Removal of Datasets

by Aarifkhan - opened

Hi Vaibhav (VAIBHAV22334455),

I hope this message finds you well.

We have noticed that you have copied and modified datasets from HelpingAI and published them under the following names:

Please find attached screenshots as proof that these datasets have been copied.

We kindly request you to ensure that these datasets comply with the terms and conditions outlined in the HelpingAI License. Specifically:

  1. Redistribution of Source Code: If you redistribute the Source Code, please include the complete HelpingAI License with your distribution. Add clear notifications in all modified files stating:

    "This Work is released under the HelpingAI License v2.0."

  2. Distribution in Binary Form: If you distribute Binaries derived from the Source Code, include the following statement in your distribution:

    "This Work is based on the HelpingAI Licensed Work, under the HelpingAI License v2.0."

  3. Notification of Changes: Clearly indicate any modifications you make to the Source Code or Documentation, including detailed comments about the nature and extent of the changes. Include the date and originator of the modifications.

  4. Branding Attribution: Do not remove or alter any HelpingAI branding, logos, or notices included in the Content without explicit prior consent from HelpingAI.

  5. Citation of Original Dataset: Ensure to properly cite the original dataset from HelpingAI when publishing modified versions.

If you are unable to comply with these terms, we kindly request you to remove the mentioned datasets from Hugging Face.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining ethical and legal standards in the AI community.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Best regards,
HelpingAI Team

Screenshot 2024-06-30 113343.png


VAIBHAV22334455 changed discussion status to closed

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