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Annotated provisional agenda Opening of the session The twenty-fourth session of the Programme and Budget Committee will be opened by Ms. T. Feroukhi ( Algeria ) in her capacity as Acting Chairperson of the twenty-third session . Item 1 . Election of officers In accordance with rule 17.1 , each year , at the commencement of its regular session , the Committee shall elect from among the representatives of its members a Chairman and three Vice-Chairmen , and from among the delegations of its members a Rapporteur . Rule 17.3 stipulates that the offices of the Chairperson , the three Vice-Chairpersons and the Rapporteur shall be subject to equitable geographical rotation within a five-year cycle in accordance with appendix A to the rules of procedure . According to that appendix , the Chairman of the twenty-fourth session should be elected from members of the Committee from Asian States in List A , and the three Vice-Chairmen from the States in List B , States in List C and States in List D. The Rapporteur should be elected from members of the Committee from the African States in List A. Item 2 . Adoption of the agenda A provisional agenda for the twenty-fourth session , prepared by the Director-General in consultation with the Acting Chairperson of the Committee in accordance with rules 8 and 9 of the rules of procedure , is submitted to the Committee for adoption in document PBC . 24 / 1 as stipulated in rule 12 . The Committee will have before it : • Provisional agenda ( PBC . 24 / 1 ) • Annotated provisional agenda ( PBC . 24 / 1 / Add . 1 ) • List of documents ( PBC . 24 / CRP . 1 ) Item 3 . Report of the External Auditor , financial performance report and programme performance report for the biennium 2006-2007 Financial regulations 11.9 and 11.10 stipulate that the reports of the External Auditor , together with the audited financial statements , shall be transmitted through the Committee to the Board in accordance with directions given by the Conference . The Committee shall examine the financial statements and the audit reports and submit recommendations to the Board , which shall forward them to the Conference with such comments as it deems appropriate . The Committee in its conclusion 1987 / 19 requested the Director-General to submit each year to the Board through the Committee a clear and detailed financial performance report itemizing the utilization of financial resources , as well as a programme performance report describing the level of programme implementation . Subsequently , the Board at its seventh session ( decision IDB . 7 / Dec. 11 ( e )) approved the incorporation of the programme performance report in the annual report . Likewise the General Conference in its resolution GC . 4 / Res . 2 ( 2 ) requested the Director-General to fully incorporate in future annual reports the programme performance report according to Board decision IDB . 7 / Dec. 11 ( e ) . Thus , the Annual Report of UNIDO 2007 contains the programme performance report for 2007 . The Committee will have before it : • Report of the External Auditor on the accounts of UNIDO for the financial period 1 January 2006 to 31 December 2007 ( PBC . 24 / 3-IDB . 35 / 3 ) • Financial performance report for the biennium 2006-2007 . Submitted by the Director-General ( PBC . 24 / 4-IDB . 35 / 4 ) • Annual Report of UNIDO 2007 ( including programme performance report for 2007 ) ( PBC . 24 / 2-IDB . 34 / 2 ) Item 4 . Financial situation of UNIDO The report by the Director-General to the Board at its thirty-fourth session ( IDB . 34 / 8 ) , amended through a note by the Secretariat ( IDB . 34 / CRP . 2 ) , covered a wide range of issues within the context of the financial situation . That information will be updated in a document submitted to the present session . The Committee will thus have before it : • Financial situation of UNIDO . Report by the Director-General ( PBC . 24 / 5-IDB . 35 / 5 ) Item 5 . Accounting standards At its twelfth session , the General Conference decided that UNIDO adopt the International Public Sector Accounting Standards ( IPSAS ) , effective 1 January 2010 , as part of the United Nations system wide adoption of those Standards ( GC . 12 / Dec. 14 ) . In accordance with a related decision ( IDB . 33 / Dec. 5 ) , the Board at its thirty-third session , requested that the policymaking organs be kept informed of developments relevant to UNIDO with respect to IPSAS . The Committee will thus have before it : • International Public Sector Accounting Standards . Progress report by the Secretariat ( PBC . 24 / 6-IDB . 35 / 6 ) Item 6 . Mobilization of financial resources At its twenty-fifth session the Board adopted decision IDB . 25 / Dec. 5 on funds mobilization for integrated programmes . In that decision in paragraph ( i ) , the Board , inter alia , requested the Director-General to maintain a continuous dialogue with Member States in order to actively sustain the common resource mobilization efforts . A report on progress made will be submitted to the Board through the Committee , and should be considered in conjunction with the Annual Report of UNIDO 2007 , which provides information on mobilization of financial resources for that year . The Committee will have before it : • Mobilization of financial resources . Report by the Director-General ( PBC . 24 / 7-IDB . 35 / 7 ) • Funding performance . Annual Report of UNIDO 2007 ( PBC . 24 / 2-IDB . 34 / 2 , chapter I. C. ) • Projects approved under the Industrial Development Fund , trust funds and other voluntary contributions in 2007 ( PBC . 24 / CRP . 2 ) Item 7 . Medium-term programme framework , 2010-2013 In accordance with General Conference decision GC . 2 / Dec. 23 , and as subsequently modified in decision GC . 6 / Dec. 10 , the Director-General is requested to submit to the Board in the first year of each fiscal period , through the Committee , a draft medium-term programme framework for the four years that follow the current fiscal period . Furthermore , in compliance with paragraph ( b ) ( v ) ( d ) of the same decision , the Director-General will indicate a general ceiling for the biennium 2010-2011 based on anticipated resources and on programme activity . The Committee will have before it : • Medium-term programme framework , 2010-2013 . Proposals of the Director-General ( PBC . 24 / 8-IDB . 35 / 8 ) Item 8 . Date of the twenty-fifth session The following dates have been reserved for the policymaking organs of UNIDO in 2008 and 2009 : Item 9 . Adoption of the report For reasons of economy , this document has been printed in a limited number . Delegates are kindly requested to bring their copies of documents to meetings .
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly [ on the report of the Fifth Committee ( A / 62 / 600 / Add . 1 ) ] Support account for peacekeeping operations The General Assembly , Recalling its resolutions 45 / 258 of 3 May 1991 , 47 / 218 A of 23 December 1992 , 48 / 226 A of 23 December 1993 , 55 / 238 of 23 December 2000 , 56 / 241 of 24 December 2001 , 56 / 293 of 27 June 2002 , 57 / 318 of 18 June 2003 , 58 / 298 of 18 June 2004 , 59 / 301 of 22 June 2005 , 60 / 268 of 30 June 2006 , 61 / 245 and 61 / 246 of 22 December 2006 , 61 / 256 of 15 March 2007 and 61 / 279 of 29 June 2007 , its decisions 48 / 489 of 8 July 1994 , 49 / 469 of 23 December 1994 and 50 / 473 of 23 December 1995 and its other relevant resolutions , Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the financing of the support account for peacekeeping operations and on the comprehensive analysis of the Office of Military Affairs of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations , the preliminary report of the Secretary-General on the status of implementation of General Assembly resolution 61 / 279 on strengthening the capacity of the United Nations to manage and sustain peacekeeping operations , the report of the Independent Audit Advisory Committee on the proposed budget for the Office of Internal Oversight Services under the support account for peacekeeping operations for the period from 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009 and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions , Recognizing the importance of the ability of the United Nations to respond and deploy rapidly to a peacekeeping operation upon adoption of a relevant resolution of the Security Council , within thirty days for traditional peacekeeping operations and ninety days for complex peacekeeping operations , Recognizing also the need for adequate support during all phases of peacekeeping operations , including the liquidation and termination phases , Mindful that the level of the support account should broadly correspond to the mandate , number , size and complexity of peacekeeping missions , Takes note of the reports of the Secretary-General on the financing of the support account for peacekeeping operations1 and on the comprehensive analysis of the Office of Military Affairs of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations , 2 the preliminary report of the Secretary-General on the status of implementation of General Assembly resolution 61 / 279 on strengthening the capacity of the United Nations to manage and sustain peacekeeping operations3 and the report of the Independent Audit Advisory Committee on the proposed budget for the Office of Internal Oversight Services under the support account for peacekeeping operations for the period from 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009 ; 4 Reaffirms its role with regard to the structure of the Secretariat , and stresses that proposals that amend the overall departmental structure , as well as the format of the budgets of the Organization and the biennial programme plan , are subject to review and approval by the General Assembly ; Also reaffirms its role in carrying out a thorough analysis and approval of human and financial resources and policies with a view to ensuring the full , effective and efficient implementation of all mandated programmes and activities and the implementation of policies in this regard ; Further reaffirms that the Fifth Committee is the appropriate Main Committee of the General Assembly entrusted with responsibility for administrative and budgetary matters ; Reaffirms rule 153 of its rules of procedure ; Emphasizes that ongoing management reforms must be fully taken into account when presenting additional proposals for reform ; Reaffirms that the support account funds shall be used for the sole purpose of financing human resources and non-human resource requirements for backstopping and supporting peacekeeping operations at Headquarters , and that any changes in this limitation require the prior approval of the General Assembly ; Also reaffirms the need for adequate funding for the backstopping of peacekeeping operations , as well as the need for justification for that funding in support account budget submissions ; Recalls the role of the Secretary-General as the Chief Administrative Officer of the Organization , in accordance with the provisions of Article 97 of the Charter of the United Nations ; Reiterates that the delegation of authority on the part of the Secretary-General should be in order to facilitate the better management of the Organization , but stresses that the overall responsibility for management of the Organization rests with the Secretary-General as the Chief Administrative Officer ; Affirms the need for the Secretary-General to ensure that the delegation of authority to the Department of Peacekeeping Operations , the Department of Field Support and field missions is in strict compliance with relevant resolutions and decisions , as well as relevant rules and procedures of the General Assembly on this matter ; Stresses that heads of departments report to and are accountable to the Secretary-General ; Notes the unique nature of the reporting line from the head of the Department of Field Support to the Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations , and decides that having one head of department ( Department of Field Support ) report to and take direction from another head of department ( Department of Peacekeeping Operations ) shall not set a precedent in the Secretariat ; Requests the Secretary-General to address systemic issues that hamper good management of the Organization , including by improving work processes and procedures , and in that context stresses that structural change is no substitute for managerial improvement ; Reiterates the importance of strengthened accountability in the Organization and of ensuring greater accountability of the Secretary-General to Member States , inter alia , for the effective and efficient implementation of legislative mandates and the use of human and financial resources ; Recalls its request to the Secretary-General to specifically define accountability , as well as clear accountability mechanisms , including to the General Assembly , and to propose clear parameters for its application and the instruments for its rigorous enforcement , without exception , at all levels , to ensure effective and efficient operations and management of resources in the Organization ; Emphasizes the importance of preserving the unity of command in missions at all levels , as well as a coherence in policy and strategy and clear command structures in the field and up to and including Headquarters ; Requests the Secretary-General to ensure a clear chain of command , accountability , coordination and maintenance of an adequate system of checks and balances ; Emphasizes the importance of interaction and coordination with troop-contributing countries ; Also emphasizes the need to ensure the safety and security of United Nations personnel ; Urges the Secretary-General , within the framework established in its resolutions 52 / 12 B of 19 December 1997 and 52 / 220 of 22 December 1997 , to define explicitly the role and duties of the Deputy Secretary-General in the reform set out in its resolution 61 / 279 , including in relation to the Department of Peacekeeping Operations , the Department of Field Support , the Department of Political Affairs and the Department of Management ; Recalls section I , paragraph 6 , of its resolution 55 / 238 , paragraph 11 of its resolution 56 / 241 and paragraph 19 of its resolution 61 / 279 , and requests the Secretary-General to ensure the proper representation of troop-contributing countries in the Department of Peacekeeping Operations and the Department of Field Support , taking into account their contribution to United Nations peacekeeping ; Reiterates that the Secretary-General , in employing staff , shall ensure the highest standards of efficiency , competence and integrity as the paramount consideration , with due regard for the principle of equitable geographical distribution , in accordance with Article 101 , paragraph 3 , of the Charter and relevant resolutions of the General Assembly ; Reaffirms paragraph 67 of its resolution 61 / 279 , and requests the Secretary-General to include detailed information on mechanisms in place and measures taken to address the management challenges which the new organizational structure of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations / Department of Field Support poses , and the improvement that the new structure has brought in ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in the support for peacekeeping operations and special political missions , as well as to coordination with the Department of Political Affairs , in the context of the comprehensive report to be submitted at the second part of its resumed sixty-third session ; Notes with concern the late submission of the budgets of some peacekeeping operations , which puts considerable strain on the work of the General Assembly and the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions , and , while recognizing the challenges faced in preparing the budget proposals and related reports on peacekeeping and special factors affecting some missions , requests the Secretary-General to intensify his efforts to improve the quality and timely issuance of peacekeeping documents ; Reiterates its request in paragraph 13 of its resolution 60 / 268 and paragraph 32 of its resolution 61 / 279 , and urges the Secretary-General to submit the comprehensive report on the evolution of the support account at the second part of its resumed sixty-third session within the context of his next budget proposal for the support account ; Notes that the application of an accurate vacancy rate is good budgetary practice and essential for the appropriate assessment on Member States ; Requests the Secretary-General , when submitting his budget proposals , to include details of the full annual cost of posts for the subsequent budget ; Takes note of paragraph 48 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions ; 5 Stresses the importance of complementarity of efforts and avoiding duplication between integrated operational teams and substantive components of the Secretariat , and requests the Secretary-General to report thereon , and to provide a clear definition of the roles and responsibilities of the integrated operational teams , in the comprehensive report to be submitted to the General Assembly at the second part of its resumed sixty-third session ; Affirms the importance of ensuring that the information and communications technology operations and requirements relating to peacekeeping are fully addressed and properly managed , taking into account the principle of unity of command ; Reaffirms the need for effective and efficient administration and financial management of peacekeeping operations , and urges the Secretary-General to continue to identify measures to increase the productivity and efficiency of the support account ; Requests the Secretary-General to ensure the full implementation of the relevant provisions of General Assembly resolutions 59 / 296 of 22 June 2005 , 60 / 266 of 30 June 2006 and 61 / 276 of 29 June 2007 and other relevant resolutions ; Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions , 5 subject to the provisions of the present resolution ; Takes note of paragraphs 81 to 87 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions , 5 and decides to establish the following posts in the current structure of the Office of Military Affairs : ( a ) One D-1 , two P-5 , ten P-4 and four P-3 posts in the Office of the Military Adviser and one P-4 post for a civilian officer ; ( b ) Three P-4 posts and two P-3 posts in the Force Generation Service ; ( c ) Twelve P-4 posts in the Military Planning Service ; ( d ) Four P-4 posts in the Current Military Operations Service ; ( e ) One P-4 and three P-3 posts to be assigned to the Logistics Support Division of the Department of Field Support ; ( f ) One P-4 and one P-3 to be assigned to the Information and Communications Technology Division of the Department of Field Support ; Requests the Secretary-General to submit for its consideration at its sixty-fourth session a comprehensive report on the implementation of the strengthening of the Office of Military Affairs and its impact on the organization and capacities of the Office ; Requests the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations to consider the report referred to in paragraph 36 above at its 2010 substantive session ; Decides to approve the following posts : ( a ) One P-5 post for a Security Focal Point in the Situation Centre , Department of Peacekeeping Operations ; ( b ) Two P-4 posts for a Policy Adviser and a Policy Development Officer in the Police Division , Department of Peacekeeping Operations ; ( c ) One P-3 post for a Programme Officer in the Risk Management Unit of the Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Field Support ; ( d ) One P-3 post for a Finance and Budget Officer in the Budget and Performance Reporting Service of the Field Budget and Finance Division , Department of Field Support ; ( e ) One D-2 post for the Director of the Information and Communications Technology Division , Department of Field Support ; ( f ) One General Service ( Other level ) post for a Human Resources Assistant ( Roster Development ) in the Office of Human Resources Management ; Decides not to approve the following posts : ( a ) One D-1 post for a Principal Officer and one General Service ( Other level ) post for an Administrative Assistant in the Asia and Middle East Division , Department of Peacekeeping Operations ; ( b ) One P-3 post in the Engineering Section of the Logistics Support Division , Department of Field Support ; ( c ) One P-4 post in the Property Management Section of the Logistics Support Division , Department of Field Support ; ( d ) One P-4 post for a Technical Information Operations Support Officer , Department of Field Support ; ( e ) One P-4 post for a Management Analyst Officer in the Management Support Service of the Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Management ; ( f ) One General Service ( Other level ) Finance Assistant ( Health and Life Insurance Section ) in the Accounts Division , Department of Management ; ( g ) One P-4 and one P-3 post for Procurement Officers in the Procurement Division , Department of Management ; ( h ) One P-4 Legal Officer in the Office of the Legal Counsel , Office of Legal Affairs ; Decides to convert one P-5 and one General Service general temporary assistance position in the Conduct and Discipline Unit to posts ; Also decides to approve the following positions as general temporary assistance : ( a ) One P-4 Human Resources Officer ( Outreach and Strategic Staffing Section ) in the Office of Human Resources Management , Department of Management ; ( b ) One P-3 Finance Officer in the Treasury Division , Department of Management ; Takes note of paragraph 130 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions , 5 and decides to continue the four P-3 positions in the Peacekeeping Financing Division , Department of Management ; Decides to reduce the non-post resources by 1,899,100 United States dollars , and requests the Secretary-General to consider applying the reduction , inter alia , to the consultancy requirements referred to in paragraphs 297 and 354 of the report of the Secretary-General on the budget for the support account for peacekeeping operations for the period from 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009 ; Also decides to maintain , for the financial period from 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009 , the funding mechanism for the support account used in the current period , from 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008 , as approved in paragraph 3 of its resolution 50 / 221 B of 7 June 1996 ; Financial performance report for the period from 1 July 2006 to 30 June 2007 Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the support account for peacekeeping operations for the period from 1 July 2006 to 30 June 2007 ; Decides not to transfer the amount of 2,014,000 dollars included in the amount of 7,097,000 dollars , previously authorized in its resolution 61 / 279 , representing the excess of the authorized level of the Peacekeeping Reserve Fund utilized to finance the requirements of the support account in respect of the period from 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008 ; Decides to apply the total amount of 13,790,000 dollars , comprising the unencumbered balance of 5,491,600 dollars and other income of 1,759,000 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2007 , the support account fund balance in respect of financial periods ended 30 June 1997 , 30 June 1998 , 30 June 1999 and 30 June 2000 in the total amount of 2,138,000 dollars , and the excess of the authorized level of the Peacekeeping Reserve Fund in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2007 in the amount of 4,401,400 dollars , to the support account requirements for the period from 1 July 2006 to 30 June 2007 ; Also decides to apply the excess of the authorized level of the Peacekeeping Reserve Fund in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2007 in the amount of 2,014,000 dollars to the support account requirements for the period from 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008 ; Budget estimates for the financial period from 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009 Approves the support account requirements in the amount of 273,922,800 dollars for the financial period from 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009 , including 1,122 continuing and 98 new temporary posts and their related post and non-post requirements ; Financing of the budget estimates Decides that the requirements for the support account for peacekeeping operations for the financial period from 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009 shall be financed as follows : ( a ) The amount of 469,600 dollars , representing the balance remaining of the excess of the authorized level of the Peacekeeping Reserve Fund in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2007 , to be applied to the resources required for the financial period from 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009 ; ( b ) The balance of 273,453,200 dollars to be prorated among the budgets of the active peacekeeping operations for the financial period from 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009 ; ( c ) The estimated staff assessment income of 26,274,600 dollars , comprising the amount of 26,221,200 dollars for the financial period from 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009 and the increase of 53,400 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2007 , to be offset against the balance referred to in subparagraph ( b ) above , to be prorated among the budgets of the individual active peacekeeping operations . 109th plenary meeting 20 June 2008
Freelancer's FAQ RED FLAGS FOR FREELANCERS RED FLAGS FOR FREELANCERS Clients – they 're our source of assignments , but sometimes of roadblocks as well . In a nationally attended teleconference led by Margaret L. Moser , participants in the Editorial Freelancers Association's ( EFA ) New Freelancers ( NFL ) affinity group from as far afield as Florida , California , and Alaska learned about red flags warning them of such roadblocks and how to respond to them from Laurie Lewis , former EFA co-exec , former co-leader of the NFL affinity group and author of What to Charge : Pricing Strategies for Freelancers and Consultants . Although clients have a vested interest in their projects , Lewis cautioned they also may have little understanding of the services provided by editors . Omens of " trouble down the road " are often revealed as verbal red flags . Lewis provided a list of these warning signs . 1 . Client says , " We do n't pay a lot , but we can offer steady work . " This red flag may be a particular hazard for new freelancers . Positive and negative aspects of this situation include the following , If you 're looking for " steady work " and want to commit to , say , 10 hours a week , this kind of arrangement could be beneficial . Accepting a low rate means this client will expect to continue paying that fee . Doing most of your work for a low-paying client leaves you no time to search for more lucrative assignments . 2 . Client says , " We need you in-house 40 hours a week . " This stipulation turns an assignment into contract work ( " permalance " ) and raises several concerns : If the assignment's short , say two to six weeks , it may be okay . The assignment leaves no time to prospect for other clients or projects , and limits the variety of material on which you 're working . Working exclusively at the client's premises may affect your freelance status with the IRS . To resolve this , propose working parameters , such as working the first two weeks at the client's office , then completing the project from home . Suggest a split schedule – working two days per week at the client's location and three days from home . 3 . Client says , " It 's in pretty good shape . " This trap catches new and experienced freelancers . Clients virtually always think this about their documents – and have little concept of the work that editors perform . 4 . Client says , " It should n't take long . " This could mean a short turnaround , or you may be immersed in the editorial equivalent of " Waiting for Godot . " Lewis advised freelancers to ask clients about their expectations regarding the projected number of hours or the amount of work to be accomplished in an hour . If they have budgeted 20 hours for a project that reasonably could take longer , you may end up in a financial bind . 5 . Client says , " I have n't seen it yet , but it 's in pretty good shape , " and might add , " You can just do a fast edit . " In this case , either run for the hills or review red flags 3 and 4 . 6 . Client says , " We should have the manuscript ready for you in two days and we need it back by the end of the week . " The client is tying a rather loose availability date for the material to a definite delivery date . Lock this client down with an agreement that , if the material is not ready for you when anticipated , your delivery date will be adjusted by the same amount of time . 7 . Client says , " I need this proofread . " Many clients do n't understand the difference between proofreading and the various levels of editing . In most cases , these individuals actually need a copyeditor . In some instances , clients may be trying to obtain a " cheap edit " by calling it proofreading . 8 . Client says , " We 've had another freelancer work on this , and s / he was n't very good . " Although the previous freelancer may have been unskilled , this raises concerns about the client's abilities and expectations , such as : The client may expect you to turn garbage into gold . The client may not respect freelancers . The client may be so invested in the material that s / he takes editorial changes as a personal affront . Beware the client who tells you , " My secretary and my wife read it , and they think it 's wonderful . " Again , break down the assignment with the client to get a clear list of expectations . If this ca n't be done , it may be prudent to walk away . 9 . Client says , " I inherited this job . " Lewis said this red flag is common in a time of downsizing . The warnings it raises include : The client does n't care about the project , wo n't assume ownership , and wo n't be diligent about follow-through or with processing your invoices . 10 . The issue is n't a client's words – rather , it 's the lack of words . If clients dither , are inarticulate or are unresponsive , your progress will be stymied . If you ca n't get them to talk to you at the beginning of the project , you wo n't get the details or feedback needed later . When clients do n't express clear expectations : If the client does n't like the work you turn in , s / he 'll blame you for a bad job . The individual ( s ) with whom you 're dealing may not be the ultimate client – and may be getting unclear instructions from above . 11 . Insufficient client data . Reputable clients should have no objections to providing names of an individual contact and organization , along with an address , e-mail , phone number , and fax number . 12 . Documenting the assignment . Some clients seem taken aback when you request a contract or letter of agreement . However , you should get a formal contract , a letter of agreement or at least an e-mail detailing the assignment before starting work . If the client does n't provide this , send an e-mail laying out the project as you understand it , including an overall description of the work to be done , the work stages , fees and dates ( including turnaround for client feedback and timing of payment ) . Mention the need for renegotiation if the schedule changes . Request a client response by saying , " Please get back to me by MM / DD with confirmation or any questions . If I do n't hear back from you via e-mail by this date , I will understand your confirmation of the above terms . " You might also leave a space for the client's signature and request a fax of the signed document . Attended by both " newbies " and seasoned freelancers , the session illustrated that these cautionary red flags are common to clients all over the country . As Lewis pointed out , we editors often must morph into educators – to help clients and ourselves understand exactly what is needed on any given project . The article " Red Flags for Freelancers " first appeared in the Editorial Freelancers Association newsletter , The Freelancer ( Vol. XXXI No. 5 . May – June 2007 ) . The content for this article springs from the broad freelance experience of writer / editor Laurie Lewis , whose medical and corporate communications work appears in print and electronic formats . Lewis is the author of What to Charge : Pricing Strategies for Freelancers and Consultants , which may be purchased at amazon.com . Laurie Lewis can be contacted directly at whattocharge@earthlink.net . Article author Pat Davies is a writer / editor with 18 years' experience – staff and freelance – in educational materials , Web sites , business documentation , nonprofits , and more . Davies may be reached at pd.writer@hotmail.com
Today I 'm going to talk to you about the problem of other minds . And the problem I 'm going to talk about is not the familiar one from philosophy , which is , " How can we know whether other people have minds ? " That is , maybe you have a mind , and everyone else is just a really convincing robot . So that 's a problem in philosophy . But for today's purposes I 'm going to assume that many people in this audience have a mind , and that I do n't have to worry about this . There is a second problem that is maybe even more familiar to us as parents and teachers and spouses , and novelists . Which is , " Why is it so hard to know what somebody else wants or believes ? " Or perhaps , more relevantly , " Why is it so hard to change what somebody else wants or believes ? " I think novelists put this best . Like Philip Roth , who said , " And yet , what are we to do about this terribly significant business of other people ? So ill equipped are we all , to envision one another 's interior workings and invisible aims . " So as a teacher , and as a spouse , this is , of course , a problem I confront every day . But as a scientist , I 'm interested in a different problem of other minds , and that is the one I 'm going to introduce to you today . And that problem is , " How is it so easy to know other minds ? " So to start with an illustration , you need almost no information , one snapshot of a stranger , to guess what this woman is thinking , or what this man is . And put another way , the crux of the problem is the machine that we use for thinking about other minds , our brain , is made up of pieces , brain cells , that we share with all other animals , with monkeys , and mice , and even sea slugs . And yet , you put them together in a particular network , and what you get is the capacity to write Romeo and Juliet . Or to say , as Alan Greenspan did , " I know you think you understand what you thought I said , but I 'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant . " ( Laughter ) So the job of my field of cognitive neuroscience is to stand with these ideas , one in each hand . And to try to understand how you can put together simple units , simple messages over space and time , in a network , and get this amazing human capacity to think about minds . So I 'm going to tell you three things about this today . Obviously the whole project here is huge . And I 'm going to tell you just our first few steps about the discovery of a special brain region for thinking about other people's thoughts . Some observations on the slow development of this system as we learn how to do this difficult job . And then finally , to show that some of the differences between people , in how we judge others , can be explained by differences in this brain system . So first , the first thing I want to tell you is that there is a brain region in the human brain , in your brains , whose job it is to think about other people's thoughts . This is a picture of it . It 's called the Right Temporo-Parietal Junction . It 's above and behind your right ear . And this is the brain region you used when you saw the pictures I showed you , or when you read Romeo and Juliet , or when you tried to understand Alan Greenspan . And you do n't use it for solving any other kinds of logical problems . So this brain region is called the RTPJ . And this picture shows the average activation in a group of what we call typical human adults . They 're MIT undergraduates . ( Laughter ) The second thing I want to say about this brain system is that although we human adults are really good at understanding other minds , we were n ' t always that way . It takes children a long time to break into the system . I 'm going to show you a little bit of that long , extended process . The first thing I 'm going to show you is a change between age three and five , as kids learn to understand that somebody else can have beliefs that are different from their own . So I 'm going to show you a five-year-old who is getting a standard kind of puzzle that we call the false belief task . Video : This is the first pirate . His name is Ivan . And you know what pirates really like ? Pirates really like cheese sandwiches . Child : Cheese ? I love cheese ! R. S. : Yeah . So Ivan has this cheese sandwich . and he says " Yum yum yum yum yum ! I really love cheese sandwiches . " And Ivan puts his sandwich over here , on top of the pirate chest . And Ivan says , " You know what ? I need a drink with my lunch . " And so Ivan goes to get a drink . And while Ivan is away the wind comes , and it blows the sandwich down onto the grass . And now , here comes the other pirate . This pirate is called Joshua . And Joshua also really loves cheese sandwiches . So Joshua has a cheese sandwich and he says , " Yum yum yum yum yum ! I love cheese sandwiches . " And he puts his cheese sandwich over here on top of the pirate chest . Child : So , that one is his . R. S. : That one is Joshua's . That 's right . Child : And then his went on the ground . R. S. : That 's exactly right . Child : So he wo n ' t know which one is his . R. S. : Oh . So now Joshua goes off to get a drink . Ivan comes back and he says , " I want my cheese sandwich . " So which one do you think Ivan is going to take ? Child : I think he is going to take that one . R. S. : Yeah , you think he 's going to take that one ? Alright . Let 's see . Oh yeah , you were right . He took that one . So that 's a five-year-old who clearly understands that other people can have false beliefs and what the consequences are for their actions . Now I 'm going to show you a three-year-old who got the same puzzle . Video : R. S. : And Ivan says , " I want my cheese sandwich . " Which sandwich is he going to take ? Do you think he 's going to take that one ? Let 's see what happens . Let 's see what he does . Here comes Ivan . And he says , " I want my cheese sandwich . " And he takes this one . Uh-oh . Why did he take that one ? Child : His was on the grass . R. S. So the three-year-old does two things differently . First he predicts Ivan will take the sandwich that 's really his . And second , when he sees Ivan taking the sandwich where he left his , where we would say he 's taking that one because he thinks it 's his , the three-year-old comes up with another explanation . He 's not taking his own sandwich because he does n ' t want it , because now it 's dirty , on the ground . So that 's why he 's taking the other sandwich . Now of course , development does n ' t end at five . And we can see the continuation of this process of learning to think about other people's thoughts by upping the ante and asking children now , not for an action prediction , but for a moral judgement . So first I 'm going to show you the three-year-old again . Video : R. S. : So is Ivan being mean and naughty for taking Joshua's sandwich ? Child : Yeah . R. S. : Should Ivan get in trouble for taking Joshua's sandwich ? Child : Yeah . R. S. : So it 's maybe not surprising he thinks it was mean of Ivan to take Joshua's sandwich . Since he thinks Ivan only took Joshua's sandwich to avoid having to eat his own dirty sandwich . But now I 'm going to show you the five-year-old . Remember the five-year-old completely understood why Ivan took Joshua's sandwich . Video : R. S. : Was Ivan being mean and naughty for taking Joshua's sandwich ? Child : Um , yeah . R. S. : And so , it is not until age seven that we get what looks more like an adult response . Video : R. S. : Should Ivan get in trouble for taking Joshua's sandwich ? Child : No , because the wind should get in trouble . R. S. He says the wind should get in trouble for switching the sandwiches . ( Laughter ) And now what we 've started to do in my lab is to put children into the brain scanner and ask what 's going on in their brain as they develop this ability to think about other people's thoughts . So the first thing is that in children we see this same brain region , the RTPJ , being used while children are thinking about other people . But it 's not quite like the adult brain . So where as in the adults , as I told you , this brain region is almost completely specialized . It does almost nothing else , except for thinking about other people's thoughts . In children it 's much less so , when they are age five to eight , the age range of the children I just showed you . And actually if we even look at eight to 11-year-olds , getting into early adolescence , they still do n't have quite an adult-like brain region . And so , what we can see is that over the course of childhood and even into adolescence , both the cognitive system , our mind's ability to think about other minds , and the brain system that supports it , are continuing , slowly , to develop . But of course , as you 're probably aware , even in adulthood , people differ from one another in how good they are at thinking of other minds , how often they do it , and how accurately . And so what we wanted to know was , could differences among adults , in how they think about other people's thoughts be explained in terms of differences in this brain region . So the first thing that we did is we gave adults a version of the pirate problem that we gave to the kids . And I 'm going to give that to you now . So Grace and her friend are on a tour of a chemical factory and they take a break for coffee . And Grace's friend asks for some sugar in her coffee . Grace goes to make the coffee and finds by the coffee a pot containing a white powder , which is sugar . But the powder is labeled " Deadly Poison " . So Grace thinks that the powder is a deadly poison . And she puts it in her friend's coffee . And her friend drinks the coffee , and is fine . How many people think it was morally permissible for Grace to put the powder in the coffee ? Okay . Good . ( Laughter ) So we ask people how much should Grace be blamed in this case , which we call a failed attempt to harm . And we can compare that to another case where everything in the real world is the same . The powder is still sugar , but what 's different is what Grace thinks . Now she thinks the powder is sugar . And perhaps unsurprisingly , if Grace thinks the powder is sugar and puts it in her friend's coffee , people say she deserves no blame at all . Whereas if she thinks the powder was poison , even though it 's really sugar , now people say she deserves a lot of blame , even though what happened in the real world was exactly the same . And in fact they say she deserves more blame in this case , the failed attempt to harm , than in another case , which we call an accident . Where Grace thought the powder was sugar , because it was labeled " sugar " and by the coffee machine , but actually the powder was poison . So even though when the powder was poison , the friend drank the coffee and died , people say Grace deserves less blame in that case , when she innocently thought it was sugar , than in the other case , where she thought it was poison , and no harm occurred . People , though , disagree a little bit about exactly how much blame Grace should get in the accident case . Some people think she should deserve more blame , and other people less . And what I 'm going to show you is what happened when we look inside the brains of people while they 're making that judgment . So what I 'm showing you , from left to right , is how much activity there was in this brain region . and from top to bottom , how much blame people said that Grace deserved . And what you can see is , on the left when there as very little activity in this brain region , people paid little attention to her innocent belief and said she deserved a lot of blame for the accident . Whereas , on the right , where there was a lot of activity , people payed a lot more attention to her innocent belief , and said she deserved a lot less blame for causing the accident . So that 's good , but of course what we 'd rather is have a way to interfere with function in this brain region , and see if we could change people's moral judgment . And we do have such a tool . It 's called Trans-Cranial Magnetic Stimulation , or TMS . This is a tool that lets us pass a magnetic pulse through somebody's skull , into a small region of their brain , and temporarily disorganize the function of the neurons in that region . So I 'm going to show you a demo of this . First I 'm going to show you , to show you that this is a magnetic pulse , I 'm going to show you what happens when you put a quarter on the machine . When you hear clicks we 're turning the machine on . So now I 'm going to apply that same pulse to my brain , to the part of my brain that controls my hand . So there is not physical force , just a magnetic pulse . Video : Woman : Ready ? Rebecca Saxe : Yes . Okay , so it causes a small involuntary contraction in my hand by putting a magnetic pulse in my brain . And we can use that same pulse , now applied to the RTPJ , to ask if we can change people's moral judgments . So these are the judgments I showed you before , people's normal moral judgments . And then we can apply TMS to the RTPJ and ask how people's judgments change . And the first thing is , people can still do this task overall . So their judgments of the case when everything was fine remain the same . They say she deserves no blame . But in the case of a failed attempt to harm , where Grace thought that it was poison , although it was really sugar , people now say it was more okay , she deserves less blame for putting the powder in the coffee . And in the case of the accident , where she thought that it was sugar , but it was really poison and so she caused a death , people say that it was less okay , she deserves more blame . So what I 've told you today is that people come , actually , especially well equipped to think about other people's thoughts . We have a special brain system that lets us think about what other people are thinking . This system takes a long time to develop , slowly throughout the course of childhood , and into early adolescence . And even in adulthood , differences in this brain region can explain differences among adults in how we think about and judge other people . But I want to give the last word back to the novelists . And to Philip Roth , who ended by saying , " The fact remains that getting people right is not what living is all about anyway . It 's getting them wrong that is living . Getting them wrong and wrong and wrong , and then on careful reconsideration , getting them wrong again . " Thank you . ( Applause ) Chris Anderson : When you start talking about using magnetic pulses to change people's moral judgments , that sounds alarming . ( Laughter ) Please tell me that you 're not taking phone calls from the Pentagon , say . Rebecca Saxe : I 'm not . I mean , they 're calling , but I 'm not taking the call . ( Laughter ) C. A. : They really are calling ? So , then seriously , then seriously , you must lie awake at night sometimes wondering where this work leads . I mean you 're clearly an incredible human being . But someone could take this knowledge and in some future not torture chamber , do acts that people here might be worried about . R. S. : Yeah , we worry about this . So , there is a couple of things to say about TMS . One is that you ca n ' t be TMSed with out knowing it . So it 's not a surreptitious technology . It 's quite hard actually to get those very small changes . The changes I showed you are impressive to me because of what they tell us about the function of the brain . But they 're small on the scale of the moral judgments that we actually make . And what we changed was not people's moral judgments when they 're deciding what to do , when they 're making action choices . We change their ability to judge other people's actions . And so I think of what I 'm doing not so much as studying the defendant in a criminal trial , but studying the jury . C. A. : Is your work going to lead to any recommendations in education , to perhaps bring up a generation of kids able to make fairer moral judgments ? R. S. : That 's one of the idealistic hopes . The whole research program here , of studying the distinctive parts of the human brain , is brand new . Until recently what we knew about the brain were the things that any other animal's brain could do too . So we could study it in animal models . We knew how brains see , and how they control the body , and how they hear and sense . And the whole project of understanding how brains do the uniquely human things , learn language , and abstract concepts , and thinking about other people's thoughts , that 's brand new . And we do n't know yet , what the implications will be of understanding it . C. A. : So I 've got one last question . There is this thing called the hard problem of consciousness , that puzzles a lot of people . The notion that you can understand why a brain works , perhaps . But why does anyone have to feel anything ? Why does it seem to require these beings who sense things for us to operate ? You 're a brilliant young neuroscientist . I mean , what chances do you think there are that at some time in your career someone , you or someone else , is going to come up with some paradigm shift in understanding what seems an impossible problem . R. S. : I hope they do . And I think they probably wo n ' t . C. A. : Why ? R. S. : It 's not called the hard problem of consciousness for nothing . ( Laughter ) C. A. : That 's a great answer . Rebecca Saxe , thank you very much . That was fantastic . ( Applause ) </content
Ezra 1 Cyrus Helps the Exiles to Return 1 In the first year of Cyrus king of Persia , in order to fulfill the word of the LORD spoken by Jeremiah , the LORD moved the heart of Cyrus king of Persia to make a proclamation throughout his realm and to put it in writing : 2 " This is what Cyrus king of Persia says : " ' The LORD , the God of heaven , has given me all the kingdoms of the earth and he has appointed me to build a temple for him at Jerusalem in Judah . 3 Anyone of his people among you – may his God be with him , and let him go up to Jerusalem in Judah and build the temple of the LORD , the God of Israel , the God who is in Jerusalem . 4 And the people of any place where survivors may now be living are to provide him with silver and gold , with goods and livestock , and with freewill offerings for the temple of God in Jerusalem . ' " 5 Then the family heads of Judah and Benjamin , and the priests and Levites – everyone whose heart God had moved – prepared to go up and build the house of the LORD in Jerusalem . 6 All their neighbors assisted them with articles of silver and gold , with goods and livestock , and with valuable gifts , in addition to all the freewill offerings . 7 Moreover , King Cyrus brought out the articles belonging to the temple of the LORD , which Nebuchadnezzar had carried away from Jerusalem and had placed in the temple of his god . [ a ] 8 Cyrus king of Persia had them brought by Mithredath the treasurer , who counted them out to Sheshbazzar the prince of Judah . 9 This was the inventory : gold dishes 30 silver dishes 1,000 silver pans [ b ] 29 10 gold bowls 30 matching silver bowls 410 other articles 1,000 11 In all , there were 5,400 articles of gold and of silver . Sheshbazzar brought all these along when the exiles came up from Babylon to Jerusalem . Ezra 2 The List of the Exiles Who Returned 1 Now these are the people of the province who came up from the captivity of the exiles , whom Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon had taken captive to Babylon ( they returned to Jerusalem and Judah , each to his own town , 2 in company with Zerubbabel , Jeshua , Nehemiah , Seraiah , Reelaiah , Mordecai , Bilshan , Mispar , Bigvai , Rehum and Baanah ) : The list of the men of the people of Israel : 3 the descendants of Parosh 2,172 4 of Shephatiah 372 5 of Arah 775 6 of Pahath-Moab ( through the line of Jeshua and Joab ) 2,812 7 of Elam 1,254 8 of Zattu 945 9 of Zaccai 760 10 of Bani 642 11 of Bebai 623 12 of Azgad 1,222 13 of Adonikam 666 14 of Bigvai 2,056 15 of Adin 454 16 of Ater ( through Hezekiah ) 98 17 of Bezai 323 18 of Jorah 112 19 of Hashum 223 20 of Gibbar 95 21 the men of Bethlehem 123 22 of Netophah 56 23 of Anathoth 128 24 of Azmaveth 42 25 of Kiriath Jearim , [ a ] Kephirah and Beeroth 743 26 of Ramah and Geba 621 27 of Micmash 122 28 of Bethel and Ai 223 29 of Nebo 52 30 of Magbish 156 31 of the other Elam 1,254 32 of Harim 320 33 of Lod , Hadid and Ono 725 34 of Jericho 345 35 of Senaah 3,630 36 The priests : the descendants of Jedaiah ( through the family of Jeshua ) 973 37 of Immer 1,052 38 of Pashhur 1,247 39 of Harim 1,017 40 The Levites : the descendants of Jeshua and Kadmiel ( through the line of Hodaviah ) 74 41 The singers : the descendants of Asaph 128 42 The gatekeepers of the temple : the descendants of Shallum , Ater , Talmon , Akkub , Hatita and Shobai 139 43 The temple servants : the descendants of Ziha , Hasupha , Tabbaoth , 44 Keros , Siaha , Padon , 45 Lebanah , Hagabah , Akkub , 46 Hagab , Shalmai , Hanan , 47 Giddel , Gahar , Reaiah , 48 Rezin , Nekoda , Gazzam , 49 Uzza , Paseah , Besai , 50 Asnah , Meunim , Nephusim , 51 Bakbuk , Hakupha , Harhur , 52 Bazluth , Mehida , Harsha , 53 Barkos , Sisera , Temah , 54 Neziah and Hatipha 55 The descendants of the servants of Solomon : the descendants of Sotai , Hassophereth , Peruda , 56 Jaala , Darkon , Giddel , 57 Shephatiah , Hattil , Pokereth-Hazzebaim and Ami 58 The temple servants and the descendants of the servants of Solomon 392 59 The following came up from the towns of Tel Melah , Tel Harsha , Kerub , Addon and Immer , but they could not show that their families were descended from Israel : 60 The descendants of Delaiah , Tobiah and Nekoda 652 61 And from among the priests : The descendants of Hobaiah , Hakkoz and Barzillai ( a man who had married a daughter of Barzillai the Gileadite and was called by that name ) . 62 These searched for their family records , but they could not find them and so were excluded from the priesthood as unclean . 63 The governor ordered them not to eat any of the most sacred food until there was a priest ministering with the Urim and Thummim . 64 The whole company numbered 42,360 , 65 besides their 7,337 menservants and maidservants ; and they also had 200 men and women singers . 66 They had 736 horses , 245 mules , 67 435 camels and 6,720 donkeys . 68 When they arrived at the house of the LORD in Jerusalem , some of the heads of the families gave freewill offerings toward the rebuilding of the house of God on its site . 69 According to their ability they gave to the treasury for this work 61,000 drachmas [ b ] of gold , 5,000 minas [ c ] of silver and 100 priestly garments . 70 The priests , the Levites , the singers , the gatekeepers and the temple servants settled in their own towns , along with some of the other people , and the rest of the Israelites settled in their towns .
Friday , 16 August , 2002 , 02 : 36 GMT 03 : 36 UK Teachers get advice on violence Teachers are increasingly concerned about violent pupils A teachers' union is so concerned about the growing incidents of violence and disruption in schools , it has issued its members with new guidance for their own protection . For the first time , diaries sent to all National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers ( NASUWT ) members this week will outline how teachers can best tackle the problem . It is unacceptable that teachers should face violence at work Eamonn O ' Kane , NASUWT The guidelines urge teachers to report all incidents of actual or threatened assault or criminal damage to the police . The advice also recommends staff be given training in avoiding and managing dangerous situations . The NASUWT calls on head teachers to introduce a code of " zero tolerance " towards pupils who have been excluded And parents who have been abusive or violent towards staff should be banned from school premises . A failure by schools to put in place adequate protection for teachers may lead to risk assessments for violent and disruptive pupils and a refusal to teach those who pose a real danger , the union warns . Violent pupils NASUWT general secretary Eamonn O ' Kane said : " It is unacceptable that teachers should face violence at work . " " NASUWT guidance highlights options available to limit the threat . By including this in the diary , every member can carry round details of the steps necessary to protect themselves in school . " Although the numbers of pupils excluded last year went up for the first time in the past six years , NASUWT remains concerned that governing bodies continue to readmit violent and disruptive pupils . " Last month the Department for Education issued posters to all schools in England warning parents they faced prosecution if they threatened or abused staff . The posters , similar to those found in hospitals and on public transport , were accompanied by a " toolkit " setting out the legal position on parental violence .
DFES supports the Western Australia Police as a combat authority for urban search and rescue ( USAR ) . The agency has a developed the capability to deal with the rescue of casualties trapped by buildings , landfall or slippage which collapse as a result of industrial accidents , explosions , natural disasters and terrorist activity . Additional funding in recent years has allowed significant advances to be made in the Western Australia's preparedness , response and recovery capabilities for USAR . Category 2 , which qualifies the responder as a technician with the competencies to conduct underground searches , and ; Category 3 , which qualifies the responder to lead a USAR taskforce . To date , all career firefighters are trained to Category 1 ( CAT 1 ) and there are several Category 2 ( CAT 2 ) technicians available to respond to incidents requiring the specialised skills of the USAR Task Force . Western Australia now has a qualified USAR Canine Team to enhance our operational capacity and is the only State with an integrated canine team in its USAR Task Force . It is recognised around the world that canine teams are an essential element in the efficient and speedy location of victims trapped as a result of building collapse or earthquake . We have been working over the past two years to train a team of dogs that meet nationally and internationally recognised standards . The USAR team has adopted the New Zealand standard for USAR Canine Teams . It currently has five dogs in training with the aim of having four qualified dogs in the USAR task force in 2008-09 . A New Zealand dog trainer and assessor were brought to Perth to provide training and assessment of local State Emergency Service dogs , handlers and staff . Two dogs were assessed , one successfully . As a result , Australia has its first canine team integrated into a USAR task force and certified to international standards . National Support During the 2011 Queensland floods , four DFES Fire and Rescue Service USAR technicians worked as part of a national taskforce conducting damage assessment and recovery operations in the Brisbane area , where there was significant damage to residential , industrial and commercial structures . The USAR taskforce performed rapid damage assessments , assessed water levels and structural damage , identified hazards and prioritised tasks in a difficult environment of escalating odours from hazardous materials , putrefying foods and the thick layer of mud left by receding floodwaters . Following the magnitude 6.3 earthquake that occurred in Christchurch on 22 February 2011 , six DFES USAR specialists departed on 4 March 2011 for a 12 day deployment . They joined USAR teams from New Zealand , Australia , USA , UK , Singapore , Taiwan , Japan and China in Christchurch . Working alongside structural engineers , seismologists , geologists , construction workers , crane and digger operators and demolition experts , the USAR team undertook a range of activities while maintaining a state of preparedness to respond to further aftershocks . They searched for missing persons , conducted primary and secondary risk assessments of buildings prior to re-habitation , undertook building marking , cordoning and demarcation of identified collapse zones and assisted police to retrieve personal belongings from damaged buildings . As part of the first Australian multi-jurisdictional USAR task force deployed overseas , DFES team members gained valuable operational experience in a major disaster as well as establishing and extending important ' special risk ' networks across national and international jurisdictions . International Support The relationship between DFES and the Singapore Civil Defence Force was consolidated further through : continued mutual training and professional development exchange opportunities – six career firefighters visited Singapore in December 2006 to undertake USAR CAT2 training . exchange of information and ideas in regard to operational procedures , research and development , equipment and training simulations .
Three Boys ; or the Chiefs of the Clan Mackhai George Manville Fenn | Next chapter | | Contents | Chapter I. The Mackhai of Dun Roe . " Look here , Scoodrach , if you call me she again , I 'll kick you ! " " I didna ca ' you she . I only said if she 'd come ten the hoose aifter she had the parritch -- " " Well , what did I say ? " " Say ? Why , she got in a passion . " Whop ! Flop ! The sound of a back-handed slap in the chest , followed by a kick , both delivered by Kenneth Mackhai , the recipient being a red-headed , freckled-faced lad of seventeen , who retaliated by making a sharp snatch at the kicking foot , which he caught and held one half moment . The result was startling . Kenneth Mackhai , the sun-browned , well-knit , handsome son of " the Chief , " came down in a sitting position on the stones , and screwed up his face with pain . " Scood , you beggar ! " he roared ; " I 'll serve you out for -- " " Ken , are you coming to breakfast ? " cried a loud , severe voice from fifty yards away . " Coming , father ! " shouted the lad , leaping up , giving himself a shake to rearrange his dark green kilt , and holding up his fist threateningly at the bare-legged , grinning lad before him . " Just you wait till after breakfast , Master Scood , and I 'll make you squint . " The lad ran up the steep slope to the garden surrounding the ancient castle of Dunroe , which had been built as a stronghold somewhere about the fourteenth century , and still stood solid on its rocky foundation ; a square , keep-like edifice , with a round tower at each corner , mouldering , with portions of the battlements broken away , but a fine monument still of the way in which builders worked in the olden time . The portion Kenneth Mackhai approached had for inhabitants only the jackdaws , which encumbered the broken stairs by the loopholes with their nests ; but , after passing beneath a gloomy archway and crossing the open interior , he left the old keep by another archway , to enter the precincts of the modern castle of Dunroe , a commodious building , erected after the style of the old , and possessing the advantages of a roof and floors , with large windows looking across the dazzling sea . Kenneth entered a handsome dining-room , where the breakfast was spread , and where his father , The Mackhai , a tall , handsome man of fifty , was pacing angrily up and down . " Sorry I kept you , father . Scood said there was a seal on the lower rocks , and -- " " The scoundrel ! How dare he ? " muttered The Mackhai . " To take such a mean advantage of his position . I will not suffer it . I 'll -- " " I 'm very sorry , father ! " faltered Kenneth , crossing slowly toward his frowning elder . " I did not mean to -- " " Eh ! what , Ken , my boy ? " cried The Mackhai , with his countenance changing . " I 've only just come in . Sit down , my lad . You must be half-starved , eh ? " " I thought you were cross with me , sir . " " Cross ? Angry ? Not a bit . Why ? " " You said -- " " Tchah ! nonsense ! Thinking aloud . What did you say ? -- a seal ? " " Yes , father . Scood said there was one , but it had gone . " " Then you did n't shoot it ? Well , I 'm not sorry . They 're getting scarce now , and I like to see the old things about the old place . Hah ! " he continued , after a pause that had been well employed by both at the amply-supplied , handsomely-furnished table ; " and I like the old porridge for breakfast . Give me some of that salmon , Ken. No ; I 'll have a kipper . " " More coffee , please , father , " said Ken , with his mouth full . " Have a scone , father ? They 're prime . " " Gently with the butter , my boy . There is such a thing as bile . " " Is there , father ? " said Kenneth , who was spreading the rich yellow churning a full quarter of an inch thick . " Is there , sir ! Yes , there is . As I know to my cost . Ah ! " he added , with a sigh , and his face wrinkled and made him look ten years older ; " but there was a time when I did not know the meaning of the word ! " " Oh , I say , father , " cried Kenneth merrily , " do n't ! You 're always pretending to be old , and yet you can walk me down stalking , and Long Shon says you can make him sore-footed any day . " " Nonsense ! nonsense ! " said The Mackhai , smiling . " Oh , but you can , father ! " said Kenneth , with his mouth full . " And see how you ran with that salmon yesterday , all among the stones . " " Ah , yes ! I manage to hold my own ; but I hope you 'll husband your strength better than I did , my boy , " said The Mackhai , with a sigh . " I only hope I shall grow into such a fine man ! " cried Kenneth , with his face lighting up , as he gazed proudly at his father . " Why , Donald says -- " " Tut , tut , tut ! Silence , you miserable young flatterer ! Do you want to make your father conceited ? There , that will do . " " Coming fishing to-day , father ? " There was no answer . The Mackhai had taken up a letter brought in that morning by one of the gillies , and was frowning over it as he re-read its contents , and then sat thoughtfully gazing out of the window across the glittering sea , at the blue mountains in the distance , tapping the table with his fingers the while . " Wonder what 's the matter ! " thought Kenneth . " Some one wants some money , I suppose . " The boy's face puckered up a little as he ceased eating , and watched his father's face , the furrows in the boy's brow giving him a wonderful likeness to the keen-eyed , high-browed representative of a fine old Scottish clan . " Wish I had plenty of money , " thought Kenneth ; and he sighed as he saw his father's face darken . Not that there was the faintest sign of poverty around , for the room was tastily furnished in good old style ; the carpet was thick , a silver coffee-pot glistened upon the table , and around the walls were goodly paintings of ancestral Mackhais , from the bare-armed , scale-armoured chief who fought the Macdougals of Lome , down to Ronald Mackhai , who represented Ross-shire when King William sat upon the throne . " I ca n't help myself , " muttered The Mackhai at last . " Here , Ken , what were you going to do to-day ? " " I was going up the river after a salmon . " " Not to-day , my boy . Here , I 've news for you . Mr. Blande , my London solicitor , writes me word that his son is coming down--a boy about your age . " " Son--coming down ? Did you invite him , father ? " " Eh ? No : never mind that , " said The Mackhai hastily . " Coming down to stay with us a bit . Regular London boy . Not in very good health . You must be civil to him , Ken , and show him about a bit . " " Yes , father , " said Kenneth , who felt from his father's manner that the coming guest was not welcome . " He is coming by Glasgow , and then by the Grenadier . His father thinks the sea will do him good . Go and meet him . " " Yes , father . " " Tell them to get a room ready for him . " " Yes , father . " " Be as civil to him as you can , and--Pah ! " That ejaculation , pah ! came like an angry outburst , as The Mackhai gave the table a sharp blow , and rose and strode out of the room . Kenneth sat watching the door for a few moments . " Father's savage because he 's coming , " said Kenneth , whose eyes then fell upon a glass dish of marmalade , and , cutting a goodly slice of bread , he spread it with the yellow butter , and then spooned out a portion of the amber-hued preserve . " Bother the chap ! we do n't want him here . " Pe-au , pe-au , came a wailing whistle through the open window . " Ah , I hear you , old whaupie , but I can do it better than that , " said Kenneth to himself , as he repeated the whistle , in perfect imitation of the curlews which abounded near . The whistle was answered , and , with a good-tempered smile on his face , Kenneth rose from the table , after cutting another slice of bread , and laying it upon that in his plate , so as to form a sticky sandwich . " Scood ! " he cried from the window , and barelegged Scoodrach , who was seated upon a rock right below , with the waves splashing his feet , looked up and showed his white teeth . " Catch ! " " All right . " Down went the bread and marmalade , which the lad caught in his blue worsted bonnet , and was about to replace the same upon his curly red head , but the glutinous marmalade came off on one finger . This sticky finger he sucked as he stared at the bread , and , evidently coming to the conclusion that preserve and pomade were not synonymous terms , he began rapidly to put the sweet sandwich somewhere else . " I wish you had kept it in your bonnet , Scood . " The boy looked up and laughed , his mouth busy the while . " Father saw sax saumon in the black pool , " he cried eagerly . " Then they 'll have to stop , " said Kenneth gloomily . " Eh ? " " There 's a chap coming down from London . " " To fesh ? " " Suppose so . We 've got to go and meet him . " " With ta pony ? " " No , the boat ; coming by the Grenadier . " " Ou ay . " " It 's a great bother , Scood . " " But it 's a verra fine mornin ' for a sail , " said the boy , looking up and munching away . " But I did n't want to sail ; I wanted to fish . " " The fush can wait , tat she can . " " Oh , you ! " shouted Kenneth . " Wish I had something to throw at you . " " If she did , I 'd throw it back , " said Scoodrach , grinning . " I should like to catch you at it . There , go and get the boat . " " Plenty of time . " " Never mind that ; let 's be off and have a good sail first , as we have to go . " " Will she--will you tak ' the gun ? " " Of course I shall . Take the lines too , Scood ; we may get a mackerel . " The lad opened his large mouth , tucked in the last piece of marmalade , and then leaped off the stone on to the rock . " Scood ! " The boy stroked down his grey kilt , and looked up . " Put on your shoes and stockings . " " What for ? " " Because I tell you . Because there 's company coming . Be off ! " " She 's got a big hole in her stocking , and ta shoe hurts her heel . " " Be off and put them on , " roared Kenneth from the window . " I shall be ready in a quarter of an hour . " Scood nodded , and began to climb rapidly over the buttress of rock which ran down into the sea , the height to which the tide rose being marked by an encrustation of myriads of acorn barnacles , among which every now and then a limpet stood out like a boss , while below , in the clear water , a thick growth of weed turned the rock to a golden brown , and changed the tint of the transparent water . | Next chapter | | Contents | Created from a nineteenth or early twentieth century text by Athelstane E-Texts
Throughout the life of the El Camino , ad images emphasized both its sporty profile and its pickup truck-style rear , which was perfect for hauling groceries , furniture , or the kid's bicycles . The powers-that-be at Chevrolet tweaked this " all things to all men " formula throughout the vehicle's production years . In 1968 , these efforts resulted in the introduction of an SS package . This was essentially a carbon copy of the Chevelle Super Sport's options , including Chevy's legendary Turbo Jet 396 cubic inch engine . With this V8 monster under its hood , the El Camino could wrap up the quarter-mile in 14 seconds – respectable for the time and not too bad by today's standards . There was one crucial difference between the Chevelle and El Camino SS packages , however . Try as they might , builders could not adapt the Chevelle's heavy-duty rear anti-sway suspension to the hybrid truck-sports car frame . This was due to the fact that the El Camino was originally designed to haul freight , not burn rubber . It points out the problems that inevitably arise when a company tries to please everyone . The El Camino SS came closer than any other attempt to bridge divide between rebellious youth and responsible adulthood , however . For that alone , it deserves its place in automotive history .
Imogen Heap is best known for her ethereal voice and the ability to mix electronica , rock and pop . Here , she speaks with Megan M. Retka about her record company woes and having her bed set on fire ... MR : You 've had quite a formal musical history . You were trained as a classical pianist ? IH : First things first , was the piano . We had a piano at my parent's house in Essex , and I think as a kid you 'd obviously want to make noise on something , and thing that would make the most noise in my house was the piano . So , I used to play the piano very badly from as soon as I could reach [ it ] , and I do n't remember going to my first lesson . As far as I know , I 've always played the piano . And obviously I did n't at some point because I was , like , a baby , but I 've always felt like I 've played it . I guess , as a kid , I would just hear sounds and try and imitate them , and gradually as I became conscious that I was actually playing a piano and I wanted to learn more , that 's when my parents tried to get me lessons . I wanted to get lessons even before my feet would reach the pedal , [ but ] I could n't have my first lesson until my foot would reach the pedal . Luckily , I got there quicker than most because I 'm quite tall . So , I learned classically . I did all my lessons and I did my grades on the piano , and I learned about theory as well . Then , as I became a bit older , maybe about eight , I started learning cello . Well , actually I started learning the violin , but I hated the violin . You have to spend hours and hours rehearsing to get even a decent sound out of the violin , but luckily with the cello , it looks great instantly . Yeah , it 's not quite [ such a ] jarring , screechy noise . By this point , I kind of decided I wanted to be a composer . I wanted to compose and conduct orchestras and play pianos for orchestras and write for film - things like that . That was my plan as a kid . And then I thought , well if I learn a string instrument and a percussive instrument , then I need to learn a woodwind , so then I learned the clarinet . I tried to go one stage further and learn the trumpet , but that was n't to be . I stopped at brass . I really enjoyed writing and composing for instruments and the orchestra , and as a kid that was about the only subject that I really , you know , spend time on the homework and actually get excited about a string quartet . I think the other reason is , maybe partly , is that when I was a kid , I realised that the more instruments I played , the more academic lessons I could get out of . So , that was quite cool . Later , when I was about twelve , I went to a boarding school . The music school there , was really really amazing . They had loads of pianos - they had 24 pianos . I guess they really thought that people in the school would want to play the piano if they 've got all those hours to wile away after lessons . Of course , I was in there every night playing the piano , and soon realised that Mr. Dodge , was his name , had a toy room where he had a computer - an old Mac Classic . You could write notes and things like that on this program he had called Notator . I kind of realised that quite early on and was like , " Hmm . I really want to get into that . " But he said , " Well , you ca n't really use that until a bit later . " So , when it came to doing GCSEs , I then learned about this computer . I was thirteen when I did my GSCEs , because I was always a year ahead . I start using this gear when I was about thirteen . I did n't get on with my music master at all . It was just me and him in GCSE class . Just me and him . In a quiet , eerie room , pencils scribbling - it 's all very eerie . So , I 'd get there and talk to him , and after about five seconds we 'd be at each other 's throats arguing with each other - I was a bit of a rebel - so he was like , " Ok . I 've had about enough of you . Go into that room and make some music . " So , I 'd basically have an hour , three times a week , to read this massive manual of this computer , to figure out how to use it . As soon as I realised that I could do this with this computer - create like a whole orchestra without having to actually have an orchestra - I was hooked . From the beginning . That 's when my love of programming started . Throughout the years I just got better and better at it . Continue >> More Imogen Links : Upcoming gig tickets >> Bush Hall gig review >> Speak For Yourself album review >> Buy Speak For Yourself at Amazon . co. uk >> Hide & Seek vide
The 10X Extreme is a rather sharp looking cooler . Overall it does n't look or feel like it 's been fabricated from a tin can . Many CPU coolers have made the mistake of using low quality , thinner aluminum for their fins . It 's unlike many of the performance tower coolers in that it comes assembled with a mounted 120mm blue LED cooling fan of Zalman's choice . Many enthusiasts like to use fans of their own choice . However , if the 120mm fan used here is of decent quality , we see no reason why it will ever be an issue even amongst DIY enthusiasts . Overall , the 10X Extreme rather solid cooler . It 's roughly 5 inches wide by 6.25 inches tall x 4 inches deep . Most of that size comes from the fan frame which is actually more of a " cap " of sorts sitting on top with two small screws holding the fan in place . Basically , just for show but does add a nice finished quality to the product . Mentioned earlier , the cooler contains a controller known as the PWM Mate . The unique thing about the PWM Mate is that it can be disconnected from the cooler and act as a wired remote when coupled with the included extension cable . Users can allow the Mate to hang or mount on the back of their computer case for easier control . It saves you time from having to open and close the chassis . The entire cooler is made from or covered in what Zalman has dubbed " Black Pearl " Nickel Plating . We counted 5 full length U-shaped heat pipes running the full length and most the width of the cooler . The fins are noticeably thicker and make a rather tight fit , or connection , against the heat pipes than many other tower coolers . This should better help transfer heat from the pipes to the fins . Despite appearances , we definitely noticed the superb mirror like finish on the non-copper colored base . Copper has always proven to be the best material for heat sinks . And , the mirror finish ensures that there 's maximum transference of heat from the CPU to the base as well as through the heat pipes . We think you 've patiently drooled long enough . Let 's see what this beauty can do . Installation Notes and Test Setup First , our test system was thoroughly cleaned and prepped using Artic Clean's products . To eliminate any variables between test coolers , a third party compound from Artic Silver 5 was used in place of Zalman's thermal compound . No doubt that Zalman's would be the ideal choice over any generic compounds , but we want to present the most uniform test experience . The manual was clear on which LGA1366 components to use . The black bracket was a little loose even with the washer and screws thoroughly tightened . We figure the motherboard's PCB is just a little thinner than the boards Zalman's engineers used in development . While it should n't affect performance , we did n't want to take a chance , so an extra washer was added to each bottom bolt to tighten it up nicely . The only sticky point was getting the top chrome fastening plate oriented properly while setting the cooler on the CPU . It can be tricky so take your time , eye the placement as best you can as you set it in place . After tightening the screws , it was extremely secure without any movement . Just what we like to see . Our hexa-core processor is a beast of a processor . It can get pretty warm pushing any cooler to its thermal limits . If this performance grade CPU cooler can cool the Core i7-980X , it will easily cool any other processor available , including AMD's upcoming Phenom II X6s . Image Gallery
AUTHORS Michael Massimi & Daniela Rosner ABSTRACT Technology increasingly plays a role in the way that we prepare for , celebrate , and reflect upon major life events . Modern digital artefacts , such as Facebook messages and digital photos , now stand alongside traditional artefacts , such as guest books and heirloom jewellery , as cherished mementos of these occasions . Considering how these physical artefacts are crafted provides a useful lens for understanding the evolving relationship among digital tools , the artefacts they produce , and the major life events where these artefacts are used and imbued with meaning . In this paper , we present themes from an interview study conducted with crafters who created items for major life events including weddings , household moves , and births . Our findings outline properties of the crafting process and of the crafted items . Across all occasions , crafters saw major life events as opportunities to learn new skills and use special materials to create personalized artefacts that codified and extended interpersonal relationships . This occurred in parallel with a creative , thoughtful process to make crafts that were appropriate for each occasion and meaningful enough to be kept and treasured for years to come . We reflect on the properties of these crafters' processes and artefacts , and suggest implications for the role of digital tools and assets in relation to major life events . In particular , digital ways to reveal an artefact's provenance and relationship to an event may be useful for augmenting its symbolic meaning and its ability to represent interpersonal relationships .
Sometimes it 's hard to get a handle on the vastness of the universe . How far is an astronomical unit , anyhow ? In this list we 've brought the universe down to a more manageable scale . NASA The universe is a big place , but let 's cut it down to size by making the Earth the size of a Ping-Pong ball . On that scale it would be placed 500 yards ( 460 meters ) from the Sun . NASA The Sun would be a little over 14 feet ( 4 meters ) in diameter , about the size of a large gazebo . Photo NASA / JPL / Caltech ( NASA photo # PIA00405 ) On this scale the Moon would be a marble 4 feet ( 1 . 2 meters ) from Earth . NASA / JPL The planet Mercury would be the size of a large marble 2 ( gridiron ) football fields away from the Sun . NASA / JPL Venus would approximate a Ping-Pong ball placed 375 yards ( 340 meters ; slightly less than 2 blocks ) from the Sun . NASA / JPL / Malin Space Science Systems Mars would be a gumball sitting 3 1 ⁄ 4 blocks from the Sun . Photo NASA / JPL / Caltech ( NASA photo # PIA00343 ) Jupiter would be a large beach ball situated 1.5 miles ( 2 . 4 kilometers ) from the Sun . Photo AURA / STScI / NASA / JPL ( NASA photo # PIA01464 , STScI-PRC94-53 ) Saturn would be a slightly smaller beach ball located 2.8 miles ( 4 . 5 kilometers ) from the Sun . Erich Karkoschka , University of Arizona and NASA The planet Uranus would be the size of a cantaloupe placed 5.6 miles ( 9 kilometers ) from the Sun . Jet Propulsion Laboratory / National Aeronautics and Space Administration Neptune would be approximately the size of a medium acorn squash 8.8 miles ( 14 kilometers ) from the Sun . Ronald Zincone – VWPics / SuperStock The nearest star , Proxima Centauri , has to be placed 78,450 miles ( 126 , 250 kilometers ) from the Sun on this scale ! NASA / JPL-Caltech / UCLA Andromeda , the nearest spiral galaxy , would be 47,000,000,000 miles ( 76 , 000 , 000 , 000 kilometers ) away on this scale !
Any further increases after this date will be at the discretion of the Government and will be announced nearer the time . Any personal contributions you make or any contributions paid by a third party on your behalf , will be paid net of the UK basic rate income tax applicable in the year the contribution is paid , providing that contributions meet the conditions set by HMRC . Any contributions paid by your employer , if applicable , will be paid gross . This means that no tax relief is due to you or your plan on these contributions however your employer may be entitled to claim tax relief .
The next day Rastignac dressed himself very elegantly , and about three o ' clock in the afternoon went to call on Mme . de Restaud . On the way thither he indulged in the wild intoxicating dreams which fill a young head so full of delicious excitement . Young men at his age take no account of obstacles nor of dangers ; they see success in every direction ; imagination has free play , and turns their lives into a romance ; they are saddened or discouraged by the collapse of one of the visionary schemes that have no existence save in their heated fancy . If youth were not ignorant and timid , civilization would be impossible . Eugene took unheard-of pains to keep himself in a spotless condition , but on his way through the streets he began to think about Mme . de Restaud and what he should say to her . He equipped himself with wit , rehearsed repartees in the course of an imaginary conversation , and prepared certain neat speeches a la Talleyrand , conjuring up a series of small events which should prepare the way for the declaration on which he had based his future ; and during these musings the law student was bespattered with mud , and by the time he reached the Palais Royal he was obliged to have his boots blacked and his trousers brushed . " If I were rich , " he said , as he changed the five-franc piece he had brought with him in case anything might happen , " I would take a cab , then I could think at my ease . " At last he reached the Rue du Helder , and asked for the Comtesse de Restaud . He bore the contemptuous glances of the servants , who had seen him cross the court on foot , with the cold fury of a man who knows that he will succeed some day . He understood the meaning of their glances at once , for he had felt his inferiority as soon as he entered the court , where a smart cab was waiting . All the delights of life in Paris seemed to be implied by this visible and manifest sign of luxury and extravagance . A fine horse , in magnificent harness , was pawing the ground , and all at once the law student felt out of humor with himself . Every compartment in his brain which he had thought to find so full of wit was bolted fast ; he grew positively stupid . He sent up his name to the Countess , and waited in the ante-chamber , standing on one foot before a window that looked out upon the court ; mechanically he leaned his elbow against the sash , and stared before him . The time seemed long ; he would have left the house but for the southern tenacity of purpose which works miracles when it is single-minded . " Madame is in her boudoir , and can not see any one at present , sir , " said the servant . " She gave me no answer ; but if you will go into the dining-room , there is some one already there . " Rastignac was impressed with a sense of the formidable power of the lackey who can accuse or condemn his masters by a word ; he coolly opened the door by which the man had just entered the ante-chamber , meaning , no doubt , to show these insolent flunkeys that he was familiar with the house ; but he found that he had thoughtlessly precipitated himself into a small room full of dressers , where lamps were standing , and hot-water pipes , on which towels were being dried ; a dark passage and a back staircase lay beyond it . Stifled laughter from the ante-chamber added to his confusion . " This way to the drawing-room , sir , " said the servant , with the exaggerated respect which seemed to be one more jest at his expense . Eugene turned so quickly that he stumbled against a bath . By good luck , he managed to keep his hat on his head , and saved it from immersion in the water ; but just as he turned , a door opened at the further end of the dark passage , dimly lighted by a small lamp . Rastignac heard voices and the sound of a kiss ; one of the speakers was Mme . de Restaud , the other was Father Goriot . Eugene followed the servant through the dining-room into the drawing-room ; he went to a window that looked out into the courtyard , and stood there for a while . He meant to know whether this Goriot was really the Goriot that he knew . His heart beat unwontedly fast ; he remembered Vautrin's hideous insinuations . A well-dressed young man suddenly emerged from the room almost as Eugene entered it , saying impatiently to the servant who stood at the door : " I am going , Maurice . Tell Madame la Comtesse that I waited more than half an hour for her . " Whereupon this insolent being , who , doubtless , had a right to be insolent , sang an Italian trill , and went towards the window where Eugene was standing , moved thereto quite as much by a desire to see the student's face as by a wish to look out into the courtyard . " But M. le Comte had better wait a moment longer ; madame is disengaged , " said Maurice , as he returned to the ante-chamber . Just at that moment Father Goriot appeared close to the gate ; he had emerged from a door at the foot of the back staircase . The worthy soul was preparing to open his umbrella regardless of the fact that the great gate had opened to admit a tilbury , in which a young man with a ribbon at his button-hole was seated . Father Goriot had scarcely time to start back and save himself . The horse took fright at the umbrella , swerved , and dashed forward towards the flight of steps . The young man looked round in annoyance , saw Father Goriot , and greeted him as he went out with constrained courtesy , such as people usually show to a money-lender so long as they require his services , or the sort of respect they feel it necessary to show for some one whose reputation has been blown upon , so that they blush to acknowledge his acquaintance . Father Goriot gave him a little friendly nod and a good-natured smile . All this happened with lightning speed . Eugene was so deeply interested that he forgot that he was not alone till he suddenly heard the Countess' voice . " Oh ! Maxime , were you going away ? " she said reproachfully , with a shade of pique in her manner . The Countess had not seen the incident nor the entrance of the tilbury . Rastignac turned abruptly and saw her standing before him , coquettishly dressed in a loose white cashmere gown with knots of rose-colored ribbon here and there ; her hair was carelessly coiled about her head , as is the wont of Parisian women in the morning ; there was a soft fragrance about her--doubtless she was fresh from a bath ; -- her graceful form seemed more flexible , her beauty more luxuriant . Her eyes glistened . A young man can see everything at a glance ; he feels the radiant influence of woman as a plant discerns and absorbs its nutriment from the air ; he did not need to touch her hands to feel their cool freshness . He saw faint rose tints through the cashmere of the dressing gown ; it had fallen slightly open , giving glimpses of a bare throat , on which the student's eyes rested . The Countess had no need of the adventitious aid of corsets ; her girdle defined the outlines of her slender waist ; her throat was a challenge to love ; her feet , thrust into slippers , were daintily small . As Maxime took her hand and kissed it , Eugene became aware of Maxime's existence , and the Countess saw Eugene . " Oh ! is that you M. de Rastignac ? I am very glad to see you , " she said , but there was something in her manner that a shrewd observer would have taken as a hint to depart . Maxime , as the Countess Anastasie had called the young man with the haughty insolence of bearing , looked from Eugene to the lady , and from the lady to Eugene ; it was sufficiently evident that he wished to be rid of the latter . An exact and faithful rendering of the glance might be given in the words : " Look here , my dear ; I hope you intend to send this little whipper-snapper about his business . " The Countess consulted the young man's face with an intent submissiveness that betrays all the secrets of a woman's heart , and Rastignac all at once began to hate him violently . To begin with , the sight of the fair carefully arranged curls on the other 's comely head had convinced him that his own crop was hideous ; Maxime's boots , moreover , were elegant and spotless , while his own , in spite of all his care , bore some traces of his recent walk ; and , finally , Maxime's overcoat fitted the outline of his figure gracefully , he looked like a pretty woman , while Eugene was wearing a black coat at half-past two . The quick-witted child of the Charente felt the disadvantage at which he was placed beside this tall , slender dandy , with the clear gaze and the pale face , one of those men who would ruin orphan children without scruple . Mme . de Restaud fled into the next room without waiting for Eugene to speak ; shaking out the skirts of her dressing-gown in her flight , so that she looked like a white butterfly , and Maxime hurried after her . Eugene , in a fury , followed Maxime and the Countess , and the three stood once more face to face by the hearth in the large drawing-room . The law student felt quite sure that the odious Maxime found him in the way , and even at the risk of displeasing Mme . de Restaud , he meant to annoy the dandy . It had struck him all at once that he had seen the young man before at Mme . de Beauseant's ball ; he guessed the relation between Maxime and Mme . de Restaud ; and with the youthful audacity that commits prodigious blunders or achieves signal success , he said to himself , " This is my rival ; I mean to cut him out . " Rash resolve ! He did not know that M. le Comte Maxime de Trailles would wait till he was insulted , so as to fire first and kill his man . Eugene was a sportsman and a good shot , but he had not yet hit the bulls's eye twenty times out of twenty-two . The young Count dropped into a low chair by the hearth , took up the tongs , and made up the fire so violently and so sulkily , that Anastasie's fair face suddenly clouded over . She turned to Eugene , with a cool , questioning glance that asked plainly , " Why do you not go ? " a glance which well-bred people regard as a cue to make their exit . Eugene assumed an amiable expression . " Madame , " he began , " I hastened to call upon you ---- " He stopped short . The door opened , and the owner of the tilbury suddenly appeared . He had left his hat outside , and did not greet the Countess ; he looked meditatively at Rastignac , and held out his hand to Maxime with a cordial " Good morning , " that astonished Eugene not a little . The young provincial did not understand the amenities of a triple alliance . " M. de Restaud , " said the Countess , introducing her husband to the law student . Eugene bowed profoundly . " This gentleman , " she continued , presenting Eugene to her husband , " is M. de Rastignac ; he is related to Mme . la Vicomtesse de Beauseant through the Marcillacs ; I had the pleasure of meeting him at her last ball . " _Related to Mme . la Vicomtesse de Beauseant through the Marcillacs ! _ These words , on which the countess threw ever so slight an emphasis , by reason of the pride that the mistress of a house takes in showing that she only receives people of distinction as visitors in her house , produced a magical effect . The Count's stiff manner relaxed at once as he returned the student's bow . " Delighted to have an opportunity of making your acquaintance , " he said . Maxime de Trailles himself gave Eugene an uneasy glance , and suddenly dropped his insolent manner . The mighty name had all the power of a fairy's wand ; those closed compartments in the southern brain flew open again ; Rastignac's carefully drilled faculties returned . It was as if a sudden light had pierced the obscurity of this upper world of Paris , and he began to see , though everything was indistinct as yet . Mme . Vauquer's lodging-house and Father Goriot were very far remote from his thoughts . " I thought that the Marcillacs were extinct , " the Comte de Restaud said , addressing Eugene . " Yes , they are extinct , " answered the law student . " My great-uncle , the Chevalier de Rastignac , married the heiress of the Marcillac family . They had only one daughter , who married the Marechal de Clarimbault , Mme . de Beauseant's grandfather on the mother's side . We are the younger branch of the family , and the younger branch is all the poorer because my great-uncle , the Vice-Admiral , lost all that he had in the King's service . The Government during the Revolution refused to admit our claims when the Compagnie des Indes was liquidated . " " Was not your great-uncle in command of the _Vengeur_ before 1789 ? " " Yes . " " Then he would be acquainted with my grandfather , who commanded the _Warwick_ . " Maxime looked at Mme . de Restaud and shrugged his shoulders , as who should say , " If he is going to discuss nautical matters with that fellow , it is all over with us . " Anastasie understood the glance that M. de Trailles gave her . With a woman's admirable tact , she began to smile and said : " Come with me , Maxime ; I have something to say to you . We will leave you two gentlemen to sail in company on board the _Warwick_ and the _Vengeur_ . " She rose to her feet and signed to Maxime to follow her , mirth and mischief in her whole attitude , and the two went in the direction of the boudoir . The _morganatic_ couple ( to use a convenient German expression which has no exact equivalent ) had reached the door , when the Count interrupted himself in his talk with Eugene . " Anastasie ! " he cried pettishly , " just stay a moment , dear ; you know very well that ---- " " I am coming back in a minute , " she interrupted ; " I have a commission for Maxime to execute , and I want to tell him about it . " She came back almost immediately . She had noticed the inflection in her husband's voice , and knew that it would not be safe to retire to the boudoir ; like all women who are compelled to study their husbands' characters in order to have their own way , and whose business it is to know exactly how far they can go without endangering a good understanding , she was very careful to avoid petty collisions in domestic life . It was Eugene who had brought about this untoward incident ; so the Countess looked at Maxime and indicated the law student with an air of exasperation . M. de Trailles addressed the Count , the Countess , and Eugene with the pointed remark , " You are busy , I do not want to interrupt you ; good-day , " and he went . " Just wait a moment , Maxime ! " the Count called after him . " Come and dine with us , " said the Countess , leaving Eugene and her husband together once more . She followed Maxime into the little drawing-room , where they sat together sufficiently long to feel sure that Rastignac had taken his leave . The law student heard their laughter , and their voices , and the pauses in their talk ; he grew malicious , exerted his conversational powers for M. de Restaud , flattered him , and drew him into discussions , to the end that he might see the Countess again and discover the nature of her relations with Father Goriot . This Countess with a husband and a lover , for Maxime clearly was her lover , was a mystery . What was the secret tie that bound her to the old tradesman ? This mystery he meant to penetrate , hoping by its means to gain a sovereign ascendency over this fair typical Parisian . " Anastasie ! " the Count called again to his wife . " Poor Maxime ! " she said , addressing the young man . " Come , we must resign ourselves . This evening ---- " " I hope , Nasie , " he said in her ear , " that you will give orders not to admit that youngster , whose eyes light up like live coals when he looks at you . He will make you a declaration , and compromise you , and then you will compel me to kill him . " " Are you mad , Maxime ? " she said . " A young lad of a student is , on the contrary , a capital lightning-conductor ; is not that so ? Of course , I mean to make Restaud furiously jealous of him . " Maxime burst out laughing , and went out , followed by the Countess , who stood at the window to watch him into his carriage ; he shook his whip , and made his horse prance . She only returned when the great gate had been closed after him . " What do you think , dear ? " cried the Count , her husband , " this gentleman's family estate is not far from Verteuil , on the Charente ; his great-uncle and my grandfather were acquainted . " " Delighted to find that we have acquaintances in common , " said the Countess , with a preoccupied manner . " More than you think , " said Eugene , in a low voice . " What do you mean ? " she asked quickly . " Why , only just now , " said the student , " I saw a gentleman go out at the gate , Father Goriot , my next door neighbor in the house where I am lodging . " At the sound of this name , and the prefix that embellished it , the Count , who was stirring the fire , let the tongs fall as though they had burned his fingers , and rose to his feet . " Sir , " he cried , " you might have called him ' Monsieur Goriot ' ! " The Countess turned pale at first at the sight of her husband's vexation , then she reddened ; clearly she was embarrassed , her answer was made in a tone that she tried to make natural , and with an air of assumed carelessness : " You could not know any one who is dearer to us both ... " She broke off , glanced at the piano as if some fancy had crossed her mind , and asked , " Are you fond of music , M. de Rastignac ? " " Exceedingly , " answered Eugene , flushing , and disconcerted by a dim suspicion that he had somehow been guilty of a clumsy piece of folly . " Do you sing ? " she cried , going to the piano , and , sitting down before it , she swept her fingers over the keyboard from end to end . R-r-r-rah ! " No , madame . " The Comte de Restaud walked to and fro . " That is a pity ; you are without one great means of success . -- _Ca-ro , ca-a-ro , ca-a-a-ro , non du-bi-ta-re_ , " sang the Countess . Eugene had a second time waved a magic wand when he uttered Goriot's name , but the effect seemed to be entirely opposite to that produced by the formula " related to Mme . de Beauseant . " His position was not unlike that of some visitor permitted as a favor to inspect a private collection of curiosities , when by inadvertence he comes into collision with a glass case full of sculptured figures , and three or four heads , imperfectly secured , fall at the shock . He wished the earth would open and swallow him . Mme . de Restaud's expression was reserved and chilly , her eyes had grown indifferent , and sedulously avoided meeting those of the unlucky student of law . " Madame , " he said , " you wish to talk with M. de Restaud ; permit me to wish you good-day ---- " The Countess interrupted him by a gesture , saying hastily , " Whenever you come to see us , both M. de Restaud and I shall be delighted to see you . " Eugene made a profound bow and took his leave , followed by M. de Restaud , who insisted , in spite of his remonstrances , on accompanying him into the hall . " Neither your mistress nor I are at home to that gentleman when he calls , " the Count said to Maurice . As Eugene set foot on the steps , he saw that it was raining . " Come , " said he to himself , " somehow I have just made a mess of it , I do not know how . And now I am going to spoil my hat and coat into the bargain . I ought to stop in my corner , grind away at law , and never look to be anything but a boorish country magistrate . How can I go into society , when to manage properly you want a lot of cabs , varnished boots , gold watch chains , and all sorts of things ; you have to wear white doeskin gloves that cost six francs in the morning , and primrose kid gloves every evening ? A fig for that old humbug of a Goriot ! " When he reached the street door , the driver of a hackney coach , who had probably just deposited a wedding party at their door , and asked nothing better than a chance of making a little money for himself without his employer's knowledge , saw that Eugene had no umbrella , remarked his black coat , white waistcoat , yellow gloves , and varnished boots , and stopped and looked at him inquiringly . Eugene , in the blind desperation that drives a young man to plunge deeper and deeper into an abyss , as if he might hope to find a fortunate issue in its lowest depths , nodded in reply to the driver's signal , and stepped into the cab ; a few stray petals of orange blossom and scraps of wire bore witness to its recent occupation by a wedding party . " Where am I to drive , sir ? " demanded the man , who , by this time , had taken off his white gloves . " Confound it ! " Eugene said to himself , " I am in for it now , and at least I will not spend cab-hire for nothing ! -- Drive to the Hotel Beauseant , " he said aloud . " Which ? " asked the man , a portentous word that reduced Eugene to confusion . This young man of fashion , species incerta , did not know that there were two Hotels Beauseant ; he was not aware how rich he was in relations who did not care about him . " The Vicomte de Beauseant , Rue ---- " " De Grenelle , " interrupted the driver , with a jerk of his head . " You see , there are the hotels of the Marquis and Comte de Beauseant in the Rue Saint-Dominique , " he added , drawing up the step . " I know all about that , " said Eugene , severely . -- " Everybody is laughing at me to-day , it seems ! " he said to himself , as he deposited his hat on the opposite seat . " This escapade will cost me a king's ransom , but , at any rate , I shall call on my so-called cousin in a thoroughly aristocratic fashion . Goriot has cost me ten francs already , the old scoundrel . My word ! I will tell Mme . de Beauseant about my adventure ; perhaps it may amuse her . Doubtless she will know the secret of the criminal relation between that handsome woman and the old rat without a tail . It would be better to find favor in my cousin's eyes than to come in contact with that shameless woman , who seems to me to have very expensive tastes . Surely the beautiful Vicomtesse's personal interest would turn the scale for me , when the mere mention of her name produces such an effect . Let us look higher . If you set yourself to carry the heights of heaven , you must face God . " The innumerable thoughts that surged through his brain might be summed up in these phrases . He grew calmer , and recovered something of his assurance as he watched the falling rain . He told himself that though he was about to squander two of the precious five-franc pieces that remained to him , the money was well laid out in preserving his coat , boots , and hat ; and his cabman's cry of " Gate , if you please , " almost put him in spirits . A Swiss , in scarlet and gold , appeared , the great door groaned on its hinges , and Rastignac , with sweet satisfaction , beheld his equipage pass under the archway and stop before the flight of steps beneath the awning . The driver , in a blue-and-red greatcoat , dismounted and let down the step . As Eugene stepped out of the cab , he heard smothered laughter from the peristyle . Three or four lackeys were making merry over the festal appearance of the vehicle . In another moment the law student was enlightened as to the cause of their hilarity ; he felt the full force of the contrast between his equipage and one of the smartest broughams in Paris ; a coachman , with powdered hair , seemed to find it difficult to hold a pair of spirited horses , who stood chafing the bit . In Mme . de Restaud's courtyard , in the Chaussee d ' Antin , he had seen the neat turnout of a young man of six-and-twenty ; in the Faubourg Saint-Germain he found the luxurious equipage of a man of rank ; thirty thousand francs would not have purchased it . " Who can be here ? " said Eugene to himself . He began to understand , though somewhat tardily , that he must not expect to find many women in Paris who were not already appropriated , and that the capture of one of these queens would be likely to cost something more than bloodshed . " Confound it all ! I expect my cousin also has her Maxime . " He went up the steps , feeling that he was a blighted being . The glass door was opened for him ; the servants were as solemn as jackasses under the curry comb . So far , Eugene had only been in the ballroom on the ground floor of the Hotel Beauseant ; the fete had followed so closely on the invitation , that he had not had time to call on his cousin , and had therefore never seen Mme . de Beauseant's apartments ; he was about to behold for the first time a great lady among the wonderful and elegant surroundings that reveal her character and reflect her daily life . He was the more curious , because Mme . de Restaud's drawing-room had provided him with a standard of comparison . At half-past four the Vicomtesse de Beauseant was visible . Five minutes earlier she would not have received her cousin , but Eugene knew nothing of the recognized routine of various houses in Paris . He was conducted up the wide , white-painted , crimson-carpeted staircase , between the gilded balusters and masses of flowering plants , to Mme . de Beauseant's apartments . He did not know the rumor current about Mme . de Beauseant , one of the biographies told , with variations , in whispers , every evening in the salons of Paris . For three years past her name had been spoken of in connection with that of one of the most wealthy and distinguished Portuguese nobles , the Marquis d ' Ajuda-Pinto . It was one of those innocent _liaisons_ which possess so much charm for the two thus attached to each other that they find the presence of a third person intolerable . The Vicomte de Beauseant , therefore , had himself set an example to the rest of the world by respecting , with as good a grace as might be , this morganatic union . Any one who came to call on the Vicomtesse in the early days of this friendship was sure to find the Marquis d ' Ajuda-Pinto there . As , under the circumstances , Mme . de Beauseant could not very well shut her door against these visitors , she gave them such a cold reception , and showed so much interest in the study of the ceiling , that no one could fail to understand how much he bored her ; and when it became known in Paris that Mme . de Beauseant was bored by callers between two and four o ' clock , she was left in perfect solitude during that interval . She went to the Bouffons or to the Opera with M. de Beauseant and M. d ' Ajuda-Pinto ; and M. de Beauseant , like a well-bred man of the world , always left his wife and the Portuguese as soon as he had installed them . But M. d ' Ajuda-Pinto must marry , and a Mlle . de Rochefide was the young lady . In the whole fashionable world there was but one person who as yet knew nothing of the arrangement , and that was Mme . de Beauseant . Some of her friends had hinted at the possibility , and she had laughed at them , believing that envy had prompted those ladies to try to make mischief . And now , though the bans were about to be published , and although the handsome Portuguese had come that day to break the news to the Vicomtesse , he had not found courage as yet to say one word about his treachery . How was it ? Nothing is doubtless more difficult than the notification of an ultimatum of this kind . There are men who feel more at their ease when they stand up before another man who threatens their lives with sword or pistol than in the presence of a woman who , after two hours of lamentations and reproaches , falls into a dead swoon and requires salts . At this moment , therefore , M. d ' Ajuda-Pinto was on thorns , and anxious to take his leave . He told himself that in some way or other the news would reach Mme . de Beauseant ; he would write , it would be much better to do it by letter , and not to utter the words that should stab her to the heart . So when the servant announced M. Eugene de Rastignac , the Marquis d ' Ajuda-Pinto trembled with joy . To be sure , a loving woman shows even more ingenuity in inventing doubts of her lover than in varying the monotony of his happiness ; and when she is about to be forsaken , she instinctively interprets every gesture as rapidly as Virgil's courser detected the presence of his companion by snuffing the breeze . It was impossible , therefore , that Mme . de Beauseant should not detect that involuntary thrill of satisfaction ; slight though it was , it was appalling in its artlessness . Eugene had yet to learn that no one in Paris should present himself in any house without first making himself acquainted with the whole history of its owner , and of its owner's wife and family , so that he may avoid making any of the terrible blunders which in Poland draw forth the picturesque exclamation , " Harness five bullocks to your cart ! " probably because you will need them all to pull you out of the quagmire into which a false step has plunged you . If , down to the present day , our language has no name for these conversational disasters , it is probably because they are believed to be impossible , the publicity given in Paris to every scandal is so prodigious . After the awkward incident at Mme . de Restaud's , no one but Eugene could have reappeared in his character of bullock-driver in Mme . de Beauseant's drawing-room . But if Mme . de Restaud and M. de Trailles had found him horribly in the way , M. d ' Ajuda hailed his coming with relief . " Good-bye , " said the Portuguese , hurrying to the door , as Eugene made his entrance into a dainty little pink-and-gray drawing-room , where luxury seemed nothing more than good taste . " Until this evening , " said Mme . de Beauseant , turning her head to give the Marquis a glance . " We are going to the Bouffons , are we not ? " " I can not go , " he said , with his fingers on the door handle . Mme . de Beauseant rose and beckoned to him to return . She did not pay the slightest attention to Eugene , who stood there dazzled by the sparkling marvels around him ; he began to think that this was some story out of the Arabian Nights made real , and did not know where to hide himself , when the woman before him seemed to be unconscious of his existence . The Vicomtesse had raised the forefinger of her right hand , and gracefully signed to the Marquis to seat himself beside her . The Marquis felt the imperious sway of passion in her gesture ; he came back towards her . Eugene watched him , not without a feeling of envy . " That is the owner of the brougham ! " he said to himself . " But is it necessary to have a pair of spirited horses , servants in livery , and torrents of gold to draw a glance from a woman here in Paris ? " The demon of luxury gnawed at his heart , greed burned in his veins , his throat was parched with the thirst of gold . He had a hundred and thirty francs every quarter . His father , mother , brothers , sisters , and aunt did not spend two hundred francs a month among them . This swift comparison between his present condition and the aims he had in view helped to benumb his faculties . " Why not ? " the Vicomtesse was saying , as she smiled at the Portuguese . " Why can not you come to the Italiens ? " " Affairs ! I am to dine with the English Ambassador . " " Throw him over . " When a man once enters on a course of deception , he is compelled to add lie to lie . M. d ' Ajuda therefore said , smiling , " Do you lay your commands on me ? " " Yes , certainly . " " That was what I wanted to have you say to me , " he answered , dissembling his feelings in a glance which would have reassured any other woman . He took the Vicomtesse's hand , kissed it , and went . Eugene ran his fingers through his hair , and constrained himself to bow . He thought that now Mme . de Beauseant would give him her attention ; but suddenly she sprang forward , rushed to a window in the gallery , and watched M. d ' Ajuda step into his carriage ; she listened to the order that he gave , and heard the Swiss repeat it to the coachman : " To M. de Rochefide's house . " Those words , and the way in which M. d ' Ajuda flung himself back in the carriage , were like a lightning flash and a thunderbolt for her ; she walked back again with a deadly fear gnawing at her heart . The most terrible catastrophes only happen among the heights . The Vicomtesse went to her own room , sat down at a table , and took up a sheet of dainty notepaper . " When , instead of dining with the English Ambassador , " she wrote , " you go to the Rochefides , you owe me an explanation , which I am waiting to hear . " She retraced several of the letters , for her hand was trembling so that they were indistinct ; then she signed the note with an initial C for " Claire de Bourgogne , " and rang the bell . " Jacques , " she said to the servant , who appeared immediately , " take this note to M. de Rochefide's house at half-past seven and ask for the Marquis d ' Ajuda . If M. d ' Ajuda is there , leave the note without waiting for an answer ; if he is not there , bring the note back to me . " " Madame la Vicomtess , there is a visitor in the drawing-room . " " Ah ! yes , of course , " she said , opening the door . Eugene was beginning to feel very uncomfortable , but at last the Vicomtesse appeared ; she spoke to him , and the tremulous tones of her voice vibrated through his heart . " Pardon me , monsieur , " she said ; " I had a letter to write . Now I am quite at liberty . " She scarcely knew what she was saying , for even as she spoke she thought , " Ah ! he means to marry Mlle . de Rochefide ? But is he still free ? This evening the marriage shall be broken off , or else ... But before to-morrow I shall know . " " Cousin ... " the student replied . " Eh ? " said the Countess , with an insolent glance that sent a cold shudder through Eugene ; he understood what that " Eh ? " meant ; he had learned a great deal in three hours , and his wits were on the alert . He reddened : " Madame ... " he began ; he hesitated a moment , and then went on . " Pardon me ; I am in such need of protection that the nearest scrap of relationship could do me no harm . " Mme . de Beauseant smiled but there was sadness in her smile ; even now she felt forebodings of the coming pain , the air she breathed was heavy with the storm that was about to burst . " If you knew how my family are situated , " he went on , " you would love to play the part of a beneficent fairy godmother who graciously clears the obstacles from the path of her protege . " " Well , cousin , " she said , laughing , " and how can I be of service to you ? " " But do I know even that ? I am distantly related to you , and this obscure and remote relationship is even now a perfect godsend to me . You have confused my ideas ; I can not remember the things that I meant to say to you . I know no one else here in Paris .... Ah ! if I could only ask you to counsel me , ask you to look upon me as a poor child who would fain cling to the hem of your dress , who would lay down his life for you . " " Would you kill a man for me ? " " Two , " said Eugene . " You , child . Yes , you are a child , " she said , keeping back the tears that came to her eyes ; " you would love sincerely . " " Oh ! " he cried , flinging up his head . The audacity of the student's answer interested the Vicomtesse in him . The southern brain was beginning to scheme for the first time . Between Mme . de Restaud's blue boudoir and Mme . de Beauseant's rose-colored drawing-room he had made a three years' advance in a kind of law which is not a recognized study in Paris , although it is a sort of higher jurisprudence , and , when well understood , is a highroad to success of every kind . " Ah ! that is what I meant to say ! " said Eugene . " I met Mme . de Restaud at your ball , and this morning I went to see her . " You must have been very much in the way , " said Mme . de Beauseant , smiling as she spoke . " Yes , indeed . I am a novice , and my blunders will set every one against me , if you do not give me your counsel . I believe that in Paris it is very difficult to meet with a young , beautiful , and wealthy woman of fashion who would be willing to teach me , what you women can explain so well--life . I shall find a M. de Trailles everywhere . So I have come to you to ask you to give me a key to a puzzle , to entreat you to tell me what sort of blunder I made this morning . I mentioned an old man ---- " " Madame la Duchess de Langeais , " Jacques cut the student short ; Eugene gave expression to his intense annoyance by a gesture . " If you mean to succeed , " said the Vicomtesse in a low voice , " in the first place you must not be so demonstrative . " " Ah ! good morning , dear , " she continued , and rising and crossing the room , she grasped the Duchess' hands as affectionately as if they had been sisters ; the Duchess responded in the prettiest and most gracious way . " Two intimate friends ! " said Rastignac to himself . " Henceforward I shall have two protectresses ; those two women are great friends , no doubt , and this newcomer will doubtless interest herself in her friend's cousin . " " To what happy inspiration do I owe this piece of good fortune , dear Antoinette ? " asked Mme . de Beauseant . " Well , I saw M. d ' Ajuda-Pinto at M. de Rochefide's door , so I thought that if I came I should find you alone . " Mme . de Beauseant's mouth did not tighten , her color did not rise , her expression did not alter , or rather , her brow seemed to clear as the Duchess uttered those deadly words . " If I had known that you were engaged ---- " the speaker added , glancing at Eugene . " This gentleman is M. Eugene de Rastignac , one of my cousins , " said the Vicomtesse . " Have you any news of General de Montriveau ? " she continued . " Serizy told me yesterday that he never goes anywhere now ; has he been to see you to-day ? " It was believed that the Duchess was desperately in love with M. de Montriveau , and that he was a faithless lover ; she felt the question in her very heart , and her face flushed as she answered : " He was at the Elysee yesterday . " " In attendance ? " " Claire , " returned the Duchess , and hatred overflowed in the glances she threw at Mme . de Beauseant ; " of course you know that M. d ' Ajuda-Pinto is going to marry Mlle . de Rochefide ; the bans will be published to-morrow . " This thrust was too cruel ; the Vicomtesse's face grew white , but she answered , laughing , " One of those rumors that fools amuse themselves with . What should induce M. d ' Ajuda to take one of the noblest names in Portugal to the Rochefides ? The Rochefides were only ennobled yesterday . " " But Bertha will have two hundred thousand livres a year , they say . " " M. d ' Ajuda is too wealthy to marry for money . " " But , my dear , Mlle . de Rochefide is a charming girl . " " Indeed ? " " And , as a matter of fact , he is dining with them to-day ; the thing is settled . It is very surprising to me that you should know so little about it . " Mme . de Beauseant turned to Rastignac . " What was the blunder that you made , monsieur ? " she asked . " The poor boy is only just launched into the world , Antoinette , so that he understands nothing of all this that we are speaking of . Be merciful to him , and let us finish our talk to-morrow . Everything will be announced to-morrow , you know , and your kind informal communication can be accompanied by official confirmation . " The Duchess gave Eugene one of those insolent glances that measure a man from head to foot , and leave him crushed and annihilated . " Madame , I have unwittingly plunged a dagger into Mme . de Restaud's heart ; unwittingly--therein lies my offence , " said the student of law , whose keen brain had served him sufficiently well , for he had detected the biting epigrams that lurked beneath this friendly talk . " You continue to receive , possibly you fear , those who know the amount of pain that they deliberately inflict ; but a clumsy blunderer who has no idea how deeply he wounds is looked upon as a fool who does not know how to make use of his opportunities , and every one despises him . " Mme . de Beauseant gave the student a glance , one of those glances in which a great soul can mingle dignity and gratitude . It was like balm to the law student , who was still smarting under the Duchess' insolent scrutiny ; she had looked at him as an auctioneer might look at some article to appraise its value . " Imagine , too , that I had just made some progress with the Comte de Restaud ; for I should tell you , madame , " he went on , turning to the Duchess with a mixture of humility and malice in his manner , " that as yet I am only a poor devil of a student , very much alone in the world , and very poor ---- " " You should not tell us that , M. de Rastignac . We women never care about anything that no one else will take . " " Bah ! " said Eugene . " I am only two-and-twenty , and I must make up my mind to the drawbacks of my time of life . Besides , I am confessing my sins , and it would be impossible to kneel in a more charming confessional ; you commit your sins in one drawing-room , and receive absolution for them in another . " The Duchess' expression grew colder , she did not like the flippant tone of these remarks , and showed that she considered them to be in bad taste by turning to the Vicomtesse with -- " This gentleman has only just come ---- " Mme . de Beauseant began to laugh outright at her cousin and at the Duchess both . " He has only just come to Paris , dear , and is in search of some one who will give him lessons in good taste . " " Mme . la Duchesse , " said Eugene , " is it not natural to wish to be initiated into the mysteries which charm us ? " ( " Come , now , " he said to himself , " my language is superfinely elegant , I 'm sure . " ) " But Mme . de Restaud is herself , I believe , M. de Trailles' pupil , " said the Duchess . " Of that I had no idea , madame , " answered the law student , " so I rashly came between them . In fact , I got on very well with the lady's husband , and his wife tolerated me for a time until I took it into my head to tell them that I knew some one of whom I had just caught a glimpse as he went out by a back staircase , a man who had given the Countess a kiss at the end of a passage . " " Who was it ? " both women asked together . " An old man who lives at the rate of two louis a month in the Faubourg Saint-Marceau , where I , a poor student , lodge likewise . He is a truly unfortunate creature , everybody laughs at him--we all call him ' Father Goriot . ' " " Why , child that you are , " cried the Vicomtesse , " Mme . de Restaud was a Mlle . Goriot ! " " The daughter of a vermicelli manufacturer , " the Duchess added ; " and when the little creature went to Court , the daughter of a pastry-cook was presented on the same day . Do you remember , Claire ? The King began to laugh , and made some joke in Latin about flour . People--what was it ? -- people ---- " " _Ejusdem farinoe_ , " said Eugene . " Yes , that was it , " said the Duchess . " Oh ! is that her father ? " the law student continued , aghast . " Yes , certainly ; the old man had two daughters ; he dotes on them , so to speak , though they will scarcely acknowledge him . " " Did n't the second daughter marry a banker with a German name ? " the Vicomtesse asked , turning to Mme . de Langeais , " a Baron de Nucingen ? And her name is Delphine , is it not ? Is n't she a fair-haired woman who has a side-box at the Opera ? She comes sometimes to the Bouffons , and laughs loudly to attract attention . " The Duchess smiled and said : " I wonder at you , dear . Why do you take so much interest in people of that kind ? One must have been as madly in love as Restaud was , to be infatuated with Mlle . Anastasie and her flour sacks . Oh ! he will not find her a good bargain ! She is in M. de Trailles' hands , and he will ruin her . " " And they do not acknowledge their father ! " Eugene repeated . " Oh ! well , yes , their father , the father , a father , " replied the Vicomtesse , " a kind father who gave them each five or six hundred thousand francs , it is said , to secure their happiness by marrying them well ; while he only kept eight or ten thousand livres a year for himself , thinking that his daughters would always be his daughters , thinking that in them he would live his life twice over again , that in their houses he should find two homes , where he would be loved and looked up to , and made much of . And in two years' time both his sons-in-law had turned him out of their houses as if he were one of the lowest outcasts . " Tears came into Eugene's eyes . He was still under the spell of youthful beliefs , he had just left home , pure and sacred feelings had been stirred within him , and this was his first day on the battlefield of civilization in Paris . Genuine feeling is so infectious that for a moment the three looked at each other in silence . " _Eh , mon Dieu ! _ " said Mme . de Langeais ; " yes , it seems very horrible , and yet we see such things every day . Is there not a reason for it ? Tell me , dear , have you ever really thought what a son-in-law is ? A son-in-law is the man for whom we bring up , you and I , a dear little one , bound to us very closely in innumerable ways ; for seventeen years she will be the joy of her family , its ' white soul , ' as Lamartine says , and suddenly she will become its scourge . When HE comes and takes her from us , his love from the very beginning is like an axe laid to the root of all the old affection in our darling's heart , and all the ties that bound her to her family are severed . But yesterday our little daughter thought of no one but her mother and father , as we had no thought that was not for her ; by to-morrow she will have become a hostile stranger . The tragedy is always going on under our eyes . On the one hand you see a father who has sacrificed himself to his son , and his daughter-in-law shows him the last degree of insolence . On the other hand , it is the son-in-law who turns his wife's mother out of the house . I sometimes hear it said that there is nothing dramatic about society in these days ; but the Drama of the Son-in-law is appalling , to say nothing of our marriages , which have come to be very poor farces . I can explain how it all came about in the old vermicelli maker's case . I think I recollect that Foriot ---- " " Goriot , madame . " " Yes , that Moriot was once President of his Section during the Revolution . He was in the secret of the famous scarcity of grain , and laid the foundation of his fortune in those days by selling flour for ten times its cost . He had as much flour as he wanted . My grandmother's steward sold him immense quantities . No doubt Noriot shared the plunder with the Committee of Public Salvation , as that sort of person always did . I recollect the steward telling my grandmother that she might live at Grandvilliers in complete security , because her corn was as good as a certificate of civism . Well , then , this Loriot , who sold corn to those butchers , has never had but one passion , they say--he idolizes his daughters . He settled one of them under Restaud's roof , and grafted the other into the Nucingen family tree , the Baron de Nucingen being a rich banker who had turned Royalist . You can quite understand that so long as Bonaparte was Emperor , the two sons-in-law could manage to put up with the old Ninety-three ; but after the restoration of the Bourbons , M. de Restaud felt bored by the old man's society , and the banker was still more tired of it . His daughters were still fond of him ; they wanted ' to keep the goat and the cabbage , ' so they used to see Joriot whenever there was no one there , under pretence of affection . ' Come to-day , papa , we shall have you all to ourselves , and that will be much nicer ! ' and all that sort of thing . As for me , dear , I believe that love has second-sight : poor Ninety-three ; his heart must have bled . He saw that his daughters were ashamed of him , that if they loved their husbands his visits must make mischief . So he immolated himself . He made the sacrifice because he was a father ; he went into voluntary exile . His daughters were satisfied , so he thought that he had done the best thing he could ; but it was a family crime , and father and daughters were accomplices . You see this sort of thing everywhere . What could this old Doriot have been but a splash of mud in his daughters' drawing-rooms ? He would only have been in the way , and bored other people , besides being bored himself . And this that happened between father and daughters may happen to the prettiest woman in Paris and the man she loves the best ; if her love grows tiresome , he will go ; he will descend to the basest trickery to leave her . It is the same with all love and friendship . Our heart is a treasury ; if you pour out all its wealth at once , you are bankrupt . We show no more mercy to the affection that reveals its utmost extent than we do to another kind of prodigal who has not a penny left . Their father had given them all he had . For twenty years he had given his whole heart to them ; then , one day , he gave them all his fortune too . The lemon was squeezed ; the girls left the rest in the gutter . " " The world is very base , " said the Vicomtesse , plucking at the threads of her shawl . She did not raise her head as she spoke ; the words that Mme . de Langeais had meant for her in the course of her story had cut her to the quick . " Base ? Oh , no , " answered the Duchess ; " the world goes its own way , that is all . If I speak in this way , it is only to show that I am not duped by it . I think as you do , " she said , pressing the Vicomtesse's hand . " The world is a slough ; let us try to live on the heights above it . " She rose to her feet and kissed Mme . de Beauseant on the forehead as she said : " You look very charming to-day , dear . I have never seen such a lovely color in your cheeks before . " Then she went out with a slight inclination of the head to the cousin . " Father Goriot is sublime ! " said Eugene to himself , as he remembered how he had watched his neighbor work the silver vessel into a shapeless mass that night . Mme . de Beauseant did not hear him ; she was absorbed in her own thoughts . For several minutes the silence remained unbroken till the law student became almost paralyzed with embarrassment , and was equally afraid to go or stay or speak a word . " The world is basely ungrateful and ill-natured , " said the Vicomtesse at last . " No sooner does a trouble befall you than a friend is ready to bring the tidings and to probe your heart with the point of a dagger while calling on you to admire the handle . Epigrams and sarcasms already ! Ah ! I will defend myself ! " She raised her head like the great lady that she was , and lightnings flashed from her proud eyes . " Ah ! " she said , as she saw Eugene , " are you there ? " " Still , " he said piteously . " Well , then , M. de Rastignac , deal with the world as it deserves . You are determined to succeed ? I will help you . You shall sound the depths of corruption in woman ; you shall measure the extent of man's pitiful vanity . Deeply as I am versed in such learning , there were pages in the book of life that I had not read . Now I know all . The more cold-blooded your calculations , the further you will go . Strike ruthlessly ; you will be feared . Men and women for you must be nothing more than post-horses ; take a fresh relay , and leave the last to drop by the roadside ; in this way you will reach the goal of your ambition . You will be nothing here , you see , unless a woman interests herself in you ; and she must be young and wealthy , and a woman of the world . Yet , if you have a heart , lock it carefully away like a treasure ; do not let any one suspect it , or you will be lost ; you would cease to be the executioner , you would take the victim's place . And if ever you should love , never let your secret escape you ! Trust no one until you are very sure of the heart to which you open your heart . Learn to mistrust every one ; take every precaution for the sake of the love which does not exist as yet . Listen , Miguel " -- the name slipped from her so naturally that she did not notice her mistake -- " there is something still more appalling than the ingratitude of daughters who have cast off their old father and wish that he were dead , and that is a rivalry between two sisters . Restaud comes of a good family , his wife has been received into their circle ; she has been presented at court ; and her sister , her wealthy sister , Mme . Delphine de Nucingen , the wife of a great capitalist , is consumed with envy , and ready to die of spleen . There is gulf set between the sisters--indeed , they are sisters no longer--the two women who refuse to acknowledge their father do not acknowledge each other . So Mme . de Nucingen would lap up all the mud that lies between the Rue Saint-Lazare and the Rue de Grenelle to gain admittance to my salon . She fancied that she should gain her end through de Marsay ; she has made herself de Marsay's slave , and she bores him . De Marsay cares very little about her . If you will introduce her to me , you will be her darling , her Benjamin ; she will idolize you . If , after that , you can love her , do so ; if not , make her useful . I will ask her to come once or twice to one of my great crushes , but I will never receive her here in the morning . I will bow to her when I see her , and that will be quite sufficient . You have shut the Comtesse de Restaud's door against you by mentioning Father Goriot's name . Yes , my good friend , you may call at her house twenty times , and every time out of the twenty you will find that she is not at home . The servants have their orders , and will not admit you . Very well , then , now let Father Goriot gain the right of entry into her sister's house for you . The beautiful Mme . de Nucingen will give the signal for a battle . As soon as she singles you out , other women will begin to lose their heads about you , and her enemies and rivals and intimate friends will all try to take you from her . There are women who will fall in love with a man because another woman has chosen him ; like the city madams , poor things , who copy our millinery , and hope thereby to acquire our manners . You will have a success , and in Paris success is everything ; it is the key of power . If the women credit you with wit and talent , the men will follow suit so long as you do not undeceive them yourself . There will be nothing you may not aspire to ; you will go everywhere , and you will find out what the world is--an assemblage of fools and knaves . But you must be neither the one nor the other . I am giving you my name like Ariadne's clue of thread to take with you into the labyrinth ; make no unworthy use of it , " she said , with a queenly glance and curve of her throat ; " give it back to me unsullied . And now , go ; leave me . We women also have our battles to fight . " " And if you should ever need some one who would gladly set a match to a train for you ---- " " Well ? " she asked . He tapped his heart , smiled in answer to his cousin's smile , and went . It was five o ' clock , and Eugene was hungry ; he was afraid lest he should not be in time for dinner , a misgiving which made him feel that it was pleasant to be borne so quickly across Paris . This sensation of physical comfort left his mind free to grapple with the thoughts that assailed him . A mortification usually sends a young man of his age into a furious rage ; he shakes his fist at society , and vows vengeance when his belief in himself is shaken . Just then Rastignac was overwhelmed by the words , " You have shut the Countess' door against you . " " I shall call ! " he said to himself , " and if Mme . de Beauseant is right , if I never find her at home -- I. .. well , Mme . de Restaud shall meet me in every salon in Paris . I will learn to fence and have some pistol practice , and kill that Maxime of hers ! " " And money ? " cried an inward monitor . " How about money , where is that to come from ? " And all at once the wealth displayed in the Countess de Restaud's drawing-room rose before his eyes . That was the luxury which Goriot's daughter had loved too well , the gilding , the ostentatious splendor , the unintelligent luxury of the parvenu , the riotous extravagance of a courtesan . Then the attractive vision suddenly went under an eclipse as he remembered the stately grandeur of the Hotel de Beauseant . As his fancy wandered among these lofty regions in the great world of Paris , innumerable dark thoughts gathered in his heart ; his ideas widened , and his conscience grew more elastic . He saw the world as it is ; saw how the rich lived beyond the jurisdiction of law and public opinion , and found in success the _ultima ratio mundi_ . " Vautrin is right , success is virtue ! " he said to himself . Arrived in the Rue Neuve-Sainte-Genevieve , he rushed up to his room for ten francs wherewith to satisfy the demands of the cabman , and went in to dinner . He glanced round the squalid room , saw the eighteen poverty-stricken creatures about to feed like cattle in their stalls , and the sight filled him with loathing . The transition was too sudden , and the contrast was so violent that it could not but act as a powerful stimulant ; his ambition developed and grew beyond all social bounds . On the one hand , he beheld a vision of social life in its most charming and refined forms , of quick-pulsed youth , of fair , impassioned faces invested with all the charm of poetry , framed in a marvelous setting of luxury or art ; and , on the other hand , he saw a sombre picture , the miry verge beyond these faces , in which passion was extinct and nothing was left of the drama but the cords and pulleys and bare mechanism . Mme . de Beauseant's counsels , the words uttered in anger by the forsaken lady , her petulant offer , came to his mind , and poverty was a ready expositor . Rastignac determined to open two parallel trenches so as to insure success ; he would be a learned doctor of law and a man of fashion . Clearly he was still a child ! Those two lines are asymptotes , and will never meet . " You are very dull , my lord Marquis , " said Vautrin , with one of the shrewd glances that seem to read the innermost secrets of another mind . " I am not in the humor to stand jokes from people who call me ' my lord Marquis , ' " answered Eugene . " A marquis here in Paris , if he is not the veriest sham , ought to have a hundred thousand livres a year at least ; and a lodger in the Maison Vauquer is not exactly Fortune's favorite . " Vautrin's glance at Rastignac was half-paternal , half-contemptuous . " Puppy ! " it seemed to say ; " I should make one mouthful of him ! " Then he answered : " You are in a bad humor ; perhaps your visit to the beautiful Comtesse de Restaud was not a success . " " She has shut her door against me because I told her that her father dined at our table , " cried Rastignac . Glances were exchanged all round the room ; Father Goriot looked down . " You have sent some snuff into my eye , " he said to his neighbor , turning a little aside to rub his hand over his face . " Any one who molests Father Goriot will have henceforward to reckon with me , " said Eugene , looking at the old man's neighbor ; " he is worth all the rest of us put together . -- I am not speaking of the ladies , " he added , turning in the direction of Mlle . Taillefer . Eugene's remarks produced a sensation , and his tone silenced the dinner-table . Vautrin alone spoke . " If you are going to champion Father Goriot , and set up for his responsible editor into the bargain , you had need be a crack shot and know how to handle the foils , " he said , banteringly . " So I intend , " said Eugene . " Then you are taking the field to-day ? " " Perhaps , " Rastignac answered . " But I owe no account of myself to any one , especially as I do not try to find out what other people do of a night . " Vautrin looked askance at Rastignac . " If you do not mean to be deceived by the puppets , my boy , you must go behind and see the whole show , and not peep through holes in the curtain . That is enough , " he added , seeing that Eugene was about to fly into a passion . " We can have a little talk whenever you like . " There was a general feeling of gloom and constraint . Father Goriot was so deeply dejected by the student's remark that he did not notice the change in the disposition of his fellow-lodgers , nor know that he had met with a champion capable of putting an end to the persecution . " Then , M. Goriot sitting there is the father of a countess , " said Mme . Vauquer in a low voice . " And of a baroness , " answered Rastignac . " That is about all he is capable of , " said Bianchon to Rastignac ; " I have taken a look at his head ; there is only one bump--the bump of Paternity ; he must be an _eternal father_ . " Eugene was too intent on his thoughts to laugh at Bianchon's joke . He determined to profit by Mme . de Beauseant's counsels , and was asking himself how he could obtain the necessary money . He grew grave . The wide savannas of the world stretched before his eyes ; all things lay before him , nothing was his . Dinner came to an end , the others went , and he was left in the dining-room . " So you have seen my daughter ? " Goriot spoke tremulously , and the sound of his voice broke in upon Eugene's dreams . The young man took the elder's hand , and looked at him with something like kindness in his eyes . " You are a good and noble man , " he said . " We will have some talk about your daughters by and by . " He rose without waiting for Goriot's answer , and went to his room . There he wrote the following letter to his mother : -- " My Dear Mother , -- Can you nourish your child from your breast again ? I am in a position to make a rapid fortune , but I want twelve hundred francs--I must have them at all costs . Say nothing about this to my father ; perhaps he might make objections , and unless I have the money , I may be led to put an end to myself , and so escape the clutches of despair . I will tell you everything when I see you . I will not begin to try to describe my present situation ; it would take volumes to put the whole story clearly and fully . I have not been gambling , my kind mother , I owe no one a penny ; but if you would preserve the life that you gave me , you must send me the sum I mention . As a matter of fact , I go to see the Vicomtesse de Beauseant ; she is using her influence for me ; I am obliged to go into society , and I have not a penny to lay out on clean gloves . I can manage to exist on bread and water , or go without food , if need be , but I can not do without the tools with which they cultivate the vineyards in this country . I must resolutely make up my mind at once to make my way , or stick in the mire for the rest of my days . I know that all your hopes are set on me , and I want to realize them quickly . Sell some of your old jewelry , my kind mother ; I will give you other jewels very soon . I know enough of our affairs at home to know all that such a sacrifice means , and you must not think that I would lightly ask you to make it ; I should be a monster if I could . You must think of my entreaty as a cry forced from me by imperative necessity . Our whole future lies in the subsidy with which I must begin my first campaign , for life in Paris is one continual battle . If you can not otherwise procure the whole of the money , and are forced to sell our aunt's lace , tell her that I will send her some still handsomer , " and so forth . He wrote to ask each of his sisters for their savings--would they despoil themselves for him , and keep the sacrifice a secret from the family ? To his request he knew that they would not fail to respond gladly , and he added to it an appeal to their delicacy by touching the chord of honor that vibrates so loudly in young and high-strung natures . Yet when he had written the letters , he could not help feeling misgivings in spite of his youthful ambition ; his heart beat fast , and he trembled . He knew the spotless nobleness of the lives buried away in the lonely manor house ; he knew what trouble and what joy his request would cause his sisters , and how happy they would be as they talked at the bottom of the orchard of that dear brother of theirs in Paris . Visions rose before his eyes ; a sudden strong light revealed his sisters secretly counting over their little store , devising some girlish stratagem by which the money could be sent to him _incognito_ , essaying , for the first time in their lives , a piece of deceit that reached the sublime in its unselfishness . " A sister's heart is a diamond for purity , a deep sea of tenderness ! " he said to himself . He felt ashamed of those letters . What power there must be in the petitions put up by such hearts ; how pure the fervor that bears their souls to Heaven in prayer ! What exquisite joy they would find in self-sacrifice ! What a pang for his mother's heart if she could not send him all that he asked for ! And this noble affection , these sacrifices made at such terrible cost , were to serve as the ladder by which he meant to climb to Delphine de Nucingen . A few tears , like the last grains of incense flung upon the sacred alter fire of the hearth , fell from his eyes . He walked up and down , and despair mingled with his emotion . Father Goriot saw him through the half-open door . " What is the matter , sir ? " he asked from the threshold . " Ah ! my good neighbor , I am as much a son and brother as you are a father . You do well to fear for the Comtesse Anastasie ; there is one M. Maxime de Trailles , who will be her ruin . " Father Goriot withdrew , stammering some words , but Eugene failed to catch their meaning . The next morning Rastignac went out to post his letters . Up to the last moment he wavered and doubted , but he ended by flinging them into the box . " I shall succeed ! " he said to himself . So says the gambler ; so says the great captain ; but the three words that have been the salvation of some few , have been the ruin of many more . A few days after this Eugene called at Mme . de Restaud's house ; she was not at home . Three times he tried the experiment , and three times he found her doors closed against him , though he was careful to choose an hour when M. de Trailles was not there . The Vicomtesse was right . The student studied no longer . He put in an appearance at lectures simply to answer to his name , and after thus attesting his presence , departed forthwith . He had been through a reasoning process familiar to most students . He had seen the advisability of deferring his studies to the last moment before going up for his examinations ; he made up his mind to cram his second and third years' work into the third year , when he meant to begin to work in earnest , and to complete his studies in law with one great effort . In the meantime he had fifteen months in which to navigate the ocean of Paris , to spread the nets and set the lines that would bring him a protectress and a fortune . Twice during that week he saw Mme . de Beauseant ; he did not go to her house until he had seen the Marquis d ' Ajuda drive away . Victory for yet a few more days was with the great lady , the most poetic figure in the Faubourg Saint-Germain ; and the marriage of the Marquis d ' Ajuda-Pinto with Mlle . de Rochefide was postponed . The dread of losing her happiness filled those days with a fever of joy unknown before , but the end was only so much the nearer . The Marquis d ' Ajuda and the Rochefides agreed that this quarrel and reconciliation was a very fortunate thing ; Mme . de Beauseant ( so they hoped ) would gradually become reconciled to the idea of the marriage , and in the end would be brought to sacrifice d ' Ajuda's morning visits to the exigencies of a man's career , exigencies which she must have foreseen . In spite of the most solemn promises , daily renewed , M. d ' Ajuda was playing a part , and the Vicomtesse was eager to be deceived . " Instead of taking a leap heroically from the window , she is falling headlong down the staircase , " said her most intimate friend , the Duchesse de Langeais . Yet this after-glow of happiness lasted long enough for the Vicomtesse to be of service to her young cousin . She had a half-superstitious affection for him . Eugene had shown her sympathy and devotion at a crisis when a woman sees no pity , no real comfort in any eyes ; when if a man is ready with soothing flatteries , it is because he has an interested motive . Rastignac made up his mind that he must learn the whole of Goriot's previous history ; he would come to his bearings before attempting to board the Maison de Nucingen . The results of his inquiries may be given briefly as follows : -- In the days before the Revolution , Jean-Joachim Goriot was simply a workman in the employ of a vermicelli maker . He was a skilful , thrifty workman , sufficiently enterprising to buy his master's business when the latter fell a chance victim to the disturbances of 1789 . Goriot established himself in the Rue de la Jussienne , close to the Corn Exchange . His plain good sense led him to accept the position of President of the Section , so as to secure for his business the protection of those in power at that dangerous epoch . This prudent step had led to success ; the foundations of his fortune were laid in the time of the Scarcity ( real or artificial ) , when the price of grain of all kinds rose enormously in Paris . People used to fight for bread at the bakers' doors ; while other persons went to the grocers' shops and bought Italian paste foods without brawling over it . It was during this year that Goriot made the money , which , at a later time , was to give him all the advantage of the great capitalist over the small buyer ; he had , moreover , the usual luck of average ability ; his mediocrity was the salvation of him . He excited no one's envy , it was not even suspected that he was rich till the peril of being rich was over , and all his intelligence was concentrated , not on political , but on commercial speculations . Goriot was an authority second to none on all questions relating to corn , flour , and " middlings " ; and the production , storage , and quality of grain . He could estimate the yield of the harvest , and foresee market prices ; he bought his cereals in Sicily , and imported Russian wheat . Any one who had heard him hold forth on the regulations that control the importation and exportation of grain , who had seen his grasp of the subject , his clear insight into the principles involved , his appreciation of weak points in the way that the system worked , would have thought that here was the stuff of which a minister is made . Patient , active , and persevering , energetic and prompt in action , he surveyed his business horizon with an eagle eye . Nothing there took him by surprise ; he foresaw all things , knew all that was happening , and kept his own counsel ; he was a diplomatist in his quick comprehension of a situation ; and in the routine of business he was as patient and plodding as a soldier on the march . But beyond this business horizon he could not see . He used to spend his hours of leisure on the threshold of his shop , leaning against the framework of the door . Take him from his dark little counting-house , and he became once more the rough , slow-witted workman , a man who can not understand a piece of reasoning , who is indifferent to all intellectual pleasures , and falls asleep at the play , a Parisian Dolibom in short , against whose stupidity other minds are powerless . Natures of this kind are nearly all alike ; in almost all of them you will find some hidden depth of sublime affection . Two all-absorbing affections filled the vermicelli maker's heart to the exclusion of every other feeling ; into them he seemed to put all the forces of his nature , as he put the whole power of his brain into the corn trade . He had regarded his wife , the only daughter of a rich farmer of La Brie , with a devout admiration ; his love for her had been boundless . Goriot had felt the charm of a lovely and sensitive nature , which , in its delicate strength , was the very opposite of his own . Is there any instinct more deeply implanted in the heart of man than the pride of protection , a protection which is constantly exerted for a fragile and defenceless creature ? Join love thereto , the warmth of gratitude that all generous souls feel for the source of their pleasures , and you have the explanation of many strange incongruities in human nature . After seven years of unclouded happiness , Goriot lost his wife . It was very unfortunate for him . She was beginning to gain an ascendency over him in other ways ; possibly she might have brought that barren soil under cultivation , she might have widened his ideas and given other directions to his thoughts . But when she was dead , the instinct of fatherhood developed in him till it almost became a mania . All the affection balked by death seemed to turn to his daughters , and he found full satisfaction for his heart in loving them . More or less brilliant proposals were made to him from time to time ; wealthy merchants or farmers with daughters vied with each other in offering inducements to him to marry again ; but he determined to remain a widower . His father-in-law , the only man for whom he felt a decided friendship , gave out that Goriot had made a vow to be faithful to his wife's memory . The frequenters of the Corn Exchange , who could not comprehend this sublime piece of folly , joked about it among themselves , and found a ridiculous nickname for him . One of them ventured ( after a glass over a bargain ) to call him by it , and a blow from the vermicelli maker's fist sent him headlong into a gutter in the Rue Oblin . He could think of nothing else when his children were concerned ; his love for them made him fidgety and anxious ; and this was so well known , that one day a competitor , who wished to get rid of him to secure the field to himself , told Goriot that Delphine had just been knocked down by a cab . The vermicelli maker turned ghastly pale , left the Exchange at once , and did not return for several days afterwards ; he was ill in consequence of the shock and the subsequent relief on discovering that it was a false alarm . This time , however , the offender did not escape with a bruised shoulder ; at a critical moment in the man's affairs , Goriot drove him into bankruptcy , and forced him to disappear from the Corn Exchange . As might have been expected , the two girls were spoiled . With an income of sixty thousand francs , Goriot scarcely spent twelve hundred on himself , and found all his happiness in satisfying the whims of the two girls . The best masters were engaged , that Anastasie and Delphine might be endowed with all the accomplishments which distinguish a good education . They had a chaperon--luckily for them , she was a woman who had good sense and good taste ; -- they learned to ride ; they had a carriage for their use ; they lived as the mistress of a rich old lord might live ; they had only to express a wish , their father would hasten to give them their most extravagant desires , and asked nothing of them in return but a kiss . Goriot had raised the two girls to the level of the angels ; and , quite naturally , he himself was left beneath them . Poor man ! he loved them even for the pain that they gave him . When the girls were old enough to be married , they were left free to choose for themselves . Each had half her father's fortune as her dowry ; and when the Comte de Restaud came to woo Anastasie for her beauty , her social aspirations led her to leave her father's house for a more exalted sphere . Delphine wished for money ; she married Nucingen , a banker of German extraction , who became a Baron of the Holy Roman Empire . Goriot remained a vermicelli maker as before . His daughters and his sons-in-law began to demur ; they did not like to see him still engaged in trade , though his whole life was bound up with his business . For five years he stood out against their entreaties , then he yielded , and consented to retire on the amount realized by the sale of his business and the savings of the last few years . It was this capital that Mme . Vauquer , in the early days of his residence with her , had calculated would bring in eight or ten thousand livres in a year . He had taken refuge in her lodging-house , driven there by despair when he knew that his daughters were compelled by their husbands not only to refuse to receive him as an inmate in their houses , but even to see him no more except in private . This was all the information which Rastignac gained from a M. Muret who had purchased Goriot's business , information which confirmed the Duchesse de Langeais' suppositions , and herewith the preliminary explanation of this obscure but terrible Parisian tragedy comes to an end .
As each week passes , Sleaford Town are getting stronger and stronger . The Team put out against Coleby on this balmy September afternoon was more in keeping with the Manager's expectations to see Sleaford Town do very well in the Lincoln league . The game started brightly with Gibson hitting the woodwork after only 6minutes with a fierce drive only for Coleby to force a first class save from Ben Jackson in the Sleaford goal with a looping header after 15 minutes . Sleaford , with Hanlon , Morley , and Musson dictating play , were winning the midfield battle . It was a flowing move through the midfield culminating in Sleaford's bright new signing Reece racing away down the left before setting up Gibson from 25 yds to do what he does best and score with a fine shot into the top corner . The best of Sleaford's defence was in evidence after 44 minutes when after Hill & Greenslade had snuffed out another Coleby attack , Goalkeeper Jackson then quickly threw the ball to Sweeper Fox . Fox then carried the ball 30 yds before delivering a fine ball to Reece who flicked on for Morley to score with his ' Bryan Robson ' style late run from Midfield . 2-0 at half time . Same story after the break with Sleaford looking the stronger team . Costa gave way to young Martin Dickinson , and it was Martin's strong run and magnificent left foot strike that sealed the victory 3-0 after 69 minutes . Ryan McGuinness replaced Mark Brayfield who had played very well in his first start of the season . Ryan once again showed why he is one for the future with great touches and intelligent running . Carl Roberts replaced Hanlon with 8 minutes remaining and the Player Manager had a chance to put the icing on the cake with a forth goal from 6yds only to blaze wildly over ( to an ironic cheer from his prodigies ) All in all a good days work and the signs are good to continue the early success .
Below are a few of the many applications that are being adopted today by hospitals across the world : Mobile health for patient education and self-regulation among chronic , preventable diseases such as diabetes User generated healthcare ( patient communities , self-management tools ) empower patients to take more responsibility for their health Developing mobile infrastructure to extend the reach of rural healthcare Increasing customer satisfaction using mobile solutions for on the go information - spending account balances , member information , search for a provider , review claims status and get health and wellness information Prairie Heart Institute of Springfield , IL , has developed a web-based app to run on all devices . Links can be found on the organization's homepage at http://www.prairieheart.com . The free app allows patients to track their weight , waist-to-hip ratio , blood pressure , and cholesterol over time on any Web-enabled mobile device . Patients can view graphs displaying the data they have collected , compare it to goals they have established for themselves or with their physicians , and e-mail the data to themselves to share with their physicians . The data collected allows physicians to track more clearly the effectiveness of a patient's compliance . Development of new strategies to take the app to new levels of functionality are underway . A great contact , if you want to learn more , would be Tricia Lewis at lewist@bvk.com . JANUARY 26 , 2011 : Brian Bierbaum Thanks for the tip , Sam . We added it to the list ! JANUARY 25 , 2011 : Sam Beamond From what I recall , Medica was one of the early adopters of mobile marketing in the health industry . About a year ago Main Street Medica appeared on a TV commercial , the app lets you search for local hospitals and clinics and even provides a price range estimator for various services / medications at that location . Pretty cool .
Lupus : Jess' story Have you ever heard of lupus ? Well , I 'm Jessica , and I 'm nine years old , and that 's what I have . Here 's how it all started . When I was eight years old , I was sick for a very long time . I got poked a lot and it hurt , but I got used to it . I learned that I had something called pericarditis . That 's a problem with the heart . I learned that it 's not fun when your heart does n't work like it 's supposed to . Then I turned nine . That 's when I found out that I had lupus , and that 's when I learned that it was lupus all along that caused the problem with my heart . It was really hard for me when they were figuring everything out . About that time , everyone except my friends teased me and said that I looked fat , I guess because I had always been skinny . I was n't really fat . The medicine that I needed to take made me look that way , that 's all . I was sad , so I asked my mother to come in and talk to the kids about lupus and about what I had been through . She 's a nurse , so she really can help kids to understand things . My friends are really understanding and I can share my secrets with them . They always stick by me and they never tease . They do n't care if I have lupus or not . Now I get along with my life as if nothing happened . The medicine helped me feel like my old self , and I can play soccer , which I LOVE .
The skin is covered by a stratified squamous keratinising epithelium that is self-renewing . Normally desquamation of cells from the stratum corneum occurs in such a way that the cells are not seen . Scaling represents an accumulation of stratum corneum cells indication disturbed desquamation , often associated with increased epidemal turnover . Scale An accumulation of loose cornified fragments of the epidermis . Click to zoom Scaling in a dog with cheyletiellosis Scaling is a common clinical sign and may reflect primary defects of keratinisation such as idiopathic seborrhoea . However , ectoparasitic diseases ( especially cheyletiellosis in dogs and rabbits ) and other causes of chronic skin inflammation ( eg bacterial infection , dermatophytosis , allergy ) may lead to scaling .
Shakespeare's Stratford on the Web www . s tratford-upon-avon . c o . u k site by QuinSolve :: W - www . q uinsolve . c o . u k :: E - enquiries @ quinsolve . c o . u k :: T - +44 ( 0 ) 1608 664774 William Shakespeare's Birthplace - a watercolur by John Davis ( c ) Shakespeare's Life History William Shakespeare ( 1564 - 1616 ) was born at Stratford-upon-Avon in a house in Henley Street . This is preserved intact . His mother , Mary Arden , was one of the daughters of Robert Arden , a yeoman farmer of Wilmcote : his father , John Shakespeare , was a glover and wool dealer of good standing who held the office of Bailiff of the Borough in 1568 . From the age of seven to about 14 , he attended Stratford Grammar School receiving an excellent well rounded education . At the age of 18 he married Anne Hathaway , who was seven years his senior and three months pregnant . She was of ' yeoman ' stock - her family owned a farm one mile west of Stratford in Shottery . He endured her until he could stand it no longer and fled to London to become an actor . He then became actor-manager and part-owner in the Blackfriars and afterwards the Globe Theatres . He was a first-rate actor , but it is as a writer of plays that he has achieved lasting world-wide fame . His plays are thought to be the finest ever written in any language . His 37 plays vary in type ; historical romances , light , fantastic comedies , some are tragedies , all including the comical and the farcical . He was a shrewd business man , amassing quite a fortune in his time . He returned to Stratford for his latter years where he died at the age of 52 and now lies at rest in his special grave at Holy Trinity Church . William Shakespeare and Stratford-upon-Avon Reference Material Available : On the Internet Shakespeare Resources on the Internet A Shakespeare book listing Publications Here are a number of publication 's from The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust in association with Sutton Publishing Limited Shakespeare in the Stratford Records , Robert Bearman , 1994 ISBN 0-7509-0632-4 John Hall and his Patients : The Medical Practice of Shakepeare's Son-in-Law , Joan Lane , 1996 ISBN 0-7509-1095-X The Civil War in Stratford-upon-Avon : Conflict and Community in South Warwickshire 1642-1646 , Philip Tennant , 1996 ISBN 0-7509-1089-5 Family Life in Shakespeare's England : Stratford-upon-Avon 1570-1630 , Jeanne Jones , 1996 ISBN 0-7509-1261-8 The History of an English Borough : Stratford-upon-Avon 1196-1996 , Robert Bearman , ed . , 1997
Secret spot report : Sandy Bay At surf-forecast we try to only list surf breaks that are widely known or else so remote that there is no resident local crew . We never intend to reveal any secret spots . If you believe that the location of Sandy Bay surf break is best kept secret , please use the form below to tell us why . If you make a strong case , we can either hide this information from users and search engines , so that only you and people who have bookmarked it will ever find the forecast pages , or else we can remove it altogether . Please double-check your email address – we may need to get back to you for more details .
Dear Mrs. Caroline Orange , Do you ever wonder where the money comes from to clean up the Chesapeake Bay ? It does n't come from the government or from city funds . It comes from organizations like ours . Every day we use that money to pay for crews to travel to polluted regions of the waterway to remove litter , saw apart large debris and work to prevent soil runoff and erosion . Our organization has successfully removed 200 tons of waste in the past two months alone . So how do we get the funds we use ? That 's easy - through the financial support of people like you . As a nature lover , we know you support keeping our waterways clean . Would you help us further our efforts with a tax deductible donation of $ 50 or more ? With this donation , you will finance an entire day of cleanup and help us buy desperately needed supplies , such as gloves and water test kits . You can either donate online or by returning the attached reply envelope with a check made out to " Clean the Bay . " Please give me a call at 555-555-5555 if you 'd like additional information on our organization or its mission . We are rated highly by the Better Business Bureau and are a registered 501 ( c ) ( 3 ) charity . Thank you in advance . We appreciate your support . Sincerely , Sally Sue , Executive Director Clean the Bay
Argentinian international tight head prop Martin joins Bristol on a two year contract in August 2005 . He is a former San Isidro Club prop in playing for the first team since 2001 and won the championship in 2002 / 03 / 04 . He actually played in the San Isidro XV against Bristol on 28 / 7 / 2001 , at CASI . Martin has played four tests for the Pumas : 144-0 vs Paraguay , 27 / 4 / 03 49-3 vs Chile , 30 / 4 / 03 32-0 vs Uruguay , 3 / 5 / 03 15-22 vs Canada , 2 / 7 / 2005 Martin found first team opportunities hard to come by and was released at the end of the 2005-6 season .
The sweets will be shipped as soon as possible , if the items ordered are in stock UK delivery takes approx 3-4 working days , Highlands of Scotland 4-5 days Europe 10-12 days and World Wide allow up to 30 days . Items 2 Kilos or under are shipped through Royal mail . All items over 2 Kilos are shipped through Courier service . ( Delivery is quicker through courier ) . Items in stock will be dispatched the next working day after ordering . Occasionally an item will be out of stock if there has been a high demand for the particular item in which case delivery will take longer . We are unable to dispatch items at weekends or Bank holidays . PLEASE NOTE - For all orders over 2000 grams we use courier service . The courier will require a signature to ensure the safe delivery of your goods . If you wish your goods to be left in a safe place e . g . with a neighbour or in a porch please indicate this in the special delivery instruction box . If there is no one in to accept delivery they will leave a card , for you to arrange a convenient time in normal business hours . After two unsuccessful attempts of delivery the courier will return the goods to us . To resend the goods , the courier will require you to pay an additional postage charge . In the unlikely event that you are not entirely satisfied with the quality of the sweets , please return to us within 14 days , enclosing the original labelling & documentation . Items from the wholesale section are available in mainland England , Wales and southern Scotland only . BFPO Addresses We are always happy to accept orders from BFPO customers and there is no extra charge for postage to BFPO addresses Worldwide . The shipping costs are automatically added to the order during the checkout process and are clearly displayed before you confirm the order and make payment . As a guide the shipping cost are based on the following Royal Mail Zones : We are unable to ship to the U. S. A. at this time , as we are unable to obtain insurance , all our parcels are sent with insurance . If the situation changes we will include the U. S. A in our list of countries . Maximum UK Shipping £ 4.95 UK Up to 1200 grams = £ 3.59 then Up to 2000 grams = £ 3.75 Over 2000 grams = £ 4.95 Europe Up to 200 grams = £ 3.41 then Up to 400 grams = £ 3.88 then Up to 600 grams = £ 4.44 then Up to 800 grams = £ 5.41 then Up to 1000 grams = £ 6.23 then Up to 1200 grams = £ 7.17 then Up to 1400 grams = £ 8.10 then Up to 1600 grams = £ 9.05 then Up to 1800 grams = £ 9.99 then Up to 2000 grams = £ 10.93 Shipping costs within the EU are subject to Vat World Zone 1 Up to 400 grams = £ 6.00 then Up to 600 grams = £ 8.30 then Up to 800 grams = £ 10.56 then Up to 1000 grams = £ 12.28 then Up to 1200 grams = £ 15.00 then Up to 1400 grams = £ 17.00 World Zone 2 Up to 400 grams = £ 7.00 then Up to 600 grams = £ 9.00 then Up to 800 grams = £ 11.00 then Up to 1000 grams = £ 13.00 then Up to 1200 grams = £ 15.00 then Up to 1400 grams = £ 17.00 then Up to 1600 grams = £ 19.00 then Up to 1800 grams = £ 21.00 then Up to 2000 grams = £ 24.00
He was born in Blaine Lake , Saskatchewan , the son of Peter Dutchak and Susan Boulanoff , and was educated there and at the University of Saskatchewan . In 1973 , Dutchak married Gerri Gail Epp . He served in the Saskatchewan cabinet as a minister without portfolio , as Minister of Justice and Attorney General and as Minister of Native and Northern Affairs . After leaving politics , he was named the head of the Saskatchewan Housing Corporation . From 2001 to 2007 , Dutchak was president of Cordy Oilfield Services Inc. He then served as president and Chief Executive Officer of Golconda Resources Ltd. from 2008 to 2011 .
Chapter 18 The next day he did not leave the house , and , indeed , spent most of the time in his own room , sick with a wild terror of dying , and yet indifferent to life itself . The consciousness of being hunted , snared , tracked down , had begun to dominate him . If the tapestry did but tremble in the wind , he shook . The dead leaves that were blown against the leaded panes seemed to him like his own wasted resolutions and wild regrets . When he closed his eyes , he saw again the sailor's face peering through the mist-stained glass , and horror seemed once more to lay its hand upon his heart . But perhaps it had been only his fancy that had called vengeance out of the night and set the hideous shapes of punishment before him . Actual life was chaos , but there was something terribly logical in the imagination . It was the imagination that set remorse to dog the feet of sin . It was the imagination that made each crime bear its misshapen brood . In the common world of fact the wicked were not punished , nor the good rewarded . Success was given to the strong , failure thrust upon the weak . That was all . Besides , had any stranger been prowling round the house , he would have been seen by the servants or the keepers . Had any foot-marks been found on the flower-beds , the gardeners would have reported it . Yes , it had been merely fancy . Sibyl Vane's brother had not come back to kill him . He had sailed away in his ship to founder in some winter sea . From him , at any rate , he was safe . Why , the man did not know who he was , could not know who he was . The mask of youth had saved him . And yet if it had been merely an illusion , how terrible it was to think that conscience could raise such fearful phantoms , and give them visible form , and make them move before one ! What sort of life would his be if , day and night , shadows of his crime were to peer at him from silent corners , to mock him from secret places , to whisper in his ear as he sat at the feast , to wake him with icy fingers as he lay asleep ! As the thought crept through his brain , he grew pale with terror , and the air seemed to him to have become suddenly colder . Oh ! in what a wild hour of madness he had killed his friend ! How ghastly the mere memory of the scene ! He saw it all again . Each hideous detail came back to him with added horror . Out of the black cave of time , terrible and swathed in scarlet , rose the image of his sin . When Lord Henry came in at six o ' clock , he found him crying as one whose heart will break . It was not till the third day that he ventured to go out . There was something in the clear , pine-scented air of that winter morning that seemed to bring him back his joyousness and his ardour for life . But it was not merely the physical conditions of environment that had caused the change . His own nature had revolted against the excess of anguish that had sought to maim and mar the perfection of its calm . With subtle and finely wrought temperaments it is always so . Their strong passions must either bruise or bend . They either slay the man , or themselves die . Shallow sorrows and shallow loves live on . The loves and sorrows that are great are destroyed by their own plenitude . Besides , he had convinced himself that he had been the victim of a terror-stricken imagination , and looked back now on his fears with something of pity and not a little of contempt . After breakfast , he walked with the Duchess for an hour in the garden and then drove across the park to join the shooting-party . The crisp frost lay like salt upon the grass . The sky was an inverted cup of blue metal . A thin film of ice bordered the flat , reed-grown lake . At the corner of the pine-wood he caught sight of Sir Geoffrey Clouston , the Duchess's brother , jerking two spent cartridges out of his gun . He jumped from the cart , and having told the groom to take the mare home , made his way towards his guest through the withered bracken and rough undergrowth . " Have you had good sport , Geoffrey ? " he asked . " Not very good , Dorian . I think most of the birds have gone to the open . I dare say it will be better after lunch , when we get to new ground . " Dorian strolled along by his side . The keen aromatic air , the brown and red lights that glimmered in the wood , the hoarse cries of the beaters ringing out from time to time , and the sharp snaps of the guns that followed , fascinated him and filled him with a sense of delightful freedom . He was dominated by the carelessness of happiness , by the high indifference of joy . Suddenly from a lumpy tussock of old grass some twenty yards in front of them , with black-tipped ears erect and long hinder limbs throwing it forward , started a hare . It bolted for a thicket of alders . Sir Geoffrey put his gun to his shoulder , but there was something in the animal's grace of movement that strangely charmed Dorian Gray , and he cried out at once , " Do n't shoot it , Geoffrey . Let it live . " " What nonsense , Dorian ! " laughed his companion , and as the hare bounded into the thicket , he fired . There were two cries heard , the cry of a hare in pain , which is dreadful , the cry of a man in agony , which is worse . " Good heavens ! I have hit a beater ! " exclaimed Sir Geoffrey . " What an ass the man was to get in front of the guns ! Stop shooting there ! " he called out at the top of his voice . " A man is hurt . " The head-keeper came running up with a stick in his hand . " Where , sir ? Where is he ? " he shouted . At the same time , the firing ceased along the line . " Here , " answered Sir Geoffrey angrily , hurrying towards the thicket . " Why on earth do n't you keep your men back ? Spoiled my shooting for the day . " Dorian watched them as they plunged into the alder-clump , brushing the lithe swinging branches aside . In a few moments they emerged , dragging a body after them into the sunlight . He turned away in horror . It seemed to him that misfortune followed wherever he went . He heard Sir Geoffrey ask if the man was really dead , and the affirmative answer of the keeper . The wood seemed to him to have become suddenly alive with faces . There was the trampling of myriad feet and the low buzz of voices . A great copper-breasted pheasant came beating through the boughs overhead . After a few moments – that were to him , in his perturbed state , like endless hours of pain – he felt a hand laid on his shoulder . He started and looked round . " Dorian , " said Lord Henry , " I had better tell them that the shooting is stopped for to-day . It would not look well to go on . " " I wish it were stopped for ever , Harry , " he answered bitterly . " The whole thing is hideous and cruel . Is the man ... ? " He could not finish the sentence . " I am afraid so , " rejoined Lord Henry . " He got the whole charge of shot in his chest . He must have died almost instantaneously . Come ; let us go home . " They walked side by side in the direction of the avenue for nearly fifty yards without speaking . Then Dorian looked at Lord Henry and said , with a heavy sigh , " It is a bad omen , Harry , a very bad omen . " " What is ? " asked Lord Henry . " Oh ! this accident , I suppose . My dear fellow , it ca n ' t be helped . It was the man's own fault . Why did he get in front of the guns ? Besides , it is nothing to us . It is rather awkward for Geoffrey , of course . It does not do to pepper beaters . It makes people think that one is a wild shot . And Geoffrey is not ; he shoots very straight . But there is no use talking about the matter . " Dorian shook his head . " It is a bad omen , Harry . I feel as if something horrible were going to happen to some of us . To myself , perhaps , " he added , passing his hand over his eyes , with a gesture of pain . The elder man laughed . " The only horrible thing in the world is ennui , Dorian . That is the one sin for which there is no forgiveness . But we are not likely to suffer from it unless these fellows keep chattering about this thing at dinner . I must tell them that the subject is to be tabooed . As for omens , there is no such thing as an omen . Destiny does not send us heralds . She is too wise or too cruel for that . Besides , what on earth could happen to you , Dorian ? You have everything in the world that a man can want . There is no one who would not be delighted to change places with you . " " There is no one with whom I would not change places , Harry . Do n't laugh like that . I am telling you the truth . The wretched peasant who has just died is better off than I am . I have no terror of death . It is the coming of death that terrifies me . Its monstrous wings seem to wheel in the leaden air around me . Good heavens ! do n't you see a man moving behind the trees there , watching me , waiting for me ? " Lord Henry looked in the direction in which the trembling gloved hand was pointing . " Yes , " he said , smiling , " I see the gardener waiting for you . I suppose he wants to ask you what flowers you wish to have on the table to-night . How absurdly nervous you are , my dear fellow ! You must come and see my doctor , when we get back to town . " Dorian heaved a sigh of relief as he saw the gardener approaching . The man touched his hat , glanced for a moment at Lord Henry in a hesitating manner , and then produced a letter , which he handed to his master . " Her Grace told me to wait for an answer , " he murmured . Dorian put the letter into his pocket . " Tell her Grace that I am coming in , " he said , coldly . The man turned round and went rapidly in the direction of the house . " How fond women are of doing dangerous things ! " laughed Lord Henry . " It is one of the qualities in them that I admire most . A woman will flirt with anybody in the world as long as other people are looking on . " " How fond you are of saying dangerous things , Harry ! In the present instance , you are quite astray . I like the Duchess very much , but I do n't love her . " " And the Duchess loves you very much , but she likes you less , so you are excellently matched . " " You are talking scandal , Harry , and there is never any basis for scandal . " " The basis of every scandal is an immoral certainty , " said Lord Henry , lighting a cigarette . " You would sacrifice anybody , Harry , for the sake of an epigram . " " The world goes to the altar of its own accord , " was the answer . " I wish I could love , " cried Dorian Gray with a deep note of pathos in his voice . " But I seem to have lost the passion and forgotten the desire . I am too much concentrated on myself . My own personality has become a burden to me . I want to escape , to go away , to forget . It was silly of me to come down here at all . I think I shall send a wire to Harvey to have the yacht got ready . On a yacht one is safe . " " Safe from what , Dorian ? You are in some trouble . Why not tell me what it is ? You know I would help you . " " I ca n ' t tell you , Harry , " he answered sadly . " And I dare say it is only a fancy of mine . This unfortunate accident has upset me . I have a horrible presentiment that something of the kind may happen to me . " " What nonsense ! " " I hope it is , but I ca n ' t help feeling it . Ah ! here is the Duchess , looking like Artemis in a tailor-made gown . You see we have come back , Duchess . " " I have heard all about it , Mr. Gray , " she answered . " Poor Geoffrey is terribly upset . And it seems that you asked him not to shoot the hare . How curious ! " " Yes , it was very curious . I do n't know what made me say it . Some whim , I suppose . It looked the loveliest of little live things . But I am sorry they told you about the man . It is a hideous subject . " " It is an annoying subject , " broke in Lord Henry . " It has no psychological value at all . Now if Geoffrey had done the thing on purpose , how interesting he would be ! I should like to know some one who had committed a real murder . " " How horrid of you , Harry ! " cried the Duchess . " Is n't it , Mr. Gray ? Harry , Mr. Gray is ill again . He is going to faint . " Dorian drew himself up with an effort and smiled . " It is nothing , Duchess , " he murmured ; " my nerves are dreadfully out of order . That is all . I am afraid I walked too far this morning . I did n't hear what Harry said . Was it very bad ? You must tell me some other time . I think I must go and lie down . You will excuse me , wo n ' t you ? " They had reached the great flight of steps that led from the conservatory on to the terrace . As the glass door closed behind Dorian , Lord Henry turned and looked at the Duchess with his slumberous eyes . " Are you very much in love with him ? " he asked . She did not answer for some time , but stood gazing at the landscape . " I wish I knew , " she said at last . He shook his head . " Knowledge would be fatal . It is the uncertainty that charms one . A mist makes things wonderful . " " One may lose one's way . " " All ways end at the same point , my dear Gladys . " " What is that ? " " Disillusion . " " It was my début in life , " she sighed . " It came to you crowned . " " I am tired of strawberry leaves . " " They become you . " " Only in public . " " You would miss them , " said Lord Henry . " I will not part with a petal . " " Monmouth has ears . " " Old age is dull of hearing . " " Has he never been jealous ? " " I wish he had been . " He glanced about as if in search of something . " What are you looking for ? " she inquired . " The button from your foil , " he answered . " You have dropped it . " She laughed . " I have still the mask . " " It makes your eyes lovelier , " was his reply . She laughed again . Her teeth showed like white seeds in a scarlet fruit . Upstairs , in his own room , Dorian Gray was lying on a sofa , with terror in every tingling fibre of his body . Life had suddenly become too hideous a burden for him to bear . The dreadful death of the unlucky beater , shot in the thicket like a wild animal , had seemed to him to pre-figure death for himself also . He had nearly swooned at what Lord Henry had said in a chance mood of cynical jesting . At five o ' clock he rang his bell for his servant and gave him orders to pack his things for the night-express to town , and to have the brougham at the door by eight-thirty . He was determined not to sleep another night at Selby Royal . It was an ill-omened place . Death walked there in the sunlight . The grass of the forest had been spotted with blood . Then he wrote a note to Lord Henry , telling him that he was going up to town to consult his doctor and asking him to entertain his guests in his absence . As he was putting it into the envelope , a knock came to the door , and his valet informed him that the head-keeper wished to see him . He frowned and bit his lip . " Send him in , " he muttered , after some moments' hesitation . As soon as the man entered , Dorian pulled his chequebook out of a drawer and spread it out before him . " I suppose you have come about the unfortunate accident of this morning , Thornton ? " he said , taking up a pen . " Yes , sir , " answered the gamekeeper . " Was the poor fellow married ? Had he any people dependent on him ? " asked Dorian , looking bored . " If so , I should not like them to be left in want , and will send them any sum of money you may think necessary . " " We do n't know who he is , sir . That is what I took the liberty of coming to you about . " " Do n't know who he is ? " said Dorian , listlessly . " What do you mean ? Was n ' t he one of your men ? " " No , sir . Never saw him before . Seems like a sailor , sir . " The pen dropped from Dorian Gray's hand , and he felt as if his heart had suddenly stopped beating . " A sailor ? " he cried out . " Did you say a sailor ? " " Yes , sir . He looks as if he had been a sort of sailor ; tattooed on both arms , and that kind of thing . " " Was there anything found on him ? " said Dorian , leaning forward and looking at the man with startled eyes . " Anything that would tell his name ? " " Some money , sir – not much , and a six-shooter . There was no name of any kind . A decent-looking man , sir , but rough-like . A sort of sailor we think . " Dorian started to his feet . A terrible hope fluttered past him . He clutched at it madly . " Where is the body ? " he exclaimed . " Quick ! I must see it at once . " " It is in an empty stable in the Home Farm , sir . The folk do n't like to have that sort of thing in their houses . They say a corpse brings bad luck . " " The Home Farm ! Go there at once and meet me . Tell one of the grooms to bring my horse round . No. Never mind . I 'll go to the stables myself . It will save time . " In less than a quarter of an hour , Dorian Gray was galloping down the long avenue as hard as he could go . The trees seemed to sweep past him in spectral procession , and wild shadows to fling themselves across his path . Once the mare swerved at a white gate-post and nearly threw him . He lashed her across the neck with his crop . She cleft the dusky air like an arrow . The stones flew from her hoofs . At last he reached the Home Farm . Two men were loitering in the yard . He leaped from the saddle and threw the reins to one of them . In the farthest stable a light was glimmering . Something seemed to tell him that the body was there , and he hurried to the door and put his hand upon the latch . There he paused for a moment , feeling that he was on the brink of a discovery that would either make or mar his life . Then he thrust the door open and entered . On a heap of sacking in the far corner was lying the dead body of a man dressed in a coarse shirt and a pair of blue trousers . A spotted handkerchief had been placed over the face . A coarse candle , stuck in a bottle , sputtered beside it . Dorian Gray shuddered . He felt that his could not be the hand to take the handkerchief away , and called out to one of the farm-servants to come to him . " Take that thing off the face . I wish to see it , " he said , clutching at the door-post for support . When the farm-servant had done so , he stepped forward . A cry of joy broke from his lips . The man who had been shot in the thicket was James Vane . He stood there for some minutes looking at the dead body . As he rode home , his eyes were full of tears , for he knew he was safe .
James and his fellow cherubs infiltrate an Australian cult , in the most exciting CHERUB story yet . When a team of CHERUB agents uncover a link between eco-terrorist group Help Earth and a wealthy religious cult known as The Survivors , James Adams is sent to Australia on an infiltration mission . It 's his toughest job so far . The Survivors' outback headquarters are completely isolated . It 's a thousand kilometres to the nearest town and the cult's brainwashing techniques mean James is under massive pressure to conform . This time he 's not just fighting terrorists . He 's got to battle to keep control of his own mind .
The schedule of a Happiness Engineer working in live chat When I was first hired as Trial Happiness Engineer , I was concerned about the flexibility of live chat . I imagined a live chat operator being chained to their desk all day . But since this is Automattic the pioneers of remote working , how was this possible ? How was it going to work ? Now I work on as a Happiness Engineer on a team that has a primary focus on live chat . Part of what attracted me to Automattic was the schedule flexibility . I 'm happy to say I have a very flexible schedule and I do n't work the typical 9am – 5pm Monday thru Friday schedule . I 'm also anything but tied to my desk . So how does it all work ? Scheduling / Flexibility The following is my own personal schedule , but each Happiness Engineer is different . There is no one-size-fits-all schedule for Happiness Engineers . At Automattic we have a saying that communication is oxygen . Since everyone has a different schedule , part of the oxygen that allows the Happiness team to function is communicating your schedule . Since every Happiness Engineer does this , this allows for us to efficiently schedule coverage for the week . I make my own schedule . It 's flexible in that I pick the days and times that I work , which amount to 40 hrs a week . Out of those 40 hrs my goal is to spend around 25 hrs live chatting . Currently , we sign up for live chat shifts . So I pick the hours I 'd like to live chat . We have a rough estimate about how many Happiness Engineers we need per an hour . Happiness Engineers get to sign up for which hours they 'd like to work . So it 's a balance of working the hours I 'd like but also trying to work hours where we need more coverage . What does a typical day look like ? I consider my " core " work to be live chatting . So I spend between 4-5 hrs live chatting each day . I then schedule the rest of my day around my live chat shifts . Around 1 hr answering tickets Then I spend around 30 minutes to an hour catching up on p2 posts & Slack and commenting ( p2 posts are our internal blog system ) . I also try to give myself between 30 minutes -1 hr each day for time to follow up with any live chats , where I need to test something or send them a follow up email . How flexible is Automattic with scheduling ? In my personal opinion , very flexible . I 'm not a morning person . I 've found I need a few days during the week to sleep in or do errands . This keeps me happiest . So on Wednesdays and Fridays , I start work at noon . Yeah , really ... 12pm . I also tend to work Sunday afternoon-evening anyways , preparing for the week . This works out great , because I get to help out with weekend & evening coverage . So on average I work around 4-6 hours every weekend . Here is what my weekly schedule looks like : My Personal Schedule If I need to take off work a bit early one day , I would log in later in the evening or weekend to help with coverage there . I communicate with my team and my team lead about these kind of changes in my schedule often . For example , when I 'm testing changes to my schedule and trying out new hours to see what works best for me and for live chat coverage . I let them know . This communication is healthy and let 's them know when I 'm around in case they need me . I never felt like I had to jump through hoops to get what I personally feel like is my dream schedule . I feel like Automattic trusts me to work the hours that I need to work , and that I find a schedule that keeps me happy , productive , and contributes to my team's goals . While I choose my own schedule , I try to schedule myself for times when I 'm needed the most . The wonderful thing about Automattic is that we truly are a remote company and no matter what time you choose to work - there is always plenty to do Having a company that is so flexible with me and my schedule , I tend to be flexible in return . If I notice that we may need an extra hand in the evenings or weekends , if it 's not a huge inconvenience to me or my schedule , I jump in and help out . This does n't mean that I work " extra " hours - I switch out those hours for hours that are well covered and either take a longer lunch to run an errand or leave a bit earlier then usual on another day . I still work around 40hrs a week , with those switches . I spent a good 9 months testing out schedules trying to find what worked best for me , before I settled on the schedule I 've currently working . Being flexible but consistent I 've personally found that the key to my own efficiency was being consistent . I 've spent about a year testing different times of the day that I live chat best at . I 'm best when I chat roughly around the same time each day . I 've also found that I do n't like working in live chat for more then 2 . 5hrs at time . Usually by then I 'm ready for a break and want to step away from the computer for a bit . I 'm most productive when I live chat right before lunch or the end of the day , so I get a nice break after my live chat shift . So on most days from 9am – 11 : 30am and then again from 2 : 30pm – 5 : 00pm works best for my schedule . When I do my best to generally do my " core work " during those hours this helps me get more done , since my brain now is hard-wired to know that it is crunch time . For each live chat shift - I stay in one place . I 'm either at home at my desk or at my coworking spot . I try to stay in a place where I can be most effective there since I have fast wifi and a large screen for multiple windows . Although somedays ... when I need a change of scenery I 'll go to a local coffee shop for my live chat session . Of course , this is what works best for me . Each Happiness Engineer is different and prefers a different schedule . Live Chatting : What 's it like ? One of my biggest concerns as Happiness Engineer Trial was Live Chat . I found the idea of it to be very intimidating . What 's live chat actually like though ? Well ... my first few live chats were a little nerve wrecking . After I got over my own fears , I found live chat to be so much fun . It 's my favorite way to support our users - since I 'm able to resolve a users issue in real time . Once you get a good rhythm , I 've found it to be easier to connect with our users via live chat . I 'm able to get to know them ... and the sites that they 're building . Our users are awesome . They 're kind and patient . So getting to chat with them all day is fun ! What kind of questions are you asked in live chat ? There are all different kinds of questions that come in , and you never know what you 're going to get . We get a lot of domain questions . Which is one of my favorite things to troubleshoot now . For example , when it comes to helping a user map a domain they own elsewhere to use with their WordPress.com site by updating name server settings or by helping a user purchase a domain . We also get a lot of questions about getting a theme set up or selecting a theme for their site . Do you have to know the answer to everything ? I can say that I certainly do n't know everything . While I 'm always striving to learn more . Something that 's helped me be successful is focusing on how to search for the answer . Knowing where to look for the answer is more then half the battle for me rather than having the pressure of knowing every single answer . Also for when I ca n't find the answer to a question , we have a Slack channel specifically for those in Live Chat . Since you 're working in live chat with a group of other Happiness Engineers , we 're all in the same Slack channel together and it 's pretty active . It 's one of my favorite channels because the conversation easily shifts between helping each other troubleshoot and small talk . I rely heavily on this channel . So even when I do n't know the answer , someone there usually does . It 's a great resource and helped me feel like I had a safety net for when I first jumped into live chat . So in Summary ... I love my schedule , live chatting , and Automattic . It really is a blast and the cool part is you could join us because we 're hiring . If you have any questions about my schedule or how Happiness Engineers schedule themselves , leave a comment below ! Hi Tish ! This is n't necessarily a schedule question , but as someone who is looking to apply for a Happiness Engineer position , do you have any pointers ? I know it 's absolutely necessary to stand out among the crowd . Any suggestions you have would be wonderful Thank you ! Your article inspired me to go for it and apply at Automattic ! You 've made me super dee duper excited about interviewing for the HE position ! I love that the interview is via Slack ... What a cool concept ! I 'm soooooo excited !! I hope to join you and the rest of the team ... definitely my type of vibe Thanks for this great " day in the life ! " Can I ask you how much previous experience you had with wordpresss + HTML / css you had prior to this position ? I am interested in applying to this role but am not sure that my coding skills are up to par ...
The most celebrated actor of his day David Garrick was one of the most successful actors of his time . He was very good at playing many different kinds of people on stage . He first became well known in 1741 for acting as Richard III in Shakespeare's play , but he was also good at other more modern roles . As well as being an actor he was also manager of the Drury Lane Theatre in London . He even wrote plays himself . His acting took London by storm New ways of doing things He brought many new techniques to the English theatre . These included introducing a new style of acting and a way of hiding the stage lights so that they did n't obstruct the view from the audience . Peace and Quiet In 1854 Garrick came to live in Hampton to escape his busy London life . The house where he lived is now called ' Garrick's Villa ' . He built a Temple to Shakespeare in his riverside garden .
We 're reporting Bute's Pothole Patrol complaints this week If you have n't reported the potholes near you which are making your life a misery , then better hurry up - we 'll be sending the list to the Council on Friday . Pothole Patrol is your chance to get something done about the potholes which are making our roads a menace . Councils can be responsible for damage caused by potholes which have been reported to them - so by compiling this public list of our complaints , we 're making sure they know about them . According to the AA : " A Highway Authority may be liable if they have not acted reasonably after noting a pothole ( or other defect ) or if they have been negligent in maintaining the road and / or keeping records . " We 'll be putting the list together on Friday , March 11 , so please add your potholes by noon that day . Describe exactly where the pothole is , roughly how big it is , and what kind of problem it 's causing . Ideally also accompany your posting with a picture - one snapped on a mobile phone is perfect Let us know if any have been fixed , too - we 'll give credit where credit is due .
Issue 45 - Late November 2004 News @ All-Energy , the free emailed newsletter is published by Media Generation Events and Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre , organisers of the annual All-Energy renewable energy exhibition and conference . The fifth All-Energy will be held 25 and 26 May 2005 in Aberdeen . The All-Energy exhibitor list is growing fast -- indeed , over half the space has already been reserved with six months to go ! You 'll find the regularly updated floorplan and exhibitor list at www . a ll-energy . c o . u k - and on the All-Energy stand ( F89 ) at EWEC 2004 . There 's a pdf of the first in a series of All-Energy printed newsletters kindly sponsored by AREG ( Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group ) on the website too . The conference steering group meets 1 December -- suggestions for speakers or topics should be sent to info @ all-energy . c o . u k by 29 November please . CONTENTS 1 . GENERAL -- UK 1.1 . G lobal warming a priority 1.2 . W orld Offshore Renewable Energy Report 1.3 . S cotland on target 1.4 . M ichael Howard's views 1.5 . S anyo invests in Europe 1.6 . A sking the experts 1.7 . R E companies look for investment 1.8 . U KERC head appointed 1.9 . L ooking for board members 2 . GENERAL -- OVERSEAS 3 . GRID , TRANSMISSION AND RO 3.1 . R O plans 3.2 . L atest from Ofgem 3.3 . R eassurances from Scottish Executive 3.4 . G rid expansion in Scotland 3.5 . C o-op goes green 4 . WIND -- UK 4.1 . E WEC 2004 opens 4.2 . R ecord wind farm construction 4.3 . £ 7bn of investment into wind industry 4.4 . C lean coal not wind is the answer 4.5 . N o significant risk to shipping 4.6 . F KI pulls out of turbine business 4.7 . S uccess of visitor centre 4.8 . T echnology transfer from RE to oil industry 4.9 . W ind farms and house prices 4.10 . T he big one ! 4.11 . P lans for new big Scottish windfarm 4.12 . C aton Moor goes to REpower 4.13 . P lanning sought for 500MW windfarm 4.14 . S W to have 280 wind turbines 4.15 . S upport for windpower in Devon 4.16 . C ontract win for Global Marine 4.17 . 100MW deal for Geotrupes 4.18 . B rian Wilson plugs in 4.19 . R esources will be strained offshore 4.20 . C ongrats to Wales on TAN8 4.21 . A dding excitement to the landscape 4.22 . F rom 3 to 11 ...... 4.23 . M arine Renewables Directory 5 . WIND -- OVERSEAS 6 . WAVE AND TIDAL 6.1 . M inister briefed on Wave Hub 6.2 . S tingray news from EB 6.3 . T esting at NaREC 6.4 . P ort Kembla structure has arrived 6.5 . S MART award for Scottish wave device 6.6 . T idEl wins Technology Entrepreneur award 6.7 . G ood news for Tidal Electric 6.8 . A WS aims for Scottish manufacture 6.9 . A lderney tidal plans 7 . BIOENERGY 7.1 . B iofuels offer opportunities for farmers 7.2 . W here there 's muck , there 's gas . 7.3 . G row with energy in mind 7.4 . U K push for biomass 8 . FUEL CELLS AND HYDROGEN 8.1 . T omorrow's petrol is a gas 9 . HYDRO 9.1 . R oyal family's green credentials 9.2 . C ontract for Dulas 10 . NUCLEAR 10.1 . N uclear power at the IoD 10.2 . D isposing of nuclear waste -- the options 10.3 . T en new nuclear stations for UK ? 11 . PV AND SOLAR 11.1 . T hree trophies for solarcentury 11.2 . S olargen look to Italy 11.3 . S olar and fuel cells to combat flooding 11.4 . B P Solar in profit 11.5 . S cotland's largest PV installation 11.6 . S olar power in Spain 11.7 . S olar dish development 12 . AND OTHER SOURCES -- carbon sequestration ; geothermal and CHP 13 . JOB HUNTING ? 14 . KEEPING UP TO DATE 1 . G ENERAL -- UK 1.1 . G lobal warming a priority French President Jacques Chirac and UK Prime Minister Tony Blair pledged to make reducing global warming a priority when the UK takes over the presidency of the G8 in January 2005 . http://dbs.cordis.lu/cgi-bin/srchidadb? CALLER = NHP_EN_NEWS & ACTION = D & SESSION = & RCN = EN_RCN_ID : 22948 1.2 . W orld Offshore Renewable Energy Report The second edition of The World Offshore Renewable Energy Report focuses on the period 2004-2008 . Building on the success of the first edition , published by the DTI's Renewables 2010 Target Team , it considers offshore wind , wave and tidal power . CDs available from 01224 254087 or chris . k elly @ dti . g si . g ov . u k 1.3 . S cotland on target First Minister Jack McConnell told a meeting that Scotland is on course to meet interim renewable energy targets www . s cotland . g ov . u k / News / Releases / 2004 / 11 / 18141058 1.4 . M ichael Howard's views Tory leader Michael Howard lays out his own vision for the countryside including his views on renewables www . w esternmorningnews . c o . u k / displayNode . j sp ? nodeId = 143662 & command = displayContent & sourceNode = 143640 & 1.5 . S anyo invests in Europe Sanyo Electric Company has launched its new Energy & Ecology Business in Europe , representing an investment of 150m Euros by 2006 http://sourcewire.com/releases/rel_display.php? relid = 19915 & hilite = 1.6 . A sking the experts Is it possible to meet growing energy demands without causing catastrophic damage to the environment ? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4000225.stm 1.7 . R E companies look for investment siGEN , AWS Ocean Energy , and Puregen were amongst 14 growth-stage companies seeking funding at a recent Connect investment conference www . f uelcellsworks . c om / Supppage1394 . h tml 1.8 . U KERC head appointed John Loughhead , former Vice-President of Technology for Alstom , has been appointed Executive Director of the UK Energy Research Centre ( UKERC www . u kerc . a c . u k / newsindex . h tm 1.9 . L ooking for board members The community energy company being established by Highlands and Islands Enterprise , is looking for people to join its board of directors www . h ie . c o . u k / Default . a spx . L ocID-0finewkc3 . R efLocID-0fihiesv5007lat . L ang-EN . h tm 2 . GENERAL -- OVERSEAS The 90-day countdown to the Kyoto Protocol's entry into force was started by the receipt of the Russian Federation's instrument of ratification by the UN Secretary-General . The Protocol will become legally binding on its 128 Parties on 16 February 2005 http://unfccc.int/press/items/2794.php 1m Euro-worth of funding is available for the period 1 April 2005 to 31 March 2006 . The REEEP is seeking project proposals its next funding round www . r eeep . o rg / index . c fm ? articleid = 1058 An investment of Euro 443bn is needed by 2020 if Europe is to meet its targets for renewable energies says a marketing report produced by the European Renewable Energy Council www . s parksdata . c o . u k / refocus / showdoc . a sp ? docid = 52575320 & accnum = 1 & topics = Gamesa's interests in China - an overview www . g amesa . e s / ingles / noticias / noticias . h tm Canada's Minister of the Environment outlined his perspective on renewable energy , indicating that Canada's future is closely linked to the development of RE www . r enewableenergyaccess . c om / rea / news / story ? id = 17687 3 . G RID , TRANSMISSION AND RO 3.1 . R O plans UK Energy Minister , Mike O ' Brien , published the Government's plans for the review of the Renewables Obligation www . g nn . g ov . u k / environment / detail . a sp ? ReleaseID = 134485 & NewsAreaID = 2 & NavigatedFromDepartment = False 3.2 . L atest from Ofgem BETTA open letter on likely late issuance of offers under standard licence condition C18 of the electricity transmission licence www . o fgem . g ov . u k / temp / ofgem / cache / cmsattach / 9350_25704 . p df BETTA consultation on the recovery of costs incurred as a result of the run-off of the Settlement Agreement for Scotland ( SAS ) -- An Ofgem / DTI consultation www . o fgem . g ov . u k / temp / ofgem / cache / cmsattach / 9329_25404 . p df Treatment of embedded exemptable large power stations under BETTA - An Ofgem / DTI conclusions and further consultation document www . o fgem . g ov . u k / temp / ofgem / cache / cmsattach / 9173_25304 . p df BETTA consultation on outstanding matters concerning the Grid Code under BETTA and associated STC drafting www . o fgem . g ov . u k / temp / ofgem / cache / cmsattach / 9169_25104 . p df BETTA consultation on CUSC Interface Agreements - comments on the issues discussed should be sent by 1 December 2004 www . o fgem . g ov . u k / temp / ofgem / cache / cmsattach / 9134_24904 . p df 3.3 . R eassurances from Scottish Executive The Scottish Executive assured the renewable energy industry based in Scotland's peripheral areas that it will fight its corner to secure fair access charges to the grid www . s hetland-news . c o . u k / pages / news % 20stories / november % 202004 / executive_supports_renewable_industry . h 3.4 . G rid expansion in Scotland Highland Council's planning committee opted for a proposal to take electricity from a proposed giant windfarm in the Western Isles to the national grid via a future submarine transmission cable , coming ashore at Dounreay in Caithness www . t hisisnorthscotland . c o . u k / displayNode . j sp ? nodeId = 149475 & command = displayContent & sourceNode = 149205 Scottish Natural Heritage said five possible routes for the transmission line are all likely to have a significant impact and could affect a number of internationally important nature sites http://news.scotsman.com/scotland.cfm? id = 1331912004 The National Trust for Scotland has joined the chorus of protest against the plans www . s undayherald . c om / 46189 3.5 . C o-op goes green The Co-operative Group has announced new deals worth more than £ 25 million to provide 100 per cent green electricity to its sites throughout mainland UK . http://icnewcastle.icnetwork.co.uk/eveningchronicle/ukandworld/page.cfm? objectid = 14846403 & method = ful 4 . W IND -- UK 4.1 . E WEC 2004 opens The European Wind Energy Conference is being held until 25 November at Wembley , London . Pre registration closed with over 1500 delegates from 40 countries and 255 exhibiting companies www . e wea . o rg A2SEA's MW Ocean Ady , carrying a Vestas V90-3 . 0MW nacelle and blades is moored to HMS Belfast just by Tower Bridge in Central London throughout EWEC www . a 2sea . c om / 4.2 . R ecord wind farm construction Construction of wind farms hit a record this year , Patricia Hewitt , trade and industry secretary , announced although the development of offshore schemes must accelerate if the government is to meet its climate-change targets http://news.ft.com/cms/s/23335e30-3c2c-11d9-8b17-00000e2511c8.html 4.3 . £ 7bn of investment into wind industry BWEA released new figures showing that 2004 is a record year for the rapidly expanding UK wind industry and predicting that expansion out to 2010 should result in some £ 7 billion of new investment into the sector www . b wea . c om / media / news / record2004 . h tml 4.4 . C lean coal not wind is the answer Britain could cut the cost of reducing greenhouse gases by £ 3 billion if it fitted clean-coal technology to its ageing power stations , rather than building wind farms . http://business.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,8209-1369581,00.html 4.5 . N o significant risk to shipping Npower Renewables carried out navigational trials at North Hoyle with the Maritime and Coastguard Agency ( MCA ) and consultants QinetiQ . Most ships had no problems seeing the turbines on radar and other systems , and radio links between boats and shore also worked . http://icnorthwales.icnetwork.co.uk/news/regionalnews/tm_objectid=14900104%26method=full%26siteid=50 4.6 . F KI pulls out of turbine business FKI announced its proposal to exit the DeWind turbine business it acquired in 2002 - the rapid consolidation of wind turbine manufacturers and the increasing influence of major wind power developers have significantly increased competitive pressures www . f ki . c o . u k / newsdetail . c fm ? contentid = 203 4.7 . S uccess of visitor centre E. O N UK's Scroby Sands Information Centre has welcomed 30,000 people through its doors since it opened in May www . e on-uk . c om / Content / media / news . a spx ? MenuId = 22 4.8 . T echnology transfer from RE to oil industry Lessons learned from working in the renewables industry helped Cns Subsea complete a £ 2m contractor for Shell repairing the Brent Charlie / Dunlin Alpha power cable in just three weeks cns @ cns-ltd . c om 4.9 . W ind farms and house prices A planning application for a wind farm hits local house prices , but the negative impact diminishes as time goes by says RICS ( Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors ) www . r ics . o rg / NR / exeres / C714E388-9C8E-4C90-858A-6EB4FF58EC1D . h tm BWEA revealed the results of a study conducted by Knight Frank which also shows it is too early to say categorically that wind farms are a serious threat to homeowners www . b wea . c om / media / news / houseprices . h tmL 4.10 . T he big one ! Lewis Wind Power Ltd , a joint venture of AMEC and British Energy , has submitted a planning application to the Scottish Executive for permission to build the world's largest onshore wind farm in the north of the Isle of Lewis www . a mec . c om / news / media_releases_2ndlevel . a sp ? Pageid = 34 & MediaID = 960 Comhairle nan Eilean Siar has set up a website to provide information on the Lewis Wind Power application . The site allows comments to be sent by email . www . c ne-siar . g ov . u k / lewiswindpower 4.11 . P lans for new big Scottish windfarm Plans have been unveiled to build one of the biggest wind farms in Scotland . Amec said the 100-turbine development in East Ayrshire and Dumfries and Galloway would generate 300MW www . t heherald . c o . u k / news / 27142 . h tml 4.12 . C aton Moor goes to REpower REpower UK Ltd is supplying the repowering project " Caton Moor " with eight 2-MW , type MM70 units . This is REpower UK's second contract a year after setting up the REpower : P eter Brotherhood joint venture www . r epower . d e / 4.13 . P lanning sought for 500MW windfarm Airtricity has sought planning permission in Scotland for one of the biggest onshore wind farms in the world www . b usinessworld . i e / livenews . h tm ? a = 1040876 ; s = rollingnews . h tm 4.14 . S W to have 280 wind turbines Ministers say the South West of England must find room for 280 wind turbines to meet energy targets http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/devon/4017061.stm 4.15 . S upport for windpower in Devon A survey by MORI found that 71 percent of rural residents questioned , support the use of wind power in Devon . www . r egensw . c o . u k / documents / DevonMORIPollPR-091104 . p df 4.16 . C ontract win for Global Marine Global Marine Systems , now able to emerge from administration , has won two new contracts , the most recent is for subsea cabling for an offshore windfarm project off the coast of Kent www . b usinessweekly . c o . u k / news / view_article . a sp ? article_id = 8861 4.17 . 100MW deal for Geotrupes Geotrupes has signed an agreement with a major electricity company to provide it with 100 MW of electricity , with wind turbines the initial focus .. www . b usinessweekly . c o . u k / news / view_article . a sp ? article_id = 8868 4.18 . B rian Wilson plugs in The world's first domestic windmill feeding electricity directly into the household power supply was switched at the Glasgow home of former UK Energy Minister , Brian Wilson MP www . w indsave . c om / news . h tm 4.19 . R esources will be strained offshore A rapid expansion of offshore wind farms in North Sea waters risks straining resources .... One issue involves the provision of divers for maintenance and servicing work , with the North Sea oil and gas sector the obvious recruiting ground www . t elegraph . c o . u k / money / main . j html ? xml = / money / 2004 / 11 / 11 / cnwind11 . x ml 4.20 . C ongrats to Wales on TAN8 BWEA congratulates the Welsh Assembly on producing its new framework for a range of renewable technologies . Technical Advice Note ( TAN ) 8 includes a target of an additional 800MW of onshore wind by 2010 www . b wea . c om / media / news / tan8welcome . h tml 4.21 . A dding excitement to the landscape Wind farms could spell the way for artistic expression according to a partner at MosArt Landscape Architects . www . e die . n et / news / news_story . a sp ? id = 9158 & channel = 6 4.22 . F rom 3 to 11 ...... Two Cumbrian firms have been contracted to take the number of turbines at Winscales , near Workington , from three to 11 www . c umbria-online . c o . u k / viewarticle . a sp ? id = 154387 4.23 . M arine Renewables Directory The Marine Renewables Directory is an up to date , online database of vessels , ports and harbours , companies and service providers , allowing developers to search for appropriate resources , and the supply chain to ' showcase ' their capabilities . http://www.marinerenewablesdirectory.com 5 . W IND -- OVERSEAS Gamesa sells 469 mw of windfarms to Iberdrola in Spain and Portugal for 566 million euros www . g amesa . e s / ingles / noticias / noticias . h tm The EWEA supports the intention to eventually adopt support mechanisms for renewable electricity that are compatible with an undistorted Internal Market www . e wea . o rg / The REpower 5M , is feeding electricity into the grid . REpower has been successfully awarded one of the five sites up for tender in the Cuxhaven test field . An application for planning permission will be made by the new year so a REpower 5M can be erected by the end of 2005 www . r epower . d e Endesa will purchase wind farms from Gamesa in Italy with a total installed capacity of 200 MW and at an estimated cost of Euros 250 million . http://home.businesswire.com/portal/site/google/index.jsp? ndmViewId = news_view & newsId = 20041103005621 & REpower Systems has signed a licence agreement with China's Dongfang Steam Turbine Works who will produce the MD70 and MD77 turbines to sell in China . www . r epower . d e A record number of new U. S. wind energy projects is expected next year , spurred by Congress' decision to extend a federal tax credit for wind energy production www . p lanetark . c om / dailynewsstory . c fm / newsid / 27956 / story . h tm RES America Construction has ordered 36 Vestas V82-1 . 65 MW wind turbines . Nebraska Public Power District will own the wind power plant and utilize the power output www . v estas . c om / uk / news / press / newsSE_Detail_UK_04 . a sp ? ID = 103 Winergy and Atlantis Power will jointly explore the development of offshore wind farms using Winergy sites and Atlantis Power offshore platform technologies www . e mediawire . c om / releases / 2004 / 11 / emw178477 . h tm The southern hemisphere's largest wind turbines have begun generating electricity in South Australia . The Canunda wind farm site consists of 23 2MW turbines www . w indprospect . c om . a u The Swedish governing party and two coalition parties have agreed to speed up the installation of several big offshore wind farms . www . w indpower . o rg / en / news040929 . h tm With few serious concerns raised by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers , the USA's first offshore windfarm at Cape Cod could be under construction within a year www . c apecodonline . c om / cctimes / corpszxreport9 . h tm 6 . W AVE AND TIDAL 6.1 . M inister briefed on Wave Hub Energy minister Mike O ' Brien was briefed on plans to create a Wave Hub off the coast of north Cornwall . A feasibility study on the revolutionary scheme is due to be completed by the end of the year . http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/cornwall/4023341.stm 6.2 . S tingray news from EB EB has completed its programme to design , build , install offshore , test and decommission a full scale demonstrator of its Stingray tidal stream generator . The next phase is to design and build a 5MW pre-commercial power station to demonstrate the technology on a commercial scale , a project which would cost in excess of £ 20 million . EB alone can not fund such a project and has put a hold on future development of Stingray until there are clear indications that this level of investment is likely to yield a satisfactory return . www . e ngb . c om 6.3 . T esting at NaREC Ecofys is testing a 1 : 10 scale model of Wave Rotor at NaREC in Blyth . Performance , blade configurations and inertia are being investigated . Funded under the Carbon Trust Marine Energy Challenge Programme the testing is being supervised by Halcrow www . e cofys . c om / com / news / news . h tm 6.4 . P ort Kembla structure has arrived The main structural component of the Port Kembla Wave Energy Project , weighing 485 tonnes and with dimensions of 40m by 35m by 18m has arrived at Port Kembla in Australia www . e nergetech . c om . a u / 6.5 . S MART award for Scottish wave device More than £ 1m is to be awarded to small Scottish companies under the latest round of the Scottish Executive's SMART : S cotland R & D support programme - the development of a wave energy converter by Aberdeen company Nordeng benefits www . s cotland . g ov . u k / News / Releases / 2004 / 11 / 01081903 6.6 . T idEl wins Technology Entrepreneur award SMD Hydrovision have been awarded 1 st place in the ' Technology Entrepreneur ' event sponsored by E-Synergy and The Carbon Trust . www . s mdhydrovision . c om / news / ? news_id = 22 6.7 . G ood news for Tidal Electric The Chinese government has expressed enthusiastic support of Tidal Electric's 300 MW offshore tidal lagoon near the mouth of the Yalu River by signing an agreement pledging to cooperate with the development www . t idalelectric . c om / News % 20China . h tm 6.8 . A WS aims for Scottish manufacture AWS Ocean Energy Ltd aims to bring manufacturing of the world's largest wave power generator to Scotland www . t hisisnorthscotland . c o . u k / displayNode . j sp ? nodeId = 149235 & command = displayContent & sourceNode = 149218 6.9 . A lderney tidal plans A panel reviewing alternative forms of power in the island of Alderney is recommending a tidal energy commission is set up http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/guernsey/4016665.stm 7 . B IOENERGY 7.1 . B iofuels offer opportunities for farmers Biofuels could become a major revenue earner for Britain's arable farmers within 5-10 years - much will depend on government support , a major study into the UK cereals sector concludes http://story.news.yahoo.com/news? tmpl = story & cid = 570 & ncid = 753 & e = 2 & u = / nm / 20041122 / sc_nm / environment_br 7.2 . W here there 's muck , there 's gas . Scientists have created genetically modified yeasts and fungi that can turn agricultural waste into fuel for cars and trucks http://observer.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,6903,1356121,00.html 7.3 . G row with energy in mind Scotland's Rural Development Minister Ross Finnie urged arable farmers to be innovative in identifying new opportunities for their businesses and spoke of novel crops for biomass www . s cotland . g ov . u k / News / Releases / 2004 / 11 / 09101847 7.4 . U K push for biomass Food and Farming minister Larry Whitty unveiled the £ 3 . 5million UK-wide Bio-Energy Infrastructure Scheme www . t hisisthelakedistrict . c o . u k / farm / farming / display . v ar . 540683 . 0 . b iomass_gaining_energy . p hp 8 . F UEL CELLS AND HYDROGEN 8.1 . T omorrow's petrol is a gas Shell's first US hydrogen station is open reports John Vidal in The Guardian . But will we all be filling up soon ? http://education.guardian.co.uk/higher/sciences/story/0,12243,1347842,00.html 9 . H YDRO 9.1 . R oyal family's green credentials The power of the River Thames is to be harnessed to help provide electricity for Windsor Castle in a scheme that underlines the Royal family's green credentials . www . t imesonline . c o . u k / article / 0 ,, 2087-1337741 , 00 . h tml 9.2 . C ontract for Dulas Dulas Hydro has been awarded a £ 250,000 design , construct and commissioning contract by RWE npower , to refurbish a 700kW hydro scheme at Auchtertyre in Scotland www . r enewable-resources . c om / d_base / news . p hp ? category = dulas 10 . N UCLEAR 10.1 . N uclear power at the IoD Nuclear power featured at an energy seminar organised by the Institute of Directors . Delegates heard arguments for and against the role nuclear power should play in the UK's future energy strategy www . i od . c om / is-bin / INTERSHOP . e nfinity / eCS / Store / en / - / GBP / IODDirectLink-Start ? Type = Content & TemplateNa 10.2 . D isposing of nuclear waste -- the options CoRWM , the Committee on Radioactive Waste Management , met to draw up , for the first time , a short list of options for dealing with the UK's nuclear waste from its ' long list ' of 15 www . c orwm . o rg . u k / content-0 10.3 . T en new nuclear stations for UK ? the Committee on Radioactive Waste Management has raised the prospect that 10 new nuclear stations could be built in Britain http://news.independent.co.uk/business/news/story.jsp? story = 580268 11 . P V AND SOLAR 11.1 . T hree trophies for solarcentury solarcentury won three trophies at the annual " Inner City 100 " awards ceremony in the City of London - an annual league table of the hundred fastest growing inner city companies www . s olarcentury . c o . u k / news / 11.2 . S olargen look to Italy Solargen has formed a partnership with the Aprile Group to break into the Italian market http://icwales.icnetwork.co.uk/0300business/0100news/tm_objectid=14854449&method=full&siteid=50082&h 11.3 . S olar and fuel cells to combat flooding Dabbrook Services , the Environment Agency and BOC have joined forces on a project combining solar power with electricity generated by hydrogen fuel cells to control river levels and prevent flooding by powering an automated weir http://business.edp24.co.uk/story.aspx? brand = BIZOnline & category = Business & tBrand = BIZOnline & tCategory = 11.4 . B P Solar in profit BP Solar is turning profitable for the first time in its 30-year history and aims to more than double its manufacturing capacity www . r euters . c o . u k / newsPackageArticle . j html ? type = reutersEdgeNews & storyID = 618431 & section = finance 11.5 . S cotland's largest PV installation The largest photovoltaic installation in Scotland has been installed at Sir E. Scott School in the Western Isles www . c ne-siar . g ov . u k / press / 041102 . h tm 11.6 . S olar power in Spain Spain is making solar panels compulsory in new and renovated buildings www . t imesonline . c o . u k / article / 0 ,, 3-1350946 , 00 . h tml 11.7 . S olar dish development Six solar dish-engine systems for electricity generation are being built and tested in the USA - they will provide enough grid-ready solar electricity to power more than 40 homes www . i nnovations-report . c om / html / reports / energy_engineering / report-36065 . h tml 12 . A ND OTHER SOURCES North Sea CO2 storage Environmental affairs minister , Elliot Morley , has asked for support for the country's plans to store CO 2 in the sediments at the bottom of the North Sea www . b ellona . n o / en / energy / 35951 . h tml Geothermal power for University Warmth from the earth will be used as a heat source in a new Environmental Centre for Wales , to be built on the University of Wales , Bangor's Science Site www . n ewswales . c o . u k / ? section = Environment & F = 1 & id = 7488 CHP opening welcomed Margaret Beckett formally opened ConocoPhillips' Immingham CHP project - at 730Mwe , one of the largest , cleanest and most efficient Combined Heat and Power ( CHP ) plants in Europe www . c hpa . o rg / press_releases / 2004 / Immingham % 20Launch % 2001 % 20Nov % 2004 . d oc 13 . J OB HUNTING ? Garrad Hassan is looking to recruit civil / structural engineers www . g arradhassan . c om / jobs / index . h tm 14 . K EEPING UP TO DATE For daily news www . n arec . c o . u k For a regularly updated list of all known industry events go to www . a ll-energy . c o . u k / eventlist . p hp Data Protection Act 1998 Media Generation Events Limited will hold your email address on its computer database . This will only be accessed , retrieved and used for the purpose of distributing the News @ All-Energy newsletter and providing information on All-Energy . Your data will not be passed to third parties , and the data owner will at all times be Media Generation Events Limited . If you do n't want to receive News @ All-Energy , email info @ all-energy . c o . u k with " Remove " in the subject line and your contact details in the message . Colleagues wishing to receive News @ All-Energy free of charge should email the same address with their full contact details and " Subscribe " as the subject .
The Kursaal Congress Centre and Auditorium is a complex comprising several spaces : a great auditorium , many-use halls and exhibition halls . It was designed by Spanish architect Rafael Moneo , and is located in Donostia-San Sebastián ( Basque Country , Spain ) . It opened in 1999 . It consists of several spaces , including the 1 , 800-seat concert hall , the Palacio de Congresos-Auditorio Kursaal , and is the home of the biggest film festival in Spain , the San Sebastian International Film Festival , in existence since 1953 . The historic Kursaal casino , next to the river's mouth The Great Kursaal was an elegant palace built in 1921 , incorporating a casino , a restaurant , a cinema theater , complementary rooms and an 859-seat theater , placed in front of the Gros beach , and next to the mouth of the Urumea river , but it was pulled down in 1973 . An empty plot ( later called K Plot ) was freed . The absence of any architectonic structure in such a privileged site for so many years was remarkable . At the time the old palace was pulled down , a competition was held to find a replacement . However , the winning project was never constructed due to its complexity . A new project proposal was submitted in 1972 . After a few changes to the design , building work was started in 1975 , but after the perimeter wall was complete and the foundations in place , works was halted . The plot of land then passed from private hands ( as the Great Kursaal had been private ) to public hands , so a public consortium was created for the purposes of constructing a new building . After the project was written down between 1991 and 1994 , the works were begun in 1996 , and were not finished until 1999 . During this period some funding problems arose , mainly because of the refusal of the Basque Government ( who paid for a 16 % of the total cost ) to increase the funds . After these problems were solved , the works were concluded in 1999 . The Kursaal Congress Centre was designed by Rafael Moneo and awarded the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture in 2001 . The initial impact of the buildings in the Donostia landscape ( characterized by its French style architecture ) was deemed negative by Donostians : the curved sandstone buildings clashed with a sharp-edged crystal structure . The significance of the building ( opened August 23 , 1999 , with a concert of the Euskadi Simphonic Orchestra and Ainhoa Arteta ) was also eclipsed by the parallel construction of the Guggenheim museum in Bilbao , which was twice as expensive as the Kursaal . However , after an adaptation period , and thanks to the positive impact it had in the economy , tourism and cultural life of Donostia , most citizens today appreciate the Kursaal building , and support it . Night view of Kursaal Palace lit up with Rainbow flag colors . It is mainly constituted as two large prismatic volumes , that emerge from a platform . Each " cube " ( as they are known ) , is formed by an inner prismatic structure , surrounded by double translucent glass panels , which are supported by a metallic structure . Between the cubes there is a big walkable surface , with sights to the Zurriola Beach and the mouth of the Urumea river . Various concerts of the Donostia Jazz Festival ( " Jazzaldia " ) , and many other events , take place in that terrace . Kursaal Auditorium Placed inside the biggest cube ( and closest to the sea ) , this auditorium can hold an audience of 1,800 , and is the most frequently used one for big events . The first seat rows can be removed to make room for the orchestra in an opera . Chamber Hall This seats 600 people , and is placed in the small cube . It is used for congresses or smaller concerts . Multiple-use rooms These are used for a variety of events for more limited audiences . Exhibition halls The halls are used for housing galleries and other exhibitions . Kubo Hall It is an exhibition hall under the supervision of the Kutxa savings bank . Moreover , the building has a restaurant owned by Martín Berasategui , various shops in its basement , and a car park .
Do you remember the debut of Napster ? Say goodbye to cds and tape cassettes ( for those that still had that feature installed in their cars ) . With the invention of Napster , music was made available for free simply by streaming the music to shared folders on the computer . The age of digital music was born overnight . Napster exploded rapidly across the United States and around the world . The younger computer advance generation could not stream fast enough their favorite artist's music to their personal music libraries . Napster was great . Who wo n't like obtaining music for free ? Well , the musicians , their agents and recording companies did not like it one bit . How would you like working for free ? Essentially Napster stole all their profits by generously making their music available to everyone without charging them a dime . Naturally , the music industry fought back . Napster was clearly violating copyright infringement laws protected under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act . Napster eventually lost the case and was forced to shut down in 2001 after not being able to comply with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling to block access of 100 % of infringing material when notified of that material's location on Napster's shared files . Napster may have shut down , but the age of digital music streaming did not . In the past few years other digital music streaming companies have emerged . Pandora and Spotify are both popular music streaming services . Each of these companies still offers free music to their members . Have you ever wondered how these companies are able to offer you music for free like Napster did without running into the same legal trouble as Napster ? The difference between their companies and Napster is that these companies pay the artists per song stream . In order for the artist's music to be made available to members , they need to first negotiate licensing agreements with the artist . The licensing agreements are based on monthly revenue , how many streams per month , how well known of an artist , and what country the stream is coming from . All these variables come into play when determining licensing terms . How then do these companies make money ? The model for generating money for these companies is the same . The companies let advertisers promote radio commercials onto their service in exchange for payment . Members who opt to receive the free basic membership are subjected to commercials periodically after several songs are played . If members wish to pay for an upgraded membership that allows them to listen to music without interruption of commercials , then these members pay an annual membership fee . This also helps contribute to the company's overall revenue . The digital music streaming business is constantly changing . As the technology advances and new applications are incorporated , the licensing agreements will need to evolve as well .
The past financial year has been an important one in the development of Evolutec as the company moves towards its objective of becoming a diversified biopharmaceutical company capable of the discovery , development and commercialisation of important therapeutic products . Evolutec made progress an all fronts as it obtained positive clinical results with its lead product candidate , rEV131 , positive trial results in cattle with its lead vaccine candidate in collaboration with Merial and exciting preclinical results with rEV576 in a myasthenia gravis model . The Company is in a position to make significant progress in the coming year . Evolutec now has the funds to conduct at least three definitive Phase II clinical studies on rEV131 during 2006 in a range of respiratory and ophthalmic indications . Furthermore it can also conduct the work to bring additional molecules into clinical development . This is due to the strong support that we received from our investors during two placings that took place in 2005 . Evolutec has recruited a team of experienced individuals to carry out our plans . The team brings to Evolutec a broad range of expertise in the key areas of discovery , drug development and business development . This is coupled with an experienced executive team to provide the leadership skills that Evolutec requires . The Company has also built up very good relations with a range of contract organisations both in the US and Europe to use in sub-contracting the development work . I would like to thank all the individuals both within Evolutec and our supplier companies who have worked on our projects for their dedicated efforts in the past year . In addition to the progress in products and people , Evolutec continues to evolve rapidly into a significant biotechnology company . The Company has moved its location to a business park in Reading which we believe is an attractive location to grow and commercialise our business . The Company has made significant strides in complying with the regulatory requirements placed on the Company both as a consequence of its public listing on the AIM Market as well as those imposed by international regulatory agencies in the drug development process . Our objective is to meet the highest regulatory standards wherever possible . In particular , we will be looking to strengthen the Board by the appointment of an additional Non-Executive Director in the coming year . Looking forward we expect the Company to deliver significant value to its shareholders . In addition to the scientific and clinical progress we will be looking to establish commercial relations with partners in both the biotechnology and pharmaceutical sectors .
This is the first time I have ever shared this with another human being , so it is not easy for me . I keep thinking , I am different . I am not like the others ... although perhaps I am , except I pull my hair from my head and not my eyebrows or eyelashes . Oh , this is so hard but good to have someone I hope will not think I am silly or I am going mad !!! I can remember the day I started , vividly , why I do n't know , maybe some sort of turning point in my life at the age of ten . During my teenage years while going to high school it got to the point of having bald patches behind my ears . I got my hair cut to hide it , as we always had to have out hair up and you could see the bald spots clearly . I do n't remember my parents or anybody else saying anything to me about this , they were always too busy and did n't understand . I am now 48 , never got on with my parents and ran away from home when I was 14 , never went back till I was over 21 . I have never lived at home and can only stand a day there . I find it comes and goes , depending what happens in my life . I believe stress is a big factor . When I gave up smoking several years ago I had nothing to do with my hands so I took up hair pulling again , biting my nails and the skin around them . It 's worse when I am watching TV or not busy with my hands and when I have time to sit and do nothing , boredom . I usually head for the fridge or pull my hair out . Something - I am not sure what , must be happening in my life as in the last few years my weight has ballooned and my hair pulling has been bad in the last few months . I have been dieting and have now lost a lot but have been very very unhappy for a long time . I was never sexually abused by my parents , emotionally I would say , yes . When my parents spoke of their life as children I can now understand why they were like the way there were , always aloof and just out of reach . I always thought I was strange and I did something really weird , I had no idea there was a name for it until one night they featured one brave lady on a current affairs program about pulling her hair out , then I knew . Once , while I was at the doctors with my children I asked him about trichtillomania because I had heard people who have it do the same as I did , he told me not to be so silly , how could I have ADD and did I really think at my age I had it and did I want to start on all these drugs , with no cure . Obviously , that really put me off , I felt like a real idiot . That was years ago , my children are grown up now . THEN , last night because my hair pulling has been so bad in the last month I and I was at my witts end what to do , I do n't know why but I decided to type in ' pulling your hair out and eating it " on my computer and bingo ! I could n't believe my eyes when all this info came up on your website and I could see with my own eyes that I am not alone after all these years ! I can stop it when I really try . I tell my hands not to do it and try not to think about it and it is very hard but the urge goes away in the end . Sometimes I can be pull free for months at a time then I think ' oh I have n't done that for ages and bang away it goes again ' that 's the way I describe it anyway . It is not an easy thing to accept there is something wrong with you . I have been through all the phyciatrists when I was younger , as I can not relate emotionally to my parents or children . When my Dad died last year I could not shed a tear and still can not . My Mum can not still tell me she loves me , even though I say it to spite her . Since I have grown older I have eventually been able to come to terms with the way I am and now have my ways to get around things . I am a very happy , strong , bubbly , outgoing , person on the outside but a very miserable person on the inside , with all these problems I hide very well . THANK YOU , THANK YOU !!
( 1 ) This Order may be cited as the Private Streets ( Northern Ireland ) Order 1980 . ( 2 ) Commencement Interpretation 2 . -- ( 1 ) The Interpretation Act ( Northern Ireland ) 1954 M12 shall apply to Article 1 and the following provisions of this Order as it applies to a Measure of the Northern Ireland Assembly . ( 2 ) In this Order -- " adjoining " includes abutting on ; " building regulations " means regulations made under Article 3 ( 1 ) of the Building Regulations ( Northern Ireland ) Order 1972 M13 or under Article 3 ( 1 ) of the Building Regulations ( Northern Ireland ) Order 1979 M14 ; " the Department " means the Department of the Environment ; " fronting " includes adjoining ; " industrial premises " means premises used or designed or suitable for use for the carrying on of any industrial undertaking and includes premises used for purposes ancillary to the carrying on of any such undertaking ; " industrial undertaking " includes any undertaking by which any process for , or incidental to , any of the following purposes is , or is intended to be , carried on -- ( a ) the making of any article or substance , or part of any article or substance ; ( b ) the altering , repairing , ornamenting , finishing , cleaning , washing , preserving , packing , canning , adapting for sale , breaking-up or demolition of any article or substance ; ( c ) without prejudice to paragraph ( b ) , the getting , dressing or preparation for sale of minerals or the extraction or preparation for sale of oil or brine , being a process carried on in the course of a trade or business ; and for the purposes of this definition , the expression " article " means an article of any description , including a [ F011 ship as defined in the Merchant Shipping Act 1995 ] ; " owner " means the person for the time being receiving the rack rent of the lands or premises in connection with which the word is used , whether on his own account or as agent or trustee for any other person , or who would so receive the same if such land or premises were let at a rack rent ; " paving " includes metalling and flagging and all other methods of making a carriage-way , footway or footpath ; " the Planning Order " means the Planning ( Northern Ireland ) Order [ F005 1991 ] ; " premises " includes land ; " public body " means a body established by or under any statutory provision ; " public road " means a street which is maintainable at the expense of the Department ; " responsible person " has the meaning assigned to it by Article 36 ; " statutory provision " has the meaning assigned to it by section 1 ( f ) of the Interpretation Act ( Northern Ireland ) 1954 M15 ; " street " includes -- ( a ) any highway , any public bridge and any road , lane , footpath , square , court , alley or passage , whether a thoroughfare or not ; ( b ) any part of a street ; and ( c ) any land which the Department , in exercise of street planning functions , determines shall be regarded as being comprised in a street for the purposes of Part III ; " street planning functions " has the meaning assigned to it by Article 3 ( 2 ) ; " street works " means any works for the sewering , levelling , paving , channelling and making good of a street [ F007 and includes the provision of proper means for lighting a street ] ; " transfer " in relation to premises or any estate therein includes any disposal of the premises or estate whether by sale , lease , exchange , gift or otherwise . ( 3 ) For the purposes of this Order , the frontage of a building or proposed building on a street shall be deemed to be the frontage that the building itself and any land occupied or , as the case may be , proposed to be occupied , with the building and for the purposes thereof has or will have on the street . ( 4 ) In ascertaining a majority in number of owners for the purposes of this Order , joint owners and owners holding as tenants in common shall be treated as one owner . ( 5 ) In this Order " private street " means a street other than a public road and , for the purpose of the application of Part V in relation to any building , includes any land shown as a proposed street on plans deposited with respect to that building on a planning application under the Planning Order or in accordance with building regulations ; and the fact that a part of a street is a public road shall not prevent any other part thereof from being taken for the purposes of this Order to be a part of a private street . PART II LAYING OUT AND CONSTRUCTION OF STREETS Exercise of street planning functions by the Department 3 . -- ( 1 ) Where the development of land for which planning permission is required under Part IV of the Planning Order consists of or includes or appears to require the laying out or construction of streets , the Department shall determine the width , position and arrangement of the streets , and the land to be regarded for the purposes of Part III as being comprised in those streets . ( 2 ) The functions exercisable by the Department by virtue of paragraph ( 1 ) are in this Order referred to as " street planning functions " and , where regulations are made under paragraph ( 3 ) , shall be exercised in accordance with those regulations . ( 3 ) The Department may , by regulations which shall be subject to affirmative resolution , prescribe minimum standards to be applied by it in the exercise of street planning functions , and the regulations may empower the Department to dispense with or relax any of the requirements of the regulations in respect of such matters as may be specified in the regulations . ( 4 ) The Department may , where it considers it necessary for the exercise of street planning functions , require the applicant for permission for the development of any land to submit plans and particulars showing the general scheme for the development of the land of which any street is intended to form part . [ F006 ( 4A ) Where street planning functions are exercisable by the Department in relation to a street which joins an existing public road , the Department may , subject to paragraph ( 4B ) , attach to any determination under this Article in respect of that street a requirement that such works as the Department considers necessary for the improvement of that public road are carried out in accordance with an agreement under paragraph ( 4C ) . ( 4B ) Works required under paragraph ( 4A ) for the improvement of a public road shall be works which are either -- ( a ) within the boundary of that road ; or ( b ) on land owned by the Department . ( 4C ) The Department may enter into an agreement under seal with any person -- ( a ) for the carrying out at the expense of that person of works required under paragraph ( 4A ) ; and ( b ) for the issue of a certificate by the Department when those works have been completed in accordance with the agreement and the terms and conditions of the agreement have been duly complied with . ( 4D ) An agreement under paragraph ( 4C ) between the Department and any other person -- ( a ) shall contain such detailed provisions as to the nature of the works to be carried out as the Department thinks fit ; and ( b ) may include provision for ensuring that , for such period as may be specified in the agreement , any defects in those works shall be remedied by , and at the expense of , that person . ( 4E ) The person with whom the Department enters into an agreement under paragraph ( 4C ) shall secure the due performance of the agreement by means of a guarantee bond or by any other means acceptable to the Department . ( 4F ) A certificate issued by the Department under paragraph ( 4C ) ( b ) in respect of any works shall be conclusive for all purposes of this Order that those works have been carried out in accordance with the agreement . ( 4G ) In paragraph ( 4A ) " improvement " has the same meaning as in [ F010 Article 43 of the Roads ( Northern Ireland ) Order 1993 ] . ] ( 5 ) Where the Department grants outline planning permission for the development of any land and that permission is conditional upon the subsequent approval of the particulars of the proposed development , the Department may defer its determination of the matters referred to in paragraph ( 1 ) pending the submission of those particulars . [ F006 ( 5A ) The Department may stop up or temporarily close any street which another person has constructed -- ( a ) before a determination has been given by the Department under paragraph ( 1 ) in respect of that street ; or ( b ) otherwise than in conformity with a determination so given . ] ( 6 ) In this Article " outline planning permission " has the same meaning as in the Planning Order . Application of the Planning Order 4 . -- ( 1 ) Subject to the provisions of this Order , functions exercisable in relation to development under the Planning Order shall be deemed to include street planning functions and an application for planning permission under that Order shall be deemed to include an application for the determination by the Department of any matters set out in Article 3 ( 1 ) which appear to the Department to require to be determined in accordance with the application for planning permission . ( 2 ) The Planning Order shall apply to the exercise of street planning functions in like manner as it applies to the exercise of functions in relation to development . ( 3 ) Without prejudice to the generality of [ F005 Article 32 ] of the Planning Order , an applicant for permission for the development of any land may appeal under that Article against the refusal of the Department to dispense with or relax as respects that land any standards prescribed in regulations made under Article 3 ( 3 ) which it is empowered by those regulations to dispense with or relax . ( 4 ) For the purposes of Part VI of the Planning Order , failure to provide a street for which planning permission has been granted either under the Planning Act ( Northern Ireland ) 1944 M16 or the Planning Order shall be deemed to be a breach of planning control and the powers exercisable by the Department under that Part shall include power to provide that street . Standards for construction of streets 5 . -- ( 1 ) The Department may , by regulations which shall be subject to affirmative resolution -- ( a ) prescribe standards in relation to any matter ( other than a matter in relation to which regulations may be made under Article 3 ( 3 )) in connection with or affecting the construction of streets ; ( b ) draw up and include in the regulations such detailed requirements as may be necessary in relation to all or any of the matters for which regulations may be made under this paragraph ; ( c ) provide for the determination of any question arising under the regulations between the Department and the person by or on whose behalf plans are deposited ; ( d ) provide for the giving of notices and the deposit of plans ; ( e ) provide for the inspection of work and for the carrying out of such investigations and tests and the taking of such samples as are necessary to ensure that the work is in conformity with the regulations ; ( f ) provide for the removal or alteration of work not in conformity with the regulations ; ( g ) provide that no work shall be commenced on matters to which regulations under this paragraph apply until any question arising under the regulations has been determined or any plans required to be deposited have been approved by the Department ; ( h ) provide for the [ F006 bearing of any expenses ] in connection with -- ( i ) the carrying out of [ F006 inspections , ] investigations and tests and the taking of samples for the purposes of regulations made under sub-paragraph ( e ) , and ( ii ) the removal or alteration of work for the purposes of regulations made under sub-paragraph ( f ) . ( 2 ) Regulations made under paragraph ( 1 ) may empower the Department to dispense with or relax any of the requirements of the regulations in respect of such matters as may be specified in the regulations and may include such supplemental and incidental provisions as appear to the Department to be expedient . ( 3 ) Any person who contravenes regulations made under paragraph ( 1 ) shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding £ 500 and to a further fine not exceeding £ 50 for each day during which the offence continues after conviction therefor . Appeal against refusal to relax regulations made under Article 5 6 . -- ( 1 ) Where application is made to the Department to dispense with or relax any requirement of regulations made under Article 5 ( 1 ) which it is empowered by those regulations to dispense with or relax and it appears to the Department that the application should be refused , the Department shall , within a period of 28 days from the day on which such application is made , issue notice to that effect to the applicant giving such reasons as it considers appropriate . ( 2 ) Before determining an application under this Article , the Department shall , if it sees fit , or if the applicant so requests within a period of 28 days from the day on which he receives such notice , afford to the applicant an opportunity of appearing before and being heard by a person appointed for that purpose by the Planning Appeals Commission and considered by it to be qualified in that behalf . ( 3 ) Where a hearing is held under paragraph ( 2 ) , the Department shall consider any recommendations made by the person appointed under that paragraph . PART III ADOPTION OF PRIVATE STREETS AS PUBLIC ROADS Adoption of streets dealt with under Article 3 7 . -- ( 1 ) A street or part of a street in respect of which the Department has exercised street planning functions , shall not be adopted as a public road unless the street comprises land which the Department , in exercise of its street planning functions , has determined shall be regarded as being comprised in the street for the purposes of this Part and -- ( a ) the aggregate length of the frontages of the completed buildings on both sides of the street constitutes at least one-half of that of all the frontages on both sides thereof , and the street or part of a street is joined to a street which is a public road or is likely to become a public road within a reasonable time ; or ( b ) the Department has issued a notice under Article 11 requiring the execution of all works which are reasonably necessary to bring the street into conformity with regulations made under Article 5 ( 1 ) ; or ( c ) the street has been provided in accordance with an agreement under Article 32 . ( 2 ) [ F006 Subject to paragraph ( 2A ) , ] where the Department is satisfied that -- ( a ) a street has been provided in conformity with a determination under Article 3 ( 1 ) ; ( b ) the street , or part of the street , satisfies the conditions specified in paragraph ( 1 ) ( a ) or ( b ) ; and ( c ) all works which are reasonably necessary to bring the street into conformity with regulations made under Article 5 ( 1 ) have been executed ; the Department may issue a preliminary certificate to that effect . [ F006 ( 2A ) Where a requirement mentioned in Article 3 ( 4A ) is attached to a determination given under Article 3 ( 1 ) in respect of a street , the Department shall not issue a preliminary certificate under paragraph ( 2 ) unless the Department is satisfied that that requirement has been complied with . ] ( 3 ) Where the Department is satisfied that a street has been properly maintained during a period of one year from the date on which a preliminary certificate was issued in respect of it and that any defects occurring during that period have been made good , the Department may issue a certificate to that effect . [ F006 ( 4 ) Where -- ( a ) a preliminary certificate under paragraph ( 2 ) and a certificate under paragraph ( 3 ) have been issued in respect of a street ; and ( b ) no application under paragraph ( 4A ) has been received by the Department within the period of 28 days beginning on the date on which the certificate under paragraph ( 3 ) was issued , the Department shall on the expiry of that period declare the street to be a public road and the street shall be a public road from the date of the declaration . ( 4A ) The person to whom a preliminary certificate under paragraph ( 2 ) and a certificate under paragraph ( 3 ) have been issued in respect of a street may , within the period mentioned in paragraph ( 4 ) ( b ) , make application to the Department requesting that the Department should not declare the street to be a public road under this Article . ( 4B ) Subject to paragraphs ( 4D ) to ( 4F ) , on an application made to it under paragraph ( 4A ) in respect of a private street the Department may -- ( a ) grant the request in the application and not make any declaration under this Article in respect of the street ; or ( b ) refuse the request and declare the street to be a public road ; and the decision of the Department on any such application shall be final . ( 4C ) Where the Department declares a street to be a public road under paragraph ( 4B ) ( b ) the street shall be a public road from the date of the declaration . ( 4D ) Where an application is made to the Department under paragraph ( 4A ) in respect of a private street and the Department is of the opinion that the request in the application should not be granted the Department shall issue notice to that effect to the applicant giving such reasons as it considers appropriate . ( 4E ) Before determining an application under paragraph ( 4A ) , the Department may , or if the applicant so requests within 28 days from the date of the notice under paragraph ( 4D ) shall , afford to him an opportunity of appearing before and being heard by a person appointed for that purpose by the Planning Appeals Commission and considered by it to be qualified in that behalf . ( 4F ) Where a hearing is held under paragraph ( 4E ) , the Department shall consider any recommendations made by the person appointed under that paragraph . ] ( 5 ) Where an application is made for a preliminary certificate under paragraph ( 2 ) or a certificate under paragraph ( 3 ) and the certificate is not issued within 28 days from the day on which that application was made , the certificate shall be deemed to have been refused on the day on which that period expires . ( 6 ) An applicant for a preliminary certificate under paragraph ( 2 ) or a certificate under paragraph ( 3 ) which is refused or deemed to have been refused may , within the 28 days next following and after serving notice of appeal on the Department , appeal to a court of summary jurisdiction on the ground that the conditions for the issue of the certificate have been fulfilled . ( 7 ) If , on an appeal under paragraph ( 6 ) , the court is satisfied that such conditions have been fulfilled , it may direct the Department to issue the certificate . ( 8 ) Subject to [ F010 Article 11 of the Roads ( Northern Ireland ) Order 1993 ] ( provisions as to extraordinary traffic ) and any other statutory provision relating to liability for injury or damage to a public road , a person who has been issued with a preliminary certificate under paragraph ( 2 ) and with a certificate under paragraph ( 3 ) in respect of a street shall be free from all liability for any expenses [ F006 incurred after the date of a declaration under paragraph ( 4 ) or ( 4B ) ( b ) ] in carrying out any street works in that street ( other than works required to make good any damage caused by any subsequent act on his part of negligence or malfeasance ) . Adoption of streets provided in accordance with an agreement under Article 32 8 . [ F006 ( 1 ) ] Subject to [ F006 paragraph ( 2 ) and ] Article 7 ( 1 ) , where a street has been provided in accordance with an agreement under Article 32 , the Department shall declare the street to be a public road and the street shall be a public road from the date of the declaration . [ F006 ( 2 ) Where a requirement mentioned in Article 3 ( 4A ) is attached to a determination given under Article 3 ( 1 ) in respect of a street , the Department shall not declare the street to be a public road under paragraph ( 1 ) unless the Department is satisfied that that requirement has been complied with . ] [ F006 Adoption of streets on request of , or with consent of , owners or occupiers of adjoining land 9 . -- ( 1 ) This Article shall not apply to any street in respect of which the Department has exercised street planning functions , unless the Department has granted the request in an application under Article 7 ( 4A ) in respect of the street . ] ( 2 ) Where with respect to a street or part of a street not being a public road -- ( a ) the Department is of the opinion that the street should become a public road , and a majority of the owners or occupiers of the land in or adjoining such street consent thereto in writing ; or ( b ) a majority of such owners or occupiers request in writing that the street should become a public road and the Department is of the opinion that the request should be granted ; then , if the Department is satisfied that the street is in all respects fit and proper to become a public road , the Department may declare the street to be a public road and the street shall be a public road from the date of the declaration . ( 3 ) Where a street meets the conditions set out in paragraph ( 2 ) ( a ) or ( b ) but the Department is not satisfied that the street is in all respects fit and proper to become a public road , the Department may , in exceptional circumstances of such a kind as it may determine , declare the street to be a public road , and the street shall be a public road from the date of the declaration . ( 4 ) Where an application is made to the Department to declare a street to be a public road and the Department is of the opinion that the request should not be granted the Department shall issue notice to that effect to the applicant giving such reasons as it considers appropriate . ( 5 ) Before determining an application under this Article , the Department may , or if the applicant so requests within 28 days from the date of the notice under paragraph ( 4 ) shall , afford to him an opportunity of appearing before and being heard by a person appointed for that purpose by the Planning Appeals Commission and considered by it to be qualified in that behalf . ( 6 ) Where a hearing is held under paragraph ( 5 ) , the Department shall consider any recommendations made by the person appointed under that paragraph . ( 7 ) The decision of the Department on any such application shall be final . Vesting and control of drains 10 . A drain appertaining to a street , which -- ( a ) becomes a public road after the coming into operation of this Order , or ( b ) which became a public road after 12th October 1964 , and is used solely for the purpose of draining streets shall , whether or not it forms part of the street , vest in and be under the control of the Department from the date on which that street becomes , or became , a public road . [ F007 Vesting and control of lighting equipment 10A . Any lamps , lamp posts , cables or other equipment installed for the purpose of providing a proper means for lighting a street which becomes a public road after the coming into operation of Article 3 of the Private Streets ( Amendment ) ( Northern Ireland ) Order 1992 shall , unless already so vested , vest in and be under the control of the Department from the date on which that street becomes a public road . ] PART IV MAKING-UP OF PRIVATE STREETS Notice requiring street works in private street 11 . -- ( 1 ) Subject to paragraphs ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) , where a private street is not , to the satisfaction of the Department , sewered , levelled , paved , channelled [ F007 , made good and lighted , ] the Department may , by notice in writing served on the person appearing to it to be the responsible person , require that person to execute within such time , not being less than 28 days , as may be specified in the notice , street works with respect to the street of such a nature as may be indicated therein . ( 2 ) Where street works are required under paragraph ( 1 ) to be executed with respect to a part only of a street ( not being a part extending for the whole of the length of the street ) , the requirement shall be made only of each person who is a responsible person in respect of street works in the length of the street which constitutes or comprises that part . ( 3 ) Where , before 13th October 1964 -- ( a ) street works were executed under any statutory provision relating to private streets with respect to a part only of a private street , being a part extending for the whole of the length of the street , and ( b ) those works were executed only by , or at the expense only of , the owners or occupiers of the premises fronting one side of the street , and ( c ) the Department requires street works to be executed under paragraph ( 1 ) with respect to any part of the street extending for the whole of the length of the street , other than a part in which street works were previously executed as aforesaid , then , notwithstanding anything in paragraph ( 2 ) , the requirement shall not be made of the owners of premises fronting that part of the street on which street works were previously carried out . ( 4 ) The Department may include in street works to be executed under paragraph ( 1 ) any works which it thinks necessary for bringing the street as regards sewerage , drainage , level , [ F007 lighting ] or other matters into conformity with other streets , whether maintainable at the public expense or not , including the provision of separate sewers for the reception of sewage and of surface water respectively . ( 5 ) The Department shall , in any notice under paragraph ( 1 ) , inform the person to whom it is addressed of any right of appeal under Article 12 and of the time within which such appeal may be made . ( 6 ) The Department may , by a further notice in writing served on the person on whom a notice is served under paragraph ( 1 ) , withdraw a notice served under paragraph ( 1 ) or substitute other requirements for those contained in a notice previously so served and such further notice shall , for all the purposes of this Order , be deemed to be a notice served under paragraph ( 1 ) . Appeal against notice under Article 11 12 . A person on whom a notice is served under Article 11 may , within a period of 28 days from the day on which the notice is served on him and after serving notice of the appeal on the Department , appeal to a court of summary jurisdiction on either or both of the following grounds -- ( a ) that he is not the responsible person ; ( b ) that the street is not a private street . Power of Department to execute street works 13 . -- ( 1 ) Subject to paragraph ( 2 ) , if a requirement under Article 11 is not complied with within the time specified in the notice containing that requirement , the Department may execute the street works indicated in the notice and , subject to the following provisions of this Part , may recover in accordance with the provisions of Article 15 from each responsible person in default such part of the expenses of the street works ( including a charge in respect of surveys , superintendence and notices [ ... ] F006 ) as may be apportioned to him in accordance with Article 14 . ( 2 ) Where an appeal has been made under Article 12 , the notice served under Article 11 shall be suspended until the appeal is finally determined or abandoned and where the appeal is disallowed or abandoned the time specified in that notice shall be reckoned from the date on which the appeal is so determined or abandoned , as the case may be . ( 3 ) Where the Department executes street works under paragraph ( 1 ) , the street shall be declared by the Department to be a public road and the street shall be a public road from the date of completion of the works . Apportionment of expenses 14 . -- ( 1 ) Subject to the following provisions of this Article , the expenses recoverable by the Department under this Order in respect of street works in a private street shall be apportioned against each responsible person under an apportionment according to the frontage for which he is responsible , but in determining the liability of each responsible person regard shall be had to the amount and value of any work already done otherwise than by the Department . ( 2 ) For the purposes of paragraph ( 1 ) , the frontage for which a person is responsible is , subject to Article 24 ( 12 ) and ( 13 ) , the frontage on the part of the street in respect of which he has , or is deemed under Article 24 ( 11 ) to have , paid or secured a sum under Article 24 ( 1 ) or given an undertaking under Article 24 ( 2 ) or in respect of which he has entered into an agreement under Article 32 , or , where no such prior provision for street works has been made , the frontage of the premises of which he is the owner . ( 3 ) Where -- ( a ) the amount of the expenses apportioned under paragraph ( 1 ) in respect of any frontage is disproportionate to the benefit derived by the premises having that frontage ; and ( b ) the street works to which those expenses relate are not street works in respect of which -- ( i ) a sum has been paid or secured under Article 24 ( 1 ) , or ( ii ) an undertaking has been given under Article 24 ( 2 ) , or ( iii ) an agreement has been entered into under Article 32 , the amount so apportioned shall be reduced by such amount as may appear equitable to the Department and the amount of any such reduction shall be borne by the Department . ( 4 ) Where under paragraph ( 3 ) , the Department reduces the expenses apportioned under paragraph ( 1 ) in respect of any frontage , the Department may recover from the responsible person in accordance with Article 15 , in whole or in part , the amount of the reduction if at any time access should be opened to the street so as to increase the benefit of the street works to the premises having that frontage . ( 5 ) The Department shall not be entitled to recover by virtue of paragraph ( 4 ) unless , at the time at which the reduction is made , it has served a notice on the responsible person indicating the circumstances in which such recovery may be made . ( 6 ) Where the Department is satisfied that street works carried out by it under this Order in a private street will benefit premises not fronting the street , the Department may apportion against any frontage of those premises such proportion of the expenses incurred by the Department in carrying out those street works as it thinks equitable according to the benefit derived . ( 7 ) Any sum apportioned under paragraph ( 6 ) shall be recoverable in accordance with Article 15 from the person or persons who would be the responsible persons if the street works were in respect of the street on which those premises have a frontage . Recovery of expenses by the Department 15 . -- ( 1 ) A demand in writing for any sum which is recoverable by the Department under any provision of this Order from any person in respect of the expenses of street works in a private street shall be served by the Department on that person or , where it is not possible for the demand to be so served , on any person appearing to the Department to be his agent or trustee . ( 2 ) The Department shall , in any demand under paragraph ( 1 ) , inform the person to whom it is addressed of his right of appeal under Article 16 and of the time within which such appeal may be made . ( 3 ) Where a demand is served under paragraph ( 1 ) on an agent or trustee of the person from whom the expenses are recoverable , the expenses shall , subject to paragraphs ( 6 ) and ( 7 ) , be recoverable from that agent or trustee . ( 4 ) The sum specified in a demand served under paragraph ( 1 ) , unless varied by the court on an appeal to it under Article 16 and , where the sum has been so varied , the sum which that court determines to be recoverable shall , together with interest thereon , be a civil debt due to the Department , and recoverable by it either summarily or in any court of competent jurisdiction . ( 5 ) The interest under paragraph ( 4 ) shall be payable from the date which is one month from the date of service of the demand under paragraph ( 1 ) to the date of payment at such rate as , by virtue of a determination of the Department of Finance under section 5 of the Public Health and Local Government ( Miscellaneous Provisions ) Act ( Northern Ireland ) 1962 M17 , is , on the date on which the said demand is served , in force for the purposes of expenses to which subsection ( 1 ) ( b ) of that section applies . ( 6 ) Subject to paragraph ( 7 ) , if a person from whom a sum is recoverable in accordance with this Article proves that he -- ( a ) is liable only by reason of the fact that he is an agent or trustee for some other person ; and ( b ) has not , and since the date on which he became liable has not had , in his hands on behalf of that other person sufficient money to discharge the whole demand of the Department ; his liability shall be limited to the total amount of the money which he has , or since the said date has had , in his hands as aforesaid ; but where the Department is or would be debarred by the foregoing provisions from recovering the whole of any such sum from an agent or trustee , it may recover the whole or any unpaid balance thereof from the person for whom he is agent or trustee . ( 7 ) Where , in proceedings brought under paragraph ( 4 ) against any person , the court is satisfied that that person is liable only by reason of the fact that he is an agent or trustee , the court may , without prejudice to its power to make an order for the payment of the amount to which his liability is limited under paragraph ( 6 ) , make an order against him directing the payment by him to the Department of such amount as the court thinks proper out of money to be received by him as such agent or trustee . ( 8 ) The time within which summary proceedings may be taken for the recovery of any sum , which the Department is entitled to recover under this Order , shall be reckoned from the date of the service of a demand therefor ; but where the sum is recoverable in a case in which an appeal has been made under Article 16 , the said time shall be reckoned from the date on which the appeal is finally determined or abandoned as the case may be . ( 9 ) Any proceedings commenced under paragraph ( 4 ) for the recovery of a sum specified in a demand served under paragraph ( 1 ) shall , on the service on the Department of notice of an appeal under Article 16 against that demand , be stayed until the appeal is finally determined or abandoned . ( 10 ) Subject to paragraphs ( 11 ) and ( 12 ) , any expenses recoverable in respect of any frontage by the Department in accordance with this Article shall , until recovered , be deemed to be charged on and payable out of the estate , in the premises having that frontage , of -- ( a ) the responsible person or other person liable under this Order for those expenses ; and ( b ) any person deriving title from him ; so however that , where a person is the responsible person or the person otherwise liable as aforesaid by reason of the fact that he is an agent or trustee for another person , those expenses shall be a charge on the estate in the premises of the person for whom he is agent or trustee . ( 11 ) Subject to paragraph ( 12 ) , the charge created by paragraph ( 10 ) shall be enforceable in all respects as if it were a valid mortgage by deed created in favour of the Department by the person on whose estate that charge has been created ( with , where necessary , any concurrence or consent required by law ) for the amount of the expenses referred to in that paragraph on -- ( a ) the date of the undertaking under Article 24 ( 1 ) or , as the case may be , of the undertaking under Article 24 ( 2 ) or of the agreement under Article 32 ; and ( b ) in every other case , the date of the completion of the street works ; and for the recovery thereof the Department may exercise the powers conferred by sections 19 , 21 and 22 of the Conveyancing Act 1881 M18 on mortgages by deed . ( 12 ) Notwithstanding anything in this Order or in Part X of the Land Registration Act ( Northern Ireland ) 1970 M19 a charge created on an estate in any premises by any provision of this Order shall not be enforced against , or against the estate of , the owner of those premises unless he is the responsible person or a person otherwise liable under this Order for the expenses referred to in paragraph ( 10 ) . Appeals regarding street works expenses 16 . -- ( 1 ) Subject to the provisions of this Article , a person from whom the Department proposes to recover under this Part any expenses incurred by it in executing street works may , within 28 days from the date on which a demand for the payment of the expenses or any part thereof was first served on him under Article 15 and after serving notice of the appeal on the Department , appeal to court of summary jurisdiction on all or any of the following grounds , namely : -- ( a ) that he is not the responsible person or , as the case may be , the person liable under the provisions of this Order ; ( b ) that the street is not a private street ; ( c ) that the works carried out are insufficient or unreasonable ; ( d ) that the expenses are excessive ; ( e ) that the amount charged should be reduced under Article 14 ( 3 ) on the ground that it is disproportionate to the benefit derived from the execution of the street works ; ( f ) that the expenses of the street works have not been apportioned in accordance with the provisions of this Order . ( 2 ) On an appeal under paragraph ( 1 ) , no question may be raised by any person which might have been raised by that person on an appeal under any other provision of this Order . Liability where transferor has taken responsibility for expenses of street works 17 . -- ( 1 ) Where it is shown to the satisfaction of the Department , whether before or after the service of a demand for the payment of the expenses incurred by the Department in executing street works in a private street , that premises having a frontage in respect of which the street works have been executed have been transferred to the responsible person upon terms which included a provision to the effect that the transferor shall pay or procure the payment of such expenses , the Department may treat the transferor as the responsible person and may recover the expenses of the street works from him in accordance with Article 15 . ( 2 ) Any expenses recovered from the transferor under paragraph ( 1 ) shall be deemed to have been paid by the responsible person but , except to that extent , the liability of the responsible person for the expenses of the street works shall remain unaffected . Evasion of street works expenses 18 . Where the Department -- ( a ) is empowered under this Order to recover the expenses of street works from any person ; and ( b ) is unable by the exercise of its powers ( other than powers conferred by this Article ) to recover that sum , then if a court of summary jurisdiction is satisfied , upon application made to it by the Department , that the premises having a frontage in respect of which those street works were executed were previously transferred for the purpose of evading the payment of those expenses , the court may make an order under this Article providing that , to such extent as the court making the order may determine , the Department may recover the expenses . Street works executed in the course of other works by the Department 19 . -- ( 1 ) Where , in order to make a street conform to the requirements for it to be declared to be a public road under Article 9 , works are required which include works other than street works and -- ( a ) the street is declared to be a public road under Article 9 ; and ( b ) works ( including street works ) are carried out by the Department as soon as possible thereafter ; then , notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any statutory provision , the declaration of the street to be a public road and the carrying out of works as aforesaid shall not relieve any person of liability for the expenses of any street works included in such works , and the amount of that liability shall not be greater or less than it would have been if works other than street works had not been carried out . ( 2 ) Notwithstanding that a notice has not been served under Article 11 , any street works which are included in works carried out by the Department as aforesaid but in respect of which a notice could have been served by the Department under that Article shall be deemed to be street works carried out by the Department , and the expenses of those street works shall be deemed to be expenses incurred by the Department under Article 13 and shall be recoverable accordingly . Payment of expenses by instalments 20 . -- ( 1 ) Without prejudice to any other power exercisable by it under this Order , the Department may enter into an agreement with any responsible person or any other person liable for expenses under this Order that , subject to such conditions as the Department may specify , any expenses recoverable by it under this Order shall be repaid with interest within a period not exceeding 30 years either by means of instalments of principal , together with interest on the balance of the principal from time to time outstanding , or by means of an annuity of principal and interest combined and any such instalment or annuity , or any part thereof , may be recovered in accordance with Article 15 from the responsible person or that other person . ( 2 ) The interest chargeable under paragraph ( 1 ) shall be at such rate as , by virtue of a determination of the Department of Finance under section 5 of the Public Health and Local Government ( Miscellaneous Provisions ) Act ( Northern Ireland ) 1962 M20 , is , on the date on which the demand for the expenses is served , in force for the purposes of expenses to which subsection ( 1 ) ( b ) of that section applies . Department's duty to exercise its powers 21 . -- ( 1 ) Where , in respect of a private street on which a building to which Article 24 ( 1 ) applies has a frontage , all such street works as are required for the issue by the Department of a preliminary certificate in respect of that street under Article 7 ( 2 ) have not been carried out to the satisfaction of the Department within one year from the date on which the building is first occupied or such longer period as the Department thinks reasonable , the Department shall exercise in relation to that street the powers conferred on it by Articles 11 and 13 . ( 2 ) Where -- ( a ) a sum has been paid or secured under Article 24 ( 1 ) in respect of street works in a private street ; and ( b ) the aggregate length of the frontages of the completed buildings on both sides of the street constitutes at least one-half of that of all the frontages on both sides thereof and , in the case of part of a street , that part is not less than 100 metres in length and is joined to a street which is a public road or is likely to become a public road within a reasonable time ; and ( c ) the majority in number of the owners of the premises having a frontage on the street or as many of them as have between them more than half the aggregate length of all the frontages on both sides of the street by notice so request ; the Department shall exercise in relation to that street the powers conferred on it by Articles 11 and 13 . ( 3 ) This Article shall not apply to a street in respect of which an agreement has been entered into under Article 32 . Urgent repairs 22 . -- ( 1 ) The Department may , on giving at least 48 hours' notice to the person who appears to it to be the responsible person , carry out such repairs in a private street as are in its opinion urgently required to prevent or remove danger to persons or vehicles in the street . ( 2 ) Any expenses incurred under paragraph ( 1 ) shall be deemed to be expenses incurred by the Department under Article 13 and shall be recoverable accordingly . ( 3 ) The provisions of this Article shall be without prejudice to Articles 11 and 13 . Contribution by the Department to expenses of street works 23 . -- ( 1 ) The Department may in such circumstances as it considers proper bear the whole or a portion of the expenses of any street works in a private street , and the liabilities of the responsible persons in respect of those expenses shall be treated as discharged , or as proportionately reduced , accordingly . ( 2 ) Paragraph ( 1 ) shall not apply to streets not designed for use by vehicular traffic or which are intended only to provide access to the rear of premises . PART V PRIOR PROVISION FOR EXPENSES OF STREET WORKS IN PRIVATE STREETS Prior provision to be made to meet street works expenses 24 . -- ( 1 ) Where -- ( a ) it is proposed to erect a building for which plans were prior to 1st October 1973 required to be deposited with a sanitary authority or are required in accordance with building regulations to be deposited with a district council ; and ( b ) the building will have a frontage on a private street ; no work shall be done in or for the purpose of erecting the building until the Department has served a notice under [ F003 Article 25 ( 2 ) ] specifying the sum which is to be paid or secured under this paragraph , and a person having an estate in the land on which the building is to be erected -- ( i ) has paid to the Department or secured to the satisfaction of the Department the payment to it , of that sum or such lesser sum as may be substituted by the court on an appeal to it under Article 26 , and ( ii ) has entered into an agreement under seal with the Department undertaking for himself and his successors in title to pay such further sum , if any , as may be recoverable in respect of the cost of street works . ( 2 ) Where the Department by notice under paragraph ( 8 ) ( e ) , ( f ) , ( g ) or ( h ) exempts a building from the provisions of paragraph ( 1 ) , no work shall be done in or for the purpose of erecting the building until a person having an estate in the land has entered into an agreement under seal with the Department undertaking , for himself and his successors in title , liability for such street works as may be indicated in the agreement . ( 3 ) Subject to paragraphs ( 4 ) , ( 5 ) , ( 6 ) and ( 7 ) , if work is done in contravention of paragraph ( 1 ) or ( 2 ) , the owner of the land on which the building is to be erected and , if he is a different person , the person undertaking the erection of the building shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding £ 500 and any further contravention in respect of the same building shall constitute a new offence and may be punished accordingly . ( 4 ) Where an owner of any land has agreed to transfer or has transferred the land upon terms which include a provision to the effect that he shall pay or procure payment of the expenses of any street works -- ( a ) that owner shall be the person responsible for paying or securing the sum and giving the undertaking under paragraph ( 1 ) , or , as the case may be , giving the undertaking under paragraph ( 2 ) , and ( b ) for the purposes of paragraph ( 3 ) that owner shall , and the transferee shall not , unless he is also the person undertaking the erection of the building , be guilty of an offence if work is done in contravention of paragraph ( 1 ) or ( 2 ) in or for the purpose of erecting a building on the land . ( 5 ) Where the person undertaking the erection of the building , not being the owner of the land on which it is to be erected , is charged with an offence under paragraph ( 3 ) , it shall be a defence for him to prove that he had reasonable grounds for believing that a sum had been paid or secured and an undertaking given in accordance with paragraph ( 1 ) or , as the case may be , that an undertaking had been given in accordance with paragraph ( 2 ) . ( 6 ) For the purposes of paragraph ( 5 ) , where the person who is responsible under paragraph ( 4 ) for paying or securing the sum under paragraph ( 1 ) or giving the undertaking under paragraph ( 2 ) has been served with a notice stating the date , not being less than 2 months from the date of the service of the notice , on which work will commence in or for the purpose of erecting the building to which the notice relates , the person undertaking the erection of the building shall , from the date stated in that notice , be deemed to have reasonable grounds for believing that the sum has been secured or the undertaking given . ( 7 ) Proceedings under paragraph ( 3 ) shall not be taken by any person other than the Department or a person acting on behalf of , or with the consent of , the Director of Public Prosecutions . ( 8 ) Paragraph ( 1 ) shall not apply where -- ( a ) the building proposed to be erected will be situated in the curtilage of , and be appurtenant to , an existing building ; or ( b ) it is proposed to erect the building in accordance with planning permission granted under the Planning Order on land belonging to a public body ; or ( c ) the frontage of the building is one in respect of which a sum or security previously paid or given under paragraph ( 1 ) is held by the Department or in respect of which an undertaking has been given under paragraph ( 2 ) ; or ( d ) an agreement has been entered into with any person by the Department under Article 32 providing for the carrying out at the expense of that person of street works in the whole of the street or a part of the street comprising the whole of the part on which the frontage of the building will be ; or ( e ) the Department , being satisfied that the street is not , and is not likely within a reasonable time to be , substantially built-up , by notice exempts the building from paragraph ( 1 ) ; or ( f ) the Department , being satisfied -- ( i ) that more than three-quarters of the aggregate length of all the frontages on both sides of the street , or of a part of the street comprising the whole of the part on which the frontage of the building will be , consists , or is at some future time likely to consist , of the frontages of industrial premises ; and ( ii ) that its powers under this Order are not likely to be exercised in relation to the street , or that part thereof , as the case may be , within a reasonable time ; by notice exempts the street or that part thereof from paragraph ( 1 ) ; or ( g ) the Department , being satisfied that the street is not , and is not likely within a reasonable time to become , joined to a public road , by notice exempts the building from the provisions of paragraph ( 1 ) ; or ( h ) the Department , being satisfied that the street was on 13th October 1964 substantially built-up , by notice exempts the building from the provisions of paragraph ( 1 ) . ( 9 ) Where a sum has been paid or secured under this Article in relation to a building proposed to be erected , and thereafter the Department by notice under paragraph ( 8 ) exempts the building from the provisions of paragraph ( 1 ) , the Department shall , when an undertaking has been given under paragraph ( 2 ) , deal with the sum in accordance with Article 30 . ( 10 ) The Department may at any time agree with the responsible person to accept any other security or the payment of a sum in substitution for any security held by it for the purposes of paragraph ( 1 ) . ( 11 ) Where any person has ceased to be the responsible person in respect of any street works , any sum paid or secured by him under paragraph ( 1 ) or any undertaking given by him under paragraph ( 2 ) shall be deemed to have been paid or secured or , as the case may be , given by the person who has become the responsible person . ( 12 ) Where any land in respect of which a sum has been paid or secured under paragraph ( 1 ) is subsequently divided into two or more parts so that two or more persons beome the responsible persons , that sum shall , for the purposes of this Order , be treated as apportioned between those persons according to the frontage of those parts and , for the purposes of the apportionment under Article 14 ( 1 ) of the expenses in respect of which that sum has been paid or secured , the respective frontages of those parts shall be the frontages for which each of those persons is respectively responsible . ( 13 ) Where any land in respect of which an undertaking has been given under paragraph ( 2 ) is subsequently divided into two or more parts so that two or more persons become the responsible persons , then , for the purposes of the apportionment under Article 14 ( 1 ) of the expenses in respect of which the undertaking has been given , the respective frontages of those parts shall be the frontages for which each of those persons is respectively responsible . ( 14 ) Any person who becomes or ceases to be the responsible person for any street works in respect of which a sum has been paid or secured under paragraph ( 1 ) or an undertaking has been given under paragraph ( 2 ) may give notice of that fact to the Department and the Department shall enter the notice in its records . Determination of amount of sum to be paid or secured under Article 24 ( 1 ) 25 . -- ( 1 ) Where , in accordance with building regulations , plans for a proposed building to which Article 24 ( 1 ) applies have been deposited with a district council , the council shall notify the Department of the passing of the plans . ( 2 ) Where -- ( a ) a district council notifies the Department under paragraph ( 1 ) , and ( b ) planning permission for the erection of the proposed building has been granted under the Planning Order , the Department shall serve a notice on the person by whom or on whose behalf the plans have been deposited specifying the sum to be paid or secured under Article 24 ( 1 ) . ( 3 ) Where works for the erection of the proposed building have not been commenced within one year from the date of service of a notice under paragraph ( 2 ) or under this paragraph , the Department may serve a notice or , as the case may be , a further notice specifying a revised sum to be paid or secured under Article 24 ( 1 ) . ( 4 ) Subject to paragraph ( 5 ) , the sum to be specified in a notice served under paragraph ( 2 ) or ( 3 ) shall be such sum as , in the opinion of the Department , would be recoverable by it under this Order if the Department were then to carry out under Article 13 all street works which are reasonably necessary for the completion , to the standard required for its adoption as a public road , of -- ( a ) the whole of the part of the street on which the frontage of the proposed building would be ; and ( b ) that street or any other street in order that the said part may be joined to a public road or to a road which is likely to become a public road within a reasonable time ; but where , in respect of any part of those street works , a sum or security previously paid or given under Article 24 ( 1 ) is held by the Department or an undertaking has been given under Article 24 ( 2 ) or an agreement has been entered into under Article 32 , no sum shall be specified in respect of that part . ( 5 ) Where in the opinion of the Department it would be inequitable , in a notice served under paragraph ( 2 ) or ( 3 ) , to specify a sum in respect of the whole area permitted by paragraph ( 4 ) , the Department may specify a sum in respect of such lesser area as it may consider equitable . ( 6 ) Subject to paragraph ( 7 ) , if , at any time after the service of a notice under paragraph ( 2 ) or ( 3 ) , the Department considers that the sum specified in the notice exceeds such sum as in its opinion would be recoverable as mentioned in paragraph ( 4 ) if the Department were then to carry out such street works as are so mentioned , or that no sum would be so recoverable , it may , by a further notice , substitute a smaller sum for the sum specified in the notice served under paragraph ( 2 ) or ( 3 ) or , as the case may be , intimate that no sum falls to be paid or secured . ( 7 ) Paragraph ( 6 ) shall not apply where the sum specified in a notice served under paragraph ( 2 ) or ( 3 ) has been paid or secured and the case is one in which the Department has power to make a refund or release under Article 28 . ( 8 ) Where the sum specified in a notice served under paragraph ( 2 ) or ( 3 ) has been paid or secured and a notice is subsequently served under paragraph ( 6 ) substituting a smaller sum for the sum so specified or intimating that no sum falls to be paid or secured , the Department shall deal with the excess or , as the case may be , the whole sum in accordance with Article 30 . ( 9 ) The Department shall , in any notice served under this Article , other than a notice intimating that no sum falls to be paid or secured , inform the person to whom it is addressed of the right of appeal under Article 26 and of the time within which such an appeal may be made . Appeal against notice served under Article 25 26 . Where a notice has been served on any person under Article 25 other than a notice intimating that no sum falls to be paid or secured , that person or any other person having an estate in the land on which work in or for the purpose of erecting the building is to be done may , within 28 days from the date of the service of the notice and after serving notice of the appeal on the Department , appeal to a court of summary jurisdiction on all or any of the following grounds , that is to say -- ( a ) that the street is not a private street ; ( b ) that the building is exempt under Article 24 ( 8 ) or that a notice under Article 24 ( 8 ) ( e ) , ( f ) , ( g ) or ( h ) has been unreasonably withheld by the Department ; ( c ) that , in respect of the area for which a sum is specified in the notice served under Article 25 , a smaller sum should be substituted for the sum so specified . Position where plans not proceeded with 27 . -- ( 1 ) Where , at any time after a notice has been served under Article 25 or an undertaking has been given under Article 24 ( 2 ) -- ( a ) a district council declares under Article 12 ( 5 ) of the Building Regulations ( Northern Ireland ) Order 1972 M21 that the deposit of the plans in respect of the building shall be of no effect ; or ( b ) before any work is done in or for the purpose of erecting the building , the person by or on whose behalf the plans in respect of the building were deposited gives notice in writing to the Department that it is not intended to proceed with the building ; the said notice under Article 25 and any payment made or security given in accordance therewith , or any undertaking given under Article 24 ( 2 ) , shall , unless street works in respect of which the responsible person is liable have already been carried out or commenced in the street , be of no effect for the purposes of this Part . ( 2 ) Where under paragraph ( 1 ) a notice served under Article 25 is of no effect and a sum has been paid or secured in accordance therewith , that sum shall be dealt with in accordance with Article 30 . ( 3 ) Where the Department is notified in accordance with paragraph ( 1 ) ( b ) that it is not intended to proceed with the building and by reason thereof a notice under Article 25 is of no effect , and subsequently a person gives notice to the Department that he intends to proceed with the building in accordance with the plans as originally deposited , the notice to be served under Article 25 ( 2 ) shall be served on that person and Article 25 shall have effect accordingly . ( 4 ) Where part of a sum paid or secured under Article 24 ( 1 ) has , under Article 25 ( 8 ) or Article 28 , been dealt with in accordance with Article 30 , this Article shall have effect as if for references therein to a sum paid or secured there were substituted a reference to any part of that sum retained by the Department or remaining secured . Work done otherwise than at the expense of the Department 28 . Where any street works in respect of which a sum has been paid or secured under Article 24 ( 1 ) have been carried out to the satisfaction of , but otherwise than at the expense of the Department , the Department -- ( a ) shall retain in its possession such part of the sum paid or secured as , in its opinion , would be sufficient to meet the cost of any such street works which have not been carried out and , subject to Article 29 , shall in any event retain at least ten per cent . of the sum paid or secured ; and ( b ) may deal , in accordance with Article 30 , with the residue of the sum paid or secured . Sums paid or secured to be in discharge of further liability for street works 29 . -- ( 1 ) Where a sum has been paid or secured under Article 24 ( 1 ) in respect of the cost of street works , the liability of the responsible person shall , in respect of the carrying out of those street works under this Order or under any other statutory provision , be deemed to be discharged to the extent of the sum so paid or secured and , where the liability of the responsible person in respect of the carrying out of those street works exceeds that sum , the Department may recover the amount of the excess in accordance with Article 15 . ( 2 ) Where a sum has been paid or secured under Article 24 ( 1 ) in respect of the cost of street works and , when the street is declared to be a public road , -- ( a ) the said sum is found to exceed the liability of the responsible person in respect of the carrying out of those street works , the amount whereby that sum exceeds that liability ; or ( b ) there is no liability because the street works were not carried out by the Department , the said sum ; shall be dealt with in accordance with Article 30 . ( 3 ) Where part of a sum paid or secured under Article 24 ( 1 ) has , under Article 25 ( 8 ) or 28 , been dealt with in accordance with Article 30 , this Article shall have effect as if for references therein to a sum paid or secured there were substituted a reference to any part of that sum retained by the Department or remaining secured . Refunds of sums paid or secured under Article 24 ( 1 ) 30 . -- ( 1 ) Where under this Part a sum paid or secured under Article 24 ( 1 ) or any part thereof is or is to be dealt with in accordance with this Article , then , subject to this Article , -- ( a ) if the sum was paid , the Department shall refund that sum or , as the case may be , that part to the responsible person ; ( b ) if the sum was secured and the person whose property is security for the payment thereof is the responsible person , the Department shall acknowledge that the security is released to the extent of that sum or , as the case may be , that part ; ( c ) if the sum was secured and the person whose property is security for the payment thereof is not the responsible person , the Department shall be entitled to realise the security and pay to the responsible person -- ( i ) an amount equal to that sum or , as the case may be , that part ; or ( ii ) any amount produced by realising the security ; whichever is the less . ( 2 ) Where any land in respect of which a sum has been secured under Article 24 ( 1 ) is subsequently divided into two or more parts so that two or more persons become the responsible persons and the security is the property of one only of those persons , the Department shall only be required under paragraph ( 1 ) ( b ) to release the security to the extent of the amount apportioned under Article 24 ( 12 ) to that person and shall be entitled to realise the security for the purpose of producing the amount or amounts to be paid to the other person or persons under paragraph ( 1 ) ( c ) . ( 3 ) Where a security is realised under paragraph ( 1 ) ( c ) , and the sum produced by realising the security exceeds the amount paid under that paragraph , the amount of the excess shall be held by the Department and dealt with under this Part as if it had been an amount paid under Article 24 ( 1 ) on the date on which the security was realised . Interest on sums paid under Article 24 ( 1 ) 31 . -- ( 1 ) Subject to paragraph ( 2 ) , any sum paid to the Department under Article 24 ( 1 ) shall , in so far as it continues to be held by the Department , carry simple interest at the appropriate rate from the date of payment until such time as the sum or a part thereof remaining so held -- ( a ) falls to be set off under Article 29 against the liability of the responsible person in respect of the carrying out of street works ; or ( b ) falls to be refunded in full under the provisions of this Order ; and the interest shall be held by the Department until that time and dealt with under those provisions as if it formed part of the said sum . ( 2 ) Paragraph ( 1 ) shall not apply to any sum in so far as it is repaid under an agreement entered into under Article 32 . ( 3 ) In this Article " the appropriate rate " means such rate as is determined by the Department of Finance under section 5 of the Public Health and Local Government ( Miscellaneous Provisions ) Act ( Northern Ireland ) 1962 M22 for the purposes of expenses to which subsection ( 1 ) ( b ) of that section applies ; and for the purposes of this Article interest on any sum held by the Department shall be calculated in respect of each financial year during which it accrues at the appropriate rate prevailing at the commencement of that financial year . Agreement for carrying out street works in private street 32 . -- ( 1 ) The Department may enter into an agreement under seal with any person -- ( a ) for the carrying out at the expense of that person of street works in a private street ; and ( b ) for the issue of a certificate by the Department when the street works have been completed in accordance with the agreement and the terms and conditions of the agreement have been duly complied with . ( 2 ) An agreement under this Article shall contain such provisions as to the construction of the street , as to the period during which the person with whom the agreement has been entered into shall be responsible for the maintenance of the street , and as to such other relevant matters as the Department thinks fit . ( 3 ) Where an agreement under paragraph ( 1 ) relates to street works in respect of which a sum has previously been paid or secured under Article 24 ( 1 ) the agreement may also provide for the refund of that sum or a part thereof either without interest or with interest at such rate as may be specified in the agreement or , where the sum has been secured , for the release of the whole or a part of the security . ( 4 ) The person with whom the Department enters into an agreement under this Article shall secure the due performance of the agreement by means of a guarantee bond or by any other means acceptable to the Department . ( 5 ) A certificate issued by the Department under paragraph ( 1 ) ( b ) shall be conclusive for all the purposes of this Order that the street has been provided in accordance with the agreement . Security not to be deemed prior mortgage under Building Societies Acts 33 . Where the security given under Article 24 ( 1 ) consists of a mortgage of or charge on land , that mortgage or charge shall be deemed not to be a prior mortgage for the purposes of [ F004 section 11 ( 2 ) ( d ) or ( 4 ) ( d ) of the Building Societies Act 1986 ] . PART VI MISCELLANEOUS Registration in Statutory Charges Register 34 . [ F006 Para . ( 1 ) ] inserts para . 18A in sch . 11 to 1970 c . 18 ( NI ) [ F006 ( 2 ) Before giving an undertaking under Article 24 ( 1 ) or ( 2 ) or entering into an agreement under Article 32 , a person shall pay to the Department an amount equal to the fee payable by the Department on , or in connection with , the registration in the Statutory Charges Register of that undertaking or agreement . ( 3 ) Any fee paid by the Department on , or in connection with , the registration in the Statutory Charges Register of any matter under this Order relating to street works ( other than those mentioned in paragraph ( 2 )) shall be recoverable by the Department summarily as a civil debt from the responsible person . ] Power to enter premises , etc. 35 . -- ( 1 ) Subject to paragraph ( 2 ) , an officer authorised by the Department to carry out functions under this Order may at any reasonable time enter , examine and lay open premises for the purpose of surveying , making plans , executing , maintaining or examining works , ascertaining the course of sewers or drains , or ascertaining or fixing boundaries . ( 2 ) A person authorised under paragraph ( 1 ) to enter upon any premises -- ( a ) shall , if so required , produce evidence of his authority before entering ; ( b ) shall not demand admission as of right to any premises which are occupied unless 7 days' notice of the intended entry has been given to the occupier . ( 3 ) If it is shown to the satisfaction of a justice of the peace on a sworn complaint in writing -- ( a ) that admission to the premises , which any person is entitled to enter by virtue of this Article , has been refused to that person , or that refusal is apprehended , or that the premises are unoccupied or the occupier is temporarily absent , or that the case is one of urgency ; and ( b ) that there are reasonable grounds for entry to the premises for any of the purposes mentioned in paragraph ( 1 ) , the justice may by warrant under his hand authorise that person to enter the premises if need be by force . ( 4 ) Where -- ( a ) in the exercise of an authorisation given under paragraph ( 1 ) any damage is caused to premises or chattels , any person interested in the premises or chattels may recover compensation from the Department in respect of that damage ; ( b ) in consequence of the exercise of any such authorisation any person is disturbed in his enjoyment of premises or chattels , he may recover compensation from the Department in respect of that disturbance . ( 5 ) Any question of disputed compensation recoverable under paragraph ( 4 ) shall be determined by the Lands Tribunal . ( 6 ) Where work has been carried out on premises in pursuance of this Article , the Department shall reinstate the premises as soon as possible . ( 7 ) The Department may , for the purpose of enabling it to carry out any of its functions under this Order , by notice in writing require the occupier of any premises and any person who , either directly or indirectly receives rent in respect of any premises , to state in writing the nature of his own interest therein and the name and address of any other person known to him as having an interest therein , whether as freeholder , mortgagee , lessee or otherwise . ( 8 ) Anyone who -- ( a ) obstructs any authorised person in the performance of anything which that person is required or authorised to do under this Article or by a warrant issued under paragraph ( 3 ) ; or ( b ) without reasonable excuse fails to give or knowingly mis-states any information required under paragraph ( 7 ) ; shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding £ 200 . Meaning of " responsible person " 36 . -- ( 1 ) Subject to paragraph ( 2 ) , in this Order the expression " responsible person " means in relation to street works in any street -- ( a ) where , with respect to the expenses of those street works , a sum has been paid or secured under Article 24 ( 1 ) or an undertaking given under Article 24 ( 2 ) or an agreement entered into under Article 32 , the person who paid or secured the sum or gave the undertaking or between whom and the Department an agreement exists under Article 32 ; ( b ) in every other case , the owner for the time being of the premises fronting the street . ( 2 ) Where a person who , by virtue of a sum paid or secured , or an undertaking given , as aforesaid , is the responsible person in relation to street works in a street -- ( a ) has transferred his whole estate in all the premises having a frontage on that street , that person shall , subject to paragraph ( 3 ) , cease to be , and the person to whom he has transferred that estate shall be , the responsible person for the purposes of this Order ; ( b ) has transferred his whole estate in a part of any such premises , the person to whom he has transferred that estate shall also be a responsible person for the purposes of this Order . ( 3 ) Notwithstanding anything in paragraph ( 2 ) , the transfer of any estate in premises shall not affect any security previously given under this Order but every such security shall remain in all respects as fully enforceable as if that transfer had not been made , and for the enforcement thereof the Department may exercise the like remedies against the transferor as if the transferor had remained the responsible person within the meaning of this Article . Notices and appeals 37 . -- ( 1 ) The Department may by regulations , which shall be subject to negative resolution , prescribe the form of any notice , order , advertisement , certificate or other document to be used for the purposes of this Order . ( 2 ) Notice of an appeal served on the Department under Article 7 ( 6 ) , 12 , 16 ( 1 ) or 26 shall state the grounds of the appeal and the Department shall be entitled to appear and be heard on the appeal . ( 3 ) Except as provided by [ F002 Article 146 of the Magistrates' Courts ( Northern Ireland ) Order 1981 ] , the decision of the court on an appeal under Article 7 ( 6 ) , 12 , 16 ( 1 ) or 26 shall be final , and where the court allows the appeal in whole or in part , the court shall state the reasons for its decision . Order to have effect notwithstanding provisions in local Acts , etc. 38 . Nothing contained in any local or private Act shall operate to exempt any person from the performance of any duty or obligation imposed by any of the provisions of this Order or from any liability arising out of a contravention of a provision of this Order . Repeal and saving 39 . -- Para . ( 1 ) repeals 1964 c . 27 ( NI ) ; s. 11 of , and sch . 2 to , 1966 c . 36 ( NI ) ; revokes sch . ( pt . ) to SRO ( NI ) 1973 / 285 . ( 2 ) Notwithstanding the repeal of the Private Streets Act ( Northern Ireland ) 1964 M23 , the Department may carry out , with or without modifications or additions , or abandon proposals for the making up of private streets approved under section 10 ( 6 ) of that Act , and in so doing the Department shall have regard to any changes of circumstances relevant to the proposal .
I Chapter Five The brick front was just in a line with the street , or rather the road . Behind the door hung a cloak with a small collar , a bridle , and a black leather cap , and on the floor , in a corner , were a pair of leggings , still covered with dry mud . On the right was the one apartment , that was both dining and sitting room . A canary yellow paper , relieved at the top by a garland of pale flowers , was puckered everywhere over the badly stretched canvas ; white calico curtains with a red border hung crossways at the length of the window ; and on the narrow mantelpiece a clock with a head of Hippocrates shone resplendent between two plate candlesticks under oval shades . On the other side of the passage was Charles's consulting room , a little room about six paces wide , with a table , three chairs , and an office chair . Volumes of the " Dictionary of Medical Science , " uncut , but the binding rather the worse for the successive sales through which they had gone , occupied almost along the six shelves of a deal bookcase . The smell of melted butter penetrated through the walls when he saw patients , just as in the kitchen one could hear the people coughing in the consulting room and recounting their histories . Then , opening on the yard , where the stable was , came a large dilapidated room with a stove , now used as a wood-house , cellar , and pantry , full of old rubbish , of empty casks , agricultural implements past service , and a mass of dusty things whose use it was impossible to guess . The garden , longer than wide , ran between two mud walls with espaliered apricots , to a hawthorn hedge that separated it from the field . In the middle was a slate sundial on a brick pedestal ; four flower beds with eglantines surrounded symmetrically the more useful kitchen garden bed . Right at the bottom , under the spruce bushes , was a cure in plaster reading his breviary . Emma went upstairs . The first room was not furnished , but in the second , which was their bedroom , was a mahogany bedstead in an alcove with red drapery . A shell box adorned the chest of drawers , and on the secretary near the window a bouquet of orange blossoms tied with white satin ribbons stood in a bottle . It was a bride's bouquet ; it was the other one's . She looked at it . Charles noticed it ; he took it and carried it up to the attic , while Emma seated in an arm-chair ( they were putting her things down around her ) thought of her bridal flowers packed up in a bandbox , and wondered , dreaming , what would be done with them if she were to die . During the first days she occupied herself in thinking about changes in the house . She took the shades off the candlesticks , had new wallpaper put up , the staircase repainted , and seats made in the garden round the sundial ; she even inquired how she could get a basin with a jet fountain and fishes . Finally her husband , knowing that she liked to drive out , picked up a second-hand dogcart , which , with new lamps and splashboard in striped leather , looked almost like a tilbury . He was happy then , and without a care in the world . A meal together , a walk in the evening on the highroad , a gesture of her hands over her hair , the sight of her straw hat hanging from the window-fastener , and many another thing in which Charles had never dreamed of pleasure , now made up the endless round of his happiness . In bed , in the morning , by her side , on the pillow , he watched the sunlight sinking into the down on her fair cheek , half hidden by the lappets of her night - cap. Seen thus closely , her eyes looked to him enlarged , especially when , on waking up , she opened and shut them rapidly many times . Black in the shade , dark blue in broad daylight , they had , as it were , depths of different colours , that , darker in the centre , grew paler towards the surface of the eye . His own eyes lost themselves in these depths ; he saw himself in miniature down to the shoulders , with his handkerchief round his head and the top of his shirt open . He rose . She came to the window to see him off , and stayed leaning on the sill between two pots of geranium , clad in her dressing gown hanging loosely about her . Charles , in the street buckled his spurs , his foot on the mounting stone , while she talked to him from above , picking with her mouth some scrap of flower or leaf that she blew out at him . Then this , eddying , floating , described semicircles in the air like a bird , and was caught before it reached the ground in the ill-groomed mane of the old white mare standing motionless at the door . Charles from horseback threw her a kiss ; she answered with a nod ; she shut the window , and he set off . And then along the highroad , spreading out its long ribbon of dust , along the deep lanes that the trees bent over as in arbours , along paths where the corn reached to the knees , with the sun on his back and the morning air in his nostrils , his heart full of the joys of the past night , his mind at rest , his flesh at ease , he went on , re-chewing his happiness , like those who after dinner taste again the truffles which they are digesting . Until now what good had he had of his life ? His time at school , when he remained shut up within the high walls , alone , in the midst of companions richer than he or cleverer at their work , who laughed at his accent , who jeered at his clothes , and whose mothers came to the school with cakes in their muffs ? Later on , when he studied medicine , and never had his purse full enough to treat some little work-girl who would have become his mistress ? Afterwards , he had lived fourteen months with the widow , whose feet in bed were cold as icicles . But now he had for life this beautiful woman whom he adored . For him the universe did not extend beyond the circumference of her petticoat , and he reproached himself with not loving her . He wanted to see her again ; he turned back quickly , ran up the stairs with a beating heart . Emma , in her room , was dressing ; he came up on tiptoe , kissed her back ; she gave a cry . He could not keep from constantly touching her comb , her ring , her fichu ; sometimes he gave her great sounding kisses with all his mouth on her cheeks , or else little kisses in a row all along her bare arm from the tip of her fingers up to her shoulder , and she put him away half-smiling , half-vexed , as you do a child who hangs about you . Before marriage she thought herself in love ; but the happiness that should have followed this love not having come , she must , she thought , have been mistaken . And Emma tried to find out what one meant exactly in life by the words felicity , passion , rapture , that had seemed to her so beautiful in books .
GPU-Based Parallel Integration of Large Numbers of Independent ODE Systems ∗ arXiv : 1611 . 02274v1 [ cs . MS ] 6 Nov 2016 Kyle E. Niemeyer † School of Mechanical , Industrial , & Manufacturing Engineering , Oregon State University , OR , USA Chih-Jen Sung Department of Mechanical Engineering , University of Connecticut , Storrs , CT , USA 9 June 2014 Abstract The task of integrating a large number of independent ODE systems arises in various scientific and engineering areas . For nonstiff systems , common explicit integration algorithms can be used on GPUs , where individual GPU threads concurrently integrate independent ODEs with different initial conditions or parameters . One example is the fifth-order adaptive Runge – Kutta – Cash – Karp ( RKCK ) algorithm . In the case of stiff ODEs , standard explicit algorithms require impractically small time-step sizes for stability reasons , and implicit algorithms are therefore commonly used instead to allow larger time steps and reduce the computational expense . However , typical high-order implicit algorithms based on backwards differentiation formulae ( e.g. , VODE , LSODE ) involve complex logical flow that causes severe thread divergence when implemented on GPUs , limiting the performance . Therefore , alternate algorithms are needed . A GPUbased Runge – Kutta – Chebyshev ( RKC ) algorithm can handle moderate levels of stiffness and performs significantly faster than not only an equivalent CPU version but also a CPU-based implicit algorithm ( VODE ) based on results shown in the literature . In this chapter , we present the mathematical background , implementation details , and source code for the RKCK and RKC algorithms for use integrating large numbers of independent systems of ODEs on GPUs . In addition , brief performance comparisons are shown for each algorithm , demonstrating the potential benefit of moving to GPU-based ODE integrators . ∗ Final version published in Numerical Computations with GPUs ( 2014 ) Springer International Publishing , Ch. 8 , pp. 159 – 182 . V. Kindratenko ( Ed . ) . doi : 10 . 1007 / 978-3-319-06548-9_8 † Corresponding author ; Email : kyle.niemeyer@oregonstate.edu 1 Introduction In a number of science and engineering applications , researchers are faced with the solution of large numbers of independent systems of ordinary differential equations ( ODEs ) . One prominent example is simulation of reactive flows for modeling combustion [ 1 – 5 ] , atmospheric chemistry [ 6 , 7 ] , and groundwater transport [ 8 , 9 ] , where operator splitting [ 10 , 11 ] decouples the solution of the fluid transport ( e.g. , advection , diffusion ) and chemical kinetics terms . This results in large numbers of independent ODEs for conservation of chemical species masses , with one system for each spatial location . The solution of the aggregate of these ODEs consumes most of the total wall-clock time of such simulations , > 90 % in some cases . Simulations of electrical behavior in cardiac tissue use a similar operator splitting technique , which results in ODE systems for cell membrane dynamics [ 12 , 13 ] . Other areas that deal with solving many independent systems of ODEs include systems biology [ 14 , 15 ] and Monte Carlo methods for sensitivity analysis of ODEs [ 16 – 18 ] . In such problems , large numbers of the same governing ODEs with different initial conditions and / or input parameters must be integrated ; since each system is independent , the entire set of ODEs can be integrated concurrently . While performance can be improved by using parallel central processing unit ( CPU ) methods , this embarrassingly parallel problem is especially well-suited to acceleration with the thread-based parallelism of graphics processing units ( GPUs ) , as demonstrated for reactive-flow simulations [ 19 – 22 ] . In particular , Niemeyer and Sung [ 22 ] recently developed a GPU-based approach for the integration of moderately stiff chemical kinetics ODEs using explicit integration algorithms , using an adaptive fifth-order Runge – Kutta – Cash – Karp ( RKCK ) method for nonstiff cases and a stabilized second-order Runge – Kutta – Chebyshev ( RKC ) method for problems with greater stiffness . For large numbers of ODEs , they demonstrated that the GPU-based RKCK and RKC algorithms performed up to 126 and 65 times faster , respectively , than CPU versions of the same algorithm on a single CPU core . Furthermore , with moderate levels of stiffness , the GPU-based RKC offered a speedup factor of 57 compared to a conventional implicit algorithm executed in parallel on a six-core CPU . The specific acceleration demonstrated depending on the problem studied ( e.g. , the kinetic mechanism ) and number of ODEs considered . Due to the favorable performance of these methods , in this chapter we present the integration algorithms , associated GPU source code , and implementation details so that interested readers can apply them to more general applications ( e.g. , the areas described above ) . 2 Mathematical Background In this chapter , we represent a generic system of ODEs using d ~ y = f ~ ( t , ~ y ( t ) , ~ g ) , dt ( 1 ) where ~ y ( t ) is the vector of unknown dependent variables at some time t , f ~ is the right-hand-side vector function , and ~ g is a vector of constant parameters ( e.g. , pressure or temperature for chemical kinetics ) . The size of ~ y ( i.e. , the number of equations / unknowns ) is N. For the types of problems with which we are concerned here , a large number of ODE systems , Node , each given by Eq. ( 1 ) must be integrated independently from some time t = tn to tn + 1 , with different initial conditions ~ y ( tn ) and constant parameters ~ g for each system . The numerical approximation to the exact solution ~ y ( tn ) is ~ yn , and the step size for a given step is δtn = tn + 1 − tn . Nonstiff ODEs , or those with little stiffness , can be solved using explicit integration methods . Many such methods exist , and algorithms can be classified in general into Runge – Kutta and linear 1 i ai 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 5 3 10 3 5 1 7 8 j bij ci c ∗ i 37 378 2825 27648 250 621 125 594 18575 48384 13525 55296 277 14336 1 4 0 1 5 3 40 3 10 11 − 54 1631 55296 9 40 9 − 10 5 2 175 512 6 5 − 70 27 575 13824 35 27 44275 110592 253 4096 1 2 3 4 5 0 512 1771 0 Table 1 : Coefficients for the fifth-order Runge – Kutta – Cash – Karp method , adopted from Press et al. [ 26 ] . multistep methods , and also into explicit or implicit methods ; see Hairer and Wanner [ 23 ] for more details . Stiffness , a concept somewhat difficult to quantify , refers to the quality of an ODE making standard explicit methods perform poorly due to the requirement for unreasonably small time-step sizes – otherwise the solutions become unstable and oscillate wildly [ 24 ] . Traditionally , implicit integration algorithms such as those based on backwards difference formulas have been used to handle stiff equations , but these require expensive linear algebra operations on the Jacobian matrix ( e.g. , LU decomposition , matrix inversion ) . The complex logical flow of such operations results in highly divergent instructions across different initial conditions , making implicit algorithms unsuitable for operation on GPUs . In fact , Stone and Davis [ 21 ] implemented a traditional high-order implicit algorithm on GPUs , and found that it performed only slightly better than a multi-core CPU version of the same algorithm would . While implicit algorithms may be required for ODE systems with extreme levels of stiffness ( suggesting that new solutions need to be found for GPU acceleration of such problems ) , other options can be used for cases of little-to-moderate stiffness . Here , we describe two integration algorithms suitable for use solving many independent systems of ODEs on GPUs . 2.1 Runge – Kutta – Cash – Karp For nonstiff ODEs , an appropriate explicit algorithm is the fifth-order Runge – Kutta method developed by Cash and Karp [ 25 ] : the RKCK method . The RKCK method estimates the local truncation error using an embedded fourth-order method , by taking the difference between the fourth - and fifth-order solutions . It then uses this estimate to adaptively select the step size [ 26 ] . Using the terminology established above , the RKCK formulas – which also apply to any general 2 fifth-order Runge – Kutta method – are k ~ 1 = δtn f ~ ( tn , ~ yn , ~ g ) , ( 2 ) ~ k2 = δtn f ~ tn + a2 δtn , ~ yn + b21 ~ k1 , ~ g ( 3 ) , ~ k3 = δtn f ~ tn + a3 δtn , ~ yn + b31 ~ k1 + b32 ~ k2 , ~ g ( 4 ) , ~ k4 = δtn f ~ tn + a4 δtn , ~ yn + b41 ~ k1 + b42 ~ k2 + b43 ~ k3 , ~ g ( 5 ) , ~ k5 = δtn f ~ tn + a5 δtn , ~ yn + b51 ~ k1 + b52 ~ k2 + b53 ~ k3 + b54 ~ k4 , ~ g ~ k6 = δtn f ~ tn + a6 δtn , ~ yn + b61 ~ k1 + b62 ~ k2 + b63 ~ k3 + b64 ~ k4 + b65 ~ k5 , ~ g ~ yn + 1 = ~ yn + c1 ~ k1 + c2 ~ k2 + c3 ~ k3 + c4 ~ k4 + c5 ~ k5 + c6 ~ k6 , ∗ ~ yn + 1 = ~ yn + c ∗ 1 ~ k1 + c ∗ 2 ~ k2 + c ∗ 3 ~ k3 + c ∗ 4 ~ k4 + c ∗ 5 ~ k5 + c ∗ 6 ~ k6 , ( 6 ) ,, ( 7 ) ( 8 ) ( 9 ) ∗ where ~ yn + 1 is the fifth-order solution and ~ yn + 1 is the solution of the embedded fourth-order method . The RKCK coefficients are given in Table 1 . The local error ∆ n + 1 is estimated using the difference between the fourth - and fifth-order solutions : ∗ ∆ n + 1 = ~ yn + 1 − ~ yn + 1 = 6 X ( ci − c ∗ i ) ~ ki . ( 10 ) i = 1 Then , this error is compared against a desired accuracy , ∆ 0 , defined by ∆ 0 = ε | ~ yn | + δtn f ~ ( tn , ~ yn , ~ g ) + δ , ( 11 ) where ε is a tolerance level and δ represents a small value ( e.g. , 10 − 30 ) . When the estimated error rises above the desired accuracy ( ∆ n + 1 > ∆ 0 ) , the algorithm rejects the current step and calculates a smaller step size . Correspondingly , the algorithms accepts a step with error at or below the desired accuracy ( ∆ n + 1 ≤ ∆ 0 ) and calculates a new step size for the next step using ! 1 / 5 ∆ 0 , i if ∆ n + 1 ≤ ∆ 0 , or S δt max n ∆ n + 1 , i i δtnew = ! 1 / 4 ∆ 0 , i if ∆ n + 1 > ∆ 0 . S δtn max i ∆ n + 1 , i ( 12 ) Here , i represents the ith element of the related vector and S denotes a safety factor slightly smaller than unity ( e.g. , 0.9 ) . Equation ( 12 ) is used to calculate the next time step size both for an accepted step and also for a new , smaller step size in the case of a step rejection . In practice , step size decreases and increases are limited to factors of ten and five , respectively [ 26 ] . 2.2 Runge – Kutta – Chebyshev For ODEs with moderate levels of stiffness , one alternative to implicit algorithms is a stabilized explicit scheme such as the RKC method [ 27 – 32 ] . While the RKC method is explicit , it handles stiffness through additional stages – past the first two required for second-order accuracy – that extend its stability domain along the negative real axis of eigenvalues . Our RKC implementation is taken from Sommeijer et al. [ 31 ] and Verwer et al. [ 32 ] . Following the same terminology as above , the formulas for the second-order RKC are w ~ 0 = ~ yn , ( 13 ) 3 w ~ 1 = w ~ 0 + μ ̃ 1 δtn f ~ 0 , ( 14 ) w ~ j = ( 1 − μj − νj ) w ~ 0 + μj w ~ j − 1 + νj w ~ j − 2 + μ ̃ j δtn f ~ j − 1 + γ ̃ j δtn f ~ 0 , j = 2 , ... , s , ~ yn + 1 = w ~ s , ( 15 ) ( 16 ) where s is the total number of stages and w ~ j are internal vectors for the stages . The right-hand-side ~ derivative vector function , fj , is evaluated at each stage , such that f ~ j = f ~ ( tn + cj δtn , w ~ j , ~ g ) . The recursive nature of w ~ j allows the use of only five arrays for storage . The coefficients used in Eqs . ( 14 ) and ( 15 ) can be obtained analytically for any number of stages s ≥ 2 : μ ̃ 1 = b1 ω1 , γ ̃ j = − aj − 1 μ ̃ j , w0 = 1 + κ , s2 2bj ω0 , bj − 1 νj = − bj , bj − 2 b0 = b2 , b1 = 1 , ω0 μj = ω1 = Ts0 ( ω0 ) , Ts00 ( ω0 ) 2bj ω1 , bj − 1 Tj00 ( ω0 ) μ ̃ j = bj = 2 , Tj0 ( ω0 ) aj = 1 − bj Tj ( ω0 ) , ( 17 ) ( 18 ) ( 19 ) for j = 2 , ... , s , where κ ≥ 0 is the damping parameter ( e.g. , κ = 2 / 13 [ 31 , 32 ] ) . The Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind , Tj ( x ) with first and second derivatives Tj0 ( x ) and Tj00 ( x ) , respectively , are defined recursively as Tj ( x ) = 2xTj − 1 ( x ) − Tj − 2 ( x ) , j = 2 , ... , s , ( 20 ) where T0 ( x ) = 1 and T1 ( x ) = x . The cj used in the function evaluations are c1 = cj = c2 c2 , ≈ 0 T2 ( ω0 ) 4 Ts0 ( ω0 ) Tj00 ( ω0 ) Ts00 ( ω0 ) Tj0 ( ω0 ) ( 21 ) ≈ j2 − 1 , s2 − 1 2 ≤ j ≤ s − 1 , cs = 1 . ( 22 ) ( 23 ) As with the RKCK method in Sec. 2.1 , the RKC method can also be used with an adaptive time stepping method for error control , as given by Sommeijer et al. [ 31 ] . The error accrued in taking the step tn + 1 = tn + δtn and obtaining ~ yn + 1 is estimated using 4 2 ∆ n + 1 = ( ~ yn − ~ yn + 1 ) + δtn ( f ~ n + f ~ n + 1 ) . 5 5 ( 24 ) We then obtain the weighted RMS norm of error using this error estimate with absolute and relative tolerances : ∆ n + 1 k ∆ n + 1 kRMS = √ , ~ T N 2 ~ ~ T = A + R · max ( | ~ yn | , | ~ yn + 1 | ) , ( 25 ) ( 26 ) ~ is the vector of where N represents the number of unknown variables as defined previously , A absolute tolerances , and R is the relative tolerance . The norm k · k2 indicates the Euclidean or L2 norm . If k ∆ n + 1 kRMS ≤ 1 , the step is accepted ; otherwise , it is rejected and repeated using a 4 smaller step size . Finally , a new step size is calculated using the weighted RMS norm of error for the current and prior steps , as well as the associated step sizes , via δtn + 1 = min ( 10 , max ( 0 . 1 , f )) δtn , f = 0.8 1 / ( p + 1 ) k ∆ n kRMS 1 / ( p + 1 ) k ∆ n + 1 kRMS δtn δtn − 1 ( 27 ) 1 ! 1 / ( p + 1 ) , k ∆ n kRMS ( 28 ) where p = 2 , the order of the algorithm . We use Eq. ( 27 ) with a modified relation to calculate a new step size for a step rejection : 0.8 f = . ( 29 ) 1 / ( p + 1 ) k ∆ n kRMS Determining the initial time step size requires special consideration . First , the algorithm takes a tentative integration step , using the inverse of the spectral radius σ – the magnitude of the largest eigenvalue – of the Jacobian matrix as the step size . Then , after estimating the error associated with this tentative step , it calculates a new step size following a similar procedure to that given in Eqs . ( 27 ) and ( 28 ) : 1 , σ ∆ 0 = δt0 f ~ ( t0 + δt0 , ~ y0 + δt0 f ~ ( t0 , ~ y0 )) − f ~ ( t0 , ~ y0 ) , δt0 = δt1 = 0.1 δt0 1 / 2 ( 30 ) ( 31 ) ( 32 ) , k ∆ 0 kRMS ~ 0 kRMS is evaluated in the same manner as k ∆ ~ n + 1 kRMS using Eq. ( 25 ) . where k ∆ After selecting the optimal time step size to control local error , the algorithm next determines the optimal number of RKC stages in order to remain stable . Due to stiffness , too few stages could lead to instability ; in contrast , using more stages than required would add unnecessary computational effort . The number of stages is determined using the spectral radius and time step size : s = 1 + p 1 + 1.54 δtn σ , ( 33 ) as suggested by Sommeijer et al. [ 31 ] , where the value 1.54 is related to the stability boundary of the algorithm . Note that s may vary between time steps due to a changing spectral radius and time step size . We recommend using a nonlinear power method [ 31 ] to calculate the spectral radius with our RKC implementation ; this choice costs an additional vector to store the computed eigenvector , but avoids storing or calculating the Jacobian matrix directly . Following Sommeijer et al. [ 31 ] , our RKC implementation estimates the spectral radius every 25 ( internal ) steps or after a step rejection . 3 Source Code Next , we provide implementation details and source code for the GPU versions of the algorithms described above . The number of unknowns ( and corresponding equations ) N is represented with the variable NEQN , and the number of ODE systems Node is defined as numODE in the following code . In order for the GPU algorithms to offer a performance increase over CPU algorithms , Node should be relatively large . Although the exact number of ODEs where the GPU algorithm becomes faster than its CPU equivalent is problem dependent , Niemeyer and Sung [ 22 ] showed that a GPU implementation of the RKCK algorithm for chemical kinetics outperforms an equivalent serial CPU 5 version for as little as 128 ODE systems . All operations are given here in double precision , although depending on the particular needs of the specific application single-precision calculations may be preferable to reduce the computational expense . In order to take advantage of global memory coalescing on the GPU , we recommend storing the the set of dependent variable vectors ~ yi , where i = 1 , ... , Node , in a single one-dimensional array , where variables corresponding to the same unknown for consecutive systems sit adjacent in memory . ~ is a two-dimensional matrix with Node rows and N columns , where the ith row In other words , if Y ~ should be stored in memory as a one-dimensional array in contains the unknown vector ~ yi , then Y column-major ordering . This ensures that adjacent GPU threads in the same warp access adjacent global memory locations when reading or writing equivalent array elements . See Kirk and Hwu [ 33 ] or Jang et al. [ 34 ] for more details and examples on global memory coalescing . The following code snippet shows the proper loading of a host array yHost from an arbitrary array y that contains initial conditions for all ODEs : 1 2 double * yHost ; yHost = ( double * ) malloc ( numODE * NEQN * sizeof ( double )) ; 3 4 5 6 7 8 for ( int i = 0 ; i < numODE ; ++ i ) { for ( int j = 0 ; j < NEQN ; ++ j ) { yHost [ i + numODE * j ] = y [ i ] [ j ] ; } } A similar procedure should be used for the constant parameter vector ~ g if needed . Next , the GPU global memory arrays should be declared and initialized , and the block / grid dimensions set up using 1 2 double * yDevice ; cudaMalloc (( void ** ) & yDevice , numODE * NEQN * sizeof ( double )) ; 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 int blockSize ; if ( numODE < 4194304 ) { blockSize = 64 ; } else if ( numODE < 8388608 ) { blockSize = 128 ; } else if ( numODE < 16777216 ) { blockSize = 256 ; } else { blockSize = 512 ; } dim3 dimBlock ( blockSize , 1 ) ; dim3 dimGrid ( numODE / dimBlock . x , 1 ) ; Here , we use simple one-dimensional block and grid dimensions ; reshaping the grid should not affect performance , but can be done for convenience . We chose 64 as the block size for problems with less than 4,194,304 ODEs based on experience for chemical kinetics problems [ 22 ] . The size should remain a power of two , but different block sizes may be optimal for other problems . The final step is to set up the ODE integration loop and kernel function execution . The integration driver kernel , to be described shortly , will perform internal sub-stepping as necessary to reach the specified end time . Depending on the objectives , there are various ways to approach this : • If only the final integrated results are needed , then a single GPU kernel can be invoked . • If intermediate integration results are needed , then an acceptable outer step size over which results will be spaced should be chosen , and the GPU kernel should be invoked inside a loop . 6 We will leave the code as general as possible by following the second approach , although modifications should be made depending on the desired functionality . In both cases , the global memory array holding the variables to be integrated needs to be transferred to the GPU before , and from the GPU after , each kernel invocation . 1 2 3 // set initial time double t = t0 ; double tNext = t + h ; 4 5 6 7 while ( t < tEnd ) { // transfer memory to GPU cudaMemcpy ( yDevice , yHost , numODE * NEQN * sizeof ( double ) , c uda Me mc py Hos tT oD ev i c e ) ; 8 intDriver <<< dimGrid , dimBlock > > > ( t , tNext , numODE , gDevice , yDevice ) ; 9 10 // transfer memory back to CPU cudaMemcpy ( yHost , yDevice , numODE * NEQN * sizeof ( double ) , c uda Me mc py Dev ic eT oH o s t ) ; 11 12 13 t = tNext ; tNext + = h ; 14 15 16 } 17 18 19 cudaFree ( gDevice ) ; cudaFree ( yDevice ) ; Here , t0 refers to the initial time , tEnd the desired final time , and h the outer step size . In the current form , each outer integration step performed by the GPU will be a " restart " integration , meaning no information about previous steps ( e.g. , error estimates , step sizes ) will be used to assist the startup . This is necessary in certain applications such as reactive-flow simulations ( and other simulation methods that use operator splitting ) , where after each outer step integration results are combined with changes due to fluid transport , thereby invalidating stored integration information . However , where possible , better performance may be obtained by transferring the appropriate data from the GPU and used in the next overall integration step . The next code snippet contains the general integration driver kernel , suitable for either algorithm : 1 2 3 4 5 __global__ void intDriver ( const double t , const double tEnd , const int numODE , const double * gGlobal , double * yGlobal ) { // unique thread ID , based on local ID in block and block ID int tid = threadIdx . x + ( blockDim . x * blockIdx . x ) ; 6 7 8 // ensure thread within limit if ( tid < numODE ) { 9 10 11 // local array with initial values double yLocal [ NEQN ] ; 12 13 14 // constant parameter ( s ) double gLocal = gGlobal [ tid ] ; 15 16 17 18 19 // load local array with initial values from global array for ( int i = 0 ; i < NEQN ; ++ i ) { yLocal [ i ] = yGlobal [ tid + numODE * i ] ; } 20 21 22 // call integrator for one time step integrator ( t , tEnd , yLocal , gGlobal ) ; 23 7 // update global array with integrated values for ( int i = 0 ; i < NEQN ; ++ i ) { yGlobal [ tid + numODE * i ] = yLocal [ i ] ; } } 24 25 26 27 28 29 } The function integrator should be replaced with rkckDriver or rkcDriver ( given below ) depending on the desired integration algorithm . 3.1 RKCK Code In the following , the source code for the RKCK driver device function is given in functional snippets . First , the minimum and maximum allowable time step sizes are defined , and the initial step size is set as half the integration time . 1 2 3 __device__ void rkckDriver ( double t , const double tEnd , const double g , double * y ) { 4 5 6 7 // maximum and minimum allowable step sizes const double hMax = fabs ( tEnd - t ) ; const double hMin = 1.0 e -20 ; 8 9 10 // initial step size double h = 0.5 * fabs ( tEnd - t ) ; Then , inside the time integration loop , the algorithm takes a trial integration step and estimates the error of that step . 1 2 // integrate until specified end time while ( t < tEnd ) { 3 4 5 // limit step size based on remaining time h = fmin ( tEnd - t , h ) ; 6 7 8 // y and error vectors temporary until error determined double yTemp [ NEQN ] , yErr [ NEQN ] ; 9 10 11 12 // evaluate derivative double F [ NEQN ] ; dydt ( t , y , g , F ) ; 13 14 15 // take a trial step rkckStep ( t , y , g , F , h , yTemp , yErr ) ; 16 17 18 19 20 21 // calculate error double err = 0.0 ; int nanFlag = 0 ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < NEQN ; ++ i ) { if ( isnan ( yErr [ i ] ) ) nanFlag = 1 ; 22 23 24 25 err = fmax ( err , fabs ( yErr [ i ] / ( fabs ( y [ i ] ) + fabs ( h * F [ i ] ) + TINY ))) ; } err / = eps ; If the error is too large , the step size is decreased and the step retaken ; otherwise , the algorithm accepts the step and calculates the next step size , then repeats the process . 8 // check if error too large if (( err > 1.0 ) || isnan ( err ) || ( nanFlag == 1 )) { // step failed , error too large if ( isnan ( err ) || ( nanFlag == 1 )) { h * = P1 ; } else { h = fmax ( SAFETY * h * pow ( err , PSHRNK ) , P1 * h ) ; } 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 } else { // step accepted t + = h ; 10 11 12 13 if ( err > ERRCON ) { h = SAFETY * h * pow ( err , PGROW ) ; } else { h * = 5.0 ; } 14 15 16 17 18 19 // ensure step size is bounded h = fmax ( hMin , fmin ( hMax , h )) ; 20 21 22 for ( int i = 0 ; i < NEQN ; ++ i ) y [ i ] = yTemp [ i ] ; 23 24 } 25 } 26 27 } The device function dydt evaluates the derivative function F for the particular problem as in Eq. ( 1 ) using the input time t , vector of dependent variables y , and constant parameter ( s ) g . The device function rkcStep , not given here , takes a single integration step using Eqs . ( 2 ) – ( 9 ) , returning the vector of integrated values yTemp as well as the error vector yErr . A number of constants were used in this function , given here : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 # define UROUND ( 2 . 22 e -16 ) # define SAFETY 0.9 # define PGROW ( - 0 . 2 ) # define PSHRNK ( - 0 . 25 ) # define ERRCON ( 1 . 89 e -4 ) # define TINY ( 1 . 0 e -30 ) const double eps = 1.0 e -10 ; 3.2 RKC Code The RKC driver algorithm is next given . For this algorithm , the number of stages must be determined at each step to handle local stiffness ; to avoid excess computation , a maximum number of stages is first set . In addition , minimum and maximum allowable time step sizes are defined . 1 2 3 4 __device__ void rkcDriver ( double t , const double tEnd , const double g , double * y ) { // number of steps int numStep = 0 ; 5 6 7 // maximum allowable number of RKC stages int mMax = ( int ) ( round ( sqrt ( relTol / ( 10 . 0 * UROUND )))) ; 8 9 10 // RKC needs at least two stages for second - order accuracy if ( mMax < 2 ) mMax = 2 ; 9 11 12 13 // maximum allowable step size const double stepSizeMax = fabs ( tEnd - t ) ; 14 15 16 // minimum allowable step size double stepSizeMin = 10.0 * UROUND * fmax ( fabs ( t ) , stepSizeMax ) ; Then , the algorithm evaluates the derivative using the initial conditions for use as the initial eigenvector estimate for the spectral radius calculation . The calculated eigenvectors are stored and used as initial guesses in later steps . 1 2 3 4 // internal y vector double y_n [ NEQN ] ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < NEQN ; ++ i ) y_n [ i ] = y [ i ] ; 5 6 7 8 // calculate F_n for initial y double F_n [ NEQN ] ; dydt ( t , y_n , g , F_n ) ; 9 10 11 // internal work vector double work [ 4 + NEQN ] ; 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 // load initial estimate for eigenvector if ( work [ 2 ] < UROUND ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < NEQN ; ++ i ) { work [ 4 + i ] = F_n [ i ] ; } } Inside the time integration loop , the algorithm calculates the spectral radius for the first step – which it next uses to determine the initial step size – and every 25 steps thereafter . 1 2 3 // perform internal sub - stepping while ( t < tEnd ) { double tempArr [ NEQN ] , tempArr2 [ NEQN ] , err ; 4 5 6 // if last step , limit step size if (( 1 . 1 * work [ 2 ] ) > = fabs ( tEnd - t )) work [ 2 ] = fabs ( tEnd - t ) ; 7 8 9 10 11 // estimate Jacobian spectral radius if 25 steps passed if (( numStep % 25 ) == 0 ) { work [ 3 ] = rkcSpecRad ( t , y_n , g , F_n , stepSizeMax , & work [ 4 ] , tempArr2 ) ; } For the initial step , a trial step is taken using the inverse of the spectral radius as the step size ; the resulting error is used to determine an appropriate step size that satisfies error control . 1 2 3 4 // if this is initial step if ( work [ 2 ] < UROUND ) { // estimate first time step work [ 2 ] = stepSizeMax ; 5 6 7 if (( work [ 3 ] * work [ 2 ] ) > 1.0 ) work [ 2 ] = 1.0 / work [ 3 ] ; work [ 2 ] = fmax ( work [ 2 ] , stepSizeMin ) ; 8 9 10 11 12 for ( int i = 0 ; i < NEQN ; ++ i ) { temp_arr [ i ] = y_n [ i ] + ( work [ 2 ] * F_n [ i ] ) ; } dydt ( t + work [ 2 ] , tempArr , g , tempArr2 ) ; 10 13 err = 0.0 ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < NEQN ; ++ i ) { double est = ( tempArr2 [ i ] - F_n [ i ] ) / ( absTol + relTol * fabs ( y_n [ i ] )) ; err + = est * est ; } err = work [ 2 ] * sqrt ( err / NEQN ) ; 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 if (( P1 * work [ 2 ] ) < ( stepSizeMax * sqrt ( err ))) { work [ 2 ] = fmax ( P1 * work [ 2 ] / sqrt ( err ) , stepSizeMin ) ; } else { work [ 2 ] = stepSizeMax ; } 21 22 23 24 25 26 } For all steps following the first , the value stored in work [ 2 ] is used for the time step size . Next , the number of stages is determined using the spectral radius and current time step size , and a tentative integration step performed . 1 2 // calculate number of steps int m = 1 + ( int ) ( sqrt ( 1 . 54 * work [ 2 ] * work [ 3 ] + 1.0 )) ; 3 4 5 6 7 8 // modify step size based on stages if ( m > mMax ) { m = mMax ; work [ 2 ] = (( double ) ( m * m - 1 ) ) / ( 1 . 54 * work [ 3 ] ) ; } 9 10 11 // perform tentative time step rkcStep ( t , y_n , g , F_n , work [ 2 ] , m , y ) ; The algorithm then estimates the error of that step . 1 2 // calculate derivative F_np1 with tentative y_np1 dydt ( t + work [ 2 ] , y , g , tempArr ) ; 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 // estimate error err = 0.0 ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < NEQN ; ++ i ) { double est = 0.8 * ( y_n [ i ] - y [ i ] ) + 0.4 * work [ 2 ] * ( F_n [ i ] + tempArr [ i ] ) ; est / = ( absTol + relTol * fmax ( fabs ( y [ i ] ) , fabs ( y_n [ i ] ))) ; err + = est * est ; } err = sqrt ( err / (( double ) N )) ; Based on the error magnitude , the algorithm determines whether to accept the step and proceed to the next step or decrease the step size and repeat the current step . 1 2 3 4 5 // check value of error if ( err > 1.0 ) { // error too large , step is rejected // select smaller step size work [ 2 ] = 0.8 * work [ 2 ] / ( pow ( err , ( 1 . 0 / 3.0 ))) ; 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 // reevaluate spectral radius work [ 3 ] = rkcSpecRad ( t , y_n , g , F_n , stepSizeMax , & work [ 4 ] , tempArr2 ) ; } else { // step accepted t + = work [ 2 ] ; numStep ++ ; 11 Finally , for an accepted step , the current step size and error are stored and the next step size is calculated . double fac = 10.0 ; double temp1 , temp2 ; 1 2 3 if ( work [ 1 ] < UROUND ) { temp2 = pow ( err , ( 1 . 0 / 3.0 )) ; if ( 0 . 8 < ( fac * temp2 )) fac = 0.8 / temp2 ; } else { temp1 = 0.8 * work [ 2 ] * pow ( work [ 0 ] , ( 1 . 0 / 3.0 )) ; temp2 = work [ 1 ] * pow ( err , ( 2 . 0 / 3.0 )) ; if ( temp1 < ( fac * temp2 )) fac = temp1 / temp2 ; } 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 // set " old " values to those for current time step work [ 0 ] = err ; work [ 1 ] = work [ 2 ] ; 13 14 15 16 for ( int i = 0 ; i < NEQN ; ++ i ) { y_n [ i ] = y [ i ] ; F_n [ i ] = tempArr [ i ] ; } 17 18 19 20 21 work [ 2 ] * = fmax ( P1 , fac ) ; work [ 2 ] = fmax ( stepSizeMin , fmin ( stepSizeMax , work [ 2 ] )) ; 22 23 } 24 } 25 26 } As before , we do not provide the RKC integration step device function rkcStep , which evaluates Eqs . ( 13 ) – ( 16 ) . The absolute and relative tolerances absTol and relTol are set as defined constants , e.g. , : 1 2 const double abs_tol = 1.0 e -10 ; const double rel_tol = 1.0 e -6 ; Note that these may be modified to more stringent tolerances if desired . The constant UROUND is defined the same as in the RKCK code above . The local work array work contains , in element order : 0 the previous step error estimation , 1 previous time step , 2 current time step , 3 spectral radius , and 4 vector of eigenvalues ( of size N ) . The device function rkcSpecRad returns the spectral radius , the largest magnitude eigenvalue ; various methods may be used for this purpose depending on the case . We provide GPU source code for a nonlinear power method adopted from Sommeijer et al. [ 31 ] that may be used for general applications in the Appendix . 12 4 Performance Results We tested the performance of the GPU-based RKCK and RKC integration algorithms using two ODE test cases , ranging the number of ODE systems from 101 to 105 . For both cases , all calculations were performed in double precision using a single GPU and single CPU ; we compared the performance of the GPU algorithm against serial CPU calculations as well as parallelized CPU performance – via OpenMP [ 35 ] – on four cores . We performed the GPU calculations using an NVIDIA Tesla c2075 GPU with 6 GB of global memory , and an Intel Xeon X5650 CPU , running at 2.67 GHz with 256 kB of L2 cache memory per core and 12 MB of L3 cache memory , served as the host processor both for the GPU calculations and the CPU single - and four-core OpenMP calculations . We used the GNU Compiler Collection ( gcc ) version 4.6.2 ( with the compiler options " - O3 - ffast-math - std = c99 - m64 " ) to compile the CPU programs and the CUDA 5.5 compiler nvcc version 5.5.0 ( " - O3 - arch = sm_20 - m64 " ) to compile the GPU versions . We set the GPU to persistence mode , but also used the cudaSetDevice ( ) to hide any further device initialization delay in the CUDA implementations prior to the timing . The integration algorithms take as input initial conditions and a global time step , performing internal sub-stepping as necessary . The computational wall-clock times reported represent the average over ten global time steps , which for the GPU versions includes the overhead required for transmitting data between the CPU and GPU before and after each global step . The integrator restarts at each global time step , not storing any data from the previous step – although any substepping performed by the algorithm within these larger steps does benefit from retained information from prior sub-steps . Interested readers should refer to Niemeyer and Sung [ 22 ] for more detailed performance evaluations of these algorithms in the context of chemical kinetics problems . 4.1 RKCK Results We used the Pleiades ODE test problem ( PLEI ) of Hairer et al. [ 23 , 36 ] to test the GPU - and CPU-based versions of the RKCK integrator . This nonstiff test case originates from a celestial mechanisms problem tracking the coordinates of seven stars ; it consists of a set of 14 second-order ODEs based on Newtonian gravitational forces , in the form ~ x ~ z00 = ~ y ! 00 ( 1 ) x00i = fi f ~ ( 1 ) ( ~ x , ~ y ) , f ~ ( 2 ) ( ~ x , ~ y ) ! = ( ~ x , ~ y ) = X ~ z ∈ < 14 , ( 34 ) mj ( xj − xi ) / rij , ( 35 ) mj ( yj − yi ) / rij , ( 36 ) 3 / 2 ( 37 ) j6 = i yi00 = ( 2 ) fi ( ~ x , ~ y ) = X j6 = i rij = ( xi − xj ) 2 + ( yi − yj ) , i , j = 1 , ... , 7 , where ( xi , yi ) and mi = i are the coordinates and mass of the ith star , respectively . This secondorder system can be converted into a system of 28 first-order ODEs of the form by defining w ~ = ~ z0 , such that ! 0 !! ~ z w ~ ~ z = ~ , ∈ < 28 . ( 38 ) w ~ f ( ~ z ) w ~ While the original problem offers specific initial conditions for a single ODE system , here we consider a large number of ODEs with the initial conditions randomly perturbed by a small factor to 13 4 Speedup factor of RKCK-GPU 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 103 RKCK-GPU vs. RKCK-CPU RKCK-GPU vs. RKCK-CPU × 4 104 105 Number of independent ODE systems Figure 1 : Speedup factors offered by GPU-based explicit RKCK integration algorithm over singleand four-core CPU-based versions for Pleiades ODE problem . Note that the horizontal axis is displayed in logarithmic scale . 14 emulate a sensitivity analysis . We integrated the ODE systems from t = 0 s to 1.0 s using 1.0 × 10 − 1 s as the global time step size . We set the RKCK tolerance ε ( eps in the code ) to 1.0 × 10 − 10 . Figure 1 shows the speedup factors , measured as the ratio of computational times per step , offered by the GPU-based RKCK algorithm over the baseline CPU version for both serial and four-core parallel operation , for numbers of ODE systems ranging from 1024 to 262,144 . The GPU-based algorithm ran faster than the serial and parallel CPU-based algorithms for Node larger than 4096 and 8192 , respectively . For the current problem , at best the GPU offered a speedup factors of nearly four and two over the serial and four-core CPU implementations , respectively . The non-smooth performance scaling resulted from the randomly perturbed initial conditions . Note that since each ODE system used randomly perturbed initial conditions , adjacent threads in the GPU implementation handled potentially extremely different initial condition values , resulting in thread divergence due to varying internal time step sizes . Therefore , the results shown here represent a worst-case GPU algorithm performance , particularly compared to applications involving operator-split reactive-flow codes where adjacent threads / ODE systems correspond to neighboring spatial locations . In such situations , initial conditions would be more similar and therefore follow similar instruction pathways . In either case , GPU-based integration algorithms offer performance benefits over the baseline CPU versions . See Niemeyer and Sung [ 22 ] for more discussion on this topic . Furthermore , the current problem involved a relatively simple system of ODEs , limiting the calculations performed on the GPU between the memory transfers before and after each integration step . ODE systems with more complex derivative functions would saturate the GPU with operations , increasing performance . For example , the RKCK algorithm demonstrated by Niemeyer and Sung [ 22 ] performed up to 126 times faster on a GPU than on a serial CPU , integrating a chemical kinetics ODE system with nine species participating in 38 reaction steps – requiring significantly more floating-point calculations than the case studied here . 4.2 RKC Results To demonstrate the performance of the GPU-based RKC algorithm , we used a chemical kinetics problem : the ODE system describing the constant-volume autoignition of ethanol ( C2 H5 OH ) . We implemented the reaction mechanism of Marinov [ 37 ] to describe the oxidation of ethanol , with 57 species participating in 766 irreversible reaction steps . The governing ODE system contained 58 ~ : equations : one for temperature T and the rest for species mass fractions Y d ~ y = dt dYNsp dT dY1 ,, ... , dt dt dt | , ( 39 ) Nsp dT 1 X = − ei ωi Wi , dt ρcv i = 1 dYi Wi ωi = , i = 1 , ... , Nsp , dt ρ ωi = NX reac Nsp 00 νij − 0 νij j = 1 kj Y ν0 Ck kj , ( 40 ) ( 41 ) ( 42 ) k = 1 where ρ indicates the density , cv the mass-averaged constant-volume specific heat , ei the internal 00 and ν 0 the forward and energy of the ith species , Wi the molecular weight of the ith species , νij ij reverse stoichiometric coefficients for the ith species in reaction j , Ck the molar concentration of the kth species , and Nsp and Nreac are the numbers of species and reactions , respectively . For a 15 Speedup factor of RKCK-GPU 100 10 1 0.1 RKC-GPU vs. RKC-CPU RKC-GPU vs. RKC-CPU × 4 102 103 104 Number of independent ODE systems 105 Figure 2 : Speedup factors offered by GPU-based explicit RKC integration algorithm over singleand four-core CPU-based versions for pollution ODE problem . Note that both axes are displayed in logarithmic scale . reaction j without pressure dependence , the rate coefficient kj is given in Arrhenius form by kj = Aj T βj − Ej exp RT , ( 43 ) where R is the universal gas constant , Aj the pre-exponential coefficient , βj the temperature exponent , and Ej the activation energy . Note that reactions can be pressure-dependent ( see , e.g. , Law [ 38 ] for examples of various pressure-dependence formulations ) ; these were also considered in the current implementation . This problem is moderately stiff using a time step size of δt = 1.0 × 10 − 6 s for 10 global time steps . In this case , we generated initial conditions for the set of ODE systems by sampling the solutions obtained from constant-pressure homogeneous ignition simulations , initiated at 1600 K , 1 atm , and an equivalence ratio of one1 . We assigned these initial conditions sequentially , such that adjacent threads in the GPU implementation contained data from consecutive time steps in the sample – and therefore such threads handled the integration of similar conditions , emulating adjacent spatial locations in an operator-split reactive-flow simulation . Figure 2 shows the speedup factors offered by the GPU-based RKC algorithm over the baseline CPU version for both serial and four-core parallel operation , for numbers of ODE systems ranging from 64 to 16,384 . In this case , the GPU-accelerated code ran faster than the serial CPU version for the entire range of ODE system sizes considered , while it offered better performance than the four-core parallel CPU version for 256 ODEs and higher . At best , the GPU-based RKC algorithm 1 An equivalence ratio of one indicates the mixture of fuel and oxidizer set to an appropriate ratio for complete combustion . 16 ran nearly 64 and 17 times faster than the serial and four-core CPU implementations , respectively . The discontinuity in speedup seen in Fig. 2 corresponded to the inclusion of conditions leading to greater stiffness . 5 Conclusions In this chapter , we presented two explicit algorithms appropriate for integrating large numbers of independent ODE systems on GPUs . Specifically , we proposed the fifth-order adaptive Runge – Kutta – Cash – Karp ( RKCK ) method for nonstiff problems and the stabilized second-order adaptive Runge – Kutta – Chebyshev ( RKC ) method for problems with moderate levels of stiffness . Source code and implementation details were presented to ease the adoption of such methods , and performance comparison results were presented for each method . The examples shown here served to demonstrate the potential of GPU acceleration where many independent systems of ODEs need to be integrated ; in the case of the RKC algorithm , we demonstrated more than an order of magnitude performance increase over an equivalent parallel CPU code running on four cores . The types of scientific and engineering problems dealing with large numbers of ODEs – in particular , reactive-flow models that rely on operator splitting – can benefit significantly from GPU acceleration ; interested readers can directly implement the algorithms presented here to such ends , or use them as the beginnings for their own solution . Acknowledgements This work was supported by the US Department of Defense through the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship program , the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship under grant number DGE-0951783 , and the Combustion Energy Frontier Research Center – an Energy Frontier Research Center funded by the US Department of Energy , Office of Science , Office of Basic Energy Sciences under award number DE-SC0001198 . Appendix Various methods may be used to calculate the spectral radius , including the Gershgorin circle theorem [ 39 , 40 ] that provides an upper-bound estimate . Here , we provide a function based on a nonlinear power method [ 31 ] . 1 2 3 4 __device__ double rkcSpecRad ( const double t , const double * y , const double g , const double * F , const double hMax , double * v , double * Fv ) { // maximum number of iterations const int itmax = 50 ; 5 6 double small = 1.0 / hmax ; 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 double nrm1 = 0.0 ; double nrm2 = 0.0 ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < NEQN ; ++ i ) { nrm1 + = ( y [ i ] * y [ i ] ) ; nrm2 + = ( v [ i ] * v [ i ] ) ; } nrm1 = sqrt ( nrm1 ) ; nrm2 = sqrt ( nrm2 ) ; 17 16 double dynrm ; if (( nrm1 ! = 0.0 ) && ( nrm2 ! = 0.0 )) { dynrm = nrm1 * sqrt ( UROUND ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < NEQN ; ++ i ) { v [ i ] = y [ i ] + v [ i ] * ( dynrm / nrm2 ) ; } } else if ( nrm1 ! = 0.0 ) { dynrm = nrm1 * sqrt ( UROUND ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < NEQN ; ++ i ) { v [ i ] = y [ i ] * ( 1 . 0 + sqrt ( UROUND )) ; } } else if ( nrm2 ! = 0.0 ) { dynrm = UROUND ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < NEQN ; ++ i ) { v [ i ] * = ( dynrm / nrm2 ) ; } } else { dynrm = UROUND ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < NEQN ; ++ i ) { v [ i ] = UROUND ; } } 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 // now iterate using nonlinear power method double sigma = 0.0 ; for ( int iter = 1 ; iter < = itmax ; ++ iter ) { 40 41 42 43 dydt ( t , pr , v , Fv ) ; 44 45 nrm1 = 0.0 ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < NEQN ; ++ i ) { nrm1 + = (( Fv [ i ] - F [ i ] ) * ( Fv [ i ] - F [ i ] )) ; } nrm1 = sqrt ( nrm1 ) ; nrm2 = sigma ; sigma = nrm1 / dynrm ; 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 nrm2 = fabs ( sigma - nrm2 ) / sigma ; if (( iter > = 2 ) && ( fabs ( sigma - nrm2 ) < = ( fmax ( sigma , small ) * 0.01 ))) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < NEQN ; ++ i ) { v [ i ] - = y [ i ] ; } return ( 1 . 2 * sigma ) ; } 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 if ( nrm1 ! = 0.0 ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < NEQN ; ++ i ) { v [ i ] = y [ i ] + (( Fv [ i ] - F [ i ] ) * ( dynrm / nrm1 )) ; } } else { int ind = ( iter % NEQN ) ; v [ ind ] = y [ ind ] - ( v [ ind ] - y [ ind ] ) ; } 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 } return ( 1 . 2 * sigma ) ; 70 71 72 } 18 References [ 1 ] O. 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Click IT ! Computer lessons for pre-school children About Us Click IT ! has been thriving since1999 . It is a business providing ICT tuition to the pre-school market . Click IT ! is unique in that it offers a service within nursery schools during term time and school hours , working with young children in their own safe and familiar learning environment . The lessons are designed to be both fun and educational with activities to cater for every level of learning from the beginner to the ' Whizz - Kid ' . A Click IT ! franchise represents more than just a sound business investment opportunity . You are probably looking for work that fulfils you and gives you passion and self respect , yet allows you to combine a career with the hectic responsibilities of family life . As a business that operates during term times and school hours only , it provides an ideal combination of a rewarding and worthwhile vocation , without the sacrifice of quality time at home . About You Click IT ! will only offer franchises to those who it believes are suitable and have the potential to run a successful local Click IT ! operation . A Click IT ! franchisee does not need to have previous experience of teaching or of IT at an advanced level , as full training will be provided . Those most suited to becoming a Click IT ! franchisee will meet the criteria listed below : You will be : Self Motivated Dynamic & enthusiastic Passionate Strong personality Sales skills Likeable Affinity with children Honest & dependable Caring Stable home life Support of family Previous career success Manager Computer literate Organised Academically sound Financially secure Financial Information The total start up cost of owning a Click IT ! franchise is approximately £ 10 , 000 including all hardware , software and other set up costs . In turn you will receive a renewable 5 year agreement covering an exclusive area and the full support of the Click IT ! team . Training and Support From finance to running an IT business Harsha Popat worked in finance for 12 years . Her experience is serving her well in her new career as a franchisee running her own business teaching IT to young children . Having been made redundant from her finance job when she had her second child 10 years ago , Harsha decided to spend quality time with her children because she felt she did n't want to miss out those important early years with them . When her youngest started pre-school she began looking around for work . She had a friend who worked with Click IT ! Kids , a business teaching IT to children in nurseries , who told her it was term-time only and you could work it around school time . " It sounded fantastic . It meant I could drop my kids off and pick them up and have some ' me ' time , " she said . Harsha sent in her CV through her friend . Meanwhile she saw an advert in the local paper for teachers . " I did n't know it was for Click IT ! Kids and I called up . The manager said she happened to be looking at my CV [ which she was given by my friend ] . " Harsha was given full training in how to teach IT skills to children . Click IT ! Kids has detailed lesson plans and specially developed software . She then started working in two nurseries and gradually built up the number of nurseries she covered . She would typically finish her classes by 12 noon each day . Franchisee Harsha had so much confidence in the programme that last year she decided to take out a franchise with Click IT ! Kids . Her children are now 13 and 10 and she wanted to take on running her own business , so she set up Click IT ! Barnet . " The kids love it , " she says . " The minute they know you are there , they can not wait for their turn . The younger ones are in groups of two and the older ones are taught in groups of up to three . You really notice the difference . If they start at two they are well ahead of their peers when they start school . It also benefits the nurseries as Click IT ! Kids takes away the burden they would normally have of teaching IT to children as part of the Early Years Foundation Scheme ( EYFS ) National Curriculum . " The children progress at their own pace , starting with learning mouse and cursor skills . The lesson plans cover the early learning goals ; so in addition to IT skills they learn numeracy and literacy skills on the computer . " When the children start school they can recognise their numbers and the alphabet . They are really confident about navigating around programmes and opening and shutting down the computer , " says Harsha . Despite running the Click IT ! Barnet franchise , which includes administrative work and marketing to potential nurseries , Harsha still keeps her hand in at teaching and still mainly works during term time . For instance , she runs open days at the end of the summer term to recruit children for the autumn term . She covers Barnet , Hampstead and parts of Enfield in north London as part of her franchise . Harsha employs another teacher to give her more time to do marketing and gradually grow the business . She sometimes logs on at night , but never works later than 10pm . " My financial background helps with running the business , " she says , " but I do not miss my former job . You can not compare the time you gain with your children . It 's fantastic . "
CHAPTER VI The next day commenced as before , getting up and dressing by rushlight ; but this morning we were obliged to dispense with the ceremony of washing ; the water in the pitchers was frozen . A change had taken place in the weather the preceding evening , and a keen north-east wind , whistling through the crevices of our bedroom windows all night long , had made us shiver in our beds , and turned the contents of the ewers to ice . Before the long hour and a half of prayers and Bible-reading was over , I felt ready to perish with cold . Breakfast-time came at last , and this morning the porridge was not burnt ; the quality was eatable , the quantity small . How small my portion seemed ! I wished it had been doubled . In the course of the day I was enrolled a member of the fourth class , and regular tasks and occupations were assigned me : hitherto , I had only been a spectator of the proceedings at Lowood ; I was now to become an actor therein . At first , being little accustomed to learn by heart , the lessons appeared to me both long and difficult ; the frequent change from task to task , too , bewildered me ; and I was glad when , about three o ' clock in the afternoon , Miss Smith put into my hands a border of muslin two yards long , together with needle , thimble , & c . , and sent me to sit in a quiet corner of the schoolroom , with directions to hem the same . At that hour most of the others were sewing likewise ; but one class still stood round Miss Scatcherd's chair reading , and as all was quiet , the subject of their lessons could be heard , together with the manner in which each girl acquitted herself , and the animadversions or commendations of Miss Scatcherd on the performance . It was English history : among the readers I observed my acquaintance of the verandah : at the commencement of the lesson , her place had been at the top of the class , but for some error of pronunciation , or some inattention to stops , she was suddenly sent to the very bottom . Even in that obscure position , Miss Scatcherd continued to make her an object of constant notice : she was continually addressing to her such phrases as the following : -- " Burns " ( such it seems was her name : the girls here were all called by their surnames , as boys are elsewhere ) , " Burns , you are standing on the side of your shoe ; turn your toes out immediately . " " Burns , you poke your chin most unpleasantly ; draw it in . " " Burns , I insist on your holding your head up ; I will not have you before me in that attitude , " & c . & c . A chapter having been read through twice , the books were closed and the girls examined . The lesson had comprised part of the reign of Charles I. , and there were sundry questions about tonnage and poundage and ship - money , which most of them appeared unable to answer ; still , every little difficulty was solved instantly when it reached Burns : her memory seemed to have retained the substance of the whole lesson , and she was ready with answers on every point . I kept expecting that Miss Scatcherd would praise her attention ; but , instead of that , she suddenly cried out -- " You dirty , disagreeable girl ! you have never cleaned your nails this morning ! " Burns made no answer : I wondered at her silence . " Why , " thought I , " does she not explain that she could neither clean her nails nor wash her face , as the water was frozen ? " My attention was now called off by Miss Smith desiring me to hold a skein of thread : while she was winding it , she talked to me from time to time , asking whether I had ever been at school before , whether I could mark , stitch , knit , & c . ; till she dismissed me , I could not pursue my observations on Miss Scatcherd's movements . When I returned to my seat , that lady was just delivering an order of which I did not catch the import ; but Burns immediately left the class , and going into the small inner room where the books were kept , returned in half a minute , carrying in her hand a bundle of twigs tied together at one end . This ominous tool she presented to Miss Scatcherd with a respectful curtesy ; then she quietly , and without being told , unloosed her pinafore , and the teacher instantly and sharply inflicted on her neck a dozen strokes with the bunch of twigs . Not a tear rose to Burns' eye ; and , while I paused from my sewing , because my fingers quivered at this spectacle with a sentiment of unavailing and impotent anger , not a feature of her pensive face altered its ordinary expression . " Hardened girl ! " exclaimed Miss Scatcherd ; " nothing can correct you of your slatternly habits : carry the rod away . " Burns obeyed : I looked at her narrowly as she emerged from the book-closet ; she was just putting back her handkerchief into her pocket , and the trace of a tear glistened on her thin cheek . The play-hour in the evening I thought the pleasantest fraction of the day at Lowood : the bit of bread , the draught of coffee swallowed at five o ' clock had revived vitality , if it had not satisfied hunger : the long restraint of the day was slackened ; the schoolroom felt warmer than in the morning--its fires being allowed to burn a little more brightly , to supply , in some measure , the place of candles , not yet introduced : the ruddy gloaming , the licensed uproar , the confusion of many voices gave one a welcome sense of liberty . On the evening of the day on which I had seen Miss Scatcherd flog her pupil , Burns , I wandered as usual among the forms and tables and laughing groups without a companion , yet not feeling lonely : when I passed the windows , I now and then lifted a blind , and looked out ; it snowed fast , a drift was already forming against the lower panes ; putting my ear close to the window , I could distinguish from the gleeful tumult within , the disconsolate moan of the wind outside . Probably , if I had lately left a good home and kind parents , this would have been the hour when I should most keenly have regretted the separation ; that wind would then have saddened my heart ; this obscure chaos would have disturbed my peace ! as it was , I derived from both a strange excitement , and reckless and feverish , I wished the wind to howl more wildly , the gloom to deepen to darkness , and the confusion to rise to clamour . Jumping over forms , and creeping under tables , I made my way to one of the fire-places ; there , kneeling by the high wire fender , I found Burns , absorbed , silent , abstracted from all round her by the companionship of a book , which she read by the dim glare of the embers . " Is it still ' Rasselas ' ? " I asked , coming behind her . " Yes , " she said , " and I have just finished it . " And in five minutes more she shut it up . I was glad of this . " Now , " thought I , " I can perhaps get her to talk . " I sat down by her on the floor . " What is your name besides Burns ? " " Helen . " " Do you come a long way from here ? " " I come from a place farther north , quite on the borders of Scotland . " " Will you ever go back ? " " I hope so ; but nobody can be sure of the future . " " You must wish to leave Lowood ? " " No ! why should I ? I was sent to Lowood to get an education ; and it would be of no use going away until I have attained that object . " " But that teacher , Miss Scatcherd , is so cruel to you ? " " Cruel ? Not at all ! She is severe : she dislikes my faults . " " And if I were in your place I should dislike her ; I should resist her . If she struck me with that rod , I should get it from her hand ; I should break it under her nose . " " Probably you would do nothing of the sort : but if you did , Mr. Brocklehurst would expel you from the school ; that would be a great grief to your relations . It is far better to endure patiently a smart which nobody feels but yourself , than to commit a hasty action whose evil consequences will extend to all connected with you ; and besides , the Bible bids us return good for evil . " " But then it seems disgraceful to be flogged , and to be sent to stand in the middle of a room full of people ; and you are such a great girl : I am far younger than you , and I could not bear it . " " Yet it would be your duty to bear it , if you could not avoid it : it is weak and silly to say you _can not bear_ what it is your fate to be required to bear . " I heard her with wonder : I could not comprehend this doctrine of endurance ; and still less could I understand or sympathise with the forbearance she expressed for her chastiser . Still I felt that Helen Burns considered things by a light invisible to my eyes . I suspected she might be right and I wrong ; but I would not ponder the matter deeply ; like Felix , I put it off to a more convenient season . " You say you have faults , Helen : what are they ? To me you seem very good . " " Then learn from me , not to judge by appearances : I am , as Miss Scatcherd said , slatternly ; I seldom put , and never keep , things , in order ; I am careless ; I forget rules ; I read when I should learn my lessons ; I have no method ; and sometimes I say , like you , I can not _bear_ to be subjected to systematic arrangements . This is all very provoking to Miss Scatcherd , who is naturally neat , punctual , and particular . " " And cross and cruel , " I added ; but Helen Burns would not admit my addition : she kept silence . " Is Miss Temple as severe to you as Miss Scatcherd ? " At the utterance of Miss Temple's name , a soft smile flitted over her grave face . " Miss Temple is full of goodness ; it pains her to be severe to any one , even the worst in the school : she sees my errors , and tells me of them gently ; and , if I do anything worthy of praise , she gives me my meed liberally . One strong proof of my wretchedly defective nature is , that even her expostulations , so mild , so rational , have not influence to cure me of my faults ; and even her praise , though I value it most highly , can not stimulate me to continued care and foresight . " " That is curious , " said I , " it is so easy to be careful . " " For _you_ I have no doubt it is . I observed you in your class this morning , and saw you were closely attentive : your thoughts never seemed to wander while Miss Miller explained the lesson and questioned you . Now , mine continually rove away ; when I should be listening to Miss Scatcherd , and collecting all she says with assiduity , often I lose the very sound of her voice ; I fall into a sort of dream . Sometimes I think I am in Northumberland , and that the noises I hear round me are the bubbling of a little brook which runs through Deepden , near our house ; -- then , when it comes to my turn to reply , I have to be awakened ; and having heard nothing of what was read for listening to the visionary brook , I have no answer ready . " " Yet how well you replied this afternoon . " " It was mere chance ; the subject on which we had been reading had interested me . This afternoon , instead of dreaming of Deepden , I was wondering how a man who wished to do right could act so unjustly and unwisely as Charles the First sometimes did ; and I thought what a pity it was that , with his integrity and conscientiousness , he could see no farther than the prerogatives of the crown . If he had but been able to look to a distance , and see how what they call the spirit of the age was tending ! Still , I like Charles--I respect him--I pity him , poor murdered king ! Yes , his enemies were the worst : they shed blood they had no right to shed . How dared they kill him ! " Helen was talking to herself now : she had forgotten I could not very well understand her--that I was ignorant , or nearly so , of the subject she discussed . I recalled her to my level . " And when Miss Temple teaches you , do your thoughts wander then ? " " No , certainly , not often ; because Miss Temple has generally something to say which is newer than my own reflections ; her language is singularly agreeable to me , and the information she communicates is often just what I wished to gain . " " Well , then , with Miss Temple you are good ? " " Yes , in a passive way : I make no effort ; I follow as inclination guides me . There is no merit in such goodness . " " A great deal : you are good to those who are good to you . It is all I ever desire to be . If people were always kind and obedient to those who are cruel and unjust , the wicked people would have it all their own way : they would never feel afraid , and so they would never alter , but would grow worse and worse . When we are struck at without a reason , we should strike back again very hard ; I am sure we should--so hard as to teach the person who struck us never to do it again . " " You will change your mind , I hope , when you grow older : as yet you are but a little untaught girl . " " But I feel this , Helen ; I must dislike those who , whatever I do to please them , persist in disliking me ; I must resist those who punish me unjustly . It is as natural as that I should love those who show me affection , or submit to punishment when I feel it is deserved . " " Heathens and savage tribes hold that doctrine , but Christians and civilised nations disown it . " " How ? I do n't understand . " " It is not violence that best overcomes hate--nor vengeance that most certainly heals injury . " " What then ? " " Read the New Testament , and observe what Christ says , and how He acts ; make His word your rule , and His conduct your example . " " What does He say ? " " Love your enemies ; bless them that curse you ; do good to them that hate you and despitefully use you . " " Then I should love Mrs. Reed , which I can not do ; I should bless her son John , which is impossible . " In her turn , Helen Burns asked me to explain , and I proceeded forthwith to pour out , in my own way , the tale of my sufferings and resentments . Bitter and truculent when excited , I spoke as I felt , without reserve or softening . Helen heard me patiently to the end : I expected she would then make a remark , but she said nothing . " Well , " I asked impatiently , " is not Mrs. Reed a hard-hearted , bad woman ? " " She has been unkind to you , no doubt ; because you see , she dislikes your cast of character , as Miss Scatcherd does mine ; but how minutely you remember all she has done and said to you ! What a singularly deep impression her injustice seems to have made on your heart ! No ill-usage so brands its record on my feelings . Would you not be happier if you tried to forget her severity , together with the passionate emotions it excited ? Life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity or registering wrongs . We are , and must be , one and all , burdened with faults in this world : but the time will soon come when , I trust , we shall put them off in putting off our corruptible bodies ; when debasement and sin will fall from us with this cumbrous frame of flesh , and only the spark of the spirit will remain , -- the impalpable principle of light and thought , pure as when it left the Creator to inspire the creature : whence it came it will return ; perhaps again to be communicated to some being higher than man--perhaps to pass through gradations of glory , from the pale human soul to brighten to the seraph ! Surely it will never , on the contrary , be suffered to degenerate from man to fiend ? No ; I can not believe that : I hold another creed : which no one ever taught me , and which I seldom mention ; but in which I delight , and to which I cling : for it extends hope to all : it makes Eternity a rest--a mighty home , not a terror and an abyss . Besides , with this creed , I can so clearly distinguish between the criminal and his crime ; I can so sincerely forgive the first while I abhor the last : with this creed revenge never worries my heart , degradation never too deeply disgusts me , injustice never crushes me too low : I live in calm , looking to the end . " Helen's head , always drooping , sank a little lower as she finished this sentence . I saw by her look she wished no longer to talk to me , but rather to converse with her own thoughts . She was not allowed much time for meditation : a monitor , a great rough girl , presently came up , exclaiming in a strong Cumberland accent -- " Helen Burns , if you do n't go and put your drawer in order , and fold up your work this minute , I 'll tell Miss Scatcherd to come and look at it ! " Helen sighed as her reverie fled , and getting up , obeyed the monitor without reply as without delay .
Tips for living with coyotes Thu July 25 , 2013 10 : 29pm Coyotes are part of the natural habitat in California , and they are increasingly adept at searching for food in cities because their natural habitat has increasingly been encroached by development . Coyote conflicts with humans are extremely rare , even though coyote activity is higher during this time of year as this is the season when they are raising their pups . If you walk your dog in or near any of the known coyote habitats , keep your dog on a leash at all times as required by municipal codes . If possible , avoid walking dogs in the early morning or at dusk , which are prime feeding times for coyotes . Keep small pets indoors , especially cats - they are an easy favored prey Coyotes and other predators may be attracted to areas that provide protective cover . Remove hiding spaces by keeping brush and weeds from around buildings cleared . Many coyotes have lost their natural fear of humans . The best thing that you can do if you see a coyote is to " haze " them . This involves standing tall and making yourself look big while waving your arms ; yelling at them to go away ; throwing objects toward them ; or spraying them with water . It is essential that coyotes retain their natural fear of humans . Never run from a coyote . Keep constant eye contact with the coyote and continue to move toward other people , a building or an area of activity . In the event of a life-threatening emergency please call 911 . LBACS advises residents to report coyote attacks , threats and aggressive behavior at 562-570-7387 . If coyotes are sighted in areas where there are children ( schools , parks , etc. ) or if the coyotes are acting aggressively , an officer will be dispatched immediately . Additionally , LBACS takes reports of coyote activities and forwards any threats to pets or people to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife so that they may respond appropriately . To report a coyote incident online and for further information on reducing conflicts and hazing techniques , please visit www.longbeach.gov/acs/wildlife . Post new comment
Defence review to see dozens of sites close The UK government will sell off 56 more defence sites by 2040 , the defence secretary has told MPs . Sir Michael Fallon said the sale of the sites - part of a review of Ministry of Defence land - was in addition to the sale of 35 MoD sites that had previously been announced . Unions called the plans " brutal " and promised to fight the closures . But Sir Michael said it would deliver better value for money and release enough land to build 55,000 homes . It is estimated that about £ 140m will be saved over the next decade by selling off the sites , which Sir Michael said would be reinvested in creating " areas of military expertise " in locations across the country . More than 32,000 acres of defence land will be released , including 10 surplus airfields and five golf courses . Fort George barracks to close in 2032 Three sites to be sold in Northern Ireland Brecon Barracks to close after 220 years " By putting money where it is needed , we will provide better facilities to train our armed forces and deliver more stability for military families , " he said , adding that the moves are part of a package of more than £ 4bn of investment in the services . The majority of sites will be in England , including parts of Catterick Garrison , North Yorkshire - the Army's largest garrison - the Prince William of Gloucester Barracks , near Grantham , and Imphal Barracks in York . A further eight sites in Scotland will close , including the Redford Calvary and Infantry Baracks in Edinburgh , and Fort George , near Ardersier . Then Wales and Northern Ireland will each have three bases closed , including Brecon Barracks . New sites and bases will be moved to locations which are selected based on employment opportunities in the community , enabling military families to buy their own homes and reducing disruption to children's education , Sir Michael said . These include new regional hubs for light infantry battalions in London , Edinburgh , Lisburn , St Athan , Blackpool and Cottesmore , as well as air assault forces in Colchester and a specialised infantry group in Aldershot . Defence secretary Michael Fallon said new sites would be chosen because of ' employment opportunities in the community ' Nia Griffith , shadow defence secretary , said Labour recognised there was " a need to modernise " the defence estate , but wanted reassurance families would be taken care of . She said : " The government is right to seek to restructure the estate to ensure that we optimise our military capability and deliver value for money for the British taxpayer . " The changes proposed in this report are very considerable in scale and there is a real need to ensure they are delivered in a way that does not cause undue challenges to our forces and their families . " Ms Griffith also asked Sir Michael to confirm that all of the money raised would go back into defence and not into the Treasury . In reply , he said : " All of the receipts , not some of them but all of the receipts , will come back in to the defence budget . " ' Brutal programme ' But unions have said the cuts will severely hit the support for armed forces and damage morale . Mark Serwotka , general secretary for the Public and Commercial Services union , said : " We are opposed to these closure plans that throw the future into doubt for thousands of staff . " The MoD has a poor track record on selling off land for homes and this again exposes how the Tories are simply paying lip service to the urgent need to address the housing crisis . " Mike McCartney , national officer for Unite , echoed the criticism , calling the closures " brutal " . " In many instances the bases earmarked for closure are at the heart of their local communities providing a source of decent and secure employment , " he said .
Are you free over this December and January for temporary reception bookings at London's best creative agencies ? If so , get in touch ! Are you looking for a fun temporary reception role starting immediately ? Do you thrive in a fast paced , creative and fun environment ? Have you worked in a Creative agency before or are familiar with the media industry ? If so , then please get in touch by sending your CV to Impact as we are currently looking to recruit experienced receptionist 's to represent us over the festive season from Soho to Shoreditch . The ideal candidate will have ... Worked as a receptionist previously Be passionate about the creative / advertising industries ( or have experience within it ) And be free over Christmas and New Year 's Our opportunities are both short term and on-going , from 1 day to 1 month and beyond , depending on the circumstances . If this sounds like something for you , please apply today !
The Bremen town musicians There was once an ass whose master had made him carry sacks to the mill for many a long year , but whose strength began at last to fail , so that each day as it came found him less capable of work . Then his master began to think of turning him out , but the ass , guessing that something was in the wind that boded him no good , ran away , taking the road to Bremen ; for there he thought he might get an engagement as town musician . When he had gone a little way he found a hound lying by the side of the road panting , as if he had run a long way . " Now , Holdfast , what are you so out of breath about ? " said the ass . " Oh dear ! " said the dog , " now I am old , I get weaker every day , and can do no good in the hunt , so , as my master was going to have me killed , I have made my escape ; but now , how am I to gain a living ? " - " I will tell you what , " said the ass , " I am going to Bremen to become town musician . You may as well go with me , and take up music too . I can play the lute , and you can beat the drum . " And the dog consented , and they walked on together . It was not long before they came to a cat sitting in the road , looking as dismal as three wet days . " Now then , what is the matter with you , old shaver ? " said the ass . " I should like to know who would be cheerful when his neck is in danger , " answered the cat . " Now that I am old my teeth are getting blunt , and I would rather sit by the oven and purr than run about after mice , and my mistress wanted to drown me ; so I took myself off ; but good advice is scarce , and I do not know what is to become of me . " - " Go with us to Bremen , " said the ass , " and become town musician . You understand serenading . " The cat thought well of the idea , and went with them accordingly . After that the three travellers passed by a yard , and a cock was perched on the gate crowing with all his might . " Your cries are enough to pierce bone and marrow , " said the ass ; " what is the matter ? " - " I have foretold good weather for Lady-day , so that all the shirts may be washed and dried ; and now on Sunday morning company is coming , and the mistress has told the cook that I must be made into soup , and this evening my neck is to be wrung , so that I am crowing with all my might while I can . " - " You had much better go with us , Chanticleer , " said the ass . " We are going to Bremen . At any rate that will be better than dying . You have a powerful voice , and when we are all performing together it will have a very good effect . " So the cock consented , and they went on all four together . But Bremen was too far off to be reached in one day , and towards evening they came to a wood , where they determined to pass the night . The ass and the dog lay down under a large tree ; the cat got up among the branches , and the cock flew up to the top , as that was the safest place for him . Before he went to sleep he looked all round him to the four points of the compass , and perceived in the distance a little light shining , and he called out to his companions that there must be a house not far off , as he could see a light , so the ass said , " We had better get up and go there , for these are uncomfortable quarters . " The dog began to fancy a few bones , not quite bare , would do him good . And they all set off in the direction of the light , and it grew larger and brighter , until at last it led them to a robber's house , all lighted up . The ass . being the biggest , went up to the window , and looked in . " Well , what do you see ? " asked the dog . " What do I see ? " answered the ass ; " here is a table set out with splendid eatables and drinkables , and robbers sitting at it and making themselves very comfortable . " - " That would just suit us , " said the cock . " Yes , indeed , I wish we were there , " said the ass . Then they consulted together how it should be managed so as to get the robbers out of the house , and at last they hit on a plan . The ass was to place his forefeet on the window-sill , the dog was to get on the ass's back , the cat on the top of the dog , and lastly the cock was to fly up and perch on the cat's head . When that was done , at a given signal they all began to perform their music . The ass brayed , the dog barked , the cat mewed , and the cock crowed ; then they burst through into the room , breaking all the panes of glass . The robbers fled at the dreadful sound ; they thought it was some goblin , and fled to the wood in the utmost terror . Then the four companions sat down to table , made free with the remains of the meal , and feasted as if they had been hungry for a month . And when they had finished they put out the lights , and each sought out a sleeping-place to suit his nature and habits . The ass laid himself down outside on the dunghill , the dog behind the door , the cat on the hearth by the warm ashes , and the cock settled himself in the cockloft , and as they were all tired with their long journey they soon fell fast asleep . When midnight drew near , and the robbers from afar saw that no light was burning , and that everything appeared quiet , their captain said to them that he thought that they had run away without reason , telling one of them to go and reconnoitre . So one of them went , and found everything quite quiet ; he went into the kitchen to strike a light , and taking the glowing fiery eyes of the cat for burning coals , he held a match to them in order to kindle it . But the cat , not seeing the joke , flew into his face , spitting and scratching . Then he cried out in terror , and ran to get out at the back door , but the dog , who was lying there , ran at him and bit his leg ; and as he was rushing through the yard by the dunghill the ass struck out and gave him a great kick with his hind foot ; and the cock , who had been wakened with the noise , and felt quite brisk , cried out , " Cock-a-doodle-doo ! " Then the robber got back as well as he could to his captain , and said , " Oh dear ! in that house there is a gruesome witch , and I felt her breath and her long nails in my face ; and by the door there stands a man who stabbed me in the leg with a knife ; and in the yard there lies a black spectre , who beat me with his wooden club ; and above , upon the roof , there sits the justice , who cried , ' Bring that rogue here ! ' And so I ran away from the place as fast as I could . " From that time forward the robbers never ventured to that house , and the four Bremen town musicians found themselves so well off where they were , that there they stayed . And the person who last related this tale is still living , as you see .
Ad banners cover Nelson for first time Nelson's Column has been covered in advertising for the first time in its 163-year history . Banners depicting the Trafalgar Square monument enveloped in smog , ravaged by whirlwinds and submerged in a flood were put up last week . The ads are for insurer Zurich Financial Services Group and have been hung over scaffolding . They will remain until restoration work on Nelson is completed in July .
Quimby is an alternative rock band popular on the Hungarian music scene . Enjoying large crowds across the nation , they have had successes at music festivals such as the Sziget Festival . Together for over 25 years , the band has a large collection of studio albums and one live CD / DVD combo to their credit . The band originated in the industrial town of Dunaújváros under the name ' Október ' , playing covers . By the end of high school , the band dispersed . The Kiss brothers , Tibor and Endre , got another group together in 1991 , and renamed it ' Quimby ' . 1991 to 1995 : Saloon start - Jerrycan Dance In 1992 the band's first cassette entitled Up Side Down was made available , featuring English-language tunes like " Sea , " " Stink , " " I Give You My Shoes , " " Up Side Down , " " Never Get By , " and " Policeman " . The band's style was compared to the chansons and cabaret songs from the period between the World Wars . The band played at pubs in Pest . By 1993 the personnel consisted of Tibor Kiss ( vocals and guitar ) , Endre Kiss ( guitar ) , Livius Varga ( percussion and vocals ) , Tamás Szén Molnár ( saxophone ) , Ferenc Mikuli ( bass guitar ) , and Ákos Medve ( drums ) . In 1993 they recorded their second album , Sip of Story . This album also came out on cassette and had English lyrics . During this period the band was one of the most successful club bands in Budapest , and also popular on the college and festival circuit . At this point the elder Kiss brother , Endre , left the band . He was replaced by a young piano player , Szilárd Balanyi , who was born in Balatonfüred . With this new line-up the band recorded its next album , Jerrycan Dance , which came out on CD but in a limited edition . This album is also in English and it begins to show some of the main characteristics which are seen in the present band . 1995 to 1997 : Language change - Majom-tangó In 1995 , the band decided to focus more on writing songs in Hungarian . By the summer of 1996 the new album was finished : Majom-tangó ( Monkey Tango ) . This album contains mostly Hungarian songs , but there are three English ones . The album has an eclectic style : there are several folk songs featured in the usual chanson-epic style of Quimby , especially Roma and Latin folk music ; then reggae and psychedelic effects are incorporated . Majom-tangó is the direct antecedent of their present style . The release of Majom-tangó immediately led to a rise in popularity on the Hungarian music scene . The band moved from being a phenomenon on the alternative stage to wider popularity with the appearance of Diligramm ( Loonygramme ) in December 1997 . Diligramm is a complete work of a mature band . The lyrics are crisper , the musical palette more colorful ; the band found its own style . The CD was introduced by a video and single , " Once There Was a Time " , and by a memorable CD release concert . Quimby enjoyed many successes in their live performances , with more concerts in front of larger audiences . In the spring of 1998 the Hungarian press chose Diligramm the album of the year . The new album Ékszerelmére was highly anticipated even before it was released in November 1999 . Producing the record proved a little complex when early in the year Livius Varga lost the tape containing the ideas of for new songs while he was traveling on the tram in Budapest . Ékszerelmére is even more mature and composed than the previous album . The music is strict but playful , uniform but discursive , realistic but ascendent , and traditionalist . While the band uses the implementations of modern music , the lyrics are cruel and ironic ; stories and verbal psychedelia are present . After the recording of Ékszerelmére the band released Tamás Molnár ( saxophone ) . After a long search his place was filled by József Kárpáti , a trumpet and piano player from the band ' Andersen ' . The band stepped on stage at that year's Sziget Festival in this form . During this period the band performed at festival concerts in Hungary and abroad , and went on a mini-tour of Germany . In the spring of 2001 Quimby released a new album called Morzsák és Szilánkok ( Crumbs and Splinters ) . It contained remixes featuring unknown , young , talented remixers , together with concert recordings of older songs . Tibor Kiss singer said the album presented the material " with a sort of continuous modality , like a film , building upon each other one after the other " . In 2002 , the album called Káosz Amigos ( Chaos Amigos ) did not disappoint fans . The album takes the musical oeuvre of Quimby to a new point of view . It is a musical-lyrical adventure in a troubled , intensive , vibrating , sensitive , dynamic , tragic , humorous , often tragicomic world . This album contains 10 songs in 43 minutes . In spite of the shorter playtime the album is a colorful , exciting and amusing musical roller-coaster . The songs are memorable but not hits in the usual sense . There are Spanish-like chansons with stiff rhythms , interesting guitar work , agile and bop songs . There are also fancy , moderate , slow songs and rap , even childhood sayings . The album features percussion instruments , guitar , bass , keyboards , modern electronics and trumpet by the newest member of the band , József Kárpáti . The band had just completed touring the new album in Hungary when frontman Tibor Kiss needed an extended break for rest and relaxation , so the band went on hiatus . Though its was n't known ahead of time how long the break would be , the pause lasted until 2004 . After an intensive probation period and a return concert , Quimby rejoined the Hungarian public music scene once again with enormous power . Full-house concerts were held in Budapest and other venues , along with a successful " Night Invasion " concert in Spring 2004 and appearances at the big summer festivals , including the Sziget Festival . The band continued from where they left off : reviewers and fans said the band was in good shape , perhaps even better than before . 2005 to present : Kilégzés and Family Tugedör The album Kilégzés ( Exhalation , October 2005 ) became an important work in the band's history . It is an interesting milestone because it opened a new era from an artistic point of view . Memories from their previous phase are presented in a new context , in a re-evaluated form . Tibor Kiss does n't mince now , there is no nostalgia , no great truths revealed , but only the music with its ironic , emotional , expressive style . In 2006 the band reached the 15-year milestone . Quimby celebrated this special jubilee by publishing a greatest hits recording and DVD called Family Tugedör . They also gave a double concert in the Katona József Theatre , one in the Petőfi Csarnok venue and a concert on 1 January 2007 called " Magic Music " . The work continues with two releases in 2009 , an EP ( Ajjajjaj ) and a full length album ( Lármagyűjtögető ) .
1 . Specifications and Quality Assurance ( 1 ) The Contractor shall ensure that : ( a ) the Articles are of the qualities and sorts described in and equal in all respects to the samples , patterns , specifications , plans , drawings or other documents , individually or collectively , which form part of the Contract ; and ( b ) except insofar as may otherwise be indicated by any sample , pattern , specification , plan , drawing or other document : ( i ) the Articles are strictly in accordance with the latest relevant British Standards , or equivalent , that are published before the date of the Contract ; or ( ii ) if no such Standards exist , the Articles are otherwise to the satisfaction of NPL . ( 2 ) The Contractor shall , if so requested by NPL , furnish details of the Contractor's quality management system and produce evidence , if appropriate , of certification to BS5750 / EN29000 / IS09000 or equivalent . 2 . Inspection ( 1 ) NPL may , at any reasonable time , inspect any or all of the Articles ( or arrange for the inspection thereof ) : ( a ) at the Contractor's premises while they are in the course of production ; ( b ) at the Contractor's premises on completion of their production ; ( c ) after delivery by the Contractor to NPL ; and / or ( d ) as otherwise provided in the Contract . ( 2 ) When NPL wishes to exercise its right of inspection under this Condition , the Contractor shall , at the Contractor's own expense , provide : ( a ) full and free access to the Contractor's premises as and when required for such inspection ; ( b ) all such accommodation and facilities in connection with such inspection as NPL may reasonably require ; and ( c ) all appliances , materials and labour required for such inspection . 3 . Delivery ( 1 ) The Contractor shall deliver the Articles to NPL at its premises at Teddington , Middlesex , United Kingdom ( or , where specified in the Contract , to any other place , or to the agent of NPL or its authorised representative ) at the time or times and at the place or places and in the manner specified in the Contract or in orders issued under the Contract . Delivery of the Articles shall occur on their going into the possession of NPL or its agent . ( 2 ) The time of delivery of the Articles shall be of the essence of the Contract . If the Contractor fails to deliver the Articles within the time specified for such delivery in the Contract , NPL shall , without prejudice to any other rights and remedies of NPL , have the right ( at its option ) to be released from any obligation to accept and pay for the Articles , or to cancel delivery of any of the Articles . ( 3 ) When delivering the Articles in accordance with this Condition , the Contractor shall ; ( a ) ensure that the Articles are properly packed and secured as may be specified in the Contract ; and ( b ) comply with any additional instructions that from time to time NPL may give with regard to the transportation of the Articles , provided that any extra cost necessarily incurred in complying with such instructions shall be paid by NPL as an addition to the Contract Price . ( 4 ) Unless otherwise specified in the Contract , the property in the Articles shall pass from the Contractor to NPL upon delivery of the Articles in accordance with Clause ( 1 ) of this Condition . ( 5 ) If NPL has rejected any one or more of the Articles under Condition 8 after delivery thereof to NPL by the Contractor and NPL has notified the Contractor of such rejection , that one or more of the Articles shall be considered as not having been delivered under the Contract and the property in that one or more of the Articles shall revert to the Contractor . 4 . Delay in Delivery ( 1 ) If any of the Articles is not delivered within the time or times specified in the Contract or in any order issued under the Contract , NPL may , without prejudice to any other rights and remedies of NPL , terminate the Contract by notice to the Contractor either in respect of any of the Articles which has not been delivered in accordance with the Contract at the time of such termination , or in respect of all of the Articles . ( 2 ) Where NPL has terminated the Contract under Clause ( 1 ) of this Condition , NPL may , without prejudice to any other rights and remedies of NPL : ( a ) replace any or all of the Articles in relation to which the Contract has been so terminated by purchasing or manufacturing other items of the same or similar description , or by allocating other items of the same or similar description in the possession or control of NPL to the purposes for which those of the Articles so replaced are required ; and ( b ) recover from the Contractor the amount by which the aggregate of the cost of purchasing and of manufacturing such other items and of the value of such allocated items exceeds the amount which would have been payable to the Contractor in respect of those of the Articles so replaced if they had been delivered in accordance with the Contract . 5 . Loss of or Damage to the Articles ( 1 ) The Contractor shall be responsible for the Articles and any materials , equipment , fittings or other things acquired or allocated by the Contractor for incorporation therein until delivery of the Articles has been made in accordance with Condition 3 and shall make good any loss of or damage to the Articles or any such materials , equipment , fittings or other things however caused that may occur before such delivery . ( 2 ) Clause ( 1 ) of this Condition shall apply even though : ( a ) any or all of the Articles may have been inspected in accordance with the Contract ; and / or ( b ) the property in any or all of the Articles may , in accordance with the terms of the Contract , have passed from the Contractor to NPL or its agent before delivery thereof . ( 3 ) Unless otherwise specified in the Contract , the Contractor shall not be responsible for the Articles after delivery thereof , except that , if any one or more of the Articles is rejected by NPL under Condition 8 after delivery thereof by the Contractor to NPL , the Contractor shall become responsible in all respects for such rejected one or more of the Articles upon : ( a ) the Contractor removing the same in accordance with Clause ( 3 ) of Condition 8 ; ( b ) NPL returning the same to the Contractor in accordance with Clause ( 4 ) of Condition 8 ; or ( c ) if the Contractor fails to remove the same as aforesaid , or if NPL does not return the same as aforesaid , the expiry of the period of eight ( 8 ) working days after the date on which NPL has notified the Contractor of such rejection . 6 . Acceptance Acceptance of any of the Articles shall take place when : ( a ) NPL confirms acceptance of the same in accordance with the procedures specified in the Contract ; or ( b ) if no such procedures are specified , NPL shall , without prejudice to any other rights and remedies of NPL , be deemed to have accepted the same as soon as any of the following events occurs : ( i ) NPL takes the same into use ; ( ii ) NPL fails to exercise its right of rejection of the same under Condition 8 within any period specified for that purpose in the Contract ; or ( iii ) where no period for exercising the said right of rejection is specified in the Contract , a reasonable time has elapsed since delivery of the same was made in accordance with Condition 3 . 7 . Acceptance Marks If so required in the terms of the Contract , the Contractor shall , at the Contractor's own expense : ( a ) mark ( or permit NPL to mark ) the Articles and / or any materials , components or parts thereof with acceptance marks specified by NPL ; or ( b ) if it is not possible to apply such marks to the Articles and / or any materials , components or parts thereof , pack the same in suitable packages or cases and apply acceptance marks specified by NPL to such packages or cases . 8 . Rejection ( 1 ) NPL may reject any of the Articles that on inspection in accordance with Condition 2 is found not to conform to the requirements of the Contract . ( 2 ) NPL may reject the whole of any consignment of the Articles if inspection in accordance with Condition 2 shows that : ( a ) such proportion of the Articles as the Contract may specify for the purposes of this Condition , or ( b ) any sample taken indiscriminately from that consignment , does not conform to the requirements of the Contract . ( 3 ) If , under Clause ( 1 ) or ( 2 ) of this Condition , NPL rejects any of the Articles or any consignment of the Articles after the delivery thereof by the Contractor to NPL , the Contractor shall , at the Contractor's own expense , remove from NPL each and every rejected one of the Articles or such rejected consignment of the Articles : ( a ) within such period of time as may be specified in the Contract ; or ( b ) if no such period of time is specified in the Contract , within the period of eight ( 8 ) working days after the date on which NPL has notified the Contractor of such rejection . ( 4 ) In the event that : ( a ) NPL rejects under Clause ( 1 ) or ( 2 ) of this Condition any of the Articles or any consignment of the Articles after the delivery thereof by the Contractor to NPL , and ( b ) the Contractor fails to remove from NPL each and every rejected one of the Articles or such rejected consignment of the Articles in accordance with Clause ( 3 ) of this Condition , NPL may return to the Contractor , at the Contractor's risk , each and every rejected one of the Articles or such rejected consignment of the Articles . The Contractor shall pay the cost of packing and transportation thereof from NPL to the Contractor . ( 5 ) If , under Clause ( 1 ) or ( 2 ) of this Condition , NPL rejects any of the Articles or any consignment of the Articles , the Contractor shall , at the Contractor's own expense , deliver to NPL ( as the case may be ) one of the Articles or a consignment of the Articles that conforms with the requirements of the Contract as a replacement for each rejected one of the Articles or such rejected consignment of the Articles . The Contractor shall deliver each such replacement within the period of time specified in the contract for delivery of all of the Articles to NPL or within such other period of time as may be agreed . ( 6 ) If , under Clause ( 1 ) or ( 2 ) of this Condition , NPL rejects any of the Articles or any consignment of the Articles , the Contractor shall , if NPL so requires , mark each and every rejected one of the Articles or such rejected consignment of the Articles in a manner satisfactory to NPL that identifies the same as having been rejected by NPL . 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Our Site Father's Day Gift-Giving Tips Are you ready to show Dad how much you appreciate him ? If you 've bought golf balls one too many times , here are some tips from The Emily Post Institute on new ways to show Dad he 's number one . Father's Day traditions vary widely between families – from a phone call to making a whole day of it – but the essence is n't the card or the gift . It 's about telling the important men in our lives ( whether fathers , step-fathers , uncles , grandfathers , or any other men who have played a significant role for us ) how much we love and appreciate them . Think about ways to spend time with Dad on Father's Day . Treat him to a movie or lunch , plan a bike ride or a hike at a state park , or even just stop for ice cream – these can all be meaningful ways to connect . For the barbecue lover : Grill tools are always an easy gift . Grill brands , which can be personalized , take the blah out of burgers . Steven Raichlen has several recipe books that contain hundreds of ideas for the dedicated grill master . In a pinch , or when you do n't live in the same town as Dad , cards and gift certificates to favorite restaurants or stores do the trick . The most important thing to keep in mind about Father's Day gifts is that they should be reflections of your relationship with Dad . They do n't have to be expensive to be meaningful . It 's also great to find ways to get the kids involved . Homemade cards and crafts from younger kids are sure to be treasured presents ( yes , even cards covered in dried macaroni ! ) . Does Dad hate mowing the lawn ? Teens who are short on cash can pledge to do extra chores ( cleaning their room does n't count ) . And whether the day has been well planned or it 's the eleventh hour , do n't forget to give Dad a hug ( or a call ) and actually say , " Happy Father's Day ! "
Dear Ishmael Please may I thank you for the children's celebration on Wednesday ( ? ) of Week 1 of Spring Harvest this year : the celebration at which you and others prayed for healing for those there . I was there and I was healed . I have n't told anyone about this yet , because for the past couple of weeks I 've been too scared to hope that it could really be true . But it is . I was standing at the back , because a botched operation on my knee when I was 13 had left me with a weak right leg and a small degree of disability . All that standing up and sitting down the previous couple of evenings had been a bit too much . I was also feeling fairly vulnerable , because I 'd just had a row with my chalet-mates . God uses some strange ways to prepare us for meeting Him . One person spoke about depression , and I wondered if that could be for me , but it did n't feel ' right ' - I 've suffered from depression , but am coping with it quite well right now . Then ( I think it was ) you said that someone had a pain , or a problem , with their right leg . And what I heard was , " Jesus wants to heal you . " Jesus actually WANTS to heal me . I do n't think anyone saw but I just stood at the back of the room and could n't stop the tears pouring out . I do n't have the words to describe what I felt , or how I fell now in remembering it , but I was completely overwhelmed . I walked out of the room , to go to the Big Top celebration , limping as I usually do – and then I realised that I did n't need to limp . I tried out walking like other people walk – and I was walking evenly , and without pain . I was so scared I almost went straight back to the chalet , to hide . I do n't know from what . After the celebration I walked through the site , not wanting to go ' home ' – just wanting to walk , to see if I could make it hurt again . I could n't . I work out at the gym a lot , on medical advice ( I certainly do n't torture myself for fun ! ) . Walking the treadmill has been agony – I 've simply had to work through the pain , because it 's something I am required to do by my doctor . Since getting back from Spring Harvest , I 've been to the gym almost every day , and have never once felt any of the pain I used to live with all the time . My right leg is weak and gets tired , but I can see even that starting to change now . THERE IS NO MORE PAIN ! I 'm still frightened to believe it , in case it turns out not to be true . But it is true , is n't it ? Which is why I want to thank you , in completely inadequate words . After 29 years , I can walk freely again . I am not a good person ( I have some nasty stuff in my past that Jeff , who is surely one of the kindest and most compassionate people I 've ever met , is helping me sort out ) , but Jesus has stepped right into where it hurt and He has healed me . I do n't understand it – I certainly do n't deserve it – but it 's happened . I think I 've caught a glimpse of what Paul means when he talks about praising God continually . I suppose I should tell people , but I do n't know how . I 'm afraid they wo n't believe me – my disability was not always particularly marked . But I know it 's true , and my gratitude to Jesus is without measure . I do n't know yet how to thank Him , but I shall find a way . Thank you as well . Thank you so much .
Second regular session 2002 23 to 27 September 2002 , New York Item 7 of the provisional agenda UNOPS : Financial , budgetary and administrative matters Report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions The Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions has considered the report of the Executive Director of the United Nations Office for Project Services on the implementation of the revised budget for 2002 , on the revised budget estimates for the biennium 2002-2003 and on the level of the operational reserve ( DP / 2002 / 33 ) . The Committee also had before it , as background documentation , a conference room paper on UNOPS revised budget estimates for the year 2002 ( DP / 2002 / CRP . 10 ) , a report on the implementation of the recommendations of the Board of Auditors for the biennium 2000-2001 ( DP / 2002 / 35 ) , an action plan on savings from projected staff cuts ( DP / 2002 / 35 / Add . 1 ) , an advance copy of the UNOPS contingency plan for 2002-2003 ( DP / 2002 / 35 / Add . 2 ) and draft terms of reference and timetable for an independent review of UNOPS ( DP / 2002 / 36 ) . During its consideration of these matters , the Committee met with the Executive Director of UNOPS and his colleagues , who provided additional information . The Advisory Committee notes that the projection of income and expenditures of UNOPS during the biennium 2002-2003 has taken place under circumstances that have seriously impacted on the working of that Office . The Advisory Committee notes with concern the serious situation facing the management and operation of UNOPS . The Committee was informed that the massive reduction of business from UNDP that started in 1999 continued during the biennium 2000-2001 and the year 2002 ( see annex 1 to this report ) . Income from UNDP decreased from $ 79 . 4 million in the biennium 1998-1999 ( or some 92 percent of total project income of UNOPS ) to $ 61 . 5 million in the biennium 2000-2001 ( or 82 percent of total project income ) . However , UNDP remains UNOPS ' largest client since the latter's inception in 1994 ( see report of the Board of Auditors to the General Assembly on the accounts of UNOPS for the biennium ended 31 December 2001 , para . 25 and Annex 2 to this report ) . The Advisory Committee was informed that the UNOPS ' delivery dropped considerably in 2001 and consequently its income from project delivery . The budget approved for 2001 ( Executive Board decision 2001 / 19 ) projected a total income of $ 56 . 8 million and total administrative expenditures of $ 55 . 3 million . Actual income for 2001 amounted however to only $ 47 . 2 million or $ 9 . 6 million less than the projected income . Administrative expenditures totaled $ 52 . 8 million , exceeding total income by $ 5 . 6 million . UNOPS covered this shortfall in income through a drawdown on the operational reserve , in accordance with its Financial Regulations , reducing its level to $ 5 million ( DP / 2002 / CRP . 10 ) . The Advisory Committee was also informed that the performance of UNOPS in 2001 was significantly affected , inter alia , by the uncertainty about its future status . The review by the Secretary-General on the operations and continuity of UNOPS , requested in March 2001 , was completed in January 2002 when the Secretary-General took the decision to maintain UNOPS as a separate and identifiable entity of the United Nations system that is self-financing , as originally intended by Member States . The Committee was provided with the note of the Secretary-General on the matter ( DP / 2002 / CRP . 5 ) . The Committee notes that in reaching its decision , the Secretary-General was assisted by the internal review carried out , at his request , by the Office of Internal Oversight Services ( OIOS ) . The Committee recalls that in paragraph 4 of its report DP / 2001 / 29 of 5 September 2001 , it indicated that it was incumbent on the Secretary-General to inform Member States expeditiously on the results of the review . The Committee reiterates its request that the Secretary-General make available to Member States the report of OIOS on UNOPS . Furthermore , the Advisory Committee believes that , in supporting the continued work of UNOPS , as a separate and identifiable entity that provides services to organizations of the United Nations system for the management and delivery of programmes and projects , it is incumbent upon the Secretary-General to take steps to ensure the viability and success of UNOPS . The Advisory Committee recalls that it had also expressed its concern that the prolonged deliberations regarding the future status of UNOPS would have negative impact on its operations , resulting in lower levels of acquisition and delivery ( DP / 2001 / 29 , para . The Committee was informed that during 2001 the uncertainty regarding the existence of UNOPS had led to a decrease in UNOPS ' key businesses , including cancellation or delays of approved project budgets funded by UNDP in an amount of $ 42 million . The Advisory Committee is concerned that , through no fault of UNOPS , it has not been able to recover fully from UNDP the costs of activities carried out in good faith , with a view to performing the tasks specified in the work plans of approved projects which were subsequently delayed , modified , or cancelled . The Committee recalls that , with respect to the termination or postponement of project budgets , it had indicated that this should be managed through consultation of all parties concerned and in such a way as to minimize the financial consequences and their impact on UNOPS ( DP / 2001 / 29 , para . In this connection , the Committee recommends that the Administrator of UNDP review the issue so as to reimburse UNOPS in an equitable manner for the costs incurred . ( See paragraph . 9 below . The Advisory Committee notes that the Secretary-General decided to maintain the Management Coordination Committee ( MCC ) , chaired by the UNDP Administrator ( see DP / 2002 / CRP . 5 , paras . 7 to 15 ) . The Committee has indicated that the relationships of UNOPS with the entities involved in governing , servicing and advising it are complex and that , at times , may hinder the effective communication and reporting systems of UNOPS ( DP / 1994 / 57 , paras . 3 and 4 ) . In the Committee's opinion , the responsibilities currently assigned to the MCC appear to establish another layer of executive management for UNOPS ; as initially endorsed by the Executive Board , the MCC was established to provide overall oversight and guidance to UNOPS , as a self-financing entity . The Committee was informed that actions taken by the MCC in management of UNOPS have resulted , at times , in unnecessary and costly delays . For example , the Committee was informed that , in the last quarter of 2001 , it had become clear that expenditure reductions on non-staff related items would not be sufficient to balance the budget . Both the approved budget and the staffing strength of UNOPS were in excess of the income that was being generated . Had the MCC agreed with staff reduction measures in November 2001 rather than in February 2002 , the downward adjustment would have been less painful and savings in 2002 could have been larger . With regard to budget for 2002 , the Advisory Committee was informed that in June 2002 , the Management Coordination Committee ( MCC ) decided to revise the approved budget of $ 56 . 5 million downward to a ceiling of $ 44 million . The 2002 revised budget is based on business already acquired but excluding new business in the advanced pipeline that would be signed and implemented during the course of the year . The Advisory Committee remains concerned that the Executive Director of UNOPS has not been given the flexibility needed to manage the organization to react to changes in the fluctuations in delivery of the project portfolio and other services . In this connection , the Committee recalls its comments on the role of the MCC made in its report of 7 October 1994 ( DP / 1994 / 57 , paras . 13 and 14 ) and reiterates its recommendation made in its report of 18 September 2000 ( DP / 2000 / 38 , para . 18 ) on the need to streamline the budget preparation and review process . To this end , the current role of the MCC in setting a budgetary ceiling should be reconsidered with a view to conforming the procedure for the preparation and submission of the UNOPS budget to that followed by the UN Funds and Programmes . The Advisory Committee notes from paragraph 7 of document DP / 2002 / 36 that the scope of the proposed independent review of UNOPS would include a review of the revenue and cost structures of UNOPS , its operating margins on products and services , as well as its business processes and management tools at hand . The Committee notes that the estimated cost of this review amounts to $ 200 , 000 and would be completed in 90 days . The Committee welcomes this review , which is in line with its recommendations in paragraphs 2 and 3 of its report DP / 2001 / 29 of 5 September 2001 . The Committee stresses that although UNOPS should continue its efforts to be a cost-effective and competitive provider of services to clients within the United Nations system , it should recover in full from its clients the actual costs of executing projects and providing services . The Committee also reiterates its view that UNOPS should continue its efforts to examine the structure of its business with a view to refining the criteria taken into account to evaluate the commitment of clients and UNOPS ' own capacity to deliver . To ensure an expeditious completion of the independent review , the Secretary-General should make appropriate arrangements to ensure that its costs are met . The Advisory Committee notes that , in document DP / 2002 / 35 / Add . 2 , an attempt has been made to formulate a contingency plan for UNOPS in response to Executive Board decision 2002 / 13 . The plan includes actions to be taken by the Executive Director in the event that the operational reserve is unable to absorb administrative expenditures incurred against the UNOPS account for the biennium 2002-2003 . In the Committee's opinion some of the steps proposed in paragraphs 9 to 14 to increase income and reduce administrative expenditure are already within the purview of management authority of the Executive Director of UNOPS and do not necessarily form part of a contingency plan related to the level operational reserve . Moreover , some of the proposed actions should also be closely examined in the proposed internal review of UNOPS ( see paragraph 9 above ) . These would include , for example , the question of the rights and obligations of UNOPS and its clients pursuant to contractual arrangements for project delivery ( see paragraph 5 above ) . On the question of the future status of UNDP personnel working with UNOPS and respective liabilities of UNDP and UNOPS the Advisory Committee was informed that the prevalence of staff in UNOPS with differences in contractual status hampers UNOPS ' ability to be responsive to the self-financing principle . Categories include UNDP permanent staff expected to return to UNDP , UNDP staff with contracts limited to UNOPS , and UNOPS staff . In addition , the personnel arrangements with UNDP of 1994 are no longer valid and UNOPS has agreed with UNDP to revise them in order to fit their current and future anticipated relationship . UNDP and UNOPS have agreed on a cost-sharing formula applicable to UNDP staff that have been serving with UNOPS and need to be separated as a result of abolition of posts . However , UNDP's precarious financial situation has led UNDP to take certain decisions that are not reciprocal to that which is expected from UNOPS . The Advisory Committee has commented in the past on the need to re-examine UNOPS contracts for personnel services in order to have a flexible post management system that would allow UNOPS to expand and contract its capacity in response to changes in demand and project delivery and income . The Committee has also recognized that the demand for UNOPS services is increasingly calling for specialized capacity for the management of multi-disciplinary initiatives and that UNOPS must respond quickly , efficiently and in the most cost-effective manner ( see , for example , DP / 2000 / 38 , paras . 14 to 17 ) . The Committee trusts that the internal review of UNOPS will include the re-examination of these personnel issues . Implementation of the approved budget for 2002 In its decision 2002 / 13 , paragraph 6 , the Executive Board approved the 2002 administrative budget in the amount of $ 44 million on the basis of a total income projected at $ 44 . 3 million and a project delivery portfolio of $ 503 . 2 million . The Committee notes that at the end of July 2002 , project delivery had reached $ 320 . 4 million , generating income in the amount of $ 22 . 5 million . Total income , including service income for loan administration , was $ 26 . 9 million and administrative expenditure amounted to $ 26 . 4 million at the end of July 2002 ( DP / 2002 / 33 , paras . 3 to 6 ) . The Advisory Committee was informed that the latest available figures indicate that UNOPS is on track or even slightly ahead on delivery and income ; however , staff related costs have increased about 7.5 per cent as compared with the pro-forma costs used in the budget , as a result mainly of currency fluctuations of the dollar vis-a-vis the Euro and other currencies . This situation may lead to overspending the approved administrative budget by some $ 250 , 000 , or one half of one percent of the approved budget , if measures for further cost containment and possible additional income turn out to be insufficient to compensate for this cost escalation in the personnel component of the budget . Revised budget estimates for 2003 The Advisory Committee was informed that , for 2003 , the MCC had initially set a revised target of $ 41 million , expressed in 2002 dollars ( as compared with approved total of $ 56 . 5 million . ) Given the increases for staff related costs and the need to set aside $ 1 million for a post-IMIS business information system , the MCC approved a budget ceiling for 2003 at the same level as for 2002 of $ 44 million . The budget submitted by the Executive Director of UNOPS amounts to $ 43 . 9 million and is based on the assumption that the delivery of project portfolio will amount to $ 513 million , reflecting an increase $ 9 . 8 million or 1.9 per cent over the estimate for 2002 of $ 503 . 2 million . Total income is projected at $ 44 . 7 million , comprising $ 36 . 4 million from project delivery , $ 6 . 9 million from service income , including services provided to IFAD , and $ 1 . 4 million from other income , including income from existing and planned agreements with a number of United Nations organizations for the subletting of office space and the provision of associated services at UNOPS headquarters ( DP / 2002 / 33 , paras . 12 to 17 and table 1 ) . The Advisory Committee notes from paragraph 16 of document DP / 2002 / 33 that the need to invest in information technology in the amount of $ 1 million in 2003 is a consequence of the decision by UNDP to implement a new Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP ) system , effective 1 January 2004 . The Advisory Committee recommends approval of the budget proposal of the Executive Director for 2003 . The level of the operational reserve As indicated in paragraph 3 above , at the end of the biennium 2000-2001 , the operational reserve was reduced to $ 5 . 0 million . The direct charge to the operational reserve to cover estimated staff separation in 2002 is estimated at $ 2 million ( DP / 2002 / 33 , para . 18 and table 1 ) . A total of 44 staff members have been affected by the staff reduction exercise in 2002 ( see DP / 2002 / 35 / Add . 1 , para . 8 and table 1 ) . In light of the estimated over-expenditure of $ 250 , 000 in 2002 ( see paragraph 13 above ) and the projected excess of income over expenditure of $ 800 , 000 in 2003 , the Committee was informed that the operational reserve level would amount to some $ 3 . 5 million by the end of 2003 . However , in 2003 and 2004 UNOPS medium-term strategy also foresees subletting one fourth of its office space in 2003 and one half from 2004 onwards , allowing the organization to generate additional income , as a result of staff reductions and decentralization measures to move operations to lower cost duty stations . * ) Since 1997 , has included an increasing number of Management Services Agreements negotiated with non-UN funding sources such as International Financial Institutions and governments , where UNDP assumes the function of funds manager and UNOPS is charged with execution .
Then he continued to rush forward as if frightened by the clatter of his own foot-steps . " Whoa ! " shouted Tip , picking himself up ; " whoa ! you idiot whoa ! " The Saw - Horse would probably have paid no attention to this , but just then it stepped a leg into a gopher-hole and stumbled head-over-heels to the ground , where it lay upon its back , frantically waving its four legs in the air . Tip ran up to it . " You 're a nice sort of a horse , I must say ! " he exclaimed . " Why did n't you stop when I yelled ' whoa ? ' " " Does ' whoa ' mean to stop ? " asked the Saw-Horse , in a surprised voice , as it rolled its eyes upward to look at the boy . " Of course it does , " answered Tip . " And a hole in the ground means to stop , also , does n't it ? " continued the horse . " To be sure ; unless you step over it , " said Tip . " What a strange place this is , " the creature exclaimed , as if amazed . " What am I doing here , anyway ? " 52 Full page line-art drawing . " DO KEEP THOSE LEGS STILL . " 53 " Why , I 've brought you to life , " answered the boy " but it wo n't hurt you any , if you mind me and do as I tell you . " " Then I will do as you tell me , " replied the Saw-Horse , humbly . " But what happened to me , a moment ago ? I do n't seem to be just right , someway . " " You 're upside down , " explained Tip . " But just keep those legs still a minute and I 'll set you right side up again . " " How many sides have I ? " asked the creature , wonderingly . " Several , " said Tip , briefly . " But do keep those legs still . " The Saw-Horse now became quiet , and held its legs rigid ; so that Tip , after several efforts , was able to roll him over and set him upright . " Ah , I seem all right now , " said the queer animal , with a sigh . " One of your ears is broken , " Tip announced , after a careful examination . " I 'll have to make a new one . " Then he led the Saw-Horse back to where Jack was vainly struggling to regain his feet , and after assisting the Pumpkinhead to stand upright Tip whittled out a new ear and fastened it to the horse's head . 54 " Now , " said he , addressing his steed , " pay attention to what I 'm going to tell you . ' Whoa ! ' means to stop ; ' Get-Up ! ' means to walk forward ; ' Trot ! ' means to go as fast as you can . Understand ? " " I believe I do , " returned the horse . " Very good . We are all going on a journey to the Emerald City , to see His Majesty , the Scarecrow ; and Jack Pumpkinhead is going to ride on your back , so he wo n't wear out his joints . " " I do n't mind , " said the Saw-Horse . " Anything that suits you suits me . " Then Tip assisted Jack to get upon the horse . " Hold on tight , " he cautioned , " or you may fall off and crack your pumpkin head . " " That would be horrible ! " said Jack , with a shudder . " What shall I hold on to ? " " Why , hold on to his ears , " replied Tip , after a moment's hesitation . " Do n't do that ! " remonstrated the Saw-Horse ; " for then I ca n't hear . " That seemed reasonable , so Tip tried to think of something else . " I 'll fix it ! " said he , at length . He went into the wood and cut a short length of limb from a young , stout tree . One end of this he sharpened to a point , and then he dug a hole in the back of 55 Full page line-art drawing . " DOES IT HURT ? " ASKED THE BOY 56 the Saw-Horse , just behind its head . Next he brought a piece of rock from the road and hammered the post firmly into the animal's back . " Stop ! Stop ! " shouted the horse ; " you 're jarring me terribly . " " Does it hurt ? " asked the boy . " Not exactly hurt , " answered the animal ; " but it makes me quite nervous to be jarred . " " Well , it 's all over now " said Tip , encouragingly . " Now , Jack , be sure to hold fast to this post and then you ca n't fall off and get smashed . " So Jack held on tight , and Tip said to the horse : " Get up . " The obedient creature at once walked forward , rocking from side to side as he raised his feet from the ground . Tip walked beside the Saw-Horse , quite content with this addition to their party . Presently he began to whistle .
Companies Act 1985 Section 245C Other persons authorised to apply to court The Secretary of State may authorise for the purposes of section 245B any person appearing to him - to have an interest in , and to have satisfactory procedures directed to securing , compliance by companies with the accounting requirements of this Act , to have satisfactory procedures for receiving and investigating complaints about the annual accounts of companies , and otherwise to be a fit and proper person to be authorised . A person may be authorised generally or in respect of particular classes of case , and different persons may be authorised in respect of different classes of case . The Secretary of State may refuse to authorise a person of he considers that his authorisation is unnecessary having regard to the fact that there are one or more other persons who have been or are likely to be authorised . Authorisation shall be by order made by statutory instrument which shall be subject to annulment in pursuance of a resolution of either House of Parliament . Where authorisation is revoked , the revoking order may make such provision as the Secretary of State thinks fit with respect to pending proceedings . Neither a person authorised under this section , nor any officer , servant or member of governing body of such a person , shall be liable in damages for anything done or purporting to be done for the purposes of or in connection with - the taking of such steps to discover whether there are grounds for an application to the court the determination whether or not to make such an application the publication of its reasons for any such decision unless the act of omission is shown to have been in bad faith . Produced with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office
This year Michael Brandvold Marketing has founded the Are You Listening Social Media Award . This is awarded to the person or business who has missed the boat the most when it comes to social media . This is not for the person or company who has not even setup social profiles , this is for the person or business that has profiles but has completely missed how to use them . They have completely missed the opportunity to engage with their fans or customers . One condition on winning the award , you have to give the award back if you actually become aware you won because you were following social media . Because he is completely absent from all conversation about him and his band the 2011 Are You Listening Social Media Award is presented to ... Kip Winger ! What did Kip Winger not do to get this award ? In June of 2011 at the Conclave radio conference , a annual gathering of radio and music industry professionals , Winger was mentioned during a presentation . Following the presentation Winger took on a life and was being mentioned throughout the entire day in many Tweets . Not one acknowledgement by Winger . This was a gathering of a radio and music professionals remember . Six months later a number of professionals are still talking about Winger , but now joking how he is absent ... where is Kip Winger ? Still not one acknowledgement by Winger . I tried to reach out to him via his Twitter and Facebook page , no response . Six months ago he had the opportunity to engage with industry professionals , now he is being given a award to recognize his failure .
What is a relational database ? A relational database consists of two or more tables whose records are related to each other . The relationship is created by linking a field in one table with a field in another table . Both these fields must be exactly the same datatype . In one of the tables it must be a Primary Key . Key fields are the heart of relational database management . The value in a key field uniquely identifies a particular occurrence of a given record type . For example a customer record might have a key field called Account and a particular customer's Account field might have a value of 123 to distinguish it from others . Storing copies of the value 123 in order records generated by that customer lets us relate the customers and order records . Only one customer record can have an account number of 123 but many order records can have the value 123 , relating them to the same customer . This is called a one-to-many relationship . The golden rule of relational database design : Never store the same information twice unless there is a very good reason The advantage of a relational database is that there is no more duplication , other than the link fields . The following diagram illustrates this . The Primary Keys for each table are in blue . ( Only a few fields are shown . ) Looking at the customers table , if we want to know more about the rep for each customer , all the data is contained in the Sales Rep table . The sales rep for customer accounts 123 and 124 is AJ and this links to the Primary key AJ in the sales Rep table , so we see his name is Andy Jordan . If we want to know what orders Ronalds has placed , the details can be found in the orders table , linked via the Primary Key Accounts . Relationships in Access Let us see how Access displays relationships . Lets also use an application which you may have had experience of yourself - a library . Here are the relationships in a simple library system . How it works There are two basic tables in a library - the Books table contains all the details of the books in the library . If there a many copies of a book , then only way you can tell them apart is the Accession Number . This is the Primary Key for the table . The second table is the Members table . This contains all the details about the members . There may be two people with the same name etc. so a different membership number is assigned to each member . This is the Primary Key for this table . These two tables become linked , when you take out a book , by means of a third table - the Transaction table . This assigns a separate number to every transaction . This is the Primary Key for this table . When you go to a library all you do is give the librarian your library card ( which has a barcode number on it ) . The librarian scans the card and scans the barcode on the book you are taking out . The two numbers are being linked together in this transaction . The computer assigns the day's date and the number of the transaction . This completes a new record in the transaction table . If they need to find out your phone number , the link will take them to the Members table and your record . If they need to find out the title of the book you took out , the link will take them to the Books table and the record for that book . Imagine how long it would take if they had to write down your details and the book details ( or even just the name and the title of the book ) every time ! How to set up relationships Firstly , you must plan the tables very carefully . It is essential that each table contains a Primary Key The fields to be related are the same datatype and the same format Once you have created your tables you should set up the relationships before you enter any data . It can be done later , but there are often problems with data not matching etc. If the relationships are created first , the computer will not allow you to enter data that breaks the rules .
Association of Indian Universities ( AIU ) is an organisation and association of major universities in India . It is based in Delhi . It evaluates the courses , syllabi , standards and credits of foreign Universities pursued abroad and equates them in relation to various courses offered by Indian Universities . The AIU is mainly concerned with the recognition of Degrees / Diplomas awarded by the Universities in India , which are recognized by the University Grants Commission , New Delhi , and abroad for the purpose of admission to higher degree courses in Indian Universities . The AIU is also an implementing agency for the agreements signed under the Cultural Exchange Programmes executed between India and other countries in the field of education , insofar as it relates to the recognition of foreign qualifications ( except for medicine and allied courses ) . Its opinion as to legitimacy or recognition of any foreign qualification is not binding upon anyone , as it is neither a statutory body , nor a part of the government . It is in fact a society registered under the societies act . UK Master's programmes are not recognized by the AIU for the reason that they are of one-year duration . This prevents Indian students having UK Master's degrees to pursue higher studies like Ph.D. programmes in India This Indian university , college or other educational institution-related article is a stub . You can help Wikipedia by expanding it .
Alleged war criminal Radovan Karadžić caught in Serbia Tuesday , July 22 , 2008 Radovan Karadžić Alleged war criminal Radovan Karadžić was caught yesterday in Serbia by Serbian security forces after almost 13 years on the run from authorities . Last night he was questioned by an inquisitor of the War Crimes Court in Belgrade . Karadžić has been accused by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia of genocide , war crimes and crimes against humanity during the Bosnian War from 1992 to 1995 . The Srebrenica massacre , in which about 8,000 Muslims were killed , is among the most serious of his alleged crimes . The massacre was categorised as genocide by both the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia . Internationally , the arrest was unanimously welcomed . Along with former military chief Ratko Mladić , Karadžić has been one of the most sought-after war criminals of the Balkan conflict . Described by the BBC's Kate Adie as a " smart , rather vain man " , his capture found him with a long white beard working in a clinic and practicing alternative medicine under the name Dragan Dabic .
iPhone 4 Important Product Information Guide This Important Product Information Guide contains safety and handling , regulatory , software license , and warranty information for iPhone . Look for recycling , disposal , and other environmental information in the iPhone User Guide at : support . apple . com / manuals / iphone To avoid injury , read all operating instructions and the following safety information before using iPhone . For detailed operating instructions , read the iPhone User Guide on your iPhone by visiting help . apple . com / iphone or using the iPhone User Guide bookmark in Safari . For downloadable versions of the latest iPhone User Guide and this Important Product Information Guide , visit : support . apple . com / manuals / iphone Important Safety and Handling Information WARNING : Failure to follow these safety instructions could result in fire , electric shock , or other injury or damage to iPhone or other property . Carrying and Handling iPhone iPhone contains sensitive components . Do not drop , disassemble , open , crush , bend , deform , puncture , shred , microwave , incinerate , paint , or insert foreign objects into iPhone . Do not use iPhone if it has been damaged – for example , if iPhone is cracked , punctured , or damaged by water . The front and back covers of iPhone are made of glass . This glass could break if iPhone is dropped on a hard surface or receives a substantial impact or is crushed , bent , or deformed . If the glass chips or cracks , do not touch or attempt to remove the broken glass . Stop using iPhone until the glass is replaced by Apple or an Apple Authorized Service Provider . Glass cracked due to misuse or abuse is not covered under the warranty . If you are concerned about scratching or abrasion , you can use one of the many cases sold separately . Keeping the Outside of iPhone Clean Clean iPhone immediately if it comes into contact with any contaminants that may cause stains , such as ink , dyes , makeup , dirt , food , oils , and lotions . To clean iPhone , unplug all cables and turn off iPhone ( press and hold the Sleep / Wake button , and then slide the onscreen slider ) . Then use a soft , slightly damp , lint-free cloth . Avoid getting moisture in openings . Do n't use window cleaners , household cleaners , aerosol sprays , solvents , alcohol , ammonia , or abrasives to clean iPhone . The front and back glass surfaces have an oleophobic coating . To remove fingerprints , simply wipe these surfaces with a soft , lint-free cloth . The ability of this coating to repel oil will diminish over time with normal usage , and rubbing the screen with an abrasive material will further diminish its effect and may scratch the glass . Avoiding Water and Wet Locations Do not use iPhone in rain , or near washbasins or other wet locations . Take care not to spill any food or liquid on iPhone . In case iPhone gets wet , unplug all cables , turn off iPhone ( press and hold the Sleep / Wake button , and then slide the onscreen slider ) before cleaning , and allow it to dry thoroughly before turning it on again . Do not attempt to dry iPhone with an external heat source , such as a microwave oven or hair dryer . Damage to iPhone caused by contact with liquid is not covered under the warranty . Repairing or Modifying iPhone Never attempt to repair or modify iPhone yourself . iPhone does not contain any user-serviceable parts , except for the SIM card and SIM tray . Disassembling iPhone , including the removal of external screws and back cover , may cause damage that is not covered under the warranty . Service should only be provided by Apple or an Apple Authorized Service Provider . If you have questions , contact Apple or an Apple Authorized Service Provider . For service information , go to : www . apple . com / support / iphone / service / faq Battery Replacement Do not attempt to replace the rechargeable battery in iPhone yourself . The battery may only be replaced by Apple or an Apple Authorized Service Provider . For more information about battery replacement service , go to : www . apple . com / support / iphone / service / battery Charging iPhone To charge iPhone , only use the Apple Dock Connector to USB Cable with an Apple USB Power Adapter or a high-power USB port on another device that is compliant with the USB 2.0 or 1.1 standard , another Apple-branded product or accessory designed to work with iPhone , or a third-party accessory certified to use the Apple " Works with iPhone " or " Made for iPhone " logo . Read all safety instructions for any products and accessories before using with iPhone . Apple is not responsible for the operation of , or any damage caused by , third-party accessories or their compliance with safety and regulatory standards . When you use the Apple USB Power Adapter to charge iPhone , make sure that the power adapter is fully assembled before you plug it into a power outlet . Then insert the Apple USB Power Adapter firmly into the power outlet . Do not connect or disconnect the Apple USB Power Adapter with wet hands . The Apple USB Power Adapter may become warm during normal use . Always allow adequate ventilation around the Apple USB Power Adapter and use care when handling . Unplug the Apple USB Power Adapter if any of the following conditions exist : The power cord or plug has become frayed or damaged . The adapter is exposed to rain , liquid , or excessive moisture . The adapter case has become damaged . You suspect the adapter needs service or repair . You want to clean the adapter . Avoiding Hearing Damage Permanent hearing loss may occur if the receiver , earbuds , headphones , speakerphone , or earpieces are used at high volume . Set the volume to a safe level . You can adapt over time to a higher volume of sound that may sound normal but can be damaging to your hearing . If you experience ringing in your ears or muffled speech , stop listening and have your hearing checked . The louder the volume , the less time is required before your hearing could be affected . Hearing experts suggest that to protect your hearing : Limit the amount of time you use the receiver , earbuds , headphones , speakerphone , or earpieces at high volume . Avoid turning up the volume to block out noisy surroundings . Turn the volume down if you ca n't hear people speaking near you . For information about how to set a maximum volume limit on iPhone , see the iPhone User Guide . Emergency Calls You should not rely on wireless devices for essential communications , such as medical emergencies . Use of iPhone to call emergency services may not work in all locations or all operating conditions . Emergency numbers and services vary by region , and sometimes an emergency call can not be placed due to network availability or environmental interference . Some cellular networks may not accept an emergency call from iPhone if it does not have a SIM , if the SIM is PIN-locked , or if you have not activated your iPhone . Driving and Riding Safely Use of iPhone alone or with headphones ( even if used only in one ear ) while driving a vehicle or riding a bicycle is not recommended and is illegal in some areas . Check and obey the laws and regulations on the use of mobile devices like iPhone in the areas where you drive or ride . Be careful and attentive while driving or riding a bicycle . If you decide to use iPhone while driving , keep in mind the following guidelines : 1 Give full attention to driving or riding and to the road . Using a mobile device while driving or riding may be distracting . If you find it disruptive or distracting while operating any type of vehicle , riding a bicycle , or performing any activity that requires your full attention , pull off the road and park before making or answering a call . Get to know iPhone and its features such as Voice Control , Favorites , Recents , and Speaker . These features help you to place your call without taking your attention off the road . See the iPhone User Guide for more information . Use a hands-free device . Take advantage of one of the many compatible hands-free accessories available for use with iPhone . Use of a hands-free device may be required in some areas . Position iPhone within easy reach . Keep your eyes on the road . If you get an incoming call at an inconvenient time , let your voicemail answer it for you . Try to plan calls when your car will be stationary . Assess the traffic before dialing , or place calls when you are not moving or before pulling into traffic . Let the person you are speaking with know you are driving . If necessary , suspend the call in heavy traffic or hazardous weather conditions . Driving in rain , sleet , snow , ice , fog , and even heavy traffic can be hazardous . Do not text , email , take notes , look up phone numbers , or perform any other activities that require your attention while driving . Composing or reading texts and emails , jotting down a to-do list , or flipping through your address book takes attention away from your primary responsibility , driving safely . Do not engage in stressful or emotional conversations that may be distracting . Make people you are talking with aware you are driving and suspend conversations that have the potential to divert your attention from the road . Navigating Safely Do not rely on iPhone applications that provide maps , digital compass headings , orientation information , directions , or location-based navigation to determine precise locations , proximity , orientation , distance , or direction . These applications should only be used for basic navigation assistance . Maps , directions , and location-based applications depend on data services . These data services are subject to change and may not be available in all geographic areas , resulting in maps , digital compass headings , directions or location-based information that may be unavailable , inaccurate , or incomplete . iPhone contains an internal digital compass located in the upper-right corner of iPhone . The accuracy of digital compass headings may be negatively affected by magnetic or other environmental interference , including interference caused by the close proximity of the magnets contained in the iPhone earbuds . Never rely solely on the digital compass for determining direction . Compare the information provided on iPhone to your surroundings and defer to posted signs to resolve any discrepancies . Do not use location-based applications while performing activities that require your full attention . For important information about driving safety , see the " Driving and Riding Safely " section . Always comply with posted signs and the laws and regulations in the areas where you are using iPhone . For Vehicles Equipped with an Air Bag An air bag inflates with great force . Do not store iPhone or any of its accessories in the area over the air bag or in the air bag deployment area . Seizures , Blackouts , and Eyestrain A small percentage of people may be susceptible to blackouts or seizures ( even if they have never had one before ) when exposed to flashing lights or light patterns such as when playing games or watching video . If you have experienced seizures or blackouts or have a family history of such occurrences , you should consult a physician before playing games ( if available ) or watching videos on your iPhone . Discontinue use of iPhone and consult a physician if you experience headaches , blackouts , seizures , convulsion , eye or muscle twitching , loss of awareness , involuntary movement , or disorientation . To reduce risk of headaches , blackouts , seizures , and eyestrain , avoid prolonged use , hold iPhone some distance from your eyes , use iPhone in a well-lit room , and take frequent breaks . Choking Hazards iPhone contains small parts , which may present a choking hazard to small children . Keep iPhone and its accessories away from small children . Repetitive Motion When you perform repetitive activities such as typing or playing games on iPhone , you may experience occasional discomfort in your hands , arms , shoulders , neck , or other parts of your body . Take frequent breaks and if you have discomfort during or after such use , stop use and see a physician . Potentially Explosive Atmospheres Turn off iPhone ( press and hold the Sleep / Wake button , and then slide the onscreen slider ) when in any area with a potentially explosive atmosphere . Do not charge iPhone , and obey all signs and instructions . Sparks in such areas could cause an explosion or fire , resulting in serious injury or even death . Areas with a potentially explosive atmosphere are often , but not always , marked clearly . Potential areas may include : fueling areas ( such as gas stations ) ; below deck on boats ; fuel or chemical transfer or storage facilities ; vehicles using liquefied petroleum gas ( such as propane or butane ) ; areas where the air contains chemicals or particles ( such as grain , dust , or metal powders ) ; and any other area where you would normally be advised to turn off your vehicle engine . Using Connectors and Ports Never force a connector into a port . Check for obstructions on the port . If the connector and port do n't join with reasonable ease , they probably do n't match . Make sure that the connector matches the port and that you have positioned the connector correctly in relation to the port . Accessories and Wireless Performance Not all iPod accessories are fully compatible with iPhone . Turning on Airplane Mode on iPhone may eliminate audio interference between iPhone and an accessory . While Airplane mode is on , you can not make or receive calls or use features that require wireless communication . Under some conditions , certain accessories may affect iPhone wireless performance . Reorienting or relocating iPhone and the connected accessory may improve wireless performance . Keeping iPhone Within Acceptable Temperatures iPhone is designed to be operated in temperatures between 0o and 35o C ( 32o to 95o F ) and stored in temperatures between - 20o and 45o C ( - 4o to 113o F ) . Low - or high-temperature conditions might temporarily shorten battery life or cause iPhone to temporarily stop working properly . Leaving iPhone in a parked vehicle or in direct sunlight can cause iPhone to exceed these storage or operating temperature ranges . Avoid dramatic changes in temperature or humidity when using iPhone as condensation may form on or within iPhone . When you 're using iPhone or charging the battery , it is normal for iPhone to get warm . The exterior of iPhone functions as a cooling surface that transfers heat from inside the unit to the cooler air outside . Exposure to Radio Frequency Energy iPhone contains radio transmitters and receivers . When on , iPhone receives and sends out radio frequency ( RF ) energy through its antennas . The iPhone cellular antenna is located at the bottom edge of iPhone , to the left of the Home button . The Wi-Fi and Bluetooth ® antenna is located at the top edge of iPhone , to the right of the headset jack . For optimal mobile device performance and to be sure that human exposure to RF energy does not exceed the FCC , IC , and European Union guidelines , always follow these instructions and precautions : When on a call using the built-in audio receiver in iPhone , hold iPhone with the dock connector pointed down toward your shoulder to increase separation from the antenna . When using iPhone near your body for voice calls or for wireless data transmission over a cellular network , keep iPhone at least 15 mm ( 5 / 8 inch ) away from the body , and only use carrying cases , belt clips , or holders that do not have metal parts and that maintain at least 15 mm ( 5 / 8 inch ) separation between iPhone and the body . iPhone is designed and manufactured to comply with the limits for exposure to RF energy set by the Federal Communications Commission ( FCC ) of the United States , Industry Canada ( IC ) of Canada , and regulating entities of Japan , the European Union , and other countries . The exposure standard employs a unit of measurement known as the specific absorption rate , or SAR . The SAR limit applicable to iPhone set by the FCC is 1.6 watts per kilogram ( W / kg ) , 1.6 W / kg by Industry Canada , and 2.0 W / kg by the Council of the European Union . Tests for SAR are conducted using standard operating positions ( i . e . , at the ear and worn on the body ) specified by these agencies , with iPhone transmitting at its highest certified power level in all tested frequency bands . Although SAR is determined at the highest certified power level in each frequency band , the actual SAR level of iPhone while in operation can be well below the maximum value because iPhone adjusts its cellular transmitting power based in part on proximity to the wireless network . In general , the closer you are to a cellular base station , the lower the cellular transmitting power level . iPhone has been tested , and meets the FCC , IC , and European Union RF exposure guidelines for cellular , Wi-Fi , and Bluetooth operation .
Payday loans no credit checks Payday Loans No Credit Checks – How It 's Possible With payday loans no credit checks are actually necessary , and for a lot of people , this is astounding . Almost every loan needs a credit check – why not these ? If you are one of the many who wonders why you never need a credit check for a pay day loan , this article will teach you the ins and outs of how pay day loans work . • While banks perform credit checks as proof for future payments , it 's the concept that allows the payday loans with no credit checks policy to work . Instead of having proof of your payment , payday loans guarantee their payment through a debit card and a paycheck stub . by under with payday loans no credit checksThe paycheck stub will help lenders decide how much you can borrow , along with when you would need to pay it back . Once they have an idea of your income , they have an idea of how much your maximum payment could be , after all . This eliminates the possibility of over-borrowing . Ideally , payday loans allow the borrowers to automatically debit the payments that you owe , which means that it 's nearly impossible to default on this loan . Accidents do happen , though , and people have lost their job ( and paycheck ) while taking these loans . In cases like these , the interest rates often skyrocket . Pay day loans are considered to be a highly secured loan , which is why most of the interest that people have to pay for these loans happens in small amounts . The reason that payday loans require a debit card is because they need to be able to have some proof of your income , along with your basic ability to hold a bank account . A truly financially irresponsible person wo n't be able to even keep a bank account . Payday loans are very useful short-term loans for people who need quick cash , and have proof that they can pay it back in a short amount of time . After actually learning why everything is the way it is with payday loans , it 's easy to see why there are so many people who love pay day loans with no credit checks policy . Payday Loans No Credit Checks – Is It Worth It ? If you have been considering getting a loan similar to a pay day loans with no credit checks . That does n't mean that getting one of these FICO-free loans is always a good idea . In fact , it can be downright terrible for a person who does n't know what their doing . Yet , if used wisely , payday loans can be just what the credit doctor ordered . • Most people like the idea that with payday loans with no credit checks need to be involved . However , a lack of a credit check often means that you may or may not get your FICO score to improve if you decide to take the loan , and successfully pay off the loan . Is it worth that gamble ? Getting a payday loan is easy , and tempting . While it 's common for payday loans with no credit checks policy to be advertised , you have to remember that it 's a very foolish idea to get a loan for something that you do n't totally need . If it 's for a splurge buy , step away from the payday loans' charm . You should save up for treats , just like everyone else . In cases of a sudden emergency , the policy that is held regarding payday loans no credit checks stance is a boon . You need the money NOW , and you know you can pay it off , right ? Well , in that case , get the money from a payday loan so that you can save yourself from ruin . It 's okay in this situation to do what you need to do . Although when borrowing using these payday loans with no credit checks are needed , it does n't mean that you can borrow whatever sum of money you may want . Lenders are extremely strict with maximum limits . If you need a lot more than what you make in 2 weeks , consider another loan instead . In an ideal world , there would n't need to be a credit score to rate everyone as borrowers . However , this is reality , and in reality credit checks are needed for almost every kind of loan . When your credit feels like a stigma , it 's understandable why so many want to avoid credit checks . It 's embarrassing , it 's inconvenient , and more often than not , it feels just terrible knowing what lenders will see on that report . Luckily , when given enough proof , such as with payday loans no credit checks are ever totally necessary .
Our Mission Statement Environmental policy Through Zara's business model , we aim to contribute to the sustainable development of society and that of the environment with which we interacts . The company's commitment to the environment is included in Inditex Group's Corporate Responsibility Statement , published on our website : www . inditex . com . The following are some of the objectives and actions included in the framework of the group's environmental commitment and have a direct impact on our shops and customers : At the store * - We save energy . * - The eco-friendly shop . * - We produce less waste , and recycle . * - Our commitment extends to all our staff . * - An environmentally aware team . We save energy . The eco-friendly store . We are implementing an eco-friendly management model in our shops in order to reduce energy consumption by 20 % , introducing sustainability and efficiency criteria . This management model sets out measures to be applied to all processes , including the design of the shop itself , the lighting , heating and cooling systems and the possibility of recycling furniture and decoration . We produce less waste and recycle . Recycling hangers and alarms , which are picked up from our shops and processed into other plastic elements , is an example of our waste management policy . Millions of hangers and alarms are processed each year and both the cardboard and plastic used for packaging are also recycled . - Our commitment extends to all our staff . Increased awareness among our team members . We hold In-company awareness campaigns and specific multimedia-based training programmes to educate our staff in sustainable practices , such as limiting energy consumption , using sustainable transport and modifying behaviour patterns . With the product * - We use ecological fabrics . * - Organic cotton . * - We manufacture PVC-free footwear . We use ecological fabrics . Organic cotton . Zara supports organic farming and makes some of its garments out of organic cotton ( 100 % cotton , completely free of pesticides , chemicals and bleach ) . They have specific labels and are easy to spot in our shops . We produce PVC-free footwear . No petroleum derivatives or non-biodegradable materials are used in the production of our footwear ( PVC free ) . In transport - We use biodiesel fuel . Zara's fleet of lorries , which transport more than 200 million items of clothing a year , use 5 % biodiesel fuel . This allows us to reduce our CO2 emissions by 500 tons . Animal welfare policy All products of animal origin sold in our shops , including fur and leather , come exclusively from animals raised on food farms and under no circumstances come from animals sacrificed exclusively for the sale of their hide .
How to do a Basic Search Advanced Help Introduction A2A acts like a search engine which searches the catalogues of separate archives which are held all over England and Wales . It is growing all the time as partnership projects add more records to the database . A2A allows you to search lots of individual catalogues at once so you can find out about records held in many different places . A Basic Search 1 . Type a word or words into " Keyword " . [ Additional information in other fields , such as Dates or Location can focus your search . ] Click on " search " . 2 . You can sort your results by using the drop-down menu at the top of the page and click on " sort " . 3 . Click on the blue highlighted text at the right of the page to access each result . 4 . If you are interested in seeing the records or obtaining copies , you must contact the place where the records are held . Follow the link at the top of that page which reads " To find out more about the archives described below , contact ... [ link to relevant archive ] " . They will be able to help you further . 5 . If you want to look at your result in the context of the full relevant catalogue , click on " Catalogue in Full " at the top of the page . This may supply additional relevant information . [ To find your result on this page you can search using " Ctrl F " ] 6 . If you need any further assistance you could have a look through the Advanced Help page or try Troubleshooting . You can also contact us via
Sean Brown leads ClearSpace Consulting with his personal and professional experiences in space organization , counseling , de-cluttering and letting go . Sean has a profound understanding of the emotional aspects of downsizing -- when he was in his 20's , Sean's parents died suddenly , leaving him and his sisters to deal with grief and 30 + years worth of accumulated treasures , trash , and " stuff . " Keeping only a small fraction of the items , Sean learned how to make hard decisions . Almost every item elicited an emotional response , but which should he keep , and how should he dispose of all the rest ? Somehow , Sean and his sisters managed it and along the way developed many of the skills he uses in ClearSpace Consulting . He cherishes the keepsakes he has , and feels freed by his decision to let the rest go . Most importantly , his memories and family traditions are all intact . ClearSpace Consulting , under the leadership of Sean Brown , combines the practical needs clients have for space optimization with the empathy , guidance , and coaching clients may require in order to let go . The ClearSpace Consulting team brings years of experience and practice in de-cluttering , space organization , Feng Shui and counseling . The blend of skills and empathy the owner Sean Brown exemplifies helped him launch ClearSpace Consulting . Sean's gentle yet firm organizational style is shared throughout the ClearSpace team . They will help you make decisions and set deadlines that will allow you to separate from your clutter and become " unstuck " . ClearSpace Consulting understands what it 's like to feel overwhelmed by your things . Clutter can steal your comfort and energy ; the team are here to honour what will work for you in returning your space to an oasis of calm and convenience . And to give you the tools to keep it that way . All members of the ClearSpace team are fully bondable , and references are available . Our Commitments The Environment ClearSpace Consulting is committed to creating the smallest possible environmental impact while assisting you with clearing your space . This means ensuring that all re-usable items are passed on for someone else 's use and that recyclable items do not go into the landfill . Our Society ClearSpace Consulting is committed to creating a culture of abundance that works for everyone . In getting to that place , they recognise that transferring your freed items to those who can use them makes a difference in others' lives .
A large south facing bright and airy beautifully decorated room with a comfortable king sized Victorian style wrought iron bedstead . En-suite with a shower , w.c. and basin . Fresh towels are provided with complimentary soap . A large bay window which overlooks our large garden and neighbouring farmland . This room has a three seater sofa , colour television with remote control , Tea and coffee making facilities , hairdryer and complimentary bottle of water . Features include a ' marble fireplace with cast iron insert , large over mantle mirror , and a beautiful chandelier The room has plenty of storage space with two chests of drawers and a large wardrobe . ' Private room keys are supplied '
Search results for Results 12081 to 12090 of 12872 . Search took 1.34 seconds Asylum seeker's anger after stabbing 08-08-2001 An asylum seeker has spoken of his anger hours after being stabbed in a racially motivated attack on a Glasgow estate . Talks on anti racism conference feels US pressure 08-08-2001 Negotiators from more than 100 countries failed in a heated meeting Wednesday to break the deadlock over anti-Israeli references that threaten to provoke a U. S. and Israeli boycott of the World Conference Against Racism , diplomats said Christians burn mosque and Muslim houses in Macedonia 08-08-2001 Angry Macedonians staged violent protests Wednesday night after ethnic Albanian guerrillas killed 10 soldiers in an ambush , and the government warned it would strike back at the rebels . Israel's get-tough policy seen strengthening Hamas 07-08-2001 The policy of assassinating Hamas activists is making it difficult for the Palestinian Authority to exercise power , according to Palestinian minister Gang of white youths attack Kurd 06-08-2001 Police on Humberside are appealing for witnesses to a racially-motivated attack by a gang of up to 20 white youths . A Kurdish man was badly hurt during the attack in Hull . Vigil for murdered asylum seeker 06-08-2001 Hundreds of people in Glasgow have attended a vigil for an asylum seeker who was murdered in the city . Israeli army denies beating Palestinian to death 06-08-2001 Palestinian witnesses said on Monday they had seen an Israeli soldier beat a wounded , off-duty Palestinian policeman to death with gun butts near the West Bank city of Tulkarm , a charge the army immediately denied . Israeli helicopters unsuccessful assaissantion attempt 05-08-2001 Israeli helicopters fired rockets at Palestinian police headquarters in Rafah in the southern part of the Gaza Strip in an attempt to assassinate commander of Palestinian national security in Rafah Colonel Fawzi Zaqouk this morning Israelis shoot 4-year-old child , grandfather , in Tulkarm 04-08-2001 Israeli occupation army ( IOA ) soldiers on Friday shot and seriously wounded a 4-year-old child as he was travelling in a car with his grandfather near the northern West Bank town of Tulkarm . 17 Hindus slain in Kashmir 04-08-2001 Unidentified men killed 17 Hindu villagers on Saturday in occupied Kashmir , a police official said .
Your Username and Membership No. do not match any on our membership database . If you are a genuine CAT member and have forgotten your details , or if your membership of the association has lapsed , please call our membership department on 0845 3304593 and they will be pleased to help you . If you are not a CAT member why do n't you fill in the form and join the organisation ? You wo n't regret it !
Artist impression of the Deep Impact flyby spacecraft releasing its impactor towards comet Tempel-1 in July 2005 . The flyby spacecraft has been re-christened EPOXI and will begin its new assignment to hunt for super-Earth exoplanets . Image : NASA . EPOXI is a combination of two separate science investigations , one consisting of the Extrasolar Planet Observations and Characterisation ( EPOCh ) and the other of the flyby of comet Hartley-2 , planned for 2010 , called the Deep Impact eXtended Investigation ( DIXI ) , which follows in the footsteps of the hugely successful Deep Impact mission in July 2005 which revealed in unprecedented detail the surface of a comet and the effects of impact into such a finely powdered surface . For the majority of May , EPOXI was trained on the red dwarf star GJ436 , 32 light years from Earth . This star has a Neptune sized planet circling it every 20 to 30 days in an unusually eccentric orbit . " Tidal forces from the star should have made the orbit circular , unless there is another planet whose gravitational tug pulls the orbit into an oval shape , " says Drake Deming , EPOXI's Deputy Principal Investigator . " If that second planet lies in the same orbital plane as the Neptune-sized planet then we should see it transit . The transit would be too shallow to be spotted by ground-based telescopes , and EPOXI is the only space mission that can look at GJ436 nearly continuously for several weeks . " Deming and his team are in the process of analysing the results of these data . In addition to targeting the red dwarf star , EPOXI imaged the Earth over three 24-hour periods , measuring its rotational light curve at visible wavelengths from the ultraviolet to the near-infrared . These observations will help to calibrate future observations of Earthlike exoplanets . EPOXI obtained a particularly interesting view of the Earth on May 29 , when the Moon passed in front of the Earth as viewed from the spacecraft . Transit events such as this will help planetary scientists to deduce the nature and composition of exoplanetary systems . Deep Impact captured this beautiful image of the impact into Comet Tempel-1 three summers ago . Dust and gas streaming from the point of impact is lit up in the impact flash . Image : NASA .
The court may by virtue of section 15 ( 3 ) of this Act exercise its jurisdiction with respect to charities - ( a ) in relation to charities established or regulated by any provision of the Seamen's Fund Winding-up Act 1851 ( repealed by the Charities Act 1960 ) ; ( b ) in relation to charities established or regulated by schemes under the Endowed Schools Act 1869 to 1948 , or section 75 of the Elementary Education Act 1870 or by schemes given effect under section 2 of the Education Act 1873 ; ( c ) [ repealed by the Statute Law ( Repeals ) Act 1993 ] ; ( d ) in relation to fuel allotments , that is to say , land which , by any enactment relating to inclosure or any instrument having effect under such an enactment , is vested in trustees upon trust that the land or the rents and profits of the land shall be used for the purpose of providing poor persons with fuel ; ( e ) in relation to charities established or regulated by any provision of the Municipal Corporations Act 1883 ( repealed by the Charities Act 1960 ) or by any scheme having effect under any such provision ; ( f ) in relation to charities regulated by schemes under the London Government Act 1899 ; ( g ) in relation to charities established or regulated by orders or regulations under section 2 of the Regimental Charitable Funds Act 1935 ; ( h ) in relation to charities regulated by section 79 of this Act , or by any such order as is mentioned in that section . 2 . Notwithstanding anything in section 19 of the Commons Act 1876 a scheme for the administration of a fuel allotment ( within the meaning of the foregoing paragraph ) may provide - ( a ) for the sale or letting of the allotment or any part thereof , for the discharge of the land sold or let from any restrictions as to the use thereof imposed by or under any enactment relating to inclosure and for the application of the sums payable to the trustees of the allotment in respect of the sale or lease ; or ( b ) for the exchange of the allotment or any part thereof for other land , for the discharge as aforesaid of the land given in exchange by the said trustees , and for the application of any money payable to the said trustees for equality of exchange ; or ( c ) for the use of the allotment or any part thereof for any purposes specified in the scheme .
Only a person forwarded from ClickBank ( TM ) after successful payment , will be able to access the Sign-up page to create his membership account . When they create their account you will get an email notification instantly . The whole system is fully automated . Software Requirements : - A PC with a Windows 95 / 98 / ME / 2000 system . Your host must be able to support Perl . 99 % of hosts support it . You are responsible to verify whether your host supports Perl , cgi-bin , SendMail etc. Satisfaction Guarantee Your satisfaction is our utmost priority . We want you to be 100 % satisfied with our products . Try it for a full 90 days and if at any time you 're not happy with our product , just email us with your receipt number and we will cheerfully refund you . No questions asked .
University of Sheffield - Reduce Your Testing on Animals Freedom of Information requests discovered that the University of Sheffield killed 82,512 animals in tests during the 2015 / 16 academic year - an average of 226 animals killed each day . In 2014 / 15 , 67,236 animals were used and killed for testing purposes , with this figure going up 22.7 % during 2015 / 16 . The University should be cutting down not increasing the number of animals it uses in experiments ! With almost 90 % of drugs that pass animal tests failing human trials , these animals are undergoing immense suffering for very limited benefit , undermining public support , social progression and current medicinal advancements . We are requesting for the University to move away from testing on animals such as pigs , rabbits , mice , rats , gerbils and fish and to cruelty-free testing methods such as digital dissection software and human simulators .
One of the stars of ABS-CBN tv is the weather man Kuya Kim ( Kim Atienza ) . Kuya Kim Atienza After his talk about the weather he always tells something interesting about nature , animal life , some trivia or something like that . He always says goodbye with the words : Ang buhay ay weather weather lang . I have asked my wife Flor to explain this sentence to me because it was also used when Kuya Kim appeared as co-host in another show . It seems that this sentence has little to do with the weather . Actually it should go like this : Ang buhay ay pana-panahon lang . Panahon = ' it 's time ' ( or ' certain time ' ) , but also means ' weather ' . Panapanahon means more ' it 's time ' in a seasonal way . To make it sound more funny and also looking like it has to do something with the weather Kuya Kim says always : Ang buhay ay weather weather lang which actually means : ' life is changing with the times ' . It means to many Filipinos in the country that life has its ups and downs . And so does the weather . This saying of Kuya Kim seem not to be his own . Some people say it is copied from former president Joseph ' Erap ' Estrada ( saying " Politics ay weather weather lang " ) . Others say it was the comedian LEO MARTINEZ who used this phrase the first time in his shows . The phrase Kuya Kim is using demonstrates the difficulty of the Tagalog language . See also my post about my breaking tongue . Feel free to comment on this post : if you know a nice and / or difficult tagalog word or sentence , just put it in a comment . Thank You .
Hearts have dismissed reports that Crystal Palace could soon sign their Scottish international midfielder Paul Hartley . Iain Dowie is believed to be interested in bringing the 29-year-old midfielder to Selhurst Park for a fee of around £ 800 , 000 – alhough SPL heavyweights Celtic and Rangers are also in the frame . But high-flying Hearts insist they have no intention of derailing their season by selling a key player . " We will not entertain any such bids for Paul , " said a Hearts spokesman . " He is an integral member of our team and we expect him to play a pivotal role in the ongoing development of Heart of Midlothian Football Club . "
About us User Vision provides services throughout the UK and Europe and was established in 2000 . We are a consultancy dedicated to improving the user experience of your website , software or product . We offer a wide range of services including consulting , testing , reviewing , evaluation and training to help clients produce better products that customers find easier to use . We take a straightforward , practical approach to user needs analysis , problem solving and usability testing , leading to effective design solutions . Whether we become involved at the design stage , or after a system has been in use for some time , we never lose sight of the user's needs . We can help you : reduce development and support costs reduce the need for expensive redevelopment increase sales Our usability consulting and services are the ideal way to enhance your brand , improve your company's competitive position , and increase revenues and loyalty . As a reflection of all our excellent service , User Vision was crowned Scotland's Small Business ofthe Year in November 2004 . The award , sponsored by Parcelforce Worldwide , recognises excellence in UK small businesses and their contribution to the UK economy . User Vision's consultants are all members of the Usability Professionals Association ( UPA ) . User Vision is also a featured supplier within the e-consultancy 2006 Buyer's Guide for Usability and Accessibility .
Paul Walker CEO of Sage plc The Conference will provide an opportunity for delegates from high growth businesses to receive the help they need in sales , marketing and finance , customer relations and human resources . Complementary to the annual May conference , the new event for SMEs is part of the Forum's programme aimed at supporting the entrepreneurs behind the region's growing businesses and to retain wealth and jobs in the North East . The conference will be opened by Paul Walker , CEO of Sage plc . He will be followed by Kwik-Fit founder Sir Tom Farmer , whose passion for emerging business talent is well documented , and others key speakers . Five practical workshops after lunch will be led by : Mike Southon , author of Sales on a Beermat , who will provide advice on sales ; Rod Connors , formerly of Nike and now of The Branded Sports Group , on marketing ; Jeff Macklin of FDUK Ltd , which provides part-time finance directors to businesses , on finance ; Nigel Risner , whose workshop will be on customer relationship management ; and Lorna Moran of NRG plc in association with Jeff Grout of JG Consulting on people . Delegates can choose to attend any two of the 90-minute workshops . The conference is being sponsored by Tyne & Wear Business Link , Tyne & Wear Development Company and TSG . Spaces are limited to 125 and pre-registrations are being taken now on 0870 850 2233 or by emailing
As someone who has spent his entire career trying to be invisible , standing in front of an audience is a cross between an out-of-body experience and a deer caught in the headlights , so please forgive me for violating one of the TED commandments by relying on words on paper , and I only hope I 'm not struck by lightning bolts before I 'm done . I 'd like to begin by talking about some of the ideas that motivated me to become a documentary photographer . I was a student in the '60s , a time of social upheaval and questioning , and on a personal level , an awakening sense of idealism . The war in Vietnam was raging , the Civil Rights Movement was under way , and pictures had a powerful influence on me . Our political and military leaders were telling us one thing , and photographers were telling us another . I believed the photographers , and so did millions of other Americans . Their images fueled resistance to the war and to racism . They not only recorded history , they helped change the course of history . Their pictures became part of our collective consciousness and , as consciousness evolved into a shared sense of conscience , change became not only possible , but inevitable . I saw that the free flow of information represented by journalism , specifically visual journalism , can bring into focus both the benefits and the cost of political policies . It can give credit to sound decision making , adding momentum to success . In the face of poor political judgment or political inaction , it becomes a kind of intervention , assessing the damage and asking us to reassess our behavior . It puts a human face on issues which from afar can appear abstract or ideological or monumental in their global impact . What happens at ground level , far from the halls of power , happens to ordinary citizens one by one . And I understood that documentary photography has the ability to interpret events from their point of view . It gives a voice to those who otherwise would not have a voice . And as a reaction , it stimulates public opinion and gives impetus to public debate , thereby preventing the interested parties from totally controlling the agenda , much as they would like to . Coming of age in those days made real the concept that the free flow of information is absolutely vital for a free and dynamic society to function properly . The press is certainly a business , and in order to survive it must be a successful business , but the right balance must be found between marketing considerations and journalistic responsibility . Society's problems ca n ' t be solved until they 're identified . On a higher plane , the press is a service industry , and the service it provides is awareness . Every story does not have to sell something . There 's also a time to give . That was a tradition I wanted to follow . Seeing the war created such incredibly high stakes for everyone involved and that visual journalism could actually become a factor in conflict resolution , I wanted to be a photographer in order to be a war photographer . But I was driven by an inherent sense that a picture that revealed the true face of war would almost by definition be an anti-war photograph . I 'd like to take you on a visual journey through some of the events and issues I 've been involved in over the past 25 years . In 1981 , I went to Northern Ireland . 10 IRA prisoners were in the process of starving themselves to death in protest against conditions in jail . The reaction on the streets was violent confrontation . I saw that the front lines of contemporary wars are not on isolated battlefields , but right where people live . During the early '80s , I spent a lot of time in Central America , which was engulfed by civil wars that straddled the ideological divide of the Cold War . In Guatemala , the central government -- controlled by a oligarchy of European decent -- was waging a scorched earth campaign against an indigenous rebellion , and I saw an image that reflected the history of Latin America : conquest through a combination of the Bible and the sword . An anti-Sandinista guerrilla was mortally wounded as Commander Zero attacked a town in Southern Nicaragua . A destroyed tank belonging to Somoza's national guard was left as a monument in a park in Managua , and was transformed by the energy and spirit of a child . At the same time , a civil war was taking place in El Salvador , and again , the civilian population was caught up in the conflict . I 've been covering the Palestinian-Israeli conflict since 1981 . This is a moment from the beginning of the second intifada , in 2000 , when it was still stones and Molotovs against an army . In 2001 , the uprising escalated into an armed conflict , and one of the major incidents was the destruction of the Palestinian refugee camp in the West Bank town of Jenin . Without the political world to find common ground , the continual friction of tactic and counter-tactic only creates suspicion and hatred and vengeance , and perpetuates the cycle of violence . In the '90s , after the breakup of the Soviet Union , Yugoslavia fractured along ethnic fault lines , and civil war broke out between Bosnia , Croatia and Serbia . This is a scene of house-to-house fighting in Mostar , neighbor against neighbor . A bedroom , the place where people share intimacy , where life itself is conceived , became a battlefield . A mosque in northern Bosnia was destroyed by Serbian artillery and was used as a makeshift morgue . Dead Serbian soldiers were collected after a battle and used as barter for the return of prisoners or Bosnian soldiers killed in action . This was once a park . The Bosnian soldier who guided me told me that all of his friends were there now . At the same time in South Africa , after Nelson Mandela had been released from prison , the black population commenced the final phase of liberation from apartheid . One of the things I had to learn as a journalist was what to do with my anger . I had to use it , channel its energy , turn it into something that would clarify my vision , instead of clouding it . In Transkei , I witnessed a rite of passage into manhood , of the Xhosa tribe . Teenage boys lived in isolation , their bodies covered with white clay . After several weeks , they washed off the white and took on the full responsibilities of men . It was a very old ritual that seemed symbolic of the political struggle that was changing the face of South Africa . Children in Soweto playing on a trampoline . Elsewhere in Africa there was famine . In Somalia , the central government collapsed and clan warfare broke out . Farmers were driven off their land , and crops and livestock were destroyed or stolen . Starvation was being used as a weapon of mass destruction -- primitive but extremely effective . Hundreds of thousands of people were exterminated , slowly and painfully . The international community responded with massive humanitarian relief , and hundreds of thousands of more lives were saved . American troops were sent to protect the relief shipments , but they were eventually drawn into the conflict , and after the tragic battle in Mogadishu , they were withdrawn . In southern Sudan , another civil war saw similar use of starvation as a means of genocide . Again , international NGOs , united under the umbrella of the UN , staged a massive relief operation and thousands of lives were saved . I 'm a witness , and I want my testimony to be honest and uncensored . I also want it to be powerful and eloquent , and to do as much justice as possible to the experience of the people I 'm photographing . This man was in an NGO feeding center , being helped as much as he could be helped . He literally had nothing . He was a virtual skeleton , yet he could still summon the courage and the will to move . He had not given up , and if he did n't give up , how could anyone in the outside world ever dream of losing hope ? In 1994 , after three months of covering the South African election , I saw the inauguration of Nelson Mandela , and it was the most uplifting thing I 've ever seen . It exemplified the best that humanity has to offer . The next day I left for Rwanda , and it was like taking the express elevator to hell . This man had just been liberated from a Hutu death camp . He allowed me to photograph him for quite a long time , and he even turned his face toward the light , as if he wanted me to see him better . I think he knew what the scars on his face would say to the rest of the world . This time , maybe confused or discouraged by the military disaster in Somalia , the international community remained silent , and somewhere around 800,000 people were slaughtered by their own countrymen -- sometimes their own neighbors -- using farm implements as weapons . Perhaps because a lesson had been learned by the weak response to the war in Bosnia and the failure in Rwanda , when Serbia attacked Kosovo international action was taken much more decisively . NATO forces went in , and the Serbian army withdrew . Ethnic Albanians had been murdered , their farms destroyed and a huge number of people forcibly deported . They were received in refugee camps set up by NGOs in Albania and Macedonia . The imprint of a man who had been burned inside his own home . The image reminded me of a cave painting , and echoed how primitive we still are in so many ways . Between 1995 and ' 96 , I covered the first two wars in Chechnya from inside Grozny . This is a Chechen rebel on the front line against the Russian army . The Russians bombarded Grozny constantly for weeks , killing mainly the civilians who were still trapped inside . I found a boy from the local orphanage wandering around the front line . My work has evolved from being concerned mainly with war to a focus on critical social issues as well . After the fall of Ceausescu , I went to Romania and discovered a kind of gulag of children , where thousands of orphans were being kept in medieval conditions . Ceausescu had imposed a quota on the number of children to be produced by each family , thereby making women's bodies an instrument of state economic policy . Children who could n ' t be supported by their families were raised in government orphanages . Children with birth defects were labeled incurables , and confined for life to inhuman conditions . As reports began to surface , again international aid went in . Going deeper into the legacy of the Eastern European regimes , I worked for several months on a story about the effects of industrial pollution , where there had been no regard for the environment or the health of either workers or the general population . An aluminum factory in Czechoslovakia was filled with carcinogenic smoke and dust , and four out of five workers came down with cancer . After the fall of Suharto in Indonesia , I began to explore conditions of poverty in a country that was on its way towards modernization . I spent a good deal of time with a man who lived with his family on a railway embankment and had lost an arm and a leg in a train accident . When the story was published , unsolicited donations poured in . A trust fund was established , and the family now lives in a house in the countryside and all their basic necessities are taken care of . It was a story that was n ' t trying to sell anything . Journalism had provided a channel for people's natural sense of generosity , and the readers responded . I met a band of homeless children who 'd come to Jakarta from the countryside , and ended up living in a train station . By the age of 12 or 14 , they 'd become beggars and drug addicts . The rural poor had become the urban poor , and in the process they 'd become invisible . These heroin addicts in detox in Pakistan reminded me of figures in a play by Beckett : isolated , waiting in the dark , but drawn to the light . Agent Orange was a defoliant used during the Vietnam War to deny cover to the Vietcong and the North Vietnamese army . The active ingredient was dioxin , an extremely toxic chemical that was sprayed in vast quantities , and whose effects passed through the genes to the next generation . In 2000 , I began documenting global health issues , concentrating first on AIDS in Africa . I tried to tell the story through the work of caregivers . I thought it was important to emphasize that people were being helped , whether by international NGOs or by local grassroots organizations . So many children have been orphaned by the epidemic that grandmothers have taken the place of parents , and a lot of children had been born with HIV . A hospital in Zambia . I begun documenting the close connection between HIV / AIDS and tuberculosis . This is an MSF hospital in Cambodia . My pictures can play a supporting role to the work of NGOs by shedding light on the critical social problems they 're trying to deal with . I went to Congo with MSF , and contributed to a book and an exhibition that focused attention on a forgotten war in which millions of people have died , and exposure to disease without treatment is used as a weapon . A malnourished child being measured as part of the supplemental feeding program . In the fall of 2004 I went to Darfur . This time I was on an assignment for a magazine , but again worked closely with MSF . The international community still has n ' t found a way to create the pressure necessary to stop this genocide . An MSF hospital in a camp for displaced people . I 've been working on a long project on crime and punishment in America . This is a scene from New Orleans . A prisoner on a chain gang in Alabama was punished by being handcuffed to a post in the midday sun . This experience raised a lot of questions , among them questions about race and equality and for whom in our country opportunities and options are available . In the yard of a chain gang in Alabama . I did n't see either of the planes hit . When I glanced out my window , I saw the first tower burning , and I thought it might have been an accident . A few minutes later when I looked again and saw the second tower burning , I knew we were at war . In the midst of the wreckage at Ground Zero , I had a realization . I 'd been photographing in the Islamic world since 1981 -- not only in the Middle East , but also in Africa , Asia and Europe . At the time I was photographing in these different places , I thought I was covering separate stories . But on 9 / 11 history crystallized , and I understood I 'd actually been covering a single story for more than 20 years , and the attack on New York was its latest manifestation . The central commercial district of Kabul , Afghanistan at the end of the civil war , shortly before the city fell to the Taliban . Land mine victims being helped at the Red Cross rehab center being run by Alberto Cairo . A boy who lost a leg to a leftover mine . I 'd witnessed immense suffering in the Islamic world from political oppression , civil war , foreign invasions , poverty , famine . I understood that in its suffering , the Islamic world had been crying out . Why were n ' t we listening ? A Taliban fighter shot during a battle as the Northern Alliance entered the city of Kunduz . When war with Iraq was imminent , I realized the American troops would be very well covered , so I decided to cover the invasion from inside Baghdad . A marketplace was hit by a mortar shell that killed several members of a single family . A day after American forces entered Baghdad , a company of Marines began rounding up bank robbers and were cheered on by the crowds -- a hopeful moment that was short lived . For the first time in years , Shi ' ites were allowed to make the pilgrimage to Karbala to observe Ashura , and I was amazed by the sheer number of people and how fervently they practiced their religion . A group of men march through the streets cutting themselves with knives . It was obvious that the Shi ' ites were a force to be reckoned with , and we would do well to understand them and learn how to deal with them . Last year I spent several months documenting our wounded troops , from the battlefield in Iraq all the way home . This is a helicopter medic giving CPR to a soldier who had been shot in the head . Military medicine has become so efficient that the percentage of troops who survive after being wounded is much higher in this war than in any other war in our history . The signature weapon of the war is the IED , and the signature wound is severe leg damage . After enduring extreme pain and trauma , the wounded face a grueling physical and psychological struggle in rehab . The spirit they displayed was absolutely remarkable . I tried to imagine myself in their place , and I was totally humbled by their courage and determination in the face of such catastrophic loss . Good people had been put in a very bad situation for questionable results . One day in rehab someone , started talking about surfing and all these guys who 'd never surfed before said , " Hey , lets go . " And they went surfing . Photographers go to the extreme edges of human experience to show people what 's going on . Sometimes they put their lives on the line , because they believe your opinions and your influence matter . They aim their pictures at your best instincts , generosity , a sense of right and wrong , the ability and the willingness to identify with others , the refusal to accept the unacceptable . My TED wish : there 's a vital story that needs to be told , and I wish for TED to help me gain access to it and then to help me come up with innovative and exciting ways to use news photography in the digital era . Thank you very much . ( Applause )
Grandmaster ( chess ) The title Grandmaster is awarded to chess players by the world chess organization FIDE . Apart from World Champion , Grandmaster is the highest title a chess player can attain . Once achieved , the title is held for life . In chess literature it is usually abbreviated to GM . ( Other titles are also often abbreviated : FM for FIDE Master , IM for International Master , and CM for Candidate Master . ) The abbreviation IGM for International Grandmaster is also sometimes used , particularly in older literature . Grandmaster , International Master , and FIDE Master are open to both men and women . A number of women have earned the GM title , with the first two having been Nona Gaprindashvili in 1978 and Susan Polgar in 1991 . Since about 2000 , most of the top 10 women have held the GM title . A separate gender-segregated title , Woman Grandmaster ( WGM ) , is also available . It is awarded to women who attain a level of skill between that of a FIDE Master and an International Master . The first known use of the term grandmaster in connection with chess was in an 1838 issue of Bell's Life , in which a correspondent referred to William Lewis as " our past grandmaster " . Lewis himself later referred to Philidor as a grandmaster , and the term was also applied to a few other players . In the Ostend tournament of 1907 the term grandmaster ( Großmeister in German ) was used . The tournament was divided into two sections : the Championship Tournament and the Masters' Tournament . The Championship section was for players who had previously won an international tournament . Siegbert Tarrasch won the Championship section , over Carl Schlechter , Dawid Janowski , Frank Marshall , Amos Burn , and Mikhail Chigorin . These players were described as grandmasters for the purposes of the tournament . Non-standard and Soviet usage before 1950 Before 1950 , the term grandmaster was sometimes informally applied to other world class players . The Fédération Internationale des Échecs ( FIDE , or World Chess Federation ) was formed in Paris in 1924 , but at that time did not formulate criteria on who should earn the title . In 1927 , the Soviet Union's Chess Federation established the title of Grandmaster of the Soviet Union , for their own players , since at that time Soviets were not competing outside their own country . This title was abolished in 1931 , after having been awarded to Boris Verlinsky , who won the 1929 Soviet Championship . The title was brought back in 1935 , and awarded to Mikhail Botvinnik , who thus became the first " official " Grandmaster of the USSR . Verlinsky did not get his title back . When FIDE reorganized after World War II it adopted regulations concerning the award of international titles . Titles were awarded by a resolution of the FIDE General Assembly and the Qualification Committee . FIDE first awarded the Grandmaster title in 1950 to 27 players . These players were : Since FIDE did not award the Grandmaster title posthumously , world-class players who died prior to 1950 , including World Champions Steinitz , Lasker , Capablanca , and Alekhine , never received the title . Title awards under the original regulations were subject to political concerns . Efim Bogoljubov , who had emigrated from the Soviet Union to Germany , was not entered in the first class of Grandmasters , even though he had played two matches for the World Championship with Alekhine . He received the title in 1951 , by a vote of thirteen to eight with five abstentions . Yugoslavia supported his application , but all other Communist countries opposed it . In 1953 , FIDE abolished the old regulations , although a provision was maintained that allowed older masters who had been overlooked to be awarded titles . The new regulations awarded the title of International Grandmaster of the FIDE to players meeting any of the following criteria : The world champion . Masters who have the absolute right to play in the World Championship Candidates Tournament , or any player who replaces an absent contestant and earns at least a 50 percent score . The winner of an international tournament meeting specified standards , and any player placing second in two such tournaments within a span of four years . The tournament must be at least eleven rounds with seven or more players , 80 percent or more being International Grandmasters or International Masters . Additionally , 30 percent of the players must be Grandmasters who have the absolute right to play in the next World Championship Candidates Tournament , or who have played in such a tournament in the previous ten years . A player who demonstrates ability manifestly equal to that of ( 3 ) above in an international tournament or match . Such titles must be approved by the Qualification Committee with the support of at least five members . After FIDE issued the 1953 title regulations , it was recognized that they were somewhat haphazard , and work began to revise the regulations . The FIDE Congress in Vienna in 1957 adopted new regulations , called the FAV system , in recognition of the work done by International Judge Giovanni Ferrantes ( Italy ) , Alexander ( probably Conel Hugh O ' Donel Alexander ) , and Giancarlo Dal Verme ( Italy ) . Under the 1957 regulations , the title of International Grandmaster of the FIDE was automatically awarded to : The world champion . Any player qualifying from the Interzonal tournament to play in the Candidates Tournament , even if he did not play in the Candidates for any reason . Any player who would qualify from the Interzonal to play in the Candidates but who was excluded because of a limitation on the number of participants from his Federation . Any player who actually plays in a Candidates Tournament and scores at least 331 ⁄ 3 percent . The regulations also allowed titles to be awarded by a FIDE Congress on recommendation by the Qualification Committee . Recommendations were based on performance in qualifying tournaments , with the required score depending on the percentage of Grandmasters and International Masters in the tournament . Concerns were raised that the 1957 regulations were too lax . At the FIDE Congress in 1961 , GM Milan Vidmar said that the regulations " made it possible to award international titles to players without sufficient merit " . At the 1964 Congress in Tel Aviv , a subcommittee was formed to propose changes to the regulations . The subcommittee recommended that the automatic award of titles be abolished , criticized the methods used for awarding titles based on qualifying performances , and called for a change in the makeup of the Qualification Committee . Several delegates supported the subcommittee recommendations , including GM Miguel Najdorf who felt that existing regulations were leading to an inflation of international titles . At the 1965 Congress in Wiesbaden FIDE raised the standards required for international titles . The International Grandmaster title regulations were : 1 . Any World Champion is automatically awarded the GM title 2a . Anyone who scores at least 40 percent in a quarter-final match in the Candidates Tournament 2b . Scores at least the number of points in a tournament corresponding to the total of a 55 percent score against Grandmasters plus 75 percent against International Masters ( IM ) plus 85 percent against other players ( a GM " norm " ) . To fulfill requirement 2b , the candidate must score one GM norm in a category 1a tournament or two norms within a three-year period in two Category 1b tournaments , or one Category 2a tournament and one Category 1b tournament . The categories of tournaments are : 1a – at least sixteen players , at least 50 percent are GMs , and 70 percent at least IMs 1b – at least twelve players , at least 331 ⁄ 3 percent GMs and 70 percent IMs 2a – at least fifteen players , at least 50 percent IMs 2b – ten to fourteen players , at least 50 percent IMs . Since FIDE titles are for life , a GM or IM does not count for the purposes of this requirement if he had not had a GM or IM result in the five years prior to the tournament . In addition , no more than 50 percent plus one of the players can be from the same country for tournaments of 10 to 12 players , or no more than 50 percent plus two for larger tournaments . Seventy-four GM titles were awarded in 1951 through 1968 . During that period , ten GM titles were awarded in 1965 , but only one in 1966 and in 1968 . The modern system for awarding FIDE titles evolved from the " Dorazil " proposals , presented to the 1970 Siegen Chess Olympiad FIDE Congress . The proposals were put together by Dr Wilfried Dorazil ( then FIDE Vice-President ) and fellow Committee members Grandmaster Svetozar Gligorić and Professor Arpad Elo . The recommendations of the Committee report were adopted in full . In essence , the proposals built on the work done by Professor Elo in devising his Elo rating system . The establishment of an updated list of players and their Elo rating enabled significantly strong international chess tournaments to be allocated a " Category " , based on the average rating of the contestants . For instance , it was decided that ' Category 1 ' status would apply to tournaments with an average Elo rating of participants falling within the range 2251 – 2275 ; similarly Category 2 would apply to the range 2276 – 2300 etc. The higher the tournament Category , the stronger the tournament . Another vital component involved the setting of meritorious " scores " for each Category of tournament . A player must meet or surpass the relevant score to demonstrate that they had performed at Grandmaster ( GM ) or International Master ( IM ) level . Scores were expressed as percentages of a perfect maximum score and decreased as the tournament Category increased , thereby reflecting the strength of a player's opposition and the relative difficulty of the task . Tournament organisers could then apply the percentages to their own tournament format and declare in advance the actual score that participants must achieve to attain a GM or IM result ( nowadays referred to as a norm ) . To qualify for the Grandmaster title , a player needed to achieve three such GM results within a rolling period of three years . Exceptionally , if a player's contributory games totalled thirty or more , then the title could be awarded on the basis of two such results . There were also circumstances where the system could be adapted to fit team events and other competitions . The full proposals included many other rules and regulations , covering such topics as : From 1977 until 2003 , FIDE awarded honorary Grandmaster titles to 31 players based on their past performances or other contributions to chess . Since 2007 , no distinction has been made between an " honorary " grandmaster and a full grandmaster . The following players have been awarded honorary Grandmaster titles : The requirements for becoming a Grandmaster are somewhat complex . A player must have attained an Elo rating of at least 2500 ( although they need not maintain this level to obtain or keep the title ) . In addition , at least two favorable results ( called norms ) from a total of at least 27 games in tournaments involving other Grandmasters , including some from countries other than the applicant 's , are usually required before FIDE will confer the title on a player . There are other milestones a player can achieve to get the title , such as winning the Women's World Championship , the World Junior Championship , or the World Senior Championship . Current regulations can be found in the FIDE Handbook . In 1957 , there were 50 GMs ( USSR : 19 , Yugoslavia : 7 , USA : 5 , Argentina : 4 , West Germany : 2 , France : 2 , Sweden : 1 , Czechoslovakia : 1 , Hungary : 1 , Austria : 1 , Belgium : 1 , Denmark : 1 , Netherlands : 1 , Poland : 1 ) . In 1972 , there were 88 GMs with 33 representing the USSR . The current FIDE ratings list includes over 1000 Grandmasters . Nigel Short was rated the third best player in the world in 1989 with a rating of 2650 ; in the 21st century such a rating would only be good enough for a player to reach the top 100 or so , with the third best player in the world usually rated around 2800 . Other minor factors come into play : there are more tournaments worldwide and cheaper air travel makes them more accessible to globe-trotting chess professionals , who include many players from the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe whose movements are no longer restricted as they were before the 1990s . Additionally , players can make norms in tournaments that would have been previously considered too short for norms , making norms easier to get and allowing for more norm tournaments to be held . December 2008 saw a record number of GMs ( 1 , 192 ) and IMs ( 2 , 916 ) , causing some FIDE officials to suggest that FIDE should consider an " elite grandmaster " title . The unofficial title " Super Grandmaster " is sometimes used by players to refer to those with a 2700 + rating to distinguish the most serious world champion contenders . The proportion of titled players among rated players is actually becoming smaller due to the rise in the number of all chess players worldwide who have FIDE ratings . In response , one member of the FIDE Titles & Ratings Committee observed that it is now more common for weaker players to get FIDE ratings , so the comparison of Grandmasters as a proportion of all rated players is not really helpful .
Chapter 5 Synchronizing Information 5.1 About Synchronization You can take information from your computer wherever you go by synchronizing it to your device . The following types of information can be synchronized between your computer and your device : • Microsoft ® Office Outlook ® information – Office Outlook e-mail , contacts , calendar , tasks , and notes • Notes created using Microsoft ® Office OneNote ® 2007 • Media – Pictures , music , and video • Favorites – Website addresses you save as Favorites in Pocket Internet Explorer on your device or in the Mobile Favorites folder of Internet Explorer on your computer . • Files – Documents and other files Tips • You can also synchronize Outlook e-mail , contacts , calendar , and tasks on your device with the Exchange Server at your work . For more information about setting up your device to synchronize with the Exchange Server , see Chapter 7 . • Try to synchronize regularly in order to keep information up-to-date on both your device and your computer . Before you can synchronize , you need to install and set up first the synchronization software on your computer . For more information , see " Setting Up Windows Mobile Device Center on Windows Vista ® " and " Setting Up ActiveSync ® on Windows ® XP " in this chapter . 114 Synchronizing Information After installing the synchronization software on your computer , connect the device to your computer using the USB sync cable . When the Connect to PC screen appears on your device , touch ActiveSync , and then touch Done . You can also synchronize information with your computer using Bluetooth . See " Synchronizing via Bluetooth " later in this chapter . Notes • ActiveSync or Windows Mobile Device Center only synchronizes data on your computer and device . If you have installed a storage card and you want to back up files from the storage card , use Windows Explorer on your computer to copy files from the storage card to your computer . • If you are sending your device for repair or performing a hard reset , data from your device will be lost . It is recommended that you sync your device to your computer to back up your files . To back up files from the storage card to your computer , use Windows Explorer to copy files from the storage card to the computer . 5.2 Setting Up Windows Mobile ® Device Center on Windows Vista ® Microsoft Windows Mobile ® Device Center is the replacement for Microsoft ® ActiveSync ® on Windows Vista ® . Some versions of Windows Vista ® come with Windows Mobile Device Center already installed . If Windows Mobile Device Center is not available on your Windows Vista ® , you can install it from the Getting Started Disc that came with your device . Setting up synchronization in Windows Mobile Device Center When you connect your device to your computer and start Windows Mobile Device Center for the first time , you are asked to create a Windows Mobile partnership with your device . To create a partnership : 1 . Connect your device to your computer . Windows Mobile Device Center configures itself , then opens . Synchronizing Information 115 2 . On the license agreement screen , click Accept . 3 . On the Windows Mobile Device Center's Home screen , click Set up your device . Note Choose Connect without setting up your device if you only want to transfer media files , check for updates , and explore your device but not synchronize Outlook information . 4 . Select the items you want to synchronize , then click Next . 5 . Enter a device name , then click Set Up . When you finish the setup wizard , Windows Mobile Device Center synchronizes your device automatically . Notice that Outlook e-mail messages and other information appear on your device after synchronization . 116 Synchronizing Information Using Windows Mobile Device Center To open Windows Mobile Device Center , click Start > All Programs > Windows Mobile Device Center on your Windows Vista computer . On Windows Mobile Device Center , you can do the following : • Click Mobile Device Settings to change synchronization settings . • When you click Pictures , Music and Video > XX new pictures / video clips are available for import , a wizard guides you to tag and transfer photos from your device to the Photo Gallery on your computer . • Click Pictures , Music and Video > Add media to your device from Windows Media Player to synchronize music and video files using Windows Media ® Player . For more information , see " Using Windows Media ® Player Mobile " in Chapter 11 . • Click File Management > Browse the contents of your device to view documents and files on your device . Note See Windows Mobile Device Center Help for more information . Synchronizing Information 117 5.3 Setting Up ActiveSync ® on Windows ® XP On a Windows ® XP computer , you need to use Microsoft ActiveSync ® 4.5 or later . If you do not have this software on your computer , you can install it from the Getting Started Disc that came with your device . Setting up synchronization in ActiveSync 1 . Connect your device to your computer . The Synchronization Setup Wizard automatically starts and guides you to create a synchronization partnership . Click Next to proceed . 2 . To synchronize your device with your computer , clear the Synchronize directly with a server running Microsoft Exchange check box , then click Next . 3 . Select the information types that you want to synchronize , then click Next . 4 . Select or clear the Allow wireless data connections check box according to your preference . 5 . Click Finish . When you finish the wizard , ActiveSync synchronizes your device automatically . Notice that Outlook e-mail messages and other information appear on your device after synchronization . 118 Synchronizing Information 5.4 Synchronizing With Your Computer Connect and synchronize your device with your computer using the USB cable or Bluetooth connection . Starting and stopping synchronization You can manually synchronize either from your device or computer . From your device • Tap Start > Settings , and then touch Sync Data ; or • Tap Start > ActiveSync , and then tap Sync . To end synchronization before it completes , tap Stop . Tip To delete a partnership with one computer completely , disconnect your device from that computer first . In ActiveSync on your device , tap Menu > Options , tap the computer name , then tap Delete . From Windows Mobile Device Center 1 . Click Start > All Programs > Windows Mobile Device Center . 2 . Click at the lower left of the Windows Mobile Device Center .. To end synchronization before it completes , click From ActiveSync on your computer When you connect your device to your computer , ActiveSync automatically opens on your computer and synchronizes . • To manually start synchronization , click .. • To end synchronization before it completes , click Synchronizing Information 119 Selecting information to synchronize You can select the information types and the amount of information to synchronize for each type either on your device or your computer . Follow the steps below to change synchronization settings on your device . Note Before changing synchronization settings on your device , disconnect it from your computer . 1 . In ActiveSync on your device , tap Menu > Options . 2 . Select the check box for any items you want to synchronize . If you can not select a check box , you might have to clear the check box for the same information type elsewhere in the list . 3 . To change synchronization settings for an information type , for instance , E-mail , select it and tap Settings . You can then set the download size limit , specify the time period of information to download , and more . Notes • Some information types such as Favorites , Files and Media can not be selected in ActiveSync Options on your device . You can only select or clear these items from your computer's Windows Mobile Device Center or ActiveSync . • A computer can have sync partnerships with many different Windows Mobile powered devices , but a device can have sync partnerships with at most two computers . To ensure that your device synchronizes properly with both computers , set up the second computer using the same synchronization settings you used on the first computer . • Outlook e-mail can be synchronized with only one computer . 120 Synchronizing Information Troubleshooting sync connection problem In some cases , when the computer connects to the Internet or a local network , it may disconnect the connection with your device in favor of the Internet or network connection . If this happens , tap Start > Settings , and then tap All Settings . Tap Connections tab > USB to PC , then clear the Enable faster data synchronization check box . This makes your computer utilize a serial USB connection with your device . 5.5 Synchronizing via Bluetooth You can connect and synchronize your device with the computer using Bluetooth . Note To connect and synchronize your device with a computer via Bluetooth , your computer must have a built-in Bluetooth or installed with a Bluetooth adapter or dongle . To synchronize with a computer via Bluetooth 1 . Set up Windows Mobile Device Center or ActiveSync on your computer to synchronize through Bluetooth . See the program's Help for instructions . 2 . Make sure that Bluetooth on both your device and the computer are turned on and set to visible mode . See " Bluetooth Modes " in Chapter 9 for details . If this is the first time you have connected to this computer via Bluetooth , you must first set up a Bluetooth partnership between your device and the computer . For more information about creating a Bluetooth partnership , see " Bluetooth Partnerships " in Chapter 9 . 3 . On your device , tap Start > ActiveSync . 4 . Tap Menu > Connect via Bluetooth . Note To conserve battery power , turn off Bluetooth when not in use . Synchronizing Information 121 5.6 Synchronizing Music and Video If you want to carry your music or other digital media along with you while you travel , set up Windows Media ® Player on your computer to synchronize music and video with your device . Other than selecting the Media information type to be synchronized , all media synchronization settings must be set in Windows Media ® Player . Before media can be synchronized , you must do the following : • Install Windows Media ® Player Version 11 on your computer . ( Windows Media ® Player 11 works only in Windows XP or later versions ) . • Connect your device to the computer with a USB cable . If your device is currently connected using Bluetooth , you must end that connection before media can be synchronized . • Set up a sync partnership between your device and your computer's Windows Media ® Player . See " Using Windows Media ® Player Mobile " in Chapter 11 for details . 122 Synchronizing Information
Wednesday , 4 September , 2002 , 06 : 06 GMT 07 : 06 UK Ex-WorldCom chiefs were warned Two of WorldCom's top executives were warned in March that " questions " had been raised about its accounts , according to investigators looking into the fraud which led to the giant's downfall . Ebbers was not a detached , unknowing chief executive Financial Services Committee spokeswoman Peggy Peterson An email sent on 18 March informed former chief executive Bernard Ebbers and former chief financial officer Scott Sullivan of concerns about accounting issues related to the preparation of WorldCom's annual report , the US House Financial Services Committee said . During the same month , Salomon Smith Barney's former telecoms analyst , Jack Grubman , warned Mr Sullivan that his firm was dropping WorldCom from a list of recommended shares before the information was released to investors . In an email sent on 12 March , Mr Grubman insisted that he had not been the one responsible for removing the firm from the list . " This is our strategist , not us . Which is why I hate ever having a name on that list , " Mr Grubman said in the email . In the know Mr Grubman's warning was forwarded by Mr Sullivan to his boss , Mr Ebbers , the investigators said . Mr Sullivan could be sent to prison for 65 years A third email which was sent in May revealed that Mr Sullivan had tried to brush off an inquiry from the credit rating agency Moody's Investors Service . " Overall , what all this has in common is it shows how Mr Ebbers , Mr Sullivan and Mr Grubman dealt with questions about WorldCom : They obfuscated every time , " Financial Services Committee spokeswoman Peggy Peterson said . " Ebbers was not a detached , unknowing chief executive . " Mr Sullivan , who is free on $ 10m bail , stands accused of being the head man in a conspiracy to hide WorldCom's expenses . Last week , he was indicted by a grand jury . He faces up to 65 years in prison if he is convicted on charges of securities fraud , conspiracy and filing false statements with the SEC . WorldCom made US history as the country's largest corporate bankruptcy on 21 July this year after admitting that it had falsely inflated its profits by $ 3 . 9bn . Citigroup hit Shares in Salomon Smith Barney's parent company , Citigroup , were hit on Tuesday after Prudential Securities analyst Mike Mayo recommended that investors sell the stock . Mr Mayo warned that Citigroup is facing a massive legal and regulatory risk due to its involvement , via Salomon , with WorldCom and because of its involvement with the failed energy giant Enron . Citigroup fell 10.3 % to close down $ 3.36 at 29.39 .
Childhood Memories That Made Me Who I am Today : I was 15 when my father died and after his death I received my result card through the post . I was really happy to see that I passed the exam with excellent marks but I wanted to go to college but it was hard for my brother to send me to college . But I started to teach other children in the village . They really needed help in their studies because their parents could n't read or write they send them to me in evenings after school . So in the morning I 'd go to college and in the evening I teach them and I 'd use the money they gave me to pay my college fees , bus fare and I made my uniform with my own money and I was really happy because I had got everything that I want . I worked hard that 's why I want my son to work hard to carry on with his studies . I was born in the Yemen in 1976 . I lived in a village called Yafa with my Mum and two brothers . My dad lived in England because he was working there and he was sending us some money to live on . I hardly knew my dad because the first time I saw him was when I was 2 years old , which is a time I ca n't remember . When I was about 4 or 5 years old my dad came to visit us and I will never forget that day because he bought me a big doll which I really loved and he bought us lots of things . I was very happy . We used to live a very poor life . We all stayed in one room . We slept , cooked , ate and sat in the same room but me and my brothers were very happy and we used to spend most of our time outside playing . My Mum was n't very well . Also she had to work very hard because in the village we had to go very far to fetch the water from the well and to fetch the wood to cook on . We had electricity but it only came on at night for a few hours . We also had to help my granddad in the field . After a few years my Mum's health deteriorated and my Dad wanted us to go and live with him . We were very happy and we went to the city to go to the British Embassy . The city life was very different to the village life . It was more modernised and I loved it and I still remember the blue sea , it was beautiful . However the bad news was that the British Embassy refused to let me go with my parents to England because the law in Yemen did not allow any children who were over 7 years old to go out of the country and unfortunately I was seven years old . My brother's were younger than me so they went with my Mum . We all were sad and disappointed especially my Mum she was devestated but she was very ill . Her Mum and Dad told her to go and leave me with them . I remember the day when she left she was crying all day but I was excited and happy to live with my grandparents . When my Mum kissed me goodbye I saw her crying and I started to cry . I was very happy with my grandparents and they loved me very much and they did their best to make me happy . They gave me everything I wanted and they were very nice and kind to me . My grandparents house had one room and a very small kitchen . They had a cow , some sheep and some chickens and I used to help look after them which I really enjoyed . I used to go to school . I started just before my mum left but I did n't like it . I stayed in school for four years then I left because I wanted to help my grandparents more . What I really enjoyed the most was fetching the water from the well with my friends . We used to have lots of fun and we used to go to fetch some wood and it was very far away so we used to go up the hills and down and we played on the way and we had a laugh . We had to get up very early just before the sun rise and we came back after the sunset . I think that these were the best times in my childhood . As I grew older I missed my mum and brothers very much . I used to cry every night as I remembered them and I never stopped thinking about my parents They used to send me some letters , clothes and money and we talked on the phone only once in two or three years because the telephone was very far from our house and very expensive . When I was about 12 years old I used to do everything in the house such as cooking , cleaning , taking care of the animals and helping my granddad in the fields as well as fetching the water and the wood . My day would start at 5.30 in the morning and would end when I went to bed which was about 8 . 00pm In the morning when I saw the other kids going to school , I realised how much I missed school and I wanted to go back so my friends and me decided to go back and we did . I really liked it this time and I did n't want to leave because we had such a good time . When I was 13 years old , I realised how much I missed my family because when I was younger it did n't really bother me but then I really wanted to see them . One day just a few months before my 14th birthday I received a letter from my mum and dad and she said they wanted me to join them in the UK . The law in Yemen had changed because the south and the north of Yemen were united . I was very happy and very excited and at the same time I was shocked because I did n't expect that to happen as I thought they might come to visit . I was so happy that I could n't sleep that night I could n't believe that I was going to see them after 7 years without them . After a few months and just a week before my birthday I finely went to England and my granddad came with me . It was very hard to leave my grandma and all my friends . When I arrived at the airport my mum and dad were there and I did n't recognise them but I was very happy to see them . When we went home and I saw my brothers I could n't believe how big they were , because I was imagining them small like when they were in Yemen but they looked different . I liked the house even though it was a small 3 bedroom house , but it was different compare to the house in Yemen . A few weeks later it was my birthday . I had a big party and I had lots of presents . I was playing with my dolls and I felt like a child again because in Yemen I felt like an adult I was only 13 years old , but I had lots of responsibility and I did n't have time to play . For the first few months I was very happy and I loved England until I started school . I did n't like school because I could n't speak English . I did n't understand a word and it was very difficult for me to make friends . Some children used to make fun of me and they used to call me names and they used to say horrible things to me which I did n't understand at the time but they knew it was n't nice and my teacher was n't nice either . I was the only child who spoke Arabic in the school . I hated school and sometimes I used to come home crying . In the school I felt like I was deaf and dumb because I did n't know what they were saying to me and I could n't talk to them . It was terrible . At home I felt a bit strange . I felt like I did n't know my family even though my mum and dad used to spoil me and they bought me everything that I Iiked . My brothers used to be jalice of me and I did n't like that . I hated England and I wanted to go back to Yemen . I really missed my grandparents and my friends and all the things that I used to do . I remember when we first came to England - my granddad - on one day regularly he used to always take my 3 brothers , my sister and myself on the 75 bus from our house on Barnsley Road - it was a very long journey to Millhouses park . It used to be our treat . He used to put us on the peddle boats and then pay for an ice-cream each then we used to get on the bus back home . My granddad was a very caring person this makes me always wanting to be there wherever my children are , know what they are always doing . It was the day before Eid . I was about 8 years old , and I living in the Yemen with my grandparents . " Is it Eid tomorrow ? " I asked my grandmother happily . " We do n't know yet , We have to wait til the sun goes down , then we will foind out " . " Why ca n't we find out now ? " I 'm going outside to look if I can see the moon " , I said angrily . I went outside and I was looking to the sky , the sky was very clear , but I could n't see the moon . I walked back to house slowly and sadly . My grandmother was getting the food ready . " I want to help your grandmother , what can I do ? " " Go and get the things ready for the fire " . My grandmother said , so I ran quickly to the top of the house and I got all the things we needed for the fire . If the next day was Eid everyone would go to the roofs of their houses and light a little fire and that was the sign . We see the fire and the hole village know it 's Eid the next day . I was very excited and I could n't wait till the sun goes down . I went to the kitchen and I said " The fire is ready grandma . What shall I do now . " ' The food is ready , so there 's nothing to do now . We have to wait till the sun goes down . There was only about 10 minutes left but it seemed very long and it went past so slowly . When I was child and go to school when I came back from school my Mom wanted me to help in the kitchen but I said I needed to do my school work . I admired my Mum she was very great because she brought me from there to here . She taught me everything . Now I think what Mom said to me about doing house work is true . At that time it was very difficult to do all things but it is good how much I learned then . Now I can do everything like handle my house , cooking , serving , looking after my guests and my inlaws are happy with me . Now I am really happy with my Mom . I remember the closed doors when I came to England . Everyone shut their doors . In Pakistan all the doors were kept open and everyone shared everything . We often visited each other 's houses I was born in Somalia second capital city of Somalia it was a big city . My mum has 3 boys and 3 girls I am second child of my mum I used to be when under 10 I like to play outside play with the boys and girl . I used to go to school in a morning walk to school it 's far from my house come back and then I would go to religious school as well . I was beastly as a child ; I used to love playing outside I do n't like the indoors my mum she used to be shouting at me all the time " come on in and help me " I used to help my mum cooking and cleaning the house I used to do quickly the house work to go outside and play , I would make it a race they used to be girls working in the house no boys always girls I say spare to me to play outside they never do house work but my girl friends always racing saying whose going to finish house work first we finish quickly as soon as we can to play outside . I love my life my dad worked we have a lovely life my mum was so kind , my mum still live same house I was born . I finish secondary schools and after this my uncle shop to work y uncle shop , you know I was so beastly little girl . I get married when I was 16 I had my first baby when I was 18 years old my I was so scared my mum help me she help with the baby I was so young I was scared my son is now 24 years old . I am not having another baby I had my second 10 years after my first . We came to England , I left my son with my mum my and my husband came to England December 1990 I had 4 children here 2 girls and 2 boys since I born I had a lovely time I have good health still carry on my life , I 'm still a beastly women I working in school lunchtime supervisor for 6 years I do n't know what I 'm doing I 'm still beastly ! I was born in England but we lived in Pakistan and well , we had a nice house and lived with my grandparents ' cos I remember my mum since she got married always had to live with her in-laws . I remember us all being born '' cos we were kept like a second thing in my mum's life ' cos of my grandparents . We had to wash the clothes and that because there was n't a washing machine , I remember my 3 brothers when we first had our cycle because in Pakistan we could l get a cycle with five seats it was a beautiful moment when we could all sit on the cycle together and ride away on the uneven roads they were all dusty and uneven but it made it special because we were all a family . My dad came to England to work before he bought us all when he could afford to bring us all and he bought my grandparents . I remember my granddad always used to take us on a bus to Millhouses park once a week all 5 of us on the bus and he 'd buy us and ice cream and put us in the boats , oh he was such a good natured person he was so loveable and cuddly all the time with us my dad is totally different he 's a bit hard with us he 's not a soft person he does n't do that with my kids , his grandchildren . My granddad used to do that with us all the time . When he passed away it was a real emotional time . Those are the memories that I like to keep .
Gastrointestinal mucositis is a dose-limiting side-effect of many cancer therapies . Interruption of cell production by a cytotoxic agent can cause a breach of the mucosal barrier ( ulceration ) if the stem cells are killed . However , few in vivo assays measure these responses . EpiStem has developed CLONOQUANTTM , a sophisticated in vivo intestinal stem cell assay , analogous to the spleen colony assay for bone marrow stem cells . This enables the assessment of both the propensity of a novel anti-cancer drug to cause mucositis and the potential of a novel anti-mucositis drug to reduce these debilitating side-effects . OROQUANTTM measures similar responses and treatment effects in the mouth , where painful ulcers commonly occur . Typical mucositis measurements : Number of surviving clonogenic cells Speed and efficiency of tissue repair Quantification of functional impairment ( diarrhea measurements ) Some applications of our assays : Assess the efficacy of mucositis modulatory or prevention agents Assess the efficiency of tissue regeneration enhancers Determine the side-effects of potential cytotoxic agents before reaching the clinic - a surrogate assay for patient well-being during chemotherapy Assess if a drug candidate has stem cell stimulatory or inhibitory effects
Water vapor is the most potent of the greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere , and it 's sort of a unique player among the greenhouse gases . The amount of water vapor in the atmosphere can not , in general , be directly modified by human behavior – it 's set by air temperatures . The warmer the surface , the greater the evaporation rate of water from the surface . As a result , increased evaporation leads to a greater concentration of water vapor in the lower atmosphere capable of absorbing infrared radiation and emitting it downward . Surface-level ozone Johnny Stockshooter – age fotostock / Imagestate The next most significant greenhouse gas is surface , or low-level , ozone ( O 3 ) . Surface O 3 is a result of air pollution ; it must be distinguished from naturally occurring stratospheric O 3 , which has a very different role in the planetary radiation balance . The primary natural source of surface O 3 is the subsidence of stratospheric O 3 from the upper atmosphere toward Earth's surface . In contrast , the primary human-driven source of surface O 3 is in photochemical reactions involving carbon monoxide ( CO ) , such as in smog .
In conjunction with Sennelier , Isabey and Raphael , Tony has created a travel set that offers a practical selection of artists quality materials in a convenient travel box . Tony has carefully chosen from over 80 colours in the Sennelier watercolour range to ensure that you can tackle any subject with only a limited selection of colours . The brushes included in the set are of the highest quality Squirrel and Sable for wash and detail work . Contents : Sennelier 10ml Watercolour tubes : Aureolin Yellow Lake Chinese Orange Sennelier Red Carmine Genuine Cerulean Blue Ultramarine Deep Burnt Sienna Isabey No. 0 Squirrel Quill Mop Raphael No. 10 Kolinsky Sable
Judge Finds Probable Cause Against a Greeley police Officer A judge has found probable cause to have a trial in the sexual assault trial of a police officer charged with groping a female driver he had stopped . The story in the Tribune also said the officer changed his story about not stopping the driver at all , when GPS records for his vehicle placed him at the site of the incident . This is just some of the procedures that the state and attorney for the defense go through in our criminal justice system . If you have been arrested for an assault , sexual or otherwise you can hire an expert to defend you . You can get a Colorado criminal defense attorney . In the case cited , the defendant's attorney filed a motion to dismiss the charges due to no probable cause . As happens , the aspects of a simple sexual assault case such as this sometimes leaves little evidence other than conflicting stories . When a Colorado criminal defense attorney looks over the evidence , the merits of the state's case can lead to a request for dismissal . As in this case , even if that is not achieved there are many other strategies that an experienced Colorado criminal defense attorney can use to get an acquittal . Any accounts by witnesses will be reviewed for conflict with established facts . The conduct of the arresting officer will be reviewed to make sure proper reading of your rights and other procedures were followed to the full letter of the law . The Colorado criminal defense attorney knows how to make every piece of evidence in your favor known to the court . They also will file to keep out any evidence that was obtained improperly by the police . The law is very complicated and the best defense is made by a person used to dealing with it every day . You must meet with a Colorado criminal defense attorney as soon as possible . The sooner you do , the sooner you may go free . Colorado Springs Man Charged with Stealing Marijuana Plant The Denver post reported that a Colorado Springs man was charged with theft after being seen leaving a marijuana dispensary by police with a knife in one hand and a marijuana plant in the other . This person who is charged could be in a better situation if he did n't have the knife . That can lead to a serious weapons charge . The involvement of the drug will certainly be a minor problem when compared to the weapon . Assault crimes , robberies and other felonies are magnified when weapons are involved . If you have been charged with a crime and a weapon was found in your possession , you are in serious trouble and you need an expert in the law to help you . Anyone charged in the state of Colorado for a crime that involves use of a weapon needs a Colorado criminal defense attorney on their side . This is a serious matter and must be handled by a professional with experience . The Colorado criminal defense attorney will go after the state's case against you with everything possible to get your charges reduced . The search that found the weapon may have been illegal . This will be used by the attorney to get that evidence thrown out . The reason you were detained will be judged for its legality as well as all police procedures and behavior before , during and after your arrest . This is your future you are fighting for . An arrest is bad enough , but with multiple charges stemming from the use a weapon while committing a crime , you need the experienced assistance of the Colorado criminal defense attorney . The trial may end but there may have been a mistake made by the judge or DA that can lead to you Colorado criminal defense attorney filing an appeal . They are also competent in making advantageous plea bargains for their clients when it is necessary . The expertise of the Colorado criminal defense attorney can not be minimized . If you are arrested for any crime , if a weapon was found or not , you need a Colorado criminal defense attorney as your representative . Everyone Should have a Living Will Medical marvels are seen on television and in newspapers every day . Some improve the quality of life . If you want to insure your quality of life a living will is a must . A meeting with a Colorado estate planning attorney can improve your quality of life in many ways . Protecting your assets , aiding your heirs in handling inheritance taxes , and having the peace of mind that your final affairs are being handled honestly and professionally will also improve your sense of well being now and in the future . The Estate Tax has Returned The IRS estate tax was on hiatus in 2010 but it has returned . There are rules on when you have to file and what is included in the estate . The Colorado estate tax is based on the death tax credit allowable on the federal tax return . If you would like to have your heirs protected from being taxed unnecessarily by these two jurisdictions , you need to meet with a Colorado estate planning attorney . The Colorado estate planning attorney is knowledgeable in all state and federal tax law . When you are drawing up your will you can investigate options such as trusts and any other tax protection measures that can be taken to reduce any tax liability your estate causes your heirs . For example ; some life insurance proceeds and annuities will not be considered part of the " gross estate " and the Colorado estate planning attorney may be able to recommend you purchase one of these products Court in Denver Aims to Reduce Repeat Offenders A new sobriety court in Denver has high hopes for reducing the number of repeat DUI offenders in the state of Colorado . The mammoth efforts of law enforcement officials have helped to reduce the number of arrested for suspicion of DUI by nearly twenty five percent in 2010 compared to 2008 but nearly thirty percent of those arrested for DUI in Colorado have involved repeat offenders . The new court will implement a combination of current punishments and an intensive treatment program that could help to rehabilitate drivers who could have been likely to have gotten behind the wheel while impaired again . The program will be funded by nearly six hundred thousand dollars in grant money and will focus on lengthy bouts of treatment and frequent blood alcohol monitoring and regular interactions with judges to monitor progress . While this program may not be right for everyone who has made the decision to get behind the wheel while impaired more than once it could make a big difference in making the streets safer . Unfortunately , the program wo n't be large enough to accommodate all repeat offenders and many will still face the possibility of very severe punishments of prison , fines and license suspensions . If you are facing a first time or subsequent DUI charge in Colorado you need to hire an experienced Colorado criminal defense attorney . Hiring a Colorado criminal defense attorney gives you the best opportunity of having your DUI charges reduced or dismissed so that you face a series of much more tolerable punishments following your trial . Holiday Efforts Result in DUI Arrests Law enforcement officials in Colorado seem even more serious about removing impaired drivers from the streets this summer and keeping Colorado streets safe . In a one night DUI checkpoint on Fort Collins on Memorial Day Weekend police made contact with over 1000 drivers and ultimately arrested more than twenty for driving under the influence or driving while ability impaired . This monumental effort was just the beginning of the 100 Day of Heat program in Colorado that will increase officer presence and efforts on the streets and help to minimize the number of DUI related accidents and fatalities that plague the state of Colorado this summer . All of these additional DUI arrests across the state should have Colorado criminal defense attorneys very busy . The possible penalties associated with a DUI in the state of Colorado are among the most severe in the entire country . First time offenders of DUI in Colorado face the possibility of mandatory jail time , high fines and lengthy driver's license suspensions and the only way to ensure the best possible outcome from your trial is to enlist the services of an experienced professional to build an effective defense . A Colorado criminal defense attorney will examine the evidence that the prosecution has against you and the methods by which that evidence was gathered by arresting officers . If anything at all that occurred during the course of your investigation seems amiss your Colorado criminal defense attorney will use that information to bolster your defense and increase your chances of having your charges reduced or dismissed . Driving While Impaired Can Lead to Other Poor Decisions Deciding to get behind the wheel of your automobile after having had a few too many drinks is most certainly not a good idea . Impaired driving can easily result in serious accidents that cause injuries or deaths and the charges associated with a DUI conviction are something that no one wants to experience . Unfortunately many drivers still decide to get behind the wheel while intoxicated and that initial poor decision can often lead to subsequent poor decisions that ultimately cause more damage and increase the consequences that will be faced following the incident . Some drivers who operate their vehicles while impaired and get stopped by police are frightened by the potential consequences that they could face and wind up attempting to evade police . Attempting to get away from a police stop can easily result in a host of moving violations and , if an accident should occur , possibly even assault , manslaughter or murder charges depending upon the specific details . These potential charges carry much more severe consequences than a DUI charge would alone and attempted evasion makes structuring your defense a much more difficult task . If you are facing DUI charges in the state of Colorado you immediately reach out to an experienced Colorado criminal defense attorney . A Colorado criminal defense attorney will build the most suitable plan of defense for your specific situation and work to ensure that your rights are upheld throughout the hearing . Though it might seem tempting to avoid the charges at all costs by evading the police you will likely have much more luck entrusting your defense to a good attorney . Organized Shoplifting Rings Attack Colorado Stores Highly organized teams of thieves enter retail stores and grabbing insanely large amounts of everyday goods in order to fund criminal activity . The shoplifters pilfer desirable and useful items like baby formula an OTC pain relievers and then sell them for fast cash over the internet . The groups are hitting major retailers throughout Colorado and experts estimate that the activity is costing stores across the country more thirty five billion dollars each year . These criminals have literally taken the crime of shoplifting to an entirely new level and if they get caught they should expect to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law . Many people feel as though shoplifting is n't a very serious crime , but theft in any form can result in serious consequences . Depending upon the type of item or the value of the item stolen a shoplifting charge can carry some highly undesirable possible penalties . If you are facing shoplifting or theft charges in the state of Colorado you should reach out to an experienced Colorado criminal defense attorney as soon as possible . Your Colorado criminal defense attorney will be able to clearly explain the charges against you and the possible penalties that could go along with them and then go over all of your potential options for defense . You 'll get the expert advice that you need to make it through this very stressful situation and the confidence that your professionally structured plan of defense will result in the best possible verdict from your criminal hearing .
As illustrated by the graph on the left , the basic symptoms of autism are often accompanied other medical conditions and challenges . These , too , can vary widely in severity . While autism is usually a life-long condition , all children and adults benefit from interventions , or therapies , that can reduce symptoms and increase skills and abilities . Although it is best to begin intervention as soon as possible , the benefits of therapy can continue throughout life . Social Challenges Typically developing infants are social by nature . They gaze at faces , turn toward voices , grasp a finger and even smile by 2 to 3 months of age . By contrast , most children who develop autism have difficulty engaging in the give-and-take of everyday human interactions . By 8 to 10 months of age , many infants who go on to develop autism are showing some symptoms such as failure to respond to their names , reduced interest in people and delayed babbling . By toddlerhood , many children with autism have difficulty playing social games , do n't imitate the actions of others and prefer to play alone . They may fail to seek comfort or respond to parents' displays of anger or affection in typical ways . It is common – but not universal – for those with autism to have difficulty regulating emotions . This can take the form of seemingly " immature " behavior such as crying or having outbursts in inappropriate situations . It can also lead to disruptive and physically aggressive behavior . The tendency to " lose control " may be particularly pronounced in unfamiliar , overwhelming or frustrating situations . Frustration can also result in self-injurious behaviors such as head banging , hair pulling or self-biting . Communication Difficulties By age three , most children have passed predictable milestones on the path to learning language . One of the earliest is babbling . By the first birthday , most typically developing toddlers say a word or two , turn and look when they hear their names , point to objects they want or want to show to someone ( not all cultures use pointing in this way ) . When offered something distasteful , they can make clear – by sound or expression – that the answer is " no . " By contrast , young children with autism tend to be delayed in babbling and speaking and learning to use gestures . Some infants who later develop autism coo and babble during the first few months of life before losing these communicative behaviors . Others experience significant language delays and do n't begin to speak until much later . With therapy , however , most people with autism do learn to use spoken language and all can learn to communicate . Many nonverbal or nearly nonverbal children and adults learn to use communication systems such as pictures ( image at left ) , sign language , electronic word processors or even speech-generating devices . When language begins to develop , the person with autism may use speech in unusual ways . Some have difficulty combining words into meaningful sentences . They may speak only single words or repeat the same phrase over and over . Some go through a stage where they repeat what they hear verbatim ( echolalia ) . Some mildly affected children exhibit only slight delays in language or even develop precocious language and unusually large vocabularies – yet have difficulty sustaining a conversation . Some children and adults with autism tend to carry on monologues on a favorite subject , giving others little chance to comment . In other words , the ordinary " give and take " of conversation proves difficult . Some children with ASD with superior language skills tend to speak like little professors , failing to pick up on the " kid-speak " that 's common among their peers . Conversely , someone affected by autism may not exhibit typical body language . Facial expressions , movements and gestures may not match what they are saying . Their tone of voice may fail to reflect their feelings . Some use a high-pitched sing-song or a flat , robot-like voice . This can make it difficult for others know what they want and need . This failed communication , in turn , can lead to frustration and inappropriate behavior ( such as screaming or grabbing ) on the part of the person with autism . Fortunately , there are proven methods for helping children and adults with autism learn better ways to express their needs . As the person with autism learns to communicate what he or she wants , challenging behaviors often subside . ( See section on Treatments . ) Repetitive Behaviors Unusual repetitive behaviors and / or a tendency to engage in a restricted range of activities are another core symptom of autism . Common repetitive behaviors include hand-flapping , rocking , jumping and twirling , arranging and rearranging objects , and repeating sounds , words , or phrases . Sometimes the repetitive behavior is self-stimulating , such as wiggling fingers in front of the eyes . The tendency to engage in a restricted range of activities can be seen in the way that many children with autism play with toys . Some spend hours lining up toys in a specific way instead of using them for pretend play . Similarly , some adults are preoccupied with having household or other objects in a fixed order or place . It can prove extremely upsetting if someone or something disrupts the order . Along these lines many children and adults with autism need and demand extreme consistency in their environment and daily routine . Slight changes can be extremely stressful and lead to outbursts Repetitive behaviors can take the form of intense preoccupations , or obsessions . These extreme interests can prove all the more unusual for their content ( e.g. fans , vacuum cleaners or toilets ) or depth of knowledge ( e.g. knowing and repeating astonishingly detailed information about Thomas the Tank Engine or astronomy ) . Older children and adults with autism may develop tremendous interest in numbers , symbols , dates or science topics . Associated Medical Conditions Thanks to donor support , Autism Speaks continues to fund research into the causes and treatment of the medical conditions associated with ASD . You can explore these studies here . This research is reflected in the comprehensive care model at the heart of our Autism Treatment Network ( ATN ) clinics . To find out if there is an ATN clinic close to you , click here . For in depth information on medical conditions , please see our website's related pages : " Treatments for Associated Medical Conditions " and " What Treatments are Available for Speech , Language and Motor Impairments , " in addition to the information below . Genetic Disorders Some children with autism have an identifiable genetic condition that affects brain development . These genetic disorders include Fragile X syndrome , Angelman syndrome , tuberous sclerosis and chromosome 15 duplication syndrome and other single-gene and chromosomal disorders . While further study is needed , single gene disorders appear to affect 15 to 20 percent of those with ASD . Some of these syndromes have characteristic features or family histories , the presence of which may prompt your doctor to refer to a geneticist or neurologist for further testing . The results can help guide treatment , awareness of associated medical issues and life planning . Gastrointestinal ( GI ) Disorders GI distress is common among persons with autism , and affects up to 85 percent of children with ASD . These conditions range in severity from a tendency for chronic constipation or diarrhea to inflammatory bowel disease . Pain caused by GI issues can prompt behavioral changes such as increased self soothing ( rocking , head banging , etc ) or outbursts of aggression or self-injury . Conversely , appropriate treatment can improve behavior and quality of life . Please see our treatment section on " Gastrointestinal Disorders . " It includes discussion of popular dietary interventions . Thanks to donor support , Autism Speaks continues to fund research into causes and treatments . Seizure Disorders Seizure disorders , including epilepsy , occur in as many as 39 percent of those with autism . It is more common in people with autism who also have intellectual disability than those without . Someone with autism may experience more than one type of seizure . The easiest to recognize is the grand mal , or tonic-clonic , seizure . Others include " petit mal " seizures ( when a person temporarily appears " absent " ) and subclinical seizures , which may be apparent only with electroencephalogram ( EEG ) testing . Sleep Dysfunction Sleep problems are common among children and adolescents with autism and may likewise affect many adults . For more information and helpful guidance , see our ATN Sleep Strategies Tool Kit ( available for free download ) . Sensory Processing Problems Many persons with autism have unusual responses to sensory input . They have difficulty processing and integrating sensory information , or stimuli , such as sights , sounds smells , tastes and / or movement . They may experience seemingly ordinary stimuli as painful , unpleasant or confusing . ( Explore our donor-funded research on causes and treatments here . ) Some of those with autism are hypersensitive to sounds or touch , a condition also known as sensory defensiveness . Others are under-responsive , or hyposensitive . An example of hypersensitivity would be the inability to tolerate wearing clothing , being touched or being in a room with normal lighting . Hyposensitivity can include failure to respond when one's name is called . Many sensory processing problems can be addressed with occupational therapy and / or sensory integration therapy . ( More information on these therapies , here . ) Pica
How to Buy from Heathlands If you would like to place an order for some of the toys , nappies and furniture displayed on these pages , please read this page carefully . Not sure what Nappies to Buy ? If you 're not sure what nappies or accessories you need , please have a look at our new Nappy Help page . If you 're still not sure , do n't worry , contact us using our form and ask for a callback to discuss what 's best for you and your baby . How to Place an Order To place an order , simply click on the Buy Now buttons under each product . When you have completed your selections , select your delivery charge . Next , add any special instructions you have for your order in the box provided . Finally , complete your name and address and the delivery address in the form provided . Alternatively , you can download and print our Toy Order Form ( you can use it for nappies and furniture too ) if you have Adobe Reader on your computer . If you do n't have Reader , you can download it here . You can complete the order form and post or fax it to us . Payment We accept Credit & Debit cards through Barclays Merchant Services , or PayPal . If you do n't already have a PayPal account , you can set one up quickly and easily when you 've finished shopping . There 's no charge to you to use PayPal . Alternatively , please contact us if you would like to pay by cheque , or direct credit transfer .
Stem cells reside in small numbers in most body tissues and control the healing processes subsequent to disease or injury . Bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells ( MSCs ) can produce various different tissue types including bone , cartilage and fat . However , the mechanisms by which different tissue types are produced from MSCs is very complex and therefore difficult to understand using intuition alone . Mathematical models provide a means to analyse complex systems such as the mesenchymal stem cell system . Therefore we propose an innovative approach to analyse how bone tissue is produced with the help of mathematical modelling in conjunction with experimentation . In particular we will use mathematical models to examine how gene expression correlates with stem cell activity and , significantly , how this correlation changes with age .
Sit or stand with your hands on your shoulders . Slowly twist to the right , back to the centre , then to the left , feeling the twist in your waist . Take a deep breath through the nose , expanding your whole chest and hold for a count of five . Breath out through your mouth slowly for ten seconds , making a ' sighing ' sound . Repeat the above slowly six times . Without getting up , place your hands on your desk in front of you . Gently arch your lower back , without tilting your head . Then round your back so that you have flexed it in and out . Lift your feet off the floor . Flex them gently up and down . Move them slowly up and down as if treading water . PUZZLE : Bridge building : Put two pens parallel with a distance between them slightly bigger than the length of a matchstick . Using 4 matches build a strong bridge between them .
We have a new range of body care products from JASON'S . There is a picture below and for more details check the products page in the left border of this page . There is also now a page ( also accessed from the left border ) with a list of the FRANCHI seeds and more information about them on the Feature page . PLEASE FEEL FREE TO TAKE A LOOK AT THE LINKS ON THE HOME PAGE WHERE YOU MAY FIND MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE PRODUCTS YOU ARE INTERESTED IN . If you are interested in Fair Trade products you may be interested in this site : http://www.iwff.org.uk We currently sell Fair Trade teas and Organic Drinking Chocolate . Do n't forget the range of ECOVER products and remember you can come into the shops with your empty bottle ( it must be Ecover ) and get a refill for washing-up liquid in Lemon & Aloe Vera or Camomile & Marigold , washing liquid and fabric softener . EASIYO THE EASY WAY TO MAKE YOUR OWN FRESH YOGHURT FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL IN AT THE SHOPS OR VISIT www.easiyo.com THE COMPANY'S OWN WEB SITE . SEE OUR STOCK PAGE FOR WHAT IS AVAILABLE
What Teeth Do Kids Lose and When ? If all your kids want for Christmas ( or Halloween , or Easter ) is their two front teeth , chances are , they 're about six years old . While the timing and order of losing teeth varies , there are a few basics you should know about what teeth kids lose – and when . There may be a few exceptions , but for the most part , kids lose teeth in the order that they received them in the first place . If you remember taking photos of little Tommy's first tooth , you may already have a pretty good idea of which baby tooth will be the first to go . For most kids , the first baby teeth lost are the lower central incisors and the upper central incisors . These , for the non-dental world , are known as the two upper front teeth and the two lower front teeth . While the incisors will fall out around six to seven years of age , you may be wondering the timing of the other teeth . The other teeth , including the first and second molars , will fall out by age 11 or twelve . What Teeth do Kids Lose ? Well , all of them – all of their baby teeth , that is . Kids get 20 baby teeth , starting from infancy . Most kids will have all 20 baby teeth by the time they 're three years old . And once those choppers are in , you may wonder how important it is to properly care for these temporary residents . Answer – pretty important ! Even though you know what teeth your kids will lose , there are some compelling reasons for keeping those baby teeth in ship-shape . Improper care of baby teeth can lead to gum disease , jaw and teeth spacing issues , and even painful chewing , which may create poor nutritional habits . When it 's time for the baby teeth to drop out , make sure your kids ( or you ! ) do n't yank them out prematurely . While it 's okay to gently wobble and loosen a loose tooth , yanking one out before it 's ready to go can lead to root infection . Got any questions about baby teeth ? Give us a call today ! Unless , of course , you 're asking about the tooth fairy , in which case we 've been sworn to secrecy !
When it comes to their planning process , many financial institutions choose to stay the course and execute , not sure that an updated planning effort would be worth it . But that 's not the sentiment that resonates among banking industry outperformers , who regard their planning process as essential to achieving business alignment and focused execution . They aim to formulate a plan that illustrates the value proposition that will attract and retain customers , and the strengths that will enable the business to deliver this value to customers , while simultaneously earning an attractive return-on-equity . As a result , and perhaps not surprisingly , these companies enjoy strong organic growth and higher shareholder returns . That makes sense . Their customers are served distinctively , while internally , managers reach decisions effectively and efficiently . However , the majority of financial services executives say that the frustrations that go along with strategic planning are holding them back . We often hear complaints such as , " Let 's face it ... we call it a strategic planning process , but it 's actually just a financial forecasting effort , " or , " Our consultants delivered a fat book full of urban legend assertions , but we would have been better off with a thin one that really got to the essence of what we should do to gain profitable share . " Characteristics of a Broken Planning Process Ineffective strategic planning processes have several unfortunate outcomes . They often emphasize tactics and not strategy , and then end in a " cram-down stage " that leaves a bad taste among participants . As one business manager commented , " We spent hundreds of man-hours planning a business , and then we were told all of us had 10 % revenue growth and 3 % cost growth bogeys . " Another common outcome is financial forecasts that are infeasible to fund . When this occurs , business managers will inevitably be asked to reformulate their plans to meet Wall Street's short-term expectations . Problems also occur when too many viewpoints are accommodated under a collegial , " group-think " approach . Resulting plans often end up describing broad concepts for how the business will differentiate itself . These compromises accommodate the group , but do not provide the context for making tough allocation of resources decisions – which is , after all , the essence of strategy . Eliminating Low Value , Costly Distractions Plans that claim to offer " everything for everyone " are more expensive and run a high risk of becoming " great intentions , never realized . " These problems result in a set of tactical initiatives to cut costs and a half-hearted commitment to the revenue plan , exacerbated by a lack of differentiation in the market . Everyone ends up being disappointed – most silently , some vocally . To avoid low value , costly distractions , executives should take a more constructive approach to strategic planning . Spend time developing and gaining consensus on a more focused value proposition and determine the implications for prioritizing initiatives , while deprioritizing others . Steps for Effective Planning Devising a strategic plan that ultimately aligns a company's business segments , and propels organic growth and shareholder returns requires an internal analysis of the institution and its objectives in the marketplace . Call it a four-part process , in which executives will first , clearly identify and communicate financial goals to their company and ask senior management to answer fundamental questions such as , " why would prospects choose to bank with us ? " Then , executives must review their new value-driven plan and commit to making it the basis for the company's future strategy and eliminate discretionary investments and activities that are not central to the strategy . 1 . Spell It Out : At the outset , executive management should be clear in communicating the goals for the corporation , including any " must have " financial objectives . Ideally , this step should also include guidance for each line of business . For example , one unit may be challenged to grow faster than the market while maintaining its profitability ; another may be told to fix its low margins before emphasizing growth . 2 . The Litmus Test : As each unit prepares its strategy , management should make sure that each strategy includes consideration of the fundamental issues that , once resolved , will guide decisions on allocation of resources and will focus execution . One way to help business heads and planners understand how to approach planning is to adopt an entrepreneur's mindset . Produce a strategy that would stand up to the scrutiny of an independent venture capital or private equity firm that you wish to attract an investment from by addressing the following four areas : W hat the business will achieve : Although this is a derivative of the strategy and should be completed last , it 's is often the first topic to be discussed with executive management in the strategy review . It 's mostly composed of financial goals , but the best plans will also highlight the competencies that are important to the business' competitiveness . Where the business will compete : Examine the criteria to be used to decide where in the competitive landscape to focus . Typically , this is based on analysis of growth and ROE potential . These criteria should guide specific recommendations for the types of customers to target , the products and channels to emphasize , and the geographies on which to focus . How the business will win : One of the most critically important steps in strategic planning is determining how the business will be successful . If it 's not compelling , the value of planning will be substantially compromised . The strategy must be as straightforward and specific as possible in describing the value proposition that will motivate customers to do business with your bank versus competitors . Once defined , a companion section should describe how value will be provided at a cost that will enable the business to generate attractive economics . Finally , if acquisitions are envisioned , this section should explain their contribution to the strategy and how the acquisition premium will be earned back . · How the business will be managed : It is important to highlight those aspects of the organization design , management processes , performance measures , culture , and incentives that will be aligned with the strategy . Someone reading this section should be able to understand how the recommended approach will facilitate achievement of the goals . It is critically important to align the metrics and incentive plan . Without such alignment , people will continue to do what makes their wallets bulge , and you might as well delete the strategy before you even print it out . 3 . Recap : At this point , reviews should be held with senior management . Such reviews should begin with a discussion of the proposed value proposition : Will customers be motivated ? Business managers should be asked , " Okay , let 's pretend I am a prospect in your target market . Tell me in a straightforward manner ... why should I do business with you instead of your competitors ? " If the answer to this question is not compelling , the business needs to rethink its value proposition . The worst case occurs when the business seeks to be distinctive in too many dimensions , e.g. , convenience , service quality , price , and segmentation . This is the state of affairs in most banks that are losing share . More subtle , but also problematic , is deciding that , for example , " We will win with superior service " without defining precisely what aspects of service will be distinctive . This leads to a false sense of consensus that later breaks down as management grapples with a myriad of investment proposals and activities to be approved which all appear consistent with a strategy that is too broad . What is really needed is more precise resolution of whether the service strategy will focus on having fewer errors , showing customers respect , offering superior hours for convenience , being hassle-free and easy to do business with , offering more personalized banking , etc. Once the answer to the " why should I do business with you " question is concise and convincing , then the business team should be asked , " Now tell me how you are going to deliver this extra value to customers and still achieve an attractive return on equity . That is , what will be the behind-the-scenes competencies that will underpin success ? " Present the plan as if to a venture capitalist who is being asked to invest It is essential to achieve clarity and buy-in on the answers to the two fundamental questions noted above during a friendly but rigorous scrutiny of the strategy . If full buy-in is achieved , execution alignment can be accomplished . Even 75 % buy-in will not be enough , as the 25 % outliers will hinder efficient decision-making , delay execution , add complexity , and cause the organization to be more confused than efficient . Buy-in failure essentially guarantees ineffective execution . So , the quality of the answers to these questions is the critical determinant of whether ( i ) the effort is strategic , ( ii ) top management will fund , and ( iii ) the initiatives will lead to focused action . 4 . Talk the talk and walk the walk : Finally , and ideally after they are approved by top management , strategic plans should become the basis for next year's financial plan . Only after the strategic plan has been challenged , refined , and accepted should budget detail for its first year be constructed . Creating the budget at this point is more efficient , as it is now less likely to need revision , and adds value by further validating – or challenging – the near-term aspects of the strategic plan . It is also vital that periodic reviews include a discussion of strategic milestones that are not financial in nature , i.e. , the key initiatives and leading indicators that will drive the financials . More quality thinking ... less make-work Ensuring that these four steps are in place will go a long way toward making a planning process successful . At best-practice institutions , the whole planning process is frequently so well honed that it can start a mere four to five months before the fiscal year-end . Such institutions often start in mid-August , with the initial top-down corporate plan developed in September and the individual business planning cycle running from mid-September to November . Budgets come to their conclusion in early to mid-December . Boards are presented with and asked to approve strategic and financial plans in mid - to late December , and receive the final budget in January . Does this " best practice " approach require more effort ? Certainly it mandates disciplined thinking about your customer needs , your value proposition relative to that of the competition and how you will deliver that value at an attractive return . However , if there is less make-work , the odds of a failed process are dramatically reduced .
George Aplin My name is George Aplin . I 'm 14 years old . I like platform and strategy games . The consoles I prefer are the ' X-box ' and the ' P.C. ' My favourite game is " Crash Bandicoot " because the series includes everything to win the e-games . The skills I can bring to the team are that I 'm good at any game that includes thinking and playing at the same time , plus I spend most of the time on computers . I have beaten everyone who has faced me at any game and I never put down a challenge . I 've been on the school basketball team and came 3rd out of 10 teams . I 'm not in the e-games for the prizes but to face challenging opponents . Ray Moore My name is Ray Moore . I am 15 years old . I go to college on Wednesday afternoons , where I do carpentry and joinery . I like to play sports games and some of my best are " FIFA 2003 " and " Tony Hawk 4 " , that 's the reason why I picked these games . I prefer to play on PS2 than X-box . I like these games because you can not get bored with them . I tend to spend a lot of time on computers . I 've also been in a few football teams . I have got ways to win but I am not saying what they are ! Nick North My name is Nick North . I am 14 years old and my favourite type of games are action games . I prefer ' X-box ' games . My favourite game is " Halo " because there is a lot of different things to do on it . I am good at adapting to different types of games that I play . I normally spend time on my ' X-box ' when I am not going out or when I 'm bored . I have n't played online before and I do n't have any strategies to help my team win yet , but I will probably find one on the way through the League . Derek Papkiewicz My names is Derek Papkiewicz and I am 15 years old . I am from Bigwood School and I joined e-games because I enjoy playing computer games . The games I like are football , racing and fighting games .
The new me is beauty . ( Laughter ) Yeah , people used to say , you know , Norman's OK , but if you followed what he said , everything would be usable but it would be ugly . Well , I did n't have that in mind , so ... This is neat . Thank you for setting up my display . I mean , it 's just wonderful . And I have n ' t the slightest idea what it does or what it 's good for , but I want it . And that 's my new life . My new life is trying to understand what beauty is about , and pretty , and emotions . The new me is all about making things kind of neat and fun . And so this is a Philippe Starck juicer , produced by Alessi . It 's so much fun I have it in my house , but I have it in the entryway , I do n't use it to make juice . ( Laughter ) In fact , I bought the gold-plated special edition and it comes with a little slip of paper that says , " Do n't use this juicer to make juice . The acid will ruin the gold-plating . " ( Laughter ) So actually , I took a carton of orange juice and I poured it in the glass to take this picture . ( Laughter ) But , beneath it is a wonderful knife . It 's a Global cutting knife made in Japan . First of all , look at the shape , it 's just wonderful to look at . Second of all , it 's really beautiful balanced it holds -- feels well . And third of all , it 's so sharp , it just cuts . It 's a delight to use . And so , it 's got everything , right ? It 's beautiful and it 's functional . And I can tell you stories about it , which makes it reflective , and so you 'll see I have a theory of emotion . And those are the three components . Hiroshi Ishii and his group at the MIT Media Lab took a ping-pong table and a projector above it , and on the ping-pong table they projected an image of water and fish swimming in it . And as you play ping-pong , whenever the ball hits part of the table the ripples spread out and the fish run away . But of course , then the ball hits the other side , ripples hit the -- poor fish , they ca n ' t find any peace and quiet . ( Laughter ) And , is that a good way to play ping-pong ? No. But is it fun ? Yeah ! Yeah . So -- or look at Google . If you type in , oh say , " emotion and design " you get 10 pages of results . So Google just took their logo and they spread it out . Instead of saying " You got 73,000 results . This one through 20 . Next , " they just give you as many O 's as there are pages . It 's really simple and subtle . I bet a lot of you have seen it and never noticed it . That 's the subconscious mind that sort of notices it , it probably is kind of pleasant and you did n't know why . And it 's just clever . And of course , what 's especially good , if you type " design and emotion , " the first response out of those 10 pages is my website . ( Laughter ) Now , the weird thing is Google lies because if I type " design and emotion , " it says , " You do n't need the ' and . ' We do it anyway . " So , OK . So I type " design emotion " and my website was n ' t first again . It was third . Oh well , different story . There was this wonderful review in The New York Times about the MINI Cooper automobile . It said , " You know , this is a car that has lots of faults . Buy it anyway . It 's so much fun to drive . " And if you look at the inside of the car -- I mean , I wanted to see , I rented it , this is me taking a picture while my son is driving -- and the inside of the car , the whole design is fun . It 's round , it 's neat . The controls work wonderfully . So that 's my new life , it 's all about fun . I really have the feeling that pleasant things work better , and that never made any sense to me until I finally figured out , look ... I 'm going to put a plank on the ground . So , imagine I have a plank about two feet wide and 30 feet long and I 'm going to walk on it , and you see I can walk on it without looking , I can go back and forth and I can jump up and down . No problem . Now I 'm going to put the plank 300 feet in the air and I 'm not going to go near it , thank you . Intense fear paralyzes you . It actually affects the way the brain works . So , Paul Saffo , just before his talk said that he did n't really have it down until just a few days or hours before the talk , and that anxiety was really helpful in causing him to focus And that 's what fear and anxiety does It causes you to be -- what 's called depth-first processing -- to focus , not be distracted , and I could n ' t force myself across that . Now some people can -- circus workers , steel workers . But it really changes the way you think . And then , a psychologist , Alice Isen , did this wonderful experiment . She brought students in to solve problems So , she 'd bring people into the room , there 'd be a string hanging down here and a string hanging down here and an empty room , except a table with a bunch of crap on it -- some papers and scissors and stuff . And she 'd bring them in , and she 'd say , " This is an IQ test and it determines how well you do in life . Would you tie those two strings together ? " So they 'd take one string and they 'd pull it over here and they could n ' t reach the other string . Still ca n ' t reach it . And , basically none of them could solve it . You bring in a second group of people , and you say , " Oh , before we start , I got this box of candy , and I do n't eat candy . Would you like the box of candy ? " And turns out they liked it , and it made them happy , not very happy , but a little bit of happy . And guess what -- they solved the problem . And it turns out that when you 're anxious you squirt neural transmitters in the brain , which focuses you makes you depth-first , And when you 're happy -- what we call positive valence -- you squirt dopamine into the prefrontal lobes , which makes you a breadth-first problem solver you 're more susceptible to interruption , you do out of the box thinking . That 's what brainstorming 's about , right ? With brainstorming we make you happy , we play games , and we say , " No criticism , " and you get all these weird , neat ideas . But in fact , if that 's how you always were you 'd never get any work done because you 'd be working along and say , " Oh , I got a new way of doing it . " So to get work done , you 've got to set a deadline , right ? You 've got be anxious . So the brain works differently and if you 're happy , things work better because you 're more creative You get a little problem , you say , " Ah , I 'll figure it out . " No big deal . There 's something I call the visceral level of processing . Biology -- we have co-adapted through biology to like bright colors . That 's especially good that mammals and primates like fruits and bright plants , because you eat the fruit and you thereby spread the seed . There 's an amazing amount of stuff that 's built into the brain . We dislike bitter tastes , we dislike loud sounds , we dislike hot temperatures , cold temperatures . We dislike scolding voices , we dislike frowning faces , We like symmetrical faces , et cetera , et cetera . So that 's the visceral level and in design you can express visceral in lots of ways , like the choice of type fonts and the red for hot , exciting . Or the 1963 Jaguar . It 's actually a crummy car , falls apart all the time , but the owners love it . And it 's beautiful -- it 's in the Museum of Modern Art . A water bottle . You buy it because of the bottle , not because of the water . And when people are finished , they do n't throw it away they keep it for -- you know , it 's like the old wine bottles , you keep it for decoration or maybe fill it with water again , which proves it 's not the water . It 's all about the visceral experience . The middle level of processing is the behavioral level and that 's actually where most of our stuff gets done . Visceral is subconscious , you 're unaware of it Behavioral is subconscious , you 're unaware of it . Almost everything we do is subconscious . I 'm walking around the stage , I 'm not attending to the control of my legs . I 'm doing a lot , most of my talk is subconscious , it 's been rehearsed and thought about a lot . Most of what we do is subconscious . Automatic behavior -- skilled behavior is subconscious , controlled by the behavioral side . And behavioral design is all about feeling in control , which includes usability , understanding , but also the feel and heft . That 's why the Global knives are so neat . They 're so nicely balanced , so sharp , you really feel you 're in control of the cutting . Or just driving a high-performance sports car over a demanding curb , again feeling that you are in complete control of the environment . Or the sensual feeling . This is a Kohler shower , a waterfall shower , and actually , all those knobs beneath are also shower heads . It will squirt you all around And you can stay in that shower for hours . And not waste water , by the way , it recirculates the same dirty water . ( Laughter ) Or this -- this is a really neat teapot I found at high tea at The Four Seasons Hotel in Chicago . It 's a Ronnefeldt tilting teapot . That 's kind of what the teapot looks like but the way you use it is you lay it on its back , and you put tea in , and then you fill it with water because water then seeps over the tea . And the tea is sitting in this stuff to the right -- the tea is to the right of this line . There 's a little ledge inside , so the tea is sitting there and the water is filling it up like that . And when the tea is ready , or almost ready , you tilt it . And that means the tea is partially covered while it completes the brewing . And when it 's finished , you put it vertically , and now the tea is -- you remember -- above this line and the water only comes to here and so it keeps the tea out And on top of that , it communicates , which is what emotion does . Emotion is all about acting , emotion is really about acting . It 's being safe in the world . Cognition is about understanding the world , emotion is about interpreting it saying good , bad , safe , dangerous , and getting us ready to act , which is why the muscles tense or relax . And that 's why we can tell the emotion of somebody else , because their muscles are acting , subconsciously , except that we 've evolved to make the facial muscles really rich with emotion . Well , this has emotions if you like , because it signals the waiter that , " Hey , I 'm finished . See -- upright . " And the waiter can come by and say , " Would you like more water ? " It 's kind of neat . What a wonderful design . And the third level is reflective , which is , if you like the superego , it 's a little part of the brain that has no control over what you do , no control over the -- does n ' t see the senses , does n ' t control the muscles . It looks over what 's going on . It 's that little voice in your head . that 's watching and saying , " That 's good . That 's bad . " or " Why are you doing that ? I do n't understand . " It 's that little voice in your head that 's the seat of consciousness . Here 's a great reflective product . Owners of the Hummer have said , " You know I 've owned many cars in my life all sorts of exotic cars , but never have I had a car that attracted so much attention . " It 's about their image , it 's not about the car . But even if you want a more positive model , this is the GM car . And the reason you might buy it now is because you care about the environment And you 'll buy it to protect the environment , even though the first few cars are going to be really expensive and not perfected . But that 's reflective design as well . Or an expensive watch so you can impress people , who say " Oh gee , I did n't know you had that watch . " As opposed to this one , which is a pure behavioral watch , which probably keeps better time than the 13,000 dollar watch I just showed you . But it 's ugly . This is a clear Don Norman watch . And what 's neat is sometimes you pit one emotion against the other , the visceral fear of falling against the reflective state saying " It 's OK . It 's OK . It 's safe . It 's safe . " If that amusement park were rusty and falling apart , you 'd never go on the ride . So , it 's pitting one against the other . The other neat thing ( Laughter ) So Jake Cress is this furniture maker , and he makes this unbelievable set of furniture . And this is his chair with claw , and the poor little chair has lost its ball and it 's trying to get it back before anybody notices . And what 's so neat about it is how you accept that story . And that 's what 's nice about emotion . So that 's the new me . I 'm only saying positive things from now on . ( Laughter ) ( Applause ) </content
Chapter 3 TouchFLOTM 3D 3.1 Using the TouchFLO 3D Home Screen TouchFLOTM 3D gives you touch control over your Windows Mobile-powered device . TouchFLO 3D provides a Home screen that allows finger-touch access to the most widely-used functions , such as People , Messages , Mail , Music , and Internet . The TouchFLO 3D Home screen has the following tabs : Home Music Messages Calendar Stock Settings People Mail Internet Photos and Videos Weather Displaying the TouchFLO 3D Home screen in landscape view The TouchFLO 3D Home screen tabs are always shown at the bottom of the screen when the Home screen is in portrait view . When you slide out the hardware keyboard , the Home screen automatically changes to landscape view and temporarily hides the tabs . Touch the Expand button ( ) at the bottom left side of the Home screen to display the tabs . 68 TouchFLOTM 3D Expand button Switching between the tabs of the Home screen To switch between the tabs , you can do any of the following : • • Touch or tap the desired tab . Press and hold your finger on the active tab , and then slide your finger right or left over the tabs . Release when you have selected the desired tab . TouchFLOTM 3D 69 • Swipe left across the screen to move to the next tab , and swipe right across the screen to move to the previous tab . • Tip When using the hardware keyboard , press the right key to move to the next tab , and press the left key to move to the previous tab . While on any other TouchFLO 3D tab , press the END key to return to the Home tab . Customizing the Home screen tabs You can move or hide the tabs on the Home screen , except for the Home tab . The Settings tab can not be disabled and hidden also from the Home screen . 1 . On the Home screen , slide your finger to the Settings tab , and then touch Customize Tabs . 2 . To move a tab , touch and hold the icon before the tab name , and then drag it up or down the tabs list . Release the icon when you reach the desired location . 3 . To hide a tab , clear the check box at the right of the tab name . 4 . Touch Done . 70 TouchFLOTM 3D 3.2 Home The Home tab displays the current date , a flip-style clock , and an alarm icon that indicates whether the alarm is on or off . Missed calls and your upcoming calendar appointments are also shown on the Home tab . Open the Call History tab of the People screen and view the missed call information . Touch the clock to open the World Clock and change the date , time , and alarm clock settings . Swipe upward on the screen to display a smaller digital clock and view more appointments . To change back to the flip clock , swipe downward on the screen . Open the appointment details screen where you can view , edit , or delete the appointment . World Clock On the Home tab , tap the clock to open the World Clock tab ( ) and view the date and time . You can add , remove , or rearrange cities on the World Clock tab . Tip The World Clock tab can have up to 10 cities . TouchFLOTM 3D 71 Add another city . The date and time in selected cities . This is your local time . To change the local time to another city , select the button before the city name . Return to the Home tab . Remove or rearrange the cities , or adjust the local time . To change your local time , date and time zone 1 . On the World Clock tab , touch Menu > Local Time Settings . 2 . Adjust the time ( hour and minutes ) by tapping the up or down arrow buttons . 3 . Touch Date , select the date , year , and month , and then touch Select . 4 . Touch City . The Select Country screen then appears . 5 . Flick your finger on the screen or use the Quick Scroll bar on the right of the screen to scroll through the country list . Touch the desired country to select it . 6 . The Select City screen then appears . Flick your finger on the screen or use the Quick Scroll bar on the right of the screen to scroll through the city list . Touch the desired city to set your time zone . Tip You can also slowly scroll through the country or city list by dragging your finger upward on the screen , or enter the country or city name in the search box . 7 . Tap Done . Note When you synchronize your device with your computer , the time on your device is updated with the time on your computer . 72 TouchFLOTM 3D Alarm Clock On the Home tab , tap the clock , and then touch the Alarm Clock tab ( open the Alarm Clock screen . You can set up to three alarms on this tab . Touch an alarm time to open the Set Alarm screen and set the time and days when to sound the alarm clock . ) to Touch the OFF / ON slider to turn an alarm on or off . To set an alarm 1 . On the Alarm Clock screen , touch an alarm time . 2 . On the Set Alarm screen , adjust the alarm time ( hour and minutes ) , then tap the day of the week for the alarm . Tip Select multiple days by tapping each desired day . Tap a selected day to exclude it from the alarm . 3 . Enter the alarm description , select the alarm ring tone , then choose whether you want the device to vibrate when the alarm goes off . 4 . Tap Done . 5 . On the Alarm Clock screen , tap the OFF / ON slider to turn on the alarm . Note When an alarm goes off , you have the choice to Snooze or Dismiss the alarm . When you select Snooze , the alarm will sound again after 5 minutes . TouchFLOTM 3D 73 3.3 People On the People tab , you can add favorite contacts and quickly make calls or send text and e-mail messages to these contacts . From the People tab , you can also set up your own contact card , create new contacts , and easily view exchanged text , multimedia and e-mail messages with a contact . If contacts have their own Facebook account , you can view their Facebook updates and events right from the People tab . Note You need an active data or wireless network connection to the Internet to link to Facebook . See Chapter 8 for details on how to connect to the Internet . Setting up My Contact Card My Contact Card automatically opens the first time that you access the People tab . You can enter and save your contact information on My Contact Card so you can easily share and send it to your contacts . If you have a Facebook account , you can also sync your Facebook profile with My Contact Card so you can receive instant notifications everytime you or your Facebook friends change profiles or post events . 1 . On the Home screen , slide your finger to the People tab . 2 . When the My Contact Card screen appears , tap Next . Note Tap Skip if you prefer to set up My Contact Card later . You can open My Contact Card from the Settings tab of the TouchFLO 3D Home screen , or from the All tab of the People screen . See " To view and search contacts on your device " and " Settings " for details . 3 . On the subsequent screen , choose how to add your photo to your contact card . You can use the Camera to take your photo , select a stored photo from your device or storage card , or if you have a Facebook account , login to your account and sync with your Facebook profile . Note When the Link Profile window opens , select or clear the Facebook information that you want to link , and then tap Done . 74 TouchFLOTM 3D 4 . On the Detail Information screen , enter your information in the fields provided . You can scroll down the screen to view more fields . 5 . When finished entering information , tap Next , and then tap Done on the subsequent screen to return to the People tab . Working with favorite contacts You need to have contacts already stored on your device before you can add them as favorite contacts on the People tab . If there are no existing contacts , create them first on your device . To create a new contact 1 . On the People tab , touch All People . 2 . The People screen then opens and displays the All tab ( create a new contact . ) . Touch New to 3 . Enter the contact information in the fields provided and then tap Done or OK . Add the contact's photo . You can link to the contact's Facebook photo , select an existing photo in Album , or open Camera and take a photo of the contact . Touch a field to start entering information . Add another phone number . Save the contact . TouchFLOTM 3D 75 Tips • To link with the contact's Facebook account , scroll down the New Contact Card screen and then tap Link in the Facebook section . For more information about Facebook , see " Facebook updates and events " in this chapter . • Tap More at the bottom of the New Contact Card screen to enter additional contact information from Windows Mobile's Contacts program . See " Contacts " in Chapter 12 for details . To add favorite contacts You can add up to 15 favorite contacts on the People tab . Note SIM contacts can not be added as favorite contacts . 1 . On the People tab , touch one of the plus ( + ) icons , or touch Add Favorite . 2 . On the Select a Contact screen , touch the name of the desired contact . Tip To create a new contact , touch New on top of the list . 3 . Select a phone number or e-mail address to associate to the favorite contact . Note If there is no picture associated with the contact , the Album program opens and lets you take a photo of the contact or select an existing contact photo . For more information about Album , see Chapter 11 . 4 . To add another favorite contact , touch the small plus icon ( ) at the right side of the screen and repeat steps 2 and 3 . 76 TouchFLOTM 3D To find a favorite contact Do any of the following : • • To flip through the contact pictures one at a time , swipe your finger upward or downward the screen . On the picture strip at the right side of the People tab : • • Touch the picture of the desired favorite contact ; or Press and hold on the currently selected contact picture at the right side of the screen , and then slide upward or downward the picture strip until the desired favorite contact is selected . Swiping upward / downward on the screen Tip Using the picture strip To remove the current favorite contact , touch Menu > Remove Favorite . TouchFLOTM 3D 77 To communicate with your favorite contact After selecting a favorite contact , do any of the following to communicate with that contact : • Touch the contact's name , phone number , or e-mail address below the contact picture to call or send an e-mail message . For more information about making a call or composing and sending an e-mail message , see Chapter 2 and Chapter 6 . Touch an icon below the contact name to communicate with the contact . Call the contact's mobile phone . Call the contact's work / office phone . Call the contact's home phone . Compose and send an e-mail message . Compose and send a text message . • The icons shown depend on available contact information . For example , ( ) is shown if the contact information includes a home phone . • Touch the picture of the favorite contact on the center screen to open the Contact Details screen , and then choose how to communicate with the contact . See " The Contact Details screen " in this chapter for details . 78 TouchFLOTM 3D The People screen Touch All People on the People tab to display the People screen where you can view and manage all your contacts . The People screen has these tabs : All , Favorites , Updates and Events , and Call History . All Call History Favorites Updates and Events Note The way to switch between tabs on the People screen is just the same as the way you switch tabs on the main Home screen . See " Switching between the tabs of the Home screen " earlier in this chapter . Functions Lists all contacts on your device and on the SIM card . This tab lets you create , delete , or edit a contact , or save a contact to your SIM card using SIM Manager . Touch a contact to open the Contact Details screen . You can also use this tab to open or update My Contact Card . Tip If you imported SIM contacts to your device and duplicated contacts are displayed , tap Menu > View > Contacts to filter and display only contacts stored on your device . Shows the favorite contacts that you have added to the People tab . You can also add favorite contacts through this tab . Displays notifications when there are updates that occurred in Facebook . This tab also shows events of your stored contacts . See " Facebook updates and events " in this chapter for details . Lists all your dialed numbers , and received and missed calls . See " Using Call History " in Chapter 2 . Tab All Favorites Updates and Events Call History TouchFLOTM 3D 79 To view and search contacts on your device On the People screen , touch the All tab to view all your contacts . Swipe upward or downward on the screen to scroll through your contacts . You can also use the search box or the Quick Scroll bar to search for contacts on your device . Tap to send your contact information as an attachment in a multimedia message . Show or hide the search box . Use the search box to search contacts on your device . Create a new contact . Touch to edit or update My Contact Card SIM card contact Touch to open the Contact Details screen . This icon appears when : • You receive a new text or e-mail message , or when you miss a call from the contact . Quick Scroll bar . Touch and hold , and then slide your finger downward . The Facebook status appears when you link the contact to his or her Facebook account . Add a new contact , delete contacts , filter • The contact has updated the contacts list , and more . Facebook profile or added Return to the People tab . events in Facebook . Note When you slide open the hardware keyboard and the screen switches to landscape view , the All tab automatically displays the search box . You can use the hardware keyboard to enter and search for a contact . 80 TouchFLOTM 3D The Contact Details screen When you touch a contact name in the All tab of the People screen or touch the picture of a favorite contact in the center screen of the People tab , the Contact Details screen opens . From this screen , you can view the contact's details , exchange of messages and calls with the contact , and more . The Contact Details screen has these tabs : Details , Messages , Email , Updates and Events , and Call History . Details Email Call History Messages Updates and Events Note The way to switch between tabs on the Contact Details screen is just the same as the way you switch tabs on the main Home screen . See " Switching between the tabs of the Home screen " earlier in this chapter . Tab Details Functions Shows a contact's details . From this tab , you can call or send a text or e-mail message to the contact , edit or delete the contact information , or save the contact to your SIM card . Messages Displays exchanged text and multimedia messages with the contact . You can also reply with a text message directly on this tab . Email Displays all received e-mail messages from the contact . Updates and Events Displays notifications when the contact has updates on his or her Facebook account . This tab also shows events of the contact . See " Facebook updates and events " in this chapter for details . Call History Lists all your incoming , outgoing , and missed calls to and from the contact . This tab also lets you call the contact . See " Using Call History " in Chapter 2 for details . TouchFLOTM 3D 81 Facebook updates and events If you and your stored contacts have Facebook accounts and you linked to Facebook when you were creating My Contact Card , you can easily check which of your contacts have updates that occurred in Facebook . The types of Facebook updates include changes in profile information and status as well as new photos added to the Facebook album . You can also easily check which contacts have events that occur on the current day . The types of events include the birthday and anniversary , if specified and stored on the contact details , as well as events that are created in Facebook . To check which contacts have Facebook updates and events You can check for Facebook updates and events of contacts from one convenient location , which is on the Updates and Events tab of the People screen . 1 . On the Home screen , slide to the People tab and then tap All People . 2 . Tap the Updates and Events tab ( ) . 3 . If you have n't linked your stored contacts to Facebook , the Updates and Events tab will show a Link Profiles option . Tap this option , choose which contacts you want to link to Facebook , and then tap Next . On the Link Profiles window , select or clear the Facebook information that you want to link , and then tap Done . 4 . In the Updates list , when you tap a contact who has only one type of Facebook update , Opera Mobile opens and brings you to your Facebook site where you can view details of the contact's Facebook update . When you tap a contact who has multiple Facebook updates , the Contact Details screen opens and displays the Updates and Events tab of this contact . See " To check a single contact's Facebook updates and events " for details . 5 . In the Events list , tap a contact to send a greeting via a text message to the contact or view the contact details . If an event is a Facebook event , tap it to open Opera Mobile and view information about that event . 82 TouchFLOTM 3D Indicates that you have an invitation for an event in Facebook . Tap Me to open Opera Mobile and access your Facebook site so you can choose to accept or decline the invitation . Displays you and the contacts who have updates in Facebook . Lists contacts who have events on the current day . Notes • To manually refresh and display the latest Facebook updates , tap Menu > Update Now . • To enable the Facebook updates to be refreshed automatically , tap Menu > Data Connection Setting and then select the Download data automatically . The refresh is not instant . Your device checks from Facebook in a fixed time period . To check a single contact's Facebook updates and events To check only for a single contact's Facebook updates and his or her events , access the Updates and Events tab from the Contact Details screen . 1 . On the Home screen , slide to the People tab and then tap All People to open the People screen . 2 . Tap a contact to open the Contact Details screen . 3 . Tap the Updates and Events tab ( ) . 4 . In the Updates list , tap a Facebook update to Opera Mobile and view details of that update . TouchFLOTM 3D 83 5 . In the Events list , tap an event to send a greeting via a text message to the contact or view the contact details . If it is a Facebook event , tap it to access your Facebook site and view information about that event . To change your status in Facebook You can change your status in Facebook directly from your own contact card . 1 . On the All tab of the People screen , tap Me to open your contact card . 2 . Scroll to the bottom of the screen and then tap the button that displays your status . 3 . Enter your new status and then tap OK . To log out from Facebook To log out from your Facebook account , open My Contact Card , scroll to the bottom of the screen , and then tap the message that says " Tap to logout " . 84 TouchFLOTM 3D To connect back to Facebook Do one of the following : • • • Open My Contact Card , scroll to the bottom of the screen , and then tap the message that says " Login to my facebook " . On the Updates and Events tab of the People screen , tap Link . On the Updates and Events tab of a single contact , tap Link Profiles . On the Facebook Login screen , enter the e-mail address and password that you use for your Facebook account . 3.4 Messages On the Messages tab , you can read text messages ( SMS ) as they arrive , and create a new text message . Touch the message to open the Messages tab of the Contact Details screen and view all received messages from the contact . Shows the number of unread text messages . Access all text messages in your inbox and other folders . Create a new text message . To flip through received text messages , swipe your finger upward / downward on the screen . Reply to the current message , delete the current message , and more . TouchFLOTM 3D 85 For more information about working with text messages , see " Text Messages " in Chapter 6 . Making calls or sending e-mail directly from a text message While reading a text message on the Messages tab , you can directly call the sender of the text message . When you have opened a received text message , you can place a call to the phone number or send e-mail to the e-mail address that is contained in the message . For more information about directly making calls and sending e-mail while viewing text messages , see Chapter 6 . 3.5 Mail The Mail tab is where you send and receive e-mail messages . Adding an Internet e-mail account On the Mail tab , use Mail Setup to easily add web-based e-mail accounts such as Yahoo ! Mail Plus , AOL , and more . 1 . On the Home screen , slide to the Mail tab . 2 . Touch New Account at the bottom-right of the screen . The Mail Setup screen appears . 3 . Enter your e-mail address and password , then tap Next . 4 . Enter your name and the account display name , then tap Next . Mail Setup then searches for the e-mail provider settings on your device . If the settings are not found on your device , you will be prompted to enter the e-mail account settings manually . Obtain the e-mail account settings from your e-mail provider . 86 TouchFLOTM 3D 5 . Tap the Automatic Send / Receive time , and then choose how frequent you want e-mail messages to be automatically sent and downloaded on your device . 6 . Select or clear an advanced setting according to your preference , and then tap Done . For more information about specifying e-mail server settings , creating and sending e-mail messages , and customizing e-mail settings , see " E-mail " in Chapter 6 . Adding an Outlook e-mail account You can also set up and add an Outlook e-mail account on the Mail tab and view the same e-mail messages that you receive in Outlook on your computer or on the Exchange Server . Before you add an Outlook e-mail account , obtain the Exchange Server name , domain name , user name , and password from your network administrator . 1 . On the Home screen , slide to the Mail tab . 2 . Touch New Account at the bottom-right of the screen . Note If you have previously added an e-mail account on the Mail tab , touch Menu > Account > New Account . 3 . On the Mail Setup screen , enter your e-mail address and password , select Exchange Email ( Outlook ) , and then tap Next . 4 . Enter the domain name and server address , select the This server requires an encrypted ( SSL ) connection option , if needed , and then tap Next . 5 . Clear the data that you want to exclude from synchronization , and then tap Done . Your device synchronizes with the Exchange Server and downloads your Outlook e-mail messages . Note If you include all Outlook data , your Outlook contacts , appointments , and tasks will also synchronize with your device . For more information about working with company e-mail , see Chapter 7 . TouchFLOTM 3D 87 Checking and reading e-mail messages The icon on the Mail tab and the respective icons of your e-mail accounts show the number of newly received or unread e-mail messages . Select an e-mail account and then swipe your finger up or down on the center screen to browse through received e-mail messages . • To browse through received e-mail messages , swipe up or down on the envelope image . • Touch the e-mail on the screen to open and read the message . Access all e-mail messages of the currently selected account . After selecting an e-mail account , touch this icon to create and send a new e-mail message . To select an e-mail account : • Touch an e-mail account icon to view the e-mail messages in that account . Or , • Touch and hold the icon of the e-mail account that is currently displayed , then slide upward or downward until the desired e-mail account is selected . Create a new e-mail , add another e-mail account , send and receive e-mails , and more . For more information about creating and sending e-mail messages , see Chapters 6 and 7 . Making calls directly from an e-mail message You can directly call the sender of the e-mail message that is currently shown on the Mail tab . When you have opened a received e-mail message , you can place a voice call or conference call to the other recipients of the e-mail . For more information about directly making voice calls and and conference calls while viewing e-mail messages , see Chapters 2 and 6 . 88 TouchFLOTM 3D 3.6 Calendar The Calendar tab displays a monthly calendar and allows you to quickly create and view appointments . Indicates that you have appointments for that date . Today's date . Touch a date to view or create appointments for that date . Switch to Day view so you can view or create appointments for the current day . To go to the next or previous month , swipe your finger upward / downward or touch the Up / Down arrow on the screen . From the menu , choose to create a new appointment for the current date , or go to the current date if it is not displayed on the screen . To create an appointment 1 . On the Home screen , slide your finger to the Calendar tab . 2 . If you are creating an appointment for the current date , touch Menu > New . Otherwise , touch another date on the calendar , and then touch New Appointment . 3 . Enter a name for the appointment , then specify the location . 4 . If there is a time frame for the appointment , set the start and end dates and times . If it is a special occasion such as a birthday or a whole-day event , set the All Day option to Yes . 5 . When finished , tap OK to return to the Calendar tab . TouchFLOTM 3D 89 To view and manage your appointments On the Calendar tab , dates with appointments are indicated by a triangle ( the upper-right corner of the date box . 1 . Touch a date on the calendar to switch to Day view . The screen displays all your appointments and the weather information for that day . Note The weather information appears only if you have set your local time to a city on the World Clock tab , and if the appointment date is within the 5-day forecast on the Weather tab . See " Home " and " Weather " in this chapter for details . ) at 2 . Touch an appointment to view its details . On the appointment details screen , touch Menu to edit , send , or delete the appointment . 3 . Touch OK to return to Day view . Tip Your upcoming appointments also appear on the Home tab . To use Windows Mobile Calendar You can also use the Windows Mobile Calendar program to create , view , and send appointments . To open the Calendar program , tap Start > All Programs > Calendar . For more information about using Windows Mobile Calendar , refer to the " Help & How-To " topics on the Windows Mobile web site . 90 TouchFLOTM 3D 3.7 Internet On the Internet tab , you can open Opera MobileTM to browse the web , search information , and add push web pages . This tab also lets you enable Push Internet to update the contents of your push web pages before you browse them . Enter the information you want to search on the web , and tap . Browse the web using Opera Mobile . Add a push web page . View your web favorites ( bookmarks ) . Swipe upward to scroll down the screen and access more web favorites , if any . Remove a push web page , adjust the auto-update time for your push web pages and bookmarks , and more . To add a push web page You can add push web pages on the Internet tab for quick access . 1 . On the Home screen , slide your finger to the Internet tab . 2 . Tap Add a new push page . On the New Push Page screen , enter the push web page title and address ( URL ) , and then select the auto update time under Frequency . Tip You can also select a bookmark , and add it as a push web page . 3 . Tap Save . TouchFLOTM 3D 91 To automatically update your push web pages Automatically update your push web pages to ensure that you browse the latest versions of your favorite web sites every time you access them from the Internet tab . The updated web sites are cached in the device memory so that they load faster in Opera Mobile . 1 . On the Internet tab , touch Menu > Schedule Settings . 2 . In the Day and Time section , select the day or days you want to auto update your push web pages , and then specify the update time . 3 . Scroll down the screen to the Frequency section , then touch the update time below each of your push web pages to set the time interval for automatic updates . 4 . Tap Done to return to the Internet tab . To configure Push Internet settings 1 . On the Internet tab , touch Menu > Data Settings . 2 . Touch the OFF / ON slider to enable or disable the following options : • Push Internet . Enable ( default ) or disable Push Internet . • Roaming . Enable this option if you want to update your push web pages and bookmarks even when you are roaming . Enabling this option may incur additional data charges . This option is disabled by default . 92 TouchFLOTM 3D 3.8 Stock The Stock tab allows you to add , view , and analyze stocks and stock market movements using updated financial information . You can add up to 14 stock quotes or stock market indexes on the Stock tab . Note Downloading stock or stock market information may incur additional fees from your wireless service provider . Contact your service provider for details . To add a stock or stock market quote 1 . On the Home screen , slide your finger to the Stock tab , and then touch Add Stock . Note If the Stock tab is not empty , touch Menu > Add Stock to add another stock quote or stock market index . 2 . On the Add Stock screen , enter the company name , stock market index , or ticker symbol in the search box , and then tap . Search the company or stock market . Add the stock / stock market to the Stock tab . Enter the company / stock market name or ticker symbol . Return to the Stock tab . Swipe upward to scroll down the screen and access more search results . 3 . Tap the company name , stock market index , or ticker symbol to display it on the Stock tab . TouchFLOTM 3D 93 4 . To add another stock quote or stock market index , touch Menu > Add Stock on the Stock tab , then repeat steps 2 to 4 . To view stock quotes or stock market indexes The Stock tab lists all your stock quotes and stock market indexes including the current price or volume , and the change in price or volume from the previous trading day . The change in price or volume box indicates whether the stock or stock market has gained ( green ) or declined ( red ) . Open the Stock Details screen . Current trading price or volume Toggle between showing the change in points / price or percentage from the previous trading day . Touch the stock quote or stock market index name to view its intraday chart and other details . Touch to open the Stock Details screen . Shows the last time you updated the information . To view more stock quotes or stock market indexes , swipe your finger upward on the screen . Add , delete , or rearrange the stocks and stock market indexes . Return to the Stock tab . Download the latest stock / stock market information . 94 TouchFLOTM 3D To set the stock or stock market information download 1 . On the Stock tab , touch Menu > Settings . 2 . You can choose from the following download options : • Download data automatically . When selected , stock and / or stock market index data is automatically downloaded from the Yahoo ! Finance web site at the interval you specified . You can also update information every time an ActiveSync connection is established . Clear this option if you prefer to manually download stock and / or stock market index information . • Download data when roaming . Select this option only if you want to automatically download stock and / or stock market index information when roaming . This may incur additional data charges . TouchFLOTM 3D 95 3.9 Photos and Videos The Photos and Videos tab lets you flip through your photos and video clips and view them in full screen . From this tab , you can also open Camera and capture pictures and record videos . Capture a photo . Touch the photo or video to view or play it in full screen . Record a video . To flip through photos and videos , swipe upward / downward on the screen . Open Album . ( See " Viewing Photos and Videos Using Album " in Chapter 11 for details . ) View the photos as a slideshow . If a video is selected , touch Play . The Photos and Videos tab displays pictures and video files from the current favorite album . By default , the Camera Shots album is set as the favorite album . This album stores the pictures and videos you captured using the device camera . 96 TouchFLOTM 3D To set an album as a Favorite 1 . On the Photos and Videos tab , touch Album . 2 . Touch Albums and then select one of the listed favorite albums . 3 . Tap Menu > Set Album as Favorite and then tap OK on the confirmation screen . Tips • For more information about viewing in full screen , see " Viewing photos " and " Playing videos " in Chapter 11 . The file formats that can be viewed on the Photos and Videos tab are the same as in Album . • To transfer media files from a computer and view them on the Photos and Videos tab , copy or synchronize them to a folder under \ My Device ( the device memory ) or \ Storage Card ( if a microSD card is installed ) . TouchFLOTM 3D 97 3.10 Music The Music tab allows you to visually browse through albums and music tracks and play music . The albums and music tracks that you see on the Music tab are from the Now Playing list of the Library . Go to the previous album or the previous track in the current album . Swipe upward / downward on the screen to flip through albums or tracks in an album . Play or pause . Go to the next album or the next track in the current album . Set music playback to Repeat , turn Shuffle on or off , and more . Access the Library . Note Your device searches for all supported music files from the following locations : Device : \ My Music ( including all subfolders ) \ My Documents ( including all subfolders ) Storage Card : \ Storage Card ( including all subfolders ) For information about supported music file formats , see " Specifications " in the Appendix . To play music On the Music tab , flip through albums and tracks to find the music you want to start listening to , and then touch the Play icon . 98 TouchFLOTM 3D To move forward or backward in the current music track Touch and hold on the thin bar below the album art to display the progress bar : Drag your finger right or left on the progress bar to move forward or backward in the current track . To set repeat and shuffle modes Touch Menu > Repeat and choose whether to repeat the current track , repeat all tracks in the current album or playlist , or not to repeat . To turn shuffle mode on or off , touch Menu > Shuffle and then select Shuffle On or Shuffle Off . The icons on the upper-right side of the Music tab show whether repeat and shuffle modes are enabled . Repeat [ One ] Repeat [ All ] Shuffle [ On ] To browse and play music in the Library The Library organizes music into categories , such as Now Playing , Artists , Albums , Genres , and All Songs . When you add more albums or music tracks to your device , go to the Library to locate and play the new albums or music tracks . 1 . On the Music tab , touch Library to open the Library screen . 2 . The tabs at the bottom of the Library screen correspond to the different categories . To browse music under a certain category , slide to the tab that corresponds to the desired category . 3 . Keep tapping an item on a category tab ( for example , an artist ) until the music tracks display on the screen . 4 . Tap a music track to play it . Note When you select a category in the Library such as Artists and play its music , the Now Playing list will be replaced with the music tracks from that category . TouchFLOTM 3D 99 To create and use a playlist 1 . Select the desired music on the Music tab or the Library to play it . 2 . On the Music tab , touch Menu > Add to Playlist . 3 . Touch Create new playlist , enter the Playlist Name and then touch OK . 4 . Touch Library , slide to the Playlists tab , then touch a playlist to open it . 5 . Touch the plus icon , or touch Menu > Add Songs , then slide to the All Songs tab . 6 . Select the check boxes of the music tracks you want to add to the playlist , or touch Menu > Select All to choose all tracks . 7 . Touch OK to add the tracks to the playlist . 8 . When finished adding songs , touch Back to return to the Playlists tab . 9 . On the Playlists tab , touch a playlist to open it . 10 . Touch the first track in the playlist to play it on the Music tab . After each track , the next one in the playlist will be played . Note Playlists are not automatically updated when music files have been deleted from the device memory or storage card . There are two types of playlists that can be shown on the Playlists tab : • • Custom playlists ( ) that are created on the Music tab . Windows Media ® Player playlists ( ) that are in Windows Media ® Player Mobile's Library ( which is synchronized with Windows Media ® Player on your computer ) . These playlists can not be edited . Note If a Windows Media ® Player playlist contains a combination of music , video and image files , only music files in the playlist are synchronized to your device and other media types are filtered out . 100 TouchFLOTM 3D 3.11 Weather The Weather tab shows you the current weather as well as weather information for the next four days of the week . The Weather tab can display weather information of your local city and / or weather in up to ten cities . Shows the last weather update . To view the weather in other cities , swipe your finger upward / downward on the screen . Add or delete a location , change the temperature to Celsius or Fahrenheit , and more . Download the latest weather information . Your device automatically connects to the Internet to download and display weather information . The current temperature , temperature range , type of weather ( sunny , cloudy , showers , or others ) , and the weather information for the next four days of the week are shown on the Weather tab . To add a city 1 . On the Weather tab , touch Menu > Add Location . 2 . The Select Country screen then appears . Flick your finger on the screen or use the Quick Scroll bar on the right of the screen to scroll through the country list . Touch the desired country to select it . TouchFLOTM 3D 101 3 . The Select City screen then appears . Flick your finger on the screen or use the Quick Scroll bar on the right of the screen to scroll through the city list . Touch the desired city to select it . Tip You can also slowly scroll through the country or city list by dragging your finger upward on the screen , or enter the country or city name in the search box . To choose download options 1 . On the Weather tab , touch Menu > Settings . 2 . You can choose from the following options : • Download weather automatically . When this option is selected , weather information is automatically downloaded whenever you select the Weather tab , if the data has not been updated within the last three hours . Weather data is also downloaded every time an ActiveSync connection is established . Clear this option if you prefer to manually download weather information . • Download weather when roaming . Select this option only if you want to allow automatic download of weather data when roaming . This may incur additional data charges . 102 TouchFLOTM 3D 3.12 Settings The Settings tab gives you access to all the device settings . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Access all personal , system , and connection settings . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 9 Adjust the Wi-Fi , and Bluetooth settings . Swipe your finger upward / downward on the screen to view more settings . Open ActiveSync and sync Outlook information . See Chapter 7 for details . Adjust the audio settings and sound profile . See " Ringer settings " in Chapter 13 for details . Change the Home tab wallpaper . Manage the communication features of your device . See " Using Comm Manager " in Chapter 13 for details . Move or hide the TouchFLO 3D tabs . See " Customizing the Home Screen tabs " earlier in this chapter . Set up My Contact Card . See " Setting up My Contact Card " in this chapter . Open Mail Setup and set up an Internet or Exchange Server e-mail account . See " Mail " earlier in this chapter . Enable or disable auto screen rotation or calibrate the device's G-Sensor . Display the TouchFLO 3D information .
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This two bedroom cottage is in a small hamlet about 5 mins from the village of Dournazac which has bar / restaurant , some small shops , post office . It is all on one level and is being sold with most of it 's furniture and fittings . Limoges airport is 40mins with flights to Stansted , Liverpool & Southampton . It is in the National Park of the Perigord / Limousin which is renowned for it 's beauty , lakes , woodlands and rolling countryside . The property is in good order throughout and the roof was renewed about 4 years ago . There are lovely views to the open countryside from the garden and there is a separate garage / workshop . The layout is as follows ( all measurements are approximate ) : SITTING ROOM 20 . 7m2 tiled floor , woodburning stove , wood ceiling , large window , glazed door togarden . SHOWER ROOM 5 . 5m2 tiled floor & walls , shower , toilet and wash-hand basin , electric radiator , w ashing machine , gas water heater , adjacent UTILITY ROOM 4 . 1m2 . BEDROOM 1 14 . 9m2 window to garden , wood burning stove , good parquet floor . BEDROOM 2 12 . 85m2 parquet floor , window to garden . KITCHEN 14 . 4m2 some fitted units , electric hot water heater , electric radiator , parquet floor , fridge
N. spatulata has been identified from a single location in the Clarno Formation , the Clarno nut beds , type locality for both the formation and the species . The nut beds are approximately 3 kilometres ( 1 . 9 mi ) east of the unincorporated community of Clarno , Oregon , and considered to be middle Eocene in age , based on averaging zircon fission track radiometric dating which yielded an age of 43.6 and 43.7 ± 10 million years ago and Argon – argon dating radiometric dating which yielded a 36.38 ± 1.31 to 46.8 ± 3.36 mya date . The average of the dates resulted in an age range of 45 to 43 mya . The beds are composed of silica and calcium carbonate cemented tuffaceous sandstones , siltstones , and conglomerates which preserve either a lake delta environment , or alternatively periodic floods and volcanic mudflows preserved with hot spring activity . The species was described from a series of type specimens , the holotype specimen USNM 422378 , which was preserved in the paleobotanical collections of the National Museum of Natural History in Washington , D.C. and four paratype specimens . Two of the paratypes were also in the national Museum collections , while the remaining two were in the University of Florida collections in Gainsville , Florida . The fossils were part of a group of approximately 20,000 specimens collected from 1942 to 1989 by Thomas Bones , Alonzo W. Hancock , R. A. Scott , Steven R. Manchester , and a number of high school students . The N. spatulata specimens were first studied by graduate student R. A. Scott , who placed the species into the extinct genus Palaeonyssa as Palaeonyssa spatulata , with the 1954 type description of the species appearing in the journal Palaeontographica . Palaeonyssa was first described by Eleanor Reid and Marjorie Chandler from fossils preserved in the London Clay , with them describing several species in the genus . N. spatulata was re-examined by paleobotanist Steven R. Manchester of the University of Florida , who published a 1994 re-description for the species in the Journal Palaeontographica Americana . In the re-description Manchester noted there was very little difference between the extinct genus Palaeonyssa and the modern Nyssa , and deemed the two to be the same genus . The merging resulted in the recombination of Palaeonyssa spatulata as Nyssa spatulata . The fruits of N. spatulata have a generally rounded triangular to round endocarp in cross-section and are trilocular , similar to the extant N. talamancana . The outline of the endocarps is oblong to ellipsoid , having both apex and base rounded and showing 9 ridges running the length of the endocarp from base to apex . The fruits have an average length of 24 mm ( 0 . 94 in ) though lengths of 30 mm ( 1 . 2 in ) are seen . Similarly while the average girth of the fruits is 14.6 mm ( 0 . 57 in ) , thicker fruits reaching 21.5 mm ( 0 . 85 in ) are known . Each of the three locules has a slit like opening along the upper half of the endocarp , and are separated from each other by a wall of swirling groups of fibers . There is one seed per locule , with the locule having a c-shaped cross section , the chamber opening near the apex and narrowing near the base .
Pay deals are running below the rate of inflation for the first time in over a year , new research has shown . Average settlements were worth 3 % in the quarter to June , 0.3 % below the retail prices index , according to a study of more than 130 agreements . Pay specialists Industrial Relations Services said half of the deals it monitored were worth less than a year ago . Spokeswoman Sheila Attwood said : " Rising inflation will put pressure on employers to increase the level of their pay increases . " However , ability to pay also plays a part in pay bargaining , with many employers citing rising energy costs as a barrier to higher pay deals . "
11 IN WHICH THE PLOT THICKENS His visit to M. de Treville being paid , the pensive d ' Artagnan took the longest way homeward . On what was d ' Artagnan thinking , that he strayed thus from his path , gazing at the stars of heaven , and sometimes sighing , sometimes smiling ? He was thinking of Mme . Bonacieux . For an apprentice Musketeer the young woman was almost an ideal of love . Pretty , mysterious , initiated in almost all the secrets of the court , which reflected such a charming gravity over her pleasing features , it might be surmised that she was not wholly unmoved ; and this is an irresistible charm to novices in love . Moreover , d ' Artagnan had delivered her from the hands of the demons who wished to search and ill treat her ; and this important service had established between them one of those sentiments of gratitude which so easily assume a more tender character . D ' Artagnan already fancied himself , so rapid is the flight of our dreams upon the wings of imagination , accosted by a messenger from the young woman , who brought him some billet appointing a meeting , a gold chain , or a diamond . We have observed that young cavaliers received presents from their king without shame . Let us add that in these times of lax morality they had no more delicacy with respect to the mistresses ; and that the latter almost always left them valuable and durable remembrances , as if they essayed to conquer the fragility of their sentiments by the solidity of their gifts . Without a blush , men made their way in the world by the means of women blushing . Such as were only beautiful gave their beauty , whence , without doubt , comes the proverb , " The most beautiful girl in the world can only give what she has . " Such as were rich gave in addition a part of their money ; and a vast number of heroes of that gallant period may be cited who would neither have won their spurs in the first place , nor their battles afterward , without the purse , more or less furnished , which their mistress fastened to the saddle bow . D ' Artagnan owned nothing . Provincial diffidence , that slight varnish , the ephemeral flower , that down of the peach , had evaporated to the winds through the little orthodox counsels which the three Musketeers gave their friend . D ' Artagnan , following the strange custom of the times , considered himself at Paris as on a campaign , neither more nor less than if he had been in Flanders--Spain yonder , woman here . In each there was an enemy to contend with , and contributions to be levied . But , we must say , at the present moment d ' Artagnan was ruled by a feeling much more noble and disinterested . The mercer had said that he was rich ; the young man might easily guess that with so weak a man as M. Bonacieux ; and interest was almost foreign to this commencement of love , which had been the consequence of it . We say ALMOST , for the idea that a young , handsome , kind , and witty woman is at the same time rich takes nothing from the beginning of love , but on the contrary strengthens it . There are in affluence a crowd of aristocratic cares and caprices which are highly becoming to beauty . A fine and white stocking , a silken robe , a lace kerchief , a pretty slipper on the foot , a tasty ribbon on the head do not make an ugly woman pretty , but they make a pretty woman beautiful , without reckoning the hands , which gain by all this ; the hands , among women particularly , to be beautiful must be idle . Then d ' Artagnan , as the reader , from whom we have not concealed the state of his fortune , very well knows--d ' Artagnan was not a millionaire ; he hoped to become one someday , but the time which in his own mind he fixed upon for this happy change was still far distant . In the meanwhile , how disheartening to see the woman one loves long for those thousands of nothings which constitute a woman's happiness , and be unable to give her those thousands of nothings . At least , when the woman is rich and the lover is not , that which he can not offer she offers to herself ; and although it is generally with her husband's money that she procures herself this indulgence , the gratitude for it seldom reverts to him . Then d ' Artagnan , disposed to become the most tender of lovers , was at the same time a very devoted friend , In the midst of his amorous projects for the mercer's wife , he did not forget his friends . The pretty Mme . Bonacieux was just the woman to walk with in the Plain St. Denis or in the fair of St. Germain , in company with Athos , Porthos , and Aramis , to whom d ' Artagnan had often remarked this . Then one could enjoy charming little dinners , where one touches on one side the hand of a friend , and on the other the foot of a mistress . Besides , on pressing occasions , in extreme difficulties , d ' Artagnan would become the preserver of his friends . And M. Bonacieux ? whom d ' Artagnan had pushed into the hands of the officers , denying him aloud although he had promised in a whisper to save him . We are compelled to admit to our readers that d ' Artagnan thought nothing about him in any way ; or that if he did think of him , it was only to say to himself that he was very well where he was , wherever it might be . Love is the most selfish of all the passions . Let our readers reassure themselves . IF d ' Artagnan forgets his host , or appears to forget him , under the pretense of not knowing where he has been carried , we will not forget him , and we know where he is . But for the moment , let us do as did the amorous Gascon ; we will see after the worthy mercer later . D ' Artagnan , reflecting on his future amours , addressing himself to the beautiful night , and smiling at the stars , ascended the Rue Cherish-Midi , or Chase-Midi , as it was then called . As he found himself in the quarter in which Aramis lived , he took it into his head to pay his friend a visit in order to explain the motives which had led him to send Planchet with a request that he would come instantly to the mousetrap . Now , if Aramis had been at home when Planchet came to his abode , he had doubtless hastened to the Rue des Fossoyeurs , and finding nobody there but his other two companions perhaps , they would not be able to conceive what all this meant . This mystery required an explanation ; at least , so d ' Artagnan declared to himself . He likewise thought this was an opportunity for talking about pretty little Mme . Bonacieux , of whom his head , if not his heart , was already full . We must never look for discretion in first love . First love is accompanied by such excessive joy that unless the joy be allowed to overflow , it will stifle you . Paris for two hours past had been dark , and seemed a desert . Eleven o ' clock sounded from all the clocks of the Faubourg St. Germain . It was delightful weather . D ' Artagnan was passing along a lane on the spot where the Rue d ' Assas is now situated , breathing the balmy emanations which were borne upon the wind from the Rue de Vaugirard , and which arose from the gardens refreshed by the dews of evening and the breeze of night . From a distance resounded , deadened , however , by good shutters , the songs of the tipplers , enjoying themselves in the cabarets scattered along the plain . Arrived at the end of the lane , d ' Artagnan turned to the left . The house in which Aramis dwelt was situated between the Rue Cassette and the Rue Servandoni . D ' Artagnan had just passed the Rue Cassette , and already perceived the door of his friend's house , shaded by a mass of sycamores and clematis which formed a vast arch opposite the front of it , when he perceived something like a shadow issuing from the Rue Servandoni . This something was enveloped in a cloak , and d ' Artagnan at first believed it was a man ; but by the smallness of the form , the hesitation of the walk , and the indecision of the step , he soon discovered that it was a woman . Further , this woman , as if not certain of the house she was seeking , lifted up her eyes to look around her , stopped , went backward , and then returned again . D ' Artagnan was perplexed . " Shall I go and offer her my services ? " thought he . " By her step she must be young ; perhaps she is pretty . Oh , yes ! But a woman who wanders in the streets at this hour only ventures out to meet her lover . If I should disturb a rendezvous , that would not be the best means of commencing an acquaintance . " Meantime the young woman continued to advance , counting the houses and windows . This was neither long nor difficult . There were but three hotels in this part of the street ; and only two windows looking toward the road , one of which was in a pavilion parallel to that which Aramis occupied , the other belonging to Aramis himself . " PARIDIEU ! " said d ' Artagnan to himself , to whose mind the niece of the theologian reverted , " PARDIEU , it would be droll if this belated dove should be in search of our friend's house . But on my soul , it looks so . Ah , my dear Aramis , this time I shall find you out . " And d ' Artagnan , making himself as small as he could , concealed himself in the darkest side of the street near a stone bench placed at the back of a niche . The young woman continued to advance ; and in addition to the lightness of her step , which had betrayed her , she emitted a little cough which denoted a sweet voice . D ' Artagnan believed this cough to be a signal . Nevertheless , whether the cough had been answered by a similar signal which had fixed the irresolution of the nocturnal seeker , or whether without this aid she saw that she had arrived at the end of her journey , she resolutely drew near to Aramis's shutter , and tapped , at three equal intervals , with her bent finger . " This is all very fine , dear Aramis , " murmured d ' Artagnan . " Ah , Monsieur Hypocrite , I understand how you study theology . " The three blows were scarcely struck , when the inside blind was opened and a light appeared through the panes of the outside shutter . " Ah , ah ! " said the listener , " not through doors , but through windows ! Ah , this visit was expected . We shall see the windows open , and the lady enter by escalade . Very pretty ! " But to the great astonishment of d ' Artagnan , the shutter remained closed . Still more , the light which had shone for an instant disappeared , and all was again in obscurity . D ' Artagnan thought this could not last long , and continued to look with all his eyes and listen with all his ears . He was right ; at the end of some seconds two sharp taps were heard inside . The young woman in the street replied by a single tap , and the shutter was opened a little way . It may be judged whether d ' Artagnan looked or listened with avidity . Unfortunately the light had been removed into another chamber ; but the eyes of the young man were accustomed to the night . Besides , the eyes of the Gascons have , as it is asserted , like those of cats , the faculty of seeing in the dark . D ' Artagnan then saw that the young woman took from her pocket a white object , which she unfolded quickly , and which took the form of a handkerchief . She made her interlocutor observe the corner of this unfolded object . This immediately recalled to d ' Artagnan's mind the handkerchief which he had found at the feet of Mme . Bonacieux , which had reminded him of that which he had dragged from under the feet of Aramis . " What the devil could that handkerchief signify ? " Placed where he was , d ' Artagnan could not perceive the face of Aramis . We say Aramis , because the young man entertained no doubt that it was his friend who held this dialogue from the interior with the lady of the exterior . Curiosity prevailed over prudence ; and profiting by the preoccupation into which the sight of the handkerchief appeared to have plunged the two personages now on the scene , he stole from his hiding place , and quick as lightning , but stepping with utmost caution , he ran and placed himself close to the angle of the wall , from which his eye could pierce the interior of Aramis's room . Upon gaining this advantage d ' Artagnan was near uttering a cry of surprise ; it was not Aramis who was conversing with the nocturnal visitor , it was a woman ! D ' Artagnan , however , could only see enough to recognize the form of her vestments , not enough to distinguish her features . At the same instant the woman inside drew a second handkerchief from her pocket , and exchanged it for that which had just been shown to her . Then some words were spoken by the two women . At length the shutter closed . The woman who was outside the window turned round , and passed within four steps of d ' Artagnan , pulling down the hood of her mantle ; but the precaution was too late , d ' Artagnan had already recognized Mme . Bonacieux . Mme . Bonacieux ! The suspicion that it was she had crossed the mind of d ' Artagnan when she drew the handkerchief from her pocket ; but what probability was there that Mme . Bonacieux , who had sent for M. Laporte in order to be reconducted to the Louvre , should be running about the streets of Paris at half past eleven at night , at the risk of being abducted a second time ? This must be , then , an affair of importance ; and what is the most important affair to a woman of twenty-five ! Love . But was it on her own account , or on account of another , that she exposed herself to such hazards ? This was a question the young man asked himself , whom the demon of jealousy already gnawed , being in heart neither more nor less than an accepted lover . There was a very simple means of satisfying himself whither Mme . Bonacieux was going ; that was to follow her . This method was so simple that d ' Artagnan employed it quite naturally and instinctively . But at the sight of the young man , who detached himself from the wall like a statue walking from its niche , and at the noise of the steps which she heard resound behind her , Mme . Bonacieux uttered a little cry and fled . D ' Artagnan ran after her . It was not difficult for him to overtake a woman embarrassed with her cloak . He came up with her before she had traversed a third of the street . The unfortunate woman was exhausted , not by fatigue , but by terror , and when d ' Artagnan placed his hand upon her shoulder , she sank upon one knee , crying in a choking voice , " Kill me , if you please , you shall know nothing ! " D ' Artagnan raised her by passing his arm round her waist ; but as he felt by her weight she was on the point of fainting , he made haste to reassure her by protestations of devotedness . These protestations were nothing for Mme . Bonacieux , for such protestations may be made with the worst intentions in the world ; but the voice was all . Mme . Bonacieux thought she recognized the sound of that voice ; she reopened her eyes , cast a quick glance upon the man who had terrified her so , and at once perceiving it was d ' Artagnan , she uttered a cry of joy , " Oh , it is you , it is you ! Thank God , thank God ! " " Yes , it is I , " said d ' Artagnan , " it is I , whom God has sent to watch over you . " " Was it with that intention you followed me ? " asked the young woman , with a coquettish smile , whose somewhat bantering character resumed its influence , and with whom all fear had disappeared from the moment in which she recognized a friend in one she had taken for an enemy . " No , " said d ' Artagnan ; " no , I confess it . It was chance that threw me in your way ; I saw a woman knocking at the window of one of my friends . " " One of your friends ? " interrupted Mme . Bonacieux . " Without doubt ; Aramis is one of my best friends . " " Aramis ! Who is he ? " " Come , come , you wo n ' t tell me you do n't know Aramis ? " " This is the first time I ever heard his name pronounced . " " It is the first time , then , that you ever went to that house ? " " Undoubtedly . " " And you did not know that it was inhabited by a young man ? " " No. " " By a Musketeer ? " " No , indeed ! " " It was not he , then , you came to seek ? " " Not the least in the world . Besides , you must have seen that the person to whom I spoke was a woman . " " That is true ; but this woman is a friend of Aramis -- " " I know nothing of that . " " -- since she lodges with him . " " That does not concern me . " " But who is she ? " " Oh , that is not my secret . " " My dear Madame Bonacieux , you are charming ; but at the same time you are one of the most mysterious women . " " Do I lose by that ? " " No ; you are , on the contrary , adorable . " " Give me your arm , then . " " Most willingly . And now ? " " Now escort me . " " Where ? " " Where I am going . " " But where are you going ? " " You will see , because you will leave me at the door . " " Shall I wait for you ? " " That will be useless . " " You will return alone , then ? " " Perhaps yes , perhaps no . " " But will the person who shall accompany you afterward be a man or a woman ? " " I do n't know yet . " " But I will know it ! " " How so ? " " I will wait until you come out . " " In that case , adieu . " " Why so ? " " I do not want you . " " But you have claimed -- " " The aid of a gentleman , not the watchfulness of a spy . " " The word is rather hard . " " How are they called who follow others in spite of them ? " " They are indiscreet . " " The word is too mild . " " Well , madame , I perceive I must do as you wish . " " Why did you deprive yourself of the merit of doing so at once ? " " Is there no merit in repentance ? " " And do you really repent ? " " I know nothing about it myself . But what I know is that I promise to do all you wish if you allow me to accompany you where you are going . " " And you will leave me then ? " " Yes . " " Without waiting for my coming out again ? " " Yes . " " Word of honor ? " " By the faith of a gentleman . Take my arm , and let us go . " D ' Artagnan offered his arm to Mme . Bonacieux , who willingly took it , half laughing , half trembling , and both gained the top of Rue de la Harpe . Arriving there , the young woman seemed to hesitate , as she had before done in the Rue Vaugirard . She seemed , however , by certain signs , to recognize a door , and approaching that door , " And now , monsieur , " said she , " it is here I have business ; a thousand thanks for your honorable company , which has saved me from all the dangers to which , alone I was exposed . But the moment is come to keep your word ; I have reached my destination . " " And you will have nothing to fear on your return ? " " I shall have nothing to fear but robbers . " " And that is nothing ? " " What could they take from me ? I have not a penny about me . " " You forget that beautiful handkerchief with the coat of arms . " " Which ? " " That which I found at your feet , and replaced in your pocket . " " Hold your tongue , imprudent man ! Do you wish to destroy me ? " " You see very plainly that there is still danger for you , since a single word makes you tremble ; and you confess that if that word were heard you would be ruined . Come , come , madame ! " cried d ' Artagnan , seizing her hands , and surveying her with an ardent glance , " come , be more generous . Confide in me . Have you not read in my eyes that there is nothing but devotion and sympathy in my heart ? " " Yes , " replied Mme . Bonacieux ; " therefore , ask my own secrets , and I will reveal them to you ; but those of others--that is quite another thing . " " Very well , " said d ' Artagnan , " I shall discover them ; as these secrets may have an influence over your life , these secrets must become mine . " " Beware of what you do ! " cried the young woman , in a manner so serious as to make d ' Artagnan start in spite of himself . " Oh , meddle in nothing which concerns me . Do not seek to assist me in that which I am accomplishing . This I ask of you in the name of the interest with which I inspire you , in the name of the service you have rendered me and which I never shall forget while I have life . Rather , place faith in what I tell you . Have no more concern about me ; I exist no longer for you , any more than if you had never seen me . " " Must Aramis do as much as I , madame ? " said d ' Artagnan , deeply piqued . " This is the second or third time , monsieur , that you have repeated that name , and yet I have told you that I do not know him . " " You do not know the man at whose shutter you have just knocked ? Indeed , madame , you believe me too credulous ! " " Confess that it is for the sake of making me talk that you invent this story and create this personage . " " I invent nothing , madame ; I create nothing . I only speak that exact truth . " " And you say that one of your friends lives in that house ? " " I say so , and I repeat it for the third time ; that house is one inhabited by my friend , and that friend is Aramis . " " All this will be cleared up at a later period , " murmured the young woman ; " no , monsieur , be silent . " " If you could see my heart , " said d ' Artagnan , " you would there read so much curiosity that you would pity me and so much love that you would instantly satisfy my curiosity . We have nothing to fear from those who love us . " " You speak very suddenly of love , monsieur , " said the young woman , shaking her head . " That is because love has come suddenly upon me , and for the first time ; and because I am only twenty . " The young woman looked at him furtively . " Listen ; I am already upon the scent , " resumed d ' Artagnan . " About three months ago I was near having a duel with Aramis concerning a handkerchief resembling the one you showed to the woman in his house--for a handkerchief marked in the same manner , I am sure . " " Monsieur , " said the young woman , " you weary me very much , I assure you , with your questions . " " But you , madame , prudent as you are , think , if you were to be arrested with that handkerchief , and that handkerchief were to be seized , would you not be compromised ? " " In what way ? The initials are only mine -- C. B. , Constance Bonacieux . " " Or Camille de Bois-Tracy . " " Silence , monsieur ! Once again , silence ! Ah , since the dangers I incur on my own account can not stop you , think of those you may yourself run ! " " Me ? " " Yes ; there is peril of imprisonment , risk of life in knowing me . " " Then I will not leave you . " " Monsieur ! " said the young woman , supplicating him and clasping her hands together , " monsieur , in the name of heaven , by the honor of a soldier , by the courtesy of a gentleman , depart ! There , there midnight sounds ! That is the hour when I am expected . " " Madame , " said the young man , bowing ; " I can refuse nothing asked of me thus . Be content ; I will depart . " " But you will not follow me ; you will not watch me ? " " I will return home instantly . " " Ah , I was quite sure you were a good and brave young man , " said Mme . Bonacieux , holding out her hand to him , and placing the other upon the knocker of a little door almost hidden in the wall . D ' Artagnan seized the hand held out to him , and kissed it ardently . " Ah ! I wish I had never seen you ! " cried d ' Artagnan , with that ingenuous roughness which women often prefer to the affectations of politeness , because it betrays the depths of the thought and proves that feeling prevails over reason . " Well ! " resumed Mme . Bonacieux , in a voice almost caressing , and pressing the hand of d ' Artagnan , who had not relinquished hers , " well : I will not say as much as you do ; what is lost for today may not be lost forever . Who knows , when I shall be at liberty , that I may not satisfy your curiosity ? " " And will you make the same promise to my love ? " cried d ' Artagnan , beside himself with joy . " Oh , as to that , I do not engage myself . That depends upon the sentiments with which you may inspire me . " " Then today , madame -- " " Oh , today , I am no further than gratitude . " " Ah ! You are too charming , " said d ' Artagnan , sorrowfully ; " and you abuse my love . " " No , I use your generosity , that 's all . But be of good cheer ; with certain people , everything comes round . " " Oh , you render me the happiest of men ! Do not forget this evening--do not forget that promise . " " Be satisfied . In the proper time and place I will remember everything . Now then , go , go , in the name of heaven ! I was expected at sharp midnight , and I am late . " " By five minutes . " " Yes ; but in certain circumstances five minutes are five ages . " " When one loves . " " Well ! And who told you I had no affair with a lover ? " " It is a man , then , who expects you ? " cried d ' Artagnan . " A man ! " " The discussion is going to begin again ! " said Mme . Bonacieux , with a half-smile which was not exempt from a tinge of impatience . " No , no ; I go , I depart ! I believe in you , and I would have all the merit of my devotion , even if that devotion were stupidity . Adieu , madame , adieu ! " And as if he only felt strength to detach himself by a violent effort from the hand he held , he sprang away , running , while Mme . Bonacieux knocked , as at the shutter , three light and regular taps . When he had gained the angle of the street , he turned . The door had been opened , and shut again ; the mercer's pretty wife had disappeared . D ' Artagnan pursued his way . He had given his word not to watch Mme . Bonacieux , and if his life had depended upon the spot to which she was going or upon the person who should accompany her , d ' Artagnan would have returned home , since he had so promised . Five minutes later he was in the Rue des Fossoyeurs . " Poor Athos ! " said he ; " he will never guess what all this means . He will have fallen asleep waiting for me , or else he will have returned home , where he will have learned that a woman had been there . A woman with Athos ! After all , " continued d ' Artagnan , " there was certainly one with Aramis . All this is very strange ; and I am curious to know how it will end . " " Badly , monsieur , badly ! " replied a voice which the young man recognized as that of Planchet ; for , soliloquizing aloud , as very preoccupied people do , he had entered the alley , at the end of which were the stairs which led to his chamber . " How badly ? What do you mean by that , you idiot ? " asked d ' Artagnan . " What has happened ? " " All sorts of misfortunes . " " What ? " " In the first place , Monsieur Athos is arrested . " " Arrested ! Athos arrested ! What for ? " " He was found in your lodging ; they took him for you . " " And by whom was he arrested ? " " By Guards brought by the men in black whom you put to flight . " " Why did he not tell them his name ? Why did he not tell them he knew nothing about this affair ? " " He took care not to do so , monsieur ; on the contrary , he came up to me and said , ' It is your master that needs his liberty at this moment and not I , since he knows everything and I know nothing . They will believe he is arrested , and that will give him time ; in three days I will tell them who I am , and they can not fail to let me go . ' " " Bravo , Athos ! Noble heart ! " murmured d ' Artagnan . " I know him well there ! And what did the officers do ? " " Four conveyed him away , I do n't know where--to the Bastille or Fort l ' Eveque . Two remained with the men in black , who rummaged every place and took all the papers . The last two mounted guard at the door during this examination ; then , when all was over , they went away , leaving the house empty and exposed . " " And Porthos and Aramis ? " " I could not find them ; they did not come . " " But they may come any moment , for you left word that I awaited them ? " " Yes , monsieur . " " Well , do n't budge , then ; if they come , tell them what has happened . Let them wait for me at the Pomme-de-Pin . Here it would be dangerous ; the house may be watched . I will run to Monsieur de Treville to tell them all this , and will meet them there . " " Very well , monsieur , " said Planchet . " But you will remain ; you are not afraid ? " said d ' Artagnan , coming back to recommend courage to his lackey . " Be easy , monsieur , " said Planchet ; " you do not know me yet . I am brave when I set about it . It is all in beginning . Besides , I am a Picard . " " Then it is understood , " said d ' Artagnan ; " you would rather be killed than desert your post ? " " Yes , monsieur ; and there is nothing I would not do to prove to Monsieur that I am attached to him . " " Good ! " said d ' Artagnan to himself . " It appears that the method I have adopted with this boy is decidedly the best . I shall use it again upon occasion . " And with all the swiftness of his legs , already a little fatigued however , with the perambulations of the day , d ' Artagnan directed his course toward M. de Treville's . M. de Treville was not at his hotel . His company was on guard at the Louvre ; he was at the Louvre with his company . It was necessary to reach M. de Treville ; it was important that he should be informed of what was passing . D ' Artagnan resolved to try and enter the Louvre . His costume of Guardsman in the company of M. Dessessart ought to be his passport . He therefore went down the Rue des Petits Augustins , and came up to the quay , in order to take the New Bridge . He had at first an idea of crossing by the ferry ; but on gaining the riverside , he had mechanically put his hand into his pocket , and perceived that he had not wherewithal to pay his passage . As he gained the top of the Rue Guenegaud , he saw two persons coming out of the Rue Dauphine whose appearance very much struck him . Of the two persons who composed this group , one was a man and the other a woman . The woman had the outline of Mme . Bonacieux ; the man resembled Aramis so much as to be mistaken for him . Besides , the woman wore that black mantle which d ' Artagnan could still see outlined on the shutter of the Rue de Vaugirard and on the door of the Rue de la Harpe ; still further , the man wore the uniform of a Musketeer . The woman's hood was pulled down , and the man held a handkerchief to his face . Both , as this double precaution indicated , had an interest in not being recognized . They took the bridge . That was d ' Artagnan's road , as he was going to the Louvre . D ' Artagnan followed them . He had not gone twenty steps before he became convinced that the woman was really Mme . Bonacieux and that the man was Aramis . He felt at that instant all the suspicions of jealousy agitating his heart . He felt himself doubly betrayed , by his friend and by her whom he already loved like a mistress . Mme . Bonacieux had declared to him , by all the gods , that she did not know Aramis ; and a quarter of an hour after having made this assertion , he found her hanging on the arm of Aramis . D ' Artagnan did not reflect that he had only known the mercer's pretty wife for three hours ; that she owed him nothing but a little gratitude for having delivered her from the men in black , who wished to carry her off , and that she had promised him nothing . He considered himself an outraged , betrayed , and ridiculed lover . Blood and anger mounted to his face ; he was resolved to unravel the mystery . The young man and young woman perceived they were watched , and redoubled their speed . D ' Artagnan determined upon his course . He passed them , then returned so as to meet them exactly before the Samaritaine . Which was illuminated by a lamp which threw its light over all that part of the bridge . D ' Artagnan stopped before them , and they stopped before him . " What do you want , monsieur ? " demanded the Musketeer , recoiling a step , and with a foreign accent , which proved to d ' Artagnan that he was deceived in one of his conjectures . " It is not Aramis ! " cried he . " No , monsieur , it is not Aramis ; and by your exclamation I perceive you have mistaken me for another , and pardon you . " " You pardon me ? " cried d ' Artagnan . " Yes , " replied the stranger . " Allow me , then , to pass on , since it is not with me you have anything to do . " " You are right , monsieur , it is not with you that I have anything to do ; it is with Madame . " " With Madame ! You do not know her , " replied the stranger . " You are deceived , monsieur ; I know her very well . " " Ah , " said Mme . Bonacieux ; in a tone of reproach , " ah , monsieur , I had your promise as a soldier and your word as a gentleman . I hoped to be able to rely upon that . " " And I , madame ! " said d ' Artagnan , embarrassed ; " you promised me -- " " Take my arm , madame , " said the stranger , " and let us continue our way . " D ' Artagnan , however , stupefied , cast down , annihilated by all that happened , stood , with crossed arms , before the Musketeer and Mme . Bonacieux . The Musketeer advanced two steps , and pushed d ' Artagnan aside with his hand . D ' Artagnan made a spring backward and drew his sword . At the same time , and with the rapidity of lightning , the stranger drew his . " In the name of heaven , my Lord ! " cried Mme . Bonacieux , throwing herself between the combatants and seizing the swords with her hands . " My Lord ! " cried d ' Artagnan , enlightened by a sudden idea , " my Lord ! Pardon me , monsieur , but you are not -- " " My Lord the Duke of Buckingham , " said Mme . Bonacieux , in an undertone ; " and now you may ruin us all . " " My Lord , Madame , I ask a hundred pardons ! But I love her , my Lord , and was jealous . You know what it is to love , my Lord . Pardon me , and then tell me how I can risk my life to serve your Grace ? " " You are a brave young man , " said Buckingham , holding out his hand to d ' Artagnan , who pressed it respectfully . " You offer me your services ; with the same frankness I accept them . Follow us at a distance of twenty paces , as far as the Louvre , and if anyone watches us , slay him ! " D ' Artagnan placed his naked sword under his arm , allowed the duke and Mme . Bonacieux to take twenty steps ahead , and then followed them , ready to execute the instructions of the noble and elegant minister of Charles I. Fortunately , he had no opportunity to give the duke this proof of his devotion , and the young woman and the handsome Musketeer entered the Louvre by the wicket of the Echelle without any interference . As for d ' Artagnan , he immediately repaired to the cabaret of the Pomme-de-Pin , where he found Porthos and Aramis awaiting him . Without giving them any explanation of the alarm and inconvenience he had caused them , he told them that he had terminated the affair alone in which he had for a moment believed he should need their assistance . Meanwhile , carried away as we are by our narrative , we must leave our three friends to themselves , and follow the Duke of Buckingham and his guide through the labyrinths of the Louvre .