import torch import numpy as np import random import torch.nn.functional as F from ..render.light import DirectionalLight def safe_normalize(x, eps=1e-20): return x / torch.sqrt(torch.clamp(torch.sum(x * x, -1, keepdim=True), min=eps)) def get_view_direction(thetas, phis, overhead, front, phi_offset=0): # phis [B,]; thetas: [B,] # front = 0 [360 - front / 2, front / 2) # side (left) = 1 [front / 2, 180 - front / 2) # back = 2 [180 - front / 2, 180 + front / 2) # side (right) = 3 [180 + front / 2, 360 - front / 2) # top = 4 [0, overhead] # bottom = 5 [180-overhead, 180] res = torch.zeros(thetas.shape[0], dtype=torch.long) # first determine by phis phi_offset = np.deg2rad(phi_offset) phis = phis + phi_offset phis = phis % (2 * np.pi) half_front = front / 2 res[(phis >= (2*np.pi - half_front)) | (phis < half_front)] = 0 res[(phis >= half_front) & (phis < (np.pi - half_front))] = 1 res[(phis >= (np.pi - half_front)) & (phis < (np.pi + half_front))] = 2 res[(phis >= (np.pi + half_front)) & (phis < (2*np.pi - half_front))] = 3 # override by thetas res[thetas <= overhead] = 4 res[thetas >= (np.pi - overhead)] = 5 return res def view_direction_id_to_text(view_direction_id): dir_texts = ['front', 'side', 'back', 'side', 'overhead', 'bottom'] return [dir_texts[i] for i in view_direction_id] def append_text_direction(prompts, dir_texts): return [f'{prompt}, {dir_text} view' for prompt, dir_text in zip(prompts, dir_texts)] def rand_lights(camera_dir, fixed_ambient, fixed_diffuse): size = camera_dir.shape[0] device = camera_dir.device random_fixed_dir = F.normalize(torch.randn_like(camera_dir) + camera_dir, dim=-1) # Centered around camera_dir random_fixed_intensity = torch.tensor([fixed_ambient, fixed_diffuse], device=device)[None, :].repeat(size, 1) # ambient, diffuse return DirectionalLight(mlp_in=1, mlp_layers=1, mlp_hidden_size=1, # Dummy values intensity_min_max=[0.5, 1],fixed_dir=random_fixed_dir, fixed_intensity=random_fixed_intensity).to(device) def rand_poses(size, device, radius_range=[1, 1], theta_range=[0, 120], phi_range=[0, 360], cam_z_offset=10, return_dirs=False, angle_overhead=30, angle_front=60, phi_offset=0, jitter=False, uniform_sphere_rate=0.5): ''' generate random poses from an orbit camera Args: size: batch size of generated poses. device: where to allocate the output. radius_range: [min, max] theta_range: [min, max], should be in [0, pi] phi_range: [min, max], should be in [0, 2 * pi] Return: poses: [size, 4, 4] ''' theta_range = np.deg2rad(theta_range) phi_range = np.deg2rad(phi_range) angle_overhead = np.deg2rad(angle_overhead) angle_front = np.deg2rad(angle_front) radius = torch.rand(size, device=device) * (radius_range[1] - radius_range[0]) + radius_range[0] phis = torch.rand(size, device=device) * (phi_range[1] - phi_range[0]) + phi_range[0] if random.random() < uniform_sphere_rate: # based on # acos takes in [-1, 1], first convert theta range to fit in [-1, 1] theta_range = torch.from_numpy(np.array(theta_range)).to(device) theta_amplitude_range = torch.cos(theta_range) # sample uniformly in amplitude space range thetas_amplitude = torch.rand(size, device=device) * (theta_amplitude_range[1] - theta_amplitude_range[0]) + theta_amplitude_range[0] # convert back thetas = torch.acos(thetas_amplitude) else: thetas = torch.rand(size, device=device) * (theta_range[1] - theta_range[0]) + theta_range[0] centers = -torch.stack([ radius * torch.sin(thetas) * torch.sin(phis), radius * torch.cos(thetas), radius * torch.sin(thetas) * torch.cos(phis), ], dim=-1) # [B, 3] targets = 0 # jitters if jitter: centers = centers + (torch.rand_like(centers) * 0.2 - 0.1) targets = targets + torch.randn_like(centers) * 0.2 # lookat forward_vector = safe_normalize(targets - centers) up_vector = torch.FloatTensor([0, 1, 0]).to(device).unsqueeze(0).repeat(size, 1) right_vector = safe_normalize(torch.cross(up_vector, forward_vector, dim=-1)) if jitter: up_noise = torch.randn_like(up_vector) * 0.02 else: up_noise = 0 up_vector = safe_normalize(torch.cross(forward_vector, right_vector, dim=-1) + up_noise) poses = torch.stack([right_vector, up_vector, forward_vector], dim=-1) radius = radius[..., None] - cam_z_offset translations =[torch.zeros_like(radius), torch.zeros_like(radius), radius], dim=-1) poses =[poses.view(-1, 9), translations], dim=-1) if return_dirs: dirs = get_view_direction(thetas, phis, angle_overhead, angle_front, phi_offset=phi_offset) dirs = view_direction_id_to_text(dirs) else: dirs = None return poses, dirs