{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "code", "outputs": [], "source": [ "import numpy as np\n", "import dataclasses\n", "import pandas as pd\n", "from tqdm.auto import tqdm, trange\n", "\n", "import dotenv\n", "import openai\n", "import requests" ], "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2024-05-22T22:19:14.165364Z", "start_time": "2024-05-22T22:19:14.133654Z" } }, "id": "134eed9b62408edc", "execution_count": 153 }, { "cell_type": "code", "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": "True" }, "execution_count": 12, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "dotenv.load_dotenv()" ], "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2024-05-22T20:28:08.220256Z", "start_time": "2024-05-22T20:28:08.216074Z" } }, "id": "5b95753383405dc2", "execution_count": 12 }, { "cell_type": "code", "outputs": [], "source": [ "def get_youtube_title(url: str) -> str:\n", " video_id = url.split(\"v=\")[-1]\n", " api_url = f\"https://www.youtube.com/oembed?url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v={video_id}&format=json\"\n", " response = requests.get(api_url)\n", " if response.status_code == 200:\n", " data = response.json()\n", " return data['title']\n", " else:\n", " return \"Error retrieving title\"\n", "\n", "# video_url = \"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4E2EbGoXlPQ\"\n", "# title = get_youtube_title(video_url)\n", "# print(title)\n" ], "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2024-05-22T22:18:03.386331Z", "start_time": "2024-05-22T22:18:03.380694Z" } }, "id": "826f159b67e1db55", "execution_count": 146 }, { "cell_type": "code", "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": " 0%| | 0/17 [00:00 int:\n", " \"\"\"Returns the number of tokens in a text string.\"\"\"\n", " encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding(encoding_name)\n", " num_tokens = len(encoding.encode(string))\n", " return num_tokens\n", "\n", "def required_chunks(text: str, max_tokens: int = 8191, encoding_name: str = \"cl100k_base\") -> int:\n", " \"\"\"Returns the number of chunks required to fit the text within the token limit.\"\"\"\n", " num_tokens = num_tokens_from_string(text, encoding_name)\n", " num_chunks = num_tokens // max_tokens\n", " if num_tokens % max_tokens != 0:\n", " num_chunks += 1\n", " return num_chunks\n", "\n", "def split_in_chunks(text: str) -> list[str]:\n", " \"\"\"Split a text into chunks of equal number of tokens.\"\"\"\n", " num_chunks = required_chunks(text)\n", " encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding(\"cl100k_base\")\n", " tokens = encoding.encode(text)\n", " chunk_size = math.ceil(len(tokens) / num_chunks)\n", "\n", " chunks = []\n", " current_chunk = 0\n", " for i, token in enumerate(tokens):\n", " if i % chunk_size == 0:\n", " chunks.append(\"\")\n", " current_chunk += 1\n", " chunks[current_chunk - 1] += encoding.decode([token])\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " return chunks\n", " " ], "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2024-05-22T20:39:04.247749Z", "start_time": "2024-05-22T20:39:04.182789Z" } }, "id": "cb5d34291dd2294f", "execution_count": 26 }, { "cell_type": "code", "outputs": [], "source": [ "episode_chunks = [split_in_chunks(episodes[i]) for i in range(17)]" ], "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2024-05-22T21:04:52.893004Z", "start_time": "2024-05-22T21:04:52.658609Z" } }, "id": "32f2bfff87abe244", "execution_count": 72 }, { "cell_type": "code", "outputs": [], "source": [ "chunk_labels = [f\"Episode {i} - Chunk {j}\" for i in range(17) for j in range(len(episode_chunks[i]))]" ], "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2024-05-22T21:54:17.848294Z", "start_time": "2024-05-22T21:54:17.843313Z" } }, "id": "9e5d43986fc144ce", "execution_count": 130 }, { "cell_type": "code", "outputs": [], "source": [ "@dataclasses.dataclass\n", "class Chunk:\n", " text: str\n", " title: str\n", " video_idx: int\n", " embedding: np.ndarray | None\n", " link: str" ], "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2024-05-22T22:39:40.273669Z", "start_time": "2024-05-22T22:39:40.269177Z" } }, "id": "3a803b518ec99194", "execution_count": 170 }, { "cell_type": "code", "outputs": [], "source": [ "# chunk_metadata = [\n", "# {\n", "# \"title\": titles[i],\n", "# \"video_idx\": i,\n", "# \"chunk_idx\": j,\n", "# \"text\": episode_chunks[i][j],\n", "# \"link\": links[i],\n", "# }\n", "# for i in range(17)\n", "# for j in range(len(episode_chunks[i]))\n", "# ]\n", "\n", "chunk_metadata = [\n", " Chunk(\n", " title=titles[i],\n", " video_idx=i,\n", " text=episode_chunks[i][j],\n", " link=links[i],\n", " embedding=None\n", " )\n", " for i in range(17)\n", " for j in range(len(episode_chunks[i]))\n", "]" ], "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2024-05-22T22:39:43.632154Z", "start_time": "2024-05-22T22:39:43.628758Z" } }, "id": "42fbe8399eb49e67", "execution_count": 171 }, { "cell_type": "code", "outputs": [], "source": [ "chunks = sum([split_in_chunks(episodes[i]) for i in range(17)], [])" ], "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2024-05-22T22:39:46.243391Z", "start_time": "2024-05-22T22:39:46.006589Z" } }, "id": "419f98cac7daa965", "execution_count": 172 }, { "cell_type": "code", "outputs": [], "source": [ "chunk_token_counts = [num_tokens_from_string(chunk, \"cl100k_base\") for chunk in chunks]" ], "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2024-05-22T22:39:47.633546Z", "start_time": "2024-05-22T22:39:47.561055Z" } }, "id": "89d7561fe100143c", "execution_count": 173 }, { "cell_type": "code", "outputs": [], "source": [ "from openai import OpenAI\n", "client = OpenAI()" ], "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2024-05-22T21:25:49.514879Z", "start_time": "2024-05-22T21:25:49.493593Z" } }, "id": "688c1ec3b92c3e34", "execution_count": 79 }, { "cell_type": "code", "outputs": [], "source": [ "def get_batch_embeddings(texts: list[str], model=\"text-embedding-3-small\") -> np.ndarray:\n", " embeddings = client.embeddings.create(input = texts, model=model)\n", " np_embeddings = np.array([embeddings.data[i].embedding for i in range(len(embeddings.data))])\n", " return np_embeddings\n", "\n", "def get_one_embedding(text: str, model=\"text-embedding-3-small\") -> np.ndarray:\n", " embedding = client.embeddings.create(input = [text], model=model).data[0].embedding\n", " return np.array(embedding)" ], "metadata": { "collapsed": false }, "id": "b6b8a393180e343" }, { "cell_type": "code", "outputs": [], "source": [ "embeddings = get_batch_embeddings(chunks)" ], "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2024-05-22T22:40:21.603794Z", "start_time": "2024-05-22T22:40:21.601418Z" } }, "id": "2249b8b7981e1914", "execution_count": 174 }, { "cell_type": "code", "outputs": [], "source": [ "q_embedding = get_one_embedding(\"Which guest worked at Abercrombie and Fitch?\")" ], "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2024-05-22T21:34:51.814076Z", "start_time": "2024-05-22T21:34:51.437910Z" } }, "id": "26173f98e6f7d18e", "execution_count": 103 }, { "cell_type": "code", "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": "array([[ 0.05489639, -0.03947796, -0.00708231, ..., -0.0492712 ,\n -0.0219755 , 0.00376565],\n [ 0.04212333, -0.04137598, -0.01890454, ..., -0.04766051,\n -0.01154145, 0.00671765],\n [ 0.07459503, -0.04596259, -0.05516139, ..., -0.03984053,\n -0.00084816, -0.00865723],\n ...,\n [ 0.07094361, -0.04828836, -0.03882921, ..., -0.03272748,\n -0.00387197, 0.00732427],\n [ 0.05223813, -0.03542471, -0.05290401, ..., -0.03595741,\n 0.00376637, -0.01817847],\n [ 0.02517771, -0.03395098, -0.05561592, ..., -0.00542056,\n 0.00621656, -0.00047452]])" }, "execution_count": 180, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "embeddings" ], "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2024-05-22T22:40:50.999266Z", "start_time": "2024-05-22T22:40:50.996608Z" } }, "id": "a49a5f2210f865b2", "execution_count": 180 }, { "cell_type": "code", "outputs": [], "source": [ "def cosine_similarity(query: np.ndarray, embeddings: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:\n", " dot_product = np.dot(embeddings, query)\n", " query_norm = np.linalg.norm(query)\n", " embeddings_norm = np.linalg.norm(embeddings, axis=1)\n", " return dot_product / (query_norm * embeddings_norm)" ], "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2024-05-22T22:41:00.824586Z", "start_time": "2024-05-22T22:41:00.822881Z" } }, "id": "4fc76e627325737a", "execution_count": 181 }, { "cell_type": "code", "outputs": [], "source": [ "similarities = cosine_similarity(q_embedding, embeddings)" ], "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2024-05-22T22:41:02.728664Z", "start_time": "2024-05-22T22:41:02.695358Z" } }, "id": "5a83d151ce6edc4d", "execution_count": 182 }, { "cell_type": "code", "outputs": [], "source": [ "best_chunk_idx = np.argmax(similarities)" ], "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2024-05-22T22:43:22.403806Z", "start_time": "2024-05-22T22:43:22.394255Z" } }, "id": "fb23ecfae69da630", "execution_count": 191 }, { "cell_type": "code", "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": "Chunk(text=\"Title:\\n\\n1\\n00:00:00.380 --> 00:00:11.240\\noh I know oh no no no\\n\\n2\\n00:00:06.460 --> 00:00:11.240\\n[Music]\\n\\n3\\n00:00:13.200 --> 00:00:16.440\\nhey what's going on everybody for first\\n\\n4\\n00:00:14.820 --> 00:00:18.240\\nweek Feast I'm Sean Evans and you're\\n\\n5\\n00:00:16.440 --> 00:00:19.980\\nwatching hot ones it's the show with hot\\n\\n6\\n00:00:18.240 --> 00:00:21.779\\nquestions and even hotter wings and\\n\\n7\\n00:00:19.980 --> 00:00:23.520\\ntoday we're joined by Kid Cudi he's a\\n\\n8\\n00:00:21.779 --> 00:00:25.019\\nGrammy award-winning artist multi-hyphen\\n\\n9\\n00:00:23.520 --> 00:00:26.820\\nEntertainer and true to form he just\\n\\n10\\n00:00:25.019 --> 00:00:28.619\\ndropped a brand new album accompanied by\\n\\n11\\n00:00:26.820 --> 00:00:30.599\\nan animated TV special of the same name\\n\\n12\\n00:00:28.619 --> 00:00:32.160\\nit's called Intergalactic check out the\\n\\n13\\n00:00:30.599 --> 00:00:34.020\\nalbum wherever you get your music and\\n\\n14\\n00:00:32.160 --> 00:00:36.300\\nwatch the special which is now currently\\n\\n15\\n00:00:34.020 --> 00:00:38.460\\nstreaming on Netflix Kid Cudi welcome to\\n\\n16\\n00:00:36.300 --> 00:00:39.960\\nthe show thanks for having me man I feel\\n\\n17\\n00:00:38.460 --> 00:00:41.700\\nlike this is one of those shoots been\\n\\n18\\n00:00:39.960 --> 00:00:43.500\\nthat's been literally years in the\\n\\n19\\n00:00:41.700 --> 00:00:45.059\\nmaking yeah what's going through your\\n\\n20\\n00:00:43.500 --> 00:00:46.800\\nhead as you finally prepare to take on\\n\\n21\\n00:00:45.059 --> 00:00:49.079\\nthe hot ones gauntlet\\n\\n22\\n00:00:46.800 --> 00:00:52.620\\nI'm confident that I would make it to\\n\\n23\\n00:00:49.079 --> 00:00:54.239\\nthe end you know but I have no idea what\\n\\n24\\n00:00:52.620 --> 00:00:57.079\\nI want to experience on this journey I'm\\n\\n25\\n00:00:54.239 --> 00:01:00.739\\nreally uh really kind of nervous\\n\\n26\\n00:00:57.079 --> 00:01:00.739\\nI'm not gonna lie\\n\\n27\\n00:01:02.040 --> 00:01:11.120\\n[Music]\\n\\n28\\n00:01:13.470 --> 00:01:20.180\\n[Music]\\n\\n29\\n00:01:17.159 --> 00:01:20.180\\nyeah let's do it\\n\\n30\\n00:01:24.720 --> 00:01:27.259\\nno\\n\\n31\\n00:01:28.020 --> 00:01:32.100\\nI can eat more if I want right\\n\\n32\\n00:01:29.820 --> 00:01:34.400\\ngo ahead and I'll follow you right along\\n\\n33\\n00:01:32.100 --> 00:01:34.400\\nwith\\n\\n34\\n00:01:34.740 --> 00:01:38.840\\noh good\\n\\n35\\n00:01:36.299 --> 00:01:38.840\\noh my God\\n\\n36\\n00:01:42.000 --> 00:01:47.100\\nnice so dating back to the original man\\n\\n37\\n00:01:45.420 --> 00:01:49.619\\non the moon your albums have always had\\n\\n38\\n00:01:47.100 --> 00:01:51.180\\na cinematic Sonic quality to them so I\\n\\n39\\n00:01:49.619 --> 00:01:53.220\\ncan only imagine how cathartic it must\\n\\n40\\n00:01:51.180 --> 00:01:55.020\\nhave been for you to take Intergalactic\\n\\n41\\n00:01:53.220 --> 00:01:57.600\\nand then actually storyboard it out for\\n\\n42\\n00:01:55.020 --> 00:01:59.280\\nan animated adaptation and then costume\\n\\n43\\n00:01:57.600 --> 00:02:01.860\\ndesign it's not a discipline that you'd\\n\\n44\\n00:01:59.280 --> 00:02:03.299\\noften associate with animation but it\\n\\n45\\n00:02:01.860 --> 00:02:05.520\\nreally is at the heart of\\n\\n46\\n00:02:03.299 --> 00:02:07.680\\nintergalactic's aesthetic what role did\\n\\n47\\n00:02:05.520 --> 00:02:10.920\\nVirgil ablo play in shaping the fashion\\n\\n48\\n00:02:07.680 --> 00:02:13.800\\nof this world well um it was really like\\n\\n49\\n00:02:10.920 --> 00:02:15.480\\nI put it all on him you know I really\\n\\n50\\n00:02:13.800 --> 00:02:17.700\\nwent into this knowing that like I\\n\\n51\\n00:02:15.480 --> 00:02:19.980\\nwanted the characters to be fresh I\\n\\n52\\n00:02:17.700 --> 00:02:22.500\\ndidn't want it to be like you know a\\n\\n53\\n00:02:19.980 --> 00:02:24.300\\ntypical animated show where you see one\\n\\n54\\n00:02:22.500 --> 00:02:27.360\\ncharacter wearing the same thing every\\n\\n55\\n00:02:24.300 --> 00:02:29.700\\nepisode you know Virgil came through and\\n\\n56\\n00:02:27.360 --> 00:02:31.920\\njust put his magic sauce on it and just\\n\\n57\\n00:02:29.700 --> 00:02:33.480\\nmade you know wardrobe for each\\n\\n58\\n00:02:31.920 --> 00:02:36.420\\ncharacter in it that matched their\\n\\n59\\n00:02:33.480 --> 00:02:38.340\\npersonality I was so like happy because\\n\\n60\\n00:02:36.420 --> 00:02:40.020\\nI was like oh my God like this is the\\n\\n61\\n00:02:38.340 --> 00:02:41.220\\nbest idea I could ever came up with you\\n\\n62\\n00:02:40.020 --> 00:02:42.660\\nknow we could have been\\n\\n63\\n00:02:41.220 --> 00:02:44.580\\ncould have been in this and making some\\n\\n64\\n00:02:42.660 --> 00:02:46.560\\nreally shitty clothing you know but I\\n\\n65\\n00:02:44.580 --> 00:02:48.360\\nhave like the illest freshest\\n\\n66\\n00:02:46.560 --> 00:02:50.459\\n[\\xa0__\\xa0] alive doing this [\\xa0__\\xa0] for\\n\\n67\\n00:02:48.360 --> 00:02:52.200\\nme and it's in and it was just it was\\n\\n68\\n00:02:50.459 --> 00:02:53.510\\njust the illest man and I love him to\\n\\n69\\n00:02:52.200 --> 00:02:58.080\\ndeath of that you know\\n\\n70\\n00:02:53.510 --> 00:03:02.360\\n[Music]\\n\\n71\\n00:02:58.080 --> 00:03:02.360\\nyeah these first two I need them to go\\n\\n72\\n00:03:03.060 --> 00:03:07.019\\nso in the a man named Scott documentary\\n\\n73\\n00:03:05.099 --> 00:03:09.480\\nplaying Pats as a first working with you\\n\\n74\\n00:03:07.019 --> 00:03:11.940\\nit was so different and weird that I'd\\n\\n75\\n00:03:09.480 --> 00:03:13.739\\nfeel uncomfortable but I love it was\\n\\n76\\n00:03:11.940 --> 00:03:16.019\\nthere a watershed moment maybe it was a\\n\\n77\\n00:03:13.739 --> 00:03:18.780\\nsong maybe it was a show where it went\\n\\n78\\n00:03:16.019 --> 00:03:20.819\\nfrom this sort of experimental Bohemian\\n\\n79\\n00:03:18.780 --> 00:03:23.700\\nexercise to all of a sudden record\\n\\n80\\n00:03:20.819 --> 00:03:27.300\\nlabels and a bidding war for you I think\\n\\n81\\n00:03:23.700 --> 00:03:29.040\\nI think it was the mixtape\\n\\n82\\n00:03:27.300 --> 00:03:30.720\\nbecause the mixtape was playful and fun\\n\\n83\\n00:03:29.040 --> 00:03:32.220\\nand it was just all about like showing\\n\\n84\\n00:03:30.720 --> 00:03:34.379\\npeople I could rap and\\n\\n85\\n00:03:32.220 --> 00:03:37.500\\nyou know the album was like\\n\\n86\\n00:03:34.379 --> 00:03:41.340\\nno this is like the Oscar nominated\\n\\n87\\n00:03:37.500 --> 00:03:43.560\\nversion of an album you know I live with\\n\\n88\\n00:03:41.340 --> 00:03:45.540\\nDOT for almost three years and during\\n\\n89\\n00:03:43.560 --> 00:03:46.860\\nthis time we were making music and made\\n\\n90\\n00:03:45.540 --> 00:03:49.440\\nday and night and a number of other\\n\\n91\\n00:03:46.860 --> 00:03:51.299\\nrecords and from there and then we we\\n\\n92\\n00:03:49.440 --> 00:03:53.879\\nadded a meal and then it was just like\\n\\n93\\n00:03:51.299 --> 00:03:56.280\\nwhen I had those three guys I was I was\\n\\n94\\n00:03:53.879 --> 00:03:58.319\\ngolden and I liked even hearing from a\\n\\n95\\n00:03:56.280 --> 00:04:00.299\\nmeal when he was talking about how he'd\\n\\n96\\n00:03:58.319 --> 00:04:01.980\\nplay you beats that he prepared but you\\n\\n97\\n00:04:00.299 --> 00:04:03.180\\nwouldn't really react to those things it\\n\\n98\\n00:04:01.980 --> 00:04:05.580\\nwasn't until he would just be like\\n\\n99\\n00:04:03.180 --> 00:04:08.280\\nplaying Ascent or like pulling out old\\n\\n100\\n00:04:05.580 --> 00:04:09.959\\nrecords yeah I mean that's because you\\n\\n101\\n00:04:08.280 --> 00:04:12.379\\nknow that's the that's the [\\xa0__\\xa0] that was\\n\\n102\\n00:04:09.959 --> 00:04:15.380\\nlike the type of Records he would play\\n\\n103\\n00:04:12.379 --> 00:04:19.440\\nyou know were always like\\n\\n104\\n00:04:15.380 --> 00:04:22.199\\ninteresting and like weird you know and\\n\\n105\\n00:04:19.440 --> 00:04:24.360\\nthat was you know my [\\xa0__\\xa0] like I just\\n\\n106\\n00:04:22.199 --> 00:04:26.280\\nwanted something that didn't sound like\\n\\n107\\n00:04:24.360 --> 00:04:28.680\\nthe typical [\\xa0__\\xa0] that you would hear in\\n\\n108\\n00:04:26.280 --> 00:04:30.300\\nhip-hop you know like with ghosts like\\n\\n109\\n00:04:28.680 --> 00:04:33.120\\nyou hear ghosts you hear that sample I\\n\\n110\\n00:04:30.300 --> 00:04:35.220\\nwas like what the [\\xa0__\\xa0] you know like and\\n\\n111\\n00:04:33.120 --> 00:04:37.320\\nghost is still to this day like one of\\n\\n112\\n00:04:35.220 --> 00:04:39.000\\nmy top three favorite songs\\n\\n113\\n00:04:37.320 --> 00:04:41.280\\nyou're crushing it are you ready to move\\n\\n114\\n00:04:39.000 --> 00:04:45.139\\non to Wing number three this is Pico\\n\\n115\\n00:04:41.280 --> 00:04:45.139\\nRico here and you're doing great\\n\\n116\\n00:04:49.919 --> 00:04:51.919\\num\\n\\n117\\n00:04:54.199 --> 00:05:00.419\\nthese first three I'm good but I see\\n\\n118\\n00:04:58.320 --> 00:05:02.759\\nwhen I get down to here it's probably\\n\\n119\\n00:05:00.419 --> 00:05:04.800\\ngonna get real\\n\\n120\\n00:05:02.759 --> 00:05:06.540\\nso even as your music career exploded\\n\\n121\\n00:05:04.800 --> 00:05:07.860\\nyou've still remained a prolific actor\\n\\n122\\n00:05:06.540 --> 00:05:09.240\\nand earlier this year it was announced\\n\\n123\\n00:05:07.860 --> 00:05:11.160\\nthat you'd be making your directorial\\n\\n124\\n00:05:09.240 --> 00:05:13.740\\ndebut in an upcoming Netflix project\\n\\n125\\n00:05:11.160 --> 00:05:15.240\\ncalled Teddy what's the best audition\\n\\n126\\n00:05:13.740 --> 00:05:17.220\\ntip or note that you've ever gotten from\\n\\n127\\n00:05:15.240 --> 00:05:21.080\\nTimothy chalman I think I asked him\\n\\n128\\n00:05:17.220 --> 00:05:21.080\\nabout crying on camera once\\n\\n129\\n00:05:21.240 --> 00:05:26.340\\nyou know I've given him like audition\\n\\n130\\n00:05:23.699 --> 00:05:28.620\\ntapes that I've done before and I'm just\\n\\n131\\n00:05:26.340 --> 00:05:30.320\\nlike hell man shoot me straight you know\\n\\n132\\n00:05:28.620 --> 00:05:32.400\\nhe's always like oh it's good it's good\\n\\n133\\n00:05:30.320 --> 00:05:35.340\\nhe's like I don't know he could be lying\\n\\n134\\n00:05:32.400 --> 00:05:39.180\\nto me uh but he's always he's always\\n\\n135\\n00:05:35.340 --> 00:05:41.520\\nvery supportive in in um I know Timmy is\\n\\n136\\n00:05:39.180 --> 00:05:42.900\\na fan of me for music but I you know I\\n\\n137\\n00:05:41.520 --> 00:05:43.919\\nthink he's a fan of me as an actor as\\n\\n138\\n00:05:42.900 --> 00:05:46.580\\nwell\\n\\n139\\n00:05:43.919 --> 00:05:49.080\\nmy lips are tingling well\\n\\n140\\n00:05:46.580 --> 00:05:51.479\\na whole lot more is about to happen as\\n\\n141\\n00:05:49.080 --> 00:05:55.259\\nwe work our way down but first things\\n\\n142\\n00:05:51.479 --> 00:05:58.259\\nfirst the hot ones barbacoa\\n\\n143\\n00:05:55.259 --> 00:05:58.259\\nforeign\\n\\n144\\n00:06:00.580 --> 00:06:04.620\\n[Music]\\n\\n145\\n00:06:01.860 --> 00:06:06.900\\nI'm a two bite kind of guy\\n\\n146\\n00:06:04.620 --> 00:06:09.060\\nI respect it I know you do the same\\n\\n147\\n00:06:06.900 --> 00:06:11.100\\nthing I do so I'm trying to\\n\\n148\\n00:06:09.060 --> 00:06:13.979\\ntest you I know you're testing me\\n\\n149\\n00:06:11.100 --> 00:06:15.419\\npushing me yeah who knows maybe you'll\\n\\n150\\n00:06:13.979 --> 00:06:19.199\\nbe the only one standing by the end of\\n\\n151\\n00:06:15.419 --> 00:06:20.400\\nthis I mean maybe I'm ready but you do\\n\\n152\\n00:06:19.199 --> 00:06:22.979\\nthis you do this all the time you do\\n\\n153\\n00:06:20.400 --> 00:06:25.020\\nthis on a rig I know right but at some\\n\\n154\\n00:06:22.979 --> 00:06:26.460\\npoint I'm gonna hit that wall right I\\n\\n155\\n00:06:25.020 --> 00:06:29.759\\nmean at some point you're gonna be like\\n\\n156\\n00:06:26.460 --> 00:06:30.960\\nI'm tired of fire poopies and you're\\n\\n157\\n00:06:29.759 --> 00:06:32.580\\njust gonna say like that's what I'm\\n\\n158\\n00:06:30.960 --> 00:06:34.680\\ngonna ask you after this man sure you\\n\\n159\\n00:06:32.580 --> 00:06:36.060\\ncan ask me during whatever you know this\\n\\n160\\n00:06:34.680 --> 00:06:38.280\\ncan be this can go both ways because\\n\\n161\\n00:06:36.060 --> 00:06:41.160\\nyour brows are probably like what the\\n\\n162\\n00:06:38.280 --> 00:06:43.039\\n[\\xa0__\\xa0] you know what's fascinating is your\\n\\n163\\n00:06:41.160 --> 00:06:45.840\\nbody adjusts\\n\\n164\\n00:06:43.039 --> 00:06:47.699\\nthis long I'll go to Equinox after this\\n\\n165\\n00:06:45.840 --> 00:06:50.340\\nyou know what I mean like oh no way I'm\\n\\n166\\n00:06:47.699 --> 00:06:51.240\\nunstoppable I'm unstoppable I mean who\\n\\n167\\n00:06:50.340 --> 00:06:52.919\\nknows like I don't want to get\\n\\n168\\n00:06:51.240 --> 00:06:54.060\\noverconfident it's like an athlete you\\n\\n169\\n00:06:52.919 --> 00:06:55.919\\nknow like I think you probably have a\\n\\n170\\n00:06:54.060 --> 00:06:57.539\\nphysical prime and then you know maybe\\n\\n171\\n00:06:55.919 --> 00:07:00.660\\nthe wings will start to slow me down but\\n\\n172\\n00:06:57.539 --> 00:07:02.039\\nright now I'm good right now God age\\n\\n173\\n00:07:00.660 --> 00:07:04.500\\nlike Brady over here yeah I was like\\n\\n174\\n00:07:02.039 --> 00:07:05.350\\nSean has a stomach of Steel Man straight\\n\\n175\\n00:07:04.500 --> 00:07:08.619\\nup\\n\\n176\\n00:07:05.350 --> 00:07:08.619\\n[Music]\\n\\n177\\n00:07:08.840 --> 00:07:16.020\\nokay here we go\\n\\n178\\n00:07:11.300 --> 00:07:16.020\\nit's crunchy foreign\\n\\n179\\n00:07:19.800 --> 00:07:24.240\\ndo I always have to take two bites you\\n\\n180\\n00:07:22.319 --> 00:07:25.740\\nknow you make the rules over here you're\\n\\n181\\n00:07:24.240 --> 00:07:27.599\\nmaking the rules over here I'm just\\n\\n182\\n00:07:25.740 --> 00:07:29.099\\nfollowing along with you\\n\\n183\\n00:07:27.599 --> 00:07:30.780\\nI'm just hungry so I came in here\\n\\n184\\n00:07:29.099 --> 00:07:34.139\\nstarving\\n\\n185\\n00:07:30.780 --> 00:07:35.880\\num I don't know if that was a good idea\\n\\n186\\n00:07:34.139 --> 00:07:37.080\\nI could cut you every crane segment on\\n\\n187\\n00:07:35.880 --> 00:07:37.919\\nour show called explain that gram we're\\n\\n188\\n00:07:37.080 --> 00:07:39.539\\ngonna do a deep dive in our guest\\n\\n189\\n00:07:37.919 --> 00:07:41.880\\nInstagram interesting pictures that need\\n\\n190\\n00:07:39.539 --> 00:07:45.180\\nmore context and for you we have a theme\\n\\n191\\n00:07:41.880 --> 00:07:46.560\\nit's a Kid Cudi style retrospective so\\n\\n192\\n00:07:45.180 --> 00:07:48.479\\nwhat we've done is we've pulled some of\\n\\n193\\n00:07:46.560 --> 00:07:50.699\\nour favorite Kid Cudi fit picks and\\n\\n194\\n00:07:48.479 --> 00:07:53.039\\nwe're just curious how you react how you\\n\\n195\\n00:07:50.699 --> 00:07:55.740\\nreflect looking back on those things now\\n\\n196\\n00:07:53.039 --> 00:07:57.900\\noh my God all right laptop please Bill\\n\\n197\\n00:07:55.740 --> 00:08:00.240\\nthere we go bring it back a laptop very\\n\\n198\\n00:07:57.900 --> 00:08:01.919\\nrare thank you very much\\n\\n199\\n00:08:00.240 --> 00:08:03.780\\ndo you have a favorite memory from\\n\\n200\\n00:08:01.919 --> 00:08:05.220\\nwalking at the Palais Royal Gardens for\\n\\n201\\n00:08:03.780 --> 00:08:07.319\\nVirgil ablo's first Louis Vuitton\\n\\n202\\n00:08:05.220 --> 00:08:09.240\\ncollection yes I do\\n\\n203\\n00:08:07.319 --> 00:08:10.979\\nit just didn't feel real you know the\\n\\n204\\n00:08:09.240 --> 00:08:14.039\\nwhole thing was just like\\n\\n205\\n00:08:10.979 --> 00:08:16.860\\nyou know like a dream you know\\n\\n206\\n00:08:14.039 --> 00:08:19.500\\num and I was soaking it up so much that\\n\\n207\\n00:08:16.860 --> 00:08:22.139\\nlike uh I was walking really slow on the\\n\\n208\\n00:08:19.500 --> 00:08:23.460\\non the on the runway so like you can't\\n\\n209\\n00:08:22.139 --> 00:08:24.900\\nsee in this picture like there's like\\n\\n210\\n00:08:23.460 --> 00:08:27.319\\nall those people stacked up behind me\\n\\n211\\n00:08:24.900 --> 00:08:29.340\\nthat's a trapping Champion\\n\\n212\\n00:08:27.319 --> 00:08:31.259\\nthat's why this person's got this good\\n\\n213\\n00:08:29.340 --> 00:08:32.039\\nass photo because it was like no it was\\n\\n214\\n00:08:31.259 --> 00:08:34.620\\nlike\\n\\n215\\n00:08:32.039 --> 00:08:36.599\\n20 feet between me and the other dude in\\n\\n216\\n00:08:34.620 --> 00:08:39.779\\nfront of me like it's like right there\\n\\n217\\n00:08:36.599 --> 00:08:41.880\\nbut uh I was just uh I was really high\\n\\n218\\n00:08:39.779 --> 00:08:45.360\\nand I was just soaking it up man I was\\n\\n219\\n00:08:41.880 --> 00:08:46.800\\nlike this is a beautiful moment so yeah\\n\\n220\\n00:08:45.360 --> 00:08:48.420\\nwhat's the biggest difference between\\n\\n221\\n00:08:46.800 --> 00:08:50.100\\nworking at a vape store and working at\\n\\n222\\n00:08:48.420 --> 00:08:52.140\\nAbercrombie and Fitch and then how did\\n\\n223\\n00:08:50.100 --> 00:08:55.380\\neach shape your personal style working\\n\\n224\\n00:08:52.140 --> 00:08:59.640\\nat the Abercrombie and fish store\\n\\n225\\n00:08:55.380 --> 00:09:01.860\\nthe clothes sucked and it wasn't like it\\n\\n226\\n00:08:59.640 --> 00:09:04.380\\nwasn't like I was like\\n\\n227\\n00:09:01.860 --> 00:09:05.940\\nproud to be wearing Abercrombie and\\n\\n228\\n00:09:04.380 --> 00:09:08.100\\nFitch like their jeans were all right I\\n\\n229\\n00:09:05.940 --> 00:09:09.779\\nguess they're just right I guess but\\n\\n230\\n00:09:08.100 --> 00:09:11.160\\nwhen I worked at the base sword that was\\n\\n231\\n00:09:09.779 --> 00:09:12.839\\nthe first time I was like oh man like\\n\\n232\\n00:09:11.160 --> 00:09:15.000\\nthis is like actually some fresh [\\xa0__\\xa0]\\n\\n233\\n00:09:12.839 --> 00:09:16.019\\nbut like you know I was so poor when I\\n\\n234\\n00:09:15.000 --> 00:09:18.720\\ngot that job\\n\\n235\\n00:09:16.019 --> 00:09:22.019\\nso I didn't own any bait prior to\\n\\n236\\n00:09:18.720 --> 00:09:24.420\\nworking there so uh I literally had the\\n\\n237\\n00:09:22.019 --> 00:09:29.580\\nsame brown bathing Aid t-shirt and these\\n\\n238\\n00:09:24.420 --> 00:09:31.260\\njeans and these yellow uh Roasters and I\\n\\n239\\n00:09:29.580 --> 00:09:32.880\\nhad that for like two months that outfit\\n\\n240\\n00:09:31.260 --> 00:09:34.200\\nI used to ask my co-workers if I could\\n\\n241\\n00:09:32.880 --> 00:09:35.459\\nborrow some of their clothes and they\\n\\n242\\n00:09:34.200 --> 00:09:37.740\\nwould hold me down and let me borrow a\\n\\n243\\n00:09:35.459 --> 00:09:39.779\\nhoodie or two and working at that store\\n\\n244\\n00:09:37.740 --> 00:09:42.779\\nwas was like\\n\\n245\\n00:09:39.779 --> 00:09:44.279\\nwas like the greatest to me and at that\\n\\n246\\n00:09:42.779 --> 00:09:47.279\\ntime like it was bigger than getting a\\n\\n247\\n00:09:44.279 --> 00:09:49.019\\nrecord deal yeah you know like\\n\\n248\\n00:09:47.279 --> 00:09:50.580\\nand I really wanted the record just that\\n\\n249\\n00:09:49.019 --> 00:09:51.779\\ntime you know but it was like oh [\\xa0__\\xa0] I\\n\\n250\\n00:09:50.580 --> 00:09:54.720\\ngot the baby store I'm good you know\\n\\n251\\n00:09:51.779 --> 00:09:56.940\\nlike it just it just it was such a major\\n\\n252\\n00:09:54.720 --> 00:09:59.760\\nthing because of what it meant to the\\n\\n253\\n00:09:56.940 --> 00:10:01.200\\nculture and what it was Nigo came to the\\n\\n254\\n00:09:59.760 --> 00:10:03.060\\nstore with the Teriyaki boys one time\\n\\n255\\n00:10:01.200 --> 00:10:04.620\\nand I met them fast forward all the\\n\\n256\\n00:10:03.060 --> 00:10:07.260\\nyears later when we did the the complex\\n\\n257\\n00:10:04.620 --> 00:10:09.540\\nmagazine cover so it was like this full\\n\\n258\\n00:10:07.260 --> 00:10:12.420\\ncircle moment you know just being around\\n\\n259\\n00:10:09.540 --> 00:10:13.980\\nthe God you know it was so cool man so\\n\\n260\\n00:10:12.420 --> 00:10:16.560\\ncool\\n\\n261\\n00:10:13.980 --> 00:10:18.360\\nBill thank you very much\\n\\n262\\n00:10:16.560 --> 00:10:20.760\\nI gotta get one of those hot ones\\n\\n263\\n00:10:18.360 --> 00:10:22.980\\nt-shirts too we got you\", title='Kid Cudi Goes to the Moon While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones', video_idx=7, embedding=None, link='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0allwd60wS4')" }, "execution_count": 193, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "chunk_metadata[best_chunk_idx]" ], "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2024-05-22T22:43:33.004348Z", "start_time": "2024-05-22T22:43:33.002362Z" } }, "id": "17610aa4135e7ec5", "execution_count": 193 }, { "cell_type": "code", "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": "Chunk(text=\"WEBVTT\\n\\n1\\n00:00:00.900 --> 00:00:03.900\\nwow\\n\\n2\\n00:00:04.440 --> 00:00:07.700\\nthis one's a winner\\n\\n3\\n00:00:13.880 --> 00:00:17.820\\nhey what's going on everybody for first\\n\\n4\\n00:00:16.139 --> 00:00:19.619\\nweek Feast I'm Sean Evans and you're\\n\\n5\\n00:00:17.820 --> 00:00:21.359\\nwatching hot ones it's the show with hot\\n\\n6\\n00:00:19.619 --> 00:00:23.279\\nquestions and even hotter wings and\\n\\n7\\n00:00:21.359 --> 00:00:24.539\\ntoday we're joined by David Blaine he's\\n\\n8\\n00:00:23.279 --> 00:00:26.100\\nknown the world over for his street\\n\\n9\\n00:00:24.539 --> 00:00:27.720\\nmagic and endurance stunts that include\\n\\n10\\n00:00:26.100 --> 00:00:29.400\\neverything from being buried alive for\\n\\n11\\n00:00:27.720 --> 00:00:30.720\\nseven days to encasing himself in a\\n\\n12\\n00:00:29.400 --> 00:00:33.059\\nblock of ice to holding his breath\\n\\n13\\n00:00:30.720 --> 00:00:34.620\\nunderwater for 17 minutes he also has a\\n\\n14\\n00:00:33.059 --> 00:00:36.239\\npair of high profile projects on the way\\n\\n15\\n00:00:34.620 --> 00:00:37.860\\nwith his documentary Adventure series\\n\\n16\\n00:00:36.239 --> 00:00:39.840\\nbeyond belief with David Blaine coming\\n\\n17\\n00:00:37.860 --> 00:00:41.520\\nsoon to Disney Plus in his sixth show\\n\\n18\\n00:00:39.840 --> 00:00:43.320\\nVegas residency with dates through the\\n\\n19\\n00:00:41.520 --> 00:00:45.480\\nremainder of the Year David Blaine\\n\\n20\\n00:00:43.320 --> 00:00:48.300\\nwelcome to the show wow thank you for\\n\\n21\\n00:00:45.480 --> 00:00:50.460\\nhaving me thank you I'm so excited to be\\n\\n22\\n00:00:48.300 --> 00:00:52.020\\nhere by the way I'm very excited to have\\n\\n23\\n00:00:50.460 --> 00:00:54.000\\nyou I know that you're someone who can\\n\\n24\\n00:00:52.020 --> 00:00:56.039\\npush themselves but how how are you\\n\\n25\\n00:00:54.000 --> 00:00:57.420\\naround spicy food I don't know how I'm\\n\\n26\\n00:00:56.039 --> 00:01:01.020\\ngonna do with them during this but that\\n\\n27\\n00:00:57.420 --> 00:01:02.640\\nis my thing but um I'll tell you so just\\n\\n28\\n00:01:01.020 --> 00:01:06.780\\nto give you an idea of how much I love\\n\\n29\\n00:01:02.640 --> 00:01:08.640\\nHot Wings my when I premiered my show\\n\\n30\\n00:01:06.780 --> 00:01:11.100\\nwhich was the only premiere of a show I\\n\\n31\\n00:01:08.640 --> 00:01:13.020\\ndid it for real or magic they wanted to\\n\\n32\\n00:01:11.100 --> 00:01:14.640\\ngo do it in a big place with the big\\n\\n33\\n00:01:13.020 --> 00:01:17.640\\nmovie screen so everybody could see it\\n\\n34\\n00:01:14.640 --> 00:01:21.240\\nyou know and I said no no no\\n\\n35\\n00:01:17.640 --> 00:01:23.820\\nwe have to Premiere at blondies at the\\n\\n36\\n00:01:21.240 --> 00:01:26.340\\npremieres in a buffalo wing Joy a Sport\\n\\n37\\n00:01:23.820 --> 00:01:29.040\\nBar Buffalo joint up Uptown in New York\\n\\n38\\n00:01:26.340 --> 00:01:30.360\\nso and nobody could hear the show but I\\n\\n39\\n00:01:29.040 --> 00:01:31.860\\nwas happy because I could eat all the\\n\\n40\\n00:01:30.360 --> 00:01:33.900\\nwings\\n\\n41\\n00:01:31.860 --> 00:01:36.680\\n[Music]\\n\\n42\\n00:01:33.900 --> 00:01:36.680\\nforeign\\n\\n43\\n00:01:42.730 --> 00:01:48.269\\n[Music]\\n\\n44\\n00:01:48.900 --> 00:01:54.799\\nso this first one is the classic chili\\n\\n45\\n00:01:51.840 --> 00:01:54.799\\nMaple Edition here\\n\\n46\\n00:01:56.220 --> 00:01:59.880\\noh great\\n\\n47\\n00:01:57.960 --> 00:02:02.220\\nvery nice\\n\\n48\\n00:01:59.880 --> 00:02:05.180\\nMaple first time trying this one hidden\\n\\n49\\n00:02:02.220 --> 00:02:05.180\\nyeah it's great\\n\\n50\\n00:02:08.340 --> 00:02:12.900\\nforeign\\n\\n51\\n00:02:09.979 --> 00:02:14.819\\nbuilding a big stage magic act in Vegas\\n\\n52\\n00:02:12.900 --> 00:02:17.580\\nI'm curious if this quote from David\\n\\n53\\n00:02:14.819 --> 00:02:20.160\\nCopperfield Rings true to you it takes\\n\\n54\\n00:02:17.580 --> 00:02:23.520\\n500 shows to get a trick right and more\\n\\n55\\n00:02:20.160 --> 00:02:25.140\\nthan a thousand to make it feel good\\n\\n56\\n00:02:23.520 --> 00:02:27.599\\nthat was one of the things that amazed\\n\\n57\\n00:02:25.140 --> 00:02:29.220\\nme about David was I went to see him\\n\\n58\\n00:02:27.599 --> 00:02:31.500\\nafter a show and it was Saturday and it\\n\\n59\\n00:02:29.220 --> 00:02:32.940\\nwas midnight and and they were all so\\n\\n60\\n00:02:31.500 --> 00:02:35.099\\nexhausted and\\n\\n61\\n00:02:32.940 --> 00:02:37.500\\num and his partner Chris says oh we've\\n\\n62\\n00:02:35.099 --> 00:02:39.599\\nwe've been here since 10 A.M\\n\\n63\\n00:02:37.500 --> 00:02:42.720\\nwe've done three shows\\n\\n64\\n00:02:39.599 --> 00:02:44.760\\nlike three shows in a day because like\\n\\n65\\n00:02:42.720 --> 00:02:48.239\\nmy show has to be like once a month or\\n\\n66\\n00:02:44.760 --> 00:02:49.680\\ntwice a month Max I said wow like how\\n\\n67\\n00:02:48.239 --> 00:02:51.180\\nmany shows are you doing every day he\\n\\n68\\n00:02:49.680 --> 00:02:53.160\\nsaid well we do three on Saturdays two\\n\\n69\\n00:02:51.180 --> 00:03:00.360\\non every other day guess how many per\\n\\n70\\n00:02:53.160 --> 00:03:03.480\\nyear 300 more 400 500 no 600 650 shows\\n\\n71\\n00:03:00.360 --> 00:03:05.519\\nthat go whoa like David like that's\\n\\n72\\n00:03:03.480 --> 00:03:08.640\\ncrazy what are you doing and he says\\n\\n73\\n00:03:05.519 --> 00:03:10.379\\nwell it takes me about 500 to get a new\\n\\n74\\n00:03:08.640 --> 00:03:12.959\\ntrick right so that's the beginning of\\n\\n75\\n00:03:10.379 --> 00:03:17.760\\nstarting to understand a new trick and I\\n\\n76\\n00:03:12.959 --> 00:03:19.920\\nwent oh I got it bingo so yeah I love\\n\\n77\\n00:03:17.760 --> 00:03:21.900\\nthat mentality and I agree and I think\\n\\n78\\n00:03:19.920 --> 00:03:23.940\\nall of my magician friends it's like a\\n\\n79\\n00:03:21.900 --> 00:03:26.640\\nthe ones that I love are just it's com\\n\\n80\\n00:03:23.940 --> 00:03:30.680\\nit's a compulsion it's all they think\\n\\n81\\n00:03:26.640 --> 00:03:33.659\\n[Music]\\n\\n82\\n00:03:30.680 --> 00:03:37.860\\nit's great yeah a little Scotch bonnet\\n\\n83\\n00:03:33.659 --> 00:03:39.120\\ntropical action in there right\\n\\n84\\n00:03:37.860 --> 00:03:40.799\\nwhen it comes to your obsession with\\n\\n85\\n00:03:39.120 --> 00:03:42.659\\nmagic I've heard you recount multiple\\n\\n86\\n00:03:40.799 --> 00:03:45.180\\norigin stories much like the Joker\\n\\n87\\n00:03:42.659 --> 00:03:47.400\\nexplaining how he got his scars who is\\n\\n88\\n00:03:45.180 --> 00:03:49.980\\nlewd Tannen and can you describe to me a\\n\\n89\\n00:03:47.400 --> 00:03:51.239\\ntypical day for a 10 year old at Tana I\\n\\n90\\n00:03:49.980 --> 00:03:52.500\\ncan't tell you about that that's funny\\n\\n91\\n00:03:51.239 --> 00:03:53.819\\nbut I'm not gonna tell you about the\\n\\n92\\n00:03:52.500 --> 00:03:55.379\\ncamp I've been talking about going to\\n\\n93\\n00:03:53.819 --> 00:03:56.340\\ntannins\\n\\n94\\n00:03:55.379 --> 00:03:59.519\\num\\n\\n95\\n00:03:56.340 --> 00:04:02.580\\nback then the store was like this Darkly\\n\\n96\\n00:03:59.519 --> 00:04:05.220\\nlit shop with all of these glass cases\\n\\n97\\n00:04:02.580 --> 00:04:08.099\\nand the glass cases had all these\\n\\n98\\n00:04:05.220 --> 00:04:09.959\\nobjects that you would die to have so\\n\\n99\\n00:04:08.099 --> 00:04:11.760\\nI'd stare at these things and just dream\\n\\n100\\n00:04:09.959 --> 00:04:14.700\\nof like oh my God what could be done\\n\\n101\\n00:04:11.760 --> 00:04:17.880\\nwith all those things but then in the\\n\\n102\\n00:04:14.700 --> 00:04:20.820\\nback room like this little side area but\\n\\n103\\n00:04:17.880 --> 00:04:23.460\\nnot in the store if you were lucky\\n\\n104\\n00:04:20.820 --> 00:04:25.740\\nthe best guys in the world would just be\\n\\n105\\n00:04:23.460 --> 00:04:28.020\\nhanging out there and so I'd sit there\\n\\n106\\n00:04:25.740 --> 00:04:31.380\\nand they would like blow my mind on stop\\n\\n107\\n00:04:28.020 --> 00:04:32.940\\nluckily by the way as a kid I only did\\n\\n108\\n00:04:31.380 --> 00:04:34.979\\nMagic to my mother and her friends\\n\\n109\\n00:04:32.940 --> 00:04:36.360\\nbecause if I did other kids they're a\\n\\n110\\n00:04:34.979 --> 00:04:39.360\\ntough audience they're gonna be like hey\\n\\n111\\n00:04:36.360 --> 00:04:41.280\\nyou're weird you know yeah you suck so I\\n\\n112\\n00:04:39.360 --> 00:04:42.479\\ndid all the magic to to my mother and\\n\\n113\\n00:04:41.280 --> 00:04:44.280\\nher friends and I thought I was good\\n\\n114\\n00:04:42.479 --> 00:04:45.720\\nbecause of their reactions and then I\\n\\n115\\n00:04:44.280 --> 00:04:49.199\\njust wanted to keep learning new things\\n\\n116\\n00:04:45.720 --> 00:04:51.300\\nto you know make make her amazed or\\n\\n117\\n00:04:49.199 --> 00:04:54.300\\nwhatever\\n\\n118\\n00:04:51.300 --> 00:04:54.300\\nforeign\\n\\n119\\n00:05:03.620 --> 00:05:06.960\\nso this is the first shoot of the new\\n\\n120\\n00:05:06.060 --> 00:05:09.479\\nseason\\n\\n121\\n00:05:06.960 --> 00:05:12.300\\nit's my first time trying the hot sauces\\n\\n122\\n00:05:09.479 --> 00:05:15.300\\nPico Rico\\n\\n123\\n00:05:12.300 --> 00:05:17.340\\nI just made my way into Mount Rushmore\\n\\n124\\n00:05:15.300 --> 00:05:19.820\\nI I hate to say this but I kind of love\\n\\n125\\n00:05:17.340 --> 00:05:22.080\\nall of them so far\\n\\n126\\n00:05:19.820 --> 00:05:23.940\\ndelicious lineup\\n\\n127\\n00:05:22.080 --> 00:05:25.380\\nso your name is synonymous with\\n\\n128\\n00:05:23.940 --> 00:05:27.360\\ndeath-defying Larger than Life\\n\\n129\\n00:05:25.380 --> 00:05:29.400\\nspectacles and to watch them from\\n\\n130\\n00:05:27.360 --> 00:05:31.620\\noutside they look like just such a pure\\n\\n131\\n00:05:29.400 --> 00:05:33.479\\nstress test and human concentration and\\n\\n132\\n00:05:31.620 --> 00:05:36.020\\nmisery but is there one that you\\n\\n133\\n00:05:33.479 --> 00:05:38.120\\ndescribe as being like the most fun\\n\\n134\\n00:05:36.020 --> 00:05:40.380\\nAscension to me\\n\\n135\\n00:05:38.120 --> 00:05:42.180\\nthat was the most one but but that's\\n\\n136\\n00:05:40.380 --> 00:05:44.280\\nbecause it was with my daughter so that\\n\\n137\\n00:05:42.180 --> 00:05:46.380\\nI worked out the hard part of it before\\n\\n138\\n00:05:44.280 --> 00:05:49.199\\nshe came to make it fun but I have to\\n\\n139\\n00:05:46.380 --> 00:05:51.620\\nsay all of them are so fun I think it's\\n\\n140\\n00:05:49.199 --> 00:05:54.060\\nsimilar to this like I think it's like\\n\\n141\\n00:05:51.620 --> 00:05:55.919\\nso it's like you go in and you're like\\n\\n142\\n00:05:54.060 --> 00:05:57.960\\nyou're going up a mountain really hard\\n\\n143\\n00:05:55.919 --> 00:05:59.280\\nbut like you're so excited about it and\\n\\n144\\n00:05:57.960 --> 00:06:02.160\\nyeah you take a couple of shots\\n\\n145\\n00:05:59.280 --> 00:06:03.720\\nobviously but but it's it's it's the\\n\\n146\\n00:06:02.160 --> 00:06:05.460\\nlike everybody says you know it's not\\n\\n147\\n00:06:03.720 --> 00:06:07.979\\nlike getting to the end it's like that\\n\\n148\\n00:06:05.460 --> 00:06:10.500\\nwhole process so yeah that process that\\n\\n149\\n00:06:07.979 --> 00:06:13.560\\nlearning curve is what keeps me excited\\n\\n150\\n00:06:10.500 --> 00:06:16.139\\nabout life so you know so I can't so\\n\\n151\\n00:06:13.560 --> 00:06:17.639\\nthey're all fun in a certain way well\\n\\n152\\n00:06:16.139 --> 00:06:18.720\\nthat actually really uh resonates with\\n\\n153\\n00:06:17.639 --> 00:06:20.460\\nme because while you're saying that is\\n\\n154\\n00:06:18.720 --> 00:06:21.840\\nlike that's exactly how I feel about\\n\\n155\\n00:06:20.460 --> 00:06:23.819\\nthese kinds of shoots where they're all\\n\\n156\\n00:06:21.840 --> 00:06:26.520\\nkind of of their own journey and then\\n\\n157\\n00:06:23.819 --> 00:06:28.020\\ntheir own experience and then as much as\\n\\n158\\n00:06:26.520 --> 00:06:29.160\\nyou can kind of figure out how things\\n\\n159\\n00:06:28.020 --> 00:06:30.479\\nare going to go there's lots of\\n\\n160\\n00:06:29.160 --> 00:06:31.740\\nvariables that you can't always test for\\n\\n161\\n00:06:30.479 --> 00:06:33.000\\nand things always go kind of sideways\\n\\n162\\n00:06:31.740 --> 00:06:35.160\\nthen you have to adapt to those things\\n\\n163\\n00:06:33.000 --> 00:06:36.539\\nand that's the stuff that I think is the\\n\\n164\\n00:06:35.160 --> 00:06:39.419\\nbest it's like when you have to deal\\n\\n165\\n00:06:36.539 --> 00:06:41.039\\nwith the unknown it's always amazing so\\n\\n166\\n00:06:39.419 --> 00:06:43.979\\nlike on stage when you get like a\\n\\n167\\n00:06:41.039 --> 00:06:45.900\\ncurveball it's like that's what that's\\n\\n168\\n00:06:43.979 --> 00:06:47.520\\nwhat separates I think like a magician\\n\\n169\\n00:06:45.900 --> 00:06:49.800\\nthat's really comfortable to a magician\\n\\n170\\n00:06:47.520 --> 00:06:52.139\\nthat's uncomfort and which makes one\\n\\n171\\n00:06:49.800 --> 00:06:53.639\\nseems great one doesn't the one that\\n\\n172\\n00:06:52.139 --> 00:06:55.740\\nseems great even though this guy might\\n\\n173\\n00:06:53.639 --> 00:06:57.539\\nbe just as practiced with the moves the\\n\\n174\\n00:06:55.740 --> 00:06:59.580\\none that seems great when performing is\\n\\n175\\n00:06:57.539 --> 00:07:02.400\\nwhen a curveball comes he's ready for it\\n\\n176\\n00:06:59.580 --> 00:07:04.740\\nhe No Matter What scenario he's hit with\\n\\n177\\n00:07:02.400 --> 00:07:06.360\\nhe can keep going and it's interesting\\n\\n178\\n00:07:04.740 --> 00:07:08.520\\nbecause the magic people don't know the\\n\\n179\\n00:07:06.360 --> 00:07:10.440\\nend result so since they don't know the\\n\\n180\\n00:07:08.520 --> 00:07:12.660\\nend it's not over until you say it's\\n\\n181\\n00:07:10.440 --> 00:07:15.419\\nover so you could be like struggling for\\n\\n182\\n00:07:12.660 --> 00:07:17.460\\n10 minutes but if the end is a monster I\\n\\n183\\n00:07:15.419 --> 00:07:19.620\\nlike that whole you know the the not\\n\\n184\\n00:07:17.460 --> 00:07:22.199\\nworking and then make it work\\n\\n185\\n00:07:19.620 --> 00:07:24.479\\nI like all these questions by the way oh\\n\\n186\\n00:07:22.199 --> 00:07:26.280\\nwell thank you very much it's kind of\\n\\n187\\n00:07:24.479 --> 00:07:28.380\\nearly on in the game you know absolutely\\n\\n188\\n00:07:26.280 --> 00:07:30.180\\neasy I have plenty I have plenty of time\\n\\n189\\n00:07:28.380 --> 00:07:35.520\\nto knock this thing off the tracks\\n\\n190\\n00:07:30.180 --> 00:07:37.979\\n[Music]\\n\\n191\\n00:07:35.520 --> 00:07:39.660\\noh right\\n\\n192\\n00:07:37.979 --> 00:07:41.759\\nlooking at your face I can tell it looks\\n\\n193\\n00:07:39.660 --> 00:07:43.979\\nlike we're four for four so far yeah\\n\\n194\\n00:07:41.759 --> 00:07:46.020\\nthere we go\\n\\n195\\n00:07:43.979 --> 00:07:47.520\\nso your new documentary series beyond\\n\\n196\\n00:07:46.020 --> 00:07:49.560\\nbelief with David Blaine has been\\n\\n197\\n00:07:47.520 --> 00:07:51.120\\ndescribed as a global Odyssey across\\n\\n198\\n00:07:49.560 --> 00:07:53.460\\nremote cultures each embedded with\\n\\n199\\n00:07:51.120 --> 00:07:55.020\\nunique histories and practices is there\\n\\n200\\n00:07:53.460 --> 00:07:56.880\\na mystical tradition that you learned\\n\\n201\\n00:07:55.020 --> 00:07:58.620\\nalong your travels that you thought was\\n\\n202\\n00:07:56.880 --> 00:08:00.180\\nmost compelling or that more people\\n\\n203\\n00:07:58.620 --> 00:08:02.280\\nshould know about\\n\\n204\\n00:08:00.180 --> 00:08:03.960\\nwell basically when I was working on\\n\\n205\\n00:08:02.280 --> 00:08:05.819\\nlearning how to\\n\\n206\\n00:08:03.960 --> 00:08:07.199\\nput a gallon of water in my stomach and\\n\\n207\\n00:08:05.819 --> 00:08:09.419\\nthen spout it out\\n\\n208\\n00:08:07.199 --> 00:08:12.120\\nI saw a little video of a guy doing it\\n\\n209\\n00:08:09.419 --> 00:08:14.340\\nin Africa and we couldn't track him down\\n\\n210\\n00:08:12.120 --> 00:08:16.979\\nhe wasn't a performer he lived in a mud\\n\\n211\\n00:08:14.340 --> 00:08:19.440\\nhut outside of Liberia by like four\\n\\n212\\n00:08:16.979 --> 00:08:21.\", title='David Blaine Does Magic While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones', video_idx=0, embedding=None, link='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4E2EbGoXlPQ')" }, "execution_count": 203, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "chunk_metadata[0]" ], "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2024-05-22T22:49:11.984968Z", "start_time": "2024-05-22T22:49:11.981848Z" } }, "id": "57a27ede69b100d3", "execution_count": 203 }, { "cell_type": "code", "outputs": [], "source": [ "SYSTEM_PROMPT = \"\"\"You are an expert trivia bot. You provide correct answers to the posed question, based on the provided context. You have access to a chunk of text from a video transcript, and you can use this information to answer the question. You also have access to some metadata about this chunk of text. All transcripts come from the podcast \"Hot Ones\", Season 19, which has a total of 17 episodes. With each answer, provide a link with a timestamp to the relevant part of the video based on the transcript.\"\"\"\n", "\n", "\n", "BASE_PROMPT = \"\"\"\n", "Question: {question}\n", "\n", "Relevant chunk of text: {text}\n", "This text comes from the video titled \"{title}\", which is the video number {video_number} in the dataset and can be found at the following link: {link}.\n", "\"\"\".strip()\n", "\n", "def get_initial_messages(question: str, chunk: Chunk):\n", " \n", " return [\n", " {\n", " \"role\": \"system\",\n", " \"content\": [\n", " {\n", " \"type\": \"text\",\n", " \"text\": SYSTEM_PROMPT\n", " }\n", " ]\n", " },\n", " {\n", " \"role\": \"user\",\n", " \"content\": [\n", " {\n", " \"type\": \"text\",\n", " \"text\": BASE_PROMPT.format(\n", " question=question,\n", " text=chunk.text,\n", " title=chunk.title,\n", " video_number=chunk.video_idx,\n", " link=chunk.link\n", " )\n", " }\n", " ]\n", " }\n", " ]" ], "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2024-05-22T22:52:06.159891Z", "start_time": "2024-05-22T22:52:06.148297Z" } }, "id": "74d52cf861e7ec37", "execution_count": 213 }, { "cell_type": "code", "outputs": [], "source": [ "def rank_chunks(question: str, embeddings: np.ndarray, model: str = \"text-embedding-3-small\") -> list[Chunk]:\n", " \n", " q_embedding = get_one_embedding(question, model)\n", " similarities = cosine_similarity(q_embedding, embeddings)\n", " \n", " sorted_indices = np.argsort(similarities)[::-1]\n", " return [chunk_metadata[i] for i in sorted_indices]" ], "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2024-05-22T23:00:14.572225Z", "start_time": "2024-05-22T23:00:14.556105Z" } }, "id": "5a21d3801088444", "execution_count": 225 }, { "cell_type": "code", "outputs": [], "source": [ "ranked_chunks = rank_chunks(\"Who failed making pastries as a teenager?\", embeddings)" ], "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2024-05-22T23:01:06.151815Z", "start_time": "2024-05-22T23:01:05.838144Z" } }, "id": "f638df0d8a430dc", "execution_count": 233 }, { "cell_type": "code", "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ " so fast and it's a\n", "\n", "420\n", "00:16:49.980 --> 00:16:54.180\n", "little trippy it gets a little trippy\n", "\n", "421\n", "00:16:52.139 --> 00:16:57.000\n", "okay\n", "\n", "422\n", "00:16:54.180 --> 00:16:59.100\n", "I'm like fully serving but I want you to\n", "\n", "423\n", "00:16:57.000 --> 00:17:01.079\n", "know and I want everyone back here to\n", "\n", "424\n", "00:16:59.100 --> 00:17:03.799\n", "know\n", "\n", "425\n", "00:17:01.079 --> 00:17:05.360\n", "I'm not scared so you shouldn't be sad\n", "\n", "426\n", "00:17:03.799 --> 00:17:08.600\n", "okay\n", "\n", "427\n", "00:17:05.360 --> 00:17:08.600\n", "I'm okay\n", "\n", "428\n", "00:17:09.179 --> 00:17:15.299\n", "but I I'm like gushing tears you have\n", "\n", "429\n", "00:17:13.079 --> 00:17:16.980\n", "just it's like the one\n", "\n", "430\n", "00:17:15.299 --> 00:17:18.780\n", "like it's like out of them believe them\n", "\n", "431\n", "00:17:16.980 --> 00:17:20.339\n", "it's out of a blue like this is a part\n", "\n", "432\n", "00:17:18.780 --> 00:17:21.959\n", "of the [ __ ] hot one Spiritual\n", "\n", "433\n", "00:17:20.339 --> 00:17:23.699\n", "Awakening\n", "\n", "434\n", "00:17:21.959 --> 00:17:25.880\n", "good\n", "\n", "435\n", "00:17:23.699 --> 00:17:28.679\n", "foreign\n", "\n", "436\n", "00:17:25.880 --> 00:17:31.740\n", "like I'm here for it okay\n", "\n", "437\n", "00:17:28.679 --> 00:17:34.320\n", "so the easiest\n", "\n", "438\n", "00:17:31.740 --> 00:17:37.200\n", "leave it it's part of it\n", "\n", "439\n", "00:17:34.320 --> 00:17:39.059\n", "I love it yes\n", "\n", "440\n", "00:17:37.200 --> 00:17:40.020\n", "no I mean it [ __ ] hurts so [ __ ]\n", "\n", "441\n", "00:17:39.059 --> 00:17:41.820\n", "bad\n", "\n", "442\n", "00:17:40.020 --> 00:17:45.000\n", "okay\n", "\n", "443\n", "00:17:41.820 --> 00:17:48.000\n", "um the easiest dollar\n", "\n", "444\n", "00:17:45.000 --> 00:17:49.130\n", "you make as an influencer I would say\n", "\n", "445\n", "00:17:48.000 --> 00:17:52.289\n", "would be\n", "\n", "446\n", "00:17:49.130 --> 00:17:52.289\n", "[Music]\n", "\n", "447\n", "00:17:52.320 --> 00:17:56.760\n", "like holding up a product on Instagram\n", "\n", "448\n", "00:17:54.419 --> 00:17:58.559\n", "taking a photo you know and posting it\n", "\n", "449\n", "00:17:56.760 --> 00:18:01.520\n", "being like hashtag ad\n", "\n", "450\n", "00:17:58.559 --> 00:18:01.520\n", "Fletcher's easy\n", "\n", "451\n", "00:18:03.600 --> 00:18:07.080\n", "um\n", "\n", "452\n", "00:18:05.280 --> 00:18:08.880\n", "I just wish people knew at home that\n", "\n", "453\n", "00:18:07.080 --> 00:18:10.860\n", "like when everybody's crying and like\n", "\n", "454\n", "00:18:08.880 --> 00:18:12.720\n", "everybody's like\n", "\n", "455\n", "00:18:10.860 --> 00:18:15.360\n", "can't get words out\n", "\n", "456\n", "00:18:12.720 --> 00:18:17.460\n", "that like this shit's serious right like\n", "\n", "457\n", "00:18:15.360 --> 00:18:18.660\n", "because I feel like even I when I used\n", "\n", "458\n", "00:18:17.460 --> 00:18:20.340\n", "to watch it I was like this shit's not\n", "\n", "459\n", "00:18:18.660 --> 00:18:22.380\n", "that serious like\n", "\n", "460\n", "00:18:20.340 --> 00:18:26.220\n", "you're a [ __ ]\n", "\n", "461\n", "00:18:22.380 --> 00:18:27.600\n", "and now I'm like no right I'm so sorry\n", "\n", "462\n", "00:18:26.220 --> 00:18:30.120\n", "um for everything\n", "\n", "463\n", "00:18:27.600 --> 00:18:33.000\n", "to the ghosts of hot ones guest pass to\n", "\n", "464\n", "00:18:30.120 --> 00:18:35.700\n", "the ghost of hot ones guest passed I'm\n", "\n", "465\n", "00:18:33.000 --> 00:18:37.380\n", "sorry for my my judgment from home you\n", "\n", "466\n", "00:18:35.700 --> 00:18:40.280\n", "were Brave\n", "\n", "467\n", "00:18:37.380 --> 00:18:40.280\n", "and I get it\n", "\n", "468\n", "00:18:41.910 --> 00:18:48.120\n", "[Music]\n", "\n", "469\n", "00:18:44.660 --> 00:18:51.740\n", "okay let's let's rock on this next one\n", "\n", "470\n", "00:18:48.120 --> 00:18:51.740\n", "is pucker butt's unique garlic\n", "\n", "471\n", "00:18:55.020 --> 00:18:58.140\n", "I don't consider myself like\n", "\n", "472\n", "00:18:57.179 --> 00:19:00.000\n", "I don't know I'm just feeling\n", "\n", "473\n", "00:18:58.140 --> 00:19:02.700\n", "particularly spiritual praying that God\n", "\n", "474\n", "00:19:00.000 --> 00:19:06.260\n", "knows what else is up there in these\n", "\n", "475\n", "00:19:02.700 --> 00:19:06.260\n", "trying times these trying times\n", "\n", "476\n", "00:19:11.160 --> 00:19:15.279\n", "foreign\n", "\n", "477\n", "00:19:11.990 --> 00:19:15.279\n", "[Music]\n", "\n", "478\n", "00:19:17.460 --> 00:19:21.179\n", "so your podcast anything goes with Emma\n", "\n", "479\n", "00:19:19.500 --> 00:19:23.340\n", "Chamberlain is an episodic thought\n", "\n", "480\n", "00:19:21.179 --> 00:19:25.740\n", "exercise where you Ponder questions that\n", "\n", "481\n", "00:19:23.340 --> 00:19:27.900\n", "range from how much privacy a celebrity\n", "\n", "482\n", "00:19:25.740 --> 00:19:30.360\n", "is entitled to to whether or not anyone\n", "\n", "483\n", "00:19:27.900 --> 00:19:31.799\n", "is actually cool as someone who's open\n", "\n", "484\n", "00:19:30.360 --> 00:19:33.960\n", "about the fact that their opinions\n", "\n", "485\n", "00:19:31.799 --> 00:19:36.000\n", "change all the time what's like the last\n", "\n", "486\n", "00:19:33.960 --> 00:19:37.320\n", "or most recent like bad take you've had\n", "\n", "487\n", "00:19:36.000 --> 00:19:39.059\n", "on your own podcast\n", "\n", "488\n", "00:19:37.320 --> 00:19:40.799\n", "I don't know to be honest like I don't\n", "\n", "489\n", "00:19:39.059 --> 00:19:41.820\n", "look at any of my anything I've ever\n", "\n", "490\n", "00:19:40.799 --> 00:19:43.679\n", "said\n", "\n", "491\n", "00:19:41.820 --> 00:19:45.620\n", "I almost throw it in the dumpster behind\n", "\n", "492\n", "00:19:43.679 --> 00:19:48.600\n", "me yeah\n", "\n", "493\n", "00:19:45.620 --> 00:19:50.880\n", "it's true right then but it might not be\n", "\n", "494\n", "00:19:48.600 --> 00:19:52.980\n", "true literally tomorrow and I try to\n", "\n", "495\n", "00:19:50.880 --> 00:19:55.799\n", "make sure everyone knows that so that\n", "\n", "496\n", "00:19:52.980 --> 00:19:57.720\n", "you know it's not like anyone's like\n", "\n", "497\n", "00:19:55.799 --> 00:20:00.360\n", "but I don't know what about that that\n", "\n", "498\n", "00:19:57.720 --> 00:20:03.059\n", "you said it's like no I'm always ebbing\n", "\n", "499\n", "00:20:00.360 --> 00:20:05.760\n", "and flowing baby and that's a good\n", "\n", "500\n", "00:20:03.059 --> 00:20:07.440\n", "that's a good place to be\n", "\n", "501\n", "00:20:05.760 --> 00:20:09.539\n", "what\n", "\n", "502\n", "00:20:07.440 --> 00:20:11.760\n", "are we going in\n", "\n", "503\n", "00:20:09.539 --> 00:20:13.380\n", "if you're ready are we last stabbing it\n", "\n", "504\n", "00:20:11.760 --> 00:20:15.780\n", "we're last stabbing it if you're ready\n", "\n", "505\n", "00:20:13.380 --> 00:20:18.140\n", "I'm just [ __ ] doing it\n", "\n", "506\n", "00:20:15.780 --> 00:20:22.809\n", "oh that's a good Shake\n", "\n", "507\n", "00:20:18.140 --> 00:20:22.809\n", "[Music]\n", "\n", "508\n", "00:20:22.860 --> 00:20:27.059\n", "how much are we doing here\n", "\n", "509\n", "00:20:25.200 --> 00:20:28.559\n", "that looks measured that is looking good\n", "\n", "510\n", "00:20:27.059 --> 00:20:32.160\n", "that is looking good yeah that's perfect\n", "\n", "511\n", "00:20:28.559 --> 00:20:34.679\n", "any more than that that is good\n", "\n", "512\n", "00:20:32.160 --> 00:20:36.360\n", "all right I'm just like taking my time\n", "\n", "513\n", "00:20:34.679 --> 00:20:38.700\n", "putting it back\n", "\n", "514\n", "00:20:36.360 --> 00:20:41.340\n", "taking my time I'll screw back on too\n", "\n", "515\n", "00:20:38.700 --> 00:20:42.660\n", "just for for you guys so it looks good\n", "\n", "516\n", "00:20:41.340 --> 00:20:44.600\n", "on the table\n", "\n", "517\n", "00:20:42.660 --> 00:20:47.100\n", "shout out to the crew\n", "\n", "518\n", "00:20:44.600 --> 00:20:50.580\n", "I'm not like stalking\n", "\n", "519\n", "00:20:47.100 --> 00:20:53.000\n", "all right and it's time to go cheers all\n", "\n", "520\n", "00:20:50.580 --> 00:20:53.000\n", "right cheers\n", "\n", "521\n", "00:20:53.510 --> 00:20:58.609\n", "[Music]\n", "\n", "522\n", "00:20:59.059 --> 00:21:05.100\n", "and while that settles nice long wind up\n", "\n", "523\n", "00:21:02.039 --> 00:21:07.200\n", "to close things out what I want to do is\n", "\n", "524\n", "00:21:05.100 --> 00:21:10.500\n", "we'll pray on your natural creative\n", "\n", "525\n", "00:21:07.200 --> 00:21:13.980\n", "instincts in aesthetic can you rearrange\n", "\n", "526\n", "00:21:10.500 --> 00:21:17.100\n", "the hot ones Gauntlet from favorite to\n", "\n", "527\n", "00:21:13.980 --> 00:21:19.440\n", "least favorite based entirely on the\n", "\n", "528\n", "00:21:17.100 --> 00:21:20.880\n", "artistic appeal of the labels\n", "\n", "529\n", "00:21:19.440 --> 00:21:23.039\n", "like which one I think is the most\n", "\n", "530\n", "00:21:20.880 --> 00:21:25.620\n", "aesthetic yeah aesthetically amazing\n", "\n", "531\n", "00:21:23.039 --> 00:21:27.539\n", "this is like actually my dream yeah of\n", "\n", "532\n", "00:21:25.620 --> 00:21:29.220\n", "an activity especially during my like\n", "\n", "533\n", "00:21:27.539 --> 00:21:31.020\n", "what I'm feeling right now although part\n", "\n", "534\n", "00:21:29.220 --> 00:21:33.299\n", "of me like wants to like\n", "\n", "535\n", "00:21:31.020 --> 00:21:35.280\n", "finish the wing to like really like do\n", "\n", "536\n", "00:21:33.299 --> 00:21:38.000\n", "it should be [ __ ] let's do it let's\n", "\n", "537\n", "00:21:35.280 --> 00:21:38.000\n", "go okay\n", "\n", "538\n", "00:21:38.880 --> 00:21:43.940\n", "what I'm so do I regret okay\n", "\n", "539\n", "00:21:48.840 --> 00:21:53.460\n", "okay I'm determined one more bite\n", "\n", "540\n", "00:21:50.280 --> 00:21:55.200\n", "incredible I'm not a baby and I want\n", "\n", "541\n", "00:21:53.460 --> 00:21:58.679\n", "everyone out there to know that I\n", "\n", "542\n", "00:21:55.200 --> 00:22:01.380\n", "[ __ ] came here and I [ __ ] did it\n", "\n", "543\n", "00:21:58.679 --> 00:22:04.500\n", "let them know this has been my dream\n", "\n", "544\n", "00:22:01.380 --> 00:22:06.240\n", "since I first started YouTube was to one\n", "\n", "545\n", "00:22:04.500 --> 00:22:08.640\n", "day come here and I'm [ __ ] finishing\n", "\n", "546\n", "00:22:06.240 --> 00:22:11.960\n", "the last week okay it was changing the\n", "\n", "547\n", "00:22:08.640 --> 00:22:11.960\n", "last one wait what yes\n", "\n", "548\n", "00:22:13.380 --> 00:22:17.460\n", "I always wanted to come on the show\n", "\n", "549\n", "00:22:15.720 --> 00:22:20.580\n", "because I've been obsessed with it since\n", "\n", "550\n", "00:22:17.460 --> 00:22:24.120\n", "it like literally came out and started\n", "\n", "551\n", "00:22:20.580 --> 00:22:26.640\n", "however long ago and I was like once I\n", "\n", "552\n", "00:22:24.120 --> 00:22:29.760\n", "[ __ ] go on hot ones\n", "\n", "553\n", "00:22:26.640 --> 00:22:31.919\n", "I like I can retire like that's always\n", "\n", "554\n", "00:22:29.760 --> 00:22:33.900\n", "been my thing\n", "\n", "555\n", "00:22:31.919 --> 00:22:37.020\n", "and so like I'm [ __ ] finishing the\n", "\n", "556\n", "00:22:33.900 --> 00:22:37.020\n", "wings okay\n", "\n", "557\n", "00:22:38.520 --> 00:22:44.039\n", "[Music]\n", "\n", "558\n", "00:22:41.059 --> 00:22:45.659\n", "Pico Rico with the cat your favorite\n", "\n", "559\n", "00:22:44.039 --> 00:22:47.340\n", "that cat is just so\n", "\n", "560\n", "00:22:45.659 --> 00:22:49.140\n", "has to go first it makes me want to buy\n", "\n", "561\n", "00:22:47.340 --> 00:22:53.280\n", "the hot sauce\n", "\n", "562\n", "00:22:49.140 --> 00:22:55.980\n", "I love when animals are on stuff next\n", "\n", "563\n", "00:22:53.280 --> 00:22:58.500\n", "we're gonna go with this one I really I\n", "\n", "564\n", "00:22:55.980 --> 00:23:01.260\n", "like the colors very inviting\n", "\n", "565\n", "00:22:58.500 --> 00:23:03.840\n", "not traditional but personal I love that\n", "\n", "566\n", "00:23:01.260 --> 00:23:06.780\n", "little branding\n", "\n", "567\n", "00:23:03.840 --> 00:23:08.880\n", "okay I really like it\n", "\n", "568\n", "00:23:06.780 --> 00:23:10.320\n", "I really like this one I mean it's you\n", "\n", "569\n", "00:23:08.880 --> 00:23:13.679\n", "guys so like\n", "\n", "570\n", "00:23:10.320 --> 00:23:15.720\n", "but I like it because it's simple and\n", "\n", "571\n", "00:23:13.679 --> 00:23:17.640\n", "effective and classic and that's exactly\n", "\n", "572\n", "00:23:15.720 --> 00:23:18.900\n", "what it is\n", "\n", "573\n", "00:23:17.640 --> 00:23:20.280\n", "for some reason it's going last like\n", "\n", "574\n", "00:23:18.900 --> 00:23:22.380\n", "don't want to offend anyone but I just\n", "\n", "575\n", "00:23:20.280 --> 00:23:26.059\n", "like feel like it reminds me of like\n", "\n", "576\n", "00:23:22.380 --> 00:23:26.059\n", "a Florida like Grandma\n", "\n", "577\n", "00:23:26.460 --> 00:23:30.299\n", "okay you know what [ __ ] him just zooming\n", "\n", "578\n", "00:23:28.500 --> 00:23:31.980\n", "through now here we go okay this one\n", "\n", "579\n", "00:23:30.299 --> 00:23:34.799\n", "reminds me of like so many this is like\n", "\n", "580\n", "00:23:31.980 --> 00:23:36.840\n", "the Burning Man Edition\n", "\n", "581\n", "00:23:34.799 --> 00:23:39.200\n", "the bomb it's effective and it's\n", "\n", "582\n", "00:23:36.840 --> 00:23:39.200\n", "accurate\n", "\n", "583\n", "00:23:40.679 --> 00:23:44.940\n", "final touches\n", "\n", "584\n", "00:23:42.480 --> 00:23:47.159\n", "final touches I'm committing to this oh\n", "\n", "585\n", "00:23:44.940 --> 00:23:49.320\n", "my God I'm done and there you have it\n", "\n", "586\n", "00:23:47.159 --> 00:23:51.480\n", "set it in stone and hang it in the\n", "\n", "587\n", "00:23:49.320 --> 00:23:53.520\n", "Louvre Emma Chamberlain taking on the\n", "\n", "588\n", "00:23:51.480 --> 00:23:55.559\n", "hot ones Gauntlet and living to tell the\n", "\n", "589\n", "00:23:53.520 --> 00:23:57.299\n", "tale now there's nothing left to do but\n", "\n", "590\n", "00:23:55.559 --> 00:23:59.100\n", "roll out the red carpet for you this\n", "\n", "591\n", "00:23:57.299 --> 00:24:00.299\n", "camera this camera this camera let the\n", "\n", "592\n", "00:23:59.100 --> 00:24:02.600\n", "people know what you have going on in\n", "\n", "593\n", "00:24:00.299 --> 00:24:02.600\n", "your life\n", "\n", "594\n", "00:24:02.760 --> 00:24:06.500\n", "um yes yes\n", "\n", "595\n", "00:24:04.380 --> 00:24:06.500\n", "thank you\n", "\n", "596\n", "00:24:06.960 --> 00:24:12.659\n", "um well I have a coffee company uh\n", "\n", "597\n", "00:24:10.460 --> 00:24:15.179\n", "chamberlaincoffee.com pick up some\n", "\n", "598\n", "00:24:12.659 --> 00:24:17.460\n", "coffee tea coffee and tea related\n", "\n", "599\n", "00:24:15.179 --> 00:24:19.679\n", "accessories I have a podcast anything\n", "\n", "600\n", "00:24:17.460 --> 00:24:22.440\n", "goes check it out new episodes all the\n", "\n", "601\n", "00:24:19.679 --> 00:24:23.820\n", "time every Thursday every week\n", "\n", "602\n", "00:24:22.440 --> 00:24:26.520\n", "um and sometimes I make YouTube videos\n", "\n", "603\n", "00:24:23.820 --> 00:24:32.659\n", "when my when it sets my soul on fire\n", "\n", "604\n", "00:24:26.520 --> 00:24:32.659\n", "thank you Sean what a day what a day\n", "\n", "605\n", "00:24:32.880 --> 00:24:37.080\n", "you did it that was so fun\n", "\n", "606\n", "00:24:35.159 --> 00:24:40.440\n", "what are you gonna tell your dad\n", "\n", "607\n", "00:24:37.080 --> 00:24:41.880\n", "that this shit's serious and and that I\n", "\n", "608\n", "00:24:40.440 --> 00:24:43.620\n", "saw in your face that you're there with\n", "\n", "609\n", "00:24:41.880 --> 00:24:44.760\n", "me right there with you you were there\n", "\n", "610\n", "00:24:43.620 --> 00:24:46.380\n", "with me oh my God I shouldn't touch\n", "\n", "611\n", "00:24:44.760 --> 00:24:50.360\n", "myself yeah be careful I did you made it\n", "\n", "612\n", "00:24:46.380 --> 00:24:50.360\n", "all the way to this point all the way up\n", "\n", "613\n", "00:24:50.940 --> 00:24:55.679\n", "that was so fun you had a good time\n", "\n", "614\n", "00:24:53.820 --> 00:24:58.220\n", "are you guys free for another hour let's\n", "\n", "615\n", "00:24:55.679 --> 00:24:58.220\n", "do it again\n", "\n", "616\n", "00:24:59.940 --> 00:25:04.740\n", "thank you so much for watching today's\n", "\n", "617\n", "00:25:01.919 --> 00:25:08.039\n", "video and hot ones fans I have a very\n", "\n", "618\n", "00:25:04.740 --> 00:25:10.980\n", "exciting announcement the hot ones Shake\n", "\n", "619\n", "00:25:08.039 --> 00:25:13.320\n", "Shack collab is finally here the hot\n", "\n", "620\n", "00:25:10.980 --> 00:25:16.559\n", "ones cheese fries the hot ones Burger\n", "\n", "621\n", "00:25:13.320 --> 00:25:19.140\n", "the hot ones chicken all made with a\n", "\n", "622\n", "00:25:16.559 --> 00:25:22.140\n", "shack sauce that includes hot ones the\n", "\n", "623\n", "00:25:19.140 --> 00:25:25.380\n", "classic along with the last dab it's\n", "\n", "624\n", "00:25:22.140 --> 00:25:28.080\n", "very spicy it's very delicious and it's\n", "\n", "625\n", "00:25:25.380 --> 00:25:29.820\n", "available for a limited time now through\n", "\n", "626\n", "00:25:28.080 --> 00:25:31.740\n", "the end of the year at Shake Shacks\n", "\n", "627\n", "00:25:29.820 --> 00:25:34.140\n", "Nationwide and via the Shake Shack app\n", "\n", "628\n", "00:25:31.740 --> 00:25:37.340\n", "be careful around your eyes and don't\n", "\n", "629\n", "00:25:34.140 --> 00:25:37.340\n", "forget to order a milkshake\n", "\n", "630\n", "00:25:37.490 --> 00:25:40.980\n", "[Music]\n" ] } ], "source": [ "print(ranked_chunks[8].text)" ], "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2024-05-22T23:02:09.020859Z", "start_time": "2024-05-22T23:02:09.016591Z" } }, "id": "9923b47429e89cf6", "execution_count": 249 }, { "cell_type": "code", "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": "['David Blaine Does Magic While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n 'Puss in Boots Can’t Feel His Tail While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n 'Will Ferrell Brings the Spirit to the Hot Ones Holiday Extravaganza | Hot Ones',\n 'Emma Chamberlain Has a Spiritual Awakening While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n 'Israel Adesanya Gives Thanks While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n 'Viola Davis Gives a Master Class While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n \"Cate Blanchett Pretends No One's Watching While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones\",\n 'Kid Cudi Goes to the Moon While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n 'James Corden Experiences Mouth Karma While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n 'Zoe Saldaña Gets Scorched By Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n 'Kate Hudson Stays Positive While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n 'Paul Dano Needs a Burp Cloth While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n 'Cole Bennett Needs Lemonade While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n 'The Best Da Bomb Reactions of 2022 | Hot Ones',\n 'Sean Evans Reveals the Season 19 Hot Sauce Lineup | Hot Ones',\n 'Ramy Youssef Lives on a Prayer While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n 'The Best Last Dab Reactions of 2022 | Hot Ones']" }, "execution_count": 250, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "titles" ], "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2024-05-22T23:02:17.829084Z", "start_time": "2024-05-22T23:02:17.821196Z" } }, "id": "cacd84878ab6ad25", "execution_count": 250 }, { "cell_type": "code", "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": "['Will Ferrell Brings the Spirit to the Hot Ones Holiday Extravaganza | Hot Ones',\n 'Israel Adesanya Gives Thanks While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n 'David Blaine Does Magic While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n 'The Best Last Dab Reactions of 2022 | Hot Ones',\n 'Ramy Youssef Lives on a Prayer While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n 'David Blaine Does Magic While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n 'Viola Davis Gives a Master Class While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n \"Cate Blanchett Pretends No One's Watching While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones\",\n 'Emma Chamberlain Has a Spiritual Awakening While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n 'Paul Dano Needs a Burp Cloth While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n 'Puss in Boots Can’t Feel His Tail While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n 'Kate Hudson Stays Positive While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n 'Ramy Youssef Lives on a Prayer While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n \"Cate Blanchett Pretends No One's Watching While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones\",\n 'Sean Evans Reveals the Season 19 Hot Sauce Lineup | Hot Ones',\n 'Will Ferrell Brings the Spirit to the Hot Ones Holiday Extravaganza | Hot Ones',\n 'David Blaine Does Magic While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n 'Emma Chamberlain Has a Spiritual Awakening While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n 'Kid Cudi Goes to the Moon While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n 'James Corden Experiences Mouth Karma While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n 'Cole Bennett Needs Lemonade While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n 'Zoe Saldaña Gets Scorched By Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n 'Kid Cudi Goes to the Moon While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n 'Cole Bennett Needs Lemonade While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n 'Kate Hudson Stays Positive While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n 'James Corden Experiences Mouth Karma While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n 'Viola Davis Gives a Master Class While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n 'Paul Dano Needs a Burp Cloth While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n 'Zoe Saldaña Gets Scorched By Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n 'Emma Chamberlain Has a Spiritual Awakening While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n 'Paul Dano Needs a Burp Cloth While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n 'The Best Da Bomb Reactions of 2022 | Hot Ones',\n 'Ramy Youssef Lives on a Prayer While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n 'Israel Adesanya Gives Thanks While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n 'James Corden Experiences Mouth Karma While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones',\n 'Will Ferrell Brings the Spirit to the Hot Ones Holiday Extravaganza | Hot Ones',\n 'Israel Adesanya Gives Thanks While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones']" }, "execution_count": 242, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "[ranked_chunks[i].title for i in range(37)]" ], "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2024-05-22T23:01:29.983798Z", "start_time": "2024-05-22T23:01:29.980897Z" } }, "id": "bf5adb443de049c4", "execution_count": 242 }, { "cell_type": "code", "outputs": [], "source": [ "messages = get_initial_messages(\"Which guest worked at Abercrombie and Fitch?\", chunk_metadata[18])" ], "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2024-05-22T22:52:39.615068Z", "start_time": "2024-05-22T22:52:39.605327Z" } }, "id": "281f1c603ee675af", "execution_count": 217 }, { "cell_type": "code", "outputs": [], "source": [ "response = client.chat.completions.create(\n", " model=\"gpt-4o\",\n", " messages=messages\n", ")" ], "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2024-05-22T22:52:46.277986Z", "start_time": "2024-05-22T22:52:44.003187Z" } }, "id": "4b8c57a6fadddbf", "execution_count": 218 }, { "cell_type": "code", "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": "'The guest who worked at Abercrombie and Fitch is Kid Cudi. You can find the relevant discussion in the video at this link: [Kid Cudi on Hot Ones](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0allwd60wS4&t=569s).'" }, "execution_count": 224, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "response.choices[0].message.content" ], "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2024-05-22T22:53:05.698406Z", "start_time": "2024-05-22T22:53:05.693844Z" } }, "id": "2044d01528d9ad72", "execution_count": 224 }, { "cell_type": "code", "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": "array([18, 30, 34, 1, 29, 8, 4, 10, 2, 33, 24, 17, 20, 28, 19, 35, 15,\n 7, 14, 5, 37, 22, 6, 36, 0, 26, 31, 16, 23, 25, 27, 12, 21, 13,\n 9, 3, 32, 11])" }, "execution_count": 184, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "np.argsort(similarities)[::-1] " ], "metadata": { "collapsed": false, "ExecuteTime": { "end_time": "2024-05-22T22:41:08.721590Z", "start_time": "2024-05-22T22:41:08.718696Z" } }, "id": "b8c0eea25215e336", "execution_count": 184 } ], "metadata": { "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Python 3", "language": "python", "name": "python3" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 2 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython2", "version": "2.7.6" } }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 5 }