apdrawing / APDrawingGAN2 /data /single_dataset.py
hylee's picture
history blame
No virus
8.59 kB
import os.path
from data.base_dataset import BaseDataset, get_transform
from data.image_folder import make_dataset
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import csv
import torch
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
def getfeats(featpath):
trans_points = np.empty([5,2],dtype=np.int64)
with open(featpath, 'r') as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' ')
for ind,row in enumerate(reader):
trans_points[ind,:] = row
return trans_points
def getSoft(size,xb,yb,boundwidth=5.0):
xarray = np.tile(np.arange(0,size[1]),(size[0],1))
yarray = np.tile(np.arange(0,size[0]),(size[1],1)).transpose()
cxdists = []
cydists = []
for i in range(len(xb)):
xba = np.tile(xb[i],(size[1],1)).transpose()
yba = np.tile(yb[i],(size[0],1))
xdist = np.minimum.reduce(cxdists)
ydist = np.minimum.reduce(cydists)
manhdist = np.minimum.reduce([xdist,ydist])
im = (manhdist+1) / (boundwidth+1) * 1.0
im[im>=1.0] = 1.0
return im
class SingleDataset(BaseDataset):
def modify_commandline_options(parser, is_train):
return parser
def initialize(self, opt):
self.opt = opt
self.root = opt.dataroot
self.dir_A = os.path.join(opt.dataroot)
imglist = 'datasets/apdrawing_list/%s/%s.txt' % (opt.phase, opt.dataroot)
if os.path.exists(imglist):
lines = open(imglist, 'r').read().splitlines()
self.A_paths = sorted(lines)
self.A_paths = make_dataset(self.dir_A)
self.A_paths = sorted(self.A_paths)
self.transform = get_transform(opt) # this function uses NO_FLIP; aligned dataset do not use this, aligned dataset manually transform
def __getitem__(self, index):
A_path = self.A_paths[index]
A_img = Image.open(A_path).convert('RGB')
A = self.transform(A_img)
if self.opt.which_direction == 'BtoA':
input_nc = self.opt.output_nc
output_nc = self.opt.input_nc
input_nc = self.opt.input_nc
output_nc = self.opt.output_nc
if input_nc == 1: # RGB to gray
tmp = A[0, ...] * 0.299 + A[1, ...] * 0.587 + A[2, ...] * 0.114
A = tmp.unsqueeze(0)
item = {'A': A, 'A_paths': A_path}
if self.opt.use_local:
regions = ['eyel','eyer','nose','mouth']
basen = os.path.basename(A_path)[:-4]+'.txt'
featdir = self.opt.lm_dir
featpath = os.path.join(featdir,basen)
feats = getfeats(featpath)
mouth_x = int((feats[3,0]+feats[4,0])/2.0)
mouth_y = int((feats[3,1]+feats[4,1])/2.0)
ratio = self.opt.fineSize / 256
EYE_H = self.opt.EYE_H * ratio
EYE_W = self.opt.EYE_W * ratio
NOSE_H = self.opt.NOSE_H * ratio
NOSE_W = self.opt.NOSE_W * ratio
MOUTH_H = self.opt.MOUTH_H * ratio
MOUTH_W = self.opt.MOUTH_W * ratio
center = torch.LongTensor([[feats[0,0],feats[0,1]-4*ratio],[feats[1,0],feats[1,1]-4*ratio],[feats[2,0],feats[2,1]-NOSE_H/2+16*ratio],[mouth_x,mouth_y]])
item['center'] = center
rhs = [int(EYE_H),int(EYE_H),int(NOSE_H),int(MOUTH_H)]
rws = [int(EYE_W),int(EYE_W),int(NOSE_W),int(MOUTH_W)]
if self.opt.soft_border:
soft_border_mask4 = []
for i in range(4):
xb = [np.zeros(rhs[i]),np.ones(rhs[i])*(rws[i]-1)]
yb = [np.zeros(rws[i]),np.ones(rws[i])*(rhs[i]-1)]
soft_border_mask = getSoft([rhs[i],rws[i]],xb,yb)
item['soft_'+regions[i]+'_mask'] = soft_border_mask4[i]
for i in range(4):
item[regions[i]+'_A'] = A[:,(center[i,1]-rhs[i]/2).to(torch.long):
if self.opt.soft_border:
item[regions[i]+'_A'] = item[regions[i]+'_A'] * soft_border_mask4[i].repeat(int(input_nc/output_nc),1,1)
if self.opt.compactmask:
cmasks0 = []
cmasks = []
for i in range(4):
cmaskpath = os.path.join(self.opt.cmask_dir,regions[i],basen[:-4]+'.png')
im_cmask = Image.open(cmaskpath)
cmask0 = transforms.ToTensor()(im_cmask)
if output_nc == 1 and cmask0.shape[0] == 3:
tmp = cmask0[0, ...] * 0.299 + cmask0[1, ...] * 0.587 + cmask0[2, ...] * 0.114
cmask0 = tmp.unsqueeze(0)
cmask0 = (cmask0 >= 0.5).float()
cmask = cmask0.clone()
cmask = cmask[:,(center[i,1]-rhs[i]/2).to(torch.long):(center[i,1]+rhs[i]/2).to(torch.long),(center[i,0]-rws[i]/2).to(torch.long):(center[i,0]+rws[i]/2).to(torch.long)]
item['cmaskel'] = cmasks[0]
item['cmasker'] = cmasks[1]
item['cmask'] = cmasks[2]
item['cmaskmo'] = cmasks[3]
if self.opt.hair_local:
output_nc = self.opt.output_nc
mask = torch.ones([output_nc,A.shape[1],A.shape[2]])
for i in range(4):
mask[:,(center[i,1]-rhs[i]/2).to(torch.long):(center[i,1]+rhs[i]/2).to(torch.long),(center[i,0]-rws[i]/2).to(torch.long):(center[i,0]+rws[i]/2).to(torch.long)] = 0
if self.opt.soft_border:
imgsize = self.opt.fineSize
maskn = mask[0].numpy()
masks = [np.ones([imgsize,imgsize]),np.ones([imgsize,imgsize]),np.ones([imgsize,imgsize]),np.ones([imgsize,imgsize])]
masks[0][1:] = maskn[:-1]
masks[1][:-1] = maskn[1:]
masks[2][:,1:] = maskn[:,:-1]
masks[3][:,:-1] = maskn[:,1:]
masks2 = [maskn-e for e in masks]
bound = np.minimum.reduce(masks2)
bound = -bound
xb = []
yb = []
for i in range(4):
xbi = [(center[i,0]-rws[i]/2).to(torch.long), (center[i,0]+rws[i]/2-1).to(torch.long)]
ybi = [(center[i,1]-rhs[i]/2).to(torch.long), (center[i,1]+rhs[i]/2-1).to(torch.long)]
for j in range(2):
maskx = bound[:,xbi[j]]
masky = bound[ybi[j],:]
tmp_a = torch.from_numpy(maskx)*xbi[j].double()
tmp_b = torch.from_numpy(1-maskx)
xb += [tmp_b*10000 + tmp_a]
tmp_a = torch.from_numpy(masky)*ybi[j].double()
tmp_b = torch.from_numpy(1-masky)
yb += [tmp_b*10000 + tmp_a]
soft = 1-getSoft([imgsize,imgsize],xb,yb)
soft = torch.Tensor(soft).unsqueeze(0)
mask = (torch.ones(mask.shape)-mask)*soft + mask
hair_A = (A/2+0.5) * mask.repeat(int(input_nc/output_nc),1,1) * 2 - 1
item['hair_A'] = hair_A
item['mask'] = mask
if self.opt.bg_local:
bgdir = self.opt.bg_dir
bgpath = os.path.join(bgdir,basen[:-4]+'.png')
im_bg = Image.open(bgpath)
mask2 = transforms.ToTensor()(im_bg) # mask out background
mask2 = (mask2 >= 0.5).float()
hair_A = (A/2+0.5) * mask.repeat(int(input_nc/output_nc),1,1) * mask2.repeat(int(input_nc/output_nc),1,1) * 2 - 1
bg_A = (A/2+0.5) * (torch.ones(mask2.shape)-mask2).repeat(int(input_nc/output_nc),1,1) * 2 - 1
item['hair_A'] = hair_A
item['bg_A'] = bg_A
item['mask'] = mask
item['mask2'] = mask2
return item
def __len__(self):
return len(self.A_paths)
def name(self):
return 'SingleImageDataset'