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1234567891011121314151617181920 The Motor Omnibus World. 10th August 1905, Page 6 Page 6, 10th August 1905 — The Motor Omnibus World. Close Keywords : Nottingham, Nottingham Corporation Tramways, Geography Of England, London General Omnibus Company, United Kingdom, Tram, Nottingham And District Tramways Company Limited, Transport Holding Company, Business / Finance There is a movement at Newmarket for a service of motor omnibuses to connect that place with Cambridge. The Scottish Motor Traction Co., Ltd., hopes to begin the Cramond-Queensferry service in two or three weeks. Mr. C. E. Esse has been appointed secretary to the Society of Motor Omnibus Engineers, whose registered office is at 86, Strand, W.C. The Southend-on-Sea and District Motor Omnibus Company, Ltd., has been registered with a capital of Zto,000 in £t shares. One agreement is to take over from a Mr. C. Cripps, a Napier char-a-bane at the price of j;45o. The registered office is at ms, Broadway, High Street, Southend-on-Sea. We hope that a mutually acceptable working agreement as regards time schedules and routes will shortly be arrived at between the Sussex Motor Road Car Company and the Worthing Motor Car Company. It is satisfactory to note that the Worthing Town Council renewed the licenses for both companies last week. An omnibus company has been registered to carry on in Peterborough and elsewhere the business of proprietors of motor omnibuses and other conveyances. The authorised capital is ,s,000, divided into ,‘1 shares, and the registered office is at 4, Cross Street, Peterborough. It is called the Peterborough Motor Bus Company, Ltd. The expert and technical committee of the A.C.G.B. and I. calls attention to the absolute lack of necessity for allowing smoke to pour from the exhaust pipe of motor vehicles using internal combustion engines. It is recommended that all excess of oil should be blown off before such a motor is taken on the public highway. The club is employing four men to record the numbers of offending cars, including motor omnibuses. The threatened opposition by the Aberdeen Town Council to the provisional order of the Great North of Scotland Railway Company was compromised by mutual concession resulting in its withdrawal last week. The company will not, unless with the consent in writing of the corporation, run any omnibuses for the conveyance of passengers otherwise than to or from a station or hotel of the company, including the Aberdeen joint passenger station, or take up or set down passengers other than those proceeding to, or starting from, a point beyond the boundary of the town. As the railway company certainly has no desire to compete for the carriage of ordinary passengers in the town of Aberdeen, but mere'y seeks to serve the convenience of its own supporters, this arrangement is probably satisfactory to its directors. The Caledonian Railway Company and the Suburban Tramways Company also withdrew their opposition. Engineers or eng;ineer-managers in charge of motor omnibus services should perase our first editorial in this issue, as the matters dealt wah concern them very deeply. Councillors Every and Wightman, the mayor and deputymayor of Lewes, have been publicly advocating the introduction of a motor omnibus service in the neighbourhood of that county town. The proposed motor omnibus service between Luton and Dunstable is making headway. Mr. J. H. Thorpe is the gentleman in charge of the preliminary arrangements, and Dunstable is a sufficient address. The City and Suburban Motor Omnibus Company, Ltd., has been registered with a capital of,000, divided into 9,000 ordinary shares of ,4",1 each, and 8,000 deferred shares of 2s. 6d. each. There will be no initial public issue. Mr. J. N. Beevor, of 29, Queen's Walk, Nottingham, is taking steps to form a motor omnibus company to connect the districts of Dayt,rook and Arnold with the Mansfield Road terminus of the Nottingham Corporation Tramways. This will connect up the city with two important and rapidly increasing suburbs. The Claughton Road and Docks services of the Birkenhead Corporation Tramways are losing the ratepayers ''2,400 a year. These are typical cases where the number of electric tramcars per mile of track per day is insufficient to bear the incidence of debt charges for permanent way and track equipment. Although the London General Omnibus Company has reduced its fares on the Brondesbury route, its takings have been seriously depleted by the competition of the London Motor Omnibus Company's Vanguard service. This loss is proving the most potent factor in urging forward the London General Omnibus Company to get its own motor omnibuses on the road with the least possible delay. A report has been prepared by the United States Consul at Nottingham in which he works out the cost of moving each ton of weight as to 3.3 for an electric tramcar as compared with a petrol omnibus. In view of the fact that the gross weight of vehicle per seat is nearly three times as heavy in the case of the electric tramcar, we do not exactly appreciate what the comparison—assuming it to be correct—is intended to establish. The North Eastern Railway Bill, under which the corns pany seeks, inter cilia, powers to run motor vehicles, subject to certain restrictions, came before a select committee of the House of Lords, with the Earl of Kintore in the chair, last week. Sir George Gibb, general manager of the company, in supporting the Bill, stated that there was a considerable demand for motorcars for passengers, and motor wagons for produce, in the agricultural districts served by the North Eastern line. Newcastle and Hull petitioned against the Bill, and were represented by Mr. Honoratus Lloyd, K.C. The general manager of the Newcastle Tramways also appeared to oppose the Bill, as did the secretary of the Hull Chamber of Trade and the chairman of the Hull Commercial Travellers' Association. It is satisfactory to note, in face of this organised opposition, that the select committee, without calling upon Mr. Moon to reply for the promoters, gave the railway company the desired power to run motor omnibuses. House of Lords, Aberdeen Town Council, Society of Motor Omnibus Engineers, Hull Commercial Travellers' Association, Worthing Town Council People: Moon, Wightman, J. N. Beevor, J. H. Thorpe, C. E. Esse, Councillors Every, Honoratus Lloyd, George Gibb Locations: Aberdeen, Cambridge, Newcastle Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus.
Randy Essex Former Editorial Director RMI Spinoff Bright Automotive Dies, But the Ideas Behind It Remain a Force The regrettable demise of RMI spinoff Bright Automotive is an old business story—the struggles of start-ups in tough economic times—far more than it represents a failure of Bright’s innovative business model or technology. Bright drew interest from companies ranging from Google to General Motors, weathered the market crash of 2008, and lasted 39 months through a Department of Energy loan process before deciding to shut down. Bright, which said Tuesday it opted against private capital from China, said it received four “near final” conditional commitment letters from DOE during that time, once being told in 2010 that it would get its loan “within weeks, not months.” This loan never materialized. Bright, with roots in RMI and Chief Scientist Amory Lovins’ principles embodied in the award-winning Hypercar concept of the 1990s, spun off from RMI in 2008. It aimed to make a lightweight plug-in hybrid fleet vehicle and to spread a revolutionary approach to making superefficient autos. The IDEA service van achieved more than 30 miles of all-electric range and 35 miles per gallon in standard hybrid mode, saving companies 18 cents per mile. John Waters, former vice president of transportation at RMI who played a key role in starting Bright, said the business plan was firmed up in 2007 through a consortium that involved Google, the Turner Foundation, Alcoa, Johnson Controls and RMI. “As Bright began to come together, it just seemed to crystallize through RMI’s incredible connections to get enough interested parties to rally around changing the world” through a strong, innovative business plan, Waters told me last week in a conversation about RMI’s upcoming 30th anniversary. “Amory’s vision in lightweighting and electrification in transportation … (as a) solution to U.S. oil use was now embodied in a solution set for the U.S. market.” Bright launched in January 2008. “Until September ’08, we were carrying out the mission,” said Waters, who was the company's first CEO. Investor interest was on track. Then U.S. markets crashed and credit froze as the housing bubble burst and the country entered its worst economic slump since the Great Depression. In Detroit, where I at the time was the editor overseeing business and political coverage for the Free Press newspaper, the auto industry was in a deep tailspin even before the market crash. When gasoline prices topped $3.50 a gallon that May, operators in General Motors’ OnStar tracking center realized that many owners were simply not driving their gas-guzzling SUVs and pickup trucks. Auto sales hit a 16-year low that July and would continue falling for months. Desperate for cash and likely seeing the writing on the wall that led to bankruptcy a year later, GM executives approached both Ford and Chrysler about possible mergers. In short, it was a tough time to be starting an auto company. Yet on the power of its innovative approaches, Bright survived. With private capital largely frozen, it applied for a $450 million loan from the DOE. It won a $1.4 million U.S. Army contract. In 2010, it won a $5 million investment from post-bankruptcy GM’s new venture capital arm—and kept waiting for the DOE loan. That loan program has been a disappointment—and DOE financing of clean energy of all types has come under partisan political scrutiny since last summer’s bankruptcy of solar equipment maker Solyndra, which had a DOE loan guarantee under a different program. Bright executives wrote Tuesday in a letter to Energy Secretary Steven Chu that the advanced auto technology loan program “has executed under $50 million of transactions since October of 2009. Going back to the creation of the program, only about $8 billion of the approved $25 billion has been invested.” Earlier this month, Chrysler expressed frustration with the program and withdrew its application. Bright wanted domestic backing, company executives wrote. “We made it clear we were an American company, with American workers developing advanced, deliverable and clean American technology. We unfortunately did not aggressively pursue an alternative funding path in China as early as we would have liked based on our understanding of where we were in the DOE process.” Bright, based in Anderson, Indiana, with research facilities in Rochester Hills, Michigan, had hoped to employ about 200 people in Michigan and 1,000 more at the production site in Indiana. The principles and technology behind the Bright IDEA tracing back to RMI’s Hypercar are gaining traction in the industry. In 2010, three automakers—BMW, Volkswagen, and Audi—announced volume production by 2013 of the kinds of carbon-composite electrified autos RMI and Lovins have long advocated. Other automakers, including General Motors and Ford, are pushing weight savings in their vehicle offerings, which also include electric and hybrid models. A coalition of suppliers and researchers has been formed at the Center for Automotive Research at the University of Michigan to push lightweighting even further. This kind of advancement is critical to moving the U.S. away from its oil addiction—the use of 13 million barrels of oil a day for transportation at a cost of $2 billion. That oil dependence also incurs hidden costs totaling roughly $1.5 trillion a year, or 12 percent of GDP—plus untold costs to human health and the environment. Bright’s technological breakthroughs were intended to shift the transportation sector toward efficient and economical solutions as soon as possible. That is why the company offered advanced battery packs, plug-in hybrid and electric vehicle conversions, hybrid system development consulting, and alternative powertrain modeling simulations in addition to the IDEA. RMI’s spinoff still will have an impact. Bright’s legacy is a disruptive business model, technologies, and integrated design in automaking. Other enterprises inevitably will seize the opportunity in the emerging new energy economy and changing auto industry. Tags: Bright Automotive | Hypercar | EVs | DOE | Solyndra Showing 1-2 of 2 comments Based on the fact that Global Warming is a worldwide phenomenon, it is a pity that the Chinese did not take over. They are rapidly increasing their fleet and very entrepreneurial. In China, this approach should fly - and the benefits from reduced pollution would benefit the entire world. So, RMI, let the Chinese build this wonderful car and lead the world into the future. DOE just isn't bright enough. Evan Ravitz PAGE: 1 Welcome to the RMI Blog
HomeBen Gurion Students Build Formula Race Car To Compete Internationally NewsBreaking NewsBen Gurion Students Build Formula Race Car To Compete Internationally JTAJune 17, 2013Raz Schweitzer/Ben Gurion Racing Raz Schweitzer/Ben Gurion Racing Email Last week, Rani Dekel was doing doing donuts on the streets of Jerusalem in a blue and orange Formula race car with hundreds of thousands cheering him on. On Sunday, the car’s skeleton sat in a bare laboratory at Ben-Gurion University in the southern city of Beersheva, its colorful siding stacked on a shelf in the corner and its essential parts shipped off to auto workshops across Israel. But Dekel doesn’t mind losing his car. In a couple of months, he’ll have built a new one. Raz Schweitzer/Ben Gurion Racing Dror Hazan, right, one of the managers of the Ben-Gurion University Formula project, pushing Rani Dekel, who is driving the race car during the Jerusalem Formula event, June 14, 2013.Share Dekel is part of a team of 35 Ben-Gurion automotive engineering students in the midst of a yearlong project — to design and construct a Formula race car that four of them will drive in an international competition in Italy in September. “Building the car is super intense,” Dekel said. “It’s your whole life. It’s your focus. You get there and you’re showing what you planned and built and dreamed about.” Dekel’s car was the only Israeli-made vehicle in last week’s Jerusalem Formula show, the biggest auto racing event in the country’s history. In Formula 1 racing, drivers sit in low cars built by leading European carmakers such as Ferrari and Mercedes and careen around twisting tracks at speeds in excess of 200 mph. The brand is especially popular in Europe. Israel has no car industry, let alone a motor sports league, so a delegation of auto racers zooming around Jerusalem was thrilling for locals. The show featured top international auto racers doing laps, spins and donuts — a spinning maneuver — in the shadow of the Old City walls. But while a reported 250,000 Israeli racing fans had their eyes on the streets of Jerusalem, the future of the sport in Israel lies an hour south, in the sands of the Negev Desert and the nearby engineering labs of Ben-Gurion University. Next year, the country’s first motor sports complex is slated to open just north of Beersheva. “One thing is for sure: There’s an Israeli audience that’s interested,” said Dror Karavany, who manages the development of the Bnei Shimon track. For the student team at Ben-Gurion, though, Jerusalem Formula was merely a milestone en route to the main event: a sleeker design and a strong finish at Formula SAE, a competition in which student teams worldwide race homemade cars through the streets of Varano de’ Melegari, in northern Italy. Last year, the Israeli team placed 11 in a field of 42. The Ben-Gurion team began working toward this year’s race last summer, when the students split into pairs and each tandem chose a part of the car to design. Each pair then spent a couple of months studying its part before starting the design on a computer. “The car is a huge number of different specialties that go into one machine,” said Dor Efroni, one of the project’s managers. “No one thing is more important than the next. Each small aspect needs to be perfect.” Last year, Efroni worked on the car’s steering system; this year he’s in charge of the gearshift. His goal, he said, is to find the optimal balance between the engine’s weight and the car’s acceleration. The main difference between last year’s model and the current one is that the motor oil is now in a container next to the engine rather than under it, which allows for the engine to be lower and the car faster. Last year’s car went from zero to 60 miles per hour in less than 4 seconds. After the car is designed on screen, the students work with Israeli auto shops to build the parts, often using their own street-legal cars to move parts from the Negev up north. Students from Jerusalem’s Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design fashion the car’s siding. Efroni wants the car done by July, followed by testing and driving training before it is shipped to Italy in September. “It’s a crazy feeling,” Efroni said of the competition. “It’s four days of a huge high.” Dekel and Efroni both said they would pursue jobs building Formula cars if the industry existed in Israel, but the country has no racetracks or racing teams. With the opening of the Bnei Shimon complex, which has been in the works for nearly a decade, that may change. The complex will feature a 1.3-mile paved track for rally cars and motorcycles, and a school for race-car driving. At a later stage, the 80-acre complex will include an automobile museum and a track suited to Formula cars. For now, Karavany hopes foreign drivers will be drawn by Israel’s weather, which allows for driving in winter when racing is impossible in Europe. Backers of the project also hope the driving school will help fix a chronic problem in Israel: deaths on the road. “When someone learns safe driving and race-car driving, only then will he learn his limits as a driver,” said Zion Ofri, a lead investor in the Bnei Shimon complex. “Then he learns to drive cautiously.” Some in the small world of Israeli motor sports would rather see the country invest in races featuring stock cars and motorcycles, which could use the Bnei Shimon track next year, rather than Formula 1. But for enthusiasts like Dekel, the chance to drive on the streets of Jerusalem is an experience unlike any other. “It was like being Madonna’s opening act,” he said. “To make so many people happy was like magic.” (VIDEO: visiting the BGU race car laboratory) Ben Gurion Students Build Formula Race Car To Compete Internationally
Tata wants to get rid of “cheapest” tag for the Nano Article by Christian A., on February 27, 2015 Tata Motors builds what is considered as the cheapest car in the world, the Nano. Tata launched the Nano in 2009 at a tag of around $2,500, attracting low-income households in India who could only afford motorcyles. Ratan Tata, the carmaker’s chairman emeritus who championed the development of the car, is now rethinking the “cheap” tag of the Nano. Tata remarked at the South Carolina Automotive Summit that the Nano got branded as India’s cheapest car, not the most affordable or the best value for the money. He noted that the Nano gained the stigma of “I don’t want to be seen in the cheapest car. My neighbors will think I have no money.” Tata, who retired as chairman in December 2012, said the company is trying to reposition the Nano into a real car “with more bells and whistles” that would stand out in the marketplace. During an on-stage interview with Automotive News Editor-in-Chief Keith Crain, Tata quipped that he pushed for development of the Nano to provide low-income Indian families a safer transportation alternative than motorcycles. Now, the carmaker is considering a new-generation Nano fitted with a bigger engine, having a broader global appeal and a higher sticker price. The chairman emeritus said that a bigger engine will address complaints that its 37-hp two-cylinder engine is noisy and sounds like a small motorcycle. He, however, that despite creating two new versions of the Nano, the current model will still be offered to keep a promise to provide a car available to low-income families. He added that the carmaker mulls selling the Nano in new markets like Indonesia and some countries in Africa, where “families can’t afford to buy a normal car.” Sales of the car peaked nearly 75,000 in 2012. Last year, sales fell below 22,000.Tata said he still believes in the merit of the ultralow-cost car. He predicts the next Nano could reach annual production levels of 500,000. “India produces 3 million cars a year,” he said, “and 11 or 12 million two-wheelers a year. I believe that we should realistically be able to sell a half-million cars of this kind on a steady basis.” Topics: tata, tata nano, city car If you liked the article, share on:
Home > Cars > Will Tesla’s media war make the Model S the next… Will Tesla’s media war make the Model S the next Corvair? By Rob Enderle Back long before I could drive, a guy by the name of Ralph Nader delivered a damning review on an innovative car from the most powerful car company in the world. The car was the Chevrolet Corvair, which was GM’s answer to sporty rear-engine cars from both Porsche and VW. The review, which took the form of a book titled “Unsafe at Any Speed,” was scientifically debunked in 1972, about three years after GM was forced to cancel production of the Corvair. Researchers concluded that while the Corvair had issues, it was no more or less safe than other vehicles of its time period. Most of the cars made in the 1960s weren’t exactly known for great handling. Nader may have overblown the problem, but it was GM’s misguided response that killed the car. Rather than fixing the problems and giving Nader some credit, the corporate giant decided to go to war with him. The result was a dead car and the birth of one of the most powerful consumer advocates in history. Tesla is experiencing what seems to be a similar problem. A New York Times reviewer named John Broder panned the car for running out of juice on a test drive, and Tesla attacked him personally. The attention is causing the review to circulate more widely, and may make the guy famous much like GM did for Nader. And it could kill Tesla. The review heard ‘round the world Unlike the Corvair, the Tesla S isn’t being presented as unsafe, but as using an unreliable technology (lithium-ion batteries) that could leave the driver stranded, much like what happened to the reviewer. In regular weather, this could be problematic, but in the kind of weather they’ve been having on the east coast lately, this could be life threatening and a serious problem. To be fair, the author of the article isn’t a typical car reviewer. He appears to cover mostly the oil market. As such, he may well lack the expertise and experience to properly review an EV or compare it to comparable gas-powered cars. In other words, Tesla should have either passed on giving him a review vehicle, or insisted that one of their folks ride along. After all, Apple doesn’t send review products to Microsoft fans, and Microsoft doesn’t send Windows 8 PCs to Apple sites (they did that during the Vista launch and it didn’t go well). The problem with electrics For a time, I was a battery analyst covering the US market. There was no one putting any real money into this market and, for some reason, after everyone else left, the job landed on my desk. My firm actually ran the largest battery show in the nation. There are a number of problems with battery technology that need to be overcome. They are created through a relatively toxic process, they don’t like extreme cold or high heat, they have a quarter the energy density of dynamite, quality control has had historic problems, and when they do fail, they burn really hot. I can speak to this last point because a failed lithium-ion battery pack almost burned my house down. Electric vehicles are almost the polar opposite of gas vehicles. Gas cars are most efficient at moderate highway speeds over long distances, torque develops at speed, and they can operate over a wide temperature spectrum. Electric vehicles are most efficient in stop-and-go or slow speeds, they have most of their torque available at start (making them wicked fast off the line), and are best over a much narrower temperature range. If a gas car is as silent as an electric car, you are likely coasting; if an electric is as noisy as gas car, it is probably in the process of blowing up. Finally there are lots of gas stations and very few charging stations (and you’d better bring a novel to read while you fill up). So a review scenario that would favor an electric car would have the driver hopping around the city and in traffic, with a total drive distance under 100 miles. One that would favor a gas car would be a long drive over a distance greater than 100 miles. For competition, an electric will typically win in the sprint to 30 mph, a gas car would be favored at top speed and above posted speed limits. Tesla CEO Elon Musk accused the author of creating a test that made the Tesla S look bad. He’s right, in that New York Time’s Tesla test would favor a gas car over an electric and expose the range, charging station, and weather problems associated with an electric. But he didn’t do anything you or I might not do with our own cars, or hope to do with a new Tesla. Tesla’s problem Tesla’s mistake was giving the car unchaperoned to a reporter who is tied to the hip to gas. An EV would be a hard sell for a guy who makes his living in oil, even if it behaved more like a gas car than it does. Tesla is defending the car’s range by claiming the distance driven is inaccurate, he didn’t charge the car properly, and that he drove over the speed limit rather than under it, as he claimed. But by making these challenges, the company is just making the author of the review more visible. Ultimately, a $52,000 car shouldn’t need excuses, it should be able to compete head to head with a gas car in a test that favors gas cars. Just as GM validated Ralph Nader and eventually had to kill the Corvair, Tesla is unintentionally focusing everyone on the shortcomings of electrics and making it harder to see through them to the advantages. Put differently, a bad car review isn’t news, but a car company going after a reviewer in the media definitely is. There is an old saying: You don’t go to war with people that buy ink by the barrel. Tesla should likely revisit that advice, or it may find itself as a footnote in history as a peer to the Corvair.
Home>Aston Martin>Convertible>Vantage About Aston Martin Vantage While the 2016 Aston Martin Vantage is the company's least expensive model, this 2-seat sports car is arguably one of its most thrilling offerings. Available with either a V8 or V12 engine, and with a manual transmission available for the V8, the Vantage coupe and convertible bring all of the sexiness and James Bond style of the larger DB9, but at a lower price. Of course, "lower" is relative, as the least expensive one still starts at more than six digits. Still, when you compare it against the Jaguar F-Type, Porsche 911 and Audi R8, the price is certainly right in line and competitive. However, the Vantage has been around a long time and, even with this year's upgrades, its sparkle has dimmed. View Aston Martin Vantage vehicles for sale near you. 2016 Aston Martin Vantage What's new for 2016? Select 2016 Changes for the 2016 Aston Martin Vantage are fairly limited. There is a new slate of color and trim options and the infotainment system gets upgraded to the new AMi II interface, which includes text messages, real-time power and torque displays and better personalization options. On the heels of the powerful, range-topping V12 Aston Martin Vantage S comes the 2015 Aston Martin V8 Vantage GT, with a lower base price that starts just over $100,000. Also new this year is the V12 Vantage S Roadster, with a starting price near $200,000. The biggest news for the 2014 Aston Martin Vantage is the new V12 Vantage S model. With a more powerful V12 engine, this is the fastest Aston you can buy. The 7-speed single-clutch automatic transmission gets revisions, and new 3-stage adjustable shocks help drivers fine-tune handling between three different modes. Despite the addition of more standard features, Aston Martin dropped the price on every V8 Vantage model by $2,000 - $3,000. The 7-speed single-clutch automatic gearbox from the V8 Vantage S replaces last year’s conventional 6-speed unit in base V8 models. A handful of minor styling and mechanical tweaks round out the changes for 2013. For the 2012 model year, the base Aston Martin V8 Vantage gets the automated manual transmission, steering gear, larger brakes and wider tires that were previously only found on the higher-trim Vantage S. Other changes are limited to a revised navigation system that’s easier to use. Select 2011 Today's V8 Vantage is a clean-sheet approach to a Sports/GT. Benefiting from an all-new platform and V8 drivetrain, the tightly-drawn two-seater supplies the Aston prospect with an "entry level" choice while providing Aston Martin and its dealers with a better business model. The Vantage is expected to constitute approximately two-thirds of Aston's sales volume. Advertisement Advertisement Search:
Not much time for blogging. Working on the MGB. I've got the thing completely rebuilt, but now I've got to rewire the whole car from scratch. I'm redesigning the electrical system from the ground up. I installed the starter, the first part of the system. Powered it up with a remote starter switch. Nothing. Pulled the starter and tested it out on the ground. It worked like a champ. Put it back in the car, got a little teeth grinding, then nothing. Pulled the radiator and fan so I could turn the engine over with a socket. I was afraid that sitting around for two years had frozen it up. It turns, but not easily. So that's where we are with that. Subject change. Financial and stock markets are emotional things. There's no magic number beyond which you can't recover, there's a magic feeling that tips the scales. Dig this bit from the NYT. After working six years as a senior executive for a multinational payroll-processing company in Barcelona, Spain, Mr. Vildosola is cutting his professional and financial ties with his troubled homeland. He has moved his family to a village near Cambridge, England, where he will take the reins at a small software company, and he has transferred his savings from Spanish banks to British banks. “The macro situation in Spain is getting worse and worse,” Mr. Vildosola, 38, said last week just hours before boarding a plane to London with his wife and two small children. “There is just too much risk. Spain is going to be next after Greece, and I just don’t want to end up holding devalued pesetas.” When you get enough Señor Vildosolas deciding to bail out, you're done. Where's that point? When is it coming to Spain? When is it coming to California or Illinois? When does the whole thing fall to pieces? Update: If you're watching the Democrats convention, think of this: They're not concerned with Señor Vildosola leaving nearly as much as they are with making sure Señorita Vildosola has access to birth control and abortion. In some sense, the Democrats are saying to both of them, "Screw you." Devalued pesetas? I thought they got rid of pesetas. Or is he talking about after leaving the euro?That's one aspect I'm having trouble understanding. A euro is a euro is a euro. I think the reason people move their money from one country to another is not the euro's value, but their country's ability to hold onto them. There's no FDIC to bail you out when your country's banks go under. Right?I know the Brits loved to holiday in Spain, but why are the Spanish moving to the UK? Haven't they heard of the "emergency" taxes on anybody with any money? Why isn't there an influx to Switzerland, or even the eastern european states that are doing well (there are still some, aren't there?)? The Spanish banks hold Spanish national bonds. It doesn't look like there's any way the government of Spain can service those debts. That means Spanish banks are in big trouble and Spaniards with sense should be getting out while they can.Which they are. Spanish banks lost 7% of their deposits last month as people took their Euros out and moved them elsewhere.As for the Peseta, that's what you'll get if and when Spain leaves the Euro.Moving to the UK: out of the frying pan and into the fire, if you ask me. I guess the guy didn't want to cross the Atlantic.
Lab aims to change future of vehicles By Mark Phelan Detroit Free Press Posted: August 4, 2014 at 2:14 a.m. KNOXVILLE, Tenn. -- Nestled in the rolling Tennessee hills and forests, the secretive lab that developed power for the Manhattan Project is working to change the auto industry and reduce U.S. dependence on foreign fuel. Projects underway at Oak Ridge National Laboratory include oil additives to reduce fuel consumption, lower-cost carbon fiber and a wireless charging system for electric vehicles. The labs and research centers have worked with the auto industry since the energy crises of the 1970s and 1980s. Oak Ridge helped develop materials, fuels and systems used by millions of vehicles. The Energy Department has final approval over all projects with private companies, said Ron Graves, director of the lab's sustainable transportation program. For example, the oil additive Oak Ridge developed could be the poster child for government research. Senior research scientist Jun Qu worked on it for 10 years -- longer than a private company would likely support a project. The result is a low-cost additive that appears capable of reducing the fuel consumption of any engine at least 2 percent. That would amount to two billion gallons of fuel a year, a massive decrease in emissions and U.S. energy imports. Qu tested the liquid additive with General Motors, Shell Oil and Lubrizol. "This technology holds tremendous potential," said Michael Viola, the GM staff research engineer who tested the lubricant at the automaker's Tech Center in Warren, Mich. "We're very pleased GM is working hard to improve the fuel economy and emissions of our vehicles. This is exactly what we wanted." Qu said the additive reduces the oil's viscosity with no increase in engine wear. Even greater improvements in fuel economy are possible by combining it with other additives already in use, he said. Oak Ridge will license production to industry, said Jennifer Tonzello Caldwell of the lab's technology transfer division. "We give preferential licensing to small U.S. companies, if they have the wherewithal to produce it," Caldwell said. "We want job creation in the United States." The laboratory will get a royalty from production like universities do when their discoveries are commercialized. "GM is pushing to have the additive produced," Qu said. "It could be in production within five years." In another project, Oak Ridge researchers are trying to develop a new process to make carbon fiber, which could cut the exotic lightweight material's cost nearly 50 percent. "We're exploring lower-cost raw material to move carbon fiber from niche vehicles to the mass market," said Lee McGetrick, director of Oak Ridge's carbon fiber technology center. The center has cut the cost to $7 a pound from $12 a pound today in cars like the $1.4-million La Ferrari. The center is working with supplier Faurecia and the Composite Vehicle Research Center at Michigan State University to get carbon fiber into wider production. "This material has a lot of promise in mass production," said Mahmoodul Haq, Michigan State assistant professor of mechanical engineering. "The Oak Ridge fiber makes it easier and to manufacture parts. Carbon fiber has been a rich man's game. The fiber from Oak Ridge and the new machine can change that." Oak Ridge is also developing a system that makes inductive charging, which involves charging batteries without being physically connecting to an outlet, as efficient as charging through a plug, said Madhu Chinthavali, team leader of Oak Ridge's power electronics group. "We're working on dynamic wireless charging," where the charging coils are buried in the road and the car doesn't need expensive batteries to store electricity, Chinthavali said. That would cut the cost and energy consumption of electric vehicles radically. The lab is also developing electric motors that don't use rare-earth minerals. U.S. manufacturers are dependent on other countries, primarily China, for most rare earths. "Our goal is to get these technologies into the world so the taxpayers benefit," he said. "Show the technologies to automakers and let them adapt it to their needs." Oak Ridge is also the largest domestic battery lab. It's developing less-expensive, more-powerful batteries for electric cars. "We don't want to be dependent on importing battery technology in a similar way we are dependent on importing foreign oil," said David Wood, fuel cell technologies program manager. "We need to build up our manufacturing processes and materials supply chain here in the U.S. so that we don't have to import batteries from Asia." SundayMonday Business on 08/04/2014
Consumer groups scold administration over delay to rearview camera rule ADVERTISEMENTThe regulation is designed to prevent drivers from accidentally backing over children, and was called for in the 2008 Cameron Gulbransen Kids and Transportation Safety Act. The law called for regulation to be finalized by February 2011. Not until November of that year, though, did the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) propose a rule requiring rearview cameras in new cars. That proposal was sent to a little-known White House office for what was supposed to be a 90-day review, but sat there for a year and a half. The NHTSA says it is delaying the rule to do further analysis on backover accidents, which it expects to finish by the end of 2014. "This additional analysis will contribute significantly to our understanding of the backover crash problem," the agency said in a statement. "We will also identify and analyze cases that involve vehicles equipped with rear visibility systems to further refine our understanding of how the proposed requirements address the real world safety risk." Safety advocates aren't happy. "These rules are long overdue. It's time to stop the delays and put these rules into place," said Ami Gadhia, senior policy counsel with Consumers Union, the policy arm of Consumer Reports. "Rear visibility and vehicle backovers are a serious problem, and consumers shouldn't have to wait any longer for the reforms that Congress asked for." Katherine McFate, president and CEO of the Center for Effective Government, added, "Congress passed this law to ensure children would not be needlessly killed. Five years after Congress ordered the Transportation Department to issue the rule, the administration is still stalling and American families are paying the price for this delay.” The advocacy group claims that 228 kids are killed by being backed over each year. The rule is expected to cost automakers up to $2.7 billion per year, according to 2010 NHTSA analysis, though consumer groups say that the cost has declined has more companies install the camera systems on their own. Separately, NHTSA is also considering updating its new car assessment system to give better safety recommendations to cars with rearview cameras. A request for comments on that proposal is scheduled to be published in the Federal Register on Wednesday. View the discussion thread. OPINION | How Congress can repeal ObamaCare while creating a more perfect... 112 Shares
New technology helps you determine the wear on your tire tread WMAR Staff 6:06 PM, Jan 24, 2014 When was the last time you changed or rotated your tires? Petya Papazova found out the tires on her car needed to be replaced when a van in front of her stopped short. Her mechanic blamed her tires. She said, "The truth is I never changed the tires for four years. But there was no rule or an indicator to tell me that they were due for a change." But actually, all tires in the U.S. are required to have something called "tread wears indicators." Once your tire wears evenly with those tread wear indicators, you know that your tire is bald and it needs to be replaced." But Papazova is not the only one who doesn't know those marks exist. About 2/3 of people don't even know they're there. And that means lots of us are having a hard time keeping track of our tires. Dan Zielinski of the Rubber Manufacturers Association said, "We did a study that found about 13 percent of vehicles on the road had at least one bald tire." But now, there's new technology to help make it clear that it's time to change. Zielinski said, "When your tire wears out, you see this vibrant color, red or orange or, or some other color." Nick Hodel works for the company who developed these indicators. He said, "Green, you're good. When you see yellow, you- it's caution, it's time to think about starting to replace those tires, and if you see red you should be replacing the tires." The Rubber Manufacturers Association says it's ultimately up to tire makers to get them on the road. They're the ones that have to build the tire, that have to meet all rigorous federal safety performance standards. And, it also has to be marketable. You put a strip of colored rubber into the tire that very much broadcasts the condition of your tire, if a consumer or consumers don't buy that product, it's not going to help anybody anywhere." Testing on tire studs is underway in Japan, and they're already being used on the icon tires brand sold in Canada. Hodel says, "A new tire will stop at 70 mph in about 190 ft. A worn out tire would stop at about 379 feet, which can mean the difference between life and death." Petya admits her accident opened her eyes. She said, "You're never safe on the road, uh, when it comes to tires if you don't know, um, the specifics." The Icon tires with the Tire Performance Indicator cost about $5 more per tire.
Home > News & Events > Drivers' Hours - what to do when stuck in a Jam Drivers' Hours - what to do when stuck in a Jam Ask any driver - professional or otherwise - to name the things that are least enjoyable about being behind the wheel and there is a more than even chance that "being stuck in a traffic jam" will feature highly on the list of responses. The range of problems associated with being stuck in traffic is varied: a relatively minor delay may still cause frustration and embarrassment as appointments are missed, while a lengthy wait has the potential to cause genuine commercial disaster. The Legal Problem For operators of commercial vehicles, there is a further problem which can arise from a traffic jam, and one that has potentially serious legal consequences (for both the operator and the driver) if not properly dealt with: the risk of straying outside the parameters of the drivers' hours rules. Whenever a PSV or HGV is driven, the operator and driver are, with limited exceptions, subject to one or other of the sets of drivers hours rules which govern how long the driver can drive before taking a break or rest. If not EU drivers' hours rules then domestic rules will usually apply, and each must be adhered to, often in tandem with the relevant working time regulations. Compliance with the EU rules should be managed by a combination of proper scheduling by operators and sensible planning by drivers. However, unexpected things happen. When stuck in traffic, the meticulously planned schedule can go out of the window and it is often the case that a driver will still be queing when the times comes to take a break. Assessing the Situation What, then, can drivers do to ensure that when 3 lanes of the M25 come to a standstill 10 miles from the next junction or service station, they stay on the right side of the law? First, an ability to assess the situation is helpful. Of course, it can often be impossible for drivers to tell how long they are going to be stuck in traffic, but even a limited insight as to the likely length of a delay may inform the course of action which should be taken; crawling along in slow moving traffic on a motorway due to an accident is an entirely different matter to being halted completely for several hours, perhaps overnight, because of heavy snowfall or, as has been the case in recent months, queuing in Kent to board a ferry. Moving Queues In the first scenario described above, there may be nothing that can be done to avoid exceeding the driving or duty time. As long as the vehicle is (or is likely to be) required to move and the engine remains running, then no break from driving can be taken. Article 12 of Regulation (EC) 561/2006 explains the circumstances in which it is permissible to depart from its provisions on breaks and rest, and the requirement is clear: as long as road safety is not jeopardised - and only to allow a driver to reach a suitable stopping place to ensure the safety of persons, the vehicle or its load - drivers may depart from the usual provisions of the rules and exceed their driving or duty time. There is then a legal requirement to ensure that the records explain exactly why and failure has occurred, and this is done by making a manual entry on an analogue chart or digital printout. The entry must indicate the reason for the departure from the rules and must be made as soon as the suitable stopping place is reached. Long-term Stationary Queues - Engines Off! A different response is called for when the driver is forced to remain completely stationary ina queue of traffic for several hours. The key feature of queues of this nature is that driving ceases. Where drivers are sure that they are not going anywhere soon, the next question is whether or not they can record a break. Drivers are, of course, perfectly entitled to take their breaks in their vehicles, but for a break to be taken, drivers must be certain that they are free to dispose of their time. If there is any prospect of being required to move the vehicle, or to do anything which could be construed as other work, then during that time drivers cannot record a break. For the avoidance of doubt, drivers are reminded that the definition of "other work" (Directive 2002/15/EC) is broad and is intended to cover just about any task (other than driving) which relates in any way to the transport operation. For example, PSV drivers carrying passengers may find it particularly difficult to avoid being required to undertake other work given the likelihood of questions from passengers etc. Very rarely, (and probably only in organised queues such as when Operation Stack is in place) it may be possible for a driver to take a daily rest while in a stationary queue, but, as above, the rest has to be uninterrupted and there is a requirement that the vehicle has suitable sleeping arrangements. If these are not available then drivers would need to find accommodation elsewhere to take the daily rest and be sure that there would be no requirement to return to the vehicle and/or to work during the rest period. In reality the chances of being in a queue with no prospect of interruption or other obligation to work for eleven (or even a reduced 9) hours are slim. In fact the most likely mode to be applicable in this scenario is "period of availability". The definition of a period of availability (2002/15/EC) confirms that it applies where a driver is not required to remain in or by the vehicle but must be available to answer calls or to resume driving or other work if and when needed. Crucially, the driver needs to know the likely foreseeable duration of the period of availability in advance. Of course, the use of the correct mode when not driving will not avoid situations in which total duty time (in EU terms) or working time rules are compromised - and once again, in these circumstances, the manual entry provision applies. Drivers would be well advised to keep a manual record of missed, or delayed WTD breaks in the same way as for missed or delayed EU driving breaks. No matter what the cause of the delay is, action will need to be taken by a driver when the delay creates a risk of infringing on drivers' hours rules. Drivers should assess the situation and do their best to assess the nature and cause of the queue and the likely length of the hold up. For slow moving queues where driving continues, there may be little a driver can do to avoid exceeding driving hours. For long-term stationary queues, when the engine is off, a driver may record a break if he is certain that he is free to dispose of his time - but otherwise should record either "other work" or a period of availability as the case may be. Finally - and most vitally - wherever the relevant drivers' hours rules are compromised, a driver must make a manual entry to explain the circumstances. Operators and drivers should remember that a drivers' hours infringement, if not explained by way of a manual entry, could be the basis for a criminal prosecution. First published by Croner Publishers on Croner-i Road Haulage. Copyright 2015 Wolters Kluwer (UK) Ltd Author: Richard Pelly
New: Japanese Type 95 Kurogane scout car September 12, 2014 - Bolt Action, Bolt Action - Japanese, Latest Products - Tagged: Bolt Action, Japanese Add valuable reconnaissance ability to your Imperial Japanese army with the latest resin vehicle to be added to our Bolt Action vehicle range – the Type 95 Kurogane scout car: The Type 95 Scout Car was the Japanese military’s equivalent to the American Jeep or Soviet GAZ-67 light vehicles. Commonly known as the Kurogane (Black Metal in Japanese), the Type 95 was developed after Japanese experiences in the Manchurian region of northeastern China had revealed the need for a small fast scout car capable of operating on the edge of the battlefield. The Type 95 could carry three people – two in the front and one in the back and was the only Japanese-produced vehicle of its kind used by the Japanese Army before and during World War II, most others being based on civilian designs. Built in closed cab, truck and convertible versions, the Type 95 was light and rather under-powered but proved an excellent vehicle for operations in northern China where it coped well with the local temperatures and its air-cooled engine was not reliant on the limited supplies of unpolluted water to be found in the region. It’s 4×4 nature was unusual for a car of this size and it had extremely good fuel economy. About 4,800 were built by between 1934 and 1945. Our model comes with both a raised and lowered canopy, giving you the choice of which to use. Supplied with two metal crew, the passenger has his Type 99 light machine gun placed through the open windscreen in front of him, ready to deal with any troublesome opposition. You might also like...New: SS-Ki engineering vehicleNew: Japanese Type 4 Ke-Nu light tankNew: Japanese Type 4 Ho-Ro self-propelled gunHistory: SS-Ki Engineering VehicleNew: Waffen-SS, Finnish and Japanese DecalsGallery: Japanese VehiclesNew: Japanese Special Naval Landing ForceNew: Japanese Type 2 Ka-Mi Amphibious Tank!
Car restoration taking years Diane Wilson GOLDSBORO, N.C. -- James Colvin has had enough. "Very frustrated, I mean very. Words just won't describe how I feel about him because I don't feel nobody should have to go through what I went through," he told us. Colvin was talking about Wayne Goss, the owner of G&S Auto Body in Goldsboro. Colvin took his 1967 Pontiac to Goss in November 2011. "He promised me that he would have it ready by March 2012. But he said, before I can start, I need $4,500 up front," Colvin recalled. Colvin says he paid him the money, and would make visits to the shop to check the progress. "He had parts here, parts here - had everything together. He said, 'I've had all this restored. Bumpers, the seats, everything on the inside is restored all I got to do is put it back together,'" Colvin recalled. The first of 2012, Colvin paid another $3,200 - making it a total of $7,700. "So he told me, 'Give me three weeks. Everything will be back together.' So I said, 'Well, listen I need it for the car show that's gonna be in Dunn in July-August,'" said Colvin. The car show happened, but Colvin still didn't have his car back and says he heard excuse after excuse. "Your car is ready. All I got to do is just get one thing. And it's been that way the whole time," said Colvin. "He got my car. He got my money, so that puts me at a disadvantage." Colvin was fed up and didn't know what to do. "So the last time I went down there, it was this year, 2013, and I told him, I said, 'I won't be back. I'm going to make you famous,'" said Colvin. Famous, by calling me. In March, the owner of G&S Auto Body told me the car was basically finished. He just had to do a few things but would have it done by the end of the week. Each end of the week, the car still wasn't done and he told me there was a new item that had to be done on the car. This went on for more than a month and a half before I paid Goss a visit at his shop in Goldsboro. I asked to see the car, but Goss said it wasn't at his shop. "No, it's at the upholsterer getting a dash put in," he explained. Goss said the upholsterer was in Swansboro - an hour and a half away. So I asked when Colvin would get his car. "My plans are to give him that car Friday," he said. I pointed out we'd heard that a few times before. "Well, it's been a tough car. I mean it's Pontiac's four-doors not like the two-doors, and I mentioned that to you before," said Goss. I pointed out he's had the car since 2011. "Yeah, but you know, things have gone crazy with it so I mean it just is what it is," said Goss. "Just be honest are you going to get the car done?" I said. "Yeah, I wouldn't do him that way. He's a really nice guy and he doesn't deserve this. And I really, to be honest with you, I'm as embarrassed as I could be over this car because this is the worst car I've had you know in all the years I've been in business, this is the worst car I've ever had," said Goss. And remember, Colvin has already paid Goss over $7,700. "And if you'll remember though, I knocked out all of his debt you know everything that he owes me," said Goss. We had go through the contract and the payment history to remind Goss there wasn't much debt to knock off - just $1,300. Goss again defended himself. "I know it sounds crazy, but it's been a nightmare, it really has. One of the worst cars I've ever had," he said. "I hate that it's in this situation to be honest with you. I feel terrible. I mean it's not something I want to do. I don't want to be in a situation where I'm upset or having somebody upset with me because we've been doing this for so long over the years that we've never had a problem." We continued to press Goss to see the vehicle, and he told us he'd go pick it up and have it ready the next day. But that evening, he called to say it would be the following Friday. Each time we called, he kept pushing back the completion date. After being told it would be finished, I went with Colvin to collect the car. When we arrived, the car was at the shop, but it is still not finished. "We didn't make it. We put a lot of effort into it to try and make it," said Goss. While the car looks shiny on the outside, there's still quite a bit of interior work to do - including a cracked dash that Goss had told me the week before he was getting replaced. Colvin did get a chance to look over the car he hasn't seen in a year and a half. He told me while he's frustrated the work is not finished, he's happy with the quality of what has been done. "Now, he's doing a hell of a job," said Colvin. "Whole lot of progress." Goss says he needs just one more week to finish it. "I hate it for myself and him, but we put a lot of effort in the car and it looks great. He was very pleased with it to this point. So we may be behind schedule, but it's not what we want to do. I feel terrible about it," said Goss. So next Friday we'll be back at G&S Auto, and hopefully this time Colvin can drive away in his 1967 beauty. See It On TV | Report A Typo | Send Tip | Get Alerts | Send us photos Follow @abc11 on Twitter | Become a fan on Facebook
CAR FACTS 1/18 COLLECTION Guide to collecting 1/18 Model cars: THE PASSION Guide to collecting 1/18 Model cars: THE CONTENT Guide to collecting 1/18 Model cars: THE SCALE CAR FACTS What is a supercar ? My definition What is a supercar ? My definition What is a supercar ? What is a supercar ? This question might seem quite silly but it’s actually a very important one. First of all, the use of the word “supercar” is nowadays used indiscriminately, in pretty much every situation where a sports / luxury car is concerned. Second of all, I need to explain what exactly IS a supercar, according to ME. Because obviously, not everyone might have the same definition or feel the same way about what I consider a supercar to be. So read on, and tell me if you agree! Let’s start by what a supercar is NOT. As I previously said, the word “supercar” refers to any sports or luxury car, provided it’s from an exclusive / well-known brand. It has become a generic term used by everyone: car spotters, car enthusiasts, journalists and media, and even sometimes by manufacturers themselves (oh boy). To be fair, it’s a completely natural and understandable trend: it’s far easier to simply say “oh it’s a supercar” then specify exactly the terminology of the car or its actual brand + model. Therefore using the word “supercar” is an easier and simpler way to communicate among petrolheads. When the term is used, you pretty much have a general idea of what you’re talking about. To be honest, I am part of this general trend and misuse the word a lot, for all the forementioned reasons. I’m not saying I would consider myself as part of the “problem”, but the fact that big media pages such as mine used (and keep using) the word all the time in every occasion certainly did NOT help. What is a supercar? A supercar is NOT what you describe 90% of the time. Let me give you some *real* examples: it’s NOT a Ferrari 458 italia, it’s NOT a Maserati GranTurismo, it’s NOT a McLaren MP4-12C, it’s NOT a Ford Mustang GT, it’s NOT an Aston Martin DBS. Those are just a few examples to illustrate the idea. And I’m not saying in a degrading way, as to look down on all those models, saying they pretend to be something they’re not. This is NOT the case. It’s merely a generic term that has become part of the public language by force of habit Deep inside, most people are well aware of it, they know they’re misusing the term, though. These cars are NOT supercars, they are production series car built in GREAT numbers (at least compared to true supercars, according to me), part of a very vast category of sports & luxury cars. Now let’s get to it. There are a few elements that can help you to decide what constitutes a supercar THE PERFORMANCE. To me, a supercar is the kind of car that goes beyond logic and fascinates the human mind. In general, a supercar is the epitome of technology for the brand, it is the flagship car. Well, at least it was when it was first shown to the public. Basically, a supercar is supposed to be more powerful, more responsive, faster, handle better: the best. It is meant to be THE final stage of excellence one can expect from a car (though they always manage to bring the game to the next level every time, LUCKILY FOR US)! THE NUMBERS. A supercar is usually a limited-edition vehicle (or at least built in very small numbers). That means that usually there aren’t that many to be found, there is more demand than offer. This makes it a rather rare sight both on roads or at events. I wouldn’t necessarily consider a car a supercar if there were more than 1000 units built in the world, though as always there *are* some exceptions, like the Porsche Carrera GT (+1300 units) or the Ferrari F40 (+1300 units). A supercar usually rhymes with one-offs and limited-edition: 499 units, 250 units, 10 units… a supercar represents the unobtainable, the exclusive and rare. THE PRICE. More often than not, a supercar is also very expensive. You can usually find them in a price range that goes further than your usual “luxury sports car from a big brand” (usually above the 400/500k euros), and this threshold keeps getting bigger and bigger as years pass: it seems like there is an unstoppable price augmentation for those kind of models. This means that not every sports car owner can afford to be a supercar owner. Their prices vary, obviously, but nowadays a modern supercar is worth more than a million euros. And it seems like there is a tendency for them to be worth MUCH MORE. THE LOOKS. The looks of a supercar are usually very unique. Unlike most “normal cars” (if I may), their design, their ligns and their aerodynamics have undeniable success. For most of the people and petrolheads, it’s a “WIN”. The looks of a car is a very very important part of the passion for me. As far as I’m concerned, it’s the first thing you see, it’s the first thing I saw and got me hooked: those pure lines, those beautiful and intemporal designs. A supercar simply speaks to you in a way a normal car wouldn’t. You feel you’re in the presence of something that is NOT supposed to be normal, not supposed to be average. It’s like if you put a Ferrari 430 next to a Ferrari Enzo. I might not be the most objective guy here, but I’m sure 90% of people can tell who’s the baddest cat around merely on the looks. THE WOW FACTOR. Last but not least, a supercar plays a huge role in the automotive world, having earned its place and its title in many different ways. Mainly in front of the general public, the general idea of a “supercar”, what I’ve always called the WOW FACTOR. It’s something unexplainable you feel when you see a supercar, you know you’re not simply looking at a sports car – it’s well-beyond that. The car has either always been an icon from day one (for example: the McLaren F1) or has also become an icon over time (for example: the Lamborghini Miura or the Ferrari F40 – not saying they weren’t always icons BTW lol) or gathered a certain love long after its release. Another thing, supercars also can be already commercialized and depicted as being THE supercar, best of the best of the brand. That usually applies to modern cars, to reply to a specific and very demanding clientèle: I’m talking about the likes of the Holy Trinity (Porsche 918, Ferrari LaFerrari, McLaren P1) and the new kids on the block like the Koenigsegg or Pagani models… But have supercars always existed? I wouldn’t say that, considering you sort of need the public to feel it and categorize the cars as such: you needed performance, as well as LOOKS. So when exactly was the birth? What was the first true supercar? This is a very big debate, but a lot of people, myself included, consider the 1966 Lamborghini Miura to have been the first *real* supercar. I’m fairly certain a Ferrari enthusiast will say it’s a Ferrari, which is why everyone preaches their gospel and you have to make your own opinion on stuff (especially if it’s as trivial as this lol). It’s only a matter of opinion though, there is nothing set and definitive about this. It’s all about one’s perception and how one perceives a supercar to be. Koenigsegg Agera ML The term supercar has now been explained, according to ME and only me. It’s just my point of view. That being said, I’m fairly certain the word will evolve over the years. Indeed, we also use the term to describe track-cars (like the McLaren P1 GTR or the FXX-K), though they’re playing in a completely different world, if you ask me. There is also an over-exageration with a certain group of cars that are part of a specific category: extremely expensive, extremely rare, with extreme performance. Some have used the terms “hypercar” or “megacar”, as to clearly show it’s beyond “SUPER”. I don’t really mind those terms. Not at all actually. I just find them “funny” and a bit useless, but that’s just me. The whole point is to understand each other when we talk and discuss cars! Hope I answered the question What is a supercar ” – according to me ! Hope you enjoyed reading! What is a supercar ? My definition was last modified: February 3rd, 2017 by Alexandre Aubin car stuffcarssupercarsupercar categorywhat isWhat is a supercar 1 comment New two-tone Bugatti Chiron in Obernai ! Bugatti Veyron car wash … Would you? How to prepare for the 2016 Geneva Motor Show What is the most expensive car in the world ? Custom plates : what’s the deal ? A story about car liveries 1 comment Jere 19 May 2016 at 1 h 01 min Do you think my Ultima GTR, kit car is supermarket. If not why. Reply Leave a Comment Cancel Reply Please enter an answer in digits:13 − 8 = Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Alexsmolik on social media Event Festival Automobile International – FAI 2017 Goodwood Revival 2016 : first experience! Chantilly Arts et Elegance 2016 Exotics on Cannery Row – EOCR... 2016 Goodwood FoS Trending Topics2016 Geneva Motor Show Aston Martin Vulcan Ferrari F12 TDF Huayra BC McLaren P1 GTR P1 GTR Pagani Automobili Cristiano Ronaldo drives Bugatti Chiron Brace yourself: Ford GT Competition Series coming ! Cristiano Ronaldo quickly shows off his toys Horacio Pagani new F12 TDF is GORGEOUS Ferrari Dream Drive alexsmolik on Instagram by alexsmolik by alexsmolik @2016 - Alexsmolik. All Right Reserved. Get your car facts straight !
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2012 Audi A7 Sportback 3.0 TFSI – First Drive Review When automakers begin development on a new model, there are typically three or more competing design proposals, one of which is then chosen to make it into metal. This standard operating procedure was discarded with the Audi A7 Sportback, says Audi boss Rupert Stadler: “Everything was right in the first place.” Indeed, this large hatchback could be the most beautiful of all Audis. Long, wide, and low, it’s styled with smooth and supremely clean lines. The front end is better proportioned than the latest A8’s and seems cool and almost stoic—especially with the optional LED headlights. The side view recalls the most handsome (if not the most reliable) of 1970s hatchbacks, such as the Rover SD-1 and Citroën CX; the rear end is cut off sharply, like an Italian supercar of that same era. This car is free of the gimmicks you’ll find on many others in this class, and we haven’t talked to anyone who doesn’t admire its looks. Now that we’ve established that the A7 is beautiful, we’ll note that the car really is little more than a dressed-up, next-generation A6. It uses Audi’s modular longitudinal architecture; a good 20 percent of the A7’s body is made from aluminum, which is more heavily relied on in the more expensive A8, but most of the A7 is made from less costly steel. Our experience behind the wheel of the A7 bodes well for the next A6. The chassis glides over uneven roads with far more grace than before; this is a very comfortable car, with none of the harshness and forced sportiness that characterizes many other Audi models. The 114.7-inch wheelbase, up almost three inches over the previous A6’s, definitely helps in keeping body motions controlled and the cabin serene. But whereas the A7 can be considered a big car, at least in Europe, it doesn’t mind being pushed through the corners. This is especially true for those versions equipped with the Quattro all-wheel-drive system, which feeds 60 percent of torque to the rear wheels as a default; as much as 70 percent can be shunted to the front and 85 percent to the rear. All U.S.-bound A7s will have Quattro. Even without the optional sport differential, the A7 is agile when pushed. It stays neutral up to insane cornering speeds and never discourages you from playing. Audi’s wheel-selective torque vectoring is so well programmed that the stability control has one of the lightest workloads of any of the systems in this car. Besides the 3.0 TFSI Quattro—the U.S.-bound configuration—we drove a front-wheel-drive 3.0-liter TDI. It is also predictable in its handling and fairly agile but ultimately tends toward understeer and is less quick to recover speed when exiting corners. The 300-hp 3.0 TFSI is the same engine found in the current A6 and S4—it makes 310 hp in the former, 333 in the latter—and it remains great in the A7. Despite its misleading “TFSI” moniker, this V-6 is supercharged with a Roots-type blower. It’s smooth and responsive and delivers excellent performance, or so says Audi. The company claims an A7 thus equipped can achieve 62 mph in 5.6 seconds—we estimate that to be about right—and the top speed is governed at the customary 155 mph. In Europe, the 3.0 mates to a seven-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox, but we’ll get the same ZF-supplied eight-speed automatic found in the A8. The seven-speeder executes quick shifts, but the exhaust sound is subdued; this is clearly a luxury car with sportiness playing second fiddle—although it is, as noted, plenty capable. The most popular engine in Europe likely will be the 245-hp, 3.0-liter V-6 TDI Quattro (it’s the same engine as in the front-wheel-drive version we sampled, but it made a weaker 204 hp there). There also is an entry-level gasoline engine that is a naturally aspirated 204-hp, 2.8-liter V-6. The best engine is yet to come: a 4.0-liter turbocharged V-8 that will be available in the upcoming S7 and mated to the seven-speed dual-clutch S tronic gearbox. The S7 will arrive after the S8 sometime late in 2011, and it just might be worth waiting for. Of course, if you need a sportier look right now, Audi is happy to oblige with an S line package that adds boxier front air intakes, although we found them disrupting to the front-end aesthetics. No thanks. Inside, the A7 simultaneously oozes opulence and simplicity. The high center console creates a sporty, cockpit-like feeling; the instruments are clear and crisp; and the materials are, as usual for Audi, stunning. The aluminum and wood trim options could be considered an industry benchmark, with the layered oak being the most luxurious variation. Complementing the A6-based mechanicals are lots of gadgets that first appeared in the flagship A8, including the touch pad that can detect fingertip handwriting and a feature whereby our test car constantly updated its navigation system with Google Maps data (we’d be interested in checking out the cellular data bill after the multiwave, two-week press launch). The A7’s head-up system is crisp and clear, and there is a full set of nanny and assistance systems, including radar sensors to detect slow or stopped vehicles ahead, blind-spot monitoring, active cruise control that can operate to and from a complete stop, and lane-keeping assist. The data fed into the latter helps in the event the car begins to slide by increasing or decreasing the power steering assist. We like the speed-limit-recognition technology, which displays road signs in the IP as you pass them—handy if you’re driving in unfamiliar locales—but we’re unsure if it will make it to U.S. models. Speaking of U.S. models, expect them here next year, priced somewhere between $50,000 and $60,000. The A7’s most direct competitors are the Mercedes-Benz CLS, the second generation of which debuts at the Paris auto show, and the Porsche Panamera V-6. Others are the coupe-ish Jaguar XF, as well as the funky BMW 5-series GT. Whereas some are better to drive and all offer more or less similar levels of practicality, none wears sheetmetal that is as effortlessly sensual as the A7’s. And in a segment where styling is pretty much everything, that gives the Audi a leg up. Related ItemsA7AudiSportback 2011 Audi R8 GT – First Drive Review 2011 Porsche 911 GT2 RS – First Drive Review Connect To Facebook
Is this the new Lamborghini SUV concept? Brett Davis Jan 31, 2012 January 31, 2012 Car News, Lamborghini, SUV Images from Italian publication Quattroruote claim to preview an upcoming Lamborghini SUV concept. Rumour has it the new model will be a spiritual successor to the Lamborghini LM002. Lamborghini CEO Stephan Winkelmann said last year that the company was planning an “everyday” model, with reports pointing to a possible crossover, shooting brake or SUV. Winkelmann told Reuters last year, “We are going to have a third model. It has to be an everyday car. We want to have a car which is able to be used on a daily basis.” Quattroruote is now reporting that these are leaked images of a concept version of a new SUV/crossover that is being planning by the company. Reports say the vehicle will be built on a Porsche Cayenne platform, under the Volkswagen ownership umbrella, and be powered by a V10 engine producing around 425kW of power. If this is the case, it will be the most powerful SUV on the market, and likely the fastest. A hybrid version is also said to be on the cards, producing even more power, up to around 515kW. However, this isn’t expected to see light of day until at least 2015. It’s all very exciting even though it is in very early, speculation stages. The Italian report says the concept pictured here will be unveiled in full at the 2012 Beijing Motor Show in April. We look forward and hope to see it eventuate. Lamborghini SUV conceptLamborghini SUV conceptLamborghini SUV conceptLamborghini SUV concept Tags Lamborghini Aventador, Lamborghini Estoque, Lamborghini Gallardo, Lamborghini SUV Related Articles Lamborghini Urus SUV to come with bespoke twin-turbo V8 December 2, 2015 Lamborghini Aventador hits 5000 production milestone March 28, 2016 Lamborghini ‘Centenario’ special edition confirmed, Geneva debut December 3, 2015 Lamborghini ‘Centenario’ special edition already sold out –… January 14, 2016 Brett Davis Brett is the editor and founder of PerformanceDrive. He's obsessed with driving, having played with Matchbox cars until he was tall enough to drive a real one. After initially working as a mechanic, Brett earned a degree in journalism and entered media as an editorial assistant at Top Gear Australia magazine. He then worked at His dream is to live next door to the Nurburgring in Germany. 3,670
You are here: Home / Automotive Lifestyle, Culture & Fashion / Global Unveiling Of Jaguar Land Rover Bond CarsGlobal Unveiling Of Jaguar Land Rover Bond Cars September 16, 2015 By Mike Lee Last updated on September 16, 2015 Jaguar and Land Rover stunt vehicles Jaguar C-X75, Range Rover Sport SVR and Land Rover Defender make international debut in Frankfurt, Germany SPECTRE cast members Naomie Harris and David Bautista attend star-studded event ahead of reveal at motor show Guests entertained by British singer and musician John Newman Jaguar Land Rover Special Vehicle Operations [SVO] as well as Jaguar and Land Rover Design worked with filmmakers on the conception and creation of the Bond SVO is responsible for the most luxurious and highest performing cars that Jaguar Land Rover makes Jaguar and Land Rover to release exclusive and interactive behind-the-scenes SPECTRE content on and Jaguar Land Rover have celebrated their vehicles appearing in the new Bond adventure, SPECTRE. Cars, including the Jaguar C-X75, Range Rover Sport SVR and the iconic Land Rover Defender, stole the show as they were unveiled in public for the first time at the palatial Thurn und Taxis in Frankfurt. Naomie Harris (Moneypenny) and David Bautista (Hinx) were guests of honour at the glamorous event showcasing special stunt vehicles used in the latest instalment of the James Bond series. Guests were entertained by British singer and musician John Newman, who performed a number of top ten hits from his album. SPECTRE, the 24th James Bond film, from Albert R. Broccoli’s EON Productions, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios and Sony Pictures Entertainment, sees the Jaguar C-X75 drive through the moonlit streets of Rome in one of the movie’s most iconic high speed chase scenes. Driven by Hinx, played by David Bautista, the C-X75 supercar, named the most advanced Jaguar ever created, was provided by Jaguar Land Rover Special Vehicle Operations (SVO) in collaboration with development partner Williams Advanced Engineering headquarters in Oxfordshire, England. SVO was created in June 2014 to focus on meeting the increasing expectations of today’s most discerning and enthusiastic Jaguar and Land Rover customers. Working on the development of high performance versions of existing models, luxury bespoke commissions and limited run collector editions, it represents the very pinnacle of the two iconic brands. Specially modified Land Rover Defenders and the fastest, most powerful Land Rover ever, the Range Rover Sport SVR also star in major action sequences shot in Austria. The highly capable Defenders were constructed by the JLR Special Operations division with huge 37-inch diameter off-road tyres and enhanced body protection to tackle the challenging terrain of the snow-covered mountain roads used for filming. Actor David Bautista said, “To have the opportunity to be a part of an iconic chase scene in a Bond movie and to drive the C-X75 supercar was like a dream come true for me. It truly is a beautiful beast of a car that will go down in movie history.” Naomie Harris, who will reprise the role of Moneypenny in SPECTRE said: “I made my Bond debut in the Defender, and I have so many fond memories shooting that sequence in Istanbul. It’s such a special franchise to be a part of, and I’m thrilled to be here in Frankfurt with the Jaguar Land Rover team”. Managing Director of Jaguar Land Rover Special Operations, John Edwards, said: “For Jaguar Land Rover to once again be a part of the iconic vehicle line ups in one of the most celebrated film franchises in the world represents a proud moment for us. It’s an incredible opportunity to showcase production and concept cars alike and we look forward to continuing this relationship well into the future.” Fans around the world will be treated to a host of exclusive SPECTRE content on Jaguar and Land Rover’s social channels and brand new websites, including special access to unseen footage and interviews with the design, SVO and stunt teams as well as a stunning 360 dynamic walk-around of the Jaguar C-X75. SPECTRE is released worldwide from October. Filed Under: Automotive Lifestyle, Culture & Fashion, Motoring News, Shows and EventsCar Database
by Nick Dobbins With both a low barrier to entry and high demand for their services, Heavy and Tractor Trailer Truck Driver is one of the most popular occupations in Minnesota. Truck drivers are differentiated from other professional drivers by the fact that they operate a truck with a capacity of more than three tons. They transport materials, maintain their vehicle, and keep a log of their actions and deliveries. Truck drivers are responsible for moving all types of goods, from home appliances to livestock to fuel, across the state and country. Their work is, in many ways, to act as the life blood of our economy, hauling the components that keep our system working. Where doctors and other white collar workers are often exhaustively trained and very highly paid, heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers are in many ways the polar opposite. As is the case with many driving occupations, becoming a professional truck driver requires little to no occupation-specific education save a few weeks of driving classes, and even that is optional in some places. Working as a truck driver does, however, require a commercial driver’s license, for which the applicant must take a battery of tests. Additionally, there are a number of endorsements that a driver might seek out if they wished to drive more specialized vehicle. For example, specific endorsements are necessary for someone who wishes to drive a school bus or a vehicle hauling hazardous materials. Those endorsements require additional tests and may include some mandatory training. Many who pursue driving as a career do not have the time, resources, or desire to put in long years of training. In spite of the relatively low bar for entry, the occupation generally pays a good wage. As such, it’s a career that attracts a large number of workers who are looking to earn a decent wage without years of waiting and student loans. As Table 1 shows, the median hourly wage for Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers is $20.13, and there are over 34 thousand truck drivers in the state, representing more than 1.2 percent of all workers in Minnesota. Unlike more highly paid, highly specialized professions like surgeons or chemical engineers, truck drivers are not concentrated in the metro area, but work all over the state. They are actually spread out geographically more evenly than the population as a whole. Truck driving is an occupation that is open to many if not most Minnesotans, regardless of education level or place of residence. Its practitioners come from all walks of life and live all over the state. Table 1. Employment, Wage, and Location for Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers Hourly Wage Minnesota (Statewide) Seven County Met Area Southeast Minnesota Northwest Minnesota Northeast Minnesota Source: Minnesota Occupational Employment and Wage estimates, First Quarter 2016 Minnesota Judging entirely from official occupational projections, the outlook in for truck drivers looks modestly encouraging. Table 2 shows that the occupation is expected to add over 1,500 new positions between 2014 and 2024, representing growth of 4 percent. Additionally, there are projected to be over 6,000 replacement openings as current truck drivers leave the occupation. Overall, 7,920 openings are projected. There is, however, a new variable to consider which does not lend itself easily to precise projections. The trucking industry appears set to absorb technological changes in the coming years, so the very idea of what it will mean to drive a vehicle in the near future is being called into question. Table 2: Long Term Occupation Projections Estimated 2014 Projected 2024 Percent Change 2014-2024 Numeric Change 2014-2024 Replacement Openings Total Openings Source: Minnesota Occupation Projections, Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development The changing technology could affect more than just the heavy and tractor-trailer truck driver occupation in the state. As Table 3 shows, many Minnesotans hold similar jobs driving light trucks or buses, as well as other occupations centered heavily on specialized vehicle operation. While 34,550 Minnesotans are employed as heavy truck drivers, another 36,490 work in other occupations where operating a vehicle is the primary responsibility. Combined, these account 2.6 percent of all jobs in Minnesota and 2.5 percent of all jobs in the United States. Table 3: Minnesota and U.S. Employment in Vehicle Operation Occupations Minnesota Employment United States Employment Total, All Occupations Bus Drivers, School or Special Client Light Truck or Delivery Services Drivers Taxi Drivers and Chauffeurs Bus Drivers, Transit and Intercity Ambulance Drivers and Attendants, Except Emergency Medical Technicians While laws, customs, and technology would need to continue to change, occupations focused on driving a vehicle could see dramatic changes in coming years. Given the rapid advancement of autonomous automobile technology, one could argue that the question is no longer whether goods and people will ever use self-driving vehicles as a primary mode of transportation, but rather how long will it take until that future arrives, and how our culture and industries will adapt to this burgeoning technology. But as of the Second Quarter of 2016, there were 2,006 jobs available for Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers with an average wage of $16.16/hour. This is a vacancy rate of 5.8 percent which is better than the statewide rate for all occupations which is 3.6 percent.
2000 Toyota Celica Values A two-door hatchback sports car, the 2000 Toyota Celica has been completely redesigned for the new model year. The Celica is available in two trims; the GT and the GTS. Both are powered by a 1.8L four-cylinder engine however, the GT produces 140 hp and the GTS is rated at 180 hp. Also, both versions are rated over 30 mpg on the highway. The GT comes standard with a five-speed manual transmission while the GTS is fitted with a six-speed manual. Both trims are also available with an automatic. Select a 2000 Toyota Celica trim level Celica-4 Cyl. Coupe 2D GT Coupe 2D GT-S Back to all 2000 Toyota Cars, Trucks, and SUVs See all Toyota Celica Years
Return to main National Motor Museum website The National Motor Museum High Days and Holidays High Days & Holidays > Motor Sport Mankind has always been fascinated by speed, constantly looking for a new way to go faster. Motor sport has always pushed the speed boundaries of the motor car, making it a popular spectator sport and family day out. The Early Days A spectators' programme for the Junior Car Club 200 Miles Race for Light Cars under 1500cc held at Brooklands, Surrey on Saturday 26th Sept 1925. The roots of motor sport can be traced back to the 1890s. The very first organised motor car races took place on the roads between French towns. These races soon evolved into long distance races between cities such as Paris to Vienna. Technical progression saw cars get faster and faster but there was little provision for safety. As the races passed through towns and villages there were often collisions involving the viewing public. Due to the danger associated with races on public roads, they have always been illegal on mainland Britain. However, hill climbs and speed events were allowed on closed roads. In order to promote motor racing and the British motor industry, wealthy industrialist Hugh Locke-King constructed the massive Brooklands circuit on private land in Surrey. Racing began in 1908 and, just like horse-racing events, bookies took bets on the drivers. Protected seating was available for 5,000 with standing room for up to a quarter of a million spectators. However, early race meetings only attracted crowds of around 5,000 earning the slogan ‘The right crowd with no crowding’. For many years Brooklands was the only motor sport venue in mainland Britain and many enthusiasts flocked to meetings in the Isle of Man and Ireland where road racing was permitted. From 1907 the Isle of Man was the venue for the annual TT motorcycle races, with riders risking their lives on the island’s demanding roads. In 1933 a second purpose built road-racing circuit was finally built at Donington Park near Derby. Post World War II Spectators watch a 1949 Healey 2.4 litre Sportsmobile Drop Head Coupe at the Morecombe Bay Car Rally, 16th May 1952. At the end of World War II motor racing gripped the public’s imagination. Harsh petrol rationing limited private motoring, but motor sport provided an exciting outlet for a population that had suffered years of conflict. Brooklands and Donington did not survive the war years but new race tracks such as Silverstone, Goodwood and Snetterton were built on old military airfields. In 1948 the first Grand Prix of Great Britain was held at Silverstone in Northamptonshire watched by a crowd of over 100,000. Goodwood in Sussex also prospered with attendances in excess of 50,000. In these early post-war days driver safety was limited to straw bales and oil drums. The viewing public stood behind simple wooden fences. Motor racing events became a popular day out for the whole family, complete with picnic hampers! Meanwhile, motor sport magazines and books hit the market, capitalising on motor racing and rallying fans. In recent years Britain has seen a full and varied calendar of motor sport in Britain. Rallying, sprints, hill climbs, saloon car racing and stock car events are all popular days out. Even unusual events such as caravan and lorry racing at Silverstone have been organised. Worldwide following of the Formula One Grand Prix series has also seen the rise of competition on an international scale and brought motor sport to our television screens. Today, clothing, books, toys, games and car accessories are produced for the enthusiastic market. The human love affair with automobiles and speed is here to stay.
Opel e-bike “RAD e” Concept will make its debut at the Geneva Motor Show Article by Christian A., on February 11, 2012 Did you know that Opel started as a cycle manufacturer? Opel aims to remind people of its roots at the Geneva Motor Show next month where it will display an electric bicycle concept, together with its new Mokka small SUV and a high performance Astra compact car. The RAD e cycle is created to enter an expanding niche for electric cycles and to also remind consumers of its early history on the occasion of its 150th anniversary year. In a statement, Opel said that this concept complements the existing e-mobility strategy of the brand. It is the first e-bike to be made using automotive construction and production principles. The RAD e offers pedal power with a 250 watt motor to have an electrically assisted range of 60km to 145km. Opel said that the E-bikes play a key role in future integrated urban transport concepts linking e-bikes, cars and buses. This concept follows on from Opel’s RAK e two-seat, three-wheeler electric concept shown at the Frankfurt auto show in 2011. Opel said that it began to build bicycles 150 years ago. It said that in the RAD e, it has integrated several of its existing design language. A twin-turbocharged diesel version of the Insignia mid-sized car will also be shown in Geneva. The 2.0-liter engine produces 195-hp, but has a CO2 emissions level of 129g/km. At the end of 2012, Opel will start selling the Mokka, which will be shown in Geneva as a production car, in Europe at its subcompact SUV segment where it will rival vehicles like the Dacia Duster, Suzuki SX4 and Fiat Sedici. Opel RAD e Opel is presenting a stylish and environmentally-friendly urban design concept at the Geneva Motor show: the RAD e bike. It is fun and responds to customer needs to be mobile when car use is restricted or not possible. The RAD e is also a reminder of Opel’s early industrial period of manufacturing bicycles. In that sense, the designers developed a study that is both historically relevant and offers a vision of the future. The RAD e is aimed primarily at urban people at a time when e-bikes are predicted to play an increasing role in future integrated urban transport concepts. It follows Opel’s design philosophy “sculptural artistry meets German precision” and incorporates boomerang design cues that also appear in the award-winning Ampera and the RAK e experimental electric vehicle. The RAD e name takes its inspiration from “Rad” -the German word for bicycle and wheel. The RAD e is the first e-bike concept to be designed around automotive manufacturing mass production methods. Instead of exotic light-weight materials, the Opel designers opted for a hollow pressed-steel frame which is also light weight, strong, flexible and easy to make. In Opel’s 150th anniversary year, it is particularly appropriate that the designers took their inspiration from the Opel’s 1928 Motoclub 500 motorbike which also had pressed-steel frame elements. At the time, the Motoclub was revolutionary because its steel components were pressed, cutting the production time from previously 14 to just four hours. Thus Opel makes a historical link to its pioneering spirit of the past which is still relevant for its innovations of the future. The RAD e’s pedelec propulsion system is based on a state-of-the art 250 watt electric motor and a lithium-ion battery. In a maximum time of two-and-a-half hours, the battery can be fully charged. The e-bike can also be transported on Opel’s unique FlexFix bicycle carrier and be charged while driving. Delivering at least 40 Nm of instant torque, the bike feels agile and fun to ride. The motor gives the rider support when pedaling. At an average speed of 20 kilometers an hour and depending on the electric assist and terrain, the e-bike achieves an electrically supported range of between 60 and 145 kilometers. The same smartphone-based control unit that made its debut with the RAK e battery powered experimental car last year is now used with the RAD e. The control unit is a user-friendly solution that unlocks the electric engine, provides real-time data on range, speed and exact location. Topics: opel, concept, geneva motor show If you liked the article, share on:
Gas Powered Cars Vs. Electric Powered Cars by REBECCA LAKE Last Updated: Aug 11, 2015 Rebecca Lake Rebecca Lake is a freelance writer and virtual assistant living in the southeast. She has been writing professionally since 2009 for various websites. Lake received her master's degree in criminal justice from Charleston Southern University. The engine of a hybrid plug-in car at an auto show. Photo Credit Kiyoshi Ota/Getty Images News/Getty Images One of the largest contributors to air pollution and man-made global warming is transportation. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that the average passenger vehicle produces approximately five tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) annually, which is thought to contribute significantly to the greenhouse effect. Electric cars represent one alternative to gasoline-powered vehicles and there are several key differences between the two technologies. The basic components that are required to operate a gas-powered car are an internal combustion engine, a standard or automatic transmission, an alternator, a carburetor or fuel-injection system, spark plugs, a crankshaft and a battery. According to Hybrid Cars, the main features of an electric car are an electric motor, a larger, heavier rechargeable battery, a computerized controller and a regenerative braking system which is connected to both the motor and the battery. Operating a gas-powered car is fairly complicated compared to electric car operation. As you press the accelerator, gas is directed from the fuel tank through the fuel line to the engine, where it is combined with air and compressed by a piston. The spark plugs ignite the fuel, causing the pistons move. The motion of the pistons is transferred to the crankshaft, which turns the wheels. According to Hybrid Cars, when you press the accelerator in an electric motor, the controller sends a signal to the battery which tells it how much voltage to send to the motor. When you press the brake, the electric motor slows the wheels and acts as a generator, sending an electric current back to the battery for later use. In terms of their initial cost, electric vehicles may be more expensive than their gas-powered counterparts. According to Cars Direct, electric car pricing for 2010 vehicles ranges from $15,000 to $100,000, depending on the make and model. Electric vehicles offer an advantage in terms of maintenance costs compared with gas-powered vehicles. Hybrid Cars estimates that electric vehicles cost approximately 2 cents per mile to operate, compared to 12 cents per mile for gas vehicles. Electric cars are significantly better for the environment in terms of greenhouse gas emissions and pollutants. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, electric cars produce zero tailpipe emissions or air pollutants. They may produce emissions indirectly if they are recharged using the conventional power grid versus solar or wind power. Electric cars are also more energy-efficient than combustion engines, converting 75 percent of the battery's energy versus just 20 percent of the energy converted by gasoline cars. While electric cars offer several advantages over gas-powered cars, there are several things to consider before purchasing one. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, current electric car battery technology limits their driving range to between 100 and 200 miles and it can take up to eight hours to fully recharge the battery. Compared with the 300-plus miles you can travel on a single tank of gas and the ease and convenience of refueling, electric vehicles may not be right for all drivers. The Difference Between Parallel Hybrid Cars & Series Hybrid Cars Differences Between Hybrid Cars & Regular Cars Facts of Car Pollution Negative Effects of Hybrid Cars Hybrid Car Facts: the Good & the Bad The Advantages of Solar Powered Vehicles Environmental Impacts of Hybrid Cars Diseases Caused by Air Pollution 10 Ways You're Sabotaging Your Own Success The Effects of Air Pollution on Plants Solar Powered Car Facts How Do Factories Pollute the Air? What Makes Hybrid Cars Better for the Environment? Carbon Footprint Examples Effects of Carbon Footprint Long-Term Effects of Air Pollution How Do Hybrid Cars Affect the Economy? 14 Smart Ways to Cut Food Waste The Causes, Effects & Solutions for Air Pollution SLIDESHOW 14 Smart Ways to Cut Food Waste VIDEO List of Foods That Harm Mitochondria SLIDESHOW The 50 U.S. Cities With the Best Air Quality Advertisement The Difference Between Parallel Hybrid Cars & Series Hy… 2 Differences Between Hybrid Cars & Regular Cars 3 Facts of Car Pollution 4 Negative Effects of Hybrid Cars 5 Hybrid Car Facts: the Good & the Bad Advertisement
Alfa Romeo 4C Spider Concept Debuts At 2014 Geneva Motor Show: Live Photos And Video Email This Page Alfa Romeo 4C Spider Concept Debuts At 2014 Geneva Motor Show: Live Photos And Video At the 2011 Geneva Motor Show we first saw the 4C in concept form. Two years later we saw the production version revealed. Now, at the 2014 Geneva Motor Show, Alfa Romeo has pulled the covers off a new 4C Spider concept, which has already been confirmed for production in early 2015. The most obvious feature of the 4C Spider concept is its removable roof. However, there are also a number of subtle--and somewhat welcome--elements previewed on the concept that will likely be introduced across the 4C range at a later date. The convertible 4C concept shows a new clamshell headlight design that drops the bug-like light units fitted to the production 4C. The concept also wears differentiated diameter wheels: an 18-inch pair at the front and 19-inch in the rear. Finally, the concept also features a special three-layer white paint finish that gives off a shimmering look. DON'T MISS: 1,340-Horsepower Koenigsegg One:1 Supercar Live From Geneva As for the roof, it is a soft top, most likely manually adjusted. Modifications to the 4C body include a specific carbon roll bar cover and a striking carbon windscreen ring, both of which help improve stiffness. The 4C’s rear window has also been replaced with a continuation of the bodywork on the 4C Spider concept. Keeping weight down was still a focus of the design, and in this area the engineers have excelled. Just like the 4C, the 4C spider concept has a dry weight of less than 2,200 pounds. Some additional modifications were made to the suspension, which Alfa says was necessary to ensure the convertible 4C offered the same feeling and driving pleasure as the coupe. No changes have been made to the 4C’s powerplant, which remains a turbocharged 1.75-liter four-cylinder rated at 240 horsepower. The engine is paired with a seven-speed dual-clutch transmission and in the 4C Spider concept has been fitted with a new titanium and carbon exhaust system. This is a dual-stage central exhaust system concept with titanium and carbon tailpipes by Akrapovic, a company which produces competition exhaust systems for Moto GP, Superbike, Supersport, Motocross and Enduro. Among its most distinctive features is the electrically operated valve technology, which can be operated at the flip of a switch, allowing the driver to control the volume of the car’s exhaust note. The 4C Spider concept is just the latest in a line of sultry convertible Alfas, such as Giulietta Spider from the 1950s or the mythical Duetto made famous by the classic film, The Graduate. Unfortunately, the reveal of the 4C Spider concept coincides with news that Alfa Romeo will likely miss out on a new convertible sports car that was being developed on the bones of the next-generation Mazda MX-5. The new model, which had yet to be named, was due to hit showrooms in early 2015, about when the production 4C Spider is due. The regular 4C coupe will land in showrooms this June. For more from the 2014 Geneva Motor Show, click here. HI-RES GALLERY: Alfa Romeo 4C Spider, 2014 Geneva Motor Show Alfa Romeo News Alfa Romeo May Miss Out On Mazda MX-5-Based Roadster: Report Alfa Romeo 4C Arrives In (Select) U.S. Dealers In June Touring Disco Volante Colored Up For Geneva: Live Photos... Alfa 4C Buyers Will Be Able To Ditch Bug-Like Lights For 4C... Volkswagen Arteon (CC) teased before Geneva debut
President Obama walks off Air Force One Sunday in South Bend, Ind. Obama announces new fuel standards By Eamon Javers and Mike Allen President Barack Obama announced plans on Tuesday for a national fuel-economy and greenhouse-gas standard that would significantly increase mileage requirements for cars and trucks by 2016. Obama called it “an historic agreement to help America break its dependence on oil, reduce harmful pollution and begin the transition to a clean energy economy.” Story Continued Below The new requirements mark the first time there has been a nationwide standard for emissions of greenhouse gases. They require an average mileage standard of 39 miles per gallon for cars and 30 mpg for trucks by 2016 – a jump from the current average for all vehicles of 25 miles per gallon. Obama made the announcement in a Rose Garden ceremony flanked by representatives of auto workers unions and 10 auto manufacturers, plus elected officials including California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. “In the past an agreement such as this would have been considered impossible. It’s no secret these are folks who’ve been at odds for years, even decades,” Obama said. But, he said, “The status quo is no longer acceptable.” The new standards cover the model years 2012 to 2016 and are expected to add about $600 to the cost of a new car, the White House said. Administration officials hope the added costs will be recouped by savings in gasoline costs from the higher mileage requirements. Auto manufacturers have fought past attempts to raise mileage standards but came to the table this time out of fears of patchwork of national standards – particularly because California has been trying to create a more aggressive benchmark for decreasing greenhouse gases. Obama’s moves gives the companies certainty in what they must achieve for all model nationwide — , at a time when car companies are struggling for survival. The policy for autos will link together the corporate average fuel economy, or CAFE, standard and the Environmental Protection Agency's greenhouse-gas standard. That way, officials explain, industry will not have to worry that the administration will regulate those on separate tracks. The standards will be gradually increased each year after 2012 until they hit Obama’s targets in 2016. The White House predicted significant environmental benefits from the program, with a projected savings over the life of the program of 1.8 billion barrels of oil, and reductions of 900 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions. White House officials called it the equivalent to taking 177 million cars off the road or shutting down 194 coal plants. Obama called the tailpipe-emissions announcement historic because it avoids a patchwork of standards and has won agreement from so many stakeholders, including automakers, state governments, the Department of Transportation and the EPA. “President Obama has solved the energy and economic policy equivalent of a Rubik’s Cube,” said Rep. Ed Markey (D-Mass.), who was a principal author of a 35 mpg standard that passed Congress in 2007. California had been seeking permission to establish its own greenhouse-gas reduction standard for tailpipe emissions but now can be expected to ultimately accept the federal standard. In secret conversations, the Obama administration has lined up support from many state governments and a huge array of domestic and foreign automakers, including GM, Ford, Chrysler, BMW and many more. Attending the announcement were top officials from Ford, General Motors, Toyota, Honda, Chrysler, BMW, Nissan, Volkswagen, Mercedes Benz and Mazda, along with United Auto Workers president Ron Gettlefinger. In addition to Schwarzenegger, Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm and Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick were there. The original CAFE standards was established by Congress in 1975 in response to the Arab Oil embargo. On Obama’s seventh day in office, he directed his Transportation Department to establish higher fuel-efficiency standards for carmakers' 2011 model year “so that we use less oil and families have access to cleaner, more-efficient cars and trucks.” “This rule will be a down payment on a broader and sustained effort to reduce our dependence on foreign oil,” he said. “Going forward, my administration will work on a bipartisan basis in Washington and with industry partners across the country to forge a comprehensive approach that makes our economy stronger and our nation more secure.” Share on Facebook Eamon Javers Mike Allen @mikeallen This story tagged under:
February 11, 2013 by Kartik Kulkarni6 Comments Today’s topic: On why the DELTAWING was TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE! There are two problems with proposing a revolutionary idea in this vast engineering playground. Firstly, there aren’t any! Before you could even begin to ink the idea as a result of your lucid dreaming, some bloke from another land would’ve already accomplished what you wanted to. Secondly, and this is the more itchy one- As society, our reflex tells us to completely ridicule any sign of ingenuity when it presents itself through the eyes of a visionary. Naming the likes of Leonardo Davinci, Wright brothers, Marie Curey, justifies what I’m trying to say. Unfortunately, the society that I actively try to be a part of has foolishly continued the trend and discarded what could have been a potential revolution in terms of design, fuel efficiency and more importantly- Motorsports. Nissan have no longer decided to take part in Ben Bowlby’s DELTAWING endeavor as engine supplier. Michelin, the tire company that made bespoke 4 inch (YES! only 4″) thick front tires only for the Deltawing, have also fled from the scene. The project has hit the road block and they have officially opted out from this monumental project. Now there no longer will be a “bat mobile” on the grids of this year’s various American Le Mans(ALMS) events. But it’s more than just the visually radical car that we are going to miss now, aren’t we? If you’ve read my post on the Deltawing, my enthusiasm bubbling through the article about it’s conceptual design philosophy and overcoming its engineering challenges is proof enough that I for one was in full support of this act. Like many others I believed in Deltawing, and like many others, I too have been deceived. But who’s to blame, you ask? Well of course the various motorsport organisations that govern the rules and regulations and run the races every year. If you’ve been following the motorsport planet closely then you’ll know that this isn’t the first time an avant-garde concept like this has been severed. More popularly known as “Fancar”! The Brabham BT46, a true contender back in its prime F1 days, had an unbelievably perfect success rate. It won all the races it ever took part in. But the history books will hide the fact it had a lifespan as that of a month. A large fan placed near the rear diffuser (intended for engine cooling purposes) apparently sucked in so much air from beneath the car, that the enormous ground effect created so much downforce compared to other cars on the grid that it won on its debut. Even though none of the rules at the time were broken, the FIA swallowed this bitter truth as a biased racing form than outright genius and hence banned it! Since then, the BT46 never saw the light of day ever again. Various racing teams have a cheeky way of working around the rules that govern the designing of the car. It really depends on how you perceive the regulations. So back in 1978, Tyrell showcased the world what formula1 historians call as “the most recognizable design in the history of world motorsports”. In order to increase the frontal downforce, the Tyrell P34 had four wheels on the front axles and two on the rear. This increased the contact patch on the front axles, hence giving a tighter grip compared to any other team back in the day. The design was such a success that FIA re-amended the rule that “FOUR is the maximum number of wheels allowed”. Talk about hypocrisy! The most recent incidence we can all relate to was in the 2011 F1 season with Adrian Newey. For some reason, we at Autospace cant stop loving him. His exhaust blown diffuser (EBD) concept single handedly propelled RED BULL racing team to partial championship victory half way through the season itself. The FIA once again played as wet blanket and ruled out EBDs the following season, only to stimulate an “overall competitive environment” and to increase TV viewership. So why is the Deltawing a victim, then? The same reason why the previous cars mentioned here were given the axe. Rear wheel steering, almost negligible frontal area, using only half the engine power, enduring only half the drag, doubling the fuel economy (so as to have fewer runs into the pit lane) and still being able to clock in the same lap times as that of Toyota TS030 hybrid or the Audi R18 hybrid and other already established Le Mans cars is TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE. So another one bites the dust. The world failed to recognize the limitless opportunities that could have progressed through the pioneering work of Ben Bowlby and his creation and once again we are on the losing side. One cannot summarize “The good, the bad and the ugly” of the Deltawing project solely because the Deltawing’s fight was indeed an ugly one. But this sad story may have a happy ending. Good innovations die hard and something tells me Mr. Bowlby isn’t done with the world just yet! P.S- Give this guy some love. Visit his website and be AMAZED! ( Masterful! Khushwant Ramesh Brilliant article! It’s sad to hear about the DeltaWing losing partners, hopefully some Russian billionaire (Seem to be everywhere!) invests and brings back the team to life and to success. Minecraft8 Your data is stimulating, attention-grabbing and literate. Thank you. Kartik Kulkarni I’m flattered Juegos. Thank you. Azhar Ahmed Brilliantly put…citing examples also gave a lot of insight in the past of such endeavors….But racing giants and automobile giants pulling out of such projects or killing such projects is justified in the sense of safeguarding their own business. For ex. it is highly unlikely that FIA seniors wont have a secret stake in some of the teams and putting the deltawing on the track would have meant killing your own teams. May be i am wrong but i know that it makes sense. Azhar, your point of view is right. But this story does have a happy ending after all. Rather, a hopeful new start. Check this out-
Not Without My Car I wrote this blog article back in February after being socked by inspiration like a deer mesmerized by headlights. Happily, I find that the 45th Carnival of Genealogy topic fits the topic just like a whitewall tire on a shiny Chevy rim. My Family History and the Automobile "There's a Ford in your future," 1945 ad. When I was very young, my mother recorded diligently in my baby book that among my first words, second to the ever-important Mama, came car, or ca, as I pronounced it. My fascination with automobiles continued when, as a young girl, I found toy vehicles much more interesting to play with than dolls or games. A favorite activity was building cities with blocks and empty containers out on the lawn, using baby powder and baking powder cans, spools--whatever had been saved and recycled. I would then park and drive my little cars through the grass-filled streets and alleys. Among the toys that stand out in my memory were: a large green and yellow dump truck, and a turquoise and cream Edsel wagon--both given to me by my grandfather, Ernest Johnson, and a little red T-Bird convertible that came free from the Ford dealership when Dad bought a station wagon in 1957. Even before peace was declared in 1945, politicians and industrialists had been laying plans for the postwar reconstruction of the economy; one cornerstone of those plans had been the assumption that there would be a seller's market for automobiles for quite some time. [1] Then came the piece-de-resistance: when I was 11, there was no doubt that my favorite car in the whole world was the Jaguar XKE. What a surprise it was that Christmas when I found that Dad had spent many nights secretly piecing together a large, intricate model just for me. That XKE held center stage on my dresser for quite some time. For those of use who drive, many of our personal and family memories are tied to car ownership, good or bad. The automobile has been an inextricable component of the Baby Boomer generation's experience; it transformed the world, especially America. Cars gave people freedom to explore their surroundings in ways they never had before, but at the same time, created a reliance that hasn't always been affordable, or even constructive. The automobile and the mobility it brought to the individual was in large part responsible for the beginning of the breakdown of families. With the ease of travel, families began spreading out all over the map. Close relations who once lived together and depended upon one another began to find themselves increasing isolated, geographically, from other family members. The journey to Grandma's house was no longer just over the river and through the woods; instead, it was 250 miles distant. . . . In the postwar years, as the American economy became increasingly dependent on the internal combustion engine, the price and the supply of fuel for that engine became increasingly dependent on the vagaries of international and domestic politics. [2] Like many other women born before World War II, my mother chose not to learn to drive. She would ride in cars, but she was afraid of taking the wheel. Automobiles were not part of her early experience, since there wasn't a car on her grandfather's Minnesota farm until the 1930s. Even after Ole M. Johnson bought a 1932 Chevrolet, he never drove it himself. He got it for his sons so they could make faster trips into town. The family's usual means of transport into the 1930s was horse and buggy.  Ole M. Johnson taking some family members on an outing in his four-seater buggy. Polk County, Minnesota, 1912. Dad's '53 Ford sedan parked in front of our family home on Carlson Blvd., Richmond, California, about 1954. When my parents married, Dad owned a navy blue 1953 Ford sedan. A few years later, he traded it in for a wagon. The '57 Ford Ranch Wagon came in handy for a family man. Almost anything could be tossed into the roomy back: furniture, a dead deer, lumber to build a new shed, the family beagle, trash headed for the dump, and even a kid or two. I remember many exciting trips to the dump in that wagon, watching as seagulls surfed the Bay breeze over a sea of fluttering, multi-colored trash, while my stomach suffered from a continual state of excitement as Dad navigated over and around bump after rolling bump. During drives from the Bay Area to Oregon for summer vacations with relatives, Dad would throw a mattress in the back of the wagon for my sister and I. There were no seat belts or buckle-up laws back then. We slept as Dad drove all night, and Mom struggled to keep her eyes open to make sure he stayed awake. After arriving at Aunt Phyllis's house, Dad hit the sofa, snoring. The rest of us struggled through the day and looked forward to "hitting the hay" early that evening. Our family's red and white '57 Ford Ranch wagon parked in front of my aunt's house in Salem, Oregon, 1965. In the yard are my cousin, Cheryl Rice, and my sister, Becky Wheeler. A restored '57 Ford Ranch wagon, in living color. Whether big or small, foreign or domestic, automobile ownership had become an economic necessity for most Americans by the 1960s.[3] I learned how to drive in one of a fleet of nondescript white Dodge sedans, enrolled in El Cerrito High School driver's training class. It was full speed ahead on East Bay freeways: three lanes, side by side, inches to spare, and take no prisoners. My driving partners/classmates and I were all in the 10th grade, and I was the only girl. I was fairly petite in height, but the boys were all shorter than me. One of them could hardly see over the steering wheel, so the instructor made him use a cushion. Though I didn't have to resort to using a cushion, I did feel rather odd about being the only girl. But, I am proud to say there were never any "woman driver" remarks from the guys in the back when I was behind the wheel. The photo from one of my earliest California driver's licenses. At the time, California took profile shots of anyone under the age of 25. My early at-home driving practice time was spent in Dad's '57 Ranch Wagon: the red and white tank with a masterful-size steering wheel. When I was in possession of my new learner's permit--barely creased--Dad asked spontaneously one day if I wanted to drive him to the store. I was outside on the lawn and didn't have any shoes on, but thought he might change his mind if I took too long, so I got into the car as I was. Dad commented on my lack of shoes, but as a typical 15-year-old, I shrugged it off and started the car anyway. My boyfriend in high school owned his own car, or rather, his parents did. They allowed David to drive it as long as he also transported his mother (who like my mother, did not drive), and six wriggling, younger siblings to medical and dental appointments, whenever necessary. It was pretty unusual for a high schooler in the suburbs to have a car then, but, oh how embarrassed he was that he had to drive a Rambler. Here was a tall, slender young man who wore a lettered jacket and fringed cutoff jeans on the basketball court--busily working on various stages of coolness--and he was stuck with a Rambler. Worse than that, it was a mauve Rambler. Well, time has a way of healing all things. We went on our first date in that car, to the Berkeley Theatre, and were later married. I swear I never held his driving a Rambler against him... In the same years that Americans were starting to worry about whether they could safely drive their cars, they were also starting to worry about whether they could safely breathe their air.[4] The first car I could call my own wasn't any better than a Rambler. It was inherited from my grandfather when I was 16: a squat, dull beige 1962 Chevy Corvair. Yes, THE car famous for its carbon monoxide scare. I think the only reason it came to me is because no one else in the family would have anything to do with it. One summer, my grandfather, who was nearly 80 at the time, drove my aunt and three cousins from Salem, Oregon to the Bay Area for a visit with my family. But, somewhere in northern California, Grampa Ernest swerved to avoid some road construction he had not seen in time because of his failing eyesight, and he overturned the car in a ditch. Thankfully, everyone came away from that experience in reasonable condition, but it left a lasting impression of the Corvair upon my cousins that was akin to a bad taste in the mouth. Ernest Johnson's '62 Corvair parked in front of his trailer in Salem, Oregon, 1965. I welcomed the Corvair into my life and drove along happily in my fake, belted Leopard-fur coat and black Italian leather lace-up boots. The question circulating around high school back then was: "Are you a surfer, a mod, or a rocker?" I may have been driving a Corvair instead of an XKE, but there was no doubt that I was a mod, and one who aspired to be like Jane Asher: long hair, white lipstick, mini-skirt, and all. Before raising an eyebrow, you should be made aware that for the average school girl around 1970, miniskirts were not incredibly short. The mini-minis were left to the super-skinny models in the magazines. We were just acquiring the right to wear jeans to school, let alone super-short hemlines. I have to admit that I also did my share of escorting my mother on errands. But, I liked the Corvair well enough; it was small, like me, and easy to get in and out of. My first husband and I even took it on our honeymoon, to the Northern California coast. It ran just fine, as long as you pretended not to notice when it struggled up freeway hills at 40 mph, as semi-trucks and loggers honked and swerved menancingly into a passing lane. Married life became a march of steady and predictable Fords. Dad owned the same Ford successfully for over 15 years, so why go against the grain? It was a virtual festival of Fords; Henry would have been proud: Maverick--totaled by a drunk driver after 3 months of ownershipPinto hatchback--something new on the scenePinto wagon--not bad after adding multi-colored, tie-dyed curtainsMustang ('76, 2-dr)--just try and take two kids in and out of car seats in the backEscort wagon--beige and boxy, but easier on the lumbar regionTempo--typical, boring sedan that never turned a single headTempo, again--a wee bit more noticeable than the first one, with red trimProbe--great car, but low & gray-matched the pavement and had to be driven with the lights on at all times Since the 1980s, American policy makers, politicians, manufacturers, and consumers have all been behaving in roughly the same way--with roughly the same lack of success--trying to develop solutions to the problems without giving up the automobile. [5] Then I met John, who came into my life along with his 1990 red Volvo wagon. I'd never been with anyone who had a European car before. On that first date, the wagon spoke to his commitment as family man and business owner. I must admit, it made a nice secure impression. The red color indicated to me (along with his fast and unpredictable driving habits) that here was a guy who liked to have fun... as long as the work got done first. Red Volvo and all, John captured my heart and we were married shortly after. John waves goodbye as the two of us depart the scene of our wedding in his '90 Volvo. Snoqualmie Pass, Washington. 1992. After marrying John, life then became a succession of German cars: Audis, in particular. One main reason is that we moved to the mountains, and our long commutes demanded cars with all-wheel drive that could take on plenty of mileage with few pitfalls. But, even more importantly, they had comfy seats, and could be found used for less money than Volvos. And, I won't even mention the toy that currently sits in the garage right now. No, I won't mention the _ _ _ _ _ _ _, because we have no real excuse other than we wanted one. But, when I remember that my g-g-grandmother's second husband spent equivalent income to buy a steam launch in which to putter around the 1890s waterways of Duluth, then I don't feel quite so alone. Technological systems, once they are in place, have enormous staying power. [6] Please don't get me wrong. For me, car ownership is not about keeping up with the Joneses. If something works, I stick with it until it becomes unreliable, or impractical. But, the freedom and privacy of movement made possible by the automobile is something I would miss if I had to give it up completely, even though, as we speak, I am taking steps to be able to make far better use of public transportation. My '91 Ford Probe, dwarfed by winter snow build-up. Snoqualmie Pass, Washington, 1997. I can't think of anything else to replace the feelings of freedom I had, when as a new and youthful driver, I cruised alone out a county highway for the first time. Though my destination was a public library, I told myself that the drive to a distant branch was okay because of its uniquely large science fiction collection. In reality, that long country drive was my initial flight from the nest. I had stepped off the edge, and I was learning to fly. I have many fondly remembered driving experiences, including one of joyful, innocent abandon when my then 13-year-old daughter and I were stopped at the I-5 bridge bordering Washington and Oregon. It was a warm summer's evening on one of those long trips to Grandma's house. With the windows rolled all the way down to let in the coolness of the Columbia River, we waited for the draw bridge to come down as "Billie Jean" blared from the CD player in full bass, and smiles darted our way from inside neighboring vehicles. There were also moments of revelation about human nature, involving automobiles, like the first and only time I remember seeing my grandfather angry. I was just a toddler playing on the lawn with my cousins in Campbell, California. We all watched in alarm as Grampa began running and yelling, brandishing a big stick after some boys who had been snooping and hanging inside the driver's window of his big and toothy early 1950s Buick: a car I always thought of as angry-looking itself. A 1950 Buick sedan, similar to the one my grandfather owned. No simple, single set of incantations will make ['automobility' and its problems] go away. [7] Let's face it, automobile emissions are in large part responsible for the negative human impact on our planet. There are many strikes against our faithful servant, the car. But, it has been an undeniable part of my generation's social and family history. The very word is fixed on the lips of our newborn children. Depending upon the future needs for society and the ecosystem, the automobile, as we know, it may become a thing of the past. I do not deny that change is in order. But, during the heydey of the automobile, and during my lifetime, it's been quite a ride. To read further about automobiles and their cultural/social impact: Cowan, Ruth Schwartz. A Social History of American TechnologyFlink, James J. The Automobile Age Flink, James J. The Car Culture Foster, Mark S. A Nation on Wheels: The Automobile Culture in America Since 1945 Lewis, David L. The Automobile and American Culture McShane, Clay. Down the Asphalt Path Mintz, Steven. Domestic Revolutions: A Social History of American Family Life Scharff, Virginia. Take the Wheel: Women and the Coming of the Motor Age Volti, Rudi. Cars and Culture: The Life Story of a Technology Wollen, Peter. Autopia: Cars and Culture [1-7]. Ruth Schwartz Cowan. A Social History of American Technology. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997, pp. 224-248. Carnival of Genealogy, Lidian Great post and great photos - I remember when cars were really big! You brought back some sixties memories for me...and I remember no seat belts too, just bouncing around in the back or lying down to nap. Incredible to think of now! This was a fun read. I remember our wagon and going to the drive-in. We'd take sleeping bags and fall asleep during the second feature. I've had a couple of little, sporty cars that were fun to drive on the highway. I now have a big "old lady" car, comfortable on long trips.I love seeing snowbanks taller than mine! ah yes, the drive in with sleeping bags and pillows.And the kiddie playground up by the screen, and pre-movie cartoons ....And ...Okay, 'nuf said. Protecting the Future For Families Why Vikings Invaded the British Isles Sweet Memories of St. Paul Next to My Husband, I Love My Scanner Best Non-Fiction Meme "Snoqualmie Pass" Reviewed A Valentine for You Valentines in My Family Bring Ethnic Culture Home to the Table Nolens Volens: Norwegian Emigrant Recreation How I Earned My "Mountain Girl" Degree For the Love of Twain The Library of Congress Needs YOU
20110131 - Linde selected as exclusive partner for Mercedes-B - 1483597 Linde selected as exclusive partner for Mercedes-Benz hydrogen world tour Corporate News Munich, 31 January 2011 - The technology group The Linde Group has been selected by Mercedes-Benz as the exclusive hydrogen partner for the F-CELL World Drive. This endurance trip will send three B-Class F-CELL hydrogen-powered fuel-cell cars right around the world. Over the entire tour, Linde will be the sole supplier of mobile hydrogen (H2) for the zero-emissions F-CELL models. Due to start on 30 January from Stuttgart, Germany, the trip will take each of the cars around 30,000 kilometres across four continents and 14 countries in 125 days. "We are excited at the opportunity to partner with Mercedes-Benz and help showcase the capabilities of hydrogen-powered cars," said Professor Dr Wolfgang Reitzle, Chief Executive Officer of Linde AG. "Many years of experience in hydrogen technologies make us the partner of choice for both stationary and mobile refuelling facilities - even in the most challenging environments. Through projects such as the F-CELL World Drive, we are helping to accelerate the widespread establishment of a hydrogen infrastructure." Specially for the tour, Linde and Mercedes-Benz co-developed a new mobile 700-bar refuelling unit based on a Mercedes-Benz Sprinter. This houses all the technology required to compress and fuel H2 on the move. Key design criteria included 700-bar refuelling pressure and a compact footprint for easy transport by air. Linde also developed the entire H2 supply and logistics concept for the 400 or so refuelling stops planned around the globe, remote regions included. Linde will supply around 18,000 normal cubic metres of hydrogen in total for the tour. Looking beyond the F-CELL World Drive, Daimler and Linde are working closely together on other projects to secure hydrogen supplies over the coming years as the number of fuel-cell cars on the roads increases. Both companies have been actively involved in the 'H2 Mobility' initiative since 2009 for instance. Many big players, including companies from the oil and utilities sectors, have teamed up to build a nationwide H2 infrastructure in Germany under the umbrella of 'H2 Mobility'. Linde is a leading supplier of hydrogen fuelling systems. The company has already equipped more than 70 stations in 15 countries and has thus supported well over 200,000 successful H2 refuelling stops worldwide. The Linde Group is a world leading gases and engineering company with almost 48,000 employees working in more than 100 countries worldwide. In the 2009 financial year it achieved sales of EUR 11.2 bn. The strategy of The Linde Group is geared towards sustainable earnings-based growth and focuses on the expansion of its international business with forward-looking products and services. Linde acts responsibly towards its share­holders, business partners, employees, society and the environment - in every one of its business areas, regions and locations across the globe. Linde is committed to technologies and products that unite the goals of customer value and sustainable development. For more information, see The Linde Group online at For TV footage of the F-CELL World Drive, visit For additional information: Press Stefan Metz Telephone: +49.89.35757-1322Investor Relations Dr. Dominik Heger
HS 250h Model The Car Connection Lexus HS 250h Overview Senior Editor The Lexus HS 250h was the luxury brand's first-ever dedicated hybrid, a car with no conventional gasoline model. Launched for 2010, it has failed to live up to its sales expectations and has generally received weak reviews. It is powered by a version of the hybrid powertrain used in the larger Toyota Camry Hybrid, with a 2.4-liter four-cylinder engine mated to Toyota's Hybrid Synergy Drive system, which uses a pair of motor-generators that can power the car on electricity alone under light loads at low speeds, add torque to the engine's output, and recharge its nickel-metal-hydride battery pack. Total combined output of the engine and motors is 187 horsepower. The HS 250h is a tall car with a very high cowl, giving it slab-sided styling and a blunt front with a long overhang. Unusually, its best angle is the rear three-quarter view, where the trunklid, rear lights, and shoulder line come together in a pleasing blend. Inside, the view out is restricted by the high beltline, and the cabin is narrower than passengers might expect. Its futuristic center stack and console sweeps down from the dash, and it has the same small drive selector as the Prius. The mouse-like controller for the optional Lexus Remote Touch system that controls navigation and stereo sits under the driver's right hand on the console, and proves relatively intuitive to use. Compared to the hybrid Toyota Prius, the Lexus HS weighs about 600 pounds more, so despite its larger engine, the performance isn't particularly stellar. The engine seems to switch on more than it does in the Prius, and the HS is surprisingly noisy inside. Under hard acceleration, the engine rises to a howl while struggling to move the heavy car forward, and the second-smallest Lexus lets in a lot of wind noise--more than you'd expect from its luxury trappings. Handling is particularly vague, with utterly lifeless electric power steering and a more jittery ride than a Lexus should have--perhaps due to the short wheelbase. The car rolls a lot on sharp turns, and during our test, we actually had to switch off the radar-based adaptive cruise control because its beam wasn't wide enough to follow the car ahead around those turns--leading to sudden, startling bursts of acceleration followed by hard braking. But the biggest drawback to the HS 250h may be its gas mileage. Rated by the EPA at 35 mpg combined, it's lower than any of the hybrid mid-size sedans, including the Ford Fusion, Hyundai Sonata, and Toyota Camry. All of those cars have lower base prices, and while their lists of luxury features don't match those of the Lexus HS, they offer more interior room and in some cases, a much more engaging experience behind the wheel. Lexus buyers expect lots of equipment, and the HS delivers on both standard featuers and high-tech options. The technology starts up front with the all-LED headlamps, which are part of an adaptive lighting system that points the beams around corners for better visibility. They also have their own washers, and the car dims the high beams automatically. Then there's that adaptive cruise control, a very good heads-up instrument display for the driver, front- and rear-view cameras, lane-keeping assistance, and the Lexus automatic park assist system. And more beyond that. In the end, the Lexus HS 250h is aiming for a laudable goal: It wants to be a high-efficiency compact sedan with all the luxury of a Lexus. It's disappointing that the result falls short of the mark, but the market has apparently passed judgment on the HS, as it's one of the lowest-volume mass-market cars in the Lexus lineup. of Used Vehicles for Sale Be the first one to write a review on 2012 Lexus HS 250h You may also like 2012 Lexus CT 200h 2012 Volkswagen Jetta Sedan Popular Cities Similar Cars For Sale For Sale By Year Used Lexus HS 250h in New York, NY Used Lexus HS 250h in Los Angeles, CA Used Lexus HS 250h in Chicago, IL Used Lexus HS 250h in Houston, TX Used Lexus HS 250h in Philadelphia, PA Used Lexus HS 250h in Phoenix, AZ Used Lexus HS 250h in San Antonio, TX Used Lexus HS 250h in San Diego, CA Used Lexus HS 250h in Dallas, TX Used Lexus HS 250h in San Jose, CA Used Lexus HS 250h in Jacksonville, FL Used Lexus HS 250h in Indianapolis, IN Used Lexus HS 250h in San Francisco, CA Used Lexus HS 250h in Austin, TX Used Lexus HS 250h in Columbus, OH Used Lexus HS 250h in Fort Worth, TX Used Lexus CT 200h For Sale Used Lincoln MKZ For Sale Used Toyota Camry Hybrid For Sale Used Toyota Prius For Sale Used Volkswagen Jetta Sedan For Sale 2012 Lexus HS 250h For Sale 2011 Lexus HS 250h For Sale 2010 Lexus HS 250h For Sale Follow Us
Home / Business News Auto Outlook: 1.7 billion motor vehicles By AL SWANSON, UPI Auto Writer | Nov. 18, 2012 at 5:30 AM Follow @upi Comments | License Photo The prediction of a doubling in the number of motor vehicles on Earth by 2035 would seem to warrant a prescription for birth control. The more than 7 billion people now on the planet get around in fewer than 1 billion motor vehicles and the global population is not expected to double in 23 years. It's that emerging nations -- the world outside North America, Europe, Australia and Japan -- want to live what used to be called a Western lifestyle. Consumerism is now the global lifestyle. The change has been under way for generations. The question is whether it can be expanded in a sustainable manner. A 670-page report on global energy trends by the International Energy Agency points out China, the world's largest auto market and most populous country, went from having four cars per 1,000 people in 2000 to 40 per 1,000 in 2010, MSNBC reported. China has about 60 million vehicles now, but in 23 years the prediction is it will have 400 million -- 310 motor vehicles per 1,000 people -- still less than half the 660 vehicles per 1,000 population currently on U.S. roads, but there are a lot more Chinese (1.3 billion) than Americans and Europeans. In 2025, the report forecasts China will have more cars and trucks than the United States or the European Union. The number of motor vehicles in India is predicted to leap from 14 million passenger cars in 2011 to about 160 million by 2035. Needless to say world demand for oil will skyrocket -- and so could global pollution and climate change -- unless a substantial number of those new vehicles are powered by electricity and alternative fuels. Unfortunately, IEA foresees only 4 percent of those millions of new cars being plug-in and all-electric vehicles and just 3 percent powered by compressed natural gas. About 20 percent will be gas-electric hybrids and the other nearly three-quarters will have gasoline or diesel-burning internal combustion engines. IEA also predicted by 2035 nearly 90 percent of all the oil produced in the Middle East would go to Asia, with China, India and the Mideast accounting for 60 percent of the expected growth in global energy demand. China is expected to build 10 million miles of new paved lanes by 2035 to add to its 28 million miles of paved roads. The agency said because of new technologies the United States will become a net exporter of energy around 2030 and will be close to energy self-sufficiency five years later thanks to advanced oil recovery techniques, shale natural gas and bio-fuel production augmented by increased use of renewables like solar and wind power. "No country is an energy 'island,' and the interactions between different fuels, markets and prices are intensifying," the report's executive summary concludes. The report predicts U.S corporate average fuel economy standards which are set to reach 54.5 mpg in 2025 will top 60 mpg by 2035. Mazda teams up with Toyota on a subcompact Japan's Mazda Motor Corp. is joining forces with giant Toyota to build a Toyota-branded subcompact car at a new plant in Mexico. The unnamed subcompact, based on the Mazda2, would be mostly for the North American market, The Detroit News said. The new car would compete with the Honda Fit, Ford Fiesta, Hyundai Accent and Chevrolet Sonic and account for about 25 percent of the annual capacity of the plant's production of 140,000 vehicles a year. Mazda3 Axela compacts and Mazda2 Demio subcompacts would also roll off the assembly line. Toyota's current subcompact entry, the Yaris, is made in Japan, making it subject to currency fluctuations from the strong yen. The Wall Street Journal said Toyota will invest in production equipment and provide some development funds to boost capacity at the plant, which will start producing vehicles in mid-2015. The world's largest automaker has 14 North American assembly and components facilities and makes Camry sedans in Georgetown, Ky., and at a Subaru plant in Indiana. "Through the agreement, TMC [Toyota Motor Corp.] aims to strengthen its North American vehicle lineup while Mazda aims to increase production efficiency and contribute to its profitability," the companies said in a statement. Obama thanks UAW Two days after his re-election victory, President Obama called UAW President Bob King to personally thank the autoworkers union for its support. "The president expressed how deeply he appreciates the UAW and our membership and expressed 'that we could not have done without the UAW and its membership,'" said King's note to union members obtained by The Ann Arbor (Mich.) News. UAW support was viewed as key in getting white, blue-collar workers to turn out for the president in Ohio where the 2008-09 auto industry bailout saved thousands of good-paying jobs. Republican challenger Mitt Romney had been highly critical of the $85 billion General Motors Co. and $12.5 billion Chrysler Group auto bailouts. Exit polls conducted by CNN on Election Day indicated 59 percent of Ohio voters expressed approval of the federal bailout of the auto companies and that Obama won the majority of those voters. Earlier this month, the U.S. Treasury -- which still owns 500 million shares in GM -- lowered its forecast of losses on the bailout to $24.3 billion, down $750 million from its August forecast, The Detroit News reported. "As we've said before, we believe the company's made real progress, but we don't think that the market has given the company as much credit as it might," a Treasury statement said of GM. Chrysler finished repaying all of its government-backed loans last year and its bailout cost about $1.3 billion, the News said. GM offers discounts to military vets General Motors has expanded discounts to new vehicles purchased by recent military veterans. Previously, the company offered a military discount only to active duty service members, reservists, retired service members and their spouses. Newly discharged service members that leave the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and National Guard within a year will qualify for vehicle discounts that range to as much as $3,770 on a Chevrolet Silverado 1500 pickup, the Detroit Free Press said. "We wanted to accommodate the large numbers of returning veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan and the impending draw down of service members from all branches, GM's marketing manager for vehicle purchase programs said in a statement. Auto Outlook: Hyundai, Kia revise mileage Auto Outlook: Ford takes a dive in CR reliability survey, Toyota rules Auto Outlook: Is California the trend-setter: Prius No. 1 Auto Outlook: Auto trends may make 2015 year of the ‘sub-brand’ Comments Topics: Bob King, Mitt Romney Latest Headlines
USED TRANSMISSIONS A full list of used engines and transmissions we offer Popular Cities Served Used Transfer Cases Used Transmissions Used Engines JDM Engines Used Diesel Engines Home » Start Your Engines! All About Racing! Start Your Engines! All About Racing! When it comes to sport and play, one of the forms of entertainment that gets spectators screaming with excitement is car racing. In this sport, drivers and their high speed vehicles race in competitions across the globe. As soon as automobiles were invented, the race was on for the best driver and the best car, even when there were horseless carriages and unpaved roads races were held. Since the very first racing competition in the 1800’s, major competitions have been established. Some of these are: The Vanderbilt Cup, The Peking-Paris Race, The Indianapolis 500, and the Monaco Grand Prix to name a few. The first auto race to take place was held in Paris in 1894. However, the first race in the United States happened in 1895, taking place in Chicago on Thanksgiving Day. In this race, drivers were speeding on a round trip race from Chicago to Evanston. The drivers’ speed at that time was only 7.5 mph. Frank Duryea won that first American auto race. Although the first open road race took place in 1894, close circuit road racing did not occur until three years after the first American race, this happened in 1898 in France. By the 1900’s, France was the leader in car racing and drivers took to the road at speeds of 80.46 kph. However, due to the risk of spectators and farm animals being in harm’s way, road races in Europe decreased. It wasn’t until after World War I, that racing cars took on a whole new look, being modified with special interior work like specialty drivers seats, even the gas tanks, tires and frame work were modified, changing a street car into a racing car for professionals. As spectators watching from the stands, car racing may look like the perfect sport to get into if you are into speed and modified cars that are souped-up and blazing around the track. From the make and model of the car on the track, it may look like your standard street vehicle, except for the writings and advertisement on the body of the car. However, there is much more that goes into preparation of turning a street car into a racing machine. For instance, the design of a race car will require more than an air bag and seat belt to keep the driver safe while driving at high speed. The modification of cars begins first with the concept of keeping the driver safe from injuries. Racing cars are equipped with three elements, support of the vital body parts like the head and upper and lower body parts. The second element is having a chassis that holds securely the seat and the driver for high speed driving and of course collisions, which means the driver must also wear a harness. Race cars are also equipped with anti-intrusion panels and safety cells that protect the cockpit and driver. Unlike a regular street car that you drive everyday under normal speed, the race car comes equipped with crushable structures that decelerate the body. Crash structures absorb the energies of collisions at high speed. Street cars do not have such structures, only a bumper and a fender. When building or modifying a vehicle for racing, it is important to keep in mind the driver’s line of sight, the position and distance of the steering wheel, the gauge placements and pedal leverage and position. All controls should be positioned as not to get in the way of the steering wheel. When it comes to speed, cars, and racing tracks; there are different kinds of racing and each one has their own different element that makes them different and unique. One of the most popular racing venues is that of the Formula1 Car Racing event. The vehicle used in this race has a body frame that sits close to the ground. The driver sits in an open cockpit. Unlike the first car to race in the 1800’s, the Formula1 car uses an electronic system that helps the driver keep the car under control. Another aspect of this racing machine is that the car can run to over 220 mph. The Formula 1 competition is known to be the fastest racing competition today. Another style or type of racing is the Stock Car Competition. These cars can race on pavement or dirt roads. A stock car vehicle is one that has not been modified or changed for racing. However, drivers can alter the look of their vehicles by adding features that will make them more adaptable for racing. Last but not least is the dragster competition or race. With this race, the drivers race on a straight line track from start to finish. It does not do laps on an oval track. A dragster car is light in weight and it also has a high speed level, for instance, its speed level is higher than that of the stock-car. NASCAR Racing is a competition involving stock-cars. This organization was started by Bill Frances Sr., who was also a stock-car driver. Some of the well-known names associated with this racing completion are Jim Roper, Lee Petty, Buck Baker Herb Tomas and Paul Goldstein. However, it was Jim Roper who won the first NASCAR GRAND in 1949. When it comes to auto racing competitions, one of the most popular is that of the INDY 500. This competition is a 500 mile race. This celebrated competition comes with a festival parade, which took place for the first time in 1957. When a driver of this competition wins this race, they walk away with the Borg-Warner Trophy. Today, we have all kinds of motor races. Spectators flock to see bikes, motorcycles, cars and monster trucks in competition to see who the best is. Regardless of the race, competitions are based on the reliability and performance of each vehicle and how well the driver knows his craft of being a race car driver. Racing is loud, fast and in some cases, illegal when there are no rules and regulations, especially when people participate in street racing. For more information on the exciting entertainment of auto racing, please see the following links. American Racing: A Diversity of Innovation On this page, you will find a brief history of American auto racing. Photos show drivers such as Henry Ford and Frank Duryea with their first racing cars. History of Stock-car Racing Information from Appalachian State University provides a brief history of Stock-car Racing. Also included is information on Bill France, the organizer of NASCAR. NASCAR This website gives detailed information on NASCAR history. It speaks of the early years. Also included are impressive photos highlighting this competition. Indy Car Racing This is a very informative website that highlights Indy Car Racing. Photos are included which gives an explanation of the images in the article. The First American Auto Race The information here is from the Library of Congress. Article highlights some of the early American races such as the Indianapolis 500. Article also has black and white photo images. About Auto Racing This website encyclopedia gives detailed information on all the types of auto racing. Article covers such things as history, speed racing and much more. Early Days of Southern Car Racing The information on this website provides a brief history of Southern auto racing. The article includes interesting photo images with explanations of the images in the pictures. Early Auto Racing Gallery This is a photo gallery with information on early auto racing. Images are in black and white, showing older model cars that were used in racing. Race Car Classes This article gives a brief introduction into the classes of auto racing. You will find information and photos on such things as Sports 2000, Showroom Stock and Production cars used in auto racing. Drag Racing The information found here highlights the sport of drag racing. The photos show what is taking place around the racing track, from the spectators to the drivers. Indy 500 History A brief history highlighting the history of the Indy 500. You will find fun facts, statistics and traditions of this popular competition. NASCAR History From the website of NASCAR, the article gives in depths look at NASCAR history and the vision of Bill France Sr. LeMans Series This is the official website of the American Le Mans race series. World Rally Championship This page describes Rally car racing and the world rally championship. Wriiten by: Milan Alcot Copyright © 2017 ASAP Motors - All rights reserved.
Miami International Auto Show 2014: 10 Days of Pure Auto Mania by Sep Niakan | October 29, 2014 Launched in an era when gasoline was only 36 cents a gallon, the 44th edition of the Miami International Auto Show (now South Florida International Auto Show) is back in town with new and old tricks to make every automobile enthusiast’s heart skip a beat. Spread over ten days of November, this annual auto extravaganza held at the Miami Beach Convention Center includes two weekends of roaring horse power for everyone to enjoy. Irrespective of whether you’re looking to buy a new set of wheels or not, you can come and admire the old to the new, bling to the bare, most expensive to technologically advanced auto exhibits in over a million square feet of show space. Regarded as one of the top 5 fall-time auto shows in the U.S., you’ll be treated to over 1,000 vehicles from more than 40 of the world’s top manufacturers. Classic car connoisseur? Then ‘Havana Classics’ and ‘Memory Lane’ will be your oasis of charm. While the Havana Classics showcase will be displaying Cuban classics from the 50s, Memory Lane will take you through a nostalgic selection sponsored by the Antique Automobile Club of America’s South Florida Region. Like ‘em ladies bare? Then ‘Topless in Miami’ will let you enjoy convertibles of all kinds - from sports cars to yachts - in a picturesque Miami environment, without having to leave the show floor. Love to flaunt? Then the ‘Million Dollar Alley’ is your destination. Touted to be a display that might even make Bond blush, you’ll be treated to the most expensive, shiny, blinged-out sets of wheels on the planet. Crave to get behind the latest wheels? With a host of ‘Ride & Drive’ events, you won’t need to be a mere spectator, but actually get to grab the bull by its horns. ‘Camp Jeep’ will be making a comeback too this year with the steepest climbs in Miami Beach to get your adrenaline pumping. Trained instructors will be taking you through a jungle trek - complete with steep grades, rocky trails and log crossings – showing you what a jeep is truly capable of doing. You wouldn’t want to miss the first-ever ‘Cars Meet Art’, an exhibit showcasing the works and talent of world-famous street artists with painted cars and matching murals to simply blow your mind. With discounts and bookings available online on the official website, it would certainly make sense to grab your tickets now to avoid any last-minute rush. Parking options will be available in and around the convention center. While there are no restaurants per se in the center, there are several stalls to take care of grumbling bellies. The 2014 Miami International Auto Show will officially be open from 5 p.m. on Friday, the 7th of November. 2014 Miami International Auto Show Fact Sheet: Now the largest and most prestigious show in the nation, the Miami International Auto Show made its debut in 1971 at the Miami Beach Convention Center. In its 44th year running, the show is a platform for national product introductions and is known to be the first to introduce visitors to the latest models and technologies. While the first show was produced by only 65 members of the Miami Auto Dealers Association, today 190 dealership members are known to be part of the extravaganza. The Miami International Auto Show was christened as the South Florida International Auto Show in 2012. The regular list of exhibitors includes Acura, Alfa Romeo, Aston Martin, Audi, Bentley, BMW, Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Dodge, Ferrari, Fiat, Ford, GMC, Honda, Hyundai, Infiniti, Jaguar, Jeep, Kia, Lamborghini, LandRover, Lexus, Lincoln, Lotus, Maserati, Mazda, McLaren, Mercedes-Benz, Mini, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Pagani, Porsche, Ram, Rolls Royce, Scion, Smart, Subaru, Toyota, Volkswagen and Volvo. Photo credit: Cars -
Ford Focus ZX5 five-door to debut this fall The 2002 Ford Focus ZX5 five-door, which made its North American debut today at the Canadian International Auto Show in Toronto, will arrive this fall in showrooms across the U.S. and Canada. The ZX5 features a 2.0L dual overhead cam Zetec 4-cylinder engine - standard on ZX5, ZX3 and ZTS models and optional on Focus Sedan SE and Wagon SE - delivers 130 horsepower and 135 lb.-ft. of torque. The Zetec engine delivers power to the front wheels via standard five-speed manual transmission. A four-speed electronically controlled automatic overdrive transaxle is optional. Fully independent Control Blade multi-link rear suspension is also standard.Pricing will be announced at a date closer to the vehicle's introduction. See MoreCar News
Geneva Motor Show: 2010 Honda CR-Z revealed Article by Christian A., on March 3, 2010 Honda's European CR-Z hybrid coupe's world debut was made today at the Geneva Motor Show. UK pricing for the car has also been announced. Orders can be submitted starting March 5, 2010. Honda calls this vehicle as the world's first sporty hybrid coupe. It will be available in three equipment grades (S, Sport, and GT), which will all feature three driving modes. Drivers could then be able to change the settings of the car to suit their needs, which range from optimizing fuel economy to maneuvering through traffic. Being offered as standard are the following: six airbags, active headrests, and Vehicle Stability Assist. All models have Climate Control, 6-speaker CD player and an engine start button. Priced at £16,999 OTR, the S grades have heated door mirrors, rear dimming mirror, electric windows, daytime running lights, Shift Indicator Light (SIL) and auxiliary socket. Priced at £17,999, the Sport grades add additional ambient lighting, alloy pedals, cruise control, leather gear shift, multi function steering wheel, parking sensors, privacy glass, 240W premium audio system, boot-mounted subwoofer and USB port for MP3 players. Meanwhile, the top-of-the-line GT models are priced at £19,999 OTR and, are equipped with what had been mentioned above, plus full leather upholstery and heated front seats, panoramic glass roof, HID Xenon headlights, Hands-Free Telephone (HFT), and automatic headlights and wipers. Furthermore, GT models are available with optional DVD Satellite Navigation. The Honda CR-Z‘s exterior styling is formed around a "one-motion wedge" concept with a low bonnet line and wide stance giving the car a confident, athletic look. Signature Honda design features, such as the split level rear glass hatch and aerodynamic, shallow raked roofline have been referenced in the design of the sleek coupe and then combined with a curvaceous and deeply sculpted exterior form. The overall power output of the engine and IMA system is 124 PS and a healthy 174 Nm of torque. The peak torque figure is identical to that of the 1.8-litre Civic and arrives at just 1500 rpm, a level where previously only turbocharged engines deliver their maximum. Even with torque levels directly comparable with a Civic, the Honda CR-Z emits 35 g/km less CO2 than its conventionally powered cousin. Other harmful exhaust emissions are also very low and the Nickel Metal Hydride battery pack can be recycled through Honda dealers, at the end of the vehicle's life. For the first time, a fuel efficient, low emission parallel hybrid system is combined with an ultra precise 6-speed manual gearbox. The manual gearbox is a core part of the driver engagement Honda's engineers wanted to bring to the Honda CR-Z model. The flexibility of Honda's unique IMA parallel hybrid system allows it to be used with a range of transmissions, not just CVT-based gearboxes. The manual transmission is complemented by a 1.5-litre 4-cylinder i-VTEC engine, which is new to Europe and is a key component in the Honda CR-Z's unique character. This powerful, yet efficient engine is based on the engine fitted to some non-European versions of the Jazz. The eager to rev nature of the medium capacity engine, is enhanced by the additional 78 Nm of torque provided by the 14 PS electric motor, which is situated between the engine and clutch. The electric motor boosts torque at low and medium revs, which gives the Honda CR-Z in-gear flexibility more usually associated with turbocharged engines. To maximise driver choice and enhance the day to day driveability of the car, the Honda CR-Z is fitted with a 3-Mode Drive System. This unique feature allows the driver to choose between three driving modes, which alter the responses of the throttle, steering, climate control and the level of assistance provided by the IMA system. In developing this new facility, Honda allows the driver to adapt the car's settings to enjoy their favourite road, maximise economy, or strike a balance between the two. Sport buttons have become commonplace, usually offering a sharper throttle response, but Honda's 3-Mode Drive System is different. The new system alters the behaviour of the hybrid drivetrain and the power steering assistance as well as the throttle mapping between the three modes. When the Honda CR-Z driver is away from the town or city and wanting to enjoy the open road, they can put the car into SPORT mode. This sharpens the throttle response, changes the behaviour of the IMA hybrid system to provide more electric motor assistance and increases the weight of the electric power steering. Honda recognises that even the most enthusiastic driver may regularly experience heavy traffic, where maximising fuel economy is more desirable than the perfect line through a corner. In these situations ECON mode can be selected, which prioritises fuel economy in the operation of the drive-by-wire throttle, ECU, air conditioning and the hybrid system. For those times when spirited driving is not possible or desirable, the Eco Assist function, in conjunction with the ECON mode, allows the driver to enjoy beating their best economy score on the way to work, or in heavy traffic. At all times the car can be run in NORMAL mode, which provides a balance between performance, economy and emissions and suits most driving situations. The ambient lighting of the speedometer is used in the same way as in the Insight to guide the driver in driving more economically and ecologically. In addition to the Eco Assist function, the Honda CR-Z's meter lighting is linked to the 3-mode drive system. In NORMAL mode and ECON mode the speedometer is illuminated blue, glowing green when driven economically. In ECON mode it has a green eco flower lit in the mode indicator. When the speedometer is illuminated in a red ambient light, this indicates the Honda CR-Z is in SPORT mode. Careful consideration was given to exhaust design to ensure that as well as being efficient, the Honda CR-Z is a car that encourages the enthusiastic driver and sounds quite unlike any previous compact hybrid. Other components including engine mounts and sound deadening were tuned to ensure that the sporting elements of the exhaust were heard by the driver, but less desirable noises often associated with sports exhausts were attenuated. The exterior design of Honda CR-Z deliberately evokes the iconic style of the 1980s CR-X, which was originally developed to provide a small, stylish car that could achieve spectacular economy. Signature features of the CR-X, like the split level rear glass hatch and low shallow raked roofline have been referenced in the design of the sleek coupe and then combined with a curvaceous and deeply sculpted exterior form. The shallow raked roofline and sharply truncated tail of the Honda CR-Z is a feature shared with many Hondas past and present, including the CR-X, 1999 Insight and the FCX Clarity. All of these cars have been designed to cut through the air with minimal disturbance, reducing drag to lower fuel consumption and emissions. The Honda CR-Zs headlights are accented with LED day time running lights, which are positioned in the lower section of the front lights. This is the first time LED running lights have been applied to the front of any production Honda car and help to emphasise the wide sporting stance of the new hybrid coupe. The interior of the production car has been influenced by the cabin of the 2007 Tokyo Motor Show Honda CR-Z Concept, especially the 3D speedometer and driver focussed cabin. The high-technology instrument binnacle places all of the commonly used controls close to the driver's hands, allowing full concentration on driving at all times. The dashboard of the new coupe has a complex and interesting form, with a dark upper portion appearing to float above a light grey lower dash section, which is continued into the centre of the inner door panels. Equipment levels on the Honda CR-Z are generous with all grades benefitting from six airbags, active headrests, Vehicle Stability Assist and Hill Start Assist. All CR-Zs will also come fitted with Climate Control, 6-speaker CD player, USB iPod® link and an engine start button. Middle and top grades benefit from leather seats, steering wheel audio controls and alloy pedals. Top grades gain Bluetooth® Hands Free Telephone controls, Cruise Control, Panoramic Glass Roof, HID lights and 360W high power audio system - including a boot mounted sub-woofer. The stylish interior has a 2+2 layout, opening up the possibility of carrying smaller adults for short distances or children on longer journeys. The one-touch motion folding rear seats open up a flat floored cargo area, that gives a surprising 382 litres of cargo space, on a par with most C-segment hatchbacks, allowing a wider range of luggage to be carried. The flexible luggage area also has an under-boot area of 19 litres to stow additional cargo, or store items out of sight. The chassis was an important factor in the development of the new car, with driver enjoyment being a core part of the design brief. The platform shares some components with the Jazz and Insight models, but the wheelbase, track width and set-up are all unique to the new hybrid. Overall the Honda CR-Z has a 115 mm shorter wheelbase and is 310 mm shorter in overall length than the Insight, enhancing agility and reducing kerb weight by 57 kg compared to its 5-door, five-seat, family car cousin. The Honda CR-Z suspension features unique, springs and dampers setting and the tolerances are also unique. One of the major detail changes is the adoption of a forged aluminium lower arm in the MacPherson strut front suspension to replace the Insight's pressed steel items. This reduces weight of each wishbone by 2 kg and also increases strength to cope with the wider track width and tyres. EXTERIOR DESIGN AND BODY The Honda CR-Z was created from a project to create a sporty coupe for the second decade of the 21st century. The compact dimensions, light weight construction and aerodynamic design brings a dual benefit of improving performance, but also cutting fuel consumption and emissions. The design has hints of Honda's past with the split level window and shallow sloping roof, combining them with complex curves and deeply scalloped panels that would have been impossible to mass produce just a few years ago. Modern car design has many constraints placed upon it, with the increasing number of regulations and policies which influence the shape of new models. The major challenge that faced Honda's designers and engineers was to maintain the sleek low bonnet design of the initial design studies, while adopting the 1.5-litre engine with IMA system and complying with pedestrian impact requirements. Honda's engineers worked tirelessly with the designers to reduce the height of the engine, as well as working on suspension and body hard points to allow for sufficient clearance for bonnet deformation. The wide and low stance is enhanced at the front end by the unusual one piece grille, which extends above and below the front bumper line. This grille is a key feature of the car's "face", with a pronounced raised area of the bonnet flowing from its top line right up to the base of the windscreen. The wide tapering headlights, with day time running lights elegantly integrated into the lower edges, extend towards the edges of the strongly flared wheels arches. The angle of curvature at the edge of the windscreen of the Honda CR-Z is the greatest of any current Honda model, and it blends almost seamlessly into the A-pillars and side windows. This wraparound effect is only possible because of the revolutionary rain gutters integrated into the front pillars that significantly reduce the usual step between the edge of the windscreen and the A-pillar by 50%. As well as creating a distinctive visual effect, the reduction in this step has clear aerodynamic benefits, reducing turbulence in this important area. The integrated look is accentuated by the gloss black surface finish applied to the A-pillars, creating the illusion of a single piece of glass. The wraparound screen positions the A-pillars further back in the side profile, giving the bonnet a longer and lower appearance. By curving the glass around the sides of the car, Honda's engineers were able to achieve excellent forward visibility, a key factor in safety and enthusiastic driving. The door mirrors are an ultra aerodynamic, shape, supported by a wing form stay, which combine visual appeal, with low drag design. Extensive aerodynamic testing led the design team to the final shape, which integrates a slim indicator repeater to complete the look. The roof slope and length is critical to the overall aerodynamic performance of a vehicle and the stylists and engineers worked together to create the longest roof length possible without upsetting the overall visual balance of the car. The rear of the Honda CR-Z has a particularly important role to play in the aerodynamics and many hours of wind tunnel testing went into refining the final design. The strongly flared rear arches stand proud of the rear bodywork and the rear tapers into the split level glass hatch, a concept shared with the second generation CR-X, 1999 Insight and FCX Clarity models. The curvature and shape of the rear hatch and glass area are a part of the drag reduction measures that have been used throughout the Honda CR-Z's design, as well as bringing a fresh perspective to a signature Honda design feature. Great attention was paid to maximising visibility through the rear hatch and the size and position of the spoiler which divides the two areas was very carefully researched and tested. The rear diffuser masks the exhaust pipe on the Honda CR-Z, giving a balanced look to the rear of the car and aiding the efficient management of airflow under the rear of the car. The diffuser has been made in a material containing aluminium flakes to give a metallic appearance to the finish. Body Structure To achieve the radical looks of the Honda CR-Z Concept, required innovative solutions to ensure the styling did not compromise the usability or dynamic responses of the Honda CR-Z. The engineers wanted to create a stiff body unit to ensure dynamic responses met the expectations the styling creates. To achieve this, metal gussets are used in critical areas around the front and rear suspension turrets to provide a firm base for excellent suspension control. Furthermore an H-shaped "performance rod" was designed for the rear to increase rear chassis stiffness. The result of these stiffening efforts is a rigidity figure similar to that of the European Civic Type R. As with all recent Honda models the CR-Z has an Advanced Compatibility EngineeringTM (ACETM) body structure. This unique Honda technology has been developed through years of testing at Honda's Tochigi R&D centre where real cars are crashed in realistic situations. The front frame spread the load over the front crash structures to ensure the Honda CR-Z gives maximum protection in impacts with vehicles of different bumper heights. The interior styling of the Honda CR-Z Concept was warmly received and Honda's engineers and stylists were keen to reflect this in the production car. The cabin of the Honda CR-Z has been designed around a cockpit theme, clustering critical controls close to the driver, creating a sense of purpose and reducing distractions. The upper dashboard section contains all of the controls and dials and is formed from a RIM (Reaction Injection Moulding) moulded black plastic, which has never been used for a Honda dashboard before. This new plastic material gives a pleasing, tactile to the upper dash surfaces. The lower section of the dashboard is formed from a light-grey material, which gives the upper section the appearance of floating. The lower, lighter section is continued almost seamlessly into the doors, to wrap the cabin around the driver and passenger. The doors feature two major areas of colour, with the larger portion matching the texture and colour of the upper "floating" section and a middle swathe coordinating with the lower, light grey section. The door grabs on some grades have been treated with a special metallic coating, which is being used for the first time in an automotive interior application. This high-gloss film is coated with evaporated metal to create a unique texture for upper grade cars. The seats have been designed to support the driver in enthusiastic driving, with particular attention paid to the angle of the seat in relation to the pedals. The angle was set to allow the driver to sit low in the car and maintain a comfortable and practical driving position. The side bolsters of the seats have been designed to support a range of sizes of people and the seat is optimised around a European sized person. To compliment the reach and rake adjustable steering wheel, the driver's seat has a 50 mm range of height settings, with driver and passenger seats having a 240 mm range of front to back motion. One of the elements that has been reflected most strongly in the production car is the design of the instrument panel, which has an eye-catching and hi-tech 3D gauge design. The dials of the Honda CR-Z have been designed to be more than just attractive, with the ambient lighting of the dials playing a key role in the 3-Mode Drive System and the Eco Assist functions. The rev-counter forms the centre piece of the dashboard with the speedometer recessed in to the middle of dial. The rev-counter performs a full scale deflection from zero to maximum and back again at start-up, drawing the driver's eye to the instrument binnacle when switching the car on. Either side of the speedometer and rev counter are the ancillary gauges and displays, for less critical information. To the right of the centre, are the fuel gauge and fuel economy meters and below these is the Multi-Information Display (MID). On the left of the central gauge, are the IMA battery level gauge and the charge/assist gauge, which shows when the motor is assisting, or the battery being recharged. The MID can display elapsed journey time, current fuel economy, average fuel economy and average speed. The MID can also display the current status of the motor and engine in providing power and the Eco Assist bar, which gives detailed guidance on driving style and avoiding excessive acceleration and braking when economy is the goal. Drivers can also check the economy figures achieved on their previous journeys as well as their progress towards the Eco Assist awards. The instrument area is framed by two wing-like extensions to the instrument cowl which contains the controls for frequently used equipment, placing them close to the driver's hands. On the left "wing" the controls for the 3-Mode Drive System are clustered alongside the controls for the door mirrors. On the right "wing" the controls and the display for the climate control are positioned together for ease of use. The steering wheel follows the same design philosophy as other Honda models, with audio controls on the left spoke and cruise control (if fitted) on the right spoke. The MID controls are beneath the right spoke and the Hands Free Telephone HFT and voice activated satellite navigation controls (if fitted) are beneath the left spoke. Interior Flexibility The stylish interior has a 2+2 layout which gives the possibility of extending usability beyond that of a two seat car and are also fitted with ISOFIX child seat points. The rear seats have been designed to fold easily and quickly to significantly increase cargo space. The one touch motion folding rear seats can easily be folded, even if standing behind the car, quickly extending beyond the standard 214 litres (VDA) of space. Folding the seats opens up a flat floored cargo area that gives a surprising 382 litres (VDA to window) of cargo space, allowing a wider range of luggage to be carried. The boot area also has an under-boot space of 19 litres to stow additional cargo, or store items out of sight. This area is a deep well, between the IPU and the rear bumper and will easily take a laptop case or similar. The boot area itself can be configured with a tonneau cover, or this can be removed and attached to the boot floor. This allows the user to section the luggage with the cover forming a hidden section against the boot lip, almost invisible from the outside. The third option is to secure the cover when rolled on the boot floor to remove the height restriction on cargo with the seats folded. Equipment levels on the Honda CR-Z are generous, with all grades benefitting from 6 airbags, active headrests, Vehicle Stability Assist and Hill Start Assist. When starting on steep inclines from a stop, Hill Start Assist temporarily prevents the vehicle from rolling backwards by maintaining brake pressure during the moment between releasing the brake, depressing the throttle and engaging the clutch (for a duration of approximately 1.0 second). All Honda CR-Z grades will also come fitted with Climate Control, 6-speaker CD player with USB iPod® link and engine start button. The dashboard incorporates a semi-hidden box at the top of the space in front of the gear shift lever. This box is sized to accommodate an MP3 music player and contains the lead to link compatible devices to the Honda CR-Z's stereo. Customers will benefit from the ability to control MP3 music players from the main stereo unit, to maximise usability and minimise distractions. Middle and top grades benefit from leather seats, steering wheel audio controls and alloy pedals. Top grades gain Bluetooth® Hands Free Telephone (HFT) controls, cruise control, panoramic glass roof, HID lights and 360W high power audio system - including a boot mounted sub-woofer. ENGINE AND IMA SYSTEM The Honda CR-Z is the first car to combine a 1.5-litre i-VTEC engine and the IMA system, giving excellent fuel economy and great emphasis on driver enjoyment. This 114 PS engine is combined with a 14 PS electric motor which also boosts torque, with an impressive 78 Nm at low to medium engine speeds. The combined power figure peaks at 124 PS with a healthy 174 Nm of torque. Performance and driver enjoyment can be seen as a conflicting need to good fuel economy and exhaust emissions levels. The CR-Z's 1.5-litre, 16-valve, i-VTEC, petrol engine provides driver enjoyment with its enthusiastic engine note, willingness to rev and broad spread of torque. At the same time its modest capacity, boosted by an electric motor can achieve excellent fuel economy and low overall exhaust emissions, including the all important CO2 emissions. The CR-Z is the first Honda hybrid, since the original 1-litre Insight to use a four valve per cylinder head with the IMA system. The Honda CR-Z emits just 117 g/km of CO2 on the EU test cycle and consumes just 5.0 l/100km of fuel. This CO2 figure is just 1 g/km higher than the original Civic IMA, an incredible achievement considering the over 30 PS power advantage the CR-Z has over its saloon ancestor. The Honda CR-Z engine used is based on the 1.5-litre Jazz unit with changes to the valve timing allowing for one intake valve to be deactivated at low engine speeds. This creates an additional swirl effect which enables fast combustion and higher exhaust gas recirculation. The effect of this additional turbulence is to reduce emissions and improve fuel consumption. At higher revs, both intake valves are opened to increase power output. Numerous small changes are made to the engine to suit the characteristics of the Honda CR-Z, integration of the IMA system and installation in the coupe body. The original engine, as it was installed in the Jazz, would not fit under the low bonnet of the car as it stood. The development engineers developed a new intake manifold and a flat air cleaner assembly, to give sufficient clearance and allow space for pedestrian impact protection. The 1.5-litre i-VTEC engine has not been seen in an EU specification car before and was chosen for its combination of light weight, fuel efficiency and compact size. The block of the 1.5-litre engine is similar to other Jazz engine variants and the Insight meaning that integration of the IMA system is simplified. Because the basic block layout is shared with the 1.3-litre Insight engine, the sump pan that was developed for that car was adopted. This measure assisted the team in the task of reducing the overall engine height and lowering the position in the chassis. IMA System The IMA system is shared with the Insight hybrid, but the software and settings have been altered to interact with the 3-Mode Drive System and manual transmission. Although the operating revs are quite different in a manual car, the flexibility of Honda's IMA parallel hybrid system makes integration of different engines and transmissions more straightforward. Extensive testing was done to ensure that the impressive durability of the Insight's IMA hardware was not compromised in any way by the addition of a manual gearbox. Particular attention was paid to the possibility of over-revving the engine due to missed gear changes and the implications this might have for the system The electric motor provides its peak torque instantly from the start, boosting the low end torque of the Honda CR-Z by more than 70 Nm, improving initial acceleration. The torque curve of the new hybrid is unusually flat for a naturally aspirated engine, with the peak arriving at just 1500 rpm, enabling great flexibility at all engine speeds. The battery pack in the Honda CR-Z is a 100.8 volt Nickel Metal Hydride unit which provides an excellent balance between output, reliability, safety and cost. As with the rest of the system, the battery pack is shared with the incredibly reliable Insight model, which has proved itself to have the lowest warranty claim rate of any Honda car sold in Europe during 2009. At the end of the vehicle life, the battery pack can be recycled through Honda dealers. Exhaust Design and Tuning To ensure that drivers would be able to enjoy driving the Honda CR-Z on the open road, the development team dedicated a great deal of time and thought to the design of the exhaust. The brief was not only to create an efficient unit that allowed the optimum operation of the engine to minimise emissions and generate the target power level, but also to produce an enjoyable sound. Because of the diversity of environments, drivers and speeds that the CR-Z was designed for, engineers would not be satisfied with an exhaust that merely had less silencing capacity. A great deal of development time was dedicated to the design of the exhaust to give it a sporty note when the engine was being worked hard, but without excessive noise during motorway or town use. To achieve this the team spent time tuning other components, including the engine mounts and noise insulation, to isolate unpleasant sounds, and allow the most pleasing acoustic ranges of the exhaust to be heard without reducing silencing too far. 3-Mode Drive System The Honda CR-Z has been designed to be a car that combines driver enjoyment with excellent urban driving performance and economy. The two major roles of the car can be sometimes in opposition, with characteristics like sharp throttle response and greater steering weight increasing driver satisfaction in open road driving, but possibly proving frustrating in bumper-to-bumper traffic. Honda's engineers have developed the 3-Mode Drive System for the Honda CR-Z, which allows the driver to alter the characteristics of the car depending on their needs and the environment the car is being driven in. By significantly altering the responses of the car, the CR-Z's new system allows drivers to adapt to different road and traffic situations. The new feature enables the driver to choose between three driving modes which alter the responses of the throttle, steering, climate control and the level of assistance provided by the IMA system. In developing this new facility, Honda allows the driver to decide whether they wish to maximise sportiness, economy or the best balance between the two. SPORT Mode ECON Mode The ECON mode reduces the sensitivity of the throttle to smooth out inputs and this action is assisted by the use of a different engine map that prioritises fuel economy. The climate control system is also influenced by the ECON mode, by recirculating air and reducing compressor operation in order to reduce energy consumption. The use of the motor to assist the petrol engine is redefined with the priority given to improve fuel economy, not assist performance. Eco Assist Together with the ECON mode, the CR-Z uses a guidance function that can be used to achieve high fuel economy and thus minimise harmful exhaust emissions. During driving, there are two main elements to the system: an ‘eco drive bar' indicator within the Multi Information Display (MID), and an ambient meter, behind the digital speedometer display. Both instruments are synchronised, to give real time information on the consumption of fuel and provide guidance on how you could alter your driving style. The ‘eco guide bar' in the MID is a solid bar symbol that moves to either side of a central line. The idea is to drive in a way that keeps the bar in the centre and away from the shaded areas on either side. When driving smoothly, and thus efficiently, the bar stays near the centre of the indicator, shifting slightly right during gradual acceleration and slightly to the left when braking gently. During these conditions, the ambient meter behind the speed display glows a green colour to show optimum economical driving performance. Under greater acceleration, or when braking moderately, the bar in the MID shifts more towards either end of the scale, showing the use of more fuel, and the ambient meter glows a green/blue colour. With aggressive acceleration, or sudden braking, the indicator bar will head to the right or left, into the shaded areas of the scale to show major fuel consumption and the ambient meter turns blue respectively. In order to achieve the best fuel consumption figures, the driver should aim to keep the bar in the centre, and the display glowing green as much as possible throughout each journey. To help motivate drivers during each journey, another display above the bar indicator grants rewards for more efficient driving. If performing well, small leaves will ‘grow' above the bar to show the driver's eco-progress, with more leaves and eventually a flower added if the system records a ‘perfect' score. Also, by pressing the Info button on the steering wheel and scrolling through the MID displays, drivers can not only look at their average fuel consumption of the current trip, but can also retrieve their average fuel economy of the last three journeys. The Honda CR-Z is fitted with a Shift Indicator Light (SIL), which alerts the driver to the optimally efficient shift up or down point. Following the indications of the light, combined with following the advice of the Eco Assist function, can improve fuel consumption by up to 10%, reaffirming Honda's commitment to improve every day fuel economy. Eco Scoring Once a journey is over, and the ignition is turned off, the ‘eco guide' in the MID changes to an ‘eco score' display. Now, the leaf symbols at the top, report on the driver's performance during the last drive, while the bar and symbols at the bottom of the display, show a lifetime score. This is shown in three stages with the fully grown plant and flower to the right of the bar showing the best score. If the driver's stage has improved since the last journey, a recognition symbol with wreathes is displayed. At the end of the third stage a trophy symbol appears indicating good progress. Conversely, if the driving style is worse, and the lifetime score and stage regresses, then the recognition symbol of a withering plant is displayed. The normal mode - NORMAL -, which provides a balance between performance, economy and emissions generally suits all driving situations. NORMAL mode balances the operation of the IMA system, climate control and throttle between maximum economy and driver enjoyment, this is the mode the Honda CR-Z defaults to on start-up. In this mode the power steering settings are the same as in ECON. All homologation tests are undertaken in NORMAL mode since this is the default mode for the car at start-up. Between the different modes, the icon of each mode is displayed on the MID for two seconds before reverting to the previously selected information. Scramble-Assist Scramble-assist is a control strategy which detects the acceleration demand of the driver from the accelerator pedal movement and increases the amount of motor-assist. Under SPORT mode it provides proportionally greater assistance for a given pedal movement, resulting in better acceleration performance compared to NORMAL mode. The motor-assist is a control mechanism where the electric motor supports when the accelerator pedal is pressed. It can be divided roughly into four situations which are: drive-away, during eco assist, scramble-assist and 70-80% throttle. With SPORT mode engaged, there is an improvement in performance during scramble-assist. ECON Cruise Control When Cruise Control is set during normal driving, the removal of excessive acceleration when driving on the flat and when descending hills, improves fuel consumption. However, during gradient changes, it is possible for a conventional system to accelerate excessively, causing additional fuel consumption. The ECON Cruise Control minimises unnecessary throttle openings in these situations. The ECON Cruise Control softens the responses to increases in gradient and allows some variations in speed to reduce consumption. Allied with the ECON mode, this cruise control reduces fuel consumption, without sacrificing driver comfort. Cruise control operating under conventional settings, is available in SPORT or NORMAL mode since it is expected that these modes will be used in driving conditions where the vehicle's speed will vary significantly throughout the journey. The Honda R-Z is the first hybrid to be fitted with a 6-speed manual gearbox, which allows drivers maximum control over the torquey combination of the 1.5-litre i-VTEC engine and the IMA motor. For the European market a manual gearbox was considered essential and a 6-speed considered the optimum gearbox for both economy and sportier driving. As a parallel hybrid system it is easy to adapt Honda's IMA system to work with a variety of hardware and as shown with the original 1999 Insight, a manual gearbox can work very well with the right hybrid technology. The manual gearbox will give the CR-Z a very different character from existing hybrid models and will give the driver a new level of interaction. The gearbox has been developed with the enthusiastic driver in mind, with a short shift and a firm but light action that encourages the driver to change regularly. Tolerances of the shift mechanism components have been optimised to reduce free play in the mechanism. The detent is a component that controls the movement of the shift lever and this area was the subject of a great deal of attention to achieve a positive click with each gear change. Even with a six speed gearbox and sporty shift action, it is not essential to continuously work the Honda CR-Z's gearbox. The ample low end torque of the engine and IMA system means in gear flexibility is also impressive. The chassis development of the Honda CR-Z was always going to be a cornerstone of the character of the car. From the outset, the basic platform was going to be shared with the Honda Insight hybrid, but with significant changes in length, track width, components and settings. The most significant change to the platform, is the reduction in wheelbase by 115 mm to increase the agility and reduce the overall length of the CR-Z by 310 mm. Along with the reduction in wheelbase the track width has been increased by 20 mm (front) 25 mm (rear) to give greater stability. The basic architecture of the suspension for the Honda CR-Z is similar to the Insight that it shares its platform architecture with. Changes have been made to components to suit the sporting nature of the Honda CR-Z and maximise driver enjoyment. The springs, dampers and anti-roll bars are unique to the new coupe to suit the different characteristics of the Honda CR-Z. To complement the wider track and reduce weight, the lower arms of the front MacPherson strut suspension have been formed from forged aluminium, rather than the pressed steel used for the Insight arms. These aluminium struts are in total 4 kg lighter than the steel components, as well as being stronger, to support the greater forces generated by the increase in track width and tyre size. The rear suspension is an H-shaped Torsion beam, which is built along the same design concept as the Insight in providing excellent control of the rear wheels, while creating room for the low mounting of the IMA batteries and control unit. The mounting of the IMA system's batteries below the boot, and the low overall height of the Honda CR-Z has clear handling benefits, lowering the centre of gravity for the coupe. The trailing arms in the Honda CR-Z are modified to increase track width and increase strength. For the first time for Honda, a new advanced EPS control that gives a more linear and natural feel to the steering was implemented. The new software combined with the ability to select the level of assistance through the 3-Mode Drive system gives the Honda CR-Z a totally different steering feel to other Honda hybrids. All grades of the Honda CR-Z are fitted with lightweight 16" alloy wheels as standard, which are shod with 195/55R16 tyres. 17" wheels are available from dealers as an accessory for customers wishing to further personalise their car. Recyclability of CR-Z The Honda CR-Z is 92% recyclable overall and Honda is continually working on ways to improve the figure closer to full recyclability. The battery pack is included in this figure, meaning the Honda CR-Z is no less recyclable than a conventionally powered vehicle. The battery mountain myth Since the beginning of sales of Honda hybrids in 1999, questions have been raised about the disposal of batteries should they ever need to be replaced, or at the end of the cars life. There were concerns that hybrid vehicles would generate a mountain of unwanted batteries or fill up landfill waste sites. In reality battery packs contain metals that still have a value at the end of its useful life and can be recycled economically to create new battery packs or many other uses. Honda dealers will take the returned packs and these are either recycled locally through battery recycling plants in the country or by Umicore who recycle batteries for Honda centrally. The main metal recovered from the battery packs, Nickel is used in hundreds of applications and uses. The amount of Nickel used in battery production, is tiny in comparison to the global consumption of the metal for the production of alloys like steel. The economic value of Nickel means those that are removed outside of the Honda network will almost certainly find their way into a recycling facility to recover the recyclable material. Energy usage in build as part of the lifecycle Because hybrid vehicles have additional technology and hardware included over and above what is found in a conventional engined car, it has been incorrectly suggested that the energy consumed in building them outweighs the energy saved in use. Honda's own research shows that although a modest amount of extra energy is used in the build and disposal phase of the lifecycle, the savings in the use period are significantly greater than this extra energy. A lifecycle analysis of the Civic Hybrid shown here, indicates that over a shorter than usual lifecycle of just 100,000 km, the overall energy used is 40% lower than for a conventional 1.8-litre Civic saloon. This is because the usage phase of the lifecycle uses far more energy (78%) than any other part and therefore energy saved during this critical phase has a bigger impact on the overall figure. Honda is continually working on reducing the impact of its factories on the environment in a number of ways. One long-running target for Honda, has been to develop technologies to ensure that the manufacturing process is not just energy and cost efficient, but produces zero waste to landfill. This aim was set out by Honda's founder Soichiro Honda in 1956: "After materials are carried into the factory, nothing but products should be carried out from it. At the time Mr. Honda made this bold statement there was little global interest in environmental issues or protection. Yet despite this, the founder firmly believed that Honda should avoid polluting the environment in the manufacturing or use of its products. Getting to zero waste to landfill was a very long process and one that required innovations, persistence and commitment. All Japanese Honda factories have now reached this target and all other Honda factories are scheduled to achieve this landmark by the end of 2010. Efficient energy utilisation is a critical part of Honda's manufacturing philosophy and the Suzuka factory is an example of these continuing efforts. The factory roof is covered in a substantial solar array which contributes to the power needs of the plant, reducing carbon dioxide emissions. The Suzuka factory also uses a giant cogeneration unit, which is used to heat the factory and produce electricity at the same time. By using the energy from natural gas fuel more efficiently, the co-generation unit helps to reduce overall CO2 emissions by combining two processes. Generating electricity locally is also far more efficient as it cuts out the substantial power line losses that are experienced when electricity is used a great distance from where it is generated. As a compact 2+2 coupe with a double window rear hatch and shallow sloping roof line, the CR-Z's links to the CR-X are clear. What perhaps is less obvious is the link between the cars' aims and original design briefs. The CR-X was first launched in 1983 and received a warm welcome as a compact, agile coupe that transformed opinions on Honda in the US and Europe. What is less well known is that the major purpose of the CR-X was to break the 50 mpg barrier in the US and top the EPA fuel economy ratings. The design of the car was dictated by the need to be compact and therefore light, as well as aerodynamic needs. Because of the compact wheelbase and light weight, the CR-X proved to be an excellent handling and fun-to-drive car. Current Honda CEO and President, Takonobu Ito, who worked on the engineering of the chassis of the CR-X and recognises the need for a new era of environmentally responsible fun cars, commented at the 2010 Detroit motor show debut of the CR-Z: "My first assignment in the U.S. came in the early 1980s. I was a young engineer, developing the chassis for the first generation Honda CR-X. You might remember it as the "pocket rocket." I remember CR-X as a vehicle that demonstrated that a car can be both sporty and fuel efficient. Times have changed... but the idea of developing vehicles that are both fun to drive and fuel efficient is alive and well." Topics: honda, honda cr-z, coupe, hybrid, geneva motor show If you liked the article, share on:
2007 Acura - Introduction Torrance, Calif. - 9/12/2006 The launch of the Acura Automobile Division on March 27, 1986, was a uniquely historic event, not just for Acura and its customers, but also for the global automotive industry. It was the beginning of a bold and successful venture - the creation of an entirely new automobile division from the ground up. This prestigious marque was created to bring stimulating performance, elegant styling, state-of-the-art technology and engineering and an unprecedented level of customer service to the luxury import market. Entering its 21st year, that venture continues to show extraordinary results. As one of the top-selling luxury import nameplates in the U.S., Acura offers premium performance vehicles, through a network of more than 266 dealers. Among many of Acura's firsts: The first all-aluminum production automobile (1991 NSX) The first in-dash satellite-linked navigation system (1996 RL) The first luxury import brand to design, engineer and assemble a model in North America (the CL coupe in 1996, the TL sedan in 1998 and the MDX in 2000) The first standard DVD-Audio Surround System (2004 TL) The first standard Bluetooth wireless phone interface (2004 TL) The first use of acoustic windshield glass (2004 MDX) The first OEM application of a real time traffic system (2005 RL) 2005 was a milestone year for Acura when the division broke the 200,000 unit sales mark for the first time in its history, with year-end sales totaling 209,610 units. Acura sedans helped push the division over the 200,000 unit mark, lead by record setting sales of the RL, TL and TSX sedans. In its first full year on sale, the completely redesigned RL luxury performance sedan posted its best sales results ever. The TL performance luxury sedan continued to be Acura best-selling model and recorded its second straight year of record sales. The TSX continued to exceed expectations and carve out a niche in the sports sedan category, posting record sales of 34,856 units. Customer Satisfaction While selling a large number of automobiles, Acura has consistently performed extremely well in one of the key measures of success - making the ownership experience the most satisfying as possible. Acura has ranked number one in the annual J.D. Power and Associates Customer Satisfaction Study™ (CSI) survey four times and continues to score above the industry average. In the J.D. Power and Associates® 2005 Initial Quality Survey, a highly regarded measure of customer opinion, the RSX was named one of the top three in the sporty car segment. In the JD Power and Associates 2003 Vehicle Dependability Study, the RL luxury sedan was rated the Most Dependable Midsize Luxury Car. The success of Acura can be attributed largely to the research and development that goes into every vehicle. Acura automobiles are designed and built using leading-edge technology. They are also well known for unparalleled ergonomic design, quality and durability. To give designers and engineers the kind of creative freedom and positive working environment they require to function at their best, Honda, in 1960, formed an autonomous research and development company that enjoys complete independence from its parent. This independence allows the engineers to go their own way, investigating new ideas and innovations without the budgetary and bureaucratic constraints encountered by engineers at many other automobile manufacturers. After an automobile is designed and developed, it is exhaustively tested at facilities in Japan and the United States, and undergoes environmental testing in harsh climates and conditions all over the world. The main R&D testing facility in Japan is the Tochigi Proving Grounds, which offers a broad range of demanding driving situations. Acura automobiles are also tested at two major test facilities in the United States. The Transportation Research Center (TRC), in East Liberty, Ohio, has many of the same capabilities as the Tochigi Proving Grounds. And further illustrating Acura's commitment to the U.S. market, an expansive testing facility in the desert north of Los Angeles, the Honda Proving Center of California (HPCC), allows thorough development and product testing close to Acura Division headquarters in Torrance, Calif. HPCC features a 7.5-mile high-speed oval track, and a five-mile winding road course that offers a full range of challenging road surfaces. In conjunction with celebrating its 20th anniversary, the Acura division broke ground by announcing the opening of a new design studio exclusively for the brand. The studio, which is expected to be completed in Fall 2007, will be located at Acura's headquarters in Torrance, Calif. Acura Enters ALMS Racing For 2007 Acura announced at the 2006 New York Auto Show that it will enter the 2007 American Le Mans Series, initially competing in the LMP2 class. This will mark Acura's first factory motorsports program in the 20-year history of the company. The Acura Motorsports program will feature the first racing engine completely designed and developed in-house by Honda Performance Development of Santa Clarita, California, Honda's wholly-owned racing subsidiary. It also will mark the first time HPD has taken on multiple concurrent motorsports programs in both the ALMS and IRL. The American Le Mans Series draws on the heritage of long-distance "endurance" sports car racing in both Europe and the United States, as exemplified by the historic 24 Hours of Le Mans. The series includes the 12 Hours of Sebring - a U.S. fixture since 1952 - plus events at the country's premier road circuits, including Road America, Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course, Laguna Seca, Miller Motorsports Park and Road Atlanta. The American Le Mans Series is one of the fastest-growing racing series in the USA. Five of the 10 races in 2006 are broadcast by CBS, with the remaining five events shown on the cable/satellite Speed Channel. Testing of the Acura LMP2 entries began in late August of 2006, with the American Le Mans competition debut taking place next March at the 12 Hours of Sebring. Acura Racing Pedigree Acura's deep-seated commitment to performance started at the very beginning - well before Acura Division was founded. Soichiro Honda, who founded Honda Motor Co., Inc., in 1948, was a racing enthusiast at heart. He steered the company into competitions early on and the racetrack has provided an indispensable training ground for engineers and designers of Acura vehicles. Using it as a high-speed laboratory, designers and engineers learn and apply their craft under intense pressure, where the difference between success and failure is measured in hundredths of a second. Engineers who cut their teeth on championship racing engines are often assigned to design the engines of Acura's passenger cars. In fact, the chief engineer of the race-inspired engine of the new Acura RSX sports coupe previously worked on championship-winning Honda Formula One engines. Honda has been successful in every form of motorsports in which it has competed. Honda-powered cars won six consecutive Formula One Constructors' World Championships (1986-91) and five consecutive Formula One Drivers' World Championships (1987-91). Race-prepared Acura Integra automobiles won two consecutive International Motor Sports Association (IMSA) International Sedan Manufacturers' Championships and three consecutive IMSA International Sedan Drivers' Championships (1988-90). The Comptech Racing Acura-Spice GTP-Lights race car, powered by a modified Acura NSX engine, carried driver Parker Johnstone to three consecutive Manufacturers' Championships and three consecutive Drivers' Championships in the prestigious IMSA Camel GTP Lights series (1991-93). In 1994, Honda made its Champ Car racing debut. Team Rahal brought the Honda banner to CART while the Acura-sponsored Comptech Racing team joined at the Portland Indy Car event with Johnstone at the wheel. The very next season, Johnstone was the fastest qualifier at the Indy Car event in Michigan, and Honda scored its first Indy Car victory weeks later when Andre Ribeiro took the checkered flag at the New England race in August of 1995. 2000 highlights included the company's 50th Champ Car race victory, eight race wins in the 20-event season, including a sweep of all four permanent road courses on the circuit and a series-leading 11 poles. A very successful 2001 CART FedEx Championship Series season provided a fourth CART Manufacturer's Championship and sixth consecutive Driver's championship for Honda. In 2002, Honda's final year of participation in CART racing, Honda drivers scored five victories and five pole positions. Race winners include Michael Andretti, Paul Tracy and Dario Franchitti. Honda entered the Indy Racing League (IRL) IndyCar Series for the 2003 season, beginning a new era of competition. Honda's racing subsidiary, Honda Performance Development, Inc. (HPD) leads the effort in partnership with Ilmor Engineering Inc. HPD and Ilmor work together as technical partners to design, develop and produce engines for several IRL teams. In its first season in the IRL, Honda fielded four teams with a total of six drivers. Tony Kanaan won in Phoenix and Brian Herta won in Kansas giving Honda its first two IRL wins. By the end of what turned out to be a non-stop learning experience for Honda and its partners, Honda sat third in the Manufacturer's Championship, with Kanan finishing fourth in the driver's championship and Kenny Brack finishing ninth. In 2004, in only its second year of IRL competition, Honda captured the prestigious Manufacturer's Championship with four races remaining in the 2004 season. A year later, in 2005, Dan Wheldon, Kanaan, Franchitti and Bryan Herta powered the Andretti Green Racing team to a 1-2-3-4 sweep of the IRL's first-ever street race, in St. Petersburg, Florida. Wheldon won the Indianapolis 500 and 21-year old Danica Patrick was the story of the race, qualifying fourth, becoming the first woman to lead the race, and finishing fourth. Acura Model History Two initial model lines went on sale in March 1986. The Integra sports sedans, in both 3-door and 5-door versions, were introduced, along with the Legend 4-door luxury performance sedan. The Legend coupe was introduced a year later, in 1987. Acura introduced the second-generation 1990 model Integra in 1989. The following model year, the mid-engine 1991 NSX exotic sports car joined the Acura lineup. Acura then released the second-generation 1991 Legend sedan and Legend coupe. The 1992 lineup added the Vigor sports sedan. The 1994 Integra sports coupe and sports sedan represented the third generation of the Integra nameplate. The removable-top NSX-T was added as a 1995 model. In early 1995, the Vigor was replaced by the all-new Acura TL Series. The TL was unveiled as a 1996 model signaling the beginning of Acura's conversion to alphanumeric model designations. That was followed in the fall by the introduction of the 1996 Acura SLX, the first sport utility vehicle offered in the United States by a luxury import nameplate. The Acura 3.5 RL assumed the role of Acura's flagship luxury sedan in February of 1996. Acura completed the revitalization of its model lineup with the introduction of the 1997 Acura CL series of performance luxury sports coupes, the first model ever designed, developed and assembled in America by a luxury import nameplate, and the sixth model in the Acura line. For the 1999 model year, a completely redesigned 3.2 TL was introduced, reasserting Acura's powerful presence in the near luxury segment. In 2000, Acura incorporated significant technical advances in both the 3.2 TL and 3.5 RL. That same year also marked the introduction of Acura's first built-from-the-ground-up luxury sport utility vehicle, the 2001 MDX. The 2001 model year also saw the introduction of the all-new, high-performance 3.2 CL and CL Type-S luxury performance coupes. For the 2002 model year, Acura replaced the Integra with the all-new RSX sports coupe, redefining its entry-level vehicle with advancements in power, technology and luxury. Acura also substantially upgraded the 3.2 TL and added a high-performance Type-S version. Boasting a 260-horsepower engine, the TL Type-S added a surge of performance to Acura's best-selling luxury sedan. The 3.5 RL also received numerous enhancements including increased horsepower, sport-tuned suspension, enhanced braking and more responsive steering. The 2003 model year began with the addition of an available close-ratio 6-speed manual transmission to the 3.2 CL Type-S. Designed specifically for the performance characteristics of the CL, the 6-speed manual was coupled with a limited-slip differential and provided additional performance and handling responsiveness. The 2003 MDX, Acura's award-winning luxury SUV received a next generation engine that boosted horsepower as well as an all-new automatic transmission and Vehicle Stability Assist (VSA). The MDX also debuted the second generation of the Acura Navigation System with Voice Recognition™ and an available Acura DVD Entertainment Center. The 2004 model year saw the debut of the Acura TSX sports sedan. With an i-VTEC engine, drive-by-wire throttle, available 6-speed manual transmission and the latest in safety and interior technology, the TSX provides an exciting blend of power and refinement. For 2004 the TL performance luxury sedan was redesigned and debuted as an all-new model with aggressive new styling, a potent VTEC V-6 engine and, for the first time, an available 6-speed manual transmission. Inside, an array of cutting edge equipment makes the TL the most technologically advanced car in its class. It is the first vehicle in north America to offer a standard 5.1 DVD-Audio system, a revolutionary new system that delivers sound resolution 500 times better than existing CD sound systems. In addition, the TL's HandsFreeLink™ system delivers hands-free phone capabilities that allow drivers to keep their hands on the wheel while making and receiving calls from their mobile phone. The 2004 MDX received additional horsepower, new styling and added interior features designed to ensure its place as the benchmark in its segment. In 2005, Acura completed the revitalization of its sedan lineup with the introduction of the all-new 2005 RL. The RL featured a powerful 3.5 liter VTEC V-6, a close-ratio five-speed automatic transmission, and the Super Handling All-Wheel Drive System? (SH-AWD?) which distributes torque not only between the front and rear wheels, but also overdrives and splits torque between the left and right rear wheels. In addition, the RL is equipped with an assortment of leading-edge technology including real-time traffic gathered from XM Radio® satellites and incorporated into the navigation system display. The RSX sports coupe received a large number of chassis, body and suspension enhancements designed to improve handling precision while at the same time, providing a more refined ride. The RSX Type-S also received a performance boost. In 2006, the RL received a new available Technology Package featuring the Collision Mitigation Braking System (CMBS™). The system prompts the driver to take preventative action but if an accident appears to be unavoidable, the system automatically applies strong braking and strong retraction of the front seatbelts. The RL Technology Package also features Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC), which automatically adjusts vehicle speed to maintain a following interval from the vehicle ahead in the same lane, and Michelin® PAX® Run-Flat tires. The TSX sports sedan received a host of technological upgrades including a HandsFreeLink™ wireless telephone interface, a digital media auxiliary jack in the center console for iPOD® and MP3 players and an updated Acura navigation system. The TSX also received additional horsepower and more aggressive styling front and rear. Lastly, 2006 Acura models will be covered by a new six-year or 70,000-mile powertrain limited warranty in addition to the standard four-year or 50,000-mile limited bumper-to-bumper warranty. In 2007, Acura light trucks take center stage with the introduction of the all-new RDX entry premium SUV and the completely redesigned MDX luxury SUV. The RDX is equipped with an all-new 2.3-liter DOHC 16-valve in-line turbocharged four-cylinder engine, which generates 240 hp and 260 ft-lbs of torque. The RDX also features Super Handling-All Wheel Drive (SH-AWD) and the latest in cutting edge technology. The second generation MDX launches in the fall and will once again raise the bar in the luxury SUV category. The MDX features the largest and most powerful V-6 engine in Acura history, an all-new 3.7-liter VTEC V-6 that generates 300 hp and 275 lbs.-ft. of torque. Coupled with SH-AWD and a new optional Active Damper System, the MDX pushes the limits of SUV performance. In addition, Type-S returns to the 2007 TL model lineup. Equipped with a 3.5L V-6 engine and a sport tuned suspension, the Type-S aims straight for the enthusiasts driver.
2017 Acura RDX: New Car Review With newer competitors nipping at its heels, the 2017 Acura RDX compact luxury SUV still has the looks and moves to keep pace. 2017 Cadillac XT5 vs. 2017 Acura RDX: Which Is Better? The Cadillac XT5 and Acura RDX are two of the most popular compact luxury SUVs, but which might be better for you? 2016 BMW X3 vs. 2016 Acura RDX: Which Is Better? We're comparing two of today's most popular small crossovers, the BMW X3 and Acura RDX, to find out which is better. See all Acura RDX articles The car experts at researched online reviews from respected Web resources to produce this comprehensive review of the 2008 Acura RDX.'s editors also drove the Acura RDX, so that we can deliver you the best information on Acura's new crossover, on its competition, and help you figure out which reviews to believe when road testers have different opinions. The new RDX is a smaller, five-passenger alternative to Acura's MDX. It is based on the Honda CR-V platform and features the same Super Handling All-Wheel Drive system offered in the larger MDX crossover. It rides on a fully independent front and rear suspension for better handling than a traditional, truck-based SUV. The standard engine is a turbocharged and intercooled 2.3-liter VTEC four-cylinder developing 240 horsepower and 260 pound-feet of torque; it's the first application of a turbocharged engine in an Acura vehicle. It is teamed with a five-speed automatic transmission with F1-style Sequential SportShift Paddle Shifters. The engine gives the crossover an energetic feel--sometimes even nervous, since strong turbo impulses kick in even when you need just a little power. The sole gearbox is a paddle-shifted five-speed automatic--and together with the occasionally frenetic four, it helps deliver 19 mpg city, 24 mpg highway. The AWD setup works in concert with a typical Honda front MacPherson suspension and multilink rear. The ride isn't as harsh as the BMW X3, despite the big 18-inch tires that come standard. But it is pretty taut, and anyone used to the plush response of a big American-style ute might be turned off by the RDX's disdain for lots of ride motions. The RDX's strong brakes are anti-lock controlled and quick to bite. Add in steering control that's quick and light and this is one of the least SUV-like driving experiences in the class. The exterior style is a little more angular than a traditional SUV, but pleasing. Inside, the Acura RDX pushes the envelope more with a high-tech look, lots of metallic trim, and in our test car, black leather. The front seats are the place to ride; the rears don't have a lot of extra knee room for adults. Along with standard CD changer and XM Satellite Radio hardware, the Acura RDX also has standard Bluetooth, a power driver seat, and an iPod input. DVD-Audio and real-time traffic information through XM are options. Traction and stability control, anti-lock brakes, and side and curtain airbags are standard. The 2008 Acura RDX gets five-star ratings for front and side crash tests, as well as a four-star rating for rollover risk. The Bottom Line:The 2008 Acura RDX gets its edge from turbo power and crisp handling, but it can feel a little nervous and cramped. 2008 Acura RDX was originally published at Feedback 2008 Acura RDX - Autotrader
by Bob Graves Electric Vehicles’ Slow Merge Into the Fast Lane As home to almost half of all of the electric vehicles (EVs) being sold in the United States, California is clearly the nation's proving ground for their deployment. But the trend is not promising. With about 71,000 zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) being bought annually in the state, the adoption rate is less than half of what will be needed to reach California's target of 1.5 million ZEVs on its roads by 2025. The vast majority of ZEVs are expected to be electric vehicles, and California's state government is pushing hard for their adoption with a combination of regulation and incentives such as rebates to purchasers on top of the federal tax credits they can receive. Still, the rate is lagging, leaving transportation experts to debate why that's the case in a state legendary for its green attitudes and activist mindset. READ MORE Urban Transportation’s Multimodal Future Second perhaps only to waterways, road systems have had the greatest impact on the design and physical structure of our cities. The car-centric redesign of the American city that began in the early 20th century was embraced with open arms by urban planners and citizens alike. Yet now, in the early 21st century, its limitations are clear. There is a rapidly growing awareness that simply expanding our roadways won't end congestion and gridlock. The future, more and more urban transportation experts are coming to believe, lies in mobility-friendly networks in which cars are just one element -- and an ever-shrinking one as we move from a system in which the personally owned vehicle is king and toward a multimodal future of on-demand driverless vehicles, ride-sharing, expanded public transit, greater reliance on human-powered transportation and other alternatives. READ MORE Infrastructure's Digital Disruption If there's any consensus that emerged from the presidential election, it was on the need to do something about America's aging infrastructure. "We're going to rebuild our infrastructure, which will become, by the way, second to none," President-elect Donald Trump declared in his victory speech. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi responded that top Democrats shared that interest, with a particular focus on job creation. "We can work together to quickly pass a robust infrastructure jobs bill," she said. Trump is talking about a 10-year, trillion-dollar infrastructure plan -- certainly a bold vision. But as the saying goes, the devil is in the details. And the details have to include an understanding of the many ways digital technology is transforming how America works, lives and plays. READ MORE Limited Resources and the Vision of a Circular Economy Natural resources like water, minerals, oil and timber are the feedstock of an economy. The predominate pattern of their use is a linear flow of resources into manufactured goods and then on to consumers, product end of life and, finally, disposal. There are, of course, serious problems with this linear-flow, consumption-oriented economy, not the least of which is resource depletion. But is there another way? Yes, say those who advocate for moving toward a "circular economy," one in which materials would no longer be consumed but rather would be used and then fully recovered to be remanufactured again and again -- ideally with no degradation and of equal quality to virgin materials. "In the circular economy we are no longer consumers and there's no end of life for products," noted Ellen MacArthur at a recent conference. "We are all just users." READ MORE Doubling Down on California’s Climate Commitment Back in 2006, California lawmakers passed Assembly Bill 32 (AB32), its first-in-the-nation climate mitigation legislation. State officials were either, depending on one's viewpoint, making a commitment to rescue the state from a bleak environmental future or sending its economy off a cliff. "There's no way to get to the targets except by stopping the use of energy," Dorothy Rothrock, vice president of the California Manufacturers and Technology Association, said at the time. Opponents ran ads warning of job losses, reduced investment and energy rationing. Despite those dire predictions, California has survived the last 10 years quite well: It tied with Oregon last year as having the strongest state economy. And, already on track to meet AB32's 2020 emissions reduction target, California doubled down this month on its climate commitment with the enactment of Senate Bill 32 (SB32), which will require the state to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030. READ MORE
Somehow, Forbes contributor Louis Woodhill uses this fact as proof that GM is headed for bankruptcy again. His self-described "unconventional logic" escapes me ("uninformed" might be a better word). But the basis of his argument seems to be that he doesn't like GM's Chevrolet Malibu as much as the Volkswagen Passat. Far be it from me to defend General Motors, which is a company still in need of serious work, but let's not toss around such incendiary words as "bankruptcy" without putting a little effort into understanding the situation, OK? GM is a global company with a strong balance sheet, and not in any danger of going bankrupt again. It has $33 billion in cash and $5 billion in debt on its balance sheet; posted $2.5 billion in net income so far this year, and generated $1.7 billion in automotive free cash flow in the second quarter. That said, anyone who looks at the summary slide GM provided to investors during its second quarter earnings call can see this is not a company headed in the right direction. GM sold more cars, but revenue, profits and cash are down across the globe. GM has serious problems, but they are fixable, with strong leadership. Chief Executive Daniel Akerson is trying hard, but so far he hasn't produced convincing results. Let's review the problem areas: Europe: GM lost $400 million in the second quarter, $1.6 billion in the past four quarters. European auto sales have shriveled up amid economic uncertainty and the sovereign debt crisis. Like Ford, which recently said it will lose $1 billion this year in Europe, GM needs a massive restructuring to reduce factory capacity and eliminate jobs to meet the new realities there. GM is no doubt kicking itself for hanging on to its Opel unit back in 2009 when it had a chance to sell controlling interest to Canada's Magna International. Back then, the board feared GM would lose critical engineering expertise in passenger cars, but lately it's relying more and more on its Korean subsidiary for that. That's all water under the bridge now, of course, so Akerson has to do what he can to fix it. Frustrated with the pace of change, he recently ousted GM's European boss. It's fitting, perhaps, that the man who convinced the board to keep Opel, Vice Chairman Steve Girsky, is now assigned to fix it. GM says a plan is coming this fall. North America: GM lost 1.7 points of market share in the second quarter, but that's largely due to the recovery of Toyota and other Japanese makers from the disasters in 2011. Its market share in 2010 and 2011 was artificially inflated because its competitors were on the ropes. Remember, after bankruptcy, GM got rid of four brands so comparing its pre-bankruptcy share to current share is unfair. Basing an argument for bankruptcy on U.S. market share trends is not logical anyway. Ford Motor has lost market share, too. What matters in both cases is whether the companies can match their production to current demand and generate solid profits while doing it. GM's EBIT margin in North America for the second quarter was 8.6%. Ford's was 10.2%. Clearly, it still has some room for improvement. Pensions: This has been a noose around GM's neck for years, but the company is finally taking real steps to address it. In June, GM said it will offer 42,000 white-collar retirees in the U.S. a lump-sum payment in lieu of their monthly pension check and will transfer pension responsibility for 76,000 others to a group annuity plan managed by Prudential Insurance. The company has yet to announce the results of the offer, but this is at least a step in the right direction. Global costs: GM has been trying for years to knit together its vast, disjointed engineering operations into an efficient global operation so that it can become more efficient. Akerson named a relative unknown, Mary Barra, as senior vice president of global vehicle development, to tackle that bureaucracy. She believes there's still at least $1 billion worth of waste that can be squeezed out of GM's global engineering operations. But there's also a lot going right at GM, and that's worth acknowledging. GM is in an enviable position in China, where it has 13.8 percent market share and continues to invest for a market that is expected to sell 30 million cars and trucks a year, twice what the U.S. sells. In the U.S., GM and the UAW have a strong relationship where they tackle problems together rather than butting heads as in the past. Today, GM's labor costs are just about on par with its Japanese competitors in America. GM's vehicles are more competitive than in the past. Cadillac, GMC and Chevrolet quality all ranked above average on the recent J.D. Power Initial Quality Study. Clearly, Akerson still has a lot of work to do in turning GM around. But I get angry when people use the GM bailout as a political football and ignore the facts.
Proving the Q50 May 15 – Tochigi, Japan – Taking test drives at the Tochigi Proving Ground, Infiniti President Johan de Nysschen and Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn spoke with the Media Center about the new Infiniti Q50. Media Center: This is a milestone day for Infiniti with the Q50 launch. What is the atmosphere like here in Tochigi? Infiniti President Johan de Nysschen It’s a day of celebration, a very exciting day, greeted by beautiful weather and it is marking the start of production of the most important model in the Infiniti line, so it’s a day when we will begin to record the future of history for the Infiniti brand. Media Center: You say the most important model, the Q50. What does it mean for the Infiniti brand globally? De Nysschen Well, Q50 really earmarks the new design direction, new brand philosophy for Infiniti. It is a major step forward in terms of technology, engineering, design and it really sparks Infiniti’s big leap upward as we reposition the brand. It also is our volume model. It will be our single most important model in terms of presenting the brand to the markets, and so it is a car that has a lot of responsibility on its shoulders. Media Center: The Q50 will be manufactured at the Tochigi plant. Will Tochigi remain a role model for production? Absolutely. I have the highest confidence in the men and women who work here at the Infiniti plant in Tochigi. It is the mother plant for Infiniti, and certainly we also expect in the future with our even more discerning, high-end models will also be based here, because of the very high standards that we are able to achieve at this plant. Media Center: This morning you were on the Tochigi Proving Ground, driving the Q50 and the Q50 hybrid. What do you think? Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn It was a great experience. Obviously, I have driven the two cars and I compared them to the car that we have taken as a benchmark, which is a BMW core product. I think both the gasoline engine and the hybrid perform very well. The acceleration, the stability, the power, the flat ride, the comfort – I would say even the noise comfort of the car – the breaking makes you feel very safe, very powerful, very progressive. I liked the experience quite a lot. Obviously, the hybrid drives like a kind of sports car, a sports version of the Q50. I think we’ve done a great car. I think now that we are ensuring that the quality is going to be at the top level, this car should do great for Infiniti and should sell well. Obviously, it will be up to our marketing and sales team to make sure that we valorize all the investments that have been made. Media Center: What is the importance of the Q50 to the brand, and how do you see Infiniti evolving? This is the No.1, most-sold car of Infiniti, the bread and butter of the brand. It will compete head to head with the 3 Series of BMW, with the C Series of Mercedes, the A4 of Audi, which are very good cars and have been worked with a lot of diligence by all these carmakers. For us, being very competitive in this segment with this car is very important for the rest of the brand because it’s a global growth model and because it carries the image of the brand for the most profitable segment of the premium market. It’s very good to see this kind of technology and this kind of design. Media Center: We are at Tochigi, the “Mother Plant” of Infiniti, with very high quality and reputation. It’s been a tough two years for Japan, with the strong yen. What are your expectations from here? The plant didn’t just lament and whine for the last two years. Unfortunately, we were hit by things beyond our control – the strengthening of the yen, the crisis in China – the production of the plant went down. I would like to commend the fighting spirit of the team of the plant, because instead of just sitting down and lamenting the situation, they improved quality, they worked on their costs, they improved their own effectiveness and productivity. They’ve done a lot of things, in fact, that are going to deliver a lot of results now that production is going up. For 2013 our forecast for the production of the plant comes back to levels not seen since 2008, a level of production before the first crisis of Lehman Brothers. So, I feel very good after visiting plant because I can feel and measure the fighting spirit of the plant, and I see how much the plant has used its time to fine tune its own performance. With the volume coming back, we’ll be doing better, but again it’s a never-ending effort, it’s a never-ending race, but we have cooperation. The gemba we have in Tochigi is second to none in terms of making premium cars, but we just need to make sure that taking the right measures, that we’re working on the right issues, so the consumer at the end of the day can be sure that Infiniti is a top brand. Cars, CEO, China, Currency rates, Design, Engineering, Europe, GT-R, Infiniti, Japan, Management, People, Product Launch, Production, Speed, Suppliers, Technology Carlos Ghosn Design environment hybrid Infiniti Infiniti Red Bull Infinti President Johan de Nysschen Japan nissan Nissan Global Media Center Nissan GT-R Nissan Motor Company Q50 Sustainablity Technology Tochigi Plant Go back to top of this page
Tesla Rides High, But Faces Formidable Foe: Car Dealers By Liz Halloran May 18, 2013 TweetShareGoogle+Email The Tesla Model S, Motor Trend Car of the Year, is introduced at the 2013 North American International Auto Show, in Detroit in January. Tesla's attempts to sell its cars without going through dealerships is meeting resistance. Stan Honda Tesla Motors, the American maker of luxury electric cars, has been riding a wave of good publicity. Its Model S sedan (base priced at $62,400, after federal tax credits) was just named Motor Trend Car of the Year. Reviewers at Consumer Reports gave the lithium-ion battery powered vehicle a rave. And the company, headed by billionaire innovator Elon Musk, 41, posted a profit for the first time in its 10-year history — powered in part by zero-emission environmental credits. But Tesla also finds itself, and its business model, under sustained attack by a formidable foe: the National Automobile Dealers Association, one of the most powerful lobbying groups in Washington with a strong network of state chapters. The dealers say they have no quibble with the quality and allure of Tesla's products. What they object to is the Palo Alto-based manufacturer's efforts to sell the electric car directly to consumers rather than through independently owned dealer franchises. Tesla's model is often compared to the one used by consumer electronics giant Apple. "We want to cut out the middleman," says Diarmuid O'Connell, vice president for business development at Tesla. "We're a bad fit for the dealer system." The dealers' response? "Buying an iPad is not buying a car," says David Hyatt of the national association, which, along with member chapters, has taken their franchise fight to the courts and to state legislatures across the nation. It's a battle between a deep-pocketed interest group, which last year contributed more than $3.2 million to candidates, and a fearless entrepreneur. And it's just heating up. Battles Emerge State By State A bill being considered in North Carolina, where there are currently 80 Teslas on the road and another 60 expected, would prevent the company from selling vehicles online. In Virginia, the state denied the company a dealer license to open a store. Texas lawmakers are expected to ignore an effort by Tesla to gain an exception to strict franchise laws that prohibit factory-owned dealerships. Last year, there were only 43 registered Teslas in the state. In both Massachusetts and New York, legal efforts by franchise dealers to block Tesla's efforts were rejected — including attempts to shut down three Tesla stores and two service centers in New York. Wrote New York Supreme Court Justice Raymond J. Elliott III: "Dealers cannot utilize the Franchised Dealer Act as a means to sue their competitors." An effort in Minnesota to rewrite franchise law to prevent vehicle manufacturers from operating a dealership died in the Legislature. But these are expected to be the early rounds. The franchise fight in Massachusetts has moved to the Legislature. Minnesota dealers plan to submit new legislation next year. And there are also private battles about which O'Connell declined to elaborate. "We don't underestimate the dealers," he said. "The franchise dealer system was, at its inception, set up to protect the dealers from manufacturers coming in and competing with them." Tesla, which paid off early a $465 million low-interest government loan it received in 2009, insists that it presents little competition to the dealers. O'Connell characterizes the 10,000 to 15,000 cars it will sell this year domestically a "rounding error" for the big guys. "This is absurd on its face," he said. The company currently has 37 stores and galleries worldwide, 27 of them in the U.S., says Tesla spokeswoman Shanna Hendriks. It plans to open about 15 more locations this year with about half the openings in Europe and Asia. It also has 24 service centers in the U.S. and 41 worldwide. Hendriks says the company plans to add approximately 30 service locations worldwide in 2013 – about half in the U.S. Tesla argues that its electric product would get lost on a combustion engine lot; that its service needs are low and different than those at traditional franchises; its employees specifically trained and immersed in the car's technology; and its one-price, no-haggle policy anathema to the franchisee legacy. "Ultimately," O'Connell says, "our ambition is to build a great car company, and our mission is to catalyze a mass market for electric vehicles." "Why is it the [dealer franchise] market needs to be protected in this absolutist fashion?" he says. "There's a future out there where we might sell our product through a franchise dealer, but we're not there yet." The Dealers Choice Road & Track magazine describes the advent of the franchise system of independently owned and operated auto dealers as a way to enable "early automakers to get paid as soon as they shipped vehicles to the dealer." The system long worked well, with dealers selling at a markup that brought healthy profits, according to the magazine, and the birth of muscular state laws preventing manufacturers from directly competing with the dealers. And though the nature of the nation's economy has changed dramatically (why can't consumers buy cars online like everything else, Tesla asks), the dealers are holding tight to a structure as American as apple pie and essential to the health of communities. "If manufacturers control dealership networks, there won't be dealerships in small towns — they'd just be where the big box stores are," says Bill Wolters, longtime head of the Texas Automobile Dealers Association. "Every year, there are bills that would weaken the franchise laws." Tesla's effort to change a state statute that prohibits manufacturers of new motor vehicles from operating a dealership, he says, is just the latest. But perhaps the most persistent. Both sides are not underestimating the determination of the other to prevail. "I sat down in Palo Alto with Elon Musk, hat in hand, and said we want to partner with you, you can have it exactly as you want it — 'Tesla of Austin,' " said Wolters of the Texas dealers association. "You can do it just as you want to, within our law, you just can't own the showroom." Musk, Wolters recalled, didn't cotton to the suggestion, leaving the room quickly, but not before pledging to spend an inordinate amount of money to battle automobile franchise laws. Wolters noted, however, that he was taken for a nice drive in one of Musk's Teslas before heading back to Texas. "He's just determined to do it his own way," Wolters says.Copyright 2014 NPR. To see more, visit TweetShareGoogle+EmailView the discussion thread. © 2017 KTTZ
Are Electric Delivery Trucks the Future of Trucking? | The U.S. Nuclear Energy Dream Is Dying Decreased power demands, declining natural-gas… Can Canada’s ‘Gas City' Replicate Qatar’s Success? Medicine Hat, Alberta – known… ‘’U.S. Oil Production To Soar By 3.5 Million Bpd Over The Next Five Years’’ According to BofA, U.S. shale… Environmental News Network The Environmental News Network (ENN) is one of the oldest, and most unbiased sources of online environmental news on the web. ENN has consistently earned… Are Electric Delivery Trucks the Future of Trucking? By Environmental News Network - Feb 08, 2012, 5:36 PM CST Trucking has become the most common mode for transporting goods across the land. However, all those trucks on the road burning diesel fuel can create a great deal of air pollution. Plus, higher gas prices cause increases in the prices of goods. Now is the time to consider the next era of trucking, the electric truck. At the moment, they cost about three times more than the internal combustion engine truck. However, a new study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) shows that a fleet of electric trucks can actually be more cost effective than the standard diesel fleet.According to co-author, Jarrod Goentzel, at this moment, an electric truck fleet is not for every company. "There has to be a good business case if there is going to be more adoption of electric vehicles. We think it's already a viable economic model, and as battery costs continue to drop, the case will only get better."To conduct the study, the MIT researchers collected data from office supplier, Staples, and ISO New England, the nonprofit firm that operates New England's power grid. They generated a model for a fleet of 250 delivery trucks. Three scenarios were examined, each with different truck engines: electric, hybrid gas-electric, and diesel engines.According to the Staples data, their diesel engines average 10.14 miles per gallon. Hybrid gas-electric got 11.56 miles per gallon, and electric trucks average 0.8 kilowatt-hours per mile. The electric vehicles could be plugged in overnight to a vehicle-to-grid (V2G) system. The truck batteries would then be used to produce reliable power for the grid overnight, for which they could be compensated by the local utility company.With diesel costing $4 per gallon, the MIT team ran the numbers to see where they stood. For the diesel fleet, the costs are about 75 cents per mile. For an electric fleet enabled with V2G, the costs are about 68 cents per mile. This is because each electric truck can make roughly $900 to $1,400 per year by selling their excess power to the grid.Staples currently has 68 electric delivery trucks in its fleet. These vehicles are relatively new so it is still too early to deliver a post-deployment conclusion according to Michael Payette, director of fleet equipment at Staples. Mr. Payette commented on the performance of the electric trucks, noting there were "no real surprises from a reliability perspective, but I was surprised by the drivers' acceptance, to the point where they do not ever want to drive a diesel [truck] again."The MIT team believe that almost every deliver truck in an urban fleet is a viable candidate to be electric. This is only true for urban fleets because the electric motors simply don't have enough range to operate on the interstates or in the countryside.The MIT report was delivered at the January 2012 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference in Washington, D.C.By. David A. Gabel of Back to homepage Israeli Company Promotes Shale Oil and Natural Gas Production, Protests Ensue China Buys Into Portuguese National Power Company, Politicians Aghast The Environmental News Network (ENN) is one of the oldest, and most unbiased sources of online environmental news on the web. ENN has consistently earned… More Info
Home > Cars > ORIGOSafe disables the car to stop people from… ORIGOSafe disables the car to stop people from texting while driving By Detailed on the official ORIGO site, the Virginia-based company has developed an ignition interlock system called ORIGOSafe that requires the driver to insert their smartphone prior to starting the vehicle. Similar in design to a classic cassette tape or 8-track deck, the smartphone is connected into the ORIGOSafe port and a green light appears indicating that the vehicle can be started. In addition to charging the smartphone while it’s plugged in to the ORIGOSafe, the user can still answer voice calls over Bluetooth and have a hands-free call using a headset. However, the ability to send text messages is no longer available since the touchscreen and keyboard are completely covered by the ORIGOSafe. Possibly ideal for parents, this device can make sure their teenagers aren’t attempting to send text messages while driving. While the smartphone can be removed from the ORIGOSafe at any time while driving, an alarm sounds after the smartphone is removed. In addition, the user will be completely locked out of the system the next time they attempt to start the vehicle, regardless of plugging the smartphone into the ORIGOSafe. In order to reset the device, the system administrator, likely the parent, has to log into the main account in order to unlock the ORIGOSafe for the user. When asked about the technology, ORIGO founder Clay Skelton said “ORIGOSafe was developed to give parents and safety managers peace of mind, knowing that their drivers are safe and focused on the road, and aren’t a danger to themselves or others. With highway deaths on the rise, particularly among teens, it’s clear that the concern for safety isn’t enough to stop this deadly driving behavior. There has to be an outside force to incite change. By taking the phone out of the driver’s hands, but not preventing making and receiving calls, ORIGO can reduce crashes, increase safety and improve the performance of drivers. ORIGOSafe takes away the temptation to reach for the phone while driving.“ The ORIGOSafe does allow the user to utilize music applications while driving and the smartphone can be removed from the device when the parking brake is active, but the vehicle is still running. According to the site, the ORIGOSafe works with the Samsung Galaxy S3 and kits for the iPhone 4, iPhone 4S and iPhone 5 will be released during April 2013. If the vehicle is passed off to a valet for parking, a one-time, four-digit code can be issued in order to start the vehicle without connecting the smartphone. The one-time code allows the temporary driver to operate the car for a specific time period set by the owner. The ORIGOSafe also acts as an anti-theft device, potentially foiling thieves that don’t have the user’s smartphone. According to the company, groups that have expressed the most interest in the ORIGOSafe are parents as well as commercial companies with fleets of drivers. The ORIGOSafe is currently priced at $279, but professional installation costs an additional $125. Users can opt for self-installation, but there’s no warranty included with the ORIGOSafe unless the device is professionally installed. Next
Ford Claycomo workers prepare to build the new Transit van Production is scheduled to begin in March, and 175 more employees will join the workforce as that date approaches. A second Transit shift is planned by the end of the year when 800 additional workers are to be hired. By STEVE EVERLY LinkedIn Ford’s Claycomo plant is humming a little louder as 1,000 additional employees train and prepare to build the Transit commercial van. The company is making no promises, but if the Transit is a hit, a third shift could eventually be added. “We build to customer demand,” Dan Jowiski, manager of the Claycomo plant, said Friday. By the end of this year, the plant should have 5,400 hourly and salaried employees, including the three shifts building the F-150 pickup truck. But for now the work by the new employees is focused on the debut of the Transit, which replaces the popular but dated E-series vans. Some of the Transit vans have already been built for training purposes. The first shift — when running at full speed — will build 300 of them daily. Claycomo is the only U.S. plant producing the Transit, which is larger than the Transit Connect van made elsewhere. The Transit’s different engine offerings, roof heights, seating configurations and other options make it the most complex vehicle ever made at Claycomo. “There’s really quite a bit to learn,” said Jowiski. “This is an exciting and challenging time.” When the Transit begins production, it will complete a turnaround for the Claycomo plant, which a few years ago had a worrisome future. The recession knocked F-150 production down to one shift, and Ford moved the building of the Escape SUV to a Kentucky plant. But in 2011 the automaker announced a $1.1 billion investment here. It included a new stamping plant to make metal body parts for the Transit, the most popular commercial van in Europe. “We’re getting very close to executing the plan” for the plant, said Jowiski. Ford hasn’t been the only automaker boosting the Kansas City area economy. General Motors is investing $600 million in its Fairfax plant in Kansas City, Kan., for a new paint shop and other upgrades. Though the investment will create no additional jobs there, it was seen as a vote of confidence for the plant’s future and its 3,900 hourly and salaried employees.
Print Email Font ResizeRMV chief: Road-test pass rate is at 63%Sentinel & EnterpriseUpdated: 09/20/2016 06:32:15 AM EDTBy Michael P. Norton State House News Services BOSTON -- The road test for potential new drivers in Massachusetts is among the menu of services the Registry of Motor Vehicles is evaluating, according to Registrar Erin Deveney. Asked by Jon Keller of WBZ about toughening the road test, Deveney said the test was examined in 2006 and again in 2009. "What we're doing as part of our process improvement at the Registry is, we're looking at how we offer all level of services," she said. Registry officials look at the driving test pass-fail rate to see what's happening with driving behavior, she said. "In certain parts of the state, we have about a 63 percent passing rate," she said. "So I would not say that the Registry of Motor Vehicles is overly generous. ... Sixty-three percent end up passing, and then the rest of them have to come back after they've learned a few more skills." Law-enforcement officials handle driving infractions and issue citations, but motorists can face administrative sanctions from the RMV in connection with those citations. Deveney said the number of citations in the last year has "gone down somewhat." During the interview, Deveney also noted that all drivers 75 and older have to renew their licenses in person and fulfill a vision-screening requirement. She predicted by early 2018, officials will be able to offer drivers a credential that complies with the federal REAL ID Act, an 11-year-old law recommended by the 9/11 Commission that establishes minimum security standards for licenses.Advertisement
BMW Concept X5 eDrive First Look Electrified In Reality, If Not Perception The Chevrolet Volt had its share of vocal critics when it debuted. Most of the criticism centered around General Motors' government-funded bailout, and the perception, at least among some politically right-leaning circles, that part of their support was contingent on getting behind the administration's environmentally-progressive agenda. Regardless of how you feel about the Volt, then or now, there's no question there are a lot more plug-in hybrids of all shapes and sizes, and there are getting to be more of them every day. The latest is the BMW Concept X5 eDrive, the brand's first plug-in hybrid SUV. BMW is careful to call the vehicle a "concept," but almost everything except the powertrainon the X5 eDrive is standard-issue X5. In addition to being the first plug-in hybrid X5, it is also the first four-cylinder X5, powered by BMW's 2.0-liter I-4 and supplemented by a 95-hp electric motor. This is a major departure from BMW's previous SUV hybrid effort, a stomping 485-hp twin-turbocharged V-8 hybrid in the form of the X6 ActiveHybrid. Unsurprisingly, very few were sold, with few buyers seeing the need for an ultra-powerful hybridized $90,000 limited-utility fastback SUV. With its plug-in hybrid drivetrain, the X5 eDrive is capable of up to 20 miles of all-electric driving, and a top speed of up to 75 mph in electric mode. Three driving modes can be selected by the driver, including Auto eDrive, balancing sporty dynamics with efficiency, Max eDrive (fully electric), and Save Battery, which stores up power for all-electric driving later. When full steam is called for, BMW claims the X5 eDrive is capable of 0-60 in less than seven seconds. Although European fuel economy standards are radically different from U.S. measurements, BMW claims an average fuel economy equivalent to 61.8 mpg on the European test cycle. To some, the idea of an ultra-efficient, $60,000+ luxury SUV is somewhat puzzling. If you're truly concerned about conserving natural resources and being a frugal, sensible driver, just buy a Prius. But that hasn't stopped Porsche, BMW, or others from building extravagant, yet efficient plug-ins. And although not a perfect analogy, it certainly hasn't hurt Tesla in the popularity of its Model S sedan. While we see the appeal and first-adopter status of the Model S, the adaptation of a plug-in drivetrain to an SUV strikes us as little more than a check-off to satisfy government regulations. Who knows, the X5 eDrive could go on to become the best-selling X5, but based on the sales of other plug-in hybrids that are also offered with conventional powertrains, we kind of doubt it. But for the handful of earth-loving status seekers, the X5 eDrive will probably make them happy.
Home / Advice / Buyers' Guide: The way of the future is on charge Buyers' Guide: The way of the future is on charge By AA Motoring • 15/10/2016 A charge Net fast-charging station and the BMW i3. Picture/Supplied AA Motoring on pros and cons of electric vehicles The introduction of hybrid vehicles into the automotive market took a little while to get used to but now they’re becoming more common and are gradually blending into our daily commute. Sales of fully electric vehicles (EV) are even on the up as they become faster and more aesthetically pleasing. There are still some myths or gaps in knowledge about EVs, however, that lead many drivers to stick with what they know best and avoid entering the EV market. Let’s help to clear up some of that. How can I charge an EV? Charging stations are slowly popping up in our main metropolitan areas but did you know that you can power your EV at home? Running at just 8-10 amps, using your regular wall socket can take a while but a slow charge overnight will ensure the batteries are topped up. If time isn’t always on your side though, there are other options. One is getting an electrician to install a heavy duty socket in your garage. Running at 16 amps, this will allow you to fully charge your EV’s battery in about five hours. Another alternative is a DC fast charger. These can be quite costly to install, but they’re the most convenient option as they have the ability to charge a small battery in just 25 minutes. Many charging stations are also installing these fast chargers, so you don’t have to splash the cash on getting one fitted in your home. How far can I travel? The range of an EV is mainly determined by the capacity of its battery and the vehicle’s energy consumption. In the current market, there typically tends to be two main ranges. The first are the cheaper, such as the Nissan Leaf, which offers a 100km-150km range. More expensive models such as the Tesla Model S can run for about 500km, which is more akin to what you’d get out of a tank of fuel. Tesla has been able to achieve its range by stacking 7104, 18mm x 65mm batteries in the floor pan of the car. These are only a little bigger than an AA battery and, stacked together, they form what Tesla call a skateboard. It has also introduced its Model 3 with a smaller price tag, offering a medium range of around 346km. However, even if you put a US$1000 deposit down today, the first shipment here isn’t until 2018. For some Kiwis, a more affordable, smaller EV may still be suitable. On average, New Zealanders commute about 28km each day, so they can make great second vehicles for the everyday errands with plenty of range to spare. What’s the performance like? In today’s market you can get electric cars that have fast acceleration and a higher torque output than your typical petrol or diesel car. Some EVs are able to accelerate 0-100 km/h in just 2.7 seconds and the high torque output from the electric motor usually eliminates the need of a transmission or clutch, offering continuous smooth power. These vehicles are currently available as new only through parallel importing. But, even the lower cost EVs have an acceptable performance of 0-100 km/h in 9 seconds, which can be bought as new in the New Zealand market. This year more manufacturers, such as Renault, BMW and Volkswagen, are bringing electric cars into the country. The initial cost can also be off-putting, but it helps to look at things in the long run. Think about all the future fuel savings that you could benefit from. Plus, EVs are exempt from paying Road User Charges tax, which is a saving of about $600 a year. According to the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority an EV costs the equivalent of 30c a litre to run, which is seven times cheaper than petrol. The authority’s online tool also shows that although you pay more upfront for an EV than a regular petrol or diesel car, after just a few years you could have paid off the price premium.
MondayJun182012 Chrysler Using Dale Earnhardt Jr., Consumers To Power 'The Dark Night Rises' Monday, June 18, 2012 at 02:17PM By Barry Janoff June 18, 2012: Chrysler plans to take full advantage of its tie-in with The Dark Knight Rises, the soon-to-be released third movie in the Batman trilogy, via consumer activation that was given a significant boost this past weekend by Nascar driver Dale Earnhardt Jr. On Sunday, Earnhardt Jr. snapped a streak in which he had gone 143 races without winning by finishing first in the Sprint Cup Series Quicken Loans 400 auto race at Michigan International Speedway. He not only was driving a Chrysler, but his No. 88 was decked out in Diet Mountain Dew/The Dark Knight Rises-themed colors when it crossed the finish line.Chrysler is now promoting "Imported from Gotham City," which challenges consumers to create an original TV spot that features the automaker and The Dark Knight Rises movie, scheduled for release July 20 from Warner Bros. Pictures.Consumers are being directed to a dedicated Web site where between now and June 29 they can submit an "original commercial utilizing a suite of assets, including Chrysler 300 car footage, film footage and music stems from the trailer that contestants can remix for their spot." Many of the submissions will be posted on June 30, beginning a four-day period in which visitors can vote for their favorite treatment.The top three finalists will be unveiled online. Batman director/writer/producer Christopher Nolan will select the winning spot, which will debut on TV to coincide with the release of the film. A trip to Hollywood for the premiere is also part of the winning package. (Full details here.)A 30-second "Imported from Gotham City" spot with a 2012 Chrysler 300 is scheduled to break June 19 during programming on NBC. A 60-second version will break online at Chrysler's YouTube channel. The Batman-themed activation is an offshoot of Chrysler's current "Imported from Detroit" ad campaign from lead agency Wieden+Kennedy, Portland, Ore."The 2012 Chrysler 300 featured in this marketing and advertising campaign was created intentionally to look as if it could be driven on the streets and fit in to the nightlife of Gotham City," Saad Chehab, president and CEO for Chrysler Brand, Chrysler Group LLC, said in a statement. "It's clearly a vehicle that stands out and makes one take notice," According to Nolan, "We're excited for the opportunity to tap into the creative community online and allow those who participate to showcase their talent and passion. We look forward to seeing what unique spots people produce." | Post a Comment | Share Article Print Article tagged Batman, Chrysler, Dale Earnhardt Jr., Dark Knight Rises, movies in Sponsorships Email Article Copyright & copy; 2017, All rights reserved. Web Site Designed by: Amy Schraub Designs, Inc. |
Anybody Can Test a Self-Driving Car in Pennsylvania As long as there’s a licensed human sitting in the driver’s seat, you don’t need a special permit for your vehicle to drive itself. @AdrienneLaF Uber employees test a self-driving Ford Fusion in Pittsburgh, in August 2016. (Jared Wickerham/AP) Uber’s self-driving cars are today available to passengers in Pittsburgh, a move that signals the ride-sharing giant’s seriousness about its future with autonomous vehicles. It is a pivotal moment for the company—yet Uber had to clear surprisingly few regulatory hurdles to get to this point. That’s because all you need to operate a self-driving vehicle on public roads in Pennsylvania is the right technology: no special permit or license, no unique registration, no safety clearance, nothing. Uber’s driverless taxis will have humans sitting behind the wheel—ready to take control of the vehicle if necessary—and that’s all that matters under Pennsylvania law. “As long as there is a licensed driver in the driver’s seat operating the vehicle, they do not need to be touching the steering wheel,” said Kurt Myers, the deputy secretary for Driver and Vehicle Services for the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. “At this time, that’s the case because the law is silent,” Roger Cohen, the department’s policy director, told me. “It doesn’t anticipate this technology coming on.” London Has the Worst Traffic Congestion in Europe An interesting, concerning insight into Europe’s commuters, public transit, and pollution This approach has made Pittsburgh “ideal grounds for one of Silicon Valley’s boldest experiments,” but it has also “ignited criticism that the city is giving away its keys to Uber,” Cecilia Kang wrote for The New York Times over the weekend. It’s also not going to last.Cohen and Myers are co-chairs of a Pennsylvania task force that is developing guidance for self-driving car policies. (Pennsylvania lawmakers have already filed at least two bills related to the testing and operation of driverless vehicles.) But developing such policies is complex for several reasons. First, existing traffic laws and insurance systems are fundamentally concerned with human drivers. And even in states like California, which has more robust permitting processes for testing driverless cars on public roads, there’s little if any cross-jurisdiction standardization—meaning it’s unclear how rules of the road might change as vehicles cross state lines. Finally, there’s still much about the technology that’s uncertain, including exactly how it will be adopted by the masses. While companies like Tesla are already testing partially-automated systems on public roads, for example, companies like Google are attempting to build fully-automated vehicles from the ground up. Either approach requires distinct regulatory considerations. The task force in Pennsylvania—which includes a mix of government officials and self-driving car manufacturers—has been meeting twice monthly since June, and is anticipating long-awaited federal guidelines on autonomous vehicles from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration this fall. The guidelines may be handed down as soon as this month, several stakeholders told me, though a senior official with the Department of Transportation declined to offer specifics on timing. Although much effort has been devoted to thinking through the policy implications of self-driving vehicles—including independent reports from third parties like the Rand Corporation and countless papers by academics—government officials are still figuring out the best ways to structure oversight. “There’s never been anything quite like this, other than the introduction of the automobile,” said Myers, the deputy secretary for Driver and Vehicle Services in Pennsylvania.A shared goal of dramatically reducing traffic deaths has, so far, helped with collaboration between regulators and manufacturers. “Everybody seems to recognize that there’s 35,000 deaths on the highways each year, which is carnage,” Cohen told me. “Although there are clearly differing and some conflicting priorities in play, everyone shares a commitment to trying to promote the emergence of [autonomous vehicle] technology as effectively and safely as we possibly can because... we owe it to the future to do everything we can to try to get it right,” Cohen said in a follow-up email. Having competitors like GM and Uber as members of the same task force, he says, is a “structural mechanism to safeguard” against favoritism toward any one company. The other big challenge is to write policy with the understanding that technology will again rapidly change—and probably soon. “There’s never been anything quite like this, other than the introduction of the automobile,” said Myers, the deputy secretary for Driver and Vehicle Services in Pennsylvania. “Given the fundamental responsibility we have to safety, we recognized early-on that we needed to be flexible in how we did oversight.” This post originally appeared on The Atlantic. San Francisco Considers a Toll for the 'World's Crookedest Street' The Difficulties of Density Adrienne LaFrance is a staff writer at The Atlantic, where she covers technology. She was previously an investigative reporter for Honolulu Civil Beat, Nieman Journalism Lab, and WBUR. Chicago Braces for an Austerity Double Whammy Why Millions of Americans Never Finish College Anatomy of a NIMBY Your Neighborhood Affects How You Age To Live and Die in Margaritaville
/ A closer look at the Ford Ka+ A closer look at the Ford Ka+ What we have here is the entry level, simple, no nonsense and cheapest Ford you can buy. However, it’s not the famed Fiesta but its new smaller brother. Called the Ka+ it uses the Fiesta’s underpinnings and is of similar size but fits below it while being around £4k cheaper. Think of it as a Fiesta- (minus) and you’re thinking along the right lines. This thinking continues in the cabin too because the Ka’s dashboard feels very similar to the Fiestas but it’s not quite there in terms of design or quality. The plastics used throughout have a slightly cheap feel to them while down at the bottom the plastic used around the gear level can be described as quite horrible. Having said this it is a cheap car so you’ve got to expect this. There’s pretty decent storage, you’ve got a fairly decent sized glove box and you also get not two but four cup holders. Whilst the door bins aren’t anything to shout out about they’re still large enough to fit your standard bottle of water easily enough. It’s quite easy to get comfortable in the Ford Ka+ due to the height adjustable driver’s seat. However, the steering wheel only adjusts up and down and not in and out. The Ka+ comes in just two flavours. You’ve got the Studio which covers all the basics such as electric windows, air conditioning, Bluetooth, USB, aux inputs, electric mirrors, an alarm and front fog lamps. Meanwhile the Zetec trim adds alloys, a leather steering wheel, DAB radio and Sync Voice Recognition. Much like the Vauxhall Viva and the Renault Twingo the Ford Ka+ only comes with 5 doors. This is great if you’ve got a young family because you’ve got easier access to the rear seats and the iSOfix fittings. When you sit in the back you’ll find that you’ve got a decent amount of knee room and the head room is ok. You can actually fit three people in the back and the person sitting in the middle even gets a decent amount of shoulder room as well. Unfortunately, when you head to the back of the car things don’t get off to a particularly good start due to the fact you don’t get any exterior handle to open the boot. You either have to press a button on the centre console or press one on the key fob. Once it’s opened you are greeted to what is actually a pretty decent sized boot which is very good for the city car class. As an idea of size the boot is only 10 litres less than the Ford Fiesta so there’s a good amount of space on offer to fit your luggage and groceries. There’s even space for a space saver wheel and you can make the boot that little bit bigger by folding down the split-fold rear seats. The only problem we have here is that there’s a little step between the back seats and the boot floor which means you can’t slide your goods towards the front with a great deal of ease. As it’s the entry level Ford you won’t find any interesting engines and neither will you get the excellent 1 litre turbo petrol which you’ll find in the Fiesta. Instead the Ka+ makes do with a very conventional 1.2 litre petrol developing 69 bhp in the Studio and 84 bhp in the Zetec. It’s not particularly fast or eager to make any decent progress but it is smooth, quiet and can easily return over 50 mpg. By now you should be thinking of the Ford Ka+ as a sort of Fiesta- (minus) because now we come on to the driving experience which is very Fiesta-rish. By this we mean that the steering is lovely, accurate and light which makes the overall handling very much like its older brother. The only real difference is that the body tends to roll a little bit more in corners. Having said this it’s more comfortable on the road than the Fiesta. It’s not just the engine that’s quiet, despite this being a basic small car there’s plenty of sound insulation and very little tire and wind noise enter the cabin. The suspension is soft and the controls really are a delight to use. Overall it puts the more expensive and smaller city cars to shame for comfort. The Ford Ka+ is without doubt a perfectly decent car. Ok, it doesn’t impress you like a Skoda Citigo or put a smile on your face like the Renault Twingo but much like the Vauxhall Viva this is a very functional car. In many respects it does feel like a car from the class above and not like a budget city car. In many ways it feels like your typical old Ford. Much like the original Ford Ka in fact because the whole car feels very sophisticated for the price Ford is charging for it. The only thing that lets it down is the engine. The whole package is strong but it’s the engine where it really falls down. The engine just feels that little bit too strained and less inclined to actually get you moving which is a bit of a shame. In many ways we really do wish that Ford had put the 1 litre 3 cylinder turbo petrol unit in this because it would make this car an absolute hoot. However, if they did do this then Ford would probably lose sales from the Fiesta to the Ka+. While the performance is adequate the same can’t be said for the styling. The Ka+ is a far cry from the original Ford Ka from twenty years ago and it looks particularly awkward from some angles. However, we have to remind ourselves that this is a totally different car with a different remit. Think of it as a cheap way to get supermini motoring and the dull styling suddenly becomes irrelevant. To conclude, we would say that if you prefer your cars to be cute and cuddly then the Ford Ka+ is probably not for you. This is because it’s such a far cry from the original. However, if you’re on a budget and you can’t quite stretch to a Fiesta then it’s definitely worth a look. It’s both practical and appealing in its own honest way. Take a look at some of the Ford Ka+, or any other cars mentioned in this article, by searching with Date: 02/01/2017 Confused.com3 Guide for Buying a Used Car: What to Check As soon as an absolutely new car leaves the automobile sales center, it immediately depreciates. It means that you can buy a high-quality used car at a much lower pric...[cont] Revamped Vauxhall Zafira Tourer While SUVs are more popular than ever MPVs still appeal to a large number of buyers. So, do you want to take a guess at Britain’s favourite 7-seater MPV? Well, if you sai...[cont] 2017 Kia Rio reviewed The Kia Rio is an alternative to hugely popular cars like the Vauxhall Corsa and the Ford Fiesta. 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ARCHIVE__________ Lifestyle____________ overseas News___________________ TEST DRIVE_____________ NEWS_______ HOME_______ Established since 1976 Proton launched contest to name All-new compact model PROTON Holdings Berhad (PROTON) launched the “Nama Siapa Hebat” contest, inviting Malaysians around the country to contribute to name its upcoming, all-new compact car which is expected to be introduced to the Malaysian public in the first half of 2014. The contest will end on 25 July 2013. The Grand Prize winner will win the Premium version of the new model, while other attractive prizes also include holiday packages, cash prizes and electrical gadgets worth more than RM120,000. “We are the national automotive car company, so it is only right this is shared together with the rest of the country and all Malaysians. It is only right that the Malaysian public share our pride and play a significant part in naming the new Proton car,” said to the Executive Chairman of PROTON, Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Haji Mohd Khamil Jamil, “This new compact car is extremely stylish, and is targeted to those from all walks of life who love an active lifestyle, from the young to the old, to even those wishing to upgrade up from a smaller vehicle,” he added. “The all-new model reiterates our commitment to Malaysians and all our customers to continue providing choices to the mass market whilst producing safe, quality and value-for-money cars. We are very excited about contest, and in selecting the name for our new compact car, and we hope that Malaysians will be too.” All Malaysians from the age of 12 and above with a Malaysian identity card are eligible to participate in the “Nama Siapa Hebat” contest. For the entry to qualify, all names submitted must be in Bahasa Malaysia containing no more than six (6) letters. The name may be in alphabets or a combination of alpha numeric, but cannot be all numeric. The proposed name must also not have any association with the animal kingdom. All entries must be supported with a rationale for the name. Participants can submit as many entries as possible, either via mail, or online at the website. Forms for the “Nama Siapa Hebat” contest are available at PROTON Service Centres nationwide. About Us AUTO INTERNATIONAL magazine, established in 1976, is Malaysia's 2nd oldest local automotive magazine. Since the very first Auto International, this magazine has won acclaim from all quarters not only for the comprehensiveness of its data and high literary quality. We are now into our 36th year with 356 issues/edition and indications are that this magazine will carry past achievements to new horizons. The team consists of experienced players and you will find familiar names. They are: Mr. TAY SEE HOCK –Publisher / Marketing & Editorial Planner; Mr. LEE PANG SENG (Leeps) – Editor; Ms Tritney Sin Hui – Advertisement Executive; Ms eLing – Web administrator While every care is taken in compiling the contents of this magazine/website, the publisher assumes no responsibility for error or omissions arising from the production process. Opinion expressed by contributors, readers and advertisers are not necessarily shared by the Editor and SH Legacy Media Marketing. No part of the magazine/articles may be reproduced for whatever purpose, without the permission of the publishers. Our Contact Details Publisher: SH Legacy Media Marketing, No. 33, Jalan PJS 11/12, Bandar Sunway, 46150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: +6016 200 7298 All correspondence and enquiries to: Editorial to Advertisement/Marketing to Copyright © 2012 - All Rights Reserved -
Skip navigation to main content. Advanced Vehicles and Fuels Basics We can improve the fuel economy of our cars, trucks, and buses by designing them to use the energy in fuels more efficiently. And we can help to reduce our nation's growing reliance on imported oil by running our vehicles on renewable and alternative fuels. Advanced vehicles and fuels can also put the brakes on air pollution and improve our environment. At least 250 million vehicles are in use in the United States today. They include all kinds of passenger cars, trucks, vans, buses, and large commercial vehicles. It takes an enormous amount of fuel to operate these vehicles every year. Because the nation's oil supplies are limited, we import more than half of the petroleum that we use for transportation and other important needs. To reduce the costs and risks of these imports and improve the environment, researchers are developing newer, more energy-efficient fuels and vehicles and finding ways to make fossil fuels like gasoline and diesel fuel last longer. We can reduce the amount of transportation fuel we use in many different ways. For example, we can create designs that will lower a vehicle's weight and aerodynamic drag to make it "slip" through the air more easily. We can reduce the rolling resistance of tires. We can improve the combustion efficiency of the engine. And we can use a different propulsion system, such as a hybrid electric system. Researchers at NREL are helping the nation achieve these goals by developing transportation technologies like these: Hybrid electric vehicles Advanced vehicle systems and components. In addition, NREL's specialists in vehicle testing and analysis contribute information, test results, and research studies that manufacturers can use to produce energy-efficient new vehicles and cleaner burning alternative fuels. To learn more, visit the U.S. Department of Energy's Vehicles Technologies Office. Learning About Renewable Energy Home Content Last Updated: July 25, 2014 Need Help? | Security & Privacy | Disclaimer | NREL Home
Project C4orce Wrap-Up - The Final Chapter Putting The Wraps On Our LS-Powered C4 Project Dave Emanuel A long time ago, in a magazine far, far away, we built a Corvette project car designed to incorporate a state-of-the-art powertrain with a C4 chassis. It came to be known as Project C4orce, and it progressed with little more than standard project-car delays and frustrations. To a point. Then Mr. Murphy and his law ("Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong") stepped in with a vengeance. Suffice it to say, once "Darth Murphy" appeared, "The Force" was definitely not with us. I'll spare you all the gory details that led to one delay after another, and move on to the final chapter, after a brief recap. 2/11 The original series launched in Corvette Fever magazine, which was merged into VETTE earlier this year. Our plan was to update an '87 C4 with an LS-based powerplant and a five-speed Tremec transmission, and to spend less than $15,000 (including the cost of the car) to complete the project. It's certainly possible to do that-if you're not trying to serve the dual masters of project completion and editorial coverage. Obviously, anyone attempting to duplicate our project will have to address issues unique to the vehicle with which they're working. In attempting to cover as many of these issues as we could, it appeared that our budget was spinning out of control. In fact it wasn't, because many of the modifications we made were not required by our particular project vehicle; we included them because it was reasonable to expect that they would be required on other C4 project candidates.As can be seen in the accompanying photos, Project C4orce was ultimately "dressed" with a unique paint scheme designed by Murray Pfaff of Pfaff Designs in Royal Oak, Michigan. Complementing the paint is a set of C6-style Sport Edition V6 wheels and Dunlop Sport 9000 tires from the Tire Rack. Interior upgrades include unique C4orce leather upholstery and plush carpeting by Mid America Motorworks, along with an analog instrument panel from VettAid. 3/11 Beneath Project C4orce's hood is a 5.3-liter LS-style engine that spent its former life in a Silverado pickup truck. Our initial decision to use this mill, as opposed to an LS1 or LS2, was prompted by economics. We purchased a complete engine, including all accessories, PCM, and wiring harness, for $700. Some readers criticized this choice as being a step backward because we were replacing a 5.7-liter (L98) engine with one of less displacement. The point that these readers missed is that if we had made no modifications at all to the 5.3, we still would have picked up 45 horsepower (the factory ratings for the 5.3- and the original 5.7-liter TPI engines are 295 and 240, respectively).With surprisingly few modifications, 5.3-liter engines can crank out enough power to bring a smile to the face of any Corvette owner. But before a "truck" engine can be installed in a C4 chassis, a few changes have to be made. On the top side, the relatively tall truck intake manifold and high-mounted accessories will poke large, ugly holes in the hood, should you attempt to close it. On the lower end, truck-style oil pans are much too deep for a Corvette's low stance. The easy solution is to install an LS1 or LS6 intake and an accessory bracket, water pump, vibration damper, and oil pan originally designed for a C5 or F-body (Camaro
Honda Odyssey to be replaced within months Matt Campbell Motoring Writer View more articles from Matt Campbell Follow Matt on Twitter An all-new seven-seater is on its way in 2014. The Jade concept previewed the new Odyssey at the Shanghai motor show earlier this year. Honda will replace its Odyssey seven-seat people-mover in the first quarter of 2014. The new model - which has not yet been revealed in production guise, but likely will debut at the 2013 Tokyo motor show in November - will replace the existing Odyssey which has been on sale since 2009. Drive learnt of the news after speaking with Honda Australia spokeswoman Melissa Cross, who revealed that the replacement due in the first few months of next year will be an “all-new model”. The Jade concept gave styling cues to the new Odyssey. There aren’t yet any details on the new model, but the new-generation Odyssey has been previewed by two concept models, the Jade Concept at the 2013 Shanghai motor show, and the S Concept at the 2012 Beijing motor show.
The Miatas of the Month from April 2010 Dan Edmunds and his road-racing Miata Actual Size on the Miata forum Congratulations to Dan on the selection of his record-setting Miata as the April Miata of the Month! The Miata's success at racing is pretty well known. There have been literally thousands of wins at racetracks over the last 20 years. But where did it all start? We need to go back to Willow Springs in February 1991. At the time, SCCA Club Racing wouldn't let a brand new model race in Showroom Stock. Such cars had to be at least a year old. So the Miata had to sit out the 1990 season. A Miata ran SCCA Pro racing events in 1990, competing in World Challenge, but the team was unable to chalk up a win. When the Miata was allowed into Showroom Stock, Dan Edmunds was ready. His little white 1990 had been issued an SCCA logbook in September 1989, and ran in a driving school that month to get some track time. At the tim
Money Quality helps Americans keep old cars longer August 6, 2013 @ 3:35 am TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. (AP) - Americans are keeping their cars and trucks longer than ever, and even with new car sales increasing, the average age will continue to rise, an industry research firm says. The average age of the 247 million cars and trucks on U.S. roads hit a record of 11.4 years in January, the latest figures available from state registration data gathered by the Polk research firm. That's up from 11.2 years in 2012, and nearly two full years older than in 2007, before the start of the Great Recession, Polk said Tuesday. People are keeping their cars because the quality is so much better and they are trying to avoid the monthly payments, said Mark Seng, a Polk vice president. The annual percentage of cars and trucks sent to the scrap yard has dropped 50 percent since the recession, he said. "Cars are just lasting longer," he said. The company doesn't see the age dropping for at least five years, even though U.S. vehicle sales are running at an annual rate of around 15.5 million, which is near pre-recession levels. And it predicts that the percentage of cars age 12 or older will actually rise in the next five years. The change creates a big opportunity for repair shops and auto-parts stores, Seng said. "Customers from independent and chain repair shops should be paying close attention to their business plans and making concerted efforts to retain business among the do-it-for-me audience, while retailers have a unique and growing opportunity with potential consumers wrenching on their own vehicles," he said. U.S. sales have risen gradually from a 30-year low of 10.4 million in 2009 because of low interest rates, appealing new models and pent-up demand as people replace aging vehicles they kept through the recession. The sales rebound prompted Polk to raise its estimate of the total number of vehicles on U.S. roads by 5 percent to more than 260 million in five years. But Seng said many people intend to keep running their older cars into the future, adding that he can't remember another time that the average age has grown as quickly. The growth rate in the average age will slow in the coming years, but won't start falling until new-car sales rise and stay high for several years. Older vehicles would have to be scrapped at a higher rate, as well, he said. "With the quality of the vehicles, that's not going to happen," Seng said. More people also are financing cars for 72 months, meaning they'll keep their cars for at least six years and probably longer, Seng said.
Cars Post Cars And Girls Wallpaper Free Wallpaper Pics Pictures Hd for Desktop Iphone Mobile HD 1080p Cars And Girls Wallpaper Free Wallpaper Pics Pictures Hd for Desktop Iphone Mobile HD 1080pCars And Girls Wallpaper Free Wallpaper Pics Pictures Hd for Desktop Iphone Mobile HD 1080pCars And Girls Wallpaper Free Wallpaper Pics Pictures Hd for Desktop Iphone Mobile HD 1080pAn automobile, autocar, motor car or car is a wheeled motor vehicle used for transporting passengers, which also carries its own engine or motor. Most definitions of the term specify that automobiles are designed to run primarily on roads, to have seating for one to eight people, to typically have four wheels, and to be constructed principally for the transport of people rather than goods.The term motorcar has also been used in the context of electrified rail systems to denote a car which functions as a small locomotive but also provides space for passengers and baggage. These locomotive cars were often used on suburban routes by both interurban and intercity railroad systems.It was estimated in 2010 that the number of automobiles had risen to over 1 billion vehicles, up from the 500 million of 1986. The numbers are increasing rapidly, especially in China and India.The word automobile comes, via the French automobile from the Ancient Greek word αὐτός (autós, "self") and the Latin mobilis ("movable"); meaning a vehicle that moves itself. The loanword was first adopted in English by The New York Times in 1899.The alternative name car is believed to originate from the Latin word carrus or carrum ("wheeled vehicle"), or the Middle English word carre ("cart") (from Old North French), in turn these are said to have originated from the Gaulish word karros (a Gallic Chariot).Main article: History of the automobile.The first working steam-powered vehicle was designed — and most likely built — by Ferdinand Verbiest, a Flemish member of a Jesuit mission in China around 1672. It was a 65 cm-long scale-model toy for the Chinese Emperor, that was unable to carry a driver or a passenger. It is not known if Verbiest's model was ever built.Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot is widely credited with building the first full-scale, self-propelled mechanical vehicle or automobile in about 1769; he created a steam-powered tricycle.[13] He also constructed two steam tractors for the French Army, one of which is preserved in the French National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts. His inventions were however handicapped by problems with water supply and maintaining steam pressure. In 1801, Richard Trevithick built and demonstrated his Puffing Devil road locomotive, believed by many to be the first demonstration of a steam-powered road vehicle. It was unable to maintain sufficient steam pressure for long periods, and was of little practical use.In 1807 Nicéphore Niépce and his brother Claude probably created the world's first internal combustion engine which they called a Pyréolophore, but they chose to install it in a boat on the river Saone in France.Coincidentally, in 1807 the Swiss inventor François Isaac de Rivaz designed his own 'de Rivaz internal combustion engine' and used it to develop the world's first vehicle to be powered by such an engine. The Niépces' Pyréolophore was fuelled by a mixture of Lycopodium powder (dried spores of the Lycopodium plant), finely crushed coal dust and resin that were mixed with oil, whereas de Rivaz used a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen. Neither design was very successful, as was the case with others, such as Samuel Brown, Samuel Morey, and Etienne Lenoir with his hippomobile, who each produced vehicles (usually adapted carriages or carts) powered by clumsy internal combustion engines.In November 1881, French inventor Gustave Trouvé demonstrated a working three-wheeled automobile powered by electricity at the International Exposition of Electricity, Paris.Karl Benz, the inventor of the modern automobileAlthough several other German engineers (including Gottlieb Daimler, Wilhelm Maybach, and Siegfried Marcus) were working on the problem at about the same time, Karl Benz generally is acknowledged as the inventor of the modern automobile. A photograph of the original Benz Patent-Motorwagen, first built in 1885 and awarded the patent for theIn 1879, Benz was granted a patent for his first engine, which had been designed in 1878. Many of his other inventions made the use of the internal combustion engine feasible for powering a vehicle. His first Motorwagen was built in 1885 in Mannheim, Germany. He was awarded the patent for its invention as of his application on 29 January 1886 (under the auspices of his major company, Benz & Cie., which was founded in 1883). Benz began promotion of the vehicle on 3 July 1886, and about 25 Benz vehicles were sold between 1888 and 1893, when his first four-wheeler was introduced along with a model intended for affordability. They also were powered with four-stroke engines of his own design. Emile Roger of France, already producing Benz engines under license, now added the Benz automobile to his line of products. Because France was more open to the early automobiles, initially more were built and sold in France through Roger than Benz sold in Germany. In August 1888 Bertha Benz, the wife of Karl Benz, undertook the first road trip by car, to prove the road-worthiness of her husband's invention.Bertha Benz, the first long distance automobile driver in the worldIn 1896, Benz designed and patented the first internal-combustion flat engine, called boxermotor. During the last years of the nineteenth century, Benz was the largest automobile company in the world with 572 units produced in 1899 and, because of its size, Benz & Cie., became a joint-stock company.The first motor car in central Europe and one of the first factory-made cars in the world, was produced by Czech company Nesselsdorfer Wagenbau (later renamed to Tatra) in 1897, the Präsident automobil.Daimler and Maybach founded Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft (DMG) in Cannstatt in 1890, and sold their first automobile in 1892 under the brand name, Daimler. It was a horse-drawn stagecoach built by another manufacturer, that they retrofitted with an engine of their design. By 1895 about 30 vehicles had been built by Daimler and Maybach, either at the Daimler works or in the Hotel Hermann, where they set up shop after disputes with their backers. Benz, Maybach and the Daimler team seem to have been unaware of each other's early work. They never worked together; by the time of the merger of the two companies, Daimler and Maybach were no longer part of DMG.Daimler died in 1900 and later that year, Maybach designed an engine named Daimler-Mercedes, that was placed in a specially ordered model built to specifications set by Emil Jellinek. This was a production of a small number of vehicles for Jellinek to race and market in his country. Two years later, in 1902, a new model DMG automobile was produced and the model was named Mercedes after the Maybach engine which generated 35 hp. Maybach quit DMG shortly thereafter and opened a business of his own. Rights to the Daimler brand name were sold to other manufacturers.Karl Benz proposed co-operation between DMG and Benz & Cie. when economic conditions began to deteriorate in Germany following the First World War, but the directors of DMG refused to consider it initially. Negotiations between the two companies resumed several years later when these conditions worsened and, in 1924 they signed an Agreement of Mutual Interest, valid until the year 2000. Both enterprises standardized design, production, purchasing, and sales and they advertised or marketed their automobile models jointly, although keeping their respective brands. On 28 June 1926, Benz & Cie. and DMG finally merged as the Daimler-Benz company, baptizing all of its automobiles Mercedes Benz, as a brand honoring the most important model of the DMG automobiles, the Maybach design later referred to as the 1902 Mercedes-35 hp, along with the Benz name. Karl Benz remained a member of the board of directors of Daimler-Benz until his death in 1929, and at times, his two sons participated in the management of the company as well.In 1890, Émile Levassor and Armand Peugeot of France began producing vehicles with Daimler engines, and so laid the foundation of the automobile industry in France.The first design for an American automobile with a gasoline internal combustion engine was made in 1877 by George Selden of Rochester, New York. Selden applied for a patent for an automobile in 1879, but the patent application expired because the vehicle was never built. After a delay of sixteen years and a series of attachments to his application, on 5 November 1895, Selden was granted a United States patent (U.S. Patent 549,160) for a two-stroke automobile engine, which hindered, more than encouraged, development of automobiles in the United States. His patent was challenged by Henry Ford and others, and overturned in 1911.In 1893, the first running, gasoline-powered American car was built and road-tested by the Duryea brothers of Springfield, Massachusetts. The first public run of the Duryea Motor Wagon took place on 21 September 1893, on Taylor Street in Metro Center Springfield. To construct the Duryea Motor Wagon, the brothers had purchased a used horse-drawn buggy for $70 and then installed a 4 HP, single cylinder gasoline engine. The car had a friction transmission, spray carburetor, and low tension ignition. It was road-tested again on 10 November, when the The Springfield Republican newspaper made the announcement.This particular car was put into storage in 1894 and stayed there until 1920 when it was rescued by Inglis M. Uppercu and presented to the United States National Museum.Cars And Girls Wallpaper Free Wallpaper Pics Pictures Hd for Desktop Iphone Mobile HD 1080p Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook Cars And Girls Wallpaper Lamborghini Monday, September 1, 2014 It might be odd to think of farm equipment when one hears the word Lamborghini, but this is exactly what Lamborghini started out as - A farm equipment company called Lamborghini Trattori. The founder of the company was Ferruccio Lamborghini who in the 1960's bought a Ferrari with the profits from his successful farm equipment company. Life changed for Lamborghini when he met Enzo Ferrari, the founder of Ferrari.Ferruccio Lamborghini was a man that demanded high quality and he felt that his Ferrari was not meeting his expectations and he thought he could do better. He shifted his focus away from farm equipment and onto producing high performance automobiles.The first real contender that they produced in the exotic car market was the Miura. The Miura was a mid engine, V-12 sports car that commanded a heft price tag of $20,000 which is equal to over $100,000 in today's economy. During its 6 year production run, 764 Lamborghini Miura's were built. Following on the success of the Miura was the highly successful Lamborghini Countach. This was the dream car for many from the mid 70's to 1990 when production concluded. This car was beautiful and had aggressive styling that had never been seen before.No one thought the Countach could be topped, but Lamborghini did it one more time and created the highly successful Lamborghini Diablo. From 1990-2001 almost 3000 Diablo's were made and during their first year of production, a Diablo could be bought for $240,000 U.S. This was certainly not a luxury car and did not have many features for a car of it's price. It did however have incredible performance. The V12 engine allowed it to go from -60mph in just over 4 seconds!Following the success of the Diablo would be hard, but the Lamborghini Murcielago went even further at showing the world that Lamborghini was a serious contender in the exotic sports car world. It continued the tradition of aggressive styling and super high performance and added four-wheel-drive when it was released in 2001. To this day the Murcielago is produced with over 3000 of them already sold to their wealthy customers.In 2003 Lamborghini introduced the Lamborghini Gallardo, which is a "cheap" Lamborghini, as compared with it's more expensive sibling, the Murcielago. While the Murcielago costs about $315,000 U.S., the Gallardo is available at just over $200,000. Don't think that you have to give up performance when buying a Gallardo and not a Murcielago though. The Lamborghini Gallardo is quite capable with a 0-60mph time of around 4 seconds, depending on which particular variation. Unfortunately the Gallardo doesn't come with Lamborghini's signature scissor doors that open upward, but this hasn't hurt sales since the Gallardo is the high volume car that Lamborghini has ever made.Over the years Lamborghini has suffered some financial problems and has been bought and sold a number of times and is currently owned by Audi, which is owned by Volkswagen. Lamborghini makes some of the most beautiful and sought after exotic cars available today and should be on everyone's list of favorite exotic car makers. Lamborghini, lamborghini atlanta, lamborghini aventador, lamborghini countach, lamborghini egoista, lamborghini elemento, lamborghini for sale, lamborghini huracan, lamborghini prices, lamborghini veneno It probably comes as no surprise that in the 1930s Enzo Ferrari was a very successful works team manager for the Alfa Romeo. However it wasn't until 1947 that Ferrari produced a car under his own name and so began one of the most successful and famous marques ever conceived.People able to afford and enjoy a Ferrari F430 are privy to a unique motoring experience because very likely they, better than most, will understand why Ferrari is so different to any of the other sports luxury cars available. Ferrari genuinely offer uniquely designed sensational looking sports, luxury road cars at equally sensational prices. However the high price in this instance is deserved because Ferrari provides its models with the latest engineering technology inspired from successful Formula One experience.The Ferrari F430 has arguably the most breathtaking appearance of any Ferrari currently in production. The sleek aero-dynamic design cannot help but attract attention, and whether it comes in red livery or another colour, everyone immediately recognises it as a Ferrari. The Ferrari F430 Spider will likewise set hearts racing as it offers open air motoring from inside a practical, but sophisticated luxury cockpit.A long experience devoted to the development of super-fast luxury cars is a niche market that Ferrari has managed to develop with only a few serious rivals. At £118,500 for a new Ferrari F430 Coupe the F430 could never be considered cheap, but to understand the cost you need to appreciate what it is that you're actually buying.The Ferrari F430 is an accomplishment of a company whose history spans a large proportion of the twentieth century developing Formula One and Super Fast Road Cars. The road cars have also been luxuriously appointed in order that Ferrari attracts the kind of clients able to afford as well as enjoy their products, and thereby generate the finance for developments to a range of models probably unequalled anywhere on the planet. Luxury cars such as Ferrari are worth every penny because they genuinely support a sphere of development that other manufacturers cannot hope to focus on. Currently the Ferrari F430 is the ultimate road machine offered by this Italian marque.The EngineThere was a time when Ferrari was associated with V12 engines only, but time has moved on and in respect to the Ferrari F430 a 4.3 litre V8 is present. With around 490 horsepower produced at 8,500 rpm it is easy to understand how this super-fast machine is capable of almost 200 mph and soars between 0-60 in just 4.0 seconds. The fact that the Ferrari F430 is able to handle this kind of power without drama identifies what some of the high initial cost is spent on.The DriveClimb out of your hot hatch and in behind the wheel of the Ferrari F430. OK, so the first thing you probably notice is that you're sitting a little lower than usual, or you just might be too excited by the Ferrari logo on the centre of the wheel hub to think of anything other than the fact that you're sitting in one of the fastest road cars on planet earth! Fire up the engine and the howl from 490 horsepower is enough to bring home the fact that your sitting in something that makes sounds faster than your hot hatch can move. You will also have noticed that everyone within a square mile knows that you exist. The sound of the V-8 4.3 litre engine can be intimidating first time you hear it because if ever any engine could be compared to a raging bull, this is it. A six speed manual transmission supplied either through a Formula One paddle or the standard Ferrari open-gate. The F1 paddle is for drivers who don't want to waste precious seconds changing gears, while the standard open-gate is for those with time on their hands. However, a very special feature of the F430 is its electronic differential which allows a driver to push this Ferrari harder than most through bends. Knowing all this is good, but experiencing it is, sensational.With a straight road ahead push the throttle to the floor and amaze yourself at how quickly the straight road ahead suddenly becomes a bend. Straight-line performance is awesome, pushing you firmly back in the seat so that the thrill of acceleration is almost lost as you attempt to focus well ahead of where you are pointed. Just as you begin to ease off and do a little recovery from the G Force pounding of a straight line power burst, a curve demands that you think about turning the wheel in your hands. Amazingly all you need do is think and follow the line of the bend because the F430, with all its clever Formula One development, helps you round, and as it does so you realise that you're having to get accustomed to another set of G Forces which few people ever experience. The temptation to drive fast is a constant companion, but so is the fact that you're driving one of the safest super-fast cars ever built. The Ferrari F430 is an involving experience, built to provide drivers who enjoy motoring an opportunity to escape the limitations imposed by lesser machines. The only experience to top a drive in the Ferrari F430 would be a drive in a Ferrari F430 Spyder with the top down. ferrari f430, ferrari f430 0-60, ferrari f430 autotrader, ferrari f430 for sale, ferrari f430 price, ferrari f430 price new, ferrari f430 scuderia for sale, ferrari f430 spider price Copyright © 2013. Cars Post . Some Rights Reserved
The Impact of Japan’s Disaster on Toyota, Honda, and Nissan Iason Dalavagas The March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami that rattled Japan is having a major negative effect on the country’s auto industry. The tragedy hobbled assembly work and damaged factories at Toyota (TM), Honda (HMC), and Nissan (NSANY). Both Toyota and Honda believe that they won’t be able to fully restore production until at least the fourth quarter of this year, though Nissan expects to return to normal production by June. While most automakers around the world have reported some adverse effect on operations from disruptions at Japanese parts suppliers, Toyota and Honda have been hurt the most. We believe Toyota has been the hardest hit by the disaster. The company has a relatively low overseas production rate, meaning that a large share of its auto manufacturing is done in Japan. This is a major problem, given the issues in that country. Not only have many of its parts suppliers suffered significant damage to their plants, but Toyota has also had to deal with considerable power shortages, which have limited production capabilities. We believe Toyota likely lost production of roughly 300,000 vehicles in Japan and 100,000 overseas from mid-March through the end of April. April vehicle sales plummeted 69%, and we think the company may post a loss of nearly $2 billion for the quarter ending June 30th. Inventory at overseas plants will likely be depleted sometime during the second quarter, and production probably won’t return to normal until November or December. In fact, production at all its Japanese plants has only been running at about half capacity since April 18th. Significant parts shortages will also continue to hurt results at Honda. We think output will remain at 50% capacity through June and we look for double-digit declines in volume in both Japan and the United States. Management indicated that production outside Japan will be made on a case-by-case basis according to the availability of parts. This situation will no doubt severely hurt operating results, particularly given rebounding U.S. demand, which the company will not be able to fully profit from. All told, we don’t expect production levels to return to normal until the end of this year. On a positive note, Honda has a much higher overseas production rate than Toyota, which should allow it to recover more quickly than its competitor. Even though supply constraints will temper production at some of its U.S. and European plants, these facilities have not been damaged like many of Toyota’s Japanese operations, and this should give it an edge over its rival. Nissan seems to be in slightly better shape than either Toyota or Honda. Although the earthquake is no doubt putting a strain on capacity utilization, only one of its plants was directly damaged. It is still dealing with supply shortages like its competitors, so we believe it will post an operating loss for the June quarter. The automaker expects operations to return to normal by June, a few months ahead of its rivals. This could represent an opportunity for Nissan to gain market share on its rivals. All told, the tragedy that hit Japan on March 11th will no doubt have a significant adverse impact on results at Japan’s three major automakers. Operating losses are almost certain at all three during the June quarter, and may extend another quarter or two for Toyota and Honda. It is difficult to tell how long it will take parts suppliers to get back to full capacity, but this a major concern, particularly given the overall rebound in global auto demand. American manufacturers, including Ford (F) and General Motors (GM), have posted strong profit gains for the March period, and it may be a while before Japanese car manufactures can profit from these improving global demand trends. At the time of this article’s writing, the author did not have positions in any of the companies mentioned. Japan Earthquake Halts Auto ProductionJapanese Earthquake’s Impact on U.S. IndustriesGeneral Motors: The Recovery Continues
Next Generation Chevrolet "C7" Corvette Stingray Unveiled in Detroit Brandon Hill (Blog) - January 13, 2013 7:20 PM 72 comment(s) - last by vol7ron.. on Feb 5 at 8:52 PM GM wows with new Corvette Stingray Although many people didn't want to believe the renderings when they were unveiled by Jalopnik way back in November 2011, we all have been staring at the next generation C7 Corvette Stingray for over a year now. As we have gotten closer to today's launch of America's most famous sports car, further leaks confirmed that Jalopnik had indeed scored a major scoop and was dead-on with its design "predictions" for the 2014 Corvette Stingray. The new vehicles won’t be mistaken for anything other than a Corvette, but some big design changes have been made. The wraparound “bubble” rear hatch has given way to a more traditional rear window/rear quarter windows arrangement. In addition, the four round taillight have been ditched in favor of a more integrated, Camaro-esque design. “Like the ’63 Sting Ray, the best Corvettes embodied performance leadership, delivering cutting-edge technologies, breathtaking design and awe-inspiring driving experiences,” said General Motors North America President Mark Reuss. “The all-new Corvette goes farther than ever, thanks to today’s advancements in design, technology and engineering.” General Motors was able to shave 99 pounds off the weigh of the vehicle through the greater use of aluminum, magnesium, and carbon fiber. The new chassis is also 57 percent stiffer than the outgoing C6 Corvette. As we reported back in October, the new Corvette Stingray is powered by a new 6.2-liter LT1 OHV small-block V8 engine (450hp, 450 lb-ft of torque). However, in order to boost output and keep fuel efficiency in check, the new engine features direct injection, continuous variable valve timing, and cylinder deactivation. The engine can be paired with two new transmission choices: a 7-speed manual with active rev matching or a 6-speed automatic (blasphemy). General Motors is promising a better power-to-weight ratio than the Porsche 911 and the Audi R8. The new C7 Corvette Stingray will be able to rocket to 60 mph in under 4 seconds and will exceed the 26 mpg rating of the current vehicle on the highway. “We believe the Corvette represents the future of modern performance cars because it delivers more power, more driving excitement and better fuel efficiency,” said Tadge Juechter, Corvette chief engineer. “The result is better performance by every measure. The 2014 Corvette delivers the fastest acceleration, the most cornering grip, the most track capability, the best braking performance and what we expect to be the best fuel economy ever for a standard Corvette.” The C7 Corvette Stingray will be available in the third quarter of 2013. RE: WOW! The only look the GT-R pulls off is hideousness. Seriously, Nissan should have sold a paper bag to put over it.The GT-R has some nice performance, is easily the easiest car to drive at the limit, but has no soul. There are some fun ugly chicks, but alas the GT-R doesn't even have a personality to go with it's bad looks. Parent Next Gen Corvette Engine to Develop 450hp, Use Cylinder Deactivation
Federal Highway Administration > Publications > Public Roads > Vol. 67 · No. 4 > Update on Intelligent Vehicles and Intersections Update on Intelligent Vehicles and Intersections by Keri A. Funderburg Take a look at the latest automotive innovations and intersection technologies for improving driver performance. Intersections like the one shown offer logical settings for deploying intelligent vehicle technologies. Cited in more than 90 percent of police crash reports, driver error remains the leading cause of crashes on America's roads. To help improve driver performance and safety, the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) and the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Joint Program Office at the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) established the national Intelligent Vehicle Initiative (IVI). A significant new direction for USDOT safety programs, the IVI focuses on preventing crashes by helping drivers avoid hazardous mistakes. Other partners in the project include the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the Federal Transit Administration, the American Trucking Associations, ITS America, the motor vehicle industry, seven universities, and 10 State and local transportation agencies. A departure from the past, the initiative looks at "preventing" crashes, rather than "reducing the severity" of crash-related injuries to people and property. "The mission of the IVI is to reduce the number and severity of crashes through the application of advanced driver assistance systems," explains Ray Resendes, IVI program manager at FHWA. "Through the IVI program, the Federal government, and FHWA along with its partner agencies, is helping the transportation industry produce better safety systems more quickly." During the summer, a 3-day national IVI meeting and vehicle demonstration was held at FHWA's Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center. Several State departments of transportation (DOTs), local transportation agencies, and members of the private sector displayed intelligent vehicle technologies developed under the IVI. The technologies included an avoidance system for intersection collisions, a bus equipped with an innovative frontal collision warning system, cars with adaptive cruise control and lanedeparture warning systems, and a tractor-trailer truck featuring onboard trucker safety advisory and automatic crash notification systems. Products in testing are expected to appear soon in passenger cars, including rear-end collision-avoidance systems and roadway-departure warning systems. Eight IVI operational tests also are underway. An outgrowth of the IVI initiative, FHWA's new intelligent intersection testing facility at the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center in McLean, VA, opened during the national IVI meeting and demonstration in the summer. The intersection-the first of its kind in the United States-will be used to develop and evaluate vehicle-based and vehicle-roadway cooperative systems that can save lives by helping drivers avoid intersection crashes. This illuminated display (the no-left-turn sign) warns drivers that it is unsafe to make a left turn at the intersection. Intelligent Intersections In 2002, more than 9,400 people were killed and 1.4 million injured in crashes at intersections. To prevent intersection crashes, drivers need warning systems that alert them to the potential for a collision or tell them when it is safe or unsafe to pass through an intersection. At FHWA's intersection testing facility, researchers from the California Partners for Advanced Transit and Highways (PATH) program, the Intelligent Transportation Systems Institute at the University of Minnesota, and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University's (Virginia Tech) Transportation Institute demonstrated new technologies that provide drivers with these warnings. Researchers from the California PATH program-a collaboration by the University of California and the California DOT-designed their system to prevent drivers from being broadsided by vehicles on cross streets or making left turns when oncoming vehicles are approaching. The system uses a combination of millimeter wave and laser radar sensors, plus in-pavement loops to detect other vehicles. A wireless communication system that operates in the 5.9 gigahertz band, and is dedicated to highway communications, transmits information from the sensors to a computer located at the roadside. Using a timing algorithm, the roadside computer monitors the speeds of the approaching vehicles and determines when a left turn would not be safe. During the demonstration, as one vehicle approached an intersection in preparation to make a left turn, a large road sign reading "No Left Turn" flashed to warn the driver in the left-turning vehicle of an approaching vehicle that could not be seen. The message on the sign seemingly grew 50 percent in size as it flashed. The researchers found that this type of sign is especially visible to drivers when placed just above eye level on the opposite corner of the intersection. In specially equipped vehicles, the computer also can trigger an invehicle display to warn drivers of the intersection hazard. This electronic stop sign between the traffic signals illuminates during the red light phase. the California researchers decided to focus on human-centered technologies rather than on changes to the roadway infrastructure. "We understand that traffic engineers have worked assiduously to develop and implement a host of important tools in making intersections safer, such as channelization, protected left turns, warning signals, and timing plans," says Jim Misener, the leader of the Transportation Safety Research Program at California PATH. "However, a significant number of intersection crashes still occur because the driver is decidedly human and capable of making perception and judgment errors." Improving Rural Intersections Although crashes at rural intersections occur less frequently than those at intersections in urban or suburban areas, rural crashes tend to be more severe due to high speeds. In addition, many rural intersections involve major roads with higher speeds and volumes crossing more minor roadways with lower speeds and volumes. This geometry leads to frequent collisions caused by drivers on the minor roads selecting unsafe gaps in the traffic stream on the major roads as they attempt to cross or turn into the intersections. To mitigate this problem, researchers at the University of Minnesota demonstrated the use of an Intersection Decision Support (IDS) system during the IVI meeting. Minnesota's system helps drivers identify unsafe gaps in high-speed traffic at two-way, unsignalized intersections in rural areas. The IDS system, which consists of an array of ground-mounted radars interconnected through wireless technologies, collects and sends data on the speed and location of approaching vehicles to a central processing unit, which calculates and identifies unsafe gaps in the approaching traffic. When the system detects an unsafe gap, it triggers an illuminated roadside sign to warn the waiting traffic that it is dangerous to enter the intersection. "The decision to use a sign that comes on only when it is unsafe for the stopped driver to cross an intersection, rather than a traditional traffic signal, was based on the fact that the traditional signal can stop traffic unnecessarily on the high-speed leg of the intersection," says Max Donath, director of the Intelligent Transportation Systems Institute at the University of Minnesota. "Large trucks often travel on these rural, high-speed roads and when they are forced to stop at a traffic signal, it can take them a long time to get going again, which can impede traffic flow through the intersection." Infrastructure Approaches Researchers from Virginia Tech demonstrated infrastructure-only and infrastructure- cooperative approaches to preventing the most common type of intersection crashes. "Virginia Tech is focusing on 'straight crossing path' crashes, which account for approximately 30 percent of all intersection crashes and occur when a driver continues into an intersection against a red light and collides with a crossing vehicle," explains Vicki Neale, leader of the Safety and Human Factors Engineering Group at Virginia Tech. "We are working on technologies to warn drivers before they violate a signal or stop sign so they can come to a safe stop prior to entering an intersection." Virginia Tech's infrastructure-only approach uses an IDS (infrastructureto- vehicle communication) system to alert drivers of an imminent traffic signal violation. Using a signal controller to provide information about signal phase and timing, sensors detect a vehicle's location and speed, and the IDS system determines whether a vehicle will cross into an intersection during the red light phase of a traffic signal. If the system predicts a violation, an electronic stop sign hanging between the traffic signal heads illuminates as a warning to the violating driver approaching the intersection. Virginia Tech's infrastructure-cooperative system contains the following components: a roadside traffic signal controller that provides information about signal phase and timing, an infrastructure-to-vehicle communications system, an in-vehicle global positioning system (GPS) receiver and associated roadway map representation, and an in-vehicle computer and driver-vehicle interface. With the information provided by these components, the system recognizes that the driver is not going to stop for the red light, then emits an audible tone and displays a stop sign icon on the dashboard to alert the driver to a hazardous situation. Although these three projects are still in development, they are making progress toward full-scale deployment. In California, the researchers' next step will be to conduct field operational tests with drivers at real intersections. Researchers in Minnesota also will be testing at actual intersections, in addition to developing a driver simulator to determine how motorists will react to the system and convening a national panel of experts to help with deployment. At Virginia Tech, the researchers believe that the infrastructure-only system will be deployable in the near future. They anticipate that the roadside cooperative system portion could be in place by the time auto manufacturers complete development and begin installation of the in-vehicle technologies that they are working on currently. Three San Mateo County Transit District buses like this one are equipped with frontal collision warning systems. Preventing Transit Crashes Frontal collision crashes account for nearly 30 percent of all transit vehicle-related crashes and often lead to property damage, service interruptions, injuries, and increased traffic congestion. At the IVI demonstration, participants had the opportunity to ride a bus equipped with a prototype warning system designed to prevent frontal collisions. Developed by researchers and officials from the San Mateo County (California) Transit District (SamTrans), the California PATH program, Gillig Corporation (a transit bus manufacturer in California), and several local transit agencies, the system provides drivers with an alert if it detects a collision hazard in front of the vehicle or that a crash may occur. To develop the system, the researchers began by collecting data on transit crashes to identify the magnitude and consequences of frontal collisions and to understand the conditions that lead to frontal collisions. Data-acquisition systems also were installed on buses in the SamTrans fleet to collect information on the movement of surrounding vehicles and stationary obstacles. In addition, researchers studied the needs of the bus drivers who will operate the system, including an evaluation of how to present warnings to drivers, and the types of audible or visual alerts that would be most effective. Using the collected information, the researchers identified a set of scenarios that could result in frontal collisions and developed a warning system based on those scenarios. Currently, three buses operated by SamTrans are equipped with prototype collision warning systems, which include frontal obstacle and corner detection sensors that search for hazards in front of the bus and monitor for "cut-in" vehicles that change lanes too closely to the bus. The computer that controls the frontal collision warning system on this SamTrans bus is housed inside the vehicle. If the sensors detect potential hazards, the system sends a warning consisting of a series of illuminated light-emitting diodes (LED) positioned inside the bus near the driver. The LEDs increase in brightness as the bus moves closer to the hazard and turn off as the hazard is avoided. Audible tones were not used as warning signals because the researchers determined that passengers might find the tones to be annoying and potentially alarming. However, the researchers currently are evaluating the viability of some audible warnings to determine whether there are any that could be used to warn the driver, while not alarming passengers. The California researchers are working to integrate the frontal collision warning system with a side collision system under development in a partnership with Pennsylvania. The research includes collaboration with manufacturers and suppliers of transit buses to increase deployment and commercialization of the warning systems. Light-emitting diode panels on either side of the front windshield warn the bus driver of collision hazards. Collision-Avoiding Cars Not just for transit vehicles, collision warning and avoidance systems also can improve the safety of passenger vehicles. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is working with an automobile manufacturer to develop and test an Automotive Collision Avoidance System (ACAS). At the IVI meeting, a vehicle equipped with ACAS was on hand for participants to view. Consisting of a rear-end collision warning system and an adaptive cruise control system, ACAS provides drivers with visual and audible warnings when it detects an imminent crash with the rear of another vehicle. The adaptive cruise control system also helps drivers maintain a set speed when there is no impeding traffic and reduce their speed when slower moving traffic is detected. Although researchers and auto manufacturers previously have tested adaptive cruise control and rear-end collision warning systems, ACAS is the first to combine the two into a single integrated system. In addition, previous rear-end collision warning and adaptive cruise control systems were limited in their ability to detect vehicles. Many of the previous systems detected vehicles by transmitting microwaves from the front of a host vehicle and measuring the time it takes for the microwaves to return after striking a vehicle in their path. Other systems used lasers to detect the reflection of traffic ahead of the host vehicle and measure the distance to the traffic. Studies have shown, however, that microwave- and laser-based systems sometimes have difficulty identifying which vehicles on a roadway are in the path of the host vehicle. The systems can be particularly inaccurate during lane changes or as road segments change from straight to curved or curved to straight. Due to these inaccuracies, the ACAS researchers have focused on improving how the system recognizes curves in the roadway. Traditional sensors detect curves by measuring the yaw rate. In addition to yaw-rate sensors, ACAS uses three other detection methods. First, the vehicles are equipped with a GPS that can locate the vehicle's position on a digital map of the roadway. Based on the geometry of the roadway on the digital map, the GPS can predict the curvature of the road ahead of the host vehicle. Second, ACAS uses video cameras installed on the windshield to view the scene in front of the vehicle. A special vision system installed with the cameras then can find the lane markings on the video and use them to estimate the forward road geometry. Finally, ACAS uses radar to detect and analyze the tracks of other vehicles using a patented technique called scene-mapping. Based on information from these four methods, ACAS can predict the curvature of the upcoming roadway more accurately, locate the closest vehicle in the path of the host vehicle, provide warnings to the driver about potential hazards via a drivervehicle interface, and control the speed of the host vehicle through the brake and throttle when the driver uses the adaptive cruise control. The driver-vehicle interface includes warning icons about speed and potential collision hazards. As the potential for a collision increases, the warning icon becomes larger and more noticeable. The final icon flashes and is accompanied by an audible warning. In a recent round of controlled testing, 12 drivers took turns driving the ACAS prototype vehicle two times around a 93.4-kilometer (58-mile) route accompanied by a researcher. The goal of the test was to gather feedback on the quality of the images on the in-vehicle display, the feel of the adaptive cruise control, and the accuracy of the rear-end collision warning system. Based on the results, the ACAS researchers began a smallscale field operational test in March 2003 where drivers are given test vehicles for approximately 4 weeks to use as their personal vehicles. Researchers anticipate that the test results from all the drivers will be complete in February 2004, with final results available later in 2004. Trucks with a Brain In addition to buses and passenger cars, several tractor-trailer trucks were on display at the IVI meeting. MackTM Trucks and McKenzie Tank Lines, Inc.-primary members of the Mack Trucks IVI partnership, whose membership also includes AssistWare Technology, Inc., XATA Corporation, Vehicle Enhancement Systems, Inc. and Richard Bishop Consulting- demonstrated the use of several new technologies. The two companies have developed a trucker advisory system (TAS) that will provide drivers unfamiliar with an area with an advance alert about upcoming hazardous roadway features such as extra-tight ramps or work zones. In cooperation with several State DOTs, the two companies identified more than 500 "trucker advisory zones" in 10 States, determined the latitude and longitude of the zones, and created a database of the areas. Trucks participating in the test are equipped with an onboard computer, the database, and GPS. Using this equipment, TAS identifies whether drivers are in close proximity to any of the hazardous driving areas and shows an alert message on an invehicle display that indicates the type and location of the hazard based on crash history for the location. "These days, truck drivers are traveling fewer set routes and increasingly are traveling in unfamiliar territory to pick up freight," says Jim Kennedy, director of maintenance for McKenzie. "TAS familiarizes drivers with these unknown areas and decreases the risk of crashes in locations known for rollover hazards, steep grades, or other dangers." The onboard computers shown here operate trucker advisory and automatic collision notification systems. Because TAS employs computer technology that many truck fleets already are using, Kennedy considers TAS to be highly deployable in the near future. When testing is complete, if it shows that the technology increases safety, the key to widespread deployment will be ensuring that each truck has enough memory space on its onboard computers to hold the TAS database. In addition to TAS, the researchers are testing an automatic collision notification (ACN) system. Each truck in the test is equipped with front, rear, and tilt sensors that are activated when the truck suddenly accelerates or decelerates and then abruptly stops. If the system is activated, an e-mail about the incident and the truck's location is sent via wireless technologies to the company's Central Network Center in Tallahassee, FL. Using the information in the e-mail, personnel at the center can notify local authorities about the incident, the commodities being transported, and any dangers associated with a release of the commodities. "The ACN system is most beneficial for trucks carrying hazardous materials, which, if released, could be harmful to the environment and surrounding populations," says Kennedy. The system enables authorities to take faster control of spills and alert communities sooner about the potential danger posed by the materials or the need to evacuate. In addition, because authorities can start to clean up spills more quickly, ACN will help protect animals, plants, and wildlife more effectively. After hearing about incidents, authorities also can alert roadway authorities about potential traffic delays and ensure that motorists have sufficient warning to avoid traffic caused by an incident. The partnership currently is operating a fleet of trucks equipped with TAS, ACN, and other intelligent safety systems. The partnership is collecting data on the operation of these systems, along with information about other hazardous areas to add to the TAS database. The researchers also are studying the value of the alerts currently sent through the ACN program. The partnership anticipates that it will complete the data analysis and issue a final report by 2005. By then, the partnership will have collected 19 months of test data on 36 trucks, equaling more than 11.3 million kilometers (7 million miles) of information. A Safer Future The idea of preventing vehicle crashes is not new. The technologies that the researchers demonstrated at the IVI meeting are innovative because they focus on a new side of crash prevention-the human side. These intelligent technologies will help improve driver performance-and therefore, increase safety on the roads. "Systems to save lives are available today," says FHWA's Resendes. "However, the IVI partnership is helping to ensure that better systems will be commercially available tomorrow and into the future." Keri A. Funderburg is a contract writer for FHWA and a contributing editor with PUBLIC ROADS. For more information about the IVI partnership or intelligent transportation technologies, visit or contact Ray Resendes at 202-366-2182 or
Published On: Jan 7, 2007 Printed On: Nov 24, 2014 2007 North American International Auto Show Remarks by Takeo Fukui and Jon Ikeda PRINT ADD REMOVE SHARE DOWNLOAD Jan 7, 2007 TAKEO FUKUI Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. And thank you for joining us. Last year, we marked the 20th anniversary of the Acura brand by topping 200-thousand units in sales for the second straight year. But we did so with a focus on the future. With a commitment to advanced technology our goal is to help our customers get where they're going more quickly, more efficiently, and more connected to the world. This commitment can be summed up in just one word, "Advance." This is a statement about Acura's commitment to always be ahead with customer relevant technologies and products that add to the quality of life. As you know the Acura brand was born in the U.S. Many Acura products also are being born here in America. And these products are key to the continued growth and success of the Acura brand around the world. The next big step for Acura and our U.S. R&D operations is the opening of another design studio this summer, the Acura Design Center. We have been designing Acura products in America for more than a dozen years. With this new design center the Acura brand will have an even sharper focus on creating products that meet the needs of a new generation of luxury consumers. We are also following a similar strategy with R&D in Japan. Beginning last April, we separated Acura design and development activities. Now, an Acura design studio in Japan supports global Acura design efforts. We also began the global expansion of Acura with sales in China. And we are now preparing for the launch of the Acura brand in Japan. The Acura TL, exported from America, is one of the first Acura vehicles sold in China. And this year we will begin exporting the new MDX to China as well. Because we have the capability to develop all-new vehicles from the ground up ... this all-new MDX was conceived, designed and developed in America. But the key is not where these operations are based. The key is what we create for our customers. The role of the new Acura design centers in both America and Japan is to set the tone for the Acura brand through emotional design. I must tell you that my own passion is performance. I spent much of my career in racing, and I continue to follow it closely. We won a Formula One race last year. But the desire to win every race burns inside of me, and our engineers. This same kind of burning desire for performance can be found in Acura products. That is why the MDX that was developed in America was tested and refined on the Nurburgring in Germany. It is why we have added Super Handling All Wheel Drive to three different models - including two sport utility vehicles. The Acura brand will always be a home for people who love to drive. The first generation NSX is another example of this burning desire for performance. It set new standards in many areas, from its advanced technologies to its incredible performance. Today, we want to show you a new concept car that hints at the design direction of the successor to the NSX. This design was created by our Los Angeles-based team. In a few months, this team will move into the Acura Design Center. But they have already created an exciting Acura Advanced Sports Car concept. Before I show it to you, I want to emphasize that this vehicle is about more than just great styling. As we advance toward building a car like this, I can tell you it will feature advanced technology matching our passion for performance. This will include an all-new V10 engine that is Acura's most powerful ever. This front engine vehicle will also feature a new high performance, rear wheel drive version of Acura's Super Handling All-Wheel Drive. Our direction is clear. We plan to Advance, in technology, in design, and in overall performance. This fall, at the Tokyo Motor Show, we will showcase the next stage in our advancement. But today, we have an exciting idea for the next Acura super sports car. I hope you like this exciting new concept, and the direction for the Acura brand. Thank you. JON IKEDA Good afternoon, everyone. After almost 20 years of designing vehicles I can honestly say that I can't remember being as excited about a car as I am about this Advanced Sports Car Concept. When the team and I designed the latest generation TL, we had to be concerned with all the practical aspects of a production car, but with this concept we could really let our imaginations run wild. We could break free of conventional design theories and explore whole new styling concepts and design languages, and with good reason. Over the past few years, automotive designers have faced a growing challenge. Like all of you, we want to embrace the incredible new technology that's currently being developed at an accelerated pace, especially here at Acura. But at the same time, we don't want to lose the emotional appeal we all love about the most striking and evocative automotive designs. In other words, designers must find a way to allow technology and emotion to co-exist; to creatively fuse precision engineering with passionate execution. This is especially important for us, as technology and emotion have been the two main tenets of the Acura brand since our beginning more than 20 years ago. With all that in mind, we embarked on an aggressive new approach to design. And we developed this, the Acura "Advanced Sports Car Concept." It's a bold and provocative design execution that attempts to define the concept of "Advance" which Mr. Fukui mentioned earlier. It's our idea of what an exotic high-performance sports car can look like in the not so distant future, while retaining some subtle design cues from our first generation NSX. In the exterior styling, you'll see definitive design elements that communicate that fine balance of technical precision and emotion I spoke of a moment ago. For example, laser-sharp edges throughout the vehicle represent a powerful sense of engineering precision. The side of the car and the dramatic hood surfaces feature what we call sheer, machined, surfacing, again, to convey a feeling of technical exactness. This precision is subtly balanced by more natural design elements. Free-flowing directional lines, like the one here on the car's flank, appear and then disappear into the body to mimic the random patterns found throughout nature. These taut lines and unexpected surface transitions also add an element of tension and suspense, contributing to the strong emotion of the overall design. Together, these three design elements create what we call "Keen-Edge Dynamic". They represent the Precision, Technology, and Emotion inherent in our styling. The long, powerful hood, low slung cabin and short wide deck work together to create a powerful sense of anticipation - almost like a slingshot pulled back and straining to be released. And with a V10 engine and Super Handling All-Wheel Drive power-train it will be a very powerful and precise slingshot. We even pursued the direction of "Keen Edge" styling in the wheel design. They are 19-inches at the front, 20 at the rear and in my opinion, are the most visually striking we've ever designed at Acura. By the way, you can see the initial production application of the "Advance" design direction in the latest generation MDX, which has sharper, more precise lines than its predecessor. And it will be even more pronounced in future Acura products like the next generation TSX and TL. We want the design statement we make to embody both the emotion of a dynamic driving experience, along with the advanced technology that is present in every Acura vehicle. We believe this aggressive and innovative approach does all that and more. This "Advanced Sports Car Concept" was designed here in the United States, and you can anticipate more forward-looking, ground-breaking, designs from us as our new Acura Design Center in California comes online in just a few months. It will drive the development of distinctive and cutting edge designs that will further strengthen the appeal of our products both here and around the world. And will ensure that Acura continues to push the envelope in developing highly advanced automobiles that appeal both to the intellect and to the soul. On behalf of Mr. Fukui and myself, thank you for attending. Now, I'd like to invite all of you to take a closer look at our new Acura Advanced Sports Car Concept. 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Muscle cars and the fall colors October 1, 2012 By Deb Murphy/Sports Editor The Owens Valley Cruisers Fall Colors Car Show is slated for next weekend, in conjunction with the Choo Choo Swap Meet. Admission is free and there are guaranteed to be hundreds of custom classics on display. Photo by Mike Gervais More than 250 restored classics, street rods and every other form of rolling artwork will be heading to Bishop the first weekend in October for the Owens Valley Cruisers’ annual Fall Colors Car Show. For these out-of-town auto enthusiasts, the show is more than a chance to pick up a trophy acknowledging the work put into the cars. It’s a chance to log miles through some impressive scenery, to check out the mountain views of aspen groves ablaze in colors nearly as bright and varied as the cars themselves. Locals will get their first glance at the cars at 4:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 5 at the Kmart/Vons parking lot, the first gathering of this year’s American muscle, modified coupes and well-oiled Woodies. By Saturday morning, the cars will be on display at the Tri-County Fairgrounds, prepped for the Show and Shine judging. At 3 p.m. Saturday afternoon, the cars cruise Main Street. Sunday morning, they head up to South Lake on the Poker Run. The $5 entry can be purchased Sunday from 8-10 a.m. at the fairgrounds parking lot. By 11 a.m., the metal-flake beauties will head back to the fairgrounds for the awards ceremony. Last year’s People’s Choice winner, a 1949 Dodge Woodie Power Wagon fire/rescue vehicle owned by Mark Inarik of Las Vegas, Nev., will be on hand again this year. The Cruisers’ first Fall Colors show in 1993 had roughly 90 restored classics and modified rods. Over the last 19 years, the show has grown exponentially. “People love coming to Bishop,” said Cruiser Tina Cocherell. “They come from all over the western states.” The club teamed up with Choo-Choo Swap Meet in 1996 and the Saturday event grew to include the Altrusa Art Show in 2000. From stock purist to those gear heads who never saw a vehicle they couldn’t modify, the one thing they have in common is talking about their cars. Even if you can’t tell a Hemi from a hoodie, the stories are worth a trip to the fairgrounds on Saturday. Jim Browning found his ‘35 Buick in Barstow in 1974; it was being used as a chicken coop. Browning towed it back home in a cloud of feathers. It was Browning’s first restoration project. The Buick isn’t a concourse car, it’s “a friendly car that makes people smile.” Kent and Cindy Schlick’s ‘72 Mustang was part of the 2004 celebration of the Mustang’s 40th anniversary held at the Petersen Museum. The glove compartment door bears the signatures of Lee Iacocca, the “father of the Mustang,” and uber car buff Jay Leno. Paul Kenney’s ‘37 Chevy Coupe was sitting in an olive grove in Ivanhoe in the San Joaquin Valley. “I like to keep close to the intent of the car,” Kenney said. His coupe is loyal to the original styling, but the drive train is total street rod. Kenney replaced the stock equipment with a 350 V-8, 300 horsepower Chevy egine, a turbo Hydromatic transmission, an ‘82 Buick Regal differential and a Mustang suspension. “The coupe is a rocket,” he said. Those are just a few of the car stories available next Saturday. There are approximately 245 more available at the Vons parking light Friday afternoon and at the fairgrounds Saturday.
Electric Car Owners Get a Free Ride in Ann Arbor Posted by Audrey Spalding on January 16, 2013 at 9:35am A Chevy Volt is charged for free in Ann Arbor's downtown library parking lot. Photo by Audrey Spalding.Though electric vehicles may not be attracting much hype at the Detroit Auto Show, their owners do enjoy privileged status in the city of Ann Arbor. While parking downtown, electric vehicle owners can charge their cars for free. The charging stations are typically located at the front of parking garages, and are reserved for electric vehicles only. On a busy weekend, electric vehicle owners can enjoy reserved, easy access downtown parking with a free "fill up." Drivers of conventional vehicles receive no such benefit. Pictured nearby is a Chevy Volt, a vehicle already infamous for costing taxpayers up to $3 billion in production and sales incentives, being charged at a downtown Ann Arbor parking garage. The owner really did get a free ride, because the photo was taken on a Sunday, when city parking fees are waived. Heritage Newspapers reports that there are 18 electric vehicle charging stations in downtown Ann Arbor, and that the city's Downtown Development Authority is paying for the cost of the electricity. The American Enterprise Institute reported in 2012 that, since 2008, taxpayers had spent or guaranteed loans of $6.8 billion for electric vehicles. Much of that money has gone to failed companies and projects. About $1 billion of that total comes from a $7,500 tax credit the federal government provides to many electric car owners. No argument can be made that electric car owners are somehow in need of a subsidy. A 2012 survey of electric vehicle drivers found that the vast majority come from households earning more than $100,000 per year, and are predominantly, in the words of the study, "...very well-educated, upper-middle class, white men in their early 50’s..." The primary cost of the Ann Arbor charging stations likely comes from installation (paid for by U.S. taxpayers), and the parking territory they occupy, instead of the electricity provided. According to data posted by the city, few people appear to be using the charging stations. On Jan. 16, at 9:20 a.m., the city reported that 11 of its 18 charging stations were unoccupied. According to the city, 9,807 kilowatt hours so far have been provided to electric vehicle owners, enough to charge 1,225 electric vehicles. Since the charging stations were installed in June, this amounts to each charging station receiving an average of just a single car visit every other day. Surely, Ann Arbor has better things to spend its money on than this. City resources would be better spent providing essential services to Ann Arbor residents, instead of funding pet projects that only the favored few can take advantage of. Audrey Spalding The 2014 Michigan Public High School Context and Performance Report Card Making Michigan Right-to-Work: Encouraging School Districts to Follow the Law
Auto suppliers first to test Michigan right-to-work law David Barkholz Published: December 17, 2012 6:00 am ET Automotive, Public Policy DETROIT (Dec. 17, 2:15 p.m. ET) — United Auto Workers President Bob King expects few defections by his members when Michigan’s right-to-work law takes effect in March.Unionized workers at parts suppliers will be among the first to test King’s confidence. As supplier contracts with UAW expire and are renewed or negotiated after the law takes effect, employees will be able to leave the union.Contracts with the Detroit 3 expire in September 2015, so the law will have no impact on those plants until then. There’s a provision in the law that prohibits the legislation from abrogating existing contracts.King, who negotiated Detroit 3 contracts for about 115,000 auto workers last year, said the union is providing value to members, as evidenced by the fact that 90 percent of UAW-represented auto workers in right-to-work states have chosen to stay in the union. “We’re going to continue doing the best job we can and be rewarded with the loyalty of the membership,” King said. He spoke by phone from Geneva, where he was attending a meeting of global union federations.UAW has about 151,000 members in Michigan at assembly and parts plants, public employers and other businesses. UAW would not disclose how many are in the auto industry.The legislation is a threat to the lifeblood of a union still trying to organize nonunion automakers in the South.For Detroit 3 auto workers, dues amount to two hours of wages per month, or about $600 per year.Last week Michigan became the 24th state to enact so-called right-to-work legislation. Under right-to-work, employees cannot be required to join a union, stay in a union or pay union dues at companies at which unions have won the right to bargain collectively for workers.King said UAW and other unions fought hard to prevent the legislation because right-to-work undermines wages and benefits and suppresses workplace democracy. Michigan Republican Governor Rick Snyder signed the legislation last week after it was fast-tracked through the Republican-dominated state legislature in a matter of days, with no committee hearings, during a lame-duck session.King said the best way to keep members from leaving the union is to bargain hard for wages and benefits and continue to represent worker interests in health, safety and work rules. “That’s why there’s solidarity in the workplace,” King said.In addition to representing about 115,000 Detroit 3 auto workers across the country, UAW represents tens of thousands of workers employed by parts suppliers. An exact number was not available from UAW.But as supplier contracts expire sooner and workers can choose to leave the union, the true value proposition of UAW will be put to the test, said Neil De Koker, president of the Original Equipment Suppliers Association in suburban Detroit. The association represents about 430 parts suppliers, including most of the largest ones that do direct contracting and engineering with the carmakers, the so-called Tier 1 suppliers.De Koker said right-to-work laws in many Southern states have proved a magnet to automakers and their suppliers desiring to operate without unions.He said right-to-work in Michigan will make the unions more accountable for how they spend the dues of members because those members will be in a position to leave the union if they disagree with that spending.He said UAW spends heavily on the political campaigns of mostly Democratic Party candidates despite a membership that includes many conservatives and Republicans.In 2011, UAW collected about $122 million in dues passed through to the International, according to the union’s most recent regulatory filing.“The unions are really going to have to focus on the priorities of their members,” De Koker said.Adam Forman, a Detroit lawyer with Miller Canfield, said Michigan parts suppliers with union contracts that expire soon need to make preparations for right-to-work.They will need to have a mechanism for turning off the collection of union dues for workers who leave the union, Forman said.He said they also have to be careful about communicating the rights of workers under the new legislation so as not to conflict with regulatory prohibitions against swaying workers to belong or not belong to unions. Residents living by National Pipe & Plastics Inc.'s new factory in an industrial zone of Endicott, N.Y., say the facility has “devastated the... More Chemical giant Ineos Group AG is planning to be the biggest player in the United Kingdom's shale gas industry. More UK court hearing case of rotomolding worker killed in 280� C oven The management at a United Kingdom rotational molding plant are facing criminal charges for the death of a worker who was trapped inside a 280�... More
Terry Karges to replace Buddy Pepp as executive director of the Petersen Museum Buddy Pepp took the Petersen Automotive Museum's "Round-Door Rolls" to Villa d'Este in Italy earlier this year. Pepp is retiring as executive director of the museum. Photo by Roger Hart Terry Karges will take over as executive director of the Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles on Aug. 15, replacing Buddy Pepp, who is retiring after more than two years on the job. Karges brings four decades of automotive, entertainment and motorsports management experience to the Petersen. According to Steven E. Young, chairman of the Petersen Museum board, Karges is known as an innovative leader with a keen ability to merge cutting-edge marketing tactics. “Terry is a very well-qualified businessman with a strong management background that the board of directors feels will do a terrific job as the Petersen Automotive Museum executive director,” Young said. “In addition to being a Southern California native familiar with our unique car culture, Terry also has valuable experience leading sales and marketing operations for major California theme parks, which makes him the best candidate to lead the museum in unique and exciting ways.” Terry Karges “The board acknowledges that Buddy Pepp will be a hard act to follow, and his infectious enthusiasm for the Petersen Automotive Museum will be sorely missed by all that had the opportunity to work with him. Buddy committed his heart and soul to the well-being of the museum, and we can't thank him enough for his work and achievements on behalf of the institution that we all love so much,” Young said. “It's time to leave. I've put 150 percent into the Petersen for the past 26 months,” said Pepp, 71. “I have six grandchildren who live 400 miles away. I've got six collector cars that need my attention. I've got a golf game that I love and would like to play more. And I need to go the gym more.“The Petersen is an incredible institution. Attendance is way up; store sales are up; our special events are up; everything is up double digits. I am absolutely leaving on a good note. But I must say, what I am going to miss the most is the staff. These are the most talented group of professionals I've ever had the chance to work with. “This is an incredible institution and it will continue to great things,” he said. Buddy Pepp. Karges comes to the Petersen from Venchurs Inc., where he was vice president of sales and marketing for the Michigan-based OEM supplier. As the former vice president of sales and marketing for Roush Performance, Karges helped grow the company into the largest specialty high-performance car brand in the world. As owner of Karges Sport, he was involved in motorsports marketing and ran his own team. Karges also previously held marketing management positions at Disneyland, SeaWorld and Marine World. “As a lifelong automotive design enthusiast and someone who spent his formative years at tracks like Riverside and Laguna Seca, the opportunity to take the reins at the Petersen—arguably one of the premier automotive museums in the world—is a humbling and thrilling prospect,” Karges said. “I look forward to working with the museum's incredibly talented staff of curators, historians and restoration experts, as well as with the knowledgeable and enthusiastic board, to come up with innovative and interactive ways to share Robert E. Petersen's legacy and world's love affair with the automobile.”Karges will begin representing the Petersen Automotive Museum during the Monterey, Calif., auto week in August. By Roger Hart See MoreCar News Car News, Classic Cars, Other News
Archive for the ‘Reno Nevada’ tag 1957 Chevrolet pickup takes Barrett-Jackson Cup at Hot August Nights QuickSilver, Alan Beers’s 1957 Chevrolet pickup, takes the top prize in Reno. Photos courtesy Barrett-Jackson. In addition to bragging rights in the world of street rodding, the Ultimate Best in Show award at Reno’s Hot August nights brings with it the Barrett-Jackson Cup and a cash payout of $30,000, the richest in the hobby. Factor in the other prizes (which include a GM crate engine and transmission), and first place is ultimately worth over $57,000. This year, the big prize (and the biggest trophy) went to QuickSilver, a 1957 Chevrolet pickup built by Jason Smith and owned by Alan Beers of Owasso, Oklahoma. QuickSilver began life as a rust-free Texas truck, found by Beers in 2007. Contracting with Smith and Hot Rod Garage (HRG) of Sand Springs, Oklahoma, for the build, the project took five years to complete, and no panel on the truck was left unaltered. The roof was chopped by three inches, and the cowl was moved forward by the same amount, necessitating the fabrication of a custom windshield and rear glass. The hood was reshaped, the front was narrowed and the original bed was replaced by one hand-built from scratch. Fenders were smoothed and shaped by hand, an under tray was built, and a custom grille and tailgate were fabricated to complete the truck’s design theme. Wheels are one-offs, cut from aluminum billet specifically for QuickSilver by Greening Auto Company, and the two-tone paint is a blend of Tungsten and Quiksilver, supplied by Planet Color and Sherwin-Williams. Don Smith’s 1932 Ford captured first runner-up honors. Power comes from a Chevrolet V-8, fitted with retro-style Crower fuel injection stacks that hide a modern electronic fuel-injection system. Output is in the neighborhood of 650 horsepower, and gets sent to the rear wheels via a Gearstar automatic transmission. Modern Baer disc brakes ensure that scrubbing off speed is done with little drama, and Beers insists that QuickSilver was built to be driven, not just shown. The interior, completed by Chuck Rowland at CAR Upholstery, seems to back this up: Wrapped in rich red leather and reportedly influenced by the 1961 Chevrolet Impala, it appears to be a comfortable place to spend time. Wes Rydell’s 1935 Chevrolet Phaeton, the second runner up. Since the truck’s debut in March of 2013, it’s been named to the Great Eight at the 2013 Detroit Autorama and has earned 2014 Good Guys Truck of the Year honors. The 2014 Hot August Nights Ultimate Best in Show award, and with it, the Barrett-Jackson Cup
"Gag" as in joke, not the object, reflex or order. Realizing thepotential for misinterpretation, Suzuki issued an official definition:"super fun for teenagers and boisterous adults with a spirit ofadventure and a sense of humor." Released in 1986, the Suzuki GSX-R50departed from conventional Suzuki wisdom by being down on power andavailable in pink. The GAG's problem wasn't necessarily that it used a 49cc engine, it was that it used a four-stroke 49cc engine that only produced 5bhp to the comparatively rocket-like 7.1bhp of the two-stroke Yamaha YSR50. Normally, that'd have been enough to condemn the GAG to obscurity, but it had good looks, some of the coolest paint schemes Suzuki's ever made and this obviously brilliant domestic market ad campaign on its side. A near exact miniaturized replica of the then all-conquering GSX-R750, the GAG used a steel perimeter frame, a Showa monoshock and front forks. The seat height was just 24 inches to the 750's 31.3-inch height, while the wheels were tiny 10 inchers. Period road tests fall all over themselves to adequately convey the GAG's lack of performance, apparently it struggled to reach its 30mph top speed and shifting through the four-speed gearbox did little but alter the engine's flat exhaust note. Luckily, Yoshimura offered a range of engine upgrades or you could even fit a larger, 120cc engine good for almost 10bhp and a 55mph top speed.Perhaps an even more significant than its lack of speed compared to the YSR was the Suzuki's lack of US road legality, confining it to parking lot and pit bike duties only. The Yamaha was road-legal as long as you stuck to surface streets. In 1987, the GSX-R50 retailed for $999.Our interest in the GAG doesn't come from its performance or price though, but it's looks. Aping the GSX-R's fairing, but subverting what would otherwise be functional machoness with tiny proportions, the GAG is a very literal take on sportsbike-as-toy, something most of its larger relatives are anyways. While the pink is a little bit silly, the other color schemes are the embodiment of awesome. The fighter plane would likely appeal to Suzuki's existing demographic in this country while the red is understated and classy with its white highlights and wraparound "Suzuki" logo. Tags: Suzuki, Advertising, retro, GSX-R, GAG, GSX-R50, RB50, Suzuki GSX-R50
Video: CES 2011 -LG to launch 3D TV on mobile without need for glasses. CES 2011: Love to run? Check out Nike Plus’ new GPS powered watch. TNW Interview: GM’s Pod Car From the Future at CES 2011 Share PDF Pro Megan Sayers 8 January '11, 01:00am Imagine a world where you can walk out the front door and find your car waiting to greet you. It drives itself, so you can spend the ride writing e-mails, catching up on paperwork, or even crocheting a lovely scarf. All around you, cars criss-cross seamlessly through intersections, automatically determining the most efficient way to keep the flow of traffic moving. When you arrive at your destination, your car drops you at the curb and then scurries away to park itself. It sounds like science fiction and eerily similar to the traffic scene in “Minority Report.” After the debut of GM’s mini concept vehicle at CES on Thursday, this vision of transportation might not be so far from reality. The EN-V is a two-seat electric vehicle that incorporates the dynamic stabilization technology of the Segway. There are three models – the Jiao (Pride), the Xiao (Laugh), and the Miao (Magic). The car, which has a top speed of about 25 mph, is powered by a lithium-ion battery that can be recharged by a standard wall outlet, and can go roughly 25 miles between charges. The EN-V is autonomous and features collision avoidance systems that can detect pedestrians as well as other vehicles. It can be remotely retrieved from parking spots, and even has a “platooning” feature, which allows it to coordinate with and follow other vehicles when traveling on city roads. Built for urban areas, the energy efficient cars are designed to alleviate traffic congestion and parking frustration. In fact, GM says that six EN-Vs can fit into a single parking space designed for a traditional vehicle. So what’s preventing these tiny bubble cars from hitting the streets? After the demo, I sat down with with Chris Borroni-Bird, the Director of Advanced Technology Vehicle Concepts for GM, to try to find out. What needs to happen in order for these cars to be a reality? It seems like EN-V concept would generate a lot of interest, especially since you mentioned in the presentation that these would be more affordable than standard cars. CBB: Yes, that’s right. Since the EN-V is 3 or 4 times lighter than a traditional vehicle, the battery required to propel it isn’t very big and the wireless communications technology is also inherently affordable. Really, it’s not the vehicle per se that’s the challenge, it’s finding a place where we could introduce this where we don’t have to necessarily worry about it co-existing with cars. Would you need to get an entire city to agree to use them? Because that might be difficult. CBB: I think that if we could find a test bed, or even just a closed off zone, it would be enough for people to say “I get it now, this could be real.” It doesn’t have to be very large, it could be a small area of a city, or a little island, or a tourist resort of some kind, but if we could find some place where we could test this, then I think the benefits would be compelling. And from a test bed like that, we could also see what we could transfer to an existing city. Could elements of this concept be introduced sooner? CBB: Of course. I mean, you could imagine shared electric vehicles being introduced in Los Angeles very soon. Not necessarily as small as this, but perhaps conventional vehicles such as small electric cars that are networked together. Sounds similar to an updated version of Zipcars? CBB: Not exactly. Imagine that they could be smaller and networked together, and I think you can begin to see more of the integration. Today’s public transport offers very few opportunities for integration because they are large mechanical stand-alone devices. But small electric vehicles could be easily parked or charged at train or bus stations and networked together to share schedules. Then those cars could be shared really easily, because they could drop one person off and go pick another person up. CBB: Right, and they could even be owned by the public transport system; it could be a form of public transport that provides personal mobility. And that’s where it gets very exciting because normally we think of personal mobility and public transport as two completely independent things, almost at opposite ends of the spectrum. But this blurs the distinction: you could have personal mobility that’s publicly owned. For example, what if a public utility, instead of buying a bus, bought a fleet of these vehicles for the same amount of money? Buses are a huge capital investment with a fixed route and schedule. When people move to a different part of the city, they have to work out a whole new route. The whole process can be very complicated. But the EN-V vehicles can be deployed with so much more flexibly. Plus, the concept is much more energy efficient, considering that most buses run on diesel, and aren’t even fully occupied most of the time. After the interview, I was treated to a drive around the convention center parking lot in the Xiao (Laugh) model. While it felt a bit like being inside of a giant Scrubbing Bubble, the ride was super smooth and the car can swivel and turn on a dime. And if the EN-V ever does go into production, I know I would choose a little pod car over a crowded, stuffy subway in a heartbeat. CES 2011: Love to run? Check out Nike Plus’ new GPS powered watch. Video: CES 2011 -LG to launch 3D TV on mobile without need for glasses. Craigslist hack knocks web classified site offline: Who’s behind it? It’s time to treat push notifications as sacred Crimson keyboard has a clever new way of helping you type on iOS Facebook’s social network for businesses reportedly launching January 2015 ×
Home | Car News | GM Announces New Manufacturing Plant, Thereby Confirming Next-Gen Full-Size SUVs GM Announces New Manufacturing Plant, Thereby Confirming Next-Gen Full-Size SUVs By Trevor Dorchies | February 02, 2012 PHOTOS General Motors will be opening up a new component stamping facility at its Arlington manufacturing complex in Texas. The new $200 million facility should be operational in 2013, and will create another 180 jobs. However, the new Arlington complex will save the Detroit based auto maker $40 million a year in logistics costs since the assembly facility will now be close by. "Our investment in GM's Arlington plant is one more example of GM strengthening the economy and creating jobs throughout the many U.S. communities where GM does business," said GM Manufacturing Manager Larry Zahner. With the addition of the Arlington plant GM has, without actually coming out and saying it, confirmed its full-size SUVs will be on the receiving end of some updates. While we don't know much about the upcoming updates, we do know the SUVs will continue to share its underpinnings with the Chevrolet Silverado and GMC Sierra. As for keeping weight down, the SUVs are expected to encompass more high strength steels and other alloys. Rumors have also been circulating that a new eight-speed transmission and high-tech fuel injection for smaller engines are on their way as well. Don't count out a revised version of the two-mode hybrid system GM uses, and possibly a four-mode system as well. Investments in expanding operations around the globe have been a focal point for GM as the automaker has spent over $6.9 billion since 2009. Along with that major investment came 17,600 new jobs. “Today’s announcement is further evidence that the U.S. auto industry is back. An important goal for the UAW is to increase the number of manufacturing jobs in the United States and we are pleased that General Motors has decided to make this investment in Arlington,” said Joe Ashton, vice president of the UAW representing the GM department. “We look forward to more good news in 2012 as our workers continue to build the world’s best vehicles.” President Barack Obama dubbed General Motors the world's number one auto maker again in his latest State of the Union address last week. However recent sales figures may not agree as General Motors sales were down 6.1 percent last month. Stay tuned for full coverage of monthly sales figures. Do you think GM is spending its money correctly? Would you agree with President Obama's statement of GM being the world's number one auto maker again? Tell us what you think in the comment section below. Source: General Motors Japanese Sales: Some (Important) Winners, Some (Less Important) Losers, and Some REAL BIG Losers Ignore all the froufrou about the Acura NSX, pictured above, and the sleek, unpronounceable Lexus concept...
Hendrick makes another big purchase at Barrett-Jackson Rick HendrickRick Hendrick has done it again. The famed NASCAR team owner, who bought the rights to the very first 2014 Chevrolet Corvette Stingray coupe at Barrett-Jackson Scottsdale in January, has doubled down by winning the Palm Beach bidding for the first 2014 Stingray convertible to be produced. The price tag: $1 million. Although, every penny of the charity sale goes to benefit the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute. Hendrick, a familiar face as a regular buyer and seller at Barrett-Jackson auctions, paid $1.1 million for the coupe in Scottsdale. So it was widely speculated that he would vie for the convertible. Now, he has a pair of No. 1 2014 Corvette bookends costing a total of $2.1 million. Barrett-Jackson charges no auction fees for charity sales. "I paid a little more than I wanted for that car," Hendrick said in a classic understatement. "But I owe so much to Corvette for getting me into the car business in the first place." Part of the deal from General Motors for the first Corvette convertible is a ceremony that will take place at the factory when Hendrick will start up the freshly built Stingray for the first time at the end of the assembly line. SPEED
Bosch in Germany Bosch Media Service Press material Business/economy HR and CSR issues Spare parts, diagnostics, workshop equipment, workshop concepts Car Multimedia Bosch eBike Systems Thermotechnology Bosch Software Innovations Bosch Sensortec, Akustica Bosch Energy and Building Solutions Bosch Power Tec Energy and Building Technology Press folders Bosch history Bosch News Service Press contacts in Germany Press contactsoutside Germany Board of management Honorary Chairman Annual report, further publications My press materials (0) Open my press materials Search Bosch pages Get press releases via email. subscribe Get press releases as RSS feeds A lifesaver�s anniversary 100 million Bosch ESP systems Almost every second new passenger vehicle worldwide is equipped with ESP Current data confirm ESP�s high potential for preventing accidents ESP can prevent up to 80 percent of all skidding accidents Many driver assistance systems are based on ESP ESP is already mandatory in a number of countries Add to my press materials Save text Download caption Bosch has produced 100 million ESP systems since the start of series production in 1995. In the process, the company has made a significant contribution to making driving safer. Especially on slippery roads, but also in instances where vehicles drive into bends too quickly, the electronic stability program helps keep vehicles on course and prevent skidding accidents, which often have serious consequences. �In recent years, ESP has demonstrably saved lives,� says Gerhard Steiger, the president of the Bosch Chassis Systems Control division, summing up the findings of several effectiveness studies. �Moreover, ESP is an important building block for high-performance assistance functions and automated driving.� Bosch developed the anti-skid technology and, in 1995, was the first company worldwide to start series production of the system. ESP becoming a standard featureAfter the seatbelt, ESP is the car�s most important safety system. According to studies, it can prevent up to 80 percent of skidding accidents. A detailed analysis of the comprehensive German In-depth Accident Study�s (GIDAS) database shows that in 2011, 540 lives were saved in Germany alone as a result of ESP. This year, 60 percent of all cars on the country�s roads were equipped with the electronic guardian angel. And a growing number of countries are making the system mandatory for new vehicles. In Europe, it has been mandatory for all vehicles that have received type approval since October 2011. From November 2014, ESP will no longer be optional in the EU: it will become standard equipment in all newly registered vehicles. Even today, 78 percent of all newly produced passenger cars and light trucks in Europe are equipped with ESP. The system is also already mandatory for all vehicles up to 4.5 tons in the United States. It is also mandatory in Australia and Israel. In Japan, Korea, Russia, and Turkey, regulations will come into force within the next few years. Around the world, 55 percent of all passenger cars and light trucks are currently equipped with ESP. Even in China, almost a quarter of new passenger cars rolling off the assembly lines feature the system. A look at production figures also reflects the safety system�s growing popularity. From the start of series production in 1995 to 2010, Bosch produced a total of 50 million ESP systems. Within just four years, this figure has doubled. �Since 2010, we have been producing more ESP than ABS systems each year,� Steiger says. At present, the global supplier of technology and services manufactures the system in Germany, France, the United States, Japan, China, India, and Brazil. Modular system covers all requirementsSince it first went into series production, Bosch has continuously improved the active safety system, gradually adding further functions. While the first version weighed 4.3 kilograms, the basic version of the current generation 9 weighs just 1.6 kilograms. Over time, the system has become significantly lighter, more compact, and less expensive. These development efforts have been a resounding success: �ESP is now affordable for all vehicle classes,� Steiger says. The increasing electrification of the powertrain and the growing number of assistance functions have put new demands on existing braking systems. Bosch has already responded to this development with a modular system that offers the right technical solutions. Even for fully automated vehicles, the right ESP system combined with the iBooster electromechanical brake booster already offers the redundancy that is required. Assistance systems based on ESPNew assistance systems are making driving even safer and more comfortable. Bosch is developing functions that automatically maintain the distance to the vehicle ahead, maneuver vehicles into the tightest of parking spots, and warn drivers in good time in critical situations. In the years to come, a growing number of driving maneuvers will become fully automated. Vehicles will then be able to drive into the garage on their own, or navigate their way through morning traffic on the freeway. All of these functions have one thing in common: they brake without the driver�s intervention. ESP puts their braking commands into practice. Additional safety and comfort features can thus more easily be added to vehicles that are already equipped with the system. Sensors that gather data on the vehicle�s surroundings are the decisive basis of these features. They act as the vehicle�s sensory organs: they recognize other road users and determine their distance from the vehicle, as well as their speed and direction of travel. Bosch offers a broad range of ultrasound, video, and radar sensors that serve this purpose. Bosch supports UN campaign for greater road safetyEach year, some 1.3 million people around the world die as a result of traffic accidents, while several million more are injured. In 2011, the United Nations initiated the decade of action for road safety, which aims to stabilize and then reduce the number of road deaths around the world by 2020. Bosch has supported the project from the very beginning. In 2014 alone, the company has contributed 150,000 dollars to the initiative. The money will go toward supporting Global NCAP, which enables independent assessment programs for new vehicles, especially in emerging countries such as India. In recent years, Bosch�s commitment to the initiative has contributed to the realization of several road safety projects around the world. Mobility Solutions is the largest Bosch Group business sector. In 2013, its sales came to 30.6 billion euros, or 66 percent of total group sales. This makes the Bosch Group one of the leading automotive suppliers (NB: Due to a change in accounting policies, the 2013 figures can only be compared to a limited extent with the 2012 figures). Mobility Solutions largely operates in the following areas: injection technology for internal-combustion engines, alternative powertrain concepts, efficient and networked powertrain peripherals, systems for active and passive driving safety, assistance and comfort functions, technology for user-friendly infotainment as well as car-to-car and Car2X communication, and concepts, technology, and service for the automotive aftermarket. Bosch has been responsible for important automotive innovations, such as electronic engine management, the ESP anti-skid system, and common-rail diesel technology.The Bosch Group is a leading global supplier of technology and services. In 2013, its roughly 281,000 associates generated sales of 46.1 billion euros. (NB: Due to a change in accounting policies, the 2013 figures can only be compared to a limited extent with the 2012 figures). Its operations are divided into four business sectors: Automotive Technology, Industrial Technology, Consumer Goods, and Energy and Building Technology. The Bosch Group comprises Robert Bosch GmbH and its roughly 360 subsidiaries and regional companies in some 50 countries. If its sales and service partners are included, then Bosch is represented in roughly 150 countries. This worldwide development, manufacturing, and sales network is the foundation for further growth. In 2013, the Bosch Group invested some 4.5 billion euros in research and development and applied for some 5,000 patents. This is an average of 20 patents per day. The Bosch Group�s products and services are designed to fascinate, and to improve the quality of life by providing solutions which are both innovative and beneficial. In this way, the company offers technology worldwide that is �Invented for life.�Further information is available online at and, PI8505 - March 26, 2014 Your contact person for journalists +49 711 811-6286 Consumer inquiries Customer inquiries and general questions for Bosch Share this information � Robert Bosch GmbH
First photos: Electric BMW Richard Blackburn BMW has released photos and details of its new electric city car and hybrid supercar, and there are some surprises. BMW i8 concept BMW i8 concept. View all 19 photos BMW's first electric vehicle will come with an optional petrol engine that will act as a range extender, kicking in to recharge the battery when it becomes depleted. The car maker announced that its breakthrough i3 city car would go down the path of General Motors' Volt plug-in hybrid by offering the small capacity engine as a form of on-board generator. BMW originally pitched the i3 as an electric car, but appears to have had a change of heart since announcing the i3 at this year's Geneva motor show. Board member and head of marketing and sales, Ian Robertson, says the range extender is a response to feedback from a trial of electric cars from subsidiary Mini in the United States. "We did a lot of research with Mini E, and we had 750 cars running in real customers hands doing everyday real things, and the average commute for an urban dweller is around 30 kilometres. Now these cars are fine for 30km, but if you look at the weekend requirements - particularly in the large cities in the United States, where you might live in Los Angeles in the week but on the weekend you might want to go to Tahoe at the weekend - then you need to have an ability to respond to that," he says.
[Due to the increasing size of the archives, each topic page now contains only the prior 365 days of content. Access to older stories is now solely through the Monthly Archive pages or the site search function.] DOE to fund development of processes to aggregate purchases of alt-fuel and advanced vehicles; goal is cost reduction and accelerated adoption DOE plans (DE-FOA-0001236) to issue in the February 2015 timeframe a funding opportunity (DE-FOA-0001237) to develop and to implement effective purchasing/procurement processes designed to coordinate and consolidate bulk alternative fuel vehicle and advanced vehicle orders and thus reduce the per-unit prices of commercially-available vehicles. DOE expects that such an aggregated purchasing/procurement process will enable original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and suppliers to increase production volumes; achieve economies of scale; and reduce incremental vehicle costs specific to electric drive, natural gas, propane, hybrid, and other alternative fuel vehicle and advanced vehicle technologies. More... La Poste Group and Renault enter new eco-mobility partnership; coincides with delivery of the 5,000th Kangoo Z.E. Philippe Wahl, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of La Poste group, and Carlos Ghosn, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Renault group, signed a new partnership agreement today to pursue and strengthen their cooperation on the search for eco-mobility solutions. Since the launch of France’s low-carbon vehicle project in January 2009, La Poste group, which has the country’s largest industrial fleet with some 69,000 vehicles, has equipped itself with a complete range of electric vehicles, including small light commercial vehicles, quads, three-wheelers and electrically assisted bicycles. Today, La Poste mailmen and mailwomen use nearly 25,000 means of electric transport daily. The Renault group and La Poste group are working together in a wide range of fields on forward-looking issues independently of their business relations. By signing the new partnership agreement, the two French companies are pursuing their collaborative efforts on the search for eco-mobility solutions. Through research work and studies, the two groups will develop pilot projects on new mobility solutions and continue to foster the sustainable mobility of the present and future, focusing on four main areas: GKN to supply 500 electric flywheel hybrid drive systems to Go-Ahead Group for buses UK transport operator Go-Ahead Group has ordered 500 electric flywheel Gyrodrive systems from GKN Hybrid Power for use in buses. The Gyrodrive Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS) system (featured in Audi’s LeMans-winning R18 e-tron quattro) harvests braking energy normally lost as heat. When the driver brakes, a traction motor on one of the axles slows the vehicle, generating electricity at the same time. This electricity is used to charge the flywheel, spinning it at up to 36,000 rpm. When the driver accelerates, the system works in reverse. The energy is drawn from the flywheel and converted back into electricity to power the traction motor, which helps accelerate the bus back up to speed, generating fuel savings of more than 20% at a significantly lower cost and weight (60 kg, 132 lbs) than battery hybrid alternatives. Useable stored energy is 1.2MJ, with peak power of 120kW. Study finds testing the technology the strongest initial motivation for fleet managers adopting EVs According to a report from Frost and Sullivan (Kumar, 2013), fleet managers adopted more than half of EVs sold globally up to 2013. A new study of factors influencing fleet managers’ adoption of electric vehicles has found that testing new technologies was the strongest driver of initial EV adoption, followed by lowering environmental impacts; government grants; and improving the organization’s public image. Thereafter fleet managers adopted or indicated an intent to adopt a larger number of EVs because of the benefits that they offer. The study by William Sierzchula at Delft University of Technology, published in the journal Transportation Research Part D, used fleet manager interviews and pilot project report to investigate 14 US and Dutch organizations that adopted EVs from 2010 to 2013 to determine which factors influenced their purchase decisions. In addition, Sierzchula also analyzed the reasons why these same firms did or did not expand their EV fleets. More... EEI encourages utilities to spend at least 5% of fleet acquisition budgets on plug-ins The Edison Electric Institute (EEI) released a white paper, “Transportation Electrification: Utility Fleets Leading the Charge,” that focuses on the electric power industry’s effort to accelerate the expansion of electric transportation in commercial and retail markets, beginning with electric utility fleets. The paper encourages investor-owned electric utilities to meet an industry-wide goal to spend at least 5% of annual fleet acquisition budgets on plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) and technologies. An analysis of utility fleets by Utilimarc shows only about 1.7% of the vehicles purchased by electric utilities in the last five years were equipped with plug-in technology. ABB and Volvo Buses partnering on fast-charging system for hybrid and electric buses ABB and Volvo Buses are partnering to co-develop and to commercialize electric and hybrid buses with open standards-based direct current (DC) fast charging systems. The cooperation will create a city-wide standardized charging system for electric and electric hybrid buses that can charge buses quickly through an automatic roof-top connection system at bus stops or through cabled charging systems overnight. This approach, based on internationally accepted standards (EN61851-23), enables maximum re-use of existing e-mobility technologies, thereby ensuring a rapid deployment of urban e-mobility. The first joint project will be the implementation of Volvo Electric Hybrids and ABB’s automatic e-bus chargers in the Luxembourg public transport system, where as many as 12 Volvo Electric Hybrid buses operated by Sales-Lentz will be running on existing lines by 2015. Virginia Tech wins $55M in federal contracts for commercial truck driver safety and automated vehicle research The Virginia Tech Transportation Institute has been awarded two federal contracts worth a combined potential $55 million to further study safety efforts for commercial truck drivers and break new ground in the burgeoning field of automated vehicles. The contracts are being awarded by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) with a ceiling of $30 million for a five-year period, and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) at a maximum of $25 million during a five-year period. Collectively, the contracts—both won this spring—are the largest of their kind awarded to the institute in its 25-year history. Review: Chevrolet Silverado 2500HD with bi-fuel CNG option View of the CNG tank in the bed of a Silverado 2500HD with bi-fuel option. Click to enlarge. GM’s 2015 Chevy Silverado 2500HD with the bi-fuel (natural gas) option (earlier post) offers buyers—primarily commercial and fleet buyers—a strong natural-gas option in the ¾-ton pickup market that combines the excellent qualities of the base Silverado 2500HD with the economic (lower cost) and environmental (lower emissions of GHGs and criteria pollutants) benefits of natural gas fuel and packages the two together seamlessly. As with any vehicle choice, there are trade-offs that need to be balanced against target use. In the case of the 2500HD bi-fuel, the two main trade-offs are a reduction in power and torque in CNG mode compared to gasoline mode, and the loss of a portion of the bed of the truck to the 3,600 psi CNG tank and its box-like enclosure. (It looks like a hefty black tool box mounted across the front of the bed.) Of those two trade-offs, only the second is permanent. The driver can easily switch from CNG to gasoline with the flick of a switch, essentially reverting the 2500HD to its conventional gasoline cousin, with the accompanying boost in power and torque for occasions that might call for it. Report finds progress in UK Low Carbon Emissions Bus uptake, but a need to review incentives July 06, 2014 Despite the recent uptake of low carbon emission buses (LCEBs) in the UK, significant barriers remain to sustained market growth, and there are risks of current progress being disrupted, according to a new report prepared for the UK LowCVP by Transport & Travel Research Ltd, in partnership with TRL. LCEBs are defined as vehicles producing at least 30% fewer lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions than a current Euro-III-equivalent diesel bus of the same total passenger capacity. The well-to-wheel greenhouse gas emissions, expressed in grams of carbon dioxide equivalent measured over a standard test, take into account both the production of the fuel and its consumption. DOE seeking input on commercialization of fuel cells as range extenders for battery-electric vehicles The US Department of Energy (DOE) has issued a Request for Information (RFI) (DE-FOA-0001145) to solicit feedback from industry, academia, research laboratories, government agencies, and other stakeholders on issues related to the technical and economic feasibility of commercializing fuel cell range extenders for available battery-electric vehicles (BEVs) in the US market. DOE’s office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE) is specifically interested in information on BEV makes and models where an after-market modification to extend the vehicle range using a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) fuel cell system would be most feasible. Ram introduces Doblò-based 2015 Ram ProMaster City van 2015 Ram ProMaster City. Click to enlarge.Chrysler’s Ram brand introduced the 2015 Ram ProMaster City commercial van. The Ram ProMaster City is based on the Fiat Doblò, a two-time International Van of the Year winner with more than 1.3 million units sold. The new, smaller van joins the ProMaster and Ram Cargo vans, and is intended to provide incremental growth for Ram’s brand sales volumes. The front-wheel drive 2015 Ram ProMaster City will be offered in two-seat cargo van and five-seat passenger wagon configurations and is powered by the 2.4-liter Tigershark I-4. The engine generates 178 hp (133 kW) at 6,400 rpm with peak torque of 174 lb-ft (236 N·m) at 3,900 rpm. US Hybrid awarded contract to deliver plug-in fuel cell shuttle bus to Hawaii County Mass Transit Agency The hydrogen shuttle bus. Click to enlarge. California-based US Hybrid Corporation has been awarded a contract by the Hawaii Center for Advanced Transportation Technologies (HCATT) for the design, integration and delivery of its H2Ride Fuel Cell Plug-In Shuttle Bus for operation by the County of Hawaii Mass Transit Agency’s (MTA) HELE-ON Big Island bus service. The project is funded by the State of Hawaii and Office of Naval Research via the Hawaii Natural Energy Institute (HNEI). Integrated at US Hybrid’s Honolulu facility, the 25-passenger shuttle bus utilizes a 30 kW fuel cell fueled by a 20 kg hydrogen storage and delivery system. The fuel cell and 28 kWh lithium-ion battery pack power the vehicle’s 200 kW powertrain, air conditioning, and auxiliary systems. Onboard batteries are recharged by regenerative braking as well as grid charging. The US Hybrid fuel cell, powertrain, and vehicle controller optimizes power delivered by the energy storage and fuel cell power plant. Lightning Hybrids releases initial emissions testing results for medium-duty hydraulic hybrids The Lightning Hybrid system. Click to enlarge. Lightning Hybrids, a maker of hydraulic hybrid systems for medium- and heavy-duty trucks and buses (earlier post), released initial results from emissions testing conducted by an independent testing facility in Colorado of two medium-duty trucks upfitted with the Lighting Hybrids system. The results show decreases in NOx of up to 90% and decreases in CO2 emissions of up to 16% over the same baseline vehicle, depending upon the drive cycle tested. Lightning Hybrids tested two vehicles: a 2013 Ford E450 6.8-liter V10 and a 2010 GMC 3500 Savana Cutaway 6.0-liter V8. Both vehicles were first tested without Lightning’s hydraulic hybrid system to provide a baseline with which to compare the results with the hybrid system installed. US Army, Lockheed Martin complete 2nd autonomous convoy demo; more vehicles, higher speeds. Update w/video. The AMAS CAD II convoy of driverless trucks. Click to enlarge.The US Army Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center (TARDEC) and Lockheed Martin successfully demonstrated additional capabilities of the Autonomous Mobility Appliqué System (AMAS) at the Department of Energy’s Savannah River Site in South Carolina by conducting a driverless line-haul convoy with seven military trucks at speeds up to 40 mph (64 km/h). The recent AMAS CAD II demonstration built upon the capabilities that were demonstrated at Ft. Hood, Texas, in January 2014, where three unmanned military trucks negotiated oncoming traffic, followed rules of the road, recognized pedestrians and avoided various obstacles at speeds up to 25 mph (40 km/h) in an urban environment. (Earlier post.) SunLine Transit Agency takes delivery of two new fuel cell buses; 8th generation SunLine Transit Agency of Thousand Palms, CA has taken delivery of two new eight-generation fuel cell buses, each powered by a Ballard FCvelocity-HD6 fuel cell module. These new buses evolve the previously deployed seventh-generation American Fuel Cell Bus (AFCB) configuration, which was first introduced with SunLine Transit Agency in 2011. (Earlier post.) SunLine is a longstanding leader in the deployment of clean transportation technologies in the United States; the agency converted entirely to CNG from diesel more than 20 years ago. The AFCB has a fuel-cell-dominant hybrid electric propulsion system in a series configuration. The AFCB configuration utilizes Ballard’s FCvelocity-HD6 fuel cell module to provide primary power, in combination with BAE Systems’ HybriDrive propulsion and power management systems deployed in an ElDorado National 40-foot (12-meter) Axess model, heavy duty transit bus. More... 2015 Ford Transit offers fuel economy up to 46% better than old E-Series vans June 06, 2014 2015 Ford Transit offers up to 46% better fuel economy than the old E-Series. Click to enlarge. The all-new 2015 Ford Transit delivers as much as 46% better fuel economy than Ford E-Series. Transit goes on sale for the first time at US and Canadian dealerships this summer, eventually replacing the E-Series—the best-selling van for 35 years, first sold in 1961 as Ford Econoline. Transit comes standard with a 3.7-liter V6 engine, and customers also can choose from an available 3.5-liter EcoBoost or 3.2-liter Power Stroke diesel. When equipped with the 3.5-liter EcoBoost engine, 2015 Transit low- and medium-roof regular wheelbase wagons deliver a 14 mpg city/19 mpg highway EPA-estimated rating (16.8 and 12.4 l/100 km). Study finds V2G-capable electric school buses cost-effective with current technology; financial and environmental benefits Electric school bus fleets with vehicle-to-grid (V2G) capabilities are cost-effective with today’s technology, and could save schools money while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving public health, according to a new study by a team at the University of Delaware’s College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment (CEOE). Lance Noel and Regina McCormack conducted a cost-benefit analysis of owning and operating a V2G-capable electric school bus, and compared its cost-effectiveness to a traditional diesel school bus. They analyzed several factors, including fuel expense, electricity and battery costs, health externalities, and frequency regulation market price. The V2G-capable electric bus provides the school savings of $6,070 per seat in net present value ($230,000 per bus over the vehicle’s 14-year lifespan) and becomes a net present benefit after five years of operation. Without externalities (e.g., medical and climate change costs), the net present benefit would be $5,700 per seat. More... California Energy Commission publishes investment plan for alt and renewable fuel and vehicle technology, 2014-2015 The California Energy Commission has published the “2014‐2015 Investment Plan Update for the Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program”. The 2014‐2015 Investment Plan Update covers the sixth year of the program and reflects laws, executive orders, and policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, petroleum dependence, and criteria emissions. It details how the California Energy Commission, with input from stakeholders and the program Advisory Committee, determines the program’s goal‐driven priorities, coupled with project opportunities for funding. The Energy Commission held public Advisory Committee workshops to collect feedback on the initial and then revised staff drafts; a lead commissioner report version was released on 8 April 2014, and the Energy Commission adopted this commission report at its Business Meeting on 22 April 2014. Cambridge study of near-term alternative London bus technologies finds lean-burn CNG most costly with greater climate impact than diesel Annual GHG emissions relative to BASE Scenario (BASE Scenario = 949 kt CO2e on a 100-year GWP basis) for differing London bus fleet technology options. Lean-burn CNG is disadvantaged by unburned HC and natural gas pipeline leaks. Credit: ACS, Chong et al. Click to enlarge. Researchers from the University of Cambridge have conducted a comprehensive environmental cost–benefit analysis of near-term alternative bus technologies. The study considered emissions of non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHC), CO, NOx, PM2.5, sulfur dioxide (SO2), and ammonia (NH3), as well as the lifecycle climate impact of CO2 and non-CO2 greenhouse gases (GHG) on a CO2-equivalent basis. Their findings indicated that emission control strategy retrofits are the least costly near-term intervention to reduce urban air pollution. Although hybrid buses provide net GHG reductions and air quality improvements, associated costs are higher and more uncertain than emission retrofits. Lean-burn (spark ignition) compressed natural gas (LB-CNG) delivers the lowest health impacts due to the significant reduction of PM2.5, but has relatively high associated CO2e emissions that negate the health benefits, they found. As a result, current LB-CNG vehicles are the most costly of all of the modeled technologies, they concluded. Their study appears in the ACS journal Environmental Science & Technology. Aberdeen takes delivery of first 4 of 10 hydrogen buses The Aberdeen (Scotland) city council has taken delivery of four of the 10 hydrogen buses ordered from Belgian firm Van Hool and to be operated by FirstGroup and Stagecoach as part of the Aberdeen Hydrogen Bus Project. The others are due to be delivered in the coming weeks; in total, the 10 will represent the largest single operating hydrogen bus fleet. Ballard Power Systems is developing the hydrogen fuel cells for the buses. The £19-million (US$31 million) Aberdeen City Council-led bus project, which has backing from Europe, the UK Government and the Scottish Government, as well as a broad range of private sector partners, is testing the economic and environmental benefits of hydrogen transport technologies and aims to drive the development of hydrogen technologies. New Fuso Canter with EcoEfficiency; up to 9% more fuel efficient; new hybrid Fuso Canter 7C15 Eco Hybrid, box body. Click to enlarge. Mitsubishi Fuso, 90% owned by Daimler AG, has improved the performance of its Fuso Canter light-duty truck. With 140,000 units produced worldwide, the Fuso Canter is an international hit in the light-duty-truck sector and easily the best-selling truck model at Daimler Trucks. The new Canter is up to 9% more economical than its predecessor, depending on variant and field of application. At the same time, CO2 emissions have been reduced by a similar amount. The new Canter offers compliance with Euro 5b+ emissions for the light versions up to 6.0 t permissible GVW and Euro VI for the heavy versions. The “EcoEfficiency” models combined a number of measures available as standard for all Canter model variants. These include higher injection pressure for even more efficient fuel combustion; low-friction engine oil to reduce in-engine friction; an electromagnetic fan clutch; an optimized cooling system; a start/stop system for the engine; a new axle ratio configuration; low rolling-resistance tires for the Euro VI models; and reduced friction losses in the transmission with manual gearshift. Initial results from first phase of road trials for 40-ft BYD electric bus in Canada 2013 STO-AVT electric bus test results chart: BYD Electric Bus energy consumption (Wh/km) over speed (km/h). Click to enlarge. The first phase of a ten-month trial for a 40-foot BYD battery-electric bus (which commenced the Summer of 2013) was completed in Gatineau, Québec and Ottawa, Ontario in December. (Although the bus drive is zero-emissions, in frigid weather bus-heating was supplemented with a small diesel heater integrated into the bus). The evaluation, performed by the Société de transport de l’Outaouais (STO) in conjunction with AVT (the Société de gestion et d’acquisition de véhicules de transport), found that the average speed of drivers on Gatineau and Ottawa routes was 23 km/h (14 mph), and the resulting distance the BYD bus could travel at this average speed was 250 km (155 miles)—the equivalent of 1.3 kWh/km without air-conditioning and 1.5 kWh/km with air-conditioning, and full passenger loads). Mayor of London: all new London taxis will need to be zero-emission capable from 2018 The Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, announced plans that would require all new taxis presented for licensing in the capital to be zero-emission capable from 1 January 2018, with the expectation that they will automatically operate in zero-emission mode while in areas where the capital’s air quality is at its worst—such as parts of central London. The Mayor confirmed his plan at Transport for London’s (TfL’s) “New Taxis for London” event, at which he met five manufacturers developing zero emission capable taxis—Frazer-Nash, Nissan, Karsan, London Taxi Company and Mercedes-Benz. The new zero-emission capable taxis being developed include both plug-in full series hybrid vehicles and full electric models. FTA to award up to $24.9M to low- or no-emissions transit bus projects The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announced the availability of $24.9 million of Fiscal Year 2013 funds (FTA-2014-001-TRI) for the deployment of low- or no-emission (LoNo) transit buses. Of that amount, $21.6 million is available for buses and $3.3 million is available for supporting facilities and related equipment. The LoNo Program provides funding for transit agencies for capital acquisitions and leases of zero emission and low-emission transit buses, including acquisition, construction, and leasing of required supporting facilities such as recharging, refueling, and maintenance facilities. Plug Power to develop H2 fuel cell range extenders for FedEx Express electric delivery trucks Plug Power Inc., the leading provider of hydrogen fuel cell technology to the materials handling market, will develop hydrogen fuel cell range extenders for 20 FedEx Express electric delivery trucks, allowing FedEx Express to nearly double the amount of territory the vehicles can cover with one charge. (Earlier post.) This $3-million project is funded by the US Department of Energy (DOE) and includes project partners FedEx Express, Plug Power and Smith Electric Vehicles. The resulting hybrid vehicles will be powered by lithium-ion batteries and a 10 kW Plug Power hydrogen fuel cell system. The fuel cell solution is based on Plug Power’s GenDrive Series 1000 product architecture. DOE awarding $7+ million to four hydrogen and fuel cell projects, including fuel cell delivery trucks The US Department of Energy (DOE) is awarding more than $7 million to four projects that will help bring cost-effective, advanced hydrogen and fuel cell technologies online faster for both mobile and stationary applications. Private industry and DOE’s national laboratories have already helped to reduce automotive fuel cell costs by more than 50% since 2006 and by more than 30% since 2008. Fuel cell durability has doubled and the amount of expensive platinum needed in fuel cells has fallen by 80% since 2005. Building on this progress, the new projects will help further reduce the cost of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies, expand fueling infrastructure and build a strong domestic supply chain in the United States. These projects include: Two case studies outline how Houston and Loveland are saving money with EVs in their fleets The Electrification Coalition released two case studies outlining how two cities—Houston, Texas and Loveland, Colorado—are saving money by using electric vehicles (EVs) in their vehicle fleets. The Electrification Coalition, launched in November 2009, is committed to promoting policies and actions that facilitate the deployment of electric vehicles on a mass scale in order to combat the economic, environmental, and national security threats posed by US dependence on petroleum. (Earlier post.) City officials in Houston estimate that the city’s 27 Nissan LEAF electric vehicles will save the city $110,000 annually compared to internal combustion engine vehicles. A similar study examining Loveland, Colo. found that the city’s LEAFs will cost 41% less to own and operate than gasoline-powered vehicles. More... La Poste testing hydrogen fuel cell range extenders in Renault Kangoo Z.E. mail delivery vehicles Symbio ALP-5 range extender. Click to enlarge. The Franche-Comté region and La Poste (the French postal service) are testing hydrogen fuel cell range extender kits from Symbio FCell in three Renault Kangoo Z.E. electric mail delivery vehicles under real working conditions. This system is expected to double the range of the electric cars used for postal delivery. The three Kangoos Z.E.s with fuel cell range extenders (HyKangoos) will be deployed in the first quarter of 2014 on mail delivery platforms. These vehicles, with a combination of a hydrogen fuel cell and batteries, offer an extended range that performs under demanding conditions: mail routes of 100 km (62 miles) or more through the cold, hilly and mountainous terrain. (The Franche-Comté region borders on Switzerland, with the Vosges mountains to the north and the Jura to the south.) Green Car Congress © 2014 BioAge Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
True Street '72 Chevy Nova - Out Of Hand Tommy Lee Byrd If you're around old cars very long, you'll notice that most projects shift gears at some point in the buildup. The owners might say it started out to be a driver, but it just got out of hand. The same can be said for this '72 Nova, owned by Indiana's Brian Adams. He bought the car partially complete and intended on building a weekend cruiser with A/C. 1/13 But things changed. Obviously. The result is a wicked street car, producing 950 hp, thanks to an all-aluminum 632ci big-block. Brian runs in the NMCA True Street class, where cars are required to make a 30-mile drive, and most cars run in the 9-second range in the quarter-mile.Brian works at BES Racing Engines in Guilford, Indiana, and came across the Nova through a long-time customer and New York native, Jaimie Stanton. The car was purchased without the drivetrain, but most of the chassis work was complete. The paint was finished, so Brian's efforts were concentrated on the engine, transmission and interior, along with all the final detail work. Brian completed the car in 2008 and began testing the combination at local tracks. So far, he's run a best of 9.11 at 147 mph in the quarter, and the fact that it's an all-motor car makes it much more consistent than his forced induction and nitrous-fed competitors. 2/13 Underneath, Brian's Nova is equipped with a nice selection of components to strengthen and lighten it, while also increasing traction. The modifications started up front, with a set of chrome-moly upper and lower control arms from PA Racing. Then, a pair of QA1 coilovers replaced the original springs, and the front sway bar went to the swap meet pile. Another weight saving measure came in the form of Strange brakes on all four corners, which consist of aluminum four-piston calipers and lightweight rotors. The Nova rolls on a set of American Racing TrakStar wheels, 15x3.5 up front and 15x12 out back, all wrapped in M/T rubber. The True Street class requires DOT-approved street tires, so Brian runs M/T 295/65R15 drag radials, which get the job done and look awesome tucked deeply into the quarter-panels.
Daily Archives: December 9, 2011 December 9, 2011 amazing facts about the origins of the U.S. highway system By Laura McLay Americans love their cars. Our love of cars goes back more than 100 years. Americans fell in love with cars when they were first introduced. They embraced the automobile like nothing else and demanded that a transportation system be built to accommodate their wanderlust. I learned this in a podcast with Earl Swift, author of The Big Roads: The Untold Story of the Engineers, Visionaries, and Trailblazers Who Created the American Superhighways. In the podcast, Earl Swift discussed the origins about the U.S. highway system. I learned quite a few things about our highways. The interstate system did not begin in the 1950s with Eisenhower, as I had always believed. It began in 1913, when the inevitable dominance of the automobile over other forms of transportation was certain. Early adopters of the cars drove on dirt roads that were incredibly muddy. The roads resembled the tracks that farm equipment leave behind next to fields of corn and soybeans. Driving from coast to coast was impossible. A US FHWA cite describes the roads at the time: Railroads dominated interstate transportation of people and goods. Roads were primarily of local interest. Outside cities, “market roads” were maintained, for better or worse, by counties or townships. Many States were prohibited by their constitution from paying for “internal improvements,” such as road projects. The Federal-aid highway program would not begin until 1916 and, because of structural problems and the advent of World War I in 1917, would not accomplish much until 1921. The country had approximately 2,199,600 miles of rural roads and only 190,476 miles (8.66 percent of the total) had improved surfaces of gravel, stone, sand-clay, brick, shells, oiled earth, bituminous or, as a U.S. Bureau of Public Roads (BPR) bulletin put it, “etc.” Many people thought of interstate roads as “peacock alleys” intended for the enjoyment of wealthy travelers who had time to spend weeks riding around the country in their automobiles. In 1913, private entrepreneurs led by Carl Fisher (of the Indianpolis 500 fame) established the Lincoln Highway Association to build the first paved highway in the United States: The Lincoln Highway (pictured below). The 3,398 mile Lincoln Highway eventually linked New York to San Francisco via Chicago (it follows the path near what is now I-80). This “Coast-to-Coast Rock Highway” simply transformed the transportation system in the U.S. I included two pictures from 1920 and 1922 below to show how radically different the road looked from the dirt roads it replaced. I drove by the Lincoln Highway (now Route 30) every time I came home from college. I had no idea that it had such an interesting birth story. The next major highway was the Dixie Highway (pictured below), which linked Chicago and Michigan to Miami. Not coincidentally, this is when Miami Beach was established (Carl Fisher was one of the developers). The Dixie Highway crossed the Appalachian Mountains, which was a big deal at the time. The highway looks like a ladder (see the picture below), because every city and municipality clamored to be along the route. These highways were a game-changer. The Dixie Highway still goes through Chicago. I knew of it was growing up, and as a result, I never associated the word “Dixie” with the South, even though it was originally intended to link Chicago to the South. The later expressways (Eisenhower’s highways) were not originally designed to move around troops and missiles (at least Congress never seriously used that for justification). They were built and designed to support the many drivers in the U.S. Our economy depended on our transportation system. It still does. It took some time to build the interstate system as we now know it. My grandfather grew up in Chicago in the 1920s and 1930s, where horse drawn carts delivered milk and other commodities. This was after the highway system began, but before cars completely replaced other modes of transportation. My grandfather remembers all of the horse manure that collected in the streets and alleyways. Most of the games he and the other kids played in the streets hard to be designed to work around the manure and the infectious diseases that could be transmitted from horse to human. This is yet another advantage of cars (Freakonomics covered the environmental trade-offs between car and horse transportation. Cars win). Of course, the highway system has its problems. Despite the popular support for a highway system, there were many early critics who were ahead of their time in identifying the downsides to highways. For example, Lewis Mumford preached that congestion could not be cured by capacity. In 1955, Mumford wrote, “People, it seems, find it hard to believe that the cure for congestion is not more facilities for congestion.” (see this Atlantic Cities article by Eric Jaffe for more on this topic). Amazing transportation systems in the United States and elsewhere provide a foundation for operations research. The highway system allows us to transport goods from one end of the country to another in mere days. The highway system inspired many OR problems that use the Traveling Salesman Problem, truck routing problems, facility location models, shortest path problems, and many other classic operations research problems. The Lincoln Highway is where much of it began. Map of the Lincoln Highway The Lincoln Highway, 1920. It looks nothing like the dirt roads it replaced. The Lincoln Highway, 1922 Map of the Dixie Highway 3 Comments | tags: podcast and video, Transportation | posted in Uncategorized A blog by Laura McLay. The Elegant Grunge Theme. Punk Rock Operations Research Create a free website or blog at The Elegant Grunge Theme. Follow
Home | Car News | Week In Review: Leaks, Scoring, Partnerships, and Debts Week In Review: Leaks, Scoring, Partnerships, and Debts By Megan Stewart | November 02, 2013 PHOTOS The month of October has come to an end, and was carried off into the sunset by Christmas carols and snowflakes. This week was one filled with comebacks, large debts, leaked photos, and much more to keep us busy for days. With all the preparation and carting small kids around for Halloween, we don't expect you to get around to reading all of our thoughtful prose we wrote this week. In consideration of that, we've brought you the week's top stories in a snapshot version for your reading pleasure. Catch up on all this week had to offer below. Although Lexus didn't do so well in Consumer Reports' previous survey, in this year's reliability survey, the luxury brand received top scores. Out of the top ten spots, seven were claimed by Japanese automakers, while two were snatched up by the Europeans, and America managed to squeeze its way in for the last spot. Toyota and Acura rounded out the top three positions, followed by Mazda, Infiniti, Volvo, Honda, GMC, and Subaru. Surprisingly, Scion dropped to 11th place this year after dominating the charts just one year ago. Nissan also took a big hit, dropping from 13th in 2012 to 22nd this year. Qualifications for the survey consisted of each brand having at least two ranked models, and five brands didn't make the cut. But there's always next year. Tuesday, October 29 The internet is buzzing with news of the 2015 Mercedes-Benz C-Class, as photos of the exterior and interior were leaked prior to its official debut. We recently saw this leak right around the same time as the BMW 2 Series and next M3, and it seems like the Germans just can't keep a lid on anything lately. The exterior shots depicted classic Mercedes-Benz styling with more modernized features, with a new grill that could possibly be housing a new system for active aerodynamics. Although we don’t know what will be under the hood, the interior and technology features of the new C-Class draw heavily from the recently-launched S-Class, giving the previous entry-level vehicle an elevated level of luxury and class. A coupe model is on its way, and it's only a matter of time before the C63 AMG successor is announced. According to a report made by Congress, the U.S. Treasury has lost $9.7 billion from the General Motors bailout. After purchasing a 60 percent stake in the company back in 2009, GM stock sales haven't climbed high enough to garner back all the money that was paid out. As of now, the remaining shares held by the Treasury Department must be sold at $147.95 to break even. The rest of the government's shares should be sold by April 2014, according to the plan laid forth earlier. Taxpayers will end up losing a lot of money on the bailout, but the government has been adamant that the bailout was not an attempt to claim a profit, but to save jobs. According to the Center for Automotive Research, the GM bailout managed to save around 1.5 million jobs. In a strange turn of events, the Los Angeles Auto Show and the Tokyo Motor Show will be held during the same time, prompting automakers to choose where they want to unveil new concepts. Subaru has planned to introduce three new crossover wagons in Tokyo, including a seven-passenger model. The automaker recently announced the discontinuation of the Tribeca three-row crossover, and has since claimed that it has plans to return to the segment in the future. Who knew the future would be just a few weeks away? The Crossover 7 concept, which looks like the Japanese-market Subaru Exiga, is the automaker's solution to the hole the Tribeca has left in its lineup. We know that it will hold seven passengers, but not much else. The Levorg, another concept, will be the inspiration behind the next wagon, similar to the contemporary Outback models sold here. Finally, Subaru will show the Cross Sport, but has yet to release any information other than that it will be a subcompact crossover. Friday, November 1 Daimler and Tesla currently have a partnership where the electric automaker supplies Mercedes-Benz with batteries and electric motors, but the German luxury brand wants more from the partnership. Daimler's CFO Bodo Uebber was quoted saying, "I told my guys, go back to Tesla and look for other opportunities." Although Daimler only has a 4.3 percent stake in the California automaker, it wants to get everything it can from the partnership. Uebber went on to say that its compact architecture, which the CLA-Class and GLA crossover are based on, needs to be better utilized. Mercedes-Benz needs to push itself into the entry-level segment with new compact models to appeal to a younger, broader customer base. Audi and BMW have already accomplished this, and now it's time for Mercedes-Benz to do the same. Mercedes-Benz Wants More Cooperation with Tesla Mercedes-Benz parent Daimler would like to expand its partnership with Tesla Motors.
» El Paso Car Show & Kentucky Individuals Picnic - On The Scene El Paso Grand Opening By Saul Vargas, Photography by Erik Howard, Saul Vargas Lowrider, December 09, 2009 Car show at the neighborhood bar The city of El Paso, Texas is not like most American cities, in fact, its predominantly Hispanic population (82 percent) gives it a unique identity compared with that of other southern towns. Given the fact that Hispanics are not the minority in El Paso, its mainstream culture is comprised of traditional Hispanic traditions, and more commonly found in secluded areas of less diverse cities within the United States. The one culture that does seem to be universal in El Paso is the car culture. Anything from Hot Rods to Lowriders can be found here, and natives of this Texas city take pride in what they drive. Faustino Flores and his wife Nancy are no exception, as they are the proud owners of the world renowned 1958 Chevrolet Impala "3K Diamond," a three-time Lowrider Magazine Traditional World Champion. Faustino's '58 was on display for the community. Recently, the Flores family established "Swigs", a family owned and operated bar in El Paso Texas that prides itself of being "your neighborhood bar." After opening the business, the family decided that they wanted to do something special for their grand opening. Faustino had the idea of putting on a small car show, and after running the idea by his business neighbors, he received positive feedback. Not only did he get a green light from the community, several businesses also wanted to participate in the one-day event. After acquiring the necessary permits and dedicating a solid month to planning, the new bar Swigs was finally locked in to playing host to a community car show that would ultimately be held in its own parking lot. Support for this event poured in beyond expectations, as cars came from as far away as New Mexico, Las Vegas, Nevada and San Fernando, California, to attend the event. El Paso's strong automotive presence was on full display, as there were over 200 trucks, SUV's, luxury vehicles, Hot Rods and Lowriders parked at the show. The event also showcased some rare Texas classics that have not been seen in the Lowrider show circuit for many years. Taste of Latin, Modern Times, NewBreed, Prestige, UCE, Klique, Estilo, Nobleza, Extazy, Pachucos, and Old Memories were a few of the car clubs that attended this amazing show. Even with rain falling during the morning hours, the event still managed to bring out notable vendors and a full house of almost three thousand spectators and locals, who thoroughly enjoyed the parking lot show. El Paso's "Big Poppa," owned by Nano Nevarez. The Flores family's initial vision for a humble show of around 100 vehicles turned into a Texas automotive extravaganza, and more than doubled the car showcase they were expecting. Given the huge success of this event, the family has already decided to throw another show next year, and plans are already underway to ensure that next year's show will be even bigger and better than the one this year. This Apache dubbed "Suavecita" was laid out. Melo Romero's "Queen of Hearts" is one of El Paso's oldest classic rides. Estilo CC had a few cars that had never been seen before. This convertible was all about the "Boogie Nights". Candy Red Riv Kentucky Individuals Picnic By Erik Howard Photography by Erik Howard This summer riders from Chicago, Detroit, Cincinnati, Los Angeles, New York, St Louis, Texas, Indiana, and several other cities descended on Louisville, KY, to meet up the night before the Kentucky Individuals' Picnic and Hop. The Individuals Car Club invited the enthusiasts to share a meal before joining them for an evening of cruising. The weather was perfect and the timing couldn't have been any better to rev up the participants for the events that would take place the following day. After the meal at a favorite local restaurant, the host chapter guided their guests on a cruise through Louisville in a motorcade that the locals won't soon forget. 1 | View Full Article By Saul Vargas Sponsored - Links
Rockford Fosgate Rocks Pikes Peak Thursday July 17, 2014Charlie Leib | 480.380.0673 | Rockford Fosgate Partnered with Mitsubishi Motors North America During the 92nd Annual Broadmoor Pikes Peak Int’l Hill Climb. Rockford Fosgate (, the industry leader in high-performance audio systems, is proud to announce that it recently joined forces with Mitsubishi Motors North America for the 92nd Annual Broadmoor Pikes Peak International Hill Climb in Colorado Springs, CO on June 29. Mitsubishi Motors entered two electric vehicles in the race, and Rockford Fosgate's famous mini SoundLab rocked the event's Fan Fest pre-race celebration on June 27. More than 35,000 people converged on downtown Colorado Springs for Fan Fest. During the five hour event, the mini SoundLab gave 30 second shows non-stop, as lines formed around the Mitsubishi booth with fans eager to experience the Rockford Fosgate pressure chamber. "We were very excited to be a part of such a famous and incredibly popular event as the Broadmoor Pikes Peak International Hill Climb alongside our partner Mitsubishi Motors," said Theresa Anthony, Rockford Fosgate V.P. of Marketing & New Product Development. "Local Colorado Mitsubishi dealers had vehicles on-hand with factory-equipped Rockford Fosgate sound systems for fans to audition. In addition to our top-shelf OEM offering through Mitsubishi, our mini SoundLab, which literally blows away consumers with our aftermarket products, was a huge hit as it showcased the excitement that Rockford Fosgate has to offer to the people that came out for Pikes Peak Fan Fest." According to, first competed in 1916, the Pikes Peak International Hill Climb, also known as the "Race to the Clouds", is the second oldest motor sports race in America and a long-standing tradition in Colorado Springs and the Pikes Peak region. It entails an automobile and motorcycle race on a 12.42 mile course with 156 turns ending at the 14,115 foot summit of Pikes Peak. This year, Mitsubishi Motors’ driver Greg Tracy won the Electric Modified Division with a time of 9 min 8.19 seconds, breaking the previous record by more than 38 seconds, and he finished in second place overall. In addition, Tracy became the first racer to complete the course in less than 10 minutes in both the motorcycle and automotive divisions. About the mini SoundLab The Rockford Fosgate "mini SoundLab" is a high performance demo vehicle built on a 2012 Ford Transit Connect wheelbase. The mini SoundLab features a 3,600 Watt PRESSURE CHAMBER with 12 speakers, including six Punch 15-inch subwoofers, and gives participants the opportunity to experience the full PUNCH of Rockford Fosgate car audio equipment.
/ Automotive News Hyundai creates a zombie survival machine Millions of people tune in every week to catch episodes of "The Walking Dead," and many fans of the show have noticed that certain cars continue to make an appearance in the series. Hyundai has been one of the show's sponsors for some time - which is why all of the vehicles on the program are made by the Japanese automaker - but the manufacturer decided to take its involvement up a notch. Hyundai recently created a Zombie Survival Machine out of a remodeled Santa Fe. Although this model is not typically known for its ruggedness or propensity for off-roading, several rounds of modifications have turned it into a fine-tuned vehicle that is ready to battle the undead. The car was designed by Anson Kuo, a fan of "The Walking Dead" who submitted his proposal for a zombie machine in a Hyundai contest. Officials liked his concept the best out of more than 82,000 fan submissions and chose to bring the design to life. The final product features alterations like aluminum armor, razor-wired windows, increased cargo space for supplies and passengers, and plenty of defensive weaponry. "We love Anson Kuo's take on this Santa Fe Zombie Survival Machine - it's creative ... and deadly," said Steve Shannon, vice president of marketing for Hyundai Motor America. "With help from the popularity of 'The Walking Dead' franchise, Hyundai continues to expand the conversation around Hyundai vehicles with young and passionate audiences." The Santa Fe Zombie Survival Machine will make its debut at New York Comic-Con Oct. 10. While it may not be the ideal off-road vehicle for some drivers, it's certainly an interesting take on an alternative ride, and fans will get a chance to see it up close at the Comic-Con event. This entry was posted in Automotive News on October 9, 2013 by admin. New GMC Sierra may draw drivers with its cornerstep bumper Trucks have been getting bigger and better. This is great news for drivers who love off-roading or use the vehicles for heavy-duty work, but it can also pose a problem for some owners who don't fit the stereotypical mold. For example, shorter drivers or even those who make a point of installing a lift kit and raise the ground clearance of their vehicle may have problems easily accessing the truck bed. To remedy this problem, several up and coming models are evolving to allow drivers to get in and out of the truck bed without struggles. One of the new features comes from General Motors, which has started integrating steps into the corners of the rear bumper. In fact, this is one of the nicest features on the redesigned 2014 GMC Sierra and could even be one of the biggest reasons why drivers look at this pickup truck. The Wall Street Journal recently cited the Sierra's new cornerstep bumper as one of the top features included on the new model. Although they are not extremely noticeable and don't take away from the overall design of the Sierra, they certainly serve their purpose. At approximately 6.5 inches lower than the top of the bumper, the step is at a good height for entering the truck bed or loading cargo. It's also big enough to accommodate anything from clunky work boots to children climbing into the truck bed, making it a suitable amenity for workers or recreational drivers. Although almost all trucks have a step in the center of the bumper, this is often put out of use due to cargo loads, lift kits or other truck modifications. For those who use the truck bed frequently or need a little extra boost to reach the heights, this step could be a huge help, and because it is still at a relatively high height, it doesn't have to get in the way of off-road driving. The 2014 GMC Sierra offers plenty of top-of-the-line features that could make it an attractive option for drivers. Electronic safety features go above and beyond to ensure drivers can avoid a collision. Some of the new additions include lane-departure alerts, vibrating truck sensors and more. All of these qualities should help to make the Sierra a more competitive vehicle in the world of trucks. This entry was posted in Automotive News on October 5, 2013 by admin. 2014 Ram 1500 named the Truck of Texas A lot of attention was paid to the State Fair of Texas Auto Show, and for good reason. The event showcased some of the newest creations throughout the auto industry, including a few of the newest models of pickup trucks. Now that the festival is drawing to a close, several of these automobiles are earning awards for their presentation as part of the show, including a few pickup trucks that will draw the attention of off-road drivers. Ram 1500 brings home the grand prize More than 60 trucks and SUVs were competing for the top prize, which was awarded by the Texas Auto Writers Association. About 40 auto writers voted on the accolades, judging the vehicles based on their on- and off-road performance. Design, capability, value and technology are just a few of the areas that are considered in the evaluations. After all was said and done, the 2014 Ram 1500 was named the Truck of Texas. The 2013 Ram 1500 also won the prestigious award last year. On top of the overall win, it was also tops in seven individual categories, including Best Powertrain, Best Technology for its new heavy-duty rear coil suspension and Best Commercial Vehicle for the 2-14 Ram Promaster. The Ram 1500 beat out competitors like the Toyota Tundra, GMC Sierra and Chevrolet Silverado - all of which were completely redesigned for the 2014 model year. Ram only received a few choice upgrades - a fact that makes the win even more impressive. Chrysler rakes in the accolades The Auto Show included more than just pickup trucks. In fact, many other models duked it out in their respective segments, including a few that may interest fans of off-road driving. For example, the Jeep Grand Cherokee was named the top SUV of Texas for the fourth straight year, and the Dodge Durango claimed the title of best Full-size SUV of Texas for the second time in three years. "The Ram, Jeep and Dodge brands from Chrysler Group clearly impressed our TAWA members at this year's event," said Michael Marrs, TAWA president. "There's no doubt that innovative powertrains, impressive designs and new technologies are paying off for these brands." This is just one of the first awards to be revealed for the 2014 model year, and if it's any indication of the future, Ram can expect to bring home some more prizes. This entry was posted in Automotive News on October 4, 2013 by admin. Jeep Grand Cherokee named one of the most improved vehicles It's not uncommon for automobiles to undergo many rounds of changes and redesigns throughout their lives. As new technologies and amenities are introduced, the models have to be updated to remain competitive, and most of the time this results in a positive evolution of vehicles. To track which of the changes were the most effective, created a list of the Top 10 Most Improved Cars Over the Past 15 Years. Each of the models included has undergone significant improvements and redesigns, with the alterations enhancing the automobile. "Sometimes changes to these cars were as simple as a fresh interior and new parts under the hood, and sometimes the outgoing model of a car was so poor that automakers gave the new version an all-new name," said Patrick Olsen, the editor-in-chief of "Regardless of why changes were made, all of these improved cars earn our seal of approval and should not be overlooked by shoppers." While many of the automobiles on the list were sedans and sports cars, a few others may stand out to the off-roading community - specifically, the 2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee, which landed in the No. 2 spot. Although praised the Grand Cherokee models from the years 2005 to 2010, the website claims the 2011 design upped the ante. Its high-quality ride and smart appearance can keep everyday drivers satisfied, while an array of extras provide plenty of amenities for more intense motorists. The Jeep Grand Cherokee was also cited as one of the best vehicles for off-road driving, with its wide range of abilities allowing drivers to be very flexible when they get behind the wheel. All of the features can still be customized with Jeep modifications to make the most out of the automobile. This entry was posted in Automotive News on October 3, 2013 by admin. Taking a look at GM's 2015 heavy-duty pickups All signs were pointing to the fact that General Motors was going to make a splash at the State Fair of Texas Auto Show, and the manufacturer certainly got things started with a bang. GM used the opening of the fair to debut its new heavy-duty versions of the Chevrolet Silverado and GMC Sierra. GM has a big reveal GM used the Auto Show's spotlight to unveil its 2015 heavy-duty pickup trucks, and it certainly succeeded in attracting attention. Fans of the brand are already excited about the possibilities of these new trucks - and that's without knowing a lot of the details. Although these models look similar to the 2015 editions the automaker previously debuted, they are a bit smaller and feature some more rugged elements that make the vehicles primed for heavy-duty work. Heavy-duty trucks account for about 25 percent of GM's pickup sales, and with the most recent round of alterations and upgrades, that number should remain consistent at the very least, The Dallas Morning Star reported. In fact, the latest truck modifications may make Silverado and Sierra two of the most sought-after vehicles on the market. The pickups will be available to the public in the first quarter of 2014. While the manufacturer hasn't released the retail prices, interested drivers can expect to hear more news about the costs and special packages in the near future. Under the hood When drivers take a look under the hood of the all-new Silverado or Sierra, they'll see an engine system that is quite similar to existing models. Each of the trucks will feature a standard six-liter V-8 engine with 360 horsepower and 380 foot-pounds of torque. Drivers will also have the option of upgrading to a diesel V-8 engine that is slated to boast 397 horsepower and 765 foot-pounds of torque. "Our engineers felt we had the best engines and transmissions in the segment, so there was no reason to change them," Lloyd Biermann, marketing manager for Chevrolet trucks, told The Dallas Morning News. GM may believe in its engines, but that didn't stop it from making a few alterations to the parts surrounding the motors to enhance efficiency. The air flow has been upgraded to offer consistent performance, and this change should also keep the system cool in even the toughest of conditions. "It is one thing to generate big power numbers in cool weather and another to maintain power and torque when towing up a long grade on a blistering summer day," Jeff Luke, executive chief engineer at Chevrolet, explained to the news source. A look at the interior and exterior Much like what's under the hood has remained relatively similar to previous models, the exterior of the GM's trucks is consistent with years past. However, changes have been made to the Chevy suspension found on each vehicle, as well as the boxed frames. A double-cab body increases the amount of room passengers have when driving. "The passion we have for trucks is reflected in every line and powerfully sculpted machines surface of the HD Chevrolet," said Tom Peters, GM's design director, in a statement. "From the dramatic sculpture of the one-piece structural bumper to its muscular hood and side profile, the design reflects a function-driven solution." Improvements didn't stop at the exterior, however. Each of the trucks has received new seats and dashboards in addition to 2 more inches of legroom, creating a more comfortable environment for everything from intense work to recreational off-roading. These heavy-duty trucks are poised to leave their mark on the auto industry, especially among people looking for an off-road vehicle that balances power and pizzazz. This entry was posted in Automotive News on September 28, 2013 by admin. Ram embraces diesel engines in light pickups Diesel-power vehicles have been making waves recently. With a lot of hype surrounded this fuel, which is more environmentally friendly than traditional gas, many manufacturers are considering the possibility of entering - or re-entering - the market. Although diesel pickup trucks were once a popular option, their availability has waned in recent years. That is expected to change with one introduction from a major manufacturer, which could kick-start a renaissance of these light-duty machines. Ram introduces a light diesel Ram is looking to bring diesel back to light-duty trucks, and it will begin with an upgraded Ram 1500 pickup featuring the diesel engine. This six-cylinder motor will be more fuel efficient for drivers, even with the more expensive cost of diesel taken into account, and machines with these engines generally offer better low-end torque and towing power than their competitors, USA Today reported. "The name of the game is making larger vehicles more relevant," Ram President Reid Bigland told the news source. "You make them more relevant by making them more fuel efficient." Ram isn't the only brand embracing diesel technologies. Nissan has already announced plans to offer a full-size Titan pickup truck with a Cummins diesel engine. This motor was originally supposed to be included in a Ram truck but expanded to the Japanese automaker when a special partnership was formed, Automobile magazine reported. Nissan is scheduled to release this model and its V-8 engine sometime in early 2014. Buyers beware Just because diesel engines present a solid option for some drivers doesn't mean they are a good selection for all motorists. They can be more expensive to maintain, and the sticker prices on trucks with these motors are often higher than traditional vehicles, which can put certain models out of the price range of some. In fact, those drivers who are planning on making several rounds of truck modifications or invest in other upgrades may find that it is not within their budget to purchase these vehicles. However, drivers looking for longevity should certainly take a look at diesel engines, as these motors may be better long-term investments. "The high compression ratio of diesel engines allows for better efficiency compared to gasoline engines," Robert Angner, department manager of advanced product planning for Mercedes-Benz, told Digital Trends. "But this high compression ratio also requires more robust parts, which in general are considered to add longevity to the life span of the engine." Off-roading advantages In addition to the improved torque and towing capacity - both of which are extremely important qualities for off-road driving - diesel engines offer a few other advantages that adventurers may appreciate. For example, saving money on long-term maintenance or replacement parts can leave more funds for truck mods and similar upgrades - something almost any driver can appreciate. While some drivers may be hesitant about the noise or pollution stemming from a diesel engine, this concern is one that can be shrugged off. Over the years, these motors have evolved into fine-tuned systems that provide a driving experience that is almost identical to traditional gas-powered vehicles. That means motorists don't have to worry about harming the wilderness they are driving through in an off-road vehicle, and they won't scare too many critters with overbearing trucks. "The stigma from diesels of the past being smelly or smoky is still a perception that needs to be overcome, but positive changes have been seen in consumer sentiment that will only continue to improve," Angner told Digital Trends. This entry was posted in Automotive News on September 26, 2013 by admin. Looking ahead to the State Fair of Texas One of the most anticipated days on the automotive calendar is just around the corner. As automakers begin showcasing their 2014 models and slowly start revealing up-and-coming options, drivers are getting ready to take in these creations, and many of these products will be on display at the State Fair of Texas. State Fair of Texas Auto Show Set against the backdrop of bustling Dallas, the State Fair of Texas is a throwback to all of the things that the state prizes: creativity, farming, larger-than-life entertainment and, of course, cars. In fact, a large portion of the fair revolves around an Auto Show, which features everything from a special Truck Zone, where big-name manufacturers show off their latest creations, to the Chevrolet Ride & Drive, where visitors can test drive one of seven new vehicles at high speeds on a specially designed track. At the main stage of the State Fair Auto Show, visitors will be able to get an up-close look at concept vehicles, new models, vintage cars and much more. This is just the tip of the iceberg, however, as the fair packs in many other displays and activities for auto enthusiasts, following in a tradition set more than 100 years ago. The State Fair of Texas has been debuting new vehicles since 1904, but the format that visitors have come to know and love has been set in stone since the early 1950s. Today, the Auto Show at the State Fair of Texas is spread out over 300,000 square feet - more than triple of what it was less than 25 years ago. It also features multiple buildings, an outdoor showroom and live entertainment. This year, the Auto Show is scheduled to run from Friday, Sept. 27, to Sunday, Oct. 20. The facilities will be open to the public from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays through Thursdays and 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays. What to expect There are a number of big events happening as part of the fair's Auto Show, and several of the biggest truck makers in the world are expected to make reveals. No official confirmation has been released, but there has been a lot of talk about major news coming from General Motors. This may be anything from significant off-roading upgrades to its heavy-duty trucks to new trim packages for its existing models, but drivers won't know for sure until the fair sets up shop. reported that there were rumors about a large Toyota display, which would tie into a major announcement from the brand. Although the news is being kept hush-hush, many are speculating that it could be an extreme-sports upgrade for some Toyota truck models that would prime the vehicle for off-road driving. Others think it could be improvements to the Baja Toyota. No matter what, the display is sure to be a must-see for motorists. Ford is also expected to unveil updates for its 6.7-liter Power Stroke. A refreshed version of this super-duty truck may even be a preview of the much-anticipated 2015 model, Left Lane News reported. The best of the rest Automobiles are only part of the exciting events on tap for the State Fair of Texas. Since 1886, the fair has been delighting visitors with college football games, concerts, livestock shows, agriculture competitions and much more. While the Auto Show is extremely popular, it is only one slice of the action, and guests who want to check out the car displays or truck announcement can fill their time with plenty of other fun activities. This entry was posted in Automotive News on September 25, 2013 by admin. Toyota reaches milestone as it churns out trucks Toyota trucks recently celebrated a major milestone in Texas. Toyota Texas, the brand's division in the Lone Star State, marked the production of its 1 millionth truck at the San Antonio plant - a major accomplishment for the automaker. The millionth model was a 2014 Tundra 1794 Edition - a special model created in honor of the ranch that once stood where the Texas plant currently resides. That ranch was founded in 1794, and another homage to the area is present in the Sunset Bronze Mica paint, which was designed to mimic the sky at twilight in the location. Toyota will soon be celebrating another milestone at the Texas plant. This fall marks the plant's 10th anniversary, and almost its entire decade of existence has been spent creating the light- and heavy-duty trucks for American consumers. "We are grateful for our loyal customers across North America who tell us they love driving Texas-built Tacomas and Tundras," said Chris Nielsen, president of Toyota Texas. "It makes me incredibly proud of our team members and 21 on-site suppliers every time I see one of our trucks on the road knowing that safety and quality are built into every one of them." Although brands like Ford, Ram and Chevrolet regularly produce thousands and even millions of pickups, slower demand has left Toyota a bit behind. As new redesigns and truck mods continue to make the Japanese automaker's vehicles better suited for off-road driving, however, the market for these automobiles could continue to grow. According to Bloomberg, the brand is content to slowly but surely grow its reputation and product offerings within the pickup truck segment as it moves from a provider of niche trucks to a more universally embraced option. This entry was posted in Automotive News on September 23, 2013 by admin. Ram Rumble Bee truck may head to showrooms Ram made headlines at the 2013 Woodward Dream Cruise in suburban Detroit thanks to an eye-catching reveal. The automaker unveiled a bright yellow concept truck called the Ram 1500 Rumble Bee, and after the color and features of the pickup got people talking, Ram began to consider the feasibility of sending the automobile to showrooms around the U.S. Although there are still many steps to be cleared before the truck can take its place on showroom floors, fans of unique truck modifications and attention-grabbing details will definitely be keeping an eye on the Rumble Bee. Heading to showrooms? Before the final decision is made on whether or not the Ram 1500 Rumble Bee will hit the open market, versions of the vehicle will head to dealer shows to gauge interest in the truck. If the feedback continues to be positive, Ram could begin taking steps to produce the truck on a wider level. "We will take it to some dealer shows and talk to dealers," Dave Sowers, head of light- and heavy-duty marketing for Ram Truck, told "We try to listen to the dealers. They know their marketplace." The truck mods that would be needed to turn the Rumble Bee into a prime on- or off-road vehicle are still unknown, but the possibilities for a one-of-a-kind automobile are endless. Changes to the Rumble Bee The original version of the Ram 1500 Rumble Bee had a number of special features that make it attractive to drivers. With 24-inch black wheels, a two-inch suspension drop and matte yellow paint, it is hard to miss the truck, but these are only a few of the exterior details that may have to change for the Rumble Bee to be a viable option for the public. AutoBlog reported that the paint job would likely be altered to include a glossier, more subdued color, while the amber-encased bee on the shifter is likely to be left out of a mass-produced vehicle. "Some of the things that we put on the truck weren't volume-production possible for us," Sowers told "That flat yellow paint would be a little bit of a challenge in the plant, and the actual bee in the shifter would be tough to execute." Despite these changes, all signs point to the final product including the eight-speed transmission, 5.7-liter Hemi V8 engine and show-stopping details that drew so much attention in the first place. This entry was posted in Automotive News on September 23, 2013 by admin. GM ready to build off-road SUV Savvy drivers know they can make truck and Jeep modifications to almost any vehicle that will cater the machine to off-roading. However, some motorists want to be able to buy automobiles that come equipped with features and design characteristics that are ideal for off-highway driving. This can be difficult, but a recent announcement from General Motors could change the way drivers go about looking for their next off-roading machine. Rumblings of an off-road vehicle GM unveiled several redesigned models at the Frankfurt Auto Show early in September, and there are rumors that the manufacturer is already considering revamping these options to include an off-road model. The speculation reached a fever pitch when one GM executive confirmed that the automaker was looking into the possibilities, although no timeline or details have been confirmed. "We are looking at, for this generation, a more off-road variant," Jeff Luke, the executive chief engineer for GM trucks, told Automotive News. "Owners just love off-roading with these vehicles. They look at this vehicle as more off-road capable." Some of the potential improvements could include enhancing the range of GM's body-on-frame SUVs as well as a more powerful engine and rugged style. GM's plans While much of the attention from fans of off-roading will likely be focused on the potential for specially designed off-road vehicles, any final plans are still far in the future. In the meantime, many drivers will have their eyes on some of the creations GM has in the pipeline. The 2015 versions of the Chevrolet Tahoe, Chevrolet Suburban and GMC Yukon are all slated to offer drivers a solid option in the near future, and they boast a few special features that may make off-roading easier. In the past, GM has offered an off-road package known as the Z71 for these large SUVs. Although this option includes upgraded shocks, bigger wheels and wheel flares, all of which are designed to improve the off-road experience, it has not caught on with drivers. The manufacturer hopes that making a few key changes and enhancements will create a unique off-road vehicle that will attract more fans of the pastime. "In the life cycle of this product, we're going to continually upgrade and add technologies, including in the powertrain area," Luke told the news source. "... Stay tuned." This entry was posted in Automotive News on September 23, 2013 by admin. NEW: 30" Single Row LED NEW: 2" Flush Mount LED Lights NEW: 50" Single Row Curved LED NEW: 50" Single Row Straight CREE LED Light NEW: 30" Dual Row Cree LED Automotive News Jeep Modifications New Products Offroading Truck Modifications Subscribe
1962 Chevy Bel Air - Under The Influence What Happens When Street Rods Influence Classic Musclecars... Shane Reichardt Lately it seems that all street rods are powered by Chevy engines within Ford bodies. Die-hard Chevy enthusiasts don't seem to think that's the way it should be. In the last few years there has been a strong trend towards turning '50s and '60s musclecars into street rod style machines. It's a refreshing trend that has seen many people pushing the envelope.One such muscle-rod builder is Jim Ward, of Seaside, California. Jim was already a little against the grain when he built his '34 five-window Chevy street rod (many of his buddies were cruising '32 deuce coupes and other early Blue Oval rods). When Jim showed up with his awesome '62 Bel Air, people didn't know how to class it. It wasn't a restoration (though it still had the classic styling). It wasn't a brute musclecar (but it has plenty of power). And it doesn't fall into the street rod category, as that designation has been reserved for pre-'49 vehicles. 2/6 When Jim set out to find a classic Chevy project car he talked to a local farmer who was selling a '61 Impala. While they were looking over the car, the man mentioned that he also had a '62 Bel Air for sale. Jim bought both and carted them home. The '62 was a numbers matching 327, four-speed car. Jim came to like the idea of building the '62 better than the '61. After a week of driving the '62 the decision was made; Jim sold off the Impala and went to work on the Bel Air. 3/6 From the get-go Jim envisioned a rod-style cruiser with modern power and all the luxuries his '62 lacked when it came with from the factory. Work was begun on a frame-off project. While the body was worked smooth, the frame was modified to accept a stock LS1 engine and 4L60E transmission from a '98 Camaro (which was wrecked with only 2,800 miles on it). The engine and transmission were installed and removed seven times before Ji
Frontal Lobotomy Retrofitting a '54 Chevy with RB's Affordable IFS How many times can you beat a dead horse? Well, if it's dead, the horse isn't going to put up much of a fight, and as long as its carcass is still beatable, well... Anyway, the point is, even though Mustang II-based IFS installations have been shown in practically every form possible, there's always going to be some new twist. Although what we're about to document might not affect a lot of readers, it is a serious situation and needs to be addressed.With the advent of airbag-assisted suspensions in the last decade, shops have popped up all across the country that "specialize" in custom suspension work. Unfortunately, not all of them are properly versed in the modification of early components, let alone the adaptation of modern updates. Eager shops don't let this deter them from taking on such jobs, and the results are not always pretty. What we stumbled across recently is a perfect example of a lot of enthusiasm coupled with lack of knowledge, ultimately resulting in a practically undriveable situation. Without getting into too many details, '49-54 Chevy frontends are supposed to unbolt from the framerails and literally come off in one piece--the '54 Bel Air in question required a day's worth of torching to remove the remains of the stock crossmember and various parts. A previous hydraulic job was replaced by airbags, which subsequently failed, and an attempt (or two) was made to repair, making things worse. The only thing to do at this point was to strip it down to bare framerails--but that's where another problem arose. So much welding had been done in the past that portions of the framerails were literally gone, and any attempt at getting a Mustang II crossmember to fit properly would require more work than anyone in their right mind would undertake. The solution: RB's Obsolete Automotive's Serious Hardware MII kit installed by Brian Jendro and the crew at Temecula Rods & Customs.RB's kit was chosen mainly for the fact that it's a foolproof, bolt-in package, and the research taken to devise the kit could be used to reconstruct the Chevy's framerails. Plus, the fact that it's a tested and proven alternative to early suspensions makes it obvious why this was the right choice. Brian and his new shop were chosen because of the amount of experience and talent they possess. Back in 1994, Jendro did what is believed to be the first airbag system on a non-mini/sport truck, and it just happened to be a '54 Chevy. Since then, he's mastered his skills on adjustable-height suspensions on all types of vehicles. So, suffice it to say, nobody was going into this procedure with blinders on. As you will see, it's a lengthy and involved job (which is why it's being run in two parts, the second focusing on the adaptation of the airbags), but the results are amazing, especially considering that the framerails had to be rebuilt before a "bolt-in" kit could even be test fit.Basically, the moral of the story is the fabled "don't judge a book by its cover." If a shop boasts complete airbag systems at a discount, don't believe the hype without seeing some previous work. Spend the extra couple bucks in the beginning so that you don't end up shelling out two- or three-times what you might have spent in the first place. It pays to have things done properly, even if you have to pay more than intended. Follow along as Temecula Rods & Customs performs a frontal lobotomy with RB's Obsolete upgrade Mustang II IFS system. 4 Temecula Rods & Customs began the '54 Chevy's frontal lobotomy by removing the entire front sheetmetal clip, ultimately making future chores much easier.
Whose cars? Bond's, James Bond's VILLAIN AND HIS PIECE: Zukovsky’s Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow II . James Bond's DB5 sold for R32.2m 007's DB5 up for auction James Bond fan? Car fan? Then hear this: 50 James Bond movie vehicles will be on show in a 'Bond in Motion' event at the Beaulieu motor museum in the UK in 2012.The exhibition, which will open on January 17 and run for the whole year, is claiming to be the biggest of its kind staged anywhere in the world and will focus on "the best-loved and most iconic" Bond vehicles to celebrate 50 years of 007 movies.LETHAL SURFBOARDAmong the vehicles now being delivered for the exhibition are a number that have never been seen in public, among them the Ford Mustang Mach 1 from 'Diamonds Are Forever', villain Zukovsky’s Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow II from 'The World Is Not Enough' and the vintage 1962 Rolls-Royce pushed into a lake by May Day and Zorin with Bond still inside, in 'A View to a Kill'. Other exhibits will include the ‘Burial-At-Sea Bed’ from 'You Only Live Twice', the Union Jack parachute which villain Gustav Graves used when he landed on The Mall on London and the surfboard with concealed weapons and ammunition from 'Die Another Day'.Also on display will be the Casino Royale Skyfleet S570 model, based on a Boeing 747, and original 'Pig' from 'The Living Daylights' that was used to smuggle Koskov across the border through the Siberian pipeline.2012 will also be the 40th anniversary of Beaulieu’s world-famous National Motor Museum, a fitting year to be hosting a major car exhibition with some of the most recognised vehicles from the Bond movies. NEXT ON WHEELS24X
Ed Justice Jr.'s perfect car-guy childhood led him here Ed Justice Jr. had a famous dad named Ed Sr. and two famous uncles, Zeke and Gus: the siblings who ran the Justice Brothers lubricant company. Photo by Kirk Saylin Ed Justice Jr. had a famous dad named Ed Sr. and two famous uncles, Zeke and Gus: the siblings who made up the Justice Brothers lubricant company. It seemed to then-young Ed Jr., who now runs said company, that his dad and uncles knew and sponsored everyone in racing. He wasn't too far off. Justice Brothers was a business that had its products, sponsorship and “JB” stickers prominently featured in almost every facet of motorsports. And, indeed, they just about were everywhere—Justice Brothers sponsored Johnnie Parsons when he won the Indy 500, as well as the Granatelli brothers at Indy; they gave “Big Daddy” Don Garlits his first full-season sponsorship, a whopping $1,000 for the year. The list and the sticker placements go on and on, with the company's influence enduring to this day. “Frank Kurtis used to come by our office all the time,” Justice said of the famed race-car designer. “[Two-time Indy 500 champ] Rodger Ward worked for us for a while. Johnnie Parsons worked for us—all these people from all forms of racing.”It was into this business that Ed Justice, Jr. was born. Right away, he was drawn to it. Most weekends growing up, Ed Jr. was at a racetrack with his dad. “You don't realize it as a kid. Then you get to a certain age and you realize, 'Hey, that was cool!' “Justice spent so much time at racetracks, he started a lifetime passion for motorsports photography, first just to have something to do at the tracks, then to make money. He has had work published in almost every U.S. racing magazine. When he was in high school, he had a racing column—not in the school newspaper, but in National Dragster. “Ascot, Lions [drag strip], Pomona, Ontario, Riverside—I shot it all,” said Justice, who has published three books, too. But it hasn't been all play. Not too long after adulthood hit, Justice began running the family business. When he took the helm, Justice expanded a catalog of 13 Justice Brothers products to more than 100. The business now has about 100 employees, and “thousands” of reps sell JB lubricants around the world. At company headquarters in Duarte, Calif., is a sprawling museum packed with race cars of all description, though the Kurtis Kraft midgets Uncle Zeke built seem to be favorites. The place represents two generations of family motorsports—so far. Justice's dad and uncles passed away several years ago. The museum serves as a perfectly fitting memorial to their life's work.“Now that they're gone, it's a tribute to them,” said Ed.The museum is open to the public for free, sort of a way to thank the motorsports fans and the racers for all they've meant to the family.“I've been very, very blessed to be born into this family,” said Justice. “I really, really do love this.” Mark Vaughn - After slumming in Europe five years covering F1 etc. Mark Vaughn interviewed with Autoweek at the 1989 Frankfurt motor show has been with us ever since because no one else will take him. Anyone? See more by this author» See MoreCar Life Car Life, Car News, Photo, Authors, Mark Vaughn
Archive for the ‘Pebble Beach’ tag Drogo-bodied Ferrari 330 GT Navarro Special heads to auction with 127 comments 1966 Ferrari 330 GT Navarro Special. Photo by Mike Maez, courtesy Gooding & Company. Ferraris, by design, are exclusive automobiles, meant to appeal to (almost) all, yet remain beyond the reach of most enthusiast buyers. A great deal of thought has always gone into their styling, but even this exclusivity and refinement isn’t enough for some. Italian nightclub owner Norbert Navarro wasn’t pleased with the conservative styling of the 1966 Ferrari 330 GT 2+2, so he penned a design of his own and commissioned Carrozzeria Sports Cars in Modena, Italy, to produce it. The result was the unconventional 1966 Ferrari 330 GT Navarro Special, which heads to auction next month at Pebble Beach. Navarro’s car is known by a series of names, including the “Golden Car,” both for its paint and for its side logo; the “Ferrari 330 GT 2+2 Speciale,” perhaps the car’s most generic name; and the “Navarro Special NART,” for its later association with American Ferrari importer Luigi Chinetti. Though the body may differ radically from a stock 1966 Ferrari 330 GT 2+2, under the skin the two cars are virtually identical. Power comes from a 4.0-liter V-12, rated at 300 horsepower and mated to a five-speed manual transmission. Layout was front engine, rear drive, and a live axle was used in the rear instead of a fully independent suspension. Disc brakes were fitted to all four corners, ensuring that 330 models could scrub off speed as quickly as they could generate it. The body of the 1966 Ferrari 330 GT Navarro Special has generated more than a bit of controversy over the years, with some questioning why Piero Drogo’s shop, Carrozzeria Sports Cars, would even undertake such a project. Drogo died in a 1973 car accident, so his ultimate motivation is lost to history, but it likely comes down to this: As a small coachbuilder, it’s never wise to turn away business. Drogo’s firm had experience creating new bodies for other Ferrari models, the most renowned of which is likely the 1962 Ferrari 250 GT “Breadvan,” which was designed by Bizzarini but built by Drogo. As for the 330 GT Navarro Special, its over-the-top styling and odd proportions effectively accomplished the mission of making the car stand out from the crowd. Details like the exaggerated rear fins, pronounced front and rear overhangs and broad grille were meant to attract attention, something that the original Ferrari 330 GT 2+2 was not particularly good at. The Navarro Special’s sheer size caught the eye of U.S. importer Luigi Chinetti, who quickly struck a deal with Navarro to purchase the car. Certain its bulk and unusual lines would capture the imagination of potential U.S. buyers, Chinetti imported the car to America, where it passed through a string of owners in the ensuing decades. At one point its gold paint was changed to red, and the Ferrari reportedly fell into a state of disrepair until acquired by its current owner. Now restored to its former glory, Gooding expects the one-off Ferrari to draw a winning bid between $400,000 and $600,000. Gooding & Company’s Pebble Beach sale will take place August 16-17 at the Pebble Beach Equestrian Center. For additional details, visit Written by Kurt Ernst Jul 7th, 2014 at 8am Posted in auctions,coachbuilt cars,Hemmings Daily,Hemmings Sports & Exotic Car,spotlight Tagged with Carrozzeria Drogo, Ferrari, Ferrari 330 GT, Ferrari 330 GT Navarro Special, Gooding & Company, Italian cars, Monterey 2014, Norbert Navarro, Pebble Beach, Sixties Fifth production Shelby Cobra to cross the block in Monterey 1962 Shelby 260 Cobra. Photos by Brian Henniker, courtesy Gooding & Company, unless otherwise indicated. In the early days of Cobra production, back when a Ford V-8 with a two-barrel carburetor was the engine of choice, Carroll Shelby couldn’t afford to have dissatisfied customers. Had CSX2005 not broken down on its first owner’s cross-country trip, the car would never have starred in Ronald Reagan’s last big-screen movie, and stars like James Garner (and potentially Steve McQueen) may never have wheeled the car around Riverside courtesy of the Carroll Shelby School of High Performance Driving. History, however, scripted things differently, and when the 1962 Shelby 260 Cobra carrying chassis number CSX2005 crosses the stage this August in Pebble Beach, the fifth Cobra built brings with it a very interesting history. Billed to Shelby American in July 1962, the white with red-interior Cobra was first sold to Richard Neil Jr. in August 1963. On a cross-country trip from Massachusetts to California, Neil experienced trouble with the car, prompting him to petition Shelby for a trade-in, to be applied to a 289 Cobra. A deal was struck, leaving Shelby American with CSX2005 in its inventory, at a time when demand for 289 Cobras (but not necessarily 260 Cobras) was growing. Always an opportunist, Shelby agreed to loan CSX2005 to Universal Pictures, which was looking for a sports car to feature in an upcoming release starring Ronald Reagan. CSX2005 in The Killers, painted black for its starring role. Photo courtesy The Killers, a film adaptation of the Ernest Hemingway short story bearing the same name, was released in 1964, and it turned out to be Ronald Reagan’s last movie before his change in careers. Painted black for its starring role and carrying the number 98 in its meatball, CSX2005 gets a fair amount of screen time in the movie, though it’s unclear if such exposure helped to drive Cobra sales in any noticeable manner. Following filming, the car was returned in other-than-pristine condition to Shelby American, prompting the company to invoice Universal Studios $397.50 for repair of the car. A few months later, in June of 1964, it was sold (on paper, anyway) as a used car to the Carroll Shelby School of High Performance Driving. Prior to its debut as a school car (one of only a handful used in student instruction), CSX2005 was sprayed in bright metallic blue, fitted with a black interior and appointed with a capital “T” in a white meatball, denoting that the car was a trainer (and advising other drivers at Riverside to give the car a wider than usual berth). The number 98 has confused some into thinking the car is CSX2136; note the red interior. Photo courtesy Though a comprehensive listing of every student driver to grace its seat was never compiled, it’s known that actor James Garner took laps at Riverside in the car, and it’s suspected that Steve McQueen did the same. Carroll Shelby himself verbally confirmed this to CSX2005′s current owner (a private Southern California collector who also owns a pair of 289 Cobras and a 427 Cobra), advising that McQueen was on hand for a school event reserved for Shelby American employees and close friends. As one of the few Cobras used by the school, it’s almost certain that any students passing through its doors from mid-1965 until CSX2005′s eventual retirement would have driven the car, and likely driven it hard. Following the car’s retirement from driving school duty, it eventually fell into the the hands of Don Bell, and was once again finished in black. Bell owned the car until 2010, when it was acquired by its current owner via a deal brokered through Cobra expert Lynn Park. Purchased complete, but not in running order, research on the car’s history began immediately, and when CSX2005 was identified as the “driving school Cobra,” its restoration path became clear. Mike McCluskey was entrusted with the work, and every effort was made to return the car, still with its original V-8, to the same condition it was in when rolled out for the school at Riverside. The restoration was completed in 2012, and the car debuted at the 2012 San Marino Motor Classic,
Compare Auto Repair Shops Repair ServiceCustomer Service Destroyed wife's engine & lied about installing rebuilt engine! WOODBURY, NEW JERSEY -- On 1/28/14 I took my wife's 2003 Toyota Camry to the Meineke located in Woodbury, NJ for an oil change. For the scheduling and payment, I dealt with an individual by the name of "Will". After payment, I drove back to our apartment and right before I parked, I noticed the "Check Engine" light had come on and there was a slight "tapping" sound coming from the engine. I told my wife about it and she said it would be best to go back to the Meineke to have them check it. About 200ft. before the Meineke there was a red light. I stopped and the car began to violently shake and the "tapping" sound quickly became a "loud knocking" sound. I pulled in and spoke to "Will" and told him what was going on. He went to pull her car into one of the bays and the car died out. He asked a few of the mechanics there to help him push the car into the bay so he could inspect it. Once on the lift, he called my wife and I into the shop area and told us that they had installed a "defective" oil filter and that her engine was blown! My wife became extremely upset and began to take an asthma attack and I had to try my best to calm her down because she did not have her inhaler on her. "Will" told me to tell her that they will "do the right thing" and replace her engine free of charge. My wife and I insisted that at the very least, they must install a "rebuilt" engine with a warranty. He said he was not sure if he could do that. Once we went back to our apartment, my wife called Meineke Corporate and told them what had happened and demanded that they install a "rebuilt" engine with a warranty. She spoke to a CSR by the name of "Ellias". He said that her request was extremely reasonable and that he would contact the Woodbury Meineke and tell him to honor the request. "Ellias" called my wife back and told her they would install a "rebuilt" engine with a warranty. About 2 weeks later, the Woodbury Meineke called us and said that her car was ready. Once there, we spoke to someone named "Steve" and he said that he personally took care of everything and had ordered a "rebuilt" engine from a company called "ITC". He said that if we had any problems whatsoever, to take her car back to Meineke and her would personally take care of it. About 5 days later, the "Check Engine" light came on again. We took it back to Meineke and "Steve" said that he would take a look at it. He called us up and said that there was just a simple "communication" problem between the catalytic converter and the engine and all he had to do was "reset the soft light" and everything would be fine. He asked if he could keep the car for a few days to test drive it to make sure that the "Check Engine" light would not come back on and that everything else was OK. My wife agreed and we picked her car up 3 days later. Everything seemed fine with the first. 3 weeks afterwards; on my wife's birthday no less; the "Check Engine" light went off again. We took it back to the Woodbury Meineke to find out that they now have a new owner, new management, and all new mechanics. No one that was working there now was there when we had taken the car for the initial oil change or when we brought the car back after the "rebuilt" engine was installed. The new manager; "Jim"; had no idea what we had gone through, but we explained everything to him. He said he would inspect the car to see what the problem was. He called my wife and told her that she would need a new catalytic converter. My wife and I were sure that the "rebuilt" engine had something to do with the catalytic converter going bad. My wife called Meineke Corporate and asked to speak to "Ellias". She was told that "Ellias" no longer works there and spoke to an extremely rude CSR that would not let my wife explain anything or get a word in edgewise. My wife told the CSR everything that had happened to her car and that she was sure that the "rebuilt" engine was the cause of the catalytic converter going bad. The CSR told my wife that her warranty was only on her engine and that there was no way that would have made the catalytic converter go bad. My wife had become extremely frustrated with this CSR and told her that we would contact a lawyer. The CSR told my wife that if she did that, she would "erase all records of all of her phone calls and complaints!" The next day; "Jim"; the new manager of the Woodbury Meineke; called my wife. He said he wanted to try to find out any information he could about the "rebuilt" engine that was installed. He told my wife that it was not a "rebuilt" engine. He said that it was a "used engine from a junkyard"!!! My wife and I have gone through so much since the economy went down the drain. We both lost our jobs, we lost our home, and have gone through bankruptcy. I am back to work now, but my wife is still unemployed and needed her car to look for a job because I can not afford everything. We are in an apartment now and are falling back further and further in debt. We don't know what to do now. We can not afford a lawyer unless we can find a pro-bono lawyer or possibly a lawyer that would handle our case on a contingency basis and add all of their charges and fees to the total amount my wife and I are seeking. We gave Meineke one shot to "do the right thing" and they did not and lied to us! The only way I can see them doing "the right thing" at this point in time would be to cut my wife a check for the entire amount that she has paid to Toyota. I have heard that the best we could hope for would be "Blue Book" value, but we will not be able to get a car as reliable as her's was with that value. Besides, none of this would have ever happened if they just recognized the defective oil filter BEFORE they put it on. Are they any lawyers that would be willing to take on this case as described earlier? Either by pro-bono or on a contingency basis? Someone.....anyone?
Dennis Adler Dennis Adler is the editor in chief of Car Collector magazine and consultant/historian/author for four publishers and organizations, including senior contributing editor of The Star -- the offi cial publication of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America. He serves on the Meadow Brook Concours d'Elegance Selection Committee and as a chief class judge at the Meadow Brook and Amelia Island Concours d'Elegance. He is a noted portraitist of automotive collectors and their collections and is the author of twenty automotive books, including The Art of the Sports Car and The Art of the Automobile (Collins). He lives in western Pennsylvania. *This is a promotional service of HarperCollins Publishers, 195 Broadway, New York, NY 10007, providing information about the products of HarperCollins and its affiliates. By submitting your email address, you understand that you will receive email communications from Bookperk and other HarperCollins services. You may unsubscribe from these email communications at any time. If you have any questions, please review our privacy policy or email us at Works by Dennis Adler
Powersports Business > Features > Feb. 9, 2009 – Addressing the impacts of an award-winning brake system Feb. 9, 2009 – Addressing the impacts of an award-winning brake system February 11, 2009 Filed under Features By Jeff Hemmel The U.S. Coast Guard Office of Auxiliary and Boating Safety has confirmed it will be presenting BRP with its Boating Safety Award for the braking component of the company’s new iBr (Intelligent Brake And Reverse) system. Scheduled to be presented at the forthcoming Miami Boat Show, the award will be given to BRP for “its commitment to improving boating safety through the introduction of an industry-first electronically controlled hand-braking system” on two of the company’s 2009 models. Marketing Or Technology? While some industry observers will note that braking by way of the reverse bucket is nothing new, Sea-Doo’s attempt to control that function via computer is certainly newsworthy. Pull the reverse on a normal PWC at cruising speeds and the results are unpredictable at best. Typically the bow dives suddenly, creating a wall of water that quickly soaks driver and passenger. In the worse-case scenario, that sudden halt of forward motion could even launch the driver over the bow. Even if you could control the craft, Coast Guard officials argue that dropping the bucket is next to impossible at higher speeds. “You can’t pull the reverse bucket at 50 mph,” contended Phil Cappel, chief of the Recreational Boating Product Assurance Branch for the USCG. “This thing is done through hydraulics. It’s much more sophisticated than that.” How sophisticated? Here’s the Cliff Notes version. First, an onboard computer — iControl — is factored into the mix. Pull the reverse lever, and the first thing that onboard brain does is momentarily limit the force of water funneling through the pump. This allows the reverse gate to drop rapidly into position without excessive force. Once fully deployed, that same computer brain then resumes the flow of water through the pump, where it is then carefully directed through outlets in the reverse gate. Thrust is redirected forward, and the craft slows rapidly in the water. Yes, you can still get wet if you hammer the lever at full speed. The amount of force through the pump, however, is controlled by the position of the reverse lever. Just like a driver wouldn’t slam on his brakes full force in a car, Sea-Doo operators learn to feather the reverse lever, applying it quickly to rapidly slow the craft, then releasing some of the pressure before the nose dives and the soaking begins. Most early testers have found it to be a system that is very intuitive to learn, and quite effective in operation. “They actually had the setup with the cones that the Society of Automobile Engineers developed for testing off-throttle steering,” noted Cappel of the Coasties test of the system. “With the brake, you didn’t even get into the course. You avoided the whole thing by about 50 feet; you never even got up to the first buoy. If you applied the brakes and turned, it was remarkable.” Sea-Doo’s newly introduced suspension also was considered key to the system. “If you didn’t have something to level you off, it might throw you out over the handlebars,” suggested Cappel. A Brake From The Past? So yes, the system is more than marketing hype. But as to current industry rumors — that since the system is a safety advancement, Sea-Doo will be forced to now add the system to any new model and be compelled to share the technology with its competition lest they open themselves up to a liability issue — Cappel says no on both fronts. “That’s not true, but that’s always the risk the manufacturer takes,” said Cappel. “It’s a damned if you do, damned if you don’t. They (BRP) are planning to introduce it onto the other models, but they have to start somewhere; they can’t just do the whole line at once. “That was the Honda case (Editor’s note: Geier et al v. American Honda Motor Co., Inc., et al, 1999). Where Honda had the technology for air bags, but was sued for not having them on a vehicle. Just because you have the capability, doesn’t mean you have to do it.” Already, however, it appears others might potentially profit from the positive buzz Sea-Doo has received. Currently, Florida-based PWC Industries is shopping a patent dealing with a hand-actuated braking system for PWC. In fact, a member of Cappel’s staff was actually in Florida testing the product at the time of this interview. That system uses a mechanical lever-cable combo to deploy twin flaps mounted to a PWC transom. Though Cappel notes the system is not nearly as sophisticated as the Sea-Doo “intelligent brake,” clearly the Coast Guard is growing increasingly interested in the possibilities. “I think the pressure is definitely on the other manufacturers,” acknowledged Cappel. “We’re trying to help that out by giving BRP this award. “We’re basically saying, ‘Come on guys, these people did it. You can too.’”
Don�t be alarmed if you see a cute little car that looks like a helicopter without propeller blades buzzing quietly around campus. It is probably the latest research specimen of the engineering department�an environmentally friendly electric car, known as a GEM, that was donated to the College by The Christopher Cutler Rich Memorial Trust. The GEM, which stands for Global Electric Motorcar, is manufactured by Chrysler and is among the industry leaders in the emerging environmentally-friendly transportation industry. Available in a variety of models, Trinity�s GEM is a two-seat, front-wheel-drive vehicle that is powered by six 12-volt deep cycle batteries. It can travel up to 30 miles on a single charge and can be made street legal for roads up to 35 mph. According to Chris Wynschenk, engineering technician, the GEM has great research potential. �We don�t have any plans in the works yet,� he says, �because everyone in the department is busy with other things. But there are a lot of things we�ll be able to do with it in the future. It could be a model for alternative fuel or solar power conversion research, or maybe we can look into turning it into an autonomous robot that could automatically drive a person to a predetermined destination. The research possibilities are limitless.� back to top Return to eQuad table of contents
Salvation Army needs cars for auto auction to fund rehab program By: Hope Jensen Email Updated: Thu 3:08 PM, May 09, 2013 By: Hope Jensen Email Home / Article The Salvation Army is looking for 10 more cars for the auction on June 1. The cars do not have to run and free pickup is offered. If you'd like to donate, contact the auction coordinator at (706) 826-7933 or visit for more information. News 12 at 11 o'clock / Wednesday, May 9th, 2013 AUGUSTA, Ga. (WRDW) -- It's a lifetime battle that affects millions of people every day. Chances are, you know someone fighting a drug or alcohol addiction right now. "I function real well, then I cycle back out then before I know it, I've lost my apartment, I've lost my car, and then I'm on the street," said Marty Rose, who has been fighting an alcohol addiction for 16 years. After three years sober, he fell on hard times and ended up at the Salvation Army's drug and alcohol rehabilitation program. "This gives us hope that there's more to life than what we've been living with," he said. The program is a nine-month intensive work therapy that helps 24 men at a time. "It's a chance to regain not only what I had but to get a vision of what I have," Rose said. It's funded by quarterly auto auctions, but this quarter they don't have enough cars. With just three weeks left until the auction, they say this yard is usually bumper to bumper with cars, but as of Wednesday, there are still a lot of spaces that need to be filled. "[We're] never this low this far away from the auction, so you know, [we're] a little panicky," said Capt. Tony Perez, area coordinator for the Salvation Army. Each year they set a budget necessary to keep the program going. "We don't want to cut anyone out of the program and that could potentially happen if we don't have the funds that we need to raise," Perez said. He says they've never had to do that and hope they never have to. So they're reaching out for help, asking for cars to help fill the yard. "Every car that we see that's in this place represents a life that could be changed," Perez said. A life like Rose's and the people he lives with every day. "I think about the Titanic when it went down and those people who were destined to meet in those lifeboats and that's what this is for us. For me, it's a lifeboat," Rose said. Right now they are asking for just 10 more cars for the auction on June 1. They say that will keep the program running the way it is now. The cars do not have to run, and the Salvation Army offers free pickup.
Archive for the ‘Scaglietti’ tag For first time ever, a Ferrari wins Best of Show at Pebble Beach Photo by Jeff Koch. Everything’s coming up Maranello thoroughbreds at Monterey this year. First, a Ferrari takes the world auction record Thursday night, setting the vanguard for at least a couple of other eight-figure Ferrari sales around the peninsula. Then on Sunday afternoon, to cap the weekend, a 1954 Ferrari 375 MM Scaglietti coupe takes Best of Show at the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, making it the first Ferrari to win the car world’s top honor. The 375 MM, chassis number 0402 AM, started out as a Pinin Farina-bodied spider when its first owner, Italian film director Roberto Rossellini bought it, but when Rossellini ran the spider into a tree about a year after buying it, Sergio Scaglietti got the nod to rebody it as a coupe. Though Scaglietti had worked with Ferrari on racing cars in the years prior, this would be his first shot at a road car for Ferrari. Scaglietti decided to form the aluminum panels over a metal lattice work, taking a year to finish the one-off body. Rossellini then kept the coupe, now painted gray, but still powered by its 330-hp 4,522-cc V-12, until the mid-1960s. It then passed through at least a couple of owners in Italy and France over the next few decades, eventually falling into disrepair and suffering from a half-hearted attempt to restore it, until current owner Jon Shirley of Medina, Washington, bought it in the mid-1990s and commissioned a full restoration. He then debuted the freshly restored car at the Ferrari Club of America’s meet in 1998 before presenting it at that year’s Pebble Beach concours, taking first in class and reportedly coming within a hair’s breadth of Best of Show that year. In the intervening years, he did come back to Pebble and take the top prize – in 2008 with a Touring-bodied 1938 Alfa Romeo 8C 2900B Berlinetta – but this year returned to complete what he started with 0402 AM more than 15 years ago. The coupe again took Best in Class this year in the Ferrari Grand Touring class on its way to the overall win. Not only does the win represent the first for a Ferrari in the history of the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, it also represents the first win for a postwar car since 1968 – when a 1964 Maserati Mistral coupe won Best of Show – and only the second win for a postwar car since the concours began recognizing prewar cars in 1955. To win Best of Show, the 375 MM beat out a 1934 Packard Twelve Dietrich Convertible Victoria owned by Frank Ricciardelli of Sarasota, Florida; a 1934 Hispano-Suiza J12 Fernandez et Darrin Coupé de Ville owned by Robert M Lee of Reno, Nevada; and a 1937 Rolls-Royce Phantom III Vanvooren Sports Cabriolet owned by Lord Bamford of Gloucestershire, England. Kurt Ernst contributed to this story. Written by Daniel Strohl Aug 17th, 2014 at 8pm Posted in coachbuilt cars,Hemmings Daily,Hemmings Sports & Exotic Car,spotlight Tagged with celebrity-owned cars, Ferrari, Ferrari 375 MM,
Toyota's lessons; rebuilding U.S. market under way Toyota Motor Corp. Senior Managing Director Takahiko Ijichi, during a Tuesday press conference in Tokyo, discussed the 39 percent slide in quarterly profit. No doubt Toyota executives, from Tokyo to Georgetown, breathed a sigh of relief when the U.S. Transportation Department said this week that electronic problems weren't responsible for the rapid acceleration issues that have been a nightmare for Toyota since 2009. But they know as well as anyone that their troubles aren't over. Toyota's hard-won reputation for making stunningly reliable vehicles and respecting its customers has suffered damage that can't be waved away with a government report. Toyota recognized this last year when it took the important step of appointing Steve St. Angelo, former president of Toyota's Georgetown plant, to lead a new North American Quality Task Force. When the storm hit, Toyota had just edged out General Motors in 2008 to become the world's largest automaker. Toyota must have been doing something right to knock off GM, which had ruled the top spot since it took it over from Ford in the 1930s. But bigger didn't necessarily mean better. Toyota's march to the top was orchestrated in Japan and, we came to learn later, some of its reputation for quality relied on management's ability to minimize expensive recalls even when there were legitimate concerns. The director of auto testing for Consumer Reports told the Associated Press that problems with Toyota's reliability first began to surface in subscriber surveys in 2007. Last year, he said, some Toyota vehicles dropped to below average in reliability in the survey for the first time in many years. While reputation was suffering, costs were mounting. Toyota has recalled more than 12 million vehicles globally over safety problems since 2009. It paid the U.S. $48.8 million in fines for its handling of the recalls. Toyota's sales in the U.S. declined last year by 0.4 percent while overall sales rose 11 percent. Its U.S. market share fell two percentage points to 15.2 percent. And, just Tuesday, Toyota reported a 39-percent drop in quarterly profit, compared to a year earlier. Toyota has shown signs that the tough lessons reflected in those numbers have been taken to heart. "We are making fundamental changes in the way our company operates," St. Angelo, said at the time he was appointed to his new job. In an interview last month with the Herald-Leader, St. Angelo said the decision to recall or not grows out of discussions and analysis among many people, including both executives and engineers. "The decision today is a consensus. It's not based on one person's decision." In that interview, St. Angelo explained a rash of recent recalls. Many customers had remained loyal to Toyota through the recent firestorm, he said. "I made a commitment to (Toyota chairman) Akio Toyoda that if there's anything I feel uncomfortable about, I'm going to do a recall to protect those customers who stood by us." It sounds almost like an evangelical call to recommit to the customer. Good. Staying true to that commitment is the one lasting value that can make Toyota — or any company for that matter — both bigger and better.
A Vehicle for Equality 12th April 2005 Would Rover not have been better off as a workers’ co-operative? By George Monbiot. Published in the Guardian “Company directors who take big risks and achieve big success deserve big rewards.”(1) That’s what Patricia Hewitt, the trade and industry secretary, said at the British Motor Show last year, and I think you can guess who she was talking about. The directors of Rover certainly got their big rewards. We all now know about their big success. But big risks? It was as obvious then as it is today that the only people in the business who were subject to no risk at all were the ones being rewarded for risk-taking. They would walk off with millions, whatever happened to the company. An inability to distinguish between the risks to which people expose themselves and the risks to which they expose others appears to be the defining disease of modern capitalism. I don’t often find myself standing up for the car industry, but it’s hard not to share the general outrage about what has happened at Rover. The four directors, who bought the company for ten pounds, are reported to have siphoned, quite legally, £40m out of the fuel tank. The taxpayer has had to throw exactly the same amount at Rover’s suppliers to prevent them from following it round the U-bend.(2) And the money which could have funded generous redundancy payments and filled the hole in the pension fund has been frittered away. The problem here is easily identified: there was a conflict between the interests of the men who ran the business and the interests of the people who worked for them. As long as the directors could escape with their huge pay packets, they had little incentive to ensure that their employees escaped with anything at all. Rover, we are told, was a special case. In companies in which the principal shareholders and the executives are different people, problems like this should not occur. The shareholders will reward the managers for looking after their capital in a responsible fashion. But in truth, because of the opportunity costs of capital, shareholders and executives have a common interest in securing jam today rather than jam tomorrow. The owners reward the executives for profit rather than investment, so the managers sacrifice the future to the present. It’s arguable that the staggering returns the high street banks made this year should not have been treated as profits at all, but as the money which might have protected them, and us, against bad loans when the next recession arrives. Is this really, as the proponents of the model always claim, the best way of running a business? Would the Rover workers not have been better off had they, rather than their bosses, bought the plant for a tenner in 2000? For a country widely credited with inventing the idea, the United Kingdom is remarkably hostile to workers’ co-operatives. In one form or another, they have existed since the division of labour began. But it was our own enlightened capitalist, Robert Owen, who formalised the idea. The workers’ communities he founded in the early 19th Century soon collapsed. We still have one very large workers’ co-op (the John Lewis Partnership), and hundreds, or, if you count professional partnerships, thousands of smaller ones. But the manufacturing co-ops Owen envisaged are few and tiny. The reason, we are always told, is that they are simply not as competitive as hierarchical capitalism. Given that there is no law against forming them, why, if they are such a good idea, have they not outcompeted the standard business model? There is, I think, an interesting answer to this question. If the principle on which workers’ co-ops are organised (ownership of the company by its employees) is uncompetitive, why are so many big companies now mimicking it, by turning their executives into shareholders? Their incentive schemes recognise, like the co-ops, that people who own part of the business will make sure it works. Of course, the schemes are mostly confined to the executives, who tend to be more mobile than the rest of the workforce. Being pegged to profits, they do little to encourage the executives to invest. So they don’t address the conflict of interest. But the central idea of the co-op is now a standard feature of corporate capitalism. In several other countries, workers’ co-ops, in which all the workers have a stake in the business and a voice in its decision-making processes, have flourished. After the Argentinian economy collapsed in 2001, about 160 businesses were taken over by co-ops.(3) Some of them have done so well that the owners, who had been unable to make them pay, are now suing the workers in the hope of taking the factories back. One of the reasons for their success, according to the Washington Post, is that they have dropped their “higher-paid managers from the payroll”.(4) (How often do you read that in the Post?) The money which would have been snaffled by the executives has instead been re-invested. Dutch and Danish farmers have survived the invasion of the superstores because, unlike British farmers, they process and market much of their produce cooperatively, and so can bargain collectively. They can also achieve economies of scale, which is why British people eat Danish butter and Danish bacon. The Mondragon co-op is now the biggest industrial group in Euskadi (the Basque country) and the 7th biggest in Spain, with 71,000 workers.(5) Altogether, workers’ co-ops around the world employ about 100 million people.(6) There are problems with the model, however. The Harvard economist Michael Kremer has used some elegant maths to show how dividends are, in effect, transferred from the more productive to the less productive workers, and how worker democracy can militate against innovation and efficiency.(7) The greater the capital investment, he shows, the greater the potential inefficiency, which could explain the scarcity of manufacturing co-ops. Co-ops, in other words, like hierarchical firms, suffer from conflicts of interest. There are other constraints too: the lack of access to capital (keeping the business in the hands of the workers means keeping absentee owners – and their money – out) and the lack of opportunities for capital (you can’t move it around as freely as other shareholders can). The Mondragon co-op appears to have overcome both these problems, by establishing its own bank, which circulates money among its 200 affiliated businesses, and by encouraging diversification. It is also clear that co-operatives can be as predatory as firms owned by absentee capital. As a solution to exploitation, they present the same problem as anarchism: internal democracy can be accompanied by external oppression. But while a company run by its workers has just as great an incentive to nail us to the wall as a company run by absentee capital, at least within the firm wealth is widely distributed. An economy dominated by co-operatives would be a more equal one than an economy like ours. As far as Rover is concerned, it is hard to see how a workers’ co-op could have made a bigger cock-up of the business than its bosses did. Next time a company is sold for the price of four pints of beer, the workers should pick up the bill. 1. Patricia Hewitt, quoted by Michael Harrison, 26th May 2004. Hewitt Says the Rover Directors Accused of Asset-Stripping ‘Deserve Big Rewards’. The Independent. 2. BBC online, 8th April 2005. Rover Suppliers Offered £40m Aid. 3. Larry Rohter, 8th July 2003. Workers in Argentina Take Over Abandoned Factories. New York Times. 4. Jon Jeter, 24th February 2003. For Argentines, A Sweet Resolve Cooperatives Step In When Factories Fail. Washington Post. 5. Jesús Catania, Chairman of the General Council of the Mondragón Corporación Cooperativa, viewed 8th April 2005. Message from the Chairman. 6. The Committee for the Promotion and Advancement of Cooperatives, 1st July 2000. The Contribution of Cooperatives to Employment Promotion. 7. Michael Kremer, July 1997. Why Are Worker Cooperatives So Rare? Working Paper 6118. National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA. ← I’m With WolfowitzSignal Your Opposition →
Renault-Nissan Alliance, Spanish Version Michael Y. Yoshino; Perry L. Fagan p, Spanish Hardcopy Black & White On Wednesday, May 29, 2002, the board of directors of Renault-Nissan BV (RNBV) met for the first time to discuss the state of the alliance between Renault SA and Nissan Motors-two of the world's largest automakers. RNBV was a 50/50 joint venture company established in March of that year to oversee the strategy of the alliance and all activities undertaken jointly by Renault and Nissan. The new company would "steer alliance strategy and supervise common activities on a global level, while respecting the identity and culture of each company and not interfering in operations." Executives at both companies believed much had been accomplished in the first three years of the alliance. Nissan, under Carlos Ghosn's leadership, had improved its finances dramatically and was rapidly reemerging as a major player in the global auto industry. Moreover, the alliance partners were in line with their initial forecast of $3.3 billion in cost savings and synergies promised by 2002, according to their internal reporting. As the board prepared to meet, Louis Schweitzer and Ghosn believed the alliance faced difficult challenges ahead. To what extent would the two companies be able to realize further savings and synergies, particularly in the areas of manufacturing and additional sales? How should the RNBV board address issues that had surfaced as employees of the two firms worked together across disparate corporate and national cultures, functions, and geographies? Ultimately, would the two firms be able to strike a balance between deepening their alliance while "respecting the identity and culture of each company and not interfering in operations?" To help students analyze the pros and cons of global alliances, with a particular focus on the global auto industry. Globalization; Joint ventures; Organizational culture; Strategic alliances Geographic: France Geographic: Japan Company Employee Count: 140,000 Renault-Nissan Alliance, Spreadsheet Spreadsheet supplement for case 303023.
Peter Horbury (shown), Ford's executive director of design for the Americas, is returning to Volvo. He'll be replaced by Moray Callum. Photo by Ford Ford's design shuffle: Callum takes Americas, Horbury back to Volvo Ford is shuffling its design lineup, naming Moray Callum executive director for its Americas operations, replacing Peter Horbury, who returns to Volvo.Horbury fills the slot vacated by Stephen Mattin, who left the company. The moves take effect May 1.Callum is director of car design for Ford’s Americas unit. He has been with Ford since 1988, after stints with Chrysler and Peugeot-Citroën. He has worked on a range of vehicles, including the 1998 Super Duty pickup and the Aston Martin Lagonda Vignale concept. In 2001, Callum was named to lead Mazda design, where he helped shape the 2003 Mazda 3, the 2005 MX-5 and more recently, the 2008 Mazda 6.He also left his fingerprints on a number of critical 2010 cars, including the Mustang, the Taurus and the Fusion. Horbury returns to his roots at Volvo, where he first made a splash with the S40, the V40, the S60, the XC90 and the C30. He then was executive director of Jaguar, Land Rover, Volvo and Aston Martin design studios. He moved to Ford’s Americas unit in 2004 and also made a mark on Lincoln’s lineup, leading design of the 2009 MKS, the 2010 MKZ and its new crossover, the MKT. As Horbury's return to Volvo was being announced, the designer was sitting with AutoWeek Managing Editor Roger Hart. So we asked him about the move:Big news this morning?Yes, I'm going on to Volvo. I'm not going back...physically I'm going back, yes...but mentally I'm taking a stride forward.(Horbury's new duties at Volvo begin May 1. If Volvo is sold before then, he'll have to vacate his offices in Dearborn. His secretary had begun assembling boxes to get his personal items packed up...just in case.) Is there some risk involved here with Ford having announced Volvo is for sale?Always wise to be on board the ship before it sails. That's what I'm doing...making sure I've got a cabin. (He laughs)I can't worry about that. They've asked me to do this...Volvo has asked me. Of course anything you do, any move you make, there's a degree of risk. I like that. I'd hate to know the future. Maybe that's a designer's trait. But to have things mapped out...I'm sure many an engineer in here would hate not to know his retirement date or where he's going on holiday this year. I haven't a clue. Maybe that's part of being a designer...the imagination is always better than reality.No, I think this is an exciting move. If there's no risk, it's not exciting. Who knows? Who knows who the owners will be? I certainly don't. I'm confident enough to think that if I've been asked to do this, I think I can persuade anybody I can do a good job for them. You enjoyed your previous stint with Volvo?It was good. We did an awful lot. But I've enjoyed this just as much. In five years we've helped transform the Ford Motor Co. into a producer of great products. Ford is on the cusp of greatness...I'm convinced. The new stuff coming in this year...thankfully I'm proud to say I've involved in all of those. Ford's in good shape.If it sounds strange...people say you're about to reap the benefits of all your efforts. But I don't want to rest on laurels. There are new worlds out there.I leave this place, I think, in great shape. I'm not proud of the fact that many people have been let go here. But to be honest, the efficiency level now is demonstrated by the numbers of people involved for the same amount of work. We're very efficient. If we hadn't done that we wouldn't be as competitive as we are. Does Volvo have the same sort of design process you've worked with here at Ford?To be honest, the digital process we pioneered at Volvo back when I was there first. To be honest, it hadn't been used in anger, it hadn't been used so seriously as we use it today. Now it's part of our daily life. I brought the ideas with me. We were lucky enough to persuade Mark Fields to spend some money a couple of years ago, which was unique. We got money for this milling machine that is astonishing. Watching this machine create a fullsize F-250 on its own to perfect, is amazing. And the speed is astonishing. Accurate to four microns. You're credited with invigorating, or reinvigorating, Lincoln, an American luxury brand. Not bad for a Brit?But it was because we did our homework. It wasn't just sketching. We did a an awful a lot of work on what Lincoln meant to people out there. Capturing enough of the heritage in a modern way. We didn't have to start from scratch. The minute the MKR hit the show stand, people knew it was a Lincoln. 'Well how do you know it's a Lincoln?' Well, there were enough design cues from past retro involved whatsoever. But enough for people to know it was a Lincoln but 'don't ask me why.' That's the secret of it.It is only through doing a lot of research and hard work on what Lincoln meant in the '50s, '70s, '30s, whatever. Retrieving positive aspects from Lincoln's history. The fact that it was always the antidote to Cadillac and should always be. Cleaner, simpler, discreet, luxury in America. Without being flashy, look at me I'm rich.Then we put pen to paper, when we had some rules set. Today, I can ask a designer to design a new Lincoln and they'll know exactly what to do. That's necessary. By Greg Migliore and Roger Hart See MoreCar News
Racing Toward Second-Generation Diesel Article From: 1/9/2007 What is the point of Audi’s (and, in 2007, Peugeot’s) move to diesel power in endurance racing, and why is Shell so centrally involved? Automotive Chassis What is the point of Audi’s (and, in 2007, Peugeot’s) move to diesel power in endurance racing, and why is Shell so centrally involved? If you answered “marketing” you’d be right, though that’s only part of the story. According to Richard Karlstetter, Global Manager, Racing Fuels Technology, Shell Global Solutions (, “The 24 Hours of Le Mans may be only one day, but the engine loads and technology demands are more similar to 150,000 miles for a road-going diesel. What we’re learning is being transitioned back to road fuel development to stretch fuel supplies and lower CO2 emissions.” Notice that Karlstetter isn’t talking about pure alternative fuels, though diesel engines will run on them. That’s because he thinks it’s necessary to produce fuels that can be used in current vehicles without modification.“Our scenarios indicate conventional crude oil-based fuels will play a significant role over the next 20 years, and only far into the future do we see a point where there is a significant role for non-conventional fuels,” he says. Even taking into account the growth in fuel consumption driven by the developing economies over the next 50 to 100 years, Shell’s scenarios all point to fossil fuels playing a significant role in the transportation sector through 2100. “Gas-to-liquid [GTL] and bio-fuels are the only options that appear viable in the short term,” he says.That’s why the Le Mans-winning Audi R10 race car runs on a variant of Shell’s commercial “V-Power” diesel, which blends a natural gas-derived GTL component (it has a high cetane rating and minimal sulfur or aromatics) with conventional diesel fuel. However, GTL-enhanced diesel is only one solution. Biomass-to-liquid (BTL) is another. It avoids the major pitfall of first-generation bio-fuels—using food for fuel—by gasifying agricultural waste via the Fischer-Tropsch process used to make GTL fuels. This “syngas” is then liquefied and added to conventional diesel fuel. Unlike GTL production—which is economical only when located near large sources of natural gas, hence the reason behind Shell’s location of its demonstration plant in Malaysia with a commercial-scale plant being built in Qatar—BTL plants can be located anywhere there is a large, sustainable supply of agricultural or forestry waste and a strong diesel market.The percentage of GTL and BTL in the diesel fuel mix is expected to see its greatest growth as automakers introduce homogenous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engines over the next 20 years. “These engines will need a different fuel that is very clean and of a constant quality,” says Karlstetter. “From today’s perspective, that strongly suggests a diesel bio-fuel.”—CAS Search
, Home > Car Buying Tips > Car Buying Guides > Family Time - Comparing 3 Mid-Size Sedans to their Full-Size Counterparts Family Time - Comparing 3 Mid-Size Sedans to their Full-Size Counterparts By Benjamin Hunting When it comes time to buy a family sedan, it's not always a simple decision to go with either a mid-size or a full-size vehicle from the same company. While some drivers enjoy the presence and additional interior room offered by a larger car, modern mid-size cars have maximized passenger space while keeping fuel costs lower than one might expect. There's something to be said for the prestige of choosing a car company's flagship sedan, but from a practical perspective the next step down in size and cost is also often a solid option for most families. Let's compare three mid-size four-door passenger cars against their full-size stable mates and see how they match up. 01. 2011 Ford Fusion The 2011 Ford Fusion is a mid-size sedan leader, a vehicle which offers a good amount of interior room while keeping its outside dimensions relatively compact. The Ford Fusion rewards drivers with excellent suspension response (particularly when ordered in Sport trim), and it can be had with a host of high end features including the SYNC vehicle interface, heated leather seats and a navigation system. The 2011 Ford Fusion starts out with a 2.5-liter, four-cylinder engine that generates 175 horsepower and 172 lb-ft of torque. Fuel mileage for this motor shows as 22-mpg city and 31-mpg highway, and it can be had with either a six-speed manual or six-speed automatic transmission. A pair of V-6's are also offered with the Fusion: a 240 horsepower 3.0-liter unit, and a 263 horsepower 3.5-liter, with the latter found in the Fusion Sport. Of the two, the smaller V-6 edges ahead in terms of fuel efficiency with a rating of 20-mpg city and 28-mpg highway. Six-speed automatic transmissions are standard with all six-cylinder engines, while all-wheel drive can be ordered as an option. 02. 2011 Ford Taurus The 2011 Ford Taurus definitely feels big. The full-size Ford Taurus sedan is the largest and best-equipped model in the Dearborn-based automaker's lineup, and it combines a very spacious cabin with a trunk that dwarfs that offered by the Fusion. The Taurus also comes with Ford's fullest list of safety and technology options, including a blind spot warning system, adaptive cruise control, SYNC and a navigation system. The SHO edition adds a beefier engine as well as a host of performance upgrades to the vehicle's suspension and brakes. The 2011 Ford Taurus offers V-6 power right out of the box, deriving 263 horses and 249 lb-ft of torque from the same 3.5-liter unit found in the Fusion Sport. Fuel economy for this motor shows as 18-mpg city and 28-mpg highway, and a six-speed automatic transmission is included free of charge. The Ford Taurus SHO amps things up with a twin-turbo EcoBoost 3.5-liter V-6 that churns out 365 horsepower and 350 lb-ft of torque, matched with standard all-wheel drive (optional on the regular Taurus) and a six-speed auto gearbox. Fuel economy for this beast checks in at 17-mpg city and 25-mpg highway. 03. The Verdict The Ford Fusion and the Ford Taurus offer two very different driving experiences. The Fusion, especially when found with either its six-speed manual transmission or available Sport model, is a more tossable sedan that can be put through the corners with a minimum of drama. The Ford Taurus SHO comes with gaudier performance numbers, but the sedan feels heavier than its smaller sibling and relies on its all-wheel drive system to keep it pointed in the right direction. In terms of comfort, the Taurus is the definite champion, and fuel mileage differences between the two V-6 models are not significant enough to make that deciding factor. The entry-level Fusion's combination of price and efficiency will definitely pull in a big crowd, but the Taurus is a more capable road trip cruiser for larger families. 04. 2011 Jaguar XF The 2011 Jaguar XF is an ultra-modern mid-size luxury sedan that helped to lead Jaguar into the modern era in terms of styling and design. The Jaguar XF has helped to attract a younger demographic to the British brand's showrooms, and as a result its techno-themed interior is less traditionally upscale and more forward-thinking than Jaguar efforts of the past. Interior room is solid, although some headroom in the rear is given up for the sake of a plunging roofline, and the vehicle's trunk is quite large. The 2011 Jaguar XF offers three different V-8 engine choices: a 385 horsepower, 5.0-liter base motor, a supercharged 470 horsepower edition of the same engine in the Supercharged model and an even more potent supercharged 510 horsepower version of this unit in the XFR. All come with a six-speed automatic transmission, and the standard XF's 16-mpg city and 23-mpg highway rating rules the roost. 05. 2011 Jaguar XJ The 2011 Jaguar XJ offers a sleeker take on the automaker's revitalized design language, resembling from some angles a stretched version of the XF - albeit one with a personality all of its own. The Jaguar XJ can be had in standard and extended wheelbase editions, which is important as the base sedan is not quite as spacious inside as some of its German competitors. The XJ's luxury quotient is substantial, with buyers able to equip the automobile with features ranging from four zones of automatic climate control and heated and cooled leather seats all the way up to a massage feature, a surround sound system and adaptive cruise control. The 2011 Jaguar XJ matches the Jaguar XF in terms of engine choice, with the same trio of 385 horsepower, 470 horsepower and 510 horsepower 5.0-liter V-8's on tap. The latter two motors feature a supercharger, and a six-speed automatic is the only available XJ gearbox. Fuel mileage for the entry-level full-size sedan is rated at 16-mpg city and 23-mpg highway. The Jaguar XF and Jaguar XJ present an interesting conundrum for luxury sedan buyers. In terms of overall passenger room, the difference between the cars is negligible until the long-wheelbase version of the XJ is brought into the equation. In fact, the XF's trunk is actually larger than the one offered by its bigger brother. Fuel economy is also largely identical across the lineup, thanks in part to the XJ's aluminum chassis that makes it much lighter than many of its Teutonic competitors. This same lightness imparts the full-size sedan with a level of handling prowess that places it very much on the XF's radar in a track situation. Pricing between these two Jaguar models, however, is quite different. The XJ costs nearly half again the XF's MSRP, and while it bridges that chasm with truly opulent luxury and a heavy dose of prestige most budget-conscious luxury shoppers will aim for the almost-equal XF instead. 07. 2011 Chevrolet Malibu The 2011 Chevrolet Malibu has been lauded as a solid family sedan choice in the mid-size segment. Sporty looks and a focus on value have helped push the Chevrolet Malibu into the conversation alongside vehicles such as the Toyota Camry and the Honda Accord, and the vehicle can be ordered with features such as leather seats, automatic climate control, a sunroof and a Bose stereo system. Passenger room is good up front but somewhat more restricted out back, and a 15.1 cubic foot trunk is average for the segment. The 2011 Chevrolet Malibu's excellent fuel economy rating of 22-mpg city and 33-mpg highway can be pegged directly to its 2.4-liter, four-cylinder engine. A six-speed automatic transmission manages this unit's 169 horsepower and 160 lb-ft of torque. The same gearbox is also found yoked to the Malibu's 3.6-liter V-6, which offers up 252 ponies and 251 lb-ft of torque. 08. 2011 Chevrolet Impala The 2011 Chevrolet Impala represents one of the last remnants of the "old" GM. The Chevrolet Impala is certainly large inside, as evidenced by the availability of six-passenger seating, and its 18-cubic foot trunk does an excellent job at handling oversized luggage. The Impala's soft suspension and somewhat dated chassis make it much less of a driver's car than other entries in the full-size sedan class, a fact recognized by Chevrolet's decision to update the automobile in the near future. Under the hood, the 2011 Chevrolet Impala soldiers forward with a standard 3.5-liter V-6 engine that puts out 211 horsepower and 216 lb-ft of torque. Fuel economy for this version of the Impala shows as 19-mpg city and 29-mpg highway. A more powerful 3.9-liter V-6 bumps output up to 224 horsepower and 235 lb-ft of torque, but a fuel mileage price is paid. A four-speed automatic transmission is the only gearbox available with either engine. The Chevrolet Malibu is a much more modern car when compared against the Chevrolet Impala. While the Impala certainly trumps the Malibu when it comes to interior volume, the fact that the mid-size sedan is able to offer more power, better or comparable fuel economy and a chassis that features a ride that is both comfortable and dialed-in help to push it ahead of its bigger brother. Equipment levels in either car are also very comparable, which again affords an advantage to the less expensive yet still impressive Chevrolet Malibu, and the Impala is less competitive overall in the full-size sedan class. Try Autobytel's Car Comparison Tool The Legacy of the Chevrolet Malibu Early 2011 Chevrolet Volt Owners Qualify for Free Home Charging Station Chevrolet Malibu Boosts GM in June Sales GM to Offer Sub-Prime Car Loans and Car Leases General Motors Looks to Revive Mild Hybrids in 2011 The Chevrolet Malibu and GM's Sustainable Success Cars featured in this article Ford Learn more Jaguar Learn more Chevrolet Learn more Chevrolet Malibu and Other Post-Hangover Helpers Chevrolet Malibu: Most Efficient Mid-sizer on the Market? 2011 Chevrolet Malibu Posts Above Average MPG Figures 10 Things You Should Know About the 2011 Chevrolet Malibu Krome on Cars on the Chevrolet Malibu Krome on Cars on the Chevrolet Malibu, Part 2 Build and Price a New Car Find Used Sedans Research Sedans Save to MyGarage
Tesla Says It Will Finally Be Profitable By Mid-2009 Jason Mick (Blog) - February 12, 2009 11:15 AM Sneak peek of the upcoming four-door Tesla Model S Tesla's new Roadster Sport should offer powerful performance for an electric vehicle at a lofty cost. (Source: Tesla Motors) After a tough year, with many cuts, Tesla believes it is finally competitive It’s been a grueling year for Tesla Motors. The company angered many of its employees last year when it laid off nearly its entire Michigan staff, which first found out they were losing their jobs not from Tesla itself, but by a posting on a financial blog. Later in the year, Tesla seemed poised to make a comeback, announcing its sporty new Tesla Roadster Sport electric vehicle, available for those who preordered the Roadster. However, it then proceeded to anger customers who preordered by raising the price on the base Roadster model. However, despite its trials and tribulations, the fledgling company says it will be sold out of Roadsters until around November and that by the middle of the year it should finally be posting profits. Founder and Chief Executive Elon Musk, who became a billionaire by founding PayPal, also announced that Tesla will be receiving a $350M USD federal loan from the U.S. Department of Energy to help finance the development of its upcoming electric 4-door sedan, to be released in 2011. Mr. Musk praised the Obama administration for its helping hand, stating, "The Obama administration has thankfully made it a top priority to move quickly on the Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing loan program." Tesla has experienced some preorder customers cancelling their orders "due to buyers experiencing personal financial difficulties". However, there seems to be plenty who have the money and still want to get the hot new car. It expects all of its 2009 production of the $109,000 vehicles to sell out. In 2008, Tesla cut 24 percent of its staff, but it managed to produce 200 Roadsters, and is still sitting on 1,000 reported preorders. Customers pay $12,000 up front to reserve the right to own one of the hot new vehicles. Battery packs for the vehicle are reported to last 7 years or 100,000 miles and cost around a staggering $36,000 to replace. The prototype of the upcoming Model S 4-door sedan will be unveiled on March 26, according to Mr. Musk. He says that he will be offering a discount of $10,000 to those who preordered the Roadster and want to switch to the sedan as a "gesture of gratitude for their early support." Tesla also recently announced a partnership with Germany's Daimler AG to create a plug-in version of Daimler's Smart minicar. Mr. Musk announced that he is currently in the pursuit of two more major deals with other companies. He also announced that Tesla is set to open stores in Chicago and London and is close to reaching agreements for stores in Miami, New York, Seattle and Munich. "This is about the Internet. Everything on the Internet is encrypted. This is not a BlackBerry-only issue. If they can't deal with the Internet, they should shut it off." -- RIM co-CEO Michael Lazaridis Related Articles Update: Tesla Motors Raises Roadster Price, Angers Those Who Pre-Ordered Tesla Motors Still Kicking, Unveils Speedy Roadster Sport
USA US Hails Auto Industry in Economy's Comeback May 27, 2011 8:00 PM Vice President Joe Biden speaks to workers at Bonneville & Son's car dealership in Manchester, New Hampshire, May 25, 2011 The Obama administration says the resurgence of the automobile industry is a sign the economy is making great strides. During its weekly address Saturday, Vice President Joe Biden said Chrysler Corporation repaid the taxpayer's bailout six years ahead of schedule this week, and General Motors, another recipient of the bailout, is now adding thousands of jobs to its payroll.Biden says President Barack Obama remains focused on putting Americans back to work so they can support their families.As the Memorial Day holiday approaches, the vice president said Americans should remember to support their military families.Biden says gratitude can be shown to the men and women who sacrifice for the country's security and freedom by a simple expression of kindness, as modest as helping with a chore. Watch Vice President Joe Biden's speech In the Republican address, Republican Representative Eric Cantor from the eastern U.S. state of Virginia also urged Americans to pay tribute to the men and women who sacrificed their lives for the country's freedom.He also said it was time to put Americans back to work by ending the government's reliance on what he described as "gimmicks."The House majority leader called on the government to cut taxes and to reduce regulations that hamper businesses. Cantor also urged the Obama administration to complete several pending trade agreements with other countries and expand the search for energy sources in the U.S.Watch Republican weekly address Obama Hails Auto Industry Turnaround US Hiring Slows, Unemployment Rate Hits 9.1 Percent US Housing Prices Fall Belief in End Times in America Attributed to Economy, Natural Disasters California Economy Sees Improvement, Continuing Trouble
The third generation of Mercedes-Benz M-Class sets new standards in the SUV with world advanced technology of the automobile. The new M-Class offers an energy-efficient, standards-leading passive safety, superior ride comfort combined with excellent driving dynamics and a completely revamped the interior design provides excellent ergonomics, among its major assets.Low fuel consumption and exemplary emission values ​​to make an impressive treatment - an average of the range, fuel burns 25 percent less than its predecessor. Never before has Mercedes-Benz has managed to reduce fuel consumption by a huge margin sport utility vehicle model changes. Ultra-modern engine line-up, class-Cd player-value of 0.32, a large BlueEFFICIENCY measures and new development tools such as the proportion of "energy vehicles clear 'of all the energy to produce good numbers. ML 250 BlueTEC 4MATIC is particularly excellent in this sense: it is 28 percent cheaper than its predecessor, it uses just 6.0 liters per 100 km NEDC (158 g km CO2), and can cover up to 1,500 miles with a full of fuel.In line with the philosophy of the Mercedes-Benz, which represents the new Mercedes-Benz M-Class production of Mercedes-Benz safety concept of comprehensive security Real Life, which is derived from what happens in a real accident situation . In combination with the front and rear crumple zones provide high-strength passenger cell in the M-Class a highly effective platform for the occupant protection systems. The safety of both active safety and driver fitness of the new M-Class is further enhanced by the use of systems that are already familiar, especially the S-Class and E-ClassAll models of the new Mercedes-Benz M-Class offers excellent handling comfort and dynamic range of series - both on the road and away from the asphalt. In addition to the steel suspension with selective damping, there are some innovative new control systems manage dynamic chassis available that are designed to make driving the new premium SUV experience even greater effort. These include the AIRMATIC air suspension with adaptive damping system (ADS), the curve of active stabilization system and the active role and OFFROAD package with six driving modes. A comprehensive set of measures also included to ensure that the M-Class is a leader in its segment of acoustic comfort and vibration.The third generation of the coveted Mercedes-Benz M-Class SUV blends the best of both worlds, benefiting from strong off-road heritage, while its passengers feel like they are moving in a premium luxury sedan. Aluminum or wood ground fine and switches the court and mix with great detail shows the surface electric and powerful, harmonious lines to create a high-class interior and a great sense of well being for the driver and passengers.Interior detail: the economy classThe third generation of Mercedes-Benz M-Class combines the best of both worlds: the highly coveted SUV that does not boast of a strong off-road heritage, but passengers also receive a comfort comparable to that of a sedan premium. Shot in aluminum or wood of high quality, finely detailed and contact points as well as interesting and powerful surfaces, harmonious lines create a sense of well-being of high quality home for the driver and passengers.Shown as soon as the concept of interior design is combined with a true off-road experience, in the sense of well being and quality of Mercedes-Benz sedan. Although the expressive power of the crown form of expression of SUVs, flat front passenger dash area offers an excellent sense of space, highlighting the suitability of the vehicle for long trips.Development of the dashboard of the Mercedes-Benz SUVs, from the earliest days of the G-series today with a new M-Class, makes it clear what aspects of comfort and well-being has now emerged:* The G-model from 1979, defines a dashboard angular flat shapes. The angular instrument panel was placed on top of that, while the console panel, also angular, and the glove box was hung below. As if reconstituted from modular sections, each element reflects the clear appearance of a commercial vehicle. Practice spared no simple decoration, rather than giving an air of rustic charm, with a little metal as an effect. At that time, it was entirely appropriate for an off-road vehicle.* The script of the first generation M-Class, built in 1998 was also primarily functional in nature, and the temporary lease of a design based on comfort. However, early indications of interior design more comfortable and enjoyable in the classroom were remarkable. The curves and lines of exploration has prevented an impression of austerity. Mouldings are often not integrated into the simpler visual design, however, the functionality and continued to dominate.* Designing a new instrument panel, Mercedes-Benz M-Class is quite comparable to its counterparts found in luxury sedans: a modern, cozy, with high quality materials and elegant design. At the same time, combining the data reflect the superior nature of the premium SUV.
Home » Autos and Cars The Reasons For Choosing Hybrid Vehicles Go Beyond Fuel Savings This article will give an explanation on the technology behind a hybrid car along with the benefits you can reap when purchasing a hybrid car.We all see the high price of gas a day and how much it can cost to fill up the car. There have been attempts throughout the years to find a better method to help cars run. The hybrid has been the best attempt yet. Electric cars have existed for a number of years but they did not make sense for many people. To truly work, the electric battery had to be plugged into a power outlet and you could not travel long distances due to not having a recharging station potentially at the place which you were traveling to. The hybrid car has entered the market and it is the first commercially viable option anyone has as an alternative to a gasoline powered vehicle. A hybrid car has certain advantages to it which you cannot find at a gasoline powered vehicle. Depending upon the type of car, you often can receive between 50 and 60 miles to the gallon. Imagine the kind of savings this can have for your wallet. The average person in the United States is rumored to drive around 12,000 miles year. If you receive 60 miles to the gallon, you will need to buy 200 gallons of gas a year. If you have a gasoline powered vehicle with 30 miles to the gallon, you need to buy 400 gallons of gas a year. This difference of 200 gallons of gas at today's price of $2.60 is $520. Look the amount of money you save by using a hybrid car. Hybrid cars also have lower levels of toxic fumes emitted when used in with gasoline powered vehicles.When you're looking at the recent hybrid releases, there were a couple of different cars which you can look into. The Chevrolet Silverado has a particular kind of battery called the mild hybrid. Not much energy is stored within this battery so it will not have the same sort of energy boost as other hybrid she may look into. The thinking behind this mild hybrid is that is perfect for camping or when you're outdoors because it can be a generator for some of your electronic devices. Toyota has been able to develop its Prius to operate in only electric mode. This allows the gasoline powered part of the engine to remain off so that you are minimizing your gas consumption and keeping more money in your pocket.Hybrid releases continue to grow in number as for car manufacturers enter this particular segment of the market. Nissan is coming out with a hybrid along with other companies such as General Motors, DaimlerChrysler, and BMW. Depending upon the next time you hit the car market, you may want to look into a hybrid car. The improvements in technology through the years have now made a hybrid car feasible for you to buy while receiving strong benefits with less disadvantages than in the past. About the AuthorGregg Hall is an author living with his beautiful wife and family in Navarre Beach, Florida. Find more about cars as well as car care at http://www.5starshine.comRating: Why More People Are Turning To eBay Motors For Wheels And Other Automotive NeedsDon't Fall For The Scam Of The Dealer Preparation Fee When Buying A New CarWill 2007 Be Remembered as a Good Year for Ferrari?How To Ensure Good Performance Of A Very Fast Car During Extreme WeatherSave Yourself Car Payments - Undercoat Your Own CarWeaker Sales Seen For Third Quarter Edit Canon EOS 7D Mark II H.264 videos in FCP X4K Blu-ray to PS4 Pro: Rip 4K Blu-ray movies to PS4 Pro streamingWhat Exactly Is A Car Without Having A Good Car Stereo System?How To Find The Best Honda Dealership In Phoenix To Get Your Vehicle ServicedLooking for VW Tuning in Philadelphia? Here's What You Need To Know.Things You Must Know About Buying Car Insurance In Dubai
General BMW, BMW Motorsport, BMW Motorcycle, and BMW Performance i3 3-cyl 1-series Prototype, F30 328 diesel, other news from Autoblog Thread: i3 3-cyl 1-series Prototype, F30 328 diesel, other news from Autoblog Interesting information from Autoblog this morning... The fact that the brand-new prototype three-cylinder, 1.5-liter gasoline engine from BMW finds itself in a 1 Series is almost accidental. Heidelinde Holzer, who works on powertrain predevelopment, powertrain functions and powertrain integration, told AutoblogGreen her team simply took the cars that were available. After all, when you're working on engines that are not destined to go into any vehicles in the near future – this has been a four-year project already – it's okay to test them in whatever mule you've got access to. The first production vehicle that will use the three-cylinder is the upcoming i8 plug-in hybrid, which isn't going to arrive until the first half of 2014. BMW didn't allow us to play around in one of those, so we had to make due with our 1 Series prototype test drives yesterday at BMW's Woodcliff Lake, NJ, headquarters. Under a sky that alternated between bright and threatening-to-rain, two red 1 Series zipped around the BMW campus – we were not allowed to take them on public roads – between technical sessions about the engine, the upcoming four-cylinder 328d diesel and BMW's new suite of apps. According to what we saw, future Bimmers are going to get a lot more efficient and a whole lot more connected. There are only two 1 Series vehicles with the 3-cylinder engine in existence right now, they are both pure prototypes, with a reassuring fire extinguisher under the driver's seat. The only part that's "real" here is the engine, and even that will be upgraded before we see it in the i8. As it operates today the 3-cylinder performs admirably, propelling the 1 Series to highway speeds without hassle, even if it was somewhat noisy. It almost felt like BMW wants the driver to hear the three, to know that it's got your back even if it's also got fewer cylinders than you might expect. We didn't notice anything missing from the drive experience, but then again we only had about ten minutes behind the wheel. No, the star of the show is the engine's future potential, not what it can do today. The only part that's "real" here is the engine, and even that will be upgraded before we see it in the i8. Holzer said the new 1.5-liter 3-cylinger engine is the first member of the new BMW EfficientDynamics engine family, and we can look at it today to learn a bit about how it'll work in the plug-in hybrid next year – and in other models beyond that, but no one would offer specifics. We can see Mini taking advantage of the three, as well as smaller BMWs. In some ways similar to Ford's 1.0-liter EcoBoost engine, the prototype engine uses TwinPower Turbo, which combines valve variability, direct injection and turbocharging to reduce fuel use. "Variability" in the TwinPower Turbo means, in gasoline engines, Valvetronic; in diesels, variable turbocharger geometry. While other automakers sometimes shut down entire cylinders during operation to save fuel, BMW's strategy is to use Valvetronic, which multiple BMW representatives referred to as the difference between fading a light versus switching it on and off. With this technology, among others, BMW says it is ready to meet worldwide fuel efficiency targets. The New 328d Diesel Despite having a plethora of diesel options in Europe, BMW is being selective in which oil-burning models it will sell in the US. One of the new options we'll get is the 328d Sedan (a Sports Wagen version will also be available), which was on display in New Jersey sporting underbody panels and the ability to drink biodiesel (up to B7), just to highlight the fuel economy angle. BMW didn't say what the official fuel economy numbers will be, but we were told something like 45 miles per gallon on the highway is likely. This will be the first four-cylinder BMW diesel in the US and it will be capable of going 0-60 in the low seven second range. When it comes to options and trim levels, the diesel will get everything that the gasoline model has, except for a manual transmission. The reason is that BMW engineers feel that the diesel's eight-speed automatic transmission is the best blend of performance and economy. Price will be somewhere under $40,000. The Sedan and Sports Wagen go on sale in the US in the late summer or early fall. The Connected BMW BMW also highlighted its upcoming suite of new connection devices, ranging from a BMW app that will allow your car to read you texts out loud (and Twitter and Facebook, because those two services aren't omnipresent enough already, we need them to be blasted into our ears when we're on the road, apparently). More useful are things like access to Local Wiki and Last Mile, which help you find nearby places and information about where you are. The car can connect to various web radio and calendar functions as well. To make all this work you not only need a compatible iPhone but also the BMW Apps option (which costs $250). To make all this work you not only need a compatible iPhone (3GS or newer running iOS 5 or newer. BMW says it is looking at developing an Android version, but it's not ready yet) but also the BMW Apps option (which costs $250). Oh, and the BMW Connected app from iTunes. Some apps available in the App Store today, like Pandora, Audible and Glympse, will be considered "BMW Ready," which means the standard version of the app will be able to communicate with your car, even without the BMW Connected app. Safety also gets an upgrade, with eCall with 10-year subscription becoming standard equipment on all new models. The subscription is also transferable when you sell the car. This is different from the optional BMW assist safety plan that is offered today (standard on the 5 Series, 6 Series, 7 Series, X5 and X6; costs $650 on other models). eCall operates both as a driver-controlled SOS call and as an automatic data delivery system in the event of a crash, where BMW's partners will gather data on what happened, try to call the car and send first responders if needed. Lastly, BMW will introduce a dongle that will make the car an LTE hot spot. Details like price, data carrier and when it will launch were not disclosed, but basically, this is a MiFi-type device that plugs into your car and beams out a signal for passengers. It can also be used outside the car (with a 30-minute battery life or plugged in to the wall). Source (with pictures): They better upgrade it a lot for the i8. Just wish they would use the n20 instead. 328, 650, advan, bmw, burning, cars, crash, cylinder, diesel, driver, engine, event, experience, fuel, hybrid, ice, loud, manual, meet, performance, power, pro, rim, sale, sedan, series, sports, tire, transmission, turbo, upgraded, valve, version, wheel, year