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Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Reaffirms that cohesive, nationally owned sustainable development strategies, supported by integrated national financing frameworks, will be at the heart of efforts, reiterates that each country has primary responsibility for its own economic and social development and that the role of national policies and development strategies cannot be overemphasized, expresses respect for each country s policy space and leadership to implement policies for the eradication of poverty in all its forms and dimensions and for sustainable development, while remaining consistent with relevant international rules and commitments, at the same time recognizes that national development efforts need to be supported by an enabling international economic environment, including coherent and mutually supporting world trade, monetary and financial systems and strengthened and enhanced global economic governance, and that processes to develop and facilitate the availability of appropriate knowledge and technologies globally, on voluntary and mutually agreed terms, as well as capacity-building, are also critical, and commits to pursuing policy coherence and an enabling environment for sustainable development at all levels and by all actors, and to reinvigorating the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'35. Takes note of the recommendations of the Secretary-General, including with regard to a food import financing facility, a credit guarantee facility and a special food reserve system, and in this regard reiterates its requests to the Secretary-General, on the basis of voluntary contributions, to carry out a study, with secretariat support provided by the Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States, in consultation with all relevant United Nations entities and taking into consideration and building upon the existing initiatives and programmes on food security, taking into account World Trade Organization members existing obligations, in order to further assess the proposed recommendations for the least developed countries, outlining their modalities, terms of reference, governance and support structures, and looks forward to the submission of the report with his recommendations to the General Assembly at its seventy-eighth session for consideration by the Member States; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Noting the increasing share of domestic borrowing, and acknowledging that the development of domestic bond markets can contribute to fiscal and financial resilience and mitigate exchange rate risks in times of financial turbulence, while noting that an increased participation of non-resident investors in these markets creates new sources of risk and that excessive borrowing from the domestic banking system could also exacerbate vulnerabilities through the sovereign-bank nexus, in the event of a crisis, '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Noting also the existing efforts and contributions of the regional economic commissions on science, technology and innovation for sustainable development, '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Recognizing the importance of the outcomes of the resumed fifth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly, held in Nairobi from 28 February to 2 March 2022, and the first special session of the United Nations Environment Assembly to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment of the United Nations Environment Programme, held in Nairobi on 3 and 4 March 2022, and recognizing also the importance of the international meeting entitled Stockholm+50: a healthy planet for the prosperity of all our responsibility, our opportunity , held in Stockholm on 2 and 3 June 2022, at which the global interconnectedness of the environment was emphasized,'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'12. Also welcomes the Secretary-General s efforts to address the Sustainable Development Goals financing gap through a Sustainable Development Goal stimulus by scaling up financing and investment in the Goals by at least 500 billion United States doallrs per year, and recalls the commitmentreaffirms to advance the Secretary-General s proposal, in a timely manner through discussions at the United Nations as well as other relevant forums and institutions, to tackle the high cost of debt and rising risks of debt distress, to enhance support to developing countries and to massively scale up affordable long-term financing for development and expand contingency financing to countries in need; UK: Delete: Mexico, EU, US, G77: Reserve pending macro-cluster discussion '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'23. Recognizes that, despite recent progress and significant gains, there is still uneven growth in access to and the use of information and communications technologies, and expresses concern over the substantial continued digital and broadband divides between and within developed and developing countries, including the fact that while 90 per cent of people use the Internet in developed countries, only 57 per cent of the population of developing countries is online, and that the cost of access is higher in developing countries in relation to average household income, resulting in a lack of affordable access to information and communications technologies; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Welcoming the recent call by the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund to prioritize help to those countries that need debt restructuring, considering that the share of low-income countries at high risk or already in debt distress has doubled since 2015, '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'5. Recalls with concern the findings and conclusions of the needs assessment resulting from the expanding mandates of the small island developing States units of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the Secretariat and the Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States, and emphasizes the need for allocation of adequate resources commensurate with the mandates of these units, taking into account the fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States and its preparatory process ; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'27. Welcomes the convening of the twelfth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization, held in Geneva from 12 to 17 June 2022, and the adoption of its ministerial declaration, and looks forward to concrete and positive results at the thirteenth WTO Ministerial Conference; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'OP2. Encourages the promotion of sustainable and innovative financing opportunities and mechanisms to unlock new capital for sustainable investment and upscale sustainable business models, with a special focus on micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises;'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Welcoming the convening of the first to eighth annual multi-stakeholder forums on science, technology and innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals, noting with appreciation the ongoing work of the United Nations inter-agency task team on science, technology and innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals, including the Global Pilot Programme on Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals Road Maps (STI for SDGs road maps), and noting the expanded operationalization of the 2030 Connect online platform, as the three components of the Technology Facilitation Mechanism, that can help to advance the 2030 Agenda, '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Recalling its resolution 77/164 of 21 December 2022 and all previous relevant resolutions, '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'29. Recognizes the importance of increasing efficiency, effectiveness and transparency in the management of public and private sector revenues in developed and developing countries derived from all commodities and commodities-related industries, including final processed goods, in support of development; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Recommitting to ensuring that no country or person is left behind and to focusing our effort where the challenges are greatest, including by ensuring the inclusion and participation of those who are furthest behind, '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'35. Welcomes the commitment to redouble efforts to substantially reduce and combat corruption and money laundering, terrorist financing, and other forms of illicit finance through implementation of the Financial Action Task Force recommendations and other related best practices illicit financial flows by 2030, with a view to eventually eliminating them; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Encourages Member States, the United Nations system, the World Bank Group, the International Monetary Fund and other relevant stakeholders, and international financial institutions, to scale up technical assistance in debt management, including debt data recording and reporting, and debt transparency and to provide greater coordination of advice, for the delivery of such technical assistance upon request, and to ensure synergies with the full spectrum of debt management mechanisms; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Recognizes the important role of information and communications technology, as well as digitalization and e-agriculture, in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, which constitute tools forand in improving agricultural productivity, practices and smallholder livelihoods, strengthening agricultural markets and institutions, improving agricultural extension and rural advisory services, empowering farmer communities, keeping farmers and rural entrepreneurs informed about agricultural innovations, weather conditions, input availability, financial services and market prices and connecting them with buyers, and stresses the need to ensure the access ofthat women and youth have access to information and communications technology, digitalization and e-agriculture, especially in rural areas, and to close divides within and between countries, and in this regard, looks forward to the global digital compact, to be discussed at the Summit of the Future in 2024, which is expected to provide an outline of shared principles for an open, free and secure digital future for all [Based on Infrastructure Connectivity(77/282, OP12), the Global Digital Compact SG report, paragraph 62, ICT for Sustainable Development (77/15), OP50, and Rapid Technological Change (77/320), OP20]'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'OP36. Emphasizes the need for technical assistance and capacity-building support for investment promotion and developing project pipelines and bankable projects, in particular for developing countries;'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Requests the Secretary-General to submit to the General Assembly at its seventy-eightheightieth session, within existing resources, an action-oriented report that examines the current technological trends and key advances in agricultural technologies, provides illustrative examples of the transformative use of technologies at scale and includes recommendations that assist Member States in accelerating their efforts to implement the relevant goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda, and decides to include in the provisional agenda of its seventy-eighth session the item entitled Sustainable development .'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Further notes the statement by the Financial Stability Board s global regulatory framework for the on international regulation, and supervision, and oversight of cryptoasset activities and markets, including stablecoins, of 117 July 20232022, underlining that stablecoins should be covered by robust regulations and supervision by relevant authorities if they are to be adopted as a widely used means of payment or otherwise play an important role in the financial system, in line with their national regulations and policies and international standards; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Emphasizing the importance of actions that aim to ensure a fair and effective international tax system for sustainable development in a way that effectively responds to the specific concerns and needs of countries with limited resources or administrative capacities, '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Emphasizing the relevance of inclusion in the international financial system at all levels and the importance of considering financial inclusion as a policy objective in financial regulation, in accordance with national priorities and legislation, '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Welcoming the convening of the High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development held in New York on 20 September 2023, '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'10. Notes the progress that has been made by United Nations system entities in cooperation with national Governments, regional commissions and other stakeholders, including non-governmental organizations and the private sector, in the implementation of the action lines contained in the outcome documents of the World Summit on the Information Society, and encourages the use of those action lines for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'[PP16bis Noting the work of the United Nations in the area of investments for sustainable development, including the World Investment Forum of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, the Sustainable Development Goals Investment Fair and the Economic and Social Council forum on financing for development follow-up, and recalling the establishment of the Global Investors for Sustainable Development Alliance by the Secretary-General, Merge with PP18 Russia, EU, G77 and China]'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'52. Encourages the promotion of digital solutions through access to and use of digital public goods, which may include open-source software, open data, open artificial intelligence models, open standards and open content that adhere to international and domestic laws, in unlocking the full potential of rapid technological change to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Notes with appreciation the effective and successful work undertaken by the intergovernmental conference on an international legally binding instrument under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction for discharging its mandate under resolution 72/249 with the adoption of the Agreement under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biological Diversity of Areas beyond National Jurisdiction and recognizesing the contribution of its outcomes to the advancement of Sustainable Development Goal 14, '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'OP25. Recognizes the growing momentum around sustainable investment and finance, including through investments in Sustainable Development Goal bonds, and invites private companies to adopt sustainable practices that foster long-term value;'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Recognizing the adverse impact of excessive price volatility of commodities, especially on women, girls, young people and people in vulnerable situations, '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'21. Stresses that technical assistance and capacity-building aimed at improving the commodity export competitiveness of producers are particularly important for developing countries, especially in Africa, and invites Member States and all relevant stakeholders to provide the necessary resources for commodity-specific financial and technical assistance, in particular for human and institutional capacity-building, including gender-responsive measures, as well as quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure development of developing countries, with a view to reducing their institutional bottlenecks and transaction costs and enhancing their commodity trade and development in accordance with national development plans; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'25. Looks forward27. Emphasizes the value of need to urgently develop measures of progress on sustainable development that complement or go beyond gross domestic product (GDP) in order to have a more inclusive approach to international cooperation and inform access to concessional finance and technical cooperation and: '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'PP3. Reaffirming its resolution 70/1 of 25 September 2015, entitled Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development , in which it adopted a comprehensive, far-reaching and people-centred set of universal and transformative Sustainable Development Goals and targets, its commitment to working tirelessly for the full implementation of the Agenda by 2030, its recognition that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an indispensable requirement for sustainable development, its commitment to achieving sustainable development in its three dimensions economic, social and environmental in a balanced and integrated manner, and to building upon the achievements of the Millennium Development Goals and seeking to address their unfinished business, agreed ad ref'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'4. Notes the central role of Governments, with active contribution from stakeholders from the private sector, civil society, academia and research institutions, appropriate United Nations agencies, relevant international entities and forums, in creating and supporting an enabling environment at all levels, including enabling regulatory and governance frameworks, in accordance with national priorities, to nurture science, innovation, entrepreneurship and the dissemination of knowledge and technologies , particularly to micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as industrial diversification and value added to commodities; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'61. Invites the Co-Chairs of the multi-stakeholder forum on science, technology and innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals in 2024 to include an update on the midterm reviews of the science, technology and innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals in the Co-Chairs summary; (Technical update) '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Emphasizing that the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on sustainable development have increased the number of people living in poverty around the world and disrupted, inter alia, the normal functioning of open markets, global supply chain connectivity and the flow of essential goods, hindering the fight against poverty and adding urgency to the call to galvanize action and delivery for the eradication of poverty, in all its forms and dimensions, particularly in rural areas, where most of the extreme poor live, stressing that global inequities in access to COVID-19 vaccines, with the bulk of vaccines disproportionately available in high-income developed countries, in contrast with the low availability of COVID-19 vaccines in low-income developing countries, further put at risk the health of the rural poor, in this regard welcoming the 2020 Sustainable Development Goals Moment, placing an emphasis on poverty and inequality, on climate change and a healthy planet and on achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Recalling also the seventh biennial high-level meeting of the Development Cooperation Forum, held virtually on 6 and 7 May 2021, and its outcomes, and looking forward to the eighth biennial high-level meeting of the Development Cooperation Forum, to be held on 14 and 15 March 2023, '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Reaffirming also its resolution 69/313 of 27 July 2015 on the Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development, which is an integral part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, supports and complements it, helps to contextualize its means of implementation targets with concrete policies and actions, and reaffirms the strong political commitment to address the challenge of financing and creating an enabling environment at all levels for sustainable development in the spirit of global partnership and solidarity, '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Expressing our concern about the continued vulnerability of the cultural sector, particularly in the wake of the global COVID-19 crisis, which has profoundly disrupted the cultural ecosystem as a whole, exacerbating structural fragilities and inequalities, including social and gender gaps, unequal access to culture, restrictions on artistic freedom, and the status and livelihoods of artists, cultural professionals, practitioners and communities, affecting the creation, production, distribution and access to cultural goods and services, aggravating the loss of tourism revenues and bringing to light the critical contribution of the cultural and creative sectors to societies and to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda, and taking note of the reports on the Assessment of the impact of COVID-19 on cultural and creative industries ; Culture in times of COVID-19: Resilience, recovery and revival and Cultural and Creative Industries in the Face of COVID-19: An Economic Impact Outlook , produced in 2021 and 2022, by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization,'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'52. Encourages the promotion of digital solutions through access to and use of digital public goods, which may include open-source software, open data, open artificial intelligence models, open standards and open content that adhere to international and domestic laws, in unlocking the full potential of rapid technological change to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'[PP6.bis Supporting reform of the international financial architecture, international financial institution and multilateral development bank reform as a key for large-scale Sustainable Development Goal-related investments in order to better address global challenges. The international financial architecture, including its business models and financing capacities, must be made more fit for purpose, equitable and responsive to the financing needs of developing countries, to broaden and strengthen the voice and participation of developing countries in international economic decision-making, norm-setting, and global economic governance as well as commit to engage in inclusive intergovernmental discussions on the reform of international financial institutions in forthcoming processes, including at the United Nations, taking into account current and ongoing initiatives (SDG Political Declaration, paragraph 38 sub paragraph viii) - G77 and China; EU, US, UK, CANZ reserve]'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Reaffirming also that small island developing States remain a special case for sustainable development, renewing thus our solidarity with them, as they continue to face the combined challenges arising, in particular, from their geographical remoteness, the small scale of their economies, high costs and the adverse effects of climate change and natural disasters, and remaining particularly concerned that many small island developing States have not achieved sustained high levels of economic growth, owing in part to their vulnerabilities to the ongoing negative impacts of environmental challenges and external economic and financial shocks, '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Recognizes that the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development adopted, among other commitments on sustainable consumption and production, the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns, and that both the Framework and its multi-partner trust fund are tools for action on sustainable consumption and production, recalls the launch of the One Plan for One Planet strategy 2018 2022, and in this regard reiterates the need for such initiatives to continue to share best practices and provide other forms of technical assistance in the shift towards sustainable consumption and production patterns, including by providing tools and solutions for policy design and implementation; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Welcoming the convening of the High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development held in New York on 20 September 2023, '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'4. Recalls the ministerial decision of 7 December 2013 on duty-free and quota-free market access for least developed countries, recognizes that nearly all developed country members of the World Trade Organization provide either full or nearly full duty-free and quota-free market access to least developed country products and that a number of developing country members of the World Trade Organization also grant a significant degree of duty-free and quota-free market access to least developed country products, and takes note of the adoption of trading arrangements that further extend preferential market access for the benefit of other developing States; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Stressing the need to support and strengthen information systems and statistical systems for better disaggregated data collection and processing, which will be key in monitoring progress in the adoption of sustainable agricultural technologies and their impact on improving food security, nutrition and sustainable agriculture,'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'14. Welcomes the successful conclusion of the twelfth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization, held in Geneva from 12 to 17 June 2022, under the presidency of the Government of Kazakhstan and looks forward to continuing the World Trade Organization negotiations consistent with existing mandates to further reform agricultural trade rules, with a view to achieving concrete and positive results at the thirteenth Ministerial Conference; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Notes that countries can seek to negotiate, as a last resort, on a case-by-case basis and through existing frameworks, agreements on temporary debt standstills between debtors and creditors in order to help to mitigate the adverse impacts of a debt crisis and stabilize macroeconomic developments; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'[PP35 bis Noting the role of the United Nations Development Programme Istanbul International Centre for Private Sector in Development in its engagement with the private sector to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and promote inclusive markets and sustainable business development, T rkiye (PP33 A/RES/77/155); EU support; G77 and China reserve.]'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Noting with grave concern that almost half of the world s population, especially women and girls and people in vulnerable situations, as well as more than four in five people in the least developed countries, do not have access to the Internet, and noting that the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbates inequalities caused by the digital divides, since the poorest and the most vulnerable who are the hardest hit are also those who lag behind the most in access to information and communications technologies, '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Noting that its resolution 69/313 also commits Member States to working to improve the fairness, transparency, efficiency and effectiveness of their tax systems, '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'11. Also notes that the digital economy is an important and growing part of the global economy and that connectivity is correlated with increases in gross domestic product, recognizes the critical importance of expanding the participation of all countries, in particular developing countries, in the digital economy, and further notes that the Commission on Science and Technology for Development will explore the connection between data and sustainable development at its twenty-seventh session, in 2024; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Emphasizing that a fully inclusive and more effective international tax cooperation system requires robust processes for avoiding and resolving tax disputes in a principled and effective manner and keeping in mind that developing countries have limited resources to handle costly international disputes settlement processes, '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'1. Recognizes that information and communications technologies have the potential to provide new solutions to development challenges, particularly in the context of globalization, and can foster sustained, inclusive and equitable economic growth and sustainable development, competitiveness, access to information and knowledge, trade and development, poverty eradication [, including extreme poverty -Holy See] [, gender equality -CANZ] and social inclusion that will help to expedite the integration of all countries, especially developing countries, in particular the least developed countries, into the global economy; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'PP30. Stressing the necessity for all forms of development cooperation, including aid flows, to promote digital transformation, agreed ad ref'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Recognizing further that a systems approach to agricultural innovation is essential to ensure that innovations, including emerging technologies and effective approaches, are aligned towards common objectives, promote collaboration, address problems relevant to farmers, and offer incentives to, and the means to accelerate adoption by, smallholder and family farmers, and that it is essential to enable interactions and knowledge flows among the different stakeholders in the agricultural innovation systems, including farmers organizations, national agricultural research systemsinstitutions, extension and advisory services, governments, international organizations, the private sector and civil society,'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Recognizing the important contributions and full participation of all stakeholders to help bridge, in their roles and responsibilities, the digital divides, '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'PP32 Noting that global foreign direct investment flows declined by 12 per cent in 2022, to 1.3 trillion dollars, and that although foreign direct investment in developing countries increased marginally, it however declined considerably in Africa from the 80 billion dollars recorded in 2021 to 45 billion [US Mx] dollars in 2022, -EU delete; G77 and China retain] growth was concentrated in a few large emerging economies, while inflows in many smaller developing countries were stagnant and foreign direct investment to the least developed countries declined, [in 2022 FDI in Africa fell to prior levels of 45 billion [ US Mx] dollars EU; G77 and China delete (source UNCTAD Press Release 5th July, 2023 UNCTAD/PRESS/PR/2023/009]'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'4. Recognizes that, in combating the negative impacts caused by the COVID- 5. Welcomes the Secretary-General s efforts to address the SDG financing gap through an SDG stimulus and commits to advancing the Secretary-General s proposal, in a timely manner through discussions at the United Nations as well as other relevant forums and institutions, to tackle the high cost of debt and rising risks of debt distress, to enhance support to developing countries and to massively scale up affordable long-term financing for development and expand contingency financing to countries in need. (based on SDG summit) '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Recognizing that agricultural technology has a beneficial impact on and an important role in the successful implementation of the goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda, and in that regard taking note with appreciation of the report of the Secretary-General on progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals, the Global Sustainable Development Report, and the Secretary-General s strategy on new technologies,'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Taking note of the holding of preparatory meetings for the Economic and Social Council forum on financing for development follow-up, such as the annual retreat of the Group of Friends of Monterrey, '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Also reiterates that timely and comprehensive data on the level and composition of debt are necessary for, inter alia, building early warning systems aimed at limiting the impact of debt crises, calls for debtor and creditor countries to intensify their efforts to collect and release data, where appropriate, welcomes the ongoing work of relevant institutions to apply innovative tools for monitoring financial stress in developing countries and to invite relevant institutions to consider the creation of a central data registry that includes information on debt restructuring, and calls for donors to consider increasing their support for technical cooperation programmes aimed at increasing the statistical capacity of developing countries in that regard; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'30. Encourages the Commission on Science and Technology for Development to discuss and explore innovative financing models, such as impact investment, as a means of attracting new stakeholders, innovators and sources of investment capital for science, technology, engineering and innovation-based solutions, in collaboration with other organizations, where appropriate; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'66. Reaffirms the commitment at the very heart of the 2030 Agenda to leave no one behind and commit to taking more tangible steps to support people in vulnerable situations and the most vulnerable countries and to reach the furthest behind first;'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Stressing the need, in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, to benefit from and build on experiences, success stories, best practices, challenges and the lessons learned from the previous agreements on sustainable development, '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'7. Recognizes that, with 62 per cent of the world s poor population concentrated in middle-income countries, development cooperation, policy dialogue and partnerships with those countries can contribute to the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Sustainable Development Goals and targets; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General;[1]'
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b'Recognizing that connectivity through quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all, contributes to the sustainable development of all countries, including middle-income countries, '
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b'48. Calls for the promotion of new research, the development and transfer of the necessary technologies, and access to the existing ones, including in the areas of food and nutrition, health, water and sanitation, and energy, in order to contribute to the eradication of poverty in all its forms and dimensions, and the achievement of sustained, inclusive and equitable economic growth, human wellbeing and sustainable development. '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Urges the parties to the Convention to facilitate the transfer of technology on voluntary and mutually agreed terms for the effective implementation of the Convention in accordance with article 16 and other relevant provisions of the Convention, in this regard welcomes the decision to establish an informal advisory group on technical and scientific cooperation, to provide strategic advice on practical measures, tools and opportunities to promote and facilitate technical and scientific cooperation in accordance with the terms of reference contained in annex III to decision 15/8;'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'17. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its eightieth session, under the item entitled Macroeconomic policy questions , the sub-item entitled Financial inclusion for sustainable development . '
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b'Noting the tax challenges arising from digitalization of the economy and the importance of ensuring that tax is paid where value is created, and noting also international efforts to address this issue, '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'PP5 Underscoring that international project finance is [increasingly -US delete; G77 and China, Russia retain] important for Sustainable Development Goal[s- Russia] and climate change investment and that the [strong growth performance of international project finance can be explained by favourable financing conditions, infrastructure stimulus and significant interest on the part of financial market investors to participate in projects that require multiple financiers, - EU (WIR 2023 executive summary), US delete; G77 and China retain] recognizing that international project finance can enable Governments to leverage public investment through private finance participation, and noting [that developing countries are disadvantaged in this regard and US delete; G77 and China, Russia retain] that efforts to enhance private finance mobilization in developing countries are particularly crucial, '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Emphasizing the urgent need to developvalue of measures of progress on sustainable development that complement or go beyond gross domestic product in order to work towards a more inclusive approach to international cooperation, '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Recognizing that agenda-setting is a crucially important procedural aspect because the way in which tax challenges requiring collective action are identified and framed often predetermines the scope and nature of the responses to these challenges, as well as the order of priority for dealing with them, '
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b'Recognizes also that integrating biodiversity considerations into sectoral and cross-sectoral policies, plans and programmes at all levels is critical for harnessing the benefits of enhanced synergies and policy coherence;'
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b'Recalling also General Assembly resolutions 59/209 of 20 December 2004 and 67/221 of 21 December 2012 on a smooth transition for countries graduating from the list of least developed countries, EU retain PP14 77/177 Recalling further the Twelfth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization, held in Geneva from 12 to 17 June 2022, and the adoption of its ministerial declaration, as well as the fifteenth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, held in Barbados from 3 to 7 October 2021, at which the Bridgetown Covenant was adopted, [G77: Delete]'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'32. Also takes note of the schedule for the preparatory committee, co-chaired by the Permanent Representatives of Maldives and New Zealand to the United Nations, to facilitate the intergovernmental process for the outcome document for the fourth International Conference on SIDS, and in this regard, call upon all relevant stakeholders to work constructively and in collaboration with SIDS; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'PP33. Noting with great concern the fact that a gender digital divide persists in women s access to and use of information and communications technologies, including in education, employment and other areas of economic and social development, and in this regard welcoming the many initiatives that focus on access, skills and leadership to promote the equal participation of women and girls in the digital age, such as the International Girls in ICT Day of the International Telecommunication Union and the Global Partnership for Gender Equality in the Digital Age, known as the Equals Partnership, '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'20. Reiterates the call to Member States to invite the World Bank to consider reviving the high-level working group among the development banks and its partners to review the rules governing access for small island developing States to concessional finance; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'40. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its seventy-nineth session, under the item entitled Sustainable development , the sub-item entitled Follow-up to and implementation of the SIDS Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway and the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States . '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'50. Invites all relevant stakeholders to support more comprehensively those countries that are trailing in the digital economy in order to reduce the digital divides, strengthen the international enabling environment for value creation and build capacities in both the private and public sectors; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'[Taking note of; EU, US] Welcoming the 2023 Ministerial Declaration of the Least Developed Countries, G77: Retain as drafted'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'31. Decides to establish an intergovernmental preparatory committee to make the organisational, procedural and substantive preparations for the Conference. '
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b'Also takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the mainstreaming of the three dimensions of sustainable development throughout the United Nations system'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'1214. Recalls the holding of the 2020 Global Infrastructure Forum from 6 to 8 October 2020, in a virtual setting, and reiterates that the Forum is mandated to identify and address infrastructure and capacity gaps in developing countries, particularly in the least developed countries, landlocked developing countries, small island developing States and African countries; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Also recalls the establishment of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Financing for Development of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, notes its fifth sixth session, held in March November 2022, at which policy priorities to mobilize sustainable for financing for development finance beyond the COVID19 pandemic to respond and recover in an era of cascading and interrelated crises were items for deliberation, and recalls the request that the work of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Financing for Development at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development be presented as a regular input to the Economic and Social Council forum on financing for development follow-up, in accordance with the terms of reference of the Intergovernmental Group of Experts; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Recalling its resolution 77/244 of 30 December 2022 in which it decided to begin intergovernmental discussions at the United Nations Headquarters on ways to strengthen the inclusiveness and effectiveness of international tax cooperation through the evaluation of additional options, including the possibility of developing an international tax cooperation framework or instrument that is developed and agreed upon through a United Nations intergovernmental process, taking into full consideration existing international and multilateral arrangements, '
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b'Recognizing also the Commission on Science and Technology for Development as the United Nations focal point in the system-wide follow-up to the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society, '
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b'Reiterates the invitation to the President of the General Assembly and the Secretary-General to give appropriate consideration to the central role of maintaining and facilitating the financial and macroeconomic stability of developing countries, including debt sustainability, and of supporting an appropriately enabling domestic and international economic, financial and regulatory environment for the means of implementation of the 2030 Agenda, and in this regard invites all major institutional stakeholders, including the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, to support these efforts, in accordance with their respective mandates; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Taking note further of the work of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination on the impact of new and emerging technologies and on promoting innovation to accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'21. Encourages States to strengthen inter-institutional, inclusive coordination on disaster risk data and integrated analysis, investment in and the transfer of technology on voluntary and mutually agreed terms to developing countries for the development of science and technology and in strengthening capacities for multidimensional and multi-hazard risk assessment, risk analytics and strategic foresight and monitoring of systemic risk, and capitalize on the risk data and risk modelling capacity of the private sector, including development of tools for multi-hazard risk assessments, and in this regard takes note of the ongoing work on the Global Risk Assessment Framework and Risk Information Exchange;'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Recognizing that realizing gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls will make a crucial contribution to progress across all of the Sustainable Development Goals, and emphasizing the need to target science, technology and innovation strategies to address the empowerment of women and girls and to reduce inequalities, including the gender digital divide, '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'Further recognizes that urban farming and agriculture can improve the food security and nutrition of, and foster income opportunities for, urban dwellers, and in this regard highlights the need to further develop agricultural technology in support of sustainable urbanization, including sustainable intensification through indoor and vertical farming, the use of automation to overcome intensive labour challenges, the innovative use of urban spaces for agriculture and the promotion of urban farming, in order to reduce hunger and malnutrition and to promote sustainable urban development; '
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'PP28 Recognizing that international public finance, including official development assistance, is important to the efforts of developing countries to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, including through its capacity to catalyse additional resource mobilization from other sources, public and private, as it can support improved tax collection and help to strengthen domestic enabling environments and build essential public services,'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'PP19. Taking note of the report of the High-level Panel on Digital Cooperation, entitled The age of digital interdependence , submitted to the Secretary-General on 10 June 2019, also taking note of the report of the Secretary-General entitled Road map for digital cooperation , presented on 11 June 2020, as well as the establishment of the Office of the Secretary-General s Envoy on Technology, and further taking note of the recommendations of the Secretary-General, in his report entitled Our Common Agenda , to improve digital cooperation, with a view to bridging digital divides and accelerating the positive contribution that digital technologies can play in society, including towards achieving the 2030 Agenda, agreed ad ref'
Choose the answer that best classifies what kind of paragraph this is. Possible answers are Redline, High, Medium/Low, or Neutral.
b'(a) Investing in people in least developed countries: eradicating poverty and building capacity to leave no one behind,'
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b'Noting the importance of the oceans, seas and marine resources to small island developing States, owing to their unique characteristics, dependence on and particular exposure to the ocean and its biodiversity, and noting also the central role of the ocean in the culture, livelihoods and sustainable development of the peoples of small island developing States, '
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b'Reaffirming the Paris Agreement and its early entry into force, and encouraging all its parties to fully implement the Agreement, and parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change that have not yet done so to deposit their instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, where appropriate, as soon as possible, '
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b'16. Invites the President of the General Assembly to convene a meeting during the seventy-ninth session of the Assembly, within existing resources and in a format decided by the President, to discuss the structural barriers for middle-income countries in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, , and explore the impact of new approaches that go beyond GDP, which could inform international development cooperation, including access to concessional finance, and requests the Secretary-General to consider these discussions in the drafting of his report on the implementation of the present resolution;'