I have to go to sleep. Today is June 18th and it is Muiriel's birthday! Muiriel is 20 now. The password is "Muiriel". I will be back soon. I'm at a loss for words. I'm at a loss for words. This is never going to end. I just don't know what to say. That was an evil bunny. I was in the mountains. Is it a recent picture? Is it a recent picture? This will cost €30. This will cost €30. This will cost €30. I make €100 a day. It's because you don't want to be alone. That won't happen. I'll do my best not to disturb your studying. I'll call them tomorrow when I come back. You should sleep. The last person I told my idea to thought I was nuts. If the world weren't in the shape it is now, I could trust anyone. It is unfortunately true. Most people think I'm crazy. Oh, there's a butterfly! Hurry up. Hurry up. It depends on the context. That's the stupidest thing I've ever said. America is a lovely place to be, if you are here to earn money. I'm so fat. So what? I'm gonna shoot him. That's because you're a girl. I don't intend to be selfish. How many close friends do you have? This is always the way it has been. One can always find time. Most people write about their daily life. If I could send you a marshmallow, Trang, I would. I am a flawed person, but these are flaws that can easily be fixed. Whenever I find something I like, it's too expensive. Maybe it will be exactly the same for him. That is intriguing. My physics teacher doesn't care if I skip classes. I hate it when there are a lot of people. The police will get you to find the bullets. Thanks for your explanation. I don't know what you mean. You wanted to tell me about freedom? There are many words that I don't understand. I need to ask you a silly question. I don't know how to demonstrate it, since it's too obvious! Can it be phrased in another way? I found a solution, but I found it so fast that it can't be the right solution. It seems interesting to me. Except that here, it's not so simple. No, he's not my new boyfriend. You never have class or what?! Where is the problem? I can only wait. I love you. I love you. I don't like you anymore. Congratulations! Why don't you come visit us? I don't know what to do anymore. I didn't want this to happen. You can probably guess what happens though. What other options do I have? I have nothing better to do. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. I don't know if I still have it. What do you think I've been doing? My mom doesn't speak English very well. How do you find food in outer space? How do you find food in outer space? Everyone wants to meet you. You're famous! I utterly despise formal writing! What keeps you up so late? You're not fast enough. Life is hard, but I am harder. Stop it! You're making her feel uncomfortable! Nothing is beautiful but the truth. I don't speak Japanese. I don't speak Japanese. Nobody understands me. I just wanted to check my email. Stop seeing me as a "normal" person! Are you referring to me? It can't be! "What's going on in the cave? I'm curious." "I have no idea." Uh... How's that working? "To tell you the truth, I am scared of heights." "You are a coward!" "Trust me," he said. "This is what I was looking for!" he exclaimed. Someday I'll run like the wind. Let me know if there is anything I can do. "I feel like playing cards." "So do I." Communism will never be reached in my lifetime. Place the deck of cards on the oaken table. Why don't we go home? One million people lost their lives in the war. Democracy is the worst form of government, except all the others that have been tried. It wasn't me, commissioner! Oh, my white pants! And they were new. When I left the train station, I saw a man. Well, the night is quite long, isn't it? Did you miss me? Thank you very much! That's a good idea! Round trip? Only one-way. Pull into shape after washing. Wash before first wearing. Don't open before the train stops. Oh, I'm sorry. Poor is not the one who has too little, but the one who wants too much. Seeing that you're not surprised, I think you must have known. How long does it take to get to the station? This will be a good souvenir of my trip around the United States. It is difficult to keep up a conversation with someone who only says "yes" and "no". "How do you feel?" he inquired. It's quite difficult to master French in 2 or 3 years. It's impossible for me to explain it to you. I don't want to spend the rest of my life regretting it. I would never have guessed that. Imagination affects every aspect of our lives. We can't sleep because of the noise. Do whatever he tells you. It took me more than two hours to translate a few pages of English. It is already eleven. Paris is the most beautiful city in the world. I have a dream. This is my friend Rachel. We went to high school together. The cost of life increased drastically. But the universe is infinite. But the universe is infinite. And yet, the contrary is always true as well. You're by my side; everything's fine now. What do you mean you don't know?! You look stupid. How do you say that in Italian? I have to go shopping. I'll be back in an hour. Thanks, that's all. It's not my fault! Open your mouth! I have lost my wallet. There are too many things to do! Don't you even think of eating my chocolate! Thanks to you I've lost my appetite. I really need to hit somebody. Who doesn't know this problem?! It's so hot that you could cook an egg on the hood of a car. Nobody came. Look at me when I talk to you! What if you gave a speech and nobody came? And what are we going to do? I have a headache. I must admit that I snore. My shoes are too small. I need new ones. We're getting out of here. The cops are coming. Merry Christmas! "If you're tired, why don't you go to sleep?" "Because if I go to sleep now I will wake up too early." When you're trying to prove something, it helps to know it's true. Anything that can be misunderstood will be. I'm starving! I have so much work that I will stay for one more hour. I am married and have two children. I'd like to study in Paris. Why don't you eat vegetables? The car crashed into the wall. The car crashed into the wall. The car crashed into the wall. Who searches, finds. "Have you finished?" "On the contrary, I have not even begun yet." "Good morning", said Tom with a smile. I don't understand German. I give you my word. I find foreign languages very interesting. Face life with a smile! You make me dream. The vacation is over now. Evening dress is desired. It's cold. I'm thirsty. When I ask people what they regret most about high school, they nearly all say the same thing: that they wasted so much time. You did this intentionally! You didn't tell him anything? Could you call again later, please? Who am I talking with? I accept, but only under one condition. In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But, in practice, there is. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to go to school. It's over between us. Give me back my ring! It is raining. I was planning on going to the beach today, but then it started to rain. She's really smart, isn't she? She's really smart, isn't she? Justice is expensive. Tomorrow, I'm going to study at the library. Too late. Hello? Are you still here? I read a book while eating. I slept a little during lunch break because I was so tired. I started learning Chinese last week. I live near the sea so I often get to go to the beach. We went to London last year. She doesn't want to talk about it. I lost my inspiration. It doesn't mean anything! Be patient please. It takes time. If there's no solution, then there's no problem. Most people have great disinclinations to get out of bed early, even if they have to. It is good to have ideals... don't you think? As the plane was approaching turbulence, the pilot asked the passengers aboard the plane to fasten their seat belts. It depends what you mean by "believe" in God. The people who come on the Maury Povich show often make pretentious claims about their lovers cheating on them. My friends say I'm a prolific writer, but I haven't written anything for months. Johnson is a recluse; he prefers to isolate himself from the rest of the students in our class. I would like to retract my previous statement. Tim is a huge fan of satirical comedy. Jimmy tried to cajole his parents into letting him drive across the country with his friends. I cannot dance one single step of Salsa. The murderer was convicted and sentenced to life in prison. The consensus indicates that we are opposed to the proposed idea. I find words with concise definitions to be the easiest to remember. I dreamt about you. I won't lose! Classes are starting again soon. But you've never told me about this! I have to do laundry while it's still sunny. You had plenty of time. Come on! Talk to me, Trang. I'm almost done. It's driving me crazy. Did you say that I could never win? It's all dark outside. I am too old for this world. It is never too late to learn. He told me the story of his life. What are you talking about? I have class tomorrow. I can't believe it! "Thank you." "You're welcome." Winter is my favorite season. We walked a lot. Hold on, someone is knocking at my door. He's sleeping like a baby. You're sick. You have to rest. Everyone would like to believe that dreams can come true. The world doesn't revolve around you. The world doesn't revolve around you. Are you saying my life is in danger? So what if I am gay? Is it a crime? I spent the whole afternoon chatting with friends. I want to be more independent. Are you just going to stand there all day? A rabbit has long ears and a short tail. My heart was filled with happiness. I don't want to hear any more of your complaining. Yes! I won twice in a row! I'm tired of eating fast food. I can't wait to go on a vacation. Can you imagine what our lives would be like without electricity? Where is the bathroom? His story was too ridiculous for anyone to believe. How many hours of sleep do you need? Do you think mankind will someday colonize the Moon? I don't know what is worse. Beauty lies in the eyes of the one who sees. I'm too lazy to do my homework. I feel that I am free. Freedom is not free. I want an MP3 player! My brother is very important. At least he thinks he is. No, I cannot let you in, there's one person too many. Where are you? You piss me off! To share one's passion is to live it fully. Life is not long, it is wide! When I was your age, Pluto was a planet. I usually take a shower in the evening. You have been thinking about this problem the whole morning. Take a break; go eat lunch. If I don't do it now, I never will. Good night. Sweet dreams. Perhaps you are right, I have been selfish. I'm running out of ideas. There are also nightclubs where you dance flamenco. I need your advice. I knew it was plastic but it tasted like wood. Better late than never. Like father, like son. Don't listen to him, he's talking nonsense. Don't forget the ticket. What is it? Happy birthday, Muiriel! I don't know. Everyone must learn on their own in the end. Don't worry. "Mom, please can I have a biscuit?" "No, you can't; you shouldn't eat between meals." I do not understand. I don't understand. I did not understand. I need more time. It doesn't mean anything. Which country are you from? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. I have to write a letter. Do you have some paper? During winter I sleep with two blankets. You have to learn standard English. You have to learn standard English. All you have to do is follow his advice. You cannot expect much of him. You know the answer? You know the answer? You may invite whomever you like. You may have read this book already. You did not come to school yesterday. You look pale. Have you ever read any Chinese poems? What do you want now? What do you want now? What do you want now? What do you want now? You have a good sense of humor. All you have to do is to work harder. You should be more careful. How tall you are! Which club do you belong to? You should make sure of the fact without hesitation. You shouldn't have eaten the fish raw. Can you make sense of this poem? You are always as busy as a bee. You are always as busy as a bee. You are always hearing but not listening. It is better for you to do it now. Omit needless words! Your hair really does look untidy. Compared with yours, my car is small. Your question is not relevant to the subject. Your essay has some mistakes, but as a whole it is very good. I can not make out at all what you say. I took your umbrella by mistake. When will you complete the preparations? I cannot approve of your going out with him. I cannot approve of your going out with him. I don't have as much money as you think. I don't have as much money as you think. You're going to leave for London next Sunday, aren't you? I am not any more foolish than you are. I will help him no matter what you say. You should have nothing to complain about. It is a great pity that you don't know it. It is right that you should write it. I had no notion that you were coming. The shoes are worn out. How far is it to the airport? Where do I get an airport bus? How long does the airport bus take to the airport? Is there a vacant seat? Why didn't modern technology develop in China? To my surprise, he got married to a very beautiful actress. He is not just interested, he's crazy about it. Don't scare me like that! All the church bells started ringing together. The robbers made away with all the money in the safe. Due to the intense sunlight, his back was sunburnt. A strong yen is shaking the economy. You should visit Kyoto, which is famous for its old temples and shrines. Don't brake suddenly. There seems no need to hurry. We needn't have hurried. In the vacation, I read the entire works of Milton. All that glitters is not gold. All that glitters is not gold. You are beautiful. I pulled myself together and started my work. On his return he found her daughter asleep. You should see this film if you get the opportunity. Is there a pen on the desk? A person with weak eyes can't see far. Don't laugh at him for making a mistake. To make mistakes is not always wrong. I want to get a sightseeing visa. I want something sweet. I don't want to let my emotions out. I don't want to let my emotions out. As long as it doesn't get cold, it's okay. The stock market is very active. None of the students have arrived on time. This is a store that caters specially to students. I studied in England for six months when I was a student. I studied in England for six months when I was a student. All the students attended the party. The students learned many poems by heart. The students learned this poem by heart. The school is two kilometers ahead. The exchange rates for foreign currency change daily. I broke your ashtray. I broke your ashtray. Which way is the beach? Surrounded by the sea, Japan has a mild climate. The meeting began at five in the afternoon. We all knelt down to pray. We went astray in the woods. We must always be prepared for the worst. We are suffering from a severe water shortage this summer. We began to sail in the direction of the port. We felt the house shake. We marveled at the little boy's eloquence. We took a turn around the city in our car. We have every advantage over them. Our meeting was just an accident. Our showroom made a hit with young ladies. Parents who beat their children really make my blood boil. No poverty can catch up with industry. Fire! Run! The fire alarm rang. Read this book at your leisure. What do you do in your free time? What do you do in your free time? What do you do in your free time? What do you do in your free time? Come and see me whenever you are free. The aim of science is, as has often been said, to foresee, not to understand. If science makes progress, we'll be able to solve such problems. May I ask about your family? The fronts of the houses were hung with flags. We live in the country during the summer. Years ago, she used to hang around with a bunch of bikers. After several delays, the plane finally left. Why didn't you tell it to me in advance? What did you make? You should put safety before everything else. We just got to first base. What's up? What's up? What made you come here? Please keep me informed. Turn down the volume, please. I hope there are some music clubs. I hear music. Silent waters run deep. Leave me alone! It suits me. What is the name of the building whose roof you can see? The king was executed. The king abused his power. The king governed the country. Applicants must be under thirty years old. You may take the book home so long as you don't get it dirty. You may take the book home so long as you don't get it dirty. Salt water is more buoyant than fresh water. Salt water is more buoyant than fresh water. Salt water is more buoyant than fresh water. Don't beat about the bush. In the distance you can see Mt. Fuji through the morning mist. We sprinkle salt for purification. Could you give me a ride to the station? Could you give me a ride to the station? Arriving at the station, I found my train gone. England proper does not include Wales. England proper does not include Wales. You had to study English. English is taught almost all over the world today. Where is English spoken? English is spoken in Canada. Many English words are derived from Latin. How about going swimming? You can't eat it just because it is nutritious. The movie starts at ten o'clock. He went out in spite of the rain. Something has happened to my right eye. Gravity binds the planets to the sun. When was printing invented? I felt cold and uneasy all night. I felt cold and uneasy all night. It rained hard all day. That might be the most painful experience in my life. There was little water in the well. Doctors do not always live long. Doctors do not always live long. The doctor forbade me to take part in the marathon. The doctor forbade me to take part in the marathon. The doctor forbade me to take part in the marathon. The situation has improved considerably compared with what it was. I reached the village before dark. Have a safe trip. Have a safe trip. I'm managing scraping along on a small salary. Easy living corrupted the warrior spirit. Wishing you peace and happiness at Christmas. Bad weather prevented me from setting out. Never associate with bad fellows. Once you've got into a bad habit, it can be difficult to get out of it. Accept a person's love. Accept a person's love. Charity begins at home. Parents aren't rational because love isn't rational. We asked him to face the press but he refused to. We climbed higher so that we might get a better view. We could get over the difficulty. At best we can only hope for a small profit. We narrowly missed the accident. We found out a secret door behind the curtain. Language as we know is a human invention. Our patience is in much the same condition as yesterday. It should not be possible for us to enjoy them. We all learned the poem by heart. I want a wife and children, and so I need a house. I want to go with you. I built a new house in view of the mountain. I can understand your language. I can understand your language. I can understand your language. I am at home. We took a taxi so as to reach there on time. We took a taxi so as to reach there on time. Our country is in a crisis. Our country is in a crisis. Our country is in a crisis. Our people thirst for independence. Computer science has made rapid progress in our country. Ok, let's give it a try. Ok, let's give it a try. Wine is not harmful in itself. Heavy taxes are laid on wine. Heavy taxes are laid on wine. Mr Wilder gave me your e-mail address. Mr Wilder gave me your e-mail address. What number bus do I take to get to Waikiki? Look up the trains to London in the timetable. London is among the largest cities in the world. London is different from Tokyo climatically. London is no longer a city of fog. London is no longer a city of fog. Can you recommend a place to stay in London? Mr Long and Mr Smith spoke to each other. Long dresses stayed in fashion. Don't forget to ask after Mr Long's wife when you see him. Don't forget to ask after Mr Long's wife when you see him. Robots can withstand dangerous conditions. Lobsters belong to a class of marine animals. Rock is the music of the young. Rock is the music of the young. The rocket put a communications satellite into orbit. The rocket went up smoothly. Ms. Roland, what do you think about this problem? Rome is worthy of a visit. I want a knife with which to cut the rope. There are several customers in the restaurant. Lions live on other animals. Many retired people move to the Sunbelt to enjoy sports such as golf or tennis in a milder climate. Finally, I have time to reply to the mail that I have received these past three weeks. The rain stopped at last. The rain stopped at last. I wish we had more time. Come closer and have a good look at this picture. Will you please advise him to work harder? Will you please advise him to work harder? Will you please advise him to work harder? If it should rain tomorrow, we would go by bus. If it should rain tomorrow, the excursion will be canceled. If I should fail again, I would give up the plan. If I should fail, what would my parents say? If I should fail, what would my parents say? If I were not ill, I would join you. Let me help you, if necessary. If I knew her name and address, I could write to her. If he had stayed at home that day, he would not have met with disaster. You may take the book if you can read it. You may take the book if you can read it. I mean to go tomorrow if the weather is fine. I mean to go tomorrow if the weather is fine. Before going home, I have a few drinks to relax. Were I in your position, I would oppose that plan. If you will help us, we will be very glad. You're playing with fire if you insist on riding your motorcycle without a helmet on. Had you run all the way, you'd have got there in time. Suppose you had ten million yen, what would you do? If it rains, the excursion will be called off. Hello, is this the personnel department? It's already September; however, it is very hot. I'm sick and tired of his lack of taste. Does Mary live next door to the bus driver with whom John worked? Have you ever been to Mexico? May Day is also a festival day for the workers in the world. We are having fish for our main course. Can you tell me where Main Street is? Each child has an individual way of thinking. Each has his own taste. Mary is a bookworm. Mary looks like her mother. Mary spoke Japanese slowly. Mary is a very pretty girl. I don't like any of them. Everybody laughed at his error. Everyone always asks me that. Never having seen a mongoose, I do not know what they are like. It looks as if it's going to rain. You talk as if you knew everything. Mayuko eats bread for breakfast. It is me that is wrong. I haven't put on the jacket yet. I'll see you later. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Did you hear that, Mike? Here comes the bus! It's been raining for around a week. Bob asked the teacher some questions. Bob saw him again. We won't start till Bob comes. There's very little paper left. Most writers are sensitive to criticism. I'd like a hotel reservation. Please get me hotel security. Mr Potter keeps himself in good condition by going jogging every day. I will never go out of my way. Pass the ball quickly to a person behind you. Helen got off at the next stop. Helen got off at the next stop. Beethoven was deaf in his late years. Bruce was terribly upset when his girlfriend left him, but he soon got over it. The rumor turned out to be false. There is a fork missing. Bill is a baseball player. Bill has a lot of original ideas. Why did Bill tear the letter into pieces? The Hilton Hotel, please. I'm sorry that you've been badly injured. Can I pay with my VISA? The Beatles set the world on fire with their incredible music. He's very shy. He says he wants to see you. I'd like some more butter. I'd like some more butter. Will you show me your passport, please? There ought to be a better bus service. There are some flies on the wall. The sound of the violin is very sweet. What was the score at halftime? Thank you for inviting me to the party. I would like to express to you my deepest gratitude for having been a guest at your party. The cat didn't move a muscle. Wet clothes clung to her body. There are a lot of tall buildings in New York. She will be relocated to New Zealand. How beautifully she sings! What do you want to talk to me about? Nancy cannot have read this book. Why does the US government let people have guns? There is a knife missing. No matter how busy you are, I think you should at least read a newspaper. Take whichever flower you like. The trailer goes with the car. Tom usually goes to bed at ten-forty. Tom held a seat for me. The priceless china shattered into fragments. I feel very cold. I don't know either boy. So, Betty, have you decided on your dream home yet? Where can I park? Where do I get the bus? Where do I get the bus? I seem to have a fever. I seem to have a fever. I don't get it. I don't get it. Corn is an important crop in the United States. Corn is an important crop in the United States. It seems to have worn out. You'll have to do it, whether you like it or not. I must get the television fixed. I must get the television fixed. Television can dull our creative power. The television doesn't work. The television doesn't work. You may as well get used to it. I like to play tennis. Detroit is famous for its car industry. I'd like to have cake for dessert. I'd like to have cake for dessert. I don't want to go by plane, if I can help it. Would you wipe the table for me? Just run down to the post office, won't you? Hang on a minute. I'll call Jimmy. She was about to go to bed when someone knocked on the door. She was about to go to bed when someone knocked on the door. Everyone is more or less interested in art. Everyone is more or less interested in art. It is likely to rain tomorrow. Don't you smoke? I will go there even if it rains. I will go there even if it rains. I will go there even if it rains. I will go there even if it rains. I had trouble getting a taxi. Nothing is as hard as a diamond. To behave like that, he must be out of his mind. Please don't speak so fast. I'm sorry to hear it. What is the harm in doing that? Their scope and shape is unclear. It is up to us to help those people. It was all our faults. That pool really looks inviting. It's a possible story. Keep away from that. Keep away from that. Keep away from that. And he calls himself a sailor. That would be sufficient. That is all I have. A friend told me that story. The old man sat down. The old man sat down. The train is traveling at the rate of 50 miles an hour. The train is always on time. The apple is not yet ripe. The leaves turn red in the fall. The gate is closed all the year round. It is easy for me to solve the problem. It is easy for me to solve the problem. It is easy for me to solve the problem. It is easy for me to solve the problem. The matter is all settled. Don't cut down those trees. Both girls have blue eyes. Please return the book when you have finished reading it. Give the book to whomever wants it. Those two experiments yielded similar results. The shy pupil murmured his answer. The shy boy murmured his name. The exhibition will be held next month. The statue was carved from a block of cherry wood. The earthquake brought about disaster. The news made him happy. That man was standing a little ways away, but he turned when he heard Tom shout. The man is wanted for murder. The boy took the radio apart. The war didn't break out by accident. The war didn't break out by accident. The river flows between the two countries. There seem to be few people who can solve that math problem. The new medicine demonstrated an immediate effect. The new hotel invited suggestions from the guests. The treaty is now a dead letter. When was the castle built? The boy tried eating with chopsticks. The boy looked like a grown-up. The boy became happy. The species will be made extinct by the end of this century. You should stick those pictures in your album. Fold the paper in four. The boy is yet to be found. She put it in the box. We cannot do the work in a day. We call the mountain Tsurugidake. We call the mountain Tsurugidake. The view from the top of the mountain took my breath away. The country was wasted by war. The flood was the greatest disaster they had ever had. The park was crowded with people with children. The scenery was beautiful beyond description. The building is incapable of repair. The building was built in 1960. It's nothing impressive. It's just a bit part in that play. The play ended all too soon. The plan is not mature. The rule is utterly inflexible. The picture is good in its way. That house looks nice. That movie was shown on television. The doctors are engaged in cancer research. The devil destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. There were fifty entries for the race. The hotel is at the foot of a mountain. The news spread all over Japan. That television is both big and expensive. Therefore many people passed away. The coat is not mine. And if you see Tom, say hello to him for me. You are in the right so far. You are in the right so far. You are in the right so far. Then his mother thought. Did you see anybody there? That was her chance to show what she could do. He kept calm in the face of the danger. That's not my favorite topic. That is why Yoshio has caught a cold. I think I had better have my sweater mended. Excuse me, I'm lost. When it comes to sports, John is very good. All participants made that great effort in the Olympics. We had a wonderful holiday. The strike affected the nation's economy. We saw a light far away. We saw a light far away. I'm sorry to put you to such great expense. You will be in time for the train if you start at once. I believe you'll get over it soon. It's just around the corner. Susie loves Japanese music. Susan found out where the puppy had come from. John is an American boy. John and Mary always walk hand in hand. George felt the train begin to move. Jack is an evil boy full of evil ideas. Who is the pretty girl sitting beside Jack? Jack can't afford to buy a new bicycle. Beat the Giants! Jim opens the door. Shall we take a short rest? A frown may express anger or displeasure. His words, however, were not believed at all. But I'm not sure whether it brings happiness to everybody. The jets took off one after another. Jane is as clever as any girl in her class. Jane came to our town three years ago. Jane came to our town three years ago. Sally and I work in the same office. Sally and I work in the same office. Sally and I work in the same office. Sally and I work in the same office. In my opinion, soccer is a great sport. The whole soccer team was on cloud nine after winning the championship. Wash your hands before eating. I'd rather not. Hi, George! How's it going? You mustn't miss seeing this wonderful film. I have nothing more to say. Try this on. It's your size. I'd like three of these. Carry these books back to the bookshelf. These books are mine. I'd like you to quickly look over these documents. Would you like some of those pictures? Would you like some of those pictures? Can you think of a better idea than this one? This is a book about stars. This is a book about stars. This is the very best method. This is the most interesting book I've ever read. This doesn't fit. Is this your tape recorder? Is this your tape recorder? I'm sure it was just a terrible accident. Those are the leftovers from lunch. Please choose between this one and that one. This will surely add to you appetite. Komiakov may never have full use of his arm. This rose is beautiful. This medicine will do you good. This medicine will do you good. This book makes pleasant reading. This book is far above me. How old this book is! Every sentence in this book is important. I wonder when this program will continue till. I don't know anybody here in this town. Get away from this city. It's very stuffy in here. I cannot accept this gift. I cannot accept this gift. When did you visit Kyoto last? When did you visit Kyoto last? The last time I saw Kent, he was very well. I'm tired of living this life. I'm tired of living this life. Please fill in this application form. Please fill in this application form. These dictionaries are on the market. I must learn this poem by heart. This city has been increasing in population year after year. This work calls for special skill. Where did you find this wallet? Where did you find this wallet? It is safe to skate on this lake. It is safe to skate on this lake. Please tell me how to pronounce this word. From this standpoint history can be divided into two main epochs. This building is near completion. On this occasion, we should drink a toast. This desk is the best of all the desks. You must not leave her waiting outside in such cold weather. This flashlight is getting dim. This flashlight needs two batteries. This corporation is well known for its communication equipment. This song is familiar to us. This song is familiar to us. This song is familiar to us. This is the house where he was brought up. Some of these apples are bad. This is how the accident happened. Books such as these are too difficult for him. Books such as these are too difficult for him. Books such as these are too difficult for him. This hotel is relatively expensive for this town. This program cannot be run in DOS mode. The slogan was designed to rouse the people. I still have to get rid of this carpet. May I direct your attention to this? This area has changed completely. You put far too much pepper in it. What's the name of this street, please? I have a mild pain here. It is dangerous to cross the street here. Let's discuss the matter here. Please wait here for a while. It's about a ten-minute drive from here. Could I have one more coffee, please? Ken painted his bicycle white. We hoped we'd be able to win the game. No student in our class is as smart as Kate. The class was too big so we split up into two smaller groups. Did Cathy go, too? Japan's competitiveness in camera making is unchallenged. I don't know how to thank you enough. I'm glad I could help. Is your mother at home? Is your mother at home? Is your mother at home? Is your mother at home? Can I go swimming, Mother? Aren't you hungry? Do you know each other? Do you know each other? Do you know each other? Do you know each other? Do you know each other? Do you know each other? I know you can make it. A young person wants to see you. A young person wants to see you. All the money put together still won't be enough. My aunt sent me a birthday present. How long are you going to stay in Oxford? Who's Emily? Where do the airport buses leave from? I'm glad to say that the boss has been very well lately. Some people dislike eels because they look like snakes. Some people dislike eels because they look like snakes. My family goes skiing every winter. Our house adjoins his. The bad smell sickened me. Read such books as will be useful some day. You may always use my dictionary. No man is wise at all times. I want to go abroad one day. Ichiro is an outstanding baseball player. Bring a couple more chairs. When it was time to vote, he abstained. You can't study too hard. I don't like her in some ways. No, please dial nine first. If I tried to wear shoes with heels that high, I'd sprain my ankle. Andy must have practiced very hard. What's that? Those are our teachers' cars. That is his car. That is mine. Thank you, brothers. In the U.S., you have the option, when you enter a restaurant, to sit in the smoking or non-smoking section. Those who are suffering from hunger in Africa need urgent help. She was the last person I expected to meet that day. There was a strong wind that day. They serve a very good dinner at that restaurant. We all agree in liking the teacher. His house is near the subway. That boy is running. That clock is one minute fast. The mother of that child is an announcer. The bowl contains many kinds of candy. I'm sorry I misunderstood you. I'm sorry I misunderstood you. I'm sorry I misunderstood you. I'd like to enroll you as a member of our club. I was born to love you. Your nose is bleeding. Your nose is bleeding. Your nose is bleeding. Do you speak Japanese? What time do you leave home in the morning? You must not invade the privacy of others. Were you scolded by your teacher? Do you have a car? All you have to do is follow me. You may as well come with me. You had to come yesterday. Did you ever go to Okinawa? How many rackets do you have? How many rackets do you have? How many rackets do you have? How many rackets do you have? All you have to do is press the button. Do you have a lot of pens? How did you pay for this computer? And you are going to raise it in three days? And you are going to raise it in three days? You must not give way to those demands. You should arrive at school before eight. Fill in your name and address. I didn't catch your last name. I didn't catch your last name. We do need your advice. What is your name? What is your name? You may choose any book you like. What's your blood group? I want to know more about your school life. Please don't limit your opinions just to 'Yes' or 'No'. Please do the work at your own convenience. I'd like to give you a piece of advice. Let me know the days when you can come. Will you show me what you bought? We will miss you terribly if you leave Japan. I will accept the work, provided that you help me. I know what your game is. I hope that you will like it. The meeting will have broken up by the time you arrive there. Don't give up. Stick with the job. I'll bewitch him into a frog! Draw a line from A to B. You should take the number 5 bus. This meal is adequate for three. We have not had a single drop of rain for two weeks. I'll be back within two hours. We start here in two hours. I slept only two hours. No wonder I'm sleepy. There is no telling how far science may have progressed by the end of the twentieth century. If we place an order for more than 20 units, would you reduce the price? Twenty teams entered the tournament. By 2030 twenty-one percent of its population will be over sixty-five. There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, fall and winter. When I was sixteen, I played tennis for the first time. Ten minutes' walk brought us to the bus stop. As many as ten people saw the accident. "Will you pass me the sugar?" "Here you are." "Why?" asked the daughter, a trifle irritated. I am a shy boy. Tom fed his leftovers to his dog. Did you pay for the book? It's up to you. The armed forces occupied the entire territory. Unlike my brother, I cannot swim. Unlike my brother, I cannot swim. The police are after the man. The police began to go into the murder case. The police accused him of theft. The police forced a confession from her. An important function of policemen is to catch thieves. An important function of policemen is to catch thieves. There was a large audience in the theater. You were wrong after all. It goes without saying that health is more important than wealth. What do you think has caused the present trade friction between Japan and the U.S.? His income is now double what it was ten years ago. It's an old piano. Meet me at the lobby of the Imperial Hotel at 6:30 p.m. I heard my name called from behind. Please stand face to face. Fortunately, the weather was good. The schoolyard was very small. A red and white flag was flying in the wind. Won't you go? The speaker cleared his throat. One must practice every day in order to become a world-class athlete. You must not do it now. It was now a race against time. We've had a lot of rain this month. If I had eaten breakfast this morning, I would not be hungry now. My car broke down this morning and won't be repaired until Friday. Are you busy today? Today, paper is used in quantity every day. You won't find much news in today's newspaper. I've not read today's paper yet. There is no wind today. There is no wind today. There is no wind today. There is no wind today. I must hand in the report today. Today I went to the dentist's. There will be an economic crisis at the end of this year. I can't go to the restaurant with you tonight. I can't go to the restaurant with you tonight. I can't go to the restaurant with you tonight. Is it possible to see Venus tonight? Don't laugh at a person in trouble. Please note that we have quoted the lowest possible price. I finally came up with a great idea. Let me finish. Let me finish. Even the richest man cannot buy everything. First off, I'd like you to come with me to a department store sale. First off, I'd like you to come with me to a department store sale. I didn't like her at first, but now I do. The bat was stolen yesterday, along with the balls. I met a student from America yesterday. Yesterday, a thief entered the house. We had much rain last year. Last year, I saw at least fifty films. Last year saw a big political change in Japan. When did you go to bed last night? I slept well last night. How about going out for a walk? I'm afraid we can't go on Monday. I'm afraid we can't go on Monday. I'm afraid we can't go on Monday. She had no idea how to set about her work. The job is half done. My sister works in a bank as a secretary. Quit acting like a child. I don't want to have children. Is that abnormal? The mayor presented the prizes in person. The mayor thought that he should investigate the decline in tax revenues. I could not catch as many fish as I had expected. Take back what you said about me being stingy. It will take me no less than 10 hours to prepare for the exam. As I was speaking, Mother came up. Our club has three times as many members as yours. Our school was founded in the 20th year of Meiji. At our high school, French is an elective. Our teacher must have studied English hard when he was a high school student. We are going to invite Jane and Ellen. We made the most of the opportunity. We named the boat the Half Moon. We went down to the valley where the village is. We were very tired. We chose Henry captain of our team. We chose Henry captain of our team. We hurried for fear we should be late for school. We climbed up the steep mountain. We met last year and hope to meet again next year. We go fishing together once in a while. We get together once a year. We are bound to obey laws. I would like you to stay with me. Follow me and I will show you the way. Follow me and I will show you the way. Follow me and I will show you the way. The ultimate question for me is whether I like business. I have a friend who works for NASA. I am sure of success. You might have told me. Give me some water, please. You may use my pen. My baggage is missing. My brother is big enough to travel alone. Won't you share my umbrella? My hobby is visiting old temples. My hobby is visiting old temples. My hobby is taking pictures of wild flowers. My bedroom is just above. My grandfather is very hard to please. My grandmother is still very active at eighty-five. My shop is on the main street of the town. My skin burns easily. My father grew old. My mother does not speak English. My sister hasn't done homework for herself. How tall do you think my daughter will be in three years? May I introduce my friend to you? My refrigerator is out of order. My refrigerator is out of order. My refrigerator is out of order. I am beginning to like Ken little by little. I can't eat or drink very hot things. I cannot accept the fact that he is dead. Since I was sick for a week, I'm making every possible effort to catch up. I own 1,000 shares of NTT stock. I will visit foreign countries someday. I ordered the book from England. I ordered the book from England. I ordered the book from England. I am against this project. I bought this book yesterday. I had hoped to have finished this yesterday. I had hoped to have finished this yesterday. I bought this outright. I like music better than sports. I had all the money stolen and was in trouble. I was waiting for the bus at that time. I can not stand that kind of silly music. I was here all the time. I was greatly disappointed at hearing the news. I will come up with a solution to the problem. I thought it was a good book, but Jim thought otherwise. I will give it a try. I'm not having any of that. I have a lot of pictures. I was just going to leave home. I play tennis. I don't know where to go or what to do. I saw her at the party. I got off at the bus stop and went to the right. I don't care for beer. I'm employed by a French lawyer. I have been on a diet for two weeks. I have made up my mind to work harder. I have made up my mind to work harder. I often call, but seldom write a letter. I boldly jumped into the sea. There is absolutely no way that I would go on a trip alone. I bought a newspaper written in English. I would like to go to Austria in order to study music. I lived for years and years. I can't draw, but my sister is a great artist. I put in an hour of jogging before I go to school. I had broken my glasses, so that I couldn't see the blackboard. May I go home? May I go home? I came to Tokyo from Osaka counting on my brother's help. I am economically independent of my parents. I met Ken at the park. I had a happy childhood. I got up at six this morning. I spent 100 dollars today. I didn't have to study yesterday. I will fight to the last breath. I am getting off at the next station. I can ride a bicycle. I have a bicycle. I can only speak for myself. I heard a woman scream. I fed the leftovers to my dog. I am poor at swimming. I am from Shizuoka. I went to Los Angeles on vacation last month. I changed my address last month. I didn't go to school last month. I like to fish in the river. I am left with all the responsibility. I'll buy a watch for my son. I'll buy a watch for my son. I stay in Osaka. I am tired of my monotonous life. I specialize in medieval history. I wrote the answers carefully. I heard someone on the street calling me. I breathed the smell of the flowers in the garden. I met Tom on the way. I went to the zoo. I have nothing special to say. I have two books. I have two books. I have two books. I opened the box and looked inside. I had a chance to see him. I warned him of the danger. I've tried reasoning with him but he just won't listen. I made him open the door. I paid him five dollars. I owe him $100. I look to him for help. I have no idea where she lives. I have no idea where she lives. I informed him of her arrival. I canceled an appointment with her. I want to talk to her. I meant to call her, but I forgot to. I stared her in the face. Tired as I was, I went on working. I usually wake up at six. I usually wake up at six. I'm busy. I am on the side of democracy. I sat down in the shade of a tree and read the book. I was asked to open the gate. I have a few friends. I put quantity after quality. I put quantity after quality. I put quantity after quality. Beth looked after our dog while we were away. We eat butter on bread. We eat butter on bread. We elected Jack chairman. We may be late for school. We are teachers. We took a plane from Tokyo to Sapporo. We took a plane from Tokyo to Sapporo. Study hard so that you can pass the exam. The situation is improving, so cheer up! She comes to see me from time to time. Turn left at the next corner. I will have been staying in this hotel for one month next Sunday. Which game shall we play next? She was hurt to find that nobody took any notice of her. Do good to those who hate you. Do good to those who hate you. Imagine a situation where you are all alone. What a dictionary says is not always right. The fact is we were not invited. As a matter of fact, I did it. To tell the truth, I would rather stay at home than go out. To tell the truth, she is my niece. Get off the lawn! Get off the lawn! Social customs vary from country to country. Cars took the place of bicycles. Cars took the place of bicycles. Let's go by car. I've been learning to drive. Keep your hand still. Keep your hand still. Too much drinking will make you sick. There was nobody about. She has no opinion about religion. My uncle is not young, but healthy. It is very nice of you to help me with my homework. I think I still have time for another cup of coffee. Make sure that the lights are turned off before you leave. Do you have a course for beginners? It is said that women live longer than men. The business is in the red. You oughtn't to go out with the little boy remaining alone. Hire a minivan by the hour. Small cars are very economical because of their low fuel consumption. You may have a slight fever. The boy decided to observe and record honeybees in detail. Please call the fire department. Please have some copies made. Plants take in water from the soil. I have difficulty chewing. Food decays quickly in hot weather. Food decays quickly in hot weather. Food decays quickly in hot weather. Food decays quickly in hot weather. Unbelievable! Traffic lights work all the time. Traffic lights work all the time. Traffic lights work all the time. Traffic lights work all the time. Don't drink beer before going to bed. You are to clean your teeth before you go to bed. Finish your homework before you go to bed. The new machine brought in a lot of money. The new bridge will have been completed by March. A new road is under construction. You have to change trains at Shinjuku. There is nothing like fresh air. By God, I never knew that. Don't interrupt people when they're talking. One can't learn to do anything without making mistakes. Every man cannot be happy. Never trust a stranger. You shouldn't judge a man by his appearance. It is rude to point at people. The ESA put a satellite into orbit. Everyone seemed to be very busy and everyone seemed to be in a hurry. People often complain about the weather. People used to think that only humans could use language. That's the way the cookie crumbles. I ran across your mother in the library. There is not a drop of water left. There is not a drop of water left. Water was supplied from outside. Swimming develops our muscles. There were some guests waiting in the drawing room. The policy of the government was criticized by the opposition party. Stars can be seen at night. Stars can be seen at night. Do what you believe is right. Stay at home till noon. Early explorers used the stars for navigation. The baby is sleeping in the cradle. A budget deficit will occur because of a revenue shortfall. Please show your ticket. I want to ask you a big favor. The snow melted away in a day. It snowed from Monday to Friday. Our teacher had us learn the poem by heart. Our teacher demanded that we keep quiet. Walk along the river and you will find the school. Tanks and planes may defeat the troops but they cannot conquer the people. I went to Europe before the war. You need to pay in advance. Everything hangs on his answer. Everything hangs on his answer. The whole population turned out in welcome. Remind him to come home early. There is frost on the grass. I have some gifts. I have a pain in my little toe. Wash your feet. Whether you drive fast or slow, drive carefully. Whether you drive fast or slow, drive carefully. It was the hungry bears that the villagers were afraid of. The villagers went in search of the missing child. What else do you want? A number of countries have strict laws against drugs. Thank you very much for your generous donation. Taro, dinner's ready! Representative democracy is one form of government. They say we're going to get heavy rain. A loss in third-quarter revenues was predicted. Does somebody here own this watch? Can anyone fix a flat tire? Who discovered radium? Who stole the apple? You may invite to the festival whoever wants to come. No one knows what will happen in the 1990's. It's pity that nobody came to meet you at the station. The men have mustaches. The earth is like a ball with a big magnet in it. It was believed that the earth was flat. The ground seems wet. In addition to English, Mr. Nakajima can speak German fluently. I always have coffee and toast for breakfast. The birds are flying around. Naoko swims. The pain has lessened a little. There is a crowd of people on the street. You have made only a few spelling mistakes. Let's pick flowers from the garden. The weather forecast said that it would rain this afternoon, but it didn't. There was a sudden change in the weather. The Emperor prayed for the souls of the deceased. I relayed the message to her. I relayed the message to her. This movement from rural to urban areas has been going on for over two hundred years. The battery died. I looked up his phone number in the telephone book. I would rather starve than steal. My scalp is very itchy. We all stood up at once. Simultaneous translation broke linguistic walls. Walk along the street and turn left at the third intersection. I feel just fine. I am very tired with reading. Suddenly, he fell down on his back. Suddenly, he fell down on his back. This is the cheaper of the two. Out of the two designs, I prefer the former to the latter. The sun is rising. In Japan wages are usually in proportion to seniority. In Japan the ceilings are quite low for foreigners. The climate of Japan is as warm as that of China. I'm from Tokyo, Japan. Japan is the largest importer of U.S. farm products. Don't speak in Japanese. The Japanese have dark eyes. I'll call on you on Sunday. The cat ran after the rat. The cat ran after the rat. The cat ran after the rat. Farmers sow grain seeds in spring. You have to get on that bus to go to the museum. He suddenly started doing an impression of an announcer and we all cracked up. What he said about England is true. I don't understand his reluctance to go. Please tell me when he'll arrive here. What he said is true. It is impossible for him to do it. It is impossible for him to do it. My pride prevented me from borrowing money from him. He's never told a lie. I often listened to him speak in English. The fish he caught yesterday is still alive. It has been ten years since he died. It is hardly conceivable to me that he will fail. Do you know the town where he lives? He acted like he owned the place. Let's wait till he comes. I am to meet him at ten. I will have him repair this watch. I will have him repair this watch. I will have him repair this watch. I will have him repair this watch. I will have him repair this watch. I passed up an opportunity to see him. It is said that his father is in hospital now. His opinions carry weight. There are no hospitals in the vicinity of his house. The methodology used in his study is also helpful to us in conducting our research. For the most part, I agree with what he said. His words gave her hope for the future. His lecture had a large audience. News of his death wasn't published for several weeks. His failure has nothing to do with me. Let's drink to his success. His son wants to be a lawyer. The desire he has had for years has been fulfilled. How do you feel about his suggestion? His condition will soon change for the better. His baseball life ended then. He said, "I felt ill, but I am all right." He tries. He tries. He is ashamed of being idle. He speaks Japanese as if he were Japanese. He can swim a mile. He turned up an hour later. He arrived half an hour late, so everyone was angry with him. He ordered three dinners. He failed to catch the 8:30 train. He does not care for ice cream. He was born in a small town in Italy. He is not always in the office in the morning. He usually drops in at my place. He had no money. He has earned a lot of money. He has earned a lot of money. He zipped his bag shut. He has a camera. He has a camera. He has a camera. He is making cookies. He never tells lies. He never tells lies. He didn't come to the last meeting. They went on walking farther. He met a nice young man. He composes beautiful poems. He advised me to go there. He ate all of the apple. He ate all of the apple. He ate all of the apple. He caught sight of a thief attempting to break into the house. He's the projectionist at the theater. He looked up the word in his dictionary. He looked up the word in his dictionary. He has decided to carry on the work. He played an important part in the enterprise. He cast a stone into the pond. He explained the reason at length. He took it from her by force. He decided to quit smoking. He decided to quit smoking. He has just come home. He hesitated for a moment. He moved the table aside. He is unpopular for some reason. He is too much of a coward to attempt it. He is so aggressive that others avoid him. He cut a twig from the tree with his knife. What a kind boy he is! He has an ambition to get a Nobel Prize. He has an ambition to get a Nobel Prize. He decided to go to France. He is proud of being a musician. He avoids all troublesome tasks. He promised not to tell another lie. He often leaves his umbrella on a train. He didn't do it on purpose. He lives in comfort. He is alone. He lives by himself. He lives by himself. He lives by himself. He tried hard, but he failed. He seemed to be tired from working hard. He went to sea to swim. He went to sea to swim. He went to sea to swim. He went to sea to swim. He was beaten black and blue. He settled down in his armchair to listen to the music. He worked hard in order that his family might live in comfort. He warned us not to enter the room. He worked day and night in the interest of his firm. He is a waiter in a seaside restaurant. He is enjoying his school life. He is enjoying his school life. He came near being hit by a car. He went out in a hurry. He was looking through a microscope. He is in the hospital at present. He regrets his mistake. He regrets his mistake. He may be jogging around the park. He is deliberate in his action. He is in high spirits today. He is reading a book. He scooped up sand by the handful. He brought out the truth of the murder case. He is busy with his work. He is busy with his work. He signaled them to stop. He isn't any older than I thought. He demanded that we leave at once. He gave us the signal to begin. He left soon after our arrival. He earns double my salary. He was floored by my argument. He speaks English better than I do. He speaks English better than I do. He pushed past me. His wealth got him into the club. His wealth got him into the club. He got off at the next station. He may be on the next train. He is not too poor to buy a bicycle. He admitted his guilt. He worked hard for fear that he should fail. He said so out of envy. Though he is young, he is equal to the task. He was terribly poor when he was young. He is said to have been very poor when he was young. He was forced to resign as prime minister. He was released from prison immediately after the war. He has been dead for ten years. They say that he is seriously ill. He is too young to go swimming alone. He is always on the move. He is always on the move. He breathed deeply before entering his boss's office. He washed her dirty hands before the meal. His anxiety was such that he could hardly sleep. He was so kind as to show me the way to the station. He is five feet tall. He is terrible at math. He is one of the greatest scientists in the world. It seems that he likes collecting stamps. He went heart and soul into the work. He encouraged his son to study harder. He is working hard to catch up with the others. He resigned himself to spending a boring evening. He is possessed of a strong fighting instinct. He sat reading, with his wife knitting a pair of gloves beside him. He is a famous composer. He is a famous composer. He is a famous composer. He walked his horse to the gate. He walked his horse to the gate. He is short, but good at basketball. He is short, but good at basketball. He was not at all surprised at her ability. He died a sad death. He is too tired to go any farther. He is a good correspondent. He has taken charge of his father's company. He never takes into account the fact that I am very busy. He leveled his gun at me. He reluctantly agreed to my proposal. He stopped reading a book. He lent me the money quite willingly. He looked for a place in which to sleep. He looked for a place in which to sleep. He arrived safely. He is the king of the night. He is a capable lawyer. He lives three doors from the post office. He entered the army. We do not anticipate their buying a new car. We do not anticipate their buying a new car. We do not anticipate their buying a new car. We do not anticipate their buying a new car. Since they had no children of their own, they decided to adopt a little girl. None of them could understand what she was implying. Their decision will bring about serious consequences. Their wedding will be tomorrow. Their son's name is John. Their losses reached one million yen. Their losses reached one million yen. They must work 8 hours a day. They work eight hours a day. When will they give a concert? They don't always obey their parents. They had a rest for a while. They agreed to look into the causes of the accident. Both of them are very cute. They stood on the top of the hill. They stood on the top of the hill. They drove the car by turns. They made love last night. They made love last night. They couldn't decide whether to go to the mountains or the sea. They require me to work harder. They blamed the failure on George. They married when they were young. They got through the marsh. They lived in the countryside during the war. They are a perfect match for each other. They were so frightened that they couldn't move an inch. They stopped to talk. There is no reason for her to scold you. There is no reason for her to scold you. There is no reason for her to scold you. There is no reason for her to scold you. I'm sorry she's not here. I'm sorry she's not here. Her look says that she loves you. Her look says that she loves you. She is no match for me. Please explain the reason why she was arrested. I'll have her call you when she gets back. There is much talk that she is going to France next month. What strikes me most about her is her innocence. Her skirt fits closely. Her dress looked cheap. Her dress looked cheap. Her words were like those of an angel. Her car struck against the gatepost through her carelessness. Her method is far in advance of ours. With her help, my French improved little by little. It was silly of him to refuse her offer. If her nose were a little shorter, she would be quite pretty. She is a doctor. She covered twenty miles a day. She must be over eighty. She is married to an American. She went from one shop to another. She is always complaining of her job. She is always busy. She inclined her head in greeting. She gave birth to a daughter yesterday. She gave birth to a daughter yesterday. She gave birth to a daughter yesterday. She gave birth to a daughter yesterday. She may use this typewriter. She can play this tune on the piano. She wired she was coming soon. She remarried soon. She will be here in no time. She turned down every proposal. She undertook the responsibility for the project. It is said that she looked after the orphan. She looked surprised at the letter. She fed milk to the cat. She fed milk to the cat. She has to stop smoking. She has to stop smoking. She's as busy as Tom. She saw some books lying on the piano. I don't think she can speak French. She sweeps the room with a broom. She'll try it once more. She's practicing English so she can get a better job. She was made to wait for over an hour. She is used to living alone. She warmed herself by the fire. She warmed herself by the fire. She warmed herself by the fire. She is married to a foreigner. She dropped out of school. She earns money by taking in students. She is a fluent speaker of English. She is a fluent speaker of English. She is not a nurse, but a doctor. She cried. She cried. She parked her car in a vacant lot. She manages a shoe store. She manages a shoe store. She manages a shoe store. She manages a shoe store. I cannot help loving her in spite of her many faults. She has a strong personality. She girded her waist with a belt. She died yesterday afternoon. She found it necessary to accustom her child to getting up early. She sang a song, the title of which I did not know. She is as young as I am. She gave me a shy smile. She gave me a shy smile. She knows ten times as many English words as I do. She's my type. She is a friend of my wife's. She is a friend of my wife's. She is learning how to drive a car. She had the boys paint the house. Her laugh was a lie that concealed her sorrow. She always sides with the weak. She has a negative attitude toward life. She had her baby drink some milk. She was named after her grandmother. She bought me a nice coat. Who do you think she lives with? Who do you think she lives with? Who do you think she lives with? Who do you think she lives with? Who do you think she lives with? She's practicing the piano day and night. She couldn't come because he was sick. She was absent from school because of sickness. She brushed her husband's hat. She opened the window to let in fresh air. She is from Hokkaido, but is now living in Tokyo. She is really cute. She deposits 10,000 yen in the bank every month. She felt quite worn out after arguing with friends. She is too young to go to school. I think that she will come. She likes traveling best of all. She is contemplating a trip. Though she was tired, she kept on working. The prisoner was brought before a judge. The defendant was sentenced to death. Airplanes have taken the place of electric trains. This is the second time I've flown. What time did the plane arrive at Narita? Make sure that you pick me up at five, please. I agree with the opinion that real estate is overpriced. The couple decided to adopt an orphan. There are many careers open to women. My father is still ill in bed. My father is still ill in bed. My father complained about the traffic noise. My father doesn't allow me to go to the movies alone. Father reads the newspaper, eating his breakfast. Father went to Detroit to work every year. Father went to Detroit to work every year. Father went to Detroit to work every year. Father went to Detroit to work every year. My father will be back at the beginning of next month. My father will travel abroad next year. The defeated team slowly left the field. Take lots of vitamin C to avoid catching cold. I forgot to lock the storeroom. The more I hear, the more interesting it becomes. Throughout the United State large numbers of young people enter college every year. Please show me another. One book is thin, and the other is thick. Don't study. I walked to school. I walked to school. Do not read while walking. In the absence of her mother, she looks after her sister. Mother made us cheese sandwiches for lunch. My mother is seriously ill. Mother comes to stay with us at least once a month. Mother bought us a puppy. Mother bought us a puppy. My mother is loved by my father. The mother told the children to be quiet. I like jazz. I'm going to change my shirt. I agree with you that we should try again. Do Japanese children really paint the sun red? Instinct is often a poor guide. My sister takes care of everything she possesses. I brush my hair 100 strokes every night. I brush my hair 100 strokes every night. You must not park your car there without permission. The first point that requires clarification is that the design was purely experimental. Akiko has some friends in France. I want to check out at 6 tomorrow morning. I was wondering if you'd like to join me for dinner tomorrow. This time tomorrow I'll be studying in the library. This time tomorrow I'll be studying in the library. Call me at six tomorrow morning. Don't forget to pick me up tomorrow morning. Do not trust such men as praise you to your face. Making model spaceships is interesting. When we awoke, we were adrift on the open sea. I awoke to find myself lying on the floor. I awoke to find a bird in my room. I awoke to find myself lying on the sofa. I awoke to find a burglar in my room. The blind nurse devoted herself to caring for the elderly. A blind person's hearing is often very acute. She dreads going blind because she's wearing thick glasses. My eyes are very sensitive to the light. My eyes are sore. My eyes get tired very easily. Their eyes met. Don't read under insufficient light, for it is bad for your eyes. Out of sight, out of mind. I got some sand in my eye. I got a bug in my eye and I can't get it out. Some students looked at her with tears in their eyes. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. As far as the eye could reach, nothing was to be seen but a field of wheat. There was nothing but water as far as the eye could reach. The blind man felt his way toward the exit. The root of the problem is a lack of communication between departments. The dog kept barking at me at the gate and kept me from coming in. I study for many hours at night. Anyone who has made a promise should keep it. I want you to keep your promise. The kettle is boiling. When dinner was over, we adjourned to the sitting room. I don't care where we eat dinner. It's entirely up to you. I reviewed the budget, and decided to cut costs. I'm afraid it's not a good idea. In a word, he tires of everything. We were very sleepy the next morning. What is the program of the Kabuki for next month? I'm depending on you. The thunder roared. You can solve the problem in nonviolent ways. Owing to the storm, they arrived late. There are many rest stops along the freeway for the convenience of travelers. I don't like both of them. When it comes to cooking, no one can equal Mary. My eyes are watery. For example, more people are choosing to live together and have children without getting married. No dumping rubbish here! It looks like we've been able to fill in that one year gap and renew our old friendship. When drawing kanji be careful of dots and sweeps, write as carefully and quickly as possible. My hair's messed up this morning. At least lend me a hand mirror - it should be shut in the drawer there. Even I can't believe that. "Didn't you get married!?" "Oh, we split up. We broke our engagement." He has the capacity to be a future leader of the nation. I have trouble taking powdered medicine. The police seized a large quantity of drugs at the school. Once things start going this way, in the end they'll all be much of a muchness. Is it true that men have oilier skin than women? Is it true that men have oilier skin than women? There's a lot of greenery in Tokyo Midtown! I suppose that depends on how good you are. I'm counting on you! Good morning! Our union can be perfected. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. I'm Shanghainese. No swimming. It's always been that way. Happy New Year! Die! We met a writer. The road is long. Where do you live? We always walk by the post office on the way to work. Keep your hair on! What is your blood type? Hello! Thank you! Moreover, freedom in America is indivisible from the freedom to practice one's religion. That is why there is a mosque in every state of our union, and over 1,200 mosques within our borders. I saw a dog. The surface of a balloon is not an Euclidean space, and therefore does not follow the rules of Euclidean geometry. You didn't tell her anything? I dedicate this book to my daughter. I have a lot of flowers. That kind of thing can't be found just anywhere. I have never read such a scary novel. Nobody believes what I say. I've heard that Mary wants a divorce. To see him talk, you might think he's a girl. Being careful about his health, he seldom gets sick. She is independent of her parents. I heard that he was very rich. Don't be shy. Don't be shy. It would not be an exaggeration to say that Augustine's thought had an influence not only on Christianity but on the whole of Western thought. I plan to break up with her. What's the difference between a village and a town? What's the difference between a village and a town? What would you like to eat? He doesn't just speak French, he speaks Spanish as well. This tape isn't sticky. I like to eat watermelon. I can barely stand his behavior. I dropped by the bookstore and bought an interesting book. I saw John at the library. When you skateboard, it puts quite a strain on your knees. Only unemployed people date on Wednesdays. What's your name? Mom cooked some tasty food! Why is she crying? The teddy bear is more beautiful. Let's do it. Let's try it. Let's try it. I can't see anything. There's no doubt: the universe is infinite. Let's have a try. I will try. I saw him for the first time in 10 years. Wow! It's been a long time. My eyes hurt. I'm a good taxi driver. He overslept this morning. I don't like Alice. The president proposed a new plan. My father encouraged me to learn how to play the piano. My father encouraged me to learn how to play the piano. We know this song. We know this song. There are a million people in Auckland. Cancer is a great enemy of mankind. I hear you've got a new girlfriend. I hear you've got a new girlfriend. I hear you've got a new girlfriend. Of course. Could you please repeat what you just said? It's my CD, isn't it? The least you could do is to answer me. You're joking! Are you hungry? Are you thirsty? Buy it, it's very cheap. Come with me. Could you speak more slowly? Go back to your seats. He has even more apples. Helen has won the prize. Help! Whose turn is it? Whose turn is it? I like math. You don't have to eat it. How old are you? How old are you? How old is that painting? How old is that painting? How old is that painting? I am eating dinner with my husband. I have no time for that, and besides, I don't have any money. I hope you like it. I'll kill you. I will endure. The weather suddenly got warmer. This dog is white. Please read the numbers on the meter. Do you want me to paint you? It's very big. I get on pretty well with my new classmates. Goodbye. See you tomorrow. I take the bus to school. I went swimming after I woke up. Could I please use your phone? You do not have a fever. I studied in Boston from 2003 to 2007. I think, therefore I am. I'm not free. I'm not free. I'm not free. I'm not free. I'm not free. Many offices of the municipal government are in the town hall. My brother prefers windsurfing. The second combination plate contains meat. Push the door carefully. She likes to read. The Japanese archipelago is struck by a terrible heat wave. I want to tell you something strange. She sells flowers. Show me where it hurts you. Sign here, please. Take it away, please. I've brought a cup of coffee. This table is heavy. What have I got to do so that you'll pay attention to me? What is my room number? I wish people would stop saying things in ways that crush young dreams. Do it the way he tells you to. Do it the way he tells you to. Where did you see that woman? As far as I know, she hasn't departed yet. I usually get up at eight o'clock. Do you even care? What are the first five letters of your email? Here is my key. I am going out, aren't you? I got on the wrong train. What did you do last vacation? Ann has many friends. I really want to know. Please explain why you can't come. It takes time to speak a foreign language well. If you feel there are several possible translations, note that for the same sentence, you can add several translations in the same language. I want to go for a swim. Well, stranger things have happened. She gave me a watch. Ignore what he said. He was only joking. The ship leaves for Honolulu tomorrow. I count the sparkle of constellations to foretell the future of my love. Quite a few people have two cars. I'm going to kill you for wasting my time. You're driving like a maniac! Can you give me an example? I write to Erwan Le Bourdonnec. If you like seafood, you've come to the right place! You must keep the promises you make. What do you need this money for? I'm a journalist. "I'm in a terrible hurry... for reasons I can't say," Dima replied to the woman. "Please, just let me try on that suit there." This sentence can be interpreted in two ways. Do you have change for a dollar? Next time I'll come earlier. It's only a dream. Tomorrow is Sunday. The doctor advised me that I should not work so much anymore. She looks young, but she's actually older than you are. She is poor, but she is happy. I was going to meet him, but I was very busy this week. At what hour was she born? At what hour was she born? I will go to London tomorrow morning. Very romantic! I don't dare. Please give me a piece of paper to write on. I want to give her a gift for her birthday. Only she can use the computer. I know that you put your best effort into it. He's my younger brother. It seems that he's happy. It takes two to do something strange. That's my friend Rachel. We go to school together. What do you wish for? He goes by bike. Can you come to the office by train? Father often says: "Time is money!" A new school has been built. Octopi live in the sea. He was thrown in prison for robbery. Let's take a ten-minute break. He's mad at his daughter. I came to Tokyo three years ago and I've been living here since. I need a new computer. She decided to quit her job. That's all I have. Smoking a fat cigar, he told stories about Greenland. The president has abolished slavery. Once a month. He had hoped to succeed, but he didn't. The Greeks also eat fish often. I bought myself this superfast popcorn machine as a Christmas present. I can't forget, but I don't remember what. It's always been like that. I'm saying "For the sake of Earth's environment," but actually it's "For the sake of the people living on Earth." They gave us a warm greeting. Is it all right to eat out tonight? With no work, I can't save any money. Tigers are bigger and stronger than cats. Please stick this label to your baggage. You'd better get your stuff together now because we're leaving in ten minutes. We are awaiting visitors tonight. The last leg of our journey will be the most difficult. That factory manufactures toys. Such a program will help the rich but harm the poor. Let us be fully aware of all the importance of this day, because today within the generous walls of Boulogne-sur-Mer have met not French with English, nor Russians with Polish, but people with people. Let us consider the gravity of this day, for today inside the hospitable walls of Boulogne-sur-Mer, the French are not meeting the English, nor are Russians meeting Poles, but people are meeting people. I left my briefcase on the bus. I left your umbrella on the bus. I'm flying to Hanoi tomorrow. My house is close to the school. That book is thick, but it's not very expensive. I don't have time to meet you. Last night he went to sleep at 11 o' clock. Please do not forget. This is not toilet paper. A cheetah can run as fast as 70 miles per hour. I will not be able to finish if you don't help me. I won't be able to finish if you don't help me. People are the only animals that can laugh. Look how they all speak ill of me behind my back because I married a woman thirty years younger than me. This lawn mower runs on petrol. You've got dark circles under your eyes. You should read a lot of books while you're young. I only have ten books. Is it possible to stay here a little longer? I'm a tennis player. Our school is in this village. No one knows where she is. We can only hope the government decides to withdraw its troops. I very much hope that I did not pressure him, but that he came with us of his own volition. Reading books is interesting. Children need a lot of sleep. She doesn't have a driver's license. They will never accept. It's too far. This is what I've bought in Spain. Hello Mimi! How are you? He asked me to keep the secret. You only live once. He lives in a house far from the village. I remember the year when he began working and earning money. My brother is a teacher. Speaking of Mr. Tanaka, have you seen him lately? What's my room number? "What's your name?" I asked. "What's your name?" I asked. She was afraid of travelling alone. Turn the light off. I can't fall asleep. Since I was tired, I went to bed early. Don't judge people based on their appearance. Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Love must have wings to fly away from love, and to fly back again. Alan is a poet. We want complete sentences. He who says big, does a little. Death is an integral part of life. You have very sexy legs. You have very sexy legs. It's like water on the duck's back. Everyone is master in his own house. What did you drink? Every dog is valiant at his own door. I also know how to ride a horse. The English are polite. It is not easy to catch a hare with your bare hands. I'm not quite happy at the moment. I'll wait here until she comes. There are various reasons why a house may be left vacant. He went his way, I go my way. He hates carrots. He hates carrots. He hates carrots. He puts a lot of thought into how he thinks. We rent the flat. We rent the flat. We rent the flat. She seems to be excited. I'll be free tonight. I am free tonight. Unfortunately, I don't have so much money on me. Beef stew should be nice and thick. He introduced you to me, don't you remember? To loosen a screw, turn it to the left. He's been teaching for 20 years. The amount of people on Facebook is greater than the population of the United States of America. You run. Aim at the target with this gun. There's a party after work. Can you say that again? Tom appeared confused. Tom is a bright student. I can't connect to the Internet. Their company created forty new jobs. We stayed at an economy hotel. Doctors take an oath not to harm anyone. The journalist was kidnapped by terrorists. Lake Baikal in Russia is the deepest lake in the world. Officers of the navy wear white uniforms. The book is now ready for publication. The river flows under the bridge. Would you like to play with us? Be careful not to drive the wrong way on a one-way street. I'm gonna get a cell phone tomorrow! What would German be without commas! What languages do you speak? What street is this? Where can I buy a bathing suit? Will you check the tires? You teach Arabic. Then I can still have five more minutes of sleep. I like to travel. The second lesson is very simple. I am who I am thanks to my mother. I don't like him very much. To tell you the truth, I hate him. You don't give up too easily, do you? The concert lasted about three hours. I'll call as soon as I am at the airport. What's good in the neighborhood? Colorless green ideas sleep furiously. I met him when I was a student. I like to go to the movies. A tiger is larger and stronger than a cat. You'll get used to it. Abandon hope, all ye who enter here. They could face a ten-year prison term. The library has a valuable bank of old documents. I am Antonio. Beating the game without continuing unlocks the secret character. They are vegetarians. "What toppings do you want on the pizza?" "Anything but anchovies." It's two pounds. My mother tongue is the most beautiful present that I received from my mother. Please don't make so much noise. They are studying at the library for a very difficult test. Every time I travel to Paris, I go to Sacre-Coeur and sit on the steps to listen to people sing. It's the law. It is the law. In a mad world only the mad are sane. As much as 90 percent of happiness comes from elements such as attitude, life control and relationships. He is sitting at the table. Where should I hang the calendar? She's a real hottie. All the villagers know him. It is very difficult to understand him. She's beautiful, smart, and - most importantly - has a good heart. Insects have a hard skin. My mother bought my little brother a yellow umbrella. Her toe bleeds. Her toe bleeds. Her toe bleeds. She can't cope with stress. I invited twelve people to my party, but one person could not come. I invited twelve people to my party, but one could not come. A computer is a modern device. Have you met the new family in our neighborhood? It works well. It works well. It works well. He is speaking loudly. If possible, I'd like to go home now. Among the five of us, he's surely the one who can speak the most languages. I am satisfied with my job. His friends traveled to the town with me. His friends traveled to the town with me. Do you want to eat? This is the second time I have arrived in China on my own. Doing it this way was probably the most fun, too. What more would you want? My computer's acting strange. He got lost on his way here. He got lost on his way here. Won't you please write with a ballpoint pen? Could you please turn down the heat? If you ever do that again, be careful! They also have ‘You can be serious without a suit’ as one of their key beliefs. Gotta go. Gotta go. How can I pay my bills without work! You may write in any language you want. On Tatoeba, all languages are equal. You may write in any language you want. On Tatoeba, all languages are equal. Prices will continue to rise. The whole city is covered with snow. I'd love to find out why she said so. Here you can see beautiful colour combinations. What you said left a deep impression on me. They were in a hurry to get home. They threatened and denounced each other. They had to promise to obey the laws of Mexico. He was forced to return to Washington. He said military force would not be needed. He stopped to make speeches in cities along the way. I'll protect her with my life. The British finally retreated. Al Gore was born in Washington, DC. President Jefferson did not want the trade ban to last long. Power brings corruption. The charge was not true. Paying for it was difficult. There is only one thing to do. Many people had no homes at all. The situation seemed out of control. A week later, Germany attacked Poland. Jackson sent a message to President Monroe. President Roosevelt won the election of 1940. I've believed in Kylie Minogue since June 12, 1998. Having found a suitable human host, an ambitious Cuba Libre sang a beautiful ballad at the karaoke bar. Play us a tune. Culture is what remains after one has forgotten all the things one has learned. Remember that a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language. He's running very quickly. I waited for her for a really long time. I hate you. We need to rack our brains some more. She just ate sushi and drank beer. I don't like you. Since they couldn't agree, they decided just to leave the topic open for now. Jerry is a very honest man. You can always take him at his word. How do you always get such good marks in school? I never see you even crack a book. If you want to get a visa to go to America, you have to go through a lot of channels first. Since Janet died, her husband has really gone off the deep end. I can't believe you got away with sneaking out of your house last night. Your father didn't hear you. Roger, what you say makes sense and I agree with you. Our team doesn't stand a chance against their team because they are much better than we are. Our country would be better off if we had a new prime minister. If you drive at night, you should watch out for drunk drivers. The police will keep an eye on the man they think is the criminal. Be careful when you shop, because some sales people will try to take advantage of you and offer you an expensive price. I really feel sorry for that old man who lives alone and has no family. Sharon found out that she was going to have a baby. They're so tired because they've been working around the clock for 2 days. Yesterday the students finished Chapter 1 so now they'll move on to Chapter 2. The workers stopped short of constructing that building because they didn't have enough money to finish it. Watch out! That car almost hit you. Can I stay with you? I was kicked out of my house because I didn't pay the rent. The doctor said that grandmother is still very sick, but she's out of the woods. Don't feel sorry for yourself. We're all in the same boat. Nancy will never go on a date with me. She's out of my league. William is so organized. He's always on top of things. We're really behind schedule. We need to get on the ball. With his bright red hair, Carl really stands out in a crowd of people. Everyone is happy with the decision, so please don't rock the boat. Did you hear that the position for manager is up for grabs? Billy, get lost! I don't want to see you here again. Stop beating around the bush and tell me directly why you're so angry. Don't waste your breath with Fred. He'll never change his mind. At the seminar, they threw us all together into groups and made us talk together. It's difficult to tell those two twins apart because they look so much alike. You must stand up for what you believe in or no one will respect you. Please don't spill the beans to Elizabeth that I bought her a gold necklace for her birthday. It serves you right that you failed your exam. You didn't study for it at all. Sweetheart, we need to go to the supermarket. We ran out of milk. I'm sorry I can't join you today. I have to run a lot of errands before this evening. Yes, I was outside and it's raining cats and dogs. Chris, you're completely wet! Wow, Daniel has put on a lot of weight since the last time I saw him. We'll have to make room for your mother when she moves into our house with us. It makes no difference what you say. I'm still going to buy that expensive car. Melissa completely lost her head when the house caught on fire. She didn't know what to do. David thinks he's so important. He always looks down on the other people in his office. You shouldn't have let the cat out of the bag about being pregnant so soon. I wanted to surprise everyone. I can't remember what Timothy looks like, but I'm sure I'll know him by sight. Would you two knock it off with the loud noise? I'm trying to sleep. It's so hard to keep up with teenage clothing fashions these days because they change so often. It's very important to keep your head if there's an emergency. Let's go to the beach. I got time off from work for the next 6 days. Jennifer is very disappointed about the concert being cancelled. She really had her heart set on going. If you think your team can win against our team, you've got another thing coming! It goes without saying that Tom is in love with Kathy. That's OK, we can go Dutch tonight. It's my pleasure to come to your university. I’m so glad to visit VNU. It’s my pleasure to come to VNU. If I had money, I'd buy a computer. Welcome to Tatoeba! They should know it. Napoleon's army advanced up to Moscow. I'm reconsidering my engagement. Have you ever been to Okinawa? Have you ever been to Okinawa? Have you ever been to Okinawa? Have you ever been to Okinawa? Have you ever been to Okinawa? She seems OK now. She seems OK now. She seems OK now. She seems OK now. She seems OK now. We lost against our rival on price. I am not leaving you. Her father won't come, he is very busy. Her father won't come, he is very busy. Must I go with you? Good day! My name is Jisung. Where are they from? This apple is rotten. Millions of spiritual creatures walk the earth unseen, both when we wake, and when we sleep. Have you stopped beating your wife? Have you stopped beating your wife? Have you stopped beating your wife? Am I right in saying that, like me, you study Spanish? I don't know what we would do without you. Interpreters do not translate turn by turn. My uncle has 3 children. I've tried Controls, but they seem a little tighter to me than Durexes. We call this mountain Tsurugidake. I've borrowed a table. She usually comes here on Tuesdays. After he had done his homework, he went to bed. The man does the laundry, not the woman. I heard you. I don't give a shit about it. She advised him to come by 2:30. She allegedly murdered him. She argued with him and then hit him. She denied having met him. She hired him as an interpreter. She introduced me to him at the party. She used to live with him. She used to live with him. I don’t believe that black cats cause bad luck. The universe was born more than 12 billion years ago. Please forget what we talked about earlier. For the past 10 years, I've fed my dog dry dog food. Please telephone him. Her house is near the park. I think it's time for me to admit that I never cared about you. I think it's time for me to buy a decent car. Run! What's your favorite cheap wine? What's your favorite national park? Who's your favorite poet? I wish that we could spend more time together. She spends over a third of her time doing paperwork. You must apologize to her, and do it at once. He lost his cool and started throwing things. Impossible. This film is based on a novel. Zero is what comes before one. You'll never finish translating sentences on Tatoeba. Think more and make decisions after. Take the top and you will have the middle. It was pretty ballsy of you to stand up to the boss like that. She is peeling crab shells. This morning the weather is cloudy. No matter how much you try to convince people that chocolate is vanilla, it'll still be chocolate, even though you may manage to convince yourself and a few others that it's vanilla. The locals are very hospitable. This is our friend Tom. This is our friend Tom. The story ends well. He left the house at eight o'clock. He left the house at eight o'clock. So he works at this factory, does he? I have already visited the United States. Even my grandma can send an SMS. People born in São Paulo state are called Paulistas. You speak tremendously fast. You speak tremendously fast. A bunch of people were standing outside waiting. Am I under arrest? Do you like cooking? I guess you'll need some help. I shouldn't have made you that sandwich. It may seem like a minor thing to you, but for a lot of people this is really difficult to do. Our mother had no choice but to make dinner with leftovers. Parsnips, squash, carrots, peas and sweet potatoes are considered starchy vegetables. We ate until we were satisfied. When we are together, I forget all the unhappy times we've had. Why do people tell lies? Why do people tell lies? Why do people tell lies? Why do people tell lies? Why don't we go out and get something to eat? Would you rather have a cup of coffee or a cup of tea? Nobody does it better. Nobody does it better. I wouldn't have done that in your place. Are you in a rush? I love studying history. I turned down the idea of going for a walk and stayed at home. Please correct the errors. She's studying French and web design. Translating this text will be very easy. Does John want to see a Korean movie? Does John want to see a Korean movie? I'm also thinking of going to Korea. Please do not write in this library book. I swim almost every day. It was awesome to meet you in real life! I am not a rhinoceros, I am not a tiger, but I am led into this barren wild... I hope your wishes will come true. I hope your wishes will come true. All I have is books. Some people seem to complain about everything. She couldn't hold back her laughter. That happened three days ago. He was sitting and reading a book. He was sitting and reading a book. He was sitting and reading a book. Valencia is famous for its unusual architecture. Why do you think Tom was crying? Why do you think Tom was crying? Why do you think Tom prefers living in the country? Tom tries to avoid traveling by air. Tom spent a lot of time trying to learn how to play the French horn. Tom says that he's tired. Tom only eats organic food. Tom may borrow my car any afternoon next week. Tom looks funny wearing those shoes. Tom lived here three years ago. Tom is too young to travel alone. Tom is the kind of man I like. Tom is a very busy person. Tom is a very busy person. Tom is a very busy person. Tom is a truck driver. Tom is a new student. Tom is a bit busy, so he can't help you today. Tom hurt his knee when he fell down. Tom has the right to vote. Tom got to Boston yesterday. Tom got to Boston yesterday. Tom got to Boston yesterday. Tom gets up early in the morning. Tom failed to keep his promise. Tom doesn't know what time it is. Tom doesn't know how to play golf. Tom doesn't eat meat. Tom didn't know what to do with the leftover food. Tom didn't have time to finish his report. Tom did what he had to do. Tom couldn't sleep last night. Tom couldn't control his anger. Tom concentrated on his work. Tom complained that the soup was not hot enough. Tom can't find his bag. Tom came to ask us to help him. Tom came to ask us for our help. Tom becomes nervous whenever he has to speak in public. Tom becomes nervous whenever he has to speak in public. Tom ate part of the ham, and then put the rest into the refrigerator. Tom almost drowned. This is my friend, Tom. The letter was written by Tom. Nobody knew that Tom was the person who contributed most of the money. I wish Tom wouldn't sing so loudly late at night. I wish Tom wouldn't sing so loudly late at night. Even though Tom still had tears in his eyes, he began to smile. Can you remember the time we visited Tom when he was still a teenager? Tom's dream is to travel around the world with Mary. Tom will never forget all the time Mary spent with him. Tom went there to talk to Mary. Tom told Mary his phone number. Tom remembers telling Mary the story about how he had escaped from being eaten by cannibals. Tom is three years younger than Mary. Tom is three years younger than Mary. Tom is three years younger than Mary. Tom has never heard Mary sing. Tom has known Mary for years. Tom has been avoiding Mary all day. Tom gave Mary something cold to drink. Tom doubts if Mary will keep her promise. Tom doesn't know if Mary will go camping with us or not. Tom didn't want to tell Mary the sad news. Tom couldn't put up with Mary any longer. Tom couldn't have done it without Mary's help. Tom asked me to pick Mary up at the airport. Tom asked Mary to warm up some leftovers. Tom asked Mary if she knew how to knit. Tom and Mary have been married for about three years. Tom and Mary admired the scenery as they held hands. Tom accompanied Mary on the guitar. Mary used to dream about marrying Tom. Mary is Tom's sister. Mary is Tom's sister. I haven't talked to you in a while. What the fuck is wrong with you? I'm sorry for the late response. Tom had no intention of ever seeing Mary again. I asked him to make four copies of the letter. Tom can speak English like a native. Tom would never break a promise. I get the feeling you're trying to tell me something. Careful! Summer begins early in my country. Are you back home now? Are you back home now? My brother is a teacher. Blue movies are rated X, which means that only people of 18 and over can watch them. Can't you move faster? Can't you move faster? I don't really like him, in a nutshell, I think he is an idiot. Where do I get on the number 7 bus? My father has never been sick in his life. I'm sure she will become a great singer. I'm waiting for my friend. I'm waiting for my friend. I'm waiting for my friend. I made this gratin using yesterday's leftovers. It tastes pretty good, doesn't it? We are in need of some food. I don't like that he comes to my house so often. What's the time now? The only thing Tom likes to do after dinner is watch TV. Let's start with beer. Tom's been working on this report since this morning. Tom wondered how long it would take Mary to finish the job. Tom wished that he could play tennis as well as Mary. Tom was looking for some people to help him move his piano. Tom was beaten to death with a tire iron. Tom wanted to ask Mary a question. Tom told me that he didn't want to come home empty-handed. Tom made no attempt to hide the fact that he was in love with Mary. Tom left his umbrella on the train. Tom left his umbrella on the train. Tom left his umbrella on the train. Tom left his umbrella on the train. Tom is the best employee we've ever had. Tom is still young and inexperienced. Tom hopes he won't be eating leftovers again tonight. Tom heated up some leftovers for dinner. Tom hasn't seen Mary in a while. Tom has more money than I do. Tom has changed a lot since high school. Tom has a solution for everything. Tom has a good point. Tom has a drawer full of USB cables. Tom found a part-time job near his home. Tom dropped out of school. Tom doesn't understand what's going on. Tom doesn't trust a thing Mary says. Tom doesn't like the way Mary looks at him. Tom doesn't know how to have fun. Tom does good work. Tom didn't mean to make Mary angry. Tom didn't know that Mary liked to cook. Tom dialed the wrong number. Tom dialed the wrong number. Tom dialed the wrong number. Tom demonstrated the company's newest product to the crowd. Tom decided to leave work early. Tom decided to give up playing guitar professionally. Tom cried for an hour. Tom couldn't understand what the purpose of the mission was. Tom couldn't find a place to park. Tom couldn't control his emotions. Tom comes from a musical family. Tom chased the cats out of his house. Tom asked Mary how much money she had. Tom asked Mary how much money she had. Tom and Mary eat steak two or three times a week. It wasn't easy for Tom to tell Mary what she needed to hear. I'd love to see inside Tom's house. I don't like this book. Does he like China? I will eat. We hope to arrive on time. His advice didn't help much. I wrote the book. Nobody is so learned that he is able to know all things. Is it so wrong to enjoy life this much? They're over there, you know, with their dog. Smoking compromises your health. Tom isn't in New York now. Would you like some sugar in your tea? Would you like some sugar in your tea? Would you like some sugar in your tea? Would you like some sugar in your tea? Would you like some sugar in your tea? Would you like some sugar in your tea? Would you like some sugar in your tea? I want to kill someone. I'm not as stupid as you think I am. You may not pass, sir. My place is here. My place is here. I've got nothing to lose. 46 million Americans lived under the poverty line in 2010. He speaks English better than me. We gave them food. We gave them food. I hope that the bus ride won't be boring. She is very healthy. Help me! I don't leave the doors open, because there are animals in my neighborhood. Come and tell me in my room. Come and tell me in my room. The raven is regarded a bird of bad omen. We are learning Arabic. We are learning Arabic. You can always change it. Mom is always right. If you go into the forest, watch out for the man-eating ogres! She promised not to tell anyone. What do you think Tom's shoe size is? Tom was not famous. Tom was happy. Tom was frightened. Tom splashed water on his face. A study found that almost 10% of men were obese in 2008. That was up from about 5% in 1980. Most teachers don't make a decent living considering the hours they have to work. Who is that old man? The Libyan government is ready to close ''Bit.ly''. Not being useful to anyone is simply being worthless. I love my woolly hat. Can you exchange it for another one? Can you exchange it for another one? Isn't it true? Isn't it true? "Who will be coming to the party?" "A few friends and four or five colleagues." I know how to ski. Tom wrung the chicken's neck. Tom put a bandage on Mary's arm. I do want to learn! I hope you don't miss anything. I was thinking of you actually! I've given up on the idea of buying a house. The police officer blew his whistle. Life's not fair. Tom has to take this call. Hurry! You should not be afraid of the future. Winter is the season I like best. Things will only get worse. Which flight centre will your sister work for? You'd better open up the curtains. You'd better open up the curtains. This fruit has an unpleasant smell. I'm American, but I can speak Japanese a little. I'm not a doctor. I need the new version no matter what. I'm getting tired of looking at the furniture we can't afford Who ate all the pies? Tom said something crude about the way Mary was dressed. I wanna come back to Lucca. I can see a ship in the distance. Is that too much to ask? It'd be best if a few more female singers could come. It's already seven o'clock. In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth. He is a viler human being (if you can even call him that) than I could've ever known. How long will you be at your aunt's house? I thought you should know. I'll take two or three days off. Tomorrow, it'll be worse. The moon's so bright. There are so many people at this concert. He's moonlighting as a stripper. A truck was rushing along the road. What kind of hair style would you like? What kind of hair style would you like? I'm not old enough to get a driver's license. This knife is not at all sharp. My hobby is reading. Chances are the bill will be rejected. The word "theory" is often misused. Due to unforeseen circumstances, tonight's meeting has been cancelled until further notice. It's time for bed. Don't let them fool you. Don't let them fool you. Don't let them fool you. Don't let them fool you. This is my room. A cat has two ears. Nothing is impossible. I'm hating this weather! Where is he playing? If you feel sick, you have to vomit? She seemed to be wallowing in her grief instead of trying to recover from the disaster. She takes a new lover while he is in anguish. Why when we are in love, we make each other hurt? It's all over for us. You can't buy happiness. Make your students read books that make them think more. I have some time. She is the Prime Minister of Finland. She couldn't help but cry. She couldn't help but cry. We stayed around the bonfire telling jokes and horror histories. Yesterday I met Marie. Should I bring something to read? When he spoke, everyone became silent. I love her so much I could die. He informed me about the changes in the plan. He informed me about the changes in the plan. He left for London the day before yesterday. He left for London the day before yesterday. He tried to behave as bravely as possible while he was being held hostage. He left the room without saying a word. He was a Frenchman. I could tell by his accent. He practices the piano every day, so he can become a pianist. No matter what the cost, I will accomplish that. No matter what the cost, I will accomplish that. It's already Christmas in Europe. I saw a UFO. I'm working on another case. I'm working on another case. I'm working on another case. The doctor broke the Hippocratic Oath. So our wedding wasn't good? There was nobody in there. I have an electric guitar. I have an electric guitar. It's too hot and I'm very tired. That's why we are here. That's why we are here. That's why we are here. That's why we are here. That's why we are here. He didn't drink the milk. Bob thought deeply about that matter. Edward inherited his uncle's estate. He's swaggering. Do you understand the difference? I wish I could go back in time. She was born in the United States and grew up in Japan. These are clothes that Mary made by herself. Let's hang him first, we will judge him later sometime! I didn't like the Prime Minister's speech. Where were you coming from? It's obvious why you have a stomachache. If you read this sentence, you will become blind. There's no cure for stupidity. Are you happy here? I was very rich until I met her. We can't compete with Asia. He is nothing. I need a translator. I need a translator. The moon is exceptionally pretty tonight. I fear for the future of mankind. The house has three floors. Why don't you want to come to the cinema with me? Why do you insist? I already said no! I'm sorry to have caused you so much trouble. I'm sorry to have caused you so much trouble. I'm sorry to have caused you so much trouble. He put the book on the shelf. He makes three times more money than I do. He told me his life's story. Mary thinks that the world is a dangerous place. Ten people were packed into the small room. Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world. Mary is very good at belly dancing. Why are you so ugly? Why are you so ugly? Why are you so ugly? Would you like to have another beer? She's two years older than I am. With these stupid attitudes, Maria only proves her own arrogance. We are not the only ones to believe that he is not guilty. It's a very sad story. I'm not allowed to drink alcohol. He has run out of energy. The roof leaks every time it rains. Those hens lay eggs almost every day. Push the green button and the light will go on. Drunk people are so entertaining. The couple carved their initials in an oak tree. In my city, there is no school for learning Esperanto. In my city, there is no school for learning Esperanto. In my city, there is no school for learning Esperanto. It rained. You can't shake someone's hand with a clenched fist. My dad's free on Saturday. My dad's free on Saturday. The vase she broke is my aunt's. There are a few problems. Her book is very interesting. She liked poetry and music. She likes painting pictures. I've found out what Tom is doing. I love astronomy. Last night's game was exciting. The company wants to hire 20 people. If John had come, I wouldn't have had to. I often go fishing in that river. You should get your eyes checked. You'd better get up early. You'd better get up early. Tom opened the safe. What's there to do? Where did she go yesterday? Where did she go yesterday? Where did she go yesterday? The Solar System has only eight planets now as Pluto, which was the ninth, has been reclassified as a dwarf planet. Words wound more easily than they heal. You must walk before you can run. Is this where your mother works? Tom and Mary are playing Uno. You must continue to train. Japan is not as big as Canada. Japan is not as big as Canada. Japan is not as big as Canada. I won’t forgive you unless you apologise sincerely. Love's pleasure is ephemeral; regret eternal. Mr. Wang came to Japan to study Japanese. He will be a good doctor. That's the person I've been waiting for. If you want to sound like a native speaker, you must be willing to practise saying the same sentence over and over in the same way that banjo players practise the same phrase over and over again until they can play it correctly and at the desired tempo. I am eating. I am eating fruit. They have a different opinion regarding your problem. Don't trust anyone here. Tom's company went public. The process is important. I worry that, because the Japanese lines in this site are written with furigana, they take up a lot of space, and the people who don't even care about them in the first place might find them annoying. I don't want to know anything until tomorrow. Tom is a socialist. Marius is taller than Marcus. Where did you meet Tom? Tom is my colleague. How's your father? It's not a good idea. In Singapore, one way to punish criminals is to whip them. This time, the exam was not just difficult, but also, the questions were ambiguous. We've been married for 30 years. I'm an eighth grader. He confirmed that it was the wreck of the Titanic. She has two cats. One is white and the other one is black. The ugly clouds were getting closer, so we went inside. I can't find it anywhere. I can't find it anywhere. John's hand is clean. Does the cough disturb your sleep? I don't want to eat cooked rice. Where can I buy silk? A storm is coming. No one can stop the time from passing. Are there any students from Korea in your class? The number of people on Facebook is greater than the population of the United States. Is it comfortable to travel by ship? Is it comfortable to travel by ship? Is your house far from your company? Staying up late is harmful to your health. Staying up late is not good for the health. You have to choose between honor and death. The theater didn't use to open on Tuesdays. She's young, maybe too young. It's so easy. Tom is pursuing a successful career in New York. Mary wants to meet the right man. It's absolutely disgusting! It's absolutely disgusting! It's absolutely disgusting! She's been in hospital for a month. This sentence needs to be checked by a native speaker. Take blood from the donor. Do you sometimes study in the library? He drives a breakdown lorry. Liar! Cry: tears are the heart's petals. Do you need our help? Recently we have had several disasters. Did you catch what he said? I finished my math assignment. You're a nobody. I like to carry out historical research. I study English and Japanese. Japanese is harder than English. Don't underestimate your opponents. Hochiminh City is the largest city in Vietnam. I can't speak Vietnamese. I only speak a little Vietnamese. Could you teach me some Vietnamese phrases, please! A in Vietnamese is B. Could you please speak slower? I didn't hear you clearly. Would you please say it again? Have you got an English-Vietnamese dictionary? My God! I left the wallet in my room! Don't you ever cheat on me, you foxy! Do I look like a terrorist? You're messing up with the wrong guy, babe. Shut the hell up! Stand still, put your hands up! What did you just say? Tom decided to go barefoot. I'm by your side. Keep quiet. The baby is sleeping. Keep quiet. The baby is sleeping. Mom baked a cake for my birthday. He won't like this. He won't like this. He won't like this. He won't like this. He won't like this. He won't like this. She won't like this. She won't like this. She won't like this. She won't like this. When a team makes its entrance, the captain leads the way. The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields. The village is easy of access. Students must have access to a good library. Only high officials had access to the President. She teaches English to advanced students. Christ taught forgiveness. So you lost all your money? That'll teach you to gamble. She teaches at our local school. He has a complex about his weight. The children were rushing about. The boys were climbing about on the rocks. Books are lying about on the floor. People are sitting about on the grass. There's a lot of flu about. He'll soon be about again. He is somewhere about. What is he angry about? Tom and Mary live in a bungalow. I'm waiting for my girlfriend. I'm waiting for my girlfriend. I'm waiting for my boyfriend. I'm waiting for my boyfriend. He was cheated (out) of his rightful inheritance. That woman always cheated on her husband. Our new serial thriller begins at 7.30 this evening. This is unknown country to me. This is unknown country to me. Her eyes held a look of silent appeal. Does jazz hold any appeal for you? The new fashion soon lost its appeal. I'm appealing on behalf of the famine victims. The police appealed to the crowd not to panic. The idea of camping has never appealed to me. I've decided not to appeal. Black is against white. That happened seventeen years before the Wright brothers flew for the first time. The stairs have up to 22 steps. She knows she does not have any other choices. Cheer up. Don't be so glum. Please call me Philip. There is acid in lemon. Americans are friendly and approachable. Tom is an adult now. I'm eating rice now. This is a waterproof watch. This is a waterproof clock. The dogs barked all night. I will miss you. I will miss you. I will miss you. I will miss you. It's part of life. Life isn't easy. Tom thinks he's invincible. Tom thinks he's invincible. Tom's father is an alcoholic. Tom was adopted. Anyone can make a mistake. Anyone can make a mistake. How much have your lives changed? It is nice of you mentioning that. Mary has visited Hungary. Our school is in this village. I don't want to take too much advantage. What languages do you know? I am single. I am single. I am single. The cheetah is the fastest animal. A car is faster than a bicycle. A car is faster than a bicycle. She is too weak. She is too weak. She is too weak. Don't forget to call me up tomorrow. Music is a gift from God. Music is a gift from God. Teenagers often argue with their parents. I use the internet in the bathroom. Want fries with that? Tom often takes long showers. I'm eating dinner with my husband. Where's the "any" key? Do not turn off your computer. Do not turn off your computer. Tom uses Windows 7. Not everything is black and white. Not everything is black and white. Don't sweat it. Tom found out his dad wasn't his real dad. Tom's computer is not responding. Tom's computer is not responding. Tom's computer is not responding. And why would I do that? Tom found a hoard. We've already seen this material. I know no one in this city. I know no one in this city. I know no one in this city. A lot of people say Tom is the best player on our team. A lot of people say Tom is the best player on our team. A lot of people say Tom is the best player on our team. Don't turn off your computer. Don't turn off your computer. Today was still tomorrow yesterday, but today will be yesterday tomorrow. I have many Vietnamese learning books. I have many Vietnamese learning books and audio files for Vietnamese pronunciation. If you need Vietnamese learning books, please contact me. If you need Vietnamese self-learning books, please contact me. You can teach yourself Vietnamese. Vietnamese is very easy to learn. The Vietnamese are very hospitable. You cannot heal a broken heart. Tom spent the night in jail. I'm being good with you this morning. In China, they celebrate the New Year by the lunar calendar. You have been gone for so many years. Which cup is yours? Which cup is yours? I don't want to be poisoned. I don't want to be poisoned. I don't want to be poisoned. Let me try. Write with your left hand. Don't get a stomachache by eating too much. Don't get an upset stomach by eating too much. Welcome to the real world! I heard he had a new girlfriend. She turned and began to cry. He traveled under another name. He traveled under another name. He traveled under another name. John took a key from his pocket. He snored loudly during his sleep. He snored loudly during his sleep. He snored loudly during his sleep. I chewed the gum. I chewed the gum. She punished her children. She punished her children. He travelled under an assumed name. She dared to never go back there. No place is like home. Help her till the cows come home: some day, you will be disappointed in her. Beer consists of 90% water. This book is very heavy. It's raining heavily. I'm happy to be here. I've been waiting for her for an hour. An error occured while saving. Please try again or contact us to report this. The user you to want to send this message to does not exist. Please try with another username. It's up to you to make a choice. You need to top up your Oyster Card. I can't top up my phone. There should be a bus service. Don't ever hook up with bad guys. If you have anything to say, please give me a call. If I have the chance, I'll definitely travel to Beijing. Although I graduated many years ago, I will never forget a single one of my teachers who taught me. The government doesn't invest much in education. He's a famous Japanese popstar. The car replaced the bicycle. Sometimes I like a lie-in until noon on Sunday mornings. I had been up all night trying to finish the presentation. You should not stay up too late. How are you doing, miss? Is the house beautiful? No, I am English. Which language is the most difficult? No kidding? What is the next of the riddle? Can I pay by Visa? I build houses out of stone. Let's be frank in this question. Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft. I have no more ideas. I don't have any more ideas. I don't have any more ideas. Without air we would die. Environmental pollution triggered climatic changes all over Earth. You had better invite them or they will be offended. They do not understand how mobile phones work. The thermometer fell to zero last night. The thermometer fell to zero last night. Stop lazing around and look for a job. Did you see the new commercial? I have lots of things to do. Where did you sleep last night? Where did you sleep last night? Where did you sleep last night? Where did you sleep last night? Where did you sleep last night? Push! It gets worse. It gets worse. Are you still a virgin? Not all species of spiders are poisonous. Not all species of spiders are poisonous. Is he satisfied? Is he satisfied? We can't give up. We can't give up. She's wild in bed. How do I get to the train station? How do I get to the train station? She's spending too much time watching TV. She's spending too much time watching TV. It's a newspaper like all the others. There are significant differences between those two countries. You're the last hope for humanity. Tom is watering the garden. I love Hollywood movies. I love Hollywood movies. You have to choose your own path in life. Until next year! The dog is barking. They're right behind you. Well, would you look at that! Please add a full stop at the end of your sentence. This is the first time I've added a sentence in Dutch. This is the first time I've ever been pregnant. I cannot find a solution. Help me. He was caught masturbating by his mother. He was caught masturbating by his mother. He doesn't have his phone on him. He's young, naive and inexperienced. He's always busy. They found the body of a newborn baby in a freezer. I hear that it's good to cool the back of your neck when it's hot outside. We've been here before. Steven Spielberg is a film director. He expressed his dissatisfaction. I am wearing my silver jewelry. I cannot wait for the bus. It's late. Call the fire department! He has started acting strangely. If I ever had the money, I'd buy a gigantic plot of land. "Whose documents are these?" "They are Michael's." Did you read it entirely? As soon as he stepped into the village, he went to see her. I have to pass this exam. We will vote to decide the winner. He knows how to check his e-mail box. In Saudia, women do not drive cars. Where is the New Zealand embassy? Whose beer is this? Russia Today is a 24/7 English news channel. He has fallen in love with me. I'm Azerbaijani. I really like him. I really like him. Excuse me, what is the name of this place? He sounded disappointed. "Do you want to know how he did it?" "I'm all ears." Can you translate this song for me? Let me help you with that. Some Germans work for only one euro an hour. When was the last time you saw him? We are all women when we're in love. They are living in misery. Stop filming. Where's the nearest metro stop? I searched for a book with many pictures. I would like a tourist visa. May I ask why? Mary lives near the dike. We reached our goal. I feel comfortable in awkward situations. That guy is a party spoiler. Tom ate the leftover pizza for breakfast. You shouldn't eat this meat. It smells bad. You may eat anything in the refrigerator. I'm sorry, but I can't eat dinner with you. I'd like to eat something light. Please don't touch me. I've lived abroad for ten years. My younger brother is still sleeping. She came to Japan to study Japanese. Tom needs two tickets to go to Boston. You are completely wrong. Let's get some sleep. Tom isn't sure what he should do. We'd better get going. Tom opened the gate. "What do special forces do apart from training and fighting?" "Training." Let me heat it up some leftovers for you. Tell me what's going on. If you are hungry, why don't you eat? Artists use lies to tell the truth, while politicians use them to cover the truth up. What kind of fish is that? Don't call the cops, man. Take the leftover food home with you. Let me know immediately if you have a problem. Do not underestimate my power. The 26th of September is the European Day of Languages. The Council of Europe wants to draw attention to the multilingual heritage of Europe, to foster the evolution of multilingualism in society and to encourage citizens to learn languages​​. Tatoeba, as an easy-to-use learning tool and an active community, promotes the study and appreciation of languages in a very practical way. Tom was depressed. Tom wanted me to tell you to buy a couple of loaves of bread on your way home. Tom should hear about this. Tom said he didn't know the answer. Tom made his choice. Tom isn't supposed to be here. Tom is the only witness. There are no other witnesses. Tom doesn't have a car. He just uses Mary's. He has many friends. Tom doesn't get out of the city much. Why don't you answer? Is that a library book or is it your own copy? Where did you throw them away? Barack Obama is a Christian. Tom walked over to the woman with a drink in her hand and asked her what her name was. How does that make you feel? Where's your dog? Where did you get that? When Tom heard the doorbell ring, he said, "Who could that be?" When does Tom need it? What else do you need? I almost forgot to do my homework. I can't believe it. I did that earlier today. I have another question. I hope you don't mind. I like being busy. I told you this was going to be dangerous. I want to stay. I want you to meet Tom. I wish I had more time. I'll explain everything to you later. I'm a photographer. I'm not going to tell you what to do. We're not strangers. We should've done that ourselves. We have a lot more in common than you probably think we do. We have a lot more in common than you probably think we do. We have a lot more in common than you probably think we do. You don't have to go to school today. It's been over a week since I last saw Tom. We have to get that document back before Tom shows it to anyone. Come on. I'm taking you home. It's very easy to sound natural in your own native language, and very easy to sound unnatural in your non-native language. I can't remember what I had to eat yesterday. I can't remember what I had to eat yesterday. Tom didn't know what the wood was going to be used for. Tom tried to stand up, but he couldn't. She's a bit drunk. I'm from the West Coast. Please wait a minute. How beautiful! I like to talk to people in their native languages. Of the three girls, Emi was the one who danced most beautifully. We heard what sounded like gunshots. This is food, you don't play around with it. We have just met on the corridor. I thought Tom would stop by to check on our progress. I thought Tom would plant those flowers near the oak tree. Sorry to let you wait for so long. I brought presents from Redang Island. The people here are crazy for football. Excuse me. Can you speak English? I can't do that now. We can't get out of this. I can't go on. Tom can't help us anymore. I can't predict what might happen. I can't predict what might happen. I can't remember the password I used for this website. I can't take another day off. I can't talk to girls. I can't tell you how grateful I am. I didn't mean to make him cry. What do you want to do tonight? I thought you weren't supposed to talk to Tom. I thought you'd be too busy. I thought you'd stay overnight in Boston. It's a monster storm. I don't have anything to read. I had stayed in Boston before I returned to Japan. He's waiting for you at home. He's a patient man. Why won't she listen to me? Let's just sit here a while and listen. Let's talk about this when I get home. Let's see what you've got. Let's not get greedy here. Let's not do that. Let's go inside. I think Tom is hiding something. I want Tom arrested. Do you want this or not? I want to thank you, Tom. Tom wants to talk to Mary. Do you really want to help? I don't want to move again. Tom wants us to follow him. What do you want Tom to do? Tom wants to eat here tonight. You're wasting both of our time. You're wasting both of our time. Do you want me to leave you alone? I don't want to talk about it now. I didn't want you to miss your bus. I don't want to discuss my problems. I want to hear the rest of the story. I want to hear the rest of the story. I want to hear the rest of the story. I want to hear the rest of the story. In reality, the explanation is a bit more complicated than this, but you get the gist. I don't want anybody writing about me. I want to borrow your car for an hour. I want you to get a good night's rest. Actually, I didn't want to ask you anything. Let me tell you what I want for my birthday. The camera you bought is better than mine. I don't want to have to deal with it right now. Just tell me what you want me to do and I'll do it. Do you really want me to give your computer to Tom? Are you sure you don't want me to wait here with Tom? I don't know where Tom was and I don't want to ask him. We're one big, happy family. Tom clearly isn't happy to be here. I wish you both a lifetime of happiness. It seems my dreams never come true. You have such a beautiful home. It was a busy afternoon. The last few days have been very busy for both of us. No matter how busy I become, I'll always have time for my children. Just be careful with everything. Tom is always extremely careful. Tom studied the document carefully. I was playing here. Which of my servants did you see? Which of my servants did you see? No one's blaming you. She lives with her dad. I'm not used to this. I've found something out. Can I help you with something? Can I help you with something? No matter how much I think about it, I don't understand it. It is rather sad to see people who can't even use their mother tongue correctly. Did anyone see you there? I could have killed you, but I didn't. I am so lonely I think I'm going to cry. He tends to ask a lot of questions. I'm not your enemy. I'm retiring. I'm nervous. Drive faster. It's ours. It's ours. Yes, gladly. His help came in the nick of time. I only used it once. No, no! I am going back to town. There is no escape from fate. I'm left handed. The citizens immediately prepared everything to defend the city. I'm only bringing personal items. We have been here for three weeks. I need the exact address so that I may go there. Which bug hurt you? The silver is on the table. It fills it up way too fast! I can never remember names however hard I try. I love to see you laugh. Can you carve the chicken? I've got a little problem. You're bossy. I'm smashed. Who's here? The prodigal son returned home. They're at the restaurant looking at the menu. No questions! Just listen to me, OK? Maybe I just need some time alone. Leave me alone so I can get some sleep. She was not happy about it. Why don't you do it yourself? Why don't you go and have a look? Why don't you grow up? Why don't you stay here? Usually when Tom and Mary go out for dinner together, they split the bill. Tom will never know. You're mine. You're mine. You're mine. She's about to leave. I'm Tom's supervisor. Let Tom stay. Tom followed me. Tom is recovering. Tom loves it. Tom started packing. Tom was stunned. Tom wasn't celebrating. We miss Tom. You'll like Tom. We're all excited. We're going inside. We'll get it. We'll hide it. We'll wait outside. We'll wait outside. They all left. They have come. They haven't left. They were married. Is Tom unconscious? Are we finished? Don't be childish. Everyone looked surprised. Everything is working. Hold that thought. I could've died. I didn't drive. I hate lawyers. I was kidnapped. I will go. I'd buy that. Is everyone waiting? Is everyone waiting? It might explode. It's so hard. It's your party. Just enjoy it. Just stay put. Keep your seats. Should I reply? Should I reply? That can't happen. Give me those gloves. There's so much. These are wonderful. They arrested me. He has a heavy frame. The crowd poured out through the gate. This is remarkable. When did you get my letter? You know this. You may enter. You were wrong. You'll regret it. That's a contradiction. He hasn't changed a bit since I saw him. He says we should go that way. I wish I'd bought a white dress! We'd better get ready early because the train won't wait. Can you help Tom? Did Tom know Mary? From there, one could see perfectly. The courier just arrived. This procedure has advantages and disadvantages. Don't pay any attention to him. He did it without malice. I bought a set of table linen. It's a scalp disease. The engineers drew up plans for a new dock. I didn't betray you. Tom is a writer. Tom is my brother. Tom is my brother. Tom is very disturbed. We don't know why. Don't let me fall asleep. Don't think I didn't try. I didn't have enough proof. I don't answer stupid questions. I don't have much choice. I don't need a bed. You lied to me! I won't be coming back. I won't be coming back. I won't pay for Tom. They don't usually take hostages. Tom didn't answer our calls. It's kind of hot. He needs help. You don't sound like Tom. There could be consequences. You miss Tom, don't you? Don't take more than five minutes. I didn't do anything with anyone. I didn't even know you knew. I didn't figure Tom would come. I didn't know you collected stamps. I ate last night's leftovers for lunch. I'm writing a book. I called my good friend Tom. I came to say I'm sorry. I can get one of those any time I want. I can watch TV all day without getting bored. I can't go back without you. She did the bare minimum. I could tell you all the details if you want to know them. I couldn't leave you there all by yourself. I'm not like you! I'm not like you! I'm not like you! I don't know your name. I don't know which of you is crazier. I don't like Tom and Mary. I don't remember anything about that. I don't want to hear your lame excuses. I dropped my apple. I feel very relaxed. I found that fascinating. I got a B in arithmetic. I got that from Tom. I guess the battery must be dead. I had a late breakfast. I had to arrest Tom. She pretended not to see me. My right leg hurts. Of the past 3,400 years, humans have been entirely at peace for 268 of them, or just 8 percent of recorded history. Sampling must be performed in a manner that guarantees random selection. Sampling must be performed in a manner that guarantees random selection. I have a meeting with Tom. I have bad news. I've been looking for my keys all day. I've got nothing to say to Tom. I have no memory of what happened. I've seen them before. I have to work this weekend. I don't know which one. I don't understand why Tom is here. I'm learning to speak French. I'm sorry, but I don't understand. I just feel a little dizzy. I heard something, but I couldn't tell what it was. I know a lot about ships. I know Tom very well. I know what you're going to say. I know what's happened to Tom. I lent Tom a flashlight. I like seeing you this way. I lost sight of Tom. I loved that house. I made Tom leave his suitcase behind. I made Tom leave his suitcase behind. I made Tom leave his suitcase behind. I must leave here. I need a ladder so I can get up to my roof. I need to get back home. I need to leave before Tom arrives. I need to talk to Tom in private. I need you to leave. I opened the window. I pretended that it didn't bother me. I really have to go. I really owe you an apology. I don't want to wake my neighbors. Oh, didn't I mention it? Oh, didn't I mention it? I said I'll do it. I see no need to do that. I spend most of my time in Boston. I swore I'd never tell anyone. I think I can arrange that. I think I did the right thing. I think I have some leftover pizza in the fridge. I think I see something. I think we're all right. I think you panicked. The rain didn't stop, and went on for the entire day. No matter what you say, I won't give up. No matter what you say, I won't give up. I have two cats. Of all the things Tom did last weekend, he says that windsurfing was the most fun. I actually ended up walking all the way from Shinjuku Station to Jimbocho yesterday! My sister has been married for three years. My sister has been married for three years. Please come visit us more often. Have you had breakfast? I have to see this. I won't come tomorrow. I don't want to work under these conditions. He has very strong arms. Did Marika write you letters in Finnish? French is pretty hard, isn't it? Is it hard to learn French? Tom is shorter than average. I lost my balance and fell down the stairs. A chemical reaction takes place in one or more steps. It rained yesterday afternoon. Chili powder is greatly used in Indian cooking. What would you like to buy? I am going to use what you hate against you. Who speaks your language better, men or women? The dog couldn't bark. Books are the bees that carry pollen from one mind to another. He left from there. Where am I? What happened? I will go to Ireland this summer. It is not a dog. Mostar is a very beautiful city. Where is the dog? Where is the dog? Where is the dog? This is my father's shirt. This is my father's shirt. This is my father's shirt. This is my mother's computer. I live in Sarajevo. My friend came to the library to study. John chased Mary. The cat is old. The dog will bark. The dog will bark. Did the dog bark? No delegation was allowed to visit the besieged region. We had a fun day at the beach. The restaurant is full. I have the ace of clubs. I will go to Athens. You can't always make everyone happy. I'd sleep better at night if we had locks on our doors. I'm supposed to get to school early tomorrow morning. Tom left a message, but Mary didn't call back. I told Tom to clean his room, but he didn't. I'll call you back in about thirty minutes. I'm going to have a little talk with Tom. I wonder if you might be able to help me. Tom won't let you go there by yourself. I'm sorry if I made you feel unwelcome. I'm sorry if I made you feel unwelcome. I'll walk your dog for you if you like. I wonder if this is some sort of scam. I thought we should start celebrating. I'm afraid you don't have any choice. I thought you wanted me to handle it. You've told me that a hundred times. I'm going to do what I've been told. Do you think you're smarter than me? Tom asked Mary if she trusted John. I'm not going to let you do that. I'm trying not to get emotional. I'm just trying to help Tom out. I'm going to tell you how it is. I'm going to take that as a yes. I'm going to sleep here tonight. I wonder who Tom was talking to. I told Tom his answer was wrong. I told Tom his answer was wrong. I promise I won't do that again. All of my friends have bicycles. Tom isn't ready to be a father. Tom assumed Mary would be late. Tom asked how much we had paid. I'm sending someone to get you. I would've preferred you do it. You know about Tom, don't you? Will you be home this evening? We weren't expecting visitors. Tom wanted something to drink. I'm not going to forgive you. I'm going to get us some tea. I'll look into it right away. We have nothing to discuss. I'm sure you'll understand. I'm occupied at the moment. I'm occupied at the moment. I'm afraid Tom will say no. I'm afraid Tom will say no. I'll never trust Tom again. I'll fire Tom if I have to. I was hoping you'd tell me. I'm going to build a fire. I'll put it on your bill. I want you to do nothing. I want you to do nothing. Can I borrow your pencil? Tom told us to be quiet. I'm from the government. I'm afraid you're wrong. I wonder where Tom went. I'm watching my weight. I'm going to stop them. Tom is very angry now. I'm not going to wait. I'm not going to stop. You're a good mother. Tom's a very bad guy. I'm good with people. Have a drink with me. You're a loser, too. You're a loser, too. We're out of butter. We're out of butter. Tom is a good pilot. Tom is a good pilot. I'm glad I can help. I'd help if I could. I'm still in shock. Thanks a lot, Tom. I'm going to swim. I'll come at once. I'm in pain here. I'm getting hot. I'm getting hot. You lied to us. Hang on, Tom. We need an electrical engineer for this job. I'll pay you at the end of the month. Of course I will go to France sometime, it's just that I don't know when. He was born in the U.S.A. I entered Tom's name on the list of candidates. I don't want to try anything else. Rain does not fall from the ground. Bush never violated the Geneva Convention. I am tempted to try drugs, but I know I shouldn't. I'll be very careful. You can do whatever you want to do, of course. I don't feel like eating animal proteins today. The people thought that he was a distinguished scientist. If you could go back to any age, what age would you choose? You're either with me or against me. I was surprised that you won the prize. Mary'd be cute if she'd just shut up. Her way of speaking really gets on my nerves. He was the first to enter the room. The police officer accepted a bribe. I'm always running into trouble with money. They were aware of the difficulties. All the prisoners escaped. Tom told Mary that he didn't have enough time to get everything done. Tom still doesn't understand the problem. Tom and I have some catching up to do. Tom noticed the door was half closed. Tom and I are both very proud of you. What does this machine do exactly? Do you remember when we first met? Do you remember when we first met? You said you could speak French. You said you could speak French. I thought we had this settled. We've met a few times before. I've never seen Tom so busy. Tom said you were sleeping. Isn't Tom having breakfast? Tom and I were both drunk. Thank you for the flowers. Why aren't these working? Who's not wearing gloves? Tom might leave tomorrow. What're you saying, Tom? Are you a freshman, too? Why aren't you working? Tom dusted himself off. Tom dusted himself off. Tom became quite upset. Thanks for the flowers. Tom just contacted us. This is for everybody. Do you have a brother? Tom seems to be busy. Tom must be so proud. Tom deserves to know. These aren't for you. Do they have weapons? Tom was on the list. Tom grabbed a chair. Tom can barely see. Tom agreed to help. They're not hungry. Is this a problem? I can't do it now. Do you have a cat? Hold that for me. Hold that for me. Tom made a deal. Tom is too late. Give that to me. This is on you. Tom fished through his pockets for his keys. "I can't stand my sister's kids." "But they're so cute!" Their lips interlocked in a long kiss. I wanted to slap myself. It would be nice if my uncles were very rich. When I have a problem I can't figure out, I ask Tom to help. My biggest problem is deciding what to do next. My biggest problem is deciding what to do next. Let's help them solve their problems. That's not your problem anymore. Is this really such a problem? You'll have no more problems. I had the same problems. He robbed the mail coach. I go to bed. I don't understand what you mean. This is morally wrong. Happy people are those who remember only the good things from the past, while unhappy people are those who remember only the opposite. There was nothing else to do. What can I do with the leftover vegetables? My friend likes chocolate ice-cream. Who answered the phone? After having a lunch I feel like to sleep. You absolutely need a passport to travel to a foreign country. Tom walks his dog every morning. Tom walks his dog every morning. The debate will happen tonight. Tom's father died from karoshi five years ago. I want to be a swimmer. I want to be a journalist. I'm swimming in the ocean. People might think you're stupid if you do that. Tom seems to speak French better than before. There's enough room for everybody. Did you dream about me last night? They're looking into the problem. Do you really believe that story? Tom is young and naive. We never actually met. I'm taller than Tom. I am going to lower the curtain. I chopped off the chicken's head. Tom is a real good friend. Brazil is the biggest country in South America. He always thinks he's right. It's the best feeling. Do you know who I am? The girl was looking at him too. They have gained weight. I want to hear your voice. We think you're doing very well here. Apparently, that's not correct. Voyager 1 has finally reached interstellar space. If you don’t give it back to him, he’ll be angry! Composting helps the environment. I was expecting you at 2:30. We saw a beautiful orchid with deciduous leaves. Do you know how this machine operates? He hid his ugly face. Are you still scared? He hadn't realized his mistake until it was too late. How do you pronounce "Wi-Fi" in French? He's been abroad for six years now. Mary allowed Tom to kiss her. This rice is contaminated by arsenic. Tom speaks to his father in French and his mother in English. The dog fetched the bird. He offered her champagne and roses. That's an original idea. Why do rabbits have long ears? I have a book. Tom might be in the park with his friends. I'm sorry to hear about your sick mother. Tom will join us shortly. I run a lot as a method for the Olympics. That's a typo. Sorry. Tom looks a bit tired. Mary has very long hair. I waited forever, and finally, John came. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. My mother won't let us keep pets in the house. Tom took off Mary's glasses and they kissed passionately. Tom felt helpless and frightened. Tom said you hurt your back. His new girlfriend looks attractive, but she's unfortunately very stupid. The former minister of energy was elected president on Sunday. You're not supposed to have that information. You're not supposed to be in this area. Should I call an ambulance? How much is the rent? Mary doesn't waste time. Don't look at me, don't stare at me, demon, don't stare, I can't bear it! Let's take a little break. They're everywhere! This is not fun. This is not fun. Tom was sick of his job. We needed money. You started that, didn't you? If you keep on complaining, I will get mad for real. Ken will ask Tom. Markku was twenty-two and certain that he was the next Einstein. I have not seen you for a long time. Without you, my life would have been totally empty. Mary found a job. She scared us. He rewrote it. It's pretty clear you have a problem. I wish I hadn't said that. Tell Tom what you mean. She has met someone. I want to move to Antarctica. I know nothing. She chose a hat. She chose a hat. She scared the children. Aebat, without saying goodbye, stepped through the gate. After that, I get up. Do whatever you can. I'm always eating in restaurants, but I prefer homemade foods. Check the pressure of the tires. I need to know exactly what happened to Tom. Is there a reward? Is this going to hurt? No one can do anything. Nobody cares about this except you. This will be fun. What are you going to do with it anyway? Where did you get that water? Who did you make these for? You have to expect that to happen once in a while. You have to expect that to happen once in a while. My mother is a good woman. I will never buy clothes secondhand. I'll go to school. Quiet music was heard in the room we entered. How much money does Tom make a month? It makes no sense. What's the difference between religion and philosophy? What're you so nervous about? I have two flowers. My baby wants to talk. Last night there was a fire in the neighborhood. Once this process is started, we can get the result within one hour. Don't you want a cup of tea? My sacrifice will remain forever in their souls and my blood will be the price of their ransom. Has Tom already eaten? I came here three days ago, too. I don't think Tom will want to go with us. I had not expected Tom to be able to speak French. I think Tom might be sleepy. I told you to leave it up to me. I'd never borrow anything of yours without asking first. I'll play tennis with Tom later this afternoon. Let's celebrate the anniversary of our first kiss. We can do better. We can do better. We need emergency assistance. We should be dead by now. We'll probably never know why Tom killed himself. You must be joking. You should ask Tom. You're a worthy opponent. Tom and Mary are my classmates. Tom didn't seem to understand what you said. Tom doesn't have enough money to buy the computer he wants. Tom is seriously considering that. Tom is willing to help. Tom might want to consider purchasing a new answering machine. Tom never realized there were so many women working at his company. Tom never wanted to live in Boston. Tom opened the conference room door. Tom poured drinks for himself and Mary. Tom speaks with a slight accent. Tom wants to swim. Tom bowed respectfully to the old lady. I've been tormented by regret. Tom never goes to sleep before midnight. Where's the key? Ah, you have it. It's my secret garden. I need to explain a few things. So, you do admit that you've lied, right? Let's get ready for Saturday. I'll write a letter to Mary. This morning, my friend and I went to buy airline tickets. She smiled a lot but she could not speak Japanese. In the tourist season, many hotels raise prices. The Earth doesn't belong to man; man belongs to the Earth. The scientists wanted to make their discoveries known to the world at large. Mary helped her mother prepare dinner. When did Tom return? There are some very strange things going on here. Tom tried to get some sleep. You sound just like Tom. Please come back to Boston and visit us whenever you have a chance. Has anyone heard from Tom? Why does a football field have four corners? Tom showed Mary his stamp collection. What makes you think we won't succeed? Does anybody have any good news? You have no idea what you've missed. Tom lived in Boston three years ago. I have something you might be interested in. Tom went to Boston in 2003. Tom says he wished he could go with us. Tom has been very supportive. Tom has been expecting this. That's not what Tom said. Some people say Boston is a dangerous city. I'm going to run. Are these the pictures that you took in Boston? We sat in complete silence. I want that book, please. There is a declared state of emergency. Who started the fire? Where is the source of this river? How did you stain your dress? How did you stain your dress? Have you got anything special in mind for tonight? Tom and three other crew members were injured in the accident. Tom entered the room nervously. Tell me everything you know about her. Tell me everything you know about her. We always take a bus. They did it themselves. You swim very quickly. What will we do with the leftover bread? It was love at first sight when you met her? Happy International Women's Day! How many liters does it take to fill a hot tub? Tom kissed Mary and she slapped him. Is he married? Tom told me that he likes swimming. It turns out you were right about that. I've never been to Tom's house. Thank you for seeing us. I thought you were coming with us. Why do you need to know? I have other things to worry about, like work. You spend too much time worrying about things that don't matter. You've got other things to worry about. I got no response from anyone. The stage was sprinkled with flower petals. Can I touch your beard? Can I touch your beard? Can I touch your beard? We'd make a perfect team. Tom seemed very surprised when I told him about it. Tom looks just like his father. Is this Bob's book? All you do is complain. It sounds like you're tired. Currently I am putting effort into expanding my vocabulary. What has happened to Tom? There's no explanation for what happened to Tom. What would happen if you didn't do that? Has this ever happened to you before? Look at what's already happened. Something terrible is going to happen. Something terrible is going to happen. Whatever happens, we'll always be friends. I had nothing to do with what happened last night. "Where does your father in law live?" "In the house which stands beside my brother in law's house." Whether or not Tom gets the job in Boston is still very much up in the air. That's a good price. I just came by to tell you that I'm moving to Boston. Who's paying for the gas? Tom bought Mary a car. Tom bought a ticket to Boston. Let Tom buy a new computer if he wants to. I would like to buy a sofa. I want to buy my children everything I never had. I agreed to buy it for three hundred dollars. Give that back to me. Give me your flashlight. Give me a beer, please. Give me a beer, please. Give me a beer, please. We had to agree to total confidentiality and sign a non-disclosure agreement. It sounds like you don't like Tom. Tom is so stressed at the moment, he can't think straight. Put the box down. Tom misses his mother greatly. Tom ran over to help Mary. Helping Tom was a mistake. I like your beard. Tom seems totally confused. Let's sit at one of the tables near the back. Who ate the rest of the leftovers? Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people. This one's pretty cool. The middle one is mine. Let's try a different one. Tom has red spots all over his body. Tom drives a white car. There's a white picket fence around Tom's house. There was some kind of white powder on the floor. Go through the orange door. Tom was in pain. Tom isn't naive. Tom helps us. Tom had no hat on. Tom and I have a lot more in common than I thought. Do you think you're smart? Could you be quiet? I have to get up early and go to work. Millie has a cat. You're not sleeping enough. You miss it, don't you? You can talk to me. Were you talking to me? We need to talk to you. I know exactly what Tom is talking about. I'm sorry. Did I wake you up? I think Tom is obese. Tom thinks he's a genius. I know what Tom's thinking. You two stay here. Tom stayed with me. It's not always easy to stay healthy. I've paid you already. People will question all the good things they hear about you but believe all the bad without a second thought. Tom's gun misfired. Is that the plan? Tom told me what he saw. Who told you to contact me? Can you tell us what Tom did? Tell Tom that I want to go, too. Did Tom tell you about his past? At least tell me where you're going. You'd better tell Tom not to do that. If you see Tom, please tell him for me. If you see Tom, please tell him for me. If you see Tom, please tell him for me. If you see Tom, please tell him for me. My wife and I tell each other everything. Everything I've told you may not be accurate. Tom told me you were looking for a babysitter. They're going to tell me the results on Monday. I'm pretty sure Tom has been telling us the truth. You don't have to tell me what to do. I already know. Tell me why you aren't planning on going to Boston with us. Tom told Mary that everybody except John had already arrived. Call me when you see fit, thank you. I can read. I will not date anyone who is not cute. You don't have to sit with me. You don't have to sit with me. You don't have to sit with me. That doesn't sound too dangerous. Is it unconstitutional? We can save you some time. No one is coming to save you. No one is coming to save you. I did everything I could to save Tom. I prefer to be crazy than sad. I've never met anyone who knows as much about Australian history as Tom does. The Canadian health care system is paid for by tax revenue. Have you arranged things for our departure? He is going to drive you to the airport. I am looking for a job near my house. The post office is near the bookstore. I heard that Brush's mother is a prostitute. I heard that Brush's mother is a prostitute. We follow the news quite regularly. There's nothing more you can do. We didn't plan for something like this. There's something wrong with the printer. There's something wrong with the printer. Are you sure there's nothing more you can do? There's nothing left that needs to be done today. I need to sleep now. Why would I be jealous? Vietnamese is not a hard language to learn. How many examples per day can you add? Mary was one of the most confident and successful girls in her class. I'm trying to find a picture of Tom. Can you describe that strange guy? Try to understand me. The stars are too far away. The whole world knows that. We're well ahead of schedule. We're stuck with each other. We look great together. We'd better get out of here. We came to help. We should leave while we still can. I need the screwdriver. Tom is taking a big chance. This pond doesn't go dry even in the summer. Birds fly south in the winter. I used to often go skiing in the winter. We get a lot of snow here in the winter. This math teacher is also the coach of the basketball team. The ball went one way and the goalkeeper went the other. Tricycles are banned in some cities in Vietnam. Vietnamese language is really hard to learn. My Vietnamese is not very good. Learn Vietnamese easier with Tatoeba. Be careful, the road is slippery! You have to drink 2 litres of water daily. Can you save a seat for me? We can finish it later. We have to move very quickly. We solved that problem in a week. We solved that problem in a week. Why are you getting upset? Why are you getting upset? I like eating tomatoes. I like eating durian. The watch battery was dead. The watch's battery ran out. To me, it's important. Can you explain that? Can I have a moment? Can I take your bags? Can I take your bags? Did you read it all? Did you read it all? Can you think of any reason why Tom wouldn't want to do that? Can you spell your last name for me? I think you need to go home now. I'm not even going to let Tom see it. I'm not illiterate. I was here when Tom got here. I'm bald. You want me to go, don't you? You could help me. You should try it. You're just a girl. You got very drunk. You made Tom cry. You can use my car. You're a smart boy. It'll be all right. Can you guess what this is? Can you guess what this is? The roof is glittering in the sunshine. I got Tom to do it. Tom never talks about his exes. You're free to leave. You have a great job. You should let it go. You lost your chance. My life is perfect right now. I don't want anything to change. Today it's quite hot. It's so cold tonight. This is a hard language to learn. Meditation doesn't cost anything, but it takes time. The rice crop was harvested. All or nothing. You're going to do just fine. You've done very well. I can't stand it for long. I can't stand it for long. You'd better look at this. You should bear that in mind. You've done everything you can do. We have the same group of friends. We have the same group of friends. We have the same group of friends. Why did Tom kiss me? Why did Tom kiss me? Get over here, Tom. Peanuts are not nuts but legumes. "I don't believe you!" "I swear!" I hate moving. I'm your assistant. That's my final offer. How long have you owned it? You have to let me help you. I need to pee. I need to pee. The dog crushed the captain's cigar as he walked by; the captain took no notice of it. She is shy so she cannot say "I love you". Did you hear Tom is in town? You are so childish sometimes. Have you made any progress? The students at that school wear uniforms. Let's stop doing this. I got a call from Tom. We don't know how to find Tom. This must be one of the worst jobs in the world. You probably know more about me than I know about you. You're not surprised to see me, are you? You don't really know, do you? You want to see Tom again, don't you? Tom will try to stop you. That's not how it works. That day was an important milestone in our project. Am I required to get a visa? Am I required to get a visa? Tom seems to be unlucky. Tom was unlucky. Tom needs an umbrella. When did you guys decide that? Keep it down in there. Tom is too old to do that. Tom never was successful. You should take this a little more seriously. Tom would like a sandwich. You need to start getting ready. The curtains are open. Are you in pain now? What should I do in the meantime? What should I do in the meantime? Tom is really conservative, isn't he? Tom is from Australia. Tom looked after the baby. Tom looked after the baby. Is that good or bad? Tom has never been better. Tom came out of the building. Tom came to Boston on business. Tom is going to join our club. Tom is easily distracted. Tom knows that Mary doesn't know how to drive. Tom isn't going to hurt anybody else. Tom kicked the door closed behind him. You don't have all the information. Tom was asking for it. He changed his name to Tom Jackson. Tom checked the list. Tom is still on the phone with Mary. She agrees with me. Tom says he saw a UFO last night. I have an appointment at three. That subject is not suitable for discussion. I bid you farewell. Tom is a brave person. Tom is a brave person. Tom isn't sure how to proceed. Tom has got to be here somewhere. Tom was a brave soldier. Tom knows he shouldn't have said that. How am I going to impress Tom? Hmm, what's this? Tom is the only one who can handle this. Tom is the only one who can handle this. Tom is in the living room watching TV. Tom is in the living room watching TV. I'm going to buy a few bottles of wine for dinner. I'm going to buy a few bottles of wine for dinner. Give me a clue. I don't want to learn French. No, you cannot use my car! Young girls really want to be slender. Young girls really want to be slender. Tom lives by himself in the woods. Tom likes to watch baseball games on TV. Tom pointed out a few mistakes I had made. It's never too late to start learning foreign languages. Please return the book when you've finished reading it. They live in a white house with a brick facade on the left at the end of the street. It's been a while since we've gone swimming together. Do you have any money left? Do you believe in evolution? Look what I got Tom for his birthday. The first person I met in Boston was Tom. This is really impressive. I'm reading. Turn the television off. Let us wait and see. I don't believe that he's telling the truth. Why would I ever apologize to Tom? Why would I ever apologize to Tom? Why would I ever apologize to Tom? That's why I need to meet Tom. Uganda is an African country. Give her another chance. Give her another chance. I'm really sorry to make you wait. Keep walking straight ahead. Keep walking straight ahead. The plane bound for Beijing is going to take off soon. If we ban Chinese students from thinking, what exactly do we expect from them? Please be serious. I should have done this weeks ago. Mary came out of the bathroom with only a towel on. This is quite difficult for Tom. This is very difficult for Tom. I've decided to fire Tom. Violence is the only language they understand. What makes you think I'm going to resign? Why couldn't you do that? Why couldn't you do that? I was taught English at school. She did not agree with him. It is hard to understand. He is a little bit unhappy today. If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart. Stop acting like such a fool. Tom says that he's never lied to Mary. Excuse me, where's the exit? Excuse me, where's the exit? She left just as I arrived. She left just as I arrived. Come on, admit it. Come on, hurry up. Are you sure you don't want to go to Boston? Are you sure you don't want to go to Boston? Are you sure you don't want to go to Boston? Are you sure you don't want to go to Boston? Are you sure you don't want to go to Boston? Are you sure you don't want to sleep on it? Are you sure you don't want to sleep on it? Are you sure you don't want to sleep on it? Are you sure you don't want to sleep on it? Tom became very famous. Tom became very famous quickly. Tom became famous very quickly. Tom became famous very quickly. Tom says he's never lied to Mary. Do you really think Tom is going to believe me? It will break. It will break. You have every right to be mad at me. You have every right to be mad at me. Do you have anything else to say to me? They'll help us. Take a sip of this. Take a sip of this. Hey, it's good to see you. Most of this building's tenants are artists. Most of this building's tenants are artists. Never call anyone fat. Tom may not be dead. That's why Tom came. We don't need you anymore. I want you to know you've got nothing to be afraid of. I just bought a 40 inch flat screen television. The television is in the living room. Tomorrow is Wednesday, and the day after tomorrow is Thursday. I didn't understand what was happening. I saw my neighbor's dog running in my yard. It isn't easy to translate all your comments into Standard German. The legal age for marriage in Australia is 18. The listeners had already begun to yawn. I heard everything you said. I heard everything you said. I don't know how much more I can stand. Tom asked me if I could stay and help him clean up after the party. Look, they say listening to Mozart makes tomatoes grow. Tom leaned forward and kissed her. Tom demanded an apology. What's his first name? Did you know that mosquitoes have teeth? I will go to school. Courtesy costs nothing. There are islands in the sea. Our trip to Africa is turning into a catastrophe. The suspect remains at large. Tom, give me a minute. I need to think. I'm trying to learn English. I look forward to reading your report. No one ever really knows what's going through someone else's head. Tom pleaded with Mary to give him another chance. Ice is water in solid form. He is unlikely to come today. I broke my phone. Emily broke her phone. I can't play Flappy Bird. I won't go to school. Tom will be so pleased. Tom isn't sure he wants to get involved. I don't know if you'd understand. None of them could understand. Tom seemed to understand. Tom seemed to understand. Tom's attitude is quite simple to understand. I think I'm starting to understand. I don't see that there's a choice. Tom told Mary that she should get rid of the evidence. Tom is fighting for his life. Tom is a fool, if you ask me. Tom has never laid a hand on me. We'll make the time. That's how Tom makes his living. We'll settle this when I get back. I know exactly what I'd want to do if I were Tom. I made your father promise never to speak of Tom. Tom and I were meant for each other. Tom lacks the talent to be an actor. Outsiders make Tom nervous. This is working great. It's a serious commitment. You're going to get yourself shot. Do you take American Express? Do you want to hang with us? Tom knew Mary was married. Tom kept working even though he was very tired. Tom sat down and waited. Tom doesn't like milk in his coffee. Tom wants to know how long we're going to be here. I've seen it myself. Tom reminded Mary about the meeting. I want to know why you and Tom don't get along. I can't go to school today. I'm sick. Tom is always careful. Tom might bleed to death if we don't get him to a hospital soon. I think I should've asked for help. I tried to leave early, but people kept asking me for help. That's an interesting hypothesis. I'll take my umbrella in case it rains. I'll take my umbrella in case it rains. I'll take my umbrella in case it rains. It's impossible to fix it. Tom wants to see you in his office right away. Tom just wants to be with Mary. We'll let Tom try. Wasn't it awful? Enter your username, followed by your password. The loaf of bread was adorned with ornate tiny squirrels. The loaf of bread was adorned with ornate tiny squirrels. Do you want tea or coffee? Her long hair cascaded down over her shoulders. I want to eat either ice cream or shaved ice. My toes are freezing. My toes are freezing. Where is my comb? Come and see! The bird is in the sky. My tea is a little too sweet. It wasn't worth the wait. Who wants to play volleyball? Thank you for choosing us. How many pictures did you take on your trip? Tom spoke to me last night, too. Are they serious? I regret not having paid more attention to what the teacher said. I regret not having paid more attention to what the teacher said. Will you cut it out? Tom thought Mary's idea was a good one. Tom lost a lot of money. How much money is left? Please try again later. Do we need to discuss it? We already know you did it. I left my wallet at home. Luckily, you were at home. Can I wait for Tom here? I'm sorry I can't help. How did Tom get you to help him clean the garage? Are you afraid of dogs? Aren't you afraid to die? Look after your children. I don't eat bread. We bought this in Australia. Where can I find an ATM? Where can I find an ATM? Nobody takes me anywhere. Tom hardly ever complains about anything. Tom doesn't want to play the piano anymore. My family thinks I'm rich. My assistant will handle that. Our students showed remarkable progress. I bent over to take the pen. "Do you have a pen?" "Yes." Is he a good person? Is she a good person? I have three younger brothers. I just want to be normal like everyone else. They sat in the kitchen. This might surprise you. They share a love for music. I liked my cup of tea. This is not my cup of tea. This is not my cup of tea. It's Tom's cup. Which color do you prefer? A religion that uses fear as a motivator is not a good religion. Tom was shocked by the news that his father had had a heart attack. All of you betrayed me. Tom didn't betray you. I don't betray my friends. You broke your promises. "Give me back my book!" "What book?" She likes poetry and music. She likes poetry and music. I hope that I've done the right thing. I don't want to go to the dentist. Who are you, anyway? You're coming at the wrong moment. Why are these girls so cruel? Why are these girls so mean? He died before he could realize his dream. Be careful or she'll stab you in the back. Be careful or he'll stab you in the back. Mary has an older sister and a younger brother. Today I go to school. Today I go to school. That victory became a source of national pride. Our house started to shake. Water is life. I'd like a little more water. Do you want to sit in the front? I'm sure Tom will get around to doing that sooner or later. The owner of the flat speaks excellent English. Winds in this area gust at more than one hundred miles an hour. Write him a note. Have you ever worked with them? I just talked with him. I just talked with him. I just talked with him. I just spoke with her. I just spoke with her. I just spoke with her. I'm sure that was them. I want you fired. I told them what I saw. Why are you talking to them? I suggest you talk to him. I suggest you talk to him. Don't you want to talk to her? I'll certainly talk to him. Are you related to them? I don't want to sit next to her. This statue belongs to them. That belonged to her. Tell them you're sick. Did you tell her? Don't tell them where you live. I'll go and tell him. We need to take you home. Let's sue him. Why do you want to see him? You've got to see them. Would you recognize him? I'll keep an eye on her. I'm taking good care of them. I met her in Australia. We'll meet him later. You're making us nervous. We're all like them. Did you let him drive your car? It's best to let me handle it. Don't let him scare you. We'll let them decide. You must know them pretty well. I know her personally. You knew him, didn't you? Who tried to kill her? We're doing this to help them. We're doing this to help them. I'd sure like to help him. We can't help them anymore. We can't help them anymore. We tried to handcuff them. Give them a minute. Give them a minute. I'll give him one more chance. Please stay away from her. I'll never ever forget you. It worked for them. I need to buy a gift for him. We don't know how to find them. Were you able to find her? Go find them. Are you dating her? You should've called them. I haven't called them back. We need to buy her a present. We need to buy her a present. Why are you mad at them? I'll ask her. I'll ask him to help me. I never worried about him. What should we do about them? Tom will explain it to you when he comes back. Tom was my boss. Tom is a good violinist. What was the name of the guy you dated before Tom? Tom's neighbors were having a party. Tom robbed many other houses in the neighborhood. Dan took Linda and her daughter home. There are a lot of big cities in Brazil. The striped cat is playing with red yarn. The children are celebrating the boy's birthday. Next Tuesday is my birthday, and I'm having a birthday party. Smoking is prohibited in this room. Try to keep your eyes open. Try to keep your eyes open. Tom saw blood on the floor. He answered briefly. Dan didn't even try to hide that feeling. I was also invited. Dan approached Linda's car. He's a very lucky man. Are you a religious person? We don't have much choice, do we? Tom got up early in order to catch the first train. Are you going to go to the party tonight? Do you think you might recognize Tom? What time does the party start? What time does the party start? Aren't you supposed to be at school? That wasn't part of the plan. What'll we do now? It's worth three times that much. You forgot to take the trash out this morning. This will only take a minute. There's just one chair left. Are they paying you extra to work late? Are you moving back home? Are you moving back home? Tom didn't give Mary a chance to explain. That's the reason we got divorced. It's difficult to remember details. Are you going to cooperate? Have you always been a comedian? Guess what I found on the beach. It's better than the alternative. Are you sure you want to be left alone? The exact same thing happened to my friend a week later! Tom and Mary walked out of the room, leaving John alone. You know, you are nothing to me now, Mary! It's only a temporary solution. What's the name of the company you work for? We just had Tom's room painted last week. I'm sure Tom told you the truth. Are you blaming me? The radio is so noisy. I'm not sure whether my sentence is good. Do you plant pumpkins? No one expected Tom to win. Do you know how to tie your shoes? I still want to be with you. We held hands, once. You remind me of myself at a young age. We're out of luck again. The cooked rice is tainted, the fried rice is consumed. I am completely exhausted. The soup is a bit too salty. I have homework to do. I've been seeing someone. Tears filled Mary's eyes. He made an effort to arrive on time. Can you repeat? He disliked her at first glance. He has no respect for anyone. I am Vietnamese. You've always complained that we don't take enough interest in your business. I skip ads on videos whenever I can. I'll never forgive you, Tom. My mother carefully opened the door. I prefer to do it by myself. I prefer to do it by myself. You're just a coward. You're just a coward. What kind of oranges do you plant here? What kind of oranges do you plant here? What kind of oranges do you plant here? What kind of oranges do you plant here? You can do it from outside. Someone pocketed my wallet on the train. Someone pocketed my wallet on the train. Let's pretend we're aliens. Let's pretend we're aliens. After we ate, we went to sleep. After we ate, we went to sleep. After we ate, we went to sleep. I knew he was waiting for Mary. Tom looked tired, but happy. Let's move over to that table. The lion eats the meat. I apologize for the methods used to get you here. Smoking is harmful for your health. This car is his. This car is his. This car is his. This car is his. This car is his. I'm paying in advance. I don't want to live in a big city. Did he forget his money again? I need your signature on the letter before I can mail it. Mary was afraid. Are there beautiful women here? Are there beautiful women here? I'm so sorry about yesterday. I wonder what he meant by that. I wonder what he meant by that. I wonder what he meant by that. Mary placed her purse on the table. He brought her a small gift. He brought her a small gift. I should be home with my wife. Tom gave something to Mary. Tom gave it to me before he died. Tom gave it to me before he died. I'm looking for Tom now. It's too hot indoors. Is this really spaghetti? This pizza is disgusting! This pizza is disgusting! The students are on holiday. The pigs are not in the pen. Crocodiles are mysterious animals. Crocodiles are mysterious animals. What type of tarantula do you have? What do carnations smell like? What do carnations smell like? We should celebrate Halloween together. My motorbike uses up a lot of gas. We all are God's sons. Don't complain, don't explain. Can I borrow your mobile phone? Can I borrow your mobile phone? Can I borrow your mobile phone? Can I borrow your mobile phone? I would like to call my embassy. He is good at biology. He is good at biology. He is good at biology. It looks like it'll rain today. It looks like it'll rain today. It looks like it'll rain today. I cannot understand his ideas. I cannot understand his ideas. Tom wondered whether it would be hard to find a job in Boston. Do you know anything about the Jackson family? The army was in retreat. Do you have a license to operate a boat? No more bets. One's face fills with wrinkles because time does not pass in vain. You're my heroine. You're my heroine. I invited her to the movies. In the last few years it happened frequently. I'll pay attention. I promise. Mary died of breast cancer. Tom and Mary are already there. Everybody is hungry again. You're not allowed to camp here. Tom read a book. Tom made three changes. We all have changed. Tom has denied cheating. Tom is extremely competitive. There was a crack in the mirror. Do you think anyone will volunteer? Does Tom know Mary? What should we expect? We used to fight. We used to fight. We used to fight. It's gotten worse. Tom went to Paris to study French. Our investigation is ongoing. It looks really nice. So far, we've lost three games. Tom lost his phone. We need both. It was still raining. Where should we register? We've been sitting here for almost an hour. Tom can speak French better than you. Tom teaches history at the high school across the street. She tried to kill herself many times. She wasn't ready for marriage. I disagree with that comment. Each student has an adviser. Each student has an adviser. Arson is a criminal act. That girl is Mary. I agreed with Tom. Tom tried to convince Mary to dye her hair red. Once upon a time there lived a king and queen who had three very beautiful daughters. Volkswagen shares fell by more than 20%. The black cat is running fast. Tom didn't want to be sent to jail. He's responsible for that. She's not even really pretty. I'm so doggone exhausted, I can't even think straight. Curiosity got the better of Tom. Tom denied any involvement in the killing. Stop bullying me! India was Hindu, then it became Buddhist, then it became Hindu again, as Hinduism reabsorbed Buddhism. Tom said that Mike likes you. I'll pick you up tomorrow after work. God help us. God help us. Who farted? Where did the horse go? I will open the door. Tom left at four in the morning. Tom isn't good at driving. I can't believe anyone anymore. Follow that person. I am certain that there are many other things we could do. There won't be so many people there. Is she dating someone? I forgot my password! She has tried to invite him to her birthday party. Am I useless? Leave her alone or you'll regret it. Tom doesn't have to talk about it if he doesn't want to. I'm going to bake a cake for Tom's birthday. Tom doesn't need to be here until 2:30. Tom is starting to get on my nerves. What would you recommend that I do? Maybe I'll call you sometime. Tom is dressed very nicely. Tom denied all the charges. There can be no compromise. Tom could barely sit up. Things change every day. I love coming back here. Tom didn't invite me. Do you have a lot of money with you? Don't run so fast! Tom can neither read nor write. How far is it to this university? I love flowers a lot. He arrived five minutes after the specified time. You're not a child anymore so cut it out! Flexible work hours make employees more productive. The accident occurred at the mouth of the tunnel. Yes, I have a problem with you Americans! Did you eat yet? They're eating sandwiches. She is just an ordinary girl. She is not as punctual as her little sister. Don't forget to bring a camera. That house is much better than his house. She comes from Germany. My brother named his cat Huazi. In front of you, you can see Tiananmen Square. They named her baby Jenny. Tom is the tallest man I know. Most men need variety. Let's start at the second-to-last line. Tom is the smartest one in our class. Tom is the person I was waiting for. Tom is the only person who can do that, I think. Tom is the one who was here last week. Catalonia is not Spain. Let Tom send the letter. Everything is connected. This sentence actually comes from Spanish. Tom died three days later. I would like to have a glass of tea. I would like to have a glass of tea. We got the job done on time. Did Tom need help? Could you help me exchange some money? When acid touches metal, a chemical reaction happens. You heard the news? Is Tom alright? I love to watch people's reactions when I say who I am. You need to have quick reactions to play these computer games. As I recall, Tom's house is a little farther in from the main road. Lawyers will urge the parents to take further legal action. I'd like some time to consider before I make a decision. I'm supporting France in the World Cup. How can I add these sentences? This sentence is obsolete. He is the love of my life. How many times do I need to repeat it? Tom is a bellfounder. I have a hundred pesos. Where can I ride a motorcycle? Where can I ride a motorcycle? He feels powerless about his own life. He is not my father, he is my uncle. Tom needs to seek help. Will anybody else come? Translating is very tiring. These aren't my ideas. Complaints are rare. Tom lives in a treehouse. We need to think big. It's a lovely idea. All of these sentences need a full stop. All of these sentences need a full stop. Tom wore a white jacket. We're all trying to win. It was obvious that he wanted to kiss her. Tom is also a vegetarian. She's not poor. That's not her fault. Nobody can replace Tom. He told me his father was a doctor. All of them swim very fast. Isn't that what they want? Right now I'm not thirsty. He's at the hotel now. The old church is located in the northern part of the city. Chris will come here. One-third is less than one-half. She told him not to get excited. This is very, very unusual. Tom is a middle school teacher. Isn't this against the rules? It's a very complex question. What are your long term plans? Tom has called an ambulance. Our new neighbour is always there if we need help with anything. I had dinner earlier than you. I need to go to the washroom to take a piss. It's a very difficult situation. What's the harm in doing that? Mary isn't really sick; she's just pretending. On that day I forgot my wallet at home. Ten people died, among them, a woman. It may take a few weeks to get used to working the night shift. Can you sing us a song? I'm convinced we can finish this by tomorrow. Tom does have some new ideas. Is everything OK at the office? What else does Tom need to do? I don't want to drink any more beer right now. Where do you buy clothes? Tom has a scar on his right leg. Turtles don't have teeth. When the moon is the farthest away, it’s 252,088 miles away. That’s almost 32 Earths. When it's closest, the moon is 225,623 miles away. That’s between 28 and 29 Earths. Proceed strongly in the matter, but gently in the method! We got caught in the storm. A strange beast is roaming through the woods. I discovered a new game this summer. Tom is afraid that I'll get lost. Do you plan on attending this afternoon's meeting? Tom's friends all laughed at me. We wanted to get out of there as fast as we could. Tom isn't good at reading maps. It'll be three months before our house is finished. Tom is good at keeping secrets. Mary is prettier and makes better grades than Alice. Tom hugged Mary and kissed her. Tom helped Mary in the kitchen. According to the weather forecast, it'll snow tomorrow. I wish I could've met Tom. Tom spent a year in Boston. Tom painted the door white. Tom jumped out of his seat. Tom doesn't love his wife. Tom ended up not coming. Why did you kiss Tom? It'll take about thirty minutes to get to the station by taxi. It's likely to rain today, so you'd better take your umbrella. I need to call my parents and tell them I'll be late for dinner. Tom is your age. It'll cost you more to fix it than to it would cost you to buy a new one. I don't think it'll rain, but I'll take an umbrella with me, just in case. He can play the piano. I gained weight recently. Who broke the plate? Which one is your bag? The more people, the better. He should buy a house. She weighs more than 80 kg. You should not lie. "Can I join you?" "Sure." I had no idea where to go. Eat a lot of bread, drink a little wine! I've put a little bit of milk in my coffee. These are not my ideas. I have been to the United States. Out of all the people at your school, who do you like the most? We're sorry about it. We're sorry about it. I thought you lived on Park Street. Tom couldn't afford a lawyer. What scares you most? We still need to buy Tom a birthday present. I should get back to the hotel now. Tom told me there was someone who wanted to see me. I promise I'll never do that again. You have to hurry up. Could Tom really be as busy as he says he is? I don't think we can afford it now. You seem happy today. Tom said he didn't know anything about the robbery. Is the post office open on Sunday? I don't think it's fair to punish me for a mistake I made years ago. I don't think it's such a crazy thought. What do you think of the movie? Tom's biggest fear is marrying the wrong girl. Here's a list of things that Tom needs to do. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. It's easy for Tom. All my books are gone. Tom looks more friendly today than he usually does. Can I stay in the car? I couldn't have done that without Tom's help. Every room was searched thoroughly. Don't even mention it. Are you going to tell me the truth? You shouldn't lie. I sure hope Tom does what he said he would do. I'm glad Mary isn't my wife. Tom can't use his cell phone here because he has very expensive roaming charges. We're not going to let Tom do that. Tom is a hair stylist. Tom doesn't have a gun. Mary lied to her husband. We're here to support Tom. Look, I already gave you all the help you asked for, and lots more that I was in no way obligated to provide. What more do you want from a guy? Tom is just learning to crawl. I woke up at three. The fork is bent. Yesterday was what day of the week? I can't be doing with this sort of nonsense. Why should I not do that? We weren't given any food or water. The best way to predict your future is to create it. We've spent a lot of time in Boston. I'll probably be fishing. I don't see any resemblance. The birds return in the Spring. Sometimes you can see the ISS in the sky. I'm not in charge of anything. People don't smoke here. People don't smoke here. I never thought of it that way. I think we can do a lot better. I couldn't afford to do that. I couldn't afford to do that. Tom is looking forward to the midterm break. I imagine Tom will be a finalist. Tom doesn't like driving in Boston. I'm hopeful that can happen now. Tom doesn't know how to milk a cow. Tom didn't want to speak with Mary. I'm just glad no one was killed. Tom didn't know anyone in the room. I'm not afraid to be criticized. Without justice there will be no peace. An odd idea popped into my head. This isn't what I was thinking of. What's preventing this from happening? Soldiers are human beings, too. What's the big occasion today? Tom will have an MRI on Monday. Tom has to be taller than me. We're still pushing ahead. Tom is on trial for murder. It doesn't hurt to ask. Tom makes great cookies. We gave it to them. Let me dream. Let me dream. He sent his daughter a dress. He sent his daughter a dress. He sent his daughter a dress. He sent his daughter a dress. I was just talking to Fadil. I could do it. I could do it. I'm 12 years old and what is this? Tom took a book from the shelf. Fadil was running an errand for his mother. Fadil also took care of his grandmother. Fadil was thrilled. People were sympathetic to Fadil. For this murder, Fadil went to the electric chair. You didn't seem to enjoy the concert very much. This is much less money than we expected. This is much less money than we expected. I was hoping this wouldn't happen again. Tom's kids were here a while ago looking for him. Tom thinks he's the best French teacher here. It was a pleasure to work with Tom. She's madly in love with her. He's madly in love with him. You don't seem very busy today. Has he arrived? I would never have agreed to do that. I wanted to say more. We want to learn Japanese songs. I picked up the cat. Tens of thousands of elephants are killed every year for their ivory tusks. Tens of thousands of elephants are killed every year for their ivory tusks. Tom was shocked when I told him what Mary had bought. Which of these do you consider your best painting? I think Tom will be on the same plane as me. I really want to go home, and so I will pay for the ticket no matter what it costs. I think that Tom will be on the same plane as me. Tom told me to calm down. Sami forced Layla to be a drug mule. Layla wanted to be a nurse. Layla suffered deep cuts to her head and neck. Layla honked the horn. Do you think you'd like to work for us? Do you think Tom really enjoys doing that? We're not used this kind of food. Those are Tom's. I still can't speak French as well as I wish I could. Please put socks in the basket. Where's my mobile? All I know is that I know nothing. Don't be afraid! The birds outside are singing. He is trying hard to quit smoking I like Germany. I don’t understand those translations. Tomorrow is Tuesday. Tomorrow is Monday. Tomorrow is Wednesday. Tomorrow is Thursday. Yesterday was Tuesday. Yesterday was Wednesday. I tried to convince her, but I didn't succeed. Tom and I are both exhausted. Both Tom and I are exhausted. Both Tom and I are exhausted. Tom does that more than Mary. Tom does that more than Mary. Tom and I were both in Boston last week. Tom doesn't have any idea when Mary is planning to do that. Our fates are interwoven. The moon doesn't shine on its own. Tom said he doesn't think it's safe for you to do that. Tom assumed that Mary would be late. I'm the only one who ever really understood Tom. How did you get Tom to buy that for you? I didn't know that Tom would say that. I wish I could study French. What the devil were you doing? Tom says that he plans on staying in Boston as long as he can. I'm sure Tom didn't want to be alone. I'm sure Tom didn't want to be alone. Mary asked Tom to help her clean her office. Mary asked Tom to help her clean her office. How long do you think Tom and Mary were watching us? That man has long hair. I would also like to see the ocean. Are there fish in this pond? Why didn't you say it earlier? It is about time you study vocabulary ! Nothing seems more certain than death. I thought you were her friend. Men are idiots. That's what happened the last time. They sleep together in a cave or a tent. Sorry, but I can't have dinner with you tonight. I've got an upset stomach. Bedouins live in the desert. Bedouins live in the desert. Bedouins live in the desert. French isn't easy for us. I'm happy to see you two getting along. I hope you keep practicing Vietnamese. How long does it take from your house to the office by motorbike? Choose the correct answer that fills the empty space. Stay home. You don't know. It is going to rain. The doctor advised Mr White not to smoke too much. Shakespeare is the author of Hamlet. Shakespeare is the author of Hamlet. This coffee is not hot enough. This coffee is not hot enough. Never trouble till trouble troubles you. The chances are that she'll quit her job. "My teeth are too weak for apples," said the boy. "My teeth are too weak for apples," said the boy. I have a pain in the shoulder. Recent comics have too many violent and sexual scenes. Recent comics have too many violent and sexual scenes. I have a brother of an age with you. I have a brother of an age with you. Will it be fair in Tokyo tomorrow? Will it be fair in Tokyo tomorrow? You must take care when you cross the road. You must take care when you cross the road. He was sleeping on his face. He was sleeping on his face. He has the privileges of membership. He has the privileges of membership. He is in the hospital at present. He is in the hospital at present. He was becoming forgetful, which bothered him a lot. He was becoming forgetful, which bothered him a lot. She supposed me to be a doctor. She supposed me to be a doctor. Is she equal to a long journey? She got a beautiful dress on. She prides herself on her beauty. I kept saying "Let's stop" but she drained cup after cup of wine -- and now, as you can see, she's completely drunk. My husband has two older brothers. (That's right, I'm a third-son's wife) What Alice, waiting for a reply, was faced with was a sudden howl. It was a resounding noise, sharp as to burst her ear drums, loud as to reach unto the heavens. I will be there tomorrow. That is mine. I don't know where yours is. I swear this is what I do every morning. I swear this is what I do every morning. A stomachache is usually mistaken for a bellyache. I met her one winter day. I would ask him if I were you. I would ask him if I were you. If I were you, I'd ask him. If I were you, I'd ask him. His book is red. After years of womanising, Tom finally settled down with Mary. She's hooked on Farmville. She's hooked on Farmville. It is about time you studied vocabulary! What a wonderful day it was today! I always drink cold water. I always drink cold water. You were working hard. I can't look into her eyes. I'm beginning to suspect that that isn't going to happen. I don't need to work. I'm an insomniac. I think Tom is in. You don't seem to like me. You don't seem to like me. They used to have breakfast. It's half an hour's walk from here to the station. From here to the railway station takes half an hour on foot. From here to the railway station is half an hour's walk. Does Tom really have to go? Antibodies are a key part of the immune system. Roman women would dilate their pupils with belladonna because they believed this made them more attractive. Eye doctors still use belladonna during eye exams. He's switched the television on. He switched on the television. Who's eaten all the cheese? That boy standing next to the oak tree is Tom. I don't want to hug you. I don't want to hug you. I need to go to the library tomorrow. I need to go to the library tomorrow. This really is a masterpiece. Tom wants to do that on his own. Tom wants to do that on his own. Who called him? I don't like seeing young girls wearing makeup. I'll tell you where it is. I often don't have time to eat lunch. That's mine. I don't know where yours is. He is a graphic designer for a video game company. Don't compare me to Tom, please. Don't compare me to Tom, please. I apologize for what happened yesterday. I apologize for what happened yesterday. I apologize for what happened yesterday. Close the book! You're not a bad guy. Nobody gives a crap about us. Nobody gives a crap about us. Listen, Macky, we're grown-ups. We're smarter than you. We're smarter than you. We're smarter than you. This is really important to me. This is really important to me. Tom wasn't in the garden. You have no reason to complain. I am filling in a questionnaire. Someday the truth will come out. Tom isn't resting. Tom isn't resting. They did not want to circumcize their son. Were you vaping? Were you vaping? We weren't allowed to leave the building. He wrote a report. He wrote a report. Did you already buy the ticket? The circular area around the nipple is called areola. You never listened to me. It is never too late to learn Esperanto. It is never too late to learn Esperanto. They live with their parents. This is gasoline. It is very difficult to speak English well. Why is everybody scared of me? Where's my straw hat? Why isn't anyone helping me? Why isn't anyone helping me? Give that back to Tom. Tom wasn't in the kitchen. Tom wasn't in the kitchen. Why did you pretend to be me? Ten years after the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion killed 11 workers, injured 17 more and leaked 800 million liters of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico, ecological devastation has proved hard to reverse. Ten years after the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion killed 11 workers, injured 17 more and leaked 800 million liters of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico, ecological devastation has proved hard to reverse. Tom told his mother he would study after dinner. Tom told his mother he would study after dinner. Tom never said anything about it. Tom never said anything about it. Who sold you the car? Who sold you the car? Tom isn't really interested in Greek mythology. I think you'll be able to win. I think you'll be able to win. I think that I have to do that today. I think that I have to do that today. I think they'll permit you to do that. In the cafe, Greg the pastor asks, "What are you reading?" Viktor answers, "It is an Esperanto-French dictionary, an antique from 1936." Police are investigating the cause of the accident. If the United States had enough weapons and soldiers, it would exterminate all of humanity. What keeps them from doing this now, is the fact that Nuclear weapons risk making the whole planet uninhabitable for many centuries. If the United States had enough weapons and soldiers, it would exterminate all of humanity. What keeps them from doing this now, is the fact that Nuclear weapons risk making the whole planet uninhabitable for many centuries. He lay down next to me. Tom isn't angry at Mary. I waited for thirty minutes, but Tom never came. Learn Hungarian! I have to finish my homework. I have to finish my homework. I was amazed to learn I'd won. I didn't realize how small Japan was until I went to Australia. The fire came really close to residential buildings. Perhaps I should do that. Tom isn't a playwright. Tom isn't a playwright. I took another swig of beer. Now I am really tired. My father got laid off. Yanni spoke little Berber. That river is 300 kilometers long. The woman has two wallets. The woman has two wallets. Swallows fly very fast. One of you has to go there. One of you has to go there. Do hungry people tend to arrogance? There's a lot of smoke. Tom isn't scared of Mary. Tom isn't our oldest son. Tom isn't our oldest son. I not only study English, but I study French, too. I'm not only studying English, but I'm also studying French. I not only study English, but I also study French. We were reading a comic book. Tom wasn't crying last night. Tom wasn't crying last night. Tom isn't ready to start. "I hate you!" "Me too!" "I hate you!" "Me too!" There's no need to wait any longer. There's no need to wait any longer. Sirius is a star even brighter than the Sun. The lion is hunting an antelope. This beach has a lot of seashore plants growing on it so it's not a popular spot for swimming. You people can't stay here. Losing weight isn't easy. Losing weight isn't easy. I never liked this photo. If you're going to pull weeds, pull them out by the roots. None of the students have arrived on time. None of the students have arrived on time. Our patient is in much the same condition as yesterday. Our patient is in much the same condition as yesterday. There is nobody who fulfils these conditions. There is nobody who fulfils these conditions. On this occasion, we should drink a toast. The movements of this robot are awkward. The movements of this robot are awkward. The movements of this robot are awkward. Canada abounds in timber. I do not want any money. For all his wealth and fame, he is unhappy. For all his wealth and fame, he is unhappy. For all his wealth and fame, he is unhappy. For all his wealth and fame, he is unhappy. Talking of traffic accidents, I saw one last year. I was greatly impressed by the speech. I was greatly impressed by the speech. I was greatly impressed by the speech. I guess our teacher is over fifty years old. I guess our teacher is over fifty years old. I guess our teacher is over fifty years old. I guess our teacher is over fifty years old. Everything comes to him who waits. They went to Kyoto last year. They went to Kyoto last year. She abandoned herself to pleasure. She abandoned herself to pleasure. She abandoned herself to pleasure. She abandoned herself to pleasure. He dreaded having to spend Christmas in hospital. "Why did you do that?" "Because I felt like it." "Why did you do that?" "Because I felt like it." The stock market is a wonderfully efficient mechanism for transferring wealth from the impatient to the patient. The stock market is a wonderfully efficient mechanism for transferring wealth from the impatient to the patient. Mt. Fuji is a symbol of Japan. Mt. Fuji is a symbol of Japan. She slept all day yesterday. She slept all day yesterday. Spit it out. Spit it out. Spit it out. I write about myself. She sings with us. Please go with us. Do not eat rice with bread. Please don't sing with me. He tells us not to buy the shirt. Please give him this table. They give me an old book. My uncle gave you a present. My uncle gave you a present. Tom says that he speaks fluent French. Let's talk to him in only French to test that claim out. Tom says that he speaks fluent French. Let's talk to him in only French to test that claim out. I call my knife "Tom." What are you humming? What are you humming? What are you humming? While the Kabyle people were fighting French colonialism in the 1940s and 1950s, the Algerians said: "What is the Kabyle problem with France?" Then, after the independence of Algeria, the roles were reversed by the fake Algerian media. The Kabyles have become "Zouaves" and the Algerian Arabs heroes who liberated Algeria. But statistics and historical documents are there to testify to the historical truth. A great many satellites orbit the Earth. Maybe he can't forget her. Maybe he can't forget her. Maybe he can't forget her. I'll walk to school. I'll walk to school. Dogs can't climb up walls. That apple was really delicious. India was ruled by Great Britain for many years. I will let her go. They are about to go. The cat is about to have breakfast. My brother studies English. My brother studies English. Was this house built 200 years ago? It seems so dilapidated. Was this house built 200 years ago? It seems so dilapidated. I have made great sacrifices to come this far. Did you google it? You are not a genius. You are not a genius. You are not a genius. You are not a genius. We can't predict what might happen. We can't predict what might happen. She puts a lot of sugar in her coffee. You must have some nerve to ignore me. You must have some nerve to ignore me. A clean fast is better than a dirty breakfast. I'm going to sit down. Tom was the one who told me Mary shouldn't do that. I liked the way you did that. I liked the way you did that. I liked the way you did that. Pack your things and leave. We don't yet know the results. We don't yet know the results. Which of these is the easiest to use? Which of these is the easiest to use? I need to get my hair bleached at the salon. When did you first come to Japan? When did you first come to Japan? I don't plan on doing it. I don't plan on doing it. Yes, I'm the most modest. Talk slowly. Talk slowly. It's been a week since he left. It's been a week since he left. It's been a week since he left. It's been a week since he left. I don't wear a tie. Your ideas are old-fashioned and won't work in the real world. Although Yanni is a woman, everyone believes they're a man. He set up a bundle of firewood. Text him that we're waiting for him near the entrance. It's a saddening trend. Nara is a very old city. I really like him! Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live on Mars? She loved me. Ziri bought a wallet. You promised not to laugh. You promised not to laugh. Ziri avoided Rima in public. Is Singapore a comfortable place to live? The marriage completely ruined his life. The train is taking off and we haven't bought our tickets! Having cut off all contact with those I knew and moved to another city, I could finally begin a new life. I have already sold my car. I don't want to know what you did. My mom is the best! The author's name is Shakespeare. When I eat a lot at night, I have nightmares. It's not good to water plants in direct sunlight. Without air conditioning, it's impossible to travel by car in the middle of August. Where is the bed? She brought me new clothes yesterday. The girl ran away. The king was very angry. Give him this message. She is laughing. Why are you hidden? I will fly like a bird to the mountains. But I don't know where they came from. I do not know the direction they took. Joshua got up early in the morning. We are from a far away land. Teach them how to read and write in our language. There is no one like her in the entire world. No one among them spoke a word. I'm studying in India. The fire department is located right next to the airport. There's a typo on slide 3. The grass is wet. Let that be a lesson to you! How deep is the pool? Shall I go to the washroom for a moment, I wonder. What good is it to learn other foreign languages when everyone speaks English? The example sentence was splendid, wasn't it? Until when does Tom plan to sleep, I wonder? I want to go eat an ice cream. She had to act as soon as possible. In China, people eat with chopsticks. In China, people eat with chopsticks. Compared to a colour print, a monochrome print is cheaper. I want to be a monk in an ancient monastery. If you speak a lot of languages, you can develop yourself wherever you go. If you speak a lot of languages, you can develop yourself wherever you go. The neighbour's dog is dangerous. They don't allow me to see their daughter. Tom takes vitamin and mineral pills every day. I didn't draw it. Your story doesn't corroborate what I've heard before. Education is a critical element. This is a better way of paying people, according to Paula Grayson. To behave like that, he must be out of his mind. Man first visited the moon in 1969. I am all ears. He rejected all the objections. My husband has two older brothers. That's right, I'm a third-son's wife. Handle with care! I bought a new pair of gloves. Does anyone want another piece of cake? Don't leave your personal belongings in the washroom. I'll come pick to it up next Monday. Ziri doesn't know about this. It was Tom's fault that we were late. She wrote me a goodbye letter. I don't know where my mother is. I've been studying English since 1995. In your dream! Are you crazy?! We are Vietnamese. I will not watch this channel. Hoang Sa and Truong Sa belong to Vietnam. The book "The Brothers Karamazov" is ineffably good! The book "A Sportsman's Sketches" is freaking awesome! What now then? Tatoeba is so hard to use! Don't put me on a pedestal! It rains cats and dogs. I thought you knew each other. The water is calm. Tom couldn't get Mary to change her mind. Outside, it's cold and wet. Are you also afraid of getting sick? I admire your initiative. My shoulder hurts when I lift my arm. That's not the only difficulty. When you try Googling it, there really are a bunch of people, huh? Thank you for all your help over the years. Please remind me to take my medicine. I've had enough of your anti-science poverty. I'm sorry I've imposed on you so much. I'm not sure if it's safe to drive under these conditions. They gave it back to her. The lights in the room went out. The opposite of "heavy" is "light." The opposite of "heavy" is "light." I'm going to roast some chestnuts. Tom has just seen the list. He likes to travel. I didn't want to go, but I had to. The bird is drinking water. No, this isn't my car. You should call Tom first. I know I shouldn't do this. I know I shouldn't do this. If the Sun was to die suddenly, a further eight minutes would pass before we knew about it. Only then would Earth be thrown into darkness. My mother often got angry with us. The situation is evidently pretty grim. If you aren't feeling well, you should rest. I know that you'll never love me. It's something that you can never forget. We had nobody to help us. It's not important whether your lifespan is short or long but when you reach enlightenment. You don't by any chance speak French, do you? If I'd known about this earlier, I could've changed my plans. I am listening. I hope I'll be better next week. The boys are playing soccer. Tom got tired of walking. I wish I could answer that. It's not warm. He killed my brother. I was at the hospital. This drug works only for men. I can't play with Tom. She lives alone in a large flat in Paris. The area Ziri lives in is very hilly. You may go, but I need to stay here. You may go, but I have to stay here. There are three boys in the yard. I went to school yesterday, but Tom didn't. I did that, but Tom didn't. I can speak French, but Tom can't. I like watching baseball, but Tom doesn't. This is the book that I found. Tom ran a race yesterday. What Tom has asked me to do won't be possible. Ziri was at the bottom of the hill. You should use the other screwdriver. It's a big step backward. That was a big step backward. The dog isn't allowed in the dining room. I'm really worried about this. I'm really worried about what might happen. I'm really worried about Tom's health. It was a very interesting discovery. Contentment is better than gold. We visited our mother's grave. The army advanced during the night. We know now we shouldn't have done that. You should try to walk more. You should try to get more exercise. Pull out the plug. Pull the plug out. Excuse me for barging in like this. Give me your credit card. What's your credit card number? I can't believe we're finally getting married. I know that you aren't asleep. Stop pretending to be asleep. I handed the car keys to Tom. We have the same blood type. Tom needs to be more confident. Tom invited me to join his team. Wanna make a bet? We close at five o'clock. Can you scoot over? Could you scoot over? That's a risk I'm willing to take. That's a risk I'm not willing to take. I'm a baseball fan. It's a fire hazard. Let Tom in now. Let Tom in at once. Let's call in sick. Tom called in sick yesterday. That's a nice-looking tie. That's a great tie. The food at that restaurant was lousy. The food at that restaurant wasn't very good. Who stole my money? Hold on to me tight. I'm a born sceptic. I don't like dining alone. I hate dining alone. Tom hurt his left foot. I don't want to do this, but I have to. Ziri heard a dragging sound in the hallway. We both really want you to be there. Idleness, vice, and intemperance had done their miserable work, and the dead mother lay cold and still amid her wretched children. She had fallen upon the threshold of her own door in a drunken fit, and died in the presence of her frightened little ones. This woman had been despised, scoffed at, and angrily denounced by nearly every man, woman, and child in the village; but now, as the fact of her death was passed from lip to lip, in subdued tones, pity took the place of anger, and sorrow of denunciation. Neighbors went hastily to the old tumble-down hut, in which she had secured little more than a place of shelter from summer heats and winter cold: some with grave-clothes for a decent interment of the body; and some with food for the half-starving children, three in number. John, the oldest, a boy of twelve, was a stout lad, able to earn his living with any farmer. They know everyone. Two years before a fall from a window had injured her spine, and she had not been able to leave her bed since, except when lifted in the arms of her mother. "What is to be done with the children?" That was the chief question now. But the children must not be left to starve. We drove through the centre of London. The bus can carry a maximum of 40 people. We shall try to minimize the risks to the public. She laid the picture face downwards on the table. He was elected to Parliament in 1970. His success was largely due to hard work. The whole tape was recorded in one session. Can you put me through to extension 5678 please? They are staying Monday through Friday. David got the job through his uncle. Food supplies will not last through the winter. I don’t know any people in this group other than you. I have three close friends, one of whom is a lawyer. One person is holding a bag. Other students are from Vietnam. Another woman is holding a bag. Some students like sport, others don’t. Have you read other books? These books are boring. Give me others. There are two apples on the table. One apple is mine and the other apple is yours. Don't pretend that you're on my side. They got stoned at the party. The first time I saw Fernando, he was high on drugs. I've read his will. I've read his will. I couldn't understand why he wanted to leave. I still continue to learn. He killed a young man in a brawl. He was arrested again in 1999. I bought some stuff in the supermarket. What's this black stuff? Can you take your stuff off the table? I don't know a lot of technical stuff, so I can't repair the computer. I don't know a lot of technical stuff. He knows all financial stuff, like stocks and bonds. I caught her on her lunch break. I'll stand first watch. What about the price of oil? Everyone has their price; the important thing is to find out what it is. What's the price of your wheat? I don't like to eat fast food, because it has a lot of unhealthy stuff. I bought some protein shakes in the gym. There are many types of protein powders and protein shakes on the market. Last night, I was so stuffed at the restaurant. My nose is stuffy. I admit I trained my sons more strictly than the other apprentices. What made you come back? I'm going to handle the rest. I can do that better than him. She committed suicide by poison to avoid beheading. A man committed suicide in the train station. She didn't commit suicide. Henry I committed suicide on 8 October 1820. She committed suicide by jumping off the roof of the girls' dorm. The house was broken into last night. Is this the man you said was scalped? I think you broke my bed. I'm reading his autobiography. I finally managed to escape. We put up at a small hotel after the party last night. The team put up a great performance at the show last night. The teacher puts up an argument about pollution for the students. We want to put you up for team leader. Tell him your father's a policeman. You should put your hand up to ask the teacher a question. Is your father a priest? The movie was boring so I slept. The butcher packs the meat in paper. I read the newspaper with my coffee every morning. Past exam papers are available in the library. He was in a deep sleep and couldn't be woken. The plane up in the sky looks very small. She wants to cut her long hair short. I gave him a cake on his birthday. The price of diamond is very expensive. I had a nice dream when I slept last night. I want to drink some water because I'm thirsty. The program had been studied in detail. I want time to study this contract thoroughly before signing it. When you live in a country, you soon pick up the language. Next term we will study plants and how they grow. The secretary keeps the minutes of the meeting. It's difficult for babies to say long words. It's difficult for babies to say long words. My foot hurts because I stepped on the glass. The box is a little more than one foot wide. The President will address the nation on Tuesday. King Charles III addressed the nation for first time after Queen's death. He will address Parliament for the first time tomorrow. What did King Charles III say in his speech? The King's address to the nation was moved. The statue was moved to this church. Someone had put up a notice about new parking rules. The police need more information to catch the thief. The teacher wrote a math problem on the board. There is a big park next to my house. The sky was dark and cloudy last night. He died from tuberculosis. I'm going to talk about statistics today. I don't remember the statistics. Statistics show that women live longer than men. According to official statistics, the Japanese work longer hours than workers in most other industrialized countries. The sun gives us light. Everyone has different looks. Picasso was a great artist. Ho Chi Minh is a big city in Vietnam. I enjoy watching movies in my free time. I like to watch Korean dramas on TV. Give us your house address. I'm glad you noticed that. I'm glad you noticed that. The chicken is fully cooked. The chicken is cooking in the oven. Your chicken may need to be cooked a bit longer. He's an excellent cook. Let's park outside. The singer has a very nice voice. A farm often has cows and chickens. How many cows and chickens are there? How are cows and chickens useful to us? This farm raises cows and chickens. I'll build a house, raise some cows, horses and sheep. They farm sugarcane. The weather is sunny and nice today. She's a very special friend to me. There are many flowers in spring. He has planted many beautiful flowers in his garden. My wife is always telling me that I'm a bad husband. My mother is old but she looks very young. The intelliegent baby can speak and count. The bride is wearing a white wedding dress. The song perfectly describes the feeling of falling in love with someone that you shouldn't. I can't see you because the room is too dark. We went to see a movie in the evening. Learning English is fun. I want to buy a new pair of trousers and a shirt. I’ve broken your vase. Will you forgive me? We're going to have to make new trousers and shirts. Do you like these trousers? I like this pair of trousers. I like these trousers. I like these two pairs of trousers. There's a pair of trousers on your bed. These trousers are great! Where did you buy them? These trousers are great! Where did you buy them? These yellow trousers are very nice. These yellow trousers are very nice. Let’s ask the sales assistant. Let’s ask the sales assistant. How much are these trousers? How much are these trousers? How much are the jeans? How much are the shoes? How much are the trousers? How much are the sandals? How much are those? These sandals are very nice. Let’s check their prices. Let me check their website. I had to check their qualifications. I'll check their database. I'll call Interpol, check their database. Check their positions. Let's check their security cameras. Check their heart rate. Let me check their class schedule. Let's check their business records. Let's check their business records. Check their workplaces. The doctor will have to check their dental records. Check their closet. Check their nest. How much are these sandals? Can I have a look at that pair of jeans over there? How much is the jumper? How much is the jacket? I like these blue jeans. How much are those lovely purple trousers? The food at that restaurant is excellent. That famous actor is in many movies. She's wearing a necklace on her neck. She works for a big company. She always sleeps at 11 o'clock in the evening. She enjoys his company. He works for a software company. No smoking is company policy. It was a long trip and I was grateful for his company. I enjoy my own company. I enjoy my own company. She came to stay for a week as company for my mother while I was away. What is your company's policy? She's in the National Theatre Company. Company policy forbids us from dating clients. Australia is very far from Vietnam. Australia is very far from Vietnam. She lives in a very big house. I'm feeling a bit blue today. Light is the opposite of heavy. Light is the opposite of heavy. Light is the opposite of heavy. Students wear uniforms to school. I like to look at the blue ocean. She's sitting opposite me. There is a lot of rubbish on the streets. I think their ideas are a lot of garbage. There is a lot of garbage around us. I don't like flat-roofed houses. The car had a flat tire. She lives in a flat. He said yes to my question. This is why he said yes to you. He's wearing a hat on his head. I like to go to the beach in the summer. Canadian dollar looks different from American dollar. I'll get some milk at the supermarket. She refuses to do her homework. She refuses to do her homework. I asked my father, but he wouldn’t lend me the money. He didn't lend me money. He refused to lend me money. This machine wouldn’t work yesterday. I wouldn’t come yesterday. I refused to come. I’ll be careful with the car, I promise. I promise I will not be late tomorrow. It’s getting late. If you don’t hurry up, I will leave without you. I will scream. Don’t touch my digital camera or I’ll hit you. She talked for three hours on the telephone. The mother is angry because the child was very rude. The gold market is steady. I went to the market to buy vegetables. This market sells very cheap clothes. She likes to eat fried rice for dinner. She likes to eat pizza. The team is trained daily. My team is on the way. A medical team is on its way to your location. I go to work every morning by train. One statue is armless and the other is headless. There is no signal. The ring is made of silver. I drove slowly back home. Japan is famous for sushi. Snow is not normal in summer. I got a voicemail when I was not home. Someone left me a voicemail when I wasn't at home. The turtle moves slowly to the sea. He broke his arm when he fell. The seats are comfortable. The bar is open till midnight. He wore a cap on his head. The bottle cap keeps the water in. The manager limits spending to $50,000. I returned my key to the hotel's reception. I bought three kilograms of apples. How heavy are you in kilos? The white sandy beach is very beautiful. Today is a fine day with gentle winds. She was in deep sadness because her dog died. The army is trying to break the enemy's code. Put the dishes in the sink. A break from discussions will gives us time to gather more information. They will give us time to gather more information. Chairs and sofas are different types of seat. The shop assistant put the money in the till. The farmer tilled the soil in the bottom field. I put salt and pepper into the soup. I sprinkle salt on the food. Sprinkling salt on your food is an unhealthy habit. Sprinkling salt on your food is an unhealthy habit. The land here is rich and fertile. She's from a far-off land. The aeroplane has landed safely. The reception on this portable TV is terrible. The ship sank after hitting an iceberg. When the ship sank, he abandoned it and left 1,500 people to die. The ship sank in a storm somewhere along the East Coast. It will bounce off the ship. I need someone to take it. It's your job to turn the ship around. Your task is to turn the ship around. Everyone stay calm! He's the captain of the ship. The captain wants you back on the ship. The virus will kill everybody on the ship. We'll never get the ship in there. Global warming is a big problem. The teacher wrote the answer with chalk on the blackboard. Don't forget to bring a pencil and eraser to school. The information is posted on the noticeboard. Did some supernatural forces try to stop you? Nothing is ever really safe when there's a cat in the house. I want to cut my hair short. I'm a student and I like to study. I like to eat apples and oranges. The bus arrived five minutes early. The thick fog makes it hard to see ahead. Bring your umbrella because it's raining. There are many trees in the forest. I tried to catch him but the boy was too quick. Students should do their homework. Half of ten is five. He has a math test at school tomorrow. They waited for about an hour. The color of the sky is blue. I'm glad to meet that famous actor. The news can be found on all media. Did you put a chip in the dog? I want to know about Vietnam's history. She likes to wear skirts. Would you prefer chips or boiled potatoes? My grandma always wakes up early in the morning. Diamond rings are very expensive. The child has chocolate all over his face and lips. I had a party for my birthday. He turned the pages of his notebook. In winter, there is snow and ice everywhere. Tonight the sky is full of stars. What planets are visible tonight? The film is based on real events. Never hit other people. Playing with friends is fun. I have lunch at one o'clock in the afternoon. I got a ticket for parking wrongly. Should I take the plastic film off my phone? December is the last month of a year. I learned an interesting lesson at school today. Our family goes to church on Sunday. In many countries, over eighteen years old is an adult. You should park your car in a car park. I've bought two tickets for the concert. She works as a nurse in the hospital. My elder brother worked as a waiter for a year when he was in college. My brother really doesn't know what to do with these blank CDs. What should he do with them? As he was climbing the ladder, his hammer slipped from his belt. I made you some coffee, as you don't like tea. What is the real color of the sky? It's only a rumor. She is going to the shopping center to buy clothes. My father works in the food business. It is now possible for humans to go to the moon. His house doesn't have a bell, so I knocked on the door. The supermarket opens at ten in the morning. He finally found his family after ten years. The woman and the man in the photo are my parents. Many women today prefer wearing modern clothing to traditional clothing. I prefer wearing jeans to skirts. What types of clothes do you like wearing? Do you enjoy buying clothes? Are clothes and clothing fashion important to you? Do you wear different styles of clothes now compared to 10 years ago? What can we learn about a person from the clothes that they wear? I prefer casual clothes, actually. I hate getting dressed up for special occasions. I’m not so bothered now. I wouldn’t feel comfortable wearing something old-fashioned. Clothes and fashion are not so important to me. I tend to wear clothes that are comfortable and practical rather than fashionable. I still see myself as well-dressed. He has a good sense of style. Ten years ago, almost all my clothes were hand-me-downs from my cousins. I think the clothes people wear can say something about who they are. Some people are really careful about what they wear because they want to be seen as stylish. Some people wear clothes to show their wealth or status. She closes her eyes and sleeps. My house is not far from here. My house is not far from here. The sound of the rain woke her up. He's in sound health for his age. His words sounded strange. The actor has played many roles. This train only has three coaches. That carriage vanished, so it must be somewhere. The sign says "Stop". You must stop here. I must help my little brother more. My father said so. My father said so. I have to take these medicines. The doctor said so. I have to clean my room. I can't live in such a mess anymore. He took the bread and cut himself two slices. I'd like to see a play for my birthday. Bananas, apples and oranges are all fruits. I want to know what his age is. I want to know how old he is. It doesn’t matter what religion you belong to. It doesn’t matter what religion you choose. It doesn’t matter what religion you believe in. I live in Paris. The coach praised the team for a good game. The tour group travelled in a coach. Is this broadcast live or pre-recorded? She signed the forms with a blue pen. We bought live crabs for dinner. The clock is five minutes fast. I can sit in the back of the car. My grandmother is old but healthy. My back is sore, I need a massage. I like to eat cereal with milk. I like to wear shorts in summer. In the summer when I met her at the bus station, I felt in love with her. I like to wear a sweater in autumn. The nose of the plane pitched down. White snow covers everywhere in winter. Pizza is my favorite food so I can eat it everyday. The age of the dinosaurs ended millions of years ago. As people age, they develop wrinkles. As people age, they develop wrinkles. Every person takes a turn and deals the cards. When dealing cards do you deal to the left or right? The food at that restaurant is really good. The weather is very dry because there is no rain. Today is Sunday so I don't have to work. I couldn't answer the difficult math problem. I couldn't answer the difficult math problem. Lunar New Year is a big holiday in Vietnam. His nose has been broken twice. I have a cough because I caught a cold. He guided the tourists around the city. I need to go to the bank to withdraw money today. We took our lunch and sat down on the bank of the river. We’ve got a new plant in the industrial park. We need to husband our money to buy an apartment on the river bank. He seems fairly content with his life. Certain students may disagree with what I'm about to say. The lift doesn't work. He lifted the tray above the kids. Do you like pizza or pasta? He went to the party, but his brother didn't. That poor young boy has to shoulder the burden of his mother's illness. She works in a car factory. The weather is warm in spring. I'm going to buy a house for my parents. If you want to go now, that's fine. If you want to go now, that's fine. The baby fell down and cried. The house is so beautiful. The house is so beautiful. He has a very fine hair. He received a fine for driving too fast. He had to pay a small fine. I plan to go tomorrow if the weather is fine. He is a worker at a car factory. My plane leaves at 2 p.m. My plane leaves at 2 p.m. He leaves his wife and two children. My boss gives me leave to study for three months. I went to the hospital because I was sick. Foggy weather makes it hard to see ahead. Can you tell me your name again? The red sunset is very beautiful. He was very happy to be home again. The singer has a lovely voice. He always drives his car to work. I'm going to the cinema to watch a movie. The taxi driver drove me around the city. She is tired because she has worked all day. Be careful of the glass door in front of you. The baby is learning how to walk. My best friend is so clever, she always gets good score on her exams. Ellie and Dina are best friends. They go shopping with each other all the time. My best friend and I spend a lot of time going to the beach. We enjoy submerging our bodies into the fresh sea water. We enjoy submerging our bodies into the fresh sea water. My best friend invited me over to have dinner with his family. My dad’s best friend and him used to play baseball when they were in their high school years. Best friends should not talk bad things behind each other back. It was a great holiday, but too short. I've missed you terribly. The boy was too short to reach the shelf. The policeman is running to catch the thief. I'm going to clean the house because it's too dirty. I think that house looks really ugly and not pretty. The teacher gave me a lot of homework. Everyone is looking at the beautiful girl. I work at an office in a tall building. The farmer and his family live in the countryside. She had a feeling of great pain when she broke her leg. She's wearing red socks. My mom is cooking in the kitchen. This place looks familiar. This place looks familiar. Showers are expected on Tuesday. She exercises three times a week. Wednesday is after Tuesday. You should drink a lot of water. He likes to go fishing on a boat. The sky lightened after the storm. I like to read books at the library. She won second place in the competition. I need a dictionary because I don't know this word. She asked me a question about math. The child is eating a candy. The shower in my bathroom is very small. He did geometry exercises after school. The loud noise from the TV hurts my ears. I'm going to buy some apples at the supermarket. There are a lot of trees in the forest. She studies science at college. The fast lasts for forty days. One day a week he fasts for health reasons. Muslims fast during Ramadan. Don't wear your shoes inside the house. Every evening, my family has dinner together. I put on a hat because it was too sunny. After having breakfast, she put on her coat and then went out. She usually wears a lot of expensive jewelry in important parties. You wear a nice suit but you have to put on a raincoat because it starts to rain. She usually wears short hair. My husband dresses the children while I make breakfast. My baby can dress herself. The Queen is famous for her beauty. The child is learning to count from one to ten. I look so small standing next to a tall man. The fast fox caught the chicken. We get water from the well in the garden. I don't think physics is an interesting subject. Exercise makes the body healthy. Exercise can make you feel happier. Exercise can help with weight loss. Exercise is good for your muscles and bones. Exercise can reduce your risk of chronic disease. Exercise can help your brain health and memory. Exercise can help with relaxation and improve sleep quality. Exercise can reduce pain. Exercise can promote a better sex life. I can't call you because I don't have a phone. The ship transports cars from Europe to North America. I need some medicine because I have a headache. I need some medicine because I have a headache. Chocolate has brown color. She put her bag on the table. He is taller than me, double my height. Wimbledon is a very big tennis tournament in the world. I gave the children some candy. I don't know any English. I have no cash so I have to pay by card. She gave me a birthday present. I like to eat meat but do not like vegetables. The students go to school every morning. Elephants have large ears and long nose. She wants to travel around the world. Snow White has white skin and black hair. I love going to the zoo to see lions. The sky is blue with not a cloud in sight. His optimism clouded his judgment. I fell from a ladder yesterday. Classes will resume in the fall. My watch is about to start. My watch says that it's three o'clock. My head hurts because I'm sick. Why can some birds fly very high in the sky? Why can birds fly, but we can't? It's raining outside so I came into the house. It's warmer outside than in this room. You can park your car outside our house. I signed up for an English course. The captain changed the ship's course. We're pleased with the course of this business. Soccer and basketball are popular sports. The plane flies at a speed of 400 kilometers per hour. The fly kept bothering us during our meal. I got only one wrong answer on the test. He was busy with work and did not have leisure time. My father likes to read news on the newspaper every morning. Mount Everest is tall and big. She speaks French and German and also a little Russian. He's good at playing video games. Great deeds can't die. They fired him for being late every morning. I feel clean after taking a bath. Our love will never die. He got wet from the rain. I like to watch TV dramas. She looked so beautiful in her wedding dress. It is wrong to catch wild animals. My hands get cold in winter so I like to wear gloves. I miss my mom and dad a lot. Our product is best in its class. I would class my garden as medium in size. He irons his shirt every morning. I play sports for entertainment. This film is good, family entertainment. I look different from my sister. Snow in summer is really a surprise. Everyone was very happy at the party. I will become a doctor when I grow up. These are useless objects. These are useless objects. She objects to the plan for a new road. His object is to become CEO. Why do you love your mother and father? The cost of living in New York is very expensive. It is not good to smoke cigarette. It is important to be polite. I'm bored because I have nothing to do. Summer is a hot season. He is a great photographer and is famous for his beautiful pictures. Everyone in the car accident is dead. Everybody wants to have a happy life. I'm a student at Hanoi University. I like to go to the library and read books. Every morning I go to the cafe to buy coffee. I told him you were in the cafe. I'm sitting outside, at a cafe. She draws beautifully. I ran really fast and won the race. The saguaro is a race of cactus. Discrimination on grounds of race will not be tolerated. Segregation of employees on the grounds of race is also unlawful. He is charged with seven counts. The truck can draw a one-ton trailer. The fight ended in a draw. She looks sick and thin. I can't see well without my glasses. I like ballet but it's not my favorite art. There are black marks on my white trousers. She is the manager of a coffee shop. Cats like to catch mice. Be careful when you cross a main road. The boy kicked the ball. I need to go to the dentist because I have a toothache. I wake up at seven o'clock every day. He got a great amount of money from the lottery. She bought a formal dress for the Christmas Ball. I live in Vietnam and my nationality is Vietnamese. I want to visit a close friend. The pig is really fat. I like to go to work by bus not by car. He is very poor and doesn't have money. I want to go and visit London this summer. I need to go to the hospital because I broke my leg. Her house is behind my house. Don't put your legs on the table. Her job in the farm is to milk the cow. All bodies have some fat. Winter is a cold season. I don't understand that last sentence. I always water the plants in the morning. The supermarket sells a lot of good food. These cookies sell very well. He needs to study for the math exam. He used only pencil to draw the picture. I like to watch movie at the cinema. I looked up and saw a rainbow in the sky. I like to take photos with my new camera. The window faces south. The farmer lives in a cottage in the countryside. I like to play badminton and tennis. All passengers were injured in the car accident. Everything has a logical explanation. We must search the camp. The real hero is him. I hope he escaped from the beast. I'll change out of my diving suit and find something to open the barrel with. I hope you didn't hurt your back while lifting this barrel. That anchor alone must weigh a ton! I remember how excited I was when I found my first treasures as a kid. Now we can finally use it to open the door! We're one person short. He can come and help us. Let's step on the disks and test his theory. According to the inscription, it used to belong to a famous navigator. On the contrary, we have a clue. On the contrary, we have a clue. Ho Chi Minh City is in the south of Vietnam. Remember, it's just a bad day, not a bad life. How far will we have to go? I would never have expected her to just quit her job like that and leave without a word. There is no doubt that cycling is healthier than driving. Undoubtedly, cycling is healthier than driving. No doubt, it will rain soon. There is no doubt that the world is getting warmer. How far is it from your home to here? How far is the bus stop to your school? How far can we go? How far can he run? How far is it from the theater to the supermarket? How far is it from your house to the zoo? How far is it from your home to the museum? How far is it to the beach from here? Is it a long way? Is it a long way? It’s not far. It’s quite close. It’s quite a long way. It’s quite a long way. It’s a long way on foot. Which is cinema? I think we should go to CGV cinema. This cinema is very interesting. I don’t know about that cinema. Is it far from here? Can I have a coffee shop nearby? It’s Lyly’s Coffee shop. How far is it to the coffee shop? The coffee shop is about 600 metres from here. Could you tell me how to get to Lyly’s Coffee shop? Go straight 200m, then turn right. I don’t know whether she will go to the movies or go home to watch movies. I can’t tell whether he’s crying or laughing. She asked me whether I was happy. I don’t know whether he will hang out or play basketball. The teacher doesn’t know whether the kids are sleeping or awake. I can’t decide whether to buy shoes or clothes. He is thinking whether to stay in Hanoi or go to Ho Chi Minh City to work. We have different ideas about whether or not our club should celebrate a picnic this month. Whether she goes or not, she has to pay money. We discussed whether we should go to Hong Kong. They talked about whether he should go out today. I can decide whether to buy this bag now or wait. Whether you are beautiful or not is not a problem. Let me know whether I will be able to go with you. If I were you, I wouldn’t be able to receive this shock. I wondered if Anna would love me. Even if it rains, we still go to school. We still go to school even if it rains. Even if I am rich, I won’t buy that house. I won’t buy that house even if I am rich. Even if it’s raining, she still goes out. She wants to go out. But if it rains, she won’t go. It will probably be easier to reverse into that parking space. He took a shortcut to school through the park. The couple next door are always arguing. He argued against buying a new computer. A square has four right angles. His mistake has undone all our good work. I realized that my zip was undone. I left the housework undone. Local clubs are an essential part of village life. The school organizes trips to various places of interest. You need to organize your work more carefully. Writing is reversed in a mirror. My husband and I have reversed roles, he stays at home now and I go to work. The book describes the main events in his life in chronological order. He opened the letter and tossed the envelope into the paper bin. We are living in the era of computers. He's a very mild man. The overall cost of the work will be about $200. Devotees of science fiction will enjoy this new film. Are the needs of society more important than the rights of the individual? The traffic starts to build up at this time of day. There's a painting over the bookcase. We jumped when the plane flew over. Tomorrow, I'll fly over the magnificent Himalayas. She's about to fly over a city. We watched the plane fly over. I'm sure he'll have some fresh ideas on the subject. The new tax laws will benefit people on low wages. They have certainly benefited from the changes in the law. The police want to ask you some routine questions. The police want to ask me questions. What should I do? He has to pay maintenance to his ex-wife and children. Who left all this clutter on the floor? I suggested she should stop but she carried on regardless. All machines need to be checked periodically. The demonstrators carried banners saying "Stop the war". She suggested some milk with bread for breakfast. He suggested a song of his favorite singer. My teacher suggested a course to me which I could sign up for at the end of the year. Can you suggest a good dictionary to me? She suggested an amazing book to him. I suggest we go out to have dinner. I know a very good restaurant. He suggested everybody go camping in the next summer. Her doctor suggested that she should reduce her working hours and take more exercise. They suggested that I should practice speaking English more. He suggested travelling together for safety, since the area is so dangerous. I suggested going swimming in summer. She suggested reading more books to broaden the mind. Could you suggest where I might be able to buy a nice T-shirt for my boyfriend? Could you suggest where we can have dinner tonight? She suggests having the car repaired as soon as possible. Are you suggesting I’m lazy? A solution immediately suggested itself to me. I suggest that you do more exercise to keep your blood pressure down. We suggest that the ruling party act more decisively in order not to be voted out of office in the next election. I suggested that he should exercise more. I suggested that he should buy a new house. We suggested him for the post of Minister of the Interior. The glove suggests that she was at the scene of the crime. I didn't tell him to leave, I only suggested it. She credits her creativity to her mother. I used to respect him. I could have stayed up late, but I decided to go to bed early. They could have won the race, but they didn't try hard enough. She could have bought the book, but she borrowed it from the library instead. He could have studied harder, but he was too lazy and that's why he failed the exam. You could have just called me. I could have warned you if I had known where you were. You might have been killed. With a bit more effort we might have won the match. I couldn't have arrived any earlier. There was a terrible traffic jam. He couldn't have passed the exam, even if he had studied harder. It's a really difficult exam. Why is he late? He could have got stuck in traffic. He could have overslept. He might have got stuck in traffic. I should have gone to bed early. I should have gone to bed early. I shouldn't have eaten so much cake! You should have called me when you arrived. He should have left early, then he wouldn't have missed the plane. She should have been home by now. Do you think she's OK? His plane should have arrived by now. She should have arrived by now, but she hasn't. If I had had enough money, I would have bought a car. I would have gone to the party, but I was really busy. I would have called you, but I didn't know your number. I would have helped you. I didn't know you needed help. By the time I finished the exercise, all of my classmates had left. By the time you decide to buy this bag, they will have sold it. By the time we are in Ho Chi Minh City, he will be there too. By the time she is 18, she will live in a place far away from home. By the time you read this letter, I will be in London. I finished that important project. By the time I arrived, the store had already closed. By the time I went to her home, she had gone to the shopping center. They had finished telling the story by the time I went to class. I ate all of the food. By the time I was there, they were very tired. By the time I went to John’s home, he had gone to school. Before I went to John’s home, he had gone to school. By the time I went to my boyfriend's house, he had gone to bed. When I was a child, I usually went to the market with my mother. I will have finished this task by the time the teacher comes. I can’t finish this task until the director comes. I have finished my homework by the time class starts. You will have to complete your homework by 3 PM today. By the time the opening match of the World Cup happened, it had stopped raining. By the time you get here, the film will have started. It was raining at the time the opening match of the World Cup happened. I didn’t have any faith in myself at the time. I like to eat mushroom soup. This house looks nice. I often see my friends on the weekend. There are 30 passengers in total on the bus. Call me if you’ll be free this weekend. I’m fully booked this week, but I hope we can get together on the weekend. Would you like to go to the movies over the weekend? What does the total come to? I often come to see him. He takes care of his appearance. I put bandages on my hurt knee. My house is next to his house. He was acting strangely. I care about the issue of global warming. The balcony scene happens in the second act. There is an Act which outlaws such behavior. I was surprised to see a lion on the street. Are these books in any particular order? Stop giving me orders. Picnic on a sunny day is a good idea. We should order another bottle of wine. The bed is the only furniture in my bedroom. Subway is a train that goes underground. I like to eat sandwiches with ham and cheese. On the farm, horses eat hay. In this area, many children have to work on the farm to support their family. He used to work at the farm owned by his grandparents. Mosquitoes bite and suck blood. Mosquito's bite can cause malaria. Primary education is important for children. The pen has black ink. That's such a good film. Such experiences are very rare. The workers are on strike for higher pay. He started learning to play the piano two months ago. The young man struck his father. She glanced at herself in the mirror. The house belongs to my parents. Whales belong to mammals. I stayed behind to prepare my presentation tomorrow. She always stays behind to cleans up to help her mother. He had to stayed behind because he had too much work to do. I stayed behind and helped my father clean up the house. The journalist is writing a news story. Journalists need to be careful not to misrepresent information. There are usually six bottles in a pack of water. Cancer can kill people. The pack of wild dogs howled all night. The movie is a true story. He packed his things in a sturdy bag. Is the news true? Is the news true? Cancer kills thousands of people every year. Pink is her favorite color. The hurricane blew away houses with strong winds. Sam is the boss of his company. I go skateboarding at the weekend. I would like to go skateboarding on the weekend. The hurricane wiped out the whole village. The national flag of Vietnam is red. My throat hurts because I'm sick. There is a big sofa in the living room. She likes to chat with her friends on the phone. What are you chatting to him about? Give me another hour or so. I lost my key to the city that the mayor had presented to me as a reward. This hat looks ridiculous. These people are ridiculous. The bank robbers abandoned the car just outside the city. The search for the missing sailors was abandoned after two days. Will you able to come to a meeting next week? It's about three miles from here to the city centre. Dinner's just about ready. I could hear people moving about upstairs. Don't leave your clothes lying about all over the floor. She's somewhere about. I saw her a few minutes ago. I was just about to explain when she interrupted me. We wandered about the town for an hour or two. There's something about him that I don't quite trust. Have you heard from her lately? What about going to a film tonight? The people in the flat above make a lot of noise. Contact me at the above address. Contact me at the above address. When replying, quote the reference number above. Contact me at the address below. Above all, stay calm! The person above me is the department manager. Ziri ran back home. We will go off duty tomorrow. They’re off duty now. Which doctor is on duty this morning? There was no doctor on duty, and the nurses had all gone to the party. The factory is on fire. Call 119 immediately. Your house is on fire, and you have just minutes to escape! Although he’s on leave, he calls back every day. You’re officially on leave until further notice. I had a rude comment on the tip of my tongue, but I decided not to say it. Your driver’s license is out of date. Your liquor license is out of date. She was out of favor with her boss. Are you out of your mind? You’re not allowed to drink wine. You’re not allowed to drink wine. I'd like to start off this talk show by thanking you all for coming today. The boss started off the meeting with the monthly sales report. I started off my career in a small company in New York. I'm going to start off this meeting by introducing two new members in our company. I started off the day nice enough but I'm beginning to fall. I'm a Jehovah's Witness. I like to read comic books. We like to go swimming. They like to learn English. She likes to wear makeup to school. I like to run for 30 minutes in the morning before having breakfast. In Vietnam, we like to eat with chopsticks. I like to have my eyes checked once a year. Between going out and staying in, I like to stay in. I would like to play chess tonight. I like to be a History teacher. I like being a History teacher. I don’t want to live in the city forever. I would like to see your driving license. I would like to make a reservation for tonight. My boss would like me to make me a report about the upcoming event. Would you like to have dinner at my house this weekend? He is a math teacher. He likes this job a lot. He has just bought a new camera and taken a lot of photos these days. I’d like you to make me dinner early today. I will cook dinner tonight. Don't forget to wake me up at 6:30 tomorrow morning. What is the thickness of that novel? He doesn't live near the school. It was raining heavily so we had to stay at home. Every day people cut down thousands of trees in the world. It is thought that doing morning exercises is good for health. They believe he's a good inventor. I don't mind looking after the baby for you. My mother cooks better than I do. They forgot her birthday and so did I. He didn't remember her birthday and neither did I. He has never spoken to a foreigner before. This is his first time talking to a foreigner. I'm on disability. The national language of India is Hindi. I closed the curtains because the sun is too bright. My mother puts cups in the kitchen cupboard. The terrible car accident killed all passengers. The terrible car accident killed all passengers. It's easy to do math with a calculator. You are allowed to bring your calculator to class. The old tree has many branches. He won three Olympic gold medals. I always meet my friends on the weekend. He often exercises on the weekend. She did her chores on the weekend. I like to eat hamburgers and fries. Cholera is a dangerous disease. She has caught cholera. You have a sweet dog. We don't keep any sweets in the house. I feel guilty about forgetting my friend's birthday. You use your brain to think. The brain is a crucial body part. The documentary is about wild animals. Can you see the stars out there in space? I cleared the room to make space. He's my friend from university. I'll go hiking in the mountains this Sunday. Do you watch the news? We don't have room for a pig. Let's go play! He writes love poetry for me. Donald wanted to be on TV. Is everyone interested? Because I don't want to. Is it made of copper? Matthew visited eastern and central Algeria. Matthew visited eastern and central Algeria.