import os import json import torch import numpy as np from PIL import Image from avsbench_eval import calc_color_miou_fscore, scores_gzsl def get_v2_pallete(label_to_idx_path, num_cls=71): def _getpallete(num_cls = 71): """build the unified color pallete for AVSBench-object (V1) and AVSBench-semantic (V2), 71 is the total category number of V2 dataset, you should not change that""" n = num_cls pallete = [0] * (n * 3) for j in range(0, n): lab = j pallete[j * 3 + 0] = 0 pallete[j * 3 + 1] = 0 pallete[j * 3 + 2] = 0 i = 0 while (lab > 0): pallete[j * 3 + 0] |= (((lab >> 0) & 1) << (7 - i)) pallete[j * 3 + 1] |= (((lab >> 1) & 1) << (7 - i)) pallete[j * 3 + 2] |= (((lab >> 2) & 1) << (7 - i)) i = i + 1 lab >>= 3 return pallete # list, lenth is n_classes*3 with open(label_to_idx_path, 'r') as fr: label_to_pallete_idx = json.load(fr) v2_pallete = _getpallete(num_cls) # list v2_pallete = np.array(v2_pallete).reshape(-1, 3) assert len(v2_pallete) == len(label_to_pallete_idx) return v2_pallete def color_mask_to_label(mask, v_pallete): mask_array = np.array(mask).astype('int32') semantic_map = [] for colour in v_pallete: equality = np.equal(mask_array, colour) class_map = np.all(equality, axis=-1) semantic_map.append(class_map) semantic_map = np.stack(semantic_map, axis=-1).astype(np.float32) label = np.argmax(semantic_map, axis=-1) return label def load_color_mask_in_PIL_to_Tensor(path, v_pallete, mode='RGB'): color_mask_PIL = color_label = color_mask_to_label(color_mask_PIL, v_pallete) color_label = torch.from_numpy(color_label) # [H, W] color_label = color_label.unsqueeze(0) return color_label # both [1, H, W] def save_and_compute(predictions_all_labels, predictions_all_masks, save_base_path, vid_frames_name, gt_masks): v_pallete = get_v2_pallete("./datasets/AVSBench-semantic/label2idx.json") if not os.path.exists(save_base_path): os.makedirs(save_base_path, exist_ok=True) h = predictions_all_masks[0][0].shape[0] w = predictions_all_masks[0][0].shape[1] pred_masks = torch.zeros((len(predictions_all_masks), h, w)) predictions_all_masks_list = [] for iii in predictions_all_masks: predictions_all_masks_list_1 = [] for jjj in iii: predictions_all_masks_list_1.append(jjj) predictions_all_masks_list.append(predictions_all_masks_list_1) for i in range(len(predictions_all_masks_list)): if predictions_all_masks_list[i] == []: pred_masks[i] = torch.zeros((h, w)) else: for j in range(len(predictions_all_masks_list[i])): predictions_all_masks_list[i][j] = predictions_all_masks_list[i][j].int() * (predictions_all_labels[j] + 1) if len(predictions_all_masks_list[0]) < 2: pred_masks[i] = predictions_all_masks_list[i][0] else: result = predictions_all_masks_list[i][0] for mask in predictions_all_masks_list[i][1:]: mask_merge = mask * (result == 0) result += mask_merge pred_masks[i] = result pred_rgb_masks = np.zeros((pred_masks.shape + (3,)), np.uint8) # [T, H, W, 3] for cls_idx in range(71): rgb = v_pallete[cls_idx] pred_rgb_masks[pred_masks == cls_idx] = rgb for idx in range(len(vid_frames_name)): frame_name = vid_frames_name[idx] frame_mask = pred_rgb_masks[idx] # [5, 224, 224, 3] output_name = "%s.png" % (frame_name[0].split(".")[0]) im = Image.fromarray(frame_mask) # .convert('RGB'), output_name), format='PNG') up = torch.nn.Upsample(size=(224, 224), mode="nearest") pred_masks_up = up(pred_masks.unsqueeze(dim=1)) pred_masks_up = pred_masks_up.squeeze() gt_masks = torch.stack(gt_masks, dim=0).squeeze() _miou_pc, _fscore_pc, _cls_pc = calc_color_miou_fscore(pred_masks_up, gt_masks) return _miou_pc, _fscore_pc, _cls_pc, pred_masks_up