import io import os from openai import OpenAI from import StructuredTool, Tool from io import BytesIO import requests import json from io import BytesIO import base64 import chainlit as cl def get_image_name(): """ We need to keep track of images we generate, so we can reference them later and display them correctly to our users. """ image_count = cl.user_session.get("image_count") if image_count is None: image_count = 0 else: image_count += 1 cl.user_session.set("image_count", image_count) return f"image-{image_count}" def _generate_image(prompt: str): """ This function is used to generate an image from a text prompt using DALL-E 3. We use the OpenAI API to generate the image, and then store it in our user session so we can reference it later. """ client = OpenAI(api_key=cl.user_session.get("api_key")) response = client.images.generate( model="dall-e-3", prompt=prompt, size="1024x1024", quality="standard", n=1, ) image_payload = requests.get([0].url, stream=True) image_bytes = BytesIO(image_payload.content) print(type(image_bytes)) name = get_image_name() cl.user_session.set(name, image_bytes.getvalue()) cl.user_session.set("generated_image", name) return name def generate_image(prompt: str): image_name = _generate_image(prompt) return f"Here is {image_name}." # this is our tool - which is what allows our agent to generate images in the first place! # the `description` field is of utmost imporance as it is what the LLM "brain" uses to determine # which tool to use for a given input. generate_image_format = '{{"prompt": "prompt"}}' generate_image_tool = Tool.from_function( func=generate_image, name="GenerateImage", description=f"Useful to create an image from a text prompt. Input should be a single string strictly in the following JSON format: {generate_image_format}", return_direct=True, ) def gpt_vision_call(image_id: str): #cl.user_session.set("image_id", image_id) print("image_id", image_id) client = OpenAI(api_key=cl.user_session.get("api_key")) image_history = cl.user_session.get("image_history") stream = model="gpt-4-vision-preview", messages=image_history, max_tokens=350, stream=False, ) return stream def handle_image_history(msg): image_history = cl.user_session.get("image_history") image_base64 = None image_base64 = process_images(msg) if image_base64: # add the image to the image history image_history.append( { "role": "user", "content": [ {"type": "text", "text": msg.content}, { "type": "image_url", "image_url": { "url": f"data:image/jpeg;base64,{image_base64}", "detail": "low" } }, ], } ) cl.user_session.set("image_history", image_history) def process_images(msg: cl.Message): # Processing images exclusively images = [file for file in msg.elements if "image" in file.mime] # Accessing the bytes of a specific image image_bytes = images[0].content # take the first image just for demo purposes # we need base64 encoded image image_base64 = base64.b64encode(image_bytes).decode('utf-8') return image_base64 describe_image_format = '{{"image_id": "image_id"}}' describe_image_tool = Tool.from_function( func=gpt_vision_call, name="DescribeImage", description=f"Useful to describe an image. Input should be a single string strictly in the following JSON format: {describe_image_format}", return_direct=False, )