1 value
2 values
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. description": "" majority final around wrestli"", "2. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "3. shorttitle": "" peasants court craftsmen carr"", "4. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "5. datemodified": ""2011-03-27t08:52:01.951000+03:""}, "entity2": {"a. name": ""little dunmow"", "b. rdf schema comment": ""little dunmow is a village sit"", "c. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(0.404606 51.8663)""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. thumbnail": null, "2. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "3. primaryformat": null}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. country": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. rdf schema label": ""aek athens futsal"", "2. name": ""dimitris theodorou"", "3. nickname": ""enosis"", "4. manager": ""dimitris kountardas"", "5. rdf schema comment": ""the department of futsal aek, ""}, "entity2": {"a. datecreated": ""2011-04-17t11:17:06.648000+03:"", "b. description": "" pe6rm5itstetd yplesazdp union"", "c. shorttitle": ""participation professionally g"", "d. title": ""elvis costello activity help i"", "e. datemodified": ""2011-10-27t14:48:36.488000+03:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "2. website": null}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. primaryformat": null, "c. about": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. description": "" players easier partisan clerg"", "2. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "3. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "4. title": ""hywel francis help took electi"", "5. shorttitle": "" other movement leading own in""}, "entity2": {"a. shortlabel": ""amber rudd originate same part"", "b. primarytopicof": ""amber rudd website allowing we"", "c. disambiguationhint": ""amber rudd broadcasters progre"", "d. prefferedlabel": ""amber rudd times without union"", "e. slug": ""amber rudd you are money athle""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "2. about": null, "3. audience": null}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datemodified": ""2011-10-17t02:56:24.314000+03:"", "2. datecreated": ""2011-02-05t11:04:42.226000+02:"", "3. description": "" enjoyment violent compete his"", "4. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "5. shorttitle": "" collect entered through early""}, "entity2": {"a. name": ""alexios 05"", "b. description": ""byzantine emperor""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""the 2014 united states senate "", "2. country": ""south carolina"", "3. rdf schema label": ""united states senate special e""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datecreated": ""2011-02-17t00:34:45.387000+02:"", "2. title": ""michael moore engine improve g"", "3. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "4. datemodified": ""2011-08-11t13:32:14.195000+03:"", "5. shorttitle": "" provider ticket fixtures war ""}, "entity2": {"a. rdf schema comment": ""underwater rugby (uwr) is an u"", "b. caption": ""underwater rugby match in norw""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. name": ""south central avenue historic "", "2. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(-76.5994 39.2867)"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""south central avenue historic ""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. equipment": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {}, "entity2": {"a. datecreated": ""2011-05-16t18:20:00.309000+03:"", "b. shorttitle": "" engine this servers participa"", "c. title": ""nicky morgan internet mainly u"", "d. description": "" assembly result those click b"", "e. datemodified": ""2011-09-21t00:28:16.126000+03:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. thumbnail": null, "b. category": null, "c. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. description": "" unfair preclude local grantin"", "2. datemodified": ""2012-01-25t04:48:09.002000+02:"", "3. shorttitle": "" cases mediums internet usage "", "4. datecreated": ""2011-02-07t19:29:55.051000+02:"", "5. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. primarycontentof": null, "2. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "3. about": null}, "entity2": {"a. producttype": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""flag football is a version of "", "2. caption": ""a co-ed game of flag football "", "3. olympic": ""no,2"", "4. equipment": ""ball, flag""}, "b. primarytopic": {"1. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(-86.2644 38.7067)"", "2. country": ""khtttopy:l/x/8dxbpediar.4obrgg"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""brown township is one of thirt"", "4. name": ""brown township""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datemodified": ""2011-08-23t20:17:24.985000+03:"", "2. description": "" our revolves occasion each ca"", "3. datecreated": ""2011-05-19t21:02:55.939000+03:"", "4. shorttitle": "" strongest cherished candidate"", "5. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}, "entity2": {"a. rdf schema label": ""united states house of represe"", "b. rdf schema comment": ""the 2012 united states house o"", "c. country": ""delaware""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. name": ""sunrise mall"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""sunrise mall is a two-story, e"", "3. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(-97.3651 27.7075)""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. subject": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. title": ""michael dugher related profess"", "2. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "3. datemodified": ""2011-10-25t03:30:07.377000+03:"", "4. description": "" see cookies search custom sub"", "5. shorttitle": "" tensions custom consistent no""}, "entity2": {"a. datemodified": ""2012-07-13t06:44:39.298000+03:"", "b. datecreated": ""2011-09-20t20:50:26.931000+03:"", "c. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "d. description": "" did among person still layout"", "e. shorttitle": "" about platform one-fifth spor""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(5.94611 36.4089)"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""tassadane haddada is a town an"", "3. name": ""tassadane haddada""}}, "entity2": {"a. tag": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""general elections were held in"", "2. rdf schema label": ""swedish general election, 1985"", "3. country": ""sweden""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datemodified": ""2012-01-08t23:04:27.532000+02:"", "2. datecreated": ""2011-07-22t12:41:44.586000+03:"", "3. title": ""karinu around plead help viewe"", "4. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "5. description": "" hobby necessarily always ceas""}, "entity2": {"a. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "b. datemodified": ""2012-01-08t23:04:27.532000+02:"", "c. datecreated": ""2011-07-22t12:41:44.586000+03:"", "d. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "e. description": "" hobby necessarily always ceas""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "2. thumbnail": null, "3. primarycontentof": null}, "entity2": {"a. tag": null, "b. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "c. mentions": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {}, "entity2": {"a. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "b. datecreated": ""2011-06-16t09:01:34.298000+03:"", "c. description": "" payment contribution took ter"", "d. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "e. shorttitle": "" log at both domestic contribu""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. tag": {"1. rdf schema label": ""bucheon fc 1995"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""bucheon fc 1995 is a south kor"", "3. manager": ""gwak kyung-keun"", "4. nickname": ""reds""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "2. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "3. description": "" customize attendance click se"", "4. datemodified": ""2012-03-11t14:57:31.055000+02:"", "5. title": ""lorely burt came each centurie""}, "entity2": {"a. olympic": ""no,6"", "b. rdf schema comment": ""nine-pin bowling (also known a"", "c. equipment": ""ninepin bowling ball"", "d. caption": ""ninepin bowling pins and ball""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. mentions": null, "2. about": null, "3. primaryformat": null}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. shorttitle": "" display little site's includi"", "2. title": ""peter luff all represented set"", "3. datecreated": ""2011-05-20t03:43:23.375000+03:"", "4. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "5. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}, "entity2": {"a. title0": ""esther mcvey should ambiti"", "b. datemodified": ""2011-10-27t10:20:05.525000+03:"", "c. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "d. datecreated": ""2011-10-08t22:06:00.696000+03:"", "e. title1": ""on side their reject numbe""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "2. mentions": null, "3. about": null}, "entity2": {"a. about": null, "b. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "c. primarycontentof": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. prefferedlabel": ""capizzone set began parliament"", "2. twitter": ""capizzone representative autom"", "3. shortlabel": ""capizzone areas audience inter"", "4. slug": ""capizzone drive attracts state"", "5. disambiguationhint": ""capizzone out identifiable ori""}, "entity2": {"a. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "b. title": ""frank herbert the website nati"", "c. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "d. description": "" weak best prolonged impact me"", "e. datemodified": ""2011-07-11t21:24:18.309000+03:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. tag": {"1. name": ""kamil huseynov"", "2. rdf schema label": ""fk qaraba"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""fk qaraba adam, also known as "", "4. nickname": ""atllar""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datemodified": ""2012-01-08t22:00:16.951000+02:"", "2. shorttitle": "" in site's 2007 700 line consc"", "3. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "4. description": "" can whenever experience tensi"", "5. title": ""denis macshane bargaining alon""}, "entity2": {"a. title1": ""ld progress speaking existence"", "b. datecreated": ""2011-10-22t16:53:18.472000+03:"", "c. datemodified": ""2012-10-23t15:29:06.196000+03:"", "d. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "e. description": "" method although olympic raise""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. rdf schema label": ""2010 united kingdom general el"", "2. country": ""scotland"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""these are the scottish results""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. audience": null, "c. mentions": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. title": ""kazakhstan patterns members 19"", "2. datemodified": ""2011-10-30t03:24:31.764000+02:"", "3. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "4. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "5. shorttitle": "" lower and logged supported we""}, "entity2": {"a. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(44.2 15.2667)"", "b. rdf schema comment": ""balsanah is a village in west-"", "c. name": ""balsanah""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. audience": null, "2. primarycontentof": null, "3. primaryformat": null}, "entity2": {"a. country": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. shorttitle": "" always web-surfing rights dat"", "2. datecreated": ""2011-08-16t21:24:37.510000+03:"", "3. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "4. datemodified": ""2011-11-12t20:53:01.536000+02:"", "5. description": "" came address cricket record-k""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. audience": null, "2. about": null, "3. primaryformat": null}, "entity2": {"a. primarytopic": {"1. slug0": ""minnesota has within attracted"", "2. prefferedlabel1": "" person land by raise flash la"", "3. prefferedlabel0": ""minnesota realm levels compete"", "4. facebook": ""minnesota set amounts supporte"", "5. slug1": ""es customer cookie negatively ""}, "b. producttype": {"1. caption": ""an international rules footbal"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""international rules football (""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datemodified": ""2011-07-07t00:14:11.335000+03:"", "2. title": ""podluhy following patterns wea"", "3. description": "" asked rules entirely successf"", "4. shorttitle": "" well ads into incur left incu"", "5. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}, "entity2": {"a. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "b. datecreated": ""2011-05-26t12:54:40.059000+03:"", "c. shorttitle": "" well ads into incur left incu"", "d. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "e. datemodified": ""2011-07-07t00:14:11.335000+03:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. name": ""aimoin"", "2. description": ""chronicler""}}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. name": ""aimoin"", "2. description": ""chronicler""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. title": "" educated browsers evident pla"", "2. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "3. shorttitle": "" logged line pits legislation "", "4. datecreated": ""2011-03-19t14:30:29.831000+02:"", "5. description": "" ends help very have whenever ""}, "entity2": {"a. description": "" number church during ioc apar"", "b. datecreated": ""2011-03-12t10:38:43.877000+02:"", "c. title": ""v9owd87g8u1juiaandrew george a"", "d. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "e. shorttitle": "" a cti v it y pa t ter n s ""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. country": ""united states"", "2. rdf schema label": ""confusion (convention)"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""confusion is an annual science""}}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. name": ""graphic arts building"", "2. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(-84.1931 39.7558)"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""the graphic arts building is a""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {}, "entity2": {"a. shorttitle": "" ceased faster areas page poli"", "b. datemodified": ""2012-10-05t19:28:10.748000+03:"", "c. description": "" notion enactment uncommon sol"", "d. datecreated": ""2011-10-18t03:01:02.456000+03:"", "e. livecoverage": ""true"^^<""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""a presidential election was he"", "2. rdf schema label": ""gabonese presidential election"", "3. country": ""gabon""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "2. datemodified": ""2011-05-05t11:06:45.641000+03:"", "3. description": "" party guaranteeing who automa"", "4. title": ""simon danczuk often were it ev"", "5. datecreated": ""2011-04-23t00:55:26.372000+03:""}, "entity2": {"a. title": ""simon danczuk often were it ev"", "b. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "c. shorttitle": "" make violent always soon info"", "d. datemodified": ""2011-05-05t11:06:45.641000+03:"", "e. datecreated": ""2011-04-23t00:55:26.372000+03:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. thumbnail": null, "2. primarycontentof": null, "3. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. about": null, "b. mentions": null, "c. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "2. datecreated": ""2011-11-25t00:09:33.246000+02:"", "3. shorttitle": "" entrance represented country "", "4. datemodified": ""2012-10-12t13:06:31.440000+03:"", "5. description": "" another policy over engine id""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. mentions": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""mfc kremin kremenchuk (ukraini"", "2. nickname": ""kremin"", "3. rdf schema label": ""fc kremin kremenchuk""}, "2. about": {"1. givenname": ""alessandro"", "2. name": ""alessandro algardi"", "3. deathdate": ""1654-06-10"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "4. description": ""sculptor"", "5. surname": ""algardi""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. country": ""puerto rico"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""the 2012 popular democratic pa"", "3. rdf schema label": ""popular democratic party of pu""}, "entity2": {"a. datecreated": ""2011-08-12t10:09:41.059000+03:"", "b. title": ""scotland countries equality ad"", "c. shorttitle": "" hundreds solely about conside"", "d. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "e. datemodified": ""2012-04-11t01:08:41.628000+03:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "2. subject": null}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""mfc kremin kremenchuk (ukraini"", "2. nickname": ""kremin"", "3. rdf schema label": ""fc kremin kremenchuk""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. description": ""american tennis player"", "2. givenname": ""andre"", "3. surname": ""agassi"", "4. birthdate": ""1970-04-29"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "5. name": ""andre agassi""}, "entity2": {"a. title": ""wola bobrowa two whenever achi"", "b. description": "" granting movement participant"", "c. shorttitle": "" sessions system society soon "", "d. datemodified": ""2011-06-08t16:13:36.379000+03:"", "e. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "2. birthplace": null}, "entity2": {"a. tag": {"1. country": ""italy"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""the 1990 italian grand prix wa"", "3. rdf schema label": ""1990 italian grand prix""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. givenname": ""al"", "2. deathdate": ""1979-11-05"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "3. description": ""cartoonist"", "4. name": ""al capp"", "5. surname": ""capp""}, "entity2": {"a. title": ""william hague purposes referri"", "b. datemodified": ""2011-06-02t00:46:57.215000+03:"", "c. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "d. description": "" while custom often time occas"", "e. datecreated": ""2011-05-26t08:13:42.215000+03:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. deathplace": null, "2. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. tag": {"1. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(44.2 15.2667)"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""balsanah is a village in west-"", "3. name": ""balsanah""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {}, "entity2": {"a. shorttitle": "" cases mediums internet usage "", "b. datecreated": ""2011-02-07t19:29:55.051000+02:"", "c. title": ""illinois day combined trends w"", "d. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "e. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. category": null, "b. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "c. tag": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "2. title": ""creech st michael days members"", "3. shorttitle": "" assembly demographic terms en"", "4. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "5. description": "" information pope century spor""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. birthdate": ""1951-06-29"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "2. name": ""don rosa"", "3. givenname": ""don"", "4. surname": ""rosa"", "5. description": ""writer""}}, "entity2": {"a. primarytopic": {"1. name": ""hermann wilhelm gu00f6ring"", "2. birthdate": ""1893-01-12"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "3. surname": ""gu00f6ring"", "4. givenname": ""hermann wilhelm"", "5. deathdate": ""1946-10-15"^^<http://www.w3.or""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datemodified": ""2011-05-16t23:55:05.259000+03:"", "2. title": ""frank field site's lies inform"", "3. shorttitle": "" rapid teams laws rights all r"", "4. datecreated": ""2011-04-12t21:47:12.765000+03:"", "5. description": "" countries a cookie practiced ""}, "entity2": {"a. datemodified": ""2011-12-14t01:51:22.810000+02:"", "b. description": "" games seat sent pits country "", "c. datecreated": ""2011-06-01t18:13:41.424000+03:"", "d. livecoverage": ""true"^^<""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. description": ""french physicist and mathemati"", "2. deathdate": ""1836-06-10"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "3. surname": ""ampere"", "4. givenname": ""andre-marie"", "5. name": ""andre-marie ampere""}}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. birthdate": ""1571-09-29"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "2. deathdate": ""1610-07-18"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "3. description": ""painting"", "4. name": ""caravaggio""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""horseshoes is an outdoor game "", "2. caption": ""horseshoesnon-olympic"", "3. equipment": ""individual""}, "entity2": {"a. datemodified": ""2011-11-16t06:17:21.308000+02:"", "b. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "c. description": "" players easier partisan clerg"", "d. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "e. title": ""hywel francis help took electi""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. tag": null, "c. audience": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {}, "entity2": {"a. shorttitle": "" rs4etcuulear idbentyi3fzyf de"", "b. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "c. datemodified": ""2011-11-30t01:53:11.564000+02:"", "d. description": ""ved million if but sole etting"", "e. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. name": ""oldervik"", "2. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(19.6758 69.7567)"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""oldervik is a fishing village ""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datemodified": ""2012-03-14t08:10:05.842000+02:"", "2. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "3. datecreated": ""2011-07-01t03:09:30.993000+03:"", "4. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "5. title": ""afonso 06 of portugal audience""}, "entity2": {"a. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "b. shorttitle": "" isolation each common assigne"", "c. title": ""los angeles well life taxation"", "d. description": "" decided king have rule negati"", "e. datemodified": ""2012-06-23t04:17:30.927000+03:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": null, "2. thumbnail": null, "3. primaryformat": null}, "entity2": {"a. tag": null, "b. thumbnail": null, "c. primarycontentof": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "2. title": ""monaco adopted installed neces"", "3. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "4. datecreated": ""2011-04-20t00:57:50.224000+03:"", "5. description": "" a and/or all central well add""}, "entity2": {"a. title": ""m o n a c o adopt e d inst a"", "b. datemodified": ""2011-05-06t04:51:50.453000+03:"", "c. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "d. shorttitle": ""low agree portrayal because pe"", "e. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. country": ""basque country"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""elections for the basque parli"", "3. rdf schema label": ""basque parliamentary election,""}}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. country": ""basque country"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""elections for the basque parli"", "3. rdf schema label": ""basque parliamentary election,""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {}, "entity2": {"a. description0": "" entered professionally holdin"", "b. datecreated": ""2011-07-20t11:37:41.198000+03:"", "c. datemodified": ""2012-01-18t22:03:46.529000+02:"", "d. shorttitle": "" they other achievement basis "", "e. description1": ""d demolition competitions sear""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. primarytopic": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""tournafulla, officially toorna"", "2. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(-9.1473 52.3675)"", "3. name": ""toornafulla""}}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. rdf schema label": ""baltimore comic-con"", "2. country": ""united states"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""the baltimore comic-con is a c""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. name": ""persia"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""the afsharids were members of ""}, "entity2": {"a. datemodified": ""2012-06-14t23:21:12.981000+03:"", "b. description": "" cut realm paid settings phras"", "c. datecreated": ""2011-11-30t06:08:24.563000+02:"", "d. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "e. shorttitle": "" professional transfers when i""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. audience": null, "b. primaryformat": null, "c. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "2. datemodified": ""2011-10-14t11:17:05.470000+03:"", "3. shorttitle": "" merely common into saving att"", "4. description": "" came page 12th who elections "", "5. datecreated": ""2011-03-13t17:50:27.057000+02:""}, "entity2": {"a. deathdate": ""0672-01-07"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "b. description": ""japanese emperor"", "c. name": ""tenji""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. country": ""united states"", "2. rdf schema label": ""katsucon"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""katsucon is an annual three da""}}, "entity2": {}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(-17.5147 14.7436)"", "2. name": ""ngor"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""ngor is a commune d'arrondisse""}, "entity2": {"a. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "b. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "c. datemodified": ""2012-08-24t21:15:18.033000+03:"", "d. description": "" society audience rather gover"", "e. datecreated": ""2011-10-21t01:05:49.088000+03:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "2. country": null}, "entity2": {"a. primarycontentof": null, "b. primaryformat": null, "c. about": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(-114.089 50.9828)"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""chinook park is a residential "", "3. name": ""chinook park""}, "entity2": {"a. title": ""!anehtjmxllujgvh5gxgwfgu1hocey"", "b. description": ""?vda weak servers including do"", "c. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "d. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "e. datecreated": ""2011-06-05t09:36:21.166000+03:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. country": null, "2. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. about": null, "b. thumbnail": null, "c. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {}, "entity2": {"a. datemodified": ""2011-11-18t00:36:27.281000+02:"", "b. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "c. shorttitle": ""y tpaajrt4itcularly xgrqantian"", "d. title": ""scaiuriverprimitivecandidatesr"", "e. description": ""towards paid own into policysi""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. producttype": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""half-pipe skiing is the sport "", "2. caption": ""half-pipe skiing at the world ""}, "2. primarytopic": {"1. manager": ""badou zaki"", "2. rdf schema label": ""wydad casablanca"", "3. nickname": ""wac"", "4. rdf schema comment": ""wydad athletic club (wac) is a""}}, "entity2": {"a. primarycontentof": null, "b. audience": null, "c. thumbnail": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. title": ""michigan achieve adopted gover"", "2. shorttitle": "" hundreds cookie complete they"", "3. datemodified": ""2011-08-05t11:59:22.130000+03:"", "4. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "5. description": "" pretty through clergy object ""}, "entity2": {"a. description": "" they estimated customize cont"", "b. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "c. datecreated": ""2011-05-09t21:53:57.691000+03:"", "d. datemodified": ""2012-05-08t16:45:34.781000+03:"", "e. title": ""gavin barwell development pers""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "2. about": null, "3. primaryformat": null}, "entity2": {"a. tag": null, "b. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "c. audience": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. description": "" by service countries already "", "2. datemodified": ""2011-12-13t04:12:38.813000+02:"", "3. datecreated": ""2011-08-04t18:37:15.440000+03:"", "4. title": ""appelle make best boxing relat"", "5. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}, "entity2": {"a. country": ""ohio"", "b. rdf schema label": ""united states senate election "", "c. rdf schema comment": ""the 1980 united states senate ""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. rdf schema label": ""1950 italian grand prix"", "2. country": ""italy"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""the 1950 italian grand prix wa""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. subject": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. description": "" are cherished problems repres"", "2. datecreated": ""2011-11-27t09:05:01.486000+02:"", "3. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "4. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "5. shorttitle": "" was was search automatically ""}, "entity2": {"a. description": ""petition favor calculator borr"", "b. datemodified": ""2012-05-13t20:17:18.354000+03:"", "c. shorttitle": ""p e9nid?s praessure hce6lpm co"", "d. title": ""kalifa traor,"", "e. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. givenname": ""dino"", "2. name": ""dino zoff"", "3. description": ""italian goalkeeper"", "4. surname": ""zoff""}}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""the 1928 united states senate "", "2. rdf schema label": ""united states senate election "", "3. country": ""pennsylvania""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datecreated": ""2011-01-26t03:24:25.935000+02:"", "2. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "3. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "4. shorttitle": "" they ethos substantial certai"", "5. description": "" that elaborate individual sys""}, "entity2": {"a. datecreated": ""2011-02-20t14:48:33.267000+02:"", "b. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "c. description": "" enforced final orders sport t"", "d. datemodified": ""2011-09-17t03:28:21.514000+03:"", "e. shorttitle": "" petitions majority person pro""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""arroyo de la luz is a municipa"", "2. name": ""arroyo de la luz, spain"", "3. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(-6.56667 39.4833)""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. about": null, "c. primarycontentof": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datecreated": ""2011-04-12t05:00:29.552000+03:"", "2. datemodified": ""2011-07-02t03:08:30.453000+03:"", "3. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "4. description": "" evident participants amassed "", "5. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""the 1992 united states preside"", "2. country": ""south dakota"", "3. rdf schema label": ""united states presidential ele""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {}, "entity2": {"a. datemodified": ""2012-07-24t23:48:11.707000+03:"", "b. title": ""milo malivojevi ambition popul"", "c. datecreated": ""2011-11-19t05:31:21.903000+02:"", "d. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "e. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. producttype": {"1. caption": ""a bowler bowling to a batsman."", "2. rdf schema comment": ""indoor cricket is a variant of""}, "2. primarytopic": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""the united states presidential"", "2. country": ""united states"", "3. rdf schema label": ""united states presidential ele""}}, "entity2": {"a. tag": {"1. rdf schema label": ""2005 italian grand prix"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""the 2005 italian grand prix wa"", "3. country": ""italy""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. description": "" uncommon celibacy browser lit"", "2. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "3. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "4. shorttitle": "" diagnose peasants faster riva"", "5. datemodified": ""2012-02-12t20:54:21.958000+02:""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. description": ""american musician"", "2. givenname": ""courtney"", "3. name": ""courtney love"", "4. surname": ""love""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {}, "entity2": {"a. shorttitle": "" viewers representative permit"", "b. title": ""ian liddell-grainger like iden"", "c. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "d. description": "" participants finally secular "", "e. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. producttype": {"1. olympic": ""demonstrated in 1912, 1936, 19"", "2. equipment": ""baseball bat"", "3. caption": ""the baseball diamond at wrigle"", "4. rdf schema comment": ""baseball is a bat-and-ball spo""}, "2. primarytopic": {"1. oficcialhomepage": ""berlin mentality facts interna"", "2. slug": ""berlin asked effects seat link"", "3. disambiguationhint": ""berlin opportunity custom memb"", "4. shortlabel": ""berlin preserve rules rule alo"", "5. prefferedlabel": ""berlin identify isolation succ""}}, "entity2": {"a. mentions": null, "b. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "c. about": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "2. description": "" server court did protocol bee"", "3. shorttitle": "" with with are union practiced"", "4. datecreated": ""2011-07-04t02:03:27.370000+03:"", "5. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}, "entity2": {"a. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "b. shorttitle": "" with with are union practiced"", "c. description": "" server court did protocol bee"", "d. title": "" equal give enactments interne"", "e. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. rdf schema label": ""united states senate election "", "2. rdf schema comment": ""the 2014 united states senate "", "3. country": ""wyoming""}}, "entity2": {"a. tag": {"1. rdf schema label": ""united states senate election "", "2. rdf schema comment": ""the 2014 united states senate "", "3. country": ""wyoming""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {}, "entity2": {"a. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "b. datemodified": ""2011-12-22t12:44:50.561000+02:"", "c. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "d. shorttitle": "" mt5heximrt gryohundsi fvije!w"", "e. title": ""tim dally lower customyoursoci""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. thumbnail": null, "b. about": null, "c. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. nickname": "" "", "2. name": ""georgi argilashki"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""pfc ludogorets razgrad (bulgar"", "4. rdf schema label": ""pfc ludogorets razgrad"", "5. manager": ""ivaylo petev""}, "entity2": {"a. shorttitle": "" estimated affords others acti"", "b. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "c. datemodified": ""2012-08-13t22:21:24.404000+03:"", "d. description": "" present are cup clergy confro"", "e. datecreated": ""2011-11-12t16:29:15.077000+02:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. website": null, "2. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. thumbnail": null, "b. tag": null, "c. audience": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "2. description": "" function cases pretension com"", "3. datemodified": ""2011-11-25t13:39:15.052000+02:"", "4. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "5. title": "" days diagnose it fixtures tea""}, "entity2": {"a. description": ""al nobles while church pursuit"", "b. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "c. shorttitle": "" w e d em o l i tion ex c h "", "d. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "e. title": "" days diagnose it fixtures tea""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "2. about": null, "3. mentions": null}, "entity2": {"a. primaryformat": null, "b. thumbnail": null, "c. mentions": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {}, "entity2": {"a. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "b. shorttitle": "" c o nt r a r y record - k e e"", "c. description": "" web should help type viewers "", "d. datemodified": ""2011-11-26t00:44:48.480000+02:"", "e. livecoverage": ""true"^^<""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. primarytopic": {"1. slug": ""minnesota has within attracted"", "2. disambiguationhint": ""minnesota hard purpose or iden"", "3. prefferedlabel": ""minnesota realm levels compete"", "4. facebook": ""minnesota set amounts supporte"", "5. shortlabel": ""minnesota uncommon unfair larg""}, "2. producttype": {"1. caption": ""an international rules footbal"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""international rules football (""}}, "entity2": {"a. audience": null, "b. primaryformat": null, "c. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datemodified": ""2011-11-06t01:29:11.851000+02:"", "2. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "3. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "4. datecreated": ""2011-10-27t02:50:10.735000+03:"", "5. description": "" times come viewers does large""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""verein fr bewegungsspiele stut"", "2. nickname": ""die roten"", "3. rdf schema label": ""vfb stuttgart""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datemodified": ""2011-07-07t00:14:11.335000+03:"", "2. title": ""podluhy following patterns wea"", "3. description": "" asked rules entirely successf"", "4. shorttitle": "" well ads into incur left incu"", "5. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:""}, "entity2": {"a. title": ""andrew percy type pretension p"", "b. shorttitle": "" themselves exchange contribut"", "c. datemodified": ""2012-07-25t20:05:11.042000+03:"", "d. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "e. livecoverage": ""true"^^<""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. name": ""aimoin"", "2. description": ""chronicler""}}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. country": ""maine"", "2. rdf schema label": ""united states senate election "", "3. rdf schema comment": ""the 2012 united states senate ""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. shorttitle": "" as demolition permitted celib"", "2. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "3. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "4. description": "" paid server pretty adoption o"", "5. datecreated": ""2011-09-11t03:32:26.014000+03:""}, "entity2": {"a. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "b. description": "" most whenever equality eventu"", "c. shorttitle": "" their policy address trends v"", "d. datemodified": ""2012-05-13t15:37:49.343000+03:"", "e. datecreated": ""2011-09-01t07:13:21.929000+03:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. category": null, "2. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "3. audience": null}, "entity2": {"a. tag": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""al-wakrah sport club is a qata"", "2. rdf schema label": ""al-wakrah sport club""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. description": "" games seat sent pits country "", "2. shorttitle": "" legislation fact only identif"", "3. datecreated": ""2011-06-01t18:13:41.424000+03:"", "4. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "5. title": ""theresa may competitions lead ""}, "entity2": {"a. name": ""little dunmow"", "b. rdf schema comment": ""little dunmow is a village sit"", "c. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(0.404606 51.8663)""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. birthdate": ""1571-09-29"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "2. deathdate": ""1610-07-18"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "3. description": ""painting"", "4. name": ""caravaggio""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. country": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {}, "entity2": {"a. shorttitle": "" worldwide preferences wrestli"", "b. title": ""elector of brandenburg frederi"", "c. datemodified": ""2012-06-09t15:14:05.592000+03:"", "d. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "e. description": "" wrestling leading present use""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. primarytopic": null, "2. producttype": null, "3. webdocumenttype": null}, "entity2": {"a. tag": null, "b. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "c. thumbnail": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. shorttitle": "" responsible 12th covers exper"", "2. datemodified": ""2011-09-23t23:31:30.444000+03:"", "3. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "4. description": "" individual's other worst case"", "5. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. category": null, "2. about": null, "3. primaryformat": null}, "entity2": {"a. primarycontentof": {"1. description": "" mainly pope and/or problems b"", "2. title": ""zwartsluis revolves we ip pure"", "3. shorttitle": "" local installed official brow"", "4. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "5. datecreated": ""2011-08-02t18:09:01.188000+03:""}, "b. producttype": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""underwater rugby (uwr) is an u"", "2. caption": ""underwater rugby match in norw""}, "c. primarytopic": {"1. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(152.444 -32.0847)"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""failford is a locality in the "", "3. name": ""gloucester""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "2. description": "" others had proof common compe"", "3. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "4. datemodified": ""2011-07-01t15:19:48.065000+03:"", "5. title": ""ceawlin of wessex player savin""}, "entity2": {"a. description": "" installed through they site's"", "b. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "c. datecreated": ""2011-08-12t16:44:47.979000+03:"", "d. shorttitle": "" court uncommon politics alone"", "e. datemodified": ""2011-09-25t06:07:59.930000+03:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. primarycontentof": null, "2. about": null, "3. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. tag": null, "b. primaryformat": null, "c. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datemodified": ""2012-01-18t06:37:43.196000+02:"", "2. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "3. shorttitle": "" refuse beginning customize di"", "4. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "5. description": "" gather pursuit if apartheid o""}, "entity2": {"a. title1": ""ld progress speaking existence"", "b. datecreated": ""2011-10-22t16:53:18.472000+03:"", "c. datemodified": ""2012-10-23t15:29:06.196000+03:"", "d. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "e. description": "" method although olympic raise""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. name": ""koken"", "2. description": ""empress of japan""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. audience": null, "c. mentions": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. shorttitle": "" towards provider homogeneous "", "2. datemodified": ""2011-11-12t14:47:24.351000+02:"", "3. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "4. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "5. datecreated": ""2011-07-11t19:08:57.115000+03:""}, "entity2": {"a. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "b. description": "" most whenever equality eventu"", "c. shorttitle": "" their policy address trends v"", "d. datemodified": ""2012-05-13t15:37:49.343000+03:"", "e. datecreated": ""2011-09-01t07:13:21.929000+03:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. rdf schema label": ""coronel bolognesi"", "2. nickname": ""bolo, blido del sur, los diabl"", "3. name": ""javier chirinos"", "4. rdf schema comment": ""not to be confused with club d"", "5. manager": ""roberto mosquera""}}, "entity2": {"a. tag": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""al-wakrah sport club is a qata"", "2. rdf schema label": ""al-wakrah sport club""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {}, "entity2": {"a. description": "" ruatet attdacetvenfersomesi o"", "b. shorttitle": "" modern provider liability chr"", "c. datecreated": ""2011-05-13t20:54:35.170000+03:"", "d. title": ""stuartandrew evident represent"", "e. datemodified": ""2011-10-30t17:41:17.906000+02:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. producttype": {"1. olympic": ""part of summer olympic program"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""tennis is a sport usually play"", "3. team": ""single or doubles"", "4. caption": ""a tennis match at wimbledon, t""}, "2. primarytopic": {"1. rdf schema label": ""victoria united"", "2. name": ""hide ozawa"", "3. nickname": ""united"", "4. rdf schema comment": ""victoria united is also the na""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. thumbnail": null, "c. mentions": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. shorttitle": "" eg royal record-keeping order"", "2. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "3. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "4. description": "" that finally engine lead ment"", "5. datemodified": ""2011-02-25t09:15:22.546000+02:""}, "entity2": {"a. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "b. datemodified": ""2011-02-25t09:15:22.546000+02:"", "c. description": "" t ha t f i n all y e ng in e "", "d. datecreated": ""2011-01-23t08:36:28.356000+02:"", "e. livecoverage": ""true"^^<""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. category": null, "2. about": null, "3. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. about": null, "c. mentions": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "2. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "3. title": ""viktor imeek equality and fina"", "4. datecreated": ""2011-06-05t21:37:13.525000+03:"", "5. shorttitle": "" users users particularly on c""}, "entity2": {}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. primarycontentof": null, "2. thumbnail": null, "3. about": null}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {}, "entity2": {"a. shorttitle": "" compete necessarily each afte"", "b. title": ""christian goldbach competition"", "c. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "d. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "e. description": "" linked peasants secular site ""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. about": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""state route 23 (abbreviated sr"", "2. name": ""union avenue, walnut grove roa""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. datemodified": ""2012-10-15t10:37:24.292000+03:"", "2. livecoverage": ""true"^^<"", "3. datecreated": ""2011-10-17t15:55:11.110000+03:"", "4. description": "" town policy after consistent "", "5. title": ""florida being substantial nobl""}, "entity2": {"a. shorttitle": "" tables come or commentators a"", "b. title": ""martenshoek practical pages th"", "c. description": "" leading web name information "", "d. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "e. livecoverage": ""false"^^<""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. name": ""tiapoum"", "2. wgs84 pos geometry": ""point(-3.01667 5.13333)"", "3. rdf schema comment": ""tiapoum is a town and commune ""}}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. tag": null, "c. category": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "2. description": "" electorate wrestling main ref"", "3. shorttitle": "" view adoption people parliame"", "4. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "5. datecreated": ""2011-02-14t03:39:48.023000+02:""}, "entity2": {"a. rdf schema comment": ""stock car racing is a form of "", "b. caption": ""sprint cup series drivers race""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. mentions": null, "2. thumbnail": null, "3. category": null}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "2. description": "" clergy bargaining times make "", "3. title": ""great britain individual's lif"", "4. datemodified": ""2012-03-29t22:44:32.209000+03:"", "5. datecreated": ""2011-06-20t14:26:45.743000+03:""}, "entity2": {"a. description": ""american tennis player"", "b. givenname": ""andre"", "c. surname": ""agassi"", "d. birthdate": ""1970-04-29"^^<http://www.w3.or"", "e. name": ""andre agassi""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": null, "2. mentions": null, "3. primarycontentof": null}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null, "b. birthplace": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. title": ""christian doppler parliament o"", "2. datemodified": ""2012-04-03t21:28:53.372000+03:"", "3. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "4. shorttitle": "" century than internet entered"", "5. description": "" problems remotely land govern""}, "entity2": {"a. rdf schema comment": ""curling is a sport in which pl"", "b. olympic": ""officially added in 1998.,4"", "c. equipment": ""curling brooms, stones , curli"", "d. caption": ""curling games taking place dur""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. primarycontentof": null, "2. category": null, "3. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}, "entity2": {"a. 22 rdf syntax ns type": null}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
{"self-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. title": ""mike wood towards out amounts "", "2. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "3. description": "" eligible referring attracts e"", "4. livecoverage": ""false"^^<"", "5. shorttitle": "" than competed three most high""}, "entity2": {"a. datemodified": ""2012-07-16t14:22:12.536000+03:"", "b. shorttitle": "" notion entirely amassed oppor"", "c. alttext": ""thumbnail atltext for cw http:"", "d. description": "" facts with rapid competed alr"", "e. datecreated": ""2011-08-21t13:12:14.020000+03:""}}", "1hop-attr-val": "{"entity1": {"1. about": {"1. rdf schema comment": ""parliamentary elections were h"", "2. country": ""hungary"", "3. rdf schema label": ""hungarian parliamentary electi""}}, "entity2": {"a. tag": {"1. nickname": ""lusma, soustara, m'samia"", "2. rdf schema comment": ""union sportive mdina d'alger, "", "3. rdf schema label": ""usm alger""}}}"}
By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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By comparing entity1 and entity2 belonging to two knowledge graphs, predict if they refer to the same object or not (1: "the same", 0: "different"). In each case, attribute values of entities ("self-attr-val") and their 1-hop neighbors ("1hop-attr-val") have been provided and indicated by numbers or alphabets. If two entities are the same, disregarding the terminological or synonymy issues, they share more in common values.
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