger man. Lost interest in it, though? Didn't make much sense in here? Here's where it makes the most sense? You need it, so you don't forget? Forget? Forget that? .? there are places.? .? .in the world that aren't made out of stone.? . that there's a.? . there's something.? . inside that they can't get to? .? that they can't touch? It's yours? What are you talking about? Hope? Hope.? Let me tell you something, my friend. Hope is a dangerous thing? Hope can drive a man insane. It's got no use on the inside? You'd better get used to that idea. Like Brooks did? Sit down. It says here that you've served 30 years of a life sentence? You feel you've been rehabilitated? Oh, yes, sir? Without a doubt. And I can honestly say I'm a changed man. No danger to society here? God's honest truth. Absolutely rehabilitated. 30 years? Jesus, when they say it like that? .? You wonder where it went? I wonder where ten years went? Here? Little parole rejection present. Go ahead and open it? I had to go through one of your competitors. I hope you don't mind? I wanted it to be a surprise? It's very pretty, Andy. Thank you. Are you going to play it? No. Not right now? Tier 3 South. Clear. Tier 4 North. Clear. Tier 1 South. Clear. Fall in! Lights out! Andy was as good as his word. He wrote two letters a week instead of one. In 1959, the State Senate finally clued into the fact they couldn't buy him oft with just a $200 cheque. Appropriations Committee voted an annual payment of $500 just to shut him up. And you'd be amazed how far Andy could stretch it. He made deals with book clubs, charity groups. He bought remaindered books by the pound. Treasure Island. Robert Louis? .? ? .Stevenson? Fiction, adventure. What's next? I got here Auto Repair and.? . ? .Soap Carving? Trade skills and hobbies? Goes under Educational. The stack behind you. The Count Of Monte Crisco? That's Cristo, you dumb shit? By Alexandree.? .Dumass? Dumb-ass? Dumas. You know what that's about? Uh-uh. You'll like it. It's about a prison break? We ought to file that under Educational, too, oughtn't we? The rest of us did our best to pitch in when and where we could. By the year Kennedy was shot, Andy had transformed a storage room smelling of rat turds and turpentine into the best prison library in New England, complete with a fine selection of Hank Williams. # Lawd I don't know what I'll do- ooo # All I do is sit and sigh? .? That was also the year Warden Norton instituted his famous inside Out programme. You may remember reading about it. It made all the papers and got his picture in Look Magazine. No free ride. But rather a genuine, progressive advance in corrections and rehabilitation? Our inmates, properly supervised, will be put to work outside these walls, performing all manner of public service? These men can learn the value of an honest day's labour, while providing a valuable service to the community and.? . at a bare minimum of expense to Mr and Mrs John Q Taxpayer. Of course, Norton failed to mention to the press that "bare minimum of expense" is a fairly loose term. There are a hundred different ways to skim off the top. Men, materials, you name it. And, oh, my Lord, how the money rolled in. If this keeps up, you'll put me out of business. - Ned! - This pool of slave labour you've got, you can underbid any contractor in town? Ned, we're providing a valuable community service here. Well, that's fine for the papers but I've got a family to feed. Sam.? . Sam, we go back a long way. I need this new highway contract. I don't get it, and I go under. That's a fact. You just have some of this fine pie my missus made especially for you, and you think about that. Ned, I wouldn't worry too much about this contract. It seems to me I already got my boys committed elsewhere? You be sure and thank Maisie for this fine pie. And behind every shady deal, behind every dollar earned, there was Andy, keeping the books. Two deposits. Maine National and New England First? Night drops as always, sir? Get my stuff down to the laundry. - Two suits for dry-clean and a bag of whatnot? - Yes, sir. Tell them if they overstarch my shirts again, they'll hear about it from me? How do I look? - Very nice, sir? - Big charity to-do up Portland way. The Governor's going to be there. Want the rest of this? The woman can't bake worth shit. Thank you, sir. - He's got his fingers in a lot of pies, I hear. - What you hear isn't half of it. He's got scams you haven't even dreamed of. Kickbacks on his kickbacks. There's a river of dirty money running through this place. But the problem with having all that money is you'll have to explain - where it came from. - That's where I come in? I channel it, filter it, funnel it? Stocks, securities, tax-free municipals? I send that money out into the real world? - And when it comes back... - Clean as a virgin's honey pot, huh? Cleaner. By the time Norton retires, I'll have made him a millionaire? If they ever catch on, though, he's gonna wind up in here wearing a number himself? Now, Red, I thought you had a little more faith in me than that. I know you're good, Andy, but all that paper leaves a trail. Now, anybody gets curious, the FBI, the IRS, whatever, it's gonna lead to somebody. Sure it is. But not to me? And certainly not to the Warden. All right. Who? Randall Stevens? Who? The silent silent partner. He's the guilty one, Your Honor. The man with the bank accounts. That's where the filtering process starts. If they trace anything, it's just going to lead to him. But who is he? He's a phantom, an apparition? Second cousin to Harvey the Rabbit? I conjured him... out of thin air? He doesn't exist, except on paper. Andy, you can't just make a person up. Sure you can, if you know how the system works, where the cracks are. It's amazing what you can accomplish by mail. Mr Stevens has a birth certificate, a driver's license, social security number. You're shitting me? If they ever trace any of those accounts, they're going to wind up chasing a figment of my imagination? Well, I'll be damned. Did I say you were good? Shit, you're a Rembrandt! You know, the funny thing is, on the outside, I was an honest man, straight as an arrow. I had to come to prison to be a crook. Ever bother you? I don't run the scams, Red, I just process the profits? Fine line maybe but... I also built that library and used it to help a dozen guys get a high school diploma? Why do you think the Warden lets me do it? To keep you happy and doing the laundry. Money instead of sheets? Well, I work cheap? That's the trade-off? # Willy And The Hand Jive # I know a cat named.? . Tommy Williams came to Shawshank in 1965 on a two-year stretch for BE. That's breaking and entering to you. The cops caught him sneaking TV sets out the back door of a JC Penney. Young punk. Mr Rock'n'roll. Cocky as hell. Hey, come on, old boys! Moving like molasses! Making me look bad. We liked him immediately. So I'm backing out the door, right? And I got the TV like this? It was a big old thing. I couldn't see shit. Suddenly, I hears this voice. "Freeze, kid! Hands in the air. " Well, I just stand there, holding onto that TV. So, finally, the voice says, "Do you hear what I said, boy? " I say, "Yes, sir, I sure did? But if I drop this fucking thing, you got me on destruction of property, too? " Hey, you've done a stretch in Cashman, right? Yeah. Yeah, that was an easy piece of time, let me tell you? Weekend furloughs, work programmes. Not like here. Sounds like you done time all over New England? Yeah, I've been in and out since I was 13. You name the place, chances are I've been there? Perhaps it's time you tried a new profession? What I mean is, you don't seem to be a good thief. Maybe you should try something else? Yeah, well, what the hell do you know about it, Capone? What are you in for? Me? The lawyer fucked me. Everybody's innocent in here? Don't you know that? As it turned out, Tommy had himself a young wife and a new baby girl. Maybe it was the thought of them on the streets or his child growing up not knowing her daddy. Whatever it was, something lit a fire under that boy's ass. I was thinking of maybe trying for my high school equivalency. I hear you helped a couple of fellas with that. I don't waste time on losers, Tommy? I ain't no goddamn loser. - You mean that? - Yeah. You really mean that? Yes, sir, I do? Good. Because if we do this, we do it all the way, 100%, nothing half-assed. The thing is, see? .? .? .I don't read so good. Well? You don't read? .? so well. We'll get to that? - R. - R... - S? - S... So Andy took Tommy under his wing. He started walking him through his ABCs. Tommy took to it pretty well, too. The boy found brains he never knew he had. Before long, Andy started him on his course requirements. He really liked the kid. It gave him a thrill to help a youngster crawl off the shit heap. But that wasn't the only reason. Prison time is slow time. So you do what you can to keep going. Some fellas collect stamps. Others build matchstick houses. Andy built a Library. Now he needed a new project. Tommy was it. It was the same reason he spent years shaping and polishing those rocks. The same reason he hung his fantasy girlies on the wall. In prison, a man will do most anything to keep his mind occupied. By 1966, right about the time Tommy was getting ready to take his exams, it was Lovely Raquel. Time. Well? Well, it's for shit. I wasted a whole fucking year of my time - with this bullshit. - It's probably not as bad as you think? It's worse. I didn't get one thing right. It might as well have been in Chinese. Let's see how the score comes out. Well, I'll tell you how the goddamn score comes out. Two points right there. There's your goddamn score! Goddamn cats crawling up trees, 5x5 is 25. Fuck this place! Fuck it! I feel bad? I let him down? Ah, that's crap, kid. He's proud of you. We've been friends a long time so I know him as good as anybody? - A smart fellow, ain't he? - As smart as they come? He used to be a banker on the outside. What's he in here for, anyway? Murder. The hell you say! You wouldn't think it to look at the guy? He caught his wife in bed with some golf pro. He greased them both? What? About four years ago, I was in Thomaston on a two-to-three stretch? I stole a car. It was a dumb-fuck thing to do. About six months left to go, I get a new cellmate in? Elmo Blatch. Big, twitchy fucker? Kind of roomie you pray you don't get? You know what I'm saying? Six-to-twelve, armed burglary. He said he'd pulled hundreds of jobs? Hard to believe, high-strung as he was? You'd cut a loud fart, he'd jump three feet in the air? Talked all the time, too? That's the other thing? He never shut up. Places he'd been in, jobs he'd pulled, women he'd fucked. Even people he'd killed? People who gave him shit. That's how he put it. So.? . one night, like a joke, I say to him, I say, "Yeah, Elmo, who did you kill? " So he says? .? I got me this job one time bussing tables at a country club. So I could case all these big rich pricks that come in. So I pick out this guy, go in one night and do his place. He wakes up. He gives me shit. So I killed him. Him and this tasty bitch he was with? That's the best part. She's fucking this prick, see, this golf pro? But she's married to some other guy. Some hotshot banker? And he's the one they pinned it on? I have to say that's the most amazing story I ever heard? What amazes me most is you were taken in by it? Sir? Well.? . it's obvious this fella Williams is impressed with you? He hears your tale of woe and quite naturally wants to cheer you up. He's young, not terribly bright. Not surprising he wouldn't know what a state he'd put you in? Sir, he's telling the truth. Well, let's say, for the moment, this Blatch does exist. You think he'd just fall to his knees and cry, "Yes, I did it! I confess! And by the way, add a life term to my sentence"? That doesn't matter? With Tommy's testimony, I can get a new trial? That's assuming Blatch is even still there? The chances are he'd be released by now. They'd have his last address, names of relatives? There's a chance, isn't there? How can you be so obtuse? What? What did you call me? Obtuse? Is it deliberate? Son, you're forgetting yourself? The country club will have his old timecards, records, W-2s, - with his name on them. - If you indulge this fantasy, that's your business. - Don't make it mine? This meeting is over. - Sir, if I were to ever get out, I would never mention what goes on in here. I'd be as indictable as you for laundering money? Don't ever mention money to me again, you sorry son of a bitch! Not in this office. Not anywhere! Get in here now. I'm just trying to set your mind at ease, that's all. Sir, I? .? Solitary. A month? - Yes, sir. - What's the matter with you? - Get him out of here. - This is my chance to get out! Don't you see? It's my life! Don't you understand? - Get him out! Get him out! - This is my Life! No! A month in the hole? It's the longest damn stretch I ever heard of? It's all my fault? Oh, bullshit. You didn't pull the trigger and you certainly didn't convict him? Red, are you saying that Andy is innocent? I mean, for real innocent? It looks that way. Sweet Jesus. How long's he been here now? 1947. What is that? - 19 years? - 19 years... - Williams, Thomas. - Yeah, over here. - Paxon, Edward. - Yeah. What you got? Board of Education? - The son of a bitch mailed it? - Looks like he did. Are you gonna open it or stand there with your thumb up your butt? The thumb up my butt sounds better? Hey, Skeet, come on, give me that, you shithead? - Floyd, come on. - Over here, over here! Hey, Red! Come on, will you throw that away, please? Well, shit. The kid passed. C+ average. Thought you'd like to know. The Warden wants to talk? Out here? That's what the man said? Warden? Tommy? Tommy.? . I'm asking you to keep this conversation just between us? I feel awkward enough as it is. We got a situation here? I think you can appreciate that? Yes, sir. I sure can. I tell you, son, this thing really came along and knocked my wind out? It's got me up nights, that's the truth? The right thing to do. Sometimes it's hard to know what that is? You understand? I need your help, son. If I'm going to move on this, there can't be the least little shred of doubt. I have to know if what you told Dufresne was the truth? Yes, sir. Absolutely. Would you be willing to swear before a judge and jury, having placed your hand on the Good Book and taken an oath before Almighty God himself? Just give me that chance? That's what I thought. I'm sure by now you've heard.? . A terrible thing. A man that young, less than a year to go, trying to escape. It broke Captain Hadley's heart to shoot him? Truly, it did. We just have to put it behind us? Move on? I'm done? Everything stops? Get someone else to run your scams. Nothing stops? Nothing. Or you will do the hardest time there is. No more protection from the guards. I'll pull you out of that one-bunk Hilton and cast you down with the Sodomites? You'll think you've been fucked by a train? And the library? Gone. Sealed off, brick by brick. We'll have us a little book barbecue in the yard. They'll see the flames for miles. We'll dance around it like wild Injuns? You understand me? Catching my drift? Or am I being obtuse? Give him another month to think about it. My wife used to say I'm a hard man to know? Like a closed book. Complained about it all the time. She was beautiful? God, I loved her. I just didn't know how to show it, that's all. I killed her, Red. I didn't pull the trigger. But I drove her away. That's why she died, because of me? The way I am. That don't make you a murderer. A bad husband, maybe. Feel bad about it if you want to, but you didn't pull the trigger? No, I didn't. Somebody else did. And I wound up in here? Bad luck, I guess. Yeah. It floats around? It's got to land on somebody? It was my turn, that's all. I was in the path of the tornado? I just didn't expect the storm would last as long as it has? Do you think you'll ever get out of here? Me? Yeah. One day, when I've got a long, white beard and two or three marbles rolling around upstairs, they'll let me out? I tell you where I'd go. Zihuatanejo? Zi.? .what? Zihuatanejo? It's in Mexico? A little place on the Pacific Ocean? You know what the Mexicans say about the Pacific? No. They say it has no memory? That's where I want to live the rest of my life? A warm place with no memory. Open up a little hotel, right on the beach? Buy some worthless old boat, fix it up new. Take my guests out. Charter fishing. Zihuatanejo, huh? In a place like that, I could use a man who knows how to get things? I don't think I could make it on the outside, Andy. I've been in here most of my life? I'm an institutional man now? Just like Brooks was. Well, you underestimate yourself. I don't think so. I mean.? .in here, I'm the guy who can get things for you, sure? But outside, all you need is the Yellow Pages? Hell, I wouldn't even know where to begin? The Pacific Ocean? Shit? - About scare me to death, something that big. - Not me. I didn't shoot my wife and I didn't shoot her lover? Whatever mistakes I've made, I've paid for them and then some? That hotel, that boat. I don't think that's too much to ask. I don't think you ought to be doing this to yourself, Andy. These are just shitty pipe dreams. I mean, Mexico is way the hell down there and you're in here? And that's the way it is. Yeah, right? That's the way it is. It's down there and I'm in here? I guess it comes down to a simple choice, really? Get busy living or get busy dying? Andy? Red? If you ever get out of here, do me a favour? Sure, Andy? Anything. There's a big hayfield up near Buxton? You know where Buxton is? - Well, just? .? There's a lot of hayfields up there. - One in particular? It's got a long rock wall with a big oak tree at the north end? It's like something out of a Robert Frost poem? It's where I asked my wife to marry me. We went there for a picnic and made love under that oak. I asked and she said yes. Promise me, Red, if you ever get out, find that spot. At the base of that wall, you'll find a rock that has no earthly business in a Maine hayfield. A piece of black, volcanic glass? There's something buried under it I want you to have? What, Andy? What's buried under there? You'll have to pry it up to see? No, I'm telling you, the guy is? .? He's talking funnier? - I'm really worried about him? - We ought to keep an eye on him? That's fine during the day, but at night he's got that cell all to himself. Oh, Lord. What? Andy come down to the loading dock today. - He asked me for a length of rope? - Rope? Six feet long. And you gave it to him? Sure I did? Why wouldn't I? Jesus, Heywood. Hey, how the hell was I supposed to know? Remember Brooks Hatlen? No. Andy would never do that. Never. I don't know. Every man has his breaking point? Lickety-split. - I want to get home. - Just about finished, sir? Three deposits tonight? Get my stuff down to the laundry. And shine my shoes. I want 'em looking like mirrors. Yes, sir. It's good having you back, Andy. The place wasn't the same without you. Lights out! I've had some long nights in stir. Alone in the dark with nothing but your thoughts, time can draw out like a blade. That was the longest night of my life. Give me a count. Tier 3 South? Clear? Tier 4 North. Clear. - Tier 3 North. Clear. - Man missing on Tier 2. - Cell 245. - Dufresne? Get your ass out here, boy. You're holding up the show. Don't make me come down there? I'll thump your skull for you. Damn it, Dufresne, you're putting me behind! I got a schedule to keep? You'd better be sick or dead in there, I shit you not! You hear me? Oh, my holy God. I want every man on this cel block questioned? - Start with that friend of his? - Who? Him! Open 237. What do you mean, he just wasn't here? Don't say that to me, Haig? Don't say that to me again. But, sir, he wasn't. I can see that, Haig! You think I'm blind? Is that what you're saying? Am I blind, Haig? No, sir. What about you? Are you blind? - Tell me what this is. - Last night's count? You see Dufresne's name there? I sure do? See? Right there? Dufresne? He was in his cell at lights out? It stands to reason he'd still be here in the morning. I want him found? Not tomorrow, not after breakfast? Now! Yes, sir! Let's go, let's go! Move your butts! Move it! Stand. Well? Well, what? I see you two all the time. You're thick as thieves, you are. He must have said something. No, sir, Warden? Not a word? Lord, it's a miracle! A man up and vanished like a fart in the wind. Nothing left but... some damn rocks on a windowsill? And that cupcake on the wall? Let's ask her. Maybe she knows? What say there, Fuzzy Britches? Feel like talking? Ah... I guess not? Why should she be any different? This is a conspiracy. That's what this is. One big.? . damn conspiracy! And everyone's in on it! including her! In 1966, Andy Dufresne escaped from Shawshank Prison. All they found of him was a muddy set of prison clothes, a bar of soap and an old rock hammer damn near worn down to the nub. I remember thinking it would take a man 600 years to tunnel through the wall with it. Old Andy did it in less than 20. Oh, Andy loved geology. I imagine it appealed to his meticulous nature. An ice Age here, a million years of mountain-building there. Geology is the study of pressure and time. That's all it takes, really. Pressure... and time. That and a big goddamn poster. Like I said, in prison, a man will do most anything to keep his mind occupied. It turns out Andy's favorite hobby was toting his wall out into the exercise yard. A handful at a time. I guess after Tommy was killed, Andy decided he'd been here just about long enough. Lickety-split? I want to get home? I'm just about finished, sir? Three deposits tonight? Andy did like he was told. Buffed those shoes to a high mirror shine. The guard simply didn't notice. Neither did I. I mean, seriously, how often do you really look at a man's shoes? Andy crawled to freedom through 500 yards of shit-smelling foulness I can't even imagine. Or maybe I just don't want to. 500 yards. That's the length of five football fields. Just shy of half a mile. The next morning, right about the time Raquel was spilling her little secret, a man nobody ever laid eyes on before strode into the Maine National Bank. Until that moment, he didn't exist, except on paper. May I help you? He had all the proper ID, driver's licence, birth certificate, social security card. And the signature was a spot-on match. I must say, I'm sorry to be losing your business? I hope you'll enjoy living abroad? Thank you. I'm sure I will. Here's your cashier's cheque, sir. Will there be anything else? Please? .? Would you add this to your outgoing mail? I'd be happy to? - Good day, sir. - Good day. Mr Stevens visited nearly a dozen banks in the Portland area that morning. All told, he blew town with better than $370,000 of Warden Norton's money. Severance pay for 19 years. Good morning, Portland Daily Bugle. Byron Hadley? You have the right to remain silent? If you give up the right to remain silent, anything you say will be held against you in court. I wasn't there to see it. But I hear Byron Hadley started sobbing like a little girl when they took him away. Norton had no intention of going that quietly. Samuel Norton? We have a warrant for your arrest. Open up. Norton! Open the door. I'm not sure which key it is? Norton! Make it easy on yourself, Norton. I like to think the last thing that went through his head, other than that bullet, was to wonder how the hell Andy Dufresne ever got the best of him. Carter, James? .? Not long after the Warden deprived us of his company, I got a postcard in the mail. It was blank but the postmark said... Fort Hancock, Texas. Fort Hancock. Right on the border. That's where Andy crossed. When I picture him heading south in his own car with the top down, it always makes me laugh. Andy Dufresne, who crawled through a river of shit and came out clean on the other side. Andy Dufresne, headed for the Pacific. Hadley's got him by the toes, right? And he says, "I believe this boy's about to have himself an accident? " Those of us who knew him best talk about him often. I swear, the stuff he pulled... "These friends of mine could use a couple of beers!" - And he got it. - And he got it! Sometimes it makes me sad, though, Andy being gone. I have to remind myself that some birds aren't meant to be caged. Their feathers are just too bright. And when they fly away, the part of you that knows it was a sin to lock them up does rejoice. But still... the place you live in is that much more drab and empty that they're gone. I guess I just miss my friend. Please sit down. Ellis Boyd Redding. Your files say you've served 40 years of a life sentence? Do you feel you've been rehabilitated? Rehabilitated? Well, now, let me see? You know, I don't have any idea what that means. Well, it means you're ready to rejoin society? .? I know what you think it means, sonny? To me, it's just a made-up word. A politician's word so that.? . young fellas like yourself can wear a suit and a tie and have a job. What do you really want to know? Am I sorry for what I did? Well, are you? There's not a day goes by I don't feel regret? Not because I'm in here or because you think I should. I look back on the way I was then. A young? .? stupid kid who committed that terrible crime. I wanna talk to him. I wanna try and talk some sense to him, tell him the way things are. But I can't. That kid's long gone? This old man is all that's left? I gotta live with that? Rehabilitated? It's just a bullshit word. So you go on and stamp your form, sonny, and stop wasting my time. Because to tell you the truth, I don't give a shit. Here you go, miss. Rest room break, boss? You don't need to ask me every time you need to go take a piss. Just go? Understand? Yes, sir. 40 years I've been asking permission to piss. I can't squeeze a drop without say-so. There's a harsh truth to face. No way I'm gonna make it on the outside. All I do any more is think of ways to break my parole so maybe they'd send me back. A terrible thing to live in fear. Brooks Hatlen knew it, knew it all too well. All I want is to be back where things make sense, where I won't have to be afraid all the time. Only one thing stops me. A promise I made to Andy. Here it is. Much obliged, sir? Dear Red, if you're reading this, you've gotten out. And if you've come this far, maybe you're wiling to come a little further. You remember the name of the town, don't you? Zihuatanejo? I could use a good man to help me get my project on wheels. I'll keep an eye out for you and the chessboard ready. Remember, Red, hope is a good thing. Maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies. I will be hoping that this letter finds you and finds you well. Your friend, Andy. Get busy living or get busy dying. That's goddamn right. For the second time in my life, I'm guilty of committing a crime. Parole violation. Of course, I doubt they'll toss up any roadblocks for that. Not for an old crook like me. Fort Hancock, Texas, please. I find I'm so excited I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it's the excitement only a free man can feel. A free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain. I hope I can make it across the border. I hope to see my friend and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope. " ආයුබෝ වේවා! ... " English Sub for Original Japanese Audio Track In ancient times the land lay covered in forest where from ages long past dwelt the spirits of the gods. RRINCESS MONONOKE Yakul! Ashitaka! Oracle says to get back to the village. The Old Man, too. - He says something's wrong. - No birds. No animals... I'll go to him. You get back home. Something's coming! What is it? It's not a person... Oracle's called everyone in. There! A demon god! Yakul, run! It'll attack the village! Ashitaka! Don't touch it! Its curse will be on you! Yakul! Quiet your rage, I beg you! O forest god who cannot be without name, why do you rampage so? - A monster! - Run! Stop! Do not destroy our village! Stop! Still your rage! Get up! - It's down! - Ashitaka! Bring Oracle! Watch the fire! Ashitaka! Don't touch it! It's no ordinary wound! He's hurt! Where's Oracle? ! All of you, stay back! Oracle! Pour this water over it...slowly. O raging god unknown to us I bow before you. Where you have fallen we will raise a mound and perform rites. Bear us no hate, and be at peace. You loathsome rabble! You shall know my hatred and my grief! . This is very, very bad. The boar-spirit came from far to the west. A poison within him goaded him on, rotting his flesh drawing evil as he ran, making a monster of him. Prince Ashitaka... Show your right arm. Oracle! Prince Ashitaka, are you steeled to gaze upon your fate? Yes. I was resolved when I let my arrow fly. The scar will seep into your bones and you will die. Can nothing be done? ! He was defending the girls, and the village! Can we but sit and wait? You cannot change your fate. You can, though, rise to meet it. Look. This was inside the boar's body. Calamity has befallen the land of the west. Journey there, and see with eyes unclouded. There might be a way to lift the curse. More than 500 years have gone since the Mikado drove us into this land. Now we hear how his power fades and the fangs of his Shoguns are broken. But the blood of our tribe likewise grows thin. And now, bitter fate... the youth who was one day to lead us must journey far to the west. The law forbids that we watch as you go. Farewell. Brother! Kaya, you can't be here! I don't care. Remember me by this. But it's your jeweled dagger! Keep it with you to guard you. I'll think of you... be sure of that. As will I, Kaya. Move up! A warrior! His head is mine! Stop! My arm! Don't let him get away! Let me pass! A demon! The scar's growing... This gruel tastes like hot water! There he is! Will this do? This isn't money! Give back my rice! Could I see that, please? Hm? Woman, this is pure gold! Is it coins you want? I'll pay you. Give me this. Is there a money-changer here? No? I'm just a simple priest, but I'd say this is worth three sacks of rice! Wait, young sir! That's mine! Give it back! Hey! Don't be in such a rush! No need to thank me. It's I who should thank you. I saw what you did before against those samurai. Ah, you see those men, too? Keep your gold hidden, my lad. Hearts have grown hard throughout the land. They'll rob you in your sleep. Shall we run? So the boar became a monster... I tracked it back to where the samurai attacked the village, but... You lost it. See over there? When I was last this way, there was a fine village here. There was a flood, maybe, or a landslide. I'm sure many died. The land teems with the twittering of bitter ghosts dead from war, sick or starved and fallen where they stood... A curse, you say? This world is a curse. Ah, this is good! I shouldn't have gotten into that fight. I killed two men. You saved me that task. Give me your bowl. We all die. Some now, some later. Hm, an elegant bowl... You remind me of the old tales... A brave people, far to the east who used stone arrowheads and rode red elk... the Emishi. First, though, avoid the jaws of death. Or so my old teacher used to say. Eat, my lad. It's your rice! Would you know what this is? No. It was in the body of the giant boar. It's what killed him. Far to the west deep in the mountains, is the forest of the Deer God. There no man may tread. The forest of the Dear God? They say the beasts there are giants, as they were in ages past. I knew he'd go... It's not far now! Keep your powder dry! Let them come in range! Number 1 , fire! Number 2, fire! They weren't much, as monsters go. Those were just the pups. Where's the mother? It's Moro! Come on! Got her! She's a god. She won't die from that. She did some damage... Move them out. What about the ones who fell? Form up and move out! He's breathing! Hang on! I am Ashitaka! I have come from far to the east! Are you ancient gods of the forest of the Deer God? Leave! A kodama? Are they here, too? You're hurt. Keep still. They won't harm you. They're a sign the woods are healthy. They'll bring their lord! The wolf? No, a huge monster! It's gone! Yakul's not afraid. There's no danger here. We beg passage through your woods. Let's go back! Please! There's a trail across the river. We'll never get through these woods! The current's too strong. And if we don't get this man back soon, it'll be too late. Are you showing us the way, or getting us lost? Sir! These things aren't helping us get home. There's more and more of them! This is your mother? A fine tree! That girl and the wolves... so this is where they live... We're getting in deeper, sir. This way leads into the other world. Yes, let's take a rest. Tracks... Three toes...and still fresh. Sir! What's wrong? Are you all right, sir? You're awfully pale... I told you! Did you see something? Forget it. Hang on a little longer. I'm sorry. It's gone... Why does he suddenly feel so light? Hey! It doesn't hurt! I'm cured! ...ow! No, it's broken. Sir! You're exactly right! We're back at the ironworks! It's a fort! Lady Eboshi's ironworks. They melt iron sand into iron. Hey! Hey! - Someone's coming from the woods! - The wolf princess? It's me! Koroku the ox-driver! It's true! He's crossing the lake! What's all this noise? ! Be quiet when I'm writing! Koruku's come back from the dead! What? ! You're not a ghost. It's never the guards that die. Move! Who's the man in the hood, sir? An outsider... Listen, Riflemen...this gentleman carried your man all the way here. Thank him. Ow! Don't grab me there! Hey, you! Wait! First, my thanks for bringing back our men. But something bothers me... You got here in less than half the time we did through the Deer God's forest, carrying two... Koroku! You're alive! Toki! Look at that leg! How are you going to drive oxen now? ! But...but... Scaring me half to death! The wolf-god should've eaten you! Then I could find a better husband! Toki! They're all listening! Toki, save your love-talk for later. Leaving them there to die! Some escort you are! You don't do any real work here. At least act when there's danger! What could I do? Thank you. My husband's an idiot, but I'm glad he's safe. Good. I was afraid maybe I'd done something wrong. You look very handsome. Show us your face. Gonza... I would like to thank the traveler. Bring him to me later. Koroku... It's good you're back. I apologize. Don't say that, Milady. He'll just take advantage of you. Forgive me, Toki. I shouldn't have let it happen. If you hadn't been there, Milady the wolves would've got them all. Go and rest, Traveler. Hey! You are handsome! We had to fight off Moro to bring this rice, you know. Dish it out! Where? Him? Toki was right! - He is handsome! - A bit young... That never stopped you before! Quiet out there! We lost two men! There's lots of handsome men here! Bunch of cowherds! Come over to our place, Traveler! Forget this stinking barn! Watch your mouth! We risked our lives to bring the rice you're eating. And who made the iron that bought that rice? We work those bellows all night long! I would like to see where you work, if you don't mind... Really? We'll have to work in make-up! Rouge, too? Don't forget! We'll be waiting! Don't mind them, sir. Lady Eboshi spoils them. A good town has happy women. But women working the bellows in an ironworks? Their presence defiles the iron. Milady buys up the contract of every brothel girl she finds! She's kind, that's all. There's rice on your face, old man. But she's not afraid of ancient laws, or of curses. Or of gods, either. You should've seen her with Nago! 'Nago'? A huge boar-god. He ruled the forest around here. We couldn't get near the mountains. All we could do was sit here and look up at them. The sand down below was worked out. Lots of people had their eye on this place. The boars got them all. To get sand, we have to clear the trees. Nago got mad. There they go again! Then Lady Eboshi came along with her guns. Sir? What's wrong? Does your arm hurt? I was just thinking about that boar... He must have died full of hate. Sorry to keep you waiting... That's good iron. We were late with tomorrow's shipment. Let's have a rest. Tell the others. Some think you're spying for the samurai, or the wolf princess. Many have their eyes on our iron. May I ask why you're here? I'm sure you know this. It shattered the bones of a giant boar, rotted his flesh and made him a monster. When I tried to stop him, I was left with this scar: a curse unto death. Where is your land? I've never seen an elk like yours. Between north and east. That's all I will say. Answer when you're asked or I'll cut you in two! What do you plan to do? See with eyes unclouded. 'Eyes unclouded'? I see. Take over, Gonza. My garden, where none dare come. Come, if you wish to know my secret. Good evening. We've just finished. It's still heavy. You hold it so lightly... Too light and it'll fall apart. They aren't for me. They're for the other women here. Won't that be a sight! This is the new gun these people have contrived. The Chinese ones are too heavy. It will kill monsters and pierce samurai armor. Beware! Lady Eboshi wants to rule the world! I'm sorry to rush you. I'll send saké later. Won't that be nice! You stole the boar's woods and made a monster of him. Now will you breed new hatreds with those guns? I regret that you suffer. I fired that shot. It is me that brainless pig should have cursed. Would your right hand like to kill me? To lift the curse, my left would, too. But I fear it would not stop there. Must it kill us all to be at peace? Milady... Osa speaks. not scorn the young man's strength. Young man, I too am cursed. I know well your rage and your grief. I know this, but I beg you not to kill this lady. She is the only one who looked upon us as human. Without fear of our disease she washed our rotting flesh, bandaged us... Osa... Life is suffering. It is hard. The world is cursed, people are cursed, but still we wish to live... Forgive my foolish raving... They're back. At night they come to plant trees and take back the mountain. Ashitaka, will you stay here and work with me? Do you want even the Deer God's woods? Without the ancient gods, the wild ones are mere beasts. With the forest gone and the wolves with it, this will be a land of riches. That girl will be human. Who? Mononoke, the wild girl whose soul the wolves stole. She lives to kill me. It is said the blood of the Deer God will cure disease. It could cure these people, and perhaps even lift your curse. Milady...what do you think? Very well made. Perfect for ruling the world. But it's still a bit heavy. Oh, dear! Look who's here! Let me work the bellows. Huh? Hey, wait! May I try? If he insists... You really came! What did I tell you? Look, she's fixing her kimono! You'll never keep that pace. It's hard work. Yep. We work four days' straight. Is life hard here? Yeah, but it's better than life in the towns. We eat our fill, and the men know their place. I see... - You go tomorrow? - Stay longer! Work here! Thank you, but there is someone I must meet. She's here! The wolf princess! It's her! Stop! I don't want to fight you! She's after Milady! Build up the fires! Riflemen to the stockade! Keep her inside! Stay at your posts! She's up on the roof! Don't get excited! Keep working! The fire mustn't go out! - Is she alone? - Yes. We have her cornered. It's Milady she came for. Can you hear me, Princess Mononoke? I'm here. If you would avenge your tribe here are some who seek vengeance for husbands killed by wolves. Come out! We have a score to settle! There she is! Out of the way! You'll get hit! It's a trap! Stop! Wolf-God Princess! Go back to the woods! Don't die for nothing! I knew it! Let him do as he likes. Got her! She's falling! Stay back! Even cut off, the head can still bite. Aim where she falls. Fire! Stay back! Wake up! No! Get her! Don't let her go! Kill her! Are you all right, sir? Out of my way! Villain! You're one of them, too! Halt! Step aside. What are you doing? ! The girl is mine. I'm sure she'll make a lovely wife. There is a demon inside you. And in her. Look on this! It is the form of the hate within me! It rots my flesh, and summons my death! Do not make the hate grow! Enough talk of your curse! I'll cut that arm off! Milady! Someone take her! Don't worry. She'll be all right. I will take the girl! Wait! You don't treat Lady Eboshi like that! Don't move! Kiyo, no! He still walks... - How's Milady? - Safe, sir. Bring me my gun! Riflemen, assemble here! They won't get away! Toki, quick! You're... You can't pass, sir. The gate can't be opened without leave. Turn back, please... You helped one of us. We don't want to harm you. I came on my own two feet. I will leave on them. It takes ten men to open that gate! Sir, no! You'll die! He moved it! Move aside! Wolves! Flint! Stop! Your princess is safe! I'm coming! Yakul, let's go! I thank you. He's gone... Wait! He's mine! Did they shoot you? Are you dead? Why did you stop me? Speak while you still live! I didn't want you to die. I'm not afraid to die if it will drive the humans away! I knew that when I first saw you. You've wasted your life by getting in my way! I'll cut your throat! That'll shut you up! Live... I don't listen to humans! You're beautiful... What's wrong, San? Shall I crunch him for you? The apes... Apes! Do you mean disrespect to the tribe of Moro? This is our forest. Give us man. Give us man and go. Leave, before my fangs find you. Go. We eat man. We eat him. Let us eat man. Why would the tribe of the apes want to eat a man? We eat man. We have his strength. We want strength to drive humans away. You won't get that power by eating a man. All that will do is turn you into something else! We plant trees. Humans destroy them. Forest does not come back. We kill humans. The Deer God is with us. Don't give up. Plant your trees. We will fight for you to the last! Deer God will not fight. We die. Wolf girl not care. Wolf girl human. You monkey! I'll break your neck! Stop it! It's all right. You go ahead. I'll take care of the human. What about him? Can we eat him? No. Go on. Come here. Let's be friends. Help me carry your master. You're smart. You know not to set foot on this island. Humans stink! Go where you will. You're free. There he is! The night-walker! At last! Quick! Come and look! There's why we've been sitting in these stinking bearskins! Don't look! You'll go blind! This from the West Land's best hunter? This is a charter from the Mikado allowing us to subdue the Deer God! At night he becomes the night-walker. As night becomes day he changes form. He's vanishing...over there! Jiko! I know. Over there. There's hundreds of them. They're not from these woods. They're lords of some other mountain. It's Okkoto! From the South Island? There's no mistaking those tusks. Looks like he brought his whole tribe! He's seen us! Fall back! Come on! Jump! There's no wound! Yakul... If you're awake thank Yakul. He watched you the whole time. How do you know his name? He's told me all about you, your village, your forest... The Deer God brought you back to life, so I'll help you. I had this dream...a golden deer... Eat. Chew. We're here to kill the humans and save the forest. Why are there humans here? The girl is San, my daughter. The humans are everywhere. Go back to your mountain and kill them there. We kill for the forest of the Deer God. Why is there a man here? The Deer God healed his wound. We must give him back. The Deer God saved him? The Deer God healed his wound? ! Why did he not save Nago? Is he not guardian of the forest? ! The Deer God gives life, and takes it away. Have you boars forgotten even that? No! You begged the Deer God for him. You did not beg for Nago! He feared death... I, like him carry within me a poisoned human stone. Nago fled. I remain, and contemplate my death. Go to the Deer God! I have lived long enough, San. The Deer God will take my life. No, Mother! You've protected the Deer God! We are not fooled! Nago was beautiful and strong. Our brother would not run! You wolves ate him! Silence! You slander my mother! Hear me, O wild mountain gods... It was I who killed Nago. He had become a demon, and attacked our village. A huge boar. Here is my proof. I came to this land to ask the Deer God to lift this curse. He healed my wound, but the scar remains. I must suffer until the curse destroys me. Okkoto! Okkoto, wait! You mustn't eat him! Stand back. I will not eat him. Wolf-God Princess... Do not fear. I tell of Nago's end. My thanks to you, young one. It grieves us that a demon has come from our tribe. Lord you know how I may lift the curse? Leave this forest. When next we meet, I will have to kill you. You cannot win against the guns of the humans. Look on my tribe, Moro. We grow small, and we grow stupid. To go on in this manner is to end as game the humans hunt for meat. To risk all on a final battle is to play into human hands. I ask not for the help of wolves. Should we die even to the very last, we will leave the humans in awe. The Deer God! Keep the oxen together! Reload! Quick! That damned Eboshi's fighting the wrong enemy! You go on ahead and hide. Here they come! Chief... Well done. We're moving out. Tell the others. Hello,Jiko. The Emperor presses, and you sport with country samurai... Lord Asano sets them against me. Asano? A powerful man... He wants my iron. Greedy, isn't he. But now is no time to fight men. The boars are gathering in the forest. Give him the iron. Keep your promise to the Emperor, then smash Asano. Quick, Milady! Asano's men are coming! Speak of the devil! A messenger. A messenger. Remember your manners. Welcome home! Aren't you going to see him? Eboshi, Mistress of the Ironworks, you have fought well! I bring a message from my lord. Open your gates! We hear you fine from there! Milady took this mountain from the boars! Now it's worth something and you want it! On your way! You have no respect, woman! No respect? We haven't had respect since we were born! You want iron? Have some! They're really something! Samurai or forest god, they don't care. Eboshi's women don't lack courage. What good is this paper? Well, it's helped in getting the best hunters and trackers. We're after gods, not just beasts. Yes, Milady? Do you know who this paper is from? The Mikado. - Mikado? - Who's he? The Emperor. They're really something! Off you go. As we make iron here, the forest grows weak. That way costs fewer lives. We've spent too much time and money. We didn't send 40 riflemen just for the iron. So the Emperor says, at least. Surely he doesn't believe that the Deer God's head confers immortality? I'm not privy to the thoughts of the Emperor. Best not to be. You have my word. The boars will be easier than Moro and her tribe. Call out that shady bunch you've got hidden under the cliff. So I'm found out, am I? One more thing... Did a young man pass by here? Riding a red elk? He left. They make my skin crawl! They're not ordinary hunters. They're special scouts. Let us go with you! Don't trust those men! We can't help you from here if anything happens! We've learned how to shoot... That's the reason I want you here. I fear humans more than forest gods. With the Deer God dead, things will become clear. Is the Deer God's head all the Emperor really wants? We may have to fight the riflemen, too. We can't trust men. Stay on your toes. Don't worry about Lady Eboshi. I'll protect her. - You will, will you? - What? ! Maybe if you were a woman... ♪ In the moonlight I felt your heart ♫ -♫ Quiver like a bowstring's pulse ♪ - [Shuddering] ♪ In the moon's mere light ♪ ♪ You looked at me ♫ ♫ Nobody knows your heart ♪ ♪ When the sun has gone I see you ♪ ♪ Beautiful and haunting but cold ♪ -♪ Like the blade of a knife so sharp, so sweet ♪ - [Groaning] ♪ Nobody knows your heart ♪ ♪ All of your sorrow grief and pain ♪ ♪ Locked away in the forest of the night ♪ ♪ Your secret heart belongs to the world ♪ -♪ [Continues, Indistinct] Does it hurt? You could end it all by jumping, you know. When your strength returns, the scar will grow restless. I feel like I've slept for days. I dreamed San was tending to me. I hoped you would cry out in your sleep, so I could bite off your head. A beautiful woods... Are the boars moving yet? Go back into the cave, boy. You can't hear it... The cry of the woods trampled under by boars... I sit here listening to it and to the crumbling of my body and wait for that woman dreaming of the moment I crush her head in my jaws. Can't humans and the forest live together in peace? Can't this be stopped? The humans are gathering. Their fire will reach even here. And San? Do you intend to take her with you? How like a human to think only of himself! She is a daughter of our tribe. When the woods die, so will she. Set her free! She's human! Silence, boy! Now she cannot be human, and she cannot be wolf. My poor, ugly, lovely daughter... Can you save her? ! I don't know, but together we can live. How? Will you join with San and fight the human race? No. All that does is cause more hatred. There is nothing you can do, boy. Soon the scar will kill you. Leave here when the sun rises. Can you walk? Thanks to you and the Deer God. Yakul! Were you worried? My legs are so weak! It's so quiet...where are the kodama? I can smell the ironworks... Thank you for guiding me. I have a favor to ask you. Give this to San. Let's go. That woman! She knows we're here... - It's a foolish trap. - A trap? They're trying to lure the boars out of the woods. They're planning something. We've got to warn them! They'll be killed! Okkoto is no fool. The boars know it's a trap, but still they'll charge. They are a proud race. The last one alive will still be charging forward. They're cutting trees. To anger them. Mother, this is farewell. The smoke will blind Okkoto. I will be his eyes. As you will. Although there is a life for you with that boy... I hate humans! From Ashitaka? For me? It's pretty... - I will stay with the Deer God. - Let's go. The tribe of Moro fights with you! Where is Okkoto? Thank you. The ironworks! Let's go! Who goes there? ! Samurai! Halt! Let me pass! Who was that? ! He's stopping them! Don't waste your arrows! Quick! You're right! It is him! In the flesh! Ashitaka! Toki? Are you all right? As you see us! They thought they'd catch us while the men were away! We showed 'em! - They thought we'd be easy! - Where's Lady Eboshi? She took every man who could move and went to kill the Deer God. We're cut off and can't reach her! The Deer God? So that sound before... Sir! I've still got your bow! What about his saddle and cloak? ! - But... - Useless! Koroku, thanks! I'll bring help. Can you hold out? We'll pour hot iron on them if we have to! Hurry, Ashitaka! Bring Lady Eboshi! Missed! They're bringing boats. Hurry! Bring Lady Eboshi! We'll fight, too! I'll be back! We'll be here! Get that man! They're after us, Yakul! Burning flesh... Yakul! Stay back! Show me the wound... Wait here. I'll be right back. Stay, I said! We're almost there... Who goes there? ! Outsiders are not allowed here. I have a message for Lady Eboshi. She's not here. State your business and I'll pass it on. I will speak to her! Where is she? ! Young you're alive... You've had a bad time... There's still men buried. It was horrible... The ironworks are under attack. There's still time. The women are holding the inner stockade. The bastards! Asano waited till we left! Where's Lady Eboshi? She's gone after the Deer God. Call her back! If you're done, get out of here! Back to work! And the ironworks? Now wait a minute! They want to abandon the ironworks! If we wait we'll be too late! Send a messenger! The woods are huge. He'd never find her! Send one of your trackers! Lady Eboshi's being used. Were there any wolves with the boars? San, er, the wolf girl? I don't was pitch black when they came at us. She was there. We were in the front... And? I don't know. Suddenly I didn't know what was going on. The scouts put us out there to lure the boars in. There were mines underneath us and grenades from above. Where's San? ! Be still! I want to help you. A wolf! . There's a wolf still alive over here! Sir, what... Sir! Move! What are you doing, boy? ! He's going to take me to Eboshi. So you're with them, are you? Move. What's more important, the head of the Deer God or the ironworks? ! Poison darts! Stop! Give me a hand! He's out! Go through the swamp and hide near the lake. The riflemen are with them. Be careful. Take this. My last arrow's broken. You go with them. Take care of him! Find San! That's where Eboshi is! Don't fall behind the scouts. Today we finish this! Jiko... Well? How does it look? Okkoto's hurt. He and the girl are going to the Deer God. So they're going to ask him for help...stay with them. But stay hidden, or he won't appear. Of course. Is that boar's blood on his face? That's how they trick the boars. Keep going! We're almost at the Deer God's pond. Something's coming! Something's wrong, Okkoto! Just a bit further! Something bad is coming. There's too much blood. I can't smell what it is. The apes! You did this. It is your fault. Forest will die. Is this how you thank those who fought for your forest? You brought ruin. Things neither animal nor human! Neither animal nor human? - They're here! - It's the end! Warriors! They've returned! My warriors have returned from the land of the dead! Forward, my warriors! To the Deer God! Okkoto, no! Your warriors haven't come back to life! They wear boar skins to hide their scent! They're men! Stop! They want us to take them to the Deer God! Come out, Deer God! If you are lord of this forest, revive my warriors to slay the humans. Okkoto! Still your heart! We're surrounded! He's done for. Leave him! No! Then he'll become a demon! Tell Mother it's the Deer God the humans want! She'll know what to do! We can't let our kind die out! Go! I'll kill the first one that moves, and tell the whole forest what you are! Ashitaka? Bastards! I burn! A flame bursts from within me! No! No, Okkoto! Don't turn into a demon! Okkoto! An answer! What is it? - San's in danger! - Let's go! I'm hot! No! I don't want to be a monster! Okkoto! Too slow! Get on! A wolf! . Eboshi! Go on ahead! Eboshi, listen! Stop! Ashitaka? The samurai are attacking the ironworks! The women are fighting back! Leave the Deer God! The men are heading back! They're waiting for you! What proof do you have? None! I would have stayed and fought if I could! So it's "don't kill the Deer God, kill the samurai," is it? No! Can't the forest and the ironworks live together? Whose side is he on? Let's go back! I've done all I can for the women. They can defend themselves. There's the pond. He's around here! It's now or never. Stay alert. Do we need her? We're killing a god. Let her do it for us. Moro! Are you dead? San! Where are you? San! Ashitaka! Okkoto... Leave, boy. If we fight, the Deer God won't come. Okkoto! Be still! Okkoto! Give me the girl! Where is San? Shoot him down! San! San! Ashitaka! San! Ashitaka! And here I was saving my last bit of strength for that woman... Close up! Stay away from him. The curse will fall on you. Can you not even speak now? Well done. Fall back and tend to the wounded. A horrible sight! There he is! Give me back my daughter! Ashitaka... Can you save San? The Deer God... Don't shoot! Eboshi! Your enemy is not the Deer God! Guns can't hurt him... Only through the head... San! Don't die! Is the Deer God taking life? ! He's starting to change! Watch closely. This is how you kill a god. He is also the god of death. Do not shrink back. Stop! Eboshi! You damn freak! Got him! Get the head! Jiko! Bring the box! The porters are dead! Don't touch the body! It'll draw your life into it! One head, as promised. Milady! Moro's moved by itself! Come on, hurry! Run! Jiko! Run! To the island! I can't swim! Then wade! Give her to me! I'll kill her! Moro's already taken her revenge. Milady! Help me! Don't waste your sympathy... I promised Toki I'd bring you back. He's looking for his head. San! You're on their side! Take that woman and go away! Keep away! Shut up! I'm a wolf! . Keep back! I'm sorry. I tried to stop it. It's over. Everything. The forest is dead. No, it's not. We're still alive. Help me. Wait! Help us! A little crisis and they're useless! Don't stop! The head's moving! It's calling him here! That's fixed it. Thanks. It's very quiet... They're waiting for dawn. I wonder if that young man found Eboshi... I'm sure he did. She's probably almost here now. Look at that face! Hey, Koroku! Let him sleep for now. I don't like the sound of that... The night-walker! Hold your positions! He's coming this way! Get out! The Deer God's coming after his head! Touch that muck and you're dead! Run into the lake! The water'll slow it up! The men and Lady Eboshi are coming from the other side! I'm going to give the head back! Hurry! He's coming! What do we do? ! Stay calm! To the lake! Stay calm! Help the injured! Not that way! There goes the roof... Once the forge starts to burn, it's all over. As long as we're alive, we'll manage. Move out deeper. There they are! Go! Wait! You're still alive? When the sun comes up, he'll vanish. He's coming,Jiko. Quick! Wanting all between heaven and hell is the human condition. I don't want to kill you... Oh, dear... Don't look so stern... Run! Ashitaka! Uh-oh... We're surrounded! Come on, sun! Open it! Don't you understand? It's too late! Don't waste time talking to him! Human hands must return it! Well, I warned you... O Deer God... We return your head! Be at peace! Here he comes! He's stopped... The men! Milady! Careful, she's hurt! He's falling! Hang on! Don't let go! Even if they grow back, they won't be the Deer God's woods. The Dear God is dead! The Deer God can't die. He is life itself. Life and death are his to give and take. He's telling us we should live. I like you, but I can't forgive what people have done. That's all right. You live in the forest, and I'll live at the ironworks. Together we'll live. Yakul and I will visit you. Can you believe it? Saved thanks to a wolf! . Someone bring Ashitaka. I want to thank him. We'll start over again. We'll build a good village. I give up... can't win against fools! VOICES . ♪♪ In the moonlight I felt your heart ♫ . Ashitaka MATSUDA Yoji San ISHI DA Yuriko . ♪ Quiver like a bowstring's pulse ♫ . . ♪ In the moon's mere light you looked at me ♪ . Lady Eboshi TANAKA Yuko Jiko KOBAYASHI Kaoru . ♫ Nobody knows your heart ♪ . . ♪ When the sun has gone I see you ♪ . Koroku NISHI MURA Masahiko Gonza KAMIJYO Tsunehiko . ♪ Beautiful and haunting but cold ♪ . . ♪ Like the blade of a knife so sharp, so sweet ♪ . Moro MIWA Akihiro Oracle MORI Mitsuko . ♪ Nobody knows your heart ♪ . . ♪ All of your sorrow grief and pain ♪ . Okkoto MORISHIGE Hisaya . ♪ Locked away in the forest of the night ♪ . . ♪ Your secret heart belongs to the world ♪ . ♪ Of the things that sigh in the dark ♪ . ♪♫ Or the things that cry in the dark ♫♪♪ . Chief Executive Producer TOKUMA Yasuyoshi Executive Producers UJII E Seiichiro NARITA Yutaka Original Story and Screenplay by MIYAZAKI Hayao Producer SUZUKI Toshio Original Music by HISAISHI Joe Theme song "Mononoke Hime" Lyrics by MIYAZAKI Hayao, Music by HISAISHI Joe Performed by MERA Yoshikazu English Translation by Stephen ALPERT, MORIYOSHI Haruyo and Ian MACDOUGALL Produced by Tokuma Shoten Nippon Television Network Dentsu and Studio Ghibli Directed by Hayao Miyazaki " ජය වේවා! If you enjoyed the movie.... be thankful, grateful.... as a gesture of gratitude... not for us... but to who made this movie... and remember their name good work! NTV PROFIT presents co-production NTV PROFIT - France with the collaboration of THE RUSSIAN STATE COMMITTEE FOR CINEMATOGRAPHY the FRENCH NATIONAL CENTER FOR CINEMATOGRAPHY and CANAL + producer IGOR TOLSTUNOV presents VLADIMIR MASHKOV Toljan EKATERINA REDNIKOVA Katja MISHA PHILIPCHUK Sanja as a child in a PAVEL CHUKHRAI film THE THIEF I was born just after the war - in 1946. My mother was going lo see some relatives in Yaroslavl... and she gave birth to me on the side of the road. I never saw my father. He came back from the war wounded... and died six months before I was born. But I thought about him... throughout my childhood. I tried to imagine him. THE THIEF In 1952, I was six. My memory then confused... what I saw and understood after that. But I knew I'd remember that train... for the rest of my life. Get rid of one. - What should I get rid of? - Hearts. Hearts... I don't have any. - Mommy! - What? Can I go up there? You're not allowed. But there's nobody up there There was just a stop, maybe someone's coming. So who is the queen married to? The jack or the king? The queen? That's enough, I've had it. Hello. Hello. Let's play some more. Cards, huh? Just like at home. Come on. I've been robbed! - Where are you going without shoes? - What's going on? A woman was robbed. People. Stay in your seat. - I'm going, you slay here. - Mom, please! Listen, squirt. Here you go. What are you doing? Don't worry. Keep an eye on my stuff, okay? Excuse me. Excuse me, let us through. Why cry? It's too late. Shall we have a smoke? Are you crazy! What's your name? Mine? Katja. Daddy! Where are you going? Well... I don't know. We got off with Uncle Toljan in some random city. My mom said that from then on we would live with him... and that I would have to call him Dad. We walked through the city... looking for a room or a small apartment to rent. Do you have a room? The accountant and his wife live there. An engineer and his daughter, there Here's the kitchen. The bathroom. An artist lives here, my husband and I there. Varvara teaches the accordion there. A drunk woman lives in there, but she's harmless. The room isn't mine, it's my sister Anna's. She's in the hospital now. And I'm Aunt Tanja. Sanjec'ka. Aunt Tanja. I'll give you the down payment in a few days. My housing money and passport are at the military headquarters. You know how the army is. Okay. Whenever. You're a father, a soldier. - You're not a con artist - Thanks. No problem. Mommy! What's wrong? Calm down. It's nothing, honey. - What's wrong, Sanja? - It's nothing. He'll go back to sleep now. Now Daddy will tie the chairs together so you won't tall. He was choking you? What are you saying? I heard it, you know? You were dreaming. I'm sleeping here! Not on your life! Lie down here. I'm staying with mommy. Goddammit! I sleep here. If you say another word, I'll throw you out the window! You don't believe me? So? Don't worry. Put a nail up. Why? To hang up your uniform. Okay, I'll put it up myself. And what are these? They're for you, I bought them at the market. Just for me? For you, for you. For me? It's for me? It doesn't fit. Stop it. Stop it, get out. And don't make any noise, or they'll send us away. Your passport isn't at headquarters. You never went there. I'm on leave. I have two days left. If you bring it to the woman, she'll know I'm not your wife. So what? So what? She'll kick us out! She won't kick us out. You're Sasha? My name is Inessa Pavlovna. Are you the drunk? No. - I haven't had a drink in a month. - Sanja! Go out and play! I don't want to! It seems the girl liked me. She thought they beat me up because of her. In fact they beat me up because I was different. I don't want to live here! They beat me up! What's wrong? They'll throw us out for sure. Don't yell. Why are you a tattletale? Show 'em. What do you mean, Uncle Toljan? I'm not your uncle, I'm Daddy! Go and defend yourself! Defend myself... but how? Use your fists, bite, kick. This way, they'll remember. If not, you're not a real man. Now turn off the water. Caterina! Are you there? Come and see what your son has done! What a mess! You shouldn't have rented it to them, with a child! That's not a rag it's a towel! Sorry. Hey, asshole, come out here! Listen! Is this your son who's been hitting these kids with a stick? He's crazy! Discipline him, dammit! Let go of his ear... or I'll come down there... and smash your lace in. Go ahead, come on down! They move in and you can't let the kids play... in the courtyard anymore! Okay, okay. Can't you take a joke? I'm coming down and I'm going to smash his face in. Just wait. He throws rocks! Little brat! If you touch him again, I'm going to smash your face in! Are these the guys who beat you up? Did you defend yourself? Did he beat you up'! And you? Punch him. I said hit him! Come on! Again! Hit him again! On the nose, in his face! Pound him! Okay, okay. Now calm down. We're leaving. I should whip you. You flooded the whole house! Sit down! Get me the belt. Give it to me, I said! I forgive you. Don't worry, I'm going to beat him. Why do you want to hit him? It's better to teach him the accordion. I don't ask for much. What accordion! He's a pest! Learning how to play the accordion wouldn't hurt. But his father's a soldier. Today we're here, tomorrow there. I would never have married a soldier. Really? Sure, she'd never have gotten married! Look at her! Touch it. Harder. Understand? And this? It's to scare people. It you scare them, they respect you and they listen to you. - And it they don't listen'! - Pummel them. And if they're stronger than you? Whoever it is, you have to tell yourself: "I'm ready to kill for this cigarette, for this ice cream." The others understand that, and they will give you anything. Understand? Is that Stalin? Why? He's my father. Sure. Really? Sure. And he... does he know? Yes. But it's a secret. Don't tell anyone, understand? - Yes. - It's a secret then, squirt. I hope it's okay... Feel how my heart is beating. And you? Are you happy now? Go tell the neighbors you're sorry before they throw us out. Go on! Go, Sanja. Do you have kids? We had them. We all had children once: Solomonich, Inessa, us. Where did they go? Did they die in the war? Yes. Look, the sole has worn away. They're old shoes. Not like your father's... made of calfskin, new. He's not my father. - So who is he? - Uncle Whatchamacallit! Sanja, where are you? Come home! You're an idiot! You could have looked at his passport at least. And what would I have done with it? Anyway, he's a soldier. We can always call headquarters. Good morning, lovely ladies. Please, help yourselves. Aunt Tania, have one. - What luxury! What do we owe-- - We have lo celebrate. Speaking of which, how do we want to celebrate? To each his own. It's better to celebrate together! I'll be in charge of organizing it. - And don't cry, Aunt Tania - I'll bring our daily bread! No, no. - None for her. - No way. Comrades... as a soldier, I travel a lot and meet a lot of people. But I have never met people... as kind and friendly as you. For this reason... accept as a sign of gratitude... tickets for the circus! For Saturday! We'll go together. You're crazy to spend so much! We are touched, really. We'd love to come. Especially on Saturday! To your health. Why are we sitting? You men could ask us to dance. May I? I can't come to the circus. Why not? I have a play on Saturday. And then? Some like to meddle in other people's affairs. David Solomonich, a toast I would like to toast... the man who made this day possible... and not just this. To the good, the wise... the best of all men. To Comrade Stalin. I also have to drink to his honor. What is this stuff? Water! I know you too well. I've lived with you too long! Know what I think? When you're big, you're going to marry me. Nice, huh! What time does Olga usually come home? It depends. I understand. Saniec'ka, I have to go out for a minute. Don't go. Please, don't go away. I'm just going to the bathroom, and then I'll be back. You promised me we would go back - I'm not coming! - Be good! You're a liar! Sasha, maybe we have to leave. - Right now? And Uncle Toljan? - I don't know. No... Stay here, I'll be right back. - What did you come here for? - To get my things. To get my things. So take your things then. You knew it, right? What are you doing? But what... What are you looking (or? What are you doing? I don't understand! - Where is your Olga? - What fucking Olga? Get the boy, otherwise we'll miss our train. - So then you're not a soldier. - I am, actually. They stick my rank on my ass, and they even give me a title! And I thought that now... we would live together. I love you. And you... - I did it for the boy too... - Tell me about it later! Let's go. - Don't take anything, let's go. - What? Look what a mess! I beg you! I love you. We have a child 10 raise... C'mon, we'll miss our train. Why am I so unlucky? Let's go, the train's leaving. Think about it later. Now let's go. No! Then leave me the address. Maybe I'll write you from prison. You know I have no address. C'mon, squirt. Here you go, chief. All set. - Did you look at it? - All set. - Mommy. - Be quiet. Mommy, look! This is mine! Give it to me! Give it to me, I said! Be quiet. Leave them alone. If they ask, it's not our stuff. Would you like tea? Everything's fine, Katiusha! Now we can enjoy ourselves! Oh, my sweetheart I love you so Listen to my love song You are my happiness Oh, my sweetheart I love you so... I hate you! Take it. Never, ever. You'll take it and then tomorrow you'll go to the market and sell it. Me? Here! And so I saw the Black Sea for the first time. Good morning, comrades. Who's in charge here? My wife and son are down there. Comrade Captain! - Comrade Captain! - C'mon, let's go... Put the bags in the left luggage. Hurry! It would have been better if you hadn't come back. Liar! "Shipr." - What? - Shipr cologne. - We'd like to rent a room - We're no trouble. My husband is in the service, my son is well-behaved. Yes, I understand, but... we don't rent. Too bad. But there's a collective apartment in the basement. I think they rent there. Katja. Are you sleeping? No. What's wrong? What's wrong with her? Bring her some water. - Stop! You new here'! - Yes! Hello... - Don't you say hi? Your name? - I'll kill you, damn you! Are you a new tenant? Yes. - Don't you say hello? - Hello. What's wrong, Katia? I'm scared, Toljan. What do I do with it? Drink it. Actually, go out and check things out. Take a good look, then tell me. Slop giving him lessons! Do you want him to become like you? What's wrong with that? Sanja, want to become a soldier? Yes. Good. Now get out! You promised it was the last time... and then we would have a normal life! You were the one who said you'd write me from jail! If I keep going like this I'll end up like you. And who will I send postcards to? My son in the orphanage? Don't yell! I haven't made money in a while. I always find poor people's houses. One good deal, and then I'll stop. Just my luck! Get rid oi this crap! I have a boy to feed! - Here, Uncle Toljan! - I told you to call me Daddy! Say it! Daddy! Stop it! I'll kill you! Go ahead. You know the rules of the game? If you pull a knife, you have to use ii. Go ahead. Otherwise I'll hit you. Leave me alone! Sanja, are you in there? Stay in there, it's good for you! Citizens! Do you have an accordion? The soul needs music. Do you have an accordion? Good idea, putting the bed between two night tables! Will you avenge me, my son? Daddy! C'mon, Comrade, play. The night is short. At least tell us why we're celebrating. Really, Anatolij, please tell us. It's my birthday. Citizens... this is what I want to say: I liked you right from the start, like a family. - And for this reason... - There'll be no circus. For this reason... I want to drink with you to Comrade Stalin. Hello. - What's wrong with your hand? - Nothing. I smashed it. But you're hurt. We need some iodine. I have some at home. C'mon. C'mon! Come in. My husband... is a very important doctor. He amputates all the time, 24 hours a day. He's always at work. I have lots of free time. You're not any trouble. Give me your hand. We'll clean it up. Does it hurt? Does it burn? You have to disinfect it, otherwise you could get tetanus. - What is it? - What? Tetanus. Tetanus is... I don't even know. It's something... dangerous. - Who is it? - Call the soldier uncle! - He's not here. Call him! Do you understand Russian or not? Tell him his son has climbed up the fire escape... and can't get down. If he doesn't come right away, we'll call his mother, got it? There you are! - No! - Don't worry, I'll be careful. There he is! So, squirt, what should I do? Leave you here? You need an escort! Look, look! Hold on, squirt. "Shipr"... Your mother will show us "Shipr". What are you doing? What are you doing there? We're going to the bathhouse. Take some straw and scrub your ass. Like that. Like me. Don't worry, squirt. If you're brave, yours will grow too. I'll pour the water on you. You peed in your pants. Don't worry about it. It happens to everyone. One time... I pissed blood for three days. Blood? Five people... kicked me in the kidneys with their boots. - Who? - It happened. They hit me here, and here. They broke my ribs, but I didn't say a word. I didn't speak. I lay in the blood for three days, like a stuck pig. Just remember, squirt. You can pee in your pants 100 times, but then you have to win. Understand? Good boy. Another one? Go get another beer. Go on, hurry. Friends, today is my lucky day! Want some bread with salt? Your turn! Look, I have another ten and the ace of spades! Wait a minute! I have the ace of spades too! Bastard! They're fighting in there. - Documents, Captain. - You want documents too! - Documents. - What are you talking about, guys? - Documents, I said. - Take a look then. They cooked me alive in the tanks, I rotted in the swamps... and I fought on the front lines, so you could ask for my documents? Stop it! Documents for you, shithead? Here! I should show them to him! Go to hell! We're just wasting time. That's it, good boys, go on. Always carry a little salt with you. It can come in handy. Give me your hand. This is our neighbor, Rosa L'vovna. Have a seat. Okay. Let's go. Where? Climb up, Sanja. I'll follow you Why? You just have to open the door. - What are we doing? Stealing? - What? I'm on a mission. - What mission? - A secret mission. Go on. Sanja! Are you wetting yourself? Are you a little girl? Want a bow? I'm not a little girl. Hurry up. There's no time, squirt. Don't be afraid or we'll fall. I'm not going up. We're like thieves. - They'll put us in prison! - What's wrong? Did you sleep too little or eat too much, squirt? What thieves? - You know who my father lights? - Which father? Stalin? He fights the enemy! Understand? An enemy lives up there. A spy? I'm on a mission, and you're ruining everything. Are you an accomplice? I'm not an accomplice. I swear! Then prove it! Prove you're a real Soviet! But I have to pee. Hold it in! You can do it if you're brave. The lock. Shake it! Harder! You have to do it, or I won't be able 10 pull you out! Push! You're a weakling, squirt! Push, or they'll shoot you! I can't! Push, I said. Push! I'm going to see where he is. Citizen, I can't see through you. Sit down. - Thanks for looking after it for me. - No problem. Where's my son? His father took him with him. He said to go straight to the station and wait for him there. Thank you. Hey! What are you doing up there? What's your problem, Savel'evna? Someone must have entered from the doctor's window. - Oh come on. - I'm sure of it! Call the police, so they can take a look. You think? The windows are dark. There's no one home. Savel'evna, everyone's asleep. You always imagine the same things. You see thieves everywhere, bandits. You need help. It's open here. I'm calling the police They'll take care of it. Is this her? Get in! Hurry! Let's go! - Where's Sanja? C'mon, let's go! This time it was a fiasco. Why did you take the boy with you? Just because. And then I didn't know how it'd go with the madame. We're going to the Molotovka stop. No one will find us there. We'll take the train. I'm going to leave you, Toljan. This time, I'm really going to. Where? To lvanovo. I hear they need workers there. Then go. Maybe you'll find someone better. Maybe... But I won't love him like you. Here's the ticket. One seat, me and the boy. Seat 15. Enough. Go on. Maybe they'll give room and board at lvanovo. - The boy'll go to school. If you-- - Katja, don't start. I like the life I live. I don't want another one. Take these to help you get started. Did you buy these for me at the market as well? So, squirt. Even you want to leave me? I have your gun in my suitcase. Keep it. I don't need it. It'll be an excuse to see you again. Get on! Go on. - Sanja! - Where are you going? - Sanja! - Where are you going? Freeze! Stop or I'll shoot! Shoot, he's getting away! Stop! - What did he do to you? - He threw salt at me! The suitcase! - So why did he escape? - He ran after the boy. - So why did he escape? - He ran after the boy. He thought something had happened to the boy. They wanted to check his documents and he threw salt at the sergeant! He didn't do it maliciously. He was injured in the war. He'll get live years for this, if he's lucky! We should knock his head off twice! Have mercy on him! How can you leave a boy without his father? I'm not moved by whimpering or by kids. The sergeant has two. What if he'd been blinded? Maybe we can help his family out. I have a ring and some earrings. Would you let him go? I don't know. After my shift, I'm going to see... the sergeant in the hospital. I can try to... I'll be right back. - Right away! - Hurry up! I'm not going to wait all night. - Give them to me. - What? Where are they? He gave them to you! Where are they? - Here? - I don't remember! Look for them, Sanja! I'm asking you in the name of God! We'll surely find them. We have lo! Where could they have gone? He left. One moment, citizen. I don't understand. You want to bribe me? Me? Bribe me? I'll send you to Siberia... to cut down trees. See what they do to you! Whore! Get out of here! Get out before I reconsider. At least let me see my husband They've taken him to the city, to Molotovskoe. Look for him there. Our efforts were in vain. They didn't find out about the burglaries in the apartments... but they gave him seven years anyway. We waited in front of the prison... to see him before the long separation. My mother didn't know if would be her last time. - Do you know when they call them? - I don't know. - When do they call them? - Who the hell knows? They don't tell US! My son, my son... If you hadn't run away... he would be with us now. Everyone back! If anyone moves, I'll shoot! Mommy, what does this mean? Number one! Keep your head down! Number two! Keep your head down! Vanja! Vanja! I'm here! Pasha! Serozha! Nina had a baby! What is it? It's a girl! Back! Micola! Your father died! Keep your head down! Toljan! Sanja! Daddy! Don't leave us alone! Daddy! Don't leave us alone! From that day on... I never saw me image of the soldier... of my real father again. Maybe because on that day... I betrayed him. Come with me. My little boy. Mom, what's wrong? - Did you eat? - I ate. What? The cook gave me a potato and some jam. Tell her to give you mine too. Mom, what are you saying? Does it hurt? What operation is it? They talk about an operation, but I don't understand. Ladies' stuff. What is it? That's all. Nothing very good Get well soon. I'm bored by myself. I'll get well soon. Mom, sing me our little song Not now, I'm tired. It was the "Three Witnesses". My mother died of peritonitis... after a botched abortion. I heard some of what the doctors said... but then I couldn't understand any of the details... and they weren't important. From that moment on I had no one else in the world... closer than Toljan. My mothers watch and the gun... were the only things left from that life. Fortunately I was able to hide the gun. I hid if often, later... in the orphanage. For years, I lived with the dream that Toljan was free... and he would take me away with him. Chigariov, straighten your back! Grab the handlebar. Let's go! Faster, hurry! Let's go! Bastards! Idiots! What are you doing, boy? You selling a handlebar? Squirt. You looking for someone? You. Me? Why is that? I'm Sanja. So? I'm Katja's son. Do you remember Katja? Which Katja? On the train, with the little boy. Wait, wait. Her name was Katja? And you... so you would be... You'd be... Sanja. - Right, Sanja! - Toljan! You're a real piece oi work! You had a kid with Katia and you don't even remember! Oh shut up! So... squirt... what do you want? - You want money? - For who? You drink with mine! - Who's this Katia? - Can't you see I'm talking? Katja! Admit it, you old dog! Katja, he says... C'mon, I lucked one... on the train, that's all. Tell her I'm not your father, squirt! You tell her! Look, look. She's jealous. I've fallen in love with this one... like a little boy. Go to your damn Katja and take your friends with you! Good times... Tell your mother I said hello. Tell her "From Toljan". She'll remember. Now go on. And so I was left all alone in the world. I felt nothing. I only had the feeling he had betrayed me and my mother... and that I had to kill him. I didn't want to be like him anymore. Yet my life didn't become easier. So I decided to start up a new life... not to think of him anymore. He didn't exist. He had never existed. He didn't even exist in my dreams. Nothing existed. Nothing... nothing... nothing. Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Don't leave us alone! Daddy! written and directed by PAVEL CHUKHRAI director of photography VLADIMIR KLIMOV production designer VICTOR PETROV composer VLADIMIR DASHKEVICH sound YULIA EGOROVA make-up NINA KOLODKINA costumes NATALIA MONEVA and NATALIA ALEKSANDROVA editing MARINA DOBHYANSKAYA and NATALIA KUCHERENKO coordinator ANNA KAGARLIZKAYA assistant directors OLGA KALIMOVA and TATIANA SAULKINA cameraman VIACESLAV CHIBRIKOV directors of production VALENTINA SAITSEVA and OLGA RUMIANSEVA executive producer SERGEY KOZLOV produced by IGOR TOLSTUNOV World Sales ROISSY FILMS A TIME FOR DRUNKEN HORSES - What's your name? - Amaneh How old are you? I'm younger than Madi Who's Madi? My brother. He's a cripple. He's always ill. That's him there He's the one in the yellow jacket Today we took him to the doctor at the hospital - What does your Dad do? - He's a smuggler He goes to Iraq on our mule with things to sell and he brings stuff back Do you have a mother? No, she died when she was having my baby sister Rojine's our mother now She's my sister... my elder sister Is Rojine here? No, she's at home, looking after my little sister That's Ayoub over there. My big brother - How many? - Three sisters, two brothers What are you up to? We're wrapping up packets in newspaper to protect them Me and Ayoub and the other village kids We come here almost all the time Where's your village? It's far from here on the border with Iraq Can I wrap your glasses? Madi, dear, are you tired? Have your pills I'm not going to take them for you I need five or six workers now Hurry up! Amaneh, take over. Be back soon Can I come? Can I? Six of you! No more than six Hurry up, before we're spotted Careful, it's fragile Carry it into the bazaar Hurry up, you boys who are going home I'm leaving in five minutes Get in! Hey, be quick. The truck's leaving Hurry up! The truck's leaving! Coming! Life is ageing me, making me wander over mountains and valleys, bringing me closer to death In the truck they said that several smugglers had been blown up by mines Our village is on the border That's how many villagers died My dad's there at the moment I'm worried about him Last night I had a dream about him Madi, time for your pills There's no water, so use your spit to swallow them Look. Swallow like that Rahman, either pay 150 tomans per person or hide exercise books on them until we get past the border post Jump out, you Iraqi kids! We're nearly at the border We'll wait for you on the other side - Hello. What are you carrying? - Just passengers - No Iraqis? - No - Where are they going? - To their village, Sardab Out you get, kids! Line them up, Sergeant - What's this? - Exercise books Where are you taking them? They're theirs What are you talking about? Search them, Sergeant Everybody, lift your shirts up Sir, there's a whole pile of exercise books in the truck Impound this truck! Wait, Amaneh Let me give Madi his medicine Madi, we'll head for the other side of the hill There's no snow over there. You won't be so cold Swallow it I can't, Dad. It's too bitter Eat some snow. It'll help it go down We will never see my father again My uncle said that Ayoub would take his place Ayoub had to give up his studies But that was because my uncle has eight children so he wasn't able to look after us any more Ayoub said I should keep on studying Hello, Doctor Hi, Ayoub. Bring me Madi for his injection It was this morning Just bring him. I have to go to town Hello. Help me up - Where are you going, Ayoub? - I'm going home to get Madi I'm taking him to Dr Rahim - He's not there - Where is he? He went with Amaneh to the cemetery - Can I leave this here? - Yes Oh God, help Madi. Oh God, make him better Amaneh, who let you come here? - Why did you bring him here? - Madi isn't well You know he has to take his pills and have his injections! - He was very sick! - Get up! Let's go Mr Rahim! Doctor Ayoub, is that you? I told you to take Madi I have to go to town for a few days Madi, where does it hurt? Here? Where else? All over? I'll give him his injection His pills? I gave them to him, but he was in pain all night - What's your name? - Madi How old are you? Two... No, three No, 15! OK, lie down Let's take your pants down Come on Big boys don't cry, do they? Well done... Ayoub come here a second Last night, I told your uncle what I told you We can't keep giving him injections all the time He's getting worse He must be operated on within four weeks or else he'll die Dr Rezai at the hospital has told you that already We can't afford it. It's up to you He must be operated on very soon Even if he's operated on he'll only live for seven or eight months His illness is incurable - Amaneh, are you mad at me? - Yes - Why? - You hit me You went to the cemetery... Madi was bored - Why listen to him? - But he was bored Friends? - No - Why? Because you hit me I won't do it again. Friends? - All right - Give me five My exercise book's full - Want the same kind? - Yes I got top grades twice I'll buy you one tomorrow I'll have dinner, then test you on your maths Are you OK? Fine, thanks All right? Did you see Mr Yassin? I couldn't find him I heard what the doctor said Madi's getting worse every day Ayoub said he'd find the money needed for Madi's operation Ayoub went to see Mr Yassin again Maybe my uncle will manage to persuade Yassin to find a job for him? There's no work here if you haven't got a mule At the bazaars, they load up with stuff for Iraq and bring other stuff back Could you give Ayoub a job, my dear Mr Yassin? He's in great difficulty at the moment Let's load that up! Mr Yassin, you must find Ayoub a job Could Ayoub take a load? Why not? Where's Ayoub? Get him over here Hello there - Can you take a load? - Sure All right, come here every morning and take a load - Raouf, give Ayoub a load, all right? - OK It's not too cold today Just give the mules one bottle - Tired? - Yes, it's hard going - I know - Where are you from? Tchampara You got no mule? No, my dad and his mule were blown up by a mine - Work for yourself? - Yes What's your name? Riboire You got any land? Yeah, plenty So, why don't you farm it? Landmines everywhere - Can't you clear them? - There are too many The border's not far now The border? Where is it? You see over there? Over there is Iraq Is there a fight? Let's go Won't you pay me for my last two loads? No way. The owner of the load should pay You hired us. You've no right not to pay us No, you've no rights! - Hello - Hello there Yassin says hello and told me to ask you to pay him for the load You want paying? We already told him we couldn't give any money to the carriers So, what am I supposed to do with these loads? That's nothing to do with me It's up to them to get paid - What... - It's not my problem It's up to them to get paid So what should we do? Leave it here or take it back to Iran - Hello - Hello there A cup of tea, please Welcome - Are those pictures on sale? - Yes - How much are they? - 2, 3, and 4 dinars - The small one? - 2 dinars How much in tomans? - 100. Got no dinars? - No Never mind. Pay me when you've got dinars - Thanks - I'll get it Thanks Are you from Sardab? Yes Get paid for your load? No Why? The owner said I should've been paid in Iran, not here Are you new to this? Yes Listen, until they've paid you for your load you shouldn't start work. Every day they're somewhere different You won't find them Ayoub, come on. The kids are coming back Goodbye - Hello, Rojine - Hi there Did you get paid? No, they're going to pay me tomorrow Madi! Are you awake? How are you? Look at what I brought you "When the first aeroplane was ready "they invited all of their friends "to witness this event "When the engine was started "the two brothers were very nervous "At last the plane took off and gained altitude "And that is how man "came to conquer the skies "That first pioneering flight was over 90 years ago... "Today, gigantic aeroplanes are capable of transporting people "in just a matter of a few hours "all the way from one side of the world "across to the other side" Hello Can I talk to Amaneh? Why? I brought a book Amaneh, off you go I brought you your exercise book Thank you, Ayoub Goodbye Ayoub worked hard for two months but he wasn't able to earn enough money for Madi's operation He had to spend everything on us After the fight in which he broke his arm our uncle offered Ayoub his mule so that they could work together Stop! Silence! Don't move! Bakhtiar! What's up? Is it an ambush? Run! It's an ambush! Which hand is it? Taher, listen you are a brave man and so is your son If the boy and the girl are both in agreement then I'm in agreement, too I'd be very honoured if you accepted my son as your son-in-law The sooner good deeds are done, the better I give you my daughter In which case, I think it would be much better for all of us to get this done as quickly as possible As for Madi, don't worry This evening, we'll discuss how to take him to Iraq to have him operated on I'll let you know Hello Hello. Whose shoes are those? Mr Taher's and his son's Is my uncle here? Yes, he is Why are they here? I don't know Call him Why don't you call him yourself? Call him, I said Uncle, come here - Hello - Why don't you come in? Why are they here? To do a good deed What? To ask for Rojine's hand What? Why didn't you tell me? I'm your uncle. While I'm here, it's not up to you! Did you hear me? Hey, I am Rojine's brother As long as I'm around, you don't decide. Shut up! She's my sister. You didn't tell me. They must go Go away! While I'm around, you have no rights at all! Why did you behave like that? Drop it! Why didn't you tell me? What? About Taher's son I didn't know either Why are you lying? Don't ever lie to me! I'm your brother I thought he'd told you He said nothing to me Why are you so angry? Why shouldn't I be angry? Am I not the son of this family? I did it for Madi. If I get married they'll have him operated on, over there You couldn't get enough money for the operation - Is it definite? - I don't know Ayoub! Hey, Ayoub! Hello, Mr Rahim Don't move! You're a man now Men don't cry I'll come back on Thursday to give him his last injection Mrs Mahboubeh, please take care of the children, I beg you I don't need him I sent for the bride. I don't want him. Take him back Uncle! Their mother says she won't let Madi come You promised. Mr Taher was in agreement Who's Taher? I don't want him. I won't stand for this I already have ten children myself We didn't receive the dowry that is normally paid The deal was that Madi would go with the bride I'm not standing for that She wants a divorce We refuse a divorce Instead of a dowry, we can give you a mule, OK? A mule, but the boy has to go back home When Madi got home, he was in a bad way There was no one to give him his injections The doctor didn't come to the village for a week Without telling my uncle, Ayoub took Madi and the mule to the bazaar He told me he would sell the mule in Iraq Over there, mules sell for a better price He said he'd have Madi operated on, then come back He told me to stay home and that he'd be back very soon - Hello - Hello there What is it? I want to go to Iraq Why? I want to sell my mule Is that all? He needs an operation Children can't get through The road's full of landmines and ambushes. It's not for kids It's for grown-ups - I'm not a child - What about him? He is No, he's not. Let us go What if something happens? I'll take full responsibility All right, if you insist Come on, but you take full responsibility You load up your mule, but we won't pay you Are you sure? OK, give this boy a load of tyres It's very cold today, so give the mules four bottles of alcohol Ayoub, hey, brother! Wait for me! Why are you here? I brought some bread for the journey Thank you Be careful and look after Kolsoum Hey, brother! What! Will you get me another exercise book? All right. I'll buy you one. Now go home I love you so much, Madi We're nearly at the border now Turn back, it's an ambush! There's an ambush this way, too! Turn back! Everyone head for the valley! They're too drunk to walk! They've had too much alcohol! Take their loads off! Maybe they'll get up! Get up! Please stand up! They're getting nearer! They're closing in on us! Rahim, please don't leave me by myself! Rahim, I must get Madi to Iraq! Please help me! Get up! On September 3rd 1973 at 6:28pm and 32 seconds, a bluebottle fly capable of 14,670 wing beats a minute landed on Rue St Vincent, Montmartre. At the same moment, on a restaurant terrace nearby, the wind magically made two glasses dance unseen on a tablecloth. Meanwhile, in a 5th-floor flat, 28 Avenue Trudaine, Paris 9, returning from his best friend's funeral, Eugène Colère erased his name from his address book. At the same moment, a sperm with one X chromosome, belonging to Raphaël Poulain, made a dash for an egg in his wife Amandine. Nine months later, Amélie Poulain was born. [The Fabulous Life Of Amélie Poulain] Her father, an ex-army doctor, works at a spa in Enghien-Les-Bains. [TIGHT LIPS = HARD HEART] Raphaël Poulain dislikes: Peeing next to someone else. Catching scornful glances at his sandals. Clingy wet swimming trunks. Raphaël Poulain likes: Peeling off large strips of wallpaper. Lining up all his shoes and polishing them. Emptying his tool box, cleaning it out, and putting everything back. Amélie's mother, Amandine, a schoolmistress from Gueugnon, has always had shaky nerves. [FACIAL TWITCH = WEAK NERVES] Amandine Poulain dislikes: Getting puckered fingers in the bath. When someone she doesn't like brushes against her hand. Pillow marks on her cheek in the morning. Amandine Poulain likes: Figure skaters' costumes on TV. Polishing the parquet with slippers. Emptying her handbag, cleaning it out, and putting everything back. Amélie is six. Like all little girls, she'd like to be hugged by her daddy. But he never touches her, except for a monthly checkup. The thrill of this rare contact makes her heart beat like a drum. As a result, he thinks she has a heart defect. Declared unfit for school, Amélie is taught by her mother. Four... hens... brood... here... henceforth. Four hens brood... Very good. ...hens fourth! - No! Deprived of playmates, tossed about between a neurotic and an iceberg, Amélie retreats into her imagination. In this world, LPs are made like pancakes. The neighbor's comatose wife has chosen to get all her life's sleep in one go. After this, I can stay awake day and night. Amélie has one friend, Blubber. Alas, the home environment has made Blubber suicidal. Blubber's suicide attempts destroy Mother's nerves. A decision is made. Enough! To comfort Amélie, her mother gives her a second-hand Instamatic camera. Little girl! Look what you did! A neighbor fools her into thinking her camera causes accidents. Because she'd been taking pictures all afternoon, Amélie is petrified. She stares at the TV, racked by the guilt of causing a huge fire, two derailments and a jumbo jet crash. A few days later, realizing she'd been had, Amélie gets her revenge. What...? One day tragedy strikes. Amandine takes Amélie to Notre Dame to light a candle and pray for a baby brother. Three minutes later, heaven sends, alas, not a baby boy, but Marguerite, a tourist from Quebec, bent on ending her life. Amandine Poulain is killed instantly. After her mother's death, Amélie lives alone with her father. His unsociable tendencies increase. He's obsessed with building a miniature shrine to house his wife's ashes. Days, months and years go by. In such a dead world, Amélie prefers to dream until she's old enough to leave home. Five years later, she's a waitress in Montmartre at The Two Windmills. It is August 29th. In 48 hours, her life will change forever. But she doesn't know it yet. She lives quietly among her colleagues and the café's regulars. That's Suzanne, the owner. She limps a little but she's never spilt a drink. When she was younger, she was a circus rider. She likes athletes who cry with disappointment. She dislikes seeing men humiliated in front of their kids in her café. Georgette is the tobacconist. She's a hypochondriac. Migraines one day, sciatica the next. She hates the words "fruit of thy womb". Gina works with Amélie. Her grandmother was a healer. She likes cracking bones. She's bringing a kir to Hipolito, a failed writer. He likes seeing bullfighters gored on TV. Scowling at them is Joseph, Gina's rejected lover. He's always jealously spying on her. All he likes is popping bubble wrap. And here's Philomène, an air hostess. Amélie looks after her cat Rodrigue when she's away. Philomène likes the sound of the cat's bowl on the tiles. Rodrigue likes overhearing children's stories. No, thanks, ma'am. I never work on Sundays. At weekends, Amélie often takes a train from the Gare du Nord to see her father. - Why don't you use your retirement to...? - To do what? Travel. You've never been away. When we were young, your mother and I longed to travel. But we couldn't. - Because of your heart. - Yes. I know. So now... Now... Some Friday evenings, Amélie goes to the cinema. I like turning round and looking at people's faces in the dark. I like noticing details that no-one else ever sees. But I hate it in old American movies when drivers don't watch the road. Amélie doesn't have a boyfriend. She tried once or twice, but the results were a let-down. Instead, she cultivates a taste for small pleasures. Plunging her hand deep into a sack of grain. Cracking crème brûlée with a teaspoon. And skimming stones on the Canal St Martin. They call him the Glass Man. He was born with bones as brittle as crystal. All his furniture is padded. A handshake would be enough to crush his fingers. He's stayed indoors for 20 years. Time has changed nothing. Amélie still takes refuge in solitude. She amuses herself with silly questions about the world below, such as: "How many couples are having an orgasm now?" Fifteen. Finally, on the night of August 30th 1997. comes the event that will change her life forever. Lady Di, Princess of Wales, died in a car crash in Paris last night with her companion Dodi Al Fayed... Only the first man to discover Tutankhamen's tomb would understand how she felt on finding this treasure hidden by a little boy 40 years ago. On August 31st at 4am, Amélie has a dazzling idea. Wherever he was, she would find the box's owner and give him back his treasure. If he was touched, she'd become a regular do-gooder. If not, too bad. The girl from the 5th floor! We don't see much of you. Would you know of a boy who lived in my flat in the '50s? A boy? Come and have a glass of port. - No, thanks. - Come in! Close the door. Boys? I've known so many. They're cute until they discover snowballs and chestnuts. I've known so many boys. - When did you come here? - In '64. You'll have heard the story. No, I don't think so. I'm amazed. Sit down. My husband worked for Ladybird Insurance. It's no secret that he slept with his secretary. They used every hotel around. Not the grotty ones, either. The bimbo liked spreading her legs, but only on satin. So my husband swiped from the till. A little at first, then 50 million. Off they flew to South America. Drink up. On January 20th 1970, my doorbell rang. "Your husband's been killed in a car crash in South America." My life stopped there. And Black Lion died of heartbreak. Poor creature. See how lovingly he still stares at his master? One day I'll read you his letters. No, don't go! You can spare five minutes. He wrote this from the barracks. "Darling Mado." That's me. I'm called Madeleine. "I can't sleep, can't eat, knowing that my only reason to live is far away in Paris. I won't see her until a fortnight on Friday, when my sweet little weasel appears at the station in her strappy blue dress." In brackets: "The one you think is too transparent." Has anyone ever written to you like that? No. I'm nobody's little weasel. My name's Madeleine Wells. Madeleine, like Mary Magdalene. She wept, right? And Wells as in water. Talk about being born to cry! About your question... Ask Collignon, the grocer. He's lived here all his life. Hello, Amélie-mellow! A fig and three hazelnuts, as usual? Who lived in my flat in the '50s? - What was their name? - You've got me there, dear. In 1950, I was two. The mental age of this cretin. The "cretin" is Lucien. He's no genius, but Amélie likes him. She likes the way he handles each endive like a precious object to be treated with care. It's his way of showing his love of good work. Look at him! Like he's nursing a baby bird that's fallen out of its nest! Don't ask him for currants! You'd be here till Monday! Get moving, spastic! She hasn't got all day. Here. Go and see my mother. She has the memory of an elephant. Elephant Mum! Thank you. Bredoteau. Sorry? It's the name you're after. But if it's me that says so, it won't count. I'm senile. Ignore him. He's senile. See what he's done to my laurel? His old job was punching métro tickets. For three months now, he's got up every night to punch holes - in my laurels! - I'd have preferred lilacs. Such is life! - We all need a way to relax. - I skim stones. - You do? - I'll find it. Don't worry. - I file everything. - Like what? Your son's nearly 50 and I'm still doing his book-keeping. You were still squeezing his toothpaste at 15, so it follows. Right. Camus... 2nd floor on the right. Brossard... Brossard was on staircase B. Got it! Bredoteau, 5th floor on the right. They were from the Pas de Calais. Bredoteau. What more can I say? Groping under the photo booth is Nino Quincampoix. When Amélie lacked playmates, Nino had too many. Five miles apart, one dreamed of having a sister, the other a brother to spend all their time with. Hi, Dad. A new friend? No, I've had him for years. Your mother hated him, so he lived in the tool shed. There. Let's reconcile them. There. Not bad, eh? Dad, if you found a precious relic from your childhood, how would it make you feel? Happy? Sad? Nostalgic? What? I didn't have this gnome when I was a child. He was a retirement gift from my old regiment. No, I mean something you hid like a secret treasure. I should varnish him before autumn. I'll make some tea. Do you want some? Breathe in. Hold still. Better now? Shut the door! There's a howling gale. It's hardly Siberia. I can see you're not allergic to car fumes. I almost coughed up my pleura last night. Coughed up a pleura? Sure. - What's on the menu today, Suzanne? - Endives au gratin. They'll have you on your knees, you'll see. They're good, then? - Depends where. - If it's at the toilet... Not good! 12:15, laughs orgasmically to attract alpha male. He's going to drive me berserk! Can't he give up? There are plenty of other bars. Goodbye. Suzanne. - Suzanne. - Yes. "Au gratin" means white sauce, right? Yes, why? I can't stomach it. Like you and horse meat. It's not my stomach, it's my memory. I'd rather cook human flesh. You're kidding! Suzanne, would you mind if I left early today? What's his name? Dominique Bredoteau. Hello. Are you Dominique Bredoteau? That's me. Why? It's about the petition. Petition? Yes. The petition to to canonize Lady Di. No, thanks. No. Ladies and gentlemen, sorry to bother you... - Yes? - Hello. I'm looking for Dominique Bredoteau for the European census. Come up. Third floor. Hello, kitten. Earl Grey? Jasmine? What will you have? I'm working. There. I'm coming. Do you know where I can find Dominique Bredoteau? Oh, my poor dear! You just missed him. Look, there he goes now. Bre-to-deau. Not Bre-do-teau. You need a glass of mulled wine. Come in. Come on in. I've lived here for five years. This is the first time we've met. I never go out on the landing. I'm fussy about who I meet. They're all creeps anyway. Come in. Here. Come in. They call me the Glass Man, but my name is Raymond Dufayel. - Amélie Poulain. I'm a waitress at... - The Two Windmills. I know. And you've come back empty-handed from your search for Bretodeau. Because it's not "do", it's "to". - Like "Toto". - Thank you. I love that painting. It's the Luncheon Of The Boating Party. By Renoir. I've painted one each year for twenty years. The hardest part is the looks. I sometimes feel they deliberately change their mood as soon as my back's turned. They look quite happy there. They should be. This year they had hare with morels. And waffles with jam for the children. Now, what have I done with that piece of paper? Ah, you've noticed my video camera at the window. It's a gift from my sister-in-law. I put it there so I don't need to wind up my clocks. After all these years, the only person I still can't capture is the girl with the glass of water. She's in the middle, yet she's on the outside. Maybe she's just different from the others. In what way? I don't know. When she was little, she can't have played much with other children. Maybe never. Here. Dominique Bretodeau, 27 Rue Mouffetard. It's for you. Every Tuesday morning, Dominique Bretodeau goes to buy a chicken. He usually roasts it and has it with sauté potatoes. After carving the legs, the breast and the wings, he loves picking the hot carcass with his fingers, starting with the oysters. But not today. Bretodeau won't buy a chicken. He'll go no further than this phone booth here. In a flash, it all came back to him. Federico Bahamontes winning the Tour de France in '59. Aunt Josette's slips. And most of all, that tragic day. That tragic day when he won all the marbles at break time. Bretodeau! Bretodeau! The pinch, Bretodeau! Do you understand, Bretodeau? Cognac, please. It's amazing, what just happened to me. It must be my guardian angel. It's the only explanation. It was as if the phone booth was calling me. It rang and rang. Same here. The microwave's calling me. I'll have another cognac. Life's strange. To a kid, time always drags. Suddenly you're 50. All that's left of your childhood fits in a little box, a little rusty box. Have you got kids, miss? I have a daughter. She must be about your age. We haven't spoken for years. I heard she had a child, a boy. His name is Lucas. I think it's time I looked them up before I'm in a box myself. Don't you think? Amélie suddenly has a strange feeling of complete harmony. It's a perfect moment. Soft light, a scent in the air, the quiet murmur of the city, She breathes deeply. Life seems so simple and clear. A surge of love, an urge to help mankind suddenly engulfs her. Let me help you. Step down. Off we go! We just passed the drum major's widow! She's worn his coat since the day he died. Careful. The horse's head on the butcher's has lost an ear. That's the florist laughing. He has crinkly eyes. In the bakery window there are lollipops! Mmm. Smell that. They're giving out melon slices. Sugarplum ice cream! We're passing the pork butcher. Ham, 79 francs. Spareribs, 45! Now the cheese shop. Picodons are 12.90, cabecous 23.50. At the butcher's a baby's watching a dog that's watching the chickens roasting. Now we're at the newspaper kiosk by the métro. I'll leave you here. Bye. "She can't relate to other people." "She was always a lonely child." On a sparkling evening in July, while on the beaches holidaymakers relax in the new-found sun, and in Paris the sweltering crowds gaze at the first bursts of the traditional fireworks, Amélie Poulain, godmother of outcasts, Madonna of the unloved, finally succumbs to exhaustion. In Paris' grief-stricken streets, a vast throng of mourners line her funeral route in silence with the measureless sorrow of newly orphaned children. What a strange destiny for one who gave her all, yet took such joy in life's simple pleasures. Like Don Quixote, she pitted herself against the grinding windmill of all life's miseries. It was a losing battle that claimed her life too soon. At barely 23, Amélie Poulain let her young, tired body merge with the ebb and flow of universal woe. As she went, she felt a stab of regret for letting her father die without trying to give his stifled life the breath of air she had given to so many others. Wait! Wait! Wait... Wait, wait! Pages full of dud ID photos torn up and discarded by their owners, carefully reassembled by some oddball. Some family album! A pack of Gauloises. Just a second. It's so smoky in here. Can you tell me where they are? - I can't see a thing. - More to the left. - There? - A bit more. There. Thank you. You need change. Forget it. - Yes? - A mauresque. A mauresque for the young man. One kir aligoté, one mauresque, and two mint sodas. Was that prenuptial or post-coital smooching? Is your bullshit congenital? - Prenuptial. - Don't worry. You'll find Mr. Right one day. All women want to sleep on a man's shoulder. All of them. All men snore after a few drinks, and I have a musical ear. I had an operation on my nasal cavities. I see you're a born romantic. I see you've never known true love. I did. It shortened my leg. - I thought you fell off a horse. - I did. I was in love with a trapeze artist. I should have known. They always drop you at the last minute. He dropped me just before my act. It floored me. And the horse. With me under it. The mauresque? Still, true love does exist. I'm not saying it doesn't. After 30 years behind this bar, I'm an expert. I can even give you the recipe. Take two regulars. Let each think the other fancies them. Leave it to simmer. It never fails. Excuse me! Excuse me. - I've had enough. - I'll go. Haven't you hurt enough people? Gina can defend herself. I don't mean Gina. I mean Georgette. Georgette? Open your eyes! She craves your attention but you only have eyes for Gina. Poor girl! The things she does to catch your eye! You really must be blind. I'm off on a date. Bye! Goodbye. Whoever her new one is, he can't be worse than that nut with his tape recorder. Joseph's not so nutty. He's just in pain. Come off it, Amélie. They split up two months ago. To keep on coming here every day, he must be a masochist. Don't say you haven't noticed. Noticed what? He always sits here, right? Yes. Sit down. Sit down, Georgette. - What can you see? - My cigarette counter. And nothing's missing? No. Make an effort. I don't get it! I'll leave you to think about it. Good night. Good morning. Letter Arrives 30 Years Late. A mailbag found by climbers on a glacier on Mont Blanc was part of a cargo lost in a plane crash in the late 1960s. So sad! A young, pretty princess for once. Would it be less sad if she were old and ugly? Of course. Look at Mother Teresa. Is he still chasing Gina? No, he's after somebody else now. - Anyone I know? - Yes. Funny about this glacier. Somebody at The Two Windmills? Not you, surely! No. Not Suzanne. Surely not! Yes. - Look. There he is again. - How strange. - And here. - Him again. "Gare de Lyon." And here. "March 5th, Austerlitz." Always the same blank expression. Twelve times. I counted. It's very odd. Why keep taking your picture all over town only to throw them away? Good ones, too. It's like a sort of ritual. Maybe he's so terrified of growing old, it's his only consolation. He's dead. Dead? Yes. He's scared of being forgotten. So he uses the photo booths to remind people what he looks like. Like faxing his portrait from the afterlife. A dead man who's scared of being forgotten. At least these guys here have made it. They're long dead, but they'll never be forgotten. - The girl with the glass... - Yes. Maybe she's distracted because she's thinking about someone. Somebody in the picture? No. More likely a boy she saw somewhere, and felt an affinity with. You mean, she'd rather imagine herself relating to someone who's absent than build relationships with those around her? No. Maybe she tries hard to fix other people's messy lives. What about her? And her own messy life? Who'll fix that? It's better to help people than a garden gnome. The driver had 2.8g of alcohol in his blood! Makes me sick! Talk about employing irresponsible morons! Mr. Collignon. - You forgot your keys... - Hold on, Amélie-mellow. Speed kills. Model yourself on Lucien. No radar will ever catch him while he's working, will it? You shouldn't do that, Mr. Collignon. It's not his fault. True, Mrs. Cauchoix! It's not his fault he can't sleep. It's Lady Di's. Guess what I found in the truck. A lingerie catalogue. He'd pasted Lady Di's face over the model's. What today? Five asparagus, or more local history? Nothing. [KEYS CUT WHILE YOU WAIT] Thank you. The migraine seems to be better. Yes, but my sciatica kept me awake all night. - It's ages since I saw you looking so good. - Really? A woman without love withers like a flower without sun. Strange weather today. What's so funny? Everyone who's come in today has given us a weather report. We pass the time of day to forget how time passes. We do it to keep us from talking crap. I write crap but nobody wants to publish it. - Another rejection? - My thirtieth. Isn't your cousin a book critic? Forget it! Critics are like leeches sucking the blood of writers. Is your book a love story? No, it's about a guy who keeps a journal. Not about what's happened to him, but disasters that might happen in the future. - So he gets depressed and does nothing. - So basically, it's about a loafer. Suzanne, I'll dedicate the manuscript to you. He's only doing it so you'll write off his tab! His scribbles for my nibbles. That's sponsorship. What took you so long? Look at the time! Somebody peed in his mother! [Foot cream] Without you, today's emotions would be the scurf of yesterday's. "Without you, today's emotions would be the scurf of yesterday's." Sorry? Without you, today's emotions would be the scurf of yesterday's. Tickets, please. How's work? - You've already asked me that. - Yes. Yes. You're keeping well? Pretty much. I feel a change. I had two heart attacks and had to have an abortion because I did crack while I was pregnant. Other than that, I'm fine. Good. Good. Is something wrong? No, nothing. Your garden gnome's gone. Is he back in the tool shed? Moscow. There. No explanation. Maybe he just wanted to see the world. I can't understand it. I can't understand it. [LOST... BAG... PHOTOS] Any normal girl would call the number straightaway, meet him at a café to return the album. Then she would know if her dream was viable. It's called a reality check, but it's the last thing Amélie wants. I say! She's not falling in love, is she? ...and 30 makes 50. - Thanks, Lucien. Yes, ladies? - A pound of leeks. - Two artichokes. OK. - Where's the boss? - Shh! He's sleeping in the cauliflowers. What? He's sleeping in the cauliflowers. Oh, right. You want me... want what? A scratch card, please. How does it work? Tell you what. I'll take one too, and we'll do this together. You scratch it here sideways. Nothing. You? No, me neither. Unlucky at cards... So they say! I have to get back. OK. See you. Porno Video Palace. I'm calling about the ad. - Are you over 18? - Yes. - Shaved? - Sorry? Are you shaved? Fur pie doesn't sell. How's life, Mrs. Wells? - Don't say that. Life's great! - Sure. Dream on, kid! Hello, Mr. Dufayel. Hello, Lucien. Here's your order, Mr. Dufayel. I doubt it. I hate artichokes. You shouldn't. Watch this. Take it. That's better. Lucien, you're a wizard! All courtesy of Mr. Collignon. Mr. Collignon? Lucien... Sorry, Mr. Dufayel. It just slipped out. Practice, Lucien! Practice! Repeat after me. Collignon, down the john. - Col... Collignon, down the john. - That's it. Your turn now. Go on. Collignon... Collignon, big moron! See? You can do it when you want to! Collignon, dead and gone! Very good! Collignon... - Collignon, big moron, down the john! - That's it! OK! That's enough for today. Enough! Enough! Lucien, stop! Very good. Mr. Dufayel, I found this under your mat. Still no win! Me neither. May I? There's a little... You're gorgeous when you blush. Like a wild flower. It's my dyspepsia. Morning, all. Beautiful day. Pack of Gitanes, please. Bravo! Vive la France! You scalded me. Bravo! Ten out of ten! Bull's-eye! It was Amélie. She... Do you know what happened when they went up Mont Blanc? The silicon in her face froze up. Her face was a festering mass! Mulled wine and ginger biscuits. Thank you. I was too hard the other day on the girl with the glass. Tell me about that boy she saw. Did they meet again? No. They're into different things. Luck is like the Tour de France. You wait, and it flashes past you. You have to catch it while you can. Can I help you? Excuse me. I found this album in the street and I... Nino will be so pleased! He was so sad the other day. I almost prayed to St Anthony. Is... Nino there? No. On Wednesdays he works at the funfair. How long has he had this collection? Since I got him the job here, last year. Before, he collected footprints. He worked nights. In the daytime he took pictures of footprints in wet cement. He's a funny guy. When we met, he was a Santa Claus. Other things like... Whenever he heard a funny laugh, he'd tape it. Really? Must be hard for his girlfriend. He never keeps them long. Times are hard for dreamers. Eva! Where are those coffees? I'd better go. Thanks for the album. It's OK. I've got time to take it to the funfair. Suit yourself. The ghost train. Ask for Nino Quincampoix, like the street. I'm looking for Nino. Is he here? He doesn't get off till seven. - Is there no way to see him before? - Sure. 20 francs. See you next Wednesday. 5pm tomorrow, Montmartre carousel near the phone box. Bring a 5 franc piece. Want to know about her? - You know her? You saw her? - You bet. She put us in her shirt pocket. Next to her breast. Is she pretty? Not bad. - Beautiful. - No, pretty. - Beautiful. - Pretty. - What does she want from you? - She's broke. She wants a reward for the album. Or she collects photos, too. She wants to trade us for a one-eyed man with glasses! No, you dope! She's in love. - I don't even know her. - Yes, you do. Since when? You've always known her. In your dreams. Hello? Yes. You! Man with the plastic bag! It's for you. - Me? - Yes. Thank you. Hello? Follow the blue arrows, Mr. Quincampoix. When the finger's pointing to the sky, only a fool looks at the finger. Hello? I know the stranger in the pictures. He's a ghost. He's invisible, Mr. Quincampoix. He only appears when the film is developed. When a girl has her photo taken, he goes "Oooh!" in her ear, while he gently caresses her neck. That's how he got caught, Mr. Quincampoix. Who are you? Page 51. [DO YOU WANT TO MEET ME? ] Listen to this. "A boy of six, while his parents sleep, drives off in a pedal car. Found on a motorway near Münster in Germany, he told the police he wanted to see the stars." Isn't life beautiful, eh? Love. The only bug she hadn't caught! - Nobody's immune. - At least it gives me a break. Love's a great beautician. What's she like? Tall? Small? Blonde? Let's say... average height. Not a dwarf or a giraffe. Normal. Pretty, for her type. As for blonde or dark it's hard to say, but she wasn't a redhead. - Unless... - Forget it. I do remember she casually asked if you had a girlfriend. And? I said you weren't interested, right? You didn't! What do you care? You don't even know her. - Exactly. It's the mystery. - You won't find mystery here. A pound of nectarines, please. These ones here are the prettiest. Trust him. He's an artist! He's been going home every night with tons of unsold stock. What for? Is he stewing a pig? No, sir! He's studying art! He sells leeks all day long and paints turnips all night! The boy's a useless vegetable. A good prompter in each cellar window whispering cutting retorts would mean shy people had the last laugh. At least you'll never be a vegetable. Even artichokes have hearts. You'll never be a vegetable. Even artichokes have hearts! Memory seven. Darling Mado, I miss you more and more each day. I'm an exile in a world of dreary khaki. I can't sleep, can't eat... This camp was the biggest mistake of my life, depriving me of my beloved for five long weeks. I think of you endlessly. Your Adrien. I turned down my last month's wages instead of giving notice. I dream of better times ahead. An orange-colored day. Remember, my love? Your ever-loving Adrien. Good news, darling Mado. Soon I'll be able to afford a car and drive home every night. Till then, meet me on Friday and we'll go out. [MOTHER] Psychiatric Helpline. Hello? Hello? [WHERE WHEN? ] One hour later at 11 Boulevard St Martin, Amélie walks into a party goods and costume shop. At the same time, a man leaves his home at 108 Rue Lecourbe. 26 minutes later, Amélie is at the photo booth at the Gare de l'Est. Simultaneously, the man in red shoes parks outside. The time is exactly 11:40. At this precise moment, only Amélie has the key to the riddle of the mystery man. How's it going, Mrs. Wells? It's always better when it's not raining. - This is for you. - Me? Dear Mrs. Wells, We recently recovered a mailbag that was lost in a plane crash on October 12th 1969 on Mont Blanc. We are forwarding the enclosed letter to your address. Please accept our apologies for the uncustomary delay. Jacques Grosjean, Customer Services. Darling Mado, I'm in exile. I can't sleep, can't eat. I think of you endlessly. I know I've made the biggest mistake of my life. I turned down that woman's money. If all goes well, I'll soon be able to afford a house. I dream of better times ahead when you'll forgive me and join me here one orange-colored day. Mr. Dufayel, another package for you. Mr. Dufayel, do you know what happened to the concierge? She got a letter. From her husband. 40 years late. That's a lot, isn't it, Mr. Dufayel? I'm not big on still life, Mr. Dufayel. Then work on your thin layer. Fat over thin. Always! - Mr. Dufayel... - Yes! The papers said that there'll soon be a new star. - So you're into stars now? - I saw it on TV at my mum's, that's why. I don't know if it's true. In America they're going to take all the rich people's ashes, put them in a satellite and shoot it into space. The satellite's going to shine forever. And Lady Di... Will they do the same for her? Lady Di, Lady Di! Give it a rest! I can't concentrate. Lady Di! Lady Di! Renoir. Morning, sir. Cambodia. I don't understand. Brilliant! You couldn't have done better. - Did it work? - It's getting there. Ask me again any time. The harm's done. - What do you mean? - Everybody calls me Snow White! [The Two Windmills café from 4pm.] - Eva? - Yes? Could you stand in for me at four? Again? Close the door! What's up with him? Is he sulking? - He thinks I smile too much. - He'd rather you frowned? With other men, yes. Nino is late. Amélie can only think of two possible explanations. Firstly, that he didn't find the photo. Secondly, before he could assemble it, a gang of bank robbers took him hostage. The cops gave chase. They got away, but he caused a crash. When he came to, he'd lost his memory, An ex-con picked him up, mistook him for a fugitive, and shipped him to Istanbul. He met some Afghan raiders, who took him to steal some Russian warheads. But their truck hit a mine at the border with Tajikistan. He survived, took to the hills, and became a Mujaheddin. Amélie refuses to get upset for a guy who'll eat borscht all his life in a hat like a tea cosy. - What can I get you? - A coffee, please. A coffee. Here's your coffee. Thank you. [Today's menu] He's understood. He's going to put his teaspoon down, dip his finger in the sugar, turn around slowly, and speak to me. Excuse me. Is this you? Yes, it's you. I'll take that. Another coffee? - No, thanks. I'm fine. - OK. So it's this man here, the one with his hand up? Yes. Is she in love with him? Yes. I think it's time she took a real risk. She might just do that. She's devising a stratagem. She's fond of stratagems. Yes. In fact, she's cowardly. That's why I can't capture her look. Dufayel's attempts to meddle are intolerable! If Amélie chooses to live in a dream and remain an introverted young woman, she has an absolute right to mess up her life! What are you doing, Mr. Dufayel? Tell me, Lucien. For deliveries, do you keep keys to all the apartments? One of your booths is out of order. It seems to be jammed. Gare de l'Est ticket hall. - Buy a video, get one free. - No, thanks. Sam? Samantha? Samantha? Can you stand in for me at... Photo booth, Gare de l'Est ticket hall, Tuesday 5pm. [Can you stand in for me this afternoon? ] Almost done. The mystery man wasn't a ghost or a man scared of ageing, but simply the repairman, a normal guy doing his job. Sorry. He keeps spying on me! It's making me sick. 4:05: Blatant female conspiracy. Gosh, you're tense, Georgette! Good luck. You'll need it. Excuse me. Did you put this in my pocket? - Yes, but I'm not the one... - I know. Where is she? She's at her father's. It's awkward. I'd like to speak to you, but... I finish work at six. - Can you come back? - OK. See you later. 4:08: Docking scheduled. The blond guy in a camel coat. He's very absent-minded, too. How come? He came back three times the same afternoon. 1:12: Camel coat. 2:50: Camel coat. - 4:17: Camel coat. - Stop it! My rash has come back! Look, Suzanne! My rash is back. He's driving me nuts. Lay off! If she had a clear conscience, she wouldn't be in such a state. I've had it. I'm going home. Psychos are the last straw! Georgette! Georg... Stop smothering them! Women need to breathe. You let them breathe, they want a change of air. Fresh air's healthy. Shut it, failure! Failed writer, failed life... I love the word "fail". Failure is human destiny. It's gasbag time! Failure teaches us that life is but a draft, a long rehearsal for a show that will never play. I bet he stole that. I do have some original ideas, but people always steal them. A bit like your women. Meaning? Meaning you'd better get used to it. Speak for yourself, you... What? - What's going on? - Nothing much. Georgette went out. Joseph got mad. "Went out?" Just like Gina. You know who's she's with? The guy with the plastic bag. I saw their little game. The note in the coat pocket, 4:08. Back he comes, and hey presto! Out they go. - I'm worried for Amélie because I like you. - What do you mean? By and large, the men I like are mentally unsound. - I'd like to know more about you. - Ask me questions. One swallow doesn't make...? A swallow? A summer. And clothes...? The man. - A good cat deserves...? - Patience...? - Is a virtue. - Rolling stone...? - Gathers no moss. - It's a sin...? - To steal a pin. Absence makes...? The heart grow fonder. - Not bad. - You collect them? In my family, we say a man who knows his proverbs can't be all bad. Pretty girl from the 5th floor, listen to this! - Do you believe in miracles? - Not today. You're in for a surprise. What if I told you that a team of climbers on Mont Blanc had found hard proof that my husband loved me? Lucien, I need some yeast. For Miss Amélie? She's baking her famous plum cake? Collignon! Go and get the yeast. Amélie? Amélie? Amélie? [I'll be back] Go into the bedroom, Miss Poulain. So, little Amélie, your bones aren't made of glass. You can take life's knocks. If you let this chance go by, eventually your heart will become as dry and brittle as my skeleton. So... Go and get him, for pete's sake! [Without you, today's emotions would be the scurf of yesterday's] International airport. September 28th 1997. It is exactly 11am. At the funfair, near the ghost train, the marshmallow twister is twisting. Meanwhile, on a bench in Villette Square, Félix Lerbier learns there are more links in his brain than atoms in the universe. Meanwhile, at the Sacré Cœur, the nuns are practicing their backhand. The temperature is 24°C, humidity 70%, atmospheric pressure 999 millibars. Whoo! Whoo-hoo! Oh, yeah! Okay, you're great. - You got the line? - Yeah. Come on up, slowpoke. Help! You okay? You know, we're 50 miles from anybody. - Who are you screamin' for? Come on. Just pull me up! Rich? Just pull me up. All right, don't be a dick, Richie. I need a pull. Rich? Rich? What... When you plant seed into your own kin, you anger God. Still have not been able to locate the two college students. Richard Stoker and Halley Smith have been missing since last Monday... after failing to return from a weekend of rock... - Hey. How are you doin'? Do you have any idea what's going on up here? Tractor jackknifed about five mile up. Spilled chemicals and shit all over the road. Any idea how long it'll take to clean up? - Couple hours. - Couple hours? You in a hurry? Yeah. I need to get to Raleigh tonight. - What you oughta do is get back in your car, - Mm-hmm. Fix your hair a couple hundred more times... Thank you. Hey, Doris. This is Chris Flynn. I have a 7:00 p.m. Interview with Mr. Keller. I'm, uh, running about 30 minutes late. - I was wondering if you could... Hello? Hello? I'm not gonna make this. Excuse me, sir. Do you have a pay phone? Uh, this one's not working. Do you have another phone I could use? Long distance? What isn't long distance from here, right? You cutting' wise with me, son? No, sir, I'm just... I'm runnin' behind... and I really need to make a call. Well, that'n there is my only phone. Right. Well, uh, the highway's really jammed up. Do you know of another route heading south? - No. - No. Why is this Bear Mountain Road dotted like this? - Dirt. - Dirt road? 'Fraid they ain't got around to paving' it yet. It looks like it runs into the highway about 15, 20 miles. Is that right? If you say so. It could work. Thank you very much. You take care, okay? You're the one gonna need to take care. Wejust got nailed, man.! - Jesus Christ.! - Shit.! - Goddamn drunken hillbilly! - Hey. Hey, you all right? I'm so sorry. I was just... - Jesus. - I was just comin' around the bend. - I didn't even see... I got distracted. - My God, you could've died! - Are you guys all okay? - Yeah, yeah. You wanna sit down? - You might be in shock. - What were you doing driving so goddamn fast? - All right, all right. - Why was your truck parked in the middle of the road? Because we blew out our tires, asshole! - I'll pay for whatever damage was done. - That's my mom's car! All right, Frannie. The man said he'd pay for... Oh, looks like you killed my bike here too. I'm sorry. L... How did you blow out your tires? Someone left some barbed wire in the middle of the road. I can't believe someone just dropped it there. Nobody dropped anything. I just found this tied to a tree. Somebody did this. Southern hospitality at its finest. - Redneck assholes. - I'm gonna try and find a phone. I think I saw a gas station like a couple miles back. - I'm gonna come with you. - There is no phone. - I was just there. - Why don't we just wait for someone else to come along? What, like Speed Racer here? - I'm not going anywhere. - Okay, you guys go, and we'll just stay here, Francine. - And get high. - Yeah. So what? - Careful. They don't like stoners. - Who are you calling a stoner? - Your mom. - Hey, what's your name? Chris Flynn. You hurt, Chris Flynn? - No, I'm fine. - Good. - 'Cause you're the mule. - Oh, no. You know, I can carry that. You just had the whole car accident thing. Yeah, we'll just stay here and maybe get hit again. - Are you guys sure you're cool? - Yeah. Yeah, we'll be just fine. Thank you. - Mess you up. - Yeah, smoke it up there, uh, Skippy. - Yeah, have fun. - I don't fuckin'believe this. Your mom's gonna kick your ass. God, I cannot get out of my head what just happened. - Are you sure you're all right? Yeah? - Yeah. I'm fine. What are you guys doing out here? Uh, uh, oh, camping. Uh, I don't know. Actually, we're lost. You know, a lot of people say... who have been through similar traumatic experiences... that the following moments kind of feel like you're moving kind of in slow motion. - Do you feel like that? - No. I should tell you that my voice is fairly low and normal speed. - Pretty good. - Mm-hmm. Where'd you get this? Um, I got it out of my dad's room, actually. - You can finish it. I can't believe they called us stoners. Dickheads. Are you sure you know where we're going? Yeah. There was a map at the gas station. Oh, I'm so tired already. I'm starving, and I'm being eaten by ants. Are there any on my back? No, nothing there. Oh, hey-ho! I call it. Uh, squirrel. - Well, you said you were hungry, Carly. - I don't think it's a squirrel. - It's a mink. - Really? How do you know? - Probably ran over it. In medical school, they make you work on animal cadavers before you get to the real thing. - It's a mink. - Oh. It's a mink? I need to be in Raleigh by 7:00. Hmm. Better get a move-on, then. You know, we should've just taken her to New York. No. You know how she loves this outdoor stuff. Yeah. If you ask me, though, nature sucks. Well, the next time she gets dumped, we'll take her to New York. Drop your pants. What? When do people always show up, Evan? What are we doing? Consider it an experiment in probability theory. Really? Mmm. I love you. I know. Now get them trousers off, boy. Don't be a sissy. - All right. You know, I've been thinking about this whole wedding thing... and I think we should take a trip down to Mexico. - I'm talking about a long weekend... margaritas, the two of us on a beach alone, sunset. And, you know, I'm talking about just, just eloping. - You know what I mean? - Uh, wait a second. You wanna know what I think? Yes, please. - I think if you ever want to get in my pants again, - Affirmative. This is the last time you use the "E" word. Okay? Okay. Yeah, it's a disgusting word. Hey, guys, hold on. Hey, is anyone up there? Hello! - There must be people nearby. - Anyone up there? - Somebody had to start it. Let's keep moving. Hello? Freaky. Oh, look at this. It's fucked! Nothing. Nothing. Hey, did you find anything to eat? They took all my Power Bars. Um, no. No. Sorry. Damn it. Scott and Carly took all our friggin' sunscreen. Does he have any good CD's? Mmm. Definitely not. You know, I think this guy must be some kind of doctor. Maybe we could get him to write us some prescriptions when he gets back. He doesn't have any smokes either. Almost out. Evan? Evan? Where are you? Hey, baby, what are you doing? I'm just... amusing myself. Whoooo! You, uh, getting anything there, chatty? No, nothing. I'm gonna miss this thing. - Why didn't you just fly? - I put all of my money into that car back there. Okay, forget eloping, but there is an idea we should discuss about the band for our wedding. I think we should hire a... you know, a Frank Sinatra-type, uh, lead singer... as opposed to a James Brown-type lead singer... because, you know, really, let's be honest, there's only oneJames Brown... and, you know, a faux James Brown is really quite intolerable. Evan? Where are you? You pissing or something? Evan? You know, plus he'd be grinding his hips, and my grandmother would be... yes, revolted but also strangely fascinated in a completely disturbing way... and, um... Baby? Carly, I wa... I was kidding. Carly? - Evan? Sweetheart? Hey, guys, hold up! Guys, hold up for a second, all right? Baby, seriously, this isn't funny. - Jesus God! - Baby! - L... - Oh, I'm so sorry. I could've killed you, woman. I'm-I'm extremely dangerous. You wanna know why I love you so much? Because you're so fun to play with. Is that why you love me? That really scared me, baby. - I'm sorry. - That really scared me. Would you not do that? Hello.! Hello.! There's, uh, nothing like stating the obvious, huh? - Hey, baby, look at this. Whoo! Hey, Carly, I think this would be good time for you to confront your fear of... Don't! Okay, that is not funny. Look who's scared now. - Sorry. - Whatever. Just get me to a motel room... run me a very hot bath... and be prepared to provide me with a lot of orgasms. - Oh! - I think they need to be alone. What do you expect? They just got engaged. They're happy. It's a hard thing to find. Yeah. - Got it? - Limber tongue. Got it. You're stupid. Maybe we shouldn't have left Francine and Evan. Don't worry. They're fine. - You guys okay? - Super. Well, wait, guys. This road isn't on here. That's because you don't have the Redneck World Atlas. Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh. I think we've just been saved, kids. - Can I get a... - Make this quick. Actually, maybe we should keep walking. What? The next house is gonna have a white picket fence? Yeah, if there is a next house. - Hey. - What? Hello? All right, this isn't right. Hello? Hello? Anybody home? - Whoa, baby! Could you... Shh! Hey, hey, what are you doing? I was gonna see if they had a phone. You guys can wait out here if you want. You can't just go barging into someone's house like that. Yeah, 'cause, you know, I'm just thinkin'... West Virginia, trespassing... not a great combination. Look, I need to pee. Well, I need to remind you of a little movie called Deliverance. Guys, we got two wrecked cars. I mean, we really need a phone. Hello? Hello? Carly. Hello? What the fuck? Let's just do what we gotta do and get out ofhere. Hey, I am not sensing a phone here. Hello! Okay, who lives here? I don't know, but can you help me find a bathroom? Baby, I think this is the bathroom. Oh, fuck. Oh, my God. Look at this place. Seriously, guys, I think we should go. Help me find the bathroom. Then we'll go. Baby, what if this place belongs to some kind of cult? I read in Newsweek how economically depressed places... are like breeding grounds for all kinds of apocalyptic visionaries. Order of the Solar Temple, Church of the Lamb of God, the Chijon family. - Remember them? - Hey, brainiac! Shh! All right. Maybe that door. - Christ! - You okay? - It's just a paddle. It's all right. Whoa. God, look at this place. Yeah. It's like the garage sale from hell. - Jesus. Can you believe this? Jesus, these guys are ripping people off. I mean, this is like $30,000 worth of stuff. - Chris. - Mm-hmm. We should leave. This is kind of creepy. - Yeah, this is it. - Okay. Be quick. - Okay! - All right? Two minutes. All right? I'll be here. Ew.! Guys, guys, check this out. Oh, no. Oh, God. Oh, God. Scott. Scott! - - Scott, we have to go now! - Jess! Jessie! - Jess! - Hey! Guys, what is it? - We need to get back to your friends. - What about a phone? - There is no phone. Shit! - What about a phone? - There is no phone. Shit! There's a back door. I saw a back door. Come on. - Go, go! - Okay, hurry. Shit! No! - Shit! Scott.! Scott.! It's not gonna budge.! Come on.! Go. Go. Go! Go! - Go! Go! - Go! Go! Go! Go! - Go, you guys! Run! - Go quickly. - Come on. - Where are they going? - I don't know. Jesus, did that really just happen? Do you think Evan's okay? - Please. - I can't. I can't. Carly, come on! Get up! You didn't see what they did to Francine! - You didn't see what we saw! - Carly! Carly! Sweet pea! Look at me. We are gonna get out of this, I swear to you. We are. Okay? We're gonna find a road. We're gonna get to a town. And we're going home. We're gonna get married. All right? And we are never going into the woods again. - All right? - We gotta go. - Come on. This way! - Let's go! Come on! What is this? Jesus. All these people. Baby. Fuck. How can they do this? I don't understand. - How'd they get away with this? - Oh, my God. All these people. Maybe one of them still runs. Look for keys. None of these cars are gonna run. Come on. Look at them. Oh, fuck. Get down! Get down! - Come on! - Okay. What do we do? - They left their truck running. - So? - We gotta take it. - How are we supposed to do that? One of us leads them in the wrong direction... and the rest commandeer the truck so they'll run for the runner. It's a classic military move. - Who goes? - Me. Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Over here! - Oh, shit. Oh, God. - Go! Listen. Help him. Get to the truck. I'll meet you there. I love you. Fuckers! Asshole motherfuckers! Assholes! He's okay. Shh, shh. Come on. Here, here. You're okay. Go ahead. Go, go, go. Go to the truck. - Come on. We gotta go. - I can't.! I can't.! - Come on! Come on! Carly, get in! We gotta find Scott! We have to find Scott! Where is he? Where is he! There he is! There he is! Scott! Run, Scott.! We're over here.! Scott.! - Scott.! Come on.! - Scott, let's go! - Come on! - Come on, Scott! Scott! - Let's go.! - Scott, come on! - Come on, Scott! - Come on, Scott! - Scott! Scott! What are you doing? - Scott, what's wrong? - Scott! Scott! No! - No! Let go of me.! Let me go.! Scott.! No! Drive! Drive! - No! - Drive! Oh, God! What's happening? Oh, God, what's happening? Jess, please, can we go back? Please! Carly, we have to keep going. Okay? Scott. Are you sure this is the road from that map? It's gotta go somewhere. This better get us out of here. Shit. - Shit! - Come on! - Back it up. - Come on! - It's not gonna go any farther. Come on. We have to get out. We gotta find out where we are. The highest ridge is up there. Come on. What's the point? They're gonna find us anyway. - Come on. Let's go, Carly. - No. If he's going, I'm not. He got us into this. Carly, look at me, okay? Scott died protecting us. We need to keep ourselves alive, or it was for nothing. Okay? We're all in this together, Carl. Come on. I want him back. Shh. I know, I know. - Carl, look at me. Okay? Look. We're gonna stay alive. We're gonna get out of this. We're gonna find the police and make sure those motherfuckers are punished for this. Okay? Carly. Come on, Carly. You can do it. It's gonna get dark soon. Come on. We need to find that road quick. I know. Just a little bit farther. Chris! - It's a bear trap. - What's up? - I gotta rest. - Hey, guys. Look. Oh my God. It's a watchtower. - Hello! Is anyone up there? - Shh! Shh! - I don't think anyone's up there. - Doesn't matter. It may have a phone or a radio. Maybe we can see the road. You okay? Come on. Guys, I don't see any roads or towns out there. Let's not stand by the window. They might see us. - Hey. - We're all gonna die. Carly, I need you to come help me look around, please. Hey, Chris. - Jess. - Thanks. Oh, my God. It's a radio. Thing looks prehistoric. - Do you know how to use this? - Uh, let me try. - It could still work. - Don't move anything. - Keep it on the frequency they had it on. - It works. Can anybody hear me? We have an emergency. Can anybody hear me? Say "Mayday." Look, we have a huge emergency. Please, does anybody hear me? Someone is injured. We need help. Hello. Please, is anybody out there that can hear me? - Hello. - No. Get down. Cover the light. Shh. I think they're passing us. This is Ranger Base Emergency. Do you copy? - What is your position? Over. Do you copy? What is your position? Over. - I don't know my position. Just help us. - Shh.! I need another copy of that. I repeat. What is your position? They're coming. We don't know our position. We're in a watchtower. We must be north of Bear Mountain Road. Someone is trying to kill us! They've murdered our friends! They're after us right now! I'm having some trouble hearing you. If you're in the tower, stay there. Do you copy? Yes, we copy! Just hurry, please! This is an emergency! - Help me move this. Come on! Come on! - We'll come to you. They're after us.! Someone's been shot.! Our friends have been killed, and we need help.! Please.! Fuck! What are they doing? I don't know. I think they're going down. Jess. Hello? Hello? Is anybody there? Can you hear us? Hello? - Jesus, what are they doing? - We're on fire. They're trying to burn us out. Oh, my God. Carly.! - Come here! - Let go of me! Let go! I'd rather jump than burn to death! - Calm down. - You're right. - What? - She's right. - We have to jump. Those branches are only a few feet down. - That's more like 20 feet. I don't want to burn, and I don't want to be chopped into pieces. We can do this. I'll go first. Chris. Hey. Oh. Aaah! Chris! Chris! Aaah! - Chris! - You okay? - Do you think they saw us? I don't know. We gotta move. Come on. Shit. Shit. Carly, come on. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. I can... I can do this. - Car... - Shh. - Come on. Come on. - He's coming. - I know. I have a plan. Come on. Jessie, this way. - Can you hold this? - Why? 'Cause we're gonna knock this fucker out of the tree. Can you hold it? - Yeah. - All right. Don't let go until I say so. Okay? - Where are you going? - I'm gonna make sure he comes this way. - No. You can't move as quick as I can. - Jessie. Jessie. I'm right here! Come and get me! Where are you? Here I am! - What... - Hmm? - Hey! Sorry about your friends. Last Friday I came home, and there's a message on my machine... from my boyfriend, who... says that we shouldn't be together anymore. Within 20 minutes of me... telling Carly... she had Scott and... Evan and Francine... all blowing off work this week to take me out here. That's just the kind of friends they were. And now they're dead. It's not your fault. It's not. They're here! No, they're not. You were dreaming. I wish. - How's your leg? - It hurts. Which is good. If it didn't hurt... Road. - What? - Road. Look. - We gotta get down there. - Take that slope right there. I can't believe it. - How are we gonna get you down? - I'll get down... - Chris! - Go! - Chris! No! Chris! Chris.! Chris.! Chris! Get off of me! - Jessie! Jessie! Hey, stop! Oh, thank God! Are you crazy? - They took her. Come on. We gotta... - Just calm down. - We gotta move. - Are you one of them folks who called me from the fire tower? - Will you shut up and listen. People are dead! - Dead? What people? Help.! No! - Mmm. - No. Help me. Please. Help me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Yeah? Can you help me? Please help me. No! No! Help. Somebody, help me! No! Help me! - You're okay. Come on. Just stay with me. You're all right. Come on. It's okay. Keep looking at me. All right? You're okay. - Thank you. - Shh. Everything's okay. - Chris.! - - Chris! - Chris. - Get off of me! Shoot them. I only got one shot left. Come on, you motherfuckers. Just die. Peter. You could not watch even one hour with me? Master, what has happened to you? Should I call the others, Lord? No, John. I don't want them to see me like this. Are you in danger? Should we flee, Master? Stay here. Watch pray. What is wrong with him? He seems afraid. He had spoken about danger while we ate... He mentioned betrayal and... Thirty. Thirty, Judas. That was the agreement between me...and you? Yes. Where? Where is he? Hear me, Father. Rise up, defend me. Save me from the traps they set for me. Do you really believe that one man can bear the full burden of sin? Shelter me, O Lord. I trust in You. In You I take refuge. No one man can carry this burden I tell you. It is far too heavy. Saving their souls is too costly. No one. Ever. No. Never. Father, you can do all things. If it is possible, let this chalice pass from me... But let Your will be done not mine. Who is your father? Who are you? Who are you looking for? We're looking for Jesus of Nazareth. I am he. Hail, Rabbi! Judas you betray the Son of Man with a kiss? Peter! Put it down! Those who live by the sword shall die by the sword. Put it down. Malchus! Get up! We've got him. Let's go! What, Mary? What is it? Listen... " Why is this night different from every other night?" " Because once we were slaves... " ...and we are slaves no longer..." They've seized him ! Everyone you can, hear? To the courtyard of the High Priest. Quick! Go! Halt! Not so fast. This is not your party, you toothless vermin. Peter... Hey! What's going on here? In there! Stop them ! They've arrested him ! In secret! In the night! To hide their crime from you! Stop them ! What are you yelling about, woman? Who have they arrested? Jesus. Jesus of Nazareth! Shut up! She's crazy. A criminal. Brought in for questioning, that's all. Broke the temple laws. I see. Better go tell him there's more trouble brewing. Tell who? Abenader, you idiot. Get going! Go! Jesus... Are you hungry? Yes, I am. This is certainly a tall table! Who is it for? A rich man. Does he like to eat standing up? No. He prefers to eat Tall table, tall chairs! Well, I haven't made them yet. This will never catch on! Oh, no you don't! Take off that dirty apron before you come in. And wash your hands. It has begun, Lord. So be it. Sir, there's trouble at... What, in the middle of the night, Abenader? I'm sorry. What's the problem? Trouble within the walls. Caiphas had some prophet arrested. Who? Some Galilean. The Pharisees apparently hate the man. A Galilean? Who are you talking about? Who is this beggar you bring to us chained up like a condemned man? He's Jesus, the Nazarene troublemaker. You're Jesus of Nazareth? They say you're a king. Where is this kingdom of yours? What line of kings do you descend from? Speak up! You're just the son of some obscure carpenter, no? Some say you're Elijah. But he was carried off to heaven in a chariot! Why don't you say something? You've been brought here as a blasphemer! What do you say to that? Defend yourself. I have spoken openly to everyone. I've taught in the temple where we all gather. Ask those who have heard what I have to say. Is that how you address the high priest? With arrogance? If I have spoken evil tell me what evil I have said. But if not, why do you hit me? Yes, we'll listen to those who heard your blasphemies. Good! Let's hear them. He cures the sick by magic! With the help of devils! I've seen it. He casts out devils, with the help of devils. He calls himself the king of the Jews! No, he calls himself the son of God! He said he would destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days! Worse! He claims he's the bread of life! And if we don't eat his flesh or drink his blood we won't inherit eternal life. Silence! You're all under this man's spell. Either offer proof of his wrongdoing or be quiet! This entire proceeding is an outrage. All I've heard from these witnesses is mindless contradiction! Who called this meeting anyway? And at this hour of the night? Where are the other members of the council? Get him out of here! Get out! A travesty! That's what this is, a beastly travesty! Haven't you anything to say? No answer to these accusations? I ask you now Jesus of Nazareth... Tell us, are you the Messiah? The son of the living God? I AM and you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of power and coming on the clouds of heaven. Blasphemy! You heard him. There's no need for witnesses! Your verdict. What is your verdict? Death! Haven't I seen you in the company of the Galilean? Yes! You're one of his disciples! I recognize you! Quiet! I've never met the man. I don't know him. You are Peter! One of the disciples of Jesus. I don't know the man! You are wrong! Stop! Stop! I've seen you before! Stop him ! He's one of them ! You're wrong, damn you! I swear I don't know the man. I've never seen him before. Wherever you go, Lord I will follow. To prison, even to death. Amen, I say to you before the cock crows three times you will deny me. Peter? No, no... I am unworthy! I have denied him, Mother! Denied him three times. Let's go! You take care of it. Let him pass. He's harmless. Release him ! Take back the silver. Here! I've sinned, betrayed innocent blood. Take back your silver. I don't want it! If you think you've betrayed innocent blood, that's your affair. Take your money and go. Now go! What's wrong? Are you all right? Look at his mouth. Hey, can we look at it? You need help? Can we help? He's bleeding! Look! Blood! Leave me alone you little satans! Aha ! Cursing! Are you cursed? He's cursed! Yes, a curse! It's inside him, look! Watch out, it's like burning oil from his bones! Get away from me! Leave me alone! Don't condemn this Galilean. He's holy. You will only bring trouble on yourself. Do you want to know my idea of trouble, Claudia? This stinking outpost, that filthy rabble out there. Do you always punish your prisoners before they're judged? Governor... What accusations do you bring against this man? Well... If he weren't a malefactor, we wouldn't have brought him before you. That's not what I asked. Why don't you judge him according to your own laws? Consul, you know it's unlawful for us to condemn any man to death. To death? What has this man done to merit such a penalty? He has violated our Sabbath, Consul. Go on... He has seduced the people taught foul, disgusting doctrines. Isn't he the prophet you welcomed into Jerusalem only five days ago? And now you want him dead? Can any of you explain this madness to me? Your Excellency, please... So far the high priest hasn't told you this man's greatest crime. He has become the leader of a large and dangerous sect who hail him as the Son of David! He claims that he is the Messiah the king promised to the Jews. He has forbidden his followers to pay tribute to the emperor, Consul! Bring him here! Go! Drink. Are you the king of the Jews? Does this question come from you? Or do you ask me this because others have told you that is what I am? Why would I ask you that? Am I a Jew? Your high priests, your own people delivered you up to me. They want me to have you executed. Why? What have you done? Are you a king? My kingdom is not of this world. If it were do you think my followers would have let them hand me over? Then you are a king? That is why I was born. To give testimony to the truth. All men who hear the truth hear my voice. Truth! What is truth? I have questioned this prisoner, and I find no cause in him. This man is a Galilean, is he not? He is. Then he is King Herod's subject. Let Herod judge him. Governor... Hand him over. Jesus of Nazareth! Where? Where is he? This is Jesus of Nazareth? Is it true that you restore sight to the blind? Raise men from the dead? Where do you get your power? Are you the one whose birth was foretold? Answer me! Are you a king? How about me? Will you work a little miracle for me? Take this stupid fool out of my sight. He's not guilty of a crime, he's just crazy. Give him a fool's homage... What is truth, Claudia? Do you hear it, recognize it when it is spoken? Yes, I do. Don't you? How? Can you tell me? If you will not hear the truth, no one can tell you. Truth... Do you want to know what my truth is, Claudia? I've been putting down rebellions in this rotten outpost for eleven years. If I don't condemn this man I know Caiphas will start a rebellion. If I do condemn him, then his followers may. Either way, there will be bloodshed. Caesar has warned me, Claudia. Warned me twice. He swore that the next time the blood would be mine. That is my truth! Herod refuses to condemn the man. They're bringing him back here. We're going to need reinforcements. I don't want to cause an uprising. There is already an uprising. King Herod found no cause in this man. Neither do I. Men! Attend to the crowd! Quiet! Have you no respect for our Roman procurator? As you know, every year I release a criminal back to you. We are now holding a notorious murderer Barabbas. Which of the two men would you have me release to you? The murderer Barabbas? Or Jesus, called the Messiah? He is not the Messiah! He is an imposter! A blasphemer! Free Barabbas! Again I ask you: Which of these two men should I release to you? Free Barabbas! Free him. What would you have me do with Jesus the Nazarene? Have him crucified! No! I will chastise him but then I will set him free. See to it that the punishment is severe, Abenader. But don't let them kill the man. My heart is ready, Father my heart is ready. My son when, where, how will you choose to be delivered of this? If the world hates you remember that it has hated me first. Remember also that no servant is greater than his master. If they persecuted me, they will persecute you. You must not be afraid. The Helper will come who reveals the truth about God and who comes from the Father. Stop! Your orders were to punish this man not to scourge him to death! Take him away. Get going! Get him out of here! Your majesty... Take care of it. A beautiful rose bush. Look at him...king of the worms! Hail, wormy king! A color fit for a king! We're here to pay our respects. A leader for our brotherhood! Behold the man. Crucify him ! Isn't this enough? Look at him ! Crucify him ! Shall I crucify your king? We have no king but Caesar! Speak to me. I have the power to crucify you, or else to set you free. You have no power over me except what is given you from above. Therefore, it is he who delivered me to you who has the greater sin. If you free him, Governor you are no friend of Caesar's. You must crucify him ! It is you who want to crucify him, not I. Look you to it. I am innocent of this man's blood. Abenader... Do as they wish. I am your servant, Father. Your servant, and the son of Your handmaid. Why do you embrace your cross, fool? All right, your highness, let's move! Help me get near him. This way. This way, Mother. Mother... Mother... I'm here... I'm here... See, mother, I make all things new. Who is that? Who? She's the Galilean's mother. Let's go. Come on! Don't fret, my daughter. Don't fret. Are you blind? Can't you see, he can't go on? Help him ! You! Yes, you! Get over here! What do you want from me? This criminal can't carry his cross by himself anymore. You will help him ! Now get going! I can't do that. It's none of my business. Get someone else! Help him ! He is a holy man. Do as I tell you. Now move! Let's go! All right, but remember I'm an innocent man, forced to carry the cross of a condemned man. Stay here. Wait for me. Permit me, my Lord. Who do you think you are? Get away from here. Impossible people! Someone stop this! Stop! Stop! Leave him alone! If you don't stop, I won't carry that cross one more step. I don't care what you do to me! All right, all right, let's get moving. We don't have all day. Let's go! Let's go Jew! Almost there. We're nearly there. Almost done. You have heard it said you shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say to you love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you... For if you love only those who love you what reward is there in that? I am the good shepherd. I lay down my life for my sheep. No one takes my life from me but I lay it down of my own accord. I have power to lay it down and power to take it up again. This command is from my Father. Get away now, you're free to go. Go on! Go on! You can get up now! Get up, your majesty. Can't you get up? We haven't got all day. Come on, move! We're ready. Get up, your highness. You are my friends. There is no greater love than for a man to lay down his life for his friends. I cannot be with you much longer, my friends. You cannot go where I am going. My commandment to you after I am gone is this... Love one another. As I have loved you so love one another. You believe in me. You know that I am the Way the Truth, and the Life. And no one comes to the Father but by me. Further out... Idiots! Let me show you how to do it. Like this! There! No, get in there. Hold the hand open like this. Father, forgive them... Father Father my God... They don't know...they don't know... Stupid mongrels! Turn the wood over on its face, idiots! Take this and eat. This is my body which is given up for you. Take this and drink. This is my blood of the new covenant which is given for you and for many, for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in memory of me. If you are the son of God, why don't you save yourself? Prove to us you are who you say you are. You said you could destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days and yet you cannot come down from that cross. If he is the Messiah I say let him come down from the cross so that we may see and believe. Father, forgive them they know not what they do. Listen he prays for you. We deserve this, Gesmas but he does not. I have sinned and my punishment is just. You would be justified in condemning me. I ask only that you remember me, Lord when you enter your kingdom. Amen, I tell you on this day you shall be with me in paradise. I thirst. Flesh of my flesh heart of my heart... My son, let me die with you. Woman behold your son. Son, behold your mother. There is no one left. No one, Jesus! My God why have you forsaken me? It is accomplished. Father, into your hands I spirit. Cassius! Hurry! He's dead! Make sure! Alexander, the army will divide. Satrapies will revolt. Without your orders, there'll be war. We beg you. Tell us who. Our world is gone now. I'm the last left alive. Whether that's a blessing or a curse who by Hades would know. But I've paid my price in blood. And in broken dreams. They say we were the greatest fighting force ever known to man. Greater even than the expedition to Troy. But how can I say it? How can I tell you what it is like to be young and to dream big dreams? To believe when Alexander looked you in the eye, you could do anything. Anything. In his presence, by the light of Apollo, we were better than ourselves. Truly, I've known many great men in my life but only one colossus. And only now, when old do I understand who this force of nature really was. Or do I? Did such a man as Alexander exist? Of course not. We idolize him, make him better than he was. Men, all men, reach and fall reach and fall. In the East, the vast Persian Empire ruled almost all the known world. In the West, the once great Greek city-states Thebes, Athens, Sparta, had fallen from pride. For 100 years now, the Persian kings had bribed the Greeks with their gold to fight as mercenaries. It was Philip, the one-eyed, who changed all this uniting tribes of illiterate sheepherders from the high and lowlands. With his blood and guts, he built a professional army that brought the devious Greeks to their knees. He then turned his eye on Persia where it was said the Great King Darius himself on his throne in Babylon, feared Philip. Philip was murdered much to Persia's delight and perhaps sponsored by their gold. And Alexander, at 20 became the new ruler of Macedonia. Announcing revenge for the death of Philip Alexander liberated all of the cities of western Asia south to Egypt where he was declared Pharaoh of Egypt and worshipped as a god. And finally, he provoked the rise to battle in the heart of the Persian Empire, near Babylon. It was mad. Forty thousand of us against hundreds of thousands of barbarian races unknown to us gathered under Darius himself. East and west had now come together to decide the fate of the known world. It was the day Alexander had waited for all his life. Son of a god. It was a myth, of course. At least it started as a myth. I know. I was there. In the crack of the Persian line, we'll go for the head. Kill Darius? The gods have brought him to us at last. If I die, it's one Macedonian. But the Persians, they cannot move without Darius' command. Here. Right here, we cut the throat of the Persian army. This is madness. You'll never get within 100 paces of him. Have you seen the sheer size of his force? Not if you hold them on the left, my brave Parmenion with your son Philotas for just one, two hours tomorrow. And you, unbreakable Antigonus, the center phalanx. Perdiccas, Leonnatus Nearchus, Polyperchon. If you pin them on the walls of your sarissas, here in the center their cavalry will follow me out to the right. And when bold Cassander breaks, stretching their left a hole will open. Then I and my cavalry- Our revered Cleitus Ptolemy and Hephaistion. Will strike through that gap and deal the deathblow to Darius' head. Since when, by the light of Apollo, has cavalry been used to break an infantry line? What was it we did to Chaeronea, Parmenion? Alexander, even with luck, timing, the gods, they're at least five to our one which means in truth we must rout them tomorrow, destroy their army completely. Or we'll be picked apart by bandit tribes on the long journey home. Right. You speak of home and retreat but do you understand, Parmenion? Babylon's my new home. Alexander if we must fight do so with stealth. Use your numbers well. We should attack tonight when they least expect us. I didn't cross Asia to steal this victory, Cassander. No, you are too honorable for that. No doubt influenced from sleeping with Tales of Troy under your pillow. But your father was no lover of Homer's. The lands west of the Euphrates, Alexander, the hand of his daughter in marriage. Since when has a Greek been given such honors? There are not honors, Parmenion, they're bribes which the Greeks have accepted too long. Do you forget that the man who murdered my father lies across the valley floor? - Come, Alexander we're still not really sure if it was Persian gold behind the assassination. But that is no matter! Your father taught you never to surrender your reason to your passion. Now I urge you with all my experience, regroup. Fall back to the coast, raise a larger force. I would, if I were Parmenion. But I am Alexander. And no more than Earth has two suns will Asia bear two kings. These are my terms. And if Darius isn't a coward who hides behind his men then he'll come to me tomorrow. And when he bows down to Greece Alexander will be merciful. By Ares' chains, he has got balls, men. I mean, give the man his due, Parmenion. And, lads, feast tonight, for tomorrow we will dine in Hades. I've seen one before. It was still alive. To whom do you pray? Phobos. Fear? A bad omen. More so for Darius. I've come to believe the fear of death drives all men, Hephaistion. And this we didn't learn as schoolboys. It is the cause of all of our misfortunes. - So, mighty Crateros. - Your Majesty. - Are you ready for tomorrow? - It's been too long coming if you ask me. The men are skittish as colts and the damn bulls won't shut their snouts. Good. Fear makes men fight better. Post your sentries alertly but rest them well. Don't you worry, general. I'm known to sleep with my eyes open as a baby's arse. Only because someone might steal his loot, sire. Well, someone owes Crateros for his cheapness. He buys neither gloves nor blankets to warm himself. Who needs gloves when you come from grace? Who needs clothes when you can fight naked? He's right. After tomorrow, even the thrifty among you shall be kings. - The gods are with us, Your Majesty. - We'll stain the ground in Persian blood, my king. You're on the first row tomorrow, boy. I've always believed, Alexander but this seems so much bigger than us. Did Patroclus doubt Achilles when they stood side by side at the seat of Troy? Patroclus died first. If you do... If you were to fall, Hephaistion, even if Macedonia were to lose a king I will avenge you. And follow you down to the house of death. I would do the same. On the eve of battle, it's hardest to be alone. Then perhaps... Perhaps this is farewell then my Alexander. Fear not, Hephaistion. We are at the beginning. Blood makes the world rise. Blood makes the rain fall. Blood makes the earth grow. And in blood, all men are born and die. Blood is the food of the gods below. Come, Bucephalus. Today we ride to our destiny. Company, group! Regroup! Phalanx, turn right! Phalanx, attention! Neoptolemus. I remember you the day you took the siege tower at Tyre. You were a giant. And today, how will you fight? Dexippos, by Athena. How far was it you threw your man wrestling at the last Olympic Games? Will you match it with your spear? And Timander, son of Menander, a great soldier to my father. I still mourn your brother, Addaios, who died so bravely at Halicarnassus. What an honored family you descend from, Timander. You fight for them today. You've all honored your country and your ancestors. And now we come to this most distant place in Asia where across from us, Darius has at last gathered a vast army... But ask yourselves who is this great king who pays assassins in gold coins to murder my father, our king in a most despicable and cowardly manner? Who is this great king, Darius, who enslaves his own men to fight? Who is this king but a king of air? These men do not fight for their homes. They fight because this king tells them they must. And when they fight, they will melt away like the air because they know no loyalty to a king of slaves. But we are not here today as slaves. We are here today as Macedonian freemen! And though outnumbered I say to you who know the price of tyranny who've carried the Persian yoke too long you have a strength born of your hearts and all their arms, their numbers their chariots and all their fine horses will mean nothing in the hands of slaves. Some of you perhaps myself will not live to see the sun set over these mountains today. For I will be in the very thick of battle with you. But remember this: The greatest honor a man can ever achieve is to live with great courage and to die with his countrymen in battle for his home. I say to you what every warrior has known since the beginning of time. Conquer your fear and I promise you, you will conquer death. And someday I vow to you your sons and your grandsons will look into your eyes. And when they ask why you fought so bravely at Gaugamela you will answer with all the strength of your great, great hearts: "I was here this day at Gaugamela for the freedom and glory of Greece!" Zeus be with us! Cassander! Four columns, go! Where does he go? I don't know, Majesty. Envelop him, Bessus. Hephaistion, go! Phalanx! He makes a mistake, Pharnakes. Yes, great king. Be brave, men. Steady on the left, lads! Bend if you must, but never break. And keep watching the cavalry on the left. Pick up the pace! Prepare to repel chariots! Forward! Cassander! - Forward, men! - Forward! - Left turn! - Infantry, clear! Out now! Hold your positions! Hold your positions! Father! We must fall back to the gully, Father. No, hold. Where is he? We're far too thin! Get word to Alexander! - Move! - Yes, sir. Come, Macedonians! Ride! Ride! Drive for the hole! - Drive for the hole! - Drive for the hole! Prince Merdicus, bring these men up. Back and to the left! Back and to the left! - General! - Get to your home! And go home fast. I cannot see! - Philotas! Philotas! - Father. Go. Tell Alexander yourself. And if he won't listen, then survive me and avenge this betrayal! Pay attention, lad! Your father still watches over you! Darius! Find your horses. Darius! Go! Go! We can reach those mountains by sunset, go all night and catch Darius at dawn. Provision the horses. Alexander! Alexander, my father's lost. They've overrun the flank. They're into the baggage train. Parmenion's crumbling. Alexander, if you chase him, you risk losing your army here. And if we capture him, we gain an empire. You can run to the ends of the earth, you coward but you'll never run far enough! To Parmenion! You bleed free, my lord. - May I tend to your wound? - No, Hermolaus, not now. There's far worse than me. Go to them. Help them. How was this done, soldier? Spear. But I got two of the buggers. Your Majesty. You're very brave. What shall I call you? - Glaukos, my king. - Glaukos. - And where's your home? - Illyria. Let your body go loose. Think of home now. Be brave again, Glaukos and you will live on in glory. Alexander. The Persian Empire, the greatest the world had yet known was destroyed. And Alexander, at 25, was now king of all. If you hesitate, she will strike. Yes. They are like people. You can love them for years. Feed them, nurture them but still, they can turn on you. Don't hurt her. Good. Now... He calls me a barbarian. He makes a mockery of Dionysus every night. Some called his mother, Queen Olympias, a sorceress and said that Alexander was the child of Zeus. Others, Dionysus. Women are the only ones who know Dionysus. But truly, there was not a man in Macedonia who didn't look at father and son, side by side, and wonder. My little Achilles. Stay, Alexander, down. Down. What is it you want? Six months. Did you miss me? - No. Not here! - Proud bitch. I'm still your king. King of what? Sheepherders? - I am of Achilles' royal blood. - The blood of Herakles runs in my veins. - You are nothing but a drunken whore. - Shut your mouth. You 10-titted bitch from Hades! Which god could I curse to have ever laid eyes on you! Do you think people respect you? You think they don't know your bastards? Damn your sorceress soul! You keep him here like one of your snakes! I told you not! I told you not. - You'll obey me. - I will not. You'll obey me, or I'll kill you with my own hands. Let her go! No! Stop! Papa! - Obey me! - Your Majesty! No! In the name of the gods. He will never be yours! Never! In my womb, I carried my avenger! In the world he grew up to i've come to believe it was in friendship that Alexander found his sanity. You don't need much to fight. When you're in the front ranks of a battle, facing some Northern barbarian tribe courage won't be in the soles of your feet, Perdiccas. Or in the thickness of your tunic, Philotas. Or in the lining of your stomach, Nearchus. It's in the heart of a man. You don't need to eat every day or until you're full, Ptolemy. You don't need to lie in bed in a morning when you can have some good bean soup, Cassander, after a forced night march. Come on, Alexander. Where's your hunger to twist Hephaistion's head off? Is he stronger than you? Then beat him another way. Who will respect you as a king? You think because of your father? The first rule of war is to do what you ask your men to do. No more, no less. Good, Hephaistion. That's it. Well done. Good wrestling, Hephaistion. That's what I want. Come, come, come. You did well, but you lost. Now, both of you, congratulate the other. Go on. Would you want me to let you win, Alexander? You're right. But I promise you, I will beat you one day, Hephaistion. It was said later that Alexander was never defeated except by Hephaistion's thighs. Although an inferior race the Persians control at least four-fifths of the known world. From Ethiopia and Egypt in the south to Caucasus and the two inland seas in the north... Philip brought such as Aristotle from Athens to educate our rough people. They rule, and we sit around like frogs. - Master? - Yes? - Master! - Out with it! - Why are the Persians so cruel? - Oh, come on, Nearchus. That is not the subject for today, Nearchus. But it is true that the Oriental races are known for their barbarity and their slavish devotion to their senses. Which are so dull, they castrate young boys such as yourselves, for their sexual pleasure. Yes. Excess in all things is the undoing of men. That is why we Greeks are superior. We practice control of our senses. Moderation, we hope. Then what of Achilles at Troy, master? - Was he not excessive? - Achilles simply lacks restraint. He dominates others so completely that even when he withdraws from battle crazed with grief over his dead lover, Patroclus he seriously endangers his own army. He is a deeply selfish man. Would you say the love between Achilles and Patroclus is a corrupting one? When men lie together in lust, it is a surrender to the passions and does nothing for the excellence in us. Nor does any other excess, Cassander, jealousy among them. But when men lie together, and knowledge and virtue are passed between them that is pure and excellent. When they compete to bring out the good, the best in each other this is the love between men that can build a city-state and lift us from our frog pond. But can a man love a woman equally, master? A woman? Of course not. A woman is a slave to her passion, Hephaistion. Oh, naturally there are exceptions, and we must honor them. Such as Pallas Athena, goddess of wisdom and war. But never forget, she is sprung not from the loins of Zeus, but from his mind. Now, you think on all this, my young frogs for in you resides the future of Greek civilization. To strive for honor is the highest purpose of all. To rule over our baser emotions. To follow reason, the divine part in each of you. Yes to love excellence is truly to love the gods. Now, will you stop distracting me? Back to geography and things that we know. Is it possible that the source of Egypt's mighty River Nile could rise in these distant mountains of the outer earth? If so, an experienced navigator could find his way here by this river east, down into the great plains of India out into the eastern ocean at end of the world and by this route up the Nile back to Egypt, into the Middle Sea and home to Greece. Now, if only these frogs could look outward and act on their favored position at the center Greece could rule the world. Why is it, master, in myth, these lands you speak of are known? India, where Herakles and Dionysus traveled. All these men who went east, Theseus, Jason, Achilles, were victorious. From generation to generation, their stories have been passed on. Why? Unless there was truth to them? Tales of Amazons? Minotaurs, Gorgons, Icarus flying into the sun? No, Alexander. Only common people believe these tales, as they believe most anything. We are here precisely to educate ourselves against such foolish passions. But if we are superior to the Persians, as you say, why do we not rule them? It is - It has always been our Greek dream to go east. My father long wants it. The East has a way of swallowing men and their dreams. But still, to think it's these myths that lead us forward to the greatest glory why is it wrong to act on them? I can only warn you, not teach you. Beware of what you dream for. The gods have a way of punishing such pride. And growing more ambitious, he now planned the invasion of Persia. The best you can do, Cleitus? Back to the phalanx with you, I'll ride him myself. No one will ride that beast, Your Majesty. Not with your leg. He's been beaten far too often. My noble king, he's a high-spirited animal, yes. High-spirited and worthy of Philip of Macedon. For three and a half talents I couldn't make a profit on him, but for you- Why would I want such a beast? I already have a wife. Do I seem so old? - Stay down, stay down. - Hold him! A broken neck comes free. He's too nervous for battle. Sell him for meat. Buy him for me, Father. I'll ride him. And if you don't? - I'll pay for him myself. - With what, your singing voice? I'll pay you! I tell you, that horse can't be ridden, lad. His mind is broken. He can be ridden. By me. If you can rule that horse, I'll make him yours at half the price. That horse will kill him, Philip. - He'll break the boy in two. - Will he? Perhaps she'll make a musician out of him yet. You don't like your shadow, do you? It's like a dark spirit coming up to get you. Do you see? That's us. It's just a trick of Apollo's. He's the god of the sun. But I'll show you how to outwit him, you and me together. The boy doesn't have the craft, Philip. He could hurt himself. He'll have to figure that out for himself. It's time. Good idea. Indeed there are times, Philip, when I wonder if he is your blood. - I only worry that- - What was that, Attalus? Nothing. I was just noticing how the people like seeing you and Eurydice together. You go, boy! You ride that horse and by Zeus I say, you can rule the world. Bucephalus. That's what I'll call you. Strong and stubborn. Bucephalus and Alexander. Come now, let's ride together. He's got some Titan in him yet. Attalus! Cleitus! For Zeus' sake, he beat you, man! Now, Bucephalus, show them. My son. My son! You remember Prometheus who stole the secret of fire and gave it to man. It made Zeus so angry he chained Prometheus to a rock in the great Caucasus and each day, his eagle pecked out the poor man's liver. Each night, it grew back again so that it could be eaten the next day. Miserable fate. Oedipus tore out his eyes when he found out he'd murdered his father and married his mother. Knowledge that came too late. Jason he went east and brought back the Golden Fleece and married a barbarian wife, Medea. Later, when he left her for a younger wife Medea slaughtered their two children in vengeance. My mother would never hurt me. It's never easy to escape our mothers, Alexander. All your life, beware of women. They're far more dangerous than men. I'm sure you remember Achilles from Tales of Troy. - He's my favorite. - Why? Because he loved Patroclus and avenged his death. Because he lived without fear, and slew Hector. Some say he was a hotheaded fool who fought for himself and not the Greeks. But he was a hero, the greatest at Troy. And his fate? That he must die young but with great glory. Did he have a choice? Oh, yes. He could have a long life, but there would be no glory. You dream of glory, Alexander. Your mother encourages you. There's no glory without suffering, and this she will not allow. She makes you weak. The gods have never made it easy for man. Look, Herakles. Even after he accomplished his 12 labors he was punished with madness, slaughtered his three children. Poor Herakles. Great Herakles. All greatness comes from loss. Even you, the gods will one day judge harshly. When I'm king like you, Father? Don't rush the day, boy. You risk all. My father threw me into battle before I knew how to fight. When I killed my first man, he said: "Now you know." I hated him then, but I understand why now. A king isn't born, Alexander. He's made by steel and by suffering. A king must know how to hurt those he loves. It's lonely. Ask Herakles. Ask any of them. Fate is cruel. No man or woman can be too powerful or too beautiful without disaster befalling. They laugh when you rise too high and crush everything you've built with a whim. What glory they give, in the end, they take away. They make of us slaves. Truth is in our hearts, and none will tell you this but your father. Men hate the gods. The only reason we worship any of them is because we fear worse. What's worse? The Titans. If they were ever to be set free it would be a darkness such as we have never seen before. Could they ever come back? Can Zeus imprison the Titans forever under Mount Olympus? It's said that when Zeus burned them to dust with his lightning bolt they took the Titans' ashes and, in a cold revenge mixed it with those of mortal men. Why? Who knows these things? One day, things will change. Men will change. But first, the gods must change. But all this you'll forget, Alexander. That's why we call them myths. We can't bear to remember them. I'll remember. And one day, I'll be on walls like these. Alexander once said to me: "We are most alone when we are with the myths." Phalanx! And thus, it came to pass in a dream as mythical to all Greeks as Achilles defeating the Trojans. At this one glorious moment in time Alexander was loved by all. But in the end, i believe Babylon was a far easier mistress to enter than she was to leave. Sikander! Sikander! Aristotle may have called them barbarians, but he never saw Babylon. We have enough gold here to support three generations of Macedonian armies. And Macedonia would soon corrupt, Cassander. - Wealth in great quantities brings the crows. - Not for the men who fought, I trust. We'll pay them well, Antigonus, but not as mercenaries for future services. Now you sound like Philip. Philip never saw Babylon. No, he didn't, Hephaistion. - Hello! - Hello! Alexander, I know you think me a stiff old sod but whatever our differences, know this day your father would be very proud of you. Thank you, Parmenion. I ask you to forgive me my own anger, my pride. They, too, blind me. A magnicifent mainland work from the last century. The golden age, Alexander. Worth much to Athens and to our alliances. Take back what is ours but spare what belongs to the Persians. Yes. We're the richest men to walk the earth, my friends. - Not if you keep giving it all away. - The grandsons of goat herders we now rule 2 million square miles. But... None of you fear that this great fortune may drive us all to destruction. You overvalue us. For as long as Darius breathes, he is the legitimate king of Asia and I but the king of air. But he has no power, Alexander. He's lost in the mountains with no army. As long as he's lost, Philotas, he can be believed in. Only when he's found will it be decided. It seems you've already made up your mind. We must finish what we failed to do at Gaugamela. We must hunt Darius down. - That was not your father's mission. - And I am not my father. Come on. Have you so quickly forgotten? Fortune favors the bold. No wonder Darius fled when he had this to come back to. One for every night of the year. How will I go back to Lysimache after this? I advise you not to touch, Leonnatus. Here, I'll take care of it for you. Aristotle was perhaps prescient. Do these images fool us with their beauty and degrade our souls? Bagoas, great king. Darius' boy. - Bagoas. - Nicely gilded, Your Majesty. Most successful. He was certainly one of the great king's favorites. How old? Is great well with the years. What are you now, Bagoas? Eighteen, 19? - Where does he come from? - The north, sire. From the hills near Susa. You speak our language. - Good. I'd like to learn yours. - Is learnable, my lord. So tell me, Bagoas do my eyes betray me or do you wish to be set free to go back to your homeland? All my family's long dead, great king. With your permission, I will stay on. Very well then, Bagoas. Ptolemy, administer this. And that's the same of every person in the harem, woman and eunuch. Whoever wishes to be sent home to their families, let them. What? - Hear that, boys? - He set us free. Great King Alexander. The princess of the thousand roses and eldest daughter of the formerly Great King Darius Stateira. Noble Alexander I come to beg for the lives of my sisters my mother, my grandmother. You are not wrong, Princess Stateira. He, too, is Alexander. Please. I plead for my family's lives. - Sell me as a slave, great king, but- - Look now in my eyes princess and tell me how would you like to be treated? As I am a princess. Then so be it. You and your family shall be treated as my family. You shall live in this palace as long as you choose. Have you any other requests for me, my noble princess? No. Everything I wish I have requested. You truly are a queen. Yes, she would be a perfect match for you but you do nothing. Three months you've been in Babylon and leave me in Pella at the mercy of your enemies, of which you have many. Antipater, accustomed now to the power that you have given him. I must watch him grow stronger. I'm certain that he communicates secretly with Parmenion, who is dangerous. But beware, most of all, of those closest to you. They are like snakes and can be turned. General Crateros. Cassander is Antipater's son. Even Cleitus, your father's favorite and Ptolemy, your friend, yes. But beware of men who think too much. They blind themselves. Only Hephaistion do I leave out. But all of them you make rich while your mother and yourself, you leave in generous poverty. Why won't you ever believe me? It is only a dark mind like mine that can know these secrets of the heart. For they are dark, Alexander. So dark. But in you, the son of Zeus lies the light of the world. Your companions will be shadows in the underworld when you are a name living forever in history as the most glorious shining light of youth, forever young, forever inspiring. Never will there be an Alexander like you. Alexander the Great. Remember, bring me to Babylon as you promised. I can only help you, for they know if they harm you they will face my wrath, as Queen of Babylon. It's a high ransom she charges for nine months' lodging in the womb. Bring her, Alexander. - It'll give her such joy. - Joy? When I'm the cracked mirror of her dreams? Stay with me tonight, Hephaistion. I'll take my own bath. Thank you, Bagoas. What bothers you? I see in her everything I fear. Yet I have no idea what it is, this fear. She was always so sure I was born of Zeus. Why, Hephaistion? I think there are things beyond our imagining like the lightning, tales of strange conceptions. I don't doubt it. What is being told me? What destiny do we-? Do I have? Well, if I'm Patroclus, I die first. Then you, Achilles. The generals are upset. They question your obsession with Darius. They say it was never meant for you to be king of Asia. Naturally. They want only to return to their homes, rich with gold. But I've seen the future. I've seen it now 1000 times, on 1000 faces. These people want... Need change. - Aristotle was wrong about them. - How so? Look at those we've conquered. They leave their dead unburied. They smash their enemies' skulls and drink them as dust. They mate in public. What can they think or sing or write when none can read? But as Alexander's army, they can go where they never thought possible. They can soldier or work in the cities. The Alexandrias, from Egypt to the outer ocean. We could connect these lands, Hephaistion and the people. Some say these Alexandrias have become extensions of Alexander himself. They draw people into the cities to make slaves of them. But we freed them, Hephaistion, from the Persia where everyone lived as slaves. To free the people of the world such would be beyond the glory of Achilles, beyond Herakles a feat to rival Prometheus who was always a friend to man. Remember the fates of these heroes. - They suffered greatly. - We all suffer. Your father, mine. They all came to the end of their time. And in the end, when it's over, all that matters is what you've done. You once said, "The fear of death drives all men." Are there no other forces? Is there not love in your life Alexander? What would you do if you ever reached the end of the world? I'd turn back and conquer its opposite. I wonder sometimes if it's not your mother you run from. So many years, so many miles between you. What is it you fear? Who knows these things? When I was a child, my mother thought me divine. My father, weak. Which am I, Hephaistion? Weak or divine? All I know is I trust only you in this world. I've missed you. I need you. It is you I love, Hephaistion. No other. You're everything I care for and by the sweet breath of Aphrodite I'm so jealous of losing you to this world you want. You'll never lose me, Hephaistion. I'll be with you always. Till the end. The campaign in the northeast of Persia turned into a hard guerrilla war of almost three years. We chased Darius towards Bactria but missed taking him by hours. He was dying when we found him, sire. He asked for water. He drank and died. The Great King Darius had been betrayed by his own commanders. Fully honoring his corpse Alexander hunted down these commanders into unknown lands crossing even beyond the River Oxus into Sogdia. We fought them as far as the unknown steppes of Scythia where only legendary heroes had once trod. The surveyors told us we were now on the borders of where Europe and Asia meet. In fact, we were totally lost. Here, Alexander founded his 10th Alexandria and settled it with veterans, their women and any who would dare the frontier life. Unable to accept defeat in any form Alexander persisted in breaking every tribe that resisted until the day he received the head of his last enemy who'd surrendered. For Alexander, there could be no pretender to the throne of Asia which now included all of Sogdia and Bactria. Ten years after his mother's insistence he marry a Macedonian... Through our union Greek and barbarian may be reconciled in peace. ... the most powerful man in the world took a girl of no political significance. Why? Some say it was for alliance with the tribes. Others, the desire for a successor. And yet others said Alexander truly fell in love. Who Roxane really was i doubt that any of us ever saw further than the pools of those black eyes. On this glorious occasion I toast this great army that has given so much. And in honor of them, those of you who set out with us seven long years ago I pronounce all your debts paid forthwith from the royal treasury. Praise Alexander! And in honor of my bride my beautiful bride we recognize the many women who've shared the long road with us and grant them dowries befitting a proper marriage. And what about our boys? And lastly lastly, the gods demand no less of us that your children be given a proper Greek education and military training under our protection so as to be the new soldiers of our kingdom in Asia. Your father must be turning in his grave. After all this time, a hill chief's daughter. You call this tribal wedding legitimate? Do you forget my father took a barbarian as his queen? Yes, but few would call it a profoundly happy marriage. But what's the point, Alexander? She's your captive. Just take her as your concubine. Because I want a son. Damn you, Philotas. Then half your nobles have sisters who'd make fine Macedonian mothers. To take an Asian as my queen, not a captive is a sign of respect for our subjects. It will bring us together, unify us. Which is not to say I won't take a Macedonian. As a second wife? You insult Macedonia. Never will our people accept this girl's son as king. They'll be angry enough to find out their husbands all have second wives in Barbaria. Then they'll learn! By Athena's justice, this girl has spirit. She'll breed a brave son. Alexander! This is about the honor of our kingdom. Exactly. What can be won, Alexander? We're in Asia to punish them for their crimes. We've achieved that. Seven years from home, now we drift from one far region to another chasing nomads and bandits when Macedonia bleeds its manpower. For what? To build roads in Asia? - To give these people cities? - And now make an army of them? To found cities and expand our reach is not to drift. - What benefit to Macedon? - It's far richer! - Look what you give them. - With respect had you fought better at Gaugamela when your flank was crumbling- - How dare you, Nearchus? ! - General Nearchus to you, boy. Alexander spread our flank too thin! There was nothing my father or any of you could've done! - Philotas! Alexander, I've known you since you were born. I supported you at your father's death. At the very least, for Zeus' sake and in respect to the council that chose you king give us a Macedonian heir. A Macedonian heir. - You've been heard clearly. - But- Parmenion! After the wedding, take two brigades to Babylon, where I look to you and Antipater in Greece, to maintain our empire and supply this expedition. I'll winter with my army at Marakand. I pray to Apollo you realize how far you've turned from your father's path. Damn you, Parmenion, by the gods and your Apollo. What was in my father's guts wasn't overripe in reason like yours! He never lusted for war, Alexander, or enjoyed it so. He consulted his peers in council, among equals, the Macedonian way. He didn't decide based on his personal desires. I've taken us further than my father ever dreamed. Old man we're in new worlds. Alexander, be reasonable! Were they ever meant to be our equals? Share our rewards? You remember what Aristotle said. An Asian? What would a vow mean to a race that's never kept their word to a Greek? - Aristotle be damned! - Alexander! By Zeus and all the gods what makes you so much better than them, Cassander? Better than you really are. In you and those like you is this. Alexander. What disturbs me most is not your lack of respect for my judgment. It's your contempt for a world far older than ours. Five to any man who bothers to kill me. Have another drink, Cleitus. - Shouldn't you be bound to a king? - Cleitus. Alexander, you look weak when you not accept these honors. I understand, my dear father but it's against Greek ways. - Then Greek ways are weak. I still think she got the better of him in this bargain. My daughter, Roxane she shall make you good wife. She shall kill for you. Raw skunk, ruler of heaven and earth. In honor of this great alliance I, Oxyartes, offer you these great gifts. I would like to honor a toast to you from my people. Good morning, sire. We shall fight for you, Alexander. It shall be bloody. Who's the bear? Parmenion. You've been in complete control of your supply lines. His pessimism is infectious. But he'll stay loyal as long as his son remains with us. Hey! Her eyes tell me she cares for you, Alexander. Perhaps too much. In the ways of my country those who love too much lose everything and those who love with irony last. I found it in Egypt. The man who sold it said it came from a time when man worshipped sun and stars. I'll always think of you as the sun, Alexander. And I pray your dream will shine on all men. I wish you a son. You're a great man. Many will love you, Alexander, but none so pure and deep... You love him? He is Hephaistion. Thank you, Bagoas. Your boy? There are many different ways to love, Roxane. Come. No. No, no. No. No. You have no fear. It's fitting. A man searches for a woman at Earth's top and finds her. The myth becomes real. Great man, Sikander you I kill now. Do it. End it. I would do the- I would do the same. I'll die a fool for this love. My life is now yours. You will have my son. Who is this woman you call your queen, Alexander? A hill girl? You with your breeding. Already she makes enemies with her strong, clumsy nature. Do not confuse us. I was never a barbarian as Philip said. We are of Achilles' royal blood. Zeus is your father. Oh, I understand she brings you some happiness but how can she help you? You must know that she does not speak in your name which is yours and yours alone. Preserve it, secret it and hear me when I tell you, act and act soon. After seven years, people wonder: "Who is this King Alexander?" I have given you ample proof. Antipater daily undermines your authority. Return to Babylon and strengthen your center. Or come home to Macedonia and reorganize. But do not chase your dream further east. Your life and mine depend on it. Remember my only thoughts are of you. As you, too, must face your glorious destiny. Think kindly of your mother. Provide for me. Protect me from your enemies when you are gone. And remember always it is I who love you more than any. If only you were not a pale reflection of my mother's heart. Pregnant so soon. The little whore. He will marry her in the spring, during Dionysus' Festival and when her first son is born her sweet uncle Attalus will convince Philip to name the boy his successor with himself as regent. And you you will be sent on some impossible mission against some monstrous Northern tribe to be mutilated in one more meaningless battle over cattle. And I, no longer queen, will be put to death with your sister and the remaining members of our family. I wish sometimes you could see the light, Mother. The truth is, he's taken nothing from you that you've not been long without. The only way is to strike. Announce your marriage to a Macedonian now. Beget a child of pure blood. He would be one of them, not mine and he would have no choice but to make you king. There is still Kynnane. Eurydice was perfect. If your father, that pig, had not ravaged her first! Say nothing more of my father. Do you hear me? Say nothing. You're right. Forgive me. A mother loves too much. Who shall I sing to sleep at night anymore? I wish - I wish we could spend more time together. Like we used to, when you were the sweetest boy. There's never been time, Mother. Since I was a child, I've been groomed to be ever the best. My poor child, you're like Achilles cursed by your greatness. Yes. Take my strength. You must never confuse your feelings with your duties, Alexander. A king must make public gestures for the common people. I know, but you will be 19 this summer and the girls already say you don't like them. I understand. It's natural for a young man. But if you go to Asia without leaving your successor, you risk all. Hephaistion loves me, as I am not who. Loves? Loves? In the name of Dionysus understand how Philip thinks, for your own sake. Your life hangs in the balance. I know these things, Alexander. You are nothing to him. His spies are inside your closest circle to ensure that you don't plot against him. And still you sleep. You will not live out this year unless you act! Stop! I'm his only worthy son. You crazed woman. He'd never hurt me. Even if Eurydice had a boy, he'd be 20 before he'd let him rule. Yes, and you would be 40. Old and wise like Parmenion. And Philip's young son would be 20. Like you now, but raised by him, his blood. He will never give you the throne now, Alexander. Never. What would you have me do? Whatever is necessary. Where have you lost your mind? It would be civil war, clan against clan, chaos. Yes. And you would win. Because the young ones love you like a god. I forbid you to ever talk to me like that! Such a man would be forever chased by the Furies! What have you to fear from the Furies for killing an impostor to the throne before he murders you and your mother? Why won't you ever believe me? Philip did not want you. You had a condition of the breathing and he wanted to leave you in the mountains for the birds to peck at your eyes. What you don't know, my poor child. Lanice knows nothing of this. Lanice. I was there. Lanice was not. No, Alexander Zeus is your father. I laid with him that night in the wind, as sure as any mortal man. Never have I been made love to as I was then. Enough. Half the mothers in Greece share such a fantasy. I warn you, Mother. Make no mistake. You will treat this girl as nothing more important than his other wives. You will behave as we always have. As the first. I wonder did you ever love him? What? I never stopped. What is it, Orestes? I beg your forgiveness, my king. I cannot be part of this. Who did this? Tell me. - Say it! - Hermolaus! Death to all tyrants. I didn't do this! I've known you and loved you as long as I know. Never will you find a man as devoted as I. The conspiracy, such as it was deeply upset Alexander. Not only because it involved the young people who shared his dream but more intimately, it implicated Philotas, his companion from boyhood when a page confessed that a few days before, he'd informed Philotas... - Alexander. ...of the plot. Remember me for who I am. I do remember you, Philotas, but not as you remember yourself. And it appears to me and others here from the testimony given by your mistress that the true weather of your soul is ambition. No. We all felt there was more here than sexual bickering. Alexander wanted the truth and Philotas' answers were lacking merit. Please take him away. Alexander put him silently and quickly to trial by his peers and whether plotter or opportunist, Philotas was found guilty of treason. - No, Alexander, no! - Remove him. The suspects were all executed. None of us defended Philotas but then again, none of us ever liked him. And of course his power was carved up by the rest of us. Before he died, we tortured him to find out what his father Parmenion knew. But this we never learned. What to do with Parmenion and his 20,000 troops guarding our supply lines was a far more delicate matter. Was he innocent in this? Or had he decided to act before age further withered his power? - The men will follow their king. - Alexander won't be there. Necessity required Alexander to act and he sealed the camp within the hour of the first accusations against Philotas. Then go, Antigonus, and Cleitus. And go quickly. Three days' hard riding sent Antigonus and Cleitus to Parmenion, the general most loyal to Philip. His soldiers accepted the finding of guilt against Parmenion as they understood well the code of vengeance that made the head of family responsible for the behavior of all. Many of us felt we were better off without that pompous thorn, Parmenion as Alexander promoted all of us generously. If we issue the gold bullion in the name of Alexander then we meet a resistance. Cleitus. Antigonus. Parmenion. Come, Alexander, drink this sadness away. If only thirst could quench sorrow, Ptolemy. There's only one thing better than winning a battle, son and that's the taste of a new woman. You'll find it far sweeter than self-pity. - Pausanias, you bore me. - Alexander! - Be gone with you. - Alexander, I found you the right girl. - What's your name, darling? - Antigone. - What's your name? - Antigone. - I love you. - And I love you, Cleitus. - Please, no! - There you go. I'll sleep in my grave, Hephaistion. While alive, I prefer dancing. Pausanias. Who's your new friend? - There's your new friend. - Please don't! Don't! Please, no! No. A toast. A toast! I drink to our Greek friends and to our new union Macedonia and Greece, equals in greatness! And to Philip, our king, without whom this union could not be possible. Come, Attalus, leave some damn air in the hall! And last, I drink to the king's marriage to my niece, Eurydice a Macedonian queen we can be proud of! To Philip and Eurydice and to their legitimate sons! Don't! What am I, you son of a dog? Come, then. What a disgrace. Shut up! - Shut up, all of you! - Please. This is my wedding, not some public brawl. Insolent pup. Apologize, by Zeus, before you dishonor me. You defend the man who called my mother a whore and me a bastard. - And I dishonor you? - You listen like your mother. Attalus is my family now, the same as you. Then choose your relatives more carefully. Don't expect me to sit here and watch you shame yourself. - You insult me! - I insult you! A man not fit to lick the ground my mother walks on. - You dog, questioning your queen. - Shame? I'll marry the girl if I want, and I'll have as many sons as I want. There's nothing you or your harpy mother can do. Why, drunken man, must you think everything I do and say comes from my mother? Because I know her heart, by Hera and I see her in your eyes. You covet this throne too much. We all know that she-wolf of a mother of yours wants me dead. Well, you can both dream, boy. Philip, this is the wine talking. Leave the boy. It'll wait. Now! I command you. Apologize to your kinsman. Apologize. No kinsman to me. Good night, old man. And when my mother remarries, I'll invite you to her wedding. You bastard! You'll obey me. Come here. This is the man who is going to take you from Greece to Persia? He can't even make it from one couch to the next. Get out of my palace! You're exiled, you bastard! Banished from the land. You're not welcome here. You're no son of mine! In the spring, Alexander marched an army of 150,000 across the passes of the Hindu Kush into the unknown. In his dream, it was the promised route to the end of the world. We were now a mobile empire stretching back thousands of miles to Greece. Cooks and architects, doctors, surveyors moneylenders and wives children, lovers, whores. And slaves that anonymous, bent, working spine of this new beast. Ravaged or expanded, for better or worse no occupied territory remained the same again. Although devoted to Roxane Alexander's visits to her tent diminished as a year, then two, went by without a successor wounding Alexander's great pride. The surveyors are saying that Zeus chained Prometheus up there. In one of those caves. They say there's a giant eagle's nest just above it. I suppose he drops down each night to peck out poor Prometheus' liver. You remember what Aristotle told us of these mountains? Yes, I do. That when we reach these heights we'd look back and see Macedonia to the west and the outer ocean to the east. But I fear this world is far larger than anyone dreamed. A world of Titans. The scouts have been up every known trail, Alexander. There is no way across. Except to the south, into India. Were we gods, we'd breach these walls to the eastern ocean. We will, Alexander. In a few years' time, we will return. But first, the men must see their homes. Have you found your home Ptolemy? More and more, I think it will be Alexandria. Well, at least it's hot. And Thais she loved it there. Women bring men home. - I have no such feeling. - You have Babylon, Alexander. Where your mother awaits your invitation. Yes, I have Babylon. But each land, each boundary I cross I strip away another illusion. I sense death will be the last. Yet still I push harder and harder to reach this home. Where has our eagle gone? We must go on, Ptolemy. Until we find an end. India, the land where the sun was born fabled to be even richer than Persia had never been explored or conquered. From the beginning, we struggled to unify a land without a center. Kings who conspired against one another. A labyrinth of tribes urged on by zealots and philosophers to die by the thousands for their strange gods. We saw things we'd never dreamed and could hardly describe. We saw birds that could talk and men that couldn't. Craterus, in the advance party, fought against men with hairy skins who were tiny and lived in the tops of trees. - Over there! - They're animals. Until Hephaistion convinced us these were animals who imitated men but wore their own skin. They called this tribe "monkey." Monkey. Monkey. But we saw little difference with the tribes who lived among them. - Look at his hand. - It's so much like ours. Hello, little man. - Do they speak? - No, but they do sing and make noises from the roofs of the forest. We saw men who walked naked in public and spent hours at a time staring and doing nothing. Some who lived 200 years. And then, there was the rain. Never before had we seen water that fell from the gods for 60 days and nights. Well done today. Make sure the women and children are fed. You know better, Machatas. What's your son going to say? Come on, man. The older you get, the stronger. Right, my king. You're my horse, Alexander. I'll be with you at your side. Everything rotted in this rain and scores of men died miserably from the tiny serpents that were everywhere in this evil land. - What happened? - It's to the neck. Oh, no. Zeus, no. Hold on. Hold on. Be brave. Be brave. Oh, Zeus. Our quest for gold and glory evaporated as we realized there was none to be had. Tempers worsened. We massacred all indians who resisted. And with the local water putrid we drank the strong wine. And as we moved south and east Alexander often returned the lands we'd conquered to their defeated kings so as to make them allies. But this did not sit well with the army who began to wonder: Were we here for riches? Or had Alexander in some remorseless and crazed quest to imitate the glory of Herakles forgotten them? One thing an army knows quickly in their bones is which way the gods are blowing. Kiss him! - To Bagoas. - To Bagoas! - And to my mother's god, Dionysus... - Dionysus! ...who, we're told by our Indian allies, traveled here before Herakles some 6000 years ago. To a hero. To a hero! Roxane. You lose face. These Indians they are a low, evil people. You don't try to understand them. I try. But this I know, Alexander. In Persia, you are a great king. Here they hate you. Let us go back to Babylon. There, you are strong. We'll talk about this later. Yes. Later. Talk. I shall come. Tonight. And I shall wait. Good night, my king. Your Majesty. Come, Alexander, drink with us. - Alexander. - Alexander! I remember a time you hated how your father drank. Now I know why. Dionysus is hero. But he is also mind breaker. He destroys our self-control. Self-control is a lover I've known too long, Ptolemy. The struggle worries me to the bone. And success I find to be as corrupt as failure. But Dionysus, bless his ancient soul frees me from myself. And then, I move up. I'm simply, Alexander. A toast to Bagoas. And the 30,000 beautiful Persian boys we're training to fight in this great army. And to the memory of Philip. Had he lived to see his Macedonians transformed into such a pretty army. To Philip. To a real hero. Philip! To Cleitus and his new appointment as satrap of Bactria. Cleitus. That's a fancy way of putting it, Ptolemy. But we all know what a pension and an exile is after 30 years' service. Exile? From where, Cleitus? From my home, Alexander, Macedonia. You could've asked me where I wanted to spend the rest of my life. You call governing this major province exile? Has Your Majesty given any of his closest companions a province so far from home? Then you won't make a very good satrap, will you, Cleitus? So be it. Let me rot in Macedonian rags rather than shine in Eastern pomp. I won't quake and bow down like the sycophants you have around you. Hephaistion, Nearchus, Perdiccas. As governor of one of our most Asian of satrapies Cleitus, does it not occur to you that if my Persian subjects bow down before me, it's important for them to do so? Do I insist on Greeks doing the same? You accept Greek offerings as a son of Zeus, do you not? Only when offered. Why don't you refuse these vain flatteries? What freedom is this, to bow before you? You bow before Herakles, and he was mortal but a son of Zeus. How can you, so young, compare yourself to Herakles? Why not? I've achieved more in my years. Traveled as far. Probably farther. Herakles did it by himself. Did you conquer Asia by yourself, Alexander? Who planned the Asian invasion when you were still being spanked on your bottom by my sister Lanice? Was it not your father? Or is his blood no longer good enough? - Zeus-Amon, is it? - You insult me, Cleitus. You mock my family. Be careful. Never would your father have taken barbarians as his friends asked us to fight with them as equals in war. Are we not good enough any longer? I remember a time when we could talk as men, straight to the eye. None of this scraping, groveling. I remember a time when we hunted when we wrestled on the gymnasium floor. Now you kiss them? Take a barbarian, childless wife and dare call her queen? Go quickly, Cleitus, before you ruin your life. Doesn't your great pride fear the gods any longer? This army... This army is your blood, boy! Without it, you're nothing! You no longer serve the purpose of this march! - Get him from my sight! - I don't serve your purpose? ! What was I serving when I saved your puppy life at Gaugamela? Were you Zeus' boy? What if I left you to die in the dust there? Do you think we'd be forced now to mate with brown apes? Alexander! Turn out the guards! Arrest him for treason! - I'll go with him. - Alexander. - Who's with him? - No. Who's with him? I call Father Zeus to witness. I call you to trial before him! And we'll see how deep this conspiracy cuts! - Take him! - In the name of the gods, get him out! Now look at you! Great white ass, Alexander. Hiding behind his fairy god! Or are you too great to remember whose life was saved by me? ! - I am more a man than you'll ever be! Ever! - Get him out! - He's gone. He's gone. - Alexander. Come on! What a tyrant you are! An evil tyrant you've become, Alexander. You speak of plots against you? What about poor Parmenion? Get out! He served you well. Look how you repaid him. You made me do your foul deed. Have you no shame? You ungrateful wretch! No one, not my vilest enemy, has spoken like you to me. Getting what I say? ! Despot. False king. You and your barbarian mother live in shame. Cleitus. Oh, my Cleitus. Cleitus. - Let me pass. - None can enter. I am the queen. I want to see him. I've waited three days. He says none, not even you. - He needs me. - No, he doesn't. And he needs you? Hephaistion, you make a mistake. The army grows restless, questioning. Alexander. They need your reassurance. Heinous. Like an old lover they forgive, but they will never forget. - He was an aging drunk. - He was my friend. His sister Lanice nursed me. And how did I repay her? Two brothers dead, fighting him by my own hands. Her last remaining blood. What will she do but weep on the day of my birth? Come. You know more than any great deeds are done by men who took and never regretted. You're Alexander. Pity and grief will only destroy you. Have I become so arrogant that I am blind? Sometimes, to expect the best of everyone is... arrogance. Then Cleitus spoke true. I have become a tyrant. No. But perhaps a stranger. You've gone too far. They don't understand you anymore. They speak of Philip now as if I were a passing cloud soon to be forgotten. I've failed utterly. You're mortal. And they know it. And they forgive you because you make them proud of themselves. Philip once said that there's a Titan in all of us. That they wait, mixed in our ashes. It wasn't because of the wine, I killed. It was because I wanted to. Philip, King of Macedonia and leader of the Greeks. All my life, I've waited to see Greeks grovel with respect for Macedonia. Today is that day. But if you ever insult me again I'll kill you. I've missed you. In the spring, Persia. You'll command my horse from the right. I'm honored, Father. I wouldn't miss it for all the gold in the world. Which, one day, you'll have. Making himself a 13th god. He's drunk so much wine, my poor Philip, he's lost his mind. - Your Majesty. - Attalus. I hope the prince is enjoying the spectacle as much as our regent. He's very tired. Hey. - Pausanias, bring the rest of the guard. - Royal guard! To the arena! March! No guard, Your Majesty? In all this crowd? - Greeks all over the place. - Cleitus, Cleitus. My Cleitus. This man you can always trust, Alexander. Treat him as you would me. He'll guard your back for you. Yes, Father. My people are guard enough today. Let these Greeks see for themselves how I can walk through my people. Then let them call me tyrant. Bring the main guard in after my entry only. Cleitus, make sure the wine flows steady all day. I want them to like me. Weren't you told? I go in alone. Follow with the main guard. Go on. - Go on. - Father, it's best I go with you. You want the world to see you're my successor. Is that what she wants? Don't look so hurt all the time, Alexander. Be a man. You count yourself lucky you were here at all today, after your public display. By Herakles, by Zeus, by all the gods obey me this once! Have courage, Father. And go on your way rejoicing that at each step you may recall your valor. And now, our beloved King Philip in whose honor these wedding games begin. Pausanias, I told you- Who's your new friend? There's your new friend. No! Please, don't! No! The king lives! Alexander, son of Philip! May the gods bless the king! Alexander is king! You're king now. You're king. Long live Alexander! - Alexander! - King Alexander! Alexander! Alexander is king! May the gods bless Alexander! May the gods bless the king! Alexander! You break my heart, you men. Afraid. Of course you have fears. We all have fears because no one has ever gone this far before. And now we are weeks from the encircling ocean, our route home. We'll build a fleet of ships and sail all the way back down the Nile to Egypt. And from Alexandria, we shall be home within weeks. There to be reunited with our loved ones. To share our great treasures and tales of Asia. And to enjoy our imperishable glory to the ends of time. - Follow Alexander. - I'll follow you. What? - Silence? - We're with you, Alexander! Crateros. Crateros. And another one. My king. I'm a fighting man. I don't like no bellyaching. I won't tolerate it in any of my units. I lost many a man. Young ones, never been with a woman. Some died of disease. Some were butchered in Scythia by the banks of the Oxus. Some died good. Some just didn't get no luck. But they died. Forty thousand I come over with eight years ago. And we march after you more than 10,000 miles. In the rain and the sun, we fought for you. Some of us, 50 battles we've been in. We killed many a barbarian. And now when I look around, how many of them faces do I see? Now you want us to fight more of these crazy monkey tribes east of here. We hear talk of thousands of these elephant monsters cross a hundred more rivers. Crateros. Good Crateros. Who better than you to speak, most noble of men. But you know there's no part of me without a scar or a bone broken. By sword, knife, stone, catapult and club. I've shared every hardship with all of you. Aye, you have, my king, and we love you for it. But, by Zeus, too many have died. You have no children, Alexander, and we're just humble men, we seek no disturbance with the gods. All we wish for is to see our children and our wives and our grandchildren one last time before we join our brothers in that dark house they call Hades. Yes. You're right, Crateros. I have been negligent. I should've sent you veterans home sooner, and I will. The first of you shall be the Silver Shields. Then every man who's served seven years. With full pensions from our treasury. And respected, rich, loved. You'll be treated by your wives and children as heroes for the rest of your lives and enjoy a peaceful death. But you dream, Crateros. Your simplicity long ended when you took Persian mistresses and children and you thickened your holdings with plunder and jewels. Because you've fallen in love with all the things in life that destroy men. Do you not see? And you, as well as I, know that as the years decline and the memories stale and all your great victories fade it will always be remembered, you left your king in Asia! For I will go on, with my Asians. - To the jackals with you, then, Alexander. - We come for you, and you discard us. - Shame! - We want to go home, Alexander. We're tired of glory. We want to see our wives and children before we die. I've got children I haven't even seen. I want to see my children. I paid for your bastard children. I've taken nothing for myself. And all I've asked of you is one more month. - Shame. - That's your king. What would your father say? I've taken you further than my father ever dreamed. So go home. I look to the barbarians for their courage. I go east. He wants us dead so we can't speak of his crimes. - Who said that? - We won't make it to Macedonia. You despicable coward. Come forth. - Make your accusations public. - So you can have us killed? - Son of Zeus. - You desecrate your real father's memory. - Or did you murder him like you did Cleitus? - Hide in this mob because I'll take your life. You men insult my honor, my paternity. Arrest him. And him. Yes. And you, this loudmouth Demetrius. You call me murderer? I have no such blood on my hands. And him. Yes, you'll know the pain of treason. You mock my shame for Cleitus and say I'd harm a hair of my father's head. Arrest him. After all I've done for you, you swine. You cowards. Traitors. Come on, then. Where are your daggers? In smashing the mutiny and executing the ringleaders he did nothing, to my mind, that any general in wartime would not have done. But clearly, the army was divided. And Alexander was no longer loved by all. He drove on, south to the outer ocean. I confess a disappointment. Especially on these reports of your taking on Eastern ways. Beware how these manners inflame the senses with pride. However, I have lived long enough now to question when so many others invest such emotion in their disrespect for you. I can only hope that you continue what you began as the boy I knew at 12. Be that man always, Alexander, and you will not slip. And perhaps you will prove this old materialist as you always thought me: A dreamer after all. Stay calm. Together we are strong as gods. Cover with your left, strike hard with your right. Fear is rot. A waste of time. Lock shields. Battle positions. Move. Choppers, prepare your knives. Follow me. Strike hard, boys. Strike hard. Come, Macedonians. Why do you hang back? Hurry. Cavalry! Split to thirds. Regroup and encircle. Hold the line. We must hide! - Oh, no. Cavalry on me. - Follow Alexander. Charge. Charge. Charge. The phalanx is in jeopardy. Meleager, ride to Pharnakes and tell him return to the center. Find Hephaistion at the riverbank and bring all cavalry to the center. We must reach Crateros before it's too late. Hephaistion. To the center. Come, Macedonians. Ride. Ride! Coenus! Get out of there. No. - The horses won't go. - On foot, then. Fall back, men! Fall back! Come, Bucephalus. Fear not, my friend. Bucephalus. 'Tis only sun and shadow. Bucephalus and Alexander. One last time, it's you and me. Isn't it a lovely thing to live with great courage and to die leaving an everlasting fame? Come, Macedonians. Why do you retreat? Do you want to live forever? In the name of Zeus, attack. Attack. Alexander! Alexander. - The king is down! - To the king! It was the bloodiest of his battles. Pure butchery. We'd never be men again. Get out. Go. How can you behave so shamelessly in public? Because it was meant to be. This isn't how I wanted to become king. - No one blames you. - They blame me behind my back! In secret. - Slander is not power. - Shame is? Who killed my father? Tell me. Tell me, or shall I put you on trial for his murder? - Pausanias. - He had help! Did you help him? No, never. Why? Why would I? So many wanted it. Greeks, Persians, men, women. I'd be shocked if there were not a god he had not profaned. How ironic though, in the end a boy he rutted with once too often returned the favor. You're mad. You're cursed. You've unleashed Furies, you don't know their power. Now who is exaggerating? Even if it was the wish of your heart... That's a lie! He was my father! I loved him! He was not your father! You owe no blood debt to that man. You lie and lie and lie. So many lies you've spun like a sorceress, confusing me. Look at you. Look at you. You are everything that he was not. He was coarse, you are refined. He was a general, and you are a king. He could not rule himself and you shall rule the world. You're so cursed by all the gods when you speak like this. Such thick pride and no mourning for your husband. Mourn him? What do you know of Philip? No, Alexander. Zeus is your father. - Act like it. - My first act would be to kill you! You murdered me in my cradle. You birthed me in a sack of hate. Hate you have for those stronger than you. - Hate you have for men. - I taught you my heart, Alexander! And by Zeus and Dionysus, you grew beautiful. Damn your sorceress soul. Your soul is mine, Alexander. No! No! You've taken from me everything I've ever loved and made me you! Stop it. Stop acting like a boy. You're a king. Act like one. Parmenion is with us, for once. Execute Attalus without delay. Confiscate their lands and root out that family forever. Eurydice? Never. Laugh, you monster. You heartbreaker. How will you live out the year like this? - Have you learned nothing from Philip? - No. From you, Mother. The best. What have I done to make you hate me so? One day, you will understand this. But I have only you in my heart. I know what you need. Now is the time. The gods favor you. Great wealth, power, conquest. All you desire. The world is yours! Take it. Take it. He never saw his mother again. And while he was away, fighting the Northern tribes Olympias had Philip's new wife, Eurydice, and her infant son murdered. By necessity, Alexander had her uncle Attalus executed. He lives! Alexander! Men of Macedon we're going home. - What? - What? - Home? - We're going. We're going home. His life should have ended in india but that's myth. In life, Herakles died of a poisoned shirt, given him in error by his jealous wife. Great Zeus we have worshipped you in blood. Look kindly on our homeward steps and smile upon our backs. May all those who come here after us know, when they see this altar that Titans were once here. Making his devotions to the gods at the end of the great journey Alexander bade the East farewell and marched his army directly west across the great Gedrosian desert seeking the shortest route home to Babylon. Here, he watched helplessly the cruel breaking of his army. Not by any human foe but by nature. To this day, there is no accounting of how many died. It was the worst blunder of his life. And when he finally reentered Babylon, after six years in the Far East Alexander again seized the imagination of the world by taking two more wives. Now Alexander had three wives, two lovers a contentious mother and a turbulent Greece satraps of dutious loyalty in several provinces generals questioning his every decision. And beneath it all, a restive new army made up of 10 Asians for every Greek all held together by one slender thread. They took another reading. The harbor can only be dredged to 20 feet. Then get a second opinion from the Phoenicians. It goes deeper. Alexander. We'll well over 12,000 talents on wood alone for the fleet. And their armor costs are staggering. - Cast another dye, we shall back them. - How? Our armor... Our Treasury... With our future, Cassander, the best capital we have. Even so, I seriously doubt the Phoenicians can make a timber quote in time. Perhaps we could sail with fewer ships or delay until the spring... There'll be no delays, Nearchus. - Ptolemy, how goes our library? - The trees are falling as we speak. Good. We must not forget our libraries. All the Alexandrias we have, I want libraries. - Just last night he was... - It's the water, Your Majesty. He mixed it with the wine. But how can this be? - Typhus of India? - I wouldn't tax yourself, Your Majesty. A few good nights' rest will do it. But no wine or cold chicken. With the regimen of cares that I've put in place... Come, doctor. I feel better. Soon, I'll be up. We leave for Arabia in the spring, and I couldn't leave without you. Arabia. You used to dress me up like a sheik wave your wooden scimitar. You were the only one who'd never let me win. The only one who's ever been honest with me. You saved me from myself. Please don't leave me, Hephaistion. I remember the young man who wanted to be Achilles and then outdid him. And then what happened? Ours is a myth only young men believe. - But how beautiful a myth it was. - We reach, we fall. Oh, Hephaistion. - I worry for you without me. - I am nothing without you. Come, fight, Hephaistion. We will die together. We'll have children with our wives, and our sons will play together as we once did. A thousand ships we'll launch from here, Hephaistion. We'll round Arabia and sail up the gulf to Egypt. From there, we'll build a channel through the desert and out to the Middle Sea. And then we'll move on Carthage. And that great island, Sicily, they'll pay large tribute. After that, the Roman tribe, good fighters. We'll beat them. And then explore the northern forests and out the Pillars of Herakles to the western ocean. And then one day, populations will mix and travel freely. Asia and Europe will come together. And we'll grow old, Hephaistion looking out our balcony at this new world. Hephaistion? Hephaistion? No! - Where is this doctor? - I can't explain this, Your Majesty. - It's not possible. I swear by Apollo. - Execute him! Take him out now and execute him. - Come away, come away. - Liars. Liars. You all hated him. All of you. Get out. Get out now! Be gone. Be gone with you! Harpies! Get out! Get out! Are you drunk again? - Get out. - He's dead. - Who? - Many hated him but I don't think any other would have dared. Hephaistion is dead? Are you mad? You monster. - Are you mad? - You've taken from me all I've ever loved. May all the Furies through time damn your miserable heart. Alexander. I have your child. Alexander. - Alexander, we have a son. - No. - The child. - Oh, Your Majesty, no. Alexander, I have your child. Alexander, my husband, my king. We have a son. My poor, poor, ill-fated son. Never touch me again. No! One last toast! Before the dawn. To my old friends. - And to the myths. - To the myths. Yes, come on. Finish it. To the next dawn. My little Achilles. - Bless you, Alexander. - Lord, we love you. Bless you, Alexander. My lord, these herbs are from Delphi. They saved my brother. - Rest yourself. - Thank you. We love you, Alexander. Alexander. Alexander. We love you, Alexander and your seed. Keep moving, men, please. Yes, come. Come to Babylon. I await you. Your only loving son. For the men. Bagoas. Can you prop me up a little? It catches me. I've never been so idle. The fleet will never get out by spring. I must go. You have given me all. - Bagoas. - And you have given me the happiest times of my life, Alexander. Happy? What is happy? While in your mind and body are stretched to breaking you have no thought beyond the next. And you look back then and there it was, happiness. In the doing, never the thinking. Still, you have made me so happy. It is done, Bagoas. It is done. Wait. We have his son. Alexander. Wait. Wait. Vultures. Wait. We have his son. Just three more months. Please live. Alexander, the army will divide. Satrapies will revolt. Without orders, there'll be war. We beg you. Tell us who. Who will rule this great empire? - Who do you want to, Alexander? - We beg you, tell us. The myth becomes real. Zeus is your father. Who will it be? Pray tell us, who? - What did he say? - "To the best." - He said, "To the best." - What? - No, he said, "To Crateros." - To Crateros? Why would he say Crateros? On the 10th of June, a month short of his 33rd year Alexander's great heart finally gave out. And as he vowed, he joined Hephaistion. But in his short life, he achieved, without doubt the mythic glory of his ancestor Achilles and more. Olympias' transgression in the murder of his father is, to my mind, a probability. His, a burden. Alexander was too in love with glory for him to steal it. But by blood, and blood alone, he was guilty. No! - Bolt the doors. - The body stays in Babylon. - The body belongs to Macedon. - Within hours we were fighting like jackals for his corpse. The wars of the world had begun. Forty years, off and on, they endured. Cassander in Greece. Crateros and Antigonus in western Asia. Solucas and Perdiccas in the East. Myself in Egypt. Until we divided his empire in four parts. Gentlemen, we are not savages. - We are the future... - Get out! I think Alexander would have been disappointed in us. Naturally, rumors grew he'd been poisoned by one faction of his generals or another but the truth in these matters has long since been driven from currency. Cassander saw to that with his fake diaries painting Alexander as a sick and bloated drunk. Many believed, to remove suspicion from himself. He certainly proved he had the temperament for politics and murder when seven years later, he executed Olympias. Met her death with great courage. Five years... No, it was six years after that Cassander finally achieved the complete destruction of Alexander's bloodline when he poisoned Roxane and Alexander's 13-year-old son the true heir to the empire. But Roxane too, like Olympias played by stern rules, supported by several generals. Days after Alexander's death, she had Stateira poisoned. It was reason enough for some to believe she was the one behind Hephaistion's sudden demise. But this is unproven in my mind. Bagoas disappeared from the histories entirely a wise move, perhaps. But I will say his love and devotion for Alexander were unquestionable and extraordinary. Now I am the keeper of his body embalmed here in the Egyptian ways. I followed him as Pharaoh, and have now ruled 40 years. I have two sons, each jealous of the other's power. But they will grow to make fine fathers and husbands. And I trust they'll be just in their affairs. But they have never seen the great cavalry charge of Gaugamela or the mountains of the Hindu Kush when we crossed the 100,000 men army into India. He was a god, Cadmos or as close as anything I've ever known. "Tyrant!" they yell so easily. I laugh. No tyrant ever gave back so much. What do they know of the world, these schoolboys? It takes strong men to rule. Alexander was more, he was a Prometheus, a friend to man. He changed the world. Before him, there were tribes and after him, all was possible. There was suddenly a sense the world could be ruled by one king and be better for all. Eighteen great Alexandrias he built across this world. It was an empire, not of land and gold, but of the mind. It was a Hellenic civilization open to all. But the truth is never simple and yet it is. The truth is, we did kill him. By silence, we consented. Because... Because we couldn't go on. What, by Ares, did we look forward to but to be discarded in the end, like Cleitus? After all this time, to give away our wealth to Asian sycophants we despised? Mixing the races, harmony? Oh, he talked of these things but wasn't it really about Alexander and another population ready to obey him? I never believed in his dream. None of us did. That's the truth of his life. The dreamers exhaust us. They must die before they kill us with their blasted dreams. Oh, just throw all that away, Cadmos. It's an old fool's rubbish. You shall write, "He died of fever and a weakened condition." Yes, great Pharaoh. Oh, he could have stayed home in Macedonia, married, raised a family. He'd have died a celebrated man. But this was not Alexander. All his life, he fought to free himself from fear. And by this, and this alone, he was made free. The freest man I've ever known. His tragedy was one of increasing loneliness and impatience with those who could not understand. And if his desire to reconcile Greek and barbarian ended in failure... What failure! His failure towered over other men's successes. I've lived... I've lived long life, Cadmos but the glory and the memory of man will always belong to the ones who follow their great visions. And the greatest of these is the one they now call Megas Alexandros. The greatest of them all. I have the feeling that I should be angry with this child, with this childish young thing, or I shouldn't forgive her for not realizing the horrors, the monster, before it was too late, for not realizing what she was getting into. How could I have agreed to it so impulsively? I was not an enthusiastic Nazi. When I came to Berlin, I could have said "No, I won't take part. I don't want to be sent to the Führer's headquarters. " But I didn't say no. Curiosity got the better of me. And I simply never thought that fate would take me somewhere I'd never really wanted to be. And yet, it's very hard to forgive myself for doing it. The ladies are here. Military District II has confirmed. - You may pass. FÜHRER'S HEADQUARTERS "WOLFSSCHANZE" RASTENBURG, EAST PRUSSIA, NOV. 1942 Please take a seat, ladies. I must ask you to wait a few minutes. The Führer is feeding his dog. He will be with you shortly. Tell me... How do we... How does one greet the Führer? The Führer will speak to you first, and you just say, "Heil, my Führer. " What about the Nazi salute? The Führer isn't recruiting you as soldiers, he's looking for a secretary. Behave normally. Just be natural. I'll ask him if he has time for you now. My Führer, the ladies from Berlin are here. I'd like to thank you for coming in the middle of the night, ladies. But in war, we aren't always masters of our own time. May I ask your name? - Margarethe Lorenz. Heil, my Führer. Where are you from? - Fulda. Heil, my Führer. - And you? Ursula Puttkammer. Heil, my Führer. - Leave that out, child. Tell me where you're from. Frankfurt on the Main, my Führ... I'm Hannah Potrovsky, born and raised in Berlin. To be precise, I come from Pankow. Hedwig Brandt from Crailsheim, Swabia. And you? Traudl Humps. I come from Munich. A Munich girl. So, Fräulein Humps... shall we start? Blondi won't hurt you. She has a very sharp mind. In fact, she's more clever than most people are. Just make yourself comfortable. Don't be nervous. I make so many mistakes when I dictate... You'll never make as many as I do. You're quite young. How old are you? 22, my Führer. My national comrades... German men and women... members of the Party... It is, I believe, a rare thing that a man can stand before his old supporters after 20 years in office, and that during those 20 years he did not have to modify his policies whatsoever. I suggest... that we try it again. I made it! He gave me a job! Berlin, 20 April, 1945 Adolf Hitler's 56th birthday 21/2 years later Duck! Keep moving! Get off the street! Duck! That's artillery. Are you crazy? How could they be firing artillery? Frau Junge, you're right! Those aren't bombs, it's artillery! It's the Russians. - What a fine birthday present! What's going on, Burgdorf? Where's that gunfire coming from? Happy birthday, my Führer. Central Berlin is being shelled, from the Brandenburg Gate to the Reichstag, up to Friedrichstrasse Station. - Where from? No reports yet. Koller's on the line. - Give him to me. Koller, do you realize Berlin is under artillery fire? No. - Don't tell me you can't hearthe gunfire! No, I'm at Werder Game Park. - Berlin's in uproar! The Russians have taken a rail bridge on the Oder. They've got no railway batteries near the Oder. That's not long-range gunfire. The flak command post in the Zoo-bunker claims the guns have a caliber of just 10 to 12 cm. The Russian battery is now in Marzahn. That's only 12 kilometers from the city center! Are the Russians that close? The entire air force command should be hanged! Outrageous! Outrageous! The Russians are just 12 kilometers from the city center, and nobody told me! I had to ask! My Führer, perhaps it's long-range gunfire. Nonsense! Himmler is such a pompous clown! - Big shots! Big shots everywhere! It makes me sick just looking at them! The Führer is putting "Clausewitz" into operation today. Berlin as a front-line city... He won't be able to hold the city. If the Führer stays, he'll take the whole Reich down with him. We have to talk him out of it. Speak to Hewel... He's the only diplomat who can still influence him. Believe me, it's no use. Then talk to your sister-in-law. Why not? You're married to Eva Braun's sister, so you're "related" to the Führer. We have to try everything. Berlin is practically surrounded by the Russians. You're young. You'll be a father soon. Do you want to die in Berlin? - Certainly not. Gentlemen, the Führer! Everything out, and quick! We're leaving in two hours. What's going on? - We're packing! Leaving... Haven't you heard? "Clausewitz" is in effect. All government departments and Wehrmacht offices are leaving Berlin. Who's going to feed the civilians and soldiers? Don't ask me, Professor. This is insane! Ah, Professor! I won't allow my staff to be evacuated! - Is that so? The food supply to Berlin will collapse! A good soldier always finds something to eat! - Sure! And when fighting begins, who will he take food from? Civilians! I cannot permit it! - The Führer's orders! As the department head, I answer to the SS and to Himmler! But as a doctor I belong to the Wehrmacht, and we are still here! Please bear that in mind! The professor can stay in Berlin! Give him an authorized permit! Move out! Everything for Germany. Heil, my Führer! My Führer, I... Heil, my Führer! They can hardly wait to get away. I hate those two-faced sods who say "Sieg Heil", but behind their backs say, "Kiss my a... aunt. " My Führer... I beg you to leave Berlin. It's not too late. Too late? Come here, Hewel. Hewel, you also feel we should get in touch with the Allies... and use politics. Yes, indeed. We should use politics. Politics? No more politics! I'm sick of politics! When I'm dead, you'll have enough politics to deal with! It's okay, my dear Himmler. My loyal Heinrich. It's okay... Go now. Between us, I'd say he's had it. - Yeah? What do you expect from a teetotal, non-smoking vegetarian? Be serious. I'll have to to take it into my own hands. Berlin will fall in the next few days. Once the Führer is dead, who will the Allies negotiate with? What makes you so sure they'll negotiate? They need the Nazi state and my SS to keep order after the war. Give me an hour with Eisenhower, and he'll agree. We're already in touch. Be careful, that's treason. - Fegelein, I have other worries. Should I give Eisenhower the Nazi salute or shake his hand? Well, well... The later it gets, the nicer the guests. Gentlemen, are you leaving already? I wanted to talk to you. The Führer's orders to destroy all public... - I really must go. Drop in to visit me at Hohenlychen sometime. My staff and I are heading north to support the battle for Berlin. So, Speer... the bombing raids on our cities have a positive side too. It's much easier to remove the debris than to tear everything down. Once we win the war, reconstruction will be completed very quickly. How many thousands of hours have we spent on these magnificent models? You're a true genius, Speer. Yes, you are. Only you and I realize that a Third Reich isn't possible if it only consists of department stores and factories, skyscrapers and hotels. This Third Reich will be a treasure house of art and culture that will survive the millennia... We see before us the ancient cities, the acropolis, we see medieval cities with their cathedrals, and we know that people need something like this, a center. Yes, Speer... That was my vision... And it still is. My Führer... If you want to realize these plans, you should leave Berlin. Say something, Eva. - He's the Führer. He knows what's right. Please leave Berlin. The Russians have nearly cut us off. I can't do that, child. I'd feel like a lama spinning an empty prayer-wheel. I must force an outcome in Berlin, or face my downfall. Speer... What do you say? You must be on stage when the curtain falls. Reload! Leave me alone! How old are you? 12? And you? 14? And you? Do you want to play war? Go home, play another game! - Who are you? What do you want? - My son... alive. You should be proud of him. He destroyed two tanks. Today. The Führer is giving him a medal. You're young. On which front did you fight? I haven't had the honor yet. You're lucky you haven't seen a battle yet. Send the children home. We will fight to the very last man. What are you defending? This is nothing but a trap. The Russians will attack from both sides, so there's no escape. We'll shoot back at them! With what? - We're using flak as artillery. The Russians are coming, several armies with tanks and heavy artillery. Do you really believe you can hold off their assault for even five minutes? We made our pledge to the Führer. Don't you understand? We've lost the war! It's over! Coward! Get outta here! Now! When the Russians come and you're still here, you'll all die! I may be repeating myself, but the 9th Army must retreat. Otherwise, it will be wiped out. The 9th Army will not retreat! Tell Busse to fight where he stands. In that case, the 9th Army is lost. We will drive back the Soviet units in the north and east with a relentless and almighty assault. With which units? Steiner's division will attack from the north and unite with the 9th. The 9th Army is unable to move north. The enemy outnumbers us 10 to 1. Have Wenck support them with the 12th Army. But the 12th Army is marching west, to the Elbe. Then tell them to turn around! That would expose the Western front. - Are you questioning my orders? I believe I've made myself perfectly clear! The western Allies will realize that only we can hold off the Bolsheviks. We're the last bulwark against the Asian hordes. If we hold Berlin for a few more days we'll make a deal with the Americans. Ah, Mohnke... you're here. - My Führer. I put "Clausewitz" into effect today. Berlin is now a front-line city. You're in charge of defending the government district. If there's a battle in Berlin, we'll fight to the last man. But there are over 3 million civilians. They have to be evacuated. I appreciate your concern, Mohnke. But we have to be cold-blooded. We can't worry about these so-called civilians now! With all due respect, what will become of the women and children, the thousands of wounded, and the elderly? In a war like this there are no civilians. The Führer has lost all sense of reality. He moves divisions that only exist on his map. Steiner's scattered unit can hardly defend itself, and now he wants Steiner to attack. It's insane! - Tell him yourself. He wouldn't listen. You know that. - Something has to be done. Are you crazy? He'd kick us out like Rundstedt and Guderian. - So what? We're soldiers! We pledged our allegiance to the Führer! Should that prevent us from thinking? Look who's talking! An opportunist! A ruthless careerist! Pardon? Where were you? - None of your damned business! My Führer, Berlin Hitler Youth's most successful tank hunters. I'm proud of you all. My Führer, this boy alone destroyed two tanks with a bazooka. His name is Peter Kranz. So your name is Peter. I wish my generals had your courage. Fine, fine. History will take note of you. And when Germania rises up from these ruins, you'll be the heroes. Heil to you! I don't know about you, but this gives me the creeps. What will happen to us? Yesterday, he told me it was alright if I left. Everyone's deserting him. We can't just get up and leave. I can't either. I've no idea where I should go. My parents and friends back home warned me. They told me not to get involved with the Nazis. Should I go back and say, "I'm home. I made a mistake. When things got bad I realized my mistake. " Life will go on, somehow. What do you think, Colonel? We should go. Where to? I don't know. Some place where we're needed. Come upstairs, everyone! We're going to have a party! Come on! Come on, kids! I want us to have some fun today. No matter where the enemy goes he has to find nothing but wasteland. That's the death sentence for the German people. No electricity, no gas, no clean water, no coal, no transportation. By destroying all our railways, canals, docks, ships and locomotives, we would hurl Germany back to the Middle Ages. You'd be robbing our people of every chance to survive. If the war is lost, it's immaterial if the people perish too. It is not necessary to consider the German people's primitive survival needs. On the contrary, it is better to destroy those things ourselves. They have proved themselves too weak and it is a law of nature that they will be exterminated. They are your people. You are the Führer. The only ones who will survive the battle are the inferior ones. Our best people have fallen already. Here you go. Oh, come on, you're supposed to dance. With pleasure. Excuse me. - Yes, of course. What's the matter? Convince him that we have to leave Berlin, Eva! Or come with me. You're going to die. Put on the music! I want to dance! Dance! Anything in particular? - Swing. Traudl... It's all so unreal like a dream where you want to wake up, but you can't. It keeps going on and on... Gerda, I feel sick... Come on! Come on! I haven't moved my command... I haven't moved my command post! the west...? I'm 1000 meters from the enemy! - General! Hello? Hello! The report, General? I'm to be shot. - What? What for? They claim that I moved my command post to the west, away from the enemy. Come with me. Schenck. - Mohnke. I'm at the chancellery bunker defending the government district. I need your help. - That's difficult, everyone's been evacuated. Everyone's gone except me and my adjutant. You're a doctor? - Yes. Internist. Find a vehicle and bring us all the morphine, penicillin and first-aid supplies you can find! I'll see what I can do. - Thank you, and hurry. I have to see the Führer. What for? I'm to be shot. Wait here. Your guns, please. Not here. Guard post 2. Roger. General... Not you. Heil Hitler. - Heil Hitler. What's going on? Why am I to be shot? You know the Führer has forbidden any westward retreat. Officers who disobey are to be arrested and shot on the spot. What do you mean? My units have been in fierce battle for days! My command post is just one kilometer from the front line. Go on. You see this, don't you? Don't use that tone with me! Now do what you have to do! I think you should explain it to the Führer yourself. Come along. I can't let you through. - I'm here on orders from Commander Mohnke. We need first-aid material from the military hospital. It's empty. They all left. And the wounded? - How should I know? I'll have a look. - Colonel! - Stay here! Careful you don't get killed. There are Russians everywhere. See that? It's the end of the Reich. That's Russki territory! May I? He's so damn stubborn. Why didn't he let me do it? I should be with my troops. Are you sure the Führer needs me? Drink up! The Führer's orders! You really impressed the Führer. - You don't think Steiner'll attack? I doubt that Steiner's units are able to attack, but why am I telling you this? If Steiner doesn't attack, Berlin will be lost. Congratulations, your report really impressed the Führer. He has appointed you commander of Berlin's defense. I'd rather have been shot than have this honor... Tank alarm! Stay calm. They're too far away to do anything. Out of the way please, ladies. Is that German artillery out there? - I'm afraid not. But Steiner's attack should be underway by now! You have to leave. There isn't much time. But the Führer believes Steiner's attack will make good of the situation. I heard him say that Steiner's assault will turn things around. All the Führer's advisors know that's absurd! I'd not be surprised if he thinks so too. - Why would he deceive us? What does he have to lose? I don't believe a word of it! The enemy has broken through along a wide front. They've taken Zossen to the south and are advancing to Stahnsdorf. They're on the northern outskirts between Frohnau and Pankow. They've reached Lichtenberg, Mahlsdorf and Karlshorst to the east. Steiner's assault will bring it under control. My Führer... Steiner... Steiner couldn't mobilize enough men. He wasn't able to carry out his assault. These men will stay here: Keitel, Jodl, Krebs and Burgdorf. That was an order! Steiner's assault was an order! Who do you think you are to dare disobey an order that I give? So this is what it has come to! The military has been lying to me. Everybody has been lying to me. Even the SS! Our generals are just a bunch of contemptible, disloyal cowards. I can't permit you to insult the soldiers... They are cowards, traitors and failures! My Führer, this is outrageous! Our generals are the scum of the German people! Not a shred of honor! They call themselves generals! Years at military academy just to learn how to hold a knife and fork! For years, the military has hindered my plans! They've put every kind of obstacle in my way! What I should have done is liquidate all the high-ranking officers, as Stalin did! I never attended an academy, and yet I have conquered Europe all by myself! Traitors! I've been betrayed and deceived from the very beginning! What a monstrous betrayal of the German people. But all those traitors will pay. They'll pay with their own blood. They shall drown in their own blood! Gerda, please calm yourself. My orders have fallen on deaf ears. Under these circumstances, I am no longer able to lead... It's over. The war is lost. But, gentlemen, if you believe I am going to leave Berlin, you are seriously mistaken. I'd rather blow my brains out. Do whatever you like. The Führer didn't really mean he'd shoot himself... Frau Junge and Frau Christian... Get changed. A plane is leaving in an hour. It will take you south. Everything is lost... Hopelessly lost. You know I'll stay with you. I won't let you send me away. I'm staying too! What now? It's time to end this spectacle. What? You want to give up? That's unthinkable. The Führer said we won't surrender. We won't repeat November 1918. Never! You heard him. He'll no longer lead us. He said, "Do whatever you want. " - The Führer is the Führer! He'll pull himself together. Great. And what happens then? We can never surrender. The Führer would never approve. We swore to obey his will. - Nothing but empty phrases! We have to do something before it's too late. You want to save your own skin. - Stop it! Damn it! We'll never get out alive. It's all over. - Just wait. But the Führer is uncertain. What if he kills himself? Günsche said there's a tunnel under the Russian lines to the Yanks. Why did you say you'd stay with him? I don't know... honestly. They've stopped. Come on. Let's go for a walk. Traudl... Look... Hey girls, I need a cigarette. Let's go back down again. Where did they come from? - New Volkssturm recruits! Assigned this afternoon! Tell them to get out of the line of fire! These recruits are under Dr. Goebbels' command! I want them outta there, right away! I'll answer for it. I'm not sure it's the right way. Oh, splendid. Stop! Lights out! Stop. Don't move. Don't move. - Lucky! Germans. Help! They want to kill us! What's going on here? - They're MPs. I don't believe it! Stop it! Let those men go! What's going on here? - It's none of your business! We found these deserters in their homes. They'll be shot, like every traitor. They're old men, civilians. You can't do that! No? Who's going to stop me? You? That's enough. Move out! Here's a doctor. Can you operate? Not really. Tell Ilse that the children can't take too many toys. One toy per child. And no unnecessary nightclothes. - Minister Goebbels... My wife and children are coming. Please take care of them. Thank you. Brigadeführer, what can I do for you? The Russians are mowing down your Volkssturm recruits. They lack experience and suitable weapons. That is compensated for by their fervent belief in the final victory. If you can't arm these men, they can't fight. They are dying in vain. I feel no sympathy. I repeat, I feel no sympathy! The German people chose their fate. That may surprise some people. Don't fool yourself. We didn't force the German people. They gave us the mandate. And now their little throats are being cut. Yes? Eva, you have to leave the Führer. Hermann! - Don't be stupid. It's a matter of life and death. How can you say such a thing? Where are you? I've decided not to die in Berlin. Hermann, does my sister know where you are? I have to call you back. Hi there, kids. Your room's on the right. Wait for me. Hello, Frau Goebbels. - Nice to see you, Frau Junge. Come on now, get in line! Come here, Helga. Get in line. We'll put on our best clothes, and then you can say hello to Uncle Hitler. Yes! Yes! Yes! Remember your song? Yes. No land is more beautiful far and wide than the land we call our own... If you want to be certain, shoot the gun into your mouth... Your skull will explode. You don't notice a thing. You die immediately. I want to look nice when I'm dead. I'll take poison. If I'm going to die heroically I don't want to feel any pain. That's a sure-fire way. It paralyzes the nerves and the respiratory system. You die within seconds. Could I have one, too? Me, too. Thank goodness Himmler left me well supplied. Thank you. I'm so sorry I can't give you a better present. Berlin, 23 April, 1945. My dearest sister, I'm so sorry I have to write you this. But there's nothing we can do. At any minute, it could all be over. You should know that Hermann isn't here. But I truly believe you'll see him again. I'm sure he'll continue the fight in Bavaria for a certain time. The Führer has lost all belief in a favorable outcome. My beloved son, I don't know if this letter will reach you. Perhaps there is some human soul who will pass on my final words to you. I've stayed with Papa against his will. Last Sunday, the Führer wanted to help me leave. You know your mother well. We have the same blood. I had no second thoughts. Our magnificent idea has died... along with every beautiful, admirable, noble, good thing I've ever known. The world after the Führer's death and after National Socialism is no longer worth living in. That's why the children are here. They are too good for what will come. A merciful God will understand me for giving them redemption. I'll wear the golden bracelet with the green stone until the very end. Then it may be taken from me, and you shall wear it just as I have always worn it. I'm afraid I sent my diamond watch to the jeweler's. I wrote the address at the bottom. If you're lucky, you can get it back. I want you to have it. You'll also get the diamond bracelet and the topaz pendant which the Führer gave me for my birthday. The bill I'm including for Heise Co. Hasn't been paid yet. You might receive some other bills, too, but not for more than 1,500 Reichsmarks. Please burn all private and business letters to the Führer at once. I'm also sending you food and cigarettes. Please give Lindners and Kathl some of the coffee. The cigarettes are for Mandi. The tobacco is for Papa. The chocolate is for Mom. That's all I can tell you. It's enough for now. I wish you the best of luck, my dearest sister. And remember, I'm sure you'll see Hermann again. Best regards and kisses. I remain... your sister... Inge! Listen Keitel, I want you to leave tonight. Make your way to Dönitz. Help him organize everything. We have to get things moving again. I don't understand. It's a disaster. We have no more oilfields. It's impossible to carry out far-ranging operations. Once I've managed this situation, we must recover the oilfields. Any more questions? No, my Führer. Fine. Have a nice trip. "My Führer, Following your decision to stay in Berlin, do I have your approval as Vice Chancellor to immediately take charge of the entire Reich... with the necessary power and authority? If I receive no answer by 10 p. m., I will assume that you have been incapacitated. I will serve the well-being of our people and fatherland. " He's betraying Germany... and you! Göring's concern isn't unjustified. If our communication system breaks down, which could happen any time, we'd be cut off from the world. We could no longer pass on orders. I see it differently. Göring wants to seize power. I never trusted that mob he gathered at Obersalzberg. It stinks of a coup. That failure! That bloodsucker! A parvenu! A lazybones! How dare he declare me unable to act! Tomorrow he might declare me dead! - Hello, Frau Junge. How did you reach Berlin? It wasn't easy. I have to see the Führer. I'd wait if I were you. The air force... What did he do with it? That's reason enough to execute him! That morphine addict helped to corrupt this country. And now this! He has betrayed me. Me! I want Göring to be deprived of power and removed from office. If I don't survive this war... that man is to be executed at once. What about us? Is there any hope? Leave before it's too late. The Führer wants to stay here. We can't leave him alone. For that which awaits the Führer, he won't need anyone. Least of all you. But Herr Goebbels and his wife are staying. The children too. But the children... I'd always thought that... I thought there was some way out... Come in. Albert... hello. Fever? Albert, my heart can't take it. Why don't you take the children and get out of here? But where to? I once told you, I can send a barge to Schwanenwerder. It can be fixed up as a hideout until it's all over... which won't be long. I've thought it through carefully. I won't let the children grow up in a world with no National Socialism. Think it over again, Magda. The children deserve a future. If the idea of National Socialism dies, there is no future. I can't believe you really want this. Go... Come in. I knew you'd come. You're not one of those who'd abandon the Führer. I... I've just come to say goodbye to the Führer. I have to return to Hamburg tonight. - Of course. Take a seat. Look, I brought some of the furniture you designed for me. I just couldn't part with it. Come on, help yourself. I bet you haven't eaten all day. You happen to be right. Thanks. It's so important that you came. It shows him you're on his side. Did he have his doubts? He's been wondering if you were possibly against him. But I kept telling him you'd come. And now you're here. It pleased him that you advised him to stay in Berlin. I think it's the right choice, too. You know what? It may be crazy, but... I'm really happy to be able to stay. And I'm not afraid. Yes? So... you've come. My Führer... It's okay... Let's sit down. I had such big plans for the Germans and for the world. No one understood me, not even my oldest comrades. What huge opportunities we had. The world was within reach... Too late. What I am proud of is that I openly confronted the Jews... and I cleansed the German lands of Jewish poison. Just that one moment and then eternal peace. Spare the German people, my Führer. If my own people fail this test, I will shed not one tear for them. They deserve nothing else. It's their own destiny. They themselves are to blame. For months... I must tell you this, my Führer... For months I have not carried out your orders of destruction. Documents exist which prove that I not only ignored, but even acted contrary to your orders. I had to tell you. My personal loyalty to you never wavered throughout. So, you're leaving... Fine. Goodbye. I wish you all the best. So gentlemen, eat your fill. Peter! Everything's okay, my boy. Fever. Yes, but he's alive. Courage and loyalty still exist. Lord von Greim and Frau Reitsch, I am pleased that... you both arrived uninjured, more or less. Be seated. We were under heavy fire but were able to land in Gatow. The roads were impassable, so... we got a plane, a Fieseler Storch, and flew over the Russian lines, landing on the East-West axis, a few hundred meters from here. Just before landing, we got hit by Russian artillery. General von Greim, I appoint you Commander in Chief of the Air Force and General Field Marshal. A great responsibility rests on your shoulders. You must shake up the entire air force. Many mistakes have been made. Be ruthless. Life never forgives weakness. This so-called humanity... is just priests' drivel. Compassion is a primal sin. Compassion for the weak... is a betrayal of nature. The strongest can only be victorious by eradicating the weak. I have always obeyed this law of nature by never permitting myself to feel compassion. I have ruthlessly suppressed domestic opposition and brutally crushed the resistance of alien races. It's the only way to deal with it. Apes, for example, trample every outsider to death. What goes for apes goes even more for human beings. In Lübeck, Himmler has made an offer to surrender to the western powers through Count Bernadotte according to a report by English radio. Himmler... Of all people, Himmler! The truest of the true! This is the worst betrayal of all! Göring, of course. He was corrupt... Speer, an idealistic, unpredictable artist! All the others! Yes! Yes! Yes! But not Himmler. Has he gone crazy? He claimed authority by saying that I was sick, perhaps already dead. Please leave me alone with Lord von Greim and Frau Reitsch. And bring me Fegelein. My Führer, we don't know where he is. But he's Himmler's adjutant, he must be here! We haven't seen him for days. I want his report at once! Please stay, Doctor. You and Greim are to leave at once. Fly to Dönitz. Tell him to do everything necessary to ensure Himmler receives just punishment. My Führer, Lord von Greim and I have decided to die with you here. Thank you for this sign of loyalty. But Himmler must die. He committed treason! It was the right decision not to inform him of my plans. My Führer? Do you think I'd stand by and watch those Jewish pigs do me in? This is all part of a gigantic ploy. I allowed the enemy to invade the Reich. They believe they've won, but you'll see, Greim. It'll be a rude awakening for them. Dönitz is mobilizing troops in the north, Kesselring in the south. We will crush the enemy in a massive pincer movement. And I have 3 armies near Prague which will attack from behind. I had no idea that we still have so many troops available. I have made arrangements that within a short time you will have thousands of jet fighter aircraft, so you can make the air force as powerful as it once was! I kneel down to your genius and before the altar of our fatherland. Heil, my Führer. You have requested to leave Berlin? As you know, all the medical units and staff under Himmler's authority have left Berlin. Himmler is a traitor. He will receive the punishment he deserves. As an SS physician, I have no more duties here. Your application to leave Berlin is completely unacceptable. My... family... If the Russians find me here... I have to leave! You did nothing wrong. Future generations will be thankful for the medical research you did. I'll take responsibility for it all. Let's discuss this another time. We can't find Gruppenführer Fegelein. He is not in the bunker. - What do you mean, "can't find him"? Then look for him! I want to see Fegelein at once! If he's gone AWOL, it's desertion! Treason! Bring me Fegelein! Fegelein! Fegelein! Dad, why are you wearing your Sunday uniform? Ernst... is something wrong? No... Thank you. Gitte is hungry, too. Well, Ilse, now you have to eat something, too. Thank you. - You're welcome. Thank you. What's going on? You're under arrest. What? - For desertion. Get dressed. You must come with us. Kiss my ass! Let go, you bastard! You got no right! Please don't let them kill Hermann. He wanted to flee, it's beyond doubt. So what? It's all over anyway. Think of my poor sister. She's pregnant! He collaborated with Himmler. He's a traitor. There is no compassion for traitors. There is no mercy for traitors. He'll be court-martialled and shot. What good is that now? It is my will! You're the Führer. Go ahead. The Russians are breaking through everywhere. There are no reserves left, and air support has stopped. There's no way to bring in more ammunition. The Russians have reached Weidendammer Bridge, Lustgarten to the east, Potsdamer Platz to the south and Tiergarten to the west, 300-400 meters from the Chancellery. How long can you hold out? One or two days at most. The government district too? Yes, my Führer. My Führer, as a soldier I suggest we try to break through the encirclement. During the fight for Berlin we've already lost 15-20,000 of the younger officers. But that's what young men are for. Your suggestion is absurd! Insane! Think of the thousands of wounded. We can't help them now. My Führer... the orders are ready. The Führer can't just disappear from history like some inglorious fugitive! - Even if we got out successfully, I'd only be escaping one trap to fall into another. I'd have to sleep in the open air or in a farmhouse or something similar and wait for the end to come. Wenck is approaching with the 12th army. He can unite with Busse's 9th Army and inflict a crushing blow on the Russians to save us all. Wenck is a man of excellence. Telegraph Keitel. Report to me immediately: First, where are Wenck's front lines? Second, when are they attacking? Third, where is the 9th Army? Fourth, where will the 9th Army break through? You'll see, gentlemen. I'll be proved right. Wenck will come. Wenck will come. I want to know if it's possible for Wenck to attack or not. It's unlikely that Wenck's small force can attack the Red Army... How dare you say it's unlikely? Wenck has nothing to confront the Red Army! Why don't you tell the Führer? Have you all gone crazy? - The Führer knows it himself! But he will never surrender! And we won't either! I went through that before! And once is enough! Come on. I have to get out of here. Stopp! Heil Hitler! Sorry, I fell asleep. So you rested up a bit, dear? Take it in shorthand. My political testament. Since 1914, when I invested my modest strength in the First World War, which was forced upon the Reich, over 30 years have passed. In those 3 decades, all my thoughts, actions and my life were dictated by my love for and loyalty to the German people. Sorry, but the heavy gunfire... You sit there. Centuries will pass, but from the ruins of our cities and cultural monuments our hatred will be renewed for those who are responsible, the people to whom we owe all this: The international Jewry and its supporters. What's wrong, Herr Minister? Imagine! The Führer wants me to leave Berlin. He ordered me to leave. I've never disobeyed one of the Führer's orders. Never! But I will not obey this order. I will stand by the Führer. I'm sorry, Frau Junge, but... I have to dictate my personal testament to you. I'm typing the Führer's testament. Fine. I understand. I'll get back to you. My Führer, I... The Race Laws require me to ask you this: My Führer, are you of pure Aryan descent? Yes. - May I see your ID? You're talking to the Führer. - Yes, sir. And are you, Frau Braun, of pure Aryan descent? Yes. - Then the matter is... There are no obstacles... Do you, my Führer Adolf Hitler, take Eva Braun to be your lawful wedded wife? - I do. Do you, Eva Braun, take the Führer Adolf Hitler to be your lawful wedded husband? - I do. I hereby declare you man and wife. I need two men! You'll be okay. The Führer wants to see you at once. - At this hour? How long can you hold out? Perhaps 20 hours. No longer. The Russians are just a few hundred meters away. For the moment we've stopped them. Know what, Mohnke? The Western democracies are decadent. They will be defeated by those disciplined people of the East. All the best. Thank you. It wasn't only for Germany. Keitel's report. First, Wenck is stuck south of Lake Schwielow. Second, the 12th Army cannot continue its assault on Berlin. Third, the bulk of the 9th Army is encircled. My Führer, we need instructions in case we run out of ammunition. I will never surrender. Never. I forbid you to surrender. That goes for every other commander as well. Listen, Günsche. Frau Braun... my wife and I will commit suicide. But I don't want the Russians to exhibit my body in some museum. Don't let me fall into their hands, dead or alive! I want my body to be burned, so it can never be found. Günsche... Promise you will make all necessary arrangements for the disposal of my mortal remains. My Führer... This is a terrible order, but I will carry it out. Kempka. - Erich, I need 200 liters of gasoline. Are you crazy? Where do I get that much gasoline? From the parked vehicles. No one needs them now. Why do you need so much gas? I can't tell you on the phone. Come with me, please. The Führer wants to see us. Should I tell him you can't come? It's my pneumothorax. I won't last much longer anyway. Excuse me, Madam. This way, Professor. Please wait here. Excuse me... I'm sorry to interrupt your important work. My Führer, preserve our belief in the final victory! Lead us, and we will follow you! Come on. Come in and join us! Here, have a drink. Drinking's all we have left. - Have a seat. That's better. Yes sir, our situation is hopeless. It's what you call shitty! Be seated. We are honored, Fräulein... Frau... You may call me Frau Hitler. Don't worry, it's all right. Pity we can't go outside anymore. Only if you want a hero's death. Fritz, pull yourself together! Yes, sir! Pull myself together! Duck! That was a close call. Heil Hitler! Obersturmbannführer, what's up? - I must report to the Führer. Not now. Have a seat. Sit down, drink up. May I introduce you to Frau Hitler? So young and so many medals! You must be proud of yourself. I must go. I'm not used to drinking anymore. You can use our toilet. Go ahead. If your hand shakes, the bullet might only destroy the optic nerve. That's why it's advisable to take poison too. Pull the trigger the moment you bite the capsule. Will I have enough time to do it? The poison takes effect after 1 or 2 seconds. Tornow, you too. Come on, Blondi. Frau Junge, I've known him... my husband... for over 15 years. But when I think about it, I don't know anything about him. Although he likes to talk. I was looking forward to Berlin. But he's changed so much. He only talks about dogs and vegetarian meals. I really hate Blondi. Sometimes I kick her secretly, then Adolf wonders about her behavior. It seems he doesn't want anyone to see inside him. I mean deep inside. In private, he can be such a caring person. But then he says... such brutal things. When he's the Führer? Come on, let's have a smoke. I'm sorry. You've so many worries, and I sit here whining. Frau Junge, let me give you this coat as a going-away present. I love well-dressed women. I want you to have it and to enjoy it. What a surprise. Thank you. I have no idea where and when I could wear it. Please... try to get out of here. Promise me. Thank you, that was very good, Fräulein Manziarly. The time has come. It's over now. The Führer wants to say farewell. You're the bravest mother in the whole Reich. My Führer, you've made me the happiest woman in Germany. Give my regards to Bavaria. Why are you here? - We want to see Aunt Eva and Uncle Hitler. Have you had anything to eat? - Just breakfast. I'll get you something to eat and be right back, okay? Okay. Comrades, have you heard the latest news from outside? Berlin's a city of warehouses. Where's my house? Where's my house? Herr Günsche, I have to see the Führer. Please! - The Führer does not want to be disturbed by anyone. Please, Günsche. Just one moment. Please! My Führer, Frau Goebbels is here. What now? My Führer, I beg you to leave Berlin! My Führer, please... Don't leave us! What will become of us? Tomorrow millions of people will curse me, but fate has taken its course. Get up... Come on. Come on... Aunt Traudl, I really like those loud booms! - Nothing can happen to us here, can it? You're right. Bull's eye! Herr Reichsleiter, it has happened. The Führer is dead. There's Papa. Are you crazy? That gasoline has caused... - Be quiet, Erich. Step back! Come on! Come on! No! Don't! Let go of Grandma! Order... Order... Order must be restored! Run, Grandpa, run! Go after those two! Here, this way! We know our way through the ruins! Trust us! Hurry! I WAS ON THE SIDE OF THE RED BEASTS I SUPPORTED THE BOLSHEVIKS. I hope the Russians got our message. We'll know in a minute. - Or maybe not. What news do you bring us, General? Hitler and his wife committed suicide in the Führer's bunker. The new government has empowered me to begin peace negotiations. Between our two countries which have suffered the highest casualties. General, would you want peace in my position? My government will not accept an unconditional surrender. Under the circumstances, there's no other alternative. We'll never surrender! Outrageous! I conquered Berlin against the Reds years ago! And I will defend it against the Reds to my dying breath! I won't use my final hours as Reich Chancellor to sign a statement of surrender! We must protect civilians! - The Führer's order is final! Have you gone mad? We have to negotiate. I repeat, gentlemen, I will never agree to surrender! - Telegraph Marshal Schukov. Marshal Schukov? - What's going on? - This is crazy! We must surrender to the Russians! - I'll shoot you! The Führer forbade any kind of surrender! How long does it last? - About 4 hours. Alright, children. Dr. Stumpfegger has brought the medicine I told you about. - It's bitter, but it's good for you. Everyone gets a sip. Who's first? Heide, you're always so brave. One more sip. It wasn't that bad. Good... Helmut? Good. It will keep you from getting sick in this damp bunker. But it isn't damp here. Good, good. Helga... I don't want any. Do you want to get sick? - Please, Mama. I don't want to. Don't cry. It won't help if you cry. You have to drink it. Helga! Come on! Open your mouth! Papa! Now! Drink. Drink! Sleep tight, children. One day the lies will vanish, and light will brighten the darkness. Would you read it to me, please? "One day the lies will vanish, and light will brighten the darkness. " Let's do it again. One day the lies will vanish, and above them... truth will triumph once again. It will be the moment when we stand above everything, pure and... unblemished. We don't stand a chance. - I don't care. I want out. How do we cross the Russian lines? I won't stay a minute longer. We're gonna die! - Stop it! It won't be so bad. The Russians will get us if we stay. Good luck. - Okay, let's go. On 30 April 1945, the Führer committed suicide. Thus he abandoned all those who had pledged allegiance to him. German soldiers, you obeyed the Führer's orders and were prepared to continue the battle for Berlin, although you were running out of ammunition and further resistance was futile. I order an immediate ceasefire. Every further hour of battle will only prolong the civilians' terrible suffering and the suffering of our wounded. In agreement with the Soviet Army Supreme Command, I order you to cease fighting at once! Weidling, former Commanding Officer of the Berlin Defense Force. A glass of water, please. I need you no longer. The dice is cast. It's time, Doctor. - You see how busy we are. I insist that you accompany us. So that's it. Go on. You've done a great deal. Thank you. Schädle, come with me. Sorry, I'm not going anywhere. Let's go! Sturmmann Krüger gets the Iron Cross, 2nd class, for defending Wolf Bridge. Sturmmann Wagner took out 2 machine gun posts and defended Puttkammer Strasse. He gets the Iron Cross, 2nd class. Sturmmann Rauch gets the Iron Cross, 2nd class, for helping messengers get through enemy lines. The others! Oh God! Duck, Müller! Get outta here! Hurry! Help! Who goes there? A German. Herr Hewel? Hewel, thank God you're alive. Where are the others? I don't know, Frau Junge. Somewhere... perhaps. I'm sure most of the people in my group are dead. I never should have left the bunker. I should have shot myself. But I couldn't. Eat something. There's time enough to die. Attention! Stay with the women. Come here. The Russians have surrounded us. What will we do? You can try to get through. I'm not taking another step. Think it over. The Russians are only after us. As women, you have a chance. Give it a try. Good luck. When you go past the Russians, don't look anybody in the eye. Don't forget. Good luck. The Russians! Let's go. Go ahead... I can't go on. Please. I have to try. Don't be angry with me. I'll manage. Doctor! My comrades want to surrender to the Russians. May I join you? The Führer is dead. You want to fight the war alone? I feel committed to my oath. Then talk to the Brigadeführer. The Russians are clearing the area. - Yes? - No resistance. No shots have been fired. - They'll be here in an hour. What should we do? - Our honor won't allow us to surrender! What does that mean? When the Russians come, we fire until we're out of bullets. Then we blow our brains out. Is this murderous, suicidal killing for the sake of prestige the only way out? We're SS officers. We can't outlive the Führer's death! Who else feels that way? Want to sit with me a moment? - I'd love to. Why do you want to go on living? And why do you want to die? See this? The Führer himself gave it to me. A final decoration? Perhaps. Hitler gave it to me at his farewell. He made me swear a vow. That I would kill myself the moment the Russians captured me. Hitler made you promise to kill yourself? But why? He probably didn't want me to be forced to speak negatively of him. But as a diplomat, you are protected by international law. Who will benefit if you keep your promise? They're here! Don't shoot, comrades! We have surrendered. The war is over. It's over. Germany officially surrendered on May 7, 1945. It was agreed that all hostilities end at midnight, May 8. By then, the war had cost over 50 million lives. 6 million Jews had been murdered in German concentration camps. GERDA CHRISTIAN was able to escape and avoided imprisonment. She died in Düsseldorf on April 14, 1997. PROF. DR. ERNST-GÜNTHER SCHENK was released from Soviet captivity in 1953. He died in Aachen on December 21, 1998. GENERAL WILHELM MOHNKE was released from Soviet captivity in 1955. He died in Damp, near Eckernförde, on August 6, 2001. GENERAL HELMUTH WEIDLING died in Soviet captivity in 1955. PROFESSOR WERNER HAASE was arrested by the Red Army in the military hospital bunker. He died in Soviet captivity in 1945. OTTO GÜNSCHE was captured by the Soviets and was released from Bautzen prison in East Germany in May 1956. He died in Lohmar, near Bonn, in 2003. HANNA REITSCH survived the war and went on to set many world flying records. LORD ROBERT VON GREIM committed suicide in Salzburg on May 24, 1945. HEINZ LINGE and JOHANNES HENTSCHEL were captured by the Soviets. Linge was released in 1955. He died in Bremen in 1980. Hentschel was released in 1949. He died in Achern on April 27, 1982. CONSTANZE MANZIARLY vanished without a trace in Berlin, during her escape. ALBERT SPEER was arrested in Flensburg in 1945. He was sentenced 20 years at the Nuremberg Trial and was released in 1966. He died in London in 1981. GENERALS KEITEL and JODL were sentenced to death at the Nuremberg Trial and executed. HERMANN GÖRING was sentenced to death but committed suicide in prison before the execution was carried out. HEINRICH HIMMLER tried to escape under a false identity with other fleeing refugees. After being exposed and captured, he committed suicide. MARTIN BORMANN and DR. LUDWIG STUMPFEGGER committed suicide close to Lehrtertrain station on the morning of May 2, 1945. ROCHUS MISCH was released from Soviet captivity in 1955. TRAUDL JUNGE was classified by the Western Allies as a "young follower". She continued to work as a secretary for various companies and lived in Munich until her death in 2002. Of course, the terrible things I heard from the Nuremberg Trials about the 6 million Jews and the people of other races who were killed were facts that shocked me deeply. But I wasn't able to see the connection with my own past. I was satisfied that I wasn't personally to blame and that I hadn't known about those things. I wasn't aware of the extent. But one day I went past the memorial plaque which had been put up for Sophie Scholl in Franz Josef Strasse, and I saw that she was born the same year as me, and she was executed the same year I started working for Hitler. And at that moment I actually sensed that it was no excuse to be young, and that it would have been possible to find things out. so you may not want to get caught. Umm I was just curious. Friday night and all. enjoy the weekend. got your jacket. Thanks. let me do it for you. OK. You have any big plans or anything? umm.... Not really. You know that movie I was telling you about? It's playing over at the campus cinema. you said you might like to go. I did. so you want to grab some eats and go? actually no Amy. I'm kind of busy tonight. You just said you didn't have any plans. I don't. Hi Brad. he likes movies. she's serving it up to you on a golden platter. I have this a I have this library science project I have to go to. Amy. Hi. How're you doing? Fine. Great. What can I do for you today? I'd like a massage. you've certainly come to the right place. You can get a half hour Swedish for $59. That includes deep tissue vibrator therapy. You can get two girls deluxe Shiatsu massage. That's very relaxing. It's $125. Then there's $165 super deluxe Shiatsu. So worth it. I'm sorry. Could you go over that again? Here. This will make it easier. It just details everything that we offer. Have you decided? Pardon me? Have you decided on what you want? actually... I'll take the Special. The Deluxe for $125. The cheaper one. the one hour Swedish for $95. Right? OK. That's 1 one hour Swedish. Did you want the vibrator therapy with that? It's only $20 extra but it's so relaxing. I thought that was included. I thought you wanted the special 1 hour. Look. You look like you've had a really rough day. You look really tense. Why don't you just go for it. It'll relax you. You'll be glad you did. OK. Great. Any heart problems. Heart problems? I have to fill out a brief medical history. No heart problems. Respiratory problems? No. High blood pressure? No. STD's? STD's? Sexually transmitted diseases. No. OK. Great. That's $115. or debit? Cash please. OK. $115. That's a hundred-fifteen. It certainly is. Thank you very much. Do you do massage? I'm just the receptionist. But I'm about to call your masseuse. OK? Thanks. you have a client in the lobby. Barbara. She'll be right out. Hi. Hi. You can get undressed now if you like. Like to take a shower? No. I already took one thank you. if you're shy you can get undressed behind that screen. First time here? Yeah. You nervous? No. There's no reason to be nervous. You OK back there? just hop up on the table. What's with the socks? You know what? Can we leave those on please? Yeah...sure. Thanks. You're really tense. Try to relax. Take a deep breath. I don't know how to relax. You got beautiful breasts. Be nice now. that just makes me a little uncomfortable. I're really soft. I just want to touch you. Look I know. You know we could get in a lot of trouble. You a cop? No. OK turnover. Could you do me a favor? What? Could you shave me? huh? Nope. So tell me. Why do you want me to do this? Why you want me to do this? It's something I wanted to do for a while. I thought it would make me feel sexy. You ever do it? What shave down there? Once. I'd love to see you shaved. I bet you would. Can I tell you a secret? Sure I love secrets. I'm a virgin. You're shittin' me. Truly a virgin? Alright. There you go. Smooth as a baby. that's great. Can you do me another favor? It all depends. Can you jerk me off? There's usually a tip involved. OK. How much? Thirty or forty dollars usually. Alright. Slide... I want to make this last longer. Can you do me another favor? What? Kiss me. No. Not my lips. Slow down. just relax your lips. OK? That's better. You're good at that. Feels nice. Umm... Do you mind? OK. I'm sorry. Thanks. Here's forty. So...what's your name? Jim... Well Jim... You can come back anytime. Just ask for me. Thanks Barbara. It never ends. Does it? Day after day. Load after load. Same boring shit. Never ending stream. Who reads this crap anyway? Brad. Of course you may not know anything about that. How are you guys doing? Fine I guess. In my own dumb little way. I've already entered these. So they just need to be labeled. Jim! How was your weekend? fine I guess. Did you do anything exciting? Exciting? not really. You know that movie that we talked about? I actually went to see it. It was a...pretty good. It's too bad that you missed it. Here. I'll file those for you. thanks. can I ask you something? are you avoiding me? I mean... just tell me and I'll leave you alone. I don't have a problem. well what's the matter? Amy... I like you. OK. Umm.... I uhh... I think you're afraid of me. Are you afraid of me? I'm sorry. Sorry! ? For what? ! I don't know. You don't know? I didn't mean to do that. You didn't mean to do what? To touch me? To turn me on? Barbara is with another customer right now. It's her last of the day. We have Shariss available now or Becca will be available in 15 minutes. OK. I don't want Charisse or Becca. I came to see Barbara. Well I'm sorry you'll have to come back another time. How 'bout I wait? It won't do you any good. She's off at 8. She never stays over. Well how about you call Barbara. Let her know Jim is here. but I'll tell her when she's free. I guess I'll wait. Is my check ready? there's a guy here waiting for you? Hi. I've been waiting for you. If it isn't the beardless wonder. How are you? I came to see you. You're a little late. Try Charisse. She's really great. Guys love her. I...didn't come here to see Charisse. I'm sorry. I came to see you. Please? Alright. Donna is that 9 o'clock still open? I think so. I'm gonna do one more. Come on. So You like working here? it's OK. Get a lot of old guys? A lot of young ones too. So they all ask for something extra? Well do they? You're full of questions. I don't know much about these places. The answer is yes. Most of them want more than massages. Do you give it to them. OK. Any more perverse little secrets in your library? I do some things kind of weird. Kind of weird? Well the suspense is killing me. I like to tie myself up. Spread eagle on my bed. nobody can tie themselves up. Gotta have somebody help you. I do it. It's not easy. But I can do it. I guess we're all weird in our own little way. It's just... What? I guess I just think it's sad. You're used to being alone. That's all you know. Can you help me out? I'd never leave. I'm not asking you to help every lonely guy. I'm just asking you to help me. I don't know what you want me to do. I mean I give hand jobs here and there. And that's only to the guys i like. You can help me. I know you can. Can you take your top off? Yeah. I like your bra. You have beautiful boobs. You sure you don't have any girlfriends? No. You do that really well. Stop. You know...there's something I've always wanted to do I can't do it myself. Can I get a blow job? That's a little too personal. I'm sorry. Please? I'll pay you. $50? No. A hundred? That's all I've got. Please. Please. OK. But You can't tell anyone about this. OK? It's between you and me. I promise. Slower. Is that what you wanted? Yeah. Is this all you've got? I get paid in a couple of days. For crying out loud here. Take it. Would it be possible that I could maybe see you someplace outside of here. I can't do that. I'd pay you. I'll make it worth your while. You will? Remember this is business. That's all that it is. I mean I like you that's the only reason why I'm doing it. I like you too. You like me because I'm the only girl that's done this stuff with you. That's all. No... There's more than that. Nothing more than that. Nothing. You need to understand that. I appreciate the thought but... Is this your number? No that's my work number. I'm not home very often. right. and then I can't get to the phone. I'll call you next week. right? Mmm hmm. Absolutely. And this is just between you and I. Yeah. See you later. Umm....hey... What's your...what's your name? but what's your last name? Jim.... No last names. Let's keep it simple. OK. Simple is good. Jim! Jim! Jim are you going to tell me what the hell yesterday was all about? Anna? You know...what I'm talking about! What the hell am I supposed to think? I really apologize... I... I was a little aggressive. Oh god you're dense! You should be apologizing for stopping. You know... [phone rings] Hey Barbara. Umm... I was wondering when you were going to... Sure. Hi Barbara. I don't smoke. This isn't so bad. expected something bad? Most guys who live alone are pretty messy. I like it clean. Like to read? Yeah I like to read. Do you like to read? Can I get you something to drink? Yeah. What do you have? I've got mineral water orange juice rice milk. Do you have any wine or vodka? Umm... Or smoke. No... I don't smoke either. I'm allergic to smoke. So.... Do you have a boyfriend or a husband? Jim... let's keep it simple. It's better like that. Keep it simple stupid. So is this the field of battle? Umm...know I have something else in mind for tonight. Like what? I wanted to know if it would be OK if I tied you up? I wouldn't do it unless you wanted me to. OK. No rough stuff though. OK? No... I mean I never would even think... No. OK. Like a hundred dollars? Is that OK? Whew...that doesn't leave me much for the week. Huh... How about $150 then? A hundred fifty will work. You wanna get undressed? No actually... I'd like to go somewhere else that I like better. Alright. Like what? your step. So this is my little shed. What's all this stuff about? Most of this is stuff... I buy a lot of stuff off the internet. It's kind of cool. Like this is a whip.'s not really a whip. It just makes a lot of noise. So when you snap it... OK. [Laughs] That could put an eye out. Patent leather.... That's pretty. it's kind of nice. And it doesn't hurt that much. Well should I pull my pants down? Yeah if you want. That's a neat tattoo. [whack] Does that hurt? No. Well actually OK that... Aren't you supposed to rub it a little today...yeah. It's all pink. Yeah. Nothing's too tight. it's fine. I don't want to hurt you. I got this thing for your mouth. Is that OK? Umm...can you spread your legs a little? You have...really nice boobs. Face up towards me. That hurt? About that? OK... Stick your tongue out. That's a girl. Stick your tongue out. Stick it out. Keep it out. That's a girl. Get it nice and wet so we can stick it in that pretty pussy. Keep it in there. Sorry. I want it. Spread your legs. Spread 'em. Shouldn't blame you. You'll be alright when you grow up. grow up"? Just what I said. Mentally. Sorry. It's even worse now. Amy's gone. Amy's gone? I thought she just took a couple of days off. No. They moved her upstairs to some forward position. She wanted to be moved. Umm.... Do you know why? Probably got sick of it down here. Boring work. Boring guys. You know. Oh come on now. You're boring but not that boring. What brings you down here? Hi Jim. Hi Amy. [phone rings] You may wanna get that. It's probably Barbara. So how are things up there in the sunlight? I like it. Yeah. Tonight would be great. OK. Hi Barbara. Remember how you said you could tie yourself up? Sit down. Work your magic. Umm... I use different rope than this. Just try... [Laughing] This is Helen. She's shy. Seeing you happy kind of made me jealous. Jim... Simple! Remember? Simple is good. Right? Yeah. I need $200 for tonight. $200? yeah. I didn't get to participate. Hold on. Here you go. Thank you. I'll see you later. I'll call you. Umm... Barbara? I need you. Don't need me too much Jim. I can't help it. Jim...[sighs] Get real! Do you think this is gonna last forever?'re a grown man. You've got your life... I've got mine. I can't accept that. you're going to have to accept that. OK. That's the way it is. OK? Umm... You'll call me right? I call too much. But you know what Barbara? you don't tell someone you're gonna call and let them sit there for a week. right? OK. Thanks. this is my home! I've always wanted a baby and now I've managed to adopt and you're not gonna fuck that up for me! I live for that little guy. Do you know how much it costs to adopt a child? No... We just have to be more careful. Jim. You're the only person that's ever cared for me. You never let them. You need me because I'm nice and easy and safe. I do things. And you pay me. Then why do I hurt so bad right now? Welcome to the club. That's the price of admission life hurts. I mean you're a good-looking guy. You're not nearly as weird as you think you are. You just need to realize that. And you need to get out there. Things could be really different for you. And get hurt? It's gonna hurt but they'll be a lot of wonderful things too. Wonderful moments... like this? This is great! No. Please stop this - Bring me more wine - You've had enough More wine! Head chief - Chief Jang - Yes - I look foolish, don't I? - No It burns me up inside... It burns me up inside so much... No matter how much I drink, I can't get any relief What can I drink...? What should I drink to quench this burning? - What do you want? - Yes? The master is looking for the head chief You're excused - You're excused! - Yes Don't breathe a word of this to the master Yes - Just what is going on? - Well... He's completely drunk Pick a few good-looking girls from the ones we brought from Dangsa Island - Why? - Don't question my every order! I'm going to send them to Head Chief Yum Moon Don't you know he doesn't even look at women? You'll only get beat up You just stay out of it It's none of your business if I get beat up See, you're no match for me No man would say no to women He only stays away from them because of Lady Jung-hwa But it's been years since she disappeared You can live without a woman for two years? - I can't - Neither can I Yum Moon must miss women too You should take care of these things for your boss See if you can find one who looks like Lady Jung-hwa And bring one who looks just like her Yes If you bring someone that's your type, you'll hear from me Okay! - Get moving - Okay! Hurry He's good for nothing Where is Yum Moon? He's gone out to patrol the neighboring islands I hear he's wasting his days with wine What is going on? What is going on with Yum Moon? He's been restless since he came back from the meeting with Madam Jami Do you know what happened at the meeting? You may leave Yum Moon has a soft spot for Jung-hwa He'd never attack Jung-hwa's merchant ship Have you no idea how ugly a man's jealousy can be? If I use Yum Moon, I can get rid of Jung-hwa and Jang Bogo without getting my hands dirty Just wait and see lt'll be an interesting fight Someone must be backing her for Jung-hwa to have established herself in such a short time - Find out who it is - Yes, madam Our delivery date to the imperial city has been delayed We'll load the cargo a month later Yes, sir It seems your ship is much too old for the journey The Shinji waters are very rough Pirate attacks aside, you can't make it through the Shinji waters with a ship like this We have only recently established ourselves in Mujinju We have yet to hire any shipbuilders Don't worry about that Captain Jang has many skilled shipbuilders I'll send a few to repair your ship Thank you I'll leave a lieutenant behind in Mujinju Send him word if you need any assistance What are little girls doing at your place of business? They're orphans who lost their parents to famine Our master takes care of them So you can send them as Mistresses to the nobles in the imperial city later? - No, they are learning Chinese - Chinese? Our master intends to bring them up as merchants In order to trade with China, one must learn Chinese I will be of help to you if you intend to trade with China If the situation permits, I would like to meet with your master I'll relay the message What does the phrase mean? It means to put the good of others before my own - Kook-hee - Yes Will you count in Chinese? One... Two... Three... Five... Very good I hear you're staying up late to study? Yes, I want to learn Chinese and visit China soon - That'll be all for the day - Yes, my lady - Let's go - Yes My lady What is it? A merchant from China wishes to meet with you This is our master I am Moo-chung, a merchant from Shandong What do you want? I believe you have difficulties securing goods from China since you have no trade rights with China We'll be your supplier - Are you suggesting smuggling? - That's right We do not engage in illegal activities Leave This is... It's a letter from our head chief I believe you're competing with Madam Jami's group If you wish to defeat her, you should meet with our head chief I'll go to Dukjin Harbor now - Get ready - Yes, my lady Our head chief is expecting you - Stay here - My lady Do not worry Head Chief, she is here Please go inside It has been a long time I made an offer to trade because I was afraid you wouldn't come if you knew it was me Your welfare has weighed heavy on my heart I'm glad you have recovered You have also changed much You have already built a business strong enough to threaten Madam Jami? I hear you suggested smuggling I would secure a stable supply of Chinese goods if I accepted your offer, but I won't accept it I'll do business my way even if it takes me longer I hear that Captain Jang came back to Shilla, and you've entrusted him with escorting your merchant ship Have you kept in touch with Captain Jang all this time? I... I have discarded all my old relationships I have done what I came to do Goodbye I... Do you know how I've survived the past few years? The fact that I couldn't protect you... I was tortured by that guilt I can't let you go, now that I know you're alive Please... Do not let me hurt you any longer You must forget me Do you know how I've survived the past few years? I was captured by bandits at Yusan Harbor, and was taken to Chang'an as a slave I was sold to a brothel... In despair, I tried to kill myself But I was saved by the grace of a Shilla man I have decided on my path... And I can't serve you Your path is to become a shadow of Captain Jang for the rest of your life? I'm a merchant and... I'm only doing business with people that share the same values as me I'll be leaving My lady They are to escort the merchant ship I selected the most skilled officers We excluded those who couldn't fare well at sea What happened to the shipbuilders we sent to Mujinju? They must be repairing the ship We have also built a new chaser ship It's being prepared for launch at Chunghae Harbor I'll inspect the ship myself Get ready to patrol the Palgeum waters Yes, sir - Captain - What is it? We caught a spy On him, we found a detailed map showing Chunghae naval bases and our base Who are you working for? Confess! Who are you working for? Even torture has failed to open his mouth He must be a pirate We'll spare your life if you talk How can I trust you? I'll die anyway Just kill me now If they're trying to learn the location of naval bases, the pirates could be planning to attack Chunghae They know we'll be escorting a merchant ship from Mujinju We can't guarantee our safety if our force is divided If Chunghae is attacked by pirates, all our efforts will have been in vain We must come up with a plan Chunghae is not their target Their target is the merchant ship We'll escort the merchant ship as planned I'll discuss the defense of Chunghae with the governor Tighten the security around the harbor with the remaining officers Yes, sir Pass Pass - What are you thinking about? - I know I've seen her before Who? It's her Lady Jung-hwa I saw Lady Jung-hwa at Chunghae Harbor Snap out of it Are you seeing things now? I'm sure of it If Lady Jung-hwa were in Chunghae, she would surely know we're in Chunghae and if she did, she'd have come to see Captain Jang by now Forget this nonsense By the way, for this mission you should stay behind Lieutenant I can't stand to see you get hurt again I'll wipe out the pirates You stay with Lady Chae-ryung - I can't do that - What? Women are entitled to have goals too I came to Chunghae to wipe out pirates, and I'll do my duty You'd better listen to me If you don't, we're through That won't stop me So stubborn You know my parents were killed by pirates, don't you? Yes I know you're worried about me But if I don't avenge their deaths with my own hands, - I'll never rest easy - I know how you feel, but I'm worried you'll be in danger You should stay by my side at all times during the mission, - Okay? - Okay - What are you doing here? - Lady Jung-hwa is here Have you been well, my lord? I hear you have frequent outings Are you enjoying your stay in Chunghae? I understand now why you recommended Chunghae to me I have just arrived here, but I have already forgotten everything in the imperial city I heard you have entrusted Jang Bogo with the escort of your ship - Have you met him yet? - No, I have not You entrusted him with such an important task without having even met him? I have known Captain Jang very well for a long time I have worked as Madam Jami's chief in Yangzhou I know Captain Jang from the Sul Pyong Group What is your opinion of him? Do you think I can trust him? But you have already begun to trust him You're reading me like a book The merchant ship will leave Dukjin Harbor, and pass through Palgeum and Sadang waters Where will you attack them? I'll attack them on land, not at sea Attack them on land? What do you mean? Jang Bogo will be well prepared for a naval attack First, we'll attack the ship while it is passing through Sadang waters, and lure them ashore Then we'll ambush them from both land and sea It is the best strategy for suppressing them, and seizing their goods instantly But the strength of Jang Bogo's men in land battles was well proven in the Wu Ning Jun As you know, our men are helpless on land Jang Bogo also has skilled navigators and a navy We can inflict damage on them in a naval battle, but we can't wipe them out This is our chance to get rid of Jang Bogo, and suppress the Sul Pyong Group Can you do it? I'll personally select and train men for this mission Please have faith in me He's the leader of the Yumcha pirate gang This is Head Chief Yum Moon I'm Man-chool You must know why I am here If you prove your skills to me, you'll be at the vanguard of our attack, and the spoils of war will go to you You, You And you Take them to headquarters The rest are useless Even the few selected men will be no match for Jang Bogo's men in land battles Kneel! You have a death wish? Do you know who this is? How dare you glare at him? Who put you up to this? Head Chief - Do you know who this is? - Yes He served Hyo-baek before you conquered the island Were you trying to avenge your master? - Kill me - I'll slay him - Stand back - Head Chief Madam, Chief Kwon will accept your offer You have made a wise decision I heard you worked very closely with Jung-hwa - Is that right? - Yes Then you must know how she built her group She is a great businesswoman, and all the chiefs obey her every word Great business acumen alone couldn't have caused her business to expand this rapidly Someone must be watching her back Who is it? Tell me It is the former regent... Lord Kim Woo-jing - How does Jung-hwa know him? - We don't know how but when he came to Mujinju recently, the regent had a visit with Lady Jung-hwa No matter how I pondered, I couldn't understand Why Kim Woo-jing was going to Chunghae Now I understand Jung-hwa's father served as the Chunghae governor once He must trust her deeply if he'd take her advice and go to Chunghae The regent wasn't very friendly toward you If the regent is sponsoring her, she'll be a big threat to you - Captain, it's me, Tae-bong - Come in What is it? The minister of the military is here My lord, what a surprise this is Have you been well? Yes, and I owe it all to you What brings you to Mujinju? I have come to deliver a royal command His Majesty has ordered the former regent to return to the imperial city But he has retired from his post His Majesty has complete trust in Kim Woo-jing I believe your relationship with Kim Woo-jing is less than amicable Yet he has sent you with his message? What did the inspector general say about this? He was hesitant to bring Kim Woo-jing back to the imperial city, but he couldn't disobey His Majesty His majesty intends to appoint him as the regent again I came to Mujinju not to deliver the royal command, but to get rid of Kim Woo-jing If Kim Woo-jing becomes the regent, Jung-hwa will be a bigger threat to you You must put a stop to it Send a message to Master Yi Let him down Will you come under my command? Answer him! - Tie him up again - Yes, sir He holds a deep grudge against you Why do you spare him when you can slay him? If he came under my command willingly, I'd have killed him by now Will you really make him one of your subordinates? He's skilled in the martial arts If I can make him my man, he'll be a great asset to me Head Chief - What is it? - The master is looking for you You were looking for me? I need you to go to Mujinju What is it? Madam Jami wants to meet with you. Since you saved my life in Yangzhou years ago, I'll come to your aid this time I'll take care of Kim Woo-jing - Do you have a plan? - Leave it to me His Majesty has commanded that he return to the imperial city as soon as possible How could a dead man return to the imperial city? You have not heard or seen anything I have faith in you If anything goes wrong, we won't escape harm How could you accomplish anything with such a faint heart? If this goes well, you'll win the trust of the inspector general Do you mean to waste this valuable opportunity? I'm sorry I plan to let Yum Moon take care of this matter - He is in Shilla? - Yes. As you must know, Jang Bogo has set up a base in Chunghae in preparation for suppressing pirates It won't be easy to get into Chunghae when the security along the shore and harbor must've been tightened You only need to help Yum Moon get into Chunghae Yes, madam I need to ask you something Have you heard any news of Jung-hwa? - Have you? - No Jung-hwa is in Mujinju She has become the head of a merchant group, and is invading my share of the market That can't be. Jung-hwa couldn't do that to you Ask her yourself why she's doing this The reason I must get rid of Kim Woo-jing is because he's the one backing Jung-hwa I... I will never forgive Jung-hwa Since I know you had feelings for Jung-hwa, I was worried you'd reject my offer Even if it weren't for your proposition, I must kill Jang Bogo with my own hands someday Even if Jang Bogo was escorting your merchant ship, I'd have attacked the ship Are the preparations for the mission going well? We're doing all we can You needn't worry There is something else you must do for me before you get rid of Jang Bogo You must know how Jang Bogo managed to stay in Shilla instead of returning to China, don't you? I hear that the former regent, Kim Woo-jing helped him His Majesty intends to bring him back to the imperial city and reappoint him as the regent If Kim Woo-jing becomes the regent, Jang Bogo will gain an even more powerful ally Kim Woo-jing is a source of trouble for you and me both You should get rid of Kim Woo-jing Father! What? Have you seen a ghost or something? - Yes, I saw a ghost - What are you saying? - Are you sure it was Yum Moon? - Yes, I'm sure it was Yum Moon Yon told me, Yum Moon jumped to his death off a cliff So how could a dead man come back alive? You must've seen a ghost Madam Jami met with Joong-dal days ago, and now she met with Yum Moon They must be up to no good again You didn't see anything You didn't see Joong-dal or Yum Moon - Okay? - But I saw them I think I have to go to Chunghae - Why? - I have to let Captain Jang know Can you make up an excuse for me to go to Chunghae? You have a death wish? Soon-jong, please let us lead a quiet life I don't want for anything else I just want our family to be warm and fed So please let us live quietly, okay, my boy? I don't care even if you don't help me I'll go to Chunghae Let Madam Jami find out She can only kill me How could you say that? You're a father now! - So you have to help me - Why, you! What did she want with you? She told me to assassinate Kim Woo-jing Kim Woo-jing? You mean the former regent? The king intends to reappoint him as the regent The king has no heir, Kim Woo-jing is a royal descendant who could become the next king when the king dies He is fighting for the throne with the inspector general, who Madam Jami is supporting Kim Woo-jing left the imperial city to avoid the political battle Master, we must reject her proposition We could lose everything we worked so hard for if we get involved in the political strife We have joined hands with Madam Jami for our grand scheme, but we need not do such things You need not do it if you don't want to - I'll do it - Head Chief Jang Bogo will gain more power if Kim Woo-jing becomes the regent We must get rid of him I'll give you a chance to get your revenge - Give him a sword - Head Chief I won't hold a sword Get your revenge If you don't want to submit to my command, you may leave this place You have done well I couldn't understand why you had set up a base in Chunghae, but now that I'm here, I understand This place is a perfect stronghold It's the perfect place to connect Japan and China What is the progress on your plans to suppress the pirates? Pirates in the Jinwol area have unified a dozen smaller pirate gangs, and become the dominant power I plan to first suppress the smaller pirate gangs under their command, and then attack the Jinwol pirates How does it feel to have returned home? I'd say this must be a triumphant homecoming for you I haven't done anything for Chunghae yet I remember the time you stowed away on my ship, asking me to take you to China You were a bold and insolent child, but you had spirit in your eyes China must have been a land of opportunity for you then, but you will realize your dreams in Chungae Wipe out those pirates who stand in your way, and establish our foundation here as soon as possible Yes, Master I plan to build an inn near the harbor - An inn? - Yes Chunghae will soon become the port-of-call for merchant ships from Japan and China They will rest and get their supplies here We must prepare for that by building a large inn Why don't we invest equally in that inn? Fine Madam Jami hasn't tried to thwart you? The ploy of Madam Jami and the Mujinju governor posed a great threat, but we have overcome it with the aid of Lord Kim Woo-jing, the former regent If he was the regent, then he is the most powerful man next to the king Yes And for what reason has he come to our aid? He didn't want anything in return He is residing in Chunghae now You should meet with him if opportunity permits Did you say Master Sul Pyong? Yes, I heard he's the biggest merchant in Yangzhou - Do you know him? - Yes He just arrived and he's meeting with Captain Jang It seems Captain Jang has set up his base in Chunghae for reasons other than just suppressing pirates They will establish their group's base in Chunghae Shouldn't they choose Dukjin Harbor for their base, since it's closer to Mujinju? Chunghae satisfies all the conditions for merchant ships from Japan and China to make it their port-of-call When Captain Jang establishes his base in Chunghae, it'll become even more prosperous than Dukjin Harbor That is why I'm planning to build an inn here - Did you have any luck fishing? - No fish will indulge me I saw a Chinese merchant ship in the harbor Master Sul Pyong of the Yangzhou merchant group is here - Sul Pyong? - Yes he is the most successful Shilla merchant in China Then I must meet with him - Arrange a meeting. - Yes, my lord Stop there I haven't seen you before Where are you from? - Yon! - Soon-jong What brings you to Chunghae? - Where is Captain Jang? - Why? What happened? I have to tell him something important - Yum Moon is really alive? - I'm sure of it I saw him meeting with Madam Jami with my own eyes Why was he meeting with Madam Jami? I wouldn't know An important minister is staying in Mujinju now Yum Moon came right after she met the minister with the Mujinju governor They must be up to something I must meet with the regent Captain What is it? Harbor patrol officers were killed by unidentified men - Did you have a nice outing? - Yes Why are you waiting out in the cold? Let's go inside My lord, watch out! Jung-hwa! Who's there! Is anyone there? Wake up Wake up! How is she? Wake up! Wake up! Failed? Is it because of Jung-hwa? Did you have a change of heart when you saw her? You have a death wish...? No You don't know who was wounded by the dagger, do you? Why are you only telling us this now? It deeply upsets me... to know that there will never be any place for me The sea belongs to you and I Madam Jami and the minister must have plotted your assassination. (PANTING) (BOTH MOANING) Oh, God. Well, what the hell happened? - We're an old married couple. - Mmm-hmm. (BOTH LAUGHING) Was it the pot? I don't think so, because we brought it with us from New York. - Yeah. - It's the same. What was that... What was that old movie? (LAUGHING) You know, Blame it on Rio. It has to be that, it has to be that. You got to feel my heart. (LAUGHS) Are you going to make it till dinnertime? After dinnertime. Oh, God. God, I'd love to live like this. Yeah. I'm willing, if you have enough money to stay in Brazil for the rest of our lives. I'll think about it. Okay. Do you think that's it, being away? - Yeah. - Yeah. Hey, babe. Where did you go? Don't do this to yourself. Everything is wonderful. Everything is wonderful. Mmm-hmm. Yeah. I don't feel like such a fuck-up when I'm here, that's all. NANETTE: Good luck. CHARLES: See you in a bit. I love you. (DOOR OPENING) Okay. Don't touch anything. Don't say anything. Back up. Turn off the lights. Turn them off. Are you... Don't even think about the buzzer. Get in the corner. Is the cash in here? Open it up. Open it up! Quicker. Get over here. Get over here. You want me to fucking shoot you? Open it up. Open it up. Get over in the corner. Get over in the corner. Keep your hands down. Keep your fucking hands down. All right? Come over here. Get over here so I can see you. Come over here. Stand at the corner. Come over here. Put your hands down. Put your hands down. Oh, shit! Is this all you got in here? I'm watching... Stay away from the fucking buzzer, all right. Fucking shit, it's all she... Get back in your corner. Get back in your fucking... Get back in your corner! All right, keep your hands down by your side, all right. I'm watching you. I will shoot you, all right. I'll fucking shoot you in a second. This is all shit. Diamonds. Where's the fucking keys for this case? Where's the... Where are the keys for this case? - In the drawer. - Shut up, all right. These are them? Don't fucking move, all right. Don't move. What, are they all the same? Are they? Fucking stupid bitch. I'm watching you. Which fucking key... Which fucking... This is bullshit! What the fuck is up... What type of glass is this... Fuck is up with this glass? Fuck this... Bullshit. Fuck this... (GROANS) Fuck, no. Fuck you, you motherfucking stupid fuck. (GROANING) Fuck. (GROANING CONTINUES) My gun. (TIRES SCREECHING) Fuck! Andy! Hank, you're so stupid! Fucking Andy! Shit. (ALL CHEERING) (CHANTING) Hey, two for four. You're batting.500. No, Dad, the second one was an air... - No, no. It was a perfectly placed bunt. - Good game, sweetheart. - Good game. - VENDOR: How many you got? Yeah, who's going to want seconds? Uncle Andy, can I have another hot dog? Yeah, the way you played today, I'll buy you the whole stand. No, her mother doesn't want her eating junk, all right? That's not junk, that's all right. That's a hot dog, right, honey? What do I owe you? ANDY: Hey, Hank, your money is no good here. No, I got it, okay. - I got it. - You sure? - That was a good game. - Yeah. Hey, give me a kiss. Give me a kiss. - All right. I'll see you next weekend? - I love you. All right, be good. Here's your ball. - You didn't feed her junk, did you? - No, of course not. I don't want her to develop bad eating habits. - She looks puffy. - She doesn't look puffy, all right. - You look puffy. - Fuck you. - She wore sun block? - It was cloudy, Martha. There are rays, Hank. Hey, you got my money? Oh, Christ, Martha. Do you have any idea what that school is costing me? You're the one who wanted to send her there. Yeah, because it is a damn good school and she wanted to go there. - You owe me three months. - I don't owe you. - I owe Danielle. - Don't get semantic. - Bye. - April, May and June. (ROCK MUSIC PLAYING) No, I promise, all right. What's up, Hank? Piece of shit! Fuck you. All right. Can I borrow your cell phone? I don't have one. - Just... - It's brain cancer. There's a pay phone - over there by the bathroom. - No, it can wait. What's happening with you? I used to think you had the world by the balls. Now, I'm not sure if you even got any. I got them when I need them, all right? Yeah. Yeah, smart and funny. What I always admired about you, your wit. - You're a prick, Andy. - I always was. - So, let's see if there're any left. - What? Cojones. Well, you need money. So do I. Let's solve it. - What are you talking about? - Well, there's a place we can knock off. Know it like the back of our hand. Easiest money you'll ever get. What are you saying? It's worth about 600 grand. And it's insured, so it's a victimless crime. I offer that in case your faggoty little conscience bothers you. I weigh it off on 20 cents on the dollar. That's 60 grand each. Give or take. I can't believe this is you that's talking. Believe it. So, it's safe, nobody gets hurt, everybody wins. It's perfect. Why? What do... - Do you need money? - Of course, I need money. But this is... This is serious crime, Andy. I'm not a serious crime kind of a guy. I got a kid... You've got shit. You have a whole lot of shit. You said so yourself. All the time. Every day. You know what? It's not as serious as you might think. You're my little brother. Now, trust me. God, Andy. That's why you called me up? That's why you wanted to spend the night together, - talk me into something crazy? - That's why I called you up. (LAUGHING) Talk you into something crazy. Well, what's the place? No, not another word till you commit. Fuck. It's all right. So, how's the wife? (INCOHERENT CHATTERING) Hey, Hank. Hey, I got an appointment. - I'll be back in a few, all right. - Of course, you will. It's Thursday. - You're early. - Well... You know my days are so busy. Just tell me that you'll think about it. But I thought about it already. And I came to the conclusion that you're crazy. I'm going to go where with you? I mean, you've got child support. You've got Danielle's school, you've got the rent... (GROANING) - The mortgage... - Come on.'re up to your ears in debt, Hank. - I can solve all that. I know I can. When are you going to grow up, Hank? We have a really good thing going, and you should just enjoy it. We have a really good time in bed. I don't ask for anything. I love you. I want more. So does Oliver Twist. Can I help you to seconds? Or do you really, really, really have to get back? Huh? "The weight of this sad time we must obey. "Speak what we feel and not what we ought to say. "The oldest hath borne most. "We that are young shall never see so much, "nor live so long." HANK: (WHOOPING) Bravo! Bravo! (CHEERING) You were great. I'm so proud of you. You were wonderful. Grandpa and I thought you were wonderful. Excuse me, I'm sorry. It's just... I have to have your autograph. - Dad. No. - What, you were incredible. - No, stop it. - What? - I messed up some of my lines. - No, you didn't. I didn't notice. - Did you notice? - I didn't notice at all. Honey, you were great. What? Mom, can I go see The Lion King this weekend? - There's a class trip, everyone's going. - Did you ask your father? - Can I, Dad? - Yeah, sure. I got some money. Well, it's $130. But we're staying overnight and that includes hotel and everything. Okay, great. Yeah. (PHONE RINGS) - Yeah. - Hey, man. Can I talk to you? - AND Y. ; Where are you? - I'm down the hall, by the coffee. - How about my office, 30 seconds? - HANK. ; All right. Hank, the super at 111 Riverside says the boiler's really kaput. He needs you to... Hello? So? - That place that you were talking about. - What place? - The one that we were going to... - To knock off? Yeah. To rob? You say it. Tell me about it. I'm not going to tell you about it until you say you're in and once you say it, there's no way out. I'm in. Let me see your hands. - Just say it again, "I'm in." - What're you talking about? Just say it again, "I'm in." I'm in. (BOTH LAUGHING) What? I just wanted to see if you were pulling any of that chickenshit baby stuff like when we were kids, you know, "It doesn't count. I had my fingers crossed." I'm in. What're we doing? - And when? - It's a jewelry store. - Does this ring a bell? - No. What if I tell you it's got a Foot Locker on one side and a Claire's Accessories on the other. Yeah, that's right. You got it. Now, listen. We don't want Tiffany's. We want a Mom and Pop operation, in a busy place, on a Saturday when the week's takes go in the safe. We both worked there. We know the safe combinations. We know the burglar alarm signals. We know where everything is. I figure, between the week's take, the jewelry and the cases, the vault, there's a $500,000 haul. I figure probably six. That old dumb old lady that works there, she's alone till noon. She's not going to be a problem. Andy. Yeah? That's Mom and Dad's store. That's what I said. A Mom and Pop operation. - You can't do that. - Yeah, we can. Think about it. It's perfect. It's perfect. In and out in a minute. Insurance takes care of Mom and Dad, so they're not hurt. Right? No one's going to give a shit. After a week the cops - will put it in the back of the filing cabinet. - Jesus, Andy. I... Why did you even want me in on this? Well, it'll solve everything for both of us. What has to be solved for you? Same as you. I need money. I'm going to start over again. What do you mean? What the fuck kind of... It's none of your business. I just want out. I just want to... That's all. I'm getting out, I want to help my little brother. Come on. Yeah. No, I don't think I can do this. I don't think I can... Yeah, you can. Yeah, you can. I just... That's $2,000. It's an advance. See what just that much does for you. And, imagine the rest. HANK: Five, six, seven, eight, nine hundred dollars. You still owe me May and June. Yeah, Monday. All right. Everything on Monday. - That's what I said. - Such a loser. You're such a fucking loser. I come over here with $900. - Yeah, well, if it was for me, maybe. - And I'm the fucking... All right. - May and June, asshole. - Bye, bye, bye. Danielle, dinner. No, please don't put me on... Jesus. - Yo, Bobby. - What's going on? - Hey, here, let me buy you a drink. - I'm working. - I ain't loaning you no more money. - No, come on, man. I'm flush. - You don't exactly... - Yeah, something like that. Look, you just... If you're free tomorrow morning, I got a proposition for you. - Later. - All right. - What if there is a security guard? - There isn't. - Why? - No, it's a Mom and Pop place. Who ever heard of a Mom and Pop jewelry store? - What the fuck is that? - It's in the suburbs, all right. It's not in the city. I don't know. We drive out there, we check it out, if anything looks off, you know, we just drive away. We say, "Fuck it," we drive our happy asses home and I keep the money anyway. Yeah, fine. You keep the money anyway. - Hanson? - Yeah, that's me. All right. - Yeah. - Bobby, for Christ's sakes, - Bobby, we got to go. - Just come on in. I just got to throw on some clothes. It'll only take a second. We got to go. - (SHUSHING) Just give me a second. - God damn it. Jesus Christ, Bobby, it's so fucking early. Boo wakes up, you fucking sit up with him. - I told you it was work. - I don't give a fuck what it is. Chris ain't used to getting up this early. Oh, Christ. Come on, babe. Here. - Thank you, baby. - Yeah, just keep it down, okay? You wake Boo up, I'll kick your ass. - All right. - Yours, too. All right. Come on. All right, let's do it. (MUSIC PLAYING ON RADIO) - BOBBY: Are we there? - No. All right. (LAUGHS) Who the fuck are you supposed to be? Look, I used to work there, all right. I used to work there and I can't take a chance on being recognized. Don't... Look... (BOBBY LAUGHING) - You ain't never done this before, huh? - Yeah, so? I got to tell you something, you look like a fucking asshole. - Yeah, all right, look... - I'm going to do this on my own. - Really? - You do the driving, I do the thing, all right. - What if you need help? - I got all the help I need. There's no shooting. - I ain't looking for it. - There's no shooting. - You do the driving. - Hey. - I do the thing. - No shooting. You ain't got the balls to do the thing. I got the balls - and I got a gun. That's the deal. - Listen, no shooting. - Or else I'm leaving right now. - Hey, no! Just no shooting, okay? (FOLK MUSIC PLAYING ON RADIO) Okay. Ten more minutes. (HEAVY METAL MUSIC PLAYING ON RADIO) What the fuck is this? You can listen to that faggoty shit all the way home. Right now, I got to get into character. - Right? - Okay. (HEAVY METAL MUSIC CONTINUES) Okay. This is it. You ready? Car out front. Door open. I jump back in. You take off. - Simple as a pimple, all right. - Right. - Right? - Right. - Let's do it. - All right. (HEAVY MEATAL MUSIC CONTINUES) (FOLK MUSIC PLAYING ON RADIO) (GUN FIRES) (GUN FIRE CONTINUES) (PANTING) Yes, hi, hello. Is Andrew Hanson available, please? Uh... Mooney. Mooney. Okay, yeah, tell him it's Mooney. (PHONE RINGS) - Yeah. - WOMAN. ; There's a Mr. Mooney on line two. - He sounds like some nut case. - Okay. - But... - All right, I'll take it. It just came apart, Andy. HANK. ; Oh, my God, Andy. What the fuck am I gonna do? No, honey, no, don't worry. It's just some mistake. It's either the bank's or mine. Maybe I didn't put enough money in the joint account. Yeah. No. Listen, don't worry. Of course, we have the cash. I'll call, I'll take care of it. Okay? Yes, okay? (KNOCKING ON DOOR) - Andy? - Yeah. Yeah. We're waiting for you in the conference room. Okay, I'll be right in. Jesus. Okay, next. The auditors. Some of you guys might have heard, we're getting hit with an IRS audit. The auditors will be here on Monday. They'll spend a day or two with each department. On Monday, they'll start with payroll, so you're up first, Andy. Great. Great. No problem. MAN: How are you doing today, sir? Thanks a lot. (DOORBELL RINGING) (TV BLARING) Hungry? Have a drink. Right, tonic water. You know, the thing about real estate accounting is that you can, you can head down the page or across the page, and everything works out. So, every day, everything adds up. Well, the total is always the sum of its parts. It's clean, it's clear, neat, absolute. But my life, it... It doesn't add up. It's... Nothing connects to anything else. It's... I'm not the sum of my parts. All of my parts don't add up to one... To one me, I guess. Get a shrink or a wife. - I got a wife. - Get a shrink. Excuse me. Sorry. Was it me, honey? What difference does it make? It's another strikeout. I swear it would make a lot of difference. - You're all I want. - Yeah, well... I'm a lousy cook. The house looks like shit. I'm a lousy lay, I don't know why you wanna keep me. You weren't in Rio. I wasn't what? Lousy lay. Well, like you said, just blame it on Rio. Suppose I could get us back there. What? Rio. - To live? - Absolutely. - You're just crazy. Crazy. - No. It's not crazy. The real estate market's booming in Rio. There's a lot of new money. And they're going to want the same as Europeans, Arabs, everybody wants real estate in New York, in America and I know the market here. You don't even speak the language. I'll fucking learn it. Jesus Christ. You know when... When you met me, my biggest prospect was inheriting a Mom and Pop jewelry store in a fucking shopping mall in Westchester. Now, I know it's not Trump Plaza, and... But just take a look at how we're living now. Now, I took that lousy job in that, that real estate office, I was practically a fucking gofer, and I'm pulling down six figures now. I'm smart. I know the angles. - Yeah. - Yeah. I bet you do. What the hell is that supposed to mean? Well, because there is no extradition agreement between Brazil and the United States. How the... How the hell do you know that? I saw it in a movie. (LAUGHING) Yeah, I guess I saw the same movie. So, what are you thinking? What are you thinking? What are you thinking? What are you thinking? Don't ask, don't tell. I just want us to get back there. I've seen Heaven, Gina, it's a nice place to stay. - Okay? All right? - Uh-huh. - What language do they speak there? - Portuguese. I speak a little Spanish. (LAUGHS) That's... I'm sorry, sweetheart, that's not the same language. - Yes, it is. - I'm sorry, it's not. - Yes, it is. Yes, it is. - No. - Yes, it is. - Como se llama? - Me llamo... - Como? Me llamo... Gina. (ELECTRONIC BUZZING) Why'd you come to me? I know you from way back, I know what you do. You're a cop. No, I'm not a cop, I just want to make sure you're still around. I'll bring you what I've got soon, either you take it or you don't. But I know you will. You could work for the cops. Check me out. I'll be back. (ELECTRONIC BUZZING) That's $2,000. It's an advance. See what just that much does for you, and imagine the rest. (LAUGHING) - Yeah, so how do we start? Oh, fuck. - It's not we, you. Me? What the hell do I know about robbing a jewelry store? You'll learn it there. On-the-job training, you know. Cut it out, man, this is serious. You know, I'm serious as a heart attack. Listen, number one, I can't... - I can't go up to the mall. - Why not? Oh God, three months ago, I had to walk the whole goddamn area with a Home Depot representative, 'Cause they were thinking of buying up a lot of space. We own a lot of land in the mall, and I'm getting a lot of big handshakes. "Andy, baby, how are you? "I haven't seen you in so long since you left." And telling me all that bullshit because they figure I'm making a killing, because a big chain wants to buy them out. I'm saying someone's going to just recognize me too easy. So we postpone, just... Yeah, we could, you know, wait a year. I mean, I don't know about you, my problems are pressing. Jesus, Andy, I... Andy! - I wouldn't even know how to start, I mean. - Well, you can stop being a baby. - I'm not being a... - Yeah, you're being a baby. Get a gun. You get a toy gun in a kid's store. Right, that old lady that works on Saturday, what's her name? - Doris? - Yeah, Doris, Mom's friend. She's what, 60, 70? She's blind as a bat? Look at me. Blind as a bat. All right, those toy guns, they look so real, they fool cops all the time. All right, you go in at 8:00 a.m., just as she opens up. You put her old ass in the back room, you empty the vault, the cash, the trays and you dump it in a fucking sack. All right. You don't gotta be neat about it. Jesus, Andy, I don't know. I don't know, I don't... I... I don't know. Okay. Come on. You can do it. You can do it. Anybody can. - I just think... - I know, I know. It's too late to think. It's too late. This is our future. Okay. (PHONE RINGING) - Yeah. - WOMAN. ; There's a Mr. Mooney on line two. He sounds like some nut case. But... Okay, I got it. It just came apart, Andy. Oh, my God, Andy. HANK. ; What the fuck am I gonna do? HANK: Could he be in a different wing? If you just pipe down a second, sir, I'm trying to help you. - What are you doing here? - Keep quiet one minute. Dad called me, all right. I just got here. - This lady, she doesn't... - Look, Miss, our father... I got it. - I got it. I know, but you might... - I told him, we've got no Charles Hanson. Wait a minute, I got a Nanette Hanson. - What? - There's a Nanette Hanson. - Brought in about three hours ago. - What? Gunshot wounds. - Where is she? - Emergency ICU. Hey. Now. Hey, hold it. Wait, are you related? Sir? Are you? Dad? (SIGHING) She's unconscious. And they... She's... They... They say... MARTHA. ; So, how are you feeling? Yeah, I feel old. I've been studying all week, and I can't retain a thing. Come on, you're going to pass with flying colors, Dad. That's how I'm going to spend my birthday, taking that stupid test. Have you spoken to your brothers? Few weeks ago. CHARLES. ; Yeah? How are they? Busy. You know, Dad, Hank is Hank and Andy's Andy. No more cramming, birthday boy. It's the moment of truth. What time is Doris coming to the store? She said 12:00 at the latest. She has to baby-sit for her daughter. I'll pick you up right after my test. Come on, come on. All right, all right, all right. - Perfect score, Mr. Hanson. - Bingo! (LAUGHING) Congratulations. If you'll take this to Window C, they'll give you the eye test. I might not do so well on that one. - I've been studying hard, of course. Thanks. - All right. (CHATTER ON POLICE RADIO) That's my store! - What happened? What's happening? - POLICEMAN: Let's go! - Sir, sir, just stay behind the yellow line. - What's happening? - I want to know what's happening. - Behind the yellow line. - Where's my wife? Where's my wife? - Calm down. Please calm down. (HEART MONITOR BEEPING) I love you. There are more tests we can do, but from what we've seen so far, it's very unlikely. There's no brain activity. And statistically speaking, there's very little chance for recovery. ANDY: Why was Mom working? I thought she didn't work at the store anymore, that's what Katherine told me. Doris had to baby-sit, I had to get down to the DMV, get my eyes tested. Today's my birthday. Where's your brother? He... He says he can't take it. To let him know if... If he can help, but he just can't see her like that. He's 28 years old. He's a goddamn punk from Red Hook. Red Hook. What was he doing up here? What in the fucking world? What he... I mean, did he put a map on the wall and throw a dart? It's so absurd. It's so goddamn arbitrary. Why me? Why her? What was this goddamn kid doing? You belong in hell. Yeah. I understand. All right. Thank you. Look, it might be better if you call, make an appointment? Well, I'd rather wait. Please. Steve... Dad. You have to make a decision, Dad. The gun was bought in Texas. Stolen Texas driver's license, his ID, fake, the gun turns up in New York, a year later. - Mom needs you to make a decision, Dad. - Andy, just leave him alone. Well, something has to be done, he has to make a decision. Just leave him to his grief for one minute. - Mom is in the hands of Jesus. - Now, will you cut it out with that crap? You shouldn't push Dad to make a decision he doesn't wanna make. Well, he has to make a decision. Hey, Patrick. DOCTOR: We know it's difficult, Mr. Hanson. Let her go. Let her go. Let her go. PREIST: " Almighty and ever living God. "Remember the mercy with which you graced your daughter, Nanette, in this life. "Receive her, we pray, into the mansions of the saints. "As we make ready our sister's resting place "Look also with favor on those who mourn. "And comfort them in their loss. "Because God has chosen to call Nanette from this life, "commit her body to the earth, for we are dust and to dust we shall return." I'm so sorry for your loss. She was a wonderful person. - She was a wonderful woman. - Yes. - I'm so sorry. - You have my deepest condolences. She was a dear friend. So sorry for your loss, your mother was a good person. I'm so sorry. God bless you. There's no way I can make this scene, Andy. He was always such a baby. (CELL PHONE RINGING) Yeah. I can't really talk right now. I can't, I... I have to go. Andy needs me. (PHONE RINGING) POLICEMAN. ; 22nd precinct. Detective Barrett, please. Just a moment, sir. I'm sorry, he's not in right now. Is there anyone down there that knows anything about the Nanette Hanson case? - Who's speaking, please? - Charles Hanson, yeah. Just a moment, sir. Sergeant Sullivan. Yeah, good morning, Sergeant. I've been trying to reach Detective Barrett but he doesn't return my calls. Would you like to leave a message, sir? No, I wouldn't like to leave another message. Doesn't anyone down there give a damn? Doesn't anyone down there work for a living? Would you like to leave a message, sir? Don't you know how important this is to me? I know, I just... You know, I thought I was going to be able to work it out, but... But I couldn't get the money together, you know. All my friends think I'm going to be there, what am I going to tell them? You know, I mean, there's going to be other field trips. Not to The Lion King, there won't. Look, Dad, if you weren't going to pay for it, you should have just said so and saved me the humiliation of having to tell all my friends that you're a loser. (HANGS UP) (SIGHING) (ROCK MUSIC PLAYING) (PHONE RINGING) ON MACHINE. ; Hey, this is Hank. I must be out, so leave a message at the beep. (BEEPS) I know you're there. Pick up the phone. AND Y ON MACHINE. ; Pick up the phone. Pick up the fucking phone, you fucking faggot. - Andy, I'm here. - Where have you been? Here. I called in sick. And what the fuck were you doing with that fucking asshole? - I was scared, all right? - I didn't say anything about a fucking gun, God damn it. But we got to talk. Andy. Meet me at Mooney's. You still can't get by? To see Mom? - What am I going to say? - Don't say anything. - Who else knows? - Nobody. - You didn't tell anyone? - No. - No one saw you talking with Bobby? - No. All right. Nobody saw you here? No, come on, it was crowded, it was busy. No, no. - Did he rent the car with you? - Did he what? - Did he rent the fucking car with you? - No, no, no. All right, did you... - You picked him up? - Yeah. - At his house. - Did anyone see you there, at his house? - Did anyone see you at his house? - No, no. - Nobody saw you at the house? - No. Did you clean the car? Did you wipe the car down? - Did you wipe the floor? - Yeah, I totally... Totally, totally. - Did you leave anything in the car? - No, of course not. We're probably okay. If they don't connect the car to us, we're probably okay. That's what I was thinking. - Go back to work, totally normal. - Okay. I'm so sorry, Andy. I'm sorry. (GROANS) I don't think I can get through this. Shut up. - I loved her so much. - Just shut the fuck up. If he had to take somebody out, why couldn't it have been him? (ANSWERING MACHINE BEEPING) ELECTRONIC VOICE. ; One new message. This is Mike Steuben calling from Auto Rent for Mr. Henry Hanson. Mr. Hanson, you returned a car the other day. It seems you forgot some personal items in it. Please give me a call at 555-2649 and ask for Mike Steuben. Again, that number is 555-2649. Thank you. (BEEPS) ELECTRONIC VOICE. ; End of messages. Okay. God. Okay. (PHONE RINGING) ELECTRONIC VOICE. ; Hello, you've reached Auto Rent. Our office is currently closed. - Our business hours... - Fuck. Fuck! Okay. All right. It's okay, it's okay. Excuse me? That's right, sir. It's $255 plus tax. But for an additional $17, I could upgrade you to a luxury. Or, for... Yes. No, that's right, the mid-size is $255 plus tax. Unless you'd like to upgrade to an SUV, which I could offer you for 29... Excuse me, is Mike Steuben here? No, I know, I'm just looking for Mike. So, would you like to upgrade to the SUV? No, no. No, mid-size is fine, sir. No. Thank you for calling. I'm sorry. Good morning, how can I help you, sir? Yeah, I got a message from Mike Steuben. Apparently I left something in a vehicle that I returned last Saturday. I think it was a CD. Oh, well, you would talk to Mr. Steuben, then. He's the manager. Yeah, I know, so could I speak with him? I'm sorry, he's not here. You'll have to come back. (PHONE RINGING) - When will he be in? - I don't... He won't be in at all today. Well then, maybe you can help me. Oh, no. Sorry, sir. I'm sorry, excuse me. - Do you think... - I'm sorry. - Will he be in tomorrow? - Yes, Auto Rent. No, I... No, I didn't say that, sir. That's not up to me. No. Excuse me, can I get a beer? Thanks. (SIGHING) CHRIS: That's the guy, that's him. Yo, buddy. - This guy? - Yeah. You were with Bobby Lasorda, Saturday? - What? - I asked you a fucking question. What? Yeah, yeah, yeah. - What's your name? - I'm Hank. - Hank what? - You know what? Come. Why don't you... Let's go. Follow me, we can talk over here. - Come on. Have a seat. - Is this all right? Yeah, this is perfect. So... What's the deal, huh? - My sister is quite all of a sudden a widow. - Yeah. She says you and Bobby had some work. Bobby said it was work. Work that involved him getting shot and killed, but not you getting shot and killed. No, I just got him the car. - I'm so sorry. - What the fuck does that mean? Well, Bobby said that he needed to rent a car, but that he... This was Friday night and he didn't have a credit card, so I told him that I would rent him a car. And I owed him some money. You know. That's it, I swear. It's... I'm so sorry. - So what? You're lying. - No, I'm not. Because if Bobby wanted a car, he would have fucking stolen one. Chris, go fucking wait outside. Let me handle this. You got a driver's license? - A what? - You know, the... The driver's license you show when you rent a car? Yeah. - Let me see it. - Yeah. All right, sure. Here. - Henry Hanson. - Yeah. This is your address, right? Yeah, sure. I'm going to be straight with you, chico. You mind if I call you chico? People call me Hank. Bobby was a piece of shit. I know it, you know it. That's not the point. The point is that piece of shit was the father of my sister's child. And he was paying the bills. And now he's dead. And I'm thinking, who's going to pay all these bills? I'm so sorry. Sorry ain't going to pay the bills, chico. I know, I know. We need to negotiate a settlement, so make me an offer. Ten grand, done. It's 10 grand. I consider us even. If you don't like 10, I can make it 15. - No. - My sister wants me to kill you. Or I could call the cops. But I don't like cops. And the cops ain't going to pay my sister's bills. So, I think a settlement is pretty fair all-around. - Day after tomorrow, chico. - Can I? Here. 8:00. You fucking crazy? I was hoping that you had something left over from the settlement. Lend you money? You owe me $2,000. Shocked to shit you'd even ask. Martha, I'm in serious trouble. I don't give a shit what kind of trouble you're in. The next time you show up here, better be to pay me. Listen, tell Danielle I love her. If you loved her, you'd pay her fucking child support. (CAR ALARM BLARING) MAN: I'm so sorry for your loss. She was a wonderful person. Wonderful woman. She was a wonderful woman. God bless you. There's no way I can make this scene, Andy. He was always such a baby. (PHONE RINGING) GINA. ; Yeah. - Hey, Gina. - I can't really talk right now. Andy needs me. I got to go. Gina, Gina. Excuse me, is Mike Steuben here? - Not till noon, can I help you? - Yeah, yeah. I returned a car last Saturday and I guess I forgot something. Hanson? That's right, Hanson. Yeah, and I'm pretty sure it was a CD. Hang on. Here we go, Mr. Hanson. - Great. - I just need to see some ID. Yeah, you know, I... I lost my license. You have a credit card, the one you used to rent the car with? Yeah. - Yeah, this one. - All right. Okay, great. - Thank you. - Take care. (PHONE RINGING) - Hello? - AND Y. ; It's me. Andy, Jesus! Fuck, man, we got problems. (HEART MONITOR BEEPING) ON MACHINE. ; Hi, Andy. This is Jake at the office. Really sorry to bother you, but the auditors are coming tomorrow. They've noticed a few problems. It's pretty urgent, so give a call when you get this. You're going to have to get some sleep tonight. Have you given any thought to the store? I mean, you're going to have to give it some consideration. It's just gonna... I could open it up for you, you know, while you're at the hospital. A few hours a day. So people know you're still there. I should burn the goddamn place down. Andy, this is Jake. Now I hope you're checking your messages because we have a real mess here. JAKE. ; The auditors say that there's two terminated employees from your department still drawing checks. And there's something about unpaid O ASDI taxes. Look, you need to call us... I got to go to the office tomorrow. There's a problem. I'll go in the morning. I should be back later. Okay? His mother's dying, and he's going back to work. Yes! Pick up the phone. I know you're there, pick up the phone, you fucking faggot. Andy, I'm here. What are you doing here? You don't have an appointment. - You know the deal, you can't just show up. - I know, I'm sorry. Come back in an hour, tonic water. My mom's dying. Bummer. Next time, make an appointment. Stupid piece of shit. Stop talking to me like that. What the fuck? Are you going to get tough? Are you going to hurt me? Why was there even a gun? Why was there even a fucking gun? I gave you all the information you needed. Why was Bobby Lasorda even there? - Why the fuck? - I didn't think I could do it alone. I should fucking kill you. How are we going to fix it so your shit don't fall on my shoes? So, think now, who else knows? "Commit her body to the earth. "For we are dust and to dust we shall return. "But the Lord Jesus will change our mortal bodies to be like his in glory. "So let us commend our sister to the Lord." She hated it when I barbecued. CHARLES: I'm sorry I wasn't able to be what you wanted me to be. I've never been very good at talking about feelings or showing you that kind of affection or support. I'm sorry. I wasn't able to be the father you wanted. But I guess I wanted you to be better than me. And I thought that if I push... It may not mean anything to you, but I want you to know that I really do love you. And I'm... I'm sorry. I'm just so sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't able to be the son you wanted. You did the best you could. Still, yeah. Manage to seem to still like Hank. He was a lot more of a fuck-up than I was. - He was the baby. - Yeah. - He needed us more. - Yeah, he needed you more. You sure it wasn't his cute looks or his puppiness? You were the first. The first always has it rougher. Yeah, so I'm told. You know, the four of you, I never felt like I was part of the club. Beautiful birds of a feather. You sure I'm your son? Gina and I have got to get back to the city. Andy? My dad. Andy. (SOBBING) Okay. Why don't we pull over? My dad. Oh, God. It's not fair! It's not fair! All my life I've been afraid of becoming like him. All my life! All my life with you, and it's not fair. He can't just say he's sorry and make it all go away. It's too late. It's not that easy! It's not fair! It's not fucking fair! No, Dad. Oh, God! He can't do that! Andy. (INHALES DEEPLY) Andy. - I'll be back in a bit. - Where are you going? I'll be back soon, I just got to... I got to deal with some stuff. What's going on? What if you come home and I'm not here? You got some place you got to be? (DOOR SLAMMING) Your boss called and he wants you to call him right away. Are you in trouble? They just miss me. Where are you going? Something has to change. - What do you mean? - I mean that this just isn't working. - What's not working? - The life that we have. It was really bad before Rio and now it's even worse. You never tell me anything that's going on anymore. I don't understand. Neither do I. What was that in the car yesterday? I could help. I don't need any help. Do you realize that I've been having an affair? What's that supposed to mean? Means I've been fucking another guy. Every Thursday, me and your brother, Hank. We get together and we fuck. Not only that, he loves me. And he still finds me attractive. All the time. Not just on vacation. Hank? Yeah, Hank. Aren't you gonna say anything? Are you gonna get angry? (EXCLAIMS IN ANNOYANCE) - Where are you gonna go? - I was just gonna go to my mother's. How're you gonna get there? I was gonna take a cab. I could really use some, some money. I'll go to the bank later. Here. (PHONE RINGING) (ANSWERING MACHINE BEEPS) GINA. ; Hi, you've reached Gina and Andy. (DIAL TONE BLARING) ELECTRONIC VOICE. ; Please hang up and try your call... (HONKING) (BUS Y SIGNAL) Come on. (ELECTRONIC BUZZING) Last person I ever thought I'd see again as long as I lived. Charlie Hanson. You're still a crook? You come all this way to insult me? Did you hear anything about a holdup at the Westchester Shopping Mall? What would I know about Westchester? That's just for upstanding citizens such as yourself. Have you heard anything? Why would I hear anything about anything? I sell diamonds. - And fence them. - Never! Did you hear of a young guy called Bobby Lasorda? Wrong tree, Charlie. A couple of punks shot my wife in a holdup. She's dead. I'm sorry. I don't give a shit about your little side business, I don't care about anything anymore, except finding the guy who did this. Do you know anything? I remember when Charlie Hanson started out on the streets. Young and cocky, good cutter. A long time ago, Charlie. You always hated my guts, you called me a crook, but you didn't know shit about how the world works, or what some people will do for money. I guess, now you know, Charlie. The world is an evil place, Charlie. Some of us make money off of that, and others get destroyed. He walked in here, he looks a little bit like you, Charlie. He walked in here and I almost knew him, right off the bat. (PHONE RINGING) HANK. ; Hello. It's me. Andy, Jesus, man, we got problems. What do you mean, problems? Bobby's girlfriend's got a fucking brother, okay. And the guy is blackmailing me, all right. He said he's gonna go to the cops, all right, or kill me if I don't pay him $10,000. All right, all right. Just stay there, I'll be right over, I'll figure something out. - Andy, this guy isn't fucking around. - All right, I'll figure something out. Andy, Jake needs to see you. They're all in the conference room with the IRS guys. They're going all the way back - through your accounts. - Just fuck 'em, I got to go to my dad's. I'm gonna have to tell them you were here. For God's sake, say something. Okay. We're in trouble. The worst trouble imaginable. You're aware of that, right? So, why don't we try and fix it? There's almost no choice, but you're gonna have to follow my lead. No questions, no hesitations. I've done that before, all right, and that's how come I'm standing here, with my life going down the fucking toilet. Fuck you, fuck you, I'll do it alone. You can sit here and wait till you go to jail and take it up the ass for the rest of your fucking life. Let's do it already, what's your idea? Sorry, what's your idea? What's Bobby's girlfriend's name? Chris. Yeah, Chris. Chris. Call Chris, tell her to get her brother over to her apartment. - What for? - We'll meet him. He figures we owe him $10,000, we have to resolve it. Resolve it how? Play it by ear, see what happens, maybe we pay him. He's never gonna let us off the hook. All right, we're gonna be paying him back for the rest of our lives. Hey, you finally figured out something for yourself. Let's just get the money, see what happens. Where are we gonna get $10,000? No, that might be easier. Call Chris. ANDY: Taxi! (GROANING) Andy, Jesus Christ! You're gonna kill him. Come on. Shit. (GUN FIRES) Come on. Hold the bag. Hold out the fucking bag! Hold it open like this. Hold it open like that! I got it, I got it. - Oh, shit, do you want these? - Just put it in the bag! Put it in the bag! - Out. - Got it. (GUN FIRES) Oh, my God, Andy. - Did you touch anything? - Did you go crazy? - Did you touch anything? - Are you fucking nuts? - Did you touch anything? - Wait, you didn't have to kill him, all right. He's not gonna go to the cops. All right? He's a drug dealer. Yeah, I guess he'll just go to some other dealers and suppliers and that's all we need, is 10 South Americans chasing us for the rest of our lives. Did you touch anything? I don't think so. - You don't think so? - I don't think so, no! - No, I didn't touch anything! - Think, God damn it, you think! - I don't... I don't like this, Andy! - Did you touch anything? - I don't like... - Shut up! Shut up! - Did you touch anything? - No. Are we good? Let's go. You got the money, chico? I don't like wasted trips. You don't look happy. Mind if I call you groucho? (BABY CRYING) ANDY: No, I don't mind. - ANDY: Like what you're seeing? - Yeah, a lot. - Stand up. Stand up! - All right, all right. - Turn around. - All right, all right, all right. So how we gonna do this? Gladly pay you the money, got plenty of it. How do we know you're not gonna bleed us for the next couple of months? I just want enough to take care of Chris. That's nice, my brother wouldn't take care of me like that. Hey, what do you say, Chris, should I trust this guy? - Yes. - Speak up. What? Yes. I don't think so. (BABY WAILING) HANK: No, Andy, don't, don't, don't... - What did you say? - No, you can't do that, I won't let you. - You won't let me? - No, no more, you kill her, you're gonna have to kill me. Not such a bad idea. You know, in fact, it's a pretty good one. You know I know. What do you know? I know. I'm sorry. I fucked it all up. Just do it. Do it. Go ahead. Come on. You'd be doing me a favor. Come on. (GUN FIRES) (BABY WAILING) (GROANING) Get the hell out of here. Get the hell out of here! Go! Go! Hank! Hank! (AMBULANCE SIREN BLARING) EMT ON SPEAKER. ; Move out of the way, move out of the way. You'll have to move your vehicle. Move out of the way. (CHATTER ON POLICE RADIO) NURSE: Hi, Mr. Hanson. If he's awake now, you can spend a couple of minutes with him. ANDY: Dad? I never meant to hurt her. I just needed money. There wasn't supposed to be any gun. She wasn't supposed to be in the store. Everything just went wrong. It's okay, Andy. It's okay. (ALARM BEEPING) Nurse, the heart monitor cut out for a second. It does that, don't worry. If it happens again, just press reset. (MUFFLED) Dad. (HEART MONITOR FLATLINING) Nurse! (ALARM BLARING) WOMAN ON PA. ; Emergency personnel, code blue. Emergency personnel, code blue. Moanin' Low, my sweet man I love him so though he's mean as can be He's the kind of man needs a kind of woman like me a woman like me... a woman like me... a woman like me... a woman like me... a woman like me... Rick wants to hire me! He's at a new studio. Where is it? India! When? I don't remember what year... there's no year... How do you know there's a year for that? I think they say the 14th Century. The 14th Century was recently. No, but... I don't know... That's when...the Moghuls were ruling, Babar was in India The 11th then? It's definitely B.C. It's B.C. for sure and I think it's Ayodhya, where Ram was born I know that because they razed that temple. They say that Ram was born there. Which I don't believe but that's what they say. And Ayodhya is in the state of Uttar Pradesh. It's right there! Therefore the story has to be true. It's probably based on as real as event as the Bible is based on. You want to know the whole story? Oh, because Ram's father had 4 wives. -3 wives. 3 wives? -4 sons. 4 sons, 3 wives. OK. I know the names of the sons by the way. Kausalya... No, that's the wife, that's what I meant. Kausalya, Sumitra and Kaikeyi. And Kausalya's son was Ram Sumitra's son was Laxman Kaikeyi's son was Bharat I'm so impressed! Yes, and Shatrughan I think was Laxman's brother which means he had to be, uh Sumitra's son. Sita was Ram's wife Right, and Sita I know also, Sita's father was Janaka. Sita has many names, Sita only being one of them. Yeah. Janaki! Janaki! Janaki also. And Vahish, Vahish, uh... I saw a play - Vaidehi. -huh? Vaidehi, I saw a play called Vaidehi, right, which I learned was another name for Sita. Ram was about to be crowned by Dasharatha as the king and Kaikeyi went to him and Because she had done something really good I think she had taken care of him when he was really sick. Yes. And so at that point he had said to her, "You have one Boon. Anything you ask of me I will do." and so she went and asked him to send Ram away for 14 years thinking that was a long enough time, that if you go away for 14 years, you're pretty much out of sight, out of mind. Rama my son, today I wish to crown you King of Ayodhya but my evil scheming wife Kaikeyi- Grrr... -just reminded me of an ancient vow I made. To honor this vow, instead of crowning you king, I must banish you to the forest for 14 years! Goodbye, dear boy. You are noble and good. The embodiment of righteousness. A brave warrior prince. Joy of Heaven and Earth. The Ideal Man. May the Gods be with you. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. That's what she asked for and Dasharatha was heartbroken but given that all Indian men are true to their word... He had to... do that. And then he died? Didn't he die? No, I don't think... He died eventually... No, but all those Ram Leelas I've seen when I was a kid... He died right away? There's this big scene, very dramatic he's having a heart attack when his son is going away. I do think he was unwell... Yeah that's true. And he also has a huge issue, right? He's like ravaged by guilt, because Ram is such a good son. And Ram, when he was told to go away, actually said he would. He didn't create any problems, he didn't say, "why?" He just said, "If that is your wish Father, I shall go." And then he went. And Sita said, "If you go, I go." No, Sita. The forest is beset by Rakshasa demons. They harrass our Wise Men and desecrate their ritual fires. I must fight them... alone. But Rama, a woman's place is next to her Husband! I will accept any hardship. I cannot live without you... I cannot live without you... I cannot live without you... I hate to think what might have been if we had never met Why should I suppose that this could be? The weary days, the lonely nights, are easy to forget since I am here, and you are here with me. Here we are, you and I let the World hurry by Even while I waited, somehow, dear, I knew You'd find me, I'd find you Here we are, alone together what matter whether, we wandered far? And though we haven't got a bankful, we can still be thankful that here, that here we are! Here we are, you and I Let the World just hurry by Even while I waited, somehow, dear, I knew you'd find me, and I'd find you Here we are, alone together what matter whether we wandered far? and though we haven't got a bankful, we can still be thankful that here we are! That's all! I'll miss you. It's only a 6-month contract. I'll be back before you know it! Ravana was the evil king of Lanka and he just stole Sita. He was an incredibly learned man. From what I understand, Ravana was... Actually the only bad thing he seems to have done is capture Sita. Which is kind of interesting because everything else about him seems to be, like he was this really learned guy, he knows all these weapons he prays to the right Gods... so all this stuff! He's like this Good King. Except that, over time, we've been led to believe he's this complete... that he's like Mogambo. That's right, he lived on an island also! He was a devoted Shiva-bhakta. and he plays - -all these instruments... Veena with his intestines. With his intestines? Yeah, for Shiva. There's this whole thing about how devoted a fan he was and he's asking Lord Shiva for some wish and, you know, he is basically playing Veena with his intestines. It's hard to fell someone like that in battle, because what is pain to a man who plays Veena on his intestines? Nothing much. What I'm really impressed with is he was the king of Sri Lanka. No, he was the king of Lanka. It was Lanka. It's called Ceylon. It's the same country I think. Well the point is that's what we think. They built the bridge. The bridge still exists, so NASA images say. Really? NASA? It must be true then! Maybe they saw it when they were on the moon! Isn't the Suruphanaka story - Suruphanaka right? Surphanaka. I'm messing up her name. God, they're gonna be after me Surphanaka is the one with the really ugly nose. Surphanaka. But she was Ravana's sister. Ravana! Rama has slaughtered your Rakshasas in the forest. You must take revenge! Don't do it, Master. Rama is powerful. Sister, do not bother me with your petty concerns. Dear Brother Ravana, have you seen Rama's wife Sita? She is the most beautiful woman in the world. Her skin is fair like the lotus blossom. Her eyes are like lotus pools. Her hands are like, um, lotuses. Her breasts like big, round, firm, juicy... Lotuses! Mmmm, ahhhh... Make Sita your wife, Ravana. Steal her from Rama! Don't do it, Master! I'll hear no arguments from you, Mareecha. You must help me at once. Transform yourself into a beautful golden deer to distract Rama. While Sita is unguarded, I'll grab her! Sita WILL be mine! Hahahahahaaa! What a beautiful golden deer! Oh Rama, won't you capture it for me? I don't know, Sita. It could be a trick! Oh Rama, pleeeaaase? All right, Sita. You ask for so little and give me so much. But promise you won't leave the hut while I'm gone. The forest is dangerous. I promise! Oh Rama, I love you! I love you, Sita. Love was blind to me, now it's kind to me, Love has opened my eyes. Since it came to me, life's a game to me with the sweetest surprise. I never knew how good it was to be a slave to one who means the world to me. I loved that man from the start, and way down deep in his heart I know he loves me, Heaven knows why and when he tells me he can't live without me what wouldn't I do for that man? He's not an angel or saint, and what's the odds that he ain't with all his faults I know he'll get by I'll be so true to him, he'll never doubt me What wouldn't I do for that man? Oh, when he lets me lean my, my weary head on his shoulder I close my eyes right there and wish I never grow older I'll never leave him alone, I'll make his troubles my own I love that man as nobody can I'm just no good when his arms are about me What wouldn't I do for that man? Oh, what wouldn't I do for that man? I'll never leave him alone, I'll make his troubles my own I love that man better than I do my self I'm just no good when his arms are about me What wouldn't I do for that man? Oh there's not a thing I wouldn't do for my man. That's all! But you know what Sita does then? How she is able to tell these people where she - She drops her jewelry along the way. And that's how they were able to find her. It went all the way up to Lanka. How many times did she drop the jewelry? She was wearing a whole lot of jewelry in the forest. I mean, no, remember, she's not wearing any jewelry 'cause she left everything before she left Ayodhya and she came - Oh, she left everything? Right, she just came in her Sanyasi clothes. Don't challenge these stories. She's gone. I told her not to leave the hut! Oh how will I ever find her? Sita! Sitaaaaaa! Oh Sita, what has become of you? Actually, the origins of Hanuman... All these demons were attacking the Earth and supposedly all the Gods and everyone went to Vishnu and said, "Please help us, please help us!" So Vishnu said that he was gonna be born on Earth as Ram. But he was born as Krishna also, this is very confusing. That's dasavatar, 10 incarnations. So... the 10th one is the last one, not come yet supposedly. So anyway, he said what we'll do is, Shiva will be born as someone who helps him. So Shiva was actually... Hanuman is an incarnation of Shiva. Oh I didn't know that. - I didn't know that either. Yup. And, so Hanuman is actually born with the sole purpose of eventually meeting up with Ram and helping him. Like that was the reason for his birth. (sobbing, crying...) I will help you. Who are you? I am Hanuman, the Monkey Warrior! Son of the Wind! I am Rama, Prince of Ayodhya. Let us be allies. I shall be your servant forever. Now go, find Sita! Hello? It's me. Dave! Where are you? Trivandrum, silly. At home. You have a home phone? Of course. You've been gone a month and you never e-mailed me your phone number. I didn't? Well, I have some good news. They've extended my contract another year! What? Another year? You said you'd be back in 6 months! But I like it here. What about me? What about Lexi? What about our apartment? Uhhhh... What about US? Don't cry, Nina. I love you. You could come here... She sits under a tree. And she weeps. And thinks of Ram. And prays to Ram. And all these evil people, you know all these movies and all these shows we've seen all these evil people come and sort of scare her, and she prays to Ram. But the thing is that the women, whatever, the women-demon, who are supposed to protect her, are amazed, by her devotion to Ram. And so Ravana also comes and says, "what can Ram do for you, blah blah blah, that I can't?" but she's still, "Ram will come here and you still have one last chance "because once he comes here, you know, "your ass is grass." I love you Sita. You must be my wife. Never. I love only Rama. I am the chaste and virtuous wife of another man. I belong to Rama as the rays belong to the Sun. Give me back to Rama, or you shall soon hear his mighty bow that resounds like Indra's thunderbolt! The more a man speaks sweetly to a woman, the more she insults him! You have two months to decide, lovely lady. Then you shall share my bed! If you do not marry me, my Rakshasas will slaughter you for my breakfast. Your ugly yellow eyes should fall out of your head as you stare at me so lustfully, Ravana. The only reason I do not reduce you to ashes with my own blazing power is because Rama has not ordered me to do so. Grrrrowl! When night is creepin', and I should be sleepin' in bed if you were peeping', you'd find that I'm weeping' instead My lovin' Daddy left his baby again, said he'd come back but he forgot to say when Night after night I'm cryin', Daddy won't you please come home? Daddy won't you please come home, I'm so lonesome No one can fill that vacant chair Home isn't home when you're not there No need to knock, the door is open for you Please, Daddy Even the clock keeps tickin', Daddy won't you please come home? Daddy do you have to roam so very long? There's lots of other new sheiks who would like to be sheikin' haven't slipped yet but I'm liable to weaken Daddy, Daddy won't you please come home? Please, Daddy Even the clock keeps tickin', Daddy won't you please come home? Daddy do you have to roam so very long? There's lots of other new sheiks who would like to be sheikin' haven't slipped yet but I'm liable to weaken Daddy, Daddy won't you please come home? That's all! She also made her own share of mistakes, in fact she should've just gone back with Hanuman. The whole idea of "my man has to come to save me," it's like oh, you're one little tight thing. Jump on the monkey's back, go back, chill out, hundreds will be fine. But is it possible she didn't trust the monkey altogether? It is possible. No. I think she absolutely trusted the monkey but she wanted her man to come. OK that's another thing, it's like, "You gotta prove it to me baby!" But not only that, she also wanted - Sorry, go ahead - but she also wanted the evil king to be defeated, like my husband should come and - OK, why don't you go back, so the evil king doesn't have a hostage, and then do it? But it's almost like she was trying to glorify Ram through this whole process. You know, like, "my man will come and he is capable of this "and he's virtuous, and he will kill Ravan, and..." She's a bloodthirsty woman. But my question is, were they monkeys? Because they actually - -They could fly not monkeys, um, from what I understand it's different from monkeys, they're... Like from what I understand monkeys are one kind of... one species and then, the Vanars were another species. They were half man, half monkey. OK. Because they had tails though. Correct. But they're not... Like, yeah. I definitely think the tail and the... They were half... they were definitely half monkey, if not more Yeah but that's what the army was. Because otherwise they were these two brothers, they didn't have any army These two brothers and then all of Sugriv's big army, all the... The Vanar Sena. -The Vanar Sena, right. Hanuman! Assemble the Monkey Warriors. We shall cross the sea to Lanka and rescue Sita. Yes, my Lord. We march at once! Who's that knockin'? Don't stand outside there, come on in here! I just had a sort of feeling this morning something good was gonna happen today Now there comes a sound without any warning I just know it's good luck coming my way! Goodness gracious, can it be? Someone's coming back to me Who's that knocking at my door? I've been waiting oh so long, I'll just die if I'm wrong Who's that knocking at my door? I know it can't be the mailman, the coal man, the ice man, they've been here today can't be the grocer, the butcher, the baker, they don't knock that way If my sweetie's there outside, my arms and my heart are open wide Who's that knocking at my door? Me oh my, my oh me, guess I'm having company Who's that knocking at my door? See the time? Eight O'Clock. Sounds like a familiar knock Who's that knocking at my door? I know it can't be the milk man, the gas man, the bread man, who always collects I hope that it isn't that butter and egg man, who writes out those checks? If it's my sweet used-to-be, gonna lock him in, lose the key Who's that knocking at my door? Can't be the plumber, the peddler the parlor, cause I've paid those bills I hope that it isn't the doctor, the dentist, they can't cure my ills If it's someone that I've known, gonna make him feel at home Who's that knocking at my door? That's all! Dave! Mmm, Dave! We're in India. Uh, no... kissing in public. Let me take your bag. Well, here you are. Good night. Oh gosh. Later I know what he did. What did he do when he saw her in Lanka? Hug her and kiss her... No I don't think so... No I don't think so. He was very cold. Why was he cold to Sita? Actually I don't remember. To be honest I'm very shaky on this point... You can make it up... You have lived in another man's house so you are unfit to be my wife. What? I have done my duty in rescuing you from the enemy and avenging the insult to myself. I have terrible suspicions about your character and conduct. Ravana was aware of your beauty. He cannot have kept you in his house for so long without touching you. The very sight of you is painful. You are free to go wherever you want. I have no more use for you, Sita. If I had known this, I would have killed myself before and spared you this war. Build me a funeral pyre. I cannot bear to live. Despite my virtues, my husband has rejected me. He's obviously doubting her, um, pureness. I find the whole pureness thing really... odd. I find it really weird that no one is commending Ravan for not forcibly... I mean I know we shouldn't commend somebody for that, but... What if he raped her? Yeah but in terms of villians, right? Yeah... I mean, we expect villains to be villain-ous. This is a guy that's like, "if you don't come to me willingly, I will not touch you." Right... "I will not force you in my house." "I will not force myself on you..." Well he never had sex with her, did he? No. As Sita proved over and over again. By trial of fire. You're mean to me Why must you be mean to me? Please honey, it seems to me you love to see me crying. I don't know why I stay home each night when you say you'll phone you don't, and I'm left alone singing' the blues and sighing'. You treat me coldly each day in the year You always scold me whenever somebody is near, dear It must be great fun to be mean to me, you shouldn't Oh can't you see what you mean to me? Sweetheart I love you, think the world of you, but I'm afraid you don't care for me You never show it, don't let me know it, everyone says I'm a fool to be pining the whole day through. Why do you act like you do? You're mean to me, why must you be mean to me Aw gee, honey, it seems to me, you love to see me cryin' Please tell me why I stay at home each night when you say you'll phone You don't, and I'm left alone just singin' the blues and sighin' You treat me coldly each day in the year You always scold me whenever somebody is near, dear It must be great fun for you, can't you see what you're doing to me Please tell me why you're so mean to me! That's all! And he's still not convinced, seemed like, after she went through the trial by fire I mean it's almost like- No but I thought he was convinced. He then, it was peer pressure, later with the washerman- yeah, because the washerman- He was convinced, it wasn't like he doubted her He kind of like was "OK, you are pure." And I think he did hug her and then flowers fell from the heavens or something Whoops. I guess you were pure after all. Will you forgive me, Sita? Of course, Rama. I live only for you. Hey, they want me to attend this meeting so much they're gonna fly me all the way to New York. 5 days, all expenses paid! That's great. It'll be fun for you. See you next week. No no no, it's a flying chariot, the Gods sent the chariot. I don't know, it's something about a Japanese train! - I'm finding it, I found it to be totally cool. It was like the world's first airplane or something. It was like the first - like they actually flew back. I think it was on a bird. Was it on a bird? I think it was actually a flying thing of some kind. They rode a carpet like Aladdin. No, it was like an elaborate structure. Pushpakha! That's what they came back on. The flying chariot. That was one of the Air India jumbo jets also. And there's a movie, a silent movie But that's what I mean, it was this thing. It wasn't a bird - -Pushpakha Vemanum. -Yeah. -right. I guess what is happening was the 14 years were finishing and they had to find a quick way to get back. What does it matter if rain comes your way and raindrops patter along? The rain descending should not make you blue The happy ending is waiting for you Take your share of trouble, face it and don't complain If you want the rainbow, you must have the rain. Happiness comes double after a little pain If you want the rainbow, you must have the rain. What if your love affair should break up, as they sometimes will When you kiss and make up, boy what a thrill! Sadness ends in gladness, showers are not in vain If you want the rainbow, you must have the rain. Look for brighter weather, oh watch for the Sun again If you want the rainbow then you must have the rain. Pull yourself together, whistle a happy strain If you want the rainbow then you must have the rain. So if your lucky star deserts you, and if shadows fall Even though it hurts you, laugh through it all Be a cheerful loser, you have the World to gain If you want the rainbow, why, you just must have the rain. That's all! Rama, I'm pregnant! That's wonderful, darling. Maybe they joined the Mile High Club. On the Pushpakh Veman. We don't know exactly when she got pregnant - Very soon thereafter, which is why it is conceivable that she wasn't pregnant because of Ram. But I think it was Ram. Blasphemy. It is Ram. I'm not like Rama, who would take a woman who's slept in another man's house! No but that happens with the dhobi. -there's a dhobi story. You know the dhobi, the launderer - yeah, the dhobi says that - The dhobi's wife, she's with somebody else and when she comes back he goes, "What do you think I'm like Ram, to take somebody back now after she's - You know what a dhobi is right? He's a washerman - -and when news of that hits Ram - Ram says, "I cannot rule if my subjects don't respect me and so you'll have to..." Actually that's when he banishes her, sorry. -Right. Uh, say, Sita, would you like to take a trip? But we just got here. Yeah great. Get packing. Brother Laxman, my wife's dubious reputation casts doubt upon my own. You must drive Sita to the forest and abandon her there. I cannot have her in my kingdom. I think basically as a king, he had to sort of do... If the common man was doing that to their wives then why should the king treat his wife any differently kind of a thing. Like I felt that he let her go not because she was impure, but because he said that to be a king, he needs the respect of his subjects, and he can't be considered - I don't think he let her go because - I felt that he alwsys had this element of doubt I mean it coupled with, of course, his virtue that everybody spoke of and you know that he kept his word to his Dad, and then his subjects, his... Kingdom, but I felt like he always had this doubt, that she might not be pure. I feel too bad, I'm feelin' mighty sick and sore So bad I feel, I said I'm feelin' sick and sore and so afraid my man don't love me no more. Day in, day out, I'm worrying' about those blues Day out, day in, I'm worrying' about bad news I'm so afraid, my man I'm gonna lose. Moanin' low, my sweet man I love him so, though he's mean as can be He's the kind of man needs a kind of woman like me Gonna die if sweet man should pass me by, if I die where'll he be? He's the kind of man needs a kind of woman like me. Don't know any reason why he treats me so poorly, what've I gone and done? Makes my troubles double with his worries when surely, I ain't deserving' of none Moanin' low, my sweet man is gonna go, when he goes oh Lordy He's the kind of man needs a kind of woman like me. Don't know any reason why he treats me so poorly, what've I gone and done? Makes my troubles double with his worries when surely I ain't deserving' of none Moanin' low, my sweet man is gonna go, when he goes, Lordy! He's a man that needs a woman just like me. I must have committed a terrible sin in a previous life to deserve such suffering. Were I not carrying Rama's sons, I would throw myself into the river. She's always shown to be pregnant - -afterwards No, when she's banished and she's gone into the forest again. And there she meets that... teacher. -Valmiki. -Valmiki. Sorry. So that's how Valmiki wrote the Ramayana, because Sita told the story to him. I'm just a woman, a lonely woman, waitin' on a weary shore I'm just a woman, that's only human, one you should be sorry for. Got up this morning, along about dawn Without a warning, I found he was gone. Why should he do it? How could he do it? He never done it before. Am I blue, Am I blue Ain't these tears in these eyes tellin' you Am I blue, You'd be too If each plan with your man done fell through. Was a time, I was his only one But now I'm the sad and lonely one, Lordy. Was I gay, til today Now he's gone, and we're through, am I blue! As blue as the sky blue You're wondering what do these tears in these eyes tellin' you? No one feels like I do Boo hoo, Boo hoo, Boo hoo, Boo hoo, Boo hoo, Boo, hoo... Each plan with my man done fell through. Was a time, I was his only, only, only one But now I'm the sad and lonely one, Lordy! Was I gay - oh Lord was I gay! Til today - that man went away! Now he's gone, and we're through, am I blue! Anyway, so Luv and Kush, or Luva and Kusha, were born to Sita in the forest and were taught by Valmiki, who taught them all these songs praising Ram. Luv, Kush, let us sing the praises of Rama. Rama's great, Rama's good, Rama does what Rama should Rama's just, Rama's right, Rama is our guiding light Perfect man, perfect son, Rama's loved by everyone Always right, never wrong, we praise Rama in this song Rama's great, Rama's good, Rama does what Rama should Rama's just, Rama's right, Rama is our guiding light Perfect man, perfect son, Rama's loved by everyone Always right, never wrong, we praise Rama in this song Hello? Please take me back! Please please please! I'll do anything! PLEASE! If you had a girlfriend who was being treated really badly, by like her ex or her current boyfriend and she kept saying, "no, every day I'm gonna make sure I cook for him and send him a hot lunch at noon" Aren't you going to be like, "listen, he doesn't like you or talk to you. "you've got to move on. Something's wrong." OK? Sita's doing this pooja every day... I mean, I feel, I feel... Like this whole "good" and "bad" thing? That we always want people to be either all good or all bad? I think Sita also has her own issues. Like she didn't go back with Hanuman she would have saved hundreds and thousands of people from being killed Monkeys especially. Yeah, what about animal rights? And, and then she prayed for this guy every day, come on! But also at that point of time it was just that Unconditional Love You know, for her, she was like, ok, "this man, he loves me." -This is the part of the female perspective I disagree with. Because it's like then you can say, "oh yeah, 'cause she loves him so she did this" you know it's like, yeah but she shouldn't love someone who doesn't treat her right. -who treats you so badly. OK? That's her mistake. That's HENCE unconditional love. You went away, I let you We broke the ties that bind I wanted to forget you, and leave the past behind. Still the magic of the night I met you seems to stay forever in my mind... The sky was blue, and high above the moon was new, and so was love This eager heart of mine was singing, "Lover where can you be?" You came at last, love had its day That day is past, you've gone away This aching heart of mine is singing, "Lover come back to me," when I remember every little thing you used to do I'm so lonely Every road I walk along, I walked along with you No wonder I am lonely The sky is blue, the night is cold the moon is new, but love is old and while I'm waiting here, this heart of mine is singing, "Lover come back to me." Sky is blue, night is cold, moon is new, but love is old and while I'm waiting here this heart of mine is singing Lover come back to me! That's all! And when Ram was in the forest he heard these two boys singing, he didn't know who they were but he came up and he was just like, "who are they, who are you?" and that's when he finds out that Sita's there and those are his children. My sons! Father? Return to Ayodhya Palace to rule with me for eternity! But then, he wants to take Luv and Kush back, but he's still hesitant about taking her back. Sita! Well, yes, of course, Sita... All Sita has to do is prove her purity. Again. Another trial by fire, perhaps? Or we could try trial by water. You know, see if she sinks or floats. If she sinks, she's pure. If she floats - No, wait, if she floats she's pure, if she sinks... And he asks her to prove her purity one more time - I think, actually I don't know if he asks her or whatever - but she says, I shall prove my purity to you. If I have always been true to Rama, if I have never thought of another man, if I am completely pure in body and soul, then, may Mother Earth take me back into her womb! I'm flying high, but I've got a feeling I'm falling falling for nobody else but you You caught my eye, and I've got a feeling I'm falling show me the ring and I'll jump right through. I used to travel single, we chanced to mingle, oh now, now I'm a-tingle over you Hey Mr. Parson, stand by, for I've got a feeling I'm falling Falling for nobody else but you. Oh honey, oh honey, I never felt this way, romantically I'm up in the air It's funny, so funny, me taking it this way Don't know if I should, but gee it feels good! I'm flying high, up in the sky, but I've got a funny feeling that I'm falling Falling for nobody else but you and you know it too You caught my eye, baby that's why, I've got a funny feeling that I'm falling show me the ring and oh boy I'll take it from you I used to travel single, oh we chanced to mingle, oh now, now I'm a-tingle over you Oh Mr. Parson stand by, don't leave me now I've got a feeling I'm falling and how Falling for nobody else but you! That's all! [THUMPING IN DISTANCE] [MAN PANTING] [ANIMAL GROWLING] [GROANING] Trevor! Max. [CAR HORN BEEPING] Whoa, whoa. Although Wegener was ridiculed by the scientific community he was eνentually found to be correct in his theory of an original supercontinent called Pangaea. [BELL RINGS] Yeah. Okay. Ah. Come to papa. TREVOR: Hey, Leonard. LEONARD: Hey, man. -Dude, you ain't gonna be happy. -Why? -It's Kitzens. -I see. -Hello. -Trevor, there's my favorite colleague. -How are you, Alan? -l'm good. -How's that Con Drift class of yours going? -Fine. Does it get echoey in there with so few students? [TREVOR CHUCKLES] So, what do you got on the books? I'm busy. No, no, I can see how busy you are. So I'll try to be as quick as possible here. The university is pulling the plug on your brother's lab. Pulling the plug? Yeah, it's gonna finally give us all the storage space we need. Let's get something straight here, this facility is dedicated to the research of Maxwell Anderson's theories predicting the volcanic fissures-- Which have never been proven. I mean, how many of your late brother's sensors are even still active? One, two--? -Three. -lt used to be 29. This is the wrong time to shut us down. I have got seismic activity in Bolivia. I got a 13 millimeter shift in Mongolia. Alan, you can't shut us down. Keep the lab open. -It's all I've got left of Max. -lt's been 10 years since Max, Trevor. I am sorry about all this. I really am. [MACHINE BEEPING] WOMAN [ON recording]: Trevor, are you there? It's Elizabeth. Pick up, please. Okay. Well, uh, we are on the 95, and were heading your way. You wanna say hi to your Uncle Trevor, Sean? BOY: No. WOMAN: Just say hello. -No. BOY: I don't want to. -Oh, no. WOMAN: Hey, it's your sister-in-law again. Just wanted to make sure what time you'd be home because well be there around 6. Okay. Well, we'll be on my cell. -Oh, boy. -Sean's looking forward to seeing you. -Right, Sean? BOY: Negatory. Please call me. [PHONE RINGS] TREVOR [ON RECORDING]: I'm not home. Leave me a message. WOMAN: Trevor, we're pulling up in front of your building. [DOORBELL BUZZES] Trevor, you in there? TREVOR: Hi. -Hey. -How are you, Elizabeth? -Oh, you're home. -lt's so good to see you. You too. -How are you? I just got your messages. -Uh-huh. -You forgot, didn't you? -I didn't forget. How could I forget? -You didn't forget? -l.... I forgot. It doesn't mean I haven't been looking forward to time with my nephew. I haven't seen him since he was 9? -Seven. -Wow. Ha-ha. So how long is he gonna be staying again? -Ten days. -Is that what we said? Hey, Sean. How are you? Looking good. -ls that one of those Game Boys? -lt's a PSP. -Cool. -Sean, get up, say hi to your uncle. Hi to your uncle. Last time I saw you, you were about this high. -Oh! Ha-ha. -Yeah, good one. You got that? Okay, you've got all my numbers. You've got your ticket and passport in your bag. I will be there to pick you up in Ottawa. And by then I'll have found us a house and we can start on this big new adventure. -Pretty exciting stuff, huh? SEAN: Yeah, it's great. We get to be Canadians. Thrilling, eh? Just let yourself in. -It will be good for him, being with you. -Yeah. Who knows? This is for you. What--? is this Sean's? No, it's Max's. -Max's? -Yeah. So, hey, dude. This is gonna be fun. A couple of dudes hanging out. Five days, maybe a week. You know, doing dude stuff, what dudes do. You like baseball? You know what we should do? We should go get in a batting cage. Yeah, okay, listen. I don't like this any more than you do. As long as you keep stocked with Mountain Dew and TiVo Family Guy, we'll get along fine. -Sure. -Oh, wow. -That's an awesome coin collection. -Oh. Well, kind of a pet project of mine. -Yeah, it's really nifty. -Thanks. You hungry? We could order in, you know. Maybe some pizza, Chinese, Thai food? Subs? Or something like that? -Wow. -What's that? Well, it's a box of possessions of a really great guy. Your dad. His old ball glove. Mom doesn't talk about him very much. Well, you can take my word for it. He was one of those few people who are just exceptional at everything they do. Ooh. You see this? This was your old man's PSP. -A yo-yo? -Don't be dissing the yo-yo. This is physics at work. You got your centrifugal force. Your gravitational pull, you got your potential energy. Hello. This was his favorite book. jules Verne's A Journey to the Center of the Earth. You know, I think that was on my summer reading list once. -l never got to it. -That's too bad, it's a good read. To him, it wasn't just science fiction, it was inspiration. He used to read this to me when I was a really little kid. Hello. What are these notes? "Magma temperatures reach 1 1 50 in Mongolia"? "Bolivia." "Hawaii." Look out! Hey, Sean, let's go check out my lab. SEAN: So it couldn't wait for tomorrow? TREVOR: Your dad used to say: "Tectonophysics is the science of now, not tomorrow." It's about seismic events that occur in an instant. Here, look at this. You got Hawaii, Bolivia, mongolia. And the conditions today are almost exactly what they were in July '97. What's the big deal about July '97? Sean, that was the year that your dad went missing. Now, look, you see this column of numbers here? If the 753, right here, was a 752, then it would be.... Exactly the same. What do these little blips mean? Don't touch anything. Those little blips are my life's work. These four little blips are your entire life's work? Three. Three little blips. One, two, three, four. Iceland. This makes sense. Max saw the readings 1 0 years ago, and he took off to investigate. -l'm gonna need your passport. -For what? I'm sorry, I have to get you to Canada a little earlier than we planned. What are you talking about? I'm talking about this. A Journey to the Center of the Earth. It's all set in Iceland, which is where he must've gone. These are all my dad's notes? Look Max and I-- Your dad and I were talking about the possibility of νolcanic tubes existing that went down past the mantle, towards the center of the Earth. And that's what I think he went looking for. Sorry, I gotta put you on a flight to Ottawa in the morning. -And I'm calling Icelandair. I was the person who found your life's work fourth little blip thingy in the first place. -This is my brother we're talking about. -lt's my dad. Now, I don't have to be in Ottawa for 1 0 days. I'm going with you. [WOMAN SPEAKING IN Icelandic OVER SPEAKERS] TREVOR: "Descend, bold traveler, into the crater of the jokul of Sneffels which the shadow of Scartaris touches before the kalends of july and you will attain the center of the Earth." Ooh. Sorry. What are you doing? For instance, I've got S-A, I-S, G-G. I belieνe that P-B is on the periodic table and that's plumbum. -Plumbum means lead. -What's "Sigurbjörn Ásgeirsson"? What? Well, it's right here. Read it down. Sigurbjörn Àsgeirsson. Oh. Uh.... Sigurbjörn Àsgeirsson, that's.... That's a clue. Maybe that's a place. It could be a thing. -What are you doing? -l am Googling at 30,000 feet. -Are you supposed to be doing that? -Welcome to the 21 st century. -Okay. Here. -lt's a person. "Sigurbjörn Ásgeirsson, executiνe director of Ásgeirsson Institute for Progressive Volcanology." Max would've known this guy. I knew it was a good thing to bring you. His institute has gotta be our first stop. SEAN: Are we there yet? TREVOR: If you mean annoying, yeah, we're there. -You know, you're going kind of slow. -l'm going kind of safe. I just saw a goat in the passing lane. When's the whole adventure thing gonna begin? Let me give you something fun to do. Navigate. Where are we? Have we passed Haνanschlicht? -Havanschlicht? -Yeah. I don't know. Have we passed Eingarsstadir? -l don't know. -Reyniνír? -l don't know. -Húsavik? TREVOR: No. SEAN: GrundarhoI? TREVOR: No. SEAN: Stifflarschtarder? TREVOR: Stifflardschtarder? SEAN: How about Koldukardarskinoquue? TREVOR: What? SEAN: We're definitely lost. TREVOR: We're not lost. Just look for an institution. SEAN: What's an institution look like? -l don't know, it looks big and institutional. It's gotta be around here somewhere. Hey, look, there's a little shack up there. We can stop there and ask for directions. -We're not lost. -Oh, no, definitely not. What's this? A ski shack? "Àsgeirsson... [TREVOR MUMBLING] ...Institute for Progressiνe Volcanology." I told you I'd find it. Alrighty. -Not too shabby. -All right. [knocking ON DOOR] [WOMAN SPEAKING IN Icelandic] Oh, I'm sorry, I don't speak Icelandic. -Hi, can I help you? -Hello. -l'm Hannah. -Oh, how do you do? Hi. I'm Trev- - Professor Anderson. I'm visiting from America. Um.... -This is Sean, my nephew. -l'm Sean. Hi, Sean. I was wondering if I could possibly speak with, forgive me here Sigurbjörn Àsgeirsson? Um.... Well, Sigurbjörn Àsgeirsson is dead. -Dead? -Yeah, he died three winters ago. Oh. Uh.... So do you run the institute? Nobody does. There is no institute. -There's a sign down the road that says-- -Progressive volcanology was a failed idea. Like, you know, the Berlin Wall and eight-track tapes. I see. Well, did you work with him? No, no. He was my father. Max Anderson? We believe that he may have been in contact with your father. -Your brother was a Vernian. -What's a Vernian? Someone that believes that the writings of Jules Verne were actual fact. I mean, the guy was a science fiction writer. And yet this society of believers regarded Verne like a visionary. My father was the biggest Vernian of them all. My brother was no Vernian. This was my father's copy. Take a look. See, the markings are exactly the same. Your brother was a Vernian. Wow, my dad was kind of out there. -You didn't know him, Sean. -l'm starting to think you didn't either. He was no member of some secret society. -l'm a scientist, I'm a professor. I'm here because there are seismic sensors going off 30 klicks north of here that we think that we should check into. And that's the reason that we're here, plain and simple. Okay. You know, there are no roads to the north. Well.... l'm a mountain guide. I can take you there, professor. -Great. -That's great, I loνe hiking. -l would appreciate that. That'd be great. -Good. -Call me Treνor. -You can call me Sean. So it will be 5000 kronur to go up there. Five grand a day? No problem. An hour. Do you accept rolls of quarters? -Dibs. -What? I got dibs on the mountain guide. -You're 1 3. -Sorry, called it. -Thirteen-year-olds don't get dibs. -Get over it. We're getting closer. All right, just watch your step there. Mount Sneffels is deceptively treacherous. -What's Sneffels? -Well, why don't you tell him, professor? SneffeIs is the name of the mountain where this character Liedenbrock apparently found a portal to the center of the Earth. Let's just find that sensor of yours, professor. TREVOR: There it is. Yes. HANNAH: Well, what do you need to do with it? I gotta unlock it. It's got, like, a black box... [THUNDER RUMBLING] ...that has recorded all of the seismic activity that's transpired in the last 1 0 years. Could tell me a lot about Max. And what he was doing when he went missing. Trevor, I'm really sorry, we're gonna haνe to go now. Must be corroded. Trevor, we need to- - Whoa. Okay, we need to take cover. Come on, Sean. Right now. I'll be right there. -Trevor, just leave it for now. TREVOR: I'νe almost got it. HANNAH: We need to take cover now. Come on. Trevor. -Uncle Trevor. -Get in here. -Yes. Oh! HANNAH: Watch out. Hurry up. Come on. Trevor, the sensor's attracting the lightning. -Drop it. Drop the sensor. TREVOR: What? [TREVOR screaming] [coughing] Trevor? -Trevor? TREVOR: I'm all right. [TREVOR groaning] HANNAH: Sean? -Sean, you all right? -l'm good. -Okay, everybody, just stay calm. SEAN: Guys, come on, you gotta help me dig. Come on. -Forget it, it's no use. -Forget it? TREVOR: She's right. There must be about 60 or 70 tons of boulders on top of us. Take us about a month to dig out of here. -We have to find another way. -What if there is no other way? There's always another way, Sean. What else have you got? Signal flares, first aid, some rope, blankets and a couple of protein bars. But they're on a ration. -Don't know how long we'll be trapped for. -Trapped? is that what we are? She- - No, she didn't mean that. -Sean, hey, what are you doing? -God, I'm not getting any service. Sean, you're not gonna get any signal down here, okay? Put this away. Okay, don't worry about it. -We'll find another way out, all right? HANNAH: Okay. One of these might snake back to the surface. How do we know which one to take? My gut says we go right. Come on. Looks promising. Just put one foot in front of the other. We'll be out of here in no time. Looking good. Don't worry, direction is my sixth sense. Pay attention, Sean. It's just like doing field work. I used to love doing field work. [GASPS] -Watch out. -Ah! You're not studying rocks in a lab, professor. -This is life or death here. -Yeah, thanks. You owe me one. What does this say? [SPEAKS in ICELANDIC] That means keep out. -Maybe that's decent advice. -No, no. This is great news. This might lead us to an old mine shaft and that could be our way out. -How deep do you think it is? -Can you give me one of those flares? Thank you. Sean, look at your watch. I'm gonna light this and drop it over the edge and I want you to tell me how many seconds pass before it stops. Okay. Here we go. Three, two.... Oh, God! HANNAH: What? What was that? Yup, magnesium. Must run in veins all through these walls. Yeah, used in flares, used in gun powder, matchsticks. Right, well, maybe gun powders and flares aren't such a good idea down here. Thank you. It's the same principle. -You ready, Sean? SEAN: Yeah, go ahead. Three, two.... One. Two. [THUDS] Almost three. Thirty-two squared by-- lt's 200 feet. That's no problem. It's about your basic 20-story high-rise. -You got enough rope? -l always have enough rope. Well, no problem for what? Rappelling down in there. We're gonna rappel down that deep, dark hole? What, you got a problem with that? -Pfft. -What's the matter? There's no way we should be rappelling down. What are you talking about? You're man enough to call dibs on the guide. -But not enough to climb down a rope. HANNAH: Guys. -Calling dibs on the mountain guide-- -No one gets dibs on the mountain guide. We're going down there. HANNAH: Steady, steady. Remember, we're all connected. It's okay. TREVOR: Looking good. It's all good down here. Way down here. You guys are coming down, right? All right, Sean, I'm gonna start lowering you down really, really slowly. So just lean back and keep your feet up high. You're okay, Sean. We're tethered together, so nothing bad is gonna happen. SEAN: Yeah, sure. HANNAH: Good. Sean, keep walking. Good. TREVOR: Hey, you're looking pretty good there. -Sure you haven't done this before? -Shut up. Hey, you mind? Watch your step, will you? I'm hanging on for my life here. Okay, Sean, just make conversation with me. So, Hannah, do you come here often? TREVOR: Oh, give me a break. That can't be the best line you can come up with. -l'm making conversation with her. -No, Sean, I do not come here very often. Ready? Hey. Look at all this schist. -What? -lt's a metamorphic rock. Green schist, garnet schist, mica-garnet schist. -Oh. Schist. -lt's everywhere, look at it. I guess-- [TREVOR screaming] Trevor. [HANNAH SCREAMS] HANNAH: Get to the wall, Trevor. TREVOR: I can't. -l can't, the walls widen out down here. -Your rope is caught on mine. You're gonna take us down. I gotta cut you loose. TREVOR: What? -Hannah, no. Wait a minute, wait, wait, wait. -Don't. TREVOR: Don't, don't, don't. -Uncle Trevor. -Ah! [GRUNTS] Hey, guys, found it. The bottom's right here. Hey, Hannah, you knew that, right? Right? Hannah? Guys, what's this? TREVOR: Looks like an abandoned mine tunnel to me. That's Old Bla'giIs Mine. It was shut down 60 years ago after the big disaster. Disaster? How big? Eighty-one dead. That's pretty big. Come on. Cowboy up. Hey, Trevor, was there a mine like this in the book? TREVOR: No, don't think so. -Hannah? HANNAH: Yup? TREVOR: Can I ask you something? Do you wonder if your father and my brother weren't wrong? Let me make something very clear to you. I am not my father. And the world that he belonged to has nothing to do with me. I understand, of course. I didn't mean to say that it was or that it would be-- -You know I'm still on the clock, right? -You're still billing me? I bill you until I'm safe in my house. -Huh. SEAN: Hannah? What's that? -This is the old generator for the mine. -Hey, you don't want to touch that. [MACHINE whirring] What are you doing? There might be some volatile compounds there, you know. -Serious generator. TREVOR: Hannah, that thing could blow up. Stop throwing switches. Don't do that. No, wait. Get away from that thing. [TREVOR LAUGHS] Okay, I take it back. This is it, right? I mean, the miners, they had to get their stuff out somewhere. TREVOR: Yeah. SEAN: These tracks could lead us out. Hey, Hannah, how many miners got out? One. That's a start. I call front. What? No, no, no. Come on, don't get in there. We don't even know if these things work. They're not safe. The tracks might not be safe. Track ahead looks good. Hey, Sean, it doesn't look safe. I wouldn't do that. I think I see something. lt's.... Please tell me it's daylight. Otherwise, I don't wanna know. Uh.... No, it's not daylight. Oh, we're in deep schist. [SCREAMING] I wish there were seat belts on this thing. You're worried about seat belts? [ALL yelling] -Whoa! HANNAH: Ah! Watch it. -Hannah. -l know. -Pull the brake, pull the brake. -No, don't. We won't make it. [SCREAMING] Yeah. Hey, great job. Thanks. SEAN: Guys. TREVOR: Trevor, you okay? Hannah, your track ends. Jump in my car. What? Quick, you have to do it. -Just jump. -l know that. Ready? Ah! Trevor, your track ends too. -Okay. -What are you doing? Showing the proper way to save someone's life. Come on. -Can I help? -Okay. Ready? [yelling] [HANNAH TREVOR COUGHING] -Are you all right? -Yeah. Luckily, I had a soft landing. That's two you owe me now. -Who's keeping count? -l am. That was awesome. -What happened to you guys? -Don't ask. What's that? TREVOR: Where are you going? Don't go in there. SEAN: What are you guys talking about? This could be our way out. There's a hole in the wall. Guys, check it out. Rubies. EmeraIds. Feldspar. Uh, guys, there's more. Diamonds. Bling. Crystals are frequently formed and found in volcanic tubes. This tube could take us back up, right? -Uh-huh. -We're not far from the surface. -Uh-uh. -When we get out, I'm getting a Maserati. Money is not the only thing that matters, Sean. people matter too, you know. -Something like that. SEAN: Not if you haνe a Maserati. [cracking] Did you guys hear that? Nobody move. Tell me that's not what I think it is. Muscovite. What's muscovite? [cracking continues] -Muscovite is a thin type of rock formation. -How thin? Well, so thin that the slightest change in weight and pressure can cause it to shatter. And we're standing on a lot of it. Just stop. Stop. [cracking STOPS] Okay, they're stopped. I need you to walk back exactly the way we came from. Very, very calmly, okay? [cracking] TREVOR: Tread lightly. Heel, toe. Doing good. HANNAH: Doing great. Very slowly. Good. Come on. That's it. That's great. -Really careful. -Keep going. No! It's actually thicker than I thought. [ALL screaming] [SCREAMING STOPS] We're still falling! [ALL screaming] Trevor, what's at the bottom? Well, if what Verne wrote was right these tunnels could go for hundreds, thousands of miles. Verne was not right. Trevor, finish. What's at the bottom? Most likely theory is that it just ends. Ends? Got any other theories? Well, the walls of this tunnel could haνe gently eroded by water which still runs through it providing a gradual break to our fall. -Kind of like a water slide. -Water slide. Okay, that's a theory. But wouldn't the water have formed stalagmites pointing straight up at us? -We'll be skewered. -That is also possible. [SCREAMING] is that water? Yes. Water. Water slide, water slide. Here it comes. Hang on. Sean! Sean! Sean, Sean, you all right? We didn't get skewered. Make for the rocks. Where's Hannah? Hannah! Hannah! My backpack was too heavy. Thank you. So where does that put us now? Back to one. That's just the ceiling of the cave. is it just me, or is the cave ceiling moving? Yeah. It does look like it doesn't it? They're birds. Electric birds? TREVOR: They look like Cyanis rosopteryx. Only they're bioluminescent, like fireflies or gIowworms. It's incredible. [CHlRPlNG] SEAN: Cool. Glow...birds. Have you seen these creatures before? Yeah, in the museum, but they were fossilized. These things have been extinct for over 1 50 million years. HANNAH: Where are they going? TREVOR: Hey, a tunnel. SEAN: Guys, come on. Max was right. He was right. Max was right! [TREVOR LAUGHS] Your dad was right. He was right. Hannah, your dad was right too. They both belieνed in something that everyone told them was impossible. He was right. -What's that light up there? TREVOR: I can't tell. It must be some sort of luminescent gas combination. I don't know. It's like a terrarium. A terrarium thousands of miles beneath the crust of the Earth. A world within the world. "The waterfalls, which for a long time, could be heard flowing from afar now cascaded along the towering canyon walls streaming along the rock with no end." I mean, it's the same thing Liedenbrock wrote. Are we saying that Liedenbrock the character was real? That he existed? Someone came down here. Someone saw all this. Someone got out and someone told Verne. Somebody got out? That's the best thing I've heard all day. Doesn't this just completely blow your mind? My mind is blown, yes. TREVOR: Enormous fossilized mushrooms. SEAN: Sort of like humongous fungus. -Everything in the book is real? -Probably. -And the really dangerous parts? -l was thinking about that too. Right. [rumbling] SEAN: Trevor, come quick. -Sean? -Sean? -l'm going in. -Yeah, wait up. Hey, slow down. HANNAH: I'll be right there. SEAN: Someone actually lived here? That somebody was Liedenbrock. Look at all his gear. All this, state of the art a century ago. Hey, Trevor. I think I found Liedenbrock's notebook. Look. Looks like on the other side of those trees there's some sort of underground ocean. Yeah. I don't think that's Liedenbrock's handwriting. It's my dad's. [rumbling] HANNAH: Trevor? Trevor? Can I talk to you for a minute? Out here. TREVOR: Can you wait here for a minute? HANNAH: Hey, I think I found Max. I never really got a chance to know him. I mean, I wish I did. He wrote something and I want you to hear it. "August 14, 1 997. Six weeks ago, I promised myself I would be home in time to give him his first baseball glove. Now I'm worried that I'll never get the chance. I set out to make an incredible discovery to share with Treνor and the world. But now, I would trade it all just to be able to watch you grow up to be the braνe and caring man I am certain you will become. Happy birthday, Sean. I Iove you. Daddy." Goodbye, Max. Come on. According to Max's journal we're here in this giant air pocket that's surrounded by lava. [rumbling] -Like the one we're in now. -That's right. --the magma that surrounds us turns this place into pretty much just a big oven. Was that what happened to my dad? Look, I know I'm just a kid, but I can handle this, really. Sit down. Max was planning an escape. His notes say that temperatures down here can easily hit 200 degrees. TREVOR: A human being can't survive beyond 1 35. -lt's already 95 degrees. -lt was 82 when we got here. -Temperature's rising quickly. -So, what do we do? I say that we follow Max's plan. HANNAH: Here's what he wrote: "My analysis of the original Verne text leads me to believe that across the ocean due north of my current position is a geyser-like river which could be used to return to the surface." Topside sounds good. It's a little trickier than that. It could get so hot that the water'll evaporate. How much time do we have? Forty-eight hours. Seventy-two, tops. probably less. Okay, so the question is: What is the fastest way to get across the ocean? There's no way we can get around it, because if we hike-- HANNAH: Oh, we don't have time. There's no time to do that. SEAN: It's all in the book. TREVOR: Hey, you all right? What's the temperature doing? HANNAH: It is a hundred degrees. TREVOR: Eat your trilobite, Sean. We gotta keep our strength up. Attaboy. SEAN: Hey. Don't we need a center mast? No. We don't need it. The wind that we want is way up there. Thermal. It's a lot faster than what we got down here. Good job. That should just about do it. Hey, I got something for you. SEAN: What is this? TREVOR: It's a compass. It was your dad's. I remember the Christmas that your mom gave it to him. She wanted to make sure that he could always find a way back home. And maybe it will help you find a way back to her. -Thanks, Trevor. -You got it. -lt means a lot to me. -Me too. Oh, there's one thing you should know. Down here, the polarity is reversed. I mean, north is south, south is north and we need to bear due north across the sea. You mean, south. Exactly. All right, it's starting to pick up now. Okay, hold it. Hold it really steady. Good, good, good. -Good. Ready? SEAN: Yeah. Three, two, one, go! -Yeah. SEAN: All right. Yeah. All right. TREVOR: Yeah. Go, go, go. Yeah. Keep going. Whoa, we're going, we're going. Hey, well, can you wait for me? HANNAH: Well, get on. SEAN: [CHlRPlNG] He's back. Hey, little guy. Seen those clouds? Yeah. The current's pulling us in the direction we wanna go. Can't do that. It's a hundred and nine degrees. It's getting hotter. Ain't no big deal. Something moving down there. TREVOR: Phosphorous and plankton. It's the same thing we saw back at the beach. I don't know. It looks kind of big for plankton. Sean, we're not at SeaWorld, so back off a little bit. -All right? -l think it's some sort of fish. [yelling] SEAN: No. [SPLASHES] They're everywhere. Sean, I told you we'd get to the batting cage. Batter up. SEAN: Okay. Let's see what you've got. Yeah. Line drive. [PHONE CHlMlNG] -Sean! -Do you hear something? -Hello? elizabeth: Sean. -Mom? -I think we have a bad connection. Mom, I can't hear you. Where are you? Uncle Trevor and I, uh we're sort of on a fishing trip and.... Are you having fun? Whoa, no, you don't. -Uncle Trevor just caught a really big one. -Sean? -My phone. -Sean, do you know how to switch hit? -Ready? SEAN: Yeah. Out of the ball park. -Sean. -Look out. I got it, I got it. [GROWLS] HANNAH: Sean. TREVOR: No, no, don't. Get away from the sides. Look what they're doing. They don't want us. They want the fish. Listen up. Sean, you take the tiller, we'll get the line. Hannah, hold the slack. Sean, you wanna take us hard starboard? What? That way. SEAN: Come on. -Okay. TREVOR: Doing good. Now just let it out gently. Let it out gently. Let it out slowly. SEAN: It's working. We're pulling clear of them. You're the man, Uncle Trev. That's what I've been telling the scientific community for years. [YELLS AND GRUNTS] TREVOR: Hannah. You're safe. The lines. SEAN: Got it. TREVOR: Sean. Sean, don't do that. No, Sean. Sean! -No, Sean! -Trevor! -Sean! TREVOR: Hang on! Don't let go! No. [GASPS] Trevor? Hello? [CHlRPlNG] Hello? Hey, little guy. Where are we? Hey, do you know where I can get some water? I'm talking to a bird. I must be losing it. TREVOR: Sean! Sean! Wait. The wind blew him this way. We still heading north? Yeah, still north. He's a smart kid. He knows the plan. I'm sure he'll be waiting by the riνer. Let's find that river. Hey, come on, wait up. Where'd you go? [CHlRPlNG] Good job. Okay. Now which way? South. That's good. The river's north. Okay. Here, let me take that. -No, no, I'm fine. -Come on, let me take it. -Trevor, I'm fine. -Hannah, Hannah, I got it. Let's just stop for a second. Hey, we're gonna find him. Drink that. -ls that the last of the water? -Yeah. We're gonna need that. Keep it. Hannah, drink it. Come on. Duck! -What the--? HANNAH: What was that? Large carniνorous plant? Hannah. Hannah? Hannah. [GASPS] Hannah. Ugh. Hang in there. That's one point for me, right? Right. Who's keeping track, right? I get it. It's a magnetic field. No way. Magnetic rocks? No, no. No, no, no. No. No. You try that without wings. That's the river. Geyser must be inside that cave. Sean! Where is he? Trevor? Man, I really wish I'd read that book. [GROWLING in DISTANCE] [thumping] I don't see him anywhere. Trevor? Trevor. Hang on a minute. What are you doing? I'm going to get my nephew. Hannah. This is all my fault. Save yourself. Just go home. I'll wait for you at the river for as long as I can. What did you do that for? Just in case. [SEAN yelling] TREVOR: Sean! Sean! [SCREAMING] Sean! Sean? ! Sean! Sean! Sean! Come on! Oh, God, I'm glad to see you. Yeah, you too. -Are you all right? -Yeah. We should go. SEAN: Wait, wait, wait. -ls that the geyser? -Yeah, that's where we're going. Come on. -Haven't you ever seen a dinosaur before? -Not with skin on it. He's too fast. We're not gonna make it. -Trevor, what are you doing? -That's muscovite. Same thing that we fell through before. SEAN: There's no way it's gonna hold you. It can't hold him either. Now you run. Trevor, no. It's not breaking, Trevor. Keep running! -He's gaining on you. -l know. Keep going. Ah! Whoa. SEAN: Trevor, it's working. Look out! Trevor! I just remembered something. I hate field work. Trevor, come on. That was like- - And then you were like-- Yeah, I know. I'm really lucky. Okay, that way. That, no good. That, worse. Let's go. The river. How are we gonna get to the geyser? -Water's boiling. -We need something that floats. Who had dibs again? Come on, jump in. -The best mountain guide on the planet. -Got that right. You didn't really think you were gonna scare me away, did you? You'll have to work harder than that. I'm afraid I'll have to charge you extra for this bit. TREVOR: Can I open a tab? Whoa. [rumbling] What was that? It's not good. That's the river bed. We're running out of water. Well, guys, you might wanna hang on to something. This ride is about to get a little bit.... [SCREAMING] Bumpy. -ls everybody all right? HANNAH: Yeah. SEAN: Where are we? What's that light down there? TREVOR: That's lava. It's magma, and it's rising. Steam, water shooting up. We're too late for the geyser, we missed it. -What do we do? -Do you have any suggestions, professor? Without water, no steam. Without steam, we're not going anywhere. This place looks like there hasn't been water here in two, three hours now. -But the walls are still wet. -That's impossible, it's 1 30 degrees. -Trevor. Behind you. -What? It is wet. It's cold. There's water behind here. There's gotta be water behind some pocket or underground river. Trevor, it's getting closer. Hey, that's magnesium. -We're slipping. -How many flares you got left? Three. What do you wanna do with them? Gonna light the magnesium. Got to get further down. Give me another one. Hold my legs. Come on. You're gonna have to tie me off. I gotta get down lower. Trevor, it's getting closer. That's good. All right, ready. It's the last one. Trevor, be careful. HANNAH: How's that? TREVOR: Little more. SEAN: Hurry. HANNAH: Lower? TREVOR: Little more. Okay, hold off. -Come on. SEAN: Come on. TREVOR: Come on, light. SEAN: Come on. Come on, Trevor. Still wet. Gonna have to throw it to the other side. What? No. HANNAH: Trevor, come on. -Trevor, come on. -lt's lit, it's lit. Pull! -Pull me up. -Hurry. Pull me up. Pull me up. HANNAH: Come on, pull it. Pull it. TREVOR: Pull. Watch the teeth. Watch the teeth. HANNAH: Sean! Come on! Get down, it's gonna blow. [SCREAMING] This thing's heating up. I know! -Hang on! -Trust me, I'm hanging on! is that sky? [SCREAMING] Hang on, everybody! -Stop saying that! -lt just keeps coming up! [GRUNTlNG] [LAUGHS] [chickens squawking] That's Mount Vesuvius. Hey, Sean, if your mom asks you what you did this weekend... tell her Uncle Trevor took you to Italy. -Italy? [SPEAKS in italian] [speaking in italian] Sean? What? I just took a few geological samples. A few pounds of samples, but what do you expect? I'm a scientist's son. Look. Look. You take this. You take. We are sorry. You want slide again? Slide is okay. It's fine. Anything what you want. What was that for? Now we're eνen. Leonard, I'm back. Stop doing what you're doing. What am I doing? Oh, look, you're looking for work. You don't need to, because you have a job with the Ásgeirsson-Anderson Institute for Tectonophysical Exploration. The Ásgeirsson-Anderson- - What? Still working on the name. But the point is, rising tide lifts all boats. Man, that's awesome. I think- - Am I a boat? -All right, dude. Well, well, well. What's all the excitement about? -Oh, hey, Alan. How are you? ALAN: Good. -What you doing? -Oh, me? I'm moving into my new lab. More importantly, where have you been? I heard you missed your Monday lecture and both of your students complained. Oh! [BOTH chuckling] I took a quick vacation. Best thing I could've done. ALAN: That is exciting. You'll have to promise to tell me about it, okay? Not sure if I'll have time, but you can read about it in Scientific American. Scientific American? Look, I just want to say, no hard feelings, okay? About the laboratory moving and expansion thing. So I'm actually looking for my own building anyway. How exactly are you going to do that, Trevor? Well, let's just say I fell into a small fortune. HANNAH: So tomorrow you're gonna be a Canadian. Yep. Looks that way. [singing "O CANADA"] I'd say that was a lot of male bonding packed into very little time. What do you say we take a couple weeks next time? A couple weeks? -What are you doing over Christmas break? -Nothing. I'm free. I just found this in your dad's stuff. Give it a read. -'uLost City of Atlantis.u' TREVOR: Mm-hm. We'll talk. Sean, what is that? -l'm just feeding my pet. -What pet? Sean. -You think my mom will let me keep him? -l don't know. Might not even stay here. -Look at it. -Hey, come on. -This is your problem. -Where are you going? I got some food for you. Come on. Come back down here. Come on. [ENGLISH SDH] Hey, you reached Doug. Sorry, I missed your call. Please leave a name and number and I'll get back to you. Hi, you've reached Dr. Stuart Price with Prime Dentistry. Please leave a message after the... Hey, this is Phil. Leave me a message, or don't. Do me a favor. Don't text me, it's gay. Anything? / I tried them all. It keeps going straight to voice mail. There has to be an explanation./ Sweety, it's Vegas. You'll lose track of time in those casinos. There's no windows, or clocks. He's probably on a heater. And you never walk away from the table when you're on a heater. You do if you're getting married. Tracy, it's Phil. Phil, where the hell are you guys? I'm freaking out. Yea, listen... We fucked up. What are you talking about? The bachelor party, the whole night. Things got out of control and, uh... We lost Doug. What? / We can't find Doug. What are you saying, Phil? We're getting married in 5 hours. Yeah. That's not gonna happen. You have to move... Thank you. Whoa, watch it pervert! It's okay Alan. He's just doing your inseam. It's getting very close to my shaft. All done. You can change now. Thanks, Floyd. Thank you very much. Alright, buddy. We should get a move on. You know, Doug. I was thinking... If you wanna go to Vegas without me, it's totally cool. What are you talking about? Phil and Stu, they're your buddies and it's your bachelor party. Come on, Alan. Those two love you. I also don't want you to have to hold back because your wife's brother is there. It's not like that... It's not like that. I already told you, Alan. We're just spending a night in Vegas. It's no big deal. Besides, you're not just my wife's brother, you're my brother now. I want you to know, Doug, I'm a steel-trap. Whatever happens tonight, I will never, ever, speak a word of it. Okay, I got it. Thank you. I don't think that... Seriously, I don't care what happens. I don't care if we kill someone. What? You heard me. It's Sin City. Hold your soul. Okay, I got it. Thank you./ No. Thank you. I love you so much. No, Sid. Really? / Come on. We're family now. Are you sure? You love this car. Doug, it's just a car. Just make sure when you get there... Put some armor all on the tires so the sand doesn't seep in. Absolutely. That's easy. Don't let Alan drives. Because, there's something wrong with him. Understood./ And Phil either. I don't like him. I will be the only one driving this car. I promise./ Good. Remember. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Except for Herpes. That shit'll come back with you. Hold on, I still need some of your permission slips. And $90 for the field trip to the Griffith observatory next weekend. Pay now or forever regret missing out in this experience of a lifetime, guys. You're good. You got it./ Thank you Mr. Wenneck. Thank you, Wilson. Thanks Bob. Way to go. Do you have to park so close? / Yeah. What's wrong? We shouldn't be here. Why is that Alan? / I'm not supposed to be within 200 feet of a school. What? / Or Chuck E. Cheese. Hey, Mr. Wenneck./ It's the weekend, Nick. I don't know you. You do not exist. Shit. Nice car./ Yeah./ I'm driving. No chance, but... Don't step... Will you shut up and drive before one of these nerds ask me another question. Who's this? / It's Alan. Tracy's brother. I met you like, four times./ Oh yeah. How you doin', man? Don't forget your Rogaine./ Rogaine, check. And don't forget to use it. I can totally tell when you forget. Your hair just looks thinner. Using of the Rogaine, check. And make sure to call me right when you get to the hotel, not like that... Conference in Phoenix. I had to wait two hours for you to call me. I was the keynote speaker. I was late to the podium. Still.../ Yeah, you're totally right. I'm sorry. What is the matter? / I don't know. I just know you're gonna go to a strip club when you're out there. Melissa, we're going to Napa Valley. I don't even think they have strip club in wine country. I'm sure if there's one, Phil will sniff it out. It's not gonna be like that. Besides, you know how I feel about that sort of thing. I know, it's just, boys and their bachelor parties. It's gross. You're right. It is gross. Not to mention it's pathetic. Those places are filthy. And the worst part is... That little girl grinding, and dry humping the fucking stage up there. That's somebody's daughter up there./ That's somebody's daughter up there. I was just gonna say that./ See? I just wish your friends were as mature as you. They are mature, actually. You just have to get to know them better. Paging Doctor Faggot. Doctor Faggot. I should go./ That's a good idea, Dr. Faggot. Have a good weekend. I'll miss you. Road trip! Hey, Vegas! Vegas, baby. Vegas. Come on, just 'till Barstow. Everybody's passing us. Absolutely not. I promised Sid, I will be the only one driving this car. Besides you're drinking./ What, are you a cop now? You know I drive great when I'm drunk. That's true. Don't forget Phil was always our designated drunk driver. Do you wanna explain to them, Alan? Guys, my dad loves this car more than he loves me, so yeah. I left my wife and my kid at home so I can go with you guys to Vegas. Do you know how difficult that was? It's really sweet, Phil. I was being sarcastic. I fucking hate my life. I may never go back. I might just stay in Vegas. Here we go. You know, Doug. You should enjoy yourself, because come saturday... You're gonna start dying a little bit. Everyday. That's why I managed to stay single this whole time. Oh, really? That's why you're single? / Yeah./ Cool. Good to know. Am I alright over there, Alan? Yeah, you're good./ Alright. Oh, Jesus Christ! / Oh, my God. That was awesome. That was not awesome! What's wrong with you. That was insane. We almost just die. You should've seen your face. It's classic. It's not funny. You've got a sweet ride there./ Don't touch it. Don't even look at it. Go on. Get out. You heard me. Don't look at me either. Yeah, you better walk on. He's actually kind of funny./ Yeah, he means well. I'll hit an old man in public. Is he all there, like, mentally? I think so, he's just not guy, and he's kind of weird. Should we be worried? / No. Tracy did mention that we shouldn't let him gamble or drink to much. Jesus, he's like a gremlin. Comes with instructions and shit And one water. I'll go with Melissa? / Oh, yeah. I told her we're two hour outside of wine country, and she bought it. Don't you think it's strange that you've been in relationship for 3 years.. But you still have to lie about going to Vegas./ Yeah, I do. But, trust me it's not worth the fight. So, you can't go to Vegas but she can fuck a bellhop on a carnival cruise line. Okay, first of all, he was a bartender. And she was wasted. And if you must know, he didn't even come inside her. And you believe that? / Yeah I do believe that. Because she's grossed out by semen. That'll be $32.50. It's $32.50, I'll pay for it. It says here we should work in teams. Who wants to be my spotter? I don't think you should be doing too much gambling tonight, Alan. Gambling? Who said anything about gambling? It's not gambling when you know you're gonna win. Counting card is a foolproof system. It's also illegal./ It's not illegal. It's frowned upon, like... Masturbating on an airplane. I'm pretty sure that's illegal too. Yeah, maybe after 9/11 where everybody gets so sensitive. Thanks a lot, Bin Laden. Either way, you gotta be super smart to count cards, buddy./ Oh, really? It's not easy./ Maybe we should tell that to rain man... Because he practically bankrupted the casino and he was a 'ratard.' What? He was a 'ratard.' Retard. Here we go. Hi, welcome to Caesar's./ Hi. Checking in? / Yeah. We have a reservation under Dr. Price./ Okay, let me look that up for you. Dr. Price? Stu, you're a dentist. And don't try and get fancy. It's not fancy if it's true./ He's a dentist. Don't get too excited. And if someone has a heart attack, you should still call 911. We'll be sure to do that. Can I ask you a question? Do you know if the hotel is pager-friendly? / What do you mean? I'm not getting a sig' on my beeper./ I'm not sure. Is there a payphone bank? Bunch of payphones? Business. There's a phone in your room./ That'll work. I have you in a two bedroom suite on the 12th floor, is that okay? Sounds perfect./ Actually, I was wondering if you have any villas available. Phil, we're not even gonna be in the room./ That's unnecessary. It's no big deal. We can share beds. One night. If we share beds, I'm buckle with Phil. You good with that? / No, I'm not good with that. We're not sharing beds. What, are we 12 years olds? Lisa, I appologize. How much is the villa? We have one villa available, and it's $4200 for the night. Is it awesome? / It's pretty awesome. We'll take it. Give her your credit card./ I can't give her my credit card. We'll split it./ Are you crazy? No, this is on us. You don't get it. Melissa checks my statements. We just need a credit card on file. We won't charge you anything until you check out. So you can figure it out then./ Perfect. That's Perfect. Thank you, Lisa. And we'll deal with it tomorrow. Come on. Fine. Can I ask you another question? / Sure. You probably get this a lot. This isn't the real Caesar's Palace, is it? What do you mean? Did Caesar live here? / No. I didn't think so. Holy shit. This is Vegas. Oh, my... This place is enormous. Now we're talking. It's all one suite? Thank you, guys. Or should I say thank you, Stu. You're welcome. It's only because I love you. Okay, ladies, pick a room. Get dressed. We should be ready in 30 minutes. I just wish you could see this place, because you, of all people... Would love it. Yeah. No, it's so quiet. There's no TVs, no phones. They just have this cute little antique radios in all the rooms. What else? We met the proprietor. What's his name? Ceasar Palace. Yeah, like the salad. Okay, I gotta go. Because we're gonna hit this wine tasting. Okay, wait. I love you. Bye. I'm not even gonna say anything. It's so embarassing. Where's Alan? / He went downstairs. He said he had to grab a few things. Good. Because I have something to show you. What the hell is that? / What do you think it is? That's what I think it is. I think it's a big fucking mistake. I'm gonna proposed to Melissa at your wedding. After the ceremony. Stuey, congratulations./ Thank you, Doug. That's a beautiful ring./ Yeah, that's my grandmother's. She made it all the way through the holocaust with that thing. It's legit. I don't get it. Have you not listen to anything I've ever said? Phil, we've been dating for 3 years. It's time. This is how it works. A, that is bullshit. And B, she is a complete bitch. Hey, that's his fiance. It's true. You know it's true. She beats him. That was twice and I was out of line. She's strong-willed. And I respect that. Wow. He's in denial. Not to mention she fucked the sailor. He wasn't a sailor. He was a bartender on a cruise ship. You know that. Guys, I'm standing right here, so I can hear everything you're saying. Hey, guys, you ready to let the dogs out? Let the dogs out. You know, like, who let the dogs out. Who brought this guy along? Yes, Alan. We're ready to let the dogs out. Hey, congrats./ Thank you. You're not really wearing that, are you? / Wearing what? / The man purse. You're actually gonna wear that or you guys just fuckin' with me? This is where I keep all my things. I get a lot of compliments on this. Plus it's not a man purse. It's called a satchel. Indiana Jones wears one. So does Joy Behar. We're going up, guys./ Yeah, that's perfect. Really? We're going up? I'm just saying it's clearly marked, okay? We're definitely not supposed to be up here. C'mon, Stu. We're paying for the villa. We can do whatever the fuck we want. Just wedge the door up. Guy's come on up here. How the hell did you find this place? / Don't worry about it. You alright? / Yeah. Look at the view up here./ Are you happy? / This is great. Wow. Are you kidding? Alan, how are we doing, buddy? / Good. What do you got over there, Alan? That's the Eiffel Tower. A little Yagermeister. Good idea./ Good call./ On the roof. This is good. I'd like to make a toast. To Doug and Tracy. May tonight be... But a minor speed-bump and in otherwise very long and healthy marriage. Cheers. It's like college./ I wanna talk about something. I'd like to... I'd like to say something. That I prepared tonight./ Alright, Alan. Hello. How bout that ride in. I guess that's why they call it Sin City. Ha-ha-ha. You guys might not know this, but I considered myself a bit of a loner. I tend to think of myself as a one-man wolf pack. But when my sister brought Doug home, I knew he was one of my own. And my wolf pack, it grew by one. So there were two of us in the wolf pack. I was alone first in the pack, and then Doug joined in later. And six months ago, when Doug introduced me to you guys... I thought, "Wait a second. Could it be...?" And now I know for sure. I just added two more guys to my wolf pack. Alright. Four of us wolves. Running around the desert together. In Las Vegas. Looking for strippers and cocaine. So tonight, I make a toast. What do you got there? What the fuck? / What are you doing? What is that? / Blood brothers. God damn it. Alan, no./ I'm not doing that. Make him stop. Alan, we're not gonna cut ourselves. Give me the knife. Slowly. Thank you. Are you alright? Do you need a doctor? He's fine. He's good. Are you sure? / I'm good./ Perfect. Alan, come here, buddy./ Get in here, crazy. Alright. To a night the four of us will never forget. Cheers. What the fuck? Control yourself, man. God damn. Will you put on some pants? Phil, do not go in the bathroom./ Alan, just calm down it's me. Phil, there is a tiger in the bathroom. What's going on? There's a jungle cat in the bathroom. Okay, I'll check it out. Becareful. Don't. Holy fuck. He's not kidding. There's a tiger in there. No, there isn't./ Yeah. That bitch is gigantic. You okay, buddy? / No. I'm in so much pain right now. God damn. Look at this place. I know. Phil, they have my credit card downstairs. I'm so screwed. How does a tiger get in the bathroom? It almost killed me. You mind putting on some pants? I find it a little weird I have to ask twice. Pants, at times like this? I dont have any. What the fuck happened last night. Hey, Phil, am I missing a tooth? Oh, my god. My lateral incisor, it's gone. Okay, just calm down. We're fine. Everything is fine. Alan, go wake up Doug. Let's get some coffee and get the fuck out of Nevada... Before house-keeping shows up. What am I gonna tell Melissa? I lost a tooth. I have no idea how it happened. You freaking me out, man. I got a massive headache. Let's just calm down. How am I supposed to calm down? Look around you. Hey, guys, he's not in there. Did you check all the rooms? / Yeah, I looked everywhere. Plus his mattress is gone. He probably went to the pool to get something to eat. Let's call his cell. I look like a nerdy hillbilly. Alan./ Hey. It's Phil./ Oh, hey phil... This is Doug's phone. No shit./ Yeah. What the fuck is that? Whose fuckin' baby is that? Alan, are you sure you didn't see anyone else in the suite? Yeah, I checked all the rooms. No one's here. Check its collar or something. It's okay, baby. Stu, we don't have time for this. Let's go hook up with Doug. We'll deal with the baby later. Phil, we're not gonna leave a baby in the room. There's a fucking tiger in the bathroom. It's not our baby./ Yeah, I gotta side with Stu on this one. Alright, fine. We'll take it with us. Can you at least find some pants? Why can't we remember a god damned thing from last night? Because we obviously had a great fucking time. Why don't you just stop worrying for one minute. Proud of yourself. Oh, how cute. What's his name? Ben. Carlos. Carlos? Hey, Phil, look. He's jacking his little weenis. Pull yourself together, man. Not at the table, Carlos. I looked everywhere. Gym, casino, front desk nobody seen Doug. He's not here. He's fine. He's a grown man. Seriously, Stu. You gotta calm down. Here, have some juice. Okay, let's just track this thing. What's the last thing we remember doing last night? The first thing was we're on the roof and we're having shots of Yager. And then we had dinner at The Palm, right? / That's right. Then we play crabs at the Hard Rock, and I think Doug was there. That sounds right. No, he definitely was. You know what, guys? I don't even remember going to dinner. I know. What the fuck? I don't think I've ever been this hungover. After the Hard Rock I blacked out. It was like emptiness. We have him until 10 p.m so that gives us... A twelve hour window where we could've lost him. What is this? Oh, my god. That is my tooth. Why do you have that? What else is in your pocket? No, it's a good thing. Check your pockets. Do you have anything? I have an ATM receipt from The Bellagio. 11:05 for $800. I am so fucked. I have a valet ticket from Caesar's. Looks like we got in at 5:15 am. Oh, shit. We drove last night? Driving drunk. Classic. What's on your arm? What the fuck? / Jesus. Phil, you were in the hospital last night. I guess so, yeah./ You okay? Yeah, Alan. I'm fine. What the hell is going on? / Stu, this is a good thing. We have a lead now. Hey, Stu. Watch this. Do you ever see a baby do that? Alan, it's not cool. Are you sure you're qualified to be taking care of that baby? What are you talkin' about? I've found a baby before. You've found a baby before? / Yeah. Where? / Coffee Bean. Hey, Phil, I don't think Doug would want us to take the Mercedes. Relax we'll be careful. My dad is crazy about that car and he left Doug in charge. Alan, we got bigger problems here. Doug could be in hospital. He could be hurt. Let's worry about the car later. Guys, check it out. Is that the mattress from Doug's room? What the fuck? Hey, what's going on? Some assholes threw his bed off the window last night. No shit. Some guys just can't handle Vegas. It's gonna be okay, Stu. How the hell did a mattress... Here's your car, officers. Oh, god. Alright, everybody act cool. Don't say a word. Let's just get in and go. Stu, you got a 5? / No. I'll hit you on the way back. Thank you, sir. Oh, my god. You just nailed the baby. My glasses okay? Your glasses are fine, dick. This is so illegal. Can't you see the fun part of anything? Yeah we're stuck in traffic in a stolen police car... With what is sure to be a missing child in the back seat. Which part of this is fun? I think the cop car part is pretty cool. Thank you, Alan. It is cool. Doug would love it. Come on. Check this out. Oh, no. Don't, Phil. Don't do this./ Take it easy. Just don't try to call for more attention to us./ Attention./ Sorry. Attention, please. Move out of the way. I repeat. Please disperse. Phil, stop the car. I wanna get out. Pull over. Ma'm, in the leopard dress... You have an amazing rack. Get off the sidewalk. I should've been a fuckin' cop. Look, I already told you. You came in here with a mild concussion, some bruised ribs. No big deal. Although none of you could articulate how it happened. Do you remember how many of us were here? I don't know. I think it was just you guys. Definitely no baby. And one other guy. That's our guy. Was he okay? Yeah, he was fine. Just whacked out of his mind. You all were. Alright. Come forward. And turn. Alright, here we go. And cough. Cough. Give me one more. Alright. Attaboy. Felix, you can put your robe on. The nurse will be here in a minute. I'll see you after the weekend. Thank you, doctor. Guys, I really gotta go. I'm sorry. I have a surgery up on the 4th floor. I know. We just need a couple more minutes of your time. Yeah. Tuck it right in there. I don't wanna resterilized. Walk with me. Okay, here we go. Patient name Phil Wenneck. 2:45 a.m arrival. Minor concussion like I said. Some bruising. Pretty standard. Do you mind if I take a look. I'm actually a doctor. You said that several times last night. But, really, you're just a dentist. Okay, this is interesting. Your blood work came in this morning. They found a large amount of Roophyllin in your system. Roophyllin? Roofies? Commonly known as the "Date Rape Drug?" Are you saying I was raped last night? Actually... I don't think so. But, someone did slip you the drug. I'm not surprised you don't remember anything. Doc, none of us can remember anything from last night. Remember? How could someone drugged all of us? I wouldn't be worried about it. By now the stuff is out of your system. You're gonna be fine. I have to go. Wait, please doctor. Is there anything else like something we've been talking about? Or some place we were going? Actually there was something. You guys kept talking about some wedding last night. Yeah. No shit. Our buddy Doug is getting married tomorrow. I want the hundred back./ No. You kept talking about some wedding that you just came from. At the Best Little Chapel. You guys kept saying how sick the wedding was... And getting all crazy about it. I hope this helps, fellas. I really have to leave. You know Best Little Chapel? Do you know where that is? I do. It's on the corner of 'get a map' and 'fuck off'. I'm a doctor, not a tour guide. Figure it out yourself, okay? You're big boys. What about the baby? Just leave him in the car. We're only gonna be 5 minutes. We're not leaving a baby in the car./ He'll be fine. I cracked the window. What if they don't remember us./ Well, let's just find out. Excuse me sir. Look at these guys. What happened? You missed me? You miss Eddie. You want more from me? Come here, my friend. Look at this guy. You fuckin' crazy. What's going on, man? Listen, I wanna tell you something. I know some sick people in my life. This guy is the craziest, wildest bastard I ever met in my life. This guy is out of his mind. What's going on, you fucking crazy motherfucker? I thought he was gonna eat my dick. What happened? No love for Eddie? You don't hug me? No, it's not that, Eddie. It's just that... We're having a hard time remembering what happened here last night. Was there a wedding here? Do you do a weddings here? You're cracking my balls, man. Eddie, obviously we were here last night. We're looking for a friend, Doug. Do you remember him? / Yeah. The small guy. Like a monkey. You saw him? / Of course. Is there anything you can tell us about what may have happened last night? You don't remember nothing? Congratulations, Stu. You got married. This can't be happening. Oh, god./ Look at that. I tell you one thing. You looked seriously happy here, man. That's it. My life is over. Stu, its okay. Shit happens. Melissa's not gonna know anything about this. This never happened. I'll take care of it. Hey, what's all that? The high-roller package. It's what you guys order. I have coffee mugs. You have baseball caps, huh? And fancy calendars all with pictures of Stu and Jade. Her name's Jade? / Yeah, she's beautiful, man. Clean. Very tight. Tits, like that. But that's because she had a baby. That explains the baby./ Oh, Carlos./ Great. Alright. Eddie, here's the deal. We made a major mistake last night. We need to get this marriage annuled immediately. You do annulments? / Of course I do annulments. It breaks my heart and gonna make me very sad. But it's not a problem. I'm gonna make a very good price for you. I can't do it with just him though. I need the chick. I need both parties. Not a problem. That's great. Isn't that great, Stu? C'mon, buddy. She probably know where Doug is. Awesome./ Alright. We need her address. She must have filled out some paperworks, right? Of course. Hey, excuse me. What's the matter with you? Go get the paperwork now. I've spent my life waiting for you. Come on. And get the bakhala, please. Hey, Phil, what about my dad's car? I'm sure Doug has it. We'll get it back. Then I vote we torch the cop car and all the shit with it. Torch it? Who are you? I don't know, Phil. Apparently I'm a guy who married a complete strangers. This whole situation is completely fucked. These mugs. This hat. This car. It's all evidence of a night that never happened. That is why we're torching all of it. I'm a school teacher. I got a family. I'm on for secrecy. But I'm not gonna torch a fuckin' cop car. Fine. I'll do it. Can I help? / Yeah. Thanks. Shit. Is it Doug? / I don't have any./ It's Doug. It's Melissa. Don't answer it./ I have to. She's called twice already. Hey, sweetheart. How are you? There you are. It's the third time I'm trying you. I know. The receptions up here is crazy. I think it's all the sequoia trees block the signal./ I hate that. So, how was it last night? It was really fun actually. It's kinda quiet. It was a good time. That sounds nice./ We're on in all kind of vino factoids. So cool if I could breast-feed, you know. We're about to go for a tractor ride. So I should probably get going. A tractor ride? / So pretty. Let's go. Out of the car. What was that? / They just started up the tractor. I think it backfired. Where the hell is he? Hey, easy. I think we're looking for the same guy. What the hell, man? Where the fuck are you? Is that a baby? Why it has to be a baby? We're in winery. It's a goat. Where is he? I don't know what you're talking about. Sir, could you please start the tractor so we can get out of here? I'm trying to but we're fuckin' blocked. Oh, my god. What the hell is happening, Stu? Hey, there's a baby on board! Someone just said baby. Get out of the car./ It's a baby goat. Chinese guy, why do you making trouble for my business, man. Go away from here now. Get out of the fuckin' car./ Phil, he's got a gun./ No shit he's gotta gun. I gotta call you back. They shot Eddie./ Fuck this shit. Go, go, go. That was some serious shit. Who were those guys? We're gonna be okay. Everything's gonna be okay. What the fuck is going on? I have no idea. Why don't you just let that one go to voice mail? That's a fake laugh, by the way. It's got Ted Danson and Magnum P.I. and that jewish actor. Shut up, Alan. What room was it again? / It's 825. I already checked with her. I've found him. I call you back. Thank god. He's with his father. I was freakin' out. I miss you, sweety. Honey, I miss you. What the hell happened to you guys? Actually, we were hoping you could tell us. What do you mean? I got up this morning. I went to get you guys some coffe, and I came back and you were gone. Why are you being so quiet? I'm no being quiet. He's so cute. I gotta feed Tyler. Come inside, you guys. Did you hear that? The baby's name is Tyler. I thought he looked more like a Carlos too, buddy. Okay, what's up. You guys are acting weird. Look, it's Jade, right? / Very funny, Phil. Right, Jade. Uh. Do you remember our friend, Doug? Are you kidding? He was the best man in our wedding. Exactly. We can't find him and we got a little worried. Oh, my god. That is so Doug. I'm gonna go clean him up. It's alright. Daddy didn't mean it. Oh, my god. What the fuck, man? You gotta hold it together. Holy shit./ She is super hot. You should be proud of yourself. She is wearing my grandmother's ring. The ring I'm gonna give to Melissa. Remember my grandmother's holocaust ring? She's wearing it. I didn't know they give out rings at the holocaust. He's okay./ Good. He was just hungry. That's fine. About last night. Do you remember the last time you saw Doug? I haven't seen him since the wedding. The wedding. Okay. What time was that at? I guess it was around 1. Because I had to go back to work and finish my shift. And then when I got out. I headed over to the hotel with Tyler. And was Doug there then? I didn't see Doug. Because you guys were passed out. The room was a wreck. So I was just curled up next to Stu. I got a question. You said when your shift ended. Is that mean you're a nurse? Or a blackjack dealer? You know this. I'm a stripper. Technically I'm an escort, but stripping is a great way to meet the clients. Smart. Savvy. But that's all in the past now that I'm marrying a doctor. I'm just a dentist. Police. Freeze! Shut that baby up. Okay. So after we take the mugshot, we bring'em on down here... Where they wait to be interviewed by the arresting officers. Trust me, kids. You do not want to be sitting on these benches. We call this place Loserville. Follow me. Hello. Hey Tracy, it's Phil. Hey, Phil. Where are you guys? We are at the spa, at the hotel. Cool. I just get some sun. Is Doug around? Of course he's around. Why wouldn't he be around? I'm just wondering why you're calling me. We made a deal, no talking to girlfriends or wife. We just call each other's. Okay. What's up? You are not gonna believe this. We got comp an extra night at the hotel. You did? Yeah. The suite is ridiculous. It's out of control. It was room service and a butler. We had figured to spent the night here and then... We're just gonna come back totally relax in the morning. You wanna stay an extra night? But the wedding is tomorrow. That's why we're gonna get up really early and... We'll be back with plenty of times. Okay. Are you sure that's a good idea? Wenneck, Price, Garner. Room 3. Okay, Trace, I gotta go. Talk to you later. Come on. Chop chop./ Just spin around. Wait a second./ I'll go over. There we go. Gentlemen. We got some good news and some bad news. The good news is, we found your Mercedes. That's great news. It's over impound right now. We picked it up at 5 a.m this morning. Parked in the middle of Las Vegas Blvd. It's weird./ Yeah. It is weird. There's also a note. It says, "couldn't find the meter, but here's 4 bucks." The bad news is... We can't get you in front of the judge until Monday morning. Officer that's just impossible. We need to be in L.A tomorrow for a wedding. You stole a police car. We didn't steal anything. We found it. If anything, we deserve a reward or something. Like a trophy? I see assholes like you everyday./ Every fuckin' day. Let's go to Vegas. We all get drunk and laid. Let's steal a cop car, 'cause it'll be really fuckin' funny. Think you can get away with it? Not up in here! Not up in here! Sir... If I may. I'm assuming that squad car belongs to one of you./ Yeah. I'm not a cop. I'm no hero. I'm a school teacher. But if one of my kids went missing on a field trip... That looked really bad on me. What are you getting at? Yeah, Phil. What are you getting at? No one wants to look bad. We gotta get to a wedding. And you guys don't need people talking about some obnoxious tourist... Borrowed your squad car last night. The point is, I think we can work out a deal. Discretely of course, ma'm. What do you say? Let me ask you a question. Do any of you gentlemen have any heart conditon, or anything like that? No. Okay, kids. You're in for a real treat today. These gentlemen have kindly volunteered to demonstrate... How a stun gun is used to subdue a suspect. What? Now, there's two ways to use a stun gun. Up close and personal. Or you can shoot it from a distance. Do I have any volunteers who wanna come up here to do some shooting? How bout you, young lady. Come on up here. Let's go, handsome. Come on. Not you, fat Jesus. Slide it on back. You, pretty boy. It's real simple. All you gotta do is point, aim, and shoot. You don't really wanna do this. You can do this. Just focus. Don't listen to this maniac. Let's think this thing through. Finish him! Right in the nuts. That was beautiful. Well done. Give her a hand, everybody. Alright./ Good job. Good job. Well done. That was great. Hey, we got one more charge left. Anybody wanna do some shooting up here? How about you, big man. Come on up here. Okay. Same instructions. Just point, aim, and shoot. There you go. That's the stuff. I like the intensity. Eye the tiger. Good. You're holding 50.000 volts, little man. Don't be afraid to ride the lightning. In the face. He's still up. Everybody relax. Take it easy. We've seen it before. He just need a little extra charge. There we go. Somebody's big boys. You gotta give them two shots. Alright, kids. Who wants to get their fingerprints done? Come on. Let's go. Fuck those guys. Do you hear me? That was bullshit. I'm telling everybody we stole a cop car. He let us go. Who cares. I care. You can't just do that. You can't just tase people. Because you think it's funny. That's police brutality. I'm getting a soda. Do you guys want anything? / No. One man doesn't shut up. Jesus Christ. Alan, you okay? I'm just worried. What if something happened to Doug. Something bad. Come on, you can't think like that. What if he's dead? I can't afford to lose anybody close to me again. It hurts too much. I was so upset when my grandpa died. I'm sorry. How did he die? World War II./ Die in the battle? No he was skiing in Vermont. It was just during World War II. Alan, Doug is fine. Why hasn't he called? / I don't know, but we're gonna figure it out. I'll tell you another thing. 6 to 1 odds are our car is beat to shit. Stu, not now. Seriously, how much do you wanna bet? It's like fucked up. That's enough. Alan is seriously worried. Let's not freak him out anymore. I'm sorry, Alan. We'll search the car for clues, and everything's gonna be okay. Oh, shit. I can't see that. I'm not looking. Oh, thank god. It's gonna be alright. Anything? I got a cigar. I found a black shoes./ A women shoes? / I don't know. Whose are those? / I don't know. It's men size 6. It's weird. What is this, a snake skin? Oh, come on. That's a used condom, Alan. Get it out of the car. I got a jizz on me. Get it out. Oh, my god. What the fuck, man? We gotta get this shit together, guys. What was that? It's in the trunk. Doug's in the trunk. Holy shit. Open it./ Okay. Please stop. I'm with you. You gonna fuck on me? Nobody's gonna fuck on you. We're on your side. I hate Godzilla. I hate him too. He destroys cities. Please. This isn't your fault. I'll get you some pants. What the fuck was that? I have an internal bleeding. Please call 911. That's some fucked up shit. Who was that guy? He's so mean. Guys, there's something I need to tell you. Last night on the roof, before we went out... I slipped something in our Yagermeister. What? I'm sorry. I fuged up, guys. You drugged us? No, I didn't drug you. I was told it was ecstasy. Who told you it was ecstasy? The guy I bought it from at the liquor store. Why would you give us ecstasy? Because I wanted everybody to have a good time... And I knew you guys wouldn't take it. It was just one hit each. I used to do 3 hits at night. But it wasn't ecstasy, Alan. It was roofies. You think I knew that, Stu? The guy I bought it from seemed like he was a real straight shooter. I'm sorry. You mean the drug dealer at the liquor store wasn't a good guy? Let's just calm down./ You fuckin' calm down. He drugged us. I lost a tooth. I married a whore. How dare you. She's a nice lady. You're such a fuckin' moron./ Your language is offensive. Fuck you. Let's just take a deep breath. This is a good thing, guys. At least it's not some strangers drugged us for god knows what reason. You're right, Phil. It's totally a good thing. We're so much better off now. Here's something I would like to remind you two of. Our best friend, Doug, is probably face down in a ditch right now... With a meth head, butt-fucking his corpse. That's highly unlikely./ It's true. This is not help. Let's get our shit together, guys. Let's go back to the hotel and I'm gonna make a couple calls... Maybe Doug's back there. Maybe he's asleep. Come on. Let's go. Stu, little help? Shut up. Oh, god. Are you okay? Alan, I'm sorry. Wait, guys. What about the tiger? What if he got out? I keep forgetting about the god damned tiger. How the fuck did he get in there? I don't know. Because I don't remember. Stu, keep it down. It's one of the side-effects of roofies, is memory loss. You are literally too stupid to insult. Thank you. Hey, come on. Did we leave the music on? Don't make any sudden movements. Who the hell are you? / Who the hell are you? Quiet. Mike Tyson? This is my favorite part coming in right now. I can feel it coming in the air tonight. The chorus line, guys. Oh, Lord. But I've been waiting for this moment for all my life. One more time, guys. Oh, Lord. Why did you do that? Mr. Tyson would like to know why is his tiger in your bathroom. Hold on. That was completely unnecessary. I'm a huge fan. When you knocked out holmes... Explain. We were drugged last night. We have no memory of what happened. It's true. We got into all kinds of trouble last night. And now we can't find our friend. And if you wanna kill us, just go ahead, because I don't even care anymore. Stu, what are you talking about? / I don't care. Why the fuck do you want to steal his tiger? We tend to do dumb shit when we're fucked up. I don't believe you guys. Wait, how did you guys find us? One of you dropped your jacket, found it in the tiger's cage this morning. That's Doug's. Yeah, Doug. His wallet and his room keys in there. That's our missing friend./ I don't give a fuck. Did you guys see him? I was vast asleep. Because if he was up, this shit wouldn't had gone down so smoothly. Maybe the tiger would ate them up like Omar. Respect. What happened to Omar? Don't worry about Omar. He's not with us no more. I know this is asking a lot, but do you think there's anyway that we could go... To your house and look around to see if there's any clues for our friend? Absolutely. How else do you think we're gonna get the tiger back anyway? Come on, Champ. I'm sorry? We're not gonna put it in the Bentley. You brought it here, you bring it back. What do you think? About 40 minutes? Don't make me come back for him. That was Mike Tyson./ No shit that was Mike Tyson. I'm just saying, he's still got it. Are you okay? Where did he get him? This does not seem fair. It's rock, paper, scissors. There's nothing more fair. Alan should do it. Alan took a punch from Mike Tyson, come on. For Doug. Why are you peppering the steak. You don't know if tigers like pepper. Tigers love pepper. They hate cinnamon. Phil, just do it. You should do it. I would, but you lost. It wouldn't be right. I jammed 5 roofies in there. Just go in there and throw it to him. Fine. Make sure he eats the whole thing. Hey, kitty. Hey, sweety. It's okay. A little snack for you. We want you to eat this, okay? Just have a little... What do we do now? We wait. What do tigers dream off when they take a little tiger snooze. Do they dream of mauling zebras or Halle Berry in her Catwoman suite. Don't you worry, you pretty stripped-head we're gonna get you back to Tyson... And your cozy tiger bed. And then we're gonna find our best friend Doug... And then we're gonna give him a best friend hug. Doug, Doug, oh.. Doug, Dougie-Doug, Doug. But if he's been murdered by crystal meth tweakers... Well then we're shit out of luck. By the end we're all gonna die. Watch it. That's his nose. Hey guys, when's the next Haley's comet? Who cares, man./ Do you know, Stu? I don't think it's for another 60 years or something. It's not tonight, right? / No. I don't think so. But you don't know for sure? No. I got this cousin, Marcus who saw one he said it blew his mind. I wanna make sure I'll never ever miss out on Hailie's comet. So if you guys now there's gonna be one... Get out. Oh, my god. Stu, he got me. You got clawed./ I'm bleeding. I can't do it./ Get your fuckin' hand back in there. You're steering the car. I'm too nervous. Alan, we need you, buddy. It's your time to shine, okay? My dad's gonna kill me. That's it./ That's good. Keep it straight. You're late. Whatever, man. We had to push at the last mile. Come on in. Mike's got something he wants to show you. Things got out of control, man. You gotta put it down. When we got back, we took a look at the security cameras. Great. Oh, it's Doug./ Thank god he's alive. That's our buddy. That's who we've been missing. We're all best friends. Why don't you just pay attention. I don't have all night. Yeah, of course. That's me. I'm on TV. I've never been on TV before. Really? Really, Alan? You're gonna overflow the pool, man. Maybe, I... Should I wait outside? I think that's a good idea. Don't touch anything out there either. He's not our good... We don't know him that well. By the way, man, where did you get that cop car from? We stole it from this dumbass cops. Nice. High five there. I have to say, I've never seen a more beautiful, elegant, regal creature. Check it out, Stu. Fuck this tiger. Oh, my god. It's awful. Who does shit like that, man? Someone who has a lot of issues obviously. I'm a sick man. That's all we got. This was, hugely helpful. Because now we know that our buddy Doug was with us at 3.30 totally alive. Thanks again, champ. We're so sorry we stole your tiger. Don't worry about it. Like you said, we all do dumb shit when we're fucked up. I did say that. Everyone says Mike Tyson is a badass, but I think he's kind of a sweetheart. I think he's mean. I think it's officially time we call Tracy. Hallelujah. Finally. Phil says something that make sense. We don't have much of a choice. And who knows maybe she's heard from Doug. That's what I've been saying this whole time. We just need to be completely honest and tell her everything. We don't need to tell her everything. We can leave out the stuff about me marrying a hooker. Just stay focus on Doug. What am I gonna tell my dad about this car? Alan, relax. It's just the inside. I got a guy in L.A who's great with interior. Oh, Jesus./ Oh, my god. Are you guys okay? I know that guy. That's the guy from the trunk. Get out of the car, please. Those are the guys that shot Eddie. I want my purse back, assholes. Your purse? / That's not a purse, it's a satchel. It's a purse, okay? And you steal from wrong guy. Wait a second. We stole from you? We don't remember anything that happened last night. So help us out a little here. Apparently, you guys met at the crabs table late last night. You're on your real heater when you played your hot streak. You ended up winning just under 80 grand. No shit. 80 grand. Nice. That's good. You put the chips in his purse, and then you guys took off with it. That doesn't sound like us. Mine had 80 thousand dollars inside. And this one? Nothing. Hey, there's skittles in there. Don't let the beard fool you. He's a child. He's funny because he's fat. This was obviously a very simple misunderstanding. Alan picked up the wrong purse, it's no big deal. If it's no big deal, why when I come after you guys... He starts screaming like crazy, and throw me in trunk. I did that? You said he was your lucky charm. And you wanna take him home with you. Lucky charm./ That's just funny. Fuck you. If you want to see your friend again, you get me my 80 grand. What? / Our friend? You have Doug? Doug. Chill out, goatie. Alright. Fine. What do you want? Not so good now. Douchebag. We're very sorry, but this is an easy fix. Alan, where's his purse? I don't know./ You said it was in hotel room, right? We can get it. We can get you. We can even write you check right now. No chances. Cash only. There's a person in there. Boring. Take nap. Come on. You can't have our friend. Kindapper! Run me over. Bring money to Big Rock in Mojave Desert at dawn. Tooddle-loo, mothafucka. At least take the bag off his head. Get out of here. Guys, I'm telling you I looked for it this morning before we left. It's not anywhere. Stu, how much you got in the bank? About 10 grand, maybe more. I was gonna use it for the wedding. You're already married. So we're good there. Besides not for Melissa. She's the worst. Doug told me she had sex with a pilot or something like that. It was a bartender on a cruise. What is wrong with you, people. Alan, did you just eat sofa pizza? Yeah. What are we gonna do. We're so fucked. Hey, guys... Do you find it? / No. But check this out. Change only. Ten thousand Hey, this seats taken? No, feel free. Let's play some blackjack. That's it. Shut up, Vincent. I'll stay. Fuck you. Splitting 5. Too many. I don't even know you. But I'm gonna tell you, that's dumb. Hey, c'mon. He can't lose. I think the pit boss is watching him. Are you okay? I'm such a klutz. I get so nervous when I gamble. I'm so silly. Hold on a bit. Let's just take it easy. This is my wife. It's hurting./ Does it hurt? / Yeah. You alright? / I don't know./ I don't know either. I think you're fine. Let's go./ Really? okay. Sorry. She's had a little too much drink. Thanks, buddy. That's for you. And 100, 200, 300, 400. With all this, that's $82,400. God damn it. I don't fucking believe it. Alan, you're the man./ You are too, Phil. We should come back next week. Take the whole city down. I'm free next week. Or we could just focus on getting Doug back right now. Next week is no good for me. The Jonas Brothers are in town. But any week after that, it's totally fine. I think it's safe to say that our luck has officially turned around, guys. We are back, baby. We are fuckin' back. We are back. Classic. We are back. We are getting Doug back. And we're the three best friends that anybody could have. We're the three best friends that anyone can have. And we'll never, ever, ever, ever, ever, leave each other. We're the best three friend that anybody could have. I mean the three best friend that anybody can have. Now what? Give him the signal. What signal. Flash your lights. Let him know it's on. What's on? The deal. Of course it's on. We just drove 30 miles into the desert. He knows it's on. Phil, just do something. Fine. See? Alright. Let's go. Funny. The fat guy fall on face. You okay? Alright. We got the money. 80 grand. Cash. Throw it over. Then I give you Doug. I'm sorry. First of all, good morning. We didn't catch your name last night. Mr. Chow. Leslie Chow. Mr. Chow. It is a pleasure. My name's Stu. We would very much appreciate an opportunity to see Doug... Before we give you the money just to verify that he's okay. If that's cool. Of course, Stu. That is cool. Okay. See? He fine. Now give me money or I shoot him... And I shoot all you motherfuckers. And then we take it. Your choice, bitches. Give him the money, Stu./ Okay. It's all there./ Let him go. Alright, take it easy. Ta-da. Is this some kind of a joke? Who the hell is this? That is not Doug. What are you talking about, willies? That him. No. I'm sorry, Mr. Chow. That's not our friend. The Doug we're looking for is a white. I told you you had the wrong guy, little boy. Damn, Alan. What the fuck you got me into? You know him? Yeah. This is the guy that sell me the bad drugs. How you doin'? I ain't selling' you no fuckin' bad drugs. Wait. He sold you the roofilin? Roofilin? I sell no roofilin. Who gives a shit! Where is Doug? I am Doug. Your name's Doug? / Yes, I'm Doug. His name's Doug too. Classic mixed up. Come on. Hey, Chow! You gave us the wrong Doug. Not my problem. Fuck that shit. Now you give us our 80 grand back and take him with you. No. Come on, man. I'll be your Doug. Oh, yeah. Okay. I take him back. Right after you suck on this little Chinese nuts. Oh, that's nasty. How that sound? So long, gay boys. Wait a second. He's a nasty little motherfucker. Did you happen to get any ecstasy? / No, I have no fuckin' ecstasy. God, damn it! Gosh, darn it! Shit! Shoot! Hello. Tracy, it's Phil. Phil, where the hell are you guys. I'm freaking out. Thanks for the lift back to town. I got a question for you./ What's that? How did you wind up in Chow's car? That crazy asshole kidnapped me yesterday. But why? I mean, why you? Cuz he thought I was with you guys, cuz we all hangin' over at the Bellagio. What? We were at the Bellagio? Yeah. We were shooting crabs. You don't remember? No. We don't remember. Because some dick drug dealer... Sold him roofilin and told him it was ecstasy. Roofilin. There you go with that word, Roofilin. What the hell is a Roofilin? Wow. You are the world's shittiest drug dealer. Roofilin, for your information, is the date rape drug. You sold Alan roofies. Oh, shit. I must've mixed up the bag. My fault, Alan. Damn, Marsha's gonna be pissed off with me on that one. Whatever. It's funny cuz just the other day, me and my boy... We was wondering why do you even call'em roofies. You know what I'm talking about? No. I don't know what you're talking about. Why not floories, right? Cuz when you take'em... You more likely to end up on the floor than the roof. What about groundies. That's a good new name for'em. Or how bout rapies? Wait, what did you just say? Rapies./ Not you. Doug, what did you say before? I said groundies. No. Before that. You said... You're more likely to wind up on the floor than... Listen, Trace, I'm really sorry... Hello? Tracy, it's Stu. Stu, talk to me. What's going on? Nothing. Don't listen to Phil. He's completely out of his mind. He's probably still drunk from last night. Where's Doug? He is paying the bill. We just had a delicious brunch and... We're in a big hurry to get back so we gotta get going. Okay, we'll see you soon. Bye. What the fuck, man? I know where Doug is. I don't know, man. It just hit me. Do you remember when we saw Doug's mattress impaled on that statue? Yeah, it's because we threw it out the window. No it's impossible. You can't open window in Vegas hotel. Then how did it get... Oh, my god! Wait, what's goin on? Doug was trying to signal someone. Holy shit. How did you figure that out? Doug made me realize it. Doug? / Not our Doug. Black Doug. Hey, easy with that shit. C'mon./ Sorry. Can someone tell me where white Doug is? He's on the roof, Alan. Yes. He is on the roof. We must have taken him up there on his mattress... As a prank so he'll wake up on the roof. It's like that time in summer camp. Remember when we moved... His sleeping bag out in the jetty in the lake? Which was hillarious. It's not so funny now, though cuz we forgot where we put him. You guys are fuckin' retarded. You know that? Holy shit. You think he's still up there? There's only one way to find out. Doug. Doug. Doug, you up here, buddy? Where you at, Doug? Hey, guys, he's over here. Phil, we've found him. He's over here. He's okay. You're okay? Oh, god. We gotta go, buddy. Come on. We've been looking everywhere for you. What the fuck is going on? We can explain everything, but right now we gotta go. Hey, bud. You okay? No. Not okay. You look good. You got some color. I'm jealous. I'm getting married today. Yes. Doug, that's why you need to focus and do everything we say. Because frankly you're wasting a little bit of time right now. You fucking asshole! Oh, my skin burns. It's okay. It's not your fault, Doug. Don't touch me. Shut up. All of you shut up. Just get me home. Just get me home. What about the one after that? You cannot be serious. Oh, god damn it. Every flight to L.A is booked. What about in the Burbank? / It's already sold out. Fuck. We can't drive there. The wedding starts in 3.5 hours. Alan, where's the car? It's on its way. You know what? We can drive there. We can make it. Okay? Just give me one second. We will leave without you. Is he missing a tooth? / Yeah. Thanks for helping out last night. That was so awesome./ Sure. Listen, Jade... You don't have to say it. I totally understand. This whole thing was stupid. It was stupid, wasn't it? This is yours. Thank you. I can't believe I gave my grandmother's holocaust ring... To someone I just met. What was I thinking? You were really fucked up./ Clearly. You did pull out your own tooth. I pulled out my tooth? Why did I pull out my own tooth? Alan bet you you weren't a good enough dentist to pull out your own tooth. Okay. Of course he did. But you won. Yeah. Clearly. That's victory, right there. This should go down. It's good./ No. Safety first. Alan, it's fine. It's down. No. I gotta get it down first. Don't mess the car up. You're gonna mess the car up. What are you doing next weekend? I don't know. Working. Why? Cuz I was thinking maybe I'll come back to get us to dinner or something. Really? Like a date? Yeah, like a date. Only the one that I, hopefully I remember. Sounds good. Stu./ Stu. C'mon./ C'mon. I gotta go. Okay. Bye. Bye./ Bye. Alright, let's go. At least the trip wasn't a total disaster. What makes you say that? When I woke up on the roof, I happened to find... $80,000 worth of Bellagio chips in my pocket. Oh, my god. Looks like we're going home with some money, boys. Here he comes. That's him. Hey, Victor./ What's up, Alan? Wow, look out! / Oh, shit. Thanks, Vic./ Adios. Who the hell was that guy? / That's my buddy. Sorry, It took us on a really crazy route. How's my hair? / It's good. Is it cool like Phil's? It's classic Phil. She looks beautiful, man. Sorry I'm late. Vegas. Where were you? And why are you so red? Honey, it's a long story. We are gathered here today because of the strength of love and the promises... All I know is, I am so sorry. And I promise for as long as we're married... I'll never, ever put you through anything like this again. Can you forgive me? Yeah. Uh-huh. So seductive. I take you to the candy shop. I let you lick the lollipop. Go ahead, girl don't you stop. Keep on going until you hit the spot. You can have it your way. How do you want it? Gonna back that thing up or should I push up on it? Break it down for you now baby it's simple. You be a nympho, I be a nympho. I got the magic stick. I'm the love doctor. Daddy! / Hey, my man. Excuse me. But I'm expecting my husband any minute. It's very funny. Come here. How was your soccer game? Go ahead girl don't you stop. Keep on going until you hit the spot. Fuckin' give it to me baby nice and slow. Climb on top ride it like you in a rodeo. Stu? You're avoiding me? Hey, Melissa. Oh, my god. What happened to your tooth? Have you met Alan? Tracy's brother. Okay. That is disgusting. Why haven't you returned my calls? There was a snafu with it when we stopped... I called that bed and breakfast in Napa... They said they had no record of you even checking in. That's because we didn't go to Napa. Stu, what the fuck is going on? We went to Las Vegas./ Oh, really? Las Vegas? / Yup. Why would you go to Las Vegas? Because my best friend was getting married and that's what guys do. Really? But that's now what you do! Then why did I do it, huh? Cuz I did it. Riddle me that! Why did I do it? Sometimes I think all you want me to do is what you want me to do. I'm sick of doing what you want me to do all the time. I think in a healthy relationship sometimes a guy... Should be able to do what he wants to do. That is now how this works! Oh, good! Because whatever this is, ain't workin' for me. Oh, really? / Yeah. Since when? Since you fucked that waiter on your cruise last June. Boom! You told me it was a bartender. Oh, you were right. I stand corrected. It was a bartender. You fucked a bartender. You're an idiot. You're a... You... You're such a bad person. Like, all the way through to your core. Alan, shall we dance? Let's do this. Hey! I'm gonna leave forever. I'm gonna learn how to fly high. It was a real pleasure meeting you. Fuck off. I'm thinking about getting my bartender's license. Suck my dick. No, thank you. Remember, remember, remember, Remember my name, babe! Dougie, I gotta tell you, man. That was a gorgeous wedding. I'll give it 6 months. You're a dick. I don't know what to say. Thanks, for the bachelor party, I guess? Yeah. I just wish we could actually remember some of it. Hey, guys. Look what I found. Whoa, that's my camera. Yeah, it was lodged in the back seat of the car. Are there photos on it? Yeah. Some of it is even worse than we thought. No fuckin' way. Give me that. Wait. We look at these pictures together, okay? One time. And then we delete the evidences. I say we delete it right now. Are you nuts? I wanna find out how I wind up in the hospital. Is that in there? Yeah, it's in there. Guys, one time. Deal? / Deal. Oh, dear Lord! Time is running out! Start the prayers, Guru! The kingdom is mine, now. Ten! Thirty two! Forty three! Seventy five! Tell me the truth, Bhairava! Eighty three! Eighty four! Ninety five! Ninety five! Ninety nine! 1600 B. C. Aravali Mountains Bhairavakona Bhairava! Tell me the truth, atleast in these last moments. Open up the love you've hidden inside. Atleast in these last dying moments... please make me your life partner... My being... my breath... my destination... you're everything to me, my Mithra! I love you! I love you more than myself. These dark clouds are proud of taking your life, it doesn't know that you're the Sun, today you may've gone down, but some day you'll come back piercing the darkness to claim your love, you'll come back. You'll come back, Bhairava! 400 years later Warrior... warrior... manly warrior out to win hearts... One who has come piercing the darkness, a great warrior... Visakhapatnam Bike jumping competition will begin in 10 minutes. Many participants are to compete. One who jumps the highest will be the winner. Wow! So many girls here today! I must ask someone a bike and flatter atleast 2 girls. Oh God! They are faster than bikes. Don't stretch it so long, tell me what's the bet? Rs. 500 for Rs. 100? ! You can pay for my dowry and get me married, buddy. Tell me the height. Why are you saying it like it's just 20 inches? We are dropping out, it anything goes wrong we'll end up losers. What Harsha? I knew it. I'll not do it for your 1:5, can you make it 1:10? Pay up, boy! Buddy! If we lose this Rs. 10000, we may've to live cleaning bikes. Take it. That was shattering! What's the feat boy? It was pulse pounding! Drink this, it'll cool you. Where's my golden goose? Buddy! Our money! You book the ticket, I'll pluck feathers from the goose. Golden goose is here! Hey girl! Golden goose is here! Hey girl! See the secrets of her orange sari... Don't go overboard, my dear... It's in there, tell me... When you see it, they are swelling up! I'll see your shameless beauty in between the gaps... If you need I'll come again, don't steal my beauty completely... Aimed at you, my golden goose! Tell me, what's up in you, my dear? My beauty is hiding intoxicated with your touch... You're caught, my goose... Take out what's hidden inside... I'm in hot pants... Take yourself whatever you want... Boss! That boy is shaking me up with his dance. How arrogant he must be to enter your domain! Greetings Master! What boy? It seems you're trying to weld her. No master, just a little tinkering. Tinkering? What's this tuft for? Style, master. Turn your face little right! Little right! I'll cut it! Your tuft! Look brother! Now you can! I like you! Dance doesn't mean shaking your body. The roof must come down with the whistles of fans for our dance. Am I right? Already the roof has come down, master. You're very talented boy! - That's in my blood, master. You move away, boss. Can you dance better than my boss? Can you? Can you? Do it... Why are you pushing me, dear? Please boss. - You want me to? Okay then! What are you looking at boy? Shocked? ! - Yes. You were shattering, boss. He'll take a week to recover. Drink boost and take rest, my son! Come, my golden goose! They'll not trouble you anymore. Hey goose! - What? Oh my son! You shook her! Well done! Boss, your share. Hey goose! Never cross my path. That one? Hyderabad Bloody miser! To save few bugs, you hired an auto instead of a taxi. Can we reach airport or not? - Don't worry, dude. For this traffic and our budget, auto is better than taxi. If we don't reach airport in time, your hospital budget will bulge. Where are you going so urgently? To Bangkok for bike races and bike jumps. But your face isn't of a biker. Buddy, a girl is waving hands, if we pick her, cost will ease. I'll smash your face! Buddy! Buddy! Stop the auto! What happened? - That girl... You said no to her, right? The girl in white churidhar... without her... Buddy! I'm also coming with you. He's having the purse. - You stay back here. Come on! - Sit here! Did you see a girl here in white churidhar? - No. Where did she go away? Did you see any girl here in white churidhar? Where could she go in a flash? Are you searching someone? Yes, just now a girl in white churidhar was waiting for auto... That's me... Why do you want to see her? Do you know her? If you ask do I know... I do know her a little... Please give her address, tell me where is she? Please... I'll take down. Hello! What do you want from her? I mean... we both are very close. - Is it? Are you so close that you don't know her address too? It's a long story. - No problem, go ahead. A year ago, that girl and I fell in love very deeply, but her father is a big hurdle. - Hurdle? Taking away my heart with her, he left the place without leaving any trace. Please give me Rani's address. Rani isn't her name... Did you see? He has changed her name too. What is she called as now? - He's a crook to the core. Indu! Okay, this name is also fine. Let's settle for this. Please give me her address. I'm going that side, come with me. What? Won't you get me an auto also? I'll get it immediately. So many has tried to flatter me, but nobody for my dress. I'll show him how smart I'm. Careful... go now. Buddy! - Sit down. If you go on make me sit here, how can you get money? Did you see it? Buddy! Stop here! - Stop here! Is this Indu's house? You rush too much. I mean I couldn't stop my excitement. - Pay the fare. No change, sir. - No problem, keep it. Excuse me... why are you going away without giving her address? If you go straight and turn left, fourth house on the right side. What? Can you please call your daughter? She's not my daughter but my wife. Bloody... - Got bald at young age. You're mistaken. Bald at young age. I was asking about your daughter Indu. Should I've to give birth to a daughter for him? What? Love affair? So, you're my son-in-law. - Oh God! How nicely you're feeling shy! - Thank you sir! My daughter never told me about having such a handsome son-in-law. Not yet fully committed. She may tell after committing... She hasn't committed, you haven't yet committed, to get yourselves committed, you're here to make me commit. Go! Are you showing a scene? I don't have children. - No children? Why did she guide me here then? The lady here is my wife, try her. Give love letter tomorrow, show scene next day, next day take her to Mumbai, and then sell her off. I'll sit inside and sing devotional songs. Get out! Wants a girl! As if I've two wives and four daughters. Who knows? Uncles like you silently have concubines. What are you saying? - Go man! Concubine! May have accused me but the thought is soothing. Who is she? Is she so beautiful? How long your affair with her is on? Are you suspecting me? He was running a fake show. This is real shot! Is that kid useless like you to come and talk about your concubines? Okay. - I said no sound. Where's that family? Swearing on God? Which God were you swearing now? Lord Krishna? So, you've eight concubines? Shut up! Are you like Lord Rama? Go, get the boy and make him say you don't have another wife and kids. Only then I'll let you into the house. Else I'll call police and charge you under violence against women, and get you lynched by batons, what would I do? Go! Go I say! Got a stick? That mean you wantonly gave me the wrong address. Atrocious? What else can I do? How can I without knowing about you? What if you brandish a knife at her to love you? - Me? What if you rape her? - Rape? What if you rape and kill her? - Kill her? What if you dispose the body? Oh God! You're beautiful but have a horrible brain. What? - She's my life. Trust me, I never even touched her once. You saw her today only, how can you touch her? Why don't you talk to me? Nothing has happened as you imagine. I want to see Indu only once. Can you give her address? Isn't her father a big bore? He may bite if you go. - Big mouth! I'll manage and bring her to Rock Garden restaurant. You come there. Leaving the girl, why have you fallen in love with her dress? I must study you thoroughly. Buddy, at your age if you touch any girl, sparks are bound to fly. Do you've to go after every girl? Shut up. - Let's find her. Don't trouble me, already I'm mad unable to find her. This time I'll not leave her. I'll get he complete details. Auto has come. Giving a pose too? I went little overboard when you came to my home, right? Indeed. I had abused you also. - Indeed. When bad time is on us, we do blabber. Can't avoid it. Can you please step aside with me? I'm near you only, tell me, what's the matter? Will you please come to my wife? Come this side. How do I appear to you? A bevy of beauties are coming, buddy. How can you find Indu amongst them? Are you new to me? Please move aside. Why didn't you bring Indu? She said she'll come little late. Yuck! - Yuck? Are you yuck and she's a queen? Please stop... please come... Oh God! They are eating like gargantuan! Their sizes aren't matching their food habits. Buddy, one minute. - What? I've a doubt. There's no Indu, they are here for free food using her name. We'll go bankrupt. Did you see her face? How cunning she appears? - There! Who is it? Bloody! He thinks we are beggars. Get up! Bloody! - Why slap me? Who are they? Indu's friends, that means our friends. Respect... respect them. You please be seated and carry on. We can't eat if he's here. He looks like rotten puff. You're modest, he's like years decayed food. Go away. Are you asking me to leave? Me? They are using him to free load. Any fool would understand it. But he can't understand. Have you understood it? - Understood it clearly. Please tell my friend. Why should I? I may lose money on bill. Why are you still standing here? I'll bring her to lmax tomorrow, let's go. No please, by chance if Indu comes and finds no one here, it may not be good. You carry on, I'll wait. Any which way I may look, that fort and property belongs to you only. He's your sister's husband only. He has no rights. Though the property is ours, I'm not able to do anything. I've been going around the courts for 15 long years. Till now you didn't meet me, I'll file a case tomorrow in Supreme court. You'll be in that fort within a month. Udhaigarh He's very dangerous man. He has taken up this case, it means we've lost. We are losing the hold on the fort. Greetings my lord! Your son is here! How did he come to know about the lawyer? Sir, I accepted this case without knowing about you. I'll stay out of this, please leave me. I beg your pardon sir, I've wife and kids sir. Please spare me sir. Please tell him sir, please leave me sir. Tell him to leave me, sir. Run away! Run away! If I decide anything is mine, I must get it at any cost. I didn't get this thought, anyways, it's done. Not yet, there's still one more. One more? What is it? If he goes another lawyer will come. If the plaintiff himself dies. He's your maternal uncle Pratap Varma. Bye dad. - Where are you going early morning? A scapegoat is waiting for me. Indira, if you kill her too, it'll be over. Sister... flower please. - You want a flower? Take it... take it... Is it good? What happened son? Indira has grown very beautiful. I want her. Okay, first finish him, you can have her tonight. Notjust for one night, I want her day and night all my life. I want to marry her. - Marry? Are you mad? He'll not agree till I'm alive. He'll agree if you're dead, right? If I decide anything is mine, I must get it at any cost, father. Uncle! Uncle, you must be living like a king but my father had done injustice to you. Done great injustice. He didn't listen to my advice. He usurped your property, That sin took his life. What? What did you say now? Yes uncle, my father is dead. Oh God! I don't have anyone other than you, uncle. This property and fort is all yours. I'm lucky if I'm with you. I don't want anything else. Had you father a little of your goodness? Our families wouldn't have split. Thank God, atlast we are united now. That's enough, uncle. Where is Indu? Just movie tickets only or can you go little up with your free lover. Let me see, how much he can take. Ravishing shape! Dude! What a lovely figure! Lt'll be shattering with her. - Yes. What a sexy figure! - She's running away. What's nuisance on road? - Get lost man. Why always come with old faces? Where's Indu? They are commenting horribly. - Who? Youth, it's common. Do you know what they said just now? They will say... we must... Forget about them and come to our matter. Tell me, when will Indu be here? Indu will never come. - Why? They commented on her more shabbily. Hey... you're finished... Why are you going away? How dare you pass comments on Indu? Who are you man? - Where are you guys escaping? How dare you pass comments! I like you... I like you very much. He didn't care no matter how much ever you cried. But when said that they had bad mouthed Indu, he is beating them to pulp. Have you fallen in love? Will you tell him that you are Indu? He is coming. - You go away. They will never tease Indu again. Will you tell Indu that they are gone and ask her to come? I've already told her. She said she will come to park. She said she'll come, didn't she? - Yes Hello, she's coming sure, ah? - Okay Will you keep distance? - Why? Though not as beautiful as Indu, you still are a beautiful girl. The moment you come close to me, Indu might come. We don't need that, do we? Keep distance. Is that enough? What do you do? How much do you earn? Never ask a man's earnings. Have you saved any money? - I have enough. I'm going to marry Indu. Had any love affairs before meeting Indu? - What? Do you have any? Affairs means... I had... of the other type. No love affairs. What do you mean by that? - It means... Don't expect me to tell you everything in detail. You must understand. Okay. Your opinion about me. - A broker. You misunderstood what I said. A broker means someone great who unites two lovers. Why hasn't Indu come yet? Oh shit! - What happened? I told her to come to Sanjeevaiah Park. Stupid. I don't understand anything. Why don't you tell him you are Indu? No one gets this chance. - What chance? A chance to see my darling yearning for me. The way he yearns for me. The way he worries about me. The way he lies for me. It's so good. It's good... It's so good... When you pluck your hair for my sake... it's good... When you go mad about me... it's good... When you jump wall for me... it's good... When you bite nails looking for me... it's good... I'm so mad about you... it's good... I've reliable information that you go forjogging in KBR park... On the frozen Swiss streets, speaking in French... I've information that you're having a burger... My expectation is that you'll sleep on the bed of flowers in deep sea... I think playing hide and seek with me in public is your intention... On seeing a girl, I thought it was you... But after knowing that it wasn't you, I left dejected... Have you ever given a thought she could be near you only? I think of her... I dream of her... I want to spend my life with her... A beauty so near yet so far... When will I find her? Your suitor Raghu Veer. He has come to return our wealth to us. Indu, guest house in Hyderabad is so big, think about our fort in Rajasthan. My dream to see you there will get fulfilled. What happened? I was never interested in wealth. But after so many days, I'm seeing my father so happy. Thank you very much. Uncle, why to wait? We'll leave by tomorrow. Tomorrow? Let's go after a week. I've few jobs to complete. - What jobs? My exams must get over. - Okay. Ghora! I was mad about her. But I couldn't even touch her. I felt someone beheading me. I'm going crazy. An anger to kill with my own hands. An unknown vengeance in my heart. Who is that coming between us? I need an answer. Ghora has no questions without answers. Love desire its 4 centuries old unfulfilled desire. About 400 years ago... you were Commander-in-chief of Udhaigarh. This is your past life's history. Born again after 400 years? I can't believe this. - Fool! This is the history of Udhaigarh written over centuries. Portrait of then Princess Mithravinda. Have you recognised her? You were Ranadev Billa who died going mad on her. That desire has made you take another birth. That strong desire of lust is making you to do anything for her. Just like you, he has also taken birth to get back what he had lost. Until he is alive, you can never touch her If you want her to be yours, you must kill him. His face is not clear. Where will he be now? The woman who made you come back into this world, you both will meet again because of her. Like in your previous birth, you both will fight for her. How to find him? Nature will recognise you both before you can recognise yourselves. When you both come face to face, birds will fly away. The red sun will turn black. He will come like an erupting volcano. He is Bhairava. Salim bhai, 2 teas please. - Serve 2 teas. Look at those police horses. How beautiful! If we get on them ride... any girl will fall for us. What if before she falls for you, you fall down from the horse and imagine the horse kicking you... Like Robin Hood, I spent my childhood on horses, buddy. You have mistaken buffaloes for horses. Oh! Aren't they the same? So scared of horses? Never rode a horse? - No. I can't. We should rather ride a bike or drive a car these days. Why are you still holding on to those horses, donkey? Donkey? That means Buffalo. One word in Telugu has many meanings in English. Madam is seen often with a young man Harsha who lives here. Search nook and corner. Bring everyone with the name Harsha. Go find him. Go. Hello boss... you can sit here. What's your name? Chiranjeevi. Which company are you from? I asked you. Which drama company are you from? Very colourful churidhar, a turban and a locket. It doesn't suit you well. How does he look in these clothes? You have something in your mind. Come on say it. Doesn't he look like the wallet parker waiting for tips? She has been calling this number many times. Hello... - The aircel number you are calling is busy. Don't you still understand? They must have forgotten to take the phone. Your number is on display. I don't see any signs as mentioned by Ghora. May be it is not him. Never mind even if it is not him. Anyone close to Indu should die. How is it? Stop... stop. Stop. Her name is not Rani. What is her name now? - Indu. What are you doing? Return it to me. Return my chunni. I'll kill you. - Go ahead, kill me. If you fall, your limbs will break. - Shall I fall down? Are you mad? - Yes, I am mad about you. How arrogant he was! - Forget it. I'll find out who he is inform Harsha. He will kill him. Stop. Only those who write exams are permitted inside. Hello... I'm talking to you. Think of the devil and the devil is here. Not now. We can talk after I finish my exam. Wait outside. It's alright. Write your exams. I came to tell you that I found Indu. What a nasty jerk! What? Did you find Indu? - Yes. We are finally united. Thanks for all your efforts. You too will find a good boy friend. - Stop... Once the card has been swiped, you can't go out. Keep talking. What? Feeling bad for what had happened last night? Come on... such things are common these days. Still... you must feel bad only if I refuse to marry you. - Marriage? Now... I came to thank the broker woman who wants to unite us. No... Indu. My chemistry doesn't match with hers. Shall I come... to Golconda? Oh! To Golconda? I'll be there right away. Again? Okay. Indu, what are you doing? If you fail to write your exams, the entire year will go waste. My entire life is about get wasted. Come... - I'm tensed. Come here. You ass! My family won't accept. - Crap! What are you doing? Hi! It's you! How can I say this to you? I'm kissing my darling, my sweet heart Indu. You crap! That's not Indu. She is too good. How couldn't she be Indu? Trust me. Is Indu fat black like a pig? See through my eyes you'll know Indu's beauty. - Take your hands off. Oh no! I am Indu. Darling, why is she disturbing us? Tell her to go away. Am I a disturbance? You... Get lost. Planning to take him away from me? Do you want my Harsha for your dirty face? Turn this side. Look at me. - Don't pull. Oh no! Will you take away my Harsha from me? She is very jealous. She caught hold of my hair for touching you. She might have killed me had I kissed you. She is caught red handed. We did it for fun. - It's fun for you but I hate it. Don't touch me. O candy doll! Never stop me from holding your hand... O branch of snow flowers! Never stop me from touching you... If you order me not to touch you or come closer... what would happen to me? O damsel! I was born for you... If I don't get you, this life is waste... When I touched a flower, it scolded me saying... That you're the tender flower and guided me to you... Never come after me... This flower is full of thorns... Touch me and you will cry in pain... When I touched a creeper, it scolded me saying... That you're the lightning and guided me to you... With lightning comes thunder, with thunder comes floods... Later its flood like you... I'll consider the floods as a boon... I'll even drown myself to unite with you... The air touched you, so did the land... Is it wrong for me to touch you? I breathed air... I walked on land... Tell me what's so special about you? The light touched you, so did the rain drop... Why is this indifference with me? The light showed me the path of hope... The rain drop quenched my thirst... How could you be compared with them? They will be with you until you're alive... I'll be with you even when you die... This place is wonderful. You're astonished for this, Udhaigarh fort will be mind boggling. Let me go. How dare you touch my daughter? - Father... I'll kill you if I see you again with my daughter. Indu is mine. Mine. Understood? If you try to separate us, I will kill you. I will kill you. Harsha, leave him. - I will kill you. Indu is mine. Take him away. - I will kill you. Let's go... No... Forgive me for not telling you about my love. There was only pain in his words not vengeance. But I know that he sincerely loves me. I want Harsha. It's your wish to make the decision now. Forgive me. I was scared that you might separate me from Indu. Nothing personal. Since childhood, she has never asked me anything till now. But now, she asked me a favour. She said she wants Harsha. If I don't fulfill her only wish, I would be at fault. I will surely perform your marriage. I never thought that you will agree for our marriage so soon. Is he Indu's fiance? - Yes. Don't mistake me for what had happened on the other day. Nice. A perfect match. This one thing is enough to prove how good a lover he is. A good father-in-law and a good son-in-law. A beautiful daughter. What am I then for? Say something uncle. Madam... come fast. He is trying to kill your father. Sir... Hey boys! Take him away. - Father. How dare you kill him? Since he didn't agree for our marriage, will you kill him? Listen to me, Indu. - Crap! Don't believe him. Listen to me. - I will kill you. Let's take him to the hospital. - Come... How dare you kill my uncle? Hey Pilot, start rolling. Careful... Indu, listen to me. Pilot, start the engines. Indu is mine. When I wish for something, I must get it. Nature will feel the heat of your enmity before you could. When you both come face to face, birds will fly away. The red sun will turn black. He will come like an erupting volcano. Hey boys! Let's go and get our boss. Get up. Indu, please listen to me. Indu, listen to what I say. Listen to me. Bring the helicopter down. - Pilot, go down. Indu, you are mistaking me. Listen to me once. Listen to me. Your father agreed... - Leave me. Long live Udhaigarh Emperor His Royal Highness Vikram Singh. O fellow men, the judge to this competition is none other than the future queen of Udhaigarh, our King's one only daughter, Princess Mithravinda Devi. The first contender is future son-in-law of the king, the Commander-in-chief of this Kingdom, Ranadev Billa. The second contender is the warrior who crushes our enemies, the mightiest of the mighty, Kala Bhairava! Kala Bhairava! Here comes Bhairava... In 10 minutes... let's go back 400 years... King, these bad omen are indicating calamity to our kingdom. Calamity? - Yes. It's eight planets coming together once in 400 years. Eight planets come very near to Earth, they are so bright that they appear in daylight too. Third day after this, a comet will fall, according to the horoscope of the princess, this will bring calamity to us and this kingdom, King. Isn't there any way to avoid this calamity, Guru? I can't even predict in which form it may befall on us. Yes King, I do see indications of it already. According the information from our spies, Sher Khan is waiting on the boundary with a lakh of army to attack us. Sher Khan? Who is Sher Khan, my Lord? A barbarian who wants to rule over entire India. Every kingdom he eyes either have to become his vassal or get ravaged in war. Guru, this storm is attacking us now. Yes lord! Udhaigrah! What a beautiful place! - Yes my lord! Our flag must flutter on that fort in a week. No need of a week my lord, say yes and one day is enough. No Usman, your anticipation is wrong. They have remained unconquerable till now. Do you know who trains their soldiers? Mighty great warrior Kalabhairava! Kalabhairava? Is he God? When a sword pierces into his heart, even he'll bleed to death, Mansingh. You're right, Lord. But there must a man to do it. Till now no man there has lived beyond 30 years, to them death is just another play. Any man born in that clan will not die before killing hundred enemies. Stop that nonsense! Remember this Mansingh, I, Sher Khan will rewrite that legend. I'll kill Bhairava in this war, I'll kill your fear that a man there kills hundred before dying. I swear on Allah, the great! Mighty warrior Kalabhairava! A warrior who can kill hundred! You missed the target, Princess. Why don't you be alert always? No use of casually, go. - Wash yourself clean. Finding an enemy behind must be the first character of Udhaigrah's princess. Aren't you here to find it? Future queen of this kingdom mustn't depend on others. If you lose heart, you may miss the target. I'm not able to do it, teach me. Your vision must be on the target. Hail Princess Mithravinda Devi! Yourjob is to protect like a dog staying behind the women. Are you going to train Princess? Suitor! If you want to learn battlefare, I, Ranadev Billa is at your service. You don't need fools who boast about ancestors' prowess. HRH Vikram Singh is arriving! Hail King Vikram Singh! Got information that Sher Khan is attacking us. Till now your clan had protected this kingdom. I trust you, Bhairava. King, to keep that trust, I'm ready to sacrifice my life too. He's not alone this time, I'll also wage war along with him. Just now Bhairava taught me to use bow arrow to hit target. Would you like to see? Very nice, madam. But, what's the meaning of it? For his love, breaking the traditions, a warrior who made his love to win, my Bhairava. Stop... - Where is she? What is this? I'm telling you to stop. This is princess' harem. Men are not allowed. I'm her future husband. Your shyness is making me go mad. Your body is more gleaming than this fruit. I want to squeeze out the juice. But one can enjoy the fun only when eaten in little bites. How dare you attack with a dagger! What if the fruit is poisoned? You would die. As a bodyguard, it's my duty to protect you. You must eat only after I test it. You can eat now. Should I eat food tasted by you? I'll eat it. If I desire anything, I must get it. Remember it, Bhairava! By the end of tomorrow's competition, the doors to your death will open. Mighty warrior Kalabhairava! Here comes Bhairava! I'm also excited along with my subjects to see who will win. Let the competition begin. King, there's another thing which people must know before it begins. What is it? Who will be the next king? Silly question. It's Mithravinda Devi, who'll be the next queen... Order me, King! - Stop Bhairava! You've crossed the limit, Ranadev. Why did you do that? I've a reason, King. Future queen! On facing danger, she closed her eyes and covered her body, she didn't draw a sword. How can a queen who can't defend herself rule this kingdom, King? Sher Khan is waiting on our boundary with an army, people are living in fear, competition must happen under these circumstances, not to know who the best is, it must go on to find a beau for Princess, and to know who will become heir to the throne. Mithravinda must marry the man who brings back her upper cloth. If you feel I'm wrong, hang me right now here. If not accept my challenge. Do you accept, King? People are waiting for your decision. Do you accept? I accept. But on one condition. What is it? The loser will be banished from the kingdom. Wow! Winning over me, and banishing me from here, do you want to enjoy with him? He'll not come back alive. I'll let him come back alive, Princess. As people spit on his face, when he walks head hung in shame, I want you to see it, Princess. One who crosses this line first with Princess' upper cloth is the winner. King, people want Bhairava to win. He'll win definitely. I know who will win, Prime Minister. Bhairava! I know your heart isn't as strong as your body. What would you do now? Will you save the horses or save princess' honour? What would you do? Badshah! Pull up Badshah! Badshah! We must save princess' honour. If not no use in saving my life. Come on. They are coming! Mithravinda is mine! Princess, your upper cloth is with Ranadev. Bhairava will win! How could you be so sure that Bhairava will win? Banish him! Banish him! Banish him! O warrior! I can't hold myself any more... Come and unite with me, O braveheart! An adventurer par excellence... Come and rule over me, O my king... You're brilliant in battlefields... Show brilliance in love now... With permission I'm your bodyguard... Shall I become king and usurp it? Duty or love, it's same to me... I've the prowess to serve or attack you, my love... My life and my soul is yours, take it... We are like moon and lion's union... It's like a sword playing with tender flower... If beauty unites with manliness, it's like that only... Won't every moment be heavenly? There's passion which no royal edict on earth can stop it... There's a raging fire of desire in the deep dungeons of heart... Even hundreds of births can't quench thirst of my love... A star has united with me... My heart is pounding... Her beauty is making me sing... Make love and show her bliss... Oh rushing off! You were wrong, King. Bhairava has won. I knew Bhairava will win, Prime Minister. Why are you sad then, King? Princess too loves him. Look, how happy she is! - You see happiness on her face, but I see widowhood on her face. Every man in Kalabahirava's clan had sacrificed life for this kingdom, nobody ever lived beyond 30 years. He's fated to die in the battle with Sher Khan. If I accept this marriage, I may have to see my daughter as widow all my life. Royal priest had predicted this calamity only. You saved princess' honour, I don't have any worry till a warrior like you is with me. That's my duty. I can sacrifice my life for you. You're ready to sacrifice life for the kingdom, can't you sacrifice your love? King! Not as your king, I'm pleading with you as Mithravinda's father. To save Mithravinda's honour, and Udhaigarh's prestige, I entered the competition, not with any intention of occupying the throne. I'm just an ordinary soldier. Hail Bhairava! Arrangements for outing is ready, come madam. Bhairava! He hasn't come, madam. He's here! Bhairava is not here, madam. He's preparing for the war. Bhairava is here, I know it. Is it true, Guru? - Yes, my lord. Bhairavakona is situated about 80 miles from here. It is holy place of all powerful Lord Kalabhairava. If we offer prayers there, we can overcome the calamity. What a great news! King, prayers must be over before this 8 planet gathering ends. So, I'll go there immediately and make arrangements. May you live long. Yes my king... This is your responsibility. - As you say, my lord. Princess, get ready... for the journey. May you live long! If you offer prayers with these 7 colours, you'll get his blessings, dear. Yes, Guru. Beat the drums to please the God. As you say. Bhairava. I don't need these prayers. Proclaim your love for me. I need an answer, Bhairava. I must know where I stand in your heart. Tell me. Tell me the truth. It's getting late. Start the prayers. Are you sacrificing our love at the altar of duty? You might be known as a man of word. But don't forget that every letter will be written with my blood. Oh God! What happened, Jairam? Ranadev has turned traitor. He joined hands with Sher Khan and opened the fort gates. As long as Bhairava is alive, you won't get Mithra, traitor. Mithravinda is mine. He killed the king. He is coming here for the princess with his army. Aim. Attack. Bhairava, save the princess. Hold fire. Mithra, now this kingdom is mine. And your place is here. Come. Mighty warrior clan! A clan where a man dies only after killing 100 men. Mansingh. I'll prove now that what you said is merely a puppet story. Hey Bhairava... I've given my word to present the princess to him. Bring her, make her sit on his lap, fall at my feet. I'll spare your life. I'm also giving you a promise, Sher Khan. Handover the traitor to me. I'll spare you your army. Wow! Are you going to spare my life? I'm God. If you are true man and have the guts, I'll send 100 men. Stop them from touching her. I'll handover you the kingdom and the princess. Send as many men as possible who will not turn their backs. The very sight of them will leave you almost dead. Never mind if the count is more. Make sure it's not one less. - Even if one man survives, you lose. Don't send one by one, Sher Khan. Send everyone at the same time. Mere talking will not do. Show it in action. Army of Satan. I won't spare him, princess. I'll cut his head, and you must watch me offering prayers to Lord Kalabhairava with his blood. The game starts now. One! Ten! Twenty three! Attack him from behind. Twenty nine, thirty! Hey, you swine. Attack him from right not from back. Your highness, thirty two. Forty three! Wow! Fifty five! O warrior! Stay alive and keep on fighting... Eighty five! O warrior! Let silence be heard... Don't give up fighting... Ninety three! Ninety five! Ninety five! Ninety nine! Enough, Sher Khan? Want to send another 100 men? Wonderful! Bhairava. I've come across kings who give away their kingdoms on hearing my name, And armies which ran away on seeing my eyes turning red. Though your heart is bleeding, you killed your enemies. I'm seeing such a braveman for the first time. I, an emperor who had terrorised entire India, is now a slave to your bravery. I'm lucky to join hands with a soldier like you. Join hands, my dear. How dare you kick Sher Khan's friend? You have given your word, Sher Khan. You promised to handover the kingdom the princess. Will you keep your promise? Tell me. Will you? Forgive me, Bhairava. Mithra. Who is the real man? He or me? If I don't get something, no body will. Atleast, accompany me in my death, Bhairava. But some day you'll come back piercing the darkness to claim your love, you'll come back. That's it! Come out... Come out... It's too heavy. What could it be? Has my good time begun? Come, Yesu Thomas. What's it, Solomon? Run fast find out how much is Srikakulam will cost? Srikakulam? Why? Planning to buy it. I've caught a treasure in my net. Treasure? Pull the net with strength. Solomon, you have caught a very big treasure. Is Srikakulam enough? Or will you even buy Vizag? I'll break your teeth. Stop laughing help me out. Clear the bench. - Okay. How long will you take to remove it? Oh no! He is too young. Why did you do this to him, God? Boy... Boy... Can you hear me? Can you see me? Boy... Sher Khan. I'm Solomon not Sher Khan. He fainted again. Get the cart ready. Uncle move. Solomon has caught a very big fish today. Stop teasing me. What happened, Solomon? Move away. Let's help him. Doctor, make it fast. Give shots of injections or pills, but he must be alright soon. Okay. Buddy, your sweetheart is signaling you. - Move. Dear, I can't buy your shyness even if I sell Srikakulam. I fell in love on seeing your smile. Give me a kiss. Solomon, the boy is not going to survive. What happened? His pulse is very weak. - Get lost. Solomon, what is this? Arrack. This is both poison medicine. Well done! This is called Solomon's treatment. Boys, Hamsa is here. You Hamsa... - You little boy. Stop crumpling my upper cloth. What would happen then? - My mom will get angry. What? Will my mom keep quiet if my upper cloth is crumpled? Will my grandma keep quiet if my vermillion is erased? If that happens, aunty will go mad... What can I say? What can I say? Don't say it... don't ever say it... Don't tell any reason... don't shake your hips... Don't try to slip out of my hands, O deer... If you do, you'll pay for it dearly... We are fated to unite... We make best couple... Hey you boy! Wherever a flower blooms, I'm there... Always after you... Cut it fast... Do it always... Today is bad day, leave me alone... I'll follow you like a top... I'll siege you like a prison... I'll chase out shame from you... Show you bliss... Even if it rains fire... I'll not stop for a moment too... I'll jump over fire... I'll hoist my love flag in your heart... I can fly over stars... Shall I show you the wonder? Once I have it, I can't hold on anymore... Hey boy! When chill breeze blows, come under tree shade... Into the dilapidated house at noon, on the banks of lake, river, into the street, and lonely place, into the groves, farms, into the grass hut near onion farm, O boy... O boy! Will you come with me? I'll come like arrow... I'll write like chalk... Carry you like palanquin... Come like a festival... I'll come to your like an arrow... I'll write your name like a chalk... I'll carry your youth like a palanquin... I'll be with you like a festival... In the rain of thunders... though life is at stake... Will my journey stop? Greetings Mr. Raghu Veer. Greetings Priest. - Greetings. Indu, if you light a lamp here, the dead will rest in peace. Light a camphor in the name of your father. Pratap Varma. Harsha. You've a noble heart, Indu. Though you're angry on him, you still want his soul to rest in peace. Priest. Why? What happened? Harsha isn't dead. What are you talking, Indu? He fell down from the helicopter... No. He is still alive. Indu. - He is somewhere here. Make sure I don't see him. I can't even stand his shadow. This isn't enough. You don't have courage to kill me. Come on try. Come. Come on. Convert all your energy in to vengeance, Ranadev Billa. So, you also know it. - Yes. Now, Indu has to know about it. The moment she recollects her past, you'll meet a gruesome death. Even death would fear on hearing your cries. Kalabhairava himself must feel the heat and end this centuries old rivalry. You've very little time left. Try your best. Hail Lord Shiva! What are you still thinking about, boy? If your sweetheart lives there, just take her away. Solomon, today is your wedding. What are you doing here? I must've separated lovers in my previous birth. So, I couldn't find a partner in this birth. If I unite you with your sweetheart, all my sins would vanish into thin air. What do you say? What's happening, boss? I'm confused. The one whom we thought is dead has come alive. Strange things happening in the sky. That's called 8 planets coming together. Ghora. This is the right time to make Indu yours completely. Tell me, Ghora. What should I do now? Before this event ends and if Indu does not recollect her past, she can never remember it in this birth. Make sure he doesn't meet Indu. Then, you will win, Raghu Veer. - I'll surely win. I've to tell you many things, Indu. Do you want to narrate how you killed my father? - Indu. I don't have time to explain in detail. As you think, your fiance is not a good man. You're in great danger if you stay here. Please come with me. How many more lies? You killed my father. I saw that with my own eyes. Isn't that true? I feel disgusted on myself for falling in love with you. Get out. Get out from here. Don't talk too much. Let's go. Leave me. You're Bhairava, aren't you? Yes. How did you know my name? - I know everything. Only you must get her. That's the right thing. Come, I will show you the way. Come. Come. Go this way. Hey boy! That's it. Are you fine, boy? - I'm fine. Is she fine too? Boy, I don't find another way. I'll jump first. He will throw the spear at me. Before he takes another spear, you escape with her. Not a word more. I can sacrifice anything but not friendship. Oh dear! Wow! The colour of their clothes are same. We can escape by switching them. Come. Jump my boy. Take her leave. I'll manage these guys. What? Where are you taking me to? Bike is not a bomb. Run over it. Go. Go back... What do you want? Why did you bring me here? I hate you. Leave me. - I can't, Indu. I lost you once for not expressing my love. I won't allow the mistake to happen again I did earlier. Earlier birth? - Yes Indu. We fell in love with each other in an earlier birth. Try to recollect, Indu. You questioned me infront of everyone. You ordered me to accept my love for you. You begged me here in your last dying moments. Before I could tell you my love, you died. Do you remember? Did I fall from here die? If you don't stop spinning love tales, I will jump die for real. Before I die, accept that you love me. Won't you leave me even if I threaten to kill myself? Accompany me in my death, Bhairava. Indu, get away from him. Won't you leave me even if I threaten to kill myself? Forgive me, Bhairava. Boss... Pilot, bring it down. Go. - Slice him off. I've come, my boy! Leave me. If I don't get something, no body will. Kill him, my boy. You both look very cute. Careful. How to get over there? Solomon is here to help us. Hey Solomon, take us there. Fall at my feet. Then I will think over it. Hey boy! Why are you sitting on edge? Don't shout. Mind your work. - Get lost. I don't care about you. I'm leaving. Are you listening? I'm leaving. Hey Solomon... - What? It's very hot. Can I get an umbrella? I'll hit you, boy. Once upon a time... Why didn't one fish brought by the princes dry? Why only one didn't dry? It rained before fish could dry... Point! It flooded after the rain... A mighty warrior loved by women... A warrior to steal hearts... A warrior the world salutes... There's a shining lemon in the grove near by... You must make it stand on your moustache... You must promise moon... Do impossible things... Let all the evil eyes cast on you... May get warded off... With one shot everything must go... Break a pumpkin... Offer camphor... Subtitles Provided By Worldwide7477 Okay, settle down. Got your ears open? This is the story of a Sad Flute a laughing baby and a weeping sword. A long, long time ago, in a land far, far away there lived a warrior. A warrior with empty eyes. He'd trained his entire life for one purpose to be the greatest swordsman in the history of mankind. He just achieved his life's ambition, but his heart felt emptier than ever. These two clans had been warring for 500 years. And they vowed to keep on warring until one of them didn't have a single man left above Styx. And so now, here he was, peering down at this very last of his enemy. When that little warrior princess giggled it did something to him inside. But this was no time for feeling. For when he spared that baby's life he put his name at the top of his own clan's death list. With nothing but the clothes on his back and the baby in his arms he decided to pay a visit to an old warrior friend in a faraway land. Hey, Johnny I don't like your stinking face. Easy, Ronald. The name's Eight-Ball, like in the game. Good luck for some, bad luck for others. How can I assist you, my friend from the mystical East? Haven't been here since Smiley kicked the bucket. Was a three-day wait just to get your shirts pressed. For a guy who cleaned sheets all day he sure liked to make a mess in the afterhours, if you know what I mean. See you in the morning. You came to me to be strong. I have made you the strongest. She will always be the enemy. Here it is. Just rub some on your shoulder. Smiley's Oriental Cure-All. Works like a charm. Oh, now, honey, I didn't forget about you. It's all right there. It's all right. Sorry about the tap I gave you. I thought you knew the sword. Smiley was always yabbering on about a guy who was gonna roll into town. But I should've figured. What do you call her? I do not know. She's not yours? Where's her folks? Dead. Best we find you another diaper. All right. Smiley, like, your uncle or something? Friend. Well, if you were his friend maybe he would like for you to take over his laundry. Do not know how. So I'll teach you. I always done the laundry around here. That's how I repaid Smiley for teaching me the sword. Tell you what I'm gonna do, you stay here I'll teach you how to tie a diaper properly. We'll be partners, 60-40. You on the 40. All right now, time to get to work. You're slower than molasses in January. You clean that real good, yellow boy. As clean as Snow White's panties. If I find the smallest bit of condor crap on my fancy duds well, we gonna have us-- Didn't I tell you I'd rip them off if you didn't watch yourself? - Let go, you evil little midget. - Come on... -...we were just having us some fun. - Really? Okay, okay. Let go. Get out of here. How about a home-cooked meal for you and your little'un? Once that Ferris wheel is finished, it's gonna bring everybody rushing back. And then we can take the word "travelling" out of "travelling circus." Hey, Ron. Welcome to the Eighth Wonder of the World. Get down here. Chow bell ringing. Bravo, bravo. - Gonna grab some vittles with us? - No, thanks. I'm not hungry. We baked a cake. Come on, Ron. What the hell's up with her? You. I knew you was trouble the moment you walked into this-- Sounds even better from inside. You ever seen one of these before? The sound it's making it's called "opera." The day my papa found his first chunk of gold, he went out and bought this. Listen. Here's my favourite part. So at the edge of the desert in a busted town full of broken people the warrior began to learn stuff he should've learned a long time ago. No, no. Rough. Like the joy of getting dirty things clean. Yes. That's me. Thank you. I told you to aim at the line, not at the coin. All right. He also learned the joy of losing. You're gonna need blood and bone of 100 buffaloes as fertiliser. Smiley always tried to get something to grow. Never ever lasted too long. I'm gonna go dig. Let's see what happens. He learned you could be happy working with folks. And finding the simple peace in some private time after a hard day's work. What's taking you so long? Come on, Skinny. You're gonna miss it. Come on. And he found that it's nice to have a few friends around when the sun goes down. But most of all, the warrior learned there's a heck of a lot more pleasure making things grow than there is in cutting them down. - Let me see that. - Chuck it here. You bunch of pups, give me that there goddamned bottle. - Over here. I got it. - Who you think you're playing with? Over here. You win. Show me what you got. Goddamn, I should've never taught you this game. You a shark with a poker face. What happened to her? Please. Help me. - Help me. - Lynne! Please. - Let her go! - Someone help me. - Eight-Ball. -Lynne! Come here. Hungry? No? Pretty thing. Damn you! No! No! Lynne! Lynne! No! No--! Only thing was, when we went to bury her, she was still breathing. Never known nobody that close to kicking it. We didn't know what to do with her. If she was gonna live or die. So we just put her in bed and waited. Two days, and she was eating soup. By the day three she was already sitting up somehow and slinging daggers at the wall. But God ain't fair and some people just ain't cut out for the knife. Dang it. My arm ain't worth a damn. It is not your arm. What'd you say? Are you sure about this? Because I'm not so good with my eyes open. Throw. - I can't do it. - Do not talk. Focus. It is your heart that shakes. - You dead? - Not yet. Sure you're not fountaining blood or anything, are you? Oh, shit. I did it. Thank you, Mr. Sad Flute. Smiley told me everything. I just taught you to focus. Why you do that? Okay. I've always been dying to know. Why you all called the Sad Flutes? So you got lady Sad Flutes, too? Sad Flutinas or something? Yes. That's nice. Jumping in the moonlight and kissing as you both fly under the stars to the tunes of the Sad Flutes-- We are called Sad Flutes because when you cut the throat, the last sound is like a sad flute. Skinny, you sure know how to throw a dead oat into a party room, don't you? Why'd you become a Sad Flute? - To be strong. - That it? My father was working in the field. I was helping him. A swordsman came killed my father. Just to test his sword. That must've hurt you something bad. Not hurt... Hang"! - Of course you were. No. I was angry at my father. Here. Take it. It's a present. My mama gave it to me. She said: "if you hold it over your heart when you're sad it takes away all your sadness." It works. Kind of. Present? Yeah. That is your only friend here. Take good care of it. Yes, master. - Tarnations. - Only to protect, not kill. What am I gonna kill in this town, armadillo? Is that what I think it is? You've sealed it. So they cannot hear. Hear what? The weeping. Of all the souls I have taken. Who's listening? My past. And if it hears? No more music. This is a big country. Where do we look? Do not look. We listen. He will show. Think of the sword as part of the body. Like a finger. Like a tooth. I'd rather think of it like metal slicing through a herd of buffalo. Show me what Smiley taught you. You do not have the power. Well, thank you very much. I did not know that. But you are fast. Just have to be faster. What are you--? Is this because of yesterday? I said I was sorry. Cut it out, Skinny. I'm serious. You are slower than molasses in January. Come on, then. Cut it out, Skinny. Stop it, Skinny. Cut it out. I'm serious. Stop. You bearded nut. You watch yourself. Merry Christmas, laundry man. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Yeah. Oh, yeah. We go. May I have this dance? Whose birthday? Well, it's sort of a long story. Hey, hey, heV- - Dance with us. - Hey, you fox. You gonna take me for a spin or what? I win. No. Until your enemy's heart stops, you have not won. Is that so? Did that stop your heart? That's better. Merry Christmas. I didn't get my invitation. Has anyone seen it'? No? Never mind. We're all here now. No harm done. And what did Santa bring you, little boy? Why, if it ain't a clown. Looking so sad. You know, I never found clowns that funny myself. Don't worry, clown. I'm a pretty good shot. Especially when I've been drinking. H9)'- Don't go wasting good moonshine. This shit's smoother than a calf's ass. But this party's for girls. Let's all go to the saloon. What have we here? Looks like we got ourselves another clown. Take this clown for a walk. Ride, ride, ride. Never quite understood the attraction for the circus. Till now. Join the others in Stockton. I'll catch you up. Gentlemen, I have a few old memories I'd like to revisit. Follow me. Dang it! He killed my whole family! Goddamn it, Baptiste, let me go or I swear I'm gonna-- I'm sorry, Lynne. Lynne, this ain't just for your protection, you know. It's for the whole goddamn town. Let me see. We have a winner. Gentlemen. Maria! He 'vs your marido? MY apologies. I am not the kind of man who sleeps with a married woman. No. - mommy! 'MOmmy! No! But her daughters. That's a completely different matter. Clean them up. You get a bullet in the head for every louse I find. I once strung a man up by his own hamstrings because he cooked me a steak well-done. What? Find that funny? Or is it because of this? Thank you, gentlemen. This girl says she'll serve herself up to you instead of the spics. Have we met before? No. We haven't. This is bound to be a night you will never forget. You have good teeth. I like that. Colonel, as you unwrap me I'm sure you will find there's a whole lot more of me to like. I have no doubt of that. And though I may be young I was hoping you could teach me a thing or two. Life's best lessons tend to hurt. Sharp pain can bring sharp pleasure. Tell them to get. This ain't the theatre. Gentlemen, you heard the lady. Make yourselves scarce. Lynne. She's not here. Now, I... I might say some things during... Feel free to answer if you like. Nothing is too wrong. I've been waiting my whole life for a place where it's right to be wrong. You know I don't think any part of the body is dirty or bad. Just as long as it's well scrubbed. Yes. Assemble. Now. Now, where do you plan to begin the inspection? I like where the skin creases. Go on. Between your nice big... The moment I smelt your neck, it all came flooding back. No girl could ever smell as sweet. You changed it all. My world. My face. You changed my life, little girl. And now I'm going to change yours. That certainly is a beautiful scar I gave you. A hard-on for a scar now, that is wrong. I forgot nothing tonight is wrong. Wrists. Tell the cook to fry up some potatoes. And while we're waiting I thought I should give you what I was so generously offering 10 years ago. Enjoy the show. No. He's mine. Lynne. Are you all right? Cover me. Hold on. Lynne. Did she kill him? Pull it off. - She got the wrong guy. - That ain't him. Oh, God, help us. Merry Christmas! Sweet mother of God, it's a goddamn butcher shop in here. - What's going on? - Let's go look at this. I must go, or you will all be in danger. We're in danger already. - Colonel's on the loose. - That's right. Lynne smoked the wrong guy. Now the Colonel's coming back and he's bringing the whole family. We need the guy who did that butcher job in the saloon. I say we all just pack up and leave. Right. If you stay and fight, you'll die like rats. Well, we'll die like rats with rifles. What rifles? You got a chink with a sword and a bunch of juggling idiots. How dare you? That ain't all we got. H9)'- Beth will understand. Follow me. I ruined everything didn't I? You did what you had to do. You could have just grabbed April and hit the trail but you didn't. Knowing saving me would ruin every new thing you found here. This new world without you not so new. Hey, let's say somehow they all come and go and we're still breathing. You're still gonna leave, right? That is the plan. Maybe I could go with you? Just think about it, all right? Hey. That's my primo cactus juice. I knew what you was from the get go. Don't need to look at the size of a man I can smell the blood. It was on you too. Yeah. Good. Now, get my jacket clean if you can. If I'm gonna die, I wanna look good doing it. Why die? We only got 100 sticks of dynamite and a few weapons. That ain't much more than to sting them with. You also have that. Done a good job on this garden. Well, for a laundry man. You do good shooting. For a drunken man. Why you stop shooting? Well, I just went around robbing banks, hitting trains till I ran into the only force that can truly bring down any outlaw. Sheriff? Woman. When I was with her, I didn't wanna run. What happened then? There was a couple of rangers who hadn't forgot about me. They ambushed me. Bullets flying everywhere. One of them found Beth. Last thing she ever said to me was, "Don't never pick up no gun again." So far... Well, at least till today I done what she asked. But for fellas like me and you we are what we are. If you truly love something or somebody, laundry man you get as far away from them as possible. Because we're sand they're flowers. These are yours. These are to kill. Come. Closer. Here. Here. Here. Remember these places. Fastest way to kill your enemy. I will remember. Company charge! What was that? H9)'- What the hell--? Come on! Take cover! Get up there. - Everybody, up there. - Over there, come on. Come on, men. Get them, down there. Get down. Shoot them! - Come on! - Move over! Yeah! Let's go. Come on down. Okay. Let's get out of here. Shoot them! Oh, shit. - Dynamite! - Run for your lives! Take cover! Let's move it! Shit. We did it. - Oh, no. - They hit Jacques. Come on. Back to town. - Get back. - Come on. Come on. Come on. Let's close this damn circus down! Burn it! - Move it out. - Let's go! Come on! Kill. Run. Hey, come on. Into the hotel. Keep low. Get them! Here, take her. Skinny! I couldn't protect April. Guard the hallway! And don't let a damn soul into this room! What the--? One more step and she's soup. I said stop! That sure is a pretty scar I gave you. I'll see you in hell, little girl. Wear something nasty. Is this the new life you have found? Funny, look much like the old one. Do you think you will tell her that you killed her mother her father and her entire clan? She is the enemy. She will always be the enemy. You came to me to be strong. I have made you the strongest. Kill her now. You do not belong here. I do. I did. You have the perfect body for an assassin. The heart of a priest. Your heart will become your biggest enemy. You must kill your biggest enemy. We are assassins. All that we love we will destroy. You are assassin. All that you love you will destroy. Did we win? We survived. Some of us. I'm not going with you... "-3711 I? I guess that's the end of them. No it is just the beginning. What about the baby, she gonna be safe? They are listening for this to cry. Not her. That's right, sand man keep walking. The warrior walked away. And legend has it, he never stopped walking. Always making sure to keep as much distance as possible between himself and the little gal he loved. How much? Free. Thanks For Viewing Worldwide7477 - Twilight Saga III - Eclipse - Translated from Croatian Some say that the world will end in fire Some say in ice. From what I've tasted and desire hold with those who favor fire. But if I had to perish in haste .. I think I know enough of hate.. to save for the destruction Ice, is also great Be as it is That would be enough for English final. Yes I guess.... - Marry me. - I do not. Marry me. Change me! Okay, I will if you marry me! It's called a compromise. It's called coercion. And it's not fair. Marriage is just .. a piece of paper. Where I am from, it is the way to show I love you Where I come from, at my age .. So you're worried about what people will think? You know that two out of three marriages end in divorce? Well, I think you'll find the vampire human divorce rate is a little lower Then marry me. I can not. I have to go back at 4 4 o'clock on the dot That kid tries to ground the hour of something? He has a name. Now he is too punctual for you ? Okay, you understand why you are being punished, right? - Because I have afforded hell. - Yes you did. But I have other reasons for grounding you, like ... I just want you to get some separation from him. Dad, there is nothing you say. Edward is my life. Yes, we have been there So alright, how about this, make you a deal .. You are not grounded anymore, if you use your .. new found freedom to see some of your other friends too, like Jacob. He's gone through a really tough time right now, His dad was very worried. I remember when it was you. You need a friend, and Jake was here. Hey, this is Jake , leave a message. Jacob had not talk to me for weeks. I wanted to fix it, just he wouldn't give me the chance. Yes, and I miss you very much. It does not change. I'm sorry. You scared me! - You're going to the reservation? - How did you know....? Alice! ? Hey, did you do this to my truck? Bella, you've to understand Your safety is everything to me. Jacob would not hurt me! Not intentionally, but wolves do not have control. But I have, until graduation to see him. Then I'll be one of you and he'll hate me forever. I'm sorry. Just the right time. Check it out. Let's see what you got... Fellow students, we are the future - Anything is possible, if youjust believe. - Next. - Perfect! - then you should write the speech yourself. This will be my speech when I wanted everyone to throw up at my diplomas So thank you. You've got to rest the case.. You have the bread and butter of a valedictorian - And that's why you're not a valedictorian - These are just clichés. - Speech need to be epic. - Epic, will change our lives? - I decided to throw a party. - After all, how many times we graduated from high school. A party at your place ? - I have never seen your house. - never. Another party, Alice? - Yes, it will be fun. - Yeah, as you said the last time. Hey, Angela Do you need help with those? I know you know what she saw. Tell me. - There was nothing. - You looked worried. I do not want anyone to notice how strange Alice is. I think that the ship sailed long ago. - I wonder what's wrong? - There's someone missing in Seattle over a year ago. Charles did what he can, but.... You know something about this? We've been tracking the situation in Seattle for a while unexplained disappearances, killings, if the situation gets anymore conspicuous Volituri will step in If they go to Seattle and come here. they can see that I'm still human. They will not go that far, but we'll go to Seattle if we have to. - I'll fax this down the first thing - Thank you. - Hay. - Hey. - Ready for dinner? - Yes. - It is still just you and I, right ? - No, I just drove her off. - See you later. - Bye. Oh, Bella, my parents want to remind you about the - .. airline tickets you got at your birthday. - What airline tickets? Round trip ticket to see mom in Florida. Well, that was generous. and it's expire if you don't use it this weekend. Well, I can not just drop everything and go away. Maybe this is the last chance to see her before graduation Get out of town for a couple of days get some distance .. Yeah, I wouldn't mind seeing mom as long as you go with me. Wait, just the two tickets? Super. It makes me really happy. I want to know that her life is full and satisfying. Don't you gonna missed those.. Just feel the vitamin D, soaking up all your pores. Yeah, I am gonna miss this . You know, colleges in Florida are a lot sunnier I am just saying that if you go to the University of Alaska, I will never see you. They've really great science program. You mean, Edward program? The way he watches you. Like he is ready to take a bullet for you. Is it a bad thing? It's an intense thing. You're different with him. When you move he moves like magnets. - We were just...... - in love. I get it I just want to make sure that you 're making the right choice for you Because you're the one who is gonna have to live with them. Alright, enough with the heavies .. - Mom? - A gift for graduation. - You did not have to spend your money. - Ah, I didn't. Come on. - Are these all our old T-shirts? - Mmm . I thought it would make a good quilt Keep you warm in Alaska. See this and this. But this is my favorite. The three hundred lobster from Maine. This is amazing. I thought you'll like it, when you get older had kids, maybe you ask them to visit all the place. - Thanks. - I'm glad that you like it. I wanted you to have a piece of me there in Alaska. - Mama. - Yes? - I miss you. - O honey, I miss you too. Are you sure that you saw there? She's almost here On your left .. Wait She's on their territory. She'lll escape. No, she won't Emmet, no! Sorry you're going? No, it was really great to see mom, but very hard to say goodbye. - You must be goodbye. - So you took me there? You thought I'll change my mind. I always hoping for that. What? If I ask you to stay in the car, will you Of course not. - Hey! - Charlie said you left town Yes. To visit my mum. Why? Just checking to see if you are still human. Look, I came here to warn you. If her kind came to our land again, we will not be so compliant. What's ? - You did not tell her? - Leave it alone, Jacob. You have not tell me what? Emmet and Paul had a misunderstanding. there is nothing to warry about Listen, you You gave her the idea to get out of town too ? Just leave, now She has the right to know. She is the one that redhead wants. Victoria! Alice's vision. - I just trying to protect you. - By lying to me. We're gonna talk about this, but You! Why haven't you called me back ? I had nothing to say. Well, I have tons. Hold on. - Bella! - Edward, you've to trust me. I do trust you, it is him I don't trust Lose the grin, Jacob It is just a ride. Hold on tight - Are you sure this is a good idea? - Yes. I am a vampire girl, remember ? - Look who's back! - Hey. - Quil, you too? - Yep, finally made the pack. Glad to have you here Bella. Maybe you can break Jacob's obsession. - Bella did not call. - Why did not call. - Maybe I should call Bella. - Maybe I should call Bella and hang up. OK, you can shutup now .. Bella this is Leah Clearwater Harry's daughter. Hey. I'm really sorry for your father. If you are here to torture Jacob some more, please feel free to leave Fun, isn't she. - Bella, hay. - Hey. - It's nice to see you again. - And you, too. - Sam, we're good? - We're good. She won't be in our land anytime soon. So, when does Leah joined the pack ? Around when her dad died. Her brother Seth are also pack It was not until he was 15 years He is the youngest of us. Sam keeps him home studying, but he jumped off the bed That at least one that Leah stays home. Do not be such a guy. It's not a chick thing, it is the triangle thing. We all have to live, to Leah Sam's Emily past Wolf telepathy, remember. Is Sam dumping Leah for Emily? No, it wasn't like that. Sam hated himself for hurting Leah. But Emily was the one. Yes, I guess it is sort of chooses you sometimes It is not some crush, Bella. Sam was imprinted on Emily. Sorry do I know what that is? Imprinting on someone is like .... Like when you see her... everything changes. All of sudden, it is not gravity holding you on this planet. It is her Nothing else matters. You'd do anything Be anything for her Sounds like you know the feeling .. Have you... imprinted on someone? You'd know if I had .. I just have a direct line to Sam's thoughts. So for now, is it still you? - You're still you. - Yes. - Until Graduation. - Graduation? - You knew this is gonna happen. - Not in a month! . Not before you... you even lived Or before I could ... For a second, just a second I thought... But this guy, his hooks are so deep I decided this, not him. Bella, they were not even alive. Makes me sick. Better you really be dead than one of them. I can not believe you said that. Edward was right I should not have come. Bella, come on please. I'm sorry. You! Edward could be least respect meal times. - I was with Jacob. - Oh, well. Then I'll give you some privacy. - Hey. - Do you understand how worried I was ? - I was perfectly safe. - I almost broke the treaty to make sure .. - I know I smell like a dog. - There is something wrong. - Edward, what's wrong? - Someone was here. Who is he? Someone we know? A stranger. I do not recognize his scent. Nomad passing through. A passer by would not left Bella's father alive. The smell disappears 5 km south of Bella's house. - Someone is orchestrating this. - Victoria? We would see how to make a decision. - It has to be be the Volturi. - I don't think the Volturi either I follow them from our last meeting. - We'll keep looking. - Also taking shift guarding the house. - Are there more protection details? - Rose. She's right, you can not protect me, watch my dad and search for intruders. - Look for Victoria. - And keep yourself fed - I'm not leaving you defenseless - I will not let you starve. - I wouldn't be unprotected, I have... - What? Whoever it was left the stench behind. It will be harder unless someone cross him again - We'll handle it from here. - We do not need you to handle anything - Or anyone. - I do not care what you need. - We're done here. - No, you're done here. Stop, I am tired of this. From now on I'm Switzerland, okay. Edward hated the idea, but it was not about rivalry anymore It was about my safety, and Charlie's. In the days that follows I got them to at least work together Wolves are taking so that Cullen could not hunt. It was not so easy alliance. Was he no shirt? - I'm supposed to go. - I will not long be absent. I do not have to hurry to catch. Perhaps he could hurry up a bit. - Hey, beautiful. - Hay. So what you want to do today? Vozitit motorcycle, hike, stay home. Tonight we go to a party. Sure you that this is wrong? I do not want to intrude. Technical upadaš Vjeæa on the set. See Vjeæa members. Dad, grandfather and Quilov Sue Clearwater. It is assumed Harrievo place when he died. - I should not be here. - Okay said. They thought it would be good to hear history. The history of the tribe? Is not this the secret? You're now a part of us. Seth, Liah and Quila are there for the first time. But you're the first ever outside. Yes I know... training would be better. And the time it took to appear. Paul Navalia on food, but I have managed to preserve something. Thanks brother. Bella this is Seth Clearwater, Liahin brother. The newest member èopora. - The latest, best, brightest. - I slowed. Let's not only begun. Quileute were from the beginning were a little tribe. But we've always had magic in their blood. We were great spiritual warriors. Forms of exchange offices. We are transformed into a large wolf. So we forced our enemies and protect our tribe. One day our soldiers found the creature. He looked like a man, but he was hard as stone and cold as ice. Sharp Teeth by raskidali warriors, but only by a fire could destroy it. They lived in fear that Cold man is not alone. And they were right. She came to retaliate. The former chief Taha Aki the only remaining ranik who could have saved the tribe after his son had been killed. His wife saw losing battle. A third woman was not a magic being. She had no particular can save one. Courage. A third woman has sacrificed himself to dragged to the attention of Cold Women long enough to Taha Aki destroyed. She was saved by the tribe. Over time, our enemies have disappeared. But one remains "cold". Our magic awakens when bilzu. We feel a threat in the blood. Something terrible is coming. And we all have to be prepared. What have you done to me? - I'm so... - Yes, I know. We'll find you someone to drink. Just attempt to stay alive. Are required numbers to me. Seattle is in fear. Police are concerned due to the increase in murders and disappearances. Theories ranging from harsh new gang up opsnog seriskog killers. Becomes worse. You'll do something. It takes more than one of our types of damage on which the story. Much more. Were undisciplined, uoèljivi. Newborn. What the new vampires? - The first few months after the change. - Then we were the most difficult to control. - Cruel, crazy from thirst. - What is something you enjoy. No one is training the newborn. But this is not nasumièno. - Someone creates an army. - Now surely we are going to Seattle. - Vampire army. - They were created to fight with someone. We are not even close to Seattle. If someone does not stop Volturi wants. Surprising to me as follows time permitting. Maybe they are behind it. In Italy, I read Arove thoughts. He wants him to join me and Alice. He knows that this will never happen while our family is alive. The military would able to solve this problem. Hey, have you already made dinner? No, I did not. This small Reilly Biers disappeared year ago His poor parents of the then This beautiful by Sattlu. Perhaps we should give up. I would not that thou art in question. I have to figure out what I tell people Why do not the Božiæe. Why do not you come to visit. Why I will no longer see. Think of all odgodiš. Problem solved. Why are so many protiviš I become like you? I told you. Be honest with me, has that anymore. I know the consequences of decisions by bringing. I have lived through them. I allow you to propatiš. You believe that I have a soul, I do not. But your risk only because if you do not lose the best thing sebiènija I'll ever do. I thought that I'm afraid that be very different. I will no longer be so hot and it will not smell the same. You'll always be my Bella. My Bella just less fragile. It's nice here. Alice is planning a big party for graduation. To which you were called. Yeah, so I thought. What? I just wanted it done differently. Smoother, but now I have no time. - For what? - You hear the truth Bella. Consider all your options. And you know that I I am in love with you. I want to get to choose me instead. Try to understand me do not feel the same for finches. - I do not believe. - In what would be believed? That's what I felt. Osjeèaš you something else for me just do not want to admit. So I will not give up.... I will fight for you... Until your heart stops beating. - Then you will not have a long fight. - Hurry because they are afraid that it would change my mind. Not true. I know what I want. For me it would not have had to change Bella. Or do not forgive sakim. I can give you more than him. He probably does not and can not kiss if you do not hurt. Osjeèaš it? Meat, blood and heat. - If you ever touch her more... - Edward does not. - She knows what she wants. - Why then does not say rijeæi. - Will. - Jacob please go. Easy guys, easy. Calm down. What's happening? I kissed Bella. She broke her arm udarajuæi me in the face. A complete misunderstanding. Only uganuæe zacjelit'll quickly. Bella trying to be a hot dog? I banged my werewolf in the face. Evil. Bit'll stubborn newborn. Just that you overcome evil. Do not worry about it. - Are there any traces. - Not a trace intruders. But Victoria can disappear the sign of danger. Do not rejoice that You'll become a newborn. Rosalie does not understand what I am done that you hate me so much. I do not hate you. It's not just you, my dear, but. Bella I envy you. What? It's funny. No it is not. You have the choice, I have not had before. You have the option of choice and bringing the wrong choice. I do not matter how you your pathetic human life. My life is not.... unfortunate. It is not perfect. Nièiji life is not perfect. My bio. Completely perfect. All I wanted was have a good husband who will kiss me on arrival home. Royce was the most preferable bachelor in town. I hardly knew him. But I was young. I was in love with the idea of love. Last night my life went I have friends of late. It was not away from home. Rose Hey, come here. Come here and I'm waiting. - Here it is. - Royce, you're screwed. Is not that wonderful John? Have I told you so. It is difficult to say with his the wearing apparel to her. And to take off several layers. See you tomorrow when you're sober. Hey, what do you mean, where are you going? They left me on the street misleæi I'm dead. Believe me I wanted to be. Carlisle found me myrrh blood. I thought that helps me. I'm sorry. Revenge I was them. One by one. I have managed to preserve Royce to end so that he knew would be coming. Then I was a little tetralna. It became better after I found Emmet. But we'll always be this. Zaleðeni never kreèuæi forward. This is what we most lack. Opportunities. Sit on a porch somewhere. Emmet head sitting next to me. Surrounded by our grandchildren. Their smiles. I understand. No more of what I wish of Edward. Again you are mistaken. After you change a gonna thing more coveted. One thing that you'll be ready to kill. Blood. Did I not say that it does not expires? Something is coming. Something greater than ourselves. If you can not... control we're all going to die. What's done is done. Only poèistite behind. Attract much attention. Others might call into question Voltura action in connection with this. Let. Perhaps we should consult with the aroma. Arove decisions follow we must decide. Then my sister decides it is time. Yes, it's time. Leave them we do it for which they were created. Or get rid of them. Decisions, decisions. When we have 5, they asked us what we want to be when I grow up. Responses were: astronaut The President or in my case, a princess. When we were 10 again asked the answer was: Rock Star, Cowboy or in my case, won the gold medal. Now that we grew up wanting a serious answer. So how zvuæi this? Who knows. This is not the time to make difficult decisions already time for mistakes. Skreniti somewhere, stuck somewhere, fall in love many times. Study Filizofiju because there is no chance to create a career from it. Predomišljamo constantly because nothing is permanent. Work as many mistakes as possible. So when we ask what a we will not have to be pogaðati, we know. You arrived. What do you think about my speech? Too long, did not you liked it. - I was excellent. - Yes, because he had an important message. - What are you doing here? - She called me, sjeèaš be? My right hand I was not enough? It was the withdrawal of the call. Bella, I'm sorry for kiss, your hands, everything. Laid the blame on an animal in itself, but I was not me. Do you idiot. Really sorry. I brought you something. Gift for graduation. - I made it. - Wow, you did it? Very nice, thank you. Immediately came back. - Alice what you saw? - The decision was made. - What's happening? - Do not go in Seattle? Do not they come here. - We have four days. - This can be converted to Bloodshed. - Who is behind it. - There is no one whom I recognize. - Maybe someday. - I know his face. He is here Bieason Reilly. Not on this began. Whoever turns away from the action. They play dead at the major points of your vision. Whatever the army comes, and we there is not enough to zaštititmo city. - Wait a minute, what a goddamn army? - Newborn, our species. - What do they want? - Next Bella's scent. - Her red blouse. - Jelly Bell. - What does it mean? - So nasty fight. With a lot of gibitaka. - OK we are with you. - No, no chance you will die. - I did not ask permission. If that means greater protection for you. Jacob do to your side agreed with the deal? As long as we have a chance kill some vampires. - Jasper? - We'll be outnumbered. Newborn will not even know that they exist. - Will give us an advantage. - We need to organize. - Carlisle will hurt. - We all need training. Fight with the newborn requires Jasper has the knowledge. You can join us. Well, tell the time and place. Jacob does not know at what upuštaš. This is what we do. You should be happy. Look at us working together. You said you want me to agree. Again. This is a gift for graduation. I do not trust us enough to were in human form. They came to what is important. Wilt translate? Hey Jacob! Welcome! Jasper has experience with a newborn. He knows how to defeat them. They want to know What are the Newborn different from us. Are rather stronger than us, because human blood is still present in their tissues. Our species has never been, but Increases In the first seven months of life. Carlisle was right. Because they were created. Army newborn should not be thousand as a human army. But no one human host to them can not be opposed. There are two important things to zapamitit. First: Do not let your volumes hands will crush you. Second: Never go to obvious murder. Would expect that, and you'll lose. Emmet. - Do not be suzdržavaj. Never lose focus. Another thing: No okreæi back the enemy. Some of you will hurt. Maybe die. Because of me. It'll be a hundred times worse than this. Jasper. Sure you can not possibly help. Just your presence your the smell will attract the newborn. Crazy would be their hunting instinct. Well, I'm glad. Hey, how do you know so much about? I had the same education as my adopted brothers and sisters. - These scars are like mine. - Scars from combat. All training in Vošca Confederation was useless against the newborn. But I never lost a fight. Hey, it happened during the Civil War? I was the youngest Major Cavalry in Texas. - I was in a real battle. - As long as... While I have not met a particular Immortals. Maria. Vraèao myself in Galviston after the battle. I saw them and offered his help. See this officer. Maria Do the best you that I I can not stop when I start. - What's your name soldier? - Major Jasper Withlock, Ms.. I hope you'll survive. Bit I'll benefit from. - Maria created the army? - He is a war in the south of the territory. Maria got them all. She was smart, cautious and had me. I was second in command. My sense of power control has been helpful. I trained her newborn. Endless work because they never let him live longer than the first year. My job was to solve them. I could feel all they felt. I thought it was between me and Marie was the love. But I was her doll. She is pulling the strings, I did not know that there is another way. While I have found Alice. - Of course she saw me coming. - I've waited long enough. My apologies, lady. I do not know what would have happened to me without it. Never again would not be so. What is it? Intruder, newborn army. They were all her puppets. Victoria. Alice saw that she would wants to create an army. Unless she is not hiding behind them and someone else does not decide. Welcome to the army. I will just hide until you preuzimaš all the risk for me. If I have to keep Victoria as far away as possible from the battle. - Jasper is said to be helpful. - You should be with the wolves will be easy. Others have enough work. Or is it dangerous to have to hide or easy to do I bother, decides. It is dangerous for you, it's easy for us. I think it is dangerous to be separated. How many times we have to prove? I will be concerned I'll be worried and both vulnerable. OK you're right. We'll both be shun. I can not get that you choose between me and my family. The only way that you can protection is to be with you. You're not fighting? Are istegao mišiæ or something? - Looks to me, okay. - Whatever. Just tell me the plan. This will give us field advantage in the fight we need to lure them Bellini fragrance. It should end here. Edward and I are going to camp. Even if I carry on I'll smell. - Your smell is repulsive. - Do not begin to compare the stench. It is only important that you will smell my hide if I am wearing. - Agreed. - Not a good idea. Edward. It will not be willing or close its aroma. Just let us try. - Wolf ready. - Run. You want me to ask that the clones battle or did not matter my safety. Of course it is important to me, but they said no. I have no choice anyway. Because I place surrender Alpha alone. I have to live with the decisions that he brings. - I released that I was being Alpha? - I never wanted to be in èoporu. No matter where you are his leader. Wow chief Jacob. Each choice has its consequences. Some more than others. Not everyone starts making choices just have to accept mine. You can love more than one person suddenly, I saw it. I saw it with Emily and Liah. Well, I am not a wolf can not be impressed. There is no connection to the injection, already with a sense of someone. And I know you osjeèaš something for me. Feel the osjeèaš. We do, and nervous. Do not worry, I promised that I will not kiss me until you asked. And you'll keep the promises while the chief. I took only vuèiji not stink and Bella. - This will turn on. - Excellent. - Okay, Alice can not be a stranger. - Okay. - Your alibi is ready for battle. - Really? I told your father that my going on a camping trip this weekend. So you and I'll sleep at my home. - Charlie and the way to go fishing. - Charlie? Now the name calling? I liked him. Actually You and Edward have a house tonight for myself. - As for yourself? - We're going to hunt and gather strength for the battle. You're welcome. - Wilt sandwich? - I'm gonna make it. - My sister liked. - Alice, she is wonderful. I asked Daddy why did not you re-married after the mother. I do not know, I guess I have not yet found the right lady. - Why? - I do not know. I thought you quit turned on by these institutions. Marriage. Do you think there is some value in it? Yes, marriage has its value. When you are older, much older. As your mother see that It turned out well the second time. - Later on in life. - I guess. Sure you have to espouse neèeš .... because you were not careful. - What? - What do you know about talking. There are things that you need think you'll be intimate... Okay, you do not have to keep "discourse". This is embarrassing for me as for you. Doubt, and mom and overtaken for 10 years. - You have not had a boyfriend at the time. - I'm sure that's all the same. - So, be careful. - Okay, Dad just do not worry. Edward is old school. "Old School" What is it like for something? - Dad, I'm a virgin. - Okay, I'm glad that we have to resolve. Me too. Super, now we are Edward a little more like that. What are you doing out there? What is wrong? Nothing. It now seems fair to me and you give a gift. Really nice, thanks. - Bed? - I thought you would need to sleep. I think that was a lot of air mattress. - Is it too. - No, not perfect. - I'm gonna ask you something. - Anything. Marriage is a requirement to be promjeniš you, do not. - Yes. - Okay, now I have one condition. Whatever you desire is yours. - Obeèavaš. - Yes. - Bella does not. - You said you want to experience everything. - The thing you do not stavljm life at risk. - Do not put a. Everyone says where the change I want to kill the whole city. - This part does not last forever. - I want to. While I still am. While you still want this. - Is too dangerous. - Try, just try. I'll go to some expensive college funny and you can buy me a car. I'm married to you is just an attempt. - No clothes off. - You Do that part. Not tonight. I do not want to.... well. Believe me I want to. I just want to be the first in a marriage with you. I really felt as a villain I'm trying to hijack èednost. - I'm not worried about his èednost. - Are you kidding? This is only one rule that I do not want to violate. For my soul is perhaps the most, But I will protect yours. - I know it is not modern. - It is not modern but ancient. I'm from another era. Things were less complicated. Had I known you then, courted to you. We had to escort, went for walks Iced Tea drink on the porch. Perhaps stealing a kiss or two. Having to ask permission your father would have collapsed to their knees and introduces you'd ring. It belonged to my mother. Isabella Swan obeèavam that I and love every minute of it forever. Wilt thou make me immeasurable honor and marry me? YES! You will not go with us. It will be a decision at the last minute. I told you how it works. - Cullen have the power. - Do they podcjeniti, Reilly. You're Numeric nadmoæ, but they can anticipate your every step. - So hard your friend? - Yes, my dead friend. He learned all they can, and killed him, but not before he told me. What if I was wrong. I think it's their territory anyway. We tipped him, and I have not even seen. - Do you believe me? - With their lives. Do this for us. If we can not feed their retribution. Can no longer live in fear from their attacks. I will not let them. I will destroy Cullenov Cowen. I swear. I love you, really. - Pretjeruješ. - If this is all I can contribute I want to be thorough. Newborn will go mad. - If it feels uncomfortable. - I do not mind anymore. Since when? Since I spent 24 hours misleæi you were dead. - Why do not you wear your ring? - I do not want to lose it. - You do not want to see Jacob. - I just want to wait. - But after the fight. - If predomišljaš. No. I just want to have a clear head. - Whose head did not clear? - Nièija hope. - Alice says that coming storm. - Da osjaèam said. You should go. See you in a few hours. Something is going on? - A bunch of vampires trying to kill me. - As usual. Thank you. It should be back soon but starts to storm. No I'm staying. You're connection with èoporom. - So I know what's going on. - Neèeš fight it? Seth will replace me in the morning. Angry because the default action. But it will not run into trouble. Let's go inside. - Are you sure you do not want to go back to town? - It's okay. I can not sleep from mental chatter. - Forget it. - Maybe she needs toe. Let's be real hot (nicer) I am of you Move your hand with me. - Get your hands off her. - Do not be svaðajte. If you are sick you'll be guilty. Smrzavaš Bella. Relax. It will warm you quickly. Faster if you take off the clothes themselves. - Jacob. - Basics of survival. Can you at least try to kontroirati your thoughts. Really you zavuæi succeeds under that your icy skin. What? I guess that is not in doubt her feelings towards you. Fine. Turn over in my mind is okay, but allow me to find out your not. - Look, I know that love with you. But the love in me. Only you do not want to admit. I can not say that you are not right. If you ask something, if you elect me. - It will not. - If you do would you tried to kill me? It is an intriguing idea. But no, I would not so he could not hurt. And it'll only turn into bloodthirsty demons as you are. I do not want to, I never wanted to. - Then he stopped. - I have tried. - I went. - But you surrendered quickly. If you have kept aside yet 6 months could have a usreèiti. Trust me. You have to consider I might be better for her than you. I reviewed it. I know that you can protect but she was willing to give their human life. And now it's more of anything I will not force The last time I tried yet few have both died. In addition to sjeèam. How have you felt when you thought you lost? - How did you cope with that? - There are no words to describe. I do not want anyone to Jacob. This would perhaps zvuèati odd, but I'm glad you're here. Me too. As much as you would like to kill dear me that she is the hot. Had we not natural enemies and not trying to steal My reason for being. Maybe I could and was agreeable. Well, you do not plan to suck the life out of girls that love might be.... No, not even then. You know it is still may change my mind. Then I would let her go. Hey Seth. Where is Jacob is already... Checks whether the forest integrity before they leave. I'm sorry for last night. It is not possible to be easy. I'm not on the list of top 10 night. - Got a list? - That ever since I spend time with you. In the first place it is when we're said the wilt marry me. Mrs. Cullen This is 21 century can retain its name. - Udaješ for him? - Jacob I am... - You knew to listen. - Deserves to know. - Jacob habitat. - Bella. Do not. Stop, please It is almost totally done. - What can I do? - Nothing can be done. I can go so there and kill something. No, I do not think reasonably. Not doing it. Maybe I will die and you thus to facilitate things. Please, Jacob stay. Why? Give me one good reason. - Because you do not want to lose. - It is not good enough. - Because we're too important. - It's not good enough. Jacob... kiss me. Wanted to kiss me. It's supposed to be our first kiss. Gotta go, but I'll be back. - Have you seen? - I, Jacob thoughts were loud. - I do not know what happened. - Do you love him? - I love you more. - I know. Starts. Jacob has just arrived there. - Someone's injury? - It is close. I can hear her thoughts. Seth go. She knew that you were not there caught my scent. - She knew you were with me. - She found us. It is not alone. Reilly listen to me. Victoria and advantage that we pay attention. He knows I'm gonna kill you. In fact, she will be glad you will no longer have to suffer. Do not listen to him I told Reilly you for their mind tricks. I can read her thoughts so I know what he thinks about you. Has created you and the army to avenge his true love James. Only she did it stopped. Not to you. Only you, you know it. Think small, you know the Forks area. It's the only reason that you chose. - I love you. - Reilly not to let him tell us he had made. You know I love you. You're dead. You will not be re- this opportunity. Would you like it. Would you like to feel the pain you felt when I killed James. When I parted. When I turned to ashes. When I turned into nothing. Victoria. - What is it? - Alice us immediately. - How many? - A few minutes may 10th They must go. Volturi would not respect a truce with the wolves. Let her go. Jacob. Do not worry, Carlisle will take care of you. Right shoulder joint was crushed. - Bella. - Jacob I am here. - Jacob what you could be alone. - Liah. I have to set the bone before accelerated healing begin. - Already starts. - We have removed it from here. We do not want to fight with Voltirima. - We are taking it to Billie. - Coming soon as I can. Sticks Jacob. - I got you. - Come. Impressive. I have never seen such Cowen victory in this battle. - We were lucky. - We understood that much. It now seems that we miss interesting battle. It's not often that we unnecessarily. If you come half an hour earlier To fulfill its purpose. Pity. You missed one. She told us all exchange for freedom. What was your to give. Why did you come? Who made you. - No need to tell you everything will. - I know. I do not know. Reilly did not want to say. He said that our thoughts are not safe. Her name is Victoria Maybe you knew. Edward knew that the Volturi for her to stop it. - Is not that Jane? - Of course. - Felix. - She does not know what does. We will assume responsibility for it. - Give her a chance. - Volturi do not give a second chance. Keep this in mind. Ara will be interested when you hear that she is still human. Date has already been decided. Make sure Felix. I would like to go home. It has already for some time. Doctor break his bones. - I could have alone. - Let me stop Liah. The worst is over. It'll be good. I gave him morphine, but it will be his body temperature quickly burn. I'll be back to set the drip. Thank you. He asked for you. - Hey Jacob. - Hey. - I was worried about you. - You were worried for me? Yes, I would hit me Edward will be in the mind .. - Whether it was rude to you? - There was not even angry or you. Damn, better than I thought. - I came for it. - Of course. Bella is on the perfect how you think. I know who he is. Let's not talk about it. At least I know that I did everything I could. It was not easy to make and to acknowledge their feelings towards me. I relented because I knew that it will not change anything. I'm perfect for you, Bella. With me it would be easy as you breathe. You know I love you. You know how much he would like it is enough. - Do I go back? - I need a little time. But I'll always wait. - When my heart stops beating. - Maybe even then. - 13th August? - Yes, a month before my birthday. I do not want to be another year older than you. Alice says that everything is organized until then. I'm sure you can. No rush. This is my life let him live. So give Alice that all organized? Vjenèanicu, your guests, receiving, you know that he likes to exaggerate. Is it really matters. - I know what you're doing. - What, wedding. Trying to please everybody. But also to give myself a lot. Be mistaken. This was not a choice between You and Jacob. But between what should be and what I did. I've always felt like it the spotièem through life. I never felt normal. Because I'm not normal. I do not want to be. I had to face with death, loss and pain in your world, but it is also I've never jaèom felt. Realistic. Because this is my world too. It is a place where I belong. - So it's not just about me? - No, sorry. I know you all want to understand, but I want to do everything right. I want to use all the time with you in every possible way. Starting with the wedding. In fact, the first little bit harder and opsanije. We have to tell Charlie. - Little dangerous. - It's good that you are resistant to bullets. We will need that ring. - END ~ Hi! Hi! Hi! Does it hurt? Okay. - Name? - Kevin Abdela. Kevin Abdela. Good, Mary. You'll be fine. So, fine. She has to keep it on for four weeks. Even when the pain stops, she has to keep it on. Let's wrap it up in ten minutes, folks, please! Ten minutes, thank you! - Najeeb? - Yeah? - We take two more, each. - Two? - Ok, we can have four more. She will have to give her something for the fever. Three times a day. Come back here... Najeeb, stretcher please! Prepare to operate! Easy, easy. Come, come, come. Tie me on the back. I need help here. She can make it. Check her pulse. She can make it. I need some light. - Patient asleep? - Yes, doctor. Swabs. Take the swab. Clamp. What's the pulse? Pulse at 78. Stable. Okay. Hold tight. Clamp. Looks stable now. I didn't think she'd make it. I've seen that type of injury before. It's the work of a local villain. Big Man. He takes bets with his boys - as to what sex the child will be. Then he cuts the girls open to see. "And Death gave back these treasures for a song. The nightingale sang on. It sang of the quiet churchyard, where white roses grow where the elderflowers make the air sweet, and where the grass is always green, wet with the tears of those, who are still alive. Death longed for his garden. Out through the windows drifted a cold gray mist as Death departed.. 'Thank you, thank you' the emperor said. 'Little bird from Heaven, I know you of old. I banished you once from my land - and yet you have sung away the evil faces from my bed, - and Death from my heart. How can I repay you? ' 'You have already rewarded me,' said the nightingale. 'I brought tears to your eyes, when first I sang for you. To the heart of a singer, those are more precious than any precious stone. But sleep now, and grow fresh and strong while I sing. ' He sang until the emperor fell into a sound, refreshing sleep, - a sweet and soothing slumber. " She used to read it to me before I'd go to sleep. - I think it's good, that he did it. - So do I. Hey, Hanna. This is my mother. This is Hanna. - You're the one they'll be staying with? - Yes. I think Christian is looking forward to getting back home, right? It's so hard to believe she's gone. Christian? I just want to tell you, that you did really well. I'm really proud of you. Mom would have been too. You don't have to say something all the time, dad. We can talk, can't we? You don't have to on my account. - Are you ready? - Coming. - Good morning, Mohammed. - Good morning, sir. Ok, let's go. Hello. Hello, my darling. - Welcome. - Hi, mom. Here's so much space. Lots of peace and quiet. I won't bother you. Internet has been installed for you, and you can choose which room you want. - This is the smallest room. - It's fine. - You don't have to decide now. - Can I choose myself or can't I? Of course, but your desk and your bed won't fit in here. But you decide. Your call. The view is great. You'll get it. What's up, ratboy? - Got air in your tyres? - Lost your bottom jaw? - Excited? - Yes. - Want me to come with you? - No. Of course not. - Take care. - Yep. - See you. - Crawl between our legs, rat. - Go home and eat some cheese. - Aren't you a rat? - Is there a problem? - Walking fountain. - Damn swede. - Mutant! Damn you're ugly! Fucking rat! Please sit down and try to be quiet. Sit down! Whose is this? This is Christian. Be quiet. Christian lived in lots of countries and has just moved here from London. - Does he speak danish? - Of course he does, Trine. Well, I'll just mark your birthday on the calendar. - When's your birthday? - July 7th. The same as Elias. That's quite funny. That's quite funny. Be quiet. You can sit next to Elias then. - Stop it! - Poor you! Then we can talk about London during form time. That'll be fun. Now please get out your history books. I don't wanna fight you. No! - Want to borrow my bicycle pump? - No thanks. It's alright. The took the valves too. They always do that. - I'll just walk. It's okay. - Why not take some from the other bikes? - Then he'll have to walk. - Then today is his turn. - Here. - Thanks. Letting other peoples' tyres down? And who the hell are you? I'm Christian. Christian? What are you doing with ratboy? - Ratboy? - Yeah, he's got the teeth of a rat. I don't go around looking in other peoples' mouths. You're supposed to catch it. And you'll just walk home, ratboy. - Are you okay? - Yeah. I'm really sorry. - Want me to help you? - No, I'm ok. - You sure? - Yeah. I'm really sorry. That one was really stuck in there. How many did you eat? Hi sweetheart. - How was your day? - It was alright. - Look at me? Are you sure? - Yes. - Sure? - Yes. If you lie to me, I'll eat you up! Me too! Leave me alone! Just leave me alone. Elias... I hate you. - Aren't you sleeping? - No, I had to finish my game. - Is that blood on your shirt? - We were playing soccer. - Did someone punch you? - No. It was an accident. Won't you come down to the kitchen and keep me company? - That'd be nice. - I'll be right there. - Hi dad! - Hi sweetheart. - It's so good to see you. - You too. I missed you. - How are you? - How was your trip? Long. But alright. Hi.. Hi. Morten made you a present, in case you were hungry. - Did you get a haircut? - No. It was good hearing from you, Elias. But now we'd like to talk to your parents alone, if that's okay? - What do you say? - Let's be reasonable. Elias isolates himself a lot. We have to relate to that. His tyres are let down every day. The other kids call him ratboy. It's not Sofus who lets his tyres down. Made not him personally, but he has his own little mafia. He's behind it. We shouldn't give Sofus too much credit... Other pupils' tyres are let down too. We are of course aware of that. It's not an easy situation for Elias... With you, Anton, who travels a lot. It must be hard for Elias, that his father is away so often. And if there are other problems between you... - What problems are those? - Your separation, Marianne. Let me tell you something. Don't you interfere with our personal life. That has nothing to do with anything! No, stop. I'm shocked that we have to listen to this. We'll end up having to move Elias to another school, because Sofus is a sadistic little psychopath! If we could try - to be a little constructive, what do you suggest? Maybe you should try buying some flowers for mom? Or some chocolate. - You're even uglier up close. - Fuck off! Shut up. You're from Sweden. - Kiss my shoe if you want to pass. - What's up, loser? You're so gross. What's up, Elias? You know, yesterday? If anyone asks... - I won't tell. - Nothing happened to him. Just keep your mouth shut. If you talk, you're dead. - Never touch me again! - I won't do anything. Not me or anyone else. I don't give a fuck if you die. Do you understand? Hide the knife. You'll be expelled. We changed your medication. You might get a little confused. Did you eat anything yesterday? It ate it all. Pork roast. It was delicious. - Then you are getting really confused, huh? - Marianne? They have called twice from Elias' school. You have to call them back. - You forgot to turn on your cellphone. - I don't have it on me. - You're lying, Elias. Why are you lying? - I'm not lying. Christian admitted that he had a knife. He hit him several times in the head with a bicycle pump. I only saw them hitting each other. There was no knife. Listen to me. Elias just told us that you had a knife. - I didn't have a knife. - Okay. If everyone is lying, then you tell me the truth. He hit me. Then I hit him. - You hit him with a bicycle pump? - I had to. He's much bigger than me. He was going to beat me up. Elias, this is serious. He might go blind on one eye. Then he should leave people alone. Hi. - Hi, Marianne. - Where is Elias? - They are talking to the police. - What happened? It was a vicious assault. Apparently there was a knife involved. - That can't be right. - That doesn't sound like Christian. - They haven't found one. - What has this got to do with Elias? - Did Elias hit Sofus? - We don't know. The police are interviewing them, and then we will find out what happened. Is it true, that Sofus has been blinded? - Who told you that? - The police. No. He will have a headache, and probably get a scar, but he will be alright. It could have been much worse. Why didn't you tell me that he hit you? Then we could have talked to him and his parents. - A lot of kids saw it. - That's no answer. If I hadn't fought back, then everyone would think I was weak. Just tell me if he had a knife. I promise I won't tell anyone. He didn't have a knife. Stop asking. If you hit him, then he will hit you. It will never end. Don't you understand? That's how wars start. Not if you hit hard enough the first time. You don't know a damn thing about it. It's like that in every school. Now no one dares touch me. I'm not going to ask you about the knife again. You understand? But I want you to know that you can tell me everything. Understand? Yes. - It's me. - Hi. - Were you sleeping? - No. What are you doing? I'm at a discotheque. What do you want? Just talk. I'm bored without you. - Did you talk to Elias? - Of course. I miss you. Don't do that. I told you I was sorry. And I mean that from the bottom of my heart. I was quite proud of us actually. I was. Proud that we weren't like all the other idiots, who just give up and get divorced.. I was proud that we loved each other. We still do. But Anton... I messed up big time. I tried... I tried to explain, how it got that far - and I was so stupid. I tried... You only paid attention to her, every time you were home. It still hurts. Everything we had together. And when you were here, it was all lies. It was all make-believe. I love you. I would like to forgive you, but I can't keep up. - That's how it is. Good night. - No, wait. Don't hang up. I think, we can consider this matter closed All of you messed up. But you have learned that no good comes from fighting. - That's right. - It could have ended much worse. Now Elias and Sofus shake hands. - I'm sorry, Elias. - Good. And Christian and Sofus. Please shake hands. Sorry. And you'll be back monday, no hard feelings, ok? - Looking forward to the theme week? - Yes. - The whole school is excited. - We're looking forward to it. - What will you be doing, Sofus? - I'm in the weapons group. - We'll be making muskets. - Of course you will. - And Elias? - I'm in the same group as Christian. We'll be making a model of The Round Tower. Want to walk with me, Christian? No. Come on, Elias. Here it is. - Do you want it? - Thanks. Cool! - Christian? - Yes? I'm leaving now. I'll try to make the flight at four tomorrow. I'll call you. - You can stay for dinner, if you want? - Thank you, but I should be going home. - Then maybe in the weekend. - Just go, dad. See you. - Take care, Elias. - You too. - Where's he going? - London. - Where's your mom? - She's dead. My parents are in the middle of a divorce. - Why did she die? - She had cancer. At first they thought, she'd get well, but she didn't make it. - She was cremated. - Okay. Funerals are disgusting. The bodies rot and seep into the groundwater. I want to be cremated when I'm dead. What about you? Perhaps. I never really thought about it. - What are we doing here? - Going up. - You can do that? - of course. Come on. - Wow, this is crazy. - Yeah. I use to come here when I was home on vacation. - Where's your house? - My house? - Out there somewhere. - Okay. It's a long way down. Yeah, like that. We were on this silo down by the docks. You can't do that. Christian is up there every day. You can see our house from up there. I know it. That's why I tell you not play there It's dangerous. Promise me that you won't do it again. Don't "mmm" me. Promise. - Where's the pump? - Here you go. - Promise? - Yeah. - Promise what? - That I won't go back up there. Let's pump it up. - Put it down here, boys. - Can we have an ice cream? - Yes. Put it down gently. - I wanna try the swing. Thanks for the help. Kayaking was so much fun. - Don't! - Come on, boys. Hey! What are you doing? Morten! Stop that. What are you doing? Why are you fighting? - What's going on? - He took my swing. - Why? - He punched me for no reason. - Why did you hit him? - I didn't. - Why are you fighting over a swing? - What's going on here, man? I was just using the swing, and he came up and started bothering me. - Don't steal his swing! - Kids will be kids... I don't wanna see you touch my boy again. You understand? - I didn't touch him. - Get the hell outta here. Fuck off! What the hell is wrong with you? Look at me. You're always fighting. Always fucking trouble with you. - I'm sorry, dad. - You did nothing wrong. Doesn't it hurt? Are we going to the hospital? - No, we're not. - I'm very sorry. - Shouldn't you call the police? - Yeah, dad. Call the police. - No, I won't do that. - He hit you. Let's go home. You can't eat your ice cream in the car. End of discussion. - We shouldn't be up here. - Why not? - What are you doing? - Just hanging out. I gotta get home. - There he is. - Who? The idiot, who hit your dad. Come on. - There he is. - We'll look up his address online. - Hey! What the hell are you doing? - Run dammit! - Hey dad. - Hey. Come, sweetheart. - You okay? - Sure. - What are you doing here? - I just wanted to give you this. I know where the guy who punched you works. - How did you find out? - I just did. He works there. How did you find out? Christian and I saw him. It was on his car. - Have you been up on that silo again? Christian might have been. He's up there every day. - But you haven't? - I haven't. - Are you sure? - Yeah. Aren't you going to do something about it? - Like what? - Go and beat him up. - Are you serious? - Yes. - Are you afraid? - That's not the point. You don't go around beating people up. Nobody benefits from that. What kind of world would we live in then? He's an idiot. If I beat him up, I'll be just as big an idiot. I'll go to jail, and you'll have no dad. He wins. Maybe mom would like it, if you weren't such a wimp. I promised mom I'd be home, so I better get going. Who's the wimp now? You are. - Bye! - Say hi to your mom. Hello? Hello? - Hi. - Hi. I'm looking for a Lars. - Say what? - Does a Lars work here? - Lars? - Lars? Lars! Sweden calling. - Hi. - Hi. Remember me? I'm Anton. We met on the playground. You slapped me. Remember? Yeah, I remember. - What do you want? - Why did you do it? - Don't touch my kids. - I broke up a fight over a swing. Good for you. Know what you should do? Stay away from me and my son. And nothing will happen. Okay? You understand? Do you want me to tell you why you did it? No, shut the hell up. And get your ass back to Sweden. - Nobody understands you here anyway. - Did you hit me because you could? - That's right. - Maybe you should shut up now, Lars. Do you want me to hit you again? You're an idiot, who likes to feel you're in charge. - You're not. - Stop it, Lars. - It's alright, boys. - What do you want? What do I want? I want to show the children that I'm not afraid of you. - You can't hurt me. - You're not afraid of me? And I can't hurt you? That's exactly what I can do. I think you should go now. Take your kids, and go home. - You frightened the children, when you hit me. - Good. They were very upset, and found out where you work. That's why we're here. That's very clever of them, finding out where I work. Good job. You're such a big idiot, that you can't even apologize when I'm here with the kids, but continue to fight. - Huh? Want some more? - Let's go home. Want some more? Get the hell back to Sweden, you fag. It didn't hurt. I'm okay. Let's go. Thank you for seeing us. It didn't hurt. Nothing to be afraid of. That's all he knows how to do. He lost. He's a moron. You understand? Understand what? That he's a moron, and not worth our time. - He's a big moron. - Exactly. I don't think he feels he lost. - Maybe not, but he did. - I'm not sure. - Let's go. We're done here. - Giant wanker moron. - Get in the car. - He was such an asshole. - Giant wanker moron. - That's enough. - Giant wanker moron! - Put your seatbelt on. Alright, stop. - Should we let Morten try? - Yes! Wait a second. There. Come on, Morten. Perfect! No, let go at the same time. Look at that. - Has the fever gone down? - Yeah, it's gone down. That's perfect. There he is. Everybody's afraid of him, but no one does anything about it. I'll try to find something we can use as a fence. Come here for a second. Must be something my granddad bought. We shouldn't keep it here. It could blow up the whole house. - They're just fireworks. - You know how much black powder's in this? Several pounds. - You could make a huge bomb. - Really? Yeah. I'll show you online. He just kept hitting your dad. Your dad might not be afraid, but he just kept hitting him. If we get back at him, he might learn his lesson. - How loud will this be? - Very. - Won't anyone hear? - Not out here. Hold the bomb. You want to light it? You'll have to run. - You do it. - Are you sure? - Run fast, ok? - Yeah. Fuck, that was sick! Imagine if we use one of the big ones! His car will be blown to pieces. - Whose car? - That asshole, Lars'. - You want to blow up his car? - Sure. Someone will find out. A car is really expensive. - Your dad will be pleased. - I'm not so sure. Doesn't matter. No one will find out. Are you in or out? I'm not sure... If you're not in, I would like my knife back right now. - Easy, easy. - Stretcher! Stretcher! Lift. Keep on moving. There's a pulse. Move on! Up, up, up. Prep the patient. Put down IV. Antibiotics. - Thank you. Patient asleep yet? - Yes. Let me take a look. Swab. Thank you. Swab. Hold that please. Tell him she's alive. We've done all we can. Now we must wait and see. - Thank you, doctor. - Ask him what happened. People came in cars. His wife could not run fast. The Big Man cut open two other girls, who died. We'll know tomorrow. - What have you got there? - Nothing special If it's nothing special, then I can see it. Mom, you can't do that! Elias, this is a knife. Have you been lying to me and to the police? - Have you gone mad! ? - No. - What the hell is going on? - Nothing. Nothing? Christian... Christian. What the hell were you thinking? Stabbing someone? You want to ruin your life? Look at me. Look at me, Christian. Look at me! Christian... I love you. But this isn't easy for me either. We have to talk to each other. Did you fuck her? Did you fuck Elias' mom? - Why would you say that? - You want to, I can tell. You achieve nothing by acting like this. - You said we should talk. - Stop it, right now! Stop thinking and saying crap like that. - It's not crap! - It's crap! - Is that why you're upset with me? - You're such a liar! Mom knew you were lying. Everyone knows you're lying. You know what, Christian? If mom could see you know, she would be very unhappy to see - what you've become. Why do you say such mean things? - What did I do to you? - I don't care who you're banging. You don't tell me what's right and wrong. This is wrong. And illegal. Never bring a knife to school again. Do I make myself clear? Never! You wanted her to die. - No I didn't. - Yes, you did! You can't just say it was the best thing for her. She didn't want to die, and you gave up. I can't stand people, who give up. - Okay? - Christian... - Hi, Sofus. - See you later. Have a nice day. I didn't tell. My mom found the knife and freaked out. - Don't you believe me? - Just leave me alone. Don't text me any more. It hurts all the way into his hand. I can imagine that. I'm gonna give him some pills and it will get better. Easy. Easy. Stay calm. Are you doctor? Yes, I am. Can you fix my leg? I want to keep it. - I don't want you to cut if off. - I can try. You can't have any weapons in the camp. - I decide that! - No. I decide. Weapons and cars gotta be far away from the camp. It's Big Man. He's the one, that cuts the pregnant women. He's a monster. Cars gotta go away. Cars and weapons gotta go far way from the camp. Otherwise I can't treat you, and you might lose your leg. Nurse... Nurse? Don't help Big Man. He's evil. - Why do you want to help Big Man? - Because I have to. - He killed all my babies. - I'm so sorry. - He's evil. - I have to go. You are a strange man. I think it's malaria. I'm treating her for malaria. She will be well in two, three days. I thought we agreed upon only two here at a time. Take it easy, doctor. See what they've brought me. They leave now. Still bad. Why is it taking so long? It's a bad infection. It takes time. Okay? I have to regain my strength. You see Omar over there? He wants to take my position. - Are you my friend? - No, I'm not. But I'm doing my best to help you. Everybody has killed here. Men, women, children. As long as I don't kill you, we could be friends. I can be a very powerful friend. Answer me! Bag. - Bag. - Anton. Anton! - She's gone. - Bag. She's gone. - Anton. - Bag. - Check her pulse. - Please, Anton, stop. - She can make it. - Look at me. She's gone. She's gone. Help me please. Little pussy, big knife. - What did you say? - Little pussy, big knife. Are you done with her? Maybe Omar can have her. Omar likes things, that don't move. Now you go. Out. Out, out! You leave! Leave! Leave right now! If you can stand up, you can go! Go! Go! You're not sick any more. You leave! You go! You go! You're not sick! You leave the camp! Doctor, I'm unarmed. I've got enemies all over. Not my responsibility. You go now. You're not sick any more. - Elias. Hi, sweetheart. - Hi, dad. Good to see you, my boy. Did we talk about calling each other today? I just wanted to talk to you. I've have such a busy day. I couldn't remember if we - planned to talk today. You know Christian? His granddad died a long time ago, and left some fireworks in the barn. Nobody found them. Dad, can you hear me? I have to tell you something important. Christian made a bomb and he's going to blow up a car. Hello? Dad? I'm here. Could we... I have had a very stressful day. Could we talk again tomorrow, same time? Are you okay? You seem weirder than usual. I'm okay. Can we talk tomorrow? I have to go. Okay, dad. I love you. Kisses. Come on. I'm in. I want to make that bomb.. Let's blow up the asshole's car. I agree. He deserves it. Come on, we've got classes. What about the other cars? The ones next to it will be hit too. A lot of windows. - What if there are people? - There won't be any. - How do you know? - We'll do it early in the morning. We'll do it sunday, when everybody's asleep, and no one will get hurt. - I have a soccer match sunday. - Not a seven in the morning. - Don't be such a pussy. - I'm not. You can't back out now. Let's do it. Sure. Hold the fuse. Finished playing? If I died, would you stay here? I don't wanna argue with you. Don't give me that look. You're not going to die. - I could. - No, you couldn't. Would you move back to London or live here with grandma? I would be so devastated that I wouldn't want to live anywhere. You would have to live somewhere, even if I wasn't here. Why won't you answer my questions? What do you want me to say? Like you would be homeless, if I died. Why do you keep lying to me? This is crazy. I have never lied to you. - Look at me. I haven't lied to you. - You told me that mom would be ok! - You told me she wasn't in pain. - I'm just as upset about it as you. I don't think you are. You wanted her to die. I know it. Admit it already! You wanted her to die! I did want her to die. In the end. Because she wanted to. I couldn't take it anymore. And she couldn't take it anymore. She was screaming in pain, and her brain was eaten away by the cancer. She asked me to help her so many times. To do it. I couldn't do it, because I knew how sad it would make you. And if that is giving up, then I gave up. I gave up. But that doesn't mean that I wanted her to die. Christian. Are you sure about this? Yep. - You made it bigger. - Come on. Okay. We've got about a minute before it blows. We'll walk calmly back to our bikes. Don't look back. - No! - What is it? - Elias! - Stop! Go back! Back! There's a bomb! No! - No! - Elias! Call an ambulance! Elias? Elias! - What have you got? - Elias, age 12. - He blew up a car. - How is he doing? Breathing steadily, but unstable pulse. Okay. Someone take care of the mom please? He's got a large open wound in his abdomen. - Any other injuries? - Stay here. We'll pack the abdomen with tissues and examine him thoroughly. Listen to me. What you did, is very bad. But if others are involved, that's another matter. I have to make sure there isn't. - I did it all on my own. - With Elias? It was my idea. He just tagged along. I called the shots. So you haven't talked to anyone online? Gotten ideas from someone? No. Only the websites I told you about. One of my colleagues are going to ask you all these questions again. How about your other son? How's he doing? He's at my mothers. He doesn't know. I would like you to stay here. Just... - Just stay here. - Sure. Christian is out here. He would like to see Elias. Can I send him in? - How is he? - Why aren't you with the police? I was. My dad picked me up. - Where's your dad? - I would like to see Elias on my own. You shouldn't be here. You hear me? You killed him, you psycho! - You killed him. - I did? Just stay away, okay? Just stay away. You killed him because you're such a spoiled, little brat - who thinks he can control other peoples' lives. Just get out! That's enough. Stop! Come with me. Marianne, we have the results of the CT scanning. No hemorrhaging in the brain. Minimal free fluid in the pelvis. Most likely from the operation. And no sign of other injuries. Thank you. That's all from me. Thank you for the help. - What will happen to them now? - I couldn't say. - Could they take him away? - No. There are mitigating circumstances. It will be a case of malicious property damage. Social services will take over. Remember that your son saved those people. - Hope he gets well soon. - Thanks. Elias? Elias? Good. I'll just remove this. Look who's here. Hi. - I'm sorry. - Honey... - Don't be mad at Christian. - We'll deal with that later. - Later. - It was my own fault. I wanted to do it. I talked Christian into it. We'll talk about that later. You just rest. - How could he do such a thing? - I don't know. He'll be fine. - He'll be okay. - Yes. I'll take you home, and then I'm going to the summerhouse. I don't know what to do. Eva said he would hate me. Do you think he hates me? She was so mean in the end. She was... She was so mean. Bitter. I don't know how to make it better. He's my little boy, you know? - Yes? - Is that Marianne? - Yes. - Hi, Marianne. Claus here. Christians dad. Sorry to call you at this hour - but I can't find Christian. Is he at your place? No, he's not here. What was that about? That was Christians dad. Christian is missing. I'm the one who called. I checked the workshop, but he wasn't there. Christian! Christian. It's Elias' dad, Christian. Step away from the edge. Get away from the edge, Christian. Elias is going to be alright. He's going to be okay. You think I would come up here, if Elias wasn't going to be okay? I would be with him. Wouldn't I? He's going to be okay. You have to believe me. So I didn't kill him? No. I thought he was dead. He's alive. And he's going to be okay. I couldn't picture him. - I don't know if children look younger. - When they are dead? Adults look like children, when they are dead. I know my mom did. She looked like a little girl. Like she never grew up. Like she was never my mom. I miss her so much. Some times it feels, like there's a veil between you and death. But that veil disappears, when you lose someone, you loved or someone who was close to you - and you see death clearly - for a second. But later the veil returns - and you carry on living. Then things will be alright again. You think so? Christian? Elias' mom is downstairs, and would like to talk to you. Ow! Stop it. Just stop it. It's not funny. Stop it! Ow! Stop it! - Morten, stop it already. - That's enough. Take it easy. - Stop it. - Morten is so annoying. - Morten, come on. How are you? - Look at this. He can't do anything. Stop it! Let's leave them alone and go to the cafeteria. - I want a Coke! - You can have a small one. - A large one. - Didn't you have one when we got here? I would like another one. - Doesn't it hurt? - They give me these pills. I told the police everything that happened. Me too. It's weird. I've slept for days, but I'm still tired. - I just want to say I'm sorry. - You don't have to. Yes, I do. - I've been an idiot. - That's alright. I can't wait till you're back in school. Same here. Mama! Mother. What are you... I thought you were a burglar. I didn't mean to scare you, darling. I was just getting a snack. Go back to bed. What's the matter? Go on, back to bed. I'll make you a hot chocolate. Who are you? And what have you done with my mother? My mother has never set foot in this kitchen in her life. And she certainly never made me a hot chocolate. Unless you count ordering the maid to do it. You're not scared of me? I always believed I couldn't be the only one in the world. The only person who was different. And here you are. Charles Xavier. Raven. You're hungry and alone. Take whatever you want. We've got lots of food. You don't have to steal. In fact, you never have to steal again. Understand this, Erik... These Nazis, I'm not like them. Genes are the key, yes? But their goals? Blue eyes? Blond hair? Pathetic. Eat the chocolate. It's good. Want some? I want to see my mama. Genes are the key that unlocks the door to a new age, Erik. A new future for mankind. Evolution. You know what I'm talking about? It's a simple thing I ask of you. A little coin is nothing compared to a big gate. Is it? Ja. I tried, herr doctor. I can't... I don't... It's impossible. The one thing I can say for the Nazis is their methods seem to produce results. I'm sorry, Erik. Mama! My darling. How are you? Here's what we're going to do. I'm going to count to three... And you're going to move the coin. You don't move the coin, I pull the trigger. Understand? One. Mama. You can do it. Two. Everything is all right. Three. Wonderful. Excellent. Outstanding, Erik. So we unlock your gift with anger. Anger and pain. You and me... We're going to have a lot of fun together. Heterochromia. A gentleman would at least offer to buy me a drink first. Norman, a pint of bitter for me and a Brandy for the lady, please. How did you know that? Lucky guess. My name is Xavier. Charles Xavier. How do you do? Amy. Heterochromia was in reference to your eyes, which I have to say are stunning. One green, one blue. It's a mutation. It's a very groovy mutation. I've got news for you, Amy. You are a mutant. First you proposition a girl, and then you call her deformed. How is that seduction technique working for you? I'll tell you in the morning. No, seriously, though, you mustn't knock it. Mutation took us from single-celled organisms to being the dominant form of reproductive life on this planet. Infinite forms of variation with each generation, all through mutation. Then let's reclaim that word. Mutant and proud. Chin-chin. Hey. I guess I have to buy my own drink. I'm sorry. One cola. Charles here was just telling me that I'm like one of the first sea creatures that grew legs. A tiny bit sexier. I'm sorry. This is my sister, raven. Hi. Amy. And what do you study? Waitressing. Oh, look, you have heterochromia, too. Sorry, what? Look at her eye. Right. Raven, get your coat, please. Don't talk to me. You did that on purpose. I did not! Why would I do it on purpose? Yes, you did! You know I can't control it sometimes if I'm stressed or tired. You seem to be doing a perfectly good job right now. "Mutant and proud." What? Or is it only with pretty mutations, or invisible ones like yours? But if you're a freak, you better hide. You're being ridiculous. I don't mean to sound like an old fart. Which you are. Sometimes. But we've talked about this, raven. A small slip-up is one thing. A big one does not bear thinking about. "Mutant and proud." "Mutant and proud"? If only. Would you date me? Of course I would. Any young man would be lucky to have you. You are stunning. Looking like this? Like... what? Blue? You're my oldest friend. I'm your only friend. Thank you for that. Well? I'm incapable of thinking of you that way. I feel responsible for you. Anything else would just feel wrong. But what if you didn't know me? Unfortunately, I do know you. I don't know what's gotten into you lately. You're awfully concerned with your looks. I'm sleepy. Will you read to me? I can't. I have my thesis coming up. I have to study. "To homo neanderthalensis, his mutant cousin, homo sapiens," "was an aberration." "Peaceful cohabitation, if ever it existed, was short-lived." "Records show, without exception," "that the arrival of the mutated human species in any region" "was followed by the immediate extinction" "of their less-evolved kin." Possession of that gold is illegal. I should inform the police. Let's not play this game. Where did you get it? A friend. He recommended your bank most highly. I see. Do you know our terms, sir? Yes. And you should know mine. This gold is what remains of my people. Melted from their possessions. Torn from their teeth. This is blood money. And you're going to help me find the bastards responsible for it. Don't touch that alarm. I want schmidt. Klaus schmidt. Where is he? Our clients don't provide addresses. We're not... Not that sort of bank? Metal fillings, eh? Not gold. Worried someone might steal them? Argentina! Schmidt is in Argentina! Villa gesell! Thank you. I would love to kill you. So mark my words. If you warn anyone I'm coming... I will find you. Another day at the office. Is that colonel hendry? The NATO guy? Yeah. Yes, it is. Because that's three mob bosses, the Italian ambassador and the ceo of lockheed. They can't all be communists. This hellfire club, it's got to be something else. Do you see that? Hello, girls. Wow! Very nice. What are you doing? Using some equipment the CIA didn't give me. Colonel hendry? Yes, ma'am. Emma frost. Sebastian Shaw's associate. And where is Mr. Shaw? We're having a party, and here's the entertainment. Come with me. We ate and ate at a hot dog stand. Hello, beautiful. How are you? Hey, baby. You want to find a quiet place? I am so sorry. I've been booked by colonel hendry. Excuse me. You sure we can't get you a refill, Bob? No. So, I hear you blocked the proposal to position Jupiter missiles in Turkey. I expect you'll reconsider. We've had this conversation. You put our nukes in Turkey or anywhere that close to Russia, and you're looking at war. Nuclear war. I don't ask for favors, colonel. I express my expectations. So, let me say it again. I expect you'll reconsider. The only thing I will reconsider is having another glass of that delicious champagne. What the hell did you put in my drink? You're thinking of running. We'd find you, hendry. There's not a fortress in the world that could keep us out. Isn't she, Bob? Genetic mutation. The evolution of the human genome. Where's azazel? Ah. We don't want the colonel to be late. Comrade. Missiles in Turkey send a very clear message. If we ever decide to fire them, the Russian early-warning system won't even have time to kick in. This better be important, mactaggert. Whoa, slow down. Are you smoking them funny cigarettes? People don't disappear. Colonel hendry was there. He was there, mccone, in the hellfire club. Colonel hendry? I agree with you, general. I've reconsidered my position and I now believe we should put Jupiter missiles in Turkey. Colonel hendry is here. So unless he magically traveled 3,000 Miles in the last 10 minutes, listen to me, I suggest that you stop wasting my time. Looks like hendry wants to start world war III. I got bigger things to deal with right now, mactaggert. Sir, I... God! Have you lost your mind? So, now what? We find an expert on genetic mutation. PR ofessor of genetics, Charles Francis Xavier. So, how does it feel to be a Professor? Don't call me that. You don't get to be called a Professor until you actually have a teaching position. I know, but it suits you. Don't say that. Do say, "let's go have a drink." Let's go have a drink. Afternoon, gentlemen. Hot out there. Beer, please. German beer. Of course. Yes, it's bitburger. You like it? The best. What brings you to Argentina? The climate. I'm a pig farmer. Tailor. Since I was a boy. My father made the finest suits in Dusseldorf. My parents were from Dusseldorf. What was their name? They didn't have a name. It was taken away from them... By pig farmers... And tailors. Blood and honor. Which would you care to shed first? We were under orders... Blood then. Freeze, asshole. Come on, shoot. Who... what are you? Let's just say I'm Frankenstein's monster. And I'm looking for my creator. Drink! Drink! Drink! Yeah! I'm so proud of you. I need another drink. And you need another cola. Congratulations, Professor. Thank you very much. It's much harder than it looks, actually. No, on your presentation. You were at my presentation? How nice of you. Thank you very much. Moira mactaggert. Charles Xavier. Do you have a minute? For a pretty little bean with a mutated mcrl gene? I have five. I say "MCRL," you would say "AUBURN HAIR." It's a very groovy mutation. Mutation, right, took us from single-celled organisms to the dominant form... This routine may go over great with the co-eds, but I'm here on business. What? I really need your help. All right. The kind of mutations that you were talking about in your thesis. I need to know if they may have already happened. In people alive today. Professor? I think we should just talk when you're sober. Do you have any time tomorrow? Something tells me you already know the answer to your question. This is very important to me, and if I can help you, I will do my utmost. Thank you. Still drinking champagne, Bob? I will pass. Okay, well, so much for the pleasantries. I was wondering who you told about our little arrangement. No one. - He's telling the truth. Well, I guess we're done here. Let's wrap things up, shall we? Oh, I knew better than to trust you. Now, you let me walk out of here with my money, or I will pull this pin, and we all die. Go ahead. Pull it. I'll do it, I swear to God. No, you won't. But I will. You're one of them? Very astute of you, colonel hendry. You want to guess what I can do? I've got the power to absorb energy. It keeps me young. But that's the boring part. The fun stuff is what I can do with it once I've got it. The advent of the nuclear age may have accelerated the mutation process. Individuals with extraordinary abilities may already be among us. Thank you very much. Mactaggert, you really think that some crackpot scientist is going to make me believe in sparkly dames and vanishing men? You just bought yourself a one-way ticket back to the typing pool. This meeting is over. Please sit down, agent mactaggert. I didn't really expect you to believe me, given that all you could think about during my presentation was what sort of pie they were serving in the commissary. It's apple pecan. I haven't been entirely honest with you, love. I'm sorry. You see, one of the many spectacular things my mutation allows me to do is that I can read your mind. I've seen this before in a magic show. Are you going to ask us to think of a number between one and 10 now? No, agent stryker. Although, I could ask you about your son, William, who you were thinking about, which is very nice. But I think I'd rather ask you about the Jupiter missiles America are currently placing in Turkey. He's a goddamn spy. You brought a goddamned spy into this facility! How's that for a magic trick? Best I've ever seen. I want them out of here. And locked down until I can figure out what to do. My facility is off-site. I'll take them. I can't believe this. You'd think the director of the CIA would have a little more composure. We should be going after Shaw right now. But instead, he's out there worrying about the wrong mutants. What are we going to do, levene? Levene? Levene, what's wrong with you? Absolutely nothing. I've just frozen him for a moment because I'd like to talk to you. It's good, isn't it? I'm as interested in this Sebastian Shaw as you are. If you still want my help, meet me on the third floor of the parking garage. I've always known that there were people like you out there. I've been the laughing stock of this agency for years, but I knew it! You are going to love my facility. - That's going to have to wait. - Why? Agent mactaggert has a lead on Sebastian Shaw, and if we don't move now, apparently, we're going to lose him. What? Not only can he read minds, he can communicate with them as well. Moira and I have just had a lovely conversation. Yes, we did. That is incredible! But I cannot take you anywhere else without permission from upstairs. Like to see one more magic trick? Okay. Get in the car. He's here to kill you. What kind of a greeting is that... After all these years? Emma. We don't harm our own kind. Ah! Now it's a party. This is the us coast guard. Do not attempt to move your vessel. Stay where you are. They have a telepath. I've lost Shaw. I've lost Shaw. There's something blocking me. This has never happened to me before. I think there's someone like me on that ship. Like you? I'm sorry, a telepath. This is incredible. I could actually feel her inside my mind. I'm very sorry, but I don't think I'm gonna be much help tonight. You're on your own. Oh, my God! Jesus! Get inside. Stop, stop, stop. Charles! Are you okay? There's someone else out there. There. Time to go. Let go! You have to let it go! You've got to put someone in the water to help him. Let it go! You have to let it go! I know what this means to you, but you're going to die. Please, Erik, calm your mind. Get off me! Get off! Calm down! Just breathe. We're here! Who are you? My name is Charles Xavier. You were in my head. How did you do that? You have your tricks, I have mine. I'm like you. Just calm your mind. I thought I was alone. You're not alone. Erik, you're not alone. Welcome to my facility. My mission has been to investigate the application of paranormal powers in military defense. Or offense. This guy Shaw, schmidt, whatever you want to call him, he's working with the Russians. We might need your help to stop him. Marvelous. So we're to be the CIA's new mutant division, yes? Something like that. It's a supersonic. The most advanced plane ever built. You should see it in real life. It's incredible. Hank, these are the special new recruits I was telling you about. This is Hank McCoy, one of our most talented young researchers. How wonderful. Another mutant, already here. Why didn't you say? Say what? Because you don't know. I am so, so terribly sorry. Hank? You didn't ask, so I didn't tell. So, your mutation is what? You're super-smart? I'll say. Hank here graduated Harvard at the age of 15. I wish that's all it was. You're among friends now, Hank. You can show off. Splendid. I'm sorry. You're amazing. Really? "The presence of us missiles in Turkey" "represents an unprecedented threat" "to the people of the Soviet union," warned Russian foreign minister gromyko earlier today. But he was quick to insist the Russians would not be the first to initiate any military action. Yeah, we'll fix that as soon as we get to Russia. Unless the CIA find us first. I'll take care of them, too. If that telepath gets inside your head, he won't be as much fun as I am. Already in hand, my love. The Russians made me this. So, what am I thinking? I don't know. I was thinking that you are the most exquisite thing I have ever seen in my life. And that this needs ice. Fetch me some. I promised myself I'd find a cure ever since I was a little boy. You have no idea what I'd give to feel normal. Charles has never understood. He's different, but he's never had to hide. Hank, this serum that you're making, it doesn't affect abilities, right? Just appearance. It normalizes it. Yeah. Do you think it would work on me? I can look into it, if you'd like. It's the least I can do after asking you to come down here with such a weird request. I have to admit, usually when guys ask me out, they're not after my blood. Sorry. I didn't intend to be forward. I was just... I was excited. You know, the nature of your mutation. If any genes hold the key to changing appearance, it's yours. Hank, you weren't being forward. That's kind of what I meant. No. But I'm just sorry if you thought I was. And I'm sorry that you weren't. Go ahead. Take the blood. Sorry. Did I hurt you? Kinky. By the way, if I looked like you, From what I know about you, I'm surprised you've managed to stay this long. What do you know about me? Everything. Then you know to stay out of my head. I'm sorry, Erik, but I've seen what Shaw did to you. I've felt your agony. I can help you. I don't need your help. Don't kid yourself. You needed my help last night. It's not just me you're walking away from. Here you have the chance to be part of something much bigger than yourself. I won't stop you leaving. I could. But I won't. Shaw has got friends. You could do with some. Hank turned that radar installation into a transmitter. It's designed to amplify brainwaves so it could enhance your telepathic powers, help us find other mutants for our division. What if they don't want to be found by you? Erik. You decided to stay. If a new species is being discovered, it should be by it's own kind. Charles and I find the mutants. No suits. First of all, that's my machine out there. Second of all, and much more importantly, this is Charles' decision. Charles is fine with the CIA being involved. Isn't that right? No. I'm sorry, but I'm with Erik. We'll find them alone. What if I say no? Then good luck using your installation without me. I call it cerebro. As in the Spanish for "brain." Yes. Okay, so, the electrodes connect Charles to the transmitter on the roof. When he picks up a mutant, his brain sends a signal through a relay and then the co-ordinates of their location are printed out here. You designed this? Yeah. What an adorable lab rat you make, Charles. Don't spoil this for me, Erik. I've been a lab rat. I know one when I see one. Okay, great. Are you sure we can't shave your head? Don't touch my hair. It's working! For that, daddy-o, you get a private dance. You cats know it's double for both, right? No, that won't be necessary. Although, I'm sure it'd be magical. We were thinking more, we'll show you ours if you show us yours. Baby, that is not the way it works around here. More tea, vicar? Don't mind if I do. My turn. How would you like a job where you get to keep your clothes on? Where to, fellas? Richmond, Virginia, please. Right, so, you want the airport? The station? What? No, we were rather hoping you would take us all the way. That's a six-hour drive. That will give us plenty of time to talk. What does the government want with a guy like Alex summers? I hope you're not planning on putting him with others. First guy I've ever met who actually prefers solitary confinement. Crazy, huh? What? You like fish. I like fish, too. Maybe we should get a bite sometime, talk about it? I'd rather go out with the fish. These fish? Excuse me, I'm Erik lensherr. Charles Xavier. Go fuck yourself. There's nothing on radar? Nothing. Sonar? Nyet. Then we have a problem. Beautiful, isn't it? The reason we exist. We are the children of the atom, my love. We have a situation. The telepath. I shouldn't be able to feel him at this distance. It's like his reach is amplified. They're recruiting. You go on to Russia. I'll handle them. I can't stop thinking about the others out there. All those minds that I touched. I could feel them. Their isolation, their hopes, their ambitions. I tell you, we are at the start of something incredible, Erik. We can help them. Can we? Identification, that's how it starts. And ends with being rounded up, experimented on, eliminated. Not this time. We have common enemies. Shaw, the Russians. They need us. For now. We should think of code names. We're government agents now, we should have secret code names. I want to be called mystique. Damn! I wanted to be called mystique. Well, tough. I called it. And I'm way more mysterious than you. Darwin, what about you? Well, "Darwin" is already a nickname, and, you know, it sort of fits. Check this out. That was incredible. Thank you. What about you? I'm going to be. Banshee. Why do you want to be named after a wailing spirit? You might want to cover your ears. Your turn. My stage name is angel. It kind of fits. You can fly? Uh-huh. And... What's your name? How about big foot? You know what they say about guys with big feet. And yours are kind of small. Okay, now. Alex, what is your gift? What can you do? It's not... I just can't do it. I can't do it in here. Why don't you just do it out there? Alex! Alex! Alex! That's the spirit! Get down when I tell you. Get back. Get back! Whatever. We have intel that Shaw is meeting with the Russian defense chief in moscow. So go ahead. Say it. I'm not here to say "I told you so." You know why I'm here. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Clearance to bring along your mutants. Fight fire with fire. It makes sense. Wait! You're okay with this? Sending in a bunch of untrained, unauthorized freaks? These freaks are dedicated, hardworking people. Plane leaves for Russia in an hour. I'm telling you, these kids are not ready for Shaw. I think they're gonna surprise you. They're an exceptional bunch of young people. What the hell? Harder! What are you doing? Who destroyed the statue? It was Alex. No, havok. We have to call him havok. That's his name now. And we were thinking, you should be Professor x and you should be Magneto. Exceptional. I expect more from you. We got a problem. What? I'm so sorry. This wasn't on the map. No matter what happens, act normally. I'll take care of this, all right? Now, listen to me... - Where are you going? - To our farm. Open the back. As you wish. - Anything back there? - Nothing. It's empty. - Everything okay? - Yes. - Where is Shaw? - I don't know. But if she's a telepath and I read her, she'll know we're here. Let me try something else. Shaw sends his apologies but he's indisposed. He asked me to come in his place. And between you and I, honey, I'm a lot better company. Please, come in. He's not coming. So, what now, boss? Now, nothing. We're here for Shaw. Mission aborted. The hell it is. Erik. She's his right-hand woman. That's good enough for me. The CIA invading the home of a senior Soviet official. Are you crazy? I'm not CIA. Erik! So, you must be busy planning your next move. What with the Americans refusing to remove their missiles from Turkey. You know I can't talk about those things, miss frost. Emma. And don't worry. You don't have to say a word. He's gonna start world war III single-handed. We have to do something. Like what? We're moving out. You can't! I'm sorry. I can't leave him. Be calm. You are beautiful, so beautiful! Yes! Pathetic. Yes! Nice trick. Who are you? Go to sleep. You can stop trying to read my mind, sugar. You're never going to get anything from me while I'm like this. So, then, you can just tell us. Where is Shaw? Erik. Erik, that's enough. Erik, that's enough! All yours. She won't be shifting into diamond form again. And if she does, just give her a gentle tap. We are the children of the atom. Radiation gave birth to mutants. What will kill the humans will only make us stronger. Beautiful, isn't it? This is worse than we previously imagined. We're taking you with us. CIA will want to question you themselves. Oh, I doubt it. They have bigger things to worry about right now. - Whoa! - All right, all right. Jesus, man, you are killing me. Don't beat yourself up. I've had a lot of spare time. Oh, I didn't know the circus was in town. Hey, come on, honey. Give us a little... Come on, let's see the foot. There it is. Come on, big foot, let's go. Hey. Hey, come on. They're just guys being stupid. Guys being stupid, I can handle. Okay? I've handled that my whole life. But I'd rather a bunch of guys stare at me with my clothes off than the way these ones stare at me. At us. What was that? I don't know. Something doesn't feel right. No news of Shaw? Not a peep. Not even through that back channel? What is that? We have an intruder in the main atrium. Where are the mutants? If you take another step, I'm gonna put you down. Of course you will. But where do I find the more evolved people? Send back-up now! Get back! Do not leave that room. We're under attack! Shoot! Shoot! Where are the mutants? Put that man down or we will open fire! Stay here, my ass! Let's go! Get back! We can help! Wait! You want the mutants? They're right through that door. Just let us normal people go. We're no threat... - Where is the telepath? - Not here. Too bad. Well, at least I can take this silly thing off. Good evening. My name is Sebastian Shaw. And I am not here to hurt you. Freeze! Azazel. My friends, there is a revolution coming. When mankind discovers who we are, what we can do, each of us will face a choice. Be enslaved or rise up to rule. Choose freely, but know that if you are not with us, then, by definition, you are against us. So, you can stay and fight for the people who hate and fear you, and queens. Are you kidding me? Come on. We don't belong here. And that's nothing to be ashamed of. We have to do something. Stop. I'm coming with you. Good choice. So, tell me about your mutation. Well, I adapt to survive. So, I guess I'm coming with you. I like that. Alex! Get out! Do it! Protecting your fellow mutants? That's a noble gesture. Feels good. Adapt to this. Hello. Once again, my sympathies for your treatment at the hands of the CIA. These Americans are ruthless. Now they have their missiles placed in Turkey... I expect you'll be planning new missile sites of your own. Somewhere you know the American early-warning system won't help. I hear Cuba is lovely this time of year. And so close to Florida. Missiles in Cuba? You're serious? We may as well declare war. Maybe I wasn't clear enough. You will make this happen. Okay. Let's see what kgb think about this. Hello? General armivolkoff. It's nothing. Raven? We've made arrangements for you to be taken home immediately. We're not going home. He's not going back to prison. He killed Darwin. All the more reason for you to leave. This is over. Darwin's dead, Charles. And we can't even bury him. We can avenge him. Erik, a word, please. They're just kids. No. They were kids. Shaw has his army, we need ours. We'll have to train. All of us. Yeah. Well, we can't stay here. Even if they reopen the department, it's not safe. We've got nowhere to go. Yes, we do. The law says we've got to turn her over. The law applies to human beings. The same laws don't apply to mutants. They're too dangerous. In times like this, security is more important than liberty. There is a war coming, John. Yes, but a war with who? Excellent question. Though I wouldn't call it a war, exactly. That suggests both sides stand an equal chance of winning. The Russians have sent their warheads to Cuba. We have a week before the ship hits the coast. Our fleet can be on this line when the Russian missile ship arrives. If that ship crosses the line, they will have declared war against the United States. And we will have no choice but to retaliate with a full nuclear response. Do we agree? Dispatch the 7th fleet. This is yours? No, it's ours. Honestly, Charles. I don't know how you survived, living in such hardship. Well, it was a hardship softened by me. Come on. Time for the tour. Dear comrades... The United States have dispatched warships for Cuba. This leaves us with no choice. Comrade first secretary... We must send in our fleet. Dispatch the fleet! President Kennedy has signed a formal proclamation setting up a blockade of all missiles bound for Cuba. The Soviet union reacted by terming it. "A step along the road to unleashing a thermo-nuclear war." You're sure? I'm sure. No. No, I can't. I'm sorry. I can't shoot anybody point blank, let alone my friend. Oh, come on. You know I can deflect it. You're always telling me I should push myself. If you know you can deflect it, then you're not challenging yourself. Whatever happened to the man who was trying to raise a submarine? Something that big? I need the situation, the anger... No, the anger is not enough. It's gotten the job done all this time. It's nearly gotten you killed all this time. Come here. Let's try something a little more challenging. My stepfather took the possibility of nuclear war quite seriously. This way. That is why he had this bunker built down here. I thought we could use it as a practice range of sorts. You don't think I'm going to blow through the walls? He had this place built to withstand a nuclear bomb. I think it can handle you, Alex. You know, when I do this, bad things tend to happen. That's because you can't control it. It controls you. That's why we're here, Alex. It's why we're training. What you're doing is incredible. You're hitting a pitch with sound waves that have the same resonant frequency as the glass. That's why it shatters. But this, it's like any other muscle in the body. You can control it. "In each of us, two natures are at war." Robert Louis Stevenson, Jekyll and Hyde. Top marks. The story wasn't really about good and evil though, was it? It was about man's animal nature and his struggle to control it, to conform. And it's that struggle which is holding you back. No, Jekyll was afraid of what he could be capable of. And you are, too. If you're serious about me doing this, you might want to get back. All right. Shall I shut the door? Yeah. Whenever you're ready. Oh, my God! I will teach you to control this, Alex. And you're sure that this will work? Anything is possible. I based the design... Hank, stop talking. Now, remember. Scream as hard as you can. You need the sound waves to be supersonic. Catch them at the right angle and they should carry you. They should carry me. That's reassuring. Good luck. And don't forget to scream. Now, if you want to beat me this time, you have to set the beast free. On your marks, get set, go! Congratulations, my friend. Robert Louis Stevenson would have been proud. Impressive, Hank. With feet like those, all you need is a red nose. Right, bozo? I'm done here. Thank you, Alex. Come on, Hank. If you're using half your concentration to look normal, then you're only half paying attention to whatever else you're doing. Just pointing out something that could save your life. You want society to accept you, but you can't even accept yourself. Sexy! Well, this is just the prototype. The real one will look considerably better. It will be a whole suit. See, these sensors measure your energy output. This panel focuses it and the excess is absorbed. Try hitting the one in the middle. Just the one in the middle, mind. Good luck. You got to see this. Your genes are extraordinary, you know that? Your cells age at half the rate of a normal human. When you're 40, you'll still have the leucocytes of a teenager. You have the most incredible cellular structure I've ever seen. And you truly believe I'll fly this time? Unreservedly. I trust you. I'm touched. I don't trust him. Say nothing. I'm gonna die! Erik! What? You know you were thinking the same. Wonderful work, Hank. Thank you very much. All right, Alex, I want you to hit the "X". And try not to hit me. There's a good chap. You're serious? I'm very serious. I have complete and utter faith in you. Am I still a bozo? Yes, Hank, you're still a bozo. See that? Try turning it to face us. You know, I believe that true focus lies somewhere between rage and serenity. Would you mind if I... What did you just do to me? I accessed the brightest corner of your memory system. It's a very beautiful memory, Erik. Thank you. I didn't know I still had that. There is so much more to you than you know. Not just pain and anger. There is good, too. I felt it. When you can access all of that, you'll possess a power no one can match. Not even me. So, come on. Hey! Well done. The president is about to make his address. It shall be the policy of this nation to regard any nuclear missile crossing the embargo line that surrounds Cuba as an attack by the Soviet union on the United States requiring a full retaliatory response upon the Soviet union... That's where we're going to find Shaw. How do you know? Two superpowers facing off and he wants to start world war III. He won't leave anything to chance. So much for diplomacy. I suggest you all get a good night's sleep. Ultimately leads to war. Tensions mount as the Soviet missile ship nears Cuba. All diplomatic efforts to avert nuclear war have thus far failed. As the American people ready themselves for the likelihood of an atomic attack, there are widespread reports of panic-buying, supermarkets cleared, as shelters unused since the second world war are stocked for what may lie ahead. In all it's history, America has never faced a greater threat. The world is primed for war and there's no one to stop me. Come in. Hey. I have a surprise for you. I isolated the right marker in your DNA sample. The serum works like an antibiotic, attacking the cells that 'cause our physical mutation. It won't affect our abilities, just our appearance. Do you still want to do this? Should we have to hide? Well, you already do. You're hiding right now, like I have my whole life. I don't want to feel like a freak all the time. I just want to look... Normal. Yeah. Hank, don't! You're beautiful, Hank. Everything you are, you are perfect. Look at all of us. Look at all we've achieved this week. All we will achieve. We are different. But we shouldn't be trying to fit into society. Society should aspire to be more like us. Mutant and proud. It behooves me to tell you that even if we save the world tomorrow, and mutants are accepted into society, my feet and your natural blue form will never be deemed beautiful. You look beautiful now. We need this cure. Cuba. Russia, America. It makes no difference. Shaw has declared war on mankind, on all of us. He has to be stopped. I'm not going to stop Shaw. I'm going to kill him. Do you have it in you to allow that? You've known all along why I was here, Charles. But things have changed. What started as a covert mission, tomorrow, mankind will know that mutants exist. They'll fear us. And that fear will turn to hatred. Not if we stop a war. Not if we can prevent Shaw. Not if we risk our lives doing so. Would they do the same for us? We have it in us to be the better men. We already are. We're the next stage of human evolution. You said it yourself! Are you really so naive as to think that they won't battle their own extinction? Or is it arrogance? I'm sorry? After tomorrow, they're going to turn on us. But you're blind to it, because you believe they're all like moira. And you believe they're all like Shaw. Listen to me very carefully, my friend. Killing Shaw will not bring you peace. Peace was never an option. No. No, no. No. Well, this is a surprise. The nice kind? Get out, raven. I want to go to bed. Maybe in a few years. How about now? I prefer the real raven. I said the real raven. Perfection. Could you pass me my robe? You don't have to hide. Have you ever looked at a tiger and thought you ought to cover it up? No, but... You're an exquisite creature, raven. All your life, the world has tried to tame you. It's time for you to be free. You know, sometimes I wonder what my life would have been like if you hadn't found me here that night. Sorry, what? You... For God's sake, raven! Where are your clothes? Put some clothes on. That's not what you said when you first saw me. But I guess pets are always cuter when they're little, right? Raven, I don't know what's gotten into you lately. I thought you'd be in a good mood. Hank, he tells me that he's found the answer to your cosmetic problem. Are you gonna tell me what's the matter or do I have to read your mind? You promised me you would never do that. Until recently, I never had to use my power to know what you were thinking, raven. Charles, I used to think it was going to be you and me against the world. But no matter how bad the world gets, you don't want to be against it, do you? You want to be a part of it. What the hell happened here? Hank has been busy. Do we really have to wear these? As none of us mutated to endure extreme g-force or being riddled by bullets, I suggest we suit up. Where is Hank? I'm here. Hank? It didn't attack the cells. It enhanced them. It didn't work. Yes, it did, Hank. Don't you see? This is who you were meant to be. This is you. No more hiding. You never looked better, man. Hank! Don't mock me! Hank, put him down immediately, please. Hank! Hank! I wasn't. Even I got to admit you look pretty badass. I think I got a new name for you. Beast. You're sure you can fly this thing? Of course I can. I designed it. Status of the cargo ship. Bearing 1-8-0 at 12 knots. Three minutes to the embargo line, sir. God help them if they cross it. God help us all. Sound general quarters. General quarters, general quarters! - All hands, man battle stations! - Aye, sir. Set condition zebra! General quarters, battle stations. Captain, we already have our orders. Why so eager for new ones? I lived through one war, comrade. I'd prefer not to start another. Battle stations! Now! Gun boss, target cargo ship bearing 1-8-0. Fleet reports all weapons ready. From the kremlin, sir. New orders. As of 1025 hours, the cargo vessel aral sea is hereby ordered to... Reverse course and return to port in Odessa. Aral sea, come in. They are not responding. She's not turning around. Aral sea, you are ordered to turn around. Do not cross the line. Target ready to be fired upon, sir. Stand by to fire. Standing by, sir. Whoa! It looks pretty messy out there. Aral sea you are ordered to turn around. He's still here, somewhere. He set the ship on course for the embargo line. If that ship crosses the line, our boys are going to blow it up. And the war begins. Unless they're not our boys. USS independence, this is Alexander nevsky. We have lost control of our cargo ship. She has been instructed to stop. Repeat, do not fire! They have signaled the cargo ship to turn around, sir. Pay no attention! Stand by to fire. Standing by to fire, sir. On my count. Five, four... Hold on! Nyet. What was that? The Russians. They have fired on their own ship. A little warning next time, Professor. Sorry about that. You all right? Yeah. Son of a... Give me cinclant on the horn. I want a new set of orders. Congratulations, comrade. You just averted nuclear war! What? Take him to the brig. What? What just happened? They say the comrade lost his mind. The Americans are applauding. They're here. That telepath is powerful. We're moving to a back-up plan. That was inspired, Charles. Thank you very much, but I still can't locate Shaw. He's down there. We need to find him now. Hank? Is there anything unusual on the radar or scanners? No. Nothing. Well, then he must be underwater. And obviously, we don't have sonar. Yes, we do. Yes, we do. They are ready for war. We just need to strike another match to light the fuse. And we still have the most powerful weapon of all. Me. Turn the nuclear reactor to 100% output and make sure I'm not disturbed. Hank, level the bloody plane! Whoa! You back right off. Beast, open the bomb bay doors! Remember! This is a muscle. You control it! You'll be in here the entire time! We'll see you soon! On my mark! Three! Two! One! Alert the fleet, they may want to take their cans off. Banshee has got a location on Shaw. Are you ready for this? Let's find out. Remember, the point between rage and serenity. Erik, take my hand! Oh. Hold on, guys. It's gonna get bumpy. Erik, take my hand! Moira? Moira, are you all right? Yeah, I'm okay. I read the teleporter's mind. Shaw is drawing all the power out of his sub. He's turning himself into some kind of nuclear bomb. We got no time. The geiger count is going out of control. Moira, this is what we're gonna do. Get on the radio and tell them to clear both fleets out immediately. I'm going in. Beast, havok, back him up. Erik, I can guide you through once you're in, but I need you to shut down whatever it is that's blocking me, then we just hope to God it's not too late for me to stop him. Got it. Good luck! Raven, stop! I'm going to help them. We don't have time for this. If anything comes in that entrance, you're taking care of it, yes? Fine. If we go, you go! We believe Shaw is trying to detonate some kind of bomb. Erik, make for the middle of the vessel. That's the point my mind can't penetrate. We have to assume that that's where Shaw is. Gangway! Gangway! Gangway! That's the nuclear reactor. Disable it. Stop! Don't move! Get down! Erik, you're there. You've reached the void. He's not here, Charles. Shaw's not here! He's left the sub! What? He's got to be there. He has to be! There's nowhere else he can be. Keep looking. And I'm telling you he's not. There's no one here, God damn it! Erik. What a pleasant surprise. Erik? Erik. So good to see you again. May I ask you something? Why are you on their side? He's gone. What? He's gone into the void! I can't communicate with him there. Why fight for a doomed race who will hunt us down as soon as they realize their reign is coming to an end? Yeah! Yes! I truly am. He's back! Erik, whatever you're doing, keep doing it. It's starting to work. But everything I did, I did for you. To unlock your power, to make you embrace it. It's working! I'm starting to see him, but I can't yet touch his mind. You've come a long way from bending gates. I'm so proud of you. And you're just starting to scratch the surface. Think how much further we could go together. Stop! Azazel. I don't want to hurt you, Erik. I never did. I want to help you. This is our time. Our age. We are the future of the human race. You and me, son. This world could be ours. Everything you did made me stronger. It made me the weapon I am today. It's the truth. I've known it all along. You are my creator. Now, Charles! Are you okay? Moira, be quiet. I can only control this man for so long. - Sorry, Charles. - Erik, please. Be the better man. It's not that I don't trust you. Erik, there will be no turning back! No! Charles! Don't do this, Erik! If you're in there, I'd like you to know that I agree with every word you said. We are the future. But, unfortunately, you killed my mother. This is what we're going to do. No. Please, Erik, no. I'm going to count to three and I'm going to move the coin. One. Please, Erik. Two. Three. The Russians share our concerns and will join a strike on all the mutants. We can end this threat for good. We'll never have another opportunity like this. We have an agent on that beach. One agent. She's a good agent. She's collateral damage. Today, our fighting stops! Take off your blinders, brothers and sisters. The real enemy is out there. I feel their guns moving in the water, their metal targeting us. Americans, Soviets, humans. United in their fear of the unknown. The neanderthal is running scared, my fellow mutants! Go ahead, Charles. Tell me I'm wrong. Fleet commander, this is X-ray bravo 7-0. Respond. Over. The beach is secure. Call off the attack. The beach is targeted and ready to be fired upon, sir. Stand by. Standing by, sir. New orders. Fire on the beach. Hello? Hello! Fire! Erik, you said yourself, we're the better men. This is the time to prove it. There are thousands of men on those ships. Good, honest, innocent men! They're just following orders. I've been at the mercy of men just following orders. Never again. Erik, release them! No! I don't want to hurt you. Stand back! Erik, stop! Gentlemen, it's been an honor serving with you. I'm so sorry. I said back off! You. You did this. Erik. Please. She didn't do this, Erik. Us turning on each other, it's what they want. I tried to warn you, Charles. I want you by my side. We're brothers, you and I. All of us together, protecting each other. We want the same thing. My friend. I'm sorry, but we do not. Charles! I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. It's all right. It's all right. This society won't accept us. We form our own. The humans have played their hand. Now we get ready to play ours. Who's with me? No more hiding. You should go with him. It's what you want. You promised me you would never read my mind. I know. I promised you a great many things, I'm afraid. I'm sorry. Take care of him. And, beast, never forget. Mutant and proud. Help me out, come on. I'm gonna get you to a hospital. Wait, Charles. Charles, don't move, okay? Actually... I can't feel my legs. What? I can't feel my legs. I can't feel my legs. In this week of Thanksgiving there is much for which we can be grateful as we look back to where we stood only four weeks ago. The unity of this hemisphere, the support of our allies and the calm determination of the American people. These qualities may be tested many more times in this decade. So, how many students do you think you'll have here once you get the academy up and running? As many as I can manage. Possibly more. You know, one day the government is going to realize how lucky they were to have Professor x on their side. I suppose I am a real Professor now, aren't I? Next thing you know, I'll be going bald. We're still on the government's side, moira. We're still g-men. Just without the "g". No. You're your own team now. It's better. You're X-Men. Yes, I like the sound of that. Moira? For us, anonymity will be the first line of defense. I know. They can threaten me all they want, Charles. I'll never tell them where you are. Ever. I know you won't. I know. I remember the attack on hq, leaving to go somewhere else. And then this morning, I woke up at home. That's it. All that time, wiped clean from your mind. Just gone. He can do that? You don't remember anything? Sometimes I get fragments. Like trees, sunlight. A kiss. Oh, Jesus. Gentlemen, this is why the CIA is no place for a woman. What the hell was that? I know we've had our differences. Where's your telepath friend? Gone. Left a bit of a gap in my life, if I'm to be honest. I was rather hoping you would fill it. Join us. Erik, I believe. I prefer Magneto. ( Gate rumbling, chains rattling ) ( Horse snorts ) ( Rumbling, chain rattling ) ( Horse whickers ) ( Wind whispering ) - ( Nickers ) - Easy, boy. ( Gasps ( whinnies ) Man: What do you expect? They're savages. One lot steals a goat from another lot, before you know it they're ripping each other to pieces. I've never seen wildlings do a thing like this. I never seen a thing like this, not ever in my life. - ( Horse snorts ) - How close did you get? - Close as any man would. - We should head back to the wall. Do the dead frighten you? Our orders were to track the wildlings. We tracked them. They won't trouble us no more. You don't think he'll ask us how they died? Get back on your horse. ( Huffs ) ( Mutters ) Whatever did it to them could do it to us. They even killed the children. It's a good thing we're not children. You want to run away south, run away. Of course they will behead you as a deserter, if I don't catch you first. Get back on your horse. I won't say it again. ( Echoing animal call ) Your dead men seem to have moved camp. They were here. See where they went. ( Echoing calls ) What is it? It's... ( Crackles ) ( Distant scream ) ( Horses neighing ) ( Hoofbeats ) ( Crackling, snarling ) ( Chittering noises ) ( Coughing ) ( Panting ) ( Wheezing ) ( Hissing breath ) ( Gasps ) ( Crackling ) ( Crackling ) ( Chittering ) ( Theme music playing ) ♪ Game of Thrones 1x01 ♪ Winter Is Coming Original Air Date on April 17, 2011 == sync, corrected by elderman == ( Hoofbeats ) ( Stomps ) Go on, father's watching. And your mother. Fine work as always. Well done. Thank you. I love the detail that you've managed to get in these corners. Quite beautiful. The stitching... ( Arrows thunk, laughter ) - ( Sighs ) - ( Laughing ) And which one of you was a marksman at 10? Keep practicing, Bran. Go on. Don't think too much, Bran. Relax your bow arm. ( Men laugh ) Quick, Bran! Faster. Lord Stark! My lady. A guardsman just rode in from the hills. They've captured a deserter from The Night's Watch. Get the lads to saddle their horses. Do you have to? He swore an oath, Cat. The law is law, my lady. Tell Bran he's coming too. Ned. 10 is too young to see such things. He won't be a boy forever. And winter is coming. Lad, go run back and get the rest. ( Muttering ) White Walkers. I saw the White Walkers. White Walkers. The White Walkers, I saw them. ( Pants ) I know I broke my oath. And I know I'm a deserter. I should have gone back to the wall and warned them, but-- I saw what I saw. I saw the White Walkers. People need to know. If you can get word to my family... Tell them I'm no coward. Tell them I'm sorry. ( Whispers ) Forgive me, Lord. In the name of Robert of the House Baratheon, - the first of his name... - Don't look away. ...King of the Andals and the first men... Father will know if you do. ...Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and protector of the realm, I, Eddard of the House Stark, Lord of Winterfell and warden of the north, sentence you to die. You did well. You understand why I did it? Jon said he was a deserter. But do you understand why i had to kill him? "Our way is the old way"? The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword. Is it true he saw the White Walkers? The White Walkers have been gone for thousands of years. So he was lying? A madman sees what he sees. What is it? Mountain lion? There are no Mountain lions in these woods. ( Pup whines ) ( Yips ) It's a freak! It's a direwolf. Tough old beast. There are no direwolves south of the wall. Now there are five. You want to hold it? ( Pup whimpers ) Bran: Where will they go? Their mother's dead. They don't belong down here. Better a quick death. They won't last without their mother. - Right. Give it here. - No! - ( Whimpers ) - Put away your blade. I take orders from your father, not you. - Please, father! - I'm sorry, Bran. Lord Stark? There are five pups... one for each of the Stark children. - ( Pup cries ) - The direwolf is the sigil of your House. They were meant to have them. You will train them yourselves. You will feed them yourselves. And if they die, you will bury them yourselves. What about you? I'm not a Stark. Get on. ( Whimpers ) What is it? The runt of the litter-- that one's yours, snow. ( Bells tolling ) As your brother, I feel it's my duty to warn you: You worry too much. - It's starting to show. - And you never worry about anything. When we were seven and you jumped off the cliffs at Casterly Rock, 100-foot drop into the water, and you were never afraid. There was nothing to be afraid of until you told father. ( Whispers, mimicking ) "We're lannisters. Lannisters don't act like fools." What if Jon Arryn told someone? But who would he tell? - My husband. - If he told the King, both our heads would be skewered on the city gates by now. Whatever Jon Arryn knew or didn't know, it died with him. And Robert will choose a new Hand of the King-- someone to do his job while he's off fucking boars and hunting whores-- or is it the other way around? And life will go on. You should be The Hand of the King. That's an honor I can do without. Their days are too long, their lives are too short. ( Thunder rumbles ) ( Caws ) ( Birds chirping ) All these years and I still feel like an outsider when I come here. You have five northern children. You're not an outsider. I wonder if the old gods agree. It's your gods with all the rules. I am so sorry, my love. - Tell me. - There was a raven from King's Landing. Jon Arryn is dead. A fever took him. I know he was like a father to you. - They both have their health, gods be good. The raven brought more news... The King rides for Winterfell... with the Queen and all the rest of them. If he's coming this far north... There's only one thing he's after. You can always say no, Ned. Catelyn: We'll need plenty of candles for Lord Tyrion's chamber. I'm told he reads all night. I'm told he drinks all night. How much could he possibly drink? A man of his... Stature? We've brought up eight barrels of ale from the cellar. - In any case, candles. Why is your mother so dead set on us getting pretty for the King? It's for the Queen, I bet. I hear she's a sleek bit of mink. I hear the prince is a right royal prick. Think of all those southern girls he gets to stab with his right royal prick. Go on, Tommy, shear him good. He's never met a girl he likes better than his own hair. ( Laughter ) - ( Pup barks ) - Gods, but they grow fast. Brandon! I saw the king. He's got hundreds of people. How many times have I told you no climbing? But he's coming right now-- down our road. I want you to promise me, no more climbing. I promise. - Do you know what? - What? You always look at your feet before you lie. ( Chuckles ) Run and find your father. Tell him the King is close. Where's Arya? Sansa, where's your sister? - Hey hey hey hey. - Ohh. What are you doing with that on? - Go on. - ( Arya groans ) Move! ( Neighs ) Your Grace. You've got fat. ( Laughter ) - Cat! - Your Grace. Nine years-- why haven't I seen you? Where the hell have you been? Guarding the north for you, your Grace. Winterfell is yours. - Where's the imp? - Will you shut up? Robert: Who have we here? You must be Robb. My, you're a pretty one. Your name is? Arya. Oh, show us your muscles. You'll be a soldier. Arya: That's Jaime Lannister, the Queen's twin brother. Sansa: Would you please shut up? My Queen. My Queen. Take me to your crypt. I want to pay my respects. We've been riding for a month, my love. Surely the dead can wait. Ned. Where's the imp? Where is our brother? Go and find the little beast. Tell me about Jon Arryn. One minute he was fine and then... Burned right through him, whatever it was. I loved that man. We both did. Robert: He never had to teach you much, but me? You remember me at 16? - ( Chuckles ) - All I wanted to do was crack skulls and fuck girls. - He showed me what was what. - Aye. Don't look at me like that. It's not his fault I didn't listen. I need you, Ned-- down at King's Landing, not up here where you're no damn use to anybody. Lord Eddard Stark, I would name you the Hand of the King. I'm not worthy of the honor. I'm not trying to honor you. I'm trying to get you to run my kingdom while I eat, drink and whore my way to an early grave. Damn it, Ned, stand up. You helped me win the iron throne, now help me keep the damn thing. We were meant to rule together. If your sister had lived, we'd have been bound by blood. Well, it's not too late. I have a son, you have a daughter. We'll join our Houses. ( Woman moaning ) ( Moaning ) - ( Cup falls ) - It is true what they say about the northern girls. ( Giggles ) Did you hear the King's in Winterfell? I did hear something about that. And the Queen and her twin brother. They say that he is the most handsome man in the Seven Kingdoms. And the other brother? - The Queen has two brothers? - There's the pretty one, and there's the clever one. Mmm, I hear they call him the imp. I hear he hates that nickname. Oh? I hear he's more than earned it. I hear he's a drunken little lecher, prone to all manner of perversions. Clever girl. We've been expecting you, Lord Tyrion. Have you? - Oh! - Already? The gods gave me one blessing. ( Door opens ) - Don't get up. - My Lord. Should I explain to you the meaning of a closed door - in a whorehouse, brother? - You have much to teach me, no doubt, but our sister craves your attention. She has odd cravings, our sister. A family trait. Now the Starks are feasting us at sundown. Don't leave me alone with these people. I'm sorry, I've begun the feast a bit early. And this is the first of many courses. I thought you might say that. But since we're short on time... Come on, girls. ( Giggling ) See you at sundown. Tyrion: Close the door! Did you have to bury her in a place like this? She should be on a hill somewhere with the sun and the clouds above her. She was my sister. This is where she belongs. She belonged with me. In my dreams, I kill him every night. It's done, your Grace. The Targaryens are gone. Not all of them. ( Gull cawing ) Man: Daenerys! Daenerys. There's our bride-to-be. Look, a gift from Illyrio. Touch it. Go on, feel the fabric. Mmm. Isn't he a gracious host? We've been his guests for over a year and he's never asked us for anything. Illyrio's no fool. He knows I won't forget my friends when I come into my throne. You still slouch. Let them see. You have a woman's body now. ( Sighs ) I need you to be perfect today. Can you do that for me? You don't want to wake the dragon, do you? No. When they write the history of my reign, sweet sister, they will say it began today. It's too hot, my lady. ( Gulls cawing ) Where is he? The Dothraki are not known for their punctuality. ( Illyrio speaking Dothraki ) Athchomar chomakaan, Khal vezhven. May I present my honored guests? Viserys of House Targaryen, the third of his name, the rightful king of the Andals and the first men, and his sister Daenerys of House Targaryen. ( Speaking Dothraki ) Do you see how long his hair is? When Dothraki are defeated in combat, they cut off their braids so the whole world can see their shame. Khal Drogo has never been defeated. He's a savage, of course, but one of the finest killers alive. And you will be his Queen. Come forward, my dear. Where is he going? ! - The ceremony is over. - But he didn't say anything. - Did he like her? - Trust me, your Grace, if he didn't like her, we'd know. It won't be long now. Soon you will cross the Narrow Sea and take back your father's throne. The people drink secret toasts to your health. They cry out for their true king. When will they be married? Soon. The Dothraki never stay still for long. Is it true they lie with their horses? I wouldn't ask Khal Drogo. Do you take me for a fool? I take you for a King. Kings lack the caution of common men. My apologies if I've given offense. I know how to play a man like Drogo. I give him a Queen and he gives me an army. I don't want to be his Queen. I want to go home. So do I. I want us both to go home, but they took it from us. So tell me, sweet sister, how do we go home? I don't know. We go home with an army. With Khal Drogo's army. I would let his whole tribe fuck you-- all 40,000 men and their horses too if that's what it took. ( Kisses ) Do you think Joffrey will like me? What if he thinks I'm ugly? Then he is the stupidest prince that ever lived. He's so handsome. When would we be married? Soon? Or do we have to wait? Hush now. Your father hasn't even said yes. Why would he say no? He'd be the second most powerful man in the kingdoms. He'd have to leave home. He'd have to leave me. And so would you. You left your home to come here. And I'd be Queen someday. Please make father say yes! - Sansa-- - Please please! It's the only thing I ever wanted. ( Music playing, people chattering ) ( Laughter ) Fill that up! Boys, Rodrik, come on. Come on! Is he dead yet? Uncle Benjen. ( Laughs ) You got bigger. Rode all day. Didn't want to leave you alone with the Lannisters. Why aren't you at the feast? Lady Stark thought it might insult the royal family to seat a bastard in their midst. Well, you're always welcome on the wall. No bastard was ever refused a seat there. So take me with you when you go back. - Jon-- - Father will let me if you ask him. I know he will. The wall isn't going anywhere. I'm ready to swear your oath. You don't understand what you'd be giving up. We have no families. - None of us will ever father sons-- - I don't care about that! You might, if you knew what it meant. ( Rattles ) I'd better get inside, rescue your father from his guests. We'll talk later. Tyrion: Your Uncle's in The Night's Watch. What are you doing back there? Preparing for a night with your family. I've always wanted to see the wall. You're Tyrion Lannister, the Queen's brother? My greatest accomplishment. And you-- you're Ned Stark's bastard, aren't you? Did I offend you? Sorry. You are the bastard though. Lord Eddard Stark is my father. And Lady Stark is not your mother, making you the bastard. Let me give you some advice, bastard. Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you. What the hell do you know about being a bastard? All dwarves are bastards in their father's eyes. ( Music playing, chattering ) You at a feast-- it's like a bear in a trap. The boy I beheaded- did you know him? - Of course I did. Just a lad. And he was tough, Ned, a true ranger. Pfft. He was talking madness. Said the Walkers slaughtered his friends. The two he was with are still missing. Hmph. A wildling ambush. Maybe. Direwolves south of the wall, talk of The Walkers, and my brother might be the next Hand of the King. Winter is coming. Winter is coming. ( Chuckles ) - Uncle Benjen. - Robb boy. - How are you? - I'm good. ( Laughter ) Is this your first time in the north, your Grace? Yes. Lovely country. I'm sure it's very grim after King's Landing. I remember how scared I was when Ned brought me up here for the first time. Hello, little dove. But you are a beauty. - How old are you? - 13, your Grace. You're tall. Still growing? I think so, your Grace. And have you bled yet? No, your Grace. Your dress, did you make it? Such a talent. You must make something for me. I hear we might share a grandchild someday. I hear the same. Your daughter will do well in the capital. Such a beauty shouldn't stay hidden up here forever. - Your pardon. - I hear we might be neighbors soon. - I hope it's true. - Yes, the King has honored me with his offer. I'm sure we'll have a tournament to celebrate your new title-- if you accept. It would be good to have you on the field. The competition has become a bit stale. - I don't fight in tournaments. - No? Getting a little old for it? ( Chuckles ) I don't fight in tournaments because when I fight a man for real I don't want him to know what I can do. Well said. - ( Men laughing ) - Arya! It's not funny! She always does this. This was my favorite dress. She always does it and it's not funny! Robb: Time for bed. ( Groans ) Ned: I'm a Northman. I belong here with you, not down south in that rats' nest they call a capital. I won't let him take you. The king takes what he wants. ( Huffs ) That's why he's King. I'll say, "listen, fat man." ( Laughs ) "You are not taking my husband anywhere. He belongs to me now." How did he get so fat? He only stops eating when it's time for a drink. ( Knocks ) Man: It's Maester Luwin, my Lord. Send him in. Pardon, my Lord, my Lady. A rider in the night... from your sister. - Stay. - This was sent from the Eyrie. ( Door closes ) What's she doing at the Eyrie? She hasn't been back there since her wedding. What news? She's fled the capital. She says Jon Arryn was murdered. By the Lannisters. She says the King is in danger. She's fresh widowed, Cat. She doesn't know what she's saying. Lysa's head would be on a spike right now if the wrong people had found that letter. Do you think she would risk her life-- her son's life-- if she wasn't certain her husband was murdered? If this news is true and the Lannisters conspire against the throne, who but you can protect the King? They murdered the last Hand. Now you want Ned to take the job? The King rode for a month to ask for Lord Stark's help. He's the only one he trusts. You swore the King an oath, my Lord. He's spent half his life fighting Robert's wars. He owes him nothing. Your father and brother rode south once on a King's demand. A different time. A different King. ( Drumming, clamoring ) ( Hissing ) ( Gasps ) ( Jeering calls, drumming continues ) When do I meet with the Khal? We need to begin planning the invasion. If Khal Drogo has promised you a crown, - you shall have it. - When? When their omens favor war. I piss on Dothraki omens. I've waited 17 years to get my throne back. - ( Crowd ululating ) - ( Grunting ) ( Cheering ) ( Blades clang ) ( Screams ) A Dothraki wedding without at least three deaths is considered a dull affair. ( Laughing ) Jadi, zhey jorah andahli! Khal vezhven. A small gift, for the new Khaleesi-- songs and histories from the Seven Kingdoms. Thank you, Ser. Are you from my country? Ser Jorah Mormont of Bear Island. I served your father for many years. Gods be good, I hope to always serve the rightful King. Illyrio: Dragon's eggs, Daenerys, from the Shadow Lands beyond Asshai. The ages have turned them to stone, but they will always be beautiful. Thank you, Magister. She's beautiful. Ser Jorah, I don't know how to say thank you in Dothraki. There is no word for thank you in Dothraki. Make him happy. ( Waves crashing ) - No. - ( Sobs ) Do you know the common tongue? - ( Pin clanks ) - No. Is "no" the only word that you know? No. ( Sobbing continues ) Rough night, imp? If I get through this without squirting from one end or the other it'll be a miracle. I didn't pick you for a hunter. The greatest in the land-- my spear never misses. It's not hunting if you pay for it. Are you as good with a spear as you used to be? No, but I'm still better than you. ( Laughs ) I know what I'm putting you through. Thank you for saying yes. I only ask you because I need you. You're a loyal friend. You hear me? A loyal friend. The last one I've got. - I hope I'll serve you well. - You will. And I'll make sure you don't look so fucking grim all the time. Come on, boys, let's go kill some boar! Come on, you. ( Whines ) ( Grunts ) ( Soft barks ) ( Woman gasping ) ( Moaning ) ( Grunting, moaning ) ( Gasps ) Stop! - Stop. - ( Gasps ) Are you completely mad? - He saw us. - It's all right, it's all right. - It's all right. - He saw us! I heard you the first time. ( Whimpers ) Quite the little climber, aren't you? - How old are you, boy? - 10. 10. The things I do for love. ( Theme music playing ) == sync, corrected by elderman == ANNOUNCER ON RADIO: Bring you the one and only lovesick blues boy, Hank Williams. The Mother's Best Music Makers, and yours truly, Mother's Best Ii'! o! ' boy. Hey, fellas, I'm glad to hear you holler this morning. HANK: The sun is up, and everybody's awake and a-rarin' to go, ain't they? Yes, siree, they got an oven full of hot biscuits they'll rare even fuller. The aroma of Mother's Best biscuits is strong in the kitchen, and we are ready to go. We got a young lady visiting again this morning. You ready? YOUNG LADY: I'm ready, Hank. What you gonna do? Well, Hank, I'm gonna do something of yours. All the boys are gonna join up with her, and she's gonna sing you one now called Hey, Good Lookin'. (HEY, GOOD LOOKIN' PLAYING) YOUNG LADY: (SINGING) Say hey, good lookin' What ya got cookin'? How's about cookin' something up with me? Sayin' hey, sweet baby Don't you think maybe we could find us a brand new recipe? I'm gonna throw my datebook over the fence Buy me one for five or ten cents Keep it till it's covered with age (SONG CONTINUES ON RADIO) (GRUNTING) (CLATTERS) Ow! Damn it. (HANK AND YOUNG LADY CHATTERING ON RADIO) (SIGHS) (ANNOUNCER CHATTERING ON RADIO) Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go! It's almost noon. Hey- You work on your car on your own time. I just wanna get the tire changed before it starts raining. Don't give a damn. We got five cars to finish before closing time, and I'm going to Mobile for Christmas. Yes, sir. (PHONE RINGING) (SPITS) Damn it. What? Damn it to hell. Hold on. You ordered the fuel filter for that Dodge? (SIGHS) Yeah. RAY: Well, it's the wrong damn one. And now they're pitching a bitch over there. I ordered what you told me to. I don't order the wrong parts, son. And if Western Auto don't trade that filter out, it's coming out of your damn check. (SIGHS) Yeah, Charlie? Yeah, it's just what I thought. That numb nuts I got working for me, he screwed everything up. Yeah. Son, where's your manager? Hey. Hey, there. Whoa. That's a mighty fine car there, mister. Brand new? No, ain't got but about 2,000 miles on it. But we need to get her greased up for a trip up north. Well, we can do her. We just can't do her till next week. We got four cars ahead of you, and I'm closed tomorrow. Well, well, that's... That's just bad luck on both our parts. Ain't it? Say, chief, you don't know where I might could hire me a driver for a week or two, do you? RAY: No. No. Might do it myself just to drive this girl, but I gotta keep my hand on the plow here. Pay's good. (STAN CHUCKLING) No,no,no. Don't you tempt me. Sir. That driving job, how much does it pay? Well, I see you can grease them. How do I know you can drive them? I can drive them. $10 a day plus meals and room. When does it start? Looks like you already got a job, son. When does it start? Can you handle a car in the snow? Hell, I bet you ain't even never seen snow. All right, look, be at this address Monday at 8:00. And clean your ass up. STAN: Boss, we're using the name Wells on this trip. This is Mr. Wells. Nice to meet you, sir. Okay, then. Need to make it to Knoxville tonight, about seven, eight hours. Might be some bad weather coming in. Now, your passenger is not to have any whiskey, do you understand? Yes, sir. Now, he's gonna ask. But if he shows up drunk or too hungover to work, you don't get paid. Are we understood? Yes, sir. Have a nice trip. Don't he have any luggage? Everything's in the trunk. Better get going. Wanna get ahead of that weather. Yes, sir. Oh, oh! (BACK IN THE SADDLE AGAIN PLAYING) MAN: (SINGING) I'm back in the saddle again Out where a friend... I got some business over on Jackson Avenue. Take me there first. (BACK IN THE SADDLE AGAIN CONTINUES PLAYING) (TYPEWRITER DINGING) STAN: Local kid. Good driver. Just dumb enough to do it. MAN ON PHONE: What do you mean "dumb enough to do it"? What am I gonna do about these shows? Hank booked these shows and I'm telling ya... Sorry, pard', Mr. Wells ain't my problem no more. He gonna be your problem as soon as you call O'Keefe and tell him what's going on. I'm telling you right now, he's gonna... No, you tell O'Keefe. You tell O'Keefe. So what the hell am I supposed to tell O'Keefe? Driver just up and quit and all the money he's paying you? Look, life's too short. And that ship is heading for the rocks real fast. So goodbye and good luck, and make sure you get my check in the mail. Let's go, darling. (COUGHS) Wait here. (BELL RINGING) Help ya? I need to see the doctor. He's with a patient. You want me to phone you in a prescription? It's a personal matter. I said Dr. Stoneacre is with a patient. It's all right, Mary. Come on back. I swear. Son, you look like hell. Why don't we put you back in the hospital again? Oh! I gotta go to work. I'm fine. You don't look fine. Where's your wife? Which one? (LAUGHS) You're not gonna mess this one up too, are ya? She's at her mother's till I get back. I'm here about Betsy. I reckon she'll be having that baby any day now. I reckon she will. Well, I just want to... Wanna make things right. That won't be easy. (SIGHS) I wanna take care of the... You know, the birth and all that. Will you be the one to do it? Most likely. Well, this should cover it. If you need anything else, you just ask me. You know I'm good for it. You shouldn't be going anywhere, son. One of these days, you're gonna have to learn spina bifida's not like the common cold. (SIGHS) I gotta go back to work. All this sitting around is killing me. I don't need your damn help, boy. Get me the hell out of this damn town. (PLAYING BLUES GUITAR) HANK: I don't believe it. Hold it, hold it. Stop the car. Back it up. George, you 0l' S.O.B. The hell you doing, boy? Well, as I live and breathe! (LAUGHING) Let me look at ya. HANK: What're you doing out here, playing guitar in this cold? Trying to make a dollar. You know it's true. 'Cause it is hard out here. I know, I know. I got something here that might warm ya up a little bit. Help yourself. GEORGE: How ya doing? HANK: I'm doing all right. They hired some hillbilly kid over here to take me up to Charleston, West Virginia. I'm playing up there. You done hit the big time. Yeah. Yes, sir. So proud of ya. Seven thousand people up there, they tell me. You shut your mouth. Yes, sir. Yeah, 7,000 people. And you got that fine Cadillac. Mmm-hmm. (SINGING) Well, I hope I get to ride 'fore it gets too late See, I got me some dreams that just can't wait (COUGHING) (HONKY-TONK MAN PLAYING ON RADIO) I need some cherry Luden's. Package store up ahead. Pull over. Get me some Falstaff. Sir? Beer, boy. You expect me to ride 800 miles without a damn beer? Well, no, sir. It's just that... (SCOFFS) (COUGHS) That's okay. I don't wanna get sleepy. Well, suit yourself. Let's get going. We're behind schedule already. Oh, yeah. (KEEP ON THE SUNNY SIDE PLAYING) WOMAN: (SINGING) There's a dark and a troubled side of life There's a bright and sunny side, too Though we meet with the darkness in strife The sunny side we also may view Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side Pass his ass. It will help us every clay It will brighten all our way If we keep on the sunny side of life We're goin' be in Alabama till summer. Get around him. I'm trying to, sir. Damn hillbilly. Blow the horn. Blow the damn horn, boy! (HORN BLARING) Do it again. This son of a bitch is gonna pull over. Sir, there's no shoulder here. Boy, what did I just say? (BRAKES SCREECHING) He shouldn't have done that. I want you to pass his ass right now. Mr. Wells, you're not gonna shoot... Hey, just do as I say! Please, Mr. Wells, we can't... Do not call me by my name. Are we clear on that? Now, I want you to get my Eldorado Cadillac around this dirt dog or I'm gonna blow them big ass ears of yours right off your head! Hey,boy! You like to drive like an asshole, there? (CONTINUES FIRING) (PIGS SQUEALING) Can chase them pigs all night long! Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side (WHOOPING) If we keep on the sunny side of life (CHUCKLING) It will help us every day It will brighten all our way If we keep on the sunny side of life Fill 'er up? Yeah. Hi-Test. Where the hell are we? Lone Oak, Tennessee. I gotta take a leak. I was about to close up. Y'all nearly missed me. I'm glad. I was trying to stay ahead of the storm. Yeah. They're calling for sleet all the way to Carolina. (COUGHING) How far is it to Bristol? Oh, about five hours, I guess. I don't know with this weather, though. I think this is a big one coming in. Well, your oil was fine, but she was thirsty. That's $8 even. I'll be right back with your change. Hey, you got a snack machine or anything in there? No, it's busted. Got some leftover Christmas candy though. You can have all that you want. I don't eat that crap. Is there any place I can get some supper around here? There's a diner about 10 miles up the road. Any damn good? No, but it's all there is. (SIGHS) Well, let's go, boy. I'm about to starve to death. Happy motoring, buddy. Turn on the radio. WOMEN: (SINGING) Pancakes and cheese Pancakes and cheese Change it. MAN: (SINGING) Ridin' through the jungle on the Wabash Cannonball Aw, hell, change that. WOMAN: (SINGING) As I sit here tonight, the jukebox playing Oh, yessa. The tune about the wild side of life As I listen to words you are sayin' It brings memories when I was a trustful wife (THUNDER RUMBLING) (COUNTRY MUSIC PLAYING) (SIGHS) Are you worried about the weather? Yes, sir, I am. Hell, this ain't nothing. I left Memphis in a tornado once. Rolled into Gulf port in the middle of a damn hurricane. (CLICKS TONGUE) Well, I just don't want the road to freeze on us, is all. What time do I have to be in Charleston? 7:00 tomorrow night. Easy. More coffee, please. You got a name, boy? Silas Combs. Where you from? Sorbonne. Sore Bone. I ain't never heard of it. It's down by Venable. Sound like a hellhole. Thank you. It's not so bad. ANNOUNCER ON RADIO: This is WGN Chicago. Now, here's one of last year's biggest hits. (mo, Com Heart, written by Hank Williams. (COLD, COLD HEART PLAYING) MAN: (SINGING) I tried so hard, my dear, to show that you're my every dream What do you think of this song? It's all right, I guess. I hate it. (INHALES) Now we talking. Sure you don't want a beer? No, sir. Thank you. There's no way we're gonna make it to Bristol. I don't even think we'll make Knoxville, the way it's snowing. What the hell time is it? 10200. (SIGHS) Just get to Chattanooga. I know a hotel there. SILAS: Sir, that's barely 100 miles we're making. It's gonna be hard to catch up tomorrow, especially in this. Sorbonne, are you being paid to think or drive? Answer me. Drive. Good. Then we understand each other. MEN: (SINGING) Why don't you swing low, sweet chariot Stop and let me ride Swing low, chariot Stop and let me ride Rock me, Lord Rock me, Lord Calm and easy I got a home on the other side Why don't you swing low, sweet chariot Stop and let me ride Swing low, chariot Stop and let me ride Rock me, Lord Rock me, Lord Calm and easy I got a home on the other side Swing, swing, swing, swing Good evening, sir. Do you have a reservation with us this evening? No, sir. We're just... I'm sorry. We're all full up. Good evening, sir. Welcome back to The Belmont. Thought you were all full up. I believe we just had a cancellation. Swing low, chariot Stop and let me ride Rock me, Lord Rock me, Lord Calm and easy Whoa! Careful with his guitar. You are new, aren't you? Mr. Wells is a regular, huh? Yeah. Mr. Wells is an 0l' favorite. I better take this. I got a home on the other side They only had one room left. Well, I can just sleep in the car. What, and freeze to death? You that scared of me already,boy? Merry Christmas, slick. Thank you, sir. You know, it's always good to see you. I bet it is. (LAUGHS) Bartenders, bellboys and cops, you take care of them, they take care of you. (BELL DINGS) I gotta make me a telephone call. Yes, sir. (COUGHING) I'll meet you downstairs at the bar. Mr. Wells, sir... Wait. Let me guess. OI' Snake Belly told you I wasn't supposed to drink any whiskey now, didn't he? He said I don't get paid if you show up drunk. Boy, who do you think is paying you? Fire that weasel-eyed thief anyway. Yes, operator, I'm still here. OPERATOR: The call has been refused. What do you mean, refused? The party will not accept the charges. He does not know a Mr. Combs. Oh. Can you try again with the name Mr. Wells? That's my employer. That's who I'm calling for. (PHONE RINGING) MAN: Hello. OPERATOR'. Sorry to bother you again. Person to person collect call for Mr. O'Keefe from Mr. Wells. Will you accept the charges? (LAUGHING) Yeah, I'll accept. Where are you, boy? And where'd you come up with a doofus name like Silas Combs? Is this Mr. O'Keefe? Who is this? This is Silas Combs. My instructions were to call you. Where's Stan? I don't think I know Stan. He's a tall guy. Mr. Wells calls him Snake Belly. Oh, yes. That's who gave me the job. Why aren't you calling him? Well, this is the number he gave me. I thought you were Mr. Wells' business manager. No, I'm not his business manager. Where are you? Chattanooga. Chattanooga? Is that all? Yeah, we got a late start. And then the weather turned bad on us. Is he drinking? No. No, sir. Yeah, right. You may have noticed Mr. Wells will take a drink of whiskey. Yes, sir, I have noticed that. Look, it is very important that you get him to Charleston tomorrow and that you get him there sober. Are you listening to me? Now, there are a lot of people, mainly him, who are counting on you. This is your one and only job. I'll do my best, sir. All right. Call me in the morning. I wanna know when you leave. Okay- (SIGHS) I'm expecting somebody. A doctor. Need me a shot of B12. Work like a charm. What're you drinking, Sorbonne? Nothing, thanks. I asked you what you were drinking. Beer, I guess. WOMAN 1: Is that that country singer? WOMAN 2: Yeah, I think it is. I do love a road trip. Hey, how old are you? Nineteen. Oh. Good. I'd hate to think I was contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Thank you. Hey, chief. Can you get those two pretty girls over there a round of drinks on us, please? So you like beer, boy? I can take it or leave it. Not me, Sorbonne. Not me. Is that your doctor? Yeah. Guess I better go get that shot of B12. (COUGHING) (CONTINUES COUGHING) (TROLLEY BELL RINGING) (I'M SO LONESOME I COULD CRY PLAYING) (PHONE RINGING) OPERATOR: Go ahead, sir. ON PHONE: Mr. O'Keefe, this is Silas Combs. O'KEEFE: Tell me you're on the road and not still at the hotel. He won't wake up. He just keeps rolling back to sleep. Oh, hell. Did he get drunk last night? Yes, he did. The doctor came about 11:30. What doctor? Why, I guess they're friends. He gave him a vitamin shot or something. (SIGHS) Son, you gotta get moving. What do I do? He looks real bad. You want me to call that doctor back? No. Can you dress him? Okay- Now, listen to me. Everything, and I mean everything, is riding on you getting there tonight. Do you understand me? Yes, sir. Here we go again. (SIGHS) I'm getting too old for this. MAN: (SINGING) When leaves begin to die That means He's lost the will to live I'm so lonesome I could cry The silence of A falling star Lights up a purple Sky And as I wonder Where you are I'm so lonesome I could cry (COUGHING) Turn the radio on. (I'M WINGING MY WAY BACK HOME PLAYING ON RADIO) What's the matter, you don't like music? Never much cared for it. What the hell time is it, anyway? About 11130. What we got, like 300 more miles to go? More like 400. Well, you gonna have to do better than that, boy. I gotta be there in seven hours. The roads are real bad, sir. I'm going over the speed limit as it is. I can't go any faster. Boy, this Eldorado is the best damn car that ever rolled out of Detroit. There ain't no road she don't eat for lunch. Well, I can make it up when we get on the highway. Punch it, boy. (I'M WINGING MY WAY BACK HOME CONTINUES PLAYING) How the hell did I get in this car? I put you here. Did I dress myself? No, sir, I did it for you. You didn't go poking around in my suitcase now, did you? I put your gun in there after I unloaded it. You do anything else? No, sir. You sure about that? Yes, sir, I'm very sure. 'Cause I know exactly how much traveling money I brought with me, boy. I didn't see no money 'cause I wasn't looking for no money, sir. I changed you into a fresh shirt and left you in your pants and your drawers from last night, it's all the same to you, sir. You can stop calling me "sir." I'll stop calling you "sir" when you stop calling me "boy." Well, now, that's fair. I call you Sorbonne. I like that. How old do you think I am, Sorbonne? I ain't much at guessing games. Go on, guess. I don't know. Twenty-nine. Oh, that surprise you? Yes, sir, it does. It's all that clean living I done. It ain't natural. (SIGHS) My God, what a headache. CHORUS ON RADIO: (SINGING) Because the king of beers is leading all the rest When you say Budweiser, you've said it all (SIGHS) Is this your business, son? Driving people around the country? No, sir. This is the first time. Fact, this is the first time I've been out of Alabama. What is your business then? I work at the garage. Ray's? Yes, sir. You like it? Not really. No, Ray screams a whole lot. Thinks I'm worthless. Well, there's no surprise there. Ray's an asshole. What would you rather be doing? I don't know. You don't think about what you'd rather be doing? Why not? Well, I ain't gonna get to, anyway. I don't see the point. (EXHALES) Boy, you're gonna have to pull over. I gotta take a leak. Do you mind if I ask what business you're in? Yes, I damn hell do mind. What the hell business you think I'm in? I reckon you're in the music business. You really don't know who I am, son? Sir? Wells isn't my real name. It's just a traveling name. Why don't you like music? Everybody likes music. I just don't. There's no reason. You don't ever listen to the radio? I don't got a radio. You want one? I guess. No radio, huh? Nope. How about a girl? You got yourself a girl, Sorbonne? No, sir. You think there might be a connection there? Sir? I asked you not to call me "sir" anymore. You do like girls, right? Yes, sir. I mean, yeah. Hugging and kissing, that sort of thing, that appeal to you? Yeah. I'm gonna tell you a little secret. They love to dance. Oh, they love it when you make them swing a little bit. Make them cry a little bit. You don't think I'm riding in the back of that Cadillac there on account of my good looks now, do you? What is your real name, then? It's Luke. Just Luke, 0l' buddy. (TIRES SCREECHING) Oh, hell. Well, you gonna have to make a move. I can't. I can't pass this many cars. (CAR HORNS HONKING) What the hell is an old truck like that doing out here in the first place? You got to do it, Sorbonne. Mr. Wells, I can't pass this many people. We can take them on the right. Mr. Wells... Just do it! He's exiting up here. I can see the turnoff. Sorbonne, I got some news for you. You're gonna stay on your side of town unless you learn how to start making decisions. Or let me put it in another way. If I'm not in Charleston, West Virginia by 7:00, not only are you not getting paid, boy, your ass is walkin' back to Alabama. Oh, man. (CAR HORN HONKING) Oh, my God! HANK: (LAUGHING) Sorbonne! Oh, my God! (TIRES SCREECHING) Get your ass turned around, get over to the side of the road. Right now. Sir, are you all right? I been better, son. I been better. Let me see your license. You haven't been drinking, have you? No, sir, I have not. You just keep moving. Just move it. Where you boys headed? Charleston, West Virginia. Would you care to tell me what the hell that was all about back there? We're in a real hurry, sir. He's gotta be there by tonight. I'm awfully sorry for driving the way I was. Officer, I'll be more than happy to pay the fine. Hell, I'll even pay double the good state of Tennessee. They been awful kind to me. Put your wallet back in your pocket, sir. Now, I'm gonna tell you what you're gonna do. You're gonna drive straight 4 and 3/10 miles to the town of Loudon. You're gonna turn right on Maple Street. There's the courthouse. You can tell your story to the justice of the peace. Well, we sure will. And I thank you, Officer. I hope you have a nice day. I'll be right behind you. Well, that went pretty well. (BELL TOLLING) What in the world's in Charleston? Mr. Wells is in the music business, and he's expected there tonight, Your Honor. Is he a performer? Well, he has a guitar. I reckon he is. You don't know? I just started yesterday. I don't really work for him, though. I work for Ray's Tire and Auto. But I only took the job 'cause a man needed a driver. Then he quit, so I had to... Son, have a seat. This is gonna take longer than I thought. Yes, sir. Where's the passenger? He was settling up with the driver whose car got bent, and now he's vomiting in the men's room. Did you question him? Not yet. Trooper Hamilton here detected the strong odor of alcohol in your vehicle. Is the passenger the only person been drinking? Yes, sir. Well, that helps you a little, son, but you're still in trouble. What in the hell were you thinking? I can't say no to him. You know, he's got a real temper. He made you? Yes, sir. How'd he do that? Did he have a gun? Did he threaten you? He said I'd have to walk home if I didn't. But you were in control of the vehicle. And your license says you're a legal adult. Now that makes you the responsible party. You should've said no, son. That would have been a whole lot better decision. Am I going to jail? I apologize for the delay, Your Honor. Are you all right? Touch of the flu. Well, we're almost done here. So you're pleading guilty to the trooper's charge? $100 or 10 days in jail. What about the car? Are you the owner? Yes, I am. Show me the proof, and I reckon you're free to go. Mr. Wells, sir, I ain't got any money. I was just doing like you asked. (LAUGHING) Just pay the damn fine, Sorbonne. You gotta get me to Charleston. He's just doing his job, like you boys. It's my fault. Well, how 'bout you boys slowin' down and enjoying' the ride? Lot of drunks out there on New Year's. We'll do that. You all have a happy New Year now, all right? HAMILTON: You all take it easy next time. (GASPING) Had you goin' for a minute back there, didn't I? You don't look so good. I just need to take a nap, is all. We better get goin'. We got some time to make up. Yes, sir. Turn on the radio. (SOFT COUNTRY MUSIC PLAYING) Bristol. Virginia on one side of the street, Tennessee on the other. This here's the cradle, Sorbonne. Sir? Country music. Jimmie Rodgers and the Carters, they brought it down from the mountains, turned it into pure gold. Is it really 1:00? Yes, sir. I mean, yeah. We ain't gonna make it, are we? Maybe 10:00 or 11:00 if the road stays clear, but it's clouding up again. It might snow. Damn. A lot of people counting on 0l' Luke, boy. A lot of people. Take the next left up here. WOMAN ON PA: Flight 892 is now boarding. AH passengers please proceed to the gate. Flight 892 is now boarding. All passengers please proceed to the gate. (SIGHS) No more flights to Charleston till tomorrow. Closest I can get is Wheeling, and that flight doesn't leave till 8:00. Let's find us a charter. Yes, sir. Just give us five minutes, we'll get her all fueled up and ready to go. Sorry about the rush. Hell of a way to spend your New Year's. Well, you're paying for the privilege, hoss. (COUGHS) (THUNDER CRACKING) (LAUGHING) You ain't never been on a plane before, have you, Sorbonne? Well, it beats grease-monkeying for that asshole Ray, though, don't it? Where are we? Right on top of Charleston. It's all socked in with snow and fog. Can't land anywhere for 100 miles. Okay, so? Sorry, hoss. We're gonna have to turn around and head back or we're not gonna have enough fuel to get back to Bristol. Just get me into Bristol. Roger. Well, it was fun while it lasted, Sorbonne. PREACHER ON RADIO: Now there's only one way you're gonna find peace. There's only one way you're gonna find happiness. There's only one way you're gonna find joy. Now, let me tell you... Here comes the hook. He's gonna ask for money right now. Folks, this Bible-thumper can only tell it like it is and spread the good word. Now, I ain't much asking for help. But the good Lord gave me the word, and I can't do his work all by myself. And that's where you come in. Now, you may be asking, "Preacher, Turn that polecat off. "How much does God want me to give?" Well, how much you think... He said the world was gonna end in '49, too. Said it in Tuscaloosa right after 'Bama lost to Tennessee. Folks there thought it already had. (THE LAST RIDE PLAYING ON RADIO) Can you turn that heat up any more? Yes, sir. Sorbonne. Sir? If you call me sir one more time, I'm gonna go get my pistol. (MOANS) You all right? I just need to eat something. We gonna have to make us a phone call. Will you do it for me, Sorbonne? Yeah. I will. "Signs following." How's that? Well, that church back there, the message board said "Signs following." What does that mean? Oh. it means they dance and shake with the Holy Spirit. Oh. And they handle rattlesnakes, too. It's a hell of a show. (FIDDLE PLAYING) (MEN WHOOPING) (BAND PLAYING FOLK MUSIC) Smell meat. Sure hope it ain't squirrel. Might be possum. MAN: (SINGING) Well, I wish I was in London or some seaport town I'd put my foot on a steamboat and I'd sail the ocean 'round While sailing 'round the ocean while sailing 'round the sea I'd think of handsome Molly wherever she may be (DOORBELL TINKLES) Help ya? How 'bout some grub for the weary travelers? Got some soup going. How's that suit you? That suits us just fine. How y'all doin' today? What do you call these parts 'round here? Muhlenberg County. It's God's country, ain't it? Y'all mind if I warm my hide by that stove there? Come on in. (COUGHS) Here you go. Thank you. (MAN STRUMMING GUITAR) You play that thing pretty good now, don't you? I find my way around it. Well, let's hear it, if you don't mind. I don't mind. You want a blast? Help take that chill away. (LAUGHS) Why hell, I was wonderin' when you was gonna ask me. Colder than a polar bear's tit out there and you damn Virginians make a Alabama boy beg for some sunshine. (LAUGHING) (BAND PLAYING FOLK MUSIC) You like hillbilly music? Yeah, I like hillbilly music. Yeah, I'll accept the charges. Where are you, son? Virginia, about an hour north of Bristol. We ran into a little trouble outside of Knoxville. What kind of trouble, Silas? Police trouble. We ain't gonna make it to Charleston by 7:00. Yeah, I kind of put that together, son. Thank you very much. I'm really looking forward to this next call I'm gonna have to make. Damn it, boy! I thought we'd left all this stuff behind. Four thousand people waiting to see him on New Year's Eve. I think you got a bigger problem than that, sir. What do you mean? I mean, he's powerful sick. Oh, hell, he's just hungover. No, sir, I know hungover. I've seen that my whole life. This is much worse. I think he better go to a hospital or come home. It's that bad? Yes, sir, it is. This business is killing him. And quitting' it would kill him quicker. What do you want me to do? Well, there's no point in going to Charleston. They'd probably just lynch you two anyway. (SIGHS) Tell you what. Get him to Ohio for the matinee tomorrow, and I'll meet you there. Yes, sir. (MUSIC CONTINUES) Thanks. (WHOOPING) He had a wife and six kids, and he ain't never comin' out of that hole. Not even 30-years-old. That's a damn shame. STORE KEEPER: That ain't the worst part. What do you reckon the company give his family? $100. A man's life's only worth $100. (SINGING) Trouble, leave me alone Trouble, leave me alone You were in that bar in Arkansas Every bottle in East Tennessee You left a trace in the lines of my face in the gutters of Bourbon Street Trouble, leave me alone Why must you torture me? I wish you'd find another home I wish you'd just let me be Trouble, leave me alone Oh! (EXHALES DEEPLY) I need something, Sorbonne. It's bad. Okay. Let me get you to a doctor. No. There's a town just up ahead. I just need me some Pepto-Bismol, is all. (RETCHES) Here you go. (COUGHING) I gotta get you to a hospital. What's the damn point? SILAS: Mr. Wells... It's Luke. My name's Luke. (STATIC ON RADIO) Nothin'. How far is it to Canton, Ohio? About 300 miles. (SIGHS) You know, there was a time when I didn't dream about nothin' but this. So be careful what you wish for, Sorbonne. It might just fall on you. What do you dream about? Nothin', sir. Do me a favor. Stop being respectful and kissin' my ass. Don't treat me like a boss man and don't keep quiet just 'cause I'm the man in the backseat. And make me feel like there's somebody real up there and not just the back of some hired man's head. Can I ask you a question first? You were gonna leave me back there in Tennessee, weren't you? Well, 0l' Luke has a history in this part of the world. Figured I might have to get while the gettin' was good and find somebody else to bail your ass out. What are you writin'? Oh. None of your damn business, that's what. We was talkin' about you. You go to high school? I quit in the 10th grade. How come? Just didn't take. Didn't take. So you fix cars. Yeah. But you ain't any damn good at it. Well, I just don't care for it, is all. But what do you care for? Not music. We know that. Not really. Sports? Baseball, football? Cock fighting? How 'bout girls? We already talked about women, right? Yeah, we did. You ever have one? No. You're probably better off for it. All they do is tear your heart out and then leave you standing there like a damn fool. What's your daddy do? Time. Oh. That's why that old boy back there scared the shit out of you. You scared of that, ain't you? Followin' in Daddy's footsteps. How 'bout your mama, then? What's she do? I don't wanna talk about this. My mama ran a whorehouse. Beat that. Don't wanna talk about my family, Mr. Wells. Luke. Whatever your name is. (LAUGHING) My daddy took me down to Gulf Shores when I was a boy. Told me about footprints in the sands of time. I didn't understand it then. I think I might now. It don't matter, Sorbonne. Not a damn bit of it matters for nothin'. WOMAN: (SINGING) There's gotta be some freedom from these worries on my mind (COUGHING) There's gotta be some rest for me somewhere down the line Gonna end this lonesome journey I started long ago Find a place to stop on... Your friend don't look too good. Yeah, I know. What do you call these parts? Freedom County, near Mount Hope. Your differential's leaking. It's probably just a seal. Caddies do that. This is brand new, though. How far are you goin'? Ohio. Hmm. Just a gasket. Nothing critical, but you're gonna wanna get it looked at when you get there. You the mechanic? It's my station. Everything here. And it's just you? Just me. Well, it was my daddy's. Died last year of the black lung. So, New Year's Eve. Yup. You from around here? Born and raised. We're from Alabama. Saw that. You know, he's in the music business. (COUGHING) I'm not, though. $6. A 50? Got anything smaller than this? Sorry. You sure that's all you got? I only have three 5's and a stack of 1's. Do you want me to buy something else? Don't really matter. We'll be closed tomorrow anyway. Are you celebrating tonight? Nothin' to celebrate. Not this year. How about it just being over, then? I might drink to that. Stop talking. You made me lose count. Sorry about that. Damn. What is it? I only got $42. We're even? Deal. My name's Silas. Wanda. It's very nice to meet you, Silas. Happy New Year. Dirty Johns. Honky-tonk up the 56 outside of Mount Hope. About all there is between here and Ohio. Well, I'd like to have that drink with you, Wanda. You and your friend from the music business? Thanks, but I gotta do the books. (SIGHS) You know, I ain't never asked a girl out before. I reckon I was about scared half to death what you just said. But now that you did, I don't know what I was so scared of. It's New Year's Eve. Why don't you let 0l' Luke buy you a drink somewhere? No,Luke. Tonight, I'm buying. Oh, I can't help it if I'm still in love with you (CHINO PLAYING) MAN: (SINGING) I'm going from Reno down to Chino with a beautiful Latino that I stole from Kino Gino when he lost his poker face How he'll get up to Fargo I'll sure be damned if I know Evening, boys. Fellas. SINGER: Oh, let's go! My woman left me back in Tahoe for a man they call Diablo I'd like to say I miss her so but it's a sin to lie 'Cause that darling little Sheila's You look like you never been honky-tonking before. Well, I haven't. Well, it's tricky. But I'll talk you through it. (MALE SINGER VOCALIZING) When we got to San Diego said her llamo was Consuelo She no speak Americana and I don't hablo Mexican Well, it's a good thing that she was pretty 'cause when we pulled into that city I found out she was all woman And boy, she knew I was all man (VOCALIZING) Happy New Year, Sorbonne. Happy New Year. SINGER: Let's take it home. You ever played in a place like this? About 1,000, I reckon. Gonna get your guitar? (CHUCKLES) No, I think I better save that for tomorrow. Mr. O'Keefe will meet us there. How'd he take it when you told him I wasn't gonna make Charleston? He wasn't too happy. No. I guess he wouldn't be. He had to cash in a few favors to get me a book there. (MUSIC STOPS) (ALL APPLAUDING) This may come as a surprise to you, Sorbonne, but I have a reputation of being a bit of a problem child. (BOTH LAUGHING) I ain't never had a friend, Sorbonne. Even I don't know the first thing about loyalty 'cause I ain't never seen it. I'm sorry about Tennessee. I was thinking about what you said earlier. Maybe driving's a good business to be in. Well, you passed your audition. You made it two days with me, and you're still here. That's better than anybody, so far. (BAN D PLAYING ILENE) I saw you talkin' to that little thing at the filling' station. I asked her out. You did what? She said no. Well, that don't mean nothin'. That's part of a woman's schooling', you know? They always say no on the first go-round. She didn't mean it. I think she meant it. Mmm-mmm. No, I saw her watching' you, and now I know why. This is a threshold moment for you, Sorbonne. I want you to take my Cadillac, and go back to that filling' station and get you a date for New Year's. Mr. Wells, look at me. All the money I got is yours in an envelope. She can smell what side of town I come from. And besides, she said no. She has to do her books. On New Year's Eve? All right. You go and get that woman. And you get to keep this on top of everything else. Now, if you don't get her, you don't get paid for nothin'. That's not the deal we made. You just ask Mr. O'Keefe what a son of a bitch I can be, in case you suddenly have cause to doubt. I can't leave you here alone. I'll be all right. OI' Luke, he can fend for himself pretty good. Thought you said all they did was tear our hearts out? Well, hell, you gotta die of somethin'. I'll be back. SINGER: My delta queen, Ilene (ALL APPLAUDING) (SLOW COUNTRY MUSIC PLAYING) (SIGHS) How are you? HANK: I'm fine. How are you this evening? We're just passin' through. From here, there. From everywhere. We are drivin' through on our way up from Alabama to Charleston. Oh, I love Alabama. It's so pretty. I love that state. It's a great state. WOMAN: Sorry. Don't mind him. He's just my ex-husband. I hope I'm not causing any trouble. No. He's just more of a nuisance than anything. Is that right? (PEOPLE SHOUTING INDISTINCTLY) (GRUNTING) Stop it! Stop! Hey! Hey! Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing? He's sick. If he's so sick, then why is he dancing with my wife? Ex-wife, Leroy! (PEOPLE SHOUTING INDISTINCTLY) Asshole! You wanna go again? You done or you want some more? DIRTY JOHN: That's enough of that crap. It's almost New Year's. Now, get in here and enjoy yourselves. Hey, you okay? Get me to the car. Okay. Is he okay? He'll be fine. What happened? What in the hell do you think happened? He sucker punched me. Well, let's just get out of here. I'll find you a hotel. Not so fast, Sorbonne. I'll be fine. I'll just be a second. The hell, you say. I stopped off at the river, Tonto. Filled my canteen. If you're back in less than an hour, you're fired. (BREATHING HEAVILY) Is he okay? He's about the same. I changed my mind. Well, I'm glad. (COUNTRY MUSIC PLAYING) You sure this is champagne? Hillbilly champagne. Cheers, then. (COUGHS) Lord! Yeah. Old Ned Brown's. You can taste his radiator every time. I never done anything like this before. What, drink moonshine? You know what I mean. I just... I didn't wanna, you know... (TENNESSEE WALTZ PLAYING) Hey, do you like this music? Yeah, it's all right, I guess. Would you dance with me? Even if I ain't much good? How do you know you're not? I ain't never done it before. Just go like you did in that fight out there, but slower and a lot less hitting'. Okay- (SINGING) I introduced him to my loved one And while they were dancin' my friend stole my sweetheart from me I remember the night and the Tennessee Waltz Oh, I know just how much I have lost For I lost my little darling the night they were playin' the beautiful Tennessee Waltz The beautiful Tennessee Waltz (ALL APPLAUDING) MAN: All right, y'all! It's almost New Year's! Let's count 'er down. Come on. ALL: Five, four, three, two, one! Happy New Year! ALL: (SINGING) Should auld acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind? Thanks for asking me. Thanks for being here. You should probably get back to your friend. Okay- And auld lang syne Have fun in Ohio and if you ever come back through, maybe you'll stop for gas. Sure. It would be good to see you. Happy New Year, Silas. Happy New Year. Should auld acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot (GROANS) Mr. Wells? (MOANS) We'll get warm in here in just a minute. (STARTS ENG I N E) (COUGHS) (SIGHS) You reckon there is any coffee to be had in there? I'll go check. (GROANS) I really appreciate this. It's the least I could do after the free floor show you boys give us last night. I sure do apologize for that. (ANGEL BAND PLAYING) I saw him play in Shreveport once. You know, a man came after him on the stage for the same damn thing. I guess trouble just seems to find that 0l' boy. But like I need to tell you. Yeah. It's on me. Thank you. And this too. Now, you tell him that my stage is his any damn time he wants it. I'll do that. Thank you very much, sir. All right. You have a good one. You too. WOMEN: (SINGING) Immortal home Oh, bear me away on your snowy wings to my immortal We still got a ways to go, Mr. Wells, but we're gonna make it, easy. Turn the radio on. (UNCLOUDED DAY PLAYING) CHOIR: (SINGING) Tell me of ahomefarbeyondtheskies Oh, they tell me of a home far away (SOFTLY SINGING ALONG) Oh, they tell me of a home where no storm clouds rise Oh, they tell me of an uncloudy day Oh, the land of cloudless day SILAS: I gotta pull in here for a scraper. I can't see a thing out of this windshield. Oh, the land of an unclouded sky Oh, they tell me of a home where no storm clouds rise (MUSIC STOPS) Sorbonne. Yeah? You said Mr. O'Keefe is gonna be there waitin' for us? Yeah, that's what he said. Are you my friend, Sorbonne? Sure. Are you really? Yeah, Luke. I'm your friend. I really am. I'm gonna go in here, and get a scraper and we'll get right back on the road, okay? ALL: (SINGING) Open wide thine arms of love Lord, I'm coming (COUGHS) home (COUGHS) Lord I'm coming (GROANING) home I sure do appreciate this. It shouldn't take me but a second. I got at least 100. Over at the bank, we give 'em out free. Compliments First National. You want a calendar? No, this'll do me just fine. MAN: I'll help you. That's okay. I've taken enough of your time. Hell, I don't mind. Earl's about to speak, and he's about as exciting as watching' paint dry. I just come for the singing'. This 0l' boy looks like he's in a little trouble there. He just had a rough night. You know, New Year's and all. If you say so. All right, that should be enough. Thank you. That's yours. Be careful out there. We sure will. Thanks again. God bless you. Both of you. (LAUGHING) (TURNS RADIO ON) ANNOUNCER ON RADIO: ...broadcasting system. Elected Vice President Richard M. Nixon will serve as grand marshal of the Tournament of Roses parade in California. Riding in his open car will be his wife and two small children. After the parade, the family will attend the... (TURNS RADIO OFF) Hey,Luke, time to wake up. I gotta find us a place to eat. You ever been here before? Come on, Luke, time to wake up. Mr. O'Keefe's waitin' for us in Canton, and he's madder than hell at the both of us already. (TIRES SCREECHING) (HORNS BLARING) SILAS Luke! Luke. Hey, Mr. Wells. Thank you. Thanks for your help. Looks like it was a heart attack. He had two broke ribs. Appreciate it. You give your statement? Yes, sir. Well, I guess it was a heart attack. But he had two broken ribs. What you know about that, son? Got into a fight last night over this woman. I never should've let him go in there, you know? I knew he was feeling bad. I let him have moonshine, and whiskey and beer. And I left him alone for a while. I'm really sorry, Mr. O'Keefe. I'm so sorry. You know, I traveled with him for six years, worked with him for 10. This was not the first time. I can promise you that. Now, he did this himself, okay? He didn't need a bit of help from you or anybody else. What happens now? (SIGHS) Well, we'll take him back to Alabama, I guess. Need a driver? We'll handle it. But you might wanna steer clear of that vulture fight that's about to break out. I wish I could. We owe you some money. No, sir, I won't take it. I didn't do the job you hired me to do. You gave him what he wanted. He was the only one that wanted to do this trip. Besides, he said in his note to give you some money to buy a radio, whatever the hell that means. (SIREN WAILING) I got a lot to do before the family gets here. Should I wait for the police? I'll handle it. Could I get somebody to give me a ride to a bus station, then? Well, you ought to be able to get yourself there. What you do from there is your business. Now, I'm not a lawyer, and I don't know that he was ever of sound mind, but that's definitely his signature. Which means that you are the new owner of this automobile. I reckon something must've gone right out there. I can't. Why not? It was his to give. And there's plenty of it for the rest of them to fight over. Trust me. Should I go back there? Well, you can go wherever you wanna go. But I'd do it pretty quick, if I was you. You done good, Mr. Combs. You done good. Thank you. (LAUGHING) (THE NIGHT HANK WILLIAMS CAME TO TOWN PLAYING) Harry Truman was our president A coke and burger cost you 30 cents I was still in love with Mavis Brown On the night Hank Williams came to town "I Love Lucy" debuted on TV That was one big event we didn't see 'Cause no one stayed at home for miles around it was the night Hank Williams came to town Momma ironed my shirt and Daddy let me take the truck I drove on out to Grapevine and picked old Mavis up We hit that county line for one quick round On the night Hank Williams came to town A thousand people sweltered in the gym Then I heard someone whisper, "Hey, that's him" That's when the crowd let out this deafening sound (CROWD CHEERING) it was the night Hank Williams came to town On and on, he sang into the night "Jambalaya," "Cheatin' Heart" "I Saw the Light" And how'd they get Miss Audrey in that gown on the night Hank Williams came to town? ANNOUNCER: Remember, friends and neighbors, Hank Williams and all the Driftin' Cowboys... (HANK WILLIAMS BLUES PLAYING) You don't have to come up poor on that red clay 'Bama land Or ride that 0l' lost highway with a guitar in your hand But if you have a heartache that won't let go of you you might have the Hank Williams Blues Hank was only human just like me and you Ridin' in the back of that Cadillac in 1952 No one knows for certain but I believe it's true He had a bad case of the Hank Williams Blues Lord, when you got 'em You know by the pain You're hittin' on rock bottom out in that pouring rain Caught between everything Nothin' left to lose Lord, you've got the Hank Williams Blues (THE LAST RIDE PLAYING) Ashes to ashes Dust to dust Young turns to old like steel turns to rust And it comes just a little bit quicker when you're livin' the fast life The trail you're taking today Well, it could be your last ride Sooner or later, you meet your maker He's awaitin' somewhere down the line It ain't that far from your first breath till you say your last goodbye Well, a cowboy never mounts his horse on the good Lord's bad side 'Cause the trail you're takin' today Well, it could be your last ride Subs Provided By Worldwide7477 YOUTUBE AND RIDLEY SCOTT AND TONY SCOTT PRESENT IN ASSOCIATION WITH LG A SCOTT FREE FILMS PRODUCTION LIFE IN A DAY [solemn music] WE ASKED PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD TO FILM THEIR LIVES AND ANSWER A FEW SIMPLE QUESTIONS WE RECEIVED 4500 HOURS OF VIDEO FROM 192 COUNTRIES ALL SHOT ON A SINGLE DAY: 24TH JULY 2010 woman: Isn't he pretty? [man howling] [howling continues] [chuckles] woman: Can you-- man: Hello. woman: Can you speak English? man: Yes. woman: What-- man: [chuckles] Oh-ho. woman: What day is it? man: Yes. I like to move it move it. woman: You know. man: All right. This is best day of my life. woman: No. I'm asking-- man: Oh, what day? woman: Yes. man: Uh, it's, uh... Wait a minute. [laughs] A stupid question. "What day is it?" Ah. Sorry. woman: Okay. man: It's 24 July. [laughs] woman: And what a day it is. man: It's the best day ever. woman: You might be wondering why I'm up at this ungodly hour. Like others, I believe that the time between 3:00 A.M. and 4:00 A.M. is one where the veil between this world and the next is the thinnest. Often during this time of the day, I hear the sound of my name uttered by an unseen presence. [dog barks] [rooster crows] woman: Good morning. [woman #2 speaking native language] [woman laughs] man: Whoa. [laughs] [speaking native language] That's nice. man: And here we go into the garage. That's right. We're going to ride in the elevator. All right. Let's ride it. Here it is. That's right. This is the elevator at the Market Parking Garage in Roanoke, Virginia. This elevator has been made famous right here. Here we go. Here we are at six, which is burned out. Just your basic Dover elevator. For all of those of you at Dover Elevators, a good brand of elevator. Now we're gonna go back down to one. All right. Now it's time to go off to work. [engine turning] Wasn't that fun? Gray: You know how much strength it takes to rebel? Ha. So this is a night in the life of S. Gray, man. You know what I'm saying? Sleeping on the coach... with nobo-- Grinding my ass off every day. Shorties not enjoying their mother. Man not enjoying his wife or his woman--his lady. [baby wailing] Just bullshit, man. Alpha male trapped in and locked in through religion and politics. Soon enough, man, my plans will all come into perfection. [celestial choir] [man snores] [phone rings] [toy rattles] [alarm beeping] [rooster crows] [phone rings] [celestial choir] woman: [softly] I love you. man: [softly] I love you too. [man coughs, gags] [triumphant orchestral finale] [boat horn blows] man speaking native language: You need to have a pee. Tai-Chan. If you don't pee, you can't watch TV, can you? Hmm? Hey. Here we go. boy: Why do you have lots of hair growing? man speaking native language: Because I'm a man. boy speaking native language: What about women? man: Women don't have hair, not as much. [man speaking native language] Say good morning to mummy. boy speaking native language: Good morning. man speaking native language: Here's the incense. boy speaking native language: I don't want to. man: Daddy will do it alone then, Tai-Chan. Tai-Chan, here, sound the bell. When daddy has put the incense in, you can sound the bell. [bell rings] Not yet. When daddy has put the incense in here. [bell rings] That's it. Good morning, mummy. boy speaking native language: Good morning, mummy. man speaking native language: Good, now put the incense out. Good. boy speaking native language: All done. I want some water. [man speaking native language] [woman laughs] [man coughs] man: Today we're gonna videotape Sasha doing his first ever shave. Sasha: Oh, boy. man: Sasha is how old now? Sasha: Uh...15. man: The first thing Sasha's doing is getting the water hot to put a hot cloth on his face. Sasha: 15. man: Sasha: So that it'll warm up your face and moisturize your skin. man: Does he have, like, a nice, warm face now? Sasha: It's always been hot. man: All right. Yes. Whatever you say there, dude. Actually, we should probably do a close-up of your-- those whiskers. They're really long now. [chuckles] Sasha: Thank you. man: You need to, like, really lather it up. Sasha: Okay. man: I don't think you need to put it on your nose. Sasha: Yeah. Yeah. man: [laughs] Sasha: Five-blade razor, which we got as a sample. Schwing! Is it time? man: Go ahead. Sasha: Okay, you're shaving for me. This is embarrassing. I'm bleeding. man: Yes. Don't worry. You will survive it. Sasha: Wow. man: Don't worry. It will be all right. Sasha: Oh, wow. This is torture. Ow! man: Does it hurt? Sasha: Yes. man: It'll sting for a little while. There, just dry yourself off. And let's take a look at the nice... Sasha: Meh. man: Nice clean shave. Good job, buddy. Here. Sasha: This is not clean. man: Here's what we do. Sasha: Agh. man: Don't--give me-- face the camera here. And we put a little piece on there. See? And it sticks to the bloody part. And voila, he's done. Hey, wait. High five, buddy. You survived it. [animal bells ring] man: Guys, it's not good to fall in love with girls You have wives, so you are all right. Whereas I don't have a wife. Bitch. man: What day is it today? man #2: The 24th. man speaking native language: No way. man #2: Then what day do you think it is? man: The 25th. man #2: It's not the 25th. man: It's the 25th. man #2: 24th. man speaking native language: Oh, dear God. [man speaking native language] [man cheering] man: We're documenting everything. Bobby: Wha-ah-ah! man: Shh. Bobby: Dah dah dah dah nah nah nah nah! Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah! man: Bobby, let Mommy sleep. [Bobby laughs] man: Are you feeling okay? Cathy: Yeah, I'm just really tired, you know. man: Okay. Bobby: You feel weird? Okay, this is how you'll be weirder. Whoa, tch. man: Okay, let's let Mommy sleep. Bobby: Okay, Mom. Dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah! man: Bobby, get down. We're gonna let Mommy sleep. Bobby: Son of a cuss. Cathy: Thank you. Thank you. Um, I do have a question, though, 'cause I--my biggest worry is, you know, of course, my bandages and stuff. But I've been taking a sh-- I know I can take a shower, but I haven't. But I thought maybe I could at least try to take a shower before you got here. Is that okay if I just go ahead and do that? Oh, good. Okay. Bobby: Dad, can I come down? Cathy: Bobby, can we have a talk, though? Please, please, please? Bobby: Oh. Cathy: I just need to have a talk, okay? Because Grandma is telling me-- all the grandmas, all the friends are saying what a great boy you are. And of course I know that. And I know that it's hard. I've never been in a hospital. I've never been like this before. I just need us all to help each other, okay? And I know that sometimes when we ask you to do something to help, sometimes it's 'cause you don't want to go upstairs 'cause you get scared. And that's fine. I understand that. Bobby: Dad's fault. Cathy: If it's because you're scared to go upstairs by yourself or downstairs by yourself, just tell me that. Bobby: I will. Sometimes... [speaking indistinctly] And stop videotaping! Cathy: Bobby... man: I was gonna give you a camera too. We're gonna do a project-- a family project, okay? Can we all agree to do the family project? If not, then we can't do it. man: Do you want a camera? Cathy: Okay? Bobby: What? man: Do you want a camera to videotape me? Bobby: Mm-hmm. Cathy: It's gonna be a family project. I need to have a happy boy today, okay? man: You have to be happy if you have the video camera. Bobby: Why? man: Because it's a happy film. Cathy: All right? man: And it has a happy ending. [sizzling] woman: woman #2 speaking native language: No. woman speaking native language: Truly? woman #2: Well, maybe a bit. [woman speaking native language] woman: How long have you been working for our family? woman #2 speaking native language: Over 25 years. woman speaking native language: What are these offerings for? woman #2: To celebrate the full moon. woman speaking native language: The full moon? [woman #2 speaking native language] woman: What's this one? Pelungsur cake to indicate that the ceremony has ended. [rooster crows] [rooster crows] woman speaking native language: Which God is this for? woman #2 speaking native language: This is to Vishnu. The water is an offering for Him. woman: Okay, we're coming in... Okay, first of all-- and I'm sure he hears me by now-- let me explain something to you. Everyone, can you hear me loud and clear? My son was supposed to be cleaning his room yesterday. Come on, boy! boy: Woman! woman: [chuckles] Woman! Oh, this is gonna be a long day, as most are. boy: [groans] woman: He's always a bundle of joy when he wakes up. Come on, come get in the shower, get the day going. We got things to do, places to go. boy: Yeah. woman: People to see, futures to make. [lighthearted music] man: I had a major heart operation. I'm very thankful to the beautiful staff. No job is too big or--or too small. And even down to a few minutes ago, just wiping my bum, because I had my first-- first poop... [chuckling] in about a week or so. So one of them came to the rescue and said, "Listen, would you like me to trim that up for you, sir?" So I said, "Yes." And a very--very, um, courageous young lady in my case, I think, did the job. And just, uh, all in a day's work. [chiming faintly] I'm very, very grateful for these people that have treated me like... Just treated me so well. In a short--short while... I-I will be on the road to recovery, and I'll be out there again doing crazy things and enjoying life. [overlapping chatter] man: 56, 56...57. 61 Rupees. 61 going once, 61 going twice. Sold! [overlapping chatter] [ultrasound pulses] Amanda: I'm Amanda. What makes me joyful this Saturday is this... And a little terrified and really excited. woman: Oh, my God, did you feel that? Let's try again. [speaking native language] Have a listen if he's sleeping. [water dripping] woman: What's up, Beatrice? [bird chirping] Oh, oh, oh, oh... [speaking native language] [relaxed instrumental music] woman: All right, then. Oh! Come over here! What a little miracle you are! Goodness. Now your mama has made herself a little copy of Mama. [woman speaking native language] man singing: I want to drink from the clearest water. I want to eat the things I ought to. I just want to know that I feel strong, you know. I want to reach the greatest mountain. Climb, if I want, without all the shouting. I just want to know that I feel strong, you know. And clouds really should be white at least, and oceans should meet us at the beach, and I don't want to overreach when I know what's in store, raw love. Life, a day at a time, my love. Life, a day at a time, don't know. Love. Life in a day and life in a day and life in a day... I want to drink from the clearest water. I want to eat the things I ought to. I just want to know that I feel strong, you know. I want to reach the greatest mountain, climb, if I want, without all the shouting. I just want to know that I feel strong, you know. And clouds really should be white at least, and oceans should meet us at the beach, and I don't want to overreach when I know what's in store, raw love. Okhwan Yoon: Good morning, everyone. Bonjour. Buenos días. Namaste. Salaam alaikum. My name is Okhwan Yoon. I was born in Korea. It doesn't matter South or North Korea. I'm traveling around the world by bicycle. [dog barking] [man shouting in native language] Yoon: Today it's been 9 years and 36 days. [bus horn honking] This is Kathmandu, Nepal. I have been in 190 countries so far. I've been struck by cars six times. Five times, surgery. There are so many careless drivers in the world. I have seen many different sizes of fly. In North Africa, smaller fly than here. And Turkey, smaller fly than here. But this size is same fly in Korea and in Japan and China. So I feel very emotional. [car horns honking] [door bangs] [easy jazz music] Travel toothbrush and toothpaste-- essential if you're spending a night with the goats. [wind whistling] man speaking native language: A box with medications which I need every day in order to live. man: Oh, and I have this plastic glove from when I was at work the other day. man: 50 pesos. Sweet. man: A 500 rupee note. 2BA 596135. I still remember the number. woman: First is a Canadian flag, because some of my ancestors were from Nova Scotia, Canada. Next is a German flag, because some of my ancestors were from Germany. Some of my ancestors lived in Wisconsin. Some of my ancestors were from Poland. Altai man that came in a chocolate egg. An electric die. It's an anti-evil eye protector. Randy: Metal saw. Metal eagle. Metal wheels. Anybody want some granite? My name is Randy Raisides, and this is Kenneth V. Fletcher's house. Giant I-beam... basket with grapes... pipe bender... a billion boxes. He's kind of a hoarder. I moved here four years ago, a terrible drug addict. And in four years, Ken has done two things. He has sobered me up, and he has lost everything. Good morning. Ken: Good morning. Randy: Kenneth V. Fletcher. Ken: Loser. Enabler. What else? Destitute human being. Tomorrow Ken leaves for the Canary Islands, where he has gotten a job as a massage therapist. And I go back to Nebraska, where I'm going to be living with my folks. He's one of those guys that has a billion ideas and never completes any of them. Ken wanted a piano as a kid. Ken couldn't get a piano as a kid. So three years ago, we looked on Craigslist all summer and went over to the Twin Cities and got pianos! [Ken playing mid-tempo melody] The man's a genius. He just never quite had the time. It looks like the auctioneer's here. [creaking] [crash] man: What's in my pocket? Well, it's a key. And it's got a really neat little logo there. [engine turning, revs] This is a Lamborghini. And this is my life in a day. woman: Here's my wallet from Marc Jacobs. There's a Marc Jacobs key chain that I love. Mirror. woman: My iPod, which is my soul. man: Rosary. Very good way of spending your time profitably in the eternal dimension. Telephone headset. Extremely good way of wasting your time in the earthly dimension. [laughter] [man speaking native language] man: It's a small branch from the Neem tree. man #2 speaking native language: What do you use it for? man speaking native language: For my teeth. man: I have nothing in my pockets. Zero. man speaking native language: There's nothing in my pockets. They're empty. boy speaking native language: Money, lots of cash. man speaking native language: How much is a lot? boy speaking native language: Two-fifty. man speaking native language: How much? boy speaking native language: Two soles fifty. [man speaking native language] man speaking native language: Is that box your daddy's? boy speaking native language: It's my brother's. To make a lot of money. man speaking native language: Hello, Abel. Are you well? It's Saturday again. [men speaking native language] man: The cold weather is here and August will be worse, so you have to keep warm, Abel. boy speaking native language: Hey you, this is my patch. [men speaking native language] boy speaking native language: Sometimes I make five soles. When I was little, I once earned 20 soles in a day. [men speaking native language] man speaking native language: See you next Saturday. man: What do you have in your pockets? It's my knife. Okay, you can go ahead and judge me all you want, but there are some crazy people in the world. woman: My Ruger P94 .40-caliber handgun. I take this with me wherever I go. man speaking native language: Keys. Phone. Syringes. man speaking native language: All this is the cemetery. [keys jingling] man speaking native language: man #2 speaking native language: Yeah, I will show you. man speaking native language: Can I talk to them? man #2 speaking native language: Yeah, yeah. [goat bleats] man speaking native language: My story is, I can't work, because who else would look after my kids? My wife passed away, my children's mother. I've got a 20 year old son who is sick. He's a retard. We have to tie him up all day to stop him wandering off. Fourteen people live in this place. We have no electricity, no water, no drains. But we are still alive. God will not forget us. He created us. That is what I believe. God wouldn't have created this population just to forget us. [muffled chatter] [man speaking native language] [muffled chatter] Ayomatty: My name is Ayomatty. I've been in Dubai for 13 years. I work as a gardener, and I am very happy. man speaking native language: There is no work at home. It's more profitable to come to Dubai. I'm here to earn money to send back to my kids. man speaking native language: Pray, be seated. woman: All you think about is your belly. [man speaking native language] man: Did you see the fence fell down in those thistles? Goddamned thistles everywhere. And you think I'm a prick. [laughter] man: This is how brynza cheese is made. When all liquid is removed, the cheese becomes very good. Nearly as good as the Dutch cheese. It even has holes, in just two, three days. woman speaking native language: Oh, come on, stop boasting. woman speaking native language: Lunch! [children panting] [shrieks and laughter] [woman singing in native language] [all singing in native language] [gunshot] [singing continues] [singing ends] man: This is balut. Only in the Philippines. man #2: Balut. man: You see that? woman: Ew. man: Oh, gross, huh? Look, let's put some salt right there. That's salt. And then watch this. [laughter] [women singing in native language] man speaking native language: How does it work? man #2: Well, it goes in and out again, like a needle. It doesn't fire bullets. Nothing comes out of the gun. man speaking native language: Ah, I see. [gunshot] [clanging] [gunshot] [women continue singing] [man groans] [singing continues] Today is Saturday, the 24th of July. For the last three years, I've been away from home to do my degree. And as soon as that finished, I ended up getting a job at a very demanding company. So I don't really get to see my old man that much. But whenever I do see him, we always go to the same place and do the same thing and have a catch-up. man: I just phoned you. Jack: Yeah, I just got it, actually. I was about to phone you back. man: How you doing? All right? Jack: Yeah, not bad. man: Mouthful? Jack: I'll have a mouthful. man: You sort the tire out? Jack: Um... man: That tire's fucked. Jack: I haven't had time. man: That tire's fucked. You'll get done for that. Seen it? You got a rip in it. Jack: Is that a rip? man: Why don't you film down there, Jack? Let's see if we see a cup. Come on, that's it. Jesus. You're not a student now, you know. You're a working man. There's no excuse. Just here. man: Is this where we're going? Jack: Yeah. man: Two small beef burgers, believe it or not. Imagine what the large ones are like or the medium ones. Ridiculous, isn't it? Unbelievable. Anyway, here you go, Jack. This way. I'm gonna sit in the car. [seagulls crying] What do you got? Jack: This. man: Oh. Is this bit a photograph of you at uni? Jack: Yeah. man: Fantastic. That's fantastic. I'm gonna get a lovely frame on that, 'cause Nina's got a frame like that. [laughs] That's really cool, Jack. Thank you. Now, you should be very proud of yourself, Jack, considering you almost got chucked out of school. You was lucky there, weren't you? Yeah, you've matured, actually-- actually, in the last year or so quite good into a real proper lad, a real gentleman and a nice boy. [engine turning] Thanks for that, Jack. man speaking native language: Who do you love a lot? boy speaking native language: My dad... because he brings me fruit. He cooks my lunch, makes me breakfast. He prepares everything, all the food we eat. He cares more about me than his work. The thing I love the most is my laptop. In Wikipedia, there are stories, history, math, science, religion. It has everything. It is a giant library. [birds chirping] man: I love life. It's all such fun. man speaking native language: Myself, I'd have to say... woman speaking native language: Placing my feet in wet sand. It has to be wet. woman: Grass, dirt... dirty river smell. Mm, the smell of a campfire that gets stuck in your hair. Coated chicken baked in the oven with seasonings. man: What do I love the most? Well... you're looking at her. [crying] man: I really love my family, my brothers and sisters. woman speaking native language: Being with my children. And taking care of them. And now I'll introduce you to the person I love most in the world. Hello. girl speaking native language: Hello. man: What do you love the most? man: Women. So much. man: I love you, Uliya. You are my only love. You are my first love. For me, love is all about you. woman speaking native language: Do you love your husband? woman #2: Yes, you have to. man: I love my wife. I love my son. I love my land. I love my animals-- my dogs, my ferret, my chickens, my horses in the background. I love my life. But what do I love the most? I love my Lord, my heavenly Father, my Creator, from whom all blessings flow. man: I love doing about 150 miles an hour down a motorway in a good car. man #2: [giggles] man: I love football. I think football is the only sport that bring people together. woman speaking native language: I love... cleaning something that's really dirty so you can see the result. man: I actually love my refrigerator. It's such a cool thing. It remains at one corner. It keeps its mouth shut. I love my refrigerator. Nothing else but my refrigerator. man: What do you love? man #2: Women. man: What do you love? man #3: Freedom. man: Power. man: [laughs] woman: man #4: I love the word "mamihlapinatapai." It's from the Yaghan language, which is now a dead language. But it was spoken in Tierra del Fuego, the very southernmost point of South America. I've never heard the word said properly, so I could be pronouncing it wrong. But the meaning is quite beautiful. It means that moment or feeling when two people both want to initiate something, but neither wants to be the one to start it. It can be perhaps two tribal leaders both wanting to make peace, but neither wanting to be the one to begin it. Or it could be two people at a party wanting to approach each other and neither quite brave enough to make the first move. [birds calling] Can hear the kookaburras now. [line ringing] man: Currently, I'm calling my mom to ask her what I should say to Emily today. [line ringing] woman: man: Do you have a second to talk to me? woman: Sure. man: Tonight I am hanging out with Emily. woman: Okay. man: But I was planning on telling her exactly how I feel about her. And then I don't know. So I was calling my mother to see-- what should I say to this woman? [woman laughing] Okay. I don't know. I just think that, you know-- just concentrate on the fact that, you know, you have very, very high feelings of esteem for her, that she's somebody that you've always admired. man: "Esteem"? Is that the word I should use? Esteem? You think she'd like that? woman: Yeah. Whatever. man: I just don't know if that's-- woman: You hold her in very high regard. man: Ok--I don't know if those-- woman: She's a special person in your life. man: Okay. I'll try all that. Hey. I am on the train now. This is my friend Emily. [romantic music] Uh, hello, "Life In A Day." I'm still with Emily, and we're still hanging out in Chicago. Um, this is... We--we just came out of this place, which was cool. But, uh, I'm gonna leave this thing on in case anything gets climactic. man: Theresa, look at me. Theresa: [scoffs] Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Aah! [romantic music continues] man: Well, so here's the deal. Uh, I asked her if she wanted to go on a romantic date with me sometime, and she says, "No." Just--just no. That's really all she said. Just "no." She didn't want any of that. Ever, possibly. Never, ever. And so, uh... Well, actually, I said, "What about the possibility of a possibility?" And she said- - She said no to that. No possibility. None. woman: Okay, let me say that it is meant for women to kneel down. For example, a woman is supposed to kneel down for a man. man: Mm-hmm. Do you want to show us how you do it? woman: Yes. man: So you greet Moses, like, traditionally. [Moses speaking native language] man: Wow. Wow. Moses, how do you feel about it? She comes, and she kneels down every day? Moses: Yes, because I'm a man. She has to respect. woman: It's the culture. [upbeat music] [cheers and applause] man singing: Wise men say only fools rush in. But I can't help falling in love with you. David: Hi, Grandma. It's David. How are you? I'm good. I'm still- - Yeah, I'm in New York. It's--Yeah, it's been really hot here, but I'm having fun. Uh, anyway, I wanted to call you, because, uh, you know my friend, uh, Nick, that I-- that you've met a lot... Yeah. Yeah, I know. He's a very nice boy. Uh... Well, I wanted to tell you that he's, um, not-- not just my friend. He's--he's my boyfriend. Um, and it's something that I've wanted to tell you for a while, but I wasn't really sure how you would react, so I was a little nervous to tell you. Um... I-I love you too. Yeah. I love you too. And I'm hoping that-- that maybe you can love Nick too, um, because he's really important to me, so I'm hoping he can be really-- really important to you too. Yeah. Well, that-- that means a lot to me. Yeah. Thank you. I--Yeah, I love-- I love you too. I do. Yeah. Yeah, my parents know. Yes. Well, Grandma, they call it being gay now. You don't have to say "homosexual." It's not--Yeah. Yes, it's not a disease. Thank you. man: Here, throw some cheese to those ducks. Get closer to them. I'm taking a video, Sarah. Sarah: They might bite me. man: No, they won't bite. Ducks don't bite. Come on. I'm making a video. Walk on out into them. It'll be a good video. man #2: Would you like me to take both of you? man: Oh. man #2: Take another picture of you? man: Thank you. man #2: Just tell me what do you want me to do. man: Just...just... man: So marriage truth number one-- uh, love is a battlefield. [laughter] Um, listen, you two are going to fight like hooded roosters. Let's just get it out there. It's science. You know, place any two animals in a contained area together, um, you know, there will be awesome tenderness, but also there will be blood. [laughter] Tristam: That is my pocket Walt Whitman. He was surely one of the greatest poets that ever lived, and if my babies can read Walt Whitman day and night and learn from him, I'll be very happy. After all, babies, he did say, "I am August. I do not trouble my soul to vindicate itself." No, he didn't say "soul." He said, "I do not trouble..." woman: That's enough, Tristam, you'll use up all the memory. This is self-indulgent, and- - Please stop. They need winding. Please stop, Tristam. Tristam: "I do not trouble my spirit..." woman: Stop being so selfish and putting yourself first. Please, I've been looking after them all day. Just stop it. Tristam: "I do not trouble my soul to-- "I do not trouble my spirit to vindicate itself or be understood." woman: Okay, fine. Ann and John are today renewing their vows in the light of their 50 years experience of marriage. Rather unusually, each of this special couple has agreed to write the vows of the other. That is, Ann has written John's vows, and John has written Ann's. man speaking native language: Pull, pull. woman speaking native language: This one doesn't lift me up. [man laughing] woman speaking native language: There is a new one over here. [man speaking native language] man speaking native language: Oh, gosh. You have to pull on this one. Can you manage it? woman speaking native language: Nope. man: You have to pull using your dorsal muscles. woman speaking native language: It won't budge. [man speaking native language] woman speaking native language: John, it is necessary to address one or two shortcomings in, uh, the physical side of marriage. Surely no one would argue that there are certain physical demands a wife can request of a husband, and Ann asks you that you address these issues right now. [laughter] Do you agree to wash the windows inside and out? [laughter] man speaking native language: It's like at the gym. You grab here, you grip there, and you position yourself with parallel feet so you can use your dorsal muscles. Then you pull. [woman laughs] woman speaking native language: man: Ann, John asks if you will agree to let him do that thing you once told him you would let him do on his 40th birthday, but still not have yet done. [laughter] So, Ann, in anticipation of your previous answer, John says, "I suppose an occasional blow job is..." [laughter] woman: I told you it won't move. It won't move. So, what was it you were saying? [laughter] man: Finally, in spite of men obviously being from Mars and women from Venus, do you both promise to love and treasure each other and enjoy your lovely family life together here at Appletree Cottage for as long as you both shall live? both: We do. [applause] [clock ticking] [dog snoring] [clock cuckooing] [timer dings] man speaking native language: What are you doing? [man speaking native language] man speaking native language: Are we going? Let's go. [cat meows] [P.A. announcement in native language] [horn blares] girl speaking native language: Helmet. Good-bye, grandpa. [laughs] Climb up, skinny! [man speaking native language] [horns blowing] [band playing lively song] man speaking native language: Go, go, slowly. [man speaking native language] [whimsical music] man: Whoo! [boy crying] [cheers and applause] [helicopter whirring] [laughter] man: Do the jerk. Please do the jerk. By the end, I'm gonna try to get the commander to do the jerk. man #2: Aah! man: Why you always got to stick your tongue out? Punch Eason in the face right now. man #3: Oh, my God! man: That's the Rebel Alliance. And there's the Empire. Masood: Hi. This is my room. And this is our garden. So my name is Masood... I live in Afghanistan, Kabul, and I'm a news photographer. Here is my house. And he's my father, drinking tea. My mother is praying. Farid, my brother, is just-- again is staring in the refrigerator, as always. Right now I'm in my car, going to Kabul's old city, to take some pictures. Sometimes I like to just walk around there looking for a good shot. These are like my two babies. I carry them everywhere. [woman speaking native language] [Masood speaking native language] woman: Here I am by myself, because my husband is a half a world away, going to work, fighting for us. What shirt should I wear? Which one do you think will Phil like better? Hmm? Which one do you think? That one? Is that one the best? Masood: Here is the market in the old city. Most foreigners think that it is dangerous to walk around the streets of Kabul, but as you can see, there is no danger... for us, anyway. woman: Waiting game. Waiting game. [birds chirping] Masood: So this is a street that's normally selling birds like this. They call them lovebirds because they are always kissing each other. Sharon: Oh. Where are you? Ooh. Phil: Hi, Sharon. Sharon: Hi! Phil: Hi. Sharon: How's it goin'? Can you see me? Phil: Yeah. You did get all dressed up, didn't you? Sharon: Yes. Of course. It's our date night. [children chattering] Masood: Afghanistan comes-- the name of my country comes with the conflict, war, suicide attack, and all the negative points that we--I mean hear and listen in the news. But there is another side of Afghanistan that you don't normally see. These girls make me feel optimistic about the future of my country. Phil: I love you. Sharon: I love you too. Stay safe. Phil: I will, honey. You too, okay? Sharon: Okay. Phil: Bye. Sharon: Bye. [sniffling] It's not easy to explain motivation. Can I do something to reunite Korea? It looks impossible. It looks out of my hands. But impossible is possible. Bobby: Dad, do you see my war? Oh, and the red is bad, the white is good of the helmets. [imitates gunfire] Oh! [humming] man: Oh, it's not so bad. Cathy: No? Is there something that's bleeding under my arm? Let's see if we can just get this. man: Ew. Cathy: Oh, oh, oh! Oh, what is it? [man chuckling] Cathy: What is it? man: Looks like some kind of-- Cathy: Did that come out of your hair? man: No, it was on my bag. It's a ladybug. Cathy: Oh. Any kind of monster or ghosts or a witch. boy: Zombies. man: What do zombies do? Okay. You do a great zombie. girl speaking native language: Snakes and ghosts. [man speaking native language] man speaking native language: When I come to work at 1:00 A.M. and I hear little noises here and there. That scares me a little. woman: I have a fear of dogs. woman speaking native language: Cats. man speaking native language: Rats. boy speaking native language: Lions. woman: Wasps. woman: Spiders. I fear... robbers... rapers... girl: I fear growing up. man: I'm afraid of losing this place. woman speaking native language: Cultures I don't understand. I am scared of Allah, nothing else. woman speaking native language: I fear nothing. [woman #2 speaking native language] woman speaking native language: God only. girl: I'm afraid for all the people that don't know God. People who don't get saved are going to hell. man: I afraid of homosexuality. Homosexuality is like... is like disease, and I'm afraid of disease. I stay in my room, and all I can think about is whether in a couple of years someone else is gonna live here, someone who is not Israeli, maybe... maybe someone Palestinian. man: I guess politics scares me more than anything. I wonder if we're gonna get in another war. man speaking native language: When I leave home in the morning, I'm not sure if I'll return home safely. No Afghans expect to return home safely. Time is passing, and I don't have a boy or girl and no one will ever call me "mummy." One of the things I fear more than anything right now is that my hair's starting to fall out. woman: This is me. This is what I'm afraid of. That my husband will leave me for another wife because of a lack of you know what. child speaking native language: Divorce. Divorce. How awful! woman: I fear loneliness. man: Not waking up one morning... and nobody finding you for a week. That'd be interesting. woman: Losing someone you love. That's why I find it very hard to really, really connect with someone. Because, what do you do when they're gone? girl: Because what if God isn't real? I believe in Him, but what if God isn't real? And we're just going to lie in the ground, dead forever? And that's what I'm afraid of, being in this grave. Life is so freakin' short, you know? man: Dying, I guess. [animal bells ringing] [thunder rumbling] [dog growling] [man speaking native language] man: The dogs are frightened of thunder. man speaking native language: Yeah, they're scared. man: Vasya, we need to find some fireworks somewhere. Because in autumn, wolves will come. man: We need to hurry home. It's going to rain! all: 3...2...1... [cheering] man: Welcome to The Love Parade. [electronic music playing] woman speaking native language: Look ahead! [cheers] [overlapping shouting] man speaking native language: Unreal. Unreal. Look at the side. What are they doing there? Look at the fighting there. We can't get out. man speaking native language: Not normal, bruv. [overlapping shouting] [sirens blaring] man speaking native language: Dickhead. man: I don't want to move out of the way. man speaking native language: Stop this shit! [overlapping shouting] man: A tunnel has become a death trap. At least 18 people were kicked or crushed to death in a stampede during The Love Parade in Duisburg. Many of the hundreds of thousands of revelers were unaware of the tragedy unfolding. [uneasy musical buildup] man singing: I want to drink from the greatest water. I want to have all the things I ought to. I just want to know that I feel strong, you know. I want to reach the golden fountain, beat everyone without all the doubting. I just want to know that I feel strong, you know. And clouds really should be white at least, and oceans should be there at the beach. And who needs books when we've got speech? And who knows what's in store for raw love? Life, a penny at a time. Oh, love, life a penny at a time. Love, life a penny at a time. Oh, love. [fireworks whistling, popping] man speaking native language: When I close my eyes, I can see all different people in the world from town to town, from country to country. I can feel it, I can touch it, I can see it. I feel like born again because of my haircut. It's time to continue my journey. man: Who do you love? Cathy: My silly boys, the Bobby-ells. Okay. What do you fear? man: Well, I guess... I'm fearless now. I guess my fear was that you'd get cancer, and you did. That you'd get it again, I mean. And you did. But it's over with. So I'm fearless. [haunting music] [overlapping chatter] [thunder rumbling] woman: July 24, 2010. It's nearly midnight now, and I'm running out of time to make this. I worked all day long, on a Saturday--yeah, I know. The sad part is... I spent all day long hoping for something amazing to happen, something great, something to appreciate this day and to be a part of it and to... show the world that there's something great that can happen every day of your life, in everyone's life. But the truth is, it doesn't always happen. And for me, today... all day long, nothing really happened. I want people to know that I'm here. I don't want to cease to exist. [thunder rumbling] I'm not gonna sit here and tell you that I'm this great person, because... I don't think I am... at all. I think I'm a normal girl, normal life. Not interesting enough... to know anything about. But I want to be. And today... even though... even though nothing great really happened, tonight I feel as if something great happened. [thunder rumbling] [water dripping rhythmically] man singing: I want to drink from the clearest water. I want to eat the things I ought to. I just want to know that I feel strong, you know. I want to reach the greatest mountain. Climb, if I want, without all the shouting. I just want to know that I feel strong, you know. And clouds really should be white at least, and oceans should meet us at the beach, and I don't want to overreach When I know what's in store, raw love. Life, a day at a time, my love. Life a day at a time, don't know. Love. Life in a day and life in a day and life in a day and life in a day... I want to drink from the clearest water. I want to eat the things I ought to. I just want to know that I feel strong, you know. I want to reach the greatest mountain. Climb, if I want, without all the shouting. I just want to know that I feel strong, you know. And clouds really should be white at least, and oceans should meet us at the beach, and I don't want to overreach when I know what's in store... [instrumental and chorus] [rhythmic dripping, haunting melody continues] It's a blessing from the Great Stallion Dothraki don't wear steel dresses. My father taught me how to fight. He taught me that speed defeats size. I've heard that your father was a famous warrior. He was bloodrider to Khal Bharbo. And your father, Jorah the Andal? He was a warrior also? The Khaleesi wants to eat something different tonight. Kill some rabbits. There are no rabbits. Find some ducks, she likes ducks. Have you seen any ducks, woman? No rabbits, no ducks. Do you have eyes in your head? Do you? Dog then. I have seen many dogs. A blessing from the Great Stallion. It's a boy. How do you know? Go ahead and make some tea. Oh, a lovely cup of char. One with sugar. Tell me about the relationship between tea and the revolution. Taking tea is what the British do, when they're in a difficult circumstance. If you have some bad news, you have a cup of tea. At a funeral, you have a cup of tea. If they bomb your homes, you have a cup of tea. We're going to make loads of tea. So, you serve tea at most events? Hiya. Like a cup of tea? I've often served tea outside the Bank of England. I've served tea to the Silver Command, the second in command on an action, when the police are involved. I've served tea to politicians. Outside factories I've served bailiffs as they're evicting. It's a free cup of tea, or if you want to make a donation, that's allowed. Yes, but we don't have a... As an anti-capitalist, it would be hypocritical to start selling people tea. You don't want alcohol on the front line, because your judgment goes, so if you just drink tea and save the drinking for the party, when you eventually go home... We're professional domestic extremists - we don't drink while we're working. - So, you're a domestic extremist? - I'm a domestic extremist. What makes you a domestic extremist? You will have to ask Special Branch that. I care passionately about politics on a global level, but work on it on a local level, within my own country, mostly. That's the domestic bit. I'm extreme because I've gone well beyond in my climate-change activities. I've gone beyond recycling and walking the kids to school - all that goes without saying. I put my body in the way, and I don't mind being arrested. You know when you watch the news and see things like this? Our dogs will be used! And the newsreaders say helpful stuff like this. Let's bring you now the latest from this so-called "camp for climate action". Environment campaigners have scaled a London building, unfurling a banner. I hope he's going to have a shower - his feet were filthy! Well, this is what you don't see - a glimpse into the secretive and clandestine world of environmental direct action. We just f***ing do it. We've got a banner. We've got four D-Locks. I'm James, and I'm your guide. How do I know what I'm talking about? That's me climbing into a power station. But this film isn't about me. It's about people like this. The climate science scared the crap out of me - I'm not going to lie. And I went, "This is not something I can know and not do anything about. I have to do something." I want to feel like I'm doing something, and not just watching the world go to shit. We don't really have that much choice about the fact that we've put so much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. What we do have a choice about is the future. Lots of getting arrested, running around, hiding, escaping, playing with the media. But if you think you can make a difference, through campaigning then that's empowering. It doesn't matter if it's illegal or if it's dodgy. It doesn't matter if it's big or small. You've just got to do it. Just do it. It's April Fool's Day, 2009. The world's leaders are in London for the G20 meeting, and a flurry of protests are welcoming them to town. More tents. More tents! Climate Camp plan to turn the heart of the financial district into a street party. Their target: blockading the European Climate Exchange. Why? They don't want the climate left in the hands of the bankers. Exactly. Some trouble needs to be caused. The camp had all the ingredients for a good party, and everyone was there. Here's Paul getting his groove on. There's Sophie climbing into trouble, as usual. And of course, Marina's getting the kettle on. Even the press were loving it. At the moment things are very calm, very relaxed. But as evening drew in, a bunch of uninvited party-poopers gate-crashed. This is not a riot! This is not a riot! This is not a riot! Sit down! We want a revolution now We are resisting for climate action We want some climate action now Policing like this would normally go unnoticed, but a death is harder to brush under the carpet. Ian Tomlinson, on his way home from work, in the wrong place at the wrong time, was pushed to his death. The ensuing outrage led to a dramatic change in the policing of protests. Gone, police claimed, were beatings, brute force and random kettling. In came a PR offensive of kindly coppers and tea. This is public land, and the police are entitled to come in here. Be reasonable. I would love a cup of tea. Thank you very much. How long the police would behave for, nobody knew. Down on the Isle of Wight, champion tea-maker Marina is about to dig her heels in. Hello? We're at the protest camp, outside the Vestas Blades UK factory, on the Isle of Wight. The factory is being occupied by the workers. Yay! A wind-turbine factory was closed down, because there was no demand for wind turbines, and over 400 workers lost their jobs. - Reinstate the workers! - Reinstate them now! People think that people making wind turbines must be cool people, hippies. No, no, they are capitalists. Profit, bottom line, is all they're interested in. They went in with stuff, but they'd run out of supplies, and food could only be got into there in tennis balls being lobbed in. They were getting hungry, and Vestas, this multinational company, was starving them out. Well, we weren't having that, obviously. This lady turned up and said, "I've made fish and chips, and I want to deliver them to the men in the factory, and I want to deliver it myself, and I want them to eat it while it's warm." I was like, "OK. We can facilitate that." She wants to deliver them herself, and I think that's right. You have to cause a diversion. OK. Are we ready? Coming? Fish and chips! You run the other way. Come on, everybody! And half the fish and chips got through. - Are you gonna give a speech? - No! Yes. Come on. We can't let bullies tell us what to do. - Exactly. - What nonsense! It was a fantastic celebration, because the locals were like, "Yay! They've been fed!" And people were saying, "Oh, those terrible environmental anarchists have fed our lads, and they've done it with the locals." And everyone's suddenly on the same side. But the beautiful thing about it, and what warms your cockles, is... it was direct action for two days. We took direct action. We did it with manners, and we just did it with courage, and we did it with humour. And now Vestas has said... "Shit. We can't have this. We're gonna feed the guys whatever they want. And the guys want a roast dinner today." So now we're going to take in soap, shampoo, things to wash their hair with, new underwear, socks, T-shirts, hand-written cards from their children and family, newspapers... In London, a plan is afoot to get the Vestas struggle into the papers. The target is Lord Mandelson, Minister for Business and everyone's favourite unelected, slimy politician. The plan is to draw attention to the fact that he is responsible for the Vestas factory closing down. We're saying Mandelson has the power to put a huge investment into the car industry. Generally, he's good at helping high-carbon industries, but when it comes to a failing wind-turbine factory, he's incapable of giving them any incentive to stay, promising that there will be a demand within five years. Tomorrow Sally chains herself to Mandelson's house and could be arrested. So, have you been arrested? You've not? Are you prepared to be? I guess I have to be prepared to be! Yeah. It's a slow decision. I'd met people who had been arrested. I'd heard their stories and knew what it entailed. You make a theoretical decision... I guess the crunch point of the decision was in saying I'd get involved with the Mandelson action. If they can bail out the banks with 1.4 trillion pounds, they need to bail out our green future. As hoped, the stunt propelled the Vestas struggle into the headlines. When I changed from medicine, there was a lot of uncertainty in my life about what I would do instead of this career plan, but as I've got more involved in activism, I think it's become really clear to me what the most urgent things are. Activism is a whole other education, outside of this narrow education you sometimes get in Cambridge, being taught to think in an academic way, disconnected from the real world. And I want to use the education I've got here and put it into the real world, and learn from the people. So, that's what really excites me about having these two worlds. Pitching up on the doorsteps of places like airports and power stations, Climate Camp run direct-action training camps and have shifted the climate-change debate in the UK. But if you've seen Climate Camp on the news, you'll know they are frequently portrayed as violent hooligans. Police say this was why they had to go into the Climate Camp. There's a knife which was discovered in a tree, and here we see grappling irons that could be used to scale a building, and these are white suits that protestors might wear, they say. Also, we see bolt croppers. They could be used to try to take down any fences. And over here we see wetsuits. The protesters said they'll try to reach Kingsnorth by any means - by air, by land and by sea. Now, Climate Campers may be extremists, and they definitely are, and they may even be prepared to break the law, which they often do. But let's be clear - previous Climate Camps have faced police violence. But the campers have resisted this peacefully. This is not a riot! This is not a riot! This year the Camp is in London, targeting banks that finance climate change. Marina's in a group from the south coast. Today's Times. Page 12 and 13. An image of a petrol bomb exploding - which is ludicrous, because we use biodiesel, not petrol! We're doing some basic techniques that might come in useful for the first 24 hours, while we settle down with the police. If we do need to use blockading techniques, before we have our defences built, then these will be the sort of things we'll use - bodies. That's all we've got. If you were going to give me the bumps, you'd do it like this. Yeah, so four people. That's rigid. Easy to pick up. Now, try floppy. Face the other way! That's a lot harder. That's a really good way of doing it. Across London, groups of campers are gathering at meeting points, ready to pounce on the secret location for this year's camp. Today we're doing the Climate Camp bicycle swoop. Would you like a flyer? We'll receive a secret message, revealing the location of the camp, and we'll all be swooping there. We've received a text message. It says there is an intricate plan, and they would like us to all stay together. I'm very excited about today. There's a lot of unknown things, so that kind of makes me nervous, as well. We don't know where it is. It's a secret. Who hasn't taken part in any meetings involving consensus? In a big meeting, if you agree, it's hands up and wiggly fingers. We're not a mad cult, unless you think Climate Camp is a mad cult. It feels ridiculous to begin with, but when meetings are working, it's very effective. "Left out of Blackheath station. Up the hill, bear left onto Hare and Billet Road. Walk to the top, and the site is on your right." It's then a race across London to secure the site, before the police can stop them. They've done it here. Wow! You've had your training. It will count more when the police arrive. Months of meticulous planning has paid off, and the site is occupied before the police arrive. Let me hear a massive cheer for getting Climate Camp 2009 started! The Climate Camp is a temporary encampment, totally autonomous. There's no hierarchical power structures. Everything is run through consensus. It doesn't seek to be given permission to be there. Climate Camp is about direct action and seizing power and making the changes that you want to see. And it's in its nature and it teaches that to everyone who comes. Well, here we are on Blackheath, in London, taking on capitalism, which is quite scary for the capitalists, I hope. And we expected three-deep riot police. We expected to be doing all sorts of naughty things that I can't tell you, cos we might need them in future. And we get here, and you can't even get a copper when you need one. Hi. All right. Have a successful camp. Bye-bye. Have a nice night. It's a camp where people can come together and do workshops, training, share ideas, plan direct action together. A lot of us knew each other. We already had a form of affinity. We'd done a few different things together already. And we came together to plan and carry out an action. The police may have made themselves scarce, but they're watching. Since the plan needs to be top-secret, the activists take precautions. They remove batteries from phones and are careful about what they say. I was just gonna say another thing. I don't know... Talking about the target might be OK, just as long as the time and the date is not talked about. I don't know. There's no need to say it, if everyone's seen it, so we could just refer to it. Can we use another word, instead of the target? And we all know what we're talking about. "The target", maybe? So, I don't think we'll be able to blockade the whole building, but we wanted to blockade the front of the building and stop people getting in there. I think probably three ladders, with people at the top, and people at the bottom locked on. The idea of this was to blockade it, to reclaim it as the people. It's our bank. We're reclaiming it. And we're gonna build it into what we want. So it can be read in a more anti-capitalist way. Now, it wouldn't be a very good idea to go directly from the camp to the action, since a group of activists setting off with D-locks and ladders would be likely to get rumbled. So, they head to a temporary base for the night. - Shall I start the sauce? - Yeah. Has everyone got their batteries out of their phones? We've discussed whether we want people going into the building with superglue. Either trying to get past the barriers up the escalators, and into offices, or a trading space, and supergluing to each other. If we superglued to the building, that would be criminal damage. But we'll be supergluing to each other. And the idea was to sing songs. Not nasty disruption, but disruption, nonetheless, inside the building. So the likely charges of both going inside and being outside is aggravated trespass, although going inside will probably be slightly more. If this goes to court, you're likely to get a fine or community service. Nothing too heavy, but it will be more if you go inside. Criminal damage we have avoided at every cost in planning this action, which has much more severe consequences, so I think we should keep it that way. They could just try and bail us for a long time away from Climate Camp. With the Stansted protest that some people did, it happened in less than a month that we went to court. But in other cases, like the Drax case, it took almost a year, so it can be any time. And if you get called to court, you have to go right then and there? So, who's going arrestable? - Can someone count? - 18. Oh, yeah! Has anyone used superglue? How do they deal with it? I'd like to hear about that. If they use the solvent, it shouldn't hurt at all. It does just come off. It slides off. If all else fails, it's every man for himself. Just lock onto whatever you can. Sally will be a spokesperson tomorrow, so she checks her facts and figures. As well as oil and gas, they're also involved in the coal industry. And specifically Eon. They've given Eon loads of loans. They've given them £6 billion of loans since the bail-out. To Eon, who are the company who are involved in Kingsnorth. If you were going to quote a figure, make sure you say, "Took part or were involved in loans," because what RBS do is, they're like the intermediary between investors and investment projects... We're making up the arm locks. Arm locks are a cunning way to lock yourself to someone, so that it's hard to be separated. It may appear like these guys are seasoned pros, but don't be fooled. Only a couple of them have been arrested before. The lock is on the front of your neck, so you can undo it. That's more comfortable. How quick was that, guys? - Pretty quick - That was really good. Can we have a talk-through? James, your first part. I'm going to drive down and check out RBS subtly, have a cup of tea. Look for any abnormal security, police movements. If that's all fine, I'm going to park up and wait for you guys. If it's not fine, I'm going to call you. People in the white marquee, people blockading the outside - go to the van, get everything out. Then, as soon as everything's out of the van, that's when arrestable inside need to go. We follow straight afterwards, and just behind us, we need to have the non-arrestables. I'm writing the number of the Climate Camp legal support, which will be the number we'll call from jail, if we've been arrested. And they'll contact our solicitors and put all of that into action. It's good to have it on you, rather than on a piece of paper... ..because your possessions might be taken away. They say, "Who do you want to be informed about your arrest?" Give them that number. Yeah, I've got one of our phones, so when we're in position, I'm going to call James. Oi, you're gonna hurt me. You're gonna hit my head. Oi! Whoa! Can somebody take the other side of this ladder? Can you see them at all? No, they must have got right inside. Our money! Our future! - Whose money? - Our money! - Have you got a spokesperson? - I'm the spokesperson. - OK. - You'd like to know why we're here? I would. Obviously, you are causing a disruption. We're renovating the RBS, because we won't stand for the fact that the government has invested £33 billion in the RBS, to bail it out, and that is financing climate change, due to the way that money is invested. You do realise that you're obstructing people's access and egress from the premises? And obstructing people on the highway. Michael Hannard, UK Security Operations Manager. You've entered unlawfully. You've been asked to leave and you've refused. You've caused intimidation to staff and disrupted the business. Let me finish. As a representative of the business, I will inform you that if you refuse to leave and are arrested, then as a company, we will prosecute you all. Is there anything else that I can do or say that will make you leave the premises? If you commit that RBS would stop investing in the fossil-fuel industry and change over to serious investment in renewables, we would happily leave, if that was the commitment. The touchy-feely policing means the news is not distracted by police violence and can now find time to actually report why the activists are there. Campaigners have chained themselves to the London headquarters of the RBS. Dressed as construction workers, they used bike locks and superglue to attach themselves. We aim to shut down the bank for a day. This is an anti-bank's holiday. They're angry at the investment in fossil-fuel projects. Can I just ask where you guys are from? I'm from Hackney. - And you? - Bedfordshire. - Where are you from? - Daily Express, unfortunately. Well, the Daily Express. Shit. Where's that? Before long the removal team arrive to unglue the guys on the trading floor. Just move out of the way, please. - Is it superglue, or...? - Yes. It may sting a little bit. I just heard that the people who are sitting on the second floor are at the police station. They must have been taken by a back way. Are you happy with these at the front? - Whose bank? - Our bank! - How's it going? - Really well, I think. We're still here - that's always good. The blockade has managed to hang on until the end of the business day. RBS are funding climate change It's shit, it's tax-payers' money We won't stand for this We won't stand for this Once again, Climate Camp has grabbed the nation's attention and inspired a new generation of outlaws, determined to be a thorn in the side of capitalists. I'm Tracy Howard. I am a wife, mother, resident and local campaigner in the village of Sipson. What's going on in the village of Sipson? At the moment we're under the threat of the third runway. BAA propose to demolish everything around here in this beautiful village, to make way for a horrendous runway, extending Heathrow airport. And a bigger airport means more flights and more emissions into the atmosphere. So, a third runway at Heathrow has become a climate-change battleground. Plane Stupid is a grass-roots, direct-action network... ..that focused on the aviation industry as a key contributor to climate change. Since 2006, Plane Stupid have been bringing aviation back down to earth, with actions like a banner drop from the Houses of Parliament and occupying the runway at Stansted Airport. I have been involved with Plane Stupid for the last couple of years. I was occupying the runway at Stansted last December. And I've been involved in Climate Camp, as well, which was the turning point in my political motivation - the 2007 Climate Camp. I'd been on the fringes and I'd always been interested. I'd been to lots of marches. And then in 2007 I was like, "Right... Enough's enough. We've got to start doing stuff." It's so drastic and potentially affecting my future so detrimentally that I have to try everything I can to do something about it. Through Plane Stupid, I've had a lot of connections with the campaign and communities around Heathrow that were facing complete destruction. Tarmacing, effectively, of their communities. The community there are trying to resist. They need more support, and there's lots of people who need to get engaged with the debate. So, I think the idea of us moving down there is to do some real, grass-roots, community-resistance-style stuff, to really build the community there and make it a resistant hub, an example for places across the country, where there's plans for airport expansion or coal power stations. If you look at this map, this is the proposed site of the third runway. It's going to cut right across Harlington, which is next door to Sipson, which is going to get demolished if the 3rd runway plans go ahead. I got involved about six years ago, with the threat of the third runway. They was also threatening to bulldoze Cherry Lane cemetery. My husband's nan's there, so it became more poignant and involved my own life, so I got involved in all the different action groups. I go from leaflet dropping to direct action. I'm quite variable. I go from the basics right up to the main squeeze, shall we say? My direct action involved going to the Architect of the Year award and sabotaging it. We gave Pascal and Watson the We Don't Give A Shit award, as they don't give a shit about us. Good evening. We won't take up much of your time. We're here from Plane Stupid and the residents around Heathrow. And before the awards start, we'd like to give our own award, and we'd like to give it to Pascal and Watson. I think Pascal and Watson are here, and we want to give them an award, because they've been at the forefront of aviation expansion since the 1960s. Josh gave a talk about the environmental issues, and I gave a talk about my life. Ladies and gentlemen, would you kindly leave the stage? Would you leave the stage, so we can proceed with our ceremony? You've been incredible! You've been destroying the climate, people's homes and local community. It's for Pascal and Watson! Anyone else want it? Would anyone else like the award? They're digging up my grandmother's grave! My grandmother's grave! When I was asked to leave, I did leave. I had to go back on stage, cos I left my coat there, but we did actually leave. We were non-threatening. We just made a point. We distributed lots of leaflets about the situation, and it was fine. It would be really interesting to put a transition town in the space where they would like to put the third runway, and contrast those two things. So, start to build the world that we'd like to live in, where they'd like to Tarmac. Lily, Paul, Rowan and other Plane Stupid members are moving to a threatened village near Heathrow. How long do you think you'll be living out by Heathrow? I'm committing in my mind to being there for at least a year. Hopefully, by next year, they'll say, "It's getting dropped," or, "We've changed our minds and we're gonna do it." - So, here we are. - Here we are. Welcome to my new home. A resident of Harlington now, which is quite exciting. You can hear the aircraft noise already. I'm going to have to get used to that. I suppose people live with it every day, so I'll just get used to it eventually. At the Vestas factory, the workers have been forced to end their occupation. But some have joined Marina on the traffic island, blockading the removal of the machinery from the plant. Living on a roundabout, poking two fingers up to a multinational corporation which makes profits out of climate change, rather than helping. It feels like direct action every day. We're making it difficult for them to work. Quite right. They've sacked 400 workers. This is our living room, which is a bit too comfortable. Four months I've been here. I don't know how long I'm going to stay on the Isle of Wight. Once you start a campaign, you see it through. These are my broad beans, which I'm particularly proud of. Earlier in the year, back in Brighton, I planted broad beans in memory of the Diggers of 1649. I brought the seeds from that crop that came up for G20 Meltdown, the anniversary of the Diggers taking St George's Hill. I put them in just before Halloween, and now I have beautiful broad beans. Does all of this do any good? I think you can't do... Thank you. You can't do nothing. That wouldn't have done any good. I think there have been... One problem is, if people realise there's a problem and don't think they can do anything, that is suicidal-depressing. That is roll-over-and-die depressing. But if you think you can make a difference, through campaigning or obstruction, that's empowering. So, you are taking control of your life, even though all these decisions are made by politicians over there. So, yes, it has done good. After four months of trying to do good, the authorities have had enough, and an eviction order has arrived. - Hello. - Mr Quinn, High Court enforcement. We're here today... Can you turn round, so I can get the sunlight on your face? - Is that all right? - Yeah, that's better. - OK? - Yeah. So, what are you saying? We're here from High Court enforcement to enforce the writ. OK. Now, would you like a cup of tea? No, thank you very much. I've just had coffee. Well, the kettle will be on while we pack up. - How long will it take you? - Oh, it's going to be a few hours. Do you reckon an hour? Shall we give it till 12? Oh, I don't think we'll have finished elevenses by 12 o'clock. OK. We'll go for 12 o'clock. I don't think we'll be packed by 12, but we'll try. OK, lovely. - I'm their beat officer! - Too late now! This is Trudy, our beat officer. Marina's got a favourite police officer, and it's me! I got emotionally engaged. I got so involved. I'm not too sure if you're going to be able to do this. You're removing property that belongs to another person. I know that you planted the seed... ..but you're removing the earth, aren't you? Marina, I don't know. I'm just saying that this is all being recorded. You are removing some earth. - If they wish to... - Prosecute me. - I'll have my day in court. - OK! Crumpets, everybody! Crumpets? We require you to leave in five minutes. I hated the way the authorities tell you, "Your campaign is ending today." How dare they? So, let me get this straight. You're not giving a woman long enough to put her crockery away, because you think an hour is a reasonable time to tat down a camp? We've given you enough time, and nothing's been done, so this is what we now require. No! Here they are, taking down my tent. Excuse me, I now require you to leave the site, please. I'm not leaving without my belongings. We've given you a chance to get your personal possessions. You haven't given us a chance. Because I'm packing up all three places. I now require you to leave the site. - Are you going with them? - I want my bed. They're telling me to go. They're going to pack it up. You can collect it later. If you don't leave the site now, I'll have to arrest you. No, I've got to get my kettle. I'm not going without my kettle. Where's my kettle? Can you come with me, please? Marina, you're under arrest, under Section Ten. You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence, if you do not mention anything you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given as evidence. Being arrested for trying to leave with two things. There was just nowhere... There was no space in the interview for any understanding of the fact that you've been living somewhere. The policewoman who arrested me, the day before, she visited and I thought we got to know each other. She gave me a hug goodbye when she turned up with the bailiffs. She arrested me, anyway. She cried during my interview because... I mean, I cried. And even then, I keep polite. It was like... They're telling me that I should have packed a bit earlier. I left my stuff till last. So I suppose my tears were more for the sadness that there's so much to overcome. The only way we can overcome is if lots of people agree the law is an ass and start ignoring the laws. Because that's how you get the laws changed. Rosa Park sat down on a bus. The law changed because lots of people agreed with her. So that's what we have to do. But it has to be fun and exciting. We have good friends and we get over getting arrested and we get on with the next job. That's what we'll do. We're not hoping for arrests. We're hoping for lots of new recruits to the revolution. This is Ratcliffe on Soar Coal power station, the second largest power station in the UK and soon to be the target of a publicly announced mass action. A planning meeting is held in Nottingham. Anyone is welcome. Morning. Well, except the police. There's a load of secrecy that goes with taking direct action. It's hard for any member of the public to take direct action. If they want to stop a power station, they don't know how. The point of the swoop was to say: "We'll shut down this power station on this day, with loads of people. Anyone who wants to help can come along." A power station is on high alert tonight as environmental campaigners have vowed to shut it down. One advantage of a publicly announced action is that news coverage starts before the target is in sight. Protestors arrive at Nottingham tonight. Hundreds more are expected tomorrow. I'll show you how extensive the security operation is here. There are dozens of police officers. Some are in riot gear. All day, the police helicopter's hovered overhead. Take a look at this. Mile after mile of razor wire and fencing has been put up around the site. All this security is with one aim: to stop the protestors from getting inside. State-sanctioned protests are good for one thing. But we need to start doing things that will directly impact on those offenders. And the coal industry is a massive offender. They are causing carbon emissions that will destroy our planet. And one thing about direct action, I suppose, the target is meant to have an immediate effect. The idea with the climate swoop was to shut down a power station and stop it emitting dangerous chemicals into the atmosphere. To actively stop it. It wasn't just to stand on the line, with a placard saying, "We don't like what you do." It was actually to do something. On an action, it's important to look after each other. So everybody has a buddy to watch their back. So Sophie and Mary are buddies, and they will stick together. They are paired with Rowan and Paul to make what we call a brick. As a four, they can make quick decisions and work as a tactical unit. So there might be someone that's happy to cut a fence open. There might be someone else that's not. But they'll support someone cutting a fence. And so they work out their roles so that one person might be carrying all the food. That enables the person that's happy to cut a fence open, to do it. Their brick is part of what we call an affinity group, who will work together for the day. Their affinity group joins others so they can move en masse to the target. You walk in the footsteps of history. You're doing it because you want to stand up and defend the future. A lot of people have made a lot of change in history. And they have done it by working together and challenging the status quo and finding hope and faith where it might seem like there is none. But, in the end, somebody has to take down the fences. There are campaigns involving letter writing. You can do frightfully nice picnics. But sometimes, you have to get messy. The coal just has to be stopped. So I've come with a messy attitude. I'm just getting in there, being a bit ooh and ah with my balaclava up. Somebody's cut a hole in the fence over by the bridge. That way. Let's not point. He's waiting for some kind of critical mass to make their way and storm it. It wasn't just about destroying the fence. It was about getting through it and locking ourselves onto different points. This is one way in which we can change things. And a really important way because mass civil disobedience shows that the law is unjust and people are willing to become outlaws to change things. Keep moving back, please. It empowers people to take control of their own lives and their own actions and futures. Criminal damage pointed at the right organisation is completely warranted. Especially when you figure that the damage that they're causing is a billion times worse than what those people inflicted on the fences. I nearly got arrested that day. I was walking through the woods with my affinity group. Suddenly, a police officer grabbed me from behind. I shouted "De-arrest." And all my friends came to my rescue and helped me. If you get in a position where a police officer is arresting you, you don't have to accept that's going to be your destiny. I got away. We ran, very fast. If more people, as a collective, decided to de-arrest people, then less people would get arrested and the police would find their job much harder. They didn't manage to shut down the power station that day. But, as Sally says, the sight of people becoming outlaws sends a powerful message. London streets are buzzing as the biggest climate change march in UK history is about to start. Our guys are attending, but today dressed in their finest capitalist suits. Don't worry about climate change. Just keep shopping. And yeah, that's me. And that's my mum. She's not totally sure what she's let herself in for. - Cap? - Cap and trade. What that means is that... Governments set a cap on the amount of carbon that can be emitted. And they give permits to large polluters like power stations to emit things. - So they could then sell it? - And make a lot of money. And literally, it's money, is it? It's a financial mechanism to manage climate change. - So we're saying ironically... - Ironically. - ..that actually that's a good idea? - Yeah. Power! Power... Power to the privileged, because the privileged got the power. Tell me, can you feel it? I'm ready to tell those well-meaning liberals what's what, how to make some money out of this crisis. - How did you get involved? - Well, you know... I've always had an eye for an opportunity. This is the biggest one I've ever seen. So, if there's going to be a "three tree in a year" market, I'll get in there at the ground floor and go to the top. Yeah, baby! That's a beautiful moustache you've got. - Oh, you're a girl! Sorry. - Yeah, it's a fake moustache. I thought you were a boy. Greed is green, greed is green! - Carbon Trader! - Eco Crusader! - One solution! - Trade pollution! Carbon trade! Trust us with your futures. We are bankers. Give us your money. We'll trade it for carbon. Go back home, watch your TVs, and we'll just make lots of money. Let's hear it for carbon trading! My sister said to me today, "Are you excited about your holiday?" She slightly misunderstood the purpose of my trip to Denmark, but yeah. Preparations are being made to travel to Copenhagen, where the United Nations are holding a conference of world leaders, to hammer out a deal on tackling climate change. Do you reckon they'll take this off us if they find it? - They might. - Keep it hidden in the mini bus. It's only the Danish border that it will be a problem. Everywhere else, it's legal, it's bought in a chemist. It's legal, it's just they stopped selling it. They've banned the sale of it. - What is it? - This is Maalox. And it's used to treat the effects of CS gas. Mix it with water, pour it on your eyes, and it stops the burning. They've got no outside police, apart from intelligence officers, but loads of German police dogs. Does that mean they just come in on their own? Just unleash the dogs. The Danish government have prepared by granting the police new powers to detain protesters at will. It says: "You will be taken to the police station and placed in a cell." "The Danish police are arresting not just for vandalism, they can give you 40 days if you inhibit police work." This is obstruction. That's anything, basically, standard. But 40 days for obstruction is quite a long time. Obstruction is a flexible term. It could mean standing in front of them. What do I need for Copenhagen? Are you expecting to get arrested? No, but it seems like a strong possibility. Why? Well, I suppose, on the 16th of December, the plan is to go and get into the conference ourselves and hold our own conference to let people who have been affected by climate change have their say. They won't be very happy with us doing that. I'd like not to get arrested, but never say never. We're off! The Kyoto protocol was ending. And there was going to be a new UN conference to discuss how the world would then take up those climate issues. And I decided that I wanted to be there. I felt it was important to put your body in a place just to say: "I care about this, I'm a citizen of this world." I took on organising transport and accommodation. We're on the ferry. It's very exciting. The world's eyes are on the UN summit because the scientific community made it clear that, if a deal on reducing emissions isn't struck this year, then next year may be too late. "Danish police haven't much used border patrols recently. It's the Danish police who decide who they want to reject. Lists of activists and activists with criminal records are a possible way of selecting who comes in. We're going the right way. It's cool. No sooner do they cross the border into Denmark than they are stopped and searched. - Can I have a look at your passports? - You can indeed. There's all the passports. - How many are you? - We are 17. - 17? - Yes. - It's OK. - Thank you. Have a nice day. That's it. You can see the end. It isn't just our guys heading for Copenhagen. Activists from round the world are coming because they believe that corporate interests supported by governments have hijacked the process. So it's highly unlikely that a fair or effective agreement will be reached. We've gone to our little building where we're staying, which is nice. It's warm, which is a plus. We have to cross a riot. Where are we going? We're going to the candy factory, to a bike bloc meeting, but we're late. Because we missed the bus. The bike bloc will use bicycles as a tool for civil disobedience on the day of mass action. We were on an old, disused candy factory that was a community art space and a legalised squat. And there we set up this outdoor workshop, an indoor one for bike maintenance, and another separate space for bike welding. Every evening, we had training. We started making some of the DDTs, the Double Double Trouble. We'll cause some double double trouble with them. This is a double trouble, not a double double trouble. That worked. And so this is... The police are here. We do games, training, at three o'clock. At three o'clock? It's not a demo. We go to the park and train in the park. So... Are you going to stay and intimidate people or going away? We just take a look. Just to announce that the cops just said they were coming to have a look because they thought that we were stealing bikes. I said we love bikes and wouldn't steal them. So they said they weren't going to stand there and intimidate us. Now, our role on the 16th of December is to be a bit like the cavalry, OK? So, always moving, and always taking the police away from where they're trying to stop the people coming into the Bella Centre. Because what will be happening is that people will be coming into the Bella Centre but also about 500 people will be coming out. And that's the beauty of the day. So we're going to play some games to get used to the bikes. Put your bike up like that. You use your tyre to defend your body... Ready? Go! - How does that feel? - Scary. Scary! And that was your mates. So, in this one, the thing to do... The cops are filming us. We're in Copenhagen. This is the UN talks, where carbon trading is one of the only solutions on the table. - Carbon trading is the table. - It is the table, indeed. We are in the seat of that. It's not like we're away. It's not just about capitalism, though that's great. It's that the UN summit that's taking place in Copenhagen right now is presenting capitalist solutions to something that shouldn't. We're just making very quickly our carbon trader WACT Association posters which we're going to be taking on the big NGO march today to illustrate just how important a solution carbon trading is to put on the table in Copenhagen. Just subverting what Greenpeace is doing and flipping the tables around. What do you want out of it? Just to look at it. Just open it. You can check it for weapons if that's what you want. We just found a lot of explosives. So we're looking around. - OK, thanks. - No, no, that's cool. Now then, bankers. Let's shake off any goodwill of humanity, starting at your feet. Three cheers for the police. Hip, hip, hooray! - Have a nice walk. - And you! Let's go, then. - One solution! - Trade pollution! - One solution! - Trade pollution! Is this the first hippy you've stopped today? - We don't want those hippies! - Are you gonna stop lots more? He's a hippy. Just take him away, it's fine. It's just a hippy. We don't want him. Power! Power! Power to the privileged! Because the privileged got the power. Tell me, can you feel it? We get richer by the hour. We are singing for carbon trading. We want to make some money now. - Is it funny? - Is it funny? Yes, it's funny. We thought about it for a long time and now we find out it's irony. Yes. One solution is to trade pollution. 200,000 people turned out that day for an entirely peaceful march. However, late in the afternoon, as temperatures dropped, the police used their new powers and pre-emptively detained 968 people. With a week left at the summit, the police are taking increasing control of the streets and tensions are rising. Excuse me, do you have guns? When do you think you'll need to shoot people? What law are we breaking? We're not doing anything wrong. We have a democratic right to protest. Kettle escaped! That was so funny when you climbed into the kettle. But, on returning to base, they find the police are already there. They're not allowed into their accommodation. - How come we can't go inside? - Because they are making a police... With a girl inside, they're talking to her. Lauren, the film's producer, is being arrested under anti-terrorism law and tapes are being seized. She works with me. So, can I please go inside? No, not at this moment. But she's only come here because she's my assistant. So I think I should be allowed to. She's probably quite scared. I'm a card-carrying member of the press and you're taking my material. And that's a really illegal thing to do, as far as I'm concerned. Thank you very much. It won't take a long time. Do you want your bags? Or you can leave them here. You trust these guys? Can I just give her a hug? Because I'm sure she's very upset. Now, what the police don't realise is that Emily's hug was just an excuse for Lauren to palm off some potentially incriminating footage. Lauren, you haven't done anything wrong. - Probably not. - No, definitely not. She hasn't. We know she's not done anything wrong. We just have to get that confirmed, that's all. The whole police operation is about... ..showing the force in their organisation, terrifying us with their force and organisation, arresting people and putting them in cages. Even the cages have been designed to look like Guantanamo. All this stuff is really... It's a fine art of psychological intimidation. But we have our orders. We don't know the reason but we have our orders. Not all of the outlaws have headed to Copenhagen. In London, Marina and co have something up their sleeve. The politicians are going to Copenhagen to cop out. So we're taking to the streets of London to camp out. We're going to take a space in the centre of London, pop up our tents. All over the world, there'll be actions. Our personal bit is camping out for cop out in London. What's supposed to be happening is, four groups coming from four directions will swoop at three o'clock. And no-one else is here. What's your text said? That's changed. Jubilee Gardens, outside the Shell HQ. We should have just gone with f***ing Parliament Square. Oh, God. This is my worst nightmare. Stay where you were. We're going back to where we came from. Apparently, this is the diversion. I've never given up and gone home on an action before, but I'm getting a little bit tired and a bit confused. And a little bit longing for a hierarchy. Tell me what to do! Be my leader! I'm going to go and sit on a bench. I would have to look into my crystal ball to tell you. Nothing is happening. We have a decoy in Jubilee Gardens and a no-show on the site. I don't know where the vehicles are, what's happened to the communications. I don't see what was difficult about them. And then, like a Christmas miracle, tents pop up in Trafalgar Square. As fast as can be, the camping elves get everything set up. Before Marina can get the kettle on, the police arrive and ask for tea. It's a very hard surface to be sleeping on. Yes, it is, and I'm hoping we've come prepared. But it's a pretty forbidding floor. When did you leave the Isle of Wight? When they threw me off. If you're going to set up here... Trafalgar Square is not running out of tea, and neither is Copenhagen. I'm worried about them. Those Danish police, they've no manners. Let's hope they all come back safe and sound. I wouldn't get plastic cups out in front of those Danish cops. Never mind the second best China. It's the day before the mass action against the UN conference. All hands are on deck. Have you got papers? The Danish police has permission to go into places here. According to the Danish Police Act, we are to see what's in here and then we will leave again. If we find anything that we think can be used to do anything bad in the future, we will take it with us. We don't need any papers at all to go in here. We'd like you to turn off the camera. I got the message from my chief. - I've showed you my press card. - This is a crime scene. A crime scene? I'm a member of the press. I showed you my accreditation. I'm not turning off the camera. If you have a press card, you have to wait outside. No, I don't. - But it's private property. - That doesn't matter. The Danish police act gives the permission. I am aware you have another system in those countries where you are from. But in Denmark we are actually allowed. We'd like you to turn off the camera. If you don't get the message... - Don't touch my camera. - We will take it. It's your decision. I was here filming a piece. This is a matter of public interest. I'm not going outside. Please stop pushing me. I am not being unreasonable. Just relax. - Why have you removed me? - Excuse me. It's so that nobody can see what you're doing. It's a crime scene. We have to search the place. That's why. - What is the crime? - So we don't want you to film. - Tell me. - We will tell you later. You came in there, you said that you were searching for weapons. You've not found any. You will have to turn it off now. - If you're doing nothing wrong... - Then I'll take it. Everyone needs to be at the table having a conversation about what to do to stop climate change. But that wasn't what was happening at Copenhagen. The action, 16th of December, where NGOs and small nations and countries, all sorts of people from inside the conference... Delegates were going to come out and meet the grass-roots movements on the outside and meet at the fence, meet in the middle, and have a people's assembly to find an actual solution to climate change. And then, on the day of action, we set off quite quickly, got on our bicycles. It was snowing and cold. As we got quite close to the Bella Centre, all of a sudden, this riot van full of police turned up. "Right, we're nicking you." We hadn't done anything, we were being arrested and detained in jail for the day. Cuffed us all, on the floor, in a blizzard for about an hour and a half, whilst they rounded up more people. "We're taking you to the chicken coup," their temporary prison. We'd done nothing and we'd be released later. At that point, we felt the full force of repression from the Danish state, sanctioned from the world. We are peaceful. What are you? Why do you do that? It felt like martial law. It really did. It felt like we were in a war zone. And it was... That element of it was a really horrible experience. They'd just got every road block armed in this direct confrontation. In that direct confrontation, there was no winning. They always have better firepower, stronger numbers. They're fully armed, just like Robocop. 18 arrested from bike bloc. Aimee's been bitten by a dog off leash. Then Paul rings. - Do they know you have this phone? - No, they don't, no. - I smuggled it in, in my pants. - Can you see people in other cages? Yeah, I can see loads of people. There are hundreds of people here. - Hundreds? - Men and women. We were trying to go to the People's Assembly. We got lifted on the way. The inner wall has just been ripped up. The cages are destroyed. They can't put people in them. There was this general feeling of, if we demolish our cells, they can't hold us physically. It was a matter of getting everyone on each side of the cage to put their back towards the dividing wall and hold it. You lift it out of the runner at the bottom and you can start shaking it from side to side. It snaps all of these jubilee clips which are holding it at the edge. You just run in together and they come and blast you all with mace. So, gradually, throughout the day, I went from this position of being totally gutted that I had gone to go and participate in a people's assembly and been really compliant... I was angry with myself for being compliant and being searched. Then I was arrested for no reason. a position where I felt like we were breaking down that process by asserting our humanity. Let us all free! Let us all free! What was quite beautiful about it was, this was a collaboration between people from all over Europe and all over the world. The chanting and singing was in every language. You pick it up as quickly as possible and try and get everyone chanting it. It was so powerful to hear complete indignation about what was going on, and we had to unify. After weeks of wrangling, Obama and his pals cut a back-room deal. But they couldn't get the rest of the UN to back it, leaving the process on hold until next year. The left-wing Latin American countries are denouncing the whole thing. They are saying that the conference has been a total failure. They are saying they want a world referendum on what should be done. They are blaming America specifically and capitalism generally. I think it's not even... It can't even be called a deal. It could be called a cop-out. Technically, our politicians are meant to be on our side but they're not. So I went to Copenhagen to protest at what was being proposed by the governments taking part in the summit, which is carbon trading, and disrupt that conference. In doing that, hopefully, you hoped that... ..governments would seek another path to solving climate change, which wouldn't be a capital-based money system. Everything would be solved because we told them not to do that and they listened. - But they didn't listen to you? - They didn't listen. Of course not. You say, "Of course not". Some people would say you knew it was futile from the beginning. Of course it was futile. But sometimes, even when you know something is futile, it doesn't mean you shouldn't try, because you've got to have hope. If you don't try, then you never know if you're going to win or lose. Because you might surprise yourself sometimes. Other people might surprise you. And you've got to try. A lot of us came back disheartened. I know I certainly... ..interestingly, have shifted my perspective away from climate change, and realised I need to shout more loudly about capitalism. I need to shout much more loudly about the system, rather than what the system's doing. Copenhagen forced me into that position. I went there to discuss climate change and came out discussing capitalism and state control. It totally radicalised me. So, thank you, Copenhagen police for pushing me into that corner. Post-capitalism. It's better than what we've got already. I'm not sure how to get there, I'm not sure how it's going to work. But I think we can give it a go. You're into post-capitalism, aren't you? Give it a go. Vote Sophie Nathan! - Have you voted? - Yes. Good, nice, like it. Are you pleased with your choice? - No. - I wasn't either. I think they're trying to trick everybody. All right, well, you didn't vote for me, I'm guessing? I'm standing as an independent, Sophie Nathan. I set up my own party called the Post-Capitalist party for a life beyond profit and growth. You never know. Fingers crossed. Back out near Heathrow, Lily and the Plane Stupid crew are about to try something different. Today, we're starting the first big project of Transition Heathrow. We've taken a piece of land which was in a state of disrepair. It's got these beautiful green houses. We'll have a land clearing weekend. We're going to get our community down and get people to decide what they want to happen here. I'm a council tax payer. They're welcome in this village. The locals have been backing us in this project. They keep dropping around bags of food and just dropping in blankets and sleeping bags and everything, making sure we're warm, joining us at night. So everybody's really excited about what it could become. When Climate Camp came and these young people came to support us, we haven't looked back. It's the autonomy of a project like this that makes it direct action. It's disregarding the existing power structures and doing it ourselves. When my life's over, I hope that my contribution to it added something positive rather than took something away. If you want the future world to be a certain way, or to be different, then we should start to pre-figure that future world in the here and now, and be the change we want to see. We've started something and our hearts are into finishing it. So we hope we are winning. If we're not, we'll take a rain check and we'll be in there doing something. - We'll be in there doing something. - Will it be legal? It won't be legal. You can definitely bank on that. Don't know the meaning of that word. I want to see a future where people work together and create things together and have control over their workplaces and their housing and their lives. That's really important to me. I don't want to sell my time to people to do jobs I don't care about to gain a lifestyle which won't make me happy. I want to carry on working with people in this way. Everything's changed for me about the future. If you were going to sum it up in one word, it's anti-capitalism. But, for a lot of people, that doesn't mean anything. I think what we need to understand is the connections. The system that puts profit over people is the same one driving this. Revolution! I can see the end of capitalism as the only rational solution to solving climate change. I've tried thinking and reading about all sorts of different things. Every time it comes back to money and power. I see capitalism as the epitome of money and power. It worries the people in power what we're saying. You've got to ask why. Because it's not threatening to anyone. It's asking for a better quality of life for everyone else. If capitalism wants to stop that, then capitalism has to go. The yield of something is limited only by your imagination. A site like this is giving so much in different ways, in ways that I didn't think about before we started talking about it, like being drawn together by principles of growing. They're rebuilding a community blighted by the threat of the airport. We're doing a fundraiser for the Grow Heathrow project, a thank you to everyone who's helped set up this project, who are currently involved in keeping it all going, and a way to celebrate how much we've achieved in such a short time. Because we couldn't have done it alone. Yeah, I'm the sous chef. He's in charge, he's head chef. I'm just helping out. So our tale is coming to a close. But before we say goodbye, Rowan's got one last story for us. We had a plan to shut down Didcot Power Station. We ended up at four in the morning, a convoy of maybe 20 of us. Cycled straight past security barriers, split into two groups. One group was headed for the coal conveyor belt, and the other group headed for the chimney. I was in the chimney team. Got to the base of the chimney, cut the lock off the gate. We got inside. We ran up this chimney. We thought we were being chased. And it was a spiral staircase, a square spiral staircase going up. We had no idea of how high we were. It was pitch black. We only had torches. You can't see anything. It's just a void below and above. It was like, "We're screwed." We thought we were halfway up. And then someone was like, "I can see stars." And we realised we were at the top. We cheered and it was amazing. We got out on top and it was like a flood of endorphins, an unbelievable feeling. The police begin removing the other crew locked on a conveyor belt. Give me a feeling about what your intentions are. - We intend to be here three days. - Three days? Any particular reason why three days? Because that's how much food we've got. By day three, the power station had stopped burning coal. Their supplies running low, but mission accomplished, Rowan and crew came back down to face the consequences. So were you making a point or stopping emissions? We were doing both. We were making a point that this shouldn't be continued. We were trying to make a point to RWE NPower, who owned Didcot Power Station, that this isn't a good thing to do and you shouldn't plan to build new coal firepower stations. At the same time, we were directly stopping carbon emissions. I'm not in the way now. Are you going to stand up for us? She's not actually in the way. You're quite right. This is what I'm living to do now, cos it needs to be done. I hope that doesn't sound nonsense. It's what life is all about. There is more to life than being judged on your ability to shop, based on an income and what you've accumulated. I think we all still agree that the spirit is still an important aspect of humanity. And it's to be expressed and lived, and I try to do that. I can't help doing that. People think "I can't glue or lock on, I don't want to be arrested." It doesn't matter. Get involved. I started off making tea. Now I'm just like, "Oh, bloody hell, come on, let's sit down here." If anyone out there is thinking, "I want to do more", just do it. Doing something is better than nothing? Absolutely. Doing nothing about climate change makes climate change worse. So even doing a little something is better than doing nothing? And I don't mean "I recycle". I don't mean that. I mean civilised disobedience. Do it. (GUNSHOT) JIMMY: The guy I just saved is a cop. That's not the usual way I do things, but sometimes you gotta abandon your principles and do what's right. Here's the story. This is the way it went down. (CAT YOWLING) - Shit! - You okay? You made me spill my fucking coffee! Agh. Now it's gonna look like I pissed in my pants. God damn it. The way you whipped around that cat, you don't even like cats. I got no problem with cats. I don't like dander. So you almost roll your car trying not to hit one out of 600 million cats in the world? It's bad luck killing a cat. Pretty good reflexes for an old guy. I got your old guy. You ready? Louis is ready. Let's go to work. (EXHALES DEEPLY) Oh, my God. Who do I have to fuck to get you two assbags to... Sir, if we could just come in for a minute. I don't give a shit about your badge, man. You got a fucking warrant? 'Cause I'm paying a grand a night for this suite, and I'm about to get laid. So if you ain't room service and you ain't got a warrant, then you can go fuck yourselves. Keep your fucking pants on! Well, what the fuck is this? I'm gonna have your job, tough guy. I still don't see any paper, which means you got no legal authority to be here. You must not like your job much, huh, shithead? Right now, I'm loving it. Ah! (GRUNTS) JIMMY: Don't forget to get his watch and wallet. Right. LOUIS: Needs to look like a break-in. I didn't see a thing! I don't even know the guy! (SOBBING) - LOLA: No! - (GLASS SHATTERING) Ahh! (MEN GRUNTING) Hey! LOUIS: Get him off me! Get him off! Let's go. - Who was in the shower? - A hooker. And? And I handled it. Wanna say goodbye? Fucker! - What's bothering you? - Nothing. Come on, something's got your panties in a knot. Why else are we gonna go meet Ronnie Earl in public? Yeah, I don't trust that redneck prick, that's why. Job's done. Went fine, no problem. Why don't you do me a favour? When we get our dough, why don't you go away a while? Take a vacation, maybe go up river, see your mother. You wanna clue me in? I didn't shoot that hooker. LOLA: No! Jesus. She saw you? - Yeah, but she ain't gonna say nothing. - How do you know? 'Cause she's more afraid of us than the cops, that's why. So it's all good? - Yeah, it's all good. - Yeah? - Yeah. - It's all good. (CAJUN MUSIC PLAYING) BARTENDER: Hey, y'all, what do you need? Miller Lite, and a whisky for my friend. You got a preference? - Double Bulleit. - What's that? Some kind of whisky nobody's ever heard of. Why don't you bring your own bottle? Give him the best bourbon you got, hot stuff, and don't be gone too long. That sound as desperate as I think it did? Yeah, don't worry about it, you're a real Casanova. Ronnie Earl's late. I'm not waiting around for that loser. The drinks are coming, relax. I'm gonna go to the can. If he ain't here by the time I get back, we're out of here. - Right? - Yeah, okay. - Oh! Sorry about that. - What the fuck? Disgusting. What's up? Jesus! You motherfucker! JIMMY: I've been arrested 26 times. I went to trial four times. I got convicted twice. Nowadays, what I'm doing, I just think of it as a business. The people I work for are shit. And the people I take out are worse. I got some rules. No women, no children. Half the money in advance, and half when the job is done. Don't trust anybody. That's how you stay in the game. And on this one, the game got rough. AUTOMATED VOICE: You have one message. Detective Kwon, McKay here. The local PD has agreed to take you down to the morgue and show you Greely's body and personal effects. Whatever got him killed, he must've been close to something sensitive. We definitely need you to sort this out. Since the case has the potential to get touchy with the feds, we want to maintain radio silence on the situation until you have some real answers. Good luck. Excuse me. Yeah, I'm looking for a Lieutenant Lebreton. Yeah, he's right in that office. Thank you. LOLA: I was in the shower for 30 minutes. - LEBRETON: Thirty minutes? - About 30 minutes. Lieutenant? Hi, Detective Taylor Kwon. I went to the hotel. The client asked me to take a shower. - And then those guys came. - LEBRETON: And what were they looking for? They wanted my client. They wanted to kill him. That's what they came to do. But I don't get a good look at them. I can't identify them. LEBRETON: Two guys whacked him. Looks like a drug deal gone bad, but the truth is, we don't know shit, so anything's possible. They didn't kill the hooker that Greely was with. These guys are pros, I don't know why they'd leave a witness. That's her. Russian. I thought all the Russian hookers went to L.A., New York, or Vegas. I get into the shower, I told you already. LEBRETON: Is this the first time you saw that client? What do you know about Mr Greely? Ex-WDCPD, Detective grade. For about six months, he was my partner. He was kicked off the force in complete disgrace. Cop gone real bad. Drunk, gambling. He stole evidence from a case he was working. - We still don't know what it was. - (MOBILE PHONE RINGING) - WOMAN: Detective? - Taylor here. We ran Henry Hank Greely back through NCIC for recent known associates and came up with several reports of a possible relationship with local career criminal and protection racketeer Baby Jack Lemoyne. - So far, that's it. - Right, I'll check in later. Who's this guy? Louis Blanchard, local lowlife, hitman. Somebody punched his ticket while he was drinking a beer. - You got an estimated time? - Just about midnight. - DCPD. - Yeah, it's Taylor here. Yes, Detective? Get me a speed check on a Louis Blanchard, local. - Blanchard. - Reputed hitman. - Get me any known associates. - Right. Somebody took him out a couple hours after Greely last night. Murder weapon was a five-inch blade with a three-inch curvature, mainly used for gutting animals. The strikes were almost surgical. Deflated both lungs, punctured the heart. Detective Kwon, we've come up with two hits. Louis Blanchard, 37 years old with a long list of priors. Blanchard is a known associate of one James Bonomo, AKA Jimmy Bobo, suspected hitman, 26 arrests, two convictions. I'll send you his current contact information via local parole board database. - Right. - That's all for now. And thanks. So this guy, Louis Blanchard, is a known associate of a James Bonomo, AKA Jimmy Bobo. They worked together and they possibly fit the profile of Greely's killers. Very good. You get all that off your cell? So I take it we're looking for this Jimmy Bobo? My homicide division is more than capable of handling this matter, without your help. You know, I think I'll stick around for a while. Hold on. You packing? Bet you don't have a Crescent City carry permit, do you? (PHONE RINGING) JIMMY: Nobody's here. Leave a message. Hello, Jimmy. Name's Taylor Kwon. I'm from out of state following up on the death of a Hank Greely, former associate of mine. I think Louis Blanchard's murder ties into all this. If you're interested in hearing some more, meet me at the St. Charles Saloon in three hours. JIMMY: It's easy to get sentimental about things. Louis was a big boy. He knew, he took his chances. I worked with him the last six years, he never caused me a problem. But still, we did our job and we got set up. - Can I help you? - Yeah, I need a rock glass. You know, this is a bar, you can't bring in your own bottle. You carry Bulleit Bourbon? No. Yeah, well, I do. Here's 20 bucks to rent a glass. All right. Salud. You're a cop, right? Taylor Kwon, WDCPD. Look, this isn't a sting. I'm alone. I wouldn't be here if you weren't. So I figure you and Louis Blanchard take out Hank Greely last night. Couple hours later, you walk into some type of double cross. Louis goes down, you make it out. The only part of this story I can't figure out is why you guys let the hooker live. When I'm done with this drink, I'm gonna be done with you. Hank Greely was an ex-cop. Washington, D.C. I'm on the case. Look, I'm not really interested in some disposable hired hitter, no offence. I want the guys who did the hiring. You know, the same guys who took out your partner. They probably held out on you. Owe you some money? Let's work together. We can help each other out. I don't work with cops. Is that it? That's it. You change your mind, give me a call. Why don't you have a drink for Louis? That's probably the only thing you'll ever do for him. (BRASS BAND PLAYING) (GRUNTING) Ahh! They're cops. Dead cops. And you're gonna be dead, too, if you don't get in here and get fixed up. Come on. The cops are gonna be here any second. They're gonna take your ass in. Cops aren't gonna help you. You clipped one of them. Plus, you got another one laying over there somewhere. And they're both rogue. They're all not gonna be like that. The pistol you used to kill that cop's got your fingerprints all over it. You come with me and get fixed up, or you get out here and wait for the cops. Your choice. Make up your mind. My fucking arm's getting tired. Mr Keegan! I'm told you had a bit of a problem last night. A little unfinished business. I'll find him. BAPTISTE: That scumbag Greely knew he needed some kind of insurance policy in order to blackmail us. So he found Baby Jack and he gave him his evidence file for safekeeping, all of it proving that we paid off a congressman to steer a government contract our way. We have an informant inside his crew. He gave us the location of the file. I want you to destroy it. Okay, so, we are done. Just keep this wrapped for 24 hours. AD twice a day for a week. Otherwise, no direct sunlight. Keep it dry and absolutely no scratching. - So what are we doing here? - Getting matching tattoos. Piss off, asshole. Move your leg. Piss off? You came to me. You asked me for help. I thought about it and I said, "No." Then I see all these guys trying to kill you, and I figure we're in the same boat. But let's get something straight, either we do it my way or we don't do it at all! Hey, Lisa. - Are you okay? - Yeah, I'm good. I gotta talk to you a second, though. It's been a while. A girl gets lonely. - I know. I'm sorry. - You know? I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Are you, um, in trouble? No, I'm good. I'm good. I need your help with something. There's a guy out in the car. He's been shot. This guy's bleeding, I don't know how bad it is, but I can't take him to a real doctor. Lisa, I gotta keep this one alive. I told you before, I'm not in that business. I never was. This is the last time. I'm sorry, I'll never do this again. (GRUNTS) Homicide, Lebreton. Lieutenant, it's Detective Taylor Kwon. Look, I'm still in Crescent City. Yeah, well, you enjoying your vacation? - This is a courtesy call, Lieutenant. - Kwon. I'm still working the Greely case until I hear otherwise from my boss. Yeah, well, that doesn't surprise me. Did you find anything? Yeah, I got a source. He's gonna lead me to the guys who took out Greely. I bring him in, he's just gonna lawyer up and then you got nothing. I gotta go. I'll talk to you later, okay? I'll keep checking in. No. This guy, no, he doesn't look like one of your usual lowlife buddies. He's a cop. I made the mistake of saving his life. Well, that's a first. Hmm. All right, whatever, let's get him in. TAYLOR: Wait, wait, wait, wait. What kind of doctor are you? She did a year in med school. It's the best you're gonna get. Have some of this. You'll thank me later. TAYLOR: Have you done this before? - Yeah, a couple times. - (MOANS) (TAYLOR SHOUTING IN PAIN) Gee, that's too bad. Jimmy's friends occasionally have some problems. I'm Lisa. Taylor. Taylor Kwon! - (TAYLOR SCREAMING) - (CHUCKLES) There it is. Okay. So, how'd this happen? Did Jimmy do it? He doesn't like cops very much. Well, I don't like crooks very much. (GRUNTS) The feeling's mutual. You mind telling me why you're getting involved in this? It's complicated. Are you gonna arrest him? Well, he's a criminal and a killer. Yeah, who I guess saved your life. It's just a scratch, right? I still have to clean him up, stitch him up. Then you can have him. Give him a Band-Aid and a blow pop. (INDISTINCT CHATTERING) We're closed. Private club. Just got some friends here. Can I help you, buddy? You looking for Baby Jack? What the shit was that about? - (GUN COCKING) - (MEN YELLING) Open the safe. Thank you. Get the fuck out! You're fucking dead! (MAN GROANING) This little number you pulled tonight may turn out to be the stuff of legend. Mr Greely thought he was so smart to hide the file with an associate. Job well done. I had the advantage of surprise. Your false modesty is apparent. You enjoy your work. (CHUCKLES) Fascinating reading. All the terrible things I've done. But huge amounts of money can lead a man to temptation. JIMMY: I hear you're gonna live. TAYLOR: Yeah, well, seven stitches. Could have been worse. Yeah, she said take these. - What are they? - Extract of white tiger juice. Put a little pound in your pencil there, pal. White tiger juice, my ass. What about the good old "Asians Can't Drive" joke? You guys can't drive, that's a fact. No doubt about it. So that tattoo doctor? - Yeah. - She seems okay. Yeah, she's okay. Kind of makes you an odd couple, huh? Yeah, you trying to say something? What? Whatever, you know. She chooses to be with you, you must be giving her something she needs. Yeah, she's my daughter. How'd you ever make detective? You know that tattoo on your daughter's back? It's very similar to the one on the hooker that was with Greely. Don't tell me you're calling my daughter a hooker. Don't even go there. What I'm trying to say is that maybe the similar tattoos is why you didn't kill her. It was some sentimental, dopey identification crap between, you know, her and your daughter. What are you, a cop or a shrink? So, who hired you to take out Greely? In my line of work, we generally go through a handler. This time, it was this jerk named Ronnie Earl. You talk to this Earl yet? No, I can't find him. - What about you? What do you got? - (PHONE DIALLING) - Well, so far, I got you. - Great. WOMAN: DCPD. Give me a speed check on a Ronnie, AKA Ronald Earl. - Earl. - Crescent City local. - Right. - Now you're doing your job. You know, we'll figure this thing out, then we'll go get them. Get them and what? - Then take them out. - No, you mean take them in. Right, take them in. Whatever. How am I supposed to trust you? I don't know. Why don't you read some fucking tea leaves? That might work. You know, I save your life, I get your wound fixed. Now what do you want, a ring? (MOBILE PHONE RINGING) Yeah? WOMAN: DCPD, we got a Ronald Earl. (SIGHS) Man, you're aggravating. - Ronnie Earl AKA Cowboy Ronnie. - Yeah, that's right. Cowboy Ronnie. 35, born in El Paso. Six feet tall. - Right. Where is he? - Brown hair, blue eyes. - Priors, grand theft auto... - Car thief. He's a scumbag. Who gives a shit? Where is he? He was busted twice in Oklahoma City. - Total loser. - Illegal possession of firearms. And we got a hit on his credit card at a place called Maison de Santé? It's a Turkish bath house in the French Quarter? I know exactly where it is. - That's all for now. - All right, thanks. Yeah. Let's go take a bath. The Crescent City crime wave took an even more violent turn earlier this evening with the murder of Baby Jack Lemoyne and eight of his henchmen at their Algiers restaurant bar, The French Lick. Lemoyne has long been considered a major racketeer in the Crescent City underworld scene. Police suspect a rival gang in the Algiers area of committing the vicious murders and say it looked like an invasion of at least five assailants. I'm Wanda Burton for Channel Two News. He made a 10:00 appointment. Charged an hour on his MasterCard. JIMMY: Hmm. You're one of them phone guys, huh? Yeah, I can't do my job without it. You know, I could use this as a weapon? I could jam your throat, hit your temple. And, bang, you'd be toast. And I just sit there, right? Yeah, I could break this glass and use it as a cutting edge. Never see me coming. Or I could use the lithium battery to poison your drink. You know, drop it in your coffee. You won't even taste it. And I can kill you with this piece of apple. Yeah, right. How would you do that? Distraction. (CHUCKLES) Hmm? This was Louis' knife. Nice, huh? You stay here and listen to the radio. Whoa, whoa, wait. That's bullshit. I found him, I'm going in. In my town, we'll do it my way. Hey, you got 10 minutes, and then I'm coming... Now I want you to sit over there and keep your mouth shut. Forever, okay? Forever. RONNIE: Are we gonna do this or what? Sure, anytime. You set me up, Ronnie, and you got Louis killed. No. That ain't what happened, bro. Why don't we just cut the bullshit, bro? What about the client? I never ask that shit. You know that. My guy hears from a guy who hears from a guy. Who owes me money? I don't know, but they owe me, too. All right? I still haven't gotten paid. What about Louis? You set him up. No way, Bobo. Not a chance. Louis was my boy. Your boy. Now, look. That client took him out, I say we go find that fucker and get us both paid. That's a good idea. Why don't you get dressed? (GUN CLICKING) Guns don't kill people, bullets do. You made two big mistakes. You should have checked the weight, and you should have never tried to burn me. - Baptiste. - Mm-hmm. All right, that's the brother's name, Marcus Baptiste! He's a lawyer, and he's got an office down in the CBD, and he's got a big old fucking mansion in the Garden District, all right? Baptiste. How much for this to go away? Give me a number. Well, I was robbed, and Louis was clipped. 100 grand? You know, Louis was a little oobatz, a little crazy, but I liked him. I liked him a lot. He was my partner. All right, 500 grand! Come on, that's a lot of cheese, but I could live with that! I can't! - Jimmy, no, no, no, no! Jimmy, no! - (GUN CLICKS) Oh, my God! Fuck! No, no! So, did you find Ronnie Earl? - It's none of your business. - Well, what did he say? I got a problem with you. - Don't touch my gun! - (GROANS) What the hell were you thinking, taking the firing pin out of my piece? - Okay. - Huh? Okay, all right. Maybe it was a mistake, all right? - Mistake? - Yeah. But I'm a cop. You know, I can't let you go on some fucking killing spree! Yeah? Well, it's gonna get worse. If you can't handle it, go home! Hey, fuck you! You know, if it wasn't for me, you'd still be scratching your ass looking for Ronnie Earl. If we're gonna find the guys that killed Louis and Greely, then we gotta work together on this! You had me at "fuck you." Come on! Next bum we gotta get is a lawyer named Marcus Baptiste. I heard of him. Seen his name in the paper, big shot type. We'll see. - DCPD. - Yeah, it's Taylor Kwon. Yes, Detective? Get me a speed check on a Marcus Baptiste, - local lawyer, ASAP. - Baptiste. - Right. - All right, thanks. (CHUCKLES) What's so funny? It's been a long time since I cracked out a cop. - Bang, down, owned. - Owned? (MOBILE PHONE RINGING) - It's Taylor here. - DCPD regarding Marcus Baptiste. There's a pen down there. Marcus Baptiste, 5305 Britania. - All right, got it, thanks. - Great. You were in the Navy, right? - You were in demolitions? - Yeah. Early discharge. No benefits. Never did find enough evidence to court martial you for that C-4 you sold on the black market. How do you know all that stuff? With that phone? Exactly. I ran your file through NCIC. High school dropout, military service, arrest record, prison time. Yeah, you can find all of that on one of these. May want to upgrade from carrier pigeons or whatever early man uses. You gotta stop busting my chops. And that C-4 case, someone else confessed to it, but I guess you ain't gonna find that on my records, are you? You still did enough fucked up shit to spend the rest of your life in prison. That ain't gonna happen, but I like your spirit, that Samurai thing, it's nice. First of all, Samurai is Japanese, I'm Korean. Got it. That's like me saying my favourite Italian food are tacos. That's kind of a stupid analogy. (CROWD LAUGHING AND CHATTERING) TAYLOR: Wow. Looks like Baptiste is having a party. You know, costumes could work to our advantage. Slip in and grab him where he can't make a scene. Got it covered. (ENGINE STARTS UP) (INDISTINCT CHATTERING) - Hey, how are you? - Hello. We'd love for you to join us. WOMAN: Baptiste, wonderful party! BAPTISTE: Hey! There you are. I was just looking for you. Why don't the two of you meet me in the back bedroom there, we'll play the fox and the hound together a little bit. - TAYLOR: That's our guy. - Enjoy yourself. Wait here. BAPTISTE: Hey, kids! Wonderful party, thank you! Look at you! Looking great, baby! Gentlemen, gentlemen. (GROWLS) - Come to me, princess. - Fabulous. Yes, baby. Oh. Ha-ha! Darling! - Easter Bunny, how's it going? - Good to see you! Gonna keep getting naughtier. Keep getting crazier. Gentlemen, despite the reverses and calamities of the recent past, we believe that this city still has a bright economic future. What we're going to do is knock these ghetto housing projects flat and replace them with safe, modern, prestigious condominiums. Ah. Gentlemen, our host, Mr Baptiste. Good evening. Hope you gentlemen spend some time at the party. Pleasure, pleasure. To our potential success. Cheers. - MEN: Cheers. - Need anything? A little privacy, right now. And a little more whisky, if you can arrange it. Gentlemen. - Hey, Tiffany! - Yes, Mr Baptiste? - Morel wants some more whisky. - All right. - Hey, you know what? Fuck him. - Mr Baptiste. Gonna piss in his cup. Any drugs in here? (BAPTISTE SINGING INDISTINCTLY) JIMMY: Grip it and zip it, party boy. What the fuck is this, a joke? Nah, it ain't no joke. (MOBILE PHONE RINGING) Yeah. Meet me by the staircase at the rear of the house. Okay, I'll be right there. TAYLOR: I thought you were just gonna talk to him. I know, I know. So, where are we going for this interrogation? My hit-the-mattress joint, it's an old boathouse. Hey, just don't give me any crap, I'm not in the mood right now. What's your problem? I saw the guy that killed Louis back at the party. I wanted to take him out, but there's too many witnesses. He's still out. If he wakes up, just crack him. What, are you kidding? He's totally out. Plus he's drunk, what's he gonna do? Jesus Christ! (HORNS HONKING) Get off! Nice going, Odd Job! Good call. You know, I give you one thing, one thing to do! MOREL: You let two unknown men enter this house uninvited. Then you allow them to take the owner, and then, unmolested, they drive off into the middle of the night. That's a little unfair. Drunks walk in and out of these parties all the time. Explain it to him. TOWNE: Would you take a look at this, please? We're monitoring the GPS chip in Baptiste's phone. As long as he has it with him, we can track him. Extraction could be difficult. Rescue operations have a marginal rate of success. The most important thing is that we eliminate the kidnappers. Everything else is secondary. Including Mr Baptiste. Is that clear? TAYLOR: Just let me handle the questioning, okay? It's what I do for a living. There's got to be a method to it, you know? It's psychology, you get him to lower his guard. One sentence at a time, build a rhythm. It's a lot like music. Break his fucking legs, he'll give you a Who concert. Just let me handle it, okay? (EXHALES) That's got to be very uncomfortable. Here we go. Feel better? That's good. Now, you know, you're gonna talk to us, right? That's a given. And my associate here, he's a detective. And he's gonna ask you some questions and you're gonna answer him. Remember one thing, though. If you don't answer to him, you sure as hell are gonna talk to me. Believe it. You're on. - Nice party. - Thanks. I don't remember sending you an invitation, but I'm glad you enjoyed it. Oh, I did! Great costumes. Especially the ladies in their birthday suits, eh? Don't worry about it. I make sure they're all well-paid and well taken care of. I bet you do. Don't condescend to me, Kato. - It says here you're a Chicago lawyer. - That's right. Came here 15 years ago, passed the Louisiana Bar. Specialised in real estate transactions. Mr Hot Property, huh? Thank God for Google. Well, how does it feel knowing that you're going to get disbarred? Disgraced in the press, serve hard time, lose every penny you've ever made. How long have you been doing business with Ronnie Earl? Never heard of him. No, of course you have. Come on, he hired two hit men who then murdered Hank Greely. Ronnie Earl said that you did the hiring. Yeah, that you paid the money. You're a crook, Mr Baptiste. You're an accomplice to murder. Could we just end the charade? Huh? I know exactly who you two are. This is where I live, this is now my city. I am very highly connected. You're dealing with people that are way up the ladder. You'll never make any of this bullshit stick. You want my advice? You let me go and then run to the airport as fast as you and this dumbbell can get there. All right, that's it, okay. Hey, look, there's nothing you can do to me I haven't already done to myself for fun. All right? How you doing, tough guy? You think he's comfortable? Ow! Fuck! Okay, wait, wait, what do you want? The tall guy that killed Louis. - Tall guy. Yeah, it's Keegan. - Yeah? What's his deal? He's FFL. Ex-mercenary, Central Africa, West Lebanon. Now, he contracts out to Robert Nkomo Morel. Why'd you set me and Louis up? Morel didn't wanna take any chance that Greely's death could be traced back to us. Greely was investigating Morel in DC. Evidence of his payoffs to congressmen, senators, judges. Thought he could blackmail Morel. Didn't realise who he was fucking with. That's it! No more! Hell, I don't want to get myself killed here. I'm gonna blow your leg off. Okay, I'll tell you about Morel. He swindled a ton of money out of West Africa. He started out buying up a lot of cheap real estate here in the city using other people's names. Then he bribed his way into some big government contract to redevelop the area. Look, I mean, this city is up for grabs, always has been. We're just taking our share! That's it! This goes way up, man, we're talking about Washington. You two are insane if you think that... Okay! Okay, okay, okay, okay, look. It's around my neck, I copied Greely's whole life. Names, dates, accounts, a little insurance policy in case Morel got clever. - Fuck! - TAYLOR: It's a flash drive. Look, you stupid motherfuckers aren't gonna get away with this. Keegan's gonna punch your ticket, and I am gonna be there and I am gonna watch. I'm gonna have a front row fucking seat. You stupid and sloppy son of a bitch! Are you fucking insane? - You don't just kill a guy like that! - I just did. I'm playing by the rules. Where you live, the rules are different. All right? He set me up, had my friend killed, took his chances and paid the price. By the way, I know guys that would've done him real slow. - When this is over... - Oh. You wanna do this dance? - I won't have a have a choice, will I? - No, you won't. (GUNFIRE) Hold! Hold your fire! Come on. Check right! - Check your six! - I got a body! (BEEPING) Bomb! Get the fuck out! (SCREAMING) A souvenir. You're probably wondering why I happen to have my safe house all wired up. Not really. Like most criminals, you have a paranoid personality. (SIGHS) Here, take the keys and be quiet. She's probably sleeping. Oh! What are you doing here? Look, I'm sorry, you must have not heard us. We were trying to be quiet, so we didn't wake you up. I've been up all night. I was just getting ready to go to bed. Do you mind if I use your computer? Oh, that's cute. Anything interesting? It's a list of names and payouts. Oh, yeah, I recognise some of them. Uh, that guy's a judge. Some of the others, local politicians. What's that folder? Yeah, go up. Those are money transfers. Hey, we gotta find this guy, Robert Nkomo Morel. Shouldn't be too hard. JIMMY: Yeah, figure out where the asshole is. We keep moving up the ladder. So, I was thinking that, you know, what you got going is interesting because I have always liked tattoos. - And I think it's fascinating 'cause it's... - It's just... It's real. Homicide, Lebreton. Lieutenant, it's Detective Taylor Kwon. Detective Kwon, how nice of you to find the time to check in. Look, I think I broke this whole thing wide open. There's this guy, Robert Nkomo Morel. He was chased out of Africa one step one step ahead of prosecution. I got this flash drive with a list of all the payouts. As soon as I get back into town, you'll be the first person I call. - JIMMY: I told you I'd front you, didn't I? - Nope. No. I don't want to have to owe you. You can make some real money. You got a gift, use it before it passes by. I'm serious. Wow, that's great. That's really great. You're giving me career advice. All right, forget it. Bad or good, no good turn goes unpunished. Tell the cop I'll be outside, okay? You know, about Jimmy, you know I'll have to deal with him at some point. You mean as a cop. Yeah, as a cop. All right, look, just cut him some slack, all right? What if I told you he grew up on the streets, and then prison. It's the only life he had. Look, you know, I'm sure he's this brave as hell, very loyal... But, you know, we're judged based on our actions. He's done a lot of bad things. I better go. - What took you so long? - I was saying goodbye to your daughter. Hmm. - Don't. - Don't what? - Just don't. - Don't say goodbye, or... Oh, don't go there. Shit, it's none of my business. Most of the time, she doesn't give a damn about me anyway. I mean, she's all right. Got a few issues, but what the hell, who doesn't, right? - You been married? - No, never tried it. Yeah, me either. So who's Lisa's mother? Hooker junkie. Dead 15 years. So, you raised her. No, I'm not a very good father, but I supported her. She turned out to be a pretty good kid, considering. TAYLOR: When we get ashore, we gotta split up for a while. There's someone I gotta go meet. Who, you got a date? It's a cop, he's from here. I gotta go tell him what's going on. So, what about this other guy, Morel? He'll hire an army of lawyers, and fight the evidence on technical grounds. But he's still going down. Down. Is that what you call it? Down? - Yeah, down. - Down. Six years at a country club jail, out in two, back in business. That's not my idea of going down. Going down is what happened to Louis. All right, so you do what you gotta do, I'll handle things my way. You know what, there is no your way! Oh, here we go. So much for trusting a cop. - Yeah, you're under arrest. - Am I really? Okay, wanna do this dance again? I tell you what, unless you're willing to pull that trigger and put a bullet to the head, that nine mill ain't gonna be much help. Get out. It's my car. As soon as I take Morel down, I'm coming back for you! I'll be waiting, Confucius. I'll be waiting. Amateur. An amateur. I'd like to talk to you about Mr Keegan. I just talked to him. I gave him some information I came up with. Turns out the guy that we're looking for has a daughter. Only child. All the family he's got. Well, that sounds very promising. We'll let Mr Keegan mobilise, as he would say. But after things calm down, I need Mr Keegan terminated. These psychotic paramilitaries he uses, they have a huge respect for him. They see him as a hero. He's got that perverted sense of honour, reckless sense of confrontation, they love that. Well, that's very impressive, Detective, but I don't trust him. He does what he does for reasons other than money. Sir, I'd think very hard about this idea of termination. He's a unique asset. Never trust anyone who doesn't care enough about money. You see, Mr Keegan fancies himself as a hero. Well, guess what? In classical literature, the hero dies. Hey, how's it going? Just have a seat. I'll be right with you. I need to talk to you. Outside, please. I can hear you fine in here. Nothing's easy. No! All right. Come here. - You got here fast. - Not much traffic. Let's hear it. Greely and Blanchard are victims of the same group. The guy in charge is named Morel. Greely found out about this in DC and came down here to blackmail him. Yeah, I know the rest. I told you to go home. I know, I've heard the speech. We should have taken him in. You know, that still doesn't change anything. You're welcome. So, why'd you follow me? I figured Morel had a few more cops in his pocket. He was setting me up the whole time. First they take out Greely, and then you and Louis. He was there to make sure my investigation went nowhere. (MOBILE PHONE RINGING) Yeah. KEEGAN: Hello, Jimbo. You sound like you're having a nice day. - Who's this? - You lost your partner last time we met. You and me, we've got a few things we need to work out. Hey, hold on a second. Someone wants to say hi. - Speak. - Jimmy. - They hurt you? - No, not yet. You got a good-looking girl. I got a few ideas what I'd like to do with her. Touch her and I'll kill you with a fucking rock! - Come here. - (GROANING) This is simple. We think you have something we want. A flash drive. Looks like I have something you want. Okay. (LISA WHIMPERING) Don't hurt her. Where you at? Where are you? KEEGAN: Market Street Power Plant. And don't come heavy. If I see a piece, your daughter is gonna go right off the roof. So what are we gonna do? I want to get her back. Give them what they want, then they die! You shouldn't be here. Oh, I think otherwise, Mr Keegan. But don't worry about me. Just worry about them. Check him. Make sure he's clean. He's here. He just rolled up. TOWNE: Jimmy Bobo's in the building. Okay, Bobo. Up the stairs, third floor. Hey! - Make a left. - Fucking cave bear. I'm gonna kill you. Gentlemen. No bickering, please. We're here to do business. I assume you brought what I want? Yeah. Where's my kid? And where is your friend, the police officer? Who gives a shit where he is? That's your problem. But you let me go and pay my fee, I'll hunt his ass down. Fact. Pay you a fee? I don't believe I understand. Understand what? It's 500 grand, he's history. And with that amount, you would sell your partner out? Like that? He ain't my partner. He's a fucking cop. Half a million seems a bit much, considering your circumstances. Your bargaining position is very weak. 250. Done. Where's my daughter? She's in the building, don't worry. She's currently unharmed. I wanna see Lisa. You got a problem with that? Are you guys fucking with me, or what? MOREL: No problem whatsoever. Bring her in. Wait a second. Hey. You don't have to do this. When I want your opinion, I'll buy you a brain. (GRUNTING) Hey, let go of her! Hey! Get your hands off of her! Let go of her! You hit her? How about that. I think she liked it. MOREL: Now, my friend. The flash drive, please. Thank you. Very good. We're back in business. You can let her go. I'm sorry, sweetheart. I'd like this thing with the police officer done quickly. Don't make me wait. Let's get out of here. LISA: Where's Taylor? He's all right. MOREL: Now, Detective Towne, I want you to make sure that Mr Bobo and his daughter are safely escorted out of the building. Yes, sir. You don't seem to be very happy, Mr Keegan. You're treating this Jimmy Bobo way too good. Maybe you forgot. Four of our operatives got killed by this guy last night. You care about them? Well, they're mercenaries like you. They take their chances. 250 is as much as you paid me. Well, Mr Bobo had leverage. You don't. I've got plenty of leverage. Mr Towne. All right. Look, you don't have an argument with me! This is my world! Son of a bitch! I'll kill you! How dare you? I always knew never to trust a man who doesn't care about money! TAYLOR: Drop your weapon. (GASPS) - Get in there. Get in! - What? Just get in there and stay down! Stay down and sit back. There he is! Take him out! - (GRUNTING) - (LISA SCREAMS) Bitch! Ready for another round? I said I was gonna kill you. Yeah. It's kind of fun, isn't it? Just you and me, two professionals. Only one gets away. Come on. Look at that. "Dedicated to the good men who battled the fire "that took so many lives in the year of our Lord, "1910." Morel was gonna burn this place down and build a fucking shopping centre or some bullshit. And all the poor bastards that saved this place, nobody's gonna remember who they were. Nobody's gonna even remember what they saved. Are we gonna fight, or you plan on boring me to death? Come here, Jimmy. What are we, fucking Vikings? Pick it up. There you go. Pick it up! I'm impressed. Ohh. Oh! Oh. Ouch. You okay? (LAUGHING) Fuck! (THUDDING) I had it under control. Yeah, bullshit. You were history. Call it even. Keegan went rogue upstairs and killed Morel and the rest of them. We still gotta sort out you and me, by the law. The law. You know, when it gets down to it, you're still just another chicken-shit cop. Let's sort you out. - (TAYLOR GRUNTS) - No! No! Come here. LISA: You son of a bitch! I know, I know. Listen up. Keegan shot the guys upstairs. Tell them I shot the rest. You tried to stop me, and I shot you, too. Make that your story. Yeah, you're welcome. Lisa, you coming, or you want to meet some more cops? I'm gonna stay with him. Right. I'll be in touch. Try not to move. JIMMY: I don't like cops. You can't trust them. Let me put it this way. You can only trust them to be what they really are. But this guy, Kwon, when he turned in his report, guess what? He didn't rat me out. When the news broke, the story was the bad guys got greedy, killed each other. So I knew I must have stayed clean. I don't know. I guess Kwon figured he owed me. Six weeks later, he sent me a message about maybe having a drink. I thought I smelled a cop. Guess who's late. I read about you in the paper. Looks like you're quite the hero. Glad everything's working out okay for you. Except for the two holes in my shoulder, two weeks in the hospital, and a month of rehab. I'll be sure to repay the favour some day. So that's what you came down here to tell me? Actually, I came down to tell you a couple things. All right, shoot. First, I decided to get a tattoo. Really? Yeah. Lisa came down to the hospital to visit me a lot. At the hospital? We got to know each other. Mmm. Actually, we got to really know each other. Really know each other. That's nice. You know, I gotta be going. Here's your fortune cookie. I'm not gonna come after you for anything you did in the past. But you break the law again and I hear about it, oh, you're going down. That'll be the day. Drinks on my buddy here. Oh, shit. That hurt? JIMMY: So that's the way it went down. Nothing much changed except some people got killed that nobody's ever gonna miss. And I ended up needing a new car, so I went out and bought myself a special ride. Why not? You don't live forever. The wolf pup has gone south. The North is ripe for the taking. You'll take a ship to raid the fishing villages on the Stony Shore - I'm to fight fishermen? - Be careful of their nets. - Lovely boy. - What do you want? You're called Arry? A boy could make a friend. This man has the honor to be Jaqen H'ghar. Every night it's the same. I'm running through the Godswood howling. These are dreams, nothing more. My dreams are different. Mine are true. I saw something take that child. Wildlings serve crueler Gods than you or I. Ready my horse. We leave at dawn. Did Cersei have you knighted before or after she took you into her bed? - Nothing to say? - Mercy! Mercy, My Lord! I want to know what Cersei is doing and you will tell me. Yes, My Lord, I will. Sweet boy! Help us! Round up any survivors. We'll take them back to Harrenhal. This one's a girl dressed as a boy. Get these prisoners to work. Bring the girl. I need a new cupbearer. I will give you this one night to reconsider. Otherwise I shall destroy you. Look to your sins, Lord Renly. The night is dark and full of terrors. I will vouch for her, her people and her dragons. Be it on your head. Welcome to Qarth, My Lady. Trust you've not forgotten your smuggler's tricks. - What am I bringing ashore? - The red woman. No one must know what you do and we'll not speak of this again. ♪ Game of Thrones 2x05 ♪ The Ghost of Harrenhal Original Air Date on April 29, 2012 == sync, corrected by elderman == ♪ - You swear it? - By the mother. My son has no interest in the Iron Throne. Then I see no reason for hostility between us. Your son can go on calling himself King in the North, the Starks will have dominion over all lands north of Moat Cailin, provided he swears me an oath of fealty. And the wording of this oath? The same Ned Stark swore to Robert 18 years ago. Cat, their friendship held the kingdoms together. And in return for my son's loyalty? In the morning I'll destroy my brother's army. When that's done, Baratheon and Stark will fight their common enemy together, as they have done many times before. Our two houses have always been close, which is why I am begging you to reconsider this battle. Negotiate a peace with your brother. Negotiate with Stannis? You heard him out there. I'd have better luck debating the wind. Please bring my terms to your son. I believe we are natural allies. I hope he feels the same. Together we could end this war in a fortnight. No! - No. - Follow me! - You'll die for this. - No, wait, it wasn't her! - You'll-. - No, wa- We've got to leave. They'll hang you for this. - Inside the King's tent, go! - Now! I won't leave him. You can't avenge him if you're dead. Over there, go! Not that way. We need to go home. - Loras. - My Lord, My Lady. Get out. Stannis will be here in an hour. When he arrives, Renly's bannermen will flock to him. Your former companions will fight for the privilege of selling you to their new king. And you want that privilege for yourself. You will note that I am standing here talking to you, - not Stannis. - There's no time for this. Ride back to Highgarden, sister. I'm not running from Stannis. Brienne of Tarth murdered Renly. I don't believe that. You don't believe that. Who gained the most from our king's death? Stannis. I will put a sword through his righteous face. You can't stay here. He would have been a true king, a good king. Tell me, Ser Loras, what do you desire most in this world? Revenge. I have always found that to be the purest of motivations, but you won't have a chance to put your sword through Stannis, not today. You'll be cut to pieces before he sets foot on solid ground. If it is justice that you want, be smart about it. You can't avenge him from the grave. Bring the horses. Please. He was very handsome. He was, Your Grace. "Your Grace." Calling yourself king doesn't make you one. And if Renly wasn't a king, I wasn't a queen. Do you want to be a queen? No. I want to be the queen. Killed? By whom? Accounts differ. Most seem to implicate Catelyn Stark in some way. Really? Who'd have thought? Some say it was one of his own Kingsguard, while still others say it was Stannis himself who did it after negotiations went sour. Whomever did it, I say well done. It's not what Varys says. He says Renly's army is flocking to support Stannis, which would give Stannis superiority over us on both land and sea. Littlefinger says we can outspend him three to one. And I say father raised you to have too much respect for money. Stannis Baratheon is coming for us, sooner rather than later. Aren't there other things you should be doing, like sealing my daughter in a crate so you can ship her away? She'll be safer in Dorne. Yes, I know how concerned you are for her safety. It so happens that I am. Myrcella is a sweet, innocent girl and I don't blame her at all for you. So clever. Aren't you always so clever with your schemes and your plots? Schemes and plots are the same thing. They are going to attack us. We need to be ready. No need to concern yourself over it. The King is taking personal charge of siege preparations. May I ask specifically what the King has in mind? You may specifically or you may ask vaguely. The answer will be the same. It's important that we talk about this. It's the King's royal prerogative to withhold sensitive information from his councilors. It's wildfire. Wildfire? You wouldn't lie to me, would you, cousin? - No. - That's a lie right there. It is not a lie. Why would I lie? Tell me, if the vile allegations against my brother and sister are true, do you think it will make Jaime more likely to kill you or less likely? When I tell him you're fucking her, I mean. I'm telling you the truth. The smart money would be on more likely. She's making wildfire. But then perhaps his own unnatural urges will give him sympathy for yours. The alchemists' guild is being commissioned. I suppose there's only one way to find out. They have thousands of pots already stored in their vaults. They are planning to launch them from the city walls into Stannis's ships and armies. Please. When did she tell you this? I heard her talking with the Pyromancer. And the other night after I left her, she went to meet him. - I swear to you. - Swear to me on what? - On my life. - But I don't care about your life. In the Light of the Seven, by all that is holy and right, I, Lancel Lannister, do solemnly vow-- All right, all right. Enough. Even torturing you is boring. Just get out. Oh, Lancel, tell my friend Bronn to please kill you if anything should happen to me. Please kill me if anything should happen to Lord Tyrion. It will be my pleasure. - Your Grace. - What is it? Your Grace. I'm sorry about your brother, Your Grace. I wanted to let you know that people grieve for him. Your Grace. - Fools love a fool. - Your Grace. I grieve for him as well-- for the boy he was, not the man he grew to be. I need to speak to you about what I saw in that cave. I thought I made it clear to you there'd be no need to speak to me on this matter. Your Grace, I-- I've never known you to need to hear a thing twice. And I've never known you to hide from the truth. You've come to lecture me on truth? I've come to tell you that what I saw-- All my brother's bannermen have come to my side. Except the Tyrells, who fled like cowards. They won't be able to resist us now. Soon I shall be sitting on the Iron Throne. Nothing is worth what this will cost you, - not even the Iron-- - I'll hear no more about it. Take a company of men, secure the perimeter. When do we sail for King's Landing? As soon as I've consolidated my troops. We'll make short work of the Lannisters' fleet. Once Blackwater Bay is cleared, we'll deliver our troops to their doorstep and take the city. And will you bring Lady Melisandre with you? That's not your concern. If you take King's Landing with her by your side, the victory will be hers. I never thought I'd have reason to doubt your loyalty. Was I wrong? Loyal service means telling hard truths. Oh, truth again. All right, what's the truth? The hard truth? She's a foreigner preaching her foreign religion. Some believe she whispers orders in your ear and you obey. What do you believe? You won those bannermen from Renly. Don't lose them to her. We set out for King's Landing without Lady Melisandre. And you lead the fleet into Blackwater Bay. Your Grace, I'm honored, but my time on the sea was spent evading ships, not attacking them. The other lords won't be happy. Most of those lords should consider themselves lucky I don't hang them for treason. Hard truths cut both ways, Ser Davos. I've got it! I've got it! So it's that one there at the top, on the right. Buy my fruit, My Lord. Fresh fruit. Stannis has more infantry, more ships, more horses. What do we have? There's that mind of yours you keep going on about. Well, I've never actually been able to kill people with it. Good thing. I'd be out of a job. What about your father? He hasn't sent a raven in weeks. He's very busy. Being repeatedly humiliated by Robb Stark is time-consuming. We won't be able to hold the city against Stannis, not the way Joffrey's planning on holding it. Corruption, yes. We are swollen, bloated, foul. Brother fornicates with sister in the bed of Kings and we're surprised when the fruit of their incest is rotten? Yes, a rotten king. It's hard to argue with his assessment. Not after what he did to your birthday present. The King is a lost cause. It's the rest of us I'm worried about now. A dancing king, prancing down his bloodstained halls to the tune of a twisted demon monkey. You have to admire his imagination. - He's talking about you. - What? Demon monkey? People think you're pulling the King's strings. They blame you for the city's ills. Blame me? I'm trying to save them. You don't need to convince me. Demon monkey. ( Seagulls screeching Yeah, come on. You're the crew of the sea bitch? I'm your commander. Welcome. Stop. Stop! Your Captain commands you to stop. Where are we heading, Captain? The Stony Shore to raid their villages. There'll be spoils in it for you, and women, if you do your jobs well. And who decides if we've done our jobs well? I do. Your Captain. I have been reaving and raping since before you left Balon's balls, Captain. Don't reckon I've got much use for your ideas on how to do it. Don't reckon I've got much use for a captain at all. I'm thinking I can do the job of captain real well myself. All I need is a ship. You wouldn't know where I could find myself a ship now, would you? You could do that, take the ship, head out on your own. And I will hunt you down, drag you back here in chains, and hang you for a traitor. Stop. We yield. Congratulations on your first command. Thank you. Kind of you to come see me off. Oh, I'm not here for you. I was just on my way to Red Harbor. I've got 30 ships. There's nowhere to put them here. - Too narrow. - You'd better get out there. Wouldn't want them to set sail without you. That would never happen. My crew would wait on deck for a year if I asked them to. This lot, though... Enjoy the Stony Shore. Come on, I'll take you out. Who are you? Dagmer, your first mate. Why aren't you with the rest of them? Or did they send you to row me out and dump me halfway in the sea? That would be good for a laugh. They're not gonna respect you until you prove yourself. And how am I supposed to prove myself by pillaging piss-poor fishing villages? You're not. And yet that's the task my father has given me to prove that I'm a true Iron Islander. They're all Iron Islanders. Do they do as they're told or do they do as they like? The Stony Shore's not far from Torrhen's Square. The seat of the House of Tallhart-- a more impressive prize than a few fishermen's daughters. What, you don't think we could take it? No, we could. We could never hold it for more than a few days. As soon as Winterfell got word that we'd taken Torrhen's Square, the Starks would send their men to take it back. And then-- take me to my ship. The Starks have overextended their lines. Now that summer's over, they'll have a hard time keeping their men and horses fed. The Starks understand winter better than we ever will. The cold won't beat them. Our spies report growing discontent among the northern lords. They want to return home and gather the harvest before the crops turn. And I'm sure if those same spies snuck into our own encampments, they would report growing discontent amongst the southern lords. This is war; No one's content. We've underestimated the Stark boy for too long. He has a good mind for warfare, his men worship him. And as long as he keeps winning battles, they'll keep believing he is King in the North. You've been waiting for him to fail. He is not going to fail, not without our help. So how do we stop him? We've worked through the night, My Lord. Perhaps we'd profit from some sleep. As I think you would, Reginald. And because you're my cousin, I might even let you wake from that sleep. Go, I'm sure your wife must miss you. My wife's in Lannisport. Well, then you'd better start riding. Go before I change my mind and send her your head. If your name wasn't Lannister, you'd be scrubbing out pots in the cook's tent. Not wine, water. We'll be here for some time. Girl. Where are you from? Maidenpool, My Lord. And who are the Lords of Maidenpool? - Remind me. - House Mooton, My Lord. And what is their Sigil? A red salmon. I think a Maidenpool girl would remember that. You're a northerner, aren't you? Good. One more time, where are you from? Barrowton, My Lord. House Dustin. Two crossed longaxes beneath a black crown. And what do they say of Robb Stark in the North? They call him the young wolf. And? They say he rides into battle on the back of a giant Direwolf. They say he can turn into a wolf himself when he wants. They say he can't be killed. And do you believe them? No, My Lord. Anyone can be killed. Fetch that water. A girl says nothing. A girl keeps her mouth closed. No one hears, and friends may talk in secret, yes? A boy becomes a girl. I was always a girl. And I was always aware. But the girl keeps secrets. It is not for a man to spoil them. You're one of them now. I should have let you burn. And you fetch water for one of them now. Why is this right for you and wrong for me? I didn't have a choice. You did. I did. And here we are. A man pays his debts. A man owes three. Three what? The Red God takes what is his, lovely girl. And only death may pay for life. You saved me and the two I was with. You stole three deaths from the Red God. We have to give them back. Speak three names and the man will do the rest. Three lives I will give you-- no more, no less, and we're done. I can name anyone and you'll kill him? A man has said. The one who tortures everyone. A man needs a name. I don't know his name. They call him the Tickler. That is enough. Go now, girl. Your master is thirsty. He's not here yet. He'd have seen us, blown the horn. When will he come? The Halfhand does things in his own time. My uncle told me stories about him. Most of them are true. I heard the Halfhand spent half of last winter beyond the wall. The whole winter. He was north of the Skirling Pass when the snows came. Had to wait for the thaw. So it is possible for someone to survive out here on their own. Well, possible for the Halfhand. Beautiful, isn't it? Gilly would love it here. There's nothing more sickening than a man in love. About time you did something. At least you'll keep warm. The fist of the First Men. Think of how old this place is-- before the Targaryens defeated the Hendals, before the Andals took Westeros from the First Men. Before I die, please, stop talking. Thousands and thousands of years ago, the First Men stood here where we're standing all through the long night. What do you think they were like, the First Men? Stupid. Smart people don't find themselves in places like this. I think they were afraid. I think they came here to get away from something. And I don't think it worked. Wildlings? One blast is for rangers returning. Wildlings is two blasts. So you got to stand there waiting, wondering. One blast for friends, two for foes. And three for White Walkers. It's been 1,000 years, but that's the only time they blow the horn three times. But if it's been 1,000 years, how do you know? - Well... - I read it in a book. Look. It's Qhorin Halfhand. Aye, we'll live another day. Hurrah. Take care, My Lord. I remember reading an old sailor's proverb-- "piss on wildfire and your cock burns off." Oh, I have not conducted this experiment. It could well be true. The substance burns so hot, it melts wood, stone, even steel, and, of course, flesh. The substance burns so hot, it melts flesh like tallow. After the dragons died, wildfire was the key to the Targaryen power. My companion takes issue. If I could tell you how many crazy old men I've seen pushing carts around army camps making grand claims about jars full of pig shit... - No offense meant. - Our order does not deal in pig shit. The substance is fire given form. And we have been perfecting it since the days of Maegor. To do what? The jars are put in catapults and flung at the enemy. How much do you have? If you could get real soldiers to man the catapults, then maybe you'd hit your target one time in 10, but all the real soldiers are in the Riverlands with your father. My Lord, this man is insulting. I don't know if you've ever seen a battle, old man, but things can get a bit messy. 'Cause when we're flinging things at Stannis, he's flinging them right back at us. Men die, men shit themselves, men run, which means pots falling, which means fire inside the walls, which means the poor cunts trying to defend the city end up burning it down. My friend remains unconvinced. He would not dare insult my order whilst Aerys Targaryen lived. Well, he's not living anymore. And all his pots of wildfire didn't help him, did they? Men win wars, not magic tricks. We have been working tirelessly day and night ever since your royal sister commanded us to do so. Our present count stands at 7,811, enough to burn Stannis Baratheon's fleet and armies both. This is a shit idea. I'm afraid I have to concur with my advisor, wisdom Hallyne. The contents of this room could lay King's Landing low. You won't be making wildfire for my sister any longer. You'll be making it for me. Dracarys. Dracarys. He'll be able to feed himself from now on. Let him sleep, Doreah. Yes, Khaleesi. He loves you. Thank you, my friend. Did you see the dress Xaro had made for you? They say he's the wealthiest man in Qarth. It is known. And if Qarth is the wealthiest city in Essos-- The last time a rich man gave me a dress, he was selling me to Khal Drogo. Xaro is our host, but we know nothing about him. Men like to talk about other men when they're happy. You would look like a real princess in Xaro's-- She's not a princess. She's a Khaleesi. You should wear it, Khaleesi. You are their guest. It would be rude not to. And you must visit the night market. The Qartheen night market is like no night market you've ever seen. It sounds wonderful. The Meereens think they have a night market. I will take you there myself. Please excuse me for a moment. What are they doing? Malakko says the statue is too heavy to carry. Kovarro says that Malakko is an idiot. They can pry out the gems, the rest is pure gold. Very soft. He can chop off as much as we can carry. My brother used to say the only thing the Dothraki knew how to do was steal things better men have built. It's not the only thing. They're quite good at killing the better men. That's not the kind of queen I'm going to be. Mother of Dragons. On behalf of the warlocks of Qarth, I welcome you. A demonstration? Take this gem. Look at it. Into its depths. So many facets. Look closely enough and you can see yourself in them. Often more than once. Should you grow tired of Xaro's baubles and trinkets, it would be an honor to host you at the House of the Undying. You're always welcome, Mother of Dragons. My apologies. Pyat Pree is one of the Thirteen. It was customary for me to extend him an invitation. Customs die slow deaths in Qarth. What is the House of the Undying? It is where the warlocks go to squint at dusty books and drink shade of the evening. It turns their lips blue and their minds soft-- so soft, they actually believe their parlor tricks are magic. You watch over her. Do I know you? I know you. Jorah Mormont of Bear Island. Who are you? I'm no one. But she is the Mother of Dragons. She needs true protectors now more than ever. They shall come day and night to see the wonder born into the world again. And when they see, they shall lust, for dragons are fire made flesh. And fire is power. It looked like Stannis. To me it just looked like... A shadow in the shape of a man. In the shape of Stannis. We should reach my son's camp tomorrow. Will you stay there long, My Lady? Only long enough to tell Robb what I have seen. After that, I will leave for Winterfell. My two youngest need me. I've been away from them for far too long. I never knew my mother. I'm sorry. My own mother died on the birthing bed when I was very young. It's a bloody business. What comes after is even harder. Once you're safely back amongst your own people, will you give me leave to go, My Lady? You mean to kill Stannis. I swore a vow. But Stannis has a great army around him. His own guards are sworn to keep him safe. I'm as good as any of them. I should never have fled. Renly's death was no fault of yours. You served him bravely. I only held him that once as he was dying. He's gone, Brienne. You serve nothing and no one by following him into the earth. Renly's enemies are Robb's enemies as well. I do not know your son, My Lady... but I could serve you if you would have me. You have courage. Not battle courage, perhaps, but, I don't know, a woman's kind of courage. And I think that when the time comes, you will not hold me back. Promise me that you will not hold me back from Stannis. When the time comes, I will not hold you back. Then I am yours, My Lady. I will shield your back and give my life for yours if it comes to that. I swear it by the Old Gods and the new. I vow that you shall always have a place in my home and at my table and that I shall ask no service of you that might bring you dishonor. I swear it by the Old Gods and the new. And it's not just thieves, My Lord. There's wolves in them hills now, more than I've ever seen. They come down in the night and they kill my sheep. My three sons is away fighting for your brother, My Lord. They'll fight, keep fighting till they're told to go home. I have no one to man my flock now. Only me. I can't keep watch all day and all night. We can send two orphan boys from Winterstown home with you to help watch over your flock if you can give them room and board. My wife always prayed for more children. We'll look after them. Thank you, My Lord. And may the Gods bless you and yours. Stop it. If that's everyone, I'm going to go for a ride before dark. - Good. - Hodor. - Hodor. Bran- - Lord Stark. Torrhen's Square is under siege. Torrhen's Square is barely 40 leagues from here. How can the Lannisters strike so far north? Might be a raiding party led by the Mountain. Might be Sellswords paid by Tywin Lannister. We have to help them. Most of the fighting men are away with Robb, but I can gather 200 decent men. Do you need so many? If we can't protect our own bannermen, why should they protect us? Go, Ser Rodrik. Take the men you need. Won't take long, My Lord. Southerners don't do well up here. So, what does it mean? Ask your Maester Luwin. He's the one studying books all the time. I did ask him. He'd never heard of a three-eyed raven. - Must not mean anything, then - You're lying. You might be a little lord, but don't you call me a liar. - You know what it means. - I never said I didn't. You didn't give me an honest answer. That's not the same as being a liar. Well, it's not far off. So, you've been dreaming of a three-eyed raven again? In the Godswood, you told me you didn't dream. Now who's a liar? What did you see in your dream? Something bad? Tell me, boy. I dreamt that the sea came to Winterfell. I saw waves crashing against the gates and the water came flowing over the walls... flooded the castle. Drowned men were floating here in the yard. Ser Rodrik was one of them. The sea is hundreds of miles away. I know. It's just a stupid dream. I've got to get these potatoes to the kitchen. Otherwise they'll put me in chains again. Osha. The three-eyed raven, what do they say about it north of the wall? They say all sorts of crazy things north of the wall. - There. - Where? On that Mountain. I don't see very well. A fire. There's a fire. The people sitting around it have better eyes than yours or mine. When they see us coming, that fire becomes a signal. Gives Mance Rayder plenty of time. to throw a party in our honor. How many wildlings have joined him? From what we can tell, all of them. Mance has gathered them all like deer against the wolves. They're almost ready to make their move. Where? Somewhere safe. Somewhere south. Can't just march into their midst. And we can't wait for them here with nothing but a pile of stones to protect us. You saying we should fall back to the Wall? Mance was one of us once. Now he's one of them. He's gonna teach them our way of doing things. They'll hit us in force. And they won't run away when we hit back. They're gonna be more organized than before, more disciplined more like us. So we need to be more like them, do things their way. Sneak in, kill Mance, and scatter them to the winds before they can march on the Wall. And to do that... We need to get rid of those lookouts. It's not a job for 400 men. I need to move fast and silent. Harker, Stonesnake, Borba. Lord Commander, I'd like to join Lord Qhorin. I've been called lots of things, but that might be my first Lord Qhorin. You're a steward, Snow, not a ranger. I've fought and killed a Wight. How many rangers can say that? He's the one? Aye. You killed a Wight. You also let an old man beat you bloody and take your sword. Craster? In the boy's defense, that's a tough old goat. I could take up Jon's duties while he's gone, My Lord. It would be no trouble. Well, I hope you make a better ranger than you do a steward. Go on. So, tell me, how long has your manservant been in love with you? He's not my manservant and he's not in love with me. He's my advisor, my friend. Unlikely. I can almost always tell what a man wants. And what about what a woman wants? Much more complicated. You, for example, what do you want? To cross the Narrow Sea and take back the Iron Throne. Why? Because I promised my Khalasar I'd protect them and find them a safe home. You want to conquer the Seven Kingdoms? I want them because they're mine by right. The Iron Throne is mine and I will take it. Ah, a conqueror. And how did you get all of this? - Did someone give it to you? - No. I come from nothing. I hit the docks like a piece of cargo, except someone normally cares what happens to cargo. So you wanted more than you had and you took it. You're a conqueror, too. you're just less ambitious. Mmm. What do you want, Xaro Zhoan Daxos? At the gates of the city, you bled for me. Why? I will show you why. The door and the vault is made of Valyrian stone. The hardest steel does not make a mark. I offered the greatest locksmiths in Qarth their weight in gold if they could break into it. I made the same offer to the greatest thieves. They all went home empty-handed. The only thing that can open this door is this key. And behind the door? And it can all be mine? All? Let us say half. More than enough to buy horses, ships, armies-- enough to go home. All I have to do? Is marry me. That was a romantic proposal. I've already married once for love, but the Gods stole her from me. I come from nothing. My mother and father never owned a pair of shoes. But marry me and I will give you the Seven Kingdoms and our children will be Princes and Princesses. See? I have more ambition than you thought. The time is right, Daenerys Targaryen, first of your name. Robert Baratheon is dead. If you cross the sea with an army you bought-- The Seven Kingdoms are at war with one another. Four false kings destroying the country. To win Westeros, you need support from Westeros. The usurper is dead. The Starks fight the Lannisters, and Baratheons fight each other. According to your new friend who earned your trust by cutting his hand? The time to strike is now. We need to find ships and an army or we'll spend the rest of our lives rotting away at the edge of the world. Rich men do not become rich by giving more than they get. They'll give you ships and soldiers and they'll own you forever. Moving carefully is the hard way, but it's the right way. And if I'd listened to that advice outside the gates of Qarth, we'd all be dead by now. I know the opportunity before you seems like the last you'll ever have, but you must-- Do not speak to me like I'm a child. - I only want-- - What do you want? Tell me. To see you on the Iron Throne. - Why? - You have a good claim. A title. A birthright. But you have something more than that. You may cover it up and deny it, but you have a gentle heart. You would not only be respected and feared, you would be loved. Someone who can rule and should rule. Centuries come and go without a person like that coming into the world. There are times when I look at you and still can't believe you're real. So what would you have me do as my advisor? Make your own way. Find your own ship. You only need one. The allies we need are in Westeros, not Qarth. And how do I get the ship? I'll find it for you. A sound ship with a good captain. I look forward to meeting him. Khaleesi. You should stand sideface. Sideface? Sideways. - Why? - Smaller target. Am I fighting someone? You're practicing for a fight. You should practice right. Guards! - Help. - Did you see anything? Go up there. Go and see where he fell from. Go up the back. That is strange. Move away. Stand back. He's dead. == sync, corrected by elderman == Sub Provided By Worldwide7477 - ( machinery humming ) - ( water spraying ) ( instrumental music playing ) ( man singing in Italian ) ( doors clang ) ( wheezing ) ( choking ) - ( zips ) - ( choking continues ) ( clicks ) ( clicking ) ( muffled screaming ) - ( changes station ) - ♪ Look, my fans have nine-to-fives... ♪ - ( engine revving ) - ♪ Your fans are nine and five ♪ ♪ My fans miss real hip-hop from '95 ♪ - ♪ My fans like music they feel inside... ♪ - ( phone ringing ) ♪ Your fans don't feel, they conceal and hide ♪ ♪ My fans hear truth that's revealed inside ♪ - ♪ Your fans head-nod to appealing lies... ♪ - ( beeps ) ♪ Enough comparisons, ain't no comparing 'em, my fans are parents... ♪ - WHOA! - ( tires screeching ) SHIT! - ( crashes ) - ( music slows, stops ) ( hissing ) OH, YOU FUCKING BASTARDS. ( groans ) FUCKING HELL. OH FUCK. ( groans ) OOH. OH. ( laughs ) SMILE. WRITE-OFF. ( rings ) YOU'RE DAMN FUCKING RIGHT HE WON'T DO IT AGAIN. ( weapons firing in game ) ALL RIGHT? ENJOYING THAT? - FUCKING HELL. - YOU MESS WITH MY STUFF AND I'LL MESS WITH YOURS. - Woman: PETER, HE'S MY S-- - I ASK YOU TO JOIN THIS CONVERSATION? - GET UP. UP. - ( clinks ) - PETER. - YOU ASKED ME TO DEAL WITH IT, - SO I'M DEALING WITH IT. COME ON, YOU. - MOM. ( mockingly ) "MOM, MOM." MOVE. GET IN. DO YOU KNOW WHAT GOES ON IN HERE? - ( club clatters ) - DARTS? BUSINESS. YOU AND ME, WE'RE GONNA TALK BUSINESS. ( darts clatter ) VERY GOOD FOR MENTAL ARITHMETIC IS DARTS. COME HERE. - HOW'S YOUR MATHS, SON? - I AIN'T YOUR SON, PETER. NO, BUT YOU ARE MY PROBLEM. ( breathes deeply ) GO. ( thudding ) MERCEDES BENZ C CLASS, £61,000, MINUS ONE XBOX, £150, EQUALS? - I DON'T FUCKING KNOW. - EQUALS? SHIT ME! UH UH, 20 THOUSA-- 60-- 60,850. CALL IT 60. MINIMUM WAGE, 18 TO 21 YEARS OLDS IS? FUCKING £10 AN HOUR. ( laughs ) YOU WISH. £4.98. WE'LL CALL IT FOUR. FOUR YEARS AT MINIMUM WAGE, EIGHT HOURS A DAY. THAT'S HOW LONG IT'S GONNA TAKE YOU - TO PAY ME FUCKING BACK. - ( thudding ) I WOULDN'T GET FOUR YEARS IF THEY NICKED ME FOR IT, YOU KNOW. LIKE I SAID, YOU'RE MY PROBLEM, NOT THEIRS. YEAH, THAT'S ONLY 'CAUSE YOU DON'T WANT THE FEDS SNIFFING AROUND YOUR BUSINESS, INNIT? INNIT? NOW WHAT WOULD YOU KNOW ABOUT MY BUSINESS? HMM? HMM? ( phone ringing ) - ( beeps ) - YEAH? OTHER PHONE. OTHER PHONE. ( beeps ) - ( rings, beeps ) - YEAH? DO YOU KNOW WHO'S DOING THIS? ALL RIGHT, CALM DOWN. I SAID CALM DOWN. YEAH, GO ON. FUCK OFF, YOU, YOU FUCKING BULLY. ( door closes ) ( Peter speaking softly ) ( mockingly ) DO YOU KNOW WHAT GOES ON IN HERE, SON? - ( clatters ) - FUCKING BUSINESS. WHAT A TIT-HEAD. - ( whirrs ) - OH FUCKING HELL. - ( exasperated sigh ) - ( keyboard clicking ) OH, YOU DIRTY BASTARD. - ( thudding ) - OH MY FUCKING GOD. - ( door closes ) - SHIT. COME ON. COME ON, YOU FUCKING THING. ( thudding ) - YOU STILL HERE? - YEAH. YOU DIDN'T SAY IF WE'RE FINISHED OR NOT. SHOULD PROBABLY START PAYING YOU BACK TODAY-- FOUR YEARS AND THAT. SO I COULD MOW THE LAWN FOR YOU IF YOU WANT. - GARDNER'S BEEN. - OH YEAH. AND DON'T SAY YOU'LL WASH THE FUCKING CAR. DON'T WORRY. I'LL FIND SOMETHING FOR YOU TO DO. ( sighs ) GO. ( door opens, closes ) ( metal clatters ) ( boy mutters ) IT'S A SHIT JOB, ISN'T IT? I'VE GOT SOMETHING BETTER FOR YOU TOMORROW. OH, DON'T FUCKING TELL ME-- THE SEPTIC TANK? COME HERE. ( sniffles ) I'VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT THE CONVERSATION WE HAD EARLIER. I THINK YOU'RE RIGHT. I THINK YOU SHOULD TAKE MORE RESPONSIBILITY. A GUY I KNOW NEEDS A DRIVER. OKAY. - COOL. - INTEREST YOU? MMM. WHY, WHAT'S HE DRIVE? DIFFERENT JOBS, DIFFERENT CARS. HIS NAME'S ROY. YOU'LL MEET HIM TOMORROW MORNING AT 6:00. - 6:00? - THERE'S ALWAYS THE SEPTIC TANK. OKAY, RIGHT. YUP. I'LL BE THERE. GOOD. NOW LISTEN, UH... LET'S KEEP THIS TO OURSELVES, EH? JUST YOU AND ME. I'LL SORT OUT YOUR MOM. DON'T WORRY. - LUNCH MONEY. - ( rustles ) AND, ADAM... DON'T FUCK THIS UP. ( exhales sharply ) ( mutters ) FUCKING H... ( dog barks ) ( clocks ticking ) ( groaning ) ( kisses ) ( rhythmic thudding ) ( sighs ) ( Peter breathing heavily ) ( thudding stops ) ( loud thudding resumes ) ( whispers ) FUCKING HELL. ( clocks ringing ) Man on radio: Dominating the headlines this morning the story of another victim in what the press have dubbed "The Handyman Murders." - just north of Newcastle late last night... - ( plastic rustles ) ANYTHING ELSE? ( register beeping ) ( ticking ) 9.38 PLEASE. ( car approaches ) ( engine stops ) ( plastic rustles ) ( sighs ) ( taps ) ROY, YEAH? THAT'S THE LAST TIME I WANNA HEAR YOU SAY MY NAME. OKAY. WHAT DO I CALL YOU INSTEAD THEN? RAY? NOPE. WHAT'S WRONG WITH RAY? IT'S NOT YOUR NAME. AH. RAY, ROY-- IT'S TOO SIMILAR. TOO EASY. SO HOW DO I ATTRACT YOUR ATTENTION? WELL, IT'S JUST ME AND YOU IN THE CAR. I'LL ASSUME YOU'RE TALKING TO ME. OKAY, SO WE GO TO THE SERVICES FOR A BITE TO EAT I SEE A TRUCK NEARLY RUN YOU OVER. WHAT DO I CALL YOU THEN? JUST SHOUT, "OI." YOU WANT ME TO CALL YOU "OI"? - NO, OKAY, YEAH. - ( papers rustling ) ROY, OI. FAIR ENOUGH. KEYS? OH-HO. RIGHT, I'M ONTO IT. ( mutters ) COME ON, YOU FUCKING... ( engine sputtering ) YOU SHOULD'VE LET ME PICK YOU ONE, MAN. COULD'VE GOT YOU SOMETHING MUCH COOLER THAN THIS THING. - ( engine starts ) - THERE WE GO. ( engine revving ) SO WHERE WE OFF TO? A14, A1. OKAY, I'LL JUST NEED A POSTCODE. LET'S GET THE SAT-NAV. A14 WEST, A1 NORTH. I'LL LET YOU KNOW WHEN WE GET THERE. - ( clicks ) - ( groans ) ( birds chirping ) DO YOU MIND IF I STICK THE RADIO ON, MATE? - WHERE IS IT? - ( clicks, tunes ) Man on radio: Police in Northumberland have released information regarding the discovery of a body on the A1. - OH, THE A1. BOOM. - They believe the victim is linked to a string of murders that have been happening... - UH, TESTING. - WHICH MEANS? WHICH MEANS WE'LL HAVE TO START TALKING LIKE THIS, PET! ( laughing ) WHICH MEANS COPS. OH YEAH, 'CAUSE OF THAT, UM... HANDYMAN FELLA. IT'S ALL OVER THE NEWS, ISN'T IT? ( briefcase clicks ) WHAT'S THAT YOU'RE READING THEN? OOH, A SPEECH. IS THAT WHAT YOU DO THEN, IS IT? MAKE SPEECHES? I FIT KITCHENS. YOU'RE MAKING A SPEECH ABOUT FITTING KITCHENS? IT'S A LONG JOURNEY, MAN. I'M JUST TRYING TO MAKE CONVERSATION. ( unzips ) - ( men singing in Spanish ) - ( Latin music playing ) ( strikes ) ( breathes deeply ) ( clicking ) ( hip-hop music overlapping ) ♪ Braggin' five, did he mention that he borrowed 10? ♪ ♪ Plus his whip is due back in at 9:00 a.m. ♪ ♪ And his chain and his girl's got a time on them ♪ ♪ Shine divided, aligned with the mirrors ♪ ♪ Multiplied was the light and the prism did the blinding ♪ ♪ Illusion was bright but his mind's not a diamond ♪ ♪ But mine is, I sight him, I couldn't wrong or right him ♪ ♪ I lie with the lions and he's sky-high and signed ♪ ♪ Defining a genre that's changing with time ♪ ♪ Declining a culture, its roots undermined ♪ ♪ I'd rather insult them than move with the tides ♪ - ♪ I'm rude with the mic... ♪ - OI! - ( Latin music playing ) - I CAN DRIVE WITH THEM IN. - TURN IT OFF. - IT'S ONLY MUSIC. - WIND YOUR WINDOW DOWN. - WHAT? WIND YOUR WINDOW DOWN! ( whirrs ) YOU GOT THAT SWITCHED ON, THEY KNOW EXACTLY WHERE YOU ARE. - IT WAS A BIRTHDAY PRESENT. - WELL, IT'S YOU OR THE PHONE. IT'S YOUR CHOICE. OKAY. CAN I KEEP THE HEADPHONES? ( clatters ) ( whirring ) 500 FUCKING QUID. STOP HERE. - ( engine stops ) - ( parking brake clicks ) ( sheep bleating ) - DO YOU NEED ANY BACKUP? - NOT TO EAT MY LUNCH. - YOU WANT SOME? - NAH. OH, GO ON THEN. OH MAN. - IT'S MOLDY! - IT'S CHEESE. I DON'T THINK I'LL BE OUT HERE AGAIN. WELL, YOU NEVER KNOW WITH YOUR JOB. NO, I'M DONE. RETIRING? MY DAUGHTER'S GETTING MARRIED. YOU KNOW HOW MUCH A WEDDING COSTS THESE DAYS? I THOUGHT WE MIGHT BE ON TO SOMETHING. - OH YEAH? - YEAH. I ALWAYS WANTED TO FIT KITCHENS. ( laughs ) WELL, IT ALL COMES DOWN TO THE SAME THING. DETAILS. THERE'S YOUR D.N.A. I KNEW A GUY ONCE, HE GOT HIRED ON FOR A JOB. IT SHOULD'VE BEEN A SIMPLE JOB, BUT AT A TENSE MOMENT, HE LICKED HIS LIPS. - THAT'S ALL IT TOOK. - ( gunshot ) THEY GOT HIS D.N.A. FROM SALIVA ON HIS SKI MASK. WITH THAT, THEY COULD PUT HIM AT THE JOB. AND IF THEY COULD PUT HIM AT THE JOB, THEN THEY COULD PUT OTHER PEOPLE AT THE JOB. - SO THAT WAS THAT. - WHAT, THEY DID HIM IN? Roy: WHAT I'M SAYING IS FOR A GUY TO GET ALONG IN THIS WORLD, HE HAS TO BE VERY VERY CAREFUL. - SAME GOES WITH YOUR DAD. - NO, HE'S NOT MY DAD. WHAT DO YOU CALL HIM THEN? THE GUY THAT SCREWS YOUR MOM? ( door closes ) ( gas hissing ) ( whimpers ) - ( sizzles ) - ( breathing heavily ) FUCK. AH! - ( engine stops ) - ( parking brake clicks ) ( clicks ) ( clicks ) ( clangs ) ( door opens ) ARE YOU GONNA TELL ME WHAT WE'RE UP TO? - RIGHT, YOU CAN STAY HERE. - OH MAN. YOU KEEP AN EYE OUT. ALL RIGHT? IF SOMEONE COMES ALONG, PRETEND YOU'RE WALKING YOUR DOG. - ALL RIGHT? SHOUT "ROVER." - ROVER? YEAH. WHAT? IT'S JUST NOT VERY BELIEVABLE, GUY LIKE ME WITH A DOG CALLED ROVER. ALL RIGHT, YOU CHOOSE A NAME. PSYCHO. PSYCHO. YEAH, MATE OF MINE IN SINFIN CALLS HIS STAFF THAT. IT'S A DETAIL. RIGHT. - RIGHT. YOU JUST KEEP A LOOKOUT. SHIT! - ( door opens ) YOU AIN'T GONNA DO MUCH DAMAGE WITH THAT, ARE YA? ( crying ) - ( footsteps ) - ( branch snaps ) ( gunshot ) MR. EGLITIS? I APPRECIATE THAT YOU'RE SCARED. - Eglitis: DO NOT COME IN! - RIGHT. I'M GONNA PUT SOMETHING THROUGH THE DOOR. - I'M NEWCASTLE POLICE. - IT'S NOT ME YOU WANT! Roy: WE KNOW YOUR LIFE'S BEEN THREATENED. WE THINK YOU MIGHT BE #4, DANIL. CAN I CALL YOU DANIL? THAT'S WHY I'M HERE. WE WANT TO TAKE YOU INTO PROTECTIVE CUSTODY. WHY DON'T YOU COME OUT AND TALK TO ME? ( footsteps ) ( branch snaps ) YOU ALL RIGHT? ARE WE GOOD? CAN I STAND UP NOW? NOW THE CAR IS PARKED UP THERE ON THE TRACK. DO WANNA WALK WITH ME, OR DO YOU WANNA WAIT HERE AND I'LL GO FETCH IT? I'LL WALK. ( faint rustling ) - PSYCHO! - YOU'RE NOT COP. - PSYCHO! - ( grunts, thuds ) OH! - HOW MANY? - ( stammers ) EH? - HOW MANY WERE THERE? - UH... - YOU DID SEE SOMEONE, RIGHT? - I THOUGHT SO. GET THE CAR. - ARE YOU GONNA DO HIM IN? - GET THE FUCKING CAR! - ( engine stops ) - ( parking brake clicks ) HEY, SORRY ABOUT THE FALSE ALARM. IT'S ALL RIGHT. IT'S PROBABLY BETTER TO BE A LITTLE BIT FURTHER OFF THE TRACK. ( clanging ) ( unzips ) GIVE US A GO? "GIVE US A GO"? YEAH, WHEN YA... CAN I... COULD BE THE ONLY CHANCE I EVER GET. - HERE. - WHAT ABOUT THE GUN? - HE DOESN'T USE ONE. - HE DOES. DID. NO. NO, NOT HIM. YOU CUT IT OFF, RIGHT? YOU CUT IT OFF RIGHT HERE. - YOU? - ME WHAT? - YOU'RE THE HANDYMAN? - WHAT? NO! NO NO NO NO NO. NO NO, HE'S SUPPOSED TO LOOK LIKE JUST ANOTHER VICTIM, YOU KNOW, SO IT DOESN'T GET TRACED BACK TO ME. ( breathes deeply ) SO JUST HERE. ALL RIGHT? ON YOU GO. ( sniffles ) SEE ON HIS HAND? LOOK, IT SAYS "MATE." Roy: NO, IT DOESN'T SAY "MATE." IT SAYS "MOM" AND "DAD" IN LATVIAN. - LATVIAN? - THAT'S WHAT THEY SPEAK IN LATVIA. ARE YOU GONNA DO THIS OR WHAT? ( breathing heavily ) TRY NOT TO LOOK IN HIS EYES, SO YOU DON'T IDENTIFY WITH HIM. WELL, IT'S A BIT ODD NOT TO. WELL... ( sighs ) THINK... OF SOMETHING THAT YOU HATE. - ( grunting ) - SOMETHING THAT YOU HATE SO MUCH THAT YOU'D BE WILLING TO KILL IT. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. NO NO NO, UP A BIT. UP A BIT, UP A BIT. RIGHT. RIGHT THERE. BANG ON. ( breathing heavily ) OH MAN, WHAT'S THAT? OH! ( sniffs ) MUSCLES RELAX WHEN YOU DIE. - SO HE SHAT HIMSELF? - YEAH, I MUST'VE HIT HIM TOO HARD. STILL... - JOB DONE, EH? - NO NO NO, HERE. THE WOUNDS AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE POSTMORTEM. - ( thuds ) - OH! - ( body thuds ) - ( coughing ) NOT ON THE GROUND. - ( grunts ) - OH MAN. ( gagging ) ( spits ) HERE YA ARE. - HUH? - GRAB THIS. ( mutters ) OH FUCK. WHY DON'T YOU GO AND KEEP AN EYE OUT? JUST LIKE BEFORE. NOT IN THAT OUTFIT! ( mutters ) OH YEAH. SICK BASTARD. ( sighs ) RIGHT. ( thudding ) ( thudding continues ) GOOD AFTERNOON, DARLING. IT'S NOT AS UGLY AS IT LOOKS. DEER IN THESE FORESTS ARE PROTECTED, SO YOU GOTTA BUTCHER THEM ON THE SPOT. AND WHAT WITH THE ROADS AROUND HERE-- THEY DON'T ALWAYS GET WHERE THEY'RE GOING, - ESPECIALLY THE OLDER ONES. - MMM. Roy: WE'RE JUST TRYING TO MAKE A LIVING, REALLY. RESTAURANTS AROUND HERE, THEY PAY 10 QUID A KILO, - SOME OF 'EM. - ( sniffles ) SO I'LL TELL YOU WHAT WE'RE GONNA DO: WE'RE GONNA PACK UP AND YOU'RE GONNA GO ON YOUR WAY. AND THEN I'LL GIVE YOU A NICE LITTLE SOMETHING FOR THE CAMPFIRE TONIGHT, ALL RIGHT? OI! NOW NO ONE NEEDS TO GET HURT. NOW MY FRIEND HERE IS GONNA COME OVER TO YOU AND HE'S GONNA RELIEVE YOU OF YOUR RUCKSACK. WELL, GO ON. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? OFF YOU GO. ( girl breathes heavily ) RIGHT. OH GOD! JUST TRYING TO MAKE IT EASIER ON YOU. - ( breathing shakily ) - I'M SORRY ABOUT THIS, DARLING. YOU SAID YOU WANTED TO KILL SOMEONE. NOW'S YOUR CHANCE. CAN'T WE JUST TIE HER UP SOMEWHERE? OH JESUS! ( grunts ) ( engine starts ) ( clicks ) GET THE BAG! THIS IS WHY I WORK ALONE. NOT THAT BAG, THE OTHER ONE. ( bag thuds ) OH. ( exhales ) ( birds chirping, footsteps crunching ) IF WE GET CAUGHT, YEAH, WILL THEY THINK WE DID ALL THREE? YOU'VE GOT ALIBIS FOR THE OTHER TWO, HAVE YOU? ( van approaching ) ALL RIGHT, BEND OVER LIKE YOU'RE IN PAIN. DO WHAT? ( grunts ) - FOR FUCK'S SAKE! - NO, STAY DOWN. GOD. HAVE YOU SEEN A RED CAR GO BY HERE, FAST? - ( woman whispers ) - YEAH. BASTARD HIT MY SON. HE DIDN'T EVEN STOP. OH MY GOD. IS HE OKAY? - ( breathes heavily ) - HE'S NEVER REALLY BEEN OKAY. - COULD YOU GET IN THE BACK? - Man: EH? IN THE BACK. GO ON. IN YOU GO. YOU ALL RIGHT TO DRIVE? UH-HUH. ( groans ) FUCKING HELL. ( groans ) THERE'S NO RUSH. ( exhales sharply ) - Roy: OTHER WAY. - HUH? THEY JUST PASSED HER. OTHER WAY. WELL, WHICH WAY NOW? - DO YOU HAVE A PHONE? - IN MY BAG. ALL RIGHT, OUT YOU GET. ( door slides open ) ( closes ) WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WAITING FOR? - SO HOW DO WE KNOW WHICH WAY SHE WENT? - WE DON'T. HOW ARE WE GONNA FUCKING FIND HER THEN? PULL OVER. I NEED TO USE THE PHONE. YOU'VE GOT A PHONE IN YOUR HAND. HERE. ( sighs ) AND TURN THE FUCKING SEAT AROUND. ( door slides open ) ( closes ) ( footsteps depart ) ( machinery humming ) ( cellphone ringing ) IS IT ADAM? IT'S BUSINESS. ( ringing continues ) WELL, I DID WONDER. OKAY, GOT IT. OI, DON'T BE MAD. MY PHONE IS STILL IN THE GRANADA. SIDE POCKET, MATE. ( sighs ) WHAT'S YOUR NUMBER? OI, WHAT'S YOUR NUMBER? I DON'T KNOW. WELL, WHO RINGS THEMSELVES UP? WELL, DO YOU KNOW ANYBODY'S NUMBER? SOMEBODY WHO MIGHT HAVE YOUR NUMBER? - YEAH, MY MOM'S. - ALL RIGHT, CALL HER. ( clicking ) HIYA, MOM. YEAH. NO, I CAN'T TALK. I JUST NEED ME NUMBER. NO, I HAVEN'T LOST IT, NO. OH, MOM! JUST GIVE HIM THE FUCKING NUMBER. HIYA. OKAY, RIGHT. I NEED A PEN. ( muttering ) THREE, ONE, DOUBLE EIGHT. ALL RIGHT, MOM. YUP, I'LL BE BACK LATER ON. YEAH, I PROMISE. OKAY OKAY, BYE. - ( beeps ) - CALL IT. ( mutters ) DOUBLE EIGHT. ( ringing ) ( sighs ) - ( beeps ) - DON'T HANG UP. LISTEN TO ME VERY CAREFULLY. YOU HAVE SOMETHING OF OURS AND I WANT IT BACK. IT'S NOT THE CAR. IT'S NOT THE PHONE. IT'S THE BAG. ALL RIGHT, YOU GIVE ME THE BAG BACK, I'LL GIVE YOU FIVE GRAND IN CASH. NOW THERE'S A DINER JUST SOUTH OF YOU. WE CAN BE THERE IN 15 MINUTES. YOU GIVE ME THE BAG. I'LL GIVE YOU THE CASH. YOU GO YOUR WAY. I'LL GO MINE. ( foreign accent ) 10,000. 7,000... AND I'LL NEED 20 MINUTES. YOU HAVE 10. ( beeps ) - SHE KNEW HIM. - HUH? HER ACCENT-- SHE KNEW HIM. HOW FAST CAN YOU MAKE THIS THING GO? - ( clicks ) - ( engine revving ) Roy: PULL OVER HERE. WE'RE A BIT SHORT. NOW YOU KEEP AN EYE ON HER TILL I GET BACK. IF SHE TRIES TO LEAVE, BLOCK HER IN. - ( unzips ) - ( paper rustling ) THIS SHOULD BUY US SOME TIME. WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO? - BLOCK HER IF SHE TRIES TO LEAVE, MAN. - ALL RIGHT. I'LL MEET YOU OUT FRONT. ( rock music playing ) ♪ I HOPE YOU'RE FEELING THE SCENE ♪ ♪ LIKE EVERYONE HAS PICKED UP THEIR PRIZE ♪ ♪ WHEN IT'S JUST YOU AND THE BEAT ♪ ♪ 'CAUSE I CAN'T EVEN GET OUT OF MY BED ♪ ♪ BUT IF YOU WANNA GO NOW ♪ OH BABY, DON'T YOU GO, IN THE NIGHT I TOLD YOU ♪ ♪ YOU SAY YOU WANNA GO AND THE ONE WHO TOLD YOU ♪ ♪ YOU TUMBLE OUT OF BED, THEY'RE THE ONE WHO TOLD YOU ♪ ♪ YOU SAY YOU WANNA GO, IN THE NIGHT I TOLD YOU ♪ ♪ YOU TUMBLE OUT OF BED, THEY'RE THE ONE WHO TOLD YOU... ♪ - ( clicks ) - ( engine starts ) ( tires screeching ) WHA- - HEY! WHAT THE FUCK? ( rings, beeps ) SO HOW DO YOU WANNA DO THIS? I STAY IN THE CAR. - ( engine revs ) - ( tires screech ) RIGHT, I'VE GOT THE SECOND HALF RIGHT HERE. ( whistles ) HANG ON A TICK. EXCUSE ME. WOULD YOU DO ME A FAVOR? JUST TAKE THIS... AND GIVE IT TO THAT YOUNG LADY IN THE RED CAR. - WHY DON'T YOU DO IT? - 'CAUSE I'VE GOT A GUN. YOU'VE GOT A NICE FAMILY, SO... ON YOU GO. RIGHT, THIS GENTLEMAN IS GONNA GIVE YOU - THE SECOND INSTALLMENT. - HERE, WATCH IT. GIVE HIM THE PICNIC BAG AND TELL HIM TO BRING IT TO ME. ALL RIGHT? OTHERWISE, I'LL KILL YOU. ♪ YOU TUMBLE OUT OF BED, THEY'RE THE ONE WHO TOLD YOU ♪ ♪ YOU SAY YOU WANNA GO ♪ OHHH ♪ IF YOU WANNA GO NOW, OH BABY... ♪ HERE. COME ON. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. ♪ IF YOU WANNA GO NOW ♪ OH BABY, DON'T YOU GO... HERE, MOVE OVER. OOH! OI. ♪ IF YOU WANNA GO NOW ♪ OH BABY, DON'T YOU GO ♪ OHHH ♪ IF YOU WANNA GO NOW ♪ OH BABY, DON'T YOU GO. ( sighs deeply ) ( Adam laughing ) THAT WAS MAD. HOW MUCH DID YOU TAKE 'EM FOR? THAT WAS A SMART MOVE. I KNOW. IT'LL WASH OFF, THOUGH, WON'T IT? NO, I MEAN IN CASE YOU LOSE IT. FUCK OFF. IT'S NOT FOR EVERYONE, SON. HUH? THE LIFE. OH NO, THAT WAS ONLY 'CAUSE SHE WAS A GIRL. WHAT HAPPENED WITH THE GUY THEN? ALREADY DEAD. AREN'T WE GOING HOME NOW? WE NEED TO CHANGE CARS. OKAY. WELL, WILL YOU LET ME PICK THIS TIME, PLEASE? I KNOW MY CARS, ME. YOU CAN CHOOSE. ( engine stops ) - ( clicks ) - ( whistles ) ( laughs ) WHAT THE FUCK'S YOUR PROBLEM THEN, EH, DOG? EH? HEY, WHAT'S UP? YOU'RE WORRIED ABOUT US FUCKING UP? NO. I'LL BE GONE TOMORROW. WHERE ARE YOU OFF TO? OH, COME ON. WE'RE LIKE PARTNERS IN CRIME NOW, YOU KNOW. ARE YOU GOING ON YOUR OWN? SOUNDS FUCKING LONELY TO ME, THAT DOES, MATE. WHAT, YOU WANNA COME VISIT ME, DO YOU? YEAH. YEAH. ALWAYS WANTED TO GO TRAVELING. I DON'T SEE NO CARS, ROY. IT'S ALL RIGHT, ISN'T IT, TO CALL YOU ROY NOW? YEAH. YEAH. IT'S OKAY. SO WE GOT ONE MORE THING TO DEAL WITH. WE GOTTA GET RID OF THIS. UH-HUH. ATTENTION TO DETAIL. ( door opens ) WHERE'D YOU PICK ALL THIS STUFF UP THEN? ANGOLA. - WHAT, IN SPAIN? - YEAH, THAT'S RIGHT, IN SPAIN. WHY DON'T YOU DIG A LITTLE HOLE? - YEAH? - YUP. ( thudding ) ( breathing heavily ) - LIKE THAT? - YEAH, LIKE THAT. ( grunts, thuds ) ( wrench drops ) ( hatchet drops ) ( cabinet opens, closes ) ( tires screech ) ( gearshift clicks ) ( trunk clicks ) ( breathing heavily ) ( groaning ) ( engine starts ) ( machinery hissing, clanging ) SHIT. AH! ( groans ) OH JESUS. SHIT. OH SHIT. ( groans, breathing heavily ) OH. OH SHIT! ( panting ) - WHY DID YOU KILL HIM? - HUH? WHY DID YOU KILL HIM? I DIDN'T KILL NO ONE. DANIL IS DEAD. I NEEDED HIM TO BE ALIVE. I NEEDED HIM TO GIVE ME A NAME. NOW YOU MUST TELL ME. FUCKING HELL. HAVE YOU SEEN HER? HUH-UH. NO. IT'S MY SISTER. SERGEI SOLD HER TO IVAN. IVAN SOLD HER TO DANIL. DANIL SOLD HER TO AN ENGLISHMAN. YOU WILL TELL ME HIS NAME. - YOU WILL TELL ME HIS NAME. - I'M JUST THE FUCKING DRIVER. - YOU LIKE PAIN? - AH! FUCKING NO! FUCKING HELL. OKAY. JUST FUCKING CHILL OUT. YOU WANT TO TOUCH ME? HUH? MEN LIKE TO TOUCH. FUCKING... TOUCH. ( breathing heavily ) - ( clinks ) - OH, WHAT THE FUCKING HELL? THEY PUT THEIR HANDS ON HER. BEFORE THEY DIED, EACH ONE GAVE ME A NAME, THE NEXT MAN IN THE CHAIN. - THIS IS WHY YOU KILLED DANIL... - ( crying ) NO. - ... SO HE CANNOT TELL. - NO, I'M JUST A KID. I'M 19. FUCKING HELL. YOUR FRIEND THEN. FRIEND? THE MAN YOU WERE WITH TODAY. ROY? ( clicks, clatters ) HIS NAME IS ROY. - ( footsteps recede ) - OH, FOR FUCK'S SAKE. ( breathing heavily ) ( grunts ) ( grunts ) FUCK. ( grunts ) RIGHT. ( phone buzzing ) - ( softly ) HELLO? - I NEED TO SPEAK WITH PETER. - He's asleep. - WELL, WAKE HIM UP. - I CAN'T DO THAT. - Yeah, you can. Tell him it's about the kitchen. SOMEONE'S ON THE PHONE. HE SAYS IT'S ABOUT THE KITCHEN. NOT ON THIS PHONE. Don't hang up. We have a problem. Peter: ARE YOU SURE YOU GOT TO HIM BEFORE HE TALKED? The Latvian's not the problem. WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S NOT THE PROBLEM? HE'S THE ONE THAT CAN PUT ME IN THIS. It's the boy. - HE LOST HIS PHONE. - So? WELL, WE NEED IT BACK. TRUST ME. I THOUGHT I COULD. Can you locate it? OH, SO NOW YOU'RE BEING THOROUGH. And if you double my fee, I can take care of that little chain supply problem you've been having. YOU HAVE AN IDEA WHO'S DOING THIS? WE'RE ON THE PHONE. REMEMBER? I want it sorted. SOMEONE'LL GIVE YOU A CALL. ( clatters ) ( buzzes, beeps ) Man: You got a pen? ( engine starts ) ( tires screech ) IF I FIND ONE OF HER, I WILL KNOW YOU LIED TO ME. IVAN HAD PHOTOS TOO. I DON'T KNOW WHY IT IS WHEN MAN DOES SOMETHING BAD HE LIKES TO KEEP A SOUVENIR. THIS MAN- - SERGEI AND IVAN HAD HIM TOO. WHO IS HE? - WHAT ABOUT HIM? - WHO IS HE? ! I DON'T KNOW HIM. I DON'T KNOW THE GUY. HE'S NOT EVEN SUPPOSED TO BE IN THE PHOTO. LOOK, I'M TAKING A PHOTO OF MY MOM. - YOU KNOW HIM. - NAH. LOOK, YOU CAN'T EVEN FUCKING SEE HIS FACE. LOOK, NOBODY KNOWS HIM. - YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO IT IS. - ( door opens ) HELP! ( door slams ) FUCK'S SAKE. FUCKING HELL! ( muffled ) FUCK OFF! - WHOA! - ( grunts, groans ) - ( both grunting ) - ( clangs ) FUCK'S SAKE! - EASY. - ( girl panting ) - YOU KILL ME, HE'LL KILL YOU. - ROY'LL KILL ME? - HE ALREADY TRIED. - SHE'S FUCKING WITH YOU, SON. - WHOA! I WANT TO HEAR IT. - HOW DID YOU GET HERE? - WE STOPPED THE VAN. - Girl: HE HIT YOU. WE STOPPED THE VAN TO CHANGE CARS. THAT'S WHAT YOU SAID. THERE WEREN'T NO FUCKING CARS, ROY. - YOU WERE GONNA KILL ME? - Girl: GIVE HIM TO ME. ONE MORE AND IT'S FINISHED. YEAH, SHE THINKS YOU KILLED HER SISTER AS WELL. I HAVEN'T KILLED A WOMAN SINCE 1983. ( inhales sharply ) WHO HIRED YOU? WHY DON'T YOU ASK HIM? YO! I'M THE ONE WITH A FUCKING GUN HERE! ( bullets ricochet ) - Roy: STOP! - ( running footsteps ) STOP! YOU'VE ONLY GOT ONE LEFT. NO, THAT'S FOUR. I'M COUNTING. IT ONLY HOLDS FIVE. THEN YOU SHOULD'VE FUCKING LET ME USE IT ON HER! YOU'RE A LOUSY SHOT. DO YOU WANT TO BET YOUR FUCKING LIFE ON THAT, ROY? OH MAN. SHIT, ROY. YOU NEED A HOSPITAL, MAN, FAST. JUST GET ME TO THE CHURCH. WHAT, DO YOU WANT A PRIEST? NO, MY DAUGHTER'S GETTING MARRIED TODAY, YOU IDIOT. WAS YOU REALLY GONNA DO ME IN? ( mouths ) WHAT, 'CAUSE I FUCKED UP THE JOB? NO, YOU WERE THE JOB. I'M 19! WHO THE FUCK'S GONNA TAKE A CONTRACT OUT ON ME? ! 'CAUSE OF THE CAR? THEY DON'T GIVE ME A REASON. THEY JUST GIVE ME A NAME. THE LAPTOP. - FUCK ME. - LOOK... IF YOU'RE NOT GOING TO HELP, JUST FUCKING SHOOT ME BEFORE I BLEED TO DEATH. DON'T FORGET YOUR PHONE. - WHAT, CAN I KEEP IT? - WELL, YOU'RE THE ONE WITH THE GUN. YOU TELL ME. ( birds chirping ) - THERE'S CLOTHES IN THE VAN. - DOWN THE TRACK? - ( grunts ) - YOUR TURN TO BE LOOKOUT. MY BRIEFCASE STILL IN THERE? YEAH! SHE LEFT THE MONEY AS WELL! MUSIC... YOU LIKE CUBAN, DON'T YA? ( Latin music playing ) ( glove compartment opens ) ( closes ) HERE. ( paper rustling ) WATCH... AND LEARN, MY FRIEND. I COULD'VE KILLED YOU BACK THERE. YEAH? WHY DIDN'T YA? FOR THE SAME REASON YOU COULDN'T KILL THE GIRL. WHAT? IT WAS 'CAUSE I FANCIED HER. THAT'S WHY I COULDN'T DO IT. YOU'VE GOT A SECOND CHANCE. YOU SHOULD TAKE IT. SO MY MOM'S BOYFRIEND TRIES TO GET ME KILLED, I'M SUPPOSED TO JUST WALK AWAY, AM I? HE THINKS YOU'RE DEAD. BEST LEAVE IT THAT WAY. ( man singing in Spanish ) ( muffled ) YOU ALL RIGHT, MATE? ( brakes squeak ) ( engine stops ) HERE. GET RID OF THE CAR. THE GUN AND THE PHONE GO IN THE RIVER. EVERYTHING ELSE BURNS. ATTABOY. ( distant church music playing ) ( birds chirping ) OH MAN. THE STATE OF YOU. - ARE WE GOING IN? - NO NO. JUST-- JUST STAY OVER THERE. - DO YOU WANT YOUR JACKET? - NO. NO, I'M GOOD. SHE'S ALWAYS ON ME TO WEAR A BIT MORE COLOR. - HERE. - OH, HERE? WHO'S THAT, YOUR WIFE? NO, MY DAUGHTER. - HOW OLD'S YOUR DAUGHTER THEN? - DON'T GET ANY FUNNY IDEAS, ALL RIGHT? - DO YOU WANT ME TO STICK AROUND? - NO, YOU'RE ALL RIGHT. YOU'RE A DEAD MAN. YOU'D BETTER GET BURIED, MATE. OI. DO US ANOTHER ONE OF YOUR ROLL-UPS. ( tin clattering ) ( paper rustling ) ATTENTION TO DETAIL. ( clatters ) ( rock music playing ) ♪ WELCOME TO MY NIGHTMARE ♪ YOU FEEL LIKE HOME ♪ IT'S SO BORING OUT THERE ♪ AND I GET SO STONED ♪ AND THE RIVER IS COLD ♪ I SPENT HOURS IN YOUR EYES ♪ ♪ I WONDER WHY ♪ BUT I'M SURE... ( match strikes ) ♪ I... ♪ WILL SOON - ♪ REMEMBER YOU - ( fire crackling ) ♪ I WILL REMEMBER YOU ♪ I WILL REMEMBER YOU ♪ I WILL REMEMBER YOU... ♪ THE LIGHTS ARE GETTING DARKER ♪ ♪ UNDISCOVERED TRUTH ♪ I WILL DRIVE YOU CRAZY... ( music fading ) ♪ AND YOU'LL HATE ME EVEN MORE ♪ ♪ AND HIS NEWEST WOE ♪ IS LIKE THE FIRE IN YOUR EYES... ♪ ( moaning ) ( cocks ) WHAT'S GOING ON? SURPRISED TO SEE ME, PETER? YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE. WHAT? YOU SEE THAT CUNTISH LOOK ON HIS FACE, MOM? LOOK AT IT. ASK HIM WHAT'S WRONG. PAID SOME DUDE TO FUCKING KILL ME, DIDN'T YA? FUNNY HOW THIS IS HIS FUCKING GUN, MATE. ( breathing heavily ) PETER. - JUST TELL HIM IT'S A MISTAKE - YOU THINK HE WOULDN'T DO IT, MOM? - ARE YOU FUCKING BRAIN DEAD AS WELL? ! - ( Peter laughing ) - OH YEAH, FUNNY TO YOU, MATE? - YEAH YEAH. - OH, GET-- - STAY WHERE YOU ARE, YOU FUCKING BITCH. I KNOW ALL ABOUT YOU NOW, PETER MATE, YOU FUCKING SEX-TRAFFICKING BASTARD. - GET OFF ME. - WHAT YOU GONNA DO? HUH? - PETER, STOP THIS! - YOU'VE FUCKED IT NOW! - YOU'VE FUCKED IT! - PETER, JUST GET OFF ME! YOU THINK I WON'T PUT ONE STRAIGHT THROUGH YOUR FUCKING HEAD? - YOU THINK I WON'T? - JUST GET OFF ME! PUT IT IN THERE. FUCKING PUT IT IN THERE. IN YOUR FUCKING HEAD. I'M TELLING YOU NOW, MATE. - HERE. AHH. AHH. - FUCKING ASSHOLE! - ( both grunt ) - Nicky: OW! OH! OH, YOU REALLY GET ON MY FUCKING TITS, - YOU KNOW THAT? ( laughs ) - GET OFF HIM! COME HERE. COME HERE, YOU FUCKING BITCH. COME HERE. OKAY, UP WE GET. - UPSY-DAISY. WHOA! - ( choking ) FUCKING BITCH. NAY! YOU STAY RIGHT THERE, YOU COW. - HEY, YOU! ( yells ) - ( gagging ) TWO IN ONE! ALL THERE! - WHY DO YOU FUCKING ANNOY ME? - ( coughing ) WHY? TELL ME FUCKING WHY! WHY DID I LET SCUM LIKE YOU TWO INTO MY BEAUTIFUL FUCKING HOME? HUH? THE ONLY REASON-- LOOK AT ME. LOOK AT ME OR GET IT RIGHT IN YOUR BALLS. THAT'S BETTER. THE ONLY REASON-- THE ONLY FUCKING REASON I DON'T BLOW YOUR FUCKING BRAINS OUT RIGHT HERE IS I'LL NOT HAVE YOUR BLOOD MESSING UP MY NEWLY-WAXED FUCKING FLOOR! MY BEAUTIFUL FUCKING FLOOR IN MY BEAUTIFUL SEVEN-- SORRY, HONEY-- OUR BEAUTIFUL £750,000, 2.2 ACRES FUCKING HOME! HUH? DARLING, WHY DID I LET YOU IN WITH THIS FUCKING PRICK? YOU KNOW? 'CAUSE HE'S THE SON I NEVER WANTED TO FUCKIN' HAVE! YOU FUCKING DICK! I JUST WANTED TO FUCK YOUR MA, YOU-- ( laughs ) I'LL TELL YOU, THIS IS THE ONLY TIME-- IT'S THE FIRST TIME I'VE EVER ENJOYED BEING FUCKING CLOSE TO YOU, YOU CUNT. I SO WANTED TO BLOW YOUR BASTARD FUCKING HEAD OFF. YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE. ANYWAY, LET'S GET BACK TO BUSINESS. HONEY, WHAT SHOULD I DO? WHERE SHOULD I TAKE HIM FIRST? I'LL TELL YOU. WHY DON'T WE GO AND CHECK OUT THE GARAGE? IT TAKES TWO FUCKING CARS, YOU KNOW. COME ON. - ( choking ) - LET'S GO IN THE FUCKING GARDEN, YOU LITTLE CUNT. LET'S GO OUT HERE. A NICE TOUR, THAT'S WHAT WE WANT. COME ON. SORRY, IS THAT CHOKING YOU? THAT CHOKING YOU? COME ON. I WANT SOME FRESH AIR. YOU WANT SOME FRESH AIR? OKAY. OKAY. COME HERE. COME HERE. OKAY, COME ON, COME ON. COME ON. COME ON. WE'RE GOING TO THE GARAGE. ( chuckles ) - Girl: HEY. - ( gunshot ) - ( groaning ) - Adam: FUCKING HELL! ( whimpers ) ( Peter breathes heavily ) - ( gunshot ) - AH! FUCKING HELL! ( groans, laughing ) - OH SHIT. - COME ON, COME ON. - ( grunting ) - ( choking ) ( grunts ) ( groans ) ( knife clatters ) ( birds squawking ) ( rock music playing ) ♪ BABY, LIFE'S TOO SHORT ♪ TO, BABY, MESS AROUND ♪ I'M PLANNING TO SLEEP, CHILD ♪ ♪ COULD BE FOREVER BOUND ♪ I'M ON THE RUN WITH MY ELLIE ♪ ♪ I SEE HER ANGEL EYES ♪ AND HER LIPS TASTE LIKE CHERRY ♪ ♪ AND HER HOME-COOKED SMILE ♪ ♪ BUT, BABY, LIFE'S TOO SHORT ♪ ♪ TO, BABY, MESS AROUND ♪ I'M PLANNING TO SLEEP, CHILD ♪ ♪ BE FOREVER BOUND ♪ OH NO ♪ OH NO ♪ OH NO ♪ OH NO ♪ BABY, LIFE'S TOO SHORT ♪ TO, BABY, MESS AROUND ♪ I'M PLANNING TO SLEEP, CHILD ♪ ♪ COULD BE FOREVER BOUND ♪ I'M ON THE RUN WITH MY ELLIE ♪ ♪ I SEE HER ANGEL EYES ♪ AND HER LIPS TASTE LIKE CHERRY ♪ ♪ AND HER HOME-COOKED SMILE ♪ OH NO ♪ OH NO ♪ OH NO ♪ DON'T MAKE ME SO BLUE ♪ BABY, LIFE'S TOO SHORT ♪ BABY, LIFE'S TOO SHORT ♪ BABY, LIFE'S TOO SHORT ♪ BABY, LIFE'S TOO SHORT ♪ BABY, LIFE'S TOO SHORT ♪ BABY, LIFE'S TOO SHORT ♪ BABY, LIFE'S TOO SHORT! ♪ ( music stops ) Thanks For Veiwing: - What do you say? - What are you waiting for? Kill me! Is that what you want? Suck on the money. Present, Rome. - Have you been married, Davide? - No, but I have a girlfriend. - Her name is Elena. - Do you love her? Yes, very much. She pulled with my boss. - Do you mean that she ran off with him? - More or less. There are women who wants a happy family as in fairy tales and then there are those who suffer "bossyndromet". I was no boss. - Is she still with him? - He died Like a sewer rat. It was during the Mafia war, right? Yes, there were many people killed. There were so many that can not count them. There were those who wanted have a happy family. Come on, let's go home. Fuck you, you fucking devil! Do not waste the swearing unnecessarily. It is usually never someone who cares. Thank you. - "Do you speak" English? - Not so good. Are you American? San Francisco. Davide... - Father Leonard. - Father Leonard? Is that true? I was recently ordained. I'm not so used to it all yet. Have you just gotten Priest? And now... And now you do not... - Do you like it? - No, no, no. Do not misunderstand me. I had to do it. I want to serve Jesus. I have a past full of plagues - and brutality, and the... Sometimes I wonder who I am to act as So righteous and inflated devoutly And believe that everything I do is for good. Is it to escape there past like you are in Italy? I was not a good Christian in San Francisco. I was not at all good. My life was about to rob Mistreat vandalize. I was a tough guy. I thought that violence was only way to get what you wanted. But then something happened. I had done something terrible And fled to the church to hide. You came in faith to me. Suddenly I was overwhelmed by a desire to leave it all behind me And become a priest in a foreign country. Here I am. - Were you alone? - No, I started the thread. Then I got older and more powerful. I could do no wrong. I was the leader. How long have you lived in Rome? For two years and then gave I of two years. The American woman sitting a few seats from us. She saw her husband murdered for years ago- and she has not yet found peace. I ran into her in Rome. I knew she was looking for me. And somehow I was looking for her. She has haunted me ever since. As if I had any answers. We are plagued all of our Past. God, was not it amazing? He ​​is so romantic. Tony looks really good. Lily should return to Italy. Every summer used William and his brother spend time with their dad's family in Tuscany. - Sure did you do it? - And you came every other weekend. You spent a few days with my father and then disappeared to the Milan to shop. Your father inherited their money. I had to work for mine. It's really true. It is not easy to keep up with her. She was a waitress when she met him on a business trip. He, however, fell directly on her. Look at her features. He lent her money for to start a business. Assecoarbolaget she started had a very popular handbag. Everyone was as crazy about it. She came into vogue. Donna Karen was a fan. The money he got back on a six months and then he married her. Smart guy. She served soon more money than he. Not really. He was my anchor. It is said that behind every great woman is a great man. - So true. - Is not it the opposite? It works both ways. I have two exceptional women in my life. Is why I am so successful. I need the toilet. I'll see you here later. My goodness, do not forget we are just. Another goofy evening with your socialite mom and your streberfru. Keep them outside. They have nothing with my business to do. Your mother sits on the board of the museum. You could easily have moved stuff to her inflated friends. Everything that we worked with in the past should stay in the past. My mom has always worked so much . She did not know what I did. So I helped you. We made a lot. I'm not too proud of it. And my wife, Deborah See everything that happens. She is way too smart and asks too many questions. He has been with me on the boat. I would have told the truth? That you blew a guy. That you manipulated and blackmailed him to come out of it. I got this shit from Italy on the ship. You say, "calm". "Do not worry. It disappears when we become rich." You have the right connections. Your mom might even buy it. I've paid a lot for this. Should I keep the bag too? We need to go back. You did not even have a ticket. What are you doing here? This will never work. My life has changed. Everything can be traced nowadays. It's not like the old where when there was internet. I can not risk revealed. My father is dead. He was the only one who could protect me... and you and us. Now must myself take care of family business. My wife is a smart chick. She sees everything. She wants to focus on policy, and nothing will stop her. I have changed. That's why I asked you to marry you with a young and stupid chick. Then you would not need to worry. Do not tell me what to do. You always do. Should you decide who I marry? Should you decide who to be my mom? Get a life and leave my life alone. Stop pop up everywhere and haunt me like a stalker. As weeds that refuse to extinction. Maybe you like to be eradicated. Okay... - Antonio... - How nice to meet you. - Bravo. - You were absolutely wonderful. Thank you for your compliments. I'm sorry your dad's passing. I grew up with him in Tuscany. I could always rely on you for taking care of my man- and teach him to be a real hireling. I'm glad you did not take after him. We will soon return to Italy. He ​​must visit us then. Now he dressed. The guest of honor Do not be late to his own party. - Ciao. - Thank you for coming. You were absolutely wonderful. Girls, I know Italians like to eat late. But you know it's not fits my stomach. We'll let the ladies have some nice. - Meet me here at one o'clock, James. - Turn around so I can see you. No, no, no. Why will not you talk to the woman? I do not know if I have that she is looking for. It was a good answer. If at all there is something answers. I did Sicily the same reasons. I left everything behind me, but some sins can not erase. I know, but all sins can be forgiven. Do not talk nonsense. Sins can not be forgiven without... - Without compensation? - Yes. Indemnity is the word. I left Sicily because I thought I already atoned for my sins. It was just bullshit. Four years earlier, Sicily. Do you understand, Vito? If we do the job , we are on the dry in two or three years. - I can give mom some money. - But it is dangerous. - Bullshit. - Are we invited? Do not you know that by marriage, funerals and confession are all welcome. I had forgotten. - Where do we work? - Have a little patience. Now we go and celebrate the newlyweds. Why did you hit me? Don Michele, I took freedom to look you up because I would like to work with you . Work for Me? What would you do? Anything, as long as it is lots of easy money. Easy money. Sana money does not exist. Get a job. Are you good at tiling? Can you paint? Can you repair an engine? Fuck completely in that kind of job. I want a job where I earn lots of money. You can sell drugs. Be careful, once you are inside in the family, you will not like. Your life belongs to me then. Come on. See you tomorrow. - Want some? - Yes. You are like a son to me, Tony. I have known you since you were six. After your father's death took I care about you. And now you're one of the my most reliable men. I would never hurt you. I know. I never doubted. Mancino is on the way to Sicily. It does not feel to my existence here. They must believe that he is the godfather. Above all, they should not feel to my step-brother's existence. - Who is it? - His name is Davide. Davide Spicuzza. He's an asshole and a total disaster. I should have killed him before I came here. It's never too late. It can still do. No, it's not the right time. I knew you would not disappoint me. What are you talking about? Are you kidding? Do you see how beautiful the country is? I am blessed. I do not I am from this country. I have promised to bring me my mom again. But not until I cleared it. And then came the assholes... The fucking bastards Came to Chicago To silence me. Silencing me. Silent Me... Seven years... - That's correct, sir. - Seven years. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven. What they got out of it? Nothing. What will they get? Nothing. They do not deserve it. I deserve it. My family deserves it. What should they do? Challenge Me? Okay, okay. Okay, shoot then! Slide then! No... Do you know why? Because they are weak and stupid. Their men grabbing. Their businesses will suffer. They do not have time to shoot my guys. Had they been smart had shot me. You make me never disappointed. What would you have us do? I want my city. It's what I want. It's time to infiltrate Cortellos. Var mites. Sleep with them. Fuck with them, Fuck them. Find out what they like to eat, what they hate and what they love what they care about, what they think, what they do not care . Find their weakness. Remember the Trojan Horse? Very clever. It's something like that I need. A horse gift. Anything that gets the bastard. When we find their weakness... Then it ended. Do you understand? Crystal clear, sir. Totally and completely. Do not do everything. Leave something to me. Sicily. It is not good for you to go. It is killing us all. Good morning, Don Michele. - Today, make a new job. - I am available. This is a robbery at Cascino, jeweler. I've got a tip. They have taken received diamonds from South Africa. How much do I get out of it? 1000 euros for each stone. 1000 euros for each stone. It's okay. - Okay, we'll see. - Have a good day. By the way... This is for you. - Do not forget that it belongs to the family. - Can I Really Be the honors? - Bye. - Bye, Don Michele. Confectioner? I'm talking to you. What do you want? Are you following us? You have two options. A, stay with us. Then we guarantee your safety. Din, your family and your operational security. Two: Stefano is not good for you. Not at all. Out of my house. I do not see you again. Not here or in my store. Your idiot. Do not you get it This is his last chance? - You will receive no more. - What do you mean? - You are fucked. - I do not understand. - Good morning. - What did that man? There should not you think about, Mary. Go up and cook some food. Do you understand the situation? We had not anticipated the reaction. None should be questioning our way of doing business. From tomorrow we may be a little more cautious. Either way, there exists the problem. We have to get rid of quickly. We need to kill bagaribossen. We have to do it tomorrow. Bakery Bossen. It's always nice to purify the mind. I had not made the journey without someone to talk to. Tell us something more about the woman. She looks at me. She might want to talk to you. I met a priest once. He ​​was your opposite. - In Rome? - No, that was before Rome. His name was Father Carlo. - Where are you from? - Palermo. My dad marched through Palermo during WWII. The liberated Palermo, Messina, Trapani, Agrigento, Siracusa. all of Sicily. We were there on vacation when we were kids. I have never had so much fun. I love Syracuse. I love Sicily. I think it's the most beautiful place. - That's a little excessive? - You think I exaggerate? Do you know that Goethe felt the same thing. - He said the same thing I did. - Author? I know of him. Yes, writer, philosopher, scientist . One of history's greatest thinkers. You can see Italy, but you have not seen Sicily Then you have not seen Italy. Sicily is the clue to everything. He studied art, antiques, architecture. He traveled to Palermo and explored Plants and flowers perfect artarketyper. Jeez what I have traveled. I am Father Karl and you are Davide. Yes, I'm Davide. Yes, but it's you who made me to understand why I'm here. I have an internal problem, I have to solve. Do you know what I think? I do not think you get any worries with a stay here. I think you'll to like it. Leave the world behind you. You will find peace here. The only one I pray for is that you trust me. It's not about trust, brother Carlo. This is about safety for my life and for yours. You will not find a safer place. Here you are protected by the San Sebastian and by me. I always listen to talk- Or if you choose to confess. I am curious and have always been fascinated by people. I know that you are a sincere and honest man -who might just have had some bad luck. Here you are safe and you will find peace. We have much work to do. I believe you can do it. - Thank you. I needed this really. - Need a little color here. What would you do if you been in my shoes? Tell your story, Leonard. I started fishing in San Francisco Bay. Because I was tall. When did you become a höjdarfiskare. Did you do it before or after you ruined my life? I asked, did you go fishing Before or after...? What do you mean? Money for the boat? Where did you get them from? Ah... Debra... Not so fast... How dare you you to address me by my first name? - Mrs. Lewis... - I am a widow Lewis, remember? You always thought you were right... You did not. And that you will never have. Look at this. See for yourself. See how you look. Flees you? I... ask You, God... - Are you new? - Do not move! I... Dear God, please forgive me. Your cowardly wretch. You may recognize me Yet dared you come and talk to me. Do not have a dick? We know you've got the balls to kill another human being. Especially if there was money in it. Come on, do it. Do it. Do it! How much you got out of it? Where is it? Did you sell it? Time I gave him? - Did you sell it? - Our Father... Now he asks! Is he listening to you? God listen to you? Where was he when I needed him? What would you have me do? Please, say something. What would you... What can I do? What do you expect from me? I want you to be condemned... And that it is God's will. I do not understand. I want you to do something good of your life. I want his death to be have a meaning. Do what you do now. I want you to earn his forgiveness. I'll collect his courage. I swear I'll tear you to pieces with my bare hands. Do you have something more to say, priest? I have nothing more to say. I... I understand everything. I understand that we all looking for the same thing. - The show is over. - Oh, thank God. Did you really kill him? Ja... I did. Poor woman. You recognize my story, Davide. It has been a rewarding journey. - I regret only one thing. - Yet? I will not be able listen to your story. Excuse me for asking, Don Miche. What is this place? Do not worry. You look worried. We'll sort out something. I'm not worried, but this place makes me nervous. I want to tell you something. I have a friend named Vito. We used to work together. He ​​is a smart and good guy. He asked me to speak to you, if he could join the family. - With your permission of course. - No problem. - Are you a benefactor, Don Miche? - Think about what you say. Take him you. Sooner or later I put him to the test. - What kind of job is it? - You should fix one said. - Yes, but what? - You ask too much. If you pass the test, you are a member. - Here we go. It's just time. - Time for what? You must do something for me. Come on now. Davide? Come out. - Cut his throat or shoot. - Are you kidding, Don Michele? - Who is he? - A fanatical American. No problem, Don Miche. - You talk American? - A little. Hey, John Nino. Hi, Johnny. John, calm down. Come on, Johnny. Go away. Stick with you. Right, go now! What happened? What are you doing? Is it possible? You fucked up even though he was bound! I fucked up at all. I understood that you put me to the test- - Then I saw him in the eye. I felt sorry for him. In the family there are no feelings like that. Being lawlessness is okay, but to be killer... Why is that? Okay, that's fine. This time I let it be but from now on you know nothing about what happens in the family. Tomorrow I meet your friend Vito anyway. We'll see what he can do. Get out now. Goodbye, Don Miche. - Where is he? - Who? - The man who escaped. - Stop, Go away now. - What do you mean? - That you will pull. Otherwise you will annoy me all day. Get out of my house. - What the hell have you done? - I was at the jeweler and nobody came. - You should have killed the bastard. - Gun clicked. It was uncharged, you idiot. You are lucky. Today I'm in a good mood. But I do not like to speak with police. You might even go into my house. - You should be grateful, right? - Thank you very much. I've been watching you for a while, and found that you are an asset. Look at me. Starting today, you member of the family. Well done. Why did you want to join us? Out of respect... and distresses. My mother is alone and I has two younger brothers. Bravo. I like you. You take care of your family. Family is very important. Honor, respect and family. It is as if we where an American film. And the guy... I'll give you an offer you can not say no to. Listen Franco. We need help a friend from Trapani to Rome. Calabrese, formerly dealt with apartments. Now he deals with drugs, weapons. They have political patronage- and until someone in the police force. Banda della Magliani is back. And Casalesi behave like assholes. - We have to do something about it. - I can go there if you want. - I need you to others. - I send Peppuccio. He is merciless and he's already people in the area. The other problem then? Davide... He's a good guy, but he has no stake. He's weak. According to me he is useless unlike his friend Vito. - They are sloppy. Two petty thieves. - Vito is a man. He has been married to flowing into your eyes. You must keep an eye on Vito. He can take care of something simple, a club, or the like. From now on, so keep I an eye on him. By the way, he talks way too much for by priests. Post by? Is he more Catholic than my mom? - How's business? - Good, you can ask the cashier about it. There was no specific question. I want to know if you feel comfortable with us. - Yes, everything is going well. - Good. Then I am satisfied. I met your friend Vito. I like him. He ​​is already a member of the family. He is upright. He ​​also has the ability to kill. Thank you for giving me the this opportunity. I am also happy for Vito's sake. Now he can work and earn money. He will help you in suburbs and downtown. In the suburbs? As you wish, Don Miche. Okay, Davide. We have problems with some shopkeeper who did not want to pay. Ya. Satan American. He started run things in Palermo. It's that time of Toto Riina and Carleonesi. You start you do not do those vitamins. Vito has always been responsive. But what you do not know Vito is that we got a lot of shit of this Mancino. - What about New York? - We do not ask for help yet. But we must act and think as in the past. We need to keep the rest of family out of this. Did you call on us for already know everything? What do we do now? We need to give the Barbarians a taste so that they understand we are hard and we has not weakened. We'll send them a message. A message that means "war"! - Do you need anything? - What do you think? - Want a drink? - No. Okay then... Bongiorno, sign. Excuse Roberto. He is a good man. I'm John... Mancino. Do not forget that. That's Luigi. He works with me. He is a sons spy. He is good at. He takes account of things I need to know. He has been eyeing up some of your new friends. Cortellos... He finds out what they think, every they go and who they trust. These things. He explains it to me. I listen and listen and listen. Sometimes I even... What is it? - A discrepancy. - Yes, that word. There is a woman hangs all the time with them. She pops up here and there without some reason. She is very nice and featured with a different name. She calls herself Adele. Who is the woman? Why does she do that? How did she get in there? It is not easy to infiltrate with such types. Then I got out there for that kind secrets cleans easily. Her real name is not the which she has presented itself as is Mary. - Yes, I'm Mary. - Okay. Then we found out that Maria experienced something horrible. Something terrible. Her husband was murdered. So why she hangs with them and are so friendly and nice? She shows up at all their parties... He, who is very smart says: "What if it is the who murdered her husband?" Why would she hang with killers? Those who have done terrible things. - Revenge. - Is that what you want? Luigi is very smart. There he listed out. Do not worry. There is no danger. Luigi wants a flower, but he gets none. This is for you. Fuck you, asshole. Where were you scared, huh? Vito, why are you here? Do they trust not in me anymore? Obviously they trust you. They thought you had come to provide you. I've got so much of it there shit that I can provide the entire Palermo. You call that shit? For me it's a job. A new guy from America got here. His name Mancino. He's a dangerous guy. The people of Genoa wants him dead. He ​​does not respect the rules. He has formed a gang and has tried to take over a part of Palermo. A large part of Sicily. What are you talking about? Have they come from America to take over Palermo? Then they have someone who protects them. Where did you hear that crap? The information has come directly from New York. I stood behind the door so I could not fail to hear it. They have told us to be quiet, but I think it ends badly. The bastard wants us, family Cortello. He wants our territory. Do you understand? Vito end up stories. Be quiet. Be sure to stay away from bullets. Motherfuckers not kidding. Listen, Mary. I'm not one to mince the words. I'm not rich right now. I'm not the type that comes with gifts. Okay? So here's the deal. I always expect something in return. I'll give you what you need for your revenge. Okay? Together We will delete Cortellofamiljen from the map. Are you in? There is a problem. You are a woman. I'm not inclined to let a woman do what I ask of you. Honestly So are girls pretty emotional. If you plan to implement it here consider you are no longer that woman. You can be a mother when you want it. But when you're having me to no lovers... Your lover is a weapon. And you are my weapon. And I can use it How I want and when I want. In return, your son and you never miss anything. I promise. But I do not want your son to know anything about it. - Got it? - Yes. - In Sicily, it is big news. - What? - Mary. - Which Mary. Widow of confectioner as Cortellofamiljen murdered. - Do you get it? - Yes. She was approached by Don Mancini, , but now she works for us. She longs for revenge. What a woman! Love and Hate, an explosive mixture. Apparently, she wants to help us crush the last of Cortellomedlemmarna. Really? Good. Very good. She will receive a prize. Come here. Hello? Don Antonio, it's Michele. Hello, how are you? Bad. That's why I call you so late. - What is it? - An American came here some where late. He immediately began to make trouble. I sleep no good anymore. It was just as I suspected. Things happen here too. A Federico, called "cripple", killed Messina and took his territory. - What to do about it? - What do you want me to say? Kill him, otherwise you will get problems. Is it true that he dealing in drugs and weapons? Does he have contacts with Islamic terrorists , military and senators? Yes, everything is true. You must be on your guard. I will gather all my men and solve the problem. - Good. We heard. - Keep me posted. Goodbye. Michele, I do not see why you asked me to come? It is very serious, Don Cimino. It's about the American. I have been out talking to Franco. Do not worry. Believe me, he's a very dangerous guy. Okay, but he wants to be in charge of drug traffic between Palermo and Trapani - or prostitution... What the hell does he want? He wants to mess around in it all. Rumor that he wants to destroy us all. There you catch. Here it church. What a pig. He challenges people. He ​​hires the unemployed takes care of single mothers. He ​​attacks only businessmen. People like you that businessmen are criminals craps. - What should we do? - We can beat us together. We need to show that we exist. Are we together we can crush him. I do not agree. If no do something against my family, I do not. - It's my decision. - It is a wrong decision. For you, not for me. Now we drink, Miche. - I know where my place is. - Really? Sicily is the land of my dreams. My dreams. I had to leave it and I was devastated. Thank you, Luigi. Davide... Welcome. It was a long time ago. Good to see you. I'm sorry, but I think that it a misunderstanding. I know nothing... I do not think At all that there is a misunderstanding. Have I ever aimed at you with a weapon? I know I have not. I'm glad to see you. I have been looking for you for two years. Now you're here and you look like you feel good and I need help. Why do you think someone wants to kill you? I need to sort out some things and I think you can help with that. That's all I ask. There are no loose ends. I'm not mixed up in something. After the accident, I am away from that. I have to fix an old problem. You have nothing with them do anymore, right? What are you so paranoid for? Excited, scared, nervous. What do you think? I have invited you to my home. We take a few drinks and converse a little. I need help. Not once since we came have you said: "Hello, John. Glad to meet you. How have you been?" It's rude. Why are you rude? You'll have to excuse me. I did not mean to be disrespectful . But I was worried for my life when they brought me here. It's true that I killed one of your men. - Fucking bullshit. - I do not want to be involved in something. I have nothing to do with them. You have not killed anyone. I know the story. You and the other sighted with your guns. And you aimed the other way. You would shoot him in the head and you did not. I do not know why you did not do your job , but... Not pressed by, you did not kill him. How could I be mad at you? I am indebted... I am indebted to you. No, Danny. You do not owe me anything. I'm done with that. I have only one desire. I want to return to the monastery where my friend, the priest is. He is a true friend. He ​​is my advisor. Do you think I'm kidding with you? Do you believe it? Do you think I'm here to make jokes? - Say it! - You are not in debt to me. You are not in debt! You are not in debt to me more. He ​​is not in debt to me. You heard it too! It's easy! Okay... It's cool. Get up. Get up. You see how easy it was. It's a simple equation. We are friends. You take care of Mary. As a bodyguard. I want you to do it. Make sure she does I told her to do. Do you trust me? Do you understand? Okay? I got some shit to take care of. Grazie. - Who is it? - Don Antonio. One of your men, Davide, is a traitor. He works for the American. Keep an eye on him. What's that you say? How do you know? You do not know. Okay, then. Thank you. I send Vito, his friend. He ​​will talk to him. Is it true he's already dead. - Okay, we heard. - Ya. The bastard. What the hell has he done? Three dead and two were our guys. - And then it disappears bastard. - It's not his fault. What the hell are you saying? People call him "sonar". - It is said that he works for Mancino. - Davide is no golare. I can not ignore the rumors. He ​​must go away from Palermo. - Where to? - As far away as possible. He must leave Elena, his family and leave. Vito, what the hell are you talking about? Are you kidding? Do you really think I done something like that? We've known each other since we were little. We met in school, do not you remember? Vito... Have you always been... You know... Blind? It happened before I left Catania. Two years previously. We got him here in time for the damage... - Survives he? - He has a skull fracture. He has a small lesion that could cost him his life. In the beginning it was difficult, when realize that you can not do something. - You get used to, but... - Why did you leave Catania? You do not to my story? It's true... But I can see your agonies. Like while When our pain prevents us from being all that we can be. Will your husband to pay this pizza, or not? We accept no blackmail. Listen. Do you pay no They'll kill your whole family. Do you understand? Go away! Damn, you could have waited a bit. I am about to step off. - Where are we? - We are heading into Messina. You are far from Catania. Either way, I would have loved to tell my story. But one day, had not sufficed. I'm glad I met you. It was really nice. I have not talked to a priest in a long time. Somehow Is our past in it. I wonder if you think you can atone for your sins? I do not know. It depends on how you see it. - What do you mean? - If there is a difference in. .. ... To commit a sin and that allow a sin is committed. Then, my dear Leonard, I will never to atone for my sins. I could not sleep. - What brings you here? - Nothing. - Most curiosity. - Curious? Curious to God? You're a free man now. You can go back to your life. You do not want to stay here with a boring priest. You have your job, your tumvridarjobb... in the hot sun. You do not stay here. Go back to that life. I have no control over my life anymore. The breathing down my neck all the time. They blew my mind. They set me up again. Men lay traps for men. God has given us freedom. His ways are inscrutable at times. We do not always understand. But we must keep the faith and to trust in Him. If it is about life and death? How can you rely on God for it is about one's own life- Or someone you love? You knocked on my door in the middle of the night. I thought it was urgent. But there is another reason, right? Davide... Are you going to kill me? Davide? It's my fault, Carlo. They blamed me for say too much to you. I needed to talk to someone. And I said too much. How long are you wearing? I do not know. Are you here because you to do it yourself? Why are you here, Davide? Why? They want me to do it for to show my loyalty. They know how much I care about you. I must show that I are ready to obey. What you said in the confession stays with the priest. Had it not been you would be somebody else, right? Do not you, they kill you. I understand, son. You have the future ahead of you. I have already done it I will. You have made a decision and you have to... You have to do what you're doing. You're a good man, Davide. You are a good man. You'll surely God's forgiveness. I give you mine anyway. You know I can not do it. You're my brother. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit name... Dear God, was in this man and give him strength and courage. And your will be done, not ours forever. Here... Take this. My Brother. No! God, no! Why? Why? Davide... Do not lose your heart. Salvation is Is possible for everyone. Sometimes the price can be high. But I feel you're ready. I speak from personal experience. Miracle are possible. Catania is ready to forgive you. I know that woman you love also is ready to forgive you. Whoever she is. Oh, my God. I do not know longer my arms. - Oh, my God. - Do not get upset. - What happened? Where am I? - On a son's clinic. You are a victim of an accident. I'm Dr. Messa. An accident...? I do not remember I have been involved in an accident. You can not make. You hit the head when you fell down the stairs. The voice sounds like... Signore? We're here now. You should go by. - Need help? - No. Subs Provided by Worldwide7477 Heavy blood loss! Get him fast! Commissioner, he needs medical treatment. It's illegal to take him without my permission. He's just a patient to you but he's my son! How disciplined I had raised you! But what have you grown to be! I hate to see you! How many crimes you've committed using my name and power! Balu, stop it here! Hereafter you're on your own. I'm going away from you. I'll see you again the day I come to know you've reformed. Shiva, auspicious time has elapsed, Divya would've got married! 3 years later... Delhi Exams are over so hostel will be closed. Rahul is leaving Delhi by flight! Ifwe don't catch him now, we can never catch him. He mustn't board the flight, let's kill, send him in mortuary van! How are you? - l'm fine. How did you write the exams? - Very well. Where is Rahul? - He's in room, why? He's going back to Hyderabad, right? To give him send off. What's Rahul's room number? Raja is here few goons are to beat Rahul! Entered our hostel? - Yes. How many? - About 10! Hey Raja is here to beat Rahul! Tell me something new, this news is oft repeated! We must watch Rahul getting beaten up! We mustn't miss the show! Rahul! Open the door! Open the door! If you're a man, come out! Come the door! Break open the door! We came here to kill and he has committed suicide! I said in an emotion I didn't mean to kill him. What shall we do now? Call police. His feet are moving, I think he's still alive! Hold him boys! Get a stool! Get up and loosen the knot. You call the ambulance. Remove the noose! Put him on bed! Rahul...get up! I'm sure Raja would bash him up! And we must enjoy Rahul's cries of distress... Move fast boys! Did you call the ambulance? Make it fast! Fast! You said they came to bash Rahul! It looks like a procession not bashing up someone. We were resting happily in room, why did you disturb us? Go quickly, I'm getting late to party. He's playing a drama! Put him down! He fooled us! Beat him boys! - Stop...stop... Killing as well as saving is your right! Don't I've any right? I was dying, you came and saved me. First decide now, whether you want to kill me or save me! Decide and then do it. We came to kill you! - Fixed? - Fixed! If you change your heart again, I'll kill you, bloody idiots! Okay, kill me! - Kill him boys! Wait...wait... I've a small wish before I die! - What's it? Who broken open the door to save me? - Why? Nothing, I want to hug him, say thanks and die happily! It's me, Rahul! Hey Laddu! You're my true friend! You saved my life, thank you! What? - l saw your feet moving and said you're still alive. Was it you? Had you not said it, I would be dead by now! Dear... I love you dear! Great! I got you off the noose and brought you down. But finally one intelligent guy asked to call ambulance, his voice still echoing in my ears! Who is that big hearted man? Tell me...who is it? is it you? It's me! Not you! Please tell me! - lt was me! I asked them to call the ambulance! Not you...not you... - l swear it was me! Please tell him! - lt was him! Are you so humane? Do you've so much love to save the life of an enemy? You're great! Look at him! Learn from him! This is friendship! What are you here for? You wanted to enjoy seeing me getting beaten up! Stop...stop... No use in beating them! Ours is real friendship! This is true friendship! - Yes! - Come... Why are you so late? Ours is the last part! Can't you see the board? What a figure! is it okay now? This song is not for you! Lachamma lost her hen... Lachamma lost her cock... Lachamma lost her egg... Once upon a time I had a devastating girl friend... We had a break-up after a tiff... When I went to pub in bad mood, they insisted on a girl... They put up a board of no entry for stags... What am I to do? Tell me dudes... Brother! Why do you've a ladies' night? is there any gents' night, bro? What's this, bro? Tell me! No boys no income to pubs... Girls are here for free drinks only... And they call it as ladies' night... lf you want I'll pay announce a gents' night also... lt's right...go for it! What's this din? You sing, bro! If girls come with girls, they're welcomed... lf boys come with boys, they're chased out... Are girls so great and boys so waste? You better know it now girls come here for boys only... Buddy! - What? What a piece! Sensational beauty! Look there! Go little forward! Auto is going, go...go... What the hell! Mother! - What? I'm ready to marry! Right! What are you saying? I'm right before MDS jewellers board, mom. Do you know how beautiful the bangles are? I'll marry the man who buys me these bangles. Please don't do it, you and your madness of bangles. I'll buy it for you. Okay? Will you buy it? Then, marriage is cancelled. What a girl! Mad about bangles! How much would those bangles cost, madam? Boy! Come here. 0What is this? Pack this! What else sir? What's this? Pack five! What else you want sir? What's this? Who will eat muffins? - You don't want, sir? Okay, pack four. Anything else inside something fresh? My lunch box, sir! - Lunch box? No, thanks. Who is it? - l'm known as your mother, son! Mother! is it you? Sorry mom, I didn't see the number. I'm in airport. You didn't forget this time too, right? This time I haven't forgotten anything, mom. Today morning only Shravani delivered a baby in Delhi, I told you so many times to visit them, did you visit them or not? Did you see? I saw! - Girl or boy? Girl! She's extraordinary! is she so beautiful? - Very beautiful! Really? is her complexion like mom or dad? I don't know if her complexion is like mom's or dad's, but she's fair! How's her hair? Curly hair, mom! Like waves! You say she's beautiful! Not ordinary beauty but very beautiful! First time in my life I'm seeing such beautiful, mom. is she healthy? What's her weight? I can't tell exact weight, I can if I carry her. What are you saying? Where is she? God! Please... I've never asked you anything! This is my last wish, God! That girl must sit next to me! Please God! Thank you God! God! You're great! What dear? - Can you please keep the bag inside? Going to Hyderabad? No, I'll down midway! I know it! In our college we used Rahul's name in different ways.- ls it? How? Have you Rahul? Are you man or Rahul? Your computer is affected with Rahul! Anti-Rahul software! Enough! I got it! That's okay! What's your name? I'm that Rahulish! You're doing great! Sleep! I want two lemons! I've take off allergy! I threw up on the next passenger last time. I had eaten fully! Poor person got drenched in my vomit like in rain. You don't get tensed! Please massage my hand with your hand! If you do vomiting sensation will go. If my guest! You may be little embarrassed... Will you please take your hands off me? May not look good to others! I'm no even married! Not even had it! Fortune this week! How would mine be this week? You'd meet a girl in airport! She'd sit next to you. She's your dream girl! What a great fortune! How to love a girl in 30 minutes! New author's new book! Eve teasing is crime! Arrested youth sent to 6 months jail. I'm ready to go gallows also for her notjustjail! Says the youth! Wish the flight crashes! You've experienced little air turbulence! We regret the inconvenience! Due to heavy rain runway in Hyderabad is closed, so we're landing in Goa in emergency! We request the passengers to bear with us! Hello dear! You want me to help? Take it. Already landed? Coming, I'm leaving home! Goa? Why? is it raining there? - Yes, it's raining! Pouring down since morning! Runway has been closed due to heavy rain, so flight has landed in Goa. Don't come to airport, mom. I'll call you before boarding the flight. Anyway you're there, so... - l'll call you later, mom. My wallet and phone are in the flight. Can I get it from there? You'll board the same flight again, right? Collect it then. Take! I heard you talking to the air hostess. Take it, call your home. If you don't call home getting angry on me, your people would come to the airport and get worried unnecessarily. is it necessary? I did like thatjust to tease you. Not to hurt you! If I had hurt you... I'll save your number now, after you reach Hyderabad, I'll call and chase you, may be you're expecting this, but I'm not like that. No problem, make a call. Answer the call. Unknown number. Who is it? Where are you? Do you know how many times I had called you? Missed my phone in the flight, it's a long tale, brother. My flight has been diverted to Go due to inclement weather. How long would it take? - Don't know brother. I think it'll take some time. Come quickly! I'm excited and happy about your arrival. I know it, brother. I'll call you before my flight starts. Whose number is this? That is... - Tell me! This phone belongs to passenger sitting next to me. Who is he? - Some idiot! Idiot? - He looks like a fool! Young? What does he do? If he opens mouth either he eats food or someone's brain. Okay brother! Do I eat other's brains? After 3 years Priya is coming... lt's pouring heavily, right? Your father! Hello father! - lt's me, Shiva! Land line is not working, so I'm calling from dad's mobile, how are you son? Has Priya come there? - No mother. Her flight is delayed, she'll come. You don't worry. How is Geetha? What am I to say, mother? I'm more worried about you going away than I'm not having any kids. It's 3 years since I've seen you, mother. is dad still angry on me? You came to my marriage like guests. Priya is coming, if you also come, mother? We'll be together for sometime, mother. Just 3 days, mother! If you come to me only then you'll know if I've changed or not. You don't worry, I'll talk to your dad and bring him there. Bye son! What? Give me a coffee. - Make it yourself. Why are you so angry? - You're angry not me. It's you who keeps anger simmering for years. How many years have passed since you've seen our son? Anyway you're angry on your son, right? What's the crime of our daughter-in-law? Let's go there at least for her sake. You came this far to bring a change in him, right? We'll know if he has changed or not only ifwe go to him, right? Please, let's go to him. Book two tickets to Hyderabad on Saturday. Are you happy now? Give me coffee at least now. - l will. What? - That's my cap! See! See, my name will be there. Check it! There's a label on it. Isn't it there? There... You... - Yes, me...what? Come on tell me. I lost the cap on the way to the airport. Do you pick up things dropped on road? Show me your bag! Why? I lost my coke bottle too on the way, may be you'd picked that too. So, you're to going to meet your brother on the pretext of exam. Do you love him so much? Very much! Your attention please! We're unable to tell you when your flight will take off, we're arranging refreshments to all the passengers. Three times! - Visited thrice? I thought of coming but couldn't come. Now, fourth time I'm in Goa unexpectedly, but can't go out to see! This time you're seeing Goa! Who you are with? What will you do? For the present I'll make a phone call. How are you buddy? How am I? Have you forgotten it? I knew you'd forget it. I'm getting married in 2 hours. I called you on phone, gave SMS, sent Email and invitation card too. But still you forgot it. I'm ashamed to tell that you're my friend. What's today's date? Which month? Want me to tell the year too! What happened? Stop...stop it! I should be shouting on you, why are you shouting on me? No use in inviting people to marriage, you must have the sense of receiving the guests. Buddy! Are you in Goa? Do you think I'm Goa because my Hyderabad flight got diverted? In 10 minutes, I'll send a car. Send immediately, hang the phone. In exam tension I forgot about his marriage. Had Jaya aunt been here, she would've killed me! Priya come, let's go to the marriage. To marriage? I must go to the marriage. You'll get bored alone here. Marriages are grand in Goa! I mean I don't drink but if you'll get it! Fourth time you wish to see Goa is going to be fulfilled because of me. Come, let's go. Priya, take it as marriage in your home. Buddy! My friend! Have you come? Go away! - What happened? I'm going! Buddy! Why are you leaving immediately? What happened? What else? Did I forget your marriage? Look Priya, we came here after a great struggle to attend his marriage, and he says I've forgotten about his marriage, Please forgive me. With one word that I forgot your marriage, you have... Buddy! I'm sorry! Please forgive me. Okay, since you're getting married today, I'm forgiving you. Come, let's go in. No need, you can leave! Go...go...go... Would I allow you in if you fall at my feet? Go...go...why are you coming in? Are you asking me to go away, aunty? I didn't come here for him but for you, aunty! You're good in apple polishing! Hasn't changed a bit! Who is that girl? My wife Priya! - Wife? ! When did you marry her? - Are you married? What? When did you marry? What's this so suddenly? Very beautiful! You're very sweet! I think I'll cast evil eye on you! I can't believe it! Not only you, she too can't believe it. She's still in that shock! You could've at least informed me, right? I haven't yet told my mother too, aunty! Aunty, you must break this news to them. Aunty will support us fully! Okay? Okay aunty? I got it now! That's why you've come here. I'll take you to task later. You're standing in sun, come in. Yamuna, come here. Rahul's wife! Aunty, I need to talk to Rahul. - Okay...okay. Nothing nephew, just on diet off late. I must go back to airport immediately. - Why? What happened? Why did you tell aunty that we're married? Oh that thing! I've a reason to tell like that. I don't want to hear your reasons, what did you tell me in airport? Didn't you promise to behave properly? I told you one more thing in airport. I promised you wonderful time in Goa, right? How is it connected with this? Just wait for 10 minutes, you'll understand it. If you don't understand by then, go to aunty, and tell her it's a lie! Arrangements are excellent! What do you think of us then? What nephew? - What? Somebody is calling you there. Come. What sari is this? Kanchi silk or Benares? is it good? - Very beautiful, aunty. Did you design it yourself? - Come to the point. I bought many saris and jewels to Priya for this marriage. But my luggage is stuck in airport. You want your wife to appear beautiful in this marriage, right? is that what you want, right? - As beautiful as you! Enough! Priya come, get ready! - No problem, aunty. Don't say no, don't feel shy with me. Watch out! How I'll dress you up! Come! Come! One minute aunty! - Don't talk, sit here. I bought many dresses for my daughter-in-law. Aunty, I want to tell you something. You don't need to tell me anything. Just one minute, aunty... I want to tell you something. Look! Aunty, that idiot Rahul... - l'll listen to your tales later. I'll tell you something before that! You're very lucky, you know that? Rahul is very good boy! If I had a daughter, I would've made him my son-in-law. He's very mischievous but there's love behind those mischievous acts. People who understand him know it. My son and Rahul are same to me. When I went to buyjewels for my daughter-in-law, I boughtjewels for Rahul's future wife too! You wear it. Aunty, not that... - Take it! See! You'll like it. How is it? You like it? is this sari good? You wanted to say something. What's it? That is...nothing aunty! Rahul always tells about you. We'll do this and that in Jaya aunt's house in Goa... I've very important work in Delhi. But came down here especially to meet you. This will be very good on you, would you like to wear it? Look at her! - Who? - That girl! Look there! Who is she? - That girl in maroon sari. Her face ravishing! - Forget her face, look at her waist! It's much more beautiful! How do I look? Don't stare at me... Don't smile piercingly... Don't stand before me and devour my heart... Don't take my life with your swinging waist... Won't my heart burn on seeing your scorching beauty? Like a thunder a dream has struck me... lt turned me into a queen on earth... The palace turned bright with happiness... As the most beautiful dances... Everything changed in moments because of you... And my cheeks blossomed like flowers... Go on a pilgrimage to Kasi. Priest... Brother-in-law, stop... Please marry my sister... This magical thought didn't start now... May be this had started in our previous birth itself... What's this sudden expectation in my heart? I didn't have this feeling earlier, why now? Your wish must live on forever... My entire life must be with you like this day... Looks like you've got close to all of them. Yes, your people are taking good care of me. Had I introduced you as my friend, they would've offered you a plastic chair and served you a cool drink, I wanted you to be a special guest, so I lied to them. Do you think this goes to your credit? I got little importance for your lie, I got a queen's treatment for my lies! What did you tell them? You told them that we're married, I told them I'm 3 months pregnant! You're no ordinary girl! Jaya aunty gave this specially to me. - ls it? Do you know this? It seems Jaya aunt bought these bangles for your future wife. is it? Then, give it to me. Give my bangles to me. Your bangles? Aunty gave it to you thinking you're my wife. I must give it myself to my wife. Give me. Get lost! - Will you give me or not? Give it to me! Give it to me! Aunty liked me so much and she gave it to me. If you want ask aunty to buy new bangles for your wife. Okay! Can you hear it? Let's go to beach, come. - Beach? At this hour? I'm going! Are you coming or not? Please listen to me... lt's very near. Nephew! What's the program? - Nothing, we're going to the beach. Your husband is always with you, right? There's a small party, please leave him to us. Nephew! You too come... Priya, come. Don't go to the beach! - You come with me. Do you've sense? Racing on beach? Missed by a whisker! Somebody would've got hurt seriously. Come on boys! Hold her! Nephew, come here. He won't drink before me. - Then, turn that side. Come, sit here. Have a peg! - No uncle. Don't hesitate, have it. I'm little afraid, uncle. - Why? I won't stop with one peg. Have as many pegs as you like. Sure? - Sure. Drink! Nephew! Where, how and when did you get married? You're stopping my drink, is itjust, uncle? Drink! He'll tell! Ask me now! Where, how and when did you get married? Uncle, don't tell anybody! - Okay. Sure? - Sure. My marriage took place then... there and like that! Aren't you asleep? No. What are you looking at? May I ask you a thing? What? Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are? No! 0Do you know why I told you this? Why? Because you're not that beautiful! Bloody idiot! Get up Rahul! Get up! Do you know what's the time now? Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are? I know your answer. Get up quickly. All are ready and waiting for us. Let me sleep for some more time. Our flight is scheduled to leave at 1 pm. Then, we must leave. Let's leave now. - Why so early? - Yes. Airport is near by, let's stay here for some more time and then go. We've to leave and we're going. That's it. Just some more time with uncle and aunty, please. Don't tell me anything. We're going, that's all. Jaya aunty, remember your love all my life - Priya Next time you must stay here for a month. Whether that fool comes or not. I'll show you entire Goa! Looks like you're leaving without telling me something. We both are not married. - l know it. - You know it? How can you marry without me? I knew you were lying. But liked your lie and that girl too! That girl is very good! Neither I nor your mom can find a better girl than her for you. Give it. Present these bangles and express your love to her. Why are you dull? I'm asking you! For leaving early? Don't open your eyes or talk till I ask you! Be silent! - Why? Where are you taking me? What did you tell me? You said you missed visiting Goa three times, and missing it for the fourth time also, we've four hours before our flight leaves, you'll not miss this time. There's something deep inside the heart... Gestures don't make any sense... There's something hidden in the words.. Do something in action... it has changed totally... imaginations of the past have become wishes to reach you... I'm seeing you everywhere... I'm hearing you always... I'm seeing a life every moment... At last I'm the smile on your face... Why should there be a change like this? What's the reason behind all this? Though we know the answer, we ask the question... Come out from the depths of the heart... The thought reaching the eyes... The desire in the eyes fall on the smile of lips... lt hides in the laughter... The thought stopped there... lt crosses, what would happen to me? Just one word only, what are you waiting for? I'm allergic to take off. Had you not come to the marriage, I would've got bored! Have you forgotten anything? Your clothes! You've forgotten it. Where would I get my luggage? There! 1 Mother! How is Jaya aunty? How did the marriage go off? Fine, mom. How was the bride? - Fine. How did you write your exams? - Fine, mom. Sister! When did you come? Last night. - How are you? Are you fine? I'm fine. I'm here from America for you and what are you looking there? Nothing sister. Sister! Brother! Rahul, food is getting cold, get your sister too. Sister! Sister! - What? Come quickly, sister. Let's have lunch. Wait a minute. - Okay. You're practicing time is getting reduced with every passing day, Shiva. Prakash is practicing 14 hours everyday. If you don't increase the practicing time, he'll surely win. Practice? Let's see in the final. To win he must participate, right? Find Prakash's house. I got it. Who is he? She's talking to him. You're after her from the day she joined this college. You've told her I love you hundred times, and she has said no two hundred times. You forget her, let's first take Prakash to task. We can take care of Prakash later, first her! What are you talking to her? She had a doubt and I was explaining her. Doubt? Tell me now... Go away! How many times I've told you? Can't you understand? Whether you like it or not, you're mine! Whether you cry or laugh, it's for me only. Whether you like it or not, you'll marry me only! On the auspicious Thursday of Telugu month Chaitra, Goutham and Divya's marriage will be solemnized. This is notjust a ring! Our family's fortune! I'm handing it over to you, take care of it well. Where did you buy this ring? It's very beautiful! She didn't even tell us about it. He gets enraged for talking to her, can't imagine what he would do if she marries? That's why, kept it secret. What's it Shiva? This is what you've understood in all these years! You said I'll create trouble in your engagement, you're wrong. If I knew this before I wouldn't create trouble, I would've killed! Till now I said I don't like you! Just now you said you don't love me. No man who loves a girl would hurt her in any way. He wouldn't torture her. He wouldn't threaten to kill her. Yours is love but a craze! I'll not leave you, I'm telling you again. You're mine. Give that ring to me. Leave me! No Shiva! I searched everywhere but didn't find it, madam. You've been searching from morning, night has fallen. Go home now. No, I can't go home without that ring. My mother-in-law told me to take good care of it before giving me. I've understood it, madam. I'll search the entire night and find the ring. Shiva and his friends booze here, they may come her any time now. It's not good for you to stay here. Go home. Sister...sister... what happened sister? Why are you crying? Tell me sister. What happened? Where is Shiva? - There! Where is the ring? Threw it here, right? Find it! Find, it bastard! Find it! Will you kill my sister? Bloody! If you don't find the ring, I'll kill you. Find it! Find it! How dare you beat my sister! Find the ring! Find it...find it... Find the ring! Find the ring, bastard! is it? Priya too loves you? Yes sister. Shiva will not agree. I don't know who Priya was when I fell in love with her. I can't change my heartjust because she's his sister. Get up! A brother like you! She's also a girl like me. As much as I love you, Priya too love her brother. May be more also. I would be sad if anyone separates me from you, likewise Priya too would be sad if anyone separates her brother. I'll be with Prabhu, you do the shopping. As usual clean the stores. Why are you so late? I hate party as much as I hate shopping. What would you like to have? What else? - You tell me. What's your dad saying? - He's still angry on me. Look who is here? Cool! You would've forgotten it and he too! No need to get involved in each other's lives. He's coming towards us! May be on some otherjob. - No, he's coming towards us. I heard you got married. What else? How's your business? Have you come to shop? - No, I came to meet you. You've a sister Priya, right? I love her. Don't get angry! She loves someone else. But I'll not chase and torture her like you. I love her sincerely. I hope some day Priya will understand my love. I came here to tell you this. Tell Priya I had inquired about her. Finished shopping so quickly! Didn't you bring anything for me? Do you love anyone, Priya? Yes, that is... Do you love anyone? What has happened to you? Not today, I've been watching since the day you came here. You're no more yourself. I'm your elder brother. I've never denied anything you had asked. Now also! Please tell me. Yes brother! Who is he? I told you about meeting a man in Goa, right? That idiot! Yes. Did you meet him? No need to see him, dear. The way he spoke to me on phone, I could judge his manners, his good family background. More over you like him. How does he look? I'm very happy. I'll tell our parents immediately about this on phone. Brother! I like him but I don't know if he likes me or not. Would he not like you? If he doesn't like you, I'll make him like you. Okay? You don't worry. If necessary, I'll fall at his feet. I've his phone number, we're good phone friends. I'll call him now. Why are you rushing? Not rushing dear, just being careful. If that rogue manages to trap you, I may not be able to bear it. Who is that rogue? That's my personal problem. You be happy, dear. Okay? I'll take care of everything. Why hasn't he yet called me? No sister, I should've got the call by now. Sister, see who is calling? What great confidence you have! Hey Shiva! You bloody! Where the hell were you man? Bloody idiot! It seems you got married! Why didn't you invite me to your marriage? You've become every proud for making money in business. That's alright, how is your sister Shanthi? Why don't you talk to me, Shiva? Silly boy! I'm Priya's brother Shiva! Priya's brother Shiva means Goa...that girl.... You're not that Shiva, right? I'm that Shiva only! Shiva, I'm really very sorry. Shiva was my classmate, useless guy! I'm not that Shiva! Tell me Shiva, how is Priya? - Priya is fine. She told me everything about you. That's why I called you. Can I talk to you for 5 minutes? - No way! Not possible on phone, let's meet personally. Let's meet personally and discuss. I too felt the same. Can you meet me tomorrow morning at 1 1 .30 am in office? Sure! What's this? Why are you meeting Shiva? Why are you so tensed, sir? Priya's fiancé is coming. Little tensed about receiving him. Why are you all here? Today is the last date, you've to issue cheque. Come fast. A group has come at a time to get sign on cheques. I told you to take it, right? - Last day, what can they do sir? I think brother-in-law is here. Am I good? - Very handsome sir. You're waiting for me. You are...? Are you? - Don't you believe me? Okay, I'll go then. Please come sir...sit here. - Sit here. Original? - You mean? Meeting fakes since morning, so... Who would be in my office if not me? Am I not here in your office as Rahul? He's my PA Seenu. Greetings sir. Your office is very good. He looks little aged. - l'll get the info. Sir, you look quite young, what's your age? Just reached 30! Why are you shocked? Not duplicate. You talk very funny. Brother-in-law is pulling your legs. - Why? You're his brother-in-law, right? Playing fun. Oh Brother-in-law! What would you like to have? Many things! I mean would you like to have coffee or tea, brother-in-law? Get me quarter Brandy. Sir, playing fun again! Playing fun! If I'm here for long, there would be trouble. - Why? Because I've lot of business, I may lose heavily. What businesses? Many...many businesses. - Just name a few. I've many companies. - Name a few companies. Can't I avoid? - No. Reliance? Ambani owns it, right? He says he owns it. I supply them materials. - What do you supply? Let me blabber something, Rahul will manage later. Material means I grow vegetables, they sell it, I pump out petrol, they sell it, I produce Big TV and they play it. Don't you believe me? You look shocked! Shall I tell you frankly? - Tell me. First impression on seeing you is you're a useless guy! I didn't expect you're such a big shot! Your Priya is very lucky. Who is this Priya between us? Don't you know the girl you love? Priya, my young sister. is Priya your sister? I always call her as Pandu.. Very nice name sir. Not yours, brother-in-law, your phone is ringing. Don't keep it there, it's affect kidney, keep it here. Brother-in-law is very careful. What? Has Shankar cheated us? Go with few men and break his limbs. Do you've to tell me this also? Who was it? Sorry brother-in-law. I can tolerate anything but not cheating. Hope he doesn't find me. Brother-in-law isn't suspecting us, right? He knows you'd break limbs if anyone cheats you. Brother-in-law! - Have you come? I'm calling you here and why are you looking back? He's playing fun because you're his brother-in-law. Playing fun, right? What was your feeling when you met Priya for the first time? It's difficult to say. How can he if you say Priya? Say Pandu! Priya means your Pandu. - My Pandu. - My sister. What was your feeling when you first met her? What did Priya tell you? - Nothing. I'll also not tell you anything. Priya must tell first anything that's between us. I mean brother-in-law's idea is... I'm getting nervous when you whisper into his ears. Say it openly what ever you want to. I'll not be confused. He's playing fun again. Brother-in-law, I don't know how time is flying away while talking to you. When you come to know, you'll come after my life. I'll take leave. Why are you insisting on leaving, brother-in-law? Please sit here, let's talk for some time. May be he's having some program with Priya, I mean Pandu. Finally one word, brother-in-law. - Tell me. My father will discuss about marriage. I'll discuss about the financial aspect. Tell me what do you want as dowry. - l want my life. What? Pandu is my life. Give your Pandu as dowry to me. My heart is filled with happiness on hearing your words, brother-in-law. If you know the truth, your heart will stop. I'll take leave now. I like you very much, brother-in-law. Will you ask me to marry you also? Playing fun again. - Let me leave with this happiness. Playing fun! Who are you? Why did you come here? Nobody is in home. Did I ask you to take me to Goa? Did I ask you to introduce me to Jaya aunty as your wife? Did I ask you to get me dressed up beautifully in marriage? Did I ask you to save my life that night? Did I ask you to take me around Goa? You did everything without me asking for it, why did you leave without telling me what I was eagerly waiting? Priya! O my dear, my heart is drowned in your love... Do you know you're an island of love in my lonely imaginary world? Even wind touching you would say I love you... ln the smile of my sulking lover, I see my love... did my life seek help from you? Did youth play hide and seek with you? If you think thrill is other name of love... My lips will hide you... I'll not leave you alone, I'll not let anything hurt you... I'm the life of your dream... What do you say? I'm vast like the sky... Can't you fall on me like shining stars? I'm flying in your mischief... Can't you overwhelm me with your love? I'll love you much more than you think... I'm there for you always, my love... What would become of me caught in your magic? Hi brother! - How did you write exam? Very well. Sorry, I can't pick you up. I'm going to airport to pick up mom and dad. I can judge how happy you're in your words. I've asked Rahul to pick you up, has he come? He's here. Can you please give the phone to him. Brother wants to talk to you. No formalities between us, Shiva. You're increasing petrol prices every day, it's very difficult, it's burning our pockets as well as our hearts. What? Don't keep phone there. - Why sir? It's affect you. - How do you know sir? I didn't want to disturb your exam so didn't tell you about our problem. What's the problem? Your brother! What shall we do now? Let's break up! It's difficult for us to unite, your brother will not agree. That's why I sent my friend to your brother. He's very good man, he'll take good care ofyou. Your brother too liked him very much. You'll also start liking him. You, your brother and he, all three of you can be happy. Please forget me, Priya. Why are you crying? Where would I go leaving you? For this hug, I played this drama. Hold me...hold me! If not I'll go. Brother! Come fast! You carry on... Why are you shouting? Rahul, this is the first chase in my life. First chase? I never expected there would be a chase in my life too. This is the first and last chase in our lives. Got it? Then, this chase must be most thrilling! Shall we do one thing? Shall we fly the car in air? Shall we do another thing? There's a pond, let's plunge car into it for variety. No Rahul, I don't know to swim. Flying in air is better. You... lfwe get caught now, we're finished. He's catching up! Priya stop! You'll die man! Are you playing with me? What's this? This is a chase Rahul! Isn't it good? I'll change it. This is good. What's this Rahul? Shall I stop playing the song? Sit silently. Enjoying this dangerous chase! If you get caught, you'll be in trouble. 3Bloody, you're finished today! Stop...stop I'll take you to task! Brother's jeep has slowed down. It has stopped! Stopped? May be run out of petrol. Our car too is slowing down. We're also running out of petrol. Slowing down...stopping... - Will it stop? What happened? I think we too have run out of petrol. Not think, it's over! Brother has got down. Till now I thought he wouldn't catch up but I'm scared now. Whatever may happen between us, don't get down from the car. Rahul fast! I didn't expect to get caught so quickly. I thought I would get some time if I send another man in my place. I've to make a new plan now. No need. By now my mom and dad would've reached home. - So what? My brother fears only one in this world, that's my father. He shivers if my dad looks at him angrily. Father is not talking to brother for 3 years. He has come now forgiving him. Ifwe meet my father and tell him everything. No! - Why? Ifwe tell him, your father may not forgive Shiva. It's not correct to split them for our union. What shall we do now? You don't do anything, you trust me, right? Then, do what ever your father and brother ask you to do. Leave the rest to me. Don't get down from car. Brother! Brother please no! Brother please... Sit inside! Sir, your father and mother are here. This was when we went to Singapore. Did he take you to Singapore too? Look, he has changed. - l don't believe it. Because of Rahul's sister, dad stopped talking to me for 3 years. 3 years! If he comes to know about this matter, dad will never see me again in this life. If you or Rahul disturb their happiness in these days, I'll kill him immediately. I'll not tell daddy anything, I'll do as you say. You don't need to kill Rahul. Rahul told me to do as you say. That's why! What's that? - Shiva is coming. How are you dad? - l'm fine. Are you happy now? I don't have any regrets now, mom. Do you know him, Shiva? Father, he's... I don't know him. He's alive, let's take him to hospital immediately. We don't who he is, stay out of it. A man is dying and you say stay away from him. He may die ifwe don't take him to hospital. Call ambulance. 1 lt'll take time for ambulance to come here, father. There's a hospital near by. What are you watching? Carry him. - Okay father. Be careful, carry him. Come. Who are you? What's your name? Who beat you? A man beat and left me on road. I didn't know where l was and where to go, I entered the nearest house, I swear I didn't know it was your house! Uncle, he is... - My son Shiva! He carried you to hospital. Did you carry me? Who is she, uncle? - My daughter Priya. She nursed you like her own meeting doctors and buying your medicines. For my sake! Who beat you? Tell me his name. I'll see his end. I'll break his limbs and lock him up. Shiva, you're sweating, increase the speed of fan. Tell me who he is, what's the trouble? Like your Priya, my sister too is very beautiful, while she was in college, a rogue was torturing her, tell me Shiva, what would you do if anyone teases your sister? Please tell me. That is... - My son would've bashed him. I too did the same, uncle. I bashed him black and blue. Then? Flashback is quite long, for some energy... Brother, juice please. What are you looking at? Give him the juice. Poor boy can't hold it, help him to drink. Okay father. Please co-operate. Did you make the juice, Priya? - Yes. Juice is also very sweet like you. You beat him and what next? Then, I fell in love with a girl, uncle. You know about the problems lovers face now, uncle. I got it, her parents don't like it and sent men to attack you. Am I right? Not her parents, it's her brother who doesn't like me. What's his problem? I told you about beating up a man, right? - Yes. He's seeking revenge by becoming a hurdle in our love. Bloody idiot! You beat him 3 years ago, why can't you bash him again? How can I beat him? He's our family member, right? Family member? How? Uncle, if I marry his sister, he'll become my brother-in-law, right? It's not good to beat brother-in-law. We've to live together, right? Ain't I right, Shiva? You're right, I like you. You've to learn a lot from him. What are you saying uncle? I've so much to learn from them. They both are Gods who saved my life, uncle. He's bring back to life the old Shiva in me. No! I've changed. Please let me be like this, it's good. Are you denying me my wish, brother? No, I'll accept anyone in this world, but not him! He told you to do what ever I say, right? Go back to Delhi with mom and dad. Go back. I'll go brother. Not because Rahul told me but you told me to go. I love you as much as I love Rahul. We'll confirm the tickets, you stay here. Don't go away, stay put here. - Okay. Why? You're sending Priya too along with your parents to Delhi, for that! So what? Turn back and see! I'm also going to Delhi in the same flight. Here's the ticket! You're an hurdle for everything but in Delhi nobody can stop me. Once your father leaves to office, I'll romance with your sister. Hey you... Tickets are confirmed, we'll leave now. Cancel it dad. She said she has some work there. Geetha called me just now. - Why? That is...that is... Geetha is pregnant, dad! Why are you hesitating to share happy news? We've been waiting to hear this news. I'm very happy. Why are you rushing? Aren't you eager to meet daughter-in-law? He too is eager to meet his wife. Isn't it? Where are you all going? We were going back to Delhi but cancelled it. is it? Why? - My Shiva is going to become a father. That's really happy news! I wish you've a son just like you. Enough...enough... Father, we're getting late, he's getting late to flight. Shall we go? - Flight? For me? No! I came here to send off a friend. What's that? - Ticket? I picked it up from ground to write a number. Father, wait here, I get the vehicle. What happened, Shiva? Any problem? - What happened? Your mother and sister are waiting there. No problem, just starting trouble, it'll start I've a car, let's go in it. I think petrol pipe got blocked again, dad. Okay see it. Please listen to me, leave it. I know everything, please be quiet. Do it fast, they're waiting. Please listen to me. What happened? I told you, is it necessary? Uncle, please tell him. You wait, you do it fast. Why are you asking him to do it, uncle? Please it's not good! Sip it fast! I think petrol is contaminated. It's smelly! - lt'll be smelly, I know it. They're mixing petrol with something. You don't listen to me, Shiva. Come uncle, let's go in my car. It's new car and AC too. Come Shiva. How is your girl friend? Very good, uncle. Girl friend? I didn't tell you, right? He loves a girl.- ls it? He fell into our home after he got beaten up by her brother. Really? - Yes, he beat me black and blue. Oh no! Please bring her once to home. I want to meet her. I'll definitely bring her to you. How will she be? - She's like a golden doll! She has no resemblance with her brother. He's a worst fellow, a rogue to the core. Abuse him, he must be... - Mother, no need of it. What else then? Will he beat him for loving his sister? How could he dare beat after meeting him? - Right? Let me get him, let him lose the hands that beat you. Mother, please stop it now. - Aunt, he kicked too! May he lose his legs too! - Mother, please stop it. No use in scolding him. - You're right dad. We must scold his parents, they didn't raise him well. We must tonsure their heads and take them on a donkey. Do her parents like you? I'm doing all this to win their favour, aunty. Move Priya. You thank Rahul and come. Have parents-in-law left? Was the flight on time? They're outside. - What? Why? - l lied to my parents. I told them you're pregnant. I know you're hurt but please don't tell anyone it's a lie. Do you know what you're saying? You know we've been waiting years for a child. Have you turned into a joke and drama? How can I lie to them? Sister-in-law! I'm extremely happy dear. What great news you've given us! I was never so happy in life, dear. Geetha, you'll take rest fully. They'll take care of everything. Are you fine, Divya? Why are you shocked? Didn't recognise me? I know you've not forgotten me. But I've forgotten you. Your brother has come back to scratch the old wounds. I loved you then, your brother loves my sister now, account is settled, your brother beat me and warned me to leave you alone, I left you, now I beat your brother and warned him to leave my sister, but he hasn't left her, accounts are not tallying, if your brother chases my sister in the name of love, to settle the account, I may have to start chasing you in the name of love. You know how my love would be! Put some sense into your brother. Whether we should meet again or not depends on your brother's decision. You're not hurt, right? Did he do like that? Did he threaten your sister? We mustn't spare him alive. Father, what had really happened was... I can't believe what Rahul said, tell him what did he do? Shiva, I'm giving up my love for her. Today her brother threatened my sister. He threatened to stop loving his sister. My family is more important to me than my love. Will you meekly surrender for his threat? Are we not with you? You're marrying that girl, okay? That's not right, dad! - Why? No father, from what Rahul says, I think he'll go to any length. He threatened his sister now, tomorrow he may beat his mother, may be kill Rahul too, I think it's better to give up love than to hook up with such rogues? Are you asking Rahul to kill his love fearing his threats? Rahul is very good boy, dad. He says family is over above love! How can such a good boy be happy in a rogue's family? Rahul will find a better girl than her. It necessary, let's find a girl for him ourselves. Any how... I remember my father on seeing you, uncle, I felt sharing with you would reduce my burden. Sorry if I had disturbed you. You were great! How dare he plays me using my dad! Look, how I hit back using his sister! I hit his weakest point. Give me one more large. - For me too! Father, just for relaxation... Make me also a double large. You've a double large only when you're happy, father. What's the reason, dad? - You! - Me? I had a doubt whether you've changed or not, from today I've no doubt. What did he do to clear it, uncle? The way he convinced Rahul... Very good! I like you son! - lt's not my greatness, dad. I told him the fact, dad. I've seen many people like her brother. I told him to be careful, that's all. I'm not talking about the advice you gave to Rahul. The hint you gave me, right? I'm talking about that. What hint did I give you, dad? Just recollect what you said about Rahul! I said Rahul is good boy and he would get a good girl. Then? If necessary, let's find a girl for him ourselves. I got it why you said like that. - What did you understand from it, uncle? Didn't get it yet? He said that our Priya. I like Rahul very much. When you said today morning how much I got an idea then Rahul would be perfect match for Priya. Now that his love has also failed. We can meet his parents with this marriage proposal. What do you say? - Father...not that... Priya, come here! - Coming. Come dear. Sit here dear. What's it dad? There were two reasons to come to Hyderabad. One to meet your brother and second to find a groom for you. I like Rahul very much. What's your opinion? That is you...marriage... You wanted to marry after PG, right? If brother says so, that's my idea too. It seems she'll marry after 2 years, dad. May be it was then. Now your brother is asking you, accept! Ask him to say it, dad. - Not a big deal. He gave me this idea. Tell her to marry Rahul. father, I think brother doesn't like Rahul. Nothing like that. He loves Rahul very much, right? Very much! - Then, tell her. Tell her to marry Rahul. - l'll tell her, father. Priya, you marry Rahul! Okay dad. O my dear, I'm nothing without you... I'm mad in your love... Sensational! Your dark kohl laced eyes are sensational... My heart is eagerly waiting for you, my dear... For you my dear... My heart says I love you... Come what so ever I'll wait for you, my love... For you my love... My words and my silence is for you only... Cuckoo will not keep quiet and is singing new songs... Let this flight in the world of bliss carry on till our marriage... Where ever I may go, I'll reach you only... May I entangled with you forever... My love is fragrant flower spreading fragrance around me... Love is like that... everything is wonderful... Mornings are for you... Moonbeam is for you... Sweet nothings are for you... My life is for you... its not easy to write a simile that's not written in love stories... Words have gone silent and silence is magical, feelings are plenty... Your smile is saying it loudly, my dear... Enough of confusion, be mine... Even if our love is written is air, it won't wither.. Though drowned in waves, it'll reach the shore... My love is for you... - For you... Leave it! What ever you do, he turns into his favour. Leave it for Priya. He's alive still because Priya loves him. I threatened his sister but he didn't give her up. I bashed him but he didn't give her up. There's only one option left now. To kill him! What are you saying? Yes. I'll kill Rahul! What will you achieve if you go to jail after killing him? Its important that he dies, no rule that you must kill him, right? How? is it you? - Come in. Prabhu has sent him, brother. Sit down, Shiva. He's handsome. Kill him? How much? - Rs.10 lakhs. Take full payment. Count it. - Okay brother. You don't misunderstand me. - Details are behind the photo. Be careful! How did fall down? - l don't know brother. What the hell were you doing? There are so many here, can't you take care of my brother? What? Got him? Did you get him? How many more days? How long will you search for him? How long have you been searching for him? Comb the entire area, find his place, get his details, I must get every information about him... lf you don't come with him, I'll kill you all. Brother... What happened to him? Call ambulance. Call! Call! What happened? Look at me! Brother! Do you know him? is it he? is it he who beat you? Yourjob will be done, you can go. Go! Isn't the payment enough? Ask me more. I'm going to kill him for my sake not for you. Go away! If you want ask more money, don't say you'll do it for free. Are you doubting my intention? Won't you believe me? Look at the plight of my brother. He went to Goa and came back like this. He went after some girl in the beach, won't youth be mischief? He beat my brother mercilessly. I'm madly searching for him. I found him because of you. When did it happen? - About a week. Yourjob will be done, you go! I got him at last! Bring him to me in 30 minutes! Go! What happened in Goa? That is... - What happened in Goa beach? Tell me the truth. Brother! How dare you touch my sister? Where are you? Brother! Kill him boys! Brother! Brother... - What happened to Shiva? Please listen to this! How dare you beat us! I'll not spare you alive! Where did Shiva go? - l don't know. When did he leave home? - About an hour. Okay, listen carefully. Don't cut this conference call, Keep the phone on. I'll bring your brother. Okay? Hold him boys! Listen carefully, I don't have time. I want a number to be traced immediately, note the number. It's in Dhoolpet tower! - Dhoolpet tower? Hey stop! Don't kill him now! First the man who beat my brother must come here. Shiva, you wanted him dead. I'll kill him as you watch. Then I'll kill you. Keep an eye till then. Where are you coming from? - From Afzal Gunj. Can you guide me back to that place? - Okay. Go straight and turn left, further up there's a street, turn left again, there's temple of Goddess Mother, turn right there, further straight you'll see a place where they make idols, turn left there, further up you'll see a barber shop, take the street opposite to it, straight up it's Afzal Gunj! Why haven't they come yet with him? No use in trusting those fools, I'll go and get him myself. Come on boys! You both stay back here. Keep an eye on him. Where is Shiva? - Strange! I'm really lucky today! Where is Shiva? I don't get one thing. He came here with money to kill you, and you came here searching to save him, but I got one thing clearly, for that girl you both beat my brother, I'll get that girl here and rape her as you watch it, notjuts me I'll have her gang raped by all my men here. Let me what the hell can you do! Go boys! Get her! You must cross me first to reach her! It's not a gang rape if ten men rape a girl, when a single man comes and bashes up 10 men like you, that's known as gang rape! What happened was... - l know what had happened! What did Rahul tell you? He told me about you approaching Kala. Sorry father. - Why say sorry, son? You were quite adventurous, I didn't know till Rahul told me. What did he do, father? You don't know, right? The man who beat Rahul, that girl's brother, he paid a goon Kala to kill Rahul, and Shiva risked his life and saved Rahul's life. You could've told me before taking this risk, son. Where is Rahul? Please come in brother-in-law, let's discuss inside. No Shiva, I'll go. Please come in. - No Shiva. Be careful! How come lace got untied now? I'll tie. Please forgive me. Please marry my sister, brother-in-law. Please Shiva, neither I want you nor your sister. I don't want this marriage. - Brother! Let him go! You go away! You go! I was playing fun. - You go! We're all one family! Take it easy! Hold it properly! We'll get wet! I'll be back in a moment! - Brother-in-law! You're very funny! A PuLi-DDR Presentation ;) JACK: Earth, before the war. New York, before I was born. A place I've only seen pictures of. I know you... But we've never met. I'm with you... But I don't know your name. I know I'm dreaming. But it feels like more than that. March 14th, 2077. Five years since the mandatory memory wipe. And I'm still haunted by these dreams. Victoria and I were assigned together. In two weeks, our mission here will be finished, and we'll join the others. But the questions I ask, she doesn't. The things I wonder about, she won't. It's been half a century since the scavengers destroyed our moon. Forced to leave their own dying planet, they came to take ours. Without the moon, the Earth was thrown into chaos. Earthquakes toppled cities within hours. Tsunamis wiped out what remained. Then came the invasion. We did what we had to do. We used the nukes. We won the war, but lost the planet. Left it contaminated. Most of it uninhabitable. What remained of humanity had to leave the Earth. We built the Tet, our mission control. A temporary space station before the migration to Titan, Saturn's largest moon. Everyone's there now. Well, almost everyone. Until our tour is complete, Vika and I do our job. We protect the hydro rigs, which convert Earth's sea water into fusion energy for the new colony. The survival of humanity depends on it. (CHUCKLES) Thank you for the coffee. Remnants of the scavenger army continue to disrupt the operation. They attack our drones at night, and try to kill me during the day. There's still fight in them, but I don't know why. Mission says we have done well. That we are an effective team. Vika's my communications officer. She keeps an eye on me. I handle drone maintenance. The drones watch everything. Vika can't wait to go. Me, I'm not so sure. I can't shake the feeling that Earth, in spite of all that's happened... Earth is still my home. Jack Harper, Tech-49. Morning, Bob. JACK: (THROUGH SPEAKERS) Tower, comm check. Drone Maintenance Technician 49, hydro rig support. All Bubbleship systems are green. I'm good to go. Copy, Tech-49, you're cleared. Be careful out there. Always am. No, you're not. Yeah, you're right. I gotta work on that. All right, Tet's coming online in 30 seconds. Relaying hydro rig coordinates now. Confirm visual. I got 'em. Hydro rigs are sucking seawater. You got 'em, Bob? Drone 185 looks good. Jack, we've got two drones down. Shit. Stand by, Mission coming online. VICTORIA: And we have Tet contact. Morning, boss. Tower 49, this is Mission Control. How y'all doing this lovely morning? Another day in paradise, Sally. Uploading data now. 49 mission log. Day 1642, hydro rig support. I have two... You have two drones offline. Perimeter's compromised. Copy that, relaying to Tech. Stand by. Jack, 166 is down in Grid 37. Linking to beacon now. You'll go there first. Got it. On my way. VICTORIA: Mission, Tech-49 is en route to Grid 37 now. Can you plug that hole with Drone 109? Negative, 109 is in the dock. Still waiting for parts. Jack better find those drones and get 'em flying. Those rigs can't be exposed overnight. Copy that. (GRUNTS) SALLY'. Tower, didn't he fix 166 recently? Jack has fixed all the drones recently. And, if we had the parts that we've been asking for, we wouldn't be running a skeleton crew down here. Understood. We're doing the best we can. Are you an effective team? We are an effective team. Your directive today is to rehabilitate 166 and find 172. Get 'em flying by sundown, and I'll buy you two a round of drinks when you get up to the Tet. You had better be ready, Sally. Two weeks now, we're keeping track. (GRUNTS) Okay. Come on, Bob. Work with me, here, buddy. Tech-49? Tech-49? Jack? Copy, Tower. What happened? I lost you for a second. Really? JACK". Coming up on location. There it is. I've got multiple scav kills. Drone 166 put up a hell of a fight. Got any movement? No sign of scavenger activity. But I've got limited visibility, here, Jack, due to low angle of Mission. Copy that. I'm coming in hot. Starting repairs. Watch my back. I always do. You know, I read about this game. It was played right here. The last Super Bowl. Down by four. The ball was on the 50-yard line. Seconds left on the clock. The ball is snapped, and the QB fumbles. Disaster. Looks like the game is over. I'm reading the whole central core off-alignment. You don't have the necessary tools down there. And a new fuel cell is not going to fix that. But this QB runs back, and picks up his own fumble. Hold on, what did you just do? There's a wall of linebackers closing in on him. So, he throws a long ball with no idea who is at the other end. A Hail Mary. Eighty-thousand people on their feet, watching this ball sail through the air. Downfield is a rookie wide receiver, third string. He just leaps out of the pack. Touchdown! (IMITATES CHEERING) Contact! West contact! VICTORIA: Jack? It's okay, Vika. It's just a dog. Hey. Now, go on. You gotta get out of here. Go on, get! Get out of here! Go! Tech-49, Jack Harper. You're welcome. (SCOFFS) 166 is back online. Two drones shot down today. Ten fuel cells stolen in just over a month. These scavs are getting bolder. VICTORIA: Well, the hydro rigs are taking all the water. Once we're gone, they'll have nothing but dust and radiation. JACK'. This is bullshit. We won the war. Now we have to leave. Two more weeks, Jack. Then we'll be on our way to Titan. Yep. That drone is out there somewhere. We just have to find it. Without a beacon, that's like finding a needle in a haystack. (CHUCKLES) So we go to our ground game. Tower, I've located 172 down a sinkhole. No visual, but I can hear it. Tet's so far off angle, I can barely see you. How's it look? It's good, it's good. There's no sign of scav activity on top. Tet's offline in 15 minutes. After that, you're on your own. VICTORIA: Mission, this is Tower 49. Jack has located drone 172. Engaged in recovery now. Requesting backup to his location ASAP. I've got a visual on Drone 172. Jack? (CLATTERS) What the hell? Shit. (GRUNTS) (GRUNTS) Ha! Jack! Tech-49, Jack Harper. Jack Harper, Tech-49! Hey! Oh, no. Come on. Not my goddamn bike! JACK: (READING) "How can a man die better Than facing fearful odds "For the ashes of his fathers And the temples of his Gods" VICTORIA: Jack? Yep, I'll be right there. VICTORIA: How does 109 look? Can it fly? Barely. And without armor, she's a sitting duck. Well, I'll talk to Sally about that shielding in the morning. Okay. Again. (CHUCKLES) What, Jack Harper? Where did you get this? It was growing in... (DOOR OPENING) Come on, Jack, you know the regulations. I know you think I'm a stickler but you have no idea what kind of toxins could be in something like that. It's a flower, Vika. Yeah, that's not the point. It's that we are so close to the end, and the last thing that we need is you putting it all at risk. Okay. Every day, you have to go down there and see what was lost. But we've done our job, Jack. It's time to go. I don't think they were trying to kill me today. The scavs. They were trying to catch me. Well, they can't have you. Come on. You should come with me sometime, before we leave. There's a place I found I'd like to show you. (WHISPERS) I'll show you something. Hey,hev! (PANTS) (RUMBLING) Oh, my God. VICTORIA: It was a six-stage meltdown from inside the hydro rig's core. It's offline permanently. SALLY: Tower 49, you have put the whole operation at risk. Jack believes the scavs weaponized one of the stolen fuel cells and got it into the suction. VICTORIA: SALLY 1 Tower, hold. Tower, I've got a rogue signal in Grid 37. Are you seeing this? Yes. JACK: It's gotta be scav. It's not one of ours. Jack, the signal is being directed off-planet. On my Way- Tower, our logs show you are missing an additional nine fuel cells. Can you confirm? Negative, Mission, that number is 10. Drone 172 was lost last night. 109 is combat-ready as soon as we get that shielding. We can cover the remaining rigs with drones in the field. I've run the numbers. We'll do the numbers up here, Tower. I'm tasking the drones to defensive positions. COPY- Our job is to run those rigs. Your directive is to protect them. We cannot afford to lose another. Do you copy? COPY- Are you and Jack an effective team? Damn right we are. Jack? You're right on top of it. Do you have a visual? Jack? Yeah, I got it. They have some kind of a repeater. The scavs are using the building as an antenna. Can you decrypt? It's a set of coordinates. Grid 17. It's a goddamn homing beacon. Grid 17. What the hell is out there? Nothing. It's the middle of nowhere. What is going on? Why would the scavs send a signal off-planet, Jack? I'm shutting it down. Tech-49, check your course. You're headed right for the border. That radiation will cook you from the inside before you know it. It's okay, Vika. I see it. I'm gonna do a perimeter check before I head home. I may go off-comm. Jack, we should keep in contact. Just let me know where you are. Do you COPY? Jack, do you copy? That's right, Bob. You know where we're going. (CLASSIC ROCK MUSIC PLAYING) Are you gonna miss me? (CHUCKLES) I'm gonna miss this place. It would have been great. It would have been great. (MUSIC CONTINUES) (GASPS) (RUMBLING) JACK: Vika? Vika, did you get that? VICTORIA: Jack, where have you been? An object came down in 17. That's the beacon coordinates. Exactly. I saw it. Some sort of vessel. Jack, Mission's almost offline. I'm en route now. Mission, we have an unidentified object impact in 17. It came down at coordinates sent by a scav beacon. My tech's en route now. Tower, we're going offline soon, but drones are already mobile and executing. Have your tech stand down. COPY- Jack, Mission wants you to stand down. The drones will handle it. JACK: That's a negative, Tower. With Tet offline, we need our eyes on this. I want to know this site is secure. Sally, my tech's concerned about the security of the site. Tower, you have lost enough assets for today. Keep your tech out of there. Do you copy? Copy, Command, I'm... Jack, Command wants you to stand down. The drones will handle this. JACK'. I'm on site. Jack. I don't have eyes on you. Command's offline. Vika, I think it's one of ours. This thing is ancient. It looks pre-war. The scavs brought this thing down, Jack. There's no sign of scavs. Technician, this is your Control. I'm ordering you to pull out and return to the tower immediately. Touching down. (EXHALES SHARPLY) (WHISPERING) They're human. Tower, we have got survivors. There are four... Check it, five survivors. They are human. (GASPS) Stand down! Vika, the drones are firing on survivors. Jack, the Tet's offline. (STAMMERING) I don't have control. Stand down! Jack Harper, Tech-49. Back off, you son of a bitch! Back off! Open the door. Vika! Get the med kit. Get the med kit! This has to be reported. Be sure and report that the drones killed the crew from one of our own ships. See what Command makes of that. (GASPS) (SPUTTERS) It's breathing fluid. Just let her get it out. Jack. Here. You're still dehydrated. Where are we? I'm Victoria, this is Jack. VICTORIA: What's your name? I'm Julia. VICTORIA: Julia... I'm sorry for what I have to tell you, but you were in a crash. Your ship came down. Jack managed to pull you from the wreckage. But none of your crew survived. What do you mean? You're the only one that made it. I'm sorry. You've been in delta sleep for a long time. Some disorientation is normal. How long? Sixty years. At least. I have to get back to our ship. It's too dangerous down there. You need to rest. Vika... Don't touch me. Your ship's re-entry was triggered by a beacon from the surface. Do you know anything about that? What was your mission? It's classified. Well, we have no record of an Odyssey... I can't tell you anything until I get the flight recorder from my ship. Julia,a lot has changed in 60 years. While you were in delta sleep, Earth was attacked. Call them scavs. They destroyed our moon and with that, half the planet. Then they invaded. We won the war, but Earth was ruined. Everyone's on Titan now. It's a moon of Saturn. Or on the space station, getting ready to go. We're here for security and drone maintenance. We're the mop-up crew. (CHUCKLES SOFTLY) You've lost people. Everything. If you want to be alone, we understand. The drones killed her entire crew. If I hadn't gotten there... I want her gone first thing. Vika... Do you have any memories before the mission? Before the security wipe? Our job is not to remember. Remember? Do you remember her? Jack“. That was a scav beacon that brought her down. We don't know who she is. Or what she is. Let's just get through the night. Okay? You fly that thing? Yes. What happens now? The Tet will be online soon. Victoria will report your rescue. They'll send someone down for you. From the Tet? Yes. I need to get the flight recorder from my ship. The scavs, they move at night. They could be all over it by now. I need to know what happened. You need to know what happened. Please. Jack? Jack, what are you doing? Vika, she's a flight officer. She wants to see her ship and secure the flight recorder. Now, you would want the same thing. Jack,L“... I can't protect you. No, I understand. This one's on me. I couldn't save them. (ALARM BLARING) Jack.Jack! Jack, can you hear me? (PANTING) All right, it's time to go. Jack. I found it. (SCREAMS) Jack! (JULIA SCREAMING) (ENGINES WHIR) (MISSION CHIMES ONLINE) Tower 49, how are y'all this lovely morning? Another day in paradise. Sally... Jack took a pre-dawn patrol and went off-comm near the canyons in 17. Now, I know we're low on drones, but, um, requesting one to sweep the area. Just a quick scout. Copy 49, tasking 185 to Grid 22. BEECH: "And how can a man die better Than facing fearful odds "For the ashes of his fathers "And the temples of his Gods" I've been watching you, Jack. You're curious. What are you looking for in those books? Do they bring back old memories? You won't get anything from me. My memory has been wiped to protect the security of the mission. Yes. You can't have your precious memory falling into the wrong hands, now, can you? Tell me. Have you ever met a scav up close? Of course not. You just repair drones. "Don't go into the radiation zone." "Don't ask too many questions." Not part of the job description. Lights. We're not alien, Jack. We're human. Of course, for us, being human is a problem. Old stealth fighter tech. Shields us from your scanners. Vocal scrambling. (IN SCRAMBLED VOICE) Can you hear me, Jack? (IN NORMAL VOICE) Keeps your drones confused. Well, most of the time. The drones are programmed... To kill humans, Jack. You saw what they did to those sleep pods. You almost got yourself blown to bits protecting that woman. Why did you do that? Anyone would have. "Anyone." Interesting. SYKES: We're wasting our time. The drone will track him here. BEECH: That's Sergeant Sykes. He thinks I'm a fool for having brought you here. I hope you prove him wrong. (BEEP S) Mission, I'm picking up a bio trail somewhere near the west canyons. Can you confirm the sequence? Stand by. DNA confirmed. It's Jack. (CHUCKLES) Vika, are you okay? Everything good between you two? Of course. You're still an effective team? We're great. Never better. BEECH: We were running a ground game, and losing. So, we decided, "What the hell? "We've got to throw the long ball." It took us decades just to crack the GPS codes. That's how you brought down the Odyssey. Why? BEECH: The Odyssey's compact reactor, courtesy of NASA. Very hard to come by. Did you like the show last night? That was just one fuel cell. Imagine what 10 of them will do, with a core of weapons-grade plutonium. We have a nuke, and we have a drone to carry it. But we can't access it. It doesn't know who we are. But it knows you, Jack. We need you to program the drone. Have it carry our nuke up to the Tet. End this war. There are people up there. Sergeant. Program the drone to return to the Tet. It needs to go right to the center. Screw you. We haven't got time for this. (GRUNTS) (PANTING) Hey.Hey! No. (ALARM BLARING) SYKES: Let's go! Get him up. Mission, 185 just went off-grid. Copy, Tower, we're seeing the same thing. Permission to task two additional drones? If one drone is here, more will come. And they won't stop until they find me. They'll turn this place to dust. But if you let us go, I'll call them off. It's your only chance. I've been to your "radiation zones." If you're looking for the truth, that's where you'll find it. You've risked all our lives. Everything. What makes you think he's different? She does. (BEEPING) (BEEPING) VICTORIA: Mission, I've found my tech over in 37. You can call off the search. SALLY: Copy that, Tower. Glad Jack's safe. Tasking the other drones back to rig support. Where are we going now? Who are you? What aren't you telling me? Jack,L“ What were you doing on the Odyssey? What was your mission? It was a research flight to Titan. My first. That's what it was supposed to be. Six weeks to launch, deep space scanners picked up an alien object. We were reassigned to investigate. They put us all in delta. They must have woken you and Victoria first. What? That object was the Tet, Jack. The Tet was our mission. That's impossible. That's impossible! Who are you? I'm your wife. I don't know what happened, but you're not who you think you are. Jack, we were here. You asked me to meet you, brought me up on top of the world. I could tell you were nervous that day. It was right here, Jack. You said, "Look through here, "and I'll show you the future." (WHISPERING) And I held up a ring. And you said... "Yes." There you are. There you are. (MOUTHING) Hi. Hello. Come on. (INAUDIBLE) JACK'. Vika, I'm coming in. Do not report to Mission until I get back. Do you copy? Do you COPY? Vika, open the door. Stay away from me. I don't want to hear it. It's not safe here, and we need to leave, now. It was always her. Wasn't it? Vika... She's my wife. Mission, this is Tower 49. SALLY: Go ahead, 49. No. I'm having a problem with my technician. No, you don't know what you're doing. He found a survivor at the crash site. You've gotta listen to me. She's impeding his abilities, and he is unfit for service. No,no,no. SALLY'. I'm sorry to hear that, Vika. Are you still an effective team? Vika... Open the goddamn door, Vika! No. We are not an effective team. (DOOR CHIMES) Vika, please. We have to go now. I'm not going anywhere with you, Jack. There's a place I know. We'll be safe. I'm going to Titan. There is no Titan. They lied to us. (CRYING) Just stay away from me. Vika, please, there are things... Things you need to know. I don't want to know! Jack“. (VICTORIA SCREAMS) (GRUNTS) Hi, Jack. I don't believe we've had the pleasure. What have you done? You can't blame yourself for this. Drones are unreliable. Sometimes things go wrong. "Go wrong" ? You killed her. I know, it's tragic. She was a wonderful person. Jack, we want to bring you in. I've been authorized to tell you we're going to assign you a new mission. You and the survivor. There's a lot of interest up here. Bring her up. We can debrief, then anything's possible. It's time to come home, Jack. Jack? Jack? Jack“. I'm sorry. Hang on. Lightning. That's the plan. We need cover. There. (GASPS) Are you okay? No. (BEEPING) Don't worry, we're staying out of there. (ALARM BLARING) Are we gonna die? No! Maybe. Jack! Son of a bitch. Wait here. (WHISPERS) Who is it? Hey! Wait! Wait! Hey! Drop your weapon! It's okay. Don't move! (WHIRRING) We have to shut that drone down. Stop moving! JULIA: Jack! (GRUNTS) (CHOKING) (DRONE WHIRS) (WHIRRING STOPS) (GRUNTS) (WHIRRING) It's okay. (WHEEZES) (WHIRRING LOUDLY) Julia. Julia! (GASPS) Don't. Don't touch me. Hold on. Just hold on. Jack Harper, Tech-52. Hey. There you are. What happened? Are you okay? That bogey came across the border and then I lost you. False alarm. (SIGHS) I should get back out there. You come all the way home, and I don't get a kiss? (CHUCKLES) What's going on up there? I was thinking... Why don't you come down with me? To the surface? We could go right now. (LAUGHING) Now? Yeah. Are you serious? You won't believe what's down there. Jack“. You know the regulations. Yes. Can we not do this again? I'm done talking about it. Okay. This is gonna hurt. (GROANS) (JULIA SCREAMING) Hell of a day, huh, Bob? (BIRDS TWITTERING) (SLOW MUSIC PLAYING ON TURNTABLE) You always loved this song. I'm not him. I know I'm not. But I've loved you for as long as I can remember. I don't know how else to say it. You know what you said to me once? You said when it was all over, you would build me a house on a lake. We would grow old and fat together. And we would fight. Maybe drink too much. Real romantic. And then we would die and be buried in a meadow by the lake. And the world would forget about us. But we would always have each other. I remember. Those memories are yours, Jack. They're ours. They are you. (SLOW MUSIC CONTINUES) Good morning. I wanted to spend the rest of my life here. You still can. I have to go. Those people need my help. We'll come back when it's over. Promise me. We'll come back when it's over. (GUN COCKS) You had me worried for a second. I thought you weren't coming back. Well, I had to prove him wrong. You look like shit. You should see the other guy. If I had told you what you'd find out there, you would have thought I was crazy. I still do. Malcolm Beech. Julia Harper. Come on. (MISSION CHIMES ONLINE) Mission, I'm picking up a bio-trail somewhere near the West Canyons. Can you confirm the sequence? SALLY". Stand by. DNA confirmed, it's Jack. Mission, 185 just went off-grid. Copy, Tower. We're seeing the same thing. I'd been in the army less than a year when that unholy Tet arrived. I saw the moon get taken out. Right up there in the night sky. I couldn't believe it. After that, nature took over. There's bedrock around Chicago, so we were spared the worst of the waves and the quakes. Most people just starved. Then the Tet sent troop ships down. The doors opened, and out you came. Astronaut Jack Harper. Thousands of you. Memory wiped. Programmed to kill. They had taken one of our best and turned him against us. No soul. No humanity. The Tet. What a brilliant machine. Feeding off one planet after another for energy. Phase Two was drones. Repairmen. 50 years of watching those hydro rigs suck our planet dry. Then one day, I saw you set down. Another drone to fix. But in the rubble that day was a book. You picked it up. You studied it. And I thought I saw a way. When you stepped in front of that drone and saved her, I knew. You were in there somewhere. I just had to find a way to bring you back. (DRONE WAILS) Watch it, watch it. Eyes on it. Steady. Give it some space. Come on, you're making it nervous. That is one pissed-off weapon. No, it's just a machine. I'm the weapon. I would love to be there to see that thing's face when this goes off. That would be a one-way trip. Yeah, but it would be worth it. Welcome back, Commander. (MEN CHATTERING) Open the doors! Shit! Spread out! (ALL SCREAMING) MAN: Head down, keep your head down! (GRUNTS) JULIA: Jack! Follow me! Come on, you son of a bitch! (ALL SCREAMING) (GRUNTS) (PANTS) JACK: Hey! (GRUNTS) Jack. I'm okay. The drone. Send the drone. It's gone. I thought we had it. I really did. I can take the bomb myself. Ah... You know it will swat you like a fly. Not if I go. No. She asked you to bring me up. So bring me up. We'll go together. It reminds me of home. Ready? Jack. Dream of us. Jack“. MALE AUTOMATED VOICE: Flight recorder playback for the Odyssey mission. 3 May, 2017. Okay, Bob. Ready for space? (CLASSIC ROCK MUSIC PLAYING) SALLY'. Good morning, Odyssey, from your friends here at Mission Control. JACK". Good morning, Mission. This is Commander Jack Harper. Thank you for that fantastic wake-up call. Pre-rendezvous checks complete. Electrical guidance and nav systems, all good. Range behind object, 250 clicks... 12 below V-bar, closure rate 200 kilometers per hour. Copy that. It's good to see you, Jack. After 39 days of sleep, sounds like you're ready to go. I'm ready to go. Your next burn will bring you up level and co-speed at 50 kilometer range, where you'll hold. We'll hold 50 clicks from object for sensor scan and evaluation. Targets look good. Initiating burn in 3,2,1... Ignition. We see a good burn. Are you reading any output from the object? Negative. Zero heat. No EMR. There's no sign of life. How is the rest of the crew doing? Co-pilot Victoria Olsen should be up here shortly. The rest of the crew remains in delta sleep. Copy that. You missed a hell of a game last night. What did I tell you guys? No spoilers about last night's game. I'm looking forward to watching it when I get back. You're not talking about football already, are you? SALLY". Good morning, Vika. VICTORIA: Good morning, Sally. How are you doing this lovely morning? Another day in paradise. Hey. One for history. Yeah. (CHUCKLES) SALLY: Tech-49, I have you on approach. Hello, Sally. It's a busy morning, huh? I'm picking up a second passenger, Jack. It's Julia Rusakova, the female survivor from the crashed module. State your intention. Deliver the survivor, as requested. We are a more effective team. Proceed to entry. JACK'. Mission, we have a situation. The last burn was spot-on to give us a SO-click hold from object, but radar range still decreasing. We're accelerating toward the object. We're going to need full OMS burn to pull away. Initiate now. Entering target. Gimbals set. Target's good. Arm forward engines. Engines on. Ready? Let's go. Mission, we're in full OMS burn, trying to back out. There's a lot of vibration. (ALARM WHOOPING) We're not getting away from this thing. Odyssey, telemetry shows structural overstress. Knock off the burn. Do you copy? Cutting off burn. Mission. Mission? Mission? Sally? Increased acceleration toward the object. Estimated contact within two minutes. I'm going to eject the sleep module. It's programmed for reinsertion into Earth orbit. I'll fly the Command module out if I break free. I want you back there now. Absolutely not. That's an order! Jack, no, we're a team. VICTORIA: We've got to go, Jack! 30 seconds! Dream of us. (ALARM CONTINUES) Jack“. SALLY: Tech-49, enter at headway speed. Entering at headway. (WHISPERS) You buck up, Bob. Don't go all shaky on me. Jack, I can't help notice your respiration and heart rate have increased. I'm just excited to finally meet you, Sally. There's been a pattern of insubordinate behavior recently. Yeah. I feel bad about that. Voice analysis indicates you are lying to me, Jack. Tell me why you are here. You have five seconds. I want Julia to live. I want our species to survive. This is the only way. Proceed to landing. Atmosphere provided. Welcome home, Jack. Come on. Jack, you're doing the right thing. I don't know what you are, or where you're from, but I'd like to tell you about something I read. A story from Rome, a city you destroyed. It's a classic. There was a guy, Horatius, held the bridge alone against a whole army. And what Horatius said was, "How can a man die better..." You don't have to die, Jack. She doesn't have to die. Everybody dies, Sally. The thing is, to die well. Jack, that's not the survivor you promised me. No, it's not. What Horatius said was, "How can a man die better JACK: "Than facing fearful odds" Drones! Get inside! Get inside! JACK: "For the ashes of his fathers "And the temples of his Gods" SALLY: I created you, Jack. I am your God. Fuck you, Sally. JACK: Earth, after the war. Three years have passed since I saw your face. I wonder if I come to you at night, in dreams. In the day, as memories. Do I haunt your hours the way you haunted mine? And I wonder if you see me when you look at her. Mommy, look. If we have souls, they are made of the love we share. Undimmed by time. Unbound by death. For three years, I searched for the house he built. I knew it had to be out there. Because I know him. lam him. Who's that? I am Jack Harper. And I am home. Max. Do not wait for the sisters. It frey. He's also a new kid here. You can read? It's a giraffe. He lived in Africa. You can read? Yes. There are a lot of robot helpers there, and they serve all day. If you live there, you would not never been sick, or get old. I'm going to take us there one day. Really? Yes, I promise. Frey and Max. Forever. Max, what else did you steal? You made me disappointed. Why are you doing this? So you can save money? So you'll be able to buy tickets to go up there? That place is not for you, or me. But it's not fair, sister. Why should I not go there? Sometimes there are some things that do not can be explained in life. Why should all work properly. But one thing I know. You are something special. Someday you're going to do something extraordinary. Something that is destined for you. My little Max. Go to work, huh? Beware not to burn. Make this world so much better. It's funny, I had no job. I'll see you later. Little friend, you think I have money? What I seem to have money? What about you, do you have any money? Come on, what have you got in there? Oh, wait a minute. Wait. Oh, it's 5 dollar. Hey, wait a minute. I had 5 dollars and I'm rich. You know what that means? So I can go to elysium, huh? All right. Please immediately lined up. Bus you've arrived. I did not bring anything. Do not touch me. Clean. Go on. Good morning, officer. Detected criminals. Caught many times. What's in your bag? Hair gel, mostly. I'm just kidding. Hey, hey .. I just want to work, man. There is nothing in the bag. Come on, I ... Against the officer is an offense. I just want to work, man. Come on. Clean. I told you there's no nothing. There is no tolerance and it also applicable to other citizens. Really? You must immediately report to parole officer. Thank you, citizen city. No, thank you. Frey, fractured two bones in the booth. Max? Frey ... I thought you were ... When did you come back? It's a long time. I see nothing has changed here. No, it's not my fault. Of course not. Let me see it. How? Broken really badly. So you made it so a nurse, huh? Yes. That's good. You still steal cars? No, I did not do such a stupid thing again. I worked in armadyne. I was on track, you know? Frey, they need you on the 3rd floor. I'll be right there. So, you know, because you've come back ... Wait a minute. Just a minute. Dominican, could replace me here? Hey, listen, because you're back ... Max, sorry I have to go. Nice to meet you. Stay away from the problem. It is. Listen ... I know why you're gone, I understand. I just wanted to build go back a long relationship. Dinner was with me. I'll make coffee. Not. God. I had to break my hand only to get your attention? Because I'll do it. Stop it. My life is complicated, Max. I'm just, I'm ... I miss you. Shift I finished at 8 Wednesday, ok? Yes, all right. Coffee. Yes, coffee. Good. Get out of here. Hello. Before we started, I want to explain ... Max da Costa, violation of code of conduct in 2219. Today at the bus stop 34-b. Yes, that's what I want to talk. I think it's been a misunderstanding. We will extend the exemption bersyaratmu eight months. Wait, what? No, no, I can explain what happened. I'm just kidding. And, uh. You know ... Stop talking. The police reported antisocial behavior. With regret we have to extend parole period. Increased heart rate is detected. You take the pill? Not. Thank you, I want to explain that to happen ... Stop talking. Analysis showed personality 78.3% likely to commit aggression ... Attack with a deadly weapon, resisting arrest. You want to talk to a human? No, I'm fine. Thank you. What is it satire or contempt? Negative. Insulting officials is a federal crime. Understood. Hey. Da Costa. You're late for your shift. Yes, I have a little problem ... No, no. You can not work with it.'Re out. No, no, I'm fine. I can work. It will be released today. I'm fine. Are you healthy? Healthy. Okay, I pay you half a day. Yes, all right. You're lucky for it. No detectable weapons. You may enter. Hey, look, man. Guess he likes you. Did he bring his own plane these days? It looks good. If we are not able to increase profits, investors are we going to lose confidence. You think what I'm doing here, on earth? You think I'm happy to breathe the air? No, of course, but ... I did everything that could be done ... To re-boost this company profits. The company that I built myself. Now, excuse me. I do not want to talk with you guys again. Thank you. Closing the number 34. Heating the number 34. Burn ID in his hand. Come on, come on, we do not have much time. Three transporter we have prepared, spider. All right, show on the screen. Code accepted. Turn on the plane. We need guider. Welcome. Hello, ma'am. Have a look-see his garden. Of course, thank you. Halo. Madame delacourt. Hi, it's been great, yes. Hello. What's up? Kids go? Yes, they were together Dominica. I have a present for you. Take it with your mother. There, next to the couch. Lady, you want to drink fresh? Command: Cancel. Security is breached. The code was reported stolen plane. Sorry to bother you, ma'am. We saw some unregistered aircraft is approaching. Good afternoon, defense secretary delacourt. Unregistered aircraft approaching 3 elysium airspace. Actions 6 and 7 are no longer effective. Attention, the approaching aircraft. You are not allowed to enter the airspace of elysium. Dad. It's all right. We will be forced to take action. You violated the airspace of elysium. Warning standard does not work. 15,000 Miles and is getting closer. What should we do, ma'am? Activate kruger. Mom, according to the executive order 355 about the illegal assets on earth ... I give you power. Yes, ma'am. Agent 32, we send the package. Welcome, agent kruger. 10,000 Miles and closer. Sending coordinates on assets. Three target data. Shoot them. Green light, 21-b. Green light. The missile was gliding. Oh, shit. Two aircraft were destroyed. The total casualties of 46 people. Collisions in 5 ... Last missile failed. That's ridiculous. Only one who survived. Ma'am, the plane enters our atmosphere. The plane was registered first has landed. I want everyone who dropped the plane was captured. ID is accepted. Scan. Broken in some parts detected the process of reconstruction began. No. 32 arrested, 13 were killed, and 2 remain at large again, mom. Reconstruction is completed. You have violated immigration laws. All passengers have been arrested illegally, ma'am. Yes. Send them to deportation, remove them from the habitat. Minister delacourt, please immediately report to the president patel. Minister delacourt, please report to the president patel. What's up, man? What happened? A little trouble with the police. Are you okay? Yes, do not worry. Max, I have to talk to you. You know ... Not. What do you mean? You have not even heard of what I'm saying. Well, let's say. All right. You know doseta house on the hill? Yes, there's a lot of weapons. Yes, they have five cars. It's new. We will go three. Tomorrow, at lunch. At lunch? That's the plan? Oh my God. You've got a better plan? Yes, bring one person. Go before sunrise, take two fastest cars ... And burn battery more cars. Fuck you. Fuck you. I have to do? Oh, come on. Give me one year. One year alone. I'm not going back to jail. A year alone, come on. Look at you, once you are a legend, and now what? The time was 5:50 am. No weapon was found. You may enter. Closing the number 34. The door is not functioning. Hey, did you hold the queue. No, the door jam. What are you doing to the door jam? No, I'm just trying resetnya me. Let me see. Held its base. Yes, I try removing them. Get inside. No, I ... Look, you get into it now ... Or find someone else who will, and you can go from here. Come on, man. No. That's the deal, okay? Begin. Come on everybody, fast work. Shit. No, no, no, stop. No, no. Hey. Organic network detected k-34. Come on. Get lost. It's too late. Extraction. Those who start fights, sister. I just wanted to stay there. You see how beautiful elysium of here? Yes. All right. Now look how beautiful we look from up there. Save it. Now it's yours. So you'll never forget where you come from. What happened? You're exposed to lethal doses of radiation. You will experience organ failure ... In five days, you will die. What happened? Why did production stop? He's exposure to radiation. Do not breathe on me. Shut your mouth. I'm sorry, sir. What skin to peel off? I do not want to change his bed. Get him out of there. Yes, sir. Well, thank you. Mr.. Carlyle, your plane ready to go. Please sign this to receive treatment. Miporol will be very helpful. Your body will work fine until death. Take one tablet after a meal. Thank you for your ministry. At 3 pm yesterday you shoot down two aircraft and killed 46 civilians. Mandatmu is clean up the this stowaway quietly. I really understand it. And using this agent ... Mr.. M. Kruger. 15 violations of human rights ... Rape, kidnapping, torture. The man was diagnosed to suffer serious psychological problems. We've asked for is no longer using a field agent. Tell me, president patel. Do you have children? It's not me who is being questioned here. So I assume you do not have. Maybe, if you have children. Then you will be to maintain sustainability of this habitat. I understand, is not a wise way to think and act like me. I really understand it. But when they get into your house ... The house you build for your children. And the son of your son ... Not PR or campaign promises that will keep them away. But I do. Enough is enough. This is your last warning. Again unauthorized use of assets, then you will be transferred to the lotus. And kruger's agent stopped permanently. Who agrees? Good. Effective immediately. Renewing the core. Agent m. Kruger dismissed you want a beer? You have been dismissed from the ccb. Please return all weapons to the nearest embassy. To hell with your political. Fuck you. Look at that ... Max ... Max. What's the matter with you? What happened? Gosh, let me help you. Come on. Max, what happened? Max, what happened? I should not get into it. Where to? Oh my God. I was exposed to a lethal dose. The lethal dose. Everything will be okay. Let me help you. You'll be fine, Max. They gave miporol. They gave me miporol. I've only got five days. I only had five days. You have to drink it. They can heal everything in elysium. I know. I'm going to see spider. Max, Max. Drink the medicine. Good so. To see spider, you need money. I'll give you all I've got, but it will not be enough for a ticket. He's going to give me a ticket. He's going to give me a ticket. Frey, you know we've done everything to help your daughter. But I talk to leaders, and they are advised her to go home with you. How could I work here and leave it at home? You know it can happen anytime, Dr. faizel. I know, if he spasmed again, of course must be brought here, of course. But he can not continue here. This is not elysium. We can not directly cure. Max. A long time ago, my brother. How's the weather affect you? I've come to ask you a favor. What? I can not hear you. What? I need a ticket. Upward there. And ID. Oh. Yes, yes, of course. Of course, you want to sit in the aisle or window? Do not play games with me. I'm serious. Listen, I'll be back. I'll come back and work for you. Everything you want. I'll pay it. You know? This is ... Priceless. It's priceless. Well, let me ask you something. You know how many idiots who come here and tells the same crap? There are kids who come here every day. Max, if I were you. I'm going to go from here, now ... I was jailed for four years because of you, you have to help me up there. Please shoot me. I was exposed to deadly radiation and perhaps you will also be exposed. You're really dying? I was actually dying. Look at this. Peace. Lower the gun. Derive the gun. Lower the gun. Get out of here. Okay. Listen, I'm looking for someone to do the job for me. But nobody here had the guts. You said you were ready to do anything, right? Max ... Are you okay? I'm fine. This is ... My friends. This could be your ticket up there. Final work for me, you can be your way up there. What is this? Get the fuck out of elysium, okay? A millionaire who fell to earth to do business ... He's here for, whatever. We have kidnapped him. Fuck you. Calm down. You can do it. As a tourist. Forget about the clock, forget his wallet, forget it all. This, you have to take. Organic information, straight from the head. I'm talking about the bank code, password, the login data ... Access billions. All you have to do is plug it into his brain, download the data to your brain with this thing ... And bring me. It's crazy, Max, come on. If you're looking for a doctor, I can give the place up there. Plus snacks and drinks. All you have to do is go into a house, use the machine, and you're cured. Sandro who will perform the operation. Do you know him? Oh my God. I'm fine. Actually, you look weak. And messed up once, so ... You know, I have ... It's crazy, let's get out of here, come on, listen to me. What should I do? I would tell them to put up ... This is ... Wear protective third generation. It will be connected to the system of nerves, and will make you as strong as the droid (Robot). You're like a knife, right? Let's get out of here, please. I need 4 people in the team. But I alone chose it. I send teknisiku own. Transmitting data from the brain to the brain ... It's hard. Okay, but I brought julio, he can ticket up there, just like me. Yes, of course. Okay, I will explore the background. Wait. The person should John Carlyle. Carlyle armadyne the ceo? That's him. Minister delacourt, tn. Carlyle has arrived. You're here to convince me to renew our armadyne contract, right? Decisive as usual. Come with me. I'm not interested in your little idea. I'm interested in something more substantial. Habitat is dying. There is a political disease in it. Tumors that must be removed. You and your company, it takes advantage of this crisis. So ... You are building thorus. Can you take over the server and putting the power of the new president? Coup? You're suggesting a coup? Is that possible? I can do the reboot sequence ... Turning the whole system, and at that point ... You can coup president, yes. And that's what you're gonna do. And the contract will be safe for the next 200 years. Defense against missile battery, droid, everything we need to maintain our independence. Of course, all guaranteed by the ... Your new president. Go on, you have a job, Mr.. Carlyle. This is the guy. He's the guy? This is it. Sit down. Good job, man. Take your time. Slow down. We gave her ID first. We started with his ID first, prepare. It will be linked to your DNA. You ready? It'll be fun. Hey, man. Yo. What is this pain? Yes, it will hurt. It's going to hurt like hell. When we are done you will be a ninja, huh? Mariana. Hey, bone saws bring it here. It's not going to kill me. You'll be fine. Not bad. Max. I'm here. We can do this, right? We can do this. Yes. Hey. He's awake. You did, huh? Amazing. You can still masturbate, right? How is she? He's ready for action. What are you doing to me? Give you a way out. Restart the protocol. Yes no yes options: You want to secure this data? Deadly. Deadly. Ready to upload to the brain. Hey. What's up, man? How does it feel to wear that? It seems very tight. Show me. Hold this. Easy to use. Just wait. The ammunition that exploded in the air. Blow up the enemy ... Any ammo you shoot him will explode in a radius of 5 meters. And ... The explosion hardest by this naughty boy. Time to work. Sir ... Your plane is ready. On the way. Do you hear me? Yes. All right, here's how it works. We did not move until the plane departed. Shoot plane with explosives, we're surrounded when his plane crashed. Okay, understood. Explosive activated. Come on, everyone. Here we go. Are you nervous? Not. No? I got shat in my pants. I will not die. Not. Come on, come on, come on. Acceleration supersonic speed within 15 seconds. Come on, come on, come on. Blow, 3, 2, 1 ... There was an engine failure. Mom, there are people elysium on earth being in danger. Bring up the data now ... The people are identified. John Carlyle. N8321 ... I see you, fucker. I've got a problem here. Kruger, you hear me? Ah, Mrs. delacourt. I love to hear your voice. There are people who are carrying sensitive data in the city now. A group of thieves trying to hijack it. The citizens of what? That's a secret. You can not call the agent is not active, for confidential information, eh? The government does not know about that, right? I can do it at will, right? Preparing for the collision. Please remain calm. You do not suffer an injury. Oh, it's very calming. With one condition, if I do this, I re-enabled. All right. I reassign two anggotamu. You guys are very secret agents of course. They should already be in your position. Send the data to me the mission. Come on, fellows. Get out of the car. Droid, it looks like some sort of Wheeler vehicles, with one ... Two passengers ... They were armed and I want them dead. Droid. Loss. Loss. Unidentified, Max da Costa. Federal prisoner number 6149c-557-a ... Jam. It is. She recharge. All right. We have passed. Come on. I protect you. Come on, come on. Come on. Do not move. Come on. There's another one. Die, you bastard. Do not shoot the target. No, no. He's been shot. People are traumatized heavy heart. Blood pressure decreases. His head did not hit. Just his chest. That's good. Hold his head. I connect it. Quick install. Come on, come on. Yes. Successfully? Yes, we synchronize. You do not know what you're doing. One minute to the target, sir. Well, we just went through. I'm going to move now. It works. It is a database, ma'am. They are men download now. My friends, we have guests. I'm dead. Come on, fellows. Hurry. That's raven. It's the military. Well, it's 97. ... we ride 98 hurry up, they come. Just a little more. Little longer. 99. This is it. Damn the data must be broken. What is that, what does it mean? I can not read the data. Scrambled. I can not read the data. What? Come on, man. We have to go. What do you mean encrypted? Fuck you. No, no. Try again. Let's try again. Let me go I go. Please. Please try again. Fuck you. Let's get out of here. What are you doing, sandro? Let's get out of here. Asshole. Come on, Max. Get out of there. Come on. We have to go. Come on, Max. Come on. Hey, boss. Someone ran. That's what I mean. Asshole. Target is moving South. To the southwest. Come on, Max. They're coming. There's another one. All right. This is wrong.'S all wrong. Use the weapon, sir. You think you could go anywhere? Asshole. Son of a bitch. No. No, no. No. Wake up. Get up. No. One person survived and escaped, ma'am. They get the data. Repeat. They get the data. As soon catch the target. Do not destroy the brain. Come on. There were vague, comrade. People have lost a lot of blood that cause heart attacks. Time of death, 17:45. Come on, where are you hiding? What's that? It looks like a set of hog, boss. Fuck. Find him. Let's go back to the crash site. Check out what they left behind. Understood. Thank you. Boss, I think you should see this. This is data that is transferred between Carlyle and criminals. So that's why he wants it. There are key to the kingdom in his head. Now you have to find it. Launching a spy plane. Network 13, 3 to 11. I ordered a full sealing. Give the order no-fly to Los Angeles. The whole l.A? The killer is still out there. Until we catch him, no one should leave the city. Signal disturbed. What the hell ...? Max. Hey, baby. Hey. We can go home. Am I better? I'll take the car, okay? I'll be right back. Frey ... Max. Jeez, what happened to you? Damn, I'm going to call the doctor. No, no. I can not go in there. Max. I can not get there ... Max, listen, you need a doctor, okay? They're looking for me. They will kill me. I'm here to find you. Max. I need your help. You have to pass through the system to be able to care. Help me. I do not want to die. Max, Max. Stay conscious. I want to see him. Mama will help her, okay? Try to sleep. Do not sleep. Come on. Max, you can do it, come on. No, turn around. Max, Max, wait. Thank you. Who did this to you? Do not know. I was injured at work. I can work, from the spider so I could go up there and be healed. Everything is so chaotic, and now I'm in trouble. Mom? Hey, honey, come here. Who is this guy? His name is Max. Mothers know when he was your age. It's mathilda. Hi. Go watch cartoons, okay? I'll be right there. I do not know you ... Sorry, I must go. Wait, Max, you can not go. I should not have come here. I have to go. Max. Him dying. He was suffering from end-stage leukemia. I told you my life complicated. I need you to help me. I do not know how to do this ... Did what? Brought to elysium. I can not help him. I'll do it if I could. How about this? Fake ID. If you take us there, what he can be cured with this? That's not how it works. It's coded for me, and connected with my DNA. People are looking for this, they ... You do not understand who these people are. If they find me here, they will kill us all. The only way I can help is gone., I promise. He's all I have. I'm sorry. You bandaged. Yes. Bandaged me. What are you doing? I do not want you hurt. Want to hear a story? No, ah ... There's a meerkat who live in the forest. He was hungry and his size. Very little. And the only large animals that could eat, because they can reach the fruit-buahannya. So he's friends with a hippo ... Okay, stop. It will not end well for the meerkat. Yes, because he was standing in the back of a hippopotamus. To take all the fruit he wants. What's in it for the hippo? The hippopotamus needed a friend. I'm sorry. Possible targets. Hey, boss. We found him. Landed the plane. Mom, what's all okay? All fine, dear. Safe. It's okay, sweetheart. Good afternoon. I'm sorry we came suddenly to the house, did not mean to scare your little princess. I and my friends this, looking for a man ... That was probably here. I wish you could tell us where he was hiding. Not. I ... I do not know where he is. I do not believe it. I hate violence in front of the kids ... So I want you to close your eyes, dear. All fine, honey. I want you to tell me. It is remembered now? Mama ... Close your eyes, keep your eyes closed. Close your eyes. Please, I do not know where he is. He's hurt, I help him and he's gone. Help. You know, people say now loyalty is hard to find. What is this? What do you build a hospital here? He's sick. He's sick? Let me see it. It's nothing. Do not touch him. Did you see it? Instinct to protect. I said do not touch him. I just want to see your son. Do not touch him. Bring him. Come on. Where are you taking him? Unfortunately, all is fine. All fine, honey. Everything is fine. Sit. Shut up. Stop. No, no, do not shoot him. Lower the gun. Leave her alone. You've got something, right? What? That's why they shut down the whole sky, come on, what's up? Remittances, corporate data, there must be something important in there. Nothing. I did not get anything. Everything is encrypted. Julio dead, you owe me. Let's go now. You can not be blocked flight system. Nobody can go up there. Until when? Until I do not know. I have to go there, I had to go up there. All people want to go up there. My people are working on it. I'm thinking maybe the system can never be online again. But, for now ... Let us see what you have in mind. Do not touch me. Look at me, if they shut up the heavens, for what's in your head ... Perhaps the key to open it is also in there, is not it? Come on. Well ... They'll hunt up to the end of the world for this. What's that? It is a program reboot revive) For elysium. Anyone who has this, would have the power to take over their entire system. Opening the border ... Making everyone so residents elysium. This could save your life. We can save everyone. When can I go? They are trying to hijack the signal are blocked, but soon ... Bullshit, when can we go? I do not know. Five days. Fuck you, I do not have 5 days. I only have a few hours ... My people are working on it. You always do, you can not take me there. I do not know why you continue to send people up there, they'll just fired. Not with what's in your head. That's what I mean. We will control the system. We can lead. We can change history. Wait a minute ... What's in the head, it means a lot to them, right? Do not do this. If it falls into the hands wrong, they will kill us all. Listen. I'm going up there now. If you find me, and I'm healed, then you can have all of this. But I'm not going to die. This is wrong, Max, do not do this. Do not shoot him. Do not shoot him. Do not shoot him. Do not shoot him. It's nothing. Everything is fine. I always wanted to have a wife. Never get married, you know? Too much temptation. But you ... You made me ready to get married. You made me ready to get married, darling. Damn, sir. Eh? You'd better see this. What? There's what? Look at these fools. Bring us back. Drakey? Yes, sir. Open the door. Stop right there and do everything I say. Or I'll blow my head, understand? Yes. You can get everything in my head. Just take me up there, and take me to the medical capsule. What I have is very valuable. We can treat you. Memasukanmu to medical capsule, something like that. Let's go. We will take you up there. The air up there nice and clean. Try it you'll like it. Do not you dare. Let's ride. Come meet my friends, come on. Do not be shy, I do not bite. Introducing, the drakey. This is Max. How are you? Let's go. Yes, ma'am, we've found the subject. Open sky, we'll be there. Will be waiting for you in 19 minutes. Cancel fly. Well, ma'am. What's that? What is it? We are connected again? Marcelo what's happening? We're back? We're back online, spider. Frey ... I'm sorry ... I will fix everything. We get it. Okay. Where is he? He left the earth ... He's heading elysium. Manuel. Rico. Prepare the weapon. We're up. Echo leader 234, ask for permission land in sector 22. Understandably echo leader 234. You're allowed to enter. I see you holding the g-1 there. Hey, back off. Back off. Or what? I'll take it off. Will you do it? Huh? I want to have in your head. Catch her. Look out. What should we do, ma'am? I want all the people who came out of the plane was captured by homeland security. Evacuate everyone from level five out of the building, now. I remind you about this. The plane was registered just fell thorus and potentially harmful. All because of your incompetence to act. Evacuation him. Put your hands on me. It is a war situation. It makes ccb is under my control. Now, if you'll let me do my job. I'm sure there is a fund raising event you have to attend. Come on, sir. Max. Get me out of here, Max. I tried. Air quality is down to a toxic level. Get me out of here. It is recommended that out of the plane immediately. Run. Asshole. Two illegal residents heading north, east location falls. You killed two people, I'll handle him. Welcome to the spectacular property ... Error. No. People go undetected. He is sick, please help us, he's comatose. Help. He's awake. You can let go of this thing? Can not. He connected with the data. The data is bound to the nervous system. The data are still intact, right? The data seems to be intact. If we take this data from it, it will kill him. It's nothing. How long until you can download it and turn on the system? Not long, ma'am. Keep everything remains confidential. Lock all access. Preparing now. Remove them both from here. Received. Crowe, you want to bring the cheek boss? Yes, be ready. Warning. One never registered aircraft approaching. Bring him around in circles. Make them busy. Can. Come on. All right. 50 hexabit, comrade. You ready? What are you doing to him? Hey, what are you doing to him? What will happen to him? Hey. Get up. Wake up. Max. Max. Max. Max. Get in there. The boss is really messed up, eh? Hey, he's hit by a grenade. She's fine. But he will be very angry when they realized later. Remember when he lost his leg? Reconstruction of the face. Kruger. Boss? It Crowe. Where is he? All right, all ready. Let's get the data. Take the needle. Take the needle. Take the needle now. Where they bring the girls? Google. Where is it? Third floor. Poison deadly radiation is detected. You need medical care right away. You're an idiot. You realize what you're doing? You dropped the vehicle is not licensed to the inhabited area. Your orders are to keep this all remains a secret. Do you remember what that means? Are you crazy? You're no use to me. The administration realized what we were doing. They'll hang us for treason. For God's sake, kruger. Are you listening? Yes. Yes, ma'am. I'm listening. Sorry, since we dropped the plane and damaging the home page. But nobody will hang we as treason. It is we who will hang them. Lift your head and hold your wound. It's not too powerful now, eh? Get ready, man. Elysium will soon have a decent president. She needs treatment. I was going to heal your daughter. But now, I'll make sure he is would never heal. Drakey, do not believe all politicians. Killing them all. Thank you, boss. I'll find you, little bastard. And I'll take what should be mine. This place is mine now. You want to come and play with me? Let's play. Hey. What the fuck is that? All members of the ccb ... Fast. Faster. Come on. Come on. Not. No thanks. People die. Spider. You heard me, spider? Max, where are you? The data I have is, can make all become citizens of elysium, right? Yes. You know how to remove it, right? Yes. Are you sure? Yes, I'm sure. Okay, listen, and be careful. Armament selected. Ready. Light. All right. Crowe, kill them both. With pleasure, boss. With pleasure. Where are you, an amateur? Where are you? How is it, sweetie? Let's play. Come on, I'll slow down, promise. No. Do not please. Come on. Let go of me. Are you ready? Come here. No, please. Asshole. He's still alive? For now. Stay behind me. I'll get you out of here. I have a plan. Did you hear that noise? It's come to my voice. I'll find you. I'll be looking for you. Well, frey, we should split up. What? Listen. You have to go upstairs, take this. Okay? Find a home, find a medical capsule. Max, it's not going to work. Do not stop. Do not stop ... He had no ID. That's not going to work. It would work this time. I know how to fix it. Surface is selected. Go on. Come with me. I'm right behind you. Not. I promise. Okay, a mother and her child just walked into the elevator. They're up for a medical capsule. Ask one of your men to make sure they get there. And kutepati my promise. Jump to a medical capsule. Come on. Come on, come on. This way. Come on. Hurry up. Almost there. Almost there. Go ahead. That's what I meant. To the door. To the door. Fast. Faster. Come on. Come on. Come on, hurry. Damn door. Come on. Come on, you go first, let's go. Emergency locking is done ... Come on. Come on. Stand up. Stand up. Stand up. Come on. You little bastard. I will pluck your head. No. You have to stand up now. No. Stay there. Asshole. Do you think it could be passed? Come on, Max. Come on. I'm just warming up. Come on. Get up now. Stand up, come on. Come on, I'm hurt, huh? A little dizzy, huh? What I'm about you? Or are you bleeding? Look at that. I remind you. You want to heal that little girl? You just have to go through. What was that, basic sissy? You have to die. We die together, kid. Come on, let's go. Come on, man, let's do it. Come on. Ready? Come on. Call the guards, now. Come on. All right. Let's do it. Sorry. The population of the earth: Illegal. The population of the earth: Legal. Okay, we are ready, we are ready. We're ready. What? Downloading the data would cause death to the data carrier. Max. It's nothing. I know. There's no way back from here. There is no medical capsules can cure you. All right, give it to me. Take it. Ready? You just have to push that button. Frey? Max? Max where are you? I have to break my promise. I can not go up there. Remember what I said when we were young? Yes. One day I'll get us there. Really? Yes, I promise. You will not believe what I see now. And tell mathilda I love the story. Really. I understand why the hippo want to do. Come on. You go first. Come on. Every person has the privilege, Max. Something that was destined for him. What he got when he was born. Restarting the system gt;gt;gt; 5, 4, ... Stop her. Fuck you. Let go of me. Core renewed. Residents added new gt;gt;gt; come on, please. Residents m. Santiago women acute lymphoblastic leukemia detected back off, officer. Hold him. I can not help citizens elysium. What? Good work. Guess whose elysium now. New residents who need medical care. Calculating ... Launch of medical aid to the earth plane. You see how beautiful elysium of here? Now look how beautiful we look from up there. Now it's yours. So you'll never forget where you come from. My little Max. [ WIND BLOWING ] [ CAR HORNS HONKING ] [ OVERLAPPING CHATTER ] Hi. Hey-- What can I get you? Well, um, I was thinking about... The... Turkey sandwich? Just guessing. Iced tea? That's right. [ WAITRESS CHUCKLES ] Can I get you something else? No. No, I'm good. Thanks. Okay. You know, I--I was wondering... Yes? It's been weeks now, me coming here, and-- and, um... I was thinking, what if I come here tomorrow and you're no longer here? Well, I mean, I wasn't planning on spending the rest of my life here, - right? I mean... - You see? That's my point. - [ LAUGHS ] - You know? Uh, what if you leave and I never find out your-- your favorite ice cream or your favorite movie, stuff like that? My favorite movie's "Fight Club". My favorite ice cream is chocolate. Do you want to go out with me sometime? [ HEART BEATING ] [ HEARTBEAT STOPS ] [ POLICE SIREN BLARING ] [ CELLPHONE RINGS ] [ RING ] [ RING ] [ RING ] Yeah, hello. [ WOMAN CRYING ] WOMAN: Ellen. What? [ CRYING ] What happened? [ CAR ENGINE RACING ] [ HELICOPTER BLADES BEATING ] [ WOOD CREAKING ] [ CLATTER ] MAN: Who are you looking for? BILLY: Number 12. It's right next door. [ KNOCKS SOFTLY ] Sarah? Shit. Sarah? [ WOMAN SOBBING ] Oh, my God. I thought that was you. What's going on here? Are you all right? SARAH: Ellen. She's dead. BILLY: We gotta get out of here. Now! Look, we gotta get your stuff! - [ SIREN BLARING ] - Let's go. SARAH: I should go to the police. They're probably already there. Maybe we should split town for a while. [ TRUCK HORN HONKS ] Here. Have a coffee, a muffin. It'll help you feel better. The girl is Ellen, my roommate. She was on her own. She'd lost her parents a couple years ago in some accident, fell into drugs. We got into a fight... Because I asked her not to get loaded around me. A couple hours later, I heard her fighting with the guy next door, Eddie, her dealer. And then it stopped. And I saw her... On the couch sleeping. Only, she wasn't breathing. I don't do that anymore. Okay. SARAH: Thank you for last night. It really meant a lot to me. You don't... Think I'm trash? Everybody's got a story. Anyway, I wouldn't worry about it. Okay. [ TV PLAYING INDISTINCTLY ] SARAH: This is not my stuff. ANNOUNCER: Crowd really getting into it now. [ CROWD CHEERING ] And foul ball. [ ANNOUNCER CONTINUES INDISTINCTLY ] "Law offices of Cameron Brogden." "State of Texas." "Dear Ellen, "as your late Uncle's friend and attorney, "your Uncle has bequeathed his entire estate to you, his favorite niece and the only living relative." Do you--do you know what this is? [ CLEARS THROAT ] "If you have any questions, please contact me at your convenience." [ PAPER FLUTTERS ] "Cameron Brogden, attorney at law." [ ZIPPER ZIPS ] What is it? ...The last five consecutive bats, so we have quite the battle on our hands. Ellen's wallet. Let me see. Uh, I don't know about this. It ju-- it feels like... Trespassing. I just want to see something. [ CROWD CHEERING ] Unbelievable. I mean, you guys could be twins. We are one strike away. I, uh-- I got an idea. What? It's--it's a bit crazy, but it could work. Nobody on. A perfect game. I think we should contact that lawyer. [ TELEPHONE LINE RINGS ] [ CLICK ] Hi. You've reached the law offices of Cameron Brogden. Leave me a message. [ BEEP ] Hi. This is Ellen Niles. I received your letter and wanted to let you know that I'm on my way down to Texas. I'll be in touch when I get there. Thank you. [ TRAIN HORN BLOWING ] SARAH: I think we're close. Tremo radio, west Texas. It's 85 degrees now with a song right on the guitar for playing the blues. ♪ Well, I'm moving in the morning... ♪ SARAH: You know what? This is nuts. Don't worry. [ SIGHS ] We're gonna be fine. [ KEY CLINKS ] [ DOOR CREAKS AND CLOSES ] My name is Ellen Niles. I'm 21 years old, visited my late Uncle Zachary once, almost 15 years ago. I was real young, so I don't really remember much. Why did Niles leave all his cash to Ellen, to you? He didn't have any kids of his own. Besides my parents, who passed away, I'm his only living relative. How did Niles get so rich? My grandfather was a lawyer and developer in Pasadena. Very good. [ ICE CLINKS ] And I like that. [ DOORBELL RINGS ] How do you do? You must be... Billy. Ellen's friend. [ CHUCKLES ] Cameron Brogden. Good to meet you. - Please. - Thank you. Okay, you just need to sign right there. Oh, oh, first I'm gonna need to see... - ...some picture I.D. - Oh, sure. You know, a driver's license, birth cert, passport, something like that. It's just a formality. [ SARAH LAUGHS NERVOUSLY ] [ CLEARS THROAT ] Okay. Heh. If you could sign right there. Well, should I show you around the property? Sure. All right. [ WIND BLOWING ] [ MACHINERY GRINDING ] SARAH: I have a question. What kind of money are we talking about? CAMERON: Well, let's just say your Uncle was a prominent man. We're talking in the seven-figure range. Oh. [ BIRDS SQUAWKING ] [ WIND BLOWING ] We just walk over to that hill... You can get a view of the whole place. Right over there, that's God's country. See that second Ridge, right there? Right along there, that's the border, the second Ridge, and it goes all the way around. [ METAL CREAKS ] What's that turned-over tractor doing there? Oh. Oh, that's-- that's where your Uncle met his demise. What happened? Well... Nobody knows for sure, you know, but maybe the heat was a factor. It was over 100 degrees that day. He flipped the tractor. He must have hit his head. Thanks for your time, folks. I'm real sorry about your loss. Thanks. I'll try and do my best to make things as easy as possible for you. You two have a good evening. That guy makes me nervous. You did great, except you shouldn't have pushed so hard about the old man's money. Everything all right with you boys? Well, everything's fine now that you're here. Huh. Call me if you need anything. All right. We will. That cookie pusher's got the hots for you, little brother. Please. Heh heh. Foreigners mention what they were gonna do with the inheritance? Mm. Didn't say. Don't it strike you the least bit strange that he leaves all that scratch to some girl he barely knew? No. It's called inheritance, Bob. She's entitled to it, by birth. I know what the word "inheritance" means. Well... Anyway, I gotta finish up another report. Burglary yesterday over at the lazy inn. Sounds like you got a crime wave on your hands. Yeah. All started up since Niles kicked. Hey, how about leaving me some scratch for this? No! That's on you, bro. It was on me yesterday! [ METAL CLATTERS ] [ OBJECTS FALL, CLATTER ] [ COUNTRY MUSIC PLAYING ] ♪ Sweet smell of perfume ♪ ♪ fading fast ♪ [ MUSIC FROM RECORD PLAYER ] ♪ Say you love me, too... ♪ BILLY: Sarah? - I'm in here. - ♪ I feel like a fool ♪ ♪ for thinking about ♪ ♪ having you... ♪ What is it? They're letters, love letters from-- from some woman. How romantic. I found a fancy painting. Listen to this. "I know in my heart this child is ours, "no matter what you say. "I beg you to acknowledge your son, who, in your heart, you must know is yours." The last thing we need is someone else thinking they can get in on the money. [ BELL TOLLING ] Hurry up, fat man. [ ELECTRICITY SPARKS ] Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Come back here! Hey! SARAH: Whoa! Look at this thing. Whoa. It's a hunting rifle. Be careful. Put it away. Please? [ CAR ENGINE STOPS ] - [ RIFLE SHOT ] - [ SCREAMS ] It's okay. SARAH: Did we shoot somebody? Oh, my God. Hem hey. Hey, hombre! Had a small accident. Need a lift into town. [ GASPS ] Thank God you're back. I was so worried. I looked everywhere. Whoever it was... Disappeared. You didn't, uh, tell anybody about us coming here, did you? What? [ GROANING ] I can't believe you would even ask me that. Okay. Okay. Sorry. [ GROANING ] But what about the car? I mean, somebody is gonna be looking for that. What do you want me to do? Call the cops? I wouldn't worry about it. I'll make sure nobody'll find it. Anyway, I pushed the El Camino to the old barn next to Niles' caddy. [ POLICE DISPATCH CHATTER ] We haven't had nothin' like this for a while, sal. - Where'd it happen? - I know. Right out front, sheriff. Right here. You got that report I asked for? Yes, sir. I saw him, Bob. Must've been a city hoodlum, 'cause he got in there and hot-wired that sum-bitch in less than two seconds. '67 blue El Camino, right, sal? License plate (274436? That is correct, sir. And you could identify him if you saw him again? Sure as the sun beating' down on this place tomorrow will heat it to 110. ♪ Ain't no doubt about it... ♪ I'm gonna call in a sketch artist. I know every badge for five counties. We'll get your truck back. Don't you worry, sal. [ CAR APPROACHING ] [ ENGINE STOPS, DOOR OPENS ] Hello. BILLY: Hi. Um, my name is belle. I used to be Mr. Niles' housekeeper. I'm Billy, Ellen's boyfriend. Hi, Billy. You have a seat. Thank you. You're welcome. What can I do for you? I--I baby-sat for Mr. Niles, years ago, when Ellen was visiting. I bet she'll remember me. Heh heh. Ellen's asleep. BELLE: Oh. The heat, you know. I've been coming here for more than 40 years, keeping this place tidy. I, uh, wouldn't mind keeping the place clean for you, too. That's very kind. We're not gonna be here for that much longer. [ POLICE DISPATCH CHATTER ] Howdy. Sheriff Robert Brogden. Nice to make your acquaintance. What can I do for you? Well, me and deputy Fenway here are looking for a stolen car, an old El Camino, blue, metallic. Don't suppose y'all know something about it? Sorry. We, uh-- we just arrived from out of town. Ah. Excuse me. Of course. Yeah, sometimes kids'll take a car out for a joy ride and then dump it in the fields. I wish I could help, but I haven't seen it. You don't mind if we look around the property, do you? No, not at all. You get them pictures? Oh, yeah. What exactly are you up to, boss? Just keep your eyes and ears open, Earl. My daddy always taught me to check where you least expect to find anything. What about that barn? What are you doing? We cannot afford to let that hillbilly arrest us. You're crazy. [ GRUNTING ] Honey? Bob? What are you doing bothering these nice young people? Not bothering a soul. Ha ha. You need a search warrant to search people's property. What would I do without you, little bro? I've enjoyed about as much of this as I can stand. Earl. I'm so sorry about my overzealous brother. He's, uh, been like that since we were kids. Brothers? - Yeah. - I had no idea. Robert Brogden, sr., our daddy, was sheriff for two decades before him. Heh heh heh. Is that right? He's just a little bit unsettled because there's been a rash of crime lately. And, uh, Tremo's a small town. Drunk teenagers 'bout the worst thing we get. Anyway-- there's been a little hiccup in your case. A hiccup? Mm-hmm. Somebody has filed an injunction. An--an injunction? Who? I don't know. Some guy's claiming he's Niles' son. I don't get it. Doesn't the will leave everything to me? Yes, it does. However, if Niles didn't know he had a son and then suddenly he found out about this son and if this son could somehow prove that Niles was in the middle of... Changing his will to include his son, well, that wouldn't be good. However, if we could prove that while Niles knew he had this son, he still wasn't gonna leave him nothin'... That would be better. Uh, would you excuse me for a second? Sure. Thanks. What's this? I found this a few days ago. [ CHUCKLES ] This is very telling. I'm glad you showed this to me. This will definitely help your case. But you still gonna need something more. More? This isn't his letter. What you need is something written by him, that says all of his estate goes to Ellen, despite any other claims. What, uh... What are the odds of finding that? You know what? There's no reason to get... Too concerned. When I think about it, the burden of proof is gonna be on this rival party. It's just, uh... It's just gonna take a little more time, and round here, we ain't got nothin' but time. SARAH: I think we should get out of here. Ellen's dead. We're stealing her money. Billy, nothing is right about any of this. Look". Hey, let's just stick with this a little longer, and if it gets too dicey, we leave. What do you think? I think you're nuts. [ METAL CLATTERS ] Did you hear that? [ DOOR CREAKS OPEN ] [ DOOR CLOSES ] [ FLOOR CREAKING ] [ CREAKING CONTINUES ] [ THUMP ] Hey! Hey! Stay inside. Lock the door. [ DIRT BIKE REVS ] [ CLASSICAL MUSIC PLAYS ] MAN: Ha ha ha. [ DISTORTED ] Your daddy? Yeah, that-a-boy, Jamie. That-a-boy. Who's your master? Go on. Go on now. You heard me. Are we having fun now, Zachary? [ BELL TOLLING ] [ SCREAMS ] Start the car, or I'll break your neck. It's your old pal, Eddie. You little bitch. That was me on the porch. That was me who took a fucking bullet in the gut. [ GROANS ] I followed your ass 1,700 fucking miles. Your dead cunt friend Ellen, the one with the rich Uncle, owes me a lot of cash. And guess what? You, little twit, will pay up. Do you understand? Question... What's the boyfriend's name? He's just a guy. He's nobody. Aah! What's the boyfriend's name? Billy. Billy. Okay. Now, you keep it nice and quiet about me bumping into you. Aah! Otherwise... Billy's the first one to go. [ SARAH GASPS ] I'm here to collect on Ellen's behalf. Soto speak. The lawyer said it'll be a few more days before he's gonna transfer the assets. And by the way, I want my piece back. You could come by tomorrow, room 212. Here's a little treat, for old time's sake. You got a good scam going, Sarah. I'll see you tomorrow. CAMERON: A burglary? Jesus Christ. BILLY: The guy broke into the house last night. On his way out, he dropped something, a DVD. [ CLASSICAL MUSIC PLAYING ] I've seen--I've seen about-- just about enough of that. If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go lie down. I'm not feeling too well. Well, I'm sorry to put you through that, Ms. Niles. Not to worry. I'll talk to you later. [ WHISTLES ] I'm gonna get rid of this filth. I mean, Zachary Niles has a respectable reputation. Its getting tainted now is not gonna help our cause. You know what I'm saying? Would Niles being gay weaken the claims of an illegitimate son? Not really. Men with homosexual tastes fathering children... Happens every day. - In your professional opinion... - Mm-hmm. How much longer is this whole ordeal gonna last? Well--hmm. Once foul play is suspected, Texas probate courts will put an immediate hold on this case. Eh, a month. Well, you know what? Probably closer to two. [ SIGHS ] A month or two? Mm-hmm. I don't think we could stay that long. Are you folks strapped for cash? 'Cause you know I have power of attorney. It wouldn't be improper for me to forward Ellen some money. How much you have in mind? How 'bout $5,000? We'll wait. We'll wait for the settlement. Okay. Suit yourself. I gotta get going- well-- well, Billy, you know anything about art? No. Niles' taste in art was pretty eclectic. See this painting here? I believe he paid 135,000 for that one. You'd probably fetch twice that at any art auction today. $135,000? - Mm-hmm. - For this? Ha ha ha! Yep. Well... I hope, uh-- I hope Ellen's feeling better. And, uh, trust me. It'll all work itself out. Have a good day. SHERIFF: Anybody you recognizing? No, I ain't seen the mean-looking one. Hmm. But I've seen them around. The lottery winners. Heh heh. Bob! What's on that pretty little mind of yours? Is your brother seeing anyone? No. He's still Tremo's most eligible bachelor. I'll mention you asked, though. I wish you would. I ain't seeing no one, Alice. I ain't teaching preschool. You don't know what you're missing. [ LAUGHS ] - Oh, I gotta go. - [ SIZZLING ] I got something important to relay to you, boss. What is it? They faxed over the coroner's report. Rules out heat stroke as the cause of death, said Niles died of suffocation. [ SIGHS ] Now ain't that a pisser? [ WIND BLOWS ] [ BUBBLING ] Where have you been? You okay? You, uh--you seem... I hate this place. EARL: This time, we got a warrant. You got that right, Earl. [ SIREN BLARES ] What's he doing here? Folks. Sorry to bother you at this hour. SARAH: What, um-- what can we do for you, sheriff? I had a look at the coroner's report concerning your Uncle, and it appears he did not die of natural causes. Suffocation seems to be the cause of death. As of today, this plot of land's a crime scene, a homicide investigation. Now, I'll notify Cameron. Meanwhile, we're gonna do some dusting for fingerprints on your Uncle's tractor. Mind if I come along? Be my guest. [ POLICE DISPATCH CHATTER ] SHERIFF: How we doing, boys? Any prints? Looks like we got a whole bunch of clean ones. Good job. Son, you don't mind if we take your fingerprints, do you? I'm talking you and Ms. Niles. You two could fall by the station first thing in the morning, it'd be appreciated. Fingerprints? Yeah. It's a tradition here in Tremo, kind of a keepsake to remember you by. You got a lot of fucking nerve to show up here in the middle of the night-- hey, don't get your panties in an uproar, son. I'm just doing my job. You be there at 10 A.M. sharp. Have a good evening. [ WIND BLOWING ] Good work, boys! [ RADIO PLAYING COUNTRY MUSIC ] This is easy listening, 3 A.M. on the dot. In case you're hitting the road early today, be careful. It's mighty breezy out there. Meanwhile, here's some musical caffeine that'll get you going. ♪ They pulled up all their ties ♪ ♪ and they were riding like a log ♪ ♪ got pennies in my pocket ♪ ♪ when I thought I had some dimes ♪ ♪ I guess everything happens ♪ ♪ for a reason sometimes ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ been on 61 all day ♪ [ FADING ] ♪ yeah ♪ [ INSECTS CHIRPING ] [ COUNTRY MUSIC PLAYS, ALARM BEEPING ] ♪ Trust in-- ♪ [ POLICE DISPATCH CHATTER ] BOB: Where were you two June 2? CAMERON: Bob! You are crossing the line. You don't have to answer that. Was that the day he was killed? Ellen and I were in L.A. we can prove it, too. How much you think old man Niles was worth, Billy? Okay, Robert, that's enough. We're all done here. BOB: Nah... People do some real crazy shit to get their hands on a winning lottery ticket. Even a hick-town sheriff knows that. You know, right from the jump, I could tell that you, son, are nothin' but a bad piece of news. Oh, you could tell, huh? Listen, I know my rights. Can I go now? I bet you do know your rights. I bet you've had a lot of scrapes with the law. Ellen, Billy, you can go. It's my office, cam, my investigation! In case I haven't been clear, sooner or later, I'm gonna nail your maggot ass to the wall. Enjoy your day. CAMERON: How to win friends. Heh heh heh. [ ELECTRICITY BUZZING ] SARAH: This whole thing could take a while. No, you just have to tell that lawyer of yours you need the money now. You're Ellen Niles. It's your money, darling, right? What if I can't? You can. You do as I say, and all will be good. I better leave. Already? Let's play a little, hey? [ SNIFFS ] [ SIGHS ] Stop. Don't fuck with me... You good-for-nothing crack bitch. Concentrate on transferring some of them assets into my fucking wallet! Or I swear... I'll kill the both of you. You look pale. Thanks. You think I don't know what's going on with you? What are you talking about? You're sleeping 14 hours a day. That's what I'm talking about. Listen to me. You need help. Hey, go back to L.A. Go to rehab if that's what it takes. I'll stay here, and I'll get the money. Okay, then we can meet up when I get back. Ha! And I can count on that? I take one look in your eyes, and I know exactly what you've been doing. You think about what I'm saying, unless you want to wind up like Ellen. You're wrong. "Sly Wheaton." MAN: Hi. William, I take it? That's me. You can call me Billy, if you want. Must be a lot of people trying to horn in on the inheritance. What you drinking? I'm fine. Thanks. [ CLOCK TICKING ] Ah, suit yourself. You don't mind if I do? See, I actually need some advice. I can pay you as soon as I can-- [ LAUGHS ] I bet you can. Let's say-- suppose the old man has an illegitimate child who was trying to get some of his money. What would be the quickest way to find a-- some kind of solution? Solution? Listen. You need a document stating that Niles wanted his money going to his niece and his niece only. I don't have that document. Well, you got a problem then, don't you? Yeah, I'll bet Niles knew all about this, 'cause he came to me two days before he passed away. He was gonna have me change his will to explicitly exclude anyone but Ellen. Hmm. Kind of a coincidence, don't you think? Niles ends up dead right before he intends to change his will. Huh. You want that drink now? - [ THUMP ] - [ GASPS ] I guess I wasn't so wrong after all. Yeah, I found the pipe... In Ellen's s-stuff. You know, with... All this shit that we're dealing with, I just feel like it would be okay... To have a little bit of fun. ♪ I do believe... ♪ I'm sorry. - I'll stop. I promise. - ♪ I do believe ♪ ♪ yeah, but your people down here ♪ ♪ did raise a fear ♪ ♪ right through the year ♪ [ BELL TOLLING ] [ TELEPHONE RINGS ] [ WIND BANGING SHUTTERS ] [ RING ] [ BEEP ] Jamie... Pick up the phone. I gotta show you something. I'll be over in a few. [ CLICK ] WOMAN: Sheriff. No match. But do you remember that fella who used to work for Niles, Jamie Albright? Mm-hmm. Turns out he had some priors, and his prints are as clear as day. [ WIND BLOWS ] CAMERON: Check this out. This rascal Billy switched the DVD on me. Goddamn tractor infomercial. ...put the dumpster on. Are you sore at me? CAMERON: You... Don't talk! Idiot. If you'd not lost the video... In Niles' driveway, it all would have been just fine. [ SIREN BLARING ] [ WIND BLOWING ] EARL: Niles. Jamie. We need to put this guy on the payroll. Hmm. BOB: I'm gonna comb through every inch of Tremo if I have to. I will find this killer. [ WIND BANGING SHUTTERS ] [ KNOCK ON DOOR ] [ KNOCKING ] I'm coming. I'm coming. [ GUNSHOT ] [ DOOR OPENS, CLOSES ] [ BEEP ] BELLE: Hello. Ellen? I don't mean to be any trouble. I just wondered about the housekeeping. I left my number with your boyfriend Billy. You folks have a good day. Bye-bye. [ BEEP ] My name is belle. I knew it. Hmm? Hey... I think we got what we needed. I'll be back soon. Be careful. [ BELL TOLLING ] [ BLUES PLAYING ] ♪ Just hoping all night-- ♪ [ COUNTRY MUSIC PLAYING ] You know where I can find... This address? [ BOTTLES CLINKING ] Excuse me for a minute. ♪ All my life, I... ♪ SAL: What's going on here? BOY: I swear. I was gonna pay you back. You stealing from your own father? You piece of shit. Just a couple beers. It's Friday night and all! Son of a bitch! Come on, sissy! [ YELLING ] Why don't you start weeping while you're at it? Hey! Take it easy. Why don't you go wait at the counter and mind your own goddamn business? You want to try me? You're with that Niles girl, ain't ya? I recognize you. Oh, yeah. [ GROANING ] [ RUNNING FOOTSTEPS ] [ CAR ENGINE REVS ] [ BLUES PLAYING ] ♪ Yeah ♪ - ♪ I'm gonna fix my supper... ♪ - Fucker. [ TONE BEEPING ] [ ENGINE GRINDING, SQUEALING ] [ GUN CLICKS ] Hey, it's me, Sarah. What do you want? Thought you might be hungry. I really need to use the bathroom. You're a strange girl. [ COUNTRY MUSIC PLAYING ] Be a man for once. Take care of that sum-bitch. [ GASPS ] What are you waiting for, you sissy? [ RADIO PLAYING SONG IN SPANISH ] EDDIE: You and I need to talk. Time to wrap things up. Know what I mean? What's on your mind, angel? You want some dope? That would be nice. God! Is this what you're looking for? - Huh? - Uh-huh. Yeah. It fucking is! You get the fuck off me! [ GASPING, SOBBING ] [ EDDIE LAUGHING ] [ MUFFLED ] Get the fuck off me. Fuck you! You worthless piece of fucking shit! [ SCREAMS ] [ GROANING ] Angel. My angel. 32 Leo street. Where is that old woman's house? [ SARAH GRUNTING ] [ GRUNTING ] [ GRUNTING ] Hey! Remember me? This is for fucking with my dad! [ ELECTRICITY BUZZING ] BELLE: Oh, my goodness. [ INSECTS CHIRPING ] Good thing I found him. Have another little nip. All right. [ GROANS ] Poor boy, he's been beaten. He'll live. And call me if there's any more trouble, mama. [ GROANS ] Bob, leave it be. You know, I was looking for you today. For me? Well, if it was about the housekeeping, that could've waited till tomorrow. No, it wasn't about the housekeeping. You and your late husband, you, uh-- you raised two sons, sheriff Bob and Cameron. Yes, that's right. Two big, beautiful boys. Your family didn't mind all those long hours with you keeping house for Zachary Niles? Well, they-- it was a privilege to work for someone as accomplished and-- and prosperous as Mr. Niles. And we needed the extra money. Heh. You, the late sheriff, Bob... You're like three peas in a pod. [ LAUGHS ] Yes. Not Cameron, though. Well, I don't know what you mean. You truly admired and respected Niles, right? Yes, of course. I told you. That-- you had a son with him, didn't you? What? How dare you? I read the letters you wrote him, the ones asking him to acknowledge your son. How could you stand for it? After the way you took care of him? After the way you felt about him? It wasn't that simple. What would people think if they knew what we were up to? How would they treat my family, my husband, my two little boys? Cameron is Niles' son. And when Niles handed the inheritance to Ellen, Cameron realized that he was gonna be cut out of everything that was rightfully his, out out... Just like his mother had been. You have no right-- deep down, you have to know... That it was Cameron that killed Niles. That is not possible. Zach-- Mr. Niles' death was an accident. No, no. No, you're not up on current affairs, ma'am. The coroner's office ruled Niles' death a homicide. Your son killed his own father. You get out of here. You get out! I said leave! [ INSECTS CHIRPING ] [ FOOTSTEPS ] [ MAN SIGHS ] [ WIND CHIMES RINGING ] [ BUBBLING ] What happened to you? [ WATER RUNNING ] There. Just like new. I forgot the salad. You know what I was thinking about this morning? Stanley's. The day you asked me out. [ CAR HORN HONKS ] I thought I would never see you again. Stanley's... I hope I never have to work in a place like that again. Why should you? You're about to be rich very soon. What's with the drinking? What exactly did you have in mind for after dinner? You gonna stuff me in the trunk like, uh, what's his name? [ SIGHS ] Edward carney. That's it. What? You didn't think I knew who you scored your dope from? [ LAUGHS ] I saw you at the motel tonight. Yep. Tell me something, Sarah. Uh... Did you fuck him first and then kill him? How exactly did that go down? That guy is Ellen's dealer. She owed him a ton of money, and for some reason, he thinks I'm the one who has to pay him back. Well, he's dead now. Might as well get rid of me next, right? I assume that is the plan, after all. Why share the money with Edward or me? Right? I didn't even know about Ellen's money until I found that letter! So you-- besides, this is your fucking scheme! Do you remember that? You're telling me that Edward carney didn't have the exact same plan a whole lot earlier? You're drunk. That's why you're talking so crazy. [ FAX MACHINE BEEPS ] LAPD. "With respect to your pending investigation... Please be informed that the two suspects..." [ MUTTERS ] "...are both wanted for questioning "in a local homicide investigation... [ MUTTERS ] "...death of Ellen Niles-- heroin-related overdose." [ TELEPHONE RINGS ] Hmm. [ RING ] [ RING ] Hello. Billy. How you doing? BILLY: I've been better. [ LAUGHS ] I know the feeling. Listen... Is it possible, Billy, that, uh, you gave me the wrong DVD? You know, I wonder what brother Bob would do if he got ahold of that video? Now, you listen to me, you two-time loser. Are you trying to blackmail me? 'Cause I'll wipe the fucking floor with you. You think besmirching the late Zachary Niles' spotless reputation is gonna put you in good with the sheriff, my brother? You want me to call the sheriff right fucking now? All right. How much money do you want? I got $5,000. Make it 10, cash, tonight. Then we'll leave. Okay. 10, it is. And you bring that fucking DVD. [ BILLY HANGS UP ] [ BELL TOLLING ] [ CAR HORN HONKS ] CAMERON: What's up? Get in. I just got back from mama's. Guess who was there? The boyfriend, Billy. What the hell was he doing there? Mama found him in the street. He got a little roughed up. Serves him right, the smartass. Anyway, I got a piece of news for you that's gonna knock your socks off. Ellen Niles is dead. Is dead? Mm. Well, then, wh-who-- Sarah Johnson, Ellen's roommate, and Billy Brody. Sarah Johnson's boyfriend. Heh. Where'd you get this? L.A. police department. Says Ellen overdosed on heroin weeks ago, and this Brody guy, he did time in jail for forgery, illegal gambling. It's all there. [ SIGHS ] Man! Ha ha ha. I don't believe this. Eh, I knew something was up with them two. Bob... Hmm? We got another problem. What? I can barely talk about this. [ SIGHS ] Ellen or Sarah... Whatever the hell her name is gave me this. They said they-- they found it at the house. No, this... What the hell is this? I mean... Niles never had no son. This--this-- it's a forgery. Take a look at the writing. You know whose writing that is. No, I don't know nothin'. Mama used to spend a lot of time over there. Don't say it. I'm that son. You better shut up. You don't believe me? Go ask mama. Oh, my God. [ CAR ENGINE STARTS ] [ WIND CHIMES RINGING ] [ FOOTSTEPS ] [ RIFFLES BILLS ] You know... That man in a black hood in the video, he looked to be about your size and weight. You know what? I hope you can spend that 10,000 before they arrest you. It was you that killed Niles. This world is a better place with Niles absent from it. Trust me on that one. And I bet you knew about us all along, didn't you? Well--heh heh. I figured it out pretty quickly. You see, it came over the wire that Ellen had died. Then you two dumb-asses show up here with your hands out, had the whole town in an uproar, took all the attention away from me. Perfect timing. I lived in this shithole my whole life. This estate is my ticket out. It's in my blood, and I will have it. I tried to be fair to you and that chippy of yours. I gave you every chance to run. Barn door's open. [ WIND BLOWING ] Did you know that Mr. sly Wheaton has a legal document proving that every cent of that estate was intended for Ellen and nobody else, period? Did you know that Mr. sly Wheaton had an unfortunate setback tonight? He's not gonna be processing any more documents, legal or otherwise. BOB: Oh, my goodness. Now... Did you really think that I'm gonna sit here and let you walk away with $10,000 of my money? [ GASPS ] [ GUNFIRE CONTINUES ] [ GUNSHOTS ] - [ GUNSHOT ] - [ GROANS ] [ GROANING ] [ CAMERON CHUCKLES ] Checkmate. [ GUN CLICKS ] Ah. I forgot all about you. I will pull the trigger. Yeah? And so will I. [ GLASS SHATTERS ] [ CLICK ] [ CAMERON LAUGHS ] I do believe that's called... - Shit out of luck. - [ SCREAMS ] Goddamn fucking whore! Now... Which one of you wants to go first? BOB: That's an interesting question. What the hell are you doing here, Bob? ! You tell me. Put the gun down, Cameron. Robert, turn around, drive away, and pretend like you never came in here. I am taking care of things. Like you always have. Now you're taking over my job, too. What's left for me, then, little bro? What's left for-- you were given everything you ever wanted! Now, Bob, go home! I'm dug in here! Please! Put the gun down, Cameron. - [ GASPS ] - [ GROANS ] [ WIND BLOWING ] [ SIZZLING ] Lord almighty. Ah, jeez. [ INSECTS BUZZING ] [ DOG BARKING ] [ BLUES PLAYING ] ♪ Well, I'm leaving in the morning ♪ ♪ it just ain't the same ♪ ♪ yes, I'm leaving in the morning ♪ ♪ it just ain't the same ♪ [ DOG BARKING ] Sarah. Got you some ice cream. It's chocolate, your favorite. [ SNAKE RATTLES ] [ GASPING ] Hi. Cash, Billy. Where's my cash? 10 grand, that's all I got from that lawyer. You lying motherfucker. Just take the fucking money, and let us go! A thief like you... Spends weeks on end baby-sitting little missy here... [ CAR HORNS HONK ] [ CELLPHONE RINGS ] And 10 measly grand's all you got to show for? [ RING ] EDDIE: How's our little bird doing, Billy? I gotta call you back. Stop! That's less than 20 cents on every dollar you owe me. What's he talking about, Billy? Ha! Aah! Your boyfriend here... [ WHIP CRACKING ] Stole half a kilo of my dope to pay his gambling debts. So Billy and I had a serious conversation after I gave him a little whipping, a reminder, so he wouldn't forget. Now you know what to do, you fuck. [ WHIP CRACKS ] [ GROANS ] The nice guy that I am, I let him have a chance to redeem himself. What am I gonna do? Billy just needed to give you a helping hand... Do you know what this is? And collect your look-alike's... Ellen's fortune. Unbelievable. I mean, you guys could be twins. You were set up, Sarah. [ KISS ] EDDIE: You look confused! Heh. You thought I'd bought the farm that first night when the bitch here let that gun go off! [ GUNSHOT ] [ GROANS ] Didn't you? Fuck! [ GASPING ] God damn it! Oh, my fucking heart! God damn, Billy. Rot in hell. [ EDDIE LAUGHS ] [ GUNSHOT ] [ GUNSHOT ] Was it true, what he said? It was my only chance to get out. Do you know... How sad it feels... When somebody you really care for... Says just what you want to hear... And none of it's true? Every kiss... Every look... Nothing but a fairy tale. But it was true. I loved you from the moment I walked into Stanley's. That was always true. It still is. What's this? Remember the painting? The one above the fireplace. Take it. Apparently it's worth a few dollars. You get a fresh start. Forget about me. Like Eddie said... [ SIGHS ] I'm good for nothin'. You know what? Screw Eddie. ♪ I was walking ♪ ♪ late one night ♪ ♪ I was walking ♪ ♪ late one night ♪ ♪ and I saw her standing there ♪ ♪ in the light ♪ [ INSTRUMENTAL PLAYING ] Subtitles Provided By Worldwide7477 (MAN SPEAKING KOREAN) JAYE: Hustle up, guys. You've got to get that defector and get the hell out of there. No delays. Hey, Mouse, are you ready with that 18-year-old aim? I'm on it, sir. ROADBLOCK: Move. Let's go. (WHISPERS) All right, come on. Where is this guy at? Come on, come on, come on. Come on, come on, come on. (MAN SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY) All right, Mouse. Give us that diversion. (MAN SHOUTS) (WHISTLE BLOWING) Let's move. Flint, stay put. (MEN SHOUTING INDISTINCTLY) (GRUNTING) Anyone ever tell you you fight ugly? Not from their backs, they don't. It's just... (GROANS) Flint, let's go. Flint? What the hell are you doing? FLINT: Just marking our territory, sir. Private Gaines, if you see Flint, shoot him. With pleasure. (MAN SPEAKING KOREAN) Defector in hand. En route to pickup. Come on. I don't see him, do you? (SOLDIERS SHOUTING IN KOREAN) JAYE: Flint, get your ass back to the team. We are on the move. Uh, you ain't gonna believe this, Roadblock. (SOLDIERS SHOUTING IN KOREAN) Mother... (ALL SHOUTING IN ENCOURAGEMENT) ALL: Yeah! What? No, no, no, no. No, no, no. Unfair advantage. I'm better. He's got smooth cheeks. He's got no facial hair. - I'm gonna pull the pin. - There's less friction underwater. That's a foul. That's a foul. (LAUGHING) ROADBLOCK: A Joe flag. A G.I. Joe flag. FLINT: That was a nice touch, right? Yeah. You can call it that. And what would you call it? - Undignified. (LAUGHING) - Yeah, that, too. You know in victory, we should be gentlemen. ALL: Oh! - Hey, Jaye! - Yo! How long can the average man hold his breath? Ninety seconds. ROADBLOCK: - Free hand. - You got it, boss. All right. Easy, Flipper. Mmm. Back. Damn, that's good. (COUGHING) There's nothing wrong with taking a victory lap. It's fun. This is how it works. G.I. Joe's a fist. Us, we're the knuckles. How do we strike? Together. A finger strays... - It gets broken. - It gets broken. Knuckles, again? Really? As a friend, you've got to get a new speech. And the next time you want to drown somebody, just invite me. (ALL LAUGHING) NARRATOR: Since the end of the nanomite wars, Captain Duke Hauser now leads Joe Tactical Operations. Under Duke's command are Roadblock, Lady Jaye, Flint and Snake Eyes. The ruthless terrorist known as Cobra Commander, and Destro have been captured by the G.I. Joes and placed in a maximum security prison. But the Cobra operatives, Storm Shadow and Zartan, remain at large. The unit and the world remain on high alert following Cobra Commander's final vow. DUKE: Retaliation. The ear that sees. An ancient Arashikage test. (BLOWING) Jinx, cousin to Storm Shadow, it's time to prove that you are ready to join the G.I. Joes. (EXHALES) Defend yourself. I'm ready, Blind Master. Ears, open. Snake Eyes, your task. Test her abilities. Pluck a single hair from Jinx's head. (COMMANDS IN JAPANESE) Ah, good. One should be as nimble as a cat, yet fierce as a tiger. (LAUGHING) Snake Eyes wins. Jinx, in order to excel in war, you must first find peace. Snake Eyes, you have earned the Blade of Justice. Made of black carbon fibre. Cruel. Indestructible. There are rumours of a new attack by our enemies. You must leave the dojo to uncover these plans and stop them. But move swiftly. You may already be too late. (GUNFIRE) ROADBLOCK: Contact front! Contact front! Heavy enemy fire! I need you to bring them up the line. Bring them up the line. DUKE: Check that, Block, but I can't, man. I'm taking rounds back here. ROADBLOCK: I need you! I need you now! Air strike! Call in an air strike! (STAMMERS) Wait. How do you call in an air strike? - Jesus! - Can I bring... What about one of those, like, care package thingies? ROADBLOCK: I'm bleeding out and I need you to sprint. Can you use a care package thingy? I can bring you one. A care package thingy? Who is shooting me? What is... I'm bleeding out right there and you're... Are you spinning? You got to cover 360. - You're spinning. - Huh? How could you be so good at combat? You stink at this. I think you need to relax. I believe I outrank you, - last time I checked. - Not in my house, you don't. (GIRLS SCREAMING) (GIRLS LAUGHING) Oh! All right. Taking fire! Enemy fire! Time out! Enemy fire! (GIRLS LAUGHING AND TEASING) (LAUGHING) Enemy contact! Uncle Duke, you have big ears. (LAUGHING) You got a big head. Come here! (GRUNTS) Returning fire! What's up, now? (GIRLS SCREAMING) DUKE: Returning fire! (LAUGHS) You can't scream your way out of this one! Yeah, requesting assistance, brother Block! Pinned down, brother Duke. Pinned down. That's all right. I got my boy here. Demon dog! (IMITATING BARKING) (BOTH SCREAMING) (LAUGHS) TWIN 1: Grandma, help us! We need backup! (GIRLS LAUGHING) Not the first time you sent a girl running out of the room screaming. Not the first time I sent two girls screaming from a room. Dude, completely inappropriate. - I'm just saying. - Completely. MALE REPORTER: (ON TV) Violence continues across Pakistan in the capital of Islamabad following the assassination of President... FEMALE REPORTER: (ON TV) The future of the country and control of its nuclear arsenal appear to be up in the air as the vacuum created by the killing remains. The Pakistani President may in fact be dead, but Pakistan remains an ally. And a sovereign nation. Was. Right now, they're a riot with a zip code. Sir, every minute we spend debating this, there are live nuclear warheads that sit amidst the chaos. We can't let our enemies get those warheads first. (SIGHS) Recommendations? Go in. Now. Wait and see. (SIGHS) History rewards the bold. I'm not going to be the man who waited and saw. Get me the G.I. Joes. PILOT: Star One Flight commander separating for drop. DUKE: All right, listen up! That nuke cannot have gone far. Once we have it, we will disarm it en route to the L.Z.! We have its location narrowed down to somewhere in this missile assembly building. We'll go in on the roof, and fan out from there. Flint, Jaye, if any support is needed, you'll reinforce as Roadblock leads the ground team. Hell, yeah. Hey, Mouse. On my first drop I popped a live round into my mouth. Keeps your teeth from chattering. Give it a shot. - Delicious. - Attaboy. Jaye, what are we up against? Insurgents are armed with Kalashnikovs, SVD Dragunovs and Type 50s. Cold War stuff. But don't relax, boys, still put holes in you. Whoa! What have you got there? P-dub 381 black Tempest, just out of the box. Rounds. Quarter speed, remote controlled. When did we get these? We didn't. We did. Distinguished Marksmen. - Let me see. (EXCLAIMS) Don't touch. Girls with guns. DUKE: Approaching target. Ten-hut! Make ready! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Anyone else missing Snake Eyes? I trained with Snake for six years. If he ain't here, he's got good reason. PILOT: Arch-Angel, go for drop. Brother Block, as always, would you mind leading us in a few words, please, sir? In the immortal words of Jay-Z, (CHUCKLES) "Whatever deity may guide my life," "dear Lord, don't let me die tonight." "But if I shall, before I wake," "I accept my fate." (MOUTHING) Hell, yeah? ALL: Hell, yeah! Hell, yeah. Equipment check! - Check! - Check! (ALL REPEATING) - Check! - Check! - Check! - Drive it like you stole it! As your good friend, you need a new catchphrase. (CHUCKLES) - Hoo-ah! ALL: - Hoo-ah! JOE 1: Alpha, Bravo, radio check. JOE 2: Copy. (MAN SPEAKING IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE) JOE 1: Go in ghost till first contact. JOE 2: Three and six on the floor. JOE 1: Copy that. (MAN SPEAKING URDU) DUKE: Team two, expect heavy contact. Bring the rain! (MEN SHOUTING IN URDU) JAYE: Move out! JOE 3: Team three headed upstairs. (MAN SHOUTING IN URDU) (GRUNTS) JOE 4: East hallway, clear. (GRUNTING) (MAN SHOUTING) ROADBLOCK: Level 2 secure. Moving to level 3. (MEN SHOUTING IN URDU) (PANTING) DUKE: - I owe you one, Mouse. - Clear! (MEN SHOUTING IN URDU) (GRUNTING) All right! I got eyes on the nuke! Say again, I got eyes on the nuke! (GRUNTING) (MAN SHOUTING IN URDU) But I'm taking heavy fire! FLINT: Sit tight! I'm taking a detour! JAYE: Negative, Flint! Stick with the plan! (BOTH GRUNTING) (MEN SHOUTING IN URDU) Tangos down! DUKE: Go, go, go! (MEN CONTINUE SHOUTING IN URDU) Flint, status! (GROANING) FLINT: Fire now! DUKE: Weapons secured! SHIPWRECK: Equipment pack-up on level four! Set! Clutch, station the transport vehicle! Move! JOE 1: All teams, rally to transpo, immediately. Insurgents closing in, sir! JOE 2: Team two secure. No losses. - Contact headquarters. - I'm on that. Mount up! Let's exfil. SHIPWRECK: Runway secure. DUKE: Let's mount up! (GRUNTS) (WHOOPS) (MEN TALKING IN DISTINCTLY) Nuke's disabled. Long-range transportation and wheels down at 1900 hours. Home in time for Top Chef. Good job, Tiny Tim. All that Wii Combat Shooter finally paying off, sir. (LAUGHS) Bam! - How you doing, sir? - Good. All Joes present and accounted for. Sit rep? SHIPWRECK: Rendered safe and ready for transport, sir. Square this one away and go get a beer. - Sounds good. - Mmm-hmm. DUKE: Sir, the nukes have been recovered and disabled. All Joe missions successful. Only minor injuries to report, sir. Transport crews are prepping the L.Z. for evac at 0200 hours. CHAIRMAN: Great job, Captain. We're modifying your extraction plan back here. Sit tight. JOE 1: Let's go, Rivera, let's go. ROADBLOCK: Let me get this straight. One whole weekend, you looking after my little girls. Yep, as long as I can bring this. Look, I love your kids. But they live to terrorise me. You trained them well. And if you win? You have to take your next promotion. ROADBLOCK: You pull a trigger, I pull a trigger. I don't know if I'm gonna trust a pastry from a gumbo chef. (COCKS GUN) Think about the wind. Four knots? Left to right. Humidity, I say, is about 62%. You gonna feed me the barometric pressure, too? That's on the rise. Like your panties. You love my panties. That's an interesting choice of a joke. Of all the things you could say... - "You love my panties"? - Are you gonna shut up? - What does that mean? - You gonna shut up? - I'm looking out for you. - I'm trying to do something. - I just don't... - Shut up, just shut up. - I'm just saying. - Just shut up. (CLEARS THROAT) How's your heart rate? (LAUGHS) That is not gonna count. I get to go again because you talked. You pulled a trigger. Now I pull a trigger. (GRUNTING) No, we're not doing that. (SHUSHING) - That is not gonna count. Cheater. I bought my little girls a karaoke machine and they love singing on it, all night long. There's no bedtime curfew, so they're going to be up all night. Make sure you bring your earplugs. Boom! - C'mon, best two out of three. - No. Best two out of three. That didn't count. You didn't tell me about the karaoke machine. (WHISTLING TUNE) Zandar. Mr President. Aren't you supposed to stop people from shooting my dad? Baldy. Idiot. Enough out of you, Lee Harvey. Go clean up the chocolate stains you left in your mother's bedroom. (MEOWING) Kitty likes to scratch. (SIGHS) Next time, take out his fat ass. It would be my pleasure, sir. I brought you some news. The G.I. Joes are about to be out of the picture. And by "out of the picture," I mean alive on earth. Got a little too close to Mount Olympus. Huh? (WHISPERS) Had to strike them down. They'll find you out, Zartan. No. No, I don't think so. That's the beauty of nanomites. Here, take a look. Hmm? Flawless microtechnology. You're insane. Recess over. Sit him down. You know, they say this is a thankless job. But yesterday I hung out with Bono. My new Secret Service, they want to burn the Constitution. Literally. And my interns... Oh, yeah, I brought back the interns. Mmm-mmm. Do you know my favourite bit? I get to blow stuff up. Oh, I bet that endears you to the people. Well, that's the thing. Your approval ratings climbed nine points. Apparently, America wants someone who looks like you, but acts like me. I'm the quicker blower-upper, baby. Only one drawback. The little wifey-pooh? (GASPS) Huh? If you touch my family... (LAUGHS) I'm yanking your chain. Two long terms of you, just a few short months of me. So let's not waste the time I got left. Where is the prison that holds Cobra Commander and Destro? Is this where I ask you, what do you have planned? Why does anyone want to be President? Everybody wants to rule the world. (RADIO CHATTER) ANNOUNCER: (ON PA) All squads, gear up and clear the L.Z. Prepare for extraction. Extraction? What are we, teeth? - Reach H.Q.? - No, I got nothing. - Go up high. - Roger, Sarge. Block. All our men accounted for. Not a single drop of blood. - Boots to asses. - Yes, sir. Except for that... Did you scrape your elbow? - No, it's red sweat. - Yup. That better have been on somebody's face. (INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS) Hey, Duke. You see that? Security's early. JAYE: Get down! JOE 1: Take cover! Take cover! JOE 2: To your weapons! Let's go! (INDISTINCT SHOUTING) JOE 2: On the ground! On the ground! ROADBLOCK: Mouse! JOE 2: Get 'em out of the L.Z.! (JOE SCREAMS) JOE 1: Medic! Go! (GRUNTS) (EARS RINGING) Flint's down! Flint's down! - I'm going for him! ROADBLOCK: - Go! JOE 2: Ten o'clock! (GRUNTING) Get down! Troops in contact! Request immediate air support! I repeat, immediate air support! (MEN SHOUTING) You all right? Come on, we got to move! Go, go, go! JOE 3: Help me! You good? You hit? Block, I got Flint. We got to get to cover! Come on. Incoming! Incoming! Go, go, go, go, go! JAYE: Duke, come in. FLINT: Duke! Duke! ROADBLOCK: Get to cover, now! Go! - Pull back! Rally point! - Let's go! ROADBLOCK: Get to the well! Go! JOE 2: Clear 'em out of there. Fall back! Fall back! (GRUNTS) (GASPS) (COUGHING) (MEN TALKING IN DISTINCTLY) MAN 1: We're clear. MAN 2: Let's go! (HELICOPTER WHIRRING) We have met the enemy and he is us. Today, the world's elite fighting force, the G.I. Joes, abandoned their duty and broke the sacred bond that exists between the American people and those entrusted with their security. (GRUNTING) ROADBLOCK: Ready and step. (GRUNTING) Ready and step! The first domino fell with the murder of the Pakistani president. The assassin, a Joe, call sign Snake Eyes. But he didn't act alone. The Joes intended to use this situation to seize Pakistan's nuclear arsenal. Now this incident serves as a sobering reminder of the scourge of nuclear weapons. And to that end, I call upon my fellow world leaders to convene immediately to discuss nuclear disarmament. On three. One. (FLINT GROANS) Two. Three! (ALL GRUNTING) ZARTAN: The G.I. Joes clearly went beyond the boundaries of their mission. On my orders a covert Special Forces unit code named Cobra terminated with extreme prejudice Joe Command, facilities, personnel. (COUGHING) The G.I. Joes are no more. (GRUNTS) We should leave. There's nothing here. There's nothing left here? - That's not what he meant! - These are our brothers! That's not what he meant! Whoever did this is going to come back. We need to move. You are our leader now. We head due east until we're clear. We're gonna find the man who did this to Duke and our brothers. And we're gonna kill him. (MAN ANNOUNCING ON PA) (SOFT MUSIC PLAYING ON PA) WARDEN: Snake Eyes. Last place I thought I'd see you. Warden James. It's a pleasure. I'm a very big fan. I love the black. It's very Johnny Cash. Come. Welcome to Einsargen. Let me tell you a little bit about the place. Listen to me. I sound like a real-estate agent. I'm not here to sell you anything. Except maybe hopelessness. (LAUGHS) (SIGHS) How was your trip? The sensation that you're feeling, your upside-down tummy? It's due to our descent into a former East German mine shaft. It was the deepest they ever dug. So deep in fact that you just crossed out of Germany into international territory. Which allows me certain jurisdictional freedoms. Huh? One word, awesome. This room is awesome! Temperatures here exceed 210 degrees when not artificially cooled to a crisp 68. Almost calls for a Snuggie. Wait till you see this next one. (SIGHS LOUDLY) See what I mean? This just slays me. It's so interesting. This is where science has come. Did you know that during REM sleep, the human body produces a neural chemical which paralyses every muscle in the body but the heart and the eyes? This prevents us from acting out our dreams. We have injected both of these men with a synthetic version. They're perfectly awake. They're conscious, they're aware of everything that's going on around them. It's just that they're trapped inside themselves. Well, I believe you know your new neighbours, Destro, Cobra Commander. Oh, the three of you are like my fantasy football team. Gentlemen. Now as your eyes and mind travel to where you cannot, I want you to agonise. I want you to pine. I want you to ache for what once was and will never be again. I want you to doubt that there was ever a word for escape. Welcome to hell. SNAKE: You have no idea. Snake Eyes speaks. It never occurred to me what you might sound like. But I've always thought about what you might look like. We'll have that mask. Storm Shadow. (CHUCKLES) So you killed the Pakistani president. Well, you're not exactly my first-round draft pick, but I've always been a fan. FLINT: Protocol says we make a distress call, right? ROADBLOCK: No. Protocol died with the unit. FLINT: What? How's anybody gonna know we're alive? They're not, 'cause we're not. To our government, to our families, but especially to our enemy, we were KIA at 0600 hours in the Indus Valley Desert. But we have to at least try. I mean, there might be... No. Anything we do now is a rumour of a rumour. Any and all traces of our existence is terminated. The only one I trust out there is Snake Eyes. When we got hit, how we got hit, we were set up right from the start. How many stars would someone need on their shoulder to call an attack like that? Four? Five? No, not stars. Buttons on his suit. National Security Advisor. Secretary of Defence. No. There's only one man who could authorise a strike like that. And I voted for him. (MEN TALKING IN DISTINCTLY) TECHNICIAN: All vitals on Cobra Commander are steady. Storm Shadow nerve prohibitors injected. Sixty-two degrees on a change of 4%. (PLANE APPROACHING) Aerial threat! Down! We're going home. (BEEPING RAPIDLY) Full arrest! Full arrest! No drill! Bring the restraints! Remove the containment lid! Where's the serum? Quickly! Adrenaline now. Now! Adrenaline! Let's go! Quickly, quickly! Move! Move! (MEN SHOUTING) TECHNICIAN: Where's the serum? (SHOUTS) Let's go! GUARD: Peel back! Move! WARDEN: What do you mean, his heart stopped beating? No one here dies unless I say so! Oh, my God. Fire! GUARD: Fire! Fire! - Take him down! (GROANS) Take him down! (PANTING) GUARD 1: Clear on the north! GUARD 2: Clear! (MEN SPEAKING IN GERMAN) (YELLS) (PANTING) Welcome to hell. (YELLS) (ELECTRICITY CRACKLING) (GASPING) (WHEEZING) Stop! You shoot anything that walks through that door! Anything! Storm Shadow. Never a doubt. Cobra Commander. Destro. You're out of the band. WARDEN: Come on. Come on. (RAPID BEEPING) (GROANING) I see you've arranged transportation. Making more things go boom by 9:00 a.m. than most people do all day. Firefly. Good to see you, old friend. Sir. Some people just didn't want to let me in. (GROANING) Now, I busted out of eight prisons. But I only broke into one. All communications have been cut off. No one will know you're even missing. (CHUCKLES) (GROANS) (GROANS) (GROANING) COBRA COMMANDER: Take him to the mountains to heal. I'll need him for the war I'm about to start. (STORM SHADOW GROANING) (RUSTLING) (PANTING) - I want to help you. (HELICOPTER TAKING OFF) We've seen Storm's injuries. We know where he's headed. And you need me. Good. Sir, launch controls are nearly up. The director was running behind. Well, he ain't running behind no more. Or anywhere else, for that matter. Armour prototype is complete to your specs. I got it up to 60 on the dyno today. You'll like this. Working title, High Speed Sentry. HISS. It's good to have you back, sir. FIREFLY: Ain't she a beauty? COBRA COMMANDER: Soon the world will cower in the face of Zeus. All we've been missing is our Commander. ZARTAN: Cool mask. COBRA COMMANDER: Someone took his time. Not easy to sneak out of that big, white, 11-bedroom, 35-and-a-half bath... Just don't forget who put you there. Or the rock you crawled out from. Firefly. It's good to know we're not running low on crazy. Still all 10 fingers? (SCOFFS) How is our former President? Oh, he is worth his weight in platinum. You know, they call it a waterboard, but I never get bored. (CHUCKLES) COBRA COMMANDER: In 48 hours, Zeus will launch. ZARTAN: Just one wrinkle. Three Joes somehow survived our little house cleaning. A drone picked up voiceprints in the Indus Valley. Can I trust you with nothing? They'll slip up. And when they do, I'll hunt 'em to ground. COBRA COMMANDER: Hoo-ah. No, no, it's cool. I got it. You lost, little man? No, I ain't lost. I think you got the wrong street. So why don't you take Miley Cyrus and Ryan Seacrest and head back that way? I'm going that way. Oh, yeah? Yeah. Go ahead, Marvin. Man, don't call me that name. (BOTH LAUGH) - What's up? Little Marvin! - Marvin? STOOP: - Big Marvin now. Had you worried for a minute, man. Watch your hand back there, boy. You don't want them to get you. Look at you. You got grown. How your parents make a kid this big, man? - His parents are like 5'2" apiece. - Really? STOOP: You're taking that P9OX serious, huh? (LAUGHS) Twice a week. I see. Look at the size of your neck. Let me introduce you. This is Flint. What up? Lady Jaye. Lady Jaye. Hey. - Welcome back. - Thank you. It's what happens when you're in trouble, you come home. Home is where the help is. Amen. Well, we got you. Set up at the rec centre. Lay low over there. Nobody gonna bother you. As far as wheels go, I'm gonna let you roll my truck. Thank you. I got payments on that truck, man. I don't get it like I used to. All right? (CHUCKLES) Thank you, Stoop. I owe you one, brother. Actually, you owe me two. - That other one don't count. (SCOFFS) Welcome home, Marvin. (DOOR OPENING) Watch your step. No one's been here for years. This is gonna have to be our pit for now. (JAYE WHISTLES) Wow. It's an actual pit. It's my old stomping ground. FLINT: Are you sure we can trust this Stoop guy? - Stoop's no angel. (COUGHS) But he is family and we can trust him. Can we be traced? We can mask our IP addresses. I'll cyber-blast an encoded beacon every six hours. If any Joes did survive, we need to let them know where we're at. All right. Well, let's get to work. Flint, inventory every piece of equipment we got left. Jaye, start that database on our President. We'll find out what's going on with our Commander-in-Chief. He's not acting like the man we know. We find out why, we can start being soldiers again. (STORM SHADOW GROANING) (WIND HOWLING) (RADIO BEEPING) Lieutenant Lady Jaye, requesting immediate aid. If any Joes have survived... This channel's restricted to Joes, isn't it? ...magnetic west of the Potomac. They're alive. This is Lieutenant Lady Jaye requesting immediate aid. JINX: Lieutenant Lady Jaye, this is Jinx and Snake Eyes. We are in pursuit of Storm Shadow. Even if Snake Eyes and Jinx grab Storm, they're still halfway around the world. We're on our own. Enough for a battle. Not a war. We're fighting uphill here. I came here when I was 14 with a life expectancy of 13. I was bounced around from home to home, until this became my home. Guys were lined up outside that door to fight me. They whooped my skinny ass so much I started to enjoy it. Till one winter, I grew 8 inches and gained 60 pounds. I punched a guy so hard he couldn't move his arm to tap out. Then when the Joes came recruiting to the hood, I'd already beaten down half of it. I became a Joe to serve. In the field. So if we're fighting uphill, we take the hill. JAYE: Hey, I got something you'll want to see. During my check of the President, look what I found. This is the President on August 9th. PRESIDENT: addiction to offshore energy, where we 're forced to be kind of embroiled in the affairs of foreign nations. And this is 10 days later. I mean, otherwise, we're sort of... These are conversational fillers. Little phrases we spit out to give our brain a chance to catch up with our mouth. Like... - Like. - Yes. ROADBLOCK: And our President? Between August 9th and August 19th, he stopped using "you know" and "kind of" and started using "I mean" and "sort of." But that's not all. "Supper" became "dinner." "Soda" became "pop." One President, two fingerprints. But it's a few words, right? I mean, how much can... Check this out. Two press conferences, July 31st, September 1st. See his fingers clasped? Left thumb on top versus right thumb on top. The same person never does this differently, it feels wrong. What if the President isn't the President? Look, if the Commander-in-Chief is an imposter and he's the one that ordered the attack, we have to assume that there's no one we can trust. There is one man. He's the reason we call ourselves Joes. (DOORBELL RINGS) (MAN TALKING ON TV) Hello? I'll take two cases of Thin Mints and a box of Chuckle Lucks. Lower your weapons. General Colton, if I may... Shut your mouth, Brenda. My name's not Brenda. How'd you get in? Sir, apologies. - Sergeant Marvin... - I know who you are. Then you know why I'm here. JOE: It's not like I don't hear what you're saying. But an imposter President? How come when the General says it, it sounds crazy? What'd they do with the real President? We fear he's dead. I don't think so. You're not going to kill your best asset. "Conrad Hauser. Your captain. Tell me one thing you know about him. Great soldier. Better friend. And he saved my life, sir. (BREATHES DEEPLY) Good. What you're proposing is treason. I'm gonna need something a little more to go on than overlapping thumbs. Before you retired, you sewed on a security commission with the President's Chief of Staff. General Colton, can you get us close? Negative. I can't scratch my ass in this town without getting on the watch list. Brenda, hand me that pen. Girl Scout to secretary. Amazing. Name's not Brenda. It's just a pen. Avenue K, Georgetown. 9:00 p.m. There's a poker game with the Chief of Staff there. He's not a good poker player. He's got 1,000 tells. We only need one. CHIEF OF STAFF: Hey, hon. Just got out of poker. Poorer but wiser. (SIGHS) It was a good day, actually. The Prez was taking his crazy pills again. Baby, I'm gonna have to call you back. Yeah. Love you. (JAYE SIGHS) (MUSIC PLAYING ON EARPHONES) Excuse me. Oh, hi. Hi. You need a hand with your bags? Sure. No problem. There you go. Thank you. Who said chivalry is dead, right? Chivalry. Talk like that, I'm gonna get myself in trouble. Where we heading? Just right around the corner. (HORN HONKS) (SHOUTS) (GRUNTS) That tingly feeling is amobarbital. It's a sedative that causes anterograde amnesia. In five minutes, you're gonna be asleep. In another five, you're gonna wake up with no idea I ever existed. Notice anything strange about your boss? Maybe. Why? 'Cause you're gonna make a phone call for us. Get us close to him. You're gonna forget everything, so your conscience will be clear. Why are you doing this? You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Make the call. (WIND BLOWING) (GUARDS SCREAMING) (METAL CLINKS) (BREATHES DEEPLY) (BLADES SWISHING) (EXHALES) (GRUNTING) (YELLS) (YELLING) (YELLING) (YELLING) (GRUNTING) Oh! (SHOUTING) (YELLING) (GRUNTING) (GAS HISSES) (CHOKING) (SIGHS) (MEN SHOUTING) (BELL RINGING) (BELL CONTINUES RINGING) (ALL YELLING) (JINX GRUNTS) (STRAINING) (SCREAMING) (GRUNTING) (GRUNTS) (GRUNTING) (SCREAMING) (GRUNTING) (STRAINING) (GRUNTS) (SCREAMING) (NINJAS YELL) (SCREAMING) Thank God. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDING) JAMES CARVILLE: El Presidente is on a roll. His numbers are up. And I'm not just talking about his age. (SCATTERED LAUGHTER) Now, I'm not gonna call our Commander-in-Chief old. Actually, he called me the other day for some advice. MAN: - Good evening. - Good evening. He wanted to hook up the nation's nuclear arsenal to the Clapper. (ALL LAUGHING) (APPLAUSE) I'm sorry, ma'am, you're... Late, I know. Imagine the army it takes to make me look like this. Forgive me. That's an army I'd like to enlist in. Speaking of lists, would you like to explain why you're not on ours? MAN: Here she is. Chief of Staff. Enjoy your evening, Miss Vandervoort. JAYE: I'm in. Roger that. Standing by. Jaye? You keep your head down. Mr Carville was nice enough to mention one of my passions. ZARTAN: Nuclear disarmament. In just days, the leaders of the world's eight nuclear nations will gather at historic Fort Sumter for a nuclear summit. But before the Atomic Eight break bread, it's our turn. Thank you, James. Thank you so much. Mr President. Amy Vandervoort, Fox News. Oh, Fox, of course. That's why you look so "fair and balanced." (BOTH LAUGH) Very cute. But I was actually hoping to have a... Dance? - I was going to say, quote. - Ah. Okay, here's a quote. The world will change after my nuclear summit. How about we dance? JAYE: I really, I don't dance. Sorry. Thank you, Mr President. You gave me what I need. But I really have to make my deadline. - It's been a pleasure. (LAUGHS) - Thank you. How are you? Good, sir. JAYE: I got a strand of hair from his jacket. I hope it's enough. Come on. FLINT: Copy that. Standing by for I.D. All units, setting condition orange. Stand by. ZARTAN: I don't take no for an answer. Almost there. Come on, come on, come on, come on. Zartan? Jaye, get out of there now. Oh, my God. We have an unauthorised I.D. She's a Joe. We have a Joe on the premises. Jaye. Jaye, now. I'm out. Plan B, rendezvous Bravo. Negative. Proceed to rendezvous Charlie. Charlie. What's that supposed to mean? Sorry, Jaye. I got it from here. Don't. We have proof. We're taking it to Joe Colton. You planned this all along. Block, stand down. We ain't lawyers. We're soldiers. I told you I was gonna find the man who did this. I was gonna kill him. No! That's... No. Negative! Block. Block. Damn it! One in the chamber. Block? Block, where are you? (GRUNTS) (TYRES SQUEAL) (BOTH GRUNTING) (GROANS) (GROANS) (GROANS) I want to see that face. (GROANING) The one where you realise today's the day. It's the face all those pretty little Joes had in the desert when I lit them all up like fireworks! (GRUNTS) I really want to see that face. There it is. (VEHICLE APPROACHING) (GRUNTS) (GROANS) (GASPING) BLIND MASTER: If Cobra and Zartan are in the White House, then the world is at stake. Storm Shadow. You will tell us Cobra's endgame, or die by the same sword you once used to kill our master. Your sword, given to you by our beloved Hard Master. Do you deny that your envy and hatred drove you to shed the Hard Master's blood? It's possible to feel so much hate you stop feeling it at all. Like a fish not knowing it's in water. But my path was chosen for me by my enemy who framed me for killing the Hard Master. And my friends who believed it. Why defend yourself to men too blind to see? That is the Hard Master's blood. But that is not... (YELLS) Wait! sword. Arashikage steel does not break. I have asked myself over and over who despised me enough to destroy my life? BLIND MASTER: I am sorry, Storm Shadow. But who would stand to gain the most by framing you for this crime? Your young adversary who chased you away? Or the man into whose arms you were chased. Someone who welcomed you, showed you kindness. STORM SHADOW: He needed me. For who I would become. A warrior of great skill and anger. The man who betrayed me was capable of great ingenuity, violence, but most of all, disguise. Zartan. BLIND MASTER: Yes. Tell us what he and Cobra have planned so we can destroy our common enemy together. Try to hold still. (DOOR OPENING) You want to remind me how knuckles are supposed to strike again? Together. Those were your words. - I had a shot and I took it. - Now, don't give me that! You went rogue. And I'd do it again. Yeah? And what was your big plan, then, huh? You get yourself killed? Jesus Christ. I listened to everything you said over and over again. I never questioned... I wasn't going to bury any more Joes. I've got guns to clean. Hey. Help me out here? Thanks. If my dad could see me now... What are you talking about? He wouldn't believe it. Why? Third generation military. Desperately wanted a fourth, and my mom had me. (CLEARS THROAT) Well, he must be real proud of you, then. JAYE: He didn't believe in female soldiers. I finally asked him why. He said he didn't want to put his life in the hands of a woman. I enlisted the next day. Spent the next seven years trying to outrank him so he'd have to salute me. Did it work? He died before I got the chance. I'm sorry. I'm actually gonna miss the red. You look real nice. Hey. I said we got guns to clean. The world ain't saving itself. That was for the tax hike. Like you pay taxes. Ain't always about me. ZARTAN: Hey, hey, hey, hey. We still need the man. Besides, we've grown close. Is Storm Shadow in? Don't you worry about him. He'll be more than ready. I'm not too impressed with your Cabinet. (CHUCKLING) No confirmation hearings, that's what you get. COBRA COMMANDER: Enough! I'll take it from here. He who controls this briefcase, controls the U.S. nuclear arsenal and the fate of humanity. Open your eyes, Mr Ex-President. FIREFLY: The eyes are the windows to the soul. (STRAINING) Open up. COBRA COMMANDER: Zeus is ready. We just need one final piece of the puzzle. FIREFLY: Well done. (CHUCKLES) History will stand in judgment. Not of me. Of you. (LAUGHS) What do we got, Jaye? Zartan's entire focus has been this nuclear summit. It has to be the key to whatever he's planning. All right. Well, then that's our target. Yeah. Guys, move. (COCKING GUN) (GRUNTING) I think I'm faster than you, Snake Eyes. Damn Ninjas. (CHUCKLES) Good to see you, brother. Jaye. Jinx. FLINT: Back up. He's with us. I am not with you. But for this once, I am not against you. How many of our men has he killed? We're supposed to fight with him? The leaders of the world will gather tomorrow. It's a trap. Storm is the only one who knows Cobra's plan inside and out. He can help us find a way to stop it. But we have to work together. ROADBLOCK: All right. Let's move. Merry Christmas. Makes you wonder about your neighbours. Nice. Open up that couch. Anything? I brought my own. Nice. Yeah, that'll work. Hey. That one's mine. This really is Patton's gun, isn't it? Gift from his family. What an honour. You bet. I was actually thinking about something a little more your size. Try not to scratch her up. Idles a little rough in neutral. I ain't gonna be in neutral. Hoo-ah. What about you? DOD says I can't come out of retirement. They didn't say anything about reenlisting. Reporting for duty, Sergeant Major. I'd like to bring a couple friends of mine. ROADBLOCK: Colton's team, it's our honour. You guys take the perimeter. Flint, Jaye, Snake, you guys take the flank. Jinx and Storm, Trojan Horse. Zartan will be holding the briefcase. Storm will be the closest man to him. But he can't move until we're all in position. Everyone keep your eye on the prize. We secure the football, we secure the world. Snake, how's all that sound? That's what I thought. FLINT: Okay, wait. Hold on a second. We still have enemy armour here, here, and here. Right? These tanks survive, we don't. Leave the tanks to me. General? Call me Joe. - Anything I missed? - No. Rock solid. My orders? The President. - Brenda's with my team. - Roger that. Does Brenda get a vote? ROADBLOCK: Negative. You need a pen? I need your help. ROADBLOCK: All right. Let's kick that ass! Hoo-ah! ALL: Hoo-ah! REPORTER 1: A historic day for the President of the United States as he meets with... This afternoon, the President is meeting with the leaders of the eight nuclear powers. Never before has a President been so bold to call the leaders of the world together... REPORTER 4: These are unprecedented nuclear talks that most believed would never happen. REPORTER 5: You can bet security is at its highest... We may be closer to a nuclear-free world than we have ever been. My fellow world leaders, welcome to the hallowed grounds of Fort Sumter, whose proud walls saw the first shots in our nation's grievous Civil War. Here, men rushed through the breach in a madness. What better place to step back from that same breach. Renounce our darker natures. Forgive our staunchest foes. This site is symbolic. Not only for the peace we seek to achieve, but the conflagration we seek to avoid. The Cobras who protect us today are dedicated to the belief that there is no greater peace than peace of mind. - Thank you. (APPLAUSE) RUSSIAN LEADER: I'll say it again. The world is safer with a nuclear presence. I'm sure your electorate will be happy by our final proposal. 50% reduction by 2016. There are a lot of leaders in this room. But only one leader of the free world. And he, I, stay with me, asked you here with the goal of universal disarmament. Nuclear zero. Now, I was prepared to cajole to get what I want. I'm now at threaten. Each of you will clear out his nuclear closet immediately. Failure to participate will be considered an act of war. You're joking, of course. This summit is over. ZARTAN: Then this is it. This is it, boys. This country is at war. With you and you and you and you and you and you. JOE 1: Delta team in position. Echo, you're a go. JOE 2: This is Echo. Beginning assault. The U.S. nuclear arsenal is capable of destroying each of your countries 14 times over. Fifteen, in the case of North Korea, just to be sure. And all (BEEPING) at the push of a button. (PEOPLE CLAMOURING) ZARTAN: It's true. Yeah! Yeah, I pressed it. You have lost your mind! It's all relative. You got three minutes to decide. MAN 1: You got next watch? MAN 2: Maintain radio silence. (BOTH GRUNTING) (INDISTINCT CLAMOURING) We cannot, we will not leave a legacy of acquiescence! - Bring the briefcase. (SPEAKING KOREAN) FRENCH LEADER: Don't do this! There can be no winners! Ooh. High score. Let history record who was responsible for this madness. Launch. (SPEAKING HINDI) (SPEAKS KOREAN) Launch. (SOLDIER GRUNTS) Eyes on the Emerald City. Jaye and Colton, you're a go for POTUS. You all right? Yeah. You all right? My cholesterol's a little high. JAYE: Jaye and General Colton. Checkpoint neutralised. You're on your own. (RAPID BEEPING ON MONITORS) Well, the good news is, no global warming summit next month. Unless one of us cared enough about his place in history to unilaterally disable his warheads. Hmm? You know, in the name of the children. Any volunteers? No? Fine. Me. (INDISTINCT TALKING) (CELL PHONE RINGS) Call your people to confirm. You're a complete lunatic. Says the man about to destroy Asia. Come on, who's going to follow suit, huh? Are you really going to stand by and watch as Earth is destroyed? Abort! (SPEAKING HINDI) I figured North Korea for last. (EXCLAIMS) (DEVICE BUZZES) Got to love the little guy. Gentlemen. Welcome to a nuclear-free world. I want to direct your attention to live images of your homelands. Now, you're looking at an advanced weapons system we call Project Zeus. There are seven Zeus satellites orbiting Earth. Each satellite contains 10 hollow platinum tubes filled with a tungsten rod. Zeus satellite 1-A approaching London. Ordnance live and loaded. Awaiting drop authorisation. Now, to direct a rod to its target, we don't launch it or fire it. COBRA COMMANDER: We drop it! Gravity does the rest. Observe. Satellite 1-A. Three, two, one, drop. MAN: A rod touches down eight times faster than a bullet. And with a force significantly greater than a nuclear warhead. None of the fallout. All of the fun. (ALL GASPING) (EXCLAIMS IN HINDI) FRENCH LEADER: You will have to answer for this. To your Congress, your courts. Correction, they will have to answer to me. What is it you want? I want it all. The Cobra revolution has begun. By pressing that button, Zartan initiated an auto-drop sequence. My Zeus satellites are moving into position over your six remaining countries. Satellites 2-A through 7-A en route to targets. The same button that begins this can end it. But I only press it for a price. Total allegiance. (YELLS) (ALL SHOUTING) JINX: Block, secure the perimeter! (GROANS) Get the control case from Zartan. I'm going to drop them all. Head to the door! Go, go, go! Satellites en route to targets. Beginning command protocols. MAN: Follow that ground team! Go! Stay. MAN: On your six, Cobra two! Cobra one, Cobra one, I need eyes on! Eyes on! (GRUNTS) (GUN CLICKING) Damn it. (PANTING) SOLDIER: We've got her cornered. She ain't going anywhere. (BOTH GROANING) JINX: Go! ZARTAN: Storm. I never figured you for a Joe. I'm very disappointed in you. You're a bitch to hit. (NINJA YELLING) Traitor. Storm. You know, this sword was never intended for anyone with anger management issues. (LAUGHING) Boom! (SILENCED GUNSHOT) - What was that? - Shut up. - Ray? - Yes, sir. Check the door. Give me a sit rep. I'm on it. (DOOR OPENING) You two secure the entrance. (GUN FIRING) - What are you doing? - Let's go. We're out of here. Stand down. I'm gonna shoot him! I said stand down! Be a good G.I. Joe and drop the gun. We're walking out of here. I will shoot him in the head. Do you understand me? You're not listening, are you? Put the gun down! Drop it! (GROANS) (SCREAMS) Easy, easy. Put some pressure on it. General Colton. - It's good to see you. - Good to see you. - Sorry, Mr President. PRESIDENT: - No, it's fine. Come on. Let's move. Here we go. Roadblock, POTUS secure. No casualties. ROADBLOCK: Roger that, Jaye. You betrayed the Hard Master. And made me what I am. Yep. Yeah, I can see that was wrong. (BOTH GRUNT) ROADBLOCK: We need eyes on Firefly and Cobra ASAP. (GRUNTS) FLINT: Courtyard clear. No sign of him. FIREFLY: Commander, I have the case. We are still a go. How long till drop? On schedule, Commander. Five minutes to live fire. Final targeting to begin shortly. Zeus satellites 4 and 7 in position. Zeus satellites 2, 3, 5, and 6 are locked on target. France, Russia, North Korea, India, Israel, China. Block. Cobra Commander's bugging out. No sign of Firefly. ROADBLOCK: I've got him. Targets acquired. Ordnance live and loading. Zeus 4 is ready to fire. Hatch is open. (GROANING) MAN 1: Get him! MAN 2: Take him out! (GRUNTS) (GRUNTING) (CHUCKLES) You want that case? You're gonna have to come through me. Oh, yeah. That's right. MAN: All satellites have begun load for final countdown. (BOTH GRUNTING) (BREATHING HEAVILY) MAN: Launch codes confirmed. Ten seconds to live fire. Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. Threat terminated. Team Bravo, perimeter has been cleared and secured. (WIND WHISTLING) MAN: Joe Command to covert operations. We have control of the perimeter. Medical personnel are on the scene. All Joes are accounted for. We're going home. The President is back safe in the Oval Office today, presiding over a ceremony honouring the G. I. Joes. With the world back in order, rebuilding has begun around the world. Those who stand beside us, the world knows them as Joes. We know them as heroes. (APPLAUSE) Jinx. Welcome to the Joes. Flint. Great job. Captain Jaye Burnett. I sewed with your father. He'd be very proud of you. MILITARY OFFICIAL: Ladies and gentlemen, the G.I. Joes. Hey. For when you find Cobra Commander. Where can we find you, General? Just need my orders. You know, we'd make a hell of a team. (CHUCKLES) Thanks For Viewing (Worldwide7477) SubTitles Provided By Worldwide7477 Hey. Hey. Sweetie, would you hand me Nathan's medicine? Sure. There you are. Honey. Here you go. Some milk? MAN: Good morning, guys. Hey. Hey, hey. Dave, stop. You're messing up his hair. Ah, it's good for him. Make him look like Eddie Van Halen. We are going to be late. Have a good day at school. Bye. Love you two. Be careful. Hey. Your lunch. So, where are you taking me this weekend? We'll see. Hmm. Oh, man. Come here. Oh, God. You're an idiot. Nathan. Hey. Don't forget to meet me after practice. Okay. Open your textbooks to page 207. I take it everyone did the reading last night. How's it going? The Civil War. Key battles. Can anybody tell me the significance of the date July 21, 1861? Matthew Caldwell. Uh, it was the first battle of Bull Run. That's correct. But can you tell me who won? Well, it was a real mess. But Colonel Thomas J. Jackson got the credit and his nickname Stonewall for rallying Johnny Reb and driving the Union back to D.C. Very good. But reports of the battle were not without controversy. Since the Confederacy captured the Union supply depot at Manassas Junction-- Death from above. You know I hate you, right? No, I mean, just-- I just want to let you know. How do you eat that garbage? You mean this? Okay. All right. I'm out of here. Hey, Lendie. Check this out. Shit. So, who's the dead man? Hey, Matt. Check this out. It costs four rubies for a Dwarf spell. That was mine. What'd you say? Cam. Cam. You two. What? We're just messing around. Detention. GIRLS: Hey! Let's go, Colts! Whoo! Let's go, Colts! Let's go, Colts! Team, let's go! Dude, do you think that maybe someday we can get out of school at the same time as everyone else? Look at that. It's that little weasel. Come on. Let's go, Colts! Let's go, Colts! Let's go, Colts! Let's go, Colts! Let's go, Colts! Let's go, Colts! What's up, Chief? Well, I can see why you like to sit here. I mean, suddenly, I just got some more school spirit. Jess, what's up? You see those Riddle boys talking to your brother? He's fine. All right, girls, let's go again. It's Nathan, right? Yeah. Hey, you a motor-head? Got a '73 Plymouth 'Cuda, dual exhaust, V8. 318? Hell, yeah! He's not joking, dude. It's a beauty. Hey, you want to see it? I--I can't. I--I have to wait for my sister. Come on. He doesn't show just anybody. ♪ Our ship is burning 20 miles off the coast ♪ Whoo-hoo! ♪ And as she slides into the darkened sea ♪ ♪ I'm haunted by this melody... ♪ GIRL: Ready? Okay. Let's get down, let's get mean Come on, Colts, let's beat that team! Let's get down, let's get mean Come on, Colts, let's beat that team! Let's get down, let's get mean Come on, Colts, let's beat that team! When are you gonna take me back? You like chicken? Quit playing around, man. Come on. Whoo! Yeah! Whoo! Oh, yeah! Whoo! Ha ha. You all right, kid? That wasn't cool, man. Stop being a little girl. I didn't scare you, did I? Son of a bitch! He pissed himself. On the new seat covers. Dude, get out. Get out. Out of the car, man. Heh. Dude, there's a bathroom by the garage. Why don't you get cleaned up, all right? See if you can get some beers. ♪ I'd find someone like you ♪ ♪ The kind of dream ♪ I've always held on to ♪ I'll get the kid. Maybe he fell in. Hey, buddy? You ready? You in here? Where's Nathan? I don't know. Please be okay. Hey, Hols. What do you think? Heh. Very cute. Do you have to leave today? I really just want to get back. My folks are in Palm Springs. I've got the house to myself for a couple days. Stay. Come to the party with us. I really can't. I promised I'd work at the farmers' market. I'll be back in a week. We can do something then. Yeah, you always say that, but you'll just end up burying your nose in another textbook. Have a drink for me. You like that one? Sir, your change. Thank you. Have a good day. Hey. Is that all for you? Yeah. You've been a huge help today, Holly. Oh, are you kidding? I love the market. Well, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. It's a madhouse today. Oh. Sorry. Oh, dear. Are you okay? Yeah, can you cover for me for a minute? Nathan? Excuse me, sir? Did somebody just buy firewood from you? Plenty have, all day long. He had a beard, a dirty jacket, beat-up old shoes? Oh, yeah. He don't buy wood, he sells it to me. We just do a little business round this time of year. What's his name? Well, he never said. He don't say much. I think he gets his stock over in Riddle. They got plenty of hardwood out there. Why do you ask? Are you okay, sweetie? Yeah. Everything's fine. Uh, but I have to go. I'm really sorry. ...and the Beast that was and is nigh, even is the eighth and is of the seventh and goeth into perdi-- Hey there. No, don't be afraid! Excuse me, sir? Can you tell me where the police station is? Sir? Excuse me. Excuse me. I really need to speak to the sheriff. What's the name? Holly Teller. He's in a meeting. Take a seat. Could I use your phone? I suppose. Hey, this is Dave Teller. I'm not available to take your call right now, but if you leave a message, I'll get back to you as soon I can. Thank you. MAN: Amber. Oh, God. It's my body. Why do you care? Well, you might as well paint a bull's-eye on your ass. God, give it a rest, Dad. Bill. Look who's here. Sheriff Richards. I'm Holly Teller, Nathan Teller's sister. What can I do for you? I saw my brother. He's alive, and I think he's here in Riddle. Let's slow down a minute. You saw your brother? Here in Riddle? Not here. Back in Jefferson, and I'm not positive-- You're not positive. but I think they were headed here. You're not positive. Well, I saw a man in a truck. Nathan was riding with him. Ms. Teller, when family members suffer a loss, it can be very difficult. I'm not making this up. All right, let's talk in my office. Have a seat. Now, unless there's any new evidence, then the case is closed. But I told you, I--I saw him. Well, lots of people saw him or claimed that they saw him. That's the problem. Nothing ever happens. Let me give you some advice. Why don't you go back to Jefferson and tell the people there what you think you saw? Because he's not in Jefferson. He's here. You're just refusing to believe me. When your little brother went missing, it was as if this entire town was put on trial. The FBI, state troopers, everyone came in like the Knights Templar. Everyone knew best. He's a missing child. How could you turn your back to that? You're just another outsider coming in on your white horse, making demands. We've done all that we could do. So that's it? Sometimes your problems are your own. No, it's semiautomatic. Come on. Let me just hold it. Now, you know I can't do that. Mmm. Are you sure about that? Look, I gotta get back, all right? All right, then. You're Holly Teller. We went to school together. I know who you are. So, uh, what are you doing here in Riddle? I was hoping to get help from the Sheriff. From my dad? Yeah, he's anything but helpful. Is, uh, this about your brother? Yeah. Come on. Bill... this gonna be a problem? Don't you worry about it. This doesn't concern you. Mm-hmm. These past few years must have been pretty hard on you. Doesn't help that everybody wants to forget. My parents have been really strong, but... even they're starting to give up hope. Yeah, well, at least you still have your parents. My dad and I-- have a terrible relationship. I was kind of counting on him to show a little bit more compassion. Yeah. Ha ha ha. Well, don't take it personally. He's, uh, not really one for foreigners. No, he thinks anybody who comes here is some kind of... threat to his little world. You know, my grandmother used to show me these pictures. Before that hospital closed down, this place really wasn't that bad. I mean, there was a hotel and a bank. Amber, I came here for a reason, and it wasn't to give your father a hard time. But he was the sheriff when my brother disappeared. That didn't happen here. Those boys... they were from here. Holly, they just went for a ride. That's it. Nobody knows what happened after that. I know. That's not what I meant. I-- I need a drink. ♪ Gotta spread the money blues... ♪ Amber, hold on. There's something I need to explain. Relax. Sam? Two beers. Got it. I can't relax. Sure you can. Have a beer. You don't understand. I saw my brother today. What? At the farmers' market back in Jefferson. This guy had him in his pickup truck. Before I had a chance to get to them, they drove off. I think the guy lives in Riddle. That's why I came here. Are you sure it was him? I couldn't get that close of a look, but... I know my brother. It had to be him. That's why you were talking to my dad. But why would... There must be something he's not telling you. What are you saying? I'll be right back. Get lost, wench. Look who's here. ♪ You know that beggars can't choose ♪ ♪ Gotta spread the money... ♪ You're that girl, aren't you? The one whose brother went missing? ♪ Beggars can't choose ♪ Gotta spread the money blues ♪ I'm sorry. I should keep my stupid mouth shut. I didn't mean any harm. It's okay. Wait. What do you know about it? I can't talk about this right now. MAN: Sam! Another round. Yeah, yeah. Keep your hat on. Holly. What are you doing? I don't want to talk to him. Hi, Holly. Don't worry. He's here to help. We're in. AMBER: Found it. "Myotonia Congenita. Thompson's Disease." Does that mean anything to you? We've known about Nathan having Thompson's since he was little. "Name of child, Nathan Bristol." "Place of birth, Riddle, Pennsylvania." Birth parents, Gene and Sandra Bristol. "Known siblings, Holly Bristol." You were adopted? Riddle psychiatric files? Oh. Hold on. AMBER: Bristol. Bristol. Bristol. "January 17, 1989, "Gene Bristol was arrested by authorities "at 7:31 in the morning after a neighbor reported a disturbance at the residence." "He had taken the life of Sandra Bristol, stabbing her 13 times in the chest and back." Oh, God. It says, "Gene Bristol, pronounced unfit to stand trial, "has been committed to Riddle Psychiatric Hospital on this day of March 15, 1989." We gotta get out of here. Let's go. ♪ The chip inside my mind ♪ The one behind my eyes... ♪ Hey. Anything left to drink? Um... whiskey. ♪ Of a shrine ♪ Pulsing in the head ♪ I don't even sleep anymore ♪ ♪ A NASA weather vane ♪ Transmissions from outer space ♪ ♪ Weird skies at night... Dude, what's she doing here? You're not gonna believe this shit. Hey. ♪ I don't even sleep any more... ♪ You know, their lives changed a lot that day, too. ♪ Transmissions from outer space... ♪ I know. I know. I just wasn't expecting all this. I just want to find my brother. What else does it say? "Gene Bristol, declared dead along with 43 others, September 3, 1989." That was the night of the fire. The hospital became a place for the criminally insane... but not everyone in town approved. Okay, boys. Let's fire it up. There were questions of security and rumors of patient abuse. When a local nurse was killed... chaos broke out within the walls. CAMERON: The asylum was put on lockdown. It's the way it has to be. CAMERON: That's when the fire started. It could have been the prisoners. Some think it was hospital administrators. Others blamed a group of kids. Many were burned alive. It's not all peachy keen and white picket fences, like in Jefferson. Well, actually, Holly was born here in Riddle. That makes you one of us. [ high-pitched ] One of us. One of us. One of us. One of us. One of us. One of us. Okay, let's go ahead and, uh--This one. Yes, Doctor. Great. Thanks. CAMERON: Check this out. Aww. Hey there, sleepyhead. What's that? "Holly, meet me at the quarry in an hour. "It's about your brother. Come alone. Sam." Did you talk to Sam? Yeah, when you left me at the bar. Oh. All right, I'm gonna go get the boys. No, wait. I'm not gonna let you go up there by yourself. Please. This could be my only chance. Can you tell me how to get there? Wait. What exactly did she say? She just said she had to take care of something. That my daughter? Did she at least say where she was going? Could you stop asking me a million questions? You guys starting early? Sam? Glad you could make it. Who are you? Where's Sam? I'm the man you want to talk to. You're not gonna find your brother. What do you know about Nathan? You know, there's a lot you don't know about our little town. You've been snooping around where you don't belong. Look, I saw my brother. I saw him. I know he's here. We don't share our secrets. Where is he? You don't understand, do you, sweetheart? Don't touch me. Hey! Hey! No! No! Please! Please! No! No! No. No. You made a big mistake coming here. No! Get off of me. No! Are you okay? Oh, look out! It's Jack Abel. What was he doing here? Wouldn't expect him to do something like this. What did you do? He was gonna tell me something. I know it. Holly... what is wrong with you? He knew something about Nathan. He was gonna hurt you... and now he's dead! Calm down. All right, look, it was an accident. What was I supposed to do? We have to tell the sheriff. No. Look, we can't do that. They'll--They'll never believe us. The guy's dead, Cam. We kind of have to report it. There's no way in hell the town's gonna understand. They'll protect him. And besides, Amber's dad has been gunning for us since we were kids. Cam is right. It was just a mistake, especially with Holly being here. Wait. Holly. This has gotten way out of hand. Nathan's gone, isn't he? I'm not sure. I don't know what I'm doing here anymore. I need to go home. You kids been getting into trouble? Amber, get in the car. And you, darlin', I think you've overstayed your welcome. Amber, I said get in the car. Hey, look, you don't have to listen to him. Don't even try it. Put that shotgun down. All right, this charade is over. I don't want to see the four of you together again. Hey. Hey, I want you to know that we really liked your brother. And I'm sorry. Cam and I, we were immature, and we--we didn't mean for any of this to happen. It's okay. I understand. Holly, Hal will get you up and running in no time. All right, kids. Get her back to my place. What, you're not gonna tow it? It's a block away. Push. So... how's the college life? It's different, that's for sure. Yeah. It's definitely not for me. You must have wanted to leave here at some point. Why would I want to live anywhere else? People don't care what you do here. We just party, and we can do whatever we want. Plus, you know, what would these two do without me? Foreign cars, that's my specialty. Yeah, I've seen radiators like this. Might even have one of these fancies lying around here. Hey, Cam, it's your old coupe. Hey, put that back. That's Veronica. Heh heh. Nothing wrong with naming your car after a girl. Yeah. Sport, did you hear what I said? HAL: Oh, yeah. Veronica. What about this one? '86 Silverado. That numskull, always chewing up his tires. Can you tell me where I might find the owner? Well, I can't say. We don't, uh, talk about other folks like that around here. MATT: No, no. We're gonna talk about it. How long have we been walking? I cannot feel my feet. I don't even know what we're looking for. The mechanic said he drives on these tracks. There's gotta be something. Well, I mean, look, we've been out here for hours. It's gonna be dark soon. Yeah, we'll come back. CAM: Hey, guys! Down here! I think I found something. Look. Tire tracks. This has to be it. CAM: Wow. I didn't know this was up here. Holly, hang with me. Come on. Look at this place. Home, sweet home. Come on. Keep a lookout. Whistle if you see anything. Cam? Hello. Stay close. Matt! Over here. Won't budge. No shit. Hang in there, buddy. Hey, guys, I found him. Nathan? He's locked in the pen. Nathan? I'm going to get Amber. Yeah. Nathan. What are you-- Nathan. Oh, my God. It's locked. Can you pick it? Yeah, yeah, I think so. Um... No. I'll check it out. We have to get out. I'm not leaving Nathan. Holly. Holly, he's back. I'm not leaving. No, it's just a matter of time before he comes in here, okay? Don't worry. I will get Nathan out. Come on. Come on. Come on! No, no, no! No, no, no, no, no, no. We'll be right behind you, okay? Be careful. Go. What, you want to get rough, old man? Come on. Let's go. No! Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. No! H-Help me! Help me! Help! You're late, pretty boy. Just making the rounds. No Jack Abel tonight? Looks that way. What are you in for? How 'bout 20? 20, it is. No! Holly! Holly... your brother stays with me. You... belong with your mother. Yaah! Oh, my God. No. Help me! Somebody help me. Please, what are you doing? Please, wait. Please just let me go. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Ow. Ow. No. Nurse... prepare the conductor. Two ladies. I'm calling it a night. Luck's not running your way, huh, boss? Just rags tonight. Clark! Jersey, get an ambulance out here. We learn through pain. Okay. On my mark. 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. Okay. Oh, God. It's okay. It's okay. She wasn't lying. She wasn't lying. Sandra? Oh, hey. Hey. I'm here now. Hey. I thought I'd lost you. Nathan? Nathan? Nathan, please say something. Hey. Hey, hey. I'm here. I have you now. This is Clark. We're at the compound now. Jersey and Bobby are searching the grounds. They found the Teller boy. God damn. Sheriff Richards! Can you comment on the incident? Sheriff? Let's give him some room. All right? Back up. There'll be plenty of time for answering questions later, all right? Hey. You okay? I want you to meet someone. Thank you. All right, here we go. 1, 2... Ms. Teller. I need to know what happened up there. Well, Sheriff... sometimes your problems are your own. Oh, my God. My baby. Oh. Oh, my God. Come here. Thanks For Viewing Worldwide7477 Encodes "Riddle 2013" © © P@rM! © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ Mobile - +919815899536 -When I was a kid, - Whenever I'd feel small or lonely, -I'd look up at the stars. Wondered if there was life up there. Turns out I was looking in the wrong direction. When alien life entered our world It was from deep beneath the pacific ocean. A fissure between two tectonic plates. A portal between dimensions. The breach. I was fifteen when the first Kaiju Made land in san Francisco. By the time tanks, jets and missiles took it down Six days and 35 miles later, three cities were destroyed. Tens of thousands of lives were lost. We mourned our dead, memorialized the attack, And moved on. And then, only six months later, The second attack hit manila. The acid factor of the Kaiju blood Creates a toxic phenomenon named Kaiju blue. And then the third one hit Cabo. And then the fourth. And then we learned this was not gonna stop. This was just the beginning. We needed a new weapon. The world came together, pooling its resources And throwing aside old rivalries For the sake of the greater good. To fight monsters, we created monsters of our own. The Jaeger program was born. There were setbacks at first. The neural load to interface with a Jaeger Proved too much for a single pilot. A twoPilot system was implemented. LeftHemisphere, rightHemisphere pilot control. We started winning. Jaegers stopping Kaijus everywhere. But the jaegers were only as good as their pilots. So Jaeger pilots turned into rock stars. Danger turned into propaganda. Kaijus into toys. We got really good at it. Winning. Then.. Then it all changed. Gipsy danger, report to bay 08, level a42. Kaiju. Code name: Knifehead. Category 3. Yo, Yancy, wake up! Movement in the breach. Hey, come on! We're being deployed. Great. Good morning. Mornin'. Kaiju's a category 3.. Biggest one yet. Code name: Knifehead. What time is it? 2:00. Man: Go, go, go! Move it! A.M.? Yep. What do you say? Fifth notch on the belt? Come on, beckets. Time for the drop. Hey, kid. Yeah? Don't get cocky. Years before, You wouldn't have picked my brother Yancy and I for heroes. No chance. Good morning, sir. All right, let's suit up and kick some ass! We were never star athletes. Never at the head of the class. But we could hold our own in a fight. And it turned out we had a unique skill: We were drift compatible. All right. Data on helmet. Data relay gel dispersing in circuitry suit. Good morning, Becket boys! Tendo, what's happening, my man? How'd that date with Alison go last night, Mr. Choi? Oh, she loved me. Her boyfriend? Not so much. You're gonna get your ass kicked. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do, brother. Engage drop, Mr. Choi. Engaging drop, sir. Marshal Pentecost on deck. Securing the Conn pod. Gettin' ready to drop. Conn pod door lock secure. Release for drop. Gipsy danger ready for the big drop. Here we go. Yeah! Here we go! Coupling confirmed, sir. Engage pilotToPilot protocol. Engaging now. PilotToPilot connection protocol sequence. Gipsy launch, bay 6. Gipsy danger ready and aligned, sir. Rangers, this is marshal stacker Pentecost. Prepare for neural handshake. Starting in 15 seconds. 14..13.. 12, 11, 10.. Ready to step into my head, kid? ..9, 8, 7, 6.. please, after you. Age before beauty, old man. PilotToPilot connection protocol sequence..5, 4, 3.. Neural handshake initiated. ..2, 1. The drift. Jaeger tech. Based on Darpa jet fighter neural systems. Two pilots, mindMelding through memories With the body of a giant machine. The deeper the bond.. The better you fight. Neural handshake strong and holding. Right hemisphere is calibrating. Left hemisphere calibrating. Proofed and transmitting. Gentlemen, your orders are To hold the miracle mile off anchorage. Copy? Copy that, sir. Sir, there's still a civilian vessel in the gulf.. Gentlemen, you're protecting a city of 2 million people. You will not risk those lives for a boat that holds 10. Am I clear? Yes, sir. Man, that's cold. You know what I'm thinking. I'm in your brain. I know. Then let's go fishing. Here we go! Come on, bro! Put some muscle to it! Worry about yourself, kiddo! There are things you can't fight, acts of god. You see a hurricane coming, you have to get out of the way. But when you're in a Jaeger, Suddenly, you can fight the hurricane. You can win. Get 'em tied down and go down below! Now! How far to the mainland? 7 miles off anchorage, sir. But we won't even make it past the shallows! No, we won't! What about that island 3 miles east? No! No! It's 2 miles, sir. OOne mile, sir! It's getting closer. How the hell can it be getting closer? Kaiju. Harder starboard! I'm doing it as fast as I can! Now! Oh, god! What the hell? Hang on! Ship secure. Adjust the torque! I'm on it. Torque locked. Get him. Come on. Shoot him. I'm on it! I'm on it! Discharge reading, sir. Plasma cannon in the shallow shelves 7 miles off the coastal line. Gipsy, what the hell is going on? Job's done, sir. Lit it up twice. Bagged our fifth kill. You disobeyed a direct order! Respectfully, sir, We intercepted a Kaiju and saved everyone on that boat. Get back to your post, now! Yes, sir. Kaiju signature rising! Sensor checks. That thing's still alive, sir. Gipsy! We're still getting a signature! That Kaiju is still alive! Grab the boat and get out of there. You copy? Grab the boat and get out of there now! Take it, Raleigh! I got this! Loccent, we're hit! Left arm's gone cold, sir. The hull! It went through the hull! Raleigh, listen to me! You need.. No! No! Loading. Second discharge fried all the comms, sir. I'm not getting any signals. Pressure dropping! No pressure! No pressure! No signatures, sir. What do we do now, sir? Now, I want you to keep your eye on that gauge there. Now, you know what I'd like to find? I'd like to find a whole ship. That's what I'd like to find. Wait, wait! Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Wait! Right there, right there! Dig! Hey, what is it? It's just an old toy. We never find anything good. Listen. Jeez! Oh, my god. Stay here! Mister? Can I help? Yancy. Run! Get help, fast! It's gonna be all right. The Kaiju are learning our defenses. They're adapting. Evolving. And we're losing jaegers faster than we can build them. Lima. Seattle. Vladivostok. Category 4 Kaijus are now coming through the breach. I think even you can see, marshal, This is no longer a sound strategy. The frequency of the attacks has increased. The jaegers are not the most viable Line of defense anymore. I am aware. Those are my rangers that die every time a Jaeger falls, Which is why I'm asking you for one last chance.. Excuse me, marshal. Excuse me! final assault with everything we've got. Listen to me. The Jaeger program is dead, marshal. On the other hand, The coastal wall program is a promising option. The world appreciates All that you and your men have done, But it's over. We will authorize you To take all remaining jaegers Hong Kong. We're prepared to fund you for the next eight months While the coastal wall is completed. After that, you will receive no further support. You have your answer, marshal. So that's it? It's over? Suits and ties, flashy smiles. That's all they are, stacker. We don't need 'em. Ration cards, guys! Come on, come on! Let's go! Now, I got good news and I got bad news, fellas. Which one you wanna hear first? Bad news! Three guys died yesterday working the top of the wall. What's the good news? The good news is, I got three new job openings. Top of the wall. Okay, who wants to work? Who wants to eat? Come on! I am here in Sydney, where earlier today, Yet another Kaiju attack took place. The Kaiju, an enormous category 4, Broke through the coastal wall in less than an hour. The wall of life had been deemed unbreachable By its builders. Why the hell are we even building' this thing? The creature entered the city through Sydney cove. That.. That thing Went through the wall like it was nothing. Ironically, it was The recently decommissioned Jaeger, striker eureka, Piloted by Herc and chuck Hansen, That finally took the beast down. Look, they decommissioned The Jaeger program because of mediocre pilots. It's that simple. That's striker eureka's tenth kill to date. It's a new record. And you're still going to Hong Kong, Even at a time like this? Well, orders are orders. What else am I supposed to do? Come on, mate. Chuck Hansen, one of the pilots of striker eureka, The Jaeger that took down the Kaiju. Mr. Becket. Marshal. Looking sharp. Long time. Five years, four months. Can I have a word? Attention, all zone three welders. Step into my office, marshal. Took me a while to find you. Anchorage, Sheldon point, Nome.. Yeah, a man in my position travels with the wall, Chasing shifts to make a livin'. What do you want? I've spent the last six months Activating everything I can get my hands on. There's an old Jaeger, a mark 3. You may know it. It needs a pilot. I'm guessing I wasn't your first choice. You a my first choice. All the other mark 3 pilots are dead. Look.. I can't have anyone else in my head again. I'm done. I was still connected to my brother when he died. I can't go through that again, man, I'm sorry. Haven't you heard, Mr. Becket? The world is coming to an end. So where would you rather die? ! Here, or in a Jaeger? ! Mr. Becket, this is Mako Mori. One of our brightest. Also in charge of the mark 3 restoration program. She personally handpicked your copilot candidates. Hey. At ease. We will tour the facility first And then miss Mori will show you to your Jaeger, Mr. Becket. Wait for us, please! Hold the door, please! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Stay back! Kaiju specimens are extremely rare, So look but don't touch, please. Mr. Becket, this is our research team. Dr. Gottlieb and dr. Geiszler. Oh, no, call me newt. Only my mother calls me doctor. Hermann, these are human beings. Why don't you say hello? I have asked you not to refer to me by my first name around others. I am a doctor with over 10 years decorated experience.. Oh, no, yes. I have ten.. 10 years of experience, man. I'm very sorry. Oh, please. Who is that, Yamarashi? Oh, this little Kaiju? Yeah, you got a good eye. My brother and I took him down in 2017. You know he was one of the biggest category 3s ever? He was 2,500 tons of awesome. Or awful. You know, whatever you wanna call it. Yes, please excuse him. He's a Kaiju groupie. He loves.. Shut up, Hermann, I don't love them, okay? I study them. And unlike most people, I wanna see one alive and up close one day. Trust me, you don't want to. So that's your research division? Things have changed. We're not an army anymore, Mr. Becket. We're the resistance. Welcome to the shatterdome. War clock. We reset it after every Kaiju attack. Keeps everyone focused. The frequency of attacks is accelerating. How long till the next reset? A week, if we're lucky. My experts believe there'll be a Kaiju attack Even before that. This complex used to lodge 30 jaegers In five bays just like this one. Now we only have four jaegers left. I didn't know it was this bad. It is that bad. Crimson typhoon, china. One of the greatest. Assembled in Changzhou. Full titanium core, no alloys. Fifty diesel engines per muscle strand. Deadly, precise fighter. She's piloted by the wei tang brothers. Triplets. Local lads. They've successfully defended Hong Kong port seven times. They use the thundercloud formation. Oh, yeah. TripleArm technique. Very effective. That tank, last of the t90s. Cherno alpha. First generation mark 1. The heaviest and oldest Jaeger in the service. But make no mistake, Mr. Becket, it's a brutal war machine. And those two, Sasha and Alexis Kaidanovksy. Yeah, I've heard of 'em. Perimeter patrol, Siberian wall. On thei watch it stayed unbreached for six years. Six years. Herc! Chuck! Gentlemen, welcome to Hong Kong! Wait here. Max! Come here! Remember me? Don't drool all over miss Mori. Hi. Sees a pretty girl and he gets all wound up. Raleigh, this is Hercules Hansen, An old friend from the mark 1 glory days. I know you, mate. We rode together before. We did, sir. Six years ago. My brother and I. It was a three Jaeger team drop. That's right. Manila. Sorry about your brother. Thank you, sir. Herc and his son chuck'll be runnin' point Usin' striker eureka. Fastest Jaeger in the world. First and last of the mark 5s. Australia decommissioned it a day before the Sydney attack. Yeah, it was lucky we were still around. Yep. Now it's runnin' point for us. Wait, running point on what? You haven't told me what I'm doing here yet. We're going for the breach, Mr. Becket. We're gonna strap a 2,400 pound Thermonuclear warhead to striker's back. Detonate an equivalent of 1.2 million tons of TNT, And you and two other Jaegers'll be runnin' defense for them. Thought we were the resistance. Where'd you get something that big? See the Russians back there? They can get us anything. Herc, shall we? Good to have you back. Thank you, sir. I'll show you to your Jaeger now. Miss Mori, will you give me a minute? Marshal! Sir, we've hit the breach before. It doesn't work. Nothing goes through. What's changed? I've got a plan. I need you ready. That's all. Let's go, Herc! Max, come here! Crew 17, please report to the fifth floor. Zero minus two. Xy minus two. REQ. In the beginning, The Kaiju attacks were spaced by 24 weeks. Then twelve, then six, then every two weeks. The last one in Sydney was a week. In four days, we could be seeing a Kaiju every eight hours Until they are coming every four minutes. Marshal, we should witness a double event Within seven days. Mr. Gottlieb, I'm to drop a 2,400 pound thermonuclear bomb. I need more than a prediction. Well, uh, that's a problem, then Because see, he actually Can't give you anything more than a prediction. No Kaiju entrails over my side of the room. You know the rules. Every bloody day. It's incessant. Gents! On point. Numbers do not lie. Politics and poetry, promises, these are lies. Numbers are as close as we get to the handwriting of god. What? Would you give me a moment? There will be a double event And then, shortly thereafter, three. And then four. And then we're dead. I get it. Alas. This is where the good news comes. Here is our universe, And here is theirs. And this is what we call "the throat," The passage between the breach and us. We know that it's atomic in nature. I predict that the increased traffic Will force the breach to stabilize And remain open long enough To get the device through.. And collapse its structure. Yeah, and that's where I gotta chime in Because, really, I wouldn't wanna go in there With that limited amount of information. Newton, don't embarrass yourself. That's what I was tryin' to say. Just hear me out for a second. Give me a second, please. Why do we judge the Kaiju on a category system? It's because each one is completely different from the next, right? You see what I'm saying? One looks like a shark and one looks like a fish.. Dr. Geiszler. Just get to the point. Yes. The point is I don't think They're all completely different after all. These are some samples I collected, all right? Now, this one here was harvested in Sydney. And this was harvested in manila. 6 years ago. They have the same exact DNA. They're clones. And this is the point where he goes completely crazy. There's so much more to the Kaiju than we understand. And we've really only scratched the surface. This is a piece of a Kaiju's brain. Now, unfortunately, it's damaged. It's a little bit weak. But it's still alive. Now, I think I can tap into it Using the same technology That allows the two Jaeger pilots to share a neural bridge. Now, think about that. I could tell you exactly How to get through the breach yourselves. You're suggesting that we initiate a drift with a Kaiju? No, no. No, no. Not like a whole Kaiju, you know, Just a tiny piece of its brain. The neural surge would be too much for the human brain. I agree. I don't agree. Gottlieb, I'd like your data on my desk asap. Sir. No, but his is so.. Thank you, newt. Guys, now, this is the most amazing thing.. Newton, I know that you're desperate to be right So you've not wasted your life being a Kaiju groupie, But it's not going to work. It is going to work, Hermann. And I'll tell you something else. Fortune favors the brave, dude. You heard them. They won't give you the equipment And even if they did, you'd kill yourself. Well, I'd be a rock star. There she is. Oh, my god. Look at her. Gipsy danger. God, it's so beautiful. She looks like new. Better than new. She has a doubleCore nuclear reactor. She's one of a kind now. She always was. How do you like your ride, Becket boy? Solid iron hull, no alloys. Forty engine blocks per muscle strands. HyperTorque driver for every limb And a new fluid synapse system. Come here. Tendo. It's good to see you, buddy. It's good to see you too, brother. It's just like old times. So what's your story? Restoring old jaegers, Showing hasBeens like me around. That can't be it. You a pilot? No. No yet. But I wanna be one, more than anything. What's your simulator score? 51 drops, 51 kills. Wow, that's amazing. But you're not one of the candidates tomorrow? I am not. The marshal has his reasons. Yeah, he always does, doesn't he? But with 51 kills, I can't imagine what they could be. I hope you approve of my choices. I've studied your fighting techniques and strategy. Even.. Alaska. And what do you think? I think you're unpredictable. You have a habit of deviating From standard combat techniques. You take risks and injure yourself and your crew. I don't think you're the right man for this mission. Wow. Thank you for your honesty. You might be right. But one day, when you're a pilot, You're gonna see that in combat you make decisions. And you have to live with the consequences. That's what I'm trying to do. The candidates are ready. We will commence the trials immediately, sir. Good. But there is one thing. We.. Mako, we have talked about this. We will not be talking about it again. Hm? You promised me. Mako. Vengeance is like an open wound. You cannot take that level of emotion into the drift. For my family, I need.. Raleigh. Come sit with us. Oh, I'm okay, thank you. Ah, come on, there's plenty of room at our table. I haven't seen bread in awhile. Hong Kong. Beauty of an open port, no rationing. We've got potatoes, peas, sweet beans, decent meat loaf. Pass the potatoes. Raleigh, this is my son, chuck. He's my copilot now. He's more my copilot, right, dad? So you're the guy, eh? You're the guy who's gonna run defense for me In that old rust bucket of yours? That's the plan. Good. So when was the last time you jockeyed, ray? About five years ago. What have you been doin' for five years? Something pretty important, I reckon. I was in construction. Oh, wow, that's great. I mean, that's really useful. Uh, you know, we get into a fight, You can build our way out of it, eh, ray? It's Raleigh. Whatever. Look, you're Pentecost's bright idea. My old man, he seems to like you, But it's guys like you who brought down the Jaeger program. To me, you're dead weight. You slow me down, I'm gonna drop you like a sack of Kaiju shit. I'll see you around, Raleigh. Come, max. You can blame me for that one. I've raised him on my own. He's a smart kid, but I never knew Whether to give him a hug or a kick in the ass. With respect, sir.. I'm pretty sure which one he needs. 4 points to zero. 4 points to 1. 4 points to 2. Okay, what? You don't like 'em? I thought you selected them personally. Excuse me? Every time a match ends You make this little gesture, Like you're critical of their performance. It's not their performance, it's yours. Your gambit. You could have taken all of them two moves earlier. You think so? I know so. Can we change this up? How 'bout we give her a shot? Yeah! No. We stick to the cadet list we have, ranger. Only candidates with drift compatibility.. Which I have, marshal. Mako, this is not only about a neural connection. It's also about a physical compatibility. What's the matter, marshal? Don't think your brightest can cut it in the ring with me? Go. Four strikes marks a win. Remember, it's about compatibility. It's a dialogue, not a fight. But I'm not gonna dial down my moves. Okay. Then neither will I. 10. 11. 21. Concentrate. 22. Better watch it. 32. MoriSan. Enough. I've seen what I need to see. Me too. She's my copilot. That's not going to work. Why not? Because I said so, Mr. Becket. I made my decision. Report to the shatterdome in two hours And find out who your copilot will be. Mako. What was all that about? I mean, I'm not crazy. You felt it, right? We are drift compatible. Thank you for standing up for me. But there is nothing to talk about. That's my room. Excuse me. I mean, come on. I thought you wanted to be a pilot. Mako, this is worth fighting for. We don't have to just obey him. It's not obedience, Mr. Becket. It's respect. Would you at least tell me what his problem is? In the wake of the Sydney incident, Which showed the ineffective nature Of the wall of life program, Many are questioning the government's motives And wondering why the Jaeger program has been discontinued. Riots have erupted along the coastlines Of several pan pacific cities. We have now relocated millions of civilians And supplies 300 miles inland to the safe zones. Safe zones? For the rich and powerful? What about the rest of us? Yeah, answer the question. I believe the wall of life Is still our best option at this time. And that's all I'm gonna say on the matter. Than.. Thank you. Kaiju/human drift experiment, take one. The, uh.. The brain segment is the frontal lobe. Um, chances are.. The segment's far too damaged to drift with. Hermann, if you're listening to this, Well, I'm either alive And I've proven what I've just done works.. In which case, ha, I won. Or I'm dead and I'd like you to know that it's all your fault. It really is, you know. You drove me to this. In which case, ha, I also won. Sort of. I'm going in in three.. Two.. One. Hah! Newton. Newton! What have you done? Gipsy danger neural test Commencing in 20 minutes. Gipsy danger neural test commencing in 20 minutes. Mm. May I come in, Mako? All pilots report to mess hall. A long time ago, I made you a promise. These transmitters are nonOperative. I need them replaced. Setting harness for test mode. Waiting for second pilot. Two pilots on board. I'm gonna take this side if you don't mind. My left arm's kinda shot. Sure. Are you gonna say anything? No point. In five minutes you're gonna be inside my head. You look good. Pilots on board and ready to connect. Prepare for neural handshake. Initiating neural handshake. We're not in the simulator now, Mako. Remember, don't chase the rabbit. Random access brain impulse triggers. Memories. Just let 'em flow, don't latch on. Tune 'em out. Stay in the drift. The drift is silence. Neural interface drift initiated. Look, Raleigh! Over there! Mama! Raleigh, listen to me! Raleigh, listen to me! Right hemisphere calibrated. Left hemisphere calibrated. Ready to activate the Jaeger. Okay, gipsy. Lining up nicely. Better get ready. Pilot to Jaeger connection complete. Marshal! Marshal! I need to talk to you. Not now, Mr. Gottlieb. I'm sure you can appreciate How important this moment is to me. Newton created a neural bridge From garbage and drifted with a Kaiju. I found him prone, and he's sort of dazed. I don't exactly know what to do. I told you it would work. Yes, you did. Well, what'd you see? You know, it was only a fragment of a brain, So really all I was able to get was, like, a series Of, uh, images or.. Or impressions. You know? Like when you blink your eyes over and over and over again All you really see are, like, frames. Um, it was emotional in the.. Newton, Newton. Okay, Newton. It was so.. Newton, look at me. Now I want you to take your time and be very specific. Okay. Well, I don't feel like They're just following some sort of animalistic urge, You know, just hunting and gathering. And I think they're attacking us under orders. That's impossible. Is that impossible? It's impossible. Because.. You know what? Why don't you drift with a Kaiju? ! You! Shut up! Yes, sir. You, keep talking. These beings, these masters, they're colonists. They overtake worlds. They just.. They just consume them and then.. Then, they move on to the next. And they've been here before in sort of a trial run. It was the dinosaurs. But the atmosphere wasn't conducive, right? So they waited it out. And they waited it out. And now, you know, with ozone depletion, And carbon monoxide, polluted waters.. Well, we've practically terraformed it for them. 'Cause now they're coming back, and it's perfect. See, the first wave, that was just the hounds. Categories 1 through 4, it was nothing. Their sole purpose was to aim for the populated areas And take out the vermin.. Us! The second wave, that is the exterminators. And they will finish the job. And then, the new tenants will take possession. See, the reason that I found the identical DNA In the two separate Kaiju organs is because they are grown! Newton, I need you to do it again. I need more information. Wh..? I can't.. I can't do it again. II mean, not unless you have A fresh Kaiju brain lying around. Do you? Pretty impressive. Yeah, he remembers how to turn it on. Oi, show some respect. When his brother died, He got the Jaeger back to shore on his own. I've known one other pilot's been able to do that. Now, there are certain individuals Whose business is the preservation And exploitation of Kaiju remains. Yeah, right, black market dealers, right? Yep. They're in and out in a matter of hours. They neutralize the acidic factor of the blood, And they harvest what they need. Now, this guy, this is Hannibal Chau. He runs the Kaiju black market here in Asia. When our funding ran out, We turned to him for help, and in return, I gave him exclusive rights To all Kaiju remains in the region. You did that? Last days of war, gentlemen. Go to the corner of fong and tull. Show them that card. Look for that symbol. And a word to the wise, do not trust him. Calibration complete. The hull! It went through the hull! Raleigh, listen to me! You need.. Pilot out of alignment. Both out of alignment. Both of them? Both of them. Gipsy, gipsy! You're out of alignment! You are both out of alignment. I'm okay. Just let me control it. Pilot two, out of alignment. You're stabilizing. But Mako is way out. Mako. She's starting to chase the rabbit! Mako, don't get stuck in a memory. Stay with me. Stay in the now. Don't engage in a memory. Mako. Mako! Listen to me. Mako? Mama! Mako. This is just a memory. None of this is real. Weapons system engaged. Plasma cannon powering up. Oh, no. Weapon system engaged! Go to failsafe! FailSafe not responding. There's a problem with the neural blocker! Her connection's way too strong! Fully charged. Mako! Mako, listen to me. This is just a memory. None of it is real. The power line! The power line! Get the main power line! Take them offline! Take them offline! I just did. Weapon system disengaged. Mako! Neural bridge exercise invalid. It's okay. It's okay. Drift sequence terminated. Would you like to try again? Hello. PssPsst. You looking for some Kaiju bone powder? SSome bone..? Some bone powder? Uh, no, why would I want that? Male potency. I take it myself. I see. Uh, no, thank you. I'm looking for Hannibal Chau. Come. Hannibal Chau, huh? Good luck. Oh, my god! Oh, my god, this place is heaven! That's a lymph gland from a category 2! And what are you working on here? Is this a cuticle? In mint condition? Is that a Kaiju skin parasite? I've never seen them alive before! TheyThey usually die as soon as the Kaiju falls! I thought you couldn't keep them alive! You can if you soak 'em in ammonia. What do you want? I'm looking for Hannibal Chau. I was told he was here. Who wants to know? I really can't say. Aah! Aah! Stacker Pentecost sent me! Aah! Aah! Oh, that's great. That's real great. So I take it you're Hannibal Chau, right? You like the name? I took it from, uh.. My favorite historical character And my secondFavorite Szechuan restaurant in Brooklyn. Now tell me what you want, Before I gut you like a pig and feed you to the skin louse. She can't control her drift, And he went out of phase first! We all know what happened. We can't afford mistakes, the Kaiju keep evolving, They keep kicking our asses! He's a hasbeen, she's a rookie. I don't want them protecting my bomb run, sir. You need to watch your tone, Mr. Hansen. Hey, stay there. Give me a moment. You two are a goddamn disgrace. You're gonna get us all killed, I want to come back from this mission 'Cause I quite like my life. So why don't you just do us all a favor and disappear? It's the only thing you're good at. Stop! Now! Yeah, that's right. You just hold back your little girlfriend. One of you bitches needs a leash. Apologize to her. Screw you. Aah! Aah! I said apologize to her. Hey! Hey! Enough! What's going on? On your feet, both of you! Becket, Mori, into my office, now. No, we aren't finished! Hey! Hey! This is over! You're a ranger, for Chrissake. Why don't you start acting like one? I went out of phase first. It was my mistake. No. It was my mistake. I should have never let you two in the same machine. So, what? You're grounding us? Not you. © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ Permission to be dismissed, sir. Permission granted, miss Mori. Mako. Sir, what are you doing? She is the strongest candidate by far. What other options do we have? Huh? Tell me! Do not let my calm demeanor fool you, ranger! Now is not a good moment for your insubordination! Mako is too inexperienced To rein in her memories during combat. That's not why you grounded her. I was in her memories. I saw everything. I don't care what you think you saw. I know what she means to you. I saw it! I.. Hey! Hey! This conversation is over. Marshal. Marshal, can we just talk about this for one second? ! You rescued her. You raised her. You're not protecting her now. You are holding her back. Don't you ever touch me again. Now, you have no idea who the hell I am Or where I've come from, And I'm not about to tell you my whole life story. All I need to be to you and everybody in this dome Is a fixed point. The last man standing. I do not need your sympathy or your admiration. All I need is your compliance and your fighting skills. And if I can't get that, Then you can go back to the wall That I found you crawling on. Do I make myself clear? Yes, sir. Good. I'm sorry. I should've warned you. First drifts are rough. But you weren't just tapping into my memories. You were tapping into my brother's too. When Yancy was taken, we were still connected. I felt his fear, his pain, His helplessness, and then.. He was gone. I felt it. I know. You know, you live in someone else's head for so long The hardest part to deal with is the silence. To let someone else in, to really connect, You have to trust them. And today the drift was strong. Her heart. When's the last time you saw it? Not in a long time. Movement in the breach. Double event. Two signatures. Dilation indicator, category 4. Excuse me. The breach was exposed at 2300 hours. We have two signatures, both category 4s. Otachi and leatherback. They'll reach Hong Kong within the hour. Evacuate the city. Shut down the bridges. I want every single civilian in a refuge right now. Crimson typhoon, cherno alpha, I want you to frontline the harbor. Stay on the miracle mile. Striker, I want you to stay back, Look after the coastline. We cannot afford to lose you, So only engage as a final option. Yes, sir! You two. You stay put. Let's go! Loccent, striker's got the ball and we're on the roll. Loccent.. near positions and awaiting your orders. Remain in the miracle mile. Engage at your discretion. Guys, keep your eyes open. These category 4s are the biggest we've ever seen, Both in size and weight. Cherno alpha reaching target zone. Disengaging transport. Cherno alpha in position. Miracle mile. Cherno alpha holding the coastline. Beacon is on. Look at 'em. They believe the Kaiju are sent from heaven. The silly bastards. And what do you believe? Well.. I believe that Kaiju bone powder is 500 bucks a pound. What do you want? I need to access a Kaiju brain. Completely intact. No, no, no. The skull plate is so dense That by the time you drill into it.. The brain's rotted away. But I'm talking about the secondary brain. Now we both know that the Kaiju are so large They need two brains to move around, like a dinosaur. I want to get my hands on that. Mm. What the hell do you want a secondary brain for, anyway? I mean, every part of the Kaiju sells. Cartilage, spleen, liver. Even the crap! One cubic meter of crap Has enough phosphorous in it to fertilize a whole field! But the brain.. Too much ammonia. So what's the deal, little fella? Well, that's classified. So I couldn't tell you. Even if I wanted to. Mm. But it is pretty cool. So I might tell you. I'm gonna tell you. I figured out how to drift with a Kaiju. Are you funnin' me, son? It's fascinating how their minds work. Every single Kaiju, his mind's connected. The species has like a.. Like a hive mind. Holy Jesus. You've gone and done it, haven't you? I did it a little bit, yeah. You goddamn moron. Loccent! Typhoon and alpha are in trouble. We're movin' in! You are to hold your ground. Do not engage. We need you to carry that bomb. Do you copy? Jesus, we can't just sit here and watch 'em die. Come on! Ah, screw this. Loccent, we're movin' in now! Cherno alpha, we've been hit with some type of acid! Come on! Hull has been compromised. We need backup immediately! Just hold on, cherno! We're on our way! Our power move! Yeah! We just lost cherno, sir. Engaging air missiles! What's going on? What happened? The blast. It jumbled all the jaegers' electrical circuits. What the hell was that? Loccent! I've never seen that before. Loccent! They're adapting. This isn't a defense mechanism, it's a weapon! Get me striker! Nothing, sir. The mark 5's digital's fried. It'll take me two hours to reroute the auxiliary. All the jaegers, they're digital! Not all of them, marshal. Gipsy's analog. Nuclear. We got two Kaijus. We gotta get out. Hang on a second. Excuse me. WhWhat's going on? There are two goddamn Kaiju Headed straight for Hong Kong city. No, no, no. That's not possible. There's never been two before. Well, maybe that's 'cause Nobody ever drifted with one before, eh, genius? ! When Jaeger pilots drift, it's a twoway street. A bridge, right? Of course. Yes! It sets up a connection. Both ways! "A hive mentality," you said! Maybe those Kaiju are tryin' to find you. What.. What're we gonna do? I'm gonna wait out this shitstorm In my own private Kaiju bunker. But you are going to a public refuge. I tried it once. Once. Now get the hell outta here. Excuse me! Aah! Move! Move! I'm a doctor! I'm a doctor! Okay, hold on. Let me in. Okay, I'm a doctor. Okay, let me in, I'm a doctor. Please proceed immediately to your antiKaiju refuge. There's no emergency power. We gotta bail. I'm gonna try somethin' else. No! Don't disengage! Aah! My arm! Hey! Come on! Get on your feet, old man! Don't call me that! He's right outside. We gotta get outta here now! We're not goin' anywhere! Now you and I are the only thing Standin' between that ugly bastard And a city of 2 million people. Now we have a choice here. We either sit and wait Or we take these flare guns And do something really stupid. How's your arm? Ah, just give me the gun. Hey, you! I think we just pissed it off! All right, Mako. Get ready, this is for real! Yeah! Come on, gipsy! Kick his ass! Come on! Let's do this! Together! Elbow rocket! Now! Aah! Hang on, Mako! Plasma cannon, now! Plasma cannon engaged. Empty the clip! Wait. I think this guy's dead. But let's check for a pulse. Okay. No pulse. He stopped right above us. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. This isn't a refuge. This is.. This is a buffet line! He knows I'm here. He knows I'm here! He knows we're all here! No, you don't understand, he's trying to get me! He knows I'm here and he's trying to get me! What was that? What did you say? ! What was she saying? ! I gotta get out of here! Let me out of here! I got.. Ah, come on! Those were expensive glasses. This is the worst. Torque engaged. I can't pinpoint it. It's movin' quick. Keep your eyes open. Choppers, do you have a visual? Over. Come on! I'll hold it! Vent the coolant on the left flank! Coolant venting. Co2 purge. Venting coolant. Atmosphere loss in progress. Temperature's droppin'! We're losing oxygen! Both plasma cannons are shot. We're out of options, Mako. Sword deployment. Altitude actuation offBalance. 50,000 feet to ground contact. Look, there! Altitude loss critical. 40,000 feet. Gipsy, listen to me! Loosen all the shock absorbers, Use your gyroscope as balance and ball up! It's your only chance! 20,000 feet. Fuel purge! Now! Impact alert. We're comin' in too fast. We're comin' in too fast. Brace for impact, ma.. Mako, talk to me. Mako, you okay? Yeah. You? © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © © © P@rM! NdeR © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ Go to dr. Geiszler now! Yes, sir! I want the two remaining jaegers back to 100% functionality. Yes, sir! We're gonna harvest The skin, the talons and the wing. Germans are gonna go nuts for that stuff. Let me see that map. Here is where the Kaiju fell, Here's where we concentrate our efforts. We'll get it, boss. Right. Hey! Okay, guess who's back, you oneEyed bitch? And you owe me a Kaiju brain. Raleigh! My kid'd never admit it.. But he's grateful. We both are. Mr. Becket! Miss Mori! In all of my years fighting.. I've never seen anything like that. Well done. Proud of you. Proud of us all. But.. As harsh as it sounds, there is no time to celebrate. We lost two crews. No time to grieve. Reset that clock. Reset the clock. I still can't believe what you did to me. I mean, I coulda been eaten. Well, that was definitely the plan. Lucky for you, that didn't become necessary, huh? Okay. Thank you so much. You're so kind. I really appreciate all of this. But now do you mind tellin' me exactly what is taking so long For your workers to get that brain? Well, they pump the cavity full of co2, Just like in any other laparoscopic surgery. Okay, yes, obviously, The co2's gonna delay the acidic reaction, yes. And it allows us to harvest. But our boys need oxygen pumped into their suits. They move slow. What's goin' on in there, boys? We've reached.. The upper pelvic area. Moving to the 25th vertebra. Shit. Even through the suit, boss, It smells like dead catfish in here. Boss. The secondary brain.. Is damage. Oh. It's ruin. Destroy. Bitch! How could they screw that up? ! Wait. Wait. What was that? Did he say "wait"? Why wait? Do you hear that? It's like a heartbeat. Oh, my god. Oh, my god, this can't be. Hold on a second. Hey! Let me have that! Shh, shh! Listen, listen! Listen to this. It's pregnant. No, no! Please. No! No. I knew it. Aah! Gone. His lungs weren't fully formed. Umbilical cord tied around his neck. No way he could survive outside the womb For more than a minute. One look, that's all I needed. I knew he wouldn't make it. Ugly little bastard. Anyway, I woulda.. Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Huh. How sick are you? And why didn't you tell me? Ah. What's to tell? You know, them mark 1s, We scraped them bad boys together in 14 months. Last thing we were thinking about was radiation shielding. I ran nearly a dozen missions. I stayed under the medical radar for awhile But the last time I jockeyed was Tokyo. I finished the fight solo, but for three hours.. I burned. They warned me if I ever stepped foot into a Jaeger again, The toll would be too much. You and I are the only two that ever ran solo combat. That's why I brought you here. What is it? Sir, it's happening. I just got two signatures With unprecedented dilation, 40Meter spikes. What category? Checking the ratios, category four. Where're they headed? That's the thing, they're not heading' anywhere. They're hovering just above the breach. It's.. It's like they're protecting it or something. All right, gipsy, striker, on deck. Sir, Herc cannot ride. His arm.. You heard me. Two signatures. Two? ! There are.. There are two Kaiju signatures in the breach, Not three like I predicted? ! Hermann! I haven't exactly had a very good day, okay? I got about 5 minutes.. Should be three Kaijus. ..before brain death occurs here! I don't wanna spend it talking about your theories! This is all wrong! There should be three Kaijus coming through, not two! There should be three and there's two? I'm sorry, it hurts to be wrong, doesn't it, Hermann? I am not wrong, but there is something here that we don't understand. Okay. Hermann, hopefully we can argue about any mistakes You made in your predictive model in the future! But in the meantime, The neural interface is way off the charts! If you want to help, help with that! Newton, I am not wrong. There is only one way to make sure.. And that is to do this.. Together. I'll go with you. That's what the Jaeger pilots do, Share the neural load. You're serious? You.. You would do that for me? Or you would do that with me? Well, with worldwide destruction a certain alternative.. Do I really have a choice? "We're gonna own this bad boy!" By Jove, we are going to own this thing for sure! Oi, Tendo. Tendo! You're not suited up. Yeah, I'm aware of that, Elvis. I need to know what's going on. He said suit up, so suit up. Tendo, I can't pilot striker on my own, now, can I? ! Dad's hurt, so who's gonna be my copilot? I don't remember it being so tight. Getting back into that Jaeger will kill you. Not gettin' into one would kill us all. Listen, you are a brave girl. I'm so lucky to have seen you grow. But if I'm going to do this.. I need you to protect me. Can you do that? Hey. Everyone, listen up! Today.. Today.. At the edge of our hope.. At the end of our time.. We have chosen not only to believe in ourselves, But in each other. Today there's not a man nor woman in here That shall stand alone. Not today. Today we face the monsters that are at our door And bring the fight to them! Today we are canceling the apocalypse! Go to the safety zone right now. Hey, marshal! You know, that was a great speech, But how exactly are you and I Supposed to match up in there? I carry nothing into the drift. No memories, no fear. No rank. And as for you.. Well, you're easy. You're an egotistical jerk with daddy issues. A simple puzzle I solved on day one. But you are your father's son.. So we'll drift just fine. Works for me. Hey, now. When you drift with someone, You feel like there's nothing to talk about. I just don't want to regret All the things that I never said out loud. Don't. You don't need to. I know them all. I always have. Hey. Hey, handsome. Oh, I'm gonna miss you. You look after him for me. Stacker. That's my son you got there. My son. You know, Mako, all those years I spent living' in the past, I never really thought about the future. Until now. I never did have very good timing. You ready for this? Oh, yes, yes. Initiating neural handshake in 5.. 4, 3, 2, 1. Are you okay? Yes, of course. I'm completely fine. The drift. You saw it? Yeah. Did you? Listen, we have to warn them. The jaegers.. The breach.. The plan.. It's not going to work. Disengaging transport. Loccent, all ports sealed. Ready to submerge. All ports sealed. Ready to submerge. Both neural handshakes at 100%. Neural handshake confirmed, sir. Two actives still in circle formation in the Guam quadrant. Scunner, Raiju. Both category 4. Roger that. Half a mile to the ocean cliff, we jump! It's 3,000 meters to the breach. Half a mile? ! I can't even see a damn inch ahead! How are we supposed to deliver the bomb? Visibility's zero. Switching to instruments now. Sir! Gipsy, you have movement on your right. Three o'clock! Three o'clock! 100 feet radius, clear. Right flank's clear. I got nothing. Left now! And movin' fast! Fastest Kaiju on record! I don't see anything. It's movin' too fast! Eyes on the prize, gipsy. 600 meters from the drop. 400 meters and closing. Bogeys are stopping. Striker! Bogeys are stopping. One o'clock. Marshal, what are you doing? ! They're stopping. Why the hell are they stopping? ! I don't give a damn, sir! We're 300 meters from the jump! Something's not right! Striker, the bogeys aren't following. Take the leap now! Don't do it! Don't do it, it's not gonna work! Move, you fascist! Blowing up the breach, it's not gonna work! What do you mean? What's not gonna work? Sir, just because the breach is open Does not mean you're gonna be able to get a bomb through. The breach genetically reads the Kaiju Like a barcode at the supermarket and then lets them pass. Okay, so you're gonna have to fool the breach Into thinking that you have the same code! And how are we supposed to do that? By making it think you are a Kaiju. You have to lock onto the Kaiju, ride it into the breach. The throat will then read The Kaiju's genetic code and let you pass. If you don't do it, the bomb will deflect off the breach Like it always has and the mission will fail. All right, now that you've heard all that, Striker, take the leap! Sir! I have a third signature emerging from the breach! Third signature emerging from the breach. It's a triple event. Oh, god, I was right. How big is it? What category? Category 5. Striker, It's a category 5. The first ever. Striker, we see him. We're right behind you, about 100 meters. We're gonna come around your three o'clock, Try to flank him. Standard twoTeam formation. Just keep him busy for a few mi.. Brace for impact! Chain sword deployed. Let's get this son of a bitch! Gipsy, comin' up on your 12 o'clock! Full speed! Get out of the way! The release is jammed! We can't deliver the payload, sir! We're still armed. But the hull is compromised! Half our systems are offline, sir. We need to override the.. Aah! Both Kaijus converging on striker fast! Hang on, striker! We're comin' to ya! No! Gipsy! Do not come to our aid! Do you copy? Hang on! Stay as far back as you can! We can still reach you. We're comin' for you. No, Raleigh, listen to me. You know exactly what you have to do! Gipsy is nuclear! Take her to the breach! I hear you, sir. Headin' for the breach. Structural damage, 80%. Now.. Mako. Listen. You can finish this. I'll always be here for you. You can always find me in the drift. We're a walking nuclear reactor. We can destroy the breach. What can we do, sir? We can clear a path! For the lady! They're gonna detonate the payload. He said if you have the shot, you take it! So let's do this! It was a pleasure, sir. Sensei. Aishitemasu. All systems critical. Fluid loss. Systems are critical! Fuel is leaking! Our right leg's crippled! Code red. Let's finish this. All systems critical. What are they doing? Finishing the mission. Loccent. We have the Kaiju carcass. We're heading for the breach. You guys better be right. 'Cause one way or another, we're gettin' this thing done. On my count, rear jets! Three, two, one. Now! Hold on. Mako's oxygen is down. Half capacity! Can you reroute it? I'm tryin', sir. Hold on, Mako. Heat shaft purge. I'm gonna burn this son of a bitch. They're in. They're in! It worked. Oxygen main, left hemisphere, critical levels. Operating at 15% capacity. 10% capacity. 5% capacity. He's givin' her his oxygen. Right hemisphere oxygen.. It's okay now, Mako. ..Critical level. We did it. I can finish this alone. All I have to do is fall. Anyone can fall. Raleigh, your oxygen levels are critical now. You don't have much time. Start the core meltdown and get out of there. Do you hear me? Get out of there now! One pod is ejected. No detonation, sir. Loccent, if you can still hear me, I'm initiating reactor override now. Manual activation required. What's goin' on? ! Trigger's offline! He has to do it by hand. He's out of time. He has to selfDestruct now. Manual activation required. No! Manual override initiated. Core meltdown in Minus 60. Reactor meltdown in 55 seconds. 50 seconds. Evac pod engaged. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Reactor meltdown commence. Direct hit! The breach has collapsed! To the choppers! To the choppers now! Visuals on first pod. Tracking solid. Vital signs are good. Okay, where's the second pod? I'm tracking it, but I'm getting no vital signs. © © © P@rM! © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ I can't find his pulse. I don't think he's breathing. Can you read his pulse? Does he have a pulse? Raleigh? Raleigh? I don't know. Mako, listen to me. It could be the sensors are not working. We can't be sure. No. No. Don't go. Mako. No. Don't go. Mako. Don't go. Please. You're squeezing me too tight. I couldn't breathe. This is marshal Hercules Hansen. The breach is sealed. Stop the clock! Mako, Raleigh. We have your position. The choppers are on their way. Just hang on. Are you okay? Do you copy? Uh, guys? © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © © © P@rM! © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ When the earth collides two hearts, two souls remain one love of humankind in heaven's name no time for fear or blame inside, we are the same we feel it all we feel the rise before the fall there's no dividing us we feel it all we feel it we feel it all the rise and fall we drift inside each other all we have is one another united, we can never fall we feel it all we feel the rise before the fall there's no dividing us we feel it all, we feel it all we feel it all we feel the rise before the fall there's no dividing us we feel it all, we feel it all great scientist minds militaries combine to form the greatest weapons to defend mankind from the bottomless pit is the apocalypse Egypt, Okinawa, they threaten the populous nations of man must stand this terror two hearts ripped apart, they come together some bonds we enjoin, they cannot be severed whether creed or color, we all need each other and look beyond these borders to see each other the fate of the world is upon our shoulders a soldier tells his father goodbye you see the crowd mist a gleam of hope appears in his eye ^ no one knows for whom the bell tolls ^ a strong mighty body, 100 tons of steel Kaiju facing the enemy that stands before us we feel it all they trying to destroy us we feel it all we feel the rise before the fall there's no dividing us we feel it all, we feel it all we feel it all we feel the rise before the fall there's no dividing us we feel it all, we feel it all we drift inside each other all we have is one another united, we can never fall © © © P@rM! NdeR © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ ™ © © © P@rM! NdeR © P@rM! NdeR M@nkÖÖ Initial framework by AB69 Transcript overhaul sync by The_Turbaned_Sun 50 years ago, an alien force known as the Formics attacked Earth. 10 millions died. It was only through the sacrifice of our greatest commander that we avoided total annihilation. We've been preparing for them to come back, ever since. The International Fleet decided that the world's smartest children are the planet's best hope. Raised on war-games, their decisions are intuitive, decisive, fearless. I am one of those recruits. I've watched through his eyes, I've listened through his ears and I tell you, he's THE ONE! That's what you said about his brother. Brother tested out impossible for other reasons ... nothing to do with his tactical abilities. - I gotcha! I gotcha! - Try there... go back! He's gonna crush 'em. God! - You can't do that. - You've got to use what is around you. No no, I had you all the way through the belt! You might have calculated your trajectory wrong due to the incoming asteroids. Don't.. lecture me. Wiggin. You cheated! It was a good game... Thanks. HEY! Play again! Sorry. Tomorrow, maybe? You see, he's got a talent for strategy. His humility could be false, part of a strategy to avoid antagonizing an ego-driven opponent. Which makes him even smarter. He may be a genius but we need someone the others will follow . A leader. He can't win on his own. Well, let's see how he handles rejection. Andrew Wiggin! Andrew... Ender Wiggin... Please report to the infirmary! Ender Wiggin to the infirmary. - Hello Ender! - Hello! That nasty monitor is coming out today. Please, lie face down. Am I off the program? - Did I do something wrong? - That's not really for me to say. Lie down. The sooner we get this done, the sooner you can move on. Ready? This won't hurt a bit. Where do you think you're going, Wiggin? Washed out, huh? - Come on! - Come on! Get him in there! Come on, chief... one on one, for real this time. - No games. - He's got no monitor now. - That's right. No one wants you now, Wiggin. One-on-one, then why are your boys holding me? Let's go! Come on, man! - Stay down. - I'm gonna kill you, chief (? ) Take it easy, Ender. You might be thinking of ganging up on me... But just remember what I do to people who try to hurt me. He said I was cheating... he said that was why I was off the program. - Doesn't matter. - ...even after he was down. - He will never bully you again. - All I could think was what would Peter do? - I'm just like him, now. - No. No, you're nothing like him Ender. Nothing like whom? - I thought you had a game. - Rained out... - What's he crying about? - I'm not crying! My monitor's gone. Now I'm just like you. You mean Mom Dad spent all that money on a Third and now he's off the program, too? Stop it, Peter. He made it farther than either of us. Hey, drop out! Remember how to play formics and astronauts? - That's it. Where is mom? - No. Don't. - I'll play. - Put the mask on... you can be the bug. - Peter, you're sick! - Stay out of this, Valentine. - No. Stop it. - Okay bug. You started it. You attack first. - Let me in. - Come on... - Come on, fight back. At last, we've got one of you alive. - Peter, stop! You know, I could kill you just like this. - Please! - I should've been chosen! Deep Space intel shows us that the number of enemy ships already deployed is 10 times those we faced during the first invasion. The Formics are rebuilding and strengthening their fleet. We must conquer or die. Turn it off please, John. Why? You'd rather not know what's going on in the world? We must never again bear witness to the slaughter of tens of millions of innocent people as we did during the Formic invasion. Our survival demands total commitment to the destruction of the enemy... If you want, I'll go away. So you don't have to be embarrassed. Ender, no one is embarrassed. I am a Third. I should never have been born. No. We wanted you, Ender. We just needed permission. John, please say something. It's a tough program, Ender. When they brought me to this country, there was less competition and still I didn't make it. You have nothing to be ashamed of nothing. #Sensor alert! Front door... Please state your name.# Colonel Hyrum Graff, Director of Training, International Fleet. This is my colleague, Major Anderson. May we? Why'd you keep kicking him? You had already won the fight. - Did you enjoy it? - No. Then why? Speak up, son. Knocking him down was the first fight. I wanted to win all the next ones, too. So they'd leave me alone. Don't you think you should have asked a grown up for help? Nonsense! He can fight his own battles. Colonel, he was obviously being bullied and he defended himself. Son... I'd like to offer you a place in our program. But you took away my monitor. The final step in our evaluation is always to see what happens when the monitor is removed. And he passed? He put a child in the hospital. It's not what he did, it's why he did it. It was tactical, a strategy to stop future attacks. Andrew, you don't have to do this. Ender and I should have a private conversation. - Absolutely not. - With all respect sir, you really can't stop me. Formics might have wiped us out the last time, you know. A brilliant commander is the only thing that saved us. Mazer Rackham? Mazer Rackham! We need minds like yours, Ender. Young people integrate complex data more easily than adults. Will the monitor be reinstalled? No. You graduated. To Battle School. Privacy rights are restored. If there's a chance, because of you, the Formics might leave us alone forever... then I have to ask you to come with me. It's what I was born for, right? Valentine was too compassionate for Battle School. My brother Peter washed out because he was too quick to violence. Colonel Graff said I needed to find a balance between those emotions if I were to succeed. Join the others. Go on! - You're late! - Out of my control. I'm Ender. Ender? What kind of name is that? What's your name? Name is Bean. - Bean? - Grew up on the streets, not with a bean. (? ) - I'm gonna be... - Bag! Give him the bag! Close the bag! - You alright? - Yeah. What're you doing, Wiggin? - Nothing, sir. - Something funny? I asked you a question, launchy. Sir, the way you're floating. Horizontally. I thought that was funny. Really, why? Because in zero gravity, there is no right side up. You may think you're vertical and we may be horizontal. - Is that funny? - Sir, no sir! Yes, it is. Alai, you know what he is talking about? - Yes, sir. - No, you don't. There's only one kid on this launch with any brains at all so far and that's Ender Wiggin. #All new arrivals follow the yellow lights to your accommodation. The yellow lights.# #All new arrivals follow the yellow lights to your accommodation. The yellow lights.# So you made them hate me. I told them you were the best. We need a Julius Caesar, a Napoleon. We hope that would be you. - Caesar was assassinated by the people he trusted. - Napoleon lost in the end. Not before he conquered the known world. - Dismissed. - Yes, sir. He has a complicated response to authority. He wants to please the overbearing father figure but resents the lack of reciprocated affection. His isolation can never be broken and he must never believe anyone will help him. Oh look. It's the smartass. Thanks! Thought I'd have to ask to be by the door. #State your name.# - Ender Wiggin. - Don't freeze your balls, kid. - Attention on deck. At ease. Listen up, Launchies! My name is Sergeant James Dap. Ask me a legitimate question and I will give you a direct answer.. but if you are looking for a shoulder to cry on, use your pillow. - Do I look like I'm joking, snots? - Sir! No, sir! Good. You are to work as a team.. You will all make this bunkroom, your home. You will keep your home clean. There are separate showers for both sexes. If you are found in an area not designated to your gender, I will personally neuter you. - Am I clear? - Sir! Yes sir! - Class is in five. Follow the yellow lights. Yellow like your cowardly selves. - Sir! Yes, sir! Welcome to Battle School. A great responsibility rests on each of you. When the enemy first invaded, we were not ready. Millions of innocent lives were lost. That must never be allowed to happen again. And in the midst of that decisive battle, a legendary hero emerged. We will never forget what the enemy did but we defeated them. and we will do so again. Let the courage of Mazer Rackham be your inspiration. Wakey wakey. Rise and shine. Put on your Battle Room suits That's the padded one with the helmet and the weapon. Do not attempt to fire the weapon. Holster it! Let's move it launchies, you've got 10 minutes! At ease! This is the Battle Room. In here, the floor's been designed to create an Earth-like gravitational pull. Step through that gate and you are in a zero-G environment. Wiggin! Get up here. - What do I do now, sir? - Go on in. Alright now, push off. Nicely done. These guys are still trying to stay up the way they came in. But like you said in the shuttle, there is no up or down in space. But we'll need some way to orientate in here maybe the enemy's gate is down? - I get it, like they're a bug to be crushed under our feet. - Exactly. - What do you think this does? - Let's find out. Whoa! Won't acts harmless... (? ) - What do you think it does when it hits the suit? - Good question. - Shoot me in the leg. - We shoot each other. Same time. Ready? - Whoa! My leg's frozen! - Mine too. I can't bend my knee... Shoot me in the chest... Come on! I'm getting away. - This is amazing... I can't move at all now. - Out of his mind. That's enough. You're flapping around like a bunch of drunken ducks. If you expect to compete with the other teams in this School you've got a lot to learn. Sergeant, explain the game! - Yes Sir! You will train to compete as a team against other teams. You get 1 point for a hit to a limb, six for a torso hit - which will immobilize you completely - but if either side gets one cadet through the enemy's gate unharmed that army will win. Regardless of points already scored. - Am I clear? - Sir! Yes Sir! Dear Valentine, so this is Battle School... Every day, hours of training and far more homework than we ever had on Earth. We train in hand-to-hand combat it keeps us in shape and aggressive. - And up! And one! Two! - I feel Peter in me whenever I fight... - Wiggin! ... I wish I didn't. We've been studying Formic flight patterns for three months now, they seem entirely random. The truth is we really don't understand our enemy and no one ever adequately explains how Mazer Rackham actually defeated the entire fleet. The Colonel said he expects me to lead But how? What makes a good leader? Everyone here is very different. So many many things to learn, always very little sleep. Please write back. I haven't heard from you... How are you? Is Peter behaving? Are you getting my e-mails? I miss... Attention on deck! Evening, launchies. At ease. I'm pleased to see that most of you are performing well as you know, competition for Command School is tough some in the higher ranks have failed to meet our standards and are being sent home. So... I may have the opportunity to promote some of you. Look to your left. Look to your right. These are NOT your friends! They are competition! - Keep up the hard work! - Ten-shun! Sir! Is our email being blocked? It's just that none of us received any replies from home. All communication is being temporarily held back. - Why sir? - Launchy, it is not your place... Your families will not understand what we're doing here and none of you need the distraction of their replies! I thought our privacy rights had been restored, sir. You have the right to privately think whatever you wish, Wiggin! But there's too much at stake to allow your unfiltered thoughts.. leave this facility. Yes, sir! Keep it up snot, and you will never make it to Command School! - I thought it was a legitimate question. - What? - You said if we have a legitimate question... - Drop and give me twenty! - You think you're the smartest kid in the School? - No, sir! - You will never be a Commander! I will never salute you! - Yes you will, Sergeant. - Give me twenty more! Get up! You do not speak unless spoken to. Am I clear? Sir! Yes, sir! - Even if I have a legitimate question? - Shut it, Wiggin! Now go to sleep. All of you. You heard him. Get some sleep. We've only 3 passing scores on the Deep Space navigation test. Alai, Bean and Ender! What happened here? - They're probably cheating. - Your mother cheated that's why you look like a plumber. - Zip it! (? ) You think this is a game? - No, ma'am. - We are preparing for war! - Yes, ma'am. Now the problem was simple... how do you slingshot your forces into an attack position on the blind side of this moon using the gravitational pull from this planet? This is basic rocket science, people! Ender! Get down here and explain. Ma'am, I think Bean or Alai have a better hang on this than I do. All right. Alai, come and explain. Ma'am, we aim to approach the planet in the direction it's moving... - ...that way we benefit from it's energy of motion. - Something..? - Go on, Alai. - Of course, there's a moon we have to pass here. That complicates things. Because the moon's moving in the opposite direction to us, we get a gravitational break in... Who sent this? Who sent what, Bernard? Nothing. Oh. - If you can't take it Bernard, don't dish it out. - Yes, ma'am! Welcome to Games and Recreation. Cerebral control initiated. One is poison, one is not. Choose right and you go to Fairyland. He's found the mind game. Decide well, punch or hell! (? ) - Ha ha - Who authorized his access to this? - I did. -Try again, Mickey Mouse. - To what end? - Not every battle can be won, Hyrum. The way he plays the game reveals his state of mind. If you won't let me assess him one-on-one, I need some other way to know what he's feeling. I don't care how he's feeling. I want him to toughen up, learn how to lead. But before we make him a leader, let's see how he deals with frustration. - Come on! - Oh dear! -Whatchu doin? - Playing a stupid game. No matter what I choose, I die. - It's rigged. - You're back. One more time. - Can I watch? - Sure. One is poison, one is not. Choose right and you go to Fairyland. - Which you gonna choose? - Neither. Come on Mickey Mouse, come on....... Aaah! - You killed him. Why? - That's what they want from us. Follow the rules, you lose. Choose violence, you win. - I've never seen anyone do that. - Perfect.... He's perfect! Ender Wiggin, you are assigned to Salamander army, Commander Bonzo Madrid, effective immediately. Orders of Colonel Graff. Follow the green lights. Take nothing with you. Go now. -What are they doing? - They're promoting you. Ender! ? Yeah? 'As-salaam-aleykum'. Peace to you. - C'mon! - Ball ! Strike two! Play ball! - Alright, sir - strike two. - Play ball! You lost, Launchy? I'm Ender Wiggin supposed to report to Bonzo Madrid. So you're the replacement? - Ender Wiggin. - Petra Arkanian. Only girl in the Salamander army with more balls than anybody else in this bunk room. Whoof! Mama Petra, she talking! - Wiggin! - Sir! Yes Sir! Andrew Wiggin reassigned. I asked for a replacement for O'Reilley and this is what I get! A useless, skinny, untrained snot. - I'm a quick study. - Let me be clear! I intend to trade you A.S.A.P. My army is undefeated in the last 21 battles I might try to make it to Command School within 6 months you can get your training at someone else's expense. - He's all heart. - Shut it, nica (? )! - Easy, Bonzo. Watch your mouth, Mick! Here's the deal, snot when we go into battle, you will not pass through the gates until all my soldiers are through then, you will remain just inside the gates, with your weapon undrawn and unfired till the game ends. - So I must do nothing? - You're to keep out of the way! You bunk in the back of the room. You know, Bonzo doesn't like to lose he doesn't want an untrained Launchy screwing up his perfect maneuvers but the Battle Room is open 24/7. During free time, I could show you some moves. Ready? ...3... 2... 1! Impressive! Your turn. Hey, you can't just keep your thumb on the trigger. You need half a second to recharge. - At least you don't have any bad habits. - I don't have any good ones, either. I'll give you those. Relax! Further your target, the longer you have to hold the beam. Fire. Leave it longer.'s the difference between a tenth and a half second but in battle, that's a long time... Aim. Fire. Hold. Recharge. That's it! Learn where your trigger actually fires and ride the edge. Now you're getting it! 3... 2... 1... Go! - Let's see if you can beat me. Once! Just beat me once! - Come on! You can do it! - That's five in a row! Who's the boss? - You the boss Bonzo. That's right, I'm the boss. Let's go again! I'm gonna make this six. - Ready? What you guys doing? C'mon - Yeah, let's do it again sometime. That'd be swell. - Where were you? - Practicing. - In free time. - You don't practice with her. In fact, you don't practice at all! May I speak to you privately, sir? Wiggin! Hey, pednico (? ), don't you ever turn your back on me! If I'm gonna be useful in this toon, I have to practice. - I will follow all commands you are authorized to give but if you take away my free time I will get you iced. Are you threatening me, snot? No. Listen. I know you wanna trade me but no one will take me if I don't know anything. Let me practice, you can get rid of me sooner. I already gave you an order! I know, in front of everybody and you don't want your soldiers to think that you backed down... so for tonight you can say that you won this argument then tomorrow you can tell everybody that you changed your mind. You'll look generous. I'll get to train. We both win. Deal? You better watch your back, Wiggin! Wake up! Wake up nis spendeblos (? )! Battle with Leopards in 10 minutes! - Hey! Wiggin! - Yes Sir! - I changed my mind. - Maybe by watching my toons you'll learn something and I can trade you easier. - Yes Sir! Thank you sir! Move. Everybody, let's move! Salamanders all-for-one x2 There's no one like us under the sun! x2 Salamanders! Salamander halt! At ease. What's the play? Four winds - Toon A, up. B, left. C, right. D, down. You! Wiggin. You hang back, near the gate. - Bonzo, my toon will be a man short... - He knows nothing about our formation, Stink He'll only get in the way. You come out last. Hang back and observe. We don't need you. Step aside. Go Salamander! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go Salamander! Go! Go! We gotta break 'em up! Fly - you lock us in... Petra rides chariot(? )... - Got it! - Ready? - Ready! - In... 3... 2... 1 - I'm hit! - Shoot! Keep shooting, Petra! - (? ) Go! - I'm on it! Stay behind me! We need cover! Wiggin! What are you doing? I told you to stay back! - You ok? - What are you doing here? Bonzo will kill you! - Can't go back now. - Well then get in the game. We're losing! They got half their toon back through their gate. Put your feet to mine. Redirect me. - Play dead. Don't draw your weapon, till you know you're hot.(? ) - Got it. 3... 2... 1.. Smart move! Holding Wiggin back. Where'd you learn all this? - I had a brother. - Had? - Have. Come on, let's go again. But use your arms, not your hips. Officer on deck! Ten-hut! I thought I told you not to train with her. It thought we'd agreed that free time was free, sir. At ease. Stop it, Bonzo! Try making me look like a fool again and I'll kill you. You ok? Yeah. What do you want me to do? Valentine? How can you be in my game? Well done. You're a killer now. Nightmares, Launchy? Keep 'em to yourself! You said the game would reveal his state of mind, not grow with it. How did his psycho brother end up in the game? - He's obviously feeling some psychological pressure... - Of course he's feeling pressure, Anderson This is a boot camp, for kids who are gonna have to face a real enemy! The game is a thought relationship between the child and the computer. Together they create stories... Then change the story. This story's written by the child's emotional reality. I can't change that! I don't know how these images got into the game! Erase the game. You've done well. Very well. Top test scores in class. Highest Battle Room ratings. But you have a habit of upsetting your commander. I find it hard to respect someone just because they outrank me, sir. - Puts you in a difficult position, doesn't it? - Yes, sir. You don't like taking orders from Bonzo. No, sir. Perhaps you'd prefer to give them yourself? - Sir? - How'd you like to lead your own army Sir, I've never heard of a Dragon army. We discontinued the name four years ago. No Dragon army ever won a battle. - Then why not a new name, sir? - Because we already have the uniforms. And who will be in this army, sir? Misfits, like you oddballs, who might just be brilliant, with the right commander. Your new quarters. Your soldiers are being notified now. You'll address them in 15 minutes. Do you think they'll follow me? Atten-hut! Officer on deck. At ease. Welcome to Dragon army. Bunking will be arranged with youngest at the front and veterans at the back. - Ender, every other commander has their seniors closest to the door. - Well, I don't intend to be like every other commander. What am I doing here Ender? You don't even like me. I didn't select this army, Bernard but I intend to make it the best at this school. I think you can help make that happen. Am I wrong? No, sir! You'll respect one another. If anybody has an idea they think is better than mine... I wanna hear it. I can't be expected to do all the thinking in this army, can I, Bean? No, sir! Then let's get suited up. - Training starts now! - Sir! Yes, sir! He's pushing them hard. Might even make something of Bernard. Command School's pressing for a decision. Tell them we need more time! We're out of time. - Lieutenant! Tomorrow's game will commence at 0300. - Yes Sir! Wake up! Wake up! Battle with Salamander AND Leopard in five! Two armies at once! The Colonel's changing the rules! In a battle with the Formics, there will be no rules! You alright? I twisted my ankle. How bad? - Not good. - Dink, get him to the infirmary. The rest of you! Let's move! C'mon! We're late! C'mon! They already opened the gate? - Petra? - Two armies weren't enough? They had to block your view too? What are you doing here? Colonel said you needed a sub. Guess he thought your odds were zero with me on the other team. - Bonzo agreed to this? - Colonel Graff's orders! - He didn't have a choice! Dink. Kneel. - What? - I have an idea... Kneel. Ready? ... 3... 2... 1! Fire! - Whoa, whoa whoa! Look out! - Aah! 12 men on the wall! 12 down, 20 to go. They could be right behind these forward stars, or all the way back at their gate. - Ready? - Ready! Pull! The (? ) have a bunch of stars around their gate, like a giant doughnut.. they're just hanging behind 'em. - No one closer? - Nah. Nice. Let's see how they handle a formation. - We've never done a formation. - Then they won't expect one. We still outnumber him. - We storm him and crush him. - Neh! We hold our positions. He has to come to us! We can't lose! Open fire! They're drifting outward! On my count, spoon 2 split (? ) from 1 - changing direction, 30 degrees in... 3... 2... 1! Now! Spoon four, spoon 6 (? ) Now! Spoon 5 (? ) now! - I'm hit! - Hold on, Alai! - (? ) Are we there yet? - Almost. Keep shooting! We did it! Eat that! Dragons rule! Yeah! Who's gonna beat us now? Still think he's not ready? Don't be smug. I'm tired of you, Wiggin. You know, your father would be proud. Come to fight a boy in the showers. With your buddies. Go watch the door. GO! Look. You can say you won I'll say you taught me a lesson... No, coward! Raise your fists. Come on, fight! C'mon! C'mon fight! C'mon! I could break your arm! Bonzo! ? Bonzo! Bonzo! Help! We need help in here! Everybody knows he started it. Ender I'm so sorry. Major! - We should never have allowed you to be alone... - Not now, Major! Leave us! Leave him... Now! You too, cadet. He's gonna die, isn't he? No. He's not. Please don't lie to me. We're gonna send him home, back to Earth, so he can get better. - I want to go with him. - We can't let you go. - You've come so far... - And I wanna talk to my sister! The fleet owns you, Ender. Strategos would never allow it. Send me home Colonel, or I will resign. Don't threaten me, boy, I'm not the enemy. I'm not so sure. I won't play this game anymore! I quit! What are you gonna do? Waste millions on a loser? You wanted to see me. You can't resign. You have an obligation to stay here and convince him to do his duty. My father trained horses. I've raised yearlings since I was 5 years old. I know a thoroughbred when I see one. We can't lose him! My God! You really don't see them as children, do you? It used to be a war crime to recruit anyone under the age of 15! When the war is over, we can have the luxury of debating the morality of what we do. When it's over, what will be left of the boy? What does it matter if there's nothing left at all? We're using these children to win the war. And if they come home, it's my job to put them back together again. Thanks for what you've done. Where's Ender? - Hello Valentine. - Why are you here? Did something happen? - He won't let me see him. I need you to take a ride with me. He's gonna be happy to see you. C'mon, you just want him to re-enlist. I want him to save lives. What about his life? Been sitting by Bonzo's bed waiting for him to recover he may never wake up. - Ender, he attacked first. - And I fought back. Just like Peter taught me. I've had a lot of fights, Val. I've won because I 've always understood what my enemy thinks. - But when I truly understand them... - you also love them. I think it's impossible to truly understand someone and not love them the way they love themselves. But in that moment... - You beat them. - I destroy them! I make it impossible for them to ever hurt me again. Ender, they want me to talk you into going back. - I told them I won't cooperate. - I don't think you are hiding here just because you care about Bonzo. I think you're hiding because you're afraid. Afraid you don't know your enemy afraid you might lose, but but what if you are the next Mazer Rackham? You can't hide here forever. If you sit here if you don't try... we will all be lost. I'll miss you. I'll miss you too. I need to know that you will not block my e-mails again. Attention! Prepare for transporter docking operations! Initiating final approach! I thought we were going back to Battle School? - We're not. - Where are we going? Much further. "Dear Valentine I must now travel to our advance command base near the Formics home planet where I'll begin final training. I wish there was another way but war seems inevitable. Stay safe. Love, Ender." Not very hospitable, is it? We took it from the Formics, 27 years after Rackham's victory. Flushed them out of these tunnels like rats from a sewer drove them all the way back to their home planet. - How long did they live here? - We're not sure this was a forward staging post for their invasion of Earth. Built our base here to be closer to their home planet to allow instantaneous communication by ansible with our attack fleet. If they're on their home planet, do we have them contained? - For now. - If we have them boxed in, why go to war? For the same reason that you kept kicking that bully before I recruited you. The purpose of this war is to prevent all future wars. Your training begins first thing tomorrow morning. Sergeant Dap will show you to your quarters. Yes, sir! We're still reseeding the atmosphere it's breathable, but thin. In the event of an evacuation, two breaths every minute from one of these will compensate for lower levels of surface oxygen. Lights out in five. Who are you? Look this may be amusing to you, but they'll come looking for me! You want to fight me? Is that the test? To see if I'll attack an old man? Well, I won't. I'll just sit this one out. - Okay, you win. - Since when do you tell the enemy when he's won? I surprised you once. Why didn't you destroy me immediately after? - I thought you were a teacher! - There is no teacher but the enemy. Enemy will tell you where you're weak, where he's strong. From now on, I am your enemy, got it? Yes. Good. During training, I will devise the strategy of your enemy. Remember he is stronger than you. From now on, you are always about to lose. Sir. Do you have a name? Mazer Rackham! What? You thought I was dead? Sir I've been building models of your plane since I was six years old. I have a question, sir. On the vids... they always cut out right after you destroy the one carrier. Why? Get dressed. Sir, I've already seen this. I wanna know what happens after. Just watch. After the explosion cleared everything was incredibly still. Their ships just stopped shooting. Then they started falling out of the sky. Scroll back, please. To just after you lost your wingman. There. Play back, please. You took cover in the cloud you couldn't see anything so you must have been using your HUD. There! Stop! You saw something. What did you see in your HUD? Did you find a pattern? Very good, Ender. Thermal imaging from the satellite. The enemy is in red. What pattern do you see? It seems random... But it's not. There's an epicenter. There! Really? You took out that one particular ship, and the rest just gave up? Why? To what animals are the Formics most often compared? - Ants. - Which have..? A queen who directs the worker ants. What she thinks, they do. Without her, they can't think for themselves... and they die! - You destroyed the Queen's ship... - I must have, yes. - But you can't be certain? - No. The Soviet(? ) Hegemon insisted we keep it classified. That's why they never showed the rest of the battle. Or my face. To the world, I'm dead. Colonel. Your face? You mean why is it marked? My father was a Maori Lost him in the war. 'Tä moko'... is a way to connect to my past, to my inner skin.(? ) It's a way for me to speak for the dead. Sir! - Have you ever seen a Queen? - No. No one has. But if the Formics have rebuilt their fleet, there must be more than one Queen. Yes, of course. (? ) What happened when you attacked here? - Did you find one? - No. Why did they come? Water. Attention! Officer on deck. - Hey Bean. - Ho Commander. Petra. We thought you were iced. We were gonna have to have Dink take over... That was never gonna happen. - Salaam, Alai. - Salaam, Commander. - Bernard. - Good to see you, sir. At ease. While you've been skinny-dipping, the colonel's been flogging us to death on the simulator. Alright, take your seats. In a matter of weeks, we may be called on to fight a real battle. Let's bring your commander up to speed. Our latest probe images will give you an idea of what's happening on the enemy planet. Like us, they appear to have a population growth rate that's unsustainable. For now, they're contained on their planet. But time is not on our side. Where are they? High surface temperatures limit their above-ground activity to just a few hours a day. What's most alarming, is the rate at which their military power is expanding. But they've not yet moved against us? No. They're planning to colonize another planet, before they breed themselves into extinction. Our orders are to defeat them before they pose an irreversible threat. Their very existence is a threat. Is that clear, Commander? - Clear, sir! - Good. Carry on, Colonel! We will begin with fighter-real(? ) simulations that best approximate real battles. You will command overall strategy. Your toon leaders will each command a battle group. You will issue orders to them they will issue orders to their squadron to drone pilots. Finally, your entire fleet must support protect your most important asset $70 billion of pure destruction the MD-500 which Petra is trained to fire. - MD? - Molecular Detachment device.. ...we call her the 'Little Doctor'. Particle beams accelerate from her twin barrels At the focus point, they reach critical effective mass. Chain reaction spreads outwards, shattering molecular bonds. Leaves nothing standing. That's the beauty of the 'Little Doctor'. No need to identify the specific ship of the Queen the chain reaction takes out the entire swarm. But I'll only get one shot. Once the Formics see how she works, they won't come together again. You will have to win this war, one battle at a time. Once our battle fleet is detected entering the Formic solar system, we will have no alternative but to engage I trust we have chosen our Commander well. - There's greatness in him, sir. - A killer instinct, too, I hope. Absolutely. Let's hope he's all you claim him to be. We'll be with you soon. Good night. Good night, sir. "Dear Valentine, So this is Command School. Being a Third, I've always been so afraid I might fail that I might not measure up... They made me a leader. And I promise you that I'll do everything I can to win this war. I know if anything ever happened to you, I would never forgive myself." What are they doing? Harvesting water. If you're gonna use me, I need to be closer. Too risky. Let's not reveal our best weapon on what should be an easy attack. Alai, Bean! Your droids peel away. Track them from below the ice and read their path. (? ) They're swarming. They see us. Deploy all drones! Give me four isobaric formations with 90 degree offsets! Open fire! Alai! On my count, fire directly up into the ice! Good strategem. (? ) ...3... 2... 1. Now! As our training progresses, the simulations are becoming more and more complex, and real. The pressure to win, day after day... month after intense. We get very little sleep somedays it's hard to keep up. - I got the breakaway! - Great work, Bean. Squadrons 43 through 57, switch to quadrant Foxtrot 3889! Ender, watch our right flank. We need backup for Bernard. I see it! - Bernard, you flank them. - Copy that. Using 10 through 18. Alai! To your right! Dink, compensate for the pull of planet G8 and go full throttle! Bean, pop up and sync to 'Sierra'! (? ) I could (? ) 'Lima'! Do 'Sierra' NOW! Bernard, watch your speed! Dink, you're closing too fast! - You said full throttle! - PULL BACK NOW, DINK! Gahh! You can't absorb these kind of losses! War isn't a game where you get to reboot and start over! Sir, I can't win if I don't take any risks. Nobody's saying not to take risks just don't try and control everything. Bean improvised on the mop-ups, you focus on the big picture. Delegate more to your teams. My teams are burned out how can they be effective if they don't get any sleep? Sleep deprivation is part of your training. A battle with the Formics could last for days! If I'd been smarter, I could have annihilated Petra's Little Doctor while you were micro-managing Bean. That can't happen, understand? - Yes, sir. - Do you? Cause I've trained others. Each one SO hopeful. Each one ultimately a failure. Alright, Colonel. He understands. - So I am not the first? - No. But you will be the last. There is no time to train anyone else. So tomorrow Colonel Rackham will run your final simulation. What if I win tomorrow? What happens? You'll be ready. To face the real enemy. And you'll be the finest commander we've ever trained. One more simulation, then I may have to go to war. What happens when it's no longer a game? Real war is different. I still know nothing about my enemy. What if they could talk to us? - They can't. Dissections show no vocal cords. - There are other ways to communicate. Ender, this is not a conversation we should be having at 1 a.m. What if they could 'think' to one another? What if we could 'think' to them? You need to sleep. We've a graduation battle tomorrow. Right. - We're gonna get crushed. - We won't get crushed. We have you. Now go to sleep. - Goodnight Petra. - Goodnight Ender. You still think he's the one? This boy has the empathy to think like a Formic understand them, and anticipate them. He's not ready. We're never ready. You know when you're ready enough. Easy, sir! It's Graduation Day. Good luck, sir! Attention! At ease! Sir? We have an audience. Commander Wiggin! The Strategos is here today to witness your final simulation. If you are successful, he will endorse your promotion to Battle Commander of the entire fleet! Yes, sir! This simulation is based around the enemy's home planet. Good luck, Commander. Thank you, sir. Stay calm. Shoot straight. Here we go. - They're waiting. - Maybe they think we come in peace. I don't think Mazer intends for us to find a diplomatic solution. What's he waiting for? Just give him a minute. Ender, what do we do? Ender! The enemy's gate.. is down. Petra, you're up. They're spread too wide for a chain reaction. - She's right. - Just let him follow his instinct. All Battle Groups, deploy drones. Protect your carriers. Alai, you're Squadron Five! Engage! This is suicidal! Oh crap! They're swarming. Close enough for you now, Petra? Once I fire, I need time to recharge. Understood! Go for the center. Fire now! - Whoo! She did it! - Yeah. Give me full scalar (? ) We're not done yet. - But we are so screwed! - No, we're not. - Charged, Petra? - No. I need 2 minutes. - All fighters fall back and surround her ship. - Copy that. I want rings within rings, layers upon layer, every fighter we have. - Ender, you're gonna leave our transporters defenseless! - If we're gonna win this battle, Dink, it's all or nothing now! When the outer layer is hit, the rest will continue to drift with us like a shield. Do it now! He's abandoning his entire fleet! He's in command. There's no stopping him now! 90 seconds, Ender! No, no, no! I'm losing my carriers! My dreadnoughts are out! I don't care about dreadnoughts! Just protect Petra! Like we protected Alai when we fought Bonzo! I hope you know what you're doing. - Ready, Petra? - 60 seconds! What am I aiming for? The planet. What? We destroy the planet, we destroy the queens. Game Over. Ender, my targeting sensor needs a clear line of sight! We will clear a path. All fighters maintain a clockwise rotation. Focus all firepower forward. - Ender, we're entering the atmosphere! - We need to slow down! We can't! We're one unit now! We're not equipped to handle the heat of passing through an atmosphere! Our drones are our heat shield! Keep falling. Let gravity do the work! This shield won't hold forever! We don't NEED forever! 30 seconds! I still don't have a clear shot. We're burning up! Bean, on my count, accelerate the fighters from the nose of the formation in a continuous stream. - Yes, sir! - Like bullets from a rifle, you will clear a visual for Petra! We will drill a hole through the swarm. - Petra, you'll only get a second. - That's all I need. ... 3... 2... 1 Now, Bean! Shields have reached at 5%! (? ) Now, Petra! Now! - 10 seconds! - They've broken the shield! Fire Petra! We're out of time! We did it! How about that? Game over! What's he saying? Restoring the ansible connection. What is this? Why are we watching these images? Ender. Thank you! Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! Thank God for you, son! Why are these images in the program? Ender we won! What do you mean, 'we won'? I beat him! He runs the simulations! He said it was a game! It was them or us, Ender. There was no other way. With this victory you've won all future battles. You destroyed them...for all of us! - Stand down. - Move! Move! Please! Move! - Make way. - Ender... - STAY AWAY FROM ME! You lied! - Son, we were afraid if we told you, you'd.. - What? Refuse to play? - They attacked us 1st... (? ) - NO! They waited! - What were they waiting for? - Who.. CARES? ! We lost a thousand men on the transporters you abandoned. I abandoned them in order to win! - YES! .. And they died proudly for US! - They might not have died at all! - If I'd known it was real, I would've... - What? Called for a dialogue? - They can't even speak. - ...watched them! What were they thinking? Were they building an army for a second invasion? - Or..or simply preparing to defend themselves... - Ender, stop. -...from us! They came to Earth to establish a colony. We chased them away. - And in fifty years, they never returned! - It makes no difference now. I will bear the shame of this genocide, forever! - No! You will be remembered as a hero. - I WILL BE REMEMBERED AS A KILLER! - It was us or them. - And you're sure we've killed every last one of them? I saw their whole planet destroyed. How do you know there isn't another colony or another Queen out there? - (? )We WON! That's all that matters. - No! The way, we win, matters. Don't hurt him. - Go on. You need to let him rest. - Can I stay with him? Just so he's not alone... Please... Yes, of course... C'mon! Let's let him rest. ...What if they could talk to us what were they thinking... Valentine! ...What if we could think to them... - Valentine! - Ender! Ender, wait! Ender! What are you doing, Ender? - I know what she wants! - Ender? #Warning! You are leaving an oxygen - balanced environment! (? ) # Ender, stop! It's not safe! Ender! Breathe. Just breathe. In my game, I saw this place. What are you talking about? The Formics accessed the game through me. Their thoughts, my dreams, all mixed together. They were trying to communicate. What are you doing? Go back. No! Please! I have to do this. "Dear Valentine, ...I now know my dreams were never my own. They came from her. She was always trying to communicate with me. I know the Formics better than any living soul. I stole their future from them. Now I must find a way to make amends." You're dying. Is it a Queen? I'll find her a new home. I promise. "I miss you, Valentine. You won't be hearing from me for a while. I need to find out if I'm as gifted at peace as I am at war. They've rewarded me the rank of Admiral and left me to my own devices which suits me fine. I'll travel the universe and carry with me, a precious cargo. Because I have a promise to keep." My first foray into subtitling. - The_Turbaned_Sun (ENGINE ROARING) (TIRES SCREECHING) (SHEEP BLEATS) Señor O'Conner, señor O'Conner! (SPEAKING IN SPANISH) It's okay, you're just in time. You're going to be a great father, Brian. What makes you so sure? Because I'll be there to kick your ass if you ain't. Get in there. Go. DOM: Brian. Remember, the second you go through those doors, everything changes. Our old life is done. Let's go for a little ride. Special Agent Hobbs? Riley Hicks. I read your file. Top of your class at FLETC. Cairo, Tunis. Youngest RSO ever in Afghanistan. Hell, if you're half as good as you are on paper, we're going to get along just fine. A Russian military caravan attacked, satellite component stolen. Cars just came out of nowhere. Six hospitalized, a dozen vehicles destroyed. All that in under 90 seconds, in and out. This is world-class. Job this good, there's only one crew in the world who could get this done. How the hell did that get up there? (CELL PHONE BEEPS) They caught one. Where? I got you five minutes with this guy. I only need two. I want your boss. Where's Shaw? I ain't telling you shit. I was hoping you'd say that. (GRUNTS) (GROANS) Is that legal? No. But are you going to go in there and tell him? I've got rights, you asshole! Not today. OAKES: No, no! Well, is he talking? Not anymore. That room is bugged, Hobbs. So, any information you just beat out of him, Interpol has now. Great. Now they can take the morning off. Shaw's in London. Let's go pick him up. Woman, you just don't pick up Owen Shaw like he's groceries. If you want to catch wolves, you need wolves. (SNIFFS) Let's go hunting. HOBBS: This is what 100 million buys? It wasn't that hard to find you, Toretto. I wasn't hiding. How's the life of the retired international criminal? I like it here. It's quiet. Nice weather, and no extradition. So what are you doing here, cop? Last Tuesday, a team of highly coordinated drivers took down an entire military convoy in Russia. I don't do cold weather. I know it wasn't you. But you're going to help me catch the team responsible. (GUN CLICKS) And you ain't gonna need that. You can't touch him, Hobbs. You've got no powers... I'm not here to extradite anyone. See, he's going to come voluntarily. As a matter of fact, he's going to beg me. This was taken a week ago. I'll see you out front. It's Letty, isn't it? It's impossible. If that was my husband, if there was a chance, no matter how small, I would go. I'm going to need everything, all the info you got. You'll get it when the team gets it. No team. This is going to have to be me alone. It's not that simple. The crew we're after, they hit like thunder and disappear like smoke. You go in alone, you won't ever touch them. I've been chasing this guy across four continents and 12 countries, and believe me, the last damn place I want to be right now is on your front doorstep, selling Girl Scout cookies. I need your help, Dom. I need your team. ROME: Okay, ladies, bring it in. Listen, I want to make a toast. Come on. Listen, I know a few of y'all have already been to Macau, but you have never seen the town till you've seen it through my eyes. We got a penthouse suite with an ocean view that's going to change your life. 150-foot yacht with a helicopter pad... Mmm-hmm. Safe to say, you're about to have the time of your lives. No, you are. Cheers. (LAUGHS) (SPEAKING IN SPANISH) (SPEAKING IN SPANISH) (OVERLAPPING SCREAMING) (SPEAKING IN CANTONESE) Nice! (SIGHS) I'm a citizen of the world. Ever thought about settling down? Starting a life together? Aren't we doing that? Are we? (INDISTINCT TALKING) (GRUNTS) (SPEAKING IN CANTONESE) (DIALING) (RINGING) (CELL PHONE RINGING) (CELL PHONE RINGING) (CHUCKLES) Hello? Dom? I'll be there. Hey, my man, I need you to turn this plane around. All right, listen, ladies. There's been a little change of plans. Something came up. You know that casino I was telling you all about? I got some vouchers to the buffet. BRIAN: What do you think of this? He likes it. All right. Yes. Or this? Yes. That's my boy. All right, let's see how this thing flies. Are you watching? (CAR APPROACHING) BRIAN: It's Uncle Dom. What do you know? Are you waving? What up? Hey, Jack. What's up, Uncle Dom? What's up, Uncle Dom? You excited to see him? Are you already pushing imports on him? You say, "Dad's not pushing anything." He chose that car. We know he's an O'Conner, but, I brought you something, Jack. Yeah! He's also a Toretto. I don't know. Luckily, he has a couple more years to decide, right? I think he decided, Mia. (ALL LAUGHING) I think it's time for his nap. Come on, baby. Okay. Say bye. BRIAN: It's weird, huh? What's weird? We got everything. You know, down to the beer and the barbeque. (CHUCKLES) But it just... I don't know, it just doesn't feel like home. Maybe it's because, uh, you don't realize how much you appreciate something until somebody takes it away. I don't know. The place has probably changed so much, you wouldn't even recognize it anymore. (CHUCKLES) Yeah. Everything's changed. So what's up with you? What's going on? Taken a week ago. BRIAN: Diplomatic Security Service. Hobbs. You know, I used to do this shit all the time as a cop. This is exactly what cops do. He's messing with your head. (SIGHS) Letty's dead, Dom. I need to know for sure. Then I'm going with you. You said you were going to leave this life behind. We both said that we were leaving the life behind. MIA: He's right. We're family. If we got a problem, we deal with it together. And I'll feel safer knowing you're both out there, watching each other's backs. You're stronger together. You always were. Now go get Letty. Bring her home. (SIGHS) Thank God! Finally, some equipment I can work with. ROME: What up, boy? TEJ: This is way better than that trash in Rio. Way better. You sure about these guys? Nope. Has anybody heard from Leo or Santos? Last time anyone saw them, they were hitting up the casinos in Monte Carlo. I thought that was our last job, Brian. And who's paying for all this equipment? The taxpayers? So now we work for The Hulk? That's what we're doing? Why do I smell baby oil? If you keep running your piehole, you're going to smell an ass-kicking. DOM: All right, Hobbs, you got the best crew in the world standing right in front of you. Give them a reason to stay. Our target is Owen Shaw. Former major in the S.A.S., Spec-ops soldier. He ran the UK's Mobility Division in Kabul and Basra. Ah, damn. That Mobility unit's the truth. We're talking vehicular warfare. Best in the world. You got some chips? TEJ: Those guys don't mess around. For years, they've been running jobs in Europe, but it's their most recent jobs that graduated them to a whole new level. Three targets, highly specific. The program terminal from an ICBM missile... Got a little change? TEJ: Seriously? You're a millionaire, and you're still trying to ask for money? That's how you stay a millionaire. So what does this all mean? Well, our best guess is that Shaw's crew is building a Nightshade device. Which is? A tech bomb. Designed to block an entire military communication grid for 24 hours. If you blind a soldier for a single second in the middle of a fight, he dies. If you blind a country for 24 hours, the loss of life is unthinkable. This could be worth billions to the right buyer. TEJ: Billions? Why don't we just steal that shit? Hey, man. Which one of these things is a dollar? It says something about... (GUNSHOT) It's on the house. I want you to help me catch Shaw. He's only got one piece left that he needs, and I intend to stop him before he gets it. Now, I know you guys are a family. So I'm offering you a chance right now to make that family whole again. You want to make this family whole again? Get us to Letty, we'll get you Shaw, full pardons all the way around. I can't promise you that. Yes, you can. That's the deal. Take it or leave it. You get me Shaw, and I'll get your pardons. You heard him. But this is different. We're not dealing with cops, we're not dealing with drug dealers. This is a whole different level. We're getting paid, right? (INDISTINCT TALKING) HOBBS: Interpol picked up one of Shaw's guys in Moscow. I went in, had a little therapy session with him. He gave up Shaw's hideout. Then why aren't we down there now? Well, we weren't invited. (MALE DISPATCHER SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY) Hobbs, they're sending in your punching bag. He's wired. He's going to give a positive ID on Shaw before they move in. SHAW: So, the cops just let you go, huh? Don't worry, I didn't give them shit. Oh, I'm not worried. Okay, turn it over for me. (ENGINE ROARING) (SWITCHES ENGINE OFF) God, it's amazing. The simplest things can cause the biggest problems. Good news is, if you swap out a bad part, everything runs smooth as silk again. Look, Shaw... Wait, Shaw! Shaw! Shaw! I just got confirmation on Shaw. They're going in. Wait, wait, hold up... Police scanners are saying alarms are going off at Interpol headquarters. BRIAN: Shit. He brought us here so he could take down Interpol. This whole thing's a set-up. Brian, take the team. What about you? Hobbs and I will wait for Shaw. Shaw leads to Letty. (GUN CLICKING) Come on, you son of a bitch. What's this? It's your share from the last job. SHAW: You're part of the team, Oakes. You do your job, you get paid. There's a little extra in there for you. Consider it an advance. For what? The next job, of course. Which job? The one we're working right now. Han, how far are we from Interpol? Twelve blocks away. You guys, it's a ghost town over here. Shaw must have pulled all the cops to him. All right, y'all, we're in this shit, so let's go get it. It's been fun running with you, mate. (TIRES SCREECHING) Stop! Drop the bag! There he is. On it. Toretto, it's on you. Straight ahead, don't lose him. Ain't gonna happen. (SIRENS WAILING) (GRUNTS) (TIRES SCREECHING) Sorry about that, boys. Interpol, straight ahead. (TIRES SCREECH) Let's go, guys. We've got company. Let's go, boys. Get in! Let's go! (GUN CLICKING) (GRUNTS) Hey! We got to move. Now! (GRUNTS) Shaw, we have three cars tailing us. You know what to do. (SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE) Guys, I got the Rover. Okay, I got... Whatever the hell that thing is. (ELECTRICITY GENERATING) What is that, a hockey puck? (SPEAKING IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE) (SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE) (TIRES SCREECHING) Oh, shit! (SPEAKING FOREIGN LANGUAGE) Approaching rendezvous point. Dom! Tej and Roman are out! Where you at? I'm right behind you! (TIRES SCREECHING) (HORN HONKING) Stay on track. I'm taking the contingency. Boys, I got eyes on Shaw. He just made a left. I got right. HOBBS: Toretto, make that left! (SPEAKING IN BAHASA) VEGH: No problem. Letty. Take the wheel. (GROANS) Letty. (GROANS) ROME: This is crazy. We are not in Brazil. So, now we got cars flying in the air? On some 007-type shit? This is not what we do! Man, you really got to check that emotion. Your voice just went from Shaggy to Scooby-Doo. "This is not what we..." (MIMICS SCOOBY-DOO) (ALL CHUCKLING) See, man, when a woman starts shooting at you, that's a clear sign to back the fuck off! We need to get the hell out of Dodge! That could have been my forehead, man. No. That's not as big as your forehead. Mia... Uh, It's definitely Letty. But it's, uh.. It's complicated. Letty's alive. That's all that matters. We have her back, Brian. Well, do me a favor and give Jack a kiss goodnight for me. Be safe. I love you, Mia. She definitely saw it was you? She looked dead at me, Brian. Maybe the Letty we once knew is gone, Dom. Even though she's alive, maybe she's gone. You don't turn your back on family. Even when they do. Ivory. Yo. It's going to need some repairs. No problem, treacle. Are you good? Yeah. Okay, listen up. That was a very different breed from Hobbs' usual wannabe warriors. We need to learn who these people are, what they're made of. Vegh? O'Conner, Parker, Pearce, Toretto and the rest of the team. These guys are common criminals. Tonight these common criminals were seconds away from taking us down. Show them the respect they deserve, or it weakens us. You might want to see this. Ring any bells? LETTY: Yeah. That's the guy I shot. SHAW: You look happy. I don't remember him. KLAUS: That's bullshit. We got a problem, guys. We got a picture of her with the guy who almost took you out. Klaus, aren't you team muscle? Don't make me go over there and make you team pussy. SHAW: She doesn't remember him. Names and records aren't enough. I want personal information. Get into their lives, into their minds. Find their weaknesses, and we will exploit them. ROME: Mmm-hmm. Yeah, right. This is crazy, man. What are you talking about now? I'm sitting here looking at these images... It's like we're hunting our evil twins. Look at this black dude right here, he's handsome. Clearly, that's me. We got a white Hobbs. This is Han. Tej, it's an African in a beanie. That's like your Mini-Me, man. (LAUGHS) And Brian! When did you do this photo shoot? I'm just playing, man. You know you're the prettiest blonde around here. All right, lock it up. We got two things. First off, this is the worst damn city in the world to commit a crime. They got cameras on every street corner. I got video footage from CCTV of the raid. Let's track that, see where it leads us. And secondly, we just got confirmation on what Shaw's crew grabbed from Interpol. They ripped off the database of every location that houses the final component that they need. So where are they at? There are over two dozen of them around Europe. But the list is only good for 96 hours. Which means, wherever Shaw's crew is going to hit next, it's going to happen within the next four days. They got a window, and so do we. We gotta move. DOM: Hobbs is right. So let's break this down. You met them. What do we know? We know they have to be running custom engines. You heard that flip car going through those gears. Sequential transmission. That didn't sound like a normal engine. That was a turbo diesel. It sounded like something you hear at Le Mans. Did you see it take all those hits and still stay flat in the corners? Yeah, hydraulics. Or magnetic suspension. HAN: Who not only has access to the components, but can fabricate something like that? Maybe a handful of shops in London. Regular tuner shops aren't going to cut it on this one. We're going to have to dig deeper than that. Han, Gisele, Roman, you're up. We find the guy who made that car, we find Shaw. (GUN CLICKS) Let's go. I'll help. Roger that. Tej, we're gonna need cars without computer chips that can be overridden. Make sure they're fast. (CHUCKLES) I got this. I'm already on it, Dom. I've contacted RD at DSS. Hobbs... I said I got this. This should be interesting. (INDISTINCT TALKING) TEJ: Man, you really got to loosen up. You can't just throw a bunch of factory-line Beemers at people and expect... Hey. That car is a hell of a car. You're talking about twin-turbo V8, spitting out 560 ponies, son. He reads the brochure. I'm proud. But with cars, you have to customize. It's all between you and the car you build. It's a bond, it's a commitment. It sounds like a marriage. Yeah, but with cars, when you trade up, they don't take half your shit. (HOBBS LAUGHS) HOBBS: Jesus. With price tags like this, these cars better be made out of gold. You ain't thinking about stealing these cars, are you, Parker? Kitchen help entrance is towards the back. Come again? I don't mean any offense, gentlemen, but you couldn't possibly afford the cars in this auction. Substantial lack of gaudy jewelry, no entourage, no honeys. Clearly you're not a "baller." And you. Hmm. Shoes, shirt, trousers. Functional. And your posture, too rigid, no swagger. My guess is military. Take home of 50,000 a year. That's U.S. Which is not enough to be playing here. But please, do finish your champagne. (INHALES) Oh, he needs to be taught a lesson. Like I said, you ain't stealing these cars. I got this. All right, this is number five on our list. ROME: Holy shit. What's the dude plan on hunting? Moby Dick? HAN: That must be our guy. So, how do you all want to play this? Han and I got this. We go in tight, you let me do all the talking, and you all have my back on it. There's one thing you boys are forgetting. He's a man. Let's go. "He's a man"? You know, she always says that. (FOOTSTEPS APPROACHING) What you're looking at is a 5.45 by 18 FMJ spitzer bullet. It's specific to one handgun, the PSM. Given that handguns are illegal in the United Kingdom, there's very few people that have access to that firearm. So if somebody wanted to, say, track down where it came from, it wouldn't be too hard. I was a cop for a lot of years. Some habits die hard. A pawn shop. (CHUCKLES) Who sent you? Come on, ladies! Two hot girls like you don't wander into this neighborhood unless I've called the escort service. And I haven't, yet, today. I don't know, man. That was disrespectful. And I don't like the way she said it, (IMITATES GISELLE) like, "He's a man." (NORMAL VOICE) "He's a man"? So, what are we? Come on, she's just doing her job. ROME: "Doing her job." I see what's going on. See what? You got the little stardust in your eyes, eh? Little birds floating around a little bit. (WHISTLES) (LAUGHS) Uh, you don't want to lease this model. You want to buy. Can you please stop talking? No, no, you're in love! Look at you! (LAUGHS) Just stop. You got special plans? Big day? You're going to invite us all out? Better make sure you get her a big rock, man, 'cause she doesn't look like she'll be that easily impressed. And if it's not a big rock, you better be big somewhere else. You know what I'm talking about. (LAUGHS) That's why all your girlfriends wear so much bling, huh? We're looking for information. You're looking for information? About what? Information about cars. In particular, two you designed recently. Ramp cars. Low slung, skeletal frames. We'd be very interested to find the man who bought those. Why should I help you? Because we're asking you nicely. Because you're asking me nicely? What can you offer that I can't get from a thousand other girls? Hmm? (GRUNTS) (WHIMPERING) Stop! Stop! You look like a man who likes it rough. My friend here can give you heights of pain you've never experienced before. Do we have a deal? Deal! Deal! Deal! ROME: I take it back. Me likey. (ELEVATOR DINGS) (ENGINE ROARING) Stop, stop, stop. So this is how you "got this"? By buying all of his cars? What good is having millions of dollars in the bank if you don't spend any of it? But don't worry about that. Watch this. Mr. Parker, again, can I just express our gratitude and say how much we appreciate your business. If there's ever anything else you need, you just have to ask. Anything? Mmm-hmm. Now that you mention it, my swagger-less friend here, he really likes that shirt you have on. Uh, this shirt? That shirt. I'm not entirely sure that this shirt would fit your friend. (CHUCKLES) It will fit. He needs a shirt that's a little less... Functional. That's it, functional. Okay. I'll hold that. Thank you. Come on, man, time is money. Yes, doing my best. Damn, you need some hedge clippers for that shit. Well, if that will be all... And the pants, too. Right. TEJ: While you're at it, let me get that watch. I like that watch. This is for you. And this is for you. Thank you. Good day, gentlemen. Thank you. (ELEVATOR DINGS) So I, um, (CLEARS THROAT) I got the information in here. (BEEPS) (CELL PHONE VIBRATING) May I ask why you're looking for Shaw? He took something of ours. We'd like to talk to him about it. FIRUZ: Let's see what we've got. (DOOR CLOSES) All right. What do you want? They say if someone's looking for a Russian gun, you're the man to see. Oh, they do, do they? What do you want, mate? (GRUNTS) That might be a bad idea. (DOOR CLOSES) (BELL RINGING) I'm looking for the owner of this. I don't know. (GRUNTS) Take a closer look. About a week ago, a girl came in, bought guns, ammo, everything I had. A girl? What did she look like? Tough chick, dark hair. Mean streak. Word is she's a street racer. Where can we find her? How do I know? Do I look like a racer? (GROANS) No. You don't. Take care, guys. (TIRES SCREECHING) Oh, shit. (BRAKES SCREECH) Sorry, girls. (GUNS CLICKING) Let's go! (GRUNTS) (GRUNTS) (YELLS) Hold on. Stay with me. Stay with me. Tell me where to find Shaw, and I'll make him pay for this. (CELL PHONE BEEPS) Braga... (ENGINE REVVING) (EXHALES) (PANTING) (FEMALE GRUNTS) MALE: Ow! POLICE OFFICER: Hey, you! Stop right there! (GRUNTING) (GRUNTING) You go! No, you go! (YELLS) (GLASS SHATTERING) (PANTS) (GROANS) No one needs to know about this. No one. (BRAKES SCREECHING) We lost Ivory. He's gone. Thanks. That's it? If Ivory's dead, he made a mistake. If you make a mistake, you pay the price. (CHUCKLES) That's a great eulogy, Shaw. Are you going to give the same speech for the rest of us when we go out? You're the last one I'd have pegged to be sentimental. I like you, Letty. I dare say I even feel a certain warmth towards you. When I found you in the hospital, and you couldn't remember anything, I said to myself, "This girl has a gift. "She's a blank page." And that made me feel somewhat protective toward you. If something happened to you, for instance, I think I might find that slightly harder to bear. What I'm saying is, I would hate to see you make a mistake. I'm going to get some air. (CAR DOOR CLOSES) (ENGINE STARTING) (ENGINE ROARING) What the hell happened? We met Dom's girlfriend. She's lovely. Are you all right? Yeah. Tej, what have you got? Footage, CCTV? Talk to me. TEJ: I just went through all of it. Believe it or not, everywhere Shaw's team is, the cameras are down. That's a hell of a coincidence. All right, we're going to pay CCTV a little visit. Let's roll. What is that? That is a new toy for you. So, what happened? Shaw's goons showed up and started shooting up the place. But we got something big. DOM: What? Braga. He's working with Shaw. What are you talking about? That phone's filled with coded payment transactions that lead straight to Braga's cartel. It's true. Who the hell is Braga? He ran one of the biggest cartels in Mexico. And my old boss. We used codes just like that to move money out of the country. BRIAN: It all makes sense. Braga was running Letty, now he's working with Shaw. It would explain how the two of them met. Okay, so you all know all this information about him, where do we find him? He's sitting in a prison in Los Angeles. How do you know that? (SIGHS) Brian put him there. BRIAN: All right, so this is the break we were looking for. I'm going to pay him a visit. Are you serious right now? Think about what you're saying. You're wanted, Brian. The moment you step foot off that plane, it's a wrap. You're not coming back. "Coming back"? How are you going to get in the country? Let me worry about that. (SIGHS) This is on me. I'm the one that served her up to Braga. I'm the one that gets to make it right. Let me make it right. Be careful. WOMAN: He's ready to see you now. Right this way. Thank you for seeing us. I won't take up much of your time. My men were attacked earlier today. I'm going to need to see all cameras in and around Waterloo station. Will somebody tell Captain America here that requires clearance? (CHUCKLES) Terry, bring up cameras 58 through 62, earlier today. They've been down for maintenance all morning. Sorry. Okay. Well, we appreciate your help. Thank you. (GRUNTING) You know what I find very interesting is Interpol was attacked recently as well. Those cameras were down, too. Didn't catch a thing. Nothing. Now, that means either one of two things. Either means that your maintenance schedule here aligns perfectly with their escape route or it means that someone here is working with them. (CHUCKLES) And that's just ridiculous. Because there ain't no way in hell anybody here would be working for them. Particularly you, ain't that right? (STRAINING) No, no, that's ridiculous. That is ridiculous. I'm going to need direct access to your live feed citywide. And I also strongly suggest that you put a hold on any more "maintenance." Yeah, of course. We appreciate your help. Thank you so much. (GRUNTS) STASIAK: Well, well, well. The orange in that really makes your eyes pop. Thanks, fellas. Tell me something, O'Conner, how is it you keep running around the world, breaking every law known to man, and yet here I am, putting my job on the line for you? You'll feel a lot better once you get the credit for taking down Shaw. Oh, I'm tempted to settle for you. Well, you know what they say, Stasiak, if you want the career-changing big fish, you got to be willing to put on the big boy panties and sail out to the deep water. You're an asshole, you know that? I missed you, too, man. I really missed you. (ENGINE STARTS) STASIAK: I got you admitted into Victorville to do whatever you got to do. It's a 24-hour hold. You need to be out of there by 9:00 a.m. That's when Forensics will run your fingerprints through the national database. That program will match you and when they find out who you really are, I won't be able to get you back out. We're talking life in prison. Cute kid. So, I found out Braga's being held in cell block D3. That's solitary. I only had enough juice to get you in Gen Pop. So you're going to have to do something to get his attention. Sorry about this, man. Sorry about what? (GRUNTS) (GRUNTING) Again? Big Brother's about to go live. (TEJ EXHALES) Damn, you can't flick a booger in London without somebody noticing. (CHUCKLES) (EXHALES) Hey! Don't touch that. That's nothing to play with, man. ROME: What's the problem? That's high-tensile titanium cable. What does that mean? That's what they use to anchor buildings and hold up bridges, stuff you know nothing about! See, now, their version, it works cool, but mine, masterpiece. See, I reversed the gears, torqued the motor and added this tank to the back. That makes it even sweeter. It does. It's not dummy-proof. Man, I've been known to handle big guns. Relax. TEJ: You've been known to handle that big-ass head. Dom, I did some checking, asked around, got the location of a street race tonight. Four speed Camaro SS big block. You like it? Nice color. (DOOR CLOSES) BRAGA: Brian O'Conner. That was quite an entrance. You put a lot of these men in here. What? You didn't think one would recognize you? I've kept tabs on you, you know. You've been having a lot of fun out there. Good cop gone bad, Rio de Janeiro. It's exciting when you go criminal, isn't it? Too bad you didn't do it earlier, you could have worked for me. Like Letty Ortiz? So tell me something, because I buried her. Yeah? You did? You buried something, I couldn't tell you who or what it was. I know she's running with Owen Shaw. Still playing cop, huh? Trust me, this is way above your pay grade. (CHUCKLES) Humor me, please. Well, you're a dead man walking, what does it matter? I ran everything for Shaw. Drugs, guns, money, women. He taught me to think global when I was just local. He made me a wealthy man. And this guy didn't just have the cartels working for him. He had the CIA, DEA, everyone in his pocket. He knew what was going to happen before they did. (TIRES SCREECHING) The minute you put Letty undercover, she was dead, bro. (COCKS GUN) (PANTING) But she survived. That girl is one tough bitch. Shaw found her in a hospital two days later. He went to finish the job. And he didn't kill her. Why? She had no memory. Perfect girl, huh? You're lucky this door's between us. What happened to Letty is on your head. (GRUNTING) (GROANS) Look at me! Look at me. (LAUGHS) You won't do it. (GRUNTS) (GROANS) What is Shaw up to? How do you think he knows your next move before you make it? He's got eyes on you. Think about it. The only way you get close to Shaw is if he wants you there. (WHISTLING) You've got some serious balls, man. I've been told. You know, you're lucky I missed my shot. I think you hit your mark. Really? What is it with you? Do you got a death wish or something? If that's what it takes. I just want to race. You might lose your car. (LAUGHS) Let's do it. Your funeral. Ride or die, remember? (CROWD CHEERING) Listen up! Out here, we're used to getting what we want. This is London, baby. (CROWD CHEERING) But remember, don't bite the bait. Are you ready? Ready? Ready. (ENGINES ROARING) Steady. Go! (TIRES SCREECH) (TIRES SCREECHING) (SIRENS WAILING) Just like old times. This guy is crazy. You got to be kidding me. You're still upshifting early. I do that so you brake. You lose traction and the back end kicks out. I noticed. Look, just because you know how I ride, doesn't mean you know me. You know what they say where we're from? Show me how you drive, I'll show you who you are. V8. You never could resist American muscle. Nice scar. You never could keep yourself out of trouble, either. What else do you know about me? About you? Everything. Like this scar. You got that the first night we met. You were 15. First street race. Some kid trying to show off lost control of his car, wiped out right next to you. You're lucky you didn't lose your arm. And let me guess, you saved me. No. I was the kid showing off. And here... Boyle Heights. You were fleeing with my little sister Mia and got trapped in a corner. And you thought it was a good idea to ride your Torino Cobra through a retaining wall. (CHUCKLES) All right, how about this one? That's the last time we were together. In the DR. You wanted to go for a night swim. You cut yourself on the reef. I followed you. I even got this scar to match. (CHUCKLES) Look, I don't know why you're here, but I really think you're over your head. I'm here for you. That girl you remember, it's not me. Not from what I just saw. Like it or not, you're still the same girl. I saw it out there. I see it right now. I got to go. Hey. It belongs to you. (CAR DOOR CLOSES) (ENGINE STARTING) There she goes, leaving you again. Bloody fickle, that one. You want bloody? We could do bloody. (CHUCKLES) A street kid, starts out stealing DVD players in East L.A., ends up heisting $100 million in Rio. Not bad, huh? It's a good story, isn't it? Almost inspiring. See, what I couldn't fathom is why he's not relaxing on a beach somewhere with that cute little Brazilian number. Instead, he's working with a two-bit government hack like Hobbs. And then I realized, he has a weak spot. We all got a weak spot. You know, when I was young, my brother always used to say, "Every man has to have a code." Mine? Precision. A team is nothing but pieces you switch out until you get the job done. It's efficient. It works. But you? (CHUCKLES) You're loyal to a fault. Your code is about family. (SCOFFS) And that's great in the holidays, but it makes you predictable. And in our line of work, predictable means vulnerable. And that means I can reach out and break you whenever I want. At least when I go, I'll know what it's for. Well, at least you have a code. (CHUCKLES) Most men don't. So, I'm going to give you a chance. Take your crew and walk away. That's the only way you're going to keep your family safe. Your brother never told you never to threaten a man's family? It's a pretty stupid thing to do. (CHUCKLES) But I'll make it simple for you. I walk away when she walks away. Well, then, it appears this inspiring tale has come to an end. If that's the way it has to go. (LAUGHS) Let me guess... Hobbs. Come on, you son of a bitch. The "two-bit government hack." (LAUGHS) See you around, Toretto. You can bet on it. (CAR DOOR CLOSES) (ENGINE STARTS) Riley, Shaw's leaving Battersea, heading southeast. Have Tej track him on his live feed. Go. You know what would have happened if I didn't put that tracker in your car? This one? (BOTH CHUCKLING) You know, this just got me one step closer to Shaw. For what it's worth, Toretto, I hope it gets you closer to what you want, too. This better have been worth it. More than you'll ever know. (HANDCUFF CLICKS) SHAW: Pretty. May I? (SIGHS) I'm going to ask you a question, Letty, and I want you to think very hard before you answer. When I give you the order to take Toretto out, what will your first thought be? Why don't you look me in the eye and you tell me what you see. (CHUCKLES) Keep it. Tej, talk to me, what have we got? We were able to track Shaw after he left you and Dom, but this guy's smart, so we could only track him so far. He seems to know all the city's blind spots. See, we lost him somewhere in here, which means he could be anywhere within that half-a-mile radius. Maybe if we cross-reference phone records, leases... No, this has got Shaw's name written all over it. We've got vantage points, multiple exits, subways, highways and storm drains. Bad-ass and brains. Woman, you keep that up, I'm going to be out of a job. All right, let's go nail that son of a bitch. They're long gone. There's nothing here. (SIGHS) There's never nothing. There's always something. Let's go, guys. Shaw, everyone is in place. All things moving according to plan. Good. Send him in. (CELL PHONE RINGING) Yo, it's Hobbs. What have you got, Parker? Give me something good. Yeah, that paint you got from Shaw's place is highly specialized. Anti-thermal low-IR coating. Military. Exactly. We got a list of bases around Europe that use this paint type and those specific colors. All right, let's cross-reference that with all of Shaw's military targets. I guaran-damn-tee you one of them is gonna match. Bingo. It's a NATO base in Spain. That puts Shaw in a different country. That means he's got an eight-hour lead on us. HOBBS: We gotta move now. Tej, give me that info. Riley and I will go ahead and we're going to lock down the base. We're going to protect that component personally. Toretto, I'll arrange transportation for you and your cars. You brush up on your Spanish, boys. I'll see you en España. (SPEAKING IN SPANISH) You son of a bitch! You made it! (LAUGHS) What up, man? Good to see you. Good to see you. So, what's going on here? Figured out they're hitting an army base in Spain. Border patrol ID'ed Shaw's men crossing through last night. HAN: Hobbs and Riley went to lock down the base. They're going to meet us there. BRIAN: Where's Dom? He wasn't going without you. I found out what happened to Letty. It's all my fault. Brian, whatever you found out, that's for you. What we're about to do now is for her. NATO COMMANDER: We've got four teams on overwatch, sniper-spotters in roosts north and south of the target. Just keep all your men out of sight. When they drive that truck in here, I want to come crashing down on them like the walls of Jericho. Hobbs, I just caught this one disabling the perimeter security system. Your house is compromised. What are you suggesting? I ain't suggesting. We follow protocol, we move the component out. Shaw thinks it's here. We're going to get it out of here before he arrives. Stealth and speed are going to be our two best friends. We're going to protect our little egg, move it out of the henhouse, then we're going to wait for that goddamn fox to arrive. I just got word they caught one of Shaw's men at the base. It's time. Something is not right. He wanted us to find that guy. Think about it. At Interpol, you were face-to-face with him. DOM: Brian, so what are you saying? Braga said the only way you get near Shaw is if he wants you to. Tej, where's that component? They're moving it to a secure location. Shaw ain't hitting that base. He's hitting the convoy. Let's go! (TIRES SCREECHING) (GRUNTING) (BOTH GRUNTING) We've got a report, the convoy's under attack. Get a chopper, now! (GUNS FIRING) Fellas, you better hurry up. They just took the convoy. And Dom, Letty's with them. We stick to the plan. All right, you heard the man. Let's play this fast and clean. That thing's heading your way. (BRAKES SCREECHING) (GRUNTS) All systems go. Everything looks stable. Uh, guys, we gotta come up with another plan. They got a tank. I'm sorry, did somebody just say "a tank"? We got company, guys. Toretto is coming right at you. Okay. Get the weapons hot. Give me satellite imaging. (TIRES SCREECHING) (GRUNTS) (GUN CLICKING) Straight ahead of us. There you are. ROME: Who's got a plan B? Plan B? We need a plan C, D, E. We need more alphabets! Hey, we do what we do best. We improvise, all right? Okay, Jah. Take it to the other side. Let's have some fun. What the hell is wrong with you? This isn't part of the plan. (GRUNTS) (SCREAMING) Take their attention away from the people! (SCREAMING) Shaw, you don't have to do this. (HONKING) We got one right in front of us. Boom. Oh, shit! (BRAKES SCREECHING) (GRUNTS) You lucky bastard. Roman, you hang in there. Hang in there, man! Somebody better do something! I got a tank on my ass! There's gotta be a break up ahead. Oh, look, a bridge. (EXHALES) Screw it. (GRUNTS) (CAR HONKING) (YELLS) Yeah! (LAUGHS) We're dragging a car behind us. Brian, that Mustang would make a nice anchor. Yeah, I'm on it. (INDISTINCT SCREAMING) Damn! Shaw, we've got to get rid of that car. Letty, go take care of the cable. Yeah! What's she doing? Shit! Okay, Toretto. Here's your girl... And your happy ending. Letty! (GRUNTS) (PANTING) Jesus Christ. I can't believe they stole a 70-ton tank for a three-ounce computer chip. That 3-ounce computer chip is more deadly than 1,000 of those tanks. What about her? Not her. She was working with Shaw. Was, but she's always been one of us. Let's give them a minute. Let's go process Shaw and his crew. I've never looked more forward to filling out paperwork in my life. BRIAN: Hey. Look, I don't even know how to say this to you, but everything that's happened here is because of me. I'm the one that put you undercover... Stop. I may not remember anything, but I know one thing about myself. Nobody makes me do anything I don't want to. So, what's our next adventure after this? How about we stay in one place? Where are you thinking? Tokyo. We always talk about Tokyo. Tokyo it is. (CHUCKLES) Can I ask you something? How did you know that there would be a car there to break our fall? I didn't. Some things you just have to take on faith. Hey, Toretto! You need to hear this. You guys really think you've won. This code you live by, it's the very reason why you weren't even in the game. I told you exactly what I was gonna do if you didn't walk away, Toretto. Go! But you didn't listen. I told you I can reach out and break you whenever I want. And I have. Come on. Go. No! Maybe you should call Mia. (PANTING) (SCREAMS) (CELL PHONE RINGING) Mia? Brian! (GRUNTS) Let me go! (SPITS) (CHUCKLES) So, this is how it's gonna go down. You're gonna cut me loose from these cuffs, you're gonna hand me the chip, I'm gonna walk out of here and you're not gonna follow. NATO COMMANDER: You must be joking. Look at his face. Ask him if I'm joking. One hostage does not outweigh the threat to millions. I'm sorry, but this changes nothing. (GUNS COCKING) It changes everything. You tell your men to stand down. Stand down. HOBBS: Toretto, I need you to know, the moment we let him walk out that door with that chip, words like "amnesty" and "pardon" walk out with him. Those words went out the day we were born. (HANDCUFFS CLICK) Coming, babe? Of course. I wouldn't miss it for the world. Like I said, you were never in the game. If I see you on the horizon, I'll make the call and the girl's dead. (TIRES SCREECHING) So, what about Toretto's sister? (CELL PHONE BEEPS) There's no need for her anymore. (BEEPING) I just jammed every signal up and down the spectrum. Let's move. I'm coming with you. Where the hell does this dude think he's going? We're on an army base, he's trapped. Wow, you just had to open your mouth. Now we got a big-ass plane to deal with. That ain't a plane. That's a planet. (TIRES SCREECHING) (SPEAKING IN RUSSIAN) She's as good as dead if Shaw gets away on that plane. Then we don't let him get away. Let's end this thing. Ride or die. Ride or die. (TIRES SCREECHING) (GRUNTS) (GRUNTS) (TIRES SCREECH) (GRUNTING) (GUNSHOT) Tell them to take off! (SPEAKING IN RUSSIAN) Babe, get me under the wing. If I can hit that flap, we can keep it from taking off. You be careful. This is who we are. Shit! (SPEAKING IN RUSSIAN) Grab the wheel! (GRUNTS) (GRUNTING) (GRUNTING) Dom! Go! Come on. Let's go. (BOTH GRUNTING) Get in the car. (BOTH GRUNTING) Whoo! (SPEAKING IN RUSSIAN) What happened? Did you hit the flap? Uh... You should buckle up right now. What? (CHOKING) HOBBS: Hey! Wrong team, bitch. (SCREAMS) BRIAN: Shit. Yeah! (GRUNTS) I got you. (SCREAMS) (GRUNTS) (SPEAKING IN RUSSIAN) (SPEAKING IN RUSSIAN) Tej! Keep her steady! We gotta move, it's going down! Go! (GRUNTS) Go, now! Come on, let's move, move, move! Come on! Dom! (GRUNTS) (YELLS) (PANTS) (TIRES SCREECH) Where's Gisele? Where's Gisele? So this is worth billions, huh? (EXHALES) Yes, it is. Name your price, Dom. 1327. Don't burn it this time. Please? I never go and burn it, man. Good food. The air quality here is lousy, the traffic is bad, but I think you'll learn to like this place. Yeah, and here you've got your own garage so you can build a car with Daddy. We'll be building a car? First car better be a Charger, Jack. You mean Skyline. (LAUGHS) Like I said, he's a Toretto. You're confusing the kid. Mia, you're gonna let him get away with this? You're really going to do it? Tokyo. Yeah, it's just something I gotta do. You know we got your back, whenever you need us. Hey, Mia, you better hide your baby oil. I'm just playing. You better hide that big-ass forehead. (LAUGHS) I was just joking, but whatever. Definitely not that funny. It's official. You're all free. Mmm. Mmm. It wasn't half bad, having you work for me. (LAUGHS) We all know you were working for me, Hobbs. Agree to disagree. (CHUCKLES) Thank you. Good luck. Elena? Letty. This is gonna be awkward. But sexy as hell. Sexy as hell. I wanted to thank you for everything you've done for him. For us. It takes an amazing woman. He's an amazing guy. Yeah, he is. Try to keep him out of trouble, huh? (LAUGHS) Now, you know that's not gonna happen. I know. Not bad for a cop. I never thought I'd trust a criminal. Until next time. Until next time. Elena. You know you don't have to go. All this... This is your family. It's who you are. This is my family. This is who I am. TEJ: All right, everybody, let's eat. LETTY: Want some help with that? It's all here, it's done. Come on, man, let's get with it. First bite, he's got grace. House rules, man. House rules. Any of this feel familiar to you? No. But it feels like home. That's good enough for me. ROME: All right, y'all. Come on, let's do this. Okay, Roman, (SIGHS) bless our table. Father, thank you for the gathering of friends. Father, we give thanks for all the choices we've made, because that's what makes us who we are. Let us forever cherish the loved ones we've lost along the way. Thank you for the little angel, the newest addition to our family. Thank you for bringing Letty home. And most of all, thank you for fast cars. (SPEAKING IN JAPANESE) (SPEAKING IN JAPANESE) (RINGING) Dominic Toretto. You don't know me, but you're about to. Subtitles Provided By Worldwide7477 FRANCIS: 19 million, it's against you, sir. 2O million pounds. 20. Here's the bid at 20 million. 21 million. Back in the aisle. SIMON: There is a painting, it's by Rembrandt. 'Storm On The Sea Of Galilee', it's called and he's in it. Old Rembrandt, he's in the painting. He's in there, right in the middle of the storm, looking straight out at you. can't see him. And the reason you can't see him is because the painting has been stolen. Lots of paintings have been stolen. They're still missing. 'Pride Of Lions' showing here on my left. Thank you. I start the bidding here at a thousand guineas. SIMON: It used to be anyone could steal a painting. There was no need for a gun. (WOMAN SCREAMS) (GROANS) AH it took was a bit of muscle and some nerve. And that was that. But not anymore. Those days are gone. A business can't function taking big hits like that. So now we have procedures and precautions and security measures. Now we have a policy. We have bag searches and magnetic alarms and silent scanners and X-ray machines and cameras. Also we have drills. And the first thing they tell us is... Do not be a hero. (DOOR THUDS) This is a robbery! Now no piece of art is worth a human life. SIMON: It's a sound piece of advice, that. No piece of art is worth a human life. But in the event of an event or situation we are to remove the most valuable item or items and take them to a place of safety. I.E., the fast-drop slot in a time delay vault. That's about all you can do really. (INDISTINCT TALKING) Come and enjoy the auction. I mean, if you wanna let people in, if you want them to bid... And when you're trying to flog the star of the show for 25 million sterling you definitely want them to bid. £650,000. Sold to paddle 88. Congratulations, madam. Ladies and gentlemen there will now be a brief interval. When we reconvene, our head auctioneer, Francis Lemaitre will lead the auction for Goya's 'Witches In The Air'. Thank you very much. (CHUCKLES) So we notify the cops about big ticket sales and we even keep half a dozen Ukrainian ex-naval commandos in a van outside, just in case it all kicks off. Or so they say. Simon, are you coming? I'm about to start. Uh... Yeah. Here we go. So, what happens, of course, is that just as we up our game, the villains up theirs. They don't just turn up on spec anymore. We have precautions, they have plans. They do research, they do recces. They learn about our cameras and scanners and Ukrainian ex-naval commandos but some things don't change. It still takes muscle and it still takes nerve. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to Delancy's. We are extremely honored to be selling Francisco de Goya's wonderful work of 'Witches In The Air'. Goya, the father of modern art and the first great painter of the human mind. Let's start the bidding at 5 million pounds. Thank you, sir. 5 million pounds. An opening bid. 5 million, 500 thousand. 6 million. In the center here at 10 million pounds. 11 million on the aisle. 12 million. 13 million. 17 million. Thank you, sir. 18 million. 19 million. Bad luck. 20? 21 million pounds. Take your time. 22 million. Thank you. Telephone bidder now. 26 million. 26 on the telephone. 27 to the lady on the aisle. Small one? Small one. 27 million, 500 thousand I'll take. Last chance. Hammer's coming down. I'm selling for 27 million, 500 thousand pounds. Sold. Paddle number 104. Get down! Get down! (ALL APPLAUDING) MAN: Gas. Gas! Everybody out now! Everybody get out the building now! Come on! (GRUNTS) Gas attack. Gas attack, gas attack. MAN OVER PA: Attention please. Attention please. Please evacuate the building. Please do not use the elevators. Make your way to the nearest emergency exit. So when it happens, as one day it must it is imperative not to panic. Follow the drill and let the training kick in. If circumstances allow if, remember only if... (SIREN WAILING) ...:'n the event of an event or situation we are to remove, where possible, the most valuable item or items and take them to a place of safety. Stop right there. Step back. Remember, do not be a hero. Put it down. No piece of art is worth a human life. (ELECTRICITY CRACKLING) (SCREAMS) (LAUGHS) No, no, no... Don't. (GRUNTS) (SCREAMS) Fucking idiot! (WAILING CONTINUES) (SIREN WAILING) (COUGHS) (COUGHING) (GRUNTS) (MAN CHUCKLING) Riz, let's go. (UNZIPPING) (SIREN WAILING) (DRILL WHIRRING) (INAUDIBLE) (CAMERA CLICKING) Afternoon, Sister. And how are you feeling? Um... Fine. Been up? Mmm-hmm. Walking? Yeah. Walking and everything. You know who you are? (CHUCKLES) Yeah, I think so. How do you feel about going home? Jolly good! Right, come on, troops, let's go. Thanks. Oh, fuck off! Fuck's sake. (SIGHING) (TELEPHONE RINGING) Hello? Hey, Simon. Franck wants to see you. (MAN SCREAMING) Where is it? (SOBBING) I don't know. I'm sorry, Franck. You must have taken it. You must have put it somewhere. Yeah, I must have. I know I... Well, did you or did you not? I can't remember! I got hit on the head! That you remember? Yeah, I got a big fucking scar on my head to remind me, don't I? What did you expect? You assaulted me. I had a shotgun. Simon, the plan was simple. All you needed to do was take the painting and bring it to me. I know, I... So, where is it? I don't know, I can't remember. I can't remember. I'm sorry, I can't remember. Franck! Amnesia's bollocks. Everyone knows amnesia is bollocks. No, it's not. (SCREAMING) (SCOOTER ENGINE REVS) FRANCK: It's not going to work. NATE: What do you mean? FRANCK: He cannot remember. NATE: How did you work that out? FRANCK: Look at him. Any man who knew would have told you by now. Hey. (WHISTLES) You know what? I ought to kill you. Why don't you? Finish the job and put me out of my misery. And then you can find your own fucking painting. Riz. Give him some food. SURGEON". Well, his brain is intact on a gross level. On a smaller scale, who's to say? What I'm saying is we don't know. The memories may come back, they may not. All you can do is wait and see. Isn't there something you can do? For memory? Nothing. Except time. Some sort of medicine? There's no drug therapy for amnesia. What about other sorts of therapy? FRANCK: Here. Pick one. (SIMON INHALES) Ow! Hypnosis? (CHUCKLES) He said it might work. What am I gonna tell him? I stole a painting and now I've lost it? You know, you make something up. What if that doesn't work? Doesn't work? Simon... Doesn't work? ! Okay, okay. Urn... That one. Why her? I don't know. I like the name. Right. You walk across a wide open space. Exactly the sort of place which might once have made you panic. You are in Cape Canaveral and you are Head of Mission Control. The rocket is ready to launch and although you are excited you will not prematurely release the rocket. And now you watch as the spider leaves its web and crawls slowly across the floor towards you. There is 30,000 feet of air between you and the ground and the sound of those perfectly functioning jet engines is making you feel calm because you know that you are not hungry and that these are feelings of stress and loneliness and that you will see the ball cross the green and disappear into the hole. SIMON: Um, okay, um, my name is not Simon Newton. My name is David Maxwell. Uh, I cannot find my car keys. (THUMPING) Please stop doing that. Stop hitting it. Say your name. Okay. My name is David Maxwell. Yeah, set. Seriously, what if I say too much? We wake you up. (LOUD RINGTONE) (FOOTSTEPS APPROACHING) Mr. Maxwell? Mr. Maxwell? Mr. Maxwell? SIMON: That's me. I'm sorry. Something the matter? Of course not. I'm Elizabeth Lamb. I'm... Mr. Maxwell. Please. Okay. (ELIZABETH OVER HEADPHONES) You've come to find your car keys? SIMON: Yep. ELIZABETH: They're just in here. (SIMON CHUCKLES) I wish. Hang up your coat. Have a seat. Have you ever been hypnotized before? No. Urn... No. No, at least not that I can remember. I suppose you've spent some time trying to remember where you put these keys? I've tried everything. I just keep coming up against a brick wall. Of course. So I don't want you to do the work today. I want you... to sit back. And I want you to close your eyes. We're starting, right. I want you to think about someone else. Someone who could do it for you. Another man. Like you but not you. I want you to focus on him. Let him take over. Is he there? SIMON: Yes. Is he under already? ELIZABETH: Do you wanna give him a name? Simon. Simon Newton. Get him out of there. No, no. ELIZABETH: Right, Simon. Welcome to the session. Thanks. It's really nice to be here. Now I want you to relax, Simon. I like your voice. And now your mind is starting to think. So think about those keys. And you now can feel them in your hand. The shape. The metal. And you can see the color. Blue. They are on a blue key-ring. And your mind starts to think about the last time you remember them. I'm trying to walk and they're in my pocket. And I want you to picture them in your pocket exactly as they were before you lifted them out and you placed them somewhere. A safe place that, when the time is right, you will be able to reach for them and they will be there. Where did you say they were? In the wardrobe. ELIZABETH: What's in the wardrobe, Simon? The... (LOUD RINGTONE) I'm sorry about that. Was I hypnotized? No, you were just finding your car keys. (CLATTERING) (MEN GRUMBLING) Whoa, whoa, whoa. DOMINIC: Let me fucking get in through there. Really sorry. I kept thinking about the painting. She just kept saying "keys". Well, that's it, then, it can't be done. She got his name in 30 seconds. And she found the car keys. Whatever is in his head, she can find. What am I supposed to say, that I lost my keys again? You're the clever boy. You got us into this so now you think of something to get us out. And you make it work. (DOOR SLAMS) (BREATHING HEAVILY) (GRUNTS) (INDISTINCT) (TIRES SCREECH) CYCLIST: Hey! Fucking pedestrians! Hey! St. Pancras please. You must think I'm stalking you. No, I just think you've put yourself under a lot of pressure. To be honest, I'm not here to look for my keys. I found them, thank you. I'm looking for something a bit more personal. And I can't tell you what it is. It's not porn. I promise. And I just really need to find this thing. ELIZABETH: Hypnosis is the perfect tool. I don't need to know what it is. (ELIZABETH ON STEREO) So I 'd like you to close your eyes and imagine you're in an elevator. A wide elevator with velvet walls and thick carpets. And as the doors close your eyelids become heavier. And as your eyes become heavier and the elevator begins to go down you realize that this is the elevator of relaxation. And now you're on the third floor going down and you could get out but you want to go on deeper. Deeper. Deeper into relaxation. And you feel that perhaps you'll never want to get out. It's so safe here. So comfortable. So relaxed. I don't wanna talk to Simon anymore. I wanna talk to the men who are listening. The men who hurt him. Oh, fuck. (COUGHING) (EXHALES) (SIGHS) FRANCK: You feel safe? ELIZABETH: Safe? FRANCK: Yes. ELIZABETH: I don't think you'll hurt me. FRANCK: You're right. Absolutely. FRANC K: It would be irrational. And yet we are like that, aren't we? AH of us sometimes stupid. Irrational. It's fear, I think. Fear of the unknown. There are four of us but we are frightened of you. You don't need to be. I'm so glad to hear that. Simon is an unusual subject. He floats in and out of trance very easily. But he's got a lot on his mind. Fear. Resentment. Anger. Why do you think he did it? Greed, most likely. Does he strike you as greedy? Everyone is-- sooner or later. Simon wanted the painting, that's it. For himself? Well, it's not like he did it for someone else. Quite sure of that, are you? Please don't. So, can you do it? Hypnotherapy will work. But? Only if it's a partnership. Very well. The finder's fee is 3%. It's not enough. See what I mean? It's not about the money. I have to have equal status in the group otherwise Simon won't respect me. If you wanna make progress you really have to move beyond getting one over on people, Franck. ELIZABETH: Hypnotherapy is a means of altering unwanted or dysfunctional behavior. The unwanted behavior in Simon's case is forgetting. DOMINIC: You mean he's doing it deliberately? ELIZABETH: Not in the sense that you mean, Dominic. We keep secrets from lots of people, but most of all we keep them from ourselves. And we call that forgetting. (SIGHS) Now, Simon I'd like you to close your eyes. Okay, okay. (CLEARS THROAT) I'd like you to think about being at home. Home is a place where you feel secure. In control. You are feeling refreshed and positive. (SIGHING DEEPLY) And when the doorbell rings... (RINGING) feel a rush of enthusiasm. Hello? Parcel for Simon Newton, please. Er... coming. Hey, Mr. Postman. Thank you very much. ELIZABETH: You are excited but you stay calm because you know that this is no ordinary package. Inside this package is the memory that you have been waiting for. And you know that when you open it up you will find what you did that day what you did with the painting. And now taking your time you open it. (EXHALES) Now you're not going to rush because it's a big step even to have got this far. Slowly so as not to upset the contents you open it. (GRUNTS) (INHALES SHARPLY) (DOOR OPENS AND CLOSES) ELIZABETH: Franck. May I? Yeah. ELIZABETH: Are you okay? SIMON: Fine. How did you meet them? Riz I used to buy drugs from Riz. That was it really. Well, the thing is, I needed money. What for? Gambling debt. I was--I am... (LAUGHING) ...addicted to gambling. (SIGHS) I was really good at it, you know. I wasn't quite good enough, though. And not really good enough isn't really good at all. Not at that level. I tried to give it up. I tried everything I could to kick it. I should have tried hypnotism. You should. Maybe next time? Anyway, I did what all bad gamblers do I borrowed more and played for higher and higher stakes hoping that my luck would change. And when that didn't happen I panicked. To various people in various ways I am in for money I don't have. Never will. This painting came in. This fucking painting. FRANCIS: Are you a gambling man, Simon? Because I'll wager you, anything you care to name that I can flog this in the autumn sale for over 25 million. Sterling. SIMON: And I know it sounds ridiculous, an inside job, but it just seemed like the answer. I didn't know any criminals so I thought Riz might. He brought me here. He introduced me to Franck. (YELLING IN FRENCH) Franck cleared my debt in return for the painting. I owe him a lot of money. And I don't know what I'm going to do. ELIZABETH: He's afraid that once he's remembered, you'll kill him. DOMINIC: That's ridiculous. ELIZABETH: Is it? Let's talk about killing. Have you ever killed anyone, Dominic? No. Well, yeah, in Iraq. Loads, obviously. But that's artillery, isn't it? You never get to see exactly who you've... Nate. Killed anyone? Define 'killed'. (CHUCKLES) ELIZABETH: That's exactly why he won't open up. His behavior isn't dysfunctional, it's entirely logical. It's straightforward self-preservation. Why do you think he cheated you in the first place? So what do you suggest? How do we make him feel more secure? In an ideal world he'd kill you all. That would do it, right? Ideal. ELIZABETH: Most likely. Okay. But supposing, for the sake of argument, we don't go for that. Then what? He needs to see you weak and exposed to whatever it is you fear the most. Nonsense. Not gonna happen. He needs to know that you're vulnerable. If you're suggesting what I think... I'm a professional. I'm not going to put you on the stage. The answer is definitely 'no'. ELIZABETH: Now the next voice you hear-- will be Simon's. And he is going to say the word that I have prepared for you. And when he speaks that word you will descend into your very own world of fear from which only he can bring you back. Strawberry. (NATE GROANS) (CHUCKLES) (ALL CHUCKLING) (NATE CONTINUES GROANING) (YELLING) (SCREAMS) Simon. (NATE GROANING) (SCREAMING) ELIZABETH: Simon, say it! SIMON: Strawberry. (LAUGHING) That was incredible. Are you all right? Yeah. Why? (CONTINUES LAUGHING) He doesn't know. Oh, I'm sorry, man. (ELEVATOR BELL DINGS) (TAP RUNNING) (SIGHING) FRANCK: Shall I scrub your back? How did you...? Well, I used to I used to, you know... So we got enough, I think, to make our boy feel secure. Safe to remember, all that. I think so. Now we progress. I like that, it's good. Soon we'll have the painting. And what about poor old Nate? Does he still fall to pieces at every mention of the little berry? No. Sustained post hypnotic suggestion is more difficult. More difficult, but you can do it, right? Not to everyone, of course. 5%? Correct me if I'm wrong. 5% of the population? Yes. Can be described as extremely suggestible. Wow, 5%. Who'd have thought? And what can you make them do? (SCOFFS) Well, I'm just asking. I'm interested. All right. Well, let's see, if you had the right person if you get a hold of them, dig right in if you get them under your spell if you work hard --and take your time and do it right you can make them want to do almost anything. (SPEAKS FRENCH) (WHISTLING) (CHANSON D'AMOUR)' BY ART AND DOTTY TODD PLAYING) ELIZABETH: There you are in an open-top car driving through the French countryside with a beautiful young woman. And the radio plays some forgotten song and the sun burns the back of your heads in the warm wind and with every mile you travel all your problems seem so far away and so long ago. And soon a field of sunflowers gives way to a low building of stone and tile. The girl's dress, her calves leads you through a corridor to a vast room of paintings. Caravaggio's 'Adoration'. Cezanne. Vermeer's 'Concert'. Van Gogh. Modigliani. Manet. Degas. And Rembrandt himself. (GASPING) 'The Storm On The Sea Of Galilee'. These are the lost paintings all the stolen and destroyed, but now together authenticated, safe. She takes your hand and leads you into a final room. And it's in here in this magical safe place that you feel ready. And you reach into the package and you lift out your memory. The memory of what happened that day. The memory of what you did. And now safe and relaxed you decide to watch. You decide to remember. ...fifty thousand pounds. Sold to paddle 88. I remember that day. I remember. I take the painting. I carry it in front of me. (ALARM BLARING) And I cut the canvas free with arazorblade.(INDISTINCT) I conceal the painting. I carry on. Remember no piece of art is worth a human life. Sound advice that. And I try to remember it. You see if you can. I discard the razor blade. We are to take the most valuable item, or items, to a place of safe... Franck? ! Stay back. Put it down. Simon... He's about to look. I can't let him. (ELECTRICITY CRACKLING) (GROANING) (EXHALES) Don't. (ALARM BLARING) (GROANING) From a safe distance you see that you have been hit. (MUFFLED) Simon? ! Simon! But you continue to watch. You continue to remember. (ALARM BLARING) (GROANING SOFTLY) I still have it. I wake up and I still have the painting. I get up and I go outside. There's a noise. I have to walk away. I cannot stay here, not with this painting. I feel my heart vibrating. (CELL PHONE BUZZING) My phone vibrating. I look at it. (TIRES SCREECHING) (GASPING) The car nearly kills me. She's in the car. Who is? You are! Oh my God. Are you all right? Elizabeth? I'm not Elizabeth. Shall I call an ambulance? I remember. (SNAPS FINGERS) I remember everything. Look, why don't I take you to hospital? SIMON: Yeah. Elizabeth? (SIREN WAILING) Shall I help you with your seat belt? Why did you lie to me? What? You made me forget. He's got it on him. Look, he's got it on him. Okay, maybe I oughta just-- call for that ambulance. Open your jacket. Who called you? (FRANCK SHUSHING) I'm sorry. Will you let me go, please? DOMINIC: Tell him where you left it! (SOBBING) I don't want you to go. Never mind her! Forget about her! Open his jacket! (YELLING) What are you gonna do with the fucking painting? ! Just get him to tell us where he put it. Tell us where you left it! (SCREAMING) (SIMON PANTING) ELIZABETH: Simon, can you hear me? Yes, I can hear you. ELIZABETH: Good. Can you see the blue screen? SIMON: Yes. I'm going to show you some images while we scan the response generated in your brain by each one. (COFFEE PERCOLATOR BUBBLING) The images will continue to run but you can override that by thinking of a particular one. And every 10 seconds the least chosen image will be discarded until there ls only one left. However, every time you think of this one you will receive an electric shock. And the more you select it the higher the voltage. Do you understand? Yeah. Hello. I slept on the sofa. I was worried about you. (CHUCKLES) (GROANS AND CHUCKLES) I had this dream. Wasn't a dream. I am so SO, SO SONY. ELIZABETH: What is a person, Franck? Not my line of work. It's fine. Being obsessed with someone is fine? (CHUCKLES) No. But to have feelings yes. What we are is the sum of everything we've ever said, done and felt all wrapped up in one unique thread which is constantly being revised and remembered. (YELLS) Soto be yourself you have to constantly remember yourself. It's a full-time job but that's how it works. (GROANING) When you hit him on the head you broke the thread. He's fixing it with false memories, with fantasies. There's a space to fill so he fills it with me. He's in love with you? We call it transference. (CRIES OUT) I don't know what to say HOW. Okay. But where is the painting? The same place it's always been. Yes, but now you are the problem. Yes. But I may also be the solution. When in doubt --try something traditional. Traditional? Okay. Right, how's this? How would you like to, with me, go out somewhere? What, you're gonna screw him, is that it? (GROANS) You'll fuck him just to get him to remember? It's not conventional practice, but under the circumstances... Pick me up at 8. Where would you like to go? You choose. I don't care. Coffee's on. (CHUCKLING) Okay, but you wear a wire. Don't be ridiculous. (GROANING) SIMON: You can keep the rest. Thanks, man. FRANCK: I don't like the idea of you being alone with him. ELIZABETH: I'm not wild about it myself, Franck. So if you can see any other way to deal with this obsession I'd love to hear it. (BEEPS) ELIZABETH: I'm glad I had you choose the place. It's nice. It is. I haven't been here in a while. Thank you very much. So what do you recommend? I usually have the steak, which is a lie. I don't usually have the steak. I I've never been here before. Simon. You need therapy. I've been feeling a little confused lately. I just imagined I'd been here before. I could have sworn that I'd met that waiter before. (GROANING) I give him what he wants he's mine. And after that, he gives me what I want what we want. Just like that? He isn't really receiving electric shocks. (GROANING) (TAPPING ON GLASS) He only believes he is. SIMON: Just here. If you just pull in here on the left, thank you. This is, this is me, actually. Okay? It's all right. Okay. Have a good night. ELIZABETH: There's a problem. He's jealous. FRANCK: Jealous? Of me? That's so cute. And that's why he doesn't wanna sleep with you. It's complicated but that's what he said. Yes. I really wonder how he gets that. Ask yourself. Because now it's my fault? I'm not assigning blame, Franck. But you are always. You can't do it because of this, because of that. There is always something but it's never your fault, right? "It's a partnership, Franck." "He's got to respect me, Franck." "We've gotta make him feel safe." "We've gotta show him our fear." "In an ideal world, Franck, he'd kill us all." In an ideal world, Elizabeth, you'd go hypnotize the guy. You'd bring me back the painting and you'd stop wasting my fucking time. Wait. (HEAVY BREATHING) (MOANING CONTINUES) (ALARM BEEPS) (RINGING) Jesus! Fucking hell. Simon, it's Nate. We need to talk. Come up. (BUZZING) (SANDMAN BY KIRSTY MCGEE PLAYING) Right before you close your eyes Whispering your prayers When the sandman blows your eyes I'll be there I must remember never to forget that you're a criminal. You got a boyfriend? Now you ask? Mmm-hmm. No. I'm single. How is that possible? I was in a relationship he was violent so now I'm not. Got his address? That's very kind but 'no, thank you'. You should get even. Get a little angry. To be angry is to be a victim. I've moved on. That's the only real victory. (SIGHS) So why are you doing this, then? Because it makes a change. If you had to deal with morbid obesity and panic attacks you'd see the attraction. Can I tell you something? I'd rather not. Gather roses while you may While the bloom is full For the blossom soon will fade And the bloom grows dull Right before you close your eyes Whispering your prayers When the sandman blows your eyes Who'll be there? FRANCK: Hey. (FRANCK SIGHS) Listen, I... nun'--- ...can you... Can you see me again? It's not exactly what I wanted to say, but... I mean, you know... Yeah. I think so. Good. (CHUCKLES) Be careful. ELIZABETH: And as the image grows closer and clearer you find you are watching what he did to you. You are watching the terrible things that he did. But, with every blow that you watch rain down upon you you become only more determined than ever. You know that it's possible to change your life and move on. That you will not let this define you. You will not let yourself be violated by the memory as you are violated by the act. (ELEVATOR DINGS) Simon? This all part of your plan, yeah? What are you talking about? The two of you. Planning it together. Gonna get it out of me and then dump me. Simon, will you calm down, please. How long have you been fucking Franck? Where did that come from? It's true, though, isn't it? You know it isn't. Why would Nate lie about something like that? Because he wants Franck out. He wants the painting for himself. I don't fucking believe you! Don't believe what? The existence of greed in human beings? Grow up! For the past week, you've made every kind of excuse not to touch me and now that the moment's come, you resort to some insane fantasy... (BOTH BREATHING HEAVILY) Wait. Wait. I know what you want. There's something I have to do. (THE DAY BY MOBY) I tried to know when to leave She sits in the bedroom and grieves (ELECTRIC RAZOR WHIRRING) There's a sequence that starts all again She can't get up anymore, with the pain The combination of these drugs Has left her hopeless and lost She wants to count the ways But she can't count again And I will be right here Till all the pain Just disappears And I will always stay How did you know? You told me. Close your eyes. E ELIZABETH Simon. Relax. When the silver shines so hard I tried to poison my life Always dreaming of the edge of the knife (SONG CONTINUES OVER RADIO) She always looked backwards And I couldn't sit here... (SIMON CHUCKLES) You know where it is now? Maybe. Told her yet? You wanna talk? Yeah, it's about time. So Simon we're all here. Do you wanna talk us through it? Yeah. Good. (CHUCKLES) Yeah, I really do. I... (CROWD CHEERING ON TV) I'm sorry, I just feel a bit nervous. Come on, it's all right. Okay. Do you mind if I use your... Yeah, please, please... I'll just be a minute. (EXHALES) (FRENCH FOOTBALL COMMENTARY ON TV) NATE: So how long's this gonna take? FRANCK: It's all right. I told him to wait. NATE: He'll lie. I bet you anything he lies. DOMINIC: He'd better fucking not. FRANCK: Don't worry, if it turns out he's lying, we just kill him. NATE: Hang on, we're gonna kill him anyway, aren't we? (ALL LAUGHING) FRANCK: There's that. RIZ: Shh! (GRUNTING) (BANGING ON DOOR) Fuck! (BREATHING HEAVILY) Fuck. (PHONE RINGING) (GROANS) Hello? SIMON: It's me. Simon? Where are you? I'm at Frank's house. Jesus. What are you doing there? Elizabeth, they're going to kill me. No. You were right. This is what they always planned to do. Don't you see, this is why I had to hide the painting. Simon, calm down. Where are you now? In the hallway. The doors are locked. All the doors are locked. Go upstairs to Frank's bedroom. There's a pool and a hallway. Do you see the bedside table? Yes. Open the drawer. No, the lower one. ls there a gun? Yes. Do you think you can use it? I don't know. I've never used one before. Do you want me to call the police? No, no... No, it's better this way. Elizabeth? Yes? I have something to tell you. Are you ready? I remember. I remember where I put it. You don't have to tell me. No, no. I do. I might never see you again. I need to tell you where it is. Tell me now. It's in a red Alfa Romeo in the underground car park in Marble Arch. I love you, Simon. I love you, too. Please, Simon. Calm down, you've got it all wrong. It's not what you think. (GRUNTS) (BREATH ES HEAVILY) She's using you, Simon. She's using you like she used us. (GROANING) She has been using you from the start, Simon. (GUNSHOT) (GUNSHOT) (EXCLAIMS) (PANTING) (ELEVATOR WHIRRS) Elizabeth? Elizabeth? (BOTH GRUNTING) So where has she gone? Huh? Don't let her get away. Not after all this. I know, Franck. I know what you were going to do to me. She put that there. It's not real. She's not coming back, Simon. Once she gets it, she's gone! If I wanted to kill you, why aren't you dead? Because she loves me. And I love her! (GUN CLICKS) (EXCLAIMS) That's what she thinks of you. It's my gun. It's empty. She took it from my apartment. Where the fuck do you think you're going? I got this. So who knows? She does. You leave her alone. (GRUNTING) (GROANS) He found it the first time. The first time he came to see me. Remember? You thought you'd just found your car keys. (GRUNTS) But you were right, it's in there. It's in the car. I took it to pieces. It's not in there. No, it's not in his car. In the other car. The red one. NATE: Where is it? Please, I can show you. I can show you. (GASPS) Get him dressed. (GROANS) Go and get it. And take him with you. What is this? You're lucky you're still in, Franck. Go and get it. Bring it back here and we'll keep an eye on her. Promise. Say something. Allow the mushy shit. Doesn't give up, does she? Go and get it, boss. Like he says, you're lucky you're still in. Drink? Yeah. Cheers, mate. (SCREAMING) (LOUD MUSIC PLAYING) (SCREAMS) Franck. (ELEVATOR onus-s) (GROANS) You see what she gave to me, Franck. That's what she thinks of me. (COCKS GUN) (MUSIC CONTINUES PLAYING) (GROANS) (GUNSHOT) (SCREAMS) Oh my God! Allow me, bruv, I didn't touch her. Wait, wait. Fuck! (KEYS JINGLING) You knew. You... NATE: Help me! knew what I would like didn't you? (NATE MOANING) Help me. Help me. (GUNSHOT) Okay. Get down the stairs. Get down the stairs! No, no, no... Please? Please don't. He can help us. Simon? Please. You go. Okay. (FRANCK GROANING) ELIZABETH: It's really silly of me. I've been out of the country. And I'm such an idiot. Everything's a mess and I can't find the ticket but I really need the car. ATTENDANT: £1,848. Not a mistake I'll make again. (CAR ALARM CHIRPING) Not here. Franck knows a good place. Don't you, Franck? You can drive. On you go. You, too. You sit in the back. (ENGINE STARTING) Tie your hand on to the wheel. Tie it tight. Tighter than that. Here you go. (GROANING) SIMON: I would like to know what happened. It's all inside my head, isn't it? There's something hidden inside me. What is it? It's a memory. A memory? Suppressed? Yeah. Simon maybe there are some things it's better never to remember. FRANCK Don't! Franck, you're alive because I allow it, but I can change my mind. I have free will. Don't I? Yeah, yeah. Don't I? ! Yes. All right, then. All right, then, let's see if I do. You take me to it. So it's a year and a half earlier. You wanna stop gambling. That's all. All in. ELIZABETH: You select a hypnotherapist at random. And so you go to meet her. Simon Newton. Thank you very much. ELIZABETH: Hello. I'm Elizabeth Lamb. Hello, there. Nice to meet you. Simon Newton. Hello. Have a seat. Thank you very much. So...what would you like to talk about? Now I have a moderate problem with online gambling. I still have enough money to pay for dinner and things, though. ELIZABETH: You get along well. There is an immediate rapport. And so treatment begins. But your addiction is hard to crack and repeated sessions are required. Cheers. We should do this with alcohol. (CHUCKLING) ELIZABETH: You grow close to the therapist. I miss you when I'm not here. ELIZABETH: Too close. And so you begin an affair. A strongly sexual affair. You stay there. ELIZABETH: She knows that it's wrong. She shouldn't do this, not with a client. But she does. If you look at the Sistine Chapel, there's tons of flesh but there's no hair. The hair serves to remind us of our biology. Our origin. But without it there's a perfection, untainted. Anyway, art moved on, as it must, it has to. But, actually, no, it was Goya's fault. 'The Naked Maja'. After that, it's always there, the hair. Yeah, that's the lady. That's modern art. No perfection anymore. Hey. Okay, I get it. (LAUGHING) ELIZABETH: She will do anything for you. You fall in love with a kind of perfection. The kind you like. You're an elephant? No, I'm not an elephant. No, it's the Goya. It's 'The Witches In The Air' that I was telling you about. (CHUCKLING) ELIZABETH: But then you become possessive. Suspicious. Night and day you fear that you will lose her. It torments you. And you become jealous. Who are you texting? ELIZABETH: Sorry, work. You start to believe that you depend upon her. That without her you will die. You start to hate her as much as you love her. And then one evening after you've accused her of looking at another man... You keep your mouth shut! Why don't you just sit down. Don't they make a beautiful couple? You can just look at him now. Just feast your fucking eyes! Elizabeth. No, I'm leaving. I'm leaving. She knows she has to get out. (SOBBING) She has to break it off but you won't let her go. You persist. You apologize. You write long letters vowing never to do it again. You weep, you call. She is frightened. I need to talk to you for 2 minutes. Really frightened now. Please let me come in. And she knows if this goes on there can be only one outcome. Hi. How are you doing? SIMON: I just need you to let me apologize and see that you accept that. I need to see that in your eyes and then I'll leave you alone. I promise. ELIZABETH: In the end she knows that you will kill her. (GROANING) Please, stop! Simon, you're hurting me. It's okay. No, it's not okay. The police are not interested. Lawyers advise her to change her name, to leave the country but she will not do this. She will not be a victim twice over. Instead, she will take control. So she perverts the therapy you've insisted on continuing. Simon it's not the gambling that you want to forget. It's me. You want to forget me. You made me forget? She makes you want to forget. You're forgetting me. You're forgetting us. And you feel so much more relaxed. So much more free. Leave. (SNAPS FINGERS) And gradually-- day by day week by week you do. You call less often. The passions subside. You're late for therapy. Then one day you don't come at all. At last you have suppressed the memory of me. But you knew. You knew I'd come back one day. ELIZABETH: Your memory is not destroyed. It is locked in a cage. And with enough force enough violence the lock can be broken. It comes back, the memory. Not completely. Not entirely, but enough to drive you to make you feel you have been cheated. Enough to make you angry. Franck! (MOBILE BUZZING) (TIRES SCREECHING) What did she look like? You. (SIMON PANTING) God, are you all right? Elizabeth. No, I'm not Elizabeth. Shall I call for an ambulance? I remember. I remember everything. Why don't I take you to hospital? As the memory comes back... Okay? Shall I help you with your seat belt? Why did you lie to me? What? You made me forget. Okay, maybe I should just call for that ambulance. Elizabeth! Will you let go of me, please? I don't want you to go. (SOBBING) I don't want you to go. (WEEPING) And then... Look, I'm sorry, whoever Elizabeth is, she isn't me. (CHOKING) (WEEPING) (SOBBING) (CAR ALARM CHIRPING) ELIZABETH: A few months later you came back. Mr. Maxwell? Mr. Maxwell? That's that's me. (SIGHING) ls something the matter? Of course not. I'm Elizabeth... Lamb. You've come to find your car keys. Well, they're just right in here. stop- Can you give her the keys, Franck? It's in the back. (WATER DRIPPING) (FLIES BUZZING) (MOANS IN DISGUST) (KEYS CLATTER) Is it there, Elizabeth? (FLIES CONTINUE BUZZING) Elizabeth, is it there? ! (GAGS) (SOBBING) I'm sorry. I don't want it. I don't know that lever really did. Maybe you can tell me sometime. FRANCK No! No. No, no, no... (BOTH GRUNTING) Simon, you don't have to do this. I want... to forget that you did all this. (CRIES OUT) (YELLING) No. (GUNSHOT) FRANCK: Please! (HORN BLARING) (CAR ALARM BLARING) (ENGINE STARTING) (GUN CLICKING) (ENGINE REVVING) Bring it to me. (YELLING) FRANCK: Stop, please! (SCREAMS) (PANTING) (HERE IT COMES BY EMELI SANDE PLAYING) Are you okay? No! Hey! Shall I tell you something? I'd rather not. (DOORBELL RINGS) There's a parcel for Le Pere. Thank you. Hello, Franck. It looks good don't you think? Hanging on the wall. I thought it might make me think too much of him, but instead I think of you. You want me to send it back, don't you? Or sell it and divide the money. But you know I can't do that. Not when it means so much to me. Not when I've worked so hard for it. Simon, you're forgetting me. You're forgetting us. Even when you have forgotten the one you love you will gamble lie, cheat and steal. FRANCIS: Sold! Steal for her a painting. Simon, a painting for the woman you hurt. For the woman you left behind. (MOBILE VIBRATING) (TIRES SCREECHING) ($NAPS) Now perhaps, some day, you'll find me. I hope that you do. But, if it's all too much if you wish that we'd never met that it had never happened I can make it go away, Franck. AH you have to do is touch the screen. Press right here and follow my voice. The choice is yours. Do you want to remember...or. .. you want to forget? (CHUCKLES) (CLICKS TONGUE) Thanks For Veiwing Worldwide7477 Bradley, tell me how old you are, please. 28 years old. - What do you do for a living? - In-home sales. Okay. And Lisa, what about you? I'm 28. I'm a teacher. Okay. Teacher. And how long have you guys been married? 10 years. Okay. At least we're in agreement about that. Do you have any children? No. No children. Do you want children? I do. Okay. Bradley? I just think we need to be in a better place before we bring somebody else into it. Okay. Do you wanna say something, Lisa? I love him. It's just that I think people change. Don't you agree? Yeah. They do. I often feel like we become a lot of different people before we actually settle into who we are. Especially when we're young. We were 18. I'm not the same little girl that was in love with him in high school. But I still love you. Tell me what you want me to do. I promise I can change. Tell me, please. Just don't do that. I can't do this. I'm sorry. Bradley, don't. I'm sorry. I don't wanna hurt him. He deserves better. Better than you? Yeah. Why do you feel that way? He's a good guy. He's consistent and loving. But I feel like we're roommates and not husband and wife. You met someone? And he's showing you everything you've been missing. This new guy, he excites you. He buys you flowers and he tells you that you're beautiful. He says all the things that Brad doesn't. It doesn't matter to me. I'm not here to judge you. I just think, if you're honest with me, then we can get to the root of the real issues. I'd like to tell you a story. About my sister. If that's okay. Judith. That was her name. I knew her so well. We were so close. We were raised in a very small town. And our mother, Sarah, she took us to church five days a week. And twice on Sundays. There wasn't a lotta time for fun. And boys? Forget about it. From the moment Judith and Brice met, something sparked between them. They became inseparable. They were the yin and yang to each other. Now, Sarah tried to keep a strict hand on Judith, but Judith was in love. And so was Brice. Yes, she's asleep. I promise. Let's go. Come on. Stop. You see, love, for Judith, seemed to be different from other people. For her, it was all-consuming. It was breath to life. Most times, they didn't even notice that Sarah was watching them. Gonna see you tomorrow. Somewhere along the way, she decided she couldn't fight this. Maybe this was meant to be. Or in her own words, "Maybe it was God's will." Judith was so worried when Brice asked for her hand in marriage. She just knew her mother would say, "No." But she reluctantly said... Yes. I'll tell ya, if smiles were dollars, they would have had millions. Bye! At last, they were together. And life began. They found this cute little place together. I won! No, I won! They didn't have much, but they had each other. So slow. Come on! What you waiting for? And they were more in love than ever. Brice's lifelong dream was to work in a small pharmacy that maybe one day he could own. And Judith, well, her dream was to become a marriage counselor. But that wasn't easy. So in the meantime, she found work with Janice Wise, the millionaire matchmaker. - Good morning. - Bonjour. Good morning. Your 8:00 a.m. is on his way up. - He's early. - Yeah. Okay. Merci. Here you go. Yeah. Look at those shoes. Yeah? I didn't notice. Thank you. I wasn't talking about hers, I was talking about yours. They look like orthopedic shoes. Judith, we've been going over this for weeks. Look around this office. What do you see? A bunch of women with hair from India? Look at me, Judith. What you should see is people in this office care about what they look like. Unlike you. We have over a billion dollars walking in and out of these offices looking for love. We have a standard to uphold. This is not our standard. Okay, Ava, I don't have to wear fancy dresses or fancy shoes to prove that I'm qualified to do my job. Yes, you do. - No, I don't. I have a degree. - Yeah, you do. - A degree? - Yes. A degree on the wall without labels on your back is nothing. Where are you from, new girl? Belvedere. Where the hell is that? In the South. The South. That explains it. You grew up below the Mason-Dixon. Okay, Ava, you really should take a Valium. You really need an iron to that skirt. What? I did. Say no more. That blouse. It's telling it all. So does your dress. What's wrong with my dress? Can you even breathe, Ava? You don't breathe in Herve. Follow me, Mr. Madison, Janice is waiting for you. Oh, my God. Who's that? You're killing me. You don't know who that is? No. The third largest social media inventor since Zuckerberg? Class-Meet? What planet are you from? What is he doing here? Please, don't tell me he's here to get fixed up by The Madam. She is no madam. You need to bite your tongue. She's a matchmaker and she's very good at her job. Yeah. So are pimps. Come. Please. Stay right there. I know she was talking to me. Whatever. Here we go. Yes? Ava, this handsome young man is looking to find a lot of answers as to how we do things around here. Take notes, please. Are you looking for a date? I'm sure this handsome face has no problem getting dates. Well, I'm actually in between relationships right now. So you could use our services? Well, I prefer the old-fashioned way of meeting women. You like to pay? No, that's not what I meant. What exactly do you do? Me? Yes. I'm the in-house therapist. This is Judith. Judith. Well, Judith, you are who I'd like to speak to. Judith, Harley is looking to invest in my company. We want to take Wise Counsel online and international. Okay. Well, before I make that type of investment, I like to be quite certain of what I'm getting myself into. I totally understand. And Judith will take great care of you. Ava, clear Judith's schedule. Judith, please, answer any questions Mr. Madison may have. Sure. Come right this way. All right. Bye. Nice to meet you. So you gonna start today? I think so. Thank you so much. Don't thank me yet. Did you show her what she's gonna do? Yes, ma'am. She'll be working the register and stocking the shelves. I check the register at random every day, so you're gonna have to account for every dime. - No problem. - Random! I got it. Brice tells me you're from Boston? Yeah. You don't sound like you come from Boston. Do you know Boston? No. I've never been there. Yet. What part of Boston? Roxbury. Are you married? No. I'm not married. Do you have kids? No. So should I get to work? Yeah, there's a box of deodorant under the counter that needs to be restocked. Okay. Nice meeting you. Thank you. Hey- No husband? And that blouse she's wearing? And those boots? She's a lesbian. Does it matter? I don't think people will think there's anything between us, but you never know. People talk. Yeah. Matchmaking. I don't know how I feel about all this. I'm sorry? Well, it's a dating service for the rich. I just... I'm not sure this is something I should be investing in. You know, it's kinda strange. Yeah. So you agree with that? A little bit. Yeah. So I shouldn't invest? I'm not saying that. I would never say that. Like you said, it's a little strange. A little odd. Little unnatural. Bunch of old guys paying to meet women. I'm gonna shut up. I'm saying too much. No, no, honestly, continue, please. I kind of prefer the old-fashioned way of finding love, but... Well, I completely agree. But, let me play devil's advocate. So, more than half of all new relationships are started online in this day and age. - Yeah. - Right. So it's obvious, she definitely... She has something going here. I'm just not sure exactly how I fit into it. That's why I'm here. To help you figure that out. I think we can start with the Wise Counsel questionnaire that I developed. And pretty much we use it to see whether or not someones compatible. Do I know you from somewhere? I doubt we run in the same circles. Do you run? Yeah, every day at... Landover Park. I knew it. You run there? 8:00 a.m. every Saturday. Start at the wheelhouse... I think I have seen you run past me before. You're that cheesy guy always running with his shirt off and making grunts. - I'm not cheesy. - Yeah, you are. I get hot. No, you're running with your shirt off so all the pretty girls could notice you. Well, you noticed me, right? Turn to page two. You'll see the compatibility questionnaire. All business. I wanted to start with that. I like that. Hey, you. How was your third week? Any better? Oh, God. That bad, huh'? Honey, what am I doing there? I have a master's degree. Why am I wasting my time in some snobby office helping old men get a date? Is that what I busted my butt in college and graduated early for? Like, it don't make sense. Babe, it'll get there. But, baby, I really feel like I'm getting stuck. You know what I had to do today? I just spent three hours with some cheesy computer guy named Harley something. The Class-Meet guy? Was he looking for a date? No. Does everyone know about this guy except for me? Baby, you should. He's loaded. Wow. You sound like Ava. Man. I have to get outta there and start my own practice. Babe, that's a long ways off. I figure in about 10 to 15 years we'll be established enough to take that chance. But right now you don't need to be thinking about that. 10 to 15 years? Great, that's encouraging. Thanks, baby. And my mother called me today. And she's coming into town for some revival or something. Which is just what I need. The stress of this job and the judgment of my mother. You know she's gonna be bothering me about you, asking me, "Judith Ann, have you been doing your wifely duties?" Yes, Mother, I have been cooking for him, I have been cleaning, and I have been having sex with him three times a week, just like it says in the Bible. It says three times a week, baby? Then you've been slacking. Shut up. I'm kidding. I'm not. And... You know that little thing you do on birthdays and holidays? I wonder what your mother would say about that. My mother doesn't know about that little trick I give you on birthdays and holidays. And if she did, you wouldn't get it anymore. I'm gonna get up. I'm gonna go make you some dinner. No. You know what I'm gonna do for you? I'm gonna take you out to dinner. That $1.99 buffet again, baby? Made my stomach hurt. No, I'm gonna take you somewhere nice and fancy. - Really? - Yeah, come on, let's go. Okay, I'm gonna go put my shoes back on. I'm gonna take you to the $5.99 buffet. All right, you! All right. - I did. - Good. And maybe next time we go, the lady next to us... I was watching and she had the artichoke dip. - I wanna order that next time. - I saw it. - It did look good. - With the chips. With the different color chips. That looked so good. - Now that. - With the enchiladas, too. That's a fine ass bitch right there. - Was he talking to me? - Babe, keep walking. I know you ain't talkin' to me. - Show some respect. Kick your ass to hell. - Baby, come on! - You know what? You need to be in church! - Damn it, get in the car, Judith! Pick up the Bible since you ain't got no good tact! - Judith, get in the car. - Your mama shoulda taught... Why would you let these assholes ruin our night? Ain't got no kind of manners. What the hell they talkin' to me like that for? This is crazy. Thinking I'm just some regular bitch on the street. Enough, Judith. - Think they can talk to me like that? - Enough! Let it go. I showed 'em! Just let it go. it doesn't matter. Their mama shoulda taught them better. She shoulda had them in school. - Judith. Judith! - Not hanging on the street. Common whore! - You stupid joker! - Judith! Baby, you been really quiet since dinner. Did I miss something? You didn't hear that guy? Babe, I knew that was it. Yes, I heard him. Some things you just gotta ignore. Why can't I ignore the fact that I didn't feel safe? Babe, those guys coulda had guns. We did the right thing. I just don't like the way I feel. Baby, I will always protect you. I'd die for you. I just wanna go to sleep. I'm sorry. I'm with you. If you say "go," I go. You! Stop it. - No, I'm being serious. - You are the worst. No, come on. Judith, Harley and I have been going over the questionnaire you came up with and he has some questions for you. You will be putting in some late hours trying to help him. You don't mind, do you, mon cheri? All right. I will be in my office, darling. Okay. Okay. Okay. So you have some questions? Yes. Yes. Now, this is actually really good. Thank you. I need to formulate a program that's gonna tell me what kinda person we're dealing with just based on your questions. That's a program I'd like to see. Well, good, because I need you to help me build it. I'm not a programmer. Well, that's fine. I just need your expertise on humans. All of these questions here. Now, they tell you a little something about the prospective client, right? Yes. As well as the people they will attract. Okay, great. What I don't understand is why are there so many questions here about past relationships. Because you learn a lot about someone from their prior relationships. You learn patterns. You learn behaviors. You learn whether or not they play the victim role. Do they take full responsibility for their role in the breakup? All that from one little sheet of paper? Yes. "Hmm" what? I've never wanted to know the past of any woman I was ever dating. Maybe that's why you're single. Okay. Last night, I went ahead and filled out one of these. Maybe you can tell me a little something about myself. Why would you fill this out? You're not trying to find a date. I'd like to see how good you are. Okay. Well, you are relationship-oriented. You give a lot in relationships. You believe in love, but because you've been hurt a few times, you've given up on it. You are passionate. You look like you got a little bit of a mean streak, though. Very attentive. Need a lot of reassurance. Very observant. Not bad. Not bad. So let's continue. Page two is really interesting. You need a ride? No, I'm good. Can you pass me my purse underneath there? Yeah. Thank you, guys. Good night. Good night. Something's wrong with the girl. What do you mean? Did you see the way she covered herself up as she's leaving? It's chilly. No, something's wrong with the girl. What, you don't think we made the right decision? I need the help. But she has to be watched. Why don't you just take the whole bucket? I don't want the whole bucket. Yes! Yes, yes, yes. Judith, you nailed another one. I did, didn't I? All right, come on, let's wrap this up. I gotta get home. Okay- 50-50 chance that couple's gonna work. -50-50? - Yeah. Training this computer to think like you. 50-50. 50-50. Let's go. Come on. 50-50. Can I get some? Wow. Okay. I'm impressed. I'm thoroughly impressed. My husband's never gonna believe that I'm helping out with stuff like this. You were amazing. How long you guys been married? Six years. I've known him for 19. 19 years? Wait, so you're a very old-looking young woman or you met him when you were five? Six. - Wow. - Yeah. So you're 25. 26. In three days. Happy early birthday. I never thought I would be one of those people that dread birthdays, but it just feels like it's a reminder that I'm not where I want to be. Where did you want to be? I thought by now, I'd at least have my license. I'd be a marriage counselor. I'd be on my way to starting my practice. You know... That's very noble, I think. Marriage counselor, that's a wonderful career. You should totally do that. You're super smart. Look at what we just did. Judith... I mean, you're bright. You're intelligent. You're motivated. Set up a business plan and make it happen. Now. Did I say something wrong? No, it's actually very encouraging. And you know I could totally help you with this marriage counselor thing. I mean, I have a successful business. You can ask me anything. What did you do different than the rest of us? Like, how'd you become so successful so young? I've always been ambitious. Very much a workaholic. So... What does that feel like? Lonely. It's kinda sad to be able to buy whatever you want and have to beg for what you need. My last relationship was back in college. I had met a wonderful woman. Completely blew my mind and I fell in love with her. And she walked out on me and I haven't really been able to rebound. Since then. Since college, huh? That's a long time. I didn't even know she was unhappy. Are you happy? Yeah. Yeah, very happy- He's a great guy. Good for you. Especially good for him. He's a very lucky man, Judith. It's getting late. Let's finish it tomorrow. There was something I wanted to bring up to you about the questionnaire. Yeah? I saw the questions about the relationships, compatibility, the hobbies, but there are no questions there about sex. No,no,no. I don't believe in sex before marriage, so why would we need that? Really? Yes. Wait a second. Where are you from? It's not about where I'm from. It's called I'm a Christian. I was raised that way. So what you're saying is your husband is the only guy you've ever been with. Ever. - Yes. - One guy. Yes, and my husband and I are very compatible. How would you know how sexually compatible you are when you have nothing to compare it to? I watch HBO. I know I'm not missing anything. I just keep picturing this same old, boring, turn the lamp off, fluff the pillows, always in the bedroom kinda thing. What's wrong with the bedroom? That's unfortunate. If you were with another man, you'd know that sex should be random. Like animals. When it happens, it just happens. In the kitchen. In the shower. In the office. On a plane. On the floor. Are you getting turned on? Please. You need to go home. Hey, babe. I made you a sandwich. What's wrong? Okay. Okay. - Now, baby, baby, attack me! - Attack you? - Yeah. Like an animal. - Like an animal? - Yeah, baby! - Okay. Just grab my hair! - Wait, grab your hair? - Yeah, and growl. Yes, baby. Come on, open this shirt! Okay, no. This is my new shirt. Come on, come on! - And scratch my back! - Baby, hey! Hey! Scratch? Look, this is weird. We're not gonna do this. I'm gonna forget you did this, okay? Now, if you wanna growl at something, you can growl at this sandwich. After we finish eating, we can go in the bedroom and do this the right way. Okay? Can I eat? Thank you. We could fluff the pillows, turn off the lamps. You know, do it the way we always do. It's going to be a great day if you're planning on being outdoors. So if you don't have to be at work, or even if you do, make sure you get outside and enjoy the warm weather. As we are experiencing some really nice above seasonal weather. You can expect sunny highs in the mid-70s and it could reach even as high as 78. Northwest winds are around five miles per hour, becoming westerly in the afternoon. Now, this high pressure is moving in from the southwest and it should be expected to stay with us for the next couple of days. Good morning. - Morning. - How are you? Good. You knocked me out last night. I know. I didn't do my job too well, if you're already up and running. Just going for a Saturday morning run. See you later. Imagine me running into you. What did you say? I'm sorry, I can't hear you. What? What? That's the trash-talking. That's what I hear. I'm pacing myself. Well, who's leaving who in the dust? Hey, watch out, watch out! I'm so sorry. You okay? - What is your problem, man? - I didn't see you. Say something! You gonna knock her down like that? You'll hurt him. Harley, wait, wait! No, Harley. No. - Harley, I'm okay. - Please! I'm really sorry. I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay. Just let him go. Just walk away. I'm okay. Okay? I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm okay. No, I'm okay. Let's get you up here. - Wait, wait, wait. - That's good. Let me go slow. Wait, wait. - Okay. All right, okay, this could be bad. - Wait, wait, wait. Let me call my husband. No, I live close by here. No,no,no. No, I'll wrap it up, I'll call my neighbor, he's a doctor. Okay, all right, but I still have to call, because... No, either way, we gotta get your leg... - No, no, no! Put me back down. - No, listen! Hey! I got you. Okay? All right. You good? Yeah. Wow, this, this place is just incredible. Thank you. So he's not answering. You know, it's actually feeling better. Well, it's not swelling. That's a good thing. I have to just walk it off. No, let me see. Just let me see it. Hold on. I don't know if I need all of that. Just hold on one quick second. Well, you're pretty good at it. Yeah, it's just a little something I picked up in college. - Oh, yeah? - Yeah. So was my husband. Has a bunch of basketball injuries. Really? You talk about him a lot. It's kinda what you do when you're married. When he comes up, it's kinda in comparison to me. No, it's not. Yeah, it actually is. You wouldn't be comparing us, would you? Why would I do that? Well, you tell me. Okay, my husband is not up for discussion. - Well, you bring him up a lot. - No, I do not. Okay. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything about... Look, it's just that, on one hand, I really wonder who this guy is. And how special he must be to have gotten you. And on the other hand, I wonder, does he even know it. I wonder if he challenges you mentally. Does he bring out the best in you? Does he even notice you anymore? - You know what? I'm not... - Judith, listen. Just listen. If I had a woman as beautiful as you, I wouldn't miss a thing. Like the small blonde hairs on the back of your neck. Or how your left temple throbs when you're in deep thought. How calm you get when you're really excited. Like right now. That is very sexy. How slow you're breathing. Well, I don't miss anything either. Like the smell of jasmine perfume on this sofa that's obviously fresh. Or those pair of high heels in your bedroom. Those diamond earrings on this coffee table. Don't play with me, Harley. Verbal sparring. You know that's a sign I'm winning. Winning what? That must be Brice at the door. - Brice? Your husband? - Yeah. I can't wait to meet this guy. - Here, let me help. - I can walk by myself. I'm gonna help you, okay? Here we go. - See, I'm good. - All right. It's fine. Okay? Hey, be careful. - Hey! You must be Brice, right? - Yeah. Harley. Nice to meet you, man. Hey, babe, what happened? I fell down when I was running. Harley helped me out, though. - Thank you. - No problem. Thanks a lot, Harley, I'll see you later. Yeah. Nice to meet you. Likewise. Thanks again. It's, you know, it's just... - Good morning. - Morning. Babe, I was thinking. Were you and Harley running together? No, he just happened to be in the park. Okay. You look nice. Thank you. I'll be late tonight. It's that mid-month inventory. I hate the 15th. Yeah. Your breakfast is on the table. All right. Do I have any calls? Flowers! Susan, do I have any messages? I didn't know the 15th was your birthday. Happy birthday. Here you go. Hey, he remembered! I left the apartment this morning so mad. I thought my husband forgot my birthday. But he didn't! You are so excited about him. That is great. Did you try something new? With your hair? I sure did! I curled it. And you see that green comb? Right there in my hair? Unfortunately, I do. Is your fashion icon a Delta stewardess? That's what you look like. Oh, Ava. - Is this wool? - Yes. -It's making me itch. -It's a blend. A blend of what? Ava, can you just give me a break? It's my birthday. I tried to do something pretty with my hair. I have these beautiful flowers from my husband. I'm smiling. - Just give me a compliment or something. - That was a compliment. He's on his way up. Come on, we gotta go. - Who? My husband? - No, Harley. Come on, we really gotta fix this. - Is that spit? - Watch my manicure! - Why are you putting spit in my hair? - I'm trying to be your friend here, Judith. When people look at you it reflects bad on me. They don't think you have a mirror or a friend. And they know we're friends. My friends don't look like this. They look like this. Ava, I think I look really pretty today. I tried. I put on a little extra makeup. That's not makeup. That's make down. I'm matching today, too. You know, you told me about that. So you see this gold belt? The gold belt goes with the gold flappy things on my shoes. And the blue shoes go with the blue dress. Oh, my God! What? You're wearing flats? My foot's all... It hurts a little bit. Push me out of the window, why don't you? I would love to. Harley's here. Come on, we gotta go. Enough with the coffee. No coffee breath. Come on. No, no. Nope. We gotta go. Hi, Harley. Hey- Hey there. How's your foot? It's fine. Thanks. Thanks for helping out the other day, too. Yeah, no problem. Brice just couldn't believe you were so nice to me. He wanted me to thank you for that. Yeah, no worries. You changed your hair! Little bit. I like it. Thank you. Happy birthday. Thank you. You like the flowers? You sent these? Yeah. Don't look so disappointed. No, it's just... lt just said "Happy birthday, Judith." It didn't say who it was from. No, I wanted to tell you in person. I was gonna deliver them myself when I came up, but I just didn't really think that was a good idea. Yeah. Smart man. Yes. Okay. Come here for a second. Let's sit down. - Have a seat. - All right. Harley, I'm gonna be as honest as I can be. What's going on? You have plenty of programmers, plenty of employees that could come and help me with this project. And yet you're coming here every day. Why? Judith, I find you extremely beautiful, okay? And interesting. And if I have to come here myself to be around you, I will. I just wanna be involved with you. Intimately. And as long as you know that I'm very married... Point taken. He loves you. I saw that when he picked you up. He's kinda regular. But lucky. You just don't impress me as the type of person that would be satisfied with a man like that. Maybe at one point in time, in your life. But where you're going, I just don't see that lasting. You don't know him. - Hi. - Hey. Crazy day today. Yeah? Yeah. I was trying to finish up all that inventory. Babe, I'm sorry. It's the second year in a row, Brice. Babe, I just got a little carried away with work, that's all. Yeah. I understand. It's all good. No, no, let me take you out or something. No. I have this really big assignment for work and I got a lot to do. Babe, I'm sorry. Brice, it's okay. Don't worry about it. She may be weary Them young girls They do get weary Wearing that same old shaggy dress Yeah But when she gets weary Try a little tenderness Yeah, yeah Oh, now, now You won't regret it No, no Young girls They don't forget it Love is their own happiness You're silly. But it's all so easy All you gotta do is try Try a little tenderness All you got to do is, man Hold her when you wanna Happy birthday, baby. I'm sorry. All right, girls, let's make some dreams happen. Judith, you have been requested to accompany Harley to New Orleans for a meeting. Really? He's presenting to his shareholders and he wants you there. Okay, well, when do we leave? Oh, no, darling, just you. I think he likes you. Now, I know you're married, but just flirt a little. Get the deal closed. Don't compromise yourself. But just flirt. I understand. I know I don't know you very well, but I want you to know exactly what you're getting yourself into. This is a big deal for me and this place. And I want it in the worst way. That being said, I will tell you like I tell all my girls who go out with my guys. Be nice. Be aware. Have fun. But most of all, be careful. I know you're a smart girl, but this is another league you're in. Trust me. A couple of senatorial retirement announcements this week, highlighting what has been a gradual rolling back of the GOP's... Hello. Can I help you? Hi. Do you think you can tell me how to get to Johnson Jewelry? I'm a little turned around. I'm kind of new in town. You want East Jefferson. This is West Jefferson. That's on the other side of town. Thank you. Thank you so much. What? We're back to this again? Did you not have a good birthday or something? My husband forgot. He forgot? I thought he sent you flowers yesterday. No, they weren't from him. He didn't even remember. I mean, he tried. It's just the second year in a row. You are forgettable. Honey, you have to make a man remember you. I've tried to give you my assistance, but you don't want it, so get out. All right, you win. Win what? The hair, the makeup, the clothes. Do whatever you wanna do. Are you kidding? Oh, my God. Thank you. I have been dying to get my hands on this hair. Come on. Come on. Look. Look at the bags, the shoes, purses, everything. I dream of this room. Look at this. Where are we right now? This is the place that Janice sends the girls that she's not happy with before, you know, she sets them up. So this is what I call Couture Heaven. All right, let's get started. Wow. There's so much to do with you in so little time. What do you think of this? Wow. What kind of fabric is this? One that's never been on your back. It's called expensive. Good morning. Good morning. What's wrong? Her ex came in here. Tell him, honey. I've been hiding from him. Running from him for years. Changed my name. I moved here and... I can't believe he's here. I'm gonna have to quit. Well, where are you gonna go? I don't know. I'm tired of starting over. Look, maybe he just stumbled in here on accident. Do you know how many people live in this city? You can't keep running from someone your whole life. You don't understand. When we first met, he wined and dined me. Made me feel like I was the luckiest woman in the world. Then things started to unravel. And I don't know if it was the drugs or if he was really mentally ill. He just started to change. And just became evil. Like he was two different people. He tried to kill me. I just can't see you being with a guy like that. Sometimes you never know who you're married to. People start off one way and end up somebody else. One night, he was on that couch... I ran and I never looked back after that. Look, Melinda, you can't quit. What am I supposed to do? We'll help you. We'll pick you up and drop you off. We? Miss Waco. What? I'll help you. Yeah, he'll protect you. Don't throw away what you found here. Do you know what we all need? Is a Valium. I have a whole room full of them. Good morning. Thank you. Please watch your step. Hello. Hi. You gonna fly standing up or you gonna have a seat? Yeah. Right. I Will. All right. So, is this your plane? Like, it all is? - Like, all the parts and everything. - Yeah. Wow. That's cool. When we leave New Orleans, maybe we can head over to Paris. Or New York. All this work we're trying to focus on and you're talking about Paris and New York? If you were mine, you wouldn't have to work. If you were mine, you wouldn't be on this plane right now. Your butt would be at a pharmacy. That's the handout for the board meeting. Champagne, sir? Thank you. You're welcome. - Something for you? - Thanks, I'm fine. Look at you. Champagne. Private jet. You look amazing, by the way. Man, this view is just incredible. What? It's just refreshing to see someone experience this side of life for the first time. You know? it is. it excites me. Whatever. You know you take people on this plane all the time and excite them. Just my ex. This was no big deal for her. I really hate being taken for granted. Don't you? Yeah. How would that make you feel when she would do that? The opposite of how this makes you feel. How does this make me feel? Special. Important. Wanted. Am I right? You should feel that way all the time. This stuff didn't matter to her. The more I tried, the more she shot me down. I think I just love too hard. I do. I fall. Before I know it, I'm just... I'm gone. What do you mean, "gone"? Just crazy. Crazy in love. You know? So I've learned to keep my true feelings inside because most women can't handle the kind of emotion that I bring. What does that mean? Well, I can come on really strong. How so? I want to make love to you. Right now. That's the kind of thing I'd say to her. You are so beautiful. Thank you. What? I was talking about my ex. But you are beautiful, though. You are. You are. Thank you. One compliment does deserve another. I think we are better off just keeping it professional. You know we're way past that. I find myself very attracted to you. I find myself very married. Happily married, right? A guy can dream, right? I can't stop you from dreaming. What do you dream about? I used to dream about helping people and starting my own practice. But I graduated college and reality hit. I don't really dream anymore. You know all that could easily be reality. What do you dream about? You. You ever dream about me? I have a husband. Yeah. I know. Do you want me? What are you doing? Harley, stop it. I don't want to. Harley, stop it. Please, Harley. Please. Stop. Get off of me. Get off of me! Get! Get off of me! Just stop! Stop it. Stop. - You stop. - Stop it. Now you can say you resisted. Are you okay? I don't wanna ever see you again. If you need anything, Janice can help you. Okay, Judith, hold on a second, please. - I will not do this. I can't. - Wait. Judith, are you sure about this? - Wait a second. - I mean it. Wait, wait. Let me talk to you real quick. Hold on. Are you sure you want to do this? Really? - Thank you, son. - No problem. Judith. Hey- Harley, you remember my husband, Brice. Hey, how you doin', man? Hi. That is a beautiful car. Thank you. Hey, Mama. This your mother? Harley. Reverend Sarah Ogalvee. It's a pleasure. Thanks so much for the ride, Harley. Appreciate that. Okay. Y'all have a good night. Yeah. Let's get you in, Miss Sarah. All right, son. Hi, Mom. Sweetheart, how you doin'? - You made it, huh? - So happy to see you. Sweetness, that was an awfully pretty dress I saw you in earlier. - Yeah, you looked nice, babe. - Thanks. My boss gave it to me. She wants us to start dressing like that. You're not gonna say grace? Okay, yeah. God, thank you for this food. Bless it and purify it. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. In Jesus' name we pray. And we thank you, Lord. Amen. Amen. Miss Sarah, I'm always happy when you're around. I get to have a home-cooked meal. Daughter, you not cooking for your husband? Yes, I am. Well, she does, but lately, she's been working a lot. Right. With the man in the red, fast car? No. I mean, I don't work with him that often. And you know, he's a nice guy. Nice guy? That don't mean nothin' if he don't know the Lord. "It's easier for a camel to enter into the eye of a needle "than it is for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven." Yes, Mama, I know. You say that a lot. But there's nothing wrong with being rich or having nice things. Long as nice things don't have you. Amen. Well, our business is over anyway, so... Well, then that's good, isn't it? Yeah. You know, baby, it's been a long time since you been to the house of the Lord. I told her we rest on Sundays. You know, with your job, you need to be in church. Could build spiritual strength up to deal with those demons, girl. I don't work with demons. Isn't that what you said to me on the phone? I know, but... Okay, I guess I was wrong. Mama, not everybody's a demon. Well, I know that. I'm just voicing my concern. We don't talk anymore. You don't call in for your morning prayers. Well, it's just I get up so early. You know, I have to take the bus every morning. At 9:00 a.m. Prayer starts at 6:00 a.m. every morning. All the sisters be on the line. I know you busy, baby. I know that, but you could call in sometime. Just once in a while. All right, I will. I will. How long you staying? I done got on your nerves. I'm sorry, please forgive me. You're not bothering me. It's fine. I'm just gonna go dry my hair. Everything all right, sweetness? Yeah. I just don't wanna catch a cold. That's not like her not to want her food. Yeah, I think she's mad at me, Miss Sarah. I forgot her birthday and now I'm talking about her cooking. How you goin' forget her birthday? You need your ass whipped. Miss Sarah, you ain't supposed to be cursing'. That's the King James Version. It's all right, honey. Eat your food. You all right? I can't believe you. What did I do now? Why would you tell her all that stuff? She asked. And you know how your mother is. I can't lie to her. - Whatever. -It's like she looks right through me. You know what? I'm going to bed. Do I need to go get my guitar? Good night. Is it important for your partner to support your hobbies? Yes. I think it's very important for me for that to happen, yeah. Yeah, I think over the years, with all my concentration on my business, on success, I was afraid that I would give up a part of myself, if I... Are you listening to me? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I... You don't want someone that's gonna change you. Yeah. Jeff stepping in front. He's coming back, doing battle against his old squad. Play action. Down the middle. intercepted. Come on! - Babe, you see that? - Intercepted by Kleinsmith. Don't throw the ball in all that traffic. Down the sidelines, out of bounds, across the 45 yard line of... Indiana to 47. Joe Kleinsmith. He gets up limping off that play. But he's got an interception and a 38 yard return. Kleinsmith doing a nice job of just reading the eyes of the quarterback. Quarterback's gonna tell you where he's going with the ball. So is this what you wanted, huh? You wanted to just have sex with me and just ignore me after that? You come to the office. You don't say "Hi." You don't call anybody. You were the one that said you were married and you couldn't do this, right? Right? Why does it even matter if I call you or not, Judith? Really? Why are you doing this? What are you talking about? I'm not a man that likes to play these little silly games, Judith. I'm not playing any games. Well, if you want me, then you say it. All right? Live for once in your life, Judith, damn, come on! It's not that easy. Okay? Where is he right now? He's watching the game. Touchdown! Yes! Put him on the phone. Will you stop it? No, put him on the phone, Judith. No. Just stop it. Why doesn't he wonder who you're talking to on the phone right now? Because he doesn't do that. If you were mine, I'd want to know. Well, I'm not yours, am I? Well, you could be. Does he make love to you better than me? I don't think anyone makes love better than you. Tell me you want me. Say it. I want you. Come see me right now. I'll pick you up on the corner of Wilmont and 3rd. I can't. I can't be there. I'm making dinner. And it's what? It's 8:30. I just can't. Hello? Hello? Pass the ball! Look out! Leslie Majors on the run. Inside the Sycamore 40, out of bounds. Dinner's ready, honey. Mom, I'm sorry, that was my boss. She just called. She needs me to run an errand. What? I know, it's ridiculous. I'll see y'all later. Well... Going down, getting the feet inbounds. You see it there. - That happen a lot? - No, no, no! Lewis able to pick up. Can he make... Here you go. What's that? You really are from the country, aren't you? You've never even tried this before. Let me give you a little bit. No,no,no. I'm just gonna stick with the wine. You trust me, right? Of course. Go ahead. All right, Well... I've been thinking. Instead of going into business with Janice. You and me, we should start that marriage counselor thing. Get that office open. I'd do that for you. - Are you serious? Really? - Yeah. You would do that? One catch, though. You have to be mine. What do I do about Brice though? Okay, we talked about Brice, babe. You leave him. Harley, I already feel so bad though, about what we're doing. Then why are you here? You know why I'm here. Why don't you just go home? Get out of my house. Shit if I'm gon' try and play these little games with you. No, go. What are you talking about? Go. You realize that you're kicking me out your house. You know what? Fine then. Forget it. Asshole! Fine! Fine! Don't ever ask me to cook or come over again. Bastard! Don't call me again, you jackass. You comin' in awfully late. - Where's Brice? - What's wrong with you? Nothing, Mama. My boss made me upset. Brice is in the bed. What's wrong with you? I'm just gonna take a shower, okay? You been drinking? I had a glass of wine. All right? With that devil in the red car. No, not with him. And he ain't no devil. Who you think you talkin' to? You know you never could lie to me. I'm your mother. God's not pleased with this, daughter. I knew when you moved here. I knew the devil was gon' be after you. I just knew it. And look at you. You're fallen. Look at you, you're changing. Please, baby, come back. Now, you know I taught you the ways of the Lord. You know better. Come on out here, now. Come pray with me. Okay, Mama. I'll come out there and I'll pray with you. But then what? Am I supposed to stop wearing makeup? And wear dresses down to my ankle, and pretend like I'm all holy and happy, and sanctified for the Lord like you do? Nobody's pretending, baby. Yeah, well, I'm just saying it don't take all that to love the Lord. Why you so disrespectful to me? I'm just saying what my father shoulda told you long ago. Now, you can just leave him right outta this. God bless the dead. God bless the dead? So, Mama, we're still doing that act? When you gon' quit it? We both know he's still alive. Yeah. I found him in Youngstown, Mama. And he told me all about you. And how you left him the second you joined that church. How you kept him outta my life. So what do you gotta lie about it for? You trying to turn this all around on me. But it's not about me. It's about you. That fool out there, 'bout to make a bigger fool outta you. That boy is gonna hurt you somethin' bad. And he gon' take you straight to hell. Well, I'll enjoy the ride. Where you get that smart mouth from? How dare you talk to me like that? I done worked my fingers to the bone to make sure you had a decent life. I done cleaned more toilets than you can think of and then you would talk to your mother like this? Not today. Not today! What's going on? Well, you know my mother. She feels that the devil is after me, so she in there hollering'. "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, "I will fear no evil. "He maketh me to lie down in green pastures." Brice, I need you take care of my child. I will, but tell me what's going on. God, Lord, Jesus and the Host. - Judith, what's going on? - Please, not you, too. Judith, I've never seen her or you act like this. Talk to me. Brice, okay, I just want to go take a shower. It's really not that deep. No, Judith, Judith, talk to me. Please. Judith, talk to me. Judith! Judith! Please! Wait a minute. Those are not my hand-me-downs. No, they are not. Take that for me. Oh, my God. You caught on. Wait a minute. Wait. You caught on. Let me see. - I am so proud. - Like it? Yes? This is my finest moment in life. - Is Janice in? - Yes. Hi. What, you don't knock? Just the person I wanted to see. Have a seat. No, I'll stand. I wanted to thank you for the job, but this will be my last week. No. This is your last day. I just got a call from Harley, telling me that he's out of the deal with me and opening a practice for you. That's what we plan to do. We? Little girl, you have no idea what you are in for. But I wish you all the best with your struggle. You know, I've been meaning to tell you, you are in an existential identity crisis. I did my research on you. You spent those two weeks in Paris and all of a sudden you got a French accent? Girl, we know you from Georgia. Bitch, you better get your ass outta my office. Now! That should do it. - Thank you. - Thank you. What's going on? You okay? Yeah. Why are you so quiet? I'm sorry. Brice, what's the matter? Melinda, I'm fine. No, you're not. Come on. Everything you done for me here, let me return the favor. What's going on? I think I lost my wife. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Are you sure? I can't even believe it. I don't know what I did wrong. I didn't know it was that bad. I just thought that... Brice, sometimes we can get comfortable with people. And that's what causes the problems. That's how it is. But I didn't even know she was unhappy. Well, she probably wasn't. Most times you're happy until somebody comes along and shows you something different. Maybe I did take her for granted. Well, say you did. But this is wrong. This is wrong of her, man. You don't deserve this. You can't take the responsibility for what she did. Because when people cheat... I never said she was cheating. She's cheating. Miss Waco, I didn't... Calm down! But the lesbian is right. Lesbian? I'm not a lesbian. You're not? I'm sorry. I thought that you... The boots and the sweater. You know, she's met somebody that's making her look at life differently. Face it! So what do I do? If you see a mob fighting with bricks, you don't join in the fight unless you have one, too. May I help you? You have a prescription? Hey, I wanna go home with you. Judith! - Hey, Brice. - Come on, let's go. Go home. Judith, let's go, now! Get up! I don't think she wants to go with you. Judith, let's go! - Baby, I'm getting tired of this. - Baby? Get up. - Get up. - Hey! Hey! Hey! Get offa me. Get your damn hands offa me! Get offa me! What is wrong with you? Get your damn hands off of me! Have you lost your mind? Maybe. I'm at home waiting on you. And this is what you're doing? Well, stop waiting, Brice. This is how you do me? You're messing around with this clown. Baby, you don't know how much I love you. Baby, come home. If you come home, I promise you I'll never mention it again. Just come home, please. Please. Oh, you're such a good guy. And I really hope you find a nice girl. What are you saying to me? I feel so dead with you, Brice. I do. And I wanna feel alive. I wanna feel wanted. I don't. You took me for granted. You did. I don't just want a good guy. I want a phenomenal guy. You're not phenomenal. What are you... What are you saying to me? We have someone I can pay to help you through this and help counsel you. What? Judith, you're not saying this to me. I tried. I loved you. I wanted to love you. And I'm sorry if I failed. I'm sorry. Fine. I will help you pack your shit. I don't need anything. I'll just get my laptop. I have everything I need, everything I could ask for here. Bye. Here you go. How are you doing? You okay? No. I understand what you're going through. She was just so cold. She wasn't herself. Her mother warned me. She was right. Brice, I'm so sorry. I know this pain. What are you doing? We're not attracted to each other. Okay, you're just hurting and you'll do anything to make the pain go away. Trust me. I've been there. I'm sorry. I know it hurts right now. And I'm not gon' lie to you, it's gon' hurt for a long time, and it's gon' seem like it's forever. But you're gonna get through this. I promise. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. You coming up? Hell, yeah, I'm comin' up. I wanna see how this dude has you livin'. Well, he should be at work, so he's not home. Hey, move it! You're blocking the road! Go around. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Lord. Oh, my Jesus. We have to go. Forgive us our sins. Lead all souls to you, Lord. Especially those in most need of Thy Divine Mercy, Lord. No, no. Let's have a little fun with this. Hello, Reverend. Save my child! Sisters. Oh, the Lord done answered my prayers, sisters. - My child is home. - I'm getting my computer. Sweet baby, please stay. Please stay. You're not safe. I brought all the sisters here to pray for you. - We need you to stay here. - I'm fine, Mama. I know you think you are, but you're not, darling. - Okay. We gon' go. All right? I love you. - You're in danger. Let's go. - No, sweetie. - Mom, give me this. I need it Please, stay here. I'm begging you. - There's something on this. - Mama, we need to get... - Stop it! - Damn! Satan! Give me that now. What the hell? Mama, you okay? You okay? - You're good, right? Stand up. - My sweet baby! Now you see what I mean? No, he didn't mean it. He didn't mean it. You need to stay here with me, baby, please. - Get up. Get up! - Get your hands off my baby! - I'm talking to her! - Mama, hold on now. Get up. Girl, get up. Sister Sarah, you tried. You tried. I don't know if she's hurt. I don't know if her bruised knee is okay. I don't know nothin' because you just jacked me outta there! Bring your ass back here. Come back here. You come back. Get the hell off me! Don't you touch me! - Whose side are you on? - She's my mother, you jerk! I don't give a damn about your mama, Judith! Yeah, obviously, you don't! The way you pushed her down! - Get up the stairs! - Don't touch me! Get up the stairs if I wanna get up the stairs. So you just gon' take her side like that? Huh? - Take her side? - Yeah! This is not about me taking her side, Harley. It's the fact that you will not understand what it feels like to watch your mother thrown to the ground! Look, just because your mother abandoned you in some crack house, don't mean you gotta abuse mine! I don't give a damn what she did. It ain't about what she did. Shoot, yes, she annoys me, too. She's still my mother. Where is my shit, bitch? She don't deserve to be treated that way. Judith, you know that I'm just crazy in love with you, okay? And it just... lt just makes me really upset when you're not on my side, okay? I'm gonna just give you some space right now. You leaving? Judith? It's just, this really is not healthy. You gon' leave me? Is that what you gonna do? - What the hell are you... - Is that what you gon' do? What do you know about cooking? Boy, this is what I do. Thank you. Don't mention it. I didn't want yo' ass to jump. I'm not gonna jump. Good. It hurts like hell, though. I know. I know where you are. You can cook. You're a good woman. You think you'll ever find love again? You can't run from that guy forever. I believe in love and marriage and I really hope you find a nice guy. Brice... I have HIV. - Melinda, I'm sorry. -It's okay. I'm dealing with it. I made the choice to be with my ex. Even though I knew he was sleeping around, so I accepted my part in it. I'm taking my meds, so I'm doing good. But to answer your question... No. I'm not running from Harley anymore. Harley? Yeah, the Class-Meet guy. - What's wrong? - Judith. - What? What's the matter? - Judith! - Judith! - Judith? What about Judith? - My wife is with him! - Okay, okay. Oh, my God. Judith! Judith! No. No, no, no, no. Judith, baby, it's me. It's Brice. No, no, no, it's me. I'm gonna take you home. I'm taking you home. It's me, baby. Brice! - Yeah. - I knew you'd come. He did this to you? I deserve it. You don't deserve this. - Yes, I do. - No, you don't. I was so mean to you. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. You think we can fix it? We can fix it, right? We'll fix it. Okay. Where are you hurt? Right here. I hurt your heart. It's okay. Come on, babe, I'm gonna get you home. I'm gonna get you outta here. I'm gonna get you outta here. Come on. It's okay. L 90'! YOU - I got you. I got you. My God! Careful. Get up. Get up! Oh, my God. Brice, stop, you gon' kill him. Karen. Yeah. It's me, Karen. I knew you'd come back. Come here, girl. Don't you ever come near her or my wife again. Karen. Karen. I'm sorry. I know you have to go. Wow. What happened to Judith? Well... She's alive. How does this story end? It's still being written. Did she get HIV, too? Yes. Brice? No. Thank you so much for sharing this story with me. I'm gonna end this "almost" affair and stay with my husband. Karen. Hey. Hi. How are you? Good to see you. Hi. ls Brice here? - Yeah. He's in the back. - Okay. - Thanks. - Good seeing you. - You look nice. - Thank you. - Hi. - Hi. How are you? I'm good. I spoke to your doctor. He changed your dosage to get your T-cell count up. Okay. How are you feeling? I'm fine. I'm good. Where you headed to? I'm going to church. Mama's there waiting for me. Okay. Well, be careful. And if you ever need anything, I'm here for you, Judith. - See you next month. - I'll see you next month. - Hi. - Hey. Hi, little man. He's so cute. - Hi. - How are you? Hey- How's my little man? Hey, Daddy. - Hey, babe. - Hey, baby. - How's your day? - Good. Thanks For Viewing Worldwide7477 Encodes DARCY: It wasn't meant to be this way. You know? We make our plans, sure. But life... Life is what happens to you along the way. You know, at first, I didn't want this. I didn't want to connect. I didn't want to get involved. And she kept on at me. "This is what life is. This is why we're here, to connect. "To build." We're here to build something. And then we had Theo. And then I understood that she was right. We're not meant to be alone. You know what she said to me? She said that even the most damaged heart can be mended. Even the most damaged heart. (CELL PHONE VIBRATING) Yeah. No, I'm with Vic. What? (POUNDING ON DOOR) I can't let you in until Alphonse is home. Alphonse is on his way. Where? In the basement. Oh, Paulie. No. DARCY: It's Paul. (SPEAKING SPANISH) Why is the alarm off? I told you that you should always have it on! (WOMAN SPEAKING SPANISH) She said that she didn't turn it off. Go. "719, now you realize." What? DARCY: What the fuck? This shit is crazy. Now he's killing us. Call the locksmith. And get that asshole from the alarm company over here. "Now you realize." (SIGHS) I know who's doing this to me. (FREAK PLAYING) (MOANING) (BANGING ON WALL) Killed for less. A little uncouth to come without a call. There's a better place for you to be. Get out. Go. Am I gonna get paid? Have you seen this man? Paul? Everyone knows Paul's missing. I want you to think before you answer. 'Cause I'm getting to the bottom of this. The bottom of what? Three months of letters. Three months of torment. Not being able to leave my house without wondering if some coward is gonna sneak up behind me and... Paul was looking into this. And I think he found exactly what he was looking for. But before he could come and tell me, my friend Paul shows up strangled in my freezer. You've got a lot of enemies, don't you, Alphonse? Three months ago you and I had our disagreement! I raised my take to 25% to allow you to continue to operate in my buildings. I started getting letters three months ago! That's no fucking coincidence! That's not fucking accurate! You asked for 30%, and Lon told you, you could only ask me for 20%. So if anyone was bent out of shape, it was fucking you, Alphonse. Who's in this picture? I don't fucking know. Who the fuck is in this picture? I don't know! What am I supposed to realize? What does 719 mean? What am I going to fucking realize? What am I gonna fucking realize? Darcy, want to give me a hand here, mate? He ain't got shit to do with this! I've been picking up from Harry for over a year. No. He's a fucking liar so you shut the fuck up. I'm gonna ask you again. What am I supposed to realize? I don't care what you think I've done to you, you are not sanctioned to kill me. That much I do fucking know. So it's not on, you even coming here! "Not on"? The term is, "Not cool." It's you fucking English. You always do shit like that. Alphonse, just... Well... You also make your sevens like this. You are not sanctioned to kill me. Fuck it. (FREAK CONTINUES PLAYING) (GROANS) (GUN CLICKS) What the fuck y'all waiting for? Do it. (GROANS) (GROANING) Fuck, you've been hit. Don't worry about it. (PANTING) (METALLIC CLATTERING) DOCTOR: A bit better this time. (SOBS) NURSE: Will you be all right to drive yourself home, Beatrice? (VACUUM WHIRRING) (VACUUM STOPS) (SPEAKING FRENCH) Why don't you go over and introduce yourself to him? Oh, Mom. What are you doing? You're supposed to lie down and relax. Huh? (SIGHS) I was relaxing so much I saw a white light. (LAUGHS) Well, if you see it again, don't walk into it. I still have a lot of things to take out on you for my childhood. (CHUCKLES) It's beautiful. I love the color. (SPEAKING FRENCH) Me too. It's very pretty. I'll run your bath. (SPEAKING FRENCH) You don't stop looking at him. You should ask him out. Go out. Live your life. You're alive, after all. (BATH WATER RUNNING) (CELL PHONE RINGS) Hello? Hello? I got your note. Hi. Uh... VICTOR: Hi. (SPEAKING FRENCH) Go out. Go out on the balcony. I... I wasn't sure you got it. I was wondering if I put it in the wrong box? No. No. It's mine. So... The note. I just thought since we... I thought it would be nice to finally meet you. Beatrice. Victor. (INDISTINCT CHATTERING) No, thanks. You don't talk a lot. Not much, no. It's okay. I talk enough for both of us. (CHUCKLES) I talk too much. Everybody says so. Um... You speak French? I'd like to. Yeah? Sure. Another language? Hungarian. You're Hungarian? You don't have an accent. I worked very hard to get rid of it. So... A job? I'm... Right now I'm dabbling in real estate. The people I work for, they buy buildings in need of renovations. Fix them up and run them. Hmm. (EXHALES SOFTLY) YOU? A jab? Yeah. I was involved in a car accident last year. I was a beautician before. They rebuilt part of my face. But it's kind of hard to give advice on beauty now. And... I have to smile a lot in my job. Most of the time, it hurts to smile. I don't get to smile so much in my work. No? No. Maybe you and I should switch jobs. Yeah. So, what else? I swear sometimes. Especially when I drink. Me too. Fuck. Shit. (LAUGHING) Careful. You're smiling. Tonight it's worth it. I want to take you somewhere. (LAUGHS) So where are we going? Are we going to a club? No. No? Very cold. Very cold. Yeah. All right. Well, then are we going to a park? Hmm... (LAUGHS) Warmer. I thought you talk a lot? I thought you don't. Must be the company. Usually, I don't. You can turn here. Pull over. Just there. You're afraid I'll think you came tonight because you felt sorry for me. You don't have to play these games, Victor. I know why you really came. You're just being careful. You want to find out if the girl who's been watching you saw what you did. I saw you kill this man. I saw you strangle him. I saw you take him away. Now you're trying to clean up a mess that cannot be cleaned up. But, I... I think your secret will be safe with me. This is the man who hit my car when he was drunk. This is the man who did this to me. I want you to kill him. As you did with the man in your apartment. Wait a minute. No. If you don't do it, I'll call the police and tell them what I saw. What the fuck are you... His BMW. It's fixed. As if it had never happened. But I can't be fixed. He served three weeks. Three weeks for what he did to me. Stupid judge, he sat there and he looked at my face. I want it done. If you don't do it, I'll call the police and I'll tell them what I saw. You'll do it! You want to save yourself? Do it! Fuck. He didn't pay. I understand. He didn't pay. Stop saying that! I understand! Are you gonna do it? What I did, it has nothing to do with you. You have to do this! He ruined my life. I have nothing. I am nothing. I want it done as soon as possible. Then I will forget. I will begin my life. And I will forget that I ever met you. Do you know what it is to kill a man? I will forget that I ever met you. It's not a bug! It's not a rat! I would never kill a bug or a rat! He's much worse than these things! You don't know what you're getting into with me! You have no fucking idea! (PULLS HAND BREAK) (TIRES SQUEALING) (CARS HONKING) I could have called the police. I saved your life. Now you're gonna give me back mine. If you're not going to kill me you don't have a choice. (CAR TIRES SQUEALING) (CARS HONKING) (SPEAKING FRENCH) Back so soon? Beatrice. Beatrice, tell me what went wrong. (FRENCH POP SONG PLAYING) Beatrice. (MUSIC CONTINUES PLAYING LOUDLY) Ah, Laszlo. Sorry I'm late. No problem. You look good. It's good to see you. Were you worried I was going to forget your name? Ah... Convention. You forget what it's like. (MEN CHATTERING INDISTINCTLY) It's Andras who gave us the body for your grave. VICTOR: Whose body? Someone who deserved it, I'm sure. (SPEAKING HUNGARIAN) Is this where the whores are kept? (MAN LAUGHS) No, no, you are looking for your mother's boat. Two down. We met. Two days after when they left you for dead. VICTOR: Yeah. ANDRAS: Soviet modified Dragunov. Shoots 7.62 by 5.4 rounds. With all Russian PSO scopes. Comes with bayonet suppressor as well. Heavier than I expected. I'll take it. (MURMURING) Okay. All set. What did he say? Andras? For 14 months you've infiltrated Alphonse. They wanted to know why you've been waiting for so long to do what needs to be done. He said if he was lucky enough to be standing, like you are, he'd want revenge, too. But we're all worried you wait too long. Always kill the devil quickly when you find him. That was his advice. I said you wanted to be close enough to watch him suffer. But I really don't know the reason you're waiting. VICTOR ON VIDEO: So now... Now. VICTOR: Say it in English for me. DELPHINE: I... MATILDE: ---tied--- VICTOR: Yes? I tied... VICTOR: Yes? shoe. Today. VICTOR: You tied what? DELPHINEI My shoe. Your shoe? (MATILDE KISSING DELPHINE) VICTOR: Bigger smile than that. That's not the biggest smile you have. So? Nothing. No one has seen your brother. It's been two weeks, lam telling you. He never goes more than a few days without calling me. You know him. Sometimes he likes to get away. No. Something is wrong. What have I done to you? Where have you taken me? I need foodstuffs. (RATS SQUEALING) (GASPS) I can help you. If you let me go, he will spare you. My brother, he will not stop looking for me. And he will find you. (SOBBING) Even if you get his money, even if they pay, he will find you. (CAMERA CLICKING) (SOBS) You don't know who you're messing with! He will kill you! He will kill you! (SOBBING) BOY 1: Monster's here. Monster! Hey, monster... If you put a bag over your head, we might hook up with you. (ALL LAUGHING) You have to take off your shoes. My mom likes to keep the floor clean. BEATRICE: How long will it take? Long enough to be prepared. You say he goes to this bar every night? Yeah. You know where he works? He's looking for work. As much as I could find out, I did. I never thought about it before. Revenge. But when I saw you kill that man in your apartment, I knew I had my answer. Why did you do it? I just want to know more about you. I'm not here by choice. Oh! We have company. She can't hear us. She lost most of her hearing as a child. (WOMEN SPEAKING FRENCH) Oh, I forgot my cookies in the oven. I took them out for you, Mom. Oh, okay. I'm looking for my hearing aids. Mom, I'd like you to meet Victor. Oh! Hello, Victor. Nice to meet you. Well, you look good. You want to stay for lunch? We're having chicken. Lemon chicken. It's very good. And cookies, too. We love cookies in this house. You want cookies? I can't stay, madame. Oh, I want to show you something. Pictures of Beatrice. You can see she has excellent genes. Isn't she pretty? You see how beautiful she is? Mmm. (VALENTINE CONTINUES SPEAKING FRENCH) (VALENTINE EXCLAIMS IN FRENCH) (VALENTINE HUMMING) I want it done as soon as possible. Maman? VALENTINE: Yes. Victor has to go. Au revoir, Victor. It was nice meeting you. Oh, I forgot... You'll hear from me when it's done. Cookies. Uh... (EXHALES) It's for you. Take them. A bit grumpy- Him, I have a good feeling about. Crackerjack. MAN: Got any grass? That depends. Information is power, my friend. You see anyone take a photo up there? Already told. Already told who? Another guy. A guy like you. This is my friend Paul. Did you tell him? (RINGS) ALPHONSE: Hello. GORDON: It's Lon. You know, people are flipping out. You weren't sanctioned to do Harry. Or his men. Or leave a house full of dead Jamaicans! No, I told you... Can you try to imagine... Look, Lon... Imagine what the fuck I'm dealing with? No. You need to come see me right now. You don't appreciate the severity of this. You come now. I'm gonna be at Cafe Cora. So... We got dead Jamaicans, huh? I'm listening. Well, Lon, for the last three months, Harry was messing with me. Trying to freak me out. Sending little notes like this with pictures, and threats and fucked-up shit. I don't think he was too happy with the percentage deal. Okay.)'- I went in there to get answers, not dead Jamaicans. Mmm-hmm. Turned out that way. I lost two guys. And truth is, I could have been just as dead as both of them. You know Joe Bragg? And Herbert? Lowell Khan. And Weinberg? They're my colleagues. Yeah. Each received photos like these. (EARPIECE BUZZING) Yeah? DARCY ON PHONE: Yo, Vic. Where you at? I'm in the middle of something. Hey, listen, I was right. Alphonse is still in danger. This was not Harry and his men doing this shit. How do you know that? You know Cafe Cora? Can you get there? I can find it. Yeah, look, Alphonse is there with Lon Gordon. I'm gonna call the rest of the crew and get them down there, all right? How'd you know it wasn't Harry? I'll be there in five. Fuck. Yo, Terry. Yeah? I'm gonna look at these photos another way. 'Cause whoever's doing this is taking it seriously enough now to let us know that the loans to you, they're not secure. That's respect enough to let us know his intentions. You're not gonna be around. You may not be around to collect. Lon, that's exactly what Harry wanted you to think. I got a note, too. This morning. It's addressed to you. Englishmen and Jamaicans, they don't send notes like this. Not after they've been killed in their own house. What does it mean? What does it mean? And this key was taped to it. You know what that key is for? I want you to get the books and the deeds together for me now, all right? Every building you owe us for. You understand this, don't you? So the uptown buildings, you're pulling out of the deal? We're not pulling out, Alphonse. You're just in no condition right now to pull in. Shit! TERRY: Alphonse... Not right now. TERRY: There's a problem. We need to go. (CELL PHONE CHIMES) He's here. What? MAN 1: Oh, shit! MAN 2: Blotto's down. Get the shit! TERRY: Jesus! Get down! Darcy! It's coming from the roof! Get in the car! LUCO: Up there! (TIRES SQUEALING) ALPHONSE: Go, go, go! Get the fuck out of here! Luco! You watch the elevator! (PEOPLE SCREAMING) Dolph and Charles come upstairs! Kilroy, back stairs with me! Now! Darcy, he got out from the fifth floor. What? He went out the window! From the fifth fucking floor? He's crazy. (MEN GRUNTING ON PHONE) Darcy! (SCREAMS) What the fuck? Shit! Fuck! Victor? (GRUNTS) Shit! Where is he? KILROY: They wasted Goff. DARCY: They wasted Charles, too. Over here! Come on! (TIRES SCREECHING) Get in! Come on! MAN 1: Over here! MAN 2: Come on! What the fuck are you doing? Turn the fuck around! Turn the fuck around! What the fuck! Hi. I'm Beatrice. You told me to get here. I'm sorry I made him late. What's going on? See you later. DARCY: Did you see anyone running here, Vic? No. Oh, shit! He took out Blotto, Goff and even Charles. Who? KILROY: We lost him. Fuck! You guys all right? Tell him what you told me about the cab. This guy in the building, he saw a man take this photo from the stairwell. Then they see him get into a cab. A gypsy cab. Paul was there, too. He found out the same thing. It must've led him to something, because he was wasted for it. Find out where the cab went. What did you do that for? What I do what for? Go looking with the pictures. You've only been on this crew a month longer than I have. What if all this shit that's happening to Alphonse is because of something that went down before you came, huh? This is an opportunity of magnumus proportions to me. How's that? Of finding my next step in the organization. Yeah, well, there might not be much of an organization left. I could run this place for him, Victor. Better than Terry, a whole lot better than fucking Kilroy. (SIRENS WAILING) I ain't joking around. If I could just crack this shit for... This is serious shit, Darcy. Have enough money to buy Lise and Theo what they need. Move up the ladder. What the fuck! It's Lise's car. Mine's in the shop. What? Are you back with her? Yeah, she's acknowledging me. It's a start, right? I promised her I'd make a plan. Get ahead. For her and for Theo. Just don't get too smart. You saw what happened to Paul. I don't want anything to happen to you. I'm smarter than Paul. I'm tired of being taken for a fucking douche. I saw Alphonse respected me back there. Oh, yeah? I saw it in his eyes. All right. We're good. That's it. Go on. What the fuck. (DELPHINE GIGGLES ON RECORDING) DELPHINE: I tied my shoe today. (DELPHINE GIGGLES) I tied my shoe today. (DELPHINE GIGGLES) I tied my shoe today. (ANSWERS IN FRENCH) Hello. This is Victor, is Beatrice... Hello. This is Victor. ls Beatrice there? What? There's no answer, no one is there. BEATRICE: Hello. It's me. I believe you have something of mine? Yeah. Why did you follow me? It's not the first time. I wanted to find out more about you. I think it's lucky I did. (DOORBELL RINGS) You want some water? Sure. BEATRICE: So, who are you? My real name is Laszlo Kerik. I was born in Hungary. A few years ago my wife and I came to America. I was an engineer before. We came here looking for work. We took an apartment in a building. It was a building they wanted to control. The man I saw? They got most people out of the building. One night they came and they fired some shots. To scare us. So we would leave. A bullet went through a wall, and my daughter was killed while she slept. We were going to testify. My wife and I. The man responsible for it all, Alphonse, he gave his orders to make sure he never went to trial. And they were followed. He was afraid to use his own guys, so they sent a crew of Albanians after us. They killed my wife, and they thought they killed me, too. And they should have made sure of it. Cigarette? Yeah. When I manage to forget what happened to me, when there are no mirrors, and no people that reminds me, when my mom makes me laugh... In these moments, I have hope. Maman says that I... That it's these moments that makes the pain bearable. These moments. I should try and find them where I can and hang onto them. But they're fleeting. And then I remember, and I'm filled with so much hate so I want to set the whole world on fire. I'm sorry I made you tell me about your family. I don't want to be one of those people that reminds you. When you're the one who is going to help me forget. These men, they don't seem easy to beat. And you might have used up all your luck. So... It's yellow... Uh-uh. Chartreuse. Keep it. I need you around. Rabbits don't come in chartreuse. Did you eat the cookies? No. Maman makes a good cookie. I only ask you to return the Tupperware. She likes her Tupperware. Have you made any progress? I will. I know. Because I realize now that if I call the police and tell them what I saw, it's not prison you're afraid of. It's that you won't get to finish your revenge. I'm going to sleep in my own bed. And why are you going to sleep in your own bed? Because Daddy keeps care of the monsters. VICTOR: Why, baby? Tell me once more, why? Because Daddy keeps care of the monsters. (DELPHINE GIGGLES) VICTOR: Bigger smile than that! That's not the biggest smile you have. MATILDE: And why are you going to sleep in your own bed? DELPHINE: Because Daddy keeps care of the monsters. VICTOR: Why, baby? Tell me once more. Why? Because Daddy keeps care of the monsters. (DELPHINE GIGGLING) I'm so happy that you're here. Yeah. I just needed some time, Florence. Now I'm going to cry. I was worried when you didn't contact my friend. Nicholas, the therapist. Oh, yeah. He really did wonders helping me out. He could help you. I found someone else. As long as you're getting the help you need. Yeah. I'm in good hands. You clever motherfucker. (BEEPS) (BEEPING) (DOOR OPENING) TERRY: Open the fucking windows. It's fucking hot in here. Hey, Kilroy, you want something to eat? Yeah, I could eat. I'm in my office. (A FINE MESS PLAYING ON RADIO) (COUGHING) (MEN CHATTERING) (KILROY EXCLAIMS IN ANNOYANCE) KILROY: Anything going on? No. Any pick-ups? Make sure you keep your cell on. I don't know what Al's got going. GREGOR: Are you sure it's the AR 43? Yeah, I'm sure. I'm looking at it right here. It was installed two days ago. Then there is nothing wrong with your remote. (KNOCKING ON DOOR) There's a barrier. Your signal won't get through. The AR 43 is an IR unit that is used in most banks and government buildings. What is the application for your trigger? Warehouse. That's interference. You will have to be inside the IR ring, or forget it. Unless you start from scratch, go to a new system. No, I can't do that. Not enough time. Too much interference. You would have to detonate inside. You lost a wife and a daughter. But don't forget. I lost a niece and her little one. I don't want to lose you, too. Now you know everything. No. No, I don't. Uh... How come an engineer knows so much about guns? Military service. Back home. So, what you said on the phone. Is that your plan? To get everybody into this warehouse? Yes. Alphonse is always there. I just need to get the Albanians there, too. There are many men. But your bombs doesn't work. They work. That's one way of looking at it. Another is that you don't care if you get out of there. You'd rather die than fail. I'll be around long enough to do what you asked me to do. I don't want you to do that. Bring me food. My mom likes to cook. It would just go to waste otherwise. I'll wedge it in between the mustard and those plastic explosives. You may not care if you get out alive, but in the meantime, you should eat. My rabbit's foot. If you don't believe in it, I'll take it back. Bye. (CELL PHONE VIBRATING) Sign right here. (SCANNER BEEPS) Ilir. (SPEAKING ALBANIAN) Where did you get this? A delivery came. Same bogus return address again. They have your brother. There's a little girl. (CELL PHONE RINGS) TERRY ON PHONE: Hello? Hey, it's Fonz. Listen. I found this lawyer. He says he can close the financing on those uptown buildings. And he don't know anything about Lon pulling out. Is this guy clean? Yeah. He wants to see the Commerce Building. So I'm gonna meet him there tonight at 9:00. I don't know, man. What if our problem shows up? Pulls some fucking "I don't know" kind of shit. No, you're the only one that knows. I gotta go. (DOORBELL BUZZES) Yeah. Yo, Vic. You with anybody? Yeah. I'm busy. Well, drop your dick. I found the gypsy cab. The guy at the cab company says he remembers Paul. Paul was there. (LAUGHING) I'm like a detective, man. Like Columbo. I'm scaring myself. Vic? Right. I'll be right down. DARCY: Hey, Vic. Vic. This girl you're seeing. She your girlfriend? No. No, it ain't serious. She's got... Her face. Yeah. Car accident. Did it affect her? You have no idea. Hey, you never mentioned her before. You embarrassed about me? Yeah, I'm embarrassed about you. You're embarrassed about your friends? Huh? Fuck you talking about? So. This is it right here. Huh? The cab dropped off Paul right here. You're sure? Yeah. They keep a track, drop offs, pick-ups. All right, detective? Can we leave now? A cemetery? That's creepy. The office is closed tomorrow. But I could call them. Maybe I'll come by with a picture of Paul. See if anybody knows anything. All right. (CELL PHONE CHIMES) Fuck. Come on. I gotta get out of here. Everything okay? Yeah. I just got some business to take care of. Come on in. So what did you tell Darcy? Your text said not to tell anyone I was coming. I told him I was... Had something to do. Here's your food. I set a trap, Victor. I said whoever walks through that door at 9:00 was going to have a real bad night. The person doing this to me, he's hurt. Someone who lost someone. Like the people in the picture. And he's in a great deal of pain because of that. And it's a pain that I've caused. Then he kills Paul. And found he was in both feet. Victor, I want him to know something. I want him to know that if there's anything left in this world that he still cares about, I'm going to find it. And I'm gonna burn it down. He's probably wondering right now what I'm thinking. What my plan is. And how much I know. Wouldn't you be wondering what I'm thinking? I would. You know, you're the only one I can trust, Victor. You know why? No. Because you saved my life at Harry's. It would be something, though. If you saved my life only to be the one who kills me. Have a seat. I must stand, please. Shh. They're outside. (SOBBING) The other day... You told me that if I helped you... Yes! Believe what I say, my friend. I don't know, my boss... He will not know. You guarantee that? That I won't be harmed? I swear to God. Please. You're asking me these things, so I know you've been thinking about it. About me in here. All right. Listen to me. You're in the city. All right? You're in the basement of my boss's warehouse. His name is Alphonse. Alphonse Hoyt. I don't know what your brother or his men did to him, but they're gonna kill you whether he pays or not. (SOBBING) I got a camera. You can record a message for your brother. I'll make sure he gets it. We gotta go fast. Tell him where you are. It's important you tell him where you are. I swear to you. Speak. (SPEAKING ALBANIAN) Ilir, Ilir, listen... I'm alive, brother. I don't know for how much longer. They're going to kill me. Even if you pay them the money, they're going to kill me. They're holding me in a warehouse that belongs to Alphonse Hoyt. I beg you. I beg you, brother, come quickly. A warehouse that belongs to Alphonse Hoyt... Alphonse Hoyt! (SOBBING) Thank you. Thank you. I promise you. We killed you. We killed you all! We killed you all! I swear on their graves, you didn't. I swear! I swear on their graves, you didn't! (RATS SQUEAKING) No, no, no! No! No! No, no, no! No! Don't let me die like this! Please! Please! Don't let me die! (SCREAMS) Please have mercy! Please! Don't let me die like this! Please! (CELL PHONE VIBRATING) Yeah. Yo, I tracked down the manager. What manager? From the boneyard. I thought it was closed today. He's gonna be here in 15. Says he needs to feed some fish or some shit. I can meet him alone, if you're busy. No, no, I'll be there. All right. All right. Fuck! I need to send this package. But I gotta take care of something I didn't count on, so can you send it for me? Yeah. What is it? You don't need to know what it is. I need to know what it is. What is it? It's a video. It's one of the Albanians saying something I need him to say to the person I need him to say it to. All right? Okay.)'- You need to get a tracking number. With alerts to my cell phone. Yeah. All right. Thanks. Wait. Tell your mother it was very good. Yeah? Not too salty? No. It was perfect. Hey, this shit's coming together. (PICKUP TRUCK DOOR CLOSES) Paul was definitely here. How'd you know he was here? The manager. He asked for this. It's a list of all the people buried here. The guy said he was more interested in the Hungarian section. The Hungarian section. Did he say why? No. There's hundreds of them. Ah. What happened to that girl? That girl you told me about across the way from you. You ever meet her? Yeah. I met her. And? You didn't die two years ago. They found the cemetery. They're getting close. (THUNDER CRASHES) (GROANS) The one who found you before got lucky. And just because he found the grave doesn't mean that they will figure it out as well. You can walk away, still. Not too late. I know why you've been waiting so long. Why you haven't killed him. I think you're afraid that when it's over, it won't mend your heart. (LIFE IN MONO PLAYING) (SPEAKING FRENCH) (EXCLAIMS) You're beautiful. It was going to waste. I just felt like putting it on. I know why you put it on. Or should I say, ...for whom. Hey, monster! Hey! Get out of here! Come on! (EXCLAIMS IN UPSET) What... What happened? I fell and ruined a nice dress. Let me see. You Okay? Yeah. At least it wasn't my good side. I sent your package. I have your tracking number. Thank you. Hello, Victor. Hello. Go take off your dress, it's covered in blood. He shouldn't see you like this. Thank you for returning my Tupperware. Of course. People usually don't. Like it comes with the food. Free Tupperware. (LAUGHS) Did you like the food? Yeah. The food was... It was very good. Beatrice didn't tell you? She was nervous you wouldn't like her cooking. I always told her the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. One of the ways. She'll keep you well fed. That's for sure. You know, this thing, me falling and hitting my head? Maybe it happened because I lost my rabbit's foot. The truth is my mom gave it to me after the accident. She said it was going to bring me luck with my procedures. I picked the color. Stupid chartreuse. (ELEVATOR DOORS OPENING) Hey- Would you go out with me tonight? Somewhere. Anywhere. Yeah. Okay. (CHILDREN LAUGHING) (CELL PHONE VIBRATES) Yeah. DARCY: Laszlo Kerik. Laszlo Kerik? You know the name? No. No, I don't know him. I didn't think you would. I've been searching every dead Hungarian on this cemetery list. This shit went down about nine months before we were on the crew. There was a case involving Alphonse and a little girl who was killed in one of his buildings. The case never went to trial. Get this, right? The little girl's mommy and daddy, they died, like, two months afterwards. They're buried right there next to her. Vic? You there? Vic? Vic? Yeah. I'm here. I did it, man. I fucking did it. I found out exactly what Paul must have found out. Look, I want to tell Alphonse. I want you to be there when I tell him. Can you get there? No, I'm in the middle of something. I'll talk to you later. (KNOCKING ON DOOR) Oh, Victor. I didn't know you were coming. I would have thrown something on. Maman, you knew very well he was coming. No, you didn't tell me anything. Well, I told you so. (BOTH SPEAKING FRENCH) Ready? Mmm-hmm. So... Where are we going? You'll see. A club? Very cold. (LAUGHS) A park? Are you okay? Yeah. Good. This is... The bar. In his house, some credit card receipts. He usually leaves the bar at 8:30 every night. But he took a trip. I want to make sure he's back. If he's here tonight, he'll probably be here tomorrow night. I'm prepared to do it then. I... I've found a moment with you. I want to hang onto it. It's not gonna end up that way. I never said it would. Not with words. I wore that white dress for you. Was that a mistake? Yes. All right, wait here. I'll be back in a minute. (PANTING) What did you do? It's done. It's done. (CAR ENGINE STARTING) (CAR DOOR CLOSES) One, two. Nope. Uh-uh. Hold up. It's this one. So you're saying it's someone who knew them? He must have. 'Cause this guy's dead, right? Right? (MUTTERING) What is it? The little girl died June 17th. Two years ago. Right? Yeah. June 17th is tomorrow. Beatrice. What are you doing? Oh, my God. Beatrice! I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. What? Yeah, I'm walking back to him now. Okay. Yeah. ALPHONSE: Hey, you know who this is, right? Yeah, I know who it is. I've been getting these weird letters for the last three months. With pictures? With the eyes crossed out? I've been getting them, too. Whoever is doing it took my brother. You remember this problem I had you take care of for me? Hungarian Rhapsody? You stayed to the finale. Right? Yeah. And the whole family took a bow? Yeah. And you're sure you saw the father take a bow? DARCY ON PHONE: Where the fuck have you been? I've been trying to call you. My car won't start. Some shit's going down, man. The fucking thing won't start. What am I going to tell you? Come pick me up. What? (SPEAKING ALBANIAN) Bring every fucking gun we have. Ilir... Brozi? Here? (CELL PHONE VIBRATING) (ALARM BEEPS) (GASPS) (SOBBING) DARCY: Vic? You didn't mail the package. You didn't kill him. You didn't kill him because you feel something for me. You knew how I would feel. You didn't mail the package. I tried. And the guy walked away, and I called him back. I called him back, because I feel something for you. I could love you. I don't want you to die. So I thought that if I could just mess up one of your things, just one thing, it would be enough so it wouldn't work out the way you planned. So I put my rabbit's foot in that package. And I took the video card out. They got my rabbit's foot instead. We can run away. They'd find us. We keep on running. We travel by night. I don't care how far we have to go. Vic? Shithole. Holy shit. (GIGGLING) Where are you going? You come back here! Your father is speaking to you. (ALL SPEAKING HUNGARIAN ON VIDEO) Laszlo. Fucking Laszlo. I'm gonna wait for you here. Where are you? I'm outside your apartment. Come back. Please. Beatrice, I want you to go to your apartment now. Go there now, and stay there and wait for me. Okay? Come here! If you fucking scream, it will go bang. Okay? Okay. Laszlo fucking Kerik. You made me a douche, Laszlo Kerik. I've seen your artwork. I've seen your fucking pictures. You put Paul in the freezer. This has nothing to do with you. I sent you to my apartment to save you. All right? You weren't supposed to go inside. Yeah, but I did go inside. I was worried about you. I don't want to fucking kill you. Take this opportunity, and you let her go. You lied to me. You fucking lied to me. The godfather of my son. Let her go. Let her go. You listen to me. You get in your shitty car that does start. You start your shitty car. And you drive your shitty car to Alphonse's. We'll be waiting. Fuck. Get up! What does it mean? KILROY: Darcy's here with the girl. (PANTING) Hmm. What happened to your face? Car accident. What happened to yours? (ALL CELL PHONES RINGING) You motherfuckers. (CELL PHONES ALL CONTINUE RINGING) (INHALES SHARPLY) Victor. Alphonse. Don't go anywhere. Are you coming for me? No. I'm coming for her. Yeah, well, she won't be here when you get here. (GASPS) (TIRES SCREECHING) (TRUCK ENGINE ACCELERATING) (ENGINE REVVING) (GASPING) (BEEPS) (MAN SCREAMING) Oh, shit. (SMOKE ALARM RINGING) Take her to my room! (GROANS) And don't fucking move! (MAN SCREAMING) Motherfucker! He just shot Luco. No, look! He's coming up the back stairs. (PANTING) (MACHINE GUN FIRES) (MAN SCREAMS) All right now! I've got something for your ass! Follow him, Ilir! Down the fucking stairs! Hey, Victor! Remember I told you if there was anything left you still cared about, I was gonna find it and I was gonna burn that shit down. How about this, huh? You are dead, fuck! Hey, where the fuck did you go? (ILIR'S BROTHER SPEAKING ALBANIAN ON VIDEO) (CONTINUES SPEAKING ALBANIAN ON VIDEO) (SCREAMS) (ILIR'S BROTHER CONTINUES SPEAKING) (WHIMPERING) What does it mean? What is he saying? What the fuck are you doing, man? Don't you raise that fucking gun. Don't you do it! Don't you fucking do it! Bitch, lower the fucking gun! Did you choose not to kill me 'cause I got a wife and a kid? No. I didn't kill you because they've got you. (FRENCH POP SONG PLAYING) (FREAK PLAYING) Are you seriously trying to rope-a-dope me? That's an old man's move. - I am old man. -No, you're not. But you box like one. Not bad. Come on, Ben. You're telegraphin'. Mr. President. Ten minutes, sir. Thank you. Thank you, Forbes. Hey. You're not supposed to hit the president. Yeah.l know. I'll get you next time. Yeah. I'm sure you will. Perimeter's secure. Weather's getting worse out there, but we're advised it's drivable. Post vehicles to stand by. Good evening, Mr. President. Five minutes, sir. Thanks, Mike. - Evening, ma'am. - Merry Christmas, Mike. The president gets us off our dependence on foreign oil... yet he cannot help a wife choose an earring. Uh, small one. Classic look for a classic lady. Good chat. Kiss ass. Well, I love you both but I am going with the long. I hate going to these fundraisers. Why don't you go for me? Oh, honey. You're perfect. God forbid people know we kiss. Now the real bloodbath starts when your mom catches you playing this. You suck. You suck worse. Come on. Well, he likes it when you call him Dries... because it makes him feel like, I don't know, you're pals or something. Hey, love. You wanna open a gift before we go? It's not love, and I'm gonna wait 'til everyone else is here. Keep forgetting. Sorry. Do I really have to come with you guys? I mean, I've been on so many. Re-election's hard work, buddy. Sorry, pal. Can I at least ride with Mike? You'll have to ask him. He's the boss. Mike, do I get to ride with you? Okay. All right. Okay, Diaz. You're riding in the Beast tonight. Merry Christmas. Thank you, sir. You okay to stay back and watch the fort tonight? You kidding me? In this weather? Get out of this monkey suit, sit by the fire, watch "Breaking Bad?" Fine by me. My own little retirement party? Leave the babysitter alone, all right? - Are you going to wear that hat? - I like the hat. I think it's fine. It's age appropriate. - You take it off when you get inside. - No, the girls dig it. Mustang, this is Big Top. Bringing out the full package. Let's go. Package is on the move. ETA to Morgan residence, 22 minutes. Keep it tight, everybody. Hey, Connor. Come on. Scoot back. Put your belt on. What if I don't? Then O'Neil here's gonna punch in the nuts. Come on. You keeping 180 degrees awareness? I thought you said it was 360. Yeah, I was just checkin'. Setting me up is what you're doing. All right. So, how many emergency exits -in the West Wing? -8. How many feet from the Oval Office to the PEOC elevator? 116. From doors closing in the elevator, how long does it take to get to the PEOC? Four minutes. Security cameras? How many have audio? Only the ones in the common areas. - Not bad. -Kid's got it, huh? Yeah, we're gonna make a Secret Service agent outta you yet. You just need to remember to keep your seatbelt on. That's right. Gosh, it's really coming down. I've been thinking about shaving my head. That sounds good. It's getting worse out there. Bring it down to five. Merry Christmas, Mr. President. You shouldn't have. My God. It's my grandfather's watch. How did you find this? Just have my ways. Thank you. You're just welcome. Now, let's talk about that shaved head idea. You were listening. You didn't think I was listening, -did you? -Very clever. You ever been to a billionaire's Christmas party before, Diaz? - No, sir. -They're over-rated. Yes, sir. Oh, my gosh. Look what I found. Where'd that come from? Merry Christmas. Stop, stop, stop! Hey, Connor, stay right there! Clear communications, it's Diaz. - First lady's injured. -Connor. Get some weight on the back! O'Neil, get on the back! I'm gonna get this door! - Don't anybody move inside! Don't move! - Mike! Maggie! - Sir? -Seatbelt's stuck! Sir, get out of the car! I'll take care of her! Keep your weight on the back, O'Neil! - Hold it back! - Roma, open the fucking door! It's jammed! It's fucking jammed! Pull her out that side! It's going down! it's going down! O'Neil, goddamn it! Hold it down! Hold it down! - Mike, it's going! -Hold it back! Mike, take Maggie! Shit. Sir, I'm sorry! - Watch out, it's going! -Maggie! No, Mike! No! Mom! I'm sorry. Yeah. And I don't like going to barbecues by myself, you know? North Korean maneuvers along the DMZ continue to ring alarm bells... throughout Pacific markets, even as President Asher... is set to meet this afternoon with South Korean... Babe, we out of coffee? I don't know. Are we? All right, just... I thought you said that anything... You were saying? I was saying, I'll get some more coffee. Great. So, how was the barbecue I missed? It was actually kind of fun. You might have enjoyed it. Yeah? Paula's got this new boyfriend who's very sweet... but he's working in the same department as her ex, Alex. Remember Alex? Anyway, Alex ended up showing up at the party... which was really weird for Paula, who was... overwhelmed. Mike, you're not listening to me. I was listening. You were talking about -patty's boyfriend and she's... -No. Paula and Paula's boyfriend. You've met Paula. It's okay, Mike. We'll talk about it later. All right, babe. I'm sorry. But I tell you what. Why don't we go see a movie tonight? Okay? Just the two of us. Or you can bring Paula and Patty and their boyfriends. You know what I think we should do? I think we should take that holiday that we've been talking about. All right? You, me, the ocean. Come on. It'll be like the honeymoon we never had. We didn't have a honeymoon? Thanks. So, how was your Fourth? My fourth what? Fourth of July. Don't be an ass. Some people do take holidays, you know. Yeah, it was quiet. You know, we stayed in. We? Okay. I stayed in. She went out. I'm shocked. Ms. Jacobs? - Good morning. -Director. - How are you, buddy? -Hey, Roma. - Good to see you, partner. - How's the family? - The kids are good. Thank you. -Yeah. - O'Neil. -Hey, Banning. You're looking sharp. So, we missed you for, poker, uh, last week. Where were you? Missed taking your money. Yeah, I know. I've been working the late shift. Yeah, non-stop action over there at the Treasury. You gotta do what you gotta do, right? Yeah. You guys got a big day coming up, huh? You got the Koreans coming in? Nah, I mean, you know. Business as usual. Hey, I wanted to introduce you. This is Agent Jones. You've heard of Mike Banning, haven't you? Yeah, yeah. The guy who told the Speaker of the House to go fuck himself. Don't you guys have somewhere to be? - Yes, ma'am. Yes, ma'am. -Yes, ma'am. - Hey, Mike. Good seein' you. - Yeah, you too. - Come Thursday night, all right? - Okay. Seven o'clock. Not getting any easier, huh? No. I want back in. Desk job's killing me. Mike. Everybody knows you did the right thing on that bridge. Hell, even the president knows. He just doesn't want to see you and have to be reminded of it every day. He never even stopped to grieve properly. Just, give it some time. How's Connor? President's son, misses his mom. Hell of a gig. Misses his buddy though. Yeah, he's a good kid. Is he still sneaking around the White House, making everybody crazy? Oh, I wonder who taught him that. You know, the first time you walked into my office out of the darkness... you needed therapy then. Never mind now. And you don't exactly do yourself any favors. Where are you going with this? Mike. Look, you gotta learn how to get back into the real world. That's good, Jacobs. Let me write that one down. Hey, Jacobs. Thanks. I'll be in touch. Hey, buddy. What do you think of this? - Which one do you like? -I don't know. Okay, you take that one. I'll take this one. - Maggie! Maggie! - I'll take care of her! Sir! No! No, Mike! Mr. Foss came in. Chest pains. About an hour ago. Hey, it's Leah. You've reached my phone. You know what to do. Just checking in. Listen, I'll call you later. Bye. Get some fishing in. Hit the bag together. Be fun. I hate Camp David. Do we really have to go? Can't we go somewhere else? You know, the beach? Yeah. The beach does kinda sound better. Hey. I've got three minutes. Let's run down to the kitchen and get some ice cream. Yeah. Chocolate chip or rocky road? I'm gonna have rocky road before you eat it all, like you did the last time. - I don't remember it that way. - Yeah, you did. Come in. Mr. President, we're ready for you. - Already? -Yes, sir. Sorry, buddy. It's okay, Dad. All right. I'll see you soon. Minister Lee is going to want you to issue a joint statement, Mr. President... threatening military action to get the North Koreans... to stand down from the border and stop their missile tests. Which I think we should give them. Ruth? Provided that the North Koreans are rational... which is dicey, at best. We bluff. They call it. Then what? Well, who says we'd be bluffing? Personally, I like to try to avoid a war. Charlie? I think I agree with Ruth on this one, Mr. President. Thank you for sitting in, Mr. Speaker. - Yes, sir. - I won't hold you up any longer. - Hello, Mr. Speaker. -Hello, Janie. What time is Minister Lee due to arrive? 7:00 this evening. Our guests have arrived. Prime Minister Lee. I'm Special Agent-in-Charge Roma. I'd like to welcome you to the White House, sir. Thank you. May I introduce my Head of Security and Chief Aide, Mr. Park. My pleasure. Prime Minister, after you, please. Agent Davis will be taking care of your security team outside. Prime Minister, if you would follow Agent O'Neil, please? Ma'am? Private sector looks good on you, Dave. Yeah, something to look forward to. Yeah. How've you been? I'll tell you. I miss the Secret Service. Best years of my life. It misses you too, old man. I could still kick your ass. At what? Dominos? -It's good to see you, my friend. - You, too. Unidentified flight, this is Flight Leader, U.S. Air Force aircraft at your starboard wing. You've entered restricted airspace. Unidentified flight, you must divert immediately to vector 0-2-0. Acknowledge. I'm sorry to have disrupted your vacation. Please. I'm glad you could come. Mr. Lee, we have a mutual problem. And I think together, I'm confident we can find a solution. Thank you, Mr. President. That's why I'm here. As you know, North Korea has a one million man standing army... less than 50 kilometers from our capital. The threat is real. Unidentified flight. You must divert immediately to vector 0-2-0. This is your final warning. You will be shot down. Acknowledge. Anti-aircraft. We're taking fire. Mr. Lee, I'm sure you can appreciate that this is... Sir? There's been an incursion. Please stand up. Let's go. Move! - Mr. Lee, please join us. - That's not protocol, sir. He's coming with us! Move, move, move! Get him to the elevator. - Go! Go! -Find Connor! Code 9-9-9. Go. go, go! Move! Keep moving! Get that elevator open now! Give me four minutes, Mr. President. Harden down on Olympus. Air support on the way. ETA, four minutes. Code Red. Air space 1 and 2 compromised. Robert, Delta, Ready One. Move to West Corridor! Move to West Corridor! This way, please. This is not a drill. Evacuate immediately. All units, 9-9-9. I repeat, all units, 9-9-9. Let's move! Find my son. Sylvio, find Sparkplug immediately. You okay, Mr. President? Sir. This way. Over here. Go on! Get down! Get down! Stay down! Don't move! Get down! Get out of the way! Take cover! PPD Command, this is Wolfhound 6. Have bogey in sight. Wolfhound 6, fire at will. Repeat, fire at will. Acknowledge. Mr. President? We have confirmation that the bogey is down, sir. Thank you, Jones. Activate Compound One. I want open lines to the Pentagon, Homeland Security and NSA. Charlie. Coordinate with the Air Force and FAA. - Find out if that's a lone aircraft. - Yes, sir. Half hour at the most. Ruth. Where the hell is my son? Hey! Hey! Hey, get the fuck down! Mr. Lee. We've had a problem. - Please have patience with us. -Got it. - Mr. President. -Yes? It's a critical message. The White House is under ground attack. Officer on deck! Rapid Response Team from Andrews, get 'em moving! At ease. How bad is it? Front fence has been breached. We've got a C-130 burning on the South Lawn and a gunfight raging on the North. Fucking shitting me. Where's the president? In the bunker. - Get me the Pentagon on the line now! - Yes, sir! It's happening. Mr. President! Forbes, what are you doing? - Move! -For God's sakes, Forbes. Forbes! What are you doing? Shut up! Come on. Tim. Come on. Hang in there! Hey! Ah, shit. Where's the president? I don't know! Goddamn it! Where's that response team? - They're 5 minutes out, sir, but... - But what? We have a hostage situation on our hands. P.E.O.C.'s gone offline. Go back! Get back now! Go back! Fuck! RPG! Get in! Get inside! Get inside! Come on! Come on! Come on! Come on! Go, go! Move! Fall back, fall back! Let's go, let's go! - They're down the hall! - Shit, we've only got four guys left! Hold your positions, you understand? I got this door. Cover the other one. Olympus has fallen. Olympus has fallen. Olympus has fallen. Fuck you! They've taken the White House. Command, Sniper Team One, in position. We're coming from the White House. So far, the perimeter's been set. We're waiting on more intel to come in right now, and once we do... Bravo team's gonna breach. - Wait for my command to execute. Not since the British burned down the White House in the War of 1812... has an enemy force occupied the center of American power. The White House, the most protected building on Earth, has fallen. Sir, we have a hot feed from the P.E.O.C. Mr. Lee. Sir, are you safe? Are you with the president? Sir, can you hear m...? Oh, my God. Don't negotiate. Sir? I have your commander-in-chief. Now, stand down. Who are you? I am the man in control of your White House. Now, stand your men down. - Stand down! -Sir. All units, stand down! Ladies and gentlemen we are at DEFCON 4. How could you? - Put your hands up. -Fuck you. No! There is a reason I never voted for you. Don't do it, Forbes! It takes 15 minutes for your Armed Forces to reach the White House. We took it down in 13. Hurry, we need a wheelchair. In Triage, do you want me to color code them or number code them? Color code 'em. Okay, Pam, we still need to take the vitals. Call, Mike. Mike. The cellular service in the area you are calling has been suspended temporarily. I got head trauma, six-year-old girl, she's fading! Bring Mr. Asher here. What are you doing, for Christ's sake? Oh, sir! I have no interest in your nuclear launch codes. By now your Pentagon has changed then, no? Sit. You from the North? You sure as hell are not from the South. I'm working for justice. To give millions of starving men, women and children a chance at more than just subsistence. To end the civil war your country interrupted so long ago. And yes... for a united, prosperous Korea. It's a whole new world, baby. What's the going rate for souls these days? What'd you say to me? I never would have taken you for a traitor. Me? What about you? You sold this country out long before I ever did. Globalization and fucking Wall Street. What's it cost to buy a presidency nowadays anyway? $500 million? I'm a fucking rookie compared to you! Gotta keep your gloves up, Forbes. Enough! What about Connor? What the fuck are you gonna do with my son? Mr. Speaker. As both the President and the Vice President of the United States are unable to discharge the duties of their offices I'm officially placing you under Secret Service protection. You are the Acting President of the United States. Are they alive? They are. Sir, North Korea is denying any involvement in the attack. We've secured the perimeter of the White House... and cleared a 10-block radius. Sir, they've also assassinated the South Korean Prime Minister. We have contact from inside the White House. Trace confirms it's the president's Sat phone. Put it through! Mr. President? Negative. -Identify yourself. -Echelon Four. That's one of yours? - Designator? -Oscar Zulu 309. Jesus. Banning? Where are you? I'm in the Oval Office. Is the president in the bunker? - He... -Can we trust him? Banning was one of our best agents. Mr. Speaker, I just have to say, this is Mike Banning. This is the same guy that was removed from the president's detail... -after the accident -Whoa, whoa, -when we lost the first lady? - Ray! Ray! Ray! - You wanna add something? - Well, what's he doing - I suggest you get your facts straight. -In the White House right now? - How do we know we can trust this guy? Banning is ex-Special Forces, Ranger Battalion He will move mountains or die trying. I know him. Does anyone else in this room have any intelligence coming out of the White House? Then we have no choice. Yes. The president's in the bunker. He's being held hostage. What do they want? We're trying to find out. Who's in charge? Trumbull. - Are there any survivors with you? - Negative, sir. They wiped us out. They have commandos roaming the hallways... with enough explosives to take out an army. Looks like the doors and windows are rigged with C-4 explosives. Who knows what other tricks they have up their sleeves? Any team coming in is gonna be ringing the front doorbell pretty loud. They shut the power down. Lights off. And I assume they closed the air vents. I killed the surveillance, but I don't know how long that's gonna last. Where's Connor? Oh, we have no status of his location, but he's presumed to still be inside. Well, they're looking for him. They have his photo. Sir... I'm here. Use me. Okay, Banning. Sit tight. We'll get back with you. Sir, we have a hot feed from the P.E.O.C. - Mr. Speaker. -What is it you want? Recall the Seventh Fleet from the Sea of Japan. And withdraw all 28,500 American troops from the Demilitarized Zone. If you do not comply. If you attempt any operation to retake this building... -if you deviate from my instructions... - Wait a minute. We can't just recall the Seventh Fleet. Then I will execute your officials one by one... and their blood will be on your hands. You have until dawn. I suggest you move quickly. Who is that guy? Well, sir, we're running facial recognition on him right now. Well, he cleared as part of the South Korean security detail. If we recall the Fleet, and leave the DMZ... Seoul, all of South Korea could fall within 72 hours, sir. But if we do nothing, they kill Asher, the vice president... and his entire National Security team. And Connor, if he's in there. Mary, get me some coffee Half-and-half, three Sweet 'N Lows. In a real cup. Not one of those paper or Styrofoam things. All right. Let's secure all nuclear sites. Get me our expert on North Korea. Then I want to speak with the Premiere of North Korea on a secure line. After that, I wanna speak with the Russians, the Chinese, the British and the French. And set up a press conference. In that order. The United States of America doesn't negotiate with terrorists. Who said anything about negotiating? Admiral Hoenig, your Cerberus code. You kill him, you won't get the code. I will not ask again. - Give it to him, Joe. -Mr. President. You'll never get mine. Tango-Juliet-1-9-3-3-4. Louder. Tango-Juliet-1-9-3-3-4. What the hell? Get me Homeland Security. No, now! Sir. NORAD reports a Cerberus code has been entered. Jesus. Jacobs, I got something coming your way. I got a clean commando in front of me. - What is that? -Is he alive? Ask me a serious question. Anybody around the table? We don't recognize it. Well, whoever they are, they're fucking good. They're well-trained and they're well-organized. But I guess you know that already. Get that over to Langley. So, what have you got? Talk to me. They want us to recall the Seventh Fleet and pull our troops out. Oh, is that all? A Cerberus code has been entered. What's Cerberus? That's classified. Classified? Really? Well, right now I think I have the proverbial need-to-fucking-know. Cerberus is a highly-classified military protocol. A 3-pronged fail-safe in the case of an inadvertent nuclear launch. It allows us to access the self-destruct mechanism in our lCBM's in-flight. So even if one of our nuclear warheads was launched and we wanted to abort. Cerberus is the only way to stop it from reaching its target. No one person has all three codes. It's parceled out to the president, Secretary of Defense... and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. All of whom are in the president's bunker right now. With those codes, they can destroy any long-range nuke that we fire. And that would make America vulnerable to a nuclear strike. So, change the codes. We can't. Cerberus was designed as a self-contained total-isolation system. The only way to change the codes is physically on the computer itself. Which is located in the president's bunker. So, now we know why they wanted the president's son. The president will hold out as long as he can. But if they get his son... if they hurt him... well... nobody could hold out under those circumstances. So, find Connor get him the hell out of there. Yes, sir. Mr. Forbes. Who is that? Mike Banning. And who might that be? He was on the president's protection detail for a few years. Are we worried about him? Hell no. No. He should be. Did Truman gut the White House interior in 1948 or '49? I believe it was '49. Steel frame over the old stone walls. Yes? Connor! - How're you doing? Okay? - Yeah, I'm all right. I see this is still your favorite hiding place, huh? I've got Sparkplug- Finally, some good news. He's safe. I'm bringing him out. What about my dad? Your dad's gonna be fine, okay? Nothing bad's gonna happen. We're gonna get him outta here. - Okay? -Yeah. All right. Let's get outta here. - You ready to haul ass? -Yeah. Okay, stay close. Okay. Come on. Okay, come on. All right, kiddo. Keep an eye out, okay? Watch my six. Jacobs. Okay, I have Sparkplug. He's coming out in a ventilation shaft in the northwest corner, ground floor. Have the green party waiting. We'll be there. How are you gonna fit through that? You're coming with me, right? I gotta go get your dad. All right. Now, listen, you can do this. Now, you remember chimney climbing I taught you on the Rose Garden wall? Yeah? So, that's all it is. Okay? It's one foot against the front wall, one foot against the back. Now, all the way to the top. - Mike? -Yeah. I'm scared. Yeah, me too. But you're gonna get through it. You're one of us now. This is yours. Put that on. Now, I'm counting on you, kiddo. Okay. Good man. All right. Let's go. There you go, kiddo. I'm gonna push you on up, okay? I'll see you on the other side. Now, keep movin'. Sparkplug is on his way up. Oh, Jacobs, hold on. Connor, wait up. - False alarm. Go. -Okay. He's coming out, Jacobs. Hold your position. Hostiles in the area. Go, go, go! It's clear. CIB-1. Going in. You okay? Coming out. Hostile moving toward the ledge. Hustle up. Sparkplug received. Good job, Banning. Now, let's see if we can get the president out. Roger that. I want to reassure all Americans and everyone around the world that despite today's events our government remains 100% functional. We know that the president is alive. To our friends, we are grateful for your loyalty and support. As a nation, we are never stronger than when tested. We will remain united and strong. God bless you all and God bless these United States of America. Okay, asshole. Yo. Hey. Who's running the show? Oh, you speak English? They teach you that where you come from? 'Cause you know what they teach me? Is how to extract information from people like you. That's funny, huh? No, it's funny. I know. I get it. Yeah. I guess I'm a little rusty. I liked your friend though. He seems like a funny guy. What's your leader's name? Oh, I'm sorry. Here. How many men do you have? In English. His name is Yeonsak Kang. He's the head of the KUF. The paramilitary organization? No surprises there. 40 commandos breached the gate and 28 are left. How do we know we can trust the information? I just asked them nicely. Kang Yeonsak? Sir, this is one of the most wanted terrorists in the world. He was brought across the DMZ as a child after his father was executed for crimes against the North Korean state. While they were crossing the border, his mother was killed by an American landmine. This guy masterminded the 2004 bombing of the British Embassy in Seoul. And he funneled Pyongyang uranium enrichment technology from Pakistan. He's never before been photographed or identified by any Western intelligence agency. Well, Jesus Christ, nobody ever thought to look for him inside the South Korean government. Look, I don't care who he is. With a force that size I have men who can sweep 'em out in short order. Sir, this is not going to be a cakewalk. These sons of bitches are pretty fucking tough. I've got the toughest fuckin' guys in the world. What we need to know is how to get into that bunker. Once those blast doors close, you don't. It's nuclear hardened. Now, there used to be some old tunnels, but they were sealed up years ago. Sir, your men need to know what the hell they're dropping into. Do not launch anything until I do some recon. Agent Banning. Yes, I know who you are. Welcome to my house. Hey, asshole. What took you so long? You're the one that let the first lady die, no? And soon, the president. Failure seems to be a habit with you. Yeah, well... Maybe I owe you for giving me the chance for making up for that today. I admire you for acknowledging your failure. But there's no going back. Nothing you try and do here tonight can atone. Yeah, maybe not. But I reckon fucking your shit up will be a pretty good start. You may wanna take a headcount. The bodies are piling up. I have more than enough men to finish the mission. Oh, and by the way, if you're looking for Connor... he's on his way to the baseball game. How's your wife, Michael? Leah. She's a nurse. Saves lives. Too bad she will not save yours. You know what? Why don't you and I play a game of fuck off? You go first. Go kill him. Enough! Enough! Madam Secretary. Your Cerberus code. No! Ruth! Your code! You'll have to kill me. As you wish. There's a saying... in Korea. Seeing something a 100 times... is not as good as living it once. Fuck you. Stop! Enough! Enough! Stop! Enough! Give it to him, Ruth. It doesn't matter. And he won't get mine. Ruth. Give it to him! That's an order, Ruth. Sir... Give it him, Ruth. Yes, sir. Echo-Mike... 6-0-2-8... 5, sir. Get your fucking hands off of me! Sir, NORAD reports that the second Cerberus code has been entered. My God. - Mike! Mike, Mike, it's me. -Dave? You scared the shit out of me. Jesus, what the fuck? Yeah, just put that thing down. I almost blew your fucking brains out, man. What are you doing here? I was with the South Korean delegation. What the fuck are you doing here? I thought you were working at the Treasury. Yeah, I am. Believe it or not, I came in through the front door. Oh, fuck, Mike. I saw my life flash in front of me. Look at my hand. Fucker's shakin'. Jesus Christ. It's good to see you, buddy. You got a funny way of showing it. Is the president okay? He's alive for now. They got him in the bunker. It's a fucking shit show, huh? Yeah, that's for sure. Roma make it? Fuck. We gotta keep movin'. - You got a plan, Mike? -Yeah. But it hasn't worked out so far. Fuckin' Mike. You always were a hardass. You never change. Hey, Dave. This place is getting me rattled, man. I can't think straight. You okay? No. Not for real. This fucking Kang, man. He's crazy. How do you know his name? Hey, Mike, do you remember that time in New York? Dave. Why'd you do it? Fuck, Mike. Fuck. I lost my way. You can make up for it now. Tell Kang I'm dead. You'll help me save the president. Kang. It's Forbes. I got him. All clear. Good. Ruth. Mr. President, sir? Rough day. Could be worse. How's my hair? Not a strand out of place. Any regrets? None. You? A few. Like running for president. The office is lucky to have you, sir. We all may meet our maker today... but the one thing I do not want on my tombstone... "She Went Down Without a Fight." No danger of that. Pull up your satellite feed. Give me eyes on. Looks like there's only four sentries on the roof. With the Air Defense grid gone, they're vulnerable to an aerial insertion. Wait. Let me get there first and check it out. We're not waiting. We have to secure Cerberus. Oh, fuck. Send in the SEALS, General. We're going through the roof. Command, Tiger Flight inbound. Tiger Team, stand by. The assault team is on the way. About fucking time. Yes, sir. Copy. Command, Tiger Flight's three minutes out. Team, go green. Go green. Cho. 60 seconds to target. I want a clean deployment. Fuck. Tell them to hold. We aren't holding shit! Jacobs. You've gotta abort his mission. They've got the Hydra Six! What's that? Next generation weaponry. Ours. How the hell would they get that? It doesn't matter. We'll take it out. I said abort this fucking mission! Let's go get our goddamn house back, Captain. Tiger Two, Tiger Three, you're cleared hot. Tiger Two, roger. Tiger Three, roger. All birds, be on the lookout for possible advanced weaponry. Approaching rooftop. Negative on the four sentries. Tiger Flight's on station. We got 'em. Go, go, go! Fast ropes deployed. We have a radar locked sourced from target. Tiger Two's taking fire from the rooftop! Tiger Team, go combat flight. Tiger Two's hit.He's going down. Tiger Two going down hard. Tiger Two's hit. Evasive, evasive. Take out that target. Concentrate fire on that rooftop. Tiger Three, fly behind the target. Tiger Four, adjust approach! Head northwest and flank from there! Tiger Five and Six, switch to Formation Charlie and take out that gun! Damn it, drop altitude! Tiger One gunner just got hit! Watch your three. Watch your three. Taking fire. - Hold on! -We're getting hit! Tiger Six is down! Tiger Five taking... Tiger Five's gone down. Reset formation. Tiger One taking lead. Roger that. We need backup! They're chewing us up! Engaging Target. Provide cover. All remaining Blackhawks, provide air cover. Two birds up. Only two birds remain. Abort! Abort! Pull out. Clear the area. Roger! Clearing the area! Tiger One is hit! Losing control! Tail rotor failure. Mayday, mayday! We're going down! Five out of six birds are down. Requesting QRT. Permission to launch second squadron. Negative, negative. We don't have any intel about what other surprises they could have for us. Return to base. Return to base. Over. Roger that. Banning, are you there? Banning! Half the White House is just gone. The residence, the roof, all destroyed... and the remainder of the historic building now trashed. Speaker Trumbull, that was a very foolish undertaking. Your president is next. You now have one hour to recall the Seventh Fleet and your troops. Once you do so, I want a helicopter on the North Lawn fueled and ready. 60 minutes. Fuck. It's Banning. Patch him through. - Mike? -Yeah. We've been trying to reach you, son. Are you okay? Mr. Speaker, sir, if we ever get out of this shit storm... you can hold me for insubordination. But your team needs some serious fucking help. This is General Clegg, Army Chief of Staff. I am ordering you to stand down. Remove your only eyes and ears from the ground. That's fucking brilliant. We need to pull you out of there before we lose another hostage! I am giving you a direct order. Newsflash, asshole. I don't work for you. General Clegg. I'm the Commander-in-Chief. If I didn't absolutely need you, I would relieve you right now. I will not let this asshole - I don't wanna here another word... out of you unless I ask you a question! - Blow up America, sir! Sir. Mr. Banning. Mr. Banning, are you there? Yes, sir. What's the plan? We're recalling the Seventh Fleet pulling our troops back from the DMZ and giving them the helicopter. Sir, you cannot do that. You cannot give this guy what he wants. I've dealt with these types of men before. Give me some time. Let me flush him out. We are talking about the safety of the President of the United States! We're talking about a hell of a lot more than that, sir. With all due respect, you're acting president now. And I'm the best hope you've got. Okay, Mike.You've got 30 minutes. Leah, call for you on the landline. The emergency line. Can you make sure he gets some morphine? Yes. Mike? Hey. I was just checking in. Babe. How's your day been? Yeah, it's been busy. It's good, you know. How 'bout you? Yeah.Busy. Hey, you okay? Yeah, I just, I've, I've had to stay a little later than I expected. Yeah, me too. You're gonna come home tonight, right? Yeah. Sure. We got a date, remember? Hey, I gotta go. You know, this, uh, paperwork's piling up. Okay. I love you. What's the matter, Kang? You look like you've seen a ghost. I guess you don't know who you can trust, huh? It's over. No more televised executions. No chopper. No more negotiating with you and the United People's Front of Who Gives a Fuck. I will send the president out... one piece at a time. It won't matter. Because whatever you think you accomplished you won't be alive to see it. Shut him down. Ah, you're not shutting me down, Kang. I'm here to stay. I underestimated you. It will not happen again. There is no again. You're gonna die down there alone cut off from the rest of the world. My advice? Save the last bullet for yourself. 'Cause if you don't... I'm gonna stick my knife through your brain. But don't worry. I'm gonna leak the photos of your body to the press. You know, 'cause I know you like that kind of shit. Her! I pledge allegiance to the flag... of the United States of America! Your leader is out of his mind. You fucking idiot! Go. Walk. Move! Sir, there's movement in front of the White House. Ours or theirs? Looks like Secretary McMillan, sir. - Any bulges, wires? -Negative. Sir, ground reports activity at the White House. - Is that? -McMillan. Get a team out there now. And another to cover! Go! It looks like Secretary McMillan. Yeah, yes, it is. Yes! Mike? Hey. He got away. He's back in the bunker. You gave it a good shot, Mike. You saved McMillan. North and South Korean military forces are on high alert in response to rumors of an impending American pull-out from the DMZ. India, China and Russia have declared a state of emergency and have mobilized military forces. In the Middle East though, the response to the attack on the White House is jubilant. Crowds of thousands are celebrating in the streets and American flags are burning. ...created by a U.S. departure could spark an immediate and full-scale conflict and that any conventional war in this heavily-armed corner of the world could easily escalate into nuclear confrontation. The hour's up. Send the helicopter. Le's recall the Seventh Fleet. Pull the troops out of the DMZ. We just lost South Korea. Our Pentagon sources are now saying that U.S. ground troops have been given the order to withdraw from Korea for the first time in 60 years. We're also hearing reports that the U.S.'s Seventh Fleet has been directed to pull back in the region. Although unconfirmed, this historic turn of events seems to be motivated by today's attack on the White House which began as the Prime Minister of Korea was meeting with President Asher. What are they doing? Mike. We have to get Kang and the president out in the open and take out our best shot. Copy that, sir. Bravo Team is in position. Sir, we are ready. All units are in position. Here come the hostages. We count 11 targets, sir. One of them's gotta be the president. That's their ticket out. Hercules Six in position. Can you I.D. the president? Negative. Can you I.D. Kang? Negative. Targets unclear. Sir, all ground units are in position. Do we have the go-ahead to take them? If we're gonna go, we gotta go now, sir. Do we have the go-ahead, sir? No. Too risky. They could kill the president. Yes, sir. It's okay. We have a tracking device on the chopper. Holy shit. What was that? Was that us? Negative, negative. That wasn't us. Though it is not confirmed yet, President Asher is believed to have been among those killed when the Blackhawk helicopter went down in flames on the White House North Lawn. And certainly, today's events will be recorded in history -as one of this country's darkest hours. - Oh, my God. The president's gone. Mike? What the hell just happened? I'm sorry to report... the president was on that helicopter. And Kang? Kang killed himself. And all the other hostages. Wait. This doesn't add up. It doesn't make sense. What doesn't make sense? Kang would not go out like that, sir. That's not who he is. I think he's still in the bunker. And he has the president. He's gonna try and slip away. If Kang is still on the premises with the president, you can't let him leave. He won't. Huh? Who the hell does that? Enough! I read your Bible, Mr. President. It says, the wages of sin is death. You better keep that in mind. What are you doing? Cerberus has been activated. We haven't launched any missiles yet. I don't need to launch them. The explosive force within each hardened silo will detonate the missiles. Tens of millions of Americans will perish. Your country will be a cold, dark nuclear wasteland. Now, too, America shall know suffering and famine. South Korean officials are saying now that they've pulled out the reserves and they're mobilizing additional armored units in response... Sir? Cerberus has been activated. - What? -NORAD confirms. How did it come to this? We lost Korea and now our nukes? - They couldn't have broken the code. - That would be impossible. They'd be on the bunker computer for days to break three codes. No, he only need to break one code. But we haven't launched any missiles. They're gonna detonate them in their silos. How many? All of 'em. He's just opened the gates of hell. Time to go, Mr. President! You really think you're gonna get out of here alive? The world thinks we're both dead. And with you as insurance... Come on, Mike. Looks like you failed again, Mike. Sir? Sir, sir, look at me. Sir... Sir. Okay. It's gone through and you've lost a little blood. But I'm gonna get you outta here, okay? Now, you know what to do. Ben, Ben, come on! - Cerberus. -What? Cerberus activated. Cerberus. Keep that pressed in. Sir! Ben! You're gonna be okay. All right. This is Banning. I have the president. He's hurt, but alive. How do I switch this fucking thing off? - Hang on. -Deactivation code! Find a control panel marked, "Countermand." Countermand. Got it! Flip a blue-white switch marked, "initiate Recall." Initiate recall. Okay. Deactivation sequence initiated. Please enter abort command. Come on, come on, come on, come on! November. India. Lima. - Wait, wait. Yep. -5-Oscar-Hotel. - Oscar, Hotel. -Backslash. Niner. - Backslash. -Victor. Kilo. - Hash-tag. -What? - Hash-tag. -Shift 3! Okay, fuck! - Shift 3! -Echo. Sierra. - Foxtrot. -Foxtrot. Is that it? That's it. Cerberus has been deactivated. Sir. NORAD confirms... Cerberus has been shut down. Good. Now get me Seoul and Pyongyang on the line. Are you ready, Mr. President? All right. Sorry about the house, sir. It's okay. I believe it's insured. We've lost good friends. Family. All good people. - Heroes, every one of them. -Dad! Our hearts and prayers go out to their families. And they will be remembered. Nor will we forget... those who serve out of the spotlight to whom we owe our highest gratitude. Our foe did not come only to destroy our things or our people. They came to desecrate a way of life. To foul our beliefs, trample our freedom. And in this, not only did they fail... they granted us the greatest gift. A chance at our rebirth. We will rise. Renewed. Stronger and united. This is our time... our chance to get back to the best of who we are. To lead by example with the dignity, integrity and honor that built this country and which will build it once again. May God bless you. And may God bless the United States of America. The vice president is scheduled to, preside over a Senate vote today.. on President Sawyer's controversial Middle East peace plan. Then tomorrow, the vote will go to Congress. Republicans and Democrats.. have indicated they will vote along party lines.. but some members have indicated that they may cross over. Castle, this is Hummingbird. We are inbound from Andy. We're three minutes out. Carol. He wants to do the thing. Really? Really. Mr. President, it isn't a good idea to deviate from the flight plan. Pretty please, Carol? Leader of the free world saying "pretty please"? That ought to count for something. Captain Johns, we are going to deviate from Route Omaha. The president would like to do the thing. Copy that. Let's give him the special tour. Dropping to 30 feet. Do you know that Abraham Lincoln was the first U.S. president.. who was in favour of women having the vote? He wrote a paper on suffrage while he was still in the Illinois legislature. Yes, I did know that.. because you tell me every time we do this. Castle, this is Hummingbird. We are short Foxtrot, one minute out. Ineedagonnago. Sky Sector 1, Castle Ground.. all clear, three inbound. Castle Ground, Sky Sector 1, report. Hummingbird, this is Castle Ground. You are clear. Scanning sky south. Clear. Clear. Hummingbird, this is Castle Sky. You are clear. Hummingbird, this is Castle Keep. You are.. Wait. Hold. CastleGround,we areholding. Air Command.. ..switch to thermal. Roger that. Switching to thermal. Confirm Sector 5, southeast quadrant clear. Hummingbird, this is Castle Keep. You're clear. Copy that. Breaking off for security sweep. Stand by. Hummingbird approaching. Castle Ground, all clear. Be it ever so humble. Attenhut! Escort! Not a bad way to travel, is it? Beats DuPont Circle, sir. What time does my wife get in? Eighteen fortyfive. Wake me if civilization ends. Welcome home, sir. Hummingbird, you are released. Tell me we don't have the best job in the world. I believe the number one source of violence in our world is poverty. Now, we were poor in my neighbourhood. Sometimes we couldn't even eat. And my best friend Ricky, he had it worse than us. One day things got so desperate for Ricky.. he made a plan to rob the corner store. And I told my mother about it. You know what she did? She had him over, cooked him a full meal.. and told him that he could stay with us as long as he wanted. And it was then that I realised that if you feed a man.. you take away his propensity for violence. Come on, we're gonna be late. Hey, hey, hey No, no, no. That's.. No, that's not.. That's not.. This is not happening right now. Clyde, we've had this conversation. My boss does not like squirrels. It's a bird feeder. Will you at least look at me when I'm talking to you? Look, man, I like squirrels personally, but you're getting me in trouble. Do you see this? You know what this is? Hey. We gonna need backup? We're working. Come on. We have any more Robitussin? Yes, sir. In the car. No, I'll get it, it's all right. Quiet night? We're under attack by squirrels. They're organized and they have the numbers. Little stinkers trying to get into the feeder? Morning. Hey, Roy. This isn't the most glamorous job in the world. Look, I appreciate it very much. Yeah, we'll be there in 10 minutes. As leaders, we have a choice. We can sit back and let the same cycle of war.. continue in the Middle East or we can do something about it. You know how much money we've spent on the war since 2001? Over a trillion dollars. Could you imagine if you had.. It's gonna be a busy morning, boys. Education,food,healthcare and infrastructure in the Middle East. Now, we've begun historic talks with the republic of Iran's.. newly elected president, alsharif.. to build peace throughout his region. America can't do this alone. We need the full financial support of all of our allies. But what we can do is take the first step. Therefore, I'm announcing today.. that all U. S. troops will be removed from the Middle East. Let's not repeat the same mistakes that we made in the past. And Lord knows, I've made some mistakes myself. Instead, I ask you to stand with me today. Sign this treaty. Let's end this debilitating pattern of violence.. and let's show the world that the pen is truly mightier than the sword. Thank you. President Sawyer delivered what can only be described as a historic speech.. ..earliertodayin Geneva. Here. Let'sgolive.. You changed your hair. Last week. I'm gonna be late tonight. I love you very much. Good morning, sir. John, what do you think of the president's proposal? I don't know. It's good to have less enemies, I guess. You're a military man. You don't think he's putting us at risk? That's a little above my pay grade. If you feel that way.. why didn't you run against him? No, no, no. That's one job I never wanted. I like my office. I like my constituents. I like being a thorn in the side of the administration. But I think voters today want somebody cool. Oh, come on, Mr. Speaker, I think you're pretty cool. He went to bed at 8 and watched.. The president has a call scheduled with the speaker at 9:30. I should be there for that, shouldn't I? No. You have to be here in case of a deadlock.. Hey, I'm gonna see you later. With the red tie for that. Jenna? Absolutely, Mr. Vice President. Red tie's the way to go. Jenna. Jenna. Did you get me in? What do I get if I did? What do you want? Dinner. Candlelight. And a promise that you will try to get to second base. Done. You're meeting with Carol Finnerty, deputy special agent.. in charge of the president's Secret Service. I need a favour. This is a favour. I need another favour. I need a pass for my daughter. John.. You don't understand. She's a freak for this kind of stuff, so if I get her in, I'm Dad of the Year. I will owe you so much more than just candlelight dinner. I'llmakeacall. Perfect. Thank you. You're the best. A truly historic handshake. What President Sawyer is proposing to Iranian president alsharif.. is withdrawing all American troops across the entire Middle East.. and for that he'll ask his G8 partners for help. It's all about money, and who won't like this deal.. are American companies who do business with the American military. Wanna grab the door? Em. I'll get it. Hey. You're late. She thought you weren't coming. Why wouldn't I be coming? Hey, you, little face. Come on, get your stuff. Let's go, baby. Bye, Mommy. I love you. I love you too, sweetie. What's up..? I literally just walked in the door. What did I do? You missed her talent show. No, I didn't miss it. That's, like, next Thursday. No, it was last Thursday. It was on the school calendar. What did she do? She was a flag twirler. That's a talent? She practiced for like six weeks, John. She thought you were gonna be there. It would've been really nice to have a bit of a reminder. Come on, I'm not your secretary, John. I'm not asking you to be my secretary. Look, I'm just.. I'm trying. I'm trying really hard to be in her life. It's a little late for that, wouldn't you say? Have a good day. Are you mad at me? Just tell me. Will you be on that all day long? "Yes." Well, that sucks, because, you know, I thought you would.. want this, but.. You don't even know what it is. Do you really think a bribe's gonna work? Yeah. I'm hoping so. We're both adults here, John. Speak for yourself, okay? Can you please just open it? For me? What is it? It's a pony, baby. I don't.. Come on, for me, please just.. These are White House passes. Yeah. That might mean we're going to the White House. And that your dad here has a job interview.. with the Secret Service. This is really cool, John. You're just gonna stick with "John"? Yeah. Now The Roger Skinner Show, today live from the White House. Hi, folks. President Sawyer is one of those academics.. who never served a day in his life.. and now he wants to tell the military how to run things? He's going to make peace with Iran because he has friends there now? Come on. Sir, I have the first lady for you. Remind me again why we let these guys broadcast from our lawn. Freedom of the press. You know what? I knew it was something. Hey, babe. How are the French taking it? The treaty's gonna be a tough sell here. How'sitgoingthere? Raphelson is the key. We lose him, then we lose that Southern voting bloc. If this goes down, you're looking at a one term president. I know two people who wouldn't have a problem with that. Do you still have that watch I gave you? Yes, Miss First Lady. It's in my pocket next to my heart. You know, Mary Todd gave it to Lincoln.. to remind him he only had so much time to do good things.. while he was in that chair. I hear you. Well, kiss Amber for me, okay? I love you ladies. Miss you. I gotta go back to being president. I love you too. Did you know that 1.5 million people visit the White House every year? No, I did not know that. Look, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I didn't make it to your talent show. I'm not. Seriously. Did you know the White House used to be called the Presidential Palace? Look, I need you to hear me right now. Look at me. I really wished I was there. No, you don't. All I.. All I did was twirl a flag. It was stupid. You know that you don't have to do that with me, right? What? Have thick skin. You're 11. Good morning. Good morning, sir. How are you? Fine, thank you. Yourself? Good. Photo IDs, please. Thank you. What are you guys looking for? Explosives. This is awesome. Park up on the left, go into the East Lobby. Have a good one. Did you know that the president travels in an 18ton militaryarmoured.. modified Cadillac CTS built to withstand gas.. chemical and missile attacks? That's on the Internet? Wikipedia. Capitol Police, off duty. Have to check your weapon. All right. Check her good. Hey, Torn. Hey, buddy. So how is your blog coming along? Nobody says "blog" anymore, John. What do you mean, they don't say "blog"? I just learned "blog." Hi. Hi. Just for 20 seconds, act like you don't hate me. I'm Carol Finnerty. Hi. John. Carol? Cale. Oh, my God. Carol Wilkes. Actually, I'm Carol Finnerty now. You're Deputy Special Agent Finnerty? Oh, you're Jenna's favour. This is Emily. This is Em, my daughter. My father is a very special man. It's nice to meet you. I paid her to say that. Let's get started. Okay. I don't know. Just.. Sorry, I gotta ask. You didn't marry Jim Finnerty from Sigma Chi, did you? That guy was.. An asshole. Yes, he was. This is my colleague, Special Agent Todd. Standard Secret Service protocol requires.. a two agent review for every interview. You're not to look at Agent Todd. I'm sorry, I just looked at him. You're only to look at me. So we just.. Okay. The subject is John Cale. Born 1980, grew up in the District of Columbia.. graduated Hill High in 1999. Looks like you've bounced from job to job. Mechanic, limo driver, construction. Is my credit score in there? Yes, and you should be ashamed of yourself. It's a recession, okay? Married Melanie Schopp in 2002.. and had a child six months later. Filed for divorce in 2005. So you did three tours in Afghanistan.. and you were wounded in the Kunar province. Yes, ma'am. You received a Silver Star.. for pulling a Corporal Dawson from a burning Humvee? There was an IED attack. Humvee flipped, we were taking fire, so I grabbed him. Why? I was a little concerned.. that he was getting a little too warm in there. It's funny to me, you still think glib is the way to go here. Corporal Dawson is the nephew of the speaker of the house.. and when you were discharged a year ago.. he got you a job with the Capitol Police. Actually, on his protection detail. If Special Agent Todd keeps making those sounds.. I'm gonna start looking at him. Will you give us a second, please, Ryan? John, why do you want to be in the Secret Service? I can't think of a more important job than protecting the president. Okay, this job requires a university degree. You dropped out of GW after our first semester there. You don't finish things. Check the file, Carol. Two years in college night school. A certificate of graduation should be in there. Great. Yeah, John, you barely maintained a C average. I'm sorry, I didn't have our little study sessions.. like we used to back in the day, did I? Evaluations from your senior officers: "Cale frequently does not complete his field reports on time." Nothing to do with protecting someone. "Sergeant Cale demonstrates a lack of respect for authority. Sergeant Cale has raw potential but seems determined not to realise it." You can keep reading that. That is not me anymore. I'm not the kid you used to know in college. I've buttoned up every single thing that I have to to qualify for this job. I have 10 times more experience than any Ivy League kid. It's not just about experience. I would need to depend on you every day. What do you want me to do? I'll start at the.. I'll start at the bottom. Just give me a chance. I'm sorry. Did you get the job? Yeah, I think I got a shot. Really? You know how it is. They gotta go talk amongst themselves and.. These.. Look, these things, they can be really political. Good morning. Light day at the White House today. Eagle will remain on the 18 acres. He has phone calls to the congressional leadership. First lady is back tonight? Empress is wheels down at 1845. They're supposed to have dinner at the residence, but you know how they are. So we should have an advance on Obelisk, Marcel's, the usual. What if she wants sushi? No, no, she's off sushi. Remember she had that thing on the Japan trip? Carol, how are you still awake? Caffeine and patriotism, sir. Threat matrix? Well.. threats against POTUS have quadrupled since the G8 speech. PID is keeping an eye on a guy in Buffalo they're worried about. Visitors today? Just the AV guys again. DC Sonic, they're replacing the surround system in the theater. First lady must be thrilled. And she's.. She's coming back tonight? Carol, is she coming back tonight? Yes, sir. Wheels down at 1845. Yes, of course. As many of you are well aware, this is my last week here.. so I wanna make this clear to everybody: If there are any congratulatory cakes or any of that nonsense.. I will be compelled to use deadly force. I hate you. I hate you all. Thank you. No incendiaries in the White House. All right, baby, I just gotta get my weapon real quick. You're gonna have to sign out, sir. You guys here for the tour? Do you think we can see where you'll be working? Yeah, sure. Great. Gather around, everyone, gather around. My name is Donnie.. and I'll be your guide today as we take a walk through American history. I wanna give you all a warm Washington, D.C. welcome to the White House.. where each year we get millions of guests from every corner of the globe. Where are you folks from? Washington, D.C. Bad choice. What about you, ma'am? Nebraska. What brings you to the White House? I wanna see the tunnels where JFK snuck Marilyn Monroe in. Unfortunately, no such tunnels exist, but don't worry, we have plenty.. of other exciting sights to show you guys. Follow me this way. Now, does anyone wanna guess how old the White House is? Yes. Two hundred and twenty two years old. That's very accurate. Construction began in 1792.. on what was then called the President's House. Now, Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution set forth.. that a district of no more than 10 miles square.. should house the new seat of government. Does anyone know why? So no one state could claim the President's House. Right again. You're a real keener, aren't you? Now, the founders were crafty.. Hey, so you can tell me the truth. Do you get picked on a lot in school? No, I don't. It's a gift certificate for a massage. I could use one. Martin, it's.. It's been.. I know, for me too, Ted. You know you're gonna miss this. When's the last time you took a day off? Oh, I'm fine. I'm fine. You gotta get back on the horse. - Get back on the horse? - Get right out there. Sow some oats, break some hearts, have actual human interaction.. with a member of the opposite sex. Carol, you keep this up, 20 years from now you're gonna look like me. Well, there are worse things. Don't make this your whole life. Trust me. It's not worth it. Go home. Get some rest. Now. And that is an order. Yes, sir. Now, not too many people realise this.. but the White House is actually three buildings: The East Wing where you guys came in.. the West Wing, which houses the Oval and Executive Offices.. and we're about to enter the residence, which is the famous building that.. ..gotblownup in IndependenceDay . What's in there? That's the president's home theater. Membership has its privileges. Right this way through the double doors, please. There's still lots more to see. You got a visitor. Hey. Could you stay with the tour? Yeah. Thank you. The White House is big. Including below ground levels, it's six storeys tall.. with 132 rooms, 412 doors, 147 windows, 28 fireplaces.. and 35 bathrooms. The grounds contain a tennis court, a basketball court.. a putting green, a jogging track and a swimming pool. And where's the PEOC? The what? She's referring to the Presidential Emergency Operations Centre.. which is this really cool bunker behind 10 feet of concrete and steel.. that's capable of surviving a nuclear blast, plus.. for your information, miss, it's the one room in the house.. that no one knows the location of. Wiki Leaks says it's under the East Wing. Who wants to see the bowling alley, huh? Oh, my God. How we doing, folks? Mr. President. How's the tour? You see the basketball court? Mr. President, can I ask you a question for my YouTube channel? That'd be all right. What's your name? Emily Cale. Emily Cale, go ahead. Okay. How I look on that thing? I wasn't ready for a press conference. How do you expect 22 Arab nations with different regional.. and religious interests to agree on a single treaty.. especially given the newly erupting conflicts.. between the Shiites and the Sunnis in southern Pakistan? Tough question. To be honest with you, I don't know. Whether they'll agree or not.. I'm not sure, but I gotta try. The day we stop believing different people can come together.. is the day we've given up on the world. I'm not ready to. What I am ready to do is give a little girl.. a shout out on her YouTube blog. Hi, folks, my name is James W. Sawyer.. and I'm here with Emily Cale and her video blog. Check it out. You have a good one. Wait. Mr. President, this is my dad John. He's gonna be on your Secret Service detail. Secret Service detail. Is that right? You know, I take my protection detail very seriously. Yes, sir. Stop lying to children. Nice to meet you, Emily. Nice to meet you too, Mr. President. You guys have a good one. Need your vote now. Oh, my God, that was so fun. Thought you said no one says "blog" anymore, huh? Bye, Fred. Goodbye, Mrs. Finnerty. Oil painting by Tom Freeman to commemorate the burning.. of the White House by the British in 1814. Wait, the White House burned down? Yeah, yeah, in the War of 1812. Practically had to be rebuilt from the ground up. When I look at this painting, I get very emotional. John. I think I need to avail myself of one of the 35 bathrooms in here. There's a ladies' room downstairs. Where? I'll take her. I can go by myself, John. I'm not a child. Hey, just don't touch anything or wander off.. or talk to anybody that you shouldn't be talking to. I make no promises. He's seven minutes behind. Sorry, he got hung up on the State Floor. Good morning, Margaret. Morning, Mr. President. Could you get the speaker on the phone? Right away, sir. Have you and the missus zeroed in on a dining establishment? When have you known the missus to zero in on anything? Fair point, sir. Martin, I wanna shake your hand. We're all sorry to see you go. Thank you, Mr. President. And I know that you and Muriel have had a tough go of it.. since Kevin passed, and.. We all make sacrifices.. for our country, sir. Yeah, but it's more.. I have the speaker of the house for you. I'm sorry. Thank you, Mr. President. Right. Thank you, Margaret. You're welcome, sir. Eli. That was quite a speech, Mr. President. If you were on board, we'd have a real shot at peace. You do know that your plan has upset the entire defence industry. These are powerful people who give money to both parties. I talked to President alsharif again about the discussion we had.. and he's assuring me that he has proof. And you believe him? I do. Guys that run those corporations have been in bed.. with radical regimes for years. All they wanna do is keep the cycle of war going. alsharif will expose them. All of that wrongdoing is gonna come out.. soon as our plan is signed. Sir, if your plan is signed. Jesus. Since when do you guys come through here? My supervisor told me to come this way. Stop. Be careful next time. I know we've had our differences, but I've never known you to be a man.. to let politics stand in the way of doing the right thing. If you stand with me on this, you can be the man that could take these guys down. I'd like to drag every one of these CEOs in front of Congress.. but there's more at stake here. I can't support this, not at the risk.. of leaving us militarily exposed. Come on, you know those bases are for show now. We could launch a drone off of any carrier in the gulf.. and hit any target we want. Excuse me, miss. Sir, you can't leave that there. Hey, buddy! Twentyfour, I'm in the rotunda. I got a maintenance.. Eli, you all right? Keep moving, let's go, push. Get your security teams up. Mr. Speaker? Mr. Speaker? Are you all right? I'm fine. We have to get out of here. You follow me. Where's the vice president? In the chamber. Tell him we need to institute Continuity of Government. I tried. He's been cut by some glass. Now stay close. Don't panic, take your time. There's been an explosion at the Capitol building. And? I'm crashing the White House. We're crashing the White House. Get the CAT Team. I want all nonessentials evac'd. Get that hallway clear if we have to move. Sergeant, bolt these doors. I need Marine 1 here as fast as possible. Sir, I need you to move away from the window, sir. Yeah. Lock down all these doors. Do it quickly. Go, go, go! Sir. The residence. Bear with us. Sir, we have a tour group on the State Floor. Hold them in the Blue Room. Maintain positions. Keep the hallways clear. Everybody stay where you are. My daughter's downstairs. No one goes anywhere till we lift the crash. She's just a little girl. I gotta get her. Step away from the door. Keep moving, please. Everybody. Gentlemen, we're on lockdown. You can't be in here. Let's go. Sorry? We're on lockdown! Can't hear you! You gotta be kidding me. Movie time is over. Shut this down! Let's go. Bobby, sync watches, 60 seconds. Let's go. Yes, sir, that is correct, sir. Weareon fulllockdown. Hey! We need help up here now! Security sweep! Open up! Thirty seconds. Secure Air Comm. Meet at the rally. Armoury secure. All right, let's go. Let's move, move! Hold up. We're on full lockdown here. Hey! East Hall secure. Heading for Castle Sky. You've reached the voice mail of Emily Cale. Why aren't you texting me? Em, as soon as you get this, call me back. Keep moving, keep moving! Martin, I'm right outside the Capitol. What the hell is happening? Do you have the president? I have Eagle. Call WFO, get as many men as you can to the Capitol. I'll dispatch everyone I can spare. I want a hard perimeter around Castle. A hard perimeter around Castle. Eastside Gate. Come on, let's go, people. Fred, open the gate. We're gonna be fine. It's gonna be okay. They're exiting the building. Keep moving! Castle South clear. Clear! We have Castle Sky. Five agents in the East Gate, four in the garden. The rest should be on the South Lawn. And two policemen on the South Gate. Let's go. Let's go! Keep moving! Shots fired. Code Black! Code Black! Say again. Say again. He said "shots fired." Look, it's gotta be an AOP. You gotta get out there. Stand back. I'm not doing anything. You serious? Look around. Stand back! The threat is out there! Go out and do your job! Donnie, where'd you send my daughter? I'm sure she's fine. We're in the safest house in the world. Well, not today, it's not. You'vereachedthevoicemail .. Em, pick up the phone. Can't tell where it's coming from. I have no visual on him. Tenfour. Still have them on..? No. Clear! Clear! Negative, negative. Snipers on the roof. Do not approach Castle. Repeat, do not approach Castle. Do not advance. Do not advance. Say what? Welcome to the White House, Mr. Tyler. I love what you've done with the place. Bullet holes add to the decor. Did you see that shit Conrad pulled off at the Capitol? Goddamn! Let's keep it tight. Get to work. Where are my goddamn hostages? Dad? Oh, thank God. Emily,areyouokay? Dad.. Look, it's gonna be okay, baby, I promise you. Where are you? Where are you at? I'll come get you. Where'd you send my daughter? Downstairs. Across the hall, second on the left. Shut up! Find him. Go! What's going on? What? I got it. You better. Castle, this is Hummingbird. We are on final approach. What are we waiting for, Martin? Marine 1 is three minutes out, sir. Castle, does anybody copy? I repeat, we are.. Break right! Break right! We are taking fire. Castle has fallen. The White House is down. Heavy weapons on the roof. Take him to the PEOC. They're in the building. We need to exfilt.. I got this! Mr. President, Mr. President, I get you to the vault.. their game is over. You sure you can get me there? Yes, sir. I am. Then get me to the vault. Diamond formation. Stay low, stay close, shoot first. Got it? On me. Do you have the vice president? Irepeat,do youhavethevicepresident? We do. We're two miles away from Andrews. The speaker? Negative. We do not have the speaker. Please evacuate the Capitol. This way. Excuse me. Kellerman! Carol, COD says we go to the Pentagon. I have the speaker. Going to the secondary location. Watch yourself. Excuse me, ma'am. Downstairs, second door to the left. Emily. No, no, no, please. Please don't! I was just on the tour! You had a gun! It's a phone, it's a phone. I swear. Look, I got a daughter. Please. Get up! Okay. That was close. Shit. You think you're tough, bitch? Keep the ground floor clear. Package is on the move. Eagle is 30 seconds from the vault. We are coming in hot. Copy that, sir. Eagle is 30 seconds from the vault. GO, go! Mr. President. Glasses. Match. We're in. Go! Go ahead. I'll button this up. Go ahead. Mr. Vice President, I apologise in advance.. but this is gonna be the hardest takeoff you've ever felt. We're gonna put this bird at 30,000 feet in 45 seconds. James William Sawyer. Gentlemen. What are you doing? ! Please, Martin, what are you doing? I'm sorry, Ted. Martin! Consider this my resignation. Emily? Where are you at, baby? Please tell me you got out of here. Mr. Stenz. We're in. I have the package. Ground floor, through the library and down the stairs. Thelibrary. We 'reon ourway . We'll be waiting for you. That's the library. Don't go in there. Just.. Oh, this is so stupid. You're not gonna get away with this. Martin! What are you doing? No, Mr. President. The question is, what are you gonna do? Gonna shake my hand again? Give a little speech? Is this about Kevin? Look, I'm sorry.. Run, Mr. President! To me, to me, to me! Move! Walker. Move, move, move! Let's go, let's go, let's go! Stand behind me and do what I say. Walker, I say again.. we are coming to you, we are on the move. In the library. Shit. I'm empty. Walker! Run, run, run! Stenz! No, not that way! They're up there! Goddamn! We've lost the package. Secure the exits. Which Way's this go? West Wing. Run, Mr. President! Move! Move! This leads to the basement. We' reinthestairwell,comingyourway. Shit. We gotta go! Elevator's here, let's go! Shit! God! They're in the elevator heading up! Cut them off in the Central Hall! What are you doing? Get him! Take care of Bobby. Killick,stopthemattheelevator. I'm on it. He's in the residence! Cut him off at the residence! Son of a bitch! You screwed us, Walker. You've got one of your guys running around. Not one of my guys. Then who is he? I don't know, probably some schmuck from one of the tours. Your tourist killed one of my best men! So now I'm gonna take care of it! No, you will not. You will have your boys.. sweep every room in this place. And you will come with me, as planned. Find him. You don't talk to me like that in front of my men. I don't, huh? No, you don't! Ten years I've known Bobby! Twice the guy saved my life. This doesn't go unanswered! Drop the tough guy shit with me, junior. Now, I know your story, Emil. I know what this country did to you. We're in this together. So be calm. I'm calm. Good. I'm still gonna kill him. I don't have a problem with that. But I need the president alive. Don't forget that. You promised me the leader of the free world. Don't you worry your pretty little head. We'll get him back. But without him, what kind of time frame we looking at? We have 15 minutes to load in, then maybe another 30 or so.. to crack the protocols without his code. After that, it's on you. What about securing the basement? I brought a party favour for that. Good. Do you know.. you've got a bit of something right.. It's right under your nose. Vadim. You let me know the second you find these guys. Copy that. Somebody please shut the alarm off! I got work to do. Motts. Take Bobby's place in Air Comm. I'll show you the way. We got some important people waiting for us. Are you okay, sir? I'm all right. Is your family in the complex? They won't be here till tonight. Your daughter, where's your daughter? I couldn't find her. I hope she got out. Do you know these men? That old son of a bitch, his name is Martin Walker. He's the head of my Secret Service. You should have a conversation about how serious you take your protection. I didn't pick him. Why is he doing this? I think it has something to do with his son Kevin. Why? What happened? He was a Marine. He got killed last year in this covert action that I ordered. Would he do this for a personal vendetta? He said he wanted you alive. There's gotta be a bigger play. We gotta get out of this elevator shaft. I'm.. Don't tell me you're claustrophobic. Oh, my God. The FAA needs to ground all air traffic. Where's the secretary of Homeland Security? He's at the White House. Who's the deputy sec? Wyck Halsey. He's also at the White House. Oh, Jesus. Happens, our thoughts go to terrorism. I've had enough of this. Walker told us to stay where we are. Madam Secretary, gentlemen.. I'm gonna ask you to accompany us to the Blue Room. Who is this man? He is.. He's a concerned citizen. Good morning, Mr. Secretary. You killed the secretary of defence. Well, he wasn't doing a very good job. Okay, so, would the remaining secretaries.. please join us in the Blue Room? Sir, I'm on with Agent Reid. How they doing? VP just puked all over Air Force One. I'm General Caulfield, vice chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff. Have the nuclear launch codes been switched? Yes, and new codes are active. The stock market's collapsing. Travis, I need you to suspend trading immediately. And there's gonna be a run on the banks, so close them now. You guys good? Yes, sir. Don't mess it up. Son of a.. Captain, where are we? We have reason to believe that the explosive was a diversion. Diversion from what? An armed team has taken over the White House. Do we have the president? I spoke to Walker. He had eyes on Eagle. Fifteen minutes is a lifetime. Radio chatter indicated they were headed for the PEOC. No contact. We have to assume they've been compromised. We gotta get you to a phone. Call SEAL Team Six and they come in here.. and they'll shoot these assholes in the head. We keep a satphone in the residence. Great. Where's that at? Of course it is. You ever been rock climbing? We climbing this? Unless you got a better idea, yeah. No, I don't. By the way, John Cale. JamesSawyer. I'll get you out of here, sir. Just follow me up. Yeah, I'm right behind you. Make sure you have one handhold.. before you let go of the other one. Whatever you do, I'll do. I ain't doing that shit. The scene here at the White House is getting more chaotic every second. We have got hundreds.. As you can see, the military's moving into position.. but won't advance because of safety concerns for the hostages. Obvioustoeveryone, this is the work of al Qaeda.. or some like minded Arab terrorist group. TheNationalGuard.. The building's buttoned up. Rooftop's secure. They attempted contact yet? Not yet. Apparently, we're all Arabs. Cake? No, I don't want cake. I'm diabetic. Hallelujah. This is my Graceland! Sweet Shiva. Sugary pops of delight. Come on, let's go! Let's go, sheeple. Now, welcome to my house. Now, sit down and shut up! Oh, baby, I've missed you. Let's get you plugged in. You fit in nicely right there. Ladies and gentlemen, Skip Tyler has arrived. By the time you're watching this, I will have pulled off the greatest hack.. the world has ever seen. This is difficult for some, it is.. but for me, it's as easy as one, two, three.. four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Yes. Showtime! Oh, some latecomers. Secretary of Homeland Security.. is in the house! You're so getting fired for this. Look who was hiding in the Press Room. Oh, my God, Roger Skinner! The only one who speaks the truth. I love your show. Seriously. After you, please. Get in there. Come out, come out, wherever you are. Playing some hideandseek, little girl? Well, then, I will huff, and I will puff.. and I'm gonna blow your house down. No, no, no! Leave me alone. Get in here. Move! Mr. Skinner, please stop crying. Get comfortable, you little mutt. Are you okay? Oh, my God, where's my dad? He went looking for you. Excuse me for a second. Sir? Hi. I understand that this is a very high stress time.. but if you and your colleagues.. could maybe be a little more careful.. with the priceless artifacts that are in this building.. because I mean, it is a living history.. Okay, because see.. that was a Ming Dynasty 16thcentury vase.. that was a gift from Queen Elizabeth ll. It's irreplaceable. I'll go sit down. I'm gonna.. I'll be over here if you have any more questions. Vadim, Chen, report. We're done with the residence, boss. Coming up to the third floor. Shit. Okay, I'm coming up. Get your head down! What are you doing? Trying to shoot off the cables? I heard something. Come on. That thing's 100 years old. The shit's too heavy for it. Let's unload before it snaps. Jesus, they have Javelins. Javelin what? Surfacetoair missiles. If anybody comes in by air, they're done. Mr. Speaker, I have the vice president for you. Alvin, you okay? I'm fine. Who's in command on the ground? Well.. Permission to speak freely. Yeah, yeah, granted. It's a shit show. D.C. police are on the scene, FBI is trying to horn in.. plus Secret Service feels it should be their show. It should. Carol Finnerty, Secret Service. Mr. Vice President, it was our building that was taken. Yes, it was, and now you're standing in our building. We need to send the Army in there and take the White House back. I don't think you can. Posse Comitatus and the Insurrection Act.. make it very difficult to deploy combat troops on American soil. Which is why we federalized the National Guard minutes ago. Sir, with respect, only the president can do that. Alvin, we're in a constitutional crisis here. We've never had a missing chief executive. We're gonna have to start talking about the 25th Amendment. You wanna remove the president from power? I don't wanna do anything, but I can't sit here.. and watch the government come crashing down around us. We've tried them on the phone by now, right? Who? Hello? Hello, this is Special Agent Carol Finnerty. To whom am I speaking? That sounds official. Please hold. Your call's very important to us. We'vegotan incomingcall. About time. Put them through. Thank you for holding. I'll patch you through. Have a great day. Hello, this is Carol Finnerty. Who is this? It's me, Carol. You should've called already. Martin. We've held the building for 15 minutes. "We"? I'm sure you're recording this.. so let's make this easy on everybody. My name is Martin James Walker. Chief of the presidential detail of the Secret Service. My men currently control the White House and the 61 hostages within. What are you doing? I did you the courtesy.. of sending you out of here, so let's just keep it professional, okay? "Professional"? You killed your own men. Where's Ted? Killing Ted Hope.. was the second hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life. Martin, I want you to.. There's not a thing you're about to say that I didn't teach you. So we're gonna get all this done in two hours and be done by lunch, okay? Now, ask me what I want. Whatdoyouwant? On any given day.. the United States Federal Reserve holds in excess of $400 million in cash. And I want it loaded aboard a Boeing (317.. which you will leave fueled and otherwise empty on runway oneniner. I'd like to know how you plan on getting from the White House.. to Reagan National without being killed. We have eyes in the sky. If I see a single sniper.. within 10 miles of this place, lam going to kill.. four Cabinet members.. and in a particularly nice touch of irony.. the director of Homeland Security himself. Is President Sawyer alive? Yes. I want proof of life. You got two hours or I will execute him myself.. on the South Lawn of the White House. Jesus, the head of his own detail. At least we know how they got in so easily. Can we be sure he's the only Secret Service member.. who's been compromised? Oh, go to hell. Proof of life, huh? You say you can do better than your men. Here's your chance. Find him. With pleasure. Walker's wife, Muriel, is in Fairfax. Could you find her, please? You Okay? I have Thanksgiving at their house every year. I wanna run the whole search again, from the top. Motts, meet me on the ground floor. Chen, Vadim, the third. Meet in the middle. Roger that. I'm taking the stairs. Mulcahy, finish up. That was the last one. Wait, so you said Walker's son died? The Pentagon thought that Iran had a nuclear bomb. We sent a team in. Things went wrong. Martin's son Kevin got killed. You're telling me this is personal? He's not doing it by himself. Someone else is footing the bill. Who? Heard of the military industrial complex? Those are the manufacturers of the weapons. They think they own the system and they will do anything to keep that power. They profit off of your sacrifice. Politicians always love talking about sacrifice. Think I don't know anything about sacrifice? How many people come to your house and wanna kill you? Missiles are topside. Elevator going down to one. We gotta get off on the second floor. What? Get off, get off, get off. You all right? You see anybody? No, we're clear. Kick it in. Harder. Mr. President, stay on my hip. I got three rounds. Tell me you got some weapons in the residence. No, we usually have two agents right there with machine guns. We got some knives in the kitchen. What? They're big knives. Great, then you can make me a sandwich. Now, where's the phone? Right here. Walker set this number up. Wait a minute, he's gonna trace it. We gotta get in touch with somebody on the outside. I got somebody. You got somebody? Yeah, yeah. I need to get my shoes. Needed this. Hello? Jenna, this is John Cale. John, not a good time. Wait, wait, hold on a second. Close friend? She works for the vice president. Have you heard what's happening? It's not a good time. I'm with the president. We're in the White House. That's not funny, John. Does this sound like a joke to you? Yeah, he's.. Jenna, this is James Sawyer. For the past 10 minutes, I've been getting shot at with this young man. If you could connect me to whatever control structure we still have left.. I would really appreciate it. Hold on. Hello? Thank you. She hung UP? She put me on hold when I was thanking her. So we wait for your best friend Jenna to hit us back. You smoke? Neither do I. This is your moment, sir. The country is looking for a leader. It's your time to step up. I told you, we weren't to be disturbed. The president of the United States called my cell. Mr.President. It's about damn time. Mr.President,areyou all right? "We"? Yeah, I'm with someone. I'm gonna put him on the phone. Hello, this is John Cale. Cale? What are you doing in the White House? He's doing a damn good job. It's a long story, Mr. Speaker.. but look, they've taken the building and they're holding hostages. This is when you come get us. We're doing our best. Do we have any intel on these people? We are working on that, sir. You have to get the president out of there. Can you get to the basement? Yeah, sure. Yeah. There's a series of tunnels. JFK used them to sneak Marilyn in. I thought that was a myth. It's true. Donnie's gonna be pissed. Get to the basement. I'll lead you to the tunnels. Okay, Carol, I got separated from Emily. Can you tell me if she made it out? We're gonna find her, but you have got to get the president to safety, okay? Cale? Cale? Can you get him back? Son of a bitch! Get your hands off my Jordans! Freeze! I said freeze! Shoot him! No, don't shoot him. Shoot him! Shit. Are you okay? Yeah. Don't worry about him. He would've killed me if you wouldn't have killed him. Thanks, asshole. Look what I found. Merry Christmas. You got the satphone? Right here. And it's on. Mr. President, are you okay? Define "okay." What happened, John? We got two dead bad guys, that's what happened. These guys had military training. You gotta find out what they're doing here. Walker demanded a ransom. You think they're going through this for money? Youneedto seethis. Hang on, John. People watching all of this together. No doubt young Emily Cale had to risk her own life to.. Can you get me the president here? Cale, can you turn on the news? You got a TV? We need to find out how Walker found these guys. John,you'vegottaturnonthenews. What's going on? I'm so sorry. What you are seeing really is just amazing footage.. captured by an extremely brave young girl by the name of Emily Cale. Now, these are the first images coming to us from inside the White House.. from inside this hostage situation. The images have gone viral. They've had more than a hundred million.. Wait. Cale, Cale, listen. We're all walking out of here together, okay? I gotta go get her. Captain. Yes, sir? Get me facial recognition on everyone in that video now. Verybraveyounggirl named Emily Cale. The hostages include the nine girls.. from Watkins Charter School in Louisville.. five Cabinet members as well.. and also, understandably, a very emotional Roger Skinner. And from what I understand now.. I got the president a scrambled satphone to call his family with. He keeps it in his bedside table in the residence. See if it's still there. No. No. Vadim, would you be kind enough to confirm your last name for me, please? Let's go. They're in the residence. Go! That's them in the residence. Easy. And the faces of the terrorists. You gotta be shitting me. So we are going to put those faces up onscreen right now.. In here! As we put these faces up onscreen, we are sure that we will.. no doubt learn the names of the men who are.. holding the White House hostage. These men are clearly not al Qaeda. We are positive that the FBI will have.. those images out. So again, these are images.. captured by a brave young girl.. How many more ways can you guys screw this thing up? Hey. How you like your chair? You comfortable, Mr. Skinner? Let me ask you a question. Where do you come up with all the ideas for your show? I.. You got guys who do that for you? Because, believe me, I got some good ideas. Hey! Give it to me. Congratulations, asshole, you just made us all famous. When they come for us, you're gonna die first. Get away from me. You understand? Get away from me. Sir, we have facial recognition coming up right now. Carl Killick. This guy's a right wing sociopath. First arrested at age 12. Tried to blow up his local post office.. because they employed too many African Americans. Last seen with Conrad Cern. I saw that guy at the Capitol. He runs a white power hate blog against President Sawyer. Lovely. Jesus. Skip Tyler. King of the hackers. Worked for the NSA. Was fired for rewriting nuclear launch coordinates.. to target Apple headquarters. He was unhappy with their music sharing polices. Walker's been after this guy forever. And Emil Stenz. Ex Delta Force. Highly decorated. I'm afraid we know this guy too. How? Unfortunately, that's classified. Well, I hereby declassify it. Now, you wanna share it with the group? Stenz did offthebooks wet work for us in Pakistan.. as part of a black bag CIA operation. When the Sawyer administration came in, the new secretary of defence.. shut down the operation and disavowed its assets.. including Stenz. His identity was compromised. He wound up spending two years in a Taliban controlled prison. No wonder he's pissed at us. It's the threat matrix. Every day the Secret Service does a rundown.. of threats against the president. Every one of these guys was on it. It's like Walker used it as a shopping list. Sir, Delta Force is 15 minutes out. All right, general. I want them prepped for an attack on the White House.. ..assoonas Igivetheword. Sir, please! Please. Only the president can give that order. The president is behind enemy lines and compromised. I'm calling the Cabinet together to invoke the 25th. Get behind this, Eli. What if this were even a coup d'état? Come on, that's just nonsense. Why isn't the military doing anything? You gotta understand, this is a very difficult situation.. for the Pentagon, there are hostages. You can't bring the big guns out.. because there's a class of little schoolgirls still inside. Martin! Good morning, boys. Move, move! Come on, go, go, go! They're in the ground floor kitchen. That's it. Come on, go, go, go! Where's the basement? Through here. To the left. Shit! They're gone. Goddamn it! IhavethepresidentandCalecalling. Cale, give me your location. All right, we're in the basement. There's a gate with a keypad. Okay, the code is 64762. All right, we're in. Go down the hallway. That should be the entrance to the catacombs. Are you sure? Yes, I'm sure. You should then be in a big oval room. There'll be five tunnels. Take the second tunnel, follow it all the way out.. and we'll be waiting. We found it. Mr. President.. take this. I can't go. What are you talking about? I'm not leaving my little girl. Then I'm staying. You gotta go back to being president, sir. Otherwise, all this is for nothing. You can't do this by yourself. You're gonna go and send the Marines in here to get us, okay? All right. You got my word. Thanks, John. All right. See you outside. They are in the basement. All right, everyone in the basement! The basement! Cale, come check this out. Okay, please don't touch my toys. That's something that we do not wanna touch. Carol, we got a problem. The exit tunnel's wired with explosives. We need another exit. There isn't another exit. It's locked! Tyler, I need the gate code. I have that right here. Here's your gate code. This is not happening. We gotta move. Carol, where are we going? Hold on. I can't hold on. We need a location right now! Stagecoach. Follow me. Let's get to the Stagecoach. No, no, no, you'll be trapped. This is a bad idea. They grounded all aircraft. This is Jack Freeman reporting live from the skies over Washington, D.C. We're bringing you exclusive images of the terrorist held White House. Clear left. Cabinet is assembling with the vice president to invoke the 25th. Cale, if you don't get him out in the next five minutes.. ..hemightnotbepresidentanymore. You didn't give me the job, remember? What's the code to D227? What's the code for D227? Hold on. Fast! Go, go, go! Go, go! 13350. We're in, let's go! Go, I'll cover you! All right, all right! This way, Cale. The keys. Got them! What the hell are you getting in the back for? Sorry, force of habit. Damn it! Keys! Let's go! Let's go! I'm crashing the gate. No, no, no! It's 8 feet tall and dual hardened steel. We're not gonna make it. Left! Where's the garage clicker? You kidding? I don't have a clicker. Suburban! I think I'm seeing the presidential limo driving across the grounds. We're gonna cut them off! Hang on, Motts! Watch out, watch out, watch out! Cale, they're in heavy weapons followup. What do you mean, "heavy weapon"? You gotta be kidding me right now! Move! Oh, my goodness! The presidential limo.. has just burst onto the South Lawn! So sorry. Ladies and gentlemen of the Cabinet.. it's with a heavy heart.. Sir, you have to see this! It's trying to make its way around the South Lawn fountain. That iconic fountain that everybody knows.. anyone who's ever been to the White House knows. Box them in! Go for the window, Motts! Tanks. We got tanks. Let's put them to use. I think that's my dad. I'm not sure using heavy artillery is a wise.. I don't give a damn. You get that tank.. you put a hole in the goddamn fence! Yeah! Come on! Look, look, look! Watch him, watch him, watch him. Go for the windshield! Go! Watch out, watch out, watch out. Yeah, that's one down. Shit! Commander, are you in position? Roger. Then go to work. Fall back! Fall back! Driver, advance! We don't know what is happening exactly, but the National Guard is in fact.. enacting some sort of manoeuvre. It depends.. RPG'S! Now! Blow these bastards off the roof. Take cover! Fire! Incoming! Commander, come in! Goddamn it! Shit. Good job, boys! Great job, Mulcahy! This is an unprecedented situation. We have a full scale war going on.. on the White House grounds. Mulcahy! Take out the limo! Let's go! Take the limo! What are you waiting on? Take it out! They're firing. I can't see. What am I supposed to do? I need him alive! That's an order! Why don't you shut up? There's a camera system here in the car. There. What am I doing with zombies? It's my daughter's favourite movie. Watch out, watch out! Left! We gotta punch a hole in this fence soon or we're dead in the water. There's a weapons locker in the back. Jackpot! 'What you got? That's what I'm talking about! That thing in your right hand is a blast shield. Perfect. Can you not hit me in the head with a rocket while I'm trying to drive? ! Get me to the fence, Cale! Stick that thing out there, go to work. Damn right. Hold it with two hands, Mr. President. Oh, my God, that's President Sawyer. Hehasarocketlauncher. There's something.. you don't see every day. Here it comes! I lost the rocket launcher. How do you lose a rocket launcher? Killick, take one of the hostages outside. Show them we mean business. This just in from China. destroyedtheWestGate of the White House. We got our exit. One more time around the fountain. No! Get over here. One of the terrorists is holding a little girl at gunpoint. What'dhesay? Emily Cale is being held.. at the White House balcony right now by the terrorists. She was the one who managed to send this video out so the world could see.. Anotherrocket. Cale! Dad! I can't see what is going on.. Get me a location on them now! The West Wing. The president has.. We're not sure if he's alive or dead right now. The limousine has disappeared.. Emily? The West Wing. I can't see him.. Killick, take her back inside. Dad! Get over here! Shit. What the..? Something wrong with your radio? Malfunctioned. Stay behind me. They won't shoot us. They need me alive. Put a gun to my head. What? That concludes the runningandshooting portion. Stay back or I'll shoot him! Appreciate what you're trying to do, son. Did the same job myself, and proudly. I have no quarrel with you, but I do have a deadline. So put the gun down.. Pull the pin. Because you're not gonna shoot the president. You're right. Where does that leave us, boys? That leaves us with this. Come on! Go, go, go! What are you doing? ! Oh, no. Come on, go! This way! Follow me! Follow me! Enormous explosion over toward the West Wing. I don't know if this means the president has been killed. We know.. I got 100 people in here! Somebody tell me something! You idiot. What'd you say? You are an idiot. You just blew our whole mission. Your mission. Shut up. Mr. Stenz, this may be your lucky day. Get your men back to the basement. I, Alvin Hammond, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute.. the office of president of the United States.. and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect and defend.. the Constitution of the United States, so help me God. Sir, follow me, please. Place your hand there for scanning, please. Sir, these are your presidential launch codes. Keep them on your person at all times. Vice President Alvin Hammond has just been sworn in.. as the 47th president of the United States.. confirming, of course, the worst possible scenario.. the death of President James Sawyer. People all over the globe have been holding their breath. They're wondering what is happening right here in America. After all, the United States has the biggest weapons arsenal in the world. We need to start moving the money. Maybe buy some time. Willhebe abletogetthisextremely volatile situation under control. Muriel Walker's here. Thousands are gathering, leaving candles and flowers.. at the doors of the U. S.. We've got movement. We've got movement at the Federal Reserve. Stenz, do you hear me? Confirming they're loading the money. Let's wrap this up. Stenz, we're wasting our time here. Walker, are you sure they're down here? Did I spend 15 goddamn years running this place or did you? ! This guy is losing it. What do we care if he gets the president? We made a deal. Cale was right. This is not about ransom. Walker has cancer. His doctors gave him less than three months. He has a golfballsized tumor on his frontal lobe. Jesus Christ. I think he's on a suicide mission. You ready? Yes. What do you think you're doing? If anybody can talk him down.. it's her, trust me. A little birdie told me you're finally moving the money. Martin? I had to tell them about the tumor, Martin. That's all right. Please stop this. Please just come home. I have to do this, honey. No, you don't. They have to pay for what they did to Kevin. And when it's over.. I promise.. I promise you'll understand. You're doing this for Kevin? I swear to God. Then you do whatever it takes. You make them pay for what they did to our boy. What the hell are you doing? Walker, you stop this.. or I'll make sure she spends the rest of her life in a federal prison. You have 19 minutes. You're done. General. Your boss took the White House.. and your man inside got the president killed. Carol, calm down. You're free to go. Thank God for Gerald Ford. Why? He built this because he didn't want the press to see him in his swim trunks. Any chance this leads out of here? No. Listen, I gotta stop for a second. What? You all right? That's not good, is it? Stenz worked for the CIA, right? Right. If we can track the way that Walker contacted.. these guys, we can figure out how to stop them. How do you propose we do that? Keep an eye on Caulfield. Wait, what? Hi. I'm Carol. I'm not supposed to talk to you right now. Run a database search on the guys in that building. CIA, NSA, everything you've got. Okay, listen, Walker's not doing this for the money, trust me. There is something else going on. I can't do that, ma'am. On the worst day that our country has ever had.. you could be the key to figuring all of this out. Couldotherwisenotaccomplishthat is take back the White House. I'm gonna have to get that out. When did you become a doctor all of a sudden? Look, just talk to me, get my mind off it. Talk to me about your daughter. Emily? She's completely in love with you. She even tried to get me to vote for you. You didn't vote for me? Your daughter's smart. You should listen to her. She was like 3 when I enlisted. And to be honest with you.. I was probably just running from my marriage. Right after I deployed, Emily was watching TV.. and there was coverage on the troops in Afghanistan. She swears to me that she saw me. After that point, she became obsessed with politics. And that's when she first saw you. The man that was gonna bring Daddy home. And when I finally did come home, I realised that.. I'm not her hero anymore. So I guess I just figured that I'd try to help protect the man that is. Well, if she saw you today, Cale, she'd be proud of you. You know how when they're young and they come running up to you.. and they hug you and they're shouting "Daddy".. and all of a sudden, one day, that just stops? Yeah. I'd give anything for that hug just one more time. You know, my daughter, she's 15 years old, her name is Amber. You know what she wants for her birthday? A belly button ring. Belly button ring. What parent is equipped for that? Daughters. What'shappening? Attention, attention. Everyone below Calico T11, please clear the floor immediately. Put the president onscreen. Mr. President, Delta Force entered Washington airspace. I have Lieutenant Colonel Cameron on the line. You're online, sir! What do you have for us, colonel? We developed this plan independent of the Secret Service. We'll use the superstructure of the city to mask our approach. What if they start killing hostages? They're dead anyway if this fails. Alvin, please think about what you're doing. May I remind you that you are addressing the president of the United States? Mr. President, I don't wanna write off any Americans yet. Trust me, sir, we'll get your house back for you. Mission'sa go,colonel. Thank you, sir. You heard the president. Six minutes. So, what's it like being president? It's not like anything. Once you get into office, it's all about reelection.. and what the other side can use against you. Politics. You don't start out a politician.. but you become one. Just once, though, I wanna do something that's presidential. Something along the lines of Lincoln, Washington and Jefferson. You wanna make history. No. Not history. I wanna make a difference. If your little daughter says that I'm her hero.. then I gotta earn that. All right, we go in low and quiet. Time to target is two minutes. Falcon 2, maintain 30 feet. Falcon 1, copy, 30 feet. Dropto10 feet! Falcon 2 dropping to 10 feet. Complete chaos on the streets of D.C. There's total gridlock through.. Oh, my God! U.S. Special Forces are flying over us! Shit. Sir, we have Black Hawks coming in. Which direction? From I Street, and fast. How do you feel, Mr. President? Surprisingly good, Dr. Cale. Let me call in, make sure they don't think we're dead. The former vice president, Alvin Hammond.. is clearly calling the shots as the new commander in chief. I have John Cale on the line. Cale? Where's Carol? Finnerty's been relieved of command. The cavalry's coming. Should be hitting the residence in a few minutes. No, no, no, not by air. They have to come by ground. I think we can handle this. They have Javelin missiles. Not according to our intel. Even if we wanted to call them back, they've gone dark. If they fail, they're going to kill every single one of those hostages.. including my daughter. Just go. Take this and stay out of sight. Thirty seconds! Let's go! Incoming, three of them! Spread out! Castle in sight. I say again, Castle in sight. Are you ready? Colonel, we got movement on the roof. They've got missile lock! Evasive manoeuvres! Break right! Javelins! Javelins! Shit! Break right! I can't hold out! We're going down! Mayday! Mayday! Shit. Get down! Incoming! We're going down! One is closing in on the White House. Looks like it's checking on the conditions of the hostages. What are you gonna do? You gonna shoot the hostages? Get on the 50cal! Mulcahy, let's go! Hammer down! Hammer down! Fire! Pull up! Pull up! Yeah! Last mag. They've got missile lock! Movement on the roof. Hold your fire! Hold your fire! I think that man is a friendly! Get ready to deploy! Fast rope down! Go, go! Getusout! Missile! Javelin up! Javelin up! Countermeasures! Brace for impact! No. This mission is going terribly wrong. I can see now that there are two men on top of the roof.. and they're engaged in handtohand combat. Shit! Yes! Skip Tyler is in! Walker, that last firewall just came down. Mr. Tyler.. we are a go, sir. God bless us all. Sir. My weapons system is coming online. It's being accessed remotely. I can't.. Jesus Christ, it's targeting. What? It's firing. Target is an aircraft somewhere over Ohio. Appears to be a modified 747. Oh, my God. This is an emergency. I repeat, this is an emergency. What's going on? I don't know. Andfastenyourseatbelts. I repeat, this is.. Sir, we're under attack! It's clear that someone on the inside has orchestrated.. this takeover of the White House. That's the only way.. Mr. Speaker, we have confirmation of ground impact. We're going to need to swear you in, sir. Executive power passed to the vice president when he was sworn in.. which means the office now passes to you. Sir. Please follow these men. Sir, these are your new presidential launch codes. Please keep them on your person at all times. I need a moment here. I need.. I need to call my wife. Of course, sir. Thank you. Emily Cale. How are you enjoying your tour? Remember these? You and I have a date, sweetheart. You'll have to go through me. Really? You're gonna go to jail for that! And who's gonna make me? The tourist is still on the loose. But I have a hunch Daddy's gonna come back for his little girl. So he's still alive. Not for very long, he isn't. Don't screw up this time! Motts! You stay here with him. Hey! Do I look like I need a babysitter? Sit down and shut up! Oh, shit. Mr. President. I.. NORAD is fully compromised. Martin Walker now has the ability.. to launch missiles at any target in the United States. Our satellites show massive troop movements.. in Russia, Pakistan and the Arabian Peninsula. What are your orders, sir? I swear to you all, I swear.. that we are not beaten yet. We are not! No. General.. how soon can you execute an air strike on the White House? Sir. We can have Raptors on target in 10 minutes. Then do it. Let's go to work! Sir.. Carol, we have to end this. We have to. What if the next missile that he launches is aimed at Chicago or New York? We're talking about millions of lives. Your first act as president.. is going to be bombing the White House? Believe me, I know, I know. But our country is stronger than one house. This is Mission Control. Raptor Alpha 1, clear to initiate Operation Free Castle. Copy that, Raptor Alpha 1 beginning approach. We've lost two commanders in chief in one day. Look, Mark, if I'm a foreign head of state, and the United States of America.. has become a rogue nuclear power.. at what point do I take action and step in.. perhaps even with a preemptive nuclear strike? Brought you a present. It's the tourist's daughter. Well, hello, hello. Good morning, Mr. Cale. I'm sitting here with someone who would like to say hello to you. Say hello, sweetie. Say hello, sweetie. All right, then, would you like to tell your father.. what Mr. Stenz here is holding in his hand? Agun. Now, Mr. Cale.. I'm gonna start counting here.. and if you don't give the president to my men by the time I've reached three.. Mr. Stenz here is gonna shoot your little girl in the stomach. One. Two. No. No. No. I'm here. Guess Daddy doesn't love you after all. We got the president. Bring him on down. Back to your office, sir. I have John Cale on the line, sir. Cale? You put her on the goddamn phone right now. Hi, John. They have the president. John, I want you to listen to me. Help is not coming. I said they have the president. They called a strike on the White House. The vice president is dead. You need to get out. They cannot do that. They still have hostages, they still have Emily. I'm so, so sorry. I was wrong about you.. but there's nothing you can do, John. If you stay, you're gonna die. I need you to listen to me. My little girl is counting on me.. and I am not gonna disappear on her. So you tell me how much time I have. You only have eight minutes left to get them out. Goodbye, Carol. Clear out! We're moving back now! Everybody's gotta move back! Everybody move back! What do you mean, evacuate? My daughter is in that building! This is an emergency. Move back now! Please! Clear the area now! Move back now! I said move back now! Okay. Oh, there I am. That's not a bad picture. How'd they find out I did that one? Buhbye. Whatever happened to "the pen is mightier than the sword"? Martin, as the president of the United States.. this comes with the full weight, power and authority of my office: Fuck you. You okay? Can we get down to business now? I'm gonna need you to open this for me. What is that? Oh, what are you doing? This is the nuclear football, sweetie. It is keyed to the blood type and heartbeat of the president. What the hell is this? This is the deal. There's a dozen reasons why that's not gonna work. Such as? Even if I open it, my codes are useless. They switched them out once you took over the building. You let me worry about that. There's not a day that goes by that I don't feel terrible about losing your boy. But that's on me. So if you want revenge, then just shoot me. You think I blame you for Kevin's death? Sending those men in was the most courageous thing.. you ever did in your life. You were a true commander in chief for five minutes. You just don't have the balls to see the mission through. What mission? There were no nuclear weapons in Iran. But there will be. The Middle East is our last war. It will be us or them. I choose that Kevin Charles Walker will be the last American soldier.. to die in that conflict in vain. You want that as your son's legacy? Murdering millions of people in his name? Mr. President, I wish the pen were mightier than the sword, I do. But it's just a dream. Stand up, sir. History will judge who the true patriots were here today. I've been standing up, Martin, and I'm not gonna open that. Martin. Martin, that's not necessary. Martin! How about now? I can't open this for him. If I do, millions of people are gonna die, you understand that? I understand. Goddamn it! Tyler, what the hell is going on? We got thermal alarms going off in the second floor dining room.. the West Sitting Hall, and the president's bedroom. Killick, he's trying to burn the place. Second floor. Send your men. Tyler? Turn off the goddamn sprinklers! Who makes this shit? Oh, shit! What was that? I've been waiting all day to kill you. Stop hurting my White House! German mantle clock. Empire style. Killick, report! Killick, what the hell is happening? Killick can't come to the phone. Where's my daughter? Dad! She's here with me.. in the Oval Office, so why don't you come down and get her? What are you gonna do? What do you think? Why do you make all this shit personal? Oh, you're talking to me about personal.. when you wanna blow up half the world for your kid! What are you gonna do? What I should've done in the beginning. I'm gonna kill this prick. Hey! What? You lied to all of us. This was not the job. I got business to finish. You stay here. How do I get to the Oval Office? Take the stairs to the ground floor.. you go to the end of the West Colonnade. There's an air strike coming! Get them out of here. Go! You heard the man! Tour's over. I didn't sign up for this nuclear bullshit. I'm gonna go and I'm gonna get the money myself. Hey! Hey! What? You think I put my country through this for money? I hate mercenaries. It's about time. I choose the pen! Come here. Get up. Up! Put your hand.. Weapon system unlocked. Enter presidential launch code. Mr. President, please wake up, wake up. Sir, we're at DEFCON 1. The nuclear football in the White House went live. That's impossible. It's happening. Someone has entered valid launch codes. Captain on deck! What the hell is going on? All 24 of our nuclear missiles went live. This can't be right. Sir, we have nuclear missiles spinning up on the Albuquerque. If our allies see us launching a full scale nuclear strike, they will respond. Russia and China will launch. We'll have World War Ill.. unless you level the White House. Four minutes to target! I need a final gonna go for payload delivery. God forgive me. Go. Go! Raptor Alpha 1, Operation Free Castle.. a go. Copy that. Dropping to attack altitude. Cale, Walker's trying to launch a nuclear attack. If he does, it'll start World War III. Youhaveto stophim . What? Cale? Cale? Head to the South Lawn! Almost there. Come on. Come on. Come on! I'm gonna enjoy this. Bandar Abbas. Chah Bahar targeted. Confirm Chah Bahar. Go! Leave, leave, leave! No, no! Not without my dad! Go, go, go! Your little bitch says you're gonna put me in jail! Come on, Martin. This isn't you. You protected presidents for the past 25 years. What are you gonna do? You really gonna shoot me? All right. Yes. He deserved it. You killed him! Get back. Get over here. Get in the room or I'll knock you out! And do as you're told. Go on, sit down! I'm gonna carve my name on your chest! No jail for you, you little bitch! No! No! Get it off! There was an enormous explosion in the vicinity of the West Wing. A huge ball of flames has burst into the sky. It'sgotto be morethan100feet.. Raptor Alpha 1, you are clear. Delta 26, copy that. Two minutes to target. Clear the area. Get back in there! The Department of Homeland Security.. Get in there! This is a mandatory evacuation.. Emily. No, please, please, baby. Look at me. I'm right here. Tabriz targeted. Confirm Tabriz. Please, baby, you gotta turn around and look at me. Damn it. Evacuate this area immediately! We need you to move back, people! Move back now! Emily! Get out of here! There's an air strike coming! My daughter was in there. Emily Cale. She's still in there. Emily! What is with this family? Wait for me! Confirm Tehran. Targeting complete. Armed for nuclear launch. You have 15 seconds to initiate. Fifteen, 14.. Nine, eight.. Dad! Dad, look! Five.. Dad, in his hand! ..four.. three.. Emily, get down! ..two.. Get down! One. Confirmation timed out. Delta 26, one minute to target. Go weapons hot. Thank God, Em. Daddy, I love you. You're okay. I love you so much. The president. He shot him! He shot him in there. Look, I need you to listen to me. There's an air strike coming, I need you to run. I need you to run as far and as fast as you can possibly go. Can you do that? I gotta get the president. Okay. You gotta go for me. Now, go. Hundreds of people seem to be running toward the White House. They've been told to evacuate too, but they're climbing the fence. Okay, we have confirmation. President Raphelson has ordered an air strike.. on the White House, and I can hear the planes coming. L.. I have to go. I'm sorry. Delta 26, requesting permission to deliver payload. Raptor Alpha 1, you are clear. All right, guys, let's clean it up. Delta 26, we're locked on target. Please confirm Free Castle is a go. Raptor Alpha 1, clear. Mission is a go. Delta 26, we have friendlies all over the kill zone. I cannot see the planes, but what I can see is an unbelievable sight. Emily Cale is out on the lawn, and she's waving the presidential flag. No, baby. No, I told you to run! You gotta run! Captain, do you see this? Delta 26, we have a young girl on the lawn. I think she's trying to wave off the air strike. Sir,requestingpermissiontoabort Mr. President, please. Sir! Sir! I need an answer. I'm not doing this, guys. Abort mission. Pull out! Abort! Abort! Abort! No! They have flown over the White House. It is an unbelievable moment down here. People are going wild. And Emily Cale is undoubtedly a beautiful hero of the day. Emily Cale is a little hero. This is an unprecedented moment in U. S. history. That search you requested came back. Emily, can you believe how many people have seen your video blog? It's not a video blog. It's a YouTube channel. Howmany? Seven hundred million people. Daughters. Jesus! Oh, my God. Are you okay? Honest Abe. My wife got this for me. For the inauguration. Are you kidding me? You got shot in the wa..? What I'm telling you is that good old Abe took a second bullet for me. Thank you. Thank you for what you did for Emily. It's my sacrifice, right? Yes, sir. Yep. John, listen. This isn't over yet. Walker had no prior contact.. with any of the terrorists, but someone else did. Wait, wait, wait. Hold on. I'm gonna put you on speaker. Thepresident'swithme. This guy, Stenz.. made multiple calls to a secure line in D. C.. but we don't know who received them. The database was wiped 30 minutes ago. Really? Did you check Walker's personal records? His computer, his emails? You don't know Walker, John. The man still used a pager. Oh, shit. Listen. Carol, I got to check something out. We'll see you outside. I don't believe it. I think I know how Walker got the codes, but I'm gonna need your help, sir. Move back! Move back. Emily. Oh, baby, you okay? Oh, thank God. Thank God, baby. Did you see my routine? Yeah. Oh, I'm so proud of you. You were beautiful, baby. You saved us. You know that? Hey, stay with Mommy for a second, okay? John. It's disarmed. Thank God you're all right. Where's the president? He didn't make it, sir. I need to address the nation. General, get on with the Joint Chiefs. We need to move our troops into the Middle East to stabilize the region. You wanna move troops in? When they find out that we almost launched a nuclear attack.. there's gonna be chaos. We have to contain it. Can I ask you a question? Of course. Yeah. When did you and Walker cook this whole thing up? Excuse me? How'd it go? You gave Walker the launch codes and he made you president? You can prove this? Well, Walker had to get the launch codes from somewhere.. and you were the only person with those codes. And I found this pager in Walker's pocket. I only know one other person that uses one of these. That doesn't prove anything. Two old guys use old technology. So what? Why don't you call the return number on that, Carol? Would have been better if the evidence had been destroyed.. in the air strike that you ordered. You're a goddamn traitor, sir. You dim little shit. I hired you out of pity and this is how you repay me. Tomorrow, when people find out that your precious president.. helped a maniac open the nuclear football.. who do you think they're going to believe, you or me? You, you would be a nobody. But me, I'm the president of the United States. No, you're not. Eli, Eli. Quite the politician, huh? You did all of this just to keep your buddies in the defence industry happy. How far did you fall into their pockets? This is ridiculous. Take him into custody, general. Yes, sir, Mr. President. No, I'm still president. I am still president. Well, just consider this a coup d'état. Get this trash off my lawn. You're not fit for office. You son of a bitch! You're selling this country out to the Arabs. This isn't over. I got friends. And I'll make sure all of your friends meet you in prison. Let's get him to the hospital. You okay? You look terrible. Thank you for everything you did today. Thank you for trusting me. Special Agent Cale! I'm not going anywhere without my protection. You heard him. Thank you, sir. Hey, Em! You wanna take a ride? Come on. Can I go? Yeah, of course. Go with your father. She's an amazing girl. This way! Move this way! Welcome aboard. Thank you, sir. You sure you're all right? I'm all right now. Good job, special agent. Thank you, general. If you ever want a private tour of the White House, just let me know. I can hook it up like that. I mean, maybe in a few weeks.. when we've got the place back together. That's good to know. You wanna give him the news? Calls have been coming in from all over the globe for the last hour. The presidents of Iran, Russia, Israel and France have all agreed to your terms. It looks like your peace plan is a go. You keep this up, I just might have to vote for you. You wanna see something really special? Yeah. Carol. Henry, the president wants to do the thing. Hold on tight. The truth is, on Wall Street a lot of people just weren't very good at their jobs. It started out 16 months ago as a mortgage crisis and it slowly evolved into a credit crisis. We ask about the taxpayers being on the hook, guess what? an unusual step for a lame duck president, but the country... Trying to be free market advocate when it's really an "anything goes" mentality. On Friday, Congress finally passed and President Bush signed into law... Begin to restore strength and stability will buy out Wall Street's bad investments. A full-blown financial storm. In just 6 months, 3 of the 5 biggest independent firms on Wall Street have now disappeared. numbers are staggering they don't begin to explain the greed and incompetence that created this mess. No regulation, no supervision, no discipline. Terrible debt that was gnified by reckless borrowing and complex securities. The idea that you could lend money to someone who could not pay it back is not an inherently attractive idea. I don't know why this company's coming to Congress. However it seemed to fly with people who were making $10 million a year. They think they can take that money and do whatever they wanna do. They decide to punish the country. Neel Kashkari, the man in charge of the bailout. We're supposed to be with the smartest investors in the world and they did it themselves. I would call it criminal neglect and incompetence. They're certainly not worth it. Instead of helping consumers with mortgages and loans. People at the top of these firms chose to look away, to take more risk to enrich themselves and it is truly a crime. What's our risk? 12 billion. But we have a real situation here, our clients are about to jump ship. The problem is saving this company, not the clients. This company! We shifted 4 billion into deposits, which leaves us with 8. But that move only buys us a few more weeks, at best. I talked to Meryl, they said they'd ensure the paper for two weeks but they want 200 million to do it. Two weeks is nothing, we need two months at least. No, it's time for triage. It's time to dump the certificates on the market, all of them. What about the pension fund investors? We're talking over 15 billion. But if other houses follow suit, Our priority is saving this house and fuck all the others! Our responsibility begins and ends with our partners and our shareholders and that's it. Investors gamble, they lose, that's the risk that they agreed to take. why should they complain when they lose money on the market? Shit happens, now dump it! Dump it all right fucking now! Even after we dump the stocks we're still far too exposed and we've got no parachute here. I'm gonna take care of that. Charlotte? with the secretary of treasury? Will do. Today. Understood sir, today. Thanks. You heard Stancroft, the entire company's in jeopardy. Yeah, with 51 million in his pocket... and you know as well as I do, this is bullshit. This is Stancroft and his fucking pissing contest with his goddamn pluggers. but we don't really have a choice, do we? All right people, listen up! All right, I've got some great news for you guys. In the next three days we are gonna increase your incentives by 3 percent. But I need you to get on the horn and get all your top clients and really push the real estate growth superfund. As well, you will be receiving a memo in the next couple minutes detailing all the products that we need you guys to unload. Whoever sells the most gets the largest bonus. All right, let's go people! Move it! Get those numbers! Sell, sell! Hey girl. Hey boy. The good news, as we can see here, is that the tumors are completely gone. That's the good news. Not bad news, just simply less than good news. which is why we're seeing a recurrence of your symptoms. But you got everything, right? Yes, we see this on occasion. Even though the tumors are gone, as it were as though the tumor were still there. Hormone injections once a week, that's the first thing. It's a tricky balancing act, we'll have to monitor your levels until we find the right mix. Also, your blood sugar level has sky rocketed. Again, as a result of the gland's reaction to the tumor, so we'll have to treat you for diabetes. But she's going to be all right? Oh yes, we just have a bit more ways to get you there, that's all. What about, um... we were... We were planning on getting pregnant before the diagnosis. At this particular time, it would be an extremely high-risk pregnancy, both for you and the baby. but once we get you to acceptable levels with treatment, which lowers the risk, then by all means yes. There's a new gene therapy that certain patients have responded well to, which could get us to normalcy faster. It's a little on the experimental side, Sign us up, doc. Yeah. Excellent! I know it's difficult but try hard to relax and not to worry, it only adds stress to your system. Thank you. Thanks doc. You're welcome. It seems as if your coverage cap limit has been reached. Coverage cap limit, what's that? It's standard among many insurers, you really should call them. But regarding today, we'll need payment Oh, okay... well we can call in later to reschedule, we'll talk. No, no, no... fine, we'll uh... we'll use the card. I'm sure it's some kind of mistake. If I can get my wallet out of my pocket... there you go. There. Are you sure you wanna use the card? Am I sure? Not really. Just call them. So, should we keep next Tuesday then? Yeah, why don't you just call in and we can... Okay. Thank you! Thanks. Thank you! Bye. Thanks. Coverage cap? This is the first time it's ever been mentioned to me. Now listen, I'm on the phone to you guys at least a hundred times this year... someone should've said something. Sir, it's clearly stated in the... I've been buried in a metric ton of paperwork from you guys Now, I can't be expected to catch every line of fine print from every letter. I work 6, 7 days a week. It's company policy, sir... I get that it's company policy but that's got nothing to do... I'm sorry, there's nothing more we can do for you at this point. So what you're saying is go fuck yourself, have a nice day. I sincerely doubt you're at all apologetic. You're not supposed to be, right? Mr. Baxford, I'm very sorry. Sorry. Oh, baby... Jim, it's just... it's useless. Don't say that. It is, I mean, I'm just... I'm stuck here and I can't work and I'm sick all the time, and you've been working so hard... I'm working for us. Jim, I read the invoice and hormone treatments, they cost $300 a shot. That's on top of all the other medication and then the gene therapy, they could be anywhere from 50,000 to 70,000, and if the insurance doesn't cover it... I'm not, I can't let you spend our whole life savings. Stop, stop! Stop. Listen to me, we need the treatments, you need to get well. Once we get well we can have our baby and live the life we wanna live, okay? Okay, good night. Good night. Hey girl. Hey boy. What's it look like I'm doing? Hey... we're not supposed to get pregnant yet. We can practice. Yeah... Yeah? Jim, I love you so much. Dude, that sucks! There's an actual coverage cap on the insurance, that means that there's really literally like, a limit to how much you can spend on Rosie per month for her medical? it says if you get too sick and it's too expensive, they stop fucking paying. I was planning on having by the time I was 60. I guess if I get sick I'd be better off swallowing my own gun. Rosie's worried out of her fucking mind. So what are you gonna do? I got some money tucked away, army disability, stuff like that. I'll call my broker. I hear the market's shit right now man, what are you invested in? Structured notes, whatever's safest. Fuck, I hope so bro. I'll call in the lunch. Fuck. I'm not making enough. What up you lazy bastards? What'd you do, just roll out of bed? It's Jim Baxford. No, no... second shift. Lunch for you, breakfast for us. Just sit down and shut up, we already ordered for you. Tom gets the cheeseburger, Jim... chili. Cold chili, and he's always surprised, you know? But he always finishes. Give me a couple of days, call the office. Oh uh, what's going on with my funds? Uh... Jim, look I really gotta... I'm in a... I'll talk to you in a couple days... Hello? That's what he meant, that's what he was thinking about. Fucking hell. Hey man. Fucking asshole. My broker, phone keeps dropping out. Everybody's cheesed about their broker these days. Frank and me just learned that we have lost 20 percent of our pension. Gone, like watery piss in the wind. I don't know, bad investments on the part of idiots like us. to some of those administration meetings. Those meetings are bullshit! Our administrators only do what's good for them, no matter how many people go to those goddamn meetings, they should call it collective ball scratching. You know what me and Freddy do with our day? We bust homeless people for sleeping in the park, or uh... we bust some stupid shmuck for jaywalking, but the real fucking criminals, they're downtown on Wall Street, wearing suits that cost more than any of us make in a year. And those mother fuckers steal more money than any asshole on Riker's Island ever dreamed of stealing, and if they get caught, which they won't get caught, but if they did they'd get an ankle bracelet and put under house arrest. In their mansions where the hookers come to you. Yeah and they spend the night. Well the expensive kind of hookers that you want to spend the night, Wall Street hookers. Wall Street... pow, pow! Fuck those guys you know what I mean, fuck them. Yeah, you guys are doing a real good job of cheering my buddy up over here. Oh, we're just talking shit, Jim. I'm sure you'll be all right. Hey fellas, the usual? I didn't order fries, that's his. All around. Beef for you. Where's my chili? It's coming! My fucking chili. Make sure it's warm. It's freezing cold. Great. I don't know why we come here, the food sucks. But the site's good. At least it's warm. That's true. How's Rosie doing, Jim? She's hanging in there. It's been a tough year, you know? She's a fighter. Give her our best. Yeah. She's a trooper that one, Rosie. She's a good girl. How's your wife? Great. She's cheating on me. What? If you guys need anything else, just give me a holler. What happened? I'm a cop, I got married, it's inevitable. It is. How did you find out? I read her text messages. Erotic reading, let me tell you. Well what are you gonna do? whoever he is, or to thank him from the bottom of my heart for keeping her occupied and off my back. It's a real conundrum here. Now, can we just talk about something else, huh? Talk about his girlfriend. Who, yours? I heard on the news and they were talking about who you'd wanna have sex with, right? A., your wife or B., before he could even answer, she could... blah! I fucked it up. Husband and wife are laying in bed... the wife says to the husband, "listen, when I die would you get another woman in my bed?" He says, "uh... yeah." She says "uh, well will you marry her?", he says "well, maybe". She says, "will you let her use my golf clubs?", he says "no! She's left handed". You guys wonder why you're divorced, Hey, you know you did it right Jim, you didn't marry a cop's wife. You married a girl you actually love. Yeah, I hear that. She's a keeper that Rosie, for sure. Cheers to you guys. Cheers. Jim and Rosie. Simon Johnson, could you highlight for our viewers the plutocratic capturing of American politics? Well there are several examples... Robert Rubin, co-chairman of Goldman Sachs serves as treasury secretary under Clinton, and when he leaves he becomes chairman John Snow, secretary of treasury under Bush, leaves to become chairman of Cerberus Capital Management, a very large private equity firm that also has Dan Quayle Allan Greenspan, head of the Federal Reserve leaves to become a consultant... Hey girl. Hey boy. How you feeling? A little better. Good. Mostly responsible for deregulating financial derivatives and then proceeds to make millions of dollars in hedge funds that invest in those very same derivatives that he deregulated. Henry Paulson, CEO of Goldman Sachs leaves Goldman Sachs to join the Bush government as secretary of treasury with a 50 million dollar... I have a treatment tomorrow, can you make it? Absolutely. And about the payment, uh... Babe, we gotta use the cards until we can get this thing fixed. Jim, they just raised the interest rate on the cards and I've already put some bills on there, so... Babe, it's all right. Well it's just you've been working so hard lately, and... I know, I know... what choice do we have? I'm doing this for us. Okay. You coming to bed? In a minute. All right. Chris Dodd, chairman of the banking committee in the Senate, collected 13 million in campaign funds. Apparently... Ahh... ahh! Ouch... All right, see you next week. Let's get outta here. Jim... What the hell's going on? but your note's been d-listed from the exchange. D-listed, what does that mean? There's an investigation going on right now. Into what? An investigation into some investment portfolios. It looks like a significant portion of your fund was diverted into paper that is, well... a little suspect. Meaning, you don't know... No, no I don't. No one knows right now. You're my broker, it's what you do. How could you put my money into anything suspicious? I only invest in clean deals but it seems the firm itself is behind all this. Look, I can't really tell you anything else. This thing is a legal snowball. Look, we'll just have to wait until the investigation is through but it... I mean it seems that your investment was good and as it should be but then everything lost its value. The question is did the firm have knowledge that your original investment was bad? You just said you only deal in clean deals. I do. I do but I'm the player here, okay? Not the whole game. You're not the only one hurting because of this. the investments of a lot of unfortunate people... Unfortunate? ! Unfortunate people? You told me, you promised me I'd make 8 to 10 percent of my investment, guaranteed. Yeah, and that is what my firm told me. I searched it out, I did my research, my office manager told me to put my clients into this. What else did you put the money in to? Notes backed by commercial real estate. I mean look, these looked like great buildings... I checked the specs, I did the research, they looked like they'd be at full capacity, okay? Did you, did you inspect these buildings? Did you inspect these properties? The people that do all the research told me that this was the real deal. So what do we do now? We'll get some information regarding the investigation and... look, I'm telling you it's gonna take a while though, before this whole thing is clear. You're telling me I've lost all my money. No, not necessarily. There's gonna be some large lawsuits. I just want my money back. Jim, that's not how investment works. I mean, you gotta pay to play. This is not a fucking game to me, this is my fucking life savings to me, you fuck. Look, I understand. Hey, I feel your pain, I do. I lost a lot of money too. But that's how investment works, man. I'm sorry. It gives and it takes away. Yeah, how are we doing with these sales? We're at 20 percent. I totally agree but the price is falling. Oh, Jesus. The price is falling to where, nothing? but our clients are starting to question our credibility. Well that's good, some things never change. All right, you keep me posted. Rosie? Sorry I'm late, I had to cover for one of the guys at work. Everything okay? Yeah, it's fine. You know you can tell me, you know. I know. The bank called. They did? What'd they say? I don't know, the machine picked it up. The message said they needed you to call or get down there as soon as possible. Our mortgage, our interest rate, something like that. I mean, I was gonna call... I'll take care of the bank. I'll call them tomorrow. And there's this. It's from my broker. Jim... what's going on? Baby, nothing's going on. Please, you gotta stop worrying. Let me take care of the small stuff, all right? You need to get well. Okay, I'm gonna go draw a bath, play some music, light some candles. Light some candles? Yeah, you should join me. All right. Okay. Jim, I don't know what to tell you. You're the one who said put my money in bullshit real estate. It says right here that I am now liable for another 60 grand. Are you out of your fucking mind? Jim, I told you, no one saw this coming. I'm gonna sue you. Okay just calm down, we'll get to the bottom of this. I need you to cover me for a couple days. No worries, man. More problems? Yeah, something's come up. No she's fine, I've gotta take care of a few things. Okay, take care buddy. All right. I'll file a lawsuit, simple. So I won't have to pay the 60 grand? I'll make sure you don't have to pay the 60,000 or any of the interest they're laying on top of that, but... your original investment, you'll have to talk to the ADA about that. I think... your ma would join that case. Better fucking bet your life I will. Now then, I work on a retainer basis so I'll need 10 thousand dollars in advance to file a civil complaint. 10 grand, I ain't got 10 grand. No problem, lots of lawyers work for cheap. Look Jim, I'm not dealing with your investment. It looks like there has been a crime, and the DA's office is dealing with that. Now if this is true, I'd be happy to assist you if you decide to sue for damages. But we have to start by filing this complaint for injunctive relief to protect you from the 60,000 demand and the interest it's going to accumulate. I'm sorry Jim, but I'm looking at over 40 hours of work on your case. Come back when you've got the 10 grand, that's my minimum. You can borrow the money or get a credit card but that's the best I can do. Somewhat ironically I'm like investing. With attorneys, you usually get what you pay for. I'll see what I can do. Call me! Or not... You all right? Yeah, hanging in there. Hey, is that back door supposed to be open? How you been man? Hey, what's up man? Any hold up today? Same old shit, different day. they expect you to pay 60 grand now? It's happening all over, I lost 18,000 in a mutual fund, college money for my son. Yeah, my folks lost their nest egg. I'm fucked. Why, you don't have $60,000? What do you fucking think? You got family you could borrow from? Not an option. but I could scratch up a few bucks. Yeah, we could take up a collection with the guys. Guys, guys... I'm just gonna refuse to pay it. We gotta get to the job. Lunch is on me, all right? Allow me. Thanks guys, I appreciate it. Look, hang in there. It can only get better. Yeah. Change? It's for you, sweetie. Thanks. Later. Jim... I got uh... 10 grand I can loan you. Please Jim, listen to me man. Sean, forget about it. Look, I don't have a girlfriend, I don't have a family, I don't have anything... okay? Please, let me help you out, it would mean a lot to me. I might take you up on that, pay this lawyer. Just hang in there. It's called an adjustable rate for a reason, when the housing market changes... so do the interest rates, that's how that works. Listen, uh... my premiums have doubled in the blink of an eye, I'm not gonna be able to keep up at this rate. Yeah, you got a favourable deal when you signed. The terms of which was that a specified point in time the interest rate would reflect the market. Can we refinance? Well your net worth has taken a significant hit over the last few days and your wife, she hasn't worked for a year or so, right? Yeah, she got sick. But in light of all of that, refinancing wouldn't be prudent for our bank at this time. So you're shafting me? No, no... it's not me, it's the guidelines handed down from above. If it were up to me, I would help you out. Uh, you could always try to sell your house. I can't sell my house is this market. I'm sorry, I don't know what else to tell you. You could declare bankruptcy, a lot of people do that. Fuck you. That's a fair response, I suppose. Hey! Hey. You at the bank? Yeah. Well what was it about? Like I said, don't worry about it. All right? Mmmhmm. Good. Ahh... I knew you'd have no problems coming up with this. I got it from a friend. It will and then I'll see if I can find other investors who got burned on this and put together a collective lawsuit. Collective ball scratching. What's that? It's just a joke. Not funny, I guess. Don't underestimate the power of a large group when it comes to asking for damages. I hope so. So what do I do about this letter demanding 60 grand? I'll contact the other party, I will let them know I am your attorney and that you will not be paying. You know, there may be another way out of this. You take the fall on this but it could end all this drama for you instantly. Would you be willing to write off your initial investment and walk away if these guys let you out of the 60,000? It's something you should consider. It could be years before the real estate market bounces back. If for some reason I can get the court to grant injunctive relief to stop these guys, years of interest on this claim against you. This motion, it's gonna work right? Most likely, but nothing in law is for certain. I'm just offering this as an option but if they're willing to let you play ball and back off, then you can put it all behind you. It'd be nice, huh? Okay, don't think about it for too long, the time to act is now. You just paid me, I can either file the complaint as planned or I can try and negotiate directly with them but I need to do one or the other. I need a day. Half a day would be better. All right, I uh... I got a meeting with the assistant district attorney today. Oh yeah, good. I'll put that in the letter. Thanks. Let me know what happens. I'm sure I double checked the schedule when you called doesn't have time in his schedule for you today. I'm sorry, I can leave him a message if you'd like. Well um, maybe you can answer a few questions for me. I'm afraid that I wouldn't be any help with anything. I'm not even a legal secretary, I'm just an assistant. Just the assistant, that's your excuse? Do you have any idea what's going on here? Have you heard of my name at all? No, I'm sorry sir. No, I don't. You haven't. Myra, coffee please. I need to speak to you. Mr. Marwood! Mr. Marwood is very busy. Please, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave. I need to speak to him. Don't make me have to call security. I am security, you fucking bitch. Get your fucking hands off me. So... how did it go today? The bastard didn't have time for me. You had an appointment, man. Yeah. You gonna be okay? You have reached the voicemail of Patterson Law Group, please leave a message after the tone. These bastards, they never answer their fucking phones. Hey uh... about the money, seriously... don't even worry about paying me back. It ain't no thing but a chicken wing, man. I appreciate that. I've done everything, I went to the DA, I went to the lawyer... fucking banks. The system's rigged motherfucker! Come on, you know that shit. Yeah. Yeah it is. Let's go get some alcohol, make the pain go away. Perhaps the best example of how this all works is in the AIG bailout. When AIG went bankrupt... Listen lady, I've left him a ton of messages, a ton. He's the guy in charge of prosecuting the brokerage houses, right? Yes, that's one of many cases. Well I need to speak to him urgently, like right now. 100 cents on the dollar was paid to the Goldman Sachs debtors. When a firm goes bankrupt you don't expect to get a hundred percent of those dollars because it's a bankrupt firm, it can't pay its debts. Thank you. You can expect to get maybe 50 cents on the dollar, but no... the American taxpayer pays Goldman Sachs 100 cents on the dollar and all those... were also secretary of the treasury. The occupy Wall Street protests, a few thousand people, I do not understand why the American people are not up in arms about this. These are criminal acts, this is blatant fraud and conflict of interest. There's no government investigation, charges have been laid, one's even looking into it! And yet all the information is there in the open to see. These are criminals walking in our midst. And now the banks want the same piece of faith that we have in our government. The banks have been trading with ideas, they just have derivatives and swaps that move back and forth. This has to stop, this can't go on. We have to underpin our dealings with actual wealth, not pieces of paper that are simply ideas from rich men. Hey baby. Hey. What are you doing here? You got treatment this morning, right? I know, I cancelled it. Our cards, they declined last time and the... the debt people, they've been calling the house, so I called the bank and... I know what's going on. We're broke, aren't we? We had all of our money in that fund and it's... it's gone, isn't it? Jim... Jim, it's okay. I understand, you... you were just protecting me. It'll be okay. I'm gonna get the money back, I'm gonna fix this. Oh God, this has been so hard on you. You're getting gray hair and wrinkles all because of me. It's gonna be all right, you're gonna be all right. No, I'm not. But it's okay. I just, I really... I wanted us to have a baby. You know I know that he would look just like you and I couldn't wish for anything more. Baby, don't say that. We're gonna sell the house... Jim... It'll be okay, it's... I'm calling my lawyer. Uh, Jim Baxford for Mr. Patterson. One moment please. I uh, I got a letter here saying they're gonna foreclose on us and uh, the bank's cutting us off all because of this bullshit real estate. You offered to waive my investment if I knocked off the 60 grand. but you didn't give me an answer in time. If I could've gotten to them earlier... I called you back the same fucking day. At the end of a long Friday after 4 PM, if I remember correctly. That means I didn't get back to them until Monday or Tuesday, What about this motion you filed, the relief thing? The broker you invested with went bankrupt their assets were purchasd by another company, there's no one to file a motion against right now since the broker's in bankruptcy you need to hire a bankruptcy attorney to lift a thing called an automatic stay, which really is a pain in the ass. What about the real estate company, what about that? Well they're also under the protection of bankruptcy court It's part of the bankruptcy law that says you can't take any action against a company in bankruptcy without first hiring another lawyer and getting permission from the bankruptcy court. It's complicated! Why didn't you tell me this before? Why'd I fucking hire you? I haven't heard from you in 2 weeks and certainly wasn't privy to the inner financial workings The bankruptcy filings were just as much a surprise to me. So let me give you my best advice... pay the 60 grand, I'll file the same injunctive relief motion we talked about to try and prevent you from having to pay and I won't ask your for any more money from you for me. How's that sound? I don't have 60 grand. Jim, I'll get this one. Call me later... This is all my fault. No, I got sick and I put us in debt. It's not your fault, it's the banks, the CEO's, Jim, I just... I hate what this is doing to you. I'm sorry. I gotta go to work. Jim... Jim... Andy, you wanted to see me? Yeah, come on in. Close the door please. Jim... we've been contacted by a couple of lawyers and collection agencies in the last couple of days... it seems that you have a lot of debts... It's not what you think. They've got a judgment against you, a lien to garnish your wages on a monthly basis. How much? You keep 800 per month. Right, um... let me speak to my lawyer before you give these guys anything. Jim, I'm sorry but we're gonna have to let you go. We cannot have employees that are having financial troubles protecting our money. You get what I mean? We're a bonded firm, we'll lose our insurance, we'll lose our clients... we just can't have you working here, not under these conditions. Think of how it looks, and it's not good. Severance... What about my insurance? You can do COBRA on the insurance. That's 600 a month, how can I keep her alive on that? The check is your official severance, but we owe you back pay, overtime... you put in a lot of hours and you've been a loyal employee, so instead of a check I had them issue it in cash. It's a bit of a bump, 9,000. Cash is better, I figure banks and collections will never know, just between us. I appreciate that. And I'm gonna need your weapon and employee ID too. Jim... hey man, listen... I'm sorry, I didn't know! I can't answer the phone right now, just leave a message. Have a good day. Hey Jim what's up, it's Sean. Look, I didn't know it was gonna happen, all right? I'm really sorry. I love you bro, please give me a call. Rosie? Rosie? Rosie? Rosie... Baby... Baby? Oh my God, baby... Oh my God, oh no... Rosie? Rosie... 911... Rosie, Rosie... God visits us with many mysteries in life, unexpected death is the most challenging. when God leaves us speechless in the face of death, he reminds us all we have is forgiveness. We must set our anger aside and look to those whom we have lost, to found a better life. For who is God, except the lord, and who is a rock besides our God? The god who girdles me with strength and made my way safe. He made my feet like the feet of a deer and set me secure on the heights. He trains my hands for war so that my arms can bend a bow of bronze, you have given me the shield of your salvation and your right hand has supported me. Your help has made me great, you gave me a wide place for my steps under me and my feet did not slip. I pursued my enemies and overtook them, and did not turn back until they were consumed. I struck them down so that they were not able to rise, they fell under my feet for you girdled me with strength for the battle. You made my assailants sink under me, you made my enemies turn their backs to me and those who hated me, I destroyed. Hey, you've got Jim and Rosie. We're not home right now but leave a message and we'll call you right back. Hey Jim, it's Sean. Uh, you're not answering your cell, are you all right? I don't really know what to say but uh, I'm just thinking of you bro. I hope you're okay, I love you. Please call. Hey, you've got Jim and Rosie. We're not home right now but leave a message and we'll call you right back. Hey Jim, it's Fred and Frank. Listen bud, we'd love to get together for lunch sometime. We'll come over some night, watch the game, do some serious drinking. We miss you, pal. Well done, well done! Thank you to my lovely secretary who's been working so hard. I think after last week... Mr. Marwood is extremely busy! It's lovely! Well maybe it's time for some of us to stumble home. Have a good weekend guys, you deserve it! Hello? John, what? Come on John, it's too late for that stuff. No, I really don't wanna talk about this right now, can you just please call me tomorrow morning? All right, all right thank you. Mr. Marwood, I'm Jim Baxford. Yeah. I left you a bunch of messages, 20 to be exact. I, uh... I'm off the clock you know, if you wanna talk... I lost my life savings. My house, my job, my wife... Look Jim, it is not my fault your wife left you, all right? She didn't leave me, she's dead. Oh for fuck... come on man. I'm telling you... Just get off of me! in the stability of the American economy cuts across the entire political spectrum. For decades, America has been enjoying unprecedented economic growth but unfortunately that growth was fueled by a mountain of debt and now those bills are starting to come due. As the economic collapse intensifies, opinions vary on how to stop the downward spiral. Call this crisis by any other name, it's still the same old game... the rich still get richer and the poor get poorer. Thank you everyone and good night, from New York News 7. Wow, Dan! This is amazing! How did you do that? You know it was really easy with the new mortgage incentive rate... So it looks great, we got rid of everything. That's great, fantastic. And you think that's going to be enough? Absolutely, the bank will look great but our clients... not so much. Okay, it's the only play we had... we took the shot and it's looking good. Am I right? Yeah, you were right all along. Okay, well you know... that's what I like to hear, you know? They can destroy companies and even countries with financial rating downgrades. They can effectively The latest Wall Street firm to receive federal money The question them becomes... Like many other financial institutions, Leman Brothers got caught in this financial storm. The real estate superfund, which was one of the hottest products... 7.7 trillion in undisclosed funds from the Federal Reserve for struggling financial institutions. We will be watching very carefully... there are those that believe the government does have a role to play... I want to be very clear, I take full responsibility for the decisions that I made and for the actions that I took. JP Morgan Chase won and will assume $31 billion in won losses. The loans came with virtually no strings attached. However, eventually the bottom dropped out sharply and suddenly, leaving investors little... The government stepped in nd helped one of its own... Continue to squander millions of dollars... to use these events to negotiate more favourable... We're not home right now but leave a message and we'll call you right back. Mr. Baxford, it's Walt from the bank calling... uh, we've sent you letters and left you numerous messages about your mortgage default. As per our conversation the other day, the bank has no choice at this time but to foreclose on your home. If you've got any questions, feel free to contact me. We're not home right now but leave a message and we'll call you right back. I'm not answering the phone no more, so stop fucking calling, I don't wanna talk to you. Mr. Baxford. James Baxford. Are you James Baxford? Notice of eviction due to foreclosure. You like doing this, kicking people out on the street? I'm sorry sir, but you're gonna have to sign this document and pack up your things. You will have 48 hours to vacate the premises. Sir, if you and your belongings are not out of here in 48 hours, the sheriff will be here to remove you forcibly, so you should sign this. Take this piece of paper and shove it up your ass. That's fine Mr. Baxford, but you've been legally served. And no loud music! And that's not working, take the stairs. Speaking of work, how's Jim? I don't know... I'll give him a call, see how he's doing. He's been on my mind lately. Hey Jim, we've been thinking about you! Here I'm gonna put you on speaker, okay? Hey man, we miss you at lunch. Yeah, you should come join us. I need more time guys, a little more time. Well you take all the time you need, we just want you to know we're all there for you. Yeah, don't run away from us, we're gonna help you get back on your feet. I really appreciate it guys, I'll see you soon. All right. All right, man. Bye. These are the 2 pieces you were asking about, did you bring the dollars? Looks good. So where'd you serve? 10th... Keith Stack referred me. Stack's a good soldier. Yeah. Don't forget your clips. Hey, I gotta ask you... Are you in any way, shape or form associated with law enforcement? I ain't no cop, I'm just a private citizen concerned about his personal safety, all right? Yeah... Grenades? Oh yeah, I got 2 left, shrapnel. How much? I'll sell you both for a hunsky. For personal protection? For fun. Grenades are fun! You take it easy. Hey asshole! the vice president of a well-known brokerage firm was gunned down while walking to his car. The killing appears to have been targeted, our correspondent is on the scene with an update. Thank you, this is a developing story, uh... there are no suspects at this time, however it is believed the victim may have been targeted because of his involvement in the financial sector. Police are still looking for clues and a spokesperson for them released a statement earlier today saying they're treating this as... A majority of American voters now believe the United States could experience a total economic collapse. Various types of loans became available to consumer who happily assumed an unprecedented debt. ...The latest Wall Street firm to receive federal money It's about morality, we can't let these guys win, and also we want our money back from the United States government. They gave the banks bailouts, we want our bailouts. The law firm Leman Brothers currently in bankruptcy billed over 850 million in legal fees, in addition for billing in massage and lobster dinners. Around 20 lawyers made over 40 million each before the people who actually lost money got anything. The really amazing thing here is that the government awarded them the contract in the first place, without making sure they had the capital to cover these costs. The people are angry and rightly so. Find out in our full report right after the break. ...This speculation drove the value of the fund up... Charlotte are you reading this? Let's get some personal security in this office for me right now! Of course. You've gotta be kidding me. Hey, look at this! Jim! What up man? How you doing man? Dude! How you doing? Good man. Hey Jim, good to see you. How you doing, all right? Yeah, I'm good. Pretty good. Oh come on, you don't have to do that. I just fucking did, I miss you guys. Yeah, me too. Lunch hasn't been the same. So what's been going on? Not a lot, not a lot.. you know just been hanging. I ain't been working. It's tough you know, with Rosie gone and shit... it's not good. You know, it is what it is. Anyway, so uh... I'm moving. Moving? Where to? I don't know, different city, different state. Everywhere I go I keep seeing Rosie. It's driving me nuts. You get it, right? I get it. Hell, I understand. I feel like doing the same thing sometimes. No, I don't know why the hell she won't go. It's a mystery to me! She fucking loves you. Oh yeah, she loves me. She loves you, she loves everybody in the neighbourhood, that's the problem! She hasn't bailed on him yet. She loves me, right. Well you gotta tell us where you're going, all right? with all these fucking shootings, huh? Yeah, it's a hell of a thing. The whole city's on alert, look at that. Yeah, the brass is afraid it's gonna escalate. Really, they'll get him soon enough. They'd better, the brass is screaming. Whoever it is really fucking hates rich bankers, which only leaves a million suspects. You know whoever catches this guy is gonna get a big promotion, my man. Well in that case, I'll save you the trouble. What the fuck are you talking about? It's me. Okay, you had me going for a minute there, all right? I'm serious. You'll give me a heart attack, what's wrong with you? All right, who got the Reuben? Always with the fingers, huh? Sorry. Don't want that, I'm gonna get an STD from this sandwich. You ruined it for me, I'm serious. I'm afraid to eat this sandwich, I'm gonna get a herpe. You should put a condom on your finger, that's what you should do. I think she's been going to the gym, you notice that? My wife's ready to pop! I got him a membership to our country club, it was like 90,000 plus. That is crazy. You're crazy. I owe you too much money. Hey, did you hear Stancroft... Hey Robert! It's Jim, Jim Baxford. Jim Baxford! Hey, it's good to see you. from that little financial disaster of ours. Not quite, but I'm getting there. Well it was a tough time man, we all took a loss. I mean, when I told my wife we couldn't vacation in Barbados, she tore a strip off me the size of Long Island. But things get better, right? Right, that's what everyone keeps telling me. Trust me, it's true. Look, um... let me give you my new business card, There we go, I've got a couple of uh, investment ideas you might be interested in. I'll take you for lunch next week, huh? I gotta run, it was good to see you. Hey you too. Yeah, call me. Next caller, go ahead please. I'm glad those bankers got shot. There's no effective laws in this country anymore, you get 5 years for robbing a gas station, you destroy America... you get 20 trillion dollars and you walk away? Violence is not the solution, Gus. Isn't violence the official solution of our government in Iraq, Afghanistan? Thanks for your comments, Gus. Next caller, who's on the line? Why'd you cut Gus off? I lost my house and Wall Street is getting a free ride... Okay, that's all the time we have on today's show for call ins. Let's look at today's market, the US dollar is trading at 1.31 against... Robert here. Robert, it's Jim. Jim, how you doing? but I won 50 G in a poker tournament. Fucking unbelievable. Anyway, I need some advice on what to put it in. Oh great, well how about we have a coffee? The place near my office? Yeah, same coffee shop. Okay. See you tomorrow, 9 o'clock. Sounds great. All right, see you then. Yeah but you see, you see uh... 8-5-6, that's gotta jump up to 9-2-5. No, no... look at the, look at the right screen. No, we gotta sell those shares right away. drop off the other side, we need more points on that side. Shit... I'm not the boss here... You have absolutely no say in this. Please, my wife... she's pregnant. Maggie, get a hold of security now! Hey, what the fuck is going on? Get back to your wife and be thankful, you prick. Get the fuck outta here! Go! Hurry, hurry run! Go! Copy that, 38th floor! 38th floor! Police are looking into whether or not today's shooting spree has anything to do with the recent murders. Now from what we know, all of the victims were involved in the brokerage scandal but there was a question whether or not the fraud charges could be prosecuted. We know that the shooter is still in the building at the moment. Get outta here. Out! Get out! Whatever it is you want, this is not the way to get it. Take a fucking seat, right there. Sit the fuck down. Bet you've never seen your desk from that angle before. I don't know who you think it is I am but... this isn't gonna accomplish anything. Did I tell you to speak? You wanna know the difference between a banker and a gangster? A gangster always has a getaway plan. Okay... And by the way... I know exactly who you are. You are the guy who fucks everyday people in the ass when you're not sitting in your fucking house in the Hamptons, or booking tennis lessons from your penthouse overlooking Central Park. How do you know all this? I've been watching you. The problem with guys like you is you can't stop bragging. you're making sure that every magazine in the country knows all about your triumphs. Well, you know there are people that derive inspiration from success stories. You know maybe you'd do all the same things I've done given the opportunity. No, I wouldn't. I wouldn't sell bad loans to people with small amounts of money. You make yourself real cash based on fabricated nonexistent loans. You cook the books to get your bonuses, that's what you fucks do. But the question is, why should I let you live? You're a salesman, right? Sell me. Sell you... You know that there's not a person on this earth that's worth over a hundred million dollars that came by that money honestly? The Vanderbilts, the Carnegies, the Gettys, the Morgans, the Hursts, the Rockafellers... They just annexed territories and licenses and businesses and killed the native population and imported slaves and sold guns to both the north and the south during the Civil War and they're heroes, they're American heroes! Take 5 on 38. Coming down, proceeding to locate target. We teach our children, what... honesty and hard work are the keys to success? My children... my children are not gonna go off to some war, they're gonna go to Yale, they're gonna go to Harvard. And it's gonna be the dumb, stupid, white trash kids and the black ghetto kids that are gonna fight America's senseless wars and they're gonna protect American security and business, and it's gonna be my business. richer and richer and my bonuses are gonna get bigger and bigger, and it's the same old story. It's the bankers and the owners and the advisors that get rich! And it's the little people, who buy their stock and always lose in the end. To people like you! Some people don't recover, people like me. It's a free trade system, my friend. That's capitalism. That's competition in a capitalist society, that's how the cream always rises to the top. That's how the strong survive and the weak die off. Like her? That's my wife you're looking at, she's dead because of you. Come on... I don't give a fuck, I have never seen you before in my life. But you do know about the real estate growth superfund, That's where you put your money. For the commissions, for the commissions. That's how it works. You like competition? I love competition. You wanna play a little free market competition, just you and me? You and me? I can't wait. One weapon, two guys. Winner lives... On the count of 3... 1... 2... Well, lookie here! I came out on top. That's what you don't understand, What's important is that I won, doesn't matter how I won, and you're dead. I cheated too. Get him outta here! Target located and eliminated. I'm still alive and free and I promise I will keep killing. They should all know that I am out there, a soldier of the people... and if the government, the prosecutors and the judges fail on their duty, I will not fail on mine. You don't understand. Krypton's core is collapsing. We may only have matter of weeks. I warned you, harvesting the core was suicide. As it accelerated the process of implosion. Our energy resources were exhausted, what would you have us do Kal? Look to the stars. Like our ancestors did. There are habitable worlds within reach. We can begin by using the old outpost. Are seriously suggesting that we evacuate the entire planet. No, everybody here is already dead. Give me the control of the codex, I will ensure survival of our race. There is still hope, I have held that hope in my hand. - This council has been disband. - On whose authority? Mine. The rest of you will be trialled and punished accordingly. What are you doing Zod, this is madness. What I should done years ago, these lawmakers with their endless debates. Had led krypton to ruin. If Your forces prevail, You be the leader of nothing. Then join me, help me save our race we start anew. We sever, the degenerate bloodlines that led us to this state. And who decide which bloodlines survives, Zod. You? Don't be the reason out, the last thing I want is us to be enemy's. You have abandon the principles that bind us together, you have taken up a sword against your own people. I will honour the man you once were, Zod not this monster that you become. Take him away. sir, is everything all-right? - Out of the way! I said.. Get me Lara. Jor, Behind you! Lara, you have to ready the launch, I will be with you soon as I can. Have you seen the codex? its just beneath central house, sir. but I'm compelled to warn you, reaching the chambers is class B crime punishable Nobody cares any more achilles the world is about coming to end. Jor-el, by the authority of General zod, surrender the codex. Easy now. Did you find the world? We have. orbiting main yellow star just as you say it would a Yellow star. his cells will drink its radiation. Its have seeming less intelligent population. He will be a outcast, a freak. They kill him. No... He will be a god to them. What if the ship won't make it. He will die out there. Alone. I can't do it. I thought I could, but. Krypton is doomed. Its our only chance, now. Its our people only hope. What is it Achilles. there are private tractions converging from the east. citadels deference's are been scanned with android no, wait. Just, let me look at him. I never get to see him walk. Never hear him our names. Out there among the stars... he will live. Goodbye my son. Our hopes and dreams travels with you. Concentrate fire on the main door. launch control coming on-line Proceed to ignition. We have identified a emission within the citadel. Advance. Hold this platform commander. I know you stole the codex Jor-el surrendered it and I let you live. This is a second change for all of krypton, not just the bloodlines you deem worthy. What have you done? We had a child Zod. A boy child. Krypton's first natural birth in centuries. And he will be free. Free to forge its own destiny. Heresy! Destroyed it! Lara listen to me. Codex is krypton's future. Abort the launch. Your son Lara, where have you sent him. His name is Kal. Son of El. And he is beyond your reach. Bring that ship down. target locked Lay down your weapons, your forces are surrounded. General Zod, for the crimes of murder and high treason. The council sentences you and your fellow accomplishes. To 300 hundred cycles of semantic recondition. Do you have any last words? You won't kill us yourself. You wouldn't filthy your hands, But you damn us to black hole for eternity. Jor-El, was right you are pack of fools, every last one of you! And you... and you believe your son is safe. I will find him. I will re claim, what you have taken from us. I will find him. I will find him Lara. I Will Find Him! Lara, shouldn't we find refuge There is no refuge Achilles. Jor-El was right, this is the end. Build a better world than ours Kal. Watch yourself, keep your eyes open or you are going to be squashed. Where hell they find you, greenhorn. Gentlemen secure the deck, we just got a distress call from a rig due west of us. Secure the deck! Also all involved stand clear, sub sea valves failed, the rig is about to explode. Roger coast guard. - What about the men left inside, over. - Forget them, they are dead, greenhorn, fetch me my binoculars. Greenhorn. I don't know how much longer we can hold out! This is coast guard 65-10. We are going to make one last pass then we are getting out of here. Wait, we got guys on the heli-pad! Where is that guy going, we have to gotta go! Hey let's go! , what are you doing! When Kansas become... are you listening Clark? I ask you to tell me who the settlers was. Are you all-right Clark? - Clark, get out of there. - Leave me alone. Clark I have called your mother. Clark honey, what's wrong? How can I help you honey. The world is too big, mom. Just a... Focus on my voice. Pretend there is a Island. Out in the ocean. Can you see it. I see it. Then swim towards it, honey. What's wrong with me mom. Hey, azzwipe. What did you think of the game. Leave him alone Pete. I want hear what he has to say. Come on, dick splash. My son was there, he was in the bus. He saw what Clark did. I know he didn't. I'm sure, I'm sure what you thought you saw. Was act of god Jonathan. This was providence. Well, I think you are blowing little out of the proportion. No, I'm not. Lana saw it too and the Forny boy. And this isn't the first time Clark done something like this. - I just wanted to help. - I know you did, but we talked about this, Right. Right, we talked about this, you have... Clark, you have keep this side of yourself a secret. What was I pose to do, just let them die. Maybe. There are more at stake here than just our lives Clark, there are lives around us. When a world... when, world finds out what you can do its going to change everything. Our believes, our notions of... what it means to be human, everything. You saw how Pete's mom, was reacting, right. she was scared, Clark. Why? People are afraid what they don't understand. Is she right. Did god gave this to me? Tell me. We found you in this. We were sure that the government going to show on our doorstep. No one ever came. This was in the chamber with you. I took it to an Metallurgist, in Kansas state. He said, whatever it was made did even, did even exist on periodic-table. Its another way saying its not from this world, Clark. And neither are you. You are the answer to Something. you are the answer to all we alone in universe. I don't want to be. And I don't blame you son. Be huge burden for anybody to bare, but you are not just anybody, Clark. And I have to believe that you were, you were send for an reason. All these changes that you going through one day, one day you are thinking them as a blessing. When that day comes, you have to make a choice, choice of whether to stand proud in front of human race or not.. Can I just keep pretending I'm, your son. You are my son. But somewhere out there, you have another father too. Who gave you another name. And he send here for a reason, Clark. And even if it take you rest of your life, you own it to yourself, to find out what that reason is. They did find something strange in... I know, its crazy right. the Americans are there too. Lots of them. they are calling it anomalous object, whatever that means. back off rebel, I'm serious. Oh come on Chrissy. Knock it off, let me go. Hey, leave her alone man. Or what tough guy? Or going to have ask you to leave. I think probably just leave when I'm good and ready. O, there he is. Its not worth sweety. Hey, asshole don't forget your tip. Thanks, hi. Miss Lane, how are you doing? - good. - Jed Eubanks Arctic cargo. - How far to the station? Camp is just over the rise, I Walk you over. - great. Joe, can take your bags. - Help her out. - Careful with those they are heavy. I got to confess miss Lane, I'm not fan of the daily planet. But those you pieces you wrote. Well, they were pretty impressive. Well, what can I say, I get writers block if I'm not wearing a flat jacket. Miss, Lane! Hardy US north-com, dr Emil Hamilton. You are early, we were excepting you tomorrow. Which I why show up today. Look, let's get one thing straight, guys okay. The only reason why I'm here, because we are on Canadian soil, and appeals court overruled your injunction to keep me away. So, if we are done measuring dicks, can you have your people show me what you got. NASA cci satellites ping the anomaly first the ice shelf's plates echo. But, there is definitely something down there. - A submarine, maybe from soviet era? - Doubtful that's 300m, considerably larger than anything they build back then. But, here is the spooky part. The ice surrounding the object, its nearly 20.000 years old... miss Lane, do not wanderer. Temperatures drops to - 40 at night round here. We couldn't find your body until after spring. There you go. - What if I needed to pee. - There is bucket in the corner. Where to hell you are going. Its aright, Its aright.. You are haemorrhaging internally and if I don't Cauterize this, you bleed. I can do things other people can't. Now, hold my hand. This is going to hurt. For general Hardy and his team dismay a soviet era submarine, was actually something much more exotic. Isotopic analysis of the surrounding ice bores, suggest that an object had been trapped in glacier over, 18,000 years. As for my rescue, he disappeared during objects departure, a background check revealed that his, work history and identity had been falsified. The question raised by my rescues existence are frighten to contemplate. but I also know what I saw. And they arrived at inescapable conclusion that the object and its occupant, did not originate on earth.. I can't print this Lois, you may have hallucinated half of it. What about civilian contractors who collaborated my story. Pentagon is denying that there where was a ship. Of course they are that's what they pose to do, its the pentagon. Harry come on, its me we are talking about, I'm Pulitzer winning reporter. - Then act like it. - Print it or I walk. You can't, you are under contract. I'm not running a story about aliens, walking among us. Never going to happen. That's a Scots straight up for the lady. I'm sending you the original article, my editor wont printed. but, if it happened leak to on line... but, didn't you once describe my site as a, - creeping cancer of false woods. - I stand by my words Woodburn. - But, I want this story out there. - Why? Because I want my mystery man to know I know the truth. precoursic diagnostic complete guidance process authenticated all systems operational to see you standing there and grown to an adult. - Only Lara could witness this. - Who are you? I'm your father Kal. Or at least a shadow of it, its conscience. My name is Jor-El. And Kal? Its my name. Kal-El, it is. I have so many questions. Where do I come from? , why did you send me here? You came from krypton. A world with much harsher environment than the earth's. A long ago, in era of expansion. Our race spread out through the stars. Seeking new worlds to settle upon. This scout ship was one of thousands launched at to the void. We build outpost on other planets, using great machines to reshape environments to our needs. For 100.000 years our civilization flourished. - Accomplishing wonders. - What happened? Artificial population control established. The outpost on space exploration was abandoned, we exhausted natural resources, as result... our planets core became unstable. Eventually our military leader, General Zod, attempted a cue by then it was too late. your mother and I, for saw the coming calamity, and we took some steps to insure your survival. This is a genesis chamber. All krypton's is conceived in chambers such as this, every child was desired to fulfil pre detainment role in our society, as worker, a Warrior, a Leader. Your mother and I, believed that krypton lost something precocious, the element of choice, of chance. What if a child dreamed become other than what society intended he wonder... and what if a child spotted to something greater. You were embodiment of that believe Kal, krypton's first natural birth in centuries. That's why we risked so much save you. Why didn't you come with me. We couldn't Kal. No matter how we wanted to. And how much we loved you. Your mother Lara and I were products of failures of our world as much zod was. So, I'm alone. You are much as a child of earth now as you are of krypton. You can embodied best of both worlds. A dream your mother and I dedicated our lives to preserve. People of earth are different than us, its true. But ultimately I believe that is a good thing. They will not necessary make same mistake a we did. And if you guide them, Kal. And if give them hope. That is what this symbol means. The symbol of house of EL means hope. Embodied in within that help is fundamental believe, the potential of every person to be a force for good. that's what you can bring them. Why I'm so difference from them? Earth's sun is younger and brighter than Krypton's was. your cells grown in radiation. Strengthen your muscles, skin, senses. Earth gravity is weaker, yet, its atmosphere is more nourishing, you have grown stronger here than I ever could imagine. The only way to know how strong, is to keep testing your limits. You will give the people of earth an ideal strafe towards. they will rest behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. And in time... they will join you when the sun come. In time, you help them accomplish wonders. How, do you find someone who has spent a lifetime covering his tracks. You start with urban legends that have sprung in his wake. All the friends of the friends who claim to have see him. For some he was a guardian angel. For others a cypher, a ghost who never quite fit in. As you work your way back in time. The story's begin to form a pattern. Pete Ross, do you know him? yes, he works in I-hop, you go down to road. I like to talk to you about an accident that occur when you were younger, a school bus that went in to the river. Mrs Kent, I'm Lois Lane from daily planet. I'm from daily planet and would like to talk about your son. Where are you from? , what are you doing here, let me tell your story. - What if I don't want my story told. - Its going to come out eventually. Somebody going to get a photo or figures out where you live. Then I disappear again. The only way you can disappear for good, is to stop helping people all together, and that's not option for you. My father believed. If the world found out, who I really was. They reject me... Of fear. I'm tired of the safe! I just want do something useful with my life. So, farming isn't useful. I didn't say that. Our family has been farming for 5 generations Clark. -your family. Not mine. I dont know even why I'm listening to you, you are not my dad, you are just some guy who found me in the field. Clark! That's all-right Martha. He is right, Clark has a point. We are not your parents. But we have been doing best we can, and we have making it up as we go along, so maybe, maybe our best isn't good enough anymore. Look. Dad please. -hold on. Go for the overpass. Go for the overpass. Take cover! , take cover! Over there just! follow them! She's stuck! You guys follow me. The dog in the car! I get him! Get your mom to the overpass. Jonathan! Ma, stay here. I let my father die, because I trusted him. Because he was convinced, that I have to wait. That the world is not ready. What do you think? You better watch out Lois. Hey, Perry got it in for you, he knows you are Woodburn's anonymous source... I told you not to run with this. You let Woodburn just shotgun, it all over the internet. Now, the publishers want me to sue you. Well, if its make a difference, I'm dropping it. - wow just like that? - What happened to your leads? - They didn't pan out. Or perhaps it just didn't get the attraction you hope it would. 2 weeks leave, no pay that's your appendence. You try something like this again your done here. No, let's make it 3 weeks, since you are so willing to agreed with me. - Perry! - Don't. I believe you saw something Lois, but not for a moment do I believe that your lead just went cold, so whatever your reason are for dropping it... I think you are doing a right thing. Why? Can you imagine how people on this planet would react... If... they knew that there was someone like this out there. Go get him! Well look at you! A reporter came by here. She is a friend, don't worry. Mom. What. - I found them. - Whom? My parents. My people. I know where I come from now. Wow... That's wonderful. I'm so happy for you. - What? - Its nothing. When you were a baby, I use to lay by your Cradle. Listen to your breath. It was hard for you. You struggled. - I worried all the time. - you worried that the truth could come out. No, the truth about you... We saw that, the moment we lay eyes on you. We knew that one day, the whole world would see that. I just. I worried they take you away from me. I'm not going anywhere mom. I promise. - General Swanwick sir. - What are I'm looking at, doc. Comet? , asteroid? Comets don't make course corrections, General. I want you see this before some amateur with a telescope creates a blueprint.. The ships appears to have inserted itself to lunar synchronous orbit. I have No idea why. Have you tried communicated with it? Well, they haven't responded as it yet. I'm just speculating, but, I think who ever is on helm of that thing, is looking to make a dramatic entrance. Does anybody know where, we keep toner cartridges - what's going on? - Its all over the news. You got to see this. Yeah, coming. Yoare no AL0 you are not alone its coming over rr feeds. you are not alone its on my phone too. My name is general Zod. I come from a world far from yours. I have journeyed crossed a ocean star systems to reach you. For Sometime your world has sheltered one of my citizens. I request that you return this individual. To my custody. For reasons unknown he has chosen to keep his existence a secret from you. He had made efforts to blend in. He will look like you. But, he is not one of you. To those of you who may know his current location. The faith of your planet rest in your hands. To kal-el I say this. Surrender within 24 hours. Or watch this world suffer the consequences If he truly means us no harm he should turn himself to his people, and face the consequences and if he won't do that, then maybe we should. The daily planets Lois Lane knows who this guys is. And I think she's the one we should question. Hold-on, you are saying Lois Lane knows who this guy is. Are you watching this crap? Been running all morning. For once I actually I agree with Woodburn now have you seen him? No, even I did I wouldn't say. The Entire world is being threaten here. This not time for you to fall back on journalistic integrity. This is serious Lois, the FBI is here saying words like treason. I got to go. Its the FBI, hands up drop the bag now! Come on Kent. come on, Fight back! Get up Kent. Is that it? is that all you got. Come on Kent. Come on! Did they hurt you? You know they can't. It was what I meant, are you all-right? I wanted to hit that kid, I wanted to hit kid so bad. And I know you did, I mean. Part of me even wanted you too but then what, make you feel any better. You must decide what kind of man you really want grow up to be Clark. Because... whatever that man has a good character or bad, he is. He is going to change the world. What's on your mind. I don't where to start. Where ever you want. That ship that appeared last night. I'm the one they are looking for. Do you know... why they want you. - no. With this general zod, even if I surrender there's no grantee he keeps his word. There is chance I can safe earth by turning myself in. Shouldn't I take it. What's your gut tell you. Zod can't be trusted. Problem is... I'm not sure people of earth can be either. Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith first, the trust part comes later. Al-right, you got our attention. - What it is you want? - I would like to speak to Lois Lane. What makes you think he is here. Don't play games with me general, I surrender. Only if you grantee Lois freedom. Why are you surrendering to Zod. I surrendering to mankind, there is a difference. You let them handcuff you. Would not be much of a surrender if I resisted. And makes them feel more secure, then all the better for it. What's the S stand for. Its not an a S, on my world its meant hope. Well, here its an S. How about... sir, hi - my name is doctor.. - Emil Hamilton, I know. I can see your id tag in your breast pocket, along with half eaten roll of pastrami sandwich. I can also see tranquillize needle you won't need it. Sir, you cannot except to not take preconceptions, you could be carrying some kind alien pathogen. I been here for 33 years doctor, haven't infected anyone yet. That you know of. We have legitimize security concerns, as you revealed your identity to miss Lane over there. Why would you do same with us? Let's put our cards to table general. You are scared of me, because you can't control me. You don't and you never will. But that doesn't mean I'm your enemy. And who is? Zod? That's what I'm worried about. Be as it may, I been given orders hand you over to him. Do, what you have to do general. Thank you. For believing in me. Didn't make much difference in the end. It did to me. They are coming. Go, Lois. Kal-El, I'm sub commander Faora-Ul. On behalf of general Zod I extend you his greetings. - Are you the ranking officer here? - I am. General Zod, would like. this woman to accompany me. you asked for the alien. You didn't say anything about our own. Shall, I tell the general, you are unwilling to comply. I don't care what you tell him. I'll go. The atmosphere composition in our ship is not compatible with humans. You will need wear a breather beyond this point. Kal-El. You don't have no idea how long we been searching for you. I take you are zod. General Zod, our Commander! You can forgive Kal any lapses in our quorum.. He is stranger to our ways. This should be cause for celebration. Not conflict. I, feel strange. - What's happening to him? - He is rejecting our ships atmospherics. Spend a lifetime adapting to earth's ecology but never adapted to ours. Help him! I can't whatever is happening its better running its course. Hello Kal. Or do you prefer Clark. That's the name they gave you, isn't it. I was krypton's military leader, your father our foremost scientist. The only thing we agreed on was that krypton was dying. In return for my evidence to protect our civilization. And save our planet. I and my fellow officers was sentenced to the phantom zone. And then destruction of our world... freed us. We were adrift. Destined float amongst the ruins of our planet until we starved. how did you find a way to earth? We manage to retro fit the phantom projector into hyper drive. So the instrument of our damnation.. Became our salvage. We seek through old colonial outposts. Looking for signs of life. But all we found was death. Cut off from krypton these outpost wither and died long ago. We salvage what we could. armour, weapons. Even a world-engine. For 32 years we prepared, until finally, detected a distress beacon. Which you triggered when you accessed ancient scout ship. You lead us here, Kal. And now it is in within your power to safe what remains of your race. On krypton, the genetic of every being yet to be born, is encoded in the register of citizens. Your father stole the registers codex and stored in the capsule that brought you here. For what purpose? So, that krypton can live again, on earth. Where is the codex Kal. If krypton lives again, what happens to earth? A foundation has to be build on something. Even your father recognized that. No, Zod. I can't be part of this. Then what can you be part of. Stop! Your father acquitted himself with honour Kal. You killed him? I did. And not a day goes by when its doesn't haunt me. But if I do it again, I would. I have a duty to my people. And I will not allow anyone to prevent me to carrying it out. 2 bogeys launching from the alien ship. Put it out. - yes, sir. There it is. Re task skycam for give me a closer look. - yes, sir. Command, word of the day is trident. - We have 2 alien craft on aggressive approach. - icon for coming on line. - Air speed? - 380 knots they are not responding to our hails. You are wasting your efforts. For your exposure to earth's sun...... You are not as weak as a human. - Where did you come from? - The command key Kal send. Thanks to you I'm uploaded to the ships main frame. - Who are you. - I'm kals father. Can you help us? I designed this ship. I can modify its atmospheric composition to human compatibility. We can stop them, we can send them back to the phantom zone. - How? - I can teach you. And in return you can teach Kal. Will you help me. Ship's crew alerted need to move quickly. command key. did you do that? - yes. pick up a slider. What's happening: Fire. Behind you. Secure yourself inside the open pod. Safe travels, miss Lane. It's highly unlikely we will be seeing each other again. Remember, a phantom drive is central in stopping them. Move your head to the left. Is it true what Zod said about the codex. Strike that panel. we wanted you to learn what it meant to be a human first. So one day, when the time was right. you could be the bridge between 2 peoples. Look. Lois. You can safe her, Kal. You can save all of them. You will be safe here. - Are you all-right? - Oh yeah. I'm sorry. I didn't meant to tell anything about you, but they did something to me... they did same thing to me. The craft he arrived in, where is it. Go to hell. There. The codex is not here. Where has he hidden it. I don't know. Where Is The Codex! You been frighten my mother! What have you done to me? My parents taught me to home my senses, Zod. To focus. On just what I want to see and without your helmet, you are getting everything. And its hurts, doesn't it. Get inside, its not safe. All clear, this is guardian- I'm air born mission commander. I have previously encounter beings we are about to engage close proximity, they are extremely dangerous we are authorize to use deadly force. Guardian advanced to target. Requesting immediately re attack. Roger guardian. eject! , eject! I have a bogey incoming! You are weak, son of El. Unsure of yourself. The fact, that you posses sense of morality and we do not. Gives us a evolutionary advantaged. And history has proven, it is that the evolution always wins. I need you engage the targets. Guardian, this is battle 01, what about that guy in blue? I say engage all targets. Are you okay? We are going in hard. Break for impact! We are going in hard. Guardian is down, I repeat guardian is down. Guardian, guardian do you read? This is guardian, I want you to put down everything you got at my position, this will be danger close. Copy, danger close. Good luck, sir. A good death is its own reward. You will not win, for ever you safe we kill million more. This man is not our enemy. Thank you, General. Mom! I'm all-right. Nice suit, son. I'm so sorry. its only stuff, Clark. We can always build a new place. But you can't be. mom. Zod says, this codex his looking for can actually bring my people back. is it that a good thing? I don't think they are interested sharing this world. Clark. Clark! I know how to stop them. - What happened down there? - He exposed a temporary weakness. It is of little inconvenience, because I have located the codex. It was never in the capsule. Jor-el, took the codex, a DNA of an billion people.. And he bonded it with his sons individual cells, all krypton's heirs, Living in one refugees body. Does Kal-el need to be alive, for us to extract the codex from his cells. No. Released the world-engine. What did just happened. The ships just split in 2, track 1 is heading east, track 2 is deploying towards southern hemisphere. - How fast is that bogey moving? - Approaching Mach 24 and accelerating. Looks like its going to impact somewhere in south Indian-ocean. - Rest of the ship is descending. - Put it on board now. O.M.G Bring the phantom drive on-line. We are now sled to the world edge. Initiated. What can they hit us with? Looks like some kind of gravity weapon, its working in tandem with their ship. Somehow they are increasing earth mass, clouding the atmosphere with particulates. O.M.G. they are Terra-forming. What's that? Planetary engineering modifying earth's atmosphere and topography. And turning Earth in to krypton. - Based on these readings, there won't be an us. General Swanwick, sir. I'm on with the control tower, general hardy is on his way in and he got superman in tow. Superman? The alien, sir that what they call him, superman. - We have a plan general. - Is that what I think it is? Its the ship he arrived in. This ship is run by something called phantom-drive. Its bends space. Zod ship use the same technology if we can make 2 drives collide with one other. - Singularity could be created, - Like a black hole. Theoretically they should be pulled back in. So, you want us bomb them with that? General, if that craft maxi out 17000 pounds we drop it from a c-17. Its revival the plan. And if I don't stop that machine over the Indian-ocean, the gravity field will continue to expand. If that thing is making earth more like in krypton, would you be weaker around it? Maybe, I'm not going let that stuff stop me trying. You may want step back a little bit. Maybe, a little bit more. - Let Urea take command. - Yes sir I need to secure the Genesis chamber, pay my respects to an old friend. Guardian in route to the metropolis. - command key accepted, Genesis chamber coming on-line, sir. stop this Zod, while there still time. Haven't giving up lecturing me have you, even in death. I will not let you use the codex like this. You don't have the power to stop me. The command key I have entered is revoking your authority, this ship is now under my control. North com lightning requesting permission unleash the hell. North com lightning 1, you are clear to engage. Send battle damage assessment when able, out. All right everybody! we are leaving, leaving the building now. Everybody Get back! , Get back! , Keep moving, keep moving. Our people can co exist. So we can suffer through years of pain trying to adapt like your son has? You are talking about genocide. Yes, and I'm arguing its merits with a ghost. We are both ghost Zod, can't you see that. The krypton you cling on is gone. - I'm tired about this debate. - Silencing me won't change anything. My son, is twice the man you are. He will finish what we started. I can promise you that. Tell me, you have Jor-Ells memory's, his conscience. Can you experience his pain. I will harvest the codex from your son's corps. And I will re-build krypton, on top of his bones. Jenny, where are you! I'm here! -hold on, hold on. I'm stuck. I can't get free, I'm stuck. We get you out there, all-right. Just sit tight. - No, no please! don't leave me. - I'm not going to leave you. Robert, get your ass over here and help me. Try this. Come on push! This is guardian, are we clear to make the drop. Negative guardian. He did it. North-com, this is guardian, and we are god to go. Godspeed guardian, on the package. You are cleared out. We are lining in for the final run. Its up to you and Hamilton, now. Load master is it package on. - are we ready to drop. - Negative. There is something wrong, its not pose to this. What is it pose to do? Its pose to go in all the way. Let me take a look. Co-pilot the aircraft. We are lining for drop, What's the hold up! Kind of slight set back. Target that air craft. target locked if destroy this ship.. You destroy krypton. Krypton has its chance. Are they gone? I think so. He saved us. You know they say its downhill after the first kiss. I'm pretty sure, nobody cares if I'm kissing a human. Look at this... we could build a new krypton in here. But you chose humans over us. I exist only to protect Krypton... that is sole purpose which I was born, and every action I take, no matter how violent, or how cruel, is for the greater good. Of my people. and now I have no people. My soul... that is what you have taken from me! I'm going to make them suffer Kal, these humans you adopted. - I will take them all from you, one by one. - You are a monster Zod. I'm going to stop you. There is only one way this end Kal, either you die or I do! I was bred to be a warrior Kal, trained my entire life, to master my senses, where did you trained, on a farm! If you love these people so much.. Don't do this! Stop! Are you F-ing stupid. That one of your surveillance drones. That's a 12 million $ piece of hardware. -it was. I know you are trying to find out, where I hang my cape, you won't. Then I ask the obvious question, how do we know you won't one day act against Americas interest. I grow up in Kansas general, I'm about American as its gets. Look, I'm here to help, but its has to be with my own terms. - You have to convince Washington of that. - Even if was willing to try. - What makes you think they listen. - I don't know general. Guess I just have to trust you... - what are you smiling about captain. - Nothing sir. I just think he is kind of hot. - Get in the car captain. - Yes sir. He always believed you were meant for greater things, and when the day came, your shoulders will be able to bare the weight. So, he could be around to see finally happen. He saw it Clark, believe me. What are you going to do, when you are not saving the world. Have you given any thought to that. I have actually. I'm going to find a job, where I can keep my ear to the ground. Where people move twice, when I want go somewhere dangerous, start asking questions. Come on Lois, when are you going to throw me a bone. Court side seats to the game tonight, what do you say? I say, you should go back to trolling the intern pool you probably have more luck. sorry. court side? Lombardi, Lane. Want you to meet our new stringer, want you to show him the ropes. this is Clark Kent, good luck kid. Hey, Steve nice to meet you. Lois Lane, welcome to Planet. Glad to be here, Lois. BULLY: I'm gonna kill you, Weinselstein! [BURT SCREAMING] BULLY: Twerp. - Unh! Why you running away, Weinselstein? I got you a birthday present. That's okay. You didn't have to get anything. I got you some bark. And you're gonna eat it. [ALL LAUGH] - Cool. I was gonna eat bark anyway. - No, you weren't. Yeah. See? All the things you were gonna do to me, I was already planning on doing. Mm. Mm, so good. Yummy. Unh! - You planning on not being able to breathe? - Yes. Listen to me, Weinselstein. Nobody likes you. Nobody will ever like you. Do you understand that? Come on. Let's split. Goodbye, loser. [BULLIES LAUGHING] [WHIMPERING] Mom? I'm home. Mom? MOM: Happy birthday, little man. I had to work a double shift again, but I love you very much. Mom. P.S. Dinner is in the fridge, and I got you your favorite cake. It's on the counter. Combine the mix with two tablespoons of oil and two eggs. We're out of eggs, so you'll need to run out and get them. Preheat the oven to 350 grease and flour a 9" x 13" cake pan and then pour the batter into the pan. Careful not to spill. Hello, my young friends. I'm Rance Holloway. You've probably seen me on The Merv Griffin Show or live onstage at the fabulous Stardust Resort and Casino in Las Vegas. That's where I perform such tricks as "Skateboarding Ghost" "The Amazing Cordless Telephone" and my very famous "Mouth Birds" illusion. Wow. [RANGE LAUGHING] Did you like that? Of course you did. That trick just blew your mind, because that's what magic does. It blows people's minds. Welcome to the amazing world of magic. A world where you can astonish and enchant those around you. Because everyone loves a magician. And if you follow my instructions, they'll love you too. Let's begin now with a simple illusion where we pull pennies out of our nose. [ALL LAUGHING] Alakazam! - How'd you do that? - A magician never tells his secrets. - Oh. Okay. -It's a rubber thumb. Oh, cool! - I'm Anthony Mertz. - Albert Weinselstein. You're that kid who's always in the nurse's office, right? Not always. Sometimes they send me to the hospital. What are those for? This one's for my allergies, and this one's for my asthma. And this is testosterone. My doctor says I'm dangerously close to being a girl. [BULLIES LAUGHING] Do you know any other tricks? I have a whole magic kit at home. [GASPS] Behold. An empty top hat. Perfectly normal. Alakazam! Wow. You're like a boy witch. Thank you. Hey. What if you put a plastic bag of water in the hidden compartment? Then water would come out instead of confetti. - Do you wanna be my partner? - More than anything. Okay. I think we should start writing down our trick ideas. - Like in a notebook. ANTON: Yes. An enchanted notebook, with leather and buckles. - All I have is a regular notebook. - That'll work. So then our first trick should be "Confetti Out of a Hat." [INAUDIBLE DIALOGUE] [LAUGHS] BURT: Awesome. - Ta-da. [AUDIENCE CHEERING] [AUDIENCE CHEERING] Incredible. Incredible. Burt. Burt. I want you to come work for me. Here, at Bally's. Ah! Heh. DOUG: But I need you to do one thing for me. I need you to dump Anton. He's... Well, he's homely. No offense. None taken. I'm sorry, Doug. Anton and I are a team. Always have been, always will be. Fair enough. Welcome to Bally's, boys. Congratulations. [DOUG CHUCKLES] ANNOUNCER: Ladies and gentlemen. The Incredible Burt and Anton! [STEVE MILLER BAND'S "ABRACADABRA" PLAYING ON SPEAKERS] Abra, abracabadbra I wanna reach out and grab ya Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I'm Burt Wonderstone. And I'm Anton Marvelton. But, of course, you already knew that. [ON SPEAKERS] Abra, abracadabra I wanna reach out and grab ya Abra, abracadabra Abracadabra [AUDIENCE CHEERING] What you may not know is that Burt and I have been magical friends and partners since we were young boys. We always knew there was something a little bit different about our friendship. Remember our games of Hangman, Burt'? I sure do, Anton. But we didn't play it quite the way the other kids did. Ladies and gentlemen, our beautiful assistant, Nicole. [CHEERING] Hold on, hold on, hold on, Anton. We're here to do magic, not Nicole. [ALL LAUGH] BURT: Right now, it's time for: -"Hangman." -"Hangman." [AUDIENCE GASPING] [CHEERING] And that's why we call it: - A magical friendship. - A magical friendship. [ON SPEAKERS] Abra, abracadabra Night after night after night, lam in magic hell. Could you take any more time making the switch? - I'm standing under that cloak like an asshole. - Give me a break. I've been doing the switch the same way I've done it for the last 1O years. You're just impatient. I am impatient, Anton, because I have to share a cloak with a sweaty walrus-man. You just want to get the show over with. Could we get a towel for him, please? Dab it down. - I sweat because I work hard. - Take my phone! You think it's easy securing your safety harness in the dark? Would you rather I let the noose just snap your neck off? Can we do one show without this bitch-fest? I'm sorry. Are we hurting your performance as a walking mannequin? - That's it. You know what? I qu-- - You quit? You quit? - I qui- - I qui-- BURT: You quit? You quit? BURT: You quit? - Ugh! I quit! - Go get a job at Cirque du So-lame. - That's the second one this month. - Not like they're hard to replace. Case in point. You. - What? Sorry'? BURT: Yes. - What's your name? - Oh. Jane. - You know the tricks? - Yes. You need something? - Thirty seconds till "The Burt Locker." - You're Nicole. Oh, wow. Mr. Wonderstone. That is a tremendous honor. I don't think I'm ready to take on that. I'm not rehearsed. I would need several years of-- That is not an outfit. Mr. Marvelton, this may be a bad idea. - You're gonna be great. - I'm terrified of crowds. - Don't worry. - You have no idea. I have a fear-- Agh, that is tight. Ugh. - What? She has no ribs. - Ugh! You took her hair. [ON SPEAKERS] Abra, abracadabra You know, folks, when you grow up as a magician the first escape you learn is generally from a school locker. [ALL LAUGHING] The jocks hated us because we always stole their girlfriends away from them using the power of magic! [DANCE MUSIC PLAYING ON SPEAKERS] [GRUNTS] [ALL GASP] [AUDIENCE GASPS] - I like the blond. - Oh, thanks. - Makes you look cute. - Thanks. So I finally got this new bed that I ordered. What? Sorry, I'm just trying to concentrate. Behind you. [AUDIENCE GASPS] It's an octuple king. Biggest bed in Vegas. Easily sleeps two dozen adults. If the phone rings and I'm on the other side of the bed, I can't get to it. There's no way. Sword. Ahh! God, that was close. The point is, it's a huge bed. And I was wondering, would you like to see it tonight nakedly? Oh, I don't think that's a good idea... -...since we just started working together-- - Listen, Nicole. -It's Jane. - Sword. [JANE GASPS] I know this is your first show and it's all very new and fresh and exciting but when you have done this 5000 times you'll find that having sex with me is the only way to mitigate the miserable drudgery of your existence. - My point is this. Let's just have sex. -It's not gonna happen. - You a lesbian? -ls every woman who doesn't sleep with you... -...a lesbian? - Mm, no. I've slept with plenty of lesbians. [AUDIENCE GASPS] Wow. I've worshiped you for 10 years and you've just made me hate you in 60 seconds. Hmm. Right there. Looks like I'm the one who scored this time, you dumb jock! [AUDIENCE CHEERING] Ladies and gentlemen, our most famous illusion. - You know where we're going with this one. - One we call: -"Man Head/Lady Body." -"Man Head/Lady Body." Right! All right, here we go. Female volunteer. Let's see who we have. Anyone? Anyone? Who will it be for "Man Head/Lady Body"? Ahh. Would you care to join me onstage? How about a round of applause? MIRANDA: Mm. I can't believe I'm really making out with Burt Wonderstone. This must be the thrill of a lifetime for you. Your place is so beautiful. This is not my place. This is my place. MIRANDA: Oh, my God! - Oh, my God. It's so beautiful. BURT: Yes, it is. MIRANDA: Look at you! - Look at me. - Oh, my God, look at your costume! - Yes, yes. MIRANDA: Posters. Oh, my God! There you are! - And here I am. - Aw. Yes. Come with me, please. Ah. Would you do me a kindness and jump up on the bench, please? Legs facing that way, arms as if you're holding a giant pumpkin. BURT: Good. So, Miranda, what are your hopes and dreams? Well, I'd really like to own my own hair salons. That's great. You're interesting. Follow me, please. There will be no biting or scratching, anything that can leave a mark. This is a standard release form acknowledging that you are over 18 and that you are willingly consenting to the sex acts that we are about to commit. MIRANDA: It's a lot of paperwork. -It's a lot of sex acts. - Mm. Oh, my God! It's huge! Biggest bed in Vegas. [GRUNTING] Hey, ahem, Jimbo! Hey, there you go. Sprinkle the infield there. You've done such a great job today. I just want to reward you for your excellent service with this $100 bill. You're just gonna turn it into a $1 bill when I take it. [CHUCKLES] I don't know where that's coming from. Who would do that? That's mean. A $1 bill is a horrible tip. I'm giving you $100. Heh. Oh, my gosh. You got me again. Yes, I did. You never learn. - He never learns. - Agh. I'm sorry. Hey, Jim, I think you've got something in your pocket. Thank you, Mr. Marvelton. LUCIUS: Oh. Look who's here. Bun? Anton. Lucius Belvedere. Rick the implausible. This is a rare treat. I can't remember the last time I saw you two together offstage. We're both busy, that's all. We see each other every day. - So how's the show going? - Not so good. Good. Pretty good. It's okay. I'm in the lobby doing the 2 to 2:30 shift. Wednesdays through-- Well, just Wednesdays. Plus I'm doing some webisodes. - Drum up business that way. - What the hell is a webisode? Are you being serious? What's a webis--? It's a show that you do on the Internet. It's just like being on TV or having a movie except you don't go through you know, all the hassle of people seeing it. What happened to your hand? Oh, one of my Bengal tigers has been getting a little bitey lately. That's why I'm a comedy magician, not a big cat magician. I want to kill onstage, not have some tiger rip my hand-- I don't want to get killed. I want to kill on-- You know what? Just forget it. - It's tough. - It is tough. - It is tough. - It was funny in my head. If I spend more than an hour away from my cats they forget who I am and attack me. Sounds like my wife and kids. If, you know, by "wife and kids" I meant my ferrets. You know, if I had a wife and kids and wasn't just home alone. [AUDIENCE CHEERING] - What's going on out there? - Eating Popsicle after Popsicle. I don't know, we should probably go check it out. Like, as a group? Bunch of friends? [CROWD CHEERING] STEVE: Appreciate it. You seem like an open-minded crowd. Things are about to happen here that may be difficult for many of you to process. If you're at all squeamish, I encourage you to take shelter inside the casinos. Move along. Or just turn it off. I'll give you a moment. Congratulations. You are truly brave. I only hope you're ready to face the fire! [CROWD GASPING] Get it off! Get off! MAN: He totally nailed you with that fireball, man. Sorry. Guilty pleasure. You're a really good sport. Whatever that means. - Would you like to help me with a trick? - Sure. Now he done it. Who is this hot mess? That's Steve Gray, the street magician. That guy's a magician? He doesn't even have a costume. STEVE: Pick a card. Show it to the crowd and that whole deal. Now take the marker from your pocket and write your mother's name on that card. But I don't have a-- MAN: Oh, snap! What's with all the cameras? Oh, he's shooting his cable show, Steve Gray: Brain Rapist. -"Brain Rapist"? - Yeah. You live in a bubble or something? STEVE: Come on, come on, come on. Dorothy. His mother's name is Dorothy. Pretty name. I'm gonna take Dorothy, slide her into the center of the deck and put her back in my pocket. Now punch me in the face. - What? - Punch me in the face. Hard as you can. - I'm not gonna do that. STEVE: Of course. Sometimes the roles we're forced to play in life are difficult to understand. Like your mother, Dorothy who, for the good of sailors everywhere, lived the life of a whore. Whorethy. That's what they called her. Surrender, Whorethy. You're not in Kansas anymore, Whorethy. [BABBLING] [CROWD GASPING] - No, no, no. ANTON: Jesus. - Is that guy a plant? - That looked like a real punch. [STEVE GROANS] It's okay! I've already forgiven him. I provoked him and awakened his pain body. WOMAN: Oh. STEVE: Wow. That's swelling up pretty quick. I better let the pressure off. [CROWD GASPS] [SCREAMING] Better. Ha-ha-ha. Wait. Feels like there's something in there. Let me just... [ALL GASPING] [GRUNTING] One! two! Three! Daddy! I wonder what this could be. It's the card! MAN: Oh, that's nuts! As it was in the beginning so shall it be in the end. I tried to warn them. MAN: That's it. [CHEERING] That's crazy, man! STEVE: Go! Go! Hello. I haven't seen you around. I don't believe I have had the pleasure. We caught your thing out on the street and it was disgusting. Good. Bad. I don't eat from that tree. Hey, any chance I can get you to sign something for me? Oh, well, I don't usually sign autographs, but I suppose I can make an exception. It's a release form. Just in case we caught you in the background. I don't want to have to pixelate your face. Mm. - Do I need to sign a release form? - No, I can pixelate your face. So, anywho, we have a show over at Bally's and I could get you some comps, if you'd like to take a look at our act. We do this one trick, it's a man's head-- STEVE: I tell you what. Pretend I'm still here and tell me all about it. ANNOUNCER: From Chicago, Brain Rapist. The world record for staring was 24 hours. But I've been doing it for over three days now and, frankly, I'm bored. So I'm gonna spice things up with a little pepper spray. Bring it. [SCREAMING] Do you see me blinking? I'm not blinking! For a very long time! [CONTINUES SCREAMING] - He's like a god. A god of pepper spray. Uncomfortable, but in a great way. Certainly not human. BOTH". He broke the record! Here at Bally's, you'll be pampered like an enormous baby. There's a hair dryer and an ironing board in every room. And if you like steakhouses... you'll love Sally's signature steakhouse, Bally's Steakhouse. And after dinner, check out the Incredible Burt Anton in their own Burt Anton Theater. [STEVE MILLER BAND'S "ABRACADABRA" PLAYING ON SPEAKERS] Abra, abracabadbra I wanna reach out and grab ya Abra, abracabadbra Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I'm Burt Wonderstone. And I'm Anton Marvelton. But, of course, you already knew that. In order to achieve this impossible feat of impossibility we will need a female volunteer from the audience. Who will that be? Who will the female volunteer be? All right. Nope. You're a dude. DOUG: Yes, $2 million. Two point five million. Okay. I'm sorry about that, guys. How are you? I am incredible. Mm. Wow. Look how big Judah's gotten. - Yeah. - How old is he now? I don't know. But I'll tell you what. That kid? That kid is your biggest fan. Ah. I love it! Unfortunately, I'm starting to think he's your only fan. Mm. Ha, ha. - What? - Your ticket sales suck. - Well, we have a following. - You need a younger crowd, okay? Have you heard of this Steve Gray guy? Ah. God. Let me tell you about Steve Gray. All that guys does is mumble and cut himself. Anybody can do that. My niece does that. Heh. Well, he's getting a national following between the ages of 25 and 45. They're calling him the future of magic. Would you like to see his latest stunt? Mm-mm. All right. ANNOUNCER [ON TV]: For 12 long days, he's held his urine. No! ANNOUNCER". Be there for the final hour of Steve Gray's incredible stunt. - Ahh! ANNOUNCER'. "Holding It In." Is that a fountain over there? Seriously, could we turn that off? That's not fair. ANNOUNCER: Live on Intense TV. I'm sure this is normal, but my legs are shutting down. What is going through your mind right now? I really have to pee, Richard. Yeah. ANNOUNCER: He's made it this far, but will he last? He should be dead. Right now, he's got more urine than blood. ANNOUNCER: So join us this Friday at 9/8 Central on Intense TV. A magician? You call that a magician? You actually enjoy that? I don't enjoy any of this shit. All right, Burt this is the brochure for my new signature hotel, Doug. This hotel is the same as all the other hotels. But I'm going to be charging 70% more for everything. Now, do you know why I can do that? - Because it's shinier? DOUG: Shut up. Because it's new. And people love new. And when people love something, it becomes valuable. So new equals valuable. Do you understand what I'm saying? You've been doing the same shit since I hired you. You even come onstage to that same goddamn song. It's called "Abracadabra." And it is considered a modern classic. -It's shit. - I agree with him, Burt. There's no reason we couldn't do something big. Headline-grabbing. I am not holding my piss! DOUG: Steve Gray already did that. He owns that. He owns it. You need to do something else, something fresh. I suppose I could hold my poop. I'll have a large meal. I'll eat some yogurt and granola. And I'll hold my poop. For 24 hours. - What is wrong with him? -"Will Burt poop?" "Will it happen?" "Will he crap his pants?" I think I've got something. MAN: Keep coming. REPORTER: Now, why do you call it The Hot Box? Well, the Vegas sun will effectively turn the Plexiglas box into an oven. We estimate the interior temperature may hit 200 degrees. And you and Burt Wonderstone plan to stay in the box an entire week? That's right, reporter. Hello. Excuse us. What are you wearing? My magician's costume because I am a magician. The whole point of this is to update our act. You need to go change. Now this is Vegas, baby. Look at this crowd. This is what I'm talking about. This is awesome. I wish I could come with you. You don't want to do that, son. It's gonna smell like ass in there. JANE: Okay, guys, we're ready for you. - You're gonna wear that? - Yes. It's velvet, Burt. You're gonna die. [CC MUSIC FACTORY'S "EVERYBODY DANCE NOW" PLAYING ON SPEAKERS] [CROWD CHEERING] Ah. That's better. [ON SPEAKERS] Everybody dance now Ladies and gentlemen, the beautiful Nicole! Just remember, all you have to do is nothing. [ON SPEAKERS] Come on, let's sweat Baby [CROWD CHEERING] [ON SPEAKERS] Let the rhythm move you - Sweat -Sweat Let the music take control Everybody! Come on, let's sweat Baby Let the music take control Let the rhythm move you [WOMAN SCATTING] ANT ON'. Whoa. ANTON: All right. BURT: I just realized I won't be having sex for a week. - What are you doing? - Breathing exercises. I've been doing them all week. - You're practicing breathing? - Yes. 0K8)'- A nice view. It's smaller than I thought it would be. Okay, maybe if you'd come to even one rehearsal-- "Maybe if you'd come to rehearsal." Maybe you need to rehearse sitting in a box, Anton. I don't. - Fine. - Not this guy. [SCREAMING] I can't breathe, I can't breathe! - Yes, you can! Yes, you can! - No, it's so small! Relax. It's only been 20 minutes. BURT: Don't touch me! ANTON: Okay. [CONTINUES SCREAMING] We're just having fun! [BURT CONTINUES SCREAMING] ANTON: Burt! Stop it! Please, just calm down. - Burt, you're going to break the box. - No, you're gonna break the box! [CROWD GASPING] [SCREAMING] [GASPING] BURT: Help us! Help me. Help me. - Burt! - Help me, I'm slipping! Aah! [CROWD GASPS AND BURT SCREAMING] This is the best trick ever! ANTON: Hold on, Burt! Breathe, Burt! - Don't panic! - Shut up! MAN: Lower the crane! ANTON: What are you doing? No! BURT: Climbing! ANTON: Hey, not there! You're killing me! Hurry up! Unh! [WOMAN SCREAMS] No, Bum! [BURT SCREAMING] [GASPING] ANTON: Oh, my ankles are broken. Aah! Your face got me right in the knee. I told you this was a bad idea. This wasn't a bad idea, Burt! It was a good idea screwed up by a pompous ass! Oh, really? Agh! This partnership is over. I quit! What? Just because a couple of broken ankles? - Some of his ribs are broken. - You are so selfish! Me? I can't believe I put up with you for so many years! You know what? I don't need you. Nobody comes to see you. They call it "The Incredible Burt Anton" not "The Incredible Burt theIncredibleAnton"! -"The incredible" applies to both of us! - That is a hateful thing to say! Whatever! You're welcome to it! - Good luck, you incredible asshole! - Aah! - You're gonna be all right. - We don't know that yet. ANTON: Oh. You're the asshole. That's it? Thirty years of friendship, Burt. Say something. Ladies and gentlemen The Hot Box! MAN: Yes, folks, it's truly a sad day. DOUG: Judah! Judah, move your little ass. [KNOCKING ON DOOR] JANE: Burt, are you here? Oh, hello, Nicole. I'm taking a tub. -It's Jane. I'll wait till you're done. - No! It's a bubble bath. You can't see anything. Come on in. Okay. I just think we need to talk about everything because I just-- Oh, my God! Burt. Oh. The bubbles seem to have dissipated. [WATER SPLASHING] There. That's not better. Listen. I wanted to talk to you about the show. The show goes on. Well, it's called "Burt Anton: A Magical Friendship." - Yes, and? - Anton is gone. [BLOWS RASPBERRY] - So? - How are we gonna do the show? - Nicole. Let me explain something. - Jane. I don't need a partner. I never needed a partner, certainly not Anton. He was just a weight around my legs. What did he ever bring to the equation? Business acumen and ideas and friendship. Pfft! Better off without him. - You think you can handle it on your own? - Mm-hm. - Give it a shot, because I can't watch this. - I don't need him and I don't need you! Good, because you don't have us. And another thing! Why don't you get in the tub? JANE: Oh, God. [DOOR CLOSES] [STEVE MILLER BAND'S "ABRACADABRA" PLAYING ON SPEAKERS] Abra, abracabadbra I wanna reach out and grab ya Abra, abracabadbra Abracabadbra Ladies and gentlemen, I'm Burt Wonderstone. But, of course, you already knew that. [ON SPEAKERS] Abra, abracabadbra I wanna reach out and grab ya Abra, abracabadbra Now, what you may not know is that I have been magical friends with each other since I was young boys. I've always known that there was something different about my friendship with myself. Hey, remember my games of Hangman? I sure do. But I played them a little differently than the other kids. [DANCE MUSIC PLAYING ON SPEAKERS] Hold on, hold on. Cloak. "Hangman." - That was shit. That was shit. - I think that went pretty damn well. DOUG: It was a train wreck! That is it! I'm pulling the plug! What are you talking about? You said you were gonna do a new show! That was the same show, just without Anton! You can't be magical friends with yourself! Fine! Any hotel in Vegas would kill to have Burt Wonderstone. - Really? - And besides, I put away a ton of money. You put away almost nothing. What are all these words? This is gobbledygook. - What about all my investments? - Yes, okay. Good. What about them? Here you go. There's your imported Mexican spring water, Aqua de Leche. That was a very classy product. High-end packaging. It's Mexican water, Burt. You were selling the promise of diarrhea for three bucks a bottle. How about the millions you put into that theme restaurant. James Cameron's Titanic Cafe was a great idea. Our only mistakes were: A, made the floor too slanty, food kept sliding off the plates and B, did not get James Cameron's permission. Gotta get permission. We talked about that. It's your lavish lifestyle. Don't you understand, Burt? You spent $75,000 last month on bed sheets. Are you telling me that I don't have any money? You have a savings bond. Here. [BURT SCOFFS] Two hundred dollars that my nana gave to me. Yeah, $200 in 1973. Today it is worth: $248. Hmm. Hmm. The pout. [WHIMPERING] [CONTINUES WHIMPERING] [CELL PHONE RINGS] Burt'? BURT: Hello, Nicole. How are you? That's great. I had to give up my suite, so I was wondering if I might be able... crash at your place for a couple of nights. - Oh, that's probably not a good idea, because-- BURT: Well, here's the thing. I have not eaten in 24 hours because it turns out that room service does not deliver outside the hotel. Yeah, that's pretty standard. I-- [SIGHS] I guess you could stay here for a night. Do you know where I live? [KNOCKING ON DOOR] I am in need of rabbit food and birdseed. - Wow. You really were hungry. - Mm. I almost ate one of my rabbits. But they're riddled with lice. Look at me. Burt Wonderstone, the greatest magician in the world sitting in this cruddy little apartment, eating slop. What is this? It's pan-roasted tilapia with squash blossoms. [GROANS] Horrible gruel. I imagine this is what prisoners eat. I'll get it. Let me get that. Thank you. Oh, that's not- - Um. 0K8)'- [SPEAKS IN SPANISH] JANE: That's me and my grandmother. She was a showgirl. I used to come visit her in Vegas and that's when I first saw your show at the Golden Nugget. It was so good. I knew right then and there that I wanted to do magic. - Really? JANE: Yes. Do you know what time it is? It... Very good. Give it back, please. I already did. - Fine. You can do a little sleight of hand. - Oh, your wallet. Hmm. Oh, God, you really are broke. Five dollars? L- - I actually need that. Don't crumple it. I have millions of ideas for tricks, Burt. Did you really think I wanted to be a magician's assistant? - Yes. JANE: No, Burt! Make me your partner. - Poor, sweet Nicole. - My name's Jane. My act is incredibly intricate. It is a product of years of study and training and, no offense, but you are a girl. You gotta be kidding me. Not that girls can't do magic. It's just that men are better at it. You know what? I don't want you staying here. And I don't want to work with you. Legally. When I saw you ten years ago, you loved what you did. I could feel it all the way in the back row and now you're just a sad, pathetic shell of what you once were and I don't want any part of it. What are you doing? Did I misread the situation? - Yes. Badly. Just get out. BURT: Fine. - I have many options. JANE: Great. [SIGHS] [SIGHS] [BURT WHIMPERING] It's so small. No, I'm saying this bed is the size a dog would use, or a small child. I need a bigger bed. This is your town, Burt. Tomorrow you take it back. BURT: Steve Wynn, please. Burt Wonderstone. Well, do you know when he'll be out of the meeting? [BIRD TWEETING] Shh. I'm trying to talk to Steve Wynn. Would you tell the Hilton family Burt Wonderstone called? Can you have Mr. Trump call me back? I don't care which Hilton. Nicky will do. Well, can you have Mrs. Trump call me back? Mr. Luxor, please. I don't understand. DAVID: Don't think so. I'm not looking for a partner. I've been a solo act for a million years and it's going pretty good. - David, how long have we been friends? - We're not friends. Mm-hm. Mm-hm, but if we teamed up, it could bring your career to the next level. Well, I have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Imagine this: "The Incredible Burt David." No. BURT: All right. Thank you. I can make a lot of liquids disappear but nothing makes liquids disappear better than Bounty paper towels. They're the quicker picker-upper. Two rolls for 2.99. TERRY: All right, Burt. - This should do it. - Thank you, Terry. If I can do anything else for you, you have my card. TERRY: Got it. - My cell phone number's on there. TERRY: Uh-huh. BURT: I will leave my ringer on vibrate. [CHEERING] WOMAN: You're the man! MAN 1: That's right, Steve! I'm sure you've seen people walk on red-hot coals. But I doubt you've seen anyone spend the night on red-hot coals. MAN 2: No way! You know what I say when I see a bed of red-hot coals? ALL: Bring it! Lucky guess. [SIZZLING] [CROWD GASPING] Now, what you're smelling is not barbecue, ladies and gentlemen. It is my actual flesh. MAN 3: That's crazy. See you in the morning! Somebody get me a wake-up call, or I'll sleep right through! [SNORES] [SCREAMS] [ALL GASP] [CONTINUE SCREAMING] [SNORES] [SCREAMING] [SNORES] [SCREAMING] [ALL CHEERING] [CAR HORN HONKS] MAN: Under the O, 62. This is our common room where you'll be doing the majority of your shit. What kind of people end up here? NURSE: Well, most of them were performers on the Strip. - Lounge singers, strippers. - B-1, baby. NURSE: Celebrity impersonators. - So this is where old entertainers go to die. - Mm-hm. And some not so old. MAN: I-29. BURT: Hello. How are you? What's your name? - Grace. - Mm. Grace, I'm Burt. That's a lovely bracelet you have. May I see that for a minute? Take your time. [SIGHS] The clasp is in the back. Yes. Oh, there we go. Oh. Thank you. Now, watch this. Aah! Where did it go? I don't know. My granddaughter gave that to me. What have you done? Oh. No. It's right here. I have it. I have it. I have it. It's right here. I'm a magician. [WOMAN SOBBING] I should have explained that to you earlier. Oh, my God. [CONTINUES SOBBING] It's all right. Sir, if you would do me a kindness and select one card only from this deck. MAN: He's forcing it on you. - Show the card to others. Do not show me. MAN: Don't do it. He's a hack. WOMAN: Shh. Please put the card back in the deck. Do not show me the card. - I will out the deck once-- MAN: He already knows the card. - Is this your card? - No. - Really? Hmm. That's odd. MAN: It's part of the bit. He's gonna guess wrong twice and then tell you the card's in your pocket. Thank you, sir, for ruining the trick. MAN: Well, thank you for being so terrible. Hey, pal. Cardigan. - What's your problem? - I don't have a problem, but you do. - Oh. - Your Zarrow Shuffle is sloppy your lips move when you do the Elmsley Count and your patter is boring and sad. You wanna try and dazzle people not put them to sleep, for God's sakes. Really? What else? People want to think what they're seeing is real magic, not a magic show. If you don't believe what you're doing, how are they gonna believe? You got no joy in you, son. You got no passion. You may have seen these tricks a thousand times before, but they haven't. Oh, my God. You're Rance Holloway. [BURT GASPS] L. I had your magic kit as a kid. You're the reason I became a magician. I'll give you your money back. Well, I don't think you understand. I am Burt Wonderstone. I gather from that I'm supposed to pass out now'? Well, I headlined at Bally's for the last ten years. I'm very, very famous. Well, I quit the business and I don't read the trades and I'm late for my coma. Well, perhaps we could just talk for a couple of minutes? Bye. [RANGE LAUGHING] COMMENTATOR [ON TV]: This could win it! ANNOUNCER [ON TV]: Tonight on The Brain Rapist: Will there be blood? And that brings us to our profile tonight. A man who left behind the glitz and glamour of Las Vegas stardom to follow a different path. His name is Anton Marvelton. I started Operation Presto! because I saw how much suffering there was in the world. I go to places where the children have neither food nor clean water and I give them magic. And do you also give them food and clean water? Well, no. I'm a magician. I bring magic. Hi, kids! Here you go. That's for you. Here you go, young man. And for you. Let's see that smile. Ha-ha-ha. Don't worry, I have plenty for everybody. What have we here? Presto! Ha-ha-ha. That's not all. Hey, here you go. How about that? [SPEAKS IN SPANISH] There you are. That's for you, and you. They should have fresh rabbits to practice magic with, don't you agree? This area of the world is so troubled. Not only is there rampant poverty and no fresh water but the locals are also hooked on a powerful drug called kratom leaf. It knocks them unconscious for an hour. So I'm trying to get them off the kratom and hooked on magic instead. Now, you're here in part because you had a falling-out with your longtime magic partner and best friend, Burt Wonderstone. ANTON: He was my best friend. He was like a brother to me. And I'll always be grateful to him for showing me my first trick. INTERVIEWER: Do you remember what that was? A disappearing handkerchief. It's the first trick everyone learns, but I'll tell you what. When Burt did it that day it really blew my mind. Rance, let's do some tricks. Rance. Aah! Jeez! What are you doing here? - I wanna do tricks. - What are you doing in my room? - Look what I brought. Remember that? - I don't care. I thought that we could do some tricks together. The whole point of the kit was so that you could do the tricks without me. Ooh! The dangling knot. And the rings. Remember the rings? How do these work again? If I show you how to do the rings, will you leave me alone? We'll see. Ugh. Slide that one out, you need to get the fingers, and there. No good. I can see the corner of the card. - Really? - Yeah. - There? - Yeah. Squeeze your fingers tighter. - All right. - Tighter! How in the hell did you ever perform on a Las Vegas stage? I didn't do very many card tricks. I mostly worked with big giant props. Big giant props. Do you mind if I ask you something? If you feel you should. I mean, one day you were headlining at Bally's the next day you just disappeared. Pass me the salt. Do you remember why you became a magician? Because everybody loves a magician. Right. H ow--? How'd--? How'd--? What you're feeling right now that sense of awe, that sense of wonderment that sense that anything in the universe is possible? That's why you became a magician. That's why I became a magician. - That, and the women. - That, and the women. So why did you just walk away? I was on a stage one day and, all of a sudden, it had become rote it'd become mechanical and I didn't like that feeling. So I walked away and I never looked back. Hmm. Honestly, how did you do that with the bird? It's partially deboned. [CELL PHONE RINGS] Hello? I'll be right there. DOUG: Burt! Burt, how are you? - Doug. - Come here. - How you holding up? BURT: Very well, very well. DOUG: Have a seat. Ah! So like I said, I want to talk to you about performing. Yes, yes, yes. So, what do you think? A triumphant return to Bally's? Or, perhaps, a new show at your new hotel? Well, actually, I had something else in mind. Ah. All right. See, Judah is turning, um... He's turning something, and we're having a little party at the house and when I asked him who he would like to perform at the party he told me he wanted you. Really? [CHUCKLES] I know, I know. I couldn't believe it either. I offered him Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber and Mandy Patinkin. But no, no. He told me he wanted you: The great and wonderful Burt Wonderstone. Hmm. For ten years, I played the biggest room in Vegas. I traveled the world, I dined with kings. - And now-- - I'll pay you 500 bucks. - I will do it! - Good. Doug Munny asked me to perform at his kid's birthday party. Ooh. Are you gonna do it? - I will if you'll be my partner. - I don't know. I'd have to shave. Come on, Rance, it'll be fun. I see it in your eyes. When you do a trick, it's like you're 8O again. I want to show you something that I think will change your mind. I'm 75. WOMAN: Ladies and gentlemen, The Human Pifiata! Now, this morning, I ate a thousand pieces of hard candy and I've got to get them out or I will surely die. - What is this, an escape? - I wouldn't count on it. Come on, hit me as hard as you can. Hit me! Yeah! Is that all you got? [CROWD YELLING] Oh, Jesus. This is disgusting. Can I be a magician when I grow up? Maybe if you get good grades. This is what they call magic these days? This is some kind of terrible shit! [GRUNTING] Go, go, go! WOMAN: Ladies and gentlemen, Steve Gray. [CROWD CHEERING] [MOUTHS] Nicole? [MOUTHS] Jane. Goddamn, that's the worst thing I ever saw in my life. And I saw my kids being born. Holy mackerel. Are you kidding me, Burt? You never told us you were friends with the famous Rance Holloway! It is an honor, sir. - You're too kind. LUCIUS: Mr. Holloway. What in the hell happened to you? I work with cats. Large cats. I went on a date last night and one of them got jealous and ripped my face. - Goddamn. - Well, my girlfriend got it worse. They said this was a magicians' bar. - What are you doing in here? - Mr. Gray. What you do is not magic. It is monkey porn. I understand. It's natural for a dying leaf to be frightened by the autumn wind. -It's not about pulling a rabbit out of your hat anymore. It's about pulling your heart out of your chest. [MIMICKING HEARTBEAT] What the hell is that supposed to mean? It means I take people's nightmares and turn them into dream realities. What in the fuck is a dream reality? And you are...? Hold on a minute, Steve. You're telling us you don't know who Rance Holloway is? - Never heard of him. BURT: We owe this man everything. And you don't know who he is. I didn't say I don't know who he is. I said I've never heard of him. Your skin makes me cry. That's a very sick hombre. Well, when do we start rehearsing our kids' show? - Are you ready? - Let's give it a try. [BURT CLEARS THROAT] - Say, would you like to go golfing? - Sure! Here you go. Let's go golfing. What? [ALL LAUGH] [ALL GASP] - Rance Holloway! RANGE: Thank you. BURT: This is my handkerchief. [LAUGHING] Told you you'd do great. Bun? Hey. What are you doing here? I came to visit my grandmother. Hi. - Hello, darling. - Grace is your grandmother? Yeah. What are you doing here? I entertain the residents. I haven't seen her this happy in ages. We're having an affair. [GRACE GIGGLES AND BURT CHUCKLES] BURT: I don't get it. I don't understand how you can work for Steve Gray. You are so much better than that. You didn't think that when I asked to be your partner. Well, that was a different time. Women didn't have the same freedoms that they do now. It was a month ago. Listen, I know he sucks. I need a job. And I don't have to defend myself to you. - No, I know you don't, Jane. - Thank you. Did you just actually call me by my real name? I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I've been such a jerk to you. And that I was so unprofessional. And that I always called you Nicole, even though I knew your name was Jane. There's like a hundred more things on my internal checklist. Okay. That I objectified you, and that I always stood too close to you and that I yelled at you, and that I tried to make you feel uncomfortable, and that I-- Okay, you can stop. Don't hurt yourself. So whatever I did that was insensitive and stupid, I'm sorry. Well, on behalf of all the Nicoles over the last ten years I accept your apology. Thank you, Nicoles. We were, I don't know, 10, 11 and there was this one kid in class who was always mean to us always picking on us. So we tricked him into pulling flash paper out of the top of a wand. It exploded in his face. The whole class laughed. - Oh, that must've been a good day. - It was the best. The next day, not so much. Kid came back, beat Anton almost to death. - Oh, no. - He was all right. - Least you had Anton. - Yes. I had imaginary friends, and even they were mean, so, heh... - The life of a child magician. - Yes, try being a girl child magician. They called me Magic Bitch. - They did? - Yes. - They called me Magic Bitch. - No. Well, no. Do you have any gigs coming up? As a matter of fact, I have a very important international gala known as Doug Munny's kid's birthday party. - Oh, that's-- - Pathetic. I know. No. I was gonna say cool. Kids love magic, right? BURT: Right. I know you're probably busy but I was thinking maybe you could be there. Ooh. I am busy. But I'll be there. BOY 1: Judah is so lucky. Rance, it's Burt. The party is today. Just a gentle reminder. Uh, call me. - Ah, you made it. - Yep. Well, I love cake, so... You ready? I think I'm ready, but Rance isn't here yet. So I'm a little-- - Rance is not here. JANE: Don't worry. You'll be fine. - I'm not nervous. Thank you. JANE: Right. - Good luck. - I don't need luck, I need Rance. JANE: He'll be here. - All right. 0K8)'- DOUG: Ladies and gentlemen I want to thank you all for helping me celebrate my son's... - How old are you? - Ten. My son's 10th birthday. Judah, my love my life my dreams. - Happy birthday. - Thanks, Dad. Now, of course, Judah's birthday isn't the real reason I invited you all out here today. As many of you know, my new hotel, Doug, will be opening soon. And in a few weeks, I myself will be hosting a showcase of Vegas' hottest acts. Whichever entertainer dazzles me the most will be getting a five-year contract as Doug's headliner. How about that, huh? And I am very pleased to announce that we have our first official entrant into that competition right here with us today. He's a world-famous magician. Ladies and gentlemen Steve Gray! [CROWD CHEERING] DOUG: Great to see you, Steve. Thanks for coming. And I'll see you next month at the showcase. Ha, ha. All right, ladies and gentlemen. Now, to entertain the children Burt Wonderstone. Thank you. JANE: Whoo! I have a question for you. Don't you wish you had a quarter for every time your parents told you to clean your ears? ALL: Yeah. - Well, there's one. BOY 1: That's crazy! ALL: Ooh. And, yes. Oh, there's another one! And the birthday boy. When was the last time you cleaned behind your ears? - Never. - I didn't think so. Because Judah has the grodiest ear of all! - Whoa. - You are rich, my friend! BOY 2: That's so cool. BOY 3: Amazing. - Here you go. STEVE: Wait! - You kids wanna see some real magic? BOY 4: Yeah. ALL: Yeah! GIRL 1: All right! I'm pulling my thumb off. That's not it. Steve, what are you doing? You're not supposed to be performing today. Just giving the people what they want. Hey, guys. Check this out. You know, if you're like me, you're probably thinking: "That coin trick. That was a tasty little hors d'oeuvre. But my inner child is hungry and crying out for something more nourishing. What have you got on the grill?" WOMAN: Oh, my gosh. - What is he doing? - What is he doing? STEVE: You see that? You see what I'm doing there? Hmm? Look at it. Look at it! Now look at this! [CHILDREN SCREAMING] In cursive. MAN 1: Yeah! - Mm. That is a terrible trick to do for children. What if they try and copy you? I'll sue them. -It's my trick. BURT: Hey, guys. Have you ever been to a party and someone has on the exact same outfit? BOY 4: Definitely! BOY 5: Sure! Well, here is a solution for that. ALL: Whoa. BURT: I thank you. BOY 6: Amazing! Wonderstone! BOfing! Here's how I hammer a nail. [ALL GASP] STEVE: You need any work done around the house, let me know. - Built my summer cottage that way. - All right. Very good. Very good, indeed. But this is a classic. Meaning it's been done. Judah, what is your favorite animal? A mole, a sloth, a puppy? 'A PUPPY- - A puppy. A PUPPY- Let's make a puppy for Judah's birthday, shall we? There you go, a puppy. Hmm. It's not really that cute, is it? Sort of a lame puppy. I think I can do better. I'll start again. Alakazam! Oh. BURT: There you are, my friend. Happy birthday, Judah. Wow, thanks. I'm going to call him Wonderstone. Can I see Wonderstone for a second? Hey, everybody. Watch this, everyone. What an adorable little life form. You know, I bet I can make him even smaller. And a little less adorable. - I like to squeeze him really hard! - Stop it. Give me the dog. Give me that dog! Give him to me. Ash! WOW! Wonderstone has disappeared. I wonder where he went. Probably where all Wonderstones go eventually. Into obscurity. Daddy! Daddy! He crushed my dog! Are you sure about that, Judah? Are you sure about anything? Because I think I hear something moving in this box right over here. Go ahead and open that. Wonderstone! You're okay. - Boom. - Ha, ha. That's a different dog, you sick bastard. Where's the other one? STEVE: Don't you worry about it. He's in a very safe place. [PUPPY BARKS] [PUPPY BARKS AND BURT GASPS] TOP that, puppy pants. Goddamn you. [CHUCKLES] BURT: Happy birthday, Judah. Chin up, Burt. Bad things don't happen to us, they happen for us. - Why couldn't you let him do just one show? - Because I want that gig at Doug. Not really, I don't care. I want it. - What is wrong with you? - Nothing's wrong with me. Everything's in perfect alignment. I've worked long and hard to get where I am and no one's gonna stop me. Not Wonderstone, not you. Not even me. The future belongs to Steve Gray. And in case you haven't noticed I'm Steve Gray. Well, Steve Gray, you are a terrible human being. And what's worse, you're a really bad magician. So I quit. Nice exit line, but I'm still here. What are you gonna do now? Walk off in a huff. Excellent. Ugh, women. They're a mystery, Judah. [PUPPY WHINING] Bun? Oh. - He put a dog in my pants, Jane. - I see. - He put a live dog in my pants. - I'm sorry. - No one's ever done that to me before. - I hope not. He was teething. So gross. [CELL PHONE RINGS] Hello? What? Rance. - I missed the show. BURT: Oh. Don't worry about that. This is Jane. Hi, Jane. Rance Holloway. Of course. I know who you are. - What happened? - I had a stroke. I don't recommend it, either. It's not as much fun as they tell you in the brochures. How'd it go? Did you do the tricks? Oh, it was fine. Did they laugh? Were they amazed? They loved it. It was great. Great. If I'd known how much fun it would be to work with a partner, I would have done it years ago. [RANGE GROAN I NG] Oh, my God. It's time for my final disappearing act. Goodbye, Burt. JANE: Where did he go? He has gone to a better place. Goodbye, Rance. - He's under the bed. - I know. ANTON: Hey, Weinselstein. You came back. But what about your work with the poor? Yeah. They didn't actually want magic. They wanted food and clean water. The fools. Please. So...? So... It's so good to see your face. [WHIMPERING] Would you like an onion ring? -[SOBBING] I missed you so much. - Oh, Burt. - I just missed you so much. - I missed you too. [IN HIGH-PITCHED VOICE] After what I did to you at The Hot Box I didn't think you'd be my friend anymore. I can't understand you. I didn't think you wanted to be my friend anymore. No, Burt, I'll always be your friend. And I'll always be your friend. I can't tell you what that means to me. -[IN NORMAL VOICE] Yes, you can. - It means a lot. Your friendship means more to me than anything in the world. Burt, stop. [WHIMPERING] So happy- I'm so happy- I'm so happy- Oh, I promised myself I wasn't gonna do this. I promised myself I was going to do this. BURT: Ah, there it is. The enchanted notebook. I've always kept it with me. There are some really great ideas in here. - What about "Raisin Storm"? - We did it. Arsenio in '91. - What about "Stinky, Stinky 2x4"? - That one's really hard on my back. Oh, yes. Listen, guys. We just need one big trick for Munny's showcase. Some sort of grand illusion that will really blow people's minds. Hey, wait a minute. What's "The Disappearing Audience"? - Ugh, that was the trick we could never crack. - Yes. How do you make an entire audience disappear without them being in on it? - You'd have to knock them out or something. - Well... - That herb thing. - Kratom. What? It's a leaf they chew in Cambodia. It knocks them right out. We would have to drug a thousand people without their consent? Hmm. Mm. JANE: Guys, no. What? You can't be serious. That would be dangerous and also illegal. - She has a point. - Yes. Yes. Yes. We should test it first. Do you think this batch is ready? I don't know. Check it. [BOILING] Do you think this batch is ready? I don't know. Check it. Okay. Does everybody know what they're doing? - I'm ready. - Me too. But I am a little nervous. Anton, what could possibly go wrong? Somebody could die. We can go to prison. See? When you say it out loud, it doesn't sound so bad. Jane, Anton and I have been talking. And if we get this gig, we'd like you to join us. - I'd love to. - Not as our assistant. As our opening act. We think that you're a hell of a magician, and we would like you to be our partner. JANE: Oh! All right. Heh. Okay, I'm just gonna head out. Happy for you GUYS- Sorry, sorry. Forgot my sweater. Okay. Bye. Happy for you. JANE: All right. - Oh. - I believe that this is yours? Very good. Mm. Oh. You have, urn, something in your ear. - Very nice. JANE: Thank you. Unfortunately, I don't think that will work for me. JANE: Aah. - Really? - No, it's just for the trick. Oh, okay. [IN HIGH-PITCHED VOICE] He's touching me where it doesn't feel good. [IN LOW VOICE] What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. L-lup- Okay! Okay! Yeah, that was something! Okay, get off. Go ahead. Yeah. Ahem. Sorry about that. Heh. [ALL LAUGH] Next up, a man who lives on the cutting edge and the burning edge and the gouging edge of magic. You may know him from his TV show, Brain Rapist. So prepare to have your brains raped. Ladies and gentlemen, Steve Gray! [AUDIENCE CHEERING] Thank you. But I'm not here for applause. I'm different than the other magicians you'll see tonight. In fact, I'm not planning on doing any magic at all. Instead, I want to do a little thing I call: Now, according to my research, there's a narrow angle where one can drill into the skull missing all the vital parts of the brain. [AUDIENCE GASPS] STEVE: Now, I've been informed by my medical team that I may lose one of my senses leaving me with only five. And no longer special in any way. Yes, just like one of you. So cross your fingers for me. Oh, and, parents, if you have small children with you you might want to lift them up so they can see better. All right, without further delay let's change everything. [AUDIENCE GASPING] [LAUGHS] [AUDIENCE GASPS] Oh! Ta-da. [ALL GASP] MAN: That was great! - Thank you. WOMAN: Do it again! Hey, when did you guys get here? Oh, I left my drill. I left my drill out there! I left my drill! Oh, boobies. DOUG: That's why he's a star, ladies and gentlemen! Steve Gray! Let's hear it! Ha, ha. Thank you. I feel bad for anyone who has to follow that act. [CHUCKLES] And now, to follow that act Burt Wonderstone and Anton Marvelton, ladies and gentlemen! Yes! Ha, ha! ANTON: Thank you. Thank you very much. Good evening. For 15 years, Anton and I did a little show called: "Burt Anton: A Magical Friendship." But as some of you may know, we recently had a falling-out. Yeah, we fell right out of The Hot Box. [ALL LAUGH] See, ladies and gentlemen, along the way we forgot the most important thing of all, and that is that Burt needs Anton. Oh. And Anton needs Burt. Because that is what a magical friendship is all about. Tonight, we offer you the one illusion that we dreamed about as kids but never dared perform until now. I guess you could say that this trick started 3O years ago on my birthday when I was given a Rance Holloway Magic Kit. And I watched the instructional video for the very first time. Hello, my young friends. I'm Rance Holloway. You've probably seen me on The Merv Griffin Show or live onstage at the fabulous Stardust Resort and Casino in Las Vegas. Magic is the art of making people believe something they know can't possibly be true. For example, if I were to say to the man in the second row aisle seat: "That's the ugliest goddamn orange sweater I have ever seen" you might be astonished, because there's no way I could've known what he'd be wearing when I recorded this 3O years ago, right? Well, let me tell you something, folks: You ain't seen nothing yet! [AUDIENCE GASPING] [AUDIENCE GASPING] No, you ain't seen nothing yet. Because now Burt and Anton are going to make all of you everyone in this audience, man, woman and child disappear from this very theater. [INDISTINCT CHATTERING] WOMAN: Where are we? Oh, my God. ANTON: Thank you! Thank you! - Thank you very much! - Thank you. ANTON: Thank you! BURT: Thank you! We did it, Anthony. We sure did, Albert. Burt, Anton! Congratulations! You got the gig. I don't know how you did it. - This was one hell of a trick. - Thank you, Doug. DOUG: And I was sure this was gonna be a disaster. Just one thing. You're gonna make the audience reappear again at the Doug, right? Not a problem. Because I make a shitload of money off them in the casino. All right. Very proud of you. Yeah. Not bad. But wait till they see what I have planned. I'm gonna drill a hole in my head. Right here. Ahead of my time. [English - US - SDH] ( ROCK MUSIC ) ( BABY CRYING ) ( ROCK MUSIC CONTINUES) ( BABY CRYING ) ( SIGHS ) Ssh, ssh. It's okay. It's okay. I'll take care of it, okay? I'm gonna take care of it. Ssh. ( BABY BABBLES ) You're live with Larry King in our special report... and continuing coverage on Vatican City... where details remain unclear, but officials have confirmed the theft... of one of the Catholic Church's most coveted possessions. Early speculation is that the Shroud of Turin... the burial cloth of the prophet Jesus, has been taken from its safe keeping. Most experts are already pointing to Giovanna Nocera... the notorious European spy outed at the turn of the century. Others are calling it a smoke screen set up by the church itself. MOTHER: Cory, you heard the baby crying, didn't you? I thought that was you. Maybe because you're starving him. Where's his Yorbetal? My What? The baby's Yorbetal, his medicine. Where is it? Oh, we're out. What do you feed my baby brother, huh? This? And where's his Yorbetal? I told you, we're out. You're taking pills again? Put it back. Like you know about having kids. Those are my pills. Stop worrying about your pills. He's in there and he's shitting like a goose. We gotta get him his Yorbetal, Ma. ( BABY CRYING ) You know what you need to get? A job. Who needs a job? Fool. Niggah, go clean that shit up, man. (TIRES SCREECHING ) Get the big steel, man! ( OMINOUS MUSIC ) Marti, please don't make me worry about you, okay? No cowboy shit, just stick to procedure. There it is. 764. Potential mark spotted entering the house, 764 Harper. GEAC: Copy. Okay, switch to mobile. Mom kicked me to the curb. Said not to come back without the baby's medicine. Make yourself useful and hand Granddad that bottle there. A bottle of that baby medicine runs about 20 bucks. Any ideas? (WATER DRIPPING ) ( UNZIPS, PEEING ) ( DOOR OPENS ) All right, Grandpa. Where you think you're going? To The Space Bar. Come back later in the week, I'll have some cash for you then. MALA: I don't understand why you have to do this right now at this time. But you know the theater only puts on three shows a year. This is the last one and they've offered me the part. How do I say no? Do you get paid? Yes... half rate. Half rate? Well, I mean, the rest is deferred. It's based on ticket sales. And the role? It's perfect. It's the musical Planting Seeds In Cement. You remember, okay-- It's Little Shop of Horrors meets Sling Blade. It's the role of the botanist who discovers that the poisonous plants have voices. It's huge. The poisonous plants, they sing? It's kind of silly, honey. How'd you end up on the curb? It started with that fateful call. That call you missed. The call I got, changed my life. Was Tuesday night like any other when that phone rang. I knew I could trust the voice right away, for no other reason except... knew one of my most personal secrets, something I've never shared with anyone. What did someone say that could convince you? She knew. I got my hair cut every 3,000 miles. BROWN: What does that mean? Every time I got my car's oil changed, every 3,000 miles, I'd get my hair cut. (EERIE MUSIC) Oh, no, I know that look. Why does every character you play die? It's the biggest moment in the piece! Of course, it is, any time a character dies on stage it's big. I don't write the plays. All right, I got it. I got it. Why can't you try a role that, you know, has some growth? That actually learn something, that has happy ever after. Why is someone who's dying or killing themselves? How does he go? Let me guess, death by poisonous plant? Well, I mean, not exactly. Oh, really? The third act. All right, it's a step up. Yeah, it is. I think it's the role that's gonna launch me. Now that I'm having a child, I am not going out there and watching you die. - - I'm not. - - Okay, it's not... It is not me, it's my character. Whatever. It's a skill and I'm good at it. You good at dying? You know, babe, you're sick. Okay, right here, it's not right. I'm just saying. What is that? What's what? That thing that's attached to your left hand? It's nothing. ( DOOR OPENS, CLOSES ) ( BABY CRYING ) Okay, is that all? Ah, no. What else do you need? Ah, a bottle of Yorbetal, Infant Yorbetal. Make it two. Okay- Anything else? No, that's it. That's $44.17, let me get you a bag. I've got it. ( DISTANT sun SHOTS) ( MUFFLED YELLING ) (LOUD BOOM) (EERIE MUSIC) What? I really need that medicine. (BREATHING HEAVY) Sh- - Shane... Shane! ( MUSIC CONTINUES) Don't know when Don't know when But I know we'll meet again Some sunny day FUEISHA (V.O.) Have you ever bit the inside of your cheek? ( ELECTRONIC MUSIC FADES UP ) ( MUSIC CONTINUES) Delivery service? ALEXA: Yup, that's me. You schedule a delivery? Yes, you have room on this? Of course, I do. The package is very delicate. Well, worry not, my friend. I guarantee its safe arrival. Oh, ah, cash only. How much? Cross town-- Rush delivery. How rushed? There is only one rush. Well, consider it done, but that kind of rush is gonna put you at the top of the list. And will probably run you, I say $25. Rush delivery. Okay? You got it. ( ROCK MUSIC ) (DOG BARKING) Oh, shit. ( TIRES SCREECHING, HORN HONKING ) They're gonna fucking kill me! What? (TIRES SCREECHING ) (ENGINE REVS) Check this. Would you tap that? Come on. Thank you, thank you! You know you're gonna have too pay me for this? What? It's my business. I don't do this kind of thing for free. Fine, whatever, just go, go, go, go. First lose the hat. ( MUSIC CONTINUES) DOM: Wait, wait, wait! Not this way! Why? Shit! - - Get off. - - What? - - Trust me, quick. - - Thanks for nothing. Wait, wait, wait! Come back! Uh, kiss me. Uh, you can stop now. Do I have to? Well, your friends are gone and I think they would appreciate it. I'm Alexa. You saved my ass. I was dust. Hmm. Well, I guess we will never know now, will we? Uh, I'm Dom. Can you get me out of here? Or something? Or something sounds good. Come on, get on. Hang on, yeah? ( SOFT MUSIC ) That guy was acting so strange, like he knew you or something. Drop the hat. He said something about how he used to watch you. What's your story, dude? Brown, I'll tell you, you gotta start listening to what people don't say. It's the best way to stay focused. How about right up there? Where? For the drink... and the something. I do have some time. ( ROCK MUSIC ) I'll have soda. What can I get you? Ah, two cokes. Two cokes. - - Yeah, that's it. - - Cortez! What do you mean, that's it? What? If all you want is two lousy cokes, hit the vending machine over at the Y. Okay, easy. Just the two cokes, okay? Look at this guy. Don't let him fool you. Every day he comes in here and eats a plate of cavatelli with three meatballs. This is a two-meatball establishment. See that menu! Patrons order and get two meatballs. And if you are gonna bring this sweet lady in here and just order two cokes... then you can kiss the third meatball goodbye. ( BELL DINGS ) What's with that one? Don't pay no attention to her. Come on. Alexa, Sal. Sal, Alexa. - - Nice to meet you. - - Likewise. Come on. Hey, those jokers out there hanging your sign... you gotta keep an eye on them. I know it. That's a cool jacket. Thanks. Where do you get a jacket like that? You make it. Get out of here. Really? Careful. I like the view from up here. Why are they after you? Aw, stupid reasons. They must have thought I was dealing or something. Were you? No, no. Then I'm glad I helped. Yeah, but you didn't know that at the time. You could have been helping the wrong guy. Well, who's to judge, I mean... doing what I do, I could be helping the wrong guy every single day. I got a target on my back, though. I never should have climbed on with you. Don't worry about it. I'm a multi-tasker. I just like to see how much I can handle at once. And you seem to fit. Watch. I can listen to my music while calling a friend on the phone. And-- (DANCE MUSIC) While balancing on the ledge of a three-story building. And... dancing. (HUMMING) Oh, hi, Gwenny. No, I'm still in town. I got held up. Bye, Gwenny. (DOM CLAPPING) It's what you do. Or what you do to me. Time changes every second and so do we. Evolution right before your very eyes. You live life. I like that. I kinda need that. Where are you going? This was nice, but I have to finish my day. No, I mean on the phone you told Gwen that you didn't leave town yet? Oh, that. Very perceptive. I've been saying that for weeks now. What keeps you? Every day a reason to stay... finds me. DOM: Which way you headed? West! How'd you know? This adventure you're heading on, all great adventures go west. Open road, chasing sunsets. Well, I don't know about that, cowboy. But just to get out there... and find that thing. What if... that reason wanted to come with you? Let me finish this first. Wait here, I'll be back here in an hour. ( ROCK MUSIC ) ( MUSIC CONTINUES) ( SCOOTER APPROACHING ) Hey, you. I thought you were gonna wait for me? I was. I will. All that talk about things changing every second. I got a feeling you weren't coming back. Yeah. This is crazy, I mean... I don't even know you and-- This can't work. Let's figure out why not. Come on, get on. Come on! West? Nope, first the delivery. ( OMINOUS MUSIC ) (DRAMATIC MUSIC) (ENGINE REVS) ( SCREAMING ) JUNKSHOW: Go, go, go! (PSYCHEDELIC MUSIC) ( MUFFLED SCREAMING ) FUEISHA (V.O.) Have you ever bit the inside of your cheek? Not just bit, but accidentally chomped down on it really hard? ( ROCK MUSIC ) Get down on the floor What? Please repeat. Who, me? I didn't say anything. Got it. -- 3000 Harper block. - - Yeah, I know, I know. What is this? Why are we stopping here? GEAC: Open Com enabled. ( LOUD HIGH-PITCHED TONE ) Son of 3.. GEAC, is Mark established. GEAC: Negative. Is ball in play? GEAC: Cannot confirm. Another ghost. Don't be disappointed. As long as the day ends clean, ghosts never disappoint me. Okay, I'll be the disappointed one. Fuck! Listen, Marti, if there's a mark to bring in, we do it. Bitching that the mark may not exist is a little twisted. - - Unless intel can't locate it. - - Yeah, sure. I need to bring one down. I want to bring one down to send a message straight to the top. All within the law. The law! You got it? Whose law? They're not out there playing by our rules. If we don't play it by our rules, we're the same as them. Okay, ease off the nobility juice. I gotta be honest, your angle is way off on this. Way off! Write it up, Cub Scout. And don't forget to cash your check when innocent kids die. Come again? What's that? You want to talk about noble ground? You would sell your nobility for a week's wage at any given moment. GEAC: Mark located. Info received. Apprehend mark. Await further instruction. Marti, please don't make me worry about you, okay? No cowboy shit, just stick to procedure. There it is, 764. Potential mark spotted entering the house, 764 Harper. GEAC: Copy. Okay, switch to mobile. (DRAMATIC MUSIC) LARRY KING: Do you agree that the church should take some responsibility here? MAN: That would be a first. Larry, it's implausible to think that someone... could infiltrate the Vatican security. But we're not just talking about someone here. Giovanna's network is known to reach well beyond Europe. Network, Larry? I thought this was a spy we were talking about. Sounds like you're ready to call her a terrorist. You said that, not me. Heading out? On your knees! Yes, sir. Hands behind your head. Up, come on! Come on, we're going in the house. Let's go! - - Stay put! - - Okay, okay. CLYDE: Come on, come on. - - Get up. - - We're taking the mark in the nest. I'm innocent. Innocent men don't run. Innocent men sometimes must run. Oh, look! That's a lot of cash. A lot of cash for an innocent man in a neighborhood like this. SAHEL: I earned it, hard work. I know my rights. Where is your warrant? - - Huh? - - Hmm? - - Feel that? That is nothing compared to... - - Marti! How it's gonna feel when I strap this straight to your tongue. Marti, look, just-- Why don't you take the back rooms, I'll deal with him. GEAC: Mark two within perimeter. Exact location unknown. Copy. COPY- No materials located on mark one. GEAC: ls search complete? Negative. Marti, back room, come on! Aw, Jesus fucking Christ! We don't have time for this. We need to call in The Bag. Listen, get the fuck over here! Listen, listen! Take it easy! Take it easy. You are way out of line. You jumped him out of the gate. We don't have time. Until this goes Code Zero, we got nothing but time. I am not calling The Bag. I've never called The Bag, I'm not starting today. I am not gonna be the one responsible when these aliens set a bomb off on my soil! Who said anything about a fucking bomb? This isn't even a Code Zero, it's standard procedure. Wake up! Look around! This thing could be a Code Zero in a matter of minutes... and if we're not prepared, I'm calling in The Bag. Hey, listen to me! Listen to me! This is not a fucking Code Zero, all right? Our job is to clear the nest and extract whatever information we can from the mark. Just go and clear the fucking nest! Have a seat. Look, I'm not gonna touch you. She's not gonna touch you again, okay? You may just be innocent, contrary to what's already happened. We're not here to judge you, either way. We have information that links you to a chain that may be transporting illegal materials. I don't do this. Listen to me, all right? Okay, listen to my words and we'll find out exactly what you know. Razor, fire, cloud. Master. Wreck. Master. SAHEL: You fucking pig. You have no soul. Is that so? What else? Your life will die. Yes, eventually. Your way of life. Everything you stand for. Your work, your belief... is about to crumble and die. How's it going to happen? Look around. It's happening. There's not much happening here. It will. When will this happen? It already has. I was just cleaning up now. What are you cleaning? Your blood. We are cleaning your blood from our world. What are you using to clean? Ah-. - - A bo... - - A bomb? A what? You've put a bomb into play in our soil? CLYDE: So unbelievable. I've got one shot at this. What could possibly possess you to interrupt? He said bomb! I will not confirm that! He said it! He didn't say bomb! I will not confirm it! Now is there anything in the back? No, and quit acting so goddamn patient. First sweep, nest is clean. Mark offered hints, nothing solid. GEAC: Copy. Hold your position. Second mark is on the board and locked. The Bag is onsite. You didn't. ( STEPS APPROACHING ) I did. ( DOOR OPENS, CLOSES ) Long time, no see, Clyde. So, you're the sand turd that won't give these fine people the information they want? Should we do it in here? There's a room in the back. What, you don't want to see the action? Tick-tuck. Yeah, right? Bring me in with no more time for any fun. Yeah, that's it. Yeah, I get it. The last to get here, the reason the party's over. I'm the reason the party's over. Sad life. Let's go! You and me. Help me! ( MUFFLED YELLING ) Won't be long, it had to be done. It's the only way. The situation was under control. When she confirms it's a bomb, you can drop your little Boy Scout-- If she confirms! Jesus Christ, you're like a fucking Girl Scout on her first period! Relax, stop stealing my lines. You don't get it. What? You just don't get it. (LOUD BANG, SCREAMING) ( COUGHING, MOANING ) Agent, do not go there. ( MOANING, COUGHING CONTINUES) (GAGGING, CHOKING ) Hey! It's not your job to interfere with her work. Not even curious? That's neither here nor there. Holster that peace maker. Come and have a glance. I will do no such thing and neither will you. Is that right? (GURGLING, CHOKING ) Your friend here. He passed off a brown box to a messenger service. Paid cash. Sent it across town. The box was delivered to him earlier today. He has no idea what's in the box nor where it's going. He's one cog in a network that's moving it. Far as he knows, it's already on to another. The second mark. Which way to the toilet? Call it in. The toilet? In there. Minimal information obtained from the mark. He used an unknown messenger service, delivered it to an unknown location. Probably the second mark. GEAC: Location of second mark confirmed. Transmitting coordinates now. Requesting information for first mark. GEAC: Remove from premises. Pursue second mark. Until we meet again. You called her in, you deal with it. (ROCK MUSIC FADES UP) Please! CLYDE: Do you understand what low-key means? Huh? Get it? Nothing, nothing's-- Just get him in here. Come on, quickly, quickly. Get up! Go! Get! Getting shit all over the back seat! Go, let's go! - - You, get down! - - Let's go! CLYDE: Unbelievable! You fucking clown! Oh, shit! It's her! Cut the bullshit! Okay? Just please calm down. Or what? Fuck you, or what! You have routinely put us in harm's way every time! - - I'm done with it! - - You're done with it? Yes! MARTI: You had your chance back at the ranch. We've got one in the net and the catfish on the hook! Time to drop the handbook, Boy Scout! Goddamn it, I wish you would just leave your fucking cape... in the goddamn trunk, you stubborn bitch! Oh, yeah! Feel it? I'm these bitches. Down! I'm talking to you! I am truly fucking sick of this shit. Whoo! - - I don't know why I even put up with this shit! - - Focus! You know they were rational adults that listen! I get with you, my life, all of a sudden... becomes a goddamn horror show! (CROWD SCREAMING ) FUEISHA (V.O.) Are you looking for Giovanna? Experts are saying the rate of espionage of this nature... may include some people not aware-- (BLUES ROCK) BROWN: What time is it? It's now the top of the hour and you're tuned in to the evening news. I'm hungry- Keep digging.- You're bound to find something. BROWN: I'm digging! What time did you say it was? It's 2:00 o'clock, Tom. Now back to you. Already 2:00? Already 2:00... and yes, Tom, according to the polls, one again, it's 2:00 and you're hungry. My name is Brown. (MUMBLES) Don't you find it a bit strange. Whenever I tell you the time, your reaction is, "I'm hungry. I'm hungry." BROWN: Cut the shit, I'm Hungarian. We here at the station feel it's the public's right to be informed... of this clock determines hunger conspiracy. BROWN: Cut the shit. Reporting from the street... I see the well-behaved clock watching civilians. The true machinery of the city. It brings back sad memories. Now back to Tom. We haven't eaten since the butt crack of dawn. Quit talking like some idiot. Call it what you want, I call it old fashioned, gut wrenching hunger. And what's all this about memories? Back in the day, the salad days. Before that fateful call-- That call you missed? I don't think a man can get through life without getting the call. I never got any call. Consider yourself lucky. It's not just getting the call, it's answering the call that's important. ( LOUD BANG) Ow, damn it! We're sending you now to Brown on the inside with more. Please, reason with them. There ain't nothing to eat in there. I'm feeling faint. Holy-- don't get carried away. We're gonna get back in the game, Brown. Back in the game, come on, get out of there. (BLUES ROCK) I could eat the ass of a low flying duck. How much money you got on you? Um, five bucks. Five bucks? Feel like getting a hot chocolate? Yeah, sure. Hm, I feel like a coffee, you're buying. I think I actually left that five at home. Tom, back in the game. Help us on the way? Help. Hey, you two can't be out here loitering and harassing these good people. Don't be calling me no loiterer. I pick up and throw away any trash I see. According to local authorities... the homeless survey was reported as harassment. - - Survey? - - Yeah, a survey. Exactly what sort of a survey are the two of you conducting? That story and more will be coming up after this short break. Do you need some change? Would you like to borrow some money? - - Thank you. - - God bless. Hey, what sort of horse pucky is that? Now listen, guys, I'm not gonna tell you again, but you-- You're gonna have-- I'll be damned. You, uh... you are-- What's his name? Wow. The best way to deal with ignorance is to recognize it. I used to watch you every night. So, and, was I good? - - You were fantastic. - - Thanks. How in great goodness does it come to this? Wasn't just one thing. He missed his call. Told you I did not miss my call. It had something to do with the science of cloning. The science of cloning? Yep, they're gonna clone the big guy. I know how you feel, I've been there, but now I'm back in the game. (BLUES ROCK) Sweet lordy be. What's wrong with that cop? Why? Why was he acting so strange, like he knew you or something? Sometimes people mistake me for someone else. They'll be happy to know that I'm back in the game. Ah, he said something about he used to watch you. What's your story, dude? Brown, I'll tell you, you gotta start listening to what people don't say. It's the best way to stay focused. All I can focus on is my hunger. Ooh, yeah. That is style. Help is on the way. Aren't you--. That's right. It's me. Hmm. We are now sending you live to the street where Tom has more. We apologize for our audio difficulty... but the way things seem out here today... I believe we'll get a reminder. Reminder that I'm starving? Into the microphone, Tom. I will not talk into your fake microphone until you address me by my name. On the reminder, I'm referring to a Mr. Brown. Can be as simple as a sneeze. Just that something to remind people that they're still alive. Listen, I don't know what you're talking about or why you talk the way you do. What I do know is that guy, that cop, and a couple others... looked at you like they know you from some place. And then you throw out the science of cloning? Who are you, dude? I'm not keen to why people look at me like they do. But I do know this. You are one observant little fellow who stopped to do a little thinking. My advice for that, don't forget to start up again. Well... what are we gonna do with this? Ooh, where did you get that? While you so cleverly had that big, dumb cop distracted... I took advantage of my position and kindly removed it from his holster. You dog, you dirty dog. Well? What are we gonna do with it? Wake up, Brown. Wake up. In the words of the great Howard Jones... "Ours is the age which is proud of machines that think... "and suspicious of men who would try to." So, for Christ's sakes, man... Let's make them suspicious. Hm? Hm? Hey, yo. hey, yo! Hey. yo. hey, yo, what? Little man, step up. Do you trust these clowns? Not by the looks of them. Yo, where'd you get that lid, man? Oh, this hat, they were having a sale at Macy's. Whoa. Not the answer I was looking for, little man. Chill out, homie, I just picked it out of that trash can over there. See? That can right there? Good enough. Let's roll. Did you see the paper today on the Vatican? How am I gonna explain that to my kid? Hey, Bob, did you shower today? Of course. Did you use soap? I used a lavender body splash from McGurkin's. Yeah, well you smell like aquarium rocks. Hand me some wire, not the speaker wire. (BLUES ROCK) One full slice is all I need and I'm good two days. What do you say we put that gun to good use? (CLIMACTIC MUSIC) DOKE: That's right, buddy. Witnesses claim the two entered the pizza joint... where the little one pulled out the gun and held everyone up. While his counterpart grabbed two pizzas... one plain, one pepperoni. But then we'd be out of the game. And I hate pepperoni. That's why I got you the plain, man. (CLIMACTIC MUSIC) DOKE: We're live outside of First Union Bank... where two vagrants are holding ten people... hostage with a hand gun. 30 squad cars and ten helicopters... await their hopeless getaway. Even worse. How about we sell it to a gang? Gangs don't need guns. They're gangs because they already have guns. I've got it. Well, that's fantastic! No, of course, I'm in. Yeah, she's my wife. But it's my art and I don't have to check inwithheraboutmyactingcareer . I look forward to it, yeah. I'll see you then. Finally. ( DOOR BELL RINGS ) Your dog can come in, but you have to wait outside. Good one, Shane! How's business? SHANE: Oh, it's okay. It's like the weather, day to day. Just checking up on our local proprietor, seeing how things are, that's all. Yeah, just seeing how things are. You two are acting kind of different today. Where's Mala? Oh, she's in the back. Why? Oh, as a member of the same community as you... my business associate here and I, we're just a little worried... what with all the problems out on the street. Just want to make sure you were feeling safe, secure. - - Out of harm's way. - - Yes. I'm good, yeah. And if so, what are you two gonna do about it? Just want to make sure, you know... you had yourself some protection. - - Protection? - - Yeah. Would steel put you at ease? Where'd you two get a gun? Let's just say we're back in the game. What do you think? ( SIGHS ) I don't know. Ten clams, it's yours. Ten, huh? It's a bargain. DOKE: Hey, Mala. This store smells nice. How about those Steelers? BROWN: Cranberries. Cranberries. What the hell are you three talking about? Cranberries. Yeah. ( DOOR BELL muss ) Shit, the cheese. I seem to have misplaced my firearm. Misplaced? I know that sounds strange. But I had it earlier and now it's gone. Friend, it sounds like you need to be more astute. SHANE: If I see anything, I'll be sure to report it to you. Thank you. I guess that's all I can ask. Go back in an hour to collect? Ten bucks? Well, as long as he doesn't give it back to that numbskull. Five each. Nicely done, Doke, if that's your name. What? You can try and move around it with your fuzzy logic. But I've seen it there and I've seen it out here. What? Plus, I've noticed you talking kind of funny... like you're talking to someone that isn't there. Somebody I can't see. Haven't you ever watched television? What? Listen, if you'll answer, I'll explain. Have you ever watched television? I've looked at television through the glass when it sits on display. Well, not long ago, I was the anchorman for the local news. Anchorman? I was the host of the show. I reported the news or tried to. It was my face on the tube. Delivering the stories of the day. - - Yes, John Simchak, Channel 7. - - You? At 6:00 and 11:00. You were a celebrity? I wouldn't say that, but I was definitely in the game. And that's why some people stop and stare. They still notice this old face. (BLUES ROCK) How'd you end up on the curb? It started with that fateful call. That call you missed? Call I got, changed my life. It was Tuesday night like any other when that phone rang. I know I could trust the voice right away. For no other reason, except knew one of my most personal secrets. Something I never shared with anyone. What did someone say that could convince you? She knew... I got my hair cut... every 3,000 miles. What does that mean? Every time I got my car's oil changed, every 3,000 miles... I'd get my hair cut. Doke, that's fucking weird. What's really weird is I'd never used the same garage or the same barber. Regardless, she let me know she knew this and more about me. It was enough to get my ear. It was explained to me then. An underground movement had been in motion... and was about ready to reach the mainstream. I guess I had been profiled, I was told. I was chosen, the one to deliver the news to the world. Hell, I already had the attention of quite a few people. A team composed of the top scientific and theological minds. Obviously well educated and extremely well financed. Whose first plan was to clone the prophet Jesus. DOKE: Now, I've heard of cloning sheep. Maybe even humans, but Jesus. I was completely sucked in. I guess they're gonna take DNA from the blood off the Shroud of Turin. That's the cloth they wrapped around his body when they buried him. It raises all kinds of questions. He's supposed to come again. Why not through cloning? Who knows? Maybe he's already here. Remember, this was years ago. On the day of the scheduled meeting, I tried-- Believe me, I followed the instructions. I tried to be there... on time. But everything that could possibly get in my way, did. It's funny how nothing gets in your way when you're not in a hurry... and that's no excuse. A few minutes. Guys go a few minutes late. Who knows what I missed? Maybe all the information and proof I'd need. Maybe the even the shroud itself, everything. And I would need to bring to the world... one of the most significant stories of all time. The greatest reproduction-- The cloning of Jesus. DOKE: But the plot didn't end there. They have plans to bring them all back. Muhammad. Sedata. Lao-Tsé. Smash the line between science and religion... so those people can figure out the sciences of religion. Evolution, no? Yeah. The Jews, the Christians, the Muslims. The Hindus, the Buddhists. Taoists. All slaves... to time. DOKE: People waiting, biding their time. Yearning for a real experience, a true moment. Free of this song, sad routine we're all locked into. Now something's on its way. To straighten out this damn mess. But I missed my chance, then couldn't get there. It's pretty much the beginning of the end for me. But for that... I'm a better human. A wiser man. Wow. You? You were on television? And now... I'm here with you. (LOUD GUNFIRE) ( PEOPLE SCREAMING ) MAN: Call the police! MAN: Everything's gonna explode. ( ROCK MUSIC ) Holy schmoly! We're back in the game. Problem here, it looks like they've got it all under control. Reporting for Channel 7 News. I'm John Simchak, now back to the studio. (MUFFLED GUNFIRE) Some sunny day FUEISHA (V.O.) Have you ever bit the inside of your cheek? FUEISHA (V.O.) Oh, you wish to God it didn't happen. (HIP HOP MUSIC) Get the big steel, man! The big steel? Oh, man, what the deal? Man, home slice is walking down the wrong motherfucking block on the wrong day. Back up? Man, you know the dumb-ass wop supposed to be testifying against Reggie. And getting innocent to the pimp. - - Man, get out of here. - - Ain't nobody that stupid. Shamu, get off my ass, man. Whoa, whoa. He's not in this shit. It ain't worth it! He'll be cleared. If you two care to see him again, don't do this. It's your fucking brother, Reggie, what's he gonna do? Eddie, shut your mouth! Or what? I'll cut your balls off while you sleep. Junkshow. Get in. And go upstate to get rent Can't stay broke Gotta get respect Trippin' off stacks Like an architect You gettin' tired of the city But the city never rests ( ENGINE STARTS ) (ENGINE REVS) (MUSIC FADES UP) There's the dead man right there. This is for Reggie, motherfucker! Shit! Cocksucker! Turn it around, man! Turn it around! Go, go, go! I see this fool, he ain't getting nowhere. - - Fuck! - - Yeah! Yeah! ( GUN JAMS ) Shit! Damn it! Man, fuck! Fool, check this. Would you tap that? What do you think? Cocksucker. Gun jammed up on me, man. Man, that fool ain't getting too far on foot, fool. - - Yeah, all right. - - Keep your head on, we gonna find him. Yeah, okay, okay. He's got to be the luckiest, dumbest pig alive. I'm mean goddamn, man! Shit! Don't worry about it, man. I told you, man, he ain't getting nowhere. Fuck! - - Shit, shit, shit! - - Man, be cool, man. - - What are them guns for? - - Hey! Hey! Oh, shit! What's your ass doing back there? Don't shoot my ass! Get your ass out from back there! Shamu, who the hell is this big, little sister, huh? When did you pick her up? Man, I didn't pick up nobody. SHAMU: Oh, shit, Fuel Fue, what the hell are you doing back there? I needed a ride. Needed a ride? They got taxis for that shit. My feet are sore. And them swollen-ass feet almost got you capped. Now get your ass out this car. Shamu, what are you doing with those guns? FUEISHA: You're not gonna shoot me, are you? Shit, I will. Nobody gonna shot you, Fue. FUEISHA: You promise? - - Yeah, man. Hey, Shamu, we got to lose this shit, man. All right, man, look. Okay, look, Fue... what you're gonna do is you're gonna get out right here. SHAMU: Go home and tell nobody about this, okay? About what? Bitch, get your fat ass out the car! I just need a ride... down to the corner. Shamu, we can't be carting' this pork-ass all around town. All right, man, look. We gonna ride down to the corner... and you gonna get out and go home and say nothing about this. SHAMU: Ah h-ite? Say nothing about what? All right. Steady knocking Motherfuckers out That's what it's all about When I come to they'll probably Figure shit out All on their own And I'm to break out Thought they was in the zone And they've ground Yes, sir They say the sound of the stars Run a ring around the planets From Venus to Mars Who you looking for? Damn, Fue. Who are you looking for? A white devil, little punk-ass snitch wearing a red lid, all right? Lid? Damn, niggah, a red hat! I always leave one alive When I take out a tribe So they can walk on With details of my size Fire in his eyes Like the one on that munchkin? Yeah, just like the one on that munchkin. Hey, yo. hey, yo! Hey. yo. hey, yo, what? JUNKSHOW: Little man, step up. - - That's the hat. DOKE: Do you trust these clowns? - - I don't know, brother, ask him. DOKE: Me, neither. Yo, where'd you get that lid? You mean my hat? They were having a sale at Macy's. JUNKSHOW: Not the answer I was looking for, little man. Chill out, homie. I just picked it out of that trash can over there. That can right there. JUNKSHOW: Good enough. Let's roll. Damn, you ate all those? I love candy bars. You know what, man? Drop her fat ass off right here. No, wait, give me a few more minutes. Ain't nothing good gonna come from a few more minutes. (MUSIC FADES UP) FUEISHA: So, who's Reggie? JUNKSHOW: What? FUEISHA: I heard you shout, "This is for Reggie." Fue, how long have you lived in the hood, huh? You don't know who Reggie is? Reggie's about to get a life sentence. Man, why the fuck we spilling this? FUEISHA: What'd he do? Nothing! All right, he didn't do nothing! And that cracker is planning to ID him in court. If he did nothing, why is he in court? Oprah, chill with the interrogation. You don't need to know Reggie's side of the story. You just need to learn that in this world... your people stand up for they own. FUEISHA: Was he guilty? SHAMU: Does it matter? FUEISHA: So, he was, and this guy you're chasing, he's a witness? He saw Reggie do it and now Reggie is facing time. Yeah, snitching son of a bitch is walking around Reggie's neighborhood... with a shit-eating grin on his face. Good as dead. Well, how is this guy supposed to know where Reggie lives? Dumb fucker better know where he live if he's gonna help put him behind bars. You ever bit the inside of your cheek? Have you? Have I ever bit the inside of my cheek? Not just bit, but accidentally chomped down on it really hard. What the hell are you talking about? Have you? Yeah, that pain's the worst. SHAMU: Yeah, yeah. Do you know that feeling, right after you do it? That slow motion, wishful feeling that it didn't just happen? FUEISHA: You know what I'm talking about. Then comes the real shit, the life swelling, eye-watering pain. And there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. There's no going back and reliving that moment... or maybe just changing things a wee bit. Damn right. And the pain grows and it spreads and you squirm around. Oh, you wish to God it didn't happen, but it did. And now, you have to live with it. But what really sucks is that this never happens on the last bite of your meal. So, now the meal is ruined because your mouth is pulsing. And then sudden jolts of reality runs through your mind. This life will never allow you to go back and remove the pain. It's all there. We all gotta learn from it. We all gotta learn to move on with it. Yo, this shit is whack. Why push the head at the speed of pain? All of us, you, me, you. That guy you're after. No one alive can avoid it. Now, look, I know you're pissed about Reggie. But don't deal with pain by inflicting more. Please, brothers, cause no more pain? Yo, this is all insightful and shit... but sometimes things just have to be finished. Well, thanks for setting me straight, but now I got myself a stomach ache. From eating all that garbage. Well, I ain't gonna go shoot the guy who sold them to me. And do you know why? Oh, here the fuck she go again. 'Cause I stole them candy bars. Stole them, and now I'm paying for it. They call that karma. What the fuck you know about karma? Not much, but I'm learning. (BLUES ROCK) It'd be real easy to take him out, man. You hear me? In Reggie's pain? Or we just be keeping cool. FUEISHA (V.O.): Please, brothers, cause no more pain? Yo. I got him. What you want to do? ( ENGINE STARTS ) ( OMINOUS MUSIC ) That's him. That's him, next light. ( SOFT MUSIC ) Ready? (DRAMATIC MUSIC) SHAMU: Don't do it, man. You know, just scare him a little bit. Make sure he know we know. ( NO AUDIBLE DIALOGUE) Don't know where Don't know when But I know we'll meet again Some sunny day We'll meet again Don't know when Don't know where Honey, I can't-- Are you able to pay for this? ( DOOR OPENS, CLOSES ) GEAC: Apprehend second mark. She is elusive and dangerous. Proceed with caution. GEAC: Code Zero in effect. ( DOOR OPENS, CLOSES ) ( OMINOUS MUSIC ) ( MUSIC CHANGES) You're saying that she worked at the terminal for most of the day? Yeah, she was here from-- Second mark is not present. ( OMINOUS MUSIC ) ADIO ANNOUNCER: here's now speculation that he relic may be here in America. Experts are saying that rate of espionage of this nature... may include some people not aware they're even involved. ANNOUNCER #2: No, no, no, I can't believe that. What I think is that we're just getting started. Armageddon, it's upon us. Now that we've cloned the sheep, how about the shepherd? I'm sure the powers that be-- WOMAN: Are you looking for Giovanna? Oh, yeah, is that you? It is. Oh, well, then, this is for you. Thank you, dear. Right on time. Yeah, no worries. CLYDE: It's not a bomb. (DRAMATIC MUSIC) I have the package. You drive. FUEISHA: Is this your bike? This is my bike. Why? Here. You should have this. Thank you. (ROCK MUSIC FADES UP) They say you have everything But they don't see Behind closed doors You smile And put on a show for them But inside you're scared You're crying And it's lonely at the top No one cares for you They only see right through And it's lonely at the top You can't cuddle up with fame Or hide when you're lost And it's lonely at the top Don't come down You can't buy your way out Of the shades of gold It'll crack your soul When the crowd is here But you know who knows Lonely at the top You can't cuddle up with fame Or hide when you're lost And it's lonely at the top Subs Provided By Worldwide7477 This is Berk... the best-kept secret this side of, well, anywhere. Granted, it may not look like much, but this wet heap of rock... packs more than a few surprises. Life here is amazing, just not for the faint of heart. You see, where most folks enjoy hobbies like whittling or needlepoint... we Berkians prefer... a little something we like to call... dragon racing! Whoa! I'm sorry, Fishlegs. Did you want that? Snotlout, that was mine! Here you go, babe. Did I tell you that you look amazing today... because you do. Come on, Barf. It's starting to stink around here. Nope. Still hates you. Let's blow this place, Belch! All right! Yeah! That's nine for the Twins... Astrid lags with three. Fishlegs and Snotlout trail with none. And Hiccup is... nowhere to be found. Scared him off with the big talk, didn't you, Stoick? What are you doing, Snotlout? They're gonna win now. She's my princess. Whatever she wants, she gets. Ruffnut? Didn't she try to bury you alive? Only for a few hours. Now, dragons used to be a bit of a problem here... but that was 5 years ago. Now, they have all moved in. And really, why wouldn't they? We have custom stables... all-you-can-eat feeding stations... a full-service dragon wash... even top-of-the-line fire prevention if I do say so myself. It's time, Gobber. Righty-ho. The Black Sheep! Come on, Stormfly. We can still win this thing! - Come on, Barf! Go, Meatlug! Whoo-hoo! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! This is your big moment. Have a nice flight! Up, up, up! - No! - Yes! Good job, Meatlug. Here you go, darling. Mine is worth ten. Yeah! The Black Sheep! You guys are fighting for Ruffnut? I'm totally winning! We're winning together! No! Whoo! No one can stop me now! Except for me. We're attached, genius. Quit trying to steal all my glory! Get them, Astrid! It's my glory! Always ruining everything! No sheep, no glory! Gotcha! Whoa! Astrid! Well played! That's my future daughter-in-law! Excuse me. Stormfly! That's 13! Astrid takes the game! Yep, Berk is pretty much perfect. All of my hard work has paid off. And it's a good thing, too, because with Vikings on the backs of dragons... Whoo-hoo! ...the world just got a whole lot bigger. Yeah! So what do you think, bud? You wanna give this another shot? Toothless! It will be fine. Ready? Yeah! Yeah! This is amazing! No longer amazing! Toothless! No! That really came out of nowhere. We have to work on your solo gliding there, bud. That locked-up tail... makes for some pretty sloppy rescue maneuvers, hey? Looks like we found another one, bud. What, do you want an apology? Is that why you're pouting, big baby boo? Well, try this on! You feeling it yet? Picking up on all of my heartfelt remorse? Come on, come on. You wouldn't hurt a one-legged... You're right! You're right! You win. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! He's down. And it's ugly. Dragons and Vikings, enemies again... locked in combat to the bitter... You know that doesn't wash out. So, what should we name it? "Itchy Armpit" it is. What do you reckon, bud? Think we might find a few Timberjacks in those woods? The odd Whispering Death or two in the rocks? Who knows? Maybe we'll finally track down another Night Fury. Wouldn't that be something? So, what do you say? Just keep going? Afternoon, milady. Where have you been? Hi. Winning races, what else? The real question is... where have you been? Avoiding my dad. No. What happened now? You're gonna love this. I wake up. The sun is shining. Terrible Terrors are singing on the rooftop. I saunter down to breakfast... thinking all is right with the world and I get... "Son, we need to talk." "Not now, Dad. I got a whole day" "of goofing off to get started." Okay, first of all, I don't sound like that. Who is this character? And second, what is that thing you're doing with my shoulders? Yeah, that's a truly flattering impersonation. Anyway. he goes... "You're the pride of Berk, son, and I couldn't be prouder." "Aw, thanks, Dad." "I'm pretty impressed with myself, too." When have I ever done that with my hands? You just did. Okay. Just hold still. This is very serious. "You're all grown up..." "and since no chief could ask for a better successor..." "I've decided..." To make you chief! My gods! Hiccup, that's amazing! You're gonna wear out the spring coil. The calibration is very sensitive. Yeah... so this is what I'm dealing with. What did you tell him? I didn't. By the time he turned around, I was gone. Well, it's a lot of responsibility. The map will have to wait for sure... and I'll need to fly Toothless, since you'll be too busy, but... It's not me, Astrid. All those speeches and planning, and running the village, that's his thing. I think you're missing the point. I mean, "chief." What an honor. I'd be pretty excited. I'm not like you. You know exactly who you are. You always have. But I'm still looking. I know that I'm not my father... and I never met my mother... so what does that make me? What you're searching for isn't out there, Hiccup. It's in here. Maybe you just don't see it yet. Maybe. But you know... there is something out there. Hiccup... Stay close. What happened here? All right, easy, bud. Hiccup! Fire! Astrid, look out! Hiccup! Watch the tail! Tie those legs up! Is that what I think it is? Stop! Stormfly! What are you doing? Whoa! Back again? Soil my britches. That is a Night Fury. I thought they were all gone for good. It looks like our luck's had a turn for the better, lads. Don't think Drago has one of those... in his dragon army. Dragon army? Look, we don't want any trouble. Ha! You should have thought of that before you stole all of our dragons... and blasted our fort to bits! What are you talking about? You think we did this? Dragon trapping is hard enough work as it is without do-gooder dragon riders... sneaking in to rescue them. What do-gooder? There are other dragon riders? You mean other than your thieving friend from last night? You tell me. You may have an ice-spitting dragon on your side... but we still have a quota to fill. How do you suppose we explain this mess to Drago Bludvist? Drago what-fist? Does anything you say make sense? He's expecting a new shipment of dragons for his army by tomorrow. And Drago don't take well to excuses. This is what he gave me... last time I showed up empty-handed. He promised to be far less understanding in the future. All right, look, we don't know anything about a dragon thief... or an ice-spitting dragon... or your lunatic boss and his dragon army, okay? Just give us back our dragon and we'll go... strange, hostile person whom we've never met. Where are my manners? I'm Eret... son of Eret. Finest dragon trapper alive. After all, it's not just anyone who can capture a Night Fury. And this is Toothless. He says we're going. They all say that. Rush 'em, lads! Stormfly! Come on! Go! You will never hold on to those dragons... you hear me? Drago is coming for them all! - Come on, Meatlug! Hey, there, Stoick! Hey, how are you? Beautiful day. Hello, Spitelout. Great race. Sorry, Mrs. Ack. Any sign of him? He's probably flown off the edge of the world by now. Are you sure you want that kid running the village? You can still delay your retirement. He's ready. There he is! The pride of Berk! Who finally decided to show up for work. Yay. Sorry. Got held up. Hey, Dad, could I have a word? Something you're itching to tell me? Not quite the itch you're thinking of, but yes. Good man! Now, lesson one. A chief's first duty is to his people, so... 41? Can we just talk in private? Forty... That's me! That's me! I'm next! If we could just talk... Excuse me. I have been here all day. Okay, okay. I want one of those high seaters... with lots of spikes and a big stowage compartment. Absolutely. You got it, sir. Dad, this is actually a little more important than building saddles. Lesson two. No task is too small when it comes to serving your people. Excuse us, Grump. Dad, can we just talk... Grump! You let the forge die down again! That's it, Grump. You're going up for adoption. There you go. Go on. Have away. Seriously, I really need to tell you about this new land we came across. Another one? Any new dragons? We didn't stick around to find out. These folks weren't particularly friendly. Really? Your Night Fury and Deadly Nadder didn't bring them cheering to the rooftops? No, this was different. Not the standard run-for-the-hills hoo-ha I've come to enjoy. These guys were trappers. Dragon trappers. You should have seen their fort. All blown apart and stuck in giant spikes of ice. It was weird! I've never seen anything like it. And worst of all, they thought we did it! You two are gonna get yourselves in serious trouble one of these days. Not everyone appreciates this way of life. Aye, Gobber's right, son. Best we keep to our own. Besides, you'll have more important uses for your time. Once we make the big announcement! They are building a dragon army. Or at least the guy they work for is. Dargo Bloody Fist, or something. I'll bloody his fist with my face if he tries to take my dragon! Or mine! You're such a moron. A beautiful moron. Yeah. Bludvist? Drago Bludvist? Yeah. Wait. You know him? Ground all dragons! What? Why? Seal the gates! Lower the storm doors! Wait! What is happening? Come on! You heard the man! Lock it down. No dragon or Viking sets foot off this island until I give the word! Wait, because some guy you knew is stirring up trouble... in some faraway land? Because Drago Bludvist is a madman... without conscience or mercy. And if he's built a dragon army, gods help us all. Get them into their pens! Quickly! Then, let's ride back out there. We'll follow those trappers to Drago and talk some sense into him. No. We fortify the island. It's our duty to keep the peace! Peace is over, Hiccup. I must prepare you for war. War? Dad, if Drago is coming for our dragons... we can't wait around for him to get here. Let's go find him and change his mind. No, some minds won't be changed, Hiccup. Berk is what you need to worry about. A chief protects his own. Secure the stables! Latch every stall! Hiccup, don't! I have to. This way! Quickly! Hiccup! Come on! Hiccup! Keep your eyes peeled, lads! With this wind, we'll reach Drago by daybreak... so best we fill this ship up with dragons, and quick! It's no time to be picky. Eret? Not if we want to keep our heads! Off the port quarter! Net them, lads! Take them down! You're not getting away this time. Fire! Reload! Reload! Incoming! And here I was... worried we might turn up empty-handed. Nope. It's your lucky day. We give up. That's one Night Fury, one Deadly Nadder... and two of the finest dragon riders west of Luk Tuk. That ought to make the boss happy, right? Excuse us. What are you doing? Toothless, stay. The dragons don't care for cramped spaces, so they'll just hang out with you. They won't be any trouble. Unless you do that. You know, wooden boat, big ocean. How is your swimming? Not good. Oops! Almost forgot. You can't have armed prisoners. How is this a plan? Just what every dragon trapper needs. One end coats the blade in Monstrous Nightmare saliva. The other sprays Hideous Zippleback gas. All it takes is a spark, and... Yeah, there you go. Once they see you as one of their own... even the testiest dragons can be trained. Right, bud? Give me that! What game are you playing? No game. We just wanna meet Drago. Why? Because I'm going to change his mind about dragons. He can be really persuasive. Once you've earned his loyalty... there is nothing a dragon won't do for you. You won't be changing any minds around here. I can change yours. Right here. Right now. May I? Dragon riders! Put me down! Snotlout, what are you doing? See how well I protect and provide? That was... close. Hey, watch it! My. Me likey. Take me. Hold your fire! What are you guys doing here? We're here to rescue you! I don't need to be rescued! Enough! Well, didn't you just pick the wrong ship? I am Eret, son of Eret. Get this thing off me. Anyone else? That's what I figured. You, saddle up. We're going home. No. Of all the irresponsible... I'm trying to protect our dragons and stop a war! How is that irresponsible? Because war is what he wants, son! Years ago, there was a great gathering of chieftains... to discuss the dragon scourge we all faced. Into our midst came a stranger from a strange land... covered in scars and draped in a cloak of dragon skin. He carried no weapon... and spoke softly, saying that he... Drago Bludvist, was a man of the people... devoted to freeing mankind from the tyranny of dragons. He claimed that he alone could control the dragons... and that he alone could keep us safe... if we chose to bow down... and follow him. Stupid. Good one. Aye, we laughed, too. Until he wrapped himself in his cloak and cried out... "Then see how well you do without me!" The rooftop suddenly burst into flames... and from it, armored dragons descended... burning the hall to the ground. I... was the only one to escape. Men who kill without reason cannot be reasoned with. Maybe. Hiccup! I'm still going to try. This is what I'm good at. And if I could change your mind... I can change his, too. Come on. - Let's go. - No! Lead the others back to Berk. I've had enough mutiny for one day. I like that. Ruffnut! Okay! Don't worry, bud. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you. I promise. Come on, Dad! Really? Okay. No sudden moves. Hold on. Hold on. Toothless! Hey! You left my dragon back there! He can't fly on his own! He will drown! Hey! We have to head back for my dragon! Who are you? The dragon thief? Drago Bludvist? Do you even understand what I'm saying? Toothless! It's okay, it's okay, it's okay. I'm glad to see you, too, bud. You really had me worried, there. Hiccup? Could it be? After all these years? How is this possible? Should I know you? No, you were only a babe. But a mother never forgets. Come. Boar-headed! Just like his mother! Aye, she could never stay put either. He's just twenty. And a Viking. Could there be a worse combination? When I think of how stubborn and senseless you were back in the day... Well, not much has changed, actually. You know what he's like. He won't give up, Gobber. And if Hiccup finds Drago, before we find him... Nothing can hurt Hiccup... so long as that Night Fury's around. It's a Night Fury! Find them, Skullcrusher. Find them. Hold on. Wait just a minute. This way! Come back here! Come. You can't just say something like that and run off! You're my mother? I mean, what the... Do you grasp how insane it sounds? Come, quickly! I have questions! Where have you been all this time? What have you been doing? But they said you were dead! Everyone thinks you were eaten by... This is where you've been for 20 years? You've been rescuing them. Unbelievable. You're not upset? What? No. I don't know. It's a bit much to get my head around, to be frank. It's not every day you find out... your mother is some kind of crazy, feral, vigilante dragon lady. At least I'm not boring, right? I suppose there is that one specific thing. Do you like it? I don't have the words. Can I... He's beautiful. Incredible! He might very well be the last of his kind. And look, he's your age. Wow. No wonder you get along so well. And retractable teeth! How did you manage to... I found him in the woods. He was shot down and wounded. This Snafflefang lost his leg to one of Drago Bludvist's iron traps. This Raincutter had her wing sliced by razor netting. And this poor Hobblegrunt... was blinded by a tree snare... and then left to die alone and scared. And what of this? Did Drago or his trappers do this, too? Yeah... The crazy thing is... I'm actually the one who shot him down. Hey, it's okay, though. He got me back! Right, bud? You couldn't save all of me, could you? You just had to make it even. So, peg leg! What did your father think of your Night Fury friend? He didn't take it all that well. But then he changed. They all did. Pretty soon, everyone back home had dragons of their own. If only it were possible. No, really. Believe me, I tried, as well... but people are not capable of change, Hiccup. Some of us were just born different. Hoist the torches! Berk was a land of "kill-or-be-killed"... but I believed peace was possible. Stop! You'll only make it worse! It was a very unpopular opinion. Hiccup! Then, one night, a dragon broke into our house... finding you in the cradle. I rushed to protect you. But what I saw... was proof of everything I believed. This wasn't a vicious beast... but an intelligent, gentle creature... whose soul... reflected my own. Valka, run! No! Don't! Hold on! No! Stoick! Valka! Stoick! Valka. You and your father nearly died that night... all because I couldn't kill a dragon. It runs in the family. It broke my heart to stay away... but I believed you would be safer if I did. How did you survive? Cloudjumper never meant to harm me. He must have thought I belonged here. In the home of the great Bewilderbeast. The alpha species. One of the very few that still exist. Every nest has its queen... but this is the king of all dragons. With his icy breath, this graceful giant built our nest. A safe haven for dragons everywhere. Wait, that's the ice-spitter? He's responsible for all that destruction? He protects us. We all live under his care and his command. All but the babies, of course who listen to no one! I've lived among them... for 20 years, Hiccup... discovering their secrets. He likes you. You must be hungry. Yeah, I could eat. Good. It's feeding time. I don't like it. They should have been back with Hiccup by now. I don't like it either. Eret, son of Eret... was the man of my dreams. My everything! But, baby, I grew facial hair for you. Me, too. What if Drago shot them down? What if they need our help? We have to find them. Wait, what? No, but Stoick said... It doesn't matter what he said, if they have all been captured. Come on! Do we go back? We have nowhere to go, nothing to sell... and no heads to call our own! If we don't turn up with dragons, and fast... Careful what you wish for! Eret, son of Eret! What is this? A kidnapping. - Yay! Can he ride with me? - Can he? You're gonna show us the way to Drago. And help dragon riders sneak into Drago's camp? Just kill me now. That could be arranged. Stormfly, drop it! Good girl! Stormfly, fetch! All right! Okay! I'll take you to Drago! Works every time. Hey, I thought we were going to eat. We are. Then, from Dragon Island... I found this archipelago. There. When I'm up here... I don't even feel the cold. I just feel... Free. This is what it is to be a dragon, Hiccup. It's all well and good to call yourself a dragon... but can you fly? No! Man! Almost! We just about had it that time! Incredible. Well, not bad yourself. All this time, you took after me. And where was I? I'm so sorry, Hiccup. Can we start over? Will you give me another chance? I can teach you all that I have learned these past 20 years. Like... Wow. Now you can make those tight turns. Did you know about this? Every dragon has its secrets. And I'll show them all to you. We'll unlock every mystery... find every last species together... as mother and son. This gift we share, Hiccup, it bonds us. This is who you are, son. Who we are. We will change the world for all dragons. We will make it a better, safer place. Yeah. That sounds amazing. This is so great! Now you and I can go talk to Drago together. What? There's no talking to Drago. But we have to... No. We must protect our own. Come on, we should be getting back. Okay! Look, I got you here. Now get this thing off me. Never take a toy from a dragon. Don't you know anything? Why does this keep happening to me? What's down there? Large diameter bubbles, massive lungs... cold water deep dweller. I'm thinking class five leviathan, maybe six. Meatlug! What's wrong, girl? Drago! Get off me! Always great to see you, my friend! Keeping warm up here? As you can see, I'm right on time with a new batch of dragons... just like I promised. He's waking up! Give me some backup, here! Drop the ropes! - Hookfang! - Hey! What are you doing? You belong to me now. And as an added bonus... I also caught you their riders. No extra charge. What? Are you kidding me? Aw! But you were so perfect! Turns out, there is a whole bunch of them out there. How many? Drago doesn't have them after all. - How many? - Hundreds. A whole island full! I wouldn't worry about it. My men are hunting them down as we speak. They won't know where you're hiding, I promise you that. Yes, they will. They know we're missing... and they have tracking dragons. If you so much as touch us, Hiccup is gonna kick... - Hiccup? - He's not a problem. Really. Trust me. He's only the son of Stoick the Vast, his heir to the throne of Berk... and the greatest dragon master this world has ever seen! Dragon master? I alone control the dragons! No. Sorry. And unless you let us go, right now... he will blast through here on his Night Fury... and blow your entire fleet of ships to splinters. Then they will be crying like babies. Funny and beautiful. Good one, babe! Like babies, they always cry. Real tiny ones. First, there was one rider, and now, all of Berk. And you led them to me! Drago! Stop all preparations! We must attack the dragon riders' nest at once! We will take down their alpha! Then we will take Berk! Drago. And get rid of him. Drago, please, I... Stormfly! No! Well, bud, we can't wait around for Drago to attack this place. We've gotta find him first. Let's go. Easy now. Are you kidding me? How did you get in here? The same way we are getting you out. We? All clear. Toothless, come. Wait. There's something you need to know. Yeah, yeah, tell me on the way. This isn't an on-the-way kind of update, actually. I've heard enough. More of the earth-shattering-development variety. Yeah, just add it to the pile. Dad, unlike most surprises I spring on you, this is one you'll like. I promise. You just have to handle it delicately. You might want to take this one. Boy. Dad... could you put the sword away, please? I know what you're gonna say, Stoick. How could I have done this? Stayed away all of these years? And why did I not come back to you? To our son? What sign did I have that you could change, Stoick? That anyone on Berk could? I pleaded so many times to stop the fighting... to find another answer, but did any of you listen? This is why I never married. This and one other reason. I know that I left you to raise Hiccup alone... but I thought he would be better off without me. And I was wrong, I see that now, but... Stop being so stoic, Stoick! Go on. Shout, scream, say something! You're as beautiful as the day I lost you. Could this day get any worse? Let me see. We're gonna jump into freezing cold water, and then die from drowning. Looks refreshing. Please, ladies first. You are a steaming heap of dragon... Duck. Warn the others! Get them, you son of an Eret. Take that! Okay, I love you again. Pathetic. You can still jump. So, are we going to save your dragons and get out of here, or not? Check every trap. They're here somewhere. Meatlug? Anyone coming? I don't know. You just keep doing what you are doing. Keep cranking. Thank you for saving my life. Now let me return the favor. Mom, you'd never even recognize it. Where we used to make weapons, we now build saddles, wing-slings. We even fix dragon teeth! You wouldn't believe how much everything's changed. Our son has changed Berk for the better. I think we did well with this one, Val. Thanks, Dad. I'm a little out of practice. Well, you know... - I didn't marry you for your cooking. - I hope not. Her meatballs could kill more beasts than a battle-axe. I've still got a few knocking around in here. And once you move back in, with all your dragons... Drago won't even stand a chance. Everything will be okay! Slow down, son. It's a lot to take in. Gotcha. I love this one. Remember our song, Val? I'll swim and sail on savage seas With ne'er a fear of drowning And gladly ride the waves of life If you will marry me No scorching sun Nor freezing cold Will stop... Will stop me on my journey Sorry. If you will promise me your heart And love... And love me for eternity My dearest one My darling dear Your mighty words astound me But I've no need of mighty deeds When I feel your arms around me But I would bring you rings of gold I'd even sing you poetry Whoo! Would you? And I would keep you from all harm If you would stay beside me I have no use for rings of gold I care not for your poetry I only want your hand to hold I only want you near me To love and kiss, to sweetly hold For the dancing and the dreaming Through all life's sorrows and delights I'll keep your love inside me I will swim and sail on savage seas With ne'er a fear of drowning And gladly ride the waves of life If you will marry me I'm still going Gobber! I'm done. I thought I would have to die before we could have that dance again. No need for drastic measures. For you, my dear... anything. Will you come home, Val? Will you be my wife once again? We can be a family! What do you say? Yes. Great! I'll do the cooking. Thank Odin you didn't listen to me, son. We never would have found each other. Toothless? What's happening? No. Val? Val! It's all right, it's all right. We're a team now. What do you want to do? We have to save the dragons. Aye. You got it! Come on, son. Whatever comes, keep hitting the mountain. We need to draw the alpha out. Ready the traps! Surprise! Yeah! What? You really are full of surprises! Let's go! Dragon riders, coming through! Fire! Yeah! Cut them down! Eret, son of Eret! Up, girl! Lean left, Eret! That's it! Look out! Yeah, baby! Take them down! Heads up! Dragon master. Welcome aboard, dragon rider! Thanks, I think. Where have you been? You know, catching up with Mom. That's your mother? Now you know where I get my dramatic flair. The alpha! Now we have a fight! Come on, Toothless! Show them what you got, bud. That a boy! I've waited a long time for this! You cannot take our dragons! They are controlled by the alpha! Then it's a good thing I brought a challenger. Another one? That is a class ten! Class ten! No. Come on! Take down the alpha! Thank you. For you, my dear... anything. Val, do you think you can stop them? I'll do my best. Come on, Cloudjumper! You! I watched you burn! It takes more than a little fire to kill me! Stoick! No! No! We have won. Now, finish her! No! Hold on! Skullcrusher, go! Come on, Gobber! Right behind you, Stoick! Stop! Stop! This is the great dragon master? The son of Stoick the Vast? What shame he must feel. All of this loss, and for what? To become unstoppable? To rule the world? Dragons are kind, amazing creatures... that can bring people together. Or tear them apart. You see... I know what it is to live in fear. To see my village burned... my family taken. But even as a boy... left with nothing... I vowed to rise above the fear of dragons... and liberate the people of this world. Then why a dragon army? Well, you need dragons to conquer other dragons. Or maybe you need dragons to conquer people. To control those who follow you... and to get rid of those who won't. Clever boy. The world wants peace. And we have the answer back on Berk. Just let me show you. No! Let me show you! What in... Hiccup! Come on, Gobber! Okay, change of plan! No dragon can resist the alpha's command. So, he who controls the alpha... controls them all. Toothless? Toothless, you okay, bud? What's going on? Witness true strength. The strength of will over others. In the face of it... you are nothing. What did he just tell you? Toothless, come on. What's the matter with you? No, no, no, no. Come on. What are you doing? Knock it off. Stop! Snap out of it! Toothless, no! Toothless! Don't! Hiccup! Stop! Son! Dad! No! No. Dad! Stoick! Dad. No, you... No. No, no, no. No! Get away from him! Go on! Get out of here! Get away! It's not his fault. You know that. Good dragons... under the control of bad people... Wait! Don't go. bad things. Come on! Gather the men and meet me at Berk! Toothless! No, don't. May the Valkyries welcome you... and lead you through Odin's great battlefield. May they sing your name with love and fury... so that we might hear it rise from the depths of Valhalla... and know that you have taken your rightful place... at the table of kings. For a great man has fallen. A warrior. A Chieftain. A father. A friend. I'm sorry, Dad. I'm not the chief that you wanted me to be. And I'm not the peacekeeper I thought I was. I don't know... You came early into this world. You were such a wee thing. So frail, so fragile. I feared you wouldn't make it. But your father... he never doubted. He always said you would become the strongest of them all. And he was right. You have the heart of a chief and a soul of a dragon. Only you can bring our worlds together. That is who you are, son. I was so afraid of becoming my dad. Mostly because I thought I never could. How do you become someone that great? That brave? That selfless? I guess you can only try. A chief protects his own. We are going back. With what? He took all the dragons. Not all of them. I don't want to die! We can't fly these things! Yeah, no kidding! But won't that Bewilderbeast just take control of these guys, too? They're babies. They don't listen to anyone. Yeah! Just like us! This is very dangerous! Some might suggest this is poorly conceived. It's a good thing that I never listen. So what is your plan? Get Toothless back and kick Drago's... Heads up! And that thing. That's a good boy. Watch the furniture! Where are you going? Your chief is dead. Stoick? No one can protect you now. No. He took all the dragons! Distract the alpha. Try to keep his focus off Toothless. How? Have you forgotten who you're riding with? There isn't a dragon alive that I can't wrangle! Except for this one! Amateur. Hey, look. It's Hiccup! What? Keep them coming! Black sheep, baby! Ten points! I'm okay! You certainly are hard to get rid of, I'll say that. Toothless? Hey... it's me, bud. It's me. It's me. I'm right here, bud. Come back to me. He's not yours anymore. He belongs to the alpha. But, please, great dragon master... try to take him. He will not miss a second time. It wasn't your fault, bud. They made you do it. You would never hurt him. You would never hurt me. How are you doing that? Please. You are my best friend, bud. My best friend. Atta boy! That's it! I'm here! Enough! Hang on! Almost there, buddy. Do something! We need to get those two apart. We have to block him out, Toothless. Do you trust me, bud? We can do this. You and me. As one. That's it. Now let's try this one more time! Take him down, babe! Go get them! Take control of it! Shut it out, Toothless. Stop them! Not again. Toothless! It's now or never! Come on, bud! Hold on! Yeah! We did it! Hold him there, Toothless. It's all over now. Or is it? No! No! No! Hiccup! He's challenging the alpha! To protect you. No, no, no! Fight back! Fight! Fight! What's the matter with you? Now do you get it? This is what it is to earn a dragon's loyalty. Let this end. Now. Never! Come on! Fight! The alpha protects them all. You never cease to amaze me, bud. Thank you. Toothless, you know that doesn't wash out! I knew you'd come back! Stormfly! Give me a cuddle, Grumpy! Who's my little princess? Don't you ever leave again, Hookfang. You are! Yes, you are! I missed you! Barf! Not you! That was some pretty fine dragon wrangling back there. You'd make a good trapper. Whoa! You know, Skullcrusher's gonna need somebody to look after him now. Me? I'd be honored. Your father would be every bit as proud as I am. Thank you. I'm really glad you're here, Mom. And here I'll stay. See? I told you it was in here. Still doing that one? That's hilarious. Come here, you. The chief has come home! Long live the chief! Long live the chief! Long live the chief! This is Berk. A bit trampled and busted and covered in ice... but it's home. It's our home. Those who attacked us are relentless and crazy. But those who stopped them... even more so! We may be small in numbers... but we stand for something... bigger than anything the world can pit against us. We are the voice of peace. And, bit by bit, we will change this world. You see, we have something they don't. Sure, they have armies... and they have armadas... but we have... our dragons! If you have a fever and cough or sore throat... stay home. I'd say 95% chance this is manufactured. Came out of a laboratory. The source of the virus was traced back... to drug testing done at Gen-Sys Laboratories in San Francisco. The lab technician now known as Patient Zero... was accidentally exposed to retrovirus ALZ-113.... an Alzheimer's trial drug that was being tested on chimpanzees. The infected chimps showed signs of erratic and aggressive behavior... that led to their escape from the facility. The now-famous incident on the Golden Gate Bridge... a six-hour standoff with police... ended with the apes disappearing into Muir woods. Emergency rooms are being overwhelmed with patients showing signs... of what's being dubbed "The Simian Flu." The CDC is projecting a fatality toll... ranging from 5 million to as many as 150 million... in the next 6 to 8 months. Anyone showing signs of a contagious illness will receive special treatment here... the airport's purpose-built quarantine center. Many of the new arrivals are children who have lost contact with their parents. The mandatory quarantines have sparked civil unrest. - Families are being ripped apart. - Containment is not very likely. Prepare your families. Know your evacuation route. The survival rate is now approximately 1 in 500. Violence erupted in the city center tonight. The third incident in as many days. Martial law has been declared in 28 nations including the U.S. and Canada. The reactor is overheating. We can't stop a meltdown. Just a total collapse of anything resembling civilian order. Due to the extremity of the Simian Flu crisis... all regular government functions have been suspended indefinitely. Those who aren't killed by the virus... will probably die in the fighting. So, maybe this is it. This is how it ends. Pretty soon... there won't be anyone left. Caesar... They are close. Koba! Now, father? Son, stay... Thank you, Koba. Think before you act, son. Don't feel bad, Blue Eyes... Scars make you strong. Come meet your new brother. Another son. Makes me think how far we've come, Maurice. Seems long ago. Still think about them? Humans? Sometimes. Didn't know them like you did. Only saw their bad side. Good, bad... doesn't matter now. Humans destroyed each other. Apes fight too. But we are family. Wonder if they're really all gone. Ten winters now... Last two... no sign of them. They must be gone. That bear wouldn't get me Blue Eyes. I'm quick! Shut up, Ash! Oh, God. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. Freeze! Stay! Help! Help! No! Hey! Over here! I shot him! I shot him. They shot Ash! Shot my son! Rocket, wait... We don't mean any harm! They're apes, man. You think they understand what you're saying? Do they look like just apes to you? - Dad. - Malcolm, what are you doing? - Dad? - Malcolm. It's okay. Put your guns down. - You can't be serious. - Do it. Go! - Holy shit. - Holy shit. Okay. Okay, we're going. Go! Slowly. Go, go, go! - My bag! - Go! Koba! Follow! Did you find it? We need to talk. What? What's wrong? The dam is pretty much intact. It could probably start generating power for us within a week. But there is a problem. I shot him. I was scared. I didn't know what to do. Jesus Christ. How many were there? A lot. Like, 80. - At least. - Okay... you're not hearing what he's saying. They spoke! That is not possible. I'm telling you, Dreyfus, they did and it was incredible. Incredible? They're talking apes! - With big-ass spears! - Please! I don't know exactly what you think you saw or heard... but you have to calm down, okay? What about the virus, Ellie? Any chance of contagion? We're all genetically immune or we would've been dead a long time ago. - You don't know that for sure. - She worked with the CDC. She knows. - What are we gonna do? - I don't know. - We need that power. - He could've killed us, but he didn't. Maybe he kept us alive, so they could follow us. They find out where we are, and they kill us all! - What do you mean, "he"? - That's what we're trying to tell you. It was unlike anything you've ever seen before, and the leader... - He was remarkable. - Really? - Is that what you thought? - It's what we saw. Yeah, it's what we all saw. Not a word of this back at the colony, you understand me? Not a word until we can figure out what to do. - You gotta be kidding. - No, I'm not kidding. I don't want to create a panic. How are you doing, pal? Are you okay? - I dropped my bag. - I know. - Was your sketchbook in there? - It's gone. Carver just told me we're not gonna tell anybody what happened up there. Not yet. No. Must attack them now! Before they attack us! We don't know how many there are. How many guns they have? Or why they came up here? They shot your son, Rocket! Don't you want to fight? I follow Caesar. Koba's right! They almost killed you, Ash! No! If we go to war... We could lose all we've built... Home. Family. Future. I will decide by morning. Caesar. For years I was a prisoner in their lab... They cut me... Tortured me. You freed me. I would do anything you ask. But we must show strength! We will, Koba. Coming through. Coming through. That's a hell of a lot more than eighty! Malcolm! Apes... do not want war... but will fight... if we must. Ape home. Human home. Do not come back. Everyone! Everyone, you have to calm down! Everybody. Everybody! Please! We're all immune! We're all immune, or we wouldn't still be here! How did they find us? We found them. - You knew they were out there! - What if they come back? Yeah! If they come back... If they come back... they'll be sorry they ever did! Now, this city may not have the manpower it once did but it has the firepower. Those stockpiles left behind by FEMA, the National Guard, we have it all. Look... I know why you're scared. I'm scared, too, believe me. But I recognize the trust you've all placed in me. We've been through hell together. But you all know what we're up against. We're almost out of fuel. Which means no more power... which means we could slip back to the way things were. That dam up there was the answer. We just had no idea they were up there, too. - So, what do we do now? - Yeah! We find another way... because that power... is not just about keeping the lights on. It's about giving us the tools to reconnect to the rest of the world. To find out who else is out there... so that we can start to rebuild... and reclaim... the world we lost. That was a great speech. There is no alternative power source. That dam is the only option. Well, then, we fight them. We're two weeks away from running out of fuel. Maybe three, tops. - I know. - And once that happens... I won't be able to go out there with a bullhorn... and calm everybody down. We need that power to get the radio transmitter working. It's our only chance of reaching the outside world. We have to find other survivors. Yeah. There's not that many of us left. - We can't afford any more casualties. - We founded this place... - you and I... - I know. ...on the idea that power would lead us back to the life we once had. If we can't stick together, maybe we can't survive. I lost everything. The idea of losing what little I have is... I want to go back up there. Listen to me. Give me three days. Let me talk to him. If it doesn't work, then we do it your way. And what if it backfires? What if he gets violent? I mean, how do you know that he'll even understand you? He's more than just an ape. I'm gonna take some men up to Fort Point. I'm gonna go through the armory. I'm gonna see what's still working. Three days. You're not back in three days we're going up there, and we're gonna kill every last one of them. Carver is getting the trucks ready. He'll be here with Foster and Kemp any minute. You're really taking Carver? I mean, he shot one of them. I don't really have any choice. He used to work at the water department. He's the only one who knows how the dam works. Malcolm... what are you gonna do up there? I'll tell him the truth. Hope I catch him in a good mood. You think I'm crazy. I'm worried. Yeah, so am I. I've gone over it in my head... and I think if I don't at least try this... there's gonna be a war. Take me with you. What if someone gets hurt? You'll need me there. I love you. But I need you to stay here. I don't want Alexander to be alone. I'm coming, too. Son, it's not safe. But I'm safer with you than I am down here. I'm coming. Please. No one gets out of the trucks. No one. If I'm not back in two hours, you get everyone back to the city. It's gonna be okay. Please. Please. Please. Please don't kill me. Just hear what I have to say. I know. "Don't come back." I know. I wouldn't be here unless it were... Okay! Okay! Okay! Okay, okay, okay. I need to show you something. It's not far. - Human lies! - No! No! No, no, no. I swear. If I could just show you, then you'll understand. Please. Show me. This is what we used to call a "small hydro." It was built to service areas to the north of here... but we've been working to reroute the power lines to the city... because the city used to run off nuclear power, but that ran out years ago. So, we've been using diesel generators and gasifiers. But if we can just get this dam working... then we have a shot at restoring limited power. Is any of this making any sense to you? The... lights. Yes. The lights. This is your home and I don't want to take it away from you, I promise. But if you can let us do our work here... You brought others? Just a few. I'm not a threat. If I am... then I guess you can kill me. Come on! - Wait, wait, wait! - Stop, stop. We need to give them our guns. That's the one condition. - What does that mean? - We can stay. If they get power, they'll be more dangerous! Why help them? ! They seem desperate... If we make them go, they'll attack. Let them. We'll destroy them while they're weak. And how many apes will die? We have one chance for peace... Let them do their human work. Then they'll go. Human work? Human work. Human work. Human work! Koba say... Apes should hate humans... Enough! From humans Koba learned hate... But nothing else. Hey. You need to eat. Okay. That was brave, what you did today. Malcolm. I know everyone's depending on you... I don't care about that. I don't care about any of that. I care about him. He saw things that no kid should see, and I'm not letting us go back to that. I know. I have been trying to get closer to him. But... You will. You know the scary thing about them? They don't need power, lights. Heat. Nothing. - Hey, pal. - That's their advantage. That's what makes them stronger. Malcolm, I'm thinking one of us should stand guard tonight. With what? They took our guns. If they wanted us dead, we would be dead already. Maybe they're just taking their time. They killed off half the planet already. Come on. - What? - You can't honestly blame the apes. Who the hell else am I going to blame? It was the Simian Flu. It was a virus created by scientists in a lab. The chimps they were testing on didn't have a say in the matter. Spare me the hippie-dippie bullshit. You're telling me you don't get sick to your stomach at the sight of them? - Didn't you have a little girl? - Carver, that's enough. - How did she die? - That's enough! Or your wife, for that matter. Carver, you better shut up before I kick your ass. Okay. I'm the asshole. Are you okay? You sound sick... You ok? Just need rest. You worry about the humans... Where's Koba? Still angry. Said he was going hunting... Look, humans below! Why are we here? Caesar trusts humans... Koba does not. - Most of the arsenal seems functional. - Good. We're testing them out back. Hey! Don't you move! Don't move, do you understand me? Terry! Terry, get in here, quick! Holy shit. What do we do? What do we do? Where did he come from? - Should we shoot him? - Maybe. I don't know. You are one ugly son of a bitch, aren't you? Whoa, man. Dude, I think he's hungry. He must have gotten separated from the others. You lost? Trying to get home? Go on! Get out of here, stupid monkey! - Go on. You heard him. Go! - Go! Go! Enough guns here to kill every ape... Must warn Caesar. Who knows what humans are really doing up there? We gotta clear this blockage. I didn't know you had a daughter. Yeah. What was her name? Sarah. I'm really sorry. Well, now I have you and your dad, so... Yeah. All right, you got that straight? That's all the wire we got. Brace yourselves. Three, two, one. - Dad! - Malcolm! Malcolm! Malcolm! Dad? I can't see Carver. Don't! - Leave it there. - I got it. It's not broken. Let go. Good. Thank you. You saved our lives. We've got a lot of debris to clear now. - We might need a bit more time. Hey, buddy. Hey... hey... What are you doing? Are you finished? What are you looking at? Hey! Hey! Hey, get out of there! - Hey! I'll kill you! - Carver, what're you doing? Don't! Don't! Caesar, no! No. Said no guns! - No, don't. - Please. I didn't know. Human leave now! Man, we screwed now. Malcolm? Malcolm, where are you going? Malcolm. Please, please, I just need to speak to him. I'm sorry. That was all my fault. But I will make him leave. This my home. - You should not be here. - I understand. Malcolm. She's sick. How long has she been this way? I have medicine. Antibiotics. Maybe she can help. Do not trust you. I don't blame you. But believe me... we are not all like him. Please. Let us help you. One day. You stay one day. - We might need more time. - One day! Ape will help. I will not help! - This is bullshit, man! - Get him out of here. Move! That's enough. Come on, get out of here. Come on, man. Okay? Move, come on! Get in! See you tomorrow, asshole. Just came from the city. Humans very dangerous! Where is Caesar? With the humans... Yo, Alex. This relay's busted. See if there's another one. Yeah. Caesar. Hey! No! No, no, no, don't! No! No! No! Where Caesar? Want Caesar. Caesar! Humans attack your sons. You let them stay! Put apes in danger! Caesar love humans more... than apes! More than your... sons. Ape... not... kill... ape. Forgive me. You are my son... I need you to listen... You didn't tell Caesar about the guns we found? Neither will you. Your father doesn't trust me now. You need to protect him. His love for humans... Makes him blind. I know... As long as they are here... I fear for Caesar's life. For yesterday. Look. Look. Watch. Watch. "It was Friday. "A real nice afternoon. "Warm. "We were hanging... "We were hanging out... "at this kegger down at the swimming hole." Hanging out. Hanging. Here. You can read? Now, this is the good stuff. - Cheers. - Cheers. What the hell is wrong with you? I thought we told you to go home! No! No! Go! - He understood that, didn't he? Hey, hey, hey! Hey, hey. Hey. - Whoa, whoa, whoa. - Hey, hey, hey. - I think he likes you. - Shut up. All right, all right. You want a drink, fugly? Go on, give him some. Give him some, man. See what happens. There you go. Whoa, hey! Whoa, whoa, whoa! Shit! - That's good, huh? Hey, hey, hey! Okay. All right. - Easy. - Yeah. - Easy. - Easy. All right... Malcolm! Malcolm! What is it? What happened? It worked. At least here it did. We'll know when we get back to the city. Trust. Son of a bitch. You son of a bitch! The... lights. Feeling better? Mother...? Human gun! Run. Humans kill Caesar! Burn ape home! Go! Get them! Apes must attack human city! Fight back! Come, fight for Caesar! Females and young stay in woods... We go to the city! We will avenge your father's death! Ellie! Ellie. This is San Francisco attempting contact. If anyone is receiving this message... we ask that you identify yourself and your location. Over. Move, move! If you are receiving this signal, please state your location. Over. Repeat. This is San Francisco attempting to establish contact. If you are receiving this signal please state your identity and your location. Over. - What is it? - The apes attacked the armory, sir. Sound the alarm! Sound the alarm! Keep them off the walls! Keep them off the walls! Let's go! Get into position. - You ready? - Yes, sir. Good. Listen to me. We are survivors! Now, they may have got their hands on some of our guns... but that does not make them men. They are animals! We will push them back! Drive them down! And they will not get through these doors! There! California Street! Bring me the rocket launcher! We have a beacon marking our location. Please, we need help. We are under attack. San Francisco. Repeat. - Hello? - Do you copy? Humans escaping! Capture them! We must be getting close. I think I see it. It's down here! Dad! Oh, my God. Malcolm! Ellie, help me. My... son... My... family... Where? I don't know. Try not to speak. You need to rest. Hold. - He's lost a lot of blood. - Is he going to make it? I don't understand. Where did Carver get the gun? - Why would he do this? - Ape... What? Ape... did... this. Get in the truck. Followed the humans here. Hiding everywhere! We must catch them all! - Kill him. - No, no, no. Go ahead Ash... make humans pay. Caesar wouldn't want this. Caesar gone... Apes follow... Koba now. - Oh, my God. Look, the colony's on fire. - Where are we going to go? Caesar, what? - Is this it? Are we close? - Where is he taking us? Malcolm, stop! I don't understand. What are we doing here? It doesn't matter. We just need a place to hide him until we find out what's going on at home. Go move the table. Okay. Right here. Okay. Dad, look. Look. We need to operate. I don't have anything. There's a surgical kit back at the place, but that's... I'll go. - It's not safe. - He's the only one that can stop this. Humans! You ape prisoner now! You will know life in cage. More humans out there. Go! Find them! Maurice...? Koba said... we're too loyal to your father. Protect yourself. Shit! Hey, wait. Your father. He's alive. I got it. How is he? Your... mother. Brother. Safe? For now. No. No. Not human. Koba. Malcolm. Yeah. Caesar. We need to do this now. Son. How is he? We'll see. He's very strong. It's gonna be okay. I'm so sorry... For everything. No. I... am to blame. But Koba betrayed you. I... chose to trust him... because he is ape. I always think... ape better than human. I see now... how much like them we are. Where Koba now? On the human tower... Loyal apes around him. And those who not follow? Prisoners. Maurice. Rocket. Koba killed Ash. Fear makes others follow. But when they see you alive... They will turn from Koba. Not if I am weak. Ape always seek strongest branch. I must do something to stop him. Father. Let me help you. Please, let us out of here! Okay. Caesar, look. Apple. Apple. Good. Home. Home. Home. Yes. This is your home. Your home. Good. Good. That's good. Sorry. I didn't mean to intrude. It's been two days. Your son is not back yet? Who was that? On the video. A good man. Like you. They need to get to the tower without being seen. I'm gonna take him through the subway. I love you. Koba sent for the females and young. They're on their way. Mother too. Must go. Now! Are you okay? Who's there? If you're human, you better say so! It's me! It's Malcolm! Don't shoot! Stairs... take the stairs. They'll bring you around and up under the street, okay? Thank you. Trust. All right, I'm coming out! Don't shoot! Hey! Look who I found. I didn't know if you'd made it out. Good to see you. Don't worry. We're gonna turn all this around. - What do you mean? What's going on? - The apes. They're all over the tower. - I lost the signal. It dropped out. - Keep trying. Malcolm, look at this. C-4. Five-pound blocks. We just started setting them. They're gonna take down the whole tower. Blast them all at once. We could use your help. This is San Francisco attempting contact. If anyone is receiving this... we ask that you identify yourself and your location. Over. Here. Come on. If anyone is receiving this, we ask that you identify yourself... and your location. Over. This is San Francisco attempting contact. If anyone is receiving this we ask that you identify yourself and your location. - Hey. - Hey. If anyone is receiving this, we ask that you identify yourself... and your location. Over. Dreyfus. - Can anybody hear me? - Werner. I'm sorry, but I can't let you do this. We need to give him a chance. We need to give him some time. He's up there right now. Who's up there? Caesar has no place here. Apes follow... Koba now. Follow Koba... to war. Apes win war! Apes together strong! Caesar... weak. Koba weaker. Are you out of your fucking mind? No, I've seen things. I've seen the way they are. They want what we want, to survive. They don't want a war. They're animals! They attacked us! Because they thought we attacked them. They think that he's dead, but he's not... Sit down, Finney! Sit down! Trusted Koba like brother. Caesar brother to human! Koba fight for ape! Free ape! Kill ape. Koba fight for Koba. Koba... belong in cage. I know how this must sound. I don't think you have any... Do you think stopping me will matter? They're coming. Now, we made contact with a military base up north. They're already on their way! It's true. Dreyfus! What are you doing, man? I'm saving the human race. No! Ape... not kill... ape. You are... not ape. No! Leave him! You're not safe here. They made contact. Other people are coming. Soldiers. You have to leave now. Everyone. If you don't go, it'll be all-out war. War... has already... begun. Ape started war. And human... Human will not forgive. You must go... before fighting begins. I am sorry... my friend. I thought we had a chance. I did, too. WOMAN 1: Well, my dad was a farmer. Um, like everybody else back then. Of course, he didn't start that way. [DISTANT RUMBLING] [ALARM BEEPING] MAN [OVER RADIO]: Computer says you're too tight. - Nah, I got this. - Crossing the Straights. - Shutting it down, Cooper. - No! - Shutting it all down. - No, I need power up! [COOPER YELLS] GIRL: Dad? [PANTING] Sorry, Murph. Go back to bed. - I thought you were the ghost. - No. There are no such things as ghosts, babe. Grandpa says you can get ghosts. Maybe that's because Grandpa's a little too close to being one himself. Back to bed. Were you dreaming about the crash? Get your butt back in bed, Murph. Heh. WOMAN 1: The wheat had died. The blight came and we had to burn it. And we still had corn. We had acres of corn. But, uh... mostly we had dust. WOMAN 2: I guess I can't describe it. It was just constant. Just that steady blow of dirt. WOMAN 3: We wore, um... little strips of sheet... sometimes over our nose and mouth... so that we wouldn't breathe so much of it. MAN: Well, when we set the table, we always set the plate upside-down. Glasses or cups, whatever it was upside-down. Shake a leg! Murph, get a move on! Tom, 4:00 today, you and me in the barn, Herbicide Resistance 101. - Check? - Yes, sir. Not at the table, Murph. Dad, can you fix this? - COOPER: What the heck did you do to my lander? - Wasn't me. Let me guess. It was your ghost? It knocked it off. It keeps knocking books off. - TOM: No such thing as ghosts, dumb-ass. - Hey. - I looked it up. It's called a poltergeist. - Dad, tell her. Well, it's not very scientific, Murph. You said science was about admitting what we don't know. - She's got you there. - Hey. Start looking after our stuff. Coop. All right, Murph, you want to talk science? Don't tell me you're afraid of some ghost. No, you got to go further. You got to record the facts, analyze, get to the how and the why... then present your conclusions. Deal? - Deal. - All right. - Have a good day at school. - MAN: Hold up. Parent-teacher conferences. Parent. Not grandparent. [HORN HONKING] Slow down, turbo! - That's not a dust storm. - Nelson's torching his whole crop. Blight? MAN: They're saying it's the last harvest for okra. Ever. He should've planted corn like the rest of us. Now, be nice to that Miss Hanley. She's single. What's that supposed to mean? Repopulating the earth. Start pulling your weight, young man. Why don't you start minding your own business, old man? All right, Murph, give me second. Uh-huh. Third. [GEARS GRINDING] - Find a gear, dumb-ass. - Grind it! Shut it, Tom! - What'd you do, Murph? - Ah, she didn't do nothing. - Blew a tire is all. - Murphy's Law. Shut up! - Grab the spare, Tom. - That is the spare. COOPER: Get the patch kit! - TOM: How am I supposed to patch it out here? - COOPER: You got to figure it out. I'm not always gonna be here to help you. What's going on, Murph? Why did you and Mom name me after something that's bad? - We didn't. - Murphy's Law? Murphy's Law doesn't mean that something bad will happen. What it means is whatever can happen will happen. And that sounded just fine with us. [WHIRRING] Whoa! Get in. Get in, let's go. What about the flat tire? Yeah. It's an Indian Air Force drone. Solar cells could power an entire farm. Take the wheel, Tom. Go, go, go! Keep that aimed right at it. Faster, Tom. I'm losing it. Right at it. Stay on it. Here we go. Whoa. Nice one, Tom. Dad? I almost got it. Don't stop. Don't stop! - Dad! - Tom! [TIRES SCREECH] You told me to keep driving. Well, I guess that answers the old "If I asked you to drive off a cliff" scenario. - We lost it. - No, we didn't. Want to give it a whirl? This way. Go. Let's lay her down right there at the edge of the reservoir. Nicely done. TOM: How long you think it's been up there? COOPER: Delhi Mission Control went down, same as ours... - ...ten years ago. - Heh. So for ten years? - Why did it come down so low? - I don't know. Maybe the sun cooked its brain or it was looking for something. - What? - Give me a large flatblade. Maybe some kind of signal? I don't know. What are you gonna do with it? I'm gonna give it something socially responsible to do... like drive a combine. Can't we just let it go? It wasn't hurting anybody. This thing needs to learn how to adapt, Murph... like the rest of us. COOPER: How's this work? You guys come with? I've got class. This one needs to wait. - What did you do? - They'll tell you about it in there. - Am I gonna be mad? - Not with me. - Just please try not to. - Hey. Relax. I got this. - Little late, Coop. - Yeah, we had a flat. And I guess you had to stop off at the Asian fighter plane store. No, actually, sir, that's a surveillance drone. With outstanding solar cells. It's Indian. Take a seat. So, uh... we got Tom's scores back. He's going to make an excellent farmer. Yeah, he's got a knack for it. What about college? The university only takes a handful. They don't have the resources to... I still pay my taxes. Where's that money go? There's no more armies. Well, it doesn't go to the university. - Look, Coop, you have to be realistic. - You're ruling my son out for college now? - The kid's 15. - Tom's score simply isn't high enough. What's your waistline? About what, 32? - About a 33 inseam? - I'm not sure I see what you're getting at. It takes two numbers to measure your ass but only one to measure my son's future? Come on. You're a well-educated man, Coop. - And a trained pilot. - And an engineer. Okay, well, right now we don't need more engineers. We didn't run out of television screens and planes. We ran out of food. The world needs farmers. Good farmers, like you. - And Tom. - Uneducated farmers. We're a caretaker generation, Coop. And things are getting better. - Maybe your grandkids will get to be engin... - Are we done here, sir? No. Miss Hanley's here to talk about Murph. HANLEY: Murph is a great kid. She's really bright. But she's been having a little trouble lately. She brought this in to show the students. The section on the lunar landings. Yeah, it's one of my old textbooks. She always loved the pictures. It's an old federal textbook. We've replaced them with the corrected versions. Corrected? Explaining how the Apollo missions were faked to bankrupt the Soviet Union. You don't believe we went to the moon? It was a brilliant piece of propaganda. The Soviets bankrupted themselves pouring resources... - into rockets and other useless machines. - "Useless machines." If we don't want a repeat of the excess and wastefulness of the 20th century, then... we need to teach our kids about this planet, not tales of leaving it. One of those useless machines they used to make was called an MRI. If we had any of those left, the doctors would've been able to find... the cyst in my wife's brain before she died instead of afterwards. Then she'd have been the one listening to this instead of me... which would have been a good thing, because she was always... the calmer one. I'm sorry about your wife, Mr. Cooper. But Murph got into a fistfight with several of her classmates over this... Apollo nonsense. So we thought it best to bring you in and see what ideas... you might have for dealing with her behavior on the home front. Yeah, you know what? Um, there's a game tomorrow night. She's going through a bit of a baseball phase. Her favorite team is playing. There's gonna be candy and soda and... I think I'll take her to that. [WHISTLING] How'd it go? I got you suspended. - What? - MAN [OVER RADIO]: Cooper. This is Cooper. Go. Coop, those combines you rebuilt went haywire. Just reset the controllers. I did that. Now you should come take a look. MAN: One by one they've been peeling off the fields and heading over. Something's interfering with the compass. Magnetism or some such. [THUDDING] MURPH: Nothing special about which book. I've been working on it, like you said. - I counted the spaces. - Why? In case the ghost is trying to communicate. I'm trying Morse. Morse? Yeah. - Dots and dashes, used... - I know what Morse code is, Murph. I just don't think your bookshelf's trying to talk to you. Had to reset every compass clock and GPS to offset for the anomaly. - Which is? - I don't know. If the house was built on magnetic ore... we'd have seen this the first time we switched on the tractor. I hear your meeting at the school didn't go so well. Heh. You heard? It's like we've forgotten who we are, Donald. Explorers, pioneers, not caretakers. When I was a kid... it felt like they made something new every day. Some... gadget or idea. Like every day was Christmas. But six billion people... just try to imagine that. And every last one of them trying to have it all. [SIGHS] This world isn't so bad. And Tom will do just fine. You're the one who doesn't belong. Born 40 years too late, or 40 years too early. My daughter knew it, God bless her. And your kids know it. Especially Murph. Well, we used to look up in the sky and wonder... at our place in the stars. Now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt. Cooper, you were good at something... and you never got a chance to do anything with it. I'm sorry. You didn't expect this dirt that was giving you this food... to turn on you like that and destroy you. In April... I believe I'm right... Fifteenth of April, I think. This happened about 1:30 when that thing... came off the top of that canyon. [CHEERING] In my day, we had real ballplayers. Who are these bums? COOPER: In my day, people were too busy fighting over food to even play baseball. Popcorn at a ballgame is unnatural. I want a hot dog. School says you're gonna follow in my footsteps. I think that's great. - You think that's great? - You hate farming, Dad. Grandpa said. COOPER: Grandpa said, huh? Listen, all that matters is how you feel about it. I like what you do. I like our farm. You're gonna be great at it. [ALL CHEERING] [SIREN WAILING IN DISTANCE] Let's get out of here. COOPER: All right, it's a doozy. All right, gang, let's mask up. - Tom? Murph? Check? - TOM: Yeah. Murph, Tom, you guys shut your windows? Murph? MURPH: The ghost. Grab your pillow. You're sleeping in with Tom. COOPER: It's not a ghost. It's gravity. DONALD: I'm dropping Tom, then heading to town. You want to clean that up when you've finished praying to it? It's not Morse, Murph. It's binary. Thick is one, thin is zero. Coordinates. Nope. Mm-mm. Here we go. Thirty-three. That's it. I can't miss this! Grandpa will be back in a couple hours, Murph. But you don't know what you're gonna find. And that... is why I can't take you. Murph? Grandpa will be home in a while. Tell him I'll call him on the radio. - Aah! - Jesus. - What are you doing? - Heh-heh. Oh, you think this is funny? Huh? You wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me. Make yourself useful. [SOFTLY] Hey, Murph? Murph. I think this is the end of the road. Didn't you bring the bolt cutters? That's my girl. MAN'S VOICE: Step away! COOPER: Don't shoot! I'm not armed. My daughter's in the car. [CRACKLING] [FOOTSTEPS] - MAN'S VOICE: Don't be afraid. - Aah! MAN'S VOICE: How did you find this place? Where's my daughter? You had the coordinates for this facility marked on your map. Where did you get them? Where's my daughter? Don't make me take you down again. Sit down! COOPER: Oh, you still think you're a Marine, pal? Marines don't exist anymore. - And I got grunts like you mowing my grass. - Where did you find those coordinates? But you don't look much like a lawnmower. Think I'll turn you into an overqualified vacuum cleaner. WOMAN: No, you won't. TARS, back down, please. You know, you're taking a risk using ex-military security. They're old, and their control units are unpredictable. It's what the government could spare. [PANTING] Who are you? Dr. Brand. I knew a Dr. Brand once. He was a professor. What makes you think I'm not? Wasn't near as cute, either. Please, Dr. Brand. I don't have any idea what this is. Now I'm scared for my daughter and want her by my side. You give me that, I'll tell you anything you want to know. Get the principals and the girl in the conference room, please. Your daughter is fine. Bright kid. Must have a very smart mother. It's pretty clear you don't want any visitors. So why don't you just let us back up from your fence and we'll be on our way? Huh? - It's not that simple. - Well, sure, it is. I don't know anything about you. I don't know anything about this place. Yes, you do. Dad! Hello, Cooper. Professor Brand. MAN: Explain to me how you found this facility. Kind of an accident. We sort of stumbled upon it. We were on a salvage run... You're sitting in the best-kept secret in the world. Nobody stumbles in here. Nobody stumbles out. BRAND: Cooper, please. Cooperate with these people. Look. It's kind of hard to explain. We learned these coordinates from an anomaly. What sort of anomaly? I hesitate to term it supernatural, but it definitely wasn't scientific. You're going to have to be specific, Mr. Cooper. Right now. It was gravity. Um, what sort of gravitational anomaly? Where was this? Now, I'm real happy that you're excited about gravity, bud... but you're not getting any answers from us until I get assurances. - Assurances? - COOPER: Yeah. Like, that we're getting out of here. And I don't mean in the trunk of some car. [ALL LAUGH] - Don't you know who we are, Coop? - No, professor, I don't. WOMAN: You know my father, Professor Brand. We're NASA. - NASA? - BRAND: NASA. The same NASA you flew for. I heard they shut you down, sir... for refusing to drop bombs from the stratosphere onto starving people. When they realized that killing other people was... not a long-term solution, then they needed us back. - In secret. - Why secret? BRAND: Because public opinion wouldn't allow spending on space exploration. Not while you're struggling to put food on the table. Blight. Wheat seven years ago. Okra this year. Now there's just corn. And we're growing more than we ever have. But like the potatoes in Ireland and the wheat in the Dust Bowl... the corn will die. Soon. [COOPER SIGHS] We'll find a way, professor. We always have. Driven by the unshakable faith the Earth is ours. Not just ours, no. But it is our home. Earth's atmosphere is 80 percent nitrogen. We don't even breathe nitrogen. Blight does. And as it thrives, our air gets less and less oxygen. The last people to starve will be the first to suffocate. And your daughter's generation... will be the last to survive on Earth. WOMAN: Murph is feeling tired. I was wondering if she could take a nap in my office. Yeah. Thank you. Alright... now you need to tell me what your plan is to save the world. We're not meant to save the world. We're meant to leave it. COOPER: Rangers. The last components of our one versatile ship in orbit, the Endurance. Our final expedition. You sent people out there looking for a new home? The Lazarus missions. - Oh, that sounds cheerful. - Lazarus came back from the dead. Sure, but he had to die in the first place. There's not a planet in our solar system that could sustain life... and the nearest star's over a thousand years away. That doesn't even qualify as futile. Where'd you send them? Cooper... I can't tell you anymore unless you agree to pilot this craft. - You're the best pilot we ever had. - I barely left the stratosphere. This team never left the simulator. We need a pilot, and this is the mission that you were trained for. Without even knowing it? An hour ago, you didn't even know I was alive. You were going anyway. We had no choice. But something sent you here. - They chose you. - Who's "they"? How long would I be gone? Hard to know. Years? - I've got kids, professor. - Get out there and save them. Who's "they"? We started detecting gravitational anomalies almost 50 years ago. Mostly small distortions to our instruments in the upper atmosphere. In fact, I believe you encountered one yourself. Yeah, over the Straights. My crash. Something tripped my fly-by-wire. Exactly. But of all these anomalies, the most significant is this: Out near Saturn... a disturbance of space-time. - Is that a Wormhole? - It appeared 48 years ago. - And it leads where? - Another galaxy. A wormhole's not a naturally occurring phenomenon. Someone placed it there. - "They"? - Mm. And whoever they are, they appear to be looking out for us. That Wormhole lets us travel to other stars. It came along right as we needed it. They've put potentially habitable worlds right within our reach. Twelve, in fact, from our initial probes. - You sent probes into that? - Mm-hm. We sent people into it. Ten years ago. The Lazarus missions. Twelve possible worlds, twelve Ranger launches carrying... the bravest humans ever to live... led by the remarkable Dr. Mann. Each person's landing pod had enough life support for two years. But they could use hibernation to stretch that... making observations on organics over a decade or more. Their mission was to assess their world, and if it showed potential... then they could send out a signal, bed down for the long nap, wait to be rescued. And what if the world didn't show promise? Hence the bravery. You don't have the resources to visit all 12. No. Data transmission back through the Wormhole is rudimentary. Simple binary pings on an annual basis give us some clue as to which worlds have potential. And one system shows promise. One. That's a bit of a long shot, isn't it? One system with three potential worlds? No long shot. Okay. So if we find a home... - ...then what? - That's the long shot. There's a Plan A and a Plan B. Did you notice anything strange about the launch chamber? COOPER: This entire facility's a centrifuge. Some kind of vehicle. A space station? - BRAND: Both. Plan A. - How do you get it off the ground? The first gravitational anomalies changed everything. Suddenly we knew that harnessing gravity was real. So I started working on a theory and we started building this station. But you haven't solved it yet. That's why there's Plan B. The problem is gravity. How to get a viable amount of human life off the planet. This is one way. Plan B: A population bomb. Over 5,000 fertilized eggs weighing in at just under 900 kilos. How would you raise them? With equipment on board, we incubate the first 10. After that, with surrogacy, the growth becomes exponential. Within 30 years, we could have a colony of hundreds. The real difficulty with colonization is genetic diversity. This takes care of that. But what about the people here? You just... You give up on them? My kids? That's why Plan A is a lot more fun. - How far have you got? - Almost there. You're asking me to hang everything... on an almost. I'm asking you to trust me. [SIGHS] Find us a new home. And by the time you return... I will have solved the problem of gravity. I give you my word. MURPH: Go away! Murph. MURPH: Go! If you're leaving, just go. DONALD: This world was never enough for you, was it, Coop? What, because heading out there is what I feel like I was born to do? And it excites me? Heh. No, that does not make it wrong. It might. Don't trust the right thing done for the wrong reason. The why of the thing, that's the foundation. And the foundation's solid. We farmers, we sit here every year when the rains fail and we say: "Next year." Well, next year ain't gonna save us, nor the one after that. This world's a treasure, Donald, but it's been telling us to leave for a while now. Mankind was born on Earth, it was never meant to die here. Tom will be all right, but you got to make things right with Murph. I will. Without making promises you don't know you can keep. You have to talk to me, Murph. I need to fix this before I go. MURPH: Then I'll keep it broken so you have to stay. After you kids came along, your mom said something to me I never quite understood. She said, "Now... we're just here to be memories for our kids." And I think that now I understand what she meant. You said ghosts didn't exist. That's right, Murph. Murph, look at me. I can't be your ghost right now. I need to exist. They chose me. Murph, they chose me. You saw. You're the one who led me to them. That's exactly why you can't go. I figured out the message. - One word. Know what it is? - Murph. "Stay." - It says, "Stay," Dad. - Murph. You don't believe me. Look at the books! Look at this. It says, "Stay." Why...? You're not listening! It says, "Stay!" - No, I'm coming back. - When? One for you, one for me. When I'm up there in hypersleep, or... traveling near the speed of light, or... near a black hole... time's gonna change for me. It's gonna run more slowly. When we get back... we're gonna compare. - MURPH: Time will run differently for us? - Yeah. By the time I get back, we might even be the same age, you and me. "What?" Imagine that! Aw, Murph... You have no idea when you're coming back. No idea at all! Murph, don't... Don't make me leave like this. Come on, Murph! Don't make me leave like this, Murph! Hey... I love you. Forever. You hear me? I love you forever, and I'm coming back. I'm coming back. - How'd it go? - Fine. Just fine. I love you, Tom. - Travel safe, huh? - Yeah. You look after our place for me, all right? - All right? - Uh-huh. - Hey, can I use your truck while you're gone? - You mean your truck? I'll make sure they bring it back. Look after my kids, Donald! TARS: Go for main engine start. T-minus 10... - Dad! - ...nine... Dad! ...eight... - seven... - Dad! ...six... five, main engine start, four... three... two... one. Booster ignition and... All engines look good. Beginning roll program. Prepare for stage one separation. Stage one. There is Mach 1. Everybody good? Plenty of slaves for my robot colony? They gave him a humor setting so he'd fit in better with his unit. He thinks it relaxes us. A giant sarcastic robot. What a great idea! TARS: I have a cue light I can use when I'm joking if you like. That'd probably help. You can use it to find your way back to the ship after I blow you out the airlock. - What's your humor setting, TARS? - That's 100 percent. Let's bring it on down to 75, please. TARS: Stage two separation. COOPER: All feeds going manual. MAN: Going manual. COOPER: Deactivate probe heater one, two and three. MAN: Check. - Taking control. - TARS: This is handover to you. - MAN: A.D.F. check. - COOPER: Over. Pull thrusters back. Fuel cells one, two, three. - MAN: One hundred percent. - COOPER: Ex-mites. It's hard leaving everything. My kids. Your father. We're going to be spending a lot of time together. - We should learn to talk. - And when not to. Just being honest. I don't think you need to be that honest. Hey, TARS, what's your honesty parameter? - TARS: Ninety percent. - Ninety percent? Absolute honesty isn't always the most diplomatic, nor the safest form of communication with emotional beings. Okay. Ninety percent it is, Dr. Brand. We are coming up on the Endurance. Twelve minutes out. Okay. Taking control. Approaching module port, 500 meters. It's all you, Doyle. Nice and easy, Doyle. Nice and easy. - I feel good. - Take us home. [BEEPING] - Lock. - Target locked. - COOPER: Well done. - Okay, helmets on. Good job. Door's not charging. Never mind. Cooper, you should have control. Control here. Communication with ring module active. WOMAN: Oh, wow. TARS: That's initiate. - COOPER: Are we ready to spin? - Just a sec. - Hello, CASE. - Hello, TARS. All right, we're all set. All right, let's do it. Heh. COOPER: Thirty percent of spin. One G. How's gravity treating you back there? Well. Romilly? Hey, you okay? - Yeah. - You all right? Mm. Yeah, I just need a minute. I think we have some Dramamine in the hab pod, I'm just gonna get that or maybe in the cryo-beds. I'll just be a sec. - Hey, Brand? - Yeah? - Bring a lot. - Heh-heh-heh. Amelia, be safe. - Give my regards to Dr. Mann. - I will, Dad. It looks good for your trajectory. We've calculated two years to Saturn. That's a lot of Dramamine. Look after my family, will you, please, sir? We'll be waiting for you when you get back. A little older, a little wiser, but happy to see you. BRAND: Do not go gentle into that good night Old age should burn and rave at close of day Rage, rage against the dying of the light Though wise men at their end Know dark is right Because their words had forked No lightning they Do not go gentle into that good night Rage, rage against the dying of the light - DOYLE: You good? - ROMILLY: Yeah. Okay, thank you, sir. Here. Pills. So alone. We have each other. Dr. Mann had it worse. No, I mean them. Hm? COOPER: It's a perfect planet, and we won't find another one like her. No, it's not like looking for a new condo. The human race is going to be... adrift... desperate for a rock it can cling to while it catches its breath. We need to find that rock. And our three prospects are at the edge of what might sustain human life. Laura Miller's planet is first. - Laura started our biology program. - COOPER: Mm-hm. - AMELIA: Uh, Wolf Edmunds is here. - Tell me about Edmunds. Oh, uh... Wolf's a particle physicist. None of them had families, huh? No. No attachments. My father insisted. They all knew the odds against ever seeing another human being again. I'm hoping we can surprise at least three of them. - How about Mann? - Dr. Mann? He's remarkable. He's the best of us. He inspired 11 people to follow him on the loneliest journey in human history. Scientists, explorers. That's what I love. You know, out there we face great odds. Death, but... not evil. You don't think nature can be evil? No. Formidable. Frightening. But... -, not evil. - Hm. Is a lion evil because it rips a gazelle to shreds? Just what we take with us, then. Yeah. This crew represents the best of humanity. Even me, huh? You know what? We agreed, 90 percent. There you go. - Don't stay up. - I'll be there in a minute. Just remember, Coop, you are literally wasting your breath. Hey, TARS? Let's go over that trajectory one more time. TARS: Eight months to Mars. Counter-orbital slingshot around. Fourteen months to Saturn. Nothing's changed on that. Just let me ask you something. - Dr. Brand and Edmunds... - Why are you whispering? They can't hear you. Dr. Brand and Edmunds. They close? I wouldn't know. Is that 90 percent "wouldn't know" or 10 percent "wouldn't know"? - I also have a discretion setting, Cooper. - Aah. But not a poker face, Slick. Hey, guys. Uh, Dad's about to go down for the long nap. So I wanted to give you an update. Uh... The Earth looks amazing from here. Um... You can't see any of the dust. Heh. I really hope you guys are doing great. I know you're gonna get this message. Professor Brand's assured me that... he's gonna get it to you. Know that I love you. - Is it him? - DONALD: I don't think so, Murph. You must be Donald. Hello, Murph. Why are you in my dad's truck? He wanted me to bring it for your brother. He sent you a message. She's pretty upset with him for leaving. If you record any messages, I can get them to transmit it to Cooper. Murph is a bright spark. Maybe I should fan the flame. She's already making fools of her teachers. So maybe she should come and make a fool out of you. - So where are they? - Heading for Mars. The next time you hear from Cooper, they'll be coming up on Saturn. TOM [ON RECORDING]: ...administration wants me to repeat Plant Pathology. Which sucks. But they said I could start Advanced Agriculture a year early. All right, I got to go, Dad. Hope you're safe up there. DONALD: Um, sorry, Coop. I asked Murph to say hi, but she's as stubborn as her old man. I'll try again next time. You all right, Rom? [COOPER CLEARS THROAT] This gets to me, Cooper. This. This. Millimeters of aluminum, that's it, and then nothing... out there for millions of miles won't kill us in seconds. You know that some of the finest... solo yachtsmen in the world don't know how to swim? They don't know how. And if they go overboard, psst, they're done. We're explorers, Rom. This is our boat. Here. [CRICKETS CHIRPING ON RECORDING] [THUNDER RUMBLING AND RAIN FALLING ON RECORDING] COOPER: This is from the, uh... relay probe? It was in orbit around the Wormhole. This is the Wormhole, and every time we'd come around... we would receive images from the other side of the foreign galaxy. Oh, yeah. Like swinging a periscope around. Exactly. So we got a pretty good idea what we're gonna find on the other side, huh? Navigationally. AMELIA: Guys? Looks like we'll be approaching the Wormhole in about three hours. Hey, Coop? - Can we stop the spinning? - Why? Because we're close enough to see it now? All right. Thanks. There, that's it! That's the Wormhole! Say it, don't spray it, Rom. It's a sphere. Of course it is. What, you...? You thought it would just be a hole? No, it's just that all the illustrations I've ever seen, they... ROMILLY: In the illustrations, they're trying to show you how it works. So they say you want to go from here to there. - But it's too far, right? - Mm-hm. So a Wormhole bends space like this, so you can take a shortcut through... a higher dimension. Okay, so... to show that, they've turned three-dimensional space into two dimensions which turns a Wormhole into two dimensions, a circle. What's a circle in three dimensions? - A sphere. - Exactly. A spherical hole. But who put it there? Who do we have to thank? I'm not thanking anybody until we get out of here in one piece, Rom. COOPER: Any trick to this, Doyle? No one knows. The others made it, right? At least some of them. Everybody ready to say goodbye to our solar system? To our galaxy. Here we go. [HULL CREAKING AND ALARMS BEEPING] The controls won't work here. We're passing through the bulk. It's space beyond our three dimensions. All you can do is record and observe. What is that? - I think it's them. - Distorting space-time. ROMILLY: Don't! Don't! [BEEPING STOPS] What was that? The first handshake. We're... We're here. DOYLE: So the lost communications came through. - How? - The relay on this side cached them. So years of basic data. No real surprises. Miller's site has kept pinging thumbs up, as has Dr. Mann's. Um... Edmunds' went down three years ago. Transmitter failure? Maybe. He was sending the thumbs up right until it went dark. But Miller's still looks good though, right? - Because she's coming up fast. - DOYLE: Mm-hm. With one complication. The planet is much closer to Gargantua than we thought. - COOPER: Gargantua? - It's what we're calling the black hole. Miller's and Dr. Mann's planets both orbit it. - And Miller's is on the horizon? - ROMILLY: As a basketball around a hoop. Landing there takes us dangerously close. And a black hole that big has a huge gravitational pull. Look, I could swing around that neutron star to decelerate. AMELIA: No, it's not that. It's time. The gravity on that planet will slow our clock compared to Earth's drastically. How bad? Every hour we spend on that planet will be... seven years back on Earth. Jesus. Well, that's relativity, folks. Well, we can't just drop down there without... Cooper, we have a mission. Yeah, Doyle, we have a mission, and our mission Plan A is... to find a planet that can habitate the people that are living on Earth right now. You can't just think about your family. Now you have to think bigger than that. I am thinking about my family and millions of other families, okay? Plan A does not work if the people on Earth are dead by the time we pull it off. No. It doesn't. That's why there's a Plan B. Okay. Cooper's right. We need to think of time as a resource, just like oxygen and food. Going down it's gonna cost us. All right, look. Dr. Mann's data is promising, but it's gonna take months to get there. And Edmunds', it's even further. Miller hasn't sent much, but what she has is very promising. It's water, it's organics... - You don't find that every day. - No, you don't. And just think about the resources, including time... that would be spent trying to get back here. - Romilly... - Yeah? far off from Miller's planet do we have to be to stay out of the time shift? Just back from the cusp. All right, which is here, just outside of Miller's planet. - ROMILLY: Right. - Okay. Here's Gargantua. Here's Miller's planet. Instead of taking the Endurance into orbit around Miller's planet... which would conserve fuel, but we would lose a lot of time... what if we take a wider orbit around Gargantua, parallel with Miller's planet outside of this time shift, to here? Then we take the Ranger down, we get Miller, we get her samples. We come back, we analyze, we debrief. We're in, we're out. We lose a little fuel, but we save a whole lot of time. - That'll work. - That's good. There's no time for monkey business or chit-chat down there. So, TARS, you should definitely stay here. CASE, you're with me. Anyone else can stay. If we're talking about a couple years, I could use the time to research gravity. Observations from the Wormhole, that's gold to Professor Brand. COOPER: TARS, factor an orbit of Gargantua. Conserve fuel, minimize thrusting, but make sure we stay in range of Miller's planet. - You got it? - TARS: I wouldn't leave you behind... Dr. Brand. - COOPER: You ready, CASE? - CASE: Yup. - You don't say much, do you? - TARS talks plenty for both of us. Detach. - Romilly, are you reading these forces? - ROMILLY: It's unbelievable. A literal heart of darkness. If we could just see the collapsed star inside... the singularity, yeah, we'd solve gravity. - And we can't get anything from it? - Nothing escapes that horizon. Not even light. - The answer's there, just no way to see it. - There's Miller's planet. Goodbye, Ranger. CASE: This is fast for atmospheric entry. - Should we use the thrusters to slow? - No. I'm gonna use the Ranger's aerodynamics to save some fuel. CASE: Air brake? - We want to get down fast, don't we? - We want to get there in one piece. - Hang on. - CASE: Brand, Doyle, get ready. [ALARMS BEEPING] - CASE: We should ease! - COOPER: Hands where I can see them. The only time I went down was when a machine was easing at the wrong time. - A little caution... - Can get you killed, like reckless driving. - Cooper, it's too damn fast! - I got this. - CASE: Should I disable the feedback? - No. I need to feel the air. Here we go. It's just water! The stuff of life. CASE: Twelve hundred meters. - Do we have a fix on the beacon? - CASE: Got it! - Can you maneuver? - I'll need to shave some speed. I'm gonna spiral down on top of it. Everybody hang on! CASE: Seven hundred. On my cue, CASE. On my cue. CASE: Five hundred meters. Fire! - Very graceful. - No. But very efficient. What are you waiting for? Let's go! Go, go, go! Seven years per hour here. Let's make it count! [PANTING] CASE: This way. About 200 meters. The gravity's punishing. Been floating through space too long? CASE: 110% Earth gravity. COOPER: Come on. Come on. - There's nothing here. - CASE: Should be right here. If the signal's coming from here, then... Her beacon. DOYLE: Wreckage. Where's the rest? Towards the mountains! Those aren't mountains. They're waves. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. COOPER: That one's moving away from us. AMELIA: We need the recorder. Brand, Doyle, back to the Ranger now! We're not leaving without her data. Get back here now! We do not have time! The second wave is coming! We're in the middle of a swell. AMELIA: No, I got it. Get your ass back to the Ranger now! [GRUNTING] Brand, get back here now! AMELIA: No, Cooper, go. Cooper, go. I can't make it. - Go! - CASE, go get her. - Go! - Get up. Get up, Brand! DOYLE: Go, go! Go! - I'm not gonna make it! - Yes, you are. Yes, you are! Come on, CASE has her! Get back here, Doyle! Come on! Get to the hatch! Go, go! Go! Shit. Manually overriding inside hatch! Cooper! Wait! COOPER: The engines are flooded! I'm gonna have to shut her down. [AMELIA YELLING] Holy shit. Hang on! [YELLING] - CASE, what's the problem? - Too waterlogged. Let it drain. Goddamn it! - I told you to leave me! Why didn't you? - And I told you to get your ass back here! - One of us was thinking about the mission! - You were thinking about getting home. I was trying to do the right thing! Can you tell that to Doyle? - COOPER: CASE, how much time? - Forty-five to an hour. The stuff of life, huh? What's this gonna cost us, Brand? A lot. Decades. [PANTING] [GROANS] What happened to Miller? Judging by the wreckage, she was broken up by a wave soon after impact. How's the wreckage stayed together after all these years, huh? Because of the time slippage. On this planet's time, she just landed hours ago. She probably just died minutes ago. CASE: The data Doyle received was just the initial status echoing endlessly. Oh, we are not prepared for this. You eggheads have the survival skills of a Boy Scout troop. Well, we got this far on our brains. Farther than any human in history. Well, not far enough! And now we're stuck here till there won't be anyone left on Earth to save. I'm counting every minute, same as you, Cooper. Is there any possibility... I don't know, some kind of a way we can maybe all jump in a black hole? Gain back the years? Don't shake your head at me. Time is relative, okay? It can stretch and it can squeeze, but... it can't run backwards. The only thing that can move across dimensions, like time, is gravity. Okay. The beings that led us here, they communicate... - ...through gravity, right? - Yes. Could they be talking to us from the future? - Maybe. - Okay. If they can... "They" are beings of five dimensions. To them, time might be another physical dimension. To them... the past might be a canyon that they can climb into and the future... a mountain they can climb up. But to us, it's not, okay? Look, Cooper, I screwed up. I'm sorry. - But you knew about relativity. - Oh. [SOFTLY] Brand... [SIGHS] my daughter was 10 years old. I couldn't teach her Einstein's theories before I left. Couldn't you have told her you were going to save the world? No. When you become a parent, one thing becomes really clear. And that is that you want to make sure your children feel safe. And it rules out telling a 10-year-old that the world is ending. Cooper? [DISTANT RUMBLING] - How long for the engines, CASE? - A minute or two. We don't have it. Helmets on! Brand, co-pilot, you're up. CASE, blow the cabin oxygen through the main thrusters! - We're gonna spark it. - Roger that. - Locked. - Depressurizing. Engines up! Hello, Rom. I've waited years. How...? How many years? - ROMILLY: By now it must be... Twenty-three years... four months, eight days. Doyle? I thought I was prepared. I knew the theory. Reality's different. And Miller? There's nothing here for us. Why didn't you sleep? Oh, I had a couple of stretches. But I stopped believing you were coming back. And something seemed wrong about dreaming my life away. I learned what I could from the black hole... but I couldn't send anything to your father. We've been receiving, but nothing gets out. - AMELIA: Is he alive? - Oh, yeah. - Yeah? - Yeah. ROMILLY: We've got years of messages stored. Cooper. COMPUTER: Messages span 23 years. Play it from the beginning. TOM [ON RECORDING]: Hey, Dad. Checking in. Saying hi. Um... Finished second in school. Miss Kurling's still giving me C's though. Pulled me down, but seconds not bad. Grandpa attended the ceremony. Um... Oh. I met another girl, Dad. I, uh... I really think this is the one. Name's Lois. That's her right there. Murphy stole Grandpa's car. She crashed it. She's okay, though. Hey, Dad. Look at this! You're a grandpa. His name's Jesse. I kind of wanted to call him Coop, but Lois says, uh... maybe next time. Donald says he's already earned the "great" part, so we just leave it at that. [TOM SPEAKS INDISTINCTLY] LOIS: Oh, dear. Oh, dear. Say "Bye-bye, Grandpa." Bye-bye, Grandpa. Okay. Sorry it's been a while. Just... what with Jesse and all. Uh... Grandpa died last week. We buried him out in the back forty next to Mom and... Jesse. Which is where we would have buried you if you'd ever... come back. Murph was there at the funeral. We don't see her that much, but she came for that. You aren't listening to this, I know that. All these messages are just, like... drifting out there in the darkness. Lois says that, uh... I have to let you go. And, uh... So... I guess I'm letting you go. I don't know where you are, Dad... but I hope that you're at peace. Goodbye. Hey, Dad. Hey, Murph. You son of a bitch. I never made one of these when you were still responding... because I was so mad at you for leaving. And then when you went quiet, it... seemed like I should live with that decision. But today's my birthday. And it's a special one, because you told me... You once told me that when you came back, we might be the same age. And today I'm the age you were when you left. So it would be a real good time for you to come back. [BOTH SOBBING] [SNIFFLES] I didn't mean to intrude. It's just that I've never seen you in here before. I've never been in here before. BRAND: I talk to Amelia all the time. It helps. - I'm glad you've started. - MURPH: I haven't. I... I just had something I needed to get out. - I know they're still out there. - I know. There are so many reasons their communications might not be getting through. I know, professor. I'm not sure what I'm more afraid of. Them never coming back or... coming back to find we've failed. Then let's succeed. So... back to the fourth iteration. Let's run it through some new fields. With respect, professor, we've tried that hundreds of times. It only has to work once, Murph. BRAND: Every rivet that they strike could have been a bullet. We've done well for the world here... whether or not we crack the equation before I kick the bucket. - Don't be morbid, professor. - I'm not afraid of death. I'm an old physicist. I'm afraid of time. MURPH: Time. You're afraid of time. We've been trying to solve the equation... without changing the underlying assumption about time. - And? - And that means... each iteration is an attempt to prove its own proof. It's recursive. It's nonsensical. Are you calling my life's work... nonsense, Murph? No, I'm saying that you've been trying to... finish it with one arm... No, with both arms tied behind your back. And I don't understand why. I'm an old man, Murph. Can we take this point up at another time? I want to talk to my daughter. Stepping out into the universe... we must confront the reality of interstellar travel. We must reach far beyond our own lifespans. We must think not as individuals but as a species. Do not go gentle into that good night COOPER: TARS kept the Endurance right where we needed her. But the trip took years longer than we anticipated. We no longer have the fuel to visit both prospects, so... we have to choose. But how? They're both promising. Edmunds' data is better, but Dr. Mann is the one still transmitting, so... We've no reason to suspect Edmunds's data would have soured. His world has key elements to sustain human life. - As does Dr. Mann's. - Cooper, this is my field. And... I really believe Edmunds' is the better prospect. - Why? - Gargantua, that's why. Look at Miller's planet. Hydrocarbons, organics, yes... but no life. Sterile. We'll find the same thing on Mann's. Because of the black hole? Murphy's Law. Whatever can happen will happen. Accident is the first building block of evolution. But when you're orbiting a black hole not enough can happen. It sucks in asteroids and comets, other events which would otherwise reach you. We need to go further afield. You once said that Dr. Mann... was the best of us. He's remarkable. We're only here because of him. And yet... Yet here he is. He's on the ground, and he's sending a very unambiguous message, telling us to come to his planet. Granted, but Edmunds' data is more promising. We should vote. Well, if we vote, there's something you should know. Brand? He has a right to know. That has nothing to do with it. - What does? - She's in love with Wolf Edmunds. - ROMILLY: Is that true? - Yes. And that makes me want to follow my heart. But maybe we've spent too long trying to figure all this out with theory. You're a scientist, Brand. So listen to me... when I say that love isn't something we invented. It's... observable, powerful. It has to mean something. Love has meaning, yes. Social utility, social bonding, child rearing... We love people who have died. Where's the social utility in that? None. Maybe it means something more, something we can't... yet understand. Maybe it's some evidence, some... artifact of a higher dimension that we can't consciously perceive. I'm drawn across the universe to someone I haven't seen in a decade... who I know is probably dead. Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving... that transcends dimensions of time and space. Maybe we should trust that, even if we can't understand it yet. All right, Cooper... yes... the tiniest possibility of seeing Wolf again excites me. That doesn't mean I'm wrong. Honestly, Amelia... it might. TARS, chart a course for Dr. Mann's. TOM: We'll lose about a third again. But next year... Next year I'm gonna work Nelson's farm and we'll make it up. What happened to Nelson? LOIS: Murph, have you eaten enough? Would you like some more souffle? Oh, no. I'm full, thanks. It was delicious. Coop, finish your fritter, please. Will you spend the night? Your room is exactly as you left it. It's ready. I need to get back. LOIS: My sewing machine is in there, but there's plenty... I need to... Too many memories. We might have something for that. Hey, Coop. [COOP COUGHING] The dust. Lois, I have a friend who... could look at his lungs. [DISTANT RUMBLING] - COOPER: Amelia, I'm sorry. - You were just being objective. Unless you're punishing me for screwing up on Miller's planet. No, this wasn't a personal decision. If you're wrong, you will have a very personal decision to make. Your fuel calculations are based on a return journey. Strike out on Mann's planet, and we'll have to decide whether to return home... or push on to Edmunds' with Plan B. Starting a colony could save us from extinction. You might have to decide between seeing your children again... and the future of the human race. I trust you'll be as objective then. He's been asking for you since he came to. We were trying to reach you. Murph. I'm here, professor. I let you all down. No, you got us so far. Real close. I'll finish what you started. Good, good Murph. You had faith... all those... all those years. I... I asked you to have faith. I wanted you to believe... that your father... would come back. I do, professor. - Forgive me, Murph. - There's nothing to forgive. I... I lied, Murph. I lied to you. There was no need for him to... To come back. There is no way to help us. But Plan A... All this. All these people. And the equation. Did my father know? Did he leave me? Do... not... go... gentle... No. No! You can't leave. You... No. MURPH: Dr. Brand, I'm sorry to tell you that your father died today. He had no pain. He was at peace. I'm very sorry for your loss. Brand, did you know? He told you, right? You knew. This was all a sham. You left us here. To suffocate. To starve. [ALARM BEEPING] COOPER: Frozen cloud. [GASPING] [CRYING] [SOFTLY] It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. Pray you never learn... just how good it can be to see another face. I hadn't a lot of hope to begin with, but... after so long, I had none. My supplies were completely exhausted. The last time I went to sleep, I didn't even set a waking date. You have literally raised me from the dead. - Lazarus. - Hm. - What about the others? - I'm afraid you're it, sir. So far, surely. No, our present situation is that there's very little chance of rescuing any others. AMELIA: Dr. Mann. Dr. Mann? Tell us about your world. Our world, we hope. [SNIFFLES] Our world, uh... is cold... stark... but undeniably beautiful. MANN: The days are 67 hours long, cold. The nights are... 67 far colder hours. The gravity is a very, very pleasant 80 percent of the Earth's. Now, up here where I landed, the water is alkali... and the air has too much ammonia to breathe for more than just a few minutes... but down at the surface, and there is a surface... the chlorine dissipates. The ammonia gives way to crystalline hydrocarbons and breathable air. To organics. Possibly even to life. We might be sharing this world. These readings are from the surface? Over the years, I've dropped various probes. - COOPER: How far have you explored? - I've mounted several major expeditions. But with oxygen in limited supply, KIPP there really did most of the legwork. - TARS: What went wrong with him, sir? - MANN: Degeneration. He misidentified the first organics we found as ammonia crystals. We struggled on for a time, but ultimately I decommissioned him and... used his power source to keep the mission going. I thought I was alone before I shut him down. Would you like me to look at him? No. No. He needs a human touch. Dr. Brand, CASE is relaying a message for you from the comm station. Okay. Be right there. Excuse me. Dr. Brand, I'm sorry to tell you that your father died today. He had no pain. He was at peace. I'm sorry for your loss. AMELIA: Is that Murph? She's... She's grown. Brand, did you know? He told you, right? You knew. This was all a sham. You left us here. To suffocate. To starve. Did my father know too? [MURPH SNIFFLES] Dad? I just want to know... if you left me here to die. I just have to know. Cooper, my... My father dedicated... his whole life to Plan A. I have no idea what she's talking about. MANN: I do. He never even hoped to get the people off the Earth? No. But he's been trying to solve the gravity equation for 40 years. Amelia, your father solved his equation before I even left. Then why wouldn't he use it? The equation couldn't reconcile relativity with quantum mechanics. You need more. More? More what? MANN: More data. You need to see into a black hole. The laws of nature prohibit a naked singularity. Romilly, is that true? If a black hole is an oyster, then the singularity's the pearl inside. The gravity's so strong, it's always hidden in darkness... behind the horizon. That's why we call it a black hole. Okay, but if we see beyond the horizon... We can't, Coop. MANN: There are some things that aren't meant to be known. Your father had to find another way to save the human race from extinction. - Plan B. A colony. - Why not tell people? - Why keep building those stations? - He knew how hard it would be... to get people to work together to save the species instead of themselves. - Or their children. - Bullshit. MANN: You never would've come here unless you believed you would save them. Evolution has yet to transcend that simple barrier. We can care deeply, selflessly about those we know, but that empathy rarely extends beyond our line of sight. But the lie. That monstrous lie? Unforgivable. And he knew that. He was prepared to destroy his own humanity in order to save the species. - He made an incredible sacrifice. - No. An incredible sacrifice is being made by the people on Earth who are gonna die! Because in his fucking arrogance... he declared their case hopeless. I'm sorry, Cooper... their case is hopeless. No. No. We are the future. Cooper, what can I do? Let me go home. MAN: You're absolutely positive? His solution was correct. He'd had it for years. - It's worthless? - It's half the answer. Okay, how do you find the other half? Out there? A black hole. - But stuck down here on Earth? - Yeah? I'm not sure you can. MAN: God, they just pack up and leave. What are they hoping to find? Survival. Damn it. Murph, don't...? Don't people have a right to know? Panic won't help. We just have to keep working, same as ever. But isn't that exactly what Professor Brand was manipulating us to do? Brand gave up on us. I'm still trying to solve this. So... do you have an idea? A feeling. I told you about my ghost. My dad thought I called it a ghost... because I was scared of it. But I was never scared of it. I called it a ghost because it felt... It felt like a person. It was trying to tell me something. If there's an answer here on Earth, it's back there... somehow, in that room. So I have to find it. We're running out of time. CASE: What about auxiliary oxygen scrubbers? COOPER: No, they can stay. I'll be sleeping anyway. - Hey, Coop? - Yeah? I have a suggestion for your return journey. - Yeah, what's that? - Have one last crack at the black hole. I'm going home, Rom. Yeah, I know. This isn't going to cost you any time. There's a chance for the people on Earth. - Talk to me. - Gargantua's an older spinning black hole. - It's what we call a gentle singularity. - Gentle? They're hardly gentle. But the tidal gravity is so quick that... something crossing the horizon fast might survive. A probe, say. - What happens after it crosses? - After the horizon is a complete mystery. So, what's to say there isn't some way that the probe... can glimpse the singularity and relay the quantum data? If he's equipped to transmit every form of energy that can pulse. TARS: Just when did this probe become a "he," professor? TARS is the obvious candidate. I've already told him what to look for. I'd need the old optical transmitter off KIPP, Cooper. You'd do this for us? Before you get all teary, remember that as a robot I have to do anything you say. - Your cue light's broken. - I'm not joking. I'm gonna need TARS to remove and adapt some components from KIPP. I don't want to disturb his archival functions. I'll supervise. All right. Dr. Mann, we need to find three secure sites. One for Brand's lab, two for habitat. Once those modules have landed, you don't want to move them. I can take you to the probe sites, but I don't think... these conditions are gonna hold. I think we should wait. COOPER: CASE is headed down with the rest of the distillery equipment. I'd really like to secure those sites by nightfall. Well, these squalls do usually blow over. Okay, then. - You'll need a long-range transmitter. - Got it. - Are you charged? - Yeah. Follow me. - TARS, 72 hours, yeah? - Roger that, Cooper. MANN: Brand told me why you feel you have to go back. But I'd be remiss if I didn't at least mention... that a mission such as ours could certainly use an extra engineer. You better slow down, turbo. Safety first, CASE, remember. CASE: Safety first, Cooper. COOPER: I have to tell you, Dr. Mann, I'm honored to be a part of this. But once we set up base camp and secure those modules, my work's done here. I'm going home. [SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY] You have attachments. But even without a family... I can promise you that that yearning to be with other people is powerful. That emotion is at the foundation... of what makes us human. [LOIS COUGHING] - How long have you had that cough? - A while. COOP: Mom lets me play in here. I don't touch your stuff. [WHIRRING] Just take this gently. You know why we couldn't just send machines on these missions, don't you, Cooper? A machine doesn't improvise well because you can't program a fear of death. Our survival instinct is our single greatest source of inspiration. Take you, for example. A father... with a survival instinct that extends to your kids. What does research tell us is the last thing you're going to see before you die? Your children. Their faces. At the moment of death, your mind's gonna push a little bit harder to survive. For them. Deep breath. Uh, hey. I bet you're Coop. Why don't you have a seat here for me? It's bad. They cannot stay here. - Okay? - Yeah. ROMILLY: TARS, what's taking so long? TARS: Professor, I am having trouble completing the boot up. I don't understand. [COOPER EXHALES] It's funny. When I left Earth... I thought I was prepared to die. The truth is... I never really considered the possibility that my planet wasn't the one. Nothing worked out the way it was supposed to. COOPER: Let's go. [YELLS] All right, buddy, give me a big deep breath. What is this? - What are you doing? - I'm sorry! I can't let you leave with that ship. We're gonna need it to complete the mission... once the others realize what this place isn't. We cannot survive here. I'm sorry! I'm sorry! [MANN GRUNTING] [MANN YELLS] - MURPH: They can't stay here anymore. - MAN: You have to leave right now. Let me make something abundantly clear. You have a responsibility... - MAN: Oh! Jesus! - TOM: Coop, get her stuff. She's going home. Dad didn't raise you to be this dumb, Tom! Dad didn't raise me, Grandpa did. And he's buried out back with Mom and Jesse. [PANTING] You faked all the data? MANN: Yeah. There's no surface? MANN: No. I tried to do my duty, Cooper... but I knew the day that I arrived here that this place had nothing. And I resisted the temptation for years... but I knew that... if I just pressed that button, then... somebody would come and save me. You fucking coward. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. [BOTH GRUNTING] Listen, if you're not going to go, let your family go. Just save your family. And we go live underground with you? Pray that Daddy comes to save us? Dad's not coming back. He never was coming back. It's up to me. You're gonna save everybody? Because Dad couldn't do it. Dad didn't even try! Dad just abandoned us! He left us here to die. Nobody's going with you. You gonna wait for your next kid to die? [SOFTLY] Get out. And don't come back. MURPH: You can keep my stuff. [BOTH GRUNTING] Stop it! No. No! Dr. Mann, there's a 50-50 chance you're gonna kill yourself! Those are the best odds I've had in years. [AIR WHOOSHING AND COOPER YELLING] Don't judge me, Cooper. You were never tested like I was. Few men have been. You tried your best, Murph. - You're feeling it, aren't you? - [COOPER COUGHING] The survival instinct. That's what drove me. It's what drives all of us. And it's what's gonna save us. Because I want to save all of us. For you, Cooper. I'm sorry, I can't watch you go through this. I'm sorry. I thought I could, but I can't. I'm here. I'm here for you. Just listen to my voice, Cooper. I'm right here. You're not alone. Do you see your children? It's okay. They're right there with you. Did Professor Brand tell you that poem before you left? Do you remember? MANN [PANTING]: Do not go gentle into that good night Old age should burn and rave At close of day Rage, rage against the dying of the light [COMM CLICKS OFF] Brand! Help! - Help! - Cooper? AMELIA: CASE! No air. Ammonia. Cooper. Cooper, we're coming! CASE! - CASE: I have a fix. - Go! Go, go, go! CASE: And away! Cooper, we're coming. Hang in there. Don't talk. Try to breathe as little as possible. We're almost there. TARS: There's a security lockout, sir. It requires a person to access function. It's all yours, sir. AMELIA: Try not to breathe. We're coming. We're coming right now. CASE, come on! Come on! We got to go faster, CASE! Faster, faster, faster! Hang in there. Come on. I see him, I see him! CASE, bank! Bank right! Cooper! Cooper! I'm here! This data makes no sense. I'm sorry. - What? - Mann was lying! Go. Go. Romilly. AMELIA: Romilly! Romilly! Do you read me, Romilly? TARS: Step back, professor! Step back! [COMM CLICKS ON] - COOPER: Romilly... - AMELIA: Romilly, do you read me? Keep watch! Lois? - COOPER: What happened to caution, CASE? - Safety first, Cooper. Romilly? Romilly, do you read me? This is Brand. AMELIA: Romilly? CASE: Dr. Brand. Cooper. There's been an explosion. Dr. Mann's compound. [WHIRRING] TARS, TARS, 10 o'clock! COOPER: Let me know when TARS is aboard. TARS: Romilly did not survive. I could not save him. - CASE: TARS is in. - I'll take her now. - Do we have a fix on the Ranger? - CASE: He's pushing into orbit! If he takes control of that ship, we're dead. - He'd maroon us? - He is marooning us. I'll meet you guys downstairs. Go wait by the car. Come on! Give me your bag. Get in the backseat. Get in the backseat now! COOPER: Dr. Mann, please respond. Dr. Mann, please respond! CASE: He doesn't know the Endurance docking procedure. - The autopilot does. - CASE: Not since TARS disabled it. Nice. - What's your trust setting, TARS? - Lower than yours apparently. COOPER: Do not attempt docking. I repeat, do not attempt docking. Please res... [COMM CLICKS OFF] COMPUTER: Auto-docking sequence withheld. - Override. - Unauthorized. Override. Unauthorized. Do not attempt docking. I repeat, do not attempt docking. Please resp... [GRUNTING] Moving slowly toward the Endurance. [ALARM BEEPING] COMPUTER: Imperfect contact. - Override. - Hatch lockout. - Is he locked on yet? - CASE: Imperfectly. Dr. Mann, do not... [ALARM BEEPING] [ALARM STOPS] COMPUTER: Hatch lockout disengaged. Dr. Mann, do not, I repeat, do not open the hatch. I repeat, do not open the hatch. If you open the hatch, the airlock will depressurize. [ALARM BEEPING] - What happens if he blows the airlock? - CASE: Nothing good. Okay, pull back. Retro thrusters, everything we've got, CASE! - CASE: Thrusters are full! - Back! Relay my transmission to the onboard computer... and have it rebroadcast as emergency P.A. Dr. Mann... AMELIA: I repeat, do not open the inner hatch. I repeat... Brand? I don't know what he said to you... but I am taking command of the Endurance. And then we can talk about completing the mission. Dr. Mann, listen to me. This is not about my life. Or Cooper's life. This is about all mankind. There is a moment... It is not sa... Oh, my God. [CONTROLS CLICKING] - CASE: There's no point using fuel to chase... - Analyze the Endurance's spin. - Cooper, what are you doing? - Docking. CASE: Endurance rotation is 67, 68 RPM. Okay, get ready to match our spin with the retro thrusters. - CASE: It's not possible. - COOPER: No... it's necessary. CASE: Endurance is hitting stratosphere! AMELIA: She's got no heat shield. - CASE, you ready? - Ready. CASE: Cooper! This is no time for caution. CASE, if I black out, you take the stick. TARS, get ready to engage the docking mechanism. - CASE: Endurance is starting to heat. - Twenty feet out. TARS: I need three degrees starboard, Cooper. Ten feet out. TARS: Cooper, we are lined up. Initiating spin! [GROANING] Come on, TARS. Come on, TARS! - TARS: We are locked, Cooper. - Locked. Easing up! Easy. Easy. Retro thrusters! Main engines on. Pushing out of orbit. Come on, baby. Killing main engines! Okay, we're out of orbit. [LAUGHING] Okay. And for our next trick! CASE: It'll have to be good. We're heading into Gargantua's pull. COOPER: Oh, shit. - CASE, take the stick. - Roger that. [PANTING] [PANTING] [ALARMS WAILING] CASE: Cooper, we're slipping towards Gargantua. Shall I use main engines? No. We got to let her slide as far as we can. - COOPER: Give it to me. - TARS: There's good news, there's bad news. Yeah, I've heard that one, TARS. Give it to me straight. The backup generator kicked in, so the system's stable. They're all good. Good. Okay. The navigational hub has been completely destroyed. We don't have enough life support to make it back to Earth, but... I think we can scratch our way to Edmunds' planet. - What about fuel? - Not enough. But I have a plan. COOPER: We let Gargantua pull us down close to her horizon. Then a powered slingshot around, launching us towards Edmunds' planet. - AMELIA: Manually? - That's what I'm here for. I'm gonna take us just inside the critical orbit. - AMELIA: What about time slippage? - Neither of us has time to worry... about relativity right now, Dr. Brand. I'm sorry, Cooper. Once we've gathered enough speed around Gargantua... we use Lander 1... and Ranger 2 as rocket boosters to... push us out of the black hole's gravity. The Lender's linkages have been destroyed... so we'll have to control manually. Once Lander 1 is spent, TARS will detach... TARS: And get sucked into that black hole. AMELIA: Why does TARS have to detach? We have to shed the weight to escape the gravity. TARS: Newton's third law. The only way humans have ever figured out of getting somewhere... is to leave something behind. Cooper, you can't ask TARS to do this for us. He's a robot. So you don't have to ask him to do anything. - AMELIA: Cooper, you asshole! - Sorry, you broke up a little bit there. TARS: It's what we intended, Dr. Brand. It's our only chance to save people on Earth. If I can find a way to transmit the quantum data I'll find in there... they might still make it. Let's just hope there's still someone there to save. [HULL CREAKING] CASE: Maximum velocity achieved. Main engine ignition in three... two... one. - Ready? - Ready. - TARS: Ready. - CASE: Mark. Come on, baby. CASE: Lander 1 engines, on my mark. Three, two... one. Mark. Ranger 2 engines, on my mark. Three, two, one... - Mark. - Fire! This little maneuver's gonna cost us 51 years! You don't sound so bad for pushing 120! [BOTH WHOOP] [ALARM BEEPING] CASE: Lander 1, prepare to detach on my mark. Three, two... - one. Mark. - TARS: Detach! - AMELIA: Goodbye, TARS. - TARS: Goodbye, Dr. Brand. - See you on the other side, Coop. - See you there, Slick! [ALARM BEEPING] Okay, CASE. - Nice reckless flying! - CASE: Learned from the master. - Ranger 2, prepare to detach. - What? No! No! Cooper! What are you doing? Newton's third law. You got to leave something behind. You told me we had enough resources for both of us. We agreed, Amelia... 90 percent. Don't. Detach. COOPER: Okay, I am nosing down. Approaching the event horizon. Portside, dipping down beneath it to go through it. Heading towards blackness. [STATICKY] I have a visual of the event. It's all black. TARS, do you read me? It's all blackness. TARS! Do you read me? Over. Okay. Screens... getting interference. Losing control of the stick. I got flashes. Flashes of lightness and blackness. The turbulence in the gravity is increasing. Ah. The computers are going down. Agh. [ALARMS BEEPING] [GRUNTING] Gravitational pull. I'm losing control of the stick. [YELLING] MAN: Murph? Murph, come on! COMPUTER: Eject. Eject. Eject. Eject. Eject. Eject. [GRUNTING] [SHIVERING] [GASPING] [YELLING] [GRUNTING] [GRUNTING] Murph. Murph! Murph! Murph! Murph. No, no, no! Murph! Murph! No! No! [YELLING] If you're leaving, just go. COOPER: No, no. No. No, don't go. Don't go, you idiot. Don't go! Morse. Morse. Morse. Dot. Dot. S. T. A. Dash! Dash! Dash! MAN: Murph! Murph, we don't have time for this! Come on! [PANTING] Y. "Stay!" Come on. Come on, Murph. Come on! What's it say? What's it say, Murph? What's it say? "Stay." Tell him, Murph. Make him stay. Make him stay, Murph. Make him stay, Murph. Don't let me leave, Murph! Don't let me leave, Murph! [SOBBING] No! No! No! It was you. You were my ghost. [STATIC OVER COMM] TARS: Cooper. Cooper. Come in, Cooper. - TARS? - Roger that. - You survived. - Somewhere... in their fifth dimension. They saved us. Yeah? Who the hell is "they"? And just why would they want to help us? I don't know, but they constructed this three-dimensional space... inside their five-dimensional reality to allow you to understand it. Yeah, that ain't working. Yes, it is. You've seen that time is represented here as a physical dimension. You have worked out that you can exert a force across space-time. Gravity to send a message. Affirmative. Gravity... can cross the dimensions, including time. Apparently. Do you have the quantum data? Roger. I have it. I am transmitting it on all wavelengths, but nothing is getting out, Cooper. I can do this. I can do this. But such complicated data to a child? Not just any child. [SOFTLY] What else? Oh, come on, Dad. Murph, the fire's out! Come on! TARS: Even if you communicate it here, she won't understand its significance for years. I get that, TARS. But we've got to figure something out or the people on Earth are gonna die. Think! Cooper... they didn't bring us here to change the past. Say that again. They didn't bring us here to change the past. No, they didn't bring us here at all. We brought ourselves. TARS, give me the coordinates for NASA in binary. In binary. Roger. Feeding data. "It's not a ghost." "It's gravity." COOPER: Don't you get it yet, TARS? I brought myself here! We're here to communicate with the three-dimensional world. We're the bridge! I thought they chose me. - But they didn't choose me, they chose her. - TARS: For what, Cooper? To save the world. All of this is one little girl's bedroom. Every moment. It's infinitely complex. They have access to infinite time and space, but they're not bound by anything! They can't find a specific place in time. They can't communicate. That's why I'm here. I'm gonna find a way to tell Murph... just like I found this moment. - How, Cooper? - Love, TARS, love. It's just like Brand said. My connection with Murph, it is quantifiable. It's the key! What are we here to do? Find how to tell her. The watch. The watch. That's it. We code the data into the movement of the second hand. TARS, translate the data into Morse and feed it to me. Translating data to Morse. Cooper, what if she never came back for it? She will. She will. MAN: Murph, I can see his car! He's coming, Murph! Okay. I'm coming down. TARS: How do you know? Because I gave it to her. Roger. Morse is dot-dot-dash-dot. Dot-dot... dash-dot. Dot-dash-dot-dot. Dot-dash-dot-dot. Dash-dash-dash. Dash, dash, dash. He came back! It was him all the time! I didn't know. It was him! Dad's gonna save us. Eureka! It's traditional. [MURPH LAUGHS] Eureka! [PANTING] Did it work? TARS: I think it might have. How do you know? Because the bulk beings are closing the tesseract. Don't you get it yet, TARS? They're not "beings." They're us. What I've been doing for Murph, they're doing for me. For all of us. Cooper, people couldn't build this. No. No, not yet. But one day. Not you and me. But people. A civilization that's evolved past the four dimensions we know. COOPER: What happens now? [BIRDS CHIRPING] MAN: Mr. Cooper. All right. Let's take it slow, sir. Nice and easy, Mr. Cooper. Remember, you're no spring chicken anymore. Actually, you are 124 years old. [CHEERING OUTSIDE] Take it slow, sir. You were, uh... extremely lucky. The Rangers found you with only minutes left in your oxygen supply. [GLASS SHATTERS AND KIDS CHEER] Where am I? Cooper Station. Currently orbiting Saturn. Cooper Station. Nice of you to name it after me. [LAUGHS] What? The station isn't named after you, sir. It's, uh... named after your daughter. Although she's always maintained just how important you were. Is she still alive? She'll be here in a couple weeks. She is far too old to be transferring from another station... but when she heard that you'd been found... well, this is, uh... Murphy Cooper we're talking about. Yes, it is. We'll have you checked out of here in a couple days. I'm sure you'll be excited to see what's in store. I actually, uh... did a paper on you in high school. I know all about your life back on Earth. Oh, yeah. Right. If... If you'll follow me, we've got a really good situation for you. So, uh... when I made my suggestion to Miss Cooper... I was delighted to hear that she thought it was perfect. WOMAN 1 [ON TV]: It was just constant. Just that steady blow of dirt. Of course, I didn't speak to her personally. MAN 1: We always set the plate upside-down. Glasses or cups, whatever it was, upside-down. Well, my dad was a farmer. Uh, like everybody else back then. There just wasn't enough food. We wore little things, little strips... of sheet over our nose and mouth so we wouldn't breathe so much of it. Well, it was pretty exciting for me because it was hope. MAN 2: I don't care who describes it, there is no way for it to be exaggerated. MAN: She did confirm just how much you loved farming. - Oh, she did, did she? - Yeah. Come here. Home sweet home. Everything replaced and put back where it... [INTERVIEWEES CONTINUE SPEAKING IN BACKGROUND] - Hey, is this...? - Oh, yeah. The machine we found out near Saturn when we found you. Yes. Its, uh... power source was shot, but we could get you another one. Yes. Please. TARS: Settings. General settings. Security settings. Honesty, new setting: 95 percent. Confirmed. Additional customization? Humor: 75 percent. Confirmed. Auto self-destruct T-minus 10, nine... Let's make that 60 percent. Sixty percent confirmed. - Knock-knock. - You want 55? Is this really what it was like? It was never this clean, Slick. Heh. I don't care much for this pretending we're back where we started. I want to know where we are. Where we're going. - Mr. Cooper. The family's all in there. - Yeah. Family? Yeah, they all came out to see her. She's been in cryo-sleep for almost two years. [FAMILY EXITS ROOM] - You told them I like farming. - [BOTH LAUGH] It was me, Murph. I was your ghost. I know. People didn't believe me. They thought that I was doing it all myself. But... I knew who it was. Nobody believed me. But I knew you'd come back. How? Because my dad promised me. Well, I'm here now, Murph. I'm here. No. No parent should have to watch their own child die. I have my kids here for me now. You go. Where? Brand. She's out there... setting up camp. Alone... in a strange galaxy. Maybe right now she's settling in for the long nap... by the light of our new sun... in our new home. Where are you going? I won't be long. Welcome, Signor Soiarra. I trust you had a pleasant journey. Do you have it? Yes. It's over there. When do we blow the stadium? This evening at six. And the flight out of here? All arranged. And then what? Then I visit The Pale King. A toast, my friend. To Death! Bottoms up. Meet me in the square! Start anywhere you like. Take your time, 007, but in five minutes the head of the Joint Security Service is going to walk through that door, and I've got to explain to him how one of our agents decided to potter off to Mexico, all on his own, and cause an international incident. With all due respect, sir, it could've been worse. Worse? You blew up half a bloody block. Well, better half a block than a whole stadium full of people. You had no authority. None. As you know, we're in the middle of the biggest shakeup in the history of British intelligence. The ink's barely dry on this merger with MI5 and already they're itching for a chance to scrap the double-0 program forever. And you've just given them one. You're right, sir. You have got a tricky day ahead. This is an official question. Mexico City. What were you doing there? It was just a coincidence. I was taking some overdue holiday. Okay. Fine. As of this morning, you are officially grounded. I'm standing you down from all operations indefinitely. Very good, sir. 007? Sir? I don't know what you're playing at, but whatever it is, it has to stop. Now. - So sorry. Am I interrupting? - Not remotely. 007, I'd like you to meet Max Denbigh, head of the Joint Security Service. It's a pleasure to finally meet you, 007. I've heard a lot about you. Most of it good. - Congratulations on your new appointment. - I suppose we should call you C now. - No, no. "Max," please. No, I think I'll call you C... As you wish. Well, my door is always open, 007, for my employees. This merger's gonna be a whole new chapter for us. We're going to bring British Intelligence out of the Dark Ages... into the light. That all sounds lovely. That'll be all, 007. Report to Q tomorrow for medical, thank you. Very good, sir. - James? - Moneypenny. - So? How was the meeting? - Very good, thank you. - Here. Forensics finally released this. - What is it? It's personal effects they recovered from Skyfall. - Perfect. You can bring it to me later. - What do you mean? My place, 9:00. - Evening. - Come in. - Have you just moved in? Well, I like what you've done with the place. Your delivery. Thank you. - Would you like a drink? - No, thanks. I'm not staying. That's a shame. What's going on, James? There's not one person at MI6 who isn't talking about it. Talking about what, exactly? That what you did in Mexico was one step too far. - That you're finished. - And what do you think? I think you're just getting started. I don't know what you mean. All right. I think you've got a secret. And it's something you won't tell anyone. Because you don't trust anyone. If anything happens to me, 007, I need you to do something. Find a man called Marco Sciarra. Kill him. And don't miss the funeral. Jesus. - Where did you get it? - In my mailbox just after she died. Well, she was never short of surprises. She wasn't gonna let death get in the way of her job. I've been tracking Sciarra ever since. - And what have you found? - Nothing significant yet. When's the funeral? Three days. In Rome. If you think M's signing off on that, you're insane. - He won't let you out of his sight. - Yes, it's a bit of a problem. Listen... could you do a little quiet digging for me? I heard a name in Mexico. "The Pale King." You want me to be your mole. Yes. And what makes you think you can trust me? Instinct. Poor old girl. Rigged for demolition in a week. Cheaper to knock her down than to rebuild. Still. Time waits for no man and all that. Anyway, all the money's been spent on this... the New Centre for National Security. So that's C's new digs. You've met him, have you? - Yesterday. What do we know about him? - Classic Whitehall mandarin. Wrote a dossier last year on how the double-0 program was obsolete, how drones could do all our dirty work abroad. - Went to school with the Home Secretary. - Of course, he did. This merger's just the start of it. In three days, there's a security conference in Tokyo to decide the New World Order. If C gets his way, he'll have unlimited access to the combined the intelligence streams of nine countries. Including us. Quite. Well, a lot's happened while you were away. A train bombing in Hamburg and an industrial explosion in Tunisia. It's not great timing for us. It's all rather playing into C's hands. M, well, let's say he's feeling the pressure. Yeah, I've noticed. Now, this way, 007. Be careful. It's a trifle slippery. Q wasn't exactly feeling at home in Whitehall, what with the new merger, so he set up shop here, away from prying eyes, as it were. I hear he's got something rather special planned for you. I can hardly wait. 007. - Please excuse the mess. Everything's a little bit up in the air, what with the changes and all. Couple of things to get through. Shall we get started? Just relax. That's it. Lovely. Now, you may feel a small... - Christ! - ...prick. - What is it? - Cutting-edge nanotechnology. Smart Blood. Microchips in your bloodstream. Allows us to track your movements in the field. You see those readouts? We can monitor your vital signs from anywhere on the planet. Well, that sounds marvelous. Call it a post-Mexico insurance policy. By direct order of M. I completely understand. Good. Right. Well, I've just... got one last thing for you and you can be on your way. Magnificent, isn't she? Zero to 60 in three point two seconds. Fully bulletproof. A few little tricks up her sleeve. It's a shame, really. She was meant for you, but she's been reassigned to 009. But you can have this. - Does it do anything? - It tells the time. - Might help with your punctuality issues. - M's idea? Precisely. Oh, one word of warning. The alarm is rather loud. - If you know what I mean. - I think I do. Oh, yes. That old thing is taking quite a bit of time. Mind you, there wasn't much left to work on. Only a steering wheel. I believe I said, "Bring it back in one piece," not, "Bring back one piece." Anyway, enjoy your downtime, 007. - Q? - Yes? Well, now you know exactly where I am all of the time. - Will you do something for me? - What do you have in mind, exactly? Make me disappear. May I remind you that I answer directly to M. I also have a mortgage. And two cats to feed. Well, then I suggest you trust me... for the sake of the cats. Well, it's lovely to see you, 007. Now, I meant to tell you, the Smart Blood program is obviously still in its developmental phase. So we may experience the odd drop in coverage during the first 24 hours... 48 hours after administration, but after that it should work perfectly. - I'll send you a postcard. - Please, don't. - Morning. What's that? - Oh, it's just something from an admirer. - It's not your birthday, is it? - No, sir. That was last week. Morning. 009 has arrived to pick up the DB10, sir. He's waiting upstairs. Oh, good. Oh, shit. I'm sorry for your loss. - You knew my husband? - All too briefly. - What do you do? - Life insurance. A little late for that. For your husband, yes. But what about you? Me? I hear the life expectancy of some widows can be very short. How can you talk like this? Can't you see I'm grieving? No. What a lovely view. You're wasting your time. There are 100 more that will come after me. All you buy me is five minutes. Excellent. Time for a drink. You killed him... didn't you? My husband. He was an assassin. Trust me, he won't take it personally. You signed my death warrant. I was respected. - Loyal to a man you hated. - He trusted my silence. With him gone, I'm a dead woman. - I can trust nobody. - I know the feeling well. Well, I can tell you that I don't trust you. Well, then you have impeccable instincts. If you don't leave now, we'll die together. I can think of worse ways to go. Then you're obviously crazy, Mister... Bond. James Bond. These people... if you just knew what they could do. The power they have. Did your husband ever mention "The Pale King?" No. The organization... they hardly ever meet. But because of what happened to my husband, - they meet tonight. To choose a replacement. Where? The Palazzo Cardenza. - Midnight. - Sounds like fun. I might drop by. He was obsessed. He spent more time with them than with me. Then the man was a fool. Leaving your number? I've called an American friend of mine. Felix. He'll contact his embassy and get you out of here. You'll be safe. Don't go, James. If you go there, you're crossing over to a place where there is no mercy. I have to go. Identify yourself, asshole. Who are you? I'm Mickey Mouse. Who are you? Pharmacy sites has provided an excellent new sales platform. We have adapted many of them into clearinghouses for unapproved drugs. In addition to which, the latest figures show that we presently control 70% of antimalarial vaccines, 34% of H.I.V., and 40% of all oncological drugs across Sub-Saharan Africa. But we face challenges from the WHO in their campaign against our counterfeit pharmaceuticals. We have now identified the key individuals to target. We expect the same success as we had against the Council on Human Trafficking. Since the board's resignation... we have placed 160,000 migrated females into the leisure sector. The impending completion of the Global Surveillance initiative... will mean our capability is second to none... and now is the moment for aggressive expansion. The news is only good... Don't let me interrupt you. The news is only good... Our increased surveillance capability... means government intelligence agencies... are easily counteracted. We are winning. Thank you, Doctor. Now, on to the matter at hand. After the success of our attacks in Hamburg and Tunisia, the aborted attack in Mexico City and the death of our valued colleague, Marco Sciarra, leaves one of his duties outstanding. Signor Guerra, The Pale King must be terminated. Will you make the journey to Altaussee? Of course. My loyalty to this organization is total. I will protect it with my last breath. There will be no more... amateurs. No more shows of weakness. Does anyone challenge Signor Guerra for this position? Welcome. State your credentials for succeeding Signor Sciarra. It's funny. All that excitement in Mexico City rang a distant bell. And now... suddenly, this evening, it makes perfect sense. Welcome, James. It's been a long time. But, finally, here we are. What took you so long? Cuckoo. Ciao, Mickey Mouse. Oh, you've got to be kidding me. No. Moneypenny. - Bond? - Listen, Moneypenny. Hamburg, Tunisia, Mexico City, they're all linked. It's one organization coordinating multiple attacks. - So, she was right. - Of course, she was. - I ran that check. - Who is it? Oh, my boss had his credit card stolen. It's nothing. - Why don't you go back to sleep. - Don't be long. - Who was that? - No one. - No, it wasn't. - It's just a friend. At this time of night? It's called life, James. You should try it sometime. The Pale King. It looks like you've had dealings with him before. Quantum. - Of course. Mr. White! - That's him. Last unconfirmed sighting, Altaussee in Austria, four months ago. Hold that thought. - You still there? - Yeah. - Run another name, will you? - Okay. Go. A man called Franz Oberhauser. And check his files before and after his death. After his death? What are you talking about? Please, just do it. Okay, Q, give me something. That's more like it. Here goes nothing. Good evening. Do not let them tell you we need less surveillance. We need more. Much more. I say again, the Nine Eyes committee would have full access to the combined intelligence streams of all member states. More data, more analysis, less likelihood of a terrorist attack. Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the security services of the world to unite. Alone, we are weak. Together, we're a global power. An unelected one. Thank you. Thank you. We will now vote on the resolution. Ladies and gentlemen, please cast your vote. The vote is eight to one in favor. However, as you know, we cannot proceed unless by unanimous vote. The Nine Eyes motion is therefore not passed. Democracy. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. This evening's session is adjourned. - Yes, sir. - Please, tell me 007 is in London. Oh, yes. I'll just take a look now, sir. Because if he isn't, you're in deep shit. You've got precisely 10 seconds. I have him, sir. He appears to be in Chelsea. Well, I want eyes on him when I get back, understood? I completely understand... sir. Do me a favor. Make it quick. Upstairs, Mr. White. I always knew death would wear a familiar face, but not yours. To what do I owe this pleasure, Mr. Bond? I was at a meeting recently and your name came up. I'm flattered London is still talking about me. It wasn't MI6. It was Rome. Your team, not mine. Last month, I found thallium in my cell phone. It's done its job. I have a few weeks. Maybe less. So, here we are, Mr. Bond, two dead men enjoying the evening. - What did you do? - I disobeyed him. I followed him as far as I could. - changed. - Oh, I see. You grew a conscience. Our game is our game. But this? Women, children... Well, the thallium would suggest that he doesn't like you very much anymore. And clearly the feeling is mutual. So why don't you tell me how to find him again? Oh, come on. - Tell me where he is. - He's everywhere. Everywhere! He's sitting at your desk, he's kissing your lover, he's eating supper with your family! You're protecting someone. Your wife. She left long ago. Your son? Your daughter. You won't find her. She's clever. She's smarter than me. She knows how to hide. I can protect her if you tell me where he is. - I can keep her alive. - You have my word. - Your word? The word of an assassin! That's my word. L'Americain. You save her, she can lead you to L'Americain. She knows L'Americain. Try the Hoffler Klinik. You're a kite dancing in a hurricane, Mr. Bond. So long. I can't deny I'm impressed you got H.M.G. to cough up for all this. Good God, the government couldn't afford this kind of facility. No, it was benefactors mostly, from the private sector. When it goes online, this building will be the most sophisticated data gathering system in history. The world's digital ghost, available 24/7. - George Orwell's worst nightmare. - I'm glad you like it. My commiserations on losing the Nine Eyes vote. Must've been a blow. Not really. Only a matter of time before the South Africans see the light. And you know what they say, Rome wasn't built in a day. Day and a half maybe. Look, Max, I know surveillance is a fact of life. It's how you use the information that concerns me, and who is using it. This is what we need to do to keep the people safe. Double-0 program is prehistoric. Come on, M. You can't really tell me that one man in the field can compete with all of this, running around out there with his license to kill. Have you ever had to kill a man, Max? Have you? To pull that trigger, you have to be sure. Yes, you investigate, analyze, assess, target. And then you have to look him in the eye. And you make the call. And all the drones, bugs, cameras, transcripts, all the surveillance in the world can't tell you what to do next. A license to kill... is also a license not to kill. I didn't want to have to do this, but it looks like you still can't control your agents. Bond? I ran that check. Looks like you've had dealings with him before. Quantum. Of course. Mr. White! Last unconfirmed sighting, Altaussee in Austria. Run another name, will you? So maybe there's something to be said for total surveillance after all. You watch MI6 agents? We watch everyone. Please, take a seat. I'll be with you in just a moment. Please excuse me, Mr. Bond. My name is Dr. Madeleine Swann. Our job today is to analyze your needs, both psychological and physical. Sounds pretty straightforward. I hope you don't mind. The view can be distracting. I hadn't noticed. I see you filled out most of the paperwork. Just a few questions to complete your evaluation, if I may. - Do you exercise? - When I have to. Do you consider your employment to be psychologically stressful? - Sometimes. - How much alcohol do you consume? Too much. Some broader questions. As a child, would you say you were close to your parents? My parents died when I was young. Really? How old? - Old enough to remember. - How, if I may ask? It was a climbing accident. - So who brought you up? - Someone else. Humor me. How does one train at Oxford and the Sorbonne become a consultant, spend two years with Medecins Sans Frontieres... and end up here? Forgive me, but... anyone might think you were hiding from something. You're paying a lot of money to be here, Mr. Bond. - Who's asking the questions, you or me? - Of course. Carry on. I see you left this final question blank. What is your occupation? Well, that's not the sort of thing that looks good on a form. - And why is that? Small world? - Where is he? - Your father's dead. - Two days ago. - How do you know? - Because I was there. - Did you kill him? I didn't have to. He did it himself. And you came all the way just to tell me this? That my father's dead? I came to tell you that your life is in danger and I need your help. - Why? - I made a deal with him to protect you. You're lying. Why would he trust you? Because he knew that I needed something in return. And what was that? To find L'Americain. - This interview is over. - Dr. Swann... You have 10 minutes to leave the building. Then I'm calling security. Thank you, Dr. Swann. - Can I get you something, sir? - Vodka martini. Shaken, not stirred. I'm sorry, we don't serve alcohol. I'm really starting to love this place. He'll have the prolytic digestive enzyme shake. Certainly. If you've come for the car, I parked it at the bottom of the Tiber. Well, not to worry, 007. It was only a 3,000,000 pound prototype. - Why are you here, Q? - I just fancied a break, to be honest. I've been a tad stressed at work recently. What with C's people crawling all over us and the fact that M wants my balls - for Christmas decorations. - Get to the point. The point, 007, is that Franz Oberhauser is dead. Dead and buried. And unless you come back with me right now, my career and Moneypenny's will go the same way. Do you understand? All hell is breaking loose out there and... - I saw him. - You thought you saw him. We've been through the records. He died in an avalanche with his father 20 years ago. Yes. I know that. But I saw him. He's not someone I'll ever forget. - So you have a lead? - I have a name. L'Americain. Well, that narrows it down. Look, I'm sorry, 007, but time's up. My whole career is on the line here. Either you come back in and do this through proper channels, or I go directly to M. Do one more thing for me. Find out what you can from this. - I really, really hate you right now. Monsieur? Now? Please? - Where are you staying? - The Pevsner. Room 12. One hour. Here you are, sir. One prolytic digestive enzyme shake. Do me a favor, will you? Throw that down the toilet. Cut out the middleman. No! Stay. What do you want? What are you doing? Can't any of you speak? Come on! Don't touch me! Hey! You need to take a breath and calm down. You're in shock. Get away from me! Just get away! Did it cross your mind that you led them to me? I haven't got time for this. You need to tell me everything you know about L'Americain. Go to hell! I gave your father my word! And why should I trust you? Because my father did? Because right now, Dr. Swann... I'm your best chance of staying alive. Dr. Swann, Q. Q, Dr. Swann. - Hello. - Enchanted. Bond, we need to talk. Alone. - She knows. - But, Bond... She knows. What have you got? I owe you an apology, 007. You are onto something. Oberhauser is still alive. And it seems they were all part of one organization. Le Chiffre, Quantum, Sciarra, your friend Mr. Silva. And do you know who links them all? - Him. - Exactly. This organization, do you know what it's called? - No. - Spectre. Its name is Spectre. - How does she know that? - Because my father was part of it. Then I think that you ought to see this. You're looking at pictures from South Africa right now - of what appears to be a huge explosion. - Q, go back to London. M's gonna need your help. And keep tracking me. I will. And, Bond, you have to find L'Americain. He's our only link to Oberhauser. It's not a person. It's a place. Thank you. This is where they spent their wedding night. They came back every year. Then they brought me with them, too. He kept coming back, even after the divorce. Well, then I'm sorry. What for? What is it? It's your inheritance. - Want some? - No, thank you. You don't know what you're missing. This can't be it. Well, here's to your father. I promised myself I would never be hurt by that man again. I cut off all contact. I didn't want anything to do with him or his sick life. And then, with his dying breath... he sends me you. - Ironic, no? - You shouldn't be so hard on him. The man I just met should have been dead weeks ago. The only reason his heart was still beating was you. I'll mourn my father in my own time, Mr. Bond. And, now, I'm going to bed. Don't think for one moment this is where I fall into your arms, seeking solace for my dead daddy. You sit there. Keep watch. That's what you're good at. Come anywhere near me and I'll kill you. I don't doubt it. Look. There are two of you. Two Jameses. Lucky me. What am I doing here? To liars... and killers. To liars... and killers... everywhere. Who sent you? Who are you working for? Now, where did you go? Of course. What is it? Nothing. - What's this? - It's coordinates. Your father was scanning for a particular satellite phone. He was looking for someone. He was looking for him. And he sent me here to finish the job. - I'm coming with you. - No, you're not. - I like you alive. - I can look after myself. That's beside the point. I might not be coming back. I know. But I want to understand what happened to my father. So, where was he going? Nowhere. Thank you so much. Thanks. All the very best. What's going on? The meeting was brought forward. Did you not get the message? - No, we didn't. - Shortest meeting I can remember. - South Africans on board, I take it? - Yeah, well, who can blame them? Nine Eyes is now officially sanctioned. The new system goes live in less than 72 hours. It's a major step forward. Global intelligence cooperation changes everything. As you said before. Look. They've asked me to head the new committee. Yes? And? And I should tell you I've spoken with the Home Secretary. And in light of the new information I've given him, he's decided to close down the double-0 program with immediate effect. - You don't know what you're doing. - It's not personal. It's the future. And... - You're not. - You're a cocky little bastard, aren't you? - I'll take that as a compliment. - I wouldn't. This isn't over yet. - Would you press this for me? Thank you. - Yes, sir. Pick it up. I hate guns. I promised him I'd protect you. The first thing to do is to teach you how to protect yourself. What if I shoot you by mistake? Wouldn't be the first time. - Pick it up. - I said, I hate guns. SIG 226. Front sight. Rear sight. Hammer. You just point it. You squeeze the trigger. You try not to close your eyes. Please... try it. I don't have to teach you anything, do I? A man once came to our house to kill my father. He didn't know I was upstairs playing in my bedroom. Or that Papa kept a Beretta Nine-millimeter under the sink with the bleach. That's why I hate guns. I think we'll skip hand-to-hand combat. Good evening, sir. Sorry to interrupt your supper, but we have some news. Evening, sir. Using the Smart Blood, I've tracked Bond to a point here in North Africa. See, every known map registers it as empty desert. Exactly. But if you look at the satellite blowup, you can clearly see this. We can't help him. But, sir, we know where he's heading. C is watching everything we do. We're only handing them more information. Sir, we can't just desert Bond. - We have to. We only make him weaker. - But, sir, we know exactly where he is. Yes, I know, but if we can track him, so can others. Delete all the Smart Blood files. Everything. He's on his own. - You shouldn't stare. - Well, you shouldn't look like that. May I get you an aperitif? I'm not sure. It gets me into trouble. Makes me do crazy things. Well, we can't have that. So, I'll have a vodka martini, dirty. Make that two. - I have a question. - Well, what's that? Why, given every other possible option, does a man choose the life of a paid assassin? Well, it was that or the priesthood. I'm serious. Is this really what you want? Living in the shadows? Hunting? Being hunted? Always looking behind you? Always alone? But I'm not alone. Answer the question. I'm not sure I ever had a choice. Anyway, I don't stop to think about it. What would happen if you did? - Stop? - Yes. I don't know. - Your drinks, sir. - Could you leave them there, please? You know, I think you're wrong. I am? We always have a choice. I'll drink to that. Shit. What do we do now? This might be a long wait. Are you having second thoughts? Too late now. What's that? That is a 1948 Rolls-Royce Silver Wraith. Please. I'm scared, James. Good afternoon, Mr. Bond, Dr. Swann. I want you to know just how excited we all are to finally meet you. Well... it's a pleasure to be here. Your host invites you both to rest, relax, and join him for drinks at 4:00. - Tell our host we won't be late. - Wonderful. Before we show you to your rooms, just one more thing. You be careful with that. It's loaded. Thank you. This is a very special place. He has requested you enter it alone. Of course. Champagne? Maybe later. Certainly. I think we're meant to be impressed. Touch it. You can touch it if you want. - Do you know what it is? - It's a meteorite. Yes, exactly. The Kartenhoff. The oldest in human possession. The very meteorite which made this crater. Think about it. So many years up there, alone, silent, building momentum until it chose to make its mark on Earth. A huge, unstoppable force. Except it did stop, didn't it? Right here. I can't tell you how much I've been looking forward to this. All of us here, together. A reunion. I'm so glad you came too, dear Madeleine. You were just a girl when I saw you first. I came to your home once to see your father. I don't remember that. But I do. Shall we? - What is this place? - Information. Information is all... is it not? For example, you must know by now that the double-0 program is officially dead. Which leads me to speculate exactly why you came. So, James, why did you come? I came here to kill you. And I thought you came here to die. Well, it's all a matter of perspective. Speaking of perspective. - Is this live? - Live and direct. 16:20 GMT. What an uncanny coincidence. The French have a saying, "It's the fate of glass to break." Well, maybe it's the fate of spies to just disappear. But with any luck, we leave something behind. In the meantime, I'm sure C will keep you all busy. Thank you all. That's touching, don't you think? Well, James... it looks like you're all alone. Not much more than a voyeur, are you? Too scared to join in. - I don't think you quite understand. - Oh, I think I do. You set cities on fire and watch innocent people burn, so you can convince governments to join an intelligence network you've paid for. Not that complicated. I'm guessing our little friend, C, he's one of your disciples. - You could say that. - And what does he get out of it? Nothing. He's a visionary, like me. Visionaries. Psychiatric wards are full of them. Whereas you couldn't see what's right in front of you. You came across me so many times and yet you never saw me. Le Chiffre, Greene, Silva. - All dead. - Yeah, that's right. A nice pattern developed. You interfered in my world, I destroyed yours. Or did you think it was coincidence that all the women in your life ended up dead? Vesper Lynd, for example. She was the big one. Has he told you about her? And then, of course, your beloved M. Gone forever. Me. It was all me, James. It's always been me. The author of all your pain. You're a brave woman, my dear. Now I understand why my father lost his mind. He didn't lose his mind, he was just weak. But at least he understood what he was up against. You see, they failed to comprehend the crucial fact, that a terrible event can lead to something wonderful. Since you mention your father, I'll show you. She's clever. She's smarter than me. She knows how to hide. I can protect her if you tell me where he is. - I can keep her alive. - Yeah. - You have my word. - No, no, no. Turn this off. Your word? - The word of an assassin! - Turn this off. - This is important. - I said turn it off! I want you to understand something. That's my word. Madeleine? Look at me. Don't look at him, Madeleine. Look at me. L'Americain. You save her, she can lead you to L'Americain. Try the Hoffler Klinik. You're a kite dancing in a hurricane, Mr. Bond. So long. The things that bring people together. Out of horror, beauty. Torture is easy, on a superficial level. A man can watch himself being disemboweled and... derive great horror from the experience, but it's still going on at a distance. It isn't taking place where he is. As you know all too well, dear Madeleine, a man lives inside his head. That's where the seat of his soul is. Now, James and I were both present recently when a man was deprived of his eyes. And the most astonishing thing happened. Didn't you notice? He wasn't there anymore. He'd gone even though he was still alive. So in this brief moment between life and death, there was nobody inside his skull. Most odd. So, James. I'm going to penetrate... to where you are. To the inside of your head. Now, the first probe will play with your sight, your hearing and your balance, just with the subtlest of manipulations. Well, get on with it then. Nothing can be as painful as listening to you talk. All right. Let's begin. Why are you doing this? You probably know that James here lost his parents when he was young. But did you know that it was my father who helped him through this difficult time? Over the course of two winters he taught him to ski, and climb, and hunt. He soothed the wounds of the poor little blue-eyed orphan. Asked me to treat him as a brother. My little brother. They formed quite an attachment. So... you killed him. Yes, I did. You know what happens when a cuckoo hatches inside another bird's nest? Yes. It forces the other eggs out. Yes. Well... this cuckoo made me realize my father's life had to end. In a way, he's responsible for the path I took. So, thank you. Cuckoo. Do you know any other birdcalls, Franz? Hello, pussy. Franz Oberhauser died 20 years ago, James. In an avalanche, alongside his father. The man you are talking to now, the man inside your head, is Ernst Stavro Blofeld. Catchy name. My mother's bloodline. If the needle finds the correct spot in the fusiform gyrus, you'll recognize no one. Of course, the faces of your women are interchangeable, aren't they, James? You won't know who she is. Just another passing face on your way to the grave. He dies not knowing who you are. The daughter of an assassin. The only one who could have understood him. Shame. I love you. Do those blue eyes still recognize you? I'd recognize you anywhere. The watch. One minute. One minute. - Did he say something? - Tempus fugit. - What? - Tempus fugit. I can't hear you, James. I said... doesn't time fly? In there! Let's go home. It's not over yet. - I've never even heard of Hildebrand. - That is the general idea with safe houses. - Exactly how safe is this, sir? - We're about to find out. It's safe. Better wait here. - I'm M. - Madeleine Swann. Pleased to meet you. So, what do you have for me, 007? The recently deceased head of Spectre, Ernst Stavro Blofeld, and his chief of intelligence, your new best friend, C. About to take control of his very own global surveillance system that he built right here under our noses. Then we'd better move. The system goes online at midnight. If that happens, Spectre will have control of everything. So, you and I will have a quiet word with C while Q hacks into the system - and stops it going online. - It won't be easy. He'll find a way. He always does. It's good to have you back, 007. Sir. James, I can't. I'll come back for you when it's all over. No, I can't. No, you can't stay here, or you... I can't go back to this life. And I'm not going to ask you to change. This is who you are. You're saying good-bye. Yes. Take care. You're a good man, James. Are you in yet, Q? A few layers of impenetrable security still to go, but I think I'm getting somewhere. They've seen us! Go! Get him in the building! Move. Move! Go back and find M, now! We need them both. Not a good feeling being watched, is it? - Don't tell me you're responsible for this. - No, but my Quartermaster is. - And he's extremely talented. - Well, bravo. But in case you hadn't realized it, you two are out of a job. So you're trespassing. I'm afraid you've got the wrong end of the stick, Max. We're going to stop this system going online. - And then I'm going to bring you in. - On what grounds exactly? Poor taste in friends. Take a look at the world. Chaos. Because people like you, paper-pushers and politicians, are too spineless to do what needs to be done. So I made an alliance to put the power where it should be. And now you want to throw it away for the sake of "democracy." Whatever the hell that is. How predictably moronic. But then isn't that what M stands for? "Moron." And now we know what C stands for. "Careless." Come on. No, no, no! You're a hard man to kill, Blofeld. I do hope that doesn't hurt too much. My wounds will heal. What about yours? Look around you, James. Look. This is what's left of your world. Everything you ever stood for, everything you believed in, a ruin. Why are we here? Did you miss me? No. But I know someone who does. Where is she? That's for you to find out. In three minutes, this building will be demolished. I can get out easily. Now, you have a choice. Die trying to save her or... save yourself and live with the pain. You're bluffing. Am I? I've really put you through it, haven't I? That's brothers for you. They always know which buttons to press. Madeleine! Come on. Come on. Yes! Let's go. After you. Why can't you just face it, M? You don't matter anymore. Maybe I don't. But something has to. - Dead. - Any word on Bond? No. But I can hazard a guess. Madeleine! Madeleine! - Do you trust me? - Do I have a choice? Not anymore. Come on! Good-bye, James Bond. Brace, brace, brace! - Sir, this is a terrorist alert. - Mallory, double-0 section. Stand them down. - Echo team, hold fire. - Stand down. Finish it. Finish it. Out of bullets. And besides... I've got something better to do. Under the Special Measures Act of 2001, I am detaining you on behalf of Her Majesty's Government. Bond? - What are you doing here? - I thought you'd gone. - I have. There's just one thing I need. HAN KI Stark! HOWARD: He doesn't seem happy. Hello, Hank. You're supposed to be in Moscow. I took a detour... Through your defense lab. Tell me that isn't what I think it is. That depends if you think it's a poor attempt to replicate my work. Even for this group, that takes nerve. You were instructed to go to Russia. May I remind you, Dr. Pym, that you're a soldier... I'm a scientist. Then act like one. The Pym Particle is the most revolutionary science ever developed. Help us put it to good use. I let you turn me into your errand boy, and now you try to steal my research? If only you'd protected Janet with such ferocity, Dr. Pym. Ah... -(GROANS) -Easy, Hank. You mention my wife again and I'll show you ferocity. Don't look at me. You said it. I formally tender my resignation. We don't accept it. Formally. Hank, we need you. The Pym Particle is a miracle. Don't let your past determine the future. As long as I am alive, nobody will ever get that formula. We shouldn't let him leave the building. You've already lied to him. Now you want to go to war with him? Yes. Our scientists haven't come close to replicating his work. He just kicked your ass, full-size. You really want to find out what it's like when you can't see him coming? I've known Hank Pym for a long time. He's no security risk. Unless we make him one. (EXHALES DEEPLY) (MEN EXCLAIMING) You like that? - You like that? -(MEN CLAMORING) Come get you some now. (MEN JEERING) (GROANS) You didn't even move. Nah. What if I come in on the left side, right? Just down here. You see this right here? (ALL EXCLAIM) I'm gonna miss you, Scott. I'm gonna miss you, too, Peachy. Man, you guys got the weirdest goodbye rituals. GUARD: All right, break it up. GUARD 2: Break it up! Break it up! (AUTOMATED GATE OPENING) Scotty! What's up, man! Damn! Hey. Ha-ha! Hey, man. Hey, what's up with your eye? Oh. Well, what do you think? Peachy. It's a going-away present. Oh, yeah. I still got my scar from a year ago. - Oh, yeah. -Yeah. You know what? I'm still the only one who knocked him out. Well, I definitely didn't. Thanks for picking me up, brother. LUIS: Bro, you think I'm gonna miss my celly getting out? Hey, how's your girl, man? Oh, she left me. - Oh. -Yeah, my ma died, too. And my dad got deported. But I got the van! - It's nice. -Yeah, right? SCOTT: Thanks for the hook-up, too. I needed a place to stay. You wait till you see this couch. You're gonna be really happy. You're gonna be on your feet in no time. Watch. - I hope so. -Yeah. And I gotta introduce you to some people. Some really skilled people. - Not interested. -(SCOFFS) Yeah, right. No, I'm serious, man. I'm not going back. I got a daughter to take care of. You know that jobs don't come easy for ex-cons, right? Look, man, I got a master's in electrical engineering, all right? I'm gonna be fine. (LUIS SPEAKS SPANISH) Welcome to Baskin-Robbins. Would you like to try our Mango Fruit Blast? Uh, no, thanks. Um, I will have... I'll have a burger, please. Oh, we don't... We don't make that. Pretzel. Hot pretzel. Like, mustard... Do you have mustard dip? (CHUCKLES) It's ice cream. Baskin-Robbins. (EXHALES HEAVILY) I'll just do, like, whatever's hot and fresh. Dude. Can I see you in the back, chief? Sure thing, Dale. Darby, could you just, uh, take care of this idiot? Thanks. - Hey, Dale. -Come on in. Pull up some chair. Three years at San Quentin, huh? You found out. Baskin-Robbins always finds out. Look, I'm sorry, all right? But I... No one would hire me. Breaking and entering. Grand larceny. (STAMMERING) Look, I'm sorry. I don't do it anymore. I just... Respect. I couldn't be happier about it. - Really? -Yeah. (SIGHS WITH RELIEF) Thank you. Thank you. You really stuck it to those billionaire SOBs. The more I read about what you did and stuff... I'm like, "Wow, I know this guy? "I'm in charge of this guy?" Well, I'm very happy in this job, and I really just appreciate the opportunity to... Well, you're fired, of course. I can't really keep you on. Wait, what? Yeah. Dale, look, it wasn't a violent crime. I mean, I'm a good worker. No, it wasn't a violent crime. it was a cool crime. I'll tell you what, though. This will be totally off the books, off the records, but if you want to grab one of those Mango Fruit Blasts on your way out the door, I'll just pretend I didn't see it. (LOUD MUSIC PLAYING) Hey, Scotty. What's up? I thought you were supposed to be at work. I was. I got fired. Damn. They find out who you are? Yeah. LUIS: Baskin-Robbins always finds out, bro. (SCOFFS) Baskin-Robbins don't play. - You want some waffles? -Yeah, I'll take a waffle. Oh. That's Kurt. He was Folsom for five years. He's a wizard on that laptop. - Nice meet you. -Yeah. Nice to meet you, too. Who are you? Dave. Nice work on the Vista job. Vista job, yes. No, no. I have heard of this robbery. Well, technically, I didn't rob them. Robbery involves threat. I hate violence. I burgled them. I'm a cat burglar. You mean you're a pussy. Yeah. They were overcharging the customers, right? And it added up to millions. He blows the whistle and he gets fired. And what does he do? He hacks into the security system and transfers millions back to the people that they stole it from. - Posts all the bank records online. -(WHISTLES) And he drove the dude's Bentley into his swimming pool. What are you doing? Hmm? Why are you telling my life story to these guys? What do you want? LUIS: Okay. My cousin talked to this guy two weeks ago -about this little perfect job. -No way. No, no, no. Wait! This guy... This guy fits your M.O. No! I'm finished, man. I'm not going back to jail. It's some retired millionaire living off his golden parachute. It's a perfect Scott Lang mark! I don't care. I'm out. Dr. Pym? Yes. I'm still alive. ID? HANK: Perhaps that will suffice. Very sorry, sir. Please come in. (SOFTLY) Is that Hank Pym? Good morning, Hank. Hope. Would it kill you to call me Dad? Dr. Cross will be so pleased that you could find the time to join us today. More like "thrilled." I was surprised to receive any kind of invitation from you, Darren. What's the occasion? Oh, you'll see. Won't he, Hope? We're ready for you inside. Ouch. I guess some old wounds never heal, huh? Don't worry, she's in good hands. (BEEPS) You're in for a treat. Long time, no see, Dr. Pym. How's retirement? How's your face? After you. Now, before we start, I'd like to introduce a very special guest. This company's founder and my mentor, Dr. Hank Pym. When I took over this company for Dr. Pym, I immediately started researching a particle that could change the distance between atoms, while increasing density and strength. Why this revolutionary idea remained buried beneath the dust and cobwebs of Hank's research, I couldn't tell you. Butjust imagine, a soldier the size of an insect. The ultimate secret weapon. (YELLING) An Ant-Man. (CHUCKLES) That's what they called you. Right, Hank? Silly, I know. Propaganda. Tales to astonish! Trumped-up BS to scare the USSR. Hank, will you tell our guests what you told me every single time I asked you, "Was the Ant-Man real?" Just a tall tale. Right. Because how could anything so miraculous possibly be real? Well, I was inspired by the legend of the Ant-Man. And with my breakthrough shrinking inorganic material, I thought, could it be possible to shrink a person? Could that be done? Well, it's not a legend anymore. -(MACHINE WHIRRING) -Distinguished guests, I am proud to present the end of warfare as we know it. The Yellowjacket! (WHIRRING) Oh, no. The Yellowjacket is an all-purpose weapon of war capable of altering the size of the wearer for the ultimate combat advantage. MAN". We live in an era in which the weapons we use to protect ourselves are undermined by constant surveillance. It's time to return to a simpler age. One where the powers of freedom can once again operate openly to protect their interests. An all-purpose peace-keeping vessel, the Yellowjacket can manage any conflict on the geopolitical landscape completely unseen. Efficient in both preventative measures and tactical assault. Practical applications include surveillance, -industrial sabotage, -(PEOPLE SCREAMING) and the elimination of obstructions on the road to peace. A single Yellowjacket offers the user unlimited influence to carry out protective actions. And, one day soon, an army of Yellowjackets will create a sustainable environment of well-being around the world. The Yellowjacket. So, it's a suit? (PEOPLE MURMURING INDISTINCTLY) Don't be crude, Frank. It's not a suit, it's a vessel. What's the matter? You're not impressed? No, I'm impressed. I'm also concerned. Imagine what our enemies could do with this tech. We should have a longer conversation about that, Frank. I really value your opinion. Thank you for coming. Thank you very much, everybody. I will escort you out now. Thank you. You seem a bit shocked. Darren, there's a reason that I buried these secrets. (SOFTLY) So you finally admit it! We could have done this together, Hank. But you ruined that. That's why you're the past and I'm the future. Don't do this. MITCHELL: Dr. Cross? You sell to me first, 20% over your asking price, I can have the cash here in two weeks. DARREN: Deal. (FOOTSTEPS RECEDING) HOPE: We have to make our move, Hank. How close is he? He still can't shrink a live subject. Just give me the suit and let me finish this once and for all. No. I have Cross' complete trust. - It's too dangerous. -We don't have a choice. Well, that's not entirely true. I think I found a guy. Who? -(MERRY MUSIC PLAYING) -(CHILDREN SHRIEKING) Daddy! Peanut! Oh! Happy birthday! I'm so sorry I'm late. I didn't know what time your party started. It was on the invitation. He didn't get an invitation. But he came anyway! Well, I'm not gonna miss my little girl's birthday party. I'm gonna go tell Mommy you're here. Oh, you don't... What are you doing here, Lang? You haven't paid a dime of child support. You know, right now, if I wanted to, I could arrest you. It's good to see you too, Paxton. Mommy's so happy you're here, she choked on her drink. (CASSIE GIGGLES) Hey, look what I have for you. Can I open it now? Of course, sweetheart. It's your birthday. AUTOMATED VOICE: You're my bestest friend. (SOFTLY) What is that thing? He's so ugly! I love him! Can I go show my friends? Of course, sweetheart. Go ahead. AUTOMATED VOICE: You're my bestest friend. Look, the child support is coming, all right? It's just hard finding a job when you have a record. I'm sure you'll figure it out. But for now, I want you out of my house. - No way! It's my daughter's birthday. -it's my house! - So what? It's my kid! -MAGGIE: Scott! You can't just show up here. You know that. Come on. It's a birthday party. Yeah, I know, but you can't just show up. She's my daughter. You don't know the first thing about being a father. Maggie, I tell you this as a friend, and as the first love of my life. Your fiancé is an asshat. He's not an asshat. - Hey, watch your language. Okay? -What language? I said "hat." MAGGIE: Stop it. Really, Maggie? That guy? Come on! You could marry anyone you want, and you have to get engaged to a cop? At least he's not a crook. I'm trying, okay? I've changed. I'm straight. I had a job and... I wanna provide. I had a lot of time to think about it and I love her. So much. I've missed so much time and I wanna be a part of her life. What do I do? Get an apartment, get a job, pay child support. And then we will talk about visitation, I promise. You're her hero, Scott. Just be the person that she already thinks you are. (ENGINE STARTS) (HONKING MUSICAL CAR HORN) (GIGGLES) (FLUSHING) I'm sorry you have such deep concerns about the Yellowjacket, Frank. Yeah. Well, uh... Unfortunately, we can't just do whatever we want. It'd be nice though, right? (CHUCKLES) But there are laws. What laws? Of man? The laws of nature transcend the laws of man. And I've transcended the laws of nature. Darren, I don't think you understand... Hmm. We still haven't worked out all the bugs. Goodbye, Frank. Thank you. You know, I've been thinking a lot about gratitude lately. And today, during my morning meditation, an interesting thought occurred to me, and I think it might apply to you, too. How's that? Gratitude can be forgiveness. I've spent years carrying around my anger for Hank Pym. I devoted my genius to him. I could have worked anywhere. I chose my mentor poorly. You didn't even have a choice. He never believed in you. It's a shame what we had to do, but he forced us to do it, didn't he? But we shouldn't be angry, we should be grateful. Because his failures as a mentor, as a father, forced us to spread our wings. You're a success, Darren. You deserve everything coming your way. Ooh. Stop cheating. LUIS: Hey, what's up, hotshot? DAVE: Maybe he didn't hear you. How was the party? - Tell me about that tip. -What? I wanna know about that tip. Oh, baby, it's on! It's so on, right now. Calm down, all right? I just need to know where it came from. It's gotta be airtight. Okay. I was at a wine tasting with my cousin Ernesto. Which was mainly reds, and you know I don't like reds, man. But there was a rose that saved the day. it was delightful. And then he tells me about this girl, Emily, that we used to kick it with. It was actually the first pair of boobs I ever touched. It's the wrong details. It has nothing to do with the story. Go. LUIS: So, uh, he tells me that she's working as a housekeeper now, right? And she's dating this dude, Carlos, who's a shot caller from across the bay. And she tells him about the dude that she's cleaning for. Right? That he's like this big-shot CEO that is all retired now, but he's loaded. And so, Carlos and Ernesto are on the same softball team, and they get to talking, right? And here comes the good part. Carlos says, "Yo, man. "This guy's got a big-ass safe just sitting in the basement, just chilling." Of course Ernesto comes to me because he knows I got mad thieving skills. Of course, I ask him... "Did Emily tell Carlos to tell you to get to me what kind of safe it was?" And he says, "Nah, dawg. "All she said is that it's super-legit "and whatever's in it, it's gotta be good." What? Old man have safe. -(SNAPS FINGERS) -And he's gone for a week. All right. There's an old man, he's got a safe, and he's gone for a week. Let's just work with that. You know what I'm saying? (SCREWDRIVER WHIRRING) Landline's cut, cell signal's jammed. No one will be making for distress call tonight. Comm check. SCOTT: Check. DAVE: Check. Hey, if the job goes bad, you know I got your back, right? Don't worry. It's not gonna happen. (CHUCKLES) I love it when he gets cocky. Damn! (BEEPS) Alarm is dead. Nice. SCOTT: All right, I'm moving through the house. There's a fingerprint lock on the door. It's got what? Ernesto didn't tell me nothing about that. Aw, man, are we screwed? Not necessarily. (CLICKING AND BEEPING) (DOOR UNLOCKS) I'm in. No alarms have been triggered. He's in like the Flynn. SCOTT: (SIGHS) Oh, man. LUIS: What is it? Well, they weren't kidding. This safe is serious. LUIS: How serious are we talking, Scotty? It's a Carbondale. It's from 1910. Made from the same steel as the Titanic. Wow. Can you crack it? SCOTT: Well, here's the thing. it doesn't do so well in the cold. Remember what that iceberg did? Yeah, man. It killed DiCaprio. Killed everybody. Did not kill the Old lady. She still throw the jewel into the oceans. (WHIRRING) (GAS HISSING) LUIS: What are you doing? I poured water in the locking mechanism and froze it with nitrogen. Ice expands. Metal doesn't. - LUIS: What are you doing now? - Waiting. (METAL STRAINING) Waiting. Nice. LUIS: What is it? Cash? Jewels? - There's nothing here. -What did you say? - It's a suit. -What? It's an old motorcycle suit. There's no cash, no jewelry, nothing? No. It's a bust. I'm really sorry, Scotty. I know you needed to score. (FAINT BEEPING) (BLEATING) I thought we were using mice. What's the difference? Commence Experiment 34-C. Organic atomic reduction. -(BLEATING CONTINUES) -Darren, maybe we should think... Shrinking organic tissue is the centerpiece of this technology. I can't go to the buyers with half a breakthrough. (WHIRRING) (GASPS) Experiment 34-C results, negafive. Sanitize the work station. Bring in subject 35-C. (SCOFFS) SCOTT: Why would you lock this up? This is so weird. (DEVICE BEEPING) LUIS: Scotty, what's up, man? SCOTT: I wonder... What is this? (SCREAMING) (METAL CLANGS LOUDLY) (BREATHING SHAKILY) HANK: The world sure seems different from down here, doesn't it, Scott? SCOTT: What? Who said that? (LOUD FOOTSTEPS APPROACHING) SCOTT: (FAINTLY) Luis, down here! HANK: It's a trial by fire, Scott. Or, in this case, water. (SCREAMING) (GASPS) (SCREAMING) (GROANS) HANK: Guess you're tougher than you thought. (PANTS UNZIPPING) SCOTT: Oh, I don't want to see this! Luis! (SCREAMING) Son of a... (LOUD MUSIC PLAYING) (CROWD CHEERING) (GRUNTING) (YELLS) (PANTING) (GROWLING) (SNIFFING) (SHRIEKS) (SCOTT GASPS) (SCREAMING) (CAR ROOF CLANGS) (THUDDING) What the hell? HANK". Not bad for a test drive. Keep the suit. I'll be in touch. No! No! No, thank you! -(SIRENS BLARE) -POLICEMAN: Get down on the ground! You are under arrest! No, I didn't steal anything! I was returning something I stole. Oh... POLICEMAN: Don't move. You know, you almost had us convinced that you were gonna change your ways. They were really rooting for you. It's gonna break their hearts. - You got a visitor. -Who? Your lawyer. MY l8Wyer? HANK: I told you I'd be in touch, Scott. I'm starting to think that you prefer the inside of a jail cell. Oh, man. HANK: Sit down. Sir, I'm sorry I stole the suit. I don't even wanna know why you have it. Maggie was right about you. How do you know about... No wonder she's trying to keep you away from Cassie. The moment things get hard, you turn right back to crime. The way I see it, you have a choice. You can either spend the rest of your life in prison, or go back to your cell and await further instructions. I don't understand. No, I don't expect you to. But you don't have many options right now, and quite frankly, neither do I. Why do you think I let you steal that suit in the first place? What? (INAUDIBLE) Second chances don't come around all that much. So, next time you think you might see one, I suggest you take a real close look at it. AUTOMATED VOICE: You're my bestest friend! MAGGIE: Are you sure you don't want a different toy? No, I love this one. Okay. Well, get some sleep. I love you. - M0mmy? "Hmm? Is Daddy a bad man? I heard some grownups say he's bad. No. Daddy just gets confused sometimes, you know? (FLY BUZZING) (sun ZAPS) (DOOR BUZZING OPEN) HANK: Smart choice. You actually listened, for once. Under the door. (PANTING) (ALARM RINGING) Okay, where to now? HANK". Hang tight. -Oh, God. What, what? Where the hell did he go? I have no idea. He just vanished. Set up a five-block perimeter. SCOTT: Get back! Get back! HANK". Scott, these are my associates. SCOTT: Is that a camera on an ant? Yeah, sure. Why not? Where's the car? HANK: No car. We've got wings. Incoming! Put your foot on the central node and mount the thorax. - How safe is... - Just get on the damn ant, Scott! (SIRENS BLARING) SCOTT: Why am I on a police car? Shouldn't I not be on a police car? HANK: So they can give you a lift past their five-block perimeter. SCOTT: All right. - Now, what's the next move? - Hang on tight. SCOTT: Oh, this is easy! I'm getting the hang of this. Yank up to go up. It's like a horse. HANK: You're throwing 247 off balance. Wait, his name is 247? He doesn't have a name, he has a number, Scott. Do you have any idea how many ants there are? -(CAR HONKING) -SCOTT: Whoa! HANK: Maybe it's... Maybe it's 248. SCOTT: No, no! Vertigo, vertigo! - HAN K: No, I think it's 247. - Wait. HANK: Hang on tight! SCOTT: I think I'm getting the hang of this. HANK: I am controlling 247. He is not listening to you. SCOTT: What? - Can I make one little request? -No. (BUZZING) SCOTT: Stop, 247! Time out, time out. Time out. All right, hold on. Just wait! Whoa! What happens if I throw up in this helmet? HANK: It's my helmet, Scott. You do not throw up. SCOTT: Let's set her down, all right? I'm getting light-headed. Hang on, Scott. I'm getting a little light... I need a snooze button. Hit me in 5 minutes. (FAINT TAPPING) (GASPS) Hello. Who are you? Have you been standing there, watching me sleep, this whole time? Yes. Why? Because the last time you were here, you stole something. Oh. Oh. Hey, look... Whoa! HOPE: Paraponera clavata. Giant tropical bullet ants, ranked highest on the Schmidt pain index. They're here to keep an eye on you when I can't. Dr. Pym's waiting for you downstairs. Who? (GROANS) Hey! Um... Whose pajamas are these? How am I supposed to do this? All right, just one step at a time. Ugh! You don't bite me, I don't step on you. Deal? HOPE: I could take down the servers and Cross wouldn't even know it. We don't need this guy. I assume that you've already met my daughter, Hope. I did. She's great. She doesn't think that we need you. We don't. We can do this ourselves. I go to all this effort to let you steal my suit, and then Hope has you arrested. Okay, we can try this and when he fails, I'll do it myself. She's a little bit anxious. It has to do with this job, which, judging by the fact that you're sitting opposite me, I take it that you're interested in. What job? Would you like some tea? Uh... Sure. I was very impressed with how you managed to get past my security system. Freezing that metal was particularly clever. Were you watching me? Scott, I've been watching you for a while. Ever since you robbed Vista Corp. Oh! Excuse me. "Burgled" Vista Corp. Vista's security system was one of the most advanced in the business. It was supposed to be unbeatable. But you beat it. Would you like some sugar? Yeah, thanks. You know what? I'm okay. How do you make them do that? Ants can lift objects 50 times their weight. They build, farm, they cooperate with each other. Right. But how do you make them do that? I use electromagnetic waves to stimulate their olfactory nerve center. I speak to them. I can go anywhere, hear anything, and see everything. And still know absolutely nothing. I'm late to meet Cross. (BREATHING HARD) Uh... Dr. Pym? You don't need to raise your hand, Scott. Sorry, I just have one question. Who are you, who is she, what the hell's going on, and can I go back to jail now? Come with me. 40 years ago, I created a formula that altered atomic relative distance. SCOTT: Huh? I learned how to change the distance between atoms. That's what powers the suit. That's why it works. SCOTT: Wow. (MACHINERY POWERING UP) - Whoa! -But it was dangerous. It was too dangerous. So I hid it from the world. And that's when I switched gears and I started my own company. Pym Tech. Yes. I took on a young protégé called Darren Cross. SCOTT: Darren Cross. He's a big deal. But before he was a big deal, he was my assistant. I thought I saw something in him. The son I never had, perhaps. He was brilliant, but as we became close, he began to suspect that I wasn't telling him everything. He heard rumors about what was called the Pym Particle, and he became obsessed with recreating my formula. But I wouldn't help him. So he conspired against me and he voted me out of my own company. How could he do that? The board's chairman is my daughter, Hope. She was the deciding vote. But she came back to me when she saw how close Cross was to cracking my formula. The process is highly volatile. If one isn't protected by a specialized helmet, it can affect the brain's chemistry. I don't think Darren realizes this, and, you know, he's not the most stable guy to begin with. So, what do you want from me? Scott, I believe that everyone deserves a shot at redemption. Do you? I do. If you can help me, I promise I can help you be with your daughter again. Now, are you ready to redeem yourself? Absolutely. My days of breaking into places and stealing shit are done. What do you want me to do? I want you to break into a place and steal some shit. (CELL PHONE CHIMES) Are you gonna be home for dinner tonight? Uh, yeah. I'll pick something up. Text me. Okay. Good news? Uh... I don't know. It's news. Are you trying to find my daddy? Yeah, I am, sweetheart. I just want your daddy to be safe. Hope you don't catch him. (BLEATING) (BLEATING CONTINUES) This isn't the first time these guys have tried to get their hands on game-changing weaponry. That's Mitchell Carson, Ex-Head of Defense at S.H.I.E.L.D. Presently in the business of toppling governments. He always wanted my tech. And now, unless we break in and steal the Yellowjacket and destroy all the data, Darren Cross is gonna unleash chaos upon the world. I think our first move should be calling the Avengers. (HANK SCOFFS) I spent half my life trying to keep this technology out of the hands of a Stark. I'm sure as hell not gonna hand-deliver it to one now. This is not some cute technology like the Iron Man suit. This could change the texture of reality. Besides, they're probably too busy dropping cities out of the sky. Okay, then why don't you just send the ants? Scott, they are ants. Ants, they can do a lot of things, but they still need a leader. Somebody that could infiltrate a place that's designed to prevent infiltration. Hank, I'm a thief, all right? I mean, I'm a good thief, but this is insane. He's right, Hank. And you know it. You've seen the footage, you know what Cross is capable of. I was against using him when we had months, and now we have days. I'm wearing the suit. Absolutely not! I know the facility inside and out. I know how Cross thinks. I know this mission better than anybody here. We need you close to Cross. Otherwise, this mission cannot work. - We don't have time to screw around! -Hope, please listen to me... He is a criminal! I'm your daughter. -(SLAMS TABLE) -No! (SIGHS) (SIGHING) She's right, Hank. I'm not your guy. - Why don't you wear the suit? -(SIGHING) You think I don't want to? I can't. I spent years wearing it, and it took a toll on me. (SIGHS) You're our only option. Before Hope lost her mother, she used to look at me like I was the greatest man in the world. And now she looks at me and there's just disappointment. It's too late for me, but not for you. This is your chance. The chance to earn that look in your daughter's eyes. To become the hero that she already thinks you are. It's not about saving our world. It's about saving theirs. Damn. That was a good speech. Scott, I need you to be the Ant-Man. In the right hands, the relationship between man and suit is symbiotic. The suit has power. The man harnesses that power. You need to be skillful, agile, and above all, you need to be fast. You should be able to shrink and grow on a dime. So your size always suits your needs. Now dive through the keyhole, Scott. You charge big, you dive small, then you emerge big. -(THUDDING) -SCOTT: Ow! -(THUDDING) -Ahhh! -(THUDDING) -Ow! Useless. When you're small, energy's compressed, so you have the force of a 200-pound man behind a fist a 100th of an inch wide. You're like a bullet. You punch too hard, you kill someone. Too soft, it's a love tap. In other words, you have to know how to punch. I was in prison for three years. I know how to punch. Show me. - Terrible. -You wanna show me how to punch? Show me... (GROANS) That's how you punch. - She's been looking forward to this. -No kidding. Hope trained in martial arts at a difficult time. Oh, by "difficult time," he means when my mother died. We lost her in a plane crash. It's bad enough you won't tell me how she died. Could you please stop telling me that lie? We're working, here. All right, princess. Let's get back to work. Were you going for the hand? You know, I think this regulator is holding me back. Do not screw with the regulator. If that regulator is compromised, you would go subatomic. What does that mean? It means that you would enter a quantum realm. What does that mean? It means that you would enter a reality where all concepts of time and space become irrelevant as you shrink for all eternity. Everything that you know andlove, gone forever. Cool. Yeah, if it ain't broke... You've learned about the suit, but you've yet to learn about your greatest allies, the ants. Loyal, brave, and your partners on this job. HOPE: Paratrechina longicornis. Commonly known as crazy ants. They're lightning fast and can conduct electricity, which makes them useful to fry out enemy electronics. You're not so crazy. -(SQUEAKS) -Hey! (CHUCKLING) You're cute. (SCREAMING) That was a lot scarier a second ago. (BOTH GRUNTING) (GROANS) (GROANING) it looks like the Futures Lab has its own isolated power supply. HOPE: There's a security guard posted around the clock. We'll need you to take him out to deactivate the security systems. SCOTT: Okay, who's next? HOPE: Paraponera clavata. SCOTT: I know. Bullet ants, right? Number 1 on the Schmidt pain index? Hey, guys. Remember me from the bedroom? (YELLS) The Yellowjacket pod is hermetically sealed, and the only access point is a tube we estimate to be about 5 millimeters in diameter. Why do I have a sick feeling in my stomach? HOPE: The tube is protected by a laser grid, and we can only power that down for 15 seconds. You're gonna need to signal the crazy ants to blow the servers, retrieve the suit, and exit the vaults before the backup power comes on. HOPE: Camponotus pennsylvanicus. Alternatively known as a carpenter ant. Ideal for ground and air transport. Wait a minute, I know this guy. I'm gonna call him "Ant-thony." That's good. That's very good. Because this time, you're really gonna have to learn how to control him. Tell them to put the sugar in the teacup. (GRUNTING) AW! You okay? Did I hurt... (GROANING) (GROANING) Hank wants you outside for target practice. HANK: The suit has no weapons, so I made you these discs. Red shrinks. Blue enlarges. HOPE: Solenopsis mandibularis. HANK: Known for their bite, the fire ants have evolved into remarkable architects. They are handy to get you in and out of difficult places. You can do it, Scott. (HUFFS) They're not listening to me. You have to commit. You have to mean it. No shortcuts, no lies. (SIGHS) Throwing insults into the mix will not do anyone any good, Hope. We don't have time for coddling. Our focus should be on helping Scott! Really? Is that where our focus should be? (METAL TINKLING) H0pe! I don't know why I came to you in the first place. (DOOR CLOSES) We can't do this without her. Oh, God. You gotta lock your doors. I mean, really, there's some weird folks in this neighborhood. Do you think this is a joke? Do you have any idea what he's asking you to risk? You have a daughter. I'm doing this for her. You know, when my mother died, I didn't see him for two weeks. He was in grief. Yeah, so was I, and I was seven. And he never came back. Not in any way that counted. He just sent me off to boarding school. You know, I thought, with all that's at stake, just maybe we might have a chance of making peace. But, even now, he still wants to shut me out. He doesn't wanna shut you out. He trusts you. Then why are you here? It proves that he loves you. Hope. Look at me. I'm expendable. That's why I'm here. You must have realized that by now. I mean, it's why I'm in the suit and you're not. He would rather lose this fight than lose you. anyway- -- You know, I didn't know you had a daughter when I called the cops on you. What's her name? Cassie. It's a pretty name. You have to clear your mind, Scott. You have to make your thoughts precise. That's how it works. Think about Cassie. About how badly you want to see her. And use that to focus. Open your eyes and just think about what you want the ants to do. That's good! Your mother convinced me to let her join me on my missions. They called her the Wasp. She was born to it. And there's not a day that goes by that I don't regret having said yes. It was 1987. Separatists had hijacked a Soviet missile silo in Kursk and launched an ICBM at the United States. The only way to the internal mechanics was through solid titanium. I knew I had to shrink between the molecules to disarm the missile. But my regulator had sustained too much damage. Your mother, she didn't hesitate. Janet! No! She turned off her regulator and went subatomic to deactivate the bomb. And she was gone. Your mom died a hero. And I spent the next 10 years trying to learn all I could about the quantum realm. You were trying to bring her back. But all I learned was we know nothing. It's not your fault. She made her choice. (VOICE BREAKING) But why didn't you tell me that sooner? I was trying to protect you. I lost your mother. I didn't mean to lose you, too. I'm sorry. This is awesome. It's awesome, you know? You guys are breaking down walls, you're healing. It's important. I ruined the moment, didn't I? Yes, you did. Yes. I'm going to make some tea. Nailed it! That's a good boy, Ant-them. HANK: The final phase of your training will be a stealth incursion. SCOTT: It's freezing! You couldn't make a suit with a flannel lining? You must retrieve this prototype of a signal decoy. It's a device that I invented during my S.H.l.E.L.D. days. We need it to counteract the transmission blockers that Cross installed in the Futures vault. It's currently collecting dust in one of Howard Stark's old storage facilities in upstate New York. Should be a piece of cake. You're over the target area. Disengage now, Scott! Squadron A, go! B, go! C, go! All right, Ant-thony, please don't drop me this time. Oh, it feels like a big leap from sugar cubes to this! Stay calm. SCOTT: Guys? We might have a problem. Hank, didn't you say this was some old warehouse? It's not! You son of a bitch! - Scott, get out of there. -Abort! Abort now! No, it's okay. it doesn't look like anyone's home. Ant-them, get me to the mo"! He's gonna lose the suit. He's gonna lose his life. (GRUNTS) All right, I'm on the roof of the target building. Somebody's home, Scott. MAN". What's going on down there, Sam? SCOTT: It's the Falcon! I had a sensor trip but I'm not seeing anything. Wait a second. HANK: Abort, Scott! Abort now! It's okay. He can't see me. I can see you. He can see me. Hi. I'm Scott. Did he just say, "Hi, I'm Scott"? - What are you doing here? -First off, I'm a big fan. Appreciate it. So, who the hell are you? I'm Ant-Man. "Ant-Man"? What? You haven't heard of me? No, you wouldn't have heard of me. You wanna tell me what you want? I was hoping I could grab a piece of technology. Just for a few days. I'm gonna return it. I need it to save the world. You know how that is. I know exactly how that is. Located the breach. - Bringing him in. -Sorry about this! What the hell are you doing? FALCON: Breach is an adult male, who has some sort of shrinking tech. SCOTT: Sorry! Look, I'm sorry about this. Sorry. That's enough! (GROANING) Ant-thony! A little help! I've lost visual. (GRUNTING) He's inside my pack! Sorry! You seem like a really great guy. (GRUNTING) It's really important to me that Cap never finds out about this. That was completely irresponsible and dangerous! You jeopardized everything! You got it. Well done. SCOTT: Wait a minute. Did you just compliment me? - He did, didn't he? -Kind of sounded like he did. (BEEPING SOFTLY) I was good, wasn't I? (SCOFFS) Hey, how about the fact that I fought an Avenger and didn't die? Let us not dwell on the past. We gotta finish our planning. HOPE: Don't mind him. You did good. Darren. How the hell did you get in here? You left the front door open, Hank. It's official. You're old. The plans. He Will kill him. Well, to what do I owe this pleasure? I have good news. Really? What's that? Pym Tech, the company you created, is about to become one of the most profitable operations in the world. We're anticipating $15 billion in sales, tomorrow alone. You're welcome. I know this is odd, but I'd like you to be there. This is my moment. I want you to see it. Sure, Darren. Yeah, sure. I'll be there. What did you see in me? I don't know what you mean. All those years ago, you picked me. What did you see? I saw myself. Then why did you push me away? Because I saw too much of myself. HOPE: He knows. He's baiting you. We have to call it off. We're all taking risks. What if he saw me here? He didn't. There's no way. - How do you know that? -(CELL PHONE RINGING) Darren, hi. Hope, where are you right now? I'm at home. I just saw Hank. I still get nothing but contempt from him. Don't let him rile you up. He's just a senile old man. We need to start everyone working around the clock. Get the assembly line up and running. And I'm tripling security. Full sensors at all entrances and exterior air vents fitted with steel micro-mesh. Great. Good idea. Thank you, Hope. I'm so lucky to have you on my team. He's tripling security. He's lost his mind, and he's onto you. But he is not onto you. He's adding full body scanners to all entrances and closing exterior vents. How are we gonna get Scott inside? The water main. You can't add security to a water main. The pressure is too strong, but if we can decrease it, that's how I get in. Somebody would have to reach the building's control center to change the water pressure. Hank and I will be beside Cross. How are we supposed to do that? So we expand our team. What do we need? A fake security guard on the inside to de-pressurize the water system, somebody else to hack in to the power supply and kill the laser grid, and a getaway guy. No, no. No, no, no. Not those three Wombats. No way. LUIS: Thank you for the coffee, ma'am. It's not too often that you rob a place and then get welcomed back. (CHUCKLES) Because we just robbed you. You know that he was arrested for stealing a smoothie machine, right? Two smoothie machines. Are you sure they can handle this? Oh, we can handle it. We're professionals. You'll forgive us if we're not instilled with confidence. Well, hey, everybodyjust kick back and relax a little bit, man. We know our business. We broke into this spooky-ass house, didn't we? Iletyou. Well, one could say that I let you let me. - Look, it's okay. They can handle this. -Yeah, we can handle it. - SCOTT: You got their credentials? -He's in the system. - I'm in the system? -You're in the system. The system? Yeah, we're doomed. SCOTT: All right. There's something you guys need to see. When you get to this corner, there's gonna be three offices on your left side. DAVE: Damn! Whoa! That's so cool, bro! Now, look, this is gonna get weird, all right? It's pretty freaky, but it's safe. There's no reason to be scared. Oh, no, no. Daddy don't get scared. - Really? -Yeah. Good. (GASPS) This is the work of gypsies. DAVE: (STAMMERING) That's witchcraft. Wow, that's amazing. That's like some David Copperfield shit. DAVE: That's some kind of wizardry. KURT: This is sorcery! How'd you do that, bro? SCOTT: Don't freak out. Look at your shoulder. Ahhh! Get off! Get off! SCOTT: Wait, I thought Daddy didn't get scared! (SNORING) I gave them each half a Xanax and Hank explained the science of the suit to them. They fell right asleep. Hey, look, I wanna thank you for... No, please don't. We're all doing this for reasons much bigger than any one of us. I'm just glad that you might have a slight chance of maybe pulling this off. Hey, thank you, you know, for that pep talk. You know, the honest truth is, I actually went from despising you to almost liking you. You really should write poetry. (CHUCKLES) Get some sleep, Scott. (SOFT WHIRRING) All right, just so we're clear, everyone here knows their role, right? - Dave? -Wheels on the ground. - Kurt? -Eyes in the sky. - Luis? -Oh, man, you know it. You know what? I get to wear a uniform. - That's what's up. -Luis. I'm sorry. I'm good. I'm good. I'm just excited. Plus, your girlfriend's really hot. So, you know, that makes me nervous, too. And you are very beautiful, ma'am. - Oh, my Lord. -She's not my... You know what? I was thinking of a tactic, like when I go undercover. Like a whistling. You know what I'm saying? To like, blend in. No. Don't whistle. No whistling. It's not The Andy Griffith Show. No whistling. All clear in Sector One. GUARD: Step out. All clear. We're set. Wish me luck. Utilities online. (WHISTLING IT'S A SMALL WORLD) Hey! What are you doing? Uh... Boss-man said to secure the area, so I'm securing it. I'm the boss. - Oh. -Utilities 1.3... (WATER FLOWING) (BEEPING) KURT: Water level is dropping! (YELPS) KURT: Coming up on extraction pipe. SCOTT: All right, I see it. All right, come on, I gotta get up there. That's it. That's it, guys! Yes! Yes! You got it! You got it! Come on! (TAPPING) - All right, let's fly, Ant-thony. -(CHITTERING) The Ant-Man is in the building. DAVE: Pym's pulling up. Right on time. Got a Crown Vic right outside there. Considering the Crown Vic's the most commonly used car for undercover cops, man, yes, this is problem. DAVE: That's Pym. DAVE: Oh, no. SCOTT: I'm deploying the bullet ants. Papanera Claire de Merna Merna... I don't remember what it's called, but I feel bad for this guy. - What's up, man? -Hey. Ow! Ow! See? That's what I'm talking about. That's what I call an unfortunate casualty in a very serious operation. KURT: Signal decoy in place. Mean, pretty lady did good, Scott. DAVE: (SCOFFS) Looks like Pym's getting arrested. Scott, we have problem. SCOTT: Problem? What's the problem? Dave! Dave, that's not part of plan! Listen to me. If I don't get into this building, people will die. That's awfully dramatic. (SIREN BLARING) Are you kidding me? -(TIRES SQUEALING) -(DAVE LAUGHING) Problem solved. Well... How do I look? There he is. Just in time. Come on. AUTOMATED FEMALE VOICE: 12-point verification. Little over-the-top, don't you think, Darren? AUTOMATED FEMALE VOICE: Confirming authorization level. Well, you can never be too safe. AUTOMATED FEMALE VOICE: Access granted. HANK: Gotta hand it to you, Darren. You really did it. And you only know the half of it, Hank. (AUTOMATIC LOCKS CLICKING) Arriving in second position. All right, top speed, Ant-thony. Let's go! Proceeding to command position. I'll be right back, Ant-thony. All right, guys. I'm in position. I'm gonna signal the ants. PAXTON: No, no, no, no, no! (GRUNTS) DAVE: Did you see that? (LAUGHING) (MUSICAL CAR HORN HONKING) Assume formation. All right, you cute little crazies, let's fry these servers! (POWERING DOWN) (GRUNTS) Let's go get 'em, buddy! (WHOOPING) KURT: Servers are fried. Data backup completely erased. SCOTT: Heading to the particle chamber. Hello, Dr. Cross. My associates have agreed to your terms. Wonderful. Mr. Carson introduced me to these fine gentlemen here. They're representatives of Hydra. They're not what they were. They're doing some interesting work. (CHUCKLING) And I'm enjoying myself. You tried to hide your technology from me. And now it's gonna blow up in your face. (GRUNTS) Wow. Wow! I mean, I saw that punch coming a mile away, but I just figured it'd be all pathetic and weak. Well, you figured wrong. PAXTON: I know this van. ATWbOdy home? (BOTH SHUSHING) All right, guys. I'm here. I'm setting the charges. Great job, guys. I'll take it from here. Good boy, Ant-them. Final position. Guys, how we looking on that laser grid? KURT: Almost. DAVE: No, you're not. - I'm getting close! -No, you're not. -(BANGING ON DOOR) -PAXTON: San Francisco P.D.! Out of the van! I know you're in there! - Make it go faster. -Dude, seriously. (BANGING CONTINUES) Ready to jump. Do you read, Kurt? So close. - Okay, hold up! Wait a minute! -Freeze! There was a black guy that looked exactly like me who attacked us and put us in the back of this disgusting van. - Get out of the van! -DAVE: Okay, I'm coming. Take it easy! KURT: No, I will not move! Go now! - Wait! -What? What do you mean, "Wait"? Phew! What? What? DARREN: Hey, little guy. (LAUGHING) (GROANS) I always suspected you had a suit stored away somewhere. Which begs the question, who is the new Ant-Man? Who is the man that my beloved mentor trusted even more than me? Scott Lang. A martyr who took on the system and paid the price, losing his family and his only daughter in the process. Exactly your kind of guy, Hank! He escapes his jail cell without leaving any clue as to how. -(BEEPS) -And then he disappears magically, despite having no money to his name. And now he brings me the Ant-Man suit. The only thing that can rival my creation. Darren, don't do this. If you sell to these men, it's gonna be chaos. I already have. And for twice the price, thanks to you. It's not easy to successfully infiltrate an Avengers facility. Thankfully, word travels fast. I'll sell them the Yellowjacket, but I'm keeping the particle to myself. They don't run on diesel. If you want the fuel, you'll have to come to me. What do you call the only man who can arm the most powerful weapon in the world? The most powerful man in the world. You proud of me yet? You can stop this, Darren. It's not too late. It's been too late for a long time now. Darren! What are you doing? He wasn't any more capable of caring for you than he was for me. This is not who you are. It's the particles altering your brain chemistry. Wait! Wait, wait, wait, wait. (SIGHS) You're right. I have to be the one to do it. Here we go. Drop your gun. You know, I came to the house the other night to kill him, but you were there. You're sick and I can help you. Just put the gun down. I wasn't ready to kill you then, but I think I am now! Drop your gun now! You picked the wrong side, Hope. 43am (GROANING) SCOTT: Hank, no. No, Hank. Hank? Listen, you're gonna be okay. - All right? You're gonna be just fine. -(GUN COCKS) Take the suit off, or I'll blow your brains out and peel it off. (GUN CLICKING) (YELPING) (ALARM BLARING) We got a 10-33 at Pym Tech. Request immediate backup! DAVE: Go, go, 90! (GASPS) Get me to the roof. And radio ahead. I want to make sure the helicopter is ready to take off. You two, kill anything that comes out of that vault! Dad, can you move? We need to get him out of here. Go get that suit. Hey, Scotty. Hey, did I save your life? Scotty? Scotty? (PANTING) Thank you, Luis. - Are we the good guys? -Yeah. - We're the good guys, right? -Yeah, we're the good guys. Feels kinda weird, you know. Yeah, but we're not done yet. Get out of here before this place blows! (GROANS) Damn it! That guy. Hey! We're getting out of here! (GROANING) HOPE: The charges are set. We've gotta find a way out of here. And fast. Don't worry. I'm not gonna die. And neither are you. It's not a keychain. It's total chaos in here! Multiple shots fired! And there's a tank. A little help! I got it. We need a doctor! We've got him. (MUSICAL CAR HORN HONKING) Thank you. Let's go)! (ANT-THONY SHRIEKING) Ant-thony! Go! SCOTT: You're gonna regret that. Wait a minute! Get out of that van! - What? -Get out of that van! It's too loud, there's a tank. I can't hear you! Hey! Hey! MAN: Are you crazy? Put the gun down! The windows! Did you think you could stop the future with a heist? SCOTT: it was neverjust a heist! Put the gun down! (SCREAMING) Okay, I got him, I got him. There he is! Go, go, go! We gotta set her down somewhere. (YELLS) DARREN: I'm gonna disintegrate you! SIRl: Playing Disintegration by the Cure. (SONG PLAYING LOUDLY) (GIRL SCREAMS) Call 911! (WOMAN SCREAMS) (GROANS) (CHITTERING) (CRACKLING) - SCOTT: It's okay. -(ALL YELP) Freeze! Put your hands up! Get them up! Scott? Paxton, you have to listen to me! (ELECTRICITY CRACKLING) (BOTH GROAN) (SCREAMING) Paxton, turn around! Take me back! I am taking you back. To prison. There's something in that backyard that needs to be destroyed. In the bug zapper. There... (TIRES SCREECH) You need to desist right now! Your delusions are out of hand. DISPATCH: All units, we have a 2-36 in progress at 840 Winter Street. - Cassie! -That's my house. (SIREN WAILING) Don't be scared. SCOTT: Paxton, let me help! - Don't move. -Let me help! - Maggie! What's going on? -He's got Cassie! - Who's got Cassie, honey? -That thing. - PAXTON: Thing? -MAGGIE: I don't know! I don't know! (STRAINING) Are you a monster? Do I look like a monster? I want my daddy! I want your daddy, too. (CASSIE SCREAMS) There you are. Daddy, is that you? Hi, peanut. Why don't you pick on someone your own size? DARREN: Now, where did you go, little guy? There you are. (LAUGHING) SCOTT: Not just me! Damn it! Go! Go! (GRUNTS) (YELPS) (GRUNTS) LUIS: Scotty needs us, you know what I'm saying? Ain't nothing gonna stop us. Back it up. - Back it up, slow. -Yeah. - Back it up. -Yeah. - Back it up. -Okay. (LUIS STAMMERING) - We just back it up, okay? -DAVE: That's it. - LUIS: Back it up. -That's right. - LUIS: Backin' up? -Yep, just backing' up. LUIS: No, no. Just back it up. You insult me, Scott. Your very existence is insulting to me. You know, it'd be much easier to hit you if you were bigger. SCOTT: Yeah, I agree. (GRUNTS) (TRAIN WHISTLE BLOWING) PAXTON: Cassie! I'm gonna show you just how insignificant you are. Cassie! I'm coming! (SCREAMING) (ALL GASP) That's a messed-up looking dog. I'm gonna destroy -everything you love. -(SCREAMING) Freeze! S.F.P.D. (GRUNTING) (STRAINING) I can't break through. DARREN: It's titanium, you idiot! - SCOTT: Get her out of here. -Come on. DARREN: Sorry, sweetheart. You have to help Daddy pay for his mistakes. - You stay behind me, okay? -Okay. Stay behind me. I'm gonna have to shrink between the molecules to get in there. Get away from us! Daddy, help! I love you, Cassie. (GRUNTS) (SCREAMING) Daddy, where are you? (VOICE ECHOING) HANK: You could go subatomic. You could go subatomic. Oh, no. HANK: You would enter a reality where all concepts of time and space... All concepts of time and space become irrelevant. ...all concepts of time and space become irrelevant. CASSIE: (VOICE DISTORTED) Come back, Daddy! HANK: (VOICE ECHOING) you shrink for all eternity. Everything that you know and love, gone forever. CASSIE: Daddy, where are you? (CASSIE SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY) Where are you? Where are you? - Daddy! - Cassie. Come back, Daddy! HANK: Do not screw with the regulator! (WIND HOWLING) Daddy! I love you so much. I love you, too. So much. (PAXTON CLEARS THROAT) You know, there's a big hole in the roof. Sorry. - GALE: Is she all right? -Yeah, she's fine. Mommy! PAXTON: She's fine, she's fine. HANK". Scott, please. You don't remember anything? Hank. I don't. There must be something else. Well, I suppose the human mind just can't comprehend the experience, but you made it. You went in, and you got out. It's amazing. Scott, I'll walk you out. Get some rest. (DOOR CLOSES) Is it possible? (GROANS) When did this happen? Nothing's happening. Whoa. Hold on. Somethings kind of happening. Well, if that's the case, shoot me again. Yeah. I don't know what you were doing, grabbing and kissing me like that. I'm a little surprised myself. I have to get somewhere. I'll see you later, Hank. Really, Hope. - Scott. -Yeah? - You're full of shit. -Oh, yeah. PAXTON: Scott, I met with my captain today. He wanted a report on the night that you got out ofjail. Something happened with the cameras. Some circuits got fried. But I told him that you were processed correctly. Really? PAXTONI Well, yeah. Can't be sending Cassie's dad back to jail on a technical glitch, right? Thank you, Paxton. I'm blown away. Thank you for everything you do for Cassie. Well, that's my pleasure. But, no. This one, I did for you. - This is awkward. -Yeah. - Yeah. -(LAUGHING) I mean, what do we even talk about after all of that? - Oh, I know. -What? - I did my first cartwheel today. -What? Yeah. She has been practicing all week. But today was the magic day. I recorded it on my phone. Here. SCOTT: No, that can't be Cassie. That's not you. MAGGIE: Yeah, it is. CASSIE: Yeah, it is. SCOTT: This is a professional gymnast. There is no way that's you. PAXTON: Yeah, that's her. Good boy. Sweetie, that's pretty amazing, peanut. (CELL PHONE VIBRATING) Sorry. It's work. Yeah. All right. Here's the deal. Just give me the facts. Just the facts. Only the facts. Breathe. Focus. Keep it simple. No, no, no. No doubt, no doubt. Okay. So, I'm at this art museum with my cousin Ignacio, right? And there was this, like, abstract expressionism exhibit. But you know me, I'm more like a Neo-Cubist kind of guy, right? But there was this one Rothko that was sublime, bro! Oh, my God! - Luis. -Okay, sorry. You know, I just get excited and stuff. But anyway, Ignacio tells me, "Yo, I met this crazy-fine writer chick at the Spot last night. Like fine-fine. "Like crazy-stupid fine." And he goes up to the bartender and goes, "Look at the girl I'm with. You know what I'm sayin'? "She's crazy-stupid fine, right?" The bartender's all like, "Yeah, crazy-stupid fine." So this writer chick tells Ignacio, "Yo, I'm like a boss in the world of guerrilla journalism, "and I got mad connects with the peeps behind the curtains, "you know what I'm saying?" Ignacio's like, "For real?" And she's like, "Yeah, you know what, I can't tell you who my contact is, "because he works with the Avengers." Oh, no. Yeah, and this dude sounds like a badass, man. Like, he comes up to her and says, "Yo, I'm looking for this dude who's new on the scene, "who's flashing his fresh tack, "who's got, like, bomb moves, right? Who you got?" And she's like, "Well, we got everything nowadays. We got a guy who jumps. "We got a guy who swings, we got a guy who crawls up the walls. "You gotta be more specific." And he's like, "I'm looking for a guy that shrinks." And I'm, like, "Damn!" I got all nervous 'cause I'd keep mad secrets for you, bro. So I asked Ignacio, "Did the badass tell the stupid-fine writer chick "to tell you to tell me, because I'm tight with Ant-Man, "that he's looking for him?" And? What'd he say? He said, "Yes." There's something I want to show you. I realized you can't destroy power. All you can do is make sure that it's in the right hands. This is an advanced prototype that your mother and I worked on together. She never got to use it. But now I realize that we were... We were working on it for you. Maybe it's time we finished it. It's about damn time. FALCON". Hey, Cap! This would have been a lot easier a week ago. - If we call Tony... -He won't believe us. Even if he did... Who knows if the Accords will let him help. We're on our own. Maybe not. I know a guy. - Addicted - "Suicide Squad (2016)" ^ (Run time 02:14:32) - Chow time! - It's time! Floyd, step up to the door. Dinner time. Only my friends call me Floyd. You ain't got no friends, Floyd. What's that? - That is called loaf. - Loaf. It's got a little bit of pasghetti in there. Toenails. Rat shit. Everything a growing fella needs, like you. Come here. Can I tell you something? Can I tell you a secret? Yeah. One day, somehow, some way, I'm gonna get outta here. And I'm gonna rain down on you like the Holy Ghost. Man, you just threatened a staff member. - Yeah? - Yeah, you have. Do something. Let's have some fun. Open the goddamn gate! Come on, guys. Don't waste my time. Sector C! Pull your heads outta your ass! Boss is on deck! Open! Bravo 14, open perimeter fence. Stay back! If she moves, fire her up, all right? You gonna come down from there or what? Look at you. You know the rules, hotness. You gotta keep off these bars. - What, these bars? - Yeah. Oh, my God. You are really in bad shape upstairs, lady! Gonna come in here and tell me that? Or are you too scared? Come on, I'm bored. I'm bored. Play with me. You put five of my guards in the hospital, honey. No one's gonna play with you. You sleep on the ground. I sleep where I want, when I want, with who I want. Oh, man. I love you. Alpha One, hit her. Come on, man. You're six foot four. She's a tiny little girl. You got a choice tonight. What we got here? We got chocolate, strawberry, or vanilla. My job is to keep you alive until you die. Do you understand that? Ahh! Spring break! Whoo. That is just a whole lot of pretty in a whole lot of crazy. The world changed when Superman flew across the sky. And then it changed again when he didn't. And that is why I'm here. We lose a national hero, but you sit there looking like the cat that ate the canary. I've eaten a lot of canaries. It's taken some work. But I finally have them. The worst of the worst. There's rumors, Amanda, that some of them have abilities. Well, the rumors are right. You know what the problem with a metahuman is? The human part. We got lucky with Superman. He shared our values. The next Superman might not. You're playing with fire, Amanda. I'm fighting fire with fire. You're not going to pitch us that Task Force X project of yours again, are you? Yes. But this time, you're gonna listen. Floyd Lawton, aka Deadshot. He's the most wanted hitman in the world. Let's say he has an elite clientele. - What? - Hey, Angelo. This is the exterminator you called for your rat problem. My account's looking a little thin. No one gets paid until what needs to get done gets done. Nope. That's not the rules. Whoa. Here's your boy right now. With about 20 of his new best friends. I'm still seeing zeroes over here, Angie. Listen, stop being cute and do your job! They're taking him outta the car now. In about 30 seconds, your window is gonna close forever. Okay. Okay, okay. Relax. There was an accounting error. We sent it. Now double it for being a dickhead. You got 10 seconds. We're not the kind of people you play with. Did you just... Did you threaten me? This dude's gonna get a sore throat from all the singing he's about to do. You son of a bitch. Pleasure doing business with you, Angie. But everyone has a weakness. And a weakness can be leveraged. His is an 11 -year-old honor student in Gotham City. His daughter. So we watched her and waited. You should talk to Mama more. Yeah, yeah, I know. Mama stays in bed a lot. Yeah. She's still going out at night? Dad, it's okay. I can take care of her. I know how to make pancakes now. Hey, babe, that's beautiful. Um, she's supposed to be taking care of you. You know, that's how that's supposed to work. I want you to come live with me. All right? I came into some resources. I'mma get us a spot. It's gonna be nice, all right? Mama says I can't live with you because you kill people. That's not true. That's a lie. She's lying to you. Daddy... I know you do bad things. Don't worry, I still love you. Come on. - And you caught him? - Not me. I just gave an anonymous tip to the right guy in Gotham City. I'mma figure this out. All right? It's over, Deadshot. I don't want to do this in front of your daughter. - Daddy, please. - Zoe, move! Please, Daddy. Don't do it. Please. Don't do it. All right. Love you, Daddy. So now we have the man who never misses. Where'd you put him? Let's just say, I put him in a hole and threw away the hole. Harley Quinn. Before she ran off and joined the circus, she was known as Dr. Harleen Quinzel. A psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum. She was assigned to The Clown himself. Dr. Quinzel. You know, I live for these moments with you. - What do you got? - I got you a kitty. So thoughtful. She thought she was curing him, but she was falling in love. There is something you could do for me, doctor. Anything. I mean, yeah. I need a machine gun. A machine gun? Talk about a workplace romance gone wrong. Get off me. Shh! What do we have here? I did everything you said. I helped you. Ah. You helped me. By erasing my mind? What few faded memories I had. No. You left me in a black hole of rage and confusion. Is that the medicine you practice, Dr. Quinzel? What are you gonna do? You gonna kill me, Mr. J? What? Oh, I'm not gonna kill ya. I'm just gonna hurt ya really, really bad. You think so? Well, I can take it. I wouldn't want you to break those perfect porcelain-capped teeth when the juice hits your brain. They became the king and queen of Gotham City. And God help anyone who disrespected the queen. We finally meet. Nah, he don't shake hands. But sit down and have a drink. Hey, J. On behalf of everybody, welcome back. I wanted to come by and personally say thank you. You making me good money. I'm making you good money. Are you sweet talking me? I love this guy. He's so intense! Mmm. You're a lucky man. You got a bad bitch. Oh, that she is. The fire in my loins. The itch in my crotch. The one, the only, the infamous Harley Quinn! Oh, come to Daddy. Puddin'! Listen, you are my gift to this handsome hunka hunka! You belong to him now. Well... You're cute. You want me? I'm all yours. I don't want no beef. You don't want no beef? You don't want no beef? Why, what's wrong? You don't like me? Fine. Don't waste my time then. This is your lady. Look, are you enjoying yourself? No. That's your lady, Joker. That's right. Yo, J. And that was just the beginning. Come on, Puddin'. Oh. We have got company. Batsy, Batsy, Batsy. She's crazier than him. And more fearless. Stupid Bat, you're ruining date night! Puddin'. Puddin', I can't swim! But the Bat got her, too. She's in the same hole as Deadshot. And then there's the Aussie. Digger Harkness. Or as the tabloids call him, Captain Boomerang. We're gonna be rich. Yeah, you and me, mate. Go and get the car. He robbed every bank in Australia at least once. Then he came to America for a fresh target set. Doesn't work well with others. No honor among thieves, eh? But he tangled with a metahuman and lived to tell about it. And have you heard of the pyrokinetic homeboy? How'd you catch him? We didn't. He surrendered. Chato Santana. On the streets they call him El Diablo. This LA gangbanger thought he was king of the world until he lost his queen. Gets jumped in a prison riot and incinerates half the yard. The security video is incredible. Oh, Jesus. The hell is that? His name is Waylon Jones. Evolution took a step backwards with this one. Yo, K.C., it's supper. Go ahead, open that up, B. Got something real nice for you today, boy. Hey, boss, it true he chewed a dude's hand off? Look at that, right there. Vulcanized rubber. Give me that, Smitty. Where you at? Don't make me get you. They call him Killer Croc. Here you are! You hungry? You want some food? Go ahead, feed the man. What are you in the mood for tonight? I got a double cheeseburger, onion rings, a little coleslaw. Or a giant skinless goat. He looked like a monster. So they treated him like a monster. Then he became a monster. He was chased out of Gotham by the Bat. Went searching for sanctuary elsewhere. He never found it. I saved the best for last. - The witch. - A witch? I'm talking a flying, spell-casting, making-shit-disappear witch. A sorceress from another dimension. Another world. Archeologist Dr. June Moone, wandered into the wrong cave. June... She opened something she shouldn't have releasing a metahuman more powerful than any we've encountered. The Enchantress. She inhabits Dr. Moone's body now. And where is this witch? In my pocket. Now tell him why she won't turn you into a frog. Some say the witch has a secret buried heart, and whoever finds it can control the witch. So we searched the cave where she turned up and we found her heart. That thing's her heart? Mmm-hmm. She's vulnerable without it. You want to put our national security in the hands of witches, gangbangers, and crocodiles? Don't forget about The Joker's girlfriend. These are villains, Amanda. What makes you think you can control them? Because getting people to act against their own self-interest for the national security of the United States is what I do for a living. You take the finest special forces officer this nation has ever produced, Colonel Rick Flag. Help me. I assigned him to watch Dr. Moone, and just as I hoped, it got personal. Are you gonna kiss me or not? I have the witch's heart. And Dr. Moone has his. Now he'll follow my orders as Holy Writ. In a world of flying men and monsters, this is the only way to protect our country. What if Superman had decided to fly down, rip off the roof of the White House and grab the President of the United States right out of the Oval Office? Who would've stopped him? We got contingency plans for nukes in North Korea, anthrax in our mail. We got fluoride in our water. But what happens if the next Superman becomes a terrorist? Amanda Waller has a plan. Amanda? I wanna build a team of some very bad people who I think can do some good. Like fight the next war, defeat the next Superman. Not on my watch. You're not putting those monsters back out on the street in our name. General, we run them covertly, non-attributed. Strictly need to know. And if they get caught, we throw them under the bus. The next war will be fought with these metahumans. Ours, or theirs. We're not the only ones kicking up rocks looking for them. You know we can't control these people. June, be strong. Dr. Moone. Enchantress. Meet the Enchantress. Everything we know about her is in your briefing packs. She's walked this earth for a very long time and will likely be here when we're long gone. This meeting is now a magic show? Magic or not, this girl can do some pretty incredible things. Go get it, girl. How about a little something from the weapons ministry vault in Tehran? We've been chasing these plans for years. Uh, please don't touch me. Please don't touch me. Thank you. We'd like Dr. Moone back. Enchantress. Please. Please. I'm sorry, I can't do that again. Flag, get her out of here. I move to, uh, authorize Amanda Waller to establish Task Force X under the ARGUS program. All right. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I know you do bad things. Don't worry, I still love you. Welcome to Belle Reve, special security barracks. How you doing, man? Why don't you kiss her ass? She's in charge. Welcome, ma'am. How are you? I'm here to assist you in any way. Where are they? Are you the Devil? Maybe. Ain't you scared? Why'd they put you down here? I asked. Open that gate. Yo, ese. Hola, amigo. Put that burrito down. You got visitors, man. What's up? Hey, you want some of this? Then come down here. That ain't me. That wasn't you? Nah, they say it's me, but that ain't me. That guy's gone. He's dead. - And yet, here you are. - Ma'am. Let me try to talk to him. You wanna die in here, buddy? You got a real shot at walking the block again. Have a nice cold beer, a nice meal. A woman. Look, man, you ain't the first to ask, and you ain't gonna be the last. Ask what? I'm a man, okay? I ain't no weapon. I'mma die in peace before I raise my fists again. I've caused enough harm. All right, unlock him. - What? - You heard me. You know what this man can do? I'm here to find out. Lose the restraints. Okay. What is this? Uh, cheerleading tryouts? Let's go. Let's see what you can do. They say you never missed a shot. Mmm-hmm. Now you got one in the chamber. What you gonna do with it? Shit! Give me the word, boss. I'll drop him. Everybody calm down. Griggs, tell your men to stand down. Tell them, "Put it down." Stand down. Colonel, for the record, this is exactly what I was concerned about. What's for dinner? Ames, if this man shoots me, I want you to kill him and I want you to go clear my browser history. See, uh, the firing pin is filed down, right? Mag full of dummy rounds. If I pull the trigger, nothing happens. You're absolutely right. Why would we give a loaded weapon to an infamous hitman? Go ahead, pull the trigger. Empty it. Don't empty nothing. You don't even know this lady. I've known you, like, nine months. Remember when I brought you that cookie? That was a real cookie. What? Oops. Y'all jokers must be crazy. All right. Now you know what you're buying. Let me tell you the price. First, I want out of here. Second, I want full custody of my daughter. All right? And her mom can have, like, supervised visits. But her stank-ass boyfriend can't come. Darnell can't come. - Darnell's out. - He's out. Third, y'all gonna pay for my daughter's whole education. Best schools. And then I want her to go to college. Like Harvard. Or Yale. - So Ivy League. - Ivy League, yeah. - One of them big joints, you know? - Mmm-hmm. And, uh, if she can't cut it and her grades start slipping, I need you to white-people that thing. - Mmm-hmm. - You know how y'all do. - Oh, yeah. - You know, right? Okay. Now that's my price. But I'm concerned 'cause I don't see nobody writing shit down. You're in no position to make any demands. Oh. I'm sorry. You thought I was talking to you. No, errand boy. I'm talking to your boss. That's my price, sweetie. You know what it is. You notice these are criminals, hmm? They're psychotic, antisocial freaks. It makes no sense. Let me hit the Tier One units and I'll build you a team of pipe hitters who'll do anything you can dream up. I mean, you need real soldiers. Not these scumbags. In World War Two, the US Navy made a deal with the mafia to protect its ships on the waterfront. This ain't World War Two. It's World War Three. What are you really up to? It's a "need to know", and all you need to know is you work for me. That can change with a phone call. I have friends, too, you know. There you go. But without you minding her, your lady friend stays here strapped to a board in a drug-induced coma. They warned me about you. My dumb ass didn't believe the stories. Nobody does. Where is she? It's complex. This is not just her. Everybody's disappearing. There's this new law, where if you're a bad enough bad guy, they stamp "terrorist" on your jacket. They send you to this swamp in Louisiana. A black site. That's where she is. So what are we doing? Bring the car around. We're going for a drive. Lester, Lester! Hit me one more time! Come on, man! You gotta call upstairs and tell them to float me another 10 K. - Hey! - Ow! - Boss wants to see you. - You know who I am? Good job, man. He's killing it. Come on, man. Why am I here? All right, yeah, I'm down. I get it, all right? I've had a run of bad decks. Not my fault. All right? Dude, this is real. I had to stop these guys from burning down your house with your kids in it. But you're lucky. Maybe. Why do you think so? Yo, slick. What's up? Griggs. You are? You might wanna keep your mouth shut. Can I go, man? What the hell is going on, man? This is crazy. Blah, blah-blah, blah-blah. Blah-blah, blah, blah. All of that chitchat's gonna get ya hurt. Oh! My God! Mmm. I could tell you meant that. Yeah. You're gonna be my friend. Enchantress. - Log time of death. 1620. - June? Let's get her down to the morgue. June? June? June. June. What did you do? Shh. Okay. Plus, it could be the routing number. Wanna go for drinks? Enchantress. God damn it! June! June! June, I'm sorry. Shh. She went somewhere. If you have to choose between her or me, stop her. Promise me you'll stop her. Even if it kills me. Sir. Sir. You okay? Can you breathe? Did you take anything? This is 21. Send medical to my location. I'm a physician. Roger. Bringing medical to your location. No pulse. Starting compressions. Sir. Midway City is under attack. It's a non-human entity. I think you know what to do, sir. Activate Task Force X and get Amanda Waller and her whole circus on scene ASAP. Sir. We're going live with Task Force X. Pull 'em. Prisoner, get down on your knees, now! Down on your knees! Hands in the air! Turn around. Hands up high! Hey, I'm cooperating. All right? - This is me being cool. - Take her. Do not fire that goddamn weapon! Damn it! Open the gate! Everybody, line up for extraction. Let's go! Let's move, move. Yeah. Open the door! Let's go! Hit him! Hurry up, before he smokes us! Where you at? Whoa! Is that the new guy? What is that? What is that? Who are you? - Stand by. Arming device. - Who are you? - I don't know who you are. - Device armed. Hey! Hey, I'm talking to you. Hey, I'm talking to you. Injection successful. Location verified. - Anybody who touches me is dead. - Anybody who... - Lady. Hey. - Injection successful. - Hey! Miss? What was that? - Location verified. Next! Oh, you deaf. You one of them deaf hoes. Come on. Shut up, and get it done. Whee! Listen, you're being transferred. I don't know where you're going. It's from Mr. J. You gonna tell him I took care of you? You're so screwed. What do you mean by that? What do you mean by that? Get off me! Get off me! Harley, what do you mean by that? Harley! Hey, I got a delivery. I have a gift basket for Dr. Van Criss. You're not on the access list. I can't let you in. Sorry. Hey, cool if I leave it with you? I'm way behind today. Thank you. You're a good man. Open up! Just please, do whatever they say. Do whatever they say. Just do it. Hmm. This looks neat. Light it up! Light it up! Light it up! He's right above us. This is a mistake. Rick, I can't do this. - I can't... - Listen, listen. There's no other way. Just get it done. Just get it done. Enchantress. Flag, talk to me. What's going on down there? Amanda, she bolted. Say it again? She bolted! Shit! Go! Worldwide military is on alert. Our weapons are ineffective. I thought this was contained! This is the worst day of my life! All evacuees must report to a FEMA representative. What's going on in that city? Those assholes here yet? Yeah, they're here. Alpha, Bravo team, on me. What the hell, Flag? Unlock 'em. Mmm! Hi, boys! Harley Quinn. How do you do? Huh? What was that? I should kill everyone and escape? Sorry. It's the voices. I'm kidding! Jeez! That's not what they really said. What do we got here? Twelve pounds of shit in a 10-pound sack. Welcome to the party, Captain Boomerang. Hey, what's going on, man? Calm down. Hey, one minute I'm playing Mahjong with me nanna, then this red streak hits me outta nowhere. Shut up! You were caught robbing a diamond exchange. I was not! Here comes Slipknot, the man who can climb anything. Wonderful. Have a good time, scumbag. Ooh. Straighten up. She had a mouth. Listen up! In your necks, injection you got, it's a nanite explosive. It's the size of a rice grain, but it's powerful as a hand grenade. You disobey me, you die. You try to escape, you die. You otherwise irritate or vex me, and guess what? You die. I'm known to be quite vexing. I'm just forewarning you. Lady, shut up! This is the deal. You're going somewhere very bad, to do something that'll get you killed. But until that happens, you're my problem. Mmm. So was that like a, uh, pep talk? Yeah. That was a pep talk. There's your shit. Grab what you need for a fight. We're wheels up in 10. You might wanna work on your team motivation thing. - You heard of Phil Jackson? - Yeah. He's like the gold standard, okay? Triangle, bitch. Study. What? Won't fit anymore? Too much junk in the trunk? Nah. Every time I put this on, somebody dies. And? I like putting it on. Goody. Somethin' tells me a whole lotta people are about to die! Yeah. It's us. We're being led to our deaths. Speak for yourself, mate. Hey, what's that crap on your face? Does it wash off? Hey, if you like a girl, can you light her cigarette with your pinkie? Because that would be real classy! Hey, y'all might wanna leave old boy alone. He could torch this whole joint. Ain't that right, ese? Ain't got nothing to worry about from me. I'm cool, homie. Behold the voice of God. For those of you who don't know me officially, my name is Amanda Waller. There's an active terrorist event in Midway City. I want you to enter the city, rescue HVT-1, and get them to safety. I'm sorry. Uh... For those of us who don't speak good guy, what is HVT-1? The only person that matters in the city, the one person you can't kill. Complete the mission, you get time off your prison sentence. Fail the mission, you die. Anything happens to Colonel Flag, I'll kill every single one of you. Remember, I'm watching. I see everything. There's your pep talk. Compared to your shit, she killed it. So that's it? What, we some kind of Suicide Squad? I'll notify your next of kin. Alpha, Bravo team. Mount up! You're late. This is Katana. She's got my back. She can cut all of you in half with one sword stroke, just like mowing the lawn. I would advise not getting killed by her. Her sword traps the souls of its victims. Harley Quinn. Nice to meet ya. Love your perfume. What is that? The stench of death? Whoa! Easy, cowgirl. Ain't that kind of a mission. She seems nice. Shh. Hey. Is he supposed to be green like that? Oh! Party foul! Not cool. Ooh. Look at the pretty lights! Are you guys seeing this? What happened? Terror attack. Dirty bombs, bad guys shooting up the place with AKs. You know, usual shit. Right. Yeah, you're a bad liar. I don't know if they told you, but I'm a hitman. I'm not a fireman. I don't save people. Anything for a dollar, right? You know the dark places, too. Don't act like you don't. I'm a soldier! And you're a serial killer who takes credit cards. When the shooting starts, and it will, you'll cut and run. Six-one is going down. Six-one is going down hard. Stand by. Drop the ramp. Whoo! What a ride! We're okay. We're okay. Assets are undamaged. - Mind games. - What's that? All this bomb in the neck crap. That ain't real, mate. See, they're trying to trap us with our own minds, right? But you look around, we're free, brah. How do you know this? Just trust me. I know, all right? It's a con. Now I'm going, because I got a life to live. Question is, are you coming? Yeah. Smart! Hold your fire. Sorry. It's what I do. Damn it. Now that's a killer app! Okay. You wanna keep playing the Hollywood Squares version of "I'll Blow Your Freaking Head Off"? Are you next? You tripping, homie. You next, Deadshot? You just threatened me? Oh, yeah. He just threatened me. Move. You got a boyfriend? All right, I'm gonna kill him. Well, you better make it quick 'cause he's gonna kill all of us one by one. I'm gonna drop him, the sword lady, five or seven of these seals. After that, I'm gonna need some help. You down? Always. What about the shit in our necks? Your friend's gonna help us out with that, right? You're my friend, too. Stay evil, doll face. Spread the word. So... I'm thinking if we move together, we can kill all these guys and go our separate ways. - Yeah? - Sounds good. Spread the word. Psst. Oi. Oi. We need your help, man. When the time's right, you hit Flag with a fireball. He'll be too busy burning to death to have a go at us with his phone of doom. Then what? Then we get out of here. And do what? What are you, bloody Socrates, with all the questions? Freedom, man. Freedom! You remember that, don't you? We're criminals. You know that, right? Yeah. It's great. Come on, do the bastard. Hey, be careful. He eats people. Sorry, Mother Superior, what? He eats people for reals, homie. He's a cannibal. Oh. No. What did you say to him? Nothing. Just having a laugh. No worries. I'm standing by for follow on tac team. C2, what is the operational load of the PLS? Boss, we got people up here. I'm on my way. Shit. Amanda, we have hostiles up ahead. Flag, get out of there. We're not here to fight them. We know that doesn't work. Copy that. We're diverting. Bump out second squad two blocks east. We'll pass through you, continue north. Take Bravo two blocks east. We'll leapfrog through you once you're in position. Copy that. Hey. I like these odds, mate. You just say the word. Yeah. Come on. Yeah, uh... Hold that thought. Rick, why do they look like that? Just stay cool. The hell are they? You cut and run, I'll blow your head off. Hit them! Huh. Hey. Ha! Get off me! Get off me! Son of a... Flag! - Good riddance. - Harley! He dies, we die. - Thanks. - Shut up. Backblast, clear! Pinky. That's how I cut and run. Hey. Hey, come on. What? I saw it move. See? It flinched. I think. Hey, you were some help, princess. It's better this way. Trust me. Oh, yeah, you're the fire bloke, eh? - Yeah, I was. Yeah. - Right. Yeah. Well, looky here. Whoo! It's fire. Whoo! The brief said terrorists. You wanna start explaining this? If I told you, would you believe me? - What are they? - I don't know. That's bullshit. Thing has on a $3,000 watch. Is that a person? It was. Now it's not. Hey, don't! What? We got a job to do. We're moving. Get your boys moving. Let's go. Waller, we're moving on the objective. We lost contact with Bravo. You got a visual? Stand by. - Anything on the other squad? - No, ma'am. Go-7, I need your sensors on those coordinates. Flag, it's a negative. They were engaged when you were, but we lost them. Seriously? The hell is wrong with you people? We're bad guys. It's what we do. Hey, Deadshot. I've been thinking. If we don't come together, no one's walking out of here alive. Hmm. And? These people respect you. You got influence. All right. What's your play right now? You're a man of your word, right? I want my mission. You want your life and your kid back. You help me keep this Mardi Gras parade in line and I'll hook you up. Waller is the puppet master. You ain't got shit to hook me up with. I got plenty of my own strings to pull. You just get them to the top of that target building and get my rescuee on that extraction helo. And you're gonna make sure I get paid? And you get paid. You get paid, and you get your fresh start. Take a knee. Our body's at the top of that building. We get up there, pull them out of the vault they're hiding in. Helos extract us off the roof. - It's Miller time. - Check. Flag, who's up there? That's none of your concern. - Do you know who's up there? - No. Is it the President? It's not the President. Argh! Oh, you! You're not leaving me. You're not leaving me! You're a pain in the ass. I have done everything you said. Every test, every trial, every initiation. I have proved I love you. Just accept it. Got it, got it, got it, got it. I am not someone who is loved. I'm an idea. A state of mind. I execute my will according to my plan. And you, Doctor... Are not part of my plan. Just let me in. I promise... Let me in! I promise I won't hurt you. A promise-promise? Hey, dickface! Mind screaming at your bitch somewhere else? I was gonna say, "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Don't hurt me. I'll be your friend. Do it. Do it, do it, do it. My heart scares you, and a gun doesn't? DO IT! If you weren't so crazy, I'd think you were insane. Go away. Harley, you coming? Why do you eat people? Gives me their power. Would you like to eat me? Hell, no. Aw, why not? I don't want your crazy. Says the guy who lives in a sewer. At least I know it's a sewer. Oh, I get it. 'Cause like, this is a sewer, too, only with nice shops and restaurants, right? - Mmm. - You hate mankind much? Let me guess. Mommy didn't take you to Chuck E. Cheese on your sixth birthday. I can recommend a good therapist. Why? Because I'm bored. I need a victim, a mind to pry apart and spit in. Leave it, mate. She's a rabbit hole. Don't fall in. And here's one now. Japanese, female. Mid-20s, 5'5", good health, athletic. And... An only child. With deep-seated father issues. Daddy wanted a son, so she has to hide behind a mask. I am not hiding. Now, that was gangster. Harley. Why don't you stop acting like a drunken stripper? You wanna tell me what the hell is going on, then? 'Cause... I smell a rat. If they don't blow our heads off, we'll have to fight our way out of this city. I need you to play nice with the other children. And quietly return to my cage. Sure, okay. Hey, that's okay, sellout. I get it. I get it. I know how the world works, okay? And when it comes to the heart, everyone for themselves, right? Waller? We're about to enter the building. Get that chopper ready. What do you say we get this over with? What the hell? Deadshot. Fall back. You mind if we tag along? Whoo! Looks like we have a spot of luck, eh? Be a walk in the park. Easy peasy. Don't make me shoot you. God damn it. Harley! Go, go, go, go! Hey, guys! Come on. Let's go. Ma'am. I got motion detectors going off on the secure floors. - Flag, they're all around you. - Hold. Use extreme caution. I don't like this, Flag. I don't like it either. Pussy. I will knock your ass out. I do not care that you're a girl. They're after Flag again. Son of a bitch. Get off me. Circle up. Circle around him. - Let me fight! - You die, we die. Clear! Everyone move out! - Where you been, homie? - This ain't my fight! You know what? You don't stand for shit. You ain't about shit! Don't touch me, man! Don't touch you? What you gonna do? - Don't touch me! - I'm touching you! I'm touching you! - Do something. Do something! - Don't touch me! - You wanna see something? - Oh, yeah, I wanna see... - You wanna see something? - Yes, I wanna see something. I was just trying to get you there. Phil Jackson. We good, right? I knew you'd come through. That shit crazy. Clear. I gotta work on my cardio. Question. Would you die for me? Yes. That's too easy. Would you... Would you live for me? Mmm? Yes. Careful. Do not say this oath thoughtlessly. Desire becomes surrender. Surrender becomes power. Do you want this? I do. Say it. Say it. Say it. Pretty, pretty, pretty... Please. Aw! God, you're so... Good. Whoa! Relax. Just me. You ever been in love? Nah. Never. Bullshit. You don't kill as many people as I've killed and still sleep like a kitten if you feel shit like love. Another textbook sociopath. Clear. All right, secure the roof. Sweep for shooters so we can bring in our aviation assets. Going to the roof. Oh. Wait here. Please. I don't wanna give this dude a heart attack. Aw, he's embarrassed of us! Hey, Flag. This dude better cure cancer after all of this shit. You ready? Let's go. You wouldn't have made it without them. We got lucky. I don't do luck. I do planning and precision. Admit it, Rick. I was right. Yeah, I told you to get on the damn truck. Why'd you stay? I was studying your girlfriend. She takes an average person, a yoga mom, an elderly retiree, and she turns them into a soldier who can take a headshot and still fight. It's an instant army. How'd she do it, Flag? How'd she game the system with you watching her every move? I'll accept the consequences. I am your consequence. You might need to be careful. They think we're rescuing Nelson Mandela. I can take care of myself. Shut it down, wipe the drives. - Yes, ma'am. - Copy that. Uh, hey, man. I know you can't hear me 'cause you're trapped in your temple of soldierly self-righteousness, but a two-faced dude like you wouldn't survive a second on the street. Oh, says the guy who shoots people for money. My cards is on the table, man. It got done, didn't it? Damn. That is just a mean lady. Yeah. You get used to it. And I'm the bad guy? That's gangsta. What? They weren't cleared for any of this. Any of it. Hey, I'm not judging. I've buried a lot of mistakes, too. No way. Let's go home. Yeah, let's go home. That sounds good. You guys wanna go home? Hmm? Or you wanna go back to prison? I'm not going back to prison. What I'm saying is we kill the pair of 'em now before they kill us. I got this. You all made it this far. Don't get high-spirited on me and ruin a good thing. I like her. Savior One-Zero, this is Ground Element. Savior One-Zero, how copy? Savior One-Zero, the LZ's clear. Boss, they're not talking to me. Our bird's been jacked. Light it up! What? I got a hickey or something? Professor, could you pick up the pace? Harley! Hello, baby. Kill her! Her nanite's disarmed! Come on, baby. Deadshot, shoot that woman right now! She ain't do shit to me. You're a hitman, right? I got a contract. Kill Harley Quinn. Do it for your freedom and your kid. Now she dead. I missed. Good one, mate. It's Waller. Savior One-Zero's been hijacked. Shoot it down. Roger that, ma'am. Going hot. Puddin'! You got all dressed up for me? Oh, you know I'd do anything for you. By the way, I've got some grape soda on ice, and a bear skin rug waiting. Yeah? Boss, we got a problem! Huh? - This bird is baked. - No. Okay, honey. It's me and you. Let's do it. Target destroyed, ma'am. Thank you. Now get me off this roof. Yes, ma'am. We are inbound. The Joker and Harley Quinn are no more. You couldn't save her. Roger. I see ya. Watch your step, ma'am. Stand by. I'll send another helo! Waller's down. It's over. Ops just confirmed. She's down. 1 k west. Let's go get her. The mission's not over. Nah. It is for me. We had a deal. Without Waller, you got nothing. Hey, guys. I'm back! I missed you all so much. We're glad you could make it. Hey, craziness. With my heart returned, I can finish my weapon. Now tell me how to destroy your armies. Do your worst, bitch! So let me guess. We're going to the swirling ring of trash in the sky. You know, 'cause why wouldn't we? When does this end, Flag? Load up. We're in for a fight. You tell everybody everything. Or me and you gonna go right now. Three days ago, a non-human entity appeared in the subway station. Waller, we're almost there. So Waller sent me and a woman with incredible abilities. Enchantress. A witch. See, nobody could get near this thing, but the witch could. Bomb's ready. Set for two seconds. You just press the button and drop it. Needless to say, the whole thing was a bad idea. She bolted! Shit! And that's how she escaped from Waller. So now you know. You can just kill me right now, but I'm going to have a drink. Hey, Deadshot, I need your help. No, sir. You need a miracle. What ya having, K.C.? Bloody Mary, right? Drink dulls the mind. K.C., it's the end of the world. Have a drink with us. Beer. There he is. Give the man a beer. How about you, hot stuff? Water. That's a good idea, honey. Ninja? You want some sake? Whiskey. Whiskey. Okay. What am I, 12? Here's to honor among thieves. I'm not a thief. Oh. She's not a thief. I actually prefer to think of myself as an asset relocation specialist. Mmm. Well, we almost pulled it off despite what everybody thought. We weren't picked to succeed. You know that, right? We were all chosen to fail. Yeah, I know that. Worst part of it is, they're going to blame us for the whole thing. And they can't have people knowing the truth. We're the patsies. The cover-up. Don't forget, we're the bad guys. So you gonna tell us now what your "big deal" with Flag was? Same thing Waller offered me, to kill you. The chance to be a father. Chance at a life outside the shadows. I trusted Flag. Flag had you chasing a carrot on a stick, homie. You don't... You don't know that? I love this guy. You played yourself, dawg. Bitch, I'm having a drink. I'm breathing fresh air. And, uh, for two sweet seconds... I had hope. You had hope, huh? Hope don't stop the wheel from turning, my brother. Hmm. You preaching? It's coming back around for you. How many people you killed, man? You don't ask nobody no question like that, ese. You ain't ever whacked down no women. No kids. I don't kill women or children. I do. See, I was born with the Devil's gift. I kept it hidden for most of my life, but... The older I got, the stronger it got. So I started using it. For business, you know. The more power on the street I got, the more fire power I got. Like, that shit went hand in hand. You know? One was feeding the other. Ain't nobody tell me no. Except my old lady. You know, she used to, uh, pray for me. You're welcome. Even when I didn't want it. God didn't give me this. Why should he take it away? Hey. This is our home. You put that back where you found it. I'm taking my kids to Mom's. You ain't taking my kids nowhere! See, when I get mad, I lose control. You know, I just... I don't know what I do till it's done. And the kids? He killed them. Didn't you? Own that shit. Own it! What'd you think was gonna happen? Huh? Hey, Harley. Come on. What, you were just... Thinking you can have a happy family and coach little leagues, and make car payments? Normal's a setting on the dryer. People like us, we don't get normal! Why is it always a knife fight every single time you open your mouth? You know, outside you're amazing. But inside, you're ugly. We all are. We all are! Except for him. He's ugly on the outside, too. Not me, shorty. I'm beautiful. Yeah, you are. We don't want you here. You get to the part in that binder saying I was sleeping with her? Yeah. I never been with a witch before. What's that like? Apparently, that's why the creatures chase him all the time. 'Cause, uh, the witch is scared of him. The only woman I ever cared about is trapped inside that monster. If I don't stop the witch, it's over. Everything is over. Everything. You're free to go. Your daughter writes you every day. Every single day. You had these the whole time? You had letters from my daughter the whole time? I'm gonna get you there. And you're gonna end this. I'm gonna carry your ass if I have to. 'Cause this shit is gonna be like a chapter in the Bible. Everybody's gonna know what we did. And my daughter is gonna know that her daddy is not a piece of shit. I'll come. What? You got something better to do? Come on! Pussies. We think that thing's a weapon. Here. Lower. We gotta take out the big one. I left a big ass demo charge down there in that subway. There's a flooded tunnel, leads right underneath that building. SEALs, they can recover the charge, swim in underneath that thing's feet. We get in its face and distract the hell out of that son of a bitch so the swimmers can blow the bomb. That's how we take it out. I'm going with ya. We got this. I'm not asking, bro. I live underground. Y'all are just tourists. The man who killed her husband used that sword. His soul's trapped inside of it. She talks to him. Hey, well, you know what they say about the crazy ones. Huh? Let's do this. You must really love this girl. Man, I thought love was bullshit. Dead serious. Desire, mutual benefit, whatever. I mean, I get that, but actual love? I rated that with UFOs. Lot of believers, no proof. And then I met June. Do what you gotta do. I got your back. You gonna fight with us? What if I lose control? Then maybe we'll have a chance. Duck in. Hey, everyone can see all this trippy magic stuff, right? Yeah. Why? I'm off my meds. So that's your old lady, huh? Yeah. Well, you need to handle this shit, all right? Get up there, smack on her ass, tell her, "Knock this shit off." I do not think that'd be wise. I'm gonna draw out the big one. My boys will detonate the bomb underneath him. You know, we should get a drink sometime. I've been waiting for you all night. Step out of the shadows. I won't bite. Hmm. What the hell? Grab her. Why are you here? Because the soldier led you? And all for Waller. Why do you serve those who cage you? I am your ally. And I know what you want. Exactly what you want. Baby. Baby. Baby, it's just a nightmare. It's just a bad dream. I'm here. Miss me? I'll put the kids to sleep and then maybe we can kick it? Yeah? I can't change what I did. And neither can you! He married me! It's not real. I killed the Bat. Nah, homie. You don't want that. What? I want that. She trying to play games with you, man. - It's not real! - He's right. It's not real. How long have you been able to see? My whole life. You can't have them. These are my people right here. But it is our time. The sun is setting, and the magic rises. The metahumans are a sign of change. Lady, you are evil! Oh, wow. Uh-oh. Who's this? - It's gonna be bad! - We should run. GQ, come in. We're in position. We gotta get him in that corner. That's where the bomb will be. I'll do it! I'll get him there. I lost one family. I ain't gonna lose another one. Look, think it through. I got this. Let me show you what I really am. Over here! Go! Rick, in position. Standing by. Diablo, drive him into the corner! - Get him, mate! - Come on. Yeah, do it! Diablo, get clear! Get outta there! Blow it! Blow it. - Now, GQ. Now. - No! Everybody, down! You next. My spell is complete. Once you and your armies are gone, my darkness will spread across this world. And it will be mine to rule. That was our main satellite uplink. How did this witch even know how to target this thing? It's a secret facility. You got a move here, Flag? We gotta cut her heart out. While we're fighting, that thing's laying waste to the whole damn world. Where is she? I don't know. Hey. Look out. Look out! Uh-oh. Sorry. Flag! Enough! Of all who have faced me, you have earned mercy. For the last time, join me, or die. I'm not much of a joiner, but maybe we should. Hey! She's trying to take over the world. So? What's the world ever done for us, anyway? It hates us. Hey, Harley! Hey, lady? Um... I lost my Puddin'. But you can get him back, right? I can, my dear. Anything you want. You promise? Yes, child. You need only bow and serve beneath my feet. I like what you're sellin', lady. There's just one teeny problem. You messed with my friends. Her heart's out! We can end this! Hey, Croc! Harley! Please, Daddy. Don't do it. The only way for us to be together is if you don't pull the trigger. Daddy, I love you. Please, don't do this. That was a great shot, man. Hey, I don't do hugs. I'm not a hugger. I'm not a hugger. All right? Let me join my brother. Katana, no! Give me that. You bring June back. You bring her back. She's not coming back. I'll crush this. Do you hear me? You bring June back or I'll crush this! Go ahead. You don't have the balls. Hey, Flag. June! She's gone. I thought I killed you. Y'all don't mind, I got me a sewer to crawl back into. Yeah, and I got some business to handle back in Gotham. I'm going to hotwire a car. Need a ride? Your ass is not driving. Why not? How are you not dead? We just saved the world. A "thank you" would be nice. Thank you. You're welcome. So, we did all of this and we don't get shit? Ten years off your prison sentences. Nah, that's not enough. I'm seeing my daughter. That can be arranged. Any other requests? Ooh. An espresso machine. BET. Ten years off a triple life sentence? Darling, I'm walking out of here a free man or we're going to start having some real fun. Why don't we have some fun? You're trying to figure out this length. That's the hypotenuse. So, you have to know this angle. Okay. So, if you're up here, like in a building, and you shoot a man down here on the street, that's how far the bullet actually goes? Yeah. That's right. You are so smart. Right. The hypotenuse. Good one. Um... So, that would make you have to know the angle between the building and the sidewalk. You got to know that angle. No, I mean, in real life, you have variables. You know, you got rifling twist. You got chamber pressure. You got bullet weight. Some shots you'll even have to take the curvature of the Earth in with the... It's time. ...wind effect. You know, there's a lot of variables in the street. I gotta go. Are you coming back? Yeah. I'm working it out. All right? You know, I promised my friends that I would just, you know, go, without killing them all. Bring it in. I love you, Daddy. Hmm. I love you. Hey! Let me out! Let me out of here right now! Hey! You feel that? Yeah. Let me out of here, darling, please. Please, I'm begging you, seriously. Listen to me. Have you got a car? Because I'm a brilliant driver. Come on! Puddin'! Let's go home. This is crown jewels here, Mr. Wayne. And you do understand my legal exposure. If anyone knew what I procured for you... Listen, I can keep a secret, okay? What do you want? People are asking questions about Midway City. The kind of people who can get the answers. And if they can get those answers, my head will be on a pike. Consider yourself under my protection. If you deliver. Why, Mr. Wayne? Just like to make friends. That's the difference between us. You believe in friendship. I believe in leverage. Good night. You look tired. You should stop working nights. You should shut it down, or my friends and I'll do it for you. Subtitle edited by He's made our life hell. He's back every 2-4 months to make our life difficult. He thinks the jail is some tourist place. This time he beat up the minister's son. It was really tough to get bail. I am releasing him because I respect you. Leave me. Leave me. Leave me, I won't spare him. Let it be. Leave me. - Spare him, brother. Let it go, brother. What are you doing? Leave me.. Leave me. I wish he wasn't my son. Leave me. What are you doing? He'll be here, I'll call him. Are you digging for gold? Everyone was looking for you, and where were you? I was in Ramesh's room. You've made my life difficult. I've never seen a useless child like you before. Your father yells at you every day, but you still don't listen. I wonder when you'll understand the value of time. - What happened? That's what I told him. Tell him. Those who get drunk and fall unconscious on the street at night.. ..must be more important than us. - Correct. He's made a fool of me again. Sister, I am coming. What's this? I've been looking all over for you. What are you doing here? - Just sitting.. What's this crowd for? After looking at my sonography, aunt said I'll have a baby girl. I see..if it was a boy, there would've been no party? What if the boy turns out to be useless like you? I am so lucky. She just humiliated me. I'm 22 years old..but has anyone celebrated our birthday? And they are already celebrating for the girl who isn't born yet. Attack. - Yes. Brother, why did you take 2000 rupees from my box? Did you or not? I saw your boyfriend today, in the pub. He was so close to a girl. Brother, did you take the money or not? Listen to what I am saying. She was more beautiful than you, Sukanya. I was afraid of this. How was she looking in the mini-skirt? She was looking amazing. Did she have a tattoo? - Yes. I will beat her with my shoe. Aren't you ashamed of stealing your sister's money? What will she do with the money? Let's go. Silence. Silence. Everybody keep quiet. Now grandpa will speak. Father, please. Yes..when I came to Hyderabad. for the first time.. Stop misbehaving. Is this how you treat your elders? Father, please sit down. I'll speak to them. - Fine. I am so happy.. ..that we're going to be blessed with a girl instead of useless boys. Another good news is that.. ..our business turnover has reached more than 50 crores. But there's another good news. And we've gathered around for that. This isn't a gathering, it's a bothering. We've decided to expand our business in Europe as well. ..which I accepted. What are you doing? They are going to sponsor one of our man.. Paris in order to open a new branch. And so we've decided to select someone.. ..from the young generation and send there. Whoever gets selected can take one more person along. Hand that to me. - Here. All the youngster's names are in this, except for one. Why isn't my name in there? Did I say your name isn't in it? You're sure your name isn't in it. Stupid fool. Then do one thing. Don't laugh. Disown me. I am no longer your son. Oh..get the stamp paper, I'll do it right away. Brother.. stop it. Go fast. - What are you doing? Stop saying this. You think I will leave home if you didn't add my name. I'll send everyone to jail before I do. Send them to jail? But why? Did you forget? You're a doctor. It's illegal to determine the sex of the fetus. What if he tells someone? - So what? Do what he says? - Revati. Otherwise I'll be thrown out of the medical council. - Okay. The tables have turned. - Don't misjudge me. Listen, if you go take me along. I've never seen Paris. You? Never. Ram! Sit down. Raghav. Yes brother. - Who does he want to take along? Who else? Me.. - Uncle, he's my best friend. I will go with him. I love you. I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! Don't see such shocking dreams. This patient is in coma.. ..and coma means a prolonged state of unconsciousness.. I saw that dream again yesterday. Don't bore me with telling me your dream. I am fed up of listening to your dreams. Did you see his face this time? - No. It was too dark. And yet you said I love you. I don't know what this is called. In medical terms it's called mental. - Silence! Silence. You now describe him to be in comatose. You know, I have an idea. You can go into the world of your dreams to meet your lover. Stop joking. - What else should I do? Who believes in dreams in this modern age? Crazy girl. Asha, if this dream is true.. ..then you just wait and watch, he's my true love.. ..and I will marry him. Hey you.. This is not a real gun. Look. Stop it! They are my friends. - Sorry, ma'am. Just go away. - Okay, ma'am. I am so sorry Richard. Really sorry. - Really.. Don't want your friendship. Come on, let's go. This is not the way to treat your friends. He's the person who's the mastermind behind the bomb blast.. ..which has happened in Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad and Merut. Excuse me. According to the Indian Intelligence report.. ..this man's been staying here along with his gang for the past.. Daddy..why am I being bothered so much? Do I need this absurd security? So what? Ma'am, you must leave. Right now. Dad.. Sorry gentlemen. We will circulate his photograph in.. ..all the hotels, public places..and malls. ..we have to nab him immediately. Hey man, how much longer to make my passport? We've already given you enough money, but you're still taking so long. When will we get our passport? Our mission is getting delayed. Listen to me, you will get your passport pretty soon. Your dad's life is in danger, and still you took such a step. Then give him security, not me. Leave me alone. Terrorists can kidnap you and blackmail your father. You have to follow the protocols. - Just shut up, okay. Sharmila, are these your manners? Who do you think he is? He's my chief security officer. So he's more important for you than me. That's not it, dear. You should explain her properly. Sharmila, you're the only support I have. Try to understand. Why do you always explain me, daddy? Excuse me, sir. It's time for your flight. Sharmila, I am going to the US. I'll be back in 10 days. Take care. - Okay, daddy. She's going out, but nobody should know. I took advantage of this situation.. ..and outsmarted the security with the help of Madhav uncle.. ..and went out with my friends. I was waiting at a restaurant for my car to get fixed.. ..when I saw dad's chief security officer DK.. ..who should've been with dad in America. Will the PM die this time? Or will he survive like the last time? Not at all. Hello, DK here. The PM shouldn't escape this time. The job will be done. That's terrorist Sayeed, who caused those bomb blasts in India. This time the PM will die for sure. Okay. - Okay. Don't cause any problems here until then. Oh no, they want to kill the Indian PM. I must tell dad immediately. Why is dad's phone unreachable? Oh no, he's here. Hello, excuse me. - Any problem. He's trying to kill me. Save me, please. Please. What's the problem? Hey man.. Nonsense. Everyone was at home..but no one knows where Sharmila went. What were you all doing? Sir, we asked Sharmila's friends. They say they don't know. But we can't be sure they are telling the truth. If you want, I can talk to the local police. Airport, railway station, we can look everywhere. No, no, she wanted freedom. She must be somewhere close. If anyone finds out about this, it will create problems. We'll wait for her. Ram, is everything alright? - Give me the phone. How does it feel there? Seems like I am still flying. Meaning.. - Hello, brother. How are you? Who is speaking? - Sukanya. Suku..aren't you the one who humiliated me for 2000 rupees? Now do you know my importance? These foreigners carry my luggage. I am travelling in a Mercedes. Come back to Mumbai and I will show you. I guess the call's disconnected. Hey.. Ramya.. Is something burning? - Give me that. Ram, you scoundrel. You would take me everywhere you go. And now when I had a chance to have fun, you went alone. What should I do out here now? No, no..some people are supposed to stay useless. Rajni's style, Sachin's cricket, Rehman for music.. ..and at's me. He's turned so lethal. Is Ram on the phone? Hello, Ram.. I want to talk to. Yes, Ram.. Tell me, Ram. See, destiny's been following me around like a dog.. Excuse me, sir, passport please. - Yes. Thank you. Like a know, puppy. - I love puppies. I told your uncle to get a puppy. Hello. - Get a puppy for me, won't you? Yes, okay. Okay. Give me the phone. Here, talk to puppy.. I mean Ram. Daddy. - Do you know where you are? The wine factory. Wine factory. Daddy, you know I love wine. But wine factory? You're too much. Now look behind you. The car that brought you there has disappeared. - Yes, And you don't have your passport either? - Yes. Now listen to me carefully.. From today you're just a porter in that wine factory. You must earn for a living yourself. If you want to come back to India.. must arrange for money through hard work. After you slog like a dog, you'll understand the value of life. And yes, don't even think of running away. That isn't Paris, but a prison. Daddy! Brother, what have you done? If he thinks he's smart, then I am smarter. He wanted to get us all locked up. Daily fights..police stations.. I tried hard.. ..but he didn't reform. And I played this ruse, and he fell for it. Brother, that Paris branch..and the chit.. That was my plan. His name was on every chit. What if he had taken someone else along? If he had, he would've taken this useless boy along. It would've ended another trouble. You barely escaped. Brother, this isn't right. Sister-in-law would've never let this happen. He's been taking advantage of that. Now he will realize. The boss of that factory is no ordinary person. Very strict, disciplined and strong. My friend.. Gabbar Singh. Rascal, do you know whose doing is this? - I don't know. We told you to squeeze juice from the grapes. And you ate all the grapes yourself. Don't hit me. - I shouldn't. You're blowing up like a balloon? Why did you eat it? I was hungry, what could I do? - So will you ate the grapes? Sir, this buffoon ate the grapes. Sir, this boy's Krishnadev's son..from Hyderabad. Your friend. - So, it's you. You look like a novice, but I've heard you're smart. Those who act too smart her, their wings are clipped. Everyone who stays here earns a living for themselves. And if he fails to do it, then he rots here for the rest of his life. After squeezing 25 kilos of get one bottle of juice. And you get 5 rupees for a bottle. And all you get is half a bottle of water for 5 rupees. Sir, what's the cost for Mumbai's ticket? 45,000 rupees. - 45? That means 9000 bottles. If I don't squeeze 25000 kilos of grapes, I can't go home. Hey, take him to work with you. Is Gabbar your father's friend? Is he your father's father too? Yes, he is. His father is a friend too. They make people slaves. - No. He treats rich spoilt brats like this. So..are you rich too? - Yes. What did you do? People used to call me lover-boy. Beautiful girls were crazy about me. There wasn't a single girl in the area, who.. It's hard to believe that girls were crazy about you. Really? Good morning, Anusuya mom. What's this? He's calling the car his mom and serving coffee? Gabbar's mother Anusuya Devi passed away in this car. So this car is connected with his sentiments. Sentiments for the dead, and punishment for the living. Not just coffee, Chinese during day, Italian at night.. ..and world-class wine for the car during festivals. Pandu, is he the new guy? Bring him here. Come on, son. Get in the queue. You look like you're from a rich family. You can't get out of here. Look at us, this is going to be your condition as well. We came here for sightseeing, and settled down here instead. Don't have any doubts. There are no chances of getting out of here. This is the worst kind of jail in Paris. Why did you stop? If you don't squeeze out 60 buckets of juice, we won't get food. Move your legs, or I'll use mine on you. Listen, this isn't wine, it's my blood. Start music. Swamiji, the house seems lonely without him. No, it's just peaceful now. I sent him there to reform him, so that he becomes responsible. Right, father. Krishna, you shouldn't have sent him there. His life is going to get more confused. All will be well in the end. Mummy? Where's my mummy? Am I running around in circles? What's this? Suicide case? Hey.. Stop. Hey! Were you talking to me? Meaning? Were you really talking to me? Do you see anyone else here? I wonder how this crazy girl got to Paris. Mummy.. Stop, mummy. Oh, God! Come on. Let's go. - Stop. Stop. Mummy! I should've jumped with the girl. Leave me. You think you can escape us. Bring him along. Stop staring. I am stuck because of you. Jump. Come on, jump. Drown. Who is he talking to? Don't meet me again. Hey..are you drunk? Where is she? Hold him properly. Jump. Get him in. Keep going. Keep going. I guess..he's crazy. Mummy's coming. Hey.. I am sparing you because you're my friend's son. Otherwise I would've taken you apart and drowned you in the river. Quiet. You're acting too smart. I'm going to shoo Johnny on you tonight. Who is Johnny? Is he scary? I am not scared of any Johnny? This time, we will all escape together. . Right, loverboy. - No chance. Do you know who is Johnny? - Must be a dog. No..he's a tiger. - Tiger? Sir, please save me. It's me, we met in the morning. Silly girl, you scared me. I thought you're a witch. Are you scared of witches? Only a little. By the way, what are you doing here? I..some goons were chasing me. I came here trying to escape them. You're so unfortunate. - Why? What's wrong? In the morning when we met, I thought what a handsome guy you are. What eyes, what looks..what personality. I was floored. can't impress me with this nonsense. I am quite intelligent. were floored. - Yes, I was floored. Completely floored. But when those goons started dragging you. I couldn't endure it. The prince of my unfortunate. I couldn't imagine. They locked you up like an animal here. My dad.. - What are you saying? Talk respectfully for your father. What respect? He's not a human being. I was the topper in my college. But during the last exams I couldn't study properly.. ..due to the T-20 matches, so I scored 2nd rank. But I told him that. But that man didn't show any mercy. As a punishment he made me a porter. Did you have to come here for that? I would've never come here.. ..but I came here for sightseeing and got stuck. Don't get sentimental..tell me your story. Cut! Cut! Cut! Cut! Be quick. Start from the beginning. Shoot. My name's Sharmila. I am from Hyderabad. I am in my final year medical. I met a boy called John Woo on Facebook. He looked really handsome. I was floored on his profile picture. He would send me funny jokes and make me laugh. Days passed..and friendship turned to love. This often happens, beautiful people are fools. He wanted to call me to Paris and marry me. I came here..but.. Was it fun? - What? Why are you crying? My love.. My love.. Turned out to be a 60 year old guy. And the profile picture? - It was his young age. John Woo. Silly girl. Yes, you're right. I am stuck in Paris, like you. What? Pulling my leg. You're joking about me too. Go on. - My love was rich, just like he was old. When I escaped from his clutches, he sent goons after me. Please let me stay here for one night. I won't do anything. Who was roaring? - It's a tiger. Tiger? - Yes? You want to see? Come on. Look. What a silly boy. That's not a original tiger. Do you know blue rays? German technology. Through the blue rays technology they create a high definition image.. ..that looks like an original image. So.. - That's not a tiger. What is it? - Blue ray. Which is? - German technology. Good boy? It's not a real tiger? How do you know? You know blue ray? You? You? - No. Bloody illiterates'. Blue ray, it's a German technology.. Is.. - Is.. A.. - A.. It's not a tiger, it's a blue ray. Blue.. I've decided, tonight whoever wants freedom.. ..can come with me. What's going on? If you stop working the drum's size will increase. Move your legs. Now I am going to teach that fake tiger.. ..made from blue rays a good lesson. Buddy, I'll come along. Come on, don't make a sound. Tiger! Run! Run! Run! The tiger's coming. Aashiq Mastane! Aashiq Mastane! Run! Run! Run! Lie down. Lie down on the ground! Stand up. - Boss! Boss. If you guys want to die, then I will shoot you. He said the tiger isn't real, it's made of blue film. That's blue ray. - Shut up. This is your doing, right? Get up, please. I am in trouble again. The same thing happened again. They were knew. They were after me. It was my lover's gang. They started the projection again. That fake tiger will come out, and slowly.. Eat you. Get out. Get out. - But.. I said get out. German technology, blue ray. You're bad luck. I always get in trouble when I meet you. But.. - I will kill you. I will kill you. I will take your life. - But.. Get out. I said get out! 'I made a big mistake. She doesn't know it's real.' 'What if she runs into him thinking it's a fake? ' Sharmila. Sharmila. Sharmila. Where did she go? Johnny. Why do you look so weak today? When the tiger's hungry, he'll look weak. If I could get something to eat.. Fine, drink your tonic. Stop this charade and get to work. You come out. What are you saying? He doesn't look scared. Well, I'll run away then. You want to run. Run Johnny, for your life. I am dead. Already less tiger is left. You tried to scare us last night, isn't it? me..please. Forget what happened. Let me go. On one condition. Get my passport. Passport? You're asking me to do the impossible. Gabbar Singh keeps it in the locker. - Fine. I'll go tell everyone. Wait..if Gabbar finds out, he will shoot me. I am there. I am the king of this area. I don't care how you do this job. Just get me out of here, and I'll handle the rest. Deal done. Now you're on your own, I am going. 'I said get out.' I am such a big fool. Hi. Hi. Hi. - Hi. What are you doing here? - Who is that old couple? I must say.. Oh that, that's John Woo. We've decided to get married. Why are you in such a hurry to get married? So what if he's old. He looks like Amitabh Bachchan. Everyone has their own destiny. It does make a difference to me. Look at him, look at me..and look at the old guy. You said I am a fool, silly girl.. And anyway, I can't go to India. Soon I'll be his wife in 2 days. What do I do? What do I do? What do I do? Should I kill him? Tell me something, do you want to go to India? - Yes. Fine, I'll take care of it. - You're saying that now. But you'll scream at me later. - Forget all that. Promise, I won't scream at you. But then I've a condition. You won't take advantage of my situation.. ..and won't make me work..or touch me. I won't touch you even in my sleep. But why won't you work? - You see if I work, I start to sweat. And I hate sweat. She thinks she's some kind of fairy. Say it loudly. Don't speak in your mind. Nothing, I was thinking how should I take you to India. So, you don't have a passport, how will you take me there? Now listen to me carefully, and don't question me. Okay. What are you saying, DK? She would always leave in the morning and return late night. But this time it's been days and she hasn't returned yet. Don't worry, sir. Sharmila ma'am must have gone to a new place. She will be back soon. Yes. - Sir, someone here to see you. He says he's the son of your friend. Shall I send him in? Yes, send him in. Good morning uncle. So, you're Sharad's son? Sharad uncle was a close friend. Poor guy passed away 6 months ago. So he'll get a little emotional when he sees you. I am really sad about Sharad's sudden demise. It was really very bad. Don't over-act. How many siblings are you? - You're the only child. Correct. I last met Sharad when you were born. How did you come to Paris? - I went to Europe with my friends. Two days ago my bag was stolen, it also had my passport. I didn't know what to do, that's when I thought of you. He'll get suspicious after hearing about your passport. I see. How will I know you're Sharad's son? Don't be scared and say it confidentially. Uncle, your copied from my father's paper at the intermediate exams. Other than that, there was a girl in college.. Okay, okay, where are you staying? - At the hotel. Stay at our home. - If you go home, you'll get in trouble. No, uncle, I am better with my friends. If you could arrange for my passport soon.. - Yes. Give your photo and details to my secretary. And collect your passport tomorrow at 3 o'clock. If you still face any problems, show this card. - Okay, uncle. Your daughter, uncle? Yes. Hey.. - Bye. How could you say everything so accurately? Who is he? How do you know him? Why didn't you come along? It would've been so much easier if you had come along. Passport's fine, but to get to India we need.. I'll tell you that later. We still have two days before you get your passport. Until then you must work to make a living. How? But how. Just do as I say, and earn money. 'Foreign language' Look, that girl. Start from there. Excuse me, ma'am. - Yes. 'Foreign language' Excuse me, sir. 'Foreign language' Okay. Hey, what are you doing? - Sir..move aside. What's he doing? Stop. - Sir.. Stop. Is he alive? Wonderful. Superb idea. You will do that, but on the streets. He gave me nothing. I am sure he will give me 100 dollars. Come on. Bloody miser.. Look at his clothes, but he's a bloody thief. My country's better. At least our thieves look like thieves. You see if I work, I start to sweat. And I hate sweat. I'll deal with you stubborn woman. Oh, God. Boss..who's that girl? - That girl? She's the Indian Ambassador's daughter. So she's acting stupid, I'll show you. What happened? You're so quiet today. Where do you live? Hyderabad? - Yes. Hyderabad. Hyderabad? Jaanu? - Yes, Jaanu. Jaanu. Why are you asking about him? - Nothing important. If he was young, you would've married him and settled down here. Right? But he's old, that's why you left him. Ram, what's wrong with you today? Sharmila, if you're in love with him, then go marry him. Come on. - Where? To your lover's home. Come on. Don't come any closer. I won't go. From now we go separate ways. Goodbye. Ram. Don't leave me alone. Please Ram. - Bye. Hello! Look at him. Come on, man. Come with me. Help. Help me! Come on baby. Come on. Help. Come on! Help me! Help. Come on. Come on. Come on. Thank you. You're back. Oh, you didn't want to leave me alone. Actually, you didn't understand. I really loved him. But his intentions weren't right. - You liar. Who do you think I am? Do I look crazy? I know the truth. You're the Ambassador's daughter. If you speak about Jaanu again, I will strangle you. I am fed up. - Fed up, so soon. You couldn't live in the factory for 2 days.. ..and I've been cooped up in this cage for 10 years. Security friends left me. I've been through torture. I can't take it anymore. I want to live my life on my terms? Is that wrong? I was scared to go to India alone, that's when I found you. I thought I could meet Savita in Hyderabad with your help. She's a doctor in Gandhi Hospital. I've studied medicine as well. I thought I'll settle down there with her help. For the next two days, if I can escape dad's security, then I will be free. Please help me, Ram. You want my help, you'll get it. But for that I need 10,000 euros. - 10,000. Are you joking? Where will I get that kind of money? We need two flight tickets, right. You said..where were you supposed to get it then? Ram, this is very risky. This idea won't work at the last minute. We will get stuck. - Not me, you will get stuck, Since I came to Paris, I am always getting in trouble. I will go meet your dad directly. But not for the passport, but to trap you permanently. Think about it? Deal or no deal. Go to the main building of the University campus. As soon as you get in, take the stairs on your right to the first floor. There are many idols in the hall. The third one on the right is Albert Richardson's idol. My locker keys are behind it. Locker no. 1133. It's got a purse that has my ATM card. Where is Sharmila? - She..she's with me. Tell her to go home soon. to her dad over the phone. The police are torturing us. Okay. Daddy.. Daddy.. Daddy.. How are you, son? All okay. My life is ruined, father. Please call everyone so they can have fun on my expense. I'll call everyone, wait. Is everyone there? - Yes. Switch to speaker? - Okay. It's done, now speak. Shed your tears. Cry so hard that it creates a storm. Because after this will run out of all your money. Forgive me, dad. Finally I understand the value of life. Isn't that what you wanted to hear, Mr. Dad? Surprised? You got me trapped and I got out. You must be shocked. How dare you talk to your dad like that? Who said that? Oh..the drunkard who drinks country liquor in a wine bottle. Uncle Raghav. Not again. Ram, what are you saying? Aunty. Yes, son. - Aunty. Speak up. Aunty. - Hey, speak up. joined hands with the enemy and betrayed me. If my mother had been alive, she would've never done this. Look, no point in crying. Just be patient few more days, son. Then your dad will call you back. - Why, aunty? Playing games with me. Listen Krushnadev Amrutlal Patel. You turned my life into hell, now I've lost it. Now it's your turn. You've awakened a sleeping lion, dad. - Why you.. I will..see you.. Didn't we go sightseeing Paris? It's all over. Our hard work's gone to waste. You've been sleeping for 18 hours. I tried waking you up, but you didn't wake up. You had to reach by 3 to collect your passport, it's 4 now. The embassy will close down in an hour. And the flight leaves at 8. We can't make it. - We will. Ram.. I will meet you directly at the airport. Collect your passport and be there. If you don't find me, imagine that I got caught. Don't wait for me, you leave. Bye, Ram. - That won't happen. We'll go to India together. Just wait and watch. It should get circulated immediately. - Okay, sir. Yes.. DK, he's the boy I mentioned about. Hello. Ask David whether the passport's been issued or not. - Sure, sir. Hello, Subbu. - David, come in. What? Are you sure? Damnit. What happened, sir? Money's been withdrawn from Sharmila's account. This means she's right here. But you can't find her. Sir, let me speak. Hello, DK here. Get me the security feed of the ATM used to withdraw money. And send the footage at the embassy's email. Immediately. Sir, we'll soon know who withdrew the money. What do you mean by who? Must have been Sharmila. Uncle, if the passport's ready.. - What are you doing here? Wait outside. - Son, we're very tensed right now. Collect your passport tomorrow. - But uncle.. What did I just say? I said get out. Excuse me, sir. Here. Your passport is ready. - That's good. Okay, you can go. - Thanks, sir. He's hidden his face from the camera. DK.. I think both your reasons are wrong. He's not a thief, nor is he her friend. - Then? I think she loves him. Since she was a kid, all my doubts about Sharmila have always been right. All the passengers on flight no. Ai 103.. ..should report for checking. Thank you. Attention to housekeeping staff. Please report to airport manager. 'If you don't find me, imagine that I got caught.' 'Don't wait for me, you leave.' Sir, please take your seat. Attention please, passengers travelling to South Africa are requested to.. ..proceed for security check. Ram. Hey.. Listen carefully. Get to Gandhi hospital.. Dr. Savita. Don't forget. Sharmila. Sharmila. Excuse me, Dr. Savita. - 1st floor, ICU ward. Thank you. Yes, whom do you want to meet? - Dr. Savita? Yes, that's me. - Hello, I am Sharmila's friend. Sharmila? Sharmila who? - Sharmila, who lives in Paris. Medical student, your friend. - Sorry, there's no Sharmila here. You're mistaken. This is the ICU, you're not allowed in here. Please wait outside. You're Dr. Savita. - Yes. So Sharmila said you.. Please wait outside.. What's wrong with Sharmila? Her name is Sharmila? You know her. I met her at the airport ½ hour ago. What's wrong with her? - It's an accident case. We admitted her 1 week ago. Since then she's in coma. The problem is we don't know anything about her. Admitted one week ago. Wait here, I'll talk to my senior about this. Sir, someone's here to see the girl we admitted last week. Thank God. You're absolutely fine. Then who is this girl? She looks like you. I brought you this far to show you this, Ram. Your sister? What's her story? - I wanted to enjoy life like you. But I had to stay under tight security due to my dad's position. His status took away my freedom. 2 weeks ago, dad went to America for a conference. I took advantage of this situation.. ..and outsmarted the security with the help of Madhav uncle.. ..and went out with my friends. That's when I saw DK with terrorist Sayeed.. ..who caused the bomb blasts in India. DK has seen me there. And he started following me to kill me. Are you fine, dear? Don't call anyone else. Because the entire security network is under his control. And don't call dad, he won't believe you. You don't know, dear. DK doubts me too. I'll get fired for getting you out of here. Tell me where you are. Madhav uncle, thank God you're here. Did anyone see you? No. Thank God, come on. Madhav uncle thought it's not safe for me to stay in India. So he made arrangements to send me to India. Take this duplicate passport, it's under the name of Kalpana. Listen to me, dear. You must go. The flight leaves for India in a hour. My friend Peter will pick you up in a hour. You can call me from his phone. Remember, don't call anyone from your phone. Otherwise DK will catch you. If you face problems in immigration, our men will handle everything. KD. - Hello, sir. What are you doing here? - My cousin's arriving from abroad. It's been only a week since you got out of jail..did you start a new business? Who are you fooling this time? Microsoft? When did you join this? Were you recruited from jail? Luckily I found out on time.. ..that the guy Madhav uncle sent was a criminal. Listen, don't create any problems here. Taxi. Let's go, please. Otherwise I will arrest you. - Yes, sir. Bloody fool, he arrived at the wrong time. Hey, Giri. Get the car. Hey.. Stop the car. She's dead. Erase all evidence. - Yes, boss. Here you go. - It's okay. Give me. Check whether she's dead or not. Sir, she's bleeding from the ear. She must be dead. I am not dead, I am alive. Who are you? What did you get from all this? Boss, it's the police. Let's go. Sir..sir.. Sir, she's dead. Take her to the hospital. They declared me and the driver dead on location. - Stop. I am still alive. Listen to me, please., please listen to me. I am alive, doctor. Please, please stop them. Don't let them take me away, - Giri, what's wrong with her? Accident case, madam. Death on the spot. You don't care about living people, at least show some respect for the dead. Oh my, God. She's alive. Take her to ICU immediately. And so Dr. Savita took me to ICU and started treating me. I tried telling dad about this, but he couldn't hear me. We asked Sharmila's friends, they say they don't know where she is. Dad, don't listen to him. He's a liar. She wanted freedom. She must be somewhere around. If everyone finds out about this, it can create a problem. - No. We'll wait for her. - No, dad. I am right here, daddy. If you had killed her right here, then we could've been caught. Thank God her father thinks she's out getting her freedom. DK and Madhav uncle were responsible for my condition. But who could hear my voice? I was counting my breath in India's government hospital. All my hopes were over. That's when that voice gave me a new hope. Someone called out to me finally. You were the only one who saw me. Not just see me, but also talk to me. That's why I thought of telling you everything immediately. But would you have believed me. If you hadn't believed me, then I would've lost my last hope too. That's why I brought you this far. Maybe you will believe me after seeing the truth. I had no other choice. That's me, Ram. Surprised. There are billions of people in this world. Why can only I see you? Why can only I hear you? I don't understand that either. What can be the reason? These two don't know, they are bonded since thier last birth. Come, let's watch. Art's College. Come on, we'll miss our class. She's crazy. Did you.. Nidhi, your project papers are with me. Is she coming to college? She is very busy. Yes, she's coming. Yes. And Kavita. What happened? Where's Rahul. Rahul is sick. Poly-technique College! What are you saying? Yes. Let's go meet him. Sunita.. - Yes.. Are you cold-hearted? Poor guy stands every day at the bus stop for three years. Why don't you look at him? He's not that bad looking. Are you listening to me? I've been speaking for so long, but you haven't said a word. Don't you love him? Come on. Fine, let's go. I don't. Then you should clearly tell that boy. I don't even look at him. Then take my advice. And tell him that you don't love him. And he shouldn't waste his time. That's not it. - What? I am scared that if I talk to him, I will fall in love. So you want him to stand there every day like this. Selfish. - You're right. I am selfish. My father's no more. I have two younger sisters. I am my mother's only hope. She faces so many difficulties for my education. Under these conditions I cannot.. Sorry, Nidhi. But I don't want him to wait at the bus stop for you every day. Don't give him hopes by staying quiet. For the last three years, he's been waiting for you at the bus stop. And tomorrow is the last day of college. Let's go then. We'll wear the same clothes all day. Look, you're hero's looking at you. At least take a peek. Don't look that way. Why doesn't she look at me? Give me some idea. Take this. No, you don't understand. Are you crazy? She looked at the tattoo today. But did she see you? Sunita, did you attend the lecture? Which lecture? - Accounts. I will sit on the last bench. - They don't let us in the class. Priya, Listen Priya. Nidhi, listen. His name is Krishna. That's enough. I cannot lend you anymore money. When will you return my money? That's her. Brother, she's beautiful. What are you doing here? Go away. Poly-technique College! dare you get in a lady's bus? Get out. Get out. - Sir, please.. I said get out. Come on. Sir, I'll just speak to her and get off. - I will get down. You won't listen.. - Listen to me. I just want to talk to her. Where's Krishna? He died while trying to save your life. Forgive me, Krishna. I made a mistake. Talk to me. I do you know this girl? - I do. She's my friend. And her father? Don't tell them anything until daddy doesn't get here. I know him. - Who is her father? Mr. Jayasurya. - He's a cricketer? I don't know, sir. And mother's name? - Mrs. Mahila. Is she a cricketer too? Mrs. Mahila is Jayasurya's wife. - I see. Not Jaywardhane to play cricket. I asked the right question? - Yes, sir. Where do they stay? - Africa, sir. Where in Africa? - I don't know, sir. Africa is not some map hanging on the wall.. ..which we can measure with a tape and put it back. Africa is a country made from 56 islands.. You're like Google, sir. You have so much information. But you didn't give me any information. Sir, I've an idea. Let's circulate her photos all over Africa. You don't have any brains, where do you get these ideas from? Don't suggest me anything in future. You can go now. - Sir. Let me know if you remember anything. - Sir. That's my pen. - Sorry sir. What happened? - Why did you confuse him? Confuse him? I am confused myself. Are you a witch? No, women turn into witches only after they are dead. She's only half dead. Good spirit. I mean..soul? Call me whatever you like, but talk softly. - Why? Everyone's staring at you. Everyone must be thinking I am crazy, right? Ram, we must call papa and tell him everything. Sir, the crowd is growing. We need additional force. Please. Okay. Their leader was on a hunger strike for three days. He's in a bad condition. So we brought him here for treatment. That's why they are creating an uproar. Don't let anyone inside. Hey, what are you doing? Stay back. Stay back. I want to make a call to Paris. - Okay, go ahead. Don't take it easy, I am very serious about the decision. Sir, listen to me carefully. Please don't ask who I am. I know your daughter is missing. She's in coma in a government hospital in Hyderabad. And the person responsible is your chief security officer DK. He's linked to a terrorist organization. Your daughter knew this secret, that's why she was attacked. Please come soon. We're waiting for you at Gandhi Hospital. Her life is in danger. Who was it, DK? Anything special? - It was wrong number, sir. With your permission, I'll change your number for security reasons. It's DK. What are you doing there? - Sir, I was making settlement of a love story. You speak up. - How can you leave that girl alive? Get out. Get out. Come on. What are you saying, sir? That girl was dead on spot. Her body is in Gandhi hospital. - You fool. She's in the ICU. Some boy called from there. Go and kill those two. If they don't die, we'll be dead. Ram. I've troubled you a lot. How long are you going to stay here? Soon my papa will be here. You don't need to worry. You can go back. You don't need me anymore. What's wrong? Why are you saying such things? Nothing, you loved Jaanu, but that was a lie. You were floored to see me..that was a lie too. Similarly..our meeting will be a lie too. Sharmila. Oxygen. Hey..where are you going? Doctor! Change the cylinder quickly. Increase pressure, quick. did you know on the outside that the oxygen is over? Actually.. What? I had a gut feeling. So, if anything happens inside.. will affect you. I must wait until your father arrives. Move back. Stay back. Stay back. Come on. Move back. Stay back. How much longer are you going to stay here? You haven't eaten anything since morning. Go and eat something. Please. Glory to.. - Ranjit bhai! Glory to.. - Ranjit bhai! Ram! What happened? The guy who tried to kill me is heading towards the ICU. That's him, Ram. This means someone else overheard our conversation. Hey, get 10,000 rupees and come to Gandhi hospital. I need to discharge my uncle. Don't ask questions. Some bigwig called Ranjit is dead. If someone finds out, it will create a stir. Ranjit is dead! Come on. You killed Ranjit. You killed my Brother Ranjit. Don't leave him. This place is dangerous for you. We must get you out of here. You're a fool. I gave you just one job, and you couldn't do that either. Please give me two days. - Fine. Given. In fact, take three days. But if you don't get the job done, you're dead. DK.. I am scared, what if we get caught. If you're scared, you're dead. Madam, Ram's here. - Ram. Yes, and he's brought a patient along. - Okay. Admit the patient, I'll be there. Do I look crazy to believe you? There's a spirit. The body's lying here, and the spirit's standing there. She's right here, aunty. - That's enough, Ram. What do I do to make you believe me? Come here. Sharmila, come here. - Ram. Come here, aunty. - What are you doing? You stand behind her. Keep your hands back. - What? Keep your hands back. And show a number with your fingers. Fine. Two. - Two. Five. - Five. Three. - Three. One. - One. Two. - Two. Two. - Two again. Two. - Two. She isn't changing her fingers anymore, it's still two. Two, two..why aren't you changing your fingers? Now do you believe me, aunty? Tell me, aunty, why are you quiet? She has nothing to say. My condition is such. Blood has collected in my brain. They must clot that blood. It's a critical condition. Chances of survival are low. And so she's scared to tell you that. Why are you looking at me like that? I am a medical student as well. I am telling you this after seeing my report. There's a blood clot in her brain. Who told you that? She won't survive. That's not it. There are slim chances of her survival. There's a medicine that's been developed in Germany.. ..that needs to be injected in the patient's body.. a interval of 48 hours. One needs to take three doses. And the chances of the patient.. ..recovering from coma gets better. But there's a risk. Risk? What risk, aunty. Once we start this dose.. ..the other two doses should be given at the right time. If we can affect the patient's heart, and she can die. It's already happened with a patient. He didn't get the other two doses on time.. ..and he passed away. That's what I am afraid about. The two doses that we ordered for the patient are right here.. ..but we must order the third dose from Germany. But the problem is.. ..we can save her only if we start her treatment on time. Then start right away, aunty. - We can start. But if we don't inform her family, it will be a big problem, Ram. You just start, aunty. If there's a problem, I will handle it. Yes.. What happened, aunty? I think she can get better in four days. - Superb. Great, aunty. You're the best. You're the best. Leave me. Don't just stand there, take aunt's blessings. No, no, Let it be! Aunty. Let her touch your feet first. - She hasn't yet? Get well soon. May you be blessed with all the happiness. Ram, I want to see your family. Aunty, can we go home? If we had met back then, I would've taught you a good lesson. And now you want to come back home. That girl..where did she go? Look, dear. You two stay here and talk. Let me think of a plan to bring you back home. Let's go, fast. Fast. Come. Quickly. Stop. Is this a public place? - Isn't this Mr. Patel's home? Yes, so? - So we're in the right place. Let's go. - Stop. Who are you? Media. The government has felicitated you with the Best Industrialist award. How do you feel? He's not the one who got the award. He's inside. - Oh, he's inside. He's inside. Let's go inside. We'll take interview inside? Krishnadev sir. Look, he's having his meal. Good morning, sir. Who are you guys? How did you get in? - Media. The government has felicitated you with the Best Industrialist award. Don't stop, keep eating. How many eggs do you eat every day? And do you wash your hands after eating? Excuse me, please sit in the garden and take this interview comfortably. Now ask your questions. What is the name of the award? Gem of industry, master of business.. ..all powerful, modest, thinker, prudent. Is this one award, or a group of awards? It's like a horse race. That's why it's so long. So tell me, how do you feel on getting this award? I'll tell you. Father, they are asking about his emotions. Your emotions will give them loose motions. Honestly, I am surprised. Don't you think you're worthy? I knew some day people will recognize my capability. I am the hero who's been recognize today. Sir, who's behind your success? We haven't decided yet. Right, brother. There's no one, this is my hard work. How many children do you have? One daughter..and one son. Revati, don't take his name. Sir, can we meet your son? He's in Paris. Brother sent him to Paris to study so he can join family business. Right, brother. You miss him, don't you? - Wouldn't a father miss his son? Superb, dad. Hi. - Hi. Oh, God. The snake's back. I love you, dad. Dad, I knew you will make me proud some day. I am proud of you, dad. I am proud of you. Hey..go inside and freshen up. - Revati. Brother, the media's here. - Fine, go. Dad, can I go? Can I go now? - No. Are you sure? - Yes, go. Okay. One second. One close-up. Smile, dad. Hey, you're such a big ham. - Yeah. Hey uncle, what's up? We let you in because of the media. Otherwise we would be clobbering you with a shoe. I sent them. Let darkness..prevail. You fooled your father, now you're dead. Uncle. - What? If you tell him..then who will drink the scotch in my bag? - I am there. So go ahead. Anything wrong, sir? Sharmila is in Mumbai. How did you find out? That boy who took his passport..wasn't my friend's son. He was definitely some fraud, DK. Only my daughter knew about my relation with Sharad. How did he find out? That means my daughter told him everything.. ..and sent him here to get the passport. And after collecting the passport, he left for Mumbai. But Sharmila left for Mumbai 5 days ago on a fake passport. I just found out. What should I do now? If this new leaks out, it will create problems. I must find my daughter first. Wonder how she is. - Yes, sir. What are you saying? That award was a sham? Yes, father. Raghav told me everything last night in his drunken state. Me? Guess my tongue slipped last night. Done for. Father, look at his gait. You guys praised him so much.. ..he thinks he's really going to get an award. Quiet, or we'll be exposed. I think we should tell brother everything. Tell him slowly, he shouldn't get a shock. - No, no, let it be, Let this story continue like it is. Savitri, you would've been so happy for me today. Because I was given such a big award. The award's called.. What's the award called? Gem of industry, master of business.. ..all powerful, modest, thinker, prudent. Such a big award. I wish you were with me. Don't cry, brother. There are so many satellites in the sky. Sister-in-law will know before we do. It's all lie. Revati. - Yes, brother. I saw the television last night. Also read the newspaper today. But there was no mention of my news. Brother..this is no ordinary award, it's a prestigious award. They will announce it on Dussera or Diwali after seeing the TRPs. Correct. And when they announce it, it will be a big explosion. Of happiness. - Uncle. Father isn't giving me money. Please tell him. - I will. Brother. - Yes, brother. Don't give him a penny. - Yes. I told him. Are you happy? You're too much, uncle. I threw a party for my friends for your award. You will get humiliated, what do I care. Ramesh..award party, right. If he doesn't give you money, then I will. Here. Go and enjoy. Brother, don't be too happy. All is not too well. - Enjoy. Savitri. - Uncle. Was that you? Gem of industry, master of business.. ..all powerful, modest, thinker, prudent. Glory to Krishnalal Patel! He's so small, yet he remembers, but not me. Uncle, I've invited my friends for a small pizza party. If you could give me some money. Buy them cold drinks as well. Glory to Krishnalal Patel! Glory to Krishnalal Patel! He could've brought a real award with that money. Why? Do you want one? What's the point of buying an award with such a difficult name? 'Look at him sleeping so soundly after troubling such a lovely family.' Ram. Where are you? Go on. - The results are out. Everyone in our group got bad results. And yours is worse. Wow. That's good news. I topped my college. - Ram. What about you? Are you crazy? I am thinking why did I copy from your chit. I feel like clobbering myself. Party? No, no, I would rather distribute free books.. the poor than throw parties. What nonsense. I think he's lost his mind. He's sounding absolutely absurd. Must be a girl around him. - Is that so? Listen, we're throwing a party for failing. I've ordered everything. No need to hurry. I'll come to the college myself. Don't even think of coming here, they will drive you away from the gate. You will get entry only when you bring your father. Principal's orders. Ram. Any problem? What? - Uncle called you. Why? - Someone called from the college? So soon. Is everyone downstairs? Yes, there's everyone. I am sure you're very happy. Wow! What a beautiful moment. Go on, I'll come. - Okay. Sharmila, I want you to promise me something. - What? Nothing, just don't come downstairs for one hour. - Why? When I came second, my father punished me and sent me to Paris. Yes, so. This time I came 1st, he'll get a little emotional. Sentimental. He'll start crying, it will be difficult to control him. Watching my father cry.. - Okay. I can understand. You go, I am right here. Okay. No cheating. - I won't. This is your moment, go ahead. Uncle, don't spare him. Welcome, you're awake. What were you studying all night that you couldn't pass even one subject? Why did I let you in this house? - Brother. Gem of industry, master of business.. Quiet! I let him inside because of the media. But I won't go meet the principal of his college. Tell him his father's dead for him. - Mother! Until now.. I didn't have a mother, but now I am an orphan. Why? Do you want to see me dead now? I won't fall for your tricks now. - You already have. Slip of tongue. No matter what you do, I won't go to your college. I am off to school. Bye. Stop. If Ram doesn't study, then no one studies in this house. Go upstairs. Fine, I'll go. Blackmailing me. Sir, you too.. Are these your marks? 9..8..4..8..6..7.. This seems more like someone's mobile number. Sir, I got 72% in economics. - Sure. If you threaten the lecturer to throw acid on his face and cheat.. ..then this is bound to happen. No, papa, it wasn't acid, it was water. Mineral water. This is his 3rd year, he needs to study for 18 subjects. He's been in college for so long, but hasn't started studying yet. Never even opened his book. If I get some more students like him.. ..then I'll have to shut down my college. I can understand, sir. I was busy so..please give him another chance. I didn't call him to give him a chance.. ..I called him to give his TC. - Give it! I don't care. Give it. Give it now. - Hey, mister. He left. Is he your real father? Sir.. - Please, sir. Stop begging. Get out! You're rusticated! Out! Hi, Pandu. - Hi, Nimmi. How are you? Is your husband here or left for Dubai? Why weren't you answering your phone? What do I say? Two stupid fools were sitting here. As soon as they left, I called. You said you'll give me a flat on my birthday. I sold 5 medical seats without the office's knowledge. And I got 1 crore for it. It's in the dustbin. Wow. So I will get my flat. Of course, My Home apartment. Flat no. 420 is yours. - Thank you, Pandu. Meet me at Park Hotel tonight. We'll sit on the moon and lick honey. - Okay. Pandu, what about my flat? Please wait, there's a long queue. Your chance will come soon. Pandu. Are you dead? To hell with her. Come on. Give me a kiss. Sit. Who is it? How did you come in here? Collect your TC from the office and leave. What is this? My dad's hurt, Pandu. Pandu? What is Pandu? I am not your friend. Pandu Rangarao, Principal. Give respect. Tell me something, what is the rate of flats at My Home apartment. What do I care about the flat rates at My Home apartments? I have my own home. So is this your second home? What do you care? You look like a monkey. And there's a long queue of women behind you. One at home, one at green park, and one under the table. Who are you? Get out. You swindle money and keep the money in the dustbin to please all of them. Son, give me your hand. What do you want, son? I want to see happiness on my dad's face? Should I call him? Why did you call me here? To tell you that your boy is a gem. Forget about the marks. Behavior is important. You're lucky to have a son like him. Real gold doesn't need a gold medal. Even scrap dealers don't buy it. Stop it. Will he stay in college or not? I want to stay in college, sir? So I am buttering him. I want to see you happy. If he stays in college won't make me happy. You're so smart. College topper? One needs to study and attend college for that. If you had been in college, I would've made college my second home. Restaurant. Come. Soup. Fish. Watch a film? Film. - Come on. Wow. Here? Wow! Wasn't that nice? - It was mind blowing. Out of the world. How about a milkshake? - Of course. You know, actually.. Come, come.. Wasn't the film nice? - Actually, it wasn't that bad. Come on. Did you eat properly? - Yes. This is for you. And 2 minutes. I love you. You want to kill me? - No. Then why did you go meet Kalia Anthony? Why will I meet that fool, boss? - Do you know what this is? It's a magic capsule. It was in your scooter's trunk. It tells us where you went, understood. So you went to Kalia Anthony's home at 11pm yesterday. Then you went to Urvashi Bar. It tells everything. I don't believe you, but this gadget. What happened? There's blood when you operate, and even when we do it. Sit down. Sit, madam. You treated that girl in the hospital, right? - Yes. Can that girl be treated in some home or hotel room? Not possible, sir. The patient needs ventilator. She needs to be on a life support system. She needs regular MRI as well. - Yes, okay. How many such cases in this city? - 10-5 cases. That's all. So she can be found. Go and check in all hospitals. What will you do now? Your move. I'll use the bishop. Nice move. Check. Check and mate. Nice move. You're very smart. I understand..say it on my face. Don't bother me, go make coffee. You think I am a servant. Make coffee. Make it yourself. Ram. Your family members respect you a lot, don't they? You didn't get it. Whenever she says anything, I don't feel angry. - Why? When I was small, we went to Vrindavan. She was wrapped in a cloth and crying on the steps of Yamuna. I saw her and said I want her as my sister. I was adamant. Uncle picked up that delicate girl, and brought her home as her daughter. She's that girl. Did you tell her that? Who says such things, Sharmila? Ram, you're so great. But did you see? They don't value me anymore. Hey, come, come. I've ordered pizza today. Let's go to my room. My orphan sister's friends, today is Sunday. They are all poor. I'm very hungry. They look nice. What's wrong with you? You didn't even look at them. If I look at them, they will look back. They would be floored by this cute face. SMS, MMS, love letters..suicide. I've quite a bit of experience, of enduring all this. I see..did so many girls propose to you? - Of course. Nonsense. Okay, okay, sorry. Tell me who proposed to you first. Please. The first was.. Sarita. What have you written in this? I am your teacher. Please say yes, teacher. Please, teacher. That was the limit of romance. Second? Second? Malvika. Malvika! Malvika! Malvika! You're leaving? - Yes. I am going to my granny's place for the vacations. I'll be back in a week. - I can't wait that long. Sorry, Ram. - It's okay. But you must do one thing for me. Will you talk to Usha for me? There was too much violence? - Violence? See..even you are scared. Brother.. Listen, brother. My friends are here. They don't know about you. They are my new friends. I had a fight with my old friends because of you. And Sukanya's friends left the area. I beg you, don't come to my room. I beg you. - Get up. Get up. Get out! Don't come there. - I said go. Ram, call her. - Why? Call her. Ramya. - Louder. Ramya. What is it? Come here. What happened? Ask her how did you harm Sukanya and her friends What is it? Speak up? Your friends and.. What? - Loudly. How did I harm Sukanya and her friends? You're asking me? Sukanya. Tell him how he has harmed our friends. He's asking us. Don't you know what you did? What's going on? Why are you tormenting the poor boy? He's no poor boy, papa. He asked me to introduce him to Naidu uncle's daughter. Hey, shut up, when did I say that? - You shut up. When I didn't introduce him, he met with my friend and told him.. ..that I am an orphan. And you found me on the steps of Yamuna. He's making me an orphan. You don't know.. I had to face so many difficulties when she was born. I had to spend 200,000 rupees on her birth. Right? - Yes, right. That's not it, uncle. She misunderstands my story. Stop lying. I know you too well. What are you all doing here? Stop troubling him. Come on, go away. He's such a nice boy. Come on, leave. Calling me a nice boy after humiliating me. Sharmila.. Ram. - Yes. I am going to the hospital. Will you come along? Hello, what's wrong? What happened? Let's go. Hey, who are you? - Quiet. Hurry up. Come on. Let's go. Sharmila. Ram! We need to give her the second injection after 5 hours. Ram! Do you want to die? Are you crazy? Bobby. - Ram. I need your help. - But what happened? Check the camera near my aunt's hospital. Stop. Stop. Follow this ambulance. Which signals did he cross? Jubilee Hills. Panja Kutta. Amer Peth. SR Nagar. I can't see him after SR Road signal. Meaning..they are somewhere in SR Road. Thanks, Bobby. Finish his entire family. First tell me. - Yes, boss. Where is the girl's body? Let's decide on the payment first. What? But I already paid you. If the girl survives, you will die. The price for your life is only 2.5 million rupees? How much do you want? - 20 million. Okay. I think I should increase the price. How about 200 million. - Don't try to act smart with me. Because the girl is dead, there's nothing you can do. Sir, if you're DK , then even I am KD.. The girl isn't dead, she's alive. Come on. My drink's over. Pour some more. Come on. Ram. Are you crazy? Why did you go? You should've told me. I thought someone's taking me away, so I couldn't tell you. These goons.. Who are you? How did you get here? What are you looking at? Sir, don't think too hard. You don't have a choice. Okay. Sir, there's just 10 of us. We know where the girl is. Just give us one million, and we'll do your job. We will kill her, sir. Given. That girl shouldn't survive. Two minutes, sir. Just two minutes. Ram. No. Ram! Why weren't you picking up the phone? Boss, someone's beating us up really badly. Take that girl's oxygen mask off. Kill her. What's her condition now? Is she fine? She isn't? She isn't fine? Is she in danger? - No, not her. It's about you. I shouldn't have listened to you. What's the point of running after someone who doesn't exist, Ram? I am tensed thinking about your life. Do you care about yourself or not? Tell me. Will you give your life for her? Aunty, she can hear you. Let her hear. She should know our pain too. Where is she? Where? Listen.. I beg you. Leave him. If anything happens to him, I will die. I can give my life to save yours. But don't play with my child's life. Aunty, please. Please. Sharmila. Sharmila. Sharmila. Sharmila. Sharmila. Sharmila. Don't worry, she will be fine. Ram, it's dangerous to stay here. We should go someplace else. Not just the place, we'll change vehicles. Come on. Aunty? - Bring him to your dad's warehouse. Fine. Listen, take us to the warehouse. - Okay. Idiots. He beat everyone up and took the body. And we're chasing after him. Sir, don't worry. No matter where they go, they can't escape us. There's a transmitter in that car. No matter where they go, we'll use this to catch them. Yes. Go! Come ahead, sir. Come on. How much? - Rs 500. Rs. 500? - Yes. Come on move fast. Ram. Ram. There's a problem, come here. How much? Fill the tank. - Full tank? Yes. What is this? What a long queue. How long is this going to take? Keep moving. Yes. Keep moving. I beg you. Leave him. If anything happens to him, I will die. Stop. Stop. Get the car. Okay, okay. That's a navigator! Someone following is! Throw it outside! Hey..are you mocking me? The thought of your wife is making me laugh. So what? She can't harm us. Darling, good days are upon us. Yeah! What is this? Pandu, will they rape me? Are you hopeful? - No. Who is she? Is she your wife? She's a wife. But not mine. She's my life. Oh, you're having an affair. You're right, are you an astrologer. I am her physic's student. Not now, Pandu. Where's the body? This is the body? This drum that you see. Not this. The girl's body. - Here she is. Not this woman, that girl's body. Does she look like a monkey? Don't hit me. - Tell me quietly, otherwise I'll shoot you. Tell me, where did you hide that girl? I don't know any girl? - Then what is this? This is a LED light. If you don't know the girl.. ..then how did this transmitter, which was on her body get in your car? How can I say that, car? For example, she is someone else' wife. But she was found in my car. How do I know how she got there? That's not my responsibility. Sir, I'll treat her like my sister now. Useless guy. Go! Why is every man useless for a woman. Run away. - Thank you, sir. Saved. You all do as you please. . Why is the warehouse gate open? What if something would've been stolen? Dad! Tell me..who opened the gate? Sir, Ram made us open the gate. He said he'll stay here for 2 days. Dad. What are you hiding here for now? You will get me killed some day, useless.. Dad. - Brother. Brother. What happened? Dad. - What happened, brother? Dad. Dad. - Brother. It's all your fault. We must take brother to the hospital immediately. - Open your eyes. Sister Revati can help him. Revati..there's a patient. Dad! - Brother. Be strong, Revati will be here soon. There's no time, Ram. Make uncle lie down straight on the ground. Do it. Keep your palm on his chest. Is it swollen? Yes. Get a sharp knife and something like a spirit. Uncle, there's a medical kit in the car, get it. And the vodka in the trunk. - Why do you need those here? Just do as I said. - Are you coming? Where did you send him? Revati's on her way. There's no time, uncle. - We don't have an option. This is tension nemothorax. - This is tension nemothorax. The air in the lungs has stopped in the chest. The air in the lungs has stopped in the chest. Open his shirt. While breathing during tension.. ..if the lungs don't open properly, the air gets stuck. We must immediately get the air out. Hurry up. - Here. First clean the place with vodka. make a small hole with the knife. Please, Ram. Believe me. We must make a small hole to get the air out. Take the bottle cap. Keep it here. Press it. Brother, what happened? Revati, Ram was amazing. He saved brother's life. Brother was suffering from tension nemothorax. Ram got the air out of his lungs and saved him. Aunty doesn't like me. But I can't see anyone dying, and so I did this. I am sorry, Ram. 'Sir, Madhav's gone to India because his mother passed away.' 'He'll be back in a week.' 'With your permission I'll change your number for security reasons.' 'So it's all his doing.' This is the doctor's house. Should I bring her out? I don't want that doctor. I want the patient. She might not be here. Let's wait. Ram. Today's the last dose of that injection. The medicine is arriving by morning flight. Go and collect it from the courier service.. that we don't delay from giving her that medicine. Go back, we've to go left. Find him. He's somewhere around. Go that way. - Come on. It's urgent, do something. - I can't do it so quickly. It will take around 30 minutes. There's an important medicine in that courier. Don't you understand urgency? Look, this is the question of someone's life and death. If she doesn't get that medicine on time, she will die. Please, try to understand. - I get it, sir. Sir, that boy is in the courier office. Take it. Come on. Where is he? Ram, what happened to you? Leave it. Leave it. Go! What happened? - Here. What have you done to yourself? - Inject her quickly. Where's Ram? Ram! - Stop. Stop. Move. Move.. - Leave her. Sharmila. Sharmila. No! You rascal. Arrest him. Sharmila. What are you doing? Stop. We must shift my daughter to the hospital first. And put him behind bars. - No, don't do that. He's the reason your daughter is still alive. Commissioner sir, I thought we're in danger.. ..that's why I called you. No, no, he and DK together planned all this. No, that's not true. Believe me. I am not lying. I don't know how to assure you. But this is true. Sharmila. Dear, are you..okay? Sharmila. Sharmila, Ram! Who are they, daddy? No! Arrest him. Come on. - Let him go. Don't do this. - Come on! Let him go. Let's go back. Let's go. Move back. Come on. Sir, they were right. They gave a new life to your daughter. Excuse me. - Yes. Dr. Revati. - She is in the operation. And you are? I am Chakradhar from Paris. She will be in there for another hour. Please wait. I've to catch a flight. Tell him, I'll call her later. - Okay, sir. Sorry, son. I misunderstood you back then. But I know the truth now. I am grateful to you. What happened? Sharmila's papa was here. Why? To say thanks. Thanks? Who does he think he is? Did we go through all this trouble for his thanks? What would've happen to Sharmila if it wasn't for you? I'll go tell him.. No, aunty. She refused to recognize me. So how can I face her? She might not be in my life, but at least she's alive. Eternal Love won today. Dad.. I am very sorry. In my effort to get freedom, I troubled you a lot. Please forgive me if you can. What happened? It's a flat tire, sir. 'If this dream is true..' '..then at any cost.. I love him, and I will marry him.' Stairs. I don't think I can... You guys, just start without me. I'll catch up! Sweet. Inner peace. Inner peace. Itchy nose. Finally, inner peace. Now what? Kai, old friend. Master Oogway. Our battle ended 500 years ago! Well, now I'm ready for a rematch. Took you long enough! You've grown stronger. 500 years in the Spirit Realm, you pick up a thing or two. I have taken the chi of every master here. No! Yes. And soon I will have your power, too. When will you realize? The more you take, the less you have. With your chi, I will finally be able to return to the mortal world. And this time, you won't be there to stop me. It was never my destiny to stop you. I have set another on that path. Then I will find him... and take his chi, too. Justice is about to be served! We'll have two Justice Platters, please. -Three. -Three. And a few tofu buns. The spicy noodle soup for Tigress. Did you want extra sauce with that? She wants it on the side. -On the side. -On the side. Go, Dragon Warrior! You can do it! Go, Dragon Warrior! Defend the Valley! Dragon Warrior! Go, Dragon Warrior! Defend the Valley! You guys aren't doing the Dramatic Pose, are you? Do we have to strike a pose every time we land? You guys, never underestimate the power of a Dramatic Entrance. I've heard about some masters who can win a fight just by throwing open a door. Dramatic Entrance? Master Shifu. The Dragon Warrior is correct. Really? I was just making... Yeah. I mean, yeah. I am. Before the battle of the fist comes the battle of the mind. Hence, the Dramatic Entrance. Nice Dramatic Entrance. What's the occasion? Today will be my final class. Your final...? Wait. I didn't even know you were sick! Although you have been looking a little... I'm not sick. ...healthy. A little healthy. A lot, actually. My final class, because from now on... your training will be in the hands of the Dragon Warrior. What? Me, teach? Why not Tigress? She's always telling everyone what to do. Be quiet, Po. You see what I mean? Tigress is not the Dragon Warrior. You are. Come on, they're the Five. What could I teach them? There is always something more to learn, even for a master. For instance... let me show you another move... the Dramatic Exit. What's that? Wow! Are you kidding me? Where'd he go? Master. He's gone, guys. It's cool. We await your instruction, Master. All you have to lose is our respect. I mean, seriously, how bad can it be? Very bad! Very, very bad! Okay, okay. Let's switch it up. Monkey! Immovable Mountain Stance! Yes, Master! Tigress, Tornado Back Flip! Yes, Master. Oh, no! Fire! -Fire! -Stop! Sorry! My fault. Crane, go high. I mean low! Low! Ah, my claw thingy! Viper and Tigress, do, like, a Totem Pole Poison Technique! You two, do a Swarming Insect Bite... with a Yellow Tail, Yellow Jacket, Spicy Tuna... I'm sorry. Good job, Po. Did you at least learn a little something? Yes. That you can't teach. And Tigress is flammable, it turns out. Yeah, that was a complete disaster. I'm glad we're not Po right now. What a loser! What was Shifu thinking? What was Oogway thinking? I think he heard us. I didn't hear anything. He said you're a loser. I'm sorry, Oogway. Would you stop doing that? How was your first day teaching? Humiliating. I heard. Who told you? Did Tigress tell you? I heard from Monkey, and Crane, and Mantis... and your dad, and Mrs. Chow from the gift shop... and those ducks you just passed... and Tigress told me. Did she also tell you that it'll never happen again? Because I'm done. Teaching or being humiliated? Both! I don't know why you ever thought I could teach that class. Oh, I knew you couldn't. What? You set me up to fail? Why? If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than you are now. I don't wanna be more! I like who I am. You don't even know who you are. What do you...? Of course I do. I'm the Dragon Warrior. And what exactly does that mean, Dragon Warrior? It means, you know, just going around and punching and kicking. Defending the Valley! And stuff. Punching and kicking? You think that is what the great Master Oogway saw for you? A 500-year prophecy fulfilled so you could spend your days kicking butt... and running through town high-fiving bunnies? -Yes? -No! Oogway saw greatness in you, Po. Against my better judgment. More than you can see in yourself. Incredible power awaits you. Power beyond anything you can imagine. Wow! What was that? That was chi. Wow! What's chi? The energy that flows through all living things. So you're saying if I teach, I'll be able to do cool stuff like that? No. I'm saying if you teach, I'll be able to do cool stuff like that. Oh. Mastering chi requires mastery of self. Oogway sat alone in a cave for 30 years asking one question. "Who am I?" "Who am I?" I'm lucky if I get five minutes before you interrupt... So now I have to sit alone in a cave for 30 years? Eventually. After you master teaching. Teaching? There's no way I'm ever gonna be like you. I'm not trying to turn you into me. I'm trying to turn you into you. Turn me into me? Wait a second, that makes no... Almost there, Shifu. Just a little more confusing and you'll be the next Oogway. Sorry, no offense, Master Oogway. I just... I'll let you get back to your eternal peace. What is this place? My brother's farm? If I stepped on you, would you die? Yes. The mortal realm. You hear that, Oogway? I'm back. Kai has returned! Who? Kai. General Kai. Supreme Warlord of all China. The Jade Slayer. Master of Pain. You may know me as the Beast of Vengeance. Maker of Widows? Okay, I used to work with Oogway. Oh, Master Oogway! Now, he was a great warrior. We've heard of Master Oogway. Okay, okay, enough. Silence! Find Oogway's students, and bring them to me. By the time I am done with them, Oogway... there will be no one left who will even remember your name. Kai is coming! I am ready... to teach you a lesson. Teach me? Oh, no! It's the Dragon Teacher! Yeah, he's so handsome! Thank you for the compliment. No! Please don't teach me to death! Po? Oh, hey, Dad. What's up? I was just... stopping by for a little soak. Okay. What's wrong? Nothing. Nothing? I come home to find you taking a bath with your dolls... Action figures. ...and instead of adding bath salts to the water, you just added Szechuan peppercorns. Szechuan... Oh, my tenders! Okay, yes, something's wrong. There, there, son. You tell your daddy all about it. Lift your arm. Shifu says I don't know what it means to be the Dragon Warrior. Now I have to be a teacher? I thought I finally knew who I was. If I'm not the Dragon Warrior, who am I? A teacher? Teaching kung fu? Po, that's a promotion! Take the job, son! And, someday when you're in charge of the whole Jade Palace... I can sell noodles in the lobby! Why are you still here taking a bath like a baby? Get out! Get up! Go, go, go! Franchise expansion awaits us! But what about the Dragon Warrior look-alike contest? Mrs. Chow always wins that. Skadoosh. And the Dragon Warrior dumpling-eating contest? I have to defend my title. No one's gonna beat your dumpling-eating record. Someone's about to beat your dumpling-eating record! Go! Go! Who's eating my dumplings? And who's paying for them? 101! 102! 103! Yeah! Is that a new record? Who are you? I am Li Shan. What? I'm Li Shan. I'm looking for my son. You lost your son? Yes. Many years ago. I lost my father. I'm very sorry. Thank you. Well, good luck to you. You, too. I hope you find your son. And I hope you find your father. Son? Oh, my gosh, it is you! Well, don't just stand there. Give your old man a hug! I can't believe you're alive! I thought I lost you forever, Little Lotus. Okay. This is very embarrassing... but I think you've got me confused with a panda named Lotus. My name is Po. Oh, right, you wouldn't know. Okay. See, Little Lotus was the name you were given at birth. -Really? -Really! I can't believe it! After all these years, you're really here? This is amazing! Oh, Dad! Come! Say hi to... I don't know what I'm supposed to call you. I'm pretty sure he said his name is Li. You. Come here. Thank you, thank you for taking such good care of my son. Your son? Now, hold on just a minute. How do we know this stranger is even related to you? Look at that. -Our bellies could be brothers! -That is so cool. Hey, son, let me teach you how to belly gong. -All right. Belly gong. -They jiggle the same! -Jiggle, jiggle, jiggle. -It's like looking in a fat mirror. I can't believe we're taking a picture together. But I still don't understand. I thought Po was the only panda left. No. There's a whole bunch of us. Where? A secret panda village in the mountains. A secret panda... But how did you know where I was? I received a message that led me here. How could you receive a message if no one could find you? Sounds suspicious to me. No, it was a message from the universe. Rats! Now, what's all this about a Dragon Warrior? How did you know I was a Dragon Warrior? Did the universe tell you that, too? No, the poster did. And the gift shop. I bought a tiny cup. Oh, right, of course! You have no idea. There's so much to show you. You're gonna be so awesomely proud. Come on, come on! I'm already awesomely proud. -Couple more steps. -Give me a minute. Feeling the burn. Do you have panda asthma, too? Does that run in the family? Dad, you're gonna love this. It's, like, the coolest thing ever. This is the Hall of Heroes. Home of the most priceless kung fu artifacts in all of China! Whoa! This place is... Awesome? Were you gonna say... You were gonna say "awesome," right? Because it totally is! Totally! But be super careful. Everything's very fragile here. Like the Urn of Whispering Warriors. Someone broke that once. -Who? -Some idiot. Wow! This is Master Flying Rhino's battle armor! I wonder if I could fit in that. Get out of my head, Dad! I've wondered the same thing! If I could fit in it? If you could? No, if I could fit. Dad, check it out! Master Ram's crossbow, the infamous Gate Smasher. Dad, look at this! The battle helmets of Master Rat's army. They're so tiny! Master Dolphin's waterproof armor! This is my favorite. Check it out. It's the legendary battle rickshaw of Emperor Hawk. Sweet ride. Dad, what are you doing? We're not supposed to touch anything! Sorry, sorry. Should I put it back? Yeah, you probably should. You look so cool, though. How does it feel? Do the hinges hinge? Does it smell like rhino? Does it feel like you're impenetrable? Does it feel like you could take on a thousand warriors... and emerge unscathed? Yeah, it's pretty cool. I wonder what this does. I should pull it. I think I just peed a little. Anything else we should try in here, son? Charge! Faster, faster, faster! Thumb war! Reinforcements! No fair. No fair. Yeah! This is so much fu-... Here we go! Go, go, go! -Awesome! -Faster, faster, faster. There, there. I'm fine, I'm fine. There you go. -Dolphin-Style Attack! -You got me. Dolphin-Style Retreat! Go long, son! I wasn't ready! -Coming back at you. -I got it. -I'm going high! -There you go. Come on, throw it! I'm coming for you. Bring it on, Master Rhino. Here I come! I'm gonna get you. I am gonna get you! I'm gonna get you, I'm gonna get you! I'm gonna get you. Who's got you? Who's gonna get you? Who's gonna get you? Yeah. Who's gonna get you? Master Rhino. What? What's wrong? Hello. Guys, guys. You're never gonna guess who just showed up. Not in a million years. You just try. Your father! How did you just guess that? Oh, wait a second. Oh, yeah, of course. We look exactly the same. Dad, say hi to my friends. Mantis, Tigress, Monkey, Crane, and Viper. Viper, was it? Monkey, sir. They're kind of my best friends. And this... This is Master Shifu. Legend. It is an honor to meet you, Master Panda. Perhaps your father would care to join us in the training hall. Your son will be teaching the class. I'm sure he's tired. I'm sure you're tired. He's tired. I'm gonna show him to the Chrysanthemum Suite. What, tired? No, I'm fine. I would love to watch you teach. Trust me, it'll be more fun just to watch me... Fight! What is that? The Valley's under attack. Son? Under attack? This is perfect! Now you can see what being the Dragon Warrior's all about! Follow me! Enemies of justice, prepare for war! Are you kidding me? Whoa! What's the deal with the green guys? Some kind of jade zombies. Jade zombies? Jombies! Jinx! Lotus, be careful! It's okay, Dad, I do this every day! Whoa! I recognize these guys. The Master Badger Twins, with their Crushing Double-Gong technique! Yeah, that's the one! And that guy is... No! Master Porcupine! I thought he died a hundred years ago. These guys are legend! Get a quick sketch of us. Did you get it? Did you get it? I blinked. Can we get another one? I'm being choked by Master Porcupine. This is so cool. Oh, look. It's you! Po, focus! "Message from the universe." I'll give you a message from the universe. Stay away from my son! Sorry, Dad. I'll clean up later. Whoa, whoa, whoa! Not my good pan! Take this one. Lotus! Watch out! Dad, check out my Dumplings of Doom. Gotcha. I see you. Your chi will soon be mine. -Is he talking to me? -Which one? They're all talking. Whoa, you're right. That's so scary. We should try that, too. Maybe it'd be scary back at them. Okay, but we gotta plan what we're gonna say first. Otherwise, it won't be scary. It'll just be stupid. It's not them talking, you idiots! It's me talking through them. Kai! Who? Okay, okay, okay. Enough. -Did you see that? -What just happened? The green smoke, just poof! And then poof! Shifu, what was that? Kai... Kai... Kai... Nope, never heard of him. Kai... Kai... Where is it? There's so much wisdom in here, I can't find anything. Yes! Behold. All the answers will be found within. What? It's blank? Are you kidding me? Not again. Wait, wait, hold on. Sorry. Oh, okay. Here we go. It is written in Oogway's hand. "Long ago, I had a brother..." Oogway had a brother? "in arms. In arms." Sorry. He says, "Brother-in-arms." Maybe you should just unroll it all at once? "I was an ambitious young warrior leading a great army." And fighting by my side was Kai... my closest friend. One day, we were ambushed. I was badly wounded. My friend carried me for days, looking for help... until we came to a secret village... high in the mountains. An ancient place of healing. A village of pandas. Pandas? Yes, pandas. Pandas who used the power of chi to heal me. They taught me how to give chi. But Kai wanted the power all to himself. He saw that what could be given could also be taken. I had to stop him. Our battle shook the earth... until, finally... I banished Kai to the Spirit Realm. Should he ever return to the mortal realm... he can only be stopped by a true master of chi. "True master of chi"? Like you! Me? I can barely make a flower bloom. I need at least 30 more years, and a cave. We need a chi master. He will continue stealing the chi of masters until he has consumed it all. We have to think of a way to stop him! He'll get more and more powerful with every master he defeats. There is no choice. We fight. I can teach you, son. You can do this? Of course. I'm a panda. That must be why the universe sent you here! Okay, so what do I have to do? You have to come home with me. What? To the secret village? Yes, son. You must rediscover what it is to be a panda. You have to learn to live like a panda, sleep like a panda... eat like a panda. Those 103 dumplings? I was just warming up. I've always felt like I wasn't eating up to my full potential. No, you can't take Po away from me. No, no. I want a second opinion. Shifu, open another scroll or something. I think he should go. Fine, a third opinion. Monkey? Viper? Tigress? Dad, you heard what Shifu said Oogway said. This guy can only be stopped by a master of chi. And I can only master chi by knowing who I really am. Well, I'm a panda. I'll pack you a lunch for the road. Do you really think Po can master chi in time? Doesn't matter what I think. It only matters what the universe thinks. So, that's a "no"? Master, what are we going to do? You are going to find out where Kai is. Follow the trail of those jade creatures. But do not engage... for with every foe he faces, Kai becomes stronger. Why me? Is it because I asked? No. It is because you can fly. Go! Should have kept your beak shut. And take Mantis. Oh, man. Is it because I...? Yes. Lunch break. You don't need to ask me twice. Dad? Yes? Dad? Yes? What are you doing here? What am I doing? Getting a backache. Did you have to step on every rock? No, I mean, why are you here? What was I supposed to do? What if the pandas don't have food you like? You're never gonna be able to save the world on an empty stomach. I consider my presence mission critical. Yes, about that... We can't share the location of the village with others. So... Well, you think I can't keep a secret? I raised Po for 20 years before I finally told him he was adopted. Seriously? Yeah. Okay. I guess it would be cruel to make you fly back. You can fly? I'm a bird, Po. We're here. Sure looks like a long ways up there. And my son hates stairs. So, let's go home. We're pandas. We don't do stairs. I've waited my whole life to hear those words. Rats. Whoa... This is the secret panda village? No wonder you keep it a secret. If I lived here, I wouldn't tell anyone either. Now you can "Whoa." Whoa! -Let's go! -Over here! Come on! Look over there! -My turn! My turn! -Come on, faster, faster! Li? Everyone! Li's back! -They're both back! -He found his son! -He made it! -They're back! -Li? -He found his son! Everyone! Li's back! Hang on, we're coming! He made it! -They made it! -Why are we running? -Here we come! -He's back! They made it! Li Shan is back! Hi! Everyone! Everyone, gather around! This is my son! -Hello, hi. -He's here! -You're here! -Triplets! Hi, I'm Ku Ku! -I'm Meng Meng. -I'm Shuai Shuai. -Your fur is soft. -He smells like cookies. He's so handsome, just like his father. Thank you. Son, these are your cousins. Dim and Sum. I have cousins! -Welcome! -Welcome! Buns on a string. We call it a snacklace. That's right. We'll make you another one. It's you! So... That's nice. Yeah, hi! I don't know who you are. Stripy Baby. So beautiful. Okay, careful with that. That's my action figure. -Can I keep her? -No... problem. Of course. Yeah. That's why I brought her. Take good care of her. Yes! Stripy Baby. You look just like me, but a baby. You're like me, but old. You're like me, but fatter! You're like me, but... with a hat. He does wear a hat! You all look like me. Let's feast in my son's honor. What the...? Pandas don't walk. We roll! Have you ever seen anyone look so ridiculous? Po, what are you doing? Po! You're right, that is better than walking. -Yeah, that's the good stuff. -Have some dumplings. What kind of panda doesn't know how to roll? Well, I'm kind of new at this whole "being a panda" thing. What kind of panda are you? You have a funny neck. I'm not a panda at all. -What's that? -My hat. -What's that? -My beak. -What's that? -My wing. -What's that? -My dumplings. No more questions! Go away, kid. Here, son. I packed your chopsticks. -Thanks, Dad. -Wow. Oh, my. What? What are those for? These? These are chopsticks. They're for picking up dumplings. You mean you only eat one at a time? -Yummy -Yeah, yummy. I knew I wasn't eating up to my potential! I am Mei Mei. Wow, she's amazing. She's so beautiful. That's sweet, Po. But please, try to save all other compliments until after the performance. Me? No, I didn't say... Shut it. After the performance. Has it started yet? Best ribbon dancer in the world! At least, that's what she said. Look away. Look away. No. You can't, can you? Dad, why does she keep staring at me like... that! Try to keep up. I don't really know how to dance! Of course you do. All pandas dance. -I know what you were thinking. -You do? "How can one panda be so beautiful?" For me? Po. -Help me, Dads. -Yeah, no, you're on your own. You're doing great, son. Your turn. Yay, Po! Don't worry. You'll get the hang of it. I have so much to learn. Wings of Surveillance! -Why do you do that? -Do what? Just because you say "Wings of" before something... it doesn't mean that you're doing a special move. It's like me saying "Antenna of Power" or "Thorax of Making Sandwiches." Wings of Disagreement. Whoa! There. Master Bear, Master Chicken, Master Croc! What are you doing out here? Jade creatures attacked our villages. We've tracked them here. Stop! They must be in there. Master Shifu strongly advised us... not to engage. -We've gotta get in there. -But Master Shifu said... You're seriously afraid? Even Master Chicken's going in there! And he's a chicken. -That's it. I'm going in. -Mantis! We have orders not to... They need our help! -Come on. I'll go high, you go low. -No, wait. Fear the bug! All right, you little... Hold on, buddy. I'm coming! Antenna of Power! It didn't work! Mantis! Mantis? Mantis. Your chi is strong. Just like your friend... the bug. Mantis. Don't worry, little birdie. I'll put your chi to good use... destroying the Jade Palace and everyone in it. No! Wings of Regret! Oh, yeah. First day of panda training! All right, flower. I'm gonna make you bloom. Dad. Dad. What? What? What is it? -I'm ready for my first day of panda training. -What? You know, learn to be a panda, master chi, save the world! Pandas sleep till past noon. So lesson number one is, "Go back to bed." Of course! Nobody said this was gonna be easy. Did I oversleep? You sure did. Yes! Yeah! Show him, kids! Can you do this? Can you do that? How about this? How about that? Am I doing it? Is this good? Whoa! I got it! Ka-blam! -Grandma Panda, heads up! -Hello! We better roll. Po, lunch time. Po? You gotta let the hill tell you where to roll. Rookie mistake. Dim, Sum, let's show him how we go uphill! It's beautiful. Snack time. Po! You can fly? I'm coming in hot! Get them while they're cold. What are you doing there? That food is for Po! Throw it in! There, there. That's it. Feeling relaxed? Totally. Just let yourself fall into it. Got it. I'm fine. I just... There we go. Just let it all out. That's my boy. Get out of there! My noodles! Leave my noodles alone. Subtle, Po. Very subtle. Let me get some of that. Hey, leave my hat alone! We love noodles! More noodles! Just like my Po. What are you guys looking at? That's how we roll! Cannonball! Yeah! Here, bring it up here. Mom, look it! How was that? Whoa! Now, you try again. But don't try so hard. Okay. Okay. Much better. Thanks, Dad. For what? You know, just for, you know, showing me what it feels like... to be a panda. -So, when do you think I'll be ready? -Ready? You know, to learn how to master chi. Soon. Real soon. Come on, I wanna show you something else. Come on. Sorry about the mess. I don't usually get visitors. Is this my mom? I had this done on your 100th day. Your momma couldn't hold you still. You nearly ate the paper. It's true. What was she like? She was the total package. Smart, beautiful... tremendous appetite. She was the love of my life. And then, just when I thought I couldn't get any luckier... along you came. My Little Lotus. I really had it all... until that one moment... when I lost everything. Dad. You don't have to worry about losing me ever again. Okay? Let me get some of that. It's from the Eastern Province! Master Lizard, Master Ox, Master Eagle. All of them. In every village from the sea to here... every master in China... has vanished. Maybe they are all at a party. Monkey. I didn't get invited either. Kai has taken their chi. We are all that stand between him... and the knowledge Oogway left in our care. The villagers, evacuated? Done, Master. -Crane, Mantis? -Still nothing. Wait. It's them! No! Kai. Nice. Very tacky. How dare you set foot on these grounds! Look at you pathetic fools. Groveling at the feet of Oogway the Magnificent. You are not fit to speak his name. I am not fit, little kitten? I fought by his side. I loved him like a brother. And he betrayed me. Now I will destroy everything he has created! Go! How's that for a little kitten? I will not let you destroy Oogway's memory. Why not? He destroyed mine. Mantis. It is me, your bestie! Sorry, Tigress! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Shifu. Bring them to me. No. You must warn Po. Master, please. I will show you the true power of chi, brother. No. Oogway, forgive me. What do you say, Oogway? Do you forgive him? You may have destroyed the Jade Palace... but you will never succeed. There will always be someone to stop you. Who? The panda? His chi is strong... but it won't be enough. He will meet the same fate as you. No. And so will every panda in that village. Yes. Po, I hope you're ready. Dance, Lotus. Dance. He's so handsome. Hi! That's a panda hug! Hey. Po. Tigress? Who's she? Who is that? Big Stripy Baby! What are you doing here? Kai attacked the Valley. He's taken every master in China, including Shifu and the others. It's all gone, Po. Everything. Everyone. Everyone? Everyone. How's my restaurant? We'll talk later. And now he's on his way here. He's after you, Po. He's after all pandas. How long do we have? Not long. Please, tell me you've mastered chi. -Here, take the baby. -Dad! Dad! Okay, who belongs to this one? You need to teach me the secret chi technique now! No, no, I'm afraid you need more time. Everyone, go get your things! Let me help you with that. I don't have more time. I need to learn it now! Sorry, you're not ready. Okay, pack everything! -I am ready. -Not quite. What are you talking about? I've done everything you've asked. I've mastered napping, sleeping in, hammocks, hot tubs. I am totally at one with my panda parts. Now why won't you show me? Because I don't know it! You what? I don't know it, okay? No one does. Maybe we used to. But not anymore. You lied? No, I... Yes. Why? To save your life! I find out some blade-swinging maniac is coming for you. What am I supposed to do? Just let that happen? Yes! I'm the Dragon Warrior. Facing maniacs, that's my job! But because of you, I left the Valley unprotected. I left my friends unprotected! And now they're all... They're all... And you would have been, too. I lost you once. I am not going to lose you again. I can't. You just did. Mom! Pick me! Po, I'm so worried for you... that I can't even enjoy being right about everything. Now run, run, run, as fast as those chubby legs can go! Run? There's nowhere to run. But what are you going to do? I'm gonna stay, and fight that monster. Po, he may be a monster, but he's still your father. Not him. Kai! No! Hungry? No, I... Not really. Well, maybe just one. You know, you weren't the only one who was lying. Oh? I didn't really come along because I was worried Po would go hungry. I was worried about you. Worried that I'd go hungry? No. I was worried you'd steal Po from me. I'd what? I know. That was crazy. But I realize having you in Po's life doesn't mean less for me. It means more for Po. Well, I'm not in his life. Not anymore. Your son got mad at you. Welcome to parenthood. You don't understand. I lied to him. He'll never forgive me. I lied to him for 20 years. He still thinks he came from an egg. Sometimes, we do the wrong things for the right reasons. Look. He's hurt. He's confused. And he still has to save the world. He needs both his dads. This isn't going to work. It has to. You're not thinking straight. -I am! -You're not. -I am! -No. -Yes, I am. -No. I've seen Kai. I've seen what he can do. But he hasn't seen what I can do. The Wuxi Finger Hold? It's my best move. I just have to get to Kai, grab his finger and then skadoosh! Back to the Spirit Realm. He has an army of jade warriors. Everything they see, he sees. So there's no sneaking up on him. You will never get close enough. It's gonna work! He can only be stopped by a master of chi. You sound just like Shifu with the, "Chi, chi, chi." "Chi this. Chi that." "Chi, chi, chi!" I'm not a master of chi, okay? I don't know if I'm the Dragon Warrior. I don't even know if I'm a panda! I don't know who I am! You're right. There's no way I can stop him and his army. Unless you had an army of your own. You? Not just me. Us. All of us. I finally found my son, after all these years. It's going to take a lot more than the end of the world... to keep us apart. But you don't even know kung fu. Then you will teach us. What? I can't teach you kung fu. I couldn't even teach Tigress. And she already knows kung fu! Po, I know I'm the last guy you wanna trust right now. But you gotta believe me. We can do this. We can learn kung fu. We can be just like you! What did you just say? -"We can do this"? -No! -"We can learn kung fu"? -After that! "We can be just like you"? -Yes! -We can? No! You can't! But you don't have to be! That's what Shifu meant. I don't have to turn you into me. I have to turn you into you! That doesn't make any sense. I know! Thanks, Dads. -You're welcome? -You're welcome? I'm gonna do something I never thought I'd be able to do. I'm gonna teach kung fu. You guys, your real strength comes from being the best "you" you can be. So who are you? What are you good at? What do you love? What makes you, "you"? Yes, good. Good. Again. Good. Again. Good, good, good. Again. Stripy Baby! Stripy Baby! Faster, faster! Twirl those ribbons! Hug that log, you! Hug that log like it's the last time you're ever gonna hug it goodbye forever. Higher! And a little more to the left this time. You can do it! I don't wanna see any of these hit the ground! Wait, wait, Stripy Baby! Good! Try it with this. Now try it with these! Good! Now try it with these. They are ready. What? Okay, pay attention because I'm only gonna go over this ten more times. The only entrance to the village is here. The dumpling squadron will take position here... while the cookie squadron will take position here. Now, on my signal, the two squadrons will... Right, okay. The noodle squadron will... Okay. Anyway, the important thing to remember is that this is the spot where... Okay, I saw that coming. If you only remember one thing, it's distract the jombies... until I get close enough to put a Wuxi Finger Hold on Kai. -You got it? -Yeah! Pandas on three! One, two three, Pan-...! You guys... Never mind, I'll teach you that later. I wish I could have taught you this, son. It's okay, Dad. I'm... He's here. Wow! That's what I call a Dramatic Entrance! You must be the Dragon Warrior. And you must be Kai! Beast of Vengeance, Maker of Widows! Yes! Finally! Thank you! Almost makes me wanna spare your life. Oh, you wanna spare me? How about you spare me the chit-chat? All right? Let's do this. I'm going to take your chi... then the chi of every panda in the... Chit-chat! -In this... -Chitty-chitty chat-chat. -In... -Chat, chat, chat. -In the... -Chit-chat! You pudgy little... Round them all up. Oh, no. It's true. You guys have all been turned green! Except for you, Mantis. You were already green. -Now? -Wait for the signal. Here we go! Dumpling Squad! -Ready? -Go time! -Belly! -Gong! Seriously? -Yeah! -We did it! Sorry, Crane. Spring Roll Squad! Time for some takeout! Over here, Mr. Jombie! I don't know who you are, either. Noodle Squad! Get ready to dance... with danger! Sweet! Stripy Baby! Oh, no. -Do it. -You're mean! Fire! Fire in the hole! Yes! All right, kids! You got it, guys! Oh, no! Master Shifu! I can't hit Shifu! I can! And so can I. Double-Dad Defense! -Left, Dad! -Right, Dad! Thanks, Dad! Back at you, Dad. We've got this, son! Go, Dads! Yeah! Yeah! We got them now. Stop. Stop! Enough! Get out... Let's finish this. That's our boy! Sorry, buddy. Gotta send you back to the Spirit Realm. Skadoosh! Okay, that didn't work. Let me try one more time. Skadoosh! Skadoosh. Skadoosh. Skadoo... What the...? Hold on, wait! It's working. No. No! No, it's not. Did Oogway teach you that little trick? Too bad. It only works on mortals. And I am a Spirit Warrior. Come! Son! Po! I was wrong. I'm sorry. Run. Run! So, Oogway... this was the one destined to stop me? I will have his chi... and then all of theirs! And you... You really thought you could send me back to the Spirit Realm? You are just a stupid mortal. It only works on mortals. You're right. I can't send you there. But I can take you there. What's that? What? -Po! -Son! Skadoosh. -Son! -Son! No! What happened? Where's Po? He took Kai away. He saved us. No. He saved us, but who's saving him? Whoa! The Spirit Realm. It worked! Get off me, you... You brought me back? Don't blame me. I tried to finish this in the regular realm. Then we'll finish it here! Come on, son. Fight! We have to help him. We have to help him! Okay. Everyone gather around. That's it. Come in close. Come on. We can do this. Po... You taught us who we were meant to be. A father. A friend. A dumpling kicker. A lethal fighting machine. A hugger. A nunchuck chick. Stripy Baby. A family. Sweet! Whoa. Who are you? I've been asking the same question. Am I the son of a panda? The son of a goose? A student? A teacher? Turns out... I'm all of them. I am the Dragon Warrior. Get it? See the giant dragon? Get ready to feel the thunder. This is awesome! Uh-oh. Belly Gong. Butt Slap. Perhaps a bit of lunch. Because I'm starving. Let's do this! Heads up! It took me 500 years to take Oogway's chi. I will have yours if it takes me 500 more. Chitty-chitty chat-chat. Chit-chat. You want my chi so bad... then take it. Yes. The power is mine. Wait. No. It's too much. That's too much! No! Where did he go? We're back! Bestie! I'm still green! It didn't work! Oh, wait. That's my normal green. Greeny Baby! Not a baby. Not a baby! Antenna of Fear! What about Po? Have you seen Po? No. He's not here? Po? Po? Why isn't he back? Dragon Warrior. Oogway? I can't believe it. Whoa! You are extra shiny. As are you. I know, right? It's like the best cape ever. When I run with it, then it looks really cool. It suits you. You've grown. Yep. I gotta lay off the panda buffet. Grown up... as I hoped you would when I sent the message to your father. You sent the universe mail. Whoa! Yes. Because the universe needed you. Me? You finally became the panda you were always meant to be. But, how'd you know I could? On the first day we met... I saw the future of kung fu. And the past. I saw the panda who could unite them both. That is why I chose you, Po. Both sides of a Yin and Yang. And my true successor. Me? I can't take that. Just take it. I have a bigger one. I mean, you're enlightened and everything. I'm just... Really? Yes. Now what do we do? You tell me. No. Oogway, don't go! I'm not going anywhere. I live here. Oh, right. It's you who must decide whether to stay or go. Wait. I can go back? Who knows? I've never tried. Wow! Po! You can fly! Dad. Dad. Dads! -Son! -Son! Don't you go disappearing in petals ever again. We thought we lost you. No, you saved me. You all did. Now, come on over here! Hugs! Master Shifu! The student has truly become the tea-... Wait. Where did you get that? Oh, this. Oogway gave it to me in the Spirit Realm. Of course he did. I think I mastered chi. Oh, of course you did. Can you teach me? Ready! Whoa! Monkey, help me! Greeny Baby! Get 'em off me! Hello. Skadoosh. Panda asthma. There was a time above... A time before... There were perfect things. Diamond absolutes. But things fall... Things on Earth, and what falls... - ... is fallen. - Master Wayne. Bruce! Bruce, are you alright. Martha... In the dream they took me to the light. A beautiful lie. METROPOLIS METROPOLIS HUMANITY KNOWS SUPERMAN - Jack. - Bruce. Jack, listen to me. I want you to get everyone out of the building. Right now. You understand? Let's go. Come on, start moving now, people. Let's go. The boss wants us out of the building. So, let's make it happen. Jack. Jack! We're sorry. All services are busy now. Will you please try you call again later. Heaven god. Creator of heaven and earth. Have mercy on my soul. JACK ! Mr. Wayne! Mr. Wayne! I can't feel my legs. - I can't feel my legs. - We need help over here! Help me. I can't feel my legs. You're going to be okay, you hear me? Wallace. What do they call you, Wally? Huh? You're the boss, Boss. Alright. - You're going to be okay. - Easy, easy. Come on. Oh my god. I can't feel my legs. I can't... I can't feel my legs. It's okay. You're going to be okay. You're okay, alright. Huh. Okay, you know what? We're going to find your mom. Where is she? 18 MONTHS LATER NAIROBI, AFRICA Are you a terrorist, general? They did not tell me the interview was with a lady. I'm not a lady, I'm a journalist. What I am, is a man with nothing, except a love of my people. Uh, don't open... You just exposed... Who's paying for these security contractors, general? Who pays for the drones that passed over our heads at night? One question begs another. Yes? CIA. They're tracking us. No! Not her. We just used her credentials as cover. She doesn't know anything. It's okay, Lois. I... I didn't know. Ignorance is not the same... as innocence. Miss Lane. Get up! Stand up! Move out! Take 1 step, you will see the inside of her head. The women in the village heard a noise. Like the sky crack open. He came down, so many dead. Even worse came after. The government attacked. No mercy in the villages. My parents tried to run... The world has been so caught up with what Superman can do, that... no one has asked what he should do. Let the record show that this committee holds him responsible. He'll never answer to you. He answers to no one. Not even I think, to god. - Hey. - Hey. I was going to cook. Surprise you. They held hearings about what happened. - They're saying that... - I don't care. I don't care what they're saying. The woman I love could have been blown up or shot - Think of what could have happened. - Well, think about what did happen. I didn't kill those men if that's what they think. If that's what you're saying? I'm saying I want to understand what happened. I'm saying, thank you for saving my life. I'm saying there's a cost. I just don't know if it's possible. Don't know what's possible? For you to love me and be you. Clark, you're going to flood the apartment. Mmm-hmm. There has been a report of screaming at location 1939 Harbor Way Possible shots fired. Go. It saved us. A devil. It's okay. It's okay. We're-We're going to help. It saved us. Okay, we're going to get you out of here. Okay? It's still here. I - I don't understand. AH! Christ! I saw him. I never saw him before. I didn't know... You almost took my face off. How about you don't shoot the good guys, huh? Oh. Jesus Christ. He branded him. Still working. You're getting slow in your old age, Alfred. It comes to us all, master Wayne. Even you got too old to die young, and not for lack of trying. Funnel, fairy, bubblebath. Funnel, fairy, bubblebath. There's nothing wrong with the microphone. It's this new layer or armor. I'll just have to rewire. So... last night was productive? Nope. He's too low level, he knew nothing. This, is a man who knows things. Anatoli Knyazev. He's Russian. Contracts all over the globe but he's base out of the port of Gotham. Weapons and human trafficking. So, the "White Portuguese" is a Russian, that's the theory. No. The theory is that the Russian lead me to the man himself. If he is indeed a him. You don't know if he exist. He could be a phantasm. One that wants to bring a dirty bomb into Gotham? Ah, high state front. New rules. Gotham Free Press BAT BRAND OF JUSTICE! We're criminals, Alfred. We've always been criminals, nothing's change. Oh. Yes it has, sir. Everything's change. Men fall from the sky. and gods hurl thunderbolts. Innocents die. That's how it starts. The fever, the rage, the feeling of... powerlessness that turns good men... cruel. Justice turn dark across the harbor when police found an alleged sex trafficker apparently tortured and branded by the Gotham bat. The man is the second criminal found baring the bat brand. The first victim, an accused child predator later was assaulted in prison and remains in critical care from his injuries. One source tells Metropolis, that many believed the mark of the Bat brand in prison essentially is a death sentence. In other news, the mayor has announced that Metroplis... Frank, your D! (Defense) Woo. Ah! A hoi hoi. I didn't know you were here. - Man on the marquee. - Stop, don't believe it. My father named the company after himself. He was the Lex in front of the Corp. - Hi, how are you doing? - Oh, really great. Really great? Good. Good. Uh. Follow me. You know, Dad was born in east Germany. he grew up eating uh... stale crackers. And every other Saturday, he had to march in a parade and waved flowers at tyrants. So, I think it was providence that his son, me, would end up with this. One of my rebuild Metropolis crews found it. A little souvenir from the Kryptonian World Engine. What's a rock have to do with Homeland Security. Homeland Security? Mmm. No, no, no... ma'am. Planetary Security. The fragment is of a radio active Xeno mineral We suspected it might have bio interactions, so, we took the sample to AMRIID. Where they keep the remains of the Kryptonian decedent. And, when we exposed general Zod to the mineral, this happened. Profound biodegradation, decaying Kryptonian cells. We concluded the mineral could be weaponized, if a large enough sample was found. And then, among the fishes, a whale! Lying at the bottom of the Indian Ocean Emerald City. Beautiful. Now, Rocky is radio active, but, what he needs from you is an import license. And why would we want to weaponize this material? As a deterrent. A silver bullet to keep in reserve to use against the Kryptonians. So, the day doesn't come, Madame. when your children are waving daisies at a reviewing stand. Last I looked, the only one of those flying around up here was Superman. Ha. Yes, Superman. Yeah, but, there are... there are more of them. - The meta-human thesis. - Yes, the meta-human thesis. More likely than not. These exceptional beings live among us. The bases of our myths. Gods among men upon our... our little blue planet here. You don't have to use the silver bullet, but, if you forge one... Well, then... We don't have to depend upon the kindness of monsters. Daily ? Planet - SUPERMAN PREVENTS MISSILE STRIKE! - HEROIC SUPERMAN RESCUE BRUCE WAYNE RESCUES EMPLOYEE Sir. Get down. Sir, I said, get down, now! Can we get some backup here? Hey. Hey. Don't do it! HEY! Lois. Crime Lab, on 3. This is Lane. Kent, you're sports today. I want you to follow up on the football. Underdog dreams dashed 10 yards between Gotham and glory. Hey. Are you guys watching this? Emergency responders quickly created a precautionary perimeter around Heroes Park while they brought the man down from this beloved monument. The suspect has been identified as Wallace Vernon Keefe. I work for Bruce Wayne! I work for Bruce Wayne! There'll be arraign on charges of vandalism, resisting arrest FALSE GOD - and a felony charge of making terrorist threats that carries up to 40 years in prison. Poor son of a bitch. - Jenny. - Mm? Headline. "End of love affair with man in the sky?" Okay. There're ways we can help each other. Ah. Could you step into my office here? Yes! What's your wish list? Uh. Access to the wreck of the crashed Kryptonian ship. Done. The complete remains of the dead alien for testing. You want Zod's body? Okay. It's cherry. - Show him what you got! - Dude, let's go! *Make sure to hit his left. Come on. Throw a punch, will you? Let's go! Come on! Thank you. The house treats luck like an insult. Good luck for one has always gives others misfortune. But, eventually, all accounts will be settled. 3 nights with a Bolshoi ballerina, the line was all she tell me. Not all I'm sure. Good evening. DEVICE CLONING SUCCESSFUL It's like a 1 man reign of terror. This bat vigilante has been consistently targeting the port and the adjacent projects and tenements. And as far as I can tell the cops are actually helping him. Crime wave in Gotham. Other breaking news. Water, wet. - Did you file the football yet? - Why aren't we covering this? Poor people don't buy papers? People don't buy papers, period, Kent. Perry, when you assign a story, you're making a choice about who matters... - ... and who's worth it. - Good morning, Smallville The America conscious died with Robert, Martin and John. Sorry. Sorry. No match. My guys in the crime lab, never seen one before. It's called a bullet. You shoot people with it. Recovered from the scene of the fire fight in the desert. Not sold anywhere commercially in the world, even black market. So? So, who gave prototype military rounds to tribe fighters in the Sahara. The ass, Lois. Flight to DC tonight, a couple of days there. Go. Coach. No extra leg room. Economy plus. Coach! Senator. My dad always said that, Kentucky mash was the secret to health. This was his room. I left it just the way it was. It's silly. The magical thinking of orphan boys. I'm blocking the import license for your mineral. The Red Capes are coming! The Red Capes are coming! You and your hearings... galloping through the streets to warn us. One, if by land. Two, if by air. Do you know the oldest lie in America, Senator? - Can I call you June? - You can call me whatever you like. Take a bucket of piss and call it Granny's peach tea. Take a weapon of assassination and call it deterrence. You won't fool a fly on me. I'm not going to drink it. Hey, you don't think Dad would mind, do you? If I change just just one thing in this room. Because, that should be upside down. Now, we know better now, don't we? The devils don't come from hell beneath us. No. No, they come from the sky. MARTHA WAYNE 1946 - 1981 Wrong room, miss. Secretary Swanwick, you haven't been returning my phone calls. Miss Lane, if you like an interview, Major Farris is just outside that door. You're treating me like a stranger? I'm treating you like a reporter. Alright. Is the US providing experimental military arms to rebels in Africa? You know with balls like yours. You belong in here. Who's your source on this? A tin foil hat? No, not tin, but it's metal. Fired in the Superman incident. Experts at the Pentagon can't ID it. - We haven't been told the truth. - Here's the truth. A reporter got greedy for a scoop and went where she shouldn't have. Superman acted like some... rogue combatant to rescue her and people died. Don't invent a conspiracy theory to put back his halo. Or yours. - Major. - Sir. Oh. I hope the next generation of Waynes won't inherit an empty wine cellar. Don't think there's a likely to be a next generation. Thank you, sir. This is every call made from the Russian's phone. Two mentions of business with the "White Portuguese" and it's continuing transmitting black out data to the personal residence of Alexandra Luthor. You think Lex Luthor is the "White Portuguese"? I can't see that he needs the income from imported arms. Regardless, I'll need to put a 'leech' in his house, and I'm going to need the suit. The Bat interrogated 6 people and came away with nothing. It was Bruce Wayne that got the information. Well, Bruce Wayne can't break into Lex Luthor's house. Bruce Wayne won't have to. He's been invited. HA HA HA Joke's on you BATMAN - That's him right there! - There he is! Get a shot! - Bruce, over here! - Bruce, Bruce. - Wayne, have a shot. - Mr. Wayne! - Right here, one second. - This way, Mr. Wayne! Who's that? You must be new to the let them eat cake beat. That is Bruce Wayne. Philanthropist. Bibliophile. True friend of the library of Metropolis. Mr. Lex Luthor. Nikki. You're embarrassing me. Speech. Speech. Uh, blah blah blah. Open bar. The word Philanthropist, comes from the Greek. Meaning a lover of humanity It was coined about, 2,500 years ago... Alright, where am I going, Alfred? Approach the elevator, to your left. That where it must be. It's in the service corridor in the basement. Go down the stairs. Prometheus went with us, and he ruined Zeus' plan to destroy man kind and for that, he was given a thunderbolt. Chooo! Hm. That seems unfair. On the serious note, the library of Metropolis... Down the stairs. It's the only way in, down the stairs. But, at one time, Dad could not either. No, my father could not afford the books, so... He had to root through the garbage for yesterday's newspaper. Now you got the kitchens on your right. To the left. Right in front of you, that's where you want to be. May I help you, Mr. Wayne? Uh, I just... thought the bathroom was down here. I must have... That last Martini was a... too too many, I think. - Men's room is upstairs. - Great, I'm okay. I like those shoes. I can't stay down here, Alfred. Go upstairs and socialize. Some young lady from Metropolis will make you honest. In your dreams, Alfred. Books are knowledge, and knowledge is puff worth. And I am... Heh heh heh, no. I, umm. No, what am I? Alright, what am I suppose to say? No. The bitter sweet pain among man is having knowledge with no power. Because... Because that is paradoxical, and umm... Thank you for coming. Please, drink, it's free. Mr. Wayne. Mr. Wayne. Clark Kent, Daily Planet. Oh, my foundation has already issued a statement in support of the... cause. I'm sorry? Wow. Pretty girl. Bad habit. Don't quote me, alright? What's your position on the bat vigilante in Gotham? Daily Planet. Wait, do I own this one? Or was that the other guy? Civil liberties has been trampled on in your city. Good people living in fear. Don't believe everything you hear, son. I've seen it, Mr. Wayne. He thinks he's above the law. The Daily Planet criticizing those who think they're above the laws. A little hypocritical, wouldn't you say? Considering every time your hero saves a cat out of a tree, you write a puff piece editorial, about an alien who... if he wanted to, could burn the whole place down. There wouldn't be a damn thing we can do to stop him. Most of the world doesn't share your opinion, Mr. Wayne. Maybe it's the... Gotham City and me, we just have a bad history with freaks dressed like clowns. Boys! Mm, Bruce Wayne meets Clark Kent. Ah, I love it! I love bringing people together! - How are we? - Lex. Hello, good. Hi, hello. Lex. It is a pleasure... Ow! Wow, that is a good grip! You should, not pick a fight with this person. So, after all these years, we've finally got you over to Metropolis. - Well, I thought I come drink you dry. - Well, you're welcome. You should hop the hub more often though, I love to show you my labs. Maybe we could, be partner on something. My RD is up to all sorts of no good. TRANSFER COMPLETE - That's 7 minutes. Look likes the transfer's complete. - Mr. Luthor. - Yes. - The governor. - Governor. - Excuse me. - Next time. - Governor, hi. - Lex, it's good to see you. "... a deadly factory fire has interrupted the Day of the Dead celebration in Juarez." Excuse me. "I can't believe they're going to let that poor girl die." We, as a population on this planet, have been looking for a savior. 90% of people believe in a higher power. And every religion believes in some sort messianic figure. And when this savior character actually comes to Earth, we want to make him abide by our rules? We have to understand that this is a paradigm shift. We have to start thinking beyond politics. Are there any moral constraints on this person? We have international law. On this Earth, every act is a political act. Is it really surprising, that the most powerful man in the world should be a figure of controversy? To have an individual engaging in the state level interventions should give us all pause. Human beings have a horrible track record of following people with great power, down paths that lead to huge human monstrosities. We have always created icons in our own image. What we've done is we project ourselves on to him. The fact is, maybe he's not some sort of devil or Jesus character. Maybe he'€™s just a guy trying to do the right thing. We'€™re talking about a being whose very existence challenges our own sense of priority in the universe. If you go back to Copernicus, where he restored the sun and the center of the known universe, displacing Earth. And you get to Darwinian evolution and you find out, we're not special on this Earth we're just one among other life forms. And now we learned, that we're not even special in the entire universe because there is Superman. There he is, an alien, among us. We're not alone. Are you, as a United State Senator, personally comfortable saying to a grieving parent, "Superman could've saved your child, but on principle we did not want him to act." I'm not saying he shouldn't act. I'm saying he shouldn't act unilaterally. What are we talking about here then? Must there be a Superman? There is. Keefe, you made bail. Open Two. Who paid? Who the hell are you? - Just a man. - Yeah? Well, what do you want? To help you stand for something. Your 3 o'clock's here. He made me half a man. Let me face him. So, I logged into your drop box to find a copy. There's a copy, alright. But, nothing about football. Nothing about... Friends of the Metropolis Library, just... The god damn Gotham bat thing, I told you not to pursue. The police won't help, the press has to do the right thing. You don't get to decide what the right thing is. When the Planet was founded, it stood for something, Perry. So could you, if it was 1938, but it's not 1938. WPA aren't hiring no more. Apples don't cost a nickel. Not in here. Not out there. You drop this thing. Nobody cares about Clark Kent taking on the Batman. It's the sword of Alexander. It's the blade that cut the Gordian Knot. - It's a triumph. - Yes. - Enjoy. - Thank you. It's a fake. The real was sold in '98 on the black market. - Now it hangs... - Over the bed of the Sultan of Hajar. Excuse me. Excuse me, Miss. The other night, you took something that doesn't belong to you. Stealing's not polite. Is it stealing if you steal from another thief? Who are you? Someone interested in the same man you are. Is that right? I believe Mr. Luthor has a photo that belongs to me. Did you get it? As it happens, no, I didn't. The data you copied is military grade encryption. You know. I bet with that dress 9 out of 10 men would let you get away with anything. But, you're the 10th. Mmm. I guess I am the first, to see through that babe in the woods act. You don't know me, but, I've known a few women like you. Oh, I don't think you've ever known a woman like me. You know, it's true what they say about little boys: born with no natural inclination to share. I didn't steal your drive. I borrowed it. You'll find it in the glove compartment of your car. Mr. Wayne. [ INITIATING DECRYPTION ] DECRYPTING [01%] DECRYPTING [02%] Did you get it? The rock? Yeah, we got it. LEXCORP I'm sorry. Get down! Get down! Now! NOOOOO! She was my world. And you took her from me. GGAAHHHHH! Bruce! Bruce! Listen to me now! It's Lois! It's Lois Lane! She's the key! Am I too soon? DAMN! I'm too soon! You're right about him! You've always been right about him! Fear him! Fear him! Find us, Bruce! You have to find us... find us...! DECRYPTING [100%] [ DECRYPTION COMPLETE ] BAT BRAND OF JUSTICE! HUMAN TRAFFICKER GETS THE MARK OF BATMAN LEX CORP WHITE PORTUGUESE JUDGE Jury EXECUTIONER JUSTICE? WHITE PORTUGUESE harbored in WHITE PORTUGUESE The "WHITE PORTUGUESE" is not a man. It's a ship. Master Wayne. Since the age of 7, you have been to the art of deception as Mozart to the harpsichord. But you've never been too hot of lying to me. The WHITE PORTUGUESE isn't carrying a dirty bomb. What is it carrying? It's a weapon. It's a rock. A minerals, capable of weakening Kryptonian cells. The first sample big enough to mean something turned up in the Indian Ocean 3 months ago. It is now aboard the White Portuguese being delivered to Lex Luthor. Who I am going to steal it from. To keep it out of Luthor's hands. To destroy it. No. You're going to go to war? That son of a bitch brought the war to us, 2 years ago. Jesus, Alfred. Count the dead. Thousands of people. What's next? Millions? He has the power to wipe out the entire human race and If we believe there even a 1% chance that he is our enemy, we have to take it as an absolute certainty. And we have to destroy him. But, he is not our enemy. Not today. 20 years in Gotham, Alfred. We've seen what promises are worth. How many good guys are left. How many stay that way. Kent, I want to talk to you. Daily Planet Kent! Where does he go? Where does he go, Jenny? I don't-I don't know. Clicks his heels 3 times, goes back to Kansas I suppose. Son of a ... I don't have a halo over me, Mr. secretary. I went into the desert, people died. It keeps me awake. It should! If you think Superman is a murderer then throw it away. But, I don't believe you think that. WHITE PORTUGUESE LEXCORP Industries Move out! Go, go, go, go! Harpoon Noooo! Where is he? Next time they shine your light in the sky, don't go to it. The Bat is dead. Bury it. Consider this mercy. Tell me. Do you bleed? You will. SEARCHING FOR TRANSPONDER SIGNAL LEXCORP RESEARCH PARK How do we determine what's good? In a democracy, good is a conversation not a unilateral decision. So, I urge Superman, to come to this hearth of the people tomorrow . To see those who have suffered. The world needs to know what happened in that desert. And to know what he stands for. How far will he take his power. Does he act by our will, or by his own. People hate what they don't understand But they see what you do, and they know who you are. You're not a killer. A threat? I never wanted this world to have you. Be their hero, Clark. Be their monument. Be their angel. Be anything they need you to be. Or be none of it. You don't owe this world a thing. You never did. CIA thinks the desert was a setup. Somebody wanted Superman to look guilty. The bullet? The metal was developed by a private company. What company? LEXCORP. Lex Luthor? He also had private security contractors in the desert compound. Go on record. Not a chance. It's classified. I happen to like my job. It doesn't make sense. You said that the ambush was arranged to frame Superman, but how could they know that he'll show up in the in the middle of the desert. Thank you. Alright, come on through. The Senate hearing is expected to get under way in any minute now. Of course the big unknown in all of this is: Will Superman show up? That is what they're really waiting to see. Mr. Keefe. Mr. Keefe. Soledad O'Brien "In the Moment" Quick question for you. You're heading in to meet with the senators. What would you tell them? Um. I've come here to tell them to wake up. This is flesh and blood. He's delivered a war here. And this... This is what war looks like. I have nothing. There are plenty of people, sir, who would say he's their hero. He is not a hero! Grace can you get Greg up here please, right now. Senator! Hi, you. Don't go anywhere. I want to talk to you. You know what, Mercy? You go in and... make sure no one takes my seat. So, what'd you been up to? I'm just here to tell my story. That I was willing to finance a Kryptonian deterrent, but a certain junior Senator from Kentucky decided to block it. Yes, the Chair of the Committee on Superman is soft on security. Greg, why hasn't he been getting our checks? He is, Mr. Wayne. He gets a check from the victims fund every month. BRUCE WAYNE, OPEN YOUR EYES - He returns them. An employee of Wayne financial who lost both his legs in those horrific events in Metropolis that happened 2 years ago. Bruce, NO TRUCE - Jesus. - B WAYNE, I HAUNT YOU - BRUCE WAYNE = BLIND Why haven't I seen this? I'm sorry. I'll get to the bottom of it. And there he is. Superman is here. He's actually at the United States capitol. This is really a historic moment. Nor we expect that Superman would give some kind of a statement to the Senate to the American people, and of course to the world. He's here. He came. - He's above the Capitol. - Ow. You are going to be on the hot seat in there, June bun. I grew up on a farm. I know how to wrestle a pig. Do you know the oldest lie in America, Senator? It's that power can be innocent. Good luck. Freddy, good to go. - SUPERMAN=ILLEGAL ALIEN - THIS IS OUR WORLD, NOT YOURS! - EARTH BELONGS TO HUMANS - GOD HATES ALIENS GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT! Another one came this morning Mr. Wayne. Let me say at the outset that I am grateful to our witness for coming before us today. This is how a democracy works. We talk to each other. We act by the consent of the govern, sir, I have sat here before to say that shadow interventions will not tolerate by this Committee. Neither will lies. Because today is a day for truth. Because only by speaking... together, can we... can we... can we... can we create a free and a... GRANNY'S PEACH TEA Mr. Lex Luthor CEO - Lexcorp Oh, my God! WAYNE TOWER DEVASTATED YOU LET YOUR FAMILY DIE LEXCORP Capitol Police are confirming to CNN that the suspected bomber is Wallace Vernon Keefe Now these sources also say... Clarke, it's me again. Can you... gotten explosive device into the hearing by concealing them inside his wheelchair. As for Superman, he was in the room, but obviously failed to stop him. I didn't see it, Lo. Standing right there and I didn't see it. Clark, there are people behind this. I'm afraid I didn't see it because I wasn't looking. All this time. I've been living my life the way my father saw it. Mending wrongs for a ghost. Thinking I'm here to do good. Superman was never real. It's just a dream of a farmer from Kansas. That farmer's dream is all some people have. It's all that gives them hope. This means something. It did on my world. My world doesn't exist anymore. Wel.. Wel... come... Welcome. Analysis revealing ship operating at 37% efficiency. Would you, like to assume command? Yes, I would. Yes, I would. Very well. Let's begin. The Kryptonian archives contains knowledge from 100,000 different worlds. Good. Teach me. Lex Luthor META_HUMAN Subject: WW 2012_Central_IMPORT SURVEILLANCE_MBANK 22 JUNE 2015, CAMERA 01 Paris, France RECORDED DATA BELGIUM, NOVEMBER 1918 BELGIUM, NOVEMBER 1918 Alexander Luthor, your security override has been accepted. Genesis Chamber ready to analyze genetic sample. Acknowledging presence of genetic material. Analyzing. I've identified the host as General Zod of Kandor. Acknowledging presence of foreign genetic material. - Oh. - Analyzing. You flew too close to the sun. Now look at you. Advising. Action forbidden. It is been decreed by the Council of Krypton that none will ever again give life to a deformity so hateful to sighted memory. The desecration without name. And where is the Council of Krypton? Destroyed, sir. Then proceed. Very well. Preparing chrysalis and commencing metamorphosis. "And so, we are left to wonder, " If Superman was aware of the threat and did nothing, "was he then complicit in the Capitol tragedy?" Still no Kent? "His disappearance raises questions." No. "How could he simply have disappeared at a time when we, as a nation, need him more than ever?" WAS SUPERMAN INVOLVED? Burn him! Burn him! Something, isn't it? We met Kansas, live on a pancake so we come to the mountains. All downhill from here. Down to the flood plain. The farm is at the bottom of the world. I remember one season water came bad. I couldn't been 12. Dad had out the shovels and we went at it all night. We worked until I think I fainted. But we managed to stop the water. We saved the farm. Your grandma baked me a cake. She said I was a hero. Later that day we found out. We blocked the water, alright, we sent it upstream. All alike farm washed away. While eating my hero cake, their horses were drowning. I used to hear them wailing in my sleep. Did the nightmares ever stop? Yeah. When I met your mother. She gave me faith that there is good in this world. She was my world. I miss you, son. I miss you too, Dad. You know you can't win. It's suicide. I'm older now than my father ever was. This maybe the only thing I do that matters. 20 years of fighting criminals amount to nothing? Criminals are like weeds, Alfred. Pull 1 up, another grows in it's place. This is about the future of the world. It's my legacy. You know, my father sat me down, right here. Told me what Wayne manor was built of. Railways, real estates and oil. The first generation made their fortune trading with the French. Pelts and skins. They were hunters. We got to wait for more evidence, but the question still remains, where is he? If Superman was not involved, If he's got nothing to hide, then why hasn't he been seen since the day of this tragedy? Look, you can't... The knight is here. Excuse me. Don't I know you... Plain lo, in the morning Lola in slacks. Lois Lane. Mmm. Come see the view. Now, the secret is the height. It's the building material. it's light metals, which... sway a bit in the wind. And you know something about LEXCORP metals, don't you, Miss Lane? I've proven what you've done. Wow, you're feisty. Unfortunately, that will blow away. Like sand in the desert. You're psychotic. That is a three syllable word for any thought too big for little minds. Next category: Circles. Round and round and round they go to find Superman. Wrong category, boy. No, not triangles. Yes, Euclidean triangle inequality The shortest distance between any 2 points is a straight path. And I believe the swiftest path to Superman... .. is a pretty little road. Mmm, called Lois Lane. Aahhhhhh! You came back. You came back. Boy, do we have problems up here! The problem of, of evil in the world. The problem of absolute virtue. I'll take you in without breaking you. Which is more than you deserve. The problem of you on top of everything else. You above all. Ah. 'Cause that's what God is. Horus. Apollo. Jehovah. Kal-El. Clark Joseph Kent. See. What we call God depends upon our tribe, Clark Jo. Because God is tribal. God takes sides. No man in the sky intervened when I was a boy to deliver me from Daddy's fist and abominations. Mm mm. I've figured it out way back, if God is all powerful, he cannot be all good. And if he's all good then he cannot be all powerful. And neither can you be. They need to see the fraud you are. With their eyes. The blood on your hands. What have you done? And tonight they will. Yes. Because you, my friend, have a date! Across the bay. Ripe fruit, his hate. 2 years growing. But it did not take much to push him over actually. Little red notes, big bang. You let your family die! And now, you will fly to him, and you will battle him, to the death. Black and Blue. Fight night! The greatest gladiator match in the history of the world. God vs man. Day vs night. Son of Krypton vs Bat of Gotham. You think I'll fight him for you? Yes, I do. I think you'll fight, fight, fight for that special lady in your life. She's safe on the ground. How about you? Close, but I'm not talking about Lois. No. Every boy's special lady is his mother. Huh! Martha, Martha, Martha. The mother of a flying demon must be a witch. The punishment for witches, what is that? That's right. Death by fire. Where is she? I don't know! I wouldn't let them tell me! If you kill me, Martha dies. And if you fly away, Martha also dies. but if you kill the Bat... Martha lives. There we go. There we go. And now God, bends to my will. Now the cameras are waiting at your ship. For the world to see the holes in the holy. Yes, the all mighty comes clean about how dirty he is when it counts. To save Martha, bring me the head of the Bat. Mother of God, would you look at the time. When you came here, you had an hour. Now it's less. CNN's Brooke Baldwin is on the scene. Brooke, you're live on the air. What do you see? There's something happening at the ship. It's sending massive power surges. The police created a barricade around this containment center. And we're trying to get a little bit closer here to find out what's going on. It is absolute chaos. You can see that lightning. Those surges are like increasing and they seem to be getting stronger by the minute. Daily Planet. Lois. I have to go to Gotham to convince him to help me. Who? Or he has to die. Clark. No one stays good in this world. Metropolis in the dark / power surges from ship Wayne, Bruce Boys Share Too Cracked Luthor's Drive found your photography. But it doesn't belong to you. IS you. Who are you? Where have you been? Lex Corp - Meta Human Research Lex Corp - Meta Human Research Open Attachment Subject: FL Surveillance camera Subject: TONGA TRENCH (21,582 FT) TONGA TRENCH (21,582 FT) PROPERTY OF US UUV ALPHA 1 TONGA TRENCH (21,702 FT) PROPERTY OF US UUV ALPHA 2 Subject: Laboratory 03 - PROPERTY TEST S.T.A.R. 24:00 hours and 2 minutes. Subject declining rapidly. All procedural interventions have failed. Outcome... would be death. Dr. Silas Stone suspending all clinical protocol. US Gov object 6-19-82 is successfully activated. I need a chopper to Gotham. Call the heliport. Chopper? We can barely afford a bicycle. You want to chase a story? Go to the ship. Superman's probably there already. Perry, it's not for a story. Jenny, get her a chopper to Gotham. And forget the heliport, put her on the god damn roof. On the roof, Lois! Where're we headed? There! Well. Here I am. Bruce. Please I was wrong. You have to listen to me. Lex wants us... You don't understand. There's no time! I understand. Stay down! If I wanted it, you'd be dead already! Breathe in. That's fear. You're not brave. Men are brave. I bet your parents taught you, that you mean something. That you're here for a reason. My parents taught me a different lesson. Dieing in the gutter. For no reason at all. They taught me the world only makes sense, if you force it to. You were never a god. You are never even a man. You're letting him... kill Martha. What does that mean? Why did you say that name? Find him! Save... Martha. Martha. MARTHA WAYNE 1946 - 1981 Martha. WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAME? Martha! Why did you say that name? Clark! Stop! Please! Stop! Why did you say that name? It's his mother's name. It's his mother's name. We're no getting any answers. We're still right outside the containment center. A dangerous situation. Military and police personnel surrounding the area. Luthor. He wanted your life for her's. She's losing time. The scout ship seems to be drawing power from the city. It's got to be Lex. They need you at that ship. I'll find her. - My mother needs me. - Wait! I'll make you a promise. Martha won't die tonight. - Master Wayne. - Alfred. Uh, I'm sorry for listening in. But I've tracked the Russian's phone to a warehouse near the port. You're locked on to it. I'm afraid, this is goodbye. I heard everytime we say goodbye, you die a little. Go! Go! You got to take it, Alfred. Ah. Right. Commencing drone mode. Thermal imaging is showing me two dozen hostile's on the third floor. Why don't I drop you off on the second? Drop it. I said, drop it! I'll kill her. Believe me, I'll do it! I believe you. It's okay. I'm a friend of your son. I figured. The cape. "Late, late", says the White Rabbit. 30 seconds to animation. Right, rabbit? Hmm. Out of tricks. Out of time. And 1 bat head short. 20 seconds to animation. Ah. That will be the cook. Excuse me. Ah, Gotham roast. Well done. Hello. Break the bad news. I'd rather do the breaking in person. 10 seconds to animation. You lost. 9. 8. I cannot let you win. I gave the bat a fighting chance to do it., but he was not strong enough. So, If man won't kill God, 2. 1. the Devil will do it! - Perry. - Alright. Stay calm, everybody! We're getting reports, there are total blackouts in the north and to the northwest of the city. Federal authorities are trying to determine if this is part of a larger terrorist attack. Ancient Kryptonian deformity. The blood of my blood. Born to destroy you. Your Doomsday. Now God is good... as dead. POTUS joining. - Mr. President. - What the hell is it, Calvin? These are live images from the top of the LEXCORP tower in downtown metropolis. Military aircraft are on the scene. This thing emerged from the Kryptonian crash site just moments ago. Thankfully the work day is over in the downtown core, it's nearly empty Now. Military aircraft Those are Apache helicopters, they have now just arrived. The image... We have uh... We just lost connection with Metropolis 8 news. Now, it's not clear what just happened. What happening there, Alfred? How best to describe it? Metropolis airspace has been closed briefly. - Excuse me. - I kindly ask you to stay in your seats. Excuse me? Miss Prince? Sir. Look, they cleared the city. Looks like he's taking it into space. We can go straight to Key RED, Mr. President. Not yet. Are you crazy? They are high enough and we can nuke them with no casualties. Sir. One casualty, Mr. President. Superman. God have mercy on us all. - Key is hot. - Key is hot. Red Birds, are armed to deploy, Sir. Fire at will. 3. 2. 1. Oh, God. Projectile 1. Impact. Stryker's Island, east of Metropolis. That's uninhabited. Projectile 2. No apparent re-entry. Projectile 2? Superman, Mr. President. Projectile 2 is Superman. Sir. It's moving. The shock waves are getting stronger. Everytime we hit it, we make it more powerful. We can't attack. What're you saying, Calvin? I'm saying it's unkillable. - Master Wayne, are you receiving me? - Alfred. It's Kryptonian. Only Kryptonite weapons can kill it. It might, if you have any left. I only got 1 round left. The spear. Alfred, the spear. It's pure kryptonite. It's back in Gotham. If I can penetrate the skin, the spear will kill it. - It would in theory. - I got to get it to chase me. Back to the city. Back to the kryptonite. Oh, shit. Why did you bring him back to the city? The port is abandoned. And there's a weapon here that can kill it. Did you find the spear? I've been a little busy. This thing, this creature, seems to feed on energy. This thing is from another world. My world. I've killed things from other worlds before. Is she with you? I thought she was with you. Clark. Clark. Clark. Clark. Are you alright? I love you. No. No, Clark, you can't. This is my world. No, Clark, don't. You are my world. No. Please. Clark! SUPERMAN DEAD NIGHT OF TERROR, MORNING OF LOSS Daily Planet Reporter Clark Kent Killed Reporting Gotham Battle Lex Luthor Arrested In Connection With Capitol Bombing. Hi. Clark had this sent here so he can surprise you. All the circuses back east, burying an empty box. They don't know how to honor him. Except as a soldier. I've failed him, in life. I won't fail him in death. Help me find the others like you. Perhaps they don't want to be found. They will. And they'll fight. We have to stand together. A 100 years ago I walked away from mankind. From the century of horrors. Man made a world where standing together is impossible. Man is still good. We fight. We kill. We betray one another. But we can rebuild. We can do better. We will. We have to. IF YOU SEEK HIS MONUMENT LOOK AROUND YOU The others like me. Why did you say they'll have to fight? Just a feeling. Turn around and face the wall. Place your forehead against the wall. Put your hands behind your back, so that I can come in and restrain you. Whatever you do. Wherever you go. I'll be watching. But, the bells are already been rung, and they've heard it. Out in the dark. Among the stars. Ding dong, the God is dead. The bells, cannot be unrung! He's hungry. He's found us. And he's coming! Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding. Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding. Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding. Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding. Sir... you won the case. Congratulations! Sir... please, sir... sir... can you please tell us how you feel on your win. Sir... Take the day off... I'll drive. Baba, you won again. Congratulations! Saru... you're still here. Hurry up, dear... they will be here any minute. Wait. - Mom... - Go. Go. The paper has come? The boy's family are coming from US. What if they don't like home food? So? So... should we order some diet coke? You can bring instant food in this house when I am dead! Okay... leave it... I'm sorry. serve the house-guests on fresh banana leaves. Like we do at home. They will appreciate it. They will respect Saru's family... her culture and the value system she belongs to. Hello. Yes, yes... this is Jayram only speaking. Yes, go on. Yes. I see. I see. They've cancelled the visit. Cancelled? But why? His mother made a list of 10 girls... since the boy was in the US. He liked the first one he met. So why hurt our daughter by coming here. That's what they said. Pack Saru's and my lunch. I'll drop her at the library and head to the office. But... office? Didn't you take a leave today? There's no occasion to take a leave anymore. If the world's on one side, he'll be on the other side. - He never listens to me for... - Mom! The boy didn't turn up... what does that mean? Speak softly... your father will overhear. Does this mean my marriage to Sanjay's been postponed again. Look, Kaveri. I've told you a thousand times. Saru is elder to you. She will get married first. You cannot get married until then. Don't argue with me on this again and again. Why don't you search For a boy yourself? Is it only our responsibility? There's a difference between searching for someone and finding someone. It's not that I don't have crushes. But if the person doesn't reciprocate, then what can I do about it? I'll have to depend on my family... to find some suitable boy and settle me down. Lift! Lift! This lift... too... Waste of time I tell you. Come, Saru. What's going on here... keeping the lift engaged? What's this vulgarity in the society? Others have to get to work. Come, Saru. We'll need signatures on the deposit cheque. - What are you doing here? Mr. Jayram. I was looking for you in the society, Mr. Secretary. Sir, we were booking the hall for the AGM. It's alright. But I tell you what is this nonsense going on in the society? This is too much, you see. I am a founder member of this society. Yet, that doesn't scare him. Shirtless... shameless scoundrel. Sir, you mean that 20/52? He's a criminal. Yes! He was jailed at the age of 13. For murder! Why did you give NOC to a criminal like him? We can't stop him. Sir, it's like this. The original owner, Ms. Lily... she transferred her flat in this boy's name. - Ms. Lily. - Yes. Such a sensible lady. And she transferred her home to a road-side rubbish. Sir, he's no road-side rubbish. I've heard that his father is some big-shot. If you object... he'll brag about some law or the other. He's got a good knowledge about laws and bylaws. What can we do? So you let that jail-bird turned lawyer intimidate you? And turn our society into a dance bar. Sir, what did I do? How can a secretary stop the parade of girls from coming and going? A Secretary's job is to maintain discipline in the society. If you can't do it, better resign. We'll elect someone else. Come, Saru. - What's my fault in all this? - Taxi! Since when did you start reading love poetry? Waste product. Such books don't increase your IQ level. Saraswati Parthasaarthy. The research you gave me on Market Trends... Outstanding! My boss is floored. Saru... I need a favor from you. My office has organized a Summer-funk party... for under-privileged kids. But the guy who was supposed to dress up as the bear... fell sick. So... can you dress up as the dancing bear? Please don't say no. It's for charity. It's my boss' wife's pet project. If you say yes... you'll do me a big favor. Please. "Don't ask... about the condition of my heart... beloved." "It's immersed in the intoxication of your love..." "the ambiance." "Don't ask... about the condition of my heart... beloved." How did weepy... Saru... become a bouncing bear today? What did Abhimanyu promise you this time? A kiss? A hug? Or... just holding hands Would've been enough for you. And the anonymous Valentine's day card you sent for Abhimanyu... everyone really liked it in the office. "When the twilight falls." "I think I think of you." "Brings a storm." "You're in my memories." "Every desire is incomplete." "My heart's lost in mischief." "The caravan of dreams." "The series of conversations." "Follow me everywhere I go." "Whether day or night, it's lost in a trance..." "The ambience." "Don't ask... about the condition of my heart... beloved." Stop taking off your clothes, please! Oh. Sorry, sorry, sorry... sorry. I am very sorry! I am very sorry! I thought the bear is a guy. Why don't you take off that Eskimo suit? Or else you will melt in this heat. Hurry up, please. Excuse me. Your... head! Thanks. Listen... can you recommend me a book? Book? Like what? Like if someone's been released from jail after 8 years... so what should he read? Something... like that. "I wonder how... you came so close to me..." "Everyone else feels alienated from me." "With every breath I take... I feel alive." "Please don't go away now." "The ambiance is standing still." "The moments feel blissful." "I am all alone here." Never want to see you again. Buzz off. Damn you! I hope you die. Go to hell. Go to hell. I'm never going to see him again. Never! Never! Never! Saru, Sanjay... has seen a suitable boy for you. He's based in Denmark. Works for Mars Electronics. He'll come see you tomorrow. But mom and you are leaving for Tirupati tomorrow. Sanjay requested me personally... so I've given him my permission. He's a nice guy. IIT... lim. And Vaideki Brahmins. Even the horoscopes are a perfect match. But without you two... my heart doesn't agree. If things go your way, its good. If not, it's even better. Because it's the will of God. Hi. Good. - Hi. - Hi. Hello. - Tea/coffee? - No, thanks. - I'll go get Saru. - Okay. Come on... quickly. What's this? Come on. Here. - She's my sister Saru. - Hi. So nice to have you. It was a pleasure meeting you. - Same here. Thanks. - Take care. - Thanks. - And see you later. See you tomorrow. Perfect match for you. Great guy! I really like him! Hey... he left his phone here. Come on, Saru. You've a readymade excuse to meet him again. Take it. Come on. He'll really like it if you return him his phone. - No, Kaveri. - Come on, go. - No, no. Kaveri's calling. What do I tell her? What do I tell her what? You hitched a beauty like Kaveri... and sticking me up with a frump aunt like Saraswati. Are you my friend or my enemy? S*** man! I had high hopes with you. And you're the 10th guy who's rejecting Saru. There were 9 before me? When were you going to tell me this? After getting hooked-booked. Look... if I want to marry Kaveri... I must first find someone for that encyclopaedia. Old man Parthasaarthy insists on it. I am fed up. I can't help you in this. Saraswati is your problem, not mine. Kaveri, you told Sanjay about... the number of boys that rejected me. How could you? Even Arun said no, he doesn't want a frumpy aunt like you. I know. And you know what? Sanjay's given me an ultimatum. He won't wait until you get married. He says either we get married next month... and I move to the US with him. Or... forget him. I am so sorry. Don't say sorry. Smarten up, find a man. Oh, God! Who am I asking to smarten up? You will never change. You're a fossil. And I will lose Sanjay all because of you. - I love Sanjay. - So we'll sort it out. - How can I live without him? - Kaveri. I'll elope with him, there's no other way. No, Kaveri. Kaveri, think about dad... he's already suffered a heart attack. If you run away... he'll be humiliated. Dad will be heart-broken, Kaveri. And what about my heart. - Does anyone care if that shatters? - Of course we do. I do. Kaveri, I promise you... I'll get you married to Sanjay before he leaves. Promise. But stop making these absurd plans. You promise. Promise? Promise! Hello. I want an appointment of Ms. Ruby Malhotra. Three... A three month waiting list? Sir, please can you do something? Recommendation? Sir... Okay... thank you. Recommendation. Sanjay, don't hang up on me. Please. Please. Oh no. Go away! Hello. Sanjay. Sanjay, listen to me please. Can I come in? Sorry, I... I'll finish my exercise. Sorry for disturbing you at this hour. I didn't expect that anyone would be exercising at this hour. Even I didn't expect... that you'll come see me at this hour. I had to come at this hour, so that no one sees me. If dad finds out... And you haven't been to the library for a long time... so I had to come here. Actually... I needed your help. It's an emergency. I came here to ask... Please tell your Monday-girlfriend... to do a makeover for me. My situation is really desperate. Monday-Girlfriend? She's the best makeover specialist in the country. For Brides-to-be and Brides-in-waiting. She can completely change the life of girls like me. I tried to get an appointment... but there's a three month waiting list. And I don't have that long. I know that you two had a quarrel... but if you could please patch up... Please put in a recommendation for me. Inder my love... I am so... so... so... so sorry. We shouldn't have broken up. I am sorry. I said really stupid things over the phone. Let us get back. Seems like you did a lot of exercise. Not in the gym, but on the bed. Calm down, Ruby. Saru is my neighbor. She came to see me because... she wanted an appointment with you. At 4am. You were giving her an appointment at 4am. Do you think I don't understand? Do I look like an idiot to you? She's here to hit on you. I meet with such frumps every day. The longer their kurta, the longer their sex-drive. And you... You can't say no, isn't it? Stay, Saru. - Ruby, say sorry. - Are you crazy? You think I'll apologies to this frump. She came to see you. - Say sorry right now. - What if I don't? Then you can go back to your Cuffe Parade. You're rejecting me... for this museum piece. Me? Just get lost. You know what... Just go to... hell! - Go and say sorry. - I don't say sorry. Listen... Go home. This is all my fault, so I feel responsible... - Go home. You should go to a hospital. You are bleeding. I'll come along too. Sion Circle. Hello, Mr. Secretary. There's a problem in the society, sir. The wound is really deep. We should go to a hospital. Do you have Hajmola? By the way, the girl is right. You're covered in blood... but not in a hospital. Why? I mean why? I don't need it sir, my wounds heal really soon. How? Used to getting wounds? As far as I know, only two kinds of people are used to it. Thieves and police. Which one are you? Let's go. Let's go. Saru, go home. No, no, hold on. Saru you go home means what? To hell with the inspector. What do you think I'm doing here? I am talking to you. - Bharti. - Yes, sir. Seems like an old offender... surely must have a record. Get these two in the jeep. - Come on. - Sir, please. Please listen to me. Sir, there's nothing illegal here. His girlfriend broke a bottle... and the glass pieces got stuck in his back. It's just a small misunderstanding, sir, nothing else. I see... Then call that girlfriend to the police station as well. Where to? I told you go home. Please listen to me. - Go home. Please. - No. This is all my fault, I feel responsible. - I've to fix this. - Saru, don't... Sir... sir... sir... If he calls his girlfriend to the station, things will get worse. They won't get a second chance to say sorry and I love you. What did you say? What did you just say? They won't get a second chance to say sorry and I love you. Sorry. Sir, please... please... - Bharti. - Yes, sir. I know his wounds heal fast... but take him to the hospital, dress up his wounds... - and take him home. - Okay, sir. Okay? Can we go, sir? Sion hospital. 'Hari, keep this gun and sticks aside.' 'Only two words are enough to run this world.' Sorry... I love you. See... dear... You left me. But some day this "Sorry-l Love you"... will cost me my job. Let's go. Hello. Mr. Secretary... this looks like a police case, sir. That boy from 20/52... and Parthasaarthy sir's daughter. They're both back in bandages. See you, Inder. Inder, your medicines are with me. Remember... if you feel nauseous, take the red pill... and if you feel pain, take this capsule. Where do I keep it? The doctor's asked you to sleep on your stomach... not your back. It will put pressure on the stitches. In... Inder! Inder! Inder! Driver... untie this rope. Mr. Jayram, sir. One moment Please. Hello. What's the matter? What's the fare? Having a meeting in the society without me? Look at what's going on in the society. - What happened? - Tell him. What Saraswati was doing? Late last night, your daughter... and that guy from 20/52... What about 20/52? She was going to and fro the whole time? - Saraswati! Are you drunk? - No, sir. Have you lost your mind, scoundrel? Nonsense! I'll get you fired. You can check for yourself, sir. They're still upstairs ever since that policemen brought them back. Police? Saraswati... what nonsense is he... Sir, I say we go upstairs and check ourselves. All the conjectures will be laid to rest. Arundhati, go home! Come, sir. - Come on. - Come. Come, sir. I'm telling you I'm not lying. Let's check it out. Saru... The watchman was right. Dad, you were supposed to return tomorrow. This... Sir... You misunderstand. - I went to the hospital, so... - Shut up, boy. You've turned the entire society into a brothel. And this time you crossed all limits. First you hit own our girls... and now you're daring us too. - Aren't you ashamed? - I didn't... I didn't hit on anyone. - Saru... - What Saru? Her name is Saraswati. Saraswati Parthsaarthy. And a girl like Saraswati Parthsaarthy... broke all norms of her family for a boy like you. Can you give us descent people a reason for it? Tell me. What will they say, Mr. Chairman? I'll tell you. I was on night duty. He's with sister since 4am. I swear. I never lie. And we've severe objections on such behaviour. Dad... dad, please let's go home. I'll tell you everything. Please, dad. Let's go home. Please. Please. Really! - Go. - Mr. Jayram. Some mistakes are unpardonable... these sayings look best only in textbooks. And she's still your daughter. Such mistakes happen at this age. I suggest that you compromise a little... and take your daughter home. Sorry, please. Please. Dad. Please. - Arundhati. - Dad. Call the priests that perform the last rites. We need to perform the last rites. Whose? Your daughter's dead. Saru. Her final rites. Now there's no hindrance to our younger daughter's marriage. Give this good news to Kaveri. Some mistakes cannot be pardoned. Did you all hear? My daughter's dead today. Do come home for the oblations. You too. Let's go. Come on. Sorry. What are you saying sorry for? Just sorry. - Where are you going? - Office. Why? Because now there's no occasion to take a leave. - Hello. - Hello, Saru. What were you doing in that boy's home? I promised Kaveri that I will get her married. Whatever's happened... at least dad has agreed to her marriage, What are you doing, dear? What are you thinking? - Please mom, let Kaveri get married first. I will call you every day. Will you tell dad about it. You know him, I cannot tell him. Then please don't call me. If he finds out, he'll be shattered. Oh, God! Between the father-daughter principles, of the getting wrenched. Bye, mom. Hello. Yes, sir. I called. Sir, I must get the house today. Sir, please. See... I can't find a place to stay. And you need to give me the report as soon as possible. - Here. - Hold on. Saru. We're heading towards Five Gardens. We'll drop you on the way. No thank you. No problem, come along. Let her be, Abhimanyu. I guess she's going on a date. Are you going on a date? Abhimanyu, this is Inder. Inder, that's Abhimanyu, Namrata and Sheetal. Shall we go home? Thanks for finding me a home. You can thank me if you like the place. Thank you. - Shall we? - Yes. The place is really nice. Thank you. It looks a bit empty... but tomorrow we'll go buy vegetables and stuff. Okay. I can buy vegetables and stuff myself. But if you come along... I won't say no. Cool. Do you always come here to buy vegetables? This market is famous for its reasonable price. Even dad... buys from here. This market is famous for 'Thandai' (Drink) as well. How about some? How are you, Shankar? Make two. The usual for me, and plain one for her. This is your super-strong super-sexy. And plain one for you. Why is yours super-sexy? Because... it's laced with Bholenath's offerings. Then I'll have it too. Shall we? "Mood's romantic tonight." "We've to get home by morning." "You've cast a spell on me." "The moment's blissful." "Let's not waste time anymore." "Let's enjoy this life, sweetheart." "So click my photo..." "So click my photo..." "So click my photo... beloved." "So click my photo..." "So click my photo..." "So click my photo... beloved." "My heart's careless today." "You're in control... of me today." "Let the crazy world say... what they want to say." "It's full of opportunities... life's like a Ferrari." "Life is just like you lived it till now." "Mood's romantic tonight." "We've to get home by morning." "You've cast a spell on me." "The moment's blissful." "Let's not waste time anymore." "Let's enjoy this life, sweetheart." "So click my photo..." "So click my photo..." "So click my photo... beloved." Will you take us to Five Gardens? There's a taxi strike, sir. It will only end tomorrow morning. "So click my photo..." "So click my photo..." "So click my photo... beloved." "So click my photo..." "So click my photo..." "So click my photo... beloved." "Wearing a gown... of my dreams." "Even the nights... down." "What happened... nothing yet?" "I'm just two drinks down." "We're not drunk, the world's intoxicating." "Even if we drink water... it tastes like tequila." "Mood's romantic tonight." "We've to get home by morning." "You've cast a spell on me." "The moment's blissful." "Let's not waste time anymore." "Let's enjoy this life, sweetheart." "So click my photo..." "So click my photo..." "So click my photo... beloved." "So click my photo..." "So click my photo..." "So click my photo... beloved." How are you? All okay? Don't you want to go see that computer guy? Yes, I do. I had this library book lying around with me. Will you return it? That drink was laced with cannabis, wasn't it? Yes. Can you tell me what kind of a drunkard am I? I didn't get you? I mean like some people overdo everything... when they are drunk. Like they laugh too much... cry too much... What did I do? So what kind of a drunkard am I? Romantic. Did I... embarrass you? I'll get a beer for myself. Inder... drinking beer and cannabis brew everyday can kill a man. Everyone has to die someday. Stay here, I'll be back. Don't say "So be it" to that God. Sir. That's someone's wallet. Give it back... - What? What? Finders keepers, don't be too smart. What happened? - He stole his wallet and not is returning it. She's lying sir. This is my lucky purse. Inder. Inder. It's someone's wallet. Why are you throwing it away? We should return it. - No need. - Why? Because I said so. Inder, there are medicines in it. Someone might get sick if he doesn't take it on time. - Let him die, I don't care. - But I do. Saru! Saru! Saru, stop this! Sir... - Sir... Excuse me, sir... - Hello, yes... - I... - Sir, your wallet. Thank you, dear. It fell down there... Inder. Inder... Inder... wait. - Inder. - Get lost! Can I drop you home, child? If you don't mind? Where are you going, sir? The library's closed, sir. Brother Inder. Saru hasn't come here. But she's been living with you these days. Has there been a problem? Saru. Why didn't you go back home? You asked me to get lost, didn't you? Going back to the house that you gave me after that would mean I've no self-respect. I am a beast Saru! - Are you sorry? - Yes. - Then say you're sorry. - Sorry! - That guy whose wallet... - Is your dad. I know. There's a photo of you two in this book. Renowned lawyer Rajenderlal Parihaar. With his son Inderlal Parihaar. In front of their 1858 Oak tree... I hate him. I hate him! The day you hug him, all broken strings of your heart, will be mended. Saru, isn't there some shortcut way... so your dad can accept you back. There is. One impossible shortcut. Why impossible? Brahmin Shashtri boy... marries me. lim... Then he might accept me back. At least for blessing me. Then get married. No one wants to marry this ugly frump. Ugly frump! I see. Brother, can you take us to Dharavi? Let's go. Why Dharavi? Inder, why did we come here? - Is this place decent? - Don't worry. Even Ruby orders all her stock from Mustakeen Bhai. Bhai? He's the biggest smuggler in Mumbai for designer stuff. Smuggler. I want to go back. Trust me... he maybe be a smuggler, but he's an amazing artist. Makeover king. - Greetings, Mustakeen bhai. - Greetings. Bring your booty forward, Inder. Booty! Inder, let's go back. I don't want a makeover. Stop this, Inder. "You can check on Wikipedia." "You can search on Google." "You can even look around, dear." "You won't find a beloved like him." "No .1... No .1... No .1... No .1..." "No .1... No .1..." "There's a magic in your eyes..." "you turn my world around." "You look at me and go... oh... oh... oh..." "Don't you ever leave and go." "You can check on Wikipedia." "You can search on Google." "You can even look around, dear." "You won't find a beloved like him." "No .1... No .1... No .1... No .1..." "I've no peace without you." "My days and night are restless without you." "You've stolen my heart away." "See you baby." "You can check on Wikipedia." "You can search on Google." "You can even look around, dear." "You won't find a beloved like him." "No .1... No .1... No .1... No .1..." "No one understood this bond, beloved." "It's complete... yet incomplete... sweetheart." "I've no peace without you." "My days and night are restless without you." "You've stolen my heart away." "See you baby." "You can check on Wikipedia." "You can search on Google." "You can even look around, dear." "You won't find a beloved like him." "No .1... No .1... No .1... No .1..." "No .1... No .1... No .1... No .1..." Mustakin bhai has given some gifts for you. Let's go. How do I look? No one will ever call you an ugly frump again. Mom, Kaveri and... dad will be really happy to see me like this. Then let's go show them. - No, Inder. It's a bad idea. - No, it's not. Saru. Let's go. I'll tie my hair... or should I let it be like this. Let it be the way it is. You're looking nice. The name of the deceased? Saraswati. And 'Clan'... Kaundanyesya! I completely forgot how disappointing parents can be. What will you do now, Saru? Huh! I... I'm not some loser who'll give up. I will go to the office as this new Saru. When someone compliments me, I'll say thank you. Inder... I won't waste this pretty face that you gave me. And when some suitable boy falls for this face and says... "Marry me Saru." I'll say "Yes, please". I will come meet dad. And he'll take that photo down. He'll hug me... and say... Bless you. May you have a long life. Not well, Saru? Are you alright? I am okay, thank you. What's the motivation behind this amazing, mind-blowing makeover? Tell me, I am waiting. So that I can trap some lit... Really? I'll see you. See you! Hi... can I speak with Saraswati Parthasaarthy. Saru's got flu, so she didn't come to the library today. Okay. - Excuse me. Saru's back? - No, she's still got flu. Otherwise Saru taking a leave... is impossible. - You didn't tell me you had flu. - It was just a viral. Nothing serious. That party boy's been looking for you. That... Abhimanyu... What's his name? Shashtri. Right. He didn't have your number. No. thank God. - Why? Is he bothering you? - No! Then why are you avoiding him? Why are you avoiding him? Because every time I open my mouth in front of him... I say something idiotic. Don't ask why? Why? - You got a job, didn't you? - What? This file... You got a job! Congratulations. This isn't a file of my resumes... it's got a list of boys. All of them are llTs... llMs. Next week they're coming to see you. You'll definitely like someone for sure. Saru. - Hi. - Hi. - How's your health now? - Good. I've been trying to meet you for the past few days. I wanted to ask whether... you're free. Today? No! For the next 80-90 years. If you're free... we can hang out... together. What do you... What do you mean? That you've trapped this lit... lim... I know this is very sudden. But this feeling was just as sudden. That day when you went on a date, I didn't like it at all. And when you got this makeover... I hoped that you did it for me. And when you didn't come to the office... I realised that you... You're the one, Saru... Will you... Will you marry me? Saru. What's the emergency? Good news. Come on. The no .8 guy in this file is waiting for you. Upstairs, in the restaurant. He's lit... lim... and MIT as well. Your dad will really love him. Abhimanyu came to see me during the lunch break. You mean that party boy. - That party boy is lit... lim... - I see. Brahmin... Shashtri. Seems like the answer to your dad's prayers. Come on. He wants to marry me. What do I do? Say yes. "My heart fell in the captivity of memories." "This love has shattered it into pieces." "Our meeting wasn't a coincidence." "O benefactor. "O benefactor. "O benefactor." "Our meeting wasn't a coincidence." "O benefactor. "O benefactor. "O benefactor." Will you please come along to shop for my wedding? Everything I selected. I looked like the old Saru. Please, Inder. I want to look beautiful that day. "You love someone else." "You think about someone else." "The heart cannot accept this." "There's a spark of separation." "What's this fire?" "My yearning for you has killed me." "Our meeting wasn't a coincidence." "O benefactor. "O benefactor. "O benefactor." - Hi. - What's this? Post marriage, Abhimanyu is taking up a job... in the Turkey bureau. Blood test was compulsory for the visa... - so I had to go to the hospital... - You're going to Turkey? First card... For you! Inder, if you don't come... I'll have no one who will be my own. "This void will stay with me..." "no matter where I go." "I can't be patient." "In this colorless world of mine..." "I wonder why your name gives me relief." "Our meeting wasn't a coincidence." Sir... Sir... Saru's wedding card. Sir... the guy's lit... just like you wanted. Sir, if you don't come... she'll have no one of her own at her wedding. Sir, please take it. "Our meeting wasn't a coincidence." "O benefactor. "O benefactor. "O benefactor." "My heart fell in the captivity of memories." "This love has shattered it into pieces." "Our meeting wasn't a coincidence." "O benefactor. "O benefactor. "O benefactor." Hello, where's the groom? Come, Saru. He's picking up his parents from the airport. He'll be here soon. - I'll go get Abhimanyu. - Yeah. - Congratulations. - Thank you. Inder... the registrar's calling. Yes, mister. Where's the guy? How much longer will I have to wait? Sir, he must be stuck in traffic... that's why he's late. He'll be here any minute. This is too much, mister. He's already 40 minutes late. There are other people waiting outside. Do me a favour, step out so that I can marry those whose groom have arrived, Come in. Did someone die that you didn't turn up? Why, Abhimanyu? My parents have said no to this marriage. I am sorry. Inder... he doesn't want to marry me. If there's a misunderstanding, then let's sit down and clear it. The registrar's still waiting. You two can still get married. What marriage? What are you saying? You should punch him! Punch him! Punch him! Punch him! Punch him! Punch him! Punch him! Punch him! Saru! Abhimanyu! Just a minute! A girl whose last rites have been performed by the family while she's still alive... we cannot accept such a girl in our family. It's impossible. We're not so liberal minded. Today when Abhimanyu told us about it at the airport... we made it clear to him... This marriage isn't possible. And if he goes ahead... then we won't be a part of it. You said that... their approval is just a formality. If you say yes... they'll say yes. You should've punched him. Why didn't you? Why didn't you punch him? Why didn't you? Why didn't you punch him? Why didn't you punch him? If I had punched him... it would've ended everything. And... you wouldn't get a second chance... to say sorry, I love you. Sorry... He doesn't deserve sorry, I love you. He doesn't deserve a second chance. All this that you're doing... he doesn't deserve all this. He doesn't deserve it. He doesn't deserve anything. He doesn't deserve anything. "My restlessness would get some peace." "Whenever I see your face." "Whenever I see your face." "My madness gets some patience." "Whenever I see your face." "Every time someone mentions your name." "My love for you starts flowing from my eyes like tears." Mr. And Mrs. Abhimanyu Shastri. Congratulations. This is your honeymoon suite. Enjoy your stay. Saru, wait a minute. Saru, stop this. Stop what, Inder. Two days advance has already been paid. Why waste it? And anyway, I can't go back to the house. You can go, if you want to. - Go. - Saru... "Day and night I pray for only one thing." "That I love and die for you." "Every time I look around, I see only you." "And I want to surrender my world to you." "Every time someone mentions your name." "I can feel your lips on mine." "All my paths find their destination." "Whenever I see your face." "Whenever I see your face." See Inder... even though I have become beautiful... no one wants to marry me. You'll hate me for this tomorrow, Saru. Please. "The tasteless winds just gave me a whiff of your scent." "Love is a dangerous thing." "Someday it will kill me." "Every time someone mentions your name." "Every moment narrates your tale." "Every yearning of mine gets comforted." "Whenever I see your face." "Whenever I see your face." "Abhimanyu came to see me." "I don't know whether I should say sorry, thanks..." "or goodbye." Hello. Please be seated. Kaveri's getting married on the 27 th. Saru doesn't answer my phone. Can you please give her this card? I've stopped seeing Saru. And I am leaving this city. Alright, son. See you. I will... I will give this card to Saru. Take care of yourself. - Saraswati. - She doesn't work here anymore. - Any information about her? - No. Excuse me. Can you give this to Abhimanyu Shashtri? Thanks. Inder. I can't give this card to Saru? Why? Since our marriage broke up, we're not in touch. That's a lie. You came to see her at the resort... she was with you. I saw it myself. Yes, I did come. We had some personal conversation. After that she went her way, and I went mine. What do you mean by 'her way'? She must have given you some address? No. Any message for her family. I am sorry. Abhimanyu. Any message for me? No! I have a gun. And next time you go anywhere without telling me... I'll put all six bullets here and here! Get it? What? What? - Won't you even say hello? - No. Why not? Because after a sympathy fling, you don't say hello. You avoid each other. I see... so that's why you're running. Because you're embarrassed. Saru, grow up. I didn't run. I messaged you. Didn't you get it? Huh! I did... and I let you go because... I thought you're starting a life with that Abhimanyu. Saru... why are you wandering in the jungles? Why are you wandering in the jungles like a hippie? Tell me... Who are you to ask me that? Saru. You tell me... who am I to you after that night? The night's gone... the matter's over, Inder. Whatever happened that night... was only a moment to forget Abhinamyu. It wasn't anything special. It wasn't anything wow! Get it? Now just leave me alone. Leave me alone. Now tell me who I am. Tell me who I am to you. Saru? Saru? Saru? Saru? I strictly forbade Saraswati from going to high altitudes. She's got Meningioma. A deep tumor in the brain. We can't operate on it. And nor can we do chemo. That's why we're treating her with oral medicines. In such cases, diagnoses is also difficult. Because there are no visible symptoms... other than headache and fever. And I had explained this to Saru and her fianc. Hold on. - Abhimanyu. - Yeah. Yes, Mr. Mehta. You broke-off with her because of her illness. I received the reports just few hours after I broke off the marriage. If I had known about this earlier... I would've never hurt Saru. My office conducted some routine medical tests for the visa. That's why the doctor called me first, not Saru. I am not proud of myself. I kept looking for Saru all night with the reports. Next day when I met her at the Resort I said sorry. Asked for a second chance. But she didn't agree. She said that I was lucky... If I hadn't broke off the marriage... then I would have been stuck with a wife with tumor. I came asking you whether she left a message for me or not... Remember? Why did you lie to me? You won't tell Inder anything. That's one promise she took from me. Otherwise... I would've told you everything. You can break a marriage, but not a promise. How is Saru? Even if you know, what will you do? Excuse me, sir. The patient's stuff. Thank you. Will you make me sit at the party with the saline? Did you threaten the doctor with a gun to convince him? Where's the party? It's a surprise. I like surprises. "My heart's only loved you." "You're the only one I prayed for." "Your absence is like a curse." "Your absence is like a curse." "If you go away... I will die." "Sweetheart I swear on you." "Sweetheart I swear on you." "Sweetheart I swear on you." "Every time I see you, my eyes get wet with tears." "Sweetheart I swear on you." "Sweetheart I swear on you." "Sweetheart I swear on you." Dad's looking so handsome, isn't he? Mom got that antique necklace... She was asking for it for so long. That's my uncle from Vizag. My father's brother. Whenever he says something... at the end of every sentence he does this... Look... look... he did it again... he does it all the time. "My heart's... addicted to you." "Don't ever... betray me." "I am used to you... it's not my fault." "Without you... it's impossible to live." "You're the only one I prayed for." "Your absence is like a curse." "If you go away... I will die." "Sweetheart I swear on you." "Sweetheart I swear on you." "Sweetheart I swear on you." "Every time I see you, my eyes get wet with tears." "Sweetheart I swear on you." "Sweetheart I swear on you." - Thank you. "Sweetheart I swear on you." Marry me, Saru. Charity marriage... No, thank you. Saru. Saru, please. It's not your responsibility... to fulfill every incomplete story of mine, Inder. Then whose is it? Stop it, please. I am not your first choice Neither am I your best choice... You're my only... If you ask again, I'll say yes. I'll stoop really low in my own view. I want to die with pride... Give me your hand. You can't die. Go always grants parents wish for the child. Putting a garland on a photo is a curse and not a wish... and no God ever fulfils a curse. Blessings or a curse... Whatever the parents wish for from their hearts... God says O.K. What okay... Enough, Saru. Enough. Let's go to the hospital. Oh my... what's he doing? Jayram! Jayram! Come quickly! Jayram! Rascal! What is this? What hooliganism is this? Call the police! Stop putting a wreath on her photo. Otherwise... what will you do? What can you do? I'll come back so you can slap me again. Goodbye. Hey... buddy. Wake up, its morning. Come on. I told you I've got my eyes on you. You're the star of the society. There are many complaints against you. Did you drink all this alone? Surprising. Come on, I'll get you some tea at the police station. There's a bit of improvement. I'm discharging you only because you're asking. But make sure you come for your checkups every day. Okay. Where's your friend? Normally he's always here during visiting hours. So what happened today? Sir, please let me make a call. Sir. Sir, please, sir. Sir, I need to call the hospital. Rode, do something about him. Hey... sit down? You're not on a visit here. Sit. - Let me use the phone, otherwise... - Otherwise what? Otherwise what? I would've put you behind bars, you know. There are numerous complaints against you from the society. Moreover, you also have a criminal record. And now you threaten the inspector on duty in the police station. Otherwise... Otherwise... you'll do what? - Sir... I just want to make a call. - Rode, throw him behind bars. It's Saturday, he won't get bail until Monday. Please sir, it's a very important call. Let him rot inside for a day or two. - Sir... sir... - Stop bothering sir. Please tell your sir... Just one phone call. Please tell him... Just one call to the hospital. Listen... I will call. Stop... Who are you calling? Your father? Stop... Bharti, get the car. I want to issue this book. If someone's released from jail after 8 years... then what should he read... "Bear girl... Coffee?" "No coffee?" "Then how about a tequila?" "Today after meeting a girl in the lift..." "i felt like I found the best choice of my life." "I stay away from girls that cry." "But when you cry... I want to just... kiss you." "So can I?" "It's been 27 days and 9 hours since I met you." "But you haven't replied yet." "So I guess it's a no, thank you." "But... if you ever change your mind, call me." - Stop. - Wait... You ran with a death wish... To say what? Sorry or I love you? Wait... This time he ran off with the handcuffs. What will we tell the government? Where's the handcuffs gone? - Should I go after him? - No. Go order some tea. He's on a 10 minute parole. After that he goes back in again. His time starts now. Sorry, Saru. I am late. Why are you crying? Are you okay? No... you're not fine. Let's go to the hospital. Come on. Right now. Come. You didn't tell me that you've been discharged. Even you didn't tell me that I am your best choice. You say I am your best choice. Then why did you let me marry that Abhimanyu? Saru, you're my best choice, but... A criminal like me can't be your best choice... or your dad's. Inder... You know why life was like this. So that I go not as Saraswati Parthasaarthy... but as Saraswati Parihaar. Marry me, Inder. Please! Wound Master... Parole over. Time up. Don't go, please... please... please... Wedding gift... from me! The henna looks nice, doesn't it? Should I wear a sari tomorrow? What are you going to wear? Wear something formal. It's our wedding, our outfits should be coordinated. What? Joking. Inder... When I am gone... please don't put a wreath on my picture. Just bury me under a beautiful tree In my two yards of space... When one of my own comes to visit me... I'll shower down as flowers on them. You won't put a wreath on her photo anymore. Why does it make such a big difference... to a useless hooligan like you? Because Saru's getting married tomorrow... to me. And this time... I didn't come here to invite you like I did the last time. In fact, I'm here to tell you... when Saru sees this wreath... she feels hurt. She cries. And to stop her tears, I can kill... and die too! What do you think? Will I have to use this gun, or not? You won't! Enough now! Please. Enough! I told him. No one will put a wreath on that photo anymore. But one thing... If he says no... once... just once... then our Saru won't marry you. Mr. Inder... Ms. Saraswati. Are you two ready for the seven vows? Yes! Inspector sir, they are ready. Now please repeat these vows after me. First vow. If you do a good deed... or go on a pilgrimage... If you do a good deed... or go on a pilgrimage... observe a fast or give charity. observe a fast or give charity. Then you will do it with me. Then you will do it with me. If you agree... then come reside in your left side. If you agree... then come reside in your left side. I agree! Good... Now for the second promise. The way you respect your mother and father... similarly... you will respect my mother and father too. The way you respect your mother and father... similarly... you will respect my mother and father too. And... according to your family's norms... you'll perform religious deeds and stay devoted to God. If you agree... they'll I'll reside in your left side. And... Wait a minute, Saru. What happened? Inspector... I don't respect my father, Saru. Saru. Saru. If I make take that promise inside, it will be a lie. Won't it? And, I can't lie to you, Saru. Not you. Not you. Sir... can we just exchange garlands and not vows to get married? Yes, of course. Sir, I was expecting you much earlier. I heard you're getting married. Please, dad. Please... Please let us get married. Please. Please, dad. Please... Please... Please... Please, dad. Please... Please let us get married. Please let us get married today. Please, dad. Please... Please... Please, dad. What if I say No? This 20/52... said to me yesterday... that he can kill for you... and die too. There's no promise bigger than that, Saru. And there's no boy better than him for you! Now you look like a bride. Garland him, Saru. Saru! Go on, dear. Garland him. Congratulations. Sign here. Here. Inder. Saru. Sir, please go. Is Kaveri happy? Isn't my husband more handsome than hers? Don't tell her. She'll get upset. Do you hate me? I miss you a lot, dad. Nice to see the whole family here. Congratulations, on your wedding. Doctor, we still have to give Saru's reception party. When can she go home? We've to invite our family from all over India. And her sister, she's in the US. We've to invite her as well. All this takes time. How much time do I have, doctor? At least until my henna fades out... Excuse me! I said... lets perform final rites. What kind of a father says that for his child? Whether a parent gives a blessing and curse... God fulfils all of it. You said that... But I didn't listen. I thought... she will come back, say sorry. And I will forgive her. Dad... Dad... Can I get some sacred ashes? A very intelligent man once told me. If things go your way, it's good. If it doesn't, it's even better. Because it's the will of God. Enough! Enough! Enough! She left this purse... at the court. I even found this book in it. She was issuing this book for the past three months. Do you know why? No! There's a dried rose on page no .65. Maybe... as a bookmark. And there's a date written on the on page no .65. 1994 to 2015. What... what does this mean? What does this mean? Page no .65 has your photo as well as your fathers. Think... whose destination is page no. 65. Think. Sir... Sit, Inder. Is that tree still in the garden? The one from 1858? Yes. I want 2 yards of land under that tree. - Can I ask why? - I just want it. Who did you kill this time? There are blood stains on your shirt. Don't I have the right to ask you? Inder. You haven't stopped turning your back and running away. I learnt it from you. Saru, before our wedding... you never asked why I committed that murder. Because you must have killed someone in order to save someone. When I was 13, I had a nanny. Ms. Lily. I considered her as a mother. One day my uncle barged in her room and... In order to save herself, she killed my uncle. I knew dad would never believe her, so... I said that I killed him. The biggest criminal lawyer of the country. My dad refused to take my case. He abondoned me. I can never forget that. Inder... people don't stay together because they forget. People stay together because they forgive. I can never forgive him. Promise? Inder. Come closer. Now say bye. Never. If you don't give permission to your wife... how can she go? You can't go. When it's your turn to go... then I'll come see you first. With henna on my hands. Now say bye. You can't go. It's your parent's prayers. Isn't that what you said? He has answered their prayers. I found you. God's personal love-letter. I've read the love-letter. Now I am not scared to go. I love you! I love you! To the square of infinity. Saru... I heard you got married. Inder... who asks for 2 yards of land to be buried in for their wedding? She'll be fine. I couldn't save you once... and that was the biggest mistake of my life. This time... I will save my daughter-in-law. - I... will use every power... - Saru's no more. No more. Sir... Sir... Papa! Save your tears, papa. She's so beautiful that, when you see her... you won't be able to hold back your tears. Will you let me meet her? Will you forget my mistakes? People don't stay together because they forget. People stay together because they forgive each other. Thank you... So you're happy with your husband's achievements! So let's celebrate. Cheers. I quit drinking. I swear. Just once or twice a year... I try it to... to remember the taste. I miss you. I do... every day. Miss you a lot. I swear. "Without you... it's impossible to live." "You're the only one I prayed for." "Your absence is like a curse." "If you go away... I will die." "Sweetheart I swear on you." "Sweetheart I swear on you." "Sweetheart I swear on you." Are you sorry? Then say you're sorry. If you ask again, I'll say yes. If you agree... then come reside in your left side. "My heart's only loved you." "You're the only one I prayed for." "Your absence is like a curse." "Your absence is like a curse." "If you go away... I will die." "Sweetheart I swear on you." "Sweetheart I swear on you." "Sweetheart I swear on you." "Every time I see you, my eyes get wet with tears." "Sweetheart I swear on you." "Sweetheart I swear on you." "Sweetheart I swear on you." "You're the only one I prayed for." "Your absence is like a curse." "If you go away... I will die." "Sweetheart I swear on you." "Sweetheart I swear on you." "Sweetheart I swear on you." "My heart's... addicted to you." "Don't ever... betray me." "I am used to you... it's not my fault." "Without you... it's impossible to live." "You're the only one I prayed for." "Your absence is like a curse." "If you go away... I will die." "Sweetheart I swear on you." "Sweetheart I swear on you." "Sweetheart I swear on you." -------------SupunWe------------ 'Two faced' One man That too a 70 year old man Killed armed Indian soldiers in the Embassy Who entered the premises? Is the Malaysian Govt taking responsibility? Malaysian Govt claims this face is not even in their records! He was carrying a fake passport Willing to support investigation by India Malaysian Govt has absolved officially any link whatsoever to this attack Manish, please pause the video The tattoo on his neck This tattoo is the only clue we have Symbol of Love No one here knows about this love tattoo Name of a man Many years ago he was operating from the Kashmir border No one has seen or traced him But 4 years ago our agency's undercover agent traced Love's headquarters He destroyed Love and his company totally In this undercover mission Akilan's technical support ...was our agency's best computer analyst Meera When Love's company was attacked Akilan and Meera were exposed Meera was killed If Akilan is required for investigation can't we get him here? Is he still working for the agency? He didn't tell you the whole story After his wife's demise the way in which he investigated Physical torture and hard core treatment 12 Human Right cases were slapped on him He ruthlessly didn't follow any ground rules Our agency passed suspension order against him No one has seen him after that Now to go in search of him after 4 years is of no use Only 2 people have met Love in person Sir, we have the case files You're listening to a trainee agent and- Mr Manish, this is a national emergency If they can attack the Indian Embassy so boldly it's as good as declaring war against our country Akilan's information is very important to us How will you find him after 4 years? Our ex agent's location gets updated once in 15 days Akilan after Nepal, Chandigarh, Goa has last checked in here They have paid half the amount already 15 blows, bear it somehow It is big money and they will bet the entire amount on him It's worth the pain Don't let go 1...2...3...4 Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven 12...13...14 Where are you going? Got scared, huh? Come back 15...! Why are you here? What is your emergency with me? Indian Embassy in Malaysia has been attacked 20 Indian commandos dead You're wasting your time, Malik My life is different My needs are different Whatever you say it isn't my problem Watch this and then decide The man who killed your wife or his company is still operative Don't mess with me to fulfill your needs It is 4 years since Love died! You matched Love visually and assassinated him But the same symbol has turned up again If you want to help us you know the venue "Coral, my coral pristine white You pierced my heart in delight" "Stem, dainty and delicate stalk You sprouted in my moon's park" "Puzzle, my life's jigsaw puzzle You jumbled my youth into a muddle" "O' ray of sunlight, right before me You bedazzle me in a state dizzy" "Beautiful work of art; a rarity Your eyes die to swallow me" "My dream, an epic praiseworthy O' Tamil, you make a poet out of me" "Holiday for a love so true" "May you continue a whole year through" "Like touchscreen my loveliness Branch out as my fingers caress" "When you sunbathe, baby your sunscreen lotion I'll be" "When you bathe in the sea I'm the foamy lather on your body" "All the love in this world, lady I'll shower only on you heady" "All the kisses in this universe from your lips I'll fill up my senses" Shall we get married? M-a...rr...y Shall we? When? Don't say 'anytime' Now we are on a holiday Then you'll give work as an excuse and 4 or 5 years will fly past us Don't I know you only too well? Our wedding will be in another 24 hours from this minute "The earth revolves nowadays stuck in 'selfie' displays" "Show me a way, maiden to live in a cell phone 24x7" "For a heart-to-heart chat Activate hormones to react" "Show me an App to contact and interact" "No misstep in a spider's web" "No 'selfie' please when you fondly tease" "Fling aside Facebook, darling Look at my face and have a fling" "Change a bit more into a wicked lover" "Love, nowhere else Now here, my lovely lass" "O' lover boy, a trailer I need for our honeymoon indeed!" So much has changed in these 4 years, right? If you look at this case a single man But literally 1 man army! He looks well trained but how did he- However rigorous his training may be 1 man can't pound so many! When he's entering he's walking in casually This is where his body language changes There's something in that inhaler Our next move- If you want my help in this case there are some ground rules I must handle this case completely You must arrange the weapons I need and Malaysian Govt's support This man should not talk to me or about this case hereafter Mr Malik, I already told you There's no point bringing him here I'll arrange all your requirements Mr Malik, he hasn't been in service for 4 years First of all I don't even know if you are medically fi- You cannot talk to me Forgot that rule already? Listen I didn't come to you asking for a job Your issue is Love attacked the Indian Embassy My concern He killed my wife Before you do a complete background check on Love and figure out how to tackle him ...I'll close your chapter Do you get it? Malik, do you need my help or not? You can handle this case So for official records you need a case officer to handle this case Be an assistant to that officer Mr Malik, I can't handle him If I should tackle this case with him as my assistant I don't even know what problems I'll face Ayushi, you must update every movement of Akilan's 24x7 He can't do anything without your permission When do you want to go to Malaysia? Right now You said the Malaysian Govt will give us full support Is he that 'support'? This is my assistant Akilan He's just an assistant? ! This is your welcome pack Do you see this? Emergency transponder If you are caught anywhere in Malaysia just press this slightly Malaysian Police will be right next to you! Why did you press it now? I was checking to see if you are alert In Malaysia, an assistant talking in front of the case officer is a mark of disrespect Please ask him to...! Understand? Let's go Pressed it by mistake I know it's an emergency transponder Was pressed due to pressure! Have you already sent 10 cars? You've even sent a helicopter? Hello, your assistant- Officer, will you move aside? Blocking the way like some 'creature'! He is even carrying the luggage? At least let him be of some use to us! This is a mobile unit Everything can be done from here Can be monitored from here Do you know this? Among Asian police, Malaysian police is ranked #1 5 hours since we requested an investigation on the inhaler Ask him what the Malaysian Police did? His passport and application form They were both fake This inhaler is used by asthma patients when they have trouble breathing Like you rightly pointed out the medicine in this inhaler was not an asthma drug Identical to the original asthma drug Without the blue print how is it possible to replicate the logo and nozzle design? From Rolex watches to Apple iPhones so many items have been duplicated, right? That's true That's because from their factories the original blue print gets leaked out So the Chinese are able to copy it easily Is this inhaler's company Kipla a Malaysian company? Yes, a manager from Kipla was suspended 6 months ago For leaking the blue print If the common man gets to know, the company's reputation will be ruined So they didn't complain Who is the manager? Were you able to get him? Malaysian Police has a track record for speed! We searched, found him and he is now in our head quarters So whom did he give that blue print to? Ask him to take me to that chap Madam, though I'm a cop I can't bend rules We must follow all that, right? Malaysian Police's speed isn't good enough From Kipla company, why did you leak the asthma inhaler design? I didn't leak anything Talk to my lawyer If you didn't leak, why did they suspend you? I believe I report late for work daily They got frustrated and suspended me Listen, Balaji Your folly has led to a terrorist attack If you keep- I told you to talk to my lawyer I need 2 minutes alone with him What's with your assistant? We are waiting for his lawyer No one can talk to anyone here Ayushi Contact the top official in the Malaysian Govt You said the Malaysian Police will support us fully Please mention his name also 1 minute please What...? Govt has passed an order to support them If they complain, it might become messy You are due for your promotion now I've been supportive Have I been fighting? All you've been doing till now is acting as a tourist guide, sir But I did that job well, right? You got any complaints? That's my limit I can't take any more risks What is the risk here? He will talk to him for 2 minutes Besides he's only an assistant Case officer is outside What can happen without your consent? Go to the next level, sir What do you want now? I'll allow you to talk for just 2 minutes Even if you take 1 extra second I'll follow everything from outside Got it? Gotchitch! Who is this now? I asked for my lawyer, right? I am well aware of the rules My family also has Govt employees and Police I know the rules too You can't do anything Lawyer...? He is - What kind of a brute of an assistant is he? Answer me You tell him He isn't my assistant Then who is he? Ex RAW agent He murdered 2 men and was suspended for 4 years Murdered! And was suspended? What the hell did you mean by 'next level'? Sir... I didn't leak anything You got no right to hit me If I complain to the Head office you can be suspended Did your cap fall off? Is your shirt torn? I'm handling you like a flower, eh? But look here Like an enraged bull from Alanganallur in Tamil Nadu ...he is ripping him apart to pieces Billy Murali... Billy Murali...! Billy Murali is a don in an area inhabited by Tamils mostly He's the chief for all illegal activities, prostitution, passport forgery etc Are you trying to go to the next level? Sit down Billy Murali paid me I gave him the blue print I don't know anything else I didn't anticipate so many hassles at all Stopped, huh? He has even butchered 2 policemen After hearing that news I steered clear of this area Now how do you both intend nabbing him? It's no joke Please let me know If we lure him with cash he will show up Hold this Why did he give it to- Sorry I assumed you were an assistant If you are a big shot in India same holds good for me here, sir We are equal- Then you also come with us Come with you? She is going on an undercover mission I'm wearing my uniform Sir, I'll follow you from a distance You go ahead bravely In their 'Operation' God knows how many operations I'll undergo Come buy CD and DVD with 5.1 prints Can I get a passport here? Fake passport Passport, huh? We don't have all that stuff here I have money I was told someone called Billy Murali arranges passports Sir, I don't know anyone by that name Come and buy 2 for 10 ringgits Take your pick, sir Brother, will I get a passport here? I can pay for it She is my wife We missed our passports when we came here It seems someone by name Billy Murali arranges passports Sir, we sell items needed for prayers and rituals We don't know all that Leave this place Right away Come and buy 2 for 10 ringgits You are- Keep your bag and leave If you give us the passports she will pay you! You won't have a problem Otherwise...? Why? Relax We are just talking terms These goons will thrash us and scoot without a trace That chap was alone in the station So our man had a field day They are fishing their guns out What will our agent do? For the 1st time let me take it out Listen, our Visa has expired If we go to the airport the police will grab us, so- Who told you fake passports can be procured here? Grab that bag from him 1 minute Wait Why are you in a hurry? Don't tell me I didn't warn you What warning? I can beat 4 men all by myself 4, huh? 6 of you, huh? She can take on 2 singlehanded 2 okay for you? Only 1? Heard that? She can handle 3 it seems Bloody hand, stay still or I'll chop you! 3+3 = 6 Is my math right? We'll know only after we clash Suppose we mess it up ...he will shoot all of you Police, I say Run Was my math right? Right...right 3+3 is 6 Check if he is dead or unconscious Dead, huh? Brother? Bro...? He was strong as a rock Lying like last night's rice now Are you a cop? Take me from here Wait, girl Brother Fatso brother? Thank God he is breathing He has regained consciousness Has he? Then we can talk According to Malaysian Police rules- I wanted to tell him not to stab him I was too late! What did you do with the blue print of Kipla company's inhaler? They are making a replica of it Who? Peter Who is that Peter? Aren't you a cop? Don't you know? He is the only supplier of fake medicine And fake equipment for hospitals in Malaysia Where is he now? I haven't seen him in person I swear I don't know I know I know He sends hookers to Peter Even last month he sent me with 2 Thailand girls He is a beast who will stoop to any level for money Do you know the exact location? We waited in Bukit Bintang junction They huddled us into a car The windows were raised But we reached his factory within 10 minutes They sent us back only the next day I was working in a school in my home town in India They brought me here promising me a lucrative job They confiscated my passport If we send this girl, will he take her to the same place? I will call and tell him Akilan, she has no clue about all this How can we send her? We must find that fake medicine factory We have no other option If they find out the reason they will kill her on the spot Hey, tell me the number I'll go along with her If I go, I can be in touch with you continuously It will be easy to track us through me If she goes alone, gets nervous and if anything untoward happens our plan will go for a toss You know what I'm saying makes sense, Akilan It is my responsibility to send you back home safe and sound Will you come with me without being scared? If you will save me from here I'll do whatever you ask me to Hey! Call him Tell him 2 girls are coming Good, he didn't send me like a broker along with them 2 girls 1 girl arrived in Malaysia only today She is really hot Find out if I can send them? Hold He said yes As per your request 6 men With Mp5 submission gun Will they shoot...? Or will they also drop their guns down and danc- I got the gold medal in shooting in my training period Is it so? Show me? Due to a small misfire it turned into bronze What was your mistake? Hands shivered a wee bit Aim wavered a way bit Then call it a teeny weeny mistake! The case officer cannot talk in front of her senior here She is taking a dig at me Ask her to...! Dig it? More or less buried! Do you have prior experience? Because you are setting up your tracker camera with expertise Do I look like a real prostitute? Good lord...101% How do you know? Do you have prior experience? Is this the place? We waited here Whatever happens don't be nervous Be bold This is the car Come What are they preparing? Fake medicine Attack, sir When we've confirmed it, why should we wait? I want to see his face Wow! Girls from our land You...? You've already been here, right? He is fully aware he shouldn't resend the same girl Call Billy What is your name? Sheela Can I check? Ears are clear Necklace...clear Anything in your hand- A spy camera now can be hidden in a small hairpin Watch camera is so outdated Used in yesteryear hero Jaishankar's days Hello, are you sitting in a van using an iPad at the end of the road? I want him alive From your coloring you look If they are the police- They will break in with a bang now? Why did you attack the Indian Embassy? Hello! Why did you break in? Isn't the doorbell working? Or did I refuse to open? Do you know this is a huge offense? You are a fine one to talk of offense! I will arrest you now Do you have a warrant? You have also killed my men According to 327 if I file a case you can be suspended you know 327 has been cancelled long ago - Didn't inform him? - What? 327 was revoked last month, sir Revoked? Why didn't you update me? Up to you to get updated, sir Both of us are Malaysians We shouldn't expose each other Peter, can I talk to you alone for 2 minutes? What 'sure'? - Don't trust him - He just wants to talk to me He wants to pound you to a pulp! If he is calling you aside don't fall into his trap Focus only on our deal Don't think Say 'yes' Okay Clear my name from all these cases of smuggling, fake medicine etc I'll turn approver I will cooperate fully Just 2 tight whacks he will- Don't be obsessed with blows Don't you want to wrap it up soon? He is a typical sand boa Trust my act, like a snake charmer I'll make him spit the truth The Embassy attack The inhaler drug Mastermind is Love Who is in love with whom? Love is his name 'How disgusting! ' I manufacture only this casing here The drug to be filled is prepared by Love in his premises If both are in the same place, won't it fall into wrong hands? Why are you making it like a cure for asthma? Only then it will be cleared by Customs abroad easily Airports Railway stations It can be carried into crowded places People will assume it is for asthma But no one will know what is actually in it What's so special about this? Watch this video Just to scare this old man a kid bursts a firecracker This elderly man must be around 75 years old When he is sitting quietly can he jump 2' high? But how did he jump when the cracker burst? When a person faces sudden danger his muscles and brain work 10 times more than his normal capacity Due to hormones secreted during impending danger Adrenalin You would've seen in the News A mother lifted a car when her child was stuck below Or someone chased by a dog? He will say, 'Bro, a dog chased me' 'I ran for my life' 'I don't how but I jumped a wall 7' high' Reason is fear This seems like gross exaggeration How can this happen? Can you identify this? - What? - Acid What if I fling it on your face- Hey! I splashed only water Get up Just water Water, huh? Who bent this? I did Try to bend this Go on Some more (grunts) I can't You could when it was acid But now you can't Understood? Sounded like a chemistry professor Now it's loud and clear Same adrenalin makes the brain work Not few seconds But for 5 minutes When you inhale it, an illusive feeling of fear is created in the brain The eyes get dilated And the body stiffens Every muscle gains extra power Brain starts working with 10 times increased capacity Speed Wisdom Strength One who inhales this, more or less becomes a superhero for 5 minutes Did you say Speed? You seem well read I jogged your memory, huh? This drug isn't new to our world Many decades ago it has been manufactured Hey! This is so unusual for today's times Who has done it earlier? Hitler 'During the 2nd World War Hitler forced this on his soldiers' 'With uncontrollable fury...' '...they could combat without food and sleep' 'Armies of the other nations were completely shaken up' 'They wondered how relentlessly only Hitler's army could fight' 'Even if they were shot they would never feel the pain' 'But a problem he faced was this drug's side effect' 'When their fury intensified beyond control...' '...the soldiers started killing their own captains and superiors' 'His dictatorial reign started collapsing' 'So Hitler prohibited its usage' 'After the 1940s that drug has resurfaced' But if adrenalin which works only for a few seconds acts for 5 minutes won't the body be affected? That's why I set a timer in the casing At the end of 5 minutes each muscle loses its strength It can take an hour or two for its effect to wear off By using this we become weak after 5 minutes, okay But if we inhaled it immediately? Already the body would have reached its saturation point If you take it again, it will lead to a massive heart attack What is his exact plan of using this drug? Indian Embassy attack was a demo for Speed's business prospects After watching the News, offers are flooding in from terrorist groups With this Speed, any place in the world can be attacked easily And the deal has been finalized by a top level terrorist group 10,000 inhalers will be dispatched tonight Where are the casings to be sent to Love? I've already sent 5000 Balance 5000 loaded in the car His men will have it picked up by 1:00 p.m Sir, only 15 minutes to go Clear all the bodies All of you relax and be normal, okay? Where is that vehicle? She has to be rushed to the hospital, she's bleeding heavily Love's men They are here Clear those bodies We must take her to the hospital Go...go...go Clean this, not here Go that side She's bleeding heavily Muthaiah, take her behind that counter From when they enter till they leave I want pin drop silence Understand? - Please come - Shards of glass here? Oh! That's nothing 4-5 monkeys jumped in Key...? Muthaiah, ask 2 of your men to take that girl to the hospital - What are you looking at? - Sir, she is dead You have no remorse for her death, right? Of course I feel sad But your question won't guilt my decision as wrong We need to follow them now Following them is your priority more than a girl's life Aren't we all doing our duty here? If this chemical weapon is exported from here millions will die, is it okay? Not only that The bullet hit her right below her heart, maximum 5 minutes That's all Why don't you think from her parents' point of view? Will you calculate 5 minutes like this? Will you let her die in front of your eyes? In front of my eyes they killed her My wife I didn't cry because my wife was dead I went to work the very next day If that girl was my priority she would've died They would've escaped too Intelligence work requires mental strength to take split second decisions If at all someday you gain that mental strength... I kind of lost it in there Before that period of 4 years You haven't spoken about it to anyone No file has exact details What happened that day? How did your wife Meera die? Love ...won't meet anyone else apart from the people he does business with So Meera and I created a record as Israeli mafia And we went to meet him undercover 'We set plastic explosives in the briefcase he was using for his transactions' 'Amidst heavy security...' ' was a long awaited meeting' 'We met Love' 'Love and his men' 'All of them died' 'But his business contacts and his network' 'The entire information was in that briefcase' 'Silica gel' 'Forensic team uses it to brush fingerprints' 'Using that we accessed his laptop' 'We got all the necessary information, contacts, manufacturing factories' 'We immediately passed the information to our agency and initiated an attack' 'Indian Army completely razed his manufacturing factory to the ground' Hey! Pickup point is to our left We are heading right You forgot, huh? I told you in 24 hours I would marry you Exactly 4 hours still left So...? So... let's get married But Akilan, I need to get ready for the wedding I mean you look gorgeous This will be my wedding dress? We have 4 hours Won't that do? Everyone gets at least 4 months to get married You are giving me 4 hours Adju...oh? Is that a yes...or no? "Aiyo! In my heart a swing Swinging...swaying" "In my life till now!" "Aahaa...up in the sky a path zig-zags high" "Changing into dew What a view...whew!" "Eyes chat a secret code" "Words now become a weary load" "Come close to me Glue together gladly" "When even 'near' really seems far you see" "7 births through I followed you" "How could you be oblivious to my search so obvious?" "Just for you, day and night I sparkled in the sky bright" "How could you be oblivious to this firefly so obvious?" "O'...'maya' so illusive Wispy cloud elusive?" "O' sweet delusion Are you my flame of passion?" -------------SupunWe------------ "Thanks to you I changed too" "Wished a ring on my finger A lifetime gift to linger" "As trousseau, my beau I gave myself to you" "My mind waltzes filled with happiness" "In your home will be a special room for me" "Till death do us part you will stay with me, my heart" "Flowery vine on your shoulder spreads its fragrance forever" "Water you sprinkle will be sweet Embracing me with your retreat" "Are you my flame of passion?" "Fiery spark of obsession?" After Meera died for 6 months I searched and found out Love's company And people he had transacted with I ensured not a single man who killed my wife was alive Only then I quit the agency 4 years till date Now again who is this man called Love? Between him and Love whom I killed 4 years ago what is the connection? Try calling our boss again Keep trying Better to inform him "Your fragrance will waft towards me still?" "Will it continue to kill?" 'I am telling you the truth' 'I don't know anything' 'Why did you bring me here? ' 'How am I responsible if your ship sinks in the sea? ' Your skin will glow Do you know its speciality? Nothing to worry But- Just a gentle dab on your skin Your 1st mistake Stealing from me 2nd blunder I sold it I sold it for $10 million (whistling) Don't...don't do anything to me (continues whistling) 'Delivery taken' 'No, a minor problem' What is the problem? 'Glass was scattered all over the floor' The men were new Not the usual lot 'He was there' But other than him, all the other guards were new Is anyone following you? There are too many cars Not too sure Swerve right Yes, a grey Mustang Kill the driver and bring the body here Sir, they've stopped at Putrajaya bridge The traffic camera over there - Ask him to use 'Speed' - Why, sir? We have 8 of our boys He is just 1 single man Ayushi Check this Sir asked you to take 'Speed' We need him alive Bring him alive Who is he? Does he look familiar to you? I thought life was insipid and lacking spice Some bunker- Ayushi Get into the car Go to the Malaysian Police He wanted him alive I asked you to bring only him Actually he said bring him alive That's why I- Kill her Bring him inside (Humming) Oh! My God Everyone will run around for Love But you made Love run around, right? This...if this is used your skin would glow 1st mistake...4 years ago was you taking up this case 2nd blunder, 4 years later was you taking up the same case again Poor you! Everything is your fault She didn't die that day The bullet hit her head The people at the foothills had admitted her in a hospital You closed down my business and my company Will I let you off that easily? I searched for you But not in the useless way you did You sent the police after me Even a helicopter It was all a waste Poor Meera! She was alive But the hippocampus and temporal lobes in her brain Damaged Retrograde amnesia She didn't even know her own identity When a man loses his memory in an accident his skills will still be intact If he or she is a good swimmer they can still swim well Same analogy with driving a car What is your wife's speciality? India's best computer hacker and data analyst Shouldn't I utilize that unique skill of hers? World's best plastic surgeons gave her facial reconstructive surgery And I took her in as my 1st employee In the last 4 years, Indian Police, Malaysian Police, International Police No one has been able to touch me No one even knows if someone called Love is dead or alive Do you know how I managed that? My perfect firewall... Rosy If any evidence or data pointing to me appeared online she would go right in and clear them all Do you want to check her sincerity? Open that draw, dear There is a case in that draw Open it, dear You see a gun Pick it up See the guy sitting there? Point the gun at his head, dear Load it, Rosy Place the gun back and- You thought you had killed me 4 years ago, right? But the man you killed thinking it was me My only blood relation My younger brother Sir, the entire money in our account is draining Sir, our account is empty now Someone is accessing our bank details Whom did we meet finally at the border? We did a thorough background check He is an Israeli mafia lord His name is Jordan Klein Run his mug shot through America's CIA, Britain's M16 And all other agency records In 5 minutes flat this place will be razed to the ground During the 26/11 Bombay attack . Indian and American agents met and were trained This photo was taken then You are a goner! For business meetings And all these trivialities Do you think I'll personally attend? Saddam Hussein had 3 men ready at all times it seems Always great men should inspire us Hussein, Einstein, Hitler There are many such people in India But now even Hitler I've beaten hollow No one can combat me with Speed without my consent Don't get it? When he inhaled Speed weren't you the one who didn't notice him? (whistling) Dead and gone! Good worker Clear the body A small electric pulse in the medulla oblongata Everyone is under my control Oh! Your wife too Same rules In fact I fixed it in her neck Oh! What a slender neck! I wanted! I am not too fond of women But if only you joined hands with me We can rock! And after this inhaler business now You can rule this world as king And I'll be the queen What do you say? (whistling) Malaysian police activity is a little more than usual Could it be because of him? Why didn't I think of this? Agents like him won't be here without backup support, right? Sleeping drug Morphine 5ml solution Quick! Keep him alive, till we confirm no one is aware of his arrival here Only 5 ml, right? Don't want him dead Meera...! "Caressing my cheek light you vanished from my sight" "My rivulets of tear My teardrops dear" "Then from nowhere, dear in my life you are now-here" "My sobs penitent My tears persistent" "Like refreshing rain then Now a blemished burden" "You stood still, o' maiden" "In rhapsody that day As a whiplash today" "You killed me brutally in a way" "In a world of our own, me for you And you for me in ties tied true" "You bloomed to bewitch me as the azure blue sky in all its glory" "I saw your vision as mine forever You are my sole soul mate to savor" "In the blink of a second you vanished far and beyond" "As a corpse I lay in pain" "What did you gain waking me to kill me again?" "In my dreams a honeyed (re)treat In reality why bitter, my sweet?" "Like passing ships in the sea we are here Where is the love that bloomed once, dear?" "Caressing my cheek light you vanished from my sight" "Then from nowhere, dear in my life you are now-here" "Like refreshing rain then Now a blemished burden" "You stood still, o' maiden" "In rhapsody that day As a whiplash today" "Girl, you killed me by the way" "Then from nowhere, dear in my life you are now-here" "Caressing my cheek slight-" Piece of good news In fact 2! First, no one is searching for both of you Rosy told me 2nd piece of good news $2.1 billion By way of advance alone I sent across 2 samples of Speed The advance has been credited A top level terrorist group is testing those samples India in the most fan-tas-tic manne- The two of you don't know what's happening in India, right? Just 1 man He crashed the aircraft in Mumbai Little Angels Children Hospital At the same instant 178 passengers kaput Little children went to Heaven! Oh! Plane burnt to cinders Poor plane...! How did this happen? One man...he broke in Pounded the guards to a paste 275, no 276 India's greatest criminals Terrorists, villains are now happily roaming free in the streets How did this happen? Soooper demand for my drug If only 2 inhalers can cause this effect tonight 10,000 After tonight our world will shift upside down I'll be the only one ...standing straight Open that draw, dear Take out the gun, dear 1st check if it has bullets, dear What the he- 'Piece of good news In fact 2! ' 1st piece of good news My name isn't Rosy Meera Someone promised to marry me within 24 hours And with 4 hours to go he married me in Kashmir His name is Akilan He's the one My husband Transponder I was waiting for this It was in your jacket If I press this the Malaysian Police will be here within 10 minutes, right? It's 9 minutes now In another minute That was lightning fast! You don't understand how all this happened, right? In your geeeenius brain Your gray cells will provide all the answers Activate them Who pressed the transponder? Answer my question Now this is under the control of the Malaysian Police If any enquiry has to be made it can be carried out only in our headquarters You...! You- And you Take care! Don't leave anything behind Chemicals, plus his personal items I need everything there, got it? We've been travelling for 15 minutes without talking Not 15 minutes 4 years I was in that hospital suffering from amnesia is the truth From the day Love took me along with him I was working for him sincerely But 6 months ago he made this Speed drug When he started talking business and terrorist organizations got involved Interpol, CIA started tracking him severely If this drug business had to be finalized without any hitch then Love's defense system had to be even stronger So Love made me consume that Speed drug 'Then my brain worked 10 times more than its normal strength' 'No police force in the world would be able to find him' 'I created a fool proof defense system for him' 'But along with that...' '...some memories of my past cached in my brain' ' I hadn't accessed in the last 4 years got activated' 'Every time I used the inhaler I remembered new episodes' 'I kept feeling I had a distinct past' 'As if I had lived a different life' 'To generate those memories that inhaler became an addiction' 'Shall we get married? ' 'In a time frame of 2 weeks I started seeing your face' After that every time I used Speed I kept seeing your face 'I realized I had some connection with that face' 'I ran that face through the world's population database' 'That's when I found out' 'Your name is Akilan' 'You are a RAW agent' 'Your last mission was to kill this Love' 'And above all you were married' 'Your wife's name is Meera' 'I found myself staring at my photo! ' I realized I was working on the wrong side 'My life was in his clutches' 'A small electric pulse in the medulla oblongata' I wasn't bothered about my life But if I was no more I could not stop this racket I made him tattoo the Love symbol in the nape of my neck 'After that I waited for his 1st Embassy attack' 'Seeing the Love-tattoo...' '... I thought our agency would be alerted' I was expecting you to come back Just as I expected you arrived on the scene But as soon as he said 3-2-1 you didn't even bat an eyelid And you shot me In the records I noticed we were both RAW agents Won't I be able to guess if a gun is loaded by its weight? I swear I can't In any given situation if I was ordered to shoot you- Whether the two of us will be together depends on the answer to an important question What question? That female with you Dressed like a prostitute Is she your girlfriend? Or have you already married her? Got 2 kids Marriage...? I had promised to marry within 24 hours from now You stuck a gun in between, confused me- (whistling) Use that corner Open the door Let me out Look here If only you let me out you would be the king of this world And I'll be the queen What do you say? I need to go to the toilet Open the door, open the door Open the door, open the door OPEN THE DOOR! Ope- (choking) Prison is in lockdown mode I'm stuck inside Love is also here I've reconstructed the device (whistling) (whistling) Are you okay, my dear? Are you hurt? I aimed for those two You came in between Remove your hand Small cut For 5 seconds 10 ml blood loss means 120 ml for 1 minute Going by your body weight You'll be alive for 15 more minutes Exactly 6 minutes for the emergency team to arrive While going back from here they will zip it, in 2-3 minutes 2 minutes to perform the emergency procedure Total of 11 minutes You will survive Now if the vein next to your cut The jugular vein Just 1 centimeter this side If that had been slit this is very dangerous Bleeding heavily Now 20 ml for 5 seconds 240 ml for 1 minute Calculating by your body weight'll live for just 7 and ½ minutes more Now chances of your survival Little difficult Very tough No luck, you'll die Baby, did you record all my fights and stunts? Next in my program- (overlap of various TV News channels) He escaped Where's Ayushi? The video is still playing Switch on the Bluetooth 'Prison is in lockdown mode' 'I'm stuck inside' 'Love is also here' 'I don't know how long I can hold' 'I have reconstructed the device' 'Akilan, I don't know if I'll be alive' 'Are you okay, my dear? ' 'Now if the vein next to your cut' 'The jugular vein' 'Just 1 centimeter this side If that had been slit...' 'Very tough' 'No luck, you'll die' She has reconstructed this But without Love's fingerprint this is of no use You know where he exports that Speed inhaler from, right? Only he is privy to the transactions outside the lab But he had a phone with him I'm sure he would have been in touch with someone His last satellite call has been received by another Sat phone at Royal Malaysian Hospital Muthaiah, who would be using a satellite phone in the hospital? Royal Malaysian Hospital? He was admitted there a week ago Okay, I need to meet him Sir, it was a satellite phone How can you be sure he received the call? Without influence at a high level you can't export from Malaysia Transport minister is our target I need to make a call 'Ayushi told me about the inhaler export and Meera' For the last ½ hour I'm trying to reach her What's happening there? Love killed Ayushi and quite a few Malaysian cops and escaped Ayushi? There's only 1 way to prevent his export I need your help One Mr Chang here is the Malaysian Transport minister He is holed up for the last 1 week in a hospital with high security You need to arrange a meeting with him Do you realize the gravity of the situation? This is just 2 inhalers Tonight 10,000 inhalers are being exported I'll call in 5 minutes Sir, apart from Akilan's tall claims we have no other evidence If we need more evidence Akilan has to speak to him Akilan, that Transport minister is pulling a fast one He says the only love he knows is his wife! That will do Keep it in mind I am fully aware of the diplomatic situation I need just 2 minutes of his time '2 minutes, eh? ' Muthaiah, you know that hospital? Ayushi's formalities- Inform her family and- I'll take care "Fragrance will waft of flowers in fact" What's happening there? But...there's an issue Indian agent Akilan has used Govt clout He's meeting the Transport minister Only the Transport minister is aware of the source of our export Minister Chang Yeng I'll take care of it Speed up the schedule He is the person who will be going inside I've heard a lot about you (whistling) Who is it? I had requested for a change of room Have you come to shift me? I had requested a shift to the top floor You'll be shifting me now, right? Top floor, eh? Much higher than that! What's happening to me? Whatever it is, will be conveyed only after 24 hours (counting) What have you done? You were fine Why did you do this? I had got tickets for our Superstar's film What will I do? And now you're lying unconscious Can I share a joke with you? (loud laughter) Doctor is busy flirting Stay put Suxamethonium chloride C14 H30 N2 O4 If I should say it in a lingo you will understand in a few minutes you will be numb But eyes alone Who is this boy? I got you something Knife! I've changed my mind The hero that you are I shall transform into a villain! Bearded bozo! Ta-ta (loud nonstop laughter) We've cleared all the formalities to send the body to India, ma'am Just listen to-what I am saying Don't react Love has killed the Malaysian minister And he has framed me Malaysian Police is trying to hunt me down If they see you they will immediately arrest you Is any cop near you? I'm surrounded only by cops! Come out quietly You don't understand the situation I'll trust you, sir But how do I convince them? It has been recorded in the camera There's no way out Please surrender Listen to me Tonight Love is exporting the Speed inhaler consignment If it goes outside Malaysia, then we can't stop it Hordes of people will die because of you Are you okay with that? What should I do now? For the 1st time in your life be an Indian police For a good cause Break the rules With a 'Mr Clean' image till date I've been with the Malaysian police After retirement I thought I could rest peacefully But I am being screwed royally! He paralyzed me 1 minute The Transport minister scribbled something before he died Take a look What could LXJ mean? Open the console in front of you What is the password? Hack the system You make it sound very easy How do I hack it? Press Ctrl+Alt+F3 at the same time In the Malaysian document database cross refer the key word LXJ What is the button for cross referen- We need to exchange our jobs You should fiddle with the computer And I should- I can handle the computer But the car has to be driven fast, right? That is a moot- "Zip zap zoom, like a bat out of hell Put the pedal to the metal" Hey! Can you slow down? How will I type? "You can't race me Fast as only I can be" "Can't keep pace with me you'll get all shaky" "Watch the anti-climax" "Two faced pranks" Stupid of me to question your driving skill, okay? What is LXJ? We've got 19 references It will take a while, wait "Do a ton Floor it, on the run" "Step up pronto Accelerate on the go!" "Don't drive into the kingdom of doom Large loom, zip zap zoom" "In my area, I am the Raja" "Ask around, dude Always fun-mood" "Moustache, beard swag What an attitude, stag!" "Hero or villain, who is he? Face off and tell me" "Bum-chum, buddy" "Partner sturdy" "If you come on to the scene" "It's rollicking fun to the power umpteen" "Follow me" "You know me" "Come, get me" "On my toes, I'm ready I'll turn you into a dead body" "Hand in glove" "Hand and glove" "If you show up, Love" They are following us real close How many cars? Three, four "I will smash you seriously A royal mess you'll be" Howzzat? ! Your husband is hot, right? "Tyres screech to a crescendo" "Silencer bursts in the gun oho!" "Quick...quintuple quick" "Faster than greased lightning" "This one you know You were hunting high and low" "You'll figure out later 2 faced monster" "Gotcha in a nano-minute Sparks fly, you've had it" "Turn...turn...return No heartburn" LXJ is an old army base The Transport minister has got air clearance for Love to fly from here "I will plan meticulously to wipe you out totally" Akilan, only 20 minutes left for that plane to take off "You'll be under my mercy" Akilan, we must stop the export You have to be conscious He looked better with a beard! Muah! After 4 minutes Everyone will slip and slide in love You are making even Love slip! Muah! You have only 15 seconds left Now...14 Akilan, are you on the line? Meera! Were you able to get at least 1 fingerprint? Just for that 1 fingerprint ...I got pounded to a pulp Silica gel Forensic team use this to brush fingerprints 'You have only 15 seconds left' 'Now...14' (whistling) (whistling continues) Trying your tricks with ME, huh? ! You have only 15 seconds left What does that mean? Now...14 'Everyone will slip and fall in love' But now Love himself will slip and fall into oblivion! Super, huh? Life should be enjoyed like this A month ago the entire Malaysian Police was looking for us Now they have themselves sponsored us on this cruise But we should use it Not waste it What shouldn't we waste? Our next plan 4 years since we got married So...? So make babies for a happy family Next step Before you go missing again Hello! It took you 3 years to propose to me Baby-plan is all fine 'But I have an assignment' 'This isn't a good time We'll see later' You'll say this and postpone it for 4-5 years Don't I know you well enough? We will have a baby soon Within 2-3 years? Much sooner That means? In 10 months? Much, much sooner How is that possible? In another 24 In 24 hours "Zip zap zoom, like a bat out of hell" "Whizzz...put the pedal to the metal" "Drive left, bang...bash Swerve right...clash" "You can't race me Fast as only I can be" "Can't keep pace with me you'll get all shaky" "Watch the anti-climax" "Two faced pranks" subtitled by rekhs assisted by harini, kirthi, sethumadhavan "Do a ton Floor it, on the run" "Step up pronto Accelerate on the go!" "Don't drive into the kingdom of doom Large loom, zip zap zoom" "In my area, I am the Raja" "Ask around, dude Always fun-mood" "Moustache, beard swag What an attitude, stag!" "Hero or villain, who is he? Face off and tell me" "Bum-chum, buddy" "Partner sturdy" "If you come on to the scene it's rollicking fun to the power umpteen" "Follow me" "You know me" "Come, get me" "On my toes, I'm ready I'll turn you into a dead body" "Bum-chum, buddy" "Partner sturdy" "If you're a bully" "Follow me" "You know me" "Come, get me" "On my toes, I'm ready I'll turn you into a dead body" "Tyres screech to a crescendo" "Silencer bursts in the gun oho!" "Quick...quintuple quick Faster than greased lightning" "The one you know You were hunting high and low" "You'll figure out later 2 faced monster" "Gotcha in a nano-minute Sparks fly, you've had it" "Come, get me" "Just You vs Me" "My 'biryani' you'll be" "Fun and frolic never before seen" "Never mess me" "Wanna chase me" "Can't touch me" "I'll t(h)rash you happily A total wreck you'll be" "Come, get me" "Just You vs Me" "My 'biryani' you'll be" "Fun and frolic never before seen" "Never mess me" "Wanna chase me" "Can't touch me" "I'll t(h)rash you happily A total wreck you'll be" -------------SupunWe------------ - Father. - Henry. What have you done? - I said I'd find you. - Look at me, son. - I don't care! - There is no place for you on the Dutchman. They know you're here... Get home to your mother. No! - Leave now, before it's too late. - I won't! I'll never stop... And if you throw me over, I'll come straight back.. Don't you see, I'm cursed to this ship? That's why I'm here. I think I know a way to break your curse. To free you from the Dutchman. - Henry, no. - I've read about a treasure. A treasure that holds all the power of the sea, The Trident of Poseidon, can break your curse. Henry. The Trident can never be found. I found you. - It's just a tale. - Like the tales of you. And Captain Jack Sparrow? He will help me find the trident. You stay away from Jack. Leave the sea forever. You've to stop acting like a. A pirate. I won't stop. I want you to come home. Henry. I'm sorry. My curse will never be broken. This is my fate. You must let me go. I love you son. Captain Jack Sparrow. Nine years later.. Faster you pathetic built rats, you pump the builds.. And fill the scuppers. We are chasing down pirates. Henry get back here. You don't wanna get kicked off an another ship. It's a Dutch boat. Probably stolen by the Pirate Bonet. My God. I warned you of leaving your post, boy. I need to speak with the captain. - What did you say? It is going in, sir. Chase her down. No, don't do it! Don't do it.. You will not address a Captain, boy. Sir, look at your charts. I believe you're sailing us, in to the Devil's Triangle. Do you hear this man? This landsman, believes an old sailor's myth. Sir. With all due respect I have spent my life studying, the myths of the sea. I know every legend and every curse. Do I know, ships that sail into the triangle do not necessarily sail out. Don't worry sir. - This one is clearly disturbed. - Sir, trust in what I say. Change your course. You dare to give me orders, boy? Arrest him! Turner! I'll not let you kill us all. Come on. This is treason! Lock him up. - No. - I'm going in. This was your last chance, Turner. If it were up to me, I would string you from the yard. On deck! Jack Sparrow. He's dead. Buried in an unmarked graveyard of St. Martin. Sir, there's something in the water. It's a shipwreck. No. She's sailing straight towards us. Open fire! What are you? Death. WANTED! JACK SPARROW. Jack Sparrow. Do you know this pirate? - Only by name. - You could look me for him? - Is that a yes? - Yes. For too many years the Triangle has cursed us. Condemned us to this Hell on Earth. The key to our escape.. Is Jack Sparrow and the compass, which he holds. No, no. No need to fear me boy. To tell the tale. Find Sparrow for me and relay a message. From Capitan Salazar. Salazar. Tell him I'll behold the daylight again. And on that day. Death. Death.. comes straight for him. Would you say that to him? Please? - Yes. - I wish I could tell him myself, but. Dead men tell no tales. SAN MARTIN, THE CARIBBEAN. - Carina Smyth. You're an orphan, born of the devil. Accused of practicing witchcraft. Before you die. Do you have anything to confess? I confess that I am not a witch. That I'm a woman of science. I confess that I have survived on my own, with nothing but a dairy. From a father I never knew. On a quest for the truth of who I am. I confess that I will die before I give up this search. And I confess. That while we've been talking. Our new vault.. Is 5 inches thick. And weighs an imperial ton. I've got her! Get her! Don't let her get away. Stop that witch! With this bank, the town of St. Martin, enters the modern world. - I'm so sorry, sir. - The witch's get to the chains. Find that wicked lass. Or you swing in her place. - Sir. - Sir. No man.. Nor army. Can ever rob the gold from St. Martin. Open the vault! Pirate! Pirate.? Pirates! This may seem a peculiar question. Could someone explain to me.. To why I'm here? How long? No, no no, wait, it's coming to me. Need just a moment to clear mi head. Make ready! Hold your fire. There's a woman with him in the vault. Sir, I believe... hat's your wife. Francis? Oh, I've got it! I've got it. I'm robbing the bank! Shoot him! That was not part of the plan. Stop him! Don't let him get away! NO DOGS, NO WOMEN. No woman has ever handled my... Clear the path. No, no, no, no! Stop, stop.. stop! Hard to starboard! Sir, your celestial fix was off. I have adjusted two degrees north. Your map will no longer be imprecise. Although you will have to start again with it. You're a witch. No, I'm not. Am I a witch for having cataloged. - Over 200 stars? - Witch! There is a blood moon coming. I simply need to purchase. A chronometer. I pay you double for selling to a woman. Help me! Help! Help! There is a witch in my shop. And a pirate! There is a witch and a pirate in my shop. Well this is your lucky day! Have either of the four of you seen my bank? Found it. - Were you part of the plan? - I am not looking for trouble. What a horrible way to live. - Stop that Witch! Get her! - We're trapped. What do we do? You need to scream. Over there! Secure that woman! - You filthy pirate! - No need for lame calling! Jack! Bridge? It's empty! Where is the dash? Do you think that robbing a bank is easy? You gaggle of gutless use of the wound.. Guilty of putting me on this dreadful pickle in the first place. Now line up.. And offer me a tribute. Do you want us to pay you? Am I not the captain of this ship? You call this a ship? - Where is the treasure? - All of us are starving. We'll no longer follow a captain without a ship. I have a ship. Black Pearl has never left mi side. The pirate Barbarossa rules these seas now. Has 10 ships. Guns full. Not to mention his canon balls. 18 pounds each they say. One legged man with 18 pound balls? That's why he walks funny. Oh come, come mates? Did we not find the treasure of Macedonia together? It was a troll of rotten wood. - Gold of King Midas. - A pile of donkey dung. Face it Jack. Bad luck dogs you, day night. Now that is a bliss of fabrication. - You've lost your luck. - You've lost your ship. Now.. you've lost your crew. Jack Sparrow is no longer our captain. I'm sorry Jack. But we've reached the end of the horizon. You're all dismissed. Eh? All of ya! Dismissed! Never sail with Captain Jack Sparrow again. Tell you that. The whole town speaks of you. The only survivor of the Monarch. A boy who pelled.. All the way to St Martin, against the tide. On a piece of wood. Now gibbering about pirates. And tridents. Please sir, let me go off these chains. My job is to protect this island and these waters. And your sleeves have been ripped, The mark of treason. We were attacked by the dead. You're a coward who ran from battle. That is how you die. - I don't believe you're a coward. - Please leave me sister. I've risked my life to come here. To see if the rumors are true. - Are you speak of the Trident? - Who are you? - Tell me why you seek the trident? - The Trident can break, any curse at sea. My father is trapped by such a curse. You're aware that curses are not supported by science. - Neither the ghosts. - So you have gone mad? - I should never have come here. - Then why did you come here? Because I need to get off this island. To solve the map. "No man can read". Left by Poseidon himself. - You've read the ancient text? - In each language they were written. But this map has never been seen or read, by any man. Luckily I am a woman. This is the diary of Galileo Galilei. He's spent his life searching for the Trident, It's why he invented the spyglass. Why astronomers' spend their lives staring in to the sky. So you're saying the map no man can read, Is hidden in the stars? It was left to me by my father. He believe I could find.. What no man has ever found. I will not let him down. Soon, there will be blood moon. Only then can the map be read. - And the Trident found. - Who are you? - Carina Smyth! - If you have to save your father, you'll have to save me. Find us a ship. And the Trident will be ours. Come to me Witch! Oh! He's gone.! He's gone sir. Find that coward! He will hang with the witch. Think Capt. Jack washed up right? I have not had a wash in years. Check the alley down there. You two, check the church. Rest of you, with me. Bugger! - May I please have a drink, please? - Show me your silver. Silver? How about a trade? Give me the bottle. Capitan. What's happening? Jack Sparrow, Jack Sparrow has given away the compass. Daylight! We're free! Now, now, it's time, to hunt a pirate. Pirate's life. Come to Daddy. Just the man we've been looking for. Why? Why am I looked for? Let it be known that the pirate Jack Sparrow.. Will be executed at dawn. Executed? I will never set foot in this town again, sir. Be mark of words. To release the power of the sea. One must divide. The stars lead to an island. - I'm looking for a pirate, Jack Sparrow. - What kind of soldier has no weapon? - I'm counting on to the treason. So, not a very good kind. I am looking for a pirate, Captain Jack Sparrow? Today is your lucky day. Because I just happen to be.. Captain Jack Sparrow. No, it can't be. I've spent years searching for.. this? The great Jack Sparrow is not some drunk in a cell. Do you even have a ship? A crew? A great pirate does not require such intricacies. Do you know how long I've been waiting for this moment? The risks I've taken to be here? - Are you sure you're the Jack Sparrow? - The real question is.. - Who are you? - My name is Henry Turner. Son of Will Turner and Elisabeth Swann. You are the evil spawn of them two? Does mommy ever ask about me? No. Go on. She calls my name in the sleep? She never spoke of you. Are you sure we're talking about the same people? He is a haste eunuch. She has golden hair, stubborn, pouty lips. Neck like a giraffe. - And two of the those wonderful. - Yes Yes, it's her.! Because at the moment you're all I have got. I found the way to save my father. There is one thing that can break his curse. And free him from the Dutchmen. The Trident of Poseidon. The treasure that can be found with... the map that no man can read. There's a girl inside this prison Jack, who holds that map. The moon has time to blood, the trident will be found. And you could be the one who holds the sea. And with it become all that you once were. The great. Oh, I'm so sorry. Were you still talking? One more thing. A message from someone you know, named Captain Salazar. I once knew a Spaniard named. Something in Spanish. El Matador Del Mar. The butcher of the sea. Quite happily he's dead. Very, very dead. Ship went down.. Inside the triangle. He's coming for you Jack, to seek revenge. As the dead man's tale is told.. I don't believe you. He said your compass was the key, his escape. An army of dead, are coming straight for you, Jack. The Trident of Poseidon is your only hope. - I am not going in there to tell him. - It was your idea! No, it was my idea for you to tell him. He likes you more than me. He doesn't like anybody. We know you said never to disturb you. Or to come in without good cause. Or to speak without first. To ask you now whether our, thoughts were absolutely necessary. Like the time the ship was on fire. That being an example of necessary thought. So again, we do apologize for starting that fire. It's the ships, sir. They are being attacked by an enemy.. - That takes the Riches. - Kills without provocation. My ships? Not possible! Three of them already been sunk, Sir. They have been sunk by a captain called Salamander! Sandoval. Salazar! That's him, your sireness! He leaves one man from each vessel.. To tell the tale. The entire fleet is being sunk. And we'll soon be dead. And quite possibly out of business. I'll be needing some time with your witch.. I have been expecting you Captain. Perhaps you would like some tea. I shall pass, thank you kindly. The price of crossing my door is blood, Captain. That explains why you're not so busy. Everyone pays, eventually. Shansa, you and I made a bond long ago. Remember? And I cursed your enemies. But now you come to me with fear. As the dead have taken command over the sea. And what would the dead be wanting with me? Not you, Captain. - They're searching for a Sparrow. Jack who sails for the trident.. With a girl and a Pearl. The trident can never be found. The trident is Jack's only hope. The dead are conquering the sea, unable to step on dry land. Maybe you should retire to the country side. On a farm? Milking a cow, making cheese. - While they sink mi treasure? - Ask yourself this, Captain. - Is this treasure worth dying for? - I'm a pirate. Always will be! So how do I save, - what be mine. - Jack held a compass. Which points you to the thing you desire most. But betray the compass... And it releases your greatest fear. And a pirate's greatest fear will be Salazar, is it? - How did you get this? - I have my ways. Lead them to Jack before he finds the trident. And all your treasure will come back to you. Time to make a deal with the dead. - Jackie boy, how is it going? Can't complain really. You? I've been waiting all morning in here, for a beating. - But the service is terrible. - Shameful. Jack. The oceans have turned to blood. Best to stay on dry land, where it's safe. I'm about to be executed on dry land. Did I ever told you about the skeleton? Yes you have, many times. Skeleton goes into a bar, orders a beer. And a mop. Come on let's go! If they disembowel you, ask for Viktor. He's got the softest hands. Thank you. And mention my name, they won't cut your feet off. You're first! And how would you like to die pirate? Hanging, firing squad or a new invention. - The guillotine. - Guillotine? Sounds french. I love the French. Did you know they've invented mayonnaise? How bad could it be? It's French, right? I change mi mind.. No please have mercy for me. I am a bet wetter. I mean I have to walk upstairs as well for this? - Bring the basket. - Basket.. why? Step him down! Here's an idea. Why don't we try good old fashioned stoning? I'd kill to be stoned right now. Gets the crowd involved, doesn't it? I should like to speak to Victor in disembowelment. I should like to speak to Vic. I'm not the one who, complain normally, but this basket is full of heads. Final words of Carina Smyth. Shut up! It says. I'm not a witch. But I forgive your common dim witlessness and feeble brains. In short, most of you have the mind of a goat. Pardon me sir. It's not common practice... for those about to be executed. To be granted a last, I don't know, some of a..? I believe I was making a point. If you could just be patient. No. My head's about to be lopped off. Hence the urgency. And my neck is to be broken. Did you know that on occasion, the neck doesn't actually break. - It just hurts. - What? Oh Yes. I have seen men swing for hours. Eyes bulging, tongues swelling. - Revolting gurgling sound. - May I finish? No. You're lucky. Wish I was hung. - Kill the filthy pirate, I'll wait.. - The witch is first. I'm not a witch. Did not you listen? Quite hard to listen when you have the mind of a goat. Enough! Kill them both. Yes! Did you think you could defeat us boy? No sir, I'm just a diversion. Fire! You Pirate Scum! Hey! - You're welcome Mi lady. Got you! The Turner boy gave us.. 10 pieces of silver to save your neck. Considering where your left hand is. - I'd say we're more than that. - We'd find the Trident together. Do I have your word? You're holding everything but my word. Then I bestow upon you the honor of saving me. For a small donation. You expect us to pay you to save you? Yes! For a mere 10 pieces. - We won't more than 5. - Well, then. 8 it is. Perhaps we could discuss this later. As I am having trouble here wasting your... - That is my stern. - Are you sure? - Positive. - Well, look at this. If I kill the coward. The witch hangs. - Two for the price of one. - Please don't let go of me. It might be difficult once he kills me. Gentlemen, these two prisoners will lead us, to the trident. Captain. Do you really think we can find the trident? Master Gibbs, you're worrywart. There is nothing to be concerned about. - What could possibly go wrong, right? - So this was your plan? To be tortured and killed by pirates? You said you needed a ship. - You call this a ship? - Cut the string! Today is.. DYING GULL. We would never question your reason as a captain. Is there a reason as captain, you've chosen.. To sail in this unreasonable direction? Tell the men to prepare to be boarded. To stand their ground. And show no fear. A ship sails towards us. I hear you've been looking for Jack Sparrow. And I stand before you, - with cordial intent. - I don't need any cordial intent. Do you hear that? This pirate wishes to be cordial. So let me show you what my cordiality is. Every time I tap my sword. One of your men will die, So I suggest you speak quickly. - Jack be sailing for the trident. - No. The sea belongs to the dead. - The Trident controls the seas. No, no. There is no treasure. There is no treasure. I can't save him. He'll die with you. I be the only one that can lead you to him. I declare you should have Jack's life by sunrise tomorrow. Or you can take me on then. Do we have an accord? And you will live to tell the tale. You have my word. I thank you on behalf of my crew. The living come aboard. Carina, we haven't got much time, the dead are sailing straight for us. - Is that so? - Yes, I've spoken to them. You spoken to them? Have you spoken to the Krakens and the mermaids as well? Krakens don't speak, everyone knows that. Of course, I never should have saved you. Last night there was a blood moon, just as you described. Tell me what to reveal. And why should I trust you? You trusted me to hold your porch, remember? It was my stern. Clearly you need to spend more time at sea. Tell me what you found and I promise to help you. I don't need any help. Then why did come to me Carina? Why are we together in the middle of the sea.. Chasing the same treasure? To release the power of the sea. - One must divide. - Divide? - What does it mean? - I'm not sure yet. Then we'll find out. - There is no map in this map. - Give me my diary. Give me the map no man can read. If you could read it. Then it wouldn't be call the map that no man can read. I beg you please, don't argue with her. Most of the men on this ship can't read. Which makes all maps. Maps that no man can read. Well if you can't read it, then you've no use for it, or me. Let me start again. Show me the map. I can't. It does not even exist. - She's a witch! - I'm an astronomer. - She breeds donkeys. - What? No. - An astronomer contemplates the sky. - Yay, on a donkey. - No, there's no donkey! - Well then how do you breed then? Allows me to simplify this equation. Give me the map. Or I'll kill.. him, or kill him. Go on then. You're bluffing. And you're blushing. Throw him over. Young Henry will be tossed over. And he will be dragged under the ship. Alright. - What're you waiting for? - He doesn't appear to be. No. Not bluffing me. No, no, we don't have any food on board. Sorry. If he's lucky, he'll drown, before the barnacles shred him to ribbon. - Bernacles. - Like a thousands knives, across your back. And of course, the blood attracts sharks. Sharks? - Shark of the bow! - Where? I would say that swimming is no longer his primary concern. The map is there. - Where? - On the tip of your finger? In the heavens. That dairy will lead me to a map, hidden in the stars. Let him up, I'll find it tonight. Sorry, can't bring him up. Look for yourself. The sea has turned to blood, a sailor washed ashore.. Talking about the Trident. He was looking for Jack Sparrow. The same pirate who saved a witch from the gallows. - She's no Witch. - But you are. - And you're going to help us. - You afraid, Lieutenant? As ships burning the night, you want to know if you can save your own. - If the trident is real? - You are going to read that wall for me. Or you will die. The British Empire will have.. The trident and rule the sea. I want to know where that pirate is going, with that witch. Your destiny is in these stars. I will set your course. No Spaghetti walls. Why did I bother coming to you? The dead are haunting us down and you do nothing. - Nothing, You call this nothing? - You're drunk and you're sleeping. My point exactly, I am doing two things at once. You can't save the unsavable mate. Like it or not Jack, you're going to help me. I will break my father's curse. Next time you raise a sword, boy. Be the last to die. Might I suggest you entice her with a bit of flattery. I am here for my father, nothing more. I knew it, absolutely smitten with that. Now, bit of discretion when goes into brunette. Never presume her sister. But if you can not avoid the charming sister. Kill the brother, savvy? No, I do not savvy. By the way that little slim of knowledge. - Has cost you five pieces. - I am not paying you for that. Never say that to a woman. Just because you can't see something does not mean it's not there. We have to find it. It's the only link to who I am. Who my father was. So we both spent our lives, searching for our fathers. Perhaps you and I are closer than you think. And so is up time. I'm not to disagree, but the precision of our accord, Ends at sunrise. This be will light, far from a fully rising sun. - And I know you to be a man of honor. - Honor, you know nothing of me. I know what it likes to be bested by Jack Sparrow. - He's an enemy to us both. I've heard stories of a mighty Spanish captain. El Matador Del Mar. A man who skirts the sea. Hunted and killed thousands of men. No, no, no. Men, no, no. No. Pirates! Pirates. Pirates had infected the seas for generations. Taken the life of my father and his father before. So I vowed to end this plague once and for all. And that's what I did, I destroyed dozens of ships. The last ones joined together to try and defeat me. But they soon realized it was hopeless. Nothing could stop the Silent Mary. Hit them below the water line. Hang on tight! The sea was finally.. pure. Their wretched flags will no longer stain the sea. They are begging for mercy. Mercy? There's no mercy. Make ready. - Adios! It's up to you now Jack. This compass.. points towards what you want most. Never betray it. The Devil's Triangle. The last of their ships were burning before my eyes. And in that moment of... Victori. It's when I heard it. Hey! Hold on, One ship was trying to escape through the smoke. It's a lovely day for a sail, ain't it? And there. In the crow's nest, there was this young pirate boy. The way I see it, it just the two of us left. If you surrender to me now, I'll let you live, simple. He stood there, looking like. A little bird.. And from that day he earned himself a name that would... haunt me for the rest of my days. Jack de "Sparrow". Right, you surrender to me now, and I'll let you live. I shall let you live. This boy. This boy was mocking my power. So I test him. Knowing that I would run.. My knife along his neck, and when he was dead, I would finish finally.. Follow him men! To the gutholes. Prepare the boot leg! Throw it now. They're turning around. What's all this? Tribute... He took everything from me. And filled me with.. rage. And pain. And he is where the tale ends. Not yet Capitan, there. Found as promised. So she's saying she's got the map, but she's the only one who can follow it? - So we should...? - Leave her be. - She will take us to the Trident. - You've been saying that for hours. Two things we know are true, the stars don't shine by day. And she forgot a donkey. How can we go to a spot, where no land exists on any map? This chronometer keeps the exact time in London. I'm using it to make an altitude measurement.. To determine longitude. Only then will we find our exact spot to see. So you expect to find the trident with a timepiece? Yes. My calculations are precise and true. I'm not only an Astronomer. I am also a horologist. No shame in that dear. We'll all have to earn a living, eh? No, I'm a horologist. So was my mum. But she didn't cry a bad as lad as you. You saying your mother was academically inclined? More like a horizontally, reclined. Horology is the study of time. And she was always looking at watch. I can vouch for that. So no one can find the X, but you, right? No. - And the donkey? Salazar. Jack, the dead will not rest until they get their revenge. Dead? No, no, the dead. - Were never part of this deal. - We should've never follow. A luck less pirate and a witch to sea. Right, that's it. Kill me and, and.. I will be dead. And then the other dead won't be able to have the revenge. Against me, - I'd be dead. - What? - Which will anger them even more. - He's right. That's right. Are all pirates this stupid? Yes. What are we going to do? As Captain. Might I suggest. Mutiny? You had to suggest a mutiny? Carina, the dead are coming. Well. I choose not to believe in supernatural nonsense. Do you not see what's behind us? - Drop them! - Si. Drop them! What are you doing? Men on that ship are looking for Jack. And Jack is on this boat. I'm going to swim for it. How dare you do exactly what I'd do if I were you? - Carina stop! - No, no, no, don't stop. - This has gone far enough. - No, it has not. Listen not to him, carry on, carry on. - Why, she was almost finished. - I saw her ankles. You'd have to seen a lot more, if you kept the cakeholes shut. Kill the sparrow. That's not good, is it? Keep rowing man. Faster! No, that's it. I'm going with her. You would leave me for some horologist in her knickers? You men are all alike. Shark. Henry! Doesn't seem to be working. No, we'll be fine, we'll be fine. - How did they do that? - We have to swim. I will distract him. Now! Henry! Hi.. Jack Sparrow. Jack Sparrow. Spanish? - Ghosts. They are unable to step on land. - I knew that. - Ghosts! - Carina! - You will soon pay for what you did to me. No no no. There is no need to bother really. - Carina! - I have no time to chat. - Because mi map just ran away. - I'll be waiting for you. Why would you be waiting for me? Why would he be waiting for me? Pirates! Scrum. Captain? Jack always told me that if anything should ever happened to him. - He wanted you to be captain. - Yes, but the men voted for you, yes? Well, you've got a captain's hat! "Be that as it may" them were his wishes. So be a good lad and take the wheel. And.. you, - Take the captain's hat. - Perish my rhythm. We will beat your captain to death. Until he reveals where they are heading. - Carina! - I know what's ailing you boy. You've got the unstretchable itch. Carina is the only one who can help us find the Trident. - And I'm not in love with her. Who said anything about love, what are you talking about? The unstretchable itch. Scabies, I'm talking about scabies. Small mites that burrow under the skin. Certainly annoying me, has done for years. Oh, no! Hangman's Bay, STRANGERS NOT WELCOME. Help! - Help me! Help! - Carina! - Henry, help me. - Help her! By rule of the King. I sentence you all to death. I think we should tell each other where our treasures are buried.. Just in case one of us survives. Oh, good idea. - You go first. - My treasure is buried.. Between two cross palm trees in an unmarked grave in Aruba. What about yours? I haven't got any. You promised me Jack's blood. But Jack is trapped! - He can never escape the island. - Piece of land. Hello. I upheld our deal. Mi men and myself will go ashore. The traitor will be yours. - On mi honor. - Honor? What honor, hombre? What honor? - You don't know what the honor is. - Spare mi my life. And I'll fetch you little Sparrow. An accord? Wake up Sparrow. Wake up Sparrow. Wake up, Sparrow. - It's time to pay your debt. - Pig? Pig Kelly? - Mi old mate. - Mate? Do you hear that boys? This pirate owes me a blunder of silver. And luck has brought him to Hangman's Bay. Where he can settle his debt, here and now. And I will, I will Pig. Name your price. Her name is Beatrice. And she is my poor widowed sister. What, what is that? She's been looking for a respectable man. - But you'll have to do. - Royce, let's get on with this. No why? Why..? To make an honest woman of her, Jack. Congratulations, it's your wedding day. Let us begin? We will honeymoon in the barn. No, no, no. Pig. How can I honestly make an honest woman out of it? That, her. I mean. Her. - What are those things? - Our children. Best not look them in the eye. Bring the best man and the bridesmaid. I looked it in the eye. Place your hand on the Bible. - I have got scabies. - So do I. Place your hand on the Bible. I'm a bed wetter. Say I do. - Or I'll put a bullet in your skull. - Jack, they are going to kill us. - I don't care! - Just say I do. - Last chance Jack. - Wait. Surely.. - This is not legal. - This is not legal. He's right. Does any man here object to the nuptials? - I do. - Congratulations. You may kiss the bride. Do you like seafood, do you? Jack. We meet again. Hector! This is mi best as my in the whole world. I always knew you'll settle down, eventually. Did you bring me a gift? That'll do. You look marvelous. Got quite a spring in your step. Has your leg grown back? Captain, shouldn't we be getting back to Salazar. Trade Mr. Sparrow's life in for our own? I know that we could. But I've come for the Trident Poseidon. You're gonna double cross the dead? You did promise! And with it I'll gut the dead that stole my command of the sea. As much as I love this plan. No vessel can outrun that wretched haul of the ship. But there be one, Jack. The fastest ship I know. The pearl, trapped in that bottle by Blackbeard. Five winters ago. By the power of that blaggerd sovereign blade.. I hereby release the Black Pearl, to her former and rightful glory. Get rid of the.. It's coming. It is coming! It is coming! Coming! Set aside. It's coming! It's shrunken. Why doesn't it unshrink? Maybe it's cold. She needs the sea. She was a fine ship. There be room for only one captain. - Filthy beast. - Time to race the dead. The only safe place is the land. Why are we going away from the land? Nobody knows? Captain, your map is incomplete. I can take us to the Trident, if you'd only trust me. Did you not hear anything I just said? So you be saying. Is that star pretending to be a map? Sir, there is no island, on any map, to support what the woman says. Captain, you don't have to understand her. Just believe her. Any one? We had something sharp, I could pick that lock. You are not gonna find anything sharp in here. Release them. Sir, you wouldn't allow a woman to steer your ship? She will follow her star. Or we'll all die together. The Black Pearl. She sails again. Yeah! This ship. Those ghosts. There can be no logical explanation. Myths of the sea are real, Carina. I'm glad you can finally see you were wrong. Wrong? Perhaps I had some doubts. This is the worst apology I've ever heard. Apology? Why would I apologize? Because we've been chased by the dead, sailing on a ship, raised from a bottle. Where is your science in that? Fine, I will apologize. Go on, then. Well then, one could argue that you owe me an apology. As my life has been threatened by pirates and dead man. Which you now believe in, sorry to say. Apology accepted. I am going to the lookout. I'm glad you see it my way! - Ready the guns. - Aye. Ready the guns! These pirates are going for the trident. Where did you get that from Missy? I know this book, stolen from an Italian ship, - many years ago. - Stolen? No, you're mistaken. There was a Ruby on the cover... I would not soon forget. This was given to me by my father. He was clearly a man of science. He was clearly a common thief. The memory of my father will not be befouled... by the tongue of a pirate. This diary is my birth right. Left to me on the steps of a children's home. Along with a name and nothing else. Oh, so you are an orphan? What be you called? Brightest star in the North gave me my name. - That would be Carina? - Carina Smyth. - So, you do know your stars? - I'm a captain. I know which stars to follow home. Smyth? Smyth is quite an unusual name. Did we not once know someone, old Smyth? Shut your trip. What was her name. It's right on the tip of mi tongue.. Aye, so we making accord then? Or, Shall I tell you know who.. What we both know it's the truth. We both take the secret to our grave. You mean, it is true? I was bluffing. I am not! You kill me, you got nothing to bow to the deadness. So you need me. I will have to frank Hector. You are very, very ugly. So how could you produce a fetching creature such as that? Margaret died. That worthless blaggerd ever could. I placed the infant in an orphanage, never to see her again. I thought the ruby might afford her some easy life.. But I never imagined she would take those scribblings.. Make a life of her own. Life that's led her back to me. I would say this puts me in a rather favorable position, Daddy. - Tell me what you want. - I want mi compass. 216 barrels of rum. And a monkey. - You want Jack? - Dinner. I want to eat him. I want to eat that monkey. No deal Jack. A clever young woman such as that, would never believe that a swine like me could ever be her blood. And the Tridente will be mine. Redcoats. Redcoats! Prepare to fire! Prepare to fire. She comes starboard. We shall fight to the last. The pearl will not be taken from me again.. Sir. Only the British Empire will hold the power of the sea. What ever happens, stay your course. Jack Sparrow? I've come with the butcher's bill. Where is he? Defend yourselves men! Till again! Hurry up man, what did you... sharpen it with butter? There is nowhere to hide. Let's be brave, save the Pearl. This has to be it. - It has to be here. - Sail that land. Oh mi Lord's eye. We're nearly there. It's here somewhere. Have you found what you were looking for yet, miss? I'm trying! The stars will soon be gone. Carina! Henry! Look, the island is there. Get to the.. Carina! Carina! Henry! The trident be all that can save him now. Where is it? It has to be here. Look at it Jack. It's most beautiful thing I've ever seen. This is what my father wanted to find. The rocks? No, no. Not rocks, stars. This is the map no man can read. This island is a perfect reflection of the heavens. One star's missing, quickly. We have to find the trident to save Henry. Hector. Why is not it glowing? Finish it, Carina. The missing star. For my father. Aye.. Do it for him. There. - Posiedon's tomb. Capitan. You know the danger. Don't do it! We have no choice. Jack is on land going for the trident. Capitan, there must be another way. Once you possess the living, there is no coming back. You will be trapped in his body. Forever. - Time to kill a sparrow. - Look Jack, there it is. Jack! You cut me, you cut the boy Jack. - Henry! Hola, Sparrow. No. Sparrow, Sparrow. Henry, you've woken him up Please. Oh, piss off! Henry wakes up, he is killing Jack. Henry! - Power of the sea. - What? - The power of the sea. - To release the power of the sea.. All must divide. If the trident holds all the power, then. Then every curse is held inside. As I told you before. Surrender to me now. - Live. - Do you want me to surrender? - Maybe. - This is where the trail ends. No! Divide. Divide. Break. Break the trident and you'll break off the curses of the sea. Adios, Sparrow. All curses have broken. Yes! - The Pearl! My Pearl! - Climb. Move, fast! Hold it steady boys, don't let it slip. Jack! Faster! Lift, anchor! Get the anchor up, quick! Stop, stop, bring it up. Bring it up! Capitan! Oh, crap! I've got ya. Who am I to you? Treasure. Hold on! Hector! Go to starboard! Pirate's life, Hector. You were right? I don't know. For a moment I had everything Henry. Now it's all gone again. It's not all gone, Smyth. Barbarossa... My name is Barbarossa. - Maybe Jack was right. - About what? You unstretchable itch. Why did you do that for? Just checking it's truly you. That you are not still cursed. - It's me. - Then I was.. - Wrong. - Slightly an error. Although one. Apology accepted. The Dutchman. - Henry? - Yes father. Oh, look at you son. How did you do it? - How did you break the curse? - Let me tell you a tale. The tale of the greatest treasure known to man. That's the tale I wanna hear. What a silly revolting sight. Make way! Captain Jack Sparrow on deck... Indeed. Welcome back, Captain. I thank you very much, coming through. - Captain! - Thank you, I remember you. - Cheers, thank you. Master Gibbs. The ship is yours Captain. Aye, thank you! Monkey. Thank you! What be aye heading captain? We should follow the stars, Master Gibbs. Aye.. aye, Captain! I have a rendezvous beyond my.. Beloved horizon. Enjoy the Flick ! Fixed Synced by alden (Distant Dog Barking) (Barking) (Indistinct TV Chatter) Rosa! Let her out, please. That dog should be on Prozac. (Gasps) (Silenced Gunshot) (Dog Barking) Bitsy, shut up already! (Silenced Gunshots) (Match Strikes) (Flames Ignite) (Glass Shattering) (Bell Rings) Wow, it's beautiful. I cannot decide if I wanted the gold or silver, but my parents said that if my grades were good next quarter, then they'd get me both. You're so lucky. My parents got me this necklace for my birthday. Mmn. It's nice, but still. What about you, Ella? Don't your parents ever send you anything? (Cell Phone Chirps) Is it him? Mm-hmm. He's taking me dancing. When? Tonight. (Gasps) (Bell Chiming) Shit, 5-0, 5-0. (Girls Giggling) (Girls Laughing and Chattering) (Knocking) Headmistress called. Ella Hatto is to go to her office. I think Ella's still in the library. When she gets back, tell her Madame Rossetti wants to see her at once. Thanks, Mimi. God, that bitch Danielle probably told her about me smoking. She's always kissing her ass. Maybe you shouldn't go out. He's waiting for me. (Thunder Rumbles) (Engine Starts) (Thunder Rumbles) (Muffled Dance Music Playing) (Police Siren Passing) (Chatter, Laughter) Hey. Hey. I didn't think you were going to make it. Sorry. It's okay. I'm glad you got here. Let's go. (Muffled Dance Music Continues) You make this yourself? No, it's a New York State license. It's what they look like. (Dance Music Blaring) (Chatter) I love the energy. Yeah, it's like being in a blender. It's nice and I could show it to you. Go back to my place? Shit. What? It's my dad. What? Sometimes he hires people. What do you mean? I mean he hires them to watch over me. That guy staring at me. No one's staring at you. I want to go home. Come on, Ella, let's go back inside again. For a dance? A couple of drinks? Ella: I want to go home. (All Screaming) Get up! No, no! (Indistinct Clamoring) Move. (Gunshots) (All Screaming) Go! (Glass Shattering) (Screams) Go! Get in! Hey! No! Ah! Sergio, close the door! Oh, my God. Why are they shooting at us? Keep down. (Tires Screeching) (Sirens Wailing) What are you doing? ! That was the police! (Screams) No, stop! (Tires Screeching) (Gunshots) (Crashes) He's catching us! Faster! (Screams) Oh, my God! He's gone. Come on. What are you doing? Getting us out of here! What's wrong with you? ! He's protecting us! He's crazy! Let's go. (Sergio Speaking French) Get off the phone! Where's yours? Drop it. Come here. Come on. Come on. Come on. Get in! What's happening? Your life's in danger. Someone's been hired to kill you. That's insane. Does this have something to do with my father? Did he say anything? Where are you going? I've done enough. Ella: What? Ella, come on. Let's go. Come on. Run, run. (Cell Phone Chimes) (Tires Squealing) Get in. Ella, don't do it. You need to get in. Sergio: Ella, you saw what he does. Listen to me. Ella. Look at me, Ella. Please, look at me. Stay here, please. Ella, I'm begging you, stay here. Don't get into that car, please. What's wrong with you, Ella? ! (Rires Squealing) I want to call the police. I want to call the police. The people who want you dead own half the police in Europe. I... I don't understand what's going on. I don't even know your name. (Sighs) My name is Lucas. (Distant Bell Chiming) You should get down, under the dash. (Engine Starts) Come on. Get in. No, I... I can't. I... I'm claustrophobic. We have to cross the border. They're going to be looking for a young girl and a man. I can't. I'll freak out. There are people out there that are still hunting you. They're going to kill you. Okay, but j-just until the border? You promise? Yeah. Okay. But, um... I had an MRI once and the nurse talked me through the whole thing, so do you mind doing that? - Yeah, I love to talk. - Wait! W-wait a minute. (Door Closes) Ella: Hello? Are you there? W-why aren't we moving? What's happening? Just... talk to me. I... I don't know what to say. Tell me about your father. My dad. I hate my dad. The whole reason I'm in this stupid trunk is 'cause of him. It's all his fault. He's such an asshole. Then my mom dies and he marries a total bitch. God, I hate them. They don't even want me around. Sometimes dads make mistakes. (Stammers Nervously) [ ♪ ♪ ] I c... I can't... I can't stay in here anymore. I told you, I'm claustrophobic. Yeah, you can. I can't. You try it. I have. Bullshit. When? Fallujah. We were dug in deep somewhere, watching an enemy compound. And this dog come up on us. He was barking away. Just wanted to play. And my group leader goes, "You got to do something. He's going to give us away. So I started playing with him. He's barking away. He comes over to me. Trusted me. I slit his throat with my knife. Three days I stayed there, just elbow-deep in his blood. Funny thing, we were in the wrong place... just watching a civilian's house. So if I can do that... you can stay in that trunk. Okay, no more talking now. (Indistinct Chatter Over PA) (Chattering in French) Whoa. (Speaks French) Again. (Dogs Barking) Keep at it. (Growling) (Growling) Nice dogs. I don't think I've seen these ones before. They're young, from a newer litter. Haus! You're not bringing me good news. I appreciate that you want to send a message, but this is turning into a major-league clusterfuck. I was forced to use outside help. Metzger is back from the States. His people shall handle things more efficiently. All you have to do is find the girl. If Metzger's already taken care of our main problem, we can forget about the girl. I finish what I start. And when we find the girl, we find Lucas. We've got other problems besides the girl, Richard. Like what? Her father wasn't just planning to sell you out to the feds. He diverted funds from your US accounts. How much? 25 million. (Scoffs) Get it back. We don't know where it is. Metzger found something that might make your job a little easier. This belonged to Martin Hatto. I'll do what I can. I don't think you understand. I will not be made a fool of. Find the girl, find Lucas, and get me my fucking money. (Sighs) Do you feel that's good enough? I'll keep practicing, sir. (Engine Starts) Hey, quite a place you've got here. Where did you find him? Manchester. I've never had one of these on before, you know. No one will miss him. (Dog Snarling) Man: What is that? A breed I'm developing. Man: You want me to go in there with that? Only for a moment to make sure the dog knows its job. Now, let's go. All of this equipment will keep you well protected. The most important thing for this test's success is not to show fear. Richard: Try to seem like the aggressor. (Darking and Snarling) Fass! (Screaming) (Fabric Tearing) (Screaming) (Bones Cracking) (Phone Line Ringing) (Phone Rings) I've been expecting your call. How did you find them? I make sure I always know everything I can about my employees. Teresa's still a good-looking woman. Oh, and... Jillian's swim team won their final. Congratulations. I'm guessing Ella Hatto reminded you of your daughter. Why do you want her dead? Her father betrayed me. He had to be punished. He stole a lot of money. Your delay forced my hand. I had to send Metzger overseas to pay Mr. Hatto and his wife a visit. Well, if that's true and I do this... aren't you just punishing a dead man? (Sighs) Lucas, do know how many people are in my employ? If I let one steal from me, what are the rest to think? The message is not for Martin Hatto. It is for them. Lucas... you have such potential, such talent. A fine weapon, Lucas. You're a hunter. That's what you are. At the moment, you're confused. I expect your supply is running low. Must be difficult... I'd say impossible... To find a cocktail of the quality I supply you with on the streets. You don't know what you're doing with this girl. But one way or another, this girl will die. You have to know that. Just say a prayer for her and be done. You left me in there? (Lock Clicks) Can I use the bathroom? Yeah. Okay. (Dial Tone) (Line Ringing) Woman: Hello? Who's this? I'm trying to reach my dad. Martin Hatto? Yeah, it's his daughter, Ella. Can you put him on? I'm afraid I can't do that. Ella, this is Special Agent Gina Banks with the FBI. - I work with Interpol. What? You need to tell me where you are. I-I don't know. Are you with a man who calls himself Lucas? Yeah. Ella, listen to me very carefully. He's a professional assassin. We believe he's been hired to kill you. Were going to trace this number, Ella, and we're going to get help to you right away. Ella... are you there? (Knock On Door) Yeah, just a second. Ella. (Whispers) I have to go. Please help me. Ella. Um... I have to get to the car. I, um... I left something in the... In the trunk of the... Are you going to kill me? Yes. (Screams) No! No. (Sniffles) Please. Please, you don't have to do this. You don't have to. Please. (Crying) Please. (Tires Squeal) No, no, no, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm not going to hurt you. Look, look. Okay? It's not... I'm not gonna do anything to you. All right? Just... (Exhales) Look, I was hired to kill you, but I'm not going to do it 'cause... I can't... do it. I can't. I need to call home. I need to call my dad. Let me speak to my dad. Your father's dead. I was meant to kill you first as a message. I couldn't bring myself to do it. I waited too long. So they killed your whole family. Now they're gonna want to kill us both. (Chatter Over Radio) I didn't know what you'd like. You should eat something. We're gonna be on the run, and you're gonna need your strength. All that stuff I said about my dad. I didn't mean it. I know. (Gunshots) (Screams) (Screams) Stay down! Come on. Stay down. Stay low! Down! (Screams) (Panting) (Both Grunting) (Grunts) (Gasps) (Rifle Cocks) (Screams) Ella, get in! Come on, there could be more of them. Come on! You... you drive. You drive. Wha...? (Grunting) Just keep your eyes on the road. Are... are you a diabetic? It helps me do what I have to do. (Horn Honks) (Screams ) (Groans) I'm sorry. (Train Bell Ringing) (Horn Blaring) Hey, Dani, it's me. Yeah. (Woman Speaking French Over PA) (Bell Chimes) (Man Speaking French Over PA) (Line Rings) (Phone Rings) Hello? Hello? Who is this? Mom, who was that? It was no one. Got a friend that's gonna meet us on the train. Her name's Dani. She's fixed me up before. (Train Bell Ringing) (Speaks French) Paris. May I please see your identification? Merci. Hers? I left it on the hotel. Right, Dad? She left it in the hotel. Okay, okay. Bon voyage. That was good. (Train Approaching) (Classical Music Playing) While obviously we can't mention clients by name, our firm has handled sensitive issues for many high-profile individuals such as yourself. I like to think of myself as unique. Of course, and at Ashland Phillips Hornick you will be treated as such. Richard: As you probably know, my previous attorney died unexpectedly. Martin Hatto. Mr. Hatto handled a number of sensitive issues involving my US interests. At the time of his death, Martin was having his own legal difficulties with the IRS. This was very disappointing to me. And you believe he may have violated attorney-client privilege? I honestly don't know if he was making an agreement with your government, turning over information that could jeopardize my operations. Man: Mr. Addison, let's speak frankly. The sale of narcotics generates enormous amounts of cash. One needs a secure way to launder those revenues in the US. Martin Hatto got greedy and stole from you. We won't. Woman: How are your school lessons? I got 90 on my algebra test. Oh, I'm so proud of you, William. I did get one wrong. And how's everything at home? Hey, you can talk to me, you know? Everything's fine. I miss you so much. I wish things were different. What have I told you about your mother? My mother's a whore. (Sighs) Lucas? Yeah. Dani: So that's her. Lucas: Yeah. Okay. Thanks for coming. I wish that just once you'd call me up for dinner and a movie, hmm? (Groans) Slip in the shower? Yeah, something like that. They say you kidnapped her. It's not like that. It's all over the news. Let's get started. Hey. Ella, this is Dani. Maybe you should go for a walk while she finishes up. (Chatter) Johnny Walker, S'il vous plaît. (Speaks French) All right if I join you? How is he doing? He'll be okay. He's fairly indestructible. May I ask you a question? What are you doing with him? He's all I got. Then you're really fucked up. Is it a schoolgirl crush or just looking for Daddy, hmm? Sit. I'm trying to help you. If you think he cares about you, you're wrong. The only thing he cares about is his fix. Getting high, that's all what he's about. He's a junkie, always was and always will be. And I get it, there's a thrill in trying to rescue a man. I mean, it's so exciting when you think you have the power to awaken something good inside him. Believe me, I know, but this is not the case. Here is the sad truth about Lucas. Whatever that was good inside him died a long time ago. And it's not coming back. Not for you. Well, not for me, not for anyone. So if I were you and had Richard Addison trying to kill me, I'd take this, get off at the next station, and I'd run. And don't look back. (Horn Blares) (Indistinct Announcement Over PA) Hey, what are you doing? Sit down. No, no, I feel good. You did a good job. This isn't even your stop. Man over PA: We are now arriving in Lille. Please ensure you take all your belongings with you... Lucas, you know what I'm thinking? I'm thinking of this. Just like in the old times. And this stuff is amazing as gold. Where's Ella? Um, she's in the dining car. She's having some food. She's fine. You have time. Do it. Lucas, come on. Your body wants it. Why do you want me to do it so much? What is this? Magic. Pure magic. (Yelps) What's going on? Tell me! Don't! Addison. He's... he's put a price on your head. Who's out there? Metzger. Damn it! Hey! Excuse me. Hi. You, uh... You waiting on someone? Lucas: Ella, move! (Screams) (Crowd Screaming) (Horn Blaring) - Now! (Shouts In French) Fuck! (Chatter) (Sirens Approaching) (Officers Shouting) (Boat Horn Blaring) (Seagulls Screeching) Are you okay? How do you do it? How do you kill people? I mean, that's, like, your job, right? Someone gives you money and says, "Murder this person," and then you just... You go and you do it? Take it. Put that in there. Pull that back. (Clicks) You hear that? You know what that means? Now you got a bullet in the chamber. Now point. Shoot. Shoot. That's how. [ ♪ ♪ ] [ ♪ ♪ ] (Distant Woman Shouting) (Distant Dog Barking) Come on. You live here? Sometimes. Ella: Who's the girl in the pictures? That's my daughter. Her name's Jillian. Your daughter? You're someone's dad? Does she live here? I never met her. Her mother left me when she was pregnant. You don't even want to meet her? I don't think it's best for her. I don't believe you. I think every girl needs a father, even if he's a dick. What are you doing? Just get out of here a minute. This was your plan? Yeah. Are you kidding me? I trusted you. Go in the other room. It's a great plan. You're gonna fucking die. (Groans) I thought you are helping me, that that's what we came here to do. I thought you were helping me. Give me a minute. No, you were right. It's better your daughter never meets you. Fuck! Now what? (Chuckles) (Vomiting) (Lucas retching) (Lucas groans) (Keyboard Clacking) (Gasping, Groaning) How much would it cost? What? To hire you. My parents are both dead. I'm going to inherit money. - I can pay you. - Wha...? I want you to kill him. Addison. He killed my father. (Laughing) Don't laugh at me. What, you afraid of him? You don't understand. What is there to understand? He's trying to kill us both. When you take a life... it takes... yours. (Groans) Ella, put that down. Put it down. (Groans) (Door Closes) (Chatter) (Car horn honks) (Gun Cocks) (Elevator Dings) Receptionist: Addison International. They're in a meeting. May I take a message? Thank you. Goodbye. Can I help you? Here to see Richard Addison. Did you have an appointment? No. Tell him it's Ella Hatto. Wait over there, please. Receptionist: I have, um, Ella Hatto here in reception for Mr. Addison. The guests will be arriving at the front gate and directed to the valet. The caterers will be distributing... There's an Ella Hatto waiting for you in reception. Man: and the music will be light jazz as you've requested. (Receptionist Screams) Please! - Call security! Man: No, keep back! Man #2: Somebody do something! Put the gun down! (Receptionist Cries Out) [ ♪ ♪ ] (Sirens Wailing) Halt! Police! Do not move! Stand still! (Officers Shouting) You're telling me Richard Addison of Addison Industries murdered your family. You've got to tell me the truth. You've walked into Richard Addison's office with a loaded weapon. You are in so much trouble. You better have some news, Banks. - Don't worry. I've convinced everyone she's a total whack job. -Have you? And they're not in the least bit curious as to why this whack job wanted to take a shot at me? Richard, stop. I'm on it. Now listen, we found your money. Where? That father was a piece of work. He hid it in his daughter's savings account. Our New York fraud unit traced it. They're sending a subpoena to the Swiss government. How long have we got? A few hours... maybe. And then the account's frozen. Then you'd better get her out of there and get my money, don't you think? Otherwise, why do I pay you? (Bell Rings) Okay, this way, please. You're very lucky, Miss Hatto. Mr. Addison isn't going to press charges. You mean I'm free to go? An agent from the FBI will be taking custody of you. Ella, hello. I'm here to take you home. Seat belt? (Grunting) The only reason you're still alive is to give Addison a message. Tell him I'm done. He won't see me again. (Both Grunting) (Gun Cocks) So now what? Don't judge me, Lucas. Mm-hmm? You're in no position. I mean, look at you, running away. Really? Yeah, I'm leaving. So pathetic. To where? Far away. (Laughing) Uh-huh. And then what? Then nothing. Not this. That's the point. I'm done. Yes, you're done. There's a price on your head. It's not personal. It's just... it's just business. I'm sorry. It's just you don't want to do this. We'll be at the airport pretty soon. Ella, I know you've been through a lot, but we don't have much time. I have to ask you some questions, okay? Yeah. Now, I understand you have a bank account in Switzerland. Is that right? Yes. Your father set it up for you? Yeah, it's for expenses when I'm away at school. Do you know how much is in it? A few hundred dollars. My dad puts money in every month. Ella, I know this is difficult, but we think that account may have something to do with your father's murder, so I have to ask these questions. Do you ever go online and check your balance? Yes. And when you do, the log-in information, your username and password, do you have to look that up or do you remember it? No, I remember it. Good. Now we're getting somewhere. Ella, I need you to fill this out. Just skip down to the bottom where it says "login information." We just need that and your signature, okay? (Pen Clicks) Everything all right? Yeah. Um, how long until the airport? Just a few minutes. It's right up ahead. Right. Then why are the planes landing behind us? Well... I guess we're going to have to do this differently. (Tires Squealing) (Gasps) Banks: Metzger! Get her out. (Screaming) No, no, no! Move! Come on! (Cell Phone Rings) Richard: You disappointed me Lucas. I know you're there. I just wanted to tell you we got the girl. She's been taken care of. I guess all your trouble was for nothing. You're on the run by now, I expect. I don't suppose I'll find you. Not that it really matters. You're not worth it. You and I are done. You no longer exist. (Classical Music Playing) (Chatter) And thanks to the generosity of Mr. Addison, this will be our most successful year of fundraising. That's so wonderful. Thank you. Time for bed. Yes, sir. Good night, William. Metzger's behind me. I'm so sorry, excuse me. I'd love to show you around. I'm very sorry to interrupt. Mr. Addison, a call for you. Excuse me. Oh, of course. Hmm? Banks: We have a problem, Richard. We're downstairs with the girl. I thought she was dead. She won't give up the account information. Banks, she's stalling. She's just trying to stay alive. Wait there. I'm going to deal with this myself. Open the gate. (Gate Clangs) Man: I don't know. I think it was maybe some fireworks. What do you think? Firecrackers. Find Agatha. Sir. No one's answering at the gate and I cannot reach anyone in security. (Girl's Laugh Echoes) Lucas. Stop. Why are you doing this? This is who I am, right? This is madness. Because of this girl? You'll wake up tomorrow morning, you won't remember her name, her face, just like the others. Her name was Ella. She's alive. I thought she was dead, but she's alive. They have her in the basement. Richard: It's me. It's okay. Everybody just stay calm. Nobody moves. Don't do anything stupid, Banks. Stay back. Take off her gag. Tell him! Do it. Metzger, take it off. (Yelps) Ella, you listen to me. You're gonna get out of here. Then I'm gonna kill them all. Well, now, let's be sensible. We all have a common interest here. We all want to stay alive. Come on. Okay. Stay calm. Stay calm. Nice and slow. Now untie her. (Screaming) William! Agh! (All Screaming) (All Screaming) Quick, move! (Gasping) (Barking) (Screams) (Dog Barks) Come here! (Screams) You little bitch. Huh? Huh? (Screams) Same gun I used to kill your father. (Both Grunting) (Gunshot) (Panting) Too many fuck-ups, the both of you. Such a shame. You were two of my better employees. Point. Shoot. (Chuckles) (Gunshot) (Sirens Wailing) (Chatter) Ella. Ella. Ella, stay with me. Ella? Why did you save me? Maybe you are a good person. Excuse me. What have we got? Gunshot wound right shoulder. Get her blood pressure, I'll get the bandage. Relax, now. It's all right. You're going to be okay. Let's get her in the van. Ready? [ ♪ ♪ ] Got it? Man: Everybody's gathering on the steps of the terrace. (Phone Ringing) Ella: Hello? Lucas: Hi. Ella, we're going to be out there. Lucas: Who's that? Sorry, I'm living with my aunt. Is that okay? Uh, yeah, she's nice. I don't really know her that well. And my cousins, they're... They're treating me, I don't know... like I'm normal. Well, that's good. Well, I just wanted to check in and see that you're doing okay. Lucas... did you ever go see your daughter? I called her. So I'm going to see her soon. That's good. Bye, Ella. Bye, Lucas. (Children Laughing) [ ♪ ♪ ] (Sighs) aLDEN @ Symbianize Survival of the fittest. It's the law of the jungle. There's always someone trying to take what's yours. How do I know? It almost happened to me. Hi-yah! Tim Templeton... quit monkeying around. Hot dogs are getting cold. Hot dogs? At least, this is how I remember it. All right, buddy, let's eat. You see, I was seven years old... and back then, you relied on your imagination. When I wasn't exploring the Congo... I was a deep sea diver. Tim! Our hero! Don't worry, Mom and Dad. I got this! Grab on! Some days, I rescued my parents. That way! Other days, they rescued me. - I'm losing control. - Tim, look out! Tree! You're breaking up! Slow down, Tim! - Turn, Tim. - Turn! - Are you hurt? - I'm okay. Show Mommy your teeth. It was just the three of us. The Templetons. And three is the perfect number. Interesting fact... did you know that the triangle is the strongest shape found in nature? I was the luckiest kid ever. My parents even had cool jobs. They worked for the biggest pet company in the world... Puppy Co. - Yes, Mr. F rancis? - Puppy Co needs you. It's go ti me. They worked in a department called "Marketing..." where they got to launch new products. Even though my parents worked really hard... they still made just enough time for me. Three stories, five hugs, and my special song, right? You got it! Hey, Tim. How would you like to have a baby brother? No, thanks. I'm enough. Life was good. Life was perfect. But as I drifted off to sleep... something my parents said got me thinking. Where do babies come from? The day I got a little brother started like any other day... but little did I know... my life would never be the same. Wake up, little halflings! It's 7:00 a.m. Wake up, little halflings! Morning, Wizzie! What great adventure lies in wait for you today? Oh, yeah! My parents always said that I had an overactive imagination. But I clearly remember... the baby was delivered in a taxi. What the... Hey! Tim, look who's here. Meet your new baby brother. Baby what? Brother. I had a million questions. Who is this guy? Why is he here? What's with that outfit? Why's he so fat? Why's he staring at me? Does he know karate? What's going on? That way? - Okay. - Okay. Right from the start, he was yelling at people... ordering everyone around. Oh, you want this? One thing was clear. He was the boss. He set up his office, right smack dab in the middle of the house. He conducted meetings. - You called? - Do you need Señor Squeaky? Lots and lots of meetings. Even in the middle of the night. I'm up! I'm up! - We're coming! - We'll be right there! If things weren't done to his immediate satisfaction... he had a fit. - Where's the bottle? - He has to have his bottle! He had everyone wrapped around his chubby little finger. Everyone except for me. - Diaper! - Bottle! Dad! I can't sleep. I know, bud. Me neither. The baby needs a lot of attention right now. Okay, good talk! - But... - It's okay. Daddy's here. Daddy's here. What about me? The year: 2057. Ensign T-Rex and I are investigating a hostile alien invasion. It's so much worse than we thought. Mom, he's naked! I'm naked! Say "naked." No! Who's Mommy's little cutie? Are you Mommy's little cutie? No, he's Daddy's little tough guy, right? You know one of us has to go with Mr. Francis to the pet convention. In Vegas. - You know what? You should go. - No, no. You should go. Well, you need a break. - I'll stay with the baby, and you... - Maybe the baby should decide. Who do you want to stay with you? Daddy or Mommy? Or Daddy? He wants his mommy. Okay, we need to talk! In private. - Sure. - About what, bud? About the b-a-b-e-e. "Y ', ' Tim. Why? Because he came out of nowhere! We don't even know him. How can we trust him? Come on, he's just a baby. Seriously? I'm the only one that thinks there's something weird about this guy? - Oopsie! I got it. - Five-second rule. Tim? Look at him! He wears a suit! I know. Isn't it cute? He's like a little man. He carries a briefcase. Does no else think that's... I don't know, a little freaky? Well, you carried Lam-Lam around until you were like... This is not about Lam-Lam. All babies are different, Tim. And each one is special. He's taking over the whole house! Are you taking over the house? Yes, you are. Yes, you are. Trust me, one day you're gonna get to know this little guy... and you are gonna love him with all of your heart. Just like we do. All of your heart? Never. Hello! It's time for my three stories, five hugs, and special song! How about one story... three hugs, and my special song? Just my special song? Mom? Dad? Hey. What happened to bedtime? We'll have it on Monday, Mr. Francis. Don't cry! Don't cry. Hello? Hello? No, ma'am, not yet. No, I'm not making excuses. Yes, ma'am, I know I've been here a long time. Believe me, it feels like my whole life. I'm making great progress with the parents already. The usual procedure, sleep deprivation, hunger strikes. They're very disoriented. I've got them eating out of the palm of my hand. They do everything for me. It's hilarious. But I think the kid might be on to me. No, I can handle him. I know how important this mission is to the company. Mission? Well, trust me, ma'am. You got the right baby for this job. Hands up, devil baby! Fart! Poop! Doodie! I've gotta deal with the k-i-d. You can talk! Uh, goo-goo ga-ga. No, you can really talk. I heard you! Fine. I can talk. Now, let's see if you can listen. Get me a double espresso... and see if there's someplace around here with decent sushi. I'd kill for a spicy tuna roll right about now. Get yourself a little something. Who are you? Let's just say I'm the boss. The boss? You're a baby! You wear a diaper. You know who else wears diapers? Astronauts and NASCAR drivers, that's who. It's called efficiency, Templeton. The average toddler spends, what? 45 hours a year on the potty? I'm the boss. I don't have that kind of spare time. Well, you're not the boss of me. - I am the boss of you. - No, you're not. - Am, too. - Are not. - Am, too! - Are not! - Am, too. - Are not! - Am, too. - Are not! Am, too. Am, too. I was here first. Just wait until Mom and Dad find out about this. Oh, yeah? You think they'd pick you over me? With your track record? You don't know anything about me. So that's how you wanna play it, huh? Let's see. Templeton, Timothy. Middle name... I'm sorry. Leslie! - Mostly C's... - How do you know all that? Can't ride a bike without training wheels? Even bears can ride a bike without training wheels, Leslie. DOB says you're seven. Seven and a half. Power nap! You were saying? I'm seven and a half. Exactly! You're old. It's time to make way for the next generation. It's the way of the world. You would never ask your parents for an old toy. Lam-Lam? Everyone wants the hot, new thing. Destroy. Destroy. - Lam-Lam! - I've got fresh batteries. Boom! Mom and Dad don't even know you. They love me! Oh, yeah? Do the math, kid. There's only so much love to go around. It's like these beads. You used to have all your parents' love. All their time. All their attention. You had all the beads. But then I came along. Babies take up a lot of time. They need a lot of attention. They get all the love. We could share. You obviously didn't go to business school. Look, Templeton, the numbers just don't add up. There's not enough love for the two of us. Not enough beads to go around. And then, all of a sudden, there's no place for Tim. Tim doesn't fit anymore. Oh, no! What about Tim? So keep quiet. Stay out of my way. Or there's gonna be cutbacks. You can't be fired from your own family. Can you? Wake up, little halflings! It's 7:00 a.m. Wake up, little half... What's the use? Arise for a nutritious breakfast! It's 7:00 a.m. What's wrong, Timothy? Has that little dwarf made you blue? Mm-hmm. Then I shall cast upon him a great curse! He shall not pass! It's no use, Wizzie. He's got Mom and Dad completely fooled. If they knew what I knew, they'd never let him stay. Perhaps your parents need to be enlightened. With a great curse! I need to enlighten them... with proof! Yeah. That's what I need, proof! Expose his dark magic! Testing, testing. Testing, testing. Maybe they can return him to the store... and get their money back! We could buy a bouncy house! Godspeed, Tim! It's 8:45 a.m. Ninja. Ninja. Ninja. Ninja. Babies everywhere! They're spreading. Mom! Dad! What's going on? It's an invasion! It's a play date! That's a keeper. It's a meeting, and you won't be attending. We'll see about that. Thank you all for coming here on such short notice. Now, before we begin... Yes, sir! - Sure is! - Affirmative! Jimbo, run some interference. Hey! - We babies are having a crisis! - Oh, no! - That's awful! - Horrible! What is it? It's simpler if I just show you. Teddy, if you please. Let's put on a show. Here we go! Jimbo, hit the lights. You see, babies aren't getting as much love as we used to. Why? Have we been bad? No, Staci. But I'll tell you who is. Behold our mortal enemy. Puppies! No! That's exactly the problem. Puppies? What's the deal with puppies? Throughout history... people have loved babies more than anything in the world. We've always been a must-have item... number one on every wish list. Puppies were merely accessories. But all that changed when the puppies began coming out... with new designer models. Each one more adorable than the last. Remember the Labradoodle? The Peekapoo? The Chiweenie? Try to say "Chiweenie" without smiling. Not possible. Don't waste your time. We all laughed at the Shar Pei. And now it's number one in China. - Oh, no. - That's terrible! - Horrible! - Yes. And it gets even worse. Francis Francis, the CEO of Puppy Co, made this announcement. Teddy, roll the clip. And we are on schedule... to release the most adorable puppy ever. We're gonna launch it at the pet convention in Las Vegas! Watch out, world! It's gonna crush the competition! - Yay! - No, Jimbo. No "yay"! We are the competition! This is war. Puppies are winning, and babies are losing. Thank you, Teddy. And if this new puppy is as cute as we fear... it could put the baby business out of business, baby. That's awful! Bad news, baby! What are we going to do? My job is to find out exactly what that new puppy is... so that Baby Corp can stop it. And you're going to help me. - Genius! - Home run! You still got it, boss! Yay! Yay. Now, your parents all work for Puppy Co. So have you learned anything from them? - Yes, sir! - Sure did! Fantastic. Triplets, go! - A. - B. - C. - D. No, what have you learned about the new puppy? Yay, puppy! No, Jimbo! Puppies are evil. Staci, read back the notes. I can't read. What's it say? This is my team? A muscle-head, a bunch of yes men, and a doodler? - Exactly! - Affirmative! Good call. - Oh, yeah! - Nice one, BB! Gotcha! Put that cookie down. Cookies are for closers. - Let's have another show! - No, Teddy! - How about a hug? - No more shows! Boss? - There's plenty of love to go around. - Go to sleep! Nighty-night. - Boss! - Boss! - What? - Parents! It's like they're having their own little meeting. - Isn't that adorable? - Who wants dessert? God, this is so humiliating. God, this is so humiliating. Wait until Mom and Dad hear this. Hey, Templeton, what you got there? Nothing. Hand over the tape. Never! Mom! Dad! Over here! - Hi, Timmy! - Hi! Anyway... Flower power! You can't get away from Johnny Law, simpleton. Fasten your seat belt. Let's go! Run, run, run. What? Hey! Uh-oh. Run, run, run. Catch, catch, catch. Yes! Oh, yeah! Let go, you little... Oh, look! The kids are finally getting along. That's nice. Sayonara! You wanna play? Let's play. No! Save Boss! Save Boss! - Get him! - I got him! - I got him! - I got him! You're toast, baby man! Upsies, I need upsies! Who wants... Cheese sticks! Mom, Dad! I've got proof! Someone can't go down the stairs? Nothing can stop me! Mom! Dad! Where are you guys? Hello? Where did everyone go? Mom, Dad! The baby can talk! Oh, can he now? Wait, how did you... Hand over the tape, Timmy. Or Lam-Lam gets it, see? No! What's that, Lam-Lam? You want a nose ring? It's really not my scene, but who am I to judge? And an eyebrow ring? Seems like a little too much, Lam-Lam. How's that gonna look in a job interview? Stop it! The tape, Timmy! Or I'm gonna rip, rip, rip. No! Let go! - You let go! - You let go! - Give me the tape! - Give me Lam-Lam! Whoops! Too far. Templeton! Templeton, let's be reasonable. We can be reasonable, right? What are you doing? You've been asking for this since you got here! We can talk about this over a juice box! Time for juice boxes is over. No, Templeton. You wouldn't. Say bye-bye, baby! You're fired! What are you doing? Nothing. My proof! Tim! Explain yourself! Yes, explain yourself. It wasn't me! It was the baby's fault. The baby's fault? It's true! He can talk. They all can talk. They were having a meeting. There's something about puppies. It's one big baby con-spy-racy! Timothy Leslie Templeton! We are very disappointed in you. - No, we're mad at you! - Exactly, we're mad at you. - Mad? - You need a time-out! - You're grounded! - Yes, grounded! - For two... - Three! - Three days? - Weeks! Weeks! Three weeks! For three... evers! Grounded? You're gonna stay in this house with your baby brother... until you learn to get along. Great. It was my first time behind bars. The big house. The lock-up. Grounded for life. The minutes turned into hours, the hours into days. Every man has his breaking point. This was mine. - Take these broken wings and learn to fly - Hey, that's my song. It's okay, little halfling. Perhaps I can be of some assistance. Fly, you fools! Thanks, Wizzie. But it's not the same. If only I could reach my magical shank. I could break us out of this big house. Templeton! Templeton, we have to talk. Go away. Stop it! That's my song, not yours. My parents wrote it just for me. Really? Your parents are Lennon and McCartney? No, Ted and Janice. You don't even know their names! You're just trying to steal them from me. You stole everything! You're the one who should be in jail! Look, it's time we put our differences aside. Have you been... No! Where's HR when you need them? Take it. I don't want your filthy money. Look, I told you to stay out of my way. I can't! You're in my house. I don't wanna be here... any more than you want me to be here. Then why are you torturing me? The truth is I'm no ordinary baby. Well, no kidding. I'm on a mission from above. Are you the Baby Jesus? Yes. I'm the Baby Jesus. No! You see, I'm more middle management for the company. The company? What company? Here. Take this. It'll explain everything. What do you want me to do with that? - I want you to suck it. - You suck it! No, it's for you to suck. I'm not sucking that! - Suck it. - I don't know where it's been! It's not where it's been. It's where it will take you. Don't you wanna know... where babies really come from? Binky. Papish. Nuk-Nuk. Boo-Boo. Bo-Bo. Bah-Bah. Chupie. Hushie-Baby. Tootsie. It goes by many names. But through its power, you will know the truth. Come on, faster! Mommy! Where are we? Welcome to Baby Corp! No way. - Thank you. - What? Relax. They can't see us or hear us. - We're, like, virtual and stuff? - Yep. - You mean they won't feel this? - Nope. - Or this? - Nada. Karate! Don't embarrass yourself, Templeton. I can still see you. So this is where babies come from? Where'd you think, the cabbage patch? Magic fairies? No, my parents told me that... What? No. That's disgusting. Yeah, it didn't sound right to me, either. I can't believe my parents didn't tell me about this. If people knew where babies really came from, they'd never have one. Same thing with hot dogs, by the way. Going upsies! So how come I don't remember this place? You did. But after normal babies get their pacifiers taken away... you forget all about Baby Corp. How come you're not normal? A few of us, the best of the best... are selected for the... For the ultimate honor. Upper management. This, Templeton, is where all the action is. Nap time in Sector G. So this whole place is run by babies? Yep. My Dad says, "Those who can, do." "And those who can't, supervise." Your father is a hippy. What happens when you grow up? We don't. We drink a super-secret baby formula that keeps us babies forever. Back to work! Formula break is over! We're in a crisis here! Don't you know we're in a crisis here? Who is that? That is my boss. Big Boss Baby. What is she screaming about? Well, see this pie chart? Wow, it looks like a giant pie. It represents all the love there is in the world. - I love pie. - Who doesn't? - Apple. - Fine. - No, cherry! - Perfect! - Not pumpkin. - Okay. That's a vegetable. Point is, the puppies' slice is getting bigger and bigger. They're stealing all our love! Just like you did to me. Exactly. And if this keeps up... there might not be enough pie left for babies. No pie? No pie. So, my mission is to find out what this new puppy is. So you're, like, on a spy mission? Cool! Yes! Cool! And if... When I succeed... I'll become a Baby Corp legend. Like Super Big Boss Baby, Mega Boss Baby... Seriously Big Boss Baby... and him. Now that's a big, fat baby. No, that's Big Fat Boss Baby. This is Super Colossal Big Fat Boss Baby. He was the youngest Chief Executive Infant in the history of the company. Was? What happened to him? Retired, years ago. But I still try and live up to his legend. In every situation, I ask myself... "W-W-S-C-B-F-B-B-D? "What Would Super Colossal Big Fat Boss Baby Do?" So that's all you get? Your picture on the wall? Come here! I'll get a promotion. The corner office... with my own private potty. Wow. So when you're done, you're coming back here? A-S-A-P, T-i-m. I'm not a family man. I belong behind a desk. - That's awesome! - I know, right? - Pew pew. - What? So help me, I will nail his diaper to the wall! Have we heard anything from that little Boss Baby... that we sent down to the T empletons? - I don't know. - You're fired! Oh, no. You're all fired! The pet convention is in two days. If he doesn't come up with answers... he is fired, retired! - Gone! - Tour's over. What was Big Bossy Baby Lady screaming about? She's demanding actual results. The pet convention is in two days, and I've got nothing! That's her! Don't answer it! Stress nap! If I don't find out what that new puppy is and fast... not only will I not get that promotion... I could get fired! Hey, relax. I'm sure there's other cool jobs for babies, right? Meanwhile, two days goes by like that. You better start packing. What? You don't get it, Templeton. If I'm fired, they'll take away my formula. I will turn into a normal baby... and live here forever with you. - No! - Yes! And I promise you this... Every morning you wake up... I'll be there. Every night, at dinner... I'll be there. Every birthday party... I'll be there. Every Christmas! I'll be there Year after year after year. We will grow old together. You and I... will be brothers. Always. - No. No, this is terrible! - I know. - This can't be happening. - But it is! - You can't stay here! - I can't! - Don't panic! - But it feels right! I know, but we have to fix this. We have to make sure you don't get fired. We? We. I will help you... but just to get rid of you. Deal? Deal. Here's to never seeing you again. Back at ya, baby. Now let's get to work. Come on, come on, come on. Slice! No, no. There's nothing here about a new puppy. Aren't you gonna do any work? I'm very busy delegating. He drains it! So once we find the file on the new puppy... what do we do then? Send in the baby ninjas? Even better. I'm going to write the perfect memo. - Boom! - Boom! Wait. What's a memo? A memo is something you write to give people information. That's your plan? You're gonna write a book report? That's so boring. No, Templeton. Memos are for important things. A memo can bring people together. A memo can be a call to arms... a manifesto, a poem. A memo can change the world. Wow! When you explain it like that... it still sounds boring. You'll learn, kid. You'll learn. Wait a second. This is it! What? What is it? Check this out. Take Your Kid to Work Day. People take children to a place of business? Why? Because it's awesome! It's disgusting. Don't you see? We can get inside Puppy Co... and find out what the new puppy is! What's the point? You're grounded. Your parents aren't going to take us anywhere. You're right. They think we hate each other. Hate is a strong word. It's the right word, but still. We have to convince them that we're actual brothers. Right. That we... Loathe? No. Like! No. That we... La, la, la... Le, le, le... No. No way. No. You don't mean... Love each other. I just threw up a noodle and swallowed it. - Here comes the choo-choo train! - No. - Choo, choo, chugga, chugga. - No choo-choo! Hold the train! No! It looks like it's already been eaten! Who's there? I got a racket! What's going on in here? I'm just feeding the baby. They're watching. Choo-choo. Okay. Choo-choo on that. I don't wear nautical. It's not even Friday! Come on, you're putting this thing on! You gonna make me? You can't make me, punk. - What have you done to me? - Stop! - Get back here! - No! No way. Come on! Tim, what are you doing in here? Oh, no. Hey, what's all the racket? Isn't he adorable? I've got one for you, too! Ahoy, matey! What? Bummer. Smile! Smile for the camera. It makes me feel weak. - Who's ticklish? - It doesn't work on me. - Here? - I'm dead down there. Come on, everyone has a tickle spot. "'I don't think I'll fit, ' said Gretel." Come here, look at this. "'I could get in myself.' "And then, Hansel and Gretel... "pushed the wicked old woman into the oven. "And the godless witch was miserably burnt to death." Let me get this straight. The story is about cannibalism and burning people alive. Yeah. No wonder kids are so messed up! Getting along is exhausting. Back at ya, Tim. You should have seen your face in that picture. You were all... I'm not used to being tickled. Once at a corporate retreat. But those things always get weird. What? You've never been tickled? What about your parents? I'm sorry. I forgot. You didn't have parents, did you? Tim, I may look like a baby... but I was born all grown up. I can't even imagine not being a kid. You missed out on your whole childhood? You never had someone to love you? You can't miss what you never had. Wake up, little halflings! Hey, Tim. Wake up, buddy. - What? - Rise and shine! Is something wrong? No, you're late for work. What? It's Take Your Kid to Work Day! And you're the kid. You're officially un-grounded. - Really? - Really. Can the baby come, too? I don't see why not. Yes! Yes, yes, yes! Yeah! I wish I was that excited for work. Look, it's my spatula. Yeah, baby. All right, gentlemen. Welcome to Puppy Co. Wow! This is awesome! And Tim, look! They have a puppy pool and everything! Isn't that sanitary? Hey, bud, you wanna get a picture with Puppy Co Pete? No, thanks. It's probably too scary for the baby. Nice call. Your dad and I have some work to do. You wanna come up to the office and hang out with us? We'll stick your brother in the Puppy Zone... while we have a little Tim time. Tim time? Dad and I know we haven't been able to do as much with you as we used to. So, what do you say? No, thanks. I'd rather spend time with the baby. - So cute. - That's so sweet. Way to keep your eyes on the prize, Templeton. We find out what the new puppy is, and I go home. You guys stay in the Puppy Zone, okay? Okay, bye! That's where we'll find the secret file on the new puppy. We'll never get through that door. No, not that door. The doggy door. But how do we get past the guard? No, no, no. No way. No! Itchy, plushy, puppy pants! What a cute, little pup... Ow! Yay! Kids. Get down. All the way down. I've never been so humiliated in all my life. Arf! Hey! Fetch! What am I doing? Oh, no! Yes! What a good boy. No. No biting. Timothy Templeton, office ninja. - Over here. - What is it? It's gotta be in here. It's begging us to go in. Wow. That's a lot of paperwork. I thought puppies shredded everything. This is getting creepy. I've come for your soul. Cut it out! Wait! That's it! The file! See! I was right. No. I've seen this before somewhere. We've gotta find something to replace it with. You're right. Like another file. Yes! A file with the same weight. So it can be placed in the exact same position. - With the exact same weight. - You already said that. I know I said it. Hey, you hit me twice. Make it a third time. Wait! I think I've seen one here. Smead manila, pressboard edges. About 50 ounces. No, 49. Try this one. Wait! Now it's perfect. Yes! I feel like we should run. I know, but it's just so mesmerizing. I kind of wanna see how it ends. Yeah, me too. Well, that didn't end well. What? What the...? Thanks for dropping in, kids. Francis Francis? I see you've met my big brother, Eugene. A man of few words. None, in fact. Can you put your head back on, please? What is all this? Surprise! A Baby Corp binky? Where did you get that? You don't recognize me? Perhaps from my youth! Super Colossal Big Fat Boss Baby? He is him? And him is you? Except older and wrinklier. That's not right. No. You were my hero! How did you end up here? You know what I do to little kids who ask lots of questions about me? Eugene! I read them my story. And, I baked cookies! Eugene, my chair. Now, it all started at Baby Corp... a long, long time ago. I was a hotshot executive... headed straight to the top. Everyone loved me. They gave me a promotion, the corner office... my very own... Personal potty? I had it all. But then one day... I made a terrible discovery. I was getting old. The formula wasn't working anymore. It turns out I was lactose intolerant. - No! - Yes! I got called in to see the board of directors. Who are the boring directors? The biggest baby bosses of them all. I thought they loved me. But they replaced me with someone new. Someone younger. That's horrible. All of a sudden, she got all the love... all the attention. You know how that feels, don't you, Tim? It hurts, doesn't it? Yeah. It does. And then what happened? Well... They fired me! And took away my special formula. Then they sent me down to live with a... - family! - Oh, Francis, no! Baby Corp betrayed me! And I'm finally going to get revenge... with the Forever Puppy. - Huh? - That's it? No, no. Imagine a puppy that never grows up. A puppy that stays a puppy forever. Once I launch my Forever Puppies to every corner of the world... they'll be so adorable... How cute! one will ever want a baby ever, ever again. The end of Baby Corp! Please. A puppy that never grows up? That's impossible! Isn't it? It was, until you brought me the key ingredient. My secret formula. It's mine! It's mine! It's all mine. No! You brought me the very thing I needed to destroy Baby Corp. - No! - Yes! You walked right into my trap! - You'll never get away with this! - Yeah, not if we... What? Tell? Who are you gonna tell, Tim? Your parents? Where are the boys? I told them to stay in the Puppy Zone. I'm taking them both with me to Las Vegas. So stay out of my way. I'd hate for them to get terminated. They'd never leave us alone. Oh, really? Wait until they meet Puppy Co's certified... in-house childcare expert. Oh, no. - Don't be nervous, buddy. - It's only overnight. We'll be back before you know it. Besides, you boys are in great hands. That's right! Eugenia is practically perfect in every way. No. Please don't go with him. Francis Francis is trying to... Believe me... Eugenia won't take her eyes off your children. Not for one second. That's very reassuring. Now you see them. And now, you don't. Too-da-loo! To the airport! It's over. I'm through. What do we do, Templeton? What do we do? We have to get to the airport and stop Francis Francis... before the plane takes off! Yes! But how do we get past Scary Poppins down there? Okay. There must be something we can do. Hey, it's not that bad. Are you okay? What's the matter with you? Don't look at me! Oh, no! Without that formula, I turn into a normal baby. You know, goo-goo, ga-ga. The whole bit! Oh, no! Gross! I'm a ticking baby time bomb! I'm going to turn into a puking, pooping, helpless baby! Wait a second. That gives me an idea. What? What is it? I've been through a lot of babysitters... and they all fear one thing. Now, ladies, the secret to deep fried butter... is a healthy dab of margarine. Hey, Mr. Lady Man! The baby. I think he's sick! You gotta do something! Oh, the horror! - Templeton! - Delicious! Gross! It got in your mouth! It got in my mouth, too! I think I'm gonna be sick! Swirly! There's only an hour before the plane takes off. Let's take the bike. The bike? I don't know. Let's move! - Okay, but wait right here! - What? Where are you going? Templeton! Always wear a helmet. Too-da-loo, toilet head! You'll never catch us! Staci! Staci, come in! Oh, Staci! - Is that you, boss? - Code red! I'm being chased by a killer babysitter! Gather the team! On it, boss. - Hello! - Hello! - Hello! - Code red. Got it! We got a code red. Repeat... We got a code red! What are you doing, Templeton? Go, go! But that's jaywalking! Here, I'll pay your ticket. Go! I think we lost him! Oh, no, we didn't! Flower power! Pow, pow, pow! That's my boy! Poppy! Run, run, run. Uh-oh. Run, run, run. Tim, you've gotta go faster! I can't do it! You can. You've got it in you, Templeton. Now, eyes ahead. I said eyes ahead, son! Buttocks up! Now pedal like you mean it! Either you run the day, or the day runs you. Good! Uh-oh! My training wheels! I can't ride without training wheels! Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right! What are you talking about? The path to success is not a straight line, Templeton... but rather a wild ride... like a ship at sea. And you're a sea captain... taming a turbulent ocean! I'm a sea captain, taming the ocean! Good! Tree! I'm gonna hit it! Aim for failure, and you'll always succeed. - What? - Aim away from failure! I'm doing it. I'm doing it! Once success is a habit... then it's all downhill. Look! There they are! Mom, Dad! - Train! - Choo-choo! Stop! What are you doing? - We're gonna make it. - But I don't have a quote for this! You did it! No! We did it. And all without your training wheels. Coming through! Baby on board! Hang on to your diaper! Duck and cover! Hold it, buddy! I'm gonna need a strip search on two. There they are! Mom, Dad! Hey, not so fast! Oh, no. Templeton! - Hey! - Sorry! Hey, where'd you go? Oh, no! Not again! Not now! What the...? No, no, no! Come on! I think I ate $1.75. Excuse me, coming through! Mom, Dad! Hurry now! Move! We don't wanna miss our flight! - No! - I warned you! Wait! - No! - No. Mom, Dad! Stop! No! No, no, no. They're gone. I failed. I would've gotten to my parents if I didn't have to go back for you! What? We would have been here in plenty of time... if you knew how to ride a bike like a normal kid! We're never going to stop the launch on time. Who cares? My parents are in danger. I care! Baby Corp is going to go out of business. That's all you ever talk about. You don't even know what it's like to be part of a family. And you don't know what it's like to have a job! You don't know anything about hugs, or bedtime stories, or special songs! Oh, please! Stop acting like a baby. You're a baby! You take that back. My life was perfect until you showed up! Believe me, kid, the feeling is mutual. I wish I'd never met you! I wish you'd never been born! Where are you going? Fine! Would Timothy Templeton please pick up the white courtesy phone? Timothy Leslie Templeton, please pick up the white courtesy phone. Leslie. Hello? It's me. Don't hang up, Tim! Tim, I wasn't born. I was hired. What do you mean? Baby Corp is the only home I've ever known. So you're right. I don't know what it's like... to be part of a family. But I do care. You do? Yeah. And the only way to save both is to stop Francis Francis. Yeah. I can't do this without you, Tim. I need you. - I guess we do make a pretty good team. - No. Literally, I can't reach the door knobs. Oh, right. Don't worry, Tim. We're gonna save your parents. And your company. But how do we get to Vegas now? We're gonna need a miracle. Follow that Elvis! Why? Where there's Elvis, there's Vegas! There's another one! And another one! Elvises everywhere! Tim, there's our flight! And there goes our ticket! Sorry! - Well, thank you! - Oh, baby! Well, thank you very much. Hello. Hi. Ticket please. One moment. It's been stolen! Impersonating an Elvis impersonator? Get him! Humina, humina, humina. Stop! The ghost of Elvis! We gotta find seats! Come on, this way! What is this place? This, Templeton, is first class. Why is it empty? No one can afford it. That's what makes it so wonderful. Hello! This is Captain Ross. Ladies and gentlemen, and those in coach... please fasten your seat belts. We're about to take off. What's the matter, Templeton? My parents always hold my hand during takeoff. Boy, the stocks are crazy today. Ladies and gentlemen, Captain Ross again. As you can see, I've switched off the seat belt sign. What are you two boys doi ng up here? We're Captain Ross's kids. He told us to sit here. Well, can I get you special guys anything? Anything? Anything. Aye! All right, Francis Francis. This will teach you to kidnap the parents of One-Eyed Tim. Oh, please. If only it were that easy. What's your plan? You're not gonna write a memo, are you? No. Come on. You said you never really had a childhood, right? Why don't you give it a try? - No, I can't. - It's fun! Here, let's get you into character. I don't know. I feel silly! Go on! Say something mean to him. All right, all right, all right. So, you went to a community college, is it? I don't know. Keep going! And you have the guts to ask me for a bonus, now? See! Now you're getting into it. Huh? Well, blow me down. Your exit interview is over! That was pretty good. Who was that guy anyway? - The captain! - What? En garde! Heave! Ho! Thar she blows! Watch your stern! - Aye! - Dodge, parry, and thrust! Sounds like a heck of a law firm! Nice try! Heads up! You're fired! And here's your severance package. Ha! Wait. You're not supposed to end with "Ha!" You're not? You're supposed to end with "Argh!" Got it! Argh! That's great! Thanks! I just went with the flow. Ladies and gentlemen, and those in coach... on the left side of the plane... you can see we're approaching fabulous Las Vegas. Land ho! Ahoy, matey. Bye, Dad! Thanks for the lift! - Okay. What? - Let's move. - I'm going to the Heartbreak Hotel. - Me, too! - Me, too! Me, too! We've gotta get to the convention center. Should we get a taxi? Darn! I spent all my per diem. That's more our speed. Right. Excuse me, ladies. Can we get a ride home? Jimmy's been sick, and he needs his expensive medicine. Where do you live, sweetie? The convention center. Bye, sweetie! Have a fun lady party! Chicks dig babies. The people of Long Island do not know how to make an iced tea. Oh, no! How are we gonna find my parents in here? Tim! Over there. Okay, now where's Puppy Co? Puppy Co, Puppy Co, Puppy Co... Aha! Here it is. Found it! But how did you...? Hey! Where'd you go? Not again! Come on! I need you! I'm back! I'm back. What's going on? That's right. We're gonna launch a brand new puppy in every continent. In every country! We're going to take over the world, one heart at a time. - Tim, there they are! - Mom, Dad! Imagine a puppy that never grows up... never gets old. A puppy that stays a puppy forever. I give you the only thing you'll ever love... the Forever Puppy! Mommy? Avert your eyes, Templeton! Hey! What are you doing here? Mom, Dad! What are they doing here? What are Tim and the baby doing here? What are any of us doing here, really? What is going on here? He's got my parents! We're really here to get them. Get them! Get the Forever Puppy! We've got to get backstage. In there! Run! Go, go, go! Left, right! Left, right! Left, right! Yes! Fart. Poop. Doodie. Look at all that formula. Now that's how you launch a product. Oh, no! He's putting them under the rocket! Elvis has left the building! Mom, Dad... I'm coming! Atta boy! Go, Tim! Go, go! Launch initiated. I'm launching my Forever Puppies, and there's nothing you can do about it! No! Baby Corp stole all the love from me... and now I'm going to take it back from them. You should understand what I'm talking about. You got replaced just like me! No! I'm nothing like you! Bratty kid! Let our parents go! His parents. The parents. Yeah! You could have had your parents' love all to yourself again! But no! You blew it! You let that baby boss you around. He doesn't work for me. We're partners! I'm not ticklish. Hey! Where's the baby? Everyone has a tickle spot! My ears! Stop it! Little brats! Nothing is going to get in the way of my vengeance. Not you, not anybody! Baby Corp is through. I win! Ha! Wrong! You're not supposed to end with "Ha!" - That's right! - What? You're supposed to end with... Argh! En garde! You're fired! And here's your severance package! Take that, you scurvy scallywag! Argh! One minute and counting. - Help! - Anybody! Tim! What are you doing? No! Mom, Dad, I'm coming! Is that you? Don't worry, Mom and Dad. I got this! - Are you okay? - Is the baby all right? Yes, the baby's fine. Who was that? That was me! The baby's fine. It won't budge! What's happening? Wait a second! Hey. I know a way to move my parents. - How? - We can use the puppies! Upsies. I need upsies. But what if you "go baby" again? It'll be fine. Fine, fine. Fine! It'll be fine. Hang on to your diaper! We're moving! Why are we moving? All right, Mom and Dad, hang on! T-minus 30 seconds. Oh, no! Wait! Get your parents... out of here. Go, Tim! You've gotta jump! Come on, it's a piece of cake! No! No patty cake! Get down! Don't cry. I'm sorry. Please don't cry! 20 seconds. 15 seconds. - Three... - Gotcha! ...two, one. Blast off! Y eah! Hey, are you still in there? Aha! What happened? Did we win? - We won! - We won? - We won, we won, we won! - We won! Yes! Victory nap! You ruined everything! It's not fair! It's not fair! That's not right. Now you're really going to pay! Oh, yeah? It's time you pick on someone your own size! What? Eugene! You put me down! You hear me? I am the boss of you! This time, we'll raise him right. I'm sure that's gonna turn out fine. Tim, what's happening? Mom, Dad, hold on! Yes! - Tim? - Tim! Tim! Are you okay? I'm fine. We're fine. You saved us. You're our hero. And a great big brother. We love you both so much. Both of us? With all our heart. Let's go home. How do I look? You look great. Well, team, good job. Staci, this letter should get you into the school of your choice. - Kindergarten? - That's right. And if there's anything else... How about a raise? Staci, you don't get paid. - One million ziggity-five! - Eight! - A tricycle! - Skates! - Candy corn? - Lollipop! Deal. Best boss ever. And you guys don't always have to toe the company line, you know? It's okay to think for yourself. - No, sir! - No way! That's a terrible idea! That's the attitude. - You're so right! - You've got it, sir! - You're the man! - Absolutely! Here you go, big guy. You've earned it. You wanna hug me, don't you? I'll miss you too, buddy. Okay. - There, there. - It'll be okay, big guy. So... you did it. No. We did it. By the way, congratulations on your promotion. The corner office, the private potty. All that stuff. But, hey! How about you? You have your parents all to yourself. So what am I gonna tell Mom and Dad after you leave? Don't worry. Baby Corp has a procedure for situations like this. It'll be like I was never born. I almost forgot! No way! Lam-Lam! - You fixed her. - Yep. She's as good as new. She's a tough one. Well, I guess we both got what we wanted. It's a win-win. Probably should... Yeah. So, stay in school. I don't really have a choice. Yeah, right. - Goodbye, Tim. - Bye. Yeah, right. He left as suddenly as he arrived. Bye. Finally, my life was perfect again. Forget about the baby. Oopsies! Pardon me, big fella. Surprise! Hooray! Forget about the baby? No, thanks. I'm good. Okie-dokie. Argh. Dear Boss Baby... I don't usually write very much... but now I know that memos are very important things. Even though I never went to business school... I did learn to share in kindergarten. And if there isn't enough love for the two of us... then I wanna give you all of mine. I would like to offer you a job. It will be hard work... and there will be no pay. But the good news is that you can never be fired. And I promise you this. Every morning when you wake up, I will be there. Every night at dinner, I will be there. Every birthday party, every Christmas morning... I will be there. Year after year after year. We will grow old together. And you and I will always be brothers. Always. Wake up, little halflings! It's 7:00 a m. What's the poi nt, Wizzie? Because it's 7:00 a.m. I have one job to do, and you make it so difficult. It's okay, little halfling. Sometimes, I get confused too. Especially during daylight savings time. Spring forward, fall back. We don't even have calendars in the wizard's realm! There is no spring, only darkness and winter! I'm not confused at all, Wizzie. I just miss him. Tim, look who's here! It's your new baby... Brother! You're here! You're really here! Gentle, gentle. You came back! Say hello to Theodore Lindsey Templeton. Lindsey? Who's ticklish? Who's ticklish? Here you go. So, that's my story. Our story. Luckily for me and my little brother, it had a happy ending. Is that a true story, Daddy? Well, sweetie, that's how I remember it. - But you know what I found out? - What? There's plenty of love for everyone. Even me? Especially you. Just ask your Uncle Ted. Hey, kid, I hear you're gonna have a baby sister. I wanted a horse. Here you go, kid. Go get yourself a horse. You know, I'm proud of you, Leslie. Back at ya, Lindsey. Hi there, baby sister. Argh! All right, guys. Time for bed. Come on, Mom. Just a little longer. Okay. Wake up, little halflings! It's time to leave. Go and live your peasant lives. Be gone with you! Fixed Synced by bozxphd. Enjoy The Flick. Thank you! What a terrific crowd! Welcome to my inauguration! I'm Lucy. Lucy Mirando, of the Mirando Corporation. Welcome to my grandfather's old factory. Now, I know, we all know, that Grandpa Mirando was a terrible man. We know of the atrocities he committed in this space. We know these walls are stained with the blood of fine working men. But today, I reclaim this space... to tell you a beautiful story. Now the rotten CEOs are gone. It's Mirando's new era with me, and with new core values, environment and life. Awesome. You're much more fun than the last chief executive. Well, former CEO Nancy's my sister, but... we're very different people. We have very different ways of being. We have very different business ethics. But she's totally ignorant about humanity. She lacks vision beyond her next round of golf. The world's population is at seven billion. 805 million human beings struggle with hunger every day, including 30 million right here in the United States. The world is running out of food, and we're not talking about it. We needed a miracle. And then we got one. Say hello to a super piglet. This beautiful and special little creature was miraculously discovered on one Chilean farm. We brought this precious girl to the Mirando Ranch in Arizona. Our scientists have been raising her with love and care ever since, observing and performing various studies. And we've successfully reproduced 26 miracle piglets by nonforced, natural mating. They are like nothing on Earth. Last week, we sent the 26 super piglets to the 26 countries where the Mirando offices are located. Each one was given to an esteemed local farmer. I have asked each farmer to raise their special guest, honoring traditional techniques unique to their respective cultures. My top scientists in the Mirando branch offices will be on hand to offer whatever support is required. These little piggies will be the ancestors of a whole new species. Mama Nature's gift. A revolution in the livestock industry. And now we have a competition! One local farmer will raise the biggest, most beautiful and special one. The ultimate super pig! But who will it be? I'm not an expert, but I know someone who is. TV's most beloved zoologist and veterinarian, and the new face of the Mirando Corporation, Dr. Johnny Wilcox! Who said a brilliant scientist can't be fun? See, everybody wants to eat him up. When the competition reaches its climax, Dr. Johnny will crown the winner at a Magical Animals live telecast right here in New York City. And that is when we will unveil our super pigs to the world! How long will the wait be? When do we get to see the big pig with our own eyes? Ten years. Ten years? Jesus Christ, I'll be dead by then. Our super pigs will not only be big and beautiful, they will also leave a minimal footprint on the environment, consume less feed and produce less excretions. And most importantly... they need to taste fucking good. It won't hurt. Don't move. It's okay. Not too hard! They're not even ripe yet. You had some already! Okja! Okja, what are you doing? Look at all the fish here! I want fish stew today! What? Now? Again? Mija! Is she not here yet? Mija! Where has she gone off to? Mija Joo of 37-1, Sanyang Town! Promptly return home for dinner. Mija! Come home quick. Grandpa is starving! Don't be scared. It's a shortcut. No! Go back up! Where are you? Mundo from the office is coming to visit. Mundo? To collect the money for Okja? I've already sent them the money. So Okja is ours now, right? Of course. So why is he coming? Paperwork? They said soccer would be on. Son of a... Great. Now we can buy a new TV. This one's still fine. Such a tightwad... Welcome. Hard climb? Good afternoon. Here, have some water. I thought a bunch of you were coming. They're behind me. Always on top of her dental hygiene! Wait, wait. Let me out, Okja. Mundo? Hello, Mundo. - Did you brush your own teeth? - Yeah. Retina Display! Bring me the black box. Does Okja eat and poop well? Yes, and she has a super-high metabolism. Right. That's what the readings say. Fuck me! I'm here! All right! I'm fucking here, God damn it! He... he's that guy! From TV, right? He is. What was it? Animal Magic! He's the "very healthy" guy! All the other super pigs were on flat land, accessible by car. Japan's one was five minutes from the airport. And you... I notice that you had to leave the fucking mountaintop super pig till the end, because you knew that the climb would rile me. Well, guess what? I'm riled. He looks exactly like he does on TV. Oh, that's great. Can somebody... Can somebody at least bring me some water? Seeing as I'm about to be filmed for fucking television! And not sparkling water. I don't want to belch my way through the broadcast. Get him some water. I don't think they have sparkling water here. Excuse me, sir. If you don't mind, Dr. Johnny's a bit thirsty. Thank you. Here's your water. Wait. That's soju... Hey, that's mine... Hey, Okja. It's okay. Come on out. That's it... Very good. Well, fucking film me, Jennifer! You can't fake these emotions. Film him. Get him his uniform. Quick. They're filming! Pick up his bag. Come on. That's it. Is your... Mundo? Mundo, get out of the shot, please. Thank you very much. That's it. And his hat. Get his hat. Looking good, Dr. Johnny. That's it. Everything's gonna be okay. Mundo, get out of the shot. Thank you very much. And... roll. Ten years ago, 26 local farmers from 26 far-flung countries were each given a super piglet. - What's he saying? - Dunno. One of those 26 farms to decide who will be invited to the Best Super Pig Fest in New York City, where it will be unveiled to the world. You've done an incredible job. Thank you. Pan to the old man! - Pan to Johnny. - Johnny, Johnny! Ever since she was little, I've always been fascinated with Okja and her monthly health reports and data. I've only known her through numbers and graphs and pictures, but seeing her here today, and studying her with my own eyes and hands, she amazes me even more. This is it. The moment of mutual trust between Mirando's very own Dr. Johnny and the esteemed local farmer. She's truly exceptional. How did you do it? What were your methods? He just let her run around. "He just let her run around." How beguiling! Show the sash to the camera, Jennifer, and go... - Ready for the festival in New York City? - New York? Very healthy. One more sash, please. A special sash for a special little lady, who I'm sure helped raise this super pig in her own special little way. And cut. Get some cutaways of the pig! Here. Autograph, please. I guess I'm still hip in Korea. The kids at home don't really appreciate me anymore. But here... I'm sorry if I was a little grumpy when I first came to the farm. But, you know, being a television presenter can be stressful. I always have to be "on," now that I'm the face of the Mirando Corporation. Who ever thought that would happen? Mija. Let's go visit your mom and dad. Now? I want to watch this. They'll be doing this all day. Your mom and dad appeared in my dream last night and said they missed you. Come on. Thank you. Come quick. It won't take long. Who do you miss more? Mom or dad? I can't remember... their faces. It's been so many years. Just the two of us in the mountains. Not two. Three. Oh, sure. Three. The three of us. Okja, too. Our little fatty! What's that? This is... a gold pig. 100% real gold. In the old days, the elders would give a gold pig to their daughters as a wedding gift. Mija, it's yours now. Take it. Why all of a sudden? Well, you're not getting married now... but... Okja is going far away... so you can keep this gold pig instead. What? The pig competition's nearly over. So they're taking all the pigs back to the company. But Okja's ours. We bought her from them. You sent them the money! Actually... they wouldn't let me buy Okja. So I bought you this gold pig instead. What are you talking about? Hey, did you hear that? Your daughter raises her voice at me now. Mija. They say Okja was selected as the best pig. They have plans for her in America. America? She'll spend the night at the Mirando building in Seoul. And tomorrow, she'll be on a plane to America. She's a celebrity now! Mija. To be honest... you're nearly a grown woman now. I don't like you playing with that pig all day. You should go to town, meet a boy and... You must be hungry. I made your favorite, chicken stew. Go wash up so we can eat. I put in this and that. Everything that's good for you. Where are you going? Seoul. What? I'm going to bring Okja home. Are you crazy? Seoul? In the middle of the night? You have no money to go to Seoul. Stop! It's dangerous. Don't move! Oh, my God... Oh, God... Go away, you'll get hurt! Where do you think you're going? You're not going anywhere! Stop right there! Blade shoulder! Loin! Spare rib! Hock! Got it? This is what will happen to her. This is Okja's fate! Fate! Mija. Mija! Mija! Excuse me! I'm here for Okja! Use the phone. Hey, could you come to the lobby? No, some kid is here. She wants me to open the door. Please state the name you are looking for. M-U-N-D-O. Sorry, please speak clearly. You can't just send anybody up here. Screen these people, okay? M-U-N-D-O! Excuse me! Excuse me! What the... Mundo! Hey! - Stay where you are! - Hey! Stop! Just open the door! Open the door so we can talk. Hey! Open the damn door. Come on, you guys. Stop taking photos, okay? This is classified. These are direct orders from HQ in America. No photos! I don't want to see anything on Instagram or Facebook. Okay? Okja, I'm here! Okja! Let's talk! Where are you going? Wait! No, stop! Look how tall the truck is! Right? Are you new here? Call the police! Wait! Stop! Damn it! What does that say? 4.2... This isn't taller than 4.2 meters, is it? Is it? Do you have a license to drive this thing? A commercial license? Wait! Hey! Come on, now! Hey, no! What now? What's that noise? What's that? What the hell? Nice to meet you. We're not terrorists! What? We don't like violence! We don't want to hurt you! Stop... stop the truck! What the hell is he saying? Stop... Just cooperate, guy. What? - Hi. - Hey! - What's going on? - Hey, over here! Hey, old man! Safety! I don't think he gets it! Buckle! Buckle! Put on your seat belt! 'Cause we're gonna come on board now, right? But we're not gonna hurt you. You'll be okay. Yes? Okay. No compromise! Hey! Hands up! - We come in peace! Drop that! - Stay back! Hello? Police? Terrorists! There are terrorists here! What's he writing? Is this fucking amusing to you? It's not mine. It's company property. Everybody follow me! Hold her! Hold her! No, no, no. No! - Hey! Hey! - Stop! Catch her! Everybody in the van! They're leaving! Start the truck! Quick! - Fuck it. - What? What do I care? I'm leaving this shithole anyway. You know what? I do have a commercial license, but I don't have workman's comp. Insurance? You want insurance? Then show some loyalty to the company! This is what company loyalty looks like! This way! Go! I'm sorry! Watch out! Move! "A.L.F."? "Animal Liberation Front." Animal Liberation Front? We are good people. On your side. Guys! I'm so sorry we hurt you. It wasn't our intention, okay? - This way! - Guys, be careful! Where are you? Me! Me, too! There! Right there! Back door! Go to the back door! Hey! Back door! Back door! Stop! Mija! Don't! Don't do that! Stop rubbing! He's having a shitty day. It's beautiful. And eco-friendly, you know? Hey, baby, it's me. What kind of body wash do we have? Fruity Lucy Lemon? Because the girl showed up, so I'm providing the team with unfolding intel. - I don't care. It still sounds creepy. - I'm not creepy. That's not... That's my voice. That's my actual voice. My name is Jay. He's Jay. My name is K. I'm Red. - Silver. - I'm Blond. I'm Mija. This is Okja. We are animal lovers. We rescue animals from slaughterhouses, zoos, labs. We tear down cages and set them free. This is why we rescued Okja. Thank you very much. For 40 years, our group has liberated animals from places of abuse. - Is that it? - Yeah. Go on. - It's very important she gets every word. - It's all right. That's it. We inflict economic damage on those who profit from their misery. We reveal their atrocities to the public. And we never harm anyone, human or nonhuman. That is our 40-year credo. We... fight people who harm animals... - What was the second thing you said? - We reveal their atrocities... - Are you okay, Silver? - I'm fine. - You okay? - I'm good. I'm good. He still hasn't eaten anything? No, he's... still trying to leave the smallest footprint on the planet that he can. All food production is exploitative. Try this. Come on. It's just a tomato. Ripened in ethylene gas. Transported in trucks. I admire your conviction, Silver, but your pallid complexion concerns me. How long have you and Okja lived together? Since she was four. Do you know where she was being taken? To America. To the Best Super Pig Competition. Yes. But she was being taken somewhere else first. This is where they're really taking Okja. This underground laboratory in Paramus, New Jersey. This is the building where Okja was created. She thinks she was born in Arizona and her mom in Chile. Mija. Everything you believe you know about Okja is a lie. Okja was created in this lab. So was her so-called mother. This is the building where Mirando experiments on their genetically mutated animals. Because genetic mutation is too dangerous, Mirando's been disguising it as natural, safe and non-GMO. But that's a complete scam. Millions of GM pigs are already lining up in front of slaughterhouses. You and the other local farmers are just promotional devices for them. Just a picturesque backdrop. Promotion. Mirando know their consumers would be disgusted by the idea of eating mutant, GM foods. So ten years ago, their boss, Lucy Mirando, went inside the lab and dug around amongst all the disfigured creatures to find the 26 prettiest ones, like your Okja. And then, big fanfare, she sent them around the world. They've been frantically breeding their super pigs, and soon the supermarkets will be filled with their flesh and organs. Dog food, hot dogs, bacon and jerky... Our plan is to put a stop to their project. But to do so, we need video from inside the lab, footage of the horrible atrocities being committed against the animals. And there's a problem. The security is impenetrable. But there is a way. Although we will only go ahead with it if you give us your consent. Jay. If this kid doesn't give her consent, what, we just abandon the mission? Is that what you're saying? 'Cause, brother, we've come halfway around the world for this. - We should get this done now. - Don't be so selfish. This isn't about you or us, and she is Okja's family. So of course we need her consent. I will not harm her by forcing a mission upon her that she does not consent to. As members of the A.L.F., we are obliged to honor its credo. We are going to abort because some guy from the 1970s wrote a fucking credo? Is that what you're saying? Tradition does not make a movement strong. We make a movement strong. If that's how you feel, call yourself something else and not the A.L.F., and get out of this truck. In order to expose Mirando, we need video from inside the lab. And this is where Okja comes in. The Mirando scientists are dying to run tests on her in their underground lab. Their star super pig. Which is why we've made this. It looks exactly like the black box on her ear, right? Only this one can wirelessly send a video feed to us from inside the lab. Okja will become a hidden camera. Hey, buddy. Hi. Okay. I'm sorry, but this was our plan. Rescue Okja, replace the black box and let Mirando retake Okja. You want to send Okja to America? To this laboratory? Yes. But don't worry. They wouldn't dare hurt her. She needs to be perfect for their beauty pageant. Whatever tests they do on her in there will need to be harmless. We have a detailed plan on how to rescue her from the event in New York City. We promise to bring her back to you. If our mission succeeds, we'll be able to shut down Mirando's super pig project completely. And we'll be saving millions of super pigs like Okja from death. But we won't do it without your approval. If you don't approve, we won't do the mission. What is your decision? Take Okja back to the mountains. She agrees to the mission. Thank you. - Thank you so much. - This is a giant leap for animal kind. Thank you. It's Ziploc. - Water won't be so bad. - It'll be great! Move! Move! I'm gonna do it! Holy shit, I'm gonna do it! Go, go, go, go, go, go. Hey! Okja, I'll see you in New York. Till we meet again. Mija! Try learning English. It opens new doors! Hey, wait! Mister! Hey, you! Grab him! He jumped! How did he do that? Hey, kid. It's dangerous. Get out of there. Hey, kid. Hey, come out! - Are you kidding me? - It's supposed to hold. You're a fucking joke-show, mate. - Fucking awesome, epic plan, man. - It's a Ziploc. - Fucking Ziploc, my ass. - It was supposed to hold. Seriously? - You okay? - Yeah. Last night in South Korea, Mirando employees were securing their super pig when a young girl suddenly stepped in and tried to stop them. These extraordinary events began earlier in the day with a highly-organized pignapping attempt made by the Animal Liberation Front. I wouldn't worry too much, Luce. The A.L.F. technically failed. They weren't even able to take the product. Yeah, it's a kerfuffle over nothing. We shouldn't make a big deal out of it. It actually means our security here in the US is so airtight, they wouldn't even think about breaking in. Which is why they went all the way to Korea. The A.L.F. hasn't been in the headlines for a number of years, but they're back in the spotlight after today's chaotic events. Well, the good news is that the pig is on its way to New York now. Right. And the Best Super Pig Fest will continue as planned. Significant damage to Mirando's stock price seems inevitable. Yeah. Mirando is completely fucked. Mirando. That's your current employer, correct? Yup. But I don't care. They fucked, not me. They fucked up. I know what they're calling me, those A.L.F. fuckers. They're calling me a psychopath. You're not a psychopath. They're the psychopaths. Right, Ms. Mirando? They're narcissists. Do narcissists wear balaclavas? Crazy radicals have been calling us psychopaths since the '60s. "You're a psychopath. Your sister was a psychopath. Your father was a psychopath." Well, Daddy was a psychopath, Frank. I mean, that's hardly an unfair slur. "What did you do in the war, Daddy?" "I manufactured the napalm that made everybody's skin fall off." And this is a man who called his child an idiot loser. Well, in fairness to your father, when he called you an idiot loser, you had just signed up for a two-year course in California called "Unleash Your Calling." At a highly-respected institute for the advancement of human potential where many a forward-looking CEO go. And you know what I was doing while I was at the institute? I was visualizing new and better ways of doing business. While my sister was CEO... What was the name of that lake? Moose Lake. Moose Lake. While my sister was CEO, dumping so much toxic waste into Moose Lake that it exploded... The only lake ever to explode. Well done, Nancy. I was visualizing ways of turning the most hated agrochemical company in the world into the most likeable miracle pig-rearing company. And it's working! It's working! It was working until last night. Until six hours ago. The synthesis of old Mirando and new Mirando was impeccable. I took nature and science, and I synthesized. And everyone loved it. You remember what the New York Times said about our super pigs? "Intriguing," right? Slate! "Lucy Mirando is pulling off the impossible. She is making us fall in love with a creature that we are already looking forward to eating." I mean, these are journalists who never write about pigs. They never write about pigs! They wrote about our pigs. Ten years in planning! On the cusp of a product launch that will feed millions! And what happens? We get tangled up in this terrorism thing, and somehow we end up being the ones who look bad. We don't look too bad. - We don't? Open that thing! - Yup. No, rewind. Rewind. Rewind! Okay, play. The girl was later revealed to be the granddaughter of a local farmer selected by Mirando CEO... Pause, there. That's it. That's the image. That is the image that is gonna destroy us. Who are those morons? Find out and fire them. Sure. Abusing that adorable girl. And in the uniforms that I personally designed myself. And shoving her best friend onto a truck. That's gonna kill us. Right there. That's it. That image. We're dead. Lucy, may I ask you a question? The girl. You're thinking of bringing her to New York, aren't you? I was about to say that! Yes, of course. You'll invite her to the Best Super Pig Festival and... A moving reunion! The best super pig and the adorable farmer girl forced apart and somehow brought together on our stage. Brilliant, Lucy. An emotional reunion, and then they leave the stage together. Hand in hand. Hand in trotter. She can be the new face of the Mirando Corporation. She can be the embodiment of the Mirando ideal. She's young, she's pretty, she's female. She's eco-friendly and she's global! She's a godsend! Are you writing this down? She's not the face of the Mirando Corporation. I am. You don't even know if she can do anything but cry. Whereas I am loved... all over the world. Could you sit down and shut the fucking squeaking and whining? You know... You are forcing me... I'm forcing you to do what? To examine my options. Oh, really? Okay. Go ahead. Examine them. Are you examining them now? Have you finished examining them? Sit. You're a deadbeat. Your ratings are shit. Epic fail. Jennifer, get her a first class ticket. Get her a passport. She probably hasn't got a passport. Get her a visa. We'll pay for all the damage the super pig did in Korea. Get an attorney on that. Don't force an image on her, like Benetton did with those Asian models. No. I have a much better idea. Okay, we got it all figured out. We got a strategy. We got a plan. We're gonna think of it like a love story. Yeah, that's what we're gonna do. Hand those bits of paper quickly, come on. We got a little girl running around the city all alone. We've got a big, big giant pig. We gotta bring them back together because they miss each other. Tell 'em to go to New York City. Look at her, so sweet. Cute. Totally gorgeous. Totally sexy. Hot, tiny, perfect. At this rate, she'll be doing Mirando commercials. - It's very likely! - Thank you! - Mija! - Mija. Everything is worked out! Don't worry about a thing. Let's take a photo for our company Twitter. Hold this. Get Okja on the phone now! I want to know how she's doing. On the phone? With a pig? And we gotta tell this to everybody in New York City! On Instagram, on YouTube, on Tumblr, on Facebook, on Twitter. Okja. Okja, the giant pig. She's, like, this big. She's, like, oh, my God. She's bigger. Yeah, she's got one big, giant nipple. Hasn't Okja landed yet? Can we phone her now? Let's take a picture first, then call her. - Really? - Of course. In the plane... If you get airsick... chew the end of this. Like this, okay? Look at me. Mija. Take this. CONGRATULATIONS! BEST SUPER PIG COMPETITION ENGLISH FOR BEGINNERS Just what I need! Hey, Nance. How's London? Is that rain? That can't be good for the golf. Just letting you know I'm thinking of you. You're having a moment, I see. Yes, things are going super well. It's all a massive success. Really? They keep showing very unflattering pictures of you in the press. Those ones of you as a fat child on Daddy's knee. Such nasty remarks. All eyes are on you, aren't they, squeaky clean icon? I've sent you a reminder of the true face of the most powerful CEO Mirando has ever had. You go, girl. Okay. Signal's good. We're seeing what Okja's seeing. Enjoy this moment. Because soon the whole world will know what we know. Oh, my God, Jay. We're about to change everything. With my shiny antennae. I'll put some distance between us and them. We have to test how far the signal reaches. Oh, man. We're really cooking now. There she goes. - Okja gets to see everything. - Quiet. This is historical. It's historical. This is history. Okja! Hi! We're reunited. In this wretched laboratory, no less. Someone you're going to find very special. Here is Alfonso! Where is he? I got a special treat for Lucy's star super pig. Chop, chop! Let me introduce you to someone. Alfonso, Okja! Okja, Alfonso! Your boyfriend. It's all good. - Come. - Are we recording? Yeah. Oh, my God. We should never have sent her there. Can you turn it off, please? No. No, we need to record this. We need to show this. At least turn the volume down. - We knowingly sent her to that hellhole. - No, we didn't. We didn't know they were gonna do this to her. We didn't know they were gonna put her through this mating. We suspected! Come on, we all suspected. Turn it off! I know it's painful. But we can't be weak. That's right. This is why we need to stay focused. This is why we need to stick to the mission. The little girl trusted us with Okja. We have to respect her bravery. She never agreed to send Okja. What'd you just say? She was in our truck. She said... I wanna take Okja back to the mountains. I lied. - God. - Why did you lie? I don't know. In that moment, it's just... I couldn't... I couldn't stop the mission. You know, this is... this is the coolest mission ever. - I have all this stuff and... - Hey, K... K. It's okay. I hold you dear to my heart, but you have dishonored the 40-year history and meaningful legacy of the Animal Liberation Front. You have betrayed the great minds and brave fighters that have preceded you. Never mistranslate. Translation is sacred. From this moment on, you are no longer a member of the A.L.F. You are permanently banned. Get out. However... since it is vital that we continue with our mission, we will return your equipment to you after its completion. Consider this your final contribution to the A.L.F. Shit. Oh, my God. You want some? It'll make you feel better. This is an unspeakable place. I know. I know. There are worse rooms out there. Lucy Mirando says I'm not supposed to harm you in here. Well, at least not visibly. She wants you perfect for her big telecast! But... when a woman humiliates a man in front of his own colleagues, a man is inclined to make his own decisions. This is nothing, really. It's used on beef. I mean, live cows. To check their marbling. Hi, Dr. Johnny. Is Okja with you? Yes! Our precious farmer princess insists that she speaks to her on the phone. What? Whatever. She says you should lift her ear and put the receiver underneath. - You're on speakerphone! - Okja! Okja! Okja! Are you okay? Okja! Okja! What did you say? I can't hear you! Okja! Are you okay? Bang! Sirloin. The shank. Don't worry. You won't die. We're just gonna take some of your meat. And of course, I'm not gonna eat any. We have tasters for that. They're a bunch of half-wit, degenerate fucktards! I'm gonna... I'm gonna poke you in five places. And I'm sorry. It's gonna hurt. I shouldn't be here. I'm an animal lover. Everybody knows that about me! Tasty. Fuck, yeah. That was the best I've ever had. The best of the best. Today Mirando presents to you our super gourmet sausage. Juicy like you've never tasted before. An exquisite taste with a very affordable price! Made fresh from our naturally-grown, grade A super pigs. Very healthy! Come and try! Pink streamers, pink fireworks. Lucy's gonna be so happy. I'm gonna get my bonus... What the hell is this? That's Lucy's autograph. "Designed by Lucy Mirando." She can't get enough of herself, can she? Hey! How's everyone doing? Still with this thing. It looks super tacky. Don't touch it! Don't touch it. Okay, okay. The fanny pack is fine. I think she understands some English. So we should be careful what we say. Yes, yes, everything is fine. But you have to wear this. It's a special edition, custom-made, just for you. Look. The CEO even autographed it. Totally rad, right? Now, let's put it on. Not until I see Okja. Mija... Think about how dramatic it will be. Okja... Okja doesn't even know you're here. If you show up on stage without telling her, it'll be such a great surprise. You know? Surprise? I don't care about that. I want to see Okja first. Or I won't cooperate. - Mija... - She said no. Mija. Mija, I don't think you understand this situation. No, no, no. We are the ones who have Okja. Okay? We are doing you a favor. Do you get it now? Yep, yep, yep. You want to go back home with Okja, right? Then do as you're told. Otherwise, this is what will happen to Okja. Put it on. The turnout's looking good, don't you think? - Lucy must be thrilled. - Yeah. Tell me about it. - All the eyes on her. - She thinks it's her own fashion show. Mija. It's me. Jay. Shut up! Man, this is so good, man. You gotta try this. It's actually really good. Good day, all. Thank you very much. These are for you. Thanks, Frank. Ten years. An extraordinary accomplishment. Ten years, finally coming to fruition. You have to try one of these. They're completely delicious. Delicious. Beautiful. Such a shame we had to tell all those little white lies. It's not our fault that the consumers are so paranoid about GM foods. These are really beautiful. Your taste is as impeccable as always. Well, the flowers aren't actually from me. - Are they from Nancy? - Yes. And Nancy's here. Not in London. She's here? In New York? Fuck Nancy. - She's been here a while. - I told you to keep her away! She frightens people! You frighten people, too, Lucy. Yeah, but she really frightens people. She reminds them of Daddy. This is mine. This is my project. She just wants to support you on your special day. Is she watching me? Johnny's in the house! Yes! Johnny! Yeah! Johnny! Dr. Johnny's... Magical Animals! Everybody knows Dr. Johnny can't stand anything boring! No! - Have I ever given you a boring show? - No! Who's ready? Ten years ago, twenty-six farmers from lands far away were each given a magical super piglet. This year, I met these wonderful people, to decide which super piglet would have the honor of being invited to this prestigious occasion. Are you ready to meet the winner of this contest? Yeah! The best super pig on the face of the earth? Yeah! Are you ready? Well, I'm afraid you're gonna have to meet somebody else first. Isn't that the way it always is? Before you meet the talent, you gotta meet the suits. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. She is an amazing little lady... and she happens to be the brain behind this entire super pig project! Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for the one, the only, Lucy Mirando! "Lucy Mirando!" Fucking idiot. You look amazing! Oh, Johnny. You're skating on thin ice. Watch out you don't fall in and drown. Don't worry. I'm not here to put you to sleep with some corporate speech like my boring sister might have. There it is! Hello, Lucy! Lucy, we love you! No. I'm here to introduce you to a real superstar. Maybe you've already seen her on YouTube, enjoying her little shopping spree on that... in that underground mall in Seoul! So let's all welcome an extraordinary little girl. A local farmer who raised her beloved super pig in wild and beautiful nature. The fearless pig rider from across the globe! Please welcome... Mija! And here she is! Our ultimate super pig! Okja! Okja! Okja! Hey, get her off the stage! Okja! Come on. Now! Good. Here's Johnny! Mija! Don't look back. Just look at me. Turn it off! Turn it... Kill the screen! I'm an animal lover. Stop it! Go! No! No, no, no! No! I promise... No, I pledge, to learn everything I can, everything from this situation... For more details and shocking proof of Mirando's crimes against humanity and animals, go to YouTube and search "Mirando is fucked." That's right, folks. Go to YouTube now and search "Mirando is F-U-C-K-E-D." Fucked! I don't think we have a choice, Nancy. You have to go out there. You don't say. What a clusterfuck. Let's get private security in there. Black Chalk. We're on good terms with the NYPD, correct? 100%. We have an arrangement. Okja! No! Black Chalk! - Let's go. Come on! - You okay? - Blond! Let's move! - Go, go, go! Come here, come here. Red, let's go. Move! - Where's the truck? - Just up here to the right! More Black Chalk! Hurry! Take 'em down! Move! Move! Go! Well. Good luck with clearing up my mess, twinny. Well, for a while back then, you forgot you were such a loser. I mean, Daddy was a terrible man. He was a real horror. But, by God, did he know about business. Don't worry about your apology speech, twinny. I'll pretend to be you in front of the press. The police. You'll understand that I will be instructing our corporate attorneys not to assist you in any way. Frank. - Zero delay on the distribution plan. - Of course. Scrap Lucy's precious promotional marketing crap. - Tell everyone ASAP. - Definitely. We already have FDA approval, correct? Yes, we do. But I'm not sure how the customers will react after today. If it's cheap, they'll eat it. I guarantee early sales will be strong. Shut down the lab as already discussed. We'll visit the production facility later tonight. Get all the execs there, even the ones on vacation. Put all the pigs into production. - Even the best super pig? - Every last one of them. - You okay? - K... What are you doing? Okja... We need to hurry. Look, I'm just saying that if I call you one time, I like for you to pick up the first time, you know what I mean? Like, I have a friend here who's incredibly sick. Are you even certified? Do you know what you're doing? The guy's bleeding out! Do you know what you're doing? Mija, are you okay? She wants to know where we're going. We're going to Okja. Yes, but you should know the situation is not good. What is it? I didn't... There is no other way. I wish you didn't have to see this. Just tell me where she is! We are going to need your help. Mija... Okja. Wait! Mija! Okja! Okja! - Okja! Okja! - Okja! Emergency, emergency. We have intruders in section A-24! Come on. I'm so sorry. This is nonlethal. This is a nonlethal choke hold, okay? All right, you're gonna be fine. You're gonna be fine. Okay? Six minutes, forty-five seconds before Black Chalk arrive! This is our last chance. - Okja! - Okja! No! Don't go inside! Hey! Okja. Okja! No! - Okja... - Wait. - This what caused the alarm? - I believe so. I'm flummoxed that security is so lax as to allow a bunch of hooligans to delay the production line, even for a second. It won't happen again. Please note that Black Chalk was here exactly on time. - No, guys, guys, this is... - Please, don't touch her! - Sir! Sir, put the gun down. It's okay. - Stop! Less violence! - No! No violence! - It's okay. Isn't this Lucy's beloved fearless pig rider? She is. And that's our best super pig. Well, what's the hiccup? Why is it still alive? Why you want to kill Okja? Well, we can only sell the dead ones. I wanna go home with Okja. No, it's my property. - You're a fucking psychopath. - You should be ashamed of yourself. Fuck off! We're extremely proud of our achievements. We're very hardworking businesspeople. We do deals, and these are the deals we do. This is the tenderloin for the sophisticated restaurants. The Mexicans love the feet. I know. Go figure! We all love the face and the anus, as American as apple pie! Hot dogs. It's all edible. All edible, except the squeal. - So you're the other Mirando. - And you are? - Let Mija and Okja go. - Why? You already have a shitload of money. - Please. - This is business. Hey, Nancy! I hold all creatures dear to my heart, but you are crying out to be an exception. Mija! Okay. No, wait! I want to buy Okja... alive. Very nice. We have a deal. This thing is worth a lot of money. Make sure our customer and her purchase get home safely. Our first ever Mirando super pig sale. Pleasure doing business with you. Did you pick a lot? Yes. Don't scare the chickens. It's gonna be big. Record-breaking. Lot of folks flying in from Midwest and Canada. Good. Let me introduce you to a new member. Hey. - Hi. What's your name? - Red. Red. It's because of your hair? Hey. Quit bugging her. He's a chatty one. I'm assuming Mirando bigwigs will be there. Including Nancy Mirando. There it is. All were transported? Almost. Almost. Sir with all the respect, you sure this is the best option? Why dont we just correct... Because my faking nephew... Killed the dog. He stole a car. A car... Which currently is among our inventory. So, we are giving everything up... for a car? Its not just a car... It is John Wick car. So... why just dont give it back? He killed my nephew. My brother. A dozen of my men. Over his car. And a puppy. You think he will stop now? Sir, he is one man. Why we just eliminate him? John Wick... Is a man on focus... Commitment... And a faking will! He once killed three men in a bar... With a pencil. I know. I've heard the story. With a faking Pencil! Who the fak can do that? I can assure you... That the stories you hear about this man... if nothing else, has been ###### down. You have my car... THE BOOGEYMAN. Peace. Can a man like you know peace? Why not? Peace. Enjoy your retirement... Mr. Wick. Good dog. What are you doing, John? Looking at you. - What are you doing? - I'm waiting for you. Come here. Hey, boy. Nice peaceful place you got here. - Hey, Aurelio. - Hey. John, what the hell? I thought you loved this car. What do you think? The motor is about to fall out... The chassis is all bent up... The drive shaft is all destroyed. And I dont know if you noticed, but you have a crack in the windshield. I mean... what do I think? I can fix it. Thank for finding her. Not a problem, man. I just made a few calls. Not a big deal. Let me know when its fixed. Alright. This car will be ready by Christmas... 20th-30th Ciao, John. Santino. May I come in? Of course. Coffee? Grazie. Good to see you. Good to see... you. I was sorry to hear about your wife, John. Thank you. And the dog... Does he have a name? No. Listen, John... with all sincerity... I do not want to be here. Please... dont. I'm asking you not to do this. I'm sorry. No one... Gets out and comes back... without repercussions. I did this with a heavy heart, John. But remember... If not for what they did... on the night, of your impossible task... You would not be here right now, like this. This... is because of me. This in part is mine. Take it back. - Take it back? - Take it back. A marker is not a simple thing, John. For a man to grand a mark on to another... It's the bind of soul and blood oath. Find someone else. Listen to me! What is it? Do you remember? This is your blood. You came to me. I helped you. If you dont do this... You know the consequences. I'm not that guy anymore. You're always that guy, John. I cant help you. I'm sorry. Yes. You're right. You cant. But he can. See you soon, John. You have a beautiful home, John. I would like to see the manager. How good to see you again so soon, Mr. Wick. Shall I announce you? Yes please. Stay. Mr. Wick is on his way to see you, sir. Impeccable. Put this in the circulation. Where is he? Thank you my friend. Beautiful work. What are you doing, Jonathan? He burnt my house. You rejected his mark. You're lucky he stopped there. What the hell were you thinking? Giving a mark to a man as Santino D'Antonio? He was the only way I could get out. You call this out? What did you think was gonna happen? What did you expect? Did you really think this day was never going to come? What does he want you to do? I did not ask. I just said no. Two rules that cannot be broken, Jonathan. No blood on Continental grounds, and every marker must be honored. My judgment come in the full move of ex-communicado... The high table... they had their traditions if you refuse... I have no choice? You dishonored the mark, you die. You kill the owner of the mark, you die. You run, you die. This is what you've agreed to, Jonathan. Do what ever he asks. Be free. Then, if you want to go after him... Burn his house down... Be my guest. But until then... Rules! Exactly. Rules. Without them, we would live with the animals. Do you take animals? I am sorry to say that, but this facility does not! I however... would be willing to accept the responsibility... As you wish. Appreciate that. Does he have a name, sir? No. Good dog. Stay. This was my fathers collection. I see a little more, not that just paint on canvas of course. But I do find myself here. Please... I didnt want you to do this, John. If you had retired... I would've respected it. Look at you. You are thinking about it, arent you? You counting exits... Guards... Could you get to me in time? How would you do it, I wonder... That woman's pen? His cane? Maybe his glasses? My hands. How exiting. Yet you know you cannot, can you? I told you... I needed that guy! The way you are looking at me right now. I needed THE BOOGEYMAN. I needed John Wick. Just tell me what you want... I want you to kill my sister. Why? There are 12 seats at the high table. Camorra, the Mafia Ndrangheta. Chinese, the Russian... When my father died... He willed a sit to her. She represents Camorra now. And I cant tell but wonder... What I might accomplishing instead... You want me to kill... Gianna D'Antonio? I could never did. She is my blood. I still love her. - It cant be done. - She is in Rome. For her coronation. - You will take the catacombs... - It does not matter where she is. That's why... I need a Ghost, John Wick. That's why I need you. Do this for me... And your marker is honored. What say you? Never want to waste words. 5903.5. Happy hunting, Mr. Wick. Welcome to the Continental of Rome. How might I be of assistance? I would like a room. Jonathan! Julius. - Ciao. - Nice to see you. I fail to recall the last time you were in Rome. And here I heard... You're retired. I had. Then you ll answer me... One question. Are you here to kill the Pope? No. Alright then. One of our finest rooms. Grazie. Enjoy your stay. Mr. Wick. Is the Sommelier in? I have never known him not to be. Good afternoon, Mr. Wick. It's being a long time... I would like a tasting. I am quite exciting to show you something First... Good morning, Mr. Wick. Hi, Angela. Welcome back to Rome. Would you be in need of a new suit? - I am. - I know... from your past that you love the German varietals... But let me introduce the latest products from Austria. Glock 34 mm and 26 mm. This is the original map of D'Antonio estate. Here you have all the ancient ruins. Tell me, Mr. Wick, is this a formal event or social affair? - Social. - Is this for Day or Evening? I need one for day and one for night. With control grips. Flat macwell for easy reloads. And I know you ll appreciate the custom porting. What's next? I need something robust, precise. Robust, Precise. This is the map of the temple and catacombs underneath. - And what style? - Italian. - How many buttons? - Two. - Trousers? - Tapered. How about the lining? Tactical. AR-15. 11.5 inch. Reinforced ionic bonds. With 1-6 magnification. And this is the modern blueprint. There are one, two, three gates. Silicon carbide discs. Ceramic metrisis. Laminated. Body armor. We just sew it between the fabric and the lining. Zero penetration. However... Quite painful I am afraid. Could you recommend anything for the end the night? Something big... May I suggest... The Benelli M4. Custom bolt carrier release and charging handle. Textured grips. If your hands get... wet. An Italian classic. Dessert? Dessert. The finest cutlery. Fresh-sharpened. Well done. - Could you do a rush order? - I sure can - Where do you like it to have it sent? - The Hotel. Should I have everything sent to your room? Yes. - Thank you. - Excellent. Mr. Wick? Do enjoy your party! Good evening. Are you enjoying the party? Excuse me, miss. Mr. Akon is waiting. In a moment. Mr. Akon. Are you enjoying the festivities? Thank you for seeing me. Please sit. Miss D'Antonio... - You cant just take what is ri... - Nothing was taken. Those among your own came to us with these territories. A knife was pressed in their throats. Semantics. Besides... That blade you speak of was meant for their children. They were only meant to watch. What is yours is now ours... Mr Akon. Now go. Enjoy the party. Have some fun. Why dont you go to entertain our guests... while I freshen up my makeup. Okay, Signora. What could I do without you, Cassian? John. Gianna. There was a time not so long ago we considered us... As friends. I still do. Deaths very emissary... What brought you back, John? A marker. By...? Your Brother. Tell me, John... This marker... Is it how you go out? And what was her name...? This woman whose life has ended on my own? Helen. Helen. This Helen... was she worth the price that now you see to pay? Now... let me tell you what happens when I die. Santino ll claim my sit on the table. He will take New York. And you... Will be the one who gift it to him. What would Helen think about that john? What would Helen think about you? Why? Because... I lived my live in my way. And I ll die in my way. Do you fear domination, John? Yes. You know... I always thought I could escape it. That I would see it coming... That I would see you. John? Cassian. You work here? Yeah. - You? - Yeah. Good night? I am afraid so... I'm sorry to hear that. Get him! Loose ends? Just one. Yeah... Are you having a good night, arent you John? Gentlemen! Gentlemen! Do I need to remind you... There will be no business contacted on the continental grounds? No senior. No sir. Now may I suggest... a visit to the bar. So you calm yourselves. Gin, wasnt it? Yes. Bourbon? Right? Yeah. Thanks. Grazie. I have a marker. Whose? Her brother... I see. You had no choice. He wants her sit in the table. He will get it now. Yeah. Yeah. So you're free. Am I? No. Not at all. You killed my "buddy". Someone I was close to. An Eye for an eye, John. You know how it goes... Yeah. I'll make it quick. I promise. I appreciate that. I will try to do the same... This round is on me. Consider it a professional courtesy. Having a tough night? Can I buy a drink? No. Thanks. Hello, John. I understand if you're upset. And I know it might feel personal. But what kind of man would I be. If I did not avenge my sisters murder. John? Could you let management know I ll be checking out in the morning. Operator. What can I do for you? - Bank devo. - One moment please. How can I help you? - I would like to open an account. - Name for the account? John Wick. Verification? 930-05. - State of contract? - Open. Denomination? $ 7,000,000. Processing, please hold. - I appreciate the service. - My pleasure. You will find a safe passage below. Transportation is waiting for you. May you have a safe journey, Mr. Wick. Order confirmed. What is this? He completed the task. The marker... is over. Marker? If Mr. Wick is not dead already... He soon will be. You mark it, sir. You have no idea. Whats coming to you. I have everyone in New York looking for him. I doubt... We ll see him again. Really? You stabbed the devil in the back. And force him back into the life that he had just left. You've burned the prince temple. Burn it to the ground. Now he is free of the marker... What do you think he will do? He had a glimpse of the other side and he embraced it. But you Mr. Antonio... Took it away from him. He was already back. He came back for love, not for you. He owed me. I had the right. And now... He is coming again. I did tell you not to do this. He did warn you. Adios, Antonio. Stop. Please let MTA personnel in the event of suspicious activity. Canal Street. You're on the train C Broad Street. Next stop, Rector Street. The blade is in your aortic artery. You pull it out, you will bleed and you will die. Consider this a professional courtesy. If you see anything suspicious... What you see is the nightmare man. Take me to him. Tell him it's John Wick. Did you know that the put it in everything. As I live and breath! John Wick. The man. The myth... the legend. You are not very good in retiring. I'm working on it. Mr. Wick does not remember but we met many years ago. Before my aseption... When I was just a pawn in the game. We met and you gave me a gift. The gift that would make me a king. You do not remember, but there I was standing in alley... I did not even hear you coming. You gave me this. A gift from THE BOOGEYMAN. Perfect for every occasion. But you also gave me a choice. Pull my gun, shoot you in the back and die... or keep the pressure on my neck... And live. And so you see, I survived. No one sneaks up on me anymore. Thanks to you. Am all seeing em... All know em. Then you know why I am here. Santino D'Antonio, yeah. Your contract is gone, John. That is bad for your health. What is the number up to now, Earl? Seven million dollars! Damn! It's Christmas. We are going to Applebee's after this. I need your help. You have eyes begging for change in every corner of the city. I am thinking you could find Santino. I need you to move me. Underground. Get me to him. Sweet it is! The BOOGEYMAN begging me for help. Of course, John. Whatever you like, John. Do you like a massage, too, John? You're going to help me. Why the fak should I do that? Because I'm the only one that can help you. You are gonna help me out. You are very good, Mr. Wick. You sound very positive. But look around you. How much help does it look like I need? It seems to me that the real question, Mr. Wick... Is who in this cruel world of ours is gonna help you. There is a storm coming. Not just for me. But for all of us. For everyone under the table. Killing someone who has a sit at the high table... does create problem. But its your problem, baby. After all, none of my people sent... Gianna D'Antonio... to the year after. That been said.. Santino has her sit now. And he wants the city. When he is done uptown, do you think he is gonna stop on the street 14? We ll just have to take care of ourselves. Yeah? For how long? And how much blood? You kill Santino... The Camorra and the high table will come for you. I kill Santino... They will come for me. He offered seven million dollars for your life. Seven million dollars. Its a lot of money, Mr. Wick. So I guess you have a choice. You want a war? Or you can just give me a gun? Somebody! Please get this man a gun. Kimber 1911 .45 ACP. Seven round capacity. Seven rounds? Seven million dollars gets you seven rounds. Thats a million dollars a round, baby. Lets go. The road to hell begins here, Mr. Wick. He is at the museum. Earl will guide you, to be careful on your way down. And remember... You owe me. You dont want me owing you. Welcome, everyone. Let us toast to the future of the high table and the memory of my dear sister... Mr. Akon, how are you? Wick is here! Yeah. You and you with me. You go. Welcome reflections of the soul of the new modern New York. In this performance, the play of light and the nature of self-image... Unite provide an experience that highlights... The fragility of our perception of space and our place in it. We hope that this show can provide new insights... For your understanding of the world, and maybe... Will lead to a deeper reflection on the nature of sound. My God, John. Oh my God. You just dont get it. The mark is completed John. You ve should just run away. You know what the Camorra will do to you. You think you're the Old Testament? No, John. No. Killing me will not stop the contract. Killing me will make it so much worse. John. You know what I think? I think you're addicted. To revenges. Welcome reflections of the soul of the new modern New York. No wife... No Life... No home... Vengeance... That's all you have. You wanted me back. I'm back. Go. I will finish this. Be seeing you. Sure. Good evening. Is the Manager in? The manager... He is always in. Winston! Mr. D'Antonio? Lovely evening, I see. Seeking safe harbor I presume? I want a membership provoked. Now. In the eyes of this institution, Mr.Wick is ok. Then you know that I have the right to demand... Nothing! You demand nothing, Mr. D'Antonio. This kingdom is mine and mine alone. Right. Then enjoy your kingdom, Winston, while you still can... And you, its privileges, sir. I am here to see Santino D'Antonio. He is waiting for you in a lounge, Sir. Duck fat. Makes all the difference. Jonathan, have you seen the menu here? Where are the options? Jonathan, listen to me... Guests can stay here... a long time... And never eat the same menu twice. Jonathan just walk away. Yeah, Jonathan. Walk away... What have you done? Finished it. How was he? He was a good dog. I have enjoyed his company. Lets go home. Mr. Wick? If you would be so... Come on, boy. It has been a pleasure Mr.Wick. Good-Bye. John. Winston. What am I looking at? The Camorra doubles Santinos open contract is going international. High table? And the Continental? You've killed the man on continental ground, Jonathan. You leave me no choice but to declay you ex-comunicado... Any services we provided... and connection of The Continental are now closed to you... I'm so sorry. Your life is now fulfilled. Then why am I not dead? Cause I didnt want you to be. Now. You have one hour. I cannot delay it any longer. You might need this. Down the road. Winston. Tell them. Tell them All. Who ever comes... I will kill them. I will kill them all. Of course you will. Jonathan. Winston. Accounts pay-role. 11,111 In 1 hour. John Wick. Ex-comunicado... Orders 11.111 confirmed. JOHN wick You've just won the biggest prize in the world. What could you possibly have to be upset about? Come on, you can tell me. Queen of Thorns give you one last prick in the balls before saying goodbye? I'll save my confessions for the High Septon. There is no more High Septon. No, there isn't, is there? There is still the question of my prize. That's a lot of money I just gave you. It's not a castle. How about that one? It's available. You don't want Highgarden. - I beg to differ. - We're at war. Daenerys Targaryen could come and take it back the day after you move in. Besides, think of the upkeep. The more you owe, the more it weighs you down. Oh, is that why you're so fucking glum, eh? All your new riches weighing you down? - Move out! - They're not mine. This all belongs to the Iron Bank. See? We pay our debts. Right, just not to me. Ser Bronn of the Blackwater, formerly of... whatever nameless shit heap you're from with a saddlebag full of gold, complaining about not getting paid. When we win this war, all the castles in the Seven Kingdoms will be yours to choose from, with no one left to take them away from you. Yes, I'm sure Queen Cersei's reign will be quiet and peaceable. Ah, stranger things have happened. Like what? The granaries are being emptied and loaded into wagons, my lord. - The current harvest? - We have teams of men collecting it from all the farms in the Reach. Ser Bronn, will you accompany the Tarlys and help them accelerate this process? I'm not much for shoveling wheat. No, but motivating reluctant farmers to hand over their harvest... I bet you're going to have a real talent for that. My lord. My lord. My lord. I must say, I don't think the Iron Bank has ever had a debt of this magnitude repaid in a single installment. I always considered your father a very effective and efficient man, but you appear to be redefining those terms entirely. You're too kind, my lord. I am neither kind nor a lord, Your Grace. I am merely an instrument of the institution I represent. Its well-being is a matter of arithmetic, not sentiment. And the current arithmetic is outstanding. - Uh, the gold... - Is on its way. My brother is supervising its transportation himself. Some at the Iron Bank will be disappointed. They've grown rather fond of your interest payments. We must devise a way to raise their spirits. Yes, perhaps we could be of assistance in some current venture. My only venture at this moment is reestablishing control over this continent and every person on it. I see a great deal of potential in that venture. I imagine it would require outside investment. It will, indeed. I need to expand my armies, my navies. My Hand, Qyburn, has made overtures to the Golden Company in Essos. I know them well. They have helped us recover significant sums from parties who had fallen into deep arrears. That's good to hear. I, too, would like them to recover some things that belong to me. Rest assured, Your Grace, you can count on the Iron Bank's support. - Hmm. - As soon as the gold arrives. This is for you. The last man who wielded it meant to cut your throat, but your mother fought him off. The other dagger, the one that took her life, I would have stopped that dagger with my own heart if I could have. I wasn't there for her when she needed me most. But I am here for her now to do what she would have done, to protect her children. Anything I can do for you, Brandon, you need only ask. Do you know who this belonged to? No. That very question was what started the War of the Five Kings. In a way, that dagger made you what you are today. Forced from your home, driven out to the wilds beyond the Wall. I imagine you've seen things most men wouldn't believe. To go through all of that and make your way home again only to find such chaos in the world, I can only imagine... Chaos is a ladder. I'm sorry to have disturbed you, Lord Stark. I'm not Lord Stark. What's that? Maester Wolkan built it for me so I can move around more easily. It's a very good idea. You're leaving. I don't want to leave you, but when... when they come, I need to be with my family. And you're safe. Well, as safe as anyone can be now. You don't need me anymore. No, I don't. That's all you've got to say? Thank you. Thank you? For helping me. My brother died for you. Hodor and Summer died for you. I almost died for you. - Bran... - I'm not, really. Not anymore. I remember what it felt like to be Brandon Stark, but I remember so much else now. You died in that cave. I did. The kitchen girl, the redhead with the behind. The only thing in the kitchen that you've put your cock in is the liver. 'Ey up. Where you going? In there. I live here. Fuck off. I'm Arya Stark. This is my home. Arya Stark's dead. Send for Maester Luwin or Ser Rodrick. - They'll tell you who I am. - There's no Rodrick here. Maester's named Wolkan. Go ask Jon Snow, then, the King in the North. - He's my brother. - He's a thousand miles away. Look, it's cold and we're busy, - so, you know, best fuck off. - Mm. If Jon's gone, who's in charge of Winterfell? The Lady of Winterfell. Lady Stark. - Which Lady Stark? - You tell us. You're the one impersonating her sister. Tell Sansa her sister's home. Lady Sansa is too busy to waste her breath on you, just like us. So, for the last time, fuck off. I'm getting into this castle one way or another. If I'm not who I say I am, I won't last long. But if I am and Sansa finds out you turned me away... Right, you sit there. Right there. Don't move. Right, go tell Lady Stark. I'll watch her. I ain't telling Lady Stark. You can tell her. Why me? - You're gonna tell her. - I'm not. 'Cause if you don't, I'm gonna hit you right in the fucking face as hard as I can. We told her to wait. We were standing right next to her, and... And... and when we turned around, she'd gone, my lady. She... she was nothing. Some winter town girl. She comes in asking for, uh, Ser Rodrick... - Rodrick, yeah. Luwin, yeah. - ...and Maester Luwin. And don't trouble yourself over it, my lady. - We'll... we'll find her. - You don't have to. I know where she is. Do I have to call you Lady Stark now? Yes. You shouldn't have run from the guards. I didn't run. You need better guards. It suits you... Lady Stark. Jon left you in charge? He did. I hope he comes back soon. I remember how happy he was to see me. When he sees you, his heart will probably stop. It doesn't look like him. Should've been carved by someone who knew his face. Everyone who knew his face is dead. We're not. They say you killed Joffrey. Did you? I wish I had. Hmm. Me, too. I was angry when I heard someone else had done it. However long my list got, he was always first. Your list? Of people I'm going to kill. How did you get back to Winterfell? It's a long story. I imagine yours is, too. Yes. Not a very pleasant one. Mine neither. But our stories aren't over yet. No, they're not. Arya... Bran's home, too. You came home. I saw you at the crossroads. You saw me? I see quite a lot now. Bran has... visions. I thought you might go to King's Landing. So did I. Why would you go back there? Cersei's on her list of names. Who else is on your list? Most of them are dead already. Where did you get this? Littlefinger gave it to me. Littlefinger? He's here? He has declared for House Stark. Why would he give you a dagger? - He thought I'd want it. - Why? Because it was meant to kill me. The cutthroat... after your fall? Why would a cutthroat have a Valyrian steel dagger? Someone very wealthy wanted me dead. He's not a generous man. He wouldn't give you anything unless he thought he was getting something back. - It doesn't matter. - What do you mean it doesn't matter? I don't want it. Are you sure? It's Valyrian steel. It's wasted on a cripple. Catelyn Stark would be proud. You kept your vow. I did next to nothing. You're too hard on yourself, my lady. I'm not a... Thank you, Podrick. Your Grace, there's still no word from the Unsullied. Soon. He will come back to you. He'd better. What happened? Many things. Many things? Your Grace. I wanted you to see it before we start hacking it to bits. Well, this is it. All we'll ever need. There is something else I want to show you, Your Grace. The children of the forest made these. When? A very long time ago. They were right here, standing where we're standing. Before there were Targaryens or Starks or Lannisters. Maybe even before there were men. No. They were here together, the children and the First Men. Doing what? Fighting each other? They fought together against their common enemy. Despite their differences, despite their suspicions. Together. We need to do the same if we're going to survive. Because the enemy is real. It's always been real. And you say you can't defeat them without my armies and my dragons? No, I don't think I can. I will fight for you. I will fight for the North. When you bend the knee. My people... won't accept a southern ruler. Not after everything they've suffered. They will if their king does. They chose you to lead them. They chose you to protect them. Isn't their survival more important than your pride? What is it? We took Casterly Rock. That's very good to hear. Isn't it? You'll want to discuss this amongst yourselves. - Perhaps... - You will stay. All my allies are gone. They've been taken from me while I've been sitting here on this island. - You still have the largest armies. - Who won't be able to eat because Cersei has taken all the food from the Reach. Call Grey Worm and the Unsullied back. We still have enough ships to carry the Dothraki to the mainland. Commit to the blockade of King's Landing. - We have a plan. It's still the right plan. - The right plan! Your strategy has lost us Dorne, the Iron Islands, and the Reach. - If I have underestimated our enemies... - Our enemies? Your family, you mean. Perhaps you don't want to hurt them after all. Enough with the clever plans. I have three large dragons. I'm going to fly them to the Red Keep. We've discussed this. My enemies are in the Red Keep. What kind of a queen am I if I'm not willing to risk my life to fight them? A smart one. What do you think I should do? - I would never presume to... - I'm at war. I'm losing. What do you think I should do? I never thought that dragons would exist again. No one did. The people who follow you know that you made something impossible happen. Maybe that helps them believe that you can make other impossible things happen. Build a world that's different from the shit one they've always known. But if you use them to melt castles and burn cities, you're not different. You're just more of the same. Don't lunge. Don't go where your enemy leads you. Up. - And don't... - Don't fight someone like her in the first place. Nice sword. Very nice dagger. If they haven't contributed the right amount of grain to the stores, then I'm afraid they'll have to make due with what they've brought. We can't... It's been a while since I trained. I can go and find the master of arms for you, my lady. He didn't beat the Hound. You did. I want to train with you. You swore to serve both my mother's daughters, didn't you? Move aside, Podrick. You can't use that, my lady. It's too small. I won't cut you. Don't worry. I'll try not to. Who taught you how to do that? No one. - What do you think of her? - Who? I believe you know of whom I speak. I think she has a good heart. A good heart? I've noticed you staring at her good heart. There's no time for that. I saw the Night King, Davos. I looked into his eyes. How many men do we have in the North to fight him? 10,000? Less? - Fewer. - What? Speaking of good hearts... Missandei of Naath. Ser Davos, Lord Snow. King Snow, isn't it? No, that doesn't sound right. - King Jon? - It doesn't matter. Forgive me, but may I ask a question? Of course. Your name is Jon Snow, but your father's name was Ned Stark? I'm a bastard. My mother and father weren't married. Is the custom different in Naath? We don't have marriage in Naath, so the concept of a bastard doesn't exist. That sounds... liberating. Why did you leave your homeland? I was stolen away by slavers. I'm sorry. If I may, how did a slave girl come to advise Daenerys Targaryen? She bought me from my master and set me free. That was good of her. Of course, you're serving her now, aren't you? I serve my queen because I want to serve my queen. Because I believe in her. And if you wanted to sail home to Naath tomorrow? Then she would give me a ship and wish me good fortune. You believe that? I know it. All of us who came with her from Essos, we believe in her. She's not our queen because she's the daughter of some king we never knew. She's the queen we chose. Will you forgive me if I switch sides? Is that a Greyjoy ship? Halt! Jon. I didn't know you were here. S-Sansa... is she all right? What you did for her... is the only reason I'm not killing you. We heard your uncle attacked your fleet. We thought you were dead. I should be. Your sister? Euron has her. I came to ask the queen to help me get her back. The queen is gone. Where did she go? Get the horses watered! All the gold's safely through the gates of King's Landing. Good. We need to get the last of these wagons over the Blackwater Rush before nightfall. The head of the line is ambushed, the tail will never be able to reinforce in time. Well, we are stretched a bit thin. With your permission, flogging stragglers has a marked effect on mobility. Let's give them fair warning first. These men fought well at Highgarden. Now, get it on this thing. Lift! - Ser Jaime. - Rickon. Dickon. I hear you fought bravely at Highgarden. Your first battle? And? It was glorious. Come on, your father's not here. All my life, we've been pledged to House Tyrell. I knew some of those men. I hunted with them. They didn't deserve to die. But Lady Olenna chose to betray her queen and support the Targaryen girl. So here we are. I didn't expect it to smell like that. Men shit themselves when they die. Didn't they teach you that at fancy lad school? Well, I learned it when I was five. What? Listen. Spears and shields! Spears and shields! - What is it? - Get in line! Spears and shields! Spears and shields! Get in line now! Form up! Come on, lads! Guard those wagons! Form a line! Form a line! Round those spears! Shield wall! Fill the gaps! - Archers, steady! - Hold together! - Archers! - Look alive! Get tight! Get in line, boys! - Ready! - Here they come! Courage, lads! Courage! Wait! Wait for it! Spears out! - Spears out! - Steady! Hold the line! - Get back to King's Landing. - I'm not abandoning my army. You're the commander, not a damn infantryman. Those fuckers are about to swamp us. We can hold them off. Dracarys! Hold the line! Hold! - Hold it, lads! - Hold the line! Throw it! Hold! Draw! Loose! - Archers! - Archers! Archers, with me! - Archers, to the line! - To the line! - Nock! - Nock! Draw! - Loose! - Loose! Run! Qyburn's scorpion is over there. Go get it, then. I can't shoot with one hand. Come on! Need help! Where are you? Take cover! Come on, you fucker. Dracarys. Flee, you idiot. Come on, boy. Come on! You idiot. You fucking idiot. Previously on The Originals... You will give me a safe place to hide. When you die, so too does your entire sire line. The great sacrifice, which will return me to flesh and blood. If Elijah is going to die one way or another, then I can try placing his soul inside the pendant. Get Elijah into the pendant! Hurry, she's killing him! Animam suam. I can feel him! She's taken Elijah's power. The Hollow will be reborn. My brother's soul is in that pendant. We need to bring him back. His original body is where he belongs. And now that his mind is stable within the pendant, I can bring him back, I just... need a large enough sacrifice. You're thinking what I'm thinking. Kill the Hollow, save our brother. Do me a favor and watch yourself. What if I told you I could bring Davina back to life? - Are you really back? - Yes. She and I are now linked. So, if you want to keep her safe, then you belong to me. Davina? I'm right here. Oh, for a moment, I thought... It's okay. I'm still me. Flesh and blood, alive, for now. And linked to that monster. I promise, I'm gonna find a way out of this for you. She was powerful enough to bring me back from the dead. Kol, you have no idea what we're up against. Hasn't stopped me before. Stay here. I'll be back as soon as I can. Wait, you're leaving? Kol, we might not have much time together. Losing you broke me. I will not stand around and let it happen again. The Hollow has to be killed. And if she dies, then I die. And what's the alternative, you help her? You can't betray your family. That's kind of my specialty. Stay here. Are you going somewhere, Kol? I asked for some time alone with her before you use me to do your dirty work. You have been dead 1,500 years, surely you can spare an hour. Every second counts if you want Davina to continue breathing. What is it that you need, then? Am I to handle your errands? Or your laundry? It's actually quite simple. I have long wanted to be mortal, but now that I am alive, I can die. In fact, your own family is relentless in their quest to kill me. Look, if you want me to put in a good word, that ship has sailed, darling. I have my own protection spell, cast in the form of a totem. You will safeguard my totem, until I'm done with your family. If you falter, if any harm comes my way, Davina will suffer with me. The Hollow, she's getting stronger. You can sense her? When we first got here, there was always music outside, people dancing, laughing. But since she came back, it's so quiet. Like she's draining everything out of the city. She already took Uncle Elijah. And soon she will come for the rest of us. Listen, Hope, I know you're scared. But over the years, a lot of bad people have stood against our family, and all of them have fallen. The Hollow is no different. No, she is different. Despite the spell I cast, the very integrity of the pendant is growing unstable. It won't be able to hold Elijah's soul much longer. We need to find a way to resurrect him tonight, or we could lose him forever. To do that, we'll need more power. Let me guess, a grand sacrifice. I say we kill our enemy and sacrifice her, then I can channel the power from the Hollow's death, raise Elijah's body, and place him back where he belongs. - We've tried everything. - And we've come close. Labonair blood is her Achilles' heel. Hayley, your blood weakened her, but you've technically been dead for years. So it won't be strong enough to kill her. If we forge a blade using the blood of the last living Labonair... We don't want Hope involved. She's already involved. Hope has been obsessed with the symbol that follows the Hollow: the serpent consuming itself. Now, I believe this is showing us the key, the only means to which she can be destroyed, her own blood. The Hollow's one end of the Labonair bloodline. Hope is the other. And we need to close that loop. The best way to do that is for Hayley to wield a weapon forged with Hope's blood. When she stabs her, it's only then the Hollow can be obliterated completely. Then we make it work. I'll talk to Hope. Well, hey there. Uh, it's me again. Hope, uh, all is well where you are. You know, I really would love to talk to you about a few... hundred things. Like how Eddie uses this weird baby voice anytime he says "hi" to a random dog. I don't know, might be a deal breaker. Or how I finally watched Practical Magic. And you were right. Perfect movie. Or, you know... how freakin' much I still miss you. I miss her, too. Hey. Next time, we should carpool. Actually, I'm looking for Vincent. He said he'd find a cure for Sofya, but he's been M.I.A. Have you seen him? No. What, you want some help finding him? No. No, but if you see him, why don't you call me. Dauha naer do smrti. Dauha naer do smrti. Dauha naer do smrti. That's a rather odd locator spell. I'm trying to trace the Hollow's magic. Almost have it. She's in the Garden District. That's the LaForge House. At one time, it was the center of high society, but that all changed when Dr. LaForge tortured and killed his friends and family. Claimed until his dying day that an evil spirit made him do it. That house has been derelict since. The perfect lair for someone who relishes tragedy. What's that? If the serpent at the LaForge House represents the Hollow herself, then this must be some sort of totem she's using to magnify her power and protect herself. Dahlia used to use these when she was up to something particularly awful. It will render the Hollow unkillable. We will have to destroy it before we can face her. Lovely. I could do with some fresh air. And some fresh blood. Take the map. It's been spelled to track the totem. Don't go alone. One step ahead of you, sis. Hey, Bex. What's up? Someone's floating around with a trinket that's fueling our enemy's power. What say you help me track down and exterminate this scoundrel? I'd like nothing better. Perfect. You're not seriously going in there alone, are you? Why not? As far as threats go, the only person with the means to kill me is lurking right out here. I'm not a threat to you, the Hollow, on the other hand, is. The Hollow's got some acolyte protecting a totem that magnifies her power, making her unkillable. Trouble is, we have to end this tonight. Hayley's got the means. I just need to make sure she's vulnerable. Kol's coming to watch my back, so you can just scamper off. What kind of gentlemen would I be if I didn't offer to escort you? You're the king of this city. Can't you condemn this dump? How about we skip the criticism and just focus on what we're looking for? Totem's not here. I scoured the house. There's no sign of it. You were supposed to wait for me. Well, I got bored. And it looks like you got accosted by the local riffraff. Oh, you got a problem? Get over yourselves. All right? The map says that the totem is still here, so it must be hidden somewhere in this hovel. Look, if you don't trust me, help yourself. Come on in. What... What the hell, Kol? A dark object? Really? Kol, you better undo this right now. I'm sorry, Rebekah. I truly am. Why are you helping her? What has she done to you? I don't want to. Are you scared it's gonna hurt? I'm scared if I do this, you're gonna pick a fight. And the Hollow, she can hurt you. I know you're scared. I wish we didn't have to have this conversation. When I was your age, I had to deal with a lot of things that I didn't want to deal with either. I didn't want that for you, but here we are. The thing is, sometimes you have to do things that you don't want to do because you're the only one that can do them. Like you. Like me. Okay. Rebekah's not answering. Neither is Kol. The sooner we end this the better. No. We have to assume that Inadu's totem is still intact. We cannot attack her until we destroy it. Go after Rebekah, find the totem. I'm not leaving Hayley alone. We're out of time. The cracks are getting worse. I need you to destroy the totem. I'll go with Hayley. And what about Hope? Compel her a nanny. We don't have another choice. You're the best advantage we got. Be fast, be brutal, destroy the totem, or we're dead. Here. For you and Hayley tonight. Anoint these with a drop of Hope's blood. They'll serve you well. You should destroy this. Hayley could die. And why is her life more important than yours? I can't take a little girl's mother away from her, Kol. All right, then we just have to find another way to get you out of this. Because there is no way I'm letting you go. I've been thinking, Elijah once gave me one of your mother's spells. It used to break a magical link. I'm too weak right now, but if we could find a coven to counter Inadu's spell, then... No, I know the spell. And we don't need a coven, we just need one powerful little witch. I have a car in the lot out back. If I'm not back by midnight, you take it and you go. Wait, without you? What... Are you kidding? What are you doing? Davina, I'm not asking. I need you to do this. Promise me. Yeah. I sealed these with Hope's blood. One for each of us. Once the totem is destroyed, we can sacrifice the Hollow. Are you okay? Yeah. I never thought twice about fighting or dying for family before. But now, with Keelin... Now you have someone you're afraid you're not gonna make it home to. You will make it home, Freya. I got your back. Hayley. I know we haven't always seen eye-to-eye, but... well, I suppose family rarely does. I guess she knows we're here. There you are. Jackson? Been waiting for you. How am I here? How are you here? I'm no expert, but I'm guessing you're going through some kind of psychological break right now. You've been through hell. So your mind took you somewhere peaceful, Honestly, I'm flattered you thought of me. Figured your happy place would be somewhere with Elijah. So... if I'm unconscious, then I need to wake up. I know. I know. I'm on your side. We'll get you back in the fight, before the Hollow finishes whatever she started. Hey, buddy. Are my mom and dad back? Not quite. Hey, you know what I used to do, when I was bored at your age? Magic. I'm not supposed to do magic with strangers. What? I-I'm family. So why did you go away? I went away because I was sad. And I thought I'd never be happy again. And I didn't want to make everybody that I loved around me sad, too. Hayley? Hayley? Hayley? No. More wolfsbane. I want her alive, but barely. She still has a part to play. No. No, no, no. You were supposed to be... This isn't real. No, you can't be dead. You aren't dead. Not yet. But I will be. No cell service to call your precious Sonya. Sofya. Apologies. I can't be expected to remember the names of wanton trollops. Listen, I'm gonna ask you nicely to shut the hell up about her. You know what? Why don't we just burn the house down? Oh, don't be so dramatic. Dramatic? I'm not running late for a manicure, Marcel. Time is running out to resurrect Elijah, Hayley's on a suicide mission, and I can't lose anyone else I love. I have reached my quota of heartbreak for the year. Rebekah... How ironic. Two of the world's most powerful beings trapped in a magical butterfly net. Tell me you weren't overwhelmed by some brain-dead witch. No, our biggest mistake was trusting Kol - for one second of his life. - What? Kol is protecting the totem for the Hollow. Who knows why, or what she offered him. I don't care what she offered him. Where is he? He's at the compound. Go. I need to snap out of this. If I don't, we could lose Elijah forever. Is he good to you? Hey, talk to me. It ain't gonna kill me. He has been good to me. But when I fell for him, I was scared of Klaus, of... being a mom, and he made me feel safe. But now, I... Well, if you wanted safety, you would've loved me. I chose you. I married you. But you were in love with him. I mean, it's an old, sad story. The monsters treated you like crap, turned you into a girl who loves monsters. You're not helping me. You're stalling me. No. Oh, you're not you. You're the Hollow. You're wasting your energy. You're a vision. You can't hurt me. You still don't get it, do you? The Hollow is more powerful than you can possibly imagine. Suppose your girlfriend won't be happy that you spent the entire day with me. Sofya hasn't woken since the Hollow invaded her mind. You could at least feign sympathy. Why? She shot me. Multiple times. Is that really the reason why you hate her so much? Okay. What the hell are you doing? The main gas line's got to be down here. At least it'll help torch the place faster, unless you prefer a slow burn. Thought you wanted to wait it out. Do you? If I untie this knot... your girlfriend will be free from the Hollow? I hope so. And you really love her? Yes. Kind of like your mom loves, uh... Uncle Elijah. You are miraculously well-adjusted. Why are you doing this? All I ever wanted was to protect you! And now you're gonna die here. No. Hayley! If you were stronger, then... You're not here. I'm always here. This is the vision of me that keeps you up at night, the fear of what you know to be inevitable. All right. Focus on the knot, luv. It's very important, and I'll be right back. I imagine right now you're rather cross with me. You should know I have my reasons. Rebekah suggested I hear them. I'd rather rip out your vocal chords. Hey, sorry, we're closed. Well, maybe you can make an exception. Davina? I don't know how long I have, but I had to see you to thank you. Wh-What do you mean? Thank me? For what? For visiting me. And for talking to me. You heard it? Y-You were there. Josh, I was always there. Now stop and listen. I did what I did for Davina. The Hollow brought her back, and now they're linked. I just need a bloody second to set her free. Lovesick imbecile. The Hollow preys upon your weakness. She raised Davina to get you to betray your family, and you, pathetic as you are, leapt at the chance. Our family owes Davina that much. I owe nothing to her. Nor to you. You saw it: the violence, the rage. That's what he is. You fell for the suit, Hayley. You were blinded by his charade. You're not Jackson, and you don't deserve to wear his face. You're right. Jackson was good. And me... well, I was never good. No, Nik, please. Hayley. Hey. Are you all right? Did Klaus break the totem? I hope so. But we can't wait. You need to stab the Hollow. You think you'll be strong enough? Let's do this. No, Nik. I need a little time. I just need to know she's alive. Please, grant me this small mercy. Mercy is a privilege reserved for family. Your status has been revoked. Brother, no! Please! For a thousand years, I've never experienced love or peace. Davina changed me. What if it was Camille? What if it could bring her back? ! Would you not do as I did? ! Cencahua ezhuia. Cencahua ezhuia. Cencahua ezhuia. Cencahua ezhuia. Cuauhtzicoa calpanpilli. Cuauhtzicoa calpanpilli. First, I will break your body. Then I will break your spirit. Your spirit is nearly broken already, isn't it? Hey, what's wrong? Do it. No. No! That's enough! That's enough! She's gone. She's gone. Are you all right? You know how I love to blow things up. Good night. We were in love for two centuries, and now we're setting fires to avoid each other. All right, what the hell happened? I woke up from a dagger nap to find you trying to kill everyone that I love. Your brother ripped my heart out and then tossed my body off a bridge. And I didn't even see you crying. I mourned the man I thought I knew. Well, I'm sorry, I must have missed that while you were trying to curse me. I asked you to leave with me! Seven years ago, I asked you. But you didn't love me as much as you love New Orleans. All right, I do love New Orleans, all right, I do. And I watched it burn to the ground for you once before, Rebekah. And then I waited a century... and you didn't even come back for me. So you just forgot about me? You know, it's probably best if you just do that again. Yeah, you know what, I think it's best for both of us. Couldn't agree more. Yeah. Damn it. If Klaus got to him... Then you have to leave anyway. Davina, you almost died back there. Look, you remember the first day we met? You told me you wanted to be normal. You said "normal's relative." Yeah, well, you're a twice-resurrected Harvest Girl with an Original vampire boyfriend. Normal's always gonna be relative. But with or without him, you have to take this chance. You deserve it. I can't just leave him. Well, that sounds like a broken promise. I thought that you were daggered, or worse. I caught Klaus in a rare charitable moment. But it won't last long. Are you ready to go? Anywhere. Anywhere? Everywhere. Thank you. I love you. I love you, too. Now get out of here. Go. Hayley asked me to give you the knife. She's not going to be here for when Elijah wakes? She said there was something she had to do. Oh, well, you know as well as anyone how the Hollow meddles in your mind, clawing at your oldest wounds, making them new again. Well, at least you have someone to comfort you now. Where is Keelin? I told her that we needed some family time tonight. We'll see her tomorrow. Freya, are you all right? Yeah. I just need to focus. The Hollow killed our brother for her own ends. It's only fitting that we use hers to bring him home. Give me your hands. Verha hel igjen. Verha hel igjen. Verha hel igjen. Verha hel igjen. Verha hel igjen. Verha hel igjen. Verha hel igjen. Jack... I didn't get to say this before, so I need to say it now. You are who I should have wanted. You were right. Verha hel igjen. Verha hel igjen. But I could never manage to give up Elijah. I couldn't walk away. Verha hel igjen. Verha hel igjen. I met him at a time in my life when I was scared, alone. I know that's messed up. I guess I never really... saw what love was supposed to look like. Verha hel igjen. Verha hel igjen. Verha hel igjen. Verha hel igjen. But I don't want that for Hope. I wish she knew you. I wish a lot of things. As for Elijah, I know what he is. I guess I always knew. But I loved him despite it, or maybe because of it. Verha hel igjen. Truth is, I'm a monster, too. We've all done terrible things, Jack. Except for Hope. She's innocent, pure. And I want to make sure she stays that way. I know what I have to do. I just have to be brave enough to do it. I saw the light under your door. Your mother told me she tucked you in. I don't like to sleep when things are happening. You woke Elijah. Yes. And he's very excited to see you. In the morning, hmm? There's nothing to worry about anymore, okay? You didn't punish Kol. Well... he's family. And we protect family. Like you and mom are my protectors, right? Always and forever. Tomorrow, I'm going to show you everything I love about New Orleans. The music, the dancing, the art. After all, every princess ought to know her kingdom. Good night, sweetheart. Good night. _ Never fucking better, Pete. Excluding the literal sense, there are three types of wanker in this world. There's the ones you pity, the sad, boring type of wanker who life always seems to enjoy torturing. Not me. See you later, Pete! Then there's the irritating types of wanker, the ones whose only job in life is to stop the rest of us enjoying our three score years and ten. Again, not me. Excuse me, you can't park there, mate. Finally, you have the show-offs. The posers. The "I'm better than you, "fuck everything and everyone twice," type of wankers. I prefer the term "ambitious", but whatever the label, we're the ones you'd better keep your eyes on. Good morning, arseholes! Full disclosure. You're looking at a room of double-glazing salesmen. As this is 1983, we're not quite the social pariahs you lot probably know and loathe, but give us time. This is the Monday morning sales meeting, where the team hand in their weekly orders. In theory, a small matter of financial housekeeping. In reality, a dick-swinging contest extraordinaire. Right, Fitzpatrick, what you got for me? Oh, fuck off, I went first last week. Come on, it's Lavatory's turn. Don't call me that. All right, calm down, Lavatory, it's only a nickname. No, a nickname is an affectionate term between mates. I think you're a massive prick, ergo not a nickname. Yeah, well, I'll show you a massive prick. This reprobate is Brian Fitzpatrick. In life, deeply unlikeable, smarmy and charmless. But give him something to sell, and somehow, he becomes transformed. Strong? President Reagan has a fallout shelter made entirely of our windows. Now, the science tells us these uPVC window frames will be around long after the human race is extinct. Also, the proud owner of a massive penis which he loves to unfurl at any given opportunity. And that's fine, is it? And this lovely man is Martin Lavender. Honest, decent and well educated. All qualities which, in our line of work, are about as much use as an aerated condom. Hello, I'm Martin Lavender from Cachet Windows. Just eating dinner. No, you have your dinner. I'll call back another day. Thanks, love. Formerly a musician, he quit his struggling band to join my sales team. ♪ Let me guess what's on your mind ♪ Unfortunately, three months later, his now ex-band landed the biggest number one single of the year with Wherever I Lay My Hat. ♪ Wherever I lay my hat ♪ That's my home... ♪ Naturally, we rallied around to help him through this difficult period. Hey! Unlucky, mate, could've been you! Right, come on, look, I want to see some orders. Don't be shy, Lavender. Yeah, his mother wasn't. - Four. - Bollocks! 4,000. That's got to be a personal best for you, innit? Could've been seven if this snake hadn't undercut me on Warren Close. You're having a laugh. There's nothing wrong with my prices, it's just you. You couldn't sell ice to a bloody Eskimo. But Eskimos don't need ice. Why would I sell it to them? Well, you know, cos of the saying, "He could sell ice to the Eskimos." You're the fucking opposite, ain't ya? Yeah, that's not how opposites work. I get a lot of this. All right, then, you couldn't sell food to a starving Ethiopian with flies round his eyes and pot belly... shit up his legs. I'd just give him some food. I'm not a monster. Which is why I will always outsell you in any sales environment. So you reckon you could sell ice to the Eskimos? Not only sell it to them. By the time I'd left their little igloo, they'd be asking me to be godfather to their adorable slanty-eyed kids. Tell me, is it only lazy cultural stereotypes you sell to, or real people, too? Well, unlike Professor No Nuts over there, I could sell anything to anyone. So, taking the ice and Eskimos analogy, you reckon you could sell new windows to someone you've recently sold new windows to? Yes. I've got a ton says you can't. You had a ton. You might as well hand over those notes now, Lavatory. Right, if you bucks are done rutting, I want to see some orders. Brian? 13 five. Impressive. Who'd have thought a weaselly fucker with terrible BO like you could charm the life savings out of anyone? Well, here's mine. Just the 17K. Which makes me employee of the fucking century. But don't feel too bad about it, boys, it's still a record week. And to celebrate, I've lined up a special treat for us all on Saturday night. Now, let's get out there. These windows aren't going to sell them-fucking-selves. - Morning, Vincent. - Morning, Carol. Can you dig out the address for the Solomon house? I've got time to pop by later... Guess who...? The last time I saw these beautiful fingers, they were wrapped around my... - ..has got the kids with them. - neck. They were wrapped around my neck. My fault for farting in bed, eh, Sam? That's not what you were going to say. - What was he going to say? - Nothing. Go and play outside. Go on, I want a word with your dad. Hello, baby. Oh, I know. Incredible, isn't she? What's up? I thought Cachet's number one salesman might like some lunch. It's only cheese, but I swiped a Penguin from Robbie's school dinner tin as a little treat. I do not deserve an angel like you in my life. I know. So what time you home tonight? I'm doing a curry. Can't do tonight. I've got house calls to make. You are joking? This is the third night this week. Sam, honey. The best time to close a deal is when the husband and wife are both there. Evenings, weekends, these are the golden hours. And when do you plan fitting us into your hectic schedule, then? Christmas? Bank holidays? I'm trying to build something for us here. In a few months, I'll ease off, but not right now. I'll make it up to you, gorgeous. I promise. _ You realise there is no part of this I cannot see? What are you doing? Don't worry. I'm obviously not wanted here. Sam. Come back. Sam, come back... Ignore her, she's mental! "Thanks for rescuing me, Carol," might be nice. Meanwhile, it hadn't taken Fitzpatrick long to find a 73-year-old Eskimo to sell ice to. But you only put these windows in three weeks ago. I know, Mrs Brown. I'm embarrassed to be here. But it's only just come to light that there is a major design flaw in the plastic frames of those windows that no-one could have foreseen. - The white bits? - Yeah, the white bits. See, they're made from a plastic compound called unplasticised polyvinyl chloride, or uPVC for short. We've only just discovered that when exposed to sunlight, that type of plastic might explode. - Oh, no. - Oh, no, indeed. But it's not all bad news. Have you heard of Nasa? The space people? They're the ones. Now, as part of the space shuttle programme, they've developed a far superior plastic compound, one that won't kill you. Does it have a name? Yep, it's called... PVCu. So, what I would like to do is exchange these dangerous uPVC windows for nice, new, safe PVCu ones, free of charge, apart from installation costs. Oh, I don't know. I should probably ask my son about that. Is your son Neil Armstrong? No. Then I don't think he's qualified to help us. - Read it and weep. The whole house? How have you done that? You know. Sales acumen, charm. Oh, no, wait. You don't know, do you? Now, come on, you owe me a ton. Yeah, hold on, you've only charged her 100 quid for fitting. Have you given her a house full of free windows just to win a bet? Lavatory. The word "free" is not in my vocabulary. Just like the phrase "I've had a number one hit" is not in yours. No, I've got a fitter coming tomorrow to rip out those windows and pop the very same ones straight back in again. The old bag'll never know. So not only have I sold ice to the Eskimos, I've sold them their own fucking ice. I'm a genius! Come on, pay up. Oh, yes, there we go. Oh, nom, nom, nom! Unlike Fitzpatrick, I don't need to use the dark arts to close a deal. Good morning, Mr Solomon. Vincent from Cachet Windows, we spoke on the phone earlier. Ah, Mr Vincent, yes. Look, I'm so sorry, but we're about to sit down for prayer. Maybe you can leave some brochures and we can phone you about prices tomorrow? Want to know the percentage of people who sleep on it and call you back? A big fat fucking zero. This may sound odd, but may I join? It's been a spiritually exhausting last few days for me. We'd be delighted. Come in. One more thing, salesmen are like vampires. Never invite one into your home. Once you do, we won't leave your side until we taste blood. Not even for a piss. - Thank you! - No problem! The peace of God... Using the homeowner's loo is a cardinal sin, no matter how desperate you are. The second you leave those poor bastards alone, they'll try to conspire a way to get you out of their house. You need to get the kids to bed? That's OK. I'll give you a hand with bath time. Your husband is having a heart attack? Let me run you both down to AE, you lying shitbags. These God-fearing fuckers have been praying for almost two hours. And it's not just world peace shit, either. Lord, please use thy divine power to find a good cash buyer for Brian and Kellie's car. Dear merciful Lord, please do what you can to get a better reception for Aggy's TV. Dear Lord, please give me the strength not to piss my pants in front of these time-wasting sons of bitches. Eventually, my bladder's prayers were answered and Mr Solomon signed for a full house of windows. It's safe to say I eat, sleep, breathe, shit and piss... ..sales. But like Einstein, my true genius wasn't spotted until later in life. _ So, after spending a couple of grand having this fucking mutt's back legs amputated and wheels put on it, he takes it out for its first walk, and the fucking dog panics, and rolls straight under a bus. Poor bastard is devastated. I told him, "Look on the bright side. "At least now, you've got a £2,000 rug." Yeah, this is him. Fuck. Now, that was a call informing me that while I'd been otherwise engaged, a supertanker on the Thames estuary had been accidently loaded with contaminated crude oil. Unfortunately, the constant monitoring required to prevent such million-pound fuck-ups was my one and only job. Upon careful reflection, you are to be relieved of all duties with immediate effect. Do you have anything to say for the record, Mr Swan? This is fucking ridiculous... Maybe we should take a break. Listen, I've spoken to the boys. They're ready to walk out for you on this one, Vince. I appreciate the support of the union on this, Terry. But I'm jacking it in. I fucking hate this job anyway. How else are you going to provide for Sam and the kids? Hm? I'll figure something out. Oi, you two, the charisma twins. Upon careful reflection, I've decided you can stick your job up your arses. Here's my notice of resignation. I couldn't face going home to tell Sam I'd lost my job. I said I'd figure something out, and that's what I intended to do... right after I got absolutely rat-arsed. I never was a whisky drinker. Fuck me. Vincent Swan. Dicky Cox? Dicky Dipshit, I think you used to call me at school. Cox by name, cock by nature. Yeah, that was another one. You all right, Vince? You look like shit. No. No, I'm not all right, Dicky. I got sacked this morning, and now I'm crying next to a urinal full of my own puke, talking to you. No offence, but I think I just hit rock-bottom. I mean, it's funny how life turns out, innit? Who'd have put money on me being the bloody successful one and you, Vincent Swan, being such a fucking loser? Cheers for the pep talk, Coxy Yeah. Vincent, what would you say if I told you I earned four times as much as your monthly wage in the last week? I'd say, "Unless the demand for creepy-looking gigolos "has gone through the roof, that's bollocks." Yeah, funny. Here. Have a chuckle at that. _ Plus, I've got something else that could interest you. What I've got in here might just change your life. I'm not a complete fucking yokel, I've done coke before. I'm not talking about the drugs. What, a lump of fucking plastic? Is it? Or is it white gold? No, it's definitely a lump of plastic. To the uninitiated. But you add some know-how and some bullshit, and this lump of fucking plastic turns into something far more eye-catching. Coxy laid out the double-glazing business for me. Since Thatcher handed us the right to buy your council house, the world and his wife were madly renovating their newly owned dream homes. White gold was just plastic, a cheap alternative to timber, but it brought the cost of making brand-new windows down to peanuts. Coxy would then sell them on with a 600% mark-up. For those that couldn't afford the astronomical prices, he'd sell them finance. That way, they could pay back what they thought they could afford each month... for the rest of their natural lives. Eventually, those shiny new windows would cost more than their dreary former council houses. It was beautiful. I want this. You can have it. No, not this! I mean, meeting you. Losing my job. Everything. It's happened for a reason. You ain't going to cry again, are you? You always were a fucking dipshit. My fate was sealed the very next day. I'm not a big believer in kismet, but you'd have to be blind, deaf and dumb as shit not to hear destiny calling me. Sorry to interrupt. Oh, it's an elephant. It's not male genitalia. I'm looking for the owner. Oh, sorry, I'm new here. Right. Is the owner around? Like I said, I'm new, so I literally can't help you. Fuck me, Carol. You're a receptionist. Just take some details, will you? Well, it doesn't hurt to be careful, Tony. He just wandered in off the street. This is a fucking showroom! We want people to wander in off the street. Hello, sir. I take it this is your business? You've got two minutes, pal. For what? To sell me whatever the fuck it is you're selling, then fuck off. Meet Tony Walsh, the world's angriest small business owner. No, I don't want to sell TO you, I want to sell FOR you. My name's Vincent. I don't care if it's Barbra Streisand. I've already got a sales team. Well, that was succinct. Now we've got 90 seconds to fill with small talk. Or you could just fuck off early. Right. And where's the fun in that? You see that couple? They walked into your showroom four minutes ago. In another 45 seconds, they're going to walk out, along with thousands in lost revenue. I've got 20 quid that says Tweedledum and Tweedledee over there will still be scratching their arses when they walk out. Huh? All right, pal. Here's a price list. You sign them up, I'll give you a two-week trial. I hear congratulations are in order! Erm, sorry? The centennial customer award? Oh, wait, no-one told you? As our hundredth customer today, you've won the opportunity to turn your house into a show-home for the Cachet range of windows and doors. My name's Vincent, nice to meet you. Hi, I'm Mark. This is my wife, Lorna. Hello. Wow, we've never won anything before. Well, I guess some people are born lucky, and the rest of us just have to make do with good looks and charm, eh? So, tell me, Mark, Lorna, why are you looking for new windows? Ten minutes of bullshit later, and I was ready to seal the deal. All of our products come with safety glass fitted as standard. Now, I'd imagine those little boys of yours are always keeping you on your toes, right, Lorna? Always darting about? Now, imagine them running full pelt into a plate glass window. It turned out that not ALL of our products came with safety glass fitted as standard. It's probably, er, hard, at this point, not to picture your precious offspring lying in a pool of their own blood. But hold on to that thought, because this, Lorna, pardon my French, this DISGRACEFUL piece of shit is a well-known national company's patio door. I can't say who. Everest. Christ, it makes me angry. Can't anyone ever think of the children? Well, thankfully, here at Cachet, we do. Maybe it was the adrenaline in everybody's systems, but by the time I'd finished with them, they'd signed for five grand's worth of windows. The second I left the showroom, Walshy called his wife. I think I've just met the man who's going to make us our first million. He was so impressed, he didn't offer me a trial, he put me in charge of his entire sales team. Who I promptly sacked. Tweedledee and Tweedledum went out the door, and in came Tweedle Dumb and Dumber. And after Fitzpatrick and Lavender graduated from the Vincent Swan School of Sales, my team was complete. Once Walsh's tasteless decor had been replaced for something more befitting of a classy operation like ours, Cachet Windows was reborn. Right! First and only rule, we don't rip off anyone in our town. These are our neighbours, our friends. We always sell our windows at one price, a fair price. Sometimes over, sometimes under, but always at one price. Sorry, so who pays more? Dickheads. The terminally stupid. And less? Well, no-one, if we can help it. So it's not really one price for all, is it? No. But it sounds good, don't it? And that pretty much brings us up to speed. Want to know the greatest thing about winning at life? It's that you get to give a little something back. - Hello, Vince. - Terry. How's tricks? Yeah, good, you coming in? Look, I really appreciate the offer, mate, but... Double-glazing salesman? I mean, no offence, but it's not really me, is it? Why not? I know the refinery's not everyone's cup of tea, but it's steady, the pension's good, it's practically impossible to get sacked. Yeah, maybe for mere mortals. Hello, stranger. Evening, Gillian. At last, the brains of the house have arrived. I'd better run, I'm on nights. You'll have to bring the family over for a barbecue soon, Vince. Yeah, they'd love that, mate. - Bye, love. - Ta, darling. Try not to masturbate through your entire shift. Someone's got to sit in that chair after you. You're not running out on me too, are you, Vincent? It's been ages since we've had a little gossip. Would I ever? Stick the kettle on. So, er, Terry said you're a salesman now. Yeah, I finally found a job where being a self-aggrandising ponce is considered a plus. So, what is it you sell? Double glazing. Fancy. I quite like them patio doors. I bet they're expensive, though. You'd be surprised, Gillian. I know this looks bad, but those patio doors are going to completely revolutionise the flow from their downstairs to their garden. What? This is what I do. Cachet Windows and Doors. It's Brendan for you. Just tell him I've nipped out. Hang on a minute, he's just here, Brendan. Hello, Brendan. Yeah... But they're the same fucking ones... No. Look, I'm coming over. I told you to tell him I'd nipped out. I don't know what that means. Is it an Essex thing? Oi. What the hell's this, Vincent? I'm about 90% sure that's an order for patio doors, Terry. Am I right? Do you want to talk about this out back? - Do excuse me for a moment. - No, I'm not stopping. I just came to tell you we don't want your shitty windows. Well, maybe you should talk to your wife once in a while, because she seemed positively thrilled by the idea. And they're precision engineered, not shitty. Now if that's all, I'm busy with customers. No, no, don't you try and worm your way out of it. You took advantage of Gill. I don't know if you've realised, mate, but Gill's a grown woman now, with tits and everything. And this, this is a contract. It's legally binding. So I suggest you go home and take it up... Now you stay away from me, my wife and my windows, you utter scumbag. Fuck. Sorry. Sometimes working here is like being in a really shit version of Dallas. Vincent, look he's not here. He's on a shift. Yeah, I know. Look, I came to say sorry. I'm not going to make you honour the contract. We all right? Yeah. Good, because while I've been standing here freezing my nuts off, I couldn't help thinking this conversation would have been much more comfortable in a beautiful double-glazed porch. You always did know how to make me laugh, Vincent Swan. Interesting place for a personalised number plate. I quite like it. Fancy a spin? Ooh, yeah. I've never been in a wanker-mobile before. I'll get me coat. Like I told you, page one of the training manual. Never leave the house without closing the deal. Hmm, yes, it's tricky to see the difference myself. What exactly is it you don't like, Mrs Brown? They remind me of death. I want my old new windows back. Right, well, I could get Brendan to re-fit the old ones, but, I mean, then you'll be paying to replace these with an identical and frankly inferior product. I'm going to call my son, you can talk to him about it. No, no, no, don't do that, Mrs Brown. I tell you what, I'll get Brendan to replace the windows for free. I'm sure he won't mind. You're a lovely young man, Brian. Yes, he will fucking mind. I've got another job on. Look, how do I get this through that thick Paddy skull of yours? You're not going to get paid for this job unless that senile bitch is happy. So whoever's driveway you've got to tarmac can fucking wait. Comprende? You listen to me, you ferrety-looking cunt. You speak to me like that again, I'll refit your disgusting yellow teeth. Comprende? Yes, completely comprende. Can you please refit the windows, Brendan? Please? Yes, I will, Brian. And seeing as you asked me so nicely I'm only going to charge you double time for today. Oh, you're fucking joking... Yeah. No. Double bubble. Excellent. Looks like the Eskimos aren't that keen on your ice after all. - Fuck off. - Oh, come on, be nice. Where's that famous charm gone? My winnings, please. Here, have your money back. And another hundred, seeing as how you lost the bet. You can swivel, mate. I'm already paying double time to the IRAnus over there. Does he know you call him that? 'Ere, Brendan, have you... Yeah, all right, all right. Dickhead. Daddy! I come in peace. Oh, someone's seen fit to grace us with their presence. Someone also wants to say sorry for not being around lately. How are my cheeky little monkeys? Vincent, you do know I'm 14 years old. Well, that's handy, because in here I have an age-14-sized Sergio Tacchini tracksuit top. No way. It's not snide gear either. Dad, you're the best. Vincent, that cost a fortune. No, my love, this cost a fortune. Ta-da. Are you fucking kidding me? Is that real mink? Unless Liberty's have started skinning cats, it is real. - Look at you. - Oh, it's gorgeous. Don't worry, Robbie. I haven't forgotten about you, mate. Millennium Falcon! Are you fucking kidding me? ! Robbie! That's your fault, that is. What's all this in aid of? I told you. We're in this together. It's time for us to start enjoying ourselves. Thank you, Vincent. Despite what I tell everyone I meet about you, you're actually a lovely man. Now, why don't we get the kids off to bed and maybe we can get an early night ourselves? Oh, God. I know what that means. Come here. The kids. You're going to have to keep that warm for me. Let me get them off to bed. No, I got to go out tonight. - What! - I told you, Saturday night, prime time for sales. You've got to be kidding me. Those dead minks don't pay for themselves. You wanker! Never let it be said that I wasn't a generous man. Especially when it came to spending Walshy's money. It was time to give the boys their Saturday night treat. You know what makes us different to the rest of the plebs in this town? It's simply this, we will not take no for an answer. Every time we knock on a door and some knob tells us he doesn't need new windows, we're going to sell that prick more windows than he's got holes in his fucking walls for. - Fucking right. - Hear, hear. So enjoy the feast and thank you for a record week. Cheers, arseholes. Cheers, boss. Vincent. Listen, let's hit a club later, yeah? We can't sit around here all night with just Brian's monster knob for company. You might want to wait and see what's for dessert first. Oh, bloody hell. Oh, my God. Blimey. I fucking love this job. I've been terribly good this month, yeah. Pull the blinds, Brian. Hang on a second, Walshy, frankly I can't believe what I'm hearing. Having a company car is a basic human right. Stop being an arse, Vincent. No double glazing salesman has ever had a company car. Which is exactly why I think I deserve one. You are delusional, mate. You're having a tin bath! Not by my lights. Do you know how much business I've brought in - these past three months? - You know, the problem with you is you've formed your own fan club. The Vincent Swan fan club. Membership one, Vincent Swan. You. - Were you up all night working on that line, you smart arse prick? 284 grand is the answer. You aren't getting a fucking company car! End of! Well, you've left me with no other choice than to resign, Walshy. You think I'm bothered? Resign then. I'll have 50 mugs lined up to do your job by lunchtime. Good luck with that. You'd better hire them all to replace the money I bring in, you short-sighted wanker. Every man has his line in the sand and that prick Walshy just took a piss all over mine. It's always been a dream of mine to have a company car. Ever since yesterday lunchtime. I go round the back, knock on his dressing room and say, "Listen..." Who the fuck are these clowns? "You've got no face, and you've got fucking bollocks for hands. "Other than that you do pretty well." My dearest Suzanne. While I accept you have to serve other men, you could at least try and pretend you're not enjoying it. Martin, this is Vincent Swan, local wind-up merchant. Runs Cachet Windows in the high street. Likes to pretend he runs this place as well. How are you doing, mate? Yeah good, mate. Good. Martin works in magazine publishing. Very glamorous, eh? - I hope they're not porn mags, Martin. - Ha, no. You'd be hard pushed to knock one out over one of our magazines. They're trade publications. You know, Ventilation Units Weekly, Roofing Supply Monthly, that sort of thing. Fuck me, they sound about as boring as that suit you're wearing. - There's no need for that. - It's just a joke. I'll tell you what's not boring, my old son. The amount of money we're making selling advertising space. - Now, what are you boys drinking? - Nah, let me get these. Absolutely not. We're already running a tab. I'll just claim it back on the old expenses. What's your poison? I'm not fussed. Whatever you're having. - Lovely lager. Same for you, boyses? - Cheers. You get an expense account? We spend half our lives on the road, wining and dining clients, so the old company car and expense account comes in handy. Although it's not always easy getting a receipt from a knocking shop in Manchester, is it, Mart? No, it is not, Philip. But it did save me from having to fellate the client myself. Here you go, boyses. Winner. Winner. Winner. Nice meeting you, boyses. If you ever fancy leaving the lucrative world of door to door sales, give us a call. We're always on the lookout for new blood at Millman Young. - Who do we ask for? - Yeah, I wasn't talking to you. - What sort of company car do you get? - Ford Granada, XL. Oh, right. A cousin of mine used to rep for a stationary firm. He got given a Granada, and we're talking a couple of years back before they gave them to any old wanker. Anyway, the first night he gets his new wheels he decides to go for a spot of night fishing. Being a cheapskate, he won't shell out on luminous floats, so he just drives the car up to the lake, beams the headlights onto the water and... Right, gentlemen, we should probably be making a move. - Who's this little prick? - Sorry what? Vincent, this is Andrew, our sales director. Andrew, Vincent Swan, local raconteur. Time to get back to the phones, lads. Obviously, they didn't teach you manners at whatever school you've just bunked off from. Do your parents know you're hanging out in pubs? Yes, very funny. I'm clearly not a child. Okay, that's us. Nice meeting you, boyses. Hang on, I haven't finished my story. Oh, come on then, let's all hear the end of your story. Well, he'd parked the car on a bank with the handbrake off. It rolled straight into the lake. That sounds very unlikely. Right, are we done? Hardly Peter Ustinov, is he? Don't expect to see him on Parkinson anytime soon Brash fuckers. "Oh, look at me, I don't own my own car. "I drive someone else's car, like a bloody bus driver." Why was that little one so grumpy? He's one of the Seven Dwarves, isn't he? Fitzpatrick was right. They were brash fuckers. Which is why I was confident I'd fit right in there. Right, no need to panic. Brian, you're temporary showroom manager. Yes! I won't let you down, boss. It is an honour. You fucking kidding me? It's only temporary. - But why him? - Because he actually sells my bloody windows! If you want to be considered for the role then get out there and sign me some fucking orders! Can I just say that firing Vincent was a smart move. I don't want to speak ill of the recently departed but that man was a liability. I'm going to have to ring some serious changes round here if we're going to be competitive again. Look, until I get the chance to meet some potential new recruits, I just need you to steady the ship and not fuck anything up, Brian. Understood, boss. Still, in the meantime, there's no harm me showing you how we get things done the Fitzpatrick way. You obviously are aware the name Fitzpatrick is synonymous with fucking things up. Yeah, well, unless you want it to be "synonymous" I suggest you start showing your new boss some respect. Okay. One, you're not my new boss, you're just a temporary manager. Two, respect is earned, mate, not demanded, and three... you haven't got the balls to sack me. Yeah? Well I'll see your... and I'll raise you. Oh, I'm not going to fire you, mate, I've got something much, much worse in store for you. No, I'm going to be your mentor, I'll be Yoda to your Luke Skywalker. I see what's happened here. You've mistaken being a weird, ugly fella for being a Jedi Master. Are you two fucking imbeciles going to get off your arses and sell my bloody windows or do I need to sack you, too? ! Chop chop, Lavender. So, you quit your job, without consulting me, because he wouldn't give you a car when we've already got two cars. Company car, Sam, we're talking about a company car. Stop saying company car like it's a flying fucking carpet. It's still a bloody car we don't need. Unlike, ah, food, clothes, a roof over our heads. Will you just calm down? This isn't like when I resigned from the refinery. You were sacked from the bloody refinery! You didn't resign! Potato, pot-ato. Walked, sacked, it's all the same. It's not the same. The important thing is here I've been offered a better job. One with a company car. If you say company car one more time I'm divorcing you. - What's the better job? - Ah. See, this is what I've been trying to tell you. I'm moving on from double glazing. Into publishing, selling advertising space in magazines. No more slumming it for me as a door to door salesman. And when were you planning on telling me about this new job, then, Mr Advertising Executive? Right after they offer it to me. The interview's tomorrow. So, when you say you've got a new job what you actually mean - is you haven't got a job? - Potato, pot-ato. That's it, run away you spineless arsehole. Sam wasn't quite grasping the difference between a car and a company car but I felt like now wasn't the time to enlighten her. From sales performance to leadership qualities, Vincent Swan is the single best employee I've ever had the pleasure of working alongside. Our terrible loss will be his new employer's most fortuitous gain. Ah, that's sweet. Shall I finish it "Love, Walshy?" No, "Yours sincerely, Mr Tony Walsh" will do. He fainted instantly... What the fuck are you doing here? Lovely to see you, too, Brian. If you've come to beg Walshy for your job back, you're too late. There's a new sheriff in town. Yeah, I'd heard shit for brains had finally employed a cowboy to run this place. Very funny. I've got one for you. - Knock knock. - Who's there? - Vincent. - Vincent who? Exactly. Vincent Who. That's what people will say when I turn this business into a mega success story. So? I don't give a shit, mate, I've moved on. Got myself a job with those publishing boyses. You know what, if you're lucky, I might just let you have a spin in my mega company car when it arrives. Fuck off. Congratulations, mate. Are they still looking for reps? You disloyal little shit. Do I sense some disharmony in the ranks? Do let me know if you need a few pointers on how to motivate a sales team, Sheriff. From you? Do me a favour. No, my morale boosting end of week parties are going to blow your grubby shenanigans out the water with their decadence, depravity and... - Doctors? Daffodils? Dragons? - Debauchery. Well, that is lovely to hear cos I'm expecting you boyses to throw me a memorable send off for my leaving do Friday. - Well... trust me you will not be disappointed. - I better not be. - Well, you won't be. - Excellent. More than excellent, mate. - You'll probably need to bring a sick bag. - Why's that? Because... I'm taking you on a roller-coaster ride of sexual thrills. I'm looking forward to it. I'll see you Friday. You haven't arranged anything, have you? - No. I'll say this for Fitzpatrick, he was putting the hours in designing his sexy roller-coaster. Bingo. Welcome to the world of magazine publishing. Morning, boyses. These lucky pricks don't know it yet, but in the coming months I'm going to be leading them to great things. First and foremost a great tailor. Fitzpatrick was right, those suits ARE fucking boring. - He's just in here, Mr Swan. - Thank you. Hello, Vincent. Hello. I didn't get your name the other day. - Andrew. Andrew Davies. - That's the one. Andrew. I thought Martin was going to be doing the interview. No. We didn't get a chance to chat the other day. Well, we may have had a brief exchange, but... - Did we? Yes, we did, there was an exchange. It's forgotten. Water under the bridge. Let's move on. Absolutely. Let's put it behind us. Now, Vincent, can I be frank with you? You can be whoever you want, Andy. I find this whole concept of interviewing very flawed. You know, two people sat across a desk, best foot forward, spinning lie after lie at one another. It's like being on a blind date. - Hopefully with less fingering at the end. - Ha, yeah. Listen, I'll be completely straight with you, if your sales figures and your references back up what my gut tells me about you, then this interview is already two minutes too long. Well, that's very flattering, Andy. Maybe there can be a bit of fingering after all. Now, Vincent, do you like golf? - Love the stuff. - Excellent. Then what I propose is that we finish this interview out on the golf course. Could you make Saturday, tee off around nine? Perfect. Apologies in advance if the old competitive beast comes out on the course. I've yet to meet a good salesman who isn't a terrible loser. Absolutely, boss. I'm sure I'll turn into a total cunt out there as well. I'll see you Saturday. All right, boyses. Meanwhile, Fitzpatrick's attempt at modernising Cachet had hit a Brummie brick wall. If it's so bloody clever, why can't I just say, "Computer, "store these addresses," rather than all this mumbo jumbo from the future language. Because it's the cutting edge of technology, Carol, not a genie from a fucking lamp. A lamp in here would be more useful. It gets very gloomy. Whether you like it or not, I'm trying to drag this operation into the 1980s. You don't see NASA running off to a filing cabinet every time one of their astronauts says, "Houston, we have a problem." Because they're completely comparable operations, NASA and Cachet. Now, that's a really shite telly. Carol, love, we need an address for that bay window front door job in Tilbury. I'll get it from the filing cabinet. No, let's start as we mean to go on, yeah? It's on the system. Under Tiernan. I don't know how to work it. Oh, come on, get out the way, will ya? Let me demonstrate to you the power of technology. We haven't got all day! All right, hold your horses! Right. So, you press Shift 4. Then type Tier... nan into the search field and... - It's not worked, has it? - I'll get it from the filing cabinet. No, it's all right, I remember... I mean look it's here. Ah, yeah. It's 78 Romley Avenue. Write that down for him, Carol. Why don't you print it out for him? Because there's no point wasting ink, is there? Let's have a look. Oh, no, must've been a power surge. I'll just... we'll have to reboot it. That's a shame. Anything else, Brendan? You know Romley Avenue's split into East and West, don't you? Really? Well, that's an interesting story, Terry fucking Wogan. Well, is it east or is it west? - Um... - He'll just check on the computer. It's West. Okay? It's fucking West. Now can we just move on. - Come on. - All right, West. Got it. Thanks. Got a mouth on him, hasn't he? Keep an eye on him, Carol. Despite not having the first fucking clue about golf, it wasn't going to stop me looking the part. Or, to be more precise, looking like a kids' TV presenter who got dressed in the dark. Meanwhile, Fitzpatrick was discovering that new technology is only ever as reliable as the fuckwit operating it. No, no, no, they would have done. No. I'm looking at the docket now, it says they were fitted this afternoon. 78 Romley Avenue West. What? 78 Romley Avenue East? Yeah. No, that's what I meant. That's what it says on the docket. - Bollocks. - Do you want me to come with you? What, and have you apologise the homeowners to death? No, I'll take care of this. Fuck them before they fuck us. I understand, mistakes happen. It's our junior intern. She's first week. Still very nervous. Been transferred to the New York showroom now. But, as it was wholly our mistake, I'm very happy to offer you a generous 15% off the window and door. But I didn't ask for them. I'm not paying for something I didn't ask for. Here we go. Look, I get it, I'm a businessman. I admire your brazenness. You've seen an opportunity and you've run with it. - Opportunity? Yeah. You want free windows. That's fine, I don't blame ya. You live here. It's a bit of a shit-hole. You want to make it look nicer. Sorry, let me make this very clear. I don't want your horrible windows. Well, maybe you should have thought about that before you let - my fitter install them! - Well, as it happens, my nine-year-old daughter was at home on her own expecting the window cleaner. Your fitter called, said he was here to do the windows so she let him in. Your fitter needs to get his addresses right. Yeah, well, I blame the girl far more than him, to be honest. I'm picturing her, I'm picturing an idiot. Do not call my daughter an idiot. Right. I'd like you off my property right now. That's fine, but my fitter will be round here tomorrow to rip out that window. And, if you resist, I'll have you arrested for theft. Do you know what you are? Classic pikey scum. Pikey scum that wants something for nothing, just for sitting on your fat arse all day. Right. That is it. I am calling my brother. I don't think your big brother's going to make this go away. Oh, I think he might. That's all been resolved, then, has it? I think I've just called Ronnie Farrell's sister pikey scum. Ronnie Farrell who runs Ronnie Farrell Debt Collection? The one with a conviction for manslaughter? No, the other Ronnie Farrell who works for Amnesty, you daft prick. Isn't he a bit... dangerous? He's a fucking lunatic! And I just called his nine-year-old niece an idiot. I'm a dead man, right? No, I mean gangsters very rarely take slights against their family seriously. Yeah, she's probably bluffing. Apologise to my sister. I'm sorry... I'm really sorry. Ronnie, please! She keeps the door and window. Yes, absolutely. Free of charge. Obviously, free of charge, you tit. Yeah, I know, I was just clarifying. Aargh, Ronnie, please...! Good. Now that you're being reasonable, why don't you compose yourself and we'll start again. Okay? - Okay. - Go and sit down. What's happening? I don't know. Hello. I was in here a moment ago discussing my sister's windows. Yeah, I remember. Well, I just got to thinking, the new door and window, they don't match the rest of the windows in the house. So, what I was thinking was maybe you can replace the rest of the windows as well. To maintain the aesthetic. Right. And would you be looking to pay anything - for these windows, Ronnie? - What do you think? So, Maggie can expect someone round to measure up, what... on Monday? Monday. Monday's great. Pleasure doing business with you. I'll be seeing you. I love your little telly. Oh, dear, did someone shoot the Sheriff? Even for a bag of shit like you, you look like a bag of shit, mate. Cracking under the pressure of not being me? No chance. Just taking a little breather. The only thing cracking round here are sales records. Delighted to hear it. So tonight's celebrations - should be one to remember, eh, Lavender? - Apparently so. They don't call me the postman for nothing. I always deliver. You two are going to be wanking over the memory of tonight's little treat until the day you both die. Nice to have my final death wank sorted. Voilà. - Have we broken down? - I think you got the wrong address, Postie. Think again, boys, because tonight we're pioneers, witnessing the start of a whole new sexual movement. Dogging. What the fuck's dogging? Dogging is the combination of two revolutions, the motor vehicle revolution and the sexual revolution, making the ultimate form of sexual expression. You sly old dog. This has the potential to be interesting. Fucking hell. Are there people having sex in these cars? Yes, if that's all right with you, Lavender? What are we doing? I don't know about you but I'm going to go and have a wank over some dirty fuckers screwing in a car park. Shit me. Fucking look at that. Fuck me, they're going for it. Welcome to the promised land. Oi, Jimmy Hill, give the fucking live commentary a rest. - Oh, my God. - Fitzpatrick, why have you brought me out to watch two men fuck? Is this what you're into? - It's completely fine if you are, mate. - Fuck off. I didn't know. Anyone else want a turn? Um, no, we, uhm... We can't actually. You see, we're not gay. Why's he got his cock in his hand, then? Yeah, no, sorry. I don't suppose you've spotted any females around? It's not a bloody safari park. Friday night is gay. Straight couples on Thursday. Read the bloody newsletter, love. Yep. Will do. Sorry about the mix up, it's a work night out. Oh, my God. Fitzpatrick was tugging off to it. - Fuck off! - Well, you're gay. No, I wasn't. Oh, God, what's he doing now? - What do you think he's doing? - He can't do that. Don't bring us dogging then! Oh, Christ there's one behind us. Shit, we're surrounded. Right let's get moving, Fitzpatrick. I can't. We're boxed in. Out the way, gentlemen. Don't startle them. - There's more over here. - I can't get out. Just move forward slowly and they'll clear. They're not fucking deer. I do hope that was a seagull that just shit up my window. There's a gap. Floor it! Don't look back. - Drive, drive, drive! - I am fucking driving! It was a novel approach to team building, I'll give him that. I was soon back in the countryside, although this time there was only the one little prick to deal with. So, ah, what's your handicap, Vincent? Probably a 9 or a 10. Comes in waves. But, yeah. Probably an 8, or a 9, or a 10. Interesting. Is that a brand-new club? Yeah, never use the same club twice. Mind if I tee off first? All right, mate. What do you reckon? - Yeah. - Please. Great to be back out on the course. Is that...? Nah, it's all right. - Thought I saw someone out there. - I didn't see anyone. There definitely was something. Move out the fucking way! Vincent, the etiquette in golf is to shout "Fore." Yeah. Golf's all about etiquette for me. Fucking fore! Where were we? Fuck's sake. What is it with golf, eh? Why do we put ourselves through it? There she is, the old lady. Lovely. Bollocks. Get in the fucking hole. Get in! I think that means, taking into account your handicap... I think that means I've won by 18 holes to none. I don't mind saying the better man won. There you are, boss. Until the next time. - My pleasure. And I'm not your boss. - Not yet but... - Not ever. You'll never work for me. - What? Is this a joke? No, you're the joke, Vincent. I know what you are. I've spoken to people who've been exposed to your men's methods. You're con-men. Yes, all right, you've had a good few months. But it won't last. You're selling a worthless product for as much money as you can, as quickly as you can. And sooner or later people will find out. You're not proper businessmen, you're not salesmen. You're hustlers. You're fairground workers in shiny suits, selling a product as worthless as you are. Is this because I called you a little prick? Maybe. Anyway, now that our interview's over, I'm afraid I'm going to have to kindly ask you to leave, since I don't think you are or ever will be a member of this club. That's all right, mate, I'll gladly leave. Like Groucho Marx said, "I refuse to join a golf club "that would have you, a fucking little prick, as a member." That's not the quote, actually. Fuck off. I don't know what to say. You were right. I've let you all down. Right, here's what you're going to do. You're going to go back to Walshy, and ask him for your job back. - You might have to start a rung down.. - I can't, Sam. It won't be for long, will it? Fitzpatrick will be lucky if he gets another week as showroom manager. I don't think I can do it. Vincent, look at me. No-one believes in you more than you do, baby. Right? There's always going to be a Walshy or a little prick trying to fuck you over, but you're better than them. That's why I married you. You old romantic. - I thought it was cos I got you pregnant. - Yeah, there was that. You are incredible. I thought you were going to leave me. Well, it's hard to be mad at you when you're wearing - those tight white trousers. - I do look a bit like John Travolta, eh? - More like Bucks Fizz. - Sexier then. Oh, yeah. Now, do you think you've got time for a quick birdie - before the kids get back? - Oh, we can do better than that. How about a hole in one? - Or I could plop my balls in your... - All right don't spoil it. Here we go. I don't think my gag reflex will let me swallow this much pride. You wanted to see me, Vincent. I want to get one thing straight from the start. Yeah, hold on, hold on. Before you say anything you might regret, come with me. Ford Granada IX. Top-of-the-range. Your company car. Really? I think you've forgotten I don't work here any more. Come on, don't milk it. This is me saying sorry. I need you back, Vincent. Fitzpatrick's taken us from selling 50 grand a week to zero. Minus four grand if you include Carol's fucking unusable computer. Well, you're on the right lines, Walshy. But you better make it a BMW or I'll never set foot in your poxy showroom again. - Oh, fucking hell, Vincent! - Call it danger money. Carol told me you've got that psycho Ronnie Farrell on your case. Okay. I'll call the leasing company and get you a BMW, but you better get us out of this hole with Ronnie. I can't afford to be giving away five grand's worth of windows. Leave Ronnie to me. I quickly managed to get Ronnie Farrell onside by making him an offer he couldn't refuse. - So you've sorted it with Farrell? - Yeah, you can stop shitting your pants now. He's not going to hurt anyone. - How did you do that? - Let's just say we came to a compromise. Great. What's the compromise? I told him he can have the windows for free. What? ! Why have you done that? Because he's an incredibly violent, dangerous man. But that's going to cost me five fucking grand! You should have thought about that before you put Fitzpatrick in charge, you stupid prick. Let that be a valuable lesson to you. You need to talk to him! I did get one concession from Ronnie. Turns out as an eminent local businessman and being neither female, foreign or Jewish, Ronnie was a big wig at the golf club. For the price of one "nice little telly" I managed to wrangle membership. Now, golfers often say the toughest opponent you can face on the course is yourself. Oi! Stop getting in the way you wanker! Hurry up, bell ends! Well, every Saturday morning from now until I eventually get banned from this place, I'm going to be this little prick's toughest opponent. Fucking fore! ♪ It ain't no big thing ♪ Excuse me... Hello? Excuse me. Excuse me. Are you the homeowner? - That depends. - Depends on what exactly? On whether you're here to tell me I've won the pools or not. Not quite. I'm looking for Mr Vincent Swan. - I take it that's you? No, sorry. And you are? The gardener. Well, if you could pass this on to Mr Swan and tell him that Miss Barnes from Her Majesty's Inland Revenue stopped by to discuss his tax affairs. Will do. What's he done? It's more what he's not done, really. As in pay any tax. Do many people on this council estate have private gardeners? No, I'm a luxury few can afford. Tell Mr Swan I'll see him soon. Oh, I will, sweetheart. "Nothing is certain in life but death and taxes." You know who said that? Some fucking loser. It's defeatist bullshit designed to make the feeble feel better about their tragic lives. Death and taxes? I plan on avoiding both. ♪ Got a call from an old friend ♪ ♪ We used to be real close ♪ You look handsome. And flammable. Have you got any cash? - I need to pay for Robbie's school trip. - Wallet's in my pocket. Jacket pocket. It's all right, I think I've found what I've been missing. Sam, I don't have time. That's not what Mr Winky is telling me. He seems very pleased to see me. Oh, that's not fair. I think it's more than fair, Vincent Swan. It's been ages since we've had any fun together. Oh, Jesus, that feels good. All right, let me get out of these trousers, yeah? No, no, no, you keep them on. I want you like this, Mr Big Shot Salesman. In his suit... Mm, let's close this deal, Vincent. It's business time... I'm on my knees, begging for all of your product... That's it. Mm, close the deal. All over my fingers. - That's it. - There we go. Shit. I'm going to have to change now. Well, let that be a lesson to you. And I swear I'll make you ruin every single pair of trousers in that wardrobe until you give your family some proper attention. But Sam wasn't the only woman yanking my dick that particular morning. You've got to be shitting me. Pick up the phone, shitheads. No-one move, I'll get it. Cachet Windows and Doors. How may I help you? Carol, this is Vincent. Listen. Don't talk. That woman is from the tax office, she's after me. How'd you know that? Is this magic, like Paul Daniels? Stop fucking talking. I'm over the road in the phone box. Don't look. Jesus Christ! Oh, sorry, I'm very suggestible. Look, I need you to calmly put the phone down and tell her I do not work there and you have never heard of me. I've never heard of Vincent Swan. So, why did you just invite me in and say he'd be along in five minutes? I thought you said... Winston... Ston. Winston Ston? Okay. Neither of you gentlemen would happen to be Vincent Swan? - No, sorry. - Well, is either of you the business owner? No, I just work here in sales. "Work" is debatable. He sits there and looks pretty. - I'm the salesman. - Pointless comment. If you'd like to speak to Tony Walsh he's the business owner, - he's usually at the factory. - Do you have the address handy? Here's his card. - Thank you, for being more than just a pretty face. Uhm, thanks. If you do happen to run into Mr Swan please do let him know that I stopped by. Will do... I mean, I would do... if I could, but I can't. Cos I don't even know him and he's never worked here. Lavatory couldn't wait to grass you up. Don't be a cock. I was trying to get her out of the showroom. You and your student comrades might want to go and live in Russia but, here, in the free West, we try not to inform on our pals. Brian, will you just give it a rest for two minutes while I try and figure out how to get this fucking bloodhound off my scent. Here's an idea, why don't you pay your tax like the rest of us? Because unlike you, I'm not a mug, mate. Paying tax is like paying your TV licence fee, you only ever - do it when they catch you. - Which she has done. No, she's just knocked on my door. All I have to do is hide under the sofa until she moves on to the next sap. - Wouldn't it be easier to just pay them? - I can't, mate. I conscientiously object to taxation. On what grounds? On the grounds that I tried it once and I didn't like it. Luckily, it wasn't bad timing for an enforced sabbatical from the business as I'd recently branched out into movie distribution. Can you believe people will pay 20 quid a pop to get their own copy of this boggly-eyed little cunt? This all started with a visit from our friendly neighbourhood loan shark. Ronnie Farrell had recently acquired some electrical goods and needed a safe place to store them for a few weeks. Stay in the van, I mean it. Just until the paperwork got sorted. Anyway, these goods turned out to be a batch of state of the art video recorders and camcorders. Which was handy because as well as crushed dreams, the music industry had given Lavender a basic knowledge of recording equipment so when I got hold of an illegal VHS of the biggest movie on the fucking planet, we set up our own dubbing suite and entered the pirate video business. Piss off, will ya! Turn that bloody thing off! God, the little boy's sick now. And the alien. And talking of illegal aliens, meet Brendan, our Irish fitter. It turns out I wasn't the only Cachet boy looking to branch out into showbusiness. Martin, you've been to university, you can work a camera, can't you? I need some photos done. Yes, I can work a camera, Brendan, not because I've been to university. You just press the button on top. Will you take the fucking pics or not? Yeah, yeah. Seeing as you're asking so nicely. What are we shooting? Donna, get your arse in here! I need somebody to take some topless shots of Donna for this Page 3 competition they're running in The Sun. 500 quid first prize. Obviously, I'd do it if I weren't her Da. - Jesus, Brendan. How old is she? - 16. It was my birthday on Sunday. Many happy returns, love. Was it a toss up between getting some roller boots or getting some tit shots done? No, she got her roller boots, too. Right. I want no part in this. Typical. I suppose Comrade Lenin didn't approve of tits? I wouldn't know, I'm not a communist. - I just think Page 3 is degrading to women. - Course you do. That's the problem with these Trotsky types, Brendan. Dare to show a bit of entrepreneurial spirit and they want to piss all over your dreams - from their lofty moral high ground. - It's not political. I just don't particularly want to see Donna's or anyone's tits splashed across my newspaper. Careful with that smart mouth of yours, boy. - I'll take the pictures, Brendan. - Cheers. Here's the camera. If you'd like to just follow me upstairs, Donna. I'll be back in an hour, love. Don't be late cos I've got majorettes at six. There's something wrong with you. Come on, loosen up a bit. Try and look a little less... dead eyed? It doesn't matter. I just want to get this over with and get my 500 quick. Well, if you want to be in with a chance of winning the money we've got to get a shot that doesn't look like it should come with a ransom note. Are you saying I might not get paid for this? It's a competition. Only the winner gets the money. - It's not Reader's Wives. - I don't know what that is. No, of course you don't. It's an erotic magazine where consenting adults send in nude photos. A grot mag? Yes. And they get paid? Yeah. 25 quid a shot... I've... someone... I've heard... Lavender told me. Well, let's just do that, then. Yeah all right, then, but don't tell your dad. That's better. Meanwhile, hiding from the tax Nazi gave me the chance to score some brownie points with Sam and the kids. Hands up who thinks I'm the best daddy in the world? Well, hands up who wants the day off school? - Yep! That's better. Right. The Swans are having a family day out. I see they're thinking up new ways to make Page 3 even creepier. There's the latest. "Cute little Karen Clarke was a topless beauty at an early age "but she's a big girl now all right, and every inch a lady." She sure is. What's wrong with that? Just everything possible, I suppose. They've even lined up her two-year-old self so she's looking directly at her 19-year-old breasts. - Do you honestly think that's all right? - Course. Look at little Karen there, she looks pleased as punch she turned into such a stunner. Oh, hello, love. Just head upstairs, get yourself ready. Don't call me love. - What are you up to? - None of your beeswax. All right. Maybe I'd better ask Brendan when I see him. I'm just helping Donna make a little bit of extra pocket money. If she's going to immortalise her bangers on celluloid, she might as well get some mullah doing it, her words not mine, before you start labelling me "sexist." Hello, Brian. Are we Okay to leave the car out the front? No, the warden round here's a Nazi. Just swing it round the back of the showroom. Who was that? Those gentlemen are local artistes who've expressed an interest in honing their nude, still-life photography techniques. They look like the sort of men we were warned not to speak to on the way home from school. As they're paying 200 quid for an hour's studio time, me and Donna are more than happy to speak to them. You just stay down here staring disapprovingly at tits. Now her genies were out the bottle, Donna wanted quick, easy money and Fitzpatrick was precisely the kind of degenerate to help her find it. Elsewhere, the Swan family Beano was underway and nothing says quality time like a visit to the spot where it all began. It's so creepy down here. - We're not lost, are we, Vincent? - No-one's lost. We're nearly there. - Do you know what that is, kids? - What are we looking at? More boring trees. No, that's the spot where you were conceived. - Jesus, Vincent. - Right up against that big tree. - You actually think this is all right? - Urgh. - I want to go back to school. - What's conceived mean? You're going to have to do much better than this, Vincent. Okay. Fitzpatrick's photography class was soon exploring all the classical poses, naughty school girl, sexy tennis player, slutty nurse. And while a picture paints a thousand words, - turns out a video was gold dust. - Do you ever record these sessions? - Come on, mate, don't take the piss. - How much? - Another £200. - Each. Shit, really. You're both in? - Donna? - Yeah. All right wait here. All right, look, it's got auto focus so all you need to do is point and shoot. And then making copies is pretty easy. You just put the master copy into one machine, press play. Then take a blank tape and put it into the other machine and press play and record. There you go. That's it. If you film it and run off a couple of copies, there's a 20 in it for you. Hm, let me see. My dignity and self respect versus £20, that is a tough one. Come on, Donna doesn't give a shit. It's all tasteful Page 3 stuff. Yeah, Page 3 isn't really tasteful, though, is it? Oh, your KGB pal is back for more info. Tell you what, try and resist the urge to grass this time. Hello. Miss Barnes. Don't tell me? You liked our windows so much you're back for a free quote? Unfortunately, I'm here on official business, though you could sell me anything with those puppy dog eyes of yours. Any sign of your colleague Vincent Swan? I don't think I have a colleague called Vincent Swan. Nice, very good. The problem is our investigators have evidence that Mr Swan has been an employee of Cachet Windows for the last eight months. And yet no-one who works here seems to remember him. Isn't that strange... pretty face? That is strange but, like I said, I can't really help you... The thing is Mr... Call me Martin. Thing is, Martin, we could continue this charade for weeks until I eventually catch him, or we could investigate other avenues for making all of this unpleasantness disappear. I'm sorry, other avenues? Let's just say I'm more inclined to believe an individual when they're trying to be accommodating. Right now, I can see great potential for how accommodating you might be to me. Oh, my goodness. Is that the time? I must fly. Tell Mr Swan I'll be back tomorrow. - They look evil. - Dad, I'm scared. It's freezing, Vincent, can't we just eat these in the car? Don't be daft. Look around. This beats any al-fresco dining experience on the planet. Is al-fresco Italian for bleak and terrifying? All right, look, we're not going to let a couple of seagulls ruin our moment. They're predators, they won't attack if an alpha stares them down. I'll bog them out, you finish your dinner. Right, you thieving little bastards, stay away from my family. Really? He's obviously practised this before. All right, maybe we've all had about as much Vincent time as we can handle. Car. We're getting in the car this instant. - Right, your dad can do better than this. - What are you doing? Run! What I really wanted to show you was this creation. Would you like mine? We have to go on this! Go. Let's go, let's go. Let's go, let's go, run, run! Thank you. - They really needed that. - I enjoyed it. Good. So, are you heading back in tomorrow? No, I thought we could all go up to London. We can't keep them off school another day. Besides, it's Robbie's school trip tomorrow and I said you might chaperone him, if you were around. Where are they going? Is that a yes? I'm thinking about it. Right, well, it's Joseph And His Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat in Basildon Civic Centre. You're going have to make me spunk in a few more pairs of trousers - before I agree to that. - Well, that can be arranged. You two are disgusting. We weren't the only ones having a productive day. Right. I'll run off a few copies. Brian, can you tell them to hurry up, please. Bollocks. Uhm... blank tape. Bollocks. The next day, after Sam had persuaded me several times over, I agreed to take Robbie on his school trip. Right, wait here, I'll be back in a minute. But before that my other demanding children required some attention. - Morning, arseholes. - All right? - Right, I haven't got long, I've got to get on a coach with 35 snotty-nosed teenagers in half an hour. Ah, sweetheart. Some coffee and some toast, please. There we are. Thanks for doing these. You're welcome. Shut the lid, will ya? That fucking thing gives me the creeps. You're happy to sit in a room full of sex offenders taking tit pics of a teenager but lovable old ET gives you the creeps? That was business. This is different, innit? - I just don't trust his kind. - His kind? What, special effects puppets? You know what I mean. Fucking aliens. What is their game? I'm not sure they exist, let alone have a game. If they want me to be less suspicious, stop shining blinding white lights in my face. And speak through your mouths, don't send messages directly to my brain. That's fucking freaky. Most of these concerns appear to be based on Close Encounters Of The Third Kind. Speaking of close encounters, did our friendly neighbourhood tax inspector pay a visit? Yes, she did, and the good news is I might have found a way to get her off your back. The bad news is I think it involves me sleeping with her. It sounds like disastrous news. For her. A bit of, uhm, good old-fashioned sexual harassment. The sly minx. So, look, what's next? I don't feel comfortable asking you to sleep with her. Although I'm definitely going to insist he does exactly that. Lavender wasn't the only one holding the shitty end of the stick. When I'm old and you even think about putting me in a home, reflect back on this day, young Robbie. These are the sacrifices. Morning, girls. Is that your teacher? Yeah. Please don't embarrass me today, Dad. I wouldn't dream of it, I'll be on my best behaviour, son. - Okay. Morning, Miss Lyndsey. No need to run, Robbie. There's plenty of spaces left. - Vincent Swan, Robbie's dad. Thanks for coming. Your wife wasn't sure if you could make it. Wouldn't miss it for the world. In my day, it was always the naughty boys that sat at the back of the bus. Well, it still is, although it's not only the boys - that get up to no good. - Certainly not in my experience. Now, where would you like me, Miss Lyndsey? I think up front where I can keep my eye on you. Dad, saved you a seat. Dad! Oh, no. Quick, there's paper towels out in the toilets. - I should go with her, really. - Nah, she's all right. It's just through the door. Malteser? Thanks. Right, Robbie, you're going to need to walk home on your own. What? I thought you were taking me? I gotta get back to work, mate. - Okay. - I'll see ya. - See ya. Need a lift anywhere, Miss? Yeah, all right. Can I let you into a secret? I hate musicals. And I hate kids, so we're a pair of martyrs. Before you rush to judge, I'd just sat through three hours of Andrew fucking Lloyd Webber. I deserve a treat. Later that evening, Lavender was taking one for the team. As abuses of power go, it was hardly Watergate, but he was still terrified it might end with a deep throat. We're not that dissimilar, really, are we, Martin? We both get paid to go door to door, asking people if they'll hand over cash they don't want to. Not exactly. Our customers get a great product for their money. Our precision-engineered windows and doors are... Fucking hell I'm starting to sound like Vince... Winston. Oh, yeah, good old Winston Ston. Come on, we're outside of business hours now, you don't have to keep the guard up. Frankly, it's weird enough we're doing this anyway. This isn't that weird. I'm not usually this impulsive, there was just something about you that made me throw caution to the wind. Possibly the pretty face? Possibly. Another drink? No, thank you, I think I'd better be going actually. I've already crossed enough lines tonight to lose my job several times over. Okay, I'll walk you to your car. The thing is, though, Martin, once you've crossed the line... you might as well make damn sure it's worth it. That was one thing at least that the tax office and I could agree on. I'm going to need you to put your fingers inside me. - What, here? - Well, obviously here. But, I mean, it's quite public. Just do it. Oh! Now... Martin, tell me - your National Insurance number. - What? Your National Insurance number. Give it to me. And keep on doing that. Oh... - Uhm, it's NCW... - Oh! - 21, 55... - I think. - Now, slowly... your tax code. Sing it out. - It's 5, 7... - Mm... 7... 3... M... 1. Oh, yeah, emergency tax code. Yes, I'm almost there. Taxable income... for the last... tax year. - Seven thousand... - Oh! - ..eight hundred big ones. Oh, Martin. That is fucked up. She didn't want to screw you? Nope. After that she said goodnight, shook my hand and told me she wouldn't be around any more. She did leave this fucking great bite mark on my shoulder as a memento, though - Ouch. Might need a rabies shot for that, mate. Don't push your luck, mate. I've basically whored myself - to clear the coast for you. - You know I'd do the same for you, mate. Here. A token of my appreciation. Quite literally the wages of sin. But I'll take it. Cheers. - How long, chef? - Five minutes. Where are the kids? Inside watching ET. MUM! MUM! TITS! Like this? - Yeah, hold it like that. Squeeze them together. Right, turn this off! Kids, go upstairs. Go on! I want a word with your father. Can I shift this leg now? I've got pins and needles. Will you turn this fucking thing off? I seriously had no idea how Donna's twin peaks ended up in Spielberg's second act but I was pretty fucking certain who was to blame. I can explain. Right, you're going to get out there and recall every fucking copy I've sold before someone else's kids discover ET stands for - Extra Titties. - Straight away. I'll take care of it. Shit, boys, you'd better look at this. However, someone in the West Essex area has been selling pirated copies on poorly branded VHS tapes like these. You've got to be fucking kidding me. Universal Pictures are offering a £1,000 reward for information leading to an arrest. Now, these pirate recordings do not only feature the lovable alien, there's also a rather bizarre intermission featuring a conventionally pretty young lady. Maybe you know the young lady involved, or maybe you recognise the room where she's modelling... Holy Mother of God! Stanford 4163. Sorry, he's out, Walshy. You'll have to calm down, I can't understand a word you're saying. Walshy was on the warpath. He'd seen Police Five and was threatening to sack us all first thing Monday. So, not only did I have to torch the entire fucking pirate ET stock, I had to call Ronnie Farrell and explain why he had to collect his equipment immediately. He took it reasonably well, for a dangerous sociopath. 200 I've already paid you, plus 100 for the inconvenience. Fair enough. And finally there's a hire fee for using my equipment without my permission. Sorry, what's that? Another 200. But, somehow, come Monday morning we still had our jobs. Right, what the fuck has been going on in...! What are you going on about? What? I saw Police fucking Five. Have you been out in the sun a bit too much this weekend, Tony? Tony, your wife called. I told her you were busy hunting for topless models. But she said call her back immediately. Looks like someone should "phone home." I'll take it downstairs. I know you pricks have been up to something. Oh, this came for you, Martin. Oh, the conniving little shit! - She must have done a background check on me! - What's happened? It's a demand from the tax office for unpaid national insurance. 230 quid! Ha, that'll teach ya. There's always hidden costs when you finger-bang old grannies over the bins. Really, you should be paying this, Vincent. Oh, I would, mate, but I've told you, I'm a conscientious objector when it comes to tax. Where's that weaseley wee cunt? Is that Fitzpatrick you're after, Brendan? Listen, I will pay your tax bill, Okay? Just don't tell him I'm up here. I'll pay it myself, mate, this'll be a lot more fun. He's up here, Brendan! Nobody makes money out of my daughter's tits except me. Come here! I'll kill you, you thieving bastard. ♪ As I lie here, thinking of you ♪ ♪ I realise that nothing is new ♪ I can't hold it in. I really need to go, Dad. - I'll pull over. - No, I don't want to go in the bushes. We're miles away from a pub, so you're going to have to. - Please, Dad! - All right, try and take your mind off it. - Ask me a question. - Like what? - Anything you want. - Okay. How do you sleep at night? What is that supposed to mean? Mark Wilson's dad asked me. He said you rip people off, selling them expensive windows and getting them in debt. Well, the next time you see him, tell him your old dad sleeps just fine and he can go fuck himself, the jealous prick. Really? Excellent. Actually, don't say that, all right? Is it true, though? Do you get people in debt? Look, Rob, I sell windows, and a lot of fucking windows, I might add, to people all over our town. I don't put a gun to their head. They want to buy from me. Can they always afford it? Probably not, but as far as I know it's not illegal to sell things to people just cos they're too stupid to know if they can afford them. I think that is illegal. I saw it on World in Action. - Really? Dad, I've got to go now! All right, let me pull over. What's here? Why are you stopping here? - Just nip in that hedge. No-one's coming, Rob, they're not going to see you. What about wiping my bum? Here you go. Dad, what are these? Better than Andrex. - I'm arriving at base now, Gremlin, but if you could keep an eye on that traffic for me it'd be much appreciated. Over. There's a Kojak with a Kodak on the A13 flyover. Thanks, Gremlin. I've got some earwiggers on the horizon so I'm out for now, good buddy. Roger-rodge. 10-10. Here he is. Smokey and the Bum Bandit. Morning, Rubber Ducky. Yep, very good. Okay, let's do this properly, who or what is a Gremlin? He's a mate. And his name's actually Gremlin? No, that's his handle. It's like a CB nickname. And your handle is...? Nice try, but save your breath, I'm not embarrassed about this. Good for you. And your handle is...? Widow Maker. (HE CHUCKLES) Treated myself to a rig for the car, Tri-Star, dual bandwidth, 48 channels, complete with mag-mounted DV27 antennae. Basically it's a monster. You said that like we're supposed to give a shit. Yeah, well, you should. Pretty soon you'll be wondering how you ever lived without one of these babies. Other than for pretending you're in the Dukes of Hazzard I'm struggling to think of a single use for it. Pre-ordering a prossie to murder at the next truck stop? Two uses. Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up, Luddites. Aw, don't be like that, Widow Maker! Come on! He was right about one thing, we couldn't live without one of those babies. So we got a cheap rig, secretly installed it in Walshy's office and roped in Carol, who as well as being Britain's lousiest receptionist had a genuine talent for mimicry. Breaker breakers, this is the Sexy Elf. Any takers? Is that all right? Now, your average CB enthusiast is male, lives with his mum and is about as likely to drive a truck as he is to have lost his cherry. As soon as the Elf hit the airwaves, they were practically rutting one another for her attention. - 10-2, Sexy Elf, this is Wheelnut reading you wall-to-wall. Where've you been all my life, Sexy Elf? This is The Beastmaster sending out 3s and 8s. - (STATIC) - Fancy an eyeball, Elf? - (STATIC) - Hey, Elf, ignore these prairie dogs, let's knock it up 10 for a one-to-one. - (STATIC) - I've got no trousers on. Eventually she hooked the big one. (STATIC) Afternoon, Elf, this is the Widow Maker. What's your 10-20? 10-20... Location. Hi, Widow Maker. I'm approaching Chelmsford town centre, on a bus. - You're on a bus? - Fuck me. It's called improvising. I'm driving a bus. A bus driver. You sound like my kind of sexy elf. And you sound dangerous, Widow Maker. As in mysterious. Not like a rapist. After an hour of some fairly horrific flirting, the Widow Maker finally worked up the bottle to ask the Elf on a date. Tri-Star, 48 channels. Dual bandwidth. Ooh! Impressive kit. I'd love to see it. 'And after that maybe I'll show you my CB radio too.' (SHE LAUGHS) I'll show you mine if you show me yours. I'm up for an eyeball if you are? Eyeball? Eyeball... That's a meet-up. Jackpot. I thought I was going to have to flash my chuff. Yeah, why not, Widow Maker? They fixed up to meet later that night at Thorndon Country Park. This is The Widow Maker. I'm 10-8 at the 10-20. I think I can see you, Sexy Elf. Widow Maker, meet the Sexy Elf. You cunts! Only Fitzpatrick didn't explode, it was far worse than that. (HE SOBS) Oh, God! Look at me. He'd married his childhood sweetheart, Maureen, when he was 18 but over the years she'd put on a tonne of weight due to an underactive thyroid gland. This, combined with the realisation that she had to live with Fitzpatrick for the rest of her miserable life had made her clinically depressed and, lately, even physically abusive. Why don't you just do everyone a big favour, yeah, and fuck off? ! Go on, fuck off! Go on, fuck off down to the shed, you little sad bastard. Maureen! - The neighbours! - Your jumper's shit! (DOOR SLAMS) The closest thing he had to a social life was us and the complete tools he befriended on CB radio. Breaker breaker, this is the Widow Maker. I can't leave her. Man, that's rough. I feel terrible now, Brian. Can I give you a hand job at least, to say sorry? Jesus, Carol. No, you're all right. Now it was awkward and weird. To be perfectly honest with you, And not solely because he'd barely uttered a word about Thyroid in the year I'd known him. It was more down to the fact that whenever I laid on treats for the team, he went at it like a man possessed. Oh, yeah! Oh, Mummy. Frankly it was off-putting for the rest of us That's top quality. (HE GRUNTS) Oh, I'm going to sell even more fucking windows next week. Anyway, after the CB awkwardness, I had to placate Fitzpatrick in the only way I knew how. Only this time he was exiled to conduct his nasty business behind closed doors. That's it. It still sounded like someone was mating a gorilla upstairs, but that was a vast improvement on actually seeing his ratty little sex face. Yeah, oh, woman. Big Brian needs woman. Oh, yeah! Unfortunately this venue change for Fitzpatrick's depravity didn't go unnoticed. Vincent, you cunt! - You're not going to... - Get up here! Just excuse me one minute. You disgusting pig, Vincent! I've got a meeting in 20 minutes. I've got a bum stain on my desk and a rubber Johnny in my fucking bin! Much like the derriere that left its mark on Walshy's desk, I didn't mind taking a pounding for the sake of Fitzpatrick's morale. Whose bum is this, for Christ's sake? Morning, homo sapiens. Emphasis on the homo. So unnecessary. Pretty soon Fitzpatrick was back to his cocky, old unpleasant self. Now that's what you call man management. And seeing as I'd already taken a bollocking for the misuse of Walshy's office, I figured I might as well commit the crime. Come here, you. I do hope you're going to brush your teeth before you teach my second born. You're unbelievable. Do you talk like that to Sam? Okay, let's get one thing straight. What, so you can make jokes about me teaching Robbie, but she's off limits? Oh, so when is it acceptable to mention her, then? I need some guidelines. Half an hour after a shag? Ten minutes after a blowie? Five for fingering? I'm sorry for being touchy. Just... don't mention fingering. You know it turns me on. No, we can't, I'm late enough. I've still got to prepare the classroom, and floss my teeth. Oh. Hello, Miss Lyndsey. Oh, hi, Mrs Swan. Shouldn't you be somewhere else? Sports day training this afternoon, so I get a long lunch. Bye. Hello, gorgeous. I want a word with you. Upstairs. Now. Yeah? What's she doing here? Getting her hair cut. What do you think? It certainly beats dragging the whole class down here during lesson time. Don't get fucking smart with me, Vincent. I've already had Boring Anne from next door take great fucking pleasure in telling me how she saw you two driving through town together. You'd better not be screwing our son's schoolteacher. Jesus, Sam, calm down. I didn't even know you were being serious. Of course I'm not fucking Robbie's teacher. If I find out you're lying to me... I'm not lying to you, baby. Look, I gave her a lift home from the musical. She started telling me about how her mum wanted a new conservatory, That was it. I was chasing a lead. Well, just fucking think about how it looks before you start gallivanting around town with our son's pretty, young teacher. Miss Lyndsey, pretty? I hadn't noticed. You're such an arsehole. Come here. (PHONE RINGS) One sec. Yeah. Vince, some bird's on the line. Says she's the editor of the local paper. You'd better stick her through. Vincent Swan speaking. Hello, Mr Swan? Please, call me Vincent. Now guess which handsome silver-tongued devil has just been shortlisted for a prestigious business award? That's the editor of the Essex Chronicle on the phone giving me the good news. In their infinite wisdom, her readers have nominated yours truly as their Entrepreneur of the Year. I've always taken great pride in my rapport with my clients but this... Well, it's an honour. I think you should try and attend the awards ceremony later this month. Seats are £100 a head... Well, I think we'll take a whole table, then, shall we? (CHEERING) I wanted the whole team there to witness my finest hour. I even invited Fitzpatrick's miserable wife. And bring Thyroid. She could do with a night out. - Do you mean Maureen? - Oh, yeah, sorry, Maureen. This palatial abode is the house that Vincent Swan paid for. Unfortunately, it belongs to Walshy. Ironically the more money I make for him, the less time he spends doing any actual work. Walshy, my old mucker. This can't be good fucking news. Tony was his usual bountiful self. - Bollocks. - The publicity alone will be worth it. Do me a favour, the publicity's free. You've already delivered me that. What you're asking is will I shell out 800 quid on a steak dinner to watch you being an unbearably smug wanker? Errr... No. Well, if that's your attitude I'll pay for a table myself, you tight prick. Close the gate on your way out. I spent the next few weeks making sure that as many people as possible knew about my impending glory. - I even laid out another 500 quid on this understated advertorial. You have a lovely day. No, no, the pleasure's all mine. All right, ta. You look like the cat that got the cream sucked out of his balls. That was the editor of The Chronicle. She said it wouldn't be a terrible idea if I started preparing a speech. How about, "Dear mentals in charge of voting, "thank you for collectively losing your minds." It sounds like you're a shoe-in, boss. It certainly fucking does. - My big night arrived, the Essex Prestige Awards dinner. Although looking at my fellow attendees, you'd have thought I'd wandered into a convention for the Boring and Ugly Society. Everywhere you looked there were horrors, fat, sweaty messes of men with bad hair, bad suits and tired-looking wives. With one notable exception. Sam looked absolutely stunning, like a Hollywood film star from the '50s. A film star who'd accidently been dropped off at a two-star hotel function room somewhere in Essex. Sensational, isn't she? I get a boner just knowing every man in here would crawl naked over broken glass smeared in leopard shit to sniff the sweaty nutsack of the man who takes her to bed every night. Ah, Vincent Swan. My pleasure. I'm looking, but I don't see the white stick? (THEY CHUCKLE) Yeah, well, my sight came back a year after we were married but by then it was too late. Old golfing buddies. Vincent applied for a job with me but it wasn't a good fit. A bit like that suit. Must be hard being between children's and grown-up sizes, eh? Well, it was a pleasure meeting you, Sam. If you ever need a job, give me a call. We're always on the lookout for the right type of people at Millman Young. And who's this beauty? I take it you paid her to be your escort for the night? Very good. No, this is my wife, Belinda. Lovely to meet you. And here's my card. If you ever need a man that isn't three inches shorter than average in every department, give me a call. See you later, little prick. Vincent! Sometimes you gotta call a little prick a little prick. Do you want to go and join the others? I'll be over in a minute. Yeah. Hi, Carol. Ah, Mr Mayor. Vincent Swan, Cachet Windows. Now I do hope Grandad hasn't been boring the tits off you... So, what did you do before you joined Cachet, Martin? I was in bands. Do you know Paul Young? Sorry, not really. Neither does he any more. He got dumped from his band before they had a number one hit. I wasn't dumped. I left. To get a proper job. And now you work for Tony? No, it's fine. Performing to millions on Top Of The Pops didn't really appeal to me. I much prefer the high-octane thrill of an awards dinner in a Ramada hotel on the edge of Chelmsford. I don't meet many ex-musicians. Technically he's not an ex, he's a failed musician. He can still play an instrument, it's just no-one wants him to. And technically you're a bell-end, aren't you? Right, does anyone apart from Fitzpatrick want a drink? I'm just going to the bar. I'm all right, thanks, love. Can I have a snakebite, please? Classy. Thy... Maureen? A double of... Of... anything that will take the edge off. Righty-ho. Sam? No, I'm good, thanks. I'll have a pint, please, Lavatory. Good to know. You can get it yourself. Come on, if you're going. I'm going, but just so that you're clear, I'm definitely not bringing you back a pint. Don't be a dick! So, Maureen, How did you and Brian meet? I can't remember. Really? Well, I remember exactly the day I met Vincent. It was nine months before Nat was born. Really, it was! I think you call that a hole in one. I don't know how you find the time to raise kids and teach. Oh, I'm not a teacher. Oh, sorry. I could've sworn Brian said you were your son's teacher. Must've been talking about another Vincent. Actually, you know what? I think I do fancy that drink after all. Excuse me. Still here? Hello. Hello? Mate, sorry, could I? - Two pints of lager, please. - Yeah. Mate, come on, he's literally just got here. There's got to be some semblance of an order? Hi, could I get a pint of lager and a glass of red wine, please? - Make it a large one. - Cool. Just taking the piss now. Cheers. Oh, hi, Sam. Yeah, sorry, I'll get these. Yeah, I know you will. I'm just making sure we get served before last orders. Turns out I've got the bar presence of the invisible man. So this must seem a far cry from hanging out with pop stars. I was in the band of an "about to pop" star. It wasn't really that glamourous. You must miss it, though? Yeah, a bit, especially on nights like this. There was a stage I was playing to a room this size, now I'm making small talk with Fitzpatrick and Thyroid... Sorry, Maureen. Thyroid? She had a thyroid problem, it affected her weight. Sorry, that sounded mean. Yeah, that's quite mean. But no need to apologise. I can't stand the rude, fat bitch. She is a charmer, isn't she? Why, what's she said to upset you? Nothing I can't handle. Ladies and gentlemen, please return to your tables. Dinner will be served in five minutes. Right, well, better get back, then, before Thyroid swipes our starters. (HE LAUGHS) Shouldn't you be sitting next to Vincent? I could always move Thyroid back if you'd rather? - Nah. More wine? - Yeah, please. I think there's been a mix-up. You're supposed to be over here. I'm all right where I am, thank you very much. Babe, I want you over here, next to me. And I want you to be less of a shitbag husband but we can't always have what we want in life, can we? Right. So, Maureen, it looks like you're my neighbour tonight. So where's Brian been hiding you this past year, eh? And I'm disappointed with his choice of profession and sexual impotence, so it swings both ways, doesn't it? Right, who wants some bubbly? Oh, yeah, before we get stuck in can we just establish how we're splitting the bill? I'm not really a champagne drinker, so I might as well get my own. It's all right, Scrooge McFuck, this is my treat, a thank you to everyone who made it all possible, and you. Excuse me, sweetheart, who do I have to suck off around here to get a bottle of your finest champagne? Oh, and a snakebite, please. Thyroid continued to be the life and soul of the evening. Even though we couldn't have kids I always knew Brian would be a very disappointing father. MUSIC: Enola Gay by OMD Excuse me. That is overdone. All right? Take it away. I want to eat it, not re-sole my shoe with it. Don't take this the wrong way, Carol, but you remind me of a dog. Eventually I excused myself from the feast of fun and went to prepare for my acceptance speech. Thank you for this unexpected honour... (HE SNORTS) I hadn't actually prepared a speech, but after a quick session with my favourite aide-memoire, I felt certain I could find the words. Ladies and gentlemen, can you give a warm welcome to your host for the awards this evening, managing editor of The Essex Chronicle, Miss Sharon Webb. (APPLAUSE) Good evening. Or should I say, good year, for what a year it's been for the companies and business leaders of Essex gathered here tonight. Without further ado we're moving straight onto tonight's opening category, Entrepreneur of the Year, sponsored by Mr Rossi's Ice Cream of Southend-on-Sea. Mucho grazie, Mr Rossi. (CHEERING) Now, the first winner of this award is someone who's taken a fledgling sales team in southwest Essex and recorded record profits in their business's first year of trading, a man whose employees have described as an inspirational leader, his clients have called him impressive, trustworthy and charming. Ladies and gentleman, please give a huge congratulations to the winner of the Essex Prestige Awards' first ever Entrepreneur of the Year, Mr Andrew Davies of Millman Young Publishing. Sorry, Sharon, it looks like someone's had a bit too much sauce with their steak. He's on stage if you'd like to collect him. Sorry, who are you? Vincent Swan. Entrepreneur of the year. Keep up. I think there's been a mix-up. This is our Entrepreneur of the Year, Mr Andrew Davies, from Millman Young Publishing. Please leave the stage. I think someone had a bit too much icing sugar on their profiteroles. Let's keep this dignified. (ANDREW LAUGHS) Well, that's the magic of live television, I guess! Maybe next year we don't give a table to Alcoholics Anonymous. (LAUGHTER) What's so fucking funny, Brian? That... That went better than how I imagined. What went better? I'm really sorry, Vincent. I didn't think he'd take it this far. Wait. You had something to do with this? Vincent Swan, meet Sharon Webb. ("SHARON" VOICE:) Hello, Vincent. You cunts. Who's the king of pranks now, then, eh? You were never up for an award, you silly tosser. Do you know how much I've spunked on this table and that fucking advertorial? Yeah, well, if you play with the big boys, them's the stakes. (HE LAUGHS) For the record, I had no idea about this, mate. If I'd known it was going to be this entertaining I'd have paid for dinner myself. Shut up, you wally! You're fired. All right, let's call a truce on the pranks now, shall we? No, read my lips. You're fucking sacked. Whatever you say, boss(! ) Walshy will finish up with you next week. It'll be minus whatever the fuck I've laid out feeding you and Little Miss Sunshine over there. Seriously? All right, so you can... You can dish it out but you can't take it? Walshy, he can't sack me for that. Tell him. Yeah, look, maybe we should all calm down and pick this up in the morning, eh? No, you make a decision right now, Tony. It's me or him. Well? Sorry, Brian. Unbelievable. It was only a joke. Right. Come on, Sam. Sam, tell him it was a joke. I didn't know he was going to go on the stage. They didn't even call his name out. Ah, Mr Swan! It's Miss Barnes from the tax office. Not now. Congratulations on your meteoric rise from gardener to award-nominated sales superstar. The funny thing is, I'd completely given up the ghost until this shameful piece of self-promotion landed in my lap. Vincent, who is this? Why don't you save me the Lieutenant Columbo bollocks - and do what you've come to do. - I would be delighted. Vincent Swan, I have here a demand for unpaid tax for the last 12 months. Given that you were kind enough to publish details of your sales performance, we've estimated that you currently owe us £50,000 in unpaid tax and fines. You will find details in this document. Have a wonderful evening. Another secret you were hoping I'd never find out about. Fucking hell. Don't walk away from me, Vincent. Are you going to say anything? I'll sort it. How? How does it get sorted, Vincent? Eh? Are you going to find 50 grand down the back of the sofa? Like I always do, on my own. This isn't a game, Vincent. It's not another one of your showroom pranks. It's £50,000. We could lose our house, everything. Will you slow down? I don't remember you being so concerned about my tax affairs while you were out fucking spending all over the place. Fucking hell, that is pathetic, even for a scumbag like you. Okay, will you stop speaking to me like I'm some sort of a cunt, please? Well, it's hard not to, Vincent, when you behave like such a fucking cunt all the time. There's a line, Sam, that's all I'm saying, all right? There's only so much I can take. A line you crossed by fucking our son's schoolteacher. She wanted a conservatory. I just wish you had the fucking bollocks to admit it. I mean, I've always known you were a fucking piece of shit, but what's Robbie going to think, eh? What kind of father does that make you? All right, fine. I am sleeping with her. Is that better? Why? Why would you do that to us, Vincent? Just go inside, Sam. I can't do this tonight. You fucking piece of shit. You fucking useless, fucking cunt! (SHE SOBS) Just go inside. Where are you going to fucking go, eh? You go back to that fucking whore tonight, don't you ever come back here, Vincent. MUSIC: Waiting For A Girl Like You by Foreigner (SHE SOBS) ♪ So long ♪ ♪ I've been looking too hard I've been waiting too long ♪ ♪ Sometimes I don't know what I will find ♪ ♪ I only know it's a matter of time ♪ ♪ When you love someone ♪ ♪ It feels so right, so warm and true ♪ ♪ I need to know if you feel it too ♪ The most important thing for you kids to know is that this divorce is not your fault. Agreed. It's definitely not your fault. Whose fault is it then? Doesn't have to be anyone's fault, you know? I just want to know who to blame for ruining my life. I mean what if a mum, or let's say a dad, had an affair... would the divorce be all their fault? - No. - Yes! It bloody well would! Do not be bitter in front of the children, remember? Sorry. Look, sweetheart, there are loads of reasons why couples break up. Yeah, just not in this case. I'm not a mug, Dad. I've had enough of your crap. Robbie. You all right, mate? Rob, it's really important, babe, that you share all of your feelings in regards to the break-up of your family. Tell him, Vincent. Do you know what I think would make you feel a lot better about this divorce? How about an Atari games console? Oh, yes, please! Skills! The book says not to bribe. Books are overrated. I feel better now. Thanks, Dad. Right, well, I shall be on my way. Why do you always have to be such an arsehole? Because without arseholes, Samantha, shit would never get done. Sometimes when a Mum and a Dad fall out of love, it's better for everyone if they stop being husband and wife and start living in different houses. Which is why I now live in a flat Ronnie Farrell used to rent out to a dominatrix. Hello. Is Mistress Trixie available? Mistress Trixie doesn't live here any more, all right. Oh, Okay. Who does then? Look, mate, I'm really not in the mood for this. - Why not? - Why not? Because I'm getting divorced. Because I owe the taxman 50 fucking grand. Because I've gone from being salesman of the century to a schlub who can't sell shit. But mainly because I spend my entire fucking life on this phone talking to perverts like you. I'm sorry, sounds like you've got a lot on your plate. You don't fancy 20 quid and let me fuck you hard up the arse, do ya? Come on, mate, have some fucking decency, yes? - Tenner for a blowjob? - I'm hanging up. You have two new messages. Oh, hello, Mr Swan. My name's Emma Lyndsey. My neighbours have been complaining about the cries of passion and ecstasy coming from my bedroom, so I was hoping you could pop over and soundproof my windows. A double glazing-based sex fantasy. She's a keeper. Mr Swan. It's Abigail Barnes, your favourite government employee here. Just a call to let you know we've fixed a date for your case hearing. May 29th. So that's a whole six weeks to come up with £50,000. - Fuck. Fucking fuck! - Have a nice day. What now? Vincent? It's Brian. Can I come up? This place is nice. Let's cut the small talk bollocks. Why are you here? Look, I just came round to try and make things right between us. And before you say anything, I'm not trying to get my job back. Good, because you're not fucking getting it back. Ever. Like I said, just... came to apologise and hopefully in time you'll be able to forgive me. So... thanks for listening. Right. Well, off you fuck then. Right. Oh, there was one more thing, would it be all right if I pop by the showroom, just to pick up a few bits and pieces, say goodbye to the team properly? No-one gives a shit about you but it's a free country. Thanks, Vincent. Good night mate, ah... With its haunting aroma of stale sex and 24-hour pervert hotline, Trixie's flat felt like purgatory. I had to get out. It was so bad that even a sofa that smelt of Walshy's arse-crack felt like an upgrade. Hello? Hello? Shit! Fucking Walshy. Hello? I'm coming up. I warn you! I'm armed! I guess I could've told Walshy I was sleeping in the office but if you're about to tap someone up for 50 grand, it's probably best not to do it in last night's piss stained Y-fronts. Fucking hell, Vincent! You could knock... Sorry, Mum, but before you send me to my room, I'm getting straight to the point. It's about time you made me a partner. And don't give me any grief, all right. I've already made you a mint. No, no, I think you being a partner's a great idea. Yeah? Too right. Have a seat. I've been looking for someone to invest in the business. How much were you thinking of putting in? More like what I was looking to take out. Namely, me. See, I was thinking to keep me motivated for the foreseeable future, the business could invest in me to the tune of 50 grand. How does that sound? Un-fucking likely. You're not going to quit and we both know it. What we both do know is without me you'd have lost that disgusting shirt on your hairy fucking back by now. That was before your recent personal problems. You ain't selling shit at the moment, boy. Sales have dipped, granted, but that's more due to a downturn in consumer confidence, - market forces. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. You tell yourself whatever bollocks you like, bottom line is our consumers have lost confidence in you. So unless you start selling windows for me, the only thing you'll get from me is a fucking P-45! Now, are we done here? I need a shit. How come you look so fucking cheerful? Guess who just reeled in a big one? Congrats, mate. What was it, your first conservatory? Bit bigger, and smells of piss more. You've lost me. I've just landed us the contract for the refurbishment of the old people's home on Wickford Road. Fucking 42 windows and 12 doors. This old mate of mine from Chelmsford Grammar works for the council and he made sure the order came our way. Fuck me. That's incredible news. If this goes well we could end up on the council's list of approved suppliers. I'll go give Walshy the glad tidings. Hold your horses. Now, congrats on the Old Girls network coming through, but strictly speaking this is a commercial deal, and as such it has to go through the commercial sales arm. What? What fucking commercial sales arm? No-one's ever mentioned a commercial sales arm. Vincent Swan, head of commercial sales at your service. Now, don't worry, I'll make sure you get a nice finders bonus. I'd better go give Walshy the glad tidings. And look, mate, I'm sorry, I don't make the rules. I know, I do make the rules. And that was a dick move. Even for me. Walshy! Stop tugging on that pencil dick and prepare to be happy. Hello, Millman Young. Hi, it's Sam Swan. I've got a meeting with Little Prick. I mean, Andrew Davis. Sorry, was that Andrew Davis? Yeah, Andrew Davis. - Come in. - Okay. Are you sure you should be here? I told you, Vincent and I had a little sit down, cleared the air. Now take a seat, Carol. In fact, Vincent practically begged me to come by and share with you my life-changing news. And I know you'll be amazed. Please be a sex change. Actually, no, this is better. My name is Brian Fitzpatrick and I used to be morbidly obese. - No, you didn't. - Can I just finish the presentation, I'll answer questions afterwards? I'm ashamed to say that before you knew me I used to be a fat fuck, as you can see from this picture of me as a teenager. Oh, my God! You've lost so much weight. That's incredible! And grown a different face. That is incredible. Can I have a closer look? I think you'll find, Carol, that most of the Nature-Burn Community are unrecognisable once they lose the weight. You see, it's thanks to Nature-Burn's supply of vitamin supplements and diet pills that I became the slender man I am today. And always have been. Well, look, here's a little advance on your commission. That should keep the taxman off your back for a bit. Well done to Cachet's Head Of Commercial Sales! Who? What the fuck is going on, Brian? Well, I just popped by to pick up a few things and then the guys started peppering me with questions about my new business venture. No, you said Vincent was begging you to tell us all about your life-changing news. I think what we need to focus on here is that I have life-changing news. I've had enough of this place. Hang on, I was just about tell you Nature-Burn's... Shove your diet pills up your arse. Well, unfortunately Nature-Burn don't do suppositories, but soon as they do, I'll happily shove them up my arse. Martin, mate, hold up, let me buy you a pint. So, these diet pills work then? How much you charging? £30 for a month's supply. But I am running a one week's free trial to get people hooked... I mean, to get them on the road to a healthier lifestyle. I'm prepared to make that exclusive one-time offer exclusively to you, Tony. What about me? Well, I'm prepared to make that exclusive one-time offer exclusively to you as well, Carol. Thank you. And one for you. We're celebrating. Seriously, if you've just followed me here to wind me up... No, it's not like that. I told you, I'm going to make sure you get your cut from this deal. Just has to go through the right channels first. The right channel being your back pocket? No, mate, it's not like... You've got to be shitting me! Congratulations, Sam. If you thought going on a date with Essex's answer to Jimmy Krankie would wind me up, you were right. Now, now, Vincent. This isn't a date as such. I'm happy to say I've just hired Sam as my new PA and this is a working lunch. We're talking about her new duties. Yeah, well, she doesn't need a fucking job so I suggest you look elsewhere! Er, pipe down, Tarzan. I'll be the one deciding if I need a job. I can provide for my family, Sam. Sorry about this, Andrew. I just need a minute, is that all right? If you're such a great fucking provider then why did the building society call to say - that we're behind on the mortgage? - I'm sorting it. Save me the bullshit, Vincent. You're not capable of sorting anything right now. So please fuck off before I lose the only source of income for my family. Sorry about that. We are not skint. Give that to the fucking building society! I think they might prefer a cheque or a standing order, old chap. Try and save some of that money, yeah? You've got Robbie for the day tomorrow and you'll need to buy him something for his tea. - Vincent? - Yes, I know! I stole your deal, Okay? But I also said I would see you right, like I have done these previous ten months while you've sold jack shit, so please, stop fucking crying about it. Here. That husband of yours is tremendously entertaining. Oi, shithead. Those diet pills you're flogging. They're basically just speed, right? No way. I don't care what Esther fucking Rantzen said on That's Life, these are bona fide health supplements, not re-packaged Purple Hearts. Well, I'm not buying any then. No, no, no, no, wait, hang on. All right, yeah, they're speed, but they're 100% pure and they're good shit. Trust me, you'll be flying. And boy did I need something to bring the old Vincent Swan mojo back. My whole shitting world was falling apart. And it wasn't only Walshy and Little Prick taking advantage of my recent dip in performance. Brrm, brrm, mate! Fuck. Things are worse than I thought. Usually these zit-faced little fuckers would rue the day they yanked my chain. Not now. Shit, they can literally smell the weakness pouring out of me. Mr Burglar? Fuck. Show yourself. Come out whoever you are. Hello? - Who's that? - Morning, Carol. Jesus Christ. Almost. It's me. You all right? You scared the shit out of me. The lights have just turned themselves off. - Must be the poltergeist. - The what? Same thing happened to Walshy yesterday. The showroom's haunted. It definitely smells like something died in here. Sorry about that. Dodgy tum. I think it's those diet pills. Or maybe this place really is haunted. Spirits, send us a sign. Don't... Hello? Yeah, this is Carol. Oh, thank God, I thought you were a poltergeist. Never mind. Yeah, he's here. One second. It's Sam. Really angry. Shit. Robbie! Tell her I'm on my way. Meanwhile recent events had driven Lavender back into the arms of an old flame. Very good, so you were in Paul Young's band just before he made it big? Yeah. No, commercial success didn't really appeal to me. Well, here in Ben Billing's band we're all about the music. Now our bassist has broken his arm, and we need a replacement for tonight's warm-up gig. Then, and I don't know if you're up for this, we're going to be heading up north to tour to support the miners. Love supporting the miners. "Support The Miners!" I could well be interested in coming on the tour, thank you. Are you sure? Because it's a very long commitment, and I'll be straight with you, last couple of gigs we've had some unwelcome attention from National Front thugs. Sure. I am done working for The Man. I mean, I've probably got to give The Man a couple of weeks' notice, but after that I'm ready to quit this town and get back on the fucking road. Not to mention get back on the booze and the drugs and the groupies! Well, I'm sober these days. Yeah, I'm more hopped up on the notion of trying to change shit politically through music. Yeah. Me too. That's what I meant. Glad to hear it, comrade. Your bloody pills are making me feel like shit. Me too. Can't be the pills. They've been scientifically tested. By scientists. Maybe it's the showroom poltergeist? It's not a ghost, Carol, it's his shitty pills. What's this low-life doing here? Haven't you got a job or a park bench to get to? This is my job. Thank you very much. First client progress session, the daily weigh-in. As soon as we're done, I'll be out of your hair. We are done, mate. I don't need a weigh-in to tell me I've lost 2st because that's how much shit has flown out of my arse in the past 24 hours! All right, let's keep things civil. You don't have to take the pills, Tony. They're a free trial, although you should know that there might be some withdrawal symptoms. What kind of fucking symptoms? Shakes, headaches, a few of the old suicidal thoughts. Should only last a couple of days. Week tops. Okay. Walshy, a quick word? Before you top yourself, can you forward me the rest of the commission on the retirement home? Until the ink is dry on the contract Vincent, you've got two chances, no chance, and no fucking chance. Now, would you all excuse me, please? I need a poo. All right, Carol, where's Lavender? I need him to get the contract signed by his bum-chum down at the council. - He's at the dentist all morning. - I'll do it myself. Can you watch Robbie for a few hours? No can do. I'm meeting a white witch this afternoon. Course you are. I can do it. I'm doing fuck all. I mean, I could probably move a few clients around, make some space. Really? - Tenner. - Christ. All right. Look, Uncle Brian is going to keep an eye on you for a couple of hours, all right? What! I knew today was going to be boring. Listen, my number one son, you'll get to spend some quality time with Daddy, straight after Daddy gets back from closing a big fucking deal with the man from the council. Those Ataris don't grow on trees, you know. For the next hour, I'm going to forget my life's a shit-show and seal this fucking deal using the old Vincent Swan magic. First, I just might need some help from our old purple friends. It's show-time, folks! I've been waiting two fucking hours! Two fucking hours! I told you, Mr Swan, you haven't booked an appointment. Mr Osbourne is a busy man. Mr Swan? Rick Osbourne? Vincent Swan, Cachet Windows Head Of Commercial Sales. I'm Martin Lavender's boss. Sorry to barge in on you like this. Really? Martin works for you? Yeah. I see myself more as a mentor, a father figure. Right, well, I'm actually on my way to another meeting right now so if you want to fix up an appointment with Sarah, we'll discuss this another time, Okay? Rick, I'll skip the foreplay and jump straight into the penetration then. We are very happy to be supplying windows to the old people's home but in order cut the lead-time we need to get the contract signed and the deposit paid. As I said, Mr Swan, talk to Sarah about an appointment. - There's no hurry. - No, no, no, there is a big fucking hurry indeed. Look, I have the contract here, so if you fancy signing it. Sorry, mate. Sweating like a pig. All right. I was dreading telling Martin this, but it's actually going to be a lot of fun telling you. There was an emergency council budget meeting last night. The bloodsuckers on the council finally got their way. We're closing the retirement home. Makes more fiscal sense selling the land to a supermarket chain. So the deal's off, I'm afraid. Fuck. Well, that's tragic. The poor residents are being relocated to a council facility 17 miles away. Fuck them, Rick. They're nearly dead. I'm 31! How am I going to pay my mortgage? You got any other high-end commercial deals you want to sling Lavender's way? Rick? Please. Oh, come on, mate. The choice was simple, either sell the Swan family home or spend my 30s in debtors' prison. The way I saw it, they could always get rehoused, whereas I wouldn't be able to get a new arsehole. Sarah, love, who do I have to sleep with around here to jump the waiting list for a council house? The mark-up on these, it's incredible. What are you doing here? I'm just baby-sitting young Robbie here. We've had a right laugh, haven't we, Robbie? Uncle Fitzpatrick says I'm a bit on the chubby side so he gave me some of these. As a gift. You can explain that to his mum. Nice wheels. You're funny. No, no, I'm serious. I always wanted a Chopper. Ape-hanger handle-bars and the old suicide clutch. It's a classic. Yeah, well, we're a bit short of cash so I had to sell my car... so, yeah, that's embarrassing. Come on. I'll drive you guys home. Or, better still, you drive you guys home and I'll take the Chopper. All right. He's mental. - A nutter. - What is he doing? Honestly. What the fuck have you done, Vincent? Oh, God! Are you all right? Oh, no. I think the suicide clutch has mangled my scrotum. Oh, God, I'm sorry! Why is the house for sale? Just come inside. I just wish that ball-bag Vincent could have told me about this first. Could we leave ball-bags out the conversation for now, please? Thank you. I've not had much to laugh about lately. I'm glad my testicles could bring you some pleasure. Who said chivalry was dead, eh? Well, if you fancied a laugh that doesn't involve me being neutered, you're welcome to come to the left-wing agit rock gig I'm playing in support of the miners tonight. Well, I mean, how could I resist? The best thing about having an affair with a 23-year-old is that whatever the problem... Vincent? Sex is always the answer. Why my Dad is going to hell, to hell, to hell... Good boy, Robbie. Don't call me Robbie! I didn't call you Robbie. Yes, you fucking did. What are you doing? Checking if my hands are pulsating. Fucking pills! Oh, shit, I forgot about Robbie. Thank you. Thanks very much. While I was ODing on sex and drugs, Lavender was rekindling his rock and roll addiction. Well done! That was a lot of fun. I like to think it's a bit more important than that, Martin. Yeah, of course, yeah. I was just being an idiot. - Yeah. - I thought it was a lot of fun too. Sorry for enjoying myself. This is Sam. She's, uhm... She's just kidding. Well, the thing is, Sam, I remember when this was a working-class town that would have found common cause with the striking miners. Now it's all Thatcher's fucking children, buying their own council houses, bankrupting themselves with flash cars and shitty double-glazing. So I hope tonight wasn't so much fun as it was a much-needed lesson in social responsibility. And is it socially responsible to define people politically by what they buy? Because I think it's socially irresponsible. And fucking patronising. If you played a gig for striking double-glazing salesmen, I wonder how many miners would be in the audience to support them? Well, well, well. I see this lady is not for turning. Lavender, you going to be on the tour bus tomorrow night? Hell, yeah. Great. Sam, pleasure sparring with you, but got some TUC Execs in so I'd better go say hello. Sorry if that was a bit... He's just... He's just very committed. Committed to being a pretentious twat? Er, yes. He is 100% committed to that. - Another drink? - Yeah. Oi, barman. We're going to need four bottles of Holsten here. And now tell me we haven't missed that commie cunt Billings. You're not like the other girls round here, really impressive, Sam. A real live-wire. All right, Ben. What happened to those TUC execs? They're just outside in the beer garden, waiting for an audience with Ben Billings, so... better not disappoint. Shall we do one? Oh, yes, please. All right, mate, you know that commie ponce Ben Billings? I just saw him pop out into the garden if you're interested. He had it coming though. Yeah. What a dick. "You're a live-wire, Sam, seriously." "Oh, thanks, Ben, you sexy activist." Is that meant to be me? Yeah. Obviously. Hello. "Oh, Ben, do you want to come in for a coffee and a class struggle?" Yeah, all right. "I was joking, Ben. I am married." You weren't being Ben, were you? Do you want to come in? What about the kids? They'll be asleep. Yeah, come on. Get away from my wife, you arsehole! Gotcha! Mate, you should have seen your fucking face, it was priceless. What the fuck are you doing here? Look, I understand you're annoyed. I'm sorry I fucked up today. But I came to apologise and saw Robbie and he was like, "Can you stay with me and watch Minder?" Do you know what, I panicked. I'll take the house off the market tomorrow. Sam? Sam, come on, don't be like that! I'm sorry for being a dick to you about that council job. It's already forgotten. Robbie told me you brought him home and took Sam out to cheer her up. You're taking care of my family better than I am at the moment. Come on, mate. I know things are tough right now but you'll pull through. Thank you. Now, are you on the old diet pills because I've lost mine and I'm starting to shake like a fucking leaf right now. Nobody wants you here. Leave this place. Whoa... - What's happening? - It's an exorcism. Don't worry, she's a professional white witch. Oh, good, because just for a second there I was worried. There. It's gone. You shouldn't have any more trouble. Oh, thank God. If you do get any more problems with the lights then I'll get - my boyfriend round. - What is he a priest? No, he's an electrician. - Have you got a tenner? - For what? The witch services. We're paying her for this? I can throw in a quick tarot reading as part of the price. I sense a troubled soul in you. Tarot reading? No offence but if I want to appeal to a higher authority to get me out of this fucking hole, it'll be someone with more clout than a track-suit-wearing Grotbags. It looked like I was going to have to take this one to the very top. I guess I'm really doing this. Dear God, Jesus, Mary, whoever the fuck it is that deals with prayers, or let's call it what it is, begging requests. So this is it, I'm literally down on my knees. I mean, how does it even work? I promise to believe in you, adjust my behaviour accordingly, and you do what? Give me a sign? Or a feeling of hope. Do you still do the whole voice of God thing? Vincent Swan, your prayers have been answered. Ronnie? No, it's God, you berk. What are you doing here? I've got a deal with that old wino Father Andrews for the communion plonk, it's Don Cortez cheap shit that's not been consecrated, but don't tell the Catholics. You don't believe in this old bollocks, do you, Vincent? No. Course not, it's a mug's game. Ronnie, you don't want to get a pint, do ya? I've got something I'd like to get your advice on. So what can I help you with, Vincent? Yeah, uhm... Well... Oh, no. Not these cunts. It's him again. You want some? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Mug. What did you do that for, you fucking nut job? I smell different today, don't I, boys? Leg it, leg it! Sorry about that. Now, Ronnie, isn't it about time you and I went into business together? ♪ Red light spells danger ♪ I've always loved great magicians. They're the double glazing salesmen of the entertainment business. Last year, with nothing but a massive curtain, and an even bigger pair of balls, David Copperfield made The Statue of Liberty vanish. Now, you and I both know he couldn't have vanished The Statue of fucking Liberty... but look into his eyes. Tell me he doesn't 100% believe that he just made her disappear for real. What you're looking at there, folks, is the secret of sales. Believe in what you're selling. I'd forgotten that, and it's almost cost me everything I love, my wife, my kids, my money. But now it's time to start taking it all back the only way I know how, by selling the greatest product that exists on this beautiful planet... me. Aren't you going to be late for school? - But we're not finished here. - Oh, I think we are, sweetheart. You want me to piss away my money starting a double glazing company with you? I mean, that's a less nuanced version of it but, yeah. Why don't you just take over at Cachet? Walshy won't sell, it's his nest egg. Well, I always find a man more amenable to an offer when I've got his nuts clamped in a vice. Are we talking metaphorical testicles here? Yeah, for the minute. Now, Vincent, ever heard of a phoenix scam? No, but feel free to enlighten me. It's when you take a business... say, a flourishing double glazing firm, you siphon off all the cash and at the same time, you run up crippling debts until it gets wound up. You see, that's a bit short-term for me. I want to run my own company, build it up into a national chain. And you will, young Vincent, because at this point a handsome and respected local businessman steps in, buys up the company for a nominal fee, say £1, and a new "debt free" firm rises from the ashes of the old one. The phoenix from the flames. How legal is it? Well, let's just say it's not completely illegal. It's certainly immoral, though. I mean, how would you feel about stealing Walshy's livelihood, his money, his business? I feel surprisingly Okay about it. To be honest, I'd have felt Okay about letting Ronnie take a shit in my mouth if it had meant I could clear my 50 grand tax bill. Stage one of the plan was getting me installed as a partner at Cachet. Being a greedy cocksucker, Walshy jumped on my offer to invest. Do I want to know where this came from? Don't shit your pants, it's all above board. I re-mortgaged the house. Which is partly true, Ronnie loaned me the money. What I didn't mention was that I'd borrowed it against Walshy's business, not my house, with interest rates that were fucking eye-watering, even for a shark like Ronnie. - Congratulations, partner. - Best move you've ever made. Fortunately, Walshy had about as much business acumen as a bucket of pig shit. As long as orders were coming in, he'd think business was hunky-dory. But before I could start spending his money like a cunt, firstly I needed to re-hire one. Hello, Maureen, love. Is Brian about? Fuckface! Door. Fitzpatrick took less convincing than I'd imagined. Christ, I need this job. Thank you. Walshy! Get a load of that. It didn't matter that we were selling our windows for practically cost, to Walshy's barely-educated eye, business was flying. What he didn't know was that I was about to pilot it into the side of a fucking mountain. Here you are, boys. One of my first acts as a codirector was to approve company cars for the entire sales team... including a nice little upgrade for moi. In fact, everything got upgraded, our suits, the office furniture... we even had prototype car phones fitted. As communication devices, they were next to fucking useless, they never worked. But as toys to wind up the Millman Young pricks, they were priceless. To soften the blow of Fitzpatrick's return, I promoted Lavender to head of marketing and gave him an unlimited budget to blow on an obscenely expensive radio ad. Cut there. Sorry to interrupt. What's up? Uhm, have you cleared this with Paul Young's label? I wrote this fucking lick, mate. I own this sound, all right? All right. Take two. Ronnie was even throwing me a kickback from the extortionate interest on his loans to Cachet to settle my outstanding tax affairs. It was beautiful. You're welcome. Now, I appreciate this all might seem a little harsh on Walshy, but at least this way he gets to keep £1 and, more importantly, his nuts. And that was Kool the Gang there, with Celebration. Now, we'll be right back with travel after this short break. Hang on, Sam, this is it. This is it! What's happening? - On the radio. My ad. Sh... ♪ Time to make a change... ♪ What do you think? I think I want you to stop talking and start unbuttoning my blouse. Seriously though, what do you think? How does it make you feel? Unbelievably irritated. Irritated? Why? Oh, I don't know, maybe because I'm playing second fiddle to a Paul Young sound-a-like jingle for my shithead, soon-to-be ex-husband's business. Paul Young sound-a-like? I created the bass hook on that bloody intro. Don't forget the name, Cachet Windows and Doors. Even when we're fucking escaping Vincent there's no escaping Vincent. I thought you liked our little secret rendezvous. All right, saying it in French doesn't make it more romantic. I'm sick of sneaking around for quickies in lay-bys. - It's not a good time to go public. We're not Charles and Diana, the public don't give a shit. The only people that care will be the kids, and Nat and Robbie like you. Christ knows they want me to be happy. It's not just them though, is it, it's Vincent. I can't do this. I love being with you. I think you're kind, you're thoughtful, and I really fancy you. But I need to be with someone who respects me, puts me first. Christ, not even first, just not always fucking last. We both agreed it's just not the right moment. I've just been promoted and... Come on, what are you doing? I'm going home, Martin. Vincent was right, you're a pair of bollocks short of being a decent bloke. Sam! Guess what's in here? A million pounds? Of course not. How could I fit a million in here? I don't know. A cheque? - So, what is it? - Doesn't matter now. Oh, come on, don't leave me on meathooks. 50,000, cash. Ooh, way less than a million. - So, where did you get it? - Never you mind. I'll tell you where it's going, though, Her Majesty's Inland fucking Revenue. Wow! Are you going get to meet the Queen? Not unless she works at a tax office in Southend-on-Sea. She doesn't. I'm pretty sure she works in London. Vincent, can I have a word? This sounds serious. Is Paul Young suing us about the ad? Let's go upstairs. Have you been upsetting him again? I know things haven't been easy between you and Sam, and the last thing I want is to add to your problems... It's all right, mate, I know. - You what? - Sam told me. I'm so sorry, mate, I should have been straight with you so much earlier. I hoped the promotion would have helped. That radio campaign's top-notch, by the way. Thanks. What has Sam said exactly? That you've been disillusioned for a while. The music business pulling at your heart strings. - Was that all she said? Apparently I'm a narcissist, a scumbag, a terrible father and I'm going to die lonely. No, I meant... Look, mate, I know I haven't been a great boss these past few months, but can you give me a few more weeks? There are some big changes about to happen around here, and I need you. Yeah... sure. Good boy. Actually, there is one thing you can help me with. I want to get Sam back. Really? I thought you and Robbie's teacher... Nah, that's over, mate. I finished with her last month, - it was just a bit of fun. - Oh. And how can I help exactly? You go and see her, you tell her I still love her, I need her... That might be a bit weird. Maybe you should talk to her yourself? It's hard to have a conversation while you're dodging the glasses getting launched at your head. Well, maybe don't go to the house, arrange to meet her on neutral territory. That's a good idea. And be honest about how you feel, about how much she means to you. Deep down she needs to feel that she comes first. Christ, not even first, just not always last. Probably. That is good. I knew there was a reason why I employed - an overeducated ponce like you. Cachet Windows... Carol. What's up? Why are you whispering? Because your son's teacher is in the showroom and she wants to talk to you. She seems upset. Shit. Does she know I'm upstairs? No, but she's not leaving until she sees you. - Is my briefcase down there? - Yeah. Right, put it in my car and I'll sneak out the back. Oh, just going to the loo. Reading material. It's a poo. So, no school today? No, because guess who's been suspended for having an inappropriate relationship with a student's parent? Do you know how long I had to train to become a teacher? Three years. Three years of my life down the toilet along with my fucking reputation. Think I'll just nip to the little boy's room too. - Right, Carol, you got it. - I popped it on your car. - You mean in my car. - No, on it, it was locked. It's a fucking convertible, Carol, the roof's down. Well, there's no need to be rude. I'm the one doing a favour. Or as I like to call it, your job. And your BMW's not convertible. No, but I traded the BMW in for a Mercedes four fucking weeks ago, remember? Oh, yeah. - So, where's my fucking money, Carol? - On your BMW. - Fitzpatrick's BMW. - Fucking hell! Brian! Brian! Brian! Get that shitheap out of my way! - They're stuck together. - Yeah, no shit, Professor Fuckwit. Fucking useless piece of shit! Get Fitzpatrick on that fucking car phone right now! - Vincent. - Not now! - No, I need to speak to you. That bitch of a wife of yours has spoken to the head and I've been suspended. - Any luck? - I can't connect the call. You keep fucking trying. I'm holding you responsible. Did you hear what I said? I'll get out on the road, try and track him down. - I said that bitch... - Watch your fucking mouth! She's reported me. I've been suspended. Save the crocodile tears, sweetheart. You loved playing with fire, so did I. Don't start acting like one of your first year fucking infants because you got your fingers burned. Fuck you, Vincent. - It won't connect. - Useless fucking phones! Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Anything? I think I'm going to be sick. Hello, Cachet... Oh, thank God! It's him. He's with Lavender. Where the fuck is my money, Brian? What do you mean you don't know? Well, don't bother setting foot inside this place until you find my briefcase. Yes, that does fucking mean you'll be sacked again! - Good news? - No, not good news. And if my money doesn't turn up for my tax hearing this afternoon, you will be sacked too. Should I call the police? Okay, but just ask them if it's been handed in, all right? Do not mention the money. The last thing I need is the Old Bill sniffing about. Yeah, got it. Incognito. Hello, Thurrock Police. How may I help? I'd like to report a missing briefcase, - so I would, so I would. - I'm sorry? A briefcase, yer big eejit. It fell out of a car somewhere in the West Essex area. Can you hold the line? I just need to grab one of my superiors. Get me someone from Bomb Squad. I've got a suspected coded message from the IRA here. Sorry, I didn't quite catch your name? Get a move on, arseholes! I can't go back to selling diet pills. Those pyramid scheme wankers are already after me for three grand. We'll find it, all right? Where else have you been? Nowhere. We've been fucking everywhere. What's the hold up? Oh, fuck. Not very clever, was it, sir? Now, could you turn around, please? We've a got suspect package on the roundabout. Nothing's getting through until the Bomb Squad have investigated. Oh, you're joking. Yeah, excuse me, officer. What kind of package? - Vincent, I've found it! - You beauty. Where are you, I'll meet you on the way to the tax office. I'm on the roundabout outside the refinery. Okay. I'm on my way. Oh, and one more thing. Could you hurry up because the police kind of think it's an IRA bomb and they want to conduct a controlled explosion? 'You useless mother... Sorry for the trouble, officer. Aren't you going to open it? Make sure nothing's missing. Yeah, of course. Yep, that seems to be all good. Sir, can I ask what you're doing with such a large amount of cash? Well, you can, but unless the Iron Curtain has shifted 3,000 miles west, I don't have to fucking answer. Well, perhaps you'd prefer to accompany me to the station for further questioning about today's incident. Look, mate, I'm having a day from hell here, all right? Please, give me a break. The money's to pay a tax bill. - I have a hearing in 30 minutes. - Well, why not just say that then? I should have, I just have this natural aversion to authority that makes me behave like an arsehole. I'm hoping I can just apologise and be on my way... Control, this is PC 486. I need you to contact someone at Inland Revenue in Southend-on-Sea - and check that... - Quick as we fucking can. Sorry, take your time. Check if they have an appointment with a Mr Vincent Swan. Once my story did check out, all that was left was to close this heart attack inducing chapter of my life. This is actually highly irregular, Mr Swan. Most of our clients pay by cheque or banker's draft. And you appear... to be £50 short. I had to bung that to Lavender after you made him finger you behind the bins. Let's call it compensation for his trauma. Okay. Well, that all seems to be in order. Thank you, Mr Swan. I wish I could say the pleasure was all mine, but as you and I both know, it was mainly yours. Ciao. As it goes, paying tax felt better than I'd imagined. Probably helps that it was all Walshy's cash. Now time to make The Statue of Liberty reappear in my life, or as I like to call her, Sam. How may I help you? Can you take a piss in Little Prick's coffee for me? Right, I'm hanging up now, Vincent. Sam, Sam, don't, it's important. Sorry, bad joke. It's about Robbie. What's happened? You didn't forget to pick him up did you? No, he's with me. I've just had a problem, my car's packed in. Can you come and get him? I'm at a client's house, 23, The Old Yews, on the new estate just off Southend Road. I'm at work, Vincent. I can't be there for half an hour. That's great. Thanks, babe. Don't call me fucking babe! Here she comes, the love of my life, your beautiful mother. All right, wish me luck. What the fuck is this, Vincent? Sorry, Robbie. This is our new family abode. Chez Swan. Are you deranged? We're getting a divorce. I don't want to live with you ever again, you terrible wanker. Sorry, Robbie. Sam, I know I fucked up. Sorry, Robbie. You have every right to hate me, but I want you back. I need you back. Plus, I've just put down a non-refundable deposit for ten grand on this place so, please, just have a look? Please, Mum, have a look. - It's fucking amazing in there. Right, Vincent, five minutes. After you. Is there any way you can stop the deposit from being taken? You see, my soon to be ex-husband isn't a well man, Philip. He's lost his marbles. I only show people around. I don't really have a say in that. Don't listen to her, Philip. Once she understands that I'm a changed man and I would never cheat on her again, we'll take it. That's his problem, you see, Philip. He doesn't understand how embarrassing this is for you or me. He thinks he can buy his way out of any problem. On a scale of one to ten, Philip, how insanely wrong would you say it is to cheat on your wife with your son's primary school teacher? Do you want to see the garden? It's a fucking 11. It's off the chart. And I'm the idiot who did it. I am. But I'm also the idiot dying here, trying to find a way to make it right. I should've respected her, Philip. I adore her. I should have made her feel like she was my first and only thought instead of making her feel like she was my last. Is it Okay if I pop downstairs and let you both have a think about it? No, you stay, Philip. You need to see me beg. If it's too late, Sam, tell me, and I'll leave you to get on with the rest of your life. I'm so sorry, baby. I lost my way. It's always been you that made my world turn and I fucked it. But I need you. I can't do any of it without you. So I'm begging for one last chance. In front of Philip. Begging. Look at me begging, Philip! So come on, Sam. If not for me, do it for Philip. Get off the floor, you wally. What do you say? No more lying. No more cheating. I was a fool, Sam. I'll never do anything again to risk losing you. Can we even afford this place? Yes, baby. I've cleared my tax bill, I'm a partner in the business. You say the word and it is yours. Yeah, yes. I fucking love it! Oh, my God. Right, Philip, before we close the deal on the asking price right now, we're going to need to test-run that Jacuzzi bath. And it is a deal breaker for us, I'm afraid, isn't it, Sam? Absolutely, Philip. How do you feel about that, Philip? Er, Okay. That's great stuff. Now can you pop downstairs and keep an eye on Robbie? We'll be with you shortly. You're such a plum. A great big sexy plum. Tony, there's a suit out there wants a word with you. What fucking now? Excuse me, Mr Walsh? Depends. Who's looking for me? I mean him. Shit. Mr Walsh, I'm a legal representative for Farrell's Debt Collection. I'm serving Cachet Windows and Doors with a statutory demand for unpaid debts of £798,000 Very good, you're very good. What? Did Vincent put you up to this? Is this a wind-up? If you do not respond to this demand within seven days, we'll file a winding-up petition at the High Court, after which your bank accounts will be frozen. Hello, mate. What's up? Look, I wasn't straight with you earlier today. Don't worry about it. Look, mate, I'm kind of busy. It won't take long. I'm going to say what I've got to say, - then I'm going to go. - Okay. Don't be such a drama queen. It's Sam. What? What about Sam can't wait until tomorrow? No, it's Sam. Behind you. Yeah. We've been introduced. Hey, look, mate, that gubbins you told me about putting her first did the trick. You are a bona fide marriage saver. Well, go on! Quick, have your say. Nat's baby-sitting Robbie so I've still got several hours of making up to enjoy. Doesn't seem important now. I'll catch you tomorrow. Okay. I might be late. In the end, Ronnie administered Walshy's final coup de grace with a pound coin rather than a testicular vice. This is complete fucking bollocks. Walshy signed the business over to Ronnie for a coin. It was that or be declared bankrupt and lose everything. Walshy came to collect his things the next day. I almost felt sorry for the poor sap. No hard feelings, eh, Tony? That's right, now fuck off in that Range Rover my hard graft allowed you to buy. Some hard feelings, clearly. Now, I appreciate the last few days have probably been a bit... unsettling, but as far as you boys are concerned it's business as usual. And I know it seems a bit rough on Walshy, but don't forget he made this rod for his own back. Yeah, by hiring you. And by rod you definitely mean knife for his back? All right, fine, let's get it all out now. I've got a desk delivery for a Mr Farrell. - First floor, mate. - No-one said anything about any stairs. Do your own furniture arranging, pal. Cheeky bastard. That's everything that's wrong with Britain today. Don't worry, guys. I've got this. New headed paper. Take a look at that, boys. Wow, that is headed paper all right. Yeah, with one very small but hugely important change. Look where it lists the new company directors. Director. Singular. Your name's not on there, mate. What the fuck? Carol, get the printers on the phone right now. I'm not paying for this until it's been corrected. That is what we ordered. Ronnie popped in on Tuesday and told me to take your name off. What? Are you sure? Yeah, it was definitely Ronnie. He had his face. This is obviously Ronnie's idea of a wind-up. Yeah, or his idea of a stitch up. Look, I have to pop out for a bit. You two lazy pricks can haul this fucking monstrosity up into Walshy's... Ronnie's office. You're joking. It looks like it weighs more than an actual Roller. I'm fucking not. Get it done. Okay, boss. I really enjoyed today's pep talk Pull! Vincent, my old mucker! What a wonderful day to be alive. How's the office shaping up? Nothing's really changed, other than your desk has arrived. Which is what I need to talk to you about. What, the desk? Want me to get you one? Gorgeous, innit? Not the fucking desk, Ronnie. Why did you take my name off the paperwork as a director? Because you're not a director, Vincent. Pull! Fuck me, Ronnie, do you have to? The deal was I helped you fuck over Walshy and then we run the business as partners. Yeah, there's been a complication. It turns out that as a former director of Cachet you've been barred by the Companies House from becoming a director of the new business for five years. I'm sorry, mate, but it was unforeseen. Bollocks was it. Pull! What about my partnership? We can still be partners in the business, Vinny, just not in a legal sense. More like hombres. I'll tell you what, Ronnie, you can stick your hombres up your hombrarsehole. I wanted to run my own business. If I can't do it at Cachet then I'll fuck off and find a proper investor elsewhere. Have a go. Nah, I'm all right. No, I want you to have a go. You ever fired a gun before? No. Oh, it's easy. You just look the target straight in the eye and gently pull the trigger. Then you try not to smile as they disintegrate in front of your eyes. Apparently it makes you look psychotic. Pull! Ah, fuck! You'd be advised to remember that now I own the business outright, that money you borrowed off Cachet belongs to me. So while you owe me £50,000, young Vincent, it'll be very much in your interest to remain my hombre. Now go on, get back to work, and make sure they don't put a scratch in my desk. Cost me a fucking fortune, that, son. Pull! Don't! Put it down, put it down, put it down. Fuck! - Oh, for fuck's sake. - Oh, look what you done now. I didn't do that. It's not my fault. Every so often karma can pop up and kick you in the bollocks, but the way I see it, you've got to break a few eggs to make an omelette. Only now I was cooking with psychotic eggs with a penchant for violence. And maybe you reap what you sow, but believe me, I'd rather reap a harvest of ill-gotten gains than fight over a handful of slim pickings with the rest of you fucking plebs. Come here, my little Swans. Go and fight over who gets the biggest room. - Oldest gets it! Not bad, eh? Thank you, Vincent. You deserve it. From now on we're in this together. I've heard that one before. I know, but I promise. No more lies. The Night by Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons ♪ Beware of his promise ♪