import json import os import subprocess import sys from pathlib import Path from unittest import mock from unittest.mock import Mock, call, ANY wd = (Path(__file__).parent.parent / "scripts").absolute() import requests def train_tokenizer(destination_path): destination_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # download the tiny shakespeare dataset input_file_path = destination_path / "input.txt" if not input_file_path.exists(): data_url = "" with open(input_file_path, "w") as f: f.write(requests.get(data_url).text) from lit_llama import Tokenizer Tokenizer.train(input=input_file_path, destination=destination_path, vocab_size=100) return destination_path / "tokenizer.model" def test_prepare_sample(tmp_path): sys.path.append(str(wd)) tokenizer_path = train_tokenizer(tmp_path) sample_path = tmp_path / "sample" source_path = sample_path / "source" dest_path = sample_path / "dest" source_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) sample = { "meta": {"some": "info"}, "text": "some text" } jsonl_sample = "\n".join([json.dumps(el) for el in [sample] * 2]) import prepare_redpajama for filename in prepare_redpajama.filenames_sample: with open(source_path / filename, "w") as f: f.write(jsonl_sample) prepare_redpajama.prepare(source_path=source_path, tokenizer_path=tokenizer_path, destination_path=dest_path, sample=True) bin_files = [el.replace(".jsonl", "_0000000000.bin") for el in prepare_redpajama.filenames_sample] assert set(os.listdir(dest_path)) == set(bin_files) from lit_llama import Tokenizer from lit_llama.packed_dataset import PackedDataset tokenizer = Tokenizer(tokenizer_path) # artificially set block_size to fit the text block_size = len(tokenizer.encode("some text")) for filename in bin_files: filenames = [os.path.join(dest_path, filename)] dataset = PackedDataset(filenames=filenames, n_chunks=1, block_size=block_size, shuffle=False) dataset_iter = iter(dataset) assert tokenizer.decode(next(dataset_iter)) == "some text" assert tokenizer.decode(next(dataset_iter)) == "some text" def test_prepare_full(tmp_path): sys.path.append(str(wd)) tokenizer_path = train_tokenizer(tmp_path) full_path = tmp_path / "full" source_path = full_path / "source" dest_path = full_path / "dest" source_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) sample = { "meta": {"some": "info"}, "text": "some text" } jsonl_sample = "\n".join([json.dumps(el) for el in [sample] * 2]) import prepare_redpajama arxiv_file = source_path / "arxiv" / "arxiv_0.jsonl" arxiv_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(arxiv_file, "w") as f: f.write(jsonl_sample) import zstandard as zstd cc_file = source_path / "common_crawl" / "cc_0.jsonl" cc_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with, "wt", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(jsonl_sample) filename_sets = { "arxiv": "arxiv/arxiv*", "common_crawl": "common_crawl/*", } with mock.patch("prepare_redpajama.filename_sets", filename_sets): prepare_redpajama.prepare(source_path=source_path, tokenizer_path=tokenizer_path, destination_path=dest_path, sample=False) all_names = prepare_redpajama.filename_sets.keys() bin_files = [el + "_0000000000.bin" for el in all_names] assert set(os.listdir(dest_path)) == set(bin_files) from lit_llama import Tokenizer from lit_llama.packed_dataset import PackedDataset tokenizer = Tokenizer(tokenizer_path) # artificially set block_size to fit the text block_size = len(tokenizer.encode("some text")) filenames = [os.path.join(dest_path, el) for el in bin_files] for filename in filenames: dataset = PackedDataset(filenames=[filename], n_chunks=1, block_size=block_size, shuffle=False) dataset_iter = iter(dataset) assert tokenizer.decode(next(dataset_iter)) == "some text" assert tokenizer.decode(next(dataset_iter)) == "some text" def test_cli(): cli_path = wd / "" output = subprocess.check_output([sys.executable, cli_path, "-h"]) output = str(output.decode()) assert 'Prepare the "Red Pajama"' in output