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{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "VAB装甲车", "VAB VOA (observation d'artillerie) du 35e RAP en 2005.", "一台VAB", "一台VAB", "VAB VOA.", "VAB VOA", "VOA artillery spotting variant", "Un VAP VOA.", "VAB裝甲車" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null ], "context_page_description": [ "法国军队发展历史悠久,对于欧洲历史甚至世界历史都具有多次关键影响力。现今的法国武装部队包含法国陆军、法国海军、法国空军和法国国家宪兵队。法国总统是三军统帅,军队主要任务是防卫法国领土,第二是保卫亲法国海外势力,第三是维持世界稳定。", "Le 35ᵉ régiment d'artillerie parachutiste est situé à Tarbes, dans le département des Hautes-Pyrénées, en région Occitanie. Il est l'héritier du 35ᵉ régiment d'artillerie créé à Vannes le 7 octobre 1873, régiment commandé par le colonel Foch de 1903 à 1905.", "VAB装甲车是法国军队一种现役主力轮型装甲车,和美国悍马车相比其防御力较高一些,能搭载的武器也较重型,包含四联装反战车导弹等。1976年服役,产量大约为5,000辆。", "VAB裝甲車是法國軍隊一種現役主力輪型裝甲車,和美國悍馬車相比其防禦力較高一些,能搭載的武器也較重型,包含四聯裝反戰車飛彈等。1976年服役,產量大約為5,000輛。", "Le VAB, entré en service en 1976, est actuellement le véhicule de transport de troupes le plus répandu dans l'armée de Terre française avec, en 2011, 3 585 véhicules en ligne sur la commande initiale de 4 000 exemplaires pour l'armée française.", "O VAB ou em francês Véhicule de l'Avant Blindé, é uma viatura idealizada na década de 1970 e introduzida a partir de 1976. Ainda em produção já atingiu 5000 unidades.", "The Véhicule de l'avant blindé or VAB is an armoured personnel carrier and support vehicle designed by Renault of France. It entered service in 1976; around 5,000 were produced. As of 2019, it is the standard APC of the French Army and has also been exported to more than 15 countries. It saw combat in various conflicts in Africa, Asia and Europe.", "Il Renault VAB è un autoblindo leggero, o AFV, con trazione integrale 4x4 o 6x6 sviluppato dall'azienda francese Saviem e commercializzato dalla Renault, poi Renault Trucks Defense, dagli anni settanta.", "法國軍隊發展歷史悠久,對於歐洲歷史甚至世界歷史都具有多次關鍵影響力。現今的法國武裝部隊包含法國陸軍、法國海軍、法國空軍和法國國家憲兵隊。法國總統是三軍統帥,軍隊主要任務是防衛法國領土,第二是保衛親法國海外勢力,第三是維持世界穩定。" ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, null, null, null, "As variantes incluem versões 4x4 e 6x6, sendo as 6x6 voltadas mais para a exportação, tendo um acréscimo de 10% no valor de venda.", "Variants may be 4×4 or 6×6 wheels, the 6×6 yielding a 10% increase in cost. The French military only uses 4-wheel versions, while export versions mainly are 6×6s.", null, null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "法國軍事 / 人力资源", "35e régiment d'artillerie parachutiste / Régiment aujourd'hui,,, / Matériels", "VAB裝甲車", "VAB裝甲車", "Véhicule de l'avant blindé / Versions", "VAB (VBC) / Variantes", "Véhicule de l'Avant Blindé / Variants", "Renault VAB", "法國軍事 / 人力資源" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "zh", "fr", "zh", "zh-TW", "fr", "pt", "en", "it", "zh-TW" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "法國軍事", "35e régiment d'artillerie parachutiste", "VAB裝甲車", "VAB裝甲車", "Véhicule de l'avant blindé", "VAB (VBC)", "Véhicule de l'Avant Blindé", "Renault VAB", "法國軍事" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ "人力资源", "Matériels", null, null, "Versions", "Variantes", "Variants", null, "人力資源" ] }
CAESAR ! Le 155mm Tireur d'Élite !
Merci à vous d'avoir regardé la vidéo; vous retrouverez toutes les informations relatives à la vidéo ci-dessous. Partenaires de la chaine : - LASD : - FTTS : Sources : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Les partenaires comptent comme des sources :D ) Musique de fond : - - - - - Vidéos d'Illustrations : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Timecode: 00:00 - Introduction 00:24 - Histoire du Véhicule 05:25 - Plan Opérationnel et Miltaire 07:37 - Une Constante Évolution 08:56 - Les Engagements Opérationnels et Succés à l'export 11:09 - Conclusion --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- La Chaîne Twitch ou je live de temps en temps ^^ : Mon Twitter : Et on rejoins l'étable sur Discord par ici :
'103.85': for a tank but easy to adapt to a truck! '106.25': And finally all the vetronic design associated with navigation and precision. '111.06': The first vehicle was revealed to the public in 1994 under the name CAESAR for CAmion '117.35': Equipped with an Artillery System. '119.08': This technological demonstrator is mainly intended to demonstrate the structural feasibility '124.08': of mounting a large caliber gun on a modified truck chassis! '127.47': The Army staff, interested in the concept, requested the production of a '13.23': its field! Bearing the same name as the Roman Emperor, '131.42': second vehicle. '132.42': This one, produced in 1998, will be evaluated in France the same year and then in Malaysia the '138.79': following year ! '139.79': The second prototype will differ from the first at the level of the cabin, this one manufactured '144.35': by Lorh, but which will not be finally retained. '146.95': These two demonstrators will be built on the Mercedes-Benz Unimog U2450 platform '153.76': in 6x6 configuration. '155.04': The French trucks of the time not having a sturdy enough chassis to support '158.93': the armament system. '159.93': The engine will be a RENAULT TRUCKS diesel 6-cylinder in line of 215 horsepower giving it '16.289': we will see the truck equipped with an artillery system better known by the acronym '165.16': a speed of over 80 km/h on the road and 50 km/h off-road! '169.46': All this with a range of 600km! There will also be a '175.18': centralized tire inflation system (SYEGON), already tested on the VEXTRA. '178.099': This system makes it possible to automatically adjust the pressure of the tires according to the nature '182.83': of the ground. '183.83': 'In the field of armaments:' '184.83': The old GCT gun of the AUF1 in 40 calibers and with a maximum range of 30km will be abandoned '192.91': in favor of a modified version of the towed gun TR F1 of 155mm! '198.24': The transition from 39 caliber to 52 caliber of this gun will allow it a '20.1': (CAESAR)! '203.569': 'significant increase in range:' '205.54': 29 km for hollow base shells, 42 km with shells equipped with a '210.51': base drag reduction kit and more than 50 km for rocket shells '214.45': The rate of fire will be 6 rounds/minute with guidance provided by the '219.319': Inertial navigation unit. '220.56': Despite this simplicity, this system passes the evaluation phases without difficulty. '225.01': And some points for improvement are noted. '227.569': Following these 2 demonstrators, a pre-production vehicle is born and will draw '232.269': all the lessons from these 2 predecessors! '234.78': This version of the CAESAR will become the guiding line of the production version of '239.379': the French army! '240.55': The armored cabin will meet level 2 of the STANAG 4569 standard, and a '246.56': 400 kg over-armor kit will be available as an option. '248.43': The air conditioning will be improved, the entire computer part will be updated '253.3': and we will see the THALES ATLAS fire control system coupled with a '258.769': SAFRAN Inertial Navigation system. '26.564': The history of this vehicle begins in the 90s! '261.109': 5 pre-production vehicles will be delivered to the French army between 2002 and the end of 2003. '266.24': The objective of this reduced number of vehicles being the training of an artillery troop '270.09': intended to evaluate the operational procedures of deployment of the Caesar by the French army '275.36': '! At the end of 2003, it was decided to acquire' '278.02': CAESAR again while continuing the modernization of AuF1 to AuF2. '281.93': However in 2004, the modernization of the AuF1 was abandoned by the DGA in favor of an '287.43': order for 72 CAESAR. '289.39': Finally in 2008 the first versions of series are born with several changes '29.359': 'At that time, the French Army had two artillery systems:' '293.858': First of all the chassis of the vehicle now based on the '298.26': French-made RENAULT TRUCK SHERPA 5 truck! The cabin is armored from production. '301.84': We add a Thales PR4G radio! A new Zodiac Muzzle Velocity Radar '307.58': to improve weapon accuracy. '309.32': A new SAGEM SIGMA 30 inertial navigation unit '313.96': . A new firing computer. '315.94': And a new Nexter System man-machine interface coupled to the ATLAS itself coupled '321.94': to the SAGEM CALP2G ballistic computer. '325.24': Now operationally and militarily! '328.07': The strength of the CAESAR lies in its speed of action and its versatility! '33.55': The 155 F3 AM, based on the chassis of the AMX-13, designed in the late 1950s and entered '332.11': When an artillery system such as the AUF1 takes 2 to 3 minutes to go into action, '336.979': the CAESAR takes less than 60 seconds! '338.94': In comparison, the AUF1's in-battery time corresponds to the time taken by the CAESAR '344.02': to complete its in-battery (less than 60 seconds), an 8-shot firing sequence '348.389': (80 seconds), and its battery exit ( less than 40 seconds). '352.419': 'For the crew, it will be composed of 5 members:' '355.29': A gun chief A pointer '357.259': A provider A munitioner '359.53': And a pilot. '360.53': However, it remains operable with only 3 crew members in case of force majeure. '364.949': It is also a vehicle which, despite its 18 tonnes in combat orders, remains easily '370.09': air transportable, in particular by C-130/A400M/IL76/C-17. '374.3': Due to its caliber, the CAESAR is compatible with all NATO standard 155 mm '381.66': ammunition. '382.66': Offering a choice of shells, it must be said............ '384.699': Rather IMPOSING! '385.699': The payload will be 18 shells, the loads stored in chests on the tray on the left, '390.82': while the shells are stored on the right, in racks. '393.38': 'These shells include: O 155 Lu 211: an explosive shell with hollow base' '398.45': (Lu 211 HB = Hollow Base) or equipped with a base drag reduction kit (Lu '40.46': service in the early 1960s As well as '404.12': 211 BB = Base Bleed). '406.08': 'O 155 Lu 214: a white phosphorus smoke shell (also available with hollow base' '412.57': 'or RTC kit) O 155 Lu 215: illuminating shell' '417.15': 'O 155 OGRE: containing 63 anti-personnel submunitions.' '42.15': the AuF1, based on the chassis of the AMX-30, designed during the 70s '421.69': 'O 155 AC F1 BONUS: (French-Swedish design) including two directed-effect anti-tank submunitions' '426.14': 'O 155 F2 AC EF DR: improved version of the' '431.229': BONUS including improved detection sensors for its two anti-tank submunitions. '435.88': O 155 OMI M107 '438.71': ERFB and so on! '439.96': More recently, we also find the SPACIDO program with the French Katana shell '444.96': in the test phase, but also the American Excalibur shell validated in 2019! '450.37': '3 other elements make the CAESAR a special vehicle: its constant evolution, its' '455.43': operational commitments and its export success! '457.39': Indeed, although the first production versions were released almost '462.3': 20 years ago, the design of this one is constantly evolving. '466.24': The 8x8 version is the perfect example. '468.94': This version, twice as heavy as the 6x6 version, is based on a Czech Tatra '47.77': and entered service in the early 80s. '475.599': T815-7 8 wheel drive chassis. The cabin armor is brought to level '479.36': 3 of the STANAG 4569 standard! Protection against mines and IED, it '485.28': brought to level 2A and 2B. '487.759': Shell load will be greater with 32 shells instead of 18 initially on the '49.87': 'The problems of these 2 tracked vehicles are for one:' '493.389': 6x6 version. '494.389': The engine will also be changed to a Tatra V8 turbocharged diesel developing '499.18': 410 horsepower! A thermal sighting optic for '5.462': Emblem of French know-how in the field of artillery, today we are going to discuss '502.41': direct shots will be installed. '503.919': A CS20002G Fire Control System and an RDB4 Muzzle Velocity Radar. '510.13': In addition to the 8x8 version, Nexter was also notified recently for the '515.289': CAESAR new generation 6X6 Mark II contract! '518.51': This new version will be equipped with a new engine (460 hp against 215 hp '52.62': The lack of range of its gun as well as the inability to fight in an '524.169': previously), a new automatic gearbox '526.67': and a new chassis. '527.86': The new Radio CONTACT aimed at integration into the SCORPION program! '531.439': The Thales BARAGE jammer and an update of all '535.819': fire control software! '536.819': As far as operational commitments are concerned, there are quite a lot of them! '541.369': Its first engagement took place during the summer of 2009 in Afghanistan, eight guns were deployed '546.13': by the French forces, these from the 3rd Marine Artillery Regiment and the 11th '551.009': Marine Artillery Regiment. '552.279': Then in Lebanon on January 18, 2011 '554.82': In Cambodia in 2011 '556.91': In Iraq during the summer of 2016 '558.889': And finally Yemen in April 2019 '561.129': All these deployments will demonstrate the effectiveness of the CAESAR and will award it the title so '565.749': coveted by vehicle manufacturers COMBAT PROVEN . '569.19': A strong argument for obtaining a contract! '57.21': NBC environment, the crew being outside and for the other the cost of jobs too high, '571.569': And that is going to help! '572.819': From the first deployments in external operations, the CAESAR, which demonstrates excellent '577.509': operational capabilities, will attract the attention of countries wishing to renew some of '582.92': their artillery equipment or acquire new ones! '585.6': As mentioned above, it has both technical and tactical advantage '591.059': '!' '592.059': However it is surely its cost; as much purchase as exploitation which is undoubtedly '596.05': its major asset. '597.11': In the case of the first order! This will be passed with Saudi Arabia in 2006 '602.33': with a first contract of 76 copies even before the vehicle is said to be Combat Proven. '608.509': A second contract will be signed later for 52 more copies. '61.86': due to its mass. '612.49': The same for Thailand with 6 CAESAR ordered in April 2006. '616.519': Will follow Indonesia in 2012 37 copies then 18 in 2017 '62.92': GIAT being aware of the challenges represented by such systems, sees a market emerging that is '621.279': Morocco at the start of 2020 with 36 copies '624.529': The Czech Republic mid-2020 with 52 copies '628.04': And finally Belgium on October 29, 2021 with 9 copies! '632.299': In the case of Ukraine! The CAESAR supplied by France are not CAESAR from '637.079': the FRENCH army! These are guns built under '640.209': the Moroccan order, and which are therefore not part of the French army '644.179': . '645.179': Although these are actually funded from the French army budget! '649.059': Some surveys are also underway! '651.459': In IRAQ with a possible purchase from the Iraqi government of 6x6 version '656.16': And Even INCREDIBLE! IN THE UNITED STATES SINCE JULY 2020! '660.329': This contract for 18 vehicles aims to replace their towed guns for troops '664.819': stationed in Europe. '667.8': In conclusion ! '670.449': The CAESAR has revolutionized the very concept of SELF-MOTORED artillery! '674.16': This is easily observable through the number of vehicles of the same type that '678.29': 'appeared in the years that followed. We could mention: The Russian Malva / the' '68.119': likely to revolutionize self-propelled guns! '683.089': Swedish Archer / the Israeli ATMOS 2000 / the Japanese Type 19 and so on! '687.11': As the saying goes ! The more copies your vehicle has, the more efficient '692.18': and innovative it is! '693.18': Currently, among the best artillery systems of its type available on the '696.36': market if not the best, it is still far from the end of its life! even '70.68': The objective is to obtain an artillery system offering at least performance '700.61': if Nexter is already thinking of its successor through the CIFS! '704.499': And that will be all of this video! Thank you for watching it to the end '709.459': Don't hesitate to give me your opinion in the comments on this one, to subscribe '714.929': if you like the channel and to share the video if you liked it! '718.839': As usual, I would like to thank my usual partners that you will find '723.29': in the description that are the LASD and FTTS communities! '730.571': And I wish you a good day evening cross appetite and I say to the next. '76.409': identical to those already existing while drastically reducing the blows of exploitation '80.57': In 1992 studies are therefore carried out and revolutionary solutions will quickly '85.71': make their appearances ! '86.71': First of all ! Choosing a Truck Platform! '89.68': This idea is innovative because the chassis already exists and maintenance becomes much '9.37': a vehicle that has been talked about a lot lately and which has literally revolutionized '93.45': simpler! It also becomes more easily transportable by air, '97.2': an argument that weighs heavily in the balance! '98.9': Then the armament, with an increase in the caliber of the gun, complex to modify
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CAESAR ! Le 155mm Tireur d'Élite !
Merci à vous d'avoir regardé la vidéo; vous retrouverez toutes les informations relatives à la vidéo ci-dessous. Partenaires de la chaine : - LASD : - FTTS : Sources : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Les partenaires comptent comme des sources :D ) Musique de fond : - - - - - Vidéos d'Illustrations : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Timecode: 00:00 - Introduction 00:24 - Histoire du Véhicule 05:25 - Plan Opérationnel et Miltaire 07:37 - Une Constante Évolution 08:56 - Les Engagements Opérationnels et Succés à l'export 11:09 - Conclusion --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- La Chaîne Twitch ou je live de temps en temps ^^ : Mon Twitter : Et on rejoins l'étable sur Discord par ici :
'103.85': for a tank but easy to adapt to a truck! '106.25': And finally all the vetronic design associated with navigation and precision. '111.06': The first vehicle was revealed to the public in 1994 under the name CAESAR for CAmion '117.35': Equipped with an Artillery System. '119.08': This technological demonstrator is mainly intended to demonstrate the structural feasibility '124.08': of mounting a large caliber gun on a modified truck chassis! '127.47': The Army staff, interested in the concept, requested the production of a '13.23': its field! Bearing the same name as the Roman Emperor, '131.42': second vehicle. '132.42': This one, produced in 1998, will be evaluated in France the same year and then in Malaysia the '138.79': following year ! '139.79': The second prototype will differ from the first at the level of the cabin, this one manufactured '144.35': by Lorh, but which will not be finally retained. '146.95': These two demonstrators will be built on the Mercedes-Benz Unimog U2450 platform '153.76': in 6x6 configuration. '155.04': The French trucks of the time not having a sturdy enough chassis to support '158.93': the armament system. '159.93': The engine will be a RENAULT TRUCKS diesel 6-cylinder in line of 215 horsepower giving it '16.289': we will see the truck equipped with an artillery system better known by the acronym '165.16': a speed of over 80 km/h on the road and 50 km/h off-road! '169.46': All this with a range of 600km! There will also be a '175.18': centralized tire inflation system (SYEGON), already tested on the VEXTRA. '178.099': This system makes it possible to automatically adjust the pressure of the tires according to the nature '182.83': of the ground. '183.83': 'In the field of armaments:' '184.83': The old GCT gun of the AUF1 in 40 calibers and with a maximum range of 30km will be abandoned '192.91': in favor of a modified version of the towed gun TR F1 of 155mm! '198.24': The transition from 39 caliber to 52 caliber of this gun will allow it a '20.1': (CAESAR)! '203.569': 'significant increase in range:' '205.54': 29 km for hollow base shells, 42 km with shells equipped with a '210.51': base drag reduction kit and more than 50 km for rocket shells '214.45': The rate of fire will be 6 rounds/minute with guidance provided by the '219.319': Inertial navigation unit. '220.56': Despite this simplicity, this system passes the evaluation phases without difficulty. '225.01': And some points for improvement are noted. '227.569': Following these 2 demonstrators, a pre-production vehicle is born and will draw '232.269': all the lessons from these 2 predecessors! '234.78': This version of the CAESAR will become the guiding line of the production version of '239.379': the French army! '240.55': The armored cabin will meet level 2 of the STANAG 4569 standard, and a '246.56': 400 kg over-armor kit will be available as an option. '248.43': The air conditioning will be improved, the entire computer part will be updated '253.3': and we will see the THALES ATLAS fire control system coupled with a '258.769': SAFRAN Inertial Navigation system. '26.564': The history of this vehicle begins in the 90s! '261.109': 5 pre-production vehicles will be delivered to the French army between 2002 and the end of 2003. '266.24': The objective of this reduced number of vehicles being the training of an artillery troop '270.09': intended to evaluate the operational procedures of deployment of the Caesar by the French army '275.36': '! At the end of 2003, it was decided to acquire' '278.02': CAESAR again while continuing the modernization of AuF1 to AuF2. '281.93': However in 2004, the modernization of the AuF1 was abandoned by the DGA in favor of an '287.43': order for 72 CAESAR. '289.39': Finally in 2008 the first versions of series are born with several changes '29.359': 'At that time, the French Army had two artillery systems:' '293.858': First of all the chassis of the vehicle now based on the '298.26': French-made RENAULT TRUCK SHERPA 5 truck! The cabin is armored from production. '301.84': We add a Thales PR4G radio! A new Zodiac Muzzle Velocity Radar '307.58': to improve weapon accuracy. '309.32': A new SAGEM SIGMA 30 inertial navigation unit '313.96': . A new firing computer. '315.94': And a new Nexter System man-machine interface coupled to the ATLAS itself coupled '321.94': to the SAGEM CALP2G ballistic computer. '325.24': Now operationally and militarily! '328.07': The strength of the CAESAR lies in its speed of action and its versatility! '33.55': The 155 F3 AM, based on the chassis of the AMX-13, designed in the late 1950s and entered '332.11': When an artillery system such as the AUF1 takes 2 to 3 minutes to go into action, '336.979': the CAESAR takes less than 60 seconds! '338.94': In comparison, the AUF1's in-battery time corresponds to the time taken by the CAESAR '344.02': to complete its in-battery (less than 60 seconds), an 8-shot firing sequence '348.389': (80 seconds), and its battery exit ( less than 40 seconds). '352.419': 'For the crew, it will be composed of 5 members:' '355.29': A gun chief A pointer '357.259': A provider A munitioner '359.53': And a pilot. '360.53': However, it remains operable with only 3 crew members in case of force majeure. '364.949': It is also a vehicle which, despite its 18 tonnes in combat orders, remains easily '370.09': air transportable, in particular by C-130/A400M/IL76/C-17. '374.3': Due to its caliber, the CAESAR is compatible with all NATO standard 155 mm '381.66': ammunition. '382.66': Offering a choice of shells, it must be said............ '384.699': Rather IMPOSING! '385.699': The payload will be 18 shells, the loads stored in chests on the tray on the left, '390.82': while the shells are stored on the right, in racks. '393.38': 'These shells include: O 155 Lu 211: an explosive shell with hollow base' '398.45': (Lu 211 HB = Hollow Base) or equipped with a base drag reduction kit (Lu '40.46': service in the early 1960s As well as '404.12': 211 BB = Base Bleed). '406.08': 'O 155 Lu 214: a white phosphorus smoke shell (also available with hollow base' '412.57': 'or RTC kit) O 155 Lu 215: illuminating shell' '417.15': 'O 155 OGRE: containing 63 anti-personnel submunitions.' '42.15': the AuF1, based on the chassis of the AMX-30, designed during the 70s '421.69': 'O 155 AC F1 BONUS: (French-Swedish design) including two directed-effect anti-tank submunitions' '426.14': 'O 155 F2 AC EF DR: improved version of the' '431.229': BONUS including improved detection sensors for its two anti-tank submunitions. '435.88': O 155 OMI M107 '438.71': ERFB and so on! '439.96': More recently, we also find the SPACIDO program with the French Katana shell '444.96': in the test phase, but also the American Excalibur shell validated in 2019! '450.37': '3 other elements make the CAESAR a special vehicle: its constant evolution, its' '455.43': operational commitments and its export success! '457.39': Indeed, although the first production versions were released almost '462.3': 20 years ago, the design of this one is constantly evolving. '466.24': The 8x8 version is the perfect example. '468.94': This version, twice as heavy as the 6x6 version, is based on a Czech Tatra '47.77': and entered service in the early 80s. '475.599': T815-7 8 wheel drive chassis. The cabin armor is brought to level '479.36': 3 of the STANAG 4569 standard! Protection against mines and IED, it '485.28': brought to level 2A and 2B. '487.759': Shell load will be greater with 32 shells instead of 18 initially on the '49.87': 'The problems of these 2 tracked vehicles are for one:' '493.389': 6x6 version. '494.389': The engine will also be changed to a Tatra V8 turbocharged diesel developing '499.18': 410 horsepower! A thermal sighting optic for '5.462': Emblem of French know-how in the field of artillery, today we are going to discuss '502.41': direct shots will be installed. '503.919': A CS20002G Fire Control System and an RDB4 Muzzle Velocity Radar. '510.13': In addition to the 8x8 version, Nexter was also notified recently for the '515.289': CAESAR new generation 6X6 Mark II contract! '518.51': This new version will be equipped with a new engine (460 hp against 215 hp '52.62': The lack of range of its gun as well as the inability to fight in an '524.169': previously), a new automatic gearbox '526.67': and a new chassis. '527.86': The new Radio CONTACT aimed at integration into the SCORPION program! '531.439': The Thales BARAGE jammer and an update of all '535.819': fire control software! '536.819': As far as operational commitments are concerned, there are quite a lot of them! '541.369': Its first engagement took place during the summer of 2009 in Afghanistan, eight guns were deployed '546.13': by the French forces, these from the 3rd Marine Artillery Regiment and the 11th '551.009': Marine Artillery Regiment. '552.279': Then in Lebanon on January 18, 2011 '554.82': In Cambodia in 2011 '556.91': In Iraq during the summer of 2016 '558.889': And finally Yemen in April 2019 '561.129': All these deployments will demonstrate the effectiveness of the CAESAR and will award it the title so '565.749': coveted by vehicle manufacturers COMBAT PROVEN . '569.19': A strong argument for obtaining a contract! '57.21': NBC environment, the crew being outside and for the other the cost of jobs too high, '571.569': And that is going to help! '572.819': From the first deployments in external operations, the CAESAR, which demonstrates excellent '577.509': operational capabilities, will attract the attention of countries wishing to renew some of '582.92': their artillery equipment or acquire new ones! '585.6': As mentioned above, it has both technical and tactical advantage '591.059': '!' '592.059': However it is surely its cost; as much purchase as exploitation which is undoubtedly '596.05': its major asset. '597.11': In the case of the first order! This will be passed with Saudi Arabia in 2006 '602.33': with a first contract of 76 copies even before the vehicle is said to be Combat Proven. '608.509': A second contract will be signed later for 52 more copies. '61.86': due to its mass. '612.49': The same for Thailand with 6 CAESAR ordered in April 2006. '616.519': Will follow Indonesia in 2012 37 copies then 18 in 2017 '62.92': GIAT being aware of the challenges represented by such systems, sees a market emerging that is '621.279': Morocco at the start of 2020 with 36 copies '624.529': The Czech Republic mid-2020 with 52 copies '628.04': And finally Belgium on October 29, 2021 with 9 copies! '632.299': In the case of Ukraine! The CAESAR supplied by France are not CAESAR from '637.079': the FRENCH army! These are guns built under '640.209': the Moroccan order, and which are therefore not part of the French army '644.179': . '645.179': Although these are actually funded from the French army budget! '649.059': Some surveys are also underway! '651.459': In IRAQ with a possible purchase from the Iraqi government of 6x6 version '656.16': And Even INCREDIBLE! IN THE UNITED STATES SINCE JULY 2020! '660.329': This contract for 18 vehicles aims to replace their towed guns for troops '664.819': stationed in Europe. '667.8': In conclusion ! '670.449': The CAESAR has revolutionized the very concept of SELF-MOTORED artillery! '674.16': This is easily observable through the number of vehicles of the same type that '678.29': 'appeared in the years that followed. We could mention: The Russian Malva / the' '68.119': likely to revolutionize self-propelled guns! '683.089': Swedish Archer / the Israeli ATMOS 2000 / the Japanese Type 19 and so on! '687.11': As the saying goes ! The more copies your vehicle has, the more efficient '692.18': and innovative it is! '693.18': Currently, among the best artillery systems of its type available on the '696.36': market if not the best, it is still far from the end of its life! even '70.68': The objective is to obtain an artillery system offering at least performance '700.61': if Nexter is already thinking of its successor through the CIFS! '704.499': And that will be all of this video! Thank you for watching it to the end '709.459': Don't hesitate to give me your opinion in the comments on this one, to subscribe '714.929': if you like the channel and to share the video if you liked it! '718.839': As usual, I would like to thank my usual partners that you will find '723.29': in the description that are the LASD and FTTS communities! '730.571': And I wish you a good day evening cross appetite and I say to the next. '76.409': identical to those already existing while drastically reducing the blows of exploitation '80.57': In 1992 studies are therefore carried out and revolutionary solutions will quickly '85.71': make their appearances ! '86.71': First of all ! Choosing a Truck Platform! '89.68': This idea is innovative because the chassis already exists and maintenance becomes much '9.37': a vehicle that has been talked about a lot lately and which has literally revolutionized '93.45': simpler! It also becomes more easily transportable by air, '97.2': an argument that weighs heavily in the balance! '98.9': Then the armament, with an increase in the caliber of the gun, complex to modify
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CAESAR ! Le 155mm Tireur d'Élite !
Merci à vous d'avoir regardé la vidéo; vous retrouverez toutes les informations relatives à la vidéo ci-dessous. Partenaires de la chaine : - LASD : - FTTS : Sources : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Les partenaires comptent comme des sources :D ) Musique de fond : - - - - - Vidéos d'Illustrations : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Timecode: 00:00 - Introduction 00:24 - Histoire du Véhicule 05:25 - Plan Opérationnel et Miltaire 07:37 - Une Constante Évolution 08:56 - Les Engagements Opérationnels et Succés à l'export 11:09 - Conclusion --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- La Chaîne Twitch ou je live de temps en temps ^^ : Mon Twitter : Et on rejoins l'étable sur Discord par ici :
'103.85': for a tank but easy to adapt to a truck! '106.25': And finally all the vetronic design associated with navigation and precision. '111.06': The first vehicle was revealed to the public in 1994 under the name CAESAR for CAmion '117.35': Equipped with an Artillery System. '119.08': This technological demonstrator is mainly intended to demonstrate the structural feasibility '124.08': of mounting a large caliber gun on a modified truck chassis! '127.47': The Army staff, interested in the concept, requested the production of a '13.23': its field! Bearing the same name as the Roman Emperor, '131.42': second vehicle. '132.42': This one, produced in 1998, will be evaluated in France the same year and then in Malaysia the '138.79': following year ! '139.79': The second prototype will differ from the first at the level of the cabin, this one manufactured '144.35': by Lorh, but which will not be finally retained. '146.95': These two demonstrators will be built on the Mercedes-Benz Unimog U2450 platform '153.76': in 6x6 configuration. '155.04': The French trucks of the time not having a sturdy enough chassis to support '158.93': the armament system. '159.93': The engine will be a RENAULT TRUCKS diesel 6-cylinder in line of 215 horsepower giving it '16.289': we will see the truck equipped with an artillery system better known by the acronym '165.16': a speed of over 80 km/h on the road and 50 km/h off-road! '169.46': All this with a range of 600km! There will also be a '175.18': centralized tire inflation system (SYEGON), already tested on the VEXTRA. '178.099': This system makes it possible to automatically adjust the pressure of the tires according to the nature '182.83': of the ground. '183.83': 'In the field of armaments:' '184.83': The old GCT gun of the AUF1 in 40 calibers and with a maximum range of 30km will be abandoned '192.91': in favor of a modified version of the towed gun TR F1 of 155mm! '198.24': The transition from 39 caliber to 52 caliber of this gun will allow it a '20.1': (CAESAR)! '203.569': 'significant increase in range:' '205.54': 29 km for hollow base shells, 42 km with shells equipped with a '210.51': base drag reduction kit and more than 50 km for rocket shells '214.45': The rate of fire will be 6 rounds/minute with guidance provided by the '219.319': Inertial navigation unit. '220.56': Despite this simplicity, this system passes the evaluation phases without difficulty. '225.01': And some points for improvement are noted. '227.569': Following these 2 demonstrators, a pre-production vehicle is born and will draw '232.269': all the lessons from these 2 predecessors! '234.78': This version of the CAESAR will become the guiding line of the production version of '239.379': the French army! '240.55': The armored cabin will meet level 2 of the STANAG 4569 standard, and a '246.56': 400 kg over-armor kit will be available as an option. '248.43': The air conditioning will be improved, the entire computer part will be updated '253.3': and we will see the THALES ATLAS fire control system coupled with a '258.769': SAFRAN Inertial Navigation system. '26.564': The history of this vehicle begins in the 90s! '261.109': 5 pre-production vehicles will be delivered to the French army between 2002 and the end of 2003. '266.24': The objective of this reduced number of vehicles being the training of an artillery troop '270.09': intended to evaluate the operational procedures of deployment of the Caesar by the French army '275.36': '! At the end of 2003, it was decided to acquire' '278.02': CAESAR again while continuing the modernization of AuF1 to AuF2. '281.93': However in 2004, the modernization of the AuF1 was abandoned by the DGA in favor of an '287.43': order for 72 CAESAR. '289.39': Finally in 2008 the first versions of series are born with several changes '29.359': 'At that time, the French Army had two artillery systems:' '293.858': First of all the chassis of the vehicle now based on the '298.26': French-made RENAULT TRUCK SHERPA 5 truck! The cabin is armored from production. '301.84': We add a Thales PR4G radio! A new Zodiac Muzzle Velocity Radar '307.58': to improve weapon accuracy. '309.32': A new SAGEM SIGMA 30 inertial navigation unit '313.96': . A new firing computer. '315.94': And a new Nexter System man-machine interface coupled to the ATLAS itself coupled '321.94': to the SAGEM CALP2G ballistic computer. '325.24': Now operationally and militarily! '328.07': The strength of the CAESAR lies in its speed of action and its versatility! '33.55': The 155 F3 AM, based on the chassis of the AMX-13, designed in the late 1950s and entered '332.11': When an artillery system such as the AUF1 takes 2 to 3 minutes to go into action, '336.979': the CAESAR takes less than 60 seconds! '338.94': In comparison, the AUF1's in-battery time corresponds to the time taken by the CAESAR '344.02': to complete its in-battery (less than 60 seconds), an 8-shot firing sequence '348.389': (80 seconds), and its battery exit ( less than 40 seconds). '352.419': 'For the crew, it will be composed of 5 members:' '355.29': A gun chief A pointer '357.259': A provider A munitioner '359.53': And a pilot. '360.53': However, it remains operable with only 3 crew members in case of force majeure. '364.949': It is also a vehicle which, despite its 18 tonnes in combat orders, remains easily '370.09': air transportable, in particular by C-130/A400M/IL76/C-17. '374.3': Due to its caliber, the CAESAR is compatible with all NATO standard 155 mm '381.66': ammunition. '382.66': Offering a choice of shells, it must be said............ '384.699': Rather IMPOSING! '385.699': The payload will be 18 shells, the loads stored in chests on the tray on the left, '390.82': while the shells are stored on the right, in racks. '393.38': 'These shells include: O 155 Lu 211: an explosive shell with hollow base' '398.45': (Lu 211 HB = Hollow Base) or equipped with a base drag reduction kit (Lu '40.46': service in the early 1960s As well as '404.12': 211 BB = Base Bleed). '406.08': 'O 155 Lu 214: a white phosphorus smoke shell (also available with hollow base' '412.57': 'or RTC kit) O 155 Lu 215: illuminating shell' '417.15': 'O 155 OGRE: containing 63 anti-personnel submunitions.' '42.15': the AuF1, based on the chassis of the AMX-30, designed during the 70s '421.69': 'O 155 AC F1 BONUS: (French-Swedish design) including two directed-effect anti-tank submunitions' '426.14': 'O 155 F2 AC EF DR: improved version of the' '431.229': BONUS including improved detection sensors for its two anti-tank submunitions. '435.88': O 155 OMI M107 '438.71': ERFB and so on! '439.96': More recently, we also find the SPACIDO program with the French Katana shell '444.96': in the test phase, but also the American Excalibur shell validated in 2019! '450.37': '3 other elements make the CAESAR a special vehicle: its constant evolution, its' '455.43': operational commitments and its export success! '457.39': Indeed, although the first production versions were released almost '462.3': 20 years ago, the design of this one is constantly evolving. '466.24': The 8x8 version is the perfect example. '468.94': This version, twice as heavy as the 6x6 version, is based on a Czech Tatra '47.77': and entered service in the early 80s. '475.599': T815-7 8 wheel drive chassis. The cabin armor is brought to level '479.36': 3 of the STANAG 4569 standard! Protection against mines and IED, it '485.28': brought to level 2A and 2B. '487.759': Shell load will be greater with 32 shells instead of 18 initially on the '49.87': 'The problems of these 2 tracked vehicles are for one:' '493.389': 6x6 version. '494.389': The engine will also be changed to a Tatra V8 turbocharged diesel developing '499.18': 410 horsepower! A thermal sighting optic for '5.462': Emblem of French know-how in the field of artillery, today we are going to discuss '502.41': direct shots will be installed. '503.919': A CS20002G Fire Control System and an RDB4 Muzzle Velocity Radar. '510.13': In addition to the 8x8 version, Nexter was also notified recently for the '515.289': CAESAR new generation 6X6 Mark II contract! '518.51': This new version will be equipped with a new engine (460 hp against 215 hp '52.62': The lack of range of its gun as well as the inability to fight in an '524.169': previously), a new automatic gearbox '526.67': and a new chassis. '527.86': The new Radio CONTACT aimed at integration into the SCORPION program! '531.439': The Thales BARAGE jammer and an update of all '535.819': fire control software! '536.819': As far as operational commitments are concerned, there are quite a lot of them! '541.369': Its first engagement took place during the summer of 2009 in Afghanistan, eight guns were deployed '546.13': by the French forces, these from the 3rd Marine Artillery Regiment and the 11th '551.009': Marine Artillery Regiment. '552.279': Then in Lebanon on January 18, 2011 '554.82': In Cambodia in 2011 '556.91': In Iraq during the summer of 2016 '558.889': And finally Yemen in April 2019 '561.129': All these deployments will demonstrate the effectiveness of the CAESAR and will award it the title so '565.749': coveted by vehicle manufacturers COMBAT PROVEN . '569.19': A strong argument for obtaining a contract! '57.21': NBC environment, the crew being outside and for the other the cost of jobs too high, '571.569': And that is going to help! '572.819': From the first deployments in external operations, the CAESAR, which demonstrates excellent '577.509': operational capabilities, will attract the attention of countries wishing to renew some of '582.92': their artillery equipment or acquire new ones! '585.6': As mentioned above, it has both technical and tactical advantage '591.059': '!' '592.059': However it is surely its cost; as much purchase as exploitation which is undoubtedly '596.05': its major asset. '597.11': In the case of the first order! This will be passed with Saudi Arabia in 2006 '602.33': with a first contract of 76 copies even before the vehicle is said to be Combat Proven. '608.509': A second contract will be signed later for 52 more copies. '61.86': due to its mass. '612.49': The same for Thailand with 6 CAESAR ordered in April 2006. '616.519': Will follow Indonesia in 2012 37 copies then 18 in 2017 '62.92': GIAT being aware of the challenges represented by such systems, sees a market emerging that is '621.279': Morocco at the start of 2020 with 36 copies '624.529': The Czech Republic mid-2020 with 52 copies '628.04': And finally Belgium on October 29, 2021 with 9 copies! '632.299': In the case of Ukraine! The CAESAR supplied by France are not CAESAR from '637.079': the FRENCH army! These are guns built under '640.209': the Moroccan order, and which are therefore not part of the French army '644.179': . '645.179': Although these are actually funded from the French army budget! '649.059': Some surveys are also underway! '651.459': In IRAQ with a possible purchase from the Iraqi government of 6x6 version '656.16': And Even INCREDIBLE! IN THE UNITED STATES SINCE JULY 2020! '660.329': This contract for 18 vehicles aims to replace their towed guns for troops '664.819': stationed in Europe. '667.8': In conclusion ! '670.449': The CAESAR has revolutionized the very concept of SELF-MOTORED artillery! '674.16': This is easily observable through the number of vehicles of the same type that '678.29': 'appeared in the years that followed. We could mention: The Russian Malva / the' '68.119': likely to revolutionize self-propelled guns! '683.089': Swedish Archer / the Israeli ATMOS 2000 / the Japanese Type 19 and so on! '687.11': As the saying goes ! The more copies your vehicle has, the more efficient '692.18': and innovative it is! '693.18': Currently, among the best artillery systems of its type available on the '696.36': market if not the best, it is still far from the end of its life! even '70.68': The objective is to obtain an artillery system offering at least performance '700.61': if Nexter is already thinking of its successor through the CIFS! '704.499': And that will be all of this video! Thank you for watching it to the end '709.459': Don't hesitate to give me your opinion in the comments on this one, to subscribe '714.929': if you like the channel and to share the video if you liked it! '718.839': As usual, I would like to thank my usual partners that you will find '723.29': in the description that are the LASD and FTTS communities! '730.571': And I wish you a good day evening cross appetite and I say to the next. '76.409': identical to those already existing while drastically reducing the blows of exploitation '80.57': In 1992 studies are therefore carried out and revolutionary solutions will quickly '85.71': make their appearances ! '86.71': First of all ! Choosing a Truck Platform! '89.68': This idea is innovative because the chassis already exists and maintenance becomes much '9.37': a vehicle that has been talked about a lot lately and which has literally revolutionized '93.45': simpler! It also becomes more easily transportable by air, '97.2': an argument that weighs heavily in the balance! '98.9': Then the armament, with an increase in the caliber of the gun, complex to modify
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CAESAR ! Le 155mm Tireur d'Élite !
Merci à vous d'avoir regardé la vidéo; vous retrouverez toutes les informations relatives à la vidéo ci-dessous. Partenaires de la chaine : - LASD : - FTTS : Sources : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Les partenaires comptent comme des sources :D ) Musique de fond : - - - - - Vidéos d'Illustrations : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Timecode: 00:00 - Introduction 00:24 - Histoire du Véhicule 05:25 - Plan Opérationnel et Miltaire 07:37 - Une Constante Évolution 08:56 - Les Engagements Opérationnels et Succés à l'export 11:09 - Conclusion --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- La Chaîne Twitch ou je live de temps en temps ^^ : Mon Twitter : Et on rejoins l'étable sur Discord par ici :
'103.85': for a tank but easy to adapt to a truck! '106.25': And finally all the vetronic design associated with navigation and precision. '111.06': The first vehicle was revealed to the public in 1994 under the name CAESAR for CAmion '117.35': Equipped with an Artillery System. '119.08': This technological demonstrator is mainly intended to demonstrate the structural feasibility '124.08': of mounting a large caliber gun on a modified truck chassis! '127.47': The Army staff, interested in the concept, requested the production of a '13.23': its field! Bearing the same name as the Roman Emperor, '131.42': second vehicle. '132.42': This one, produced in 1998, will be evaluated in France the same year and then in Malaysia the '138.79': following year ! '139.79': The second prototype will differ from the first at the level of the cabin, this one manufactured '144.35': by Lorh, but which will not be finally retained. '146.95': These two demonstrators will be built on the Mercedes-Benz Unimog U2450 platform '153.76': in 6x6 configuration. '155.04': The French trucks of the time not having a sturdy enough chassis to support '158.93': the armament system. '159.93': The engine will be a RENAULT TRUCKS diesel 6-cylinder in line of 215 horsepower giving it '16.289': we will see the truck equipped with an artillery system better known by the acronym '165.16': a speed of over 80 km/h on the road and 50 km/h off-road! '169.46': All this with a range of 600km! There will also be a '175.18': centralized tire inflation system (SYEGON), already tested on the VEXTRA. '178.099': This system makes it possible to automatically adjust the pressure of the tires according to the nature '182.83': of the ground. '183.83': 'In the field of armaments:' '184.83': The old GCT gun of the AUF1 in 40 calibers and with a maximum range of 30km will be abandoned '192.91': in favor of a modified version of the towed gun TR F1 of 155mm! '198.24': The transition from 39 caliber to 52 caliber of this gun will allow it a '20.1': (CAESAR)! '203.569': 'significant increase in range:' '205.54': 29 km for hollow base shells, 42 km with shells equipped with a '210.51': base drag reduction kit and more than 50 km for rocket shells '214.45': The rate of fire will be 6 rounds/minute with guidance provided by the '219.319': Inertial navigation unit. '220.56': Despite this simplicity, this system passes the evaluation phases without difficulty. '225.01': And some points for improvement are noted. '227.569': Following these 2 demonstrators, a pre-production vehicle is born and will draw '232.269': all the lessons from these 2 predecessors! '234.78': This version of the CAESAR will become the guiding line of the production version of '239.379': the French army! '240.55': The armored cabin will meet level 2 of the STANAG 4569 standard, and a '246.56': 400 kg over-armor kit will be available as an option. '248.43': The air conditioning will be improved, the entire computer part will be updated '253.3': and we will see the THALES ATLAS fire control system coupled with a '258.769': SAFRAN Inertial Navigation system. '26.564': The history of this vehicle begins in the 90s! '261.109': 5 pre-production vehicles will be delivered to the French army between 2002 and the end of 2003. '266.24': The objective of this reduced number of vehicles being the training of an artillery troop '270.09': intended to evaluate the operational procedures of deployment of the Caesar by the French army '275.36': '! At the end of 2003, it was decided to acquire' '278.02': CAESAR again while continuing the modernization of AuF1 to AuF2. '281.93': However in 2004, the modernization of the AuF1 was abandoned by the DGA in favor of an '287.43': order for 72 CAESAR. '289.39': Finally in 2008 the first versions of series are born with several changes '29.359': 'At that time, the French Army had two artillery systems:' '293.858': First of all the chassis of the vehicle now based on the '298.26': French-made RENAULT TRUCK SHERPA 5 truck! The cabin is armored from production. '301.84': We add a Thales PR4G radio! A new Zodiac Muzzle Velocity Radar '307.58': to improve weapon accuracy. '309.32': A new SAGEM SIGMA 30 inertial navigation unit '313.96': . A new firing computer. '315.94': And a new Nexter System man-machine interface coupled to the ATLAS itself coupled '321.94': to the SAGEM CALP2G ballistic computer. '325.24': Now operationally and militarily! '328.07': The strength of the CAESAR lies in its speed of action and its versatility! '33.55': The 155 F3 AM, based on the chassis of the AMX-13, designed in the late 1950s and entered '332.11': When an artillery system such as the AUF1 takes 2 to 3 minutes to go into action, '336.979': the CAESAR takes less than 60 seconds! '338.94': In comparison, the AUF1's in-battery time corresponds to the time taken by the CAESAR '344.02': to complete its in-battery (less than 60 seconds), an 8-shot firing sequence '348.389': (80 seconds), and its battery exit ( less than 40 seconds). '352.419': 'For the crew, it will be composed of 5 members:' '355.29': A gun chief A pointer '357.259': A provider A munitioner '359.53': And a pilot. '360.53': However, it remains operable with only 3 crew members in case of force majeure. '364.949': It is also a vehicle which, despite its 18 tonnes in combat orders, remains easily '370.09': air transportable, in particular by C-130/A400M/IL76/C-17. '374.3': Due to its caliber, the CAESAR is compatible with all NATO standard 155 mm '381.66': ammunition. '382.66': Offering a choice of shells, it must be said............ '384.699': Rather IMPOSING! '385.699': The payload will be 18 shells, the loads stored in chests on the tray on the left, '390.82': while the shells are stored on the right, in racks. '393.38': 'These shells include: O 155 Lu 211: an explosive shell with hollow base' '398.45': (Lu 211 HB = Hollow Base) or equipped with a base drag reduction kit (Lu '40.46': service in the early 1960s As well as '404.12': 211 BB = Base Bleed). '406.08': 'O 155 Lu 214: a white phosphorus smoke shell (also available with hollow base' '412.57': 'or RTC kit) O 155 Lu 215: illuminating shell' '417.15': 'O 155 OGRE: containing 63 anti-personnel submunitions.' '42.15': the AuF1, based on the chassis of the AMX-30, designed during the 70s '421.69': 'O 155 AC F1 BONUS: (French-Swedish design) including two directed-effect anti-tank submunitions' '426.14': 'O 155 F2 AC EF DR: improved version of the' '431.229': BONUS including improved detection sensors for its two anti-tank submunitions. '435.88': O 155 OMI M107 '438.71': ERFB and so on! '439.96': More recently, we also find the SPACIDO program with the French Katana shell '444.96': in the test phase, but also the American Excalibur shell validated in 2019! '450.37': '3 other elements make the CAESAR a special vehicle: its constant evolution, its' '455.43': operational commitments and its export success! '457.39': Indeed, although the first production versions were released almost '462.3': 20 years ago, the design of this one is constantly evolving. '466.24': The 8x8 version is the perfect example. '468.94': This version, twice as heavy as the 6x6 version, is based on a Czech Tatra '47.77': and entered service in the early 80s. '475.599': T815-7 8 wheel drive chassis. The cabin armor is brought to level '479.36': 3 of the STANAG 4569 standard! Protection against mines and IED, it '485.28': brought to level 2A and 2B. '487.759': Shell load will be greater with 32 shells instead of 18 initially on the '49.87': 'The problems of these 2 tracked vehicles are for one:' '493.389': 6x6 version. '494.389': The engine will also be changed to a Tatra V8 turbocharged diesel developing '499.18': 410 horsepower! A thermal sighting optic for '5.462': Emblem of French know-how in the field of artillery, today we are going to discuss '502.41': direct shots will be installed. '503.919': A CS20002G Fire Control System and an RDB4 Muzzle Velocity Radar. '510.13': In addition to the 8x8 version, Nexter was also notified recently for the '515.289': CAESAR new generation 6X6 Mark II contract! '518.51': This new version will be equipped with a new engine (460 hp against 215 hp '52.62': The lack of range of its gun as well as the inability to fight in an '524.169': previously), a new automatic gearbox '526.67': and a new chassis. '527.86': The new Radio CONTACT aimed at integration into the SCORPION program! '531.439': The Thales BARAGE jammer and an update of all '535.819': fire control software! '536.819': As far as operational commitments are concerned, there are quite a lot of them! '541.369': Its first engagement took place during the summer of 2009 in Afghanistan, eight guns were deployed '546.13': by the French forces, these from the 3rd Marine Artillery Regiment and the 11th '551.009': Marine Artillery Regiment. '552.279': Then in Lebanon on January 18, 2011 '554.82': In Cambodia in 2011 '556.91': In Iraq during the summer of 2016 '558.889': And finally Yemen in April 2019 '561.129': All these deployments will demonstrate the effectiveness of the CAESAR and will award it the title so '565.749': coveted by vehicle manufacturers COMBAT PROVEN . '569.19': A strong argument for obtaining a contract! '57.21': NBC environment, the crew being outside and for the other the cost of jobs too high, '571.569': And that is going to help! '572.819': From the first deployments in external operations, the CAESAR, which demonstrates excellent '577.509': operational capabilities, will attract the attention of countries wishing to renew some of '582.92': their artillery equipment or acquire new ones! '585.6': As mentioned above, it has both technical and tactical advantage '591.059': '!' '592.059': However it is surely its cost; as much purchase as exploitation which is undoubtedly '596.05': its major asset. '597.11': In the case of the first order! This will be passed with Saudi Arabia in 2006 '602.33': with a first contract of 76 copies even before the vehicle is said to be Combat Proven. '608.509': A second contract will be signed later for 52 more copies. '61.86': due to its mass. '612.49': The same for Thailand with 6 CAESAR ordered in April 2006. '616.519': Will follow Indonesia in 2012 37 copies then 18 in 2017 '62.92': GIAT being aware of the challenges represented by such systems, sees a market emerging that is '621.279': Morocco at the start of 2020 with 36 copies '624.529': The Czech Republic mid-2020 with 52 copies '628.04': And finally Belgium on October 29, 2021 with 9 copies! '632.299': In the case of Ukraine! The CAESAR supplied by France are not CAESAR from '637.079': the FRENCH army! These are guns built under '640.209': the Moroccan order, and which are therefore not part of the French army '644.179': . '645.179': Although these are actually funded from the French army budget! '649.059': Some surveys are also underway! '651.459': In IRAQ with a possible purchase from the Iraqi government of 6x6 version '656.16': And Even INCREDIBLE! IN THE UNITED STATES SINCE JULY 2020! '660.329': This contract for 18 vehicles aims to replace their towed guns for troops '664.819': stationed in Europe. '667.8': In conclusion ! '670.449': The CAESAR has revolutionized the very concept of SELF-MOTORED artillery! '674.16': This is easily observable through the number of vehicles of the same type that '678.29': 'appeared in the years that followed. We could mention: The Russian Malva / the' '68.119': likely to revolutionize self-propelled guns! '683.089': Swedish Archer / the Israeli ATMOS 2000 / the Japanese Type 19 and so on! '687.11': As the saying goes ! The more copies your vehicle has, the more efficient '692.18': and innovative it is! '693.18': Currently, among the best artillery systems of its type available on the '696.36': market if not the best, it is still far from the end of its life! even '70.68': The objective is to obtain an artillery system offering at least performance '700.61': if Nexter is already thinking of its successor through the CIFS! '704.499': And that will be all of this video! Thank you for watching it to the end '709.459': Don't hesitate to give me your opinion in the comments on this one, to subscribe '714.929': if you like the channel and to share the video if you liked it! '718.839': As usual, I would like to thank my usual partners that you will find '723.29': in the description that are the LASD and FTTS communities! '730.571': And I wish you a good day evening cross appetite and I say to the next. '76.409': identical to those already existing while drastically reducing the blows of exploitation '80.57': In 1992 studies are therefore carried out and revolutionary solutions will quickly '85.71': make their appearances ! '86.71': First of all ! Choosing a Truck Platform! '89.68': This idea is innovative because the chassis already exists and maintenance becomes much '9.37': a vehicle that has been talked about a lot lately and which has literally revolutionized '93.45': simpler! It also becomes more easily transportable by air, '97.2': an argument that weighs heavily in the balance! '98.9': Then the armament, with an increase in the caliber of the gun, complex to modify
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15 Tips for First-Time Travellers to Japan |
In this video we list some of our most useful tips for first-time visitors to Japan, specifically those landing at Narita Airport and then travelling from Tokyo to Kyoto. From picking up rail passes, to transportation options, to booking bullet train tickets via a smartphone, hopefully there are a few tips for everyone. - Video Credits - Narrator: Sam Evans Videographers: Andrew Marston & Charles Sabas Producers: Sam Evans, Stefan Schauwecker & Export Japan
'104.27': or with a portable WiFi router that can be shared for those travelling in a group. '108.51': One of the most convenient places to find these is at the airport, where there are numerous '112.4': shops offering mobile data options. '114.42': "It\u2019s possible with some of these companies to book over the internet\ \ in advance, and" '118.27': then simply pick up your router or sim card in the terminal upon arrival. '122.119': '#3 Buy an IC card' '125.22': In order to make traveling around Japan as '126.97': smooth as possible, we recommend purchasing an IC Card right away at the beginning of '131.489': your Japan journey. '132.83': These cards can be used to ride most modes of transport in virtually all major metropolitan '137.36': areas across the country, and are chargeable at ticket machines, as well as at convenience stores. '14.15': options, not to mention the busy stations and language barrier, can make getting around '142.08': "What\u2019s more, IC cards can be used as a cashless payment option at\ \ a large number of shops" '146.68': and restaurants nationwide, especially in and around train stations. '150.819': The cards can be purchased easily from the ticket machines at Narita Airport train station, '155.19': with instructions available in English. '157.379': At the end of your trip you can return your IC card for a small refund, so be sure to '161.2': buy your IC Card and avoid the inconvenience of having to buy paper tickets for every train journey. '167.04': "#4 Don\u2019t forget to pick up your rail pass Train travel is the most\ \ common form of public" '17.5': seem a little daunting. '173.62': transportation in Japan, and rail passes such as the Japan Rail Pass and others can, depending '178.9': on your itinerary, make travelling significantly cheaper '182.22': "and more convenient for you if you\u2019re a foreign visitor." '185.94': For those who purchased a rail pass before coming to Japan, the JR East Travel Service Centers '19.289': "With this in mind, we\u2019ve put together a list of tips that aims to\ \ help visitors get" '190.239': located in the basements of Terminal 1 or Terminal 2 of Narita Airport are the '194.96': first place where you can pick up your pass upon landing. '199.58': '#5 Get from Narita Airport to central Tokyo' '203.82': There are a number of ways to get from Narita '206.08': "Airport to central Tokyo, and the best option depends on two things: where\ \ in Tokyo you\u2019re" '211.03': going to, and your budget. '212.959': For those willing to spend a little more to arrive in central Tokyo faster, the JR Narita '217.909': Express and the Keisei Skyliner both provide quick ways to get to central Tokyo by train, '22.38': the most out their first trip to Japan. '222.82': making the direct journey to Tokyo Station and Nippori Station respectively '228.08': before stopping at other major downtown stations. '230.46': Slower, cheaper train options include the regular Keisei limited express trains. '235.38': There are also two main types of buses from Narita Airport to Tokyo; the expensive Airport '24.62': "In this video we\u2019ll be focusing on one of the most common routes for\ \ first time visitors," '240.22': Limousines which stop at a number of stations and hotels in central Tokyo, and cheaper discount '245.42': shuttle buses which connect to fewer places. '248.12': Taxis can also be used to reach central Tokyo, '250.7': but bear in mind that this is by far the most expensive option. '254.5': '#6 Find the best type of accommodation in Tokyo' '257.78': Tokyo is an extremely diverse metropolis, and this is reflected in the multitude of '262.24': "accommodation options available to visitors to Japan\u2019s capital." '265.62': Of course there are the usual range of hotels to suit all budgets and other accommodation '269.88': types that one would expect to find in any major city. '272.94': However Tokyo also contains a variety of unique options that travelers may want to take advantage of '277.84': including capsule hotels, quality hostels, '28.5': which is to start at Narita Airport, explore Tokyo the and then ride the bullet train to '283.58': internet cafes and historic yet affordable traditional ryokan. '285.56': '#7 Buy shinkansen tickets via smartphone app' '289.7': In order to save time at the station, it can '292.43': be a good idea to purchase shinkansen tickets ahead of time using the SmartEx app which '297.55': is available in English and boasts a user-friendly interface. '301.499': 'In order to take advantage of SmartEx, follow these steps:' '305.389': 1- Purchase an IC card 2- Install the App '311.0': 3- Register your credit card 4- Connect your IC card to the App, by inputting the ID number on the card '319.6': 5- Book your Shinkansen '32.92': Kyoto and Osaka along the Tokaido Shinkansen. '322.28': 6- Use the associated IC card to tap through the ticket gates at any shinkansen station '328.88': between Tokyo and Hakata. '331.02': "And don\u2019t forget to pick up the ticket that comes out the other side." '334.44': Bear in mind that there are various seat types available on a shinkansen, including reserved '339.04': and non-reserved and the more luxurious seats in the Green Car. '342.98': '#8 Navigate Tokyo Station' '345.62': Tokyo Station is large and can be confusing '348.33': even for those who use it regularly. '350.68': Upon arriving follow signs for the Tokaido Shinkansen and enter the ticket gates. '355.6': From here there will be more signage helping you locate the correct platform and line up '359.84': at the right car number. '36.32': "Some of our tips may seem obvious if you\u2019ve been to Japan before, but\ \ hopefully even experienced" '361.82': "For those who don\u2019t have a ticket yet, they can be purchased before\ \ entering the shinkansen" '365.84': gates at either a ticket machine, or from the ticket counter. '369.9': '#9 Purchase an Ekiben before boarding the shinkansen' '374.54': "Before boarding the shinkansen, we recommend making the most out of Tokyo\ \ Station\u2019s good-quality" '379.18': food options, and purchasing an Ekiben from one of the shops or kiosks that can be found '384.02': around the station or even on train platforms. '386.56': Ekiben, short for Eki Bento, or station food box '390.14': are a popular meal in Japan for those on the go. '392.96': They are typically comprised of regional or seasonal specialty foods and presented in '397.06': a decorative box or on a sealed platter. '399.94': Delicious and generally good quality, Ekiben vary station to station '40.82': tourists will find some of these useful. '404.74': and are great to enjoy during your cross-country travels. '407.38': '#10 Storing bags and luggage on the shinkansen' '410.54': If you have luggage, one of the biggest concerns '413.14': is where to store it on the train. '415.4': Thankfully the shinkansen have space for suitcases and bags '417.82': in several locations throughout the car. '42.54': So, without further ado, we invite you to follow along as we reveal 15 travel tips for '420.88': Smaller bags like backpacks and daybags can be stored on the overhead shelves, '425.2': and there is also a larger space behind the last row of seats in each car. '429.22': '#11 Using the toilets on shinkansen and in train stations' '434.34': Japan is known as one of the most hygiene-conscious countries in the world, and this certainly '438.32': extends not only to restrooms within train stations but also on the shinkansen '442.52': all of which are free of charge. '444.72': "This means that you don\u2019t have to worry if you miss your chance to\ \ freshen up before boarding." '449.0': Shinkansen restrooms are clean and located between every couple of cars, so locating '453.68': them once aboard is quick and easy. '456.84': "#12 Take advantage of the Tokaido Shinkansen\u2019s selection of amenities" '461.74': Bullet trains boast a selection of amenities '466.93': that make travelling on them comfortable and convenient. '467.92': "For example, if your mobile device\u2019s battery is about to die" '469.6': many seats have power outlets nearby. '47.87': first time travelers to Japan. '473.1': In case you get hungry there are also food carts that intermittently make the rounds '477.06': of the cars from which snacks and drinks from coffee to beer '479.9': can be purchased for reasonable prices. '482.48': '#13 Enjoy a view of Mount Fuji from the shinkansen' '486.36': "Many passengers don\u2019t realize that on a" '488.98': clear day, Mount Fuji can be seen from aboard the Tokaido Shinkansen. '492.93': The window seat on the side that faces Mount Fuji, seat E (seat D in Green Class) '498.7': "is where the best, unobstructed views can be had of Japan\u2019s most famous\ \ natural icon" '5.109': Japan is an extraordinary country with unique attractions catering to virtually every taste. '503.84': so make sure while making seat reservations to reserve seat E if possible. '508.36': "If you happen not to be able to sit in this coveted spot, it\u2019s also\ \ possible to see" '51.36': "#1 Take advantage of Narita Airport\u2019s luggage delivery services" '512.82': Mt. Fuji by standing between the cars and looking out of the window there. '517.24': '#14 What to do with your luggage upon arriving at your destination' '521.96': Many major train stations boast luggage storage and delivery services '526.02': "and for those who didn\u2019t get their luggage delivered from Narita Airport" '529.36': now might be a good time to have large or inconvenient baggage delivered quickly and easily to your hotel. '534.6': Alternatively, for those continuing on to immediately do a side trip before returning, '539.5': there are various luggage storage facilities including coin lockers '543.54': which in many major stations are compatible with IC Cards. '547.37': '#15 Know how to get at your money' '550.28': The first opportunity to access your money '552.24': upon landing is at the currency exchange facilities in the arrival lobby of airports. '556.62': After that, many banks and convenience stores across Japan have ATMs '56.649': Upon arriving at Narita Airport, we recommend dropping heavy or large luggage at one of '561.24': however it can be hit or miss if these machines accept your specific international card. '566.04': Fortunately, all post offices nationwide (even in remote areas) '570.02': as well as all 7/11s and many other convenience stores '573.32': have atms that are compatible with foreign cards. '576.62': Of course, there are nearly an endless number of other tips, but hopefully these 15 enable '580.9': you to get more out of your first trip to Japan. '583.58': For more information or to watch another video, click the links on the screen now, or head '587.43': over to, your comprehensive, up-to-date travel guide first-hand from Japan. '592.58': Thanks for watching and be sure to subscribe and click the notification bell '595.96': for more videos about Japan. '597.55': Happy travels. '60.63': "the airport\u2019s convenient Luggage Delivery counters." '64.28': These reliable and, in our opinion, great value services ship your bags to anywhere '69.06': in the country, including but not limited to hotels and hostels '72.96': airports and private residences. '75.65': All you have to do is fill in the address of where you want to your luggage to be delivered, '79.65': and then enjoy being bag-free. '81.47': In some cases, it may be a good idea to inform your lodgings ahead of time, especially if '85.95': staying at smaller establishments. '88.2': '#2 Purchase a data sim or WiFi router before leaving the airport' '9.58': For those visiting for the first time however, the wide variety of services and transport '93.24': One of the first things many visitors wish to figure out upon arriving in a foreign country '97.24': is how to get connected to the internet. '99.35': Two common ways to do this in Japan are either with a domestic data sim card for your smartphone,
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Nara line platforms, 2020" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "Tōfukuji Station [SEP] Nara line platforms, 2020" ], "context_page_description": [ "\"Tōfukuji Station is a railway station located in Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. It has the Keihan station number \"\"KH36\"\", and the JR West station number \"\"JR-D02\"\".\"" ], "context_section_description": [ "\"Tōfukuji Station (東福寺駅, Tōfukuji-eki) is a railway station located in Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. It has the Keihan station number \"\"KH36\"\", and the JR West station number \"\"JR-D02\"\".\"" ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Tōfukuji Station" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Tōfukuji Station" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ null ] }
15 Tips for First-Time Travellers to Japan |
In this video we list some of our most useful tips for first-time visitors to Japan, specifically those landing at Narita Airport and then travelling from Tokyo to Kyoto. From picking up rail passes, to transportation options, to booking bullet train tickets via a smartphone, hopefully there are a few tips for everyone. - Video Credits - Narrator: Sam Evans Videographers: Andrew Marston & Charles Sabas Producers: Sam Evans, Stefan Schauwecker & Export Japan
'104.27': or with a portable WiFi router that can be shared for those travelling in a group. '108.51': One of the most convenient places to find these is at the airport, where there are numerous '112.4': shops offering mobile data options. '114.42': "It\u2019s possible with some of these companies to book over the internet\ \ in advance, and" '118.27': then simply pick up your router or sim card in the terminal upon arrival. '122.119': '#3 Buy an IC card' '125.22': In order to make traveling around Japan as '126.97': smooth as possible, we recommend purchasing an IC Card right away at the beginning of '131.489': your Japan journey. '132.83': These cards can be used to ride most modes of transport in virtually all major metropolitan '137.36': areas across the country, and are chargeable at ticket machines, as well as at convenience stores. '14.15': options, not to mention the busy stations and language barrier, can make getting around '142.08': "What\u2019s more, IC cards can be used as a cashless payment option at\ \ a large number of shops" '146.68': and restaurants nationwide, especially in and around train stations. '150.819': The cards can be purchased easily from the ticket machines at Narita Airport train station, '155.19': with instructions available in English. '157.379': At the end of your trip you can return your IC card for a small refund, so be sure to '161.2': buy your IC Card and avoid the inconvenience of having to buy paper tickets for every train journey. '167.04': "#4 Don\u2019t forget to pick up your rail pass Train travel is the most\ \ common form of public" '17.5': seem a little daunting. '173.62': transportation in Japan, and rail passes such as the Japan Rail Pass and others can, depending '178.9': on your itinerary, make travelling significantly cheaper '182.22': "and more convenient for you if you\u2019re a foreign visitor." '185.94': For those who purchased a rail pass before coming to Japan, the JR East Travel Service Centers '19.289': "With this in mind, we\u2019ve put together a list of tips that aims to\ \ help visitors get" '190.239': located in the basements of Terminal 1 or Terminal 2 of Narita Airport are the '194.96': first place where you can pick up your pass upon landing. '199.58': '#5 Get from Narita Airport to central Tokyo' '203.82': There are a number of ways to get from Narita '206.08': "Airport to central Tokyo, and the best option depends on two things: where\ \ in Tokyo you\u2019re" '211.03': going to, and your budget. '212.959': For those willing to spend a little more to arrive in central Tokyo faster, the JR Narita '217.909': Express and the Keisei Skyliner both provide quick ways to get to central Tokyo by train, '22.38': the most out their first trip to Japan. '222.82': making the direct journey to Tokyo Station and Nippori Station respectively '228.08': before stopping at other major downtown stations. '230.46': Slower, cheaper train options include the regular Keisei limited express trains. '235.38': There are also two main types of buses from Narita Airport to Tokyo; the expensive Airport '24.62': "In this video we\u2019ll be focusing on one of the most common routes for\ \ first time visitors," '240.22': Limousines which stop at a number of stations and hotels in central Tokyo, and cheaper discount '245.42': shuttle buses which connect to fewer places. '248.12': Taxis can also be used to reach central Tokyo, '250.7': but bear in mind that this is by far the most expensive option. '254.5': '#6 Find the best type of accommodation in Tokyo' '257.78': Tokyo is an extremely diverse metropolis, and this is reflected in the multitude of '262.24': "accommodation options available to visitors to Japan\u2019s capital." '265.62': Of course there are the usual range of hotels to suit all budgets and other accommodation '269.88': types that one would expect to find in any major city. '272.94': However Tokyo also contains a variety of unique options that travelers may want to take advantage of '277.84': including capsule hotels, quality hostels, '28.5': which is to start at Narita Airport, explore Tokyo the and then ride the bullet train to '283.58': internet cafes and historic yet affordable traditional ryokan. '285.56': '#7 Buy shinkansen tickets via smartphone app' '289.7': In order to save time at the station, it can '292.43': be a good idea to purchase shinkansen tickets ahead of time using the SmartEx app which '297.55': is available in English and boasts a user-friendly interface. '301.499': 'In order to take advantage of SmartEx, follow these steps:' '305.389': 1- Purchase an IC card 2- Install the App '311.0': 3- Register your credit card 4- Connect your IC card to the App, by inputting the ID number on the card '319.6': 5- Book your Shinkansen '32.92': Kyoto and Osaka along the Tokaido Shinkansen. '322.28': 6- Use the associated IC card to tap through the ticket gates at any shinkansen station '328.88': between Tokyo and Hakata. '331.02': "And don\u2019t forget to pick up the ticket that comes out the other side." '334.44': Bear in mind that there are various seat types available on a shinkansen, including reserved '339.04': and non-reserved and the more luxurious seats in the Green Car. '342.98': '#8 Navigate Tokyo Station' '345.62': Tokyo Station is large and can be confusing '348.33': even for those who use it regularly. '350.68': Upon arriving follow signs for the Tokaido Shinkansen and enter the ticket gates. '355.6': From here there will be more signage helping you locate the correct platform and line up '359.84': at the right car number. '36.32': "Some of our tips may seem obvious if you\u2019ve been to Japan before, but\ \ hopefully even experienced" '361.82': "For those who don\u2019t have a ticket yet, they can be purchased before\ \ entering the shinkansen" '365.84': gates at either a ticket machine, or from the ticket counter. '369.9': '#9 Purchase an Ekiben before boarding the shinkansen' '374.54': "Before boarding the shinkansen, we recommend making the most out of Tokyo\ \ Station\u2019s good-quality" '379.18': food options, and purchasing an Ekiben from one of the shops or kiosks that can be found '384.02': around the station or even on train platforms. '386.56': Ekiben, short for Eki Bento, or station food box '390.14': are a popular meal in Japan for those on the go. '392.96': They are typically comprised of regional or seasonal specialty foods and presented in '397.06': a decorative box or on a sealed platter. '399.94': Delicious and generally good quality, Ekiben vary station to station '40.82': tourists will find some of these useful. '404.74': and are great to enjoy during your cross-country travels. '407.38': '#10 Storing bags and luggage on the shinkansen' '410.54': If you have luggage, one of the biggest concerns '413.14': is where to store it on the train. '415.4': Thankfully the shinkansen have space for suitcases and bags '417.82': in several locations throughout the car. '42.54': So, without further ado, we invite you to follow along as we reveal 15 travel tips for '420.88': Smaller bags like backpacks and daybags can be stored on the overhead shelves, '425.2': and there is also a larger space behind the last row of seats in each car. '429.22': '#11 Using the toilets on shinkansen and in train stations' '434.34': Japan is known as one of the most hygiene-conscious countries in the world, and this certainly '438.32': extends not only to restrooms within train stations but also on the shinkansen '442.52': all of which are free of charge. '444.72': "This means that you don\u2019t have to worry if you miss your chance to\ \ freshen up before boarding." '449.0': Shinkansen restrooms are clean and located between every couple of cars, so locating '453.68': them once aboard is quick and easy. '456.84': "#12 Take advantage of the Tokaido Shinkansen\u2019s selection of amenities" '461.74': Bullet trains boast a selection of amenities '466.93': that make travelling on them comfortable and convenient. '467.92': "For example, if your mobile device\u2019s battery is about to die" '469.6': many seats have power outlets nearby. '47.87': first time travelers to Japan. '473.1': In case you get hungry there are also food carts that intermittently make the rounds '477.06': of the cars from which snacks and drinks from coffee to beer '479.9': can be purchased for reasonable prices. '482.48': '#13 Enjoy a view of Mount Fuji from the shinkansen' '486.36': "Many passengers don\u2019t realize that on a" '488.98': clear day, Mount Fuji can be seen from aboard the Tokaido Shinkansen. '492.93': The window seat on the side that faces Mount Fuji, seat E (seat D in Green Class) '498.7': "is where the best, unobstructed views can be had of Japan\u2019s most famous\ \ natural icon" '5.109': Japan is an extraordinary country with unique attractions catering to virtually every taste. '503.84': so make sure while making seat reservations to reserve seat E if possible. '508.36': "If you happen not to be able to sit in this coveted spot, it\u2019s also\ \ possible to see" '51.36': "#1 Take advantage of Narita Airport\u2019s luggage delivery services" '512.82': Mt. Fuji by standing between the cars and looking out of the window there. '517.24': '#14 What to do with your luggage upon arriving at your destination' '521.96': Many major train stations boast luggage storage and delivery services '526.02': "and for those who didn\u2019t get their luggage delivered from Narita Airport" '529.36': now might be a good time to have large or inconvenient baggage delivered quickly and easily to your hotel. '534.6': Alternatively, for those continuing on to immediately do a side trip before returning, '539.5': there are various luggage storage facilities including coin lockers '543.54': which in many major stations are compatible with IC Cards. '547.37': '#15 Know how to get at your money' '550.28': The first opportunity to access your money '552.24': upon landing is at the currency exchange facilities in the arrival lobby of airports. '556.62': After that, many banks and convenience stores across Japan have ATMs '56.649': Upon arriving at Narita Airport, we recommend dropping heavy or large luggage at one of '561.24': however it can be hit or miss if these machines accept your specific international card. '566.04': Fortunately, all post offices nationwide (even in remote areas) '570.02': as well as all 7/11s and many other convenience stores '573.32': have atms that are compatible with foreign cards. '576.62': Of course, there are nearly an endless number of other tips, but hopefully these 15 enable '580.9': you to get more out of your first trip to Japan. '583.58': For more information or to watch another video, click the links on the screen now, or head '587.43': over to, your comprehensive, up-to-date travel guide first-hand from Japan. '592.58': Thanks for watching and be sure to subscribe and click the notification bell '595.96': for more videos about Japan. '597.55': Happy travels. '60.63': "the airport\u2019s convenient Luggage Delivery counters." '64.28': These reliable and, in our opinion, great value services ship your bags to anywhere '69.06': in the country, including but not limited to hotels and hostels '72.96': airports and private residences. '75.65': All you have to do is fill in the address of where you want to your luggage to be delivered, '79.65': and then enjoy being bag-free. '81.47': In some cases, it may be a good idea to inform your lodgings ahead of time, especially if '85.95': staying at smaller establishments. '88.2': '#2 Purchase a data sim or WiFi router before leaving the airport' '9.58': For those visiting for the first time however, the wide variety of services and transport '93.24': One of the first things many visitors wish to figure out upon arriving in a foreign country '97.24': is how to get connected to the internet. '99.35': Two common ways to do this in Japan are either with a domestic data sim card for your smartphone,
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Nara line platforms, 2020" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "Tōfukuji Station [SEP] Nara line platforms, 2020" ], "context_page_description": [ "\"Tōfukuji Station is a railway station located in Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. It has the Keihan station number \"\"KH36\"\", and the JR West station number \"\"JR-D02\"\".\"" ], "context_section_description": [ "\"Tōfukuji Station (東福寺駅, Tōfukuji-eki) is a railway station located in Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. It has the Keihan station number \"\"KH36\"\", and the JR West station number \"\"JR-D02\"\".\"" ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Tōfukuji Station" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Tōfukuji Station" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ null ] }
15 Tips for First-Time Travellers to Japan |
In this video we list some of our most useful tips for first-time visitors to Japan, specifically those landing at Narita Airport and then travelling from Tokyo to Kyoto. From picking up rail passes, to transportation options, to booking bullet train tickets via a smartphone, hopefully there are a few tips for everyone. - Video Credits - Narrator: Sam Evans Videographers: Andrew Marston & Charles Sabas Producers: Sam Evans, Stefan Schauwecker & Export Japan
'104.27': or with a portable WiFi router that can be shared for those travelling in a group. '108.51': One of the most convenient places to find these is at the airport, where there are numerous '112.4': shops offering mobile data options. '114.42': "It\u2019s possible with some of these companies to book over the internet\ \ in advance, and" '118.27': then simply pick up your router or sim card in the terminal upon arrival. '122.119': '#3 Buy an IC card' '125.22': In order to make traveling around Japan as '126.97': smooth as possible, we recommend purchasing an IC Card right away at the beginning of '131.489': your Japan journey. '132.83': These cards can be used to ride most modes of transport in virtually all major metropolitan '137.36': areas across the country, and are chargeable at ticket machines, as well as at convenience stores. '14.15': options, not to mention the busy stations and language barrier, can make getting around '142.08': "What\u2019s more, IC cards can be used as a cashless payment option at\ \ a large number of shops" '146.68': and restaurants nationwide, especially in and around train stations. '150.819': The cards can be purchased easily from the ticket machines at Narita Airport train station, '155.19': with instructions available in English. '157.379': At the end of your trip you can return your IC card for a small refund, so be sure to '161.2': buy your IC Card and avoid the inconvenience of having to buy paper tickets for every train journey. '167.04': "#4 Don\u2019t forget to pick up your rail pass Train travel is the most\ \ common form of public" '17.5': seem a little daunting. '173.62': transportation in Japan, and rail passes such as the Japan Rail Pass and others can, depending '178.9': on your itinerary, make travelling significantly cheaper '182.22': "and more convenient for you if you\u2019re a foreign visitor." '185.94': For those who purchased a rail pass before coming to Japan, the JR East Travel Service Centers '19.289': "With this in mind, we\u2019ve put together a list of tips that aims to\ \ help visitors get" '190.239': located in the basements of Terminal 1 or Terminal 2 of Narita Airport are the '194.96': first place where you can pick up your pass upon landing. '199.58': '#5 Get from Narita Airport to central Tokyo' '203.82': There are a number of ways to get from Narita '206.08': "Airport to central Tokyo, and the best option depends on two things: where\ \ in Tokyo you\u2019re" '211.03': going to, and your budget. '212.959': For those willing to spend a little more to arrive in central Tokyo faster, the JR Narita '217.909': Express and the Keisei Skyliner both provide quick ways to get to central Tokyo by train, '22.38': the most out their first trip to Japan. '222.82': making the direct journey to Tokyo Station and Nippori Station respectively '228.08': before stopping at other major downtown stations. '230.46': Slower, cheaper train options include the regular Keisei limited express trains. '235.38': There are also two main types of buses from Narita Airport to Tokyo; the expensive Airport '24.62': "In this video we\u2019ll be focusing on one of the most common routes for\ \ first time visitors," '240.22': Limousines which stop at a number of stations and hotels in central Tokyo, and cheaper discount '245.42': shuttle buses which connect to fewer places. '248.12': Taxis can also be used to reach central Tokyo, '250.7': but bear in mind that this is by far the most expensive option. '254.5': '#6 Find the best type of accommodation in Tokyo' '257.78': Tokyo is an extremely diverse metropolis, and this is reflected in the multitude of '262.24': "accommodation options available to visitors to Japan\u2019s capital." '265.62': Of course there are the usual range of hotels to suit all budgets and other accommodation '269.88': types that one would expect to find in any major city. '272.94': However Tokyo also contains a variety of unique options that travelers may want to take advantage of '277.84': including capsule hotels, quality hostels, '28.5': which is to start at Narita Airport, explore Tokyo the and then ride the bullet train to '283.58': internet cafes and historic yet affordable traditional ryokan. '285.56': '#7 Buy shinkansen tickets via smartphone app' '289.7': In order to save time at the station, it can '292.43': be a good idea to purchase shinkansen tickets ahead of time using the SmartEx app which '297.55': is available in English and boasts a user-friendly interface. '301.499': 'In order to take advantage of SmartEx, follow these steps:' '305.389': 1- Purchase an IC card 2- Install the App '311.0': 3- Register your credit card 4- Connect your IC card to the App, by inputting the ID number on the card '319.6': 5- Book your Shinkansen '32.92': Kyoto and Osaka along the Tokaido Shinkansen. '322.28': 6- Use the associated IC card to tap through the ticket gates at any shinkansen station '328.88': between Tokyo and Hakata. '331.02': "And don\u2019t forget to pick up the ticket that comes out the other side." '334.44': Bear in mind that there are various seat types available on a shinkansen, including reserved '339.04': and non-reserved and the more luxurious seats in the Green Car. '342.98': '#8 Navigate Tokyo Station' '345.62': Tokyo Station is large and can be confusing '348.33': even for those who use it regularly. '350.68': Upon arriving follow signs for the Tokaido Shinkansen and enter the ticket gates. '355.6': From here there will be more signage helping you locate the correct platform and line up '359.84': at the right car number. '36.32': "Some of our tips may seem obvious if you\u2019ve been to Japan before, but\ \ hopefully even experienced" '361.82': "For those who don\u2019t have a ticket yet, they can be purchased before\ \ entering the shinkansen" '365.84': gates at either a ticket machine, or from the ticket counter. '369.9': '#9 Purchase an Ekiben before boarding the shinkansen' '374.54': "Before boarding the shinkansen, we recommend making the most out of Tokyo\ \ Station\u2019s good-quality" '379.18': food options, and purchasing an Ekiben from one of the shops or kiosks that can be found '384.02': around the station or even on train platforms. '386.56': Ekiben, short for Eki Bento, or station food box '390.14': are a popular meal in Japan for those on the go. '392.96': They are typically comprised of regional or seasonal specialty foods and presented in '397.06': a decorative box or on a sealed platter. '399.94': Delicious and generally good quality, Ekiben vary station to station '40.82': tourists will find some of these useful. '404.74': and are great to enjoy during your cross-country travels. '407.38': '#10 Storing bags and luggage on the shinkansen' '410.54': If you have luggage, one of the biggest concerns '413.14': is where to store it on the train. '415.4': Thankfully the shinkansen have space for suitcases and bags '417.82': in several locations throughout the car. '42.54': So, without further ado, we invite you to follow along as we reveal 15 travel tips for '420.88': Smaller bags like backpacks and daybags can be stored on the overhead shelves, '425.2': and there is also a larger space behind the last row of seats in each car. '429.22': '#11 Using the toilets on shinkansen and in train stations' '434.34': Japan is known as one of the most hygiene-conscious countries in the world, and this certainly '438.32': extends not only to restrooms within train stations but also on the shinkansen '442.52': all of which are free of charge. '444.72': "This means that you don\u2019t have to worry if you miss your chance to\ \ freshen up before boarding." '449.0': Shinkansen restrooms are clean and located between every couple of cars, so locating '453.68': them once aboard is quick and easy. '456.84': "#12 Take advantage of the Tokaido Shinkansen\u2019s selection of amenities" '461.74': Bullet trains boast a selection of amenities '466.93': that make travelling on them comfortable and convenient. '467.92': "For example, if your mobile device\u2019s battery is about to die" '469.6': many seats have power outlets nearby. '47.87': first time travelers to Japan. '473.1': In case you get hungry there are also food carts that intermittently make the rounds '477.06': of the cars from which snacks and drinks from coffee to beer '479.9': can be purchased for reasonable prices. '482.48': '#13 Enjoy a view of Mount Fuji from the shinkansen' '486.36': "Many passengers don\u2019t realize that on a" '488.98': clear day, Mount Fuji can be seen from aboard the Tokaido Shinkansen. '492.93': The window seat on the side that faces Mount Fuji, seat E (seat D in Green Class) '498.7': "is where the best, unobstructed views can be had of Japan\u2019s most famous\ \ natural icon" '5.109': Japan is an extraordinary country with unique attractions catering to virtually every taste. '503.84': so make sure while making seat reservations to reserve seat E if possible. '508.36': "If you happen not to be able to sit in this coveted spot, it\u2019s also\ \ possible to see" '51.36': "#1 Take advantage of Narita Airport\u2019s luggage delivery services" '512.82': Mt. Fuji by standing between the cars and looking out of the window there. '517.24': '#14 What to do with your luggage upon arriving at your destination' '521.96': Many major train stations boast luggage storage and delivery services '526.02': "and for those who didn\u2019t get their luggage delivered from Narita Airport" '529.36': now might be a good time to have large or inconvenient baggage delivered quickly and easily to your hotel. '534.6': Alternatively, for those continuing on to immediately do a side trip before returning, '539.5': there are various luggage storage facilities including coin lockers '543.54': which in many major stations are compatible with IC Cards. '547.37': '#15 Know how to get at your money' '550.28': The first opportunity to access your money '552.24': upon landing is at the currency exchange facilities in the arrival lobby of airports. '556.62': After that, many banks and convenience stores across Japan have ATMs '56.649': Upon arriving at Narita Airport, we recommend dropping heavy or large luggage at one of '561.24': however it can be hit or miss if these machines accept your specific international card. '566.04': Fortunately, all post offices nationwide (even in remote areas) '570.02': as well as all 7/11s and many other convenience stores '573.32': have atms that are compatible with foreign cards. '576.62': Of course, there are nearly an endless number of other tips, but hopefully these 15 enable '580.9': you to get more out of your first trip to Japan. '583.58': For more information or to watch another video, click the links on the screen now, or head '587.43': over to, your comprehensive, up-to-date travel guide first-hand from Japan. '592.58': Thanks for watching and be sure to subscribe and click the notification bell '595.96': for more videos about Japan. '597.55': Happy travels. '60.63': "the airport\u2019s convenient Luggage Delivery counters." '64.28': These reliable and, in our opinion, great value services ship your bags to anywhere '69.06': in the country, including but not limited to hotels and hostels '72.96': airports and private residences. '75.65': All you have to do is fill in the address of where you want to your luggage to be delivered, '79.65': and then enjoy being bag-free. '81.47': In some cases, it may be a good idea to inform your lodgings ahead of time, especially if '85.95': staying at smaller establishments. '88.2': '#2 Purchase a data sim or WiFi router before leaving the airport' '9.58': For those visiting for the first time however, the wide variety of services and transport '93.24': One of the first things many visitors wish to figure out upon arriving in a foreign country '97.24': is how to get connected to the internet. '99.35': Two common ways to do this in Japan are either with a domestic data sim card for your smartphone,
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Nara line platforms, 2020" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "Tōfukuji Station [SEP] Nara line platforms, 2020" ], "context_page_description": [ "\"Tōfukuji Station is a railway station located in Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. It has the Keihan station number \"\"KH36\"\", and the JR West station number \"\"JR-D02\"\".\"" ], "context_section_description": [ "\"Tōfukuji Station (東福寺駅, Tōfukuji-eki) is a railway station located in Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. It has the Keihan station number \"\"KH36\"\", and the JR West station number \"\"JR-D02\"\".\"" ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Tōfukuji Station" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Tōfukuji Station" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ null ] }
15 Tips for First-Time Travellers to Japan |
In this video we list some of our most useful tips for first-time visitors to Japan, specifically those landing at Narita Airport and then travelling from Tokyo to Kyoto. From picking up rail passes, to transportation options, to booking bullet train tickets via a smartphone, hopefully there are a few tips for everyone. - Video Credits - Narrator: Sam Evans Videographers: Andrew Marston & Charles Sabas Producers: Sam Evans, Stefan Schauwecker & Export Japan
'104.27': or with a portable WiFi router that can be shared for those travelling in a group. '108.51': One of the most convenient places to find these is at the airport, where there are numerous '112.4': shops offering mobile data options. '114.42': "It\u2019s possible with some of these companies to book over the internet\ \ in advance, and" '118.27': then simply pick up your router or sim card in the terminal upon arrival. '122.119': '#3 Buy an IC card' '125.22': In order to make traveling around Japan as '126.97': smooth as possible, we recommend purchasing an IC Card right away at the beginning of '131.489': your Japan journey. '132.83': These cards can be used to ride most modes of transport in virtually all major metropolitan '137.36': areas across the country, and are chargeable at ticket machines, as well as at convenience stores. '14.15': options, not to mention the busy stations and language barrier, can make getting around '142.08': "What\u2019s more, IC cards can be used as a cashless payment option at\ \ a large number of shops" '146.68': and restaurants nationwide, especially in and around train stations. '150.819': The cards can be purchased easily from the ticket machines at Narita Airport train station, '155.19': with instructions available in English. '157.379': At the end of your trip you can return your IC card for a small refund, so be sure to '161.2': buy your IC Card and avoid the inconvenience of having to buy paper tickets for every train journey. '167.04': "#4 Don\u2019t forget to pick up your rail pass Train travel is the most\ \ common form of public" '17.5': seem a little daunting. '173.62': transportation in Japan, and rail passes such as the Japan Rail Pass and others can, depending '178.9': on your itinerary, make travelling significantly cheaper '182.22': "and more convenient for you if you\u2019re a foreign visitor." '185.94': For those who purchased a rail pass before coming to Japan, the JR East Travel Service Centers '19.289': "With this in mind, we\u2019ve put together a list of tips that aims to\ \ help visitors get" '190.239': located in the basements of Terminal 1 or Terminal 2 of Narita Airport are the '194.96': first place where you can pick up your pass upon landing. '199.58': '#5 Get from Narita Airport to central Tokyo' '203.82': There are a number of ways to get from Narita '206.08': "Airport to central Tokyo, and the best option depends on two things: where\ \ in Tokyo you\u2019re" '211.03': going to, and your budget. '212.959': For those willing to spend a little more to arrive in central Tokyo faster, the JR Narita '217.909': Express and the Keisei Skyliner both provide quick ways to get to central Tokyo by train, '22.38': the most out their first trip to Japan. '222.82': making the direct journey to Tokyo Station and Nippori Station respectively '228.08': before stopping at other major downtown stations. '230.46': Slower, cheaper train options include the regular Keisei limited express trains. '235.38': There are also two main types of buses from Narita Airport to Tokyo; the expensive Airport '24.62': "In this video we\u2019ll be focusing on one of the most common routes for\ \ first time visitors," '240.22': Limousines which stop at a number of stations and hotels in central Tokyo, and cheaper discount '245.42': shuttle buses which connect to fewer places. '248.12': Taxis can also be used to reach central Tokyo, '250.7': but bear in mind that this is by far the most expensive option. '254.5': '#6 Find the best type of accommodation in Tokyo' '257.78': Tokyo is an extremely diverse metropolis, and this is reflected in the multitude of '262.24': "accommodation options available to visitors to Japan\u2019s capital." '265.62': Of course there are the usual range of hotels to suit all budgets and other accommodation '269.88': types that one would expect to find in any major city. '272.94': However Tokyo also contains a variety of unique options that travelers may want to take advantage of '277.84': including capsule hotels, quality hostels, '28.5': which is to start at Narita Airport, explore Tokyo the and then ride the bullet train to '283.58': internet cafes and historic yet affordable traditional ryokan. '285.56': '#7 Buy shinkansen tickets via smartphone app' '289.7': In order to save time at the station, it can '292.43': be a good idea to purchase shinkansen tickets ahead of time using the SmartEx app which '297.55': is available in English and boasts a user-friendly interface. '301.499': 'In order to take advantage of SmartEx, follow these steps:' '305.389': 1- Purchase an IC card 2- Install the App '311.0': 3- Register your credit card 4- Connect your IC card to the App, by inputting the ID number on the card '319.6': 5- Book your Shinkansen '32.92': Kyoto and Osaka along the Tokaido Shinkansen. '322.28': 6- Use the associated IC card to tap through the ticket gates at any shinkansen station '328.88': between Tokyo and Hakata. '331.02': "And don\u2019t forget to pick up the ticket that comes out the other side." '334.44': Bear in mind that there are various seat types available on a shinkansen, including reserved '339.04': and non-reserved and the more luxurious seats in the Green Car. '342.98': '#8 Navigate Tokyo Station' '345.62': Tokyo Station is large and can be confusing '348.33': even for those who use it regularly. '350.68': Upon arriving follow signs for the Tokaido Shinkansen and enter the ticket gates. '355.6': From here there will be more signage helping you locate the correct platform and line up '359.84': at the right car number. '36.32': "Some of our tips may seem obvious if you\u2019ve been to Japan before, but\ \ hopefully even experienced" '361.82': "For those who don\u2019t have a ticket yet, they can be purchased before\ \ entering the shinkansen" '365.84': gates at either a ticket machine, or from the ticket counter. '369.9': '#9 Purchase an Ekiben before boarding the shinkansen' '374.54': "Before boarding the shinkansen, we recommend making the most out of Tokyo\ \ Station\u2019s good-quality" '379.18': food options, and purchasing an Ekiben from one of the shops or kiosks that can be found '384.02': around the station or even on train platforms. '386.56': Ekiben, short for Eki Bento, or station food box '390.14': are a popular meal in Japan for those on the go. '392.96': They are typically comprised of regional or seasonal specialty foods and presented in '397.06': a decorative box or on a sealed platter. '399.94': Delicious and generally good quality, Ekiben vary station to station '40.82': tourists will find some of these useful. '404.74': and are great to enjoy during your cross-country travels. '407.38': '#10 Storing bags and luggage on the shinkansen' '410.54': If you have luggage, one of the biggest concerns '413.14': is where to store it on the train. '415.4': Thankfully the shinkansen have space for suitcases and bags '417.82': in several locations throughout the car. '42.54': So, without further ado, we invite you to follow along as we reveal 15 travel tips for '420.88': Smaller bags like backpacks and daybags can be stored on the overhead shelves, '425.2': and there is also a larger space behind the last row of seats in each car. '429.22': '#11 Using the toilets on shinkansen and in train stations' '434.34': Japan is known as one of the most hygiene-conscious countries in the world, and this certainly '438.32': extends not only to restrooms within train stations but also on the shinkansen '442.52': all of which are free of charge. '444.72': "This means that you don\u2019t have to worry if you miss your chance to\ \ freshen up before boarding." '449.0': Shinkansen restrooms are clean and located between every couple of cars, so locating '453.68': them once aboard is quick and easy. '456.84': "#12 Take advantage of the Tokaido Shinkansen\u2019s selection of amenities" '461.74': Bullet trains boast a selection of amenities '466.93': that make travelling on them comfortable and convenient. '467.92': "For example, if your mobile device\u2019s battery is about to die" '469.6': many seats have power outlets nearby. '47.87': first time travelers to Japan. '473.1': In case you get hungry there are also food carts that intermittently make the rounds '477.06': of the cars from which snacks and drinks from coffee to beer '479.9': can be purchased for reasonable prices. '482.48': '#13 Enjoy a view of Mount Fuji from the shinkansen' '486.36': "Many passengers don\u2019t realize that on a" '488.98': clear day, Mount Fuji can be seen from aboard the Tokaido Shinkansen. '492.93': The window seat on the side that faces Mount Fuji, seat E (seat D in Green Class) '498.7': "is where the best, unobstructed views can be had of Japan\u2019s most famous\ \ natural icon" '5.109': Japan is an extraordinary country with unique attractions catering to virtually every taste. '503.84': so make sure while making seat reservations to reserve seat E if possible. '508.36': "If you happen not to be able to sit in this coveted spot, it\u2019s also\ \ possible to see" '51.36': "#1 Take advantage of Narita Airport\u2019s luggage delivery services" '512.82': Mt. Fuji by standing between the cars and looking out of the window there. '517.24': '#14 What to do with your luggage upon arriving at your destination' '521.96': Many major train stations boast luggage storage and delivery services '526.02': "and for those who didn\u2019t get their luggage delivered from Narita Airport" '529.36': now might be a good time to have large or inconvenient baggage delivered quickly and easily to your hotel. '534.6': Alternatively, for those continuing on to immediately do a side trip before returning, '539.5': there are various luggage storage facilities including coin lockers '543.54': which in many major stations are compatible with IC Cards. '547.37': '#15 Know how to get at your money' '550.28': The first opportunity to access your money '552.24': upon landing is at the currency exchange facilities in the arrival lobby of airports. '556.62': After that, many banks and convenience stores across Japan have ATMs '56.649': Upon arriving at Narita Airport, we recommend dropping heavy or large luggage at one of '561.24': however it can be hit or miss if these machines accept your specific international card. '566.04': Fortunately, all post offices nationwide (even in remote areas) '570.02': as well as all 7/11s and many other convenience stores '573.32': have atms that are compatible with foreign cards. '576.62': Of course, there are nearly an endless number of other tips, but hopefully these 15 enable '580.9': you to get more out of your first trip to Japan. '583.58': For more information or to watch another video, click the links on the screen now, or head '587.43': over to, your comprehensive, up-to-date travel guide first-hand from Japan. '592.58': Thanks for watching and be sure to subscribe and click the notification bell '595.96': for more videos about Japan. '597.55': Happy travels. '60.63': "the airport\u2019s convenient Luggage Delivery counters." '64.28': These reliable and, in our opinion, great value services ship your bags to anywhere '69.06': in the country, including but not limited to hotels and hostels '72.96': airports and private residences. '75.65': All you have to do is fill in the address of where you want to your luggage to be delivered, '79.65': and then enjoy being bag-free. '81.47': In some cases, it may be a good idea to inform your lodgings ahead of time, especially if '85.95': staying at smaller establishments. '88.2': '#2 Purchase a data sim or WiFi router before leaving the airport' '9.58': For those visiting for the first time however, the wide variety of services and transport '93.24': One of the first things many visitors wish to figure out upon arriving in a foreign country '97.24': is how to get connected to the internet. '99.35': Two common ways to do this in Japan are either with a domestic data sim card for your smartphone,
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Nara line platforms, 2020" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "Tōfukuji Station [SEP] Nara line platforms, 2020" ], "context_page_description": [ "\"Tōfukuji Station is a railway station located in Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. It has the Keihan station number \"\"KH36\"\", and the JR West station number \"\"JR-D02\"\".\"" ], "context_section_description": [ "\"Tōfukuji Station (東福寺駅, Tōfukuji-eki) is a railway station located in Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. It has the Keihan station number \"\"KH36\"\", and the JR West station number \"\"JR-D02\"\".\"" ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Tōfukuji Station" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Tōfukuji Station" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ null ] }
15 Tips for First-Time Travellers to Japan |
In this video we list some of our most useful tips for first-time visitors to Japan, specifically those landing at Narita Airport and then travelling from Tokyo to Kyoto. From picking up rail passes, to transportation options, to booking bullet train tickets via a smartphone, hopefully there are a few tips for everyone. - Video Credits - Narrator: Sam Evans Videographers: Andrew Marston & Charles Sabas Producers: Sam Evans, Stefan Schauwecker & Export Japan
'104.27': or with a portable WiFi router that can be shared for those travelling in a group. '108.51': One of the most convenient places to find these is at the airport, where there are numerous '112.4': shops offering mobile data options. '114.42': "It\u2019s possible with some of these companies to book over the internet\ \ in advance, and" '118.27': then simply pick up your router or sim card in the terminal upon arrival. '122.119': '#3 Buy an IC card' '125.22': In order to make traveling around Japan as '126.97': smooth as possible, we recommend purchasing an IC Card right away at the beginning of '131.489': your Japan journey. '132.83': These cards can be used to ride most modes of transport in virtually all major metropolitan '137.36': areas across the country, and are chargeable at ticket machines, as well as at convenience stores. '14.15': options, not to mention the busy stations and language barrier, can make getting around '142.08': "What\u2019s more, IC cards can be used as a cashless payment option at\ \ a large number of shops" '146.68': and restaurants nationwide, especially in and around train stations. '150.819': The cards can be purchased easily from the ticket machines at Narita Airport train station, '155.19': with instructions available in English. '157.379': At the end of your trip you can return your IC card for a small refund, so be sure to '161.2': buy your IC Card and avoid the inconvenience of having to buy paper tickets for every train journey. '167.04': "#4 Don\u2019t forget to pick up your rail pass Train travel is the most\ \ common form of public" '17.5': seem a little daunting. '173.62': transportation in Japan, and rail passes such as the Japan Rail Pass and others can, depending '178.9': on your itinerary, make travelling significantly cheaper '182.22': "and more convenient for you if you\u2019re a foreign visitor." '185.94': For those who purchased a rail pass before coming to Japan, the JR East Travel Service Centers '19.289': "With this in mind, we\u2019ve put together a list of tips that aims to\ \ help visitors get" '190.239': located in the basements of Terminal 1 or Terminal 2 of Narita Airport are the '194.96': first place where you can pick up your pass upon landing. '199.58': '#5 Get from Narita Airport to central Tokyo' '203.82': There are a number of ways to get from Narita '206.08': "Airport to central Tokyo, and the best option depends on two things: where\ \ in Tokyo you\u2019re" '211.03': going to, and your budget. '212.959': For those willing to spend a little more to arrive in central Tokyo faster, the JR Narita '217.909': Express and the Keisei Skyliner both provide quick ways to get to central Tokyo by train, '22.38': the most out their first trip to Japan. '222.82': making the direct journey to Tokyo Station and Nippori Station respectively '228.08': before stopping at other major downtown stations. '230.46': Slower, cheaper train options include the regular Keisei limited express trains. '235.38': There are also two main types of buses from Narita Airport to Tokyo; the expensive Airport '24.62': "In this video we\u2019ll be focusing on one of the most common routes for\ \ first time visitors," '240.22': Limousines which stop at a number of stations and hotels in central Tokyo, and cheaper discount '245.42': shuttle buses which connect to fewer places. '248.12': Taxis can also be used to reach central Tokyo, '250.7': but bear in mind that this is by far the most expensive option. '254.5': '#6 Find the best type of accommodation in Tokyo' '257.78': Tokyo is an extremely diverse metropolis, and this is reflected in the multitude of '262.24': "accommodation options available to visitors to Japan\u2019s capital." '265.62': Of course there are the usual range of hotels to suit all budgets and other accommodation '269.88': types that one would expect to find in any major city. '272.94': However Tokyo also contains a variety of unique options that travelers may want to take advantage of '277.84': including capsule hotels, quality hostels, '28.5': which is to start at Narita Airport, explore Tokyo the and then ride the bullet train to '283.58': internet cafes and historic yet affordable traditional ryokan. '285.56': '#7 Buy shinkansen tickets via smartphone app' '289.7': In order to save time at the station, it can '292.43': be a good idea to purchase shinkansen tickets ahead of time using the SmartEx app which '297.55': is available in English and boasts a user-friendly interface. '301.499': 'In order to take advantage of SmartEx, follow these steps:' '305.389': 1- Purchase an IC card 2- Install the App '311.0': 3- Register your credit card 4- Connect your IC card to the App, by inputting the ID number on the card '319.6': 5- Book your Shinkansen '32.92': Kyoto and Osaka along the Tokaido Shinkansen. '322.28': 6- Use the associated IC card to tap through the ticket gates at any shinkansen station '328.88': between Tokyo and Hakata. '331.02': "And don\u2019t forget to pick up the ticket that comes out the other side." '334.44': Bear in mind that there are various seat types available on a shinkansen, including reserved '339.04': and non-reserved and the more luxurious seats in the Green Car. '342.98': '#8 Navigate Tokyo Station' '345.62': Tokyo Station is large and can be confusing '348.33': even for those who use it regularly. '350.68': Upon arriving follow signs for the Tokaido Shinkansen and enter the ticket gates. '355.6': From here there will be more signage helping you locate the correct platform and line up '359.84': at the right car number. '36.32': "Some of our tips may seem obvious if you\u2019ve been to Japan before, but\ \ hopefully even experienced" '361.82': "For those who don\u2019t have a ticket yet, they can be purchased before\ \ entering the shinkansen" '365.84': gates at either a ticket machine, or from the ticket counter. '369.9': '#9 Purchase an Ekiben before boarding the shinkansen' '374.54': "Before boarding the shinkansen, we recommend making the most out of Tokyo\ \ Station\u2019s good-quality" '379.18': food options, and purchasing an Ekiben from one of the shops or kiosks that can be found '384.02': around the station or even on train platforms. '386.56': Ekiben, short for Eki Bento, or station food box '390.14': are a popular meal in Japan for those on the go. '392.96': They are typically comprised of regional or seasonal specialty foods and presented in '397.06': a decorative box or on a sealed platter. '399.94': Delicious and generally good quality, Ekiben vary station to station '40.82': tourists will find some of these useful. '404.74': and are great to enjoy during your cross-country travels. '407.38': '#10 Storing bags and luggage on the shinkansen' '410.54': If you have luggage, one of the biggest concerns '413.14': is where to store it on the train. '415.4': Thankfully the shinkansen have space for suitcases and bags '417.82': in several locations throughout the car. '42.54': So, without further ado, we invite you to follow along as we reveal 15 travel tips for '420.88': Smaller bags like backpacks and daybags can be stored on the overhead shelves, '425.2': and there is also a larger space behind the last row of seats in each car. '429.22': '#11 Using the toilets on shinkansen and in train stations' '434.34': Japan is known as one of the most hygiene-conscious countries in the world, and this certainly '438.32': extends not only to restrooms within train stations but also on the shinkansen '442.52': all of which are free of charge. '444.72': "This means that you don\u2019t have to worry if you miss your chance to\ \ freshen up before boarding." '449.0': Shinkansen restrooms are clean and located between every couple of cars, so locating '453.68': them once aboard is quick and easy. '456.84': "#12 Take advantage of the Tokaido Shinkansen\u2019s selection of amenities" '461.74': Bullet trains boast a selection of amenities '466.93': that make travelling on them comfortable and convenient. '467.92': "For example, if your mobile device\u2019s battery is about to die" '469.6': many seats have power outlets nearby. '47.87': first time travelers to Japan. '473.1': In case you get hungry there are also food carts that intermittently make the rounds '477.06': of the cars from which snacks and drinks from coffee to beer '479.9': can be purchased for reasonable prices. '482.48': '#13 Enjoy a view of Mount Fuji from the shinkansen' '486.36': "Many passengers don\u2019t realize that on a" '488.98': clear day, Mount Fuji can be seen from aboard the Tokaido Shinkansen. '492.93': The window seat on the side that faces Mount Fuji, seat E (seat D in Green Class) '498.7': "is where the best, unobstructed views can be had of Japan\u2019s most famous\ \ natural icon" '5.109': Japan is an extraordinary country with unique attractions catering to virtually every taste. '503.84': so make sure while making seat reservations to reserve seat E if possible. '508.36': "If you happen not to be able to sit in this coveted spot, it\u2019s also\ \ possible to see" '51.36': "#1 Take advantage of Narita Airport\u2019s luggage delivery services" '512.82': Mt. Fuji by standing between the cars and looking out of the window there. '517.24': '#14 What to do with your luggage upon arriving at your destination' '521.96': Many major train stations boast luggage storage and delivery services '526.02': "and for those who didn\u2019t get their luggage delivered from Narita Airport" '529.36': now might be a good time to have large or inconvenient baggage delivered quickly and easily to your hotel. '534.6': Alternatively, for those continuing on to immediately do a side trip before returning, '539.5': there are various luggage storage facilities including coin lockers '543.54': which in many major stations are compatible with IC Cards. '547.37': '#15 Know how to get at your money' '550.28': The first opportunity to access your money '552.24': upon landing is at the currency exchange facilities in the arrival lobby of airports. '556.62': After that, many banks and convenience stores across Japan have ATMs '56.649': Upon arriving at Narita Airport, we recommend dropping heavy or large luggage at one of '561.24': however it can be hit or miss if these machines accept your specific international card. '566.04': Fortunately, all post offices nationwide (even in remote areas) '570.02': as well as all 7/11s and many other convenience stores '573.32': have atms that are compatible with foreign cards. '576.62': Of course, there are nearly an endless number of other tips, but hopefully these 15 enable '580.9': you to get more out of your first trip to Japan. '583.58': For more information or to watch another video, click the links on the screen now, or head '587.43': over to, your comprehensive, up-to-date travel guide first-hand from Japan. '592.58': Thanks for watching and be sure to subscribe and click the notification bell '595.96': for more videos about Japan. '597.55': Happy travels. '60.63': "the airport\u2019s convenient Luggage Delivery counters." '64.28': These reliable and, in our opinion, great value services ship your bags to anywhere '69.06': in the country, including but not limited to hotels and hostels '72.96': airports and private residences. '75.65': All you have to do is fill in the address of where you want to your luggage to be delivered, '79.65': and then enjoy being bag-free. '81.47': In some cases, it may be a good idea to inform your lodgings ahead of time, especially if '85.95': staying at smaller establishments. '88.2': '#2 Purchase a data sim or WiFi router before leaving the airport' '9.58': For those visiting for the first time however, the wide variety of services and transport '93.24': One of the first things many visitors wish to figure out upon arriving in a foreign country '97.24': is how to get connected to the internet. '99.35': Two common ways to do this in Japan are either with a domestic data sim card for your smartphone,
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Nara line platforms, 2020" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "Tōfukuji Station [SEP] Nara line platforms, 2020" ], "context_page_description": [ "\"Tōfukuji Station is a railway station located in Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. It has the Keihan station number \"\"KH36\"\", and the JR West station number \"\"JR-D02\"\".\"" ], "context_section_description": [ "\"Tōfukuji Station (東福寺駅, Tōfukuji-eki) is a railway station located in Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. It has the Keihan station number \"\"KH36\"\", and the JR West station number \"\"JR-D02\"\".\"" ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Tōfukuji Station" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Tōfukuji Station" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ null ] }
15 Tips for First-Time Travellers to Japan |
In this video we list some of our most useful tips for first-time visitors to Japan, specifically those landing at Narita Airport and then travelling from Tokyo to Kyoto. From picking up rail passes, to transportation options, to booking bullet train tickets via a smartphone, hopefully there are a few tips for everyone. - Video Credits - Narrator: Sam Evans Videographers: Andrew Marston & Charles Sabas Producers: Sam Evans, Stefan Schauwecker & Export Japan
'104.27': or with a portable WiFi router that can be shared for those travelling in a group. '108.51': One of the most convenient places to find these is at the airport, where there are numerous '112.4': shops offering mobile data options. '114.42': "It\u2019s possible with some of these companies to book over the internet\ \ in advance, and" '118.27': then simply pick up your router or sim card in the terminal upon arrival. '122.119': '#3 Buy an IC card' '125.22': In order to make traveling around Japan as '126.97': smooth as possible, we recommend purchasing an IC Card right away at the beginning of '131.489': your Japan journey. '132.83': These cards can be used to ride most modes of transport in virtually all major metropolitan '137.36': areas across the country, and are chargeable at ticket machines, as well as at convenience stores. '14.15': options, not to mention the busy stations and language barrier, can make getting around '142.08': "What\u2019s more, IC cards can be used as a cashless payment option at\ \ a large number of shops" '146.68': and restaurants nationwide, especially in and around train stations. '150.819': The cards can be purchased easily from the ticket machines at Narita Airport train station, '155.19': with instructions available in English. '157.379': At the end of your trip you can return your IC card for a small refund, so be sure to '161.2': buy your IC Card and avoid the inconvenience of having to buy paper tickets for every train journey. '167.04': "#4 Don\u2019t forget to pick up your rail pass Train travel is the most\ \ common form of public" '17.5': seem a little daunting. '173.62': transportation in Japan, and rail passes such as the Japan Rail Pass and others can, depending '178.9': on your itinerary, make travelling significantly cheaper '182.22': "and more convenient for you if you\u2019re a foreign visitor." '185.94': For those who purchased a rail pass before coming to Japan, the JR East Travel Service Centers '19.289': "With this in mind, we\u2019ve put together a list of tips that aims to\ \ help visitors get" '190.239': located in the basements of Terminal 1 or Terminal 2 of Narita Airport are the '194.96': first place where you can pick up your pass upon landing. '199.58': '#5 Get from Narita Airport to central Tokyo' '203.82': There are a number of ways to get from Narita '206.08': "Airport to central Tokyo, and the best option depends on two things: where\ \ in Tokyo you\u2019re" '211.03': going to, and your budget. '212.959': For those willing to spend a little more to arrive in central Tokyo faster, the JR Narita '217.909': Express and the Keisei Skyliner both provide quick ways to get to central Tokyo by train, '22.38': the most out their first trip to Japan. '222.82': making the direct journey to Tokyo Station and Nippori Station respectively '228.08': before stopping at other major downtown stations. '230.46': Slower, cheaper train options include the regular Keisei limited express trains. '235.38': There are also two main types of buses from Narita Airport to Tokyo; the expensive Airport '24.62': "In this video we\u2019ll be focusing on one of the most common routes for\ \ first time visitors," '240.22': Limousines which stop at a number of stations and hotels in central Tokyo, and cheaper discount '245.42': shuttle buses which connect to fewer places. '248.12': Taxis can also be used to reach central Tokyo, '250.7': but bear in mind that this is by far the most expensive option. '254.5': '#6 Find the best type of accommodation in Tokyo' '257.78': Tokyo is an extremely diverse metropolis, and this is reflected in the multitude of '262.24': "accommodation options available to visitors to Japan\u2019s capital." '265.62': Of course there are the usual range of hotels to suit all budgets and other accommodation '269.88': types that one would expect to find in any major city. '272.94': However Tokyo also contains a variety of unique options that travelers may want to take advantage of '277.84': including capsule hotels, quality hostels, '28.5': which is to start at Narita Airport, explore Tokyo the and then ride the bullet train to '283.58': internet cafes and historic yet affordable traditional ryokan. '285.56': '#7 Buy shinkansen tickets via smartphone app' '289.7': In order to save time at the station, it can '292.43': be a good idea to purchase shinkansen tickets ahead of time using the SmartEx app which '297.55': is available in English and boasts a user-friendly interface. '301.499': 'In order to take advantage of SmartEx, follow these steps:' '305.389': 1- Purchase an IC card 2- Install the App '311.0': 3- Register your credit card 4- Connect your IC card to the App, by inputting the ID number on the card '319.6': 5- Book your Shinkansen '32.92': Kyoto and Osaka along the Tokaido Shinkansen. '322.28': 6- Use the associated IC card to tap through the ticket gates at any shinkansen station '328.88': between Tokyo and Hakata. '331.02': "And don\u2019t forget to pick up the ticket that comes out the other side." '334.44': Bear in mind that there are various seat types available on a shinkansen, including reserved '339.04': and non-reserved and the more luxurious seats in the Green Car. '342.98': '#8 Navigate Tokyo Station' '345.62': Tokyo Station is large and can be confusing '348.33': even for those who use it regularly. '350.68': Upon arriving follow signs for the Tokaido Shinkansen and enter the ticket gates. '355.6': From here there will be more signage helping you locate the correct platform and line up '359.84': at the right car number. '36.32': "Some of our tips may seem obvious if you\u2019ve been to Japan before, but\ \ hopefully even experienced" '361.82': "For those who don\u2019t have a ticket yet, they can be purchased before\ \ entering the shinkansen" '365.84': gates at either a ticket machine, or from the ticket counter. '369.9': '#9 Purchase an Ekiben before boarding the shinkansen' '374.54': "Before boarding the shinkansen, we recommend making the most out of Tokyo\ \ Station\u2019s good-quality" '379.18': food options, and purchasing an Ekiben from one of the shops or kiosks that can be found '384.02': around the station or even on train platforms. '386.56': Ekiben, short for Eki Bento, or station food box '390.14': are a popular meal in Japan for those on the go. '392.96': They are typically comprised of regional or seasonal specialty foods and presented in '397.06': a decorative box or on a sealed platter. '399.94': Delicious and generally good quality, Ekiben vary station to station '40.82': tourists will find some of these useful. '404.74': and are great to enjoy during your cross-country travels. '407.38': '#10 Storing bags and luggage on the shinkansen' '410.54': If you have luggage, one of the biggest concerns '413.14': is where to store it on the train. '415.4': Thankfully the shinkansen have space for suitcases and bags '417.82': in several locations throughout the car. '42.54': So, without further ado, we invite you to follow along as we reveal 15 travel tips for '420.88': Smaller bags like backpacks and daybags can be stored on the overhead shelves, '425.2': and there is also a larger space behind the last row of seats in each car. '429.22': '#11 Using the toilets on shinkansen and in train stations' '434.34': Japan is known as one of the most hygiene-conscious countries in the world, and this certainly '438.32': extends not only to restrooms within train stations but also on the shinkansen '442.52': all of which are free of charge. '444.72': "This means that you don\u2019t have to worry if you miss your chance to\ \ freshen up before boarding." '449.0': Shinkansen restrooms are clean and located between every couple of cars, so locating '453.68': them once aboard is quick and easy. '456.84': "#12 Take advantage of the Tokaido Shinkansen\u2019s selection of amenities" '461.74': Bullet trains boast a selection of amenities '466.93': that make travelling on them comfortable and convenient. '467.92': "For example, if your mobile device\u2019s battery is about to die" '469.6': many seats have power outlets nearby. '47.87': first time travelers to Japan. '473.1': In case you get hungry there are also food carts that intermittently make the rounds '477.06': of the cars from which snacks and drinks from coffee to beer '479.9': can be purchased for reasonable prices. '482.48': '#13 Enjoy a view of Mount Fuji from the shinkansen' '486.36': "Many passengers don\u2019t realize that on a" '488.98': clear day, Mount Fuji can be seen from aboard the Tokaido Shinkansen. '492.93': The window seat on the side that faces Mount Fuji, seat E (seat D in Green Class) '498.7': "is where the best, unobstructed views can be had of Japan\u2019s most famous\ \ natural icon" '5.109': Japan is an extraordinary country with unique attractions catering to virtually every taste. '503.84': so make sure while making seat reservations to reserve seat E if possible. '508.36': "If you happen not to be able to sit in this coveted spot, it\u2019s also\ \ possible to see" '51.36': "#1 Take advantage of Narita Airport\u2019s luggage delivery services" '512.82': Mt. Fuji by standing between the cars and looking out of the window there. '517.24': '#14 What to do with your luggage upon arriving at your destination' '521.96': Many major train stations boast luggage storage and delivery services '526.02': "and for those who didn\u2019t get their luggage delivered from Narita Airport" '529.36': now might be a good time to have large or inconvenient baggage delivered quickly and easily to your hotel. '534.6': Alternatively, for those continuing on to immediately do a side trip before returning, '539.5': there are various luggage storage facilities including coin lockers '543.54': which in many major stations are compatible with IC Cards. '547.37': '#15 Know how to get at your money' '550.28': The first opportunity to access your money '552.24': upon landing is at the currency exchange facilities in the arrival lobby of airports. '556.62': After that, many banks and convenience stores across Japan have ATMs '56.649': Upon arriving at Narita Airport, we recommend dropping heavy or large luggage at one of '561.24': however it can be hit or miss if these machines accept your specific international card. '566.04': Fortunately, all post offices nationwide (even in remote areas) '570.02': as well as all 7/11s and many other convenience stores '573.32': have atms that are compatible with foreign cards. '576.62': Of course, there are nearly an endless number of other tips, but hopefully these 15 enable '580.9': you to get more out of your first trip to Japan. '583.58': For more information or to watch another video, click the links on the screen now, or head '587.43': over to, your comprehensive, up-to-date travel guide first-hand from Japan. '592.58': Thanks for watching and be sure to subscribe and click the notification bell '595.96': for more videos about Japan. '597.55': Happy travels. '60.63': "the airport\u2019s convenient Luggage Delivery counters." '64.28': These reliable and, in our opinion, great value services ship your bags to anywhere '69.06': in the country, including but not limited to hotels and hostels '72.96': airports and private residences. '75.65': All you have to do is fill in the address of where you want to your luggage to be delivered, '79.65': and then enjoy being bag-free. '81.47': In some cases, it may be a good idea to inform your lodgings ahead of time, especially if '85.95': staying at smaller establishments. '88.2': '#2 Purchase a data sim or WiFi router before leaving the airport' '9.58': For those visiting for the first time however, the wide variety of services and transport '93.24': One of the first things many visitors wish to figure out upon arriving in a foreign country '97.24': is how to get connected to the internet. '99.35': Two common ways to do this in Japan are either with a domestic data sim card for your smartphone,
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Nara line platforms, 2020" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "Tōfukuji Station [SEP] Nara line platforms, 2020" ], "context_page_description": [ "\"Tōfukuji Station is a railway station located in Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. It has the Keihan station number \"\"KH36\"\", and the JR West station number \"\"JR-D02\"\".\"" ], "context_section_description": [ "\"Tōfukuji Station (東福寺駅, Tōfukuji-eki) is a railway station located in Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. It has the Keihan station number \"\"KH36\"\", and the JR West station number \"\"JR-D02\"\".\"" ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Tōfukuji Station" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Tōfukuji Station" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ null ] }
15 Tips for First-Time Travellers to Japan |
In this video we list some of our most useful tips for first-time visitors to Japan, specifically those landing at Narita Airport and then travelling from Tokyo to Kyoto. From picking up rail passes, to transportation options, to booking bullet train tickets via a smartphone, hopefully there are a few tips for everyone. - Video Credits - Narrator: Sam Evans Videographers: Andrew Marston & Charles Sabas Producers: Sam Evans, Stefan Schauwecker & Export Japan
'104.27': or with a portable WiFi router that can be shared for those travelling in a group. '108.51': One of the most convenient places to find these is at the airport, where there are numerous '112.4': shops offering mobile data options. '114.42': "It\u2019s possible with some of these companies to book over the internet\ \ in advance, and" '118.27': then simply pick up your router or sim card in the terminal upon arrival. '122.119': '#3 Buy an IC card' '125.22': In order to make traveling around Japan as '126.97': smooth as possible, we recommend purchasing an IC Card right away at the beginning of '131.489': your Japan journey. '132.83': These cards can be used to ride most modes of transport in virtually all major metropolitan '137.36': areas across the country, and are chargeable at ticket machines, as well as at convenience stores. '14.15': options, not to mention the busy stations and language barrier, can make getting around '142.08': "What\u2019s more, IC cards can be used as a cashless payment option at\ \ a large number of shops" '146.68': and restaurants nationwide, especially in and around train stations. '150.819': The cards can be purchased easily from the ticket machines at Narita Airport train station, '155.19': with instructions available in English. '157.379': At the end of your trip you can return your IC card for a small refund, so be sure to '161.2': buy your IC Card and avoid the inconvenience of having to buy paper tickets for every train journey. '167.04': "#4 Don\u2019t forget to pick up your rail pass Train travel is the most\ \ common form of public" '17.5': seem a little daunting. '173.62': transportation in Japan, and rail passes such as the Japan Rail Pass and others can, depending '178.9': on your itinerary, make travelling significantly cheaper '182.22': "and more convenient for you if you\u2019re a foreign visitor." '185.94': For those who purchased a rail pass before coming to Japan, the JR East Travel Service Centers '19.289': "With this in mind, we\u2019ve put together a list of tips that aims to\ \ help visitors get" '190.239': located in the basements of Terminal 1 or Terminal 2 of Narita Airport are the '194.96': first place where you can pick up your pass upon landing. '199.58': '#5 Get from Narita Airport to central Tokyo' '203.82': There are a number of ways to get from Narita '206.08': "Airport to central Tokyo, and the best option depends on two things: where\ \ in Tokyo you\u2019re" '211.03': going to, and your budget. '212.959': For those willing to spend a little more to arrive in central Tokyo faster, the JR Narita '217.909': Express and the Keisei Skyliner both provide quick ways to get to central Tokyo by train, '22.38': the most out their first trip to Japan. '222.82': making the direct journey to Tokyo Station and Nippori Station respectively '228.08': before stopping at other major downtown stations. '230.46': Slower, cheaper train options include the regular Keisei limited express trains. '235.38': There are also two main types of buses from Narita Airport to Tokyo; the expensive Airport '24.62': "In this video we\u2019ll be focusing on one of the most common routes for\ \ first time visitors," '240.22': Limousines which stop at a number of stations and hotels in central Tokyo, and cheaper discount '245.42': shuttle buses which connect to fewer places. '248.12': Taxis can also be used to reach central Tokyo, '250.7': but bear in mind that this is by far the most expensive option. '254.5': '#6 Find the best type of accommodation in Tokyo' '257.78': Tokyo is an extremely diverse metropolis, and this is reflected in the multitude of '262.24': "accommodation options available to visitors to Japan\u2019s capital." '265.62': Of course there are the usual range of hotels to suit all budgets and other accommodation '269.88': types that one would expect to find in any major city. '272.94': However Tokyo also contains a variety of unique options that travelers may want to take advantage of '277.84': including capsule hotels, quality hostels, '28.5': which is to start at Narita Airport, explore Tokyo the and then ride the bullet train to '283.58': internet cafes and historic yet affordable traditional ryokan. '285.56': '#7 Buy shinkansen tickets via smartphone app' '289.7': In order to save time at the station, it can '292.43': be a good idea to purchase shinkansen tickets ahead of time using the SmartEx app which '297.55': is available in English and boasts a user-friendly interface. '301.499': 'In order to take advantage of SmartEx, follow these steps:' '305.389': 1- Purchase an IC card 2- Install the App '311.0': 3- Register your credit card 4- Connect your IC card to the App, by inputting the ID number on the card '319.6': 5- Book your Shinkansen '32.92': Kyoto and Osaka along the Tokaido Shinkansen. '322.28': 6- Use the associated IC card to tap through the ticket gates at any shinkansen station '328.88': between Tokyo and Hakata. '331.02': "And don\u2019t forget to pick up the ticket that comes out the other side." '334.44': Bear in mind that there are various seat types available on a shinkansen, including reserved '339.04': and non-reserved and the more luxurious seats in the Green Car. '342.98': '#8 Navigate Tokyo Station' '345.62': Tokyo Station is large and can be confusing '348.33': even for those who use it regularly. '350.68': Upon arriving follow signs for the Tokaido Shinkansen and enter the ticket gates. '355.6': From here there will be more signage helping you locate the correct platform and line up '359.84': at the right car number. '36.32': "Some of our tips may seem obvious if you\u2019ve been to Japan before, but\ \ hopefully even experienced" '361.82': "For those who don\u2019t have a ticket yet, they can be purchased before\ \ entering the shinkansen" '365.84': gates at either a ticket machine, or from the ticket counter. '369.9': '#9 Purchase an Ekiben before boarding the shinkansen' '374.54': "Before boarding the shinkansen, we recommend making the most out of Tokyo\ \ Station\u2019s good-quality" '379.18': food options, and purchasing an Ekiben from one of the shops or kiosks that can be found '384.02': around the station or even on train platforms. '386.56': Ekiben, short for Eki Bento, or station food box '390.14': are a popular meal in Japan for those on the go. '392.96': They are typically comprised of regional or seasonal specialty foods and presented in '397.06': a decorative box or on a sealed platter. '399.94': Delicious and generally good quality, Ekiben vary station to station '40.82': tourists will find some of these useful. '404.74': and are great to enjoy during your cross-country travels. '407.38': '#10 Storing bags and luggage on the shinkansen' '410.54': If you have luggage, one of the biggest concerns '413.14': is where to store it on the train. '415.4': Thankfully the shinkansen have space for suitcases and bags '417.82': in several locations throughout the car. '42.54': So, without further ado, we invite you to follow along as we reveal 15 travel tips for '420.88': Smaller bags like backpacks and daybags can be stored on the overhead shelves, '425.2': and there is also a larger space behind the last row of seats in each car. '429.22': '#11 Using the toilets on shinkansen and in train stations' '434.34': Japan is known as one of the most hygiene-conscious countries in the world, and this certainly '438.32': extends not only to restrooms within train stations but also on the shinkansen '442.52': all of which are free of charge. '444.72': "This means that you don\u2019t have to worry if you miss your chance to\ \ freshen up before boarding." '449.0': Shinkansen restrooms are clean and located between every couple of cars, so locating '453.68': them once aboard is quick and easy. '456.84': "#12 Take advantage of the Tokaido Shinkansen\u2019s selection of amenities" '461.74': Bullet trains boast a selection of amenities '466.93': that make travelling on them comfortable and convenient. '467.92': "For example, if your mobile device\u2019s battery is about to die" '469.6': many seats have power outlets nearby. '47.87': first time travelers to Japan. '473.1': In case you get hungry there are also food carts that intermittently make the rounds '477.06': of the cars from which snacks and drinks from coffee to beer '479.9': can be purchased for reasonable prices. '482.48': '#13 Enjoy a view of Mount Fuji from the shinkansen' '486.36': "Many passengers don\u2019t realize that on a" '488.98': clear day, Mount Fuji can be seen from aboard the Tokaido Shinkansen. '492.93': The window seat on the side that faces Mount Fuji, seat E (seat D in Green Class) '498.7': "is where the best, unobstructed views can be had of Japan\u2019s most famous\ \ natural icon" '5.109': Japan is an extraordinary country with unique attractions catering to virtually every taste. '503.84': so make sure while making seat reservations to reserve seat E if possible. '508.36': "If you happen not to be able to sit in this coveted spot, it\u2019s also\ \ possible to see" '51.36': "#1 Take advantage of Narita Airport\u2019s luggage delivery services" '512.82': Mt. Fuji by standing between the cars and looking out of the window there. '517.24': '#14 What to do with your luggage upon arriving at your destination' '521.96': Many major train stations boast luggage storage and delivery services '526.02': "and for those who didn\u2019t get their luggage delivered from Narita Airport" '529.36': now might be a good time to have large or inconvenient baggage delivered quickly and easily to your hotel. '534.6': Alternatively, for those continuing on to immediately do a side trip before returning, '539.5': there are various luggage storage facilities including coin lockers '543.54': which in many major stations are compatible with IC Cards. '547.37': '#15 Know how to get at your money' '550.28': The first opportunity to access your money '552.24': upon landing is at the currency exchange facilities in the arrival lobby of airports. '556.62': After that, many banks and convenience stores across Japan have ATMs '56.649': Upon arriving at Narita Airport, we recommend dropping heavy or large luggage at one of '561.24': however it can be hit or miss if these machines accept your specific international card. '566.04': Fortunately, all post offices nationwide (even in remote areas) '570.02': as well as all 7/11s and many other convenience stores '573.32': have atms that are compatible with foreign cards. '576.62': Of course, there are nearly an endless number of other tips, but hopefully these 15 enable '580.9': you to get more out of your first trip to Japan. '583.58': For more information or to watch another video, click the links on the screen now, or head '587.43': over to, your comprehensive, up-to-date travel guide first-hand from Japan. '592.58': Thanks for watching and be sure to subscribe and click the notification bell '595.96': for more videos about Japan. '597.55': Happy travels. '60.63': "the airport\u2019s convenient Luggage Delivery counters." '64.28': These reliable and, in our opinion, great value services ship your bags to anywhere '69.06': in the country, including but not limited to hotels and hostels '72.96': airports and private residences. '75.65': All you have to do is fill in the address of where you want to your luggage to be delivered, '79.65': and then enjoy being bag-free. '81.47': In some cases, it may be a good idea to inform your lodgings ahead of time, especially if '85.95': staying at smaller establishments. '88.2': '#2 Purchase a data sim or WiFi router before leaving the airport' '9.58': For those visiting for the first time however, the wide variety of services and transport '93.24': One of the first things many visitors wish to figure out upon arriving in a foreign country '97.24': is how to get connected to the internet. '99.35': Two common ways to do this in Japan are either with a domestic data sim card for your smartphone,
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Nara line platforms, 2020" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "Tōfukuji Station [SEP] Nara line platforms, 2020" ], "context_page_description": [ "\"Tōfukuji Station is a railway station located in Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. It has the Keihan station number \"\"KH36\"\", and the JR West station number \"\"JR-D02\"\".\"" ], "context_section_description": [ "\"Tōfukuji Station (東福寺駅, Tōfukuji-eki) is a railway station located in Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. It has the Keihan station number \"\"KH36\"\", and the JR West station number \"\"JR-D02\"\".\"" ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Tōfukuji Station" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Tōfukuji Station" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ null ] }
15 Tips for First-Time Travellers to Japan |
In this video we list some of our most useful tips for first-time visitors to Japan, specifically those landing at Narita Airport and then travelling from Tokyo to Kyoto. From picking up rail passes, to transportation options, to booking bullet train tickets via a smartphone, hopefully there are a few tips for everyone. - Video Credits - Narrator: Sam Evans Videographers: Andrew Marston & Charles Sabas Producers: Sam Evans, Stefan Schauwecker & Export Japan
'104.27': or with a portable WiFi router that can be shared for those travelling in a group. '108.51': One of the most convenient places to find these is at the airport, where there are numerous '112.4': shops offering mobile data options. '114.42': "It\u2019s possible with some of these companies to book over the internet\ \ in advance, and" '118.27': then simply pick up your router or sim card in the terminal upon arrival. '122.119': '#3 Buy an IC card' '125.22': In order to make traveling around Japan as '126.97': smooth as possible, we recommend purchasing an IC Card right away at the beginning of '131.489': your Japan journey. '132.83': These cards can be used to ride most modes of transport in virtually all major metropolitan '137.36': areas across the country, and are chargeable at ticket machines, as well as at convenience stores. '14.15': options, not to mention the busy stations and language barrier, can make getting around '142.08': "What\u2019s more, IC cards can be used as a cashless payment option at\ \ a large number of shops" '146.68': and restaurants nationwide, especially in and around train stations. '150.819': The cards can be purchased easily from the ticket machines at Narita Airport train station, '155.19': with instructions available in English. '157.379': At the end of your trip you can return your IC card for a small refund, so be sure to '161.2': buy your IC Card and avoid the inconvenience of having to buy paper tickets for every train journey. '167.04': "#4 Don\u2019t forget to pick up your rail pass Train travel is the most\ \ common form of public" '17.5': seem a little daunting. '173.62': transportation in Japan, and rail passes such as the Japan Rail Pass and others can, depending '178.9': on your itinerary, make travelling significantly cheaper '182.22': "and more convenient for you if you\u2019re a foreign visitor." '185.94': For those who purchased a rail pass before coming to Japan, the JR East Travel Service Centers '19.289': "With this in mind, we\u2019ve put together a list of tips that aims to\ \ help visitors get" '190.239': located in the basements of Terminal 1 or Terminal 2 of Narita Airport are the '194.96': first place where you can pick up your pass upon landing. '199.58': '#5 Get from Narita Airport to central Tokyo' '203.82': There are a number of ways to get from Narita '206.08': "Airport to central Tokyo, and the best option depends on two things: where\ \ in Tokyo you\u2019re" '211.03': going to, and your budget. '212.959': For those willing to spend a little more to arrive in central Tokyo faster, the JR Narita '217.909': Express and the Keisei Skyliner both provide quick ways to get to central Tokyo by train, '22.38': the most out their first trip to Japan. '222.82': making the direct journey to Tokyo Station and Nippori Station respectively '228.08': before stopping at other major downtown stations. '230.46': Slower, cheaper train options include the regular Keisei limited express trains. '235.38': There are also two main types of buses from Narita Airport to Tokyo; the expensive Airport '24.62': "In this video we\u2019ll be focusing on one of the most common routes for\ \ first time visitors," '240.22': Limousines which stop at a number of stations and hotels in central Tokyo, and cheaper discount '245.42': shuttle buses which connect to fewer places. '248.12': Taxis can also be used to reach central Tokyo, '250.7': but bear in mind that this is by far the most expensive option. '254.5': '#6 Find the best type of accommodation in Tokyo' '257.78': Tokyo is an extremely diverse metropolis, and this is reflected in the multitude of '262.24': "accommodation options available to visitors to Japan\u2019s capital." '265.62': Of course there are the usual range of hotels to suit all budgets and other accommodation '269.88': types that one would expect to find in any major city. '272.94': However Tokyo also contains a variety of unique options that travelers may want to take advantage of '277.84': including capsule hotels, quality hostels, '28.5': which is to start at Narita Airport, explore Tokyo the and then ride the bullet train to '283.58': internet cafes and historic yet affordable traditional ryokan. '285.56': '#7 Buy shinkansen tickets via smartphone app' '289.7': In order to save time at the station, it can '292.43': be a good idea to purchase shinkansen tickets ahead of time using the SmartEx app which '297.55': is available in English and boasts a user-friendly interface. '301.499': 'In order to take advantage of SmartEx, follow these steps:' '305.389': 1- Purchase an IC card 2- Install the App '311.0': 3- Register your credit card 4- Connect your IC card to the App, by inputting the ID number on the card '319.6': 5- Book your Shinkansen '32.92': Kyoto and Osaka along the Tokaido Shinkansen. '322.28': 6- Use the associated IC card to tap through the ticket gates at any shinkansen station '328.88': between Tokyo and Hakata. '331.02': "And don\u2019t forget to pick up the ticket that comes out the other side." '334.44': Bear in mind that there are various seat types available on a shinkansen, including reserved '339.04': and non-reserved and the more luxurious seats in the Green Car. '342.98': '#8 Navigate Tokyo Station' '345.62': Tokyo Station is large and can be confusing '348.33': even for those who use it regularly. '350.68': Upon arriving follow signs for the Tokaido Shinkansen and enter the ticket gates. '355.6': From here there will be more signage helping you locate the correct platform and line up '359.84': at the right car number. '36.32': "Some of our tips may seem obvious if you\u2019ve been to Japan before, but\ \ hopefully even experienced" '361.82': "For those who don\u2019t have a ticket yet, they can be purchased before\ \ entering the shinkansen" '365.84': gates at either a ticket machine, or from the ticket counter. '369.9': '#9 Purchase an Ekiben before boarding the shinkansen' '374.54': "Before boarding the shinkansen, we recommend making the most out of Tokyo\ \ Station\u2019s good-quality" '379.18': food options, and purchasing an Ekiben from one of the shops or kiosks that can be found '384.02': around the station or even on train platforms. '386.56': Ekiben, short for Eki Bento, or station food box '390.14': are a popular meal in Japan for those on the go. '392.96': They are typically comprised of regional or seasonal specialty foods and presented in '397.06': a decorative box or on a sealed platter. '399.94': Delicious and generally good quality, Ekiben vary station to station '40.82': tourists will find some of these useful. '404.74': and are great to enjoy during your cross-country travels. '407.38': '#10 Storing bags and luggage on the shinkansen' '410.54': If you have luggage, one of the biggest concerns '413.14': is where to store it on the train. '415.4': Thankfully the shinkansen have space for suitcases and bags '417.82': in several locations throughout the car. '42.54': So, without further ado, we invite you to follow along as we reveal 15 travel tips for '420.88': Smaller bags like backpacks and daybags can be stored on the overhead shelves, '425.2': and there is also a larger space behind the last row of seats in each car. '429.22': '#11 Using the toilets on shinkansen and in train stations' '434.34': Japan is known as one of the most hygiene-conscious countries in the world, and this certainly '438.32': extends not only to restrooms within train stations but also on the shinkansen '442.52': all of which are free of charge. '444.72': "This means that you don\u2019t have to worry if you miss your chance to\ \ freshen up before boarding." '449.0': Shinkansen restrooms are clean and located between every couple of cars, so locating '453.68': them once aboard is quick and easy. '456.84': "#12 Take advantage of the Tokaido Shinkansen\u2019s selection of amenities" '461.74': Bullet trains boast a selection of amenities '466.93': that make travelling on them comfortable and convenient. '467.92': "For example, if your mobile device\u2019s battery is about to die" '469.6': many seats have power outlets nearby. '47.87': first time travelers to Japan. '473.1': In case you get hungry there are also food carts that intermittently make the rounds '477.06': of the cars from which snacks and drinks from coffee to beer '479.9': can be purchased for reasonable prices. '482.48': '#13 Enjoy a view of Mount Fuji from the shinkansen' '486.36': "Many passengers don\u2019t realize that on a" '488.98': clear day, Mount Fuji can be seen from aboard the Tokaido Shinkansen. '492.93': The window seat on the side that faces Mount Fuji, seat E (seat D in Green Class) '498.7': "is where the best, unobstructed views can be had of Japan\u2019s most famous\ \ natural icon" '5.109': Japan is an extraordinary country with unique attractions catering to virtually every taste. '503.84': so make sure while making seat reservations to reserve seat E if possible. '508.36': "If you happen not to be able to sit in this coveted spot, it\u2019s also\ \ possible to see" '51.36': "#1 Take advantage of Narita Airport\u2019s luggage delivery services" '512.82': Mt. Fuji by standing between the cars and looking out of the window there. '517.24': '#14 What to do with your luggage upon arriving at your destination' '521.96': Many major train stations boast luggage storage and delivery services '526.02': "and for those who didn\u2019t get their luggage delivered from Narita Airport" '529.36': now might be a good time to have large or inconvenient baggage delivered quickly and easily to your hotel. '534.6': Alternatively, for those continuing on to immediately do a side trip before returning, '539.5': there are various luggage storage facilities including coin lockers '543.54': which in many major stations are compatible with IC Cards. '547.37': '#15 Know how to get at your money' '550.28': The first opportunity to access your money '552.24': upon landing is at the currency exchange facilities in the arrival lobby of airports. '556.62': After that, many banks and convenience stores across Japan have ATMs '56.649': Upon arriving at Narita Airport, we recommend dropping heavy or large luggage at one of '561.24': however it can be hit or miss if these machines accept your specific international card. '566.04': Fortunately, all post offices nationwide (even in remote areas) '570.02': as well as all 7/11s and many other convenience stores '573.32': have atms that are compatible with foreign cards. '576.62': Of course, there are nearly an endless number of other tips, but hopefully these 15 enable '580.9': you to get more out of your first trip to Japan. '583.58': For more information or to watch another video, click the links on the screen now, or head '587.43': over to, your comprehensive, up-to-date travel guide first-hand from Japan. '592.58': Thanks for watching and be sure to subscribe and click the notification bell '595.96': for more videos about Japan. '597.55': Happy travels. '60.63': "the airport\u2019s convenient Luggage Delivery counters." '64.28': These reliable and, in our opinion, great value services ship your bags to anywhere '69.06': in the country, including but not limited to hotels and hostels '72.96': airports and private residences. '75.65': All you have to do is fill in the address of where you want to your luggage to be delivered, '79.65': and then enjoy being bag-free. '81.47': In some cases, it may be a good idea to inform your lodgings ahead of time, especially if '85.95': staying at smaller establishments. '88.2': '#2 Purchase a data sim or WiFi router before leaving the airport' '9.58': For those visiting for the first time however, the wide variety of services and transport '93.24': One of the first things many visitors wish to figure out upon arriving in a foreign country '97.24': is how to get connected to the internet. '99.35': Two common ways to do this in Japan are either with a domestic data sim card for your smartphone,
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Nara line platforms, 2020" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "Tōfukuji Station [SEP] Nara line platforms, 2020" ], "context_page_description": [ "\"Tōfukuji Station is a railway station located in Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. It has the Keihan station number \"\"KH36\"\", and the JR West station number \"\"JR-D02\"\".\"" ], "context_section_description": [ "\"Tōfukuji Station (東福寺駅, Tōfukuji-eki) is a railway station located in Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan. It has the Keihan station number \"\"KH36\"\", and the JR West station number \"\"JR-D02\"\".\"" ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Tōfukuji Station" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Tōfukuji Station" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ null ] }
15 Tips for First-Time Travellers to Japan |
In this video we list some of our most useful tips for first-time visitors to Japan, specifically those landing at Narita Airport and then travelling from Tokyo to Kyoto. From picking up rail passes, to transportation options, to booking bullet train tickets via a smartphone, hopefully there are a few tips for everyone. - Video Credits - Narrator: Sam Evans Videographers: Andrew Marston & Charles Sabas Producers: Sam Evans, Stefan Schauwecker & Export Japan
'104.27': or with a portable WiFi router that can be shared for those travelling in a group. '108.51': One of the most convenient places to find these is at the airport, where there are numerous '112.4': shops offering mobile data options. '114.42': "It\u2019s possible with some of these companies to book over the internet\ \ in advance, and" '118.27': then simply pick up your router or sim card in the terminal upon arrival. '122.119': '#3 Buy an IC card' '125.22': In order to make traveling around Japan as '126.97': smooth as possible, we recommend purchasing an IC Card right away at the beginning of '131.489': your Japan journey. '132.83': These cards can be used to ride most modes of transport in virtually all major metropolitan '137.36': areas across the country, and are chargeable at ticket machines, as well as at convenience stores. '14.15': options, not to mention the busy stations and language barrier, can make getting around '142.08': "What\u2019s more, IC cards can be used as a cashless payment option at\ \ a large number of shops" '146.68': and restaurants nationwide, especially in and around train stations. '150.819': The cards can be purchased easily from the ticket machines at Narita Airport train station, '155.19': with instructions available in English. '157.379': At the end of your trip you can return your IC card for a small refund, so be sure to '161.2': buy your IC Card and avoid the inconvenience of having to buy paper tickets for every train journey. '167.04': "#4 Don\u2019t forget to pick up your rail pass Train travel is the most\ \ common form of public" '17.5': seem a little daunting. '173.62': transportation in Japan, and rail passes such as the Japan Rail Pass and others can, depending '178.9': on your itinerary, make travelling significantly cheaper '182.22': "and more convenient for you if you\u2019re a foreign visitor." '185.94': For those who purchased a rail pass before coming to Japan, the JR East Travel Service Centers '19.289': "With this in mind, we\u2019ve put together a list of tips that aims to\ \ help visitors get" '190.239': located in the basements of Terminal 1 or Terminal 2 of Narita Airport are the '194.96': first place where you can pick up your pass upon landing. '199.58': '#5 Get from Narita Airport to central Tokyo' '203.82': There are a number of ways to get from Narita '206.08': "Airport to central Tokyo, and the best option depends on two things: where\ \ in Tokyo you\u2019re" '211.03': going to, and your budget. '212.959': For those willing to spend a little more to arrive in central Tokyo faster, the JR Narita '217.909': Express and the Keisei Skyliner both provide quick ways to get to central Tokyo by train, '22.38': the most out their first trip to Japan. '222.82': making the direct journey to Tokyo Station and Nippori Station respectively '228.08': before stopping at other major downtown stations. '230.46': Slower, cheaper train options include the regular Keisei limited express trains. '235.38': There are also two main types of buses from Narita Airport to Tokyo; the expensive Airport '24.62': "In this video we\u2019ll be focusing on one of the most common routes for\ \ first time visitors," '240.22': Limousines which stop at a number of stations and hotels in central Tokyo, and cheaper discount '245.42': shuttle buses which connect to fewer places. '248.12': Taxis can also be used to reach central Tokyo, '250.7': but bear in mind that this is by far the most expensive option. '254.5': '#6 Find the best type of accommodation in Tokyo' '257.78': Tokyo is an extremely diverse metropolis, and this is reflected in the multitude of '262.24': "accommodation options available to visitors to Japan\u2019s capital." '265.62': Of course there are the usual range of hotels to suit all budgets and other accommodation '269.88': types that one would expect to find in any major city. '272.94': However Tokyo also contains a variety of unique options that travelers may want to take advantage of '277.84': including capsule hotels, quality hostels, '28.5': which is to start at Narita Airport, explore Tokyo the and then ride the bullet train to '283.58': internet cafes and historic yet affordable traditional ryokan. '285.56': '#7 Buy shinkansen tickets via smartphone app' '289.7': In order to save time at the station, it can '292.43': be a good idea to purchase shinkansen tickets ahead of time using the SmartEx app which '297.55': is available in English and boasts a user-friendly interface. '301.499': 'In order to take advantage of SmartEx, follow these steps:' '305.389': 1- Purchase an IC card 2- Install the App '311.0': 3- Register your credit card 4- Connect your IC card to the App, by inputting the ID number on the card '319.6': 5- Book your Shinkansen '32.92': Kyoto and Osaka along the Tokaido Shinkansen. '322.28': 6- Use the associated IC card to tap through the ticket gates at any shinkansen station '328.88': between Tokyo and Hakata. '331.02': "And don\u2019t forget to pick up the ticket that comes out the other side." '334.44': Bear in mind that there are various seat types available on a shinkansen, including reserved '339.04': and non-reserved and the more luxurious seats in the Green Car. '342.98': '#8 Navigate Tokyo Station' '345.62': Tokyo Station is large and can be confusing '348.33': even for those who use it regularly. '350.68': Upon arriving follow signs for the Tokaido Shinkansen and enter the ticket gates. '355.6': From here there will be more signage helping you locate the correct platform and line up '359.84': at the right car number. '36.32': "Some of our tips may seem obvious if you\u2019ve been to Japan before, but\ \ hopefully even experienced" '361.82': "For those who don\u2019t have a ticket yet, they can be purchased before\ \ entering the shinkansen" '365.84': gates at either a ticket machine, or from the ticket counter. '369.9': '#9 Purchase an Ekiben before boarding the shinkansen' '374.54': "Before boarding the shinkansen, we recommend making the most out of Tokyo\ \ Station\u2019s good-quality" '379.18': food options, and purchasing an Ekiben from one of the shops or kiosks that can be found '384.02': around the station or even on train platforms. '386.56': Ekiben, short for Eki Bento, or station food box '390.14': are a popular meal in Japan for those on the go. '392.96': They are typically comprised of regional or seasonal specialty foods and presented in '397.06': a decorative box or on a sealed platter. '399.94': Delicious and generally good quality, Ekiben vary station to station '40.82': tourists will find some of these useful. '404.74': and are great to enjoy during your cross-country travels. '407.38': '#10 Storing bags and luggage on the shinkansen' '410.54': If you have luggage, one of the biggest concerns '413.14': is where to store it on the train. '415.4': Thankfully the shinkansen have space for suitcases and bags '417.82': in several locations throughout the car. '42.54': So, without further ado, we invite you to follow along as we reveal 15 travel tips for '420.88': Smaller bags like backpacks and daybags can be stored on the overhead shelves, '425.2': and there is also a larger space behind the last row of seats in each car. '429.22': '#11 Using the toilets on shinkansen and in train stations' '434.34': Japan is known as one of the most hygiene-conscious countries in the world, and this certainly '438.32': extends not only to restrooms within train stations but also on the shinkansen '442.52': all of which are free of charge. '444.72': "This means that you don\u2019t have to worry if you miss your chance to\ \ freshen up before boarding." '449.0': Shinkansen restrooms are clean and located between every couple of cars, so locating '453.68': them once aboard is quick and easy. '456.84': "#12 Take advantage of the Tokaido Shinkansen\u2019s selection of amenities" '461.74': Bullet trains boast a selection of amenities '466.93': that make travelling on them comfortable and convenient. '467.92': "For example, if your mobile device\u2019s battery is about to die" '469.6': many seats have power outlets nearby. '47.87': first time travelers to Japan. '473.1': In case you get hungry there are also food carts that intermittently make the rounds '477.06': of the cars from which snacks and drinks from coffee to beer '479.9': can be purchased for reasonable prices. '482.48': '#13 Enjoy a view of Mount Fuji from the shinkansen' '486.36': "Many passengers don\u2019t realize that on a" '488.98': clear day, Mount Fuji can be seen from aboard the Tokaido Shinkansen. '492.93': The window seat on the side that faces Mount Fuji, seat E (seat D in Green Class) '498.7': "is where the best, unobstructed views can be had of Japan\u2019s most famous\ \ natural icon" '5.109': Japan is an extraordinary country with unique attractions catering to virtually every taste. '503.84': so make sure while making seat reservations to reserve seat E if possible. '508.36': "If you happen not to be able to sit in this coveted spot, it\u2019s also\ \ possible to see" '51.36': "#1 Take advantage of Narita Airport\u2019s luggage delivery services" '512.82': Mt. Fuji by standing between the cars and looking out of the window there. '517.24': '#14 What to do with your luggage upon arriving at your destination' '521.96': Many major train stations boast luggage storage and delivery services '526.02': "and for those who didn\u2019t get their luggage delivered from Narita Airport" '529.36': now might be a good time to have large or inconvenient baggage delivered quickly and easily to your hotel. '534.6': Alternatively, for those continuing on to immediately do a side trip before returning, '539.5': there are various luggage storage facilities including coin lockers '543.54': which in many major stations are compatible with IC Cards. '547.37': '#15 Know how to get at your money' '550.28': The first opportunity to access your money '552.24': upon landing is at the currency exchange facilities in the arrival lobby of airports. '556.62': After that, many banks and convenience stores across Japan have ATMs '56.649': Upon arriving at Narita Airport, we recommend dropping heavy or large luggage at one of '561.24': however it can be hit or miss if these machines accept your specific international card. '566.04': Fortunately, all post offices nationwide (even in remote areas) '570.02': as well as all 7/11s and many other convenience stores '573.32': have atms that are compatible with foreign cards. '576.62': Of course, there are nearly an endless number of other tips, but hopefully these 15 enable '580.9': you to get more out of your first trip to Japan. '583.58': For more information or to watch another video, click the links on the screen now, or head '587.43': over to, your comprehensive, up-to-date travel guide first-hand from Japan. '592.58': Thanks for watching and be sure to subscribe and click the notification bell '595.96': for more videos about Japan. '597.55': Happy travels. '60.63': "the airport\u2019s convenient Luggage Delivery counters." '64.28': These reliable and, in our opinion, great value services ship your bags to anywhere '69.06': in the country, including but not limited to hotels and hostels '72.96': airports and private residences. '75.65': All you have to do is fill in the address of where you want to your luggage to be delivered, '79.65': and then enjoy being bag-free. '81.47': In some cases, it may be a good idea to inform your lodgings ahead of time, especially if '85.95': staying at smaller establishments. '88.2': '#2 Purchase a data sim or WiFi router before leaving the airport' '9.58': For those visiting for the first time however, the wide variety of services and transport '93.24': One of the first things many visitors wish to figure out upon arriving in a foreign country '97.24': is how to get connected to the internet. '99.35': Two common ways to do this in Japan are either with a domestic data sim card for your smartphone,
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15 Tips for First-Time Travellers to Japan |
In this video we list some of our most useful tips for first-time visitors to Japan, specifically those landing at Narita Airport and then travelling from Tokyo to Kyoto. From picking up rail passes, to transportation options, to booking bullet train tickets via a smartphone, hopefully there are a few tips for everyone. - Video Credits - Narrator: Sam Evans Videographers: Andrew Marston & Charles Sabas Producers: Sam Evans, Stefan Schauwecker & Export Japan
'104.27': or with a portable WiFi router that can be shared for those travelling in a group. '108.51': One of the most convenient places to find these is at the airport, where there are numerous '112.4': shops offering mobile data options. '114.42': "It\u2019s possible with some of these companies to book over the internet\ \ in advance, and" '118.27': then simply pick up your router or sim card in the terminal upon arrival. '122.119': '#3 Buy an IC card' '125.22': In order to make traveling around Japan as '126.97': smooth as possible, we recommend purchasing an IC Card right away at the beginning of '131.489': your Japan journey. '132.83': These cards can be used to ride most modes of transport in virtually all major metropolitan '137.36': areas across the country, and are chargeable at ticket machines, as well as at convenience stores. '14.15': options, not to mention the busy stations and language barrier, can make getting around '142.08': "What\u2019s more, IC cards can be used as a cashless payment option at\ \ a large number of shops" '146.68': and restaurants nationwide, especially in and around train stations. '150.819': The cards can be purchased easily from the ticket machines at Narita Airport train station, '155.19': with instructions available in English. '157.379': At the end of your trip you can return your IC card for a small refund, so be sure to '161.2': buy your IC Card and avoid the inconvenience of having to buy paper tickets for every train journey. '167.04': "#4 Don\u2019t forget to pick up your rail pass Train travel is the most\ \ common form of public" '17.5': seem a little daunting. '173.62': transportation in Japan, and rail passes such as the Japan Rail Pass and others can, depending '178.9': on your itinerary, make travelling significantly cheaper '182.22': "and more convenient for you if you\u2019re a foreign visitor." '185.94': For those who purchased a rail pass before coming to Japan, the JR East Travel Service Centers '19.289': "With this in mind, we\u2019ve put together a list of tips that aims to\ \ help visitors get" '190.239': located in the basements of Terminal 1 or Terminal 2 of Narita Airport are the '194.96': first place where you can pick up your pass upon landing. '199.58': '#5 Get from Narita Airport to central Tokyo' '203.82': There are a number of ways to get from Narita '206.08': "Airport to central Tokyo, and the best option depends on two things: where\ \ in Tokyo you\u2019re" '211.03': going to, and your budget. '212.959': For those willing to spend a little more to arrive in central Tokyo faster, the JR Narita '217.909': Express and the Keisei Skyliner both provide quick ways to get to central Tokyo by train, '22.38': the most out their first trip to Japan. '222.82': making the direct journey to Tokyo Station and Nippori Station respectively '228.08': before stopping at other major downtown stations. '230.46': Slower, cheaper train options include the regular Keisei limited express trains. '235.38': There are also two main types of buses from Narita Airport to Tokyo; the expensive Airport '24.62': "In this video we\u2019ll be focusing on one of the most common routes for\ \ first time visitors," '240.22': Limousines which stop at a number of stations and hotels in central Tokyo, and cheaper discount '245.42': shuttle buses which connect to fewer places. '248.12': Taxis can also be used to reach central Tokyo, '250.7': but bear in mind that this is by far the most expensive option. '254.5': '#6 Find the best type of accommodation in Tokyo' '257.78': Tokyo is an extremely diverse metropolis, and this is reflected in the multitude of '262.24': "accommodation options available to visitors to Japan\u2019s capital." '265.62': Of course there are the usual range of hotels to suit all budgets and other accommodation '269.88': types that one would expect to find in any major city. '272.94': However Tokyo also contains a variety of unique options that travelers may want to take advantage of '277.84': including capsule hotels, quality hostels, '28.5': which is to start at Narita Airport, explore Tokyo the and then ride the bullet train to '283.58': internet cafes and historic yet affordable traditional ryokan. '285.56': '#7 Buy shinkansen tickets via smartphone app' '289.7': In order to save time at the station, it can '292.43': be a good idea to purchase shinkansen tickets ahead of time using the SmartEx app which '297.55': is available in English and boasts a user-friendly interface. '301.499': 'In order to take advantage of SmartEx, follow these steps:' '305.389': 1- Purchase an IC card 2- Install the App '311.0': 3- Register your credit card 4- Connect your IC card to the App, by inputting the ID number on the card '319.6': 5- Book your Shinkansen '32.92': Kyoto and Osaka along the Tokaido Shinkansen. '322.28': 6- Use the associated IC card to tap through the ticket gates at any shinkansen station '328.88': between Tokyo and Hakata. '331.02': "And don\u2019t forget to pick up the ticket that comes out the other side." '334.44': Bear in mind that there are various seat types available on a shinkansen, including reserved '339.04': and non-reserved and the more luxurious seats in the Green Car. '342.98': '#8 Navigate Tokyo Station' '345.62': Tokyo Station is large and can be confusing '348.33': even for those who use it regularly. '350.68': Upon arriving follow signs for the Tokaido Shinkansen and enter the ticket gates. '355.6': From here there will be more signage helping you locate the correct platform and line up '359.84': at the right car number. '36.32': "Some of our tips may seem obvious if you\u2019ve been to Japan before, but\ \ hopefully even experienced" '361.82': "For those who don\u2019t have a ticket yet, they can be purchased before\ \ entering the shinkansen" '365.84': gates at either a ticket machine, or from the ticket counter. '369.9': '#9 Purchase an Ekiben before boarding the shinkansen' '374.54': "Before boarding the shinkansen, we recommend making the most out of Tokyo\ \ Station\u2019s good-quality" '379.18': food options, and purchasing an Ekiben from one of the shops or kiosks that can be found '384.02': around the station or even on train platforms. '386.56': Ekiben, short for Eki Bento, or station food box '390.14': are a popular meal in Japan for those on the go. '392.96': They are typically comprised of regional or seasonal specialty foods and presented in '397.06': a decorative box or on a sealed platter. '399.94': Delicious and generally good quality, Ekiben vary station to station '40.82': tourists will find some of these useful. '404.74': and are great to enjoy during your cross-country travels. '407.38': '#10 Storing bags and luggage on the shinkansen' '410.54': If you have luggage, one of the biggest concerns '413.14': is where to store it on the train. '415.4': Thankfully the shinkansen have space for suitcases and bags '417.82': in several locations throughout the car. '42.54': So, without further ado, we invite you to follow along as we reveal 15 travel tips for '420.88': Smaller bags like backpacks and daybags can be stored on the overhead shelves, '425.2': and there is also a larger space behind the last row of seats in each car. '429.22': '#11 Using the toilets on shinkansen and in train stations' '434.34': Japan is known as one of the most hygiene-conscious countries in the world, and this certainly '438.32': extends not only to restrooms within train stations but also on the shinkansen '442.52': all of which are free of charge. '444.72': "This means that you don\u2019t have to worry if you miss your chance to\ \ freshen up before boarding." '449.0': Shinkansen restrooms are clean and located between every couple of cars, so locating '453.68': them once aboard is quick and easy. '456.84': "#12 Take advantage of the Tokaido Shinkansen\u2019s selection of amenities" '461.74': Bullet trains boast a selection of amenities '466.93': that make travelling on them comfortable and convenient. '467.92': "For example, if your mobile device\u2019s battery is about to die" '469.6': many seats have power outlets nearby. '47.87': first time travelers to Japan. '473.1': In case you get hungry there are also food carts that intermittently make the rounds '477.06': of the cars from which snacks and drinks from coffee to beer '479.9': can be purchased for reasonable prices. '482.48': '#13 Enjoy a view of Mount Fuji from the shinkansen' '486.36': "Many passengers don\u2019t realize that on a" '488.98': clear day, Mount Fuji can be seen from aboard the Tokaido Shinkansen. '492.93': The window seat on the side that faces Mount Fuji, seat E (seat D in Green Class) '498.7': "is where the best, unobstructed views can be had of Japan\u2019s most famous\ \ natural icon" '5.109': Japan is an extraordinary country with unique attractions catering to virtually every taste. '503.84': so make sure while making seat reservations to reserve seat E if possible. '508.36': "If you happen not to be able to sit in this coveted spot, it\u2019s also\ \ possible to see" '51.36': "#1 Take advantage of Narita Airport\u2019s luggage delivery services" '512.82': Mt. Fuji by standing between the cars and looking out of the window there. '517.24': '#14 What to do with your luggage upon arriving at your destination' '521.96': Many major train stations boast luggage storage and delivery services '526.02': "and for those who didn\u2019t get their luggage delivered from Narita Airport" '529.36': now might be a good time to have large or inconvenient baggage delivered quickly and easily to your hotel. '534.6': Alternatively, for those continuing on to immediately do a side trip before returning, '539.5': there are various luggage storage facilities including coin lockers '543.54': which in many major stations are compatible with IC Cards. '547.37': '#15 Know how to get at your money' '550.28': The first opportunity to access your money '552.24': upon landing is at the currency exchange facilities in the arrival lobby of airports. '556.62': After that, many banks and convenience stores across Japan have ATMs '56.649': Upon arriving at Narita Airport, we recommend dropping heavy or large luggage at one of '561.24': however it can be hit or miss if these machines accept your specific international card. '566.04': Fortunately, all post offices nationwide (even in remote areas) '570.02': as well as all 7/11s and many other convenience stores '573.32': have atms that are compatible with foreign cards. '576.62': Of course, there are nearly an endless number of other tips, but hopefully these 15 enable '580.9': you to get more out of your first trip to Japan. '583.58': For more information or to watch another video, click the links on the screen now, or head '587.43': over to, your comprehensive, up-to-date travel guide first-hand from Japan. '592.58': Thanks for watching and be sure to subscribe and click the notification bell '595.96': for more videos about Japan. '597.55': Happy travels. '60.63': "the airport\u2019s convenient Luggage Delivery counters." '64.28': These reliable and, in our opinion, great value services ship your bags to anywhere '69.06': in the country, including but not limited to hotels and hostels '72.96': airports and private residences. '75.65': All you have to do is fill in the address of where you want to your luggage to be delivered, '79.65': and then enjoy being bag-free. '81.47': In some cases, it may be a good idea to inform your lodgings ahead of time, especially if '85.95': staying at smaller establishments. '88.2': '#2 Purchase a data sim or WiFi router before leaving the airport' '9.58': For those visiting for the first time however, the wide variety of services and transport '93.24': One of the first things many visitors wish to figure out upon arriving in a foreign country '97.24': is how to get connected to the internet. '99.35': Two common ways to do this in Japan are either with a domestic data sim card for your smartphone,
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(1 Aug 1966) Available in HD on Isilon Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter: Facebook: ​​ Instagram: You can license this story through AP Archive:
'10.559': administration are making final '100.88': tiny attitude control jets located on '103.28': the corners of the heat shield will be '105.36': fired to position the vehicle to aim its '107.92': solar panels toward the sun '110.399': and aim its tracker for a fix on its '112.799': navigational star canopus '115.759': after 15 hours of flight toward the moon '118.32': lunar orbiter will fire its velocity '12.48': preparations to launch one of a series '120.56': control rocket to make a mid-course '122.799': correction '124.479': later in the journey as the orbiter gets '126.479': closer to the moon the velocity control '128.879': rocket will be fired again to slow the '131.599': spacecraft '133.2': this will serve to trap the spacecraft '135.52': in an off-center orbit around the moon '137.92': where it will circle from four to six '14.88': of lunar orbiters '140.319': days '141.2': by tracking this orbit scientists on '143.599': earth will obtain their first precise '145.76': information about the effects of the '147.92': moon's gravitational field on the '150.239': spacecraft '152.0': with this knowledge they will be able to '154.16': lower the vehicle's orbit to a close 28 '156.72': miles for photography of the moon's '158.8': surface '160.239': control of the spacecraft is '161.76': accomplished through instructions stored '163.68': in an onboard computer '165.76': mission control personnel can radio new '168.16': instructions for storage or can bypass '170.959': the computer to control the orbiter '172.959': directly '174.4': operating on these instructions the '176.56': lunar orbiter will turn itself to aim '178.72': its two camera lenses downward during '18.16': the satellite's primary mission is to '181.44': picture taking orbits '183.519': then as it soars over the desired areas '186.319': it will take a series of pictures '189.12': one lens will cover an area of 25 square '192.0': miles and record objects as small as a '194.72': card table '196.0': the other will make overlapping '197.599': photographs of 440 square mile sections '20.4': photograph landing areas on the moon for '201.44': during its mission the lunar orbiter '203.599': will take 160 pairs of pictures while '206.799': filming 12 000 square miles '209.68': an area as large as the combined area of '212.319': massachusetts and connecticut '214.879': while photography is in progress the '217.04': camera will begin to automatically '219.04': develop and store the exposed film '22.72': america's astronauts '222.799': following each series of exposures the '225.2': orbiter will again aim its solar panels '227.68': at the sun '229.36': when picture transmission takes place '231.28': the stored images will be sent in the '233.12': form of an electronic signal produced by '235.84': a light scanning the stored negatives '239.28': at goldstone '240.64': near an abandoned gold mine in '242.319': california's mojave desert this 85-foot '245.439': diameter antenna is the communication '247.92': link with the lunar orbiter '250.0': it's similar to two other antennas in '252.4': australia and spain '254.56': surrounding hills protected from random '256.72': radio signals '258.479': the antenna control team tracks the '26.08': an atlas agena booster will launch the '260.4': orbiter with signals the orbiter send '262.479': back to earth '263.84': the team also directs the flow of '265.68': signals from the antenna to the orbiter '268.88': this equipment generates signals to the '270.88': spacecraft the orbiter's computer '273.28': responds to the signals and controls the '275.919': orbiter accordingly '277.919': these men are the last human link '28.08': orbiter from cape kennedy '280.16': between earth and the spacecraft '283.28': incoming photographic information from '285.36': the orbiter is fed into this equipment '287.84': where electronic wizardry converts the '289.919': electronic signal to a pinpoint of light '292.479': of varying intensity '294.639': the tiny beam sweeps back and forth '297.12': exposing a moving strip of 35 millimeter '300.24': film '301.919': when processed the resulting negative '304.16': shows what the orbiter's camera saw '306.96': at the receiving station technicians '309.36': will process and study samples of the '311.6': exposed negative to ensure that signals '314.24': are coming back properly and that the '316.32': orbiter's camera is correctly set '319.039': most of the 18 miles of film will be '321.759': sent to a reassembly facility where the '324.32': strips will be developed and arranged '326.32': into large negatives prints of these '328.72': negatives will form the basis for lunar '331.12': maps '333.759': although direct communication with the '335.6': lunar orbiter is via goldstone or '338.56': australia or spain the mission is '340.8': directed from the space flight '342.32': operations facility in pasadena '345.039': sitting side by side nasa and boeing '347.759': engineers evaluate and act upon '350.72': information received from the antennas '354.72': the information comes to the pasadena '356.72': computer center and is translated into a '359.12': form understandable to engineers '362.24': they use it to determine the lunar '363.919': orbiter's velocity attitude temperature '366.8': power situation and some 50 other '369.12': conditions '370.4': this automatic drawing machine charts '372.479': the data '373.759': other engineers keep track of the '375.28': orbiter's location and direction '377.84': they plot course changes and calculate '380.0': when and how the spacecraft should be '382.16': maneuvered '383.6': this control room is the nerve center of '385.68': the entire mission the operations '387.919': director and his assistant are in voice '390.319': contact with key personnel at those '392.479': installations throughout the world which '394.88': gather and record flight information '397.44': engineers here at pasadena interpret the '400.08': information '401.28': and the operations directors use the '403.44': results to make final flight decisions '407.44': when its photographic mission has been '409.28': completed in about a month the lunar '411.599': orbiter will continue to circle the moon '414.319': providing information about '415.88': micrometeoroids and radiation in the '417.919': moon's vicinity '419.44': this data along with the photographs is '422.08': vital to landing men on the moon '52.8': when orbital speed and altitude are '54.96': achieved the atlas booster and nose '57.199': shroud will separate '58.96': and the agena will fire to place itself '61.44': and the lunar orbiter into a 100-mile '64.159': high orbit around the earth '66.08': they must travel to the exact point in '68.24': space from which a gina can put the '7.04': engineers of the boeing company and the '70.32': lunar orbiter on its path to the moon '73.439': when this point is reached ajina fires '76.0': again '77.439': soon after burnout a genus separates and '8.96': national aeronautics and space '80.08': the 850 pound orbiter will be on its way '84.0': now speeding through space at 25 000 '86.799': miles per hour the vehicle will extend '89.439': its two-way earth communication antennas '93.2': and solar panels will open to capture '95.6': and convert the sun's energy into '97.68': electrical power for orbiter's systems
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(1 Aug 1966) Available in HD on Isilon Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter: Facebook: ​​ Instagram: You can license this story through AP Archive:
'10.559': administration are making final '100.88': tiny attitude control jets located on '103.28': the corners of the heat shield will be '105.36': fired to position the vehicle to aim its '107.92': solar panels toward the sun '110.399': and aim its tracker for a fix on its '112.799': navigational star canopus '115.759': after 15 hours of flight toward the moon '118.32': lunar orbiter will fire its velocity '12.48': preparations to launch one of a series '120.56': control rocket to make a mid-course '122.799': correction '124.479': later in the journey as the orbiter gets '126.479': closer to the moon the velocity control '128.879': rocket will be fired again to slow the '131.599': spacecraft '133.2': this will serve to trap the spacecraft '135.52': in an off-center orbit around the moon '137.92': where it will circle from four to six '14.88': of lunar orbiters '140.319': days '141.2': by tracking this orbit scientists on '143.599': earth will obtain their first precise '145.76': information about the effects of the '147.92': moon's gravitational field on the '150.239': spacecraft '152.0': with this knowledge they will be able to '154.16': lower the vehicle's orbit to a close 28 '156.72': miles for photography of the moon's '158.8': surface '160.239': control of the spacecraft is '161.76': accomplished through instructions stored '163.68': in an onboard computer '165.76': mission control personnel can radio new '168.16': instructions for storage or can bypass '170.959': the computer to control the orbiter '172.959': directly '174.4': operating on these instructions the '176.56': lunar orbiter will turn itself to aim '178.72': its two camera lenses downward during '18.16': the satellite's primary mission is to '181.44': picture taking orbits '183.519': then as it soars over the desired areas '186.319': it will take a series of pictures '189.12': one lens will cover an area of 25 square '192.0': miles and record objects as small as a '194.72': card table '196.0': the other will make overlapping '197.599': photographs of 440 square mile sections '20.4': photograph landing areas on the moon for '201.44': during its mission the lunar orbiter '203.599': will take 160 pairs of pictures while '206.799': filming 12 000 square miles '209.68': an area as large as the combined area of '212.319': massachusetts and connecticut '214.879': while photography is in progress the '217.04': camera will begin to automatically '219.04': develop and store the exposed film '22.72': america's astronauts '222.799': following each series of exposures the '225.2': orbiter will again aim its solar panels '227.68': at the sun '229.36': when picture transmission takes place '231.28': the stored images will be sent in the '233.12': form of an electronic signal produced by '235.84': a light scanning the stored negatives '239.28': at goldstone '240.64': near an abandoned gold mine in '242.319': california's mojave desert this 85-foot '245.439': diameter antenna is the communication '247.92': link with the lunar orbiter '250.0': it's similar to two other antennas in '252.4': australia and spain '254.56': surrounding hills protected from random '256.72': radio signals '258.479': the antenna control team tracks the '26.08': an atlas agena booster will launch the '260.4': orbiter with signals the orbiter send '262.479': back to earth '263.84': the team also directs the flow of '265.68': signals from the antenna to the orbiter '268.88': this equipment generates signals to the '270.88': spacecraft the orbiter's computer '273.28': responds to the signals and controls the '275.919': orbiter accordingly '277.919': these men are the last human link '28.08': orbiter from cape kennedy '280.16': between earth and the spacecraft '283.28': incoming photographic information from '285.36': the orbiter is fed into this equipment '287.84': where electronic wizardry converts the '289.919': electronic signal to a pinpoint of light '292.479': of varying intensity '294.639': the tiny beam sweeps back and forth '297.12': exposing a moving strip of 35 millimeter '300.24': film '301.919': when processed the resulting negative '304.16': shows what the orbiter's camera saw '306.96': at the receiving station technicians '309.36': will process and study samples of the '311.6': exposed negative to ensure that signals '314.24': are coming back properly and that the '316.32': orbiter's camera is correctly set '319.039': most of the 18 miles of film will be '321.759': sent to a reassembly facility where the '324.32': strips will be developed and arranged '326.32': into large negatives prints of these '328.72': negatives will form the basis for lunar '331.12': maps '333.759': although direct communication with the '335.6': lunar orbiter is via goldstone or '338.56': australia or spain the mission is '340.8': directed from the space flight '342.32': operations facility in pasadena '345.039': sitting side by side nasa and boeing '347.759': engineers evaluate and act upon '350.72': information received from the antennas '354.72': the information comes to the pasadena '356.72': computer center and is translated into a '359.12': form understandable to engineers '362.24': they use it to determine the lunar '363.919': orbiter's velocity attitude temperature '366.8': power situation and some 50 other '369.12': conditions '370.4': this automatic drawing machine charts '372.479': the data '373.759': other engineers keep track of the '375.28': orbiter's location and direction '377.84': they plot course changes and calculate '380.0': when and how the spacecraft should be '382.16': maneuvered '383.6': this control room is the nerve center of '385.68': the entire mission the operations '387.919': director and his assistant are in voice '390.319': contact with key personnel at those '392.479': installations throughout the world which '394.88': gather and record flight information '397.44': engineers here at pasadena interpret the '400.08': information '401.28': and the operations directors use the '403.44': results to make final flight decisions '407.44': when its photographic mission has been '409.28': completed in about a month the lunar '411.599': orbiter will continue to circle the moon '414.319': providing information about '415.88': micrometeoroids and radiation in the '417.919': moon's vicinity '419.44': this data along with the photographs is '422.08': vital to landing men on the moon '52.8': when orbital speed and altitude are '54.96': achieved the atlas booster and nose '57.199': shroud will separate '58.96': and the agena will fire to place itself '61.44': and the lunar orbiter into a 100-mile '64.159': high orbit around the earth '66.08': they must travel to the exact point in '68.24': space from which a gina can put the '7.04': engineers of the boeing company and the '70.32': lunar orbiter on its path to the moon '73.439': when this point is reached ajina fires '76.0': again '77.439': soon after burnout a genus separates and '8.96': national aeronautics and space '80.08': the 850 pound orbiter will be on its way '84.0': now speeding through space at 25 000 '86.799': miles per hour the vehicle will extend '89.439': its two-way earth communication antennas '93.2': and solar panels will open to capture '95.6': and convert the sun's energy into '97.68': electrical power for orbiter's systems
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, "Lunar Orbiter 4 image, with Hainzel at bottom, Hainzel C below right of center, and Hainzel A above center", "\"月球轨道器4号拍摄的图像,海因泽尔陨石坑位于下部,中右为\"\"海因泽尔C\"\",中上为\"\"海因泽尔A\"\"。\"", "\"月球軌道器4號拍攝的圖像,海因澤爾隕石坑位於下部,中右為\"\"海因澤爾 C\"\",中上為\"\"海因澤爾 A\"\"。\"" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, null, null, null ], "context_page_description": [ "Hainzel es el miembro más meridional de un trío de cráteres de impacto lunares superpuestos. Se halla en el borde oeste del Lacus Timoris, en el cuadrante sudoeste de la Luna. El cráter severamente desgastado Mee es adyacente al lado sudoeste de la formación; su brocal forma una cresta al sur de Hainzel.", "Hainzel is the southern member of a trio of overlapping lunar impact craters. The composite rim is located at the west edge of Lacus Timoris in the southwest sector of the Moon. The heavily worn crater Mee is attached to the southwest wall; its rim forms a ridge running from the south of the Hainzel formation.", "\"海因泽尔陨石坑是月球正面恐怖湖西南一座三合坑中一座最大、最古老的撞击坑,直径70公里,名称取自第谷·布拉赫的合作者,德国天文学家及奥格斯堡市市长\"\"保罗·海因泽尔\"\"。", "\"海因澤爾隕石坑是月球正面恐怖湖西南一座三合坑中一座最大、最古老的撞擊坑,直徑70公里,名稱取自第谷·布拉赫的合作者,德國天文學家及奧格斯堡市市長\"\"保羅·海因澤爾\"\"。" ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, null, null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Hainzel (cráter)", "Hainzel (crater)", "海因泽尔陨石坑", "海因泽尔陨石坑" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "es", "en", "zh", "zh-TW" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Hainzel (cráter)", "Hainzel (crater)", "海因泽尔陨石坑", "海因泽尔陨石坑" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null, null ] }
(1 Aug 1966) Available in HD on Isilon Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter: Facebook: ​​ Instagram: You can license this story through AP Archive:
'10.559': administration are making final '100.88': tiny attitude control jets located on '103.28': the corners of the heat shield will be '105.36': fired to position the vehicle to aim its '107.92': solar panels toward the sun '110.399': and aim its tracker for a fix on its '112.799': navigational star canopus '115.759': after 15 hours of flight toward the moon '118.32': lunar orbiter will fire its velocity '12.48': preparations to launch one of a series '120.56': control rocket to make a mid-course '122.799': correction '124.479': later in the journey as the orbiter gets '126.479': closer to the moon the velocity control '128.879': rocket will be fired again to slow the '131.599': spacecraft '133.2': this will serve to trap the spacecraft '135.52': in an off-center orbit around the moon '137.92': where it will circle from four to six '14.88': of lunar orbiters '140.319': days '141.2': by tracking this orbit scientists on '143.599': earth will obtain their first precise '145.76': information about the effects of the '147.92': moon's gravitational field on the '150.239': spacecraft '152.0': with this knowledge they will be able to '154.16': lower the vehicle's orbit to a close 28 '156.72': miles for photography of the moon's '158.8': surface '160.239': control of the spacecraft is '161.76': accomplished through instructions stored '163.68': in an onboard computer '165.76': mission control personnel can radio new '168.16': instructions for storage or can bypass '170.959': the computer to control the orbiter '172.959': directly '174.4': operating on these instructions the '176.56': lunar orbiter will turn itself to aim '178.72': its two camera lenses downward during '18.16': the satellite's primary mission is to '181.44': picture taking orbits '183.519': then as it soars over the desired areas '186.319': it will take a series of pictures '189.12': one lens will cover an area of 25 square '192.0': miles and record objects as small as a '194.72': card table '196.0': the other will make overlapping '197.599': photographs of 440 square mile sections '20.4': photograph landing areas on the moon for '201.44': during its mission the lunar orbiter '203.599': will take 160 pairs of pictures while '206.799': filming 12 000 square miles '209.68': an area as large as the combined area of '212.319': massachusetts and connecticut '214.879': while photography is in progress the '217.04': camera will begin to automatically '219.04': develop and store the exposed film '22.72': america's astronauts '222.799': following each series of exposures the '225.2': orbiter will again aim its solar panels '227.68': at the sun '229.36': when picture transmission takes place '231.28': the stored images will be sent in the '233.12': form of an electronic signal produced by '235.84': a light scanning the stored negatives '239.28': at goldstone '240.64': near an abandoned gold mine in '242.319': california's mojave desert this 85-foot '245.439': diameter antenna is the communication '247.92': link with the lunar orbiter '250.0': it's similar to two other antennas in '252.4': australia and spain '254.56': surrounding hills protected from random '256.72': radio signals '258.479': the antenna control team tracks the '26.08': an atlas agena booster will launch the '260.4': orbiter with signals the orbiter send '262.479': back to earth '263.84': the team also directs the flow of '265.68': signals from the antenna to the orbiter '268.88': this equipment generates signals to the '270.88': spacecraft the orbiter's computer '273.28': responds to the signals and controls the '275.919': orbiter accordingly '277.919': these men are the last human link '28.08': orbiter from cape kennedy '280.16': between earth and the spacecraft '283.28': incoming photographic information from '285.36': the orbiter is fed into this equipment '287.84': where electronic wizardry converts the '289.919': electronic signal to a pinpoint of light '292.479': of varying intensity '294.639': the tiny beam sweeps back and forth '297.12': exposing a moving strip of 35 millimeter '300.24': film '301.919': when processed the resulting negative '304.16': shows what the orbiter's camera saw '306.96': at the receiving station technicians '309.36': will process and study samples of the '311.6': exposed negative to ensure that signals '314.24': are coming back properly and that the '316.32': orbiter's camera is correctly set '319.039': most of the 18 miles of film will be '321.759': sent to a reassembly facility where the '324.32': strips will be developed and arranged '326.32': into large negatives prints of these '328.72': negatives will form the basis for lunar '331.12': maps '333.759': although direct communication with the '335.6': lunar orbiter is via goldstone or '338.56': australia or spain the mission is '340.8': directed from the space flight '342.32': operations facility in pasadena '345.039': sitting side by side nasa and boeing '347.759': engineers evaluate and act upon '350.72': information received from the antennas '354.72': the information comes to the pasadena '356.72': computer center and is translated into a '359.12': form understandable to engineers '362.24': they use it to determine the lunar '363.919': orbiter's velocity attitude temperature '366.8': power situation and some 50 other '369.12': conditions '370.4': this automatic drawing machine charts '372.479': the data '373.759': other engineers keep track of the '375.28': orbiter's location and direction '377.84': they plot course changes and calculate '380.0': when and how the spacecraft should be '382.16': maneuvered '383.6': this control room is the nerve center of '385.68': the entire mission the operations '387.919': director and his assistant are in voice '390.319': contact with key personnel at those '392.479': installations throughout the world which '394.88': gather and record flight information '397.44': engineers here at pasadena interpret the '400.08': information '401.28': and the operations directors use the '403.44': results to make final flight decisions '407.44': when its photographic mission has been '409.28': completed in about a month the lunar '411.599': orbiter will continue to circle the moon '414.319': providing information about '415.88': micrometeoroids and radiation in the '417.919': moon's vicinity '419.44': this data along with the photographs is '422.08': vital to landing men on the moon '52.8': when orbital speed and altitude are '54.96': achieved the atlas booster and nose '57.199': shroud will separate '58.96': and the agena will fire to place itself '61.44': and the lunar orbiter into a 100-mile '64.159': high orbit around the earth '66.08': they must travel to the exact point in '68.24': space from which a gina can put the '7.04': engineers of the boeing company and the '70.32': lunar orbiter on its path to the moon '73.439': when this point is reached ajina fires '76.0': again '77.439': soon after burnout a genus separates and '8.96': national aeronautics and space '80.08': the 850 pound orbiter will be on its way '84.0': now speeding through space at 25 000 '86.799': miles per hour the vehicle will extend '89.439': its two-way earth communication antennas '93.2': and solar panels will open to capture '95.6': and convert the sun's energy into '97.68': electrical power for orbiter's systems
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, "Lunar Orbiter 4 image, with Hainzel at bottom, Hainzel C below right of center, and Hainzel A above center", "\"月球轨道器4号拍摄的图像,海因泽尔陨石坑位于下部,中右为\"\"海因泽尔C\"\",中上为\"\"海因泽尔A\"\"。\"", "\"月球軌道器4號拍攝的圖像,海因澤爾隕石坑位於下部,中右為\"\"海因澤爾 C\"\",中上為\"\"海因澤爾 A\"\"。\"" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, null, null, null ], "context_page_description": [ "Hainzel es el miembro más meridional de un trío de cráteres de impacto lunares superpuestos. Se halla en el borde oeste del Lacus Timoris, en el cuadrante sudoeste de la Luna. El cráter severamente desgastado Mee es adyacente al lado sudoeste de la formación; su brocal forma una cresta al sur de Hainzel.", "Hainzel is the southern member of a trio of overlapping lunar impact craters. The composite rim is located at the west edge of Lacus Timoris in the southwest sector of the Moon. The heavily worn crater Mee is attached to the southwest wall; its rim forms a ridge running from the south of the Hainzel formation.", "\"海因泽尔陨石坑是月球正面恐怖湖西南一座三合坑中一座最大、最古老的撞击坑,直径70公里,名称取自第谷·布拉赫的合作者,德国天文学家及奥格斯堡市市长\"\"保罗·海因泽尔\"\"。", "\"海因澤爾隕石坑是月球正面恐怖湖西南一座三合坑中一座最大、最古老的撞擊坑,直徑70公里,名稱取自第谷·布拉赫的合作者,德國天文學家及奧格斯堡市市長\"\"保羅·海因澤爾\"\"。" ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, null, null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Hainzel (cráter)", "Hainzel (crater)", "海因泽尔陨石坑", "海因泽尔陨石坑" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "es", "en", "zh", "zh-TW" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Hainzel (cráter)", "Hainzel (crater)", "海因泽尔陨石坑", "海因泽尔陨石坑" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null, null ] }
(1 Aug 1966) Available in HD on Isilon Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter: Facebook: ​​ Instagram: You can license this story through AP Archive:
'10.559': administration are making final '100.88': tiny attitude control jets located on '103.28': the corners of the heat shield will be '105.36': fired to position the vehicle to aim its '107.92': solar panels toward the sun '110.399': and aim its tracker for a fix on its '112.799': navigational star canopus '115.759': after 15 hours of flight toward the moon '118.32': lunar orbiter will fire its velocity '12.48': preparations to launch one of a series '120.56': control rocket to make a mid-course '122.799': correction '124.479': later in the journey as the orbiter gets '126.479': closer to the moon the velocity control '128.879': rocket will be fired again to slow the '131.599': spacecraft '133.2': this will serve to trap the spacecraft '135.52': in an off-center orbit around the moon '137.92': where it will circle from four to six '14.88': of lunar orbiters '140.319': days '141.2': by tracking this orbit scientists on '143.599': earth will obtain their first precise '145.76': information about the effects of the '147.92': moon's gravitational field on the '150.239': spacecraft '152.0': with this knowledge they will be able to '154.16': lower the vehicle's orbit to a close 28 '156.72': miles for photography of the moon's '158.8': surface '160.239': control of the spacecraft is '161.76': accomplished through instructions stored '163.68': in an onboard computer '165.76': mission control personnel can radio new '168.16': instructions for storage or can bypass '170.959': the computer to control the orbiter '172.959': directly '174.4': operating on these instructions the '176.56': lunar orbiter will turn itself to aim '178.72': its two camera lenses downward during '18.16': the satellite's primary mission is to '181.44': picture taking orbits '183.519': then as it soars over the desired areas '186.319': it will take a series of pictures '189.12': one lens will cover an area of 25 square '192.0': miles and record objects as small as a '194.72': card table '196.0': the other will make overlapping '197.599': photographs of 440 square mile sections '20.4': photograph landing areas on the moon for '201.44': during its mission the lunar orbiter '203.599': will take 160 pairs of pictures while '206.799': filming 12 000 square miles '209.68': an area as large as the combined area of '212.319': massachusetts and connecticut '214.879': while photography is in progress the '217.04': camera will begin to automatically '219.04': develop and store the exposed film '22.72': america's astronauts '222.799': following each series of exposures the '225.2': orbiter will again aim its solar panels '227.68': at the sun '229.36': when picture transmission takes place '231.28': the stored images will be sent in the '233.12': form of an electronic signal produced by '235.84': a light scanning the stored negatives '239.28': at goldstone '240.64': near an abandoned gold mine in '242.319': california's mojave desert this 85-foot '245.439': diameter antenna is the communication '247.92': link with the lunar orbiter '250.0': it's similar to two other antennas in '252.4': australia and spain '254.56': surrounding hills protected from random '256.72': radio signals '258.479': the antenna control team tracks the '26.08': an atlas agena booster will launch the '260.4': orbiter with signals the orbiter send '262.479': back to earth '263.84': the team also directs the flow of '265.68': signals from the antenna to the orbiter '268.88': this equipment generates signals to the '270.88': spacecraft the orbiter's computer '273.28': responds to the signals and controls the '275.919': orbiter accordingly '277.919': these men are the last human link '28.08': orbiter from cape kennedy '280.16': between earth and the spacecraft '283.28': incoming photographic information from '285.36': the orbiter is fed into this equipment '287.84': where electronic wizardry converts the '289.919': electronic signal to a pinpoint of light '292.479': of varying intensity '294.639': the tiny beam sweeps back and forth '297.12': exposing a moving strip of 35 millimeter '300.24': film '301.919': when processed the resulting negative '304.16': shows what the orbiter's camera saw '306.96': at the receiving station technicians '309.36': will process and study samples of the '311.6': exposed negative to ensure that signals '314.24': are coming back properly and that the '316.32': orbiter's camera is correctly set '319.039': most of the 18 miles of film will be '321.759': sent to a reassembly facility where the '324.32': strips will be developed and arranged '326.32': into large negatives prints of these '328.72': negatives will form the basis for lunar '331.12': maps '333.759': although direct communication with the '335.6': lunar orbiter is via goldstone or '338.56': australia or spain the mission is '340.8': directed from the space flight '342.32': operations facility in pasadena '345.039': sitting side by side nasa and boeing '347.759': engineers evaluate and act upon '350.72': information received from the antennas '354.72': the information comes to the pasadena '356.72': computer center and is translated into a '359.12': form understandable to engineers '362.24': they use it to determine the lunar '363.919': orbiter's velocity attitude temperature '366.8': power situation and some 50 other '369.12': conditions '370.4': this automatic drawing machine charts '372.479': the data '373.759': other engineers keep track of the '375.28': orbiter's location and direction '377.84': they plot course changes and calculate '380.0': when and how the spacecraft should be '382.16': maneuvered '383.6': this control room is the nerve center of '385.68': the entire mission the operations '387.919': director and his assistant are in voice '390.319': contact with key personnel at those '392.479': installations throughout the world which '394.88': gather and record flight information '397.44': engineers here at pasadena interpret the '400.08': information '401.28': and the operations directors use the '403.44': results to make final flight decisions '407.44': when its photographic mission has been '409.28': completed in about a month the lunar '411.599': orbiter will continue to circle the moon '414.319': providing information about '415.88': micrometeoroids and radiation in the '417.919': moon's vicinity '419.44': this data along with the photographs is '422.08': vital to landing men on the moon '52.8': when orbital speed and altitude are '54.96': achieved the atlas booster and nose '57.199': shroud will separate '58.96': and the agena will fire to place itself '61.44': and the lunar orbiter into a 100-mile '64.159': high orbit around the earth '66.08': they must travel to the exact point in '68.24': space from which a gina can put the '7.04': engineers of the boeing company and the '70.32': lunar orbiter on its path to the moon '73.439': when this point is reached ajina fires '76.0': again '77.439': soon after burnout a genus separates and '8.96': national aeronautics and space '80.08': the 850 pound orbiter will be on its way '84.0': now speeding through space at 25 000 '86.799': miles per hour the vehicle will extend '89.439': its two-way earth communication antennas '93.2': and solar panels will open to capture '95.6': and convert the sun's energy into '97.68': electrical power for orbiter's systems
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, "Lunar Orbiter 4 image, with Hainzel at bottom, Hainzel C below right of center, and Hainzel A above center", "\"月球轨道器4号拍摄的图像,海因泽尔陨石坑位于下部,中右为\"\"海因泽尔C\"\",中上为\"\"海因泽尔A\"\"。\"", "\"月球軌道器4號拍攝的圖像,海因澤爾隕石坑位於下部,中右為\"\"海因澤爾 C\"\",中上為\"\"海因澤爾 A\"\"。\"" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, null, null, null ], "context_page_description": [ "Hainzel es el miembro más meridional de un trío de cráteres de impacto lunares superpuestos. Se halla en el borde oeste del Lacus Timoris, en el cuadrante sudoeste de la Luna. El cráter severamente desgastado Mee es adyacente al lado sudoeste de la formación; su brocal forma una cresta al sur de Hainzel.", "Hainzel is the southern member of a trio of overlapping lunar impact craters. The composite rim is located at the west edge of Lacus Timoris in the southwest sector of the Moon. The heavily worn crater Mee is attached to the southwest wall; its rim forms a ridge running from the south of the Hainzel formation.", "\"海因泽尔陨石坑是月球正面恐怖湖西南一座三合坑中一座最大、最古老的撞击坑,直径70公里,名称取自第谷·布拉赫的合作者,德国天文学家及奥格斯堡市市长\"\"保罗·海因泽尔\"\"。", "\"海因澤爾隕石坑是月球正面恐怖湖西南一座三合坑中一座最大、最古老的撞擊坑,直徑70公里,名稱取自第谷·布拉赫的合作者,德國天文學家及奧格斯堡市市長\"\"保羅·海因澤爾\"\"。" ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, null, null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Hainzel (cráter)", "Hainzel (crater)", "海因泽尔陨石坑", "海因泽尔陨石坑" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "es", "en", "zh", "zh-TW" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Hainzel (cráter)", "Hainzel (crater)", "海因泽尔陨石坑", "海因泽尔陨石坑" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null, null ] }
(1 Aug 1966) Available in HD on Isilon Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter: Facebook: ​​ Instagram: You can license this story through AP Archive:
'10.559': administration are making final '100.88': tiny attitude control jets located on '103.28': the corners of the heat shield will be '105.36': fired to position the vehicle to aim its '107.92': solar panels toward the sun '110.399': and aim its tracker for a fix on its '112.799': navigational star canopus '115.759': after 15 hours of flight toward the moon '118.32': lunar orbiter will fire its velocity '12.48': preparations to launch one of a series '120.56': control rocket to make a mid-course '122.799': correction '124.479': later in the journey as the orbiter gets '126.479': closer to the moon the velocity control '128.879': rocket will be fired again to slow the '131.599': spacecraft '133.2': this will serve to trap the spacecraft '135.52': in an off-center orbit around the moon '137.92': where it will circle from four to six '14.88': of lunar orbiters '140.319': days '141.2': by tracking this orbit scientists on '143.599': earth will obtain their first precise '145.76': information about the effects of the '147.92': moon's gravitational field on the '150.239': spacecraft '152.0': with this knowledge they will be able to '154.16': lower the vehicle's orbit to a close 28 '156.72': miles for photography of the moon's '158.8': surface '160.239': control of the spacecraft is '161.76': accomplished through instructions stored '163.68': in an onboard computer '165.76': mission control personnel can radio new '168.16': instructions for storage or can bypass '170.959': the computer to control the orbiter '172.959': directly '174.4': operating on these instructions the '176.56': lunar orbiter will turn itself to aim '178.72': its two camera lenses downward during '18.16': the satellite's primary mission is to '181.44': picture taking orbits '183.519': then as it soars over the desired areas '186.319': it will take a series of pictures '189.12': one lens will cover an area of 25 square '192.0': miles and record objects as small as a '194.72': card table '196.0': the other will make overlapping '197.599': photographs of 440 square mile sections '20.4': photograph landing areas on the moon for '201.44': during its mission the lunar orbiter '203.599': will take 160 pairs of pictures while '206.799': filming 12 000 square miles '209.68': an area as large as the combined area of '212.319': massachusetts and connecticut '214.879': while photography is in progress the '217.04': camera will begin to automatically '219.04': develop and store the exposed film '22.72': america's astronauts '222.799': following each series of exposures the '225.2': orbiter will again aim its solar panels '227.68': at the sun '229.36': when picture transmission takes place '231.28': the stored images will be sent in the '233.12': form of an electronic signal produced by '235.84': a light scanning the stored negatives '239.28': at goldstone '240.64': near an abandoned gold mine in '242.319': california's mojave desert this 85-foot '245.439': diameter antenna is the communication '247.92': link with the lunar orbiter '250.0': it's similar to two other antennas in '252.4': australia and spain '254.56': surrounding hills protected from random '256.72': radio signals '258.479': the antenna control team tracks the '26.08': an atlas agena booster will launch the '260.4': orbiter with signals the orbiter send '262.479': back to earth '263.84': the team also directs the flow of '265.68': signals from the antenna to the orbiter '268.88': this equipment generates signals to the '270.88': spacecraft the orbiter's computer '273.28': responds to the signals and controls the '275.919': orbiter accordingly '277.919': these men are the last human link '28.08': orbiter from cape kennedy '280.16': between earth and the spacecraft '283.28': incoming photographic information from '285.36': the orbiter is fed into this equipment '287.84': where electronic wizardry converts the '289.919': electronic signal to a pinpoint of light '292.479': of varying intensity '294.639': the tiny beam sweeps back and forth '297.12': exposing a moving strip of 35 millimeter '300.24': film '301.919': when processed the resulting negative '304.16': shows what the orbiter's camera saw '306.96': at the receiving station technicians '309.36': will process and study samples of the '311.6': exposed negative to ensure that signals '314.24': are coming back properly and that the '316.32': orbiter's camera is correctly set '319.039': most of the 18 miles of film will be '321.759': sent to a reassembly facility where the '324.32': strips will be developed and arranged '326.32': into large negatives prints of these '328.72': negatives will form the basis for lunar '331.12': maps '333.759': although direct communication with the '335.6': lunar orbiter is via goldstone or '338.56': australia or spain the mission is '340.8': directed from the space flight '342.32': operations facility in pasadena '345.039': sitting side by side nasa and boeing '347.759': engineers evaluate and act upon '350.72': information received from the antennas '354.72': the information comes to the pasadena '356.72': computer center and is translated into a '359.12': form understandable to engineers '362.24': they use it to determine the lunar '363.919': orbiter's velocity attitude temperature '366.8': power situation and some 50 other '369.12': conditions '370.4': this automatic drawing machine charts '372.479': the data '373.759': other engineers keep track of the '375.28': orbiter's location and direction '377.84': they plot course changes and calculate '380.0': when and how the spacecraft should be '382.16': maneuvered '383.6': this control room is the nerve center of '385.68': the entire mission the operations '387.919': director and his assistant are in voice '390.319': contact with key personnel at those '392.479': installations throughout the world which '394.88': gather and record flight information '397.44': engineers here at pasadena interpret the '400.08': information '401.28': and the operations directors use the '403.44': results to make final flight decisions '407.44': when its photographic mission has been '409.28': completed in about a month the lunar '411.599': orbiter will continue to circle the moon '414.319': providing information about '415.88': micrometeoroids and radiation in the '417.919': moon's vicinity '419.44': this data along with the photographs is '422.08': vital to landing men on the moon '52.8': when orbital speed and altitude are '54.96': achieved the atlas booster and nose '57.199': shroud will separate '58.96': and the agena will fire to place itself '61.44': and the lunar orbiter into a 100-mile '64.159': high orbit around the earth '66.08': they must travel to the exact point in '68.24': space from which a gina can put the '7.04': engineers of the boeing company and the '70.32': lunar orbiter on its path to the moon '73.439': when this point is reached ajina fires '76.0': again '77.439': soon after burnout a genus separates and '8.96': national aeronautics and space '80.08': the 850 pound orbiter will be on its way '84.0': now speeding through space at 25 000 '86.799': miles per hour the vehicle will extend '89.439': its two-way earth communication antennas '93.2': and solar panels will open to capture '95.6': and convert the sun's energy into '97.68': electrical power for orbiter's systems
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, "Lunar Orbiter 4 image, with Hainzel at bottom, Hainzel C below right of center, and Hainzel A above center", "\"月球轨道器4号拍摄的图像,海因泽尔陨石坑位于下部,中右为\"\"海因泽尔C\"\",中上为\"\"海因泽尔A\"\"。\"", "\"月球軌道器4號拍攝的圖像,海因澤爾隕石坑位於下部,中右為\"\"海因澤爾 C\"\",中上為\"\"海因澤爾 A\"\"。\"" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, null, null, null ], "context_page_description": [ "Hainzel es el miembro más meridional de un trío de cráteres de impacto lunares superpuestos. Se halla en el borde oeste del Lacus Timoris, en el cuadrante sudoeste de la Luna. El cráter severamente desgastado Mee es adyacente al lado sudoeste de la formación; su brocal forma una cresta al sur de Hainzel.", "Hainzel is the southern member of a trio of overlapping lunar impact craters. The composite rim is located at the west edge of Lacus Timoris in the southwest sector of the Moon. The heavily worn crater Mee is attached to the southwest wall; its rim forms a ridge running from the south of the Hainzel formation.", "\"海因泽尔陨石坑是月球正面恐怖湖西南一座三合坑中一座最大、最古老的撞击坑,直径70公里,名称取自第谷·布拉赫的合作者,德国天文学家及奥格斯堡市市长\"\"保罗·海因泽尔\"\"。", "\"海因澤爾隕石坑是月球正面恐怖湖西南一座三合坑中一座最大、最古老的撞擊坑,直徑70公里,名稱取自第谷·布拉赫的合作者,德國天文學家及奧格斯堡市市長\"\"保羅·海因澤爾\"\"。" ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, null, null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Hainzel (cráter)", "Hainzel (crater)", "海因泽尔陨石坑", "海因泽尔陨石坑" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "es", "en", "zh", "zh-TW" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Hainzel (cráter)", "Hainzel (crater)", "海因泽尔陨石坑", "海因泽尔陨石坑" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null, null ] }
(1 Aug 1966) Available in HD on Isilon Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter: Facebook: ​​ Instagram: You can license this story through AP Archive:
'10.559': administration are making final '100.88': tiny attitude control jets located on '103.28': the corners of the heat shield will be '105.36': fired to position the vehicle to aim its '107.92': solar panels toward the sun '110.399': and aim its tracker for a fix on its '112.799': navigational star canopus '115.759': after 15 hours of flight toward the moon '118.32': lunar orbiter will fire its velocity '12.48': preparations to launch one of a series '120.56': control rocket to make a mid-course '122.799': correction '124.479': later in the journey as the orbiter gets '126.479': closer to the moon the velocity control '128.879': rocket will be fired again to slow the '131.599': spacecraft '133.2': this will serve to trap the spacecraft '135.52': in an off-center orbit around the moon '137.92': where it will circle from four to six '14.88': of lunar orbiters '140.319': days '141.2': by tracking this orbit scientists on '143.599': earth will obtain their first precise '145.76': information about the effects of the '147.92': moon's gravitational field on the '150.239': spacecraft '152.0': with this knowledge they will be able to '154.16': lower the vehicle's orbit to a close 28 '156.72': miles for photography of the moon's '158.8': surface '160.239': control of the spacecraft is '161.76': accomplished through instructions stored '163.68': in an onboard computer '165.76': mission control personnel can radio new '168.16': instructions for storage or can bypass '170.959': the computer to control the orbiter '172.959': directly '174.4': operating on these instructions the '176.56': lunar orbiter will turn itself to aim '178.72': its two camera lenses downward during '18.16': the satellite's primary mission is to '181.44': picture taking orbits '183.519': then as it soars over the desired areas '186.319': it will take a series of pictures '189.12': one lens will cover an area of 25 square '192.0': miles and record objects as small as a '194.72': card table '196.0': the other will make overlapping '197.599': photographs of 440 square mile sections '20.4': photograph landing areas on the moon for '201.44': during its mission the lunar orbiter '203.599': will take 160 pairs of pictures while '206.799': filming 12 000 square miles '209.68': an area as large as the combined area of '212.319': massachusetts and connecticut '214.879': while photography is in progress the '217.04': camera will begin to automatically '219.04': develop and store the exposed film '22.72': america's astronauts '222.799': following each series of exposures the '225.2': orbiter will again aim its solar panels '227.68': at the sun '229.36': when picture transmission takes place '231.28': the stored images will be sent in the '233.12': form of an electronic signal produced by '235.84': a light scanning the stored negatives '239.28': at goldstone '240.64': near an abandoned gold mine in '242.319': california's mojave desert this 85-foot '245.439': diameter antenna is the communication '247.92': link with the lunar orbiter '250.0': it's similar to two other antennas in '252.4': australia and spain '254.56': surrounding hills protected from random '256.72': radio signals '258.479': the antenna control team tracks the '26.08': an atlas agena booster will launch the '260.4': orbiter with signals the orbiter send '262.479': back to earth '263.84': the team also directs the flow of '265.68': signals from the antenna to the orbiter '268.88': this equipment generates signals to the '270.88': spacecraft the orbiter's computer '273.28': responds to the signals and controls the '275.919': orbiter accordingly '277.919': these men are the last human link '28.08': orbiter from cape kennedy '280.16': between earth and the spacecraft '283.28': incoming photographic information from '285.36': the orbiter is fed into this equipment '287.84': where electronic wizardry converts the '289.919': electronic signal to a pinpoint of light '292.479': of varying intensity '294.639': the tiny beam sweeps back and forth '297.12': exposing a moving strip of 35 millimeter '300.24': film '301.919': when processed the resulting negative '304.16': shows what the orbiter's camera saw '306.96': at the receiving station technicians '309.36': will process and study samples of the '311.6': exposed negative to ensure that signals '314.24': are coming back properly and that the '316.32': orbiter's camera is correctly set '319.039': most of the 18 miles of film will be '321.759': sent to a reassembly facility where the '324.32': strips will be developed and arranged '326.32': into large negatives prints of these '328.72': negatives will form the basis for lunar '331.12': maps '333.759': although direct communication with the '335.6': lunar orbiter is via goldstone or '338.56': australia or spain the mission is '340.8': directed from the space flight '342.32': operations facility in pasadena '345.039': sitting side by side nasa and boeing '347.759': engineers evaluate and act upon '350.72': information received from the antennas '354.72': the information comes to the pasadena '356.72': computer center and is translated into a '359.12': form understandable to engineers '362.24': they use it to determine the lunar '363.919': orbiter's velocity attitude temperature '366.8': power situation and some 50 other '369.12': conditions '370.4': this automatic drawing machine charts '372.479': the data '373.759': other engineers keep track of the '375.28': orbiter's location and direction '377.84': they plot course changes and calculate '380.0': when and how the spacecraft should be '382.16': maneuvered '383.6': this control room is the nerve center of '385.68': the entire mission the operations '387.919': director and his assistant are in voice '390.319': contact with key personnel at those '392.479': installations throughout the world which '394.88': gather and record flight information '397.44': engineers here at pasadena interpret the '400.08': information '401.28': and the operations directors use the '403.44': results to make final flight decisions '407.44': when its photographic mission has been '409.28': completed in about a month the lunar '411.599': orbiter will continue to circle the moon '414.319': providing information about '415.88': micrometeoroids and radiation in the '417.919': moon's vicinity '419.44': this data along with the photographs is '422.08': vital to landing men on the moon '52.8': when orbital speed and altitude are '54.96': achieved the atlas booster and nose '57.199': shroud will separate '58.96': and the agena will fire to place itself '61.44': and the lunar orbiter into a 100-mile '64.159': high orbit around the earth '66.08': they must travel to the exact point in '68.24': space from which a gina can put the '7.04': engineers of the boeing company and the '70.32': lunar orbiter on its path to the moon '73.439': when this point is reached ajina fires '76.0': again '77.439': soon after burnout a genus separates and '8.96': national aeronautics and space '80.08': the 850 pound orbiter will be on its way '84.0': now speeding through space at 25 000 '86.799': miles per hour the vehicle will extend '89.439': its two-way earth communication antennas '93.2': and solar panels will open to capture '95.6': and convert the sun's energy into '97.68': electrical power for orbiter's systems
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, "Lunar Orbiter 4 image, with Hainzel at bottom, Hainzel C below right of center, and Hainzel A above center", "\"月球轨道器4号拍摄的图像,海因泽尔陨石坑位于下部,中右为\"\"海因泽尔C\"\",中上为\"\"海因泽尔A\"\"。\"", "\"月球軌道器4號拍攝的圖像,海因澤爾隕石坑位於下部,中右為\"\"海因澤爾 C\"\",中上為\"\"海因澤爾 A\"\"。\"" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, null, null, null ], "context_page_description": [ "Hainzel es el miembro más meridional de un trío de cráteres de impacto lunares superpuestos. Se halla en el borde oeste del Lacus Timoris, en el cuadrante sudoeste de la Luna. El cráter severamente desgastado Mee es adyacente al lado sudoeste de la formación; su brocal forma una cresta al sur de Hainzel.", "Hainzel is the southern member of a trio of overlapping lunar impact craters. The composite rim is located at the west edge of Lacus Timoris in the southwest sector of the Moon. The heavily worn crater Mee is attached to the southwest wall; its rim forms a ridge running from the south of the Hainzel formation.", "\"海因泽尔陨石坑是月球正面恐怖湖西南一座三合坑中一座最大、最古老的撞击坑,直径70公里,名称取自第谷·布拉赫的合作者,德国天文学家及奥格斯堡市市长\"\"保罗·海因泽尔\"\"。", "\"海因澤爾隕石坑是月球正面恐怖湖西南一座三合坑中一座最大、最古老的撞擊坑,直徑70公里,名稱取自第谷·布拉赫的合作者,德國天文學家及奧格斯堡市市長\"\"保羅·海因澤爾\"\"。" ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, null, null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Hainzel (cráter)", "Hainzel (crater)", "海因泽尔陨石坑", "海因泽尔陨石坑" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "es", "en", "zh", "zh-TW" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Hainzel (cráter)", "Hainzel (crater)", "海因泽尔陨石坑", "海因泽尔陨石坑" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null, null ] }
(1 Aug 1966) Available in HD on Isilon Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter: Facebook: ​​ Instagram: You can license this story through AP Archive:
'10.559': administration are making final '100.88': tiny attitude control jets located on '103.28': the corners of the heat shield will be '105.36': fired to position the vehicle to aim its '107.92': solar panels toward the sun '110.399': and aim its tracker for a fix on its '112.799': navigational star canopus '115.759': after 15 hours of flight toward the moon '118.32': lunar orbiter will fire its velocity '12.48': preparations to launch one of a series '120.56': control rocket to make a mid-course '122.799': correction '124.479': later in the journey as the orbiter gets '126.479': closer to the moon the velocity control '128.879': rocket will be fired again to slow the '131.599': spacecraft '133.2': this will serve to trap the spacecraft '135.52': in an off-center orbit around the moon '137.92': where it will circle from four to six '14.88': of lunar orbiters '140.319': days '141.2': by tracking this orbit scientists on '143.599': earth will obtain their first precise '145.76': information about the effects of the '147.92': moon's gravitational field on the '150.239': spacecraft '152.0': with this knowledge they will be able to '154.16': lower the vehicle's orbit to a close 28 '156.72': miles for photography of the moon's '158.8': surface '160.239': control of the spacecraft is '161.76': accomplished through instructions stored '163.68': in an onboard computer '165.76': mission control personnel can radio new '168.16': instructions for storage or can bypass '170.959': the computer to control the orbiter '172.959': directly '174.4': operating on these instructions the '176.56': lunar orbiter will turn itself to aim '178.72': its two camera lenses downward during '18.16': the satellite's primary mission is to '181.44': picture taking orbits '183.519': then as it soars over the desired areas '186.319': it will take a series of pictures '189.12': one lens will cover an area of 25 square '192.0': miles and record objects as small as a '194.72': card table '196.0': the other will make overlapping '197.599': photographs of 440 square mile sections '20.4': photograph landing areas on the moon for '201.44': during its mission the lunar orbiter '203.599': will take 160 pairs of pictures while '206.799': filming 12 000 square miles '209.68': an area as large as the combined area of '212.319': massachusetts and connecticut '214.879': while photography is in progress the '217.04': camera will begin to automatically '219.04': develop and store the exposed film '22.72': america's astronauts '222.799': following each series of exposures the '225.2': orbiter will again aim its solar panels '227.68': at the sun '229.36': when picture transmission takes place '231.28': the stored images will be sent in the '233.12': form of an electronic signal produced by '235.84': a light scanning the stored negatives '239.28': at goldstone '240.64': near an abandoned gold mine in '242.319': california's mojave desert this 85-foot '245.439': diameter antenna is the communication '247.92': link with the lunar orbiter '250.0': it's similar to two other antennas in '252.4': australia and spain '254.56': surrounding hills protected from random '256.72': radio signals '258.479': the antenna control team tracks the '26.08': an atlas agena booster will launch the '260.4': orbiter with signals the orbiter send '262.479': back to earth '263.84': the team also directs the flow of '265.68': signals from the antenna to the orbiter '268.88': this equipment generates signals to the '270.88': spacecraft the orbiter's computer '273.28': responds to the signals and controls the '275.919': orbiter accordingly '277.919': these men are the last human link '28.08': orbiter from cape kennedy '280.16': between earth and the spacecraft '283.28': incoming photographic information from '285.36': the orbiter is fed into this equipment '287.84': where electronic wizardry converts the '289.919': electronic signal to a pinpoint of light '292.479': of varying intensity '294.639': the tiny beam sweeps back and forth '297.12': exposing a moving strip of 35 millimeter '300.24': film '301.919': when processed the resulting negative '304.16': shows what the orbiter's camera saw '306.96': at the receiving station technicians '309.36': will process and study samples of the '311.6': exposed negative to ensure that signals '314.24': are coming back properly and that the '316.32': orbiter's camera is correctly set '319.039': most of the 18 miles of film will be '321.759': sent to a reassembly facility where the '324.32': strips will be developed and arranged '326.32': into large negatives prints of these '328.72': negatives will form the basis for lunar '331.12': maps '333.759': although direct communication with the '335.6': lunar orbiter is via goldstone or '338.56': australia or spain the mission is '340.8': directed from the space flight '342.32': operations facility in pasadena '345.039': sitting side by side nasa and boeing '347.759': engineers evaluate and act upon '350.72': information received from the antennas '354.72': the information comes to the pasadena '356.72': computer center and is translated into a '359.12': form understandable to engineers '362.24': they use it to determine the lunar '363.919': orbiter's velocity attitude temperature '366.8': power situation and some 50 other '369.12': conditions '370.4': this automatic drawing machine charts '372.479': the data '373.759': other engineers keep track of the '375.28': orbiter's location and direction '377.84': they plot course changes and calculate '380.0': when and how the spacecraft should be '382.16': maneuvered '383.6': this control room is the nerve center of '385.68': the entire mission the operations '387.919': director and his assistant are in voice '390.319': contact with key personnel at those '392.479': installations throughout the world which '394.88': gather and record flight information '397.44': engineers here at pasadena interpret the '400.08': information '401.28': and the operations directors use the '403.44': results to make final flight decisions '407.44': when its photographic mission has been '409.28': completed in about a month the lunar '411.599': orbiter will continue to circle the moon '414.319': providing information about '415.88': micrometeoroids and radiation in the '417.919': moon's vicinity '419.44': this data along with the photographs is '422.08': vital to landing men on the moon '52.8': when orbital speed and altitude are '54.96': achieved the atlas booster and nose '57.199': shroud will separate '58.96': and the agena will fire to place itself '61.44': and the lunar orbiter into a 100-mile '64.159': high orbit around the earth '66.08': they must travel to the exact point in '68.24': space from which a gina can put the '7.04': engineers of the boeing company and the '70.32': lunar orbiter on its path to the moon '73.439': when this point is reached ajina fires '76.0': again '77.439': soon after burnout a genus separates and '8.96': national aeronautics and space '80.08': the 850 pound orbiter will be on its way '84.0': now speeding through space at 25 000 '86.799': miles per hour the vehicle will extend '89.439': its two-way earth communication antennas '93.2': and solar panels will open to capture '95.6': and convert the sun's energy into '97.68': electrical power for orbiter's systems
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, "Lunar Orbiter 4 image, with Hainzel at bottom, Hainzel C below right of center, and Hainzel A above center", "\"月球轨道器4号拍摄的图像,海因泽尔陨石坑位于下部,中右为\"\"海因泽尔C\"\",中上为\"\"海因泽尔A\"\"。\"", "\"月球軌道器4號拍攝的圖像,海因澤爾隕石坑位於下部,中右為\"\"海因澤爾 C\"\",中上為\"\"海因澤爾 A\"\"。\"" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, null, null, null ], "context_page_description": [ "Hainzel es el miembro más meridional de un trío de cráteres de impacto lunares superpuestos. Se halla en el borde oeste del Lacus Timoris, en el cuadrante sudoeste de la Luna. El cráter severamente desgastado Mee es adyacente al lado sudoeste de la formación; su brocal forma una cresta al sur de Hainzel.", "Hainzel is the southern member of a trio of overlapping lunar impact craters. The composite rim is located at the west edge of Lacus Timoris in the southwest sector of the Moon. The heavily worn crater Mee is attached to the southwest wall; its rim forms a ridge running from the south of the Hainzel formation.", "\"海因泽尔陨石坑是月球正面恐怖湖西南一座三合坑中一座最大、最古老的撞击坑,直径70公里,名称取自第谷·布拉赫的合作者,德国天文学家及奥格斯堡市市长\"\"保罗·海因泽尔\"\"。", "\"海因澤爾隕石坑是月球正面恐怖湖西南一座三合坑中一座最大、最古老的撞擊坑,直徑70公里,名稱取自第谷·布拉赫的合作者,德國天文學家及奧格斯堡市市長\"\"保羅·海因澤爾\"\"。" ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, null, null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Hainzel (cráter)", "Hainzel (crater)", "海因泽尔陨石坑", "海因泽尔陨石坑" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "es", "en", "zh", "zh-TW" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Hainzel (cráter)", "Hainzel (crater)", "海因泽尔陨石坑", "海因泽尔陨石坑" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null, null ] }
(1 Aug 1966) Available in HD on Isilon Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter: Facebook: ​​ Instagram: You can license this story through AP Archive:
'10.559': administration are making final '100.88': tiny attitude control jets located on '103.28': the corners of the heat shield will be '105.36': fired to position the vehicle to aim its '107.92': solar panels toward the sun '110.399': and aim its tracker for a fix on its '112.799': navigational star canopus '115.759': after 15 hours of flight toward the moon '118.32': lunar orbiter will fire its velocity '12.48': preparations to launch one of a series '120.56': control rocket to make a mid-course '122.799': correction '124.479': later in the journey as the orbiter gets '126.479': closer to the moon the velocity control '128.879': rocket will be fired again to slow the '131.599': spacecraft '133.2': this will serve to trap the spacecraft '135.52': in an off-center orbit around the moon '137.92': where it will circle from four to six '14.88': of lunar orbiters '140.319': days '141.2': by tracking this orbit scientists on '143.599': earth will obtain their first precise '145.76': information about the effects of the '147.92': moon's gravitational field on the '150.239': spacecraft '152.0': with this knowledge they will be able to '154.16': lower the vehicle's orbit to a close 28 '156.72': miles for photography of the moon's '158.8': surface '160.239': control of the spacecraft is '161.76': accomplished through instructions stored '163.68': in an onboard computer '165.76': mission control personnel can radio new '168.16': instructions for storage or can bypass '170.959': the computer to control the orbiter '172.959': directly '174.4': operating on these instructions the '176.56': lunar orbiter will turn itself to aim '178.72': its two camera lenses downward during '18.16': the satellite's primary mission is to '181.44': picture taking orbits '183.519': then as it soars over the desired areas '186.319': it will take a series of pictures '189.12': one lens will cover an area of 25 square '192.0': miles and record objects as small as a '194.72': card table '196.0': the other will make overlapping '197.599': photographs of 440 square mile sections '20.4': photograph landing areas on the moon for '201.44': during its mission the lunar orbiter '203.599': will take 160 pairs of pictures while '206.799': filming 12 000 square miles '209.68': an area as large as the combined area of '212.319': massachusetts and connecticut '214.879': while photography is in progress the '217.04': camera will begin to automatically '219.04': develop and store the exposed film '22.72': america's astronauts '222.799': following each series of exposures the '225.2': orbiter will again aim its solar panels '227.68': at the sun '229.36': when picture transmission takes place '231.28': the stored images will be sent in the '233.12': form of an electronic signal produced by '235.84': a light scanning the stored negatives '239.28': at goldstone '240.64': near an abandoned gold mine in '242.319': california's mojave desert this 85-foot '245.439': diameter antenna is the communication '247.92': link with the lunar orbiter '250.0': it's similar to two other antennas in '252.4': australia and spain '254.56': surrounding hills protected from random '256.72': radio signals '258.479': the antenna control team tracks the '26.08': an atlas agena booster will launch the '260.4': orbiter with signals the orbiter send '262.479': back to earth '263.84': the team also directs the flow of '265.68': signals from the antenna to the orbiter '268.88': this equipment generates signals to the '270.88': spacecraft the orbiter's computer '273.28': responds to the signals and controls the '275.919': orbiter accordingly '277.919': these men are the last human link '28.08': orbiter from cape kennedy '280.16': between earth and the spacecraft '283.28': incoming photographic information from '285.36': the orbiter is fed into this equipment '287.84': where electronic wizardry converts the '289.919': electronic signal to a pinpoint of light '292.479': of varying intensity '294.639': the tiny beam sweeps back and forth '297.12': exposing a moving strip of 35 millimeter '300.24': film '301.919': when processed the resulting negative '304.16': shows what the orbiter's camera saw '306.96': at the receiving station technicians '309.36': will process and study samples of the '311.6': exposed negative to ensure that signals '314.24': are coming back properly and that the '316.32': orbiter's camera is correctly set '319.039': most of the 18 miles of film will be '321.759': sent to a reassembly facility where the '324.32': strips will be developed and arranged '326.32': into large negatives prints of these '328.72': negatives will form the basis for lunar '331.12': maps '333.759': although direct communication with the '335.6': lunar orbiter is via goldstone or '338.56': australia or spain the mission is '340.8': directed from the space flight '342.32': operations facility in pasadena '345.039': sitting side by side nasa and boeing '347.759': engineers evaluate and act upon '350.72': information received from the antennas '354.72': the information comes to the pasadena '356.72': computer center and is translated into a '359.12': form understandable to engineers '362.24': they use it to determine the lunar '363.919': orbiter's velocity attitude temperature '366.8': power situation and some 50 other '369.12': conditions '370.4': this automatic drawing machine charts '372.479': the data '373.759': other engineers keep track of the '375.28': orbiter's location and direction '377.84': they plot course changes and calculate '380.0': when and how the spacecraft should be '382.16': maneuvered '383.6': this control room is the nerve center of '385.68': the entire mission the operations '387.919': director and his assistant are in voice '390.319': contact with key personnel at those '392.479': installations throughout the world which '394.88': gather and record flight information '397.44': engineers here at pasadena interpret the '400.08': information '401.28': and the operations directors use the '403.44': results to make final flight decisions '407.44': when its photographic mission has been '409.28': completed in about a month the lunar '411.599': orbiter will continue to circle the moon '414.319': providing information about '415.88': micrometeoroids and radiation in the '417.919': moon's vicinity '419.44': this data along with the photographs is '422.08': vital to landing men on the moon '52.8': when orbital speed and altitude are '54.96': achieved the atlas booster and nose '57.199': shroud will separate '58.96': and the agena will fire to place itself '61.44': and the lunar orbiter into a 100-mile '64.159': high orbit around the earth '66.08': they must travel to the exact point in '68.24': space from which a gina can put the '7.04': engineers of the boeing company and the '70.32': lunar orbiter on its path to the moon '73.439': when this point is reached ajina fires '76.0': again '77.439': soon after burnout a genus separates and '8.96': national aeronautics and space '80.08': the 850 pound orbiter will be on its way '84.0': now speeding through space at 25 000 '86.799': miles per hour the vehicle will extend '89.439': its two-way earth communication antennas '93.2': and solar panels will open to capture '95.6': and convert the sun's energy into '97.68': electrical power for orbiter's systems
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, "Lunar Orbiter 4 image, with Hainzel at bottom, Hainzel C below right of center, and Hainzel A above center", "\"月球轨道器4号拍摄的图像,海因泽尔陨石坑位于下部,中右为\"\"海因泽尔C\"\",中上为\"\"海因泽尔A\"\"。\"", "\"月球軌道器4號拍攝的圖像,海因澤爾隕石坑位於下部,中右為\"\"海因澤爾 C\"\",中上為\"\"海因澤爾 A\"\"。\"" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, null, null, null ], "context_page_description": [ "Hainzel es el miembro más meridional de un trío de cráteres de impacto lunares superpuestos. Se halla en el borde oeste del Lacus Timoris, en el cuadrante sudoeste de la Luna. El cráter severamente desgastado Mee es adyacente al lado sudoeste de la formación; su brocal forma una cresta al sur de Hainzel.", "Hainzel is the southern member of a trio of overlapping lunar impact craters. The composite rim is located at the west edge of Lacus Timoris in the southwest sector of the Moon. The heavily worn crater Mee is attached to the southwest wall; its rim forms a ridge running from the south of the Hainzel formation.", "\"海因泽尔陨石坑是月球正面恐怖湖西南一座三合坑中一座最大、最古老的撞击坑,直径70公里,名称取自第谷·布拉赫的合作者,德国天文学家及奥格斯堡市市长\"\"保罗·海因泽尔\"\"。", "\"海因澤爾隕石坑是月球正面恐怖湖西南一座三合坑中一座最大、最古老的撞擊坑,直徑70公里,名稱取自第谷·布拉赫的合作者,德國天文學家及奧格斯堡市市長\"\"保羅·海因澤爾\"\"。" ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, null, null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Hainzel (cráter)", "Hainzel (crater)", "海因泽尔陨石坑", "海因泽尔陨石坑" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "es", "en", "zh", "zh-TW" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Hainzel (cráter)", "Hainzel (crater)", "海因泽尔陨石坑", "海因泽尔陨石坑" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null, null ] }
(1 Aug 1966) Available in HD on Isilon Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter: Facebook: ​​ Instagram: You can license this story through AP Archive:
'10.559': administration are making final '100.88': tiny attitude control jets located on '103.28': the corners of the heat shield will be '105.36': fired to position the vehicle to aim its '107.92': solar panels toward the sun '110.399': and aim its tracker for a fix on its '112.799': navigational star canopus '115.759': after 15 hours of flight toward the moon '118.32': lunar orbiter will fire its velocity '12.48': preparations to launch one of a series '120.56': control rocket to make a mid-course '122.799': correction '124.479': later in the journey as the orbiter gets '126.479': closer to the moon the velocity control '128.879': rocket will be fired again to slow the '131.599': spacecraft '133.2': this will serve to trap the spacecraft '135.52': in an off-center orbit around the moon '137.92': where it will circle from four to six '14.88': of lunar orbiters '140.319': days '141.2': by tracking this orbit scientists on '143.599': earth will obtain their first precise '145.76': information about the effects of the '147.92': moon's gravitational field on the '150.239': spacecraft '152.0': with this knowledge they will be able to '154.16': lower the vehicle's orbit to a close 28 '156.72': miles for photography of the moon's '158.8': surface '160.239': control of the spacecraft is '161.76': accomplished through instructions stored '163.68': in an onboard computer '165.76': mission control personnel can radio new '168.16': instructions for storage or can bypass '170.959': the computer to control the orbiter '172.959': directly '174.4': operating on these instructions the '176.56': lunar orbiter will turn itself to aim '178.72': its two camera lenses downward during '18.16': the satellite's primary mission is to '181.44': picture taking orbits '183.519': then as it soars over the desired areas '186.319': it will take a series of pictures '189.12': one lens will cover an area of 25 square '192.0': miles and record objects as small as a '194.72': card table '196.0': the other will make overlapping '197.599': photographs of 440 square mile sections '20.4': photograph landing areas on the moon for '201.44': during its mission the lunar orbiter '203.599': will take 160 pairs of pictures while '206.799': filming 12 000 square miles '209.68': an area as large as the combined area of '212.319': massachusetts and connecticut '214.879': while photography is in progress the '217.04': camera will begin to automatically '219.04': develop and store the exposed film '22.72': america's astronauts '222.799': following each series of exposures the '225.2': orbiter will again aim its solar panels '227.68': at the sun '229.36': when picture transmission takes place '231.28': the stored images will be sent in the '233.12': form of an electronic signal produced by '235.84': a light scanning the stored negatives '239.28': at goldstone '240.64': near an abandoned gold mine in '242.319': california's mojave desert this 85-foot '245.439': diameter antenna is the communication '247.92': link with the lunar orbiter '250.0': it's similar to two other antennas in '252.4': australia and spain '254.56': surrounding hills protected from random '256.72': radio signals '258.479': the antenna control team tracks the '26.08': an atlas agena booster will launch the '260.4': orbiter with signals the orbiter send '262.479': back to earth '263.84': the team also directs the flow of '265.68': signals from the antenna to the orbiter '268.88': this equipment generates signals to the '270.88': spacecraft the orbiter's computer '273.28': responds to the signals and controls the '275.919': orbiter accordingly '277.919': these men are the last human link '28.08': orbiter from cape kennedy '280.16': between earth and the spacecraft '283.28': incoming photographic information from '285.36': the orbiter is fed into this equipment '287.84': where electronic wizardry converts the '289.919': electronic signal to a pinpoint of light '292.479': of varying intensity '294.639': the tiny beam sweeps back and forth '297.12': exposing a moving strip of 35 millimeter '300.24': film '301.919': when processed the resulting negative '304.16': shows what the orbiter's camera saw '306.96': at the receiving station technicians '309.36': will process and study samples of the '311.6': exposed negative to ensure that signals '314.24': are coming back properly and that the '316.32': orbiter's camera is correctly set '319.039': most of the 18 miles of film will be '321.759': sent to a reassembly facility where the '324.32': strips will be developed and arranged '326.32': into large negatives prints of these '328.72': negatives will form the basis for lunar '331.12': maps '333.759': although direct communication with the '335.6': lunar orbiter is via goldstone or '338.56': australia or spain the mission is '340.8': directed from the space flight '342.32': operations facility in pasadena '345.039': sitting side by side nasa and boeing '347.759': engineers evaluate and act upon '350.72': information received from the antennas '354.72': the information comes to the pasadena '356.72': computer center and is translated into a '359.12': form understandable to engineers '362.24': they use it to determine the lunar '363.919': orbiter's velocity attitude temperature '366.8': power situation and some 50 other '369.12': conditions '370.4': this automatic drawing machine charts '372.479': the data '373.759': other engineers keep track of the '375.28': orbiter's location and direction '377.84': they plot course changes and calculate '380.0': when and how the spacecraft should be '382.16': maneuvered '383.6': this control room is the nerve center of '385.68': the entire mission the operations '387.919': director and his assistant are in voice '390.319': contact with key personnel at those '392.479': installations throughout the world which '394.88': gather and record flight information '397.44': engineers here at pasadena interpret the '400.08': information '401.28': and the operations directors use the '403.44': results to make final flight decisions '407.44': when its photographic mission has been '409.28': completed in about a month the lunar '411.599': orbiter will continue to circle the moon '414.319': providing information about '415.88': micrometeoroids and radiation in the '417.919': moon's vicinity '419.44': this data along with the photographs is '422.08': vital to landing men on the moon '52.8': when orbital speed and altitude are '54.96': achieved the atlas booster and nose '57.199': shroud will separate '58.96': and the agena will fire to place itself '61.44': and the lunar orbiter into a 100-mile '64.159': high orbit around the earth '66.08': they must travel to the exact point in '68.24': space from which a gina can put the '7.04': engineers of the boeing company and the '70.32': lunar orbiter on its path to the moon '73.439': when this point is reached ajina fires '76.0': again '77.439': soon after burnout a genus separates and '8.96': national aeronautics and space '80.08': the 850 pound orbiter will be on its way '84.0': now speeding through space at 25 000 '86.799': miles per hour the vehicle will extend '89.439': its two-way earth communication antennas '93.2': and solar panels will open to capture '95.6': and convert the sun's energy into '97.68': electrical power for orbiter's systems
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, "Lunar Orbiter 4 image, with Hainzel at bottom, Hainzel C below right of center, and Hainzel A above center", "\"月球轨道器4号拍摄的图像,海因泽尔陨石坑位于下部,中右为\"\"海因泽尔C\"\",中上为\"\"海因泽尔A\"\"。\"", "\"月球軌道器4號拍攝的圖像,海因澤爾隕石坑位於下部,中右為\"\"海因澤爾 C\"\",中上為\"\"海因澤爾 A\"\"。\"" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, null, null, null ], "context_page_description": [ "Hainzel es el miembro más meridional de un trío de cráteres de impacto lunares superpuestos. Se halla en el borde oeste del Lacus Timoris, en el cuadrante sudoeste de la Luna. El cráter severamente desgastado Mee es adyacente al lado sudoeste de la formación; su brocal forma una cresta al sur de Hainzel.", "Hainzel is the southern member of a trio of overlapping lunar impact craters. The composite rim is located at the west edge of Lacus Timoris in the southwest sector of the Moon. The heavily worn crater Mee is attached to the southwest wall; its rim forms a ridge running from the south of the Hainzel formation.", "\"海因泽尔陨石坑是月球正面恐怖湖西南一座三合坑中一座最大、最古老的撞击坑,直径70公里,名称取自第谷·布拉赫的合作者,德国天文学家及奥格斯堡市市长\"\"保罗·海因泽尔\"\"。", "\"海因澤爾隕石坑是月球正面恐怖湖西南一座三合坑中一座最大、最古老的撞擊坑,直徑70公里,名稱取自第谷·布拉赫的合作者,德國天文學家及奧格斯堡市市長\"\"保羅·海因澤爾\"\"。" ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, null, null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Hainzel (cráter)", "Hainzel (crater)", "海因泽尔陨石坑", "海因泽尔陨石坑" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "es", "en", "zh", "zh-TW" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Hainzel (cráter)", "Hainzel (crater)", "海因泽尔陨石坑", "海因泽尔陨石坑" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null, null ] }
(1 Aug 1966) Available in HD on Isilon Find out more about AP Archive: Twitter: Facebook: ​​ Instagram: You can license this story through AP Archive:
'10.559': administration are making final '100.88': tiny attitude control jets located on '103.28': the corners of the heat shield will be '105.36': fired to position the vehicle to aim its '107.92': solar panels toward the sun '110.399': and aim its tracker for a fix on its '112.799': navigational star canopus '115.759': after 15 hours of flight toward the moon '118.32': lunar orbiter will fire its velocity '12.48': preparations to launch one of a series '120.56': control rocket to make a mid-course '122.799': correction '124.479': later in the journey as the orbiter gets '126.479': closer to the moon the velocity control '128.879': rocket will be fired again to slow the '131.599': spacecraft '133.2': this will serve to trap the spacecraft '135.52': in an off-center orbit around the moon '137.92': where it will circle from four to six '14.88': of lunar orbiters '140.319': days '141.2': by tracking this orbit scientists on '143.599': earth will obtain their first precise '145.76': information about the effects of the '147.92': moon's gravitational field on the '150.239': spacecraft '152.0': with this knowledge they will be able to '154.16': lower the vehicle's orbit to a close 28 '156.72': miles for photography of the moon's '158.8': surface '160.239': control of the spacecraft is '161.76': accomplished through instructions stored '163.68': in an onboard computer '165.76': mission control personnel can radio new '168.16': instructions for storage or can bypass '170.959': the computer to control the orbiter '172.959': directly '174.4': operating on these instructions the '176.56': lunar orbiter will turn itself to aim '178.72': its two camera lenses downward during '18.16': the satellite's primary mission is to '181.44': picture taking orbits '183.519': then as it soars over the desired areas '186.319': it will take a series of pictures '189.12': one lens will cover an area of 25 square '192.0': miles and record objects as small as a '194.72': card table '196.0': the other will make overlapping '197.599': photographs of 440 square mile sections '20.4': photograph landing areas on the moon for '201.44': during its mission the lunar orbiter '203.599': will take 160 pairs of pictures while '206.799': filming 12 000 square miles '209.68': an area as large as the combined area of '212.319': massachusetts and connecticut '214.879': while photography is in progress the '217.04': camera will begin to automatically '219.04': develop and store the exposed film '22.72': america's astronauts '222.799': following each series of exposures the '225.2': orbiter will again aim its solar panels '227.68': at the sun '229.36': when picture transmission takes place '231.28': the stored images will be sent in the '233.12': form of an electronic signal produced by '235.84': a light scanning the stored negatives '239.28': at goldstone '240.64': near an abandoned gold mine in '242.319': california's mojave desert this 85-foot '245.439': diameter antenna is the communication '247.92': link with the lunar orbiter '250.0': it's similar to two other antennas in '252.4': australia and spain '254.56': surrounding hills protected from random '256.72': radio signals '258.479': the antenna control team tracks the '26.08': an atlas agena booster will launch the '260.4': orbiter with signals the orbiter send '262.479': back to earth '263.84': the team also directs the flow of '265.68': signals from the antenna to the orbiter '268.88': this equipment generates signals to the '270.88': spacecraft the orbiter's computer '273.28': responds to the signals and controls the '275.919': orbiter accordingly '277.919': these men are the last human link '28.08': orbiter from cape kennedy '280.16': between earth and the spacecraft '283.28': incoming photographic information from '285.36': the orbiter is fed into this equipment '287.84': where electronic wizardry converts the '289.919': electronic signal to a pinpoint of light '292.479': of varying intensity '294.639': the tiny beam sweeps back and forth '297.12': exposing a moving strip of 35 millimeter '300.24': film '301.919': when processed the resulting negative '304.16': shows what the orbiter's camera saw '306.96': at the receiving station technicians '309.36': will process and study samples of the '311.6': exposed negative to ensure that signals '314.24': are coming back properly and that the '316.32': orbiter's camera is correctly set '319.039': most of the 18 miles of film will be '321.759': sent to a reassembly facility where the '324.32': strips will be developed and arranged '326.32': into large negatives prints of these '328.72': negatives will form the basis for lunar '331.12': maps '333.759': although direct communication with the '335.6': lunar orbiter is via goldstone or '338.56': australia or spain the mission is '340.8': directed from the space flight '342.32': operations facility in pasadena '345.039': sitting side by side nasa and boeing '347.759': engineers evaluate and act upon '350.72': information received from the antennas '354.72': the information comes to the pasadena '356.72': computer center and is translated into a '359.12': form understandable to engineers '362.24': they use it to determine the lunar '363.919': orbiter's velocity attitude temperature '366.8': power situation and some 50 other '369.12': conditions '370.4': this automatic drawing machine charts '372.479': the data '373.759': other engineers keep track of the '375.28': orbiter's location and direction '377.84': they plot course changes and calculate '380.0': when and how the spacecraft should be '382.16': maneuvered '383.6': this control room is the nerve center of '385.68': the entire mission the operations '387.919': director and his assistant are in voice '390.319': contact with key personnel at those '392.479': installations throughout the world which '394.88': gather and record flight information '397.44': engineers here at pasadena interpret the '400.08': information '401.28': and the operations directors use the '403.44': results to make final flight decisions '407.44': when its photographic mission has been '409.28': completed in about a month the lunar '411.599': orbiter will continue to circle the moon '414.319': providing information about '415.88': micrometeoroids and radiation in the '417.919': moon's vicinity '419.44': this data along with the photographs is '422.08': vital to landing men on the moon '52.8': when orbital speed and altitude are '54.96': achieved the atlas booster and nose '57.199': shroud will separate '58.96': and the agena will fire to place itself '61.44': and the lunar orbiter into a 100-mile '64.159': high orbit around the earth '66.08': they must travel to the exact point in '68.24': space from which a gina can put the '7.04': engineers of the boeing company and the '70.32': lunar orbiter on its path to the moon '73.439': when this point is reached ajina fires '76.0': again '77.439': soon after burnout a genus separates and '8.96': national aeronautics and space '80.08': the 850 pound orbiter will be on its way '84.0': now speeding through space at 25 000 '86.799': miles per hour the vehicle will extend '89.439': its two-way earth communication antennas '93.2': and solar panels will open to capture '95.6': and convert the sun's energy into '97.68': electrical power for orbiter's systems
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Коммунан департамент — Эндр а, Луара а. Кхузахь климат барамехь ю, аьхка йовха хуьлу, ткъа Ӏа барамехь-шийла хуьлу. ГӀалин бахархой французаш бу. Официалан Французийн мотт бу.", "Бомо́н-ла-Ронс — муніципалітет у Франції, у регіоні Центр-Долина Луари, департамент Ендр і Луара. Населення — 1177 осіб.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce est commune Francicum 1'132 incolarum praefecturae Andrae et Ligeris in provincia media.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce is a former commune in the Indre-et-Loire department in central France. On 1 January 2017, it was merged into the new commune Beaumont-Louestault.", "Beaumont-Louestault es una comuna nueva francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira.", "Bomon la Rons je naselje i opština u centralnoj Francuskoj u regionu Centar, u departmanu Endr i Loara koja pripada prefekturi Tur.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce és un municipi francès, situat al departament de l'Indre i Loira i a la regió de Centre – Vall del Loira. L'any 2007 tenia 1.132 habitants.", "Beaumont-Louestault est, depuis le 1ᵉʳ janvier 2017, une commune nouvelle française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire en région Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce war eine französische Gemeinde mit zuletzt 1.211 Einwohnern im Département Indre-et-Loire in der Region Centre-Val de Loire; sie gehörte zum Arrondissement Tours und zum Kanton Château-Renault. Beaumont-la-Ronce ist ein Ortsteil der Gemeinde Beaumont-Louestault.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce este o comună în departamentul Indre-et-Loire, Franța. În 2009 avea o populație de 1157 de locuitori.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce Frantziako udalerria da, Indre-et-Loire departamenduan dagoena, Centre eskualdean. 2013an 1.132 biztanle zituen.", "Cet article recense une partie des monuments historiques d'Indre-et-Loire, en France.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce era una comuna francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira, que el 1 de enero de 2017 pasó a ser una comuna delegada de la comuna nueva de Beaumont-Louestault​ al fusionarse con la comuna de Louestault.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce é uma comuna francesa na região administrativa do Centro, no departamento Indre-et-Loire. Estende-se por uma área de 39,17 km². Em 2010 a comuna tinha 1 167 habitantes.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce është një komunë në Francë. Beaumont-la-Ronce bën pjesë në departamentin Indre-et-Loire të rajonit Centre. Komuna ka një popullsi prej 1157 banorë dhe sipërfaqe 39.04 km².", "Beaumont-la-Ronce je francúzska obec, ktorá sa nachádza v departemente Indre-et-Loire, v regióne Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce település Franciaországban, Indre-et-Loire megyében. Beaumont-la-Ronce Louestault, Marray, Neuillé-Pont-Pierre, Neuvy-le-Roi, Nouzilly, Rouziers-de-Touraine és Saint-Laurent-en-Gâtines községekkel határos.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce est une ancienne commune française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire, en région Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-Louestault ist eine französische Gemeinde mit 1.684 Einwohnern im Département Indre-et-Loire in der Region Centre-Val de Loire; sie gehört zum Arrondissement Tours und zum Kanton Château-Renault." ], "context_section_description": [ "Beaumont-la-Ronce sī ūi-tī Hoat-kok Centre-Val de Loire toā-khu Indre-et-Loire séng ê chi̍t ê commune.", null, "Бомон-ла-Ронс () — Францин гӀала-коммуна, лаьтта Центр — Луаран атагӀа регионехь. Коммунан департамент — Эндр а, Луара а. Кхузахь климат барамехь ю, аьхка йовха хуьлу, ткъа Ӏа барамехь-шийла хуьлу. ГӀалин бахархой французаш бу. Официалан Французийн мотт бу.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce est commune Francicum 1'132 incolarum (anno 2007) praefecturae Andrae et Ligeris in provincia media.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce is a former commune in the Indre-et-Loire department in central France. On 1 January 2017, it was merged into the new commune Beaumont-Louestault.", "Beaumont-Louestault es una comuna nueva francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce és un municipi francès, situat al departament de l'Indre i Loira i a la regió de Centre – Vall del Loira. L'any 2007 tenia 1.132 habitants.", "Beaumont-Louestault est, depuis le 1ᵉʳ janvier 2017, une commune nouvelle française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire en région Centre-Val de Loire.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce este o comună în departamentul Indre-et-Loire, Franța. În 2009 avea o populație de 1157 de locuitori.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce Frantziako udalerria da, Indre-et-Loire departamenduan dagoena, Centre eskualdean. 2013an 1.132 biztanle zituen.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce era una comuna francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira, que el 1 de enero de 2017 pasó a ser una comuna delegada de la comuna nueva de Beaumont-Louestault​ al fusionarse con la comuna de Louestault.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce é uma comuna francesa na região administrativa do Centro, no departamento Indre-et-Loire. Estende-se por uma área de 39,17 km². Em 2010 a comuna tinha 1 167 habitantes (densidade: 29,8 hab./km²).", "Beaumont-la-Ronce është një komunë në Francë. Beaumont-la-Ronce bën pjesë në departamentin Indre-et-Loire të rajonit Centre. Komuna ka një popullsi prej 1157 banorë (regjistrimi 2009) dhe sipërfaqe 39.04 km².", "Beaumont-la-Ronce je francúzska obec, ktorá sa nachádza v departemente Indre-et-Loire, v regióne Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce település Franciaországban, Indre-et-Loire megyében. Beaumont-la-Ronce Louestault, Marray, Neuillé-Pont-Pierre, Neuvy-le-Roi, Nouzilly, Rouziers-de-Touraine és Saint-Laurent-en-Gâtines községekkel határos.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce est une ancienne commune française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire, en région Centre-Val de Loire.", null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Бомон ла Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce / Sehenswürdigkeiten", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Liste des monuments historiques d'Indre-et-Loire (A-J) / Liste", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault / Sehenswürdigkeiten / Louestault" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "nan", "sr", "ce", "uk", "la", "en", "es", "sr-Latn", "ca", "fr", "de", "ro", "eu", "fr", "es", "pt", "sq", "sk", "hu", "fr", "de" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Бомон ла Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Liste des monuments historiques d'Indre-et-Loire (A-J)", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "Sehenswürdigkeiten", null, null, "Liste", null, null, null, null, null, null, "Louestault" ] }
We found SECRET Tunnels used by the RESISTANCE at the chateau
We found secret tunnels built by the resistance at the chateau . Tunnel exploring @The Pethericks @Life of Ryan with @EcoFlow Edd loves to explore and so does Billy @The Pethericks & Ryan @Life of Ryan so equipped with off they go equipped with #ecoflow portable power supply so there can light in the tunnels but also so they can use heavy equipment to breath through closed passages Exploring a tunnel network with Huge thank you to Billy @The Pethericks for filming & editing the vlog ❤️ @ to Ryan @Life of Ryan for co-editing ❤️ More on tonight’s vlog See you all later at the premier Edd & Anna xx More on tonight's vlog x Huge Thank You to everyone for their Love & Support x Special Thank You to all of our amazing Patrons x If you wish to become a Patron : To see more what we get up to day to day check out our instagram account : Follow us on Facebook Website : #PortablePowerStation #EcoFlow #DELTApro Tunnels , sectet tunnels , resistance ,cave exploring , bordeaux life ,chateau lagorce , chateaux in france , escape to the chateau , chateau diy ,french chateau
'10.099': thank you '1001.42': is it empty yeah it's empty '1006.44': it's an old box of some sort '101.579': it's on batteries and then with your '1012.459': this is pretty old right '1015.98': that's strange '1020.06': I've never seen a box like that '1022.579': it's quite like uh '1025.16': doing '1026.439': Sensations in it '1028.819': it's made for something specific let's '1030.98': get it out '1032.0': a little look outside hey '1035.14': oh it's very uh creaky '1038.679': all right '104.939': GoPro '1040.52': let's get it back to the start then we '1042.799': can go exploring the other way blinking '1044.959': heavy '1046.1': I can barely lift it '1048.319': I've got it what is heavy '1050.84': oh it's got mud underneath '106.14': we're going to stick your GoPro on the '1061.34': let's go '1062.96': let's pull the other side yeah so we're '1066.08': definitely here '1067.52': and what we're hoping for is to get over '1069.44': there '107.82': end of a pool '1070.58': so anywhere here where it carries on we '1073.76': might be able to get around there '1075.62': that's all looks like it's blocked off '1077.36': but let's let's have a look Ed what's '1079.4': that on your uh belt there mate oh '1082.46': it's uh oxy meter all right okay it's '1085.34': really important again uh down here '1087.14': normally Outsider at 20.9 here with 20.7 '109.079': rod and we're going to see what's down '1091.039': 20.8 okay so 2.3 it's going down yeah if '1096.2': um if it goes down too much obviously '1097.76': it'll stop leaping and let us know to '1099.62': not go anywhere brilliant and start good '1101.539': now okay let's have a look this looks '1104.179': like it's blocked off straight away '1106.22': whoever want to go is the other side '1108.38': here '112.079': the bottom we can't get ladders in there '1121.4': oh '1122.9': I see there '1124.4': I guess he's getting interesting we've '1126.02': got a bit that's back to where we came '1128.179': from '1129.26': well I can't tell there's anything there '1131.299': but this '1132.32': looks '1134.84': like you can get over the other side '1136.46': from here there's definitely tunnels '1138.62': over there Billy what can you see Ed I '114.299': because it's about five or six meters '1141.08': can see Rubble for about five six meters '1143.059': and then you can see the caves just it '1146.059': looks very tight though for squeezing '1147.62': through yeah and '1149.419': um if something happens over there '1151.52': you're in trouble we need to get out '1153.02': quick yeah it's not gonna be a quick '1155.059': exit it's not is it I think we should '1156.799': break through the uh the walls that's a '1159.32': good idea '116.04': down but like I say we don't we don't '1160.22': yeah the concrete like blocked up walls '1163.46': yeah the only Breeze block aren't they '1165.38': so they should just come down single '1166.94': skin possibly so it should be quite easy '1168.679': let's go get the kit and let's break '1170.96': through okay '1173.299': foreign '118.259': know where these tunnels are where they '120.78': go from too and this is all part of the '1213.799': foreign '123.659': process of trying to find entry to these '1248.84': over the back there yeah can you see it '1252.08': just there not massive lump at the back '1254.419': there yeah I know exactly what that was '1256.7': really that '1259.1': I called uh the local '126.42': caves it's a really random thing to just '1261.5': people that they wrote uh take care of '1263.299': the road and uh because it was a big '1265.039': hole in the front of our drive yeah on '1267.919': the main road and they came in they '1269.72': pumped a lot of concrete down there oh '127.979': have in the middle of the woods isn't it '1271.46': okay so that '1273.98': I don't think we're gonna get through '1275.12': that no '1276.62': let's try maybe the other wall and see '1278.419': where that goes yeah '1287.02': thank you '129.239': just a huge structure like that I've '131.76': never seen anything like it in my life '1315.98': foreign '1325.72': I think it's just Rubble at the back of '1328.34': it again '1329.419': these walls have been built so nobody I '133.26': I've seen them before in other parts of '1332.299': mean nobody gets through I mean even if '1335.419': we went around the corner over that '1336.74': Gravelly bit we still got another wall '1339.2': yeah on the map so we know that there's '1342.02': no getting through to that to that other '1344.96': side from here these walls have been '1347.24': made so that nobody can get through '135.72': this area but not to this scale that '1350.419': um which is probably a good thing '1351.44': because it looks like it's underneath '1352.82': the road so '1355.039': um I think we'll knock this one on the '1356.9': head that that leaves us one option and '1360.559': that is popping a ladder in that '1362.78': ventilation shaft I think it's about '1364.88': nine meters to the ground yep and lucky '1367.58': luckily I have a nine meter long ladder '1371.24': okay do you think that's the only way in '1372.86': I think that is definitely the only way '1375.26': into those caves '1377.9': well the only known way in '138.06': they've been like eight foot maximum and '1381.44': um and uh yeah that's not that's not a '1384.559': job for today so this log is to be '1387.26': continued '1389.78': oh '1394.46': we got unbelievable '1397.94': we did quite a bit of work down there '1399.559': we've still got 99 battery left '140.94': tiny little holes it's to stop people '1402.08': I have a shot there with the batteries '1404.059': but at least we were on the side of '1406.4': caution '1407.539': I think I figured out also what was '1410.059': going on down there '1411.74': I think when they put the road in they '1413.419': blocked everything off and possibly even '1415.1': filled everything in makes sense '1418.94': um and I think that's where that bottle '1420.86': came from right at the start the '1422.48': exploration I think that kind of dates '1424.64': the the work that was done down there '1426.559': it's got that kind of shiny Sheen in it '1429.02': you know the kind of rainbow opalescent '143.4': getting in isn't it that's is that why '1431.419': yeah '1433.039': and then that we just haven't got a clue '1434.6': what it is really if anybody does know '1436.64': you can tell say in the comments '1439.88': it you know it could be used for '144.72': it's so high '1442.039': Dynamite or anything but it looks '1444.559': suspiciously like a rifle box you '1447.559': because you've got the butt the gun '1449.12': would go up there '1452.0': and you could have it strapped down as '1454.4': well '1456.62': that would make sense because the uh '1459.32': the resistance were around in this area '146.04': possibly or possibly to have a better '1462.5': and the Germans didn't like going down '1464.12': the caves no '1465.799': so it could have been a little stash '1468.26': of course they would never leave guns '1469.94': down there unless it's not properly '147.9': draw on it possibly yeah like a chimney '1471.26': hidden but somebody could have used it '1472.94': later on for maybe tools or something '1474.32': yeah '1475.58': very interesting yeah very interesting '1478.52': so if you did enjoy today's vlog '1481.34': don't forget to subscribe to this '1483.08': channel borderlife Ryan's Channel life '1485.84': of Ryan '1487.28': and of course our amazing photographer '1489.919': and editor producer director Billy's '149.819': yeah but somebody by breaking the side '1493.1': Channel only pointed the camera nothing '1495.08': special '1496.1': you did all the work mate '1513.14': foreign '152.04': of it has ruined that a little bit '155.22': um yeah it's pretty much the same '156.72': concept as a as a fireplace '159.48': yeah it's really interesting yeah '162.48': except in summer '164.76': the air is drawn in through this '167.819': aeration shaft and in Winter the error '171.9': should go the other way so there should '173.34': be an entrance and an exit brilliant '177.48': so I've got myself a pole and at the end '180.72': of this pole I'm going to attach this '183.06': small camera '184.86': uh and along with the light hopefully Ed '188.819': can shove this down the the shaft and we '194.159': can see what's down there essentially '208.68': is this where we find out that the uh '211.019': straps aren't long enough '213.84': and it's got to be somewhere towards 10 '215.819': meters of strap here '228.239': so here you can see the inside of the '230.28': shaft '231.72': it's up to the sky '239.159': and isn't that big '242.34': this will hopefully allow us to see a '245.7': bit more my little makeshift '248.459': um Contraption have you managed to '250.799': connect it to your iPhone no '254.7': can I try doing it I don't know how we '257.76': can always pull the GoPro '259.739': but it doesn't really matter I suppose '261.06': does it because now we know which '262.919': direction those caves go so I just need '265.86': to pop it down and we can review the '267.96': footage after exactly yeah '271.699': good '273.66': don't you worry '277.68': oh '279.78': what happens if I lose everything oh '281.82': there'll be an expensive day for me '292.16': we just lost my GoPro '294.54': okay I can't get it back in now I should '296.28': have made that to him there we go '299.66': that's annoying '303.54': oh '311.36': there we go '313.62': I've got the GoPro back that's the main '316.08': thing safe and sound '319.979': yeah nothing okay just tape it on there '323.22': yeah I'll take it on '334.44': got a spin on it '337.86': foreign '37.739': foreign '370.68': um '374.039': close it '375.419': I'll do that again '379.94': you've got one tunnel there and there's '382.56': another tunnel there's another tunnel '383.94': going that way hanging out the spin '385.62': background '387.06': who's gonna make us dizzy isn't it wow '389.819': so that's the main shaft '397.259': um there's another yeah there let's '399.18': pause it '400.699': exciting times '403.139': how do we get down there that's the '405.539': question '406.5': it's a shame you haven't got any map '407.759': said of the uh the tunnels themselves do '410.16': you know what I mean because it'd be '412.199': perfect to know where they lead well I '414.24': have on the other ones '415.919': um like the zero on the area have maps '418.02': of the other ones oh yeah '419.699': oh my God I never thought that dude no '421.74': we haven't no there could be maps of '423.66': these really let's get back to the '425.4': computer quick and let's see whether we '427.259': can find any Maps let's grab everything '428.46': come on right Ryan yeah '432.08': the ventilation shaft is about here on '436.319': this map there was no map of tunnels in '439.919': that area we know there are tunnels but '443.16': just near it we can see tunnels heading '445.319': that way okay '447.599': um they come right back round to another '449.4': part of the woods where it's a really '452.9': steep uh kind of descent almost like a '456.479': valley yeah and so I think in that area '459.72': there there's probably an entrance '463.08': I'll never go in those woods so I '465.3': wouldn't know but let's go have a look '467.4': yes absolutely there are a couple of '470.099': things here on that map '472.62': now I thought they were for like water '475.08': you know like uh you know like a ditch '477.96': for water that just ornately done maybe '480.419': they are the aeration inlets okay '483.72': so we'll go have a look at those we're '485.759': gonna need some specific tools for this '487.979': area here I think if there is anything '490.44': there '491.58': but we'll cross that bridge when we get '493.38': to it so let's go have a look first and '495.12': all right try and find some sort of '496.8': entrance and get inside yep '501.06': foreign '513.56': water flowing through it's got a lot of '515.7': calcium buildup let's go find the other '523.08': one '527.16': this looks more like an air intake for '529.5': me '530.82': but it could well be just water again '532.92': but there's no evidence of water wow '535.92': look at that '543.42': we got a torch in there we've got a '545.64': torch on my phone '549.06': you '551.339': some structure it goes away '555.42': so those are the two that I knew about '557.94': let's see if we can find anything in '559.74': these Woods '560.94': but like I said they're quite '563.16': sloping quite a lot and so there was one '566.76': part that looked like it came right out '568.38': in towards the valley '570.12': so let's see if you can find anything '576.72': it's upside down Ed '579.18': all right '581.94': now '583.56': let's have a look '59.899': welcome to the secret location in the '597.3': foreign '610.2': that looks quite substantial let me '612.3': check it out '614.7': it's candy if you want but I'm pretty '616.08': sure the dogs '617.22': dogs had a bit of an episode with badges '619.26': down there '621.12': ah '627.3': Because deep it goes right back '63.239': woods at Lagos '630.3': are you sure yeah '636.12': I can't even see the end of it '639.36': this this might be worth checking out '64.86': today we've got a really interesting '641.7': well it's kind of where it should be to '643.92': be fair on the map '647.7': I think we should give it a go then yeah '649.86': we're gonna need something a bit '651.06': brighter than a foam torch though right '652.98': let's get properly equipped and see if '655.019': we can get in '656.64': let's go '67.02': Vlog and it's all about '70.619': well it's starting with this ventilation '714.14': thank you '73.619': shaft for caves that we don't actually '735.959': so Ryan we got the lamp '738.18': who's drawn the Short Straw who's going '739.98': in on their own well Ed I think seeing '743.04': is this your place and your tunnel to '746.88': explore '748.32': usually going first but '751.019': I'll be here outside making sure '753.24': everything's okay and if you need any '755.519': assistance you know where I am '758.399': okay '76.02': have access to well I wasn't expecting '767.1': yeah '768.899': oh it is big '771.12': proper tunnels Lads lovely '774.54': I'll have a quick look and then I'm '776.04': coming back for you '778.62': there's an old bottle here '780.899': that's really old '788.94': I don't want to be exploring this on my '79.08': it to be this Big Ed '790.62': own in a little bit of a cave in there '793.8': doesn't worry me '795.66': because it's just got uh '798.779': clay behind it I think that's what's '800.579': going on there oh no the roots have got '802.8': in it right '809.18': this kit here is really important for us '81.84': um it's a rather large shaft isn't it it '811.92': today '813.0': it's called Delta Pro and the Delta Pro '816.0': Smart battery extension there's 7.2 '819.54': kilowatt total kilowatt hour sorry total '822.36': of power in this '824.94': you don't want to go down a cave and get '827.279': right in the middle of the cave and have '829.079': no power '830.519': so these should absolutely new kit they '834.12': are really really good quality and they '837.959': will '838.8': not fail on us and you can say that '84.0': is indeed ha on Earth '841.68': about them it's one thing you know '843.42': they're not going to fail if we get to a '846.12': stage where we need to break some Rubble '848.339': up or something like that then they can '850.68': actually power on a surge up to about '853.74': seven kilowatts so you know a big drill '857.279': like a big Hilty drill or something '858.6': you're talking 1.82 kilowatts you know '86.4': are we gonna be able to take a look '861.839': something like that and uh yeah so I '864.899': mean '865.68': we shouldn't need the second battery but '867.779': we're not taking any risks are we '869.88': so '871.079': I'm also going to grab my little ecofo '873.72': Pro take that along with us just for the '875.94': ride and can't see us needing it but '878.22': let's have it just as a backup '88.5': inside it '880.199': if you like the look of these ecoflow '881.88': Delta Pros or any of their products '883.56': there's a link in our description '885.42': today's vlog '887.16': I can highly recommend them '889.38': got some water very important okay I'll '89.58': well '893.22': take Billy's as well all right yeah that '895.079': is important because what about you I've '897.3': got some as well yeah don't worry about '898.62': me '899.519': got my own because in case we get stuck '901.32': down there yep a bit of water will just '903.06': help us for a little while '906.6': AC on '91.08': I have been here before and I know '913.5': it's been a few cave-ins around '916.62': well as long as one doesn't happen while '919.26': we're down here '92.58': there's a hole on the other side '920.399': that's the main thing yeah I don't think '923.339': so '930.839': so blocked off we've got there that's '933.42': this black area on the map I see it '935.399': should we go that way to see what there '937.079': is that way first '938.88': yeah '941.1': we don't need the other one we'll leave '942.54': that there '944.88': yeah the cage getting a bit taller Now '947.639': red yeah you can actually stand up '95.1': today we're gonna drop '952.26': let's keep going '954.6': oh we got another bit blocked off '956.82': so that must be here on the map I see it '959.94': I mean we're going the wrong way but '961.139': we've got to we've got to explore it all '962.579': haven't we yeah it should go down there '965.579': and stop and go left and stop let's have '968.04': a look see everybody now '97.88': this light in '971.82': yeah we've got the dead end here '978.24': all right '979.74': so that's the dead end let's go down the '981.72': other one just double check on that one '991.199': ah '992.779': what's that '997.92': open it up first don't move it
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Коммунан департамент — Эндр а, Луара а. Кхузахь климат барамехь ю, аьхка йовха хуьлу, ткъа Ӏа барамехь-шийла хуьлу. ГӀалин бахархой французаш бу. Официалан Французийн мотт бу.", "Бомо́н-ла-Ронс — муніципалітет у Франції, у регіоні Центр-Долина Луари, департамент Ендр і Луара. Населення — 1177 осіб.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce est commune Francicum 1'132 incolarum praefecturae Andrae et Ligeris in provincia media.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce is a former commune in the Indre-et-Loire department in central France. On 1 January 2017, it was merged into the new commune Beaumont-Louestault.", "Beaumont-Louestault es una comuna nueva francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira.", "Bomon la Rons je naselje i opština u centralnoj Francuskoj u regionu Centar, u departmanu Endr i Loara koja pripada prefekturi Tur.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce és un municipi francès, situat al departament de l'Indre i Loira i a la regió de Centre – Vall del Loira. L'any 2007 tenia 1.132 habitants.", "Beaumont-Louestault est, depuis le 1ᵉʳ janvier 2017, une commune nouvelle française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire en région Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce war eine französische Gemeinde mit zuletzt 1.211 Einwohnern im Département Indre-et-Loire in der Region Centre-Val de Loire; sie gehörte zum Arrondissement Tours und zum Kanton Château-Renault. Beaumont-la-Ronce ist ein Ortsteil der Gemeinde Beaumont-Louestault.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce este o comună în departamentul Indre-et-Loire, Franța. În 2009 avea o populație de 1157 de locuitori.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce Frantziako udalerria da, Indre-et-Loire departamenduan dagoena, Centre eskualdean. 2013an 1.132 biztanle zituen.", "Cet article recense une partie des monuments historiques d'Indre-et-Loire, en France.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce era una comuna francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira, que el 1 de enero de 2017 pasó a ser una comuna delegada de la comuna nueva de Beaumont-Louestault​ al fusionarse con la comuna de Louestault.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce é uma comuna francesa na região administrativa do Centro, no departamento Indre-et-Loire. Estende-se por uma área de 39,17 km². Em 2010 a comuna tinha 1 167 habitantes.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce është një komunë në Francë. Beaumont-la-Ronce bën pjesë në departamentin Indre-et-Loire të rajonit Centre. Komuna ka një popullsi prej 1157 banorë dhe sipërfaqe 39.04 km².", "Beaumont-la-Ronce je francúzska obec, ktorá sa nachádza v departemente Indre-et-Loire, v regióne Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce település Franciaországban, Indre-et-Loire megyében. Beaumont-la-Ronce Louestault, Marray, Neuillé-Pont-Pierre, Neuvy-le-Roi, Nouzilly, Rouziers-de-Touraine és Saint-Laurent-en-Gâtines községekkel határos.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce est une ancienne commune française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire, en région Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-Louestault ist eine französische Gemeinde mit 1.684 Einwohnern im Département Indre-et-Loire in der Region Centre-Val de Loire; sie gehört zum Arrondissement Tours und zum Kanton Château-Renault." ], "context_section_description": [ "Beaumont-la-Ronce sī ūi-tī Hoat-kok Centre-Val de Loire toā-khu Indre-et-Loire séng ê chi̍t ê commune.", null, "Бомон-ла-Ронс () — Францин гӀала-коммуна, лаьтта Центр — Луаран атагӀа регионехь. Коммунан департамент — Эндр а, Луара а. Кхузахь климат барамехь ю, аьхка йовха хуьлу, ткъа Ӏа барамехь-шийла хуьлу. ГӀалин бахархой французаш бу. Официалан Французийн мотт бу.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce est commune Francicum 1'132 incolarum (anno 2007) praefecturae Andrae et Ligeris in provincia media.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce is a former commune in the Indre-et-Loire department in central France. On 1 January 2017, it was merged into the new commune Beaumont-Louestault.", "Beaumont-Louestault es una comuna nueva francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce és un municipi francès, situat al departament de l'Indre i Loira i a la regió de Centre – Vall del Loira. L'any 2007 tenia 1.132 habitants.", "Beaumont-Louestault est, depuis le 1ᵉʳ janvier 2017, une commune nouvelle française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire en région Centre-Val de Loire.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce este o comună în departamentul Indre-et-Loire, Franța. În 2009 avea o populație de 1157 de locuitori.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce Frantziako udalerria da, Indre-et-Loire departamenduan dagoena, Centre eskualdean. 2013an 1.132 biztanle zituen.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce era una comuna francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira, que el 1 de enero de 2017 pasó a ser una comuna delegada de la comuna nueva de Beaumont-Louestault​ al fusionarse con la comuna de Louestault.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce é uma comuna francesa na região administrativa do Centro, no departamento Indre-et-Loire. Estende-se por uma área de 39,17 km². Em 2010 a comuna tinha 1 167 habitantes (densidade: 29,8 hab./km²).", "Beaumont-la-Ronce është një komunë në Francë. Beaumont-la-Ronce bën pjesë në departamentin Indre-et-Loire të rajonit Centre. Komuna ka një popullsi prej 1157 banorë (regjistrimi 2009) dhe sipërfaqe 39.04 km².", "Beaumont-la-Ronce je francúzska obec, ktorá sa nachádza v departemente Indre-et-Loire, v regióne Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce település Franciaországban, Indre-et-Loire megyében. Beaumont-la-Ronce Louestault, Marray, Neuillé-Pont-Pierre, Neuvy-le-Roi, Nouzilly, Rouziers-de-Touraine és Saint-Laurent-en-Gâtines községekkel határos.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce est une ancienne commune française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire, en région Centre-Val de Loire.", null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Бомон ла Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce / Sehenswürdigkeiten", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Liste des monuments historiques d'Indre-et-Loire (A-J) / Liste", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault / Sehenswürdigkeiten / Louestault" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "nan", "sr", "ce", "uk", "la", "en", "es", "sr-Latn", "ca", "fr", "de", "ro", "eu", "fr", "es", "pt", "sq", "sk", "hu", "fr", "de" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Бомон ла Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Liste des monuments historiques d'Indre-et-Loire (A-J)", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "Sehenswürdigkeiten", null, null, "Liste", null, null, null, null, null, null, "Louestault" ] }
We found SECRET Tunnels used by the RESISTANCE at the chateau
We found secret tunnels built by the resistance at the chateau . Tunnel exploring @The Pethericks @Life of Ryan with @EcoFlow Edd loves to explore and so does Billy @The Pethericks & Ryan @Life of Ryan so equipped with off they go equipped with #ecoflow portable power supply so there can light in the tunnels but also so they can use heavy equipment to breath through closed passages Exploring a tunnel network with Huge thank you to Billy @The Pethericks for filming & editing the vlog ❤️ @ to Ryan @Life of Ryan for co-editing ❤️ More on tonight’s vlog See you all later at the premier Edd & Anna xx More on tonight's vlog x Huge Thank You to everyone for their Love & Support x Special Thank You to all of our amazing Patrons x If you wish to become a Patron : To see more what we get up to day to day check out our instagram account : Follow us on Facebook Website : #PortablePowerStation #EcoFlow #DELTApro Tunnels , sectet tunnels , resistance ,cave exploring , bordeaux life ,chateau lagorce , chateaux in france , escape to the chateau , chateau diy ,french chateau
'10.099': thank you '1001.42': is it empty yeah it's empty '1006.44': it's an old box of some sort '101.579': it's on batteries and then with your '1012.459': this is pretty old right '1015.98': that's strange '1020.06': I've never seen a box like that '1022.579': it's quite like uh '1025.16': doing '1026.439': Sensations in it '1028.819': it's made for something specific let's '1030.98': get it out '1032.0': a little look outside hey '1035.14': oh it's very uh creaky '1038.679': all right '104.939': GoPro '1040.52': let's get it back to the start then we '1042.799': can go exploring the other way blinking '1044.959': heavy '1046.1': I can barely lift it '1048.319': I've got it what is heavy '1050.84': oh it's got mud underneath '106.14': we're going to stick your GoPro on the '1061.34': let's go '1062.96': let's pull the other side yeah so we're '1066.08': definitely here '1067.52': and what we're hoping for is to get over '1069.44': there '107.82': end of a pool '1070.58': so anywhere here where it carries on we '1073.76': might be able to get around there '1075.62': that's all looks like it's blocked off '1077.36': but let's let's have a look Ed what's '1079.4': that on your uh belt there mate oh '1082.46': it's uh oxy meter all right okay it's '1085.34': really important again uh down here '1087.14': normally Outsider at 20.9 here with 20.7 '109.079': rod and we're going to see what's down '1091.039': 20.8 okay so 2.3 it's going down yeah if '1096.2': um if it goes down too much obviously '1097.76': it'll stop leaping and let us know to '1099.62': not go anywhere brilliant and start good '1101.539': now okay let's have a look this looks '1104.179': like it's blocked off straight away '1106.22': whoever want to go is the other side '1108.38': here '112.079': the bottom we can't get ladders in there '1121.4': oh '1122.9': I see there '1124.4': I guess he's getting interesting we've '1126.02': got a bit that's back to where we came '1128.179': from '1129.26': well I can't tell there's anything there '1131.299': but this '1132.32': looks '1134.84': like you can get over the other side '1136.46': from here there's definitely tunnels '1138.62': over there Billy what can you see Ed I '114.299': because it's about five or six meters '1141.08': can see Rubble for about five six meters '1143.059': and then you can see the caves just it '1146.059': looks very tight though for squeezing '1147.62': through yeah and '1149.419': um if something happens over there '1151.52': you're in trouble we need to get out '1153.02': quick yeah it's not gonna be a quick '1155.059': exit it's not is it I think we should '1156.799': break through the uh the walls that's a '1159.32': good idea '116.04': down but like I say we don't we don't '1160.22': yeah the concrete like blocked up walls '1163.46': yeah the only Breeze block aren't they '1165.38': so they should just come down single '1166.94': skin possibly so it should be quite easy '1168.679': let's go get the kit and let's break '1170.96': through okay '1173.299': foreign '118.259': know where these tunnels are where they '120.78': go from too and this is all part of the '1213.799': foreign '123.659': process of trying to find entry to these '1248.84': over the back there yeah can you see it '1252.08': just there not massive lump at the back '1254.419': there yeah I know exactly what that was '1256.7': really that '1259.1': I called uh the local '126.42': caves it's a really random thing to just '1261.5': people that they wrote uh take care of '1263.299': the road and uh because it was a big '1265.039': hole in the front of our drive yeah on '1267.919': the main road and they came in they '1269.72': pumped a lot of concrete down there oh '127.979': have in the middle of the woods isn't it '1271.46': okay so that '1273.98': I don't think we're gonna get through '1275.12': that no '1276.62': let's try maybe the other wall and see '1278.419': where that goes yeah '1287.02': thank you '129.239': just a huge structure like that I've '131.76': never seen anything like it in my life '1315.98': foreign '1325.72': I think it's just Rubble at the back of '1328.34': it again '1329.419': these walls have been built so nobody I '133.26': I've seen them before in other parts of '1332.299': mean nobody gets through I mean even if '1335.419': we went around the corner over that '1336.74': Gravelly bit we still got another wall '1339.2': yeah on the map so we know that there's '1342.02': no getting through to that to that other '1344.96': side from here these walls have been '1347.24': made so that nobody can get through '135.72': this area but not to this scale that '1350.419': um which is probably a good thing '1351.44': because it looks like it's underneath '1352.82': the road so '1355.039': um I think we'll knock this one on the '1356.9': head that that leaves us one option and '1360.559': that is popping a ladder in that '1362.78': ventilation shaft I think it's about '1364.88': nine meters to the ground yep and lucky '1367.58': luckily I have a nine meter long ladder '1371.24': okay do you think that's the only way in '1372.86': I think that is definitely the only way '1375.26': into those caves '1377.9': well the only known way in '138.06': they've been like eight foot maximum and '1381.44': um and uh yeah that's not that's not a '1384.559': job for today so this log is to be '1387.26': continued '1389.78': oh '1394.46': we got unbelievable '1397.94': we did quite a bit of work down there '1399.559': we've still got 99 battery left '140.94': tiny little holes it's to stop people '1402.08': I have a shot there with the batteries '1404.059': but at least we were on the side of '1406.4': caution '1407.539': I think I figured out also what was '1410.059': going on down there '1411.74': I think when they put the road in they '1413.419': blocked everything off and possibly even '1415.1': filled everything in makes sense '1418.94': um and I think that's where that bottle '1420.86': came from right at the start the '1422.48': exploration I think that kind of dates '1424.64': the the work that was done down there '1426.559': it's got that kind of shiny Sheen in it '1429.02': you know the kind of rainbow opalescent '143.4': getting in isn't it that's is that why '1431.419': yeah '1433.039': and then that we just haven't got a clue '1434.6': what it is really if anybody does know '1436.64': you can tell say in the comments '1439.88': it you know it could be used for '144.72': it's so high '1442.039': Dynamite or anything but it looks '1444.559': suspiciously like a rifle box you '1447.559': because you've got the butt the gun '1449.12': would go up there '1452.0': and you could have it strapped down as '1454.4': well '1456.62': that would make sense because the uh '1459.32': the resistance were around in this area '146.04': possibly or possibly to have a better '1462.5': and the Germans didn't like going down '1464.12': the caves no '1465.799': so it could have been a little stash '1468.26': of course they would never leave guns '1469.94': down there unless it's not properly '147.9': draw on it possibly yeah like a chimney '1471.26': hidden but somebody could have used it '1472.94': later on for maybe tools or something '1474.32': yeah '1475.58': very interesting yeah very interesting '1478.52': so if you did enjoy today's vlog '1481.34': don't forget to subscribe to this '1483.08': channel borderlife Ryan's Channel life '1485.84': of Ryan '1487.28': and of course our amazing photographer '1489.919': and editor producer director Billy's '149.819': yeah but somebody by breaking the side '1493.1': Channel only pointed the camera nothing '1495.08': special '1496.1': you did all the work mate '1513.14': foreign '152.04': of it has ruined that a little bit '155.22': um yeah it's pretty much the same '156.72': concept as a as a fireplace '159.48': yeah it's really interesting yeah '162.48': except in summer '164.76': the air is drawn in through this '167.819': aeration shaft and in Winter the error '171.9': should go the other way so there should '173.34': be an entrance and an exit brilliant '177.48': so I've got myself a pole and at the end '180.72': of this pole I'm going to attach this '183.06': small camera '184.86': uh and along with the light hopefully Ed '188.819': can shove this down the the shaft and we '194.159': can see what's down there essentially '208.68': is this where we find out that the uh '211.019': straps aren't long enough '213.84': and it's got to be somewhere towards 10 '215.819': meters of strap here '228.239': so here you can see the inside of the '230.28': shaft '231.72': it's up to the sky '239.159': and isn't that big '242.34': this will hopefully allow us to see a '245.7': bit more my little makeshift '248.459': um Contraption have you managed to '250.799': connect it to your iPhone no '254.7': can I try doing it I don't know how we '257.76': can always pull the GoPro '259.739': but it doesn't really matter I suppose '261.06': does it because now we know which '262.919': direction those caves go so I just need '265.86': to pop it down and we can review the '267.96': footage after exactly yeah '271.699': good '273.66': don't you worry '277.68': oh '279.78': what happens if I lose everything oh '281.82': there'll be an expensive day for me '292.16': we just lost my GoPro '294.54': okay I can't get it back in now I should '296.28': have made that to him there we go '299.66': that's annoying '303.54': oh '311.36': there we go '313.62': I've got the GoPro back that's the main '316.08': thing safe and sound '319.979': yeah nothing okay just tape it on there '323.22': yeah I'll take it on '334.44': got a spin on it '337.86': foreign '37.739': foreign '370.68': um '374.039': close it '375.419': I'll do that again '379.94': you've got one tunnel there and there's '382.56': another tunnel there's another tunnel '383.94': going that way hanging out the spin '385.62': background '387.06': who's gonna make us dizzy isn't it wow '389.819': so that's the main shaft '397.259': um there's another yeah there let's '399.18': pause it '400.699': exciting times '403.139': how do we get down there that's the '405.539': question '406.5': it's a shame you haven't got any map '407.759': said of the uh the tunnels themselves do '410.16': you know what I mean because it'd be '412.199': perfect to know where they lead well I '414.24': have on the other ones '415.919': um like the zero on the area have maps '418.02': of the other ones oh yeah '419.699': oh my God I never thought that dude no '421.74': we haven't no there could be maps of '423.66': these really let's get back to the '425.4': computer quick and let's see whether we '427.259': can find any Maps let's grab everything '428.46': come on right Ryan yeah '432.08': the ventilation shaft is about here on '436.319': this map there was no map of tunnels in '439.919': that area we know there are tunnels but '443.16': just near it we can see tunnels heading '445.319': that way okay '447.599': um they come right back round to another '449.4': part of the woods where it's a really '452.9': steep uh kind of descent almost like a '456.479': valley yeah and so I think in that area '459.72': there there's probably an entrance '463.08': I'll never go in those woods so I '465.3': wouldn't know but let's go have a look '467.4': yes absolutely there are a couple of '470.099': things here on that map '472.62': now I thought they were for like water '475.08': you know like uh you know like a ditch '477.96': for water that just ornately done maybe '480.419': they are the aeration inlets okay '483.72': so we'll go have a look at those we're '485.759': gonna need some specific tools for this '487.979': area here I think if there is anything '490.44': there '491.58': but we'll cross that bridge when we get '493.38': to it so let's go have a look first and '495.12': all right try and find some sort of '496.8': entrance and get inside yep '501.06': foreign '513.56': water flowing through it's got a lot of '515.7': calcium buildup let's go find the other '523.08': one '527.16': this looks more like an air intake for '529.5': me '530.82': but it could well be just water again '532.92': but there's no evidence of water wow '535.92': look at that '543.42': we got a torch in there we've got a '545.64': torch on my phone '549.06': you '551.339': some structure it goes away '555.42': so those are the two that I knew about '557.94': let's see if we can find anything in '559.74': these Woods '560.94': but like I said they're quite '563.16': sloping quite a lot and so there was one '566.76': part that looked like it came right out '568.38': in towards the valley '570.12': so let's see if you can find anything '576.72': it's upside down Ed '579.18': all right '581.94': now '583.56': let's have a look '59.899': welcome to the secret location in the '597.3': foreign '610.2': that looks quite substantial let me '612.3': check it out '614.7': it's candy if you want but I'm pretty '616.08': sure the dogs '617.22': dogs had a bit of an episode with badges '619.26': down there '621.12': ah '627.3': Because deep it goes right back '63.239': woods at Lagos '630.3': are you sure yeah '636.12': I can't even see the end of it '639.36': this this might be worth checking out '64.86': today we've got a really interesting '641.7': well it's kind of where it should be to '643.92': be fair on the map '647.7': I think we should give it a go then yeah '649.86': we're gonna need something a bit '651.06': brighter than a foam torch though right '652.98': let's get properly equipped and see if '655.019': we can get in '656.64': let's go '67.02': Vlog and it's all about '70.619': well it's starting with this ventilation '714.14': thank you '73.619': shaft for caves that we don't actually '735.959': so Ryan we got the lamp '738.18': who's drawn the Short Straw who's going '739.98': in on their own well Ed I think seeing '743.04': is this your place and your tunnel to '746.88': explore '748.32': usually going first but '751.019': I'll be here outside making sure '753.24': everything's okay and if you need any '755.519': assistance you know where I am '758.399': okay '76.02': have access to well I wasn't expecting '767.1': yeah '768.899': oh it is big '771.12': proper tunnels Lads lovely '774.54': I'll have a quick look and then I'm '776.04': coming back for you '778.62': there's an old bottle here '780.899': that's really old '788.94': I don't want to be exploring this on my '79.08': it to be this Big Ed '790.62': own in a little bit of a cave in there '793.8': doesn't worry me '795.66': because it's just got uh '798.779': clay behind it I think that's what's '800.579': going on there oh no the roots have got '802.8': in it right '809.18': this kit here is really important for us '81.84': um it's a rather large shaft isn't it it '811.92': today '813.0': it's called Delta Pro and the Delta Pro '816.0': Smart battery extension there's 7.2 '819.54': kilowatt total kilowatt hour sorry total '822.36': of power in this '824.94': you don't want to go down a cave and get '827.279': right in the middle of the cave and have '829.079': no power '830.519': so these should absolutely new kit they '834.12': are really really good quality and they '837.959': will '838.8': not fail on us and you can say that '84.0': is indeed ha on Earth '841.68': about them it's one thing you know '843.42': they're not going to fail if we get to a '846.12': stage where we need to break some Rubble '848.339': up or something like that then they can '850.68': actually power on a surge up to about '853.74': seven kilowatts so you know a big drill '857.279': like a big Hilty drill or something '858.6': you're talking 1.82 kilowatts you know '86.4': are we gonna be able to take a look '861.839': something like that and uh yeah so I '864.899': mean '865.68': we shouldn't need the second battery but '867.779': we're not taking any risks are we '869.88': so '871.079': I'm also going to grab my little ecofo '873.72': Pro take that along with us just for the '875.94': ride and can't see us needing it but '878.22': let's have it just as a backup '88.5': inside it '880.199': if you like the look of these ecoflow '881.88': Delta Pros or any of their products '883.56': there's a link in our description '885.42': today's vlog '887.16': I can highly recommend them '889.38': got some water very important okay I'll '89.58': well '893.22': take Billy's as well all right yeah that '895.079': is important because what about you I've '897.3': got some as well yeah don't worry about '898.62': me '899.519': got my own because in case we get stuck '901.32': down there yep a bit of water will just '903.06': help us for a little while '906.6': AC on '91.08': I have been here before and I know '913.5': it's been a few cave-ins around '916.62': well as long as one doesn't happen while '919.26': we're down here '92.58': there's a hole on the other side '920.399': that's the main thing yeah I don't think '923.339': so '930.839': so blocked off we've got there that's '933.42': this black area on the map I see it '935.399': should we go that way to see what there '937.079': is that way first '938.88': yeah '941.1': we don't need the other one we'll leave '942.54': that there '944.88': yeah the cage getting a bit taller Now '947.639': red yeah you can actually stand up '95.1': today we're gonna drop '952.26': let's keep going '954.6': oh we got another bit blocked off '956.82': so that must be here on the map I see it '959.94': I mean we're going the wrong way but '961.139': we've got to we've got to explore it all '962.579': haven't we yeah it should go down there '965.579': and stop and go left and stop let's have '968.04': a look see everybody now '97.88': this light in '971.82': yeah we've got the dead end here '978.24': all right '979.74': so that's the dead end let's go down the '981.72': other one just double check on that one '991.199': ah '992.779': what's that '997.92': open it up first don't move it
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Коммунан департамент — Эндр а, Луара а. Кхузахь климат барамехь ю, аьхка йовха хуьлу, ткъа Ӏа барамехь-шийла хуьлу. ГӀалин бахархой французаш бу. Официалан Французийн мотт бу.", "Бомо́н-ла-Ронс — муніципалітет у Франції, у регіоні Центр-Долина Луари, департамент Ендр і Луара. Населення — 1177 осіб.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce est commune Francicum 1'132 incolarum praefecturae Andrae et Ligeris in provincia media.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce is a former commune in the Indre-et-Loire department in central France. On 1 January 2017, it was merged into the new commune Beaumont-Louestault.", "Beaumont-Louestault es una comuna nueva francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira.", "Bomon la Rons je naselje i opština u centralnoj Francuskoj u regionu Centar, u departmanu Endr i Loara koja pripada prefekturi Tur.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce és un municipi francès, situat al departament de l'Indre i Loira i a la regió de Centre – Vall del Loira. L'any 2007 tenia 1.132 habitants.", "Beaumont-Louestault est, depuis le 1ᵉʳ janvier 2017, une commune nouvelle française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire en région Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce war eine französische Gemeinde mit zuletzt 1.211 Einwohnern im Département Indre-et-Loire in der Region Centre-Val de Loire; sie gehörte zum Arrondissement Tours und zum Kanton Château-Renault. Beaumont-la-Ronce ist ein Ortsteil der Gemeinde Beaumont-Louestault.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce este o comună în departamentul Indre-et-Loire, Franța. În 2009 avea o populație de 1157 de locuitori.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce Frantziako udalerria da, Indre-et-Loire departamenduan dagoena, Centre eskualdean. 2013an 1.132 biztanle zituen.", "Cet article recense une partie des monuments historiques d'Indre-et-Loire, en France.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce era una comuna francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira, que el 1 de enero de 2017 pasó a ser una comuna delegada de la comuna nueva de Beaumont-Louestault​ al fusionarse con la comuna de Louestault.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce é uma comuna francesa na região administrativa do Centro, no departamento Indre-et-Loire. Estende-se por uma área de 39,17 km². Em 2010 a comuna tinha 1 167 habitantes.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce është një komunë në Francë. Beaumont-la-Ronce bën pjesë në departamentin Indre-et-Loire të rajonit Centre. Komuna ka një popullsi prej 1157 banorë dhe sipërfaqe 39.04 km².", "Beaumont-la-Ronce je francúzska obec, ktorá sa nachádza v departemente Indre-et-Loire, v regióne Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce település Franciaországban, Indre-et-Loire megyében. Beaumont-la-Ronce Louestault, Marray, Neuillé-Pont-Pierre, Neuvy-le-Roi, Nouzilly, Rouziers-de-Touraine és Saint-Laurent-en-Gâtines községekkel határos.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce est une ancienne commune française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire, en région Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-Louestault ist eine französische Gemeinde mit 1.684 Einwohnern im Département Indre-et-Loire in der Region Centre-Val de Loire; sie gehört zum Arrondissement Tours und zum Kanton Château-Renault." ], "context_section_description": [ "Beaumont-la-Ronce sī ūi-tī Hoat-kok Centre-Val de Loire toā-khu Indre-et-Loire séng ê chi̍t ê commune.", null, "Бомон-ла-Ронс () — Францин гӀала-коммуна, лаьтта Центр — Луаран атагӀа регионехь. Коммунан департамент — Эндр а, Луара а. Кхузахь климат барамехь ю, аьхка йовха хуьлу, ткъа Ӏа барамехь-шийла хуьлу. ГӀалин бахархой французаш бу. Официалан Французийн мотт бу.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce est commune Francicum 1'132 incolarum (anno 2007) praefecturae Andrae et Ligeris in provincia media.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce is a former commune in the Indre-et-Loire department in central France. On 1 January 2017, it was merged into the new commune Beaumont-Louestault.", "Beaumont-Louestault es una comuna nueva francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce és un municipi francès, situat al departament de l'Indre i Loira i a la regió de Centre – Vall del Loira. L'any 2007 tenia 1.132 habitants.", "Beaumont-Louestault est, depuis le 1ᵉʳ janvier 2017, une commune nouvelle française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire en région Centre-Val de Loire.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce este o comună în departamentul Indre-et-Loire, Franța. În 2009 avea o populație de 1157 de locuitori.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce Frantziako udalerria da, Indre-et-Loire departamenduan dagoena, Centre eskualdean. 2013an 1.132 biztanle zituen.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce era una comuna francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira, que el 1 de enero de 2017 pasó a ser una comuna delegada de la comuna nueva de Beaumont-Louestault​ al fusionarse con la comuna de Louestault.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce é uma comuna francesa na região administrativa do Centro, no departamento Indre-et-Loire. Estende-se por uma área de 39,17 km². Em 2010 a comuna tinha 1 167 habitantes (densidade: 29,8 hab./km²).", "Beaumont-la-Ronce është një komunë në Francë. Beaumont-la-Ronce bën pjesë në departamentin Indre-et-Loire të rajonit Centre. Komuna ka një popullsi prej 1157 banorë (regjistrimi 2009) dhe sipërfaqe 39.04 km².", "Beaumont-la-Ronce je francúzska obec, ktorá sa nachádza v departemente Indre-et-Loire, v regióne Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce település Franciaországban, Indre-et-Loire megyében. Beaumont-la-Ronce Louestault, Marray, Neuillé-Pont-Pierre, Neuvy-le-Roi, Nouzilly, Rouziers-de-Touraine és Saint-Laurent-en-Gâtines községekkel határos.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce est une ancienne commune française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire, en région Centre-Val de Loire.", null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Бомон ла Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce / Sehenswürdigkeiten", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Liste des monuments historiques d'Indre-et-Loire (A-J) / Liste", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault / Sehenswürdigkeiten / Louestault" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "nan", "sr", "ce", "uk", "la", "en", "es", "sr-Latn", "ca", "fr", "de", "ro", "eu", "fr", "es", "pt", "sq", "sk", "hu", "fr", "de" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Бомон ла Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Liste des monuments historiques d'Indre-et-Loire (A-J)", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "Sehenswürdigkeiten", null, null, "Liste", null, null, null, null, null, null, "Louestault" ] }
We found SECRET Tunnels used by the RESISTANCE at the chateau
We found secret tunnels built by the resistance at the chateau . Tunnel exploring @The Pethericks @Life of Ryan with @EcoFlow Edd loves to explore and so does Billy @The Pethericks & Ryan @Life of Ryan so equipped with off they go equipped with #ecoflow portable power supply so there can light in the tunnels but also so they can use heavy equipment to breath through closed passages Exploring a tunnel network with Huge thank you to Billy @The Pethericks for filming & editing the vlog ❤️ @ to Ryan @Life of Ryan for co-editing ❤️ More on tonight’s vlog See you all later at the premier Edd & Anna xx More on tonight's vlog x Huge Thank You to everyone for their Love & Support x Special Thank You to all of our amazing Patrons x If you wish to become a Patron : To see more what we get up to day to day check out our instagram account : Follow us on Facebook Website : #PortablePowerStation #EcoFlow #DELTApro Tunnels , sectet tunnels , resistance ,cave exploring , bordeaux life ,chateau lagorce , chateaux in france , escape to the chateau , chateau diy ,french chateau
'10.099': thank you '1001.42': is it empty yeah it's empty '1006.44': it's an old box of some sort '101.579': it's on batteries and then with your '1012.459': this is pretty old right '1015.98': that's strange '1020.06': I've never seen a box like that '1022.579': it's quite like uh '1025.16': doing '1026.439': Sensations in it '1028.819': it's made for something specific let's '1030.98': get it out '1032.0': a little look outside hey '1035.14': oh it's very uh creaky '1038.679': all right '104.939': GoPro '1040.52': let's get it back to the start then we '1042.799': can go exploring the other way blinking '1044.959': heavy '1046.1': I can barely lift it '1048.319': I've got it what is heavy '1050.84': oh it's got mud underneath '106.14': we're going to stick your GoPro on the '1061.34': let's go '1062.96': let's pull the other side yeah so we're '1066.08': definitely here '1067.52': and what we're hoping for is to get over '1069.44': there '107.82': end of a pool '1070.58': so anywhere here where it carries on we '1073.76': might be able to get around there '1075.62': that's all looks like it's blocked off '1077.36': but let's let's have a look Ed what's '1079.4': that on your uh belt there mate oh '1082.46': it's uh oxy meter all right okay it's '1085.34': really important again uh down here '1087.14': normally Outsider at 20.9 here with 20.7 '109.079': rod and we're going to see what's down '1091.039': 20.8 okay so 2.3 it's going down yeah if '1096.2': um if it goes down too much obviously '1097.76': it'll stop leaping and let us know to '1099.62': not go anywhere brilliant and start good '1101.539': now okay let's have a look this looks '1104.179': like it's blocked off straight away '1106.22': whoever want to go is the other side '1108.38': here '112.079': the bottom we can't get ladders in there '1121.4': oh '1122.9': I see there '1124.4': I guess he's getting interesting we've '1126.02': got a bit that's back to where we came '1128.179': from '1129.26': well I can't tell there's anything there '1131.299': but this '1132.32': looks '1134.84': like you can get over the other side '1136.46': from here there's definitely tunnels '1138.62': over there Billy what can you see Ed I '114.299': because it's about five or six meters '1141.08': can see Rubble for about five six meters '1143.059': and then you can see the caves just it '1146.059': looks very tight though for squeezing '1147.62': through yeah and '1149.419': um if something happens over there '1151.52': you're in trouble we need to get out '1153.02': quick yeah it's not gonna be a quick '1155.059': exit it's not is it I think we should '1156.799': break through the uh the walls that's a '1159.32': good idea '116.04': down but like I say we don't we don't '1160.22': yeah the concrete like blocked up walls '1163.46': yeah the only Breeze block aren't they '1165.38': so they should just come down single '1166.94': skin possibly so it should be quite easy '1168.679': let's go get the kit and let's break '1170.96': through okay '1173.299': foreign '118.259': know where these tunnels are where they '120.78': go from too and this is all part of the '1213.799': foreign '123.659': process of trying to find entry to these '1248.84': over the back there yeah can you see it '1252.08': just there not massive lump at the back '1254.419': there yeah I know exactly what that was '1256.7': really that '1259.1': I called uh the local '126.42': caves it's a really random thing to just '1261.5': people that they wrote uh take care of '1263.299': the road and uh because it was a big '1265.039': hole in the front of our drive yeah on '1267.919': the main road and they came in they '1269.72': pumped a lot of concrete down there oh '127.979': have in the middle of the woods isn't it '1271.46': okay so that '1273.98': I don't think we're gonna get through '1275.12': that no '1276.62': let's try maybe the other wall and see '1278.419': where that goes yeah '1287.02': thank you '129.239': just a huge structure like that I've '131.76': never seen anything like it in my life '1315.98': foreign '1325.72': I think it's just Rubble at the back of '1328.34': it again '1329.419': these walls have been built so nobody I '133.26': I've seen them before in other parts of '1332.299': mean nobody gets through I mean even if '1335.419': we went around the corner over that '1336.74': Gravelly bit we still got another wall '1339.2': yeah on the map so we know that there's '1342.02': no getting through to that to that other '1344.96': side from here these walls have been '1347.24': made so that nobody can get through '135.72': this area but not to this scale that '1350.419': um which is probably a good thing '1351.44': because it looks like it's underneath '1352.82': the road so '1355.039': um I think we'll knock this one on the '1356.9': head that that leaves us one option and '1360.559': that is popping a ladder in that '1362.78': ventilation shaft I think it's about '1364.88': nine meters to the ground yep and lucky '1367.58': luckily I have a nine meter long ladder '1371.24': okay do you think that's the only way in '1372.86': I think that is definitely the only way '1375.26': into those caves '1377.9': well the only known way in '138.06': they've been like eight foot maximum and '1381.44': um and uh yeah that's not that's not a '1384.559': job for today so this log is to be '1387.26': continued '1389.78': oh '1394.46': we got unbelievable '1397.94': we did quite a bit of work down there '1399.559': we've still got 99 battery left '140.94': tiny little holes it's to stop people '1402.08': I have a shot there with the batteries '1404.059': but at least we were on the side of '1406.4': caution '1407.539': I think I figured out also what was '1410.059': going on down there '1411.74': I think when they put the road in they '1413.419': blocked everything off and possibly even '1415.1': filled everything in makes sense '1418.94': um and I think that's where that bottle '1420.86': came from right at the start the '1422.48': exploration I think that kind of dates '1424.64': the the work that was done down there '1426.559': it's got that kind of shiny Sheen in it '1429.02': you know the kind of rainbow opalescent '143.4': getting in isn't it that's is that why '1431.419': yeah '1433.039': and then that we just haven't got a clue '1434.6': what it is really if anybody does know '1436.64': you can tell say in the comments '1439.88': it you know it could be used for '144.72': it's so high '1442.039': Dynamite or anything but it looks '1444.559': suspiciously like a rifle box you '1447.559': because you've got the butt the gun '1449.12': would go up there '1452.0': and you could have it strapped down as '1454.4': well '1456.62': that would make sense because the uh '1459.32': the resistance were around in this area '146.04': possibly or possibly to have a better '1462.5': and the Germans didn't like going down '1464.12': the caves no '1465.799': so it could have been a little stash '1468.26': of course they would never leave guns '1469.94': down there unless it's not properly '147.9': draw on it possibly yeah like a chimney '1471.26': hidden but somebody could have used it '1472.94': later on for maybe tools or something '1474.32': yeah '1475.58': very interesting yeah very interesting '1478.52': so if you did enjoy today's vlog '1481.34': don't forget to subscribe to this '1483.08': channel borderlife Ryan's Channel life '1485.84': of Ryan '1487.28': and of course our amazing photographer '1489.919': and editor producer director Billy's '149.819': yeah but somebody by breaking the side '1493.1': Channel only pointed the camera nothing '1495.08': special '1496.1': you did all the work mate '1513.14': foreign '152.04': of it has ruined that a little bit '155.22': um yeah it's pretty much the same '156.72': concept as a as a fireplace '159.48': yeah it's really interesting yeah '162.48': except in summer '164.76': the air is drawn in through this '167.819': aeration shaft and in Winter the error '171.9': should go the other way so there should '173.34': be an entrance and an exit brilliant '177.48': so I've got myself a pole and at the end '180.72': of this pole I'm going to attach this '183.06': small camera '184.86': uh and along with the light hopefully Ed '188.819': can shove this down the the shaft and we '194.159': can see what's down there essentially '208.68': is this where we find out that the uh '211.019': straps aren't long enough '213.84': and it's got to be somewhere towards 10 '215.819': meters of strap here '228.239': so here you can see the inside of the '230.28': shaft '231.72': it's up to the sky '239.159': and isn't that big '242.34': this will hopefully allow us to see a '245.7': bit more my little makeshift '248.459': um Contraption have you managed to '250.799': connect it to your iPhone no '254.7': can I try doing it I don't know how we '257.76': can always pull the GoPro '259.739': but it doesn't really matter I suppose '261.06': does it because now we know which '262.919': direction those caves go so I just need '265.86': to pop it down and we can review the '267.96': footage after exactly yeah '271.699': good '273.66': don't you worry '277.68': oh '279.78': what happens if I lose everything oh '281.82': there'll be an expensive day for me '292.16': we just lost my GoPro '294.54': okay I can't get it back in now I should '296.28': have made that to him there we go '299.66': that's annoying '303.54': oh '311.36': there we go '313.62': I've got the GoPro back that's the main '316.08': thing safe and sound '319.979': yeah nothing okay just tape it on there '323.22': yeah I'll take it on '334.44': got a spin on it '337.86': foreign '37.739': foreign '370.68': um '374.039': close it '375.419': I'll do that again '379.94': you've got one tunnel there and there's '382.56': another tunnel there's another tunnel '383.94': going that way hanging out the spin '385.62': background '387.06': who's gonna make us dizzy isn't it wow '389.819': so that's the main shaft '397.259': um there's another yeah there let's '399.18': pause it '400.699': exciting times '403.139': how do we get down there that's the '405.539': question '406.5': it's a shame you haven't got any map '407.759': said of the uh the tunnels themselves do '410.16': you know what I mean because it'd be '412.199': perfect to know where they lead well I '414.24': have on the other ones '415.919': um like the zero on the area have maps '418.02': of the other ones oh yeah '419.699': oh my God I never thought that dude no '421.74': we haven't no there could be maps of '423.66': these really let's get back to the '425.4': computer quick and let's see whether we '427.259': can find any Maps let's grab everything '428.46': come on right Ryan yeah '432.08': the ventilation shaft is about here on '436.319': this map there was no map of tunnels in '439.919': that area we know there are tunnels but '443.16': just near it we can see tunnels heading '445.319': that way okay '447.599': um they come right back round to another '449.4': part of the woods where it's a really '452.9': steep uh kind of descent almost like a '456.479': valley yeah and so I think in that area '459.72': there there's probably an entrance '463.08': I'll never go in those woods so I '465.3': wouldn't know but let's go have a look '467.4': yes absolutely there are a couple of '470.099': things here on that map '472.62': now I thought they were for like water '475.08': you know like uh you know like a ditch '477.96': for water that just ornately done maybe '480.419': they are the aeration inlets okay '483.72': so we'll go have a look at those we're '485.759': gonna need some specific tools for this '487.979': area here I think if there is anything '490.44': there '491.58': but we'll cross that bridge when we get '493.38': to it so let's go have a look first and '495.12': all right try and find some sort of '496.8': entrance and get inside yep '501.06': foreign '513.56': water flowing through it's got a lot of '515.7': calcium buildup let's go find the other '523.08': one '527.16': this looks more like an air intake for '529.5': me '530.82': but it could well be just water again '532.92': but there's no evidence of water wow '535.92': look at that '543.42': we got a torch in there we've got a '545.64': torch on my phone '549.06': you '551.339': some structure it goes away '555.42': so those are the two that I knew about '557.94': let's see if we can find anything in '559.74': these Woods '560.94': but like I said they're quite '563.16': sloping quite a lot and so there was one '566.76': part that looked like it came right out '568.38': in towards the valley '570.12': so let's see if you can find anything '576.72': it's upside down Ed '579.18': all right '581.94': now '583.56': let's have a look '59.899': welcome to the secret location in the '597.3': foreign '610.2': that looks quite substantial let me '612.3': check it out '614.7': it's candy if you want but I'm pretty '616.08': sure the dogs '617.22': dogs had a bit of an episode with badges '619.26': down there '621.12': ah '627.3': Because deep it goes right back '63.239': woods at Lagos '630.3': are you sure yeah '636.12': I can't even see the end of it '639.36': this this might be worth checking out '64.86': today we've got a really interesting '641.7': well it's kind of where it should be to '643.92': be fair on the map '647.7': I think we should give it a go then yeah '649.86': we're gonna need something a bit '651.06': brighter than a foam torch though right '652.98': let's get properly equipped and see if '655.019': we can get in '656.64': let's go '67.02': Vlog and it's all about '70.619': well it's starting with this ventilation '714.14': thank you '73.619': shaft for caves that we don't actually '735.959': so Ryan we got the lamp '738.18': who's drawn the Short Straw who's going '739.98': in on their own well Ed I think seeing '743.04': is this your place and your tunnel to '746.88': explore '748.32': usually going first but '751.019': I'll be here outside making sure '753.24': everything's okay and if you need any '755.519': assistance you know where I am '758.399': okay '76.02': have access to well I wasn't expecting '767.1': yeah '768.899': oh it is big '771.12': proper tunnels Lads lovely '774.54': I'll have a quick look and then I'm '776.04': coming back for you '778.62': there's an old bottle here '780.899': that's really old '788.94': I don't want to be exploring this on my '79.08': it to be this Big Ed '790.62': own in a little bit of a cave in there '793.8': doesn't worry me '795.66': because it's just got uh '798.779': clay behind it I think that's what's '800.579': going on there oh no the roots have got '802.8': in it right '809.18': this kit here is really important for us '81.84': um it's a rather large shaft isn't it it '811.92': today '813.0': it's called Delta Pro and the Delta Pro '816.0': Smart battery extension there's 7.2 '819.54': kilowatt total kilowatt hour sorry total '822.36': of power in this '824.94': you don't want to go down a cave and get '827.279': right in the middle of the cave and have '829.079': no power '830.519': so these should absolutely new kit they '834.12': are really really good quality and they '837.959': will '838.8': not fail on us and you can say that '84.0': is indeed ha on Earth '841.68': about them it's one thing you know '843.42': they're not going to fail if we get to a '846.12': stage where we need to break some Rubble '848.339': up or something like that then they can '850.68': actually power on a surge up to about '853.74': seven kilowatts so you know a big drill '857.279': like a big Hilty drill or something '858.6': you're talking 1.82 kilowatts you know '86.4': are we gonna be able to take a look '861.839': something like that and uh yeah so I '864.899': mean '865.68': we shouldn't need the second battery but '867.779': we're not taking any risks are we '869.88': so '871.079': I'm also going to grab my little ecofo '873.72': Pro take that along with us just for the '875.94': ride and can't see us needing it but '878.22': let's have it just as a backup '88.5': inside it '880.199': if you like the look of these ecoflow '881.88': Delta Pros or any of their products '883.56': there's a link in our description '885.42': today's vlog '887.16': I can highly recommend them '889.38': got some water very important okay I'll '89.58': well '893.22': take Billy's as well all right yeah that '895.079': is important because what about you I've '897.3': got some as well yeah don't worry about '898.62': me '899.519': got my own because in case we get stuck '901.32': down there yep a bit of water will just '903.06': help us for a little while '906.6': AC on '91.08': I have been here before and I know '913.5': it's been a few cave-ins around '916.62': well as long as one doesn't happen while '919.26': we're down here '92.58': there's a hole on the other side '920.399': that's the main thing yeah I don't think '923.339': so '930.839': so blocked off we've got there that's '933.42': this black area on the map I see it '935.399': should we go that way to see what there '937.079': is that way first '938.88': yeah '941.1': we don't need the other one we'll leave '942.54': that there '944.88': yeah the cage getting a bit taller Now '947.639': red yeah you can actually stand up '95.1': today we're gonna drop '952.26': let's keep going '954.6': oh we got another bit blocked off '956.82': so that must be here on the map I see it '959.94': I mean we're going the wrong way but '961.139': we've got to we've got to explore it all '962.579': haven't we yeah it should go down there '965.579': and stop and go left and stop let's have '968.04': a look see everybody now '97.88': this light in '971.82': yeah we've got the dead end here '978.24': all right '979.74': so that's the dead end let's go down the '981.72': other one just double check on that one '991.199': ah '992.779': what's that '997.92': open it up first don't move it
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Коммунан департамент — Эндр а, Луара а. Кхузахь климат барамехь ю, аьхка йовха хуьлу, ткъа Ӏа барамехь-шийла хуьлу. ГӀалин бахархой французаш бу. Официалан Французийн мотт бу.", "Бомо́н-ла-Ронс — муніципалітет у Франції, у регіоні Центр-Долина Луари, департамент Ендр і Луара. Населення — 1177 осіб.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce est commune Francicum 1'132 incolarum praefecturae Andrae et Ligeris in provincia media.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce is a former commune in the Indre-et-Loire department in central France. On 1 January 2017, it was merged into the new commune Beaumont-Louestault.", "Beaumont-Louestault es una comuna nueva francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira.", "Bomon la Rons je naselje i opština u centralnoj Francuskoj u regionu Centar, u departmanu Endr i Loara koja pripada prefekturi Tur.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce és un municipi francès, situat al departament de l'Indre i Loira i a la regió de Centre – Vall del Loira. L'any 2007 tenia 1.132 habitants.", "Beaumont-Louestault est, depuis le 1ᵉʳ janvier 2017, une commune nouvelle française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire en région Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce war eine französische Gemeinde mit zuletzt 1.211 Einwohnern im Département Indre-et-Loire in der Region Centre-Val de Loire; sie gehörte zum Arrondissement Tours und zum Kanton Château-Renault. Beaumont-la-Ronce ist ein Ortsteil der Gemeinde Beaumont-Louestault.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce este o comună în departamentul Indre-et-Loire, Franța. În 2009 avea o populație de 1157 de locuitori.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce Frantziako udalerria da, Indre-et-Loire departamenduan dagoena, Centre eskualdean. 2013an 1.132 biztanle zituen.", "Cet article recense une partie des monuments historiques d'Indre-et-Loire, en France.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce era una comuna francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira, que el 1 de enero de 2017 pasó a ser una comuna delegada de la comuna nueva de Beaumont-Louestault​ al fusionarse con la comuna de Louestault.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce é uma comuna francesa na região administrativa do Centro, no departamento Indre-et-Loire. Estende-se por uma área de 39,17 km². Em 2010 a comuna tinha 1 167 habitantes.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce është një komunë në Francë. Beaumont-la-Ronce bën pjesë në departamentin Indre-et-Loire të rajonit Centre. Komuna ka një popullsi prej 1157 banorë dhe sipërfaqe 39.04 km².", "Beaumont-la-Ronce je francúzska obec, ktorá sa nachádza v departemente Indre-et-Loire, v regióne Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce település Franciaországban, Indre-et-Loire megyében. Beaumont-la-Ronce Louestault, Marray, Neuillé-Pont-Pierre, Neuvy-le-Roi, Nouzilly, Rouziers-de-Touraine és Saint-Laurent-en-Gâtines községekkel határos.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce est une ancienne commune française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire, en région Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-Louestault ist eine französische Gemeinde mit 1.684 Einwohnern im Département Indre-et-Loire in der Region Centre-Val de Loire; sie gehört zum Arrondissement Tours und zum Kanton Château-Renault." ], "context_section_description": [ "Beaumont-la-Ronce sī ūi-tī Hoat-kok Centre-Val de Loire toā-khu Indre-et-Loire séng ê chi̍t ê commune.", null, "Бомон-ла-Ронс () — Францин гӀала-коммуна, лаьтта Центр — Луаран атагӀа регионехь. Коммунан департамент — Эндр а, Луара а. Кхузахь климат барамехь ю, аьхка йовха хуьлу, ткъа Ӏа барамехь-шийла хуьлу. ГӀалин бахархой французаш бу. Официалан Французийн мотт бу.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce est commune Francicum 1'132 incolarum (anno 2007) praefecturae Andrae et Ligeris in provincia media.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce is a former commune in the Indre-et-Loire department in central France. On 1 January 2017, it was merged into the new commune Beaumont-Louestault.", "Beaumont-Louestault es una comuna nueva francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce és un municipi francès, situat al departament de l'Indre i Loira i a la regió de Centre – Vall del Loira. L'any 2007 tenia 1.132 habitants.", "Beaumont-Louestault est, depuis le 1ᵉʳ janvier 2017, une commune nouvelle française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire en région Centre-Val de Loire.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce este o comună în departamentul Indre-et-Loire, Franța. În 2009 avea o populație de 1157 de locuitori.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce Frantziako udalerria da, Indre-et-Loire departamenduan dagoena, Centre eskualdean. 2013an 1.132 biztanle zituen.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce era una comuna francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira, que el 1 de enero de 2017 pasó a ser una comuna delegada de la comuna nueva de Beaumont-Louestault​ al fusionarse con la comuna de Louestault.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce é uma comuna francesa na região administrativa do Centro, no departamento Indre-et-Loire. Estende-se por uma área de 39,17 km². Em 2010 a comuna tinha 1 167 habitantes (densidade: 29,8 hab./km²).", "Beaumont-la-Ronce është një komunë në Francë. Beaumont-la-Ronce bën pjesë në departamentin Indre-et-Loire të rajonit Centre. Komuna ka një popullsi prej 1157 banorë (regjistrimi 2009) dhe sipërfaqe 39.04 km².", "Beaumont-la-Ronce je francúzska obec, ktorá sa nachádza v departemente Indre-et-Loire, v regióne Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce település Franciaországban, Indre-et-Loire megyében. Beaumont-la-Ronce Louestault, Marray, Neuillé-Pont-Pierre, Neuvy-le-Roi, Nouzilly, Rouziers-de-Touraine és Saint-Laurent-en-Gâtines községekkel határos.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce est une ancienne commune française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire, en région Centre-Val de Loire.", null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Бомон ла Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce / Sehenswürdigkeiten", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Liste des monuments historiques d'Indre-et-Loire (A-J) / Liste", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault / Sehenswürdigkeiten / Louestault" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "nan", "sr", "ce", "uk", "la", "en", "es", "sr-Latn", "ca", "fr", "de", "ro", "eu", "fr", "es", "pt", "sq", "sk", "hu", "fr", "de" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Бомон ла Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Liste des monuments historiques d'Indre-et-Loire (A-J)", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "Sehenswürdigkeiten", null, null, "Liste", null, null, null, null, null, null, "Louestault" ] }
We found SECRET Tunnels used by the RESISTANCE at the chateau
We found secret tunnels built by the resistance at the chateau . Tunnel exploring @The Pethericks @Life of Ryan with @EcoFlow Edd loves to explore and so does Billy @The Pethericks & Ryan @Life of Ryan so equipped with off they go equipped with #ecoflow portable power supply so there can light in the tunnels but also so they can use heavy equipment to breath through closed passages Exploring a tunnel network with Huge thank you to Billy @The Pethericks for filming & editing the vlog ❤️ @ to Ryan @Life of Ryan for co-editing ❤️ More on tonight’s vlog See you all later at the premier Edd & Anna xx More on tonight's vlog x Huge Thank You to everyone for their Love & Support x Special Thank You to all of our amazing Patrons x If you wish to become a Patron : To see more what we get up to day to day check out our instagram account : Follow us on Facebook Website : #PortablePowerStation #EcoFlow #DELTApro Tunnels , sectet tunnels , resistance ,cave exploring , bordeaux life ,chateau lagorce , chateaux in france , escape to the chateau , chateau diy ,french chateau
'10.099': thank you '1001.42': is it empty yeah it's empty '1006.44': it's an old box of some sort '101.579': it's on batteries and then with your '1012.459': this is pretty old right '1015.98': that's strange '1020.06': I've never seen a box like that '1022.579': it's quite like uh '1025.16': doing '1026.439': Sensations in it '1028.819': it's made for something specific let's '1030.98': get it out '1032.0': a little look outside hey '1035.14': oh it's very uh creaky '1038.679': all right '104.939': GoPro '1040.52': let's get it back to the start then we '1042.799': can go exploring the other way blinking '1044.959': heavy '1046.1': I can barely lift it '1048.319': I've got it what is heavy '1050.84': oh it's got mud underneath '106.14': we're going to stick your GoPro on the '1061.34': let's go '1062.96': let's pull the other side yeah so we're '1066.08': definitely here '1067.52': and what we're hoping for is to get over '1069.44': there '107.82': end of a pool '1070.58': so anywhere here where it carries on we '1073.76': might be able to get around there '1075.62': that's all looks like it's blocked off '1077.36': but let's let's have a look Ed what's '1079.4': that on your uh belt there mate oh '1082.46': it's uh oxy meter all right okay it's '1085.34': really important again uh down here '1087.14': normally Outsider at 20.9 here with 20.7 '109.079': rod and we're going to see what's down '1091.039': 20.8 okay so 2.3 it's going down yeah if '1096.2': um if it goes down too much obviously '1097.76': it'll stop leaping and let us know to '1099.62': not go anywhere brilliant and start good '1101.539': now okay let's have a look this looks '1104.179': like it's blocked off straight away '1106.22': whoever want to go is the other side '1108.38': here '112.079': the bottom we can't get ladders in there '1121.4': oh '1122.9': I see there '1124.4': I guess he's getting interesting we've '1126.02': got a bit that's back to where we came '1128.179': from '1129.26': well I can't tell there's anything there '1131.299': but this '1132.32': looks '1134.84': like you can get over the other side '1136.46': from here there's definitely tunnels '1138.62': over there Billy what can you see Ed I '114.299': because it's about five or six meters '1141.08': can see Rubble for about five six meters '1143.059': and then you can see the caves just it '1146.059': looks very tight though for squeezing '1147.62': through yeah and '1149.419': um if something happens over there '1151.52': you're in trouble we need to get out '1153.02': quick yeah it's not gonna be a quick '1155.059': exit it's not is it I think we should '1156.799': break through the uh the walls that's a '1159.32': good idea '116.04': down but like I say we don't we don't '1160.22': yeah the concrete like blocked up walls '1163.46': yeah the only Breeze block aren't they '1165.38': so they should just come down single '1166.94': skin possibly so it should be quite easy '1168.679': let's go get the kit and let's break '1170.96': through okay '1173.299': foreign '118.259': know where these tunnels are where they '120.78': go from too and this is all part of the '1213.799': foreign '123.659': process of trying to find entry to these '1248.84': over the back there yeah can you see it '1252.08': just there not massive lump at the back '1254.419': there yeah I know exactly what that was '1256.7': really that '1259.1': I called uh the local '126.42': caves it's a really random thing to just '1261.5': people that they wrote uh take care of '1263.299': the road and uh because it was a big '1265.039': hole in the front of our drive yeah on '1267.919': the main road and they came in they '1269.72': pumped a lot of concrete down there oh '127.979': have in the middle of the woods isn't it '1271.46': okay so that '1273.98': I don't think we're gonna get through '1275.12': that no '1276.62': let's try maybe the other wall and see '1278.419': where that goes yeah '1287.02': thank you '129.239': just a huge structure like that I've '131.76': never seen anything like it in my life '1315.98': foreign '1325.72': I think it's just Rubble at the back of '1328.34': it again '1329.419': these walls have been built so nobody I '133.26': I've seen them before in other parts of '1332.299': mean nobody gets through I mean even if '1335.419': we went around the corner over that '1336.74': Gravelly bit we still got another wall '1339.2': yeah on the map so we know that there's '1342.02': no getting through to that to that other '1344.96': side from here these walls have been '1347.24': made so that nobody can get through '135.72': this area but not to this scale that '1350.419': um which is probably a good thing '1351.44': because it looks like it's underneath '1352.82': the road so '1355.039': um I think we'll knock this one on the '1356.9': head that that leaves us one option and '1360.559': that is popping a ladder in that '1362.78': ventilation shaft I think it's about '1364.88': nine meters to the ground yep and lucky '1367.58': luckily I have a nine meter long ladder '1371.24': okay do you think that's the only way in '1372.86': I think that is definitely the only way '1375.26': into those caves '1377.9': well the only known way in '138.06': they've been like eight foot maximum and '1381.44': um and uh yeah that's not that's not a '1384.559': job for today so this log is to be '1387.26': continued '1389.78': oh '1394.46': we got unbelievable '1397.94': we did quite a bit of work down there '1399.559': we've still got 99 battery left '140.94': tiny little holes it's to stop people '1402.08': I have a shot there with the batteries '1404.059': but at least we were on the side of '1406.4': caution '1407.539': I think I figured out also what was '1410.059': going on down there '1411.74': I think when they put the road in they '1413.419': blocked everything off and possibly even '1415.1': filled everything in makes sense '1418.94': um and I think that's where that bottle '1420.86': came from right at the start the '1422.48': exploration I think that kind of dates '1424.64': the the work that was done down there '1426.559': it's got that kind of shiny Sheen in it '1429.02': you know the kind of rainbow opalescent '143.4': getting in isn't it that's is that why '1431.419': yeah '1433.039': and then that we just haven't got a clue '1434.6': what it is really if anybody does know '1436.64': you can tell say in the comments '1439.88': it you know it could be used for '144.72': it's so high '1442.039': Dynamite or anything but it looks '1444.559': suspiciously like a rifle box you '1447.559': because you've got the butt the gun '1449.12': would go up there '1452.0': and you could have it strapped down as '1454.4': well '1456.62': that would make sense because the uh '1459.32': the resistance were around in this area '146.04': possibly or possibly to have a better '1462.5': and the Germans didn't like going down '1464.12': the caves no '1465.799': so it could have been a little stash '1468.26': of course they would never leave guns '1469.94': down there unless it's not properly '147.9': draw on it possibly yeah like a chimney '1471.26': hidden but somebody could have used it '1472.94': later on for maybe tools or something '1474.32': yeah '1475.58': very interesting yeah very interesting '1478.52': so if you did enjoy today's vlog '1481.34': don't forget to subscribe to this '1483.08': channel borderlife Ryan's Channel life '1485.84': of Ryan '1487.28': and of course our amazing photographer '1489.919': and editor producer director Billy's '149.819': yeah but somebody by breaking the side '1493.1': Channel only pointed the camera nothing '1495.08': special '1496.1': you did all the work mate '1513.14': foreign '152.04': of it has ruined that a little bit '155.22': um yeah it's pretty much the same '156.72': concept as a as a fireplace '159.48': yeah it's really interesting yeah '162.48': except in summer '164.76': the air is drawn in through this '167.819': aeration shaft and in Winter the error '171.9': should go the other way so there should '173.34': be an entrance and an exit brilliant '177.48': so I've got myself a pole and at the end '180.72': of this pole I'm going to attach this '183.06': small camera '184.86': uh and along with the light hopefully Ed '188.819': can shove this down the the shaft and we '194.159': can see what's down there essentially '208.68': is this where we find out that the uh '211.019': straps aren't long enough '213.84': and it's got to be somewhere towards 10 '215.819': meters of strap here '228.239': so here you can see the inside of the '230.28': shaft '231.72': it's up to the sky '239.159': and isn't that big '242.34': this will hopefully allow us to see a '245.7': bit more my little makeshift '248.459': um Contraption have you managed to '250.799': connect it to your iPhone no '254.7': can I try doing it I don't know how we '257.76': can always pull the GoPro '259.739': but it doesn't really matter I suppose '261.06': does it because now we know which '262.919': direction those caves go so I just need '265.86': to pop it down and we can review the '267.96': footage after exactly yeah '271.699': good '273.66': don't you worry '277.68': oh '279.78': what happens if I lose everything oh '281.82': there'll be an expensive day for me '292.16': we just lost my GoPro '294.54': okay I can't get it back in now I should '296.28': have made that to him there we go '299.66': that's annoying '303.54': oh '311.36': there we go '313.62': I've got the GoPro back that's the main '316.08': thing safe and sound '319.979': yeah nothing okay just tape it on there '323.22': yeah I'll take it on '334.44': got a spin on it '337.86': foreign '37.739': foreign '370.68': um '374.039': close it '375.419': I'll do that again '379.94': you've got one tunnel there and there's '382.56': another tunnel there's another tunnel '383.94': going that way hanging out the spin '385.62': background '387.06': who's gonna make us dizzy isn't it wow '389.819': so that's the main shaft '397.259': um there's another yeah there let's '399.18': pause it '400.699': exciting times '403.139': how do we get down there that's the '405.539': question '406.5': it's a shame you haven't got any map '407.759': said of the uh the tunnels themselves do '410.16': you know what I mean because it'd be '412.199': perfect to know where they lead well I '414.24': have on the other ones '415.919': um like the zero on the area have maps '418.02': of the other ones oh yeah '419.699': oh my God I never thought that dude no '421.74': we haven't no there could be maps of '423.66': these really let's get back to the '425.4': computer quick and let's see whether we '427.259': can find any Maps let's grab everything '428.46': come on right Ryan yeah '432.08': the ventilation shaft is about here on '436.319': this map there was no map of tunnels in '439.919': that area we know there are tunnels but '443.16': just near it we can see tunnels heading '445.319': that way okay '447.599': um they come right back round to another '449.4': part of the woods where it's a really '452.9': steep uh kind of descent almost like a '456.479': valley yeah and so I think in that area '459.72': there there's probably an entrance '463.08': I'll never go in those woods so I '465.3': wouldn't know but let's go have a look '467.4': yes absolutely there are a couple of '470.099': things here on that map '472.62': now I thought they were for like water '475.08': you know like uh you know like a ditch '477.96': for water that just ornately done maybe '480.419': they are the aeration inlets okay '483.72': so we'll go have a look at those we're '485.759': gonna need some specific tools for this '487.979': area here I think if there is anything '490.44': there '491.58': but we'll cross that bridge when we get '493.38': to it so let's go have a look first and '495.12': all right try and find some sort of '496.8': entrance and get inside yep '501.06': foreign '513.56': water flowing through it's got a lot of '515.7': calcium buildup let's go find the other '523.08': one '527.16': this looks more like an air intake for '529.5': me '530.82': but it could well be just water again '532.92': but there's no evidence of water wow '535.92': look at that '543.42': we got a torch in there we've got a '545.64': torch on my phone '549.06': you '551.339': some structure it goes away '555.42': so those are the two that I knew about '557.94': let's see if we can find anything in '559.74': these Woods '560.94': but like I said they're quite '563.16': sloping quite a lot and so there was one '566.76': part that looked like it came right out '568.38': in towards the valley '570.12': so let's see if you can find anything '576.72': it's upside down Ed '579.18': all right '581.94': now '583.56': let's have a look '59.899': welcome to the secret location in the '597.3': foreign '610.2': that looks quite substantial let me '612.3': check it out '614.7': it's candy if you want but I'm pretty '616.08': sure the dogs '617.22': dogs had a bit of an episode with badges '619.26': down there '621.12': ah '627.3': Because deep it goes right back '63.239': woods at Lagos '630.3': are you sure yeah '636.12': I can't even see the end of it '639.36': this this might be worth checking out '64.86': today we've got a really interesting '641.7': well it's kind of where it should be to '643.92': be fair on the map '647.7': I think we should give it a go then yeah '649.86': we're gonna need something a bit '651.06': brighter than a foam torch though right '652.98': let's get properly equipped and see if '655.019': we can get in '656.64': let's go '67.02': Vlog and it's all about '70.619': well it's starting with this ventilation '714.14': thank you '73.619': shaft for caves that we don't actually '735.959': so Ryan we got the lamp '738.18': who's drawn the Short Straw who's going '739.98': in on their own well Ed I think seeing '743.04': is this your place and your tunnel to '746.88': explore '748.32': usually going first but '751.019': I'll be here outside making sure '753.24': everything's okay and if you need any '755.519': assistance you know where I am '758.399': okay '76.02': have access to well I wasn't expecting '767.1': yeah '768.899': oh it is big '771.12': proper tunnels Lads lovely '774.54': I'll have a quick look and then I'm '776.04': coming back for you '778.62': there's an old bottle here '780.899': that's really old '788.94': I don't want to be exploring this on my '79.08': it to be this Big Ed '790.62': own in a little bit of a cave in there '793.8': doesn't worry me '795.66': because it's just got uh '798.779': clay behind it I think that's what's '800.579': going on there oh no the roots have got '802.8': in it right '809.18': this kit here is really important for us '81.84': um it's a rather large shaft isn't it it '811.92': today '813.0': it's called Delta Pro and the Delta Pro '816.0': Smart battery extension there's 7.2 '819.54': kilowatt total kilowatt hour sorry total '822.36': of power in this '824.94': you don't want to go down a cave and get '827.279': right in the middle of the cave and have '829.079': no power '830.519': so these should absolutely new kit they '834.12': are really really good quality and they '837.959': will '838.8': not fail on us and you can say that '84.0': is indeed ha on Earth '841.68': about them it's one thing you know '843.42': they're not going to fail if we get to a '846.12': stage where we need to break some Rubble '848.339': up or something like that then they can '850.68': actually power on a surge up to about '853.74': seven kilowatts so you know a big drill '857.279': like a big Hilty drill or something '858.6': you're talking 1.82 kilowatts you know '86.4': are we gonna be able to take a look '861.839': something like that and uh yeah so I '864.899': mean '865.68': we shouldn't need the second battery but '867.779': we're not taking any risks are we '869.88': so '871.079': I'm also going to grab my little ecofo '873.72': Pro take that along with us just for the '875.94': ride and can't see us needing it but '878.22': let's have it just as a backup '88.5': inside it '880.199': if you like the look of these ecoflow '881.88': Delta Pros or any of their products '883.56': there's a link in our description '885.42': today's vlog '887.16': I can highly recommend them '889.38': got some water very important okay I'll '89.58': well '893.22': take Billy's as well all right yeah that '895.079': is important because what about you I've '897.3': got some as well yeah don't worry about '898.62': me '899.519': got my own because in case we get stuck '901.32': down there yep a bit of water will just '903.06': help us for a little while '906.6': AC on '91.08': I have been here before and I know '913.5': it's been a few cave-ins around '916.62': well as long as one doesn't happen while '919.26': we're down here '92.58': there's a hole on the other side '920.399': that's the main thing yeah I don't think '923.339': so '930.839': so blocked off we've got there that's '933.42': this black area on the map I see it '935.399': should we go that way to see what there '937.079': is that way first '938.88': yeah '941.1': we don't need the other one we'll leave '942.54': that there '944.88': yeah the cage getting a bit taller Now '947.639': red yeah you can actually stand up '95.1': today we're gonna drop '952.26': let's keep going '954.6': oh we got another bit blocked off '956.82': so that must be here on the map I see it '959.94': I mean we're going the wrong way but '961.139': we've got to we've got to explore it all '962.579': haven't we yeah it should go down there '965.579': and stop and go left and stop let's have '968.04': a look see everybody now '97.88': this light in '971.82': yeah we've got the dead end here '978.24': all right '979.74': so that's the dead end let's go down the '981.72': other one just double check on that one '991.199': ah '992.779': what's that '997.92': open it up first don't move it
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Коммунан департамент — Эндр а, Луара а. Кхузахь климат барамехь ю, аьхка йовха хуьлу, ткъа Ӏа барамехь-шийла хуьлу. ГӀалин бахархой французаш бу. Официалан Французийн мотт бу.", "Бомо́н-ла-Ронс — муніципалітет у Франції, у регіоні Центр-Долина Луари, департамент Ендр і Луара. Населення — 1177 осіб.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce est commune Francicum 1'132 incolarum praefecturae Andrae et Ligeris in provincia media.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce is a former commune in the Indre-et-Loire department in central France. On 1 January 2017, it was merged into the new commune Beaumont-Louestault.", "Beaumont-Louestault es una comuna nueva francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira.", "Bomon la Rons je naselje i opština u centralnoj Francuskoj u regionu Centar, u departmanu Endr i Loara koja pripada prefekturi Tur.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce és un municipi francès, situat al departament de l'Indre i Loira i a la regió de Centre – Vall del Loira. L'any 2007 tenia 1.132 habitants.", "Beaumont-Louestault est, depuis le 1ᵉʳ janvier 2017, une commune nouvelle française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire en région Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce war eine französische Gemeinde mit zuletzt 1.211 Einwohnern im Département Indre-et-Loire in der Region Centre-Val de Loire; sie gehörte zum Arrondissement Tours und zum Kanton Château-Renault. Beaumont-la-Ronce ist ein Ortsteil der Gemeinde Beaumont-Louestault.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce este o comună în departamentul Indre-et-Loire, Franța. În 2009 avea o populație de 1157 de locuitori.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce Frantziako udalerria da, Indre-et-Loire departamenduan dagoena, Centre eskualdean. 2013an 1.132 biztanle zituen.", "Cet article recense une partie des monuments historiques d'Indre-et-Loire, en France.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce era una comuna francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira, que el 1 de enero de 2017 pasó a ser una comuna delegada de la comuna nueva de Beaumont-Louestault​ al fusionarse con la comuna de Louestault.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce é uma comuna francesa na região administrativa do Centro, no departamento Indre-et-Loire. Estende-se por uma área de 39,17 km². Em 2010 a comuna tinha 1 167 habitantes.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce është një komunë në Francë. Beaumont-la-Ronce bën pjesë në departamentin Indre-et-Loire të rajonit Centre. Komuna ka një popullsi prej 1157 banorë dhe sipërfaqe 39.04 km².", "Beaumont-la-Ronce je francúzska obec, ktorá sa nachádza v departemente Indre-et-Loire, v regióne Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce település Franciaországban, Indre-et-Loire megyében. Beaumont-la-Ronce Louestault, Marray, Neuillé-Pont-Pierre, Neuvy-le-Roi, Nouzilly, Rouziers-de-Touraine és Saint-Laurent-en-Gâtines községekkel határos.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce est une ancienne commune française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire, en région Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-Louestault ist eine französische Gemeinde mit 1.684 Einwohnern im Département Indre-et-Loire in der Region Centre-Val de Loire; sie gehört zum Arrondissement Tours und zum Kanton Château-Renault." ], "context_section_description": [ "Beaumont-la-Ronce sī ūi-tī Hoat-kok Centre-Val de Loire toā-khu Indre-et-Loire séng ê chi̍t ê commune.", null, "Бомон-ла-Ронс () — Францин гӀала-коммуна, лаьтта Центр — Луаран атагӀа регионехь. Коммунан департамент — Эндр а, Луара а. Кхузахь климат барамехь ю, аьхка йовха хуьлу, ткъа Ӏа барамехь-шийла хуьлу. ГӀалин бахархой французаш бу. Официалан Французийн мотт бу.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce est commune Francicum 1'132 incolarum (anno 2007) praefecturae Andrae et Ligeris in provincia media.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce is a former commune in the Indre-et-Loire department in central France. On 1 January 2017, it was merged into the new commune Beaumont-Louestault.", "Beaumont-Louestault es una comuna nueva francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce és un municipi francès, situat al departament de l'Indre i Loira i a la regió de Centre – Vall del Loira. L'any 2007 tenia 1.132 habitants.", "Beaumont-Louestault est, depuis le 1ᵉʳ janvier 2017, une commune nouvelle française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire en région Centre-Val de Loire.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce este o comună în departamentul Indre-et-Loire, Franța. În 2009 avea o populație de 1157 de locuitori.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce Frantziako udalerria da, Indre-et-Loire departamenduan dagoena, Centre eskualdean. 2013an 1.132 biztanle zituen.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce era una comuna francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira, que el 1 de enero de 2017 pasó a ser una comuna delegada de la comuna nueva de Beaumont-Louestault​ al fusionarse con la comuna de Louestault.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce é uma comuna francesa na região administrativa do Centro, no departamento Indre-et-Loire. Estende-se por uma área de 39,17 km². Em 2010 a comuna tinha 1 167 habitantes (densidade: 29,8 hab./km²).", "Beaumont-la-Ronce është një komunë në Francë. Beaumont-la-Ronce bën pjesë në departamentin Indre-et-Loire të rajonit Centre. Komuna ka një popullsi prej 1157 banorë (regjistrimi 2009) dhe sipërfaqe 39.04 km².", "Beaumont-la-Ronce je francúzska obec, ktorá sa nachádza v departemente Indre-et-Loire, v regióne Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce település Franciaországban, Indre-et-Loire megyében. Beaumont-la-Ronce Louestault, Marray, Neuillé-Pont-Pierre, Neuvy-le-Roi, Nouzilly, Rouziers-de-Touraine és Saint-Laurent-en-Gâtines községekkel határos.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce est une ancienne commune française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire, en région Centre-Val de Loire.", null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Бомон ла Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce / Sehenswürdigkeiten", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Liste des monuments historiques d'Indre-et-Loire (A-J) / Liste", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault / Sehenswürdigkeiten / Louestault" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "nan", "sr", "ce", "uk", "la", "en", "es", "sr-Latn", "ca", "fr", "de", "ro", "eu", "fr", "es", "pt", "sq", "sk", "hu", "fr", "de" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Бомон ла Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Liste des monuments historiques d'Indre-et-Loire (A-J)", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "Sehenswürdigkeiten", null, null, "Liste", null, null, null, null, null, null, "Louestault" ] }
We found SECRET Tunnels used by the RESISTANCE at the chateau
We found secret tunnels built by the resistance at the chateau . Tunnel exploring @The Pethericks @Life of Ryan with @EcoFlow Edd loves to explore and so does Billy @The Pethericks & Ryan @Life of Ryan so equipped with off they go equipped with #ecoflow portable power supply so there can light in the tunnels but also so they can use heavy equipment to breath through closed passages Exploring a tunnel network with Huge thank you to Billy @The Pethericks for filming & editing the vlog ❤️ @ to Ryan @Life of Ryan for co-editing ❤️ More on tonight’s vlog See you all later at the premier Edd & Anna xx More on tonight's vlog x Huge Thank You to everyone for their Love & Support x Special Thank You to all of our amazing Patrons x If you wish to become a Patron : To see more what we get up to day to day check out our instagram account : Follow us on Facebook Website : #PortablePowerStation #EcoFlow #DELTApro Tunnels , sectet tunnels , resistance ,cave exploring , bordeaux life ,chateau lagorce , chateaux in france , escape to the chateau , chateau diy ,french chateau
'10.099': thank you '1001.42': is it empty yeah it's empty '1006.44': it's an old box of some sort '101.579': it's on batteries and then with your '1012.459': this is pretty old right '1015.98': that's strange '1020.06': I've never seen a box like that '1022.579': it's quite like uh '1025.16': doing '1026.439': Sensations in it '1028.819': it's made for something specific let's '1030.98': get it out '1032.0': a little look outside hey '1035.14': oh it's very uh creaky '1038.679': all right '104.939': GoPro '1040.52': let's get it back to the start then we '1042.799': can go exploring the other way blinking '1044.959': heavy '1046.1': I can barely lift it '1048.319': I've got it what is heavy '1050.84': oh it's got mud underneath '106.14': we're going to stick your GoPro on the '1061.34': let's go '1062.96': let's pull the other side yeah so we're '1066.08': definitely here '1067.52': and what we're hoping for is to get over '1069.44': there '107.82': end of a pool '1070.58': so anywhere here where it carries on we '1073.76': might be able to get around there '1075.62': that's all looks like it's blocked off '1077.36': but let's let's have a look Ed what's '1079.4': that on your uh belt there mate oh '1082.46': it's uh oxy meter all right okay it's '1085.34': really important again uh down here '1087.14': normally Outsider at 20.9 here with 20.7 '109.079': rod and we're going to see what's down '1091.039': 20.8 okay so 2.3 it's going down yeah if '1096.2': um if it goes down too much obviously '1097.76': it'll stop leaping and let us know to '1099.62': not go anywhere brilliant and start good '1101.539': now okay let's have a look this looks '1104.179': like it's blocked off straight away '1106.22': whoever want to go is the other side '1108.38': here '112.079': the bottom we can't get ladders in there '1121.4': oh '1122.9': I see there '1124.4': I guess he's getting interesting we've '1126.02': got a bit that's back to where we came '1128.179': from '1129.26': well I can't tell there's anything there '1131.299': but this '1132.32': looks '1134.84': like you can get over the other side '1136.46': from here there's definitely tunnels '1138.62': over there Billy what can you see Ed I '114.299': because it's about five or six meters '1141.08': can see Rubble for about five six meters '1143.059': and then you can see the caves just it '1146.059': looks very tight though for squeezing '1147.62': through yeah and '1149.419': um if something happens over there '1151.52': you're in trouble we need to get out '1153.02': quick yeah it's not gonna be a quick '1155.059': exit it's not is it I think we should '1156.799': break through the uh the walls that's a '1159.32': good idea '116.04': down but like I say we don't we don't '1160.22': yeah the concrete like blocked up walls '1163.46': yeah the only Breeze block aren't they '1165.38': so they should just come down single '1166.94': skin possibly so it should be quite easy '1168.679': let's go get the kit and let's break '1170.96': through okay '1173.299': foreign '118.259': know where these tunnels are where they '120.78': go from too and this is all part of the '1213.799': foreign '123.659': process of trying to find entry to these '1248.84': over the back there yeah can you see it '1252.08': just there not massive lump at the back '1254.419': there yeah I know exactly what that was '1256.7': really that '1259.1': I called uh the local '126.42': caves it's a really random thing to just '1261.5': people that they wrote uh take care of '1263.299': the road and uh because it was a big '1265.039': hole in the front of our drive yeah on '1267.919': the main road and they came in they '1269.72': pumped a lot of concrete down there oh '127.979': have in the middle of the woods isn't it '1271.46': okay so that '1273.98': I don't think we're gonna get through '1275.12': that no '1276.62': let's try maybe the other wall and see '1278.419': where that goes yeah '1287.02': thank you '129.239': just a huge structure like that I've '131.76': never seen anything like it in my life '1315.98': foreign '1325.72': I think it's just Rubble at the back of '1328.34': it again '1329.419': these walls have been built so nobody I '133.26': I've seen them before in other parts of '1332.299': mean nobody gets through I mean even if '1335.419': we went around the corner over that '1336.74': Gravelly bit we still got another wall '1339.2': yeah on the map so we know that there's '1342.02': no getting through to that to that other '1344.96': side from here these walls have been '1347.24': made so that nobody can get through '135.72': this area but not to this scale that '1350.419': um which is probably a good thing '1351.44': because it looks like it's underneath '1352.82': the road so '1355.039': um I think we'll knock this one on the '1356.9': head that that leaves us one option and '1360.559': that is popping a ladder in that '1362.78': ventilation shaft I think it's about '1364.88': nine meters to the ground yep and lucky '1367.58': luckily I have a nine meter long ladder '1371.24': okay do you think that's the only way in '1372.86': I think that is definitely the only way '1375.26': into those caves '1377.9': well the only known way in '138.06': they've been like eight foot maximum and '1381.44': um and uh yeah that's not that's not a '1384.559': job for today so this log is to be '1387.26': continued '1389.78': oh '1394.46': we got unbelievable '1397.94': we did quite a bit of work down there '1399.559': we've still got 99 battery left '140.94': tiny little holes it's to stop people '1402.08': I have a shot there with the batteries '1404.059': but at least we were on the side of '1406.4': caution '1407.539': I think I figured out also what was '1410.059': going on down there '1411.74': I think when they put the road in they '1413.419': blocked everything off and possibly even '1415.1': filled everything in makes sense '1418.94': um and I think that's where that bottle '1420.86': came from right at the start the '1422.48': exploration I think that kind of dates '1424.64': the the work that was done down there '1426.559': it's got that kind of shiny Sheen in it '1429.02': you know the kind of rainbow opalescent '143.4': getting in isn't it that's is that why '1431.419': yeah '1433.039': and then that we just haven't got a clue '1434.6': what it is really if anybody does know '1436.64': you can tell say in the comments '1439.88': it you know it could be used for '144.72': it's so high '1442.039': Dynamite or anything but it looks '1444.559': suspiciously like a rifle box you '1447.559': because you've got the butt the gun '1449.12': would go up there '1452.0': and you could have it strapped down as '1454.4': well '1456.62': that would make sense because the uh '1459.32': the resistance were around in this area '146.04': possibly or possibly to have a better '1462.5': and the Germans didn't like going down '1464.12': the caves no '1465.799': so it could have been a little stash '1468.26': of course they would never leave guns '1469.94': down there unless it's not properly '147.9': draw on it possibly yeah like a chimney '1471.26': hidden but somebody could have used it '1472.94': later on for maybe tools or something '1474.32': yeah '1475.58': very interesting yeah very interesting '1478.52': so if you did enjoy today's vlog '1481.34': don't forget to subscribe to this '1483.08': channel borderlife Ryan's Channel life '1485.84': of Ryan '1487.28': and of course our amazing photographer '1489.919': and editor producer director Billy's '149.819': yeah but somebody by breaking the side '1493.1': Channel only pointed the camera nothing '1495.08': special '1496.1': you did all the work mate '1513.14': foreign '152.04': of it has ruined that a little bit '155.22': um yeah it's pretty much the same '156.72': concept as a as a fireplace '159.48': yeah it's really interesting yeah '162.48': except in summer '164.76': the air is drawn in through this '167.819': aeration shaft and in Winter the error '171.9': should go the other way so there should '173.34': be an entrance and an exit brilliant '177.48': so I've got myself a pole and at the end '180.72': of this pole I'm going to attach this '183.06': small camera '184.86': uh and along with the light hopefully Ed '188.819': can shove this down the the shaft and we '194.159': can see what's down there essentially '208.68': is this where we find out that the uh '211.019': straps aren't long enough '213.84': and it's got to be somewhere towards 10 '215.819': meters of strap here '228.239': so here you can see the inside of the '230.28': shaft '231.72': it's up to the sky '239.159': and isn't that big '242.34': this will hopefully allow us to see a '245.7': bit more my little makeshift '248.459': um Contraption have you managed to '250.799': connect it to your iPhone no '254.7': can I try doing it I don't know how we '257.76': can always pull the GoPro '259.739': but it doesn't really matter I suppose '261.06': does it because now we know which '262.919': direction those caves go so I just need '265.86': to pop it down and we can review the '267.96': footage after exactly yeah '271.699': good '273.66': don't you worry '277.68': oh '279.78': what happens if I lose everything oh '281.82': there'll be an expensive day for me '292.16': we just lost my GoPro '294.54': okay I can't get it back in now I should '296.28': have made that to him there we go '299.66': that's annoying '303.54': oh '311.36': there we go '313.62': I've got the GoPro back that's the main '316.08': thing safe and sound '319.979': yeah nothing okay just tape it on there '323.22': yeah I'll take it on '334.44': got a spin on it '337.86': foreign '37.739': foreign '370.68': um '374.039': close it '375.419': I'll do that again '379.94': you've got one tunnel there and there's '382.56': another tunnel there's another tunnel '383.94': going that way hanging out the spin '385.62': background '387.06': who's gonna make us dizzy isn't it wow '389.819': so that's the main shaft '397.259': um there's another yeah there let's '399.18': pause it '400.699': exciting times '403.139': how do we get down there that's the '405.539': question '406.5': it's a shame you haven't got any map '407.759': said of the uh the tunnels themselves do '410.16': you know what I mean because it'd be '412.199': perfect to know where they lead well I '414.24': have on the other ones '415.919': um like the zero on the area have maps '418.02': of the other ones oh yeah '419.699': oh my God I never thought that dude no '421.74': we haven't no there could be maps of '423.66': these really let's get back to the '425.4': computer quick and let's see whether we '427.259': can find any Maps let's grab everything '428.46': come on right Ryan yeah '432.08': the ventilation shaft is about here on '436.319': this map there was no map of tunnels in '439.919': that area we know there are tunnels but '443.16': just near it we can see tunnels heading '445.319': that way okay '447.599': um they come right back round to another '449.4': part of the woods where it's a really '452.9': steep uh kind of descent almost like a '456.479': valley yeah and so I think in that area '459.72': there there's probably an entrance '463.08': I'll never go in those woods so I '465.3': wouldn't know but let's go have a look '467.4': yes absolutely there are a couple of '470.099': things here on that map '472.62': now I thought they were for like water '475.08': you know like uh you know like a ditch '477.96': for water that just ornately done maybe '480.419': they are the aeration inlets okay '483.72': so we'll go have a look at those we're '485.759': gonna need some specific tools for this '487.979': area here I think if there is anything '490.44': there '491.58': but we'll cross that bridge when we get '493.38': to it so let's go have a look first and '495.12': all right try and find some sort of '496.8': entrance and get inside yep '501.06': foreign '513.56': water flowing through it's got a lot of '515.7': calcium buildup let's go find the other '523.08': one '527.16': this looks more like an air intake for '529.5': me '530.82': but it could well be just water again '532.92': but there's no evidence of water wow '535.92': look at that '543.42': we got a torch in there we've got a '545.64': torch on my phone '549.06': you '551.339': some structure it goes away '555.42': so those are the two that I knew about '557.94': let's see if we can find anything in '559.74': these Woods '560.94': but like I said they're quite '563.16': sloping quite a lot and so there was one '566.76': part that looked like it came right out '568.38': in towards the valley '570.12': so let's see if you can find anything '576.72': it's upside down Ed '579.18': all right '581.94': now '583.56': let's have a look '59.899': welcome to the secret location in the '597.3': foreign '610.2': that looks quite substantial let me '612.3': check it out '614.7': it's candy if you want but I'm pretty '616.08': sure the dogs '617.22': dogs had a bit of an episode with badges '619.26': down there '621.12': ah '627.3': Because deep it goes right back '63.239': woods at Lagos '630.3': are you sure yeah '636.12': I can't even see the end of it '639.36': this this might be worth checking out '64.86': today we've got a really interesting '641.7': well it's kind of where it should be to '643.92': be fair on the map '647.7': I think we should give it a go then yeah '649.86': we're gonna need something a bit '651.06': brighter than a foam torch though right '652.98': let's get properly equipped and see if '655.019': we can get in '656.64': let's go '67.02': Vlog and it's all about '70.619': well it's starting with this ventilation '714.14': thank you '73.619': shaft for caves that we don't actually '735.959': so Ryan we got the lamp '738.18': who's drawn the Short Straw who's going '739.98': in on their own well Ed I think seeing '743.04': is this your place and your tunnel to '746.88': explore '748.32': usually going first but '751.019': I'll be here outside making sure '753.24': everything's okay and if you need any '755.519': assistance you know where I am '758.399': okay '76.02': have access to well I wasn't expecting '767.1': yeah '768.899': oh it is big '771.12': proper tunnels Lads lovely '774.54': I'll have a quick look and then I'm '776.04': coming back for you '778.62': there's an old bottle here '780.899': that's really old '788.94': I don't want to be exploring this on my '79.08': it to be this Big Ed '790.62': own in a little bit of a cave in there '793.8': doesn't worry me '795.66': because it's just got uh '798.779': clay behind it I think that's what's '800.579': going on there oh no the roots have got '802.8': in it right '809.18': this kit here is really important for us '81.84': um it's a rather large shaft isn't it it '811.92': today '813.0': it's called Delta Pro and the Delta Pro '816.0': Smart battery extension there's 7.2 '819.54': kilowatt total kilowatt hour sorry total '822.36': of power in this '824.94': you don't want to go down a cave and get '827.279': right in the middle of the cave and have '829.079': no power '830.519': so these should absolutely new kit they '834.12': are really really good quality and they '837.959': will '838.8': not fail on us and you can say that '84.0': is indeed ha on Earth '841.68': about them it's one thing you know '843.42': they're not going to fail if we get to a '846.12': stage where we need to break some Rubble '848.339': up or something like that then they can '850.68': actually power on a surge up to about '853.74': seven kilowatts so you know a big drill '857.279': like a big Hilty drill or something '858.6': you're talking 1.82 kilowatts you know '86.4': are we gonna be able to take a look '861.839': something like that and uh yeah so I '864.899': mean '865.68': we shouldn't need the second battery but '867.779': we're not taking any risks are we '869.88': so '871.079': I'm also going to grab my little ecofo '873.72': Pro take that along with us just for the '875.94': ride and can't see us needing it but '878.22': let's have it just as a backup '88.5': inside it '880.199': if you like the look of these ecoflow '881.88': Delta Pros or any of their products '883.56': there's a link in our description '885.42': today's vlog '887.16': I can highly recommend them '889.38': got some water very important okay I'll '89.58': well '893.22': take Billy's as well all right yeah that '895.079': is important because what about you I've '897.3': got some as well yeah don't worry about '898.62': me '899.519': got my own because in case we get stuck '901.32': down there yep a bit of water will just '903.06': help us for a little while '906.6': AC on '91.08': I have been here before and I know '913.5': it's been a few cave-ins around '916.62': well as long as one doesn't happen while '919.26': we're down here '92.58': there's a hole on the other side '920.399': that's the main thing yeah I don't think '923.339': so '930.839': so blocked off we've got there that's '933.42': this black area on the map I see it '935.399': should we go that way to see what there '937.079': is that way first '938.88': yeah '941.1': we don't need the other one we'll leave '942.54': that there '944.88': yeah the cage getting a bit taller Now '947.639': red yeah you can actually stand up '95.1': today we're gonna drop '952.26': let's keep going '954.6': oh we got another bit blocked off '956.82': so that must be here on the map I see it '959.94': I mean we're going the wrong way but '961.139': we've got to we've got to explore it all '962.579': haven't we yeah it should go down there '965.579': and stop and go left and stop let's have '968.04': a look see everybody now '97.88': this light in '971.82': yeah we've got the dead end here '978.24': all right '979.74': so that's the dead end let's go down the '981.72': other one just double check on that one '991.199': ah '992.779': what's that '997.92': open it up first don't move it
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Коммунан департамент — Эндр а, Луара а. Кхузахь климат барамехь ю, аьхка йовха хуьлу, ткъа Ӏа барамехь-шийла хуьлу. ГӀалин бахархой французаш бу. Официалан Французийн мотт бу.", "Бомо́н-ла-Ронс — муніципалітет у Франції, у регіоні Центр-Долина Луари, департамент Ендр і Луара. Населення — 1177 осіб.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce est commune Francicum 1'132 incolarum praefecturae Andrae et Ligeris in provincia media.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce is a former commune in the Indre-et-Loire department in central France. On 1 January 2017, it was merged into the new commune Beaumont-Louestault.", "Beaumont-Louestault es una comuna nueva francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira.", "Bomon la Rons je naselje i opština u centralnoj Francuskoj u regionu Centar, u departmanu Endr i Loara koja pripada prefekturi Tur.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce és un municipi francès, situat al departament de l'Indre i Loira i a la regió de Centre – Vall del Loira. L'any 2007 tenia 1.132 habitants.", "Beaumont-Louestault est, depuis le 1ᵉʳ janvier 2017, une commune nouvelle française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire en région Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce war eine französische Gemeinde mit zuletzt 1.211 Einwohnern im Département Indre-et-Loire in der Region Centre-Val de Loire; sie gehörte zum Arrondissement Tours und zum Kanton Château-Renault. Beaumont-la-Ronce ist ein Ortsteil der Gemeinde Beaumont-Louestault.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce este o comună în departamentul Indre-et-Loire, Franța. În 2009 avea o populație de 1157 de locuitori.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce Frantziako udalerria da, Indre-et-Loire departamenduan dagoena, Centre eskualdean. 2013an 1.132 biztanle zituen.", "Cet article recense une partie des monuments historiques d'Indre-et-Loire, en France.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce era una comuna francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira, que el 1 de enero de 2017 pasó a ser una comuna delegada de la comuna nueva de Beaumont-Louestault​ al fusionarse con la comuna de Louestault.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce é uma comuna francesa na região administrativa do Centro, no departamento Indre-et-Loire. Estende-se por uma área de 39,17 km². Em 2010 a comuna tinha 1 167 habitantes.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce është një komunë në Francë. Beaumont-la-Ronce bën pjesë në departamentin Indre-et-Loire të rajonit Centre. Komuna ka një popullsi prej 1157 banorë dhe sipërfaqe 39.04 km².", "Beaumont-la-Ronce je francúzska obec, ktorá sa nachádza v departemente Indre-et-Loire, v regióne Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce település Franciaországban, Indre-et-Loire megyében. Beaumont-la-Ronce Louestault, Marray, Neuillé-Pont-Pierre, Neuvy-le-Roi, Nouzilly, Rouziers-de-Touraine és Saint-Laurent-en-Gâtines községekkel határos.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce est une ancienne commune française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire, en région Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-Louestault ist eine französische Gemeinde mit 1.684 Einwohnern im Département Indre-et-Loire in der Region Centre-Val de Loire; sie gehört zum Arrondissement Tours und zum Kanton Château-Renault." ], "context_section_description": [ "Beaumont-la-Ronce sī ūi-tī Hoat-kok Centre-Val de Loire toā-khu Indre-et-Loire séng ê chi̍t ê commune.", null, "Бомон-ла-Ронс () — Францин гӀала-коммуна, лаьтта Центр — Луаран атагӀа регионехь. Коммунан департамент — Эндр а, Луара а. Кхузахь климат барамехь ю, аьхка йовха хуьлу, ткъа Ӏа барамехь-шийла хуьлу. ГӀалин бахархой французаш бу. Официалан Французийн мотт бу.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce est commune Francicum 1'132 incolarum (anno 2007) praefecturae Andrae et Ligeris in provincia media.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce is a former commune in the Indre-et-Loire department in central France. On 1 January 2017, it was merged into the new commune Beaumont-Louestault.", "Beaumont-Louestault es una comuna nueva francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce és un municipi francès, situat al departament de l'Indre i Loira i a la regió de Centre – Vall del Loira. L'any 2007 tenia 1.132 habitants.", "Beaumont-Louestault est, depuis le 1ᵉʳ janvier 2017, une commune nouvelle française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire en région Centre-Val de Loire.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce este o comună în departamentul Indre-et-Loire, Franța. În 2009 avea o populație de 1157 de locuitori.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce Frantziako udalerria da, Indre-et-Loire departamenduan dagoena, Centre eskualdean. 2013an 1.132 biztanle zituen.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce era una comuna francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira, que el 1 de enero de 2017 pasó a ser una comuna delegada de la comuna nueva de Beaumont-Louestault​ al fusionarse con la comuna de Louestault.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce é uma comuna francesa na região administrativa do Centro, no departamento Indre-et-Loire. Estende-se por uma área de 39,17 km². Em 2010 a comuna tinha 1 167 habitantes (densidade: 29,8 hab./km²).", "Beaumont-la-Ronce është një komunë në Francë. Beaumont-la-Ronce bën pjesë në departamentin Indre-et-Loire të rajonit Centre. Komuna ka një popullsi prej 1157 banorë (regjistrimi 2009) dhe sipërfaqe 39.04 km².", "Beaumont-la-Ronce je francúzska obec, ktorá sa nachádza v departemente Indre-et-Loire, v regióne Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce település Franciaországban, Indre-et-Loire megyében. Beaumont-la-Ronce Louestault, Marray, Neuillé-Pont-Pierre, Neuvy-le-Roi, Nouzilly, Rouziers-de-Touraine és Saint-Laurent-en-Gâtines községekkel határos.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce est une ancienne commune française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire, en région Centre-Val de Loire.", null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Бомон ла Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce / Sehenswürdigkeiten", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Liste des monuments historiques d'Indre-et-Loire (A-J) / Liste", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault / Sehenswürdigkeiten / Louestault" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "nan", "sr", "ce", "uk", "la", "en", "es", "sr-Latn", "ca", "fr", "de", "ro", "eu", "fr", "es", "pt", "sq", "sk", "hu", "fr", "de" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Бомон ла Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Liste des monuments historiques d'Indre-et-Loire (A-J)", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "Sehenswürdigkeiten", null, null, "Liste", null, null, null, null, null, null, "Louestault" ] }
We found SECRET Tunnels used by the RESISTANCE at the chateau
We found secret tunnels built by the resistance at the chateau . Tunnel exploring @The Pethericks @Life of Ryan with @EcoFlow Edd loves to explore and so does Billy @The Pethericks & Ryan @Life of Ryan so equipped with off they go equipped with #ecoflow portable power supply so there can light in the tunnels but also so they can use heavy equipment to breath through closed passages Exploring a tunnel network with Huge thank you to Billy @The Pethericks for filming & editing the vlog ❤️ @ to Ryan @Life of Ryan for co-editing ❤️ More on tonight’s vlog See you all later at the premier Edd & Anna xx More on tonight's vlog x Huge Thank You to everyone for their Love & Support x Special Thank You to all of our amazing Patrons x If you wish to become a Patron : To see more what we get up to day to day check out our instagram account : Follow us on Facebook Website : #PortablePowerStation #EcoFlow #DELTApro Tunnels , sectet tunnels , resistance ,cave exploring , bordeaux life ,chateau lagorce , chateaux in france , escape to the chateau , chateau diy ,french chateau
'10.099': thank you '1001.42': is it empty yeah it's empty '1006.44': it's an old box of some sort '101.579': it's on batteries and then with your '1012.459': this is pretty old right '1015.98': that's strange '1020.06': I've never seen a box like that '1022.579': it's quite like uh '1025.16': doing '1026.439': Sensations in it '1028.819': it's made for something specific let's '1030.98': get it out '1032.0': a little look outside hey '1035.14': oh it's very uh creaky '1038.679': all right '104.939': GoPro '1040.52': let's get it back to the start then we '1042.799': can go exploring the other way blinking '1044.959': heavy '1046.1': I can barely lift it '1048.319': I've got it what is heavy '1050.84': oh it's got mud underneath '106.14': we're going to stick your GoPro on the '1061.34': let's go '1062.96': let's pull the other side yeah so we're '1066.08': definitely here '1067.52': and what we're hoping for is to get over '1069.44': there '107.82': end of a pool '1070.58': so anywhere here where it carries on we '1073.76': might be able to get around there '1075.62': that's all looks like it's blocked off '1077.36': but let's let's have a look Ed what's '1079.4': that on your uh belt there mate oh '1082.46': it's uh oxy meter all right okay it's '1085.34': really important again uh down here '1087.14': normally Outsider at 20.9 here with 20.7 '109.079': rod and we're going to see what's down '1091.039': 20.8 okay so 2.3 it's going down yeah if '1096.2': um if it goes down too much obviously '1097.76': it'll stop leaping and let us know to '1099.62': not go anywhere brilliant and start good '1101.539': now okay let's have a look this looks '1104.179': like it's blocked off straight away '1106.22': whoever want to go is the other side '1108.38': here '112.079': the bottom we can't get ladders in there '1121.4': oh '1122.9': I see there '1124.4': I guess he's getting interesting we've '1126.02': got a bit that's back to where we came '1128.179': from '1129.26': well I can't tell there's anything there '1131.299': but this '1132.32': looks '1134.84': like you can get over the other side '1136.46': from here there's definitely tunnels '1138.62': over there Billy what can you see Ed I '114.299': because it's about five or six meters '1141.08': can see Rubble for about five six meters '1143.059': and then you can see the caves just it '1146.059': looks very tight though for squeezing '1147.62': through yeah and '1149.419': um if something happens over there '1151.52': you're in trouble we need to get out '1153.02': quick yeah it's not gonna be a quick '1155.059': exit it's not is it I think we should '1156.799': break through the uh the walls that's a '1159.32': good idea '116.04': down but like I say we don't we don't '1160.22': yeah the concrete like blocked up walls '1163.46': yeah the only Breeze block aren't they '1165.38': so they should just come down single '1166.94': skin possibly so it should be quite easy '1168.679': let's go get the kit and let's break '1170.96': through okay '1173.299': foreign '118.259': know where these tunnels are where they '120.78': go from too and this is all part of the '1213.799': foreign '123.659': process of trying to find entry to these '1248.84': over the back there yeah can you see it '1252.08': just there not massive lump at the back '1254.419': there yeah I know exactly what that was '1256.7': really that '1259.1': I called uh the local '126.42': caves it's a really random thing to just '1261.5': people that they wrote uh take care of '1263.299': the road and uh because it was a big '1265.039': hole in the front of our drive yeah on '1267.919': the main road and they came in they '1269.72': pumped a lot of concrete down there oh '127.979': have in the middle of the woods isn't it '1271.46': okay so that '1273.98': I don't think we're gonna get through '1275.12': that no '1276.62': let's try maybe the other wall and see '1278.419': where that goes yeah '1287.02': thank you '129.239': just a huge structure like that I've '131.76': never seen anything like it in my life '1315.98': foreign '1325.72': I think it's just Rubble at the back of '1328.34': it again '1329.419': these walls have been built so nobody I '133.26': I've seen them before in other parts of '1332.299': mean nobody gets through I mean even if '1335.419': we went around the corner over that '1336.74': Gravelly bit we still got another wall '1339.2': yeah on the map so we know that there's '1342.02': no getting through to that to that other '1344.96': side from here these walls have been '1347.24': made so that nobody can get through '135.72': this area but not to this scale that '1350.419': um which is probably a good thing '1351.44': because it looks like it's underneath '1352.82': the road so '1355.039': um I think we'll knock this one on the '1356.9': head that that leaves us one option and '1360.559': that is popping a ladder in that '1362.78': ventilation shaft I think it's about '1364.88': nine meters to the ground yep and lucky '1367.58': luckily I have a nine meter long ladder '1371.24': okay do you think that's the only way in '1372.86': I think that is definitely the only way '1375.26': into those caves '1377.9': well the only known way in '138.06': they've been like eight foot maximum and '1381.44': um and uh yeah that's not that's not a '1384.559': job for today so this log is to be '1387.26': continued '1389.78': oh '1394.46': we got unbelievable '1397.94': we did quite a bit of work down there '1399.559': we've still got 99 battery left '140.94': tiny little holes it's to stop people '1402.08': I have a shot there with the batteries '1404.059': but at least we were on the side of '1406.4': caution '1407.539': I think I figured out also what was '1410.059': going on down there '1411.74': I think when they put the road in they '1413.419': blocked everything off and possibly even '1415.1': filled everything in makes sense '1418.94': um and I think that's where that bottle '1420.86': came from right at the start the '1422.48': exploration I think that kind of dates '1424.64': the the work that was done down there '1426.559': it's got that kind of shiny Sheen in it '1429.02': you know the kind of rainbow opalescent '143.4': getting in isn't it that's is that why '1431.419': yeah '1433.039': and then that we just haven't got a clue '1434.6': what it is really if anybody does know '1436.64': you can tell say in the comments '1439.88': it you know it could be used for '144.72': it's so high '1442.039': Dynamite or anything but it looks '1444.559': suspiciously like a rifle box you '1447.559': because you've got the butt the gun '1449.12': would go up there '1452.0': and you could have it strapped down as '1454.4': well '1456.62': that would make sense because the uh '1459.32': the resistance were around in this area '146.04': possibly or possibly to have a better '1462.5': and the Germans didn't like going down '1464.12': the caves no '1465.799': so it could have been a little stash '1468.26': of course they would never leave guns '1469.94': down there unless it's not properly '147.9': draw on it possibly yeah like a chimney '1471.26': hidden but somebody could have used it '1472.94': later on for maybe tools or something '1474.32': yeah '1475.58': very interesting yeah very interesting '1478.52': so if you did enjoy today's vlog '1481.34': don't forget to subscribe to this '1483.08': channel borderlife Ryan's Channel life '1485.84': of Ryan '1487.28': and of course our amazing photographer '1489.919': and editor producer director Billy's '149.819': yeah but somebody by breaking the side '1493.1': Channel only pointed the camera nothing '1495.08': special '1496.1': you did all the work mate '1513.14': foreign '152.04': of it has ruined that a little bit '155.22': um yeah it's pretty much the same '156.72': concept as a as a fireplace '159.48': yeah it's really interesting yeah '162.48': except in summer '164.76': the air is drawn in through this '167.819': aeration shaft and in Winter the error '171.9': should go the other way so there should '173.34': be an entrance and an exit brilliant '177.48': so I've got myself a pole and at the end '180.72': of this pole I'm going to attach this '183.06': small camera '184.86': uh and along with the light hopefully Ed '188.819': can shove this down the the shaft and we '194.159': can see what's down there essentially '208.68': is this where we find out that the uh '211.019': straps aren't long enough '213.84': and it's got to be somewhere towards 10 '215.819': meters of strap here '228.239': so here you can see the inside of the '230.28': shaft '231.72': it's up to the sky '239.159': and isn't that big '242.34': this will hopefully allow us to see a '245.7': bit more my little makeshift '248.459': um Contraption have you managed to '250.799': connect it to your iPhone no '254.7': can I try doing it I don't know how we '257.76': can always pull the GoPro '259.739': but it doesn't really matter I suppose '261.06': does it because now we know which '262.919': direction those caves go so I just need '265.86': to pop it down and we can review the '267.96': footage after exactly yeah '271.699': good '273.66': don't you worry '277.68': oh '279.78': what happens if I lose everything oh '281.82': there'll be an expensive day for me '292.16': we just lost my GoPro '294.54': okay I can't get it back in now I should '296.28': have made that to him there we go '299.66': that's annoying '303.54': oh '311.36': there we go '313.62': I've got the GoPro back that's the main '316.08': thing safe and sound '319.979': yeah nothing okay just tape it on there '323.22': yeah I'll take it on '334.44': got a spin on it '337.86': foreign '37.739': foreign '370.68': um '374.039': close it '375.419': I'll do that again '379.94': you've got one tunnel there and there's '382.56': another tunnel there's another tunnel '383.94': going that way hanging out the spin '385.62': background '387.06': who's gonna make us dizzy isn't it wow '389.819': so that's the main shaft '397.259': um there's another yeah there let's '399.18': pause it '400.699': exciting times '403.139': how do we get down there that's the '405.539': question '406.5': it's a shame you haven't got any map '407.759': said of the uh the tunnels themselves do '410.16': you know what I mean because it'd be '412.199': perfect to know where they lead well I '414.24': have on the other ones '415.919': um like the zero on the area have maps '418.02': of the other ones oh yeah '419.699': oh my God I never thought that dude no '421.74': we haven't no there could be maps of '423.66': these really let's get back to the '425.4': computer quick and let's see whether we '427.259': can find any Maps let's grab everything '428.46': come on right Ryan yeah '432.08': the ventilation shaft is about here on '436.319': this map there was no map of tunnels in '439.919': that area we know there are tunnels but '443.16': just near it we can see tunnels heading '445.319': that way okay '447.599': um they come right back round to another '449.4': part of the woods where it's a really '452.9': steep uh kind of descent almost like a '456.479': valley yeah and so I think in that area '459.72': there there's probably an entrance '463.08': I'll never go in those woods so I '465.3': wouldn't know but let's go have a look '467.4': yes absolutely there are a couple of '470.099': things here on that map '472.62': now I thought they were for like water '475.08': you know like uh you know like a ditch '477.96': for water that just ornately done maybe '480.419': they are the aeration inlets okay '483.72': so we'll go have a look at those we're '485.759': gonna need some specific tools for this '487.979': area here I think if there is anything '490.44': there '491.58': but we'll cross that bridge when we get '493.38': to it so let's go have a look first and '495.12': all right try and find some sort of '496.8': entrance and get inside yep '501.06': foreign '513.56': water flowing through it's got a lot of '515.7': calcium buildup let's go find the other '523.08': one '527.16': this looks more like an air intake for '529.5': me '530.82': but it could well be just water again '532.92': but there's no evidence of water wow '535.92': look at that '543.42': we got a torch in there we've got a '545.64': torch on my phone '549.06': you '551.339': some structure it goes away '555.42': so those are the two that I knew about '557.94': let's see if we can find anything in '559.74': these Woods '560.94': but like I said they're quite '563.16': sloping quite a lot and so there was one '566.76': part that looked like it came right out '568.38': in towards the valley '570.12': so let's see if you can find anything '576.72': it's upside down Ed '579.18': all right '581.94': now '583.56': let's have a look '59.899': welcome to the secret location in the '597.3': foreign '610.2': that looks quite substantial let me '612.3': check it out '614.7': it's candy if you want but I'm pretty '616.08': sure the dogs '617.22': dogs had a bit of an episode with badges '619.26': down there '621.12': ah '627.3': Because deep it goes right back '63.239': woods at Lagos '630.3': are you sure yeah '636.12': I can't even see the end of it '639.36': this this might be worth checking out '64.86': today we've got a really interesting '641.7': well it's kind of where it should be to '643.92': be fair on the map '647.7': I think we should give it a go then yeah '649.86': we're gonna need something a bit '651.06': brighter than a foam torch though right '652.98': let's get properly equipped and see if '655.019': we can get in '656.64': let's go '67.02': Vlog and it's all about '70.619': well it's starting with this ventilation '714.14': thank you '73.619': shaft for caves that we don't actually '735.959': so Ryan we got the lamp '738.18': who's drawn the Short Straw who's going '739.98': in on their own well Ed I think seeing '743.04': is this your place and your tunnel to '746.88': explore '748.32': usually going first but '751.019': I'll be here outside making sure '753.24': everything's okay and if you need any '755.519': assistance you know where I am '758.399': okay '76.02': have access to well I wasn't expecting '767.1': yeah '768.899': oh it is big '771.12': proper tunnels Lads lovely '774.54': I'll have a quick look and then I'm '776.04': coming back for you '778.62': there's an old bottle here '780.899': that's really old '788.94': I don't want to be exploring this on my '79.08': it to be this Big Ed '790.62': own in a little bit of a cave in there '793.8': doesn't worry me '795.66': because it's just got uh '798.779': clay behind it I think that's what's '800.579': going on there oh no the roots have got '802.8': in it right '809.18': this kit here is really important for us '81.84': um it's a rather large shaft isn't it it '811.92': today '813.0': it's called Delta Pro and the Delta Pro '816.0': Smart battery extension there's 7.2 '819.54': kilowatt total kilowatt hour sorry total '822.36': of power in this '824.94': you don't want to go down a cave and get '827.279': right in the middle of the cave and have '829.079': no power '830.519': so these should absolutely new kit they '834.12': are really really good quality and they '837.959': will '838.8': not fail on us and you can say that '84.0': is indeed ha on Earth '841.68': about them it's one thing you know '843.42': they're not going to fail if we get to a '846.12': stage where we need to break some Rubble '848.339': up or something like that then they can '850.68': actually power on a surge up to about '853.74': seven kilowatts so you know a big drill '857.279': like a big Hilty drill or something '858.6': you're talking 1.82 kilowatts you know '86.4': are we gonna be able to take a look '861.839': something like that and uh yeah so I '864.899': mean '865.68': we shouldn't need the second battery but '867.779': we're not taking any risks are we '869.88': so '871.079': I'm also going to grab my little ecofo '873.72': Pro take that along with us just for the '875.94': ride and can't see us needing it but '878.22': let's have it just as a backup '88.5': inside it '880.199': if you like the look of these ecoflow '881.88': Delta Pros or any of their products '883.56': there's a link in our description '885.42': today's vlog '887.16': I can highly recommend them '889.38': got some water very important okay I'll '89.58': well '893.22': take Billy's as well all right yeah that '895.079': is important because what about you I've '897.3': got some as well yeah don't worry about '898.62': me '899.519': got my own because in case we get stuck '901.32': down there yep a bit of water will just '903.06': help us for a little while '906.6': AC on '91.08': I have been here before and I know '913.5': it's been a few cave-ins around '916.62': well as long as one doesn't happen while '919.26': we're down here '92.58': there's a hole on the other side '920.399': that's the main thing yeah I don't think '923.339': so '930.839': so blocked off we've got there that's '933.42': this black area on the map I see it '935.399': should we go that way to see what there '937.079': is that way first '938.88': yeah '941.1': we don't need the other one we'll leave '942.54': that there '944.88': yeah the cage getting a bit taller Now '947.639': red yeah you can actually stand up '95.1': today we're gonna drop '952.26': let's keep going '954.6': oh we got another bit blocked off '956.82': so that must be here on the map I see it '959.94': I mean we're going the wrong way but '961.139': we've got to we've got to explore it all '962.579': haven't we yeah it should go down there '965.579': and stop and go left and stop let's have '968.04': a look see everybody now '97.88': this light in '971.82': yeah we've got the dead end here '978.24': all right '979.74': so that's the dead end let's go down the '981.72': other one just double check on that one '991.199': ah '992.779': what's that '997.92': open it up first don't move it
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Коммунан департамент — Эндр а, Луара а. Кхузахь климат барамехь ю, аьхка йовха хуьлу, ткъа Ӏа барамехь-шийла хуьлу. ГӀалин бахархой французаш бу. Официалан Французийн мотт бу.", "Бомо́н-ла-Ронс — муніципалітет у Франції, у регіоні Центр-Долина Луари, департамент Ендр і Луара. Населення — 1177 осіб.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce est commune Francicum 1'132 incolarum praefecturae Andrae et Ligeris in provincia media.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce is a former commune in the Indre-et-Loire department in central France. On 1 January 2017, it was merged into the new commune Beaumont-Louestault.", "Beaumont-Louestault es una comuna nueva francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira.", "Bomon la Rons je naselje i opština u centralnoj Francuskoj u regionu Centar, u departmanu Endr i Loara koja pripada prefekturi Tur.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce és un municipi francès, situat al departament de l'Indre i Loira i a la regió de Centre – Vall del Loira. L'any 2007 tenia 1.132 habitants.", "Beaumont-Louestault est, depuis le 1ᵉʳ janvier 2017, une commune nouvelle française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire en région Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce war eine französische Gemeinde mit zuletzt 1.211 Einwohnern im Département Indre-et-Loire in der Region Centre-Val de Loire; sie gehörte zum Arrondissement Tours und zum Kanton Château-Renault. Beaumont-la-Ronce ist ein Ortsteil der Gemeinde Beaumont-Louestault.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce este o comună în departamentul Indre-et-Loire, Franța. În 2009 avea o populație de 1157 de locuitori.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce Frantziako udalerria da, Indre-et-Loire departamenduan dagoena, Centre eskualdean. 2013an 1.132 biztanle zituen.", "Cet article recense une partie des monuments historiques d'Indre-et-Loire, en France.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce era una comuna francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira, que el 1 de enero de 2017 pasó a ser una comuna delegada de la comuna nueva de Beaumont-Louestault​ al fusionarse con la comuna de Louestault.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce é uma comuna francesa na região administrativa do Centro, no departamento Indre-et-Loire. Estende-se por uma área de 39,17 km². Em 2010 a comuna tinha 1 167 habitantes.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce është një komunë në Francë. Beaumont-la-Ronce bën pjesë në departamentin Indre-et-Loire të rajonit Centre. Komuna ka një popullsi prej 1157 banorë dhe sipërfaqe 39.04 km².", "Beaumont-la-Ronce je francúzska obec, ktorá sa nachádza v departemente Indre-et-Loire, v regióne Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce település Franciaországban, Indre-et-Loire megyében. Beaumont-la-Ronce Louestault, Marray, Neuillé-Pont-Pierre, Neuvy-le-Roi, Nouzilly, Rouziers-de-Touraine és Saint-Laurent-en-Gâtines községekkel határos.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce est une ancienne commune française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire, en région Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-Louestault ist eine französische Gemeinde mit 1.684 Einwohnern im Département Indre-et-Loire in der Region Centre-Val de Loire; sie gehört zum Arrondissement Tours und zum Kanton Château-Renault." ], "context_section_description": [ "Beaumont-la-Ronce sī ūi-tī Hoat-kok Centre-Val de Loire toā-khu Indre-et-Loire séng ê chi̍t ê commune.", null, "Бомон-ла-Ронс () — Францин гӀала-коммуна, лаьтта Центр — Луаран атагӀа регионехь. Коммунан департамент — Эндр а, Луара а. Кхузахь климат барамехь ю, аьхка йовха хуьлу, ткъа Ӏа барамехь-шийла хуьлу. ГӀалин бахархой французаш бу. Официалан Французийн мотт бу.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce est commune Francicum 1'132 incolarum (anno 2007) praefecturae Andrae et Ligeris in provincia media.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce is a former commune in the Indre-et-Loire department in central France. On 1 January 2017, it was merged into the new commune Beaumont-Louestault.", "Beaumont-Louestault es una comuna nueva francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce és un municipi francès, situat al departament de l'Indre i Loira i a la regió de Centre – Vall del Loira. L'any 2007 tenia 1.132 habitants.", "Beaumont-Louestault est, depuis le 1ᵉʳ janvier 2017, une commune nouvelle française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire en région Centre-Val de Loire.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce este o comună în departamentul Indre-et-Loire, Franța. În 2009 avea o populație de 1157 de locuitori.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce Frantziako udalerria da, Indre-et-Loire departamenduan dagoena, Centre eskualdean. 2013an 1.132 biztanle zituen.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce era una comuna francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira, que el 1 de enero de 2017 pasó a ser una comuna delegada de la comuna nueva de Beaumont-Louestault​ al fusionarse con la comuna de Louestault.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce é uma comuna francesa na região administrativa do Centro, no departamento Indre-et-Loire. Estende-se por uma área de 39,17 km². Em 2010 a comuna tinha 1 167 habitantes (densidade: 29,8 hab./km²).", "Beaumont-la-Ronce është një komunë në Francë. Beaumont-la-Ronce bën pjesë në departamentin Indre-et-Loire të rajonit Centre. Komuna ka një popullsi prej 1157 banorë (regjistrimi 2009) dhe sipërfaqe 39.04 km².", "Beaumont-la-Ronce je francúzska obec, ktorá sa nachádza v departemente Indre-et-Loire, v regióne Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce település Franciaországban, Indre-et-Loire megyében. Beaumont-la-Ronce Louestault, Marray, Neuillé-Pont-Pierre, Neuvy-le-Roi, Nouzilly, Rouziers-de-Touraine és Saint-Laurent-en-Gâtines községekkel határos.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce est une ancienne commune française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire, en région Centre-Val de Loire.", null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Бомон ла Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce / Sehenswürdigkeiten", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Liste des monuments historiques d'Indre-et-Loire (A-J) / Liste", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault / Sehenswürdigkeiten / Louestault" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "nan", "sr", "ce", "uk", "la", "en", "es", "sr-Latn", "ca", "fr", "de", "ro", "eu", "fr", "es", "pt", "sq", "sk", "hu", "fr", "de" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Бомон ла Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Liste des monuments historiques d'Indre-et-Loire (A-J)", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "Sehenswürdigkeiten", null, null, "Liste", null, null, null, null, null, null, "Louestault" ] }
We found SECRET Tunnels used by the RESISTANCE at the chateau
We found secret tunnels built by the resistance at the chateau . Tunnel exploring @The Pethericks @Life of Ryan with @EcoFlow Edd loves to explore and so does Billy @The Pethericks & Ryan @Life of Ryan so equipped with off they go equipped with #ecoflow portable power supply so there can light in the tunnels but also so they can use heavy equipment to breath through closed passages Exploring a tunnel network with Huge thank you to Billy @The Pethericks for filming & editing the vlog ❤️ @ to Ryan @Life of Ryan for co-editing ❤️ More on tonight’s vlog See you all later at the premier Edd & Anna xx More on tonight's vlog x Huge Thank You to everyone for their Love & Support x Special Thank You to all of our amazing Patrons x If you wish to become a Patron : To see more what we get up to day to day check out our instagram account : Follow us on Facebook Website : #PortablePowerStation #EcoFlow #DELTApro Tunnels , sectet tunnels , resistance ,cave exploring , bordeaux life ,chateau lagorce , chateaux in france , escape to the chateau , chateau diy ,french chateau
'10.099': thank you '1001.42': is it empty yeah it's empty '1006.44': it's an old box of some sort '101.579': it's on batteries and then with your '1012.459': this is pretty old right '1015.98': that's strange '1020.06': I've never seen a box like that '1022.579': it's quite like uh '1025.16': doing '1026.439': Sensations in it '1028.819': it's made for something specific let's '1030.98': get it out '1032.0': a little look outside hey '1035.14': oh it's very uh creaky '1038.679': all right '104.939': GoPro '1040.52': let's get it back to the start then we '1042.799': can go exploring the other way blinking '1044.959': heavy '1046.1': I can barely lift it '1048.319': I've got it what is heavy '1050.84': oh it's got mud underneath '106.14': we're going to stick your GoPro on the '1061.34': let's go '1062.96': let's pull the other side yeah so we're '1066.08': definitely here '1067.52': and what we're hoping for is to get over '1069.44': there '107.82': end of a pool '1070.58': so anywhere here where it carries on we '1073.76': might be able to get around there '1075.62': that's all looks like it's blocked off '1077.36': but let's let's have a look Ed what's '1079.4': that on your uh belt there mate oh '1082.46': it's uh oxy meter all right okay it's '1085.34': really important again uh down here '1087.14': normally Outsider at 20.9 here with 20.7 '109.079': rod and we're going to see what's down '1091.039': 20.8 okay so 2.3 it's going down yeah if '1096.2': um if it goes down too much obviously '1097.76': it'll stop leaping and let us know to '1099.62': not go anywhere brilliant and start good '1101.539': now okay let's have a look this looks '1104.179': like it's blocked off straight away '1106.22': whoever want to go is the other side '1108.38': here '112.079': the bottom we can't get ladders in there '1121.4': oh '1122.9': I see there '1124.4': I guess he's getting interesting we've '1126.02': got a bit that's back to where we came '1128.179': from '1129.26': well I can't tell there's anything there '1131.299': but this '1132.32': looks '1134.84': like you can get over the other side '1136.46': from here there's definitely tunnels '1138.62': over there Billy what can you see Ed I '114.299': because it's about five or six meters '1141.08': can see Rubble for about five six meters '1143.059': and then you can see the caves just it '1146.059': looks very tight though for squeezing '1147.62': through yeah and '1149.419': um if something happens over there '1151.52': you're in trouble we need to get out '1153.02': quick yeah it's not gonna be a quick '1155.059': exit it's not is it I think we should '1156.799': break through the uh the walls that's a '1159.32': good idea '116.04': down but like I say we don't we don't '1160.22': yeah the concrete like blocked up walls '1163.46': yeah the only Breeze block aren't they '1165.38': so they should just come down single '1166.94': skin possibly so it should be quite easy '1168.679': let's go get the kit and let's break '1170.96': through okay '1173.299': foreign '118.259': know where these tunnels are where they '120.78': go from too and this is all part of the '1213.799': foreign '123.659': process of trying to find entry to these '1248.84': over the back there yeah can you see it '1252.08': just there not massive lump at the back '1254.419': there yeah I know exactly what that was '1256.7': really that '1259.1': I called uh the local '126.42': caves it's a really random thing to just '1261.5': people that they wrote uh take care of '1263.299': the road and uh because it was a big '1265.039': hole in the front of our drive yeah on '1267.919': the main road and they came in they '1269.72': pumped a lot of concrete down there oh '127.979': have in the middle of the woods isn't it '1271.46': okay so that '1273.98': I don't think we're gonna get through '1275.12': that no '1276.62': let's try maybe the other wall and see '1278.419': where that goes yeah '1287.02': thank you '129.239': just a huge structure like that I've '131.76': never seen anything like it in my life '1315.98': foreign '1325.72': I think it's just Rubble at the back of '1328.34': it again '1329.419': these walls have been built so nobody I '133.26': I've seen them before in other parts of '1332.299': mean nobody gets through I mean even if '1335.419': we went around the corner over that '1336.74': Gravelly bit we still got another wall '1339.2': yeah on the map so we know that there's '1342.02': no getting through to that to that other '1344.96': side from here these walls have been '1347.24': made so that nobody can get through '135.72': this area but not to this scale that '1350.419': um which is probably a good thing '1351.44': because it looks like it's underneath '1352.82': the road so '1355.039': um I think we'll knock this one on the '1356.9': head that that leaves us one option and '1360.559': that is popping a ladder in that '1362.78': ventilation shaft I think it's about '1364.88': nine meters to the ground yep and lucky '1367.58': luckily I have a nine meter long ladder '1371.24': okay do you think that's the only way in '1372.86': I think that is definitely the only way '1375.26': into those caves '1377.9': well the only known way in '138.06': they've been like eight foot maximum and '1381.44': um and uh yeah that's not that's not a '1384.559': job for today so this log is to be '1387.26': continued '1389.78': oh '1394.46': we got unbelievable '1397.94': we did quite a bit of work down there '1399.559': we've still got 99 battery left '140.94': tiny little holes it's to stop people '1402.08': I have a shot there with the batteries '1404.059': but at least we were on the side of '1406.4': caution '1407.539': I think I figured out also what was '1410.059': going on down there '1411.74': I think when they put the road in they '1413.419': blocked everything off and possibly even '1415.1': filled everything in makes sense '1418.94': um and I think that's where that bottle '1420.86': came from right at the start the '1422.48': exploration I think that kind of dates '1424.64': the the work that was done down there '1426.559': it's got that kind of shiny Sheen in it '1429.02': you know the kind of rainbow opalescent '143.4': getting in isn't it that's is that why '1431.419': yeah '1433.039': and then that we just haven't got a clue '1434.6': what it is really if anybody does know '1436.64': you can tell say in the comments '1439.88': it you know it could be used for '144.72': it's so high '1442.039': Dynamite or anything but it looks '1444.559': suspiciously like a rifle box you '1447.559': because you've got the butt the gun '1449.12': would go up there '1452.0': and you could have it strapped down as '1454.4': well '1456.62': that would make sense because the uh '1459.32': the resistance were around in this area '146.04': possibly or possibly to have a better '1462.5': and the Germans didn't like going down '1464.12': the caves no '1465.799': so it could have been a little stash '1468.26': of course they would never leave guns '1469.94': down there unless it's not properly '147.9': draw on it possibly yeah like a chimney '1471.26': hidden but somebody could have used it '1472.94': later on for maybe tools or something '1474.32': yeah '1475.58': very interesting yeah very interesting '1478.52': so if you did enjoy today's vlog '1481.34': don't forget to subscribe to this '1483.08': channel borderlife Ryan's Channel life '1485.84': of Ryan '1487.28': and of course our amazing photographer '1489.919': and editor producer director Billy's '149.819': yeah but somebody by breaking the side '1493.1': Channel only pointed the camera nothing '1495.08': special '1496.1': you did all the work mate '1513.14': foreign '152.04': of it has ruined that a little bit '155.22': um yeah it's pretty much the same '156.72': concept as a as a fireplace '159.48': yeah it's really interesting yeah '162.48': except in summer '164.76': the air is drawn in through this '167.819': aeration shaft and in Winter the error '171.9': should go the other way so there should '173.34': be an entrance and an exit brilliant '177.48': so I've got myself a pole and at the end '180.72': of this pole I'm going to attach this '183.06': small camera '184.86': uh and along with the light hopefully Ed '188.819': can shove this down the the shaft and we '194.159': can see what's down there essentially '208.68': is this where we find out that the uh '211.019': straps aren't long enough '213.84': and it's got to be somewhere towards 10 '215.819': meters of strap here '228.239': so here you can see the inside of the '230.28': shaft '231.72': it's up to the sky '239.159': and isn't that big '242.34': this will hopefully allow us to see a '245.7': bit more my little makeshift '248.459': um Contraption have you managed to '250.799': connect it to your iPhone no '254.7': can I try doing it I don't know how we '257.76': can always pull the GoPro '259.739': but it doesn't really matter I suppose '261.06': does it because now we know which '262.919': direction those caves go so I just need '265.86': to pop it down and we can review the '267.96': footage after exactly yeah '271.699': good '273.66': don't you worry '277.68': oh '279.78': what happens if I lose everything oh '281.82': there'll be an expensive day for me '292.16': we just lost my GoPro '294.54': okay I can't get it back in now I should '296.28': have made that to him there we go '299.66': that's annoying '303.54': oh '311.36': there we go '313.62': I've got the GoPro back that's the main '316.08': thing safe and sound '319.979': yeah nothing okay just tape it on there '323.22': yeah I'll take it on '334.44': got a spin on it '337.86': foreign '37.739': foreign '370.68': um '374.039': close it '375.419': I'll do that again '379.94': you've got one tunnel there and there's '382.56': another tunnel there's another tunnel '383.94': going that way hanging out the spin '385.62': background '387.06': who's gonna make us dizzy isn't it wow '389.819': so that's the main shaft '397.259': um there's another yeah there let's '399.18': pause it '400.699': exciting times '403.139': how do we get down there that's the '405.539': question '406.5': it's a shame you haven't got any map '407.759': said of the uh the tunnels themselves do '410.16': you know what I mean because it'd be '412.199': perfect to know where they lead well I '414.24': have on the other ones '415.919': um like the zero on the area have maps '418.02': of the other ones oh yeah '419.699': oh my God I never thought that dude no '421.74': we haven't no there could be maps of '423.66': these really let's get back to the '425.4': computer quick and let's see whether we '427.259': can find any Maps let's grab everything '428.46': come on right Ryan yeah '432.08': the ventilation shaft is about here on '436.319': this map there was no map of tunnels in '439.919': that area we know there are tunnels but '443.16': just near it we can see tunnels heading '445.319': that way okay '447.599': um they come right back round to another '449.4': part of the woods where it's a really '452.9': steep uh kind of descent almost like a '456.479': valley yeah and so I think in that area '459.72': there there's probably an entrance '463.08': I'll never go in those woods so I '465.3': wouldn't know but let's go have a look '467.4': yes absolutely there are a couple of '470.099': things here on that map '472.62': now I thought they were for like water '475.08': you know like uh you know like a ditch '477.96': for water that just ornately done maybe '480.419': they are the aeration inlets okay '483.72': so we'll go have a look at those we're '485.759': gonna need some specific tools for this '487.979': area here I think if there is anything '490.44': there '491.58': but we'll cross that bridge when we get '493.38': to it so let's go have a look first and '495.12': all right try and find some sort of '496.8': entrance and get inside yep '501.06': foreign '513.56': water flowing through it's got a lot of '515.7': calcium buildup let's go find the other '523.08': one '527.16': this looks more like an air intake for '529.5': me '530.82': but it could well be just water again '532.92': but there's no evidence of water wow '535.92': look at that '543.42': we got a torch in there we've got a '545.64': torch on my phone '549.06': you '551.339': some structure it goes away '555.42': so those are the two that I knew about '557.94': let's see if we can find anything in '559.74': these Woods '560.94': but like I said they're quite '563.16': sloping quite a lot and so there was one '566.76': part that looked like it came right out '568.38': in towards the valley '570.12': so let's see if you can find anything '576.72': it's upside down Ed '579.18': all right '581.94': now '583.56': let's have a look '59.899': welcome to the secret location in the '597.3': foreign '610.2': that looks quite substantial let me '612.3': check it out '614.7': it's candy if you want but I'm pretty '616.08': sure the dogs '617.22': dogs had a bit of an episode with badges '619.26': down there '621.12': ah '627.3': Because deep it goes right back '63.239': woods at Lagos '630.3': are you sure yeah '636.12': I can't even see the end of it '639.36': this this might be worth checking out '64.86': today we've got a really interesting '641.7': well it's kind of where it should be to '643.92': be fair on the map '647.7': I think we should give it a go then yeah '649.86': we're gonna need something a bit '651.06': brighter than a foam torch though right '652.98': let's get properly equipped and see if '655.019': we can get in '656.64': let's go '67.02': Vlog and it's all about '70.619': well it's starting with this ventilation '714.14': thank you '73.619': shaft for caves that we don't actually '735.959': so Ryan we got the lamp '738.18': who's drawn the Short Straw who's going '739.98': in on their own well Ed I think seeing '743.04': is this your place and your tunnel to '746.88': explore '748.32': usually going first but '751.019': I'll be here outside making sure '753.24': everything's okay and if you need any '755.519': assistance you know where I am '758.399': okay '76.02': have access to well I wasn't expecting '767.1': yeah '768.899': oh it is big '771.12': proper tunnels Lads lovely '774.54': I'll have a quick look and then I'm '776.04': coming back for you '778.62': there's an old bottle here '780.899': that's really old '788.94': I don't want to be exploring this on my '79.08': it to be this Big Ed '790.62': own in a little bit of a cave in there '793.8': doesn't worry me '795.66': because it's just got uh '798.779': clay behind it I think that's what's '800.579': going on there oh no the roots have got '802.8': in it right '809.18': this kit here is really important for us '81.84': um it's a rather large shaft isn't it it '811.92': today '813.0': it's called Delta Pro and the Delta Pro '816.0': Smart battery extension there's 7.2 '819.54': kilowatt total kilowatt hour sorry total '822.36': of power in this '824.94': you don't want to go down a cave and get '827.279': right in the middle of the cave and have '829.079': no power '830.519': so these should absolutely new kit they '834.12': are really really good quality and they '837.959': will '838.8': not fail on us and you can say that '84.0': is indeed ha on Earth '841.68': about them it's one thing you know '843.42': they're not going to fail if we get to a '846.12': stage where we need to break some Rubble '848.339': up or something like that then they can '850.68': actually power on a surge up to about '853.74': seven kilowatts so you know a big drill '857.279': like a big Hilty drill or something '858.6': you're talking 1.82 kilowatts you know '86.4': are we gonna be able to take a look '861.839': something like that and uh yeah so I '864.899': mean '865.68': we shouldn't need the second battery but '867.779': we're not taking any risks are we '869.88': so '871.079': I'm also going to grab my little ecofo '873.72': Pro take that along with us just for the '875.94': ride and can't see us needing it but '878.22': let's have it just as a backup '88.5': inside it '880.199': if you like the look of these ecoflow '881.88': Delta Pros or any of their products '883.56': there's a link in our description '885.42': today's vlog '887.16': I can highly recommend them '889.38': got some water very important okay I'll '89.58': well '893.22': take Billy's as well all right yeah that '895.079': is important because what about you I've '897.3': got some as well yeah don't worry about '898.62': me '899.519': got my own because in case we get stuck '901.32': down there yep a bit of water will just '903.06': help us for a little while '906.6': AC on '91.08': I have been here before and I know '913.5': it's been a few cave-ins around '916.62': well as long as one doesn't happen while '919.26': we're down here '92.58': there's a hole on the other side '920.399': that's the main thing yeah I don't think '923.339': so '930.839': so blocked off we've got there that's '933.42': this black area on the map I see it '935.399': should we go that way to see what there '937.079': is that way first '938.88': yeah '941.1': we don't need the other one we'll leave '942.54': that there '944.88': yeah the cage getting a bit taller Now '947.639': red yeah you can actually stand up '95.1': today we're gonna drop '952.26': let's keep going '954.6': oh we got another bit blocked off '956.82': so that must be here on the map I see it '959.94': I mean we're going the wrong way but '961.139': we've got to we've got to explore it all '962.579': haven't we yeah it should go down there '965.579': and stop and go left and stop let's have '968.04': a look see everybody now '97.88': this light in '971.82': yeah we've got the dead end here '978.24': all right '979.74': so that's the dead end let's go down the '981.72': other one just double check on that one '991.199': ah '992.779': what's that '997.92': open it up first don't move it
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Коммунан департамент — Эндр а, Луара а. Кхузахь климат барамехь ю, аьхка йовха хуьлу, ткъа Ӏа барамехь-шийла хуьлу. ГӀалин бахархой французаш бу. Официалан Французийн мотт бу.", "Бомо́н-ла-Ронс — муніципалітет у Франції, у регіоні Центр-Долина Луари, департамент Ендр і Луара. Населення — 1177 осіб.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce est commune Francicum 1'132 incolarum praefecturae Andrae et Ligeris in provincia media.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce is a former commune in the Indre-et-Loire department in central France. On 1 January 2017, it was merged into the new commune Beaumont-Louestault.", "Beaumont-Louestault es una comuna nueva francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira.", "Bomon la Rons je naselje i opština u centralnoj Francuskoj u regionu Centar, u departmanu Endr i Loara koja pripada prefekturi Tur.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce és un municipi francès, situat al departament de l'Indre i Loira i a la regió de Centre – Vall del Loira. L'any 2007 tenia 1.132 habitants.", "Beaumont-Louestault est, depuis le 1ᵉʳ janvier 2017, une commune nouvelle française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire en région Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce war eine französische Gemeinde mit zuletzt 1.211 Einwohnern im Département Indre-et-Loire in der Region Centre-Val de Loire; sie gehörte zum Arrondissement Tours und zum Kanton Château-Renault. Beaumont-la-Ronce ist ein Ortsteil der Gemeinde Beaumont-Louestault.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce este o comună în departamentul Indre-et-Loire, Franța. În 2009 avea o populație de 1157 de locuitori.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce Frantziako udalerria da, Indre-et-Loire departamenduan dagoena, Centre eskualdean. 2013an 1.132 biztanle zituen.", "Cet article recense une partie des monuments historiques d'Indre-et-Loire, en France.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce era una comuna francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira, que el 1 de enero de 2017 pasó a ser una comuna delegada de la comuna nueva de Beaumont-Louestault​ al fusionarse con la comuna de Louestault.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce é uma comuna francesa na região administrativa do Centro, no departamento Indre-et-Loire. Estende-se por uma área de 39,17 km². Em 2010 a comuna tinha 1 167 habitantes.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce është një komunë në Francë. Beaumont-la-Ronce bën pjesë në departamentin Indre-et-Loire të rajonit Centre. Komuna ka një popullsi prej 1157 banorë dhe sipërfaqe 39.04 km².", "Beaumont-la-Ronce je francúzska obec, ktorá sa nachádza v departemente Indre-et-Loire, v regióne Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce település Franciaországban, Indre-et-Loire megyében. Beaumont-la-Ronce Louestault, Marray, Neuillé-Pont-Pierre, Neuvy-le-Roi, Nouzilly, Rouziers-de-Touraine és Saint-Laurent-en-Gâtines községekkel határos.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce est une ancienne commune française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire, en région Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-Louestault ist eine französische Gemeinde mit 1.684 Einwohnern im Département Indre-et-Loire in der Region Centre-Val de Loire; sie gehört zum Arrondissement Tours und zum Kanton Château-Renault." ], "context_section_description": [ "Beaumont-la-Ronce sī ūi-tī Hoat-kok Centre-Val de Loire toā-khu Indre-et-Loire séng ê chi̍t ê commune.", null, "Бомон-ла-Ронс () — Францин гӀала-коммуна, лаьтта Центр — Луаран атагӀа регионехь. Коммунан департамент — Эндр а, Луара а. Кхузахь климат барамехь ю, аьхка йовха хуьлу, ткъа Ӏа барамехь-шийла хуьлу. ГӀалин бахархой французаш бу. Официалан Французийн мотт бу.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce est commune Francicum 1'132 incolarum (anno 2007) praefecturae Andrae et Ligeris in provincia media.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce is a former commune in the Indre-et-Loire department in central France. On 1 January 2017, it was merged into the new commune Beaumont-Louestault.", "Beaumont-Louestault es una comuna nueva francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce és un municipi francès, situat al departament de l'Indre i Loira i a la regió de Centre – Vall del Loira. L'any 2007 tenia 1.132 habitants.", "Beaumont-Louestault est, depuis le 1ᵉʳ janvier 2017, une commune nouvelle française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire en région Centre-Val de Loire.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce este o comună în departamentul Indre-et-Loire, Franța. În 2009 avea o populație de 1157 de locuitori.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce Frantziako udalerria da, Indre-et-Loire departamenduan dagoena, Centre eskualdean. 2013an 1.132 biztanle zituen.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce era una comuna francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira, que el 1 de enero de 2017 pasó a ser una comuna delegada de la comuna nueva de Beaumont-Louestault​ al fusionarse con la comuna de Louestault.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce é uma comuna francesa na região administrativa do Centro, no departamento Indre-et-Loire. Estende-se por uma área de 39,17 km². Em 2010 a comuna tinha 1 167 habitantes (densidade: 29,8 hab./km²).", "Beaumont-la-Ronce është një komunë në Francë. Beaumont-la-Ronce bën pjesë në departamentin Indre-et-Loire të rajonit Centre. Komuna ka një popullsi prej 1157 banorë (regjistrimi 2009) dhe sipërfaqe 39.04 km².", "Beaumont-la-Ronce je francúzska obec, ktorá sa nachádza v departemente Indre-et-Loire, v regióne Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce település Franciaországban, Indre-et-Loire megyében. Beaumont-la-Ronce Louestault, Marray, Neuillé-Pont-Pierre, Neuvy-le-Roi, Nouzilly, Rouziers-de-Touraine és Saint-Laurent-en-Gâtines községekkel határos.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce est une ancienne commune française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire, en région Centre-Val de Loire.", null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Бомон ла Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce / Sehenswürdigkeiten", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Liste des monuments historiques d'Indre-et-Loire (A-J) / Liste", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault / Sehenswürdigkeiten / Louestault" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "nan", "sr", "ce", "uk", "la", "en", "es", "sr-Latn", "ca", "fr", "de", "ro", "eu", "fr", "es", "pt", "sq", "sk", "hu", "fr", "de" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Бомон ла Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Liste des monuments historiques d'Indre-et-Loire (A-J)", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "Sehenswürdigkeiten", null, null, "Liste", null, null, null, null, null, null, "Louestault" ] }
We found SECRET Tunnels used by the RESISTANCE at the chateau
We found secret tunnels built by the resistance at the chateau . Tunnel exploring @The Pethericks @Life of Ryan with @EcoFlow Edd loves to explore and so does Billy @The Pethericks & Ryan @Life of Ryan so equipped with off they go equipped with #ecoflow portable power supply so there can light in the tunnels but also so they can use heavy equipment to breath through closed passages Exploring a tunnel network with Huge thank you to Billy @The Pethericks for filming & editing the vlog ❤️ @ to Ryan @Life of Ryan for co-editing ❤️ More on tonight’s vlog See you all later at the premier Edd & Anna xx More on tonight's vlog x Huge Thank You to everyone for their Love & Support x Special Thank You to all of our amazing Patrons x If you wish to become a Patron : To see more what we get up to day to day check out our instagram account : Follow us on Facebook Website : #PortablePowerStation #EcoFlow #DELTApro Tunnels , sectet tunnels , resistance ,cave exploring , bordeaux life ,chateau lagorce , chateaux in france , escape to the chateau , chateau diy ,french chateau
'10.099': thank you '1001.42': is it empty yeah it's empty '1006.44': it's an old box of some sort '101.579': it's on batteries and then with your '1012.459': this is pretty old right '1015.98': that's strange '1020.06': I've never seen a box like that '1022.579': it's quite like uh '1025.16': doing '1026.439': Sensations in it '1028.819': it's made for something specific let's '1030.98': get it out '1032.0': a little look outside hey '1035.14': oh it's very uh creaky '1038.679': all right '104.939': GoPro '1040.52': let's get it back to the start then we '1042.799': can go exploring the other way blinking '1044.959': heavy '1046.1': I can barely lift it '1048.319': I've got it what is heavy '1050.84': oh it's got mud underneath '106.14': we're going to stick your GoPro on the '1061.34': let's go '1062.96': let's pull the other side yeah so we're '1066.08': definitely here '1067.52': and what we're hoping for is to get over '1069.44': there '107.82': end of a pool '1070.58': so anywhere here where it carries on we '1073.76': might be able to get around there '1075.62': that's all looks like it's blocked off '1077.36': but let's let's have a look Ed what's '1079.4': that on your uh belt there mate oh '1082.46': it's uh oxy meter all right okay it's '1085.34': really important again uh down here '1087.14': normally Outsider at 20.9 here with 20.7 '109.079': rod and we're going to see what's down '1091.039': 20.8 okay so 2.3 it's going down yeah if '1096.2': um if it goes down too much obviously '1097.76': it'll stop leaping and let us know to '1099.62': not go anywhere brilliant and start good '1101.539': now okay let's have a look this looks '1104.179': like it's blocked off straight away '1106.22': whoever want to go is the other side '1108.38': here '112.079': the bottom we can't get ladders in there '1121.4': oh '1122.9': I see there '1124.4': I guess he's getting interesting we've '1126.02': got a bit that's back to where we came '1128.179': from '1129.26': well I can't tell there's anything there '1131.299': but this '1132.32': looks '1134.84': like you can get over the other side '1136.46': from here there's definitely tunnels '1138.62': over there Billy what can you see Ed I '114.299': because it's about five or six meters '1141.08': can see Rubble for about five six meters '1143.059': and then you can see the caves just it '1146.059': looks very tight though for squeezing '1147.62': through yeah and '1149.419': um if something happens over there '1151.52': you're in trouble we need to get out '1153.02': quick yeah it's not gonna be a quick '1155.059': exit it's not is it I think we should '1156.799': break through the uh the walls that's a '1159.32': good idea '116.04': down but like I say we don't we don't '1160.22': yeah the concrete like blocked up walls '1163.46': yeah the only Breeze block aren't they '1165.38': so they should just come down single '1166.94': skin possibly so it should be quite easy '1168.679': let's go get the kit and let's break '1170.96': through okay '1173.299': foreign '118.259': know where these tunnels are where they '120.78': go from too and this is all part of the '1213.799': foreign '123.659': process of trying to find entry to these '1248.84': over the back there yeah can you see it '1252.08': just there not massive lump at the back '1254.419': there yeah I know exactly what that was '1256.7': really that '1259.1': I called uh the local '126.42': caves it's a really random thing to just '1261.5': people that they wrote uh take care of '1263.299': the road and uh because it was a big '1265.039': hole in the front of our drive yeah on '1267.919': the main road and they came in they '1269.72': pumped a lot of concrete down there oh '127.979': have in the middle of the woods isn't it '1271.46': okay so that '1273.98': I don't think we're gonna get through '1275.12': that no '1276.62': let's try maybe the other wall and see '1278.419': where that goes yeah '1287.02': thank you '129.239': just a huge structure like that I've '131.76': never seen anything like it in my life '1315.98': foreign '1325.72': I think it's just Rubble at the back of '1328.34': it again '1329.419': these walls have been built so nobody I '133.26': I've seen them before in other parts of '1332.299': mean nobody gets through I mean even if '1335.419': we went around the corner over that '1336.74': Gravelly bit we still got another wall '1339.2': yeah on the map so we know that there's '1342.02': no getting through to that to that other '1344.96': side from here these walls have been '1347.24': made so that nobody can get through '135.72': this area but not to this scale that '1350.419': um which is probably a good thing '1351.44': because it looks like it's underneath '1352.82': the road so '1355.039': um I think we'll knock this one on the '1356.9': head that that leaves us one option and '1360.559': that is popping a ladder in that '1362.78': ventilation shaft I think it's about '1364.88': nine meters to the ground yep and lucky '1367.58': luckily I have a nine meter long ladder '1371.24': okay do you think that's the only way in '1372.86': I think that is definitely the only way '1375.26': into those caves '1377.9': well the only known way in '138.06': they've been like eight foot maximum and '1381.44': um and uh yeah that's not that's not a '1384.559': job for today so this log is to be '1387.26': continued '1389.78': oh '1394.46': we got unbelievable '1397.94': we did quite a bit of work down there '1399.559': we've still got 99 battery left '140.94': tiny little holes it's to stop people '1402.08': I have a shot there with the batteries '1404.059': but at least we were on the side of '1406.4': caution '1407.539': I think I figured out also what was '1410.059': going on down there '1411.74': I think when they put the road in they '1413.419': blocked everything off and possibly even '1415.1': filled everything in makes sense '1418.94': um and I think that's where that bottle '1420.86': came from right at the start the '1422.48': exploration I think that kind of dates '1424.64': the the work that was done down there '1426.559': it's got that kind of shiny Sheen in it '1429.02': you know the kind of rainbow opalescent '143.4': getting in isn't it that's is that why '1431.419': yeah '1433.039': and then that we just haven't got a clue '1434.6': what it is really if anybody does know '1436.64': you can tell say in the comments '1439.88': it you know it could be used for '144.72': it's so high '1442.039': Dynamite or anything but it looks '1444.559': suspiciously like a rifle box you '1447.559': because you've got the butt the gun '1449.12': would go up there '1452.0': and you could have it strapped down as '1454.4': well '1456.62': that would make sense because the uh '1459.32': the resistance were around in this area '146.04': possibly or possibly to have a better '1462.5': and the Germans didn't like going down '1464.12': the caves no '1465.799': so it could have been a little stash '1468.26': of course they would never leave guns '1469.94': down there unless it's not properly '147.9': draw on it possibly yeah like a chimney '1471.26': hidden but somebody could have used it '1472.94': later on for maybe tools or something '1474.32': yeah '1475.58': very interesting yeah very interesting '1478.52': so if you did enjoy today's vlog '1481.34': don't forget to subscribe to this '1483.08': channel borderlife Ryan's Channel life '1485.84': of Ryan '1487.28': and of course our amazing photographer '1489.919': and editor producer director Billy's '149.819': yeah but somebody by breaking the side '1493.1': Channel only pointed the camera nothing '1495.08': special '1496.1': you did all the work mate '1513.14': foreign '152.04': of it has ruined that a little bit '155.22': um yeah it's pretty much the same '156.72': concept as a as a fireplace '159.48': yeah it's really interesting yeah '162.48': except in summer '164.76': the air is drawn in through this '167.819': aeration shaft and in Winter the error '171.9': should go the other way so there should '173.34': be an entrance and an exit brilliant '177.48': so I've got myself a pole and at the end '180.72': of this pole I'm going to attach this '183.06': small camera '184.86': uh and along with the light hopefully Ed '188.819': can shove this down the the shaft and we '194.159': can see what's down there essentially '208.68': is this where we find out that the uh '211.019': straps aren't long enough '213.84': and it's got to be somewhere towards 10 '215.819': meters of strap here '228.239': so here you can see the inside of the '230.28': shaft '231.72': it's up to the sky '239.159': and isn't that big '242.34': this will hopefully allow us to see a '245.7': bit more my little makeshift '248.459': um Contraption have you managed to '250.799': connect it to your iPhone no '254.7': can I try doing it I don't know how we '257.76': can always pull the GoPro '259.739': but it doesn't really matter I suppose '261.06': does it because now we know which '262.919': direction those caves go so I just need '265.86': to pop it down and we can review the '267.96': footage after exactly yeah '271.699': good '273.66': don't you worry '277.68': oh '279.78': what happens if I lose everything oh '281.82': there'll be an expensive day for me '292.16': we just lost my GoPro '294.54': okay I can't get it back in now I should '296.28': have made that to him there we go '299.66': that's annoying '303.54': oh '311.36': there we go '313.62': I've got the GoPro back that's the main '316.08': thing safe and sound '319.979': yeah nothing okay just tape it on there '323.22': yeah I'll take it on '334.44': got a spin on it '337.86': foreign '37.739': foreign '370.68': um '374.039': close it '375.419': I'll do that again '379.94': you've got one tunnel there and there's '382.56': another tunnel there's another tunnel '383.94': going that way hanging out the spin '385.62': background '387.06': who's gonna make us dizzy isn't it wow '389.819': so that's the main shaft '397.259': um there's another yeah there let's '399.18': pause it '400.699': exciting times '403.139': how do we get down there that's the '405.539': question '406.5': it's a shame you haven't got any map '407.759': said of the uh the tunnels themselves do '410.16': you know what I mean because it'd be '412.199': perfect to know where they lead well I '414.24': have on the other ones '415.919': um like the zero on the area have maps '418.02': of the other ones oh yeah '419.699': oh my God I never thought that dude no '421.74': we haven't no there could be maps of '423.66': these really let's get back to the '425.4': computer quick and let's see whether we '427.259': can find any Maps let's grab everything '428.46': come on right Ryan yeah '432.08': the ventilation shaft is about here on '436.319': this map there was no map of tunnels in '439.919': that area we know there are tunnels but '443.16': just near it we can see tunnels heading '445.319': that way okay '447.599': um they come right back round to another '449.4': part of the woods where it's a really '452.9': steep uh kind of descent almost like a '456.479': valley yeah and so I think in that area '459.72': there there's probably an entrance '463.08': I'll never go in those woods so I '465.3': wouldn't know but let's go have a look '467.4': yes absolutely there are a couple of '470.099': things here on that map '472.62': now I thought they were for like water '475.08': you know like uh you know like a ditch '477.96': for water that just ornately done maybe '480.419': they are the aeration inlets okay '483.72': so we'll go have a look at those we're '485.759': gonna need some specific tools for this '487.979': area here I think if there is anything '490.44': there '491.58': but we'll cross that bridge when we get '493.38': to it so let's go have a look first and '495.12': all right try and find some sort of '496.8': entrance and get inside yep '501.06': foreign '513.56': water flowing through it's got a lot of '515.7': calcium buildup let's go find the other '523.08': one '527.16': this looks more like an air intake for '529.5': me '530.82': but it could well be just water again '532.92': but there's no evidence of water wow '535.92': look at that '543.42': we got a torch in there we've got a '545.64': torch on my phone '549.06': you '551.339': some structure it goes away '555.42': so those are the two that I knew about '557.94': let's see if we can find anything in '559.74': these Woods '560.94': but like I said they're quite '563.16': sloping quite a lot and so there was one '566.76': part that looked like it came right out '568.38': in towards the valley '570.12': so let's see if you can find anything '576.72': it's upside down Ed '579.18': all right '581.94': now '583.56': let's have a look '59.899': welcome to the secret location in the '597.3': foreign '610.2': that looks quite substantial let me '612.3': check it out '614.7': it's candy if you want but I'm pretty '616.08': sure the dogs '617.22': dogs had a bit of an episode with badges '619.26': down there '621.12': ah '627.3': Because deep it goes right back '63.239': woods at Lagos '630.3': are you sure yeah '636.12': I can't even see the end of it '639.36': this this might be worth checking out '64.86': today we've got a really interesting '641.7': well it's kind of where it should be to '643.92': be fair on the map '647.7': I think we should give it a go then yeah '649.86': we're gonna need something a bit '651.06': brighter than a foam torch though right '652.98': let's get properly equipped and see if '655.019': we can get in '656.64': let's go '67.02': Vlog and it's all about '70.619': well it's starting with this ventilation '714.14': thank you '73.619': shaft for caves that we don't actually '735.959': so Ryan we got the lamp '738.18': who's drawn the Short Straw who's going '739.98': in on their own well Ed I think seeing '743.04': is this your place and your tunnel to '746.88': explore '748.32': usually going first but '751.019': I'll be here outside making sure '753.24': everything's okay and if you need any '755.519': assistance you know where I am '758.399': okay '76.02': have access to well I wasn't expecting '767.1': yeah '768.899': oh it is big '771.12': proper tunnels Lads lovely '774.54': I'll have a quick look and then I'm '776.04': coming back for you '778.62': there's an old bottle here '780.899': that's really old '788.94': I don't want to be exploring this on my '79.08': it to be this Big Ed '790.62': own in a little bit of a cave in there '793.8': doesn't worry me '795.66': because it's just got uh '798.779': clay behind it I think that's what's '800.579': going on there oh no the roots have got '802.8': in it right '809.18': this kit here is really important for us '81.84': um it's a rather large shaft isn't it it '811.92': today '813.0': it's called Delta Pro and the Delta Pro '816.0': Smart battery extension there's 7.2 '819.54': kilowatt total kilowatt hour sorry total '822.36': of power in this '824.94': you don't want to go down a cave and get '827.279': right in the middle of the cave and have '829.079': no power '830.519': so these should absolutely new kit they '834.12': are really really good quality and they '837.959': will '838.8': not fail on us and you can say that '84.0': is indeed ha on Earth '841.68': about them it's one thing you know '843.42': they're not going to fail if we get to a '846.12': stage where we need to break some Rubble '848.339': up or something like that then they can '850.68': actually power on a surge up to about '853.74': seven kilowatts so you know a big drill '857.279': like a big Hilty drill or something '858.6': you're talking 1.82 kilowatts you know '86.4': are we gonna be able to take a look '861.839': something like that and uh yeah so I '864.899': mean '865.68': we shouldn't need the second battery but '867.779': we're not taking any risks are we '869.88': so '871.079': I'm also going to grab my little ecofo '873.72': Pro take that along with us just for the '875.94': ride and can't see us needing it but '878.22': let's have it just as a backup '88.5': inside it '880.199': if you like the look of these ecoflow '881.88': Delta Pros or any of their products '883.56': there's a link in our description '885.42': today's vlog '887.16': I can highly recommend them '889.38': got some water very important okay I'll '89.58': well '893.22': take Billy's as well all right yeah that '895.079': is important because what about you I've '897.3': got some as well yeah don't worry about '898.62': me '899.519': got my own because in case we get stuck '901.32': down there yep a bit of water will just '903.06': help us for a little while '906.6': AC on '91.08': I have been here before and I know '913.5': it's been a few cave-ins around '916.62': well as long as one doesn't happen while '919.26': we're down here '92.58': there's a hole on the other side '920.399': that's the main thing yeah I don't think '923.339': so '930.839': so blocked off we've got there that's '933.42': this black area on the map I see it '935.399': should we go that way to see what there '937.079': is that way first '938.88': yeah '941.1': we don't need the other one we'll leave '942.54': that there '944.88': yeah the cage getting a bit taller Now '947.639': red yeah you can actually stand up '95.1': today we're gonna drop '952.26': let's keep going '954.6': oh we got another bit blocked off '956.82': so that must be here on the map I see it '959.94': I mean we're going the wrong way but '961.139': we've got to we've got to explore it all '962.579': haven't we yeah it should go down there '965.579': and stop and go left and stop let's have '968.04': a look see everybody now '97.88': this light in '971.82': yeah we've got the dead end here '978.24': all right '979.74': so that's the dead end let's go down the '981.72': other one just double check on that one '991.199': ah '992.779': what's that '997.92': open it up first don't move it
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Коммунан департамент — Эндр а, Луара а. Кхузахь климат барамехь ю, аьхка йовха хуьлу, ткъа Ӏа барамехь-шийла хуьлу. ГӀалин бахархой французаш бу. Официалан Французийн мотт бу.", "Бомо́н-ла-Ронс — муніципалітет у Франції, у регіоні Центр-Долина Луари, департамент Ендр і Луара. Населення — 1177 осіб.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce est commune Francicum 1'132 incolarum praefecturae Andrae et Ligeris in provincia media.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce is a former commune in the Indre-et-Loire department in central France. On 1 January 2017, it was merged into the new commune Beaumont-Louestault.", "Beaumont-Louestault es una comuna nueva francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira.", "Bomon la Rons je naselje i opština u centralnoj Francuskoj u regionu Centar, u departmanu Endr i Loara koja pripada prefekturi Tur.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce és un municipi francès, situat al departament de l'Indre i Loira i a la regió de Centre – Vall del Loira. L'any 2007 tenia 1.132 habitants.", "Beaumont-Louestault est, depuis le 1ᵉʳ janvier 2017, une commune nouvelle française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire en région Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce war eine französische Gemeinde mit zuletzt 1.211 Einwohnern im Département Indre-et-Loire in der Region Centre-Val de Loire; sie gehörte zum Arrondissement Tours und zum Kanton Château-Renault. Beaumont-la-Ronce ist ein Ortsteil der Gemeinde Beaumont-Louestault.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce este o comună în departamentul Indre-et-Loire, Franța. În 2009 avea o populație de 1157 de locuitori.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce Frantziako udalerria da, Indre-et-Loire departamenduan dagoena, Centre eskualdean. 2013an 1.132 biztanle zituen.", "Cet article recense une partie des monuments historiques d'Indre-et-Loire, en France.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce era una comuna francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira, que el 1 de enero de 2017 pasó a ser una comuna delegada de la comuna nueva de Beaumont-Louestault​ al fusionarse con la comuna de Louestault.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce é uma comuna francesa na região administrativa do Centro, no departamento Indre-et-Loire. Estende-se por uma área de 39,17 km². Em 2010 a comuna tinha 1 167 habitantes.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce është një komunë në Francë. Beaumont-la-Ronce bën pjesë në departamentin Indre-et-Loire të rajonit Centre. Komuna ka një popullsi prej 1157 banorë dhe sipërfaqe 39.04 km².", "Beaumont-la-Ronce je francúzska obec, ktorá sa nachádza v departemente Indre-et-Loire, v regióne Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce település Franciaországban, Indre-et-Loire megyében. Beaumont-la-Ronce Louestault, Marray, Neuillé-Pont-Pierre, Neuvy-le-Roi, Nouzilly, Rouziers-de-Touraine és Saint-Laurent-en-Gâtines községekkel határos.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce est une ancienne commune française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire, en région Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-Louestault ist eine französische Gemeinde mit 1.684 Einwohnern im Département Indre-et-Loire in der Region Centre-Val de Loire; sie gehört zum Arrondissement Tours und zum Kanton Château-Renault." ], "context_section_description": [ "Beaumont-la-Ronce sī ūi-tī Hoat-kok Centre-Val de Loire toā-khu Indre-et-Loire séng ê chi̍t ê commune.", null, "Бомон-ла-Ронс () — Францин гӀала-коммуна, лаьтта Центр — Луаран атагӀа регионехь. Коммунан департамент — Эндр а, Луара а. Кхузахь климат барамехь ю, аьхка йовха хуьлу, ткъа Ӏа барамехь-шийла хуьлу. ГӀалин бахархой французаш бу. Официалан Французийн мотт бу.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce est commune Francicum 1'132 incolarum (anno 2007) praefecturae Andrae et Ligeris in provincia media.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce is a former commune in the Indre-et-Loire department in central France. On 1 January 2017, it was merged into the new commune Beaumont-Louestault.", "Beaumont-Louestault es una comuna nueva francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce és un municipi francès, situat al departament de l'Indre i Loira i a la regió de Centre – Vall del Loira. L'any 2007 tenia 1.132 habitants.", "Beaumont-Louestault est, depuis le 1ᵉʳ janvier 2017, une commune nouvelle française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire en région Centre-Val de Loire.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce este o comună în departamentul Indre-et-Loire, Franța. În 2009 avea o populație de 1157 de locuitori.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce Frantziako udalerria da, Indre-et-Loire departamenduan dagoena, Centre eskualdean. 2013an 1.132 biztanle zituen.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce era una comuna francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira, que el 1 de enero de 2017 pasó a ser una comuna delegada de la comuna nueva de Beaumont-Louestault​ al fusionarse con la comuna de Louestault.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce é uma comuna francesa na região administrativa do Centro, no departamento Indre-et-Loire. Estende-se por uma área de 39,17 km². Em 2010 a comuna tinha 1 167 habitantes (densidade: 29,8 hab./km²).", "Beaumont-la-Ronce është një komunë në Francë. Beaumont-la-Ronce bën pjesë në departamentin Indre-et-Loire të rajonit Centre. Komuna ka një popullsi prej 1157 banorë (regjistrimi 2009) dhe sipërfaqe 39.04 km².", "Beaumont-la-Ronce je francúzska obec, ktorá sa nachádza v departemente Indre-et-Loire, v regióne Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce település Franciaországban, Indre-et-Loire megyében. Beaumont-la-Ronce Louestault, Marray, Neuillé-Pont-Pierre, Neuvy-le-Roi, Nouzilly, Rouziers-de-Touraine és Saint-Laurent-en-Gâtines községekkel határos.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce est une ancienne commune française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire, en région Centre-Val de Loire.", null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Бомон ла Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce / Sehenswürdigkeiten", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Liste des monuments historiques d'Indre-et-Loire (A-J) / Liste", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault / Sehenswürdigkeiten / Louestault" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "nan", "sr", "ce", "uk", "la", "en", "es", "sr-Latn", "ca", "fr", "de", "ro", "eu", "fr", "es", "pt", "sq", "sk", "hu", "fr", "de" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Бомон ла Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Liste des monuments historiques d'Indre-et-Loire (A-J)", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "Sehenswürdigkeiten", null, null, "Liste", null, null, null, null, null, null, "Louestault" ] }
We found SECRET Tunnels used by the RESISTANCE at the chateau
We found secret tunnels built by the resistance at the chateau . Tunnel exploring @The Pethericks @Life of Ryan with @EcoFlow Edd loves to explore and so does Billy @The Pethericks & Ryan @Life of Ryan so equipped with off they go equipped with #ecoflow portable power supply so there can light in the tunnels but also so they can use heavy equipment to breath through closed passages Exploring a tunnel network with Huge thank you to Billy @The Pethericks for filming & editing the vlog ❤️ @ to Ryan @Life of Ryan for co-editing ❤️ More on tonight’s vlog See you all later at the premier Edd & Anna xx More on tonight's vlog x Huge Thank You to everyone for their Love & Support x Special Thank You to all of our amazing Patrons x If you wish to become a Patron : To see more what we get up to day to day check out our instagram account : Follow us on Facebook Website : #PortablePowerStation #EcoFlow #DELTApro Tunnels , sectet tunnels , resistance ,cave exploring , bordeaux life ,chateau lagorce , chateaux in france , escape to the chateau , chateau diy ,french chateau
'10.099': thank you '1001.42': is it empty yeah it's empty '1006.44': it's an old box of some sort '101.579': it's on batteries and then with your '1012.459': this is pretty old right '1015.98': that's strange '1020.06': I've never seen a box like that '1022.579': it's quite like uh '1025.16': doing '1026.439': Sensations in it '1028.819': it's made for something specific let's '1030.98': get it out '1032.0': a little look outside hey '1035.14': oh it's very uh creaky '1038.679': all right '104.939': GoPro '1040.52': let's get it back to the start then we '1042.799': can go exploring the other way blinking '1044.959': heavy '1046.1': I can barely lift it '1048.319': I've got it what is heavy '1050.84': oh it's got mud underneath '106.14': we're going to stick your GoPro on the '1061.34': let's go '1062.96': let's pull the other side yeah so we're '1066.08': definitely here '1067.52': and what we're hoping for is to get over '1069.44': there '107.82': end of a pool '1070.58': so anywhere here where it carries on we '1073.76': might be able to get around there '1075.62': that's all looks like it's blocked off '1077.36': but let's let's have a look Ed what's '1079.4': that on your uh belt there mate oh '1082.46': it's uh oxy meter all right okay it's '1085.34': really important again uh down here '1087.14': normally Outsider at 20.9 here with 20.7 '109.079': rod and we're going to see what's down '1091.039': 20.8 okay so 2.3 it's going down yeah if '1096.2': um if it goes down too much obviously '1097.76': it'll stop leaping and let us know to '1099.62': not go anywhere brilliant and start good '1101.539': now okay let's have a look this looks '1104.179': like it's blocked off straight away '1106.22': whoever want to go is the other side '1108.38': here '112.079': the bottom we can't get ladders in there '1121.4': oh '1122.9': I see there '1124.4': I guess he's getting interesting we've '1126.02': got a bit that's back to where we came '1128.179': from '1129.26': well I can't tell there's anything there '1131.299': but this '1132.32': looks '1134.84': like you can get over the other side '1136.46': from here there's definitely tunnels '1138.62': over there Billy what can you see Ed I '114.299': because it's about five or six meters '1141.08': can see Rubble for about five six meters '1143.059': and then you can see the caves just it '1146.059': looks very tight though for squeezing '1147.62': through yeah and '1149.419': um if something happens over there '1151.52': you're in trouble we need to get out '1153.02': quick yeah it's not gonna be a quick '1155.059': exit it's not is it I think we should '1156.799': break through the uh the walls that's a '1159.32': good idea '116.04': down but like I say we don't we don't '1160.22': yeah the concrete like blocked up walls '1163.46': yeah the only Breeze block aren't they '1165.38': so they should just come down single '1166.94': skin possibly so it should be quite easy '1168.679': let's go get the kit and let's break '1170.96': through okay '1173.299': foreign '118.259': know where these tunnels are where they '120.78': go from too and this is all part of the '1213.799': foreign '123.659': process of trying to find entry to these '1248.84': over the back there yeah can you see it '1252.08': just there not massive lump at the back '1254.419': there yeah I know exactly what that was '1256.7': really that '1259.1': I called uh the local '126.42': caves it's a really random thing to just '1261.5': people that they wrote uh take care of '1263.299': the road and uh because it was a big '1265.039': hole in the front of our drive yeah on '1267.919': the main road and they came in they '1269.72': pumped a lot of concrete down there oh '127.979': have in the middle of the woods isn't it '1271.46': okay so that '1273.98': I don't think we're gonna get through '1275.12': that no '1276.62': let's try maybe the other wall and see '1278.419': where that goes yeah '1287.02': thank you '129.239': just a huge structure like that I've '131.76': never seen anything like it in my life '1315.98': foreign '1325.72': I think it's just Rubble at the back of '1328.34': it again '1329.419': these walls have been built so nobody I '133.26': I've seen them before in other parts of '1332.299': mean nobody gets through I mean even if '1335.419': we went around the corner over that '1336.74': Gravelly bit we still got another wall '1339.2': yeah on the map so we know that there's '1342.02': no getting through to that to that other '1344.96': side from here these walls have been '1347.24': made so that nobody can get through '135.72': this area but not to this scale that '1350.419': um which is probably a good thing '1351.44': because it looks like it's underneath '1352.82': the road so '1355.039': um I think we'll knock this one on the '1356.9': head that that leaves us one option and '1360.559': that is popping a ladder in that '1362.78': ventilation shaft I think it's about '1364.88': nine meters to the ground yep and lucky '1367.58': luckily I have a nine meter long ladder '1371.24': okay do you think that's the only way in '1372.86': I think that is definitely the only way '1375.26': into those caves '1377.9': well the only known way in '138.06': they've been like eight foot maximum and '1381.44': um and uh yeah that's not that's not a '1384.559': job for today so this log is to be '1387.26': continued '1389.78': oh '1394.46': we got unbelievable '1397.94': we did quite a bit of work down there '1399.559': we've still got 99 battery left '140.94': tiny little holes it's to stop people '1402.08': I have a shot there with the batteries '1404.059': but at least we were on the side of '1406.4': caution '1407.539': I think I figured out also what was '1410.059': going on down there '1411.74': I think when they put the road in they '1413.419': blocked everything off and possibly even '1415.1': filled everything in makes sense '1418.94': um and I think that's where that bottle '1420.86': came from right at the start the '1422.48': exploration I think that kind of dates '1424.64': the the work that was done down there '1426.559': it's got that kind of shiny Sheen in it '1429.02': you know the kind of rainbow opalescent '143.4': getting in isn't it that's is that why '1431.419': yeah '1433.039': and then that we just haven't got a clue '1434.6': what it is really if anybody does know '1436.64': you can tell say in the comments '1439.88': it you know it could be used for '144.72': it's so high '1442.039': Dynamite or anything but it looks '1444.559': suspiciously like a rifle box you '1447.559': because you've got the butt the gun '1449.12': would go up there '1452.0': and you could have it strapped down as '1454.4': well '1456.62': that would make sense because the uh '1459.32': the resistance were around in this area '146.04': possibly or possibly to have a better '1462.5': and the Germans didn't like going down '1464.12': the caves no '1465.799': so it could have been a little stash '1468.26': of course they would never leave guns '1469.94': down there unless it's not properly '147.9': draw on it possibly yeah like a chimney '1471.26': hidden but somebody could have used it '1472.94': later on for maybe tools or something '1474.32': yeah '1475.58': very interesting yeah very interesting '1478.52': so if you did enjoy today's vlog '1481.34': don't forget to subscribe to this '1483.08': channel borderlife Ryan's Channel life '1485.84': of Ryan '1487.28': and of course our amazing photographer '1489.919': and editor producer director Billy's '149.819': yeah but somebody by breaking the side '1493.1': Channel only pointed the camera nothing '1495.08': special '1496.1': you did all the work mate '1513.14': foreign '152.04': of it has ruined that a little bit '155.22': um yeah it's pretty much the same '156.72': concept as a as a fireplace '159.48': yeah it's really interesting yeah '162.48': except in summer '164.76': the air is drawn in through this '167.819': aeration shaft and in Winter the error '171.9': should go the other way so there should '173.34': be an entrance and an exit brilliant '177.48': so I've got myself a pole and at the end '180.72': of this pole I'm going to attach this '183.06': small camera '184.86': uh and along with the light hopefully Ed '188.819': can shove this down the the shaft and we '194.159': can see what's down there essentially '208.68': is this where we find out that the uh '211.019': straps aren't long enough '213.84': and it's got to be somewhere towards 10 '215.819': meters of strap here '228.239': so here you can see the inside of the '230.28': shaft '231.72': it's up to the sky '239.159': and isn't that big '242.34': this will hopefully allow us to see a '245.7': bit more my little makeshift '248.459': um Contraption have you managed to '250.799': connect it to your iPhone no '254.7': can I try doing it I don't know how we '257.76': can always pull the GoPro '259.739': but it doesn't really matter I suppose '261.06': does it because now we know which '262.919': direction those caves go so I just need '265.86': to pop it down and we can review the '267.96': footage after exactly yeah '271.699': good '273.66': don't you worry '277.68': oh '279.78': what happens if I lose everything oh '281.82': there'll be an expensive day for me '292.16': we just lost my GoPro '294.54': okay I can't get it back in now I should '296.28': have made that to him there we go '299.66': that's annoying '303.54': oh '311.36': there we go '313.62': I've got the GoPro back that's the main '316.08': thing safe and sound '319.979': yeah nothing okay just tape it on there '323.22': yeah I'll take it on '334.44': got a spin on it '337.86': foreign '37.739': foreign '370.68': um '374.039': close it '375.419': I'll do that again '379.94': you've got one tunnel there and there's '382.56': another tunnel there's another tunnel '383.94': going that way hanging out the spin '385.62': background '387.06': who's gonna make us dizzy isn't it wow '389.819': so that's the main shaft '397.259': um there's another yeah there let's '399.18': pause it '400.699': exciting times '403.139': how do we get down there that's the '405.539': question '406.5': it's a shame you haven't got any map '407.759': said of the uh the tunnels themselves do '410.16': you know what I mean because it'd be '412.199': perfect to know where they lead well I '414.24': have on the other ones '415.919': um like the zero on the area have maps '418.02': of the other ones oh yeah '419.699': oh my God I never thought that dude no '421.74': we haven't no there could be maps of '423.66': these really let's get back to the '425.4': computer quick and let's see whether we '427.259': can find any Maps let's grab everything '428.46': come on right Ryan yeah '432.08': the ventilation shaft is about here on '436.319': this map there was no map of tunnels in '439.919': that area we know there are tunnels but '443.16': just near it we can see tunnels heading '445.319': that way okay '447.599': um they come right back round to another '449.4': part of the woods where it's a really '452.9': steep uh kind of descent almost like a '456.479': valley yeah and so I think in that area '459.72': there there's probably an entrance '463.08': I'll never go in those woods so I '465.3': wouldn't know but let's go have a look '467.4': yes absolutely there are a couple of '470.099': things here on that map '472.62': now I thought they were for like water '475.08': you know like uh you know like a ditch '477.96': for water that just ornately done maybe '480.419': they are the aeration inlets okay '483.72': so we'll go have a look at those we're '485.759': gonna need some specific tools for this '487.979': area here I think if there is anything '490.44': there '491.58': but we'll cross that bridge when we get '493.38': to it so let's go have a look first and '495.12': all right try and find some sort of '496.8': entrance and get inside yep '501.06': foreign '513.56': water flowing through it's got a lot of '515.7': calcium buildup let's go find the other '523.08': one '527.16': this looks more like an air intake for '529.5': me '530.82': but it could well be just water again '532.92': but there's no evidence of water wow '535.92': look at that '543.42': we got a torch in there we've got a '545.64': torch on my phone '549.06': you '551.339': some structure it goes away '555.42': so those are the two that I knew about '557.94': let's see if we can find anything in '559.74': these Woods '560.94': but like I said they're quite '563.16': sloping quite a lot and so there was one '566.76': part that looked like it came right out '568.38': in towards the valley '570.12': so let's see if you can find anything '576.72': it's upside down Ed '579.18': all right '581.94': now '583.56': let's have a look '59.899': welcome to the secret location in the '597.3': foreign '610.2': that looks quite substantial let me '612.3': check it out '614.7': it's candy if you want but I'm pretty '616.08': sure the dogs '617.22': dogs had a bit of an episode with badges '619.26': down there '621.12': ah '627.3': Because deep it goes right back '63.239': woods at Lagos '630.3': are you sure yeah '636.12': I can't even see the end of it '639.36': this this might be worth checking out '64.86': today we've got a really interesting '641.7': well it's kind of where it should be to '643.92': be fair on the map '647.7': I think we should give it a go then yeah '649.86': we're gonna need something a bit '651.06': brighter than a foam torch though right '652.98': let's get properly equipped and see if '655.019': we can get in '656.64': let's go '67.02': Vlog and it's all about '70.619': well it's starting with this ventilation '714.14': thank you '73.619': shaft for caves that we don't actually '735.959': so Ryan we got the lamp '738.18': who's drawn the Short Straw who's going '739.98': in on their own well Ed I think seeing '743.04': is this your place and your tunnel to '746.88': explore '748.32': usually going first but '751.019': I'll be here outside making sure '753.24': everything's okay and if you need any '755.519': assistance you know where I am '758.399': okay '76.02': have access to well I wasn't expecting '767.1': yeah '768.899': oh it is big '771.12': proper tunnels Lads lovely '774.54': I'll have a quick look and then I'm '776.04': coming back for you '778.62': there's an old bottle here '780.899': that's really old '788.94': I don't want to be exploring this on my '79.08': it to be this Big Ed '790.62': own in a little bit of a cave in there '793.8': doesn't worry me '795.66': because it's just got uh '798.779': clay behind it I think that's what's '800.579': going on there oh no the roots have got '802.8': in it right '809.18': this kit here is really important for us '81.84': um it's a rather large shaft isn't it it '811.92': today '813.0': it's called Delta Pro and the Delta Pro '816.0': Smart battery extension there's 7.2 '819.54': kilowatt total kilowatt hour sorry total '822.36': of power in this '824.94': you don't want to go down a cave and get '827.279': right in the middle of the cave and have '829.079': no power '830.519': so these should absolutely new kit they '834.12': are really really good quality and they '837.959': will '838.8': not fail on us and you can say that '84.0': is indeed ha on Earth '841.68': about them it's one thing you know '843.42': they're not going to fail if we get to a '846.12': stage where we need to break some Rubble '848.339': up or something like that then they can '850.68': actually power on a surge up to about '853.74': seven kilowatts so you know a big drill '857.279': like a big Hilty drill or something '858.6': you're talking 1.82 kilowatts you know '86.4': are we gonna be able to take a look '861.839': something like that and uh yeah so I '864.899': mean '865.68': we shouldn't need the second battery but '867.779': we're not taking any risks are we '869.88': so '871.079': I'm also going to grab my little ecofo '873.72': Pro take that along with us just for the '875.94': ride and can't see us needing it but '878.22': let's have it just as a backup '88.5': inside it '880.199': if you like the look of these ecoflow '881.88': Delta Pros or any of their products '883.56': there's a link in our description '885.42': today's vlog '887.16': I can highly recommend them '889.38': got some water very important okay I'll '89.58': well '893.22': take Billy's as well all right yeah that '895.079': is important because what about you I've '897.3': got some as well yeah don't worry about '898.62': me '899.519': got my own because in case we get stuck '901.32': down there yep a bit of water will just '903.06': help us for a little while '906.6': AC on '91.08': I have been here before and I know '913.5': it's been a few cave-ins around '916.62': well as long as one doesn't happen while '919.26': we're down here '92.58': there's a hole on the other side '920.399': that's the main thing yeah I don't think '923.339': so '930.839': so blocked off we've got there that's '933.42': this black area on the map I see it '935.399': should we go that way to see what there '937.079': is that way first '938.88': yeah '941.1': we don't need the other one we'll leave '942.54': that there '944.88': yeah the cage getting a bit taller Now '947.639': red yeah you can actually stand up '95.1': today we're gonna drop '952.26': let's keep going '954.6': oh we got another bit blocked off '956.82': so that must be here on the map I see it '959.94': I mean we're going the wrong way but '961.139': we've got to we've got to explore it all '962.579': haven't we yeah it should go down there '965.579': and stop and go left and stop let's have '968.04': a look see everybody now '97.88': this light in '971.82': yeah we've got the dead end here '978.24': all right '979.74': so that's the dead end let's go down the '981.72': other one just double check on that one '991.199': ah '992.779': what's that '997.92': open it up first don't move it
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Коммунан департамент — Эндр а, Луара а. Кхузахь климат барамехь ю, аьхка йовха хуьлу, ткъа Ӏа барамехь-шийла хуьлу. ГӀалин бахархой французаш бу. Официалан Французийн мотт бу.", "Бомо́н-ла-Ронс — муніципалітет у Франції, у регіоні Центр-Долина Луари, департамент Ендр і Луара. Населення — 1177 осіб.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce est commune Francicum 1'132 incolarum praefecturae Andrae et Ligeris in provincia media.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce is a former commune in the Indre-et-Loire department in central France. On 1 January 2017, it was merged into the new commune Beaumont-Louestault.", "Beaumont-Louestault es una comuna nueva francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira.", "Bomon la Rons je naselje i opština u centralnoj Francuskoj u regionu Centar, u departmanu Endr i Loara koja pripada prefekturi Tur.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce és un municipi francès, situat al departament de l'Indre i Loira i a la regió de Centre – Vall del Loira. L'any 2007 tenia 1.132 habitants.", "Beaumont-Louestault est, depuis le 1ᵉʳ janvier 2017, une commune nouvelle française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire en région Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce war eine französische Gemeinde mit zuletzt 1.211 Einwohnern im Département Indre-et-Loire in der Region Centre-Val de Loire; sie gehörte zum Arrondissement Tours und zum Kanton Château-Renault. Beaumont-la-Ronce ist ein Ortsteil der Gemeinde Beaumont-Louestault.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce este o comună în departamentul Indre-et-Loire, Franța. În 2009 avea o populație de 1157 de locuitori.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce Frantziako udalerria da, Indre-et-Loire departamenduan dagoena, Centre eskualdean. 2013an 1.132 biztanle zituen.", "Cet article recense une partie des monuments historiques d'Indre-et-Loire, en France.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce era una comuna francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira, que el 1 de enero de 2017 pasó a ser una comuna delegada de la comuna nueva de Beaumont-Louestault​ al fusionarse con la comuna de Louestault.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce é uma comuna francesa na região administrativa do Centro, no departamento Indre-et-Loire. Estende-se por uma área de 39,17 km². Em 2010 a comuna tinha 1 167 habitantes.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce është një komunë në Francë. Beaumont-la-Ronce bën pjesë në departamentin Indre-et-Loire të rajonit Centre. Komuna ka një popullsi prej 1157 banorë dhe sipërfaqe 39.04 km².", "Beaumont-la-Ronce je francúzska obec, ktorá sa nachádza v departemente Indre-et-Loire, v regióne Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce település Franciaországban, Indre-et-Loire megyében. Beaumont-la-Ronce Louestault, Marray, Neuillé-Pont-Pierre, Neuvy-le-Roi, Nouzilly, Rouziers-de-Touraine és Saint-Laurent-en-Gâtines községekkel határos.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce est une ancienne commune française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire, en région Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-Louestault ist eine französische Gemeinde mit 1.684 Einwohnern im Département Indre-et-Loire in der Region Centre-Val de Loire; sie gehört zum Arrondissement Tours und zum Kanton Château-Renault." ], "context_section_description": [ "Beaumont-la-Ronce sī ūi-tī Hoat-kok Centre-Val de Loire toā-khu Indre-et-Loire séng ê chi̍t ê commune.", null, "Бомон-ла-Ронс () — Францин гӀала-коммуна, лаьтта Центр — Луаран атагӀа регионехь. Коммунан департамент — Эндр а, Луара а. Кхузахь климат барамехь ю, аьхка йовха хуьлу, ткъа Ӏа барамехь-шийла хуьлу. ГӀалин бахархой французаш бу. Официалан Французийн мотт бу.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce est commune Francicum 1'132 incolarum (anno 2007) praefecturae Andrae et Ligeris in provincia media.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce is a former commune in the Indre-et-Loire department in central France. On 1 January 2017, it was merged into the new commune Beaumont-Louestault.", "Beaumont-Louestault es una comuna nueva francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce és un municipi francès, situat al departament de l'Indre i Loira i a la regió de Centre – Vall del Loira. L'any 2007 tenia 1.132 habitants.", "Beaumont-Louestault est, depuis le 1ᵉʳ janvier 2017, une commune nouvelle française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire en région Centre-Val de Loire.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce este o comună în departamentul Indre-et-Loire, Franța. În 2009 avea o populație de 1157 de locuitori.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce Frantziako udalerria da, Indre-et-Loire departamenduan dagoena, Centre eskualdean. 2013an 1.132 biztanle zituen.", null, "Beaumont-la-Ronce era una comuna francesa situada en el departamento de Indre y Loira, de la región de Centro-Valle de Loira, que el 1 de enero de 2017 pasó a ser una comuna delegada de la comuna nueva de Beaumont-Louestault​ al fusionarse con la comuna de Louestault.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce é uma comuna francesa na região administrativa do Centro, no departamento Indre-et-Loire. Estende-se por uma área de 39,17 km². Em 2010 a comuna tinha 1 167 habitantes (densidade: 29,8 hab./km²).", "Beaumont-la-Ronce është një komunë në Francë. Beaumont-la-Ronce bën pjesë në departamentin Indre-et-Loire të rajonit Centre. Komuna ka një popullsi prej 1157 banorë (regjistrimi 2009) dhe sipërfaqe 39.04 km².", "Beaumont-la-Ronce je francúzska obec, ktorá sa nachádza v departemente Indre-et-Loire, v regióne Centre-Val de Loire.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce település Franciaországban, Indre-et-Loire megyében. Beaumont-la-Ronce Louestault, Marray, Neuillé-Pont-Pierre, Neuvy-le-Roi, Nouzilly, Rouziers-de-Touraine és Saint-Laurent-en-Gâtines községekkel határos.", "Beaumont-la-Ronce est une ancienne commune française située dans le département d'Indre-et-Loire, en région Centre-Val de Loire.", null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Бомон ла Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce / Sehenswürdigkeiten", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Liste des monuments historiques d'Indre-et-Loire (A-J) / Liste", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault / Sehenswürdigkeiten / Louestault" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "nan", "sr", "ce", "uk", "la", "en", "es", "sr-Latn", "ca", "fr", "de", "ro", "eu", "fr", "es", "pt", "sq", "sk", "hu", "fr", "de" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Бомон ла Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Бомон-ла-Ронс", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Liste des monuments historiques d'Indre-et-Loire (A-J)", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-la-Ronce", "Beaumont-Louestault" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "Sehenswürdigkeiten", null, null, "Liste", null, null, null, null, null, null, "Louestault" ] }
We found SECRET Tunnels used by the RESISTANCE at the chateau
We found secret tunnels built by the resistance at the chateau . Tunnel exploring @The Pethericks @Life of Ryan with @EcoFlow Edd loves to explore and so does Billy @The Pethericks & Ryan @Life of Ryan so equipped with off they go equipped with #ecoflow portable power supply so there can light in the tunnels but also so they can use heavy equipment to breath through closed passages Exploring a tunnel network with Huge thank you to Billy @The Pethericks for filming & editing the vlog ❤️ @ to Ryan @Life of Ryan for co-editing ❤️ More on tonight’s vlog See you all later at the premier Edd & Anna xx More on tonight's vlog x Huge Thank You to everyone for their Love & Support x Special Thank You to all of our amazing Patrons x If you wish to become a Patron : To see more what we get up to day to day check out our instagram account : Follow us on Facebook Website : #PortablePowerStation #EcoFlow #DELTApro Tunnels , sectet tunnels , resistance ,cave exploring , bordeaux life ,chateau lagorce , chateaux in france , escape to the chateau , chateau diy ,french chateau
'10.099': thank you '1001.42': is it empty yeah it's empty '1006.44': it's an old box of some sort '101.579': it's on batteries and then with your '1012.459': this is pretty old right '1015.98': that's strange '1020.06': I've never seen a box like that '1022.579': it's quite like uh '1025.16': doing '1026.439': Sensations in it '1028.819': it's made for something specific let's '1030.98': get it out '1032.0': a little look outside hey '1035.14': oh it's very uh creaky '1038.679': all right '104.939': GoPro '1040.52': let's get it back to the start then we '1042.799': can go exploring the other way blinking '1044.959': heavy '1046.1': I can barely lift it '1048.319': I've got it what is heavy '1050.84': oh it's got mud underneath '106.14': we're going to stick your GoPro on the '1061.34': let's go '1062.96': let's pull the other side yeah so we're '1066.08': definitely here '1067.52': and what we're hoping for is to get over '1069.44': there '107.82': end of a pool '1070.58': so anywhere here where it carries on we '1073.76': might be able to get around there '1075.62': that's all looks like it's blocked off '1077.36': but let's let's have a look Ed what's '1079.4': that on your uh belt there mate oh '1082.46': it's uh oxy meter all right okay it's '1085.34': really important again uh down here '1087.14': normally Outsider at 20.9 here with 20.7 '109.079': rod and we're going to see what's down '1091.039': 20.8 okay so 2.3 it's going down yeah if '1096.2': um if it goes down too much obviously '1097.76': it'll stop leaping and let us know to '1099.62': not go anywhere brilliant and start good '1101.539': now okay let's have a look this looks '1104.179': like it's blocked off straight away '1106.22': whoever want to go is the other side '1108.38': here '112.079': the bottom we can't get ladders in there '1121.4': oh '1122.9': I see there '1124.4': I guess he's getting interesting we've '1126.02': got a bit that's back to where we came '1128.179': from '1129.26': well I can't tell there's anything there '1131.299': but this '1132.32': looks '1134.84': like you can get over the other side '1136.46': from here there's definitely tunnels '1138.62': over there Billy what can you see Ed I '114.299': because it's about five or six meters '1141.08': can see Rubble for about five six meters '1143.059': and then you can see the caves just it '1146.059': looks very tight though for squeezing '1147.62': through yeah and '1149.419': um if something happens over there '1151.52': you're in trouble we need to get out '1153.02': quick yeah it's not gonna be a quick '1155.059': exit it's not is it I think we should '1156.799': break through the uh the walls that's a '1159.32': good idea '116.04': down but like I say we don't we don't '1160.22': yeah the concrete like blocked up walls '1163.46': yeah the only Breeze block aren't they '1165.38': so they should just come down single '1166.94': skin possibly so it should be quite easy '1168.679': let's go get the kit and let's break '1170.96': through okay '1173.299': foreign '118.259': know where these tunnels are where they '120.78': go from too and this is all part of the '1213.799': foreign '123.659': process of trying to find entry to these '1248.84': over the back there yeah can you see it '1252.08': just there not massive lump at the back '1254.419': there yeah I know exactly what that was '1256.7': really that '1259.1': I called uh the local '126.42': caves it's a really random thing to just '1261.5': people that they wrote uh take care of '1263.299': the road and uh because it was a big '1265.039': hole in the front of our drive yeah on '1267.919': the main road and they came in they '1269.72': pumped a lot of concrete down there oh '127.979': have in the middle of the woods isn't it '1271.46': okay so that '1273.98': I don't think we're gonna get through '1275.12': that no '1276.62': let's try maybe the other wall and see '1278.419': where that goes yeah '1287.02': thank you '129.239': just a huge structure like that I've '131.76': never seen anything like it in my life '1315.98': foreign '1325.72': I think it's just Rubble at the back of '1328.34': it again '1329.419': these walls have been built so nobody I '133.26': I've seen them before in other parts of '1332.299': mean nobody gets through I mean even if '1335.419': we went around the corner over that '1336.74': Gravelly bit we still got another wall '1339.2': yeah on the map so we know that there's '1342.02': no getting through to that to that other '1344.96': side from here these walls have been '1347.24': made so that nobody can get through '135.72': this area but not to this scale that '1350.419': um which is probably a good thing '1351.44': because it looks like it's underneath '1352.82': the road so '1355.039': um I think we'll knock this one on the '1356.9': head that that leaves us one option and '1360.559': that is popping a ladder in that '1362.78': ventilation shaft I think it's about '1364.88': nine meters to the ground yep and lucky '1367.58': luckily I have a nine meter long ladder '1371.24': okay do you think that's the only way in '1372.86': I think that is definitely the only way '1375.26': into those caves '1377.9': well the only known way in '138.06': they've been like eight foot maximum and '1381.44': um and uh yeah that's not that's not a '1384.559': job for today so this log is to be '1387.26': continued '1389.78': oh '1394.46': we got unbelievable '1397.94': we did quite a bit of work down there '1399.559': we've still got 99 battery left '140.94': tiny little holes it's to stop people '1402.08': I have a shot there with the batteries '1404.059': but at least we were on the side of '1406.4': caution '1407.539': I think I figured out also what was '1410.059': going on down there '1411.74': I think when they put the road in they '1413.419': blocked everything off and possibly even '1415.1': filled everything in makes sense '1418.94': um and I think that's where that bottle '1420.86': came from right at the start the '1422.48': exploration I think that kind of dates '1424.64': the the work that was done down there '1426.559': it's got that kind of shiny Sheen in it '1429.02': you know the kind of rainbow opalescent '143.4': getting in isn't it that's is that why '1431.419': yeah '1433.039': and then that we just haven't got a clue '1434.6': what it is really if anybody does know '1436.64': you can tell say in the comments '1439.88': it you know it could be used for '144.72': it's so high '1442.039': Dynamite or anything but it looks '1444.559': suspiciously like a rifle box you '1447.559': because you've got the butt the gun '1449.12': would go up there '1452.0': and you could have it strapped down as '1454.4': well '1456.62': that would make sense because the uh '1459.32': the resistance were around in this area '146.04': possibly or possibly to have a better '1462.5': and the Germans didn't like going down '1464.12': the caves no '1465.799': so it could have been a little stash '1468.26': of course they would never leave guns '1469.94': down there unless it's not properly '147.9': draw on it possibly yeah like a chimney '1471.26': hidden but somebody could have used it '1472.94': later on for maybe tools or something '1474.32': yeah '1475.58': very interesting yeah very interesting '1478.52': so if you did enjoy today's vlog '1481.34': don't forget to subscribe to this '1483.08': channel borderlife Ryan's Channel life '1485.84': of Ryan '1487.28': and of course our amazing photographer '1489.919': and editor producer director Billy's '149.819': yeah but somebody by breaking the side '1493.1': Channel only pointed the camera nothing '1495.08': special '1496.1': you did all the work mate '1513.14': foreign '152.04': of it has ruined that a little bit '155.22': um yeah it's pretty much the same '156.72': concept as a as a fireplace '159.48': yeah it's really interesting yeah '162.48': except in summer '164.76': the air is drawn in through this '167.819': aeration shaft and in Winter the error '171.9': should go the other way so there should '173.34': be an entrance and an exit brilliant '177.48': so I've got myself a pole and at the end '180.72': of this pole I'm going to attach this '183.06': small camera '184.86': uh and along with the light hopefully Ed '188.819': can shove this down the the shaft and we '194.159': can see what's down there essentially '208.68': is this where we find out that the uh '211.019': straps aren't long enough '213.84': and it's got to be somewhere towards 10 '215.819': meters of strap here '228.239': so here you can see the inside of the '230.28': shaft '231.72': it's up to the sky '239.159': and isn't that big '242.34': this will hopefully allow us to see a '245.7': bit more my little makeshift '248.459': um Contraption have you managed to '250.799': connect it to your iPhone no '254.7': can I try doing it I don't know how we '257.76': can always pull the GoPro '259.739': but it doesn't really matter I suppose '261.06': does it because now we know which '262.919': direction those caves go so I just need '265.86': to pop it down and we can review the '267.96': footage after exactly yeah '271.699': good '273.66': don't you worry '277.68': oh '279.78': what happens if I lose everything oh '281.82': there'll be an expensive day for me '292.16': we just lost my GoPro '294.54': okay I can't get it back in now I should '296.28': have made that to him there we go '299.66': that's annoying '303.54': oh '311.36': there we go '313.62': I've got the GoPro back that's the main '316.08': thing safe and sound '319.979': yeah nothing okay just tape it on there '323.22': yeah I'll take it on '334.44': got a spin on it '337.86': foreign '37.739': foreign '370.68': um '374.039': close it '375.419': I'll do that again '379.94': you've got one tunnel there and there's '382.56': another tunnel there's another tunnel '383.94': going that way hanging out the spin '385.62': background '387.06': who's gonna make us dizzy isn't it wow '389.819': so that's the main shaft '397.259': um there's another yeah there let's '399.18': pause it '400.699': exciting times '403.139': how do we get down there that's the '405.539': question '406.5': it's a shame you haven't got any map '407.759': said of the uh the tunnels themselves do '410.16': you know what I mean because it'd be '412.199': perfect to know where they lead well I '414.24': have on the other ones '415.919': um like the zero on the area have maps '418.02': of the other ones oh yeah '419.699': oh my God I never thought that dude no '421.74': we haven't no there could be maps of '423.66': these really let's get back to the '425.4': computer quick and let's see whether we '427.259': can find any Maps let's grab everything '428.46': come on right Ryan yeah '432.08': the ventilation shaft is about here on '436.319': this map there was no map of tunnels in '439.919': that area we know there are tunnels but '443.16': just near it we can see tunnels heading '445.319': that way okay '447.599': um they come right back round to another '449.4': part of the woods where it's a really '452.9': steep uh kind of descent almost like a '456.479': valley yeah and so I think in that area '459.72': there there's probably an entrance '463.08': I'll never go in those woods so I '465.3': wouldn't know but let's go have a look '467.4': yes absolutely there are a couple of '470.099': things here on that map '472.62': now I thought they were for like water '475.08': you know like uh you know like a ditch '477.96': for water that just ornately done maybe '480.419': they are the aeration inlets okay '483.72': so we'll go have a look at those we're '485.759': gonna need some specific tools for this '487.979': area here I think if there is anything '490.44': there '491.58': but we'll cross that bridge when we get '493.38': to it so let's go have a look first and '495.12': all right try and find some sort of '496.8': entrance and get inside yep '501.06': foreign '513.56': water flowing through it's got a lot of '515.7': calcium buildup let's go find the other '523.08': one '527.16': this looks more like an air intake for '529.5': me '530.82': but it could well be just water again '532.92': but there's no evidence of water wow '535.92': look at that '543.42': we got a torch in there we've got a '545.64': torch on my phone '549.06': you '551.339': some structure it goes away '555.42': so those are the two that I knew about '557.94': let's see if we can find anything in '559.74': these Woods '560.94': but like I said they're quite '563.16': sloping quite a lot and so there was one '566.76': part that looked like it came right out '568.38': in towards the valley '570.12': so let's see if you can find anything '576.72': it's upside down Ed '579.18': all right '581.94': now '583.56': let's have a look '59.899': welcome to the secret location in the '597.3': foreign '610.2': that looks quite substantial let me '612.3': check it out '614.7': it's candy if you want but I'm pretty '616.08': sure the dogs '617.22': dogs had a bit of an episode with badges '619.26': down there '621.12': ah '627.3': Because deep it goes right back '63.239': woods at Lagos '630.3': are you sure yeah '636.12': I can't even see the end of it '639.36': this this might be worth checking out '64.86': today we've got a really interesting '641.7': well it's kind of where it should be to '643.92': be fair on the map '647.7': I think we should give it a go then yeah '649.86': we're gonna need something a bit '651.06': brighter than a foam torch though right '652.98': let's get properly equipped and see if '655.019': we can get in '656.64': let's go '67.02': Vlog and it's all about '70.619': well it's starting with this ventilation '714.14': thank you '73.619': shaft for caves that we don't actually '735.959': so Ryan we got the lamp '738.18': who's drawn the Short Straw who's going '739.98': in on their own well Ed I think seeing '743.04': is this your place and your tunnel to '746.88': explore '748.32': usually going first but '751.019': I'll be here outside making sure '753.24': everything's okay and if you need any '755.519': assistance you know where I am '758.399': okay '76.02': have access to well I wasn't expecting '767.1': yeah '768.899': oh it is big '771.12': proper tunnels Lads lovely '774.54': I'll have a quick look and then I'm '776.04': coming back for you '778.62': there's an old bottle here '780.899': that's really old '788.94': I don't want to be exploring this on my '79.08': it to be this Big Ed '790.62': own in a little bit of a cave in there '793.8': doesn't worry me '795.66': because it's just got uh '798.779': clay behind it I think that's what's '800.579': going on there oh no the roots have got '802.8': in it right '809.18': this kit here is really important for us '81.84': um it's a rather large shaft isn't it it '811.92': today '813.0': it's called Delta Pro and the Delta Pro '816.0': Smart battery extension there's 7.2 '819.54': kilowatt total kilowatt hour sorry total '822.36': of power in this '824.94': you don't want to go down a cave and get '827.279': right in the middle of the cave and have '829.079': no power '830.519': so these should absolutely new kit they '834.12': are really really good quality and they '837.959': will '838.8': not fail on us and you can say that '84.0': is indeed ha on Earth '841.68': about them it's one thing you know '843.42': they're not going to fail if we get to a '846.12': stage where we need to break some Rubble '848.339': up or something like that then they can '850.68': actually power on a surge up to about '853.74': seven kilowatts so you know a big drill '857.279': like a big Hilty drill or something '858.6': you're talking 1.82 kilowatts you know '86.4': are we gonna be able to take a look '861.839': something like that and uh yeah so I '864.899': mean '865.68': we shouldn't need the second battery but '867.779': we're not taking any risks are we '869.88': so '871.079': I'm also going to grab my little ecofo '873.72': Pro take that along with us just for the '875.94': ride and can't see us needing it but '878.22': let's have it just as a backup '88.5': inside it '880.199': if you like the look of these ecoflow '881.88': Delta Pros or any of their products '883.56': there's a link in our description '885.42': today's vlog '887.16': I can highly recommend them '889.38': got some water very important okay I'll '89.58': well '893.22': take Billy's as well all right yeah that '895.079': is important because what about you I've '897.3': got some as well yeah don't worry about '898.62': me '899.519': got my own because in case we get stuck '901.32': down there yep a bit of water will just '903.06': help us for a little while '906.6': AC on '91.08': I have been here before and I know '913.5': it's been a few cave-ins around '916.62': well as long as one doesn't happen while '919.26': we're down here '92.58': there's a hole on the other side '920.399': that's the main thing yeah I don't think '923.339': so '930.839': so blocked off we've got there that's '933.42': this black area on the map I see it '935.399': should we go that way to see what there '937.079': is that way first '938.88': yeah '941.1': we don't need the other one we'll leave '942.54': that there '944.88': yeah the cage getting a bit taller Now '947.639': red yeah you can actually stand up '95.1': today we're gonna drop '952.26': let's keep going '954.6': oh we got another bit blocked off '956.82': so that must be here on the map I see it '959.94': I mean we're going the wrong way but '961.139': we've got to we've got to explore it all '962.579': haven't we yeah it should go down there '965.579': and stop and go left and stop let's have '968.04': a look see everybody now '97.88': this light in '971.82': yeah we've got the dead end here '978.24': all right '979.74': so that's the dead end let's go down the '981.72': other one just double check on that one '991.199': ah '992.779': what's that '997.92': open it up first don't move it
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, "Moncloa station headhouse" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, "Moncloa (Madrid Metro) [SEP] Moncloa station headhouse" ], "context_page_description": [ "Это список всех существующих, находящихся в строительстве и запланированных станций Мадридского метрополитена.", "Moncloa is a multimodal station in Madrid, Spain that serves Madrid Metro Line 3 and Line 6, as well as city buses and intercity and long-distance coaches. It is located underneath Moncloa square and Princesa street near Arco de la Victoria and the headquarters of the Spanish Air Force in fare Zone A." ], "context_section_description": [ null, "Moncloa is a multimodal station in Madrid, Spain that serves Madrid Metro Line 3 and Line 6, as well as city buses and intercity and long-distance coaches. It is located underneath Moncloa square and Princesa street near Arco de la Victoria and the headquarters of the Spanish Air Force in fare Zone A." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Список станций Мадридского метрополитена / Список станций / Линия 6", "Moncloa (Madrid Metro)" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true ], "language": [ "ru", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true ], "page_title": [ "Список станций Мадридского метрополитена", "Moncloa (Madrid Metro)" ], "page_url": [ "", "" ], "section_title": [ "Линия 6", null ] }
The Cardiff to Holyhead 'Gerald' Dining Train
There's a Premier Service train running between Cardiff and Holyhead at breakfast and dinnertime. We were invited to go ride the evening service, and experience one of the few dining trains that run in Britain. Named '“Y Gerallt Gymro" (Gerald of Wales) the namesake was a 12th Century clergyman and historian who roamed far and wide - this service does just that. This was filmed in September 2018 when the franchise was still Arriva Trains Wales. A few weeks later, it changed to Transport for Wales Rail Services operated by KeolisAmey Wales Cymru. The Dining 'Gerald' Train still run and hasn't changed. It's officially known as 'The Premier Service' : Guardian Article : TrainLine (Tim Dunn) Blog : Thanks hugely to ArrivaTW (Now Transport for Wales) for having us along!
'10.719': us all you should get like they could at '101.46': slightly sorry '105.32': don't say that our context people moving '12.7': the Gerald the dining train yet they '125.81': another guard will take over and take '128.22': you up along the North Wales coast '129.45': towards Holly head with wigging out rear '132.84': of the Train today you'll find the '134.34': buffet car '135.239': they've got hot drinks cold drinks '137.43': snacks and delicious cooked evening '14.86': said '140.22': meals since is Friday and we will finish '143.13': work and there these how alcohol as well '144.95': by all means make your way along to the '147.15': window make a purchase alternatively you '149.489': can upgrade to a business class seat '15.889': it runs between Holly head and Cardiff '150.87': where the meal is included '155.17': this is the menu I feel like I have to '158.17': go for '160.42': main course that has the Welsh rarebit '162.43': and can't not come to Wales and try some '166.0': traditional Welsh food '168.13': is in well so is it's it's bilingual so '17.72': in the morning card at the Holly head '171.64': you've got English and Welsh but don't '173.44': get me to say in Welsh '174.58': what's interesting on the front and back '176.86': is that the in the pictures they've kind '179.47': of showed the journey that it takes so '181.39': you put images across your journey '184.69': starting in Hannie head going through '187.42': and then not see this just the bay in '19.34': and evenings we always put it on out for '190.6': Cardiff '193.39': say it's a nice menu and you've got nice '196.03': ball place mats and the deserve Ian and '198.25': then double knife and fork generally '202.93': that's how you know it's posh that is he '204.85': knows posh the rule is you start from '206.8': the outside and work in right but you '209.68': know I learnt that where you learn that '21.47': the bucket list of train journeys to do '211.3': Buckingham Palace no watching pretty '213.25': woman quite quickly quicker than I '217.39': expected '217.95': don't start as it turned up now but the '221.17': thing is I learned from many years ago '224.08': hours of wedding photographer there's '225.73': one thing I've learned there's a really '226.93': bad photos of wedding of those of people '228.85': eating their food it's almost impossible '231.37': to make a good video of somebody eating '234.45': food because nobody really wants to see '235.86': food being shoveled into someone's mouth '238.099': so here's a shot of the outside whilst I '24.55': we spoke to read the whale from amen '241.68': am a starter '250.65': and employs two full-time chefs and six '253.989': premier hosts the chef's cook everything '256.419': from scratch '257.38': nothing is pre prepaid and they make it '259.989': all on the train and basically Mitchell '263.74': in Stan's service on a traveling Buffy '266.05': everything is either Welsh produce or '267.94': Welsh thing so you have like the '269.86': mortgage of crabs you'll have Welsh like '27.38': sure come along so do you want to go and '271.96': rack of lamb you'll have Welsh howl '275.59': Welsh rarebit everything is Welsh Welsh '278.32': team and well-sourced which is what is '280.65': part of the thing that we're trying to '282.49': promote on this train chef's burger week '284.229': on week off and the hostess is all livid '286.99': Holly hey that work done then they have '289.03': there's a break room they've got done in '290.47': Campton for roughly six hours a day and '292.449': then they work back the reason we do '294.639': that ways because of the logistics '296.169': because otherwise you'd have to have '297.76': someone from Cardiff going up some for '299.889': the evening shift but then you couldn't '30.68': ride the post train - Holly head and '301.63': get them back to Canada because '302.77': obviously the journey is a five-hour '304.21': journey we've got people chomping at the '306.639': bit to come and work on you '316.7': do something really cuddly '32.54': have dinner '320.36': do not just try a bit of each other's '323.61': food you wanna do that thing where like '324.6': what couples do that they swap plates '328.78': since I was just being told '334.949': Neville's that nobody means any honest '337.09': if you were leaving a TripAdvisor yeah '338.53': what would you say but where are we by '340.27': the way 5 blobbs their blobs they're not '343.96': stars are they equivalent there's really '346.509': good the fish was really nice cooked '348.729': rating that the sauce was great it was '350.59': already good I mean I don't have the '352.69': words that's the right words it was '355.0': delicious '355.599': how do all this melodies '359.21': I know it's not proper dining experience '361.039': I'm just compelled to get mainly does it '363.44': get to manually I'm gonna when this goes '366.83': when this is no longer possible because '369.97': units I will miss that the handle plan '375.02': the window it's the best '392.419': when we plan this a few weeks ago we '394.86': spoke to the very nice social media team '396.69': adit had our evil eyes and then a couple '399.21': days beforehand they said oh by the way '4.27': I love it love when you say that for '400.62': when you get on the train our managing '402.75': director is going to be on the train so '404.669': right by fluke because it you're not '406.56': here deliberately don't someone else '409.86': this is from joining us and you are the '411.509': managing director of a revived good '413.009': evening enjoying the Gerald straight '416.31': away do you know why it's called the '418.62': Gerald get off Gerald the violence could '420.479': you could you time he was a friar he was '425.13': but something like 12th century okay for '429.55': me I love it because it's had the '432.31': essence of a proper train it's a loco '434.289': it's fantastic like what why do you love '436.81': it fantastic furs all good from fresh '440.59': yes all Welsh Dodgers got a share the '443.5': amazing Bailey '444.86': fantastic colleagues - yes sir do a '448.099': fantastic job and you '451.84': beautiful parts of the United Kingdom '453.43': what else Wales 51 so what we were '458.02': chatting our dessert arrived so I went '460.3': for the apple pie which is '466.56': you said never film people eating and I '468.78': offer amazing '478.11': so there's a regular bucket area but the '481.33': business business area is up eh '486.76': this reminds me of one of my favorite '488.77': trains well I've made it this look at my '490.12': new favorite drink my morning my '491.44': favorite journeys right now it's the '492.61': class 90 out of London Liverpool Street '494.77': at the Norwich where you get a similar '496.81': thing where there's a buckling in sort '499.45': of bring you food in first class but '501.34': it's a I'd like walking up the buff fair '503.47': like that and down here stand apart but '507.52': even a standard class is nice my seats '509.8': table power socket you know talking '514.12': about ticket it's not meant to get in '517.89': the Sun is slowly setting '526.01': twisted on the train it's a 22-8 '528.92': sunbathing I've been given tea and '531.38': coffee and gin yep Cheers '541.54': I think it's good let's clearly Arriva '544.87': her looked after us but it's good we're '549.91': five minutes down Gary what happened to '55.96': a little bit of full disclosure we just '552.4': which the late the trains late can I get '555.46': a delay we paid off of you do you '557.65': personally hand out cash every minute '559.72': that we're late son '574.199': just think I haven't prepped going for '579.04': this I've no idea he's up for it I think '58.27': basically said can we get an on training '580.389': he'll be up for it out of all it is '582.79': Gareth out of all the services you do '585.79': it's so you to accost Aberystwyth you do '588.1': up to crew and Chester do down to Carnot '59.59': they weren't sure I'm getting tickets '590.319': burning and burning is this one of your '592.209': favorite turns shift what do you love '594.88': that shift tell us why you love the '596.98': Gerald and it's just different for '6.7': back in Wales and when we made through '600.13': everything else we use you have to make '601.36': sure that you wits are about you have to '602.889': concentrate you've got the first class '605.41': which brings a different breed of '607.389': character really yeah yeah the first '609.91': pass on the one five eighths then you '61.989': but we're just going to write it and see '611.38': know this the only at Reaver this is the '614.589': only real service that has a one that's '616.329': supposed to pass one it should point out '617.5': your business business I didn't think '619.99': about that or other '621.19': Arriva Trains a standard class only yes '631.38': and suddenly hey it's just the two of us '635.54': I'm gonna drink my coffee before it gets '637.86': cold '638.19': I've got I've got wine in G an annotated '639.96': gene and a T all the drinks '65.71': what happens Nikki needs food also I '651.98': made it Tipler business junction you get '654.53': the name down your guard '655.37': Oh son didn't spend upload and then '659.77': we've been here before many a time let's '663.89': see the train out and we'll there we '666.2': should sit and ponder our our faults '686.18': what other I don't know good evening '689.72': rush we're at thundered no junction in '693.05': the junction I just want to say really '695.66': comfortable seats love the fact that '698.03': it's a proper train and also in good '702.53': company and also with fine dining the '704.33': time flew by and we've been on a train '706.7': for felt like in fact like an hour four '711.14': and a half hours and it felt like an '713.3': hour yeah / - Vicki did tell me how much '716.06': she felt of the food it was genuinely '719.12': and it's really difficult because you '72.159': have no idea of what type of train is '720.5': know so but it was genuinely so good '728.18': like it was delicious food everything '73.479': going to be you know how I don't write '732.56': was delicious '733.49': and I really like that they have tried '736.58': to gain lots of Welsh yeah for juice as '738.83': well it's really nice when you go '740.15': somewhere different to get like locally '742.34': sourced F which is really really cool it '744.2': was just amazing we put it a few tweets '746.45': about this our friend Martin that some '748.31': of you may know how to apply it saying '749.84': how I've always wanted to like come and '75.25': down hoping good place set all the way '751.28': do this and Martin you should and the '752.63': point is so should everybody else this '753.98': is like one of those sort of unique '755.24': railway experiences of which there's '757.58': only a few left of in Britain like there '759.95': like this leaf place rather than I ever '761.3': want to do the sleeper it's nice it's a '762.98': nice it's a great experience '764.75': okay so wait well there we go good and '771.01': you get that way by going okay '78.159': all the way the Holyhead '791.86': which is probably stopped now '9.04': Wales last year a lot of people said to '92.84': it's a proper train with the proper door '95.82': and proper proper I doesn't move proper
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, "Moncloa station headhouse" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, "Moncloa (Madrid Metro) [SEP] Moncloa station headhouse" ], "context_page_description": [ "Это список всех существующих, находящихся в строительстве и запланированных станций Мадридского метрополитена.", "Moncloa is a multimodal station in Madrid, Spain that serves Madrid Metro Line 3 and Line 6, as well as city buses and intercity and long-distance coaches. It is located underneath Moncloa square and Princesa street near Arco de la Victoria and the headquarters of the Spanish Air Force in fare Zone A." ], "context_section_description": [ null, "Moncloa is a multimodal station in Madrid, Spain that serves Madrid Metro Line 3 and Line 6, as well as city buses and intercity and long-distance coaches. It is located underneath Moncloa square and Princesa street near Arco de la Victoria and the headquarters of the Spanish Air Force in fare Zone A." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Список станций Мадридского метрополитена / Список станций / Линия 6", "Moncloa (Madrid Metro)" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true ], "language": [ "ru", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true ], "page_title": [ "Список станций Мадридского метрополитена", "Moncloa (Madrid Metro)" ], "page_url": [ "", "" ], "section_title": [ "Линия 6", null ] }
The Cardiff to Holyhead 'Gerald' Dining Train
There's a Premier Service train running between Cardiff and Holyhead at breakfast and dinnertime. We were invited to go ride the evening service, and experience one of the few dining trains that run in Britain. Named '“Y Gerallt Gymro" (Gerald of Wales) the namesake was a 12th Century clergyman and historian who roamed far and wide - this service does just that. This was filmed in September 2018 when the franchise was still Arriva Trains Wales. A few weeks later, it changed to Transport for Wales Rail Services operated by KeolisAmey Wales Cymru. The Dining 'Gerald' Train still run and hasn't changed. It's officially known as 'The Premier Service' : Guardian Article : TrainLine (Tim Dunn) Blog : Thanks hugely to ArrivaTW (Now Transport for Wales) for having us along!
'10.719': us all you should get like they could at '101.46': slightly sorry '105.32': don't say that our context people moving '12.7': the Gerald the dining train yet they '125.81': another guard will take over and take '128.22': you up along the North Wales coast '129.45': towards Holly head with wigging out rear '132.84': of the Train today you'll find the '134.34': buffet car '135.239': they've got hot drinks cold drinks '137.43': snacks and delicious cooked evening '14.86': said '140.22': meals since is Friday and we will finish '143.13': work and there these how alcohol as well '144.95': by all means make your way along to the '147.15': window make a purchase alternatively you '149.489': can upgrade to a business class seat '15.889': it runs between Holly head and Cardiff '150.87': where the meal is included '155.17': this is the menu I feel like I have to '158.17': go for '160.42': main course that has the Welsh rarebit '162.43': and can't not come to Wales and try some '166.0': traditional Welsh food '168.13': is in well so is it's it's bilingual so '17.72': in the morning card at the Holly head '171.64': you've got English and Welsh but don't '173.44': get me to say in Welsh '174.58': what's interesting on the front and back '176.86': is that the in the pictures they've kind '179.47': of showed the journey that it takes so '181.39': you put images across your journey '184.69': starting in Hannie head going through '187.42': and then not see this just the bay in '19.34': and evenings we always put it on out for '190.6': Cardiff '193.39': say it's a nice menu and you've got nice '196.03': ball place mats and the deserve Ian and '198.25': then double knife and fork generally '202.93': that's how you know it's posh that is he '204.85': knows posh the rule is you start from '206.8': the outside and work in right but you '209.68': know I learnt that where you learn that '21.47': the bucket list of train journeys to do '211.3': Buckingham Palace no watching pretty '213.25': woman quite quickly quicker than I '217.39': expected '217.95': don't start as it turned up now but the '221.17': thing is I learned from many years ago '224.08': hours of wedding photographer there's '225.73': one thing I've learned there's a really '226.93': bad photos of wedding of those of people '228.85': eating their food it's almost impossible '231.37': to make a good video of somebody eating '234.45': food because nobody really wants to see '235.86': food being shoveled into someone's mouth '238.099': so here's a shot of the outside whilst I '24.55': we spoke to read the whale from amen '241.68': am a starter '250.65': and employs two full-time chefs and six '253.989': premier hosts the chef's cook everything '256.419': from scratch '257.38': nothing is pre prepaid and they make it '259.989': all on the train and basically Mitchell '263.74': in Stan's service on a traveling Buffy '266.05': everything is either Welsh produce or '267.94': Welsh thing so you have like the '269.86': mortgage of crabs you'll have Welsh like '27.38': sure come along so do you want to go and '271.96': rack of lamb you'll have Welsh howl '275.59': Welsh rarebit everything is Welsh Welsh '278.32': team and well-sourced which is what is '280.65': part of the thing that we're trying to '282.49': promote on this train chef's burger week '284.229': on week off and the hostess is all livid '286.99': Holly hey that work done then they have '289.03': there's a break room they've got done in '290.47': Campton for roughly six hours a day and '292.449': then they work back the reason we do '294.639': that ways because of the logistics '296.169': because otherwise you'd have to have '297.76': someone from Cardiff going up some for '299.889': the evening shift but then you couldn't '30.68': ride the post train - Holly head and '301.63': get them back to Canada because '302.77': obviously the journey is a five-hour '304.21': journey we've got people chomping at the '306.639': bit to come and work on you '316.7': do something really cuddly '32.54': have dinner '320.36': do not just try a bit of each other's '323.61': food you wanna do that thing where like '324.6': what couples do that they swap plates '328.78': since I was just being told '334.949': Neville's that nobody means any honest '337.09': if you were leaving a TripAdvisor yeah '338.53': what would you say but where are we by '340.27': the way 5 blobbs their blobs they're not '343.96': stars are they equivalent there's really '346.509': good the fish was really nice cooked '348.729': rating that the sauce was great it was '350.59': already good I mean I don't have the '352.69': words that's the right words it was '355.0': delicious '355.599': how do all this melodies '359.21': I know it's not proper dining experience '361.039': I'm just compelled to get mainly does it '363.44': get to manually I'm gonna when this goes '366.83': when this is no longer possible because '369.97': units I will miss that the handle plan '375.02': the window it's the best '392.419': when we plan this a few weeks ago we '394.86': spoke to the very nice social media team '396.69': adit had our evil eyes and then a couple '399.21': days beforehand they said oh by the way '4.27': I love it love when you say that for '400.62': when you get on the train our managing '402.75': director is going to be on the train so '404.669': right by fluke because it you're not '406.56': here deliberately don't someone else '409.86': this is from joining us and you are the '411.509': managing director of a revived good '413.009': evening enjoying the Gerald straight '416.31': away do you know why it's called the '418.62': Gerald get off Gerald the violence could '420.479': you could you time he was a friar he was '425.13': but something like 12th century okay for '429.55': me I love it because it's had the '432.31': essence of a proper train it's a loco '434.289': it's fantastic like what why do you love '436.81': it fantastic furs all good from fresh '440.59': yes all Welsh Dodgers got a share the '443.5': amazing Bailey '444.86': fantastic colleagues - yes sir do a '448.099': fantastic job and you '451.84': beautiful parts of the United Kingdom '453.43': what else Wales 51 so what we were '458.02': chatting our dessert arrived so I went '460.3': for the apple pie which is '466.56': you said never film people eating and I '468.78': offer amazing '478.11': so there's a regular bucket area but the '481.33': business business area is up eh '486.76': this reminds me of one of my favorite '488.77': trains well I've made it this look at my '490.12': new favorite drink my morning my '491.44': favorite journeys right now it's the '492.61': class 90 out of London Liverpool Street '494.77': at the Norwich where you get a similar '496.81': thing where there's a buckling in sort '499.45': of bring you food in first class but '501.34': it's a I'd like walking up the buff fair '503.47': like that and down here stand apart but '507.52': even a standard class is nice my seats '509.8': table power socket you know talking '514.12': about ticket it's not meant to get in '517.89': the Sun is slowly setting '526.01': twisted on the train it's a 22-8 '528.92': sunbathing I've been given tea and '531.38': coffee and gin yep Cheers '541.54': I think it's good let's clearly Arriva '544.87': her looked after us but it's good we're '549.91': five minutes down Gary what happened to '55.96': a little bit of full disclosure we just '552.4': which the late the trains late can I get '555.46': a delay we paid off of you do you '557.65': personally hand out cash every minute '559.72': that we're late son '574.199': just think I haven't prepped going for '579.04': this I've no idea he's up for it I think '58.27': basically said can we get an on training '580.389': he'll be up for it out of all it is '582.79': Gareth out of all the services you do '585.79': it's so you to accost Aberystwyth you do '588.1': up to crew and Chester do down to Carnot '59.59': they weren't sure I'm getting tickets '590.319': burning and burning is this one of your '592.209': favorite turns shift what do you love '594.88': that shift tell us why you love the '596.98': Gerald and it's just different for '6.7': back in Wales and when we made through '600.13': everything else we use you have to make '601.36': sure that you wits are about you have to '602.889': concentrate you've got the first class '605.41': which brings a different breed of '607.389': character really yeah yeah the first '609.91': pass on the one five eighths then you '61.989': but we're just going to write it and see '611.38': know this the only at Reaver this is the '614.589': only real service that has a one that's '616.329': supposed to pass one it should point out '617.5': your business business I didn't think '619.99': about that or other '621.19': Arriva Trains a standard class only yes '631.38': and suddenly hey it's just the two of us '635.54': I'm gonna drink my coffee before it gets '637.86': cold '638.19': I've got I've got wine in G an annotated '639.96': gene and a T all the drinks '65.71': what happens Nikki needs food also I '651.98': made it Tipler business junction you get '654.53': the name down your guard '655.37': Oh son didn't spend upload and then '659.77': we've been here before many a time let's '663.89': see the train out and we'll there we '666.2': should sit and ponder our our faults '686.18': what other I don't know good evening '689.72': rush we're at thundered no junction in '693.05': the junction I just want to say really '695.66': comfortable seats love the fact that '698.03': it's a proper train and also in good '702.53': company and also with fine dining the '704.33': time flew by and we've been on a train '706.7': for felt like in fact like an hour four '711.14': and a half hours and it felt like an '713.3': hour yeah / - Vicki did tell me how much '716.06': she felt of the food it was genuinely '719.12': and it's really difficult because you '72.159': have no idea of what type of train is '720.5': know so but it was genuinely so good '728.18': like it was delicious food everything '73.479': going to be you know how I don't write '732.56': was delicious '733.49': and I really like that they have tried '736.58': to gain lots of Welsh yeah for juice as '738.83': well it's really nice when you go '740.15': somewhere different to get like locally '742.34': sourced F which is really really cool it '744.2': was just amazing we put it a few tweets '746.45': about this our friend Martin that some '748.31': of you may know how to apply it saying '749.84': how I've always wanted to like come and '75.25': down hoping good place set all the way '751.28': do this and Martin you should and the '752.63': point is so should everybody else this '753.98': is like one of those sort of unique '755.24': railway experiences of which there's '757.58': only a few left of in Britain like there '759.95': like this leaf place rather than I ever '761.3': want to do the sleeper it's nice it's a '762.98': nice it's a great experience '764.75': okay so wait well there we go good and '771.01': you get that way by going okay '78.159': all the way the Holyhead '791.86': which is probably stopped now '9.04': Wales last year a lot of people said to '92.84': it's a proper train with the proper door '95.82': and proper proper I doesn't move proper
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, "Moncloa station headhouse" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, "Moncloa (Madrid Metro) [SEP] Moncloa station headhouse" ], "context_page_description": [ "Это список всех существующих, находящихся в строительстве и запланированных станций Мадридского метрополитена.", "Moncloa is a multimodal station in Madrid, Spain that serves Madrid Metro Line 3 and Line 6, as well as city buses and intercity and long-distance coaches. It is located underneath Moncloa square and Princesa street near Arco de la Victoria and the headquarters of the Spanish Air Force in fare Zone A." ], "context_section_description": [ null, "Moncloa is a multimodal station in Madrid, Spain that serves Madrid Metro Line 3 and Line 6, as well as city buses and intercity and long-distance coaches. It is located underneath Moncloa square and Princesa street near Arco de la Victoria and the headquarters of the Spanish Air Force in fare Zone A." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Список станций Мадридского метрополитена / Список станций / Линия 6", "Moncloa (Madrid Metro)" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true ], "language": [ "ru", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true ], "page_title": [ "Список станций Мадридского метрополитена", "Moncloa (Madrid Metro)" ], "page_url": [ "", "" ], "section_title": [ "Линия 6", null ] }
The Cardiff to Holyhead 'Gerald' Dining Train
There's a Premier Service train running between Cardiff and Holyhead at breakfast and dinnertime. We were invited to go ride the evening service, and experience one of the few dining trains that run in Britain. Named '“Y Gerallt Gymro" (Gerald of Wales) the namesake was a 12th Century clergyman and historian who roamed far and wide - this service does just that. This was filmed in September 2018 when the franchise was still Arriva Trains Wales. A few weeks later, it changed to Transport for Wales Rail Services operated by KeolisAmey Wales Cymru. The Dining 'Gerald' Train still run and hasn't changed. It's officially known as 'The Premier Service' : Guardian Article : TrainLine (Tim Dunn) Blog : Thanks hugely to ArrivaTW (Now Transport for Wales) for having us along!
'10.719': us all you should get like they could at '101.46': slightly sorry '105.32': don't say that our context people moving '12.7': the Gerald the dining train yet they '125.81': another guard will take over and take '128.22': you up along the North Wales coast '129.45': towards Holly head with wigging out rear '132.84': of the Train today you'll find the '134.34': buffet car '135.239': they've got hot drinks cold drinks '137.43': snacks and delicious cooked evening '14.86': said '140.22': meals since is Friday and we will finish '143.13': work and there these how alcohol as well '144.95': by all means make your way along to the '147.15': window make a purchase alternatively you '149.489': can upgrade to a business class seat '15.889': it runs between Holly head and Cardiff '150.87': where the meal is included '155.17': this is the menu I feel like I have to '158.17': go for '160.42': main course that has the Welsh rarebit '162.43': and can't not come to Wales and try some '166.0': traditional Welsh food '168.13': is in well so is it's it's bilingual so '17.72': in the morning card at the Holly head '171.64': you've got English and Welsh but don't '173.44': get me to say in Welsh '174.58': what's interesting on the front and back '176.86': is that the in the pictures they've kind '179.47': of showed the journey that it takes so '181.39': you put images across your journey '184.69': starting in Hannie head going through '187.42': and then not see this just the bay in '19.34': and evenings we always put it on out for '190.6': Cardiff '193.39': say it's a nice menu and you've got nice '196.03': ball place mats and the deserve Ian and '198.25': then double knife and fork generally '202.93': that's how you know it's posh that is he '204.85': knows posh the rule is you start from '206.8': the outside and work in right but you '209.68': know I learnt that where you learn that '21.47': the bucket list of train journeys to do '211.3': Buckingham Palace no watching pretty '213.25': woman quite quickly quicker than I '217.39': expected '217.95': don't start as it turned up now but the '221.17': thing is I learned from many years ago '224.08': hours of wedding photographer there's '225.73': one thing I've learned there's a really '226.93': bad photos of wedding of those of people '228.85': eating their food it's almost impossible '231.37': to make a good video of somebody eating '234.45': food because nobody really wants to see '235.86': food being shoveled into someone's mouth '238.099': so here's a shot of the outside whilst I '24.55': we spoke to read the whale from amen '241.68': am a starter '250.65': and employs two full-time chefs and six '253.989': premier hosts the chef's cook everything '256.419': from scratch '257.38': nothing is pre prepaid and they make it '259.989': all on the train and basically Mitchell '263.74': in Stan's service on a traveling Buffy '266.05': everything is either Welsh produce or '267.94': Welsh thing so you have like the '269.86': mortgage of crabs you'll have Welsh like '27.38': sure come along so do you want to go and '271.96': rack of lamb you'll have Welsh howl '275.59': Welsh rarebit everything is Welsh Welsh '278.32': team and well-sourced which is what is '280.65': part of the thing that we're trying to '282.49': promote on this train chef's burger week '284.229': on week off and the hostess is all livid '286.99': Holly hey that work done then they have '289.03': there's a break room they've got done in '290.47': Campton for roughly six hours a day and '292.449': then they work back the reason we do '294.639': that ways because of the logistics '296.169': because otherwise you'd have to have '297.76': someone from Cardiff going up some for '299.889': the evening shift but then you couldn't '30.68': ride the post train - Holly head and '301.63': get them back to Canada because '302.77': obviously the journey is a five-hour '304.21': journey we've got people chomping at the '306.639': bit to come and work on you '316.7': do something really cuddly '32.54': have dinner '320.36': do not just try a bit of each other's '323.61': food you wanna do that thing where like '324.6': what couples do that they swap plates '328.78': since I was just being told '334.949': Neville's that nobody means any honest '337.09': if you were leaving a TripAdvisor yeah '338.53': what would you say but where are we by '340.27': the way 5 blobbs their blobs they're not '343.96': stars are they equivalent there's really '346.509': good the fish was really nice cooked '348.729': rating that the sauce was great it was '350.59': already good I mean I don't have the '352.69': words that's the right words it was '355.0': delicious '355.599': how do all this melodies '359.21': I know it's not proper dining experience '361.039': I'm just compelled to get mainly does it '363.44': get to manually I'm gonna when this goes '366.83': when this is no longer possible because '369.97': units I will miss that the handle plan '375.02': the window it's the best '392.419': when we plan this a few weeks ago we '394.86': spoke to the very nice social media team '396.69': adit had our evil eyes and then a couple '399.21': days beforehand they said oh by the way '4.27': I love it love when you say that for '400.62': when you get on the train our managing '402.75': director is going to be on the train so '404.669': right by fluke because it you're not '406.56': here deliberately don't someone else '409.86': this is from joining us and you are the '411.509': managing director of a revived good '413.009': evening enjoying the Gerald straight '416.31': away do you know why it's called the '418.62': Gerald get off Gerald the violence could '420.479': you could you time he was a friar he was '425.13': but something like 12th century okay for '429.55': me I love it because it's had the '432.31': essence of a proper train it's a loco '434.289': it's fantastic like what why do you love '436.81': it fantastic furs all good from fresh '440.59': yes all Welsh Dodgers got a share the '443.5': amazing Bailey '444.86': fantastic colleagues - yes sir do a '448.099': fantastic job and you '451.84': beautiful parts of the United Kingdom '453.43': what else Wales 51 so what we were '458.02': chatting our dessert arrived so I went '460.3': for the apple pie which is '466.56': you said never film people eating and I '468.78': offer amazing '478.11': so there's a regular bucket area but the '481.33': business business area is up eh '486.76': this reminds me of one of my favorite '488.77': trains well I've made it this look at my '490.12': new favorite drink my morning my '491.44': favorite journeys right now it's the '492.61': class 90 out of London Liverpool Street '494.77': at the Norwich where you get a similar '496.81': thing where there's a buckling in sort '499.45': of bring you food in first class but '501.34': it's a I'd like walking up the buff fair '503.47': like that and down here stand apart but '507.52': even a standard class is nice my seats '509.8': table power socket you know talking '514.12': about ticket it's not meant to get in '517.89': the Sun is slowly setting '526.01': twisted on the train it's a 22-8 '528.92': sunbathing I've been given tea and '531.38': coffee and gin yep Cheers '541.54': I think it's good let's clearly Arriva '544.87': her looked after us but it's good we're '549.91': five minutes down Gary what happened to '55.96': a little bit of full disclosure we just '552.4': which the late the trains late can I get '555.46': a delay we paid off of you do you '557.65': personally hand out cash every minute '559.72': that we're late son '574.199': just think I haven't prepped going for '579.04': this I've no idea he's up for it I think '58.27': basically said can we get an on training '580.389': he'll be up for it out of all it is '582.79': Gareth out of all the services you do '585.79': it's so you to accost Aberystwyth you do '588.1': up to crew and Chester do down to Carnot '59.59': they weren't sure I'm getting tickets '590.319': burning and burning is this one of your '592.209': favorite turns shift what do you love '594.88': that shift tell us why you love the '596.98': Gerald and it's just different for '6.7': back in Wales and when we made through '600.13': everything else we use you have to make '601.36': sure that you wits are about you have to '602.889': concentrate you've got the first class '605.41': which brings a different breed of '607.389': character really yeah yeah the first '609.91': pass on the one five eighths then you '61.989': but we're just going to write it and see '611.38': know this the only at Reaver this is the '614.589': only real service that has a one that's '616.329': supposed to pass one it should point out '617.5': your business business I didn't think '619.99': about that or other '621.19': Arriva Trains a standard class only yes '631.38': and suddenly hey it's just the two of us '635.54': I'm gonna drink my coffee before it gets '637.86': cold '638.19': I've got I've got wine in G an annotated '639.96': gene and a T all the drinks '65.71': what happens Nikki needs food also I '651.98': made it Tipler business junction you get '654.53': the name down your guard '655.37': Oh son didn't spend upload and then '659.77': we've been here before many a time let's '663.89': see the train out and we'll there we '666.2': should sit and ponder our our faults '686.18': what other I don't know good evening '689.72': rush we're at thundered no junction in '693.05': the junction I just want to say really '695.66': comfortable seats love the fact that '698.03': it's a proper train and also in good '702.53': company and also with fine dining the '704.33': time flew by and we've been on a train '706.7': for felt like in fact like an hour four '711.14': and a half hours and it felt like an '713.3': hour yeah / - Vicki did tell me how much '716.06': she felt of the food it was genuinely '719.12': and it's really difficult because you '72.159': have no idea of what type of train is '720.5': know so but it was genuinely so good '728.18': like it was delicious food everything '73.479': going to be you know how I don't write '732.56': was delicious '733.49': and I really like that they have tried '736.58': to gain lots of Welsh yeah for juice as '738.83': well it's really nice when you go '740.15': somewhere different to get like locally '742.34': sourced F which is really really cool it '744.2': was just amazing we put it a few tweets '746.45': about this our friend Martin that some '748.31': of you may know how to apply it saying '749.84': how I've always wanted to like come and '75.25': down hoping good place set all the way '751.28': do this and Martin you should and the '752.63': point is so should everybody else this '753.98': is like one of those sort of unique '755.24': railway experiences of which there's '757.58': only a few left of in Britain like there '759.95': like this leaf place rather than I ever '761.3': want to do the sleeper it's nice it's a '762.98': nice it's a great experience '764.75': okay so wait well there we go good and '771.01': you get that way by going okay '78.159': all the way the Holyhead '791.86': which is probably stopped now '9.04': Wales last year a lot of people said to '92.84': it's a proper train with the proper door '95.82': and proper proper I doesn't move proper
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, "Moncloa station headhouse" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, "Moncloa (Madrid Metro) [SEP] Moncloa station headhouse" ], "context_page_description": [ "Это список всех существующих, находящихся в строительстве и запланированных станций Мадридского метрополитена.", "Moncloa is a multimodal station in Madrid, Spain that serves Madrid Metro Line 3 and Line 6, as well as city buses and intercity and long-distance coaches. It is located underneath Moncloa square and Princesa street near Arco de la Victoria and the headquarters of the Spanish Air Force in fare Zone A." ], "context_section_description": [ null, "Moncloa is a multimodal station in Madrid, Spain that serves Madrid Metro Line 3 and Line 6, as well as city buses and intercity and long-distance coaches. It is located underneath Moncloa square and Princesa street near Arco de la Victoria and the headquarters of the Spanish Air Force in fare Zone A." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Список станций Мадридского метрополитена / Список станций / Линия 6", "Moncloa (Madrid Metro)" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true ], "language": [ "ru", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true ], "page_title": [ "Список станций Мадридского метрополитена", "Moncloa (Madrid Metro)" ], "page_url": [ "", "" ], "section_title": [ "Линия 6", null ] }
The Cardiff to Holyhead 'Gerald' Dining Train
There's a Premier Service train running between Cardiff and Holyhead at breakfast and dinnertime. We were invited to go ride the evening service, and experience one of the few dining trains that run in Britain. Named '“Y Gerallt Gymro" (Gerald of Wales) the namesake was a 12th Century clergyman and historian who roamed far and wide - this service does just that. This was filmed in September 2018 when the franchise was still Arriva Trains Wales. A few weeks later, it changed to Transport for Wales Rail Services operated by KeolisAmey Wales Cymru. The Dining 'Gerald' Train still run and hasn't changed. It's officially known as 'The Premier Service' : Guardian Article : TrainLine (Tim Dunn) Blog : Thanks hugely to ArrivaTW (Now Transport for Wales) for having us along!
'10.719': us all you should get like they could at '101.46': slightly sorry '105.32': don't say that our context people moving '12.7': the Gerald the dining train yet they '125.81': another guard will take over and take '128.22': you up along the North Wales coast '129.45': towards Holly head with wigging out rear '132.84': of the Train today you'll find the '134.34': buffet car '135.239': they've got hot drinks cold drinks '137.43': snacks and delicious cooked evening '14.86': said '140.22': meals since is Friday and we will finish '143.13': work and there these how alcohol as well '144.95': by all means make your way along to the '147.15': window make a purchase alternatively you '149.489': can upgrade to a business class seat '15.889': it runs between Holly head and Cardiff '150.87': where the meal is included '155.17': this is the menu I feel like I have to '158.17': go for '160.42': main course that has the Welsh rarebit '162.43': and can't not come to Wales and try some '166.0': traditional Welsh food '168.13': is in well so is it's it's bilingual so '17.72': in the morning card at the Holly head '171.64': you've got English and Welsh but don't '173.44': get me to say in Welsh '174.58': what's interesting on the front and back '176.86': is that the in the pictures they've kind '179.47': of showed the journey that it takes so '181.39': you put images across your journey '184.69': starting in Hannie head going through '187.42': and then not see this just the bay in '19.34': and evenings we always put it on out for '190.6': Cardiff '193.39': say it's a nice menu and you've got nice '196.03': ball place mats and the deserve Ian and '198.25': then double knife and fork generally '202.93': that's how you know it's posh that is he '204.85': knows posh the rule is you start from '206.8': the outside and work in right but you '209.68': know I learnt that where you learn that '21.47': the bucket list of train journeys to do '211.3': Buckingham Palace no watching pretty '213.25': woman quite quickly quicker than I '217.39': expected '217.95': don't start as it turned up now but the '221.17': thing is I learned from many years ago '224.08': hours of wedding photographer there's '225.73': one thing I've learned there's a really '226.93': bad photos of wedding of those of people '228.85': eating their food it's almost impossible '231.37': to make a good video of somebody eating '234.45': food because nobody really wants to see '235.86': food being shoveled into someone's mouth '238.099': so here's a shot of the outside whilst I '24.55': we spoke to read the whale from amen '241.68': am a starter '250.65': and employs two full-time chefs and six '253.989': premier hosts the chef's cook everything '256.419': from scratch '257.38': nothing is pre prepaid and they make it '259.989': all on the train and basically Mitchell '263.74': in Stan's service on a traveling Buffy '266.05': everything is either Welsh produce or '267.94': Welsh thing so you have like the '269.86': mortgage of crabs you'll have Welsh like '27.38': sure come along so do you want to go and '271.96': rack of lamb you'll have Welsh howl '275.59': Welsh rarebit everything is Welsh Welsh '278.32': team and well-sourced which is what is '280.65': part of the thing that we're trying to '282.49': promote on this train chef's burger week '284.229': on week off and the hostess is all livid '286.99': Holly hey that work done then they have '289.03': there's a break room they've got done in '290.47': Campton for roughly six hours a day and '292.449': then they work back the reason we do '294.639': that ways because of the logistics '296.169': because otherwise you'd have to have '297.76': someone from Cardiff going up some for '299.889': the evening shift but then you couldn't '30.68': ride the post train - Holly head and '301.63': get them back to Canada because '302.77': obviously the journey is a five-hour '304.21': journey we've got people chomping at the '306.639': bit to come and work on you '316.7': do something really cuddly '32.54': have dinner '320.36': do not just try a bit of each other's '323.61': food you wanna do that thing where like '324.6': what couples do that they swap plates '328.78': since I was just being told '334.949': Neville's that nobody means any honest '337.09': if you were leaving a TripAdvisor yeah '338.53': what would you say but where are we by '340.27': the way 5 blobbs their blobs they're not '343.96': stars are they equivalent there's really '346.509': good the fish was really nice cooked '348.729': rating that the sauce was great it was '350.59': already good I mean I don't have the '352.69': words that's the right words it was '355.0': delicious '355.599': how do all this melodies '359.21': I know it's not proper dining experience '361.039': I'm just compelled to get mainly does it '363.44': get to manually I'm gonna when this goes '366.83': when this is no longer possible because '369.97': units I will miss that the handle plan '375.02': the window it's the best '392.419': when we plan this a few weeks ago we '394.86': spoke to the very nice social media team '396.69': adit had our evil eyes and then a couple '399.21': days beforehand they said oh by the way '4.27': I love it love when you say that for '400.62': when you get on the train our managing '402.75': director is going to be on the train so '404.669': right by fluke because it you're not '406.56': here deliberately don't someone else '409.86': this is from joining us and you are the '411.509': managing director of a revived good '413.009': evening enjoying the Gerald straight '416.31': away do you know why it's called the '418.62': Gerald get off Gerald the violence could '420.479': you could you time he was a friar he was '425.13': but something like 12th century okay for '429.55': me I love it because it's had the '432.31': essence of a proper train it's a loco '434.289': it's fantastic like what why do you love '436.81': it fantastic furs all good from fresh '440.59': yes all Welsh Dodgers got a share the '443.5': amazing Bailey '444.86': fantastic colleagues - yes sir do a '448.099': fantastic job and you '451.84': beautiful parts of the United Kingdom '453.43': what else Wales 51 so what we were '458.02': chatting our dessert arrived so I went '460.3': for the apple pie which is '466.56': you said never film people eating and I '468.78': offer amazing '478.11': so there's a regular bucket area but the '481.33': business business area is up eh '486.76': this reminds me of one of my favorite '488.77': trains well I've made it this look at my '490.12': new favorite drink my morning my '491.44': favorite journeys right now it's the '492.61': class 90 out of London Liverpool Street '494.77': at the Norwich where you get a similar '496.81': thing where there's a buckling in sort '499.45': of bring you food in first class but '501.34': it's a I'd like walking up the buff fair '503.47': like that and down here stand apart but '507.52': even a standard class is nice my seats '509.8': table power socket you know talking '514.12': about ticket it's not meant to get in '517.89': the Sun is slowly setting '526.01': twisted on the train it's a 22-8 '528.92': sunbathing I've been given tea and '531.38': coffee and gin yep Cheers '541.54': I think it's good let's clearly Arriva '544.87': her looked after us but it's good we're '549.91': five minutes down Gary what happened to '55.96': a little bit of full disclosure we just '552.4': which the late the trains late can I get '555.46': a delay we paid off of you do you '557.65': personally hand out cash every minute '559.72': that we're late son '574.199': just think I haven't prepped going for '579.04': this I've no idea he's up for it I think '58.27': basically said can we get an on training '580.389': he'll be up for it out of all it is '582.79': Gareth out of all the services you do '585.79': it's so you to accost Aberystwyth you do '588.1': up to crew and Chester do down to Carnot '59.59': they weren't sure I'm getting tickets '590.319': burning and burning is this one of your '592.209': favorite turns shift what do you love '594.88': that shift tell us why you love the '596.98': Gerald and it's just different for '6.7': back in Wales and when we made through '600.13': everything else we use you have to make '601.36': sure that you wits are about you have to '602.889': concentrate you've got the first class '605.41': which brings a different breed of '607.389': character really yeah yeah the first '609.91': pass on the one five eighths then you '61.989': but we're just going to write it and see '611.38': know this the only at Reaver this is the '614.589': only real service that has a one that's '616.329': supposed to pass one it should point out '617.5': your business business I didn't think '619.99': about that or other '621.19': Arriva Trains a standard class only yes '631.38': and suddenly hey it's just the two of us '635.54': I'm gonna drink my coffee before it gets '637.86': cold '638.19': I've got I've got wine in G an annotated '639.96': gene and a T all the drinks '65.71': what happens Nikki needs food also I '651.98': made it Tipler business junction you get '654.53': the name down your guard '655.37': Oh son didn't spend upload and then '659.77': we've been here before many a time let's '663.89': see the train out and we'll there we '666.2': should sit and ponder our our faults '686.18': what other I don't know good evening '689.72': rush we're at thundered no junction in '693.05': the junction I just want to say really '695.66': comfortable seats love the fact that '698.03': it's a proper train and also in good '702.53': company and also with fine dining the '704.33': time flew by and we've been on a train '706.7': for felt like in fact like an hour four '711.14': and a half hours and it felt like an '713.3': hour yeah / - Vicki did tell me how much '716.06': she felt of the food it was genuinely '719.12': and it's really difficult because you '72.159': have no idea of what type of train is '720.5': know so but it was genuinely so good '728.18': like it was delicious food everything '73.479': going to be you know how I don't write '732.56': was delicious '733.49': and I really like that they have tried '736.58': to gain lots of Welsh yeah for juice as '738.83': well it's really nice when you go '740.15': somewhere different to get like locally '742.34': sourced F which is really really cool it '744.2': was just amazing we put it a few tweets '746.45': about this our friend Martin that some '748.31': of you may know how to apply it saying '749.84': how I've always wanted to like come and '75.25': down hoping good place set all the way '751.28': do this and Martin you should and the '752.63': point is so should everybody else this '753.98': is like one of those sort of unique '755.24': railway experiences of which there's '757.58': only a few left of in Britain like there '759.95': like this leaf place rather than I ever '761.3': want to do the sleeper it's nice it's a '762.98': nice it's a great experience '764.75': okay so wait well there we go good and '771.01': you get that way by going okay '78.159': all the way the Holyhead '791.86': which is probably stopped now '9.04': Wales last year a lot of people said to '92.84': it's a proper train with the proper door '95.82': and proper proper I doesn't move proper
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, "Moncloa station headhouse" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, "Moncloa (Madrid Metro) [SEP] Moncloa station headhouse" ], "context_page_description": [ "Это список всех существующих, находящихся в строительстве и запланированных станций Мадридского метрополитена.", "Moncloa is a multimodal station in Madrid, Spain that serves Madrid Metro Line 3 and Line 6, as well as city buses and intercity and long-distance coaches. It is located underneath Moncloa square and Princesa street near Arco de la Victoria and the headquarters of the Spanish Air Force in fare Zone A." ], "context_section_description": [ null, "Moncloa is a multimodal station in Madrid, Spain that serves Madrid Metro Line 3 and Line 6, as well as city buses and intercity and long-distance coaches. It is located underneath Moncloa square and Princesa street near Arco de la Victoria and the headquarters of the Spanish Air Force in fare Zone A." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Список станций Мадридского метрополитена / Список станций / Линия 6", "Moncloa (Madrid Metro)" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true ], "language": [ "ru", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true ], "page_title": [ "Список станций Мадридского метрополитена", "Moncloa (Madrid Metro)" ], "page_url": [ "", "" ], "section_title": [ "Линия 6", null ] }
The Cardiff to Holyhead 'Gerald' Dining Train
There's a Premier Service train running between Cardiff and Holyhead at breakfast and dinnertime. We were invited to go ride the evening service, and experience one of the few dining trains that run in Britain. Named '“Y Gerallt Gymro" (Gerald of Wales) the namesake was a 12th Century clergyman and historian who roamed far and wide - this service does just that. This was filmed in September 2018 when the franchise was still Arriva Trains Wales. A few weeks later, it changed to Transport for Wales Rail Services operated by KeolisAmey Wales Cymru. The Dining 'Gerald' Train still run and hasn't changed. It's officially known as 'The Premier Service' : Guardian Article : TrainLine (Tim Dunn) Blog : Thanks hugely to ArrivaTW (Now Transport for Wales) for having us along!
'10.719': us all you should get like they could at '101.46': slightly sorry '105.32': don't say that our context people moving '12.7': the Gerald the dining train yet they '125.81': another guard will take over and take '128.22': you up along the North Wales coast '129.45': towards Holly head with wigging out rear '132.84': of the Train today you'll find the '134.34': buffet car '135.239': they've got hot drinks cold drinks '137.43': snacks and delicious cooked evening '14.86': said '140.22': meals since is Friday and we will finish '143.13': work and there these how alcohol as well '144.95': by all means make your way along to the '147.15': window make a purchase alternatively you '149.489': can upgrade to a business class seat '15.889': it runs between Holly head and Cardiff '150.87': where the meal is included '155.17': this is the menu I feel like I have to '158.17': go for '160.42': main course that has the Welsh rarebit '162.43': and can't not come to Wales and try some '166.0': traditional Welsh food '168.13': is in well so is it's it's bilingual so '17.72': in the morning card at the Holly head '171.64': you've got English and Welsh but don't '173.44': get me to say in Welsh '174.58': what's interesting on the front and back '176.86': is that the in the pictures they've kind '179.47': of showed the journey that it takes so '181.39': you put images across your journey '184.69': starting in Hannie head going through '187.42': and then not see this just the bay in '19.34': and evenings we always put it on out for '190.6': Cardiff '193.39': say it's a nice menu and you've got nice '196.03': ball place mats and the deserve Ian and '198.25': then double knife and fork generally '202.93': that's how you know it's posh that is he '204.85': knows posh the rule is you start from '206.8': the outside and work in right but you '209.68': know I learnt that where you learn that '21.47': the bucket list of train journeys to do '211.3': Buckingham Palace no watching pretty '213.25': woman quite quickly quicker than I '217.39': expected '217.95': don't start as it turned up now but the '221.17': thing is I learned from many years ago '224.08': hours of wedding photographer there's '225.73': one thing I've learned there's a really '226.93': bad photos of wedding of those of people '228.85': eating their food it's almost impossible '231.37': to make a good video of somebody eating '234.45': food because nobody really wants to see '235.86': food being shoveled into someone's mouth '238.099': so here's a shot of the outside whilst I '24.55': we spoke to read the whale from amen '241.68': am a starter '250.65': and employs two full-time chefs and six '253.989': premier hosts the chef's cook everything '256.419': from scratch '257.38': nothing is pre prepaid and they make it '259.989': all on the train and basically Mitchell '263.74': in Stan's service on a traveling Buffy '266.05': everything is either Welsh produce or '267.94': Welsh thing so you have like the '269.86': mortgage of crabs you'll have Welsh like '27.38': sure come along so do you want to go and '271.96': rack of lamb you'll have Welsh howl '275.59': Welsh rarebit everything is Welsh Welsh '278.32': team and well-sourced which is what is '280.65': part of the thing that we're trying to '282.49': promote on this train chef's burger week '284.229': on week off and the hostess is all livid '286.99': Holly hey that work done then they have '289.03': there's a break room they've got done in '290.47': Campton for roughly six hours a day and '292.449': then they work back the reason we do '294.639': that ways because of the logistics '296.169': because otherwise you'd have to have '297.76': someone from Cardiff going up some for '299.889': the evening shift but then you couldn't '30.68': ride the post train - Holly head and '301.63': get them back to Canada because '302.77': obviously the journey is a five-hour '304.21': journey we've got people chomping at the '306.639': bit to come and work on you '316.7': do something really cuddly '32.54': have dinner '320.36': do not just try a bit of each other's '323.61': food you wanna do that thing where like '324.6': what couples do that they swap plates '328.78': since I was just being told '334.949': Neville's that nobody means any honest '337.09': if you were leaving a TripAdvisor yeah '338.53': what would you say but where are we by '340.27': the way 5 blobbs their blobs they're not '343.96': stars are they equivalent there's really '346.509': good the fish was really nice cooked '348.729': rating that the sauce was great it was '350.59': already good I mean I don't have the '352.69': words that's the right words it was '355.0': delicious '355.599': how do all this melodies '359.21': I know it's not proper dining experience '361.039': I'm just compelled to get mainly does it '363.44': get to manually I'm gonna when this goes '366.83': when this is no longer possible because '369.97': units I will miss that the handle plan '375.02': the window it's the best '392.419': when we plan this a few weeks ago we '394.86': spoke to the very nice social media team '396.69': adit had our evil eyes and then a couple '399.21': days beforehand they said oh by the way '4.27': I love it love when you say that for '400.62': when you get on the train our managing '402.75': director is going to be on the train so '404.669': right by fluke because it you're not '406.56': here deliberately don't someone else '409.86': this is from joining us and you are the '411.509': managing director of a revived good '413.009': evening enjoying the Gerald straight '416.31': away do you know why it's called the '418.62': Gerald get off Gerald the violence could '420.479': you could you time he was a friar he was '425.13': but something like 12th century okay for '429.55': me I love it because it's had the '432.31': essence of a proper train it's a loco '434.289': it's fantastic like what why do you love '436.81': it fantastic furs all good from fresh '440.59': yes all Welsh Dodgers got a share the '443.5': amazing Bailey '444.86': fantastic colleagues - yes sir do a '448.099': fantastic job and you '451.84': beautiful parts of the United Kingdom '453.43': what else Wales 51 so what we were '458.02': chatting our dessert arrived so I went '460.3': for the apple pie which is '466.56': you said never film people eating and I '468.78': offer amazing '478.11': so there's a regular bucket area but the '481.33': business business area is up eh '486.76': this reminds me of one of my favorite '488.77': trains well I've made it this look at my '490.12': new favorite drink my morning my '491.44': favorite journeys right now it's the '492.61': class 90 out of London Liverpool Street '494.77': at the Norwich where you get a similar '496.81': thing where there's a buckling in sort '499.45': of bring you food in first class but '501.34': it's a I'd like walking up the buff fair '503.47': like that and down here stand apart but '507.52': even a standard class is nice my seats '509.8': table power socket you know talking '514.12': about ticket it's not meant to get in '517.89': the Sun is slowly setting '526.01': twisted on the train it's a 22-8 '528.92': sunbathing I've been given tea and '531.38': coffee and gin yep Cheers '541.54': I think it's good let's clearly Arriva '544.87': her looked after us but it's good we're '549.91': five minutes down Gary what happened to '55.96': a little bit of full disclosure we just '552.4': which the late the trains late can I get '555.46': a delay we paid off of you do you '557.65': personally hand out cash every minute '559.72': that we're late son '574.199': just think I haven't prepped going for '579.04': this I've no idea he's up for it I think '58.27': basically said can we get an on training '580.389': he'll be up for it out of all it is '582.79': Gareth out of all the services you do '585.79': it's so you to accost Aberystwyth you do '588.1': up to crew and Chester do down to Carnot '59.59': they weren't sure I'm getting tickets '590.319': burning and burning is this one of your '592.209': favorite turns shift what do you love '594.88': that shift tell us why you love the '596.98': Gerald and it's just different for '6.7': back in Wales and when we made through '600.13': everything else we use you have to make '601.36': sure that you wits are about you have to '602.889': concentrate you've got the first class '605.41': which brings a different breed of '607.389': character really yeah yeah the first '609.91': pass on the one five eighths then you '61.989': but we're just going to write it and see '611.38': know this the only at Reaver this is the '614.589': only real service that has a one that's '616.329': supposed to pass one it should point out '617.5': your business business I didn't think '619.99': about that or other '621.19': Arriva Trains a standard class only yes '631.38': and suddenly hey it's just the two of us '635.54': I'm gonna drink my coffee before it gets '637.86': cold '638.19': I've got I've got wine in G an annotated '639.96': gene and a T all the drinks '65.71': what happens Nikki needs food also I '651.98': made it Tipler business junction you get '654.53': the name down your guard '655.37': Oh son didn't spend upload and then '659.77': we've been here before many a time let's '663.89': see the train out and we'll there we '666.2': should sit and ponder our our faults '686.18': what other I don't know good evening '689.72': rush we're at thundered no junction in '693.05': the junction I just want to say really '695.66': comfortable seats love the fact that '698.03': it's a proper train and also in good '702.53': company and also with fine dining the '704.33': time flew by and we've been on a train '706.7': for felt like in fact like an hour four '711.14': and a half hours and it felt like an '713.3': hour yeah / - Vicki did tell me how much '716.06': she felt of the food it was genuinely '719.12': and it's really difficult because you '72.159': have no idea of what type of train is '720.5': know so but it was genuinely so good '728.18': like it was delicious food everything '73.479': going to be you know how I don't write '732.56': was delicious '733.49': and I really like that they have tried '736.58': to gain lots of Welsh yeah for juice as '738.83': well it's really nice when you go '740.15': somewhere different to get like locally '742.34': sourced F which is really really cool it '744.2': was just amazing we put it a few tweets '746.45': about this our friend Martin that some '748.31': of you may know how to apply it saying '749.84': how I've always wanted to like come and '75.25': down hoping good place set all the way '751.28': do this and Martin you should and the '752.63': point is so should everybody else this '753.98': is like one of those sort of unique '755.24': railway experiences of which there's '757.58': only a few left of in Britain like there '759.95': like this leaf place rather than I ever '761.3': want to do the sleeper it's nice it's a '762.98': nice it's a great experience '764.75': okay so wait well there we go good and '771.01': you get that way by going okay '78.159': all the way the Holyhead '791.86': which is probably stopped now '9.04': Wales last year a lot of people said to '92.84': it's a proper train with the proper door '95.82': and proper proper I doesn't move proper
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, "Moncloa station headhouse" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, "Moncloa (Madrid Metro) [SEP] Moncloa station headhouse" ], "context_page_description": [ "Это список всех существующих, находящихся в строительстве и запланированных станций Мадридского метрополитена.", "Moncloa is a multimodal station in Madrid, Spain that serves Madrid Metro Line 3 and Line 6, as well as city buses and intercity and long-distance coaches. It is located underneath Moncloa square and Princesa street near Arco de la Victoria and the headquarters of the Spanish Air Force in fare Zone A." ], "context_section_description": [ null, "Moncloa is a multimodal station in Madrid, Spain that serves Madrid Metro Line 3 and Line 6, as well as city buses and intercity and long-distance coaches. It is located underneath Moncloa square and Princesa street near Arco de la Victoria and the headquarters of the Spanish Air Force in fare Zone A." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Список станций Мадридского метрополитена / Список станций / Линия 6", "Moncloa (Madrid Metro)" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true ], "language": [ "ru", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true ], "page_title": [ "Список станций Мадридского метрополитена", "Moncloa (Madrid Metro)" ], "page_url": [ "", "" ], "section_title": [ "Линия 6", null ] }
The Cardiff to Holyhead 'Gerald' Dining Train
There's a Premier Service train running between Cardiff and Holyhead at breakfast and dinnertime. We were invited to go ride the evening service, and experience one of the few dining trains that run in Britain. Named '“Y Gerallt Gymro" (Gerald of Wales) the namesake was a 12th Century clergyman and historian who roamed far and wide - this service does just that. This was filmed in September 2018 when the franchise was still Arriva Trains Wales. A few weeks later, it changed to Transport for Wales Rail Services operated by KeolisAmey Wales Cymru. The Dining 'Gerald' Train still run and hasn't changed. It's officially known as 'The Premier Service' : Guardian Article : TrainLine (Tim Dunn) Blog : Thanks hugely to ArrivaTW (Now Transport for Wales) for having us along!
'10.719': us all you should get like they could at '101.46': slightly sorry '105.32': don't say that our context people moving '12.7': the Gerald the dining train yet they '125.81': another guard will take over and take '128.22': you up along the North Wales coast '129.45': towards Holly head with wigging out rear '132.84': of the Train today you'll find the '134.34': buffet car '135.239': they've got hot drinks cold drinks '137.43': snacks and delicious cooked evening '14.86': said '140.22': meals since is Friday and we will finish '143.13': work and there these how alcohol as well '144.95': by all means make your way along to the '147.15': window make a purchase alternatively you '149.489': can upgrade to a business class seat '15.889': it runs between Holly head and Cardiff '150.87': where the meal is included '155.17': this is the menu I feel like I have to '158.17': go for '160.42': main course that has the Welsh rarebit '162.43': and can't not come to Wales and try some '166.0': traditional Welsh food '168.13': is in well so is it's it's bilingual so '17.72': in the morning card at the Holly head '171.64': you've got English and Welsh but don't '173.44': get me to say in Welsh '174.58': what's interesting on the front and back '176.86': is that the in the pictures they've kind '179.47': of showed the journey that it takes so '181.39': you put images across your journey '184.69': starting in Hannie head going through '187.42': and then not see this just the bay in '19.34': and evenings we always put it on out for '190.6': Cardiff '193.39': say it's a nice menu and you've got nice '196.03': ball place mats and the deserve Ian and '198.25': then double knife and fork generally '202.93': that's how you know it's posh that is he '204.85': knows posh the rule is you start from '206.8': the outside and work in right but you '209.68': know I learnt that where you learn that '21.47': the bucket list of train journeys to do '211.3': Buckingham Palace no watching pretty '213.25': woman quite quickly quicker than I '217.39': expected '217.95': don't start as it turned up now but the '221.17': thing is I learned from many years ago '224.08': hours of wedding photographer there's '225.73': one thing I've learned there's a really '226.93': bad photos of wedding of those of people '228.85': eating their food it's almost impossible '231.37': to make a good video of somebody eating '234.45': food because nobody really wants to see '235.86': food being shoveled into someone's mouth '238.099': so here's a shot of the outside whilst I '24.55': we spoke to read the whale from amen '241.68': am a starter '250.65': and employs two full-time chefs and six '253.989': premier hosts the chef's cook everything '256.419': from scratch '257.38': nothing is pre prepaid and they make it '259.989': all on the train and basically Mitchell '263.74': in Stan's service on a traveling Buffy '266.05': everything is either Welsh produce or '267.94': Welsh thing so you have like the '269.86': mortgage of crabs you'll have Welsh like '27.38': sure come along so do you want to go and '271.96': rack of lamb you'll have Welsh howl '275.59': Welsh rarebit everything is Welsh Welsh '278.32': team and well-sourced which is what is '280.65': part of the thing that we're trying to '282.49': promote on this train chef's burger week '284.229': on week off and the hostess is all livid '286.99': Holly hey that work done then they have '289.03': there's a break room they've got done in '290.47': Campton for roughly six hours a day and '292.449': then they work back the reason we do '294.639': that ways because of the logistics '296.169': because otherwise you'd have to have '297.76': someone from Cardiff going up some for '299.889': the evening shift but then you couldn't '30.68': ride the post train - Holly head and '301.63': get them back to Canada because '302.77': obviously the journey is a five-hour '304.21': journey we've got people chomping at the '306.639': bit to come and work on you '316.7': do something really cuddly '32.54': have dinner '320.36': do not just try a bit of each other's '323.61': food you wanna do that thing where like '324.6': what couples do that they swap plates '328.78': since I was just being told '334.949': Neville's that nobody means any honest '337.09': if you were leaving a TripAdvisor yeah '338.53': what would you say but where are we by '340.27': the way 5 blobbs their blobs they're not '343.96': stars are they equivalent there's really '346.509': good the fish was really nice cooked '348.729': rating that the sauce was great it was '350.59': already good I mean I don't have the '352.69': words that's the right words it was '355.0': delicious '355.599': how do all this melodies '359.21': I know it's not proper dining experience '361.039': I'm just compelled to get mainly does it '363.44': get to manually I'm gonna when this goes '366.83': when this is no longer possible because '369.97': units I will miss that the handle plan '375.02': the window it's the best '392.419': when we plan this a few weeks ago we '394.86': spoke to the very nice social media team '396.69': adit had our evil eyes and then a couple '399.21': days beforehand they said oh by the way '4.27': I love it love when you say that for '400.62': when you get on the train our managing '402.75': director is going to be on the train so '404.669': right by fluke because it you're not '406.56': here deliberately don't someone else '409.86': this is from joining us and you are the '411.509': managing director of a revived good '413.009': evening enjoying the Gerald straight '416.31': away do you know why it's called the '418.62': Gerald get off Gerald the violence could '420.479': you could you time he was a friar he was '425.13': but something like 12th century okay for '429.55': me I love it because it's had the '432.31': essence of a proper train it's a loco '434.289': it's fantastic like what why do you love '436.81': it fantastic furs all good from fresh '440.59': yes all Welsh Dodgers got a share the '443.5': amazing Bailey '444.86': fantastic colleagues - yes sir do a '448.099': fantastic job and you '451.84': beautiful parts of the United Kingdom '453.43': what else Wales 51 so what we were '458.02': chatting our dessert arrived so I went '460.3': for the apple pie which is '466.56': you said never film people eating and I '468.78': offer amazing '478.11': so there's a regular bucket area but the '481.33': business business area is up eh '486.76': this reminds me of one of my favorite '488.77': trains well I've made it this look at my '490.12': new favorite drink my morning my '491.44': favorite journeys right now it's the '492.61': class 90 out of London Liverpool Street '494.77': at the Norwich where you get a similar '496.81': thing where there's a buckling in sort '499.45': of bring you food in first class but '501.34': it's a I'd like walking up the buff fair '503.47': like that and down here stand apart but '507.52': even a standard class is nice my seats '509.8': table power socket you know talking '514.12': about ticket it's not meant to get in '517.89': the Sun is slowly setting '526.01': twisted on the train it's a 22-8 '528.92': sunbathing I've been given tea and '531.38': coffee and gin yep Cheers '541.54': I think it's good let's clearly Arriva '544.87': her looked after us but it's good we're '549.91': five minutes down Gary what happened to '55.96': a little bit of full disclosure we just '552.4': which the late the trains late can I get '555.46': a delay we paid off of you do you '557.65': personally hand out cash every minute '559.72': that we're late son '574.199': just think I haven't prepped going for '579.04': this I've no idea he's up for it I think '58.27': basically said can we get an on training '580.389': he'll be up for it out of all it is '582.79': Gareth out of all the services you do '585.79': it's so you to accost Aberystwyth you do '588.1': up to crew and Chester do down to Carnot '59.59': they weren't sure I'm getting tickets '590.319': burning and burning is this one of your '592.209': favorite turns shift what do you love '594.88': that shift tell us why you love the '596.98': Gerald and it's just different for '6.7': back in Wales and when we made through '600.13': everything else we use you have to make '601.36': sure that you wits are about you have to '602.889': concentrate you've got the first class '605.41': which brings a different breed of '607.389': character really yeah yeah the first '609.91': pass on the one five eighths then you '61.989': but we're just going to write it and see '611.38': know this the only at Reaver this is the '614.589': only real service that has a one that's '616.329': supposed to pass one it should point out '617.5': your business business I didn't think '619.99': about that or other '621.19': Arriva Trains a standard class only yes '631.38': and suddenly hey it's just the two of us '635.54': I'm gonna drink my coffee before it gets '637.86': cold '638.19': I've got I've got wine in G an annotated '639.96': gene and a T all the drinks '65.71': what happens Nikki needs food also I '651.98': made it Tipler business junction you get '654.53': the name down your guard '655.37': Oh son didn't spend upload and then '659.77': we've been here before many a time let's '663.89': see the train out and we'll there we '666.2': should sit and ponder our our faults '686.18': what other I don't know good evening '689.72': rush we're at thundered no junction in '693.05': the junction I just want to say really '695.66': comfortable seats love the fact that '698.03': it's a proper train and also in good '702.53': company and also with fine dining the '704.33': time flew by and we've been on a train '706.7': for felt like in fact like an hour four '711.14': and a half hours and it felt like an '713.3': hour yeah / - Vicki did tell me how much '716.06': she felt of the food it was genuinely '719.12': and it's really difficult because you '72.159': have no idea of what type of train is '720.5': know so but it was genuinely so good '728.18': like it was delicious food everything '73.479': going to be you know how I don't write '732.56': was delicious '733.49': and I really like that they have tried '736.58': to gain lots of Welsh yeah for juice as '738.83': well it's really nice when you go '740.15': somewhere different to get like locally '742.34': sourced F which is really really cool it '744.2': was just amazing we put it a few tweets '746.45': about this our friend Martin that some '748.31': of you may know how to apply it saying '749.84': how I've always wanted to like come and '75.25': down hoping good place set all the way '751.28': do this and Martin you should and the '752.63': point is so should everybody else this '753.98': is like one of those sort of unique '755.24': railway experiences of which there's '757.58': only a few left of in Britain like there '759.95': like this leaf place rather than I ever '761.3': want to do the sleeper it's nice it's a '762.98': nice it's a great experience '764.75': okay so wait well there we go good and '771.01': you get that way by going okay '78.159': all the way the Holyhead '791.86': which is probably stopped now '9.04': Wales last year a lot of people said to '92.84': it's a proper train with the proper door '95.82': and proper proper I doesn't move proper
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, "Moncloa station headhouse" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, "Moncloa (Madrid Metro) [SEP] Moncloa station headhouse" ], "context_page_description": [ "Это список всех существующих, находящихся в строительстве и запланированных станций Мадридского метрополитена.", "Moncloa is a multimodal station in Madrid, Spain that serves Madrid Metro Line 3 and Line 6, as well as city buses and intercity and long-distance coaches. It is located underneath Moncloa square and Princesa street near Arco de la Victoria and the headquarters of the Spanish Air Force in fare Zone A." ], "context_section_description": [ null, "Moncloa is a multimodal station in Madrid, Spain that serves Madrid Metro Line 3 and Line 6, as well as city buses and intercity and long-distance coaches. It is located underneath Moncloa square and Princesa street near Arco de la Victoria and the headquarters of the Spanish Air Force in fare Zone A." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Список станций Мадридского метрополитена / Список станций / Линия 6", "Moncloa (Madrid Metro)" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true ], "language": [ "ru", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true ], "page_title": [ "Список станций Мадридского метрополитена", "Moncloa (Madrid Metro)" ], "page_url": [ "", "" ], "section_title": [ "Линия 6", null ] }
The Cardiff to Holyhead 'Gerald' Dining Train
There's a Premier Service train running between Cardiff and Holyhead at breakfast and dinnertime. We were invited to go ride the evening service, and experience one of the few dining trains that run in Britain. Named '“Y Gerallt Gymro" (Gerald of Wales) the namesake was a 12th Century clergyman and historian who roamed far and wide - this service does just that. This was filmed in September 2018 when the franchise was still Arriva Trains Wales. A few weeks later, it changed to Transport for Wales Rail Services operated by KeolisAmey Wales Cymru. The Dining 'Gerald' Train still run and hasn't changed. It's officially known as 'The Premier Service' : Guardian Article : TrainLine (Tim Dunn) Blog : Thanks hugely to ArrivaTW (Now Transport for Wales) for having us along!
'10.719': us all you should get like they could at '101.46': slightly sorry '105.32': don't say that our context people moving '12.7': the Gerald the dining train yet they '125.81': another guard will take over and take '128.22': you up along the North Wales coast '129.45': towards Holly head with wigging out rear '132.84': of the Train today you'll find the '134.34': buffet car '135.239': they've got hot drinks cold drinks '137.43': snacks and delicious cooked evening '14.86': said '140.22': meals since is Friday and we will finish '143.13': work and there these how alcohol as well '144.95': by all means make your way along to the '147.15': window make a purchase alternatively you '149.489': can upgrade to a business class seat '15.889': it runs between Holly head and Cardiff '150.87': where the meal is included '155.17': this is the menu I feel like I have to '158.17': go for '160.42': main course that has the Welsh rarebit '162.43': and can't not come to Wales and try some '166.0': traditional Welsh food '168.13': is in well so is it's it's bilingual so '17.72': in the morning card at the Holly head '171.64': you've got English and Welsh but don't '173.44': get me to say in Welsh '174.58': what's interesting on the front and back '176.86': is that the in the pictures they've kind '179.47': of showed the journey that it takes so '181.39': you put images across your journey '184.69': starting in Hannie head going through '187.42': and then not see this just the bay in '19.34': and evenings we always put it on out for '190.6': Cardiff '193.39': say it's a nice menu and you've got nice '196.03': ball place mats and the deserve Ian and '198.25': then double knife and fork generally '202.93': that's how you know it's posh that is he '204.85': knows posh the rule is you start from '206.8': the outside and work in right but you '209.68': know I learnt that where you learn that '21.47': the bucket list of train journeys to do '211.3': Buckingham Palace no watching pretty '213.25': woman quite quickly quicker than I '217.39': expected '217.95': don't start as it turned up now but the '221.17': thing is I learned from many years ago '224.08': hours of wedding photographer there's '225.73': one thing I've learned there's a really '226.93': bad photos of wedding of those of people '228.85': eating their food it's almost impossible '231.37': to make a good video of somebody eating '234.45': food because nobody really wants to see '235.86': food being shoveled into someone's mouth '238.099': so here's a shot of the outside whilst I '24.55': we spoke to read the whale from amen '241.68': am a starter '250.65': and employs two full-time chefs and six '253.989': premier hosts the chef's cook everything '256.419': from scratch '257.38': nothing is pre prepaid and they make it '259.989': all on the train and basically Mitchell '263.74': in Stan's service on a traveling Buffy '266.05': everything is either Welsh produce or '267.94': Welsh thing so you have like the '269.86': mortgage of crabs you'll have Welsh like '27.38': sure come along so do you want to go and '271.96': rack of lamb you'll have Welsh howl '275.59': Welsh rarebit everything is Welsh Welsh '278.32': team and well-sourced which is what is '280.65': part of the thing that we're trying to '282.49': promote on this train chef's burger week '284.229': on week off and the hostess is all livid '286.99': Holly hey that work done then they have '289.03': there's a break room they've got done in '290.47': Campton for roughly six hours a day and '292.449': then they work back the reason we do '294.639': that ways because of the logistics '296.169': because otherwise you'd have to have '297.76': someone from Cardiff going up some for '299.889': the evening shift but then you couldn't '30.68': ride the post train - Holly head and '301.63': get them back to Canada because '302.77': obviously the journey is a five-hour '304.21': journey we've got people chomping at the '306.639': bit to come and work on you '316.7': do something really cuddly '32.54': have dinner '320.36': do not just try a bit of each other's '323.61': food you wanna do that thing where like '324.6': what couples do that they swap plates '328.78': since I was just being told '334.949': Neville's that nobody means any honest '337.09': if you were leaving a TripAdvisor yeah '338.53': what would you say but where are we by '340.27': the way 5 blobbs their blobs they're not '343.96': stars are they equivalent there's really '346.509': good the fish was really nice cooked '348.729': rating that the sauce was great it was '350.59': already good I mean I don't have the '352.69': words that's the right words it was '355.0': delicious '355.599': how do all this melodies '359.21': I know it's not proper dining experience '361.039': I'm just compelled to get mainly does it '363.44': get to manually I'm gonna when this goes '366.83': when this is no longer possible because '369.97': units I will miss that the handle plan '375.02': the window it's the best '392.419': when we plan this a few weeks ago we '394.86': spoke to the very nice social media team '396.69': adit had our evil eyes and then a couple '399.21': days beforehand they said oh by the way '4.27': I love it love when you say that for '400.62': when you get on the train our managing '402.75': director is going to be on the train so '404.669': right by fluke because it you're not '406.56': here deliberately don't someone else '409.86': this is from joining us and you are the '411.509': managing director of a revived good '413.009': evening enjoying the Gerald straight '416.31': away do you know why it's called the '418.62': Gerald get off Gerald the violence could '420.479': you could you time he was a friar he was '425.13': but something like 12th century okay for '429.55': me I love it because it's had the '432.31': essence of a proper train it's a loco '434.289': it's fantastic like what why do you love '436.81': it fantastic furs all good from fresh '440.59': yes all Welsh Dodgers got a share the '443.5': amazing Bailey '444.86': fantastic colleagues - yes sir do a '448.099': fantastic job and you '451.84': beautiful parts of the United Kingdom '453.43': what else Wales 51 so what we were '458.02': chatting our dessert arrived so I went '460.3': for the apple pie which is '466.56': you said never film people eating and I '468.78': offer amazing '478.11': so there's a regular bucket area but the '481.33': business business area is up eh '486.76': this reminds me of one of my favorite '488.77': trains well I've made it this look at my '490.12': new favorite drink my morning my '491.44': favorite journeys right now it's the '492.61': class 90 out of London Liverpool Street '494.77': at the Norwich where you get a similar '496.81': thing where there's a buckling in sort '499.45': of bring you food in first class but '501.34': it's a I'd like walking up the buff fair '503.47': like that and down here stand apart but '507.52': even a standard class is nice my seats '509.8': table power socket you know talking '514.12': about ticket it's not meant to get in '517.89': the Sun is slowly setting '526.01': twisted on the train it's a 22-8 '528.92': sunbathing I've been given tea and '531.38': coffee and gin yep Cheers '541.54': I think it's good let's clearly Arriva '544.87': her looked after us but it's good we're '549.91': five minutes down Gary what happened to '55.96': a little bit of full disclosure we just '552.4': which the late the trains late can I get '555.46': a delay we paid off of you do you '557.65': personally hand out cash every minute '559.72': that we're late son '574.199': just think I haven't prepped going for '579.04': this I've no idea he's up for it I think '58.27': basically said can we get an on training '580.389': he'll be up for it out of all it is '582.79': Gareth out of all the services you do '585.79': it's so you to accost Aberystwyth you do '588.1': up to crew and Chester do down to Carnot '59.59': they weren't sure I'm getting tickets '590.319': burning and burning is this one of your '592.209': favorite turns shift what do you love '594.88': that shift tell us why you love the '596.98': Gerald and it's just different for '6.7': back in Wales and when we made through '600.13': everything else we use you have to make '601.36': sure that you wits are about you have to '602.889': concentrate you've got the first class '605.41': which brings a different breed of '607.389': character really yeah yeah the first '609.91': pass on the one five eighths then you '61.989': but we're just going to write it and see '611.38': know this the only at Reaver this is the '614.589': only real service that has a one that's '616.329': supposed to pass one it should point out '617.5': your business business I didn't think '619.99': about that or other '621.19': Arriva Trains a standard class only yes '631.38': and suddenly hey it's just the two of us '635.54': I'm gonna drink my coffee before it gets '637.86': cold '638.19': I've got I've got wine in G an annotated '639.96': gene and a T all the drinks '65.71': what happens Nikki needs food also I '651.98': made it Tipler business junction you get '654.53': the name down your guard '655.37': Oh son didn't spend upload and then '659.77': we've been here before many a time let's '663.89': see the train out and we'll there we '666.2': should sit and ponder our our faults '686.18': what other I don't know good evening '689.72': rush we're at thundered no junction in '693.05': the junction I just want to say really '695.66': comfortable seats love the fact that '698.03': it's a proper train and also in good '702.53': company and also with fine dining the '704.33': time flew by and we've been on a train '706.7': for felt like in fact like an hour four '711.14': and a half hours and it felt like an '713.3': hour yeah / - Vicki did tell me how much '716.06': she felt of the food it was genuinely '719.12': and it's really difficult because you '72.159': have no idea of what type of train is '720.5': know so but it was genuinely so good '728.18': like it was delicious food everything '73.479': going to be you know how I don't write '732.56': was delicious '733.49': and I really like that they have tried '736.58': to gain lots of Welsh yeah for juice as '738.83': well it's really nice when you go '740.15': somewhere different to get like locally '742.34': sourced F which is really really cool it '744.2': was just amazing we put it a few tweets '746.45': about this our friend Martin that some '748.31': of you may know how to apply it saying '749.84': how I've always wanted to like come and '75.25': down hoping good place set all the way '751.28': do this and Martin you should and the '752.63': point is so should everybody else this '753.98': is like one of those sort of unique '755.24': railway experiences of which there's '757.58': only a few left of in Britain like there '759.95': like this leaf place rather than I ever '761.3': want to do the sleeper it's nice it's a '762.98': nice it's a great experience '764.75': okay so wait well there we go good and '771.01': you get that way by going okay '78.159': all the way the Holyhead '791.86': which is probably stopped now '9.04': Wales last year a lot of people said to '92.84': it's a proper train with the proper door '95.82': and proper proper I doesn't move proper
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, "Moncloa station headhouse" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, "Moncloa (Madrid Metro) [SEP] Moncloa station headhouse" ], "context_page_description": [ "Это список всех существующих, находящихся в строительстве и запланированных станций Мадридского метрополитена.", "Moncloa is a multimodal station in Madrid, Spain that serves Madrid Metro Line 3 and Line 6, as well as city buses and intercity and long-distance coaches. It is located underneath Moncloa square and Princesa street near Arco de la Victoria and the headquarters of the Spanish Air Force in fare Zone A." ], "context_section_description": [ null, "Moncloa is a multimodal station in Madrid, Spain that serves Madrid Metro Line 3 and Line 6, as well as city buses and intercity and long-distance coaches. It is located underneath Moncloa square and Princesa street near Arco de la Victoria and the headquarters of the Spanish Air Force in fare Zone A." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Список станций Мадридского метрополитена / Список станций / Линия 6", "Moncloa (Madrid Metro)" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true ], "language": [ "ru", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true ], "page_title": [ "Список станций Мадридского метрополитена", "Moncloa (Madrid Metro)" ], "page_url": [ "", "" ], "section_title": [ "Линия 6", null ] }
The Cardiff to Holyhead 'Gerald' Dining Train
There's a Premier Service train running between Cardiff and Holyhead at breakfast and dinnertime. We were invited to go ride the evening service, and experience one of the few dining trains that run in Britain. Named '“Y Gerallt Gymro" (Gerald of Wales) the namesake was a 12th Century clergyman and historian who roamed far and wide - this service does just that. This was filmed in September 2018 when the franchise was still Arriva Trains Wales. A few weeks later, it changed to Transport for Wales Rail Services operated by KeolisAmey Wales Cymru. The Dining 'Gerald' Train still run and hasn't changed. It's officially known as 'The Premier Service' : Guardian Article : TrainLine (Tim Dunn) Blog : Thanks hugely to ArrivaTW (Now Transport for Wales) for having us along!
'10.719': us all you should get like they could at '101.46': slightly sorry '105.32': don't say that our context people moving '12.7': the Gerald the dining train yet they '125.81': another guard will take over and take '128.22': you up along the North Wales coast '129.45': towards Holly head with wigging out rear '132.84': of the Train today you'll find the '134.34': buffet car '135.239': they've got hot drinks cold drinks '137.43': snacks and delicious cooked evening '14.86': said '140.22': meals since is Friday and we will finish '143.13': work and there these how alcohol as well '144.95': by all means make your way along to the '147.15': window make a purchase alternatively you '149.489': can upgrade to a business class seat '15.889': it runs between Holly head and Cardiff '150.87': where the meal is included '155.17': this is the menu I feel like I have to '158.17': go for '160.42': main course that has the Welsh rarebit '162.43': and can't not come to Wales and try some '166.0': traditional Welsh food '168.13': is in well so is it's it's bilingual so '17.72': in the morning card at the Holly head '171.64': you've got English and Welsh but don't '173.44': get me to say in Welsh '174.58': what's interesting on the front and back '176.86': is that the in the pictures they've kind '179.47': of showed the journey that it takes so '181.39': you put images across your journey '184.69': starting in Hannie head going through '187.42': and then not see this just the bay in '19.34': and evenings we always put it on out for '190.6': Cardiff '193.39': say it's a nice menu and you've got nice '196.03': ball place mats and the deserve Ian and '198.25': then double knife and fork generally '202.93': that's how you know it's posh that is he '204.85': knows posh the rule is you start from '206.8': the outside and work in right but you '209.68': know I learnt that where you learn that '21.47': the bucket list of train journeys to do '211.3': Buckingham Palace no watching pretty '213.25': woman quite quickly quicker than I '217.39': expected '217.95': don't start as it turned up now but the '221.17': thing is I learned from many years ago '224.08': hours of wedding photographer there's '225.73': one thing I've learned there's a really '226.93': bad photos of wedding of those of people '228.85': eating their food it's almost impossible '231.37': to make a good video of somebody eating '234.45': food because nobody really wants to see '235.86': food being shoveled into someone's mouth '238.099': so here's a shot of the outside whilst I '24.55': we spoke to read the whale from amen '241.68': am a starter '250.65': and employs two full-time chefs and six '253.989': premier hosts the chef's cook everything '256.419': from scratch '257.38': nothing is pre prepaid and they make it '259.989': all on the train and basically Mitchell '263.74': in Stan's service on a traveling Buffy '266.05': everything is either Welsh produce or '267.94': Welsh thing so you have like the '269.86': mortgage of crabs you'll have Welsh like '27.38': sure come along so do you want to go and '271.96': rack of lamb you'll have Welsh howl '275.59': Welsh rarebit everything is Welsh Welsh '278.32': team and well-sourced which is what is '280.65': part of the thing that we're trying to '282.49': promote on this train chef's burger week '284.229': on week off and the hostess is all livid '286.99': Holly hey that work done then they have '289.03': there's a break room they've got done in '290.47': Campton for roughly six hours a day and '292.449': then they work back the reason we do '294.639': that ways because of the logistics '296.169': because otherwise you'd have to have '297.76': someone from Cardiff going up some for '299.889': the evening shift but then you couldn't '30.68': ride the post train - Holly head and '301.63': get them back to Canada because '302.77': obviously the journey is a five-hour '304.21': journey we've got people chomping at the '306.639': bit to come and work on you '316.7': do something really cuddly '32.54': have dinner '320.36': do not just try a bit of each other's '323.61': food you wanna do that thing where like '324.6': what couples do that they swap plates '328.78': since I was just being told '334.949': Neville's that nobody means any honest '337.09': if you were leaving a TripAdvisor yeah '338.53': what would you say but where are we by '340.27': the way 5 blobbs their blobs they're not '343.96': stars are they equivalent there's really '346.509': good the fish was really nice cooked '348.729': rating that the sauce was great it was '350.59': already good I mean I don't have the '352.69': words that's the right words it was '355.0': delicious '355.599': how do all this melodies '359.21': I know it's not proper dining experience '361.039': I'm just compelled to get mainly does it '363.44': get to manually I'm gonna when this goes '366.83': when this is no longer possible because '369.97': units I will miss that the handle plan '375.02': the window it's the best '392.419': when we plan this a few weeks ago we '394.86': spoke to the very nice social media team '396.69': adit had our evil eyes and then a couple '399.21': days beforehand they said oh by the way '4.27': I love it love when you say that for '400.62': when you get on the train our managing '402.75': director is going to be on the train so '404.669': right by fluke because it you're not '406.56': here deliberately don't someone else '409.86': this is from joining us and you are the '411.509': managing director of a revived good '413.009': evening enjoying the Gerald straight '416.31': away do you know why it's called the '418.62': Gerald get off Gerald the violence could '420.479': you could you time he was a friar he was '425.13': but something like 12th century okay for '429.55': me I love it because it's had the '432.31': essence of a proper train it's a loco '434.289': it's fantastic like what why do you love '436.81': it fantastic furs all good from fresh '440.59': yes all Welsh Dodgers got a share the '443.5': amazing Bailey '444.86': fantastic colleagues - yes sir do a '448.099': fantastic job and you '451.84': beautiful parts of the United Kingdom '453.43': what else Wales 51 so what we were '458.02': chatting our dessert arrived so I went '460.3': for the apple pie which is '466.56': you said never film people eating and I '468.78': offer amazing '478.11': so there's a regular bucket area but the '481.33': business business area is up eh '486.76': this reminds me of one of my favorite '488.77': trains well I've made it this look at my '490.12': new favorite drink my morning my '491.44': favorite journeys right now it's the '492.61': class 90 out of London Liverpool Street '494.77': at the Norwich where you get a similar '496.81': thing where there's a buckling in sort '499.45': of bring you food in first class but '501.34': it's a I'd like walking up the buff fair '503.47': like that and down here stand apart but '507.52': even a standard class is nice my seats '509.8': table power socket you know talking '514.12': about ticket it's not meant to get in '517.89': the Sun is slowly setting '526.01': twisted on the train it's a 22-8 '528.92': sunbathing I've been given tea and '531.38': coffee and gin yep Cheers '541.54': I think it's good let's clearly Arriva '544.87': her looked after us but it's good we're '549.91': five minutes down Gary what happened to '55.96': a little bit of full disclosure we just '552.4': which the late the trains late can I get '555.46': a delay we paid off of you do you '557.65': personally hand out cash every minute '559.72': that we're late son '574.199': just think I haven't prepped going for '579.04': this I've no idea he's up for it I think '58.27': basically said can we get an on training '580.389': he'll be up for it out of all it is '582.79': Gareth out of all the services you do '585.79': it's so you to accost Aberystwyth you do '588.1': up to crew and Chester do down to Carnot '59.59': they weren't sure I'm getting tickets '590.319': burning and burning is this one of your '592.209': favorite turns shift what do you love '594.88': that shift tell us why you love the '596.98': Gerald and it's just different for '6.7': back in Wales and when we made through '600.13': everything else we use you have to make '601.36': sure that you wits are about you have to '602.889': concentrate you've got the first class '605.41': which brings a different breed of '607.389': character really yeah yeah the first '609.91': pass on the one five eighths then you '61.989': but we're just going to write it and see '611.38': know this the only at Reaver this is the '614.589': only real service that has a one that's '616.329': supposed to pass one it should point out '617.5': your business business I didn't think '619.99': about that or other '621.19': Arriva Trains a standard class only yes '631.38': and suddenly hey it's just the two of us '635.54': I'm gonna drink my coffee before it gets '637.86': cold '638.19': I've got I've got wine in G an annotated '639.96': gene and a T all the drinks '65.71': what happens Nikki needs food also I '651.98': made it Tipler business junction you get '654.53': the name down your guard '655.37': Oh son didn't spend upload and then '659.77': we've been here before many a time let's '663.89': see the train out and we'll there we '666.2': should sit and ponder our our faults '686.18': what other I don't know good evening '689.72': rush we're at thundered no junction in '693.05': the junction I just want to say really '695.66': comfortable seats love the fact that '698.03': it's a proper train and also in good '702.53': company and also with fine dining the '704.33': time flew by and we've been on a train '706.7': for felt like in fact like an hour four '711.14': and a half hours and it felt like an '713.3': hour yeah / - Vicki did tell me how much '716.06': she felt of the food it was genuinely '719.12': and it's really difficult because you '72.159': have no idea of what type of train is '720.5': know so but it was genuinely so good '728.18': like it was delicious food everything '73.479': going to be you know how I don't write '732.56': was delicious '733.49': and I really like that they have tried '736.58': to gain lots of Welsh yeah for juice as '738.83': well it's really nice when you go '740.15': somewhere different to get like locally '742.34': sourced F which is really really cool it '744.2': was just amazing we put it a few tweets '746.45': about this our friend Martin that some '748.31': of you may know how to apply it saying '749.84': how I've always wanted to like come and '75.25': down hoping good place set all the way '751.28': do this and Martin you should and the '752.63': point is so should everybody else this '753.98': is like one of those sort of unique '755.24': railway experiences of which there's '757.58': only a few left of in Britain like there '759.95': like this leaf place rather than I ever '761.3': want to do the sleeper it's nice it's a '762.98': nice it's a great experience '764.75': okay so wait well there we go good and '771.01': you get that way by going okay '78.159': all the way the Holyhead '791.86': which is probably stopped now '9.04': Wales last year a lot of people said to '92.84': it's a proper train with the proper door '95.82': and proper proper I doesn't move proper
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, "Moncloa station headhouse" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, "Moncloa (Madrid Metro) [SEP] Moncloa station headhouse" ], "context_page_description": [ "Это список всех существующих, находящихся в строительстве и запланированных станций Мадридского метрополитена.", "Moncloa is a multimodal station in Madrid, Spain that serves Madrid Metro Line 3 and Line 6, as well as city buses and intercity and long-distance coaches. It is located underneath Moncloa square and Princesa street near Arco de la Victoria and the headquarters of the Spanish Air Force in fare Zone A." ], "context_section_description": [ null, "Moncloa is a multimodal station in Madrid, Spain that serves Madrid Metro Line 3 and Line 6, as well as city buses and intercity and long-distance coaches. It is located underneath Moncloa square and Princesa street near Arco de la Victoria and the headquarters of the Spanish Air Force in fare Zone A." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Список станций Мадридского метрополитена / Список станций / Линия 6", "Moncloa (Madrid Metro)" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true ], "language": [ "ru", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true ], "page_title": [ "Список станций Мадридского метрополитена", "Moncloa (Madrid Metro)" ], "page_url": [ "", "" ], "section_title": [ "Линия 6", null ] }
The Cardiff to Holyhead 'Gerald' Dining Train
There's a Premier Service train running between Cardiff and Holyhead at breakfast and dinnertime. We were invited to go ride the evening service, and experience one of the few dining trains that run in Britain. Named '“Y Gerallt Gymro" (Gerald of Wales) the namesake was a 12th Century clergyman and historian who roamed far and wide - this service does just that. This was filmed in September 2018 when the franchise was still Arriva Trains Wales. A few weeks later, it changed to Transport for Wales Rail Services operated by KeolisAmey Wales Cymru. The Dining 'Gerald' Train still run and hasn't changed. It's officially known as 'The Premier Service' : Guardian Article : TrainLine (Tim Dunn) Blog : Thanks hugely to ArrivaTW (Now Transport for Wales) for having us along!
'10.719': us all you should get like they could at '101.46': slightly sorry '105.32': don't say that our context people moving '12.7': the Gerald the dining train yet they '125.81': another guard will take over and take '128.22': you up along the North Wales coast '129.45': towards Holly head with wigging out rear '132.84': of the Train today you'll find the '134.34': buffet car '135.239': they've got hot drinks cold drinks '137.43': snacks and delicious cooked evening '14.86': said '140.22': meals since is Friday and we will finish '143.13': work and there these how alcohol as well '144.95': by all means make your way along to the '147.15': window make a purchase alternatively you '149.489': can upgrade to a business class seat '15.889': it runs between Holly head and Cardiff '150.87': where the meal is included '155.17': this is the menu I feel like I have to '158.17': go for '160.42': main course that has the Welsh rarebit '162.43': and can't not come to Wales and try some '166.0': traditional Welsh food '168.13': is in well so is it's it's bilingual so '17.72': in the morning card at the Holly head '171.64': you've got English and Welsh but don't '173.44': get me to say in Welsh '174.58': what's interesting on the front and back '176.86': is that the in the pictures they've kind '179.47': of showed the journey that it takes so '181.39': you put images across your journey '184.69': starting in Hannie head going through '187.42': and then not see this just the bay in '19.34': and evenings we always put it on out for '190.6': Cardiff '193.39': say it's a nice menu and you've got nice '196.03': ball place mats and the deserve Ian and '198.25': then double knife and fork generally '202.93': that's how you know it's posh that is he '204.85': knows posh the rule is you start from '206.8': the outside and work in right but you '209.68': know I learnt that where you learn that '21.47': the bucket list of train journeys to do '211.3': Buckingham Palace no watching pretty '213.25': woman quite quickly quicker than I '217.39': expected '217.95': don't start as it turned up now but the '221.17': thing is I learned from many years ago '224.08': hours of wedding photographer there's '225.73': one thing I've learned there's a really '226.93': bad photos of wedding of those of people '228.85': eating their food it's almost impossible '231.37': to make a good video of somebody eating '234.45': food because nobody really wants to see '235.86': food being shoveled into someone's mouth '238.099': so here's a shot of the outside whilst I '24.55': we spoke to read the whale from amen '241.68': am a starter '250.65': and employs two full-time chefs and six '253.989': premier hosts the chef's cook everything '256.419': from scratch '257.38': nothing is pre prepaid and they make it '259.989': all on the train and basically Mitchell '263.74': in Stan's service on a traveling Buffy '266.05': everything is either Welsh produce or '267.94': Welsh thing so you have like the '269.86': mortgage of crabs you'll have Welsh like '27.38': sure come along so do you want to go and '271.96': rack of lamb you'll have Welsh howl '275.59': Welsh rarebit everything is Welsh Welsh '278.32': team and well-sourced which is what is '280.65': part of the thing that we're trying to '282.49': promote on this train chef's burger week '284.229': on week off and the hostess is all livid '286.99': Holly hey that work done then they have '289.03': there's a break room they've got done in '290.47': Campton for roughly six hours a day and '292.449': then they work back the reason we do '294.639': that ways because of the logistics '296.169': because otherwise you'd have to have '297.76': someone from Cardiff going up some for '299.889': the evening shift but then you couldn't '30.68': ride the post train - Holly head and '301.63': get them back to Canada because '302.77': obviously the journey is a five-hour '304.21': journey we've got people chomping at the '306.639': bit to come and work on you '316.7': do something really cuddly '32.54': have dinner '320.36': do not just try a bit of each other's '323.61': food you wanna do that thing where like '324.6': what couples do that they swap plates '328.78': since I was just being told '334.949': Neville's that nobody means any honest '337.09': if you were leaving a TripAdvisor yeah '338.53': what would you say but where are we by '340.27': the way 5 blobbs their blobs they're not '343.96': stars are they equivalent there's really '346.509': good the fish was really nice cooked '348.729': rating that the sauce was great it was '350.59': already good I mean I don't have the '352.69': words that's the right words it was '355.0': delicious '355.599': how do all this melodies '359.21': I know it's not proper dining experience '361.039': I'm just compelled to get mainly does it '363.44': get to manually I'm gonna when this goes '366.83': when this is no longer possible because '369.97': units I will miss that the handle plan '375.02': the window it's the best '392.419': when we plan this a few weeks ago we '394.86': spoke to the very nice social media team '396.69': adit had our evil eyes and then a couple '399.21': days beforehand they said oh by the way '4.27': I love it love when you say that for '400.62': when you get on the train our managing '402.75': director is going to be on the train so '404.669': right by fluke because it you're not '406.56': here deliberately don't someone else '409.86': this is from joining us and you are the '411.509': managing director of a revived good '413.009': evening enjoying the Gerald straight '416.31': away do you know why it's called the '418.62': Gerald get off Gerald the violence could '420.479': you could you time he was a friar he was '425.13': but something like 12th century okay for '429.55': me I love it because it's had the '432.31': essence of a proper train it's a loco '434.289': it's fantastic like what why do you love '436.81': it fantastic furs all good from fresh '440.59': yes all Welsh Dodgers got a share the '443.5': amazing Bailey '444.86': fantastic colleagues - yes sir do a '448.099': fantastic job and you '451.84': beautiful parts of the United Kingdom '453.43': what else Wales 51 so what we were '458.02': chatting our dessert arrived so I went '460.3': for the apple pie which is '466.56': you said never film people eating and I '468.78': offer amazing '478.11': so there's a regular bucket area but the '481.33': business business area is up eh '486.76': this reminds me of one of my favorite '488.77': trains well I've made it this look at my '490.12': new favorite drink my morning my '491.44': favorite journeys right now it's the '492.61': class 90 out of London Liverpool Street '494.77': at the Norwich where you get a similar '496.81': thing where there's a buckling in sort '499.45': of bring you food in first class but '501.34': it's a I'd like walking up the buff fair '503.47': like that and down here stand apart but '507.52': even a standard class is nice my seats '509.8': table power socket you know talking '514.12': about ticket it's not meant to get in '517.89': the Sun is slowly setting '526.01': twisted on the train it's a 22-8 '528.92': sunbathing I've been given tea and '531.38': coffee and gin yep Cheers '541.54': I think it's good let's clearly Arriva '544.87': her looked after us but it's good we're '549.91': five minutes down Gary what happened to '55.96': a little bit of full disclosure we just '552.4': which the late the trains late can I get '555.46': a delay we paid off of you do you '557.65': personally hand out cash every minute '559.72': that we're late son '574.199': just think I haven't prepped going for '579.04': this I've no idea he's up for it I think '58.27': basically said can we get an on training '580.389': he'll be up for it out of all it is '582.79': Gareth out of all the services you do '585.79': it's so you to accost Aberystwyth you do '588.1': up to crew and Chester do down to Carnot '59.59': they weren't sure I'm getting tickets '590.319': burning and burning is this one of your '592.209': favorite turns shift what do you love '594.88': that shift tell us why you love the '596.98': Gerald and it's just different for '6.7': back in Wales and when we made through '600.13': everything else we use you have to make '601.36': sure that you wits are about you have to '602.889': concentrate you've got the first class '605.41': which brings a different breed of '607.389': character really yeah yeah the first '609.91': pass on the one five eighths then you '61.989': but we're just going to write it and see '611.38': know this the only at Reaver this is the '614.589': only real service that has a one that's '616.329': supposed to pass one it should point out '617.5': your business business I didn't think '619.99': about that or other '621.19': Arriva Trains a standard class only yes '631.38': and suddenly hey it's just the two of us '635.54': I'm gonna drink my coffee before it gets '637.86': cold '638.19': I've got I've got wine in G an annotated '639.96': gene and a T all the drinks '65.71': what happens Nikki needs food also I '651.98': made it Tipler business junction you get '654.53': the name down your guard '655.37': Oh son didn't spend upload and then '659.77': we've been here before many a time let's '663.89': see the train out and we'll there we '666.2': should sit and ponder our our faults '686.18': what other I don't know good evening '689.72': rush we're at thundered no junction in '693.05': the junction I just want to say really '695.66': comfortable seats love the fact that '698.03': it's a proper train and also in good '702.53': company and also with fine dining the '704.33': time flew by and we've been on a train '706.7': for felt like in fact like an hour four '711.14': and a half hours and it felt like an '713.3': hour yeah / - Vicki did tell me how much '716.06': she felt of the food it was genuinely '719.12': and it's really difficult because you '72.159': have no idea of what type of train is '720.5': know so but it was genuinely so good '728.18': like it was delicious food everything '73.479': going to be you know how I don't write '732.56': was delicious '733.49': and I really like that they have tried '736.58': to gain lots of Welsh yeah for juice as '738.83': well it's really nice when you go '740.15': somewhere different to get like locally '742.34': sourced F which is really really cool it '744.2': was just amazing we put it a few tweets '746.45': about this our friend Martin that some '748.31': of you may know how to apply it saying '749.84': how I've always wanted to like come and '75.25': down hoping good place set all the way '751.28': do this and Martin you should and the '752.63': point is so should everybody else this '753.98': is like one of those sort of unique '755.24': railway experiences of which there's '757.58': only a few left of in Britain like there '759.95': like this leaf place rather than I ever '761.3': want to do the sleeper it's nice it's a '762.98': nice it's a great experience '764.75': okay so wait well there we go good and '771.01': you get that way by going okay '78.159': all the way the Holyhead '791.86': which is probably stopped now '9.04': Wales last year a lot of people said to '92.84': it's a proper train with the proper door '95.82': and proper proper I doesn't move proper
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, "Moncloa station headhouse" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, "Moncloa (Madrid Metro) [SEP] Moncloa station headhouse" ], "context_page_description": [ "Это список всех существующих, находящихся в строительстве и запланированных станций Мадридского метрополитена.", "Moncloa is a multimodal station in Madrid, Spain that serves Madrid Metro Line 3 and Line 6, as well as city buses and intercity and long-distance coaches. It is located underneath Moncloa square and Princesa street near Arco de la Victoria and the headquarters of the Spanish Air Force in fare Zone A." ], "context_section_description": [ null, "Moncloa is a multimodal station in Madrid, Spain that serves Madrid Metro Line 3 and Line 6, as well as city buses and intercity and long-distance coaches. It is located underneath Moncloa square and Princesa street near Arco de la Victoria and the headquarters of the Spanish Air Force in fare Zone A." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Список станций Мадридского метрополитена / Список станций / Линия 6", "Moncloa (Madrid Metro)" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true ], "language": [ "ru", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true ], "page_title": [ "Список станций Мадридского метрополитена", "Moncloa (Madrid Metro)" ], "page_url": [ "", "" ], "section_title": [ "Линия 6", null ] }
The Cardiff to Holyhead 'Gerald' Dining Train
There's a Premier Service train running between Cardiff and Holyhead at breakfast and dinnertime. We were invited to go ride the evening service, and experience one of the few dining trains that run in Britain. Named '“Y Gerallt Gymro" (Gerald of Wales) the namesake was a 12th Century clergyman and historian who roamed far and wide - this service does just that. This was filmed in September 2018 when the franchise was still Arriva Trains Wales. A few weeks later, it changed to Transport for Wales Rail Services operated by KeolisAmey Wales Cymru. The Dining 'Gerald' Train still run and hasn't changed. It's officially known as 'The Premier Service' : Guardian Article : TrainLine (Tim Dunn) Blog : Thanks hugely to ArrivaTW (Now Transport for Wales) for having us along!
'10.719': us all you should get like they could at '101.46': slightly sorry '105.32': don't say that our context people moving '12.7': the Gerald the dining train yet they '125.81': another guard will take over and take '128.22': you up along the North Wales coast '129.45': towards Holly head with wigging out rear '132.84': of the Train today you'll find the '134.34': buffet car '135.239': they've got hot drinks cold drinks '137.43': snacks and delicious cooked evening '14.86': said '140.22': meals since is Friday and we will finish '143.13': work and there these how alcohol as well '144.95': by all means make your way along to the '147.15': window make a purchase alternatively you '149.489': can upgrade to a business class seat '15.889': it runs between Holly head and Cardiff '150.87': where the meal is included '155.17': this is the menu I feel like I have to '158.17': go for '160.42': main course that has the Welsh rarebit '162.43': and can't not come to Wales and try some '166.0': traditional Welsh food '168.13': is in well so is it's it's bilingual so '17.72': in the morning card at the Holly head '171.64': you've got English and Welsh but don't '173.44': get me to say in Welsh '174.58': what's interesting on the front and back '176.86': is that the in the pictures they've kind '179.47': of showed the journey that it takes so '181.39': you put images across your journey '184.69': starting in Hannie head going through '187.42': and then not see this just the bay in '19.34': and evenings we always put it on out for '190.6': Cardiff '193.39': say it's a nice menu and you've got nice '196.03': ball place mats and the deserve Ian and '198.25': then double knife and fork generally '202.93': that's how you know it's posh that is he '204.85': knows posh the rule is you start from '206.8': the outside and work in right but you '209.68': know I learnt that where you learn that '21.47': the bucket list of train journeys to do '211.3': Buckingham Palace no watching pretty '213.25': woman quite quickly quicker than I '217.39': expected '217.95': don't start as it turned up now but the '221.17': thing is I learned from many years ago '224.08': hours of wedding photographer there's '225.73': one thing I've learned there's a really '226.93': bad photos of wedding of those of people '228.85': eating their food it's almost impossible '231.37': to make a good video of somebody eating '234.45': food because nobody really wants to see '235.86': food being shoveled into someone's mouth '238.099': so here's a shot of the outside whilst I '24.55': we spoke to read the whale from amen '241.68': am a starter '250.65': and employs two full-time chefs and six '253.989': premier hosts the chef's cook everything '256.419': from scratch '257.38': nothing is pre prepaid and they make it '259.989': all on the train and basically Mitchell '263.74': in Stan's service on a traveling Buffy '266.05': everything is either Welsh produce or '267.94': Welsh thing so you have like the '269.86': mortgage of crabs you'll have Welsh like '27.38': sure come along so do you want to go and '271.96': rack of lamb you'll have Welsh howl '275.59': Welsh rarebit everything is Welsh Welsh '278.32': team and well-sourced which is what is '280.65': part of the thing that we're trying to '282.49': promote on this train chef's burger week '284.229': on week off and the hostess is all livid '286.99': Holly hey that work done then they have '289.03': there's a break room they've got done in '290.47': Campton for roughly six hours a day and '292.449': then they work back the reason we do '294.639': that ways because of the logistics '296.169': because otherwise you'd have to have '297.76': someone from Cardiff going up some for '299.889': the evening shift but then you couldn't '30.68': ride the post train - Holly head and '301.63': get them back to Canada because '302.77': obviously the journey is a five-hour '304.21': journey we've got people chomping at the '306.639': bit to come and work on you '316.7': do something really cuddly '32.54': have dinner '320.36': do not just try a bit of each other's '323.61': food you wanna do that thing where like '324.6': what couples do that they swap plates '328.78': since I was just being told '334.949': Neville's that nobody means any honest '337.09': if you were leaving a TripAdvisor yeah '338.53': what would you say but where are we by '340.27': the way 5 blobbs their blobs they're not '343.96': stars are they equivalent there's really '346.509': good the fish was really nice cooked '348.729': rating that the sauce was great it was '350.59': already good I mean I don't have the '352.69': words that's the right words it was '355.0': delicious '355.599': how do all this melodies '359.21': I know it's not proper dining experience '361.039': I'm just compelled to get mainly does it '363.44': get to manually I'm gonna when this goes '366.83': when this is no longer possible because '369.97': units I will miss that the handle plan '375.02': the window it's the best '392.419': when we plan this a few weeks ago we '394.86': spoke to the very nice social media team '396.69': adit had our evil eyes and then a couple '399.21': days beforehand they said oh by the way '4.27': I love it love when you say that for '400.62': when you get on the train our managing '402.75': director is going to be on the train so '404.669': right by fluke because it you're not '406.56': here deliberately don't someone else '409.86': this is from joining us and you are the '411.509': managing director of a revived good '413.009': evening enjoying the Gerald straight '416.31': away do you know why it's called the '418.62': Gerald get off Gerald the violence could '420.479': you could you time he was a friar he was '425.13': but something like 12th century okay for '429.55': me I love it because it's had the '432.31': essence of a proper train it's a loco '434.289': it's fantastic like what why do you love '436.81': it fantastic furs all good from fresh '440.59': yes all Welsh Dodgers got a share the '443.5': amazing Bailey '444.86': fantastic colleagues - yes sir do a '448.099': fantastic job and you '451.84': beautiful parts of the United Kingdom '453.43': what else Wales 51 so what we were '458.02': chatting our dessert arrived so I went '460.3': for the apple pie which is '466.56': you said never film people eating and I '468.78': offer amazing '478.11': so there's a regular bucket area but the '481.33': business business area is up eh '486.76': this reminds me of one of my favorite '488.77': trains well I've made it this look at my '490.12': new favorite drink my morning my '491.44': favorite journeys right now it's the '492.61': class 90 out of London Liverpool Street '494.77': at the Norwich where you get a similar '496.81': thing where there's a buckling in sort '499.45': of bring you food in first class but '501.34': it's a I'd like walking up the buff fair '503.47': like that and down here stand apart but '507.52': even a standard class is nice my seats '509.8': table power socket you know talking '514.12': about ticket it's not meant to get in '517.89': the Sun is slowly setting '526.01': twisted on the train it's a 22-8 '528.92': sunbathing I've been given tea and '531.38': coffee and gin yep Cheers '541.54': I think it's good let's clearly Arriva '544.87': her looked after us but it's good we're '549.91': five minutes down Gary what happened to '55.96': a little bit of full disclosure we just '552.4': which the late the trains late can I get '555.46': a delay we paid off of you do you '557.65': personally hand out cash every minute '559.72': that we're late son '574.199': just think I haven't prepped going for '579.04': this I've no idea he's up for it I think '58.27': basically said can we get an on training '580.389': he'll be up for it out of all it is '582.79': Gareth out of all the services you do '585.79': it's so you to accost Aberystwyth you do '588.1': up to crew and Chester do down to Carnot '59.59': they weren't sure I'm getting tickets '590.319': burning and burning is this one of your '592.209': favorite turns shift what do you love '594.88': that shift tell us why you love the '596.98': Gerald and it's just different for '6.7': back in Wales and when we made through '600.13': everything else we use you have to make '601.36': sure that you wits are about you have to '602.889': concentrate you've got the first class '605.41': which brings a different breed of '607.389': character really yeah yeah the first '609.91': pass on the one five eighths then you '61.989': but we're just going to write it and see '611.38': know this the only at Reaver this is the '614.589': only real service that has a one that's '616.329': supposed to pass one it should point out '617.5': your business business I didn't think '619.99': about that or other '621.19': Arriva Trains a standard class only yes '631.38': and suddenly hey it's just the two of us '635.54': I'm gonna drink my coffee before it gets '637.86': cold '638.19': I've got I've got wine in G an annotated '639.96': gene and a T all the drinks '65.71': what happens Nikki needs food also I '651.98': made it Tipler business junction you get '654.53': the name down your guard '655.37': Oh son didn't spend upload and then '659.77': we've been here before many a time let's '663.89': see the train out and we'll there we '666.2': should sit and ponder our our faults '686.18': what other I don't know good evening '689.72': rush we're at thundered no junction in '693.05': the junction I just want to say really '695.66': comfortable seats love the fact that '698.03': it's a proper train and also in good '702.53': company and also with fine dining the '704.33': time flew by and we've been on a train '706.7': for felt like in fact like an hour four '711.14': and a half hours and it felt like an '713.3': hour yeah / - Vicki did tell me how much '716.06': she felt of the food it was genuinely '719.12': and it's really difficult because you '72.159': have no idea of what type of train is '720.5': know so but it was genuinely so good '728.18': like it was delicious food everything '73.479': going to be you know how I don't write '732.56': was delicious '733.49': and I really like that they have tried '736.58': to gain lots of Welsh yeah for juice as '738.83': well it's really nice when you go '740.15': somewhere different to get like locally '742.34': sourced F which is really really cool it '744.2': was just amazing we put it a few tweets '746.45': about this our friend Martin that some '748.31': of you may know how to apply it saying '749.84': how I've always wanted to like come and '75.25': down hoping good place set all the way '751.28': do this and Martin you should and the '752.63': point is so should everybody else this '753.98': is like one of those sort of unique '755.24': railway experiences of which there's '757.58': only a few left of in Britain like there '759.95': like this leaf place rather than I ever '761.3': want to do the sleeper it's nice it's a '762.98': nice it's a great experience '764.75': okay so wait well there we go good and '771.01': you get that way by going okay '78.159': all the way the Holyhead '791.86': which is probably stopped now '9.04': Wales last year a lot of people said to '92.84': it's a proper train with the proper door '95.82': and proper proper I doesn't move proper
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, "Lucie Myslivečková i Neil Brown na mistrzostwach Europy 2012", null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, null, null, "Луция с Нейлом Брауном в 2012 году.", null, "Brown with Myslivečková in 2012", "Myslivečkova and Brown at the 2012 European Championships" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "ニール・ブラウン [SEP] ", null, "Lucie Myslivečková [SEP] ", null, null, "Neil Brown (figure skater) [SEP] Brown with Myslivečková in 2012", "Lucie Myslivečková [SEP] Myslivečkova and Brown at the 2012 European Championships" ], "context_page_description": [ "ニール・ブラウンは、フランス出身の男性、チェコの元フィギュアスケート選手。パートナーはルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァーなど。", "Lucie Myslivečková er en slovakisk kunstløper.", "Lucie Myslivečková – czeska łyżwiarka figurowa reprezentująca Słowację, startująca w parach tanecznych z Lukášem Csölleyem. Uczestniczka igrzysk olimpijskich w Pjongczangu, uczestniczka mistrzostw Europy i świata, medalistka zawodów z cyklu Challenger Series, trzykrotna mistrzyni Czech oraz mistrzyni Słowacji. Zakończyła karierę amatorską 23 kwietnia 2018 roku.", "Лу́ция Мы́сливечкова — словацкая, ранее чешская фигуристка, выступающая в танцах на льду с лета 2016 года с Лукашем Цолли, с которым она двукратная чемпионка Словакии. Ранее в паре с Матеем Новаком — чемпионка Чехии 2011 и победительница международного турнира «Золотой конёк Загреба» 2011. Непродолжительное время выступала за Чехию с Нейлом Брауном.", "ルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァーは、チェコスロバキア出身の女性フィギュアスケート選手。パートナーはルカーシュ・チェーレイ、ニール・ブラウン、マチェイ・ノヴァークなど。", "Neil Brown is a French ice dancer. He competes with Lucie Myslivečková for the Czech Republic. Until 2010, he competed for France with various partners.", "Lucie Myslivečková is a Czech and Slovak former competitive ice dancer. Representing Slovakia with Lukáš Csölley, she competed at the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea. Earlier in her career, she represented the Czech Republic with Matěj Novák and Neil Brown. With Novák, she is the 2010 Golden Spin of Zagreb champion and the 2011 Czech national champion." ], "context_section_description": [ "ニール・ブラウン(フランス語: Neil Brown, 1990年3月11日 - )は、フランス出身の男性、チェコの元フィギュアスケート(アイスダンス)選手。パートナーはルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァーなど。", null, "Lucie Myslivečková (ur. 8 grudnia 1989 w Czeladnej) – czeska łyżwiarka figurowa reprezentująca Słowację, startująca w parach tanecznych z Lukášem Csölleyem. Uczestniczka igrzysk olimpijskich w Pjongczangu (2018), uczestniczka mistrzostw Europy i świata, medalistka zawodów z cyklu Challenger Series, trzykrotna mistrzyni Czech (2011, 2013, 2014) oraz mistrzyni Słowacji (2017). Zakończyła karierę amatorską 23 kwietnia 2018 roku.", null, null, "Neil Brown (born 11 March 1990) is a French ice dancer. He competes with Lucie Myslivečková for the Czech Republic. Until 2010, he competed for France with various partners.", null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "ニール・ブラウン", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Мысливечкова, Луция / Карьера", "ルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァー", "Neil Brown (figure skater)", "Lucie Myslivečková / Competitive highlights / With Brown for the Czech Republic" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "ja", "no", "pl", "ru", "ja", "en", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "ニール・ブラウン", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Мысливечкова, Луция", "ルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァー", "Neil Brown (figure skater)", "Lucie Myslivečková" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", ",_%D0%9B%D1%83%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null, "Карьера", null, null, "With Brown for the Czech Republic" ] }
The Smallest Woman in the World…
For copyright matters, please contact: Genetics can be a little bit of a lucky dip sometimes. But every now and then, this random DNA lottery can produce some truly spectacular people. Individuals blessed with skills and natural talents that defy understanding. Ready to meet the people who are one in a million? We do not claim these clips as our own. All credit goes to the rightful owners. If your clip was featured and you want it taken down, send us an e-mail explaining the situation and we'll resolve it. Links and sources: People who are one in a million in the world! Featuring the world's most unusual people on earth. You better check out these unusual and rare people with your own eyes.
'0.08': genetics can be a little bit of a lucky '10.88': natural talents that defy understanding '100.0': growing up the brothers worked in the '101.6': circus and it was there the previously '103.68': named victor '104.56': changed his name to larry after the main '106.32': character in the 1941 film the wolf man '108.96': larry would then move to the united '110.56': states and after a brief stint at the '112.32': venice beach freak show would enjoy '114.079': success in several hollywood productions '116.56': these days larry gomez enjoys a much '118.56': quieter life '119.36': he's been married has a son of his own '121.119': and runs a successful jumping castle '122.88': business '123.36': despite his brush with fame francisco '125.84': domingos joaquim '127.6': if you've got a secret that you need to '129.36': make sure never gets out '13.519': ready to meet the people who are one in '130.72': try not to tell francisco domingo '132.72': joaquim the man nicknamed the angolan '134.959': jalavah is officially recognized by the '137.12': guinness book of world records as having '138.879': the world's widest mouth francisco was '141.2': first noticed on the streets of the '142.48': anglin capital luanda popping cans in '145.12': and out of his mouth sidewards to the '146.8': amazement of passersby '148.4': researchers looking on youtube found '15.04': a million let's get it on '150.239': videos of the then 20 year old and '152.239': after two years of searching finally '154.08': tracked him down in angola to officially '156.08': measure francisco's mouth his 2010 '158.56': record of a 6.69 inch wide unstretched '161.519': mouth still stands today '163.12': and at the big mouth competition held in '165.12': rome contestants to this day '166.72': still can't match the angolan jaw of awe '17.039': gio tmg they say that good things come '172.879': for a while had the internet fooled '174.879': anyone who couldn't speak russian or '176.48': didn't know the tiny fighter's backstory '178.319': could be forgiven for thinking they were '179.92': watching an angry child '181.2': fronting up against the schoolyard enemy '183.04': it turns out hezbollah is actually 18 '185.44': years old and suffers from a form of '187.04': dwarfism '187.84': it resulted in the adult blogger from '189.599': dagestan looking and '190.959': sounding like a toddler with a tantrum '195.04': hezbollah shot to viral fame when '196.959': recreating the infamous khabib '198.72': nurmagomedov weigh in against conor '2.32': dip sometimes but every now and then '20.24': in small packages '200.8': mcgregor with fellow dwarf '202.239': abdul raziq from tajikistan earning him '204.72': the nickname '205.44': mini khabib hazbolla and abdu have been '207.76': teasing an mma showdown for a while now '21.359': india's very own pint-sized gio dmg is '210.239': a move that has been condemned by the '211.76': sports association of little people of '213.599': russia for being unethical '215.12': whether it happens or not we'll just '216.4': have to wait and see steven ludwig '219.36': steven ludwig has always had to struggle '221.599': the young boy from chapel hill in north '223.28': carolina was born with an extremely rare '225.68': bone '226.0': disorder called mafuchi syndrome a '228.0': disease characterized by abnormal bone '230.319': and cartilage growth in the body it's so '232.4': rare in fact that stephen is one of only '234.68': 150 known sufferers of the condition '237.439': worldwide throughout his childhood '239.28': ludwig's had to endure more than 30 '24.16': proof '241.2': surgeries to repair broken bones '243.28': transplant bone marrow and remove '245.2': painful spurs that's on top of years of '247.519': having to wear excruciating leg '249.439': lengthening braces and '250.879': fighting leukemia at the same time '253.04': steven credits his killer survival '254.959': instinct on his hero '256.239': the late kobe bryant who he got to meet '258.239': in 2007 at the nba all-stars his '26.72': that you can chase big dreams no matter '260.799': condition means that steven's left leg '262.72': and left arm are significantly shorter '264.639': than the other '265.36': a disability that not only hasn't slowed '267.52': him down in the slightest but has gifted '269.36': him some pretty awesome kicks as well '271.919': renson corlu bud mongolian-born rents in '275.12': corlu bud '275.919': or ren as her friends call her came from '277.919': a super tall family '279.36': her father measured in at six foot ten '28.88': your size she held the record for the '281.44': her mother six foot one '282.96': and as a child ren was already the same '285.52': height as her first grade teacher '287.28': that's five foot six as a six year old '289.44': the now 29 year old finally stopped '291.6': growing at an '292.32': intimidating six foot nine inches and '294.56': has since swapped her homeland '296.0': for the tall skyscrapers of chicago a '298.24': place she definitely feels more at home '30.8': world's shortest living teen before '300.479': ren officially owns the world's second '302.72': longest legs measuring '304.52': 52.18 inches from hip to heel this jaw '307.6': dropping height however does come with '309.44': its own '310.16': unique problems everything from needing '312.4': extra legroom in the car to finding a '314.4': pair of shoes that will fit her size u.s '316.32': 13 feet all the way to having to duck to '318.72': avoid doorways and ceiling fans on the '32.8': taking the crown of the world's shortest '320.72': daily '321.68': chef boy bones when chef boy bones '324.4': appeared on america's got talent the '326.16': world '326.56': wasn't quite ready for such an '328.32': eye-popping performance '329.68': chef's routine started off innocently '331.44': enough a slow-paced old-school '333.199': rap hook and some savvy crowd work but '335.36': then chef approached the judge's desk '337.12': with his eyeballs '338.08': extending out of their sockets '34.48': living and mobile woman on her 18th '342.08': my question is what the hell no one '343.84': cared that his lyrics were average at '345.52': best '346.0': sophia vergara instantly noped out but '348.32': the rest of the panel wanted to see '350.16': more ultimately the eye-catching '352.0': performer didn't make it to the agt '354.08': quarterfinals '356.72': but it hasn't stopped chef from '358.08': capitalizing on his talent since his '359.919': appearance bones has appeared in several '36.559': birthday '361.68': commercials '362.479': music video clips and tick tocks with '364.479': his intense eyes firmly set on the '366.56': limelight '367.759': huge yangshia girls all around the world '37.12': so just how small do you have to be '370.96': are envious of this next one in a '372.639': million '373.199': yuginxia from shanghai in china is the '375.759': official guinness world record holder '377.52': for the longest eyelashes '379.199': she claimed the title back in 2016 when '38.879': anyways to obtain the moniker of the '381.759': her eyelashes from her left upper eyelid '383.919': measured in at 4.8 inches '386.0': since then however used eyelashes have '388.0': continued to grow and at last count her '390.24': longest lash is now over 8 inches long '393.199': doctors and scientists haven't been able '395.039': to find a reason why used luscious '396.8': lashes keep growing there are no genetic '398.88': markers or disease and you is the only '4.319': this random dna lottery can produce some '40.64': world's smallest human '400.96': one in her family with the condition '402.72': despite all this you's embraced her '404.639': quirky look braiding her eyelashes and '406.72': pulling them back in a style that she '408.479': says replaces eyeliner and eye shadow '41.92': two feet and three-quarter inches to be '411.199': ayanna williams have you ever had an '413.599': itch that's difficult to scratch '415.199': it's a problem that ayanna williams '416.88': until very recently has never had '418.72': for over 28 years ayanna was growing her '421.44': fingernails '422.24': last cutting them in the early 90s '424.24': before they reached their record size of '426.4': 18 feet in 2018 '428.479': while they aren't the longest nails ever '43.92': exact up until the age of five giotti '430.319': to be grown for several years ayanna was '432.479': the reigning champ with the longest '434.08': nails still on a female hand the texan '436.319': local would spend days carefully '438.24': painting and manicuring her long nails '440.479': going through three to four bottles per '442.4': session but the longer they got the '444.24': harder it became for ayano to perform '446.319': even the simplest of tasks like washing '448.479': the dishes and making the bed '450.16': for this reason ayanna recently had her '452.24': nails finally clipped donating them to '454.4': ripley's believe it or not museum in '456.08': florida where her record will be '457.68': preserved forever '459.28': etibar el chev what makes a man '46.16': was average height for her age '462.16': attractive '462.88': ask georgian superhero etibar el shiv '465.599': who seems to have somewhat of a magnetic '467.599': personality the ex-kickboxing coach '469.919': turned real-life magneto discovered very '47.68': after some time however her parents knew '472.24': early on in life that he had the bizarre '474.24': ability to both attract and hold metal '476.4': objects on his body elsie have made his '478.479': special abilities known to the world in '480.16': 2011 by holding '481.68': 50 spoons against his body not to be '484.0': outdone by himself '485.039': echevar tried again two years later '487.199': adding three more spoons to his previous '489.52': attempt and earning a guinness world '49.68': something wasn't quite right she was '491.039': record in the process '492.24': the sky's the limit for this georgian '494.08': with ambitions of one day moving an '496.08': aeroplane or an '497.199': empty train carriage until then let's '499.36': just hope he washes all those spoons '501.28': before putting them away '51.36': diagnosed with a rare form of dwarfism '53.76': called iachondraplasia in layman's terms '56.48': lacking the hormones needed to grow '58.32': beyond a certain height she hasn't let '6.879': truly spectacular people '60.079': it hinder her dreams and aspirations of '61.92': making it on the silver screen either '63.68': you might also recognize her from her '65.28': breakout role on the hit tv show '67.04': american horror story back in 2014 '69.68': where she starred as the charming ma '71.28': petite larry gomez '73.92': if you've ever thought the full moon is '75.6': driving you crazy spare a thought for '77.759': larry gomez aka the wolfman '8.8': individuals blessed with skills and '80.32': originally born in mexico as victor '82.4': gomez larry suffers from hypertrichosis '84.96': a rare condition that causes his body to '86.96': grow hair on over 98 '89.04': of his body including his face nose and '91.6': even eyelids the one in a billion '94.079': condition runs in the family with three '96.159': other family members and a brother also '98.32': sporting werewolf-like locks
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, "Lucie Myslivečková i Neil Brown na mistrzostwach Europy 2012", null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, null, null, "Луция с Нейлом Брауном в 2012 году.", null, "Brown with Myslivečková in 2012", "Myslivečkova and Brown at the 2012 European Championships" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "ニール・ブラウン [SEP] ", null, "Lucie Myslivečková [SEP] ", null, null, "Neil Brown (figure skater) [SEP] Brown with Myslivečková in 2012", "Lucie Myslivečková [SEP] Myslivečkova and Brown at the 2012 European Championships" ], "context_page_description": [ "ニール・ブラウンは、フランス出身の男性、チェコの元フィギュアスケート選手。パートナーはルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァーなど。", "Lucie Myslivečková er en slovakisk kunstløper.", "Lucie Myslivečková – czeska łyżwiarka figurowa reprezentująca Słowację, startująca w parach tanecznych z Lukášem Csölleyem. Uczestniczka igrzysk olimpijskich w Pjongczangu, uczestniczka mistrzostw Europy i świata, medalistka zawodów z cyklu Challenger Series, trzykrotna mistrzyni Czech oraz mistrzyni Słowacji. Zakończyła karierę amatorską 23 kwietnia 2018 roku.", "Лу́ция Мы́сливечкова — словацкая, ранее чешская фигуристка, выступающая в танцах на льду с лета 2016 года с Лукашем Цолли, с которым она двукратная чемпионка Словакии. Ранее в паре с Матеем Новаком — чемпионка Чехии 2011 и победительница международного турнира «Золотой конёк Загреба» 2011. Непродолжительное время выступала за Чехию с Нейлом Брауном.", "ルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァーは、チェコスロバキア出身の女性フィギュアスケート選手。パートナーはルカーシュ・チェーレイ、ニール・ブラウン、マチェイ・ノヴァークなど。", "Neil Brown is a French ice dancer. He competes with Lucie Myslivečková for the Czech Republic. Until 2010, he competed for France with various partners.", "Lucie Myslivečková is a Czech and Slovak former competitive ice dancer. Representing Slovakia with Lukáš Csölley, she competed at the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea. Earlier in her career, she represented the Czech Republic with Matěj Novák and Neil Brown. With Novák, she is the 2010 Golden Spin of Zagreb champion and the 2011 Czech national champion." ], "context_section_description": [ "ニール・ブラウン(フランス語: Neil Brown, 1990年3月11日 - )は、フランス出身の男性、チェコの元フィギュアスケート(アイスダンス)選手。パートナーはルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァーなど。", null, "Lucie Myslivečková (ur. 8 grudnia 1989 w Czeladnej) – czeska łyżwiarka figurowa reprezentująca Słowację, startująca w parach tanecznych z Lukášem Csölleyem. Uczestniczka igrzysk olimpijskich w Pjongczangu (2018), uczestniczka mistrzostw Europy i świata, medalistka zawodów z cyklu Challenger Series, trzykrotna mistrzyni Czech (2011, 2013, 2014) oraz mistrzyni Słowacji (2017). Zakończyła karierę amatorską 23 kwietnia 2018 roku.", null, null, "Neil Brown (born 11 March 1990) is a French ice dancer. He competes with Lucie Myslivečková for the Czech Republic. Until 2010, he competed for France with various partners.", null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "ニール・ブラウン", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Мысливечкова, Луция / Карьера", "ルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァー", "Neil Brown (figure skater)", "Lucie Myslivečková / Competitive highlights / With Brown for the Czech Republic" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "ja", "no", "pl", "ru", "ja", "en", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "ニール・ブラウン", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Мысливечкова, Луция", "ルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァー", "Neil Brown (figure skater)", "Lucie Myslivečková" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", ",_%D0%9B%D1%83%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null, "Карьера", null, null, "With Brown for the Czech Republic" ] }
The Smallest Woman in the World…
For copyright matters, please contact: Genetics can be a little bit of a lucky dip sometimes. But every now and then, this random DNA lottery can produce some truly spectacular people. Individuals blessed with skills and natural talents that defy understanding. Ready to meet the people who are one in a million? We do not claim these clips as our own. All credit goes to the rightful owners. If your clip was featured and you want it taken down, send us an e-mail explaining the situation and we'll resolve it. Links and sources: People who are one in a million in the world! Featuring the world's most unusual people on earth. You better check out these unusual and rare people with your own eyes.
'0.08': genetics can be a little bit of a lucky '10.88': natural talents that defy understanding '100.0': growing up the brothers worked in the '101.6': circus and it was there the previously '103.68': named victor '104.56': changed his name to larry after the main '106.32': character in the 1941 film the wolf man '108.96': larry would then move to the united '110.56': states and after a brief stint at the '112.32': venice beach freak show would enjoy '114.079': success in several hollywood productions '116.56': these days larry gomez enjoys a much '118.56': quieter life '119.36': he's been married has a son of his own '121.119': and runs a successful jumping castle '122.88': business '123.36': despite his brush with fame francisco '125.84': domingos joaquim '127.6': if you've got a secret that you need to '129.36': make sure never gets out '13.519': ready to meet the people who are one in '130.72': try not to tell francisco domingo '132.72': joaquim the man nicknamed the angolan '134.959': jalavah is officially recognized by the '137.12': guinness book of world records as having '138.879': the world's widest mouth francisco was '141.2': first noticed on the streets of the '142.48': anglin capital luanda popping cans in '145.12': and out of his mouth sidewards to the '146.8': amazement of passersby '148.4': researchers looking on youtube found '15.04': a million let's get it on '150.239': videos of the then 20 year old and '152.239': after two years of searching finally '154.08': tracked him down in angola to officially '156.08': measure francisco's mouth his 2010 '158.56': record of a 6.69 inch wide unstretched '161.519': mouth still stands today '163.12': and at the big mouth competition held in '165.12': rome contestants to this day '166.72': still can't match the angolan jaw of awe '17.039': gio tmg they say that good things come '172.879': for a while had the internet fooled '174.879': anyone who couldn't speak russian or '176.48': didn't know the tiny fighter's backstory '178.319': could be forgiven for thinking they were '179.92': watching an angry child '181.2': fronting up against the schoolyard enemy '183.04': it turns out hezbollah is actually 18 '185.44': years old and suffers from a form of '187.04': dwarfism '187.84': it resulted in the adult blogger from '189.599': dagestan looking and '190.959': sounding like a toddler with a tantrum '195.04': hezbollah shot to viral fame when '196.959': recreating the infamous khabib '198.72': nurmagomedov weigh in against conor '2.32': dip sometimes but every now and then '20.24': in small packages '200.8': mcgregor with fellow dwarf '202.239': abdul raziq from tajikistan earning him '204.72': the nickname '205.44': mini khabib hazbolla and abdu have been '207.76': teasing an mma showdown for a while now '21.359': india's very own pint-sized gio dmg is '210.239': a move that has been condemned by the '211.76': sports association of little people of '213.599': russia for being unethical '215.12': whether it happens or not we'll just '216.4': have to wait and see steven ludwig '219.36': steven ludwig has always had to struggle '221.599': the young boy from chapel hill in north '223.28': carolina was born with an extremely rare '225.68': bone '226.0': disorder called mafuchi syndrome a '228.0': disease characterized by abnormal bone '230.319': and cartilage growth in the body it's so '232.4': rare in fact that stephen is one of only '234.68': 150 known sufferers of the condition '237.439': worldwide throughout his childhood '239.28': ludwig's had to endure more than 30 '24.16': proof '241.2': surgeries to repair broken bones '243.28': transplant bone marrow and remove '245.2': painful spurs that's on top of years of '247.519': having to wear excruciating leg '249.439': lengthening braces and '250.879': fighting leukemia at the same time '253.04': steven credits his killer survival '254.959': instinct on his hero '256.239': the late kobe bryant who he got to meet '258.239': in 2007 at the nba all-stars his '26.72': that you can chase big dreams no matter '260.799': condition means that steven's left leg '262.72': and left arm are significantly shorter '264.639': than the other '265.36': a disability that not only hasn't slowed '267.52': him down in the slightest but has gifted '269.36': him some pretty awesome kicks as well '271.919': renson corlu bud mongolian-born rents in '275.12': corlu bud '275.919': or ren as her friends call her came from '277.919': a super tall family '279.36': her father measured in at six foot ten '28.88': your size she held the record for the '281.44': her mother six foot one '282.96': and as a child ren was already the same '285.52': height as her first grade teacher '287.28': that's five foot six as a six year old '289.44': the now 29 year old finally stopped '291.6': growing at an '292.32': intimidating six foot nine inches and '294.56': has since swapped her homeland '296.0': for the tall skyscrapers of chicago a '298.24': place she definitely feels more at home '30.8': world's shortest living teen before '300.479': ren officially owns the world's second '302.72': longest legs measuring '304.52': 52.18 inches from hip to heel this jaw '307.6': dropping height however does come with '309.44': its own '310.16': unique problems everything from needing '312.4': extra legroom in the car to finding a '314.4': pair of shoes that will fit her size u.s '316.32': 13 feet all the way to having to duck to '318.72': avoid doorways and ceiling fans on the '32.8': taking the crown of the world's shortest '320.72': daily '321.68': chef boy bones when chef boy bones '324.4': appeared on america's got talent the '326.16': world '326.56': wasn't quite ready for such an '328.32': eye-popping performance '329.68': chef's routine started off innocently '331.44': enough a slow-paced old-school '333.199': rap hook and some savvy crowd work but '335.36': then chef approached the judge's desk '337.12': with his eyeballs '338.08': extending out of their sockets '34.48': living and mobile woman on her 18th '342.08': my question is what the hell no one '343.84': cared that his lyrics were average at '345.52': best '346.0': sophia vergara instantly noped out but '348.32': the rest of the panel wanted to see '350.16': more ultimately the eye-catching '352.0': performer didn't make it to the agt '354.08': quarterfinals '356.72': but it hasn't stopped chef from '358.08': capitalizing on his talent since his '359.919': appearance bones has appeared in several '36.559': birthday '361.68': commercials '362.479': music video clips and tick tocks with '364.479': his intense eyes firmly set on the '366.56': limelight '367.759': huge yangshia girls all around the world '37.12': so just how small do you have to be '370.96': are envious of this next one in a '372.639': million '373.199': yuginxia from shanghai in china is the '375.759': official guinness world record holder '377.52': for the longest eyelashes '379.199': she claimed the title back in 2016 when '38.879': anyways to obtain the moniker of the '381.759': her eyelashes from her left upper eyelid '383.919': measured in at 4.8 inches '386.0': since then however used eyelashes have '388.0': continued to grow and at last count her '390.24': longest lash is now over 8 inches long '393.199': doctors and scientists haven't been able '395.039': to find a reason why used luscious '396.8': lashes keep growing there are no genetic '398.88': markers or disease and you is the only '4.319': this random dna lottery can produce some '40.64': world's smallest human '400.96': one in her family with the condition '402.72': despite all this you's embraced her '404.639': quirky look braiding her eyelashes and '406.72': pulling them back in a style that she '408.479': says replaces eyeliner and eye shadow '41.92': two feet and three-quarter inches to be '411.199': ayanna williams have you ever had an '413.599': itch that's difficult to scratch '415.199': it's a problem that ayanna williams '416.88': until very recently has never had '418.72': for over 28 years ayanna was growing her '421.44': fingernails '422.24': last cutting them in the early 90s '424.24': before they reached their record size of '426.4': 18 feet in 2018 '428.479': while they aren't the longest nails ever '43.92': exact up until the age of five giotti '430.319': to be grown for several years ayanna was '432.479': the reigning champ with the longest '434.08': nails still on a female hand the texan '436.319': local would spend days carefully '438.24': painting and manicuring her long nails '440.479': going through three to four bottles per '442.4': session but the longer they got the '444.24': harder it became for ayano to perform '446.319': even the simplest of tasks like washing '448.479': the dishes and making the bed '450.16': for this reason ayanna recently had her '452.24': nails finally clipped donating them to '454.4': ripley's believe it or not museum in '456.08': florida where her record will be '457.68': preserved forever '459.28': etibar el chev what makes a man '46.16': was average height for her age '462.16': attractive '462.88': ask georgian superhero etibar el shiv '465.599': who seems to have somewhat of a magnetic '467.599': personality the ex-kickboxing coach '469.919': turned real-life magneto discovered very '47.68': after some time however her parents knew '472.24': early on in life that he had the bizarre '474.24': ability to both attract and hold metal '476.4': objects on his body elsie have made his '478.479': special abilities known to the world in '480.16': 2011 by holding '481.68': 50 spoons against his body not to be '484.0': outdone by himself '485.039': echevar tried again two years later '487.199': adding three more spoons to his previous '489.52': attempt and earning a guinness world '49.68': something wasn't quite right she was '491.039': record in the process '492.24': the sky's the limit for this georgian '494.08': with ambitions of one day moving an '496.08': aeroplane or an '497.199': empty train carriage until then let's '499.36': just hope he washes all those spoons '501.28': before putting them away '51.36': diagnosed with a rare form of dwarfism '53.76': called iachondraplasia in layman's terms '56.48': lacking the hormones needed to grow '58.32': beyond a certain height she hasn't let '6.879': truly spectacular people '60.079': it hinder her dreams and aspirations of '61.92': making it on the silver screen either '63.68': you might also recognize her from her '65.28': breakout role on the hit tv show '67.04': american horror story back in 2014 '69.68': where she starred as the charming ma '71.28': petite larry gomez '73.92': if you've ever thought the full moon is '75.6': driving you crazy spare a thought for '77.759': larry gomez aka the wolfman '8.8': individuals blessed with skills and '80.32': originally born in mexico as victor '82.4': gomez larry suffers from hypertrichosis '84.96': a rare condition that causes his body to '86.96': grow hair on over 98 '89.04': of his body including his face nose and '91.6': even eyelids the one in a billion '94.079': condition runs in the family with three '96.159': other family members and a brother also '98.32': sporting werewolf-like locks
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, "Lucie Myslivečková i Neil Brown na mistrzostwach Europy 2012", null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, null, null, "Луция с Нейлом Брауном в 2012 году.", null, "Brown with Myslivečková in 2012", "Myslivečkova and Brown at the 2012 European Championships" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "ニール・ブラウン [SEP] ", null, "Lucie Myslivečková [SEP] ", null, null, "Neil Brown (figure skater) [SEP] Brown with Myslivečková in 2012", "Lucie Myslivečková [SEP] Myslivečkova and Brown at the 2012 European Championships" ], "context_page_description": [ "ニール・ブラウンは、フランス出身の男性、チェコの元フィギュアスケート選手。パートナーはルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァーなど。", "Lucie Myslivečková er en slovakisk kunstløper.", "Lucie Myslivečková – czeska łyżwiarka figurowa reprezentująca Słowację, startująca w parach tanecznych z Lukášem Csölleyem. Uczestniczka igrzysk olimpijskich w Pjongczangu, uczestniczka mistrzostw Europy i świata, medalistka zawodów z cyklu Challenger Series, trzykrotna mistrzyni Czech oraz mistrzyni Słowacji. Zakończyła karierę amatorską 23 kwietnia 2018 roku.", "Лу́ция Мы́сливечкова — словацкая, ранее чешская фигуристка, выступающая в танцах на льду с лета 2016 года с Лукашем Цолли, с которым она двукратная чемпионка Словакии. Ранее в паре с Матеем Новаком — чемпионка Чехии 2011 и победительница международного турнира «Золотой конёк Загреба» 2011. Непродолжительное время выступала за Чехию с Нейлом Брауном.", "ルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァーは、チェコスロバキア出身の女性フィギュアスケート選手。パートナーはルカーシュ・チェーレイ、ニール・ブラウン、マチェイ・ノヴァークなど。", "Neil Brown is a French ice dancer. He competes with Lucie Myslivečková for the Czech Republic. Until 2010, he competed for France with various partners.", "Lucie Myslivečková is a Czech and Slovak former competitive ice dancer. Representing Slovakia with Lukáš Csölley, she competed at the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea. Earlier in her career, she represented the Czech Republic with Matěj Novák and Neil Brown. With Novák, she is the 2010 Golden Spin of Zagreb champion and the 2011 Czech national champion." ], "context_section_description": [ "ニール・ブラウン(フランス語: Neil Brown, 1990年3月11日 - )は、フランス出身の男性、チェコの元フィギュアスケート(アイスダンス)選手。パートナーはルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァーなど。", null, "Lucie Myslivečková (ur. 8 grudnia 1989 w Czeladnej) – czeska łyżwiarka figurowa reprezentująca Słowację, startująca w parach tanecznych z Lukášem Csölleyem. Uczestniczka igrzysk olimpijskich w Pjongczangu (2018), uczestniczka mistrzostw Europy i świata, medalistka zawodów z cyklu Challenger Series, trzykrotna mistrzyni Czech (2011, 2013, 2014) oraz mistrzyni Słowacji (2017). Zakończyła karierę amatorską 23 kwietnia 2018 roku.", null, null, "Neil Brown (born 11 March 1990) is a French ice dancer. He competes with Lucie Myslivečková for the Czech Republic. Until 2010, he competed for France with various partners.", null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "ニール・ブラウン", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Мысливечкова, Луция / Карьера", "ルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァー", "Neil Brown (figure skater)", "Lucie Myslivečková / Competitive highlights / With Brown for the Czech Republic" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "ja", "no", "pl", "ru", "ja", "en", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "ニール・ブラウン", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Мысливечкова, Луция", "ルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァー", "Neil Brown (figure skater)", "Lucie Myslivečková" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", ",_%D0%9B%D1%83%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null, "Карьера", null, null, "With Brown for the Czech Republic" ] }
The Smallest Woman in the World…
For copyright matters, please contact: Genetics can be a little bit of a lucky dip sometimes. But every now and then, this random DNA lottery can produce some truly spectacular people. Individuals blessed with skills and natural talents that defy understanding. Ready to meet the people who are one in a million? We do not claim these clips as our own. All credit goes to the rightful owners. If your clip was featured and you want it taken down, send us an e-mail explaining the situation and we'll resolve it. Links and sources: People who are one in a million in the world! Featuring the world's most unusual people on earth. You better check out these unusual and rare people with your own eyes.
'0.08': genetics can be a little bit of a lucky '10.88': natural talents that defy understanding '100.0': growing up the brothers worked in the '101.6': circus and it was there the previously '103.68': named victor '104.56': changed his name to larry after the main '106.32': character in the 1941 film the wolf man '108.96': larry would then move to the united '110.56': states and after a brief stint at the '112.32': venice beach freak show would enjoy '114.079': success in several hollywood productions '116.56': these days larry gomez enjoys a much '118.56': quieter life '119.36': he's been married has a son of his own '121.119': and runs a successful jumping castle '122.88': business '123.36': despite his brush with fame francisco '125.84': domingos joaquim '127.6': if you've got a secret that you need to '129.36': make sure never gets out '13.519': ready to meet the people who are one in '130.72': try not to tell francisco domingo '132.72': joaquim the man nicknamed the angolan '134.959': jalavah is officially recognized by the '137.12': guinness book of world records as having '138.879': the world's widest mouth francisco was '141.2': first noticed on the streets of the '142.48': anglin capital luanda popping cans in '145.12': and out of his mouth sidewards to the '146.8': amazement of passersby '148.4': researchers looking on youtube found '15.04': a million let's get it on '150.239': videos of the then 20 year old and '152.239': after two years of searching finally '154.08': tracked him down in angola to officially '156.08': measure francisco's mouth his 2010 '158.56': record of a 6.69 inch wide unstretched '161.519': mouth still stands today '163.12': and at the big mouth competition held in '165.12': rome contestants to this day '166.72': still can't match the angolan jaw of awe '17.039': gio tmg they say that good things come '172.879': for a while had the internet fooled '174.879': anyone who couldn't speak russian or '176.48': didn't know the tiny fighter's backstory '178.319': could be forgiven for thinking they were '179.92': watching an angry child '181.2': fronting up against the schoolyard enemy '183.04': it turns out hezbollah is actually 18 '185.44': years old and suffers from a form of '187.04': dwarfism '187.84': it resulted in the adult blogger from '189.599': dagestan looking and '190.959': sounding like a toddler with a tantrum '195.04': hezbollah shot to viral fame when '196.959': recreating the infamous khabib '198.72': nurmagomedov weigh in against conor '2.32': dip sometimes but every now and then '20.24': in small packages '200.8': mcgregor with fellow dwarf '202.239': abdul raziq from tajikistan earning him '204.72': the nickname '205.44': mini khabib hazbolla and abdu have been '207.76': teasing an mma showdown for a while now '21.359': india's very own pint-sized gio dmg is '210.239': a move that has been condemned by the '211.76': sports association of little people of '213.599': russia for being unethical '215.12': whether it happens or not we'll just '216.4': have to wait and see steven ludwig '219.36': steven ludwig has always had to struggle '221.599': the young boy from chapel hill in north '223.28': carolina was born with an extremely rare '225.68': bone '226.0': disorder called mafuchi syndrome a '228.0': disease characterized by abnormal bone '230.319': and cartilage growth in the body it's so '232.4': rare in fact that stephen is one of only '234.68': 150 known sufferers of the condition '237.439': worldwide throughout his childhood '239.28': ludwig's had to endure more than 30 '24.16': proof '241.2': surgeries to repair broken bones '243.28': transplant bone marrow and remove '245.2': painful spurs that's on top of years of '247.519': having to wear excruciating leg '249.439': lengthening braces and '250.879': fighting leukemia at the same time '253.04': steven credits his killer survival '254.959': instinct on his hero '256.239': the late kobe bryant who he got to meet '258.239': in 2007 at the nba all-stars his '26.72': that you can chase big dreams no matter '260.799': condition means that steven's left leg '262.72': and left arm are significantly shorter '264.639': than the other '265.36': a disability that not only hasn't slowed '267.52': him down in the slightest but has gifted '269.36': him some pretty awesome kicks as well '271.919': renson corlu bud mongolian-born rents in '275.12': corlu bud '275.919': or ren as her friends call her came from '277.919': a super tall family '279.36': her father measured in at six foot ten '28.88': your size she held the record for the '281.44': her mother six foot one '282.96': and as a child ren was already the same '285.52': height as her first grade teacher '287.28': that's five foot six as a six year old '289.44': the now 29 year old finally stopped '291.6': growing at an '292.32': intimidating six foot nine inches and '294.56': has since swapped her homeland '296.0': for the tall skyscrapers of chicago a '298.24': place she definitely feels more at home '30.8': world's shortest living teen before '300.479': ren officially owns the world's second '302.72': longest legs measuring '304.52': 52.18 inches from hip to heel this jaw '307.6': dropping height however does come with '309.44': its own '310.16': unique problems everything from needing '312.4': extra legroom in the car to finding a '314.4': pair of shoes that will fit her size u.s '316.32': 13 feet all the way to having to duck to '318.72': avoid doorways and ceiling fans on the '32.8': taking the crown of the world's shortest '320.72': daily '321.68': chef boy bones when chef boy bones '324.4': appeared on america's got talent the '326.16': world '326.56': wasn't quite ready for such an '328.32': eye-popping performance '329.68': chef's routine started off innocently '331.44': enough a slow-paced old-school '333.199': rap hook and some savvy crowd work but '335.36': then chef approached the judge's desk '337.12': with his eyeballs '338.08': extending out of their sockets '34.48': living and mobile woman on her 18th '342.08': my question is what the hell no one '343.84': cared that his lyrics were average at '345.52': best '346.0': sophia vergara instantly noped out but '348.32': the rest of the panel wanted to see '350.16': more ultimately the eye-catching '352.0': performer didn't make it to the agt '354.08': quarterfinals '356.72': but it hasn't stopped chef from '358.08': capitalizing on his talent since his '359.919': appearance bones has appeared in several '36.559': birthday '361.68': commercials '362.479': music video clips and tick tocks with '364.479': his intense eyes firmly set on the '366.56': limelight '367.759': huge yangshia girls all around the world '37.12': so just how small do you have to be '370.96': are envious of this next one in a '372.639': million '373.199': yuginxia from shanghai in china is the '375.759': official guinness world record holder '377.52': for the longest eyelashes '379.199': she claimed the title back in 2016 when '38.879': anyways to obtain the moniker of the '381.759': her eyelashes from her left upper eyelid '383.919': measured in at 4.8 inches '386.0': since then however used eyelashes have '388.0': continued to grow and at last count her '390.24': longest lash is now over 8 inches long '393.199': doctors and scientists haven't been able '395.039': to find a reason why used luscious '396.8': lashes keep growing there are no genetic '398.88': markers or disease and you is the only '4.319': this random dna lottery can produce some '40.64': world's smallest human '400.96': one in her family with the condition '402.72': despite all this you's embraced her '404.639': quirky look braiding her eyelashes and '406.72': pulling them back in a style that she '408.479': says replaces eyeliner and eye shadow '41.92': two feet and three-quarter inches to be '411.199': ayanna williams have you ever had an '413.599': itch that's difficult to scratch '415.199': it's a problem that ayanna williams '416.88': until very recently has never had '418.72': for over 28 years ayanna was growing her '421.44': fingernails '422.24': last cutting them in the early 90s '424.24': before they reached their record size of '426.4': 18 feet in 2018 '428.479': while they aren't the longest nails ever '43.92': exact up until the age of five giotti '430.319': to be grown for several years ayanna was '432.479': the reigning champ with the longest '434.08': nails still on a female hand the texan '436.319': local would spend days carefully '438.24': painting and manicuring her long nails '440.479': going through three to four bottles per '442.4': session but the longer they got the '444.24': harder it became for ayano to perform '446.319': even the simplest of tasks like washing '448.479': the dishes and making the bed '450.16': for this reason ayanna recently had her '452.24': nails finally clipped donating them to '454.4': ripley's believe it or not museum in '456.08': florida where her record will be '457.68': preserved forever '459.28': etibar el chev what makes a man '46.16': was average height for her age '462.16': attractive '462.88': ask georgian superhero etibar el shiv '465.599': who seems to have somewhat of a magnetic '467.599': personality the ex-kickboxing coach '469.919': turned real-life magneto discovered very '47.68': after some time however her parents knew '472.24': early on in life that he had the bizarre '474.24': ability to both attract and hold metal '476.4': objects on his body elsie have made his '478.479': special abilities known to the world in '480.16': 2011 by holding '481.68': 50 spoons against his body not to be '484.0': outdone by himself '485.039': echevar tried again two years later '487.199': adding three more spoons to his previous '489.52': attempt and earning a guinness world '49.68': something wasn't quite right she was '491.039': record in the process '492.24': the sky's the limit for this georgian '494.08': with ambitions of one day moving an '496.08': aeroplane or an '497.199': empty train carriage until then let's '499.36': just hope he washes all those spoons '501.28': before putting them away '51.36': diagnosed with a rare form of dwarfism '53.76': called iachondraplasia in layman's terms '56.48': lacking the hormones needed to grow '58.32': beyond a certain height she hasn't let '6.879': truly spectacular people '60.079': it hinder her dreams and aspirations of '61.92': making it on the silver screen either '63.68': you might also recognize her from her '65.28': breakout role on the hit tv show '67.04': american horror story back in 2014 '69.68': where she starred as the charming ma '71.28': petite larry gomez '73.92': if you've ever thought the full moon is '75.6': driving you crazy spare a thought for '77.759': larry gomez aka the wolfman '8.8': individuals blessed with skills and '80.32': originally born in mexico as victor '82.4': gomez larry suffers from hypertrichosis '84.96': a rare condition that causes his body to '86.96': grow hair on over 98 '89.04': of his body including his face nose and '91.6': even eyelids the one in a billion '94.079': condition runs in the family with three '96.159': other family members and a brother also '98.32': sporting werewolf-like locks
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, "Lucie Myslivečková i Neil Brown na mistrzostwach Europy 2012", null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, null, null, "Луция с Нейлом Брауном в 2012 году.", null, "Brown with Myslivečková in 2012", "Myslivečkova and Brown at the 2012 European Championships" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "ニール・ブラウン [SEP] ", null, "Lucie Myslivečková [SEP] ", null, null, "Neil Brown (figure skater) [SEP] Brown with Myslivečková in 2012", "Lucie Myslivečková [SEP] Myslivečkova and Brown at the 2012 European Championships" ], "context_page_description": [ "ニール・ブラウンは、フランス出身の男性、チェコの元フィギュアスケート選手。パートナーはルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァーなど。", "Lucie Myslivečková er en slovakisk kunstløper.", "Lucie Myslivečková – czeska łyżwiarka figurowa reprezentująca Słowację, startująca w parach tanecznych z Lukášem Csölleyem. Uczestniczka igrzysk olimpijskich w Pjongczangu, uczestniczka mistrzostw Europy i świata, medalistka zawodów z cyklu Challenger Series, trzykrotna mistrzyni Czech oraz mistrzyni Słowacji. Zakończyła karierę amatorską 23 kwietnia 2018 roku.", "Лу́ция Мы́сливечкова — словацкая, ранее чешская фигуристка, выступающая в танцах на льду с лета 2016 года с Лукашем Цолли, с которым она двукратная чемпионка Словакии. Ранее в паре с Матеем Новаком — чемпионка Чехии 2011 и победительница международного турнира «Золотой конёк Загреба» 2011. Непродолжительное время выступала за Чехию с Нейлом Брауном.", "ルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァーは、チェコスロバキア出身の女性フィギュアスケート選手。パートナーはルカーシュ・チェーレイ、ニール・ブラウン、マチェイ・ノヴァークなど。", "Neil Brown is a French ice dancer. He competes with Lucie Myslivečková for the Czech Republic. Until 2010, he competed for France with various partners.", "Lucie Myslivečková is a Czech and Slovak former competitive ice dancer. Representing Slovakia with Lukáš Csölley, she competed at the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea. Earlier in her career, she represented the Czech Republic with Matěj Novák and Neil Brown. With Novák, she is the 2010 Golden Spin of Zagreb champion and the 2011 Czech national champion." ], "context_section_description": [ "ニール・ブラウン(フランス語: Neil Brown, 1990年3月11日 - )は、フランス出身の男性、チェコの元フィギュアスケート(アイスダンス)選手。パートナーはルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァーなど。", null, "Lucie Myslivečková (ur. 8 grudnia 1989 w Czeladnej) – czeska łyżwiarka figurowa reprezentująca Słowację, startująca w parach tanecznych z Lukášem Csölleyem. Uczestniczka igrzysk olimpijskich w Pjongczangu (2018), uczestniczka mistrzostw Europy i świata, medalistka zawodów z cyklu Challenger Series, trzykrotna mistrzyni Czech (2011, 2013, 2014) oraz mistrzyni Słowacji (2017). Zakończyła karierę amatorską 23 kwietnia 2018 roku.", null, null, "Neil Brown (born 11 March 1990) is a French ice dancer. He competes with Lucie Myslivečková for the Czech Republic. Until 2010, he competed for France with various partners.", null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "ニール・ブラウン", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Мысливечкова, Луция / Карьера", "ルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァー", "Neil Brown (figure skater)", "Lucie Myslivečková / Competitive highlights / With Brown for the Czech Republic" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "ja", "no", "pl", "ru", "ja", "en", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "ニール・ブラウン", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Мысливечкова, Луция", "ルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァー", "Neil Brown (figure skater)", "Lucie Myslivečková" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", ",_%D0%9B%D1%83%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null, "Карьера", null, null, "With Brown for the Czech Republic" ] }
The Smallest Woman in the World…
For copyright matters, please contact: Genetics can be a little bit of a lucky dip sometimes. But every now and then, this random DNA lottery can produce some truly spectacular people. Individuals blessed with skills and natural talents that defy understanding. Ready to meet the people who are one in a million? We do not claim these clips as our own. All credit goes to the rightful owners. If your clip was featured and you want it taken down, send us an e-mail explaining the situation and we'll resolve it. Links and sources: People who are one in a million in the world! Featuring the world's most unusual people on earth. You better check out these unusual and rare people with your own eyes.
'0.08': genetics can be a little bit of a lucky '10.88': natural talents that defy understanding '100.0': growing up the brothers worked in the '101.6': circus and it was there the previously '103.68': named victor '104.56': changed his name to larry after the main '106.32': character in the 1941 film the wolf man '108.96': larry would then move to the united '110.56': states and after a brief stint at the '112.32': venice beach freak show would enjoy '114.079': success in several hollywood productions '116.56': these days larry gomez enjoys a much '118.56': quieter life '119.36': he's been married has a son of his own '121.119': and runs a successful jumping castle '122.88': business '123.36': despite his brush with fame francisco '125.84': domingos joaquim '127.6': if you've got a secret that you need to '129.36': make sure never gets out '13.519': ready to meet the people who are one in '130.72': try not to tell francisco domingo '132.72': joaquim the man nicknamed the angolan '134.959': jalavah is officially recognized by the '137.12': guinness book of world records as having '138.879': the world's widest mouth francisco was '141.2': first noticed on the streets of the '142.48': anglin capital luanda popping cans in '145.12': and out of his mouth sidewards to the '146.8': amazement of passersby '148.4': researchers looking on youtube found '15.04': a million let's get it on '150.239': videos of the then 20 year old and '152.239': after two years of searching finally '154.08': tracked him down in angola to officially '156.08': measure francisco's mouth his 2010 '158.56': record of a 6.69 inch wide unstretched '161.519': mouth still stands today '163.12': and at the big mouth competition held in '165.12': rome contestants to this day '166.72': still can't match the angolan jaw of awe '17.039': gio tmg they say that good things come '172.879': for a while had the internet fooled '174.879': anyone who couldn't speak russian or '176.48': didn't know the tiny fighter's backstory '178.319': could be forgiven for thinking they were '179.92': watching an angry child '181.2': fronting up against the schoolyard enemy '183.04': it turns out hezbollah is actually 18 '185.44': years old and suffers from a form of '187.04': dwarfism '187.84': it resulted in the adult blogger from '189.599': dagestan looking and '190.959': sounding like a toddler with a tantrum '195.04': hezbollah shot to viral fame when '196.959': recreating the infamous khabib '198.72': nurmagomedov weigh in against conor '2.32': dip sometimes but every now and then '20.24': in small packages '200.8': mcgregor with fellow dwarf '202.239': abdul raziq from tajikistan earning him '204.72': the nickname '205.44': mini khabib hazbolla and abdu have been '207.76': teasing an mma showdown for a while now '21.359': india's very own pint-sized gio dmg is '210.239': a move that has been condemned by the '211.76': sports association of little people of '213.599': russia for being unethical '215.12': whether it happens or not we'll just '216.4': have to wait and see steven ludwig '219.36': steven ludwig has always had to struggle '221.599': the young boy from chapel hill in north '223.28': carolina was born with an extremely rare '225.68': bone '226.0': disorder called mafuchi syndrome a '228.0': disease characterized by abnormal bone '230.319': and cartilage growth in the body it's so '232.4': rare in fact that stephen is one of only '234.68': 150 known sufferers of the condition '237.439': worldwide throughout his childhood '239.28': ludwig's had to endure more than 30 '24.16': proof '241.2': surgeries to repair broken bones '243.28': transplant bone marrow and remove '245.2': painful spurs that's on top of years of '247.519': having to wear excruciating leg '249.439': lengthening braces and '250.879': fighting leukemia at the same time '253.04': steven credits his killer survival '254.959': instinct on his hero '256.239': the late kobe bryant who he got to meet '258.239': in 2007 at the nba all-stars his '26.72': that you can chase big dreams no matter '260.799': condition means that steven's left leg '262.72': and left arm are significantly shorter '264.639': than the other '265.36': a disability that not only hasn't slowed '267.52': him down in the slightest but has gifted '269.36': him some pretty awesome kicks as well '271.919': renson corlu bud mongolian-born rents in '275.12': corlu bud '275.919': or ren as her friends call her came from '277.919': a super tall family '279.36': her father measured in at six foot ten '28.88': your size she held the record for the '281.44': her mother six foot one '282.96': and as a child ren was already the same '285.52': height as her first grade teacher '287.28': that's five foot six as a six year old '289.44': the now 29 year old finally stopped '291.6': growing at an '292.32': intimidating six foot nine inches and '294.56': has since swapped her homeland '296.0': for the tall skyscrapers of chicago a '298.24': place she definitely feels more at home '30.8': world's shortest living teen before '300.479': ren officially owns the world's second '302.72': longest legs measuring '304.52': 52.18 inches from hip to heel this jaw '307.6': dropping height however does come with '309.44': its own '310.16': unique problems everything from needing '312.4': extra legroom in the car to finding a '314.4': pair of shoes that will fit her size u.s '316.32': 13 feet all the way to having to duck to '318.72': avoid doorways and ceiling fans on the '32.8': taking the crown of the world's shortest '320.72': daily '321.68': chef boy bones when chef boy bones '324.4': appeared on america's got talent the '326.16': world '326.56': wasn't quite ready for such an '328.32': eye-popping performance '329.68': chef's routine started off innocently '331.44': enough a slow-paced old-school '333.199': rap hook and some savvy crowd work but '335.36': then chef approached the judge's desk '337.12': with his eyeballs '338.08': extending out of their sockets '34.48': living and mobile woman on her 18th '342.08': my question is what the hell no one '343.84': cared that his lyrics were average at '345.52': best '346.0': sophia vergara instantly noped out but '348.32': the rest of the panel wanted to see '350.16': more ultimately the eye-catching '352.0': performer didn't make it to the agt '354.08': quarterfinals '356.72': but it hasn't stopped chef from '358.08': capitalizing on his talent since his '359.919': appearance bones has appeared in several '36.559': birthday '361.68': commercials '362.479': music video clips and tick tocks with '364.479': his intense eyes firmly set on the '366.56': limelight '367.759': huge yangshia girls all around the world '37.12': so just how small do you have to be '370.96': are envious of this next one in a '372.639': million '373.199': yuginxia from shanghai in china is the '375.759': official guinness world record holder '377.52': for the longest eyelashes '379.199': she claimed the title back in 2016 when '38.879': anyways to obtain the moniker of the '381.759': her eyelashes from her left upper eyelid '383.919': measured in at 4.8 inches '386.0': since then however used eyelashes have '388.0': continued to grow and at last count her '390.24': longest lash is now over 8 inches long '393.199': doctors and scientists haven't been able '395.039': to find a reason why used luscious '396.8': lashes keep growing there are no genetic '398.88': markers or disease and you is the only '4.319': this random dna lottery can produce some '40.64': world's smallest human '400.96': one in her family with the condition '402.72': despite all this you's embraced her '404.639': quirky look braiding her eyelashes and '406.72': pulling them back in a style that she '408.479': says replaces eyeliner and eye shadow '41.92': two feet and three-quarter inches to be '411.199': ayanna williams have you ever had an '413.599': itch that's difficult to scratch '415.199': it's a problem that ayanna williams '416.88': until very recently has never had '418.72': for over 28 years ayanna was growing her '421.44': fingernails '422.24': last cutting them in the early 90s '424.24': before they reached their record size of '426.4': 18 feet in 2018 '428.479': while they aren't the longest nails ever '43.92': exact up until the age of five giotti '430.319': to be grown for several years ayanna was '432.479': the reigning champ with the longest '434.08': nails still on a female hand the texan '436.319': local would spend days carefully '438.24': painting and manicuring her long nails '440.479': going through three to four bottles per '442.4': session but the longer they got the '444.24': harder it became for ayano to perform '446.319': even the simplest of tasks like washing '448.479': the dishes and making the bed '450.16': for this reason ayanna recently had her '452.24': nails finally clipped donating them to '454.4': ripley's believe it or not museum in '456.08': florida where her record will be '457.68': preserved forever '459.28': etibar el chev what makes a man '46.16': was average height for her age '462.16': attractive '462.88': ask georgian superhero etibar el shiv '465.599': who seems to have somewhat of a magnetic '467.599': personality the ex-kickboxing coach '469.919': turned real-life magneto discovered very '47.68': after some time however her parents knew '472.24': early on in life that he had the bizarre '474.24': ability to both attract and hold metal '476.4': objects on his body elsie have made his '478.479': special abilities known to the world in '480.16': 2011 by holding '481.68': 50 spoons against his body not to be '484.0': outdone by himself '485.039': echevar tried again two years later '487.199': adding three more spoons to his previous '489.52': attempt and earning a guinness world '49.68': something wasn't quite right she was '491.039': record in the process '492.24': the sky's the limit for this georgian '494.08': with ambitions of one day moving an '496.08': aeroplane or an '497.199': empty train carriage until then let's '499.36': just hope he washes all those spoons '501.28': before putting them away '51.36': diagnosed with a rare form of dwarfism '53.76': called iachondraplasia in layman's terms '56.48': lacking the hormones needed to grow '58.32': beyond a certain height she hasn't let '6.879': truly spectacular people '60.079': it hinder her dreams and aspirations of '61.92': making it on the silver screen either '63.68': you might also recognize her from her '65.28': breakout role on the hit tv show '67.04': american horror story back in 2014 '69.68': where she starred as the charming ma '71.28': petite larry gomez '73.92': if you've ever thought the full moon is '75.6': driving you crazy spare a thought for '77.759': larry gomez aka the wolfman '8.8': individuals blessed with skills and '80.32': originally born in mexico as victor '82.4': gomez larry suffers from hypertrichosis '84.96': a rare condition that causes his body to '86.96': grow hair on over 98 '89.04': of his body including his face nose and '91.6': even eyelids the one in a billion '94.079': condition runs in the family with three '96.159': other family members and a brother also '98.32': sporting werewolf-like locks
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, "Lucie Myslivečková i Neil Brown na mistrzostwach Europy 2012", null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, null, null, "Луция с Нейлом Брауном в 2012 году.", null, "Brown with Myslivečková in 2012", "Myslivečkova and Brown at the 2012 European Championships" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "ニール・ブラウン [SEP] ", null, "Lucie Myslivečková [SEP] ", null, null, "Neil Brown (figure skater) [SEP] Brown with Myslivečková in 2012", "Lucie Myslivečková [SEP] Myslivečkova and Brown at the 2012 European Championships" ], "context_page_description": [ "ニール・ブラウンは、フランス出身の男性、チェコの元フィギュアスケート選手。パートナーはルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァーなど。", "Lucie Myslivečková er en slovakisk kunstløper.", "Lucie Myslivečková – czeska łyżwiarka figurowa reprezentująca Słowację, startująca w parach tanecznych z Lukášem Csölleyem. Uczestniczka igrzysk olimpijskich w Pjongczangu, uczestniczka mistrzostw Europy i świata, medalistka zawodów z cyklu Challenger Series, trzykrotna mistrzyni Czech oraz mistrzyni Słowacji. Zakończyła karierę amatorską 23 kwietnia 2018 roku.", "Лу́ция Мы́сливечкова — словацкая, ранее чешская фигуристка, выступающая в танцах на льду с лета 2016 года с Лукашем Цолли, с которым она двукратная чемпионка Словакии. Ранее в паре с Матеем Новаком — чемпионка Чехии 2011 и победительница международного турнира «Золотой конёк Загреба» 2011. Непродолжительное время выступала за Чехию с Нейлом Брауном.", "ルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァーは、チェコスロバキア出身の女性フィギュアスケート選手。パートナーはルカーシュ・チェーレイ、ニール・ブラウン、マチェイ・ノヴァークなど。", "Neil Brown is a French ice dancer. He competes with Lucie Myslivečková for the Czech Republic. Until 2010, he competed for France with various partners.", "Lucie Myslivečková is a Czech and Slovak former competitive ice dancer. Representing Slovakia with Lukáš Csölley, she competed at the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea. Earlier in her career, she represented the Czech Republic with Matěj Novák and Neil Brown. With Novák, she is the 2010 Golden Spin of Zagreb champion and the 2011 Czech national champion." ], "context_section_description": [ "ニール・ブラウン(フランス語: Neil Brown, 1990年3月11日 - )は、フランス出身の男性、チェコの元フィギュアスケート(アイスダンス)選手。パートナーはルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァーなど。", null, "Lucie Myslivečková (ur. 8 grudnia 1989 w Czeladnej) – czeska łyżwiarka figurowa reprezentująca Słowację, startująca w parach tanecznych z Lukášem Csölleyem. Uczestniczka igrzysk olimpijskich w Pjongczangu (2018), uczestniczka mistrzostw Europy i świata, medalistka zawodów z cyklu Challenger Series, trzykrotna mistrzyni Czech (2011, 2013, 2014) oraz mistrzyni Słowacji (2017). Zakończyła karierę amatorską 23 kwietnia 2018 roku.", null, null, "Neil Brown (born 11 March 1990) is a French ice dancer. He competes with Lucie Myslivečková for the Czech Republic. Until 2010, he competed for France with various partners.", null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "ニール・ブラウン", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Мысливечкова, Луция / Карьера", "ルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァー", "Neil Brown (figure skater)", "Lucie Myslivečková / Competitive highlights / With Brown for the Czech Republic" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "ja", "no", "pl", "ru", "ja", "en", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "ニール・ブラウン", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Мысливечкова, Луция", "ルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァー", "Neil Brown (figure skater)", "Lucie Myslivečková" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", ",_%D0%9B%D1%83%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null, "Карьера", null, null, "With Brown for the Czech Republic" ] }
The Smallest Woman in the World…
For copyright matters, please contact: Genetics can be a little bit of a lucky dip sometimes. But every now and then, this random DNA lottery can produce some truly spectacular people. Individuals blessed with skills and natural talents that defy understanding. Ready to meet the people who are one in a million? We do not claim these clips as our own. All credit goes to the rightful owners. If your clip was featured and you want it taken down, send us an e-mail explaining the situation and we'll resolve it. Links and sources: People who are one in a million in the world! Featuring the world's most unusual people on earth. You better check out these unusual and rare people with your own eyes.
'0.08': genetics can be a little bit of a lucky '10.88': natural talents that defy understanding '100.0': growing up the brothers worked in the '101.6': circus and it was there the previously '103.68': named victor '104.56': changed his name to larry after the main '106.32': character in the 1941 film the wolf man '108.96': larry would then move to the united '110.56': states and after a brief stint at the '112.32': venice beach freak show would enjoy '114.079': success in several hollywood productions '116.56': these days larry gomez enjoys a much '118.56': quieter life '119.36': he's been married has a son of his own '121.119': and runs a successful jumping castle '122.88': business '123.36': despite his brush with fame francisco '125.84': domingos joaquim '127.6': if you've got a secret that you need to '129.36': make sure never gets out '13.519': ready to meet the people who are one in '130.72': try not to tell francisco domingo '132.72': joaquim the man nicknamed the angolan '134.959': jalavah is officially recognized by the '137.12': guinness book of world records as having '138.879': the world's widest mouth francisco was '141.2': first noticed on the streets of the '142.48': anglin capital luanda popping cans in '145.12': and out of his mouth sidewards to the '146.8': amazement of passersby '148.4': researchers looking on youtube found '15.04': a million let's get it on '150.239': videos of the then 20 year old and '152.239': after two years of searching finally '154.08': tracked him down in angola to officially '156.08': measure francisco's mouth his 2010 '158.56': record of a 6.69 inch wide unstretched '161.519': mouth still stands today '163.12': and at the big mouth competition held in '165.12': rome contestants to this day '166.72': still can't match the angolan jaw of awe '17.039': gio tmg they say that good things come '172.879': for a while had the internet fooled '174.879': anyone who couldn't speak russian or '176.48': didn't know the tiny fighter's backstory '178.319': could be forgiven for thinking they were '179.92': watching an angry child '181.2': fronting up against the schoolyard enemy '183.04': it turns out hezbollah is actually 18 '185.44': years old and suffers from a form of '187.04': dwarfism '187.84': it resulted in the adult blogger from '189.599': dagestan looking and '190.959': sounding like a toddler with a tantrum '195.04': hezbollah shot to viral fame when '196.959': recreating the infamous khabib '198.72': nurmagomedov weigh in against conor '2.32': dip sometimes but every now and then '20.24': in small packages '200.8': mcgregor with fellow dwarf '202.239': abdul raziq from tajikistan earning him '204.72': the nickname '205.44': mini khabib hazbolla and abdu have been '207.76': teasing an mma showdown for a while now '21.359': india's very own pint-sized gio dmg is '210.239': a move that has been condemned by the '211.76': sports association of little people of '213.599': russia for being unethical '215.12': whether it happens or not we'll just '216.4': have to wait and see steven ludwig '219.36': steven ludwig has always had to struggle '221.599': the young boy from chapel hill in north '223.28': carolina was born with an extremely rare '225.68': bone '226.0': disorder called mafuchi syndrome a '228.0': disease characterized by abnormal bone '230.319': and cartilage growth in the body it's so '232.4': rare in fact that stephen is one of only '234.68': 150 known sufferers of the condition '237.439': worldwide throughout his childhood '239.28': ludwig's had to endure more than 30 '24.16': proof '241.2': surgeries to repair broken bones '243.28': transplant bone marrow and remove '245.2': painful spurs that's on top of years of '247.519': having to wear excruciating leg '249.439': lengthening braces and '250.879': fighting leukemia at the same time '253.04': steven credits his killer survival '254.959': instinct on his hero '256.239': the late kobe bryant who he got to meet '258.239': in 2007 at the nba all-stars his '26.72': that you can chase big dreams no matter '260.799': condition means that steven's left leg '262.72': and left arm are significantly shorter '264.639': than the other '265.36': a disability that not only hasn't slowed '267.52': him down in the slightest but has gifted '269.36': him some pretty awesome kicks as well '271.919': renson corlu bud mongolian-born rents in '275.12': corlu bud '275.919': or ren as her friends call her came from '277.919': a super tall family '279.36': her father measured in at six foot ten '28.88': your size she held the record for the '281.44': her mother six foot one '282.96': and as a child ren was already the same '285.52': height as her first grade teacher '287.28': that's five foot six as a six year old '289.44': the now 29 year old finally stopped '291.6': growing at an '292.32': intimidating six foot nine inches and '294.56': has since swapped her homeland '296.0': for the tall skyscrapers of chicago a '298.24': place she definitely feels more at home '30.8': world's shortest living teen before '300.479': ren officially owns the world's second '302.72': longest legs measuring '304.52': 52.18 inches from hip to heel this jaw '307.6': dropping height however does come with '309.44': its own '310.16': unique problems everything from needing '312.4': extra legroom in the car to finding a '314.4': pair of shoes that will fit her size u.s '316.32': 13 feet all the way to having to duck to '318.72': avoid doorways and ceiling fans on the '32.8': taking the crown of the world's shortest '320.72': daily '321.68': chef boy bones when chef boy bones '324.4': appeared on america's got talent the '326.16': world '326.56': wasn't quite ready for such an '328.32': eye-popping performance '329.68': chef's routine started off innocently '331.44': enough a slow-paced old-school '333.199': rap hook and some savvy crowd work but '335.36': then chef approached the judge's desk '337.12': with his eyeballs '338.08': extending out of their sockets '34.48': living and mobile woman on her 18th '342.08': my question is what the hell no one '343.84': cared that his lyrics were average at '345.52': best '346.0': sophia vergara instantly noped out but '348.32': the rest of the panel wanted to see '350.16': more ultimately the eye-catching '352.0': performer didn't make it to the agt '354.08': quarterfinals '356.72': but it hasn't stopped chef from '358.08': capitalizing on his talent since his '359.919': appearance bones has appeared in several '36.559': birthday '361.68': commercials '362.479': music video clips and tick tocks with '364.479': his intense eyes firmly set on the '366.56': limelight '367.759': huge yangshia girls all around the world '37.12': so just how small do you have to be '370.96': are envious of this next one in a '372.639': million '373.199': yuginxia from shanghai in china is the '375.759': official guinness world record holder '377.52': for the longest eyelashes '379.199': she claimed the title back in 2016 when '38.879': anyways to obtain the moniker of the '381.759': her eyelashes from her left upper eyelid '383.919': measured in at 4.8 inches '386.0': since then however used eyelashes have '388.0': continued to grow and at last count her '390.24': longest lash is now over 8 inches long '393.199': doctors and scientists haven't been able '395.039': to find a reason why used luscious '396.8': lashes keep growing there are no genetic '398.88': markers or disease and you is the only '4.319': this random dna lottery can produce some '40.64': world's smallest human '400.96': one in her family with the condition '402.72': despite all this you's embraced her '404.639': quirky look braiding her eyelashes and '406.72': pulling them back in a style that she '408.479': says replaces eyeliner and eye shadow '41.92': two feet and three-quarter inches to be '411.199': ayanna williams have you ever had an '413.599': itch that's difficult to scratch '415.199': it's a problem that ayanna williams '416.88': until very recently has never had '418.72': for over 28 years ayanna was growing her '421.44': fingernails '422.24': last cutting them in the early 90s '424.24': before they reached their record size of '426.4': 18 feet in 2018 '428.479': while they aren't the longest nails ever '43.92': exact up until the age of five giotti '430.319': to be grown for several years ayanna was '432.479': the reigning champ with the longest '434.08': nails still on a female hand the texan '436.319': local would spend days carefully '438.24': painting and manicuring her long nails '440.479': going through three to four bottles per '442.4': session but the longer they got the '444.24': harder it became for ayano to perform '446.319': even the simplest of tasks like washing '448.479': the dishes and making the bed '450.16': for this reason ayanna recently had her '452.24': nails finally clipped donating them to '454.4': ripley's believe it or not museum in '456.08': florida where her record will be '457.68': preserved forever '459.28': etibar el chev what makes a man '46.16': was average height for her age '462.16': attractive '462.88': ask georgian superhero etibar el shiv '465.599': who seems to have somewhat of a magnetic '467.599': personality the ex-kickboxing coach '469.919': turned real-life magneto discovered very '47.68': after some time however her parents knew '472.24': early on in life that he had the bizarre '474.24': ability to both attract and hold metal '476.4': objects on his body elsie have made his '478.479': special abilities known to the world in '480.16': 2011 by holding '481.68': 50 spoons against his body not to be '484.0': outdone by himself '485.039': echevar tried again two years later '487.199': adding three more spoons to his previous '489.52': attempt and earning a guinness world '49.68': something wasn't quite right she was '491.039': record in the process '492.24': the sky's the limit for this georgian '494.08': with ambitions of one day moving an '496.08': aeroplane or an '497.199': empty train carriage until then let's '499.36': just hope he washes all those spoons '501.28': before putting them away '51.36': diagnosed with a rare form of dwarfism '53.76': called iachondraplasia in layman's terms '56.48': lacking the hormones needed to grow '58.32': beyond a certain height she hasn't let '6.879': truly spectacular people '60.079': it hinder her dreams and aspirations of '61.92': making it on the silver screen either '63.68': you might also recognize her from her '65.28': breakout role on the hit tv show '67.04': american horror story back in 2014 '69.68': where she starred as the charming ma '71.28': petite larry gomez '73.92': if you've ever thought the full moon is '75.6': driving you crazy spare a thought for '77.759': larry gomez aka the wolfman '8.8': individuals blessed with skills and '80.32': originally born in mexico as victor '82.4': gomez larry suffers from hypertrichosis '84.96': a rare condition that causes his body to '86.96': grow hair on over 98 '89.04': of his body including his face nose and '91.6': even eyelids the one in a billion '94.079': condition runs in the family with three '96.159': other family members and a brother also '98.32': sporting werewolf-like locks
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, "Lucie Myslivečková i Neil Brown na mistrzostwach Europy 2012", null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, null, null, "Луция с Нейлом Брауном в 2012 году.", null, "Brown with Myslivečková in 2012", "Myslivečkova and Brown at the 2012 European Championships" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "ニール・ブラウン [SEP] ", null, "Lucie Myslivečková [SEP] ", null, null, "Neil Brown (figure skater) [SEP] Brown with Myslivečková in 2012", "Lucie Myslivečková [SEP] Myslivečkova and Brown at the 2012 European Championships" ], "context_page_description": [ "ニール・ブラウンは、フランス出身の男性、チェコの元フィギュアスケート選手。パートナーはルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァーなど。", "Lucie Myslivečková er en slovakisk kunstløper.", "Lucie Myslivečková – czeska łyżwiarka figurowa reprezentująca Słowację, startująca w parach tanecznych z Lukášem Csölleyem. Uczestniczka igrzysk olimpijskich w Pjongczangu, uczestniczka mistrzostw Europy i świata, medalistka zawodów z cyklu Challenger Series, trzykrotna mistrzyni Czech oraz mistrzyni Słowacji. Zakończyła karierę amatorską 23 kwietnia 2018 roku.", "Лу́ция Мы́сливечкова — словацкая, ранее чешская фигуристка, выступающая в танцах на льду с лета 2016 года с Лукашем Цолли, с которым она двукратная чемпионка Словакии. Ранее в паре с Матеем Новаком — чемпионка Чехии 2011 и победительница международного турнира «Золотой конёк Загреба» 2011. Непродолжительное время выступала за Чехию с Нейлом Брауном.", "ルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァーは、チェコスロバキア出身の女性フィギュアスケート選手。パートナーはルカーシュ・チェーレイ、ニール・ブラウン、マチェイ・ノヴァークなど。", "Neil Brown is a French ice dancer. He competes with Lucie Myslivečková for the Czech Republic. Until 2010, he competed for France with various partners.", "Lucie Myslivečková is a Czech and Slovak former competitive ice dancer. Representing Slovakia with Lukáš Csölley, she competed at the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea. Earlier in her career, she represented the Czech Republic with Matěj Novák and Neil Brown. With Novák, she is the 2010 Golden Spin of Zagreb champion and the 2011 Czech national champion." ], "context_section_description": [ "ニール・ブラウン(フランス語: Neil Brown, 1990年3月11日 - )は、フランス出身の男性、チェコの元フィギュアスケート(アイスダンス)選手。パートナーはルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァーなど。", null, "Lucie Myslivečková (ur. 8 grudnia 1989 w Czeladnej) – czeska łyżwiarka figurowa reprezentująca Słowację, startująca w parach tanecznych z Lukášem Csölleyem. Uczestniczka igrzysk olimpijskich w Pjongczangu (2018), uczestniczka mistrzostw Europy i świata, medalistka zawodów z cyklu Challenger Series, trzykrotna mistrzyni Czech (2011, 2013, 2014) oraz mistrzyni Słowacji (2017). Zakończyła karierę amatorską 23 kwietnia 2018 roku.", null, null, "Neil Brown (born 11 March 1990) is a French ice dancer. He competes with Lucie Myslivečková for the Czech Republic. Until 2010, he competed for France with various partners.", null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "ニール・ブラウン", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Мысливечкова, Луция / Карьера", "ルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァー", "Neil Brown (figure skater)", "Lucie Myslivečková / Competitive highlights / With Brown for the Czech Republic" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "ja", "no", "pl", "ru", "ja", "en", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "ニール・ブラウン", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Мысливечкова, Луция", "ルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァー", "Neil Brown (figure skater)", "Lucie Myslivečková" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", ",_%D0%9B%D1%83%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null, "Карьера", null, null, "With Brown for the Czech Republic" ] }
The Smallest Woman in the World…
For copyright matters, please contact: Genetics can be a little bit of a lucky dip sometimes. But every now and then, this random DNA lottery can produce some truly spectacular people. Individuals blessed with skills and natural talents that defy understanding. Ready to meet the people who are one in a million? We do not claim these clips as our own. All credit goes to the rightful owners. If your clip was featured and you want it taken down, send us an e-mail explaining the situation and we'll resolve it. Links and sources: People who are one in a million in the world! Featuring the world's most unusual people on earth. You better check out these unusual and rare people with your own eyes.
'0.08': genetics can be a little bit of a lucky '10.88': natural talents that defy understanding '100.0': growing up the brothers worked in the '101.6': circus and it was there the previously '103.68': named victor '104.56': changed his name to larry after the main '106.32': character in the 1941 film the wolf man '108.96': larry would then move to the united '110.56': states and after a brief stint at the '112.32': venice beach freak show would enjoy '114.079': success in several hollywood productions '116.56': these days larry gomez enjoys a much '118.56': quieter life '119.36': he's been married has a son of his own '121.119': and runs a successful jumping castle '122.88': business '123.36': despite his brush with fame francisco '125.84': domingos joaquim '127.6': if you've got a secret that you need to '129.36': make sure never gets out '13.519': ready to meet the people who are one in '130.72': try not to tell francisco domingo '132.72': joaquim the man nicknamed the angolan '134.959': jalavah is officially recognized by the '137.12': guinness book of world records as having '138.879': the world's widest mouth francisco was '141.2': first noticed on the streets of the '142.48': anglin capital luanda popping cans in '145.12': and out of his mouth sidewards to the '146.8': amazement of passersby '148.4': researchers looking on youtube found '15.04': a million let's get it on '150.239': videos of the then 20 year old and '152.239': after two years of searching finally '154.08': tracked him down in angola to officially '156.08': measure francisco's mouth his 2010 '158.56': record of a 6.69 inch wide unstretched '161.519': mouth still stands today '163.12': and at the big mouth competition held in '165.12': rome contestants to this day '166.72': still can't match the angolan jaw of awe '17.039': gio tmg they say that good things come '172.879': for a while had the internet fooled '174.879': anyone who couldn't speak russian or '176.48': didn't know the tiny fighter's backstory '178.319': could be forgiven for thinking they were '179.92': watching an angry child '181.2': fronting up against the schoolyard enemy '183.04': it turns out hezbollah is actually 18 '185.44': years old and suffers from a form of '187.04': dwarfism '187.84': it resulted in the adult blogger from '189.599': dagestan looking and '190.959': sounding like a toddler with a tantrum '195.04': hezbollah shot to viral fame when '196.959': recreating the infamous khabib '198.72': nurmagomedov weigh in against conor '2.32': dip sometimes but every now and then '20.24': in small packages '200.8': mcgregor with fellow dwarf '202.239': abdul raziq from tajikistan earning him '204.72': the nickname '205.44': mini khabib hazbolla and abdu have been '207.76': teasing an mma showdown for a while now '21.359': india's very own pint-sized gio dmg is '210.239': a move that has been condemned by the '211.76': sports association of little people of '213.599': russia for being unethical '215.12': whether it happens or not we'll just '216.4': have to wait and see steven ludwig '219.36': steven ludwig has always had to struggle '221.599': the young boy from chapel hill in north '223.28': carolina was born with an extremely rare '225.68': bone '226.0': disorder called mafuchi syndrome a '228.0': disease characterized by abnormal bone '230.319': and cartilage growth in the body it's so '232.4': rare in fact that stephen is one of only '234.68': 150 known sufferers of the condition '237.439': worldwide throughout his childhood '239.28': ludwig's had to endure more than 30 '24.16': proof '241.2': surgeries to repair broken bones '243.28': transplant bone marrow and remove '245.2': painful spurs that's on top of years of '247.519': having to wear excruciating leg '249.439': lengthening braces and '250.879': fighting leukemia at the same time '253.04': steven credits his killer survival '254.959': instinct on his hero '256.239': the late kobe bryant who he got to meet '258.239': in 2007 at the nba all-stars his '26.72': that you can chase big dreams no matter '260.799': condition means that steven's left leg '262.72': and left arm are significantly shorter '264.639': than the other '265.36': a disability that not only hasn't slowed '267.52': him down in the slightest but has gifted '269.36': him some pretty awesome kicks as well '271.919': renson corlu bud mongolian-born rents in '275.12': corlu bud '275.919': or ren as her friends call her came from '277.919': a super tall family '279.36': her father measured in at six foot ten '28.88': your size she held the record for the '281.44': her mother six foot one '282.96': and as a child ren was already the same '285.52': height as her first grade teacher '287.28': that's five foot six as a six year old '289.44': the now 29 year old finally stopped '291.6': growing at an '292.32': intimidating six foot nine inches and '294.56': has since swapped her homeland '296.0': for the tall skyscrapers of chicago a '298.24': place she definitely feels more at home '30.8': world's shortest living teen before '300.479': ren officially owns the world's second '302.72': longest legs measuring '304.52': 52.18 inches from hip to heel this jaw '307.6': dropping height however does come with '309.44': its own '310.16': unique problems everything from needing '312.4': extra legroom in the car to finding a '314.4': pair of shoes that will fit her size u.s '316.32': 13 feet all the way to having to duck to '318.72': avoid doorways and ceiling fans on the '32.8': taking the crown of the world's shortest '320.72': daily '321.68': chef boy bones when chef boy bones '324.4': appeared on america's got talent the '326.16': world '326.56': wasn't quite ready for such an '328.32': eye-popping performance '329.68': chef's routine started off innocently '331.44': enough a slow-paced old-school '333.199': rap hook and some savvy crowd work but '335.36': then chef approached the judge's desk '337.12': with his eyeballs '338.08': extending out of their sockets '34.48': living and mobile woman on her 18th '342.08': my question is what the hell no one '343.84': cared that his lyrics were average at '345.52': best '346.0': sophia vergara instantly noped out but '348.32': the rest of the panel wanted to see '350.16': more ultimately the eye-catching '352.0': performer didn't make it to the agt '354.08': quarterfinals '356.72': but it hasn't stopped chef from '358.08': capitalizing on his talent since his '359.919': appearance bones has appeared in several '36.559': birthday '361.68': commercials '362.479': music video clips and tick tocks with '364.479': his intense eyes firmly set on the '366.56': limelight '367.759': huge yangshia girls all around the world '37.12': so just how small do you have to be '370.96': are envious of this next one in a '372.639': million '373.199': yuginxia from shanghai in china is the '375.759': official guinness world record holder '377.52': for the longest eyelashes '379.199': she claimed the title back in 2016 when '38.879': anyways to obtain the moniker of the '381.759': her eyelashes from her left upper eyelid '383.919': measured in at 4.8 inches '386.0': since then however used eyelashes have '388.0': continued to grow and at last count her '390.24': longest lash is now over 8 inches long '393.199': doctors and scientists haven't been able '395.039': to find a reason why used luscious '396.8': lashes keep growing there are no genetic '398.88': markers or disease and you is the only '4.319': this random dna lottery can produce some '40.64': world's smallest human '400.96': one in her family with the condition '402.72': despite all this you's embraced her '404.639': quirky look braiding her eyelashes and '406.72': pulling them back in a style that she '408.479': says replaces eyeliner and eye shadow '41.92': two feet and three-quarter inches to be '411.199': ayanna williams have you ever had an '413.599': itch that's difficult to scratch '415.199': it's a problem that ayanna williams '416.88': until very recently has never had '418.72': for over 28 years ayanna was growing her '421.44': fingernails '422.24': last cutting them in the early 90s '424.24': before they reached their record size of '426.4': 18 feet in 2018 '428.479': while they aren't the longest nails ever '43.92': exact up until the age of five giotti '430.319': to be grown for several years ayanna was '432.479': the reigning champ with the longest '434.08': nails still on a female hand the texan '436.319': local would spend days carefully '438.24': painting and manicuring her long nails '440.479': going through three to four bottles per '442.4': session but the longer they got the '444.24': harder it became for ayano to perform '446.319': even the simplest of tasks like washing '448.479': the dishes and making the bed '450.16': for this reason ayanna recently had her '452.24': nails finally clipped donating them to '454.4': ripley's believe it or not museum in '456.08': florida where her record will be '457.68': preserved forever '459.28': etibar el chev what makes a man '46.16': was average height for her age '462.16': attractive '462.88': ask georgian superhero etibar el shiv '465.599': who seems to have somewhat of a magnetic '467.599': personality the ex-kickboxing coach '469.919': turned real-life magneto discovered very '47.68': after some time however her parents knew '472.24': early on in life that he had the bizarre '474.24': ability to both attract and hold metal '476.4': objects on his body elsie have made his '478.479': special abilities known to the world in '480.16': 2011 by holding '481.68': 50 spoons against his body not to be '484.0': outdone by himself '485.039': echevar tried again two years later '487.199': adding three more spoons to his previous '489.52': attempt and earning a guinness world '49.68': something wasn't quite right she was '491.039': record in the process '492.24': the sky's the limit for this georgian '494.08': with ambitions of one day moving an '496.08': aeroplane or an '497.199': empty train carriage until then let's '499.36': just hope he washes all those spoons '501.28': before putting them away '51.36': diagnosed with a rare form of dwarfism '53.76': called iachondraplasia in layman's terms '56.48': lacking the hormones needed to grow '58.32': beyond a certain height she hasn't let '6.879': truly spectacular people '60.079': it hinder her dreams and aspirations of '61.92': making it on the silver screen either '63.68': you might also recognize her from her '65.28': breakout role on the hit tv show '67.04': american horror story back in 2014 '69.68': where she starred as the charming ma '71.28': petite larry gomez '73.92': if you've ever thought the full moon is '75.6': driving you crazy spare a thought for '77.759': larry gomez aka the wolfman '8.8': individuals blessed with skills and '80.32': originally born in mexico as victor '82.4': gomez larry suffers from hypertrichosis '84.96': a rare condition that causes his body to '86.96': grow hair on over 98 '89.04': of his body including his face nose and '91.6': even eyelids the one in a billion '94.079': condition runs in the family with three '96.159': other family members and a brother also '98.32': sporting werewolf-like locks
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, "Lucie Myslivečková i Neil Brown na mistrzostwach Europy 2012", null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, null, null, "Луция с Нейлом Брауном в 2012 году.", null, "Brown with Myslivečková in 2012", "Myslivečkova and Brown at the 2012 European Championships" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "ニール・ブラウン [SEP] ", null, "Lucie Myslivečková [SEP] ", null, null, "Neil Brown (figure skater) [SEP] Brown with Myslivečková in 2012", "Lucie Myslivečková [SEP] Myslivečkova and Brown at the 2012 European Championships" ], "context_page_description": [ "ニール・ブラウンは、フランス出身の男性、チェコの元フィギュアスケート選手。パートナーはルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァーなど。", "Lucie Myslivečková er en slovakisk kunstløper.", "Lucie Myslivečková – czeska łyżwiarka figurowa reprezentująca Słowację, startująca w parach tanecznych z Lukášem Csölleyem. Uczestniczka igrzysk olimpijskich w Pjongczangu, uczestniczka mistrzostw Europy i świata, medalistka zawodów z cyklu Challenger Series, trzykrotna mistrzyni Czech oraz mistrzyni Słowacji. Zakończyła karierę amatorską 23 kwietnia 2018 roku.", "Лу́ция Мы́сливечкова — словацкая, ранее чешская фигуристка, выступающая в танцах на льду с лета 2016 года с Лукашем Цолли, с которым она двукратная чемпионка Словакии. Ранее в паре с Матеем Новаком — чемпионка Чехии 2011 и победительница международного турнира «Золотой конёк Загреба» 2011. Непродолжительное время выступала за Чехию с Нейлом Брауном.", "ルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァーは、チェコスロバキア出身の女性フィギュアスケート選手。パートナーはルカーシュ・チェーレイ、ニール・ブラウン、マチェイ・ノヴァークなど。", "Neil Brown is a French ice dancer. He competes with Lucie Myslivečková for the Czech Republic. Until 2010, he competed for France with various partners.", "Lucie Myslivečková is a Czech and Slovak former competitive ice dancer. Representing Slovakia with Lukáš Csölley, she competed at the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea. Earlier in her career, she represented the Czech Republic with Matěj Novák and Neil Brown. With Novák, she is the 2010 Golden Spin of Zagreb champion and the 2011 Czech national champion." ], "context_section_description": [ "ニール・ブラウン(フランス語: Neil Brown, 1990年3月11日 - )は、フランス出身の男性、チェコの元フィギュアスケート(アイスダンス)選手。パートナーはルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァーなど。", null, "Lucie Myslivečková (ur. 8 grudnia 1989 w Czeladnej) – czeska łyżwiarka figurowa reprezentująca Słowację, startująca w parach tanecznych z Lukášem Csölleyem. Uczestniczka igrzysk olimpijskich w Pjongczangu (2018), uczestniczka mistrzostw Europy i świata, medalistka zawodów z cyklu Challenger Series, trzykrotna mistrzyni Czech (2011, 2013, 2014) oraz mistrzyni Słowacji (2017). Zakończyła karierę amatorską 23 kwietnia 2018 roku.", null, null, "Neil Brown (born 11 March 1990) is a French ice dancer. He competes with Lucie Myslivečková for the Czech Republic. Until 2010, he competed for France with various partners.", null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "ニール・ブラウン", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Мысливечкова, Луция / Карьера", "ルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァー", "Neil Brown (figure skater)", "Lucie Myslivečková / Competitive highlights / With Brown for the Czech Republic" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "ja", "no", "pl", "ru", "ja", "en", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "ニール・ブラウン", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Мысливечкова, Луция", "ルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァー", "Neil Brown (figure skater)", "Lucie Myslivečková" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", ",_%D0%9B%D1%83%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null, "Карьера", null, null, "With Brown for the Czech Republic" ] }
The Smallest Woman in the World…
For copyright matters, please contact: Genetics can be a little bit of a lucky dip sometimes. But every now and then, this random DNA lottery can produce some truly spectacular people. Individuals blessed with skills and natural talents that defy understanding. Ready to meet the people who are one in a million? We do not claim these clips as our own. All credit goes to the rightful owners. If your clip was featured and you want it taken down, send us an e-mail explaining the situation and we'll resolve it. Links and sources: People who are one in a million in the world! Featuring the world's most unusual people on earth. You better check out these unusual and rare people with your own eyes.
'0.08': genetics can be a little bit of a lucky '10.88': natural talents that defy understanding '100.0': growing up the brothers worked in the '101.6': circus and it was there the previously '103.68': named victor '104.56': changed his name to larry after the main '106.32': character in the 1941 film the wolf man '108.96': larry would then move to the united '110.56': states and after a brief stint at the '112.32': venice beach freak show would enjoy '114.079': success in several hollywood productions '116.56': these days larry gomez enjoys a much '118.56': quieter life '119.36': he's been married has a son of his own '121.119': and runs a successful jumping castle '122.88': business '123.36': despite his brush with fame francisco '125.84': domingos joaquim '127.6': if you've got a secret that you need to '129.36': make sure never gets out '13.519': ready to meet the people who are one in '130.72': try not to tell francisco domingo '132.72': joaquim the man nicknamed the angolan '134.959': jalavah is officially recognized by the '137.12': guinness book of world records as having '138.879': the world's widest mouth francisco was '141.2': first noticed on the streets of the '142.48': anglin capital luanda popping cans in '145.12': and out of his mouth sidewards to the '146.8': amazement of passersby '148.4': researchers looking on youtube found '15.04': a million let's get it on '150.239': videos of the then 20 year old and '152.239': after two years of searching finally '154.08': tracked him down in angola to officially '156.08': measure francisco's mouth his 2010 '158.56': record of a 6.69 inch wide unstretched '161.519': mouth still stands today '163.12': and at the big mouth competition held in '165.12': rome contestants to this day '166.72': still can't match the angolan jaw of awe '17.039': gio tmg they say that good things come '172.879': for a while had the internet fooled '174.879': anyone who couldn't speak russian or '176.48': didn't know the tiny fighter's backstory '178.319': could be forgiven for thinking they were '179.92': watching an angry child '181.2': fronting up against the schoolyard enemy '183.04': it turns out hezbollah is actually 18 '185.44': years old and suffers from a form of '187.04': dwarfism '187.84': it resulted in the adult blogger from '189.599': dagestan looking and '190.959': sounding like a toddler with a tantrum '195.04': hezbollah shot to viral fame when '196.959': recreating the infamous khabib '198.72': nurmagomedov weigh in against conor '2.32': dip sometimes but every now and then '20.24': in small packages '200.8': mcgregor with fellow dwarf '202.239': abdul raziq from tajikistan earning him '204.72': the nickname '205.44': mini khabib hazbolla and abdu have been '207.76': teasing an mma showdown for a while now '21.359': india's very own pint-sized gio dmg is '210.239': a move that has been condemned by the '211.76': sports association of little people of '213.599': russia for being unethical '215.12': whether it happens or not we'll just '216.4': have to wait and see steven ludwig '219.36': steven ludwig has always had to struggle '221.599': the young boy from chapel hill in north '223.28': carolina was born with an extremely rare '225.68': bone '226.0': disorder called mafuchi syndrome a '228.0': disease characterized by abnormal bone '230.319': and cartilage growth in the body it's so '232.4': rare in fact that stephen is one of only '234.68': 150 known sufferers of the condition '237.439': worldwide throughout his childhood '239.28': ludwig's had to endure more than 30 '24.16': proof '241.2': surgeries to repair broken bones '243.28': transplant bone marrow and remove '245.2': painful spurs that's on top of years of '247.519': having to wear excruciating leg '249.439': lengthening braces and '250.879': fighting leukemia at the same time '253.04': steven credits his killer survival '254.959': instinct on his hero '256.239': the late kobe bryant who he got to meet '258.239': in 2007 at the nba all-stars his '26.72': that you can chase big dreams no matter '260.799': condition means that steven's left leg '262.72': and left arm are significantly shorter '264.639': than the other '265.36': a disability that not only hasn't slowed '267.52': him down in the slightest but has gifted '269.36': him some pretty awesome kicks as well '271.919': renson corlu bud mongolian-born rents in '275.12': corlu bud '275.919': or ren as her friends call her came from '277.919': a super tall family '279.36': her father measured in at six foot ten '28.88': your size she held the record for the '281.44': her mother six foot one '282.96': and as a child ren was already the same '285.52': height as her first grade teacher '287.28': that's five foot six as a six year old '289.44': the now 29 year old finally stopped '291.6': growing at an '292.32': intimidating six foot nine inches and '294.56': has since swapped her homeland '296.0': for the tall skyscrapers of chicago a '298.24': place she definitely feels more at home '30.8': world's shortest living teen before '300.479': ren officially owns the world's second '302.72': longest legs measuring '304.52': 52.18 inches from hip to heel this jaw '307.6': dropping height however does come with '309.44': its own '310.16': unique problems everything from needing '312.4': extra legroom in the car to finding a '314.4': pair of shoes that will fit her size u.s '316.32': 13 feet all the way to having to duck to '318.72': avoid doorways and ceiling fans on the '32.8': taking the crown of the world's shortest '320.72': daily '321.68': chef boy bones when chef boy bones '324.4': appeared on america's got talent the '326.16': world '326.56': wasn't quite ready for such an '328.32': eye-popping performance '329.68': chef's routine started off innocently '331.44': enough a slow-paced old-school '333.199': rap hook and some savvy crowd work but '335.36': then chef approached the judge's desk '337.12': with his eyeballs '338.08': extending out of their sockets '34.48': living and mobile woman on her 18th '342.08': my question is what the hell no one '343.84': cared that his lyrics were average at '345.52': best '346.0': sophia vergara instantly noped out but '348.32': the rest of the panel wanted to see '350.16': more ultimately the eye-catching '352.0': performer didn't make it to the agt '354.08': quarterfinals '356.72': but it hasn't stopped chef from '358.08': capitalizing on his talent since his '359.919': appearance bones has appeared in several '36.559': birthday '361.68': commercials '362.479': music video clips and tick tocks with '364.479': his intense eyes firmly set on the '366.56': limelight '367.759': huge yangshia girls all around the world '37.12': so just how small do you have to be '370.96': are envious of this next one in a '372.639': million '373.199': yuginxia from shanghai in china is the '375.759': official guinness world record holder '377.52': for the longest eyelashes '379.199': she claimed the title back in 2016 when '38.879': anyways to obtain the moniker of the '381.759': her eyelashes from her left upper eyelid '383.919': measured in at 4.8 inches '386.0': since then however used eyelashes have '388.0': continued to grow and at last count her '390.24': longest lash is now over 8 inches long '393.199': doctors and scientists haven't been able '395.039': to find a reason why used luscious '396.8': lashes keep growing there are no genetic '398.88': markers or disease and you is the only '4.319': this random dna lottery can produce some '40.64': world's smallest human '400.96': one in her family with the condition '402.72': despite all this you's embraced her '404.639': quirky look braiding her eyelashes and '406.72': pulling them back in a style that she '408.479': says replaces eyeliner and eye shadow '41.92': two feet and three-quarter inches to be '411.199': ayanna williams have you ever had an '413.599': itch that's difficult to scratch '415.199': it's a problem that ayanna williams '416.88': until very recently has never had '418.72': for over 28 years ayanna was growing her '421.44': fingernails '422.24': last cutting them in the early 90s '424.24': before they reached their record size of '426.4': 18 feet in 2018 '428.479': while they aren't the longest nails ever '43.92': exact up until the age of five giotti '430.319': to be grown for several years ayanna was '432.479': the reigning champ with the longest '434.08': nails still on a female hand the texan '436.319': local would spend days carefully '438.24': painting and manicuring her long nails '440.479': going through three to four bottles per '442.4': session but the longer they got the '444.24': harder it became for ayano to perform '446.319': even the simplest of tasks like washing '448.479': the dishes and making the bed '450.16': for this reason ayanna recently had her '452.24': nails finally clipped donating them to '454.4': ripley's believe it or not museum in '456.08': florida where her record will be '457.68': preserved forever '459.28': etibar el chev what makes a man '46.16': was average height for her age '462.16': attractive '462.88': ask georgian superhero etibar el shiv '465.599': who seems to have somewhat of a magnetic '467.599': personality the ex-kickboxing coach '469.919': turned real-life magneto discovered very '47.68': after some time however her parents knew '472.24': early on in life that he had the bizarre '474.24': ability to both attract and hold metal '476.4': objects on his body elsie have made his '478.479': special abilities known to the world in '480.16': 2011 by holding '481.68': 50 spoons against his body not to be '484.0': outdone by himself '485.039': echevar tried again two years later '487.199': adding three more spoons to his previous '489.52': attempt and earning a guinness world '49.68': something wasn't quite right she was '491.039': record in the process '492.24': the sky's the limit for this georgian '494.08': with ambitions of one day moving an '496.08': aeroplane or an '497.199': empty train carriage until then let's '499.36': just hope he washes all those spoons '501.28': before putting them away '51.36': diagnosed with a rare form of dwarfism '53.76': called iachondraplasia in layman's terms '56.48': lacking the hormones needed to grow '58.32': beyond a certain height she hasn't let '6.879': truly spectacular people '60.079': it hinder her dreams and aspirations of '61.92': making it on the silver screen either '63.68': you might also recognize her from her '65.28': breakout role on the hit tv show '67.04': american horror story back in 2014 '69.68': where she starred as the charming ma '71.28': petite larry gomez '73.92': if you've ever thought the full moon is '75.6': driving you crazy spare a thought for '77.759': larry gomez aka the wolfman '8.8': individuals blessed with skills and '80.32': originally born in mexico as victor '82.4': gomez larry suffers from hypertrichosis '84.96': a rare condition that causes his body to '86.96': grow hair on over 98 '89.04': of his body including his face nose and '91.6': even eyelids the one in a billion '94.079': condition runs in the family with three '96.159': other family members and a brother also '98.32': sporting werewolf-like locks
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, "Lucie Myslivečková i Neil Brown na mistrzostwach Europy 2012", null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, null, null, "Луция с Нейлом Брауном в 2012 году.", null, "Brown with Myslivečková in 2012", "Myslivečkova and Brown at the 2012 European Championships" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "ニール・ブラウン [SEP] ", null, "Lucie Myslivečková [SEP] ", null, null, "Neil Brown (figure skater) [SEP] Brown with Myslivečková in 2012", "Lucie Myslivečková [SEP] Myslivečkova and Brown at the 2012 European Championships" ], "context_page_description": [ "ニール・ブラウンは、フランス出身の男性、チェコの元フィギュアスケート選手。パートナーはルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァーなど。", "Lucie Myslivečková er en slovakisk kunstløper.", "Lucie Myslivečková – czeska łyżwiarka figurowa reprezentująca Słowację, startująca w parach tanecznych z Lukášem Csölleyem. Uczestniczka igrzysk olimpijskich w Pjongczangu, uczestniczka mistrzostw Europy i świata, medalistka zawodów z cyklu Challenger Series, trzykrotna mistrzyni Czech oraz mistrzyni Słowacji. Zakończyła karierę amatorską 23 kwietnia 2018 roku.", "Лу́ция Мы́сливечкова — словацкая, ранее чешская фигуристка, выступающая в танцах на льду с лета 2016 года с Лукашем Цолли, с которым она двукратная чемпионка Словакии. Ранее в паре с Матеем Новаком — чемпионка Чехии 2011 и победительница международного турнира «Золотой конёк Загреба» 2011. Непродолжительное время выступала за Чехию с Нейлом Брауном.", "ルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァーは、チェコスロバキア出身の女性フィギュアスケート選手。パートナーはルカーシュ・チェーレイ、ニール・ブラウン、マチェイ・ノヴァークなど。", "Neil Brown is a French ice dancer. He competes with Lucie Myslivečková for the Czech Republic. Until 2010, he competed for France with various partners.", "Lucie Myslivečková is a Czech and Slovak former competitive ice dancer. Representing Slovakia with Lukáš Csölley, she competed at the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea. Earlier in her career, she represented the Czech Republic with Matěj Novák and Neil Brown. With Novák, she is the 2010 Golden Spin of Zagreb champion and the 2011 Czech national champion." ], "context_section_description": [ "ニール・ブラウン(フランス語: Neil Brown, 1990年3月11日 - )は、フランス出身の男性、チェコの元フィギュアスケート(アイスダンス)選手。パートナーはルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァーなど。", null, "Lucie Myslivečková (ur. 8 grudnia 1989 w Czeladnej) – czeska łyżwiarka figurowa reprezentująca Słowację, startująca w parach tanecznych z Lukášem Csölleyem. Uczestniczka igrzysk olimpijskich w Pjongczangu (2018), uczestniczka mistrzostw Europy i świata, medalistka zawodów z cyklu Challenger Series, trzykrotna mistrzyni Czech (2011, 2013, 2014) oraz mistrzyni Słowacji (2017). Zakończyła karierę amatorską 23 kwietnia 2018 roku.", null, null, "Neil Brown (born 11 March 1990) is a French ice dancer. He competes with Lucie Myslivečková for the Czech Republic. Until 2010, he competed for France with various partners.", null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "ニール・ブラウン", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Мысливечкова, Луция / Карьера", "ルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァー", "Neil Brown (figure skater)", "Lucie Myslivečková / Competitive highlights / With Brown for the Czech Republic" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "ja", "no", "pl", "ru", "ja", "en", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "ニール・ブラウン", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Мысливечкова, Луция", "ルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァー", "Neil Brown (figure skater)", "Lucie Myslivečková" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", ",_%D0%9B%D1%83%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null, "Карьера", null, null, "With Brown for the Czech Republic" ] }
The Smallest Woman in the World…
For copyright matters, please contact: Genetics can be a little bit of a lucky dip sometimes. But every now and then, this random DNA lottery can produce some truly spectacular people. Individuals blessed with skills and natural talents that defy understanding. Ready to meet the people who are one in a million? We do not claim these clips as our own. All credit goes to the rightful owners. If your clip was featured and you want it taken down, send us an e-mail explaining the situation and we'll resolve it. Links and sources: People who are one in a million in the world! Featuring the world's most unusual people on earth. You better check out these unusual and rare people with your own eyes.
'0.08': genetics can be a little bit of a lucky '10.88': natural talents that defy understanding '100.0': growing up the brothers worked in the '101.6': circus and it was there the previously '103.68': named victor '104.56': changed his name to larry after the main '106.32': character in the 1941 film the wolf man '108.96': larry would then move to the united '110.56': states and after a brief stint at the '112.32': venice beach freak show would enjoy '114.079': success in several hollywood productions '116.56': these days larry gomez enjoys a much '118.56': quieter life '119.36': he's been married has a son of his own '121.119': and runs a successful jumping castle '122.88': business '123.36': despite his brush with fame francisco '125.84': domingos joaquim '127.6': if you've got a secret that you need to '129.36': make sure never gets out '13.519': ready to meet the people who are one in '130.72': try not to tell francisco domingo '132.72': joaquim the man nicknamed the angolan '134.959': jalavah is officially recognized by the '137.12': guinness book of world records as having '138.879': the world's widest mouth francisco was '141.2': first noticed on the streets of the '142.48': anglin capital luanda popping cans in '145.12': and out of his mouth sidewards to the '146.8': amazement of passersby '148.4': researchers looking on youtube found '15.04': a million let's get it on '150.239': videos of the then 20 year old and '152.239': after two years of searching finally '154.08': tracked him down in angola to officially '156.08': measure francisco's mouth his 2010 '158.56': record of a 6.69 inch wide unstretched '161.519': mouth still stands today '163.12': and at the big mouth competition held in '165.12': rome contestants to this day '166.72': still can't match the angolan jaw of awe '17.039': gio tmg they say that good things come '172.879': for a while had the internet fooled '174.879': anyone who couldn't speak russian or '176.48': didn't know the tiny fighter's backstory '178.319': could be forgiven for thinking they were '179.92': watching an angry child '181.2': fronting up against the schoolyard enemy '183.04': it turns out hezbollah is actually 18 '185.44': years old and suffers from a form of '187.04': dwarfism '187.84': it resulted in the adult blogger from '189.599': dagestan looking and '190.959': sounding like a toddler with a tantrum '195.04': hezbollah shot to viral fame when '196.959': recreating the infamous khabib '198.72': nurmagomedov weigh in against conor '2.32': dip sometimes but every now and then '20.24': in small packages '200.8': mcgregor with fellow dwarf '202.239': abdul raziq from tajikistan earning him '204.72': the nickname '205.44': mini khabib hazbolla and abdu have been '207.76': teasing an mma showdown for a while now '21.359': india's very own pint-sized gio dmg is '210.239': a move that has been condemned by the '211.76': sports association of little people of '213.599': russia for being unethical '215.12': whether it happens or not we'll just '216.4': have to wait and see steven ludwig '219.36': steven ludwig has always had to struggle '221.599': the young boy from chapel hill in north '223.28': carolina was born with an extremely rare '225.68': bone '226.0': disorder called mafuchi syndrome a '228.0': disease characterized by abnormal bone '230.319': and cartilage growth in the body it's so '232.4': rare in fact that stephen is one of only '234.68': 150 known sufferers of the condition '237.439': worldwide throughout his childhood '239.28': ludwig's had to endure more than 30 '24.16': proof '241.2': surgeries to repair broken bones '243.28': transplant bone marrow and remove '245.2': painful spurs that's on top of years of '247.519': having to wear excruciating leg '249.439': lengthening braces and '250.879': fighting leukemia at the same time '253.04': steven credits his killer survival '254.959': instinct on his hero '256.239': the late kobe bryant who he got to meet '258.239': in 2007 at the nba all-stars his '26.72': that you can chase big dreams no matter '260.799': condition means that steven's left leg '262.72': and left arm are significantly shorter '264.639': than the other '265.36': a disability that not only hasn't slowed '267.52': him down in the slightest but has gifted '269.36': him some pretty awesome kicks as well '271.919': renson corlu bud mongolian-born rents in '275.12': corlu bud '275.919': or ren as her friends call her came from '277.919': a super tall family '279.36': her father measured in at six foot ten '28.88': your size she held the record for the '281.44': her mother six foot one '282.96': and as a child ren was already the same '285.52': height as her first grade teacher '287.28': that's five foot six as a six year old '289.44': the now 29 year old finally stopped '291.6': growing at an '292.32': intimidating six foot nine inches and '294.56': has since swapped her homeland '296.0': for the tall skyscrapers of chicago a '298.24': place she definitely feels more at home '30.8': world's shortest living teen before '300.479': ren officially owns the world's second '302.72': longest legs measuring '304.52': 52.18 inches from hip to heel this jaw '307.6': dropping height however does come with '309.44': its own '310.16': unique problems everything from needing '312.4': extra legroom in the car to finding a '314.4': pair of shoes that will fit her size u.s '316.32': 13 feet all the way to having to duck to '318.72': avoid doorways and ceiling fans on the '32.8': taking the crown of the world's shortest '320.72': daily '321.68': chef boy bones when chef boy bones '324.4': appeared on america's got talent the '326.16': world '326.56': wasn't quite ready for such an '328.32': eye-popping performance '329.68': chef's routine started off innocently '331.44': enough a slow-paced old-school '333.199': rap hook and some savvy crowd work but '335.36': then chef approached the judge's desk '337.12': with his eyeballs '338.08': extending out of their sockets '34.48': living and mobile woman on her 18th '342.08': my question is what the hell no one '343.84': cared that his lyrics were average at '345.52': best '346.0': sophia vergara instantly noped out but '348.32': the rest of the panel wanted to see '350.16': more ultimately the eye-catching '352.0': performer didn't make it to the agt '354.08': quarterfinals '356.72': but it hasn't stopped chef from '358.08': capitalizing on his talent since his '359.919': appearance bones has appeared in several '36.559': birthday '361.68': commercials '362.479': music video clips and tick tocks with '364.479': his intense eyes firmly set on the '366.56': limelight '367.759': huge yangshia girls all around the world '37.12': so just how small do you have to be '370.96': are envious of this next one in a '372.639': million '373.199': yuginxia from shanghai in china is the '375.759': official guinness world record holder '377.52': for the longest eyelashes '379.199': she claimed the title back in 2016 when '38.879': anyways to obtain the moniker of the '381.759': her eyelashes from her left upper eyelid '383.919': measured in at 4.8 inches '386.0': since then however used eyelashes have '388.0': continued to grow and at last count her '390.24': longest lash is now over 8 inches long '393.199': doctors and scientists haven't been able '395.039': to find a reason why used luscious '396.8': lashes keep growing there are no genetic '398.88': markers or disease and you is the only '4.319': this random dna lottery can produce some '40.64': world's smallest human '400.96': one in her family with the condition '402.72': despite all this you's embraced her '404.639': quirky look braiding her eyelashes and '406.72': pulling them back in a style that she '408.479': says replaces eyeliner and eye shadow '41.92': two feet and three-quarter inches to be '411.199': ayanna williams have you ever had an '413.599': itch that's difficult to scratch '415.199': it's a problem that ayanna williams '416.88': until very recently has never had '418.72': for over 28 years ayanna was growing her '421.44': fingernails '422.24': last cutting them in the early 90s '424.24': before they reached their record size of '426.4': 18 feet in 2018 '428.479': while they aren't the longest nails ever '43.92': exact up until the age of five giotti '430.319': to be grown for several years ayanna was '432.479': the reigning champ with the longest '434.08': nails still on a female hand the texan '436.319': local would spend days carefully '438.24': painting and manicuring her long nails '440.479': going through three to four bottles per '442.4': session but the longer they got the '444.24': harder it became for ayano to perform '446.319': even the simplest of tasks like washing '448.479': the dishes and making the bed '450.16': for this reason ayanna recently had her '452.24': nails finally clipped donating them to '454.4': ripley's believe it or not museum in '456.08': florida where her record will be '457.68': preserved forever '459.28': etibar el chev what makes a man '46.16': was average height for her age '462.16': attractive '462.88': ask georgian superhero etibar el shiv '465.599': who seems to have somewhat of a magnetic '467.599': personality the ex-kickboxing coach '469.919': turned real-life magneto discovered very '47.68': after some time however her parents knew '472.24': early on in life that he had the bizarre '474.24': ability to both attract and hold metal '476.4': objects on his body elsie have made his '478.479': special abilities known to the world in '480.16': 2011 by holding '481.68': 50 spoons against his body not to be '484.0': outdone by himself '485.039': echevar tried again two years later '487.199': adding three more spoons to his previous '489.52': attempt and earning a guinness world '49.68': something wasn't quite right she was '491.039': record in the process '492.24': the sky's the limit for this georgian '494.08': with ambitions of one day moving an '496.08': aeroplane or an '497.199': empty train carriage until then let's '499.36': just hope he washes all those spoons '501.28': before putting them away '51.36': diagnosed with a rare form of dwarfism '53.76': called iachondraplasia in layman's terms '56.48': lacking the hormones needed to grow '58.32': beyond a certain height she hasn't let '6.879': truly spectacular people '60.079': it hinder her dreams and aspirations of '61.92': making it on the silver screen either '63.68': you might also recognize her from her '65.28': breakout role on the hit tv show '67.04': american horror story back in 2014 '69.68': where she starred as the charming ma '71.28': petite larry gomez '73.92': if you've ever thought the full moon is '75.6': driving you crazy spare a thought for '77.759': larry gomez aka the wolfman '8.8': individuals blessed with skills and '80.32': originally born in mexico as victor '82.4': gomez larry suffers from hypertrichosis '84.96': a rare condition that causes his body to '86.96': grow hair on over 98 '89.04': of his body including his face nose and '91.6': even eyelids the one in a billion '94.079': condition runs in the family with three '96.159': other family members and a brother also '98.32': sporting werewolf-like locks
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, "Lucie Myslivečková i Neil Brown na mistrzostwach Europy 2012", null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, null, null, "Луция с Нейлом Брауном в 2012 году.", null, "Brown with Myslivečková in 2012", "Myslivečkova and Brown at the 2012 European Championships" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "ニール・ブラウン [SEP] ", null, "Lucie Myslivečková [SEP] ", null, null, "Neil Brown (figure skater) [SEP] Brown with Myslivečková in 2012", "Lucie Myslivečková [SEP] Myslivečkova and Brown at the 2012 European Championships" ], "context_page_description": [ "ニール・ブラウンは、フランス出身の男性、チェコの元フィギュアスケート選手。パートナーはルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァーなど。", "Lucie Myslivečková er en slovakisk kunstløper.", "Lucie Myslivečková – czeska łyżwiarka figurowa reprezentująca Słowację, startująca w parach tanecznych z Lukášem Csölleyem. Uczestniczka igrzysk olimpijskich w Pjongczangu, uczestniczka mistrzostw Europy i świata, medalistka zawodów z cyklu Challenger Series, trzykrotna mistrzyni Czech oraz mistrzyni Słowacji. Zakończyła karierę amatorską 23 kwietnia 2018 roku.", "Лу́ция Мы́сливечкова — словацкая, ранее чешская фигуристка, выступающая в танцах на льду с лета 2016 года с Лукашем Цолли, с которым она двукратная чемпионка Словакии. Ранее в паре с Матеем Новаком — чемпионка Чехии 2011 и победительница международного турнира «Золотой конёк Загреба» 2011. Непродолжительное время выступала за Чехию с Нейлом Брауном.", "ルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァーは、チェコスロバキア出身の女性フィギュアスケート選手。パートナーはルカーシュ・チェーレイ、ニール・ブラウン、マチェイ・ノヴァークなど。", "Neil Brown is a French ice dancer. He competes with Lucie Myslivečková for the Czech Republic. Until 2010, he competed for France with various partners.", "Lucie Myslivečková is a Czech and Slovak former competitive ice dancer. Representing Slovakia with Lukáš Csölley, she competed at the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea. Earlier in her career, she represented the Czech Republic with Matěj Novák and Neil Brown. With Novák, she is the 2010 Golden Spin of Zagreb champion and the 2011 Czech national champion." ], "context_section_description": [ "ニール・ブラウン(フランス語: Neil Brown, 1990年3月11日 - )は、フランス出身の男性、チェコの元フィギュアスケート(アイスダンス)選手。パートナーはルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァーなど。", null, "Lucie Myslivečková (ur. 8 grudnia 1989 w Czeladnej) – czeska łyżwiarka figurowa reprezentująca Słowację, startująca w parach tanecznych z Lukášem Csölleyem. Uczestniczka igrzysk olimpijskich w Pjongczangu (2018), uczestniczka mistrzostw Europy i świata, medalistka zawodów z cyklu Challenger Series, trzykrotna mistrzyni Czech (2011, 2013, 2014) oraz mistrzyni Słowacji (2017). Zakończyła karierę amatorską 23 kwietnia 2018 roku.", null, null, "Neil Brown (born 11 March 1990) is a French ice dancer. He competes with Lucie Myslivečková for the Czech Republic. Until 2010, he competed for France with various partners.", null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "ニール・ブラウン", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Мысливечкова, Луция / Карьера", "ルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァー", "Neil Brown (figure skater)", "Lucie Myslivečková / Competitive highlights / With Brown for the Czech Republic" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "ja", "no", "pl", "ru", "ja", "en", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "ニール・ブラウン", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Мысливечкова, Луция", "ルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァー", "Neil Brown (figure skater)", "Lucie Myslivečková" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", ",_%D0%9B%D1%83%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null, "Карьера", null, null, "With Brown for the Czech Republic" ] }
The Smallest Woman in the World…
For copyright matters, please contact: Genetics can be a little bit of a lucky dip sometimes. But every now and then, this random DNA lottery can produce some truly spectacular people. Individuals blessed with skills and natural talents that defy understanding. Ready to meet the people who are one in a million? We do not claim these clips as our own. All credit goes to the rightful owners. If your clip was featured and you want it taken down, send us an e-mail explaining the situation and we'll resolve it. Links and sources: People who are one in a million in the world! Featuring the world's most unusual people on earth. You better check out these unusual and rare people with your own eyes.
'0.08': genetics can be a little bit of a lucky '10.88': natural talents that defy understanding '100.0': growing up the brothers worked in the '101.6': circus and it was there the previously '103.68': named victor '104.56': changed his name to larry after the main '106.32': character in the 1941 film the wolf man '108.96': larry would then move to the united '110.56': states and after a brief stint at the '112.32': venice beach freak show would enjoy '114.079': success in several hollywood productions '116.56': these days larry gomez enjoys a much '118.56': quieter life '119.36': he's been married has a son of his own '121.119': and runs a successful jumping castle '122.88': business '123.36': despite his brush with fame francisco '125.84': domingos joaquim '127.6': if you've got a secret that you need to '129.36': make sure never gets out '13.519': ready to meet the people who are one in '130.72': try not to tell francisco domingo '132.72': joaquim the man nicknamed the angolan '134.959': jalavah is officially recognized by the '137.12': guinness book of world records as having '138.879': the world's widest mouth francisco was '141.2': first noticed on the streets of the '142.48': anglin capital luanda popping cans in '145.12': and out of his mouth sidewards to the '146.8': amazement of passersby '148.4': researchers looking on youtube found '15.04': a million let's get it on '150.239': videos of the then 20 year old and '152.239': after two years of searching finally '154.08': tracked him down in angola to officially '156.08': measure francisco's mouth his 2010 '158.56': record of a 6.69 inch wide unstretched '161.519': mouth still stands today '163.12': and at the big mouth competition held in '165.12': rome contestants to this day '166.72': still can't match the angolan jaw of awe '17.039': gio tmg they say that good things come '172.879': for a while had the internet fooled '174.879': anyone who couldn't speak russian or '176.48': didn't know the tiny fighter's backstory '178.319': could be forgiven for thinking they were '179.92': watching an angry child '181.2': fronting up against the schoolyard enemy '183.04': it turns out hezbollah is actually 18 '185.44': years old and suffers from a form of '187.04': dwarfism '187.84': it resulted in the adult blogger from '189.599': dagestan looking and '190.959': sounding like a toddler with a tantrum '195.04': hezbollah shot to viral fame when '196.959': recreating the infamous khabib '198.72': nurmagomedov weigh in against conor '2.32': dip sometimes but every now and then '20.24': in small packages '200.8': mcgregor with fellow dwarf '202.239': abdul raziq from tajikistan earning him '204.72': the nickname '205.44': mini khabib hazbolla and abdu have been '207.76': teasing an mma showdown for a while now '21.359': india's very own pint-sized gio dmg is '210.239': a move that has been condemned by the '211.76': sports association of little people of '213.599': russia for being unethical '215.12': whether it happens or not we'll just '216.4': have to wait and see steven ludwig '219.36': steven ludwig has always had to struggle '221.599': the young boy from chapel hill in north '223.28': carolina was born with an extremely rare '225.68': bone '226.0': disorder called mafuchi syndrome a '228.0': disease characterized by abnormal bone '230.319': and cartilage growth in the body it's so '232.4': rare in fact that stephen is one of only '234.68': 150 known sufferers of the condition '237.439': worldwide throughout his childhood '239.28': ludwig's had to endure more than 30 '24.16': proof '241.2': surgeries to repair broken bones '243.28': transplant bone marrow and remove '245.2': painful spurs that's on top of years of '247.519': having to wear excruciating leg '249.439': lengthening braces and '250.879': fighting leukemia at the same time '253.04': steven credits his killer survival '254.959': instinct on his hero '256.239': the late kobe bryant who he got to meet '258.239': in 2007 at the nba all-stars his '26.72': that you can chase big dreams no matter '260.799': condition means that steven's left leg '262.72': and left arm are significantly shorter '264.639': than the other '265.36': a disability that not only hasn't slowed '267.52': him down in the slightest but has gifted '269.36': him some pretty awesome kicks as well '271.919': renson corlu bud mongolian-born rents in '275.12': corlu bud '275.919': or ren as her friends call her came from '277.919': a super tall family '279.36': her father measured in at six foot ten '28.88': your size she held the record for the '281.44': her mother six foot one '282.96': and as a child ren was already the same '285.52': height as her first grade teacher '287.28': that's five foot six as a six year old '289.44': the now 29 year old finally stopped '291.6': growing at an '292.32': intimidating six foot nine inches and '294.56': has since swapped her homeland '296.0': for the tall skyscrapers of chicago a '298.24': place she definitely feels more at home '30.8': world's shortest living teen before '300.479': ren officially owns the world's second '302.72': longest legs measuring '304.52': 52.18 inches from hip to heel this jaw '307.6': dropping height however does come with '309.44': its own '310.16': unique problems everything from needing '312.4': extra legroom in the car to finding a '314.4': pair of shoes that will fit her size u.s '316.32': 13 feet all the way to having to duck to '318.72': avoid doorways and ceiling fans on the '32.8': taking the crown of the world's shortest '320.72': daily '321.68': chef boy bones when chef boy bones '324.4': appeared on america's got talent the '326.16': world '326.56': wasn't quite ready for such an '328.32': eye-popping performance '329.68': chef's routine started off innocently '331.44': enough a slow-paced old-school '333.199': rap hook and some savvy crowd work but '335.36': then chef approached the judge's desk '337.12': with his eyeballs '338.08': extending out of their sockets '34.48': living and mobile woman on her 18th '342.08': my question is what the hell no one '343.84': cared that his lyrics were average at '345.52': best '346.0': sophia vergara instantly noped out but '348.32': the rest of the panel wanted to see '350.16': more ultimately the eye-catching '352.0': performer didn't make it to the agt '354.08': quarterfinals '356.72': but it hasn't stopped chef from '358.08': capitalizing on his talent since his '359.919': appearance bones has appeared in several '36.559': birthday '361.68': commercials '362.479': music video clips and tick tocks with '364.479': his intense eyes firmly set on the '366.56': limelight '367.759': huge yangshia girls all around the world '37.12': so just how small do you have to be '370.96': are envious of this next one in a '372.639': million '373.199': yuginxia from shanghai in china is the '375.759': official guinness world record holder '377.52': for the longest eyelashes '379.199': she claimed the title back in 2016 when '38.879': anyways to obtain the moniker of the '381.759': her eyelashes from her left upper eyelid '383.919': measured in at 4.8 inches '386.0': since then however used eyelashes have '388.0': continued to grow and at last count her '390.24': longest lash is now over 8 inches long '393.199': doctors and scientists haven't been able '395.039': to find a reason why used luscious '396.8': lashes keep growing there are no genetic '398.88': markers or disease and you is the only '4.319': this random dna lottery can produce some '40.64': world's smallest human '400.96': one in her family with the condition '402.72': despite all this you's embraced her '404.639': quirky look braiding her eyelashes and '406.72': pulling them back in a style that she '408.479': says replaces eyeliner and eye shadow '41.92': two feet and three-quarter inches to be '411.199': ayanna williams have you ever had an '413.599': itch that's difficult to scratch '415.199': it's a problem that ayanna williams '416.88': until very recently has never had '418.72': for over 28 years ayanna was growing her '421.44': fingernails '422.24': last cutting them in the early 90s '424.24': before they reached their record size of '426.4': 18 feet in 2018 '428.479': while they aren't the longest nails ever '43.92': exact up until the age of five giotti '430.319': to be grown for several years ayanna was '432.479': the reigning champ with the longest '434.08': nails still on a female hand the texan '436.319': local would spend days carefully '438.24': painting and manicuring her long nails '440.479': going through three to four bottles per '442.4': session but the longer they got the '444.24': harder it became for ayano to perform '446.319': even the simplest of tasks like washing '448.479': the dishes and making the bed '450.16': for this reason ayanna recently had her '452.24': nails finally clipped donating them to '454.4': ripley's believe it or not museum in '456.08': florida where her record will be '457.68': preserved forever '459.28': etibar el chev what makes a man '46.16': was average height for her age '462.16': attractive '462.88': ask georgian superhero etibar el shiv '465.599': who seems to have somewhat of a magnetic '467.599': personality the ex-kickboxing coach '469.919': turned real-life magneto discovered very '47.68': after some time however her parents knew '472.24': early on in life that he had the bizarre '474.24': ability to both attract and hold metal '476.4': objects on his body elsie have made his '478.479': special abilities known to the world in '480.16': 2011 by holding '481.68': 50 spoons against his body not to be '484.0': outdone by himself '485.039': echevar tried again two years later '487.199': adding three more spoons to his previous '489.52': attempt and earning a guinness world '49.68': something wasn't quite right she was '491.039': record in the process '492.24': the sky's the limit for this georgian '494.08': with ambitions of one day moving an '496.08': aeroplane or an '497.199': empty train carriage until then let's '499.36': just hope he washes all those spoons '501.28': before putting them away '51.36': diagnosed with a rare form of dwarfism '53.76': called iachondraplasia in layman's terms '56.48': lacking the hormones needed to grow '58.32': beyond a certain height she hasn't let '6.879': truly spectacular people '60.079': it hinder her dreams and aspirations of '61.92': making it on the silver screen either '63.68': you might also recognize her from her '65.28': breakout role on the hit tv show '67.04': american horror story back in 2014 '69.68': where she starred as the charming ma '71.28': petite larry gomez '73.92': if you've ever thought the full moon is '75.6': driving you crazy spare a thought for '77.759': larry gomez aka the wolfman '8.8': individuals blessed with skills and '80.32': originally born in mexico as victor '82.4': gomez larry suffers from hypertrichosis '84.96': a rare condition that causes his body to '86.96': grow hair on over 98 '89.04': of his body including his face nose and '91.6': even eyelids the one in a billion '94.079': condition runs in the family with three '96.159': other family members and a brother also '98.32': sporting werewolf-like locks
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, "Lucie Myslivečková i Neil Brown na mistrzostwach Europy 2012", null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, null, null, "Луция с Нейлом Брауном в 2012 году.", null, "Brown with Myslivečková in 2012", "Myslivečkova and Brown at the 2012 European Championships" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "ニール・ブラウン [SEP] ", null, "Lucie Myslivečková [SEP] ", null, null, "Neil Brown (figure skater) [SEP] Brown with Myslivečková in 2012", "Lucie Myslivečková [SEP] Myslivečkova and Brown at the 2012 European Championships" ], "context_page_description": [ "ニール・ブラウンは、フランス出身の男性、チェコの元フィギュアスケート選手。パートナーはルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァーなど。", "Lucie Myslivečková er en slovakisk kunstløper.", "Lucie Myslivečková – czeska łyżwiarka figurowa reprezentująca Słowację, startująca w parach tanecznych z Lukášem Csölleyem. Uczestniczka igrzysk olimpijskich w Pjongczangu, uczestniczka mistrzostw Europy i świata, medalistka zawodów z cyklu Challenger Series, trzykrotna mistrzyni Czech oraz mistrzyni Słowacji. Zakończyła karierę amatorską 23 kwietnia 2018 roku.", "Лу́ция Мы́сливечкова — словацкая, ранее чешская фигуристка, выступающая в танцах на льду с лета 2016 года с Лукашем Цолли, с которым она двукратная чемпионка Словакии. Ранее в паре с Матеем Новаком — чемпионка Чехии 2011 и победительница международного турнира «Золотой конёк Загреба» 2011. Непродолжительное время выступала за Чехию с Нейлом Брауном.", "ルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァーは、チェコスロバキア出身の女性フィギュアスケート選手。パートナーはルカーシュ・チェーレイ、ニール・ブラウン、マチェイ・ノヴァークなど。", "Neil Brown is a French ice dancer. He competes with Lucie Myslivečková for the Czech Republic. Until 2010, he competed for France with various partners.", "Lucie Myslivečková is a Czech and Slovak former competitive ice dancer. Representing Slovakia with Lukáš Csölley, she competed at the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea. Earlier in her career, she represented the Czech Republic with Matěj Novák and Neil Brown. With Novák, she is the 2010 Golden Spin of Zagreb champion and the 2011 Czech national champion." ], "context_section_description": [ "ニール・ブラウン(フランス語: Neil Brown, 1990年3月11日 - )は、フランス出身の男性、チェコの元フィギュアスケート(アイスダンス)選手。パートナーはルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァーなど。", null, "Lucie Myslivečková (ur. 8 grudnia 1989 w Czeladnej) – czeska łyżwiarka figurowa reprezentująca Słowację, startująca w parach tanecznych z Lukášem Csölleyem. Uczestniczka igrzysk olimpijskich w Pjongczangu (2018), uczestniczka mistrzostw Europy i świata, medalistka zawodów z cyklu Challenger Series, trzykrotna mistrzyni Czech (2011, 2013, 2014) oraz mistrzyni Słowacji (2017). Zakończyła karierę amatorską 23 kwietnia 2018 roku.", null, null, "Neil Brown (born 11 March 1990) is a French ice dancer. He competes with Lucie Myslivečková for the Czech Republic. Until 2010, he competed for France with various partners.", null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "ニール・ブラウン", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Мысливечкова, Луция / Карьера", "ルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァー", "Neil Brown (figure skater)", "Lucie Myslivečková / Competitive highlights / With Brown for the Czech Republic" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "ja", "no", "pl", "ru", "ja", "en", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "ニール・ブラウン", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Lucie Myslivečková", "Мысливечкова, Луция", "ルツィエ・ミズリヴェチュコヴァー", "Neil Brown (figure skater)", "Lucie Myslivečková" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", ",_%D0%9B%D1%83%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null, "Карьера", null, null, "With Brown for the Czech Republic" ] }
The Smallest Woman in the World…
For copyright matters, please contact: Genetics can be a little bit of a lucky dip sometimes. But every now and then, this random DNA lottery can produce some truly spectacular people. Individuals blessed with skills and natural talents that defy understanding. Ready to meet the people who are one in a million? We do not claim these clips as our own. All credit goes to the rightful owners. If your clip was featured and you want it taken down, send us an e-mail explaining the situation and we'll resolve it. Links and sources: People who are one in a million in the world! Featuring the world's most unusual people on earth. You better check out these unusual and rare people with your own eyes.
'0.08': genetics can be a little bit of a lucky '10.88': natural talents that defy understanding '100.0': growing up the brothers worked in the '101.6': circus and it was there the previously '103.68': named victor '104.56': changed his name to larry after the main '106.32': character in the 1941 film the wolf man '108.96': larry would then move to the united '110.56': states and after a brief stint at the '112.32': venice beach freak show would enjoy '114.079': success in several hollywood productions '116.56': these days larry gomez enjoys a much '118.56': quieter life '119.36': he's been married has a son of his own '121.119': and runs a successful jumping castle '122.88': business '123.36': despite his brush with fame francisco '125.84': domingos joaquim '127.6': if you've got a secret that you need to '129.36': make sure never gets out '13.519': ready to meet the people who are one in '130.72': try not to tell francisco domingo '132.72': joaquim the man nicknamed the angolan '134.959': jalavah is officially recognized by the '137.12': guinness book of world records as having '138.879': the world's widest mouth francisco was '141.2': first noticed on the streets of the '142.48': anglin capital luanda popping cans in '145.12': and out of his mouth sidewards to the '146.8': amazement of passersby '148.4': researchers looking on youtube found '15.04': a million let's get it on '150.239': videos of the then 20 year old and '152.239': after two years of searching finally '154.08': tracked him down in angola to officially '156.08': measure francisco's mouth his 2010 '158.56': record of a 6.69 inch wide unstretched '161.519': mouth still stands today '163.12': and at the big mouth competition held in '165.12': rome contestants to this day '166.72': still can't match the angolan jaw of awe '17.039': gio tmg they say that good things come '172.879': for a while had the internet fooled '174.879': anyone who couldn't speak russian or '176.48': didn't know the tiny fighter's backstory '178.319': could be forgiven for thinking they were '179.92': watching an angry child '181.2': fronting up against the schoolyard enemy '183.04': it turns out hezbollah is actually 18 '185.44': years old and suffers from a form of '187.04': dwarfism '187.84': it resulted in the adult blogger from '189.599': dagestan looking and '190.959': sounding like a toddler with a tantrum '195.04': hezbollah shot to viral fame when '196.959': recreating the infamous khabib '198.72': nurmagomedov weigh in against conor '2.32': dip sometimes but every now and then '20.24': in small packages '200.8': mcgregor with fellow dwarf '202.239': abdul raziq from tajikistan earning him '204.72': the nickname '205.44': mini khabib hazbolla and abdu have been '207.76': teasing an mma showdown for a while now '21.359': india's very own pint-sized gio dmg is '210.239': a move that has been condemned by the '211.76': sports association of little people of '213.599': russia for being unethical '215.12': whether it happens or not we'll just '216.4': have to wait and see steven ludwig '219.36': steven ludwig has always had to struggle '221.599': the young boy from chapel hill in north '223.28': carolina was born with an extremely rare '225.68': bone '226.0': disorder called mafuchi syndrome a '228.0': disease characterized by abnormal bone '230.319': and cartilage growth in the body it's so '232.4': rare in fact that stephen is one of only '234.68': 150 known sufferers of the condition '237.439': worldwide throughout his childhood '239.28': ludwig's had to endure more than 30 '24.16': proof '241.2': surgeries to repair broken bones '243.28': transplant bone marrow and remove '245.2': painful spurs that's on top of years of '247.519': having to wear excruciating leg '249.439': lengthening braces and '250.879': fighting leukemia at the same time '253.04': steven credits his killer survival '254.959': instinct on his hero '256.239': the late kobe bryant who he got to meet '258.239': in 2007 at the nba all-stars his '26.72': that you can chase big dreams no matter '260.799': condition means that steven's left leg '262.72': and left arm are significantly shorter '264.639': than the other '265.36': a disability that not only hasn't slowed '267.52': him down in the slightest but has gifted '269.36': him some pretty awesome kicks as well '271.919': renson corlu bud mongolian-born rents in '275.12': corlu bud '275.919': or ren as her friends call her came from '277.919': a super tall family '279.36': her father measured in at six foot ten '28.88': your size she held the record for the '281.44': her mother six foot one '282.96': and as a child ren was already the same '285.52': height as her first grade teacher '287.28': that's five foot six as a six year old '289.44': the now 29 year old finally stopped '291.6': growing at an '292.32': intimidating six foot nine inches and '294.56': has since swapped her homeland '296.0': for the tall skyscrapers of chicago a '298.24': place she definitely feels more at home '30.8': world's shortest living teen before '300.479': ren officially owns the world's second '302.72': longest legs measuring '304.52': 52.18 inches from hip to heel this jaw '307.6': dropping height however does come with '309.44': its own '310.16': unique problems everything from needing '312.4': extra legroom in the car to finding a '314.4': pair of shoes that will fit her size u.s '316.32': 13 feet all the way to having to duck to '318.72': avoid doorways and ceiling fans on the '32.8': taking the crown of the world's shortest '320.72': daily '321.68': chef boy bones when chef boy bones '324.4': appeared on america's got talent the '326.16': world '326.56': wasn't quite ready for such an '328.32': eye-popping performance '329.68': chef's routine started off innocently '331.44': enough a slow-paced old-school '333.199': rap hook and some savvy crowd work but '335.36': then chef approached the judge's desk '337.12': with his eyeballs '338.08': extending out of their sockets '34.48': living and mobile woman on her 18th '342.08': my question is what the hell no one '343.84': cared that his lyrics were average at '345.52': best '346.0': sophia vergara instantly noped out but '348.32': the rest of the panel wanted to see '350.16': more ultimately the eye-catching '352.0': performer didn't make it to the agt '354.08': quarterfinals '356.72': but it hasn't stopped chef from '358.08': capitalizing on his talent since his '359.919': appearance bones has appeared in several '36.559': birthday '361.68': commercials '362.479': music video clips and tick tocks with '364.479': his intense eyes firmly set on the '366.56': limelight '367.759': huge yangshia girls all around the world '37.12': so just how small do you have to be '370.96': are envious of this next one in a '372.639': million '373.199': yuginxia from shanghai in china is the '375.759': official guinness world record holder '377.52': for the longest eyelashes '379.199': she claimed the title back in 2016 when '38.879': anyways to obtain the moniker of the '381.759': her eyelashes from her left upper eyelid '383.919': measured in at 4.8 inches '386.0': since then however used eyelashes have '388.0': continued to grow and at last count her '390.24': longest lash is now over 8 inches long '393.199': doctors and scientists haven't been able '395.039': to find a reason why used luscious '396.8': lashes keep growing there are no genetic '398.88': markers or disease and you is the only '4.319': this random dna lottery can produce some '40.64': world's smallest human '400.96': one in her family with the condition '402.72': despite all this you's embraced her '404.639': quirky look braiding her eyelashes and '406.72': pulling them back in a style that she '408.479': says replaces eyeliner and eye shadow '41.92': two feet and three-quarter inches to be '411.199': ayanna williams have you ever had an '413.599': itch that's difficult to scratch '415.199': it's a problem that ayanna williams '416.88': until very recently has never had '418.72': for over 28 years ayanna was growing her '421.44': fingernails '422.24': last cutting them in the early 90s '424.24': before they reached their record size of '426.4': 18 feet in 2018 '428.479': while they aren't the longest nails ever '43.92': exact up until the age of five giotti '430.319': to be grown for several years ayanna was '432.479': the reigning champ with the longest '434.08': nails still on a female hand the texan '436.319': local would spend days carefully '438.24': painting and manicuring her long nails '440.479': going through three to four bottles per '442.4': session but the longer they got the '444.24': harder it became for ayano to perform '446.319': even the simplest of tasks like washing '448.479': the dishes and making the bed '450.16': for this reason ayanna recently had her '452.24': nails finally clipped donating them to '454.4': ripley's believe it or not museum in '456.08': florida where her record will be '457.68': preserved forever '459.28': etibar el chev what makes a man '46.16': was average height for her age '462.16': attractive '462.88': ask georgian superhero etibar el shiv '465.599': who seems to have somewhat of a magnetic '467.599': personality the ex-kickboxing coach '469.919': turned real-life magneto discovered very '47.68': after some time however her parents knew '472.24': early on in life that he had the bizarre '474.24': ability to both attract and hold metal '476.4': objects on his body elsie have made his '478.479': special abilities known to the world in '480.16': 2011 by holding '481.68': 50 spoons against his body not to be '484.0': outdone by himself '485.039': echevar tried again two years later '487.199': adding three more spoons to his previous '489.52': attempt and earning a guinness world '49.68': something wasn't quite right she was '491.039': record in the process '492.24': the sky's the limit for this georgian '494.08': with ambitions of one day moving an '496.08': aeroplane or an '497.199': empty train carriage until then let's '499.36': just hope he washes all those spoons '501.28': before putting them away '51.36': diagnosed with a rare form of dwarfism '53.76': called iachondraplasia in layman's terms '56.48': lacking the hormones needed to grow '58.32': beyond a certain height she hasn't let '6.879': truly spectacular people '60.079': it hinder her dreams and aspirations of '61.92': making it on the silver screen either '63.68': you might also recognize her from her '65.28': breakout role on the hit tv show '67.04': american horror story back in 2014 '69.68': where she starred as the charming ma '71.28': petite larry gomez '73.92': if you've ever thought the full moon is '75.6': driving you crazy spare a thought for '77.759': larry gomez aka the wolfman '8.8': individuals blessed with skills and '80.32': originally born in mexico as victor '82.4': gomez larry suffers from hypertrichosis '84.96': a rare condition that causes his body to '86.96': grow hair on over 98 '89.04': of his body including his face nose and '91.6': even eyelids the one in a billion '94.079': condition runs in the family with three '96.159': other family members and a brother also '98.32': sporting werewolf-like locks
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Canada Hits: Hillcrest Mall
HIT THAT SUBSCRIBE BUTTON!  Music used on the video can be found at: Eijuba youtube channel  ‪‬ NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED
'102.159': there you go '126.84': me '14.92': foreign '140.84': foreign '168.84': foreign '182.84': hoodie '210.84': foreign '239.04': dollars per book '242.64': six dollars '28.84': foreign '294.84': 'yes' '336.84': food '406.84': foreign '417.84': don't touch my phone '42.84': uh '434.84': m '462.84': foreign '47.039': i even go '476.84': foreign '490.84': that '532.839': is '547.44': say we have already enhanced our '549.44': cleaning phone calls throughout the '55.36': back on '550.72': store '551.279': and provide your shields to our cash '553.04': registers and now '554.64': require our customers to wear a face '556.56': cover and when shopping '557.839': we also remind you to maintain a visible '560.839': distance '581.12': we are now you '84.84': foreign '95.92': stop ready to go
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Blacks at Hillcrest Mall." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "Blacks Photography, stylized as BLACKS, is a Canadian online retailer of photo prints and personalized photo products, home decor items, and photofinishing services. It is headquartered in Montreal, Quebec, Canada." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Blacks Photo Corporation / History" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Blacks Photo Corporation" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "History" ] }
Canada Hits: Hillcrest Mall
HIT THAT SUBSCRIBE BUTTON!  Music used on the video can be found at: Eijuba youtube channel  ‪‬ NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED
'102.159': there you go '126.84': me '14.92': foreign '140.84': foreign '168.84': foreign '182.84': hoodie '210.84': foreign '239.04': dollars per book '242.64': six dollars '28.84': foreign '294.84': 'yes' '336.84': food '406.84': foreign '417.84': don't touch my phone '42.84': uh '434.84': m '462.84': foreign '47.039': i even go '476.84': foreign '490.84': that '532.839': is '547.44': say we have already enhanced our '549.44': cleaning phone calls throughout the '55.36': back on '550.72': store '551.279': and provide your shields to our cash '553.04': registers and now '554.64': require our customers to wear a face '556.56': cover and when shopping '557.839': we also remind you to maintain a visible '560.839': distance '581.12': we are now you '84.84': foreign '95.92': stop ready to go
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Blacks at Hillcrest Mall." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "Blacks Photography, stylized as BLACKS, is a Canadian online retailer of photo prints and personalized photo products, home decor items, and photofinishing services. It is headquartered in Montreal, Quebec, Canada." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Blacks Photo Corporation / History" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Blacks Photo Corporation" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "History" ] }
Canada Hits: Hillcrest Mall
HIT THAT SUBSCRIBE BUTTON!  Music used on the video can be found at: Eijuba youtube channel  ‪‬ NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED
'102.159': there you go '126.84': me '14.92': foreign '140.84': foreign '168.84': foreign '182.84': hoodie '210.84': foreign '239.04': dollars per book '242.64': six dollars '28.84': foreign '294.84': 'yes' '336.84': food '406.84': foreign '417.84': don't touch my phone '42.84': uh '434.84': m '462.84': foreign '47.039': i even go '476.84': foreign '490.84': that '532.839': is '547.44': say we have already enhanced our '549.44': cleaning phone calls throughout the '55.36': back on '550.72': store '551.279': and provide your shields to our cash '553.04': registers and now '554.64': require our customers to wear a face '556.56': cover and when shopping '557.839': we also remind you to maintain a visible '560.839': distance '581.12': we are now you '84.84': foreign '95.92': stop ready to go
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Blacks at Hillcrest Mall." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "Blacks Photography, stylized as BLACKS, is a Canadian online retailer of photo prints and personalized photo products, home decor items, and photofinishing services. It is headquartered in Montreal, Quebec, Canada." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Blacks Photo Corporation / History" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Blacks Photo Corporation" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "History" ] }
Canada Hits: Hillcrest Mall
HIT THAT SUBSCRIBE BUTTON!  Music used on the video can be found at: Eijuba youtube channel  ‪‬ NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED
'102.159': there you go '126.84': me '14.92': foreign '140.84': foreign '168.84': foreign '182.84': hoodie '210.84': foreign '239.04': dollars per book '242.64': six dollars '28.84': foreign '294.84': 'yes' '336.84': food '406.84': foreign '417.84': don't touch my phone '42.84': uh '434.84': m '462.84': foreign '47.039': i even go '476.84': foreign '490.84': that '532.839': is '547.44': say we have already enhanced our '549.44': cleaning phone calls throughout the '55.36': back on '550.72': store '551.279': and provide your shields to our cash '553.04': registers and now '554.64': require our customers to wear a face '556.56': cover and when shopping '557.839': we also remind you to maintain a visible '560.839': distance '581.12': we are now you '84.84': foreign '95.92': stop ready to go
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Blacks at Hillcrest Mall." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "Blacks Photography, stylized as BLACKS, is a Canadian online retailer of photo prints and personalized photo products, home decor items, and photofinishing services. It is headquartered in Montreal, Quebec, Canada." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Blacks Photo Corporation / History" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Blacks Photo Corporation" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "History" ] }
Canada Hits: Hillcrest Mall
HIT THAT SUBSCRIBE BUTTON!  Music used on the video can be found at: Eijuba youtube channel  ‪‬ NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED
'102.159': there you go '126.84': me '14.92': foreign '140.84': foreign '168.84': foreign '182.84': hoodie '210.84': foreign '239.04': dollars per book '242.64': six dollars '28.84': foreign '294.84': 'yes' '336.84': food '406.84': foreign '417.84': don't touch my phone '42.84': uh '434.84': m '462.84': foreign '47.039': i even go '476.84': foreign '490.84': that '532.839': is '547.44': say we have already enhanced our '549.44': cleaning phone calls throughout the '55.36': back on '550.72': store '551.279': and provide your shields to our cash '553.04': registers and now '554.64': require our customers to wear a face '556.56': cover and when shopping '557.839': we also remind you to maintain a visible '560.839': distance '581.12': we are now you '84.84': foreign '95.92': stop ready to go
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Blacks at Hillcrest Mall." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "Blacks Photography, stylized as BLACKS, is a Canadian online retailer of photo prints and personalized photo products, home decor items, and photofinishing services. It is headquartered in Montreal, Quebec, Canada." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Blacks Photo Corporation / History" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Blacks Photo Corporation" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "History" ] }
Canada Hits: Hillcrest Mall
HIT THAT SUBSCRIBE BUTTON!  Music used on the video can be found at: Eijuba youtube channel  ‪‬ NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED
'102.159': there you go '126.84': me '14.92': foreign '140.84': foreign '168.84': foreign '182.84': hoodie '210.84': foreign '239.04': dollars per book '242.64': six dollars '28.84': foreign '294.84': 'yes' '336.84': food '406.84': foreign '417.84': don't touch my phone '42.84': uh '434.84': m '462.84': foreign '47.039': i even go '476.84': foreign '490.84': that '532.839': is '547.44': say we have already enhanced our '549.44': cleaning phone calls throughout the '55.36': back on '550.72': store '551.279': and provide your shields to our cash '553.04': registers and now '554.64': require our customers to wear a face '556.56': cover and when shopping '557.839': we also remind you to maintain a visible '560.839': distance '581.12': we are now you '84.84': foreign '95.92': stop ready to go
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Blacks at Hillcrest Mall." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "Blacks Photography, stylized as BLACKS, is a Canadian online retailer of photo prints and personalized photo products, home decor items, and photofinishing services. It is headquartered in Montreal, Quebec, Canada." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Blacks Photo Corporation / History" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Blacks Photo Corporation" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "History" ] }
Canada Hits: Hillcrest Mall
HIT THAT SUBSCRIBE BUTTON!  Music used on the video can be found at: Eijuba youtube channel  ‪‬ NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED
'102.159': there you go '126.84': me '14.92': foreign '140.84': foreign '168.84': foreign '182.84': hoodie '210.84': foreign '239.04': dollars per book '242.64': six dollars '28.84': foreign '294.84': 'yes' '336.84': food '406.84': foreign '417.84': don't touch my phone '42.84': uh '434.84': m '462.84': foreign '47.039': i even go '476.84': foreign '490.84': that '532.839': is '547.44': say we have already enhanced our '549.44': cleaning phone calls throughout the '55.36': back on '550.72': store '551.279': and provide your shields to our cash '553.04': registers and now '554.64': require our customers to wear a face '556.56': cover and when shopping '557.839': we also remind you to maintain a visible '560.839': distance '581.12': we are now you '84.84': foreign '95.92': stop ready to go
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Blacks at Hillcrest Mall." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "Blacks Photography, stylized as BLACKS, is a Canadian online retailer of photo prints and personalized photo products, home decor items, and photofinishing services. It is headquartered in Montreal, Quebec, Canada." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Blacks Photo Corporation / History" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Blacks Photo Corporation" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "History" ] }
Canada Hits: Hillcrest Mall
HIT THAT SUBSCRIBE BUTTON!  Music used on the video can be found at: Eijuba youtube channel  ‪‬ NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED
'102.159': there you go '126.84': me '14.92': foreign '140.84': foreign '168.84': foreign '182.84': hoodie '210.84': foreign '239.04': dollars per book '242.64': six dollars '28.84': foreign '294.84': 'yes' '336.84': food '406.84': foreign '417.84': don't touch my phone '42.84': uh '434.84': m '462.84': foreign '47.039': i even go '476.84': foreign '490.84': that '532.839': is '547.44': say we have already enhanced our '549.44': cleaning phone calls throughout the '55.36': back on '550.72': store '551.279': and provide your shields to our cash '553.04': registers and now '554.64': require our customers to wear a face '556.56': cover and when shopping '557.839': we also remind you to maintain a visible '560.839': distance '581.12': we are now you '84.84': foreign '95.92': stop ready to go
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Blacks at Hillcrest Mall." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "Blacks Photography, stylized as BLACKS, is a Canadian online retailer of photo prints and personalized photo products, home decor items, and photofinishing services. It is headquartered in Montreal, Quebec, Canada." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Blacks Photo Corporation / History" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Blacks Photo Corporation" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "History" ] }
Canada Hits: Hillcrest Mall
HIT THAT SUBSCRIBE BUTTON!  Music used on the video can be found at: Eijuba youtube channel  ‪‬ NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED
'102.159': there you go '126.84': me '14.92': foreign '140.84': foreign '168.84': foreign '182.84': hoodie '210.84': foreign '239.04': dollars per book '242.64': six dollars '28.84': foreign '294.84': 'yes' '336.84': food '406.84': foreign '417.84': don't touch my phone '42.84': uh '434.84': m '462.84': foreign '47.039': i even go '476.84': foreign '490.84': that '532.839': is '547.44': say we have already enhanced our '549.44': cleaning phone calls throughout the '55.36': back on '550.72': store '551.279': and provide your shields to our cash '553.04': registers and now '554.64': require our customers to wear a face '556.56': cover and when shopping '557.839': we also remind you to maintain a visible '560.839': distance '581.12': we are now you '84.84': foreign '95.92': stop ready to go
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Blacks at Hillcrest Mall." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "Blacks Photography, stylized as BLACKS, is a Canadian online retailer of photo prints and personalized photo products, home decor items, and photofinishing services. It is headquartered in Montreal, Quebec, Canada." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Blacks Photo Corporation / History" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Blacks Photo Corporation" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "History" ] }
Canada Hits: Hillcrest Mall
HIT THAT SUBSCRIBE BUTTON!  Music used on the video can be found at: Eijuba youtube channel  ‪‬ NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED
'102.159': there you go '126.84': me '14.92': foreign '140.84': foreign '168.84': foreign '182.84': hoodie '210.84': foreign '239.04': dollars per book '242.64': six dollars '28.84': foreign '294.84': 'yes' '336.84': food '406.84': foreign '417.84': don't touch my phone '42.84': uh '434.84': m '462.84': foreign '47.039': i even go '476.84': foreign '490.84': that '532.839': is '547.44': say we have already enhanced our '549.44': cleaning phone calls throughout the '55.36': back on '550.72': store '551.279': and provide your shields to our cash '553.04': registers and now '554.64': require our customers to wear a face '556.56': cover and when shopping '557.839': we also remind you to maintain a visible '560.839': distance '581.12': we are now you '84.84': foreign '95.92': stop ready to go
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, "Japanese movie poster", "『潮来出島 美男剣法』(監督安田公義、1954年)ポスター。" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "市川雷蔵 (8代目) [SEP] ", "The Young Swordsman [SEP] Japanese movie poster", null ], "context_page_description": [ "八代目 市川 雷蔵は、歌舞伎役者・日本の俳優。出生名は亀崎 章雄。後に本名を竹内 嘉男、さらに太田 吉哉に改名した。身長170cm。", "The Young Swordsman is a 1954 black-and-white Japanese film directed by Kimiyoshi Yasuda.", "海原 幸夫は、日本の録音技師である。戦前の日活京都撮影所、および戦時統合による大映の成立後も引き続き戦後も大映京都撮影所で技師を務めた。" ], "context_section_description": [ "これまでに確認されている雷蔵の出演作品は159本である。", "The Young Swordsman (潮出来島 美男剣法, Shiode Kushima Binan Kenpō) is a 1954 black-and-white Japanese film directed by Kimiyoshi Yasuda.", "特筆以外はすべて製作は「大映京都撮影所」、配給は「大映」である。" ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "市川雷蔵 (8代目) / 出演作品", "The Young Swordsman", "海原幸夫 / フィルモグラフィ / 大映京都撮影所" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true ], "language": [ "ja", "en", "ja" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "市川雷蔵 (8代目)", "The Young Swordsman", "海原幸夫" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ "出演作品", null, "大映京都撮影所" ] }
Japan Movie Posters
I forgot to say in the video that they're from Japan, so I'm telling you now! And yeah, they're mini posters. I ordered the K&D poster, and got extra stuff. How'd I get stuck with all Slinky thumbnails? xP
'0.08': hey guys it's me and i got a package '12.48': open i'm gonna show you what i '13.92': got i got this night and day '17.199': mini poster and oh there's something on '2.24': today but i already opened it because i '20.4': the back '21.279': ah that's cool i didn't even notice that '24.88': um wait those are the pictures i use for '28.48': my channel '29.439': and um cool but i ordered that '32.8': um it's a lot smaller than i thought it '34.32': was gonna be but that's '36.079': still okay and they also sent me '4.799': tried making a video but '40.16': um this terminator '43.2': 2 card it's a sticker and it's from 91 '47.76': and it's in like really good condition i '49.44': don't know if that's a good thing or '51.44': whatever but yeah '52.8': my brother likes terminator but i'm not '54.239': giving it to him um then they also sent '56.8': me '57.6': robin hood and i'm gonna look at the '6.319': it took forever to open the package was '60.64': back '62.32': and some japanese movie poster '67.04': i don't know what it says but '70.32': um and then the a team '74.159': my brother wanted this too but i'm like '75.759': no way i paid for this i'm '77.28': gonna keep it so yeah that was a buck '8.96': really '81.92': with five dollars shipping so that's my '85.04': posters that i got thanks for watching '86.96': bye '9.92': sticky and stuff but i finally got it
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, "Japanese movie poster", "『潮来出島 美男剣法』(監督安田公義、1954年)ポスター。" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "市川雷蔵 (8代目) [SEP] ", "The Young Swordsman [SEP] Japanese movie poster", null ], "context_page_description": [ "八代目 市川 雷蔵は、歌舞伎役者・日本の俳優。出生名は亀崎 章雄。後に本名を竹内 嘉男、さらに太田 吉哉に改名した。身長170cm。", "The Young Swordsman is a 1954 black-and-white Japanese film directed by Kimiyoshi Yasuda.", "海原 幸夫は、日本の録音技師である。戦前の日活京都撮影所、および戦時統合による大映の成立後も引き続き戦後も大映京都撮影所で技師を務めた。" ], "context_section_description": [ "これまでに確認されている雷蔵の出演作品は159本である。", "The Young Swordsman (潮出来島 美男剣法, Shiode Kushima Binan Kenpō) is a 1954 black-and-white Japanese film directed by Kimiyoshi Yasuda.", "特筆以外はすべて製作は「大映京都撮影所」、配給は「大映」である。" ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "市川雷蔵 (8代目) / 出演作品", "The Young Swordsman", "海原幸夫 / フィルモグラフィ / 大映京都撮影所" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true ], "language": [ "ja", "en", "ja" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "市川雷蔵 (8代目)", "The Young Swordsman", "海原幸夫" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ "出演作品", null, "大映京都撮影所" ] }
Japan Movie Posters
I forgot to say in the video that they're from Japan, so I'm telling you now! And yeah, they're mini posters. I ordered the K&D poster, and got extra stuff. How'd I get stuck with all Slinky thumbnails? xP
'0.08': hey guys it's me and i got a package '12.48': open i'm gonna show you what i '13.92': got i got this night and day '17.199': mini poster and oh there's something on '2.24': today but i already opened it because i '20.4': the back '21.279': ah that's cool i didn't even notice that '24.88': um wait those are the pictures i use for '28.48': my channel '29.439': and um cool but i ordered that '32.8': um it's a lot smaller than i thought it '34.32': was gonna be but that's '36.079': still okay and they also sent me '4.799': tried making a video but '40.16': um this terminator '43.2': 2 card it's a sticker and it's from 91 '47.76': and it's in like really good condition i '49.44': don't know if that's a good thing or '51.44': whatever but yeah '52.8': my brother likes terminator but i'm not '54.239': giving it to him um then they also sent '56.8': me '57.6': robin hood and i'm gonna look at the '6.319': it took forever to open the package was '60.64': back '62.32': and some japanese movie poster '67.04': i don't know what it says but '70.32': um and then the a team '74.159': my brother wanted this too but i'm like '75.759': no way i paid for this i'm '77.28': gonna keep it so yeah that was a buck '8.96': really '81.92': with five dollars shipping so that's my '85.04': posters that i got thanks for watching '86.96': bye '9.92': sticky and stuff but i finally got it
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, "Japanese movie poster", "『潮来出島 美男剣法』(監督安田公義、1954年)ポスター。" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "市川雷蔵 (8代目) [SEP] ", "The Young Swordsman [SEP] Japanese movie poster", null ], "context_page_description": [ "八代目 市川 雷蔵は、歌舞伎役者・日本の俳優。出生名は亀崎 章雄。後に本名を竹内 嘉男、さらに太田 吉哉に改名した。身長170cm。", "The Young Swordsman is a 1954 black-and-white Japanese film directed by Kimiyoshi Yasuda.", "海原 幸夫は、日本の録音技師である。戦前の日活京都撮影所、および戦時統合による大映の成立後も引き続き戦後も大映京都撮影所で技師を務めた。" ], "context_section_description": [ "これまでに確認されている雷蔵の出演作品は159本である。", "The Young Swordsman (潮出来島 美男剣法, Shiode Kushima Binan Kenpō) is a 1954 black-and-white Japanese film directed by Kimiyoshi Yasuda.", "特筆以外はすべて製作は「大映京都撮影所」、配給は「大映」である。" ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "市川雷蔵 (8代目) / 出演作品", "The Young Swordsman", "海原幸夫 / フィルモグラフィ / 大映京都撮影所" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true ], "language": [ "ja", "en", "ja" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "市川雷蔵 (8代目)", "The Young Swordsman", "海原幸夫" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ "出演作品", null, "大映京都撮影所" ] }
Japan Movie Posters
I forgot to say in the video that they're from Japan, so I'm telling you now! And yeah, they're mini posters. I ordered the K&D poster, and got extra stuff. How'd I get stuck with all Slinky thumbnails? xP
'0.08': hey guys it's me and i got a package '12.48': open i'm gonna show you what i '13.92': got i got this night and day '17.199': mini poster and oh there's something on '2.24': today but i already opened it because i '20.4': the back '21.279': ah that's cool i didn't even notice that '24.88': um wait those are the pictures i use for '28.48': my channel '29.439': and um cool but i ordered that '32.8': um it's a lot smaller than i thought it '34.32': was gonna be but that's '36.079': still okay and they also sent me '4.799': tried making a video but '40.16': um this terminator '43.2': 2 card it's a sticker and it's from 91 '47.76': and it's in like really good condition i '49.44': don't know if that's a good thing or '51.44': whatever but yeah '52.8': my brother likes terminator but i'm not '54.239': giving it to him um then they also sent '56.8': me '57.6': robin hood and i'm gonna look at the '6.319': it took forever to open the package was '60.64': back '62.32': and some japanese movie poster '67.04': i don't know what it says but '70.32': um and then the a team '74.159': my brother wanted this too but i'm like '75.759': no way i paid for this i'm '77.28': gonna keep it so yeah that was a buck '8.96': really '81.92': with five dollars shipping so that's my '85.04': posters that i got thanks for watching '86.96': bye '9.92': sticky and stuff but i finally got it
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Edbrooke, Frank E.; Lowrie, Harvey C. 10" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "Riverside Cemetery, established in 1876, is Denver, Colorado's oldest operating cemetery. More than 67,000 people are buried there, including 1,000 veterans." ], "context_section_description": [ "When first opened, the graveyard's secluded location on the banks of the South Platte River and the surrounding greenery made it a popular choice for wealthy families; the opening of the Burlington Railroad in the 1890s changed this, spurring industrial growth in the neighborhood, and some families chose to have their relatives' remains exhumed and reburied elsewhere. Prominent people continued to be interred there, with ornate headstones to mark their graves; however, the proportion of unmarked graves rose dramatically, as counties from all over the state sent the bodies of their impoverished dead citizens there. Riverside remained the area's most significant cemetery until the mid-20th century, and retains importance for scholars studying in the early history of Denver, as the city kept no systematic death records until 1910. Today, the neighborhood has become a largely industrial area, surrounded by a gas station, smokestacks, train tracks, and an industrial park, a few blocks from Interstate 70. It remains a minor tourist attraction; in 2001, 3,000 people went on walking tours of the site." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Riverside Cemetery (Denver, Colorado) / History" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Riverside Cemetery (Denver, Colorado)" ], "page_url": [ ",_Colorado)" ], "section_title": [ "History" ] }
Riverside Cemetery
'101.95': Riverside never owned water rights there '105.159': was a handshake between a farmer who had '107.56': rights on the platte river that '109.72': agreement was called into question in '11.34': history local history and it's uh really '111.52': the 1970s leaving riverside with few '114.13': options the cemetery company could '116.5': purchase water from the plat when it was '119.14': a free river and was available at a very '122.229': very very high price six years ago '124.179': Riverside went dry the grass has died a '128.079': lot of the trees are gone a lot of them '13.98': made me try to discover my own roots for '133.72': are sick cemetery managers have been '135.849': successful in securing limited state '137.799': grants for some upkeep and say things '139.93': aren't as bad as the dead grass would '141.94': indicate and the gate is open every day '144.239': records are preserved people can find '147.04': their loved ones there are many many '149.5': cemeteries that are gated nobody knows '152.5': where their records are those are the '154.69': cemeteries that I think in Colorado that '156.609': are endangered and are desperately in '158.92': need of being lifted up others fear '161.17': Riverside is not too far from joining '163.42': those ranks not everybody has a marker '165.639': out here the only way you know there's a '167.739': lot of people as many out here as there '169.329': is is because of the records without the '17.369': Jeff Stoffel many of those roots lie '171.579': record you lose all all knowledge of '174.43': those people not just my grandparents '176.65': but you know a lot of a lot of famous '179.739': and not-so-famous people out here and I '182.56': think they all deserve better '19.56': buried here at Denver's Riverside '2.24': well I'm a sixth-generation konradin and '21.81': Cemetery when I realized I had great '23.88': grandparents buried out here start '25.98': coming out and exploring and really '28.23': discovered it's a great place to uh to '30.689': study local history Riverside was built '33.12': in 1876 to supplement city cemetery '35.85': which was quickly filling up the names '39.27': on the tombstones read like a who's who '41.28': of Denver's past Dave cook who is one of '44.25': Denver's first Oh Sheriff Silas Sewell '48.69': who is a one of the only officers who '51.48': refuse to participate at Sand Creek '53.46': Massacre it just goes on and on with the '56.55': early Denver rights and Colorado and who '58.62': are out here that were so influential '6.35': last 10 or 15 years have been been '60.059': and creating the city it's not just the '63.51': names on the markers that are '64.739': significant the cemetery itself can make '67.38': its own claims Riverside also has the '69.75': largest collection so I'm told of zinc '72.15': monument ation in the country it's also '74.67': home to the country's first military '76.56': cemetery the Grand Army of the Republic '79.46': purchased a block of space for men and '84.479': their families who fought in the '86.22': American Civil War '88.45': in the shadows of Denver's modern '9.0': really getting into history state '91.39': skyline today's Riverside fights a new '94.329': battle the interest from the endowment '96.46': today doesn't pay for the expenses of '99.219': Riverside no money means no water
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Edbrooke, Frank E.; Lowrie, Harvey C. 10" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "Riverside Cemetery, established in 1876, is Denver, Colorado's oldest operating cemetery. More than 67,000 people are buried there, including 1,000 veterans." ], "context_section_description": [ "When first opened, the graveyard's secluded location on the banks of the South Platte River and the surrounding greenery made it a popular choice for wealthy families; the opening of the Burlington Railroad in the 1890s changed this, spurring industrial growth in the neighborhood, and some families chose to have their relatives' remains exhumed and reburied elsewhere. Prominent people continued to be interred there, with ornate headstones to mark their graves; however, the proportion of unmarked graves rose dramatically, as counties from all over the state sent the bodies of their impoverished dead citizens there. Riverside remained the area's most significant cemetery until the mid-20th century, and retains importance for scholars studying in the early history of Denver, as the city kept no systematic death records until 1910. Today, the neighborhood has become a largely industrial area, surrounded by a gas station, smokestacks, train tracks, and an industrial park, a few blocks from Interstate 70. It remains a minor tourist attraction; in 2001, 3,000 people went on walking tours of the site." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Riverside Cemetery (Denver, Colorado) / History" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Riverside Cemetery (Denver, Colorado)" ], "page_url": [ ",_Colorado)" ], "section_title": [ "History" ] }
Riverside Cemetery
'101.95': Riverside never owned water rights there '105.159': was a handshake between a farmer who had '107.56': rights on the platte river that '109.72': agreement was called into question in '11.34': history local history and it's uh really '111.52': the 1970s leaving riverside with few '114.13': options the cemetery company could '116.5': purchase water from the plat when it was '119.14': a free river and was available at a very '122.229': very very high price six years ago '124.179': Riverside went dry the grass has died a '128.079': lot of the trees are gone a lot of them '13.98': made me try to discover my own roots for '133.72': are sick cemetery managers have been '135.849': successful in securing limited state '137.799': grants for some upkeep and say things '139.93': aren't as bad as the dead grass would '141.94': indicate and the gate is open every day '144.239': records are preserved people can find '147.04': their loved ones there are many many '149.5': cemeteries that are gated nobody knows '152.5': where their records are those are the '154.69': cemeteries that I think in Colorado that '156.609': are endangered and are desperately in '158.92': need of being lifted up others fear '161.17': Riverside is not too far from joining '163.42': those ranks not everybody has a marker '165.639': out here the only way you know there's a '167.739': lot of people as many out here as there '169.329': is is because of the records without the '17.369': Jeff Stoffel many of those roots lie '171.579': record you lose all all knowledge of '174.43': those people not just my grandparents '176.65': but you know a lot of a lot of famous '179.739': and not-so-famous people out here and I '182.56': think they all deserve better '19.56': buried here at Denver's Riverside '2.24': well I'm a sixth-generation konradin and '21.81': Cemetery when I realized I had great '23.88': grandparents buried out here start '25.98': coming out and exploring and really '28.23': discovered it's a great place to uh to '30.689': study local history Riverside was built '33.12': in 1876 to supplement city cemetery '35.85': which was quickly filling up the names '39.27': on the tombstones read like a who's who '41.28': of Denver's past Dave cook who is one of '44.25': Denver's first Oh Sheriff Silas Sewell '48.69': who is a one of the only officers who '51.48': refuse to participate at Sand Creek '53.46': Massacre it just goes on and on with the '56.55': early Denver rights and Colorado and who '58.62': are out here that were so influential '6.35': last 10 or 15 years have been been '60.059': and creating the city it's not just the '63.51': names on the markers that are '64.739': significant the cemetery itself can make '67.38': its own claims Riverside also has the '69.75': largest collection so I'm told of zinc '72.15': monument ation in the country it's also '74.67': home to the country's first military '76.56': cemetery the Grand Army of the Republic '79.46': purchased a block of space for men and '84.479': their families who fought in the '86.22': American Civil War '88.45': in the shadows of Denver's modern '9.0': really getting into history state '91.39': skyline today's Riverside fights a new '94.329': battle the interest from the endowment '96.46': today doesn't pay for the expenses of '99.219': Riverside no money means no water
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Edbrooke, Frank E.; Lowrie, Harvey C. 10" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "Riverside Cemetery, established in 1876, is Denver, Colorado's oldest operating cemetery. More than 67,000 people are buried there, including 1,000 veterans." ], "context_section_description": [ "When first opened, the graveyard's secluded location on the banks of the South Platte River and the surrounding greenery made it a popular choice for wealthy families; the opening of the Burlington Railroad in the 1890s changed this, spurring industrial growth in the neighborhood, and some families chose to have their relatives' remains exhumed and reburied elsewhere. Prominent people continued to be interred there, with ornate headstones to mark their graves; however, the proportion of unmarked graves rose dramatically, as counties from all over the state sent the bodies of their impoverished dead citizens there. Riverside remained the area's most significant cemetery until the mid-20th century, and retains importance for scholars studying in the early history of Denver, as the city kept no systematic death records until 1910. Today, the neighborhood has become a largely industrial area, surrounded by a gas station, smokestacks, train tracks, and an industrial park, a few blocks from Interstate 70. It remains a minor tourist attraction; in 2001, 3,000 people went on walking tours of the site." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Riverside Cemetery (Denver, Colorado) / History" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Riverside Cemetery (Denver, Colorado)" ], "page_url": [ ",_Colorado)" ], "section_title": [ "History" ] }
Riverside Cemetery
'101.95': Riverside never owned water rights there '105.159': was a handshake between a farmer who had '107.56': rights on the platte river that '109.72': agreement was called into question in '11.34': history local history and it's uh really '111.52': the 1970s leaving riverside with few '114.13': options the cemetery company could '116.5': purchase water from the plat when it was '119.14': a free river and was available at a very '122.229': very very high price six years ago '124.179': Riverside went dry the grass has died a '128.079': lot of the trees are gone a lot of them '13.98': made me try to discover my own roots for '133.72': are sick cemetery managers have been '135.849': successful in securing limited state '137.799': grants for some upkeep and say things '139.93': aren't as bad as the dead grass would '141.94': indicate and the gate is open every day '144.239': records are preserved people can find '147.04': their loved ones there are many many '149.5': cemeteries that are gated nobody knows '152.5': where their records are those are the '154.69': cemeteries that I think in Colorado that '156.609': are endangered and are desperately in '158.92': need of being lifted up others fear '161.17': Riverside is not too far from joining '163.42': those ranks not everybody has a marker '165.639': out here the only way you know there's a '167.739': lot of people as many out here as there '169.329': is is because of the records without the '17.369': Jeff Stoffel many of those roots lie '171.579': record you lose all all knowledge of '174.43': those people not just my grandparents '176.65': but you know a lot of a lot of famous '179.739': and not-so-famous people out here and I '182.56': think they all deserve better '19.56': buried here at Denver's Riverside '2.24': well I'm a sixth-generation konradin and '21.81': Cemetery when I realized I had great '23.88': grandparents buried out here start '25.98': coming out and exploring and really '28.23': discovered it's a great place to uh to '30.689': study local history Riverside was built '33.12': in 1876 to supplement city cemetery '35.85': which was quickly filling up the names '39.27': on the tombstones read like a who's who '41.28': of Denver's past Dave cook who is one of '44.25': Denver's first Oh Sheriff Silas Sewell '48.69': who is a one of the only officers who '51.48': refuse to participate at Sand Creek '53.46': Massacre it just goes on and on with the '56.55': early Denver rights and Colorado and who '58.62': are out here that were so influential '6.35': last 10 or 15 years have been been '60.059': and creating the city it's not just the '63.51': names on the markers that are '64.739': significant the cemetery itself can make '67.38': its own claims Riverside also has the '69.75': largest collection so I'm told of zinc '72.15': monument ation in the country it's also '74.67': home to the country's first military '76.56': cemetery the Grand Army of the Republic '79.46': purchased a block of space for men and '84.479': their families who fought in the '86.22': American Civil War '88.45': in the shadows of Denver's modern '9.0': really getting into history state '91.39': skyline today's Riverside fights a new '94.329': battle the interest from the endowment '96.46': today doesn't pay for the expenses of '99.219': Riverside no money means no water
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Edbrooke, Frank E.; Lowrie, Harvey C. 10" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "Riverside Cemetery, established in 1876, is Denver, Colorado's oldest operating cemetery. More than 67,000 people are buried there, including 1,000 veterans." ], "context_section_description": [ "When first opened, the graveyard's secluded location on the banks of the South Platte River and the surrounding greenery made it a popular choice for wealthy families; the opening of the Burlington Railroad in the 1890s changed this, spurring industrial growth in the neighborhood, and some families chose to have their relatives' remains exhumed and reburied elsewhere. Prominent people continued to be interred there, with ornate headstones to mark their graves; however, the proportion of unmarked graves rose dramatically, as counties from all over the state sent the bodies of their impoverished dead citizens there. Riverside remained the area's most significant cemetery until the mid-20th century, and retains importance for scholars studying in the early history of Denver, as the city kept no systematic death records until 1910. Today, the neighborhood has become a largely industrial area, surrounded by a gas station, smokestacks, train tracks, and an industrial park, a few blocks from Interstate 70. It remains a minor tourist attraction; in 2001, 3,000 people went on walking tours of the site." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Riverside Cemetery (Denver, Colorado) / History" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Riverside Cemetery (Denver, Colorado)" ], "page_url": [ ",_Colorado)" ], "section_title": [ "History" ] }
Riverside Cemetery
'101.95': Riverside never owned water rights there '105.159': was a handshake between a farmer who had '107.56': rights on the platte river that '109.72': agreement was called into question in '11.34': history local history and it's uh really '111.52': the 1970s leaving riverside with few '114.13': options the cemetery company could '116.5': purchase water from the plat when it was '119.14': a free river and was available at a very '122.229': very very high price six years ago '124.179': Riverside went dry the grass has died a '128.079': lot of the trees are gone a lot of them '13.98': made me try to discover my own roots for '133.72': are sick cemetery managers have been '135.849': successful in securing limited state '137.799': grants for some upkeep and say things '139.93': aren't as bad as the dead grass would '141.94': indicate and the gate is open every day '144.239': records are preserved people can find '147.04': their loved ones there are many many '149.5': cemeteries that are gated nobody knows '152.5': where their records are those are the '154.69': cemeteries that I think in Colorado that '156.609': are endangered and are desperately in '158.92': need of being lifted up others fear '161.17': Riverside is not too far from joining '163.42': those ranks not everybody has a marker '165.639': out here the only way you know there's a '167.739': lot of people as many out here as there '169.329': is is because of the records without the '17.369': Jeff Stoffel many of those roots lie '171.579': record you lose all all knowledge of '174.43': those people not just my grandparents '176.65': but you know a lot of a lot of famous '179.739': and not-so-famous people out here and I '182.56': think they all deserve better '19.56': buried here at Denver's Riverside '2.24': well I'm a sixth-generation konradin and '21.81': Cemetery when I realized I had great '23.88': grandparents buried out here start '25.98': coming out and exploring and really '28.23': discovered it's a great place to uh to '30.689': study local history Riverside was built '33.12': in 1876 to supplement city cemetery '35.85': which was quickly filling up the names '39.27': on the tombstones read like a who's who '41.28': of Denver's past Dave cook who is one of '44.25': Denver's first Oh Sheriff Silas Sewell '48.69': who is a one of the only officers who '51.48': refuse to participate at Sand Creek '53.46': Massacre it just goes on and on with the '56.55': early Denver rights and Colorado and who '58.62': are out here that were so influential '6.35': last 10 or 15 years have been been '60.059': and creating the city it's not just the '63.51': names on the markers that are '64.739': significant the cemetery itself can make '67.38': its own claims Riverside also has the '69.75': largest collection so I'm told of zinc '72.15': monument ation in the country it's also '74.67': home to the country's first military '76.56': cemetery the Grand Army of the Republic '79.46': purchased a block of space for men and '84.479': their families who fought in the '86.22': American Civil War '88.45': in the shadows of Denver's modern '9.0': really getting into history state '91.39': skyline today's Riverside fights a new '94.329': battle the interest from the endowment '96.46': today doesn't pay for the expenses of '99.219': Riverside no money means no water
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Edbrooke, Frank E.; Lowrie, Harvey C. 10" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "Riverside Cemetery, established in 1876, is Denver, Colorado's oldest operating cemetery. More than 67,000 people are buried there, including 1,000 veterans." ], "context_section_description": [ "When first opened, the graveyard's secluded location on the banks of the South Platte River and the surrounding greenery made it a popular choice for wealthy families; the opening of the Burlington Railroad in the 1890s changed this, spurring industrial growth in the neighborhood, and some families chose to have their relatives' remains exhumed and reburied elsewhere. Prominent people continued to be interred there, with ornate headstones to mark their graves; however, the proportion of unmarked graves rose dramatically, as counties from all over the state sent the bodies of their impoverished dead citizens there. Riverside remained the area's most significant cemetery until the mid-20th century, and retains importance for scholars studying in the early history of Denver, as the city kept no systematic death records until 1910. Today, the neighborhood has become a largely industrial area, surrounded by a gas station, smokestacks, train tracks, and an industrial park, a few blocks from Interstate 70. It remains a minor tourist attraction; in 2001, 3,000 people went on walking tours of the site." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Riverside Cemetery (Denver, Colorado) / History" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Riverside Cemetery (Denver, Colorado)" ], "page_url": [ ",_Colorado)" ], "section_title": [ "History" ] }
Riverside Cemetery
'101.95': Riverside never owned water rights there '105.159': was a handshake between a farmer who had '107.56': rights on the platte river that '109.72': agreement was called into question in '11.34': history local history and it's uh really '111.52': the 1970s leaving riverside with few '114.13': options the cemetery company could '116.5': purchase water from the plat when it was '119.14': a free river and was available at a very '122.229': very very high price six years ago '124.179': Riverside went dry the grass has died a '128.079': lot of the trees are gone a lot of them '13.98': made me try to discover my own roots for '133.72': are sick cemetery managers have been '135.849': successful in securing limited state '137.799': grants for some upkeep and say things '139.93': aren't as bad as the dead grass would '141.94': indicate and the gate is open every day '144.239': records are preserved people can find '147.04': their loved ones there are many many '149.5': cemeteries that are gated nobody knows '152.5': where their records are those are the '154.69': cemeteries that I think in Colorado that '156.609': are endangered and are desperately in '158.92': need of being lifted up others fear '161.17': Riverside is not too far from joining '163.42': those ranks not everybody has a marker '165.639': out here the only way you know there's a '167.739': lot of people as many out here as there '169.329': is is because of the records without the '17.369': Jeff Stoffel many of those roots lie '171.579': record you lose all all knowledge of '174.43': those people not just my grandparents '176.65': but you know a lot of a lot of famous '179.739': and not-so-famous people out here and I '182.56': think they all deserve better '19.56': buried here at Denver's Riverside '2.24': well I'm a sixth-generation konradin and '21.81': Cemetery when I realized I had great '23.88': grandparents buried out here start '25.98': coming out and exploring and really '28.23': discovered it's a great place to uh to '30.689': study local history Riverside was built '33.12': in 1876 to supplement city cemetery '35.85': which was quickly filling up the names '39.27': on the tombstones read like a who's who '41.28': of Denver's past Dave cook who is one of '44.25': Denver's first Oh Sheriff Silas Sewell '48.69': who is a one of the only officers who '51.48': refuse to participate at Sand Creek '53.46': Massacre it just goes on and on with the '56.55': early Denver rights and Colorado and who '58.62': are out here that were so influential '6.35': last 10 or 15 years have been been '60.059': and creating the city it's not just the '63.51': names on the markers that are '64.739': significant the cemetery itself can make '67.38': its own claims Riverside also has the '69.75': largest collection so I'm told of zinc '72.15': monument ation in the country it's also '74.67': home to the country's first military '76.56': cemetery the Grand Army of the Republic '79.46': purchased a block of space for men and '84.479': their families who fought in the '86.22': American Civil War '88.45': in the shadows of Denver's modern '9.0': really getting into history state '91.39': skyline today's Riverside fights a new '94.329': battle the interest from the endowment '96.46': today doesn't pay for the expenses of '99.219': Riverside no money means no water
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Edbrooke, Frank E.; Lowrie, Harvey C. 10" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "Riverside Cemetery, established in 1876, is Denver, Colorado's oldest operating cemetery. More than 67,000 people are buried there, including 1,000 veterans." ], "context_section_description": [ "When first opened, the graveyard's secluded location on the banks of the South Platte River and the surrounding greenery made it a popular choice for wealthy families; the opening of the Burlington Railroad in the 1890s changed this, spurring industrial growth in the neighborhood, and some families chose to have their relatives' remains exhumed and reburied elsewhere. Prominent people continued to be interred there, with ornate headstones to mark their graves; however, the proportion of unmarked graves rose dramatically, as counties from all over the state sent the bodies of their impoverished dead citizens there. Riverside remained the area's most significant cemetery until the mid-20th century, and retains importance for scholars studying in the early history of Denver, as the city kept no systematic death records until 1910. Today, the neighborhood has become a largely industrial area, surrounded by a gas station, smokestacks, train tracks, and an industrial park, a few blocks from Interstate 70. It remains a minor tourist attraction; in 2001, 3,000 people went on walking tours of the site." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Riverside Cemetery (Denver, Colorado) / History" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Riverside Cemetery (Denver, Colorado)" ], "page_url": [ ",_Colorado)" ], "section_title": [ "History" ] }
Riverside Cemetery
'101.95': Riverside never owned water rights there '105.159': was a handshake between a farmer who had '107.56': rights on the platte river that '109.72': agreement was called into question in '11.34': history local history and it's uh really '111.52': the 1970s leaving riverside with few '114.13': options the cemetery company could '116.5': purchase water from the plat when it was '119.14': a free river and was available at a very '122.229': very very high price six years ago '124.179': Riverside went dry the grass has died a '128.079': lot of the trees are gone a lot of them '13.98': made me try to discover my own roots for '133.72': are sick cemetery managers have been '135.849': successful in securing limited state '137.799': grants for some upkeep and say things '139.93': aren't as bad as the dead grass would '141.94': indicate and the gate is open every day '144.239': records are preserved people can find '147.04': their loved ones there are many many '149.5': cemeteries that are gated nobody knows '152.5': where their records are those are the '154.69': cemeteries that I think in Colorado that '156.609': are endangered and are desperately in '158.92': need of being lifted up others fear '161.17': Riverside is not too far from joining '163.42': those ranks not everybody has a marker '165.639': out here the only way you know there's a '167.739': lot of people as many out here as there '169.329': is is because of the records without the '17.369': Jeff Stoffel many of those roots lie '171.579': record you lose all all knowledge of '174.43': those people not just my grandparents '176.65': but you know a lot of a lot of famous '179.739': and not-so-famous people out here and I '182.56': think they all deserve better '19.56': buried here at Denver's Riverside '2.24': well I'm a sixth-generation konradin and '21.81': Cemetery when I realized I had great '23.88': grandparents buried out here start '25.98': coming out and exploring and really '28.23': discovered it's a great place to uh to '30.689': study local history Riverside was built '33.12': in 1876 to supplement city cemetery '35.85': which was quickly filling up the names '39.27': on the tombstones read like a who's who '41.28': of Denver's past Dave cook who is one of '44.25': Denver's first Oh Sheriff Silas Sewell '48.69': who is a one of the only officers who '51.48': refuse to participate at Sand Creek '53.46': Massacre it just goes on and on with the '56.55': early Denver rights and Colorado and who '58.62': are out here that were so influential '6.35': last 10 or 15 years have been been '60.059': and creating the city it's not just the '63.51': names on the markers that are '64.739': significant the cemetery itself can make '67.38': its own claims Riverside also has the '69.75': largest collection so I'm told of zinc '72.15': monument ation in the country it's also '74.67': home to the country's first military '76.56': cemetery the Grand Army of the Republic '79.46': purchased a block of space for men and '84.479': their families who fought in the '86.22': American Civil War '88.45': in the shadows of Denver's modern '9.0': really getting into history state '91.39': skyline today's Riverside fights a new '94.329': battle the interest from the endowment '96.46': today doesn't pay for the expenses of '99.219': Riverside no money means no water
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Edbrooke, Frank E.; Lowrie, Harvey C. 10" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "Riverside Cemetery, established in 1876, is Denver, Colorado's oldest operating cemetery. More than 67,000 people are buried there, including 1,000 veterans." ], "context_section_description": [ "When first opened, the graveyard's secluded location on the banks of the South Platte River and the surrounding greenery made it a popular choice for wealthy families; the opening of the Burlington Railroad in the 1890s changed this, spurring industrial growth in the neighborhood, and some families chose to have their relatives' remains exhumed and reburied elsewhere. Prominent people continued to be interred there, with ornate headstones to mark their graves; however, the proportion of unmarked graves rose dramatically, as counties from all over the state sent the bodies of their impoverished dead citizens there. Riverside remained the area's most significant cemetery until the mid-20th century, and retains importance for scholars studying in the early history of Denver, as the city kept no systematic death records until 1910. Today, the neighborhood has become a largely industrial area, surrounded by a gas station, smokestacks, train tracks, and an industrial park, a few blocks from Interstate 70. It remains a minor tourist attraction; in 2001, 3,000 people went on walking tours of the site." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Riverside Cemetery (Denver, Colorado) / History" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Riverside Cemetery (Denver, Colorado)" ], "page_url": [ ",_Colorado)" ], "section_title": [ "History" ] }
Riverside Cemetery
'101.95': Riverside never owned water rights there '105.159': was a handshake between a farmer who had '107.56': rights on the platte river that '109.72': agreement was called into question in '11.34': history local history and it's uh really '111.52': the 1970s leaving riverside with few '114.13': options the cemetery company could '116.5': purchase water from the plat when it was '119.14': a free river and was available at a very '122.229': very very high price six years ago '124.179': Riverside went dry the grass has died a '128.079': lot of the trees are gone a lot of them '13.98': made me try to discover my own roots for '133.72': are sick cemetery managers have been '135.849': successful in securing limited state '137.799': grants for some upkeep and say things '139.93': aren't as bad as the dead grass would '141.94': indicate and the gate is open every day '144.239': records are preserved people can find '147.04': their loved ones there are many many '149.5': cemeteries that are gated nobody knows '152.5': where their records are those are the '154.69': cemeteries that I think in Colorado that '156.609': are endangered and are desperately in '158.92': need of being lifted up others fear '161.17': Riverside is not too far from joining '163.42': those ranks not everybody has a marker '165.639': out here the only way you know there's a '167.739': lot of people as many out here as there '169.329': is is because of the records without the '17.369': Jeff Stoffel many of those roots lie '171.579': record you lose all all knowledge of '174.43': those people not just my grandparents '176.65': but you know a lot of a lot of famous '179.739': and not-so-famous people out here and I '182.56': think they all deserve better '19.56': buried here at Denver's Riverside '2.24': well I'm a sixth-generation konradin and '21.81': Cemetery when I realized I had great '23.88': grandparents buried out here start '25.98': coming out and exploring and really '28.23': discovered it's a great place to uh to '30.689': study local history Riverside was built '33.12': in 1876 to supplement city cemetery '35.85': which was quickly filling up the names '39.27': on the tombstones read like a who's who '41.28': of Denver's past Dave cook who is one of '44.25': Denver's first Oh Sheriff Silas Sewell '48.69': who is a one of the only officers who '51.48': refuse to participate at Sand Creek '53.46': Massacre it just goes on and on with the '56.55': early Denver rights and Colorado and who '58.62': are out here that were so influential '6.35': last 10 or 15 years have been been '60.059': and creating the city it's not just the '63.51': names on the markers that are '64.739': significant the cemetery itself can make '67.38': its own claims Riverside also has the '69.75': largest collection so I'm told of zinc '72.15': monument ation in the country it's also '74.67': home to the country's first military '76.56': cemetery the Grand Army of the Republic '79.46': purchased a block of space for men and '84.479': their families who fought in the '86.22': American Civil War '88.45': in the shadows of Denver's modern '9.0': really getting into history state '91.39': skyline today's Riverside fights a new '94.329': battle the interest from the endowment '96.46': today doesn't pay for the expenses of '99.219': Riverside no money means no water
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Paddington Street where it joins Marylebone High Street" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "Paddington Street is a street in the City of Westminster in London that runs from the junction of Crawford Street and Baker Street in the east to Marylebone High Street in the west." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Paddington Street" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Paddington Street" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ null ] }
Paddington | We Can Have Fun Anywhere | Amazing Adventures
Our amazingly creative bear Paddington knows how to make any location seem fun and cozy! Come with us and let us learn how! Thank you for watching! Paddington hopes you enjoyed the video. If you did, why not ‘like’ it and also (if you don’t mind) subscribe to the channel. That way, you won’t miss out a moment of his other adventures from around London, and the world – Follow Paddington on his other social channels: Official Website - Instagram - Twitter - Facebook - Buy or rent the full movie: Paddington - Paddington 2 - #Paddington #BearKind #MarmaladeSandwich
'1.599': don't worry paddington we'll find him oh '100.24': thank you for holding your call is '1000.0': bears '1002.16': i don't know if did you learn to use a '1003.519': knife like that you don't want to know '1007.279': well it's jolly good '1011.199': now '1012.48': now '1015.519': right it's time for the sugar '1017.92': that's what turns the juice into '1019.279': marmalade which '102.479': moderately important to us '1021.12': oh a lot '1024.88': same again '1028.64': a squeeze of lemon '1030.72': a pinch of cinnamon '1032.959': and just a bit more sugar '1035.679': well '1037.199': so good oh it's too soon to tell '1040.079': we'll only really know once it's set '11.12': you know use the facilities '120.88': laughs '128.319': ugh '13.679': most people do after a long journey oh '150.64': oh '16.96': well if that's what most people do then '171.76': where is he going to sleep uh not in my '174.16': room he's a he turn easy shut up and '177.84': tony would be more than welcome to a '179.36': bunk up who's tony i'm warning you just '182.08': some boy she's in love with no darling '184.72': really that's it oh when can i meet him '187.519': how can i meet him '19.359': i'd like to do that '194.879': it's okay he can sleep in my room that '196.879': bear is not sleeping in anyone's room '198.4': he's going in the attic and i want you '199.68': all to lock your doors i can't find '20.8': top of the stairs top of the oh stairs '201.44': anything about an english explorer in '203.12': peru well of course you can't why not '205.36': he's making the whole thing out it's '207.2': just a sort of sob story your mother '208.64': falls for hang on that's all fair so is '211.36': fair you've literally just brought home '212.959': a random bear hey you're so embarrassed '215.2': you'd have done the same thing much more '217.28': similar than you think '221.04': what are you doing '222.56': storm is upon us oh you and your knees i '225.599': can tell you for a fact mrs bird it is '227.44': not going to rain indoors '233.92': oh no '235.12': now she blows '237.04': mr brown are you there yes hello yes '24.24': okay oh getting that way '240.159': that sounds fine '241.76': no no no no can you don't believe in the '243.519': terms and conditions i really want to '245.04': answer this as soon as possible but '246.879': don't put me on hold again '249.2': paddington what is going on in there uh '252.64': nothing uh i'm just having a spot of '255.28': bother with the facilities '26.4': got it '27.519': you all right all good he's all right '282.32': um '283.6': nice weather for the ducks '30.64': hello this is henry brown 32 windsor '300.72': now i know you all like marmalade but '303.199': this is my sandwich '310.72': um '311.68': you're not using those ear brushes to '313.44': clean your mouth are you mr brown '316.639': peculiar habit '318.88': morning '32.96': gardens uh i just need to add something '325.52': jonathan don't even think about it '327.68': thirty-four percent of pre-breakfast '329.28': accidents involve banisters but '330.8': paddington's i don't care what '331.919': paddington '34.719': to my home insurance policy '344.88': oh '349.52': so annoying mum what is all my bathroom '352.24': stuff is ruined well you know i've never '354.639': liked using harsh chemicals darling play '356.88': havoc on people's skin '359.919': morning judy '361.12': hello '362.72': why is dad so boring and annoying for '364.96': your own good jonathan let's be nice '366.96': darling all i was trying to do was wash '368.72': my face oh '37.6': well what it is is we have a guest for '375.039': better '378.56': maybe you and i just need a fresh start '381.039': hmm '382.16': suppose i didn't make the best first '383.919': impression don't take this wrong way but '387.12': why don't we try to make you look a bit '388.56': more presentable '39.52': the night uh a bear and i just needed '390.72': hang on a minute '392.24': you're not talking about '394.96': it '399.28': not that bad it is that bad '4.0': thank you let's look in the encyclopedia '401.6': doesn't rain enough in this city without '403.28': having showers in the house '41.52': some extra cover for any dam yes a bear '419.919': the point is we are parents now and we '422.0': have to protect our children we do '424.96': they're screaming no darling that's the '426.8': sound of laughter '430.24': wind hot wind '432.08': two hot winds i don't like it '436.0': well i hope i don't look weird after all '437.84': that '44.8': no a real one '440.08': too much '441.28': too much too much well give me a brush '444.0': will you '444.96': ah '446.639': there it is '449.44': smile duffel coat '451.199': actually it was mine first well long '453.039': before that it was mine oh was it mr '455.759': brown really '457.039': you are in his first day at school it's '459.36': lovely '460.72': wooden buttons for ease of poor '463.199': and these two sandwich compartments are '465.039': an excellent idea i must say it suits '467.12': you very well '468.4': i never thought i'd like a human coat '47.2': about three foot six '470.4': but you look like one of the family '472.8': oh '474.319': you're not going to send paddington to '475.84': the authorities are you '479.039': you will try the geographer's guild '487.84': yes all right we'll see if they know '489.759': anything but if it's a dead end i'm sure '49.84': grizzly not particularly '491.919': it won't be thank you very much mr brown '497.759': fire her up mr gruber '499.68': so you actually broke in dad that's '501.52': right that sounds incredibly brave henry '503.68': well you know there's a time for being '505.199': boring and annoying and there's a time '506.639': for being a man mr brown dressed up as a '508.8': lady and someone stuck pins in him '51.92': mind you i haven't seen him in the '511.12': what oh look it started sorry what's '512.64': that doesn't matter in a dress no '515.12': did look like a dress more of a house '517.2': clothes quite liberating actually '519.2': darkest peru a vast unexplored '521.919': wilderness shrouded in mystery '524.48': until now is that where you're from '527.76': oh paddington '529.6': it's incredible '53.36': mornings '55.52': so how much would that be button down '57.44': the hatches youngin '573.92': if you ever make it to london '575.6': you can be sure of a very warm welcome i '578.88': have learned so much from these bears '580.48': but i wonder what if anything '582.88': they have learned from me '587.839': montgomery clyde '59.28': there'll be a storm tonight radio said '591.44': the browns are a curious tribe but i '594.0': rather like them '595.44': the way mr brown arranges his stationery '598.48': the strange objects mrs brown finds in '6.399': unless of course you'd like to freshen '600.56': her handbag ah '602.48': here you are how mrs byrd has a hoover '604.959': for every occasion '607.12': the judy can master any language '61.68': it was clearing up radio i feel it at my '610.079': even bear '615.04': wonderful pronunciation '617.12': and how jonathan can build almost '619.12': anything using only mr brown's '621.2': educational old toys '624.0': this is amazing he's very strange i may '627.519': be about to find the explorer but '629.92': i'm actually beginning to feel at home '63.92': knees never lie guess what mrs bird we '631.76': here now paddington these books contain '634.32': the names and addresses of all the '635.6': people who live in london oh i'm sure if '637.36': we look up every m clyde will find your '638.959': explorer thank you mrs brown all right '640.959': come on you two let's get cracking oh '642.48': wait for me i'm gonna see if i can find '644.0': anything about captain clyde in the '645.36': library oh i'll come with you mary i '647.44': need to refresh your marmalade supplies '649.36': uh shouldn't someone stay with '650.88': paddington '652.079': it's only for a few hours oh you don't '653.76': need to worry mr brown i think i've got '655.839': the hang of things '657.839': well you take care bye goodbye '663.44': hello '664.32': hi dad hello mr brown '667.04': hello what's going on lovely surprise '67.2': found a bear uh-huh a real bear from '670.48': i didn't expect you home so early '674.959': something rather special going on in '676.56': here more sugar please oh look at this '679.2': hello everyone hi dad hi big fella '681.68': what's cooking marmalade mr brown go on '684.16': have a taste mmm delicious and just one '687.2': sandwich contains all the vitamins and '688.8': minerals a bear needs for the whole day '69.6': peru well that's nice dear '690.88': so does that mean i don't have to eat '692.64': vegetables he said bear not boy sorry '695.279': jonathan thank you judy '696.88': judy now has anyone seen ah thank you '699.6': mrs bird '700.959': i think every home should have a '702.16': marmalade day and a bear '704.399': especially a bag '71.6': you don't seem very surprised oh i gave '710.8': life in london has been better than ever '712.72': this summer '713.92': i've really got to grips with how things '716.0': work '722.72': and it seems there's something new to do '724.399': every day '726.24': guess what paddington the steam fair's '728.16': coming to town i'm going along tonight '73.92': up being surprised when they came up '730.079': to write about in my newspaper who's '731.68': going to want to read about that '733.12': everyone they travel the world in an old '735.36': steam train i thought you'd love it i do '738.16': don't tell anyone okay '739.92': not cool why don't we all go good idea '742.079': father's a dab hand at the coconut chai '744.24': bullseye brown they used to call him '745.68': well not anymore coconuts are a young '747.68': man's game well i think you're in great '75.04': with the microwave oven and i still '750.16': shape for a man your age mr brown ah '752.079': thank you paddington '753.44': hang on how old do you think i am oh '756.16': about 80. 80 at least '760.079': just a minute young bear hmm that's what '762.8': i told you to wash behind your ears oh '765.36': but i did mrs bird i '767.519': i wonder how that got in there '77.04': don't trust you '771.68': wakey wakey '774.72': mommy time '778.32': there you go '780.16': good luck '781.6': um mr mcginty what do you want well the '785.2': thing is i'm actually innocent and i '787.839': wondered if you had any advice on how to '789.519': clear my name now that we're friends '791.6': friends i'm your boss not our buddy oh '796.0': oh after you '797.6': why '798.639': so you can stab me in the back '8.48': up first i beg your pardon '800.8': 'no' '801.68': because it's polite '803.279': aunt lucy said if we're kind and polite '805.2': the world will be right '806.88': you are ahead of me and now you're '808.0': behind that makes you a sap '811.68': ingredients are over there '813.44': um '814.56': aren't you going to hell '816.079': nope now get on with it but there's 500 '819.12': hungry prisoners coming for breakfast so '821.04': we'll need a thousand juicy oranges oh '823.199': and rule number one '824.959': no talking '826.72': hmm '832.639': rule number two '835.519': no humming '836.72': or singing or any other expression of '840.32': bonhami '86.159': hmm '860.959': oh that's heavy '863.76': come on '872.24': these sacks are awfully heavy we'll take '874.48': them one at a time then right one '877.76': time '885.839': one juicy orange '892.24': two juicy oranges '897.68': three juicy oranges '901.199': four now what are you doing '903.199': taking them one at a time '904.959': one sack at a time i'm sorry i'm finding '908.16': this a very stressful working '909.6': environment aunt lucy said aunt lucy '911.92': i've had it up to here with aunt lucy oh '914.56': she sounds like a proper old bag to me '919.199': i '920.079': beg your pardon '922.079': i said '924.0': your aunt lucy sounds like one of the '926.959': most naive '928.639': gullible '929.759': mushy brained '932.72': what's going on '936.079': why are you looking at me like that '939.68': it's awful hot in here you are i'm hot '943.44': how did i leave the oven on '945.44': it's called a hard stare '948.32': aunt lucy taught me to do them when '950.0': people had forgotten their manners you '952.0': don't have to tell me about hard stairs '953.6': i practically invented them '956.56': pretty good for a bear though i'll give '958.0': you that '958.88': now mr mcginty i may look like a '961.12': hardened criminal to you but i really am '963.36': innocent and if you're not going to help '965.04': me clear my name you could at least help '966.88': me make this marmalade '969.12': all right i'll help '971.12': thank you i'm not going to be much used '972.8': to you though '974.32': these aren't exactly made for cooking '976.56': oh i don't know '977.92': looks to me like you've got yourself a '979.36': fine pair of orange squeezers '981.68': orange squeezers '987.519': good '988.8': 'no' '989.92': better '991.04': tomato '992.24': lovely '993.519': 'yes' '994.88': spot on now we have to be very careful '997.68': with knives aunt lucy said that sensible
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Paddington | We Can Have Fun Anywhere | Amazing Adventures
Our amazingly creative bear Paddington knows how to make any location seem fun and cozy! Come with us and let us learn how! Thank you for watching! Paddington hopes you enjoyed the video. If you did, why not ‘like’ it and also (if you don’t mind) subscribe to the channel. That way, you won’t miss out a moment of his other adventures from around London, and the world – Follow Paddington on his other social channels: Official Website - Instagram - Twitter - Facebook - Buy or rent the full movie: Paddington - Paddington 2 - #Paddington #BearKind #MarmaladeSandwich
'1.599': don't worry paddington we'll find him oh '100.24': thank you for holding your call is '1000.0': bears '1002.16': i don't know if did you learn to use a '1003.519': knife like that you don't want to know '1007.279': well it's jolly good '1011.199': now '1012.48': now '1015.519': right it's time for the sugar '1017.92': that's what turns the juice into '1019.279': marmalade which '102.479': moderately important to us '1021.12': oh a lot '1024.88': same again '1028.64': a squeeze of lemon '1030.72': a pinch of cinnamon '1032.959': and just a bit more sugar '1035.679': well '1037.199': so good oh it's too soon to tell '1040.079': we'll only really know once it's set '11.12': you know use the facilities '120.88': laughs '128.319': ugh '13.679': most people do after a long journey oh '150.64': oh '16.96': well if that's what most people do then '171.76': where is he going to sleep uh not in my '174.16': room he's a he turn easy shut up and '177.84': tony would be more than welcome to a '179.36': bunk up who's tony i'm warning you just '182.08': some boy she's in love with no darling '184.72': really that's it oh when can i meet him '187.519': how can i meet him '19.359': i'd like to do that '194.879': it's okay he can sleep in my room that '196.879': bear is not sleeping in anyone's room '198.4': he's going in the attic and i want you '199.68': all to lock your doors i can't find '20.8': top of the stairs top of the oh stairs '201.44': anything about an english explorer in '203.12': peru well of course you can't why not '205.36': he's making the whole thing out it's '207.2': just a sort of sob story your mother '208.64': falls for hang on that's all fair so is '211.36': fair you've literally just brought home '212.959': a random bear hey you're so embarrassed '215.2': you'd have done the same thing much more '217.28': similar than you think '221.04': what are you doing '222.56': storm is upon us oh you and your knees i '225.599': can tell you for a fact mrs bird it is '227.44': not going to rain indoors '233.92': oh no '235.12': now she blows '237.04': mr brown are you there yes hello yes '24.24': okay oh getting that way '240.159': that sounds fine '241.76': no no no no can you don't believe in the '243.519': terms and conditions i really want to '245.04': answer this as soon as possible but '246.879': don't put me on hold again '249.2': paddington what is going on in there uh '252.64': nothing uh i'm just having a spot of '255.28': bother with the facilities '26.4': got it '27.519': you all right all good he's all right '282.32': um '283.6': nice weather for the ducks '30.64': hello this is henry brown 32 windsor '300.72': now i know you all like marmalade but '303.199': this is my sandwich '310.72': um '311.68': you're not using those ear brushes to '313.44': clean your mouth are you mr brown '316.639': peculiar habit '318.88': morning '32.96': gardens uh i just need to add something '325.52': jonathan don't even think about it '327.68': thirty-four percent of pre-breakfast '329.28': accidents involve banisters but '330.8': paddington's i don't care what '331.919': paddington '34.719': to my home insurance policy '344.88': oh '349.52': so annoying mum what is all my bathroom '352.24': stuff is ruined well you know i've never '354.639': liked using harsh chemicals darling play '356.88': havoc on people's skin '359.919': morning judy '361.12': hello '362.72': why is dad so boring and annoying for '364.96': your own good jonathan let's be nice '366.96': darling all i was trying to do was wash '368.72': my face oh '37.6': well what it is is we have a guest for '375.039': better '378.56': maybe you and i just need a fresh start '381.039': hmm '382.16': suppose i didn't make the best first '383.919': impression don't take this wrong way but '387.12': why don't we try to make you look a bit '388.56': more presentable '39.52': the night uh a bear and i just needed '390.72': hang on a minute '392.24': you're not talking about '394.96': it '399.28': not that bad it is that bad '4.0': thank you let's look in the encyclopedia '401.6': doesn't rain enough in this city without '403.28': having showers in the house '41.52': some extra cover for any dam yes a bear '419.919': the point is we are parents now and we '422.0': have to protect our children we do '424.96': they're screaming no darling that's the '426.8': sound of laughter '430.24': wind hot wind '432.08': two hot winds i don't like it '436.0': well i hope i don't look weird after all '437.84': that '44.8': no a real one '440.08': too much '441.28': too much too much well give me a brush '444.0': will you '444.96': ah '446.639': there it is '449.44': smile duffel coat '451.199': actually it was mine first well long '453.039': before that it was mine oh was it mr '455.759': brown really '457.039': you are in his first day at school it's '459.36': lovely '460.72': wooden buttons for ease of poor '463.199': and these two sandwich compartments are '465.039': an excellent idea i must say it suits '467.12': you very well '468.4': i never thought i'd like a human coat '47.2': about three foot six '470.4': but you look like one of the family '472.8': oh '474.319': you're not going to send paddington to '475.84': the authorities are you '479.039': you will try the geographer's guild '487.84': yes all right we'll see if they know '489.759': anything but if it's a dead end i'm sure '49.84': grizzly not particularly '491.919': it won't be thank you very much mr brown '497.759': fire her up mr gruber '499.68': so you actually broke in dad that's '501.52': right that sounds incredibly brave henry '503.68': well you know there's a time for being '505.199': boring and annoying and there's a time '506.639': for being a man mr brown dressed up as a '508.8': lady and someone stuck pins in him '51.92': mind you i haven't seen him in the '511.12': what oh look it started sorry what's '512.64': that doesn't matter in a dress no '515.12': did look like a dress more of a house '517.2': clothes quite liberating actually '519.2': darkest peru a vast unexplored '521.919': wilderness shrouded in mystery '524.48': until now is that where you're from '527.76': oh paddington '529.6': it's incredible '53.36': mornings '55.52': so how much would that be button down '57.44': the hatches youngin '573.92': if you ever make it to london '575.6': you can be sure of a very warm welcome i '578.88': have learned so much from these bears '580.48': but i wonder what if anything '582.88': they have learned from me '587.839': montgomery clyde '59.28': there'll be a storm tonight radio said '591.44': the browns are a curious tribe but i '594.0': rather like them '595.44': the way mr brown arranges his stationery '598.48': the strange objects mrs brown finds in '6.399': unless of course you'd like to freshen '600.56': her handbag ah '602.48': here you are how mrs byrd has a hoover '604.959': for every occasion '607.12': the judy can master any language '61.68': it was clearing up radio i feel it at my '610.079': even bear '615.04': wonderful pronunciation '617.12': and how jonathan can build almost '619.12': anything using only mr brown's '621.2': educational old toys '624.0': this is amazing he's very strange i may '627.519': be about to find the explorer but '629.92': i'm actually beginning to feel at home '63.92': knees never lie guess what mrs bird we '631.76': here now paddington these books contain '634.32': the names and addresses of all the '635.6': people who live in london oh i'm sure if '637.36': we look up every m clyde will find your '638.959': explorer thank you mrs brown all right '640.959': come on you two let's get cracking oh '642.48': wait for me i'm gonna see if i can find '644.0': anything about captain clyde in the '645.36': library oh i'll come with you mary i '647.44': need to refresh your marmalade supplies '649.36': uh shouldn't someone stay with '650.88': paddington '652.079': it's only for a few hours oh you don't '653.76': need to worry mr brown i think i've got '655.839': the hang of things '657.839': well you take care bye goodbye '663.44': hello '664.32': hi dad hello mr brown '667.04': hello what's going on lovely surprise '67.2': found a bear uh-huh a real bear from '670.48': i didn't expect you home so early '674.959': something rather special going on in '676.56': here more sugar please oh look at this '679.2': hello everyone hi dad hi big fella '681.68': what's cooking marmalade mr brown go on '684.16': have a taste mmm delicious and just one '687.2': sandwich contains all the vitamins and '688.8': minerals a bear needs for the whole day '69.6': peru well that's nice dear '690.88': so does that mean i don't have to eat '692.64': vegetables he said bear not boy sorry '695.279': jonathan thank you judy '696.88': judy now has anyone seen ah thank you '699.6': mrs bird '700.959': i think every home should have a '702.16': marmalade day and a bear '704.399': especially a bag '71.6': you don't seem very surprised oh i gave '710.8': life in london has been better than ever '712.72': this summer '713.92': i've really got to grips with how things '716.0': work '722.72': and it seems there's something new to do '724.399': every day '726.24': guess what paddington the steam fair's '728.16': coming to town i'm going along tonight '73.92': up being surprised when they came up '730.079': to write about in my newspaper who's '731.68': going to want to read about that '733.12': everyone they travel the world in an old '735.36': steam train i thought you'd love it i do '738.16': don't tell anyone okay '739.92': not cool why don't we all go good idea '742.079': father's a dab hand at the coconut chai '744.24': bullseye brown they used to call him '745.68': well not anymore coconuts are a young '747.68': man's game well i think you're in great '75.04': with the microwave oven and i still '750.16': shape for a man your age mr brown ah '752.079': thank you paddington '753.44': hang on how old do you think i am oh '756.16': about 80. 80 at least '760.079': just a minute young bear hmm that's what '762.8': i told you to wash behind your ears oh '765.36': but i did mrs bird i '767.519': i wonder how that got in there '77.04': don't trust you '771.68': wakey wakey '774.72': mommy time '778.32': there you go '780.16': good luck '781.6': um mr mcginty what do you want well the '785.2': thing is i'm actually innocent and i '787.839': wondered if you had any advice on how to '789.519': clear my name now that we're friends '791.6': friends i'm your boss not our buddy oh '796.0': oh after you '797.6': why '798.639': so you can stab me in the back '8.48': up first i beg your pardon '800.8': 'no' '801.68': because it's polite '803.279': aunt lucy said if we're kind and polite '805.2': the world will be right '806.88': you are ahead of me and now you're '808.0': behind that makes you a sap '811.68': ingredients are over there '813.44': um '814.56': aren't you going to hell '816.079': nope now get on with it but there's 500 '819.12': hungry prisoners coming for breakfast so '821.04': we'll need a thousand juicy oranges oh '823.199': and rule number one '824.959': no talking '826.72': hmm '832.639': rule number two '835.519': no humming '836.72': or singing or any other expression of '840.32': bonhami '86.159': hmm '860.959': oh that's heavy '863.76': come on '872.24': these sacks are awfully heavy we'll take '874.48': them one at a time then right one '877.76': time '885.839': one juicy orange '892.24': two juicy oranges '897.68': three juicy oranges '901.199': four now what are you doing '903.199': taking them one at a time '904.959': one sack at a time i'm sorry i'm finding '908.16': this a very stressful working '909.6': environment aunt lucy said aunt lucy '911.92': i've had it up to here with aunt lucy oh '914.56': she sounds like a proper old bag to me '919.199': i '920.079': beg your pardon '922.079': i said '924.0': your aunt lucy sounds like one of the '926.959': most naive '928.639': gullible '929.759': mushy brained '932.72': what's going on '936.079': why are you looking at me like that '939.68': it's awful hot in here you are i'm hot '943.44': how did i leave the oven on '945.44': it's called a hard stare '948.32': aunt lucy taught me to do them when '950.0': people had forgotten their manners you '952.0': don't have to tell me about hard stairs '953.6': i practically invented them '956.56': pretty good for a bear though i'll give '958.0': you that '958.88': now mr mcginty i may look like a '961.12': hardened criminal to you but i really am '963.36': innocent and if you're not going to help '965.04': me clear my name you could at least help '966.88': me make this marmalade '969.12': all right i'll help '971.12': thank you i'm not going to be much used '972.8': to you though '974.32': these aren't exactly made for cooking '976.56': oh i don't know '977.92': looks to me like you've got yourself a '979.36': fine pair of orange squeezers '981.68': orange squeezers '987.519': good '988.8': 'no' '989.92': better '991.04': tomato '992.24': lovely '993.519': 'yes' '994.88': spot on now we have to be very careful '997.68': with knives aunt lucy said that sensible
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Paddington Street where it joins Marylebone High Street" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "Paddington Street is a street in the City of Westminster in London that runs from the junction of Crawford Street and Baker Street in the east to Marylebone High Street in the west." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Paddington Street" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Paddington Street" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ null ] }
Paddington | We Can Have Fun Anywhere | Amazing Adventures
Our amazingly creative bear Paddington knows how to make any location seem fun and cozy! Come with us and let us learn how! Thank you for watching! Paddington hopes you enjoyed the video. If you did, why not ‘like’ it and also (if you don’t mind) subscribe to the channel. That way, you won’t miss out a moment of his other adventures from around London, and the world – Follow Paddington on his other social channels: Official Website - Instagram - Twitter - Facebook - Buy or rent the full movie: Paddington - Paddington 2 - #Paddington #BearKind #MarmaladeSandwich
'1.599': don't worry paddington we'll find him oh '100.24': thank you for holding your call is '1000.0': bears '1002.16': i don't know if did you learn to use a '1003.519': knife like that you don't want to know '1007.279': well it's jolly good '1011.199': now '1012.48': now '1015.519': right it's time for the sugar '1017.92': that's what turns the juice into '1019.279': marmalade which '102.479': moderately important to us '1021.12': oh a lot '1024.88': same again '1028.64': a squeeze of lemon '1030.72': a pinch of cinnamon '1032.959': and just a bit more sugar '1035.679': well '1037.199': so good oh it's too soon to tell '1040.079': we'll only really know once it's set '11.12': you know use the facilities '120.88': laughs '128.319': ugh '13.679': most people do after a long journey oh '150.64': oh '16.96': well if that's what most people do then '171.76': where is he going to sleep uh not in my '174.16': room he's a he turn easy shut up and '177.84': tony would be more than welcome to a '179.36': bunk up who's tony i'm warning you just '182.08': some boy she's in love with no darling '184.72': really that's it oh when can i meet him '187.519': how can i meet him '19.359': i'd like to do that '194.879': it's okay he can sleep in my room that '196.879': bear is not sleeping in anyone's room '198.4': he's going in the attic and i want you '199.68': all to lock your doors i can't find '20.8': top of the stairs top of the oh stairs '201.44': anything about an english explorer in '203.12': peru well of course you can't why not '205.36': he's making the whole thing out it's '207.2': just a sort of sob story your mother '208.64': falls for hang on that's all fair so is '211.36': fair you've literally just brought home '212.959': a random bear hey you're so embarrassed '215.2': you'd have done the same thing much more '217.28': similar than you think '221.04': what are you doing '222.56': storm is upon us oh you and your knees i '225.599': can tell you for a fact mrs bird it is '227.44': not going to rain indoors '233.92': oh no '235.12': now she blows '237.04': mr brown are you there yes hello yes '24.24': okay oh getting that way '240.159': that sounds fine '241.76': no no no no can you don't believe in the '243.519': terms and conditions i really want to '245.04': answer this as soon as possible but '246.879': don't put me on hold again '249.2': paddington what is going on in there uh '252.64': nothing uh i'm just having a spot of '255.28': bother with the facilities '26.4': got it '27.519': you all right all good he's all right '282.32': um '283.6': nice weather for the ducks '30.64': hello this is henry brown 32 windsor '300.72': now i know you all like marmalade but '303.199': this is my sandwich '310.72': um '311.68': you're not using those ear brushes to '313.44': clean your mouth are you mr brown '316.639': peculiar habit '318.88': morning '32.96': gardens uh i just need to add something '325.52': jonathan don't even think about it '327.68': thirty-four percent of pre-breakfast '329.28': accidents involve banisters but '330.8': paddington's i don't care what '331.919': paddington '34.719': to my home insurance policy '344.88': oh '349.52': so annoying mum what is all my bathroom '352.24': stuff is ruined well you know i've never '354.639': liked using harsh chemicals darling play '356.88': havoc on people's skin '359.919': morning judy '361.12': hello '362.72': why is dad so boring and annoying for '364.96': your own good jonathan let's be nice '366.96': darling all i was trying to do was wash '368.72': my face oh '37.6': well what it is is we have a guest for '375.039': better '378.56': maybe you and i just need a fresh start '381.039': hmm '382.16': suppose i didn't make the best first '383.919': impression don't take this wrong way but '387.12': why don't we try to make you look a bit '388.56': more presentable '39.52': the night uh a bear and i just needed '390.72': hang on a minute '392.24': you're not talking about '394.96': it '399.28': not that bad it is that bad '4.0': thank you let's look in the encyclopedia '401.6': doesn't rain enough in this city without '403.28': having showers in the house '41.52': some extra cover for any dam yes a bear '419.919': the point is we are parents now and we '422.0': have to protect our children we do '424.96': they're screaming no darling that's the '426.8': sound of laughter '430.24': wind hot wind '432.08': two hot winds i don't like it '436.0': well i hope i don't look weird after all '437.84': that '44.8': no a real one '440.08': too much '441.28': too much too much well give me a brush '444.0': will you '444.96': ah '446.639': there it is '449.44': smile duffel coat '451.199': actually it was mine first well long '453.039': before that it was mine oh was it mr '455.759': brown really '457.039': you are in his first day at school it's '459.36': lovely '460.72': wooden buttons for ease of poor '463.199': and these two sandwich compartments are '465.039': an excellent idea i must say it suits '467.12': you very well '468.4': i never thought i'd like a human coat '47.2': about three foot six '470.4': but you look like one of the family '472.8': oh '474.319': you're not going to send paddington to '475.84': the authorities are you '479.039': you will try the geographer's guild '487.84': yes all right we'll see if they know '489.759': anything but if it's a dead end i'm sure '49.84': grizzly not particularly '491.919': it won't be thank you very much mr brown '497.759': fire her up mr gruber '499.68': so you actually broke in dad that's '501.52': right that sounds incredibly brave henry '503.68': well you know there's a time for being '505.199': boring and annoying and there's a time '506.639': for being a man mr brown dressed up as a '508.8': lady and someone stuck pins in him '51.92': mind you i haven't seen him in the '511.12': what oh look it started sorry what's '512.64': that doesn't matter in a dress no '515.12': did look like a dress more of a house '517.2': clothes quite liberating actually '519.2': darkest peru a vast unexplored '521.919': wilderness shrouded in mystery '524.48': until now is that where you're from '527.76': oh paddington '529.6': it's incredible '53.36': mornings '55.52': so how much would that be button down '57.44': the hatches youngin '573.92': if you ever make it to london '575.6': you can be sure of a very warm welcome i '578.88': have learned so much from these bears '580.48': but i wonder what if anything '582.88': they have learned from me '587.839': montgomery clyde '59.28': there'll be a storm tonight radio said '591.44': the browns are a curious tribe but i '594.0': rather like them '595.44': the way mr brown arranges his stationery '598.48': the strange objects mrs brown finds in '6.399': unless of course you'd like to freshen '600.56': her handbag ah '602.48': here you are how mrs byrd has a hoover '604.959': for every occasion '607.12': the judy can master any language '61.68': it was clearing up radio i feel it at my '610.079': even bear '615.04': wonderful pronunciation '617.12': and how jonathan can build almost '619.12': anything using only mr brown's '621.2': educational old toys '624.0': this is amazing he's very strange i may '627.519': be about to find the explorer but '629.92': i'm actually beginning to feel at home '63.92': knees never lie guess what mrs bird we '631.76': here now paddington these books contain '634.32': the names and addresses of all the '635.6': people who live in london oh i'm sure if '637.36': we look up every m clyde will find your '638.959': explorer thank you mrs brown all right '640.959': come on you two let's get cracking oh '642.48': wait for me i'm gonna see if i can find '644.0': anything about captain clyde in the '645.36': library oh i'll come with you mary i '647.44': need to refresh your marmalade supplies '649.36': uh shouldn't someone stay with '650.88': paddington '652.079': it's only for a few hours oh you don't '653.76': need to worry mr brown i think i've got '655.839': the hang of things '657.839': well you take care bye goodbye '663.44': hello '664.32': hi dad hello mr brown '667.04': hello what's going on lovely surprise '67.2': found a bear uh-huh a real bear from '670.48': i didn't expect you home so early '674.959': something rather special going on in '676.56': here more sugar please oh look at this '679.2': hello everyone hi dad hi big fella '681.68': what's cooking marmalade mr brown go on '684.16': have a taste mmm delicious and just one '687.2': sandwich contains all the vitamins and '688.8': minerals a bear needs for the whole day '69.6': peru well that's nice dear '690.88': so does that mean i don't have to eat '692.64': vegetables he said bear not boy sorry '695.279': jonathan thank you judy '696.88': judy now has anyone seen ah thank you '699.6': mrs bird '700.959': i think every home should have a '702.16': marmalade day and a bear '704.399': especially a bag '71.6': you don't seem very surprised oh i gave '710.8': life in london has been better than ever '712.72': this summer '713.92': i've really got to grips with how things '716.0': work '722.72': and it seems there's something new to do '724.399': every day '726.24': guess what paddington the steam fair's '728.16': coming to town i'm going along tonight '73.92': up being surprised when they came up '730.079': to write about in my newspaper who's '731.68': going to want to read about that '733.12': everyone they travel the world in an old '735.36': steam train i thought you'd love it i do '738.16': don't tell anyone okay '739.92': not cool why don't we all go good idea '742.079': father's a dab hand at the coconut chai '744.24': bullseye brown they used to call him '745.68': well not anymore coconuts are a young '747.68': man's game well i think you're in great '75.04': with the microwave oven and i still '750.16': shape for a man your age mr brown ah '752.079': thank you paddington '753.44': hang on how old do you think i am oh '756.16': about 80. 80 at least '760.079': just a minute young bear hmm that's what '762.8': i told you to wash behind your ears oh '765.36': but i did mrs bird i '767.519': i wonder how that got in there '77.04': don't trust you '771.68': wakey wakey '774.72': mommy time '778.32': there you go '780.16': good luck '781.6': um mr mcginty what do you want well the '785.2': thing is i'm actually innocent and i '787.839': wondered if you had any advice on how to '789.519': clear my name now that we're friends '791.6': friends i'm your boss not our buddy oh '796.0': oh after you '797.6': why '798.639': so you can stab me in the back '8.48': up first i beg your pardon '800.8': 'no' '801.68': because it's polite '803.279': aunt lucy said if we're kind and polite '805.2': the world will be right '806.88': you are ahead of me and now you're '808.0': behind that makes you a sap '811.68': ingredients are over there '813.44': um '814.56': aren't you going to hell '816.079': nope now get on with it but there's 500 '819.12': hungry prisoners coming for breakfast so '821.04': we'll need a thousand juicy oranges oh '823.199': and rule number one '824.959': no talking '826.72': hmm '832.639': rule number two '835.519': no humming '836.72': or singing or any other expression of '840.32': bonhami '86.159': hmm '860.959': oh that's heavy '863.76': come on '872.24': these sacks are awfully heavy we'll take '874.48': them one at a time then right one '877.76': time '885.839': one juicy orange '892.24': two juicy oranges '897.68': three juicy oranges '901.199': four now what are you doing '903.199': taking them one at a time '904.959': one sack at a time i'm sorry i'm finding '908.16': this a very stressful working '909.6': environment aunt lucy said aunt lucy '911.92': i've had it up to here with aunt lucy oh '914.56': she sounds like a proper old bag to me '919.199': i '920.079': beg your pardon '922.079': i said '924.0': your aunt lucy sounds like one of the '926.959': most naive '928.639': gullible '929.759': mushy brained '932.72': what's going on '936.079': why are you looking at me like that '939.68': it's awful hot in here you are i'm hot '943.44': how did i leave the oven on '945.44': it's called a hard stare '948.32': aunt lucy taught me to do them when '950.0': people had forgotten their manners you '952.0': don't have to tell me about hard stairs '953.6': i practically invented them '956.56': pretty good for a bear though i'll give '958.0': you that '958.88': now mr mcginty i may look like a '961.12': hardened criminal to you but i really am '963.36': innocent and if you're not going to help '965.04': me clear my name you could at least help '966.88': me make this marmalade '969.12': all right i'll help '971.12': thank you i'm not going to be much used '972.8': to you though '974.32': these aren't exactly made for cooking '976.56': oh i don't know '977.92': looks to me like you've got yourself a '979.36': fine pair of orange squeezers '981.68': orange squeezers '987.519': good '988.8': 'no' '989.92': better '991.04': tomato '992.24': lovely '993.519': 'yes' '994.88': spot on now we have to be very careful '997.68': with knives aunt lucy said that sensible
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Paddington Street where it joins Marylebone High Street" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "Paddington Street is a street in the City of Westminster in London that runs from the junction of Crawford Street and Baker Street in the east to Marylebone High Street in the west." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Paddington Street" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Paddington Street" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ null ] }
Paddington | We Can Have Fun Anywhere | Amazing Adventures
Our amazingly creative bear Paddington knows how to make any location seem fun and cozy! Come with us and let us learn how! Thank you for watching! Paddington hopes you enjoyed the video. If you did, why not ‘like’ it and also (if you don’t mind) subscribe to the channel. That way, you won’t miss out a moment of his other adventures from around London, and the world – Follow Paddington on his other social channels: Official Website - Instagram - Twitter - Facebook - Buy or rent the full movie: Paddington - Paddington 2 - #Paddington #BearKind #MarmaladeSandwich
'1.599': don't worry paddington we'll find him oh '100.24': thank you for holding your call is '1000.0': bears '1002.16': i don't know if did you learn to use a '1003.519': knife like that you don't want to know '1007.279': well it's jolly good '1011.199': now '1012.48': now '1015.519': right it's time for the sugar '1017.92': that's what turns the juice into '1019.279': marmalade which '102.479': moderately important to us '1021.12': oh a lot '1024.88': same again '1028.64': a squeeze of lemon '1030.72': a pinch of cinnamon '1032.959': and just a bit more sugar '1035.679': well '1037.199': so good oh it's too soon to tell '1040.079': we'll only really know once it's set '11.12': you know use the facilities '120.88': laughs '128.319': ugh '13.679': most people do after a long journey oh '150.64': oh '16.96': well if that's what most people do then '171.76': where is he going to sleep uh not in my '174.16': room he's a he turn easy shut up and '177.84': tony would be more than welcome to a '179.36': bunk up who's tony i'm warning you just '182.08': some boy she's in love with no darling '184.72': really that's it oh when can i meet him '187.519': how can i meet him '19.359': i'd like to do that '194.879': it's okay he can sleep in my room that '196.879': bear is not sleeping in anyone's room '198.4': he's going in the attic and i want you '199.68': all to lock your doors i can't find '20.8': top of the stairs top of the oh stairs '201.44': anything about an english explorer in '203.12': peru well of course you can't why not '205.36': he's making the whole thing out it's '207.2': just a sort of sob story your mother '208.64': falls for hang on that's all fair so is '211.36': fair you've literally just brought home '212.959': a random bear hey you're so embarrassed '215.2': you'd have done the same thing much more '217.28': similar than you think '221.04': what are you doing '222.56': storm is upon us oh you and your knees i '225.599': can tell you for a fact mrs bird it is '227.44': not going to rain indoors '233.92': oh no '235.12': now she blows '237.04': mr brown are you there yes hello yes '24.24': okay oh getting that way '240.159': that sounds fine '241.76': no no no no can you don't believe in the '243.519': terms and conditions i really want to '245.04': answer this as soon as possible but '246.879': don't put me on hold again '249.2': paddington what is going on in there uh '252.64': nothing uh i'm just having a spot of '255.28': bother with the facilities '26.4': got it '27.519': you all right all good he's all right '282.32': um '283.6': nice weather for the ducks '30.64': hello this is henry brown 32 windsor '300.72': now i know you all like marmalade but '303.199': this is my sandwich '310.72': um '311.68': you're not using those ear brushes to '313.44': clean your mouth are you mr brown '316.639': peculiar habit '318.88': morning '32.96': gardens uh i just need to add something '325.52': jonathan don't even think about it '327.68': thirty-four percent of pre-breakfast '329.28': accidents involve banisters but '330.8': paddington's i don't care what '331.919': paddington '34.719': to my home insurance policy '344.88': oh '349.52': so annoying mum what is all my bathroom '352.24': stuff is ruined well you know i've never '354.639': liked using harsh chemicals darling play '356.88': havoc on people's skin '359.919': morning judy '361.12': hello '362.72': why is dad so boring and annoying for '364.96': your own good jonathan let's be nice '366.96': darling all i was trying to do was wash '368.72': my face oh '37.6': well what it is is we have a guest for '375.039': better '378.56': maybe you and i just need a fresh start '381.039': hmm '382.16': suppose i didn't make the best first '383.919': impression don't take this wrong way but '387.12': why don't we try to make you look a bit '388.56': more presentable '39.52': the night uh a bear and i just needed '390.72': hang on a minute '392.24': you're not talking about '394.96': it '399.28': not that bad it is that bad '4.0': thank you let's look in the encyclopedia '401.6': doesn't rain enough in this city without '403.28': having showers in the house '41.52': some extra cover for any dam yes a bear '419.919': the point is we are parents now and we '422.0': have to protect our children we do '424.96': they're screaming no darling that's the '426.8': sound of laughter '430.24': wind hot wind '432.08': two hot winds i don't like it '436.0': well i hope i don't look weird after all '437.84': that '44.8': no a real one '440.08': too much '441.28': too much too much well give me a brush '444.0': will you '444.96': ah '446.639': there it is '449.44': smile duffel coat '451.199': actually it was mine first well long '453.039': before that it was mine oh was it mr '455.759': brown really '457.039': you are in his first day at school it's '459.36': lovely '460.72': wooden buttons for ease of poor '463.199': and these two sandwich compartments are '465.039': an excellent idea i must say it suits '467.12': you very well '468.4': i never thought i'd like a human coat '47.2': about three foot six '470.4': but you look like one of the family '472.8': oh '474.319': you're not going to send paddington to '475.84': the authorities are you '479.039': you will try the geographer's guild '487.84': yes all right we'll see if they know '489.759': anything but if it's a dead end i'm sure '49.84': grizzly not particularly '491.919': it won't be thank you very much mr brown '497.759': fire her up mr gruber '499.68': so you actually broke in dad that's '501.52': right that sounds incredibly brave henry '503.68': well you know there's a time for being '505.199': boring and annoying and there's a time '506.639': for being a man mr brown dressed up as a '508.8': lady and someone stuck pins in him '51.92': mind you i haven't seen him in the '511.12': what oh look it started sorry what's '512.64': that doesn't matter in a dress no '515.12': did look like a dress more of a house '517.2': clothes quite liberating actually '519.2': darkest peru a vast unexplored '521.919': wilderness shrouded in mystery '524.48': until now is that where you're from '527.76': oh paddington '529.6': it's incredible '53.36': mornings '55.52': so how much would that be button down '57.44': the hatches youngin '573.92': if you ever make it to london '575.6': you can be sure of a very warm welcome i '578.88': have learned so much from these bears '580.48': but i wonder what if anything '582.88': they have learned from me '587.839': montgomery clyde '59.28': there'll be a storm tonight radio said '591.44': the browns are a curious tribe but i '594.0': rather like them '595.44': the way mr brown arranges his stationery '598.48': the strange objects mrs brown finds in '6.399': unless of course you'd like to freshen '600.56': her handbag ah '602.48': here you are how mrs byrd has a hoover '604.959': for every occasion '607.12': the judy can master any language '61.68': it was clearing up radio i feel it at my '610.079': even bear '615.04': wonderful pronunciation '617.12': and how jonathan can build almost '619.12': anything using only mr brown's '621.2': educational old toys '624.0': this is amazing he's very strange i may '627.519': be about to find the explorer but '629.92': i'm actually beginning to feel at home '63.92': knees never lie guess what mrs bird we '631.76': here now paddington these books contain '634.32': the names and addresses of all the '635.6': people who live in london oh i'm sure if '637.36': we look up every m clyde will find your '638.959': explorer thank you mrs brown all right '640.959': come on you two let's get cracking oh '642.48': wait for me i'm gonna see if i can find '644.0': anything about captain clyde in the '645.36': library oh i'll come with you mary i '647.44': need to refresh your marmalade supplies '649.36': uh shouldn't someone stay with '650.88': paddington '652.079': it's only for a few hours oh you don't '653.76': need to worry mr brown i think i've got '655.839': the hang of things '657.839': well you take care bye goodbye '663.44': hello '664.32': hi dad hello mr brown '667.04': hello what's going on lovely surprise '67.2': found a bear uh-huh a real bear from '670.48': i didn't expect you home so early '674.959': something rather special going on in '676.56': here more sugar please oh look at this '679.2': hello everyone hi dad hi big fella '681.68': what's cooking marmalade mr brown go on '684.16': have a taste mmm delicious and just one '687.2': sandwich contains all the vitamins and '688.8': minerals a bear needs for the whole day '69.6': peru well that's nice dear '690.88': so does that mean i don't have to eat '692.64': vegetables he said bear not boy sorry '695.279': jonathan thank you judy '696.88': judy now has anyone seen ah thank you '699.6': mrs bird '700.959': i think every home should have a '702.16': marmalade day and a bear '704.399': especially a bag '71.6': you don't seem very surprised oh i gave '710.8': life in london has been better than ever '712.72': this summer '713.92': i've really got to grips with how things '716.0': work '722.72': and it seems there's something new to do '724.399': every day '726.24': guess what paddington the steam fair's '728.16': coming to town i'm going along tonight '73.92': up being surprised when they came up '730.079': to write about in my newspaper who's '731.68': going to want to read about that '733.12': everyone they travel the world in an old '735.36': steam train i thought you'd love it i do '738.16': don't tell anyone okay '739.92': not cool why don't we all go good idea '742.079': father's a dab hand at the coconut chai '744.24': bullseye brown they used to call him '745.68': well not anymore coconuts are a young '747.68': man's game well i think you're in great '75.04': with the microwave oven and i still '750.16': shape for a man your age mr brown ah '752.079': thank you paddington '753.44': hang on how old do you think i am oh '756.16': about 80. 80 at least '760.079': just a minute young bear hmm that's what '762.8': i told you to wash behind your ears oh '765.36': but i did mrs bird i '767.519': i wonder how that got in there '77.04': don't trust you '771.68': wakey wakey '774.72': mommy time '778.32': there you go '780.16': good luck '781.6': um mr mcginty what do you want well the '785.2': thing is i'm actually innocent and i '787.839': wondered if you had any advice on how to '789.519': clear my name now that we're friends '791.6': friends i'm your boss not our buddy oh '796.0': oh after you '797.6': why '798.639': so you can stab me in the back '8.48': up first i beg your pardon '800.8': 'no' '801.68': because it's polite '803.279': aunt lucy said if we're kind and polite '805.2': the world will be right '806.88': you are ahead of me and now you're '808.0': behind that makes you a sap '811.68': ingredients are over there '813.44': um '814.56': aren't you going to hell '816.079': nope now get on with it but there's 500 '819.12': hungry prisoners coming for breakfast so '821.04': we'll need a thousand juicy oranges oh '823.199': and rule number one '824.959': no talking '826.72': hmm '832.639': rule number two '835.519': no humming '836.72': or singing or any other expression of '840.32': bonhami '86.159': hmm '860.959': oh that's heavy '863.76': come on '872.24': these sacks are awfully heavy we'll take '874.48': them one at a time then right one '877.76': time '885.839': one juicy orange '892.24': two juicy oranges '897.68': three juicy oranges '901.199': four now what are you doing '903.199': taking them one at a time '904.959': one sack at a time i'm sorry i'm finding '908.16': this a very stressful working '909.6': environment aunt lucy said aunt lucy '911.92': i've had it up to here with aunt lucy oh '914.56': she sounds like a proper old bag to me '919.199': i '920.079': beg your pardon '922.079': i said '924.0': your aunt lucy sounds like one of the '926.959': most naive '928.639': gullible '929.759': mushy brained '932.72': what's going on '936.079': why are you looking at me like that '939.68': it's awful hot in here you are i'm hot '943.44': how did i leave the oven on '945.44': it's called a hard stare '948.32': aunt lucy taught me to do them when '950.0': people had forgotten their manners you '952.0': don't have to tell me about hard stairs '953.6': i practically invented them '956.56': pretty good for a bear though i'll give '958.0': you that '958.88': now mr mcginty i may look like a '961.12': hardened criminal to you but i really am '963.36': innocent and if you're not going to help '965.04': me clear my name you could at least help '966.88': me make this marmalade '969.12': all right i'll help '971.12': thank you i'm not going to be much used '972.8': to you though '974.32': these aren't exactly made for cooking '976.56': oh i don't know '977.92': looks to me like you've got yourself a '979.36': fine pair of orange squeezers '981.68': orange squeezers '987.519': good '988.8': 'no' '989.92': better '991.04': tomato '992.24': lovely '993.519': 'yes' '994.88': spot on now we have to be very careful '997.68': with knives aunt lucy said that sensible
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Paddington | We Can Have Fun Anywhere | Amazing Adventures
Our amazingly creative bear Paddington knows how to make any location seem fun and cozy! Come with us and let us learn how! Thank you for watching! Paddington hopes you enjoyed the video. If you did, why not ‘like’ it and also (if you don’t mind) subscribe to the channel. That way, you won’t miss out a moment of his other adventures from around London, and the world – Follow Paddington on his other social channels: Official Website - Instagram - Twitter - Facebook - Buy or rent the full movie: Paddington - Paddington 2 - #Paddington #BearKind #MarmaladeSandwich
'1.599': don't worry paddington we'll find him oh '100.24': thank you for holding your call is '1000.0': bears '1002.16': i don't know if did you learn to use a '1003.519': knife like that you don't want to know '1007.279': well it's jolly good '1011.199': now '1012.48': now '1015.519': right it's time for the sugar '1017.92': that's what turns the juice into '1019.279': marmalade which '102.479': moderately important to us '1021.12': oh a lot '1024.88': same again '1028.64': a squeeze of lemon '1030.72': a pinch of cinnamon '1032.959': and just a bit more sugar '1035.679': well '1037.199': so good oh it's too soon to tell '1040.079': we'll only really know once it's set '11.12': you know use the facilities '120.88': laughs '128.319': ugh '13.679': most people do after a long journey oh '150.64': oh '16.96': well if that's what most people do then '171.76': where is he going to sleep uh not in my '174.16': room he's a he turn easy shut up and '177.84': tony would be more than welcome to a '179.36': bunk up who's tony i'm warning you just '182.08': some boy she's in love with no darling '184.72': really that's it oh when can i meet him '187.519': how can i meet him '19.359': i'd like to do that '194.879': it's okay he can sleep in my room that '196.879': bear is not sleeping in anyone's room '198.4': he's going in the attic and i want you '199.68': all to lock your doors i can't find '20.8': top of the stairs top of the oh stairs '201.44': anything about an english explorer in '203.12': peru well of course you can't why not '205.36': he's making the whole thing out it's '207.2': just a sort of sob story your mother '208.64': falls for hang on that's all fair so is '211.36': fair you've literally just brought home '212.959': a random bear hey you're so embarrassed '215.2': you'd have done the same thing much more '217.28': similar than you think '221.04': what are you doing '222.56': storm is upon us oh you and your knees i '225.599': can tell you for a fact mrs bird it is '227.44': not going to rain indoors '233.92': oh no '235.12': now she blows '237.04': mr brown are you there yes hello yes '24.24': okay oh getting that way '240.159': that sounds fine '241.76': no no no no can you don't believe in the '243.519': terms and conditions i really want to '245.04': answer this as soon as possible but '246.879': don't put me on hold again '249.2': paddington what is going on in there uh '252.64': nothing uh i'm just having a spot of '255.28': bother with the facilities '26.4': got it '27.519': you all right all good he's all right '282.32': um '283.6': nice weather for the ducks '30.64': hello this is henry brown 32 windsor '300.72': now i know you all like marmalade but '303.199': this is my sandwich '310.72': um '311.68': you're not using those ear brushes to '313.44': clean your mouth are you mr brown '316.639': peculiar habit '318.88': morning '32.96': gardens uh i just need to add something '325.52': jonathan don't even think about it '327.68': thirty-four percent of pre-breakfast '329.28': accidents involve banisters but '330.8': paddington's i don't care what '331.919': paddington '34.719': to my home insurance policy '344.88': oh '349.52': so annoying mum what is all my bathroom '352.24': stuff is ruined well you know i've never '354.639': liked using harsh chemicals darling play '356.88': havoc on people's skin '359.919': morning judy '361.12': hello '362.72': why is dad so boring and annoying for '364.96': your own good jonathan let's be nice '366.96': darling all i was trying to do was wash '368.72': my face oh '37.6': well what it is is we have a guest for '375.039': better '378.56': maybe you and i just need a fresh start '381.039': hmm '382.16': suppose i didn't make the best first '383.919': impression don't take this wrong way but '387.12': why don't we try to make you look a bit '388.56': more presentable '39.52': the night uh a bear and i just needed '390.72': hang on a minute '392.24': you're not talking about '394.96': it '399.28': not that bad it is that bad '4.0': thank you let's look in the encyclopedia '401.6': doesn't rain enough in this city without '403.28': having showers in the house '41.52': some extra cover for any dam yes a bear '419.919': the point is we are parents now and we '422.0': have to protect our children we do '424.96': they're screaming no darling that's the '426.8': sound of laughter '430.24': wind hot wind '432.08': two hot winds i don't like it '436.0': well i hope i don't look weird after all '437.84': that '44.8': no a real one '440.08': too much '441.28': too much too much well give me a brush '444.0': will you '444.96': ah '446.639': there it is '449.44': smile duffel coat '451.199': actually it was mine first well long '453.039': before that it was mine oh was it mr '455.759': brown really '457.039': you are in his first day at school it's '459.36': lovely '460.72': wooden buttons for ease of poor '463.199': and these two sandwich compartments are '465.039': an excellent idea i must say it suits '467.12': you very well '468.4': i never thought i'd like a human coat '47.2': about three foot six '470.4': but you look like one of the family '472.8': oh '474.319': you're not going to send paddington to '475.84': the authorities are you '479.039': you will try the geographer's guild '487.84': yes all right we'll see if they know '489.759': anything but if it's a dead end i'm sure '49.84': grizzly not particularly '491.919': it won't be thank you very much mr brown '497.759': fire her up mr gruber '499.68': so you actually broke in dad that's '501.52': right that sounds incredibly brave henry '503.68': well you know there's a time for being '505.199': boring and annoying and there's a time '506.639': for being a man mr brown dressed up as a '508.8': lady and someone stuck pins in him '51.92': mind you i haven't seen him in the '511.12': what oh look it started sorry what's '512.64': that doesn't matter in a dress no '515.12': did look like a dress more of a house '517.2': clothes quite liberating actually '519.2': darkest peru a vast unexplored '521.919': wilderness shrouded in mystery '524.48': until now is that where you're from '527.76': oh paddington '529.6': it's incredible '53.36': mornings '55.52': so how much would that be button down '57.44': the hatches youngin '573.92': if you ever make it to london '575.6': you can be sure of a very warm welcome i '578.88': have learned so much from these bears '580.48': but i wonder what if anything '582.88': they have learned from me '587.839': montgomery clyde '59.28': there'll be a storm tonight radio said '591.44': the browns are a curious tribe but i '594.0': rather like them '595.44': the way mr brown arranges his stationery '598.48': the strange objects mrs brown finds in '6.399': unless of course you'd like to freshen '600.56': her handbag ah '602.48': here you are how mrs byrd has a hoover '604.959': for every occasion '607.12': the judy can master any language '61.68': it was clearing up radio i feel it at my '610.079': even bear '615.04': wonderful pronunciation '617.12': and how jonathan can build almost '619.12': anything using only mr brown's '621.2': educational old toys '624.0': this is amazing he's very strange i may '627.519': be about to find the explorer but '629.92': i'm actually beginning to feel at home '63.92': knees never lie guess what mrs bird we '631.76': here now paddington these books contain '634.32': the names and addresses of all the '635.6': people who live in london oh i'm sure if '637.36': we look up every m clyde will find your '638.959': explorer thank you mrs brown all right '640.959': come on you two let's get cracking oh '642.48': wait for me i'm gonna see if i can find '644.0': anything about captain clyde in the '645.36': library oh i'll come with you mary i '647.44': need to refresh your marmalade supplies '649.36': uh shouldn't someone stay with '650.88': paddington '652.079': it's only for a few hours oh you don't '653.76': need to worry mr brown i think i've got '655.839': the hang of things '657.839': well you take care bye goodbye '663.44': hello '664.32': hi dad hello mr brown '667.04': hello what's going on lovely surprise '67.2': found a bear uh-huh a real bear from '670.48': i didn't expect you home so early '674.959': something rather special going on in '676.56': here more sugar please oh look at this '679.2': hello everyone hi dad hi big fella '681.68': what's cooking marmalade mr brown go on '684.16': have a taste mmm delicious and just one '687.2': sandwich contains all the vitamins and '688.8': minerals a bear needs for the whole day '69.6': peru well that's nice dear '690.88': so does that mean i don't have to eat '692.64': vegetables he said bear not boy sorry '695.279': jonathan thank you judy '696.88': judy now has anyone seen ah thank you '699.6': mrs bird '700.959': i think every home should have a '702.16': marmalade day and a bear '704.399': especially a bag '71.6': you don't seem very surprised oh i gave '710.8': life in london has been better than ever '712.72': this summer '713.92': i've really got to grips with how things '716.0': work '722.72': and it seems there's something new to do '724.399': every day '726.24': guess what paddington the steam fair's '728.16': coming to town i'm going along tonight '73.92': up being surprised when they came up '730.079': to write about in my newspaper who's '731.68': going to want to read about that '733.12': everyone they travel the world in an old '735.36': steam train i thought you'd love it i do '738.16': don't tell anyone okay '739.92': not cool why don't we all go good idea '742.079': father's a dab hand at the coconut chai '744.24': bullseye brown they used to call him '745.68': well not anymore coconuts are a young '747.68': man's game well i think you're in great '75.04': with the microwave oven and i still '750.16': shape for a man your age mr brown ah '752.079': thank you paddington '753.44': hang on how old do you think i am oh '756.16': about 80. 80 at least '760.079': just a minute young bear hmm that's what '762.8': i told you to wash behind your ears oh '765.36': but i did mrs bird i '767.519': i wonder how that got in there '77.04': don't trust you '771.68': wakey wakey '774.72': mommy time '778.32': there you go '780.16': good luck '781.6': um mr mcginty what do you want well the '785.2': thing is i'm actually innocent and i '787.839': wondered if you had any advice on how to '789.519': clear my name now that we're friends '791.6': friends i'm your boss not our buddy oh '796.0': oh after you '797.6': why '798.639': so you can stab me in the back '8.48': up first i beg your pardon '800.8': 'no' '801.68': because it's polite '803.279': aunt lucy said if we're kind and polite '805.2': the world will be right '806.88': you are ahead of me and now you're '808.0': behind that makes you a sap '811.68': ingredients are over there '813.44': um '814.56': aren't you going to hell '816.079': nope now get on with it but there's 500 '819.12': hungry prisoners coming for breakfast so '821.04': we'll need a thousand juicy oranges oh '823.199': and rule number one '824.959': no talking '826.72': hmm '832.639': rule number two '835.519': no humming '836.72': or singing or any other expression of '840.32': bonhami '86.159': hmm '860.959': oh that's heavy '863.76': come on '872.24': these sacks are awfully heavy we'll take '874.48': them one at a time then right one '877.76': time '885.839': one juicy orange '892.24': two juicy oranges '897.68': three juicy oranges '901.199': four now what are you doing '903.199': taking them one at a time '904.959': one sack at a time i'm sorry i'm finding '908.16': this a very stressful working '909.6': environment aunt lucy said aunt lucy '911.92': i've had it up to here with aunt lucy oh '914.56': she sounds like a proper old bag to me '919.199': i '920.079': beg your pardon '922.079': i said '924.0': your aunt lucy sounds like one of the '926.959': most naive '928.639': gullible '929.759': mushy brained '932.72': what's going on '936.079': why are you looking at me like that '939.68': it's awful hot in here you are i'm hot '943.44': how did i leave the oven on '945.44': it's called a hard stare '948.32': aunt lucy taught me to do them when '950.0': people had forgotten their manners you '952.0': don't have to tell me about hard stairs '953.6': i practically invented them '956.56': pretty good for a bear though i'll give '958.0': you that '958.88': now mr mcginty i may look like a '961.12': hardened criminal to you but i really am '963.36': innocent and if you're not going to help '965.04': me clear my name you could at least help '966.88': me make this marmalade '969.12': all right i'll help '971.12': thank you i'm not going to be much used '972.8': to you though '974.32': these aren't exactly made for cooking '976.56': oh i don't know '977.92': looks to me like you've got yourself a '979.36': fine pair of orange squeezers '981.68': orange squeezers '987.519': good '988.8': 'no' '989.92': better '991.04': tomato '992.24': lovely '993.519': 'yes' '994.88': spot on now we have to be very careful '997.68': with knives aunt lucy said that sensible
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Paddington Street where it joins Marylebone High Street" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "Paddington Street is a street in the City of Westminster in London that runs from the junction of Crawford Street and Baker Street in the east to Marylebone High Street in the west." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Paddington Street" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Paddington Street" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ null ] }
Paddington | We Can Have Fun Anywhere | Amazing Adventures
Our amazingly creative bear Paddington knows how to make any location seem fun and cozy! Come with us and let us learn how! Thank you for watching! Paddington hopes you enjoyed the video. If you did, why not ‘like’ it and also (if you don’t mind) subscribe to the channel. That way, you won’t miss out a moment of his other adventures from around London, and the world – Follow Paddington on his other social channels: Official Website - Instagram - Twitter - Facebook - Buy or rent the full movie: Paddington - Paddington 2 - #Paddington #BearKind #MarmaladeSandwich
'1.599': don't worry paddington we'll find him oh '100.24': thank you for holding your call is '1000.0': bears '1002.16': i don't know if did you learn to use a '1003.519': knife like that you don't want to know '1007.279': well it's jolly good '1011.199': now '1012.48': now '1015.519': right it's time for the sugar '1017.92': that's what turns the juice into '1019.279': marmalade which '102.479': moderately important to us '1021.12': oh a lot '1024.88': same again '1028.64': a squeeze of lemon '1030.72': a pinch of cinnamon '1032.959': and just a bit more sugar '1035.679': well '1037.199': so good oh it's too soon to tell '1040.079': we'll only really know once it's set '11.12': you know use the facilities '120.88': laughs '128.319': ugh '13.679': most people do after a long journey oh '150.64': oh '16.96': well if that's what most people do then '171.76': where is he going to sleep uh not in my '174.16': room he's a he turn easy shut up and '177.84': tony would be more than welcome to a '179.36': bunk up who's tony i'm warning you just '182.08': some boy she's in love with no darling '184.72': really that's it oh when can i meet him '187.519': how can i meet him '19.359': i'd like to do that '194.879': it's okay he can sleep in my room that '196.879': bear is not sleeping in anyone's room '198.4': he's going in the attic and i want you '199.68': all to lock your doors i can't find '20.8': top of the stairs top of the oh stairs '201.44': anything about an english explorer in '203.12': peru well of course you can't why not '205.36': he's making the whole thing out it's '207.2': just a sort of sob story your mother '208.64': falls for hang on that's all fair so is '211.36': fair you've literally just brought home '212.959': a random bear hey you're so embarrassed '215.2': you'd have done the same thing much more '217.28': similar than you think '221.04': what are you doing '222.56': storm is upon us oh you and your knees i '225.599': can tell you for a fact mrs bird it is '227.44': not going to rain indoors '233.92': oh no '235.12': now she blows '237.04': mr brown are you there yes hello yes '24.24': okay oh getting that way '240.159': that sounds fine '241.76': no no no no can you don't believe in the '243.519': terms and conditions i really want to '245.04': answer this as soon as possible but '246.879': don't put me on hold again '249.2': paddington what is going on in there uh '252.64': nothing uh i'm just having a spot of '255.28': bother with the facilities '26.4': got it '27.519': you all right all good he's all right '282.32': um '283.6': nice weather for the ducks '30.64': hello this is henry brown 32 windsor '300.72': now i know you all like marmalade but '303.199': this is my sandwich '310.72': um '311.68': you're not using those ear brushes to '313.44': clean your mouth are you mr brown '316.639': peculiar habit '318.88': morning '32.96': gardens uh i just need to add something '325.52': jonathan don't even think about it '327.68': thirty-four percent of pre-breakfast '329.28': accidents involve banisters but '330.8': paddington's i don't care what '331.919': paddington '34.719': to my home insurance policy '344.88': oh '349.52': so annoying mum what is all my bathroom '352.24': stuff is ruined well you know i've never '354.639': liked using harsh chemicals darling play '356.88': havoc on people's skin '359.919': morning judy '361.12': hello '362.72': why is dad so boring and annoying for '364.96': your own good jonathan let's be nice '366.96': darling all i was trying to do was wash '368.72': my face oh '37.6': well what it is is we have a guest for '375.039': better '378.56': maybe you and i just need a fresh start '381.039': hmm '382.16': suppose i didn't make the best first '383.919': impression don't take this wrong way but '387.12': why don't we try to make you look a bit '388.56': more presentable '39.52': the night uh a bear and i just needed '390.72': hang on a minute '392.24': you're not talking about '394.96': it '399.28': not that bad it is that bad '4.0': thank you let's look in the encyclopedia '401.6': doesn't rain enough in this city without '403.28': having showers in the house '41.52': some extra cover for any dam yes a bear '419.919': the point is we are parents now and we '422.0': have to protect our children we do '424.96': they're screaming no darling that's the '426.8': sound of laughter '430.24': wind hot wind '432.08': two hot winds i don't like it '436.0': well i hope i don't look weird after all '437.84': that '44.8': no a real one '440.08': too much '441.28': too much too much well give me a brush '444.0': will you '444.96': ah '446.639': there it is '449.44': smile duffel coat '451.199': actually it was mine first well long '453.039': before that it was mine oh was it mr '455.759': brown really '457.039': you are in his first day at school it's '459.36': lovely '460.72': wooden buttons for ease of poor '463.199': and these two sandwich compartments are '465.039': an excellent idea i must say it suits '467.12': you very well '468.4': i never thought i'd like a human coat '47.2': about three foot six '470.4': but you look like one of the family '472.8': oh '474.319': you're not going to send paddington to '475.84': the authorities are you '479.039': you will try the geographer's guild '487.84': yes all right we'll see if they know '489.759': anything but if it's a dead end i'm sure '49.84': grizzly not particularly '491.919': it won't be thank you very much mr brown '497.759': fire her up mr gruber '499.68': so you actually broke in dad that's '501.52': right that sounds incredibly brave henry '503.68': well you know there's a time for being '505.199': boring and annoying and there's a time '506.639': for being a man mr brown dressed up as a '508.8': lady and someone stuck pins in him '51.92': mind you i haven't seen him in the '511.12': what oh look it started sorry what's '512.64': that doesn't matter in a dress no '515.12': did look like a dress more of a house '517.2': clothes quite liberating actually '519.2': darkest peru a vast unexplored '521.919': wilderness shrouded in mystery '524.48': until now is that where you're from '527.76': oh paddington '529.6': it's incredible '53.36': mornings '55.52': so how much would that be button down '57.44': the hatches youngin '573.92': if you ever make it to london '575.6': you can be sure of a very warm welcome i '578.88': have learned so much from these bears '580.48': but i wonder what if anything '582.88': they have learned from me '587.839': montgomery clyde '59.28': there'll be a storm tonight radio said '591.44': the browns are a curious tribe but i '594.0': rather like them '595.44': the way mr brown arranges his stationery '598.48': the strange objects mrs brown finds in '6.399': unless of course you'd like to freshen '600.56': her handbag ah '602.48': here you are how mrs byrd has a hoover '604.959': for every occasion '607.12': the judy can master any language '61.68': it was clearing up radio i feel it at my '610.079': even bear '615.04': wonderful pronunciation '617.12': and how jonathan can build almost '619.12': anything using only mr brown's '621.2': educational old toys '624.0': this is amazing he's very strange i may '627.519': be about to find the explorer but '629.92': i'm actually beginning to feel at home '63.92': knees never lie guess what mrs bird we '631.76': here now paddington these books contain '634.32': the names and addresses of all the '635.6': people who live in london oh i'm sure if '637.36': we look up every m clyde will find your '638.959': explorer thank you mrs brown all right '640.959': come on you two let's get cracking oh '642.48': wait for me i'm gonna see if i can find '644.0': anything about captain clyde in the '645.36': library oh i'll come with you mary i '647.44': need to refresh your marmalade supplies '649.36': uh shouldn't someone stay with '650.88': paddington '652.079': it's only for a few hours oh you don't '653.76': need to worry mr brown i think i've got '655.839': the hang of things '657.839': well you take care bye goodbye '663.44': hello '664.32': hi dad hello mr brown '667.04': hello what's going on lovely surprise '67.2': found a bear uh-huh a real bear from '670.48': i didn't expect you home so early '674.959': something rather special going on in '676.56': here more sugar please oh look at this '679.2': hello everyone hi dad hi big fella '681.68': what's cooking marmalade mr brown go on '684.16': have a taste mmm delicious and just one '687.2': sandwich contains all the vitamins and '688.8': minerals a bear needs for the whole day '69.6': peru well that's nice dear '690.88': so does that mean i don't have to eat '692.64': vegetables he said bear not boy sorry '695.279': jonathan thank you judy '696.88': judy now has anyone seen ah thank you '699.6': mrs bird '700.959': i think every home should have a '702.16': marmalade day and a bear '704.399': especially a bag '71.6': you don't seem very surprised oh i gave '710.8': life in london has been better than ever '712.72': this summer '713.92': i've really got to grips with how things '716.0': work '722.72': and it seems there's something new to do '724.399': every day '726.24': guess what paddington the steam fair's '728.16': coming to town i'm going along tonight '73.92': up being surprised when they came up '730.079': to write about in my newspaper who's '731.68': going to want to read about that '733.12': everyone they travel the world in an old '735.36': steam train i thought you'd love it i do '738.16': don't tell anyone okay '739.92': not cool why don't we all go good idea '742.079': father's a dab hand at the coconut chai '744.24': bullseye brown they used to call him '745.68': well not anymore coconuts are a young '747.68': man's game well i think you're in great '75.04': with the microwave oven and i still '750.16': shape for a man your age mr brown ah '752.079': thank you paddington '753.44': hang on how old do you think i am oh '756.16': about 80. 80 at least '760.079': just a minute young bear hmm that's what '762.8': i told you to wash behind your ears oh '765.36': but i did mrs bird i '767.519': i wonder how that got in there '77.04': don't trust you '771.68': wakey wakey '774.72': mommy time '778.32': there you go '780.16': good luck '781.6': um mr mcginty what do you want well the '785.2': thing is i'm actually innocent and i '787.839': wondered if you had any advice on how to '789.519': clear my name now that we're friends '791.6': friends i'm your boss not our buddy oh '796.0': oh after you '797.6': why '798.639': so you can stab me in the back '8.48': up first i beg your pardon '800.8': 'no' '801.68': because it's polite '803.279': aunt lucy said if we're kind and polite '805.2': the world will be right '806.88': you are ahead of me and now you're '808.0': behind that makes you a sap '811.68': ingredients are over there '813.44': um '814.56': aren't you going to hell '816.079': nope now get on with it but there's 500 '819.12': hungry prisoners coming for breakfast so '821.04': we'll need a thousand juicy oranges oh '823.199': and rule number one '824.959': no talking '826.72': hmm '832.639': rule number two '835.519': no humming '836.72': or singing or any other expression of '840.32': bonhami '86.159': hmm '860.959': oh that's heavy '863.76': come on '872.24': these sacks are awfully heavy we'll take '874.48': them one at a time then right one '877.76': time '885.839': one juicy orange '892.24': two juicy oranges '897.68': three juicy oranges '901.199': four now what are you doing '903.199': taking them one at a time '904.959': one sack at a time i'm sorry i'm finding '908.16': this a very stressful working '909.6': environment aunt lucy said aunt lucy '911.92': i've had it up to here with aunt lucy oh '914.56': she sounds like a proper old bag to me '919.199': i '920.079': beg your pardon '922.079': i said '924.0': your aunt lucy sounds like one of the '926.959': most naive '928.639': gullible '929.759': mushy brained '932.72': what's going on '936.079': why are you looking at me like that '939.68': it's awful hot in here you are i'm hot '943.44': how did i leave the oven on '945.44': it's called a hard stare '948.32': aunt lucy taught me to do them when '950.0': people had forgotten their manners you '952.0': don't have to tell me about hard stairs '953.6': i practically invented them '956.56': pretty good for a bear though i'll give '958.0': you that '958.88': now mr mcginty i may look like a '961.12': hardened criminal to you but i really am '963.36': innocent and if you're not going to help '965.04': me clear my name you could at least help '966.88': me make this marmalade '969.12': all right i'll help '971.12': thank you i'm not going to be much used '972.8': to you though '974.32': these aren't exactly made for cooking '976.56': oh i don't know '977.92': looks to me like you've got yourself a '979.36': fine pair of orange squeezers '981.68': orange squeezers '987.519': good '988.8': 'no' '989.92': better '991.04': tomato '992.24': lovely '993.519': 'yes' '994.88': spot on now we have to be very careful '997.68': with knives aunt lucy said that sensible
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Paddington | We Can Have Fun Anywhere | Amazing Adventures
Our amazingly creative bear Paddington knows how to make any location seem fun and cozy! Come with us and let us learn how! Thank you for watching! Paddington hopes you enjoyed the video. If you did, why not ‘like’ it and also (if you don’t mind) subscribe to the channel. That way, you won’t miss out a moment of his other adventures from around London, and the world – Follow Paddington on his other social channels: Official Website - Instagram - Twitter - Facebook - Buy or rent the full movie: Paddington - Paddington 2 - #Paddington #BearKind #MarmaladeSandwich
'1.599': don't worry paddington we'll find him oh '100.24': thank you for holding your call is '1000.0': bears '1002.16': i don't know if did you learn to use a '1003.519': knife like that you don't want to know '1007.279': well it's jolly good '1011.199': now '1012.48': now '1015.519': right it's time for the sugar '1017.92': that's what turns the juice into '1019.279': marmalade which '102.479': moderately important to us '1021.12': oh a lot '1024.88': same again '1028.64': a squeeze of lemon '1030.72': a pinch of cinnamon '1032.959': and just a bit more sugar '1035.679': well '1037.199': so good oh it's too soon to tell '1040.079': we'll only really know once it's set '11.12': you know use the facilities '120.88': laughs '128.319': ugh '13.679': most people do after a long journey oh '150.64': oh '16.96': well if that's what most people do then '171.76': where is he going to sleep uh not in my '174.16': room he's a he turn easy shut up and '177.84': tony would be more than welcome to a '179.36': bunk up who's tony i'm warning you just '182.08': some boy she's in love with no darling '184.72': really that's it oh when can i meet him '187.519': how can i meet him '19.359': i'd like to do that '194.879': it's okay he can sleep in my room that '196.879': bear is not sleeping in anyone's room '198.4': he's going in the attic and i want you '199.68': all to lock your doors i can't find '20.8': top of the stairs top of the oh stairs '201.44': anything about an english explorer in '203.12': peru well of course you can't why not '205.36': he's making the whole thing out it's '207.2': just a sort of sob story your mother '208.64': falls for hang on that's all fair so is '211.36': fair you've literally just brought home '212.959': a random bear hey you're so embarrassed '215.2': you'd have done the same thing much more '217.28': similar than you think '221.04': what are you doing '222.56': storm is upon us oh you and your knees i '225.599': can tell you for a fact mrs bird it is '227.44': not going to rain indoors '233.92': oh no '235.12': now she blows '237.04': mr brown are you there yes hello yes '24.24': okay oh getting that way '240.159': that sounds fine '241.76': no no no no can you don't believe in the '243.519': terms and conditions i really want to '245.04': answer this as soon as possible but '246.879': don't put me on hold again '249.2': paddington what is going on in there uh '252.64': nothing uh i'm just having a spot of '255.28': bother with the facilities '26.4': got it '27.519': you all right all good he's all right '282.32': um '283.6': nice weather for the ducks '30.64': hello this is henry brown 32 windsor '300.72': now i know you all like marmalade but '303.199': this is my sandwich '310.72': um '311.68': you're not using those ear brushes to '313.44': clean your mouth are you mr brown '316.639': peculiar habit '318.88': morning '32.96': gardens uh i just need to add something '325.52': jonathan don't even think about it '327.68': thirty-four percent of pre-breakfast '329.28': accidents involve banisters but '330.8': paddington's i don't care what '331.919': paddington '34.719': to my home insurance policy '344.88': oh '349.52': so annoying mum what is all my bathroom '352.24': stuff is ruined well you know i've never '354.639': liked using harsh chemicals darling play '356.88': havoc on people's skin '359.919': morning judy '361.12': hello '362.72': why is dad so boring and annoying for '364.96': your own good jonathan let's be nice '366.96': darling all i was trying to do was wash '368.72': my face oh '37.6': well what it is is we have a guest for '375.039': better '378.56': maybe you and i just need a fresh start '381.039': hmm '382.16': suppose i didn't make the best first '383.919': impression don't take this wrong way but '387.12': why don't we try to make you look a bit '388.56': more presentable '39.52': the night uh a bear and i just needed '390.72': hang on a minute '392.24': you're not talking about '394.96': it '399.28': not that bad it is that bad '4.0': thank you let's look in the encyclopedia '401.6': doesn't rain enough in this city without '403.28': having showers in the house '41.52': some extra cover for any dam yes a bear '419.919': the point is we are parents now and we '422.0': have to protect our children we do '424.96': they're screaming no darling that's the '426.8': sound of laughter '430.24': wind hot wind '432.08': two hot winds i don't like it '436.0': well i hope i don't look weird after all '437.84': that '44.8': no a real one '440.08': too much '441.28': too much too much well give me a brush '444.0': will you '444.96': ah '446.639': there it is '449.44': smile duffel coat '451.199': actually it was mine first well long '453.039': before that it was mine oh was it mr '455.759': brown really '457.039': you are in his first day at school it's '459.36': lovely '460.72': wooden buttons for ease of poor '463.199': and these two sandwich compartments are '465.039': an excellent idea i must say it suits '467.12': you very well '468.4': i never thought i'd like a human coat '47.2': about three foot six '470.4': but you look like one of the family '472.8': oh '474.319': you're not going to send paddington to '475.84': the authorities are you '479.039': you will try the geographer's guild '487.84': yes all right we'll see if they know '489.759': anything but if it's a dead end i'm sure '49.84': grizzly not particularly '491.919': it won't be thank you very much mr brown '497.759': fire her up mr gruber '499.68': so you actually broke in dad that's '501.52': right that sounds incredibly brave henry '503.68': well you know there's a time for being '505.199': boring and annoying and there's a time '506.639': for being a man mr brown dressed up as a '508.8': lady and someone stuck pins in him '51.92': mind you i haven't seen him in the '511.12': what oh look it started sorry what's '512.64': that doesn't matter in a dress no '515.12': did look like a dress more of a house '517.2': clothes quite liberating actually '519.2': darkest peru a vast unexplored '521.919': wilderness shrouded in mystery '524.48': until now is that where you're from '527.76': oh paddington '529.6': it's incredible '53.36': mornings '55.52': so how much would that be button down '57.44': the hatches youngin '573.92': if you ever make it to london '575.6': you can be sure of a very warm welcome i '578.88': have learned so much from these bears '580.48': but i wonder what if anything '582.88': they have learned from me '587.839': montgomery clyde '59.28': there'll be a storm tonight radio said '591.44': the browns are a curious tribe but i '594.0': rather like them '595.44': the way mr brown arranges his stationery '598.48': the strange objects mrs brown finds in '6.399': unless of course you'd like to freshen '600.56': her handbag ah '602.48': here you are how mrs byrd has a hoover '604.959': for every occasion '607.12': the judy can master any language '61.68': it was clearing up radio i feel it at my '610.079': even bear '615.04': wonderful pronunciation '617.12': and how jonathan can build almost '619.12': anything using only mr brown's '621.2': educational old toys '624.0': this is amazing he's very strange i may '627.519': be about to find the explorer but '629.92': i'm actually beginning to feel at home '63.92': knees never lie guess what mrs bird we '631.76': here now paddington these books contain '634.32': the names and addresses of all the '635.6': people who live in london oh i'm sure if '637.36': we look up every m clyde will find your '638.959': explorer thank you mrs brown all right '640.959': come on you two let's get cracking oh '642.48': wait for me i'm gonna see if i can find '644.0': anything about captain clyde in the '645.36': library oh i'll come with you mary i '647.44': need to refresh your marmalade supplies '649.36': uh shouldn't someone stay with '650.88': paddington '652.079': it's only for a few hours oh you don't '653.76': need to worry mr brown i think i've got '655.839': the hang of things '657.839': well you take care bye goodbye '663.44': hello '664.32': hi dad hello mr brown '667.04': hello what's going on lovely surprise '67.2': found a bear uh-huh a real bear from '670.48': i didn't expect you home so early '674.959': something rather special going on in '676.56': here more sugar please oh look at this '679.2': hello everyone hi dad hi big fella '681.68': what's cooking marmalade mr brown go on '684.16': have a taste mmm delicious and just one '687.2': sandwich contains all the vitamins and '688.8': minerals a bear needs for the whole day '69.6': peru well that's nice dear '690.88': so does that mean i don't have to eat '692.64': vegetables he said bear not boy sorry '695.279': jonathan thank you judy '696.88': judy now has anyone seen ah thank you '699.6': mrs bird '700.959': i think every home should have a '702.16': marmalade day and a bear '704.399': especially a bag '71.6': you don't seem very surprised oh i gave '710.8': life in london has been better than ever '712.72': this summer '713.92': i've really got to grips with how things '716.0': work '722.72': and it seems there's something new to do '724.399': every day '726.24': guess what paddington the steam fair's '728.16': coming to town i'm going along tonight '73.92': up being surprised when they came up '730.079': to write about in my newspaper who's '731.68': going to want to read about that '733.12': everyone they travel the world in an old '735.36': steam train i thought you'd love it i do '738.16': don't tell anyone okay '739.92': not cool why don't we all go good idea '742.079': father's a dab hand at the coconut chai '744.24': bullseye brown they used to call him '745.68': well not anymore coconuts are a young '747.68': man's game well i think you're in great '75.04': with the microwave oven and i still '750.16': shape for a man your age mr brown ah '752.079': thank you paddington '753.44': hang on how old do you think i am oh '756.16': about 80. 80 at least '760.079': just a minute young bear hmm that's what '762.8': i told you to wash behind your ears oh '765.36': but i did mrs bird i '767.519': i wonder how that got in there '77.04': don't trust you '771.68': wakey wakey '774.72': mommy time '778.32': there you go '780.16': good luck '781.6': um mr mcginty what do you want well the '785.2': thing is i'm actually innocent and i '787.839': wondered if you had any advice on how to '789.519': clear my name now that we're friends '791.6': friends i'm your boss not our buddy oh '796.0': oh after you '797.6': why '798.639': so you can stab me in the back '8.48': up first i beg your pardon '800.8': 'no' '801.68': because it's polite '803.279': aunt lucy said if we're kind and polite '805.2': the world will be right '806.88': you are ahead of me and now you're '808.0': behind that makes you a sap '811.68': ingredients are over there '813.44': um '814.56': aren't you going to hell '816.079': nope now get on with it but there's 500 '819.12': hungry prisoners coming for breakfast so '821.04': we'll need a thousand juicy oranges oh '823.199': and rule number one '824.959': no talking '826.72': hmm '832.639': rule number two '835.519': no humming '836.72': or singing or any other expression of '840.32': bonhami '86.159': hmm '860.959': oh that's heavy '863.76': come on '872.24': these sacks are awfully heavy we'll take '874.48': them one at a time then right one '877.76': time '885.839': one juicy orange '892.24': two juicy oranges '897.68': three juicy oranges '901.199': four now what are you doing '903.199': taking them one at a time '904.959': one sack at a time i'm sorry i'm finding '908.16': this a very stressful working '909.6': environment aunt lucy said aunt lucy '911.92': i've had it up to here with aunt lucy oh '914.56': she sounds like a proper old bag to me '919.199': i '920.079': beg your pardon '922.079': i said '924.0': your aunt lucy sounds like one of the '926.959': most naive '928.639': gullible '929.759': mushy brained '932.72': what's going on '936.079': why are you looking at me like that '939.68': it's awful hot in here you are i'm hot '943.44': how did i leave the oven on '945.44': it's called a hard stare '948.32': aunt lucy taught me to do them when '950.0': people had forgotten their manners you '952.0': don't have to tell me about hard stairs '953.6': i practically invented them '956.56': pretty good for a bear though i'll give '958.0': you that '958.88': now mr mcginty i may look like a '961.12': hardened criminal to you but i really am '963.36': innocent and if you're not going to help '965.04': me clear my name you could at least help '966.88': me make this marmalade '969.12': all right i'll help '971.12': thank you i'm not going to be much used '972.8': to you though '974.32': these aren't exactly made for cooking '976.56': oh i don't know '977.92': looks to me like you've got yourself a '979.36': fine pair of orange squeezers '981.68': orange squeezers '987.519': good '988.8': 'no' '989.92': better '991.04': tomato '992.24': lovely '993.519': 'yes' '994.88': spot on now we have to be very careful '997.68': with knives aunt lucy said that sensible
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Paddington Street where it joins Marylebone High Street" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "Paddington Street is a street in the City of Westminster in London that runs from the junction of Crawford Street and Baker Street in the east to Marylebone High Street in the west." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Paddington Street" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Paddington Street" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ null ] }
Paddington | We Can Have Fun Anywhere | Amazing Adventures
Our amazingly creative bear Paddington knows how to make any location seem fun and cozy! Come with us and let us learn how! Thank you for watching! Paddington hopes you enjoyed the video. If you did, why not ‘like’ it and also (if you don’t mind) subscribe to the channel. That way, you won’t miss out a moment of his other adventures from around London, and the world – Follow Paddington on his other social channels: Official Website - Instagram - Twitter - Facebook - Buy or rent the full movie: Paddington - Paddington 2 - #Paddington #BearKind #MarmaladeSandwich
'1.599': don't worry paddington we'll find him oh '100.24': thank you for holding your call is '1000.0': bears '1002.16': i don't know if did you learn to use a '1003.519': knife like that you don't want to know '1007.279': well it's jolly good '1011.199': now '1012.48': now '1015.519': right it's time for the sugar '1017.92': that's what turns the juice into '1019.279': marmalade which '102.479': moderately important to us '1021.12': oh a lot '1024.88': same again '1028.64': a squeeze of lemon '1030.72': a pinch of cinnamon '1032.959': and just a bit more sugar '1035.679': well '1037.199': so good oh it's too soon to tell '1040.079': we'll only really know once it's set '11.12': you know use the facilities '120.88': laughs '128.319': ugh '13.679': most people do after a long journey oh '150.64': oh '16.96': well if that's what most people do then '171.76': where is he going to sleep uh not in my '174.16': room he's a he turn easy shut up and '177.84': tony would be more than welcome to a '179.36': bunk up who's tony i'm warning you just '182.08': some boy she's in love with no darling '184.72': really that's it oh when can i meet him '187.519': how can i meet him '19.359': i'd like to do that '194.879': it's okay he can sleep in my room that '196.879': bear is not sleeping in anyone's room '198.4': he's going in the attic and i want you '199.68': all to lock your doors i can't find '20.8': top of the stairs top of the oh stairs '201.44': anything about an english explorer in '203.12': peru well of course you can't why not '205.36': he's making the whole thing out it's '207.2': just a sort of sob story your mother '208.64': falls for hang on that's all fair so is '211.36': fair you've literally just brought home '212.959': a random bear hey you're so embarrassed '215.2': you'd have done the same thing much more '217.28': similar than you think '221.04': what are you doing '222.56': storm is upon us oh you and your knees i '225.599': can tell you for a fact mrs bird it is '227.44': not going to rain indoors '233.92': oh no '235.12': now she blows '237.04': mr brown are you there yes hello yes '24.24': okay oh getting that way '240.159': that sounds fine '241.76': no no no no can you don't believe in the '243.519': terms and conditions i really want to '245.04': answer this as soon as possible but '246.879': don't put me on hold again '249.2': paddington what is going on in there uh '252.64': nothing uh i'm just having a spot of '255.28': bother with the facilities '26.4': got it '27.519': you all right all good he's all right '282.32': um '283.6': nice weather for the ducks '30.64': hello this is henry brown 32 windsor '300.72': now i know you all like marmalade but '303.199': this is my sandwich '310.72': um '311.68': you're not using those ear brushes to '313.44': clean your mouth are you mr brown '316.639': peculiar habit '318.88': morning '32.96': gardens uh i just need to add something '325.52': jonathan don't even think about it '327.68': thirty-four percent of pre-breakfast '329.28': accidents involve banisters but '330.8': paddington's i don't care what '331.919': paddington '34.719': to my home insurance policy '344.88': oh '349.52': so annoying mum what is all my bathroom '352.24': stuff is ruined well you know i've never '354.639': liked using harsh chemicals darling play '356.88': havoc on people's skin '359.919': morning judy '361.12': hello '362.72': why is dad so boring and annoying for '364.96': your own good jonathan let's be nice '366.96': darling all i was trying to do was wash '368.72': my face oh '37.6': well what it is is we have a guest for '375.039': better '378.56': maybe you and i just need a fresh start '381.039': hmm '382.16': suppose i didn't make the best first '383.919': impression don't take this wrong way but '387.12': why don't we try to make you look a bit '388.56': more presentable '39.52': the night uh a bear and i just needed '390.72': hang on a minute '392.24': you're not talking about '394.96': it '399.28': not that bad it is that bad '4.0': thank you let's look in the encyclopedia '401.6': doesn't rain enough in this city without '403.28': having showers in the house '41.52': some extra cover for any dam yes a bear '419.919': the point is we are parents now and we '422.0': have to protect our children we do '424.96': they're screaming no darling that's the '426.8': sound of laughter '430.24': wind hot wind '432.08': two hot winds i don't like it '436.0': well i hope i don't look weird after all '437.84': that '44.8': no a real one '440.08': too much '441.28': too much too much well give me a brush '444.0': will you '444.96': ah '446.639': there it is '449.44': smile duffel coat '451.199': actually it was mine first well long '453.039': before that it was mine oh was it mr '455.759': brown really '457.039': you are in his first day at school it's '459.36': lovely '460.72': wooden buttons for ease of poor '463.199': and these two sandwich compartments are '465.039': an excellent idea i must say it suits '467.12': you very well '468.4': i never thought i'd like a human coat '47.2': about three foot six '470.4': but you look like one of the family '472.8': oh '474.319': you're not going to send paddington to '475.84': the authorities are you '479.039': you will try the geographer's guild '487.84': yes all right we'll see if they know '489.759': anything but if it's a dead end i'm sure '49.84': grizzly not particularly '491.919': it won't be thank you very much mr brown '497.759': fire her up mr gruber '499.68': so you actually broke in dad that's '501.52': right that sounds incredibly brave henry '503.68': well you know there's a time for being '505.199': boring and annoying and there's a time '506.639': for being a man mr brown dressed up as a '508.8': lady and someone stuck pins in him '51.92': mind you i haven't seen him in the '511.12': what oh look it started sorry what's '512.64': that doesn't matter in a dress no '515.12': did look like a dress more of a house '517.2': clothes quite liberating actually '519.2': darkest peru a vast unexplored '521.919': wilderness shrouded in mystery '524.48': until now is that where you're from '527.76': oh paddington '529.6': it's incredible '53.36': mornings '55.52': so how much would that be button down '57.44': the hatches youngin '573.92': if you ever make it to london '575.6': you can be sure of a very warm welcome i '578.88': have learned so much from these bears '580.48': but i wonder what if anything '582.88': they have learned from me '587.839': montgomery clyde '59.28': there'll be a storm tonight radio said '591.44': the browns are a curious tribe but i '594.0': rather like them '595.44': the way mr brown arranges his stationery '598.48': the strange objects mrs brown finds in '6.399': unless of course you'd like to freshen '600.56': her handbag ah '602.48': here you are how mrs byrd has a hoover '604.959': for every occasion '607.12': the judy can master any language '61.68': it was clearing up radio i feel it at my '610.079': even bear '615.04': wonderful pronunciation '617.12': and how jonathan can build almost '619.12': anything using only mr brown's '621.2': educational old toys '624.0': this is amazing he's very strange i may '627.519': be about to find the explorer but '629.92': i'm actually beginning to feel at home '63.92': knees never lie guess what mrs bird we '631.76': here now paddington these books contain '634.32': the names and addresses of all the '635.6': people who live in london oh i'm sure if '637.36': we look up every m clyde will find your '638.959': explorer thank you mrs brown all right '640.959': come on you two let's get cracking oh '642.48': wait for me i'm gonna see if i can find '644.0': anything about captain clyde in the '645.36': library oh i'll come with you mary i '647.44': need to refresh your marmalade supplies '649.36': uh shouldn't someone stay with '650.88': paddington '652.079': it's only for a few hours oh you don't '653.76': need to worry mr brown i think i've got '655.839': the hang of things '657.839': well you take care bye goodbye '663.44': hello '664.32': hi dad hello mr brown '667.04': hello what's going on lovely surprise '67.2': found a bear uh-huh a real bear from '670.48': i didn't expect you home so early '674.959': something rather special going on in '676.56': here more sugar please oh look at this '679.2': hello everyone hi dad hi big fella '681.68': what's cooking marmalade mr brown go on '684.16': have a taste mmm delicious and just one '687.2': sandwich contains all the vitamins and '688.8': minerals a bear needs for the whole day '69.6': peru well that's nice dear '690.88': so does that mean i don't have to eat '692.64': vegetables he said bear not boy sorry '695.279': jonathan thank you judy '696.88': judy now has anyone seen ah thank you '699.6': mrs bird '700.959': i think every home should have a '702.16': marmalade day and a bear '704.399': especially a bag '71.6': you don't seem very surprised oh i gave '710.8': life in london has been better than ever '712.72': this summer '713.92': i've really got to grips with how things '716.0': work '722.72': and it seems there's something new to do '724.399': every day '726.24': guess what paddington the steam fair's '728.16': coming to town i'm going along tonight '73.92': up being surprised when they came up '730.079': to write about in my newspaper who's '731.68': going to want to read about that '733.12': everyone they travel the world in an old '735.36': steam train i thought you'd love it i do '738.16': don't tell anyone okay '739.92': not cool why don't we all go good idea '742.079': father's a dab hand at the coconut chai '744.24': bullseye brown they used to call him '745.68': well not anymore coconuts are a young '747.68': man's game well i think you're in great '75.04': with the microwave oven and i still '750.16': shape for a man your age mr brown ah '752.079': thank you paddington '753.44': hang on how old do you think i am oh '756.16': about 80. 80 at least '760.079': just a minute young bear hmm that's what '762.8': i told you to wash behind your ears oh '765.36': but i did mrs bird i '767.519': i wonder how that got in there '77.04': don't trust you '771.68': wakey wakey '774.72': mommy time '778.32': there you go '780.16': good luck '781.6': um mr mcginty what do you want well the '785.2': thing is i'm actually innocent and i '787.839': wondered if you had any advice on how to '789.519': clear my name now that we're friends '791.6': friends i'm your boss not our buddy oh '796.0': oh after you '797.6': why '798.639': so you can stab me in the back '8.48': up first i beg your pardon '800.8': 'no' '801.68': because it's polite '803.279': aunt lucy said if we're kind and polite '805.2': the world will be right '806.88': you are ahead of me and now you're '808.0': behind that makes you a sap '811.68': ingredients are over there '813.44': um '814.56': aren't you going to hell '816.079': nope now get on with it but there's 500 '819.12': hungry prisoners coming for breakfast so '821.04': we'll need a thousand juicy oranges oh '823.199': and rule number one '824.959': no talking '826.72': hmm '832.639': rule number two '835.519': no humming '836.72': or singing or any other expression of '840.32': bonhami '86.159': hmm '860.959': oh that's heavy '863.76': come on '872.24': these sacks are awfully heavy we'll take '874.48': them one at a time then right one '877.76': time '885.839': one juicy orange '892.24': two juicy oranges '897.68': three juicy oranges '901.199': four now what are you doing '903.199': taking them one at a time '904.959': one sack at a time i'm sorry i'm finding '908.16': this a very stressful working '909.6': environment aunt lucy said aunt lucy '911.92': i've had it up to here with aunt lucy oh '914.56': she sounds like a proper old bag to me '919.199': i '920.079': beg your pardon '922.079': i said '924.0': your aunt lucy sounds like one of the '926.959': most naive '928.639': gullible '929.759': mushy brained '932.72': what's going on '936.079': why are you looking at me like that '939.68': it's awful hot in here you are i'm hot '943.44': how did i leave the oven on '945.44': it's called a hard stare '948.32': aunt lucy taught me to do them when '950.0': people had forgotten their manners you '952.0': don't have to tell me about hard stairs '953.6': i practically invented them '956.56': pretty good for a bear though i'll give '958.0': you that '958.88': now mr mcginty i may look like a '961.12': hardened criminal to you but i really am '963.36': innocent and if you're not going to help '965.04': me clear my name you could at least help '966.88': me make this marmalade '969.12': all right i'll help '971.12': thank you i'm not going to be much used '972.8': to you though '974.32': these aren't exactly made for cooking '976.56': oh i don't know '977.92': looks to me like you've got yourself a '979.36': fine pair of orange squeezers '981.68': orange squeezers '987.519': good '988.8': 'no' '989.92': better '991.04': tomato '992.24': lovely '993.519': 'yes' '994.88': spot on now we have to be very careful '997.68': with knives aunt lucy said that sensible
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Paddington Street where it joins Marylebone High Street" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "Paddington Street is a street in the City of Westminster in London that runs from the junction of Crawford Street and Baker Street in the east to Marylebone High Street in the west." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Paddington Street" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Paddington Street" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ null ] }
Paddington | We Can Have Fun Anywhere | Amazing Adventures
Our amazingly creative bear Paddington knows how to make any location seem fun and cozy! Come with us and let us learn how! Thank you for watching! Paddington hopes you enjoyed the video. If you did, why not ‘like’ it and also (if you don’t mind) subscribe to the channel. That way, you won’t miss out a moment of his other adventures from around London, and the world – Follow Paddington on his other social channels: Official Website - Instagram - Twitter - Facebook - Buy or rent the full movie: Paddington - Paddington 2 - #Paddington #BearKind #MarmaladeSandwich
'1.599': don't worry paddington we'll find him oh '100.24': thank you for holding your call is '1000.0': bears '1002.16': i don't know if did you learn to use a '1003.519': knife like that you don't want to know '1007.279': well it's jolly good '1011.199': now '1012.48': now '1015.519': right it's time for the sugar '1017.92': that's what turns the juice into '1019.279': marmalade which '102.479': moderately important to us '1021.12': oh a lot '1024.88': same again '1028.64': a squeeze of lemon '1030.72': a pinch of cinnamon '1032.959': and just a bit more sugar '1035.679': well '1037.199': so good oh it's too soon to tell '1040.079': we'll only really know once it's set '11.12': you know use the facilities '120.88': laughs '128.319': ugh '13.679': most people do after a long journey oh '150.64': oh '16.96': well if that's what most people do then '171.76': where is he going to sleep uh not in my '174.16': room he's a he turn easy shut up and '177.84': tony would be more than welcome to a '179.36': bunk up who's tony i'm warning you just '182.08': some boy she's in love with no darling '184.72': really that's it oh when can i meet him '187.519': how can i meet him '19.359': i'd like to do that '194.879': it's okay he can sleep in my room that '196.879': bear is not sleeping in anyone's room '198.4': he's going in the attic and i want you '199.68': all to lock your doors i can't find '20.8': top of the stairs top of the oh stairs '201.44': anything about an english explorer in '203.12': peru well of course you can't why not '205.36': he's making the whole thing out it's '207.2': just a sort of sob story your mother '208.64': falls for hang on that's all fair so is '211.36': fair you've literally just brought home '212.959': a random bear hey you're so embarrassed '215.2': you'd have done the same thing much more '217.28': similar than you think '221.04': what are you doing '222.56': storm is upon us oh you and your knees i '225.599': can tell you for a fact mrs bird it is '227.44': not going to rain indoors '233.92': oh no '235.12': now she blows '237.04': mr brown are you there yes hello yes '24.24': okay oh getting that way '240.159': that sounds fine '241.76': no no no no can you don't believe in the '243.519': terms and conditions i really want to '245.04': answer this as soon as possible but '246.879': don't put me on hold again '249.2': paddington what is going on in there uh '252.64': nothing uh i'm just having a spot of '255.28': bother with the facilities '26.4': got it '27.519': you all right all good he's all right '282.32': um '283.6': nice weather for the ducks '30.64': hello this is henry brown 32 windsor '300.72': now i know you all like marmalade but '303.199': this is my sandwich '310.72': um '311.68': you're not using those ear brushes to '313.44': clean your mouth are you mr brown '316.639': peculiar habit '318.88': morning '32.96': gardens uh i just need to add something '325.52': jonathan don't even think about it '327.68': thirty-four percent of pre-breakfast '329.28': accidents involve banisters but '330.8': paddington's i don't care what '331.919': paddington '34.719': to my home insurance policy '344.88': oh '349.52': so annoying mum what is all my bathroom '352.24': stuff is ruined well you know i've never '354.639': liked using harsh chemicals darling play '356.88': havoc on people's skin '359.919': morning judy '361.12': hello '362.72': why is dad so boring and annoying for '364.96': your own good jonathan let's be nice '366.96': darling all i was trying to do was wash '368.72': my face oh '37.6': well what it is is we have a guest for '375.039': better '378.56': maybe you and i just need a fresh start '381.039': hmm '382.16': suppose i didn't make the best first '383.919': impression don't take this wrong way but '387.12': why don't we try to make you look a bit '388.56': more presentable '39.52': the night uh a bear and i just needed '390.72': hang on a minute '392.24': you're not talking about '394.96': it '399.28': not that bad it is that bad '4.0': thank you let's look in the encyclopedia '401.6': doesn't rain enough in this city without '403.28': having showers in the house '41.52': some extra cover for any dam yes a bear '419.919': the point is we are parents now and we '422.0': have to protect our children we do '424.96': they're screaming no darling that's the '426.8': sound of laughter '430.24': wind hot wind '432.08': two hot winds i don't like it '436.0': well i hope i don't look weird after all '437.84': that '44.8': no a real one '440.08': too much '441.28': too much too much well give me a brush '444.0': will you '444.96': ah '446.639': there it is '449.44': smile duffel coat '451.199': actually it was mine first well long '453.039': before that it was mine oh was it mr '455.759': brown really '457.039': you are in his first day at school it's '459.36': lovely '460.72': wooden buttons for ease of poor '463.199': and these two sandwich compartments are '465.039': an excellent idea i must say it suits '467.12': you very well '468.4': i never thought i'd like a human coat '47.2': about three foot six '470.4': but you look like one of the family '472.8': oh '474.319': you're not going to send paddington to '475.84': the authorities are you '479.039': you will try the geographer's guild '487.84': yes all right we'll see if they know '489.759': anything but if it's a dead end i'm sure '49.84': grizzly not particularly '491.919': it won't be thank you very much mr brown '497.759': fire her up mr gruber '499.68': so you actually broke in dad that's '501.52': right that sounds incredibly brave henry '503.68': well you know there's a time for being '505.199': boring and annoying and there's a time '506.639': for being a man mr brown dressed up as a '508.8': lady and someone stuck pins in him '51.92': mind you i haven't seen him in the '511.12': what oh look it started sorry what's '512.64': that doesn't matter in a dress no '515.12': did look like a dress more of a house '517.2': clothes quite liberating actually '519.2': darkest peru a vast unexplored '521.919': wilderness shrouded in mystery '524.48': until now is that where you're from '527.76': oh paddington '529.6': it's incredible '53.36': mornings '55.52': so how much would that be button down '57.44': the hatches youngin '573.92': if you ever make it to london '575.6': you can be sure of a very warm welcome i '578.88': have learned so much from these bears '580.48': but i wonder what if anything '582.88': they have learned from me '587.839': montgomery clyde '59.28': there'll be a storm tonight radio said '591.44': the browns are a curious tribe but i '594.0': rather like them '595.44': the way mr brown arranges his stationery '598.48': the strange objects mrs brown finds in '6.399': unless of course you'd like to freshen '600.56': her handbag ah '602.48': here you are how mrs byrd has a hoover '604.959': for every occasion '607.12': the judy can master any language '61.68': it was clearing up radio i feel it at my '610.079': even bear '615.04': wonderful pronunciation '617.12': and how jonathan can build almost '619.12': anything using only mr brown's '621.2': educational old toys '624.0': this is amazing he's very strange i may '627.519': be about to find the explorer but '629.92': i'm actually beginning to feel at home '63.92': knees never lie guess what mrs bird we '631.76': here now paddington these books contain '634.32': the names and addresses of all the '635.6': people who live in london oh i'm sure if '637.36': we look up every m clyde will find your '638.959': explorer thank you mrs brown all right '640.959': come on you two let's get cracking oh '642.48': wait for me i'm gonna see if i can find '644.0': anything about captain clyde in the '645.36': library oh i'll come with you mary i '647.44': need to refresh your marmalade supplies '649.36': uh shouldn't someone stay with '650.88': paddington '652.079': it's only for a few hours oh you don't '653.76': need to worry mr brown i think i've got '655.839': the hang of things '657.839': well you take care bye goodbye '663.44': hello '664.32': hi dad hello mr brown '667.04': hello what's going on lovely surprise '67.2': found a bear uh-huh a real bear from '670.48': i didn't expect you home so early '674.959': something rather special going on in '676.56': here more sugar please oh look at this '679.2': hello everyone hi dad hi big fella '681.68': what's cooking marmalade mr brown go on '684.16': have a taste mmm delicious and just one '687.2': sandwich contains all the vitamins and '688.8': minerals a bear needs for the whole day '69.6': peru well that's nice dear '690.88': so does that mean i don't have to eat '692.64': vegetables he said bear not boy sorry '695.279': jonathan thank you judy '696.88': judy now has anyone seen ah thank you '699.6': mrs bird '700.959': i think every home should have a '702.16': marmalade day and a bear '704.399': especially a bag '71.6': you don't seem very surprised oh i gave '710.8': life in london has been better than ever '712.72': this summer '713.92': i've really got to grips with how things '716.0': work '722.72': and it seems there's something new to do '724.399': every day '726.24': guess what paddington the steam fair's '728.16': coming to town i'm going along tonight '73.92': up being surprised when they came up '730.079': to write about in my newspaper who's '731.68': going to want to read about that '733.12': everyone they travel the world in an old '735.36': steam train i thought you'd love it i do '738.16': don't tell anyone okay '739.92': not cool why don't we all go good idea '742.079': father's a dab hand at the coconut chai '744.24': bullseye brown they used to call him '745.68': well not anymore coconuts are a young '747.68': man's game well i think you're in great '75.04': with the microwave oven and i still '750.16': shape for a man your age mr brown ah '752.079': thank you paddington '753.44': hang on how old do you think i am oh '756.16': about 80. 80 at least '760.079': just a minute young bear hmm that's what '762.8': i told you to wash behind your ears oh '765.36': but i did mrs bird i '767.519': i wonder how that got in there '77.04': don't trust you '771.68': wakey wakey '774.72': mommy time '778.32': there you go '780.16': good luck '781.6': um mr mcginty what do you want well the '785.2': thing is i'm actually innocent and i '787.839': wondered if you had any advice on how to '789.519': clear my name now that we're friends '791.6': friends i'm your boss not our buddy oh '796.0': oh after you '797.6': why '798.639': so you can stab me in the back '8.48': up first i beg your pardon '800.8': 'no' '801.68': because it's polite '803.279': aunt lucy said if we're kind and polite '805.2': the world will be right '806.88': you are ahead of me and now you're '808.0': behind that makes you a sap '811.68': ingredients are over there '813.44': um '814.56': aren't you going to hell '816.079': nope now get on with it but there's 500 '819.12': hungry prisoners coming for breakfast so '821.04': we'll need a thousand juicy oranges oh '823.199': and rule number one '824.959': no talking '826.72': hmm '832.639': rule number two '835.519': no humming '836.72': or singing or any other expression of '840.32': bonhami '86.159': hmm '860.959': oh that's heavy '863.76': come on '872.24': these sacks are awfully heavy we'll take '874.48': them one at a time then right one '877.76': time '885.839': one juicy orange '892.24': two juicy oranges '897.68': three juicy oranges '901.199': four now what are you doing '903.199': taking them one at a time '904.959': one sack at a time i'm sorry i'm finding '908.16': this a very stressful working '909.6': environment aunt lucy said aunt lucy '911.92': i've had it up to here with aunt lucy oh '914.56': she sounds like a proper old bag to me '919.199': i '920.079': beg your pardon '922.079': i said '924.0': your aunt lucy sounds like one of the '926.959': most naive '928.639': gullible '929.759': mushy brained '932.72': what's going on '936.079': why are you looking at me like that '939.68': it's awful hot in here you are i'm hot '943.44': how did i leave the oven on '945.44': it's called a hard stare '948.32': aunt lucy taught me to do them when '950.0': people had forgotten their manners you '952.0': don't have to tell me about hard stairs '953.6': i practically invented them '956.56': pretty good for a bear though i'll give '958.0': you that '958.88': now mr mcginty i may look like a '961.12': hardened criminal to you but i really am '963.36': innocent and if you're not going to help '965.04': me clear my name you could at least help '966.88': me make this marmalade '969.12': all right i'll help '971.12': thank you i'm not going to be much used '972.8': to you though '974.32': these aren't exactly made for cooking '976.56': oh i don't know '977.92': looks to me like you've got yourself a '979.36': fine pair of orange squeezers '981.68': orange squeezers '987.519': good '988.8': 'no' '989.92': better '991.04': tomato '992.24': lovely '993.519': 'yes' '994.88': spot on now we have to be very careful '997.68': with knives aunt lucy said that sensible
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Paddington | We Can Have Fun Anywhere | Amazing Adventures
Our amazingly creative bear Paddington knows how to make any location seem fun and cozy! Come with us and let us learn how! Thank you for watching! Paddington hopes you enjoyed the video. If you did, why not ‘like’ it and also (if you don’t mind) subscribe to the channel. That way, you won’t miss out a moment of his other adventures from around London, and the world – Follow Paddington on his other social channels: Official Website - Instagram - Twitter - Facebook - Buy or rent the full movie: Paddington - Paddington 2 - #Paddington #BearKind #MarmaladeSandwich
'1.599': don't worry paddington we'll find him oh '100.24': thank you for holding your call is '1000.0': bears '1002.16': i don't know if did you learn to use a '1003.519': knife like that you don't want to know '1007.279': well it's jolly good '1011.199': now '1012.48': now '1015.519': right it's time for the sugar '1017.92': that's what turns the juice into '1019.279': marmalade which '102.479': moderately important to us '1021.12': oh a lot '1024.88': same again '1028.64': a squeeze of lemon '1030.72': a pinch of cinnamon '1032.959': and just a bit more sugar '1035.679': well '1037.199': so good oh it's too soon to tell '1040.079': we'll only really know once it's set '11.12': you know use the facilities '120.88': laughs '128.319': ugh '13.679': most people do after a long journey oh '150.64': oh '16.96': well if that's what most people do then '171.76': where is he going to sleep uh not in my '174.16': room he's a he turn easy shut up and '177.84': tony would be more than welcome to a '179.36': bunk up who's tony i'm warning you just '182.08': some boy she's in love with no darling '184.72': really that's it oh when can i meet him '187.519': how can i meet him '19.359': i'd like to do that '194.879': it's okay he can sleep in my room that '196.879': bear is not sleeping in anyone's room '198.4': he's going in the attic and i want you '199.68': all to lock your doors i can't find '20.8': top of the stairs top of the oh stairs '201.44': anything about an english explorer in '203.12': peru well of course you can't why not '205.36': he's making the whole thing out it's '207.2': just a sort of sob story your mother '208.64': falls for hang on that's all fair so is '211.36': fair you've literally just brought home '212.959': a random bear hey you're so embarrassed '215.2': you'd have done the same thing much more '217.28': similar than you think '221.04': what are you doing '222.56': storm is upon us oh you and your knees i '225.599': can tell you for a fact mrs bird it is '227.44': not going to rain indoors '233.92': oh no '235.12': now she blows '237.04': mr brown are you there yes hello yes '24.24': okay oh getting that way '240.159': that sounds fine '241.76': no no no no can you don't believe in the '243.519': terms and conditions i really want to '245.04': answer this as soon as possible but '246.879': don't put me on hold again '249.2': paddington what is going on in there uh '252.64': nothing uh i'm just having a spot of '255.28': bother with the facilities '26.4': got it '27.519': you all right all good he's all right '282.32': um '283.6': nice weather for the ducks '30.64': hello this is henry brown 32 windsor '300.72': now i know you all like marmalade but '303.199': this is my sandwich '310.72': um '311.68': you're not using those ear brushes to '313.44': clean your mouth are you mr brown '316.639': peculiar habit '318.88': morning '32.96': gardens uh i just need to add something '325.52': jonathan don't even think about it '327.68': thirty-four percent of pre-breakfast '329.28': accidents involve banisters but '330.8': paddington's i don't care what '331.919': paddington '34.719': to my home insurance policy '344.88': oh '349.52': so annoying mum what is all my bathroom '352.24': stuff is ruined well you know i've never '354.639': liked using harsh chemicals darling play '356.88': havoc on people's skin '359.919': morning judy '361.12': hello '362.72': why is dad so boring and annoying for '364.96': your own good jonathan let's be nice '366.96': darling all i was trying to do was wash '368.72': my face oh '37.6': well what it is is we have a guest for '375.039': better '378.56': maybe you and i just need a fresh start '381.039': hmm '382.16': suppose i didn't make the best first '383.919': impression don't take this wrong way but '387.12': why don't we try to make you look a bit '388.56': more presentable '39.52': the night uh a bear and i just needed '390.72': hang on a minute '392.24': you're not talking about '394.96': it '399.28': not that bad it is that bad '4.0': thank you let's look in the encyclopedia '401.6': doesn't rain enough in this city without '403.28': having showers in the house '41.52': some extra cover for any dam yes a bear '419.919': the point is we are parents now and we '422.0': have to protect our children we do '424.96': they're screaming no darling that's the '426.8': sound of laughter '430.24': wind hot wind '432.08': two hot winds i don't like it '436.0': well i hope i don't look weird after all '437.84': that '44.8': no a real one '440.08': too much '441.28': too much too much well give me a brush '444.0': will you '444.96': ah '446.639': there it is '449.44': smile duffel coat '451.199': actually it was mine first well long '453.039': before that it was mine oh was it mr '455.759': brown really '457.039': you are in his first day at school it's '459.36': lovely '460.72': wooden buttons for ease of poor '463.199': and these two sandwich compartments are '465.039': an excellent idea i must say it suits '467.12': you very well '468.4': i never thought i'd like a human coat '47.2': about three foot six '470.4': but you look like one of the family '472.8': oh '474.319': you're not going to send paddington to '475.84': the authorities are you '479.039': you will try the geographer's guild '487.84': yes all right we'll see if they know '489.759': anything but if it's a dead end i'm sure '49.84': grizzly not particularly '491.919': it won't be thank you very much mr brown '497.759': fire her up mr gruber '499.68': so you actually broke in dad that's '501.52': right that sounds incredibly brave henry '503.68': well you know there's a time for being '505.199': boring and annoying and there's a time '506.639': for being a man mr brown dressed up as a '508.8': lady and someone stuck pins in him '51.92': mind you i haven't seen him in the '511.12': what oh look it started sorry what's '512.64': that doesn't matter in a dress no '515.12': did look like a dress more of a house '517.2': clothes quite liberating actually '519.2': darkest peru a vast unexplored '521.919': wilderness shrouded in mystery '524.48': until now is that where you're from '527.76': oh paddington '529.6': it's incredible '53.36': mornings '55.52': so how much would that be button down '57.44': the hatches youngin '573.92': if you ever make it to london '575.6': you can be sure of a very warm welcome i '578.88': have learned so much from these bears '580.48': but i wonder what if anything '582.88': they have learned from me '587.839': montgomery clyde '59.28': there'll be a storm tonight radio said '591.44': the browns are a curious tribe but i '594.0': rather like them '595.44': the way mr brown arranges his stationery '598.48': the strange objects mrs brown finds in '6.399': unless of course you'd like to freshen '600.56': her handbag ah '602.48': here you are how mrs byrd has a hoover '604.959': for every occasion '607.12': the judy can master any language '61.68': it was clearing up radio i feel it at my '610.079': even bear '615.04': wonderful pronunciation '617.12': and how jonathan can build almost '619.12': anything using only mr brown's '621.2': educational old toys '624.0': this is amazing he's very strange i may '627.519': be about to find the explorer but '629.92': i'm actually beginning to feel at home '63.92': knees never lie guess what mrs bird we '631.76': here now paddington these books contain '634.32': the names and addresses of all the '635.6': people who live in london oh i'm sure if '637.36': we look up every m clyde will find your '638.959': explorer thank you mrs brown all right '640.959': come on you two let's get cracking oh '642.48': wait for me i'm gonna see if i can find '644.0': anything about captain clyde in the '645.36': library oh i'll come with you mary i '647.44': need to refresh your marmalade supplies '649.36': uh shouldn't someone stay with '650.88': paddington '652.079': it's only for a few hours oh you don't '653.76': need to worry mr brown i think i've got '655.839': the hang of things '657.839': well you take care bye goodbye '663.44': hello '664.32': hi dad hello mr brown '667.04': hello what's going on lovely surprise '67.2': found a bear uh-huh a real bear from '670.48': i didn't expect you home so early '674.959': something rather special going on in '676.56': here more sugar please oh look at this '679.2': hello everyone hi dad hi big fella '681.68': what's cooking marmalade mr brown go on '684.16': have a taste mmm delicious and just one '687.2': sandwich contains all the vitamins and '688.8': minerals a bear needs for the whole day '69.6': peru well that's nice dear '690.88': so does that mean i don't have to eat '692.64': vegetables he said bear not boy sorry '695.279': jonathan thank you judy '696.88': judy now has anyone seen ah thank you '699.6': mrs bird '700.959': i think every home should have a '702.16': marmalade day and a bear '704.399': especially a bag '71.6': you don't seem very surprised oh i gave '710.8': life in london has been better than ever '712.72': this summer '713.92': i've really got to grips with how things '716.0': work '722.72': and it seems there's something new to do '724.399': every day '726.24': guess what paddington the steam fair's '728.16': coming to town i'm going along tonight '73.92': up being surprised when they came up '730.079': to write about in my newspaper who's '731.68': going to want to read about that '733.12': everyone they travel the world in an old '735.36': steam train i thought you'd love it i do '738.16': don't tell anyone okay '739.92': not cool why don't we all go good idea '742.079': father's a dab hand at the coconut chai '744.24': bullseye brown they used to call him '745.68': well not anymore coconuts are a young '747.68': man's game well i think you're in great '75.04': with the microwave oven and i still '750.16': shape for a man your age mr brown ah '752.079': thank you paddington '753.44': hang on how old do you think i am oh '756.16': about 80. 80 at least '760.079': just a minute young bear hmm that's what '762.8': i told you to wash behind your ears oh '765.36': but i did mrs bird i '767.519': i wonder how that got in there '77.04': don't trust you '771.68': wakey wakey '774.72': mommy time '778.32': there you go '780.16': good luck '781.6': um mr mcginty what do you want well the '785.2': thing is i'm actually innocent and i '787.839': wondered if you had any advice on how to '789.519': clear my name now that we're friends '791.6': friends i'm your boss not our buddy oh '796.0': oh after you '797.6': why '798.639': so you can stab me in the back '8.48': up first i beg your pardon '800.8': 'no' '801.68': because it's polite '803.279': aunt lucy said if we're kind and polite '805.2': the world will be right '806.88': you are ahead of me and now you're '808.0': behind that makes you a sap '811.68': ingredients are over there '813.44': um '814.56': aren't you going to hell '816.079': nope now get on with it but there's 500 '819.12': hungry prisoners coming for breakfast so '821.04': we'll need a thousand juicy oranges oh '823.199': and rule number one '824.959': no talking '826.72': hmm '832.639': rule number two '835.519': no humming '836.72': or singing or any other expression of '840.32': bonhami '86.159': hmm '860.959': oh that's heavy '863.76': come on '872.24': these sacks are awfully heavy we'll take '874.48': them one at a time then right one '877.76': time '885.839': one juicy orange '892.24': two juicy oranges '897.68': three juicy oranges '901.199': four now what are you doing '903.199': taking them one at a time '904.959': one sack at a time i'm sorry i'm finding '908.16': this a very stressful working '909.6': environment aunt lucy said aunt lucy '911.92': i've had it up to here with aunt lucy oh '914.56': she sounds like a proper old bag to me '919.199': i '920.079': beg your pardon '922.079': i said '924.0': your aunt lucy sounds like one of the '926.959': most naive '928.639': gullible '929.759': mushy brained '932.72': what's going on '936.079': why are you looking at me like that '939.68': it's awful hot in here you are i'm hot '943.44': how did i leave the oven on '945.44': it's called a hard stare '948.32': aunt lucy taught me to do them when '950.0': people had forgotten their manners you '952.0': don't have to tell me about hard stairs '953.6': i practically invented them '956.56': pretty good for a bear though i'll give '958.0': you that '958.88': now mr mcginty i may look like a '961.12': hardened criminal to you but i really am '963.36': innocent and if you're not going to help '965.04': me clear my name you could at least help '966.88': me make this marmalade '969.12': all right i'll help '971.12': thank you i'm not going to be much used '972.8': to you though '974.32': these aren't exactly made for cooking '976.56': oh i don't know '977.92': looks to me like you've got yourself a '979.36': fine pair of orange squeezers '981.68': orange squeezers '987.519': good '988.8': 'no' '989.92': better '991.04': tomato '992.24': lovely '993.519': 'yes' '994.88': spot on now we have to be very careful '997.68': with knives aunt lucy said that sensible
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The Rise Of The Melbourne Football Club
**All rights of these videos go to their respective owner(s) and no copyright infringement is intended.** Worked pretty hard making this video, hope everyone enjoys it.
'100.36': that I'm in the position I hadn't '101.68': planned to announcer they're gonna be up '103.33': here playing in Sydney and what's a very '105.42': exciting future for this football club '107.83': and a nice hole is just a fantastic '109.6': opportunity to come up here and really '111.97': be part of something special '116.31': it was a pitcher and all the white '119.03': diamond '126.08': you '148.74': I want to officially welcome bull riders '153.39': to nobody well as a new coach '220.26': it's all good '223.55': made something '23.48': I'm a Rasta sorry just a life '245.45': '27:30' '246.599': is replaced by sheer joy '250.24': in September '32.11': look Eric Eric and it's one of the '34.19': saddest times for Melbourne supporters '36.65': in the club as a whole life as a '38.6': Melbourne member and as a Melbourne '40.66': person who loves their club dearly we're '43.97': watching the club decay before our very '45.65': eyes it is it's in free fall and whether '49.82': it's on field or off field you cannot '51.83': see any light at the end of the tunnel '55.359': very sad news from Melbourne this '57.039': morning IFL legend and beloved Victorian '59.079': Jim Stein's losing his two and a half '61.329': year battle with cancer this morning '67.899': but evening the AFL community is '70.67': mourning the death of Crowes assistant '72.5': coach Dean Bailey who lost his fight to '74.509': cancer this morning the 47 year old '76.729': husband and father of two had been '78.649': battling the disease for just three '80.6': months Friday and it's all decided '96.88': the melbourne footy club would give me a '98.53': great opportunity and I'm very thankful
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Melbourne University – A grade premiership team of 1946" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "\"Melbourne University Football Club, often known simply as University, is an Australian rules football club based at the University of Melbourne. The club fields two teams, known as the \"\"Blacks\"\" and \"\"Blues, who both compete in the Victorian Amateur Football Association in the William Buck Premier Division." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Melbourne University Football Club / Return to football" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Melbourne University Football Club" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Return to football" ] }
The Rise Of The Melbourne Football Club
**All rights of these videos go to their respective owner(s) and no copyright infringement is intended.** Worked pretty hard making this video, hope everyone enjoys it.
'100.36': that I'm in the position I hadn't '101.68': planned to announcer they're gonna be up '103.33': here playing in Sydney and what's a very '105.42': exciting future for this football club '107.83': and a nice hole is just a fantastic '109.6': opportunity to come up here and really '111.97': be part of something special '116.31': it was a pitcher and all the white '119.03': diamond '126.08': you '148.74': I want to officially welcome bull riders '153.39': to nobody well as a new coach '220.26': it's all good '223.55': made something '23.48': I'm a Rasta sorry just a life '245.45': '27:30' '246.599': is replaced by sheer joy '250.24': in September '32.11': look Eric Eric and it's one of the '34.19': saddest times for Melbourne supporters '36.65': in the club as a whole life as a '38.6': Melbourne member and as a Melbourne '40.66': person who loves their club dearly we're '43.97': watching the club decay before our very '45.65': eyes it is it's in free fall and whether '49.82': it's on field or off field you cannot '51.83': see any light at the end of the tunnel '55.359': very sad news from Melbourne this '57.039': morning IFL legend and beloved Victorian '59.079': Jim Stein's losing his two and a half '61.329': year battle with cancer this morning '67.899': but evening the AFL community is '70.67': mourning the death of Crowes assistant '72.5': coach Dean Bailey who lost his fight to '74.509': cancer this morning the 47 year old '76.729': husband and father of two had been '78.649': battling the disease for just three '80.6': months Friday and it's all decided '96.88': the melbourne footy club would give me a '98.53': great opportunity and I'm very thankful
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Melbourne University – A grade premiership team of 1946" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "\"Melbourne University Football Club, often known simply as University, is an Australian rules football club based at the University of Melbourne. The club fields two teams, known as the \"\"Blacks\"\" and \"\"Blues, who both compete in the Victorian Amateur Football Association in the William Buck Premier Division." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Melbourne University Football Club / Return to football" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Melbourne University Football Club" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Return to football" ] }
The Rise Of The Melbourne Football Club
**All rights of these videos go to their respective owner(s) and no copyright infringement is intended.** Worked pretty hard making this video, hope everyone enjoys it.
'100.36': that I'm in the position I hadn't '101.68': planned to announcer they're gonna be up '103.33': here playing in Sydney and what's a very '105.42': exciting future for this football club '107.83': and a nice hole is just a fantastic '109.6': opportunity to come up here and really '111.97': be part of something special '116.31': it was a pitcher and all the white '119.03': diamond '126.08': you '148.74': I want to officially welcome bull riders '153.39': to nobody well as a new coach '220.26': it's all good '223.55': made something '23.48': I'm a Rasta sorry just a life '245.45': '27:30' '246.599': is replaced by sheer joy '250.24': in September '32.11': look Eric Eric and it's one of the '34.19': saddest times for Melbourne supporters '36.65': in the club as a whole life as a '38.6': Melbourne member and as a Melbourne '40.66': person who loves their club dearly we're '43.97': watching the club decay before our very '45.65': eyes it is it's in free fall and whether '49.82': it's on field or off field you cannot '51.83': see any light at the end of the tunnel '55.359': very sad news from Melbourne this '57.039': morning IFL legend and beloved Victorian '59.079': Jim Stein's losing his two and a half '61.329': year battle with cancer this morning '67.899': but evening the AFL community is '70.67': mourning the death of Crowes assistant '72.5': coach Dean Bailey who lost his fight to '74.509': cancer this morning the 47 year old '76.729': husband and father of two had been '78.649': battling the disease for just three '80.6': months Friday and it's all decided '96.88': the melbourne footy club would give me a '98.53': great opportunity and I'm very thankful
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Melbourne University – A grade premiership team of 1946" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "\"Melbourne University Football Club, often known simply as University, is an Australian rules football club based at the University of Melbourne. The club fields two teams, known as the \"\"Blacks\"\" and \"\"Blues, who both compete in the Victorian Amateur Football Association in the William Buck Premier Division." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Melbourne University Football Club / Return to football" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Melbourne University Football Club" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Return to football" ] }
The Rise Of The Melbourne Football Club
**All rights of these videos go to their respective owner(s) and no copyright infringement is intended.** Worked pretty hard making this video, hope everyone enjoys it.
'100.36': that I'm in the position I hadn't '101.68': planned to announcer they're gonna be up '103.33': here playing in Sydney and what's a very '105.42': exciting future for this football club '107.83': and a nice hole is just a fantastic '109.6': opportunity to come up here and really '111.97': be part of something special '116.31': it was a pitcher and all the white '119.03': diamond '126.08': you '148.74': I want to officially welcome bull riders '153.39': to nobody well as a new coach '220.26': it's all good '223.55': made something '23.48': I'm a Rasta sorry just a life '245.45': '27:30' '246.599': is replaced by sheer joy '250.24': in September '32.11': look Eric Eric and it's one of the '34.19': saddest times for Melbourne supporters '36.65': in the club as a whole life as a '38.6': Melbourne member and as a Melbourne '40.66': person who loves their club dearly we're '43.97': watching the club decay before our very '45.65': eyes it is it's in free fall and whether '49.82': it's on field or off field you cannot '51.83': see any light at the end of the tunnel '55.359': very sad news from Melbourne this '57.039': morning IFL legend and beloved Victorian '59.079': Jim Stein's losing his two and a half '61.329': year battle with cancer this morning '67.899': but evening the AFL community is '70.67': mourning the death of Crowes assistant '72.5': coach Dean Bailey who lost his fight to '74.509': cancer this morning the 47 year old '76.729': husband and father of two had been '78.649': battling the disease for just three '80.6': months Friday and it's all decided '96.88': the melbourne footy club would give me a '98.53': great opportunity and I'm very thankful
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Melbourne University – A grade premiership team of 1946" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "\"Melbourne University Football Club, often known simply as University, is an Australian rules football club based at the University of Melbourne. The club fields two teams, known as the \"\"Blacks\"\" and \"\"Blues, who both compete in the Victorian Amateur Football Association in the William Buck Premier Division." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Melbourne University Football Club / Return to football" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Melbourne University Football Club" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Return to football" ] }
The Rise Of The Melbourne Football Club
**All rights of these videos go to their respective owner(s) and no copyright infringement is intended.** Worked pretty hard making this video, hope everyone enjoys it.
'100.36': that I'm in the position I hadn't '101.68': planned to announcer they're gonna be up '103.33': here playing in Sydney and what's a very '105.42': exciting future for this football club '107.83': and a nice hole is just a fantastic '109.6': opportunity to come up here and really '111.97': be part of something special '116.31': it was a pitcher and all the white '119.03': diamond '126.08': you '148.74': I want to officially welcome bull riders '153.39': to nobody well as a new coach '220.26': it's all good '223.55': made something '23.48': I'm a Rasta sorry just a life '245.45': '27:30' '246.599': is replaced by sheer joy '250.24': in September '32.11': look Eric Eric and it's one of the '34.19': saddest times for Melbourne supporters '36.65': in the club as a whole life as a '38.6': Melbourne member and as a Melbourne '40.66': person who loves their club dearly we're '43.97': watching the club decay before our very '45.65': eyes it is it's in free fall and whether '49.82': it's on field or off field you cannot '51.83': see any light at the end of the tunnel '55.359': very sad news from Melbourne this '57.039': morning IFL legend and beloved Victorian '59.079': Jim Stein's losing his two and a half '61.329': year battle with cancer this morning '67.899': but evening the AFL community is '70.67': mourning the death of Crowes assistant '72.5': coach Dean Bailey who lost his fight to '74.509': cancer this morning the 47 year old '76.729': husband and father of two had been '78.649': battling the disease for just three '80.6': months Friday and it's all decided '96.88': the melbourne footy club would give me a '98.53': great opportunity and I'm very thankful
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Melbourne University – A grade premiership team of 1946" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "\"Melbourne University Football Club, often known simply as University, is an Australian rules football club based at the University of Melbourne. The club fields two teams, known as the \"\"Blacks\"\" and \"\"Blues, who both compete in the Victorian Amateur Football Association in the William Buck Premier Division." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Melbourne University Football Club / Return to football" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Melbourne University Football Club" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Return to football" ] }
The Rise Of The Melbourne Football Club
**All rights of these videos go to their respective owner(s) and no copyright infringement is intended.** Worked pretty hard making this video, hope everyone enjoys it.
'100.36': that I'm in the position I hadn't '101.68': planned to announcer they're gonna be up '103.33': here playing in Sydney and what's a very '105.42': exciting future for this football club '107.83': and a nice hole is just a fantastic '109.6': opportunity to come up here and really '111.97': be part of something special '116.31': it was a pitcher and all the white '119.03': diamond '126.08': you '148.74': I want to officially welcome bull riders '153.39': to nobody well as a new coach '220.26': it's all good '223.55': made something '23.48': I'm a Rasta sorry just a life '245.45': '27:30' '246.599': is replaced by sheer joy '250.24': in September '32.11': look Eric Eric and it's one of the '34.19': saddest times for Melbourne supporters '36.65': in the club as a whole life as a '38.6': Melbourne member and as a Melbourne '40.66': person who loves their club dearly we're '43.97': watching the club decay before our very '45.65': eyes it is it's in free fall and whether '49.82': it's on field or off field you cannot '51.83': see any light at the end of the tunnel '55.359': very sad news from Melbourne this '57.039': morning IFL legend and beloved Victorian '59.079': Jim Stein's losing his two and a half '61.329': year battle with cancer this morning '67.899': but evening the AFL community is '70.67': mourning the death of Crowes assistant '72.5': coach Dean Bailey who lost his fight to '74.509': cancer this morning the 47 year old '76.729': husband and father of two had been '78.649': battling the disease for just three '80.6': months Friday and it's all decided '96.88': the melbourne footy club would give me a '98.53': great opportunity and I'm very thankful
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Melbourne University – A grade premiership team of 1946" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "\"Melbourne University Football Club, often known simply as University, is an Australian rules football club based at the University of Melbourne. The club fields two teams, known as the \"\"Blacks\"\" and \"\"Blues, who both compete in the Victorian Amateur Football Association in the William Buck Premier Division." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Melbourne University Football Club / Return to football" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Melbourne University Football Club" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Return to football" ] }
The Rise Of The Melbourne Football Club
**All rights of these videos go to their respective owner(s) and no copyright infringement is intended.** Worked pretty hard making this video, hope everyone enjoys it.
'100.36': that I'm in the position I hadn't '101.68': planned to announcer they're gonna be up '103.33': here playing in Sydney and what's a very '105.42': exciting future for this football club '107.83': and a nice hole is just a fantastic '109.6': opportunity to come up here and really '111.97': be part of something special '116.31': it was a pitcher and all the white '119.03': diamond '126.08': you '148.74': I want to officially welcome bull riders '153.39': to nobody well as a new coach '220.26': it's all good '223.55': made something '23.48': I'm a Rasta sorry just a life '245.45': '27:30' '246.599': is replaced by sheer joy '250.24': in September '32.11': look Eric Eric and it's one of the '34.19': saddest times for Melbourne supporters '36.65': in the club as a whole life as a '38.6': Melbourne member and as a Melbourne '40.66': person who loves their club dearly we're '43.97': watching the club decay before our very '45.65': eyes it is it's in free fall and whether '49.82': it's on field or off field you cannot '51.83': see any light at the end of the tunnel '55.359': very sad news from Melbourne this '57.039': morning IFL legend and beloved Victorian '59.079': Jim Stein's losing his two and a half '61.329': year battle with cancer this morning '67.899': but evening the AFL community is '70.67': mourning the death of Crowes assistant '72.5': coach Dean Bailey who lost his fight to '74.509': cancer this morning the 47 year old '76.729': husband and father of two had been '78.649': battling the disease for just three '80.6': months Friday and it's all decided '96.88': the melbourne footy club would give me a '98.53': great opportunity and I'm very thankful
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Melbourne University – A grade premiership team of 1946" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "\"Melbourne University Football Club, often known simply as University, is an Australian rules football club based at the University of Melbourne. The club fields two teams, known as the \"\"Blacks\"\" and \"\"Blues, who both compete in the Victorian Amateur Football Association in the William Buck Premier Division." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Melbourne University Football Club / Return to football" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Melbourne University Football Club" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Return to football" ] }
The Rise Of The Melbourne Football Club
**All rights of these videos go to their respective owner(s) and no copyright infringement is intended.** Worked pretty hard making this video, hope everyone enjoys it.
'100.36': that I'm in the position I hadn't '101.68': planned to announcer they're gonna be up '103.33': here playing in Sydney and what's a very '105.42': exciting future for this football club '107.83': and a nice hole is just a fantastic '109.6': opportunity to come up here and really '111.97': be part of something special '116.31': it was a pitcher and all the white '119.03': diamond '126.08': you '148.74': I want to officially welcome bull riders '153.39': to nobody well as a new coach '220.26': it's all good '223.55': made something '23.48': I'm a Rasta sorry just a life '245.45': '27:30' '246.599': is replaced by sheer joy '250.24': in September '32.11': look Eric Eric and it's one of the '34.19': saddest times for Melbourne supporters '36.65': in the club as a whole life as a '38.6': Melbourne member and as a Melbourne '40.66': person who loves their club dearly we're '43.97': watching the club decay before our very '45.65': eyes it is it's in free fall and whether '49.82': it's on field or off field you cannot '51.83': see any light at the end of the tunnel '55.359': very sad news from Melbourne this '57.039': morning IFL legend and beloved Victorian '59.079': Jim Stein's losing his two and a half '61.329': year battle with cancer this morning '67.899': but evening the AFL community is '70.67': mourning the death of Crowes assistant '72.5': coach Dean Bailey who lost his fight to '74.509': cancer this morning the 47 year old '76.729': husband and father of two had been '78.649': battling the disease for just three '80.6': months Friday and it's all decided '96.88': the melbourne footy club would give me a '98.53': great opportunity and I'm very thankful
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Melbourne University – A grade premiership team of 1946" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "\"Melbourne University Football Club, often known simply as University, is an Australian rules football club based at the University of Melbourne. The club fields two teams, known as the \"\"Blacks\"\" and \"\"Blues, who both compete in the Victorian Amateur Football Association in the William Buck Premier Division." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Melbourne University Football Club / Return to football" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Melbourne University Football Club" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Return to football" ] }
The Rise Of The Melbourne Football Club
**All rights of these videos go to their respective owner(s) and no copyright infringement is intended.** Worked pretty hard making this video, hope everyone enjoys it.
'100.36': that I'm in the position I hadn't '101.68': planned to announcer they're gonna be up '103.33': here playing in Sydney and what's a very '105.42': exciting future for this football club '107.83': and a nice hole is just a fantastic '109.6': opportunity to come up here and really '111.97': be part of something special '116.31': it was a pitcher and all the white '119.03': diamond '126.08': you '148.74': I want to officially welcome bull riders '153.39': to nobody well as a new coach '220.26': it's all good '223.55': made something '23.48': I'm a Rasta sorry just a life '245.45': '27:30' '246.599': is replaced by sheer joy '250.24': in September '32.11': look Eric Eric and it's one of the '34.19': saddest times for Melbourne supporters '36.65': in the club as a whole life as a '38.6': Melbourne member and as a Melbourne '40.66': person who loves their club dearly we're '43.97': watching the club decay before our very '45.65': eyes it is it's in free fall and whether '49.82': it's on field or off field you cannot '51.83': see any light at the end of the tunnel '55.359': very sad news from Melbourne this '57.039': morning IFL legend and beloved Victorian '59.079': Jim Stein's losing his two and a half '61.329': year battle with cancer this morning '67.899': but evening the AFL community is '70.67': mourning the death of Crowes assistant '72.5': coach Dean Bailey who lost his fight to '74.509': cancer this morning the 47 year old '76.729': husband and father of two had been '78.649': battling the disease for just three '80.6': months Friday and it's all decided '96.88': the melbourne footy club would give me a '98.53': great opportunity and I'm very thankful
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "\"The official announcement of Erwin Rommel's death by the Nazi newspaper \"\"Bozner Tagblatt\"\", 16 October 1944\"", "L'annuncio officiale della morte di Erwin Rommel sul quotidiano nazista Bozner Tagblatt, 16 ottobre 1944, p. 1", "Offiziöse Darstellung von Erwin Rommels Tod im nationalsozialistischen Bozner Tagblatt vom 16. Oktober 1944, S. 1" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, null, null ], "context_page_description": [ "Johannes Erwin Eugen Rommel was a German general and military theorist. Popularly known as the Desert Fox, he served as field marshal in the Wehrmacht of Nazi Germany during World War II, as well as serving in the Reichswehr of the Weimar Republic, and the army of Imperial Germany.", "Johannes Erwin Eugen Rommel è stato un generale tedesco, durante la seconda guerra mondiale.", "Johannes Erwin Eugen Rommel, genannt Wüstenfuchs, war ein deutscher Generalfeldmarschall und Militärstratege." ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Erwin Rommel / World War II / Death", "Erwin Rommel / Seconda guerra mondiale / La sorte di Rommel dopo il complotto del 20 luglio 1944", "Erwin Rommel / Suizid und Staatsbegräbnis" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true ], "language": [ "en", "it", "de" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Erwin Rommel", "Erwin Rommel", "Erwin Rommel" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ "Death", "La sorte di Rommel dopo il complotto del 20 luglio 1944", "Suizid und Staatsbegräbnis" ] }
Why is Rommel so complicated? - Erwin Rommel vs. Desert Fox
This video takes a look at why Erwin Rommel often called the "Desert Fox" and probably one of the most famous "Panzer Generals" is so complicated due to the various interest groups and his complex situation in World War 2. »» GET OUR BOOK: Army Regulation Medium Panzer Company 1941 German/English - » HOW YOU CAN SUPPORT MILITARY HISTORY VISUALIZED « (A) You can support my channel on Patreon: (B) You can also buy "Spoils of War" (merchandise) in the online shop: » SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS « facebook: twitter: tumblr: » SOURCES « Reuth, Ralf Georg: Erwin Rommel Fraser, David: Rommel – Die Biographie English Version – Fraser, David: Knight's Cross : A Life of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel Lexikon der Wehrmacht: Rommel, Erwin » TOOL CHAIN « PowerPoint 2016, Word, Excel, Tile Mill, QGIS, Processing 3, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere, Adobe Audition, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Animate.
'1.28': Now why is it so complicated '101.66': for Rommel was in charge of the security detachments during the annexing of the Sudeten areas, '106.0': the drive into Prague, '107.46': the annexation of the member territory and the campaign in Poland. '110.86': In this time, Hitler followed at least one suggestion from Rommel to drive to the fortress in Prague, '115.4': which impressed Rommel, '116.76': whereas Hitler was also impressed that Rommel strictly followed orders '119.98': and by doing so, offending various high-ranking Nazi officials. '12.185': had interest in portraying him in a certain way. '123.3': Quite ironically for us, '125.12': Rommel seems to have separated Hitler from the Nazi party, '128.34': or at least most other Nazi officials. '131.24': He was very positive about Hitler from pre-war until mid-war, '134.215': but negative about the Nazi party members. '137.265': 'But, one thing is clear: Rommel''s relationship with Hitler was rather close.' '140.62': Especially after reading some quotes, '142.615': it seems those two had basically a little bromance going on. '146.2': This relationship was probably the main reason '148.44': why Rommel got his frontline command of the 7th Panzer Division for the invasion of France. '15.24': And second, he's a complex character that offers various '153.16': After all, there were just a handful of those Divisions available, '156.44': and the request by Rommel was initially denied by army authorities. '160.08': Not to mention, higher-ranking German army Generals weren't so positive about Rommel. '164.82': As odd as the relationship between Hitler and Rommel might appear to us nowadays, '168.62': it was not so far-fetched. '170.64': Both idealized each other for traits that they highly regarded. '174.22': Both were front-line veterans of World War I. '176.52': Both acted boldly and aggressively. '178.72': Hitler restored Germany to power and gave it back its army, '18.305': answers. And those answers '181.74': whereas Rommel was an ideal frontline commander in Hitler's eyes. '185.52': Highly decorated, wounded in combat, and without a general staff education '19.96': are sometimes quite contradicting. '190.36': (something Hitler wasn't particularly fond of). '193.12': Rommel wasn't the son of a Prussian aristocrat like many of the German officers, '196.94': but of a teacher. '198.56': Similarly, Hitler also did not have an upper class background. '201.98': Today, we would say both were self-made men. '204.7': Whereas a large part of their surroundings were, in their perspective, priveleged '209.22': (to use a contemporary term). '211.2': As you can see, '212.32': you can turn this information different ways '214.68': to portray Rommel in various forms. '216.88': Hitler was well-known for his ability to persuade people, '219.8': being it in diplomatic meetings, with his Generals, or in public speeches. '22.5': As a result, we have various versions of the Desert Fox, '223.905': So, one can argue Rommel was just another one of millions '226.665': that got seduced, tricked or persuaded by Hitler. '229.7': Or, the other extreme would be that '231.3': that one that was so close to Hitler must have seen how evil he was. '235.28': Whereas the various positions in between those extremes are rather hard to grasp, '239.62': and in a way, also unsatisfying, '241.88': due to the (lack for better word), fuzziness. '245.04': And, it doesn't get particularly clearer when we take a look at the death of Rommel. '249.3': He was basically forced to kill himself '25.6': and I use the term "Desert Fox" here intentionally, instead of "Rommel", '251.38': in the months following the failed assassination attempt '253.44': on the 20th of July, 1944. '256.405': Although some argue Rommel was involved, there seems to be very little '259.08': evidence for this claim. '261.14': Rommel stated before and after the attempt that he was against killing Hitler, '264.82': and considering that he once was in charge of his security detachment, '267.8': this is very likely. '269.44': Many generals that didn't have that job stated the same. '272.74': Yet, according to at least one author, '275.06': one former member of the 20th July plot tried after the war to create a national myth '279.32': that Rommel was involved. '280.96': Anyway, during the planning phase, Rommel was considered a key person '284.16': because the conspirators believed that due to his popularity '287.24': more soldiers would join their side, '289.44': and that their plan for a separate peace with the western Allies '29.22': because the Desert Fox is that part that nearly '291.82': would have better chances with Rommel. '294.3': Now, why was Rommel forced to kill himself? '296.34': The short answer is, some officers noted that he was involved, '299.16': and additionally, a civilian member of the resistance '3.38': to make a decent video about Erwin Rommel? '302.34': that showed a major lack of operational security '305.08': had papers that noted Rommel as a new Reichspresident. '308.7': Additionally, Rommel had quite many enemies. '31.8': everyone wants him to be. '310.94': He was disliked by many in the higher echelons for his temperament, '313.98': and also his influence with Hitler. '316.06': Rommel actively suspected he would be sacked for losing the battle in Normandy, '319.78': and had papers prepared. '321.48': Yet, he was taken by surprise when he was confronted with claims '324.485': that he was involved in the 20th July attack on Hitler. '328.06': In order to save the lives of his son and wife, he took the offer of suicide. '33.92': So let's take a brief outlook '332.16': And thus, his family would be spared. '334.425': Furthermore, officially it was declared that he died in an accident. '338.0': Yet shortly after the war, his son announced that he was forced to kill himself. '342.54': Similarly to the previous factor, you can turn this around in many ways. '346.06': Especially considering that shortly after the war, '348.1': the 20th of July conspirators weren't held in high regard, '35.2': on the various aspects we need to consider '351.44': something that changed later on. '353.5': So, depending on the agenda and time frame, '355.7': you will find different arguments '357.1': and different perspectives '358.64': supporting one or another claim. '360.74': But, let's take a short look at the military campaigns and theaters. '364.36': Rommel fought against the British, US and Commonwealth forces in Africa, Italy and Normandy. '369.58': In North Africa, he achieved several victories, '37.34': when we want to take a glimpse at Erwin Rommel, '371.66': especially against the British '373.04': and won against the US troops at the Battle of Kasserine Pass. '376.62': Additionally, Rommel fought against several highly popular allied generals, '380.46': like Patton, Eisenhower and Montgomery. '383.24': Now, why is this of importance? '385.0': Well, for several reasons. '386.48': The British, after the war, wrote quite many Rommel biographies. '39.82': and not just the Desert Fox. '390.0': Since the British leadership and generals made various errors, '392.7': such errors seem less crucial if you're fighting the Desert Fox. '396.44': Additionally, those who defeated the Desert Fox must be great generals themselves. '401.22': North Africa was quite important for the British, '403.6': but probably the most important theater for the western Allies '406.5': was Normandy. '407.84': After all, Rommel was put in charge of reinforcing the Atlantic Wall, '41.64': First off, Rommel was a highly decorated World War I veteran. '411.8': in France, and thus fighting against the D-Day invasion. '414.8': Which is one of the best known battles in military history. '418.98': Another aspect is that Rommel was seen positively by the Allies during the war '422.64': for his overall conduct and good treatment of Prisoners of War. '425.54': This earned him the respect of Allied officers. '428.08': So anyway, there are sometimes '429.66': positive portrayals of Rommel, '431.26': but probably also out of respect, and being an honorable victor. '434.92': Especially since he could not defend himself anymore. '438.28': We should not forget about early post-war literature. '440.82': That these men had been fighting each other for years '443.28': in the largest conflict in human history, '445.86': just two decades after the previously largest war in history. '449.46': It is very likely that some of them, first and foremost '45.28': "He received the Pour le M\xE9rite," '452.46': wanted peace, and payed their respect to a highly regarded opponent. '455.98': Something we can hardly blame them for, '458.68': yet something we should be very aware of '460.66': when we are reading such accounts, '462.42': because we are responsible for getting the facts straight. '465.315': The veterans already did their part by fighting the war. '468.8': 'Which brings us to the next part: the post-war situation.' '47.04': the highest Prussian medal during World War I, as an Infantry Commander. '472.4': Germany rather fast became the new ally '474.76': of the British, French and United States in Europe. '477.52': For this, a rearmament of Germany was also the key. '480.12': It also meant that former Wehrmacht officers '482.98': and soldiers '483.7': were part of the newly formed armed forces of Germany, the Bundeswehr. '487.7': Thus, it was necessary for Germany '489.68': and to a certain degree also NATO '491.32': to have a clean Wehrmacht general to fall back to. '494.46': Since Rommel had served mainly in France and North Africa, '497.8': whereas nearly every other German general '500.24': and especially those who were very well known, '502.34': like Guderian, Manstein and Model, '505.16': served on the Eastern Front. '507.58': Why is this important? '508.6': Well, war crimes and other atrocities were very common on the Eastern Front, '51.04': This medal is quite well known as "Blue Max", '512.12': whereas North Africa and France were, for the most part, '515.02': let's say, "civilized". '516.56': Thus, Rommel was a central figure '518.6': that was accepted by former western Allies, '520.84': and Germany, as an honorable officer '523.02': 'that was respected by friend and foe:' '525.32': one person most people could agree upon. '528.06': And, in such a way, the Desert Fox was probably a political necessity. '53.5': and usually associated with fighter aces '532.74': Additionally, Rommel offered another benefit '535.18': 'most other generals didn''t offer:' '537.22': he was dead. '538.46': He couldn't say anything to cause trouble, unlike some other generals '541.7': He couldn't write a biography, '543.64': nor was he tried at Nuremburg. '545.62': And, as previously mentioned, he died saving his family from the Nazis. '549.16': Thus, he died an honorable death, even by contemporary standards. '55.9': like Manfred von Richthofen, yet not with Infantry Commanders, '552.92': Or, to put it very bluntly, '554.5': Germany and its new allies need a German hero. '556.92': and for politics, '557.96': dead soldiers are usually the best heroes. '561.12': 'Which brings us to the final point:' '563.12': Ongoing, contemporary issues that didn't change over the years. '566.5': Namely, people want to tell a simple, clear '568.84': and usually quite single-minded narrative. '571.5': For them, the guiding principle is simply to paint a black and white picture of a person, '575.66': a group, a time period, '577.24': or basically, the world. '579.44': 'To conclude:' '580.46': there was, and still is the Desert Fox, '582.86': and there was Erwin Rommel. '584.8': In short, the Desert Fox offered nearly everyone major benefits. '588.26': The Germans had their hero that they needed at the time, '59.54': which was a less glorified position. '591.36': The officers that condemned the assassination could argue that Rommel was against it '595.64': and kept his oath, '597.24': those that didn't could also refer to him as one of their own, '6.18': Well, Rommel's very complicated for basically two reasons. '600.24': or at least, as someone who was killed by the Nazis. '604.06': The Allies had an excuse for their early mistakes, '606.18': and additionally could state that they had beaten one of the greatest generals of all time '61.34': ' ' '61.96': "Now, to give you some indication on the relative difficulty in gaining the\ \ Pour le M\xE9rite," '610.06': in several battles. '611.28': Additionally, they needed Germany in the Cold War. '613.9': And some just wanted to pay tribute to a respected opponent. '617.72': And, if you look at Erwin Rommel, '619.44': it gets complicated, confusing and irritating. '622.04': Similar to most Germans, '623.94': Rommel was quite fond of Hitler, '625.64': and also benefited from him, '627.28': something in Germany nobody wanted to be reminded of. '630.36': Quite understandably. '632.12': You know, Hitler for post-war Germany '633.92': was a bit like the ex boy or girlfirend '635.94': you don't want to be reminded of. '638.08': Yet, in this case, the whole world knows him. '640.96': And not in a good way. '642.52': Rommel made his fair share of mistakes in military terms. '645.44': Also, the odds were more and more stacked against him. '648.04': Thus, a sober assessment of Rommel's capabilities '65.94': it was awarded less than 700 times during World War I, '650.82': would diminish both his reputation '653.02': and thus, that of his opponents. '655.18': Additionally, Second World War Europe was first and foremost won on the Eastern Front. '659.52': But, it was won by the Soviet Union, which was the new enemy. '663.68': To a certain degree, Rommel was probably too big to fail in post-war Germany, '668.24': due to his achievements in World War I, '669.96': his achievements in World War II '671.24': and a lot of propaganda. '673.2': And, the general perception was that he was '675.32': one of the few good Germans, for all sides. '678.9': And, I personally think the Desert Fox '681.16': was a necessary step for several decades after the war, '684.78': not a bad one, '686.04': because let's face it, '687.36': nobody was hurt, '688.52': avoided justice, '689.78': nor were there any negative consequences '69.48': whereas the regular Knight's Cross was awarded more than 7000 times during World War II. '692.24': that come to mind. '693.7': Something that can't be said '695.52': about a lot of other issues regarding post war Europe. '698.88': But, I also think there's no need for a Desert Fox anymore. '701.98': I think we can finally lay him to rest, '704.32': and let Erwin Rommel take his place. '706.76': Because I think he's an excellent reminder '708.76': of how complex and difficult life can be. '711.34': And that sometimes, '712.48': there are no easy answers. '716.86': Thank you for watching '718.2': and see you next time. '74.94': Thus, Rommel basically had already celebrity status '77.88': after World War I in German society. '80.14': Additionally, shortly before World War II, he published his book about World War I, '84.52': titled "Infanterie Greift An", or "Infantry Attacks" in English. '87.84': These circumstances also earned him a great amount of respect '9.545': First off, a lot of different groups have or '91.36': from another World War I veteran, '93.48': namely Hitler. '94.78': 'Which brings us to the next part:' '96.58': Rommel's proximity to Hitler. '98.96': Rommel was close to Hitler in many ways,
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "\"The official announcement of Erwin Rommel's death by the Nazi newspaper \"\"Bozner Tagblatt\"\", 16 October 1944\"", "L'annuncio officiale della morte di Erwin Rommel sul quotidiano nazista Bozner Tagblatt, 16 ottobre 1944, p. 1", "Offiziöse Darstellung von Erwin Rommels Tod im nationalsozialistischen Bozner Tagblatt vom 16. Oktober 1944, S. 1" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, null, null ], "context_page_description": [ "Johannes Erwin Eugen Rommel was a German general and military theorist. Popularly known as the Desert Fox, he served as field marshal in the Wehrmacht of Nazi Germany during World War II, as well as serving in the Reichswehr of the Weimar Republic, and the army of Imperial Germany.", "Johannes Erwin Eugen Rommel è stato un generale tedesco, durante la seconda guerra mondiale.", "Johannes Erwin Eugen Rommel, genannt Wüstenfuchs, war ein deutscher Generalfeldmarschall und Militärstratege." ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Erwin Rommel / World War II / Death", "Erwin Rommel / Seconda guerra mondiale / La sorte di Rommel dopo il complotto del 20 luglio 1944", "Erwin Rommel / Suizid und Staatsbegräbnis" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true ], "language": [ "en", "it", "de" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Erwin Rommel", "Erwin Rommel", "Erwin Rommel" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ "Death", "La sorte di Rommel dopo il complotto del 20 luglio 1944", "Suizid und Staatsbegräbnis" ] }
Why is Rommel so complicated? - Erwin Rommel vs. Desert Fox
This video takes a look at why Erwin Rommel often called the "Desert Fox" and probably one of the most famous "Panzer Generals" is so complicated due to the various interest groups and his complex situation in World War 2. »» GET OUR BOOK: Army Regulation Medium Panzer Company 1941 German/English - » HOW YOU CAN SUPPORT MILITARY HISTORY VISUALIZED « (A) You can support my channel on Patreon: (B) You can also buy "Spoils of War" (merchandise) in the online shop: » SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS « facebook: twitter: tumblr: » SOURCES « Reuth, Ralf Georg: Erwin Rommel Fraser, David: Rommel – Die Biographie English Version – Fraser, David: Knight's Cross : A Life of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel Lexikon der Wehrmacht: Rommel, Erwin » TOOL CHAIN « PowerPoint 2016, Word, Excel, Tile Mill, QGIS, Processing 3, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere, Adobe Audition, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Animate.
'1.28': Now why is it so complicated '101.66': for Rommel was in charge of the security detachments during the annexing of the Sudeten areas, '106.0': the drive into Prague, '107.46': the annexation of the member territory and the campaign in Poland. '110.86': In this time, Hitler followed at least one suggestion from Rommel to drive to the fortress in Prague, '115.4': which impressed Rommel, '116.76': whereas Hitler was also impressed that Rommel strictly followed orders '119.98': and by doing so, offending various high-ranking Nazi officials. '12.185': had interest in portraying him in a certain way. '123.3': Quite ironically for us, '125.12': Rommel seems to have separated Hitler from the Nazi party, '128.34': or at least most other Nazi officials. '131.24': He was very positive about Hitler from pre-war until mid-war, '134.215': but negative about the Nazi party members. '137.265': 'But, one thing is clear: Rommel''s relationship with Hitler was rather close.' '140.62': Especially after reading some quotes, '142.615': it seems those two had basically a little bromance going on. '146.2': This relationship was probably the main reason '148.44': why Rommel got his frontline command of the 7th Panzer Division for the invasion of France. '15.24': And second, he's a complex character that offers various '153.16': After all, there were just a handful of those Divisions available, '156.44': and the request by Rommel was initially denied by army authorities. '160.08': Not to mention, higher-ranking German army Generals weren't so positive about Rommel. '164.82': As odd as the relationship between Hitler and Rommel might appear to us nowadays, '168.62': it was not so far-fetched. '170.64': Both idealized each other for traits that they highly regarded. '174.22': Both were front-line veterans of World War I. '176.52': Both acted boldly and aggressively. '178.72': Hitler restored Germany to power and gave it back its army, '18.305': answers. And those answers '181.74': whereas Rommel was an ideal frontline commander in Hitler's eyes. '185.52': Highly decorated, wounded in combat, and without a general staff education '19.96': are sometimes quite contradicting. '190.36': (something Hitler wasn't particularly fond of). '193.12': Rommel wasn't the son of a Prussian aristocrat like many of the German officers, '196.94': but of a teacher. '198.56': Similarly, Hitler also did not have an upper class background. '201.98': Today, we would say both were self-made men. '204.7': Whereas a large part of their surroundings were, in their perspective, priveleged '209.22': (to use a contemporary term). '211.2': As you can see, '212.32': you can turn this information different ways '214.68': to portray Rommel in various forms. '216.88': Hitler was well-known for his ability to persuade people, '219.8': being it in diplomatic meetings, with his Generals, or in public speeches. '22.5': As a result, we have various versions of the Desert Fox, '223.905': So, one can argue Rommel was just another one of millions '226.665': that got seduced, tricked or persuaded by Hitler. '229.7': Or, the other extreme would be that '231.3': that one that was so close to Hitler must have seen how evil he was. '235.28': Whereas the various positions in between those extremes are rather hard to grasp, '239.62': and in a way, also unsatisfying, '241.88': due to the (lack for better word), fuzziness. '245.04': And, it doesn't get particularly clearer when we take a look at the death of Rommel. '249.3': He was basically forced to kill himself '25.6': and I use the term "Desert Fox" here intentionally, instead of "Rommel", '251.38': in the months following the failed assassination attempt '253.44': on the 20th of July, 1944. '256.405': Although some argue Rommel was involved, there seems to be very little '259.08': evidence for this claim. '261.14': Rommel stated before and after the attempt that he was against killing Hitler, '264.82': and considering that he once was in charge of his security detachment, '267.8': this is very likely. '269.44': Many generals that didn't have that job stated the same. '272.74': Yet, according to at least one author, '275.06': one former member of the 20th July plot tried after the war to create a national myth '279.32': that Rommel was involved. '280.96': Anyway, during the planning phase, Rommel was considered a key person '284.16': because the conspirators believed that due to his popularity '287.24': more soldiers would join their side, '289.44': and that their plan for a separate peace with the western Allies '29.22': because the Desert Fox is that part that nearly '291.82': would have better chances with Rommel. '294.3': Now, why was Rommel forced to kill himself? '296.34': The short answer is, some officers noted that he was involved, '299.16': and additionally, a civilian member of the resistance '3.38': to make a decent video about Erwin Rommel? '302.34': that showed a major lack of operational security '305.08': had papers that noted Rommel as a new Reichspresident. '308.7': Additionally, Rommel had quite many enemies. '31.8': everyone wants him to be. '310.94': He was disliked by many in the higher echelons for his temperament, '313.98': and also his influence with Hitler. '316.06': Rommel actively suspected he would be sacked for losing the battle in Normandy, '319.78': and had papers prepared. '321.48': Yet, he was taken by surprise when he was confronted with claims '324.485': that he was involved in the 20th July attack on Hitler. '328.06': In order to save the lives of his son and wife, he took the offer of suicide. '33.92': So let's take a brief outlook '332.16': And thus, his family would be spared. '334.425': Furthermore, officially it was declared that he died in an accident. '338.0': Yet shortly after the war, his son announced that he was forced to kill himself. '342.54': Similarly to the previous factor, you can turn this around in many ways. '346.06': Especially considering that shortly after the war, '348.1': the 20th of July conspirators weren't held in high regard, '35.2': on the various aspects we need to consider '351.44': something that changed later on. '353.5': So, depending on the agenda and time frame, '355.7': you will find different arguments '357.1': and different perspectives '358.64': supporting one or another claim. '360.74': But, let's take a short look at the military campaigns and theaters. '364.36': Rommel fought against the British, US and Commonwealth forces in Africa, Italy and Normandy. '369.58': In North Africa, he achieved several victories, '37.34': when we want to take a glimpse at Erwin Rommel, '371.66': especially against the British '373.04': and won against the US troops at the Battle of Kasserine Pass. '376.62': Additionally, Rommel fought against several highly popular allied generals, '380.46': like Patton, Eisenhower and Montgomery. '383.24': Now, why is this of importance? '385.0': Well, for several reasons. '386.48': The British, after the war, wrote quite many Rommel biographies. '39.82': and not just the Desert Fox. '390.0': Since the British leadership and generals made various errors, '392.7': such errors seem less crucial if you're fighting the Desert Fox. '396.44': Additionally, those who defeated the Desert Fox must be great generals themselves. '401.22': North Africa was quite important for the British, '403.6': but probably the most important theater for the western Allies '406.5': was Normandy. '407.84': After all, Rommel was put in charge of reinforcing the Atlantic Wall, '41.64': First off, Rommel was a highly decorated World War I veteran. '411.8': in France, and thus fighting against the D-Day invasion. '414.8': Which is one of the best known battles in military history. '418.98': Another aspect is that Rommel was seen positively by the Allies during the war '422.64': for his overall conduct and good treatment of Prisoners of War. '425.54': This earned him the respect of Allied officers. '428.08': So anyway, there are sometimes '429.66': positive portrayals of Rommel, '431.26': but probably also out of respect, and being an honorable victor. '434.92': Especially since he could not defend himself anymore. '438.28': We should not forget about early post-war literature. '440.82': That these men had been fighting each other for years '443.28': in the largest conflict in human history, '445.86': just two decades after the previously largest war in history. '449.46': It is very likely that some of them, first and foremost '45.28': "He received the Pour le M\xE9rite," '452.46': wanted peace, and payed their respect to a highly regarded opponent. '455.98': Something we can hardly blame them for, '458.68': yet something we should be very aware of '460.66': when we are reading such accounts, '462.42': because we are responsible for getting the facts straight. '465.315': The veterans already did their part by fighting the war. '468.8': 'Which brings us to the next part: the post-war situation.' '47.04': the highest Prussian medal during World War I, as an Infantry Commander. '472.4': Germany rather fast became the new ally '474.76': of the British, French and United States in Europe. '477.52': For this, a rearmament of Germany was also the key. '480.12': It also meant that former Wehrmacht officers '482.98': and soldiers '483.7': were part of the newly formed armed forces of Germany, the Bundeswehr. '487.7': Thus, it was necessary for Germany '489.68': and to a certain degree also NATO '491.32': to have a clean Wehrmacht general to fall back to. '494.46': Since Rommel had served mainly in France and North Africa, '497.8': whereas nearly every other German general '500.24': and especially those who were very well known, '502.34': like Guderian, Manstein and Model, '505.16': served on the Eastern Front. '507.58': Why is this important? '508.6': Well, war crimes and other atrocities were very common on the Eastern Front, '51.04': This medal is quite well known as "Blue Max", '512.12': whereas North Africa and France were, for the most part, '515.02': let's say, "civilized". '516.56': Thus, Rommel was a central figure '518.6': that was accepted by former western Allies, '520.84': and Germany, as an honorable officer '523.02': 'that was respected by friend and foe:' '525.32': one person most people could agree upon. '528.06': And, in such a way, the Desert Fox was probably a political necessity. '53.5': and usually associated with fighter aces '532.74': Additionally, Rommel offered another benefit '535.18': 'most other generals didn''t offer:' '537.22': he was dead. '538.46': He couldn't say anything to cause trouble, unlike some other generals '541.7': He couldn't write a biography, '543.64': nor was he tried at Nuremburg. '545.62': And, as previously mentioned, he died saving his family from the Nazis. '549.16': Thus, he died an honorable death, even by contemporary standards. '55.9': like Manfred von Richthofen, yet not with Infantry Commanders, '552.92': Or, to put it very bluntly, '554.5': Germany and its new allies need a German hero. '556.92': and for politics, '557.96': dead soldiers are usually the best heroes. '561.12': 'Which brings us to the final point:' '563.12': Ongoing, contemporary issues that didn't change over the years. '566.5': Namely, people want to tell a simple, clear '568.84': and usually quite single-minded narrative. '571.5': For them, the guiding principle is simply to paint a black and white picture of a person, '575.66': a group, a time period, '577.24': or basically, the world. '579.44': 'To conclude:' '580.46': there was, and still is the Desert Fox, '582.86': and there was Erwin Rommel. '584.8': In short, the Desert Fox offered nearly everyone major benefits. '588.26': The Germans had their hero that they needed at the time, '59.54': which was a less glorified position. '591.36': The officers that condemned the assassination could argue that Rommel was against it '595.64': and kept his oath, '597.24': those that didn't could also refer to him as one of their own, '6.18': Well, Rommel's very complicated for basically two reasons. '600.24': or at least, as someone who was killed by the Nazis. '604.06': The Allies had an excuse for their early mistakes, '606.18': and additionally could state that they had beaten one of the greatest generals of all time '61.34': ' ' '61.96': "Now, to give you some indication on the relative difficulty in gaining the\ \ Pour le M\xE9rite," '610.06': in several battles. '611.28': Additionally, they needed Germany in the Cold War. '613.9': And some just wanted to pay tribute to a respected opponent. '617.72': And, if you look at Erwin Rommel, '619.44': it gets complicated, confusing and irritating. '622.04': Similar to most Germans, '623.94': Rommel was quite fond of Hitler, '625.64': and also benefited from him, '627.28': something in Germany nobody wanted to be reminded of. '630.36': Quite understandably. '632.12': You know, Hitler for post-war Germany '633.92': was a bit like the ex boy or girlfirend '635.94': you don't want to be reminded of. '638.08': Yet, in this case, the whole world knows him. '640.96': And not in a good way. '642.52': Rommel made his fair share of mistakes in military terms. '645.44': Also, the odds were more and more stacked against him. '648.04': Thus, a sober assessment of Rommel's capabilities '65.94': it was awarded less than 700 times during World War I, '650.82': would diminish both his reputation '653.02': and thus, that of his opponents. '655.18': Additionally, Second World War Europe was first and foremost won on the Eastern Front. '659.52': But, it was won by the Soviet Union, which was the new enemy. '663.68': To a certain degree, Rommel was probably too big to fail in post-war Germany, '668.24': due to his achievements in World War I, '669.96': his achievements in World War II '671.24': and a lot of propaganda. '673.2': And, the general perception was that he was '675.32': one of the few good Germans, for all sides. '678.9': And, I personally think the Desert Fox '681.16': was a necessary step for several decades after the war, '684.78': not a bad one, '686.04': because let's face it, '687.36': nobody was hurt, '688.52': avoided justice, '689.78': nor were there any negative consequences '69.48': whereas the regular Knight's Cross was awarded more than 7000 times during World War II. '692.24': that come to mind. '693.7': Something that can't be said '695.52': about a lot of other issues regarding post war Europe. '698.88': But, I also think there's no need for a Desert Fox anymore. '701.98': I think we can finally lay him to rest, '704.32': and let Erwin Rommel take his place. '706.76': Because I think he's an excellent reminder '708.76': of how complex and difficult life can be. '711.34': And that sometimes, '712.48': there are no easy answers. '716.86': Thank you for watching '718.2': and see you next time. '74.94': Thus, Rommel basically had already celebrity status '77.88': after World War I in German society. '80.14': Additionally, shortly before World War II, he published his book about World War I, '84.52': titled "Infanterie Greift An", or "Infantry Attacks" in English. '87.84': These circumstances also earned him a great amount of respect '9.545': First off, a lot of different groups have or '91.36': from another World War I veteran, '93.48': namely Hitler. '94.78': 'Which brings us to the next part:' '96.58': Rommel's proximity to Hitler. '98.96': Rommel was close to Hitler in many ways,
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "\"The official announcement of Erwin Rommel's death by the Nazi newspaper \"\"Bozner Tagblatt\"\", 16 October 1944\"", "L'annuncio officiale della morte di Erwin Rommel sul quotidiano nazista Bozner Tagblatt, 16 ottobre 1944, p. 1", "Offiziöse Darstellung von Erwin Rommels Tod im nationalsozialistischen Bozner Tagblatt vom 16. Oktober 1944, S. 1" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, null, null ], "context_page_description": [ "Johannes Erwin Eugen Rommel was a German general and military theorist. Popularly known as the Desert Fox, he served as field marshal in the Wehrmacht of Nazi Germany during World War II, as well as serving in the Reichswehr of the Weimar Republic, and the army of Imperial Germany.", "Johannes Erwin Eugen Rommel è stato un generale tedesco, durante la seconda guerra mondiale.", "Johannes Erwin Eugen Rommel, genannt Wüstenfuchs, war ein deutscher Generalfeldmarschall und Militärstratege." ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Erwin Rommel / World War II / Death", "Erwin Rommel / Seconda guerra mondiale / La sorte di Rommel dopo il complotto del 20 luglio 1944", "Erwin Rommel / Suizid und Staatsbegräbnis" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true ], "language": [ "en", "it", "de" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Erwin Rommel", "Erwin Rommel", "Erwin Rommel" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ "Death", "La sorte di Rommel dopo il complotto del 20 luglio 1944", "Suizid und Staatsbegräbnis" ] }
Why is Rommel so complicated? - Erwin Rommel vs. Desert Fox
This video takes a look at why Erwin Rommel often called the "Desert Fox" and probably one of the most famous "Panzer Generals" is so complicated due to the various interest groups and his complex situation in World War 2. »» GET OUR BOOK: Army Regulation Medium Panzer Company 1941 German/English - » HOW YOU CAN SUPPORT MILITARY HISTORY VISUALIZED « (A) You can support my channel on Patreon: (B) You can also buy "Spoils of War" (merchandise) in the online shop: » SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS « facebook: twitter: tumblr: » SOURCES « Reuth, Ralf Georg: Erwin Rommel Fraser, David: Rommel – Die Biographie English Version – Fraser, David: Knight's Cross : A Life of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel Lexikon der Wehrmacht: Rommel, Erwin » TOOL CHAIN « PowerPoint 2016, Word, Excel, Tile Mill, QGIS, Processing 3, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere, Adobe Audition, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Animate.
'1.28': Now why is it so complicated '101.66': for Rommel was in charge of the security detachments during the annexing of the Sudeten areas, '106.0': the drive into Prague, '107.46': the annexation of the member territory and the campaign in Poland. '110.86': In this time, Hitler followed at least one suggestion from Rommel to drive to the fortress in Prague, '115.4': which impressed Rommel, '116.76': whereas Hitler was also impressed that Rommel strictly followed orders '119.98': and by doing so, offending various high-ranking Nazi officials. '12.185': had interest in portraying him in a certain way. '123.3': Quite ironically for us, '125.12': Rommel seems to have separated Hitler from the Nazi party, '128.34': or at least most other Nazi officials. '131.24': He was very positive about Hitler from pre-war until mid-war, '134.215': but negative about the Nazi party members. '137.265': 'But, one thing is clear: Rommel''s relationship with Hitler was rather close.' '140.62': Especially after reading some quotes, '142.615': it seems those two had basically a little bromance going on. '146.2': This relationship was probably the main reason '148.44': why Rommel got his frontline command of the 7th Panzer Division for the invasion of France. '15.24': And second, he's a complex character that offers various '153.16': After all, there were just a handful of those Divisions available, '156.44': and the request by Rommel was initially denied by army authorities. '160.08': Not to mention, higher-ranking German army Generals weren't so positive about Rommel. '164.82': As odd as the relationship between Hitler and Rommel might appear to us nowadays, '168.62': it was not so far-fetched. '170.64': Both idealized each other for traits that they highly regarded. '174.22': Both were front-line veterans of World War I. '176.52': Both acted boldly and aggressively. '178.72': Hitler restored Germany to power and gave it back its army, '18.305': answers. And those answers '181.74': whereas Rommel was an ideal frontline commander in Hitler's eyes. '185.52': Highly decorated, wounded in combat, and without a general staff education '19.96': are sometimes quite contradicting. '190.36': (something Hitler wasn't particularly fond of). '193.12': Rommel wasn't the son of a Prussian aristocrat like many of the German officers, '196.94': but of a teacher. '198.56': Similarly, Hitler also did not have an upper class background. '201.98': Today, we would say both were self-made men. '204.7': Whereas a large part of their surroundings were, in their perspective, priveleged '209.22': (to use a contemporary term). '211.2': As you can see, '212.32': you can turn this information different ways '214.68': to portray Rommel in various forms. '216.88': Hitler was well-known for his ability to persuade people, '219.8': being it in diplomatic meetings, with his Generals, or in public speeches. '22.5': As a result, we have various versions of the Desert Fox, '223.905': So, one can argue Rommel was just another one of millions '226.665': that got seduced, tricked or persuaded by Hitler. '229.7': Or, the other extreme would be that '231.3': that one that was so close to Hitler must have seen how evil he was. '235.28': Whereas the various positions in between those extremes are rather hard to grasp, '239.62': and in a way, also unsatisfying, '241.88': due to the (lack for better word), fuzziness. '245.04': And, it doesn't get particularly clearer when we take a look at the death of Rommel. '249.3': He was basically forced to kill himself '25.6': and I use the term "Desert Fox" here intentionally, instead of "Rommel", '251.38': in the months following the failed assassination attempt '253.44': on the 20th of July, 1944. '256.405': Although some argue Rommel was involved, there seems to be very little '259.08': evidence for this claim. '261.14': Rommel stated before and after the attempt that he was against killing Hitler, '264.82': and considering that he once was in charge of his security detachment, '267.8': this is very likely. '269.44': Many generals that didn't have that job stated the same. '272.74': Yet, according to at least one author, '275.06': one former member of the 20th July plot tried after the war to create a national myth '279.32': that Rommel was involved. '280.96': Anyway, during the planning phase, Rommel was considered a key person '284.16': because the conspirators believed that due to his popularity '287.24': more soldiers would join their side, '289.44': and that their plan for a separate peace with the western Allies '29.22': because the Desert Fox is that part that nearly '291.82': would have better chances with Rommel. '294.3': Now, why was Rommel forced to kill himself? '296.34': The short answer is, some officers noted that he was involved, '299.16': and additionally, a civilian member of the resistance '3.38': to make a decent video about Erwin Rommel? '302.34': that showed a major lack of operational security '305.08': had papers that noted Rommel as a new Reichspresident. '308.7': Additionally, Rommel had quite many enemies. '31.8': everyone wants him to be. '310.94': He was disliked by many in the higher echelons for his temperament, '313.98': and also his influence with Hitler. '316.06': Rommel actively suspected he would be sacked for losing the battle in Normandy, '319.78': and had papers prepared. '321.48': Yet, he was taken by surprise when he was confronted with claims '324.485': that he was involved in the 20th July attack on Hitler. '328.06': In order to save the lives of his son and wife, he took the offer of suicide. '33.92': So let's take a brief outlook '332.16': And thus, his family would be spared. '334.425': Furthermore, officially it was declared that he died in an accident. '338.0': Yet shortly after the war, his son announced that he was forced to kill himself. '342.54': Similarly to the previous factor, you can turn this around in many ways. '346.06': Especially considering that shortly after the war, '348.1': the 20th of July conspirators weren't held in high regard, '35.2': on the various aspects we need to consider '351.44': something that changed later on. '353.5': So, depending on the agenda and time frame, '355.7': you will find different arguments '357.1': and different perspectives '358.64': supporting one or another claim. '360.74': But, let's take a short look at the military campaigns and theaters. '364.36': Rommel fought against the British, US and Commonwealth forces in Africa, Italy and Normandy. '369.58': In North Africa, he achieved several victories, '37.34': when we want to take a glimpse at Erwin Rommel, '371.66': especially against the British '373.04': and won against the US troops at the Battle of Kasserine Pass. '376.62': Additionally, Rommel fought against several highly popular allied generals, '380.46': like Patton, Eisenhower and Montgomery. '383.24': Now, why is this of importance? '385.0': Well, for several reasons. '386.48': The British, after the war, wrote quite many Rommel biographies. '39.82': and not just the Desert Fox. '390.0': Since the British leadership and generals made various errors, '392.7': such errors seem less crucial if you're fighting the Desert Fox. '396.44': Additionally, those who defeated the Desert Fox must be great generals themselves. '401.22': North Africa was quite important for the British, '403.6': but probably the most important theater for the western Allies '406.5': was Normandy. '407.84': After all, Rommel was put in charge of reinforcing the Atlantic Wall, '41.64': First off, Rommel was a highly decorated World War I veteran. '411.8': in France, and thus fighting against the D-Day invasion. '414.8': Which is one of the best known battles in military history. '418.98': Another aspect is that Rommel was seen positively by the Allies during the war '422.64': for his overall conduct and good treatment of Prisoners of War. '425.54': This earned him the respect of Allied officers. '428.08': So anyway, there are sometimes '429.66': positive portrayals of Rommel, '431.26': but probably also out of respect, and being an honorable victor. '434.92': Especially since he could not defend himself anymore. '438.28': We should not forget about early post-war literature. '440.82': That these men had been fighting each other for years '443.28': in the largest conflict in human history, '445.86': just two decades after the previously largest war in history. '449.46': It is very likely that some of them, first and foremost '45.28': "He received the Pour le M\xE9rite," '452.46': wanted peace, and payed their respect to a highly regarded opponent. '455.98': Something we can hardly blame them for, '458.68': yet something we should be very aware of '460.66': when we are reading such accounts, '462.42': because we are responsible for getting the facts straight. '465.315': The veterans already did their part by fighting the war. '468.8': 'Which brings us to the next part: the post-war situation.' '47.04': the highest Prussian medal during World War I, as an Infantry Commander. '472.4': Germany rather fast became the new ally '474.76': of the British, French and United States in Europe. '477.52': For this, a rearmament of Germany was also the key. '480.12': It also meant that former Wehrmacht officers '482.98': and soldiers '483.7': were part of the newly formed armed forces of Germany, the Bundeswehr. '487.7': Thus, it was necessary for Germany '489.68': and to a certain degree also NATO '491.32': to have a clean Wehrmacht general to fall back to. '494.46': Since Rommel had served mainly in France and North Africa, '497.8': whereas nearly every other German general '500.24': and especially those who were very well known, '502.34': like Guderian, Manstein and Model, '505.16': served on the Eastern Front. '507.58': Why is this important? '508.6': Well, war crimes and other atrocities were very common on the Eastern Front, '51.04': This medal is quite well known as "Blue Max", '512.12': whereas North Africa and France were, for the most part, '515.02': let's say, "civilized". '516.56': Thus, Rommel was a central figure '518.6': that was accepted by former western Allies, '520.84': and Germany, as an honorable officer '523.02': 'that was respected by friend and foe:' '525.32': one person most people could agree upon. '528.06': And, in such a way, the Desert Fox was probably a political necessity. '53.5': and usually associated with fighter aces '532.74': Additionally, Rommel offered another benefit '535.18': 'most other generals didn''t offer:' '537.22': he was dead. '538.46': He couldn't say anything to cause trouble, unlike some other generals '541.7': He couldn't write a biography, '543.64': nor was he tried at Nuremburg. '545.62': And, as previously mentioned, he died saving his family from the Nazis. '549.16': Thus, he died an honorable death, even by contemporary standards. '55.9': like Manfred von Richthofen, yet not with Infantry Commanders, '552.92': Or, to put it very bluntly, '554.5': Germany and its new allies need a German hero. '556.92': and for politics, '557.96': dead soldiers are usually the best heroes. '561.12': 'Which brings us to the final point:' '563.12': Ongoing, contemporary issues that didn't change over the years. '566.5': Namely, people want to tell a simple, clear '568.84': and usually quite single-minded narrative. '571.5': For them, the guiding principle is simply to paint a black and white picture of a person, '575.66': a group, a time period, '577.24': or basically, the world. '579.44': 'To conclude:' '580.46': there was, and still is the Desert Fox, '582.86': and there was Erwin Rommel. '584.8': In short, the Desert Fox offered nearly everyone major benefits. '588.26': The Germans had their hero that they needed at the time, '59.54': which was a less glorified position. '591.36': The officers that condemned the assassination could argue that Rommel was against it '595.64': and kept his oath, '597.24': those that didn't could also refer to him as one of their own, '6.18': Well, Rommel's very complicated for basically two reasons. '600.24': or at least, as someone who was killed by the Nazis. '604.06': The Allies had an excuse for their early mistakes, '606.18': and additionally could state that they had beaten one of the greatest generals of all time '61.34': ' ' '61.96': "Now, to give you some indication on the relative difficulty in gaining the\ \ Pour le M\xE9rite," '610.06': in several battles. '611.28': Additionally, they needed Germany in the Cold War. '613.9': And some just wanted to pay tribute to a respected opponent. '617.72': And, if you look at Erwin Rommel, '619.44': it gets complicated, confusing and irritating. '622.04': Similar to most Germans, '623.94': Rommel was quite fond of Hitler, '625.64': and also benefited from him, '627.28': something in Germany nobody wanted to be reminded of. '630.36': Quite understandably. '632.12': You know, Hitler for post-war Germany '633.92': was a bit like the ex boy or girlfirend '635.94': you don't want to be reminded of. '638.08': Yet, in this case, the whole world knows him. '640.96': And not in a good way. '642.52': Rommel made his fair share of mistakes in military terms. '645.44': Also, the odds were more and more stacked against him. '648.04': Thus, a sober assessment of Rommel's capabilities '65.94': it was awarded less than 700 times during World War I, '650.82': would diminish both his reputation '653.02': and thus, that of his opponents. '655.18': Additionally, Second World War Europe was first and foremost won on the Eastern Front. '659.52': But, it was won by the Soviet Union, which was the new enemy. '663.68': To a certain degree, Rommel was probably too big to fail in post-war Germany, '668.24': due to his achievements in World War I, '669.96': his achievements in World War II '671.24': and a lot of propaganda. '673.2': And, the general perception was that he was '675.32': one of the few good Germans, for all sides. '678.9': And, I personally think the Desert Fox '681.16': was a necessary step for several decades after the war, '684.78': not a bad one, '686.04': because let's face it, '687.36': nobody was hurt, '688.52': avoided justice, '689.78': nor were there any negative consequences '69.48': whereas the regular Knight's Cross was awarded more than 7000 times during World War II. '692.24': that come to mind. '693.7': Something that can't be said '695.52': about a lot of other issues regarding post war Europe. '698.88': But, I also think there's no need for a Desert Fox anymore. '701.98': I think we can finally lay him to rest, '704.32': and let Erwin Rommel take his place. '706.76': Because I think he's an excellent reminder '708.76': of how complex and difficult life can be. '711.34': And that sometimes, '712.48': there are no easy answers. '716.86': Thank you for watching '718.2': and see you next time. '74.94': Thus, Rommel basically had already celebrity status '77.88': after World War I in German society. '80.14': Additionally, shortly before World War II, he published his book about World War I, '84.52': titled "Infanterie Greift An", or "Infantry Attacks" in English. '87.84': These circumstances also earned him a great amount of respect '9.545': First off, a lot of different groups have or '91.36': from another World War I veteran, '93.48': namely Hitler. '94.78': 'Which brings us to the next part:' '96.58': Rommel's proximity to Hitler. '98.96': Rommel was close to Hitler in many ways,
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "\"The official announcement of Erwin Rommel's death by the Nazi newspaper \"\"Bozner Tagblatt\"\", 16 October 1944\"", "L'annuncio officiale della morte di Erwin Rommel sul quotidiano nazista Bozner Tagblatt, 16 ottobre 1944, p. 1", "Offiziöse Darstellung von Erwin Rommels Tod im nationalsozialistischen Bozner Tagblatt vom 16. Oktober 1944, S. 1" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, null, null ], "context_page_description": [ "Johannes Erwin Eugen Rommel was a German general and military theorist. Popularly known as the Desert Fox, he served as field marshal in the Wehrmacht of Nazi Germany during World War II, as well as serving in the Reichswehr of the Weimar Republic, and the army of Imperial Germany.", "Johannes Erwin Eugen Rommel è stato un generale tedesco, durante la seconda guerra mondiale.", "Johannes Erwin Eugen Rommel, genannt Wüstenfuchs, war ein deutscher Generalfeldmarschall und Militärstratege." ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Erwin Rommel / World War II / Death", "Erwin Rommel / Seconda guerra mondiale / La sorte di Rommel dopo il complotto del 20 luglio 1944", "Erwin Rommel / Suizid und Staatsbegräbnis" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true ], "language": [ "en", "it", "de" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Erwin Rommel", "Erwin Rommel", "Erwin Rommel" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ "Death", "La sorte di Rommel dopo il complotto del 20 luglio 1944", "Suizid und Staatsbegräbnis" ] }
Why is Rommel so complicated? - Erwin Rommel vs. Desert Fox
This video takes a look at why Erwin Rommel often called the "Desert Fox" and probably one of the most famous "Panzer Generals" is so complicated due to the various interest groups and his complex situation in World War 2. »» GET OUR BOOK: Army Regulation Medium Panzer Company 1941 German/English - » HOW YOU CAN SUPPORT MILITARY HISTORY VISUALIZED « (A) You can support my channel on Patreon: (B) You can also buy "Spoils of War" (merchandise) in the online shop: » SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS « facebook: twitter: tumblr: » SOURCES « Reuth, Ralf Georg: Erwin Rommel Fraser, David: Rommel – Die Biographie English Version – Fraser, David: Knight's Cross : A Life of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel Lexikon der Wehrmacht: Rommel, Erwin » TOOL CHAIN « PowerPoint 2016, Word, Excel, Tile Mill, QGIS, Processing 3, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere, Adobe Audition, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Animate.
'1.28': Now why is it so complicated '101.66': for Rommel was in charge of the security detachments during the annexing of the Sudeten areas, '106.0': the drive into Prague, '107.46': the annexation of the member territory and the campaign in Poland. '110.86': In this time, Hitler followed at least one suggestion from Rommel to drive to the fortress in Prague, '115.4': which impressed Rommel, '116.76': whereas Hitler was also impressed that Rommel strictly followed orders '119.98': and by doing so, offending various high-ranking Nazi officials. '12.185': had interest in portraying him in a certain way. '123.3': Quite ironically for us, '125.12': Rommel seems to have separated Hitler from the Nazi party, '128.34': or at least most other Nazi officials. '131.24': He was very positive about Hitler from pre-war until mid-war, '134.215': but negative about the Nazi party members. '137.265': 'But, one thing is clear: Rommel''s relationship with Hitler was rather close.' '140.62': Especially after reading some quotes, '142.615': it seems those two had basically a little bromance going on. '146.2': This relationship was probably the main reason '148.44': why Rommel got his frontline command of the 7th Panzer Division for the invasion of France. '15.24': And second, he's a complex character that offers various '153.16': After all, there were just a handful of those Divisions available, '156.44': and the request by Rommel was initially denied by army authorities. '160.08': Not to mention, higher-ranking German army Generals weren't so positive about Rommel. '164.82': As odd as the relationship between Hitler and Rommel might appear to us nowadays, '168.62': it was not so far-fetched. '170.64': Both idealized each other for traits that they highly regarded. '174.22': Both were front-line veterans of World War I. '176.52': Both acted boldly and aggressively. '178.72': Hitler restored Germany to power and gave it back its army, '18.305': answers. And those answers '181.74': whereas Rommel was an ideal frontline commander in Hitler's eyes. '185.52': Highly decorated, wounded in combat, and without a general staff education '19.96': are sometimes quite contradicting. '190.36': (something Hitler wasn't particularly fond of). '193.12': Rommel wasn't the son of a Prussian aristocrat like many of the German officers, '196.94': but of a teacher. '198.56': Similarly, Hitler also did not have an upper class background. '201.98': Today, we would say both were self-made men. '204.7': Whereas a large part of their surroundings were, in their perspective, priveleged '209.22': (to use a contemporary term). '211.2': As you can see, '212.32': you can turn this information different ways '214.68': to portray Rommel in various forms. '216.88': Hitler was well-known for his ability to persuade people, '219.8': being it in diplomatic meetings, with his Generals, or in public speeches. '22.5': As a result, we have various versions of the Desert Fox, '223.905': So, one can argue Rommel was just another one of millions '226.665': that got seduced, tricked or persuaded by Hitler. '229.7': Or, the other extreme would be that '231.3': that one that was so close to Hitler must have seen how evil he was. '235.28': Whereas the various positions in between those extremes are rather hard to grasp, '239.62': and in a way, also unsatisfying, '241.88': due to the (lack for better word), fuzziness. '245.04': And, it doesn't get particularly clearer when we take a look at the death of Rommel. '249.3': He was basically forced to kill himself '25.6': and I use the term "Desert Fox" here intentionally, instead of "Rommel", '251.38': in the months following the failed assassination attempt '253.44': on the 20th of July, 1944. '256.405': Although some argue Rommel was involved, there seems to be very little '259.08': evidence for this claim. '261.14': Rommel stated before and after the attempt that he was against killing Hitler, '264.82': and considering that he once was in charge of his security detachment, '267.8': this is very likely. '269.44': Many generals that didn't have that job stated the same. '272.74': Yet, according to at least one author, '275.06': one former member of the 20th July plot tried after the war to create a national myth '279.32': that Rommel was involved. '280.96': Anyway, during the planning phase, Rommel was considered a key person '284.16': because the conspirators believed that due to his popularity '287.24': more soldiers would join their side, '289.44': and that their plan for a separate peace with the western Allies '29.22': because the Desert Fox is that part that nearly '291.82': would have better chances with Rommel. '294.3': Now, why was Rommel forced to kill himself? '296.34': The short answer is, some officers noted that he was involved, '299.16': and additionally, a civilian member of the resistance '3.38': to make a decent video about Erwin Rommel? '302.34': that showed a major lack of operational security '305.08': had papers that noted Rommel as a new Reichspresident. '308.7': Additionally, Rommel had quite many enemies. '31.8': everyone wants him to be. '310.94': He was disliked by many in the higher echelons for his temperament, '313.98': and also his influence with Hitler. '316.06': Rommel actively suspected he would be sacked for losing the battle in Normandy, '319.78': and had papers prepared. '321.48': Yet, he was taken by surprise when he was confronted with claims '324.485': that he was involved in the 20th July attack on Hitler. '328.06': In order to save the lives of his son and wife, he took the offer of suicide. '33.92': So let's take a brief outlook '332.16': And thus, his family would be spared. '334.425': Furthermore, officially it was declared that he died in an accident. '338.0': Yet shortly after the war, his son announced that he was forced to kill himself. '342.54': Similarly to the previous factor, you can turn this around in many ways. '346.06': Especially considering that shortly after the war, '348.1': the 20th of July conspirators weren't held in high regard, '35.2': on the various aspects we need to consider '351.44': something that changed later on. '353.5': So, depending on the agenda and time frame, '355.7': you will find different arguments '357.1': and different perspectives '358.64': supporting one or another claim. '360.74': But, let's take a short look at the military campaigns and theaters. '364.36': Rommel fought against the British, US and Commonwealth forces in Africa, Italy and Normandy. '369.58': In North Africa, he achieved several victories, '37.34': when we want to take a glimpse at Erwin Rommel, '371.66': especially against the British '373.04': and won against the US troops at the Battle of Kasserine Pass. '376.62': Additionally, Rommel fought against several highly popular allied generals, '380.46': like Patton, Eisenhower and Montgomery. '383.24': Now, why is this of importance? '385.0': Well, for several reasons. '386.48': The British, after the war, wrote quite many Rommel biographies. '39.82': and not just the Desert Fox. '390.0': Since the British leadership and generals made various errors, '392.7': such errors seem less crucial if you're fighting the Desert Fox. '396.44': Additionally, those who defeated the Desert Fox must be great generals themselves. '401.22': North Africa was quite important for the British, '403.6': but probably the most important theater for the western Allies '406.5': was Normandy. '407.84': After all, Rommel was put in charge of reinforcing the Atlantic Wall, '41.64': First off, Rommel was a highly decorated World War I veteran. '411.8': in France, and thus fighting against the D-Day invasion. '414.8': Which is one of the best known battles in military history. '418.98': Another aspect is that Rommel was seen positively by the Allies during the war '422.64': for his overall conduct and good treatment of Prisoners of War. '425.54': This earned him the respect of Allied officers. '428.08': So anyway, there are sometimes '429.66': positive portrayals of Rommel, '431.26': but probably also out of respect, and being an honorable victor. '434.92': Especially since he could not defend himself anymore. '438.28': We should not forget about early post-war literature. '440.82': That these men had been fighting each other for years '443.28': in the largest conflict in human history, '445.86': just two decades after the previously largest war in history. '449.46': It is very likely that some of them, first and foremost '45.28': "He received the Pour le M\xE9rite," '452.46': wanted peace, and payed their respect to a highly regarded opponent. '455.98': Something we can hardly blame them for, '458.68': yet something we should be very aware of '460.66': when we are reading such accounts, '462.42': because we are responsible for getting the facts straight. '465.315': The veterans already did their part by fighting the war. '468.8': 'Which brings us to the next part: the post-war situation.' '47.04': the highest Prussian medal during World War I, as an Infantry Commander. '472.4': Germany rather fast became the new ally '474.76': of the British, French and United States in Europe. '477.52': For this, a rearmament of Germany was also the key. '480.12': It also meant that former Wehrmacht officers '482.98': and soldiers '483.7': were part of the newly formed armed forces of Germany, the Bundeswehr. '487.7': Thus, it was necessary for Germany '489.68': and to a certain degree also NATO '491.32': to have a clean Wehrmacht general to fall back to. '494.46': Since Rommel had served mainly in France and North Africa, '497.8': whereas nearly every other German general '500.24': and especially those who were very well known, '502.34': like Guderian, Manstein and Model, '505.16': served on the Eastern Front. '507.58': Why is this important? '508.6': Well, war crimes and other atrocities were very common on the Eastern Front, '51.04': This medal is quite well known as "Blue Max", '512.12': whereas North Africa and France were, for the most part, '515.02': let's say, "civilized". '516.56': Thus, Rommel was a central figure '518.6': that was accepted by former western Allies, '520.84': and Germany, as an honorable officer '523.02': 'that was respected by friend and foe:' '525.32': one person most people could agree upon. '528.06': And, in such a way, the Desert Fox was probably a political necessity. '53.5': and usually associated with fighter aces '532.74': Additionally, Rommel offered another benefit '535.18': 'most other generals didn''t offer:' '537.22': he was dead. '538.46': He couldn't say anything to cause trouble, unlike some other generals '541.7': He couldn't write a biography, '543.64': nor was he tried at Nuremburg. '545.62': And, as previously mentioned, he died saving his family from the Nazis. '549.16': Thus, he died an honorable death, even by contemporary standards. '55.9': like Manfred von Richthofen, yet not with Infantry Commanders, '552.92': Or, to put it very bluntly, '554.5': Germany and its new allies need a German hero. '556.92': and for politics, '557.96': dead soldiers are usually the best heroes. '561.12': 'Which brings us to the final point:' '563.12': Ongoing, contemporary issues that didn't change over the years. '566.5': Namely, people want to tell a simple, clear '568.84': and usually quite single-minded narrative. '571.5': For them, the guiding principle is simply to paint a black and white picture of a person, '575.66': a group, a time period, '577.24': or basically, the world. '579.44': 'To conclude:' '580.46': there was, and still is the Desert Fox, '582.86': and there was Erwin Rommel. '584.8': In short, the Desert Fox offered nearly everyone major benefits. '588.26': The Germans had their hero that they needed at the time, '59.54': which was a less glorified position. '591.36': The officers that condemned the assassination could argue that Rommel was against it '595.64': and kept his oath, '597.24': those that didn't could also refer to him as one of their own, '6.18': Well, Rommel's very complicated for basically two reasons. '600.24': or at least, as someone who was killed by the Nazis. '604.06': The Allies had an excuse for their early mistakes, '606.18': and additionally could state that they had beaten one of the greatest generals of all time '61.34': ' ' '61.96': "Now, to give you some indication on the relative difficulty in gaining the\ \ Pour le M\xE9rite," '610.06': in several battles. '611.28': Additionally, they needed Germany in the Cold War. '613.9': And some just wanted to pay tribute to a respected opponent. '617.72': And, if you look at Erwin Rommel, '619.44': it gets complicated, confusing and irritating. '622.04': Similar to most Germans, '623.94': Rommel was quite fond of Hitler, '625.64': and also benefited from him, '627.28': something in Germany nobody wanted to be reminded of. '630.36': Quite understandably. '632.12': You know, Hitler for post-war Germany '633.92': was a bit like the ex boy or girlfirend '635.94': you don't want to be reminded of. '638.08': Yet, in this case, the whole world knows him. '640.96': And not in a good way. '642.52': Rommel made his fair share of mistakes in military terms. '645.44': Also, the odds were more and more stacked against him. '648.04': Thus, a sober assessment of Rommel's capabilities '65.94': it was awarded less than 700 times during World War I, '650.82': would diminish both his reputation '653.02': and thus, that of his opponents. '655.18': Additionally, Second World War Europe was first and foremost won on the Eastern Front. '659.52': But, it was won by the Soviet Union, which was the new enemy. '663.68': To a certain degree, Rommel was probably too big to fail in post-war Germany, '668.24': due to his achievements in World War I, '669.96': his achievements in World War II '671.24': and a lot of propaganda. '673.2': And, the general perception was that he was '675.32': one of the few good Germans, for all sides. '678.9': And, I personally think the Desert Fox '681.16': was a necessary step for several decades after the war, '684.78': not a bad one, '686.04': because let's face it, '687.36': nobody was hurt, '688.52': avoided justice, '689.78': nor were there any negative consequences '69.48': whereas the regular Knight's Cross was awarded more than 7000 times during World War II. '692.24': that come to mind. '693.7': Something that can't be said '695.52': about a lot of other issues regarding post war Europe. '698.88': But, I also think there's no need for a Desert Fox anymore. '701.98': I think we can finally lay him to rest, '704.32': and let Erwin Rommel take his place. '706.76': Because I think he's an excellent reminder '708.76': of how complex and difficult life can be. '711.34': And that sometimes, '712.48': there are no easy answers. '716.86': Thank you for watching '718.2': and see you next time. '74.94': Thus, Rommel basically had already celebrity status '77.88': after World War I in German society. '80.14': Additionally, shortly before World War II, he published his book about World War I, '84.52': titled "Infanterie Greift An", or "Infantry Attacks" in English. '87.84': These circumstances also earned him a great amount of respect '9.545': First off, a lot of different groups have or '91.36': from another World War I veteran, '93.48': namely Hitler. '94.78': 'Which brings us to the next part:' '96.58': Rommel's proximity to Hitler. '98.96': Rommel was close to Hitler in many ways,
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "\"The official announcement of Erwin Rommel's death by the Nazi newspaper \"\"Bozner Tagblatt\"\", 16 October 1944\"", "L'annuncio officiale della morte di Erwin Rommel sul quotidiano nazista Bozner Tagblatt, 16 ottobre 1944, p. 1", "Offiziöse Darstellung von Erwin Rommels Tod im nationalsozialistischen Bozner Tagblatt vom 16. Oktober 1944, S. 1" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, null, null ], "context_page_description": [ "Johannes Erwin Eugen Rommel was a German general and military theorist. Popularly known as the Desert Fox, he served as field marshal in the Wehrmacht of Nazi Germany during World War II, as well as serving in the Reichswehr of the Weimar Republic, and the army of Imperial Germany.", "Johannes Erwin Eugen Rommel è stato un generale tedesco, durante la seconda guerra mondiale.", "Johannes Erwin Eugen Rommel, genannt Wüstenfuchs, war ein deutscher Generalfeldmarschall und Militärstratege." ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Erwin Rommel / World War II / Death", "Erwin Rommel / Seconda guerra mondiale / La sorte di Rommel dopo il complotto del 20 luglio 1944", "Erwin Rommel / Suizid und Staatsbegräbnis" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true ], "language": [ "en", "it", "de" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Erwin Rommel", "Erwin Rommel", "Erwin Rommel" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ "Death", "La sorte di Rommel dopo il complotto del 20 luglio 1944", "Suizid und Staatsbegräbnis" ] }
Why is Rommel so complicated? - Erwin Rommel vs. Desert Fox
This video takes a look at why Erwin Rommel often called the "Desert Fox" and probably one of the most famous "Panzer Generals" is so complicated due to the various interest groups and his complex situation in World War 2. »» GET OUR BOOK: Army Regulation Medium Panzer Company 1941 German/English - » HOW YOU CAN SUPPORT MILITARY HISTORY VISUALIZED « (A) You can support my channel on Patreon: (B) You can also buy "Spoils of War" (merchandise) in the online shop: » SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS « facebook: twitter: tumblr: » SOURCES « Reuth, Ralf Georg: Erwin Rommel Fraser, David: Rommel – Die Biographie English Version – Fraser, David: Knight's Cross : A Life of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel Lexikon der Wehrmacht: Rommel, Erwin » TOOL CHAIN « PowerPoint 2016, Word, Excel, Tile Mill, QGIS, Processing 3, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere, Adobe Audition, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Animate.
'1.28': Now why is it so complicated '101.66': for Rommel was in charge of the security detachments during the annexing of the Sudeten areas, '106.0': the drive into Prague, '107.46': the annexation of the member territory and the campaign in Poland. '110.86': In this time, Hitler followed at least one suggestion from Rommel to drive to the fortress in Prague, '115.4': which impressed Rommel, '116.76': whereas Hitler was also impressed that Rommel strictly followed orders '119.98': and by doing so, offending various high-ranking Nazi officials. '12.185': had interest in portraying him in a certain way. '123.3': Quite ironically for us, '125.12': Rommel seems to have separated Hitler from the Nazi party, '128.34': or at least most other Nazi officials. '131.24': He was very positive about Hitler from pre-war until mid-war, '134.215': but negative about the Nazi party members. '137.265': 'But, one thing is clear: Rommel''s relationship with Hitler was rather close.' '140.62': Especially after reading some quotes, '142.615': it seems those two had basically a little bromance going on. '146.2': This relationship was probably the main reason '148.44': why Rommel got his frontline command of the 7th Panzer Division for the invasion of France. '15.24': And second, he's a complex character that offers various '153.16': After all, there were just a handful of those Divisions available, '156.44': and the request by Rommel was initially denied by army authorities. '160.08': Not to mention, higher-ranking German army Generals weren't so positive about Rommel. '164.82': As odd as the relationship between Hitler and Rommel might appear to us nowadays, '168.62': it was not so far-fetched. '170.64': Both idealized each other for traits that they highly regarded. '174.22': Both were front-line veterans of World War I. '176.52': Both acted boldly and aggressively. '178.72': Hitler restored Germany to power and gave it back its army, '18.305': answers. And those answers '181.74': whereas Rommel was an ideal frontline commander in Hitler's eyes. '185.52': Highly decorated, wounded in combat, and without a general staff education '19.96': are sometimes quite contradicting. '190.36': (something Hitler wasn't particularly fond of). '193.12': Rommel wasn't the son of a Prussian aristocrat like many of the German officers, '196.94': but of a teacher. '198.56': Similarly, Hitler also did not have an upper class background. '201.98': Today, we would say both were self-made men. '204.7': Whereas a large part of their surroundings were, in their perspective, priveleged '209.22': (to use a contemporary term). '211.2': As you can see, '212.32': you can turn this information different ways '214.68': to portray Rommel in various forms. '216.88': Hitler was well-known for his ability to persuade people, '219.8': being it in diplomatic meetings, with his Generals, or in public speeches. '22.5': As a result, we have various versions of the Desert Fox, '223.905': So, one can argue Rommel was just another one of millions '226.665': that got seduced, tricked or persuaded by Hitler. '229.7': Or, the other extreme would be that '231.3': that one that was so close to Hitler must have seen how evil he was. '235.28': Whereas the various positions in between those extremes are rather hard to grasp, '239.62': and in a way, also unsatisfying, '241.88': due to the (lack for better word), fuzziness. '245.04': And, it doesn't get particularly clearer when we take a look at the death of Rommel. '249.3': He was basically forced to kill himself '25.6': and I use the term "Desert Fox" here intentionally, instead of "Rommel", '251.38': in the months following the failed assassination attempt '253.44': on the 20th of July, 1944. '256.405': Although some argue Rommel was involved, there seems to be very little '259.08': evidence for this claim. '261.14': Rommel stated before and after the attempt that he was against killing Hitler, '264.82': and considering that he once was in charge of his security detachment, '267.8': this is very likely. '269.44': Many generals that didn't have that job stated the same. '272.74': Yet, according to at least one author, '275.06': one former member of the 20th July plot tried after the war to create a national myth '279.32': that Rommel was involved. '280.96': Anyway, during the planning phase, Rommel was considered a key person '284.16': because the conspirators believed that due to his popularity '287.24': more soldiers would join their side, '289.44': and that their plan for a separate peace with the western Allies '29.22': because the Desert Fox is that part that nearly '291.82': would have better chances with Rommel. '294.3': Now, why was Rommel forced to kill himself? '296.34': The short answer is, some officers noted that he was involved, '299.16': and additionally, a civilian member of the resistance '3.38': to make a decent video about Erwin Rommel? '302.34': that showed a major lack of operational security '305.08': had papers that noted Rommel as a new Reichspresident. '308.7': Additionally, Rommel had quite many enemies. '31.8': everyone wants him to be. '310.94': He was disliked by many in the higher echelons for his temperament, '313.98': and also his influence with Hitler. '316.06': Rommel actively suspected he would be sacked for losing the battle in Normandy, '319.78': and had papers prepared. '321.48': Yet, he was taken by surprise when he was confronted with claims '324.485': that he was involved in the 20th July attack on Hitler. '328.06': In order to save the lives of his son and wife, he took the offer of suicide. '33.92': So let's take a brief outlook '332.16': And thus, his family would be spared. '334.425': Furthermore, officially it was declared that he died in an accident. '338.0': Yet shortly after the war, his son announced that he was forced to kill himself. '342.54': Similarly to the previous factor, you can turn this around in many ways. '346.06': Especially considering that shortly after the war, '348.1': the 20th of July conspirators weren't held in high regard, '35.2': on the various aspects we need to consider '351.44': something that changed later on. '353.5': So, depending on the agenda and time frame, '355.7': you will find different arguments '357.1': and different perspectives '358.64': supporting one or another claim. '360.74': But, let's take a short look at the military campaigns and theaters. '364.36': Rommel fought against the British, US and Commonwealth forces in Africa, Italy and Normandy. '369.58': In North Africa, he achieved several victories, '37.34': when we want to take a glimpse at Erwin Rommel, '371.66': especially against the British '373.04': and won against the US troops at the Battle of Kasserine Pass. '376.62': Additionally, Rommel fought against several highly popular allied generals, '380.46': like Patton, Eisenhower and Montgomery. '383.24': Now, why is this of importance? '385.0': Well, for several reasons. '386.48': The British, after the war, wrote quite many Rommel biographies. '39.82': and not just the Desert Fox. '390.0': Since the British leadership and generals made various errors, '392.7': such errors seem less crucial if you're fighting the Desert Fox. '396.44': Additionally, those who defeated the Desert Fox must be great generals themselves. '401.22': North Africa was quite important for the British, '403.6': but probably the most important theater for the western Allies '406.5': was Normandy. '407.84': After all, Rommel was put in charge of reinforcing the Atlantic Wall, '41.64': First off, Rommel was a highly decorated World War I veteran. '411.8': in France, and thus fighting against the D-Day invasion. '414.8': Which is one of the best known battles in military history. '418.98': Another aspect is that Rommel was seen positively by the Allies during the war '422.64': for his overall conduct and good treatment of Prisoners of War. '425.54': This earned him the respect of Allied officers. '428.08': So anyway, there are sometimes '429.66': positive portrayals of Rommel, '431.26': but probably also out of respect, and being an honorable victor. '434.92': Especially since he could not defend himself anymore. '438.28': We should not forget about early post-war literature. '440.82': That these men had been fighting each other for years '443.28': in the largest conflict in human history, '445.86': just two decades after the previously largest war in history. '449.46': It is very likely that some of them, first and foremost '45.28': "He received the Pour le M\xE9rite," '452.46': wanted peace, and payed their respect to a highly regarded opponent. '455.98': Something we can hardly blame them for, '458.68': yet something we should be very aware of '460.66': when we are reading such accounts, '462.42': because we are responsible for getting the facts straight. '465.315': The veterans already did their part by fighting the war. '468.8': 'Which brings us to the next part: the post-war situation.' '47.04': the highest Prussian medal during World War I, as an Infantry Commander. '472.4': Germany rather fast became the new ally '474.76': of the British, French and United States in Europe. '477.52': For this, a rearmament of Germany was also the key. '480.12': It also meant that former Wehrmacht officers '482.98': and soldiers '483.7': were part of the newly formed armed forces of Germany, the Bundeswehr. '487.7': Thus, it was necessary for Germany '489.68': and to a certain degree also NATO '491.32': to have a clean Wehrmacht general to fall back to. '494.46': Since Rommel had served mainly in France and North Africa, '497.8': whereas nearly every other German general '500.24': and especially those who were very well known, '502.34': like Guderian, Manstein and Model, '505.16': served on the Eastern Front. '507.58': Why is this important? '508.6': Well, war crimes and other atrocities were very common on the Eastern Front, '51.04': This medal is quite well known as "Blue Max", '512.12': whereas North Africa and France were, for the most part, '515.02': let's say, "civilized". '516.56': Thus, Rommel was a central figure '518.6': that was accepted by former western Allies, '520.84': and Germany, as an honorable officer '523.02': 'that was respected by friend and foe:' '525.32': one person most people could agree upon. '528.06': And, in such a way, the Desert Fox was probably a political necessity. '53.5': and usually associated with fighter aces '532.74': Additionally, Rommel offered another benefit '535.18': 'most other generals didn''t offer:' '537.22': he was dead. '538.46': He couldn't say anything to cause trouble, unlike some other generals '541.7': He couldn't write a biography, '543.64': nor was he tried at Nuremburg. '545.62': And, as previously mentioned, he died saving his family from the Nazis. '549.16': Thus, he died an honorable death, even by contemporary standards. '55.9': like Manfred von Richthofen, yet not with Infantry Commanders, '552.92': Or, to put it very bluntly, '554.5': Germany and its new allies need a German hero. '556.92': and for politics, '557.96': dead soldiers are usually the best heroes. '561.12': 'Which brings us to the final point:' '563.12': Ongoing, contemporary issues that didn't change over the years. '566.5': Namely, people want to tell a simple, clear '568.84': and usually quite single-minded narrative. '571.5': For them, the guiding principle is simply to paint a black and white picture of a person, '575.66': a group, a time period, '577.24': or basically, the world. '579.44': 'To conclude:' '580.46': there was, and still is the Desert Fox, '582.86': and there was Erwin Rommel. '584.8': In short, the Desert Fox offered nearly everyone major benefits. '588.26': The Germans had their hero that they needed at the time, '59.54': which was a less glorified position. '591.36': The officers that condemned the assassination could argue that Rommel was against it '595.64': and kept his oath, '597.24': those that didn't could also refer to him as one of their own, '6.18': Well, Rommel's very complicated for basically two reasons. '600.24': or at least, as someone who was killed by the Nazis. '604.06': The Allies had an excuse for their early mistakes, '606.18': and additionally could state that they had beaten one of the greatest generals of all time '61.34': ' ' '61.96': "Now, to give you some indication on the relative difficulty in gaining the\ \ Pour le M\xE9rite," '610.06': in several battles. '611.28': Additionally, they needed Germany in the Cold War. '613.9': And some just wanted to pay tribute to a respected opponent. '617.72': And, if you look at Erwin Rommel, '619.44': it gets complicated, confusing and irritating. '622.04': Similar to most Germans, '623.94': Rommel was quite fond of Hitler, '625.64': and also benefited from him, '627.28': something in Germany nobody wanted to be reminded of. '630.36': Quite understandably. '632.12': You know, Hitler for post-war Germany '633.92': was a bit like the ex boy or girlfirend '635.94': you don't want to be reminded of. '638.08': Yet, in this case, the whole world knows him. '640.96': And not in a good way. '642.52': Rommel made his fair share of mistakes in military terms. '645.44': Also, the odds were more and more stacked against him. '648.04': Thus, a sober assessment of Rommel's capabilities '65.94': it was awarded less than 700 times during World War I, '650.82': would diminish both his reputation '653.02': and thus, that of his opponents. '655.18': Additionally, Second World War Europe was first and foremost won on the Eastern Front. '659.52': But, it was won by the Soviet Union, which was the new enemy. '663.68': To a certain degree, Rommel was probably too big to fail in post-war Germany, '668.24': due to his achievements in World War I, '669.96': his achievements in World War II '671.24': and a lot of propaganda. '673.2': And, the general perception was that he was '675.32': one of the few good Germans, for all sides. '678.9': And, I personally think the Desert Fox '681.16': was a necessary step for several decades after the war, '684.78': not a bad one, '686.04': because let's face it, '687.36': nobody was hurt, '688.52': avoided justice, '689.78': nor were there any negative consequences '69.48': whereas the regular Knight's Cross was awarded more than 7000 times during World War II. '692.24': that come to mind. '693.7': Something that can't be said '695.52': about a lot of other issues regarding post war Europe. '698.88': But, I also think there's no need for a Desert Fox anymore. '701.98': I think we can finally lay him to rest, '704.32': and let Erwin Rommel take his place. '706.76': Because I think he's an excellent reminder '708.76': of how complex and difficult life can be. '711.34': And that sometimes, '712.48': there are no easy answers. '716.86': Thank you for watching '718.2': and see you next time. '74.94': Thus, Rommel basically had already celebrity status '77.88': after World War I in German society. '80.14': Additionally, shortly before World War II, he published his book about World War I, '84.52': titled "Infanterie Greift An", or "Infantry Attacks" in English. '87.84': These circumstances also earned him a great amount of respect '9.545': First off, a lot of different groups have or '91.36': from another World War I veteran, '93.48': namely Hitler. '94.78': 'Which brings us to the next part:' '96.58': Rommel's proximity to Hitler. '98.96': Rommel was close to Hitler in many ways,
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "\"The official announcement of Erwin Rommel's death by the Nazi newspaper \"\"Bozner Tagblatt\"\", 16 October 1944\"", "L'annuncio officiale della morte di Erwin Rommel sul quotidiano nazista Bozner Tagblatt, 16 ottobre 1944, p. 1", "Offiziöse Darstellung von Erwin Rommels Tod im nationalsozialistischen Bozner Tagblatt vom 16. Oktober 1944, S. 1" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, null, null ], "context_page_description": [ "Johannes Erwin Eugen Rommel was a German general and military theorist. Popularly known as the Desert Fox, he served as field marshal in the Wehrmacht of Nazi Germany during World War II, as well as serving in the Reichswehr of the Weimar Republic, and the army of Imperial Germany.", "Johannes Erwin Eugen Rommel è stato un generale tedesco, durante la seconda guerra mondiale.", "Johannes Erwin Eugen Rommel, genannt Wüstenfuchs, war ein deutscher Generalfeldmarschall und Militärstratege." ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Erwin Rommel / World War II / Death", "Erwin Rommel / Seconda guerra mondiale / La sorte di Rommel dopo il complotto del 20 luglio 1944", "Erwin Rommel / Suizid und Staatsbegräbnis" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true ], "language": [ "en", "it", "de" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Erwin Rommel", "Erwin Rommel", "Erwin Rommel" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ "Death", "La sorte di Rommel dopo il complotto del 20 luglio 1944", "Suizid und Staatsbegräbnis" ] }
Why is Rommel so complicated? - Erwin Rommel vs. Desert Fox
This video takes a look at why Erwin Rommel often called the "Desert Fox" and probably one of the most famous "Panzer Generals" is so complicated due to the various interest groups and his complex situation in World War 2. »» GET OUR BOOK: Army Regulation Medium Panzer Company 1941 German/English - » HOW YOU CAN SUPPORT MILITARY HISTORY VISUALIZED « (A) You can support my channel on Patreon: (B) You can also buy "Spoils of War" (merchandise) in the online shop: » SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS « facebook: twitter: tumblr: » SOURCES « Reuth, Ralf Georg: Erwin Rommel Fraser, David: Rommel – Die Biographie English Version – Fraser, David: Knight's Cross : A Life of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel Lexikon der Wehrmacht: Rommel, Erwin » TOOL CHAIN « PowerPoint 2016, Word, Excel, Tile Mill, QGIS, Processing 3, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere, Adobe Audition, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Animate.
'1.28': Now why is it so complicated '101.66': for Rommel was in charge of the security detachments during the annexing of the Sudeten areas, '106.0': the drive into Prague, '107.46': the annexation of the member territory and the campaign in Poland. '110.86': In this time, Hitler followed at least one suggestion from Rommel to drive to the fortress in Prague, '115.4': which impressed Rommel, '116.76': whereas Hitler was also impressed that Rommel strictly followed orders '119.98': and by doing so, offending various high-ranking Nazi officials. '12.185': had interest in portraying him in a certain way. '123.3': Quite ironically for us, '125.12': Rommel seems to have separated Hitler from the Nazi party, '128.34': or at least most other Nazi officials. '131.24': He was very positive about Hitler from pre-war until mid-war, '134.215': but negative about the Nazi party members. '137.265': 'But, one thing is clear: Rommel''s relationship with Hitler was rather close.' '140.62': Especially after reading some quotes, '142.615': it seems those two had basically a little bromance going on. '146.2': This relationship was probably the main reason '148.44': why Rommel got his frontline command of the 7th Panzer Division for the invasion of France. '15.24': And second, he's a complex character that offers various '153.16': After all, there were just a handful of those Divisions available, '156.44': and the request by Rommel was initially denied by army authorities. '160.08': Not to mention, higher-ranking German army Generals weren't so positive about Rommel. '164.82': As odd as the relationship between Hitler and Rommel might appear to us nowadays, '168.62': it was not so far-fetched. '170.64': Both idealized each other for traits that they highly regarded. '174.22': Both were front-line veterans of World War I. '176.52': Both acted boldly and aggressively. '178.72': Hitler restored Germany to power and gave it back its army, '18.305': answers. And those answers '181.74': whereas Rommel was an ideal frontline commander in Hitler's eyes. '185.52': Highly decorated, wounded in combat, and without a general staff education '19.96': are sometimes quite contradicting. '190.36': (something Hitler wasn't particularly fond of). '193.12': Rommel wasn't the son of a Prussian aristocrat like many of the German officers, '196.94': but of a teacher. '198.56': Similarly, Hitler also did not have an upper class background. '201.98': Today, we would say both were self-made men. '204.7': Whereas a large part of their surroundings were, in their perspective, priveleged '209.22': (to use a contemporary term). '211.2': As you can see, '212.32': you can turn this information different ways '214.68': to portray Rommel in various forms. '216.88': Hitler was well-known for his ability to persuade people, '219.8': being it in diplomatic meetings, with his Generals, or in public speeches. '22.5': As a result, we have various versions of the Desert Fox, '223.905': So, one can argue Rommel was just another one of millions '226.665': that got seduced, tricked or persuaded by Hitler. '229.7': Or, the other extreme would be that '231.3': that one that was so close to Hitler must have seen how evil he was. '235.28': Whereas the various positions in between those extremes are rather hard to grasp, '239.62': and in a way, also unsatisfying, '241.88': due to the (lack for better word), fuzziness. '245.04': And, it doesn't get particularly clearer when we take a look at the death of Rommel. '249.3': He was basically forced to kill himself '25.6': and I use the term "Desert Fox" here intentionally, instead of "Rommel", '251.38': in the months following the failed assassination attempt '253.44': on the 20th of July, 1944. '256.405': Although some argue Rommel was involved, there seems to be very little '259.08': evidence for this claim. '261.14': Rommel stated before and after the attempt that he was against killing Hitler, '264.82': and considering that he once was in charge of his security detachment, '267.8': this is very likely. '269.44': Many generals that didn't have that job stated the same. '272.74': Yet, according to at least one author, '275.06': one former member of the 20th July plot tried after the war to create a national myth '279.32': that Rommel was involved. '280.96': Anyway, during the planning phase, Rommel was considered a key person '284.16': because the conspirators believed that due to his popularity '287.24': more soldiers would join their side, '289.44': and that their plan for a separate peace with the western Allies '29.22': because the Desert Fox is that part that nearly '291.82': would have better chances with Rommel. '294.3': Now, why was Rommel forced to kill himself? '296.34': The short answer is, some officers noted that he was involved, '299.16': and additionally, a civilian member of the resistance '3.38': to make a decent video about Erwin Rommel? '302.34': that showed a major lack of operational security '305.08': had papers that noted Rommel as a new Reichspresident. '308.7': Additionally, Rommel had quite many enemies. '31.8': everyone wants him to be. '310.94': He was disliked by many in the higher echelons for his temperament, '313.98': and also his influence with Hitler. '316.06': Rommel actively suspected he would be sacked for losing the battle in Normandy, '319.78': and had papers prepared. '321.48': Yet, he was taken by surprise when he was confronted with claims '324.485': that he was involved in the 20th July attack on Hitler. '328.06': In order to save the lives of his son and wife, he took the offer of suicide. '33.92': So let's take a brief outlook '332.16': And thus, his family would be spared. '334.425': Furthermore, officially it was declared that he died in an accident. '338.0': Yet shortly after the war, his son announced that he was forced to kill himself. '342.54': Similarly to the previous factor, you can turn this around in many ways. '346.06': Especially considering that shortly after the war, '348.1': the 20th of July conspirators weren't held in high regard, '35.2': on the various aspects we need to consider '351.44': something that changed later on. '353.5': So, depending on the agenda and time frame, '355.7': you will find different arguments '357.1': and different perspectives '358.64': supporting one or another claim. '360.74': But, let's take a short look at the military campaigns and theaters. '364.36': Rommel fought against the British, US and Commonwealth forces in Africa, Italy and Normandy. '369.58': In North Africa, he achieved several victories, '37.34': when we want to take a glimpse at Erwin Rommel, '371.66': especially against the British '373.04': and won against the US troops at the Battle of Kasserine Pass. '376.62': Additionally, Rommel fought against several highly popular allied generals, '380.46': like Patton, Eisenhower and Montgomery. '383.24': Now, why is this of importance? '385.0': Well, for several reasons. '386.48': The British, after the war, wrote quite many Rommel biographies. '39.82': and not just the Desert Fox. '390.0': Since the British leadership and generals made various errors, '392.7': such errors seem less crucial if you're fighting the Desert Fox. '396.44': Additionally, those who defeated the Desert Fox must be great generals themselves. '401.22': North Africa was quite important for the British, '403.6': but probably the most important theater for the western Allies '406.5': was Normandy. '407.84': After all, Rommel was put in charge of reinforcing the Atlantic Wall, '41.64': First off, Rommel was a highly decorated World War I veteran. '411.8': in France, and thus fighting against the D-Day invasion. '414.8': Which is one of the best known battles in military history. '418.98': Another aspect is that Rommel was seen positively by the Allies during the war '422.64': for his overall conduct and good treatment of Prisoners of War. '425.54': This earned him the respect of Allied officers. '428.08': So anyway, there are sometimes '429.66': positive portrayals of Rommel, '431.26': but probably also out of respect, and being an honorable victor. '434.92': Especially since he could not defend himself anymore. '438.28': We should not forget about early post-war literature. '440.82': That these men had been fighting each other for years '443.28': in the largest conflict in human history, '445.86': just two decades after the previously largest war in history. '449.46': It is very likely that some of them, first and foremost '45.28': "He received the Pour le M\xE9rite," '452.46': wanted peace, and payed their respect to a highly regarded opponent. '455.98': Something we can hardly blame them for, '458.68': yet something we should be very aware of '460.66': when we are reading such accounts, '462.42': because we are responsible for getting the facts straight. '465.315': The veterans already did their part by fighting the war. '468.8': 'Which brings us to the next part: the post-war situation.' '47.04': the highest Prussian medal during World War I, as an Infantry Commander. '472.4': Germany rather fast became the new ally '474.76': of the British, French and United States in Europe. '477.52': For this, a rearmament of Germany was also the key. '480.12': It also meant that former Wehrmacht officers '482.98': and soldiers '483.7': were part of the newly formed armed forces of Germany, the Bundeswehr. '487.7': Thus, it was necessary for Germany '489.68': and to a certain degree also NATO '491.32': to have a clean Wehrmacht general to fall back to. '494.46': Since Rommel had served mainly in France and North Africa, '497.8': whereas nearly every other German general '500.24': and especially those who were very well known, '502.34': like Guderian, Manstein and Model, '505.16': served on the Eastern Front. '507.58': Why is this important? '508.6': Well, war crimes and other atrocities were very common on the Eastern Front, '51.04': This medal is quite well known as "Blue Max", '512.12': whereas North Africa and France were, for the most part, '515.02': let's say, "civilized". '516.56': Thus, Rommel was a central figure '518.6': that was accepted by former western Allies, '520.84': and Germany, as an honorable officer '523.02': 'that was respected by friend and foe:' '525.32': one person most people could agree upon. '528.06': And, in such a way, the Desert Fox was probably a political necessity. '53.5': and usually associated with fighter aces '532.74': Additionally, Rommel offered another benefit '535.18': 'most other generals didn''t offer:' '537.22': he was dead. '538.46': He couldn't say anything to cause trouble, unlike some other generals '541.7': He couldn't write a biography, '543.64': nor was he tried at Nuremburg. '545.62': And, as previously mentioned, he died saving his family from the Nazis. '549.16': Thus, he died an honorable death, even by contemporary standards. '55.9': like Manfred von Richthofen, yet not with Infantry Commanders, '552.92': Or, to put it very bluntly, '554.5': Germany and its new allies need a German hero. '556.92': and for politics, '557.96': dead soldiers are usually the best heroes. '561.12': 'Which brings us to the final point:' '563.12': Ongoing, contemporary issues that didn't change over the years. '566.5': Namely, people want to tell a simple, clear '568.84': and usually quite single-minded narrative. '571.5': For them, the guiding principle is simply to paint a black and white picture of a person, '575.66': a group, a time period, '577.24': or basically, the world. '579.44': 'To conclude:' '580.46': there was, and still is the Desert Fox, '582.86': and there was Erwin Rommel. '584.8': In short, the Desert Fox offered nearly everyone major benefits. '588.26': The Germans had their hero that they needed at the time, '59.54': which was a less glorified position. '591.36': The officers that condemned the assassination could argue that Rommel was against it '595.64': and kept his oath, '597.24': those that didn't could also refer to him as one of their own, '6.18': Well, Rommel's very complicated for basically two reasons. '600.24': or at least, as someone who was killed by the Nazis. '604.06': The Allies had an excuse for their early mistakes, '606.18': and additionally could state that they had beaten one of the greatest generals of all time '61.34': ' ' '61.96': "Now, to give you some indication on the relative difficulty in gaining the\ \ Pour le M\xE9rite," '610.06': in several battles. '611.28': Additionally, they needed Germany in the Cold War. '613.9': And some just wanted to pay tribute to a respected opponent. '617.72': And, if you look at Erwin Rommel, '619.44': it gets complicated, confusing and irritating. '622.04': Similar to most Germans, '623.94': Rommel was quite fond of Hitler, '625.64': and also benefited from him, '627.28': something in Germany nobody wanted to be reminded of. '630.36': Quite understandably. '632.12': You know, Hitler for post-war Germany '633.92': was a bit like the ex boy or girlfirend '635.94': you don't want to be reminded of. '638.08': Yet, in this case, the whole world knows him. '640.96': And not in a good way. '642.52': Rommel made his fair share of mistakes in military terms. '645.44': Also, the odds were more and more stacked against him. '648.04': Thus, a sober assessment of Rommel's capabilities '65.94': it was awarded less than 700 times during World War I, '650.82': would diminish both his reputation '653.02': and thus, that of his opponents. '655.18': Additionally, Second World War Europe was first and foremost won on the Eastern Front. '659.52': But, it was won by the Soviet Union, which was the new enemy. '663.68': To a certain degree, Rommel was probably too big to fail in post-war Germany, '668.24': due to his achievements in World War I, '669.96': his achievements in World War II '671.24': and a lot of propaganda. '673.2': And, the general perception was that he was '675.32': one of the few good Germans, for all sides. '678.9': And, I personally think the Desert Fox '681.16': was a necessary step for several decades after the war, '684.78': not a bad one, '686.04': because let's face it, '687.36': nobody was hurt, '688.52': avoided justice, '689.78': nor were there any negative consequences '69.48': whereas the regular Knight's Cross was awarded more than 7000 times during World War II. '692.24': that come to mind. '693.7': Something that can't be said '695.52': about a lot of other issues regarding post war Europe. '698.88': But, I also think there's no need for a Desert Fox anymore. '701.98': I think we can finally lay him to rest, '704.32': and let Erwin Rommel take his place. '706.76': Because I think he's an excellent reminder '708.76': of how complex and difficult life can be. '711.34': And that sometimes, '712.48': there are no easy answers. '716.86': Thank you for watching '718.2': and see you next time. '74.94': Thus, Rommel basically had already celebrity status '77.88': after World War I in German society. '80.14': Additionally, shortly before World War II, he published his book about World War I, '84.52': titled "Infanterie Greift An", or "Infantry Attacks" in English. '87.84': These circumstances also earned him a great amount of respect '9.545': First off, a lot of different groups have or '91.36': from another World War I veteran, '93.48': namely Hitler. '94.78': 'Which brings us to the next part:' '96.58': Rommel's proximity to Hitler. '98.96': Rommel was close to Hitler in many ways,
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "\"The official announcement of Erwin Rommel's death by the Nazi newspaper \"\"Bozner Tagblatt\"\", 16 October 1944\"", "L'annuncio officiale della morte di Erwin Rommel sul quotidiano nazista Bozner Tagblatt, 16 ottobre 1944, p. 1", "Offiziöse Darstellung von Erwin Rommels Tod im nationalsozialistischen Bozner Tagblatt vom 16. Oktober 1944, S. 1" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, null, null ], "context_page_description": [ "Johannes Erwin Eugen Rommel was a German general and military theorist. Popularly known as the Desert Fox, he served as field marshal in the Wehrmacht of Nazi Germany during World War II, as well as serving in the Reichswehr of the Weimar Republic, and the army of Imperial Germany.", "Johannes Erwin Eugen Rommel è stato un generale tedesco, durante la seconda guerra mondiale.", "Johannes Erwin Eugen Rommel, genannt Wüstenfuchs, war ein deutscher Generalfeldmarschall und Militärstratege." ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Erwin Rommel / World War II / Death", "Erwin Rommel / Seconda guerra mondiale / La sorte di Rommel dopo il complotto del 20 luglio 1944", "Erwin Rommel / Suizid und Staatsbegräbnis" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true ], "language": [ "en", "it", "de" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Erwin Rommel", "Erwin Rommel", "Erwin Rommel" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ "Death", "La sorte di Rommel dopo il complotto del 20 luglio 1944", "Suizid und Staatsbegräbnis" ] }
Why is Rommel so complicated? - Erwin Rommel vs. Desert Fox
This video takes a look at why Erwin Rommel often called the "Desert Fox" and probably one of the most famous "Panzer Generals" is so complicated due to the various interest groups and his complex situation in World War 2. »» GET OUR BOOK: Army Regulation Medium Panzer Company 1941 German/English - » HOW YOU CAN SUPPORT MILITARY HISTORY VISUALIZED « (A) You can support my channel on Patreon: (B) You can also buy "Spoils of War" (merchandise) in the online shop: » SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS « facebook: twitter: tumblr: » SOURCES « Reuth, Ralf Georg: Erwin Rommel Fraser, David: Rommel – Die Biographie English Version – Fraser, David: Knight's Cross : A Life of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel Lexikon der Wehrmacht: Rommel, Erwin » TOOL CHAIN « PowerPoint 2016, Word, Excel, Tile Mill, QGIS, Processing 3, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere, Adobe Audition, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Animate.
'1.28': Now why is it so complicated '101.66': for Rommel was in charge of the security detachments during the annexing of the Sudeten areas, '106.0': the drive into Prague, '107.46': the annexation of the member territory and the campaign in Poland. '110.86': In this time, Hitler followed at least one suggestion from Rommel to drive to the fortress in Prague, '115.4': which impressed Rommel, '116.76': whereas Hitler was also impressed that Rommel strictly followed orders '119.98': and by doing so, offending various high-ranking Nazi officials. '12.185': had interest in portraying him in a certain way. '123.3': Quite ironically for us, '125.12': Rommel seems to have separated Hitler from the Nazi party, '128.34': or at least most other Nazi officials. '131.24': He was very positive about Hitler from pre-war until mid-war, '134.215': but negative about the Nazi party members. '137.265': 'But, one thing is clear: Rommel''s relationship with Hitler was rather close.' '140.62': Especially after reading some quotes, '142.615': it seems those two had basically a little bromance going on. '146.2': This relationship was probably the main reason '148.44': why Rommel got his frontline command of the 7th Panzer Division for the invasion of France. '15.24': And second, he's a complex character that offers various '153.16': After all, there were just a handful of those Divisions available, '156.44': and the request by Rommel was initially denied by army authorities. '160.08': Not to mention, higher-ranking German army Generals weren't so positive about Rommel. '164.82': As odd as the relationship between Hitler and Rommel might appear to us nowadays, '168.62': it was not so far-fetched. '170.64': Both idealized each other for traits that they highly regarded. '174.22': Both were front-line veterans of World War I. '176.52': Both acted boldly and aggressively. '178.72': Hitler restored Germany to power and gave it back its army, '18.305': answers. And those answers '181.74': whereas Rommel was an ideal frontline commander in Hitler's eyes. '185.52': Highly decorated, wounded in combat, and without a general staff education '19.96': are sometimes quite contradicting. '190.36': (something Hitler wasn't particularly fond of). '193.12': Rommel wasn't the son of a Prussian aristocrat like many of the German officers, '196.94': but of a teacher. '198.56': Similarly, Hitler also did not have an upper class background. '201.98': Today, we would say both were self-made men. '204.7': Whereas a large part of their surroundings were, in their perspective, priveleged '209.22': (to use a contemporary term). '211.2': As you can see, '212.32': you can turn this information different ways '214.68': to portray Rommel in various forms. '216.88': Hitler was well-known for his ability to persuade people, '219.8': being it in diplomatic meetings, with his Generals, or in public speeches. '22.5': As a result, we have various versions of the Desert Fox, '223.905': So, one can argue Rommel was just another one of millions '226.665': that got seduced, tricked or persuaded by Hitler. '229.7': Or, the other extreme would be that '231.3': that one that was so close to Hitler must have seen how evil he was. '235.28': Whereas the various positions in between those extremes are rather hard to grasp, '239.62': and in a way, also unsatisfying, '241.88': due to the (lack for better word), fuzziness. '245.04': And, it doesn't get particularly clearer when we take a look at the death of Rommel. '249.3': He was basically forced to kill himself '25.6': and I use the term "Desert Fox" here intentionally, instead of "Rommel", '251.38': in the months following the failed assassination attempt '253.44': on the 20th of July, 1944. '256.405': Although some argue Rommel was involved, there seems to be very little '259.08': evidence for this claim. '261.14': Rommel stated before and after the attempt that he was against killing Hitler, '264.82': and considering that he once was in charge of his security detachment, '267.8': this is very likely. '269.44': Many generals that didn't have that job stated the same. '272.74': Yet, according to at least one author, '275.06': one former member of the 20th July plot tried after the war to create a national myth '279.32': that Rommel was involved. '280.96': Anyway, during the planning phase, Rommel was considered a key person '284.16': because the conspirators believed that due to his popularity '287.24': more soldiers would join their side, '289.44': and that their plan for a separate peace with the western Allies '29.22': because the Desert Fox is that part that nearly '291.82': would have better chances with Rommel. '294.3': Now, why was Rommel forced to kill himself? '296.34': The short answer is, some officers noted that he was involved, '299.16': and additionally, a civilian member of the resistance '3.38': to make a decent video about Erwin Rommel? '302.34': that showed a major lack of operational security '305.08': had papers that noted Rommel as a new Reichspresident. '308.7': Additionally, Rommel had quite many enemies. '31.8': everyone wants him to be. '310.94': He was disliked by many in the higher echelons for his temperament, '313.98': and also his influence with Hitler. '316.06': Rommel actively suspected he would be sacked for losing the battle in Normandy, '319.78': and had papers prepared. '321.48': Yet, he was taken by surprise when he was confronted with claims '324.485': that he was involved in the 20th July attack on Hitler. '328.06': In order to save the lives of his son and wife, he took the offer of suicide. '33.92': So let's take a brief outlook '332.16': And thus, his family would be spared. '334.425': Furthermore, officially it was declared that he died in an accident. '338.0': Yet shortly after the war, his son announced that he was forced to kill himself. '342.54': Similarly to the previous factor, you can turn this around in many ways. '346.06': Especially considering that shortly after the war, '348.1': the 20th of July conspirators weren't held in high regard, '35.2': on the various aspects we need to consider '351.44': something that changed later on. '353.5': So, depending on the agenda and time frame, '355.7': you will find different arguments '357.1': and different perspectives '358.64': supporting one or another claim. '360.74': But, let's take a short look at the military campaigns and theaters. '364.36': Rommel fought against the British, US and Commonwealth forces in Africa, Italy and Normandy. '369.58': In North Africa, he achieved several victories, '37.34': when we want to take a glimpse at Erwin Rommel, '371.66': especially against the British '373.04': and won against the US troops at the Battle of Kasserine Pass. '376.62': Additionally, Rommel fought against several highly popular allied generals, '380.46': like Patton, Eisenhower and Montgomery. '383.24': Now, why is this of importance? '385.0': Well, for several reasons. '386.48': The British, after the war, wrote quite many Rommel biographies. '39.82': and not just the Desert Fox. '390.0': Since the British leadership and generals made various errors, '392.7': such errors seem less crucial if you're fighting the Desert Fox. '396.44': Additionally, those who defeated the Desert Fox must be great generals themselves. '401.22': North Africa was quite important for the British, '403.6': but probably the most important theater for the western Allies '406.5': was Normandy. '407.84': After all, Rommel was put in charge of reinforcing the Atlantic Wall, '41.64': First off, Rommel was a highly decorated World War I veteran. '411.8': in France, and thus fighting against the D-Day invasion. '414.8': Which is one of the best known battles in military history. '418.98': Another aspect is that Rommel was seen positively by the Allies during the war '422.64': for his overall conduct and good treatment of Prisoners of War. '425.54': This earned him the respect of Allied officers. '428.08': So anyway, there are sometimes '429.66': positive portrayals of Rommel, '431.26': but probably also out of respect, and being an honorable victor. '434.92': Especially since he could not defend himself anymore. '438.28': We should not forget about early post-war literature. '440.82': That these men had been fighting each other for years '443.28': in the largest conflict in human history, '445.86': just two decades after the previously largest war in history. '449.46': It is very likely that some of them, first and foremost '45.28': "He received the Pour le M\xE9rite," '452.46': wanted peace, and payed their respect to a highly regarded opponent. '455.98': Something we can hardly blame them for, '458.68': yet something we should be very aware of '460.66': when we are reading such accounts, '462.42': because we are responsible for getting the facts straight. '465.315': The veterans already did their part by fighting the war. '468.8': 'Which brings us to the next part: the post-war situation.' '47.04': the highest Prussian medal during World War I, as an Infantry Commander. '472.4': Germany rather fast became the new ally '474.76': of the British, French and United States in Europe. '477.52': For this, a rearmament of Germany was also the key. '480.12': It also meant that former Wehrmacht officers '482.98': and soldiers '483.7': were part of the newly formed armed forces of Germany, the Bundeswehr. '487.7': Thus, it was necessary for Germany '489.68': and to a certain degree also NATO '491.32': to have a clean Wehrmacht general to fall back to. '494.46': Since Rommel had served mainly in France and North Africa, '497.8': whereas nearly every other German general '500.24': and especially those who were very well known, '502.34': like Guderian, Manstein and Model, '505.16': served on the Eastern Front. '507.58': Why is this important? '508.6': Well, war crimes and other atrocities were very common on the Eastern Front, '51.04': This medal is quite well known as "Blue Max", '512.12': whereas North Africa and France were, for the most part, '515.02': let's say, "civilized". '516.56': Thus, Rommel was a central figure '518.6': that was accepted by former western Allies, '520.84': and Germany, as an honorable officer '523.02': 'that was respected by friend and foe:' '525.32': one person most people could agree upon. '528.06': And, in such a way, the Desert Fox was probably a political necessity. '53.5': and usually associated with fighter aces '532.74': Additionally, Rommel offered another benefit '535.18': 'most other generals didn''t offer:' '537.22': he was dead. '538.46': He couldn't say anything to cause trouble, unlike some other generals '541.7': He couldn't write a biography, '543.64': nor was he tried at Nuremburg. '545.62': And, as previously mentioned, he died saving his family from the Nazis. '549.16': Thus, he died an honorable death, even by contemporary standards. '55.9': like Manfred von Richthofen, yet not with Infantry Commanders, '552.92': Or, to put it very bluntly, '554.5': Germany and its new allies need a German hero. '556.92': and for politics, '557.96': dead soldiers are usually the best heroes. '561.12': 'Which brings us to the final point:' '563.12': Ongoing, contemporary issues that didn't change over the years. '566.5': Namely, people want to tell a simple, clear '568.84': and usually quite single-minded narrative. '571.5': For them, the guiding principle is simply to paint a black and white picture of a person, '575.66': a group, a time period, '577.24': or basically, the world. '579.44': 'To conclude:' '580.46': there was, and still is the Desert Fox, '582.86': and there was Erwin Rommel. '584.8': In short, the Desert Fox offered nearly everyone major benefits. '588.26': The Germans had their hero that they needed at the time, '59.54': which was a less glorified position. '591.36': The officers that condemned the assassination could argue that Rommel was against it '595.64': and kept his oath, '597.24': those that didn't could also refer to him as one of their own, '6.18': Well, Rommel's very complicated for basically two reasons. '600.24': or at least, as someone who was killed by the Nazis. '604.06': The Allies had an excuse for their early mistakes, '606.18': and additionally could state that they had beaten one of the greatest generals of all time '61.34': ' ' '61.96': "Now, to give you some indication on the relative difficulty in gaining the\ \ Pour le M\xE9rite," '610.06': in several battles. '611.28': Additionally, they needed Germany in the Cold War. '613.9': And some just wanted to pay tribute to a respected opponent. '617.72': And, if you look at Erwin Rommel, '619.44': it gets complicated, confusing and irritating. '622.04': Similar to most Germans, '623.94': Rommel was quite fond of Hitler, '625.64': and also benefited from him, '627.28': something in Germany nobody wanted to be reminded of. '630.36': Quite understandably. '632.12': You know, Hitler for post-war Germany '633.92': was a bit like the ex boy or girlfirend '635.94': you don't want to be reminded of. '638.08': Yet, in this case, the whole world knows him. '640.96': And not in a good way. '642.52': Rommel made his fair share of mistakes in military terms. '645.44': Also, the odds were more and more stacked against him. '648.04': Thus, a sober assessment of Rommel's capabilities '65.94': it was awarded less than 700 times during World War I, '650.82': would diminish both his reputation '653.02': and thus, that of his opponents. '655.18': Additionally, Second World War Europe was first and foremost won on the Eastern Front. '659.52': But, it was won by the Soviet Union, which was the new enemy. '663.68': To a certain degree, Rommel was probably too big to fail in post-war Germany, '668.24': due to his achievements in World War I, '669.96': his achievements in World War II '671.24': and a lot of propaganda. '673.2': And, the general perception was that he was '675.32': one of the few good Germans, for all sides. '678.9': And, I personally think the Desert Fox '681.16': was a necessary step for several decades after the war, '684.78': not a bad one, '686.04': because let's face it, '687.36': nobody was hurt, '688.52': avoided justice, '689.78': nor were there any negative consequences '69.48': whereas the regular Knight's Cross was awarded more than 7000 times during World War II. '692.24': that come to mind. '693.7': Something that can't be said '695.52': about a lot of other issues regarding post war Europe. '698.88': But, I also think there's no need for a Desert Fox anymore. '701.98': I think we can finally lay him to rest, '704.32': and let Erwin Rommel take his place. '706.76': Because I think he's an excellent reminder '708.76': of how complex and difficult life can be. '711.34': And that sometimes, '712.48': there are no easy answers. '716.86': Thank you for watching '718.2': and see you next time. '74.94': Thus, Rommel basically had already celebrity status '77.88': after World War I in German society. '80.14': Additionally, shortly before World War II, he published his book about World War I, '84.52': titled "Infanterie Greift An", or "Infantry Attacks" in English. '87.84': These circumstances also earned him a great amount of respect '9.545': First off, a lot of different groups have or '91.36': from another World War I veteran, '93.48': namely Hitler. '94.78': 'Which brings us to the next part:' '96.58': Rommel's proximity to Hitler. '98.96': Rommel was close to Hitler in many ways,