import requests import streamlit as st ENV = "staging" if ENV == "dev": AUTOCOMPLETE_BASE_URL = "http://localhost:8000" elif ENV == "staging": AUTOCOMPLETE_BASE_URL = "" else: AUTOCOMPLETE_BASE_URL = "" AUTOCOMPLETE_URL = f"{AUTOCOMPLETE_BASE_URL}/autocomplete" @st.cache_data def send_autocomplete_request(q: str, lang: str, taxonomy_names: list[str], size: int): return requests.get( AUTOCOMPLETE_URL, params={ "q": q, "lang": lang, "taxonomy_names": ",".join(taxonomy_names), "size": size, }, ).json() def run( query: str, taxonomy_names: list[str], lang: str, size: int, ): response = send_autocomplete_request(query, lang, taxonomy_names, size) took = response["took"] timed_out = response["timed_out"] st.markdown("---") st.markdown(f"Took: {took} ms") if timed_out: st.warning("Request timed out!") options = response["options"] options = [ {"text": o["text"], "id": o["id"], "taxonomy": o["taxonomy_name"]} for o in options ] st.markdown("### Results") st.table(options) st.markdown("### Debug information") st.write(response["debug"]) st.title("Search autocomplete demo") st.markdown( "This is a demo of the search autocomplete feature, that searches in the taxonomy names and synonyms." ) query = st.text_input("query", help="Query to search for", value="chocolate").strip() taxonomy_names = st.multiselect( "taxonomy names", ["category", "label", "ingredient", "allergen", "brand"], default=["category", "label", "ingredient", "brand"], ) lang = st.selectbox("language", ["en", "fr", "it", "es", "nl", "de"], index=0) size = st.number_input( "number of results", value=10, min_value=1, max_value=500, step=1 ) if query: run(query, taxonomy_names, lang, size)