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z The melanistic leopards, which are either all- black or very dark in coloration, are known as 98 CURRENT AFFAIRS JULY 2021 Note: www.drishtiIAS.com black panthers. It is a color variant of spotted Indian leopards, reported from densely forested areas of south India. z Black coat coloration is attributed to the expression of recessive alleles in leopards and dominant alleles in jaguars.
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In each species, a certain combination of alleles stimulates the production of large amounts of the dark pigment melanin (Melanism) in the animal’s fur and skin. „ The appearance of a black coat may be influenced by other factors, such as the angle of incident light and the animal’s life stage. z It is as shy as a normal leopard and very difficult to detect. € Habitat: z They are mainly in Southwestern China, Burma, Nepal, Southern India, Indonesia, and the southern part of Malaysia.
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z In India they can be spotted in the states of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Maharashtra etc. € Threats: z Habitat loss. z Collision with vehicles. z Diseases. z Human encroachment. z Poaching. € Protection Status: z IUCN Red List: Vulnerable. z CITES: Appendix I. z Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972: Schedule I. ¾ Navegaon-Nagzira Tiger Reserve: € About: z It is situated in Gondia and Bhandara districts of Maharashtra.
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z Strategically, the Tiger Reserve is located in the heart of central Indian Tiger landscape which contributes almost one sixth of the total tiger population of the country. € Formation: z It was designated as the 46th Tiger Reserve of India in December 2013. z It comprises the notified area of Navegaon National Park, Navegaon Wildlife Sanctuary, Nagzira Wildlife Sanctuary, New Nagzira Wildlife Sanctuary and Koka Wildlife Sanctuary.
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€ Connectivity: z NNTR has connectivity with the major tiger reserves in Central India like, „ Kanha and Pench tiger reserve in Madhya Pradesh, „ Tadoba-Andhari Tiger reserve in Maharashtra, „ Indravati Tiger Reserve in Chhattisgarh, „ Indirectly with the Kawal and Nagarjuna Sagar in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh and, Achanakmar Tiger reserve in Chhattisgarh. z It is also connected to important tiger bearing areas like Umred-Karhandla sanctuary and Brahampuri Division (Maharashtra).
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€ Flora: z The major forest type is “Southern Tropical Dry Deciduous Forest”. z Few thorny plants are also found and Bamboo occurs in abundance. € Fauna: z Carnivores such as leopards and smaller carnivores like wild dogs, wolf jackals, jungle cats and also the good population of sloth bears are seen. z Herbivore includes Cheetal, Sambar, Nilgai, Chousingha, Barking deer, Wild pig, Indian gaur and Mouse deer. z More than 300 species of birds have been reported from the area.
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CURRENT AFFAIRS JULY 2021 99 Note: www.drishtiIAS.com € Other Protected Areas in Maharashtra: z Sahyadri Tiger Reserve. z Melghat Tiger reserve. z Great Indian Bustard Sanctuary. z Karnala Bird Sanctuary. z Sanjay Gandhi National Park. z Pench National Park. King Cobra in Tillari Reserve Why in News Recently, a king cobra (Ophiophagus hannah), was sighted in the recently declared conservation reserve, Tillari, in Sindhudurg district, Maharashtra.
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Key Points ¾ King Cobra: € About: z They are one of the most venomous snakes on the planet and the longest of all venomous snakes. z Their venom is not the most potent among venomous snakes, but the amount of neurotoxin they can deliver in a single bite—up to two- tenths of a fluid ounce—is enough to kill 20 people, or even an elephant. z They are the only snakes in the world that build nests for their eggs, which they guard ferociously until the hatchlings emerge.
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€ Habitat: z They live mainly in the rain forests and plains of India, southern China, and Southeast Asia. z They are comfortable in a variety of habitats, including forests, bamboo thickets, mangrove swamps, high-altitude grasslands, and in rivers. € Threats: z They face a variety of threats stemming from human activities such as: „ Deforestation. „ International pet trade. „ Persecution by humans. „ Used for skin, food, and medicinal purposes. € Protection Status: z IUCN Red List: Vulnerable.
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€ Protection Status: z IUCN Red List: Vulnerable. z CITES: Appendix II. z Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972: Schedule II. ¾ Tillari Conservation Reserve: € Tillari is the seventh wildlife corridor in the state to be declared as a ‘conservation reserve’. z Tillari is a reserve in western ghats.
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z Tillari is a reserve in western ghats. € The area covering nine villages in the forest range is known to serve as a corridor and even as a habitat for the population of tigers and elephants moving between the three states of Goa, Karnataka and Maharashtra. € It connects Mhadei sanctuary in Goa and Bhimgad in Karnataka. € It has semi-evergreen forest, tropical moist deciduous forests, and a number of unique trees, butterflies, and flowers.
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nnn 100 CURRENT AFFAIRS JULY 2021 Note: www.drishtiIAS.com Indian Soldiers in Italy: World War II Why in News The Indian Chief of Army Staff (COAS) will inaugurate an Indian Army Memorial in the Cassino town of Italy during an official visit to the U.K. and Italy. ¾ The memorial commemorates over 3,100 Common­ wealth servicemen who took part in the effort to liberate Italy in World War II (1939-1945). ¾ 900 Indian soldiers were also commemorated on this memorial.
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Key Points ¾ Indian Army in Italy: € Three infantry divisions of the Indian Army took part in the Italian campaign. These were the 4th, 8th and 10th Indian Divisions. z The first one to land in the country was the 8 Indian Infantry Division that saw action in Iraq and Iran when the British invaded these countries in 1941. z The second one arrived was the 4 Indian Division that came to Italy from North Africa in Decem­ ber 1943. In 1944, it was deployed in Cassino.
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In 1944, it was deployed in Cassino. z The third, which is the 10 Indian Division, was formed in 1941 in Ahmednagar and moved to Italy in 1944. € Men from the Punjab, and Indian plains, coped with the extremely hostile conditions experienced in Italy. z Even the Gurkhas from Nepal struggled with the heavy and persistent rain, and freezing nights in the Italian mountains. € All three Divisions performed well in the Italian Campaign and were highly respected by the Allied and Axis commanders alike.
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¾ Indian Troops in WWII: € The Indian Army was the largest volunteer force during WWII, with over 2.5 million (more than 20 lakh) Indians participating. € These troops fought the Axis powers (Germany, Italy and Japan) as part of the Allies. They came from different source organizations such as: z Indian Army: „ In the first half of the 1940s, India was still under the British rule and the Indian Army fought in both world wars. It comprised both Indian and European soldiers.
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It comprised both Indian and European soldiers. z East India Company Army and the British Army: „ Apart from the Indian army there was the East India Company Army that also recruited both Indian and European soldiers and the British Army, which was also present in India. World War II ¾ About: € It was a conflict that involved virtually every part of the world during the years 1939–45.
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€ It ended six years and one day after Germany’s invasion of Poland on 1st September, 1939, sparked the 20th century’s second global conflict. € By the time it concluded on the deck of an American warship on 2nd September, 1945, WW II had claimed the lives of an estimated 60-80 million people, approximately 3% of the world’s population. € The vast majority of those who died were civilians, including 6 million Jews killed in Nazi concentration camps during the Holocaust.
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¾ Principal Belligerents: € Axis powers—Germany, Italy, and Japan. € Allies—France, Great Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union, and, to a lesser extent, China. History z Indian Soldiers in Italy: World War II z Swami Vivekananda Highlights CURRENT AFFAIRS JULY 2021 101 Note: www.drishtiIAS.com ¾ Causes of War: € The impact of the Treaty of Versailles following World War I (1914-18). € The worldwide economic depression. € The rise of militarism in Germany and Japan.
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€ The rise of militarism in Germany and Japan. € The failure of the League of Nations. Italy in World War II ¾ Under Benito Mussolini, Italy had joined Nazi Germany in 1936 and in 1940 it entered WWII against the Allies. ¾ In 1943, Mussolini was overthrown and instead, Italy declared war on Germany. ¾ The invasion of Italy by the Allies coincided with an armistice that was made with the Italians.
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¾ For two years during WWII, Italy became one of the war’s most “exhausting campaigns” because they were facing a skilled and resolute enemy. Swami Vivekananda Why in News Every year, 4th July is observed as the death anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, who is regarded as a one of the finest spiritual leaders and intellects India has produced. Key Points ¾ Birth: He was born as Narendranath Datta on 12th January, 1863.
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€ National Youth Day is held every year to observe the birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda. € In 1893, upon the request of Maharaja Ajit Singh of the Khetri State, he took the name ‘Vivekananda.’ ¾ Contributions: € Introduced the world to the Indian philosophies of Vedanta and Yoga. z He preached ‘neo-Vedanta’, an interpretation of Hinduism through a Western lens, and believed in combining spirituality with material progress.
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€ Laid the greatest emphasis on education for the regeneration of our motherland. Advocated a man-making character-building education. € Best known for his speech at the World Parliament of Religion in Chicago in 1893. € Spelt out the four pathways of attaining moksha from the worldly pleasure and attachment in his books - Raja-yoga, Karma-yoga, Jnana-yoga and Bhakti-yoga.
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€ Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose had called Vivekananda the “maker of modern India.” ¾ Associated Organisations: € He was the chief disciple of the 19th-century mystic Ramakrishna Paramhansa and established the Ramakrishna Mission in 1897. z Ramakrishna Mission is an organization which works in the area of value-based education, culture, health, women’s empowerment, youth and tribal welfare and relief and rehabilitation. € In 1899, he established the Belur Math, which became his permanent abode.
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¾ Death: He died at Belur Math in 1902. Belur Math, located in West Bengal, is the headquarters of Ramakrishna Math & Ramakrishna Mission. nnn 102 CURRENT AFFAIRS JULY 2021 Note: www.drishtiIAS.com Heat Dome Why in News Recently, the Pacific Northwest and some parts of Canada recorded temperatures around 47 degrees, causing a “historic” heat wave. ¾ This is a result of a phenomenon referred to as a “heat dome”.
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Key Points ¾ About: € The phenomenon begins when there is a strong change (or gradient) in ocean temperatures. In the process known as convection, the gradient causes more warm air, heated by the ocean surface, to rise over the ocean surface. € As prevailing winds move the hot air east, the northern shifts of the jet stream trap the air and move it toward land, where it sinks, resulting in heat waves. z Jet streams are relatively narrow bands of strong wind in the upper levels of the atmosphere.
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The winds blow from west to east in jet streams but the flow often shifts to the north and south. € This strong change in ocean temperature from the west to the east is the reason for the heat dome (HD). z The western Pacific ocean’s temperatures have increased in the past few decades and are relatively more than the temperature in the eastern Pacific. € HD also prevents clouds from forming, allowing for more radiation from the sun to hit the ground.
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€ A heat dome is effectively what it sounds like - an area of high pressure that parks over a region like a lid on a pot, trapping heat. They are more likely to form during La Niña years like 2021, when waters are cool in the eastern Pacific and warm in the western Pacific. ¾ Heat Wave: € A heat wave is a period of abnormally high temperatures, more than the normal maximum temperature that lasts for more than two days.
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€ Heat waves typically occur between March and June, and in some rare cases even extend till July. € Heat waves can occur with or without high humidity and have the potential to cover a large area, “exposing a high number of people to hazardous heat.” ¾ Impact on Humans (Wet-bulb temperature): € As long as the body is producing sweat, which is then able to evaporate quickly, the body will be able to remain cool even under high temperatures.
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€ Wet-bulb temperature (WBT) is a limit that considers heat and humidity beyond which humans can not tolerate high temperatures. Geography z Heat Dome z Taal Volcano: Philippines z Vembanad Lake: Kerala z Incidents of Lightning Highlights CURRENT AFFAIRS JULY 2021 103 Note: www.drishtiIAS.com € Temperatures beyond WBT can cause heat related illnesses including heat stroke, heat exhaustion, sunburn and heat rashes. Sometimes these can prove fatal.
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Sometimes these can prove fatal. ¾ Effects of Heat Dome: € Those living without an air conditioner see the temperatures of their homes rising to unbearably high, leading to sudden fatalities. € The trapping of heat can also damage crops, dry out vegetation and result in droughts. € The sweltering heat wave will also lead to rise in energy demand, especially electricity, leading to pushing up rates.
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€ The heat domes can also act as fuel to wildfires, which destroys a lot of land area in the US every year. ¾ Climate change and heat domes: € The weather scientists have been highlighting the effects of climate change on more extreme heat waves. z According to a 2017 NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) survey, average US temperatures have increased since the late 19th century.
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€ However, Scientists are usually wary of linking climate change to any contemporary event mainly because of the difficulty in completely ruling out the possibility of the event having been caused by some other reason, or being a result of natural variability. Taal Volcano: Philippines Why in News Recently, the Philippines increased the alert level on Taal Volcano to level 3 on a five-level scale after a Phreatomagmatic Eruption (PE) occurred that generated a dark grayish plume, one kilometer high.
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¾ Alert Level 3 means there is magmatic unrest, or movement of magma that may further drive succeeding eruptions. Key Points ¾ Location: € Situated on the island of Luzon, 50 km from Manila, Philippines. ¾ Susceptibility: € The Philippines is situated at the boundaries of two tectonic plates - the Philippines Sea Plate and the Eurasian plate - thus susceptible to earthquakes and volcanism.
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€ Taal is one of the most active volcanoes in the Philippines due to its location on the Pacific “Ring of Fire” – a zone of intense seismic activity. ¾ Phreatomagmatic Eruption: An eruption resulting from the interaction of new magma or lava with water and can be very explosive. The water can be from groundwater, hydrothermal systems, surface runoff, a lake or the sea. € Other Types of Eruptions are: Icelandic, Hawaiian, Strombolian, Vulcanian, Pelean and Plinian.
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¾ Dangers: € Possible hazards of pyroclastic density currents (clouds of hot gas, ash, and other volcanic debris) and volcanic tsunami. ¾ Complex Volcano: It is classified as a “complex” volcano by the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS). Volcano A volcano is a vent (opening) in the earth’s crust through which molten material erupts suddenly.
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104 CURRENT AFFAIRS JULY 2021 Note: www.drishtiIAS.com € A complex volcano, also called a compound volcano, is defined as one that doesn’t have just one main vent or cone but several eruption points. Another such example is Mount Vesuvius on the west coast of Italy. ¾ Unpredictable: Taal has erupted more than 30 times in the last few centuries, the most recent was in 2020. Vembanad Lake: Kerala Why in News Kerala houseboats in Vembanad Lake are about to begin soon amid a robust vaccination drive.
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¾ This is the largest lake in Kerala and the longest Lake in India. Key Points ¾ Vembanad Lake is also known as Vembanad Kayal, Vembanad Kol, Punnamada Lake (in Kuttanad) and Kochi Lake (in Kochi). ¾ Spanning several districts of Kerala and covering a territory of more than 2033.02 km2. ¾ The lake has its source in four rivers, Meenachil, Achankovil, Pampa and Manimala. ¾ It is separated from the Arabian Sea by a narrow barrier island and is a popular backwater stretch in Kerala.
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¾ Vallam Kali (i.e Nehru Trophy Boat Race) is a Snake Boat Race held every year in the month of August in Vembanad Lake. ¾ In 2002, it was included in the list of wetlands of international importance, as defined by the Ramsar Convention. z It is the second-largest Ramsar site in India only after the Sundarbans in West Bengal. ¾ The Government of India has identified the Vembanad wetland under the National Wetlands Conservation Programme.
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¾ The Kumarakom Bird Sanctuary is located on the east coast of the lake. ¾ In 2019, Willingdon Island, a seaport located in the city of Kochi, was carved out of Vembanad Lake. ¾ One of the most outstanding features of this lake is the 1252 m long saltwater barrier, Thanneermukkom, which was built to stop saltwater intrusion into Kuttanad. Incidents of Lightning Why in News Recently, thirty people were killed in separate incidents of lightning in various parts of the country.
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¾ Lightning is the biggest contributor to accidental deaths due to natural causes. Key Points ¾ About: € It is a very rapid and massive discharge of electricity in the atmosphere. It is the process of occurrence of a natural ‘electrical discharge of very short duration and high voltage between a cloud and the ground or within a cloud’, accompanied by a bright flash and sound, and sometimes thunderstorms. z Inter cloud or intra cloud (IC) lightning are visible and harmless.
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z Cloud to ground (CG) lightning is harmful as the ‘high electric voltage and electric current’ leads to electrocution. ¾ Process: € It is a result of the difference in electrical charge between the top and bottom of a cloud. z The lightning-generating clouds are typically about 10-12 km in height, with their base about 1-2 km from the Earth’s surface. The temperatures at the top range from –35°C to –45°C.
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€ As water vapour moves upwards in the cloud, it condenses into water due to decreasing temperatures. A huge amount of heat is generated in the process, pushing the water molecules further up. € As they move to temperatures below zero, droplets change into small ice crystals. As they continue CURRENT AFFAIRS JULY 2021 105 Note: www.drishtiIAS.com upwards, they gather mass, until they become so heavy that they start descending.
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€ It leads to a system where smaller ice crystals move upwards while larger ones come down. The resulting collisions trigger release of electrons, in a process very similar to the generation of electric sparks. The moving free electrons cause more collisions and more electrons leading to a chain reaction. € The process results in a situation in which the top layer of the cloud gets positively charged while the middle layer is negatively charged.
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€ In little time, a huge current, of the order of lakhs to millions of amperes, starts to flow between the layers. z It produces heat, leading to the heating of the air column between the two layers of cloud. z It is because of this heat that the air column looks red during lightning. z The heated air column expands and produces shock waves that result in thunder sounds. ¾ Strikes Earth’s Surface: € The Earth is a good conductor of electricity.
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While electrically neutral, it is relatively positively charged compared to the middle layer of the cloud. As a result, an estimated 20-25% of the current flow is directed towards the Earth. z It is this current flow that results in damage to life and property. € Lightning has a greater probability of striking raised objects on the ground, such as trees or buildings. z Lightning Conductor is a device used to protect buildings from the effect of lightning.
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A metallic rod, taller than the building, is installed in the walls of the building during its construction. € The most lightning activity on Earth is seen on the shore of Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela. z At the place where the Catatumbo river falls into Lake Maracaibo, an average 260 storm days occur every year, and October sees 28 lightning flashes every minute - a phenomenon referred to as the Beacon of Maracaibo or the Everlasting Storm.
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¾ Climate Change & Lightning: € An increase of one degree Celsius would increase the frequency of lightning strikes by 12% , warned California University in a study published 2015. € A study published in Geophysical Research Letters in March 2021, too, has established links between climate change and rising incidences of lightning in the Arctic region.
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z The number of lightning strikes recorded during the summer months between 2010 and 2020 shot up from around 18,000 at the start of the decade to more than 1,50,000 by 2020. € Therefore even the Indian Institute of Tropical Management (IITM) concludes that the increase in lightning incidents may be directly related to the climate crisis, and the availability of more moisture over land due to global warming.
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z IITM in Pune is the only institution in India that works full-time on thunderstorms and lightning. ¾ Increased Lightning Strikes in India: € As many as 18.5 million lightning strikes were recorded in India between April 2020 and March 2021, according to India’s second annual report on lightning released by Lightning Resilient India Campaign (LRIC) recently.
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z LRIC is a joint initiative of Climate Resilient Observing-Systems Promotion Council (CROPC), National Disaster Management Authority, India Meteorological Department (IMD), Union Ministry of Earth Science, World Vision India, UNICEF among others. z The campaign aims to reduce the number of deaths to less than 1,200 a year by 2022.
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€ This is an increase of 34% compared to previous year; at least 13.8 million strikes were recorded between April 2019 and March 2020. nnn 106 CURRENT AFFAIRS JULY 2021 Note: www.drishtiIAS.com Drop in Open Defecation: Wash Report Why in News According to a new report by the Wash Institute (a global non-profit organisation), India was responsible for the largest drop in open defecation since 2015, in terms of absolute numbers.
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¾ Universal access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) to achieve the United Nations-mandated Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 was also emphasised. WASH ¾ WASH is an acronym that stands for the interrelated areas of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene. ¾ The World Health Organisation (WHO) WASH Strategy 2018-25 has been developed in response to Member State Resolution (WHA 64.4) and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDG 3: Good Health and Well Being, SDG 6: Clean Water And Sanitation).
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¾ It is a component of WHO’s 13th General Programme of Work 2019–2023 which aims to contribute to the health of three billion through multisectoral actions like better emergency preparedness and response; and one billion with Universal Health Coverage (UHC). ¾ It also takes on board the need for progressive realization of the human rights to safe drinking- water and sanitation, adopted by the UN General Assembly in July 2010.
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Key Points ¾ Findings of the Report: € On Open Defecation: z Within India, open defecation had been highly variable regionally since at least 2006 but by 2016 open defecation had decreased in all states, with the largest drops seen in Himachal Pradesh and Haryana. z Progress in curbing open defecation in sub- Saharan Africa was slow. € On SDG 6: z Between 2016 and 2020, the global population with access to safely managed drinking water at home increased to 74%, from 70%.
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z There is an improvement in at-source water resources and onsite sanitation systems. „ At-source water resources include piped water, boreholes or tubewells, protected dug wells, protected springs, rainwater and packaged or delivered water. „ Onsite sanitation system is a system in which excreta and wastewater are collected, stored and/or treated on the plot where they are generated. z There was an increase in safely managed sanitation services to 54%, from 47% between 2016 and 2020.
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¾ Challenges: € In order to ensure long-term sustainability of both centralised and decentralised sanitation, proper funding and investment was required.
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Social Issues z Drop in Open Defecation: Wash Report z Delay in Aadhaar Enrolment due to Incomplete NRC: Assam z ‘Joint Communication’ for Tribal Communities z Draft Anti-Trafficking Bill z Gender Self Identification z Trafficking in Persons Report z Tele-Law z Child Soldier Recruiter List z ICDS Survey in Jharkhand z World Population Day Highlights CURRENT AFFAIRS JULY 2021 107 Note: www.drishtiIAS.com € The Report also talked about hygiene, especially in the context of the novel coronavirus disease (Covid-19).
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z In June 2020, the World Health Organization and Unicef jointly launched the ‘Hand Hygiene for All’ initiative, which aims to improve access to handwashing infrastructure as well as stimulating changes in handwashing practices where facilities are available. z Handwashing facilities with soap and water increased to 71%, from 67%. € However, 3 in 10 people worldwide could not wash their hands with soap and water at home during the Covid-19 pandemic due to lack of water resources.
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¾ Open Defecation: € It refers to the practise whereby people go out in fields, bushes, forests, open bodies of water, or other open spaces rather than using the toilet to defecate. € It poses a serious threat to the health of children in India. € It exposes women to the danger of physical attacks and encounters such as snake bites.
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€ Poor sanitation also cripples national development, by diverting people’s hard-earned money towards out of pocket expenditure on health (leading cause of dragging people into poverty), rather than productive investment like education. Delay in Aadhaar Enrolment due to Incomplete NRC: Assam Why in News The Aadhaar enrolment of more than 27 lakh people in Assam has become uncertain/delayed because of the delay in completing the process of the National Register of Citizens (NRC).
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¾ The biometrics of these people were frozen after the publication of the NRC in August 2019. ¾ The Centre had earlier been asked to unfreeze the biometrics since the NRC was yet to be recognised as a document for citizenship. Key Points ¾ National Register of Citizens: € NRC is a register prepared in respect of each village, showing the houses or holdings in a serial order and indicating against each house or holding the number and names of persons staying therein.
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€ The register was first prepared after the 1951 Census of India and since then it has not been updated until recently. € It has been updated in Assam only for now and the government plans to update it nationally as well. € Its purpose is to separate “illegal” immigrants from “legitimate” residents. € Registrar General and Census Commissioner India is the Nodal Agency for NRC.
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¾ NRC Issue in Assam (Background): € The issue of its update assumed importance as Assam witnessed large-scale illegal migration from erstwhile East Pakistan and, after 1971, from present-day Bangladesh. € This led to the six-year-long Assam movement from 1979 to 1985, for deporting illegal migrants. € The movement culminated in the signing of the Assam Accord in 1985. It set 25th March, 1971, as the cut-off date for the deportation of illegal migrants.
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z Since the cut-off date prescribed under articles 5 and 6 of the Constitution was 19th July, 1949 - to give force to the new date, an amendment was made to the Citizenship Act, 1955, and a new section was introduced. It was made applicable only to Assam. z The Assam Accord was signed between the All Assam Students Union (AASU), the All Assam Gana Sangram Parishad and the Central Government.
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€ A petition was filed in the Supreme Court (SC) in 2009 by an Non-governmental Organization (NGO) called Assam Public Works demanding the identification and deportation of illegal Bangladeshis in Assam. € In December 2014, a division bench of the SC ordered that the NRC be updated in a time-bound manner.
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€ In 2018, the SC mentioned the prospect of sample re-verification in an order, saying that it could 108 CURRENT AFFAIRS JULY 2021 Note: www.drishtiIAS.com consider re-verifying 10% of the names included in the NRC. € In July 2019, the state government gave an affidavit in the SC seeking a re-verification of 20% included names in the districts bordering Bangladesh and 10% in the rest of the districts.
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z However, it was dismissed after the erstwhile coordinator of the NRC submitted that re- verification was already done. € The Assam government is firm on its demand of 10-20% re-verification of the nationality claims made by some of the people included in the final NRC, published in 2019. ¾ Current Scenario: € The state government of Assam has provided the latest data regarding ‘foreigner’ detection in the state. € There is a need for re-verification because people of Assam want a correct NRC.
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€ Also, there has been a delay in issuing the rejection slips to the over 19 lakh excluded people so that they can move court to claim nationality. z Officials have cited the Covid-19 pandemic and the floods in the state as reasons for the delay. z The rejection slips would carry the reason of rejection, which would differ from person to person and based on the reason they would be able to challenge their exclusion in the Foreigners’ Tribunals.
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„ Every individual, whose name does not figure in the final NRC, can represent his/her case in front of the Foreigners Tribunals. ‘Joint Communication’ for Tribal Communities Why in News A joint communication was signed by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs and the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change which is aimed at giving more power to the tribal communities in managing the forest resources.
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Key Points ¾ Joint Communication: € It pertains to more effective implementation of the Forest Rights Act (FRA), 2006 and for harnessing the potential for livelihood improvement of the Forest Dwelling Scheduled Tribes (FDSTs) and other Traditional Forest Dwellers (OTFDs).
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€ State forest departments will carry out verification of claims for forest rights, mapping of forest lands involved and provision of necessary evidence as required, authentication of records, joint field inspections, awareness generation etc. z The lack of recognition of forest rights has left tribal and forest dwelling communities across the country insecure of tenure and fear of eviction from their lands.
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€ State forest departments are to undertake projects for value chain addition including capacity building of primary collectors, new harvesting methods, storage, processing and marketing of Non​-Timber Forest Products (NTFP). € A nodal agency to be designated for specific non- timber forest products as supply chain platforms in collaboration with TRIFED, Ministry of Ayush, MFP (Minor Forest Produce) Federations, Van Dhan Kendras etc.
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¾ Forest Dwellers and MFP: € Tribals and other forest dwellers can contribute significantly in efforts towards climate change through preservation of biodiversity, environmental conservation and enhancing forest cover. € Forest dwellers are dependent on forests, not only for their livelihood but their traditions are also intertwined with forests.
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€ Non-Timber Forest Products or Minor Forest Produce (MFP): z MFP includes all non-timber forest produce of plant origin and includes bamboo, canes, fodder, leaves, gums, waxes, dyes, resins and many forms of food including nuts, wild fruits, honey, lac, tusser etc. z It provides both subsistence and cash income for people who live in or near forests. z They also form a major portion of their food, fruits, medicines and other consumption items and also provide cash income through sales.
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z NTFP are also known as MFP or Non-Wood Forest Produce (NWFP). CURRENT AFFAIRS JULY 2021 109 Note: www.drishtiIAS.com „ The NTFP can be further categorized into Medicinal And Aromatic Plants (MAP), oil seeds, fiber and floss, resins, edible plants, bamboo, reeds and grasses. Draft Anti-Trafficking Bill Why in News Recently the Ministry of Women and Child Develop- ment released Draft anti-trafficking Bill, the Trafficking in Persons (Prevention, Care and Rehabilitation) Bill, 2021.
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¾ The bill once finalised will need the Cabinet approval and assent from both the houses of Parliament to become a Law. ¾ A previous draft had been introduced in 2018 but that could not be introduced in Rajya Sabha amid stiff opposition from Parliamentarians and experts. Key Points ¾ Criticism to the Old Bill: € According to the United Nations’ human rights experts, it was not in accordance with the international human rights laws. € The Bill seemed to combine sex work and migration with trafficking.
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€ The Bill was criticised for addressing trafficking through a criminal law perspective instead of complementing it with a human-rights based and victim-centred approach. € It was also criticised for promoting “rescue raids” by the police as well as institutionalisation of victims in the name of rehabilitation. € It was pointed out that certain vague provisions would lead to blanket criminalisation of activities that do not necessarily relate to trafficking.
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¾ Provisions in the New Bill: € It extends to all citizens inside as well as outside India, z Persons on any ship or aircraft registered in India wherever it may be or carrying Indian citizens wherever they may be, z A foreign national or a stateless person who has his or her residence in India at the time of commission of offence under this Act, and z The law will apply to every offence of trafficking in persons with cross-border implications.
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€ Victims Covered: z It extends beyond the protection of women and children as victims to now include transgenders as well as any person who may be a victim of trafficking. z It also does away with the provision that a victim necessarily needs to be transported from one place to another to be defined as a victim.
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€ Defines ‘Exploitation’: z The exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation including pornography, any act of physical exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or forced removal of organs, illegal clinical drug trials or illegal bio-medical research.
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€ Government Officers as Offenders: z Offenders will also include defence personnel and government servants, doctors and paramedical staff or anyone in a position of authority. € Penalty: z A minimum of seven years which can go up to an imprisonment of 10 years and a fine of Rs 5 lakh in most cases of child trafficking. z In case of the trafficking of more than one child, the penalty is now life imprisonment.
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€ Similarity to Money laundering Act: z Property bought via such income as well as used for trafficking can now be forfeited with provisions set in place, similar to that of the money laundering Act. € Investigation Agency: z The National Investigation Agency (NIA) shall act as the national investigating and coordinating agency responsible for prevention and combating of trafficking in persons.
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€ National Anti-Human Trafficking Committee: z Once the law is enacted, the Centre will notify and establish a National Anti-Human Trafficking Committee, for ensuring overall effective implementation of the provisions of this law. z This committee will have representation from various ministries with the home secretary as 110 CURRENT AFFAIRS JULY 2021 Note: www.drishtiIAS.com the chairperson and secretary of the women and child development ministry as co-chair.
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z State and district level anti-human trafficking committees will also be constituted. ¾ Significance: € The transgender community, and any other person, has been included which will automatically bring under its scope activity such as organ harvesting. € Also, cases such as forced labour, in which people lured with jobs end up in other countries where their passports and documentation is taken away and they are made to work, will also be covered by this new law.
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¾ Legislations in India that Prohibits Human Trafficking: € Article 23 (1) in the constitution of India prohibits trafficking in human beings and forced labour. € The Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act, 1956 (ITPA) penalizes trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation. € India also prohibits bonded and forced labour through the Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act 1976, Child Labour (Prohibition and Abolition) Act 1986, and Juvenile Justice Act.
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€ Sections 366(A) and 372 of the Indian Penal Code, prohibits kidnapping and selling minors into prostitution respectively. € Apart from this, the Factories Act, 1948 guaranteed the protection of rights of workers. ¾ International Conventions, Protocols and Campaigns: € Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Traf­ ficking in Persons, especially Women and Children in 2000 as a part of the UN Convention Against Transnational Organised Crime.
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The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) is responsible for implementing the protocol. It offers practical help to states with drafting laws, creating comprehensive national anti-trafficking strategies, and assisting with resources to implement them. € Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air. It entered into force on 28th January 2004. This also supplements the UN Convention Against Transnational Organised Crime.
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The Protocol is aimed at the protection of rights of migrants and the reduction of the power and influence of organized criminal groups that abuse migrants. € Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) is a non-binding declaration that establishes the right of every human to live with dignity and prohibits slavery. € Blue Heart Campaign: The Blue Heart Campaign is an international anti-trafficking program started by the UNODC.
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€ Sustainable Development Goals: Various SDGs aim to end trafficking by targeting its roots and means viz. Goal 5 (Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls), Goal 8 (Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all) and Goal 16 (Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels).
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Gender Self Identification Why in News Recently, the Spanish government approved a draft bill that would allow anyone over the age of 14 to legally change gender without a medical diagnosis or hormone therapy. ¾ Currently, for someone to change their gender in official records, the law first requires two years of hormone therapy and a psychological evaluation.
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¾ ‘Self-Identification’ has been a long held demand of trans-right groups around the world, including in India, as prejudice against trans people remains rampant. Key Points ¾ Gender Self-Identification (Concept): € A person should be allowed to legally identify with the gender of their choice by simply declaring so, and without facing any medical tests. z Arguments in Favour: „ The current processes for declaring one’s desired gender are lengthy, expensive and degrading.
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„ Trans people face daily discrimination and it is vital that steps are taken to tackle discrimination and provide the services and support people need. „ Gender identity is considered to be an inherent part of a person which may or may not need surgical or hormonal treatment or CURRENT AFFAIRS JULY 2021 111 Note: www.drishtiIAS.com therapy and all persons must be empowered to make their decisions affecting their own bodily integrity and physical autonomy.
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z Arguments Against: „ Gender self-identification goes far beyond respecting people’s right to believe what they want; to dress or act or express their identity as they want. „ This is a political and social demand that affects everybody, but in particular women, gay people and transsexuals. „ The medicalization of gender identity has allowed for vital legal recognition and transition-related healthcare for some members of the trans community.
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¾ Countries where Self-ID is Legal: € 15 countries around the world recognise self- ID, including Denmark, Portugal, Norway, Malta, Argentina, Ireland, Luxembourg, Greece, Costa Rica, Mexico (only in Mexico City), Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Uruguay. € In Hungary, a newly adopted law effectively bans all content about homosexuality and gender change from school curriculum and television shows for children under the age of 18.
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¾ Rules in India: € In India, the rights of transgender persons are governed by the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2019 and the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Rules, 2020. z Under the Rules, an application to declare gender is to be made to the District Magistrate. Parents can also make an application on behalf of their child. z There will be no medical or physical examination for procedures for issue of certificate of identity/ change of gender.
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€ In National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) v. Union of India, 2014 case, the Supreme Court declared transgender people to be a ‘third gender’. z The Court interpreted ‘dignity’ under Article 21 of the Constitution to include diversity in self-expression, which allowed a person to lead a dignified life.
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It placed one’s gender identity within the framework of the fundamental right to dignity under Article 21. z Further, it noted that the right to equality (Article 14 of the Constitution) and freedom of expression (Article 19(1)(a)) was framed in gender-neutral terms (“all persons”). € In 2018, the SC also decriminalised same-sex relationships (Read down the Provisions of Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code).
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Features of Transgender Persons Act, 2019 ¾ Definition of a Transgender Person: The Act defines a transgender person as one whose gender does not match the gender assigned at birth. It includes transmen and trans-women, persons with intersex variations, gender-queers, and persons with socio- cultural identities, such as kinnar and hijra. ¾ Certificate of Identity: The Act states that a transgender person shall have the right to self- perceived gender identity.
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€ A certificate of identity can be obtained at the District Magistrate’s office and a revised certificate is to be obtained if sex is changed. ¾ The Act has a provision that provides transgender the right of residence with parents and immediate family members. ¾ The Act prohibits discrimination against a transgender person in various sectors such as education, employment, and healthcare etc. ¾ Seeks to establish Natonal Council for Transgender persons.
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¾ Punishment: It states that the offences against transgender persons will attract imprisonment between six months and two years, in addition to a fine. Trafficking in Persons Report Why in News According to the Trafficking in Persons report 2021, released by the US State Department, the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in an increase in vulnerability to human trafficking and interrupted existing anti-traffic efforts.
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