He may fell afraid or terrible when the same thing happened to him .
[ "He might feel afraid or terrible when the same thing happens to him . ", "He may feel afraid or terrible when the same thing happens to him . ", "He may feel afraid or terrible when the same thing happens to him . ", "He may feel afraid or terrible when the same thing happens to him . " ]
Some people might bring good plan to you .
[ "Some people might give you a good plan . ", "Some people might bring a good plan to you . ", "Some people might bring a good plan to you . ", "Some people might bring a good plan to you . " ]
When older people think like that it 's make big problem with yong people .
[ "When older people think like that , it creates a big problem for young people . ", "When older people think like that , it creates big problems with young people . ", "When older people think like that , it makes big problems with young people . ", "When older people think like that , it causes a big problem for young people . " ]
Many scientists searched the area , but they ca n't find particles .
[ "Many scientists searched the area , but could n't find particles . ", "Many scientists searched the area but were unable to find particles . ", "Many scientists searched the area , but they could n't find particles . ", "Many scientists searched the area , but they could n't find particles . " ]
The question : which is more important ; making students to understand ideas and concepts or to learn facts , can be answered based on the level of learning which the student is undertaking .
[ "The question : which is more important , making students understand ideas and concepts or to learn facts , can be answered based on the level of learning which the student is taking . ", "The question is whether it is more important to help students to understand ideas and concepts or to learn facts , and can be answered based on the level of learning the student is undertaking . ", "Which is more important : making students understand ideas and concepts , or to learn facts that can be answered based upon the level of education the student is undertaking ? ", "The question : which is more important , making students understand ideas and concepts or teaching them facts , can be answered based on the level of learning that each student is undertaking . " ]
Some people said that placebo is really drug , about 3 0 percent of partients agree with this idiea .
[ "Some people have said that a placebo is really a drug , about 3 0 percent of patients agree with this idea . ", "Some people said that the placebo was really the drug , and about 3 0 percent of patients agreed with this idea . ", "Some people say that placebo is really a drug , about 3 0 percent of patients agree with this idea . ", "Some people say that a placebo is really a drug , and about 3 0 percent of patients agree with this idea . " ]
Because they can get a great amount of money from these companies .
[ "They can get a great amount of money from these companies . ", "Because they can get a great deal of money from these companies . ", "Because they can get a large sum of money from these companies . ", "Because they can get a great amount of money from these companies . " ]
The so delicious , golden fries seen on television , might actually be pale , potato stumps , fried to almost perfection in very very very old oil .
[ "The delicious golden fries seen on television might actually be pale potato stumps , fried almost to perfection in very , very , very old oil . ", "The delicious golden fries seen on television might actually be pale potato stumps , fried to almost perfection in very old oil . ", "The oh-so delicious golden fries seen on television may actually be pale potato stumps , fried to near perfection in very , very old oil . ", "The so delicious golden fries seen on television , might actually be pale potato stumps , fried to almost perfection in very , very , very old oil . " ]
Therefore the government in America should decide to raise the gasoline tax is proposed .
[ "Therefore the government in America should propose to raise the gasoline tax . ", "Therefore , the American government should raise the gasoline tax as proposed . ", "Therefore , it is proposed that the government in America should raise the gasoline tax . ", "Therefore the government of America should decide to raise the gasoline tax that is proposed . " ]
It will eat insects or animals that will did damage to places so that it can avoid loses to repair things .
[ "It will eat insects or animals that do damage to it so that it can avoid having to repair itself . ", "It will eat insects or animals that inflict damage on places so that losses can be avoided for repairing things . ", "It will eat insects or animals that do damage to places , so that it can avoid loses and having to repair things . ", "It will eat insects or animals that will cause damage to places so that it can avoid losses due to repairing things . " ]
Parents have now less time to bring up their children , grandparents might therefore help them more often .
[ "Parents now have less time to bring up their children , so grandparents might help them more frequently . ", "Parents now have less time to raise their children , therefore grandparents might help them more often . ", "Parents have now less time to raise their children , so grandparents might therefore help them more often . ", "Parents now have less time to raise their children , grandparents might therefore help them more often . " ]
Afther that they have to find a well-paid job .
[ "After that they have to find a well paying job . ", "After that , they have to find a well-paid job . ", "After that , they have to find a well-paying job . ", "After that they have to find a well-paid job . " ]
But about my self im gonna have it to becouse my brother alwys talks about it and i agree with that broad knowledge .
[ "But about myself I 'm gonna have it too because my brother always talks about it and i agree with that broad knowledge . ", "But about myself , I am going to have it too because my brother always talks about it and I agree with him . ", "But as for myself , I 'm going to get it because my brother always talks about it and I agree with his broad knowledge . ", "As for myself , I 'm going to have it too because my brother always talks about it and I agree with that broad knowledge . " ]
And does n't matter if teh person who takes the riks , has like result all the things he or she has in mind , the important is that they made all the thing and they prove taht tahy can do a los of things in their lives , always thinking in good results for theyselves and for the whole world .
[ "And it does n't matter if the people who take the risks achieve all the goals they had in mind ; what is important is that they made things and have proved that they can do a lot of things in their lives by always focusing on good results for themselves and the whole world . ", "And it does n't matter if the person who takes the risks has liked the results of all the things he or she has in mind ; the important thing is that they made all those things and they can prove they can do a lot of things in their lives , while always thinking of good results for themselves and for the world . ", "It does n't matter if the person who takes the risks gets everything he or she has in mind because what 's important is that they made everything and they prove that they can do a lot of things in their lives , always thinking positive for themselves and for the whole world . ", "And it does n't matter if the person who takes the risk gets all the results he or she has in mind , the important thing is that they did something and they proved that they can do lots of things in their lives , always thinking of good results for themselves and for the whole world . " ]
I once read a report said that during the Vietnam war , more Americans died on roads in their cars than on battlefield .
[ "I once read a report that said during the Vietnam war , more Americans died on roads in their cars than on battlefield . ", "I once read a report that said during the Vietnam War , more Americans died on the roads in their cars than on the battlefield . ", "I once read a report that said that during the Vietnam War , more Americans died on the road in their cars than on the battlefield . ", "I once read a report that said that during the Vietnam war , more Americans died in their cars on roads than on the battlefield . " ]
I know Bill Gates , president of Window Media , is the best of the World Rich .
[ "I know Bill Gates , president of Windows Media , is the richest man in the world . ", "I know that Bill Gates , president of Windows Media , is the best of the world 's richest people . ", "I know Bill Gates , president of Window Media , is the best of the rich world . ", "I know Bill Gates , president of Windows Media , is one of the world 's richest . " ]
With only facts , the students can only guess about the reasons behind the facts .
[ "With facts , the students can only guess about the reasons behind the facts . ", "With only facts at hand , the students can only guess as to the reasons behind the facts . ", "With facts alone , students can only guess about the reasoning behind the facts . ", "With only facts , the students can only guess about the reasons behind the facts . " ]
The cost of undergroud is very cheap in some countries such as France .
[ "The cost of undergrad is very cheap in some countries , such as France . ", "The cost of the underground is very cheap in some countries , such as France . ", "The cost of the underground is very cheap in some countries , such as France . ", "The cost of using the underground is very cheap in some countries such as France . " ]
For example it happens to me when I studied the concept of inflaction .
[ "For example , it happened to me when I studied the concept of inflation . ", "For example , it happened to me when I studied the concept of inflation . ", "For example , it happened to me when I studied the concept of inflation . ", "For example , it happened to me when I studied the concept of inflation . " ]
It would lead to tremendous air and noise population .
[ "It would lead to tremendous air and noise pollution . ", "It would lead to tremendous air and noise pollution . ", "It would lead to tremendous air and noise pollution . ", "It would lead to tremendous air and noise pollution . " ]
I especially practiced for hitting rather than receiving .
[ "I particularly practiced for hitting rather than receiving . ", "I specifically practiced for hitting rather than receiving . ", "I specifically practiced for hitting rather than receiving . ", "I especially practiced for hitting rather than receiving . " ]
People also do not do nothing .
[ "People also do not do anything . ", "People also do not do nothing . ", "People also do something . ", "People also do not do nothing . " ]
So , to achieve that goal different techniques are used .
[ "So , to achieve that goal , different techniques are used . ", "So , to achieve that goal , different techniques are used . ", "So to achieve that goal , different techniques are used . ", "So , to achieve that goal , different techniques are used . " ]
so they will be able to get more knowledge in there free time .
[ "So they will be able to gain more knowledge during their free time . ", "So they will be able to acquire more knowledge in their free time . ", "So they will be able to become more knowledge in their free time . ", "So they will be able to get more knowledge in their free time . " ]
So lets not lose hope and let the scientists do the job , but i think being in a traffic jam is a stressfull situation it requires time and patients and there are many more disatvantages about the large number of cars .
[ "So lets not lose hope and let the scientists do their jobs , but I think being in a traffic jam is a stressful situation , it requires time and patience and there are so many more disadvantages of a large number of cars . ", "So let 's not lose hope , and let the scientists do their job , but I think being in a traffic jam is a stressful situation that requires time and patience , and there are many other disadvantages related to the large number of cars . ", "So lets not lose hope , and let the scientists do their job. However , I think being in a traffic jam is a stressful situation. It requires time and patience , and there are many more disatvantages about the large number of cars . ", "So let 's not lose hope and let the scientists do the job , but I think being in a traffic jam is a stressful situation , it requires time and patience and there are many more disadvantages about the large number of cars . " ]
When I was a senior high school student , I spend all of my time studying textbooks for the tests .
[ "When I was a senior high school student , I spent all of my time studying for tests . ", "When I was a senior high school student , I spent all of my time studying textbooks for the tests . ", "When I was a senior in high school , I spent all of my time studying textbooks for the tests . ", "When I was a senior high school student , I spent all of my time studying textbooks for the tests . " ]
for example , there may be eldelery travelers which may cause a slow movements due to their unability to walk fast .
[ "For example , there may be elderly travelers which may cause slow movement due to their inability to walk fast . ", "For example , there may be elderly travelers with the inability to walk fast , which may cause slow movements . ", "For example , there may be elderly travelers who may cause slow movement due to their inability to walk fast . ", "For example , there may be elderly travelers which may cause slow movement due to their inability to walk fast . " ]
This is evidence , the company that made some products had to pay lots of money to the broadcasting breaus .
[ "This is evidence : the company that made some of the products had to pay a lot of money to the broadcasting bureaus . ", "This is evidence that the company that made some products had to pay lots of money to the broadcasting bureaus . ", "This is evidence that the company that made some products had to pay lots of money to the broadcasting news . ", "There is evidence the company that made some of the products had to pay lots of money to the broadcasting bureaus . " ]
Many people surrounding you admire you of your multi-knowledgement , and try to be familiar with you .
[ "Many people surrounding you admire your knowledge , and try to get familiar with you . ", "Many people around you admire your breadth of knowledge and try to become more familiar with you . ", "Many people surrounding you admire your many acknowledgements , and may try to be familiar with you . ", "Many people surrounding you admire you for your wide knowledge , and they try to be familiar with you . " ]
First of all , It one area allow to become more developly .
[ "First of all , it is one area that has been allowed to become more developed . ", "First of all , it will allow one area to become more developed . ", "First of all , it will allow one area to become more developed . ", "First of all , one area is allowed to become more developed . " ]
In 2 1th our yong people can learn a lot of academic subjects .
[ "In the 2 1st century , our young people can learn a lot of academic subjects . ", "In the 2 1st century , young people can learn a lot of academic subjects . ", "In the 2 1st century , our young people can learn a lot of academic subjects . ", "On the 2 1st , our young people can learn a lot of academic subjects . " ]
Many climbers died because the coldness and lack of oxygen .
[ "Many climbers died because of the coldness and lack of oxygen . ", "Many climbers died because of the cold and lack of oxygen . ", "Many climbers died due to the cold and lack of oxygen . ", "Many climbers died because of the cold and lack of oxygen . " ]
The new things bring the brainstorm which other people cannot get .
[ "The new things bring brainstorming , which some people can not do . ", "The new things bring forth a brainstorm which other people cannot have . ", "The new things bring the brainstorms which other people cannot get . ", "New things bring the brainstorming that other people cannot do . " ]
The government would like to reduce the population with this fishing limits .
[ "The government would like to reduce the population with this fishing limit . ", "The government would like to reduce the population within the fishing limits . ", "The government would like to reduce the population using these fishing limits . ", "The government would like to reduce the population with fishing limits . " ]
Like disking would stop an advancing fire .
[ "Like disking would stop an advancing fire . ", "Like disking would stop an advancing fire . ", "Like disking would stop an advancing fire . ", "Like disking would stop an advancing fire . " ]
I would spend as much time as I want , if I like the visiting place .
[ "I would spend as much time as I wanted , if I liked visiting the place . ", "If I like visiting a place , I would spend as much time there as I wanted to . ", "If I liked the visiting place , I would spend as much time there as I wanted . ", "I would spend as much time as I want , if I like visiting the place . " ]
So if you want me to choose right now , I will choose ordinary milk instead of that special kind .
[ "So if you want me to choose right now , I will choose ordinary milk instead of a special kind . ", "So if you want me to choose right now , I will choose ordinary milk instead of that special kind . ", "So if you want me to choose right now , I will choose ordinary milk instead of the special kind . ", "So if you want me to choose right now , I will choose ordinary milk over that special kind . " ]
these days our communication also in very good step .
[ "These days our communication is a very good step . ", "These days our communication is also in very good step . ", "These days , our communications are in very good step . ", "These days , our communication is also in very good shape . " ]
They sometimes teach poor people who cannot afford to go to college , and also , they teach poor kids , too .
[ "They sometimes teach poor people who cannot afford to go to college , and they also teach poor kids . ", "They sometimes teach poor people and poor kids who cannot afford to go to college . ", "They sometimes teach poor people who cannot afford to go to college , and they also teach poor kids too . ", "They sometimes teach poor people who cannot afford to go to college , and they also teach poor kids too . " ]
If you randomly find a hotel , it might be either to expensive , or it could be unsafe .
[ "If you randomly find a hotel , it might be too expensive or it could be unsafe . ", "If you find a hotel randomly , it might be either expensive or unsafe . ", "If you randomly find a hotel , it might be either too expensive or unsafe . ", "If you randomly find a hotel , it could be too expensive or it could be unsafe . " ]
But not moving and always keeping to old things cannot improve a persons life .
[ "But not moving and always keeping to old ways can not improve a persons life . ", "But not moving and always keeping to old ways cannot improve a person 's life . ", "Not moving and always keeping old things cannot improve a person 's life . ", "But not moving forward and always holding on to familiar things cannot improve a persons life . " ]
Local communities have the main role of protecting children if such children are their own children or not .
[ "Local communities have the main role of protecting children , if such children are their own or not . ", "The main goal of local communities is protecting children , whether or not such children are their own . ", "Local communities have the main role of protecting children , whether the children are their own or not . ", "Local communities have the main role of protecting children whether these children are their own or not . " ]
if they are urged to understand the concept that is being passed and interact with the information , the learning process will take place in a completely different way .
[ "if they are urged to understand the concept that is being passed on and to interact with the information , the learning process will take place in a completely different way . ", "If they are urged to understand the concept that is being put forth and interact with the information , the learning process will unfold in a completely different way . ", "If they are urged to understand the concept that is being taught and interact with the information , the learning process will take place in a completely different way . ", "If they are urged to understand the concept that is being passed along and interact with the information , the learning process will take place in a completely different way . " ]
How they found their work place or foods , so they had no space for their communities in their mind .
[ "They were looking for work place or food , so they had no space in their minds for their communities . ", "They had no space for their communities in their minds , other than how they found their work places or food . ", "How they found their workplace or food , so they had no space for their communities in their mind . ", "How to find jobs and food , so they had no place in their mind for their communities . " ]
His success belongs to his new try .
[ "His success belongs to his ability to try . ", "His success is because of his new endeavor . ", "His success belongs to his latest attempt . ", "His success is due to his trying new things . " ]
But if one who majors in art also learns something about natural science , he will be lucky to be equipped with the ability to think more logically .
[ "But if one who majors in art also learns something about natural science , he will have the fortune of gaining the ability to think more logically . ", "If one who majors in art also learns something about natural science , one will be lucky to be equipped with the ability to think logically . ", "But if he majors in art and also learns something about natural science , he will be lucky to be equipped with the ability to think more logically . ", "But if an art major also learns something about natural science , he will be lucky to have the ability to think more logically . " ]
Movies and oher television show provides o lot of information about how real life is .
[ "Movies and other television shows provide a lot of information about how real life is . ", "Movies and other television shows provide a lot of information about how real life is . ", "Movies and other television shows provide a lot of information about real life . ", "Movies and other television shows provide a lot of information about what real life is like . " ]
There is many way for this another examples bottele of juise if its tast bad they make thier shape wonderful like making it colourful .
[ "There are many ways for this , another example is a bottle of juice , if it tastes bad , they make their shape wonderful and make it colorful . ", "There are many ways to do this , and another example is a bottle of juice that tastes bad ; the bottle can have a wonderful shape or be made colorful . ", "There are many way to do this ; for example , if a bottle of juice tastes bad they make the shape of the bottle wonderful , like making it colorful . ", "There are many ways for this ; another example would be bottles of juice where if it tastes bad , they make the shape wonderful or colorful . " ]
It is because they do not think the new thing to promote or make the people feel very good .
[ "It is because they do not think of new things to promote or make the people feel good . ", "It is because they do not think the new thing being promoted will make the people feel very good . ", "It is because they do not think it is the new thing to promote or it makes the people feel very good . ", "It is because they do not think of new ways to promote or make the people feel very good . " ]
Other tourists would teach you some tips for the travel with thier experience .
[ "Other tourists with experience can give you some travel tips . ", "Other tourists would teach you some travel tips with their experience . ", "Other tourists will teach you some tips for travel with their experience . ", "Other tourists could give you some tips for the trip from their experience . " ]
The government also should try to reduce the striped bass population .
[ "The government should also try to reduce the striped bass population . ", "The government should also try to reduce the striped bass population . ", "The government should also try to reduce the striped bass population . ", "The government should also try to reduce the striped bass population . " ]
Alot of memories with enogh time to remember will increase the posibilty of enjoyment .
[ "A lot of memories , with enough time to remember , will increase the possibility of enjoyment . ", "Many memories with enough time to remember will increase the possibility of enjoyment . ", "A lot of memories , with enough time to remember , will increase the possibility of enjoyment . ", "A lot of memories with enough time to remember will increase the possibility of enjoyment . " ]
Sceene of violence can affect on them .
[ "A scene of violence can have an effect on them . ", "Scenes of violence can have an affect on them . ", "Scenes of violence can have an effect on them . ", "Scenes of violence can affect them . " ]
While the communities in general have reckoned that they need support from the young people but must have made an appeal of it in a reaonable sense .
[ "The communities in general have reckoned that they need support from the young people , they must make a reasonable appeal . ", "While the communities in general have reckoned that they need support from young people , they must have made their appeal in a reasonable way . ", "While the communities in general have recognized that they need support from the young people , they must make an appeal for it in a reasonable way . ", "While the communities in general believe that they need support from the young people , they must make an appeal for it in a reasonable way . " ]
[ "", "", "", "" ]
New and new technology has been introduced to the society .
[ "New technology has been introduced to society .", "New technology has been introduced into the society .", "Newer and newer technology has been introduced into society .", "Newer and newer technology has been introduced to the society ." ]
One possible outcome is that an environmentally-induced reduction in motorization levels in the richer countries will outweigh any rise in motorization levels in the poorer countries .
[ "One possible outcome is that an environmentally-induced reduction in motorization levels in richer countries will outweigh any rise in motorization levels in poorer countries .", "One possible outcome is that an environmentally-induced reduction in motorization levels in the richer countries will outweigh any rise in motorization levels in the poorer countries .", "One possible outcome is that an environmentally induced reduction in motorization levels in the richer countries will outweigh any rise in motorization levels in the poorer countries .", "One possible outcome is that an environmentally-induced reduction in motorization levels in the richer countries will outweigh any rise in motorization levels in the poorer countries ." ]
Every person needs to know a bit about math , sciences , arts , literature and history in order to stand out in society .
[ "Every person needs to know a bit about math , science , art , literature and history in order to stand out in society .", "Every person needs to know a bit about math , sciences , arts , literature and history in order to stand out in society .", "Every person needs to know a bit about math , science , the arts , literature , and history in order to stand out in society .", "Every person needs to know a bit about math , science , arts , literature and history in order to stand out in society ." ]
While the travel company will most likely show them some interesting sites in order for their customers to advertise for their company to their family and friends , it is highly unlikely , that the company will tell about the sites that were not included in the tour -- for example due to entrance fees that would make the total package price overly expensive .
[ "While the travel company will most likely show them some interesting sites in order for their customers to advertise for their company to their family and friends , it is highly unlikely that the company will tell about the sites that were not included in the tour -- for example due to entrance fees that would make the total package price overly expensive .", "While the travel company will most likely show them some interesting sites in order to advertise their company to their family and friends , it is highly unlikely that the company will advertise the sites that were not included in the tour -- for example , due to entrance fees that would make the total package price overly expensive .", "While the travel company will most likely show them some interesting sites in order for their customers to advertise their company to their family and friends , it is highly unlikely that the company will tell them about sites that were not included in the tour -- for example , due to entrance fees that would make the total package price overly expensive .", "While the travel company will most likely show their customers some interesting sites in order for them to advertise by word of mouth , it is highly unlikely that the company will tell them about sites that were not included in the tour -- for example , those with entrance fees that would make the total package price overly expensive ." ]
Disadvantage is parking their car is very difficult .
[ "A disadvantage is that parking their cars is very difficult .", "A disadvantage is that parking their car is very difficult .", "The disadvantage is that parking their car is very difficult .", "The disadvantage is that parking their car is very difficult ." ]
Bigger farming are use more chemical product and substance to feed fish .
[ "Bigger farming is using more chemical products and substances to feed fish .", "Big farming are using more chemical products and substances to feed fish .", "Bigger farms are using more chemical products and substances to feed fish .", "Bigger farms are using more chemical products and substances to feed fish ." ]
Forexample , My cousin is 12years old .
[ "For example , my cousin is 12 years old .", "For example , my cousin is 12 years old .", "For example , my cousin is 12 years old .", "For example , my cousin is 12 years old ." ]
if it does , you will only get some misundrestood idea about that acticle but not the original one .
[ "If it does , you will only get some misunderstood idea about that article but not the original one .", "If it does , you will get a mistaken idea about that article but not the intended idea .", "If it does , you will get some misunderstood idea about the article instead of the original one .", "If it does , you will only get some misunderstood idea about that article but not the original one ." ]
Secondly , chimp can also present the capability for grammer which means it can demonstrate the ability to combine words and be able to use grammatical constructions .
[ "Secondly , chimps are also capable of learning grammar , meaning they can demonstrate the ability to combine words and utilize grammatical constructions .", "Secondly , chimp can also present the capability for grammar , which means it can demonstrate the ability to combine words and be able to use grammatical constructions .", "Secondly , a chimp can also show the capability for grammar , which means it can demonstrate the ability to combine words and use grammatical constructions .", "Secondly , chimps can also present the capability for grammar , which means they demonstrate the ability to combine words and use grammatical constructions ." ]
Nevertheless , this city is having a big change .
[ "Nevertheless , this city is going through a big change .", "Nevertheless , this city is experiencing a big change .", "Nevertheless , this city is undergoing a big change .", "Nevertheless , this city is undergoing a big change ." ]
I think to learn facts is only an evidence if the students can work hard and if they are able to keep every detailled information as tought , but it 's definitly not an evidence for their intelligence .
[ "I think to learn facts is only evidence if the students can work hard and if they are able to keep every detailed information taught , but it 's definitely not evidence of their intelligence .", "I think to learn facts is only effective if the students can work hard and they are able to keep every detailed information as taught , but it 's definitely not a measure of their intelligence .", "I think that to learn facts is only proof that the students can work hard and that they are able to retain detailed information they are taught , but it 's definitely not proof of their intelligence .", "I think learning facts is only evidence of whether students can work hard and if they are able to retain every detail of information they are taught , but it 's definitely not evidence of their intelligence ." ]
Unforturntly , almost older people can not use internet , in spite of benefit of internet .
[ "Unfortunately , in spite of its benefits , many older people can not use the Internet .", "Unfortunately , most older people can not use the internet , in spite of benefits of the internet .", "Unfortunately , almost all older people can not use the internet in spite of the benefits .", "Unfortunately , most older people can not use the internet in spite of its benefits ." ]
So , if i have alot of information about this subject , i will taulk too much with knowledge but if i have general information for this subject , i will talk about this subjec with my limited knowlege and this case may be make me shame like when my brother asked me about some thing but i have not alot of information about this thing .
[ "So , if I have a lot of information about this subject , I will talk a lot with knowledge but if I have general information for this subject , I will talk about this subject with my limited knowledge and this case may make me shameful like when my brother asked me about some thing but I did not have a lot of information about this thing .", "So , if I have a lot of information about this subject , I will talk with too much knowledge but if I have only general information for this subject , I will talk with only my limited knowledge and in this case may be ashamed like when my brother asked me about something but I did not have a lot of information on the subject .", "So if I have a lot of information about a subject , then I will talk with too much knowledge , but if i have just general information about the subject , then I will talk about it with my limited knowledge , and this may cause me shame , like when my brother asked me about something but I did not have a lot of information about the subject .", "So , if I have a lot of information about this subject , I will talk too much because of that knowledge , but if I only have general information about it , I will convey my limited knowledge and this may make me feel ashamed , like when my brother asked me about something that I did n't have a lot of information about ." ]
becuse if i see some one did somthing to may safe me time and engy and it wok 's i will do it .
[ "Because if I see someone did something that may save me time and energy and it works , I will do it .", "Because if I see that someone did something that may save me time and energy and it works I will also do it .", "Because if I see someone did something to save me time and energy and it works , I will do it .", "If I see that someone did something that may save me me time and energy , and it works , then I will do it too ." ]
The government should think about the whole nature .
[ "The government should think about all nature .", "The government should think about nature as a whole .", "The government should think about the whole nature .", "The government should think about the whole of nature ." ]
They will not be able to compete with other similar brands and the product will fizzle out or die .
[ "They will not be able to compete with other similar brands and the product will fizzle out or die .", "They will not be able to compete with other similar brands and the product will fizzle out or die .", "They will not be able to compete with similar brands and the product will fizzle out or die .", "They will not be able to compete with other similar brands and the product will fizzle out or die ." ]
People are now opening their eyes to the scenario when we would run out of fuel .
[ "People are now opening their eyes to the scenario when we would run out of fuel .", "People are now opening their eyes to the scenario that happens when we run out of fuel .", "People are now opening their eyes to the scenario where we could run out of fuel .", "People are now opening their eyes to the scenario that we could run out of fuel ." ]
For me it was great because I need to talk on the phone locally and nationally for long periods of time .
[ "For me , it was great because I need to talk on the phone locally and nationally for long periods of time .", "For me it was great because I need to talk on the phone locally and nationally for long periods of time .", "For me , it was great because I need to talk on the phone both locally and nationally for long periods of time .", "For me , it was great because I need to talk on the phone locally and nationally for long periods of time ." ]
They only care if the effects are good and popular among the crowds .
[ "They only care if the effects are good and popular among the crowds .", "They only care if the effects are good and popular among the crowds .", "They only care if the effects are good and popular with the crowds .", "They only care if the effects are good and popular among the crowds ." ]
That is why calculated risks , as one could call them , are the predecessors of big success , because they get people 's attention by giving people new options .
[ "That is why calculated risks , as one could call them , are the predecessors of big success , because they get people 's attention by giving people new options .", "That is why calculated risks , as one could call them , are the predecessors of big success , because they get people 's attention by giving people new options .", "That is why calculated risks , as one could call them , are the predecessors of big success , because they get people 's attention by giving people new options .", "Calculated risks , as one could call them , are the predecessors of big success because they get people 's attention by giving them new options ." ]
He said in other words that the more flouride may create damage in human body , specifically the bone .
[ "He said in other words that the more fluoride may create damage in the human body , specifically the bone .", "He said , in other words , that more fluoride may create damage in the human body , specifically the bone .", "He said , in other words , that more fluoride may create damage to the human body , specifically the bones .", "In other words , he said that more fluoride may damage the human body , specifically the bones ." ]
When these people create their new ideas others often look very strange on them .
[ "When these people create their new ideas , others often look very strange to them .", "When these people create their new ideas others often look very strangely on them .", "When these people create new ideas others often look very strange at them .", "When these people create new ideas , others often look very strangely at them ." ]
You will learn to socialize with people .
[ "You will learn to socialize with people .", "You will learn to socialize with people .", "You will learn to socialize with people .", "You will learn to socialize with people ." ]
No ohter transportation concept has been as successful as the car , not only because the goog street and highway system throughout the United States and Europe , but only because off the fact , that people love their cars .
[ "No other transportation concept has been as successful as the car , not only because they can go on the street and highway system throughout the United States and Europe , but because of the fact that people love their cars .", "No other transportation concept has been as successful as the car , not only because of the good street and highway systems throughout the United States and Europe , but also because of the fact that people love their cars .", "No other transportation concept has been as successful as the car , not only because of the good street and highway system throughout the United States and Europe , but also because of the fact that people love their cars .", "No other transportation concept has been as successful as the car , not only because of good streets and highway systems throughout the United States and Europe , but also because of the fact that people love their cars ." ]
If they prefer to choose cars than motor bike , that means there will be many cars .
[ "If they prefer to choose cars than motor bikes , that means there will be many cars .", "If people prefer to choose cars over motorbikes , that means there will be many cars .", "If they prefer to choose cars instead of motor bikes , there will be many cars .", "If they prefer to choose cars over motor bikes , that means that there will be many cars ." ]
That 's why he is a legend in these days and people repect him .
[ "That 's why he is a legend in these days and people respect him .", "That 's why he is a legend these days and people respect him .", "That 's why he is a legend in these days , and why people respect him .", "That 's why he is a legend in these days and people respect him ." ]
for example , in math club , teachers usually teach us how to solve a math problem using vary ways .
[ "In math club for example , teachers usually show how to solve a math problem in different ways .", "For example , in math club , teachers usually teach us how to solve a math problem using various ways .", "For example , in math club , teachers usually teach us how to solve a math problem using various methods .", "For example , in math club , teachers usually teach us how to solve a math problem using different methods ." ]
In order hand , when I was a fresh man in my college , I could concentrate on my favorit subjects .
[ "On the other hand , when I was a freshman at my college , I could concentrate on my favorite subjects .", "On the other hand , when I was a freshman at my college , I could concentrate on my favorite subjects .", "On the other hand , when I was a fresh man in my college , I could concentrate on my favorite subjects .", "On the other hand , when I was a freshman in college , I could concentrate on my favorite subjects ." ]
I have an IBM computer and my laptop is DELL .
[ "I have an IBM desktop computer and my laptop is a Dell .", "I have an IBM computer and my laptop is DELL .", "I have an IBM computer , and my laptop is a Dell .", "I have an IBM computer and my laptop is a Dell ." ]
Air in China is not so clean because of cars .
[ "Air in China is not so clean because of cars .", "The air in China is not very clean because of pollution from cars .", "Air in China is not so clean because of all the cars .", "The air in China is not so clean because of the number of cars ." ]
When price of gas goes up , the consumer do not want buy gas for fuels .
[ "When price of gas goes up , the consumers do not want buy gas for fuel .", "When the price of gas goes up , the consumer does not want to buy gas for fuel .", "When the price of gas goes up , consumers do not want to buy gas for fuel .", "When the price of gas goes up , consumers do not want to buy gas for fuel ." ]
although , learning more subjects gives us a huge knowledge which is make me sucssesfu in my study .
[ "Although learning more subjects gives us huge knowledge , which will make me successful in my study .", "Although , learning more subjects gives us more knowledge which could make me successful in my studies .", "Although , learning more subjects gives us great knowledge , which makes me successful in my studies .", "Learning more subjects gives us huge knowledge , which makes me successful in my studies ." ]
When you`re making a tour guide trip , you already have a everything settled from the time you`re departing to the time you arrive .
[ "When you 're making a tour guide trip , you already have everything settled from the time you 're departing , to the time you arrive .", "When you 're taking a trip with a tour guide , everything is already settled from the time you arrive until the time you depart .", "When you 're taking a tour guide trip , you have everything settled from the time you leave to the time you arrive .", "When you 're taking a trip with a tour guide , you already have everything settled , from the time you depart to the time you arrive ." ]
On the other hand , although in Turkey the public transportation is getting developed especially in the two big cities , that is , Ankara and istanbul , it is still nothing compared to Sweden .
[ "On the other hand , although in Turkey the public transportation is developing , especially in the two big cities , that is , Ankara and istanbul , it is still nothing compared to Sweden .", "On the other hand , although in Turkey public transportation is getting developed especially in the two big cities Ankara and Istanbul , it is still nothing compared to Sweden .", "On the other hand , although in Turkey the public transportation is being developed , especially in the two big cities of Ankara and Istanbul , it is still nothing compared to Sweden 's system .", "On the other hand , Turkey 's public transportation is developing , especially in the two big cities , Ankara and Istanbul , but it is still nothing compared to Sweden ." ]
This rebuffs the reading passage 's claim that there is no improvement .
[ "This rebuffs the reading passage 's claim that there is no improvement .", "This rebuffs the reading passage 's claim that there is no improvement .", "This contradicts the reading passage 's claim that there is no improvement .", "This refutes the reading passage 's claim that there is no improvement ." ]
As they are involved with study , they donot get enough time to look after their community .
[ "As they are involved with study , they do not get enough time to look after their community .", "Because they are involved with their studies , they do n't get enough time to look after their community .", "As they are involved with their studies , they do not have enough time to look after their community .", "As they are involved with their studies , they do not have enough time to look after their community ." ]
However , I strongly maintained that traveling by their own gives a lot of advantages .
[ "However , I strongly maintain that traveling by their own has a lot of advantages .", "However , I strongly maintained that traveling by their own gives them a lot of advantages .", "However , I strongly maintain that traveling on their own gives them a lot of advantages .", "However , I strongly maintained that traveling on their own had a lot of advantages ." ]
The even ask themself how this kind of things did n't cross their mind .
[ "They even ask themselves how these kinds of things did n't cross their minds .", "They even ask themselves how this kind of thing did n't cross their minds .", "They even ask themselves how these kind of things did n't cross their mind .", "They even ask themselves why this kind of thing did n't cross their mind ." ]
People tends to choose other medias , and that is why litterature is in danger .
[ "People tend to choose other medias , and that is why literature is in danger .", "People tend to choose other types of media and that is why literature is in danger .", "People tend to choose other media types , and that is why literature is in danger .", "People tend to choose other media , which is why literature is in danger ." ]
I cast doubt that twenty years is too short time to prove the problem .
[ "I doubt that twenty years is too short of a time to prove the problem .", "I cast doubt that twenty years is too short to prove the problem .", "I cast doubt that twenty years is too short of a time to prove the problem .", "I doubt that twenty years is too short of a time to solve the problem ." ]
So for these reasons i really believe that it 's important to have a broad knowledge on different subjects , instead of being focused on just one , because sometime the answer that we are searching for , we can easily find it in a field that can seems not related to our purpose .
[ "So , for these reasons , I really believe that it 's important to have broad knowledge on different subjects instead of being focused on just one , because sometimes we can easily find the answer that we are searching for in a field that can seem unrelated to our purpose .", "So for these reasons , I really believe that it 's important to have a broad knowledge on different subjects , instead of being focused on just one , because sometimes the answer that we are searching for , we can easily find it in a field that can seem not related to our purpose .", "So for these reasons , I really believe that it 's important to have a broad knowledge of different subjects instead of being focused on just one , because sometimes the answer that we are searching for can be easily found in a field that can seem unrelated to our purpose .", "For these reasons , I really believe that it 's important to have broad knowledge on different subjects , instead of being focused on just one , because sometimes the answer that we are searching for can easily be found in a field that seems unrelated to our problem ." ]
I am pleased to know intelligent peple and learn about things which I do n't know .
[ "I am pleased to know intelligent people and learn about things which I do n't know .", "I am pleased to know intelligent people and learn about things that I do n't know .", "I am pleased to meet intelligent people and learn new things .", "I am pleased to know intelligent people and learn about things that I do n't know ." ]
To resolve this problem , the governments of the cities are likely to improve the public transportation system by building new subway system and adding more lines for buses .
[ "To solve this problem , city governments are likely to improve public transportation systems by building new subway systems and adding more bus lines .", "To resolve this problem , the city governments are likely to improve the public transportation system by building new subways and adding bus lines .", "To resolve this problem , the governments of the cities are likely to improve the public transportation systems by building new subway systems and adding more lines for buses .", "To resolve this problem , city governments are likely to improve the public transportation system by building new subway systems and adding more bus lines ." ]
I know lots of old people who go to parties , stay always in contact with others people .
[ "I know lots of old people who go to parties and stay in contact with other people .", "I know lots of old people who go to parties and who always stay in contact with other people .", "I know lots of older people who go to parties and always stay in contact with others .", "I know lots of old people who go to parties and always stay in contact with others ." ]
But these thing seem to hard for old people , they move so hardly , and do n't have health body to play this thing like sports .
[ "But these things seem too hard for old people , they move so difficultly , and do n't have a healthy body to play things like sports .", "But these things seem too hard for old people , they move so slowly , and do n't have health bodies to use this thing like athletes .", "But these things seem too hard for old people since they hardly move and do n't have healthy bodies to play things like sports .", "These thing seem too hard for old people , because they move with so much difficulty and do n't have health bodies to play sports ." ]