11 values
The Price of Freedom: Innocence Lost
[ "Historical", "RPG", "Serious" ]
[ 385, 177, 112, 32, 8, 0, 2, 8 ]
You are ten years old when you first feel the weight of shackles around your wrists. In a matter of hours, your whole world is turned upside down as you and your brother are dragged away from your home in Greece to work as slaves in the Roman Empire. Now you must struggle for survival. Every decision you make will affect your future. Your life, the life of your brother and the lives of your friends are in your hands. Begin your journey as a child, and make heartbreaking choices that will shape the adult you will become. But be careful. An act of kindness might come back to haunt you, and a thoughtless word could earn you some powerful enemies. A split second decision will determine who lives and who dies. Will you sell your soul to win your freedom, or sacrifice everything for the people you love? Will you even live long enough to see the sun rise? Special thanks to all of my beta-testers: TinyOnion, Morgan R, Mewsly, Evan Dean Nathanael, Laha, Cookiemonsta, Jumo, Hannah Minger, Danielle L-S, eXwhYZee, Umbreonpanda, M.S.X.K. Laird, Likho and N1GHTMAR3. And a really, REALLY special thanks to my patreons: Chanbot, Mizal, Ryan Esher and SpartacustheGreat. You can also keep up to date on my games by following me on social media at:
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Literary category:\nhistorical\n\nStory elements:\nHistorical, RPG, Serious\n\nSeed text:\nYou are ten years old when you first feel the weight of shackles around your wrists. In a matter of hours, your whole world is turned upside down as you and your brother are dragged away from your home in Greece to work as slaves in the Roman Empire. Now you must struggle for survival. Every decision you make will affect your future. Your life, the life of your brother and the lives of your friends are in your hands.\nBegin your journey as a child, and make heartbreaking choices that will shape the adult you will become. But be careful. An act of kindness might come back to haunt you, and a thoughtless word could earn you some powerful enemies. A split second decision will determine who lives and who dies. Will you sell your soul to win your freedom, or sacrifice everything for the people you love? Will you even live long enough to see the sun rise?\nSpecial thanks to all of my beta-testers: TinyOnion, Morgan R, Mewsly, Evan Dean Nathanael, Laha, Cookiemonsta, Jumo, Hannah Minger, Danielle L-S, eXwhYZee, Umbreonpanda, M.S.X.K. Laird, Likho and N1GHTMAR3.\nAnd a really, REALLY special thanks to my patreons: Chanbot, Mizal, Ryan Esher and SpartacustheGreat.\nYou can also keep up to date on my games by following me on social media at:\n\n\n\nChoose your own adventure story mode." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Note: This game is an update of the original version of The Price of Freedom: Innocence Lost, published in 2014. The update contains three more stats, a choice of names for your character, the option to play as either male or female, two extra chapters, far more background and character development, and is over twice as long as the original, with a total of over 100,000 words.\n\nYou can keep track of your character's progress by clicking the \"STATS\" button at the top of the screen.\n\nWarning: This game contains scenes of extreme violence, abuse and strong language, and is not suitable for players under the age of 16." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Chapter 1: A Child's Memories" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"He's still here,\" a voice tells you, the owner of the voice repeatedly shaking your shoulder, trying to rouse you from your sleep. \"Wake up!\" he orders in an awkward attempt to shout and whisper at the same time. \"The man's still here, talking to father. I can hear them.\"\n\nYou give a half conscious groan, opening your eyes to see the face of your little brother looming over you. \"Go back to sleep, Alexius,\" you tell him as you roll onto your side on the cold, stone floor and try to get some rest.\n\n\"They're talking about us,\" Alexius tells you. \"Really strange things. He was asking father if either of us ever had the pox or a fever when we were babies.\"\n\n\"Why would he care if we ever had the pox?\" you mumble in annoyance.\n\n\"That's what I want to know,\" your brother replies, heading back to the door and putting his ear against it, trying to make out the conversation on the other side.\n\nIt's too late for this. Your father already woke you up in the middle of the night to meet some eccentric old man who claimed to be a friend of the family, despite the fact you've never seen him before in your life. The man had a strange, Roman accent and spent about half an hour poking and prodding you and your brother, ruffling your hair, commenting on how healthy your teeth looked, feeling how strong your arms were and suggesting your father wasn't feeding you well enough. It seemed like forever before your father sent you back to bed, and you'd only just gotten to sleep when Alexius woke you up again.\n\n\"Did we ever have pox when we were babies?\" your brother asks you, apparently still contemplating the significance of this strange man's question.\n\n\"How am I supposed to know?\" you ask him irritably. After all, you don't remember being a baby. You know nothing about those first few months of your life, besides what your mother told you. You were born on the first day of the Summer, you know that much. A beautiful baby…" }, { "from": "human", "value": "STATS" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "General:\n\nName: Unknown\n\nAge: 10\n\nGender: Unknown\n\nSkills:\n\nStrength: 0\n\nSpeed: 0\n\nAccuracy: 0\n\nIntelligence: 0\n\nStealth: 0\n\nRelationships:\n\nAlexius: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"He's still here,\" a voice tells you, the owner of the voice repeatedly shaking your shoulder, trying to rouse you from your sleep. \"Wake up!\" he orders in an awkward attempt to shout and whisper at the same time. \"The man's still here, talking to father. I can hear them.\"\n\nYou give a half conscious groan, opening your eyes to see the face of your little brother looming over you. \"Go back to sleep, Alexius,\" you tell him as you roll onto your side on the cold, stone floor and try to get some rest.\n\n\"They're talking about us,\" Alexius tells you. \"Really strange things. He was asking father if either of us ever had the pox or a fever when we were babies.\"\n\n\"Why would he care if we ever had the pox?\" you mumble in annoyance.\n\n\"That's what I want to know,\" your brother replies, heading back to the door and putting his ear against it, trying to make out the conversation on the other side.\n\nIt's too late for this. Your father already woke you up in the middle of the night to meet some eccentric old man who claimed to be a friend of the family, despite the fact you've never seen him before in your life. The man had a strange, Roman accent and spent about half an hour poking and prodding you and your brother, ruffling your hair, commenting on how healthy your teeth looked, feeling how strong your arms were and suggesting your father wasn't feeding you well enough. It seemed like forever before your father sent you back to bed, and you'd only just gotten to sleep when Alexius woke you up again.\n\n\"Did we ever have pox when we were babies?\" your brother asks you, apparently still contemplating the significance of this strange man's question.\n\n\"How am I supposed to know?\" you ask him irritably. After all, you don't remember being a baby. You know nothing about those first few months of your life, besides what your mother told you. You were born on the first day of the Summer, you know that much. A beautiful baby…" }, { "from": "human", "value": "Boy." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Boy, much to your father's delight. He's always been old fashioned, and prayed for a son over a daughter, to carry on the family name. Your mother, of course, couldn't have cared less, so long as you were healthy and happy. Your parents were so proud, they decided to name you after your late grandfather." }, { "from": "human", "value": "STATS" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "General:\n\nName: Unknown\n\nAge: 10\n\nGender: Male\n\nSkills:\n\nStrength: 0\n\nSpeed: 0\n\nAccuracy: 0\n\nIntelligence: 0\n\nStealth: 0\n\nRelationships:\n\nAlexius: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Boy, much to your father's delight. He's always been old fashioned, and prayed for a son over a daughter, to carry on the family name. Your mother, of course, couldn't have cared less, so long as you were healthy and happy. Your parents were so proud, they decided to name you after your late grandfather." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Andreas." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Andreas. The name your mother gave you. While you might not remember much about your earliest stage of infancy, you know you couldn't have asked for a more contented existence. Your father worked hard to provide for his family, and your mother completely adored you. You were her first born child, the light of her life and never short of love or affection. Still, as all children should, you eventually had to learn how to share. Your cot, your toys and the attention of your mother were quickly snatched away from you and given over to a smaller, cuter version of yourself.\n\nYou were only two years old when Alexius was born. He was such a tiny thing, curled up in your mother's arms, but he made such a loud noise! It was like listening to a dying animal every time he got hungry or sleepy or soiled himself. Still, despite his wailing, your mother cooed over him like he was the most beautiful creature she'd ever laid eyes on in her life. Meeting your little brother for the first time is the earliest memory you have and you still remember exactly how you felt." }, { "from": "human", "value": "STATS" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "General:\n\nName: Andreas\n\nAge: 10\n\nGender: Male\n\nSkills:\n\nStrength: 0\n\nSpeed: 0\n\nAccuracy: 0\n\nIntelligence: 0\n\nStealth: 0\n\nRelationships:\n\nAlexius: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Andreas. The name your mother gave you. While you might not remember much about your earliest stage of infancy, you know you couldn't have asked for a more contented existence. Your father worked hard to provide for his family, and your mother completely adored you. You were her first born child, the light of her life and never short of love or affection. Still, as all children should, you eventually had to learn how to share. Your cot, your toys and the attention of your mother were quickly snatched away from you and given over to a smaller, cuter version of yourself.\n\nYou were only two years old when Alexius was born. He was such a tiny thing, curled up in your mother's arms, but he made such a loud noise! It was like listening to a dying animal every time he got hungry or sleepy or soiled himself. Still, despite his wailing, your mother cooed over him like he was the most beautiful creature she'd ever laid eyes on in her life. Meeting your little brother for the first time is the earliest memory you have and you still remember exactly how you felt." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Excited" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Even though he was too small to walk or talk or play, you absolutely adored your new baby brother. You spent hours just sitting next to your mother, looking down at the baby, admiring how tiny he was, presenting him with toys whenever he cried and asking your mother how much longer it would be before you were allowed to hold him. All this helped you to develop a strong bond with Alexius, even before he learned how to talk back.\n\nYou have gained 5 approval with Alexius." }, { "from": "human", "value": "STATS" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "General:\n\nName: Andreas\n\nAge: 10\n\nGender: Male\n\nSkills:\n\nStrength: 0\n\nSpeed: 0\n\nAccuracy: 0\n\nIntelligence: 0\n\nStealth: 0\n\nRelationships:\n\nAlexius: 5\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Even though he was too small to walk or talk or play, you absolutely adored your new baby brother. You spent hours just sitting next to your mother, looking down at the baby, admiring how tiny he was, presenting him with toys whenever he cried and asking your mother how much longer it would be before you were allowed to hold him. All this helped you to develop a strong bond with Alexius, even before he learned how to talk back.\n\nYou have gained 5 approval with Alexius." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Heroes and legends." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Of course, Alexius wasn't a baby forever, and as he got older, he became a much better playmate. The pair of you used to go on adventures together, running through the streets, causing mischief and playing at being your favourite heroes from the old legends your mother told you.\n\nDo you remember who your favourite hero was when you were a child?" }, { "from": "human", "value": "STATS" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "General:\n\nName: Andreas\n\nAge: 10\n\nGender: Male\n\nSkills:\n\nStrength: 0\n\nSpeed: 0\n\nAccuracy: 0\n\nIntelligence: 0\n\nStealth: 0\n\nRelationships:\n\nAlexius: 5\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Of course, Alexius wasn't a baby forever, and as he got older, he became a much better playmate. The pair of you used to go on adventures together, running through the streets, causing mischief and playing at being your favourite heroes from the old legends your mother told you.\n\nDo you remember who your favourite hero was when you were a child?" }, { "from": "human", "value": "Hercules, the son of Zeus and the most powerful hero of all time! He was so strong, he actually killed the Nemean lion with his bare hands." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Well, of course he was! Hercules was the greatest hero of all time, and you were determined to be just like him. Mostly your training involved a lot of sword-stick fighting and wrestling matches with your little brother. The Gods never sent you on a mission to do twelve impossible tasks, but you did gain a little bit of fighting experience.\n\nYou have gained 5 Strength." }, { "from": "human", "value": "STATS" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "General:\n\nName: Andreas\n\nAge: 10\n\nGender: Male\n\nSkills:\n\nStrength: 5\n\nSpeed: 0\n\nAccuracy: 0\n\nIntelligence: 0\n\nStealth: 0\n\nRelationships:\n\nAlexius: 5\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Well, of course he was! Hercules was the greatest hero of all time, and you were determined to be just like him. Mostly your training involved a lot of sword-stick fighting and wrestling matches with your little brother. The Gods never sent you on a mission to do twelve impossible tasks, but you did gain a little bit of fighting experience.\n\nYou have gained 5 Strength." }, { "from": "human", "value": "First day on the job." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Sadly, you couldn't stay an infant forever. When you were about six years old, you had to leave your little adventures behind to go to school. It was boring at times, but you learned how to read and write and basic mathematics. Everything a boy needs to know in order to make a living once he becomes a man.\n\nYou also got to assist your father with his job from time to time. What did your father do for a living?" }, { "from": "human", "value": "STATS" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "General:\n\nName: Andreas\n\nAge: 10\n\nGender: Male\n\nSkills:\n\nStrength: 5\n\nSpeed: 0\n\nAccuracy: 0\n\nIntelligence: 0\n\nStealth: 0\n\nRelationships:\n\nAlexius: 5\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Sadly, you couldn't stay an infant forever. When you were about six years old, you had to leave your little adventures behind to go to school. It was boring at times, but you learned how to read and write and basic mathematics. Everything a boy needs to know in order to make a living once he becomes a man.\n\nYou also got to assist your father with his job from time to time. What did your father do for a living?" }, { "from": "human", "value": "He was a fisherman." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Your father used to take you out on his little fishing boat to teach you the trade. It could get quite tiresome, sailing the boat from one spot to another and waiting for the fish to get caught up in the nets. Still, with all the time you spent keeping the boat steady and waiting for the fish to come to you, you at least learned the value of patience.\n\nYou have gained 5 Stealth." }, { "from": "human", "value": "STATS" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "General:\n\nName: Andreas\n\nAge: 10\n\nGender: Male\n\nSkills:\n\nStrength: 5\n\nSpeed: 0\n\nAccuracy: 0\n\nIntelligence: 0\n\nStealth: 5\n\nRelationships:\n\nAlexius: 5\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Your father used to take you out on his little fishing boat to teach you the trade. It could get quite tiresome, sailing the boat from one spot to another and waiting for the fish to get caught up in the nets. Still, with all the time you spent keeping the boat steady and waiting for the fish to come to you, you at least learned the value of patience.\n\nYou have gained 5 Stealth." }, { "from": "human", "value": "All work and no play." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Life wasn't too hard though.\n\nBetween helping your father and your education, you managed to find a little spare time to enjoy yourself. What did you do for fun?" }, { "from": "human", "value": "STATS" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "General:\n\nName: Andreas\n\nAge: 10\n\nGender: Male\n\nSkills:\n\nStrength: 5\n\nSpeed: 0\n\nAccuracy: 0\n\nIntelligence: 0\n\nStealth: 5\n\nRelationships:\n\nAlexius: 5\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Life wasn't too hard though.\n\nBetween helping your father and your education, you managed to find a little spare time to enjoy yourself. What did you do for fun?" }, { "from": "human", "value": "Used to play ball games with the children from your street." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "You were one of the younger boys in your group of friends. For a while, you'd always get picked last, and some of the older boys wanted to keep you out of their games altogether. Luckily, you soon proved that your aim with the ball was more accurate than any of the other children in the group. After that, you were picked as a thrower every time.\n\nYou have gained 5 Accuracy.\n\nYour childhood spent juggling chores, education and entertainment was tiring but happy. It was also painfully brief." }, { "from": "human", "value": "STATS" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "General:\n\nName: Andreas\n\nAge: 10\n\nGender: Male\n\nSkills:\n\nStrength: 5\n\nSpeed: 0\n\nAccuracy: 5\n\nIntelligence: 0\n\nStealth: 5\n\nRelationships:\n\nAlexius: 5\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "You were one of the younger boys in your group of friends. For a while, you'd always get picked last, and some of the older boys wanted to keep you out of their games altogether. Luckily, you soon proved that your aim with the ball was more accurate than any of the other children in the group. After that, you were picked as a thrower every time.\n\nYou have gained 5 Accuracy.\n\nYour childhood spent juggling chores, education and entertainment was tiring but happy. It was also painfully brief." }, { "from": "human", "value": "A new life." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "You were eight years old when you found out that your little family was growing once again. You didn't remember much about when your mother was pregnant with Alexius, but you knew it wasn't anything like this.\n\nAt first she told you the sickness was normal. It was something that happened to mothers when the babies first started growing inside them, and it would get better after the first few weeks. Except it didn't get better. It got much, much worse. Your mother got weaker, thinner, paler.\n\nShe cried a lot and was in pain most of the time. You weren't exactly sure what was going on, but you just wished the baby would hurry up and come out of your mother so that she'd be well again… You must have wished too hard, because the baby came too soon.\n\nThe night was utter chaos. Your mother's screams were like no earthly noise you'd ever heard. A group of women from your village were rushing in and out of your parent's room, trying their best to help her through her suffering. Your father was pacing back and forth outside while you and Alexius were confined to your room to keep you out of everyone's way.\n\nAlexius was hysterical. He was crying so hard he could barely breathe and kept asking you what was happening, as if you had any better idea than he did. \"Is she going to be okay?\" he asked you through choked back tears. \"Mama will get better, won't she? She's not going to die!\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "STATS" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "General:\n\nName: Andreas\n\nAge: 10\n\nGender: Male\n\nSkills:\n\nStrength: 5\n\nSpeed: 0\n\nAccuracy: 5\n\nIntelligence: 0\n\nStealth: 5\n\nRelationships:\n\nAlexius: 5\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "You were eight years old when you found out that your little family was growing once again. You didn't remember much about when your mother was pregnant with Alexius, but you knew it wasn't anything like this.\n\nAt first she told you the sickness was normal. It was something that happened to mothers when the babies first started growing inside them, and it would get better after the first few weeks. Except it didn't get better. It got much, much worse. Your mother got weaker, thinner, paler.\n\nShe cried a lot and was in pain most of the time. You weren't exactly sure what was going on, but you just wished the baby would hurry up and come out of your mother so that she'd be well again… You must have wished too hard, because the baby came too soon.\n\nThe night was utter chaos. Your mother's screams were like no earthly noise you'd ever heard. A group of women from your village were rushing in and out of your parent's room, trying their best to help her through her suffering. Your father was pacing back and forth outside while you and Alexius were confined to your room to keep you out of everyone's way.\n\nAlexius was hysterical. He was crying so hard he could barely breathe and kept asking you what was happening, as if you had any better idea than he did. \"Is she going to be okay?\" he asked you through choked back tears. \"Mama will get better, won't she? She's not going to die!\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "Managed to keep yourself together. You sat down with your brother and tried to calm him down, promising him that Mama would be okay." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Don't cry, Alexius,\" you told your brother, sitting next to him and putting your hand on his shoulder. \"She's not going to die. As soon as the baby comes out, Mama will stop screaming and then she'll get better. Everything's going to be all right, I promise.\" Sadly that turned out to be a promise you couldn't keep.\n\nYou have gained 5 approval with Alexius." }, { "from": "human", "value": "STATS" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "General:\n\nName: Andreas\n\nAge: 10\n\nGender: Male\n\nSkills:\n\nStrength: 5\n\nSpeed: 0\n\nAccuracy: 5\n\nIntelligence: 0\n\nStealth: 5\n\nRelationships:\n\nAlexius: 10\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Don't cry, Alexius,\" you told your brother, sitting next to him and putting your hand on his shoulder. \"She's not going to die. As soon as the baby comes out, Mama will stop screaming and then she'll get better. Everything's going to be all right, I promise.\" Sadly that turned out to be a promise you couldn't keep.\n\nYou have gained 5 approval with Alexius." }, { "from": "human", "value": "And then it was over." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Eventually, your mother's screams of agony turned into semi-conscious groans… Then nothing. It wasn't until a few hours later that your father sat down with you and explained what had happened. You don't remember exactly what he told you, but between your father's ambiguous stalling and attempts at describing the afterlife, you managed to grasp a basic understanding. The baby was gone, and your mother gone with it.\n\nSomething inside you died that day, and your life has never been the same since. Your family has fallen apart, both as a unit and as individuals. You started avoiding school and instead, spent as much time with your friends and as little time with your family as possible. Alexius took the opposite approach. He became very quiet and reclusive for a boy his age, and even now, he doesn't seem interested in making friends at all. Still, despite your premature rebellion and Alexius withdrawing into himself, it was your father who dealt with your mother's death the worst.\n\nAt first it was the wine. Your father would stumble into the house late at night, so drunk he could barely stand. He wasn't an aggressive drunk, but seeing your father so disorientated that you and your brother had to put him to bed yourselves was extremely confusing at that age. It worried you to think that your father was the only one taking care of you now, and he could barely take care of himself. A few weeks later, your father stopped working. You're not sure if he was so depressed that he couldn't bring himself to get out of bed in the morning, or whether he was so drunk that nobody wanted him working for them any more. Either way, your father no longer had a way to support you or your brother… That's when the gambling started." }, { "from": "human", "value": "STATS" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "General:\n\nName: Andreas\n\nAge: 10\n\nGender: Male\n\nSkills:\n\nStrength: 5\n\nSpeed: 0\n\nAccuracy: 5\n\nIntelligence: 0\n\nStealth: 5\n\nRelationships:\n\nAlexius: 10\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Eventually, your mother's screams of agony turned into semi-conscious groans… Then nothing. It wasn't until a few hours later that your father sat down with you and explained what had happened. You don't remember exactly what he told you, but between your father's ambiguous stalling and attempts at describing the afterlife, you managed to grasp a basic understanding. The baby was gone, and your mother gone with it.\n\nSomething inside you died that day, and your life has never been the same since. Your family has fallen apart, both as a unit and as individuals. You started avoiding school and instead, spent as much time with your friends and as little time with your family as possible. Alexius took the opposite approach. He became very quiet and reclusive for a boy his age, and even now, he doesn't seem interested in making friends at all. Still, despite your premature rebellion and Alexius withdrawing into himself, it was your father who dealt with your mother's death the worst.\n\nAt first it was the wine. Your father would stumble into the house late at night, so drunk he could barely stand. He wasn't an aggressive drunk, but seeing your father so disorientated that you and your brother had to put him to bed yourselves was extremely confusing at that age. It worried you to think that your father was the only one taking care of you now, and he could barely take care of himself. A few weeks later, your father stopped working. You're not sure if he was so depressed that he couldn't bring himself to get out of bed in the morning, or whether he was so drunk that nobody wanted him working for them any more. Either way, your father no longer had a way to support you or your brother… That's when the gambling started." }, { "from": "human", "value": "It only got worse." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "You have a handful of memories of your father waking you up to tell you that he'd won enough drachmas to last you the month. He'd sometimes take you to the market and buy you toys and throw a big feast in celebration. Unfortunately, you have many more memories of your father dragging himself through the door late at night without so much as an obol in his pocket, cursing to himself and crying in his sleep while you and your brother went to bed hungry.\n\nSoon after you ran out of money, the strangers started coming. At first it was men with kind voices that promised your father they could help him. After that it was angry men who would break things and threaten to hurt your father if he didn't come up with the money he owed them. Now it's this strange Roman man with a disturbing interest in you and your brother.\n\nAll you want to do is close your eyes and hope that the man will be gone by morning, but Alexius seems determined to find out who he is and what he wants, which brings you back to the here and now." }, { "from": "human", "value": "STATS" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "General:\n\nName: Andreas\n\nAge: 10\n\nGender: Male\n\nSkills:\n\nStrength: 5\n\nSpeed: 0\n\nAccuracy: 5\n\nIntelligence: 0\n\nStealth: 5\n\nRelationships:\n\nAlexius: 10\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "You have a handful of memories of your father waking you up to tell you that he'd won enough drachmas to last you the month. He'd sometimes take you to the market and buy you toys and throw a big feast in celebration. Unfortunately, you have many more memories of your father dragging himself through the door late at night without so much as an obol in his pocket, cursing to himself and crying in his sleep while you and your brother went to bed hungry.\n\nSoon after you ran out of money, the strangers started coming. At first it was men with kind voices that promised your father they could help him. After that it was angry men who would break things and threaten to hurt your father if he didn't come up with the money he owed them. Now it's this strange Roman man with a disturbing interest in you and your brother.\n\nAll you want to do is close your eyes and hope that the man will be gone by morning, but Alexius seems determined to find out who he is and what he wants, which brings you back to the here and now." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Chapter 2: A Stranger in the Night" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"They're talking about money now,\" Alexius whispers to you. \"Probably something to do with father's debts. Come and listen!\"\n\nAll you want is to ignore your brother and get whatever rest you can before morning. Still, Alexius seems to think the conversation is important. Maybe you should hear what they're talking about for yourself." }, { "from": "human", "value": "STATS" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "General:\n\nName: Andreas\n\nAge: 10\n\nGender: Male\n\nSkills:\n\nStrength: 5\n\nSpeed: 0\n\nAccuracy: 5\n\nIntelligence: 0\n\nStealth: 5\n\nRelationships:\n\nAlexius: 10\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"They're talking about money now,\" Alexius whispers to you. \"Probably something to do with father's debts. Come and listen!\"\n\nAll you want is to ignore your brother and get whatever rest you can before morning. Still, Alexius seems to think the conversation is important. Maybe you should hear what they're talking about for yourself." }, { "from": "human", "value": "You try to get some sleep." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"I'm tired, Alexius,\" you grumble, pulling your itchy, old blanket over your head and trying to ignore your brother. \"You stay up all night if you want, just do it quietly.\"\n\n\"Fine, go back to sleep then. I'll find out what they're talking about myself,\" Alexius says stubbornly, putting his ear back against the wall.\n\nYou have lost 5 approval with Alexius.\n\nYou don't manage to get back to sleep though, since your brother seems intent on giving you a full report of the conversation every five seconds. \"They're still talking about us. Papa's asking if we're going to be okay. Andreas, I think he's crying,\" Alexius whispers, sounding quite concerned about it. \"I can't make out what the man's saying but, he's giving father some money. I don't know if…\" Alexius goes quiet for a few seconds before throwing the door open and bursting into the next room. Still sleepy and rather annoyed, you sit yourself upright and lean towards the door to see what's happening.\n\n\"Papa!\" Alexius is frantically shouting as he runs over to your father and clings to his arm. \"Papa, please, I don't want to go! Don't let the man take us away!\"\n\nTake you away? You have no idea what Alexius is talking about. Nobody's taking you anywhere. Still, despite how sure of yourself you are, the stranger grabs hold of Alexius, pulling him away from your father's side, and your father isn't doing anything to intervene." }, { "from": "human", "value": "STATS" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "General:\n\nName: Andreas\n\nAge: 10\n\nGender: Male\n\nSkills:\n\nStrength: 5\n\nSpeed: 0\n\nAccuracy: 5\n\nIntelligence: 0\n\nStealth: 5\n\nRelationships:\n\nAlexius: 5\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0\n\nUnknown: 0" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"I'm tired, Alexius,\" you grumble, pulling your itchy, old blanket over your head and trying to ignore your brother. \"You stay up all night if you want, just do it quietly.\"\n\n\"Fine, go back to sleep then. I'll find out what they're talking about myself,\" Alexius says stubbornly, putting his ear back against the wall.\n\nYou have lost 5 approval with Alexius.\n\nYou don't manage to get back to sleep though, since your brother seems intent on giving you a full report of the conversation every five seconds. \"They're still talking about us. Papa's asking if we're going to be okay. Andreas, I think he's crying,\" Alexius whispers, sounding quite concerned about it. \"I can't make out what the man's saying but, he's giving father some money. I don't know if…\" Alexius goes quiet for a few seconds before throwing the door open and bursting into the next room. Still sleepy and rather annoyed, you sit yourself upright and lean towards the door to see what's happening.\n\n\"Papa!\" Alexius is frantically shouting as he runs over to your father and clings to his arm. \"Papa, please, I don't want to go! Don't let the man take us away!\"\n\nTake you away? You have no idea what Alexius is talking about. Nobody's taking you anywhere. Still, despite how sure of yourself you are, the stranger grabs hold of Alexius, pulling him away from your father's side, and your father isn't doing anything to intervene." } ]
[ "Anti-Hero", "Fantasy", "Humor", "Part of Series", "Serious" ]
[ 803, 279, 197, 133, 76, 38, 40, 81 ]
From humble beginning to infamy and beyond! Additional notes: This story is a fully self contained one and can easily be read on its own, however it also acts as a "sequel" to Innkeeper. As with any of my writings, the story comes before the game. However while there isn't a complex inventory and all of that, you can technically "win" by getting one of the 12 epilogues.
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Your story is set in this genre: fantasy.\nSet the scene with these themes: Anti-Hero, Fantasy, Humor, Serious.\n\n\nFrom humble beginning to infamy and beyond!\nAdditional notes:\nThis story is a fully self contained one and can easily be read on its own, however it also acts as a \"sequel\" to Innkeeper.\nAs with any of my writings, the story comes before the game. However while there isn't a complex inventory and all of that, you can technically \"win\" by getting one of the 12 epilogues.\n\n\nYou are the storyteller and guide. The user is the protagonist of this digital adventure." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Once upon a time in a city called Klyton, there was a young man who wanted to be a doctor. He studied hard in school and his parents supported his dreams for he was intelligent and hard working and they knew he could succeed if given the chance. They also wanted him to have a more stable and comfortable life than they did. (Much like their parents before them)\n\nDespite the high costs of a formal education of a person growing up in his middle class background, his parents who ran an inn, scraped together enough money to send him to a university and for awhile the young man was able to pursue his dreams.\n\nUnfortunately life doesn't always go as planned and one day the young man's father died and to make matters worse it turned out his father who only had the best intentions for his son, had been borrowing from a dangerous loan shark.\n\nWith his mother in danger of losing the inn, the young man had to put his dreams on hold and help his mother. It was a time of great stress for the young man, but in time he was able to not only keep the inn afloat and pay off the debt, but he was also able to turn enough profit to re-enroll at the university and eventually become the doctor he always wanted to be.\n\nDuring his time as an innkeeper however, he had become very close to a young barmaid by the name of Eliza. While their love didn't blossom immediately, he soon realized his feelings before it was too late and the two became romantically involved and in time they married.\n\nFor various reasons together they moved away from the city and to a quieter smaller town called Teckleville. There the young man opened a private practice and became a respected member of the community and had twins with Eliza.\n\nThese twins, a boy and a girl, had possibly even more of a loving home than their father did and they certainly had even more comforts and advantages. Truly when they grew up, they could be anything they set their minds to.\n\nHowever, once again life is not always so simple.\n\nAs they grew up, these twins became the scourge of Teckleville, always getting into mischief. Granted some misbehavior is expected from youth as they find their purpose in life, but it would seem no matter what, these two were bound and determined to pursue the life of crime.\n\nThe pair of them were rogues through and through and as they got older it was apparent they had no desire to change.\n\nAnd that's where our tale begins…" }, { "from": "human", "value": "You Continue" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Year 16\n\nAs you sit counting your ill-gotten loot from the latest traveling merchant in town, your twin sister is watching you with a slightly distracted expression. She's been looking like that a lot lately.\n\nYou know she can't be concerned about getting into trouble. The pair of you have been doing this since you were kids. You've got this routine down pretty well at this point.\n\nWhile most of your small town is fully aware of your roguish ways, you're fortunate that you're both still young and your father is a good doctor and has some measure of influence in keeping you out of the local jail. Plus, it helps that you long since stopped stealing from the town itself and focused on stealing from people passing through Teckleville instead.\n\nStill, it isn't like either of your parents are pleased with your recreational criminal activities and have tried to steer you in a different direction with little success. While it tends to go in one ear and out the other with you, sometimes your sister listens occasionally.\n\nAnd you're pretty sure that's the cause of her distraction in-between your jobs. Something is on her mind and has been for a while now and today is the day she says as much.\n\n\"We need to talk bro.\" your sister says.\n\"Uh oh. You sound like mom. Which means this doesn't sound good.\" You reply.\n\"I really wish you wouldn't set a negative tone to this already difficult situation. I've been going back and forth about this multiple times, making myself sick over it actually.\"\n\"Very well, let's get this over with.\"\n\nYou sister exhales deeply and sits next to you.\n\n\"There's nothing here for me in this town.\"\n\"Gee thanks, sis.\"\n\"That's not what I mean, I just…(Sigh) look I know you don't listen to mom or dad, but I've been thinking they've got a point. I mean, what am I doing? What are WE doing? I mean when we were little kids, this was fun. Working together in near perfect harmony and avoiding trouble, but we're both sixteen now. We really going to be doing this for another sixteen years?\"\n\"We weren't doing this straight out of the womb, sis.\"\n\"You know what I mean! What does the future hold for us? How long before dad just gets fed up and tells the town guard to throw us in jail for our own good?\"\n\"Mom, wouldn't allow that.\"\n\"Yeah, well I think even mom has her limits. Besides, neither one may have a choice in protecting us, if we really fuck up one day.\"\n\"We're too good at this, we're not going to fuck up.\"\n\"Yeah well, even if that is the case, I don't see staying here in Teckleville robbing travelling merchants as a stable future.\"\n\"So what are you saying exactly?\"\n\"I'm saying I'm getting out. I'm leaving town.\"\n\nYou're silent for a moment. You knew that's where this was heading, but hearing it makes it real.\n\n\"Where are you going to go?\" you ask.\n\"I dunno. Anywhere! Maybe Klyton, or Holgard or even the Delantium Kingdom. I'll figure it out during my travels. Just anywhere, but here.\"\n\"Oh? And just how exactly are you going to support yourself?\"\n\"Half of that stuff we steal is mine you know.\" Your sister points out.\n\"Yeah, I know that, but that's not going to last forever and it isn't that much.\" You say.\n\"Well mom has always stressed how nice my voice is and how creative I am. And I think you know I've been practicing my lute a lot more lately. I figured I might be a bard…\"\n\"A bard?\"\n\"Yeah, you know. Singing tales, telling stories and getting into adventures…\"\n\"…okay…Yes, you've got many talents. I mean it's why we work so well together. You distract folks with your charm and I do the rest. I've always known that and I get that you've always liked the attention you get from the marks more than the actual thievery. But I thought you said you were seeking a more stable future. Being a wandering bard doesn't exactly qualify.\"\n\"Well okay, maybe stable wasn't the right word, maybe DIFFERENT was more accurate. My point is, this is something I want to do and I can't be a proper bard unless I travel and experience the world! I can't stay here any longer.\"\n\nYour sister is quite serious about this and you know that there is going to be no deterring her from this path. This is going to change everything, but you're willing to roll with it.\n\n\"Well…okay I suppose if this is something you want to do, I'll have to support it. You're probably right about sticking around here anyway, I know I get pretty bored in between waiting for the next mark. I assume you're probably already getting ready to leave soon. Just let me get my things together and I'll be ready…\"\n\"Not this time. I'm going by myself.\"\n\nNow you're really surprised.\n\n\"What?! But you can't! I mean…who's going to look out for you? Don't you know how dangerous it is out there?\" you exclaim.\n\"How would you know? You've never left this town either!\" your sister points out.\n\"Yeah, well I've heard things!\"\n\"And so have I. Look…I'm well aware that it isn't a safe world out there, but that's part of what I need to experience. I mean even here, with that overly aggressive asshole Klint hitting on me every other day, I know I'm safe from him because you, mom and dad are around.\"\n\nYour sister continues.\n\nLook, I need to do this on my own. I need to fail or succeed on my own. I need to take care of myself, I mean don't you think I've got the skills to do it?\"\n\"Yeah, but…I dunno…I guess it'll just be sort of strange. We've been a team for so long.\"\n\"I know. It'll be strange for me too since we're so close, but maybe this will be for the best anyway. I mean have you heard some of more recent ugly rumors about us just because we're twins?\"\n\"Yeah, sort of twisted where people's minds go. (Sigh) I guess this is goodbye. Are you leaving tonight, are you telling mom and dad?\"\n\"Yes, as you correctly guessed I will be leaving tonight. As for telling mom and dad, I thought about it…but I can only imagine the chaos that might cause with mom getting weepy and dad forbidding me to go anywhere. Hell, he might actually have the town guard throw me in jail just so I'd have to stay! No, better just leave a note and take off in the middle of the night.\"\n\"Probably the safest bet for you. Though of course you realize I'm going to catch the fallout of this plan of yours. In fact I'll probably somehow get blamed for it.\"\n\"Yeah, I suppose you will…apologies.\" Your sister says.\n\"Meh, don't worry about it. I'll muddle through like I always do.\"\n\"Y'know you could leave too. I mean not with me of course, but you're a resourceful guy, I'm sure you could make it outside this one horse town too. You did say you get bored here.\" Your sister says.\n\"Yeah, but I dunno. I'm not exactly multi-talented as you are and I doubt if I'd be able to try my hand at a life not involving crime somehow. Plus, here I'm probably the best thief in town. Elsewhere? I'm probably an amateur that would get eaten alive by the bigger criminals. Besides, I still got a good thing going here. I admit though it's not going to be the same without your help.\"\n\nYour sister pats you on the shoulder.\n\n\"You'll be fine. Just remember what I said. You've got more talent than you think and you could definitely do well out there too.\"\n\nMaybe there is some truth to that, but in any case, this is where you part ways with your blood partner in crime. You both hug knowing that you both are going to feel like part of you is gone, but perhaps your sister is right. Perhaps it will ultimately be better for you in the long term. At least for her since she does have talent other than petty thievery.\n\nLater that night, your sister takes off to parts unknown and you prepare yourself for the hell that your parents are no doubt going to raise. Truth be told, if you left, they probably wouldn't cause as much fuss…okay well maybe that's not entirely true, but still, your sister has always been the favorite so they're going to take this hard.\n\nThey won't be the only one." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Time Passes..." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Six months later…\n\nAs you sit counting your ill-gotten loot from the latest traveling merchant in town, your girlfriend is watching you with an exasperated expression. Of course she tends to look like that a lot.\n\n\"Ugh. This part is soooo boring! I dunno why you didn't steal the jewelry, I liked some of those necklaces.\" Annah exclaims.\n\"Because you know I prefer hard coin in my possession rather than anything else.\" You reply trying not to lose count.\n\"So? You're not the only one involved in doing this you know! You couldn't just think about ME for once and steal some pretty items?\"\n\"Annah, if you wanted one of those necklaces so bad, you could have just stolen it yourself. You were closer to the merchant and easily had him distracted.\"\n\"He was gross. Breathing heavy and touching my legs, it was all I could do not to vomit…y'know you could have defended my honor.\"\n\nIt's going to be one of those days…\n\n\"(Sigh) And how exactly was I going to do that while I was breaking into his lockbox in his tent? The whole point is for me not to attract any sort of attention and that's getting more difficult to do what with a lot of the merchants hiring more guards nowadays.\"\n\nAnnah rolls her eyes.\n\nIt's no secret that Annah was certainly drawn to you because she's a little on the wild side and doesn't have the best of reputations herself. While she certainly lets you do things to her that are a lot of fun, she's not the partner in crime that your sister was and she certainly complains a lot more. A LOT more.\n\nAnnah's got the looks and flirting down, but that's about it. Your sister actually had the talent to get the attention of people even if they weren't some weak willed slob that went nuts over the latest sweet young thing that batted their eyes at them. She could lure them with a tale or a song and keep a whole entourage captivated if need be.\n\nYou suppose Annah's lack of skill has had the benefit of increasing your own since you've definitely had to be quicker and sneakier.\n\nStill, it isn't just her lack of skill and bitching that's the problem since that you can deal with. It's the fact that she's way more maintenance than you thought she'd be and she's been getting worse in that aspect.\n\nYou know you're probably going to have to give her a little bit more this time around just to keep her appeased. At this point you haven't really been saving much at all and you were planning on moving out of your parents home by now because that situation hasn't gotten any better since your sister left.\n\nLately you've been starting to wonder if you shouldn't just do what your sister did and leave. It's just getting to be too much hassle to steal in this town and it definitely isn't as much fun as it used to be.\n\nWhere you would go though, you aren't sure. You're going to have to figure it out.\n\nIn the meantime, you hand over Annah's share.\n\n\"Okay, here you go…so what do you want to do now?\" you ask.\n\"Well since you were unwilling to steal me one of those nice necklaces, I guess I'll have to buy a cheap ass one from that hag that runs Sparkling Treasures.\" Annah replies.\n\"So, we're going to Jasmine's shop.\"\n\"Yeah, and she's going to be giving me the evil eye the entire time. Thinking I'm going to steal something.\"\n\"Well to be fair, you can't blame her. I'll come with you, but as far as I know I'm still banned from the place ever since I stole a bracelet for my sister's birthday. Of course that was before we decided that the town was completely off limits.\"\n\"Whatever, I don't really want to hear about how you spoiled your other girlfriend right now. It's bad enough that continually criticize me and say I'm not as good as sister.\"\n\"What the…first of all I'm sick of these rumors about me and her when it wasn't even like that! Second of all, I just said ONCE that our capers might run smoother if you had a better array of talents rather than just relying on your looks.\"\n\"There you go again putting me down! I don't see you complaining about my talents when you're having your five minutes of fun…\"\n\"Now don't even start with that! Look, I don't want to fight! Let's just go get your necklace.\"\n\"I need more money!\"\n\"What?!\"\n\"What you gave me isn't enough for the one I want!\"\n\"Didn't you just say Jasmine sells cheap quality shit?\"\n\"Yeah, but that old bitch charges an arm and leg for it, so I need more money!\"\n\nYou shake your head and reach into your pocket.\n\n\"(Sigh) Fine. Here, take it! Take it all!\" you exclaim and hand over most of your coins to Annah, who takes them without blinking an eye.\n\nAt this point you're wondering why if she thinks you're such a bad bum to her that why is she with you at all.\n\n\"Thanks baby!\" Annah beams and kisses you.\n\nWell that answers your question.\n\nAs Annah grabs your arm while you walk to Jasmine's shop, you continue to think about leaving here. The only thing is, are you going to do it like your sister did and just leave in the middle of the night, or are you going to actually say goodbye first?\n\nYou sort of think with as much grief as you give your parents, they might actually like to at least say goodbye to you seeing as they didn't get that chance with your sister.\n\nOf course that might be just wishful thinking on your part.\n\n\"Okay, since you said you're not allowed in, just wait outside and I'll be out soon.\" Annah says as you get to Sparkling Treasures.\n\"I'll be here.\" You remark.\n\nAnnah hasn't been gone long when you encounter more trouble.\n\n\"Well if it isn't the notorious thief of Teckville. Shouldn't you be skulking around in the shadows stealing from little old ladies?\"\n\nIt's Klint and ever since your sister left, he's been even more of an asshole to you and you're not really sure why.\n\n\"Klint, seriously what the hell is your problem? I don't understand this continued antagonism towards me. I don't go over to your family's chicken farm and steal the cocks out of your hand.\"\n\nKlint as usual is slow on the uptake and doesn't even get the double meaning insult you just said, but he's mad at you anyway.\n\n\"Because it's all your fucking fault! I could have gotten with your sister if YOU hadn't been around!\"\n\"Oh for fuck's sake, if my sister had ANY attraction to you, she certainly would have showed it. She didn't and now she's GONE, okay? Get the hell over it already…\"\n\nKlint at this point starts getting closer to you and raising his voice and you begin to take a more defensive stance.\n\n\"FUCK YOU! It was ALL your fault! How could I have a chance with her when YOU corrupted her! Tell me…did she smell like flowers when you embraced her? Did she taste like honey when you kissed her? Did the very heavens move when you plunged into her?\" he asks with a mixture of anger and resentment, but also with a glint of eagerness that you'll tell him.\n\nWhile you knew Klint was always a bit obsessed with your sister, you never quite knew how bad it was until just now. He's totally lost it.\n\n\"Klint, contrary to what the rumors are, none of that happened you sick fuck. Look, just go home before something bad happens…\" you say.\n\"Oh something bad is gonna happen alright sister fucker!\" He says and then brandishes a knife partially covered in blood and with a few feathers stuck to it.\n\nAnd of course nobody is around to see all this despite it being broad daylight. Or maybe they're just watching from windows and don't care. You're not exactly popular after all.\n\n\"Klint, put that knife back and just walk away now.\" You say stepping back.\n\"Everyone in this town hates you, y'know. Even that whore you hang around with now. She came on to me the other night saying how she wanted a proper fuck as opposed to your pathetic attempts. I didn't fuck her though; I just let her suck my dick. Did she kiss you today? Ha ha ha ha!\"\n\nYou ignore Klint's ramblings and continue to focus on his knife, which is now aiming towards your face, even if you are trying to widen the gap between you two.\n\n\"Klint, last chance to get that knife out of my face.\"\n\"Or you'll what?\"\n\nWell it's a good question, what are you going to do?" }, { "from": "human", "value": "You draw your own dagger" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "This asshole is trying to kill you! You're not taking any chances.\n\nNo sooner have you drawn your own dagger when Klint swings at you a couple times and you barely have time to dodge. Luckily for you, despite his size Klint isn't all that skilled in combat. While you've never really been in more than a few scuffles as a kid yourself, you've taught yourself what you THINK is adequate fighting knowledge. Also the very real threat of Klint seemingly trying to kill you is causing a survival instinct to kick in. You don't think, you just see an opportunity causing you to swing with your dagger.\n\nIt's a hit and Klint touches the side of his face and looks at the fresh blood from the medium slash you landed on his cheek. For a moment, Klint is in disbelief. He begins shaking and breathing hard. You think he's going to start crying or even run away because he realizes that this is a real fight with real consequences.\n\nKlint instead screams with rage until his face is beet red. It's sort of unnerving, but you stand your ground. Swinging his knife wildly, he charges at you still screaming the entire time.\n\nYou dodge out of the way, but your leg doesn't completely clear the charge and you fall to the ground face first.\n\nFortunately you trip up Klint in the process, who instead of taking advantage, continues to stumble in the direction he was already running in. Unfortunately, Annah was just coming out of Jasmine's shop at the time.\n\n\"Hey what's…AH!\" Annah yelps as Klint's knife goes straight into her stomach.\n\nYou recover just in time to see Klint hovering near her body with his knife in it. She's lying up against the door of Jasmine's shop as blood seeps out and dyes her clothing red.\n\n\"Annah?\" you utter, but she doesn't answer she just looks down at her wound, holding it and then looks at you with a mixture of shock, pain and sadness.\n\nKlint on the other hand turns to you with a face that's now completely drained of all its rage and is a little shock himself.\n\n\"I didn't…I didn't mean…\" is all he stutters.\n\nANNAH!\" you shout and now you're the one that's going out of your mind.\n\nKlint tries to defend himself, but you're relentless. Klint falls backwards as you attack and ignoring any sort of pain he's caused with his fists or feet you begin stabbing him in the chest like a madman. Klint screams are now ones of pleading rather than anger.\n\nIt doesn't matter if it was an accident. It doesn't matter that he just said she cheated on you with him (Which might've been a lie anyway). It doesn't even matter that she's bitching at you all the time and you were strongly considering leaving her soon anyway.\n\nThe fact is, you did have a relationship with her and to some small degree you did care.\n\nHe begs you to stop killing him, but you've snapped. He's caused you nothing but trouble for your sister and yourself. You're ending it today and with one more strike, you thrust your dagger in his throat and then pull it out.\n\nKlint's screams become gurgles as he clutches his bloody throat. His body convulses a bit as you stand up drenched in blood. You don't stand there and watch him die however, you instead run over to Annah who is still bleeding out with a knife in her belly.\n\n\"Shit, shit, Annah, it's gonna be okay. My dad's a doctor remember? He…he…he'll fix this. I'm gonna go get him. Just…just hang on baby…\" you say before you're suddenly pulled away by two strong hands.\n\"GET AWAY FROM HER MURDERER!\" a gruff voice shouts from behind.\n\nStill at a heightened state of alert, you stab at whoever it is behind you, and just manage to nick their arm before twisting away.\n\nYou now see that your fight with Klint has drawn out a lot of the townsfolk. Bastards were probably watching the entire time. The man who tried to pull you away was the Wilfred the pub owner. It's a good thing he's not one of the appointed town watch, but it probably won't be long.\n\n\"You little bastard! You see that? He tried to kill me too! Someone get the town watch! Someone go get Klint's family too, they need to know what this murderer did to their boy!\" Wilfred shouts as he clutches his bleeding arm.\n\nSeveral other townsfolk go running off shouting about your deeds, and a few others look as if they're going to take their chances apprehending you themselves and while Wilfred is a fat out of shape barkeep, you don't know if you'd do as well against the blacksmith who is now approaching you with a hammer in hand.\n\nWith a lynch mob starting to form, you do the only thing you can and that's run.\n\nAfter a few moments of running and backtracking, you've managed to make it home and lose most of the ones that were half heartedly trying to nab you, but it won't be long before what passes for real law enforcement around here is beating down your door. You only have a short time to gather what you can and get the hell out of here.\n\nOf course as soon as you come in, your mother sees you covered in blood and demands to know what is going on.\n\n\"By the gods! What have you done!? What have you DONE?!\" your mother shouts.\n\"I didn't do anything! Where's dad?!\" you ask.\n\"I'm right here….oh shit. Fuck! What the hell did you do now?!\" your dad says walking into the room.\n\"I didn't do anything! But Annah is severely wounded, you gotta help her. She's got a knife in her stomach and she's over by Jasmine's shop! Please! You have to hurry!\" you exclaim.\n\n\"Are you the one who stabbed her?\" your father asks.\n\"What?! NO! Klint stabbed her, but everyone thinks….look… I gotta get outta here, just go help her!\" you say and push both of your parents out of the way to go gather a few things from your room.\n\nSurprisingly your father doesn't say much more, he just gathers up his emergency physician's bag and mutters to himself. You think you hear him saying how you're a fuck up before he leaves, but that's about it.\n\nYour mom on the other hand as you're hastily grabbing a few items, is tearfully going on about how you (And your sister) wasted your potential and she doesn't know where she and your father went wrong.\n\nYou have little time and it isn't much, but you try to reassure her that it isn't either of their faults. You'd like to calm her down some more, but there are a bunch of people soon banging at the door.\n\n\"STOP HIDING BEHIND YER MAMA'S SKIRT AND GET OUT HERE MURDERER!\" you hear a voice shout.\n\n\"I'm sorry, I'm sorry for everything. I…I gotta go.\" You say as you leave your mother crying and go to climb out your window.\n\nYou manage to just get out of your backyard when you hear someone else shout that they see you and you're soon off and running from a mob again.\n\nIt takes a bit of stealth and hiding on your part (along with distancing yourself from Teckleville) but eventually as the sky goes dark, you're fairly certain nobody from the town is still chasing you, or if they are, they might have made camp for the night.\n\nAs for you, you're in the middle of a wood, still wearing your bloody clothes (fortunately you managed to grab some spare in your pack though) unsure of where you're going to go exactly.\n\nOn top of it all you still don't know if Annah's dead. You're so tired. You can't even process all of it anymore. You have to rest.\n\nYou find a tree that looks sturdy and high enough, so you climb it and prepare to sleep for the night. You just hope that anyone that might still be looking for you at this late hour doesn't think to look up.\n\nAs you drift off to sleep, your thoughts go to your sister.\n\n\"Well sis, whether things are working out for you or not right now, at least your exit wasn't like this.\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "Next day" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "You wake up fairly early, but then you didn't really sleep much to begin with. This was more of a brief rest anyway.\n\nAfter a quick check to see if anyone is in the area, you get out of your bloody clothes and change into some new ones. You might not be properly clean, but it's better than you were.\n\nYou then check your supplies, which aren't much. You've got a few coins, but you aren't excessively worried about that since food and water are more important out here in the wilderness. You've got a little food and water, but it isn't going to last long. The only weapon you have currently is your dagger.\n\nPart of you is only just now starting to feel the various negative emotions involving your parents and Annah. You can only imagine the shitstorm they're facing because of your actions. You just hope that they don't suffer the consequences of what you did.\n\nThen there's Annah. You feel like you should be feeling a lot sadder about her, maybe even crying a bit, but maybe you got all those emotions out of your system when you killed Klint.\n\nStill seems a bit surreal that you killed someone. Not just anyone, but someone you knew since childhood, even if you didn't like him.\n\nYou definitely don't feel bad about it and while that can be due to several understandable factors, you can't help but wonder if you could do it again under different circumstances.\n\nYou may have to, especially now, though your mind certainly went to a dark place during that time.\n\nWhatever the near future holds, you'll have to deal with it when it happens. Right now you have to make a decision on where you're going to go because you're not exactly hot on the idea of staying out here in the wilderness.\n\nYour first thought is to head west to the city-state of Klyton. It's certainly the closest city and it's the direction you ran from Teckleville anyway. The problem is if anyone from Teckleville is still searching for you, that's going to be the first place they look.\n\nStill, Klyton is the only place you really have any basic knowledge about thanks to your parents both being originally from there. Your father never really spoke too much about it, just saying that the only thing worthwhile that he got there was your mother and he was glad when they finally moved to Teckleville to be closer to your grandmother at the time.\n\nYour mother on the other hand didn't speak so ill of the place, which is surprising since she grew up in a lower class area than your father did. She even said that sometimes she missed the times when she worked at the inn where she met your father in the first place. Of course her knowledge about the city is bound to be a bit out of date.\n\nAlso, while Klyton has no jurisdiction over Teckleville, it has been known to apprehend wanted criminals from elsewhere trying to hide out there. Not to mention the place in general has a fairly good reputation (And they want to keep it that way) as far as its own security goes.\n\nThe Delantium Kingdom to the east isn't really high on your choice list. For one thing, you'd have to backtrack around Teckleville to go in that direction. From what you've overheard, the kingdom has been slowly trying to expand again which sounds a lot like more soldier types running around and that's the last thing you need. Still, the kingdom is a big place and they can't possibly be everywhere. Sivak is the closest major city there.\n\nThe only other nearby bastion of major civilization you can think of that's close is another city state by the name of Holgard. It's to the south and in terms of existence, it's only a little older than you are.\n\nIt was founded by a noble from the Delantium Kingdom. Originally it was most likely supposed to be some sort of outpost or colony for the DK. But whatever the original intent, the noble soon set himself up as absolute ruler with no ties to the kingdom at all.\n\nFor whatever reason, the DK hasn't taken any action against him, whether that's because the cost wouldn't be worth it, they've got more important things to deal with or they're simply glad to have him gone is unknown. The third possibility isn't entirely out of the question either, since you've overheard travelling merchants say that Baron Varsakken is a very unlikable man and it's amazing he hasn't suffered any assassination attempts. His children are apparently little better.\n\nStill, you've also heard the place is filled with corruption so it would probably be a better place to do your work than Klyton." } ]
grimdark fantasy
[ "Dystopia", "Fantasy", "Grimdark", "Serious", "Villain Protagonist", "War" ]
[ 6784, 1863, 1370, 1089, 510, 261, 318, 808 ]
The last hope for a dying empire Additional notes: This story can be very long assuming you're not dying. Years pass and your surroundings will most likely change. You may very well live a life time in the story. As with any of my writings, the story comes before the game. However while there isn't a complex inventory and all of that, you can technically "win" by getting one of the epilogues. There are 13 epilogues total. There are also several points in the story where there are links that lead to more background information on various people, places, things and events. While not completely necessary to understanding the story, they do give you more insight into it.
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Genre: grimdark fantasy\nTheme: Dystopia, Fantasy, Grimdark, Serious, Villain Protagonist, War\nDescription: The last hope for a dying empire\nAdditional notes:\nThis story can be very long assuming you're not dying. Years pass and your surroundings will most likely change. You may very well live a life time in the story.\nAs with any of my writings, the story comes before the game. However while there isn't a complex inventory and all of that, you can technically \"win\" by getting one of the epilogues.\nThere are 13 epilogues total.\nThere are also several points in the story where there are links that lead to more background information on various people, places, things and events. While not completely necessary to understanding the story, they do give you more insight into it.\nMode: Interactive Storyteller" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Year 0\n\n\"Is this the one?\"\n\"Yeah I guess.\"\n\"What do you mean you guess? It either is or it isn't.\"\n\"I dunno I lost the list.\"\n\"You what? That's just great. You realize how much we're going to get our asses chewed out because of your fuck up? I'm sick of paying for your mistakes.\"\n\"Will you calm down? How the hell are they gonna know anyway? You seen one ugly little baldy, you've seen 'em all. All babies look the same.\"\n\"Not the elven ones.\"\n\"Enough with your elf fetish. These babies are all under the care of the Empire anyway, they're here for the taking.\n\"Yeah, the key word being the Empire. You know we need the proper paper work, which you just fucking lost!\"\n\"So what, I can forge it. You really worry too much, there's so much red tape they ain't gonna know the difference and what does it matter? The Empire's getting a body for their purposes anyway.\"\n\"Yeah, but you know how they like the best.\"\n\"How the fuck can they really tell at this age? They do all the real testing later. Look he's got all his limbs, and he doesn't display any signs of impurity. I'd say he's a prime candidate for whatever they have in store for this poor little bastard.\"\n\"Yeah I guess…damn. I can't imagine what it's like being brought up like that.\"\n\"Me either, this program has only been going on a few years, but I've already heard some fucked up stories about it…y'know its things like this that sometimes make me question the logic of our glorious leaders.\"\n\"Shhhh! Are you mad? Don't talk like that! It's not our place to question anything, we're just supposed to do our jobs! Besides, the logic is quite obvious. If they train people from birth they'll have superior combat skills and utter loyalty to the Empire.\"\n\"That's my point though. Is it really necessary? The Empire already produces so much propaganda that it does the job pretty well in producing loyal citizens and if that doesn't work it also instills so much fear in most that even if someone wanted to start a rebellion; it's highly unlikely they would.\"\n\"Don't be so sure, it has happened in the past.\"\n\"The past? When? Like four hundred years ago when the Empire was still in its own infancy? Pfft. Wouldn't happen anymore and as for having elite combat troops, again what's the point? We've already got camps to train elite groups like the Shadow Guard who are not to be fucked with and we have more than enough resources to create an army of golems that would be just as loyal and kick the shit out of our enemies.\"\n\"Look, I don't want to talk about this anymore! Our superiors have their reasons, as does the Emperor! Let us just take this baby and be done with this task!\"\n\nThe two clerks left the infirmary with you that day where upon you were accepted as a suitable candidate and put into The Eternal Program.\n\nYou don't remember too much during the time of your very young years, except that you are mostly confined to a room where all your basic needs are met. On a daily basis, a couple bigger people come in to check on you. They have you perform various physical tasks as well as spending time to teach you things like basic reading and writing. Sometimes they ask you various questions and write down your responses while other times they come in and stab you with painful needles with fluid in them. (You don't like those times)\n\nYou don't really understand it all, except that you know that the Emperor is always watching you. He is everywhere even if you don't see him. He is keeping an eye on your actions and you must always obey his will, lest you be punished. You know this to be true because you have this repeatedly told to you.\n\nEventually your relative isolation would come to an end." }, { "from": "human", "value": "" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Year 5\n\nYou are sitting in a gray room at a desk with several other children your age. All of you glance at each other a lot and it is obvious that there is much curiosity, but nobody speaks. This is very unusual for you, up until now, you have only had minimal contact with others. Most of them are male like you, but a few of them are female.\n\nSoon the silence comes to an end when a dark skinned woman walks into the room. She has long hair and sharp features. One thing you notice is that despite her long hair covering her ears you can still see that the tips of them are pointed. She must be elven, but in the pictures you've seen in books, you've never seen one with dark skin before.\n\n\"Hello children, and congratulations on maintaining dignified silence during your time by yourselves. It's nice to see that your previous human minders aren't totally incompetent. Still, if you were Svelk children you would've been much better trained by now. Ah, but it is not my place to dwell on the limitations of the lesser born. I am merely here to oversee your training into proper Eternals so that you may serve the Emperor to your fullest capabilities. Now before we begin, I suggest you all ask questions now, because this will probably be the only time I will be in the mood for your ignorance.\"\n\nFor a moment nobody speaks, but when the elven lady insists, one brave soul raises their hand.\n\n\"Yes, you.\"\n\"Are you an elf?\"\n\"Yes, I am. While the ignorant would use the vulgar term dark elf to describe me, my kind are more properly known as the Svelk. In fact WE are the purest of the elven race. All others you may have the misfortune of meeting are merely diluted members of our bloodline. They are truly pitiful creatures really only fit for extermination. Remember this.\"\n\n\"Yes, you.\"\n\"What is your name?\"\n\"My name is unimportant, but you and the rest will always address me as Mistress. Failure to do so will earn my wrath, and more importantly the wrath of the Emperor. Remember this.\"\n\n\"Yes, you.\"\n\"What will you teach us?\"\n\nA second passes after the question, when a small bolt of light from the Svelk's finger tips and hits the child in the chest asking the question. He falls backwards out of his chair and on to the floor. The rest of you jump in your own chairs and look back at him. He is breathing very erratically.\n\n\"I will teach you to OBEY my commands when I give them!\" Mistress shouts, she then warns the rest of you.\n\n\"Don't you dare touch him, let alone help him! (Sigh) And here I thought you lot had been trained better! It occurs to me that I will have to be extra strict in my discipline. As to the question about what I will teach you… I will teach you to be warriors. I will teach you to be wizards if you display the talent. I will teach you to shed yourselves of weakness. I will teach you to serve the Emperor without question and kill without mercy and you will always obey for you will find strength in obedience. You will find joy in order. You will find love in murder. You shall be instruments of terror and genocide if he so wishes it. You will be Eternals…or you will die. Remember this.\"\n\nAfter Mistress' speech, the child she struck down eventually struggles back up and gets back in his seat, clutching his chest and still wheezing.\n\n\"I trust you have learned your lesson?\"\n\"Y…yes…Mistress…\" he gasps.\n\"Good, now one more question before we begin…you there. What is your question? Speak up!\" Mistress demands while pointing at you, though you have not raised your hand.\n\nYou don't wish to disagree with Mistress, so you stumble and try to think up a question.\n\n\"Uh…er…I was just wondering when will you teach us to fight Mistress?\"\nMistress raises an eyebrow and gives a smirk as she approaches you.\n\"Fight? And what makes you think that YOU are even ready to learn yet? Do you have even the slightest knowledge of combat tactics?\"\n\"No, Mis…\" before you can even complete the sentence Mistress knocks you out of your chair with a quick jab with her hand, the pain from your face spreads to your chest when Mistress steps on it with her boot. She digs it into you and presses all her weight on it, while the rest of your class looks on.\n\n\"Damn right, no you don't. You weren't even alert enough to anticipate my attack. You let me get in close and now look at you, you're completely at my mercy. I am in a position to do whatever I like with you, while you are only in a position to beg or die. So what will it be worm? Are you going to beg for your miserable life, or should I save the Empire's time and money by killing you now?\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "Beg" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "The pain is great and you want it to be over with as quickly as possible so you cry out and scream for mercy to Mistress. To this, she merely laughs cruelly and continues to step on your chest.\n\n\"Ha ha ha ha! If this was a real fight do you think an enemy would should you mercy? You truly are pathetic, how did the Empire ever decide that YOU would be a worthy candidate to be an Eternal? Begging for your wretched life as if it was important. It isn't. Your life is nothing! ALL of your lives are nothing! Your lives will never be anything more than warm bodies to serve the Emperor! The question is, will you even be able to live up to that honored status? The answer is no, if you do not learn mercy is for the weak. Remember this.\"\n\nAt this point Mistress finally takes her foot off of you and much like your other classmate hit by her magic bolt, you slowly get up and back in your seat, clutching your chest. You sniffle and try to keep yourself from crying, but the tears are still there. A glare from Mistress causes you to quickly wipe your eyes and try to compose yourself the best you can.\n\nTime passes by under the harsh guidance of Mistress. She teaches you all that she promised she would and then some. Your lessons are not only that of a combat nature, but of an academic one as well. You wouldn't be aware of it, but you and your classmates are probably much better educated than other children your age.\n\nAs for you, Mistress never lets you forget of how you begged for your life in front of everyone. While it is true that she sadistically taunts everyone at one time or another, it doesn't make your emotional and psychological scars go away.\n\nThis shame you experience causes you to become more insecure and you constantly feel the need to prove to everyone that you aren't weak. When you are called upon to spar with your fellow classmates, you always fight aggressively. For the most part you usually win, and you typically break a few bones of some of your fellow classmates. The lessons of being humiliated by Mistress have not been forgotten. You can't ever let yourself be put in a vulnerable position again and you must be brutal, it's the only way you'll be able to please the Emperor.\n\nYour personality doesn't go unnoticed by your instructor and watchers, they make note of it and decide how you should be handled in the next step of your training.\n\nYear 12\n\nYou are in a room with a few of your fellow classmates standing in a row. Most of your class has been separated for reasons unknown to you. All you know right now is there is a scarred orc in worn battle armor arguing with a well dressed man who is human. They are speaking about you, but not actually speaking TO you…\n\n\"What? I thought the whole point of this program was to create an elite fighting group like the Shadow Guard, why are you splitting them up and intending to put some of them in regular military units?\" the orc questions.\n\"Things have changed since the program's inception. Besides, if the latest military reports are any indication I'd say you could use a better quality of recruits, or at least I hope that's the problem and it isn't due to a lack of proper training.\" the man dressed in black formal wear calmly retorts.\n\"Hey! I train every grunt I get to be the best killer they can be! I've conquered more territory for the Empire than anyone! My record speaks for itself and I could do a hell of a lot more if you put me on the front lines again, so don't try to tell me I'm not doing my fucking job!\"\n\"Be that as it may, I'd say you still could benefit by having a few Eternals in your ranks, if nothing else than to be a good example.\"\n\"Good example? HAH! We haven't even seen one of these so-called Eternals in action yet! It's all been just speculation, and a waste of time and money if you ask me! The Empire should be providing better equipment and more of it, for soldiers on the Rask Frontier, it's a fucking meat grinder out there and we're constantly having to put down rebellions by the natives.\"\n\"Well nobody ASKED you, captain and your problems are not mine to deal with. This is the Emperor's project and he has his reasons. If I were you I'd watch your tone. Victories or not, you are a servant of the Emperor and you will obey orders or you will be replaced.\"\n\nThe orc captain steps back from the well dressed man then he takes a deep breath, before speaking.\n\n\"You are lucky that I do serve the Emperor, for that is the only thing keeping me from ripping out your throat, human…very well I shall take these so called Eternal whelps, but let it be known that I shall be testing them to the limit and then some. If they fail, they shall die like anyone else unable to keep up.\"\n\"As you wish commander, I leave it in your capable hands. You will keep me apprised of their progress on a weekly basis. Good day.\" The well dressed man says and leaves the room, leaving you all alone with the orc commander. You've never seen a real orc in person before, but he looks every bit as intimidating from what you've read about them, even if he is much more articulate than you expected.\n\nHe walks up and down the row sizing you all up before speaking.\n\n\"I am Captain Gruz, and I will be in charge of the rest of your training until the Emperor deems otherwise. I imagine that your former instructor was that dark elven bitch, so I trust you all know by now that failure and weakness have no place here. Correct?\"\n\"Yes Captain!\" you all shout in unison.\n\"Heh, well glad to see her skills in teaching discipline are still as effective as ever. Good. Now let's see how good your combat skills are…\"\n\nAt this point you and your fellow classmates instinctively start to pair up to spar with each other, but Gruz stops you.\n\n\"What are you lot doing? I didn't tell you to get out of formation!\"\n\"But captain, you said to prove our combat skills.\" One boy speaks up.\n\"I…oh wait I see. She had you fighting each other. Typical dark elven training. Create mistrust and loathing even when there is no need for it. (Sigh) I can see I'm going to have to undo some of the shit she instilled in you if I'm going to mold you into the proper killing tools.\"\n\nTime goes by and Captain Gruz begins to train you in various forms of combat, though it's different. He teaches you and your classmates to fight as a team. This usually involves various large beasts similar to what you have already fought or even small groups of goblinoids. It takes awhile for you to adapt, but after seeing the first couple of casualties, you and the rest manage to pull together to defeat your enemies.\n\nAcademically speaking, you are not taught much. Captain Gruz figures that Mistress taught you enough math and literacy to get by in life. Besides not much need for all that fancy learnin' stuff when you're going to be chopping people's heads off on the battlefield.\n\nCaptain Gruz is just as uncompromising as Mistress in his training, but he seems less gleeful about it. His verbal abuse is more direct and to the point rather than gloating about your failures. He still reminds you all regularly about how it is your sworn duty to serve the Emperor, but you hardly need him to tell you that, to believe otherwise is unthinkable.\n\nAs for you, you find yourself given a role of leadership. Captain Gruz noted your tendency to be one of the first to charge into battle. He however also has some advice for you.\n\n\"I respect your desire for battle, but if you do not control your insecurities you will one day find yourself needlessly unprepared. I suspect that dark elven bitch did something humiliating to you that has resulted in your behavior. Effective in some ways I suppose, but if you truly want to be a leader of men and command respect, you need to master your emotions as you would your weapons. You must do away with insecurities and be fully confident in your abilities. You must walk into battle already KNOWING that you will win, not charging in with a chip on your shoulder with some misguided desire to prove yourself. That's a quick way to get yourself killed. Contrary to popular belief, your goal is NOT to die for the Emperor. Your goal is to survive and make the other dumb bastards die so that you may continue to serve the Emperor. Think on this when you lead your fellows into your next training assignment.\"\n\nThe captain's words carry much weight with you and in the years during your training you manage to purge most of your doubts about yourself as well as becoming an accomplished warrior.\n\nYour instructor and watchers once again note your growth and skills, and as usual they make decisions on how you will best serve the Emperor." }, { "from": "human", "value": "" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Year 16\n\nYou are called into Captain Gruz's office, when you arrive you see the well dress man that you saw four years ago standing with him… and debating with him again.\n\n\"I'm telling you Mr. Mol, I think they should work in the same unit. They've trained together and they've worked together so well at this point that splitting them up would be folly. Hell, these people have known each other since birth! You know that better than anyone!\" Gruz says.\n\"Yes, captain I'm well aware of the situation, and normally I might agree if their were more of them, but I think their expertise would better serve if we deployed them separately in problem areas of the Empire.\" Mr. Mol replies.\n\"You don't break up a well oiled machine! I guarantee having them all in the same unit will be a better idea. I mean we still haven't sent them into a real battle yet! Wouldn't it be better to see if they can get the job done first before placing them in charge of others?\"\n\"And what a perfect opportunity to lose them all, if something unexpected should happen.\"\n\"Oh for…look that could've happened here! And if you're so worried about them all getting killed in battle then what was the fucking point then? Besides, if they do prove to be useless in battle, better we find that out sooner rather than later when they're in charge of others and getting them killed as well!\"\n\nMr. Mol thinks for a moment and then replies.\n\n\"Hmmm, very well you do have a point captain. We'll try it your way at first and go from there. Have them deployed in the Nalin province. Your services here have been useful as ever. Good day.\"\n\nMr. Mol, steps out and commander Gruz addresses you.\n\n\"Well you heard all that, you and your fellow Eternal babies are being sent to the Nalin province. It's not the Rask Frontier, but it's a suitable first challenge for you guys. We've been trying to settle the conquest of that place for a few years now, and technically it is part of the Empire, but we're still having problems with the Kobold population there. Little bastards are determined to resist and have been conducting a fairly effective guerilla war since we arrived. Though I blame that more on the incompetence of the commander in that region. If I was stationed there, this shit would've been taken care of a long time ago…but I'm not, so unfortunately you will have to report to Captain Pollo.\"\n\nCaptain Gruz approaches you closer before continuing.\n\n\"Now I'm putting you in charge of your unit for reasons I'm sure you're aware of. While I'm confident I've made the right choice, the burden will ultimately be on you to prove to be an effective leader. Remember, you're not just a normal soldier, you're supposed to be an Eternal. An instrument of destruction ordered by the Emperor himself. Failure is never an option for you. Even now there are rumors about your kind, and when you finally show yourselves you will be met by fear, awe, hatred and even distain. Prove yourselves and you will live up to the name that your were given. Anyway, the caravan picking you up will arrive tomorrow. Good luck and dismissed.\"\n\nWith this you leave and tell the rest of your people about where you're going and the general nature of what to expect. They all seem pretty excited to prove themselves, and to be honest so are you. At last you will get the chance to prove yourself and can only imagine that the Emperor will be pleased by what he will see.\n\nThe next day, you and your unit are picked up and the ride there is uneventful, but your unit spends a little time talking about things they see on the way. This is the first time all of you have probably been away from the training center you've spent all your lives in. Curiosity about some of the surroundings is natural, but it isn't just the casual talk that's different.\n\nYour comrades are different. They are less reserved than they once were. Captain Gruz might've been a strict instructor, but in addition to encouraging teamwork he was also prone to encourage you guys to have a few hours of free time. This loosening of the reigns a bit, allowed a certain amount of familiarity with each other that wasn't just on a professional level anymore. Even you have felt yourself changing personality wise.\n\nStill you are all Eternals, and you are loyal to the Emperor. You will never forget that your duty comes first.\n\nEventually you all arrive at Fort Glory in the Nalin province where you are stared at by several soldiers who whisper among themselves. None of you pay it any mind though, you simply report to Captain Pollo. He doesn't look anything like Captain Gruz. He's human for one thing and wears lighter armor which is impeccably clean. When he sees you, he almost looks bored, like you were interrupting him, but you when you came in he was reclined in his chair and not doing anything of importance.\n\n\"So…you are the Eternals I've heard so much about. Humph. I don't see anything special except that pretty one over there. Oh no, not you dear. That blonde muscular one in the back. Yes, delicious.\" Captain Pollo says pointing to one of your men and not even getting out of his chair.\n\n\"Captain Pollo, we are here for our assignments so that we may serve the Emperor.\" You say.\n\"(Sigh) I suppose you are this unit's leader?\"\n\" Yes, captain. I am currently their leader and holding the rank of sergeant due to my excellence in my training exercises.\"\n\"Sergeant? YOU? Why you're a mere boy! All of you are just children! I ask them for more men and they send me children! The only thing you all would be good for is cleaning the fort! In fact that's what you can go do right now, starting with the toilets!\"\n\nThis is exactly what Captain Gruz said would happen. This is your first test.\n\n\"Captain, we have been trained in several forms of combat and fully ready to fight. Send us into battle and we will prove ourselves. We are here to perform our duty for the Emperor and all that entails.\"\n\"All that entails eh? Okay, you want a fight? A few miles east of here, you'll find a town called Dalt. Its filled with ignorant peasants that constantly whine to us that there are a nest of kobolds lurking in the hills near them. We're stretched out as it is and can't spare anymore troops to waste on towns that are of no military importance in the grand scheme of things. Go there and take care of their problem, then maybe we'll have more to talk about.\"\n\nYou nod and all of you leave, but before you are able to Pollo calls you back.\n\n\"Oh one more thing sergeant. Order one of your men to stay here with me. I think you know by now which one I mean.\"\n\nAt this point you're in genuine shock. You may be young, and even a little detached from normal 'society\" but you know exactly what Captain Pollo is implying. You can honestly feel more than surprised by this though.\n\n\"Captain, I will need all of my team to have the best chance to succeed in this mission.\" You say.\n\"Oh? Well sorry, but you'll have to make do like everyone else here does. Or you could clean the fort like I first ordered you to do, which you chose to ignore.\"\n\nIt's a no win situation, though you try to figure out a loophole that takes the responsibility off of you.\n\n\"Captain, you are of a higher rank than me, surely you could just order him yourself.\"\n\"Ha ha, nice try. No. You want to be a leader of men? You need to make this decision yourself. Tis quite easy I would think. Sacrifice one for the good of the rest. If anything I'd say he's the lucky one. He gets to stay here enjoying the pleasures of the flesh, and won't have to be mucking about with kobolds and dealing with idiotic peasants.\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "You leave him behind" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Unfortunately Pollo is right, the only decision that makes sense is to leave Gerald behind.\n\nStill, you aren't fond of the idea though not necessarily for the moral reasons that most would be. This is an unproductive use of your team's talents and pointless in the scheme of things. You can't believe the Empire would allow such a petty man to be in charge of the safety of a province and why isn't the Emperor aware of such inefficiency?\n\n\"Very well.\"\n\"I knew you'd see things my way. Have fun playing with the kobolds. You're dismissed.\"\n\nYou leave Pollo's office where your team is still waiting for you.\n\n\"Gerald, I regret that you will not be coming with us on this mission. The Captain wants you to stay with him.\" You say.\n\"What?! But I'm ready to fight!\" he protests.\n\"There will be other missions, I promise you. We will prove ourselves so well on this one, that they will have no choice but to send us out on a regular basis. However, your orders are clear in this matter, you are to remain here with Captain Pollo.\"\n\"B…yes sir.\"\n\nJust before Gerald goes into the captain's office, you whisper into his ear.\n\n\"Accidents happen.\"\n\nHe's a little puzzled by this comment, but you and the rest of your team proceed to your assignment and nobody says anything more about it.\n\nWhen you finally get to the town, it's a sorry sight. A lot of the buildings are damaged and the streets are filled with debris. There are a few people attempting to clean up the place, but it's clear that they're all very demoralized.\n\n'Oh, I see the Empire has finally decided to help us; well you're too late! The kobolds raided this town last night and as you can see completely trashed the place!\" says a disheveled man.\n\"The Empire has many places it has to protect citizen. It is regrettable that your town was attacked, but we are here now to eliminate the problem.\"\n\"You're here now? Where the fuck were you last night when my wife was killed by those ugly little bastards?\" the man says getting in your face.\n\"Calm yourself citizen, this will not help your situation.\"\n\"My situation? I just said my wife is fucking DEAD! I don't give a shit about my situation anymore you fucking Empire dickhead! Fuck you and your fucking Emperor!\"\n\nIt is at this point the man unwisely pushes your chest with his hand and you instantly grab it and break his whole arm. He predictably crumples in excruciating pain, screaming as the bone juts out of the skin and blood runs out of his body into the mud. All the other towns people who have seen this back off or hide, as they are rightfully worried about what you're going to do next.\n\n\"Now listen up citizens of Dalt! I understand that you've all been through a lot, but that is not a reason to give in to insolence! You are all Empire subjects and you will show proper respect or what's left of this town will suffer in such a manner that you'll think what the kobolds did was a birthday party.\"\n\nThe man whose arm you broke begins to scream more obscenities at you in between his regular howls of pain. You look at Kane and nod. Kane finishes the man off by quickly decapitating him. You take his head and throw it before one of the crowd of peasants who look on in horror.\n\n\"Remember this.\" You say.\n\nYou remain in the town of Dalt for the night and get rooms from an overly cooperative innkeeper. He also tells you a little information about the kobolds such what direction they came from, what sort of equipment they were using and how many there were during the attack. Before getting some rest you spend a little of the time discussing strategy with your team. You all don't show it too much, but you are all a little excited about tomorrow.\n\nThe next day you set off towards the wooded hills, it doesn't take long before you see a kobold patrol wandering around. They look exactly like how you've seen them in books, sort of like scaly goblins, but from what you've heard, a lot more cunning.\n\nYour team attempts to be stealthy, but perhaps it's due to the excitement of this first \"real\" battle. Edgar isn't as silent as he should be and clumsily steps on a few twigs alerting the patrols.\n\nThe kobold patrol sees all of you, yell excitedly in their language and run away. Edgar is about to chase them, but you knock him to the ground.\n\n\"What the hell?\" he says wondering why you stopped him.\n\"Trap, Edgar. Look.\" You say and point to a tripwire that would've triggered a spiked log that he almost stepped on.\n\"Oh.\" He says.\n\"You were trained better than that Edgar and we went over this last night! This area is probably going to be filled with traps. Now come on, we don't have the luxury of a surprise attack any more.\"\n\nThe remainder of this attack is a tedious exercise in cautiousness broken up by quick battles. The kobolds really have set up traps everywhere and take full advantage of your team's slow movement to launch periodic ambushes themselves. Fortunately they are very poor warriors even in large numbers and you easily dispatch them. All your fighting eventually leads to a cave, which you sort of figured it would. You warn your team that this place is probably going to be a maze and heavily trapped as well.\n\n\"Should we split up so we can cover more ground?\" Brenda asks.\n\"No, we're going to be neck deep in them when we go into that cave. They may be poor warriors, but even enough of them could overwhelm one or two of us. If we stick together we'll be fine. Besides, we're going to be here awhile anyway.\"\n\nThere \"awhile\" isn't an exaggeration. You spend the remainder of the day and night killing kobolds. Your team seems to enjoy it, but you eventually start to get bored of the monotony. You don't even bat an eye when you come across what seems to be a breeding chamber and you exterminate all the female kobolds and their young. Eventually you reach a large cave clearing where you meet the leader.\n\n\"Sssss! Defilersss! Murderersss!\" a slightly larger kobold hisses at you from some sort of primitive throne and then orders his guards to attack. It's rather pathetic, as they fare no better than the rest. A few quick sword and axe blows and this kobold chieftain is alone.\n\nWhile the rest of your team is eager to kill him like the rest, you have a slightly better idea for him. You engage him in singles combat, which is over pretty quickly. You then subdue him with some rope you have in your pack.\n\n\"Why are we taking him as prisoner? We're Eternals! We don't take prisoners!\" Edgar shouts.\n\"Yeah, we also aren't supposed to miss obviously placed traps either, so there's a first time for everything. Besides I've got a good idea for this one.\"\n\nYou drag the kobold leader back to town who curses you the whole time in a mixture of his language and yours. When you arrive it is now dawn and the townspeople are surprised to see you back, let alone with a kobold in tow.\n\nYou tie the kobold leader to a tree near the center of the town and address everyone.\n\n\"Citizens of Dalt! The kobold nest has been completely destroyed. This…thing was the leader of this particular nest and most likely orchestrated the raid; do with him as you will. There of course are other kobold nests in this province, but the Eternals will be taking care of this long overdue problem. All the Empire needs in this matter is your continued obedience and loyalty.\"\n\nAfter giving this speech you and your team take your leave and hear the screams of the kobold leader as the villagers torture and rip him apart.\n\nWhen you arrive back at Fort Glory, other soldiers are surprised to see all of you back alive. It was assumed that at best, half of you would be dead. There is a possible thought of whether you actually succeeded and didn't just come back in failure, but given that Kane took it upon himself to take \"trophies\" his gruesome necklace of kobold ears makes it pretty clear that the job was done.\n\nWhen you report however, it seems the fort has undergone a change in leadership\n\n\"I'm Lieutenant Anu and now in charge of Fort Glory until further notice. First things first, did you accomplish your mission?\n\"Mission accomplished, we killed them all lieutenant. All of their warriors, all of their women, all of their babies, pets, their leader, all of them.\"\n\"Well always helps to be sure. Which brings me to the next point. Your man Gerald is currently in the stockade. In fact he may be facing execution.\"\n\"Might I inquire why, sir?\"\n\"I'd say you'd probably know as much about it as I do, but if I had to guess? Captain pervert put the moves on him and your man took exception to it and killed him. He claims it was an accident, but there's no way the captain twisted his own head ALL THE WAY AROUND just by tripping and falling over.\"\n\"If Gerald says it was an accident, then I believe him sir.\"\n\"Okay look, I'm not going to sit here and say that the captain wasn't complete scum. I should know I had to serve along side him for the past five years. I saw how he'd have teenage boys brought to his office. Now I know you guys are these Eternals that we've all heard about, but dammit man, we can't just have murders within the ranks, we have to respect some sort of order here!\"\n\"We're all about respecting order sir…I suppose if it is absolutely necessary to execute Gerald, then that will be regrettable. I would however say that Gerald's actions actually contributed to more order here and will better for the Empire in general.\"\n\"How so?\"\n\"The removal of captain Pollo, has allowed you to move up in rank and judging by your feelings on this matter you are a person who respects military decorum. I have no doubt, the fort will be run more efficiently now.\"\n\nLieutenant Anu chuckles a bit. \"I'd almost think you were trying to butter me up to save your guy, but I already know you genuinely believe what you're saying and you're right anyway. (Sigh) Well…I suppose accidents do happen. Nobody here is going to miss Pollo, so I'll have Gerald released and write up a report.\"\n\"Sir, can I make a request?\"\n\"Don't you think you're pushing your luck?\"\n\"Not my intention sir, but I was going to ask if there's anything my group could do here that's a little more challenging than killing kobolds?\"\n\"Hmm, yes I imagine you would feel that way...well on the furthest southern edge of the province there have been bands of nomadic raiders and there have been rumors of them organizing under some sort of shaman. Dunno if it's true or not. Of course we could also transfer you someplace where the battle is a little more suited to your violence level.\"" } ]
Dead Man Walking (Zombie Survival)
[ "Horror", "Post-Apocalyptic", "RPG", "Serious", "Zombie" ]
[ 7507, 3411, 2294, 1150, 446, 170, 218, 648 ]
Can you survive the Zombie Apocalypse? While challenging, it's not as hard as the movies would have you believe - where they always make the worst possible decisions for the sake of drama. At least here, you will be offered logical choices amid the foolhardy and your character cares about survival even more than you do. A serious game with gory detail. Cameos (try to find them all!) Aman: Hairy bearded sledge guy applegirl: Coffee mug zombie teen Betaband: Neighbor's fish tank brought to you by Betaband CovElite: The Cannibal Gaunt Zombie EndMaster: A survivor tells about seeing a black hooded man walking among the zombie hordes and directing them like death itself Fireplay: A madman with a taste for fire JMgskills: A zombie wearing a red shirt with the logo "YOU DIED - END GAME." Marmotlord: A School Mascot on the run playa988: A rather short, buzz-cut, zombie in a baggy white t-shirt and jeans that gets sniped simplesabley: Tomboy survivor girl SindriV: A mysterious corpse in the street Solxd7: A police officer shit out of luck Swiftstryker: Zombie in a speedo ThisisBo: An oddly "talkative" zombie not terribly interested in eating brains ugilick: Karate kicking conquistador Special Thanks To: Aman; AtomicWaste; blob; Briar_Rose; HoraceTorys; MBrock; playa988; ugilick (For their invaluable feedback and playtesting efforts!)
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Literary category: horror Story elements: Horror, Post-Apocalyptic, RPG, Serious, Zombie \nCan you survive the Zombie Apocalypse? While challenging, it's not as hard as the movies would have you believe - where they always make the worst possible decisions for the sake of drama. At least here, you will be offered logical choices amid the foolhardy and your character cares about survival even more than you do. A serious game with gory detail.\nCameos (try to find them all!)\nAman: Hairy bearded sledge guy\napplegirl: Coffee mug zombie teen\nBetaband: Neighbor's fish tank brought to you by Betaband\nCovElite: The Cannibal Gaunt Zombie\nEndMaster: A survivor tells about seeing a black hooded man walking among the zombie hordes and directing them like death itself\nFireplay: A madman with a taste for fire\nJMgskills: A zombie wearing a red shirt with the logo \"YOU DIED - END GAME.\"\nMarmotlord: A School Mascot on the run\nplaya988: A rather short, buzz-cut, zombie in a baggy white t-shirt and jeans that gets sniped\nsimplesabley: Tomboy survivor girl\nSindriV: A mysterious corpse in the street\nSolxd7: A police officer shit out of luck\nSwiftstryker: Zombie in a speedo\nThisisBo: An oddly \"talkative\" zombie not terribly interested in eating brains\nugilick: Karate kicking conquistador\nSpecial Thanks To:\nAman; AtomicWaste; blob; Briar_Rose; HoraceTorys; MBrock; playa988; ugilick\n(For their invaluable feedback and playtesting efforts!)\n As the masterful storyteller, it's your duty to transport the user into a realm of your making, where they're at the heart of every twist and turn. We're in this for the long haul: each of your replies should significantly propel the story forward." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Dead Man Walking! (Zombie Survival)\n\nCan you survive the Zombie Apocalypse? While challenging, it's not as hard as the movies would have you believe - where they always make the worst possible decisions for the sake of drama. Here, at least, you will be offered logical choices amid the foolhardy and your character cares about survival even more than you do. A serious game with gory detail.\n\nStyle\n\nThere is a lot of reading in this story. Pages are filled with lengthy descriptions of who, what, when, where, why, & how. The story is quite long (over 2100 pages) and comes in three major sections (of varying length, depending on what you choose to do in them). Don't forget your 'Save Game' option...\n\nSections\n\nThe first section is the shortest and involves escaping the subway tunnels.\n\nThe second section involves moving around within the city and escaping.\n\nThe third section involves moving through the suburbs to find and save your family.\n\nObjective\n\nGet the best ending (or) Get the highest score (or) Kill the most zombies (or) All of the above?\n\nScoring\n\nEach choice is assigned a value from 10 - 50 points: Generally, 10 points are given for a bad decisions, 30 points for neutral decisions, and 50 points for the most logical choices. 20 & 40 points are also awarded, when certain choices fall between the other values. Your final Score at the end of the game is the total of all the decisions made, multiplied by a number of special factors (depending on what you accomplish during play).\n\nNote that the highest possible score will not be achieved by making all the right choices - as making the best choices often allow you to bypass certain other 'choice-filled' events, that will net you more points in the long run (if survived) than by simply skipping them altogether in the first place.\n\nEndings\n\nAs this is a zombie game, the very best ending can only be achieved by not getting bit at all, but there are still a number of interesting endings available, even if you do get chomped on a time or two. In fact, you are not likely to get the Highest Score with the very best ending - but that's the trade-off.\n\nWith each 'Death Page' and the 'Official Endings', you will have the chance to see how you did before quitting (or going back). A Rundown is included that shows how many zombies and/or people you killed, how many people you saved, how many zombies munched your brains, and of course your Total Score. If at the end of your game you have 10,000 or more points, you will also be able to see a write-up of the Zombie Virus and Zombie Types used during the game.\n\nThe type of ending you achieve will also be reflected in the last digit of your Final Score: Death Pages will produce a score ending in '0'; Official Endings will show a '5'; and the Very Best Ending will show a '7'.\n\nPost a comment to show your high scores to the world!\n\nTroubleshooting\n\nPlease PM me if you find bugs or breaks in logic (such as walking on foot in one scene, then riding a mountain bike in the next, without ever having found the mountain bike first). The most helpful thing you could do is tell me the name of the page with the bug (and) the name of the page you came into that page from, plus a description of what's not working correctly.\n\nGood Luck!\n\nThis game dedicated to my lovely LadyZerka (and Five Hundred Feet of Heavy Rope in a Barrel) =)" }, { "from": "human", "value": "You Begin..." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Dead Man Walking.\n\nYou are drifting through darkness, floating weightless in an inky black void. Slowly you realize you are not quite awake, but coming out of unconsciousness; you must have passed out for some reason. You try to sit up, but some unseen force holds your body down. With a note of frustration you realize again that you are still not fully awake. Focusing your will you try to start yourself awake, and for a moment it seems to work – you sit up and look around and can see that you are in a dark tunnel with very little light. You notice a man stooped over some object to your right and try to call out to him, but your voice does not work. Regardless, the man turns to look at you and it is then that you see it is not a man at all, but a smoky silhouette of shadow in vaguely a man-like shape. The thing sets upon you in a flash and you feel a smothering presence overpowering you in the darkness, wrapping you up, holding you down; trying to invade you. In panic you jolt awake – this time for real.\n\nThe first thing you notice is a sharp stabbing pain in your head. Reaching up, you feel your hair matted in blood and grimace as you run your fingers over the jagged edges of what must surely be a serious head wound. Part of your scalp has actually been torn free of your skull and hangs in a greasy mess over your ear. You're not bleeding from the wound very much – it seems to have clotted – but you definitely should get it seen by a medical professional sooner than later…\n\nIn addition, your left arm, shoulder, and side are numb. Moving them slightly, you wince at small twinges of pain here and there, but are relieved to see that they are not broken – though it does seem that you have been thrown down on that side recently and with significant force.\n\nSitting yourself up against a wall of cool damp stone you take in your surroundings. The floor is of hard packed dirt with a thick layer of dust on top and (from what you can feel), quite a bit of shattered safety glass lays around you. In the air you smell a mix of smoke and ozone, like when an electrical outlet shorts out. That and the heavy stink of blood (your own maybe, you do seem to have lost quite a bit) and something reminiscent of burning hair… All in all, it's somewhat hard to breathe, as if you're not quite getting enough oxygen with each breath.\n\nIt is very dark, but a dim greenish glow stemming from a huge mass of twisted metal before you gives enough illumination to at least make out your hand in front of your face, as well as what's immediately around you. Looking at the mass in front of you, you can see that it is the wreckage of a subway train – or perhaps even two trains – as if one had run up into another on the same track. Now however, the subway cars choke the dark tunnel you are in, cast zigzag across the tracks in a crumpled and jagged pile of wreckage. The greenish glow comes from inside the smashed train cars themselves and you surmise that it would be illumination from the emergency exits.\n\nLooking to your right, you see a mangled body without a head. You shudder and wonder what it was you saw standing over that body in your half-conscious dream state.\n\nThinking back, you try to remember how you could have arrived in such a predicament, but you can't get past the pain in your head. Your memory is all cloudy. How much of it have you lost? All of it apparently; you can't even recall your own name. Looking yourself over for a clue to your own identity, you note that you are wearing reasonably savvy business attire with a gold watch. Unfortunately, the watch is broken, its face smashed and the hands stopped at 7:40 am.\n\nChecking your back pocket you find your wallet and upon looking inside, you find your license.\n\n\"Greg Bradley\", you say to yourself, reading the name off the ID. The address shows a street in the suburbs. There's also a photo of the wife and kids (you guess). The woman is pretty enough and there are two cute girls – a ten year old and a younger one, maybe seven.\n\nA twinge of frustration creeps into your mind. Why can't you remember anything? Isn't seeing things like this supposed to jar a memory or something? You take the photo out of the wallet and tuck it into your breast pocket. Checking the rest of the contents, you find a number of low-end credit cards, $50 cash, and a half dozen of your own business cards; showing that you are an accountant for the Morgan Corporation, located on the 24th floor of the Summit Tower.\n\nAlso in your possession is a crushed cell phone (totally dead) and a ring of keys including the key and fob to a Toyota, a house key, a PO Box key, a padlock key, and what you think is an elevator key marked 'ST 24'. Incidentally, your key chain also includes a small LED penlight – which upon testing in the darkness of the tunnel, seems to offer miniscule comfort against the engulfing blackness.\n\nIt occurs to you that you should probably find something to bandage your head with. You consider for a moment trying to use your shirt as a makeshift bandage. It seems to work in the movies.\n\nIt is then that you hear the rattle of movement from within the pile of train wreckage before you, followed by a long mournful sounding groan. Instinctively, you quickly turn off your penlight and remain still; waiting to see what is making the noise without yet revealing your presence. You don't hear the sound again and wonder if some injured person is trapped there in the twisted subway cars, waiting for you to make the first move…" }, { "from": "human", "value": "You wait quietly for help to arrive" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "You sit in the darkness waiting. Surely someone must know about this train wreck and will be coming to the rescue any minute.\n\nThe minutes pass…\n\nThe hour passes…\n\nAnd then hours pass…\n\nYou have been sitting in the darkness for a long time and are starting to feel weak and dizzy in addition to being in pain. Maybe you should have tried to find help for yourself, rather than sit here, probably bleeding out this whole time. On a side note, whoever is there in the train wreckage still seems to be alive – moaning incoherently from time to time." }, { "from": "human", "value": "You bind your head with cloth from your shirt" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "As you tear some strips from your shirt, the noise seems to attract the attention of the person trapped in the train wreckage. The low mournful groans suddenly turn into heavy desperate panting snarls and a flurry of rattling and shaking from that direction. Whoever is making those noises does not sound very well off or even sane at this point.\n\nYou quickly bind your head and…" }, { "from": "human", "value": "You wait to see what happens" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "There is a disturbingly wet 'tearing' sound and you can hear the desperate panting snarls suddenly beginning to get closer. You wait nervously in the dark, straining to see, as it emerges from the wreckage. Crawling toward you over the caved-in side of an overturned subway car is a bloody corpse, its lower half fully torn away at the waist and trailing innards behind. The thing can't possibly be alive, but there it is, frothing bloody foam at the mouth and snapping hungry jaws at you – like something right out of an old horror movie!" }, { "from": "human", "value": "You find a large stone to smash its head in with" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Looking along the wall of the dark tunnel with your penlight, you spot a large chunk of cinderblock and quickly heft it up. The horrible thing is still clawing toward you when you bring the heavy piece of concrete down on the back of its head crushing it skull with a sickening splurch of blood, bone, and gray matter.\n\nYou are still filled with adrenaline and somewhat dizzy from your exertion, when you look up to the sound of more moaning; and see two more subway passengers, shuffling towards you with outstretched arms from the front part of the train wreck. While they are not moving very quickly, they are on their feet and making a beeline straight for you. They are far enough away from you at the moment, that you are fairly sure you can easily avoid them if you so choose." }, { "from": "human", "value": "You wait and attack them with your cinder block" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Your cinderblock smashed one lunatic's head in easy enough; it should work on two more just as well. You have time to maneuver to a higher position on the wreckage of the train cars and there wait for the two subway passengers to pass by. That's when you'll get the jump on them.\n\nSure enough, the two moaning subway passengers stumble by, not immediately seeing you from your position of ambush. As you leap down at them, you notice that both already look pretty mangled by the train wreck itself – one even walking on a completely dislocated ankle. Your chunk of cinderblock comes down with you, striking squarely on the top of the first's head. The monster crumples under the blow immediately as its head explodes in a messy display – along with your chunk of cinderblock – which shatters in a dusty rain of crumbling bits.\n\nYou look with dismay at your now empty hands, trying to formulate a new plan of action through the mounting sense of panic. It is then that you realize the other one is already on you, having lunged with surprising agility for someone so broken up. Before you can do anything more, you are dragged to the ground as it lunges for your neck. Instinctively, you defend yourself with a raised arm, only to feel the monster bite deeply into it – tearing a chunk out and taking a moment to chomp on the meaty flesh.\n\nYou ignore the pain and grit your teeth, taking advantage of the monster's momentary distraction to reach blindly for anything on the ground around you to use as a weapon. Amazingly, your left hand brushes over something metallic and heavy enough to give you hope. You grab hold and slam the object into the lunatic's temple, knocking it over and allowing you to scramble up. You no longer have whatever it was in your hand, but the thing isn't getting up either. Not waiting to give it a moment's quarter, you stomp on the back of its neck repeatedly, crunching up its vertebrae, until you are satisfied that it isn't going to get up anytime soon. That is when you notice the railroad tie spike buried in the side of its head.\n\nTaking a moment to calm yourself and regain your wind you think about what to do next." }, { "from": "human", "value": "You climb through the wreckage to the front of the subway train" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "You move quickly, ignoring the mess behind you and the throbbing pain of your injuries, making your way over and through the wreckage of the train cars that scatter the tunnel in the direction the train was headed before the wreck.\n\nAlong the way you see dead bodies everywhere, smashed into the twisted metal of the wrecked train cars – each more gruesome than the last. Disturbingly, you also notice an unusually large amount of entrails scattered about. You somehow doubt that that many people could all have been disemboweled simultaneously by a simple train wreck – even one as serious as this one appears to be. You're not sure (and you certainly don't want to get close enough to find out firsthand), but some of the bodies even look as if they have recently been savaged, as if by some wild animals' rending jaws. As you get further along, you also notice a large number of bloody footprints headed in the same direction you are going. They seem to be joined by more and more footprints as you pass through one mangled subway car after another.\n\nAt length you get to the front of the train you must have been riding on. In walking, you surmise that you had been on the train and thrown out a window when it crashed. You must have struck your head when you landed, which knocked you out for who knows how long. On that thought, you risk approaching a random victim's arm sticking out of the wreckage to take their watch. Unlike yours, this one still works and indicates the time to be 6:04 pm. If that is correct, and your watch indicates the time of the crash, that means you were out of it for roughly ten hours. Wow, you'd better not go back to sleep until you can get yourself to a hospital or you might not wake up again. You also find a working cell phone in the aisle as you go and see that it still works, but there's no signal down here in the subway tunnel.\n\nLooking at the first car of your train, you see that it is completely flattened under the rear cars of another train. It looks as if the first train was stopped on the tracks and your train somehow ran into the back of it at a rather high rate of speed.\n\nContinuing on, you cautiously pass through the scattered cars of this train with much the same scene of carnage cast before your eyes, until you finally arrive at the head of the first train. Unlike your train the first car of this train is relatively intact. You know that at the very front of the train is a control room, which hopefully will have at least a first aid kit and if you're lucky, a working radio. As you approach, you see that all the bloody footprints leave the train at this point and continue down the tunnel in the direction the train was headed. They are quickly lost however in the hard-packed dirt and darkness of the tunnel itself – though following them won't be a problem – you only got one direction to go – unless you want to turn around and go back the way you just came." }, { "from": "human", "value": "You search the train's control room before deciding what to do" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "The door to the train's control room is locked, but you are able to go outside and pull the smashed remains of the train car's windshield out, allowing you to climb inside. When the train was hit from behind, it caused the cars of both trains to accordion together, sending them sliding almost sideways down the tunnel into each other until this particular car got wedged in a narrow spot and caused the massive and jagged pileup behind it. As you enter the control room, you see that the driver of the train has been crushed to death by the front of the train as it smashed into the side of the tunnel and got wedged in. You try not to look too closely at his flattened and gore drained shell; or the pool of mess under what's left of his seat.\n\nChecking the area, you see a map of the train lines on one wall and note that the train was headed into the city before it crashed. That makes sense to you, as you would have been traveling from your house in the suburbs to your office in the city during the morning rush. Looking around some more, you find a well-stocked first aid kit, a proper flashlight, a crowbar, some signal flares, a large fire extinguisher, and working CB radio. You also find the train operator's book bag with his lunch in it and help yourself to the contents, seeing as he won't miss it anytime soon. You're actually surprised that it tastes so good, given that you're eating it in a small room with a horribly mangled corpse just a few feet away.\n\nAfter eating, you wrap your wounds in proper bandages and down a couple of pain pills and a no doze. You're pretty sure you don't want to fall asleep in here regardless of the head injury. You definitely don't feel safe down here in this tunnel of death. Packing the first aid kit, flashlight, and signal flares in the book bag, you heft the crowbar in your hand and check out the CB Radio – unfortunately, it's not the portable kind, but definitely worth trying to call for help on.\n\nYou consider trying to take the large fire extinguisher, but are not sure about the weight versus utility. It can wait till you're ready to leave, so you decide to address it again after trying the radio." }, { "from": "human", "value": "You try the CB Radio" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "After a while trying the current channel with no response, you try calling out on the other channels. Just when you are ready to give up, you dial channel 7 and hear a voice answer you on the other end.\n\n\"Help, I've been in a subway train wreck!\" you say over the com.\n\n\"This is Officer Main of the 3rd Precinct, who is this, over.\"\n\n\"Uh, my name is Greg Bradley\", you identify yourself, \"I'm on a wrecked subway car down in the tunnels, I don't know where exactly. Everyone onboard is either dead or gone.\"\n\nYou hear an awkward pause on the other end of the com, and then Officer Main's voice comes back on, slow and grim.\n\n\"Listen Greg, there is no easy way to tell you this, but the whole world has gone to shit, just like that train down there. Some sort of terrorist bio-weapon released on the city this morning. A poison gas, or virus, or the like. It causes those exposed to suffer death-like symptoms, including a semi rigor mortis like state, and then they go crazy with cannibalistic rage. Just like the zombies in them movies. And like the movies, you got to hit them in the head and destroy their brain in order to put them down for good. Also, if you get bit by one you got roughly ten minutes before you're one of them yourself – though I did heard this one guy actually lasted three hours before he changed. You haven't been bitten now have you\" he asks, pausing for a reply.\n\n\"No\", you say quickly, looking at your arm but not wanting to lose contact with what could possibly be the last living soul in the city.\n\n\"All right then,\" Officer Main continues, \"Here's what you need to do. Follow the tracks to the first station and get to the streets above. The first thing you need to do is avoid contact with any zombies. Next, you need to get your bearings and know where you are in the city – get a street map if you can. Then find a pry bar or tire iron and drop yourself into the nearest 'center of the street' manhole cover. It has to be one in the center of a main street, not a side street or manhole cover near the curb. And unless you're Lou Ferrigno, you'll need the tire iron to lever up the hundred and seventy five pound manhole cover. Obviously a light is going to be handy down there too.\"\n\n\"You still with me?\" he asks.\n\n\"Uh, yeah, I understand,\" you reply – more than a little apprehensive about some plan to go down into more dark tunnels with ravening cannibalistic zombies lurking about.\n\n\"Good\" he continues. \"Once inside, set the manhole cover back behind you – this should keep the zombies from following you in, unless you really piss them off for some reason. There shouldn't be any zombies in the sewer tunnels – or if there are, there'll be a hell of a lot less in there than on the streets. Once in the main sewer line, follow it just like you would the streets above to our Precinct House here on 3rd and Spring Street. You'll see street names marked at each intersection of the tunnels and they run directly under the center of most streets. When you get to 3rd and Spring Street, you'll need to be careful. The zombies are thick in this area, but we're nice and safe here in our Precinct House. Like a fortress here, and well-armed, so you don't got to worry once you're inside – you just have to make a dash from the street to the door is all – you are good at running right? Over.\"\n\n\"I'm injured; got a head wound\", you reply, \"but I suppose I can run a short distance all right. What about the hospitals though? I think I really need medical attention rather quickly. Uh, over.\"\n\n\"No, don't go to any hospital! They are all overrun with the dead and undead. We have medical supplies here and a triage unit with doctors and a surgeon. You get yourself here and we can help you. You hear?\"\n\n\"Yeah, thanks for the information. I'll try to get to you,\" you say, not really certain about it just yet.\n\n\"Good Luck. Over\" comes back the final reply." }, { "from": "human", "value": "You take a moment to give thought to the situation" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "After giving it some thought you conclude that you now have a number of things to consider. If the city really is overrun with zombies, then you'll need more than a crowbar to survive. You need real medical attention pretty soon too.\n\nThe 3rd Precinct seems to offer both and is in the direction the train was going.\n\nThen there is your home and family. You don't remember anything of them yet, but perhaps seeing one of them in person will trigger the return of your memories. You know they must love you and wonder if they are safe.\n\nHas the attack spread into the suburbs; or is it contained in the city? What if it spreads further? Is this the only city to be attacked; or are there more cities across the country facing the zombie threat?\n\nYou're not entirely sure how far your home is from the city, but you think you had just over a 40 minute commute – yeah, that sounds right. You try to work out in your head how far that would be in miles if you estimate the average speed of the train, when it occurs to you just to look at the line map on the wall of the control room. There you see that your suburb is twenty-six miles away from Summit Station (you presume under Summit Tower where you work), taking the green line from Summit Station to Fairmont Station and from there, the yellow line to Suburbia Station. Now all you need to know is where on the green line you are currently, which you won't find out until you walk in one direction or the other to a station.\n\nOf course, what is the point if you're just going to turn into one of those things in…\n\nYou look at your watch, it says 9:05pm…\n\nYou got about two hours left. Damn, that sucks.\n\nWith this weighing on your mind, you…" }, { "from": "human", "value": "You take the heavy fire extinguisher & continue heading further into the city in the direction the train was going" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "You cautiously move through the silence of the tunnel, listening carefully as you go. You'd rather be anywhere else in the world than here right now, and the temptation just to give up, lie down, and die is almost overwhelming. You've never been prone to anxiety attacks, but this shit certainly has you on the edge.\n\nAfter traveling for what you thought was at least an hour, you look at your watch and see that it hasn't even been a full thirty minutes. Time flies when you're having fun, you think sarcastically.\n\nAfter another five or so minutes of plodding along, you begin to think you can see a dull light in the tunnel way up ahead. Turning your own light out momentarily confirms this, as you can definitely see a dull white glow in the tunnel – maybe a station you hope.\n\nWhatever it is, you're still a ways off; perhaps a quarter mile or so…" }, { "from": "human", "value": "You continue toward the station" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "As you walk toward the light at the end of the tunnel, it seems to never get any closer – Damn; how far away is it?!?\n\nThat is when you realize that you have been dragging your feet as you walk recently – more stumbling forward actually than what could truly be considered a walk. Your muscles all feel tight and you're incredibly weak and tired – like your wounds and exhaustion are finally hitting you all at once.\n\nYou stop and steady yourself on the wall of the tunnel a moment as your head swims and you nearly pass out. Nice. You can see the light at the end of the tunnel and now you're going to pass out and get eaten by wandering zombies before you even can make it. Typical.\n\nYou begin to wonder if this is the zombie contagion at work – you have been bit after all. Are you really going to die and rise up as a brain eating monster?\n\nYuck. You never did like the thought of eating brains, or livers, or that other disgusting stuff people eat sometimes. Hell, you can't even swallow sushi without gaging.\n\nYeah, you'll make a real classy zombie, you think sarcastically to yourself, gagging on other peoples' brains.\n\nAfter another flash of near unconsciousness, you desperately look around the tunnel for some place of refuge to sit and weather out the storm – or at least a place to die in peace. You'd much rather be munched on by zombies when dead than to have them find and eat you alive.\n\nYou find nothing significant, just an old sheet of heavy plywood leaned up against the side of the tunnel. With nothing more than that, and unconsciousness threatening to overtake you at any moment, you make due as best you can with what you have. You pull the bottom of the plywood sheet out a few feet from the wall of the tunnel, making a place behind that you can crawl into.\n\nYou go inside and turn out your light, noting the ever faint light still visible down at the end of the tunnel. There you lie on the ground, hidden behind your makeshift shelter, feeling feverish while the pain of your head wound and the tightness of your muscles is lost in the burning sensation that has slowly spread out from where you were bit by zombies to fill your whole body.\n\nYou lull in semi-consciousness; now almost sorry that you took that no doze. At least if you had fallen asleep and not woke up, you wouldn't have to be going through this right now. Your mind reels, jumping chaotically between the horrifying scenes of slaughter witnessed this day and half memories of your family, that feign to come back but then evaporate just before your mind can latch onto them.\n\nYou then realize that the burning tightness in all your muscles has progressed to complete paralysis – you can't even move your fingers or close your eyes. You lay there completely rigid, unable to move, until even your vision blurs.\n\nYou're not sure how long you lay there, drifting in and out of awareness, until you suddenly notice you can see clearly again and blink. You also hear what you think is the beeping of a morning alarm coming from somewhere. Then, all at once, every muscle of your body suddenly releases, and you find yourself drenched in sweat. Your fever is gone and you no longer feel a burning throughout your body or even where you were bit by zombies. Now you're just in good old fashion pain.\n\nYou look at your watch and see that it's 6:00am – the time you normally get up in the morning to get ready for work. You then realize the alarm on your watch is beeping and you quickly turn it off and grab your crowbar, hoping the sound hasn't attracted any zombies to your position. You crawl out from behind your shelter to listen and then look yourself over. You appear normal – not the walking dead like you expected. You quickly do some math in your head. No problem. You're pretty sure zombies don't do math. Small blessing.\n\nLooking up the length of subway tunnel, you still see the light there at the end. Gathering your gear you:" }, { "from": "human", "value": "You continue toward the station" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Eventually you approach the opening at the end of the tunnel, where it empties into a large underground subway station. Your heart sinks as you draw near and hear the echoing din of a large mass of zombies from within. You hover in the darkness of the tunnel, carefully venturing forward just enough to get a look inside.\n\nA hundred and some of the former subway passengers – all trapped in the rush hour mob and unable to escape the initial outbreak – pack the area, half on the landing platform itself and half down on the tracks.\n\nThose on the tracks look a lot worse for wear; most torn up from the subway crash you just came from – or even other crashes farther up ahead. They moan and snarl at each other, jostling and crowding toward the edge of the loading platform, trying most ineffectually at climbing up the four foot ledge. Occasionally one does manage to get up, but is quickly pulled back down by the rest trying to climb up over its back.\n\nYou are reminded of a bucket of crabs. You remember once seeing one in Maine – there's another memory – you don't need to put a lid on a full bucket of crabs; they all try to climb up over each other. The moment one gets to the top, it is collectively grabbed by the rest and dragged back down to the bottom of the bucket.\n\nYou snap out of your reflection and focus on the area itself. The zombies don't see you yet and you doubt they'd hear you over the clamor, unless you did something to intentionally attract their attention.\n\nThe station is large and tiled, with a high vaulted ceiling and a large placard reading: \"Fox Park Station\". You see that the light is coming from a large number of battery powered emergency lights along the top of the walls. You also see, just beyond the crowded landing platform, two exits. The first is a turnstile gate at your end of the platform with an escalator and set of stairs going up on the other side. The second is an open set of stairs and an escalator at the far end of the platform beyond all the zombies.\n\nOn the track level itself are two sets of rails, both empty of any trains. Apparently, the platform side is for stopping, while the outer track is for passing through. As the trains all go the same way through the tunnels, you know there must also be another tunnel and station nearby for the trains going in the opposite direction. Typically, it would be close enough that you could buy a ticket in the terminal above the tunnels and then simply come down the right set of escalators to your platform.\n\nYou spot a dingy red metal door in the outer wall of the tunnel opposite the landing platform. While the light's not great, there is enough that you can make out the words on its surface: \"Railway Workers Only!\"\n\nAs you stand in the shadows of the tunnel looking over the scene, you also spot a four foot long piece of heavy planking, lying on the ground where you would exit the tunnel. You'll have to be sure not to trip over it when you are ready to go.\n\nMan there are a lot of zombies in here!\n\nGiven that, you think over your options – The open stairs and escalator at the far end of the landing platform is a no go – way too many zombies to get past even to think about it. Then there is the turnstile exit gate with the escalator and stairs on the other side. The problem with that is: to get to the stairs you'll have to hop onto the landing platform with hundreds of zombies and make it to the turnstile exit gate and jam it before they swarm you. There is also the matter of the turnstiles being one-way. If there are zombies on the other side of it, you won't be able to come back the way you came.\n\nThe red door option on the other side of the tunnel would be much easier to get to, but if you're detected, the zombies on the tracks will move after you and block your way back to the tunnels. You don't even know if it's locked or even goes anywhere – for all you know it may just be an access door to firefighting equipment – though you would think it would say so if that was the case…\n\nYou could also try to sneak past the horde altogether, while they are distracted, in order to continue further down the tunnels towards the center of the city. If the rest of the stations are like this one though, then you'll have to deal with getting out of the tunnels sooner or later…\n\nYou could also just turn around and head back the way you came; trying instead to leave the city altogether rather than move any deeper into it.\n\nAfter weighing your odds, you:" } ]
Through Time
love & dating
[ "Drama", "Humor", "Romance", "Serious" ]
[ 934, 331, 171, 131, 62, 34, 26, 57 ]
You play as Jacob, a 28 year old man who has gone nowhere in life. Suddenly, you wake up to find yourself 10 years in the past. Once there, you meet several people who seem to recognize you, but you can't seem to remember them at all. Is your life the only one that went wrong? What really happened in your past? This storygame plays out like a visual novel, with a unique route for each main character, and a true route. Replaying it more than once is highly recommended to get the full experience. I also recommend you complete all the good routes before going for the true end, as it ties everything else together. How to load a saved file: Go to Click restore beside the save titled "Through Time" (You must be logged in, and have a saved file for this to work) How to interpret your score: (Max score) 97531 - You completed every route possible. Score has a 9 - You completed the true end. Score has a 7 - You completed Olivia's good end. Score has a 5 - You completed Ian's good end. Score has a 3 - You completed Tina's good end. Score has a 1 - You completed Allison's good end. The actual "score", doesn't matter, just these numbers. Special Thanks: Kiel_Farren - For editing and grammar Tanstaafl - For editing and grammar Complete Walkthrough (should you require it): Link
[ { "from": "system", "value": "Category: love & dating Themes: Drama, Humor, Romance, Serious Details: You play as Jacob, a 28 year old man who has gone nowhere in life. Suddenly, you wake up to find yourself 10 years in the past. Once there, you meet several people who seem to recognize you, but you can't seem to remember them at all. Is your life the only one that went wrong? What really happened in your past?\nThis storygame plays out like a visual novel, with a unique route for each main character, and a true route. Replaying it more than once is highly recommended to get the full experience.\nI also recommend you complete all the good routes before going for the true end, as it ties everything else together.\nHow to load a saved file:\nGo to\nClick restore beside the save titled \"Through Time\"\n(You must be logged in, and have a saved file for this to work)\nHow to interpret your score:\n(Max score) 97531 - You completed every route possible.\nScore has a 9 - You completed the true end.\nScore has a 7 - You completed Olivia's good end.\nScore has a 5 - You completed Ian's good end.\nScore has a 3 - You completed Tina's good end.\nScore has a 1 - You completed Allison's good end.\nThe actual \"score\", doesn't matter, just these numbers.\nSpecial Thanks:\nKiel_Farren - For editing and grammar\nTanstaafl - For editing and grammar\nComplete Walkthrough (should you require it): Link Story mode." }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "The sound of your alarm clock wakes you and you groggily switch it off. You go through your normal morning routine and grudgingly head off to your job. As always, you arrive at work on time and walk straight into the back room to put on your uniform. Once there you notice your best friend, Ian, is already dressed and preparing to begin.\n\n\"Hey Jake.\"\n\n\"Hey Ian, ready for another exciting day?\" You ask sarcastically.\n\n\"Oh yea, working here has been highlight of my entire life.\" He replies with equal sarcasm, \"I hope I never quit.\"\n\n\"Ah yes, stocking food has always been a dream of yours hasn't it?\"\n\n\"A lifelong-dream. Now if you'll excuse me, it's time to live that dream.\"\n\nHe grabs a small nearby crate and rolls it into the main area of the store. You never thought he would end up as a stock boy in a grocery store. Then again, you thought both of you had bright futures. Although you were never really motivated to do anything, Ian was and certainly should have succeeded. You sigh and change into your uniform; this is your life and there's no point in brooding over what could have been.\n\nThe day goes by relatively quickly, which is about the only benefit to the job. However it's a rather hollow benefit, as the day passing by faster just means you have to work that much sooner the next day. You and Ian wave goodbye to each other at five o'clock and you walk to your small one-bedroom apartment, reaching it by 5:30pm." }, { "from": "human", "value": "A strange dream" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "You blink your eyes and look at your new surroundings. You're alone in the middle of a classroom, a very familiar classroom. Glancing down you notice you're sitting in a desk and that there's a small 'J' carved into the bottom right of its surface. This is your desk. At least it was, some point in time many years ago. Bringing your attention back up you notice the class is now filled with other students, each sitting in their own desks frantically writing notes. You don't recognize any of them, or rather you can't since none of their faces are clear to you. A teacher stands at the front of the class by the blackboard, presumably lecturing, though you all you can hear are muffled words.\n\nYou idly glance around the room and notice something out of place. A girl stands in the doorway, with long blonde and pink hair, flowing down to just above her waist. You stare at her for a while, trying to remember who she might be. No one else in the class pays any attention to her, and like the rest of them, you can't seem to make out her face. Suddenly, she turns around and runs down the hallway.\n\nYou stand up and walk out of the classroom, ignored completely by the rest of the class. As you enter the hallway, you look down the way you saw her ran, but see no one. Curious, you continue down the seemingly endless hallway trying to find her. Finally, you seem to reach the end, as a black metal door now blocks the path. Grasping the handle, you push it open. A bright light emits from the inside, blinding you and preventing you from seeing what's beyond the door. Curiosity gaining the better of you, you close your eyes and step through the doorway." }, { "from": "human", "value": "The other side" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Jacob, wake up it's time for school!\"\n\nYou hear a familiar voice yell to you, and you groggily wake up in response.\n\nWhat a strange dream...\n\nYou try and remember the girl from your dream, but can't figure out who she was. The classroom was probably from your high school, but as far as you can remember that girl was never in any of your classes. You shrug and proceed to get up. After all, high school was years ago, it wouldn't be unusual for you to forget a few people in that time.\n\nOnce fully awake, the reality that you live alone dawns on you; there should be no one yelling for you to wake up. Then another thought occurs, you don't go to school anymore either. Confused, you stand up and walk over to your dresser, which seems different from usual. Opening your drawers you notice your clothes seem different as well. Now even more confused, you get dressed and exit your room to find some answers. Outside your door you find your younger sister standing in front of you, in the uniform that she wore during high school. That is to say, while she has the same face, green eyes, and short brown hair as your sister, she looks considerably younger than she should.\n\n\"Mom says wake up.\" She states quietly, then turns to walk away.\n\n\"Um, Tina?\" you say, trying to confirm it's her.\n\n\"Hm?\", she replies softly, turning towards you.\n\n\"Ah, um, never mind. I'm up.\"\n\nShe nods and walks away. You return to your room and look for your backpack, the one you remember using in high school. Sure enough you find it, right beside your dresser. You open it and grab one of your notebooks, hoping to confirm what you think has happened. You turn to the last note in the book and look at the date:\n\nApril 24th, 2008\n\nYou walk to your bed and sit down, trying accept what has happened. Yesterday was April 23th, but the year was 2018. Ten years ago you were 18 and in your last year of high school. The fact that your sister was in her private high school uniform confirms this, since she was in her first year of high school when you were in your last. Your thought process is interrupted by the familiar yell of your mother.\n\n\"Jacob, hurry up! You're going to be late!\"\n\nThere's no point in thinking over this any longer. You quickly grab your bag and head down the stairs to the front door.\n\n\"Remember, you need wake up early on Saturday to bring your sister to school, since I'll be working.\"\n\nYour mother tells you, as she stands beside you watching you put on your shoes. You nod quickly in response, and although you're tempted to hug her or say you've missed her, you put it off. The you in the past wouldn't have done it, so you're not going to do it either. After all, if this really is the past then doing something different could screw up the future in a major way.\n\nYou open the door and find Ian standing in front of you. Well, a younger version of him.\n\n\"It's about time Jake, you goin' to school today or what?\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "Yes" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Yeah.\"\n\nYou turn and wave goodbye to your mom, who waves in response, then quickly walk down your front porch to Ian. The two of you reach the sidewalk before you take a brief look back at the house.\n\nExactly as I remember it...\n\nThe walk to school is uneventful. Ian tells you some story involving his older brother but you don't really pay attention. The thought that you're ten years in the past is all you can think about.\n\n\"Hey.\"\n\nIan pushes your shoulder once you reach the entrance of the school and the two of you stop. He has a concerned look on his face.\n\n\"You alright? You sick or something?\"\n\nHe asks.\n\n\"Huh? No, I'm fine. Don't worry about it.\"\n\nYou walk ahead into the entrance of the school and Ian follows shortly after." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Class" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Although you roughly knew how to get to the school on your own, you have no idea what class you have. You follow Ian in hopes that you have the same first class together. Once at the classroom door Ian turns to you with a puzzled look.\n\n\"Aren't you going to class?\"\n\n\"Uh, yea...right...\"\n\n\"You're acting pretty weird today man.\"\n\n\"Yea's a pretty weird day for me.\"\n\nIan seems even more confused now, but decides to drop it and heads to his seat once he hears the warning bell. You walk down the hallway a little further before opening up your bag in hopes of finding some sort of clue telling you where you're supposed to be. Inside you find various notebooks and textbooks, but nothing concerning your schedule. You sigh and notice the hallway is now completely empty.\n\nThe final bell which marks the start of class should be ringing any minute and you have no idea where you're supposed to be. Unsure of what to do, you decide to sprint down the hallway and look for whatever seems familiar. Fortunately (or perhaps unfortunately) you find two room numbers across from each other which seem somewhat familiar: Room 134 and Room 135. You'll have to guess which is the right room." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Room 134" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "You quickly open the door to room 134, the final bell ringing almost as you enter. You managed to make it on time. At least you would have, had this actually been your 12th grade class. Inside you recognize the teacher as the one you had in your 11th grade history class. However, apart from her no one else looks familiar, so this isn't your class. This is further confirmed when the teacher begins speaking to you.\n\n\"Why hello, Jacob. Did you miss me and my class so much you felt compelled to return?\"\n\nYou grin, unable to withhold a sarcastic reply.\n\n\"Yes, yes I did. May I have a seat?\"\n\nThe teacher smiles, amused you played along.\n\n\"Sadly no, you will have to return to your classroom.\"\n\nShe then points you to the door. You shrug in response and walk across the hall to room 135, the correct room." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Late for class" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "You enter room 135 a few moments after the bell rings, your attention quickly brought to the middle-aged man at the front of the room. He strokes his short beard while glaring at you.\n\n\"So, Jacob, I see you've arrived late.\"\n\nHe says in a angry tone. Luckily, and unfortunately, it seems like this is in fact your current class, which makes you late. The rest of the class joins him in staring at you as you awkwardly nod in response. You've never been particularly nervous in front of crowds, but you still dislike being the center of attention for a negative reason.\n\n\"I'm sure you understand this means you will have detention after school today.\"\n\nHe continues in a demeaning tone. Again you nod in response and quickly take a seat, trying to ignore the majority of the stares in the class.\n\n\"Now then class, reviewing what we learned yesterday...\"\n\nThe teacher says, beginning his lecture as he turns to face the blackboard. You pay attention for the first few minutes, as a sort of apology for being late, but you quickly lose interest in the topic itself. If you really have gone back in time, then you already know all this anyway; at least that's the excuse you give yourself. You idly look around the room for anything that looks familiar as he drones on.\n\nYou sigh softly, thoroughly confused at your current situation and bored with this class. Eventually, you spot a girl in the corner of the room that you seem to recognize. Or, rather than recognize, you should say you feel like you know her, for some reason or another. No name comes to mind, nor any memories involving her, but for some reason you still think she's someone you know.\n\nLong, black hair, with brown eyes, and a slim figure. What's most noticeable about her though, is her gothic outfit of all black, complete with a spiked dog collar, and black painted finger nails. Looking at her closer, you determine that her black hair is probably dyed, your guess being her originally hair colour is a light brown. You brood over how you may know her, and your predicament as a whole, until the class finally ends. As the goth girl leaves she seems to ignore you completely. Maybe you don't know her?" }, { "from": "human", "value": "You continue with your classes" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "The rest of the day goes rather smoothly, sort of. Eventually, your body seems to fill in the blanks as to where you're supposed to be going, and you manage to find the rest of your classes for the day without issue. Unfortunately, Ian wasn't in any of your classes, and you got lost during the lunch break, so you've spent the school day feeling incredibly awkward and alone.\n\nSadly, that's the least of your worries. You've also spent the majority, or rather the entirety, of the day pondering over your current predicament. If you really have gone back in time, there's a lot you can do to improve your future, probably. While that's the conclusion you've reached, you really have no idea where to start in order to \"fix\" your future. Sure being a stock-boy isn't a grand job, but what else can you actually do? What exactly is there to \"fix\"? Maybe you're just meant to live unhappily in the future. Maybe you should just enjoy your youth while you can, and accept your future.\n\nMaybe you can't even change anything. If fate is real, then any attempt you make to actually change the future should result in, well, nothing happening and the future merely correcting itself. At least, that's what you think. Truthfully, you have no idea what may or may not happen if you attempt to change anything. In fact, you being in the past means you're bound to do something different at some point anyway.\n\nPutting all that aside, even more questions come to mind, that you actually try to ignore. \"Why\" and \"how\" being the two most disturbing. Even if you can accept you've gone back in time and need to relive the last ten years, you have no idea why this happened, or how it could possibly be possible. Sinister answers are the ones that come to the front of your mind, the most prominent one being that you've somehow pissed off some supernatural being that has decided to make you loop through time forever, until you're driven insane.\n\nYou always were a pessimist. Although you try to shake it off as impossible, the idea of going back in time was also something you thought impossible up until recently, so you can't get rid of the idea completely. As the day ends, you walk to the front entrance of the school, mentally exhausted." }, { "from": "human", "value": "You remember you have detention" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Suddenly, as you reach the front entrance of the school, you remember you have detention. You sigh, not thrilled at the prospect of having to spend the next hour sitting in a class to make up for something you didn't even do intentionally. Ian approaches you from behind and then reaches your side, looking at your face as he does.\n\n\"We going?\"\n\n\"Sorry, I was late for my first class. I got detention...\"\n\nHe frowns, though he doesn't seem that shocked.\n\n\"Alright man, I told you to hurry there though.\"\n\n\"Yeah I know...Where is detention by the way?\"\n\n\"Er, Room 225...\"\n\nIan replies, confused that you don't seem to know something that obvious. He looks like he's about to address the issue, but you quickly thank him and head towards room 225, leaving him behind.\n\nSure enough, it's the correct room for detention. An older woman you don't recognize at all sits at the front of the room. She looks up from her book in time to give you a quick glance, then returns to reading. You put your bag at the side of the room and take a seat away from most of the other delinquents already in the room, not wanting to associate yourself with them. You're only here because you've gone back in time after all, you're not like them.\n\nAs the minutes pass, you find yourself looking around the room for anything of interest, and quickly spot something, or rather someone. The gothic girl from your first class is also in the room, staring out the window and paying no attention at all to the others in the class. She's only two chairs over from you, and with no one between you and everyone else in the class already occupied, you figure you can use this time to talk to her. If you actually want to that is. It is detention after all, so if you're caught you'd likely be punished." }, { "from": "human", "value": "You try to talk to her" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "You decide to take the chance and go for it. The gnawing feelings inside of you that say you know her are too much to ignore, especially in this situation. You wait for a moment when the older woman at the front of the room seems engrossed in her book, and gracefully move over to the chair beside the gothic girl. With all the grace of a stampeding elephant that is. Not only do you turn over the desk your were previously sitting in, you manage to miss sitting in the other desk, and fall to the ground.\n\nThe class uproars in laughter before they are hastily shushed by the older woman at the front. You sheepishly smile and turn back your original chair to its original position, then sit in the one beside the goth girl. The woman at the front glares at you for what feels like eternity, before finally returning to her book. Meanwhile, the girl beside you is now turned towards you and glaring at you.\n\nMustering your courage, you finally speak, or rather whisper, to her.\n\n\"Hey, I'm Jacob.\"\n\nYou say, darting a quick glance at the front to make sure you did it without being caught. The girl continues silently starting at you for a moment before replying.\n\n\"Olivia.\"\n\n\"Hey, Olivia. So, this is a bit forward, but I could swear I know you from somewhere.\"\n\nYou say.\n\n\"Have we, like, met before or something?\"\n\nOlivia looks to the front of the room, then back to you and shrugs.\n\n\"If we had, I'd probably be offended you forgot about me.\"\n\nShe states with an apathetic tone. Though, if someone you knew had asked if they knew you, you'd certainly be offended they had forgotten as well.\n\n\"Well, nice to meet you then.\"\n\nYou say, extending your hand. She slowly extends her own hand and shakes yours.\n\n\"Yeah, I'm sure we'll get along like the bestest of friends.\"\n\nOlivia says sarcastically. She then turns her attention back to the window, effectively ignoring you. Detention ends without too much else happening. You make your way back home afterwards, and along the way you try to retrace your steps from this morning. Although you go down a wrong alley or two, you eventually make it home. Of course, your mother is noticeably upset you are hours late from school.\n\n\"So Jacob. Mind explaining why you have come home at such at late hour?\"\n\nYour mother asks impatiently as you enter the house, two hours after you should have been home.\n\n\"I...err...sort of had detention.\"\n\nYou reply.\n\n\"What for?\"\n\n\"I was late for my first class...\"\n\nYour mother seems annoyed, but doesn't push the matter too much further.\n\n\"Honestly Jacob, you won't ever succeed in life if you don't take things seriously. Even if you dislike school, being tardy is no excuse.\"\n\nShe says in a rather condescending manner. You nod your head in agreement and your mother shakes her head, then walks away. The rest of the day passes by with nothing of interest really happening. At the end of the day you go to sleep and wonder if you'll wake up back in the future." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Waking Up" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "You wake up to a brand new day, and to a familiar sight. Sure enough, you're still in the past, in your old bedroom. You get up, get dressed, and make your way downstairs to eat some breakfast. There you find your sister, already ready for her school, eating a waffle. She looks up at you and you can tell she's a bit surprised to see you up already, but you ignore it and grab a poptart for yourself. As you munch on it, you can feel Tina's eyes staring at you.\n\n\"What?\"\n\nYou ask, slightly annoyed. She visibly flinches at your question and quickly returns her gaze to her waffle. The two of you never really got along, before and after she entered high school, so this kind of interaction is normal. You finish your food and head out there door, just in time to see Ian walk up.\n\n\"Yo.\"\n\nHe says, giving you a short wave. You walk to the end of the walkway and join him in walking to school. Like last time, Ian goes on about another story involving his older brother. This time, once you reach school, you split up and find your class without issue." }, { "from": "human", "value": "Class" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "You first class begins, but instead of teaching like normal, your teacher just stands at the front of the class beside the door.\n\n\"Today, a new student will be joining us\".\n\nHe says. As he does the new student enters the room. You see a pretty girl with familiar long blonde and pink hair flowing down to just above her waist. A realization hits you as the teacher introduces her.\n\n\"This is Allison- Jacob, what are you doing?\"\n\nHe asks annoyed, as you stand up and point to Allison with you mouth open. This is the girl you saw in your dream the other day. Her features are far more defined than they were in then, but this is unmistakably the same girl. She smiles at you, amused at your action, while the rest of the quietly giggles.\n\n\"I, um, her, ah never mind...\"\n\nYou say, returning to your seat flustered. You find it rather doubtful that the teacher will care you saw her in your dream. Rather he, Allison and the rest of the class would no doubt find it creepy.\n\n\"Alright, Allison, please find a seat.\"\n\nThe teacher says, and Allison walks over to an empty seat at the back of the room, flashing you another smile as she passes you. A familiar feeling you've been getting all too often reoccurs. Do you know Allison?" }, { "from": "human", "value": "Lunch" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "Lunch time comes, and after finally escaping from your class, you find Allison on your way to the lunch room. She smiles again once she notices you, but rather than approach you, chooses to go outside. Instinctively you follow her out to the bench she is now sitting on.\n\n\"So...\"\n\nYou begin, cautiously taking a seat beside her on the bench.\n\n\"I don't I know you, do I? I mean, it feels like we've met before.\"\n\nYou ask, recalling that you asked Olivia the same thing yesterday. Why does it seem like you know but can't remember so many people in this school?\n\n\"Hmmm. You could ask far more interesting questions than that.\"\n\nShe replies.\n\n\"Why I'm here, how I'm here, who I'm here for; all are far more interesting questions.\"\n\nShe says. You silently sit together, unable to come up with a proper response for her rather odd answer. Sensing that won't change soon, Allison sighs then speaks again.\n\n\"We just met now, correct? So it's safe to say it's our first meeting.\"\n\nShe says.\n\n\"If you believe in a linear concept of time that is.\"\n\nAllison adds in a playful tone. You frown, having no idea what she's going on about. Her answer puts you a bit at ease though. You haven't met before, according to her, so maybe you're just imagining things. Maybe your dream of her wasn't really about her then. As you think she stands up and walks a few feet away from you.\n\n\"For the love long since lost, the old friend forgotten, the new one neglected, the sister he could never see, and the brother he could never be.\"\n\nAllison says suddenly, bending forward and leaning in your direction.\n\n\"That's why I'm here.\"\n\nShe says smiling, she then quickly runs away before you have a chance to question her about her cryptic message.\n\nJust who is that girl...\n\nYou wonder, shaking your head." }, { "from": "human", "value": "You try to talk to Allison more" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "You chase Allison into the lunch room and grab her hand as you catch up, stopping her from running. She turns to you and gives an exaggerated sad expression.\n\n\"Well, ya caught me, now what?\"\n\nShe asks. You look into her eyes for a minute, and decide to try something.\n\n\"You're lying.\"\n\nYou replying accusingly.\n\n\"I'm what now?\"\n\n\"Lying. You know who I am. No one acts that friendly to someone they just met, and what you just said before sounds like it has some deeper meaning to it.\"\n\nYou say. Allison looks down to her hand, which you immediately let go of, then she glances around the room. Finally she sighs.\n\n\"You caught me. I know you. But the more important thing here, isn't what I know, but what you know. So, what do you know of me, Jacob?\"\n\nAllison replies, revealing that your guess was right. Unfortunately, you don't actually know anything about her. The closest you have to a memory of her is your dream, and even if she does actually know you, that'd be a rather odd thing to bring up. Then again, she seems like a rather odd person anyway.\n\n\"How do you know me?\"\n\nYou ask, trying to ignore her question. She pouts and takes a step back.\n\n\"Beep beep, wrong answer. Should I take this to mean you don't know anything about me?\"\n\nShe asks." }, { "from": "human", "value": "You tell her about the dream" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"That's not entirely true...\"\n\nYou reply to her. Curious, she takes a step towards you.\n\n\"So, what do you know about me then?\"\n\nAllison asks.\n\n\"I, um, well, it was just a dream.\"\n\nYou begin.\n\n\"I saw you, at least I think it was you, in a hallway of the school. You ran and I chased you, and then...\"\n\n\"And then?\"\n\nShe asks.\n\n\"And nothing. The dream just ended after I chased you.\"\n\n\"Hmmmm...\"\n\nShe replies, clearly thinking about what you just said.\n\n\"So, when was this dream?\"\n\n\"Just the other day...\"\n\nYou reply, leaving out the part that you actually dreamt it 8 years in the future. Allison appears to be thinking deeply again. Then she suddenly giggles.\n\n\"That's kind of creepy to be honest.\"\n\nYou almost grasp your chest in response to that critical hit of an insult. Sure enough, she finds it weird and creepy that you would have dreamt about her.\n\n\"Well, I suppose it's not that bad. Even creeps and geeks have their own appeal after all.\"\n\nShe continues, teasing you.\n\n\"Catch ya later.\"\n\nAllison says, waving and walking away. You give her a short wave back and sigh, unhappy with the results of your conversation. Even so, you decide to hang out in the lunch room longer and have something to eat." }, { "from": "human", "value": "You look for Ian" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "After a short search through the cafeteria, you find Ian sitting with a girl, with long black hair, brown eyes, and dressed in a goth outfit. Oddly enough, you recognize her as Olivia, the girl you were talking to in detention yesterday. Noticing you, Ian waves you over to their table.\n\n\"Hey man, this here is Olivia.\"\n\nHe says, motioning to Olivia.\n\n\"We're both in the chess club together it seems, so I figured I should hang out with her a bit to get to know her better.\"\n\nOlivia looks at you with a mild expression of surprise while Ian speaks, before scoffing at his remark.\n\n\"I have a boyfriend you know.\"\n\nShe states, apparently thinking Ian had an ulterior motive.\n\n\"Ah, well of course you do. A cute girl like you is quite the catch.\"\n\nIan replies, although you can sense he didn't really expect her to have one. Olivia blushes slightly, but it's unnoticed by Ian.\n\n\"That's right, I had forgotten you were in the chess club Ian.\"\n\nYou say, finally sitting down.\n\n\"Yep, I'm the best damn chess-inator there is!\"\n\nHe replies while puffing out his chest with an odd sense of pride. However you don't really doubt he's the best there, as he's always been incredibly smart. You gaze wanders to Olivia, who notices and speaks.\n\n\"Just cause I look this way doesn't mean I'm stupid. Girls can be smart too, you know.\"\n\nShe says harshly to you, apparently thinking you were judging her inability to play chess based on her goth outfit. You quickly shake your head in response.\n\n\"I, wait, I never said you couldn't.\"\n\nYou said defensively. She turns her head away from you, almost in disgust. Ian looks at the two of you confused.\n\n\"Am I missing something here? Do you two got some history or something?\"\n\n\"No, of course not. We just met yesterday after all. Didn't we, Jacob?\"\n\nOlivia replies angrily, even more upset now.\n\n\"I need to go.\"\n\nShe announces, quickly standing from the table and walking away. The two of you watch as she leaves and Ian shrugs as you turn to him.\n\n\"Girls man. Confusing as hell, right?\"\n\nHe says before taking a drink of his milk in front of him. You nod, but can't help but think there was something more to what Olivia said." }, { "from": "human", "value": "The next morning" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "The rest of the day goes by without much else happening. Neither Allison nor Olivia are in any of your other classes, and you don't seem to run into either of them. You walk home with Ian, and spend the rest of the day lounging around your home. You're beginning to feel like you've fallen into your old routine from back in the day.\n\nThe next morning, Ian arrives at your door, as per usual, except this time he doesn't seem to have his backpack.\n\n\"Yo, Jacob.\"\n\nHe says while standing at the end of your walkway.\n\n\"Hey Ian, where's your backpack?\"\n\nYou ask while walking towards him, a bit confused.\n\n\"Ah, well about that, I was thinking we'd do something a little more interesting than school today.\"\n\nHe replies.\n\n\"Such as?\"\n\n\"'ll see when we get there.\"\n\nHe says with a bit of a laugh.\n\n\"It'll be fun man, just hide your bag somewhere first, we won't need it for where we're going.\"\n\nHe adds. If you remember right, skipping school so haphazardly wasn't something Ian often suggested. In fact, if you recall correctly, you were usually the one suggesting it and he was the one rejecting the idea. This makes you really wonder what he has in mind for the day. You stand there and consider if you really want to go or not. After all, if you go you'd be missing school, and you guess that would also mean you miss a chance to see Olivia or Allison.\n\n\"You won't give any hints about what we're gonna do?\"\n\nYou ask, hopeful.\n\n\"Not a single one.\"\n\nIan replies smiling." }, { "from": "human", "value": "You go with Ian" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"Alright fine, I'll come with you.\"\n\nYou reply somewhat grudgingly, trying to mask your interest. Fortunately, your mother had already left for work, taking your sister with her, so you easily return your bag to your closet without being caught. During the walk to the unknown destination, you and Ian converse.\n\n\"So, now that I've agreed, care to let me in on where we're headed?\"\n\nYou ask.\n\n\"You'll see when we get there.\"\n\nHe replies with a smile. You glare at him, annoyed that he refuses to tell you, but continue to walk along with him. After a short walk he stops in front of what looks to be an abandoned warehouse. You glance at him then to the building.\n\n\"Seriously? This is it?\"\n\nYou ask, clearly disappointed. A worn down and dangerous building isn't exactly your idea of fun, and it doesn't really fit Ian's either.\n\n\"You'll change your mind about it once we're inside.\"\n\nHe says, leading the way. You follow him into it, although you're rather doubtful your opinion will change. Sure enough, once you follow him through the main door, all you see is a large run-down warehouse, exactly like you expected.\n\n\"Come on, what are we even doing here Ian?\"\n\nYou ask, suddenly feeling a bit uneasy about the situation.\n\n\"Don't worry man, just a little further.\"\n\nHe says, leading you through the large room and into a side-room. In the side room, which appears to have previously been an office of some sort, you see signs that it was recently used. In fact the furniture inside seems rather new, and there's even a mini-fridge at the side, plugged into a battery pack. Ian hops onto a large, comfortable looking couch, and then smiles.\n\n\"Welcome to the wolves.\"" }, { "from": "human", "value": "The wolves" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"The what?\"\n\nYou ask, thoroughly confused. You don't remember anything like this happening in the past. Maybe your decisions have been different from before, leading you to a different outcome. The possibilities run through your mind before Ian snaps you out of it.\n\n\"The Wolves man. Our gang. Well, you're not really in them yet, but I'm sure my brother won't have a problem with it.\"\n\nIan says, standing up and opening the mini-fridge, pulling out a beer.\n\n\"Want one?\"\n\nHe asks casually. You don't really care that he's drinking while under aged, but this isn't how you remember Ian acting.\n\n\"No...\"\n\nYou reply slowly.\n\n\"Actually, what the hell is going on? Since when have you been in a gang?\"\n\nYou ask demanding an answer. Ian doesn't seem too put off by your response. It's almost as though he expected it.\n\n\"Ah well, I've been telling you about this club for the last few days. I mean I never said it was a gang or anything, but it shouldn't come as that much of a surprise.\"\n\nHe replies. That's when it hits you. The stories he was saying involving his brother that you largely ignored were about the gang he was in. Most likely he was trying to talk it up a bit before bringing you here. Still, Ian has a great future ahead of him, so he really has no need to be in a gang.\n\n\"So, you in man?\"\n\nHe asks, with a bit of hesitance." }, { "from": "human", "value": "You protest him being in the gang" }, { "from": "gpt", "value": "\"No.\"\n\nYou reply bluntly.\n\n\"And you shouldn't be in it either man. The hell is wrong with you?\"\n\nYou say, your voice getting louder. Ian at this points backs away a step, and seems a bit afraid.\n\n\"You're fucking smart man. Why the hell would you throw that away by being in a gang? You won't -\"\n\nYou yell, then you suddenly stop. 'You won't go anywhere in life', is what you were about to say, but then it dawns on you that that is exactly what happens. He joins you, doing nothing with his life, as a stock boy. Your anger subsides, and your breathing normalizes, but Ian still keeps his distance.\n\n\"I...I'm sorry.\"\n\nYou say in a dejected tone, apologizing. You contemplate saying more, but decide against it. Slowly, you open the office door and exit the room.\n\n\"I'll see you later.\"\n\nYou say. Ian doesn't say anything in return, nor does he try to stop you. You leave the abandoned warehouse and wander around town for the rest of the day, wondering what you can do to help Ian.\n\nAlong the way you run into a group of girls, wearing a uniform you recognize as the one from the school your sister goes to. They laugh obnoxiously and talk about some other girl in their class. You sigh loudly, annoyed by their interruption of your thought process, but continue walking rather than confront them.\n\nBy the end of the day, you return home, hungry and without any real solution to how to help Ian. You've concluded that there's nothing you can really do to talk him out of being in the gang. Although you think you probably should have asked him why he's in it before leaving. You eat dinner and go to bed, your mom and sister blissfully ignorant of your day out. You glance at your alarm clock before dozing off, happy that tomorrow is Saturday." } ]
Hastings, 1066: Aftermath
[ "Based Off A True Story", "Historical", "War" ]
[ 195, 67, 53, 21, 5, 1, 0, 4 ]
"In 1066 England, all is chaos. King Harold has been killed by the Norman, William, who has usurped (...TRUNCATED)
[{"from":"system","value":"[Genres: historical] [Tags: Based Off A True Story, Historical, War] [Des(...TRUNCATED)
grimdark fantasy
[ "Fantasy", "Grimdark", "Part of Series", "Serious", "Villain Protagonist", "War" ]
[ 7157, 2823, 2240, 1296, 417, 184, 246, 621 ]
"Additional Notes:\nThis story is definitely more \"story\" than \"game\", however there are two dis(...TRUNCATED)
[{"from":"system","value":"Literary category: grimdark fantasy Story elements: Fantasy, Grimdark, Se(...TRUNCATED)
Suzy's Strange Saga
["Drama","Female Protagonist","Horror","Humor","Part of Series","Post-Apocalyptic","Romance","Scienc(...TRUNCATED)
[ 501, 179, 107, 41, 14, 13, 9, 33 ]
"Things would be so much easier if your name was Mary Sue\nAdditional notes:\nThis story is a fully (...TRUNCATED)
[{"from":"system","value":"Literary category:\nmodern\n\nStory elements:\nDrama, Female Protagonist,(...TRUNCATED)
Death Song
grimdark fantasy
[ "Fantasy", "Grimdark", "Part of Series", "Serious", "War" ]
[ 1595, 664, 398, 253, 118, 55, 64, 187 ]
"One musician's tale in a dying world\nAdditional Notes:\nIf you've read and liked Necromancer, then(...TRUNCATED)
[{"from":"system","value":"Base the story in this genre:\ngrimdark fantasy\n\nIncorporate the follow(...TRUNCATED)
Homo Perfectus 8
[ "Part of Series", "RPG", "Serious" ]
[ 463, 94, 43, 12, 4, 1, 1, 3 ]
"You are Eve's child. Gender and name is customizable. Go through the growing years of the new Homo (...TRUNCATED)
[{"from":"system","value":"Category: sci-fi Themes: RPG, Serious Details: You are Eve's child. Gende(...TRUNCATED)

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