import streamlit as st from transformers import pipeline pipe = pipeline("question-answering", model="incidelen/bert-base-turkish-cased-qa") st.title("Turkish Question-Answering 🇹🇷") st.markdown(""" **This application is designed to find answers to questions based on Turkish texts.** Please enter the context and type your question, then click 'Get Answer' to find the answer. """) st.markdown("---") context = st.text_area("Context:", height=200, placeholder="Paste your text here...") question = st.text_input("Question:", placeholder="Type your question here...") st.markdown("## 🔍 Find the Answer") st.write("") if st.button("Get Answer"): if context and question: result = pipe(question=question, context=context) answer = result['answer'] st.markdown(f"### **Answer:**") st.success(answer) else: st.warning("Please fill in both the context and question fields.") st.markdown("---") st.markdown("This application uses the [`incidelen/bert-base-turkish-cased-qa`]( question-answering model.")