[ { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_010840", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green metal cube, a large blue metal sphere, a small cyan rubber cube, a small blue rubber sphere, a small green metal cube, a large yellow rubber cube. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_014849", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray metal cylinder, a small red metal cube, a small yellow metal sphere, a large cyan rubber cylinder. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_047180", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray metal sphere, a small cyan rubber sphere, a large red metal sphere, a large cyan metal sphere, a small red metal sphere, a large gray metal cylinder, a small yellow metal cube, a small yellow rubber sphere, a small yellow rubber sphere, a large blue rubber cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_052730", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow rubber cube, a large blue metal cylinder, a small red rubber cube, a large blue rubber cube, a small red rubber sphere, a large blue rubber cube, a small cyan rubber sphere. Question: \"color: blue\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_020394", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green metal sphere, a small gray rubber cylinder, a large gray rubber cylinder, a large red metal cylinder, a large brown rubber sphere, a large red metal cylinder. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_042625", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan rubber cube, a large blue rubber sphere, a small yellow metal cylinder. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_004439", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow rubber cube, a small green metal cube, a large brown rubber cylinder, a small gray rubber sphere, a small gray metal cylinder, a large gray rubber cube, a large green metal cylinder, a small yellow metal sphere, a large brown rubber cylinder. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_017814", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown metal cylinder, a large purple metal cylinder, a small green metal sphere, a small green rubber sphere. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_014487", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple rubber sphere, a large yellow metal cube, a small cyan metal cube, a large yellow metal sphere, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a large green rubber cube, a small green metal cylinder, a small green metal sphere, a small red rubber cube. Question: \"color: yellow\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_045911", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan metal cube, a large purple rubber cylinder, a large red rubber cylinder, a small purple metal cube, a small red metal sphere, a small gray rubber sphere, a small cyan metal cylinder, a small brown rubber cube. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_058393", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown rubber cube, a small red rubber sphere, a small gray rubber cube, a large red metal sphere, a large purple metal cylinder, a large brown metal cylinder, a small yellow rubber cube, a large red metal sphere, a small gray metal sphere. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_034159", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan metal sphere, a large purple metal sphere, a small green rubber sphere, a small blue rubber cube, a small gray rubber cube, a large cyan metal sphere, a large blue rubber cylinder, a large red metal cube, a large green rubber sphere, a small red rubber sphere. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_009596", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green metal sphere, a small gray rubber cylinder, a small red rubber sphere, a small green metal sphere. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_021407", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan metal sphere, a small red rubber cube, a large cyan rubber sphere, a small blue rubber cube. Question: \"color: blue\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_065540", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue metal cylinder, a large brown metal cube, a small purple metal cylinder, a large brown metal cube, a small gray metal cube, a large green metal cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 6 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_066107", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green rubber sphere, a small red rubber sphere, a small blue rubber cube, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a large cyan metal cylinder, a small purple rubber sphere, a small purple rubber cube, a small blue rubber cube, a small cyan rubber sphere, a small brown metal cylinder. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_056801", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow metal sphere, a small red rubber cube, a large red rubber sphere. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_017444", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red rubber cylinder, a small blue metal cylinder, a large blue metal cylinder. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_000840", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue metal cube, a large blue rubber cube, a large cyan rubber cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_014587", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red metal cylinder, a large brown rubber cylinder, a large cyan metal sphere, a large gray metal cube, a small brown rubber sphere, a large purple metal sphere. Question: \"color: gray\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_032270", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown metal cube, a large purple metal cube, a small purple metal cylinder, a large blue metal cylinder, a large green rubber cylinder, a large gray metal sphere, a large cyan metal sphere, a small red rubber sphere, a small yellow metal cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 7 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_062313", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown rubber cylinder, a large red metal cylinder, a small red metal sphere, a small yellow rubber sphere, a large brown rubber cylinder, a large blue metal cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_068085", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow rubber sphere, a large purple metal sphere, a small gray rubber cube, a large cyan metal sphere, a large yellow metal cube, a small red rubber sphere, a small blue metal sphere, a small red metal sphere, a small cyan metal sphere. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 6 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_060730", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple rubber cube, a small blue rubber sphere, a large blue rubber cylinder, a small purple rubber sphere. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_063296", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown rubber cylinder, a large cyan rubber sphere, a small brown rubber sphere, a small purple metal cube, a small green metal cylinder. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_069818", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green rubber sphere, a large yellow metal cylinder, a small green rubber cube, a small purple rubber sphere, a small green metal cube, a small red rubber cylinder, a large red metal sphere, a large yellow rubber cube, a large yellow metal sphere, a small brown metal sphere. Question: \"color: red\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_063630", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue metal cube, a small purple metal sphere, a small purple metal sphere, a large red metal sphere, a small gray rubber cube, a large brown rubber cylinder. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_053268", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown metal cube, a large gray metal cube, a large purple rubber cylinder, a small green metal cylinder, a large green metal cube, a small red rubber cylinder, a large red rubber sphere. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_037852", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow rubber cube, a large cyan metal cube, a large red rubber sphere, a large cyan rubber cube. Question: \"color: yellow\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_020392", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan rubber cylinder, a large red rubber sphere, a small blue metal cube, a large green rubber sphere. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_057178", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green metal cube, a small red rubber sphere, a large brown metal cylinder, a large green metal sphere, a small brown rubber cube, a small red rubber sphere, a small gray rubber cube, a small blue metal sphere, a small gray metal cube, a small cyan rubber cylinder. Question: \"color: green\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_025805", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown metal sphere, a small red metal sphere, a small cyan rubber cube, a small purple metal sphere, a large cyan metal cube, a small brown metal cube, a small purple metal cube, a small cyan metal sphere, a large cyan metal cylinder, a large gray rubber cylinder. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 7 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_015479", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red metal sphere, a large brown metal cube, a small cyan metal sphere, a large cyan rubber cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_019815", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green rubber cube, a small blue rubber cylinder, a large brown rubber cube, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a large red rubber sphere, a small brown rubber cylinder, a large brown metal cube, a small blue metal cylinder, a small cyan rubber cube. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 6 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_069535", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan metal cube, a small purple metal cylinder, a small green metal cube, a small yellow rubber cube, a large red metal cylinder, a large yellow rubber cube. Question: \"color: yellow\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_053260", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan metal cylinder, a small blue rubber cube, a small purple rubber cube, a large red rubber cylinder, a large gray rubber sphere. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_021853", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan rubber sphere, a small red metal cube, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a large yellow metal cylinder, a large yellow metal cylinder, a small green metal cylinder, a large green metal cylinder. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_015125", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray rubber cylinder, a small blue rubber sphere, a small blue metal cylinder, a small brown rubber sphere, a small red rubber cube, a large yellow metal sphere, a small green metal sphere. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_020453", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red rubber sphere, a small red rubber cylinder, a large blue rubber cube, a small brown rubber cube, a large green metal sphere. Question: \"color: brown\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_034707", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red rubber sphere, a large brown metal cube, a large brown rubber cylinder, a large red rubber cylinder, a large gray metal cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_008387", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray rubber sphere, a small cyan rubber cube, a large red rubber cube, a small purple rubber sphere, a small red rubber sphere, a small purple rubber sphere, a large yellow metal cube, a small green metal cube, a large purple rubber cube, a large cyan rubber cylinder. Question: \"color: purple\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_023859", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue rubber cube, a small red rubber cylinder, a small cyan metal sphere, a large yellow metal cylinder, a small blue metal cube. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_026365", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan metal sphere, a small brown metal cube, a small brown rubber sphere, a small blue metal cube, a large purple rubber sphere, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a small green metal cube, a large purple metal sphere, a large gray rubber cylinder. Question: \"color: cyan\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_019572", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow metal cube, a small gray rubber cube, a large brown rubber cylinder, a large green rubber cylinder, a large blue metal cube, a large green metal cube. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_003546", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray metal cube, a large cyan rubber cylinder, a small cyan rubber sphere, a large cyan rubber sphere, a large yellow rubber cube, a large blue rubber sphere, a small red rubber cylinder, a small cyan metal cylinder. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_017812", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue rubber sphere, a small cyan metal cylinder, a large gray metal cube, a small yellow rubber cube, a small green rubber sphere, a small blue metal cube, a small blue rubber cylinder, a large blue metal cube, a small green metal cube. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_026734", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown metal cylinder, a small yellow rubber cube, a large red rubber sphere, a small red rubber cube, a large purple rubber cylinder. Question: \"color: brown\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_045912", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green metal cube, a large cyan metal cube, a large brown metal cylinder, a small brown metal cube, a small brown metal cylinder, a large red rubber cylinder, a large cyan metal cube. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_037366", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown rubber sphere, a small blue rubber cube, a small gray rubber cube, a small gray metal sphere, a large brown metal cylinder, a large cyan rubber cube, a small purple rubber sphere. Question: \"color: brown\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_050963", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red metal cylinder, a large gray metal sphere, a small gray metal cube, a small gray metal cube, a small red rubber sphere, a small blue rubber cube, a large blue rubber cube. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_022880", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue metal cylinder, a large blue metal cylinder, a large purple rubber cylinder, a large yellow metal sphere, a small green rubber cube, a small yellow metal cube, a small green metal sphere, a small yellow rubber cube, a small red metal cube. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_024218", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue rubber cube, a small brown rubber cube, a large red metal cylinder, a large blue rubber cube, a small gray rubber sphere, a small gray rubber cylinder, a small yellow metal sphere, a small purple rubber cylinder, a large brown metal sphere, a small brown metal cube. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_069850", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown rubber sphere, a small brown rubber sphere, a small purple rubber cylinder, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a small gray metal sphere, a small blue rubber sphere, a small blue rubber cube, a small purple metal cube, a large red metal cylinder, a small blue metal sphere. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 6 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_025629", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red rubber cube, a large cyan metal cube, a small brown rubber cube, a large green rubber cylinder, a small brown rubber cylinder, a large blue rubber sphere, a large yellow rubber sphere, a large blue metal cylinder. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 6 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_028555", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple rubber sphere, a large green metal sphere, a large purple rubber cube, a small red metal cylinder, a large brown rubber cylinder, a small gray metal sphere, a large blue rubber cube, a small brown rubber cube, a small gray metal sphere. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_034403", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue metal cube, a small red rubber sphere, a small blue metal cylinder, a large purple rubber cube, a large purple rubber sphere, a large gray rubber sphere, a small yellow metal cylinder. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_024989", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown rubber sphere, a large yellow metal sphere, a large cyan metal cylinder, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a large green rubber sphere, a large cyan metal sphere. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_023453", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown metal sphere, a small gray rubber cylinder, a small brown rubber cylinder, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a large yellow metal sphere, a large yellow rubber sphere, a small red metal cube, a large blue metal sphere, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a small red rubber cylinder. Question: \"color: brown\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_055577", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan metal cylinder, a large cyan metal cube, a small blue rubber cube, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a small green rubber sphere, a small blue metal cube, a small gray metal cylinder, a large green rubber sphere, a large yellow metal cylinder, a large purple metal cube. Question: \"color: cyan\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_005047", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red metal cylinder, a large gray metal cube, a large blue metal sphere, a large red metal cube, a large brown rubber cube. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_042872", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue rubber sphere, a large red metal sphere, a large gray rubber sphere. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_046551", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue metal cylinder, a small blue rubber cube, a small yellow rubber cube, a large blue metal sphere, a large gray rubber cylinder. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_060202", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown rubber cylinder, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a small yellow rubber cube, a large blue rubber cylinder, a large gray rubber sphere, a large gray metal cylinder, a small purple metal cylinder, a small gray metal cube, a large blue rubber cube, a large blue rubber sphere. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_051538", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue rubber cube, a large blue metal cylinder, a large purple rubber cylinder, a large brown metal sphere, a small blue rubber cylinder, a large yellow rubber cube, a large purple rubber cylinder, a large red rubber cylinder, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a small brown metal cube. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 6 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_048616", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray metal cylinder, a large brown rubber cylinder, a small yellow metal sphere, a small cyan metal cube, a small yellow metal cylinder, a large cyan metal cylinder. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_050960", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red rubber cylinder, a large gray metal sphere, a small yellow rubber cube, a small brown metal sphere, a large green rubber cube, a small brown metal sphere, a large blue metal sphere, a small brown metal cube, a small yellow rubber sphere. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_033276", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow rubber sphere, a large red metal cube, a large yellow metal cylinder, a large cyan rubber sphere, a large purple metal cylinder, a small red rubber cylinder, a large purple metal cube, a large blue rubber sphere, a large green metal sphere. Question: \"color: yellow\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_017296", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red metal cylinder, a large red rubber cube, a large purple rubber cylinder, a large brown metal cylinder, a large blue rubber cylinder, a large cyan rubber sphere. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 6 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_013421", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow rubber cube, a small cyan metal sphere, a large red rubber cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_034921", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue rubber sphere, a small blue metal cylinder, a large green rubber cube, a small purple rubber cube, a small purple metal cylinder, a large gray metal sphere, a large purple rubber cylinder, a large red rubber cylinder, a small red rubber sphere, a small cyan rubber cube. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 7 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_047734", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue metal cube, a large yellow metal cylinder, a small gray metal cylinder, a large purple rubber sphere, a large purple metal cylinder, a small purple rubber sphere, a small blue rubber cube, a large brown rubber sphere, a small brown metal cube, a large red rubber sphere. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_038904", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown metal cube, a large green rubber cylinder, a small brown rubber sphere, a small red metal sphere, a small blue rubber sphere, a small purple rubber sphere. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_006611", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green metal sphere, a small blue rubber cylinder, a large purple metal sphere, a large gray rubber cylinder, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a small cyan rubber sphere, a small red metal cube, a large yellow metal sphere. Question: \"color: cyan\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_027397", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue metal cylinder, a small gray metal cube, a large blue rubber cube, a small yellow rubber cube, a small green rubber cylinder, a large blue rubber cube. Question: \"color: yellow\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_041730", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow rubber sphere, a small purple rubber cylinder, a small yellow rubber cube, a large purple rubber cube, a large brown rubber cylinder, a small purple rubber cylinder, a large green metal sphere, a small green rubber cube. Question: \"color: yellow\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_008215", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple rubber cube, a large red rubber cube, a small green metal sphere, a small cyan metal cylinder, a large purple metal cube, a small yellow rubber sphere, a small brown metal cube, a small gray metal cylinder, a small yellow rubber cube, a small gray rubber cube. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_042582", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan metal cube, a large green metal cube, a large brown metal cube, a large cyan rubber sphere, a small cyan metal sphere, a small brown metal cube, a large green metal cylinder. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_064638", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow rubber cube, a large red metal cube, a large purple rubber sphere, a small blue rubber cube, a large blue rubber cylinder, a large yellow metal cube. Question: \"color: purple\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_068688", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan metal cube, a small blue rubber cube, a small red metal sphere, a large cyan rubber cube, a large yellow metal cylinder, a large purple rubber sphere, a large green rubber cube, a small gray rubber sphere, a large red metal cylinder, a large cyan rubber sphere. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 6 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_046474", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple rubber cylinder, a large purple rubber cube, a large yellow rubber cube, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a large gray rubber cube, a small red metal sphere, a large cyan metal cylinder, a large red rubber cube, a small green rubber sphere. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_005326", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray metal cube, a large cyan metal sphere, a large purple rubber cube, a small red metal sphere, a large red metal cylinder, a small blue metal sphere, a large brown rubber cylinder, a small red rubber sphere, a small cyan metal cylinder. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_025991", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red rubber sphere, a small purple rubber cube, a large blue rubber cube, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a large red metal cylinder, a large blue metal cylinder, a large purple rubber sphere. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_010162", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red metal cylinder, a small purple rubber cylinder, a small brown rubber cylinder, a small purple metal cylinder, a small purple rubber cube, a small red rubber sphere. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_026092", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue rubber cube, a large green metal sphere, a small green rubber cube, a large gray rubber cube, a small cyan rubber cube, a large cyan rubber cube, a large blue rubber cylinder, a small blue metal cube. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_008033", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple metal sphere, a small brown rubber cylinder, a small yellow rubber sphere. Question: \"color: brown\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_042276", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow metal sphere, a small brown rubber cylinder, a small purple metal sphere, a large purple metal sphere, a small cyan metal sphere, a small red metal cylinder, a small green metal cylinder. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_032855", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green rubber sphere, a large purple rubber cube, a small cyan metal cube, a small blue rubber sphere, a small yellow rubber cube, a small brown metal sphere, a small cyan rubber cube, a large red rubber cylinder. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_046047", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue rubber cube, a large red metal cylinder, a large yellow rubber sphere, a large green rubber sphere. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_059546", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green metal sphere, a small cyan metal sphere, a small purple rubber sphere, a large purple metal cylinder, a large gray metal cylinder, a small yellow rubber cube, a large green metal cube, a large purple rubber sphere, a large cyan rubber sphere, a small brown rubber cube. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_031821", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow metal sphere, a small blue metal cylinder, a small brown metal cylinder, a large brown rubber cube, a large gray rubber cylinder, a large cyan metal cylinder, a small green metal sphere, a large purple metal sphere, a large brown rubber cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_001006", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green rubber cylinder, a small green metal sphere, a large brown metal sphere, a small purple rubber cylinder, a large red metal cylinder. Question: \"color: red\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_045828", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan metal cube, a large brown rubber cylinder, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a small green rubber cylinder, a large cyan rubber cube. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_002383", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green rubber sphere, a large cyan rubber sphere, a large green metal cylinder, a large gray rubber cube. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_068449", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue metal cylinder, a large yellow rubber sphere, a small brown metal sphere, a large brown metal sphere, a small green rubber sphere, a large brown metal cube, a small gray rubber cube. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_007944", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow metal sphere, a large cyan rubber sphere, a large brown rubber cylinder, a small gray rubber cylinder, a large brown metal cylinder, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a large yellow metal cylinder, a small gray rubber cube, a small gray metal cylinder, a small gray rubber cylinder. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_061541", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red metal cylinder, a large green metal cylinder, a small cyan metal cube, a large blue rubber cube, a large red metal sphere, a large gray metal cube, a large red rubber sphere, a large blue metal cylinder, a small green metal sphere, a small purple metal cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 8 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_065913", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan rubber sphere, a small green rubber sphere, a small purple metal sphere, a small yellow metal sphere, a large cyan metal sphere, a small gray rubber cube, a small cyan metal sphere, a large brown rubber sphere, a small brown metal sphere. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 7 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_069103", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown metal sphere, a large brown rubber cylinder, a large yellow rubber sphere, a large yellow metal cylinder, a large blue metal sphere, a large yellow rubber cube, a large gray rubber cylinder. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_029331", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green metal cube, a large yellow rubber sphere, a small yellow rubber cube, a small brown metal sphere, a small blue metal cube, a large blue metal cylinder, a small red rubber sphere, a large blue rubber cylinder, a small brown metal sphere, a small cyan rubber sphere. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_068600", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow rubber cube, a small brown metal sphere, a small cyan metal cylinder, a large cyan rubber sphere, a large gray metal cube, a small red metal cube, a large red metal cylinder, a large brown metal sphere, a small yellow metal cylinder, a large gray metal cylinder. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_017928", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple metal cylinder, a large blue rubber cube, a small gray rubber sphere, a large cyan metal cylinder. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_061136", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple rubber cube, a small gray metal cylinder, a small brown rubber cylinder, a small purple rubber sphere, a small green metal cube, a large green metal cylinder, a large cyan rubber sphere, a small gray rubber cylinder, a large red rubber cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_051431", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple rubber cube, a large green rubber cube, a large yellow metal sphere, a large cyan rubber cube, a large gray rubber sphere, a large brown metal cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_018006", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan rubber sphere, a large yellow metal sphere, a small purple rubber sphere, a small red metal sphere, a large cyan rubber cube, a large red metal cube, a small green metal sphere. Question: \"color: green\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_038075", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan metal sphere, a large yellow metal cube, a large blue rubber cube, a small green rubber cylinder, a small red metal cylinder, a large brown rubber cylinder. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_059226", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue rubber cube, a large purple rubber sphere, a small cyan metal cylinder, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a small purple rubber cube, a large gray metal cube, a small gray rubber sphere, a small green metal sphere, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a small purple rubber sphere. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_001927", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red metal cube, a large green rubber sphere, a small cyan metal cube, a small cyan metal sphere, a small green metal sphere, a small blue rubber cylinder, a small brown metal cube, a large yellow metal cylinder, a small brown metal sphere, a small green rubber sphere. Question: \"color: red\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_065998", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan rubber cylinder, a small green metal cube, a large purple rubber cube. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_001706", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green metal cylinder, a large red metal cylinder, a large gray rubber cylinder, a large gray rubber cylinder. Question: \"color: gray\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_019509", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple metal sphere, a small cyan rubber sphere, a small red metal sphere, a large green rubber cylinder, a small purple rubber cylinder, a small purple rubber cylinder, a large cyan metal sphere, a large purple metal sphere, a small gray rubber sphere. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_051834", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green metal sphere, a small red metal cylinder, a small gray metal cube, a large brown rubber cube, a small yellow rubber sphere, a small green metal cylinder, a small purple rubber sphere, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a large brown rubber cylinder. Question: \"color: yellow\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_059209", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow metal cube, a small red rubber cylinder, a large red rubber cylinder, a small purple rubber cylinder, a small purple metal cylinder. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_023016", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown rubber sphere, a small brown rubber sphere, a large gray metal cylinder, a small cyan metal cube, a small purple metal cylinder, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a small yellow metal cube. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_069701", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown metal cube, a large blue rubber cube, a large red metal sphere, a large purple rubber sphere, a large cyan rubber cube, a small gray metal cylinder, a large blue metal cube, a large purple metal sphere. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_037628", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green metal cube, a small gray rubber cylinder, a small yellow metal cylinder, a small red rubber sphere, a large green rubber sphere, a small gray metal cylinder, a small blue rubber sphere, a large cyan metal cylinder. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_030168", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green metal cube, a small cyan metal cube, a large yellow metal cube, a large green metal cylinder, a small green rubber cube, a large gray rubber cylinder, a small purple metal sphere, a large blue rubber cylinder, a small green rubber cylinder, a small gray rubber cube. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_062857", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple metal sphere, a small gray metal cylinder, a small blue rubber cylinder, a large red metal sphere, a large gray rubber cylinder, a large cyan rubber sphere, a large cyan metal cylinder, a small purple rubber cube, a large yellow metal sphere, a small blue rubber sphere. Question: \"color: yellow\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_063331", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red metal cylinder, a small cyan metal cube, a large red metal cube, a small cyan metal cube, a small cyan rubber sphere, a small blue metal sphere. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_036088", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green rubber sphere, a small purple rubber sphere, a small gray metal cube, a large cyan metal sphere, a large green metal cube, a small purple rubber sphere, a small red rubber sphere. Question: \"color: red\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_000882", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red rubber cube, a small gray rubber cylinder, a large purple metal cylinder, a large purple metal sphere, a large gray metal cylinder, a small yellow rubber sphere, a large blue metal cylinder, a small blue rubber cube, a small purple metal sphere, a small gray metal cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_004451", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple metal cylinder, a large cyan metal sphere, a small red metal sphere. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_018155", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red metal cylinder, a small brown metal cube, a large red metal cylinder, a large cyan metal cylinder. Question: \"color: cyan\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_060173", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow metal sphere, a large cyan rubber sphere, a small purple metal sphere, a small brown metal cylinder, a small cyan rubber cube, a large cyan rubber cube, a small gray rubber cube, a small blue rubber cube, a small gray rubber cube, a small red rubber cylinder. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_017238", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red metal cube, a small blue metal cube, a large brown rubber sphere, a large cyan rubber cube, a large purple rubber cylinder. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_053230", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow rubber cylinder, a large purple rubber cube, a large brown rubber sphere, a small yellow metal sphere, a small gray metal cylinder, a large gray metal sphere, a large brown metal cylinder, a large blue metal sphere, a large green metal sphere. Question: \"color: gray\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_030559", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray rubber cylinder, a large brown rubber cube, a small yellow metal cube, a small red rubber sphere. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_001322", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown rubber cube, a large green metal sphere, a small yellow metal cube, a small green metal cube, a small green metal cylinder, a small gray rubber cylinder, a small gray metal cylinder, a large purple rubber sphere, a small gray rubber cube, a large blue rubber cylinder. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_039277", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red metal cube, a large red metal sphere, a small blue metal cylinder, a large brown rubber cube, a small blue rubber cube, a large blue rubber cylinder. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_035615", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown rubber cube, a small red rubber cube, a large brown metal cylinder, a small yellow rubber sphere, a small green rubber cube, a large yellow metal cylinder, a small purple metal sphere, a small red rubber cylinder, a small yellow rubber cylinder. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 6 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_007083", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray rubber cube, a small gray metal cube, a large gray rubber sphere. Question: \"color: gray\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_059232", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown rubber cylinder, a large purple rubber cube, a small red rubber cylinder, a large blue rubber cylinder, a small gray rubber sphere, a small red rubber sphere, a large brown metal sphere, a small gray metal cylinder, a large cyan metal cube. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_047541", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple metal cube, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a large gray metal sphere, a large cyan metal cylinder, a small green metal cube, a large brown metal cylinder, a large gray rubber sphere, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a small red rubber sphere. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_024373", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red rubber cube, a large red metal cube, a large brown rubber sphere, a small purple metal sphere, a large yellow metal cylinder, a large green metal sphere, a large gray metal sphere. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_001599", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue rubber cylinder, a large blue rubber sphere, a large purple rubber sphere. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_017055", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray metal cylinder, a large cyan rubber sphere, a small brown metal cube, a small blue rubber cylinder. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_059123", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan rubber cylinder, a large gray rubber cube, a large gray rubber cube, a large green metal sphere, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a small yellow metal cube, a small cyan metal cylinder, a small gray rubber cylinder, a small cyan metal cube, a small yellow rubber cube. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_001821", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow metal cube, a large brown rubber cube, a small gray metal sphere, a large green rubber sphere, a small green metal cylinder, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a small cyan rubber sphere, a small yellow metal cube, a small cyan rubber sphere. Question: \"color: brown\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_023521", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue rubber sphere, a large purple metal cylinder, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a small yellow metal cube, a small green metal cube, a large red rubber sphere, a large green rubber sphere. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_012378", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green metal sphere, a small brown metal cylinder, a small purple rubber cylinder, a small red metal sphere, a small blue metal sphere, a large green rubber sphere, a small red rubber sphere, a large yellow rubber cube, a large blue metal cube, a small red rubber cube. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_024381", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green rubber sphere, a small green metal cube, a small yellow rubber cube, a small red rubber cylinder, a large cyan metal cylinder, a small blue metal sphere. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_038219", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow rubber sphere, a small purple rubber sphere, a large brown rubber cylinder, a small yellow metal cylinder, a small brown rubber cube, a small blue rubber sphere, a large brown metal cylinder, a small green rubber sphere, a small yellow rubber cube, a small blue rubber cube. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_029081", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown metal cube, a large red rubber sphere, a large cyan metal cube, a small brown rubber sphere, a small gray rubber cube, a small yellow metal cube, a large purple metal cylinder, a small blue rubber cube, a small green rubber cylinder, a small brown metal cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_034805", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow metal cube, a large yellow rubber sphere, a small yellow rubber sphere, a large green rubber cube, a large cyan rubber sphere. Question: \"color: yellow\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_017294", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green metal sphere, a small gray metal sphere, a large gray rubber cube, a small purple rubber sphere, a small green rubber cylinder, a small brown rubber sphere. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_058733", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown rubber cube, a small red rubber cube, a large blue metal cube, a large purple metal cylinder. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_016286", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple metal cylinder, a large gray rubber sphere, a small yellow metal cylinder, a large brown rubber cylinder, a large gray metal sphere, a large purple rubber sphere, a large cyan metal cube. Question: \"color: brown\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_037314", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue metal cylinder, a large blue rubber cube, a large purple rubber cube, a small blue rubber sphere. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_034224", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green metal cube, a small cyan rubber cube, a large purple rubber sphere. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_037705", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray metal cylinder, a small purple rubber cube, a large gray metal cube, a large green rubber cube, a large yellow rubber cube, a small brown metal sphere, a small yellow metal cylinder, a large red rubber cube, a small cyan metal sphere. Question: \"color: gray\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_045947", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown rubber sphere, a small gray metal cylinder, a small green rubber sphere, a small cyan metal cylinder, a large red rubber cylinder, a large cyan rubber cylinder, a large red metal cylinder, a large red rubber cylinder. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_061728", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple metal cube, a large gray metal cylinder, a large cyan rubber cylinder. Question: \"color: cyan\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_057453", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red metal cylinder, a small brown rubber cylinder, a large cyan rubber sphere, a large purple rubber sphere, a large red metal cylinder, a small yellow metal sphere, a large yellow metal cylinder, a small yellow metal cylinder. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_006553", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow metal sphere, a small blue metal cube, a small brown rubber cube, a small brown rubber cylinder, a small gray rubber cube, a large red rubber cylinder. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_035435", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple metal cube, a small blue metal cube, a large brown metal sphere, a large gray rubber cube, a large green rubber cube, a large cyan rubber sphere, a small red rubber sphere, a large blue rubber sphere. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_069703", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple rubber cube, a small green rubber cylinder, a small cyan rubber sphere, a small purple metal sphere, a large red rubber sphere, a large cyan metal cube, a large blue metal sphere, a small red rubber cylinder. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_023811", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray metal sphere, a small brown rubber cube, a small green rubber cube, a small blue rubber cube. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_055896", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red metal cube, a small blue rubber cube, a small purple rubber cylinder, a small green rubber cylinder, a small blue rubber cylinder, a small blue rubber cube, a small brown metal cylinder, a small brown metal cylinder, a small purple metal cube. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_012444", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple rubber sphere, a large green rubber cylinder, a small red rubber cube, a small cyan rubber sphere, a small yellow metal sphere, a large yellow metal sphere, a small gray rubber cube, a large yellow metal cylinder. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_008441", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan metal sphere, a small green metal sphere, a small green metal sphere, a large yellow rubber cube, a small purple rubber cylinder. Question: \"color: purple\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_044639", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown rubber cylinder, a small red metal cube, a small cyan rubber cube, a small yellow metal sphere, a small brown metal sphere, a small yellow metal cube, a large blue rubber sphere, a small red metal sphere, a large red metal cube, a large red rubber cylinder. Question: \"color: red\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_048279", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray rubber sphere, a small brown metal cube, a large brown metal sphere. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_068456", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow rubber cube, a small blue metal sphere, a small yellow metal sphere, a small purple rubber sphere, a small red rubber cube, a small purple metal sphere, a large cyan metal cube. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_066992", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue metal cube, a small yellow rubber sphere, a small blue rubber cube. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_038887", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple rubber sphere, a small purple metal cube, a small yellow metal cube, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a large green rubber cylinder, a small blue metal sphere, a small green metal sphere, a large brown metal cylinder. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 6 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_002002", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green rubber cylinder, a small purple metal sphere, a large brown metal sphere, a large blue rubber cylinder, a small blue rubber cylinder. Question: \"color: purple\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_018974", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green rubber cylinder, a small gray metal sphere, a large yellow metal cylinder, a small brown rubber cube, a large red rubber sphere, a small cyan metal cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_054879", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan rubber sphere, a small brown rubber cylinder, a small red rubber cylinder, a small blue metal sphere, a small red rubber cube. Question: \"color: brown\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_033546", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple rubber cylinder, a small blue metal cube, a small brown metal sphere, a small blue rubber cylinder, a small purple metal cylinder, a small yellow metal cube, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a small blue rubber cylinder, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a large gray metal cylinder. Question: \"color: yellow\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_054194", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan metal cube, a small green metal cube, a small brown rubber cube, a small green rubber sphere, a small brown rubber cylinder. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_000759", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple rubber cube, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a large brown metal sphere, a small cyan rubber sphere, a large purple metal cube. Question: \"color: purple\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_053437", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow rubber cube, a small gray metal sphere, a small gray rubber cube, a small brown metal sphere, a large yellow rubber cube, a large cyan rubber sphere, a small blue metal cube, a large red rubber cylinder, a small purple rubber sphere, a small brown rubber cylinder. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 7 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_015050", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan metal cylinder, a large green metal cylinder, a small blue metal cube, a small yellow rubber sphere, a large red rubber cube. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_045620", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown metal cube, a small red rubber sphere, a large green metal cube, a small gray metal cylinder, a large green rubber sphere. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_043496", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray metal cylinder, a large brown metal sphere, a large green metal sphere, a large purple metal cube, a large green rubber sphere, a large cyan rubber sphere, a large gray rubber cylinder. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_040268", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue rubber cylinder, a large cyan metal cube, a large blue rubber cylinder, a large blue rubber sphere, a small cyan metal sphere, a large cyan metal cube, a small yellow rubber cube, a small gray rubber cube, a small blue rubber sphere. Question: \"color: cyan\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_057762", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown rubber cylinder, a large brown rubber cube, a small brown metal sphere, a large green metal cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_037588", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown rubber cylinder, a small purple rubber cylinder, a large red metal sphere, a small blue metal cylinder, a large yellow metal cube. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_049938", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue metal sphere, a large purple rubber cube, a large gray rubber cube, a small gray rubber cylinder, a small blue metal sphere, a large brown metal cube, a small cyan rubber sphere, a small yellow metal cylinder, a small cyan metal cube. Question: \"color: cyan\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_067079", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray metal sphere, a small red metal sphere, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a small cyan metal sphere. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_052931", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red rubber cube, a small cyan metal sphere, a large gray rubber sphere, a small purple metal sphere, a small red rubber cylinder, a small purple rubber cylinder, a small red rubber cylinder, a large yellow rubber cube, a large red rubber cylinder. Question: \"color: yellow\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_067062", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray rubber cylinder, a large gray rubber sphere, a small green rubber cube, a large green rubber cylinder, a large gray rubber sphere. Question: \"color: green\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_017584", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green rubber cylinder, a small yellow rubber sphere, a small blue metal cube. Question: \"color: green\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_026561", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown metal cylinder, a large purple metal sphere, a small red rubber sphere, a small yellow metal cylinder, a large red rubber cylinder. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_013320", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue metal cylinder, a large purple metal sphere, a small green rubber cylinder, a small red rubber sphere, a large green rubber cube, a small purple rubber sphere. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_019891", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple rubber cylinder, a small blue rubber sphere, a small green metal cube, a small red rubber cylinder, a small cyan rubber cube, a small gray metal cube, a large red metal cylinder, a large yellow metal cube, a small purple metal sphere, a large red rubber cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_002750", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow rubber cylinder, a large purple metal cube, a small blue rubber cube, a large gray rubber sphere, a large red rubber cylinder, a small red metal cylinder, a large cyan rubber cylinder, a small gray metal cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_049172", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray metal cube, a large gray metal cube, a large brown metal cube, a small green rubber cylinder, a large brown rubber sphere, a small blue rubber cylinder, a small gray metal sphere, a large green rubber cylinder, a small red metal cube, a small yellow metal sphere. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 6 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_023637", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green rubber cylinder, a large gray rubber cylinder, a small blue rubber sphere, a large red rubber cylinder, a small gray rubber cube. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_033805", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green rubber cylinder, a small blue rubber cylinder, a large purple metal cube, a large cyan metal cylinder, a large purple rubber cube, a small red metal cylinder, a small purple metal sphere, a small cyan rubber sphere, a small yellow metal sphere, a small purple metal cylinder. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_000906", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow metal cube, a small brown rubber cylinder, a small red rubber sphere, a large cyan metal sphere, a large red rubber cylinder, a large green rubber cube, a small yellow rubber cylinder. Question: \"color: cyan\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_016783", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red metal sphere, a small gray rubber cylinder, a large brown metal sphere, a small cyan metal cube, a small gray metal cylinder, a large red rubber sphere, a large gray rubber sphere, a large blue metal cube, a large green metal cube, a small gray rubber sphere. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_030970", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red rubber cylinder, a small purple metal cylinder, a large green rubber cylinder, a large yellow metal cube, a large green metal cube, a large brown metal cylinder, a small gray rubber sphere. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_017989", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown rubber cylinder, a small purple metal cylinder, a small green metal cylinder, a large red metal cylinder, a large brown rubber sphere, a small blue metal cylinder, a large brown rubber cylinder, a small green metal cylinder, a small purple rubber cube, a small red metal cube. Question: \"color: brown\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_058701", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown rubber sphere, a small blue rubber sphere, a small cyan metal cylinder, a small yellow rubber sphere, a small brown metal cube, a small yellow rubber cube, a small green rubber cube, a large blue metal cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_024018", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green metal cube, a large blue rubber sphere, a small brown metal cube, a large gray rubber sphere, a small purple rubber sphere, a small red rubber cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_065552", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red rubber cylinder, a large gray metal sphere, a small brown metal sphere, a small blue metal cube, a small gray rubber cube, a small yellow rubber sphere. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_019846", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow metal cylinder, a small cyan metal sphere, a small purple metal sphere, a large yellow rubber cube, a small yellow rubber sphere, a small gray metal cylinder, a small yellow rubber cube, a small cyan metal cube. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_003094", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green metal cylinder, a large blue rubber cube, a small red rubber cylinder, a small green rubber cube, a small green rubber cylinder, a large yellow rubber sphere. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_058250", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray metal sphere, a small purple metal sphere, a small red rubber sphere, a small blue rubber sphere, a large red metal cube, a small red rubber sphere. Question: \"color: purple\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_047407", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green rubber sphere, a small brown rubber cube, a small cyan metal cube, a small cyan metal sphere, a small green metal sphere. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_051120", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow rubber sphere, a large gray metal sphere, a large brown rubber cylinder, a large gray metal cube. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_066467", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue metal cylinder, a small cyan metal cylinder, a small blue metal cube, a large yellow metal cylinder, a small purple rubber cube, a large green rubber cube, a small purple rubber sphere, a large purple rubber sphere, a small blue metal sphere, a large blue rubber cube. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_025603", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple metal cube, a large green rubber cylinder, a large green rubber sphere, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a small red metal cube. Question: \"color: purple\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_046303", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green metal cube, a large gray metal sphere, a large purple rubber cube, a small brown metal sphere, a large cyan metal cylinder, a small green metal cube, a small brown metal cube, a large red rubber cube, a large brown rubber sphere. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_053125", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow rubber cube, a large purple rubber cube, a large brown rubber cylinder, a large blue rubber cylinder, a small cyan metal cube, a small green metal cylinder, a small blue rubber sphere. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_000258", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple metal cylinder, a large yellow metal sphere, a small brown metal sphere, a large green metal cylinder, a large brown rubber sphere. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_013971", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow rubber cylinder, a small purple metal cube, a small yellow metal sphere, a small brown rubber cylinder. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_052671", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue rubber cube, a large gray rubber sphere, a small gray rubber cylinder. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_031233", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray rubber cylinder, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a small cyan metal cube, a small blue rubber sphere, a large brown metal cylinder, a small yellow rubber cube, a small cyan rubber cube, a large cyan rubber cylinder, a small purple rubber cube. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_038929", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan metal sphere, a small brown rubber cylinder, a small blue metal cube, a large purple rubber sphere, a small purple rubber sphere. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_034925", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green metal cube, a small brown metal cube, a large gray metal cylinder. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_006347", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan rubber cube, a small blue rubber sphere, a small red rubber sphere, a large purple metal sphere. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_034336", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple metal sphere, a large red rubber cylinder, a large blue rubber sphere, a small yellow metal cube, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a small brown rubber sphere, a small purple metal cylinder, a small gray rubber cylinder, a small blue metal cylinder. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_058381", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan metal cube, a small blue rubber cylinder, a small red rubber cube, a small gray rubber cylinder, a large gray rubber cylinder. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_037427", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple metal cube, a large blue rubber cylinder, a small green rubber cylinder, a small blue rubber sphere, a small purple metal sphere, a large yellow rubber sphere, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a large brown metal sphere, a small cyan rubber cube, a small red rubber cube. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_043102", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue metal cube, a small green rubber cube, a small purple metal sphere, a large gray metal cube, a small red metal cylinder, a small blue metal sphere, a large blue metal sphere. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_037392", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue rubber cube, a large purple rubber cylinder, a small gray rubber cylinder, a small gray metal cube, a large gray metal sphere, a small yellow metal sphere. Question: \"color: purple\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_038388", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown rubber sphere, a large brown metal cube, a large purple metal sphere, a small red rubber cube, a large yellow rubber sphere, a small blue metal cube, a small gray metal sphere, a large cyan metal cylinder, a small purple rubber sphere, a small purple metal sphere. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 6 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_043226", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown rubber sphere, a large brown rubber cylinder, a large blue rubber cylinder, a small gray metal sphere, a small green rubber sphere, a large yellow metal cube, a small cyan metal cube, a large blue rubber cylinder, a large gray metal sphere. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_012144", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan rubber cylinder, a small gray rubber cube, a large cyan metal cylinder, a large brown metal cylinder. Question: \"color: gray\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_067799", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray rubber sphere, a small purple rubber sphere, a large green rubber cube, a small brown rubber sphere. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_023640", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan rubber cube, a large blue rubber sphere, a small yellow metal cube, a small purple rubber sphere, a small yellow metal cube, a large purple rubber sphere, a small green metal sphere. Question: \"color: cyan\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_043944", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red metal cube, a large cyan rubber sphere, a large blue metal cylinder, a large brown metal cube, a large blue rubber sphere, a large green rubber cylinder, a small yellow rubber sphere, a small blue rubber cylinder, a small cyan rubber cube, a small yellow rubber cube. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 6 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_038351", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown rubber cube, a small blue metal cube, a large gray rubber cube, a large cyan rubber cube, a large red rubber cube, a small purple metal cube, a large red rubber cube. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 7 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_053952", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown metal sphere, a small yellow metal cylinder, a large green metal cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_003674", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray rubber cylinder, a large blue rubber cylinder, a large cyan metal cube, a large blue rubber sphere, a large red metal sphere. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_042802", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan metal sphere, a large gray metal cube, a small cyan metal cube, a large red rubber cylinder. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_062842", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green metal cylinder, a large gray metal cube, a small blue rubber cube, a small brown metal cylinder, a small yellow rubber cylinder. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_034990", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple rubber cylinder, a small yellow metal sphere, a small green metal cube. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_007911", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow rubber cube, a large green metal sphere, a large red metal cylinder, a small cyan metal cube, a large green metal cube, a large gray rubber cube, a large purple rubber cylinder, a small brown rubber sphere. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_033806", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red rubber cube, a small red rubber cylinder, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a large green metal cube. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_014797", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan metal cube, a large cyan rubber cube, a small gray metal sphere, a small red rubber cylinder, a small green rubber cylinder. Question: \"color: gray\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_049749", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan metal sphere, a small cyan metal sphere, a large red rubber cube, a large green rubber cylinder, a small brown metal sphere, a small brown metal cylinder, a large blue rubber sphere, a small cyan metal cylinder, a small blue rubber cylinder, a small green metal sphere. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 6 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_036637", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray rubber sphere, a large purple rubber sphere, a small blue metal cube, a small gray metal cube, a small cyan rubber sphere, a small blue metal cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_001358", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown rubber sphere, a large blue rubber sphere, a small red metal sphere, a large red metal cube, a large purple rubber sphere, a large red rubber sphere, a small green rubber cube, a small green metal sphere, a large blue rubber cube, a large blue rubber cube. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 6 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_021550", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray metal sphere, a large cyan metal cylinder, a small cyan rubber cube, a small green rubber cube, a large purple rubber cylinder, a large red metal sphere, a large red rubber cube, a small cyan metal cube, a large red rubber cylinder, a large brown metal cube. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_048860", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow rubber cube, a small yellow metal sphere, a small purple rubber cylinder, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a small gray metal cylinder, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a small cyan metal sphere, a small brown metal cylinder, a small purple rubber cube. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_057692", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan metal cylinder, a small blue rubber cube, a large green rubber sphere, a small gray rubber cube, a large cyan rubber cube, a small purple rubber sphere, a small gray metal sphere. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_040055", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green metal cylinder, a large purple metal cylinder, a small purple rubber sphere, a large cyan metal sphere, a small green rubber sphere. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_032424", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red rubber cylinder, a small brown rubber cube, a large blue metal sphere. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_017348", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red rubber cylinder, a large yellow rubber cube, a small green rubber cylinder, a small blue metal cube, a small brown rubber cylinder, a small gray rubber sphere, a small blue rubber cube. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_037543", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple rubber cylinder, a large purple rubber cylinder, a large cyan metal cube, a small yellow metal sphere. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_000926", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow metal cylinder, a small blue rubber cube, a small blue rubber sphere. Question: \"color: blue\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_009658", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown metal cube, a small gray metal cube, a large gray metal sphere, a small gray metal sphere, a large gray rubber cube, a large yellow rubber sphere, a large red rubber cube, a large gray metal cylinder, a small green metal cylinder, a large brown metal cylinder. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_033883", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown rubber cylinder, a large green metal cube, a small brown metal cylinder, a small brown metal cube, a small brown rubber cube, a large yellow rubber sphere, a small yellow rubber sphere. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_041159", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue rubber sphere, a small cyan rubber sphere, a small green rubber cylinder, a large gray metal cylinder. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_025952", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green metal cylinder, a small purple metal sphere, a large red metal cube, a large purple rubber sphere, a small brown rubber sphere. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_011659", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan metal cube, a small yellow rubber cube, a large purple rubber cylinder, a small blue rubber sphere. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_050654", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue metal cylinder, a large yellow metal sphere, a large gray metal sphere, a small blue metal sphere, a small green rubber cylinder, a large cyan rubber cube, a small green rubber cube, a small yellow metal cube, a small cyan rubber sphere, a small yellow rubber cylinder. Question: \"color: cyan\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_040978", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray rubber sphere, a small gray rubber cube, a small green rubber cylinder, a small cyan rubber cube, a large green rubber cylinder, a small red rubber sphere, a large yellow metal cube, a large purple metal sphere. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 6 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_069903", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown metal cylinder, a large blue metal cylinder, a large brown rubber sphere, a small purple metal cylinder, a large green metal sphere, a large red rubber cylinder, a small purple metal cube. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_024655", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray metal cylinder, a large cyan metal cube, a small cyan rubber cube, a small blue rubber cylinder, a small red metal cylinder. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_009636", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow rubber sphere, a small gray metal cube, a small purple rubber cylinder, a large brown rubber cylinder, a small blue metal cube, a large red metal cylinder, a large blue metal sphere, a small green rubber cube. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_022992", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray metal sphere, a large purple metal sphere, a small blue rubber cylinder, a small brown metal cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_050721", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red rubber sphere, a large green rubber sphere, a small red rubber cylinder, a small red metal cube, a large purple metal cube, a small cyan metal cylinder, a large red rubber sphere, a small purple metal cube, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a small brown metal cylinder. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_060137", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue metal cylinder, a small red rubber cube, a large cyan rubber sphere, a small green metal cube, a large cyan metal cube, a small brown metal cylinder, a large red metal cylinder, a small cyan rubber cube, a small brown rubber cube. Question: \"color: red\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_044644", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue rubber cube, a small purple metal cube, a large gray rubber sphere, a small green rubber sphere, a large red rubber sphere, a large gray metal cube. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_055007", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray metal cylinder, a small blue metal cylinder, a small red metal cylinder, a small gray metal cube, a large green rubber sphere, a small blue metal cube, a large gray rubber cube. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_013298", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green rubber sphere, a small green metal cube, a large purple rubber cylinder, a large brown metal sphere, a small brown metal cylinder, a large green rubber sphere, a large purple rubber sphere, a small yellow metal sphere, a large green rubber sphere, a small green rubber cube. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_067812", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green rubber sphere, a small cyan rubber sphere, a small cyan metal sphere, a large green rubber cylinder, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a small yellow rubber cube, a small green metal cylinder. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_018572", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan metal cylinder, a small gray metal sphere, a large cyan metal sphere, a large red rubber sphere, a large red rubber sphere. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_037272", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown metal sphere, a large green rubber cylinder, a large gray metal cylinder, a small green rubber sphere, a small gray rubber cylinder, a large brown rubber cylinder, a small purple metal sphere, a small yellow metal sphere, a large green rubber sphere. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_054845", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green rubber cylinder, a large red rubber sphere, a small yellow metal sphere, a small gray metal sphere, a small purple rubber cube, a small blue metal cube, a small purple metal cylinder. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_039152", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green rubber cube, a large blue metal cube, a large blue metal sphere, a small gray metal cylinder, a small blue rubber cylinder, a large yellow metal cube, a small blue metal cylinder. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_056528", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple metal cube, a small red rubber cube, a small purple rubber cube. Question: \"color: red\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_002884", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown metal cylinder, a small green rubber cube, a small blue metal cube, a small green metal cylinder, a small gray metal sphere. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_027005", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown metal cube, a small red rubber sphere, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a small blue metal cylinder, a large cyan rubber sphere, a small brown rubber cube, a large purple metal cylinder, a small green metal cube, a small gray rubber sphere. Question: \"color: red\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_050488", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red metal sphere, a small red metal cube, a small red metal sphere, a large red metal cube, a large purple metal sphere. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_015241", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue metal cube, a large yellow rubber sphere, a large red metal sphere, a large red rubber sphere, a small gray metal cylinder, a small blue metal sphere. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_059285", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow rubber cube, a small cyan metal sphere, a small yellow metal cylinder. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_063057", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray rubber cube, a small cyan metal cylinder, a small yellow metal cylinder, a large cyan rubber cube, a large red rubber cube, a small brown metal cylinder, a small purple rubber sphere, a large purple rubber cylinder. Question: \"color: gray\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_000561", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple metal cylinder, a small brown rubber cylinder, a small red rubber sphere, a large gray rubber sphere, a small purple rubber sphere, a small red metal cube, a large purple rubber cylinder, a small brown metal cube, a small brown rubber cylinder. Question: \"color: purple\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_006588", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray metal cube, a large blue rubber sphere, a large purple metal sphere, a large gray metal sphere, a large green rubber sphere, a large red metal sphere, a large cyan metal sphere. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_058631", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue metal sphere, a large red rubber sphere, a large blue rubber cylinder, a small purple rubber cube, a large red metal sphere, a small blue metal sphere, a small blue metal cylinder. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_059714", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red rubber cube, a large blue rubber cylinder, a large cyan metal sphere, a small yellow rubber cube, a small purple metal sphere, a large brown metal sphere, a large cyan metal sphere, a small brown metal cylinder. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_015567", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red metal sphere, a large cyan rubber cylinder, a small red metal cube. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_023879", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan rubber sphere, a small green rubber cylinder, a large red rubber cube, a large yellow rubber sphere. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_004301", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green metal cylinder, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a small brown rubber cube, a large yellow metal cube, a large yellow metal cube, a small blue rubber sphere, a small green rubber cylinder. Question: \"color: cyan\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_033580", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green rubber cube, a large purple rubber cylinder, a large purple rubber cylinder, a small blue rubber sphere, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a small purple metal sphere. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_028701", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown rubber cube, a large yellow metal cylinder, a large yellow rubber cube, a large gray metal sphere, a large blue metal sphere. Question: \"color: brown\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_054094", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray metal cube, a large gray metal cube, a small yellow metal cube, a large gray rubber cube, a small brown rubber cube, a large green rubber cylinder, a large purple rubber sphere, a large brown rubber sphere, a small cyan metal sphere. Question: \"color: purple\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_021673", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow metal cylinder, a small brown rubber sphere, a small blue rubber cube, a large red metal sphere, a small blue metal cylinder, a large purple rubber cylinder, a large blue metal sphere, a large purple metal cylinder. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_051813", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue metal sphere, a small gray metal cylinder, a small purple rubber cylinder. Question: \"color: purple\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_065587", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray metal cylinder, a small blue metal cylinder, a small cyan metal cylinder, a large blue rubber sphere, a small cyan metal cube, a small purple rubber sphere. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_067821", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple metal sphere, a small cyan rubber cube, a small blue metal cylinder, a large purple rubber sphere. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_018911", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red metal cube, a small red metal cube, a small green metal cube, a small cyan metal cube, a small gray rubber cylinder, a small purple metal sphere. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 6 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_061383", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow rubber sphere, a large cyan rubber cube, a large green metal sphere. Question: \"color: yellow\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_041857", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue metal sphere, a small purple metal cylinder, a small brown metal cube, a large purple metal cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_011625", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray metal cube, a large green rubber cube, a large purple metal cube, a large brown rubber cube, a small gray metal cylinder, a small blue rubber cylinder. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_004162", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple metal cube, a large red rubber cube, a large purple metal cube, a large green metal cylinder. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_027528", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple rubber cylinder, a small brown metal cube, a large green rubber cylinder, a large brown metal sphere, a large gray rubber cube, a small red rubber cube, a large cyan metal cube. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_034754", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green rubber cube, a large purple rubber cube, a large gray rubber cube, a small green rubber cylinder, a small brown rubber sphere, a small yellow rubber sphere, a large red rubber sphere, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a small red metal cylinder. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_028643", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple metal sphere, a large yellow rubber sphere, a small yellow metal sphere, a large brown metal cube, a large blue rubber sphere, a large red metal cube, a large purple metal cube. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_042603", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red rubber sphere, a small brown metal cube, a small cyan rubber sphere, a small red rubber cylinder, a large cyan rubber cylinder, a small cyan metal cylinder, a large green metal sphere, a small gray rubber cube, a small gray rubber cylinder, a large brown metal cylinder. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_026351", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray metal cylinder, a small green metal sphere, a large green metal cylinder, a small red rubber sphere, a large yellow rubber cube, a large red metal sphere. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_044649", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green rubber cylinder, a small yellow rubber sphere, a large green metal cylinder, a small yellow metal cube, a large blue metal sphere, a small blue metal cylinder, a large cyan rubber cylinder, a large green metal cylinder. Question: \"color: green\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_058683", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple metal cube, a small brown metal cube, a small purple metal cylinder, a small gray metal cube, a large gray rubber cylinder, a large red rubber cube, a large gray rubber cylinder, a large gray metal cube, a small yellow metal cylinder. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_055058", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan rubber cylinder, a large yellow rubber sphere, a large purple metal cube. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_004612", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan rubber sphere, a large blue rubber cylinder, a small cyan metal cylinder, a large yellow metal cylinder, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a large green rubber cube. Question: \"color: green\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_007644", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray metal sphere, a large brown rubber sphere, a small green rubber cylinder, a small green rubber cylinder, a small red rubber sphere, a large brown rubber sphere, a small green rubber sphere, a large gray rubber cylinder, a large blue rubber cube. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 8 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_041411", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan metal cylinder, a large red metal sphere, a small blue metal sphere, a small yellow metal cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_016479", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow metal cylinder, a large red metal cylinder, a large cyan rubber cylinder, a small gray metal sphere, a large blue rubber sphere, a large purple metal cube. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_008487", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red rubber cylinder, a small blue rubber cylinder, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a small cyan metal cylinder, a large green rubber sphere. Question: \"color: yellow\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_007829", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green metal sphere, a large red metal sphere, a small red rubber sphere. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_054823", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow rubber sphere, a large blue rubber cylinder, a large purple rubber cube, a large brown metal cube, a large purple rubber cube, a large red rubber cube, a small red metal cube, a small cyan metal cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 6 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_042505", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow rubber cylinder, a small blue rubber cylinder, a small purple rubber cube, a small blue metal cube, a large cyan rubber sphere, a large gray rubber cylinder, a small blue metal cube, a large red metal cube. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_063118", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray rubber cylinder, a small blue metal sphere, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a large brown metal sphere. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_009584", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue rubber sphere, a small yellow metal sphere, a small blue rubber cylinder. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_001066", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown metal cylinder, a large brown rubber cylinder, a large purple metal cylinder, a large cyan metal cylinder, a small purple rubber cylinder, a large yellow rubber sphere, a large gray rubber sphere. Question: \"color: gray\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_039100", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple metal cube, a large yellow metal sphere, a large green metal sphere, a small yellow metal sphere, a small gray metal cylinder, a small purple metal cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_027101", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown metal sphere, a small red rubber cube, a large green metal cube, a large yellow metal cube, a large gray rubber cube. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_038431", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray metal cube, a small gray rubber cylinder, a large blue metal sphere, a large cyan metal cube, a small cyan rubber cube, a large green metal cube, a small red rubber sphere, a large blue metal sphere. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_018554", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown metal cube, a large purple metal cube, a small cyan metal cylinder, a small yellow metal cylinder, a large green metal sphere. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_004677", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray rubber sphere, a large purple metal cylinder, a large red metal cylinder, a large blue metal cube, a small red rubber cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_008792", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown metal sphere, a large green metal sphere, a large cyan metal cube, a large red metal cube, a large yellow metal cube, a large cyan metal sphere, a small green rubber sphere, a small gray metal sphere. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 6 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_069661", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow rubber cylinder, a small brown metal cube, a small purple rubber cube, a small brown metal cylinder, a small yellow metal cylinder. Question: \"color: yellow\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_013718", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red rubber cylinder, a large green metal cylinder, a small purple rubber sphere, a large green rubber cube, a small green metal sphere, a large red metal cylinder, a small red metal cylinder, a small gray metal cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_009466", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan rubber cube, a small red metal sphere, a large cyan rubber sphere, a small blue rubber cylinder, a small cyan metal cylinder, a small blue metal cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_059779", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow metal cube, a large purple metal sphere, a small cyan metal sphere, a large purple metal sphere, a small blue metal cylinder, a small yellow metal sphere, a small cyan metal cube, a small green rubber cylinder, a small red metal cylinder. Question: \"color: cyan\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_022810", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray rubber sphere, a small gray metal sphere, a small green metal cylinder, a large brown metal cylinder, a small red metal sphere, a small red metal cube. Question: \"color: gray\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_012661", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red rubber sphere, a small purple rubber cube, a small gray rubber sphere, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a small green rubber cylinder, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a small brown rubber sphere, a large green metal cube, a large blue metal cylinder, a large blue metal cylinder. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 7 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_024282", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple rubber sphere, a large green metal cube, a large brown metal cylinder, a small red rubber cube, a large brown metal cylinder, a small gray metal sphere, a small green metal cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_020261", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red metal cylinder, a large brown rubber cube, a large brown rubber cube. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_059910", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red metal sphere, a small purple rubber cylinder, a large green metal cube, a small purple metal cylinder. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_060382", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow metal sphere, a large blue rubber sphere, a small green metal cube, a large yellow rubber cube. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_030786", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow rubber sphere, a large blue rubber cylinder, a small cyan metal cube, a large cyan metal cylinder, a large blue rubber cube, a large brown metal cylinder, a small green metal sphere. Question: \"color: green\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_066073", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan rubber sphere, a large blue rubber cube, a small cyan metal cylinder, a small green metal cube. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_019541", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green metal sphere, a small blue metal sphere, a large gray metal sphere, a large purple rubber cube, a small gray rubber sphere, a small red metal sphere. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_024395", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray rubber sphere, a large brown metal sphere, a large red metal sphere, a small blue metal cylinder, a small brown metal sphere, a large brown metal sphere. Question: \"color: blue\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_068587", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple rubber cylinder, a small purple rubber sphere, a small red rubber sphere, a small purple rubber sphere, a small brown rubber sphere, a large purple metal sphere, a large brown metal cube, a small red metal cube, a small cyan metal cylinder. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_014564", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown metal sphere, a large gray metal cube, a small red rubber cylinder, a large yellow metal cylinder, a large gray metal cube, a small cyan metal sphere, a small green rubber cube, a large gray rubber cube, a large cyan metal sphere. Question: \"color: brown\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_021742", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray metal cylinder, a small brown metal cylinder, a large gray rubber sphere, a small cyan rubber sphere, a small purple rubber sphere, a small yellow metal sphere, a large cyan rubber cylinder. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_012124", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow rubber cylinder, a large green metal cylinder, a large cyan metal cube, a small green metal cube, a small blue rubber cylinder. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_048127", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue metal sphere, a large red metal cylinder, a small yellow rubber cube, a large brown metal cube, a small cyan metal cube, a small gray metal cube. Question: \"color: brown\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_035843", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red metal cylinder, a small purple rubber cylinder, a large yellow metal cube. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_013942", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow metal cube, a large cyan metal cylinder, a small purple metal sphere. Question: \"color: cyan\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_020116", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow rubber cube, a large brown metal cylinder, a large green metal sphere, a small purple metal sphere, a small red metal sphere, a large purple rubber cube, a small red metal sphere, a small yellow metal cylinder. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_050008", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow rubber cube, a small yellow rubber cube, a large purple metal cylinder, a small green rubber sphere, a large red rubber cube, a small yellow metal cylinder, a large red metal cylinder. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_021689", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue rubber cylinder, a small brown rubber cube, a large purple metal cube, a large brown rubber sphere, a large brown rubber sphere, a small brown metal cube, a small green rubber cylinder, a small gray rubber cylinder, a large red rubber sphere, a large yellow metal cube. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 7 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_009408", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan rubber sphere, a small purple rubber sphere, a large yellow metal sphere, a large blue metal cylinder, a large blue rubber cylinder, a small cyan rubber cube, a large green metal cube. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_008339", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray metal sphere, a large cyan metal cube, a large red rubber sphere, a small cyan rubber cube, a large yellow rubber cube, a large gray metal sphere, a large blue metal cube. Question: \"color: yellow\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_058232", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan metal sphere, a small brown rubber cube, a small blue metal sphere, a large cyan rubber sphere, a small brown rubber cylinder, a small blue metal sphere, a large red rubber cube, a small red rubber cylinder, a small purple metal sphere, a small red metal sphere. Question: \"color: red\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_041233", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green metal cube, a large purple metal sphere, a small green metal cylinder, a small red rubber sphere, a small brown rubber cylinder, a small red rubber sphere, a small green metal sphere, a large cyan metal sphere, a large purple rubber cube, a large brown rubber sphere. Question: \"color: red\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_004569", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan rubber cube, a small yellow metal cube, a large purple metal cylinder, a small red rubber cube, a large blue metal cylinder, a large green metal cylinder, a small blue metal cube, a large brown metal cylinder, a large brown rubber cube, a small green rubber sphere. Question: \"color: purple\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_003392", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green metal cube, a small brown metal cube, a large green metal cylinder, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a small blue metal cube, a small red rubber cube, a large blue metal sphere. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_048473", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow metal cube, a small gray metal cube, a large blue metal cube. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_029411", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan rubber sphere, a small cyan rubber cube, a small green metal sphere, a large gray metal sphere. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_068995", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple rubber sphere, a small red metal sphere, a small green rubber cylinder, a small green rubber cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_057608", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown rubber sphere, a small brown rubber cylinder, a large gray rubber cylinder, a small gray rubber cylinder, a large gray metal cylinder, a large purple metal cylinder, a large gray metal cylinder, a small gray metal sphere. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_064639", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray metal sphere, a large green rubber sphere, a small red metal sphere, a large blue metal cube, a large blue metal sphere, a large blue metal sphere, a large yellow rubber cylinder. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_057664", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown metal cylinder, a small blue metal cylinder, a small red rubber sphere, a small red rubber sphere, a small blue metal sphere, a large cyan rubber cube, a small gray rubber cube, a large yellow metal cylinder. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_057546", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue metal cylinder, a large blue rubber sphere, a large red rubber cylinder, a large yellow rubber cube, a large gray metal cube, a small cyan rubber cylinder. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_046969", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red rubber sphere, a small gray metal cube, a large brown rubber cylinder, a large green metal cube, a small yellow metal cylinder. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_042788", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow rubber cylinder, a small gray metal cylinder, a small gray metal cylinder, a large brown rubber cube, a large gray rubber cube, a large cyan metal cylinder, a small red metal cylinder. Question: \"color: gray\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_005766", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red rubber cube, a small cyan rubber sphere, a small blue rubber cylinder, a large purple rubber cylinder, a large purple rubber cylinder, a large blue metal cylinder, a small red metal cylinder, a small brown metal sphere, a large blue rubber cylinder, a large red rubber cylinder. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_054461", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple rubber cube, a large purple rubber sphere, a large green metal cube, a small cyan metal sphere, a large green rubber sphere. Question: \"color: cyan\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_046892", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red metal cube, a large brown rubber cylinder, a small cyan rubber sphere, a small purple metal cylinder, a large cyan rubber cube, a large yellow rubber cube. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_064971", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown metal sphere, a small cyan metal cube, a small blue metal cylinder, a large cyan rubber cylinder, a large green rubber cube, a large green metal cube, a large red rubber cube, a small blue metal cylinder, a small blue metal cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 6 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_039921", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue rubber cylinder, a large brown rubber cylinder, a large brown rubber cylinder, a large gray rubber cylinder, a small gray metal sphere, a large red metal cylinder, a small red rubber cube, a large brown rubber cylinder, a small purple rubber cube. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_041154", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow rubber cylinder, a small red metal cube, a small cyan metal cylinder. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_062730", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue rubber sphere, a large purple rubber sphere, a small brown rubber cube, a small red rubber cube, a large cyan rubber sphere, a large brown metal cube, a large cyan rubber cube, a small yellow rubber sphere. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 7 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_044075", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan rubber cube, a small green metal cube, a small purple rubber cylinder, a small brown rubber cylinder, a large yellow rubber cube, a small cyan rubber cube, a large blue metal cylinder. Question: \"color: yellow\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_051405", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan rubber sphere, a small purple metal cylinder, a large gray metal sphere, a small red metal cylinder, a large gray metal cube, a small red metal sphere. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_018223", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow rubber sphere, a small green rubber cylinder, a small cyan metal cube, a large green metal sphere, a large yellow rubber cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_049286", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray metal sphere, a small blue rubber cylinder, a large cyan metal cube, a large green rubber sphere. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_009602", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray metal sphere, a large brown metal sphere, a large green metal cube, a large blue metal cylinder, a large blue rubber sphere, a large brown rubber sphere, a large cyan metal cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 7 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_058274", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan metal cube, a small green rubber cube, a large red rubber cylinder. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_005161", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow rubber cylinder, a small gray metal cylinder, a small gray rubber cube, a large cyan rubber sphere, a small gray metal sphere, a large brown rubber sphere, a small blue metal sphere. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_003485", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple rubber sphere, a large brown rubber cube, a large blue metal cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_019377", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray metal cube, a large red rubber cube, a small brown rubber sphere, a large gray rubber cylinder, a small purple rubber cylinder. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_012789", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown rubber cylinder, a small brown rubber sphere, a small blue metal cylinder. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_012892", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue rubber sphere, a small yellow rubber cube, a large blue rubber sphere, a small purple rubber cylinder, a small cyan metal cylinder, a large red rubber cube, a large brown metal cylinder, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a small blue metal cube. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_022141", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue metal sphere, a large green metal cylinder, a small green rubber sphere. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_053133", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown rubber cylinder, a large blue metal cube, a small red rubber cube, a large purple rubber cube, a large purple metal cube, a large red metal sphere, a large blue metal cube. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_006973", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red metal sphere, a large green metal cylinder, a large brown metal cube, a small brown rubber sphere, a small brown metal cube, a large purple rubber sphere. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_055513", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue metal cylinder, a large brown metal sphere, a small gray metal cube. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_003478", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray metal cylinder, a large cyan rubber sphere, a large red metal cube, a small gray rubber cylinder, a large green metal cube, a large green rubber cylinder, a small blue rubber cylinder, a small blue rubber sphere, a small yellow metal sphere. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_020791", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown rubber sphere, a small green rubber sphere, a small yellow rubber cube, a small cyan metal sphere, a large gray rubber cube, a small purple metal cylinder, a large brown metal sphere. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_012709", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan rubber cylinder, a large gray metal cylinder, a large yellow metal cylinder, a small cyan metal cylinder, a small blue rubber cube, a small brown metal cylinder, a small blue rubber cube, a small purple metal cylinder. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_017039", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray rubber cube, a large green metal cylinder, a large blue metal cylinder. Question: \"color: green\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_054955", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow metal sphere, a large cyan rubber cube, a large gray rubber cylinder, a large gray metal cube. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_068310", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple metal cube, a large gray rubber cylinder, a small gray metal sphere. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_035740", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow rubber sphere, a small blue rubber cylinder, a small gray rubber cube, a small yellow metal sphere. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_014669", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray rubber cylinder, a small brown metal cube, a small green metal cube, a small yellow metal cube, a large brown rubber cylinder, a small cyan rubber sphere, a large brown metal cylinder, a small green metal sphere. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_038990", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray rubber cylinder, a small blue metal cube, a small green metal cylinder, a large red metal cylinder, a small purple metal cylinder, a large purple rubber sphere, a large yellow metal cube, a large gray metal sphere, a small purple rubber cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 6 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_064474", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow rubber sphere, a large gray rubber sphere, a large purple rubber cube, a large red rubber cube, a large green metal cylinder, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a large purple rubber cube, a small green metal cube, a small blue rubber sphere, a small purple rubber cylinder. Question: \"color: green\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_016174", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red rubber sphere, a large cyan metal cube, a large brown rubber sphere, a large cyan metal cylinder. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_027331", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow metal sphere, a large gray metal sphere, a small cyan rubber cube, a small brown rubber sphere, a small gray rubber sphere, a small cyan metal cube. Question: \"color: cyan\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_006150", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red metal cylinder, a large brown metal sphere, a large gray metal cube, a small yellow rubber cube, a small green rubber cube, a small blue metal cube, a small purple metal cube, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a small brown rubber cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_038256", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple metal cylinder, a large purple rubber sphere, a large gray rubber cube, a large blue rubber cylinder, a large gray metal cube, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a small red rubber cube, a small green rubber cube, a small red metal sphere, a small cyan metal cube. Question: \"color: blue\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_037064", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue rubber cube, a small gray metal cylinder, a large brown metal cube, a small blue rubber sphere, a large yellow metal cylinder. Question: \"color: brown\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_069242", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green metal cylinder, a large cyan metal sphere, a small purple rubber sphere, a large green metal sphere, a large red rubber sphere, a large blue rubber cube, a small purple rubber sphere. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_003295", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple metal cube, a large blue metal sphere, a large cyan metal sphere, a large gray rubber cylinder, a large green metal sphere, a large brown rubber sphere, a large purple metal cylinder, a small brown metal cylinder. Question: \"color: blue\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_015238", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green rubber cylinder, a large gray metal cylinder, a large gray rubber cylinder, a large brown rubber sphere, a small green rubber cube, a large cyan metal cylinder, a small purple metal cube, a small gray metal sphere, a small yellow metal cube, a small red metal cube. Question: \"color: green\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_033651", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown metal cube, a large green rubber cube, a small gray rubber cylinder, a small green metal cube, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a large green rubber cylinder, a small gray metal cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_001884", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow rubber cylinder, a small gray rubber sphere, a small brown rubber cylinder, a large gray metal cylinder. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_039819", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown metal cube, a small purple rubber sphere, a large purple rubber cylinder, a large cyan metal cylinder, a small red metal sphere, a large cyan metal cube, a large yellow metal cylinder. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_038300", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan rubber cylinder, a large yellow metal cylinder, a large gray metal sphere, a large brown rubber cylinder, a small brown rubber cube. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_017506", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green rubber sphere, a small purple rubber cylinder, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a large red rubber cube, a small purple rubber cube, a large purple metal sphere, a large gray rubber cube. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_063563", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple metal cylinder, a large gray rubber sphere, a large yellow rubber sphere, a small yellow metal cylinder. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_023667", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green metal cylinder, a large brown rubber sphere, a large green metal cylinder, a small purple metal sphere, a large gray metal sphere. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_068601", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown metal cylinder, a large brown rubber sphere, a large purple rubber sphere, a large gray rubber sphere. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_026316", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan metal sphere, a large gray metal sphere, a large purple metal sphere, a small purple rubber cube, a large brown rubber sphere, a large brown metal sphere, a small brown metal sphere, a small green rubber sphere, a small cyan metal cylinder. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 7 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_066293", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green metal cube, a small brown metal sphere, a large gray rubber cube, a small brown metal sphere, a large brown rubber cylinder, a large blue rubber cylinder, a large blue metal cube, a small brown metal sphere. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_044864", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray rubber cylinder, a large yellow rubber sphere, a large blue rubber sphere, a small yellow metal cube, a small purple rubber cylinder, a large purple metal sphere, a small red rubber sphere, a small green rubber sphere. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_034046", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green rubber sphere, a large yellow metal cylinder, a small purple metal cylinder, a small purple metal cylinder, a large yellow metal sphere, a small green rubber cylinder, a large green rubber cylinder, a small gray rubber sphere. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_029630", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple rubber cylinder, a large cyan metal cube, a small green rubber cylinder, a small brown metal sphere, a small brown rubber cylinder, a small gray metal sphere, a small green rubber sphere, a small red metal cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_058484", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green metal cube, a small cyan metal cube, a small blue rubber cube, a small brown rubber cylinder. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_069747", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple rubber cube, a small yellow rubber cube, a large yellow metal cylinder, a small cyan metal cylinder, a small red rubber cylinder. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_017257", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple rubber cylinder, a large gray metal cube, a large yellow metal cube, a large purple rubber cylinder, a small gray rubber cube, a large red rubber cylinder, a large purple metal sphere, a small brown rubber sphere, a small brown metal cylinder. Question: \"color: brown\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_032029", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red rubber cylinder, a small purple rubber sphere, a small red metal cylinder, a large purple rubber cylinder. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_023383", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple rubber sphere, a large gray metal cube, a large yellow rubber cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_039599", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple rubber cylinder, a small purple rubber cube, a large purple metal sphere, a large blue rubber cube. Question: \"color: blue\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_008966", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple metal cylinder, a large cyan metal cube, a small blue rubber cylinder, a small blue rubber cylinder, a large green metal sphere, a small green metal cube, a large blue metal sphere, a small red metal cube, a large brown metal sphere, a small green metal cylinder. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_023250", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple metal sphere, a small green rubber sphere, a small yellow rubber cylinder. Question: \"color: purple\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_013934", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue rubber cube, a small yellow rubber sphere, a large yellow rubber cube, a large red metal cylinder, a small purple rubber cube, a small brown metal cylinder, a small blue rubber cube. Question: \"color: yellow\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_044498", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray metal cube, a small red metal cube, a small red metal sphere, a large purple metal sphere, a small red rubber cylinder, a small cyan rubber cube, a large cyan rubber sphere, a large gray rubber cylinder. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_035403", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan rubber cube, a large yellow rubber sphere, a small yellow rubber sphere, a large red metal cube, a small gray metal cube, a small blue rubber cube, a large green rubber cube, a small cyan rubber sphere, a small cyan metal cylinder. Question: \"color: blue\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_047952", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow metal cube, a small brown rubber cylinder, a small gray rubber cube, a large red metal sphere, a large brown metal cylinder, a large yellow metal cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_064024", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue rubber cylinder, a large yellow rubber cube, a small green rubber sphere, a small red rubber sphere, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a small green metal cylinder. Question: \"color: cyan\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_062859", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray rubber cube, a small purple metal sphere, a small purple rubber cylinder, a small red rubber cube. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_066808", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple rubber cylinder, a small red rubber cube, a large red rubber cylinder, a small blue metal cylinder, a small yellow metal cylinder, a large cyan rubber cylinder, a small gray rubber sphere, a large cyan metal cylinder, a small purple metal sphere, a small gray rubber cube. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_039495", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green metal sphere, a large green metal cube, a small red metal sphere, a small red metal cube, a small blue metal cylinder, a large blue rubber sphere, a small brown rubber cylinder. Question: \"color: blue\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_054698", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray rubber sphere, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a large yellow metal sphere, a large cyan metal sphere. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_010945", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown metal sphere, a large brown rubber cube, a large gray metal cylinder, a large gray metal cylinder, a large red rubber cube, a small cyan rubber cube, a large green metal cube, a large green metal sphere, a small gray metal cube, a large cyan metal sphere. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_008128", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple rubber cube, a large cyan rubber cylinder, a small gray metal cube, a small green metal cube, a small cyan rubber sphere, a large green rubber cylinder, a large blue metal sphere, a small brown rubber cylinder. Question: \"color: green\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_068361", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green rubber cube, a large brown rubber cube, a small green rubber cylinder, a large cyan rubber cylinder, a small purple metal cube, a small purple metal cylinder, a small brown metal sphere, a small cyan rubber cube, a small yellow metal sphere, a large cyan rubber cylinder. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 6 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_040968", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red rubber cube, a large cyan metal sphere, a large cyan metal cube, a small red rubber cube, a small red rubber cube, a small yellow metal cube, a large purple rubber cylinder, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a large cyan metal cube, a small cyan rubber cube. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 6 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_030843", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown rubber sphere, a small brown metal sphere, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a large yellow rubber sphere. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_049296", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan metal cube, a large green rubber cube, a small purple rubber cylinder, a large brown metal sphere, a large blue metal cube, a large gray rubber cube, a small brown metal sphere, a large red metal cylinder, a large blue metal sphere. Question: \"color: green\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_022342", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray rubber sphere, a small cyan rubber cube, a small green rubber sphere, a large purple metal cube, a large blue rubber sphere, a large purple rubber cube, a small blue metal sphere. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_050077", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray metal cylinder, a large cyan rubber sphere, a small purple metal sphere, a large red rubber sphere, a large green metal cylinder, a small red metal cube. Question: \"color: red\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_048307", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown rubber cylinder, a large purple metal cylinder, a large brown metal cylinder, a large yellow rubber cube, a large yellow metal cube. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_026568", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown metal cube, a large cyan rubber cube, a large brown metal cube, a large blue rubber cube, a small blue metal cylinder, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a small yellow rubber sphere, a large brown metal sphere, a large gray rubber cube. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_061342", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown rubber cube, a small gray metal cube, a large gray metal cylinder, a small purple metal cylinder, a large gray metal cube, a large red rubber cube, a large cyan rubber cylinder, a small brown rubber cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_062738", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red rubber cylinder, a large gray rubber cube, a small red metal sphere, a small cyan rubber sphere, a small blue metal sphere, a small brown metal sphere, a small red metal sphere, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a small blue metal sphere, a small blue rubber cylinder. Question: \"color: gray\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_051915", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown metal sphere, a small brown metal cylinder, a small yellow metal sphere. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_047568", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green rubber sphere, a small blue metal sphere, a large yellow rubber sphere, a small gray rubber cube, a large green metal cube. Question: \"color: yellow\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_035001", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red metal cube, a small brown metal sphere, a small red rubber sphere, a small green metal cube. Question: \"color: red\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_030922", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple metal sphere, a large blue rubber cube, a small purple rubber cube, a large brown metal cube, a small green metal sphere, a small brown rubber sphere, a small brown rubber cube. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_067432", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple rubber cube, a large purple rubber sphere, a small red rubber sphere, a large purple rubber cylinder, a small red metal sphere, a large red metal sphere, a small brown rubber cylinder, a large red metal sphere, a large gray metal sphere. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_040081", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan metal cube, a large cyan rubber cube, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a large yellow metal sphere, a small red metal cube, a small red metal cube, a large red metal cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_040395", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray rubber cube, a small gray metal sphere, a large yellow rubber sphere, a large blue rubber cylinder, a small purple rubber sphere, a large cyan metal cube, a small blue metal cylinder, a small blue rubber sphere. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_028571", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow metal sphere, a large gray metal sphere, a large purple rubber sphere, a small blue metal cube, a large yellow rubber cube, a large gray rubber sphere, a small yellow metal sphere, a small cyan rubber sphere, a small purple metal sphere. Question: \"color: gray\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_051957", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray metal cylinder, a large green metal sphere, a large red metal sphere. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_036390", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan metal sphere, a large brown metal cube, a large purple rubber cylinder, a large purple rubber sphere, a large brown metal cylinder, a large blue rubber sphere, a large blue rubber cylinder. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_017831", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green rubber cylinder, a small green metal cube, a small blue rubber cylinder, a large gray rubber cube, a small yellow rubber sphere, a small green rubber cube, a large cyan metal sphere, a large yellow rubber cube, a small cyan metal cylinder, a small green rubber cube. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_025746", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown rubber cube, a large green metal cylinder, a small purple metal cylinder, a large gray rubber cube, a small blue rubber cube. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_067307", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple rubber cylinder, a large red rubber sphere, a large red metal cylinder, a small blue metal cylinder. Question: \"color: purple\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_003909", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan rubber sphere, a large purple rubber cube, a small cyan rubber cube, a small green rubber cube, a large cyan rubber sphere, a small brown metal cube, a small green rubber cylinder, a large gray rubber sphere. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_001220", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple metal sphere, a small purple metal cylinder, a large blue metal cylinder, a small purple rubber cube, a small blue rubber cube, a small gray rubber cube, a small red metal sphere, a small green metal cube. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 7 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_063817", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown metal cylinder, a small gray metal cylinder, a small green metal cube, a large yellow metal cube, a large green rubber cube, a small blue rubber sphere, a large brown metal sphere, a small yellow rubber sphere, a large purple metal cylinder. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_023394", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan metal cube, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a large yellow metal cylinder, a large yellow rubber sphere. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_004526", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown metal cube, a large cyan metal sphere, a large blue rubber cylinder, a small yellow metal cylinder, a large red rubber sphere. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_019535", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green metal sphere, a large brown rubber cube, a small purple metal sphere, a large blue metal cylinder, a large brown rubber cylinder, a large cyan metal cube, a large blue metal cube, a large green metal cylinder. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_023092", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow rubber cube, a large yellow metal cylinder, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a large purple metal sphere, a large green metal cylinder, a small green metal cube, a large green metal cube, a large red rubber sphere. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_009809", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown metal sphere, a small blue rubber sphere, a small cyan metal sphere, a large red rubber cube, a small brown metal cylinder, a large green rubber cube, a small brown rubber sphere. Question: \"color: red\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_019725", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan rubber cylinder, a small green rubber cylinder, a large gray rubber sphere, a large yellow metal cylinder, a large gray rubber sphere, a small cyan rubber sphere, a large cyan rubber cylinder, a large brown metal cube, a small purple metal cylinder, a large yellow metal cube. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_040943", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan rubber sphere, a large red metal sphere, a large yellow rubber cube, a small gray metal sphere, a small gray rubber cube, a small green metal cylinder, a small yellow metal cube, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a large gray rubber cube, a large purple rubber cylinder. Question: \"color: gray\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_009744", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow metal sphere, a large yellow metal cylinder, a large cyan rubber sphere, a large yellow rubber sphere, a small red metal sphere, a small yellow rubber sphere, a small purple metal cylinder, a large purple rubber cube, a small gray rubber cylinder, a small yellow metal cube. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_032641", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown rubber cylinder, a large green rubber cylinder, a large red rubber sphere, a small cyan rubber cube, a large yellow rubber sphere, a large yellow rubber cube, a small gray metal cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_049261", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue metal cylinder, a large brown metal sphere, a large purple metal sphere. Question: \"color: brown\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_029046", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown rubber cube, a small red rubber cylinder, a large purple rubber sphere, a large cyan metal sphere, a large green rubber sphere, a large blue metal sphere, a large yellow rubber sphere, a large brown metal cylinder, a small cyan metal cylinder, a small yellow rubber sphere. Question: \"color: blue\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_041354", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple metal sphere, a large yellow rubber sphere, a small green rubber cube, a large purple metal cube. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_020550", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray rubber cylinder, a small green rubber cylinder, a large blue rubber cylinder, a large green rubber cylinder, a small red rubber sphere. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_051850", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green metal cylinder, a large purple rubber cylinder, a small blue rubber cube, a small red metal cube, a small blue metal cylinder, a large gray metal cube. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_011656", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue rubber cube, a large blue metal sphere, a small red rubber sphere, a small cyan metal sphere, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a small cyan metal cylinder, a small red rubber sphere, a small blue metal cylinder, a small red metal sphere. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 6 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_045060", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple rubber sphere, a small red rubber cube, a large cyan rubber cube, a small green rubber cube, a large yellow rubber cube. Question: \"color: green\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_023893", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple rubber sphere, a large red rubber sphere, a small yellow rubber cube, a small yellow metal cube, a small yellow rubber cube, a small blue rubber sphere, a large gray rubber sphere, a large brown rubber cylinder, a small blue metal cube. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_017684", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue metal cylinder, a large green rubber cube, a large green rubber cube. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_021016", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red metal cube, a small yellow rubber cube, a large green rubber cube, a large cyan metal cube. Question: \"color: yellow\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_016011", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow metal sphere, a small brown rubber sphere, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a large green rubber sphere, a small brown metal sphere, a large yellow rubber cube, a large yellow metal cylinder, a large blue metal cylinder. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_037123", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green rubber cube, a small green metal cube, a large yellow metal cylinder, a small red metal sphere. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_008870", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow metal cylinder, a large purple rubber cube, a large gray metal cube, a large brown rubber cylinder, a large gray metal cube, a large yellow metal sphere. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_061768", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue metal sphere, a small brown rubber sphere, a large purple metal cube, a large red rubber cube, a small gray rubber cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_061545", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow rubber cube, a small purple metal cylinder, a small purple rubber sphere, a small green rubber cylinder, a large brown metal cube, a small yellow metal sphere, a small brown metal sphere, a large purple metal cube, a small green metal cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 6 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_064662", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan rubber cylinder, a small purple metal cylinder, a large gray metal cube, a small yellow metal cylinder, a small green metal cube, a small gray metal cylinder, a large cyan rubber sphere. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_035485", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue rubber sphere, a large yellow metal cube, a small yellow rubber cube, a large cyan rubber cylinder, a large red rubber cylinder, a small blue metal cylinder. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_021799", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan rubber sphere, a large red rubber cylinder, a large purple metal cylinder, a small green rubber sphere, a large green rubber cylinder, a small green metal cube. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_067953", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan metal sphere, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a small blue rubber sphere, a large green metal cylinder, a large red metal cylinder, a large cyan metal cylinder, a small purple rubber sphere. Question: \"color: yellow\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_035829", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue metal sphere, a large gray rubber cylinder, a large blue rubber cube, a large yellow metal sphere, a small cyan rubber cube, a large brown metal cylinder. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_026310", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray metal cube, a small yellow metal cylinder, a large yellow metal sphere, a large yellow metal sphere. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_010906", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue metal cylinder, a large green rubber sphere, a small cyan metal cube, a large brown rubber cylinder, a small purple metal cube, a large yellow rubber sphere, a large cyan metal cylinder, a small blue metal cylinder, a large gray rubber cylinder, a small blue metal cube. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_065803", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red rubber cylinder, a large cyan rubber cylinder, a large blue rubber cylinder, a large yellow rubber cylinder. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_038582", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green metal cylinder, a small gray metal cylinder, a large blue rubber sphere, a small red rubber cube, a large red metal sphere, a large gray rubber sphere, a large purple rubber cube. Question: \"color: purple\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_012505", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green metal cube, a small gray metal cube, a large cyan rubber cube, a large green metal sphere. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_032273", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue rubber cylinder, a small purple metal cube, a large gray rubber cylinder, a large purple rubber sphere, a large blue metal cube, a large green metal cylinder, a small green metal cylinder, a small gray metal sphere. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_014501", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple metal sphere, a large blue metal cylinder, a large red rubber cylinder, a large red metal cylinder. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_035534", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown rubber sphere, a large blue rubber sphere, a small red rubber sphere, a large green rubber cube, a large cyan metal cylinder, a large blue rubber sphere, a large cyan metal cube, a large gray rubber cube, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a small cyan rubber cube. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 7 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_026184", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown rubber sphere, a small yellow rubber cube, a small cyan rubber cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_014334", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray rubber cube, a large red rubber sphere, a large green metal cube, a large red rubber cylinder. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_065503", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow rubber cube, a large gray metal cube, a large yellow rubber sphere, a small cyan metal cylinder, a large green rubber sphere, a small gray rubber cube, a small gray rubber cube. Question: \"color: yellow\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_055709", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan metal cylinder, a small yellow rubber sphere, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a small red metal cylinder, a large yellow metal sphere, a large red rubber cube, a large purple rubber cube, a large yellow rubber cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_066200", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green metal cube, a large green metal sphere, a small brown metal cylinder, a small red metal cylinder. Question: \"color: green\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_030861", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan metal cylinder, a large cyan rubber cylinder, a large brown rubber cube, a large yellow rubber cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_025662", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green metal cylinder, a large green metal sphere, a large yellow rubber cube, a large purple rubber sphere, a small green metal sphere, a large green metal cube, a small cyan metal sphere, a large purple rubber cube, a large cyan metal cylinder, a small cyan rubber cylinder. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_064194", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red rubber sphere, a large brown metal cylinder, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a small cyan rubber sphere, a small purple rubber cylinder, a large green rubber sphere, a small cyan rubber cube. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_067929", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow metal cube, a small red metal cylinder, a large brown metal cylinder, a small green rubber cube, a large gray metal cube, a large purple metal sphere, a large red metal cube, a small blue rubber cube. Question: \"color: red\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_029469", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green rubber cube, a small brown metal sphere, a large cyan rubber sphere. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_033150", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red metal cylinder, a large brown metal sphere, a large green rubber cube, a small purple rubber cube, a small brown metal cube, a small green metal sphere, a small cyan metal sphere, a large gray rubber sphere. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_038449", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan rubber sphere, a small yellow metal cube, a small cyan metal sphere, a large blue rubber sphere, a small yellow rubber sphere, a small blue metal sphere, a small blue metal cylinder. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_010031", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown rubber sphere, a small blue metal sphere, a small brown rubber sphere, a small cyan metal sphere, a large green metal cube, a small brown rubber cylinder. Question: \"color: brown\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_048094", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red metal cylinder, a large purple rubber sphere, a large yellow metal sphere. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_044687", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan rubber sphere, a small brown rubber sphere, a small purple rubber cube, a small purple metal sphere, a small gray metal cylinder, a small red rubber cube, a small brown metal cylinder, a large green rubber cylinder, a large purple rubber cylinder, a small purple metal cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_060035", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red rubber cylinder, a small purple metal cylinder, a small cyan metal sphere, a large yellow rubber cube, a large brown rubber cube, a large cyan rubber cylinder, a large yellow rubber cube, a large gray rubber sphere, a large yellow metal sphere, a large yellow metal sphere. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_010567", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan rubber cube, a small brown rubber cylinder, a small gray metal cylinder, a small red metal cube, a small cyan metal cube, a large green rubber cube, a large gray rubber cylinder. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_003283", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green rubber sphere, a small gray rubber cylinder, a small purple metal sphere, a large red metal cylinder. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_009393", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow rubber cube, a large yellow metal sphere, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a large yellow rubber sphere, a small yellow rubber cube, a small cyan rubber sphere, a small brown rubber cube, a large brown rubber cube, a small gray rubber sphere, a small green metal cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_066171", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green rubber sphere, a large red metal sphere, a small purple metal cylinder, a large red rubber cylinder, a small cyan rubber cube, a large blue rubber cube, a small blue rubber cube, a large purple rubber sphere, a small blue rubber sphere, a small green metal sphere. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_057712", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow metal cylinder, a small red rubber cube, a large blue metal cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_011380", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple rubber sphere, a large yellow rubber sphere, a large green metal cylinder, a large purple rubber sphere. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_005044", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green rubber sphere, a small purple rubber cylinder, a large gray rubber sphere. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_040087", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green metal cube, a large cyan metal cylinder, a small green rubber cylinder, a small gray metal sphere, a large purple rubber cylinder. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_054370", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray metal cylinder, a small gray rubber sphere, a large red metal sphere, a large green metal cylinder, a small blue rubber cube, a large gray metal cube, a small blue metal cube, a large cyan metal cylinder, a large yellow metal sphere, a large yellow rubber sphere. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_060355", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red metal cube, a large brown metal cylinder, a small red metal cube, a large cyan metal cylinder, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a large red metal cube, a large gray metal sphere. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_067047", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan rubber cylinder, a large green rubber cylinder, a large red metal sphere, a small red rubber sphere, a large yellow rubber cube, a small brown rubber sphere, a large cyan rubber cube, a small green metal sphere. Question: \"color: red\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_030098", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray rubber cube, a large brown metal cylinder, a large yellow rubber cube, a large red rubber cube, a large purple rubber sphere, a large purple rubber sphere, a small red rubber cube. Question: \"color: red\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_016375", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown metal sphere, a small brown metal cylinder, a small brown rubber sphere. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_057553", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue rubber cylinder, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a small yellow metal sphere, a small green rubber cube, a large brown metal sphere, a large blue metal cube, a small yellow metal cube, a large purple metal sphere, a small yellow metal cube, a small brown metal cube. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_040339", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple rubber sphere, a large cyan rubber sphere, a small yellow rubber sphere, a small brown metal sphere, a large gray metal cube, a large cyan metal sphere, a large blue rubber sphere. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_005006", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red rubber sphere, a large red metal cylinder, a large blue metal cylinder. Question: \"color: red\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_061071", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple rubber cube, a small blue rubber cube, a small yellow rubber cylinder. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_012646", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown rubber sphere, a small cyan metal cube, a small cyan metal cube, a large green rubber cube, a small yellow metal cylinder, a small red metal sphere, a small gray rubber cylinder, a small yellow metal cylinder, a large brown metal sphere. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_062199", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan rubber cube, a large blue metal cube, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a large purple metal sphere, a small red rubber cube, a large yellow metal cube, a small green metal sphere, a small brown metal cylinder, a large red metal sphere, a large purple rubber sphere. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 6 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_016600", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan rubber sphere, a small purple metal cube, a large cyan rubber sphere, a large yellow metal cube, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a large red rubber sphere, a small cyan metal cylinder, a small gray metal cylinder, a small blue metal sphere, a small cyan metal cylinder. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_035984", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan rubber cylinder, a large green metal cylinder, a large brown metal cube, a large yellow metal cylinder, a small green rubber cylinder. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_009298", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue metal cylinder, a small purple rubber sphere, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a large cyan rubber cube, a small purple metal cylinder, a small red metal cube, a small red rubber sphere. Question: \"color: cyan\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_053262", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue metal cube, a small brown rubber sphere, a small blue metal cylinder, a large cyan rubber sphere, a small gray metal sphere, a large green metal sphere. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_017416", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow metal sphere, a large yellow metal cylinder, a small cyan rubber cube, a small red rubber cylinder, a large red metal sphere, a large green rubber cylinder, a small gray metal cylinder, a small blue rubber cube. Question: \"color: gray\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_048739", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray rubber cylinder, a small cyan metal cylinder, a small brown rubber cylinder, a large brown metal cylinder, a large brown rubber sphere. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_043783", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan rubber cylinder, a large brown rubber cube, a small brown metal sphere, a small yellow rubber cube, a small brown rubber sphere, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a small red rubber sphere, a small red metal sphere. Question: \"color: brown\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_017733", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown rubber cylinder, a small gray metal cylinder, a large cyan rubber sphere, a large green rubber cube, a small purple metal cylinder. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_015572", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow rubber cylinder, a large purple metal sphere, a large brown metal cube, a large yellow rubber cube. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_030630", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue rubber cube, a small cyan rubber cube, a small gray rubber cylinder, a large green metal sphere, a large blue rubber sphere, a small green rubber sphere. Question: \"color: blue\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_064363", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow rubber sphere, a large cyan metal sphere, a large purple rubber cylinder, a large gray metal sphere. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_001882", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown metal cube, a large brown metal cube, a large green metal cube, a large cyan metal cylinder, a small green rubber sphere. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_002937", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green rubber sphere, a small blue rubber cube, a small yellow metal sphere. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_064226", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow rubber cylinder, a small gray metal sphere, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a small purple rubber cube, a small red metal cylinder, a large cyan rubber cube, a small red metal sphere, a large yellow metal cube, a large red rubber cylinder, a small green metal cube. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_019576", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green rubber cylinder, a small red rubber cube, a small green metal cube, a large purple rubber cube, a large green metal sphere. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_041799", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan rubber cylinder, a small brown metal cube, a large cyan metal cube, a small cyan rubber cube, a small brown metal cube, a large blue metal cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_040473", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple metal cylinder, a small green metal cylinder, a large gray metal cube, a large purple rubber sphere, a small yellow metal cylinder, a large brown rubber cylinder, a large cyan rubber cylinder, a small brown metal sphere, a large brown metal cube. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_007401", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow rubber cylinder, a small blue metal cube, a small brown rubber sphere, a large brown rubber cylinder, a large green metal cylinder, a small red rubber cylinder, a large cyan metal cylinder, a small brown metal cube, a small red metal cube, a small yellow rubber cube. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_048386", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple rubber cube, a small brown rubber sphere, a large cyan metal cylinder, a large brown metal sphere, a small gray rubber cylinder, a large cyan metal cube. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_059186", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow rubber sphere, a small gray rubber cube, a small purple metal sphere, a large red metal cylinder, a large purple rubber cube, a small brown metal sphere, a small yellow metal cylinder, a large green rubber cube, a large cyan metal cylinder, a small brown metal cylinder. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 6 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_042137", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray rubber cylinder, a large brown rubber sphere, a large brown rubber cube, a large green metal sphere, a small gray rubber cube, a small cyan rubber cube, a small green rubber cylinder, a small red rubber sphere, a small purple rubber cylinder. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_034285", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown rubber cube, a large purple rubber sphere, a large purple rubber cylinder, a large brown metal sphere, a small brown rubber cube, a large gray rubber cube, a small gray metal sphere. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_012409", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green metal cylinder, a small brown rubber cube, a large cyan metal sphere. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_042822", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray rubber sphere, a large cyan metal cylinder, a large purple metal cylinder. Question: \"color: gray\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_032530", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown metal cylinder, a small gray rubber cylinder, a small purple rubber cube, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a small green metal sphere, a large purple rubber cube, a small blue metal cylinder, a large yellow metal cube. Question: \"color: yellow\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_035000", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan rubber sphere, a large cyan metal sphere, a small purple metal cube, a large gray rubber cube, a small cyan rubber sphere, a large purple metal sphere, a small yellow rubber sphere, a small purple metal cylinder, a large purple rubber sphere, a large blue metal cube. Question: \"color: cyan\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_039701", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red rubber cube, a small green rubber cube, a large gray metal cube, a small yellow rubber sphere, a small red metal cylinder, a large red metal cube, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a large blue rubber cylinder, a small green metal cylinder. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_059333", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green metal sphere, a large blue rubber sphere, a large red metal cube, a small brown metal cylinder, a small yellow rubber cylinder. Question: \"color: green\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_014146", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan metal cube, a large blue rubber sphere, a small brown rubber cube, a small blue rubber sphere, a small red metal sphere. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_050264", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan rubber cylinder, a large green rubber cube, a large cyan metal cylinder, a large red metal sphere, a large brown rubber cube, a large yellow metal sphere, a large green rubber cube. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_004405", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue rubber cylinder, a small brown metal sphere, a large cyan rubber cylinder, a small blue metal cube, a small green metal cube, a small blue rubber sphere, a large gray rubber cylinder, a large red rubber sphere, a small purple rubber sphere. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_056922", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown rubber sphere, a large blue rubber cylinder, a large red rubber sphere, a large yellow rubber sphere, a small purple rubber cylinder, a large gray rubber cylinder, a large blue rubber sphere, a large brown metal cylinder, a small cyan metal cube, a large cyan rubber cylinder. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_066543", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green metal sphere, a large purple metal cylinder, a small red rubber cylinder, a small cyan metal cube, a small yellow metal cube, a small blue rubber cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_034029", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue metal cylinder, a small cyan metal cube, a small red rubber sphere, a large blue rubber sphere, a small green rubber cube, a small green rubber cube. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_028400", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red rubber sphere, a small gray metal sphere, a small green rubber cylinder, a large yellow rubber cube, a large red metal cylinder, a large blue rubber cylinder, a large red rubber cylinder, a small brown rubber cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_046926", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow metal cylinder, a large cyan rubber cylinder, a small green metal sphere, a large gray rubber sphere, a small green metal sphere, a large green rubber sphere, a large blue rubber cube. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_016150", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue metal cube, a small gray metal cube, a small blue rubber cylinder. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_017252", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red metal cylinder, a small green rubber cube, a small purple rubber cylinder. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_003311", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue rubber cylinder, a small gray rubber sphere, a large purple metal sphere, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a large green metal cylinder, a large gray rubber sphere, a large gray rubber cube, a small cyan metal cube. Question: \"color: cyan\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_037274", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown rubber sphere, a large gray rubber cube, a small purple metal sphere, a large cyan metal cylinder, a small brown rubber cylinder. Question: \"color: brown\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_069952", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red metal sphere, a large green rubber cube, a large brown rubber sphere, a small purple rubber cylinder, a small blue rubber cylinder, a small red metal cylinder, a small cyan rubber sphere. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_016607", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray rubber cylinder, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a small red rubber sphere, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a small brown metal cylinder, a small red rubber cylinder, a small yellow metal cube, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a small blue metal cube, a small blue metal sphere. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 6 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_019584", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow metal sphere, a small blue metal cube, a large purple metal cylinder, a small cyan rubber cube, a small cyan rubber cube, a large cyan metal sphere, a large red rubber sphere, a small purple metal cylinder, a small gray rubber cylinder. Question: \"color: blue\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_030220", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green metal cube, a large gray rubber sphere, a large cyan metal cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_064205", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow metal sphere, a small purple metal cylinder, a small purple rubber cube, a large purple rubber sphere, a small red rubber cylinder, a large cyan rubber sphere, a large cyan metal cube, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a small purple metal cylinder, a small green metal cube. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_032820", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green metal cube, a small blue metal cube, a large brown metal cylinder, a large yellow metal cylinder, a large blue metal cylinder, a large brown metal cylinder, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a small yellow metal sphere, a small brown rubber sphere, a large purple metal cube. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_010685", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green metal sphere, a large gray metal cube, a large green metal cylinder, a small red metal cylinder, a small cyan rubber sphere, a small purple metal cylinder. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_007953", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green rubber sphere, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a small brown rubber cube, a small blue metal sphere. Question: \"color: brown\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_030568", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple rubber sphere, a small red metal cube, a small cyan metal sphere, a small yellow metal cube, a small red metal sphere, a large brown rubber cube, a large gray metal cylinder, a large red metal cube, a large gray metal cylinder. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_019812", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue metal sphere, a small red metal cube, a small green metal cube, a small cyan metal sphere, a small red rubber cylinder, a large yellow metal cube, a small green rubber cube. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_000635", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow rubber cylinder, a small red metal cube, a large brown rubber cube, a large cyan rubber sphere, a large green metal sphere. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_039334", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown metal cube, a large red rubber cube, a small cyan metal cylinder, a large yellow rubber cube. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_053873", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow rubber cube, a large yellow rubber cube, a large green metal cylinder, a small green metal sphere, a large blue rubber cube. Question: \"color: blue\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_022775", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple rubber cylinder, a large gray metal sphere, a large purple rubber cube, a large green metal cylinder, a small gray rubber cube. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_024918", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple metal cube, a large gray rubber cube, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a large red rubber sphere. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_008575", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan metal cylinder, a large gray rubber sphere, a large brown rubber sphere. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_043414", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown rubber cylinder, a small cyan metal cube, a large gray rubber cube, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a small red metal sphere, a small cyan metal cube, a small blue metal sphere, a large cyan metal sphere. Question: \"color: blue\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_069536", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown rubber cube, a small yellow metal cylinder, a large brown metal sphere, a large yellow rubber cube, a small purple metal sphere, a small brown rubber cylinder, a large brown rubber sphere, a small blue rubber sphere. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_059603", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray rubber sphere, a small green rubber cylinder, a large brown metal cylinder, a large cyan metal cylinder, a small purple metal cylinder, a large blue rubber sphere. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_043646", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red rubber sphere, a small brown rubber cube, a large blue rubber cylinder, a small yellow rubber cube, a small blue rubber cylinder, a large red metal sphere. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_054899", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green metal cylinder, a large brown rubber sphere, a small yellow metal sphere, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a large green rubber sphere, a small yellow rubber sphere, a large brown metal cube, a small yellow rubber sphere, a large green metal sphere. Question: \"color: yellow\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_067448", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray metal sphere, a small gray rubber cube, a large brown rubber sphere, a small green metal cube, a large purple metal sphere, a small purple rubber cylinder. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_011698", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple metal sphere, a large gray metal sphere, a large cyan metal cube, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a small purple metal cylinder, a small purple metal cylinder. Question: \"color: gray\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_042053", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown rubber cube, a small purple metal cylinder, a small blue metal sphere, a small green rubber sphere, a small brown rubber cylinder, a large blue rubber cylinder, a large gray rubber sphere, a large gray rubber cube, a large brown rubber cylinder, a small cyan metal cube. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_038997", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple rubber cylinder, a small green metal sphere, a large red rubber cube, a large blue rubber sphere, a large cyan metal cylinder, a large red metal sphere, a small cyan metal cube. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_046910", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple metal cylinder, a small gray metal cylinder, a small brown rubber sphere, a large yellow rubber sphere, a large gray metal cylinder, a small cyan metal cylinder, a large blue metal cube, a small brown rubber sphere, a large purple metal cylinder, a small purple metal cylinder. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_028665", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray metal sphere, a large red metal cylinder, a small cyan metal sphere, a small cyan metal cube, a large purple metal cylinder, a small brown metal cylinder, a large red metal cube, a small cyan metal cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 8 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_041331", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray metal cube, a small brown metal cube, a small brown metal cube, a small red rubber cube, a small gray metal cylinder, a small brown metal cylinder, a small gray metal cylinder, a small gray rubber cube, a small green metal sphere. Question: \"color: green\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_006577", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple rubber cylinder, a small blue metal sphere, a large brown rubber cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_068635", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue rubber cylinder, a small purple rubber cube, a large purple metal sphere. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_043223", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow metal cylinder, a large red metal sphere, a small purple metal cylinder, a small purple rubber cube, a large gray metal sphere, a small gray rubber cube, a large gray rubber sphere. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_055401", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan metal cylinder, a small blue rubber cylinder, a large red rubber cube. Question: \"color: red\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_007583", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan rubber cube, a large purple metal sphere, a large gray metal cylinder. Question: \"color: cyan\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_038958", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray metal sphere, a small blue metal cube, a small purple metal cube, a small gray rubber cylinder, a large blue rubber cube, a small cyan metal sphere, a small yellow rubber sphere, a large yellow metal cylinder, a small red metal cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_058740", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple metal cylinder, a small red metal cube, a large green rubber cube. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_019047", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray metal cylinder, a small cyan metal cylinder, a large gray metal cube, a small blue metal cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_049716", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red metal sphere, a small red metal sphere, a small brown rubber sphere, a large cyan metal cylinder, a large blue rubber cylinder, a large gray rubber sphere, a large yellow rubber cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_044938", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple rubber cube, a large green metal sphere, a small purple metal sphere, a small purple rubber cylinder, a small cyan rubber cube, a large cyan metal cube, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a large brown metal cube, a small purple metal sphere, a small red metal cube. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_064260", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red metal sphere, a small green metal cylinder, a large gray rubber cylinder, a small purple rubber cube, a large brown metal sphere. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_018576", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red rubber cube, a small brown metal sphere, a large yellow metal cylinder, a small blue metal cylinder, a small red rubber cylinder, a small blue metal cube, a small purple metal cylinder, a small purple rubber sphere, a small yellow rubber sphere. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_053773", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple rubber cube, a small purple metal cylinder, a small yellow metal cube, a large blue metal cylinder. Question: \"color: blue\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_048720", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan metal cube, a small blue rubber cube, a large blue metal sphere, a small blue metal cylinder, a large brown rubber cube, a small brown metal cylinder. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_051216", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red metal cube, a large green metal sphere, a large yellow metal sphere, a large brown metal cube, a large brown metal cube, a small green metal sphere, a large purple metal sphere, a small red rubber cylinder, a large gray rubber cube, a small blue metal cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 7 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_011627", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown metal cylinder, a large purple rubber cylinder, a small green metal sphere, a small blue rubber sphere, a small red rubber cylinder, a small brown metal sphere, a small red metal cube, a large red metal cylinder, a large purple metal sphere, a small gray rubber cube. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_011626", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green metal cube, a small blue metal cylinder, a large green metal cylinder, a small brown metal cube. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_028107", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple metal sphere, a large green rubber cylinder, a small cyan rubber sphere, a small cyan metal sphere, a small gray rubber cylinder, a small brown metal sphere, a small purple rubber sphere. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_055730", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple metal cube, a small brown rubber cylinder, a large blue metal cube. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_022771", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray metal sphere, a large blue metal sphere, a large green rubber cube, a small green rubber cylinder, a small purple rubber cube, a large purple rubber cube, a small purple metal cylinder. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_030968", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray metal sphere, a small green rubber cylinder, a large purple rubber cube, a large purple rubber cylinder, a small cyan rubber cube, a small gray rubber cube, a small purple metal sphere. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_013409", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red metal cube, a large green rubber cube, a small blue metal sphere, a large yellow metal sphere, a small blue metal cylinder, a large cyan rubber sphere. Question: \"color: red\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_036882", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue rubber cube, a small red metal sphere, a large green metal sphere, a small cyan metal cube, a large purple metal sphere, a small green rubber sphere, a small cyan rubber cube, a small purple rubber sphere. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_049110", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown metal cube, a small green metal cylinder, a large green metal sphere, a large cyan rubber sphere, a small purple rubber sphere, a large brown rubber cube. Question: \"color: brown\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_060325", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown metal cube, a small gray rubber sphere, a small purple rubber cube, a large gray metal cube, a small red metal cylinder, a large red metal cylinder. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_047262", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple rubber sphere, a large gray metal cylinder, a small gray rubber sphere, a large blue rubber cylinder, a small purple metal sphere, a large green metal sphere. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_006133", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow rubber cylinder, a small blue metal cube, a small purple rubber cylinder, a large brown metal cylinder, a small gray metal cube, a large cyan rubber cube, a large gray metal sphere, a small gray rubber cylinder, a small blue rubber cube, a small green metal cube. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 6 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_064180", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow rubber sphere, a large gray rubber cube, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a large brown rubber sphere, a large purple rubber cylinder, a large brown metal sphere, a large cyan rubber cylinder, a large yellow rubber sphere. Question: \"color: cyan\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_038490", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown rubber cylinder, a small brown rubber sphere, a small blue metal cylinder, a large purple rubber cylinder, a small brown metal cylinder, a small green rubber cylinder, a small yellow metal cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_059970", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red metal cylinder, a small green metal cube, a large cyan rubber sphere, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a large purple rubber cube, a small yellow metal cube, a small red metal cube, a large blue rubber sphere, a small cyan metal cylinder. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_034886", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red rubber cylinder, a small cyan metal cube, a large gray rubber sphere, a large blue rubber cylinder, a small gray metal cube, a small green rubber sphere, a large brown metal cylinder, a large blue rubber cylinder, a small cyan metal cylinder, a large cyan rubber cylinder. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 6 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_047054", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown rubber cylinder, a small blue rubber cylinder, a small brown metal cylinder. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_000730", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan metal cube, a small gray metal sphere, a small brown rubber cube, a small green metal cube, a small blue rubber cylinder, a small blue rubber cube, a large blue rubber cube, a small gray metal cylinder, a large gray metal sphere. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_062685", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple metal cylinder, a large green rubber cylinder, a large yellow metal sphere, a small cyan metal cylinder, a large gray rubber sphere. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_066064", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue metal cube, a small brown rubber cube, a large purple rubber sphere, a small yellow rubber sphere, a small blue metal sphere. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_010020", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown metal sphere, a small blue metal sphere, a small green metal sphere, a small cyan metal sphere, a large gray rubber cylinder, a small red rubber cube, a large gray metal cube, a large brown metal cube, a large blue metal sphere. Question: \"color: brown\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_010915", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan rubber cube, a small purple metal cylinder, a small brown rubber cube, a large blue metal sphere, a large brown metal cube, a large gray rubber cylinder, a small purple metal cylinder, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a large cyan rubber cube. Question: \"color: cyan\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_001129", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan rubber cylinder, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a large brown metal cylinder. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_034928", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray metal cube, a large blue metal cube, a small purple metal sphere, a small cyan rubber cube, a large cyan rubber sphere, a small green metal cylinder, a large brown metal cylinder, a small cyan metal sphere, a small cyan metal cube. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_008622", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray rubber sphere, a large blue metal cylinder, a large blue metal sphere, a small red metal cylinder, a large blue metal cube, a small green metal sphere, a large green rubber sphere, a small cyan rubber cube, a small green rubber cube, a large red metal sphere. Question: \"color: red\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_032015", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple metal cylinder, a small purple metal cylinder, a small brown rubber cylinder, a small gray rubber sphere, a large blue rubber sphere, a small yellow metal sphere, a small brown metal sphere, a small green metal cube. Question: \"color: yellow\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_047160", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red metal sphere, a large purple rubber cylinder, a large gray metal sphere, a large red metal cube, a small purple rubber cube, a small green metal cube, a large purple rubber cylinder, a small brown metal sphere. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_025355", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue rubber cube, a small red rubber cylinder, a small brown metal sphere, a small red metal cylinder, a small green rubber cylinder. Question: \"color: blue\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_019145", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan metal cube, a large brown rubber cube, a small yellow rubber cube, a small blue rubber sphere, a small purple rubber cube, a large gray metal sphere, a large yellow rubber cylinder. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_058627", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green rubber cylinder, a large brown metal sphere, a small blue metal cube, a large blue metal cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_052168", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow metal cube, a small green metal sphere, a small gray metal cylinder, a large cyan metal cylinder. Question: \"color: cyan\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_004199", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan rubber cylinder, a small red metal cylinder, a small brown metal cube. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_018413", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan rubber cube, a small gray rubber sphere, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a small red metal cylinder, a small purple metal sphere, a large purple metal cylinder, a small brown metal cylinder, a large red rubber sphere. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_052157", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown rubber sphere, a large green metal sphere, a small blue rubber cube, a small yellow metal sphere, a large green rubber cube, a large purple metal sphere, a large yellow metal cube, a small purple metal sphere, a small brown rubber cylinder, a small red rubber sphere. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_031238", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue metal cylinder, a small gray rubber cylinder, a small purple metal cube, a large yellow rubber sphere, a large yellow rubber cube, a large red metal sphere, a small green rubber sphere, a small brown metal cube. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_063218", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green rubber cube, a large yellow rubber sphere, a large cyan metal sphere, a large blue rubber cylinder, a large red metal cylinder, a large brown metal cube, a small purple metal sphere. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_027816", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow metal sphere, a small brown rubber cylinder, a large brown rubber cube, a large green metal cylinder, a small cyan metal sphere, a small brown rubber sphere, a large purple metal sphere, a small gray metal cube, a small red metal cylinder. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_052345", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown metal cube, a small blue rubber cylinder, a large green rubber sphere. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_042626", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple metal cylinder, a large brown rubber cube, a small purple metal sphere, a large cyan rubber cylinder, a small green rubber cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_023943", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray rubber sphere, a small yellow metal cylinder, a small purple metal sphere, a small gray rubber sphere, a large brown metal sphere, a large red metal sphere, a large gray rubber cube, a large yellow metal cube. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_040856", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow rubber cylinder, a small red rubber cylinder, a small purple metal cube, a large blue metal cylinder, a large red metal sphere, a large gray metal sphere, a small green metal sphere. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_017290", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green rubber cube, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a small cyan rubber cube, a small yellow rubber sphere, a large cyan metal cube, a large blue metal cylinder, a small gray rubber sphere, a large red rubber sphere, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a large gray rubber cylinder. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_014837", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple metal cylinder, a small purple rubber cube, a small brown metal cylinder, a small green rubber cylinder, a large red metal sphere, a small brown metal cylinder, a large purple metal sphere, a large brown metal cube, a small green metal cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_004283", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown metal sphere, a large cyan metal cube, a large blue metal cube, a small yellow rubber sphere. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_065954", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red metal cube, a large yellow metal cube, a small gray metal sphere, a large blue rubber cylinder, a small blue rubber sphere, a large purple metal cube, a large green metal cube, a large brown metal cylinder, a small purple metal sphere, a small gray metal sphere. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_068851", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple rubber cylinder, a small green rubber cylinder, a large green metal cube, a large blue rubber sphere, a large brown rubber sphere, a small green rubber cylinder, a large purple rubber cube, a small blue rubber cylinder, a small purple metal cube. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_009503", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple rubber sphere, a small blue metal sphere, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a large purple metal sphere, a small green metal cube. Question: \"color: yellow\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_068781", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple rubber cube, a small green metal cube, a large yellow metal cube, a small cyan metal sphere, a large purple rubber sphere, a large brown rubber cube, a large gray metal cylinder, a small purple rubber cube, a small purple metal cylinder, a small red rubber sphere. Question: \"color: cyan\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_012325", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red metal cube, a large yellow rubber cube, a large cyan metal sphere, a large gray metal sphere, a small blue metal sphere, a small cyan metal sphere, a small yellow metal cube. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_032595", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red rubber cylinder, a small gray metal cylinder, a large purple metal cylinder, a large purple metal sphere, a small purple rubber cylinder, a small blue metal cube, a small cyan metal sphere. Question: \"color: red\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_036093", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan rubber cube, a small gray rubber cube, a small yellow metal cylinder, a large green rubber cylinder, a small gray metal cube, a small green rubber cube, a large yellow metal cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_063866", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple metal sphere, a small yellow metal cube, a large brown metal cylinder, a large purple rubber sphere, a small green metal cube, a small yellow metal sphere, a large yellow metal cylinder. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_065941", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray rubber cube, a large yellow metal cylinder, a large purple metal cube, a small green metal cylinder, a small green rubber sphere, a large gray rubber sphere, a small purple metal cube. Question: \"color: purple\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_052151", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green metal cube, a small green rubber cube, a small blue metal cylinder, a small brown metal cube, a small brown metal cube, a small blue metal cube, a large green rubber cylinder. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_021791", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown metal cylinder, a small green rubber sphere, a large purple rubber sphere, a small blue metal sphere, a small green metal cube, a small red rubber cylinder, a large red metal sphere, a small purple rubber cylinder. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_066531", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow metal cube, a small blue rubber cylinder, a large cyan metal cylinder, a large green metal sphere, a small blue rubber sphere, a small purple rubber cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_042923", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green metal cube, a large brown metal cube, a small purple rubber cube. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_004390", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple metal cylinder, a large blue rubber cylinder, a large purple metal cylinder, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a small gray rubber cylinder, a large blue metal cube. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_010591", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green metal sphere, a large yellow metal sphere, a large blue metal cylinder, a small purple metal cylinder, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a small blue metal cylinder, a large brown rubber sphere. Question: \"color: brown\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_003009", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow metal cylinder, a large green metal cylinder, a small purple metal sphere, a small gray metal cylinder, a small brown rubber cylinder, a small purple metal cylinder, a large brown rubber cube, a large yellow rubber cylinder. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_045874", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red rubber cube, a large red metal cylinder, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a large cyan metal cylinder, a large yellow rubber sphere, a small green rubber sphere, a small green rubber cube, a large brown rubber cylinder, a small brown metal cylinder. Question: \"color: brown\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_019443", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue metal sphere, a large purple rubber sphere, a small yellow metal sphere, a small purple rubber cube. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_058975", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue rubber sphere, a small yellow metal cylinder, a large yellow rubber cube, a large purple rubber cylinder, a small cyan rubber sphere, a small green rubber cube, a small cyan metal sphere, a small brown metal cylinder. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_051337", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan rubber cube, a small red rubber sphere, a small gray rubber sphere, a large blue metal cylinder, a small gray metal cylinder, a small gray rubber cube. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_035921", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red metal cube, a small green rubber sphere, a large gray rubber cylinder, a small gray rubber cube, a small blue metal cube, a small blue metal cube, a small blue rubber sphere, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a large green metal cylinder, a small gray rubber sphere. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_035525", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan rubber cylinder, a small yellow rubber cube, a large red rubber cylinder, a small red metal sphere, a large purple metal sphere, a small purple rubber sphere, a large yellow rubber sphere. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_020336", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan metal cylinder, a small gray rubber cube, a small cyan metal cylinder, a small purple metal cube, a small green rubber sphere, a large brown metal cylinder, a small gray metal cube, a small gray metal cube, a large yellow metal cylinder. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_030749", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow rubber cube, a large blue rubber cylinder, a large blue rubber cylinder, a large green metal cube, a large yellow rubber sphere. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_008715", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple rubber cube, a small yellow rubber cube, a large cyan rubber sphere, a large gray rubber cylinder, a small blue rubber cube, a small purple metal cube, a small red rubber cube. Question: \"color: blue\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_029920", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow metal cylinder, a small cyan rubber cube, a large gray metal cube, a large blue metal cylinder, a small brown rubber cylinder, a large gray rubber cylinder, a large blue metal cylinder, a small purple rubber cube, a small purple metal sphere. Question: \"color: gray\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_061048", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple rubber cylinder, a large cyan metal cylinder, a small green rubber sphere, a large cyan metal cube, a small brown rubber cylinder, a small red metal sphere, a small red rubber sphere. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_023817", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue rubber cube, a large yellow metal cube, a large blue rubber cube, a small blue rubber cylinder, a large brown rubber cylinder, a small yellow metal sphere, a large gray metal sphere, a small gray metal cylinder, a small green metal cylinder, a small brown metal sphere. Question: \"color: brown\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_064932", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown rubber cylinder, a large gray metal cube, a large purple rubber sphere. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_042718", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan metal cylinder, a small brown rubber sphere, a large brown metal cylinder, a small red metal cube, a large cyan metal cube, a large red metal sphere, a large brown rubber sphere, a large green rubber cube, a small gray metal cube, a small yellow metal cube. Question: \"color: brown\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_006080", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray rubber sphere, a small green metal cube, a large gray rubber sphere, a small cyan metal cube, a large purple metal sphere, a large yellow rubber sphere, a small yellow metal cylinder, a small yellow metal sphere, a large red rubber cylinder, a small purple metal cube. Question: \"color: yellow\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_050265", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue rubber cube, a large red rubber sphere, a large brown rubber sphere, a small blue rubber cylinder, a large red rubber sphere, a large yellow metal sphere. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_009869", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow rubber sphere, a small yellow rubber cube, a large brown metal sphere, a large red rubber cylinder, a large purple metal sphere, a small brown rubber cube. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_065006", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red metal cylinder, a small gray rubber cube, a large yellow rubber sphere, a small green metal cube. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_011068", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow rubber cube, a large purple rubber cylinder, a large blue metal cylinder, a large purple rubber cube, a small purple rubber cylinder, a small purple rubber sphere. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_053884", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red metal cube, a small purple rubber cylinder, a large purple metal cube, a large gray rubber cube, a small blue rubber cylinder. Question: \"color: red\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_027040", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green rubber cylinder, a small red metal cube, a small red rubber sphere, a large blue metal cylinder, a large red metal cube, a large red rubber sphere, a small purple rubber cube. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_046957", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue metal cube, a small red rubber cube, a large cyan rubber cube. Question: \"color: cyan\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_008388", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan metal cube, a large blue metal cube, a large green metal cylinder, a large blue metal cube, a large purple metal cylinder. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_058832", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray rubber cylinder, a small gray rubber sphere, a small yellow rubber cube, a large gray metal cylinder, a small brown metal cube, a small blue metal cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_040944", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray metal sphere, a small purple rubber cylinder, a large gray metal cylinder, a small blue metal cube, a small cyan metal sphere, a large yellow metal sphere, a small yellow rubber sphere, a small brown metal cylinder, a large green rubber cube. Question: \"color: green\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_002207", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown metal sphere, a large blue metal sphere, a small yellow rubber cube, a small yellow rubber sphere, a large brown metal sphere, a large gray rubber cube, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a small yellow rubber cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_041414", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green rubber cylinder, a small brown rubber cylinder, a small blue metal sphere, a small red rubber sphere, a small blue rubber cube, a large brown metal cube, a small brown metal sphere, a large yellow metal cube. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_029611", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan metal cylinder, a large brown metal sphere, a large red metal cylinder, a large blue rubber cylinder, a small red metal cube, a small green rubber sphere, a large red metal cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_013961", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown metal cylinder, a large brown metal cylinder, a small brown rubber sphere, a small cyan metal cube, a large blue metal cylinder. Question: \"color: blue\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_021786", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green rubber sphere, a small cyan metal cylinder, a small green metal cube. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_062223", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan rubber cylinder, a small brown rubber sphere, a small gray rubber cube, a small blue metal cylinder, a large gray metal cylinder, a small brown metal cube, a large cyan rubber sphere. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_029388", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown metal sphere, a small blue metal cylinder, a large yellow metal sphere, a small yellow rubber cube, a small purple metal sphere, a small gray metal cylinder, a small red metal cylinder, a large brown rubber cylinder, a large red rubber cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 6 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_001610", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red rubber sphere, a small blue metal cube, a large red metal sphere, a large yellow metal sphere, a large green rubber sphere, a small yellow rubber cube, a large brown rubber cylinder, a large purple rubber cylinder, a small green rubber cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 6 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_032733", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan rubber cube, a small brown rubber cylinder, a small red metal cylinder, a large green rubber sphere, a large brown metal cylinder, a small purple metal cylinder, a large blue metal cube, a small gray rubber sphere, a large gray metal cylinder, a small cyan metal cube. Question: \"color: cyan\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_047446", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray metal cylinder, a small yellow metal cylinder, a small yellow metal cylinder, a small purple metal sphere, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a large green metal cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_037584", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green metal cube, a small cyan rubber sphere, a large brown metal cube, a small gray rubber cylinder, a small green rubber cube. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_045115", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow rubber cube, a small brown rubber cylinder, a small cyan rubber sphere, a large yellow metal cylinder, a small blue metal cylinder, a large red rubber sphere, a small brown rubber sphere. Question: \"color: red\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_018412", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple rubber cube, a small gray rubber cylinder, a large brown metal sphere, a small gray metal sphere, a small blue metal cylinder, a small green rubber cube, a small green rubber cube, a large purple rubber cube, a large brown rubber sphere, a large yellow metal cube. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 6 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_061506", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue metal cylinder, a small brown rubber cube, a large red rubber sphere, a large blue metal sphere, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a small gray metal cube, a small red rubber cube, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a small blue rubber sphere, a small purple metal cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_063213", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan rubber sphere, a small red rubber cube, a small red rubber cube, a large yellow rubber sphere, a large red rubber sphere, a large red rubber sphere, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a large cyan metal sphere, a small blue rubber cylinder. Question: \"color: blue\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_042100", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue metal cylinder, a small cyan metal cylinder, a large purple rubber sphere, a small red metal cylinder, a small red rubber cylinder, a large cyan rubber cube. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_017934", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue rubber cube, a small green rubber cylinder, a small brown metal cylinder. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_030154", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue metal sphere, a large cyan metal sphere, a small red rubber cylinder, a small red metal cylinder, a small purple metal sphere, a small brown rubber cylinder, a small purple rubber cylinder. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_023930", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan metal sphere, a large purple rubber cube, a large yellow metal cylinder, a large cyan metal cylinder. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_067933", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue metal sphere, a large blue metal sphere, a small brown rubber cube, a large yellow metal cylinder, a large gray metal cube. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_040152", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red metal sphere, a small blue rubber cube, a small red rubber cylinder, a small brown metal cylinder. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_000203", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green rubber cube, a large cyan metal cube, a small red metal cylinder. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_034414", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown rubber cube, a small red metal cube, a large yellow metal cube, a small green rubber cylinder, a large yellow metal cylinder, a small purple rubber sphere. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_035966", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue metal cube, a small brown metal cylinder, a small red metal cube. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_018090", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green metal cylinder, a small green metal cube, a large cyan metal cylinder, a small yellow metal cube, a large yellow metal cylinder, a large purple rubber cube, a small brown metal cylinder, a small purple rubber sphere. Question: \"color: green\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_022190", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan metal cylinder, a small blue metal cube, a small red rubber cube, a small green metal cylinder, a small gray metal cube. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_003860", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue rubber sphere, a large green rubber cylinder, a large red rubber cylinder, a large gray rubber sphere, a large cyan rubber sphere, a large brown rubber cylinder, a small red rubber cylinder, a small brown metal cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_005513", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown metal cube, a small gray metal sphere, a small green metal sphere, a large red rubber cube, a large cyan rubber sphere, a small gray rubber cube. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_053562", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green rubber cylinder, a large gray metal cube, a small purple rubber sphere, a small brown rubber cylinder. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_068943", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray rubber sphere, a large brown rubber sphere, a large red rubber sphere, a large yellow metal cube. Question: \"color: brown\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_061910", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow rubber sphere, a large gray rubber cylinder, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a small cyan metal sphere, a large purple metal sphere, a small yellow rubber cube, a large gray metal sphere, a small cyan rubber sphere, a small red rubber cylinder, a small purple rubber cylinder. Question: \"color: red\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_053208", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple metal sphere, a large purple metal cylinder, a large brown rubber cube. Question: \"color: brown\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_020061", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray rubber cube, a small gray rubber cylinder, a large yellow rubber cube, a large green rubber cylinder, a large green metal cylinder, a large blue metal cylinder, a large yellow metal cube, a small brown rubber sphere, a small cyan rubber cylinder. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 6 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_046250", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue rubber cylinder, a large gray rubber sphere, a large brown rubber sphere, a small brown rubber cube, a large brown metal sphere, a small purple metal cube, a small red metal cube, a large yellow rubber cube, a small cyan rubber cube. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 6 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_025502", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue rubber cube, a small cyan metal cube, a large gray rubber cylinder, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a small gray metal cube. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_025636", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue rubber cube, a large blue rubber cylinder, a small brown rubber cube, a small purple metal cylinder, a large purple rubber sphere, a large yellow rubber cube, a small purple rubber cylinder, a small gray rubber cube, a small purple metal sphere, a large red rubber sphere. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_049521", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow rubber cylinder, a large yellow metal cube, a small cyan metal cylinder, a small red rubber sphere, a small red metal cube, a large gray metal sphere. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_063489", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray rubber sphere, a large yellow rubber cube, a large yellow metal cylinder. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_035605", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray metal cylinder, a large brown metal cube, a large red metal sphere, a small brown metal cube, a small blue rubber sphere, a large cyan rubber cube, a small brown rubber sphere, a large red metal cylinder, a large purple rubber sphere, a small cyan metal cylinder. Question: \"color: purple\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_062996", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green rubber cube, a large green metal cylinder, a small purple metal cylinder, a large gray rubber cube, a large gray rubber sphere, a small gray rubber cylinder, a large yellow metal cylinder, a large green metal cube, a large yellow rubber cube. Question: \"color: green\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_041097", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red metal sphere, a large purple rubber cube, a large purple rubber cylinder, a large blue metal sphere, a large green metal cylinder, a small yellow rubber cylinder, a large green rubber sphere, a large purple rubber cylinder, a large yellow rubber cube. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_059242", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow metal cube, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a large cyan rubber cylinder, a small blue metal cylinder, a large cyan rubber cylinder. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_055134", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow metal cylinder, a large green rubber cylinder, a small brown metal cylinder, a large green metal cylinder, a large yellow metal cylinder, a small yellow rubber sphere, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a small green rubber cylinder, a large brown metal cylinder, a large purple rubber sphere. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 8 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_019205", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan metal cube, a small yellow metal cylinder, a small blue metal sphere, a small blue metal cylinder. Question: \"color: blue\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_025334", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple metal cube, a large cyan metal cube, a small cyan metal sphere, a large purple rubber cylinder, a small purple rubber sphere. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_018569", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan metal cube, a large red metal cube, a large purple metal cylinder, a large brown rubber sphere, a large yellow metal sphere, a large green rubber cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 6 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_041272", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray rubber sphere, a small gray metal cylinder, a small blue rubber cylinder, a large purple metal cylinder, a large purple metal cylinder, a small brown rubber cylinder, a large blue metal sphere. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_006125", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple metal cylinder, a large gray rubber sphere, a large brown rubber sphere, a small cyan metal cylinder, a small blue rubber sphere, a small red metal cube, a small yellow metal cube, a large purple metal sphere, a large brown metal cube, a large purple rubber cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 6 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_043908", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan metal sphere, a small green metal cylinder, a large brown metal cylinder, a small brown rubber sphere. Question: \"color: brown\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_012029", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green metal cube, a small brown rubber sphere, a large purple metal cube, a large brown rubber sphere, a large green rubber cylinder, a large cyan metal sphere, a small cyan rubber sphere, a small yellow rubber sphere, a small red metal cube. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_046284", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray rubber cube, a large green rubber cube, a small brown rubber cylinder, a small green rubber sphere, a large blue metal cylinder, a small blue rubber cylinder, a small yellow rubber cylinder. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_010043", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan metal cylinder, a small gray metal cylinder, a small green metal sphere, a small gray rubber cylinder, a large cyan metal cylinder, a large red metal sphere, a small red rubber cylinder, a small cyan metal cylinder, a small cyan metal cube. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_042985", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green metal sphere, a large brown metal cube, a small cyan metal cylinder, a large red metal cylinder, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a large brown metal sphere, a small red metal cylinder, a small blue metal cylinder. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_002132", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray rubber cylinder, a large yellow metal cylinder, a small brown metal cylinder, a large gray metal sphere, a small blue metal cube, a large brown metal sphere, a large gray rubber cube. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_025161", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan metal sphere, a small cyan rubber cube, a small purple rubber sphere, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a large green rubber cylinder, a small green metal cylinder, a small yellow metal cube, a large yellow metal cube, a small gray metal cube, a large yellow metal sphere. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_001883", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow metal cylinder, a small cyan metal sphere, a small gray rubber sphere, a small gray rubber cube, a small red metal cylinder, a small green rubber cylinder, a large yellow metal cylinder. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_019941", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown rubber cylinder, a large gray metal cylinder, a small green rubber cylinder, a large purple metal sphere, a small purple rubber cube, a large blue rubber cylinder, a large yellow metal sphere. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_041146", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan metal cube, a large gray rubber cube, a small gray metal cube, a small purple rubber cube, a large blue metal cylinder, a small brown metal cylinder. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_054925", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large yellow metal cylinder, a small blue metal cylinder, a large red rubber cylinder, a small cyan rubber cylinder, a small green metal cylinder, a small gray metal cylinder, a large purple metal sphere. Question: \"color: gray\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_068431", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue rubber cylinder, a small gray metal cube, a large brown metal cube, a small green metal sphere, a small brown rubber cylinder, a large green rubber sphere. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_047387", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small gray metal cube, a small brown metal cylinder, a small yellow metal sphere, a small gray metal cylinder, a small purple rubber cylinder, a small yellow metal sphere, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a large red rubber cube, a small blue metal cylinder. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_042329", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown metal cube, a small yellow rubber cube, a small green metal cube, a large blue rubber sphere. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_003675", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red rubber sphere, a large purple rubber sphere, a small yellow metal cylinder, a small brown metal sphere, a small red metal cylinder, a small green rubber cylinder, a large red rubber cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_046737", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green metal sphere, a large brown rubber cylinder, a small blue rubber sphere, a large cyan metal sphere, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a small gray rubber cylinder, a large gray rubber cylinder, a large red metal cube, a small red metal cube. Question: \"color: cyan\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_055670", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray metal cylinder, a large green rubber cube, a large brown metal sphere. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_000470", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown rubber cube, a large brown metal cylinder, a small cyan metal cylinder, a small brown rubber cylinder, a small blue rubber cylinder, a small cyan metal cylinder, a small green metal cube. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_029878", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green metal cylinder, a small purple metal cube, a large cyan rubber sphere. Question: \"color: cyan\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_069948", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan metal cube, a large cyan rubber sphere, a small cyan metal cube, a large purple metal sphere, a large yellow rubber sphere, a small gray metal cube, a small blue rubber cube, a small blue rubber cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_000622", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red rubber cylinder, a large brown rubber sphere, a large brown metal cylinder, a large cyan metal cube, a small red metal cube, a large purple rubber cube, a large purple rubber cylinder, a small cyan rubber cube. Question: \"color: brown\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_049317", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large gray metal cube, a large cyan rubber cylinder, a large green metal sphere. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_059622", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue metal sphere, a small purple rubber sphere, a large brown rubber cylinder, a large yellow metal cube. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_063105", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green rubber cylinder, a large brown metal cube, a large yellow rubber cube, a large blue metal cube, a large purple metal cylinder, a large gray rubber cylinder. Question: \"shape: cube\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_028087", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green rubber sphere, a large red metal cylinder, a large purple rubber sphere, a large green rubber sphere, a large brown rubber cylinder. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_068984", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan metal sphere, a small yellow rubber sphere, a large yellow metal sphere, a small cyan metal sphere, a small blue metal cylinder, a small blue metal cube. Question: \"color: cyan\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_050984", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown metal cube, a large blue metal cylinder, a small cyan metal cube, a small purple rubber sphere, a small red metal sphere, a small yellow metal cube, a large yellow metal cube, a large red rubber cube, a large green rubber cylinder. Question: \"color: blue\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_017528", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan metal cylinder, a small brown metal cube, a large gray metal sphere, a large red rubber cylinder. Question: \"color: brown\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_025028", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple metal cube, a large purple metal cube, a large cyan metal cylinder, a small blue metal cube, a small blue rubber cube, a large gray rubber cylinder, a small blue rubber cube, a small blue rubber cube, a small purple metal cube, a small brown metal cylinder. Question: \"color: cyan\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_017933", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple rubber cylinder, a small cyan rubber cube, a large yellow rubber cube. Question: \"color: purple\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_043079", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red metal cube, a small red rubber cylinder, a small blue rubber cylinder, a large red metal sphere. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_019543", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown metal cylinder, a large green rubber cube, a large red rubber cylinder, a large yellow metal cylinder, a large blue rubber cylinder, a large brown rubber cylinder, a large brown metal sphere, a small brown rubber cube. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 7 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_002322", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple metal cylinder, a small blue metal cylinder, a small red rubber cube, a small green rubber cylinder, a large red metal sphere, a small brown metal cylinder, a small yellow rubber cube, a large purple rubber cube, a small brown rubber cube, a small gray rubber cube. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_003664", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large blue rubber sphere, a small purple metal cylinder, a large yellow metal cylinder, a large cyan metal cylinder, a small green metal cube, a large green rubber cylinder, a large cyan rubber cylinder. Question: \"color: purple\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_023452", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown metal sphere, a large green rubber cylinder, a large purple metal cylinder, a large red metal cube. Question: \"color: red\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_012377", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green metal sphere, a large brown rubber sphere, a large cyan rubber cylinder, a small cyan metal cylinder, a large cyan rubber cylinder, a large red metal sphere. Question: \"color: green\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_066430", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green rubber cylinder, a large purple metal cylinder, a small green rubber cylinder, a small green metal cylinder, a large purple metal cylinder, a large blue metal sphere. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_013072", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown metal sphere, a small gray rubber cylinder, a large cyan metal cube, a small cyan metal sphere, a large brown metal cylinder, a small brown rubber cube, a small blue metal cylinder, a small yellow rubber sphere. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_029708", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow metal cube, a large cyan metal cylinder, a small purple metal cube, a small yellow rubber sphere, a small brown rubber sphere, a small green metal cube, a large yellow rubber cube. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_033812", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple rubber cylinder, a small brown rubber cylinder, a large cyan rubber sphere, a large green rubber cylinder, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a large green rubber cube, a large blue rubber cube, a large purple metal cylinder, a large purple metal cube. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_058054", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan metal cube, a small yellow metal cube, a large yellow metal cube, a small yellow rubber cube, a small yellow rubber sphere, a small purple metal cube, a large cyan metal cylinder, a large green metal sphere, a small green rubber cube. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_008166", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green metal cylinder, a large red rubber cube, a small brown metal cube, a large gray rubber cylinder. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_033666", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small cyan rubber sphere, a small yellow metal sphere, a small yellow metal sphere. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_042023", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small red metal cube, a large blue rubber cube, a large purple rubber cylinder, a large gray rubber sphere, a large blue rubber sphere, a large gray metal cube, a small gray rubber cylinder, a small blue metal cube, a small brown rubber cylinder, a small red rubber cube. Question: \"color: purple\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_067760", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown metal cylinder, a large blue metal sphere, a small gray metal cylinder, a large blue metal cylinder, a large red rubber sphere, a small yellow metal cube, a large brown rubber cylinder, a small red metal cube, a small blue metal cylinder, a large gray metal cylinder. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_054372", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow rubber cube, a large gray rubber cube, a large brown metal cylinder, a large gray rubber cube, a small yellow rubber cube, a small gray rubber sphere, a small brown rubber sphere, a large gray rubber cylinder, a small brown metal sphere, a small purple rubber cylinder. Question: \"color: brown\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_016652", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue rubber cube, a large cyan metal cube, a large red metal cylinder, a large brown metal sphere, a small yellow rubber sphere. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_047364", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small green rubber sphere, a small cyan metal sphere, a large blue rubber cylinder, a small gray rubber sphere, a small gray metal cube. Question: \"shape: sphere\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_023643", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue metal sphere, a small green metal cylinder, a small brown metal cube. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_029562", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large red metal cylinder, a large yellow rubber cylinder, a small yellow metal cylinder, a small cyan rubber cube, a large purple metal sphere, a large brown metal cube, a small red metal cylinder. Question: \"material: rubber\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_035230", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small blue rubber sphere, a small blue rubber cylinder, a large gray rubber cube, a large red metal sphere, a large purple metal cylinder, a large green rubber cylinder, a large blue rubber cylinder, a small purple rubber cube, a small red rubber sphere. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_067168", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large green metal sphere, a small brown metal cylinder, a small purple rubber cube, a large purple rubber cube, a large gray metal cylinder, a large brown rubber cylinder, a large cyan metal cube, a small red metal cube, a small brown rubber sphere. Question: \"color: green\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_048169", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large brown rubber sphere, a large purple rubber sphere, a large brown rubber sphere, a large gray metal cube, a small cyan metal sphere, a large yellow rubber cylinder. Question: \"color: cyan\"", "answer": 1 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_068979", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown metal sphere, a small purple metal sphere, a large red rubber cube, a small yellow metal cube, a large yellow metal sphere, a large yellow metal sphere, a small yellow metal sphere, a small blue rubber cylinder, a large purple rubber sphere. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 6 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_025824", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small purple metal sphere, a large red rubber cube, a large gray metal cube, a small red metal sphere, a small cyan rubber sphere, a large purple metal cylinder, a large blue rubber cube, a small yellow rubber cube, a large green metal sphere, a small purple metal cylinder. Question: \"size: small\"", "answer": 5 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_028337", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small yellow metal cube, a large blue metal cube, a small cyan metal cylinder, a small green metal sphere, a large green rubber cylinder. Question: \"color: green\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_039812", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple rubber sphere, a small cyan rubber cube, a large purple rubber cylinder, a small yellow metal cylinder, a large green metal cylinder, a small gray metal cylinder, a large red rubber cylinder. Question: \"material: metal\"", "answer": 3 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_057292", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a small brown metal cube, a small purple rubber sphere, a small brown metal sphere, a large purple metal cylinder, a small cyan metal cube, a large blue metal sphere, a small cyan metal cylinder, a small gray metal sphere, a small green metal cube. Question: \"color: purple\"", "answer": 2 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_038983", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large cyan metal cube, a large red rubber cylinder, a small green metal cylinder, a small red metal cylinder, a large gray metal sphere, a large green metal sphere, a small yellow rubber cylinder. Question: \"shape: cylinder\"", "answer": 4 }, { "id": "clevr_text_support_CLEVR_train_039447", "question": "The scene contains the following objects: a large purple rubber sphere, a small yellow metal cube, a large purple rubber cylinder, a small cyan rubber cube, a small cyan rubber cube, a large green metal cylinder, a large yellow rubber cube, a large red rubber cube. Question: \"size: large\"", "answer": 5 } ]