import streamlit as st import numpy as np import cv2 import tensorflow as tf from PIL import Image from keras.models import load_model from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder import pickle from keras_preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences from keras.preprocessing.text import Tokenizer from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder from PIL import Image # from google.colab.patches import cv2_imshow def label_smoothing(y_true,y_pred): return tf.keras.losses.binary_crossentropy(y_true,y_pred,label_smoothing=0.1) def sparse_cross_entropy(y_true, y_pred): loss = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=y_true, logits=y_pred) loss_mean = tf.reduce_mean(loss) return loss_mean model1 = load_model('densenet.h5',custom_objects={'label_smoothing': label_smoothing}) image_model_transfer=load_model("image_model_transfer.h5") decoder_model=load_model("Final_ISRO_DenseNet201_Epoch50.h5",custom_objects={'sparse_cross_entropy': sparse_cross_entropy}) class TokenizerWrap(Tokenizer): """Wrap the Tokenizer-class from Keras with more functionality.""" def _init_(self, texts, num_words=None): """ :param texts: List of strings with the data-set. :param num_words: Max number of words to use. """ Tokenizer._init_(self, num_words=num_words) # Create the vocabulary from the texts. self.fit_on_texts(texts) # Create inverse lookup from integer-tokens to words. # word_index is a dictionary. its values are tokens and the keys are words # opposite to index_to_word self.index_to_word = dict(zip(self.word_index.values(), self.word_index.keys())) def token_to_word(self, token): """Lookup a single word from an integer-token.""" word = " " if token == 0 else self.index_to_word[token] return word def tokens_to_string(self, tokens): """Convert a list of integer-tokens to a string.""" # Create a list of the individual words. words = [self.index_to_word[token] for token in tokens if token != 0] # Concatenate the words to a single string # with space between all the words. text = " ".join(words) return text def captions_to_tokens(self, captions_listlist): """ Convert a list-of-list with text-captions to a list-of-list of integer-tokens. """ # Note that text_to_sequences() takes a list of texts. tokens = [self.texts_to_sequences(captions_list) for captions_list in captions_listlist] return tokens with open('Train_Label.pickle', 'rb') as efile: labels=pickle.load(efile) with open('tokenizer.pkl', 'rb') as efile: tokenizer=pickle.load(efile) le=LabelEncoder() labels=le.fit_transform(labels) def framing(video):#defining a small function named"framing" with a parameter "i" that's supposed to be provided for reading the video fr = []#creating an empty list named fr fr_pre=[]#creating an empty list named fr_pre cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video)#reading the video file while (cap.isOpened()):#This command builds a loop to check if the data is still being read from the video ret,frame = the data tunnel,gives two output where one tells about presence of frames(here it's ret) & the other speaks frame data(here it's frame) if ret == True:#checking for presence of frames # cv2_imshow(frame)#displaying the frames grayed = cv2.cvtColor(frame,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)#Converting the frames to Grayscale from BGR canned = cv2.Canny(grayed,320,320)#For extrating edges we use Canny Edge detection method fr.append(frame)#Appending the read frame fr_pre.append(canned)#Appending the edge extracted frames # cv2_imshow(grayed)#Displaying the original frames # cv2_imshow(canned)#Displaying the edge detected frames k = cv2.waitKey(10) & 0XFF#this is an arrangement for displaying the video where the secs for which each frame needs to be displayed in given in the paranthesis if k == ord('q'):#pressing 'q' key will close the video break else: break cap.release()#Here we release the resoures cv2.destroyAllWindows()#Here we delete all the windows that were created during the program return fr_pre,fr def difference_of_frames(frames): diff = []#creatin a list variable for i in range(0,len(frames)-1):#defining the range diff.append(cv2.absdiff(frames[i],frames[i+1]))#appending the diff between frames to the list variable so we're supposed to get only the difference between frames return diff def cal_threshold(diff): mn = np.mean(diff)#This gives mean st_d = np.std(diff)#This gives standard deviation a = 4#Setting a random value we can modify it to any value ts = mn + (a * st_d)#defining the standard threshold value for the project/global threshold value return ts def imp_frames(diff, ts, ogframes): a_fr = []#Creating an empty list for i in range(len(diff)):#Defining the for loop to be looped over all the frames obtained after finding the frames resulted from subtracting mn = np.mean(diff[i])#Calculating the mean for each frame st_d = np.std(diff[i])#Calculating the standard deviation for each frame fr_ts = mn + (4*st_d)#Finding the threshold values for each frame/image a_fr.append([i,fr_ts])#Appending the frame number & the threshold values imp_fr = []#Creating an empty list for i,ac_tr in(a_fr):#Defining the loop on the list obtained from above code if ac_tr >= ts:#Comapring the threshold values to the standard threshold/global threshold values imp_fr.append([i,ac_tr])#Appending the list with the imp frames based on their index & the values key_fr = []#Creating an empty list for i,_ in imp_fr:#Defining the loop over the list obtained from above code key_fr.append(ogframes[i])#This extracts the frames based on the index of frames return key_fr def final_image(video): frames,ogframes = framing(video)#calling function framing & then extracting the images diff=difference_of_frames(frames) ts=cal_threshold(diff) key_fr=imp_frames(diff, ts, ogframes) frame_no=key_fr[int(len(key_fr)/2)] #this is a frame cv2.imwrite("Testing1.jpg",frame_no) return "Testing1.jpg" cv2.destroyAllWindows() def image_test(image_path): image = image.resize((224,224)) image = np.array(image) image= np.expand_dims(image, axis=0) return image def largest_indices(ary, n): flat = ary.flatten() indices = np.argpartition(flat, -n)[-n:] indices = indices[np.argsort(-flat[indices])] return indices mark_start = 'ssss' mark_end = ' eeee' token_start = tokenizer.word_index[mark_start.strip()] token_end = tokenizer.word_index[mark_end.strip()] def load_image(path, size=None): """ Load the image from the given file-path and resize it to the given size if not None. """ # Load the image using PIL. img = # Resize image if desired. if not size is None: img = img.resize(size=size, resample=Image.LANCZOS) img = np.array(img) img = img / 255.0 # Convert 2-dim gray-scale array to 3-dim RGB array. if (len(img.shape) == 2): img = np.repeat(img[:, :, np.newaxis], 3, axis=2) return img def greedy_search(image_path, max_tokens=30): """ Generate a caption for the image in the given path. The caption is limited to the given number of tokens (words). """ # ---------------------------ENCODE IMAGE-------------------------------- # Load and resize the image. image = load_image(image_path, size=(224,224)) # Expand the 3-dim numpy array to 4-dim # because the image-model expects a whole batch as input, # so we give it a batch with just one image. image_batch = np.expand_dims(image, axis=0) # Process the image with the pre-trained image-model # to get the transfer-values. transfer_values = image_model_transfer.predict(image_batch) # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Pre-allocate the 2-dim array used as input to the decoder. # This holds just a single sequence of integer-tokens, # but the decoder-model expects a batch of sequences. shape = (1, max_tokens) decoder_input_data = np.zeros(shape=shape, dtype=int) # The first input-token is the special start-token for 'ssss '. token_int = token_start #1 # Initialize an empty output-text. output_text = '' # Initialize the number of tokens we have processed. count_tokens = 0 # While we haven't sampled the special end-token for ' eeee' # and we haven't processed the max number of tokens. while token_int != token_end and count_tokens < max_tokens: # Update the input-sequence to the decoder # with the last token that was sampled. # In the first iteration this will set the # first element to the start-token. decoder_input_data[0, count_tokens] = token_int # Wrap the input-data in a dict for clarity and safety, # so we are sure we input the data in the right order. x_data = \ { 'transfer_values_input': transfer_values, 'decoder_input': decoder_input_data } # Note that we input the entire sequence of tokens # to the decoder. This wastes a lot of computation # because we are only interested in the last input # and output. We could modify the code to return # the GRU-states when calling predict() and then # feeding these GRU-states as well the next time # we call predict(), but it would make the code # much more complicated. # Input this data to the decoder and get the predicted output. decoder_output = decoder_model.predict(x_data) # print(decoder_output.shape) (1,30,15000) for every iteration # Get the last predicted token as a one-hot encoded array. # Note that this is not limited by softmax, but we just # need the index of the largest element so it doesn't matter. token_onehot = decoder_output[0, count_tokens, :] # print(token_onehot.shape) (15000, ) for every iteration # Convert to an integer-token. token_int = np.argmax(token_onehot) # print(token_int) #the token of a word with the highest score # Lookup the word corresponding to this integer-token. sampled_word = tokenizer.token_to_word(token_int) # print(sampled_word) # Append the word to the output-text. output_text += " " + sampled_word # Increment the token-counter. count_tokens += 1 # This is the sequence of tokens output by the decoder. output_tokens = decoder_input_data[0] # print(output_tokens) # Plot the image. # plt.imshow(image) # predicted_caption=output_text.split() del (predicted_caption[-1]) output_text = " " output_text = output_text.join(predicted_caption) # Print the predicted caption. # print("Predicted caption:") # print(output_text) # print() return predicted_caption def beam_search(beam_index, image_path, max_tokens=30): image = load_image(image_path, size=(224,224)) # Expand the 3-dim numpy array to 4-dim # because the image-model expects a whole batch as input, # so we give it a batch with just one image. image_batch = np.expand_dims(image, axis=0) # Process the image with the pre-trained image-model # to get the transfer-values. transfer_values = image_model_transfer.predict(image_batch) token_int = [token_start] start_word = [[token_int, 0.0]] count_tokens = 0 while len(start_word[0][0])