""" helper utils for tests """ import os import shutil import tempfile import unittest from functools import wraps from importlib.metadata import version from pathlib import Path def with_temp_dir(test_func): @wraps(test_func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # Create a temporary directory temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: # Pass the temporary directory to the test function test_func(*args, temp_dir=temp_dir, **kwargs) finally: # Clean up the directory after the test shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) return wrapper def most_recent_subdir(path): base_path = Path(path) subdirectories = [d for d in base_path.iterdir() if d.is_dir()] if not subdirectories: return None subdir = max(subdirectories, key=os.path.getctime) return subdir def require_torch_2_1_1(test_case): """ Decorator marking a test that requires torch >= 2.1.1 """ def is_min_2_1_1(): torch_version = version("torch") return torch_version >= "2.1.1" return unittest.skipUnless(is_min_2_1_1(), "test torch 2.1.1")(test_case)