--- license: mit language: - ja - en - zh tags: - LLaMA2 - Japanese - LLM --- This model is traned with [guanaco](https://huggingface.co/datasets/JosephusCheung/GuanacoDataset) dataset. And this model only used by 49000 chat sample. Improved performance in Chinese and Japanese. Use the QLoRA to fine-tune the vanilla [LLaMA2-7B](https://huggingface.co/NousResearch/Llama-2-7b-hf). And you can use test.py to test the model. ### Recommend Generation parameters: * temperature: 0.5~0.7 * top p: 0.65~1.0 * top k: 30~50 * repeat penalty: 1.03~1.17 Contribute by Yokohama Nationaly University Mori Lab.