# Copyright (c) 2024, Sanghun Cho, Tri Dao. import pickle import math import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from einops import rearrange, repeat from flash_attn.layers.rotary import apply_rotary_emb from flash_attn.utils.benchmark import benchmark_all, benchmark_forward, benchmark_backward from flash_attn.utils.benchmark import benchmark_fwd_bwd, benchmark_combined from flash_attn import flash_attn_qkvpacked_func, flash_attn_func try: import xformers.ops as xops except ImportError: xops = None def generate_cos_sin(seqlen, rotary_dim, device, dtype): assert rotary_dim % 2 == 0 angle = torch.rand(seqlen * 2, rotary_dim // 2, device=device) * 2 * math.pi cos = torch.cos(angle).to(dtype=dtype) sin = torch.sin(angle).to(dtype=dtype) return cos, sin def flash_rotary(q, k, v, cos, sin, causal=False): # corrected by @tridao comments q = apply_rotary_emb( q, cos, sin, seqlen_offsets=0, interleaved=False, inplace=True ) k = apply_rotary_emb( k, cos, sin, seqlen_offsets=0, interleaved=False, inplace=True ) return flash_attn_func(q, k, v, causal=causal) def attn_bias_from_alibi_slopes( slopes, seqlen_q, seqlen_k, query_padding_mask=None, key_padding_mask=None, causal=False ): batch, nheads = slopes.shape device = slopes.device slopes = rearrange(slopes, "b h -> b h 1 1") if causal: return torch.arange(-seqlen_k + 1, 1, device=device, dtype=torch.float32) * slopes else: row_idx = rearrange(torch.arange(seqlen_q, device=device, dtype=torch.long), "s -> s 1") col_idx = torch.arange(seqlen_k, device=device, dtype=torch.long) sk = ( seqlen_k if key_padding_mask is None else rearrange(key_padding_mask.sum(-1), "b -> b 1 1 1") ) sq = ( seqlen_q if query_padding_mask is None else rearrange(query_padding_mask.sum(-1), "b -> b 1 1 1") ) relative_pos = torch.abs(row_idx + sk - sq - col_idx) return -slopes * relative_pos.to(dtype=slopes.dtype) def flops(batch, seqlen, headdim, nheads, causal, mode="fwd"): assert mode in ["fwd", "bwd", "fwd_bwd"] f = 4 * batch * seqlen**2 * nheads * headdim // (2 if causal else 1) return f if mode == "fwd" else (2.5 * f if mode == "bwd" else 3.5 * f) def efficiency(flop, time): return (flop / time / 10**12) if not math.isnan(time) else 0.0 def attention_pytorch(q, k, v, dropout_p=0.0, causal=True, attn_bias=None): """ Arguments: q, k, v: (batch_size, seqlen, nheads, head_dim) dropout_p: float attn_bias: (batch_size, nheads, seqlen, seqlen) or (1, nheads, seqlen, seqlen) Output: output: (batch_size, seqlen, nheads, head_dim) """ batch_size, seqlen, nheads, d = q.shape q = rearrange(q, 'b t h d -> (b h) t d') k = rearrange(k, 'b s h d -> (b h) d s') softmax_scale = 1.0 / math.sqrt(d) # Preallocate attn_weights for `baddbmm` if attn_bias is not None: scores = rearrange(attn_bias, 'b h t s -> (b h) t s') else: scores = torch.empty(batch_size * nheads, seqlen, seqlen, dtype=q.dtype, device=q.device) scores = rearrange(torch.baddbmm(scores, q, k, beta=1.0, alpha=softmax_scale), '(b h) t s -> b h t s', h=nheads) if causal: # "triu_tril_cuda_template" not implemented for 'BFloat16' # So we have to construct the mask in float causal_mask = torch.triu(torch.full((seqlen, seqlen), -10000.0, device=scores.device), 1) # TD [2022-09-30]: Adding is faster than masked_fill_ (idk why, just better kernel I guess) scores = scores + causal_mask.to(dtype=scores.dtype) attention = torch.softmax(scores, dim=-1) attention_drop = F.dropout(attention, dropout_p) output = torch.einsum('bhts,bshd->bthd', attention_drop , v) return output.to(dtype=q.dtype) def time_fwd_bwd(func, *args, **kwargs): time_f, time_b = benchmark_fwd_bwd(func, *args, **kwargs) return time_f[1].mean, time_b[1].mean repeats = 30 device = 'cuda' dtype = torch.float16 bs_seqlen_vals = [(32, 512), (16, 1024), (8, 2048), (4, 4096), (2, 8192), (1, 16384)] causal_vals = [False, True] headdim_vals = [64, 128] dim = 2048 dropout_p = 0.0 methods = (["fa2_alibi", "torch"] + (["xformers"] if xops is not None else []) + ["sdpa"] + ["fa2_baseline"] + ["fa2_rotary"]) time_f = {} time_b = {} time_f_b = {} speed_f = {} speed_b = {} speed_f_b = {} for causal in causal_vals: for headdim in headdim_vals: for batch_size, seqlen in bs_seqlen_vals: config = (causal, headdim, batch_size, seqlen) nheads = dim // headdim q, k, v = [torch.randn(batch_size, seqlen, nheads, headdim, device=device, dtype=dtype, requires_grad=True) for _ in range(3)] # alibi_slopes = torch.rand(batch_size, nheads, device=device, dtype=torch.float32) * 0.3 alibi_slopes = torch.rand(1, nheads, device=device, dtype=torch.float32) * 0.3 attn_bias = attn_bias_from_alibi_slopes(alibi_slopes, seqlen, seqlen, causal=causal).to(dtype) attn_bias = repeat(attn_bias, "1 ... -> b ...", b=batch_size) f, b = time_fwd_bwd( flash_attn_func, q, k, v, dropout_p, causal=causal, # alibi_slopes=alibi_slopes, alibi_slopes=None, repeats=repeats, verbose=False ) time_f[config, "fa2_baseline"] = f time_b[config, "fa2_baseline"] = b q = q.detach().requires_grad_(True) k = k.detach().requires_grad_(True) v = v.detach().requires_grad_(True) f, b = time_fwd_bwd( flash_attn_func, q, k, v, dropout_p, causal=causal, alibi_slopes=rearrange(alibi_slopes, "1 h -> h"), # alibi_slopes=None, repeats=repeats, verbose=False ) time_f[config, "fa2_alibi"] = f time_b[config, "fa2_alibi"] = b try: q = q.detach().requires_grad_(True) k = k.detach().requires_grad_(True) v = v.detach().requires_grad_(True) f, b = time_fwd_bwd( attention_pytorch, q, k, v, dropout_p, causal=causal, attn_bias=attn_bias, repeats=repeats, verbose=False ) except: # Skip if OOM f, b = float('nan'), float('nan') time_f[config, "torch"] = f time_b[config, "torch"] = b # F.sdpa doesn't currently (torch 2.1) dispatch to flash-attn but just to be safe with torch.backends.cuda.sdp_kernel(enable_flash=False): q_pt = q.detach().requires_grad_(True).transpose(1, 2) k_pt = k.detach().requires_grad_(True).transpose(1, 2) v_pt = v.detach().requires_grad_(True).transpose(1, 2) f, b = time_fwd_bwd( F.scaled_dot_product_attention, q_pt, k_pt, v_pt, attn_mask=attn_bias, dropout_p=dropout_p, is_causal=causal, repeats=repeats, verbose=False ) time_f[config, "sdpa"] = f time_b[config, "sdpa"] = b if xops is not None: q = q.detach().requires_grad_(True) k = k.detach().requires_grad_(True) v = v.detach().requires_grad_(True) if causal: attn_bias_xops = xops.LowerTriangularMask().add_bias(attn_bias.expand(-1, -1, seqlen, -1).to(dtype=q.dtype)) # NotImplementedError: No operator found for `memory_efficient_attention_backward` with inputs: # `flshattB@v2.3.6` is not supported because: # attn_bias type is # `cutlassB` is not supported because: # attn_bias type is attn_bias_xops = attn_bias_xops.materialize((batch_size, nheads, seqlen, seqlen), dtype=q.dtype, device=device) else: attn_bias_xops = attn_bias.to(dtype=q.dtype) f, b = time_fwd_bwd( xops.memory_efficient_attention, q, k, v, attn_bias_xops, dropout_p, repeats=repeats, verbose=False ) time_f[config, "xformers"] = f time_b[config, "xformers"] = b q = q.detach().requires_grad_(True) k = k.detach().requires_grad_(True) v = v.detach().requires_grad_(True) cos, sin = generate_cos_sin(seqlen, headdim, device, dtype) f, b = time_fwd_bwd( flash_rotary, q, k, v, cos, sin, causal, repeats=repeats, verbose=False ) time_f[config, "fa2_rotary"] = f time_b[config, "fa2_rotary"] = b print(f"### causal={causal}, headdim={headdim}, batch_size={batch_size}, seqlen={seqlen} ###") csv_output = "" csv_output += f"{causal},{headdim},{batch_size},{seqlen}," for method in methods: time_f_b[config, method] = time_f[config, method] + time_b[config, method] speed_f[config, method] = efficiency( flops(batch_size, seqlen, headdim, nheads, causal, mode="fwd"), time_f[config, method] ) speed_b[config, method] = efficiency( flops(batch_size, seqlen, headdim, nheads, causal, mode="bwd"), time_b[config, method] ) speed_f_b[config, method] = efficiency( flops(batch_size, seqlen, headdim, nheads, causal, mode="fwd_bwd"), time_f_b[config, method] ) print( f"{method} fwd: {speed_f[config, method]:.2f} TFLOPs/s, " f"bwd: {speed_b[config, method]:.2f} TFLOPs/s, " f"fwd + bwd: {speed_f_b[config, method]:.2f} TFLOPs/s" ) csv_output += f"{speed_f[config, method]:.2f},{speed_b[config, method]:.2f},{speed_f_b[config, method]:.2f}," print(csv_output)