Unable to find UNET, even it is downloaded to correct path C:\ComfyUI_windows_portable\ComfyUI\models\unet

by parthwagh - opened

I have downloaded the file which is more than 22 gb.
file is in the C:\ComfyUI_windows_portable\ComfyUI\models\unet as mentioned in the https://comfyanonymous.github.io/ComfyUI_examples/flux/
But UNETLOADER could not be able to find it. I refreshed and restarted, but still same issue.
Please check these images. Also downloaded VAE on said folder, but that is also not showing.
Am I wrong in some steps? Please help. Thank you.




i think the comfyui needs to be updated to latest

i think the comfyui needs to be updated to latest

I updated through comfy Ui manager, but still, I am facing this issue.

I am also experiencing this issue after updating Comfy UI to the latest

I found my issue. My models are on a separate drive from my ComfyUI installation. There doesn't seem to be an entry for the unet folder in the extra_model_paths to redirect to a custom directory.

I found my issue. My models are on a separate drive from my ComfyUI installation. There doesn't seem to be an entry for the unet folder in the extra_model_paths to redirect to a custom directory.

I am also on windows with my models in another folder on my drive. I use directory junctions to point my folders from the comfy install directory to my resources folder. the code I use is:

mklink /J D:\AI\ComfyUI\ComfyUI\my_workflows D:\AI_Resources\my_workflows
mklink /J D:\AI\ComfyUI\ComfyUI\input D:\AI_Resources\input
mklink /J D:\AI\ComfyUI\ComfyUI\models D:\AI_Resources\models
mklink /J D:\AI\ComfyUI\ComfyUI\output D:\AI_Resources\output

Run each "mklink" line in an administrator cmd prompt and edit the paths to match your system. You can copy the entire thing and paste it into notepad and save it as a .bat file also (this is what I did). You will probably need to run this .bat file every once in a while when you update comfy because it will overwrite the links with the regular folders if you use the "update_comfyui.bat" found in the update folder in the windows standalone folder. You will need to delete the existing folders in the comfyui directory before making the junctions or it will fail. These are the only folders I redirect and comfy picks up all of my subfolders just like if they were in the actual comfy install directory.

more info on symlinks on windows is here: https://www.howtogeek.com/16226/complete-guide-to-symbolic-links-symlinks-on-windows-or-linux/

After reinstalling PIP to upgraded version, I solved these issues after updating comfy Ui through bat file. Not through comfyui manager.

Thank you so much for your help.

parthwagh changed discussion status to closed

@parthwagh Can u guide how to reinstall PIP

@parthwagh Can u guide how to reinstall PIP

python -m pip uninstall pip (run this command on cmd)

https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py paste this script with same name in python directory
py get-pip.py (run this command on cmd)

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