Summarize this dialog: Abdellilah: Where are you? Sam: work Abdellilah: What time you finish? Sam: Not til 5 Abdellilah: Are your bringing him over tonight: Sam: No in the morning: Abdellilah: ok, what time? Sam: About 9. Is that ok? Abdellilah: ok - see you then --- Summary:
Sam won't finish work till 5. Sam is bringing him over about 9 am. Sam will see Abdellilah in the morning.
Summarize this dialog: Betty: What's on at the cinema tonight? Phil: I don't know. I haven't checked it either. Betty: I'm looking at the website. There are two comedies and one thriller which seem interesting. Phil: Choose. I'm fine with whatever. Betty: What if you get bored? Phil: I won't. Don't worry. Just choose. Betty: Ok. So the thriller. We watch lots of comedies at home. Phil: Fine :-) Could you book the tickets if you're already on the site? Betty: Sure. Betty: Done :-) Phil: When and where would you like to meet? Betty: How about 6pm near the theatre? Phil: It may be a little difficult for me. 6.30? Betty: Ok. I was thinking about a short walk before the movie but we can have a stroll afterwards as well :-) Phil: Thanks :-) Betty: Shall I prepare dinner or do you fancy eating out tonight? Phil: Dinner with you at home. Betty: Ok. I have a few ideas for our menu :-) Phil: Won't it be a big problem for you? Betty: Not at all. Pleasure. Phil: :-D Thanks and see you :-) Betty: :-* --- Summary:
Betty and Phil are meeting at 6.30 to watch a thriller at the movies. They will have dinner at Phil's afterwards.
Summarize this dialog: Robert: Happy Christmas! Wishing you and Elena all the best for the Christmas season and a Happy New Year! Serge: Thanks, you too, Robert. Robert: By the way - please cancel the phone number for me that starts with 713. The one beginning with 304 is the only number for me now. Serge: OK, Robert. Is all OK? Robert: Well, I will tell you more in a few weeks, but in short from today I am looking for a new job. Serge: What? They sacked you? After your huge success in the Ukraine? Robert: That's life. Serge: Those fucking bastards. Robert: Well, I could see it coming, ever since the merger. The Swedes didn't even bother to find out what people did before they started laying them off. Serge: Send me your CV, I know one Belgian guy who is thinking of opening a new factory here. Can't promise anything, but at least I can try. Robert: Serge, I really appreciate that. --- Summary:
Robert has a new phone number starting with 304. Robert has lost his job and is looking for a new one. Serge offers to pass on Roberts CV to a contact.
Summarize this dialog: Lily: I spent an amazing night with this guy Kate: What's his name? Lily: Thomas Kate: Is he English? Lily: He is Romanian, but from an extremely rich family, it seems Kate: What does he do in London? Lily: LSE Kate: of course, so predictable Lily: Hahah, but I expected him to be more banal and boring Kate: but? Lily: to be more mediocre... Kate: in size, in passion or in wallet? Lily: In everything. I've had so much pleasure that I have a headache Kate: I'm glad to read that. You deserved some fun after the last weeks. Lily: haha, I agree! --- Summary:
Lily spent an amazing night with Thomas. Thomas is Romanian and comes from a very rich family.
Summarize this dialog: Sam: hi, i need a help Sarah fashion: hello how can i help? Sam: Actually i was looking for a nice black dress for my wife, i mean i dont want the in-store product.. Sarah fashion: Yes sir, we make dresses on order as per customer requirements. Sam: yeah i saw that option on the web page, actually its a surprise gift for her, but i have no idea what should be the requirements of the dress. Sarah fashion: oh in that case why dont you choose something ready made sir Sam: Actually i want something different for her something she has not seen before Sarah fashion: that nice, do you have any sketch in your mind it would be easier to help Sam: yes that it should be a dress, black in color decent and elegant, and.... thats it :( Sarah fashion: :) dont worry Sir we will try to help you as much as we can but you have to choose between the choices we give you Sam: Sure. Sarah fashion: Would you mind coming to the store? or you want to place order here only? Sam: i was wondering if i could get help and decide i would place order right here... Sarah fashion: Sure sir i am sending you few pictures you can mix and match the designs and that way we would be able to create a new design? Sam: that sounds like a good idea.. Sarah fashion: <file_photo><file_photo><file_photo><file_photo><file_photo><file_photo><file_photo><file_photo> Sam: wow! they are all so good but they are available for every one right? Sarah fashion: yes sir! Sam: ok so i want the cut that is in <file_photo> sleeves like this<file_photo> length and buttons <file_photo> Sarah fashion: Nice choice sir, your product number is 898998 now you can order on the website with this product number and the same procedure would be applied to your order. Sam: Thank you so much, i didnt know it was so easy. Sarah fashion: Your welcome sir, We are glad your liked the service and we hope you like the dress too. Sam: :) --- Summary:
Sam wants to buy a custom dress as a surprise for his wife. It should be black and elegant. The store employee sent him some pictures for reference. Sam decided on the features he likes. His product number is 898998 and he will place the order on the company's website.
Summarize this dialog: Kamden: Hey! Mckinley: Hi! Kamden: I haven't seen you in a while - i've mostly been off social media. Maybe you'll let me have a little peek? Mckinley: You aren't on fb anymore? Kamden: I use chat on fb. I'm not big on social media use Mckinley: Hmm... Kamden: It helps me keep up with good friends Mckinley: But you always can open it and check my photos lol Mckinley: Yeah I use fb mostly to keep contact with people Kamden: It's true. But I guess it would be more enticing to get it from you. 😏 Yeah it's my main reason. But I spend zero time therecc Mckinley: Lol I'm not a phone selfie person Kamden: Thats a shame. Lol Mckinley: Lol --- Summary:
Kamden hasn't used social media recently. He uses messenger only and wants to get Mckinley's photographs.
Summarize this dialog: Jason: Yo, what are you doing after work? Mike: Going to the gym and then home boy. Jason: You eating at home? Mike: Yep, bring your food and come over. Jason: Will do. Afterwards we play some Destiny 2 on ps4? Mike: You bet ya, that game is so addictive! Jason: Ok cya later then!´ Mike: Oh yeah👌 --- Summary:
After work, Mike is going to go to the gym and then home. He invites Jason to bring some food and come over. They can play 2 on ps4.
Summarize this dialog: Daisy: hey whats up Linda: Not much Linda: Im just packing Daisy: off on a vacation Linda: didn't I tell ya? Linda: I'm moving Daisy: really? Daisy: what happened? Daisy: you had a great place! Linda: got a new job Linda: I'm moving to Ohio Daisy: OHIO! Daisy: that so far away :( Linda: yeah well Linda: It's just for 6 months Daisy: and your apartment? Linda: my brother is going to live there Daisy: can we meet up? Daisy: before you go? Linda: ehh I have like no time for anything Linda: maybe you can come by Daisy: Sure! Daisy: I'll help you pack :D Linda: that would be great! --- Summary:
Linda got a new job and is moving to Ohio for 6 months. Her brother will stay at her current apartment. Daisy will come by Linda's place to meet her and help her pack as she is too busy to go out.
Summarize this dialog: Hayden: Anyway I have 1 month to write my thesis. And then I need to decide what studies I should choose and I have a problem because I don't know what I can do in the future to make good money Margaret: You'll find something Hayden: And the only studies I'm interested in are African studies but I'm not sure I can make big money later on haha except for working in the embassy or something like that. I was thinking about working as a flight attendant. It would be easy for me to get that job since I can swim (and here it's obligatory) I'm even a water rescuer. I know English italian and polish and a bit of german. Margaret: So go ahead for it Hayden: But to be honest , I don't think so that job is so great. I can't work there forever and I'm not that sure I wanna risk every time hahah since flight accidents happen Margaret: Hahahaha you shouldn't think about that Hayden: But I don't wanna die hhahahahah Margaret: It would be good you would get to travel a lot --- Summary:
Hayden must write her thesis in 1 month. She wonders what degree course would be the most beneficial for her. She's interested in African studies. Hayden claims she could be a flight attendant as she can swim and knows foreign languages.
Summarize this dialog: Alan: <file_photo> Alan: look what I just found :) Robert: dude, that's just nasty and you know it :) Robert: it has no sugar, no taste, and additional cinnamon flavoring Alan: yeah, I know - that's awesome :) Robert: you sir have a very strange tastes :P Alan: well, and I found a perfect company for it <file_photo> Robert: oh, that's more like it! Robert: but does the whiskey go well with the cinnamon? flavored whiskey is the worst... Alan: Actually it does taste surprisingly well. The cinnamon is not overpowering. If you put enough whiskey that is :) Rob: Lol, thought so :) Rob: I just wish the brought the old cherry flavor back... Rob: not the useless no-sugar stuff Alan: Ah, that is true :) --- Summary:
Alan has found some cinnamon whiskey and sends Robert photos of it.
Summarize this dialog: Yaz: Going to slimming club tonight? Mary: Well, I don't want to, but I really should. I've been so bad, though! Yaz: Me too, choccies, wine, cake, you name it! Mary: Well, we should bite the bullet. She'll tell us off, I expect. Feels like being back at school! Yaz: Well, she IS our old cookery teacher! See you at 6ish, pick you up!? Mary: Yep! See you then! --- Summary:
Yaz and Mary are meeting tonight around 6 and going for the slimming club together. They expect to be scolded for eating too much.
Summarize this dialog: Ellie: hey, are you at the university? Aaliyah: yep Camille: I'm sick :/ Ellie: shiet....that's bad Ellie: Aali, where are we having our classes now? Aaliyah: 342 on the second floor --- Summary:
Ellie's class is in 342 on the second floor.
Summarize this dialog: Nathan: <file_video> Aaron: OMG!!! Aaron: 😂😂😂😂 Aaron: looool Aaron: do you know her mate? 🤣🤣 Aaron: my cat's face looks like that when he's taking a dump..🤣🤣🤣 Aaron: <file_gif> Aaron: the angels must be weeping 🤭🤭🤭 Aaron: <file_gif> Aaron: <file_gif> Nathan: Hahahaha Nathan: She's having a spiritual moment 😉 Nathan: No clue mate, Dan sent it over Nathan: A tragedy to say the least 😂😂 Aaron: <file_gif> Aaron: looking for Jesus Nathan: 😂😂😂 Aaron: hilarious..hahahaha --- Summary:
Nathan and Aaron are discussing a video which Nathan sent.
Summarize this dialog: Emma: You havent been back yet? and where's shake William: I have been in que for past 20 minutes. Too much rush here Emma: Ok Hurry up. We cant wait anymore :( William: Dont worry. Its my turn up next Emma: :D William: Coming back in 5 Emma: Ok waiting --- Summary:
William is coming back in 5 minutes as he had to queue for 20 minutes.
Summarize this dialog: Bob: did you reserve the tickets for tomorrow? Melanie: Jake promised me he will do that Melanie: he has some workplace discount on them Bob: Jake are you here?? Did you reserve the tickets? Jake: yes I did, 3 tickets for tomorrow, 7 pm Jake: and we got a 30% discount on them too :) --- Summary:
Jake reserved 3 tickets for tomorrow 7 pm. He got 30% discount.
Summarize this dialog: Freddie: What are you watching on Netflix? I've just finished Mad Men. Kelly: I've just finished The Crown. Freddie: There should be new episodes coming soon. Kelly: OMG! i can't wait! :) Freddie: Try Outlander or The Tudors in the meantime. Jim: i'm watching I, Zombie. Bob: try Grimm or Sabrina. They're both great! Kelly: they are all horrible and disgusting! Bob: i think they are funny. They're just TV shows don't take them too seriously. x Greg: I'm watching House of Cards though must admit the new series is boring. Mike: i agree. not the same without Kevin Spacey! You should try The West Wing if you enjoy political dramas. Greg: Netflix original Bodyguard is supposed to be good from what I've heard. Mary: I'm a bit ashamed to confess i enjoy stuff like Pretty Little Liars or Gossip Girl ;) Nancy: don't be ashamed i enjoy them too! and my favourite one is Desperate Housewives!!! Mary: I know! I watched it twice! Alan: I'm catching up with Friends. Nancy: OMG! i used to love Friends! --- Summary:
Freddie, Kelly, Jim, Greg, Bob, Mike, Mary, Alan and Nancy are watching different shows on Netflix.
Summarize this dialog: Sonia: hey remember last year when you guys went to San Sebastian Toni: yup Toni: hi Sonia: how was that airbnb place you stayed in Toni: it wasnt bad Toni: maybe a bit small for the three of us Toni: but it was next to the Playa de la Concha Toni: and anyway we just used it to sleep Toni: u guys going? Sonia: yeah in a month or so Sonia: we r still planning Sonia: we checked some hostels and so but they r pretty expensive Sonia: plus we rather have more privacy Toni: well i can definitely reccomend the airbnb place Toni: i can get you in contact with the landlady too if u want Sonia: that would be sweet Toni: its this old basque lady, widow, pretty lonely but nice Toni: she even made a tortilla for us Sonia: so shes in the appartment too? Toni: yes she rents a room in the appartment Sonia: oh Sonia: hm I dont know Toni: well think about it and let me know --- Summary:
Sonia is going to San Sebastian in a month. Toni enjoyed her the airbnb place there. Sonia isn't convinced about it and will let Toni know.
Summarize this dialog: Malik: have you heard of that paleo diet? Malik: i need to lose some weight and i really want to try it Samantha: i've heard of it but i've also heard about the keto diet Samantha: AAAAANNNDDDD... i also need to lose weight lol Malik: what are you talking about?!? lol Malik: you're so skinny Samantha: whatever :-) Malik: should we try one of those together? Malik: it's always easier when someone's doing it with you Samantha: YES!!!! Malik: we can also go for runs together like we used to :-D Samantha: let's do it!! i'm so pumped! Malik: so paleo or keto? Samantha: what's the difference? Malik: i think they're practically the same, but you can't have dairy on paleo Samantha: can you have dairy on keto? Malik: i think you can, i'm no sure though Samantha: ok let me go online and read more about this Samantha: and i'll text you back later with more info Malik: ok Malik: are you excited?? Samantha: i really am!!!!!!!!! :-D --- Summary:
Malik and Samanta want to lose weight. They will try to keep a diet, keto or paleo, and go for runs together.
Summarize this dialog: Derek: It's been a long day Phil: Same here Cynthia: good or bad? Derek: Very busy Derek: I closed some deals but I had a lot of stress also Phil: Lucky you Phil: I couldn't close any deal Phil: It annoys me Phil: Some customers are negotiating for days, weeks Phil: And then they pull out Cynthia: Maybe they're just fishing Cynthia: Want to compare offers Phil: That's what they do --- Summary:
Derek closed some deals today. Phil didn't manage to do it.
Summarize this dialog: Nova: Do know that people are photoshoping Timothée Chalamet into artworks? :D Nova: It's hilarious, check it out: <file_other> Dominic: lol XD Dominic: it kinda looks good Nova: Right? :D Dominic: he looks like a typical young man from a 19th-century portrait Nova: omg you're so right! :D he looks as if he read Rimbaud's poems and drank absinthe on a daily basis Dominic: hahaha XD it's so accurate --- Summary:
People are photoshopping Timothée Chalamet into artworks. Dominic and Nova agree that he looks like a 19th century man.
Summarize this dialog: Lisa: Hello Peter. What have you been doing off late? Peter: Bit busy with work. Lisa: Too much of work, huh? Peter: Not really, I’ve been working out Lisa: Ohh, trying to get in shape? Peter: Nah, I don’t have much of weight to lose, just want to improve my health. Lisa: That’s a good thought. I was also thinking of working out a bit. What do you do? Do you go to a Gym? Peter: Yes, I hold a membership with the one near our office. Lisa: Which exercises do you do regularly? Peter: I do weights and run on the treadmill. Lisa: Besides exercises, I think I need to eat better to help me keep in shape. Peter: Another major requirement for good health is sleep. On an average one requires at least 7-8 hours of sleep. Lisa: There are a lot of things we can do to stay healthy. Peter: Yes. One needs to maintain a regime to stay healthy for a long term. --- Summary:
Peter has been working out at the gym near their office lately to improve his health. Lisa is considering working out and eating better to be healthier.
Summarize this dialog: Tom: Where is my cup?! Julia: I broke it, I think, sorry Tom: You think? Were you drugged up? Julia: I'll buy you a new one, don't make a drama Tom: :( --- Summary:
Julia broke Tom's cup, which made him sad. She will buy him a new one.
Summarize this dialog: Don: The CSS tests are today. Hank: I know! Have you registered in their system? Don: No, not yet. Hank: I'm not sure if I have to fill out all the fields. Most of them don't even apply to Rodney. It's strange that they're incorporating such professional tests for little leaguers. Don: Hmm... I don't know. I'll check it later tonight when I get home. Apparently it's supposed to be a database of all the young up-and-coming hockey stars. Scouts use that information for future contracts, etc. Hank: OK, but our kids are 10 years old! They're not signing any contracts for now :) Don: Well, obviously not, but it's kind of cool that they'll be in a world database of peewee hockey players. Hank: Yeah, I guess. So apparently the tests are supposed to last 5-8 pm. 3 hours! I'll probably wait and work on the computer. Don: Bring a blanket :) It can get mighty cold sitting in a rink for 3 hours. Hank: No shit :) Are you coming. Don: Well, since you're going anyway, maybe you can take my kid :) Hank: Hey, that's not fair! Don: I'll take the kids next time, I promise! Hank: Yeah, yeah, we'll see. I'll tell you about the tests when I bring Oscar and Roger back. Don: Ok, thanks again, I owe you. --- Summary:
The CSS tests for the hockey players are today and will last 3 hours, starting 5pm. Hank will bring his son and Don's son as well. Don is glad.
Summarize this dialog: Jessica: I went to the second hand shop downtown Frank: Cool Raphael: What did you get? Jessica: Lots of stuff Jessica: A table, six chairs, a vase, a pile of clothes Frank: That's really a lot of stuff :-) Raphael: send us pictures Jessica: <photo_file> Jessica: <photo_file> Raphael: Beautiful table Raphael: Is it wood? Jessica: yes, oak Raphael: Awesome Jessica: <photo_file> Frank: These are the clothes? Frank: I love the black dress Jessica: It's absolutely beautiful Jessica: As soon as I saw it I knew it would be mine Jessica: I'm so happy with what I bought Jessica: And the best is I paid only 70 euros for all of that!! --- Summary:
Jessica bought a table, six chairs, a vase and a pile of clothes and the second hand shop downtown. She paid 70 euros for everything.
Summarize this dialog: Abigail: It's Sundaay. Damien: So?.. Abigail: You know what that means. Damien: Hmm no I don't x) Abigail: Sunday means we go to church~. Damien: Oh, yeah.. Abigail: Don't forget to put on a coat and tie. Damien: A coat and tie?.. Why? Abigail: To show respect to God and others. Damien: Omg..I'm glad Sunday is only once a week. Abigail: I hope God didn't hear that. Damien: He'll forgive me 😇 Abigail: Just be ready on time please. --- Summary:
Abigail and Damien are going to church on Sunday. Damien has to put on a coat and tie.
Summarize this dialog: Desiree: U both at home? Lucian: No. I've just got ur msg. Why did u ask about it? Desiree: No reason. Keep my pasta in the microwave Lucian: I haven't cooked anything --- Summary:
Lucian is not at home. Desiree wants Lucian to keep her pasta in the microwave.
Summarize this dialog: Doug: These shoes are SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jeni: Jealous! Doug: You should be! I be fly! --- Summary:
Doug has a cool pair of shoes.
Summarize this dialog: Tessa: Stop texting my boyfriend ;/ Chloe: Uhm, excuse me? Chloe: Who's your boyfriend? Tessa: Jim Andrews. Chloe: Oh, ok! He's a friend from work. Tessa: yeah, but stop texting him. I saw the messages you sent him. Chloe: Which ones in particular? Tessa: You don't text your co-worker like that Chloe: Like what? Tessa: I can see you're being all smiley and touchy-feely with him. Tessa: He's taken Chloe: I'm his friend, I get he's taken, but we work together. Tessa: I see what you're up to, so stop texting him ;/ Chloe: Jesus girl, aren't you a bit paranoid? Chloe: We WORK together. How am I supposed to stop texting him? We have to communicate. Tessa: I don't care. I don't want you texting my boyfriend :/ bye --- Summary:
Tessa doesn't like Chloe texting her boyfriend, Jim Andrews. Jim is Chloe's co-worker so Chloe needs to communicate with him.
Summarize this dialog: Emily: fancy a drink after work today? Kate: sure! Marta: Good idea! Marta: Where? When? Emily: Maybe in the Pub X at the central station at 5.30? Kate: I may be closer to 6, traffic on my way Marta: Fine for me. Marta: See you then, Ladies! Emily: Bye! see ya :* Kate: :* --- Summary:
Emily, Kate and Marta are going to the Pub X at the central station today for a drink.
Summarize this dialog: Jane: Don't ever go to La Perle :< Eddie: Why? You love this place Jane: Used to love this place, not any more Anne: We've just been there with Jane and Ella Anne: Now we're getting out ER Eddie: Dear god what happened?! Are you all right? Jane: Now I'm good, but they almost killed me Jane: You know I'm allergic to peanuts Eddie: Oh no they didn't... Anne: we ordered some cake, Jane asked for a cheesecake just to be sure Jane: I told them I'm allergic and they ensured me there's not even a trace of peanuts Jane: I started swelling after the first bite - apparently there were crushed nuts in the crust Eddie: I think you should sue them. They really could have killed you Anne: I told her the same thing, who knows how many people they killed? Jane: I just don't get how ignorant you have to be to do something like this --- Summary:
Jane, Anne and Ella have been to La Perle. Jane ate cheesecake and got an allergic reaction. They are getting out of ER.
Summarize this dialog: Tiffany: buy me a burger on your way home Railey: ok Tiffany: thx, sis :) --- Summary:
Railey will buy Tiffany a burger.
Summarize this dialog: Ariana: I think I am going shopping Aviana: Where? Aviana: Midtown? Ariana: Yeah Ariana: I wanna buy some stuff Aviana: I wish I could go with you Ariana: Thats ok 🙂 --- Summary:
Ariana will do shopping in Midtown. Aviana can't join her.
Summarize this dialog: Jane: Hey Martin: Whats up Maria: Hey Jane: Anyone going to Value Village? Jane: I am getting halloween costumes with my sister Jane: If anyone wants to join Connor: I got mine today so thanks Connor: At Value Village Jane: I am going with u ok? priv msg Jane: ok ok --- Summary:
Connor bought his halloween costumes at Value Village where Jane plans to get her and her sister's costume.
Summarize this dialog: Mary: Hi my friend :* Alice: U re not at school? Mary: No i stayed at home today. Alice: Lucky u! --- Summary:
Today Mary didn't go to school, she stayed at home.
Summarize this dialog: Tom: we're few meters from you, can't you see us? Jeffrey: lol, nope Elena: c'mon, the red jacket! --- Summary:
Elena is wearing the red jacket and Jeffrey can't see her nor Tom.
Summarize this dialog: Sophia: I'm sorry Mason: It's fine Sophia: Ok...If u was there, I would give you a hot kiss for apologize Mason: Hahaha. You still send me a photo one Sophia: What photo? Mason: Kiss photo. Haha Sophia: Hehe I sent u already such a photo Mason: Another one wouldn't hurt Sophia: Maybe later :) When I take a shower and look good Mason: And who says you don't look good now ? Sophia: Me Mason: Let me be the judge of that Sophia: No Mason: I'll still love you the same. Whether you have make up or not Sophia: Hehe but I don't want u to see me when I do not look good Mason: You must Sophia: I must what? Mason: Send me the kiss now Sophia: Haha Mason: Doesn't matter how you look, you'll still look good to me Sophia: Hahah Sophia: <file_photo> --- Summary:
Sophia apologizes to Mason. She sends him a kiss photo on his request.
Summarize this dialog: Steffen: Any room in any of the cars going to the infinity pool? Im more handicapped than usual since I twisted my ancle yesterday :( Irene: we can give you a lift. Don’t think the car can make it all the way up, so will park at the bottom and hike up Steffen: Then I think I have to skip - cant really walk on my leg atm :confused: But thanks anyway Irene: :( Dan: I’m pretty sure Mr.Budd could make it, it’s 4wheel drive, if mr.budd is going, although I haven’t seen the hill Luke: have you been up there? how bad is the road actually? Luke: lol, that explains it Luke: Sandy, is it vistas de olas? Ben: Yes! Vistas de olas --- Summary:
Steffen twisted his ankle yesterday and needs a lift to the infinity pool. Irene's car probably won't make it up the hill, so they'd have to park at the bottom and hike up. Mr.Budd should make it up the hill since it's a 4-wheel drive.
Summarize this dialog: Mike: who is going for the research trip? Jake: Me, Florence, Margot and others Jake: but that's not important Florence: hahah Margot: true, we have our nice bunch of people Mike: so maybe I'll apply too Jake: but remember it can be harsh in Swazi now Mike: gosh, Jake, have you realised at least that it's not even Swazi anymore? Florence: hahaha, quite hilarious Jake: ? Margot: they changed the name of the country last year Jake: what? so what's the name now? Margot: Eswatini Jake: are you kidding me? Margot: Jake, it's basic knowledge before the trip LOL --- Summary:
Jake, Florence, Margot and others are going on a research trip to Swazi. The name of the country was changed last year and it's now Eswatini.
Summarize this dialog: Annie: Are you going to be at school? Christine: Not tomorrow. I am not well. Annie: Oh noes! What happened? Christine: Got the flu, I think. Annie: what's your temperature? Christine: Not high, I'm not running a fever or anything Annie: Are you eating ok? Christine: Yeah. Just blocked nose, sore throat. Tired. Annie: Sounds like you've got a cold. You need anything? Christine: I could do with some Theraflu. Annie: OK, I think we've still got some sachets, should be in date. I'll drop them through your letterbox later on. Christine: Yeah. Don't call in because I'll feel bad if you catch this cold off me. Annie: I think I probably had it already, but you might be sleeping. Christine: If the light in my room is on, call if you want. --- Summary:
Christine is sick and won't come to school tomorrow. Annie will leave Theraflu sachets in a mailbox. Christine doesn't want to get her sick.
Summarize this dialog: Bob: you bitch... why you called Sarah? Jill: because i want to.. who are you question me? Bob: try whatever you can bitch you cant get me back Jill: huh? excuse me i dont want you back so just fuck off Bob: really then why your calling my girlfriend and sending her our pictures.. Jill: its just that i hate you and i dont want you to be happy :haha: Bob: really bitch ? but u told her she cannot snatch me from you? Jill: yesss! its fun to hurt her Bob: i cant believe i was living with a bitch like you Jill: oh yes and you would have lived if i wouldnt have kicked you out Bob: What? huh! i left you.. dont remember you were begging me to love you not to leave you? Jill: whatever.. i am glad i could make you angry and hurt you Bob: ok thank you dear :) Jill: thank you? Bob: yes for saying all this, this is Sarah and all is good now... better luck next time? Jill: get lost, --- Summary:
Jill called Sarah. She also sent her some old pictures.
Summarize this dialog: Aggie: When do you start work? Peter: at 8 Peter: why? Aggie: no when do you start the new job? Peter: oh on the 6th Aggie: Ok I'll get a babysitter then Peter: lol wanted a free babysitter Aggie: yeah sorry :P --- Summary:
Peter starts his new job on the 6th. Peter wanted a free babysitter. Aggie will arrange for a babysitter.
Summarize this dialog: Aimee: Do you know where Maryam is? Soren: Nope Soren: You tried his number? Aimee: Yes Aimee: I even went to her home Soren: She might have gone somewhere with his father Aimee: Maybe --- Summary:
Aimee is looking for Maryam.
Summarize this dialog: George: Yo! Who wants to go play basketball on Friday, 7 p.m.? Robert: Count me in! Yousuf: Can I come half an hour later? I need to help my sister with her car. George: No prob. Paul, u coming? Paul: Hell yeah! I'll bring some beers too! Robert: Sounds like a plan! --- Summary:
George, Robert and Paul are going to play basketball on Friday at 7. Yousuf will be late.
Summarize this dialog: Rory: Hey Mitch, how are you? I hope you're doing ok. We are thinking of signing up Bill for that International camp. Sammy will be going too. Do you think it would be possible for you to take Bill and Sammy if you go down? Mitch: I'm doing well - pretty tired. Yes, I do think that's possible :) Rory: Great, that would mean a lot to us. Thanks a lot. Mitch: That'd be wonderful! July, I'll be at a few camps ;) Rory: Of course, we'll chip in for gas. Ok, no problem :) Mitch: Thx, no worries. I hope you're all doing well. Time is flying by ;) Rory: Ok, great. I know, it's crazy. Rory: Do you know exactly which date you'll be leaving? Mitch: Sunday, the 29th Rory: Ok, cool. It's such a long drive. Mitch: Yeah, around 1000 km, but I'll try to get there early Mon morning. Rory: That's a pretty ambitious undertaking :) Mitch: I have to, camp starts Mon 9. Rory: Just be careful, and take lots of breaks, don't fall asleep at the wheel, etc. Mitch: I'll have the boys to keep me awake, and lots of snacks :) Rory: Ok. We will probably put Bill on a Flixbus, so he'll arrive around 10 am Sun Mitch: Cool, just make sure he has his phone on him. Rory: Ok, no problem. We'll give him your number, but most likely Joanna will be picking him up. Mitch: Oh, ok. That makes things easier. I'll meet him after. Rory: Great, thanks a lot for doing this, I don't know how else we would get him down to Croatia. Mitch: No problem. Talk to you later. Rory: Ok, bye. --- Summary:
Rory wants Mitch to take Bill and Sammy and they'll chip in for gas. Mitch will be leaving Sunday, the 29th to get there by 9 am on Monday. Bill will arrive around 10 am Sunday and Joanna will be picking him. Mitch will meet Bill after.
Summarize this dialog: Jones: Hey. Angelina: Hey. Angelina: Long time. How are you doing? Jones: I'm fine Jones: You? Angelina: I'm cool too. Jones: You think we can meet today later in the afternoon in town? Angelina: Definitely. Jones: Okay. I will call you to confirm where we will meet. Angelina: Cool --- Summary:
Jones and Angelina will meet in town in the afternoon.
Summarize this dialog: Alyssa: Have you seen Fergie’s national anthem? Illuminati does a great job. Derek: This is not normal. I saw it last week… Alyssa: What do you think about it? Derek: I can fart bright stripes and bright stars better then she sings. Alyssa: The best part is that she acts like she nailed it. But at least it's funny in a good way. Derek: It is 😂 --- Summary:
Derek and Alyssa make fun of Fergie's performance of the national anthem.
Summarize this dialog: Lauren: Hi do you still need me for tomorrow Pam: Yes please!! Lauren: Do you have any more rota? Pam: No, but the Manager's back tomorrow so she may do some more then. I'll ring in the morning and let you know. Lauren: ok that's great Pam: Did you have a good holiday? Lauren: Yes, will tell you all about it tomorrow Pam: Look forward to it! --- Summary:
Pam doesn't have rota for Lauren, but Manager may give Lauren more tomorrow. Pam and Lauren will meet tomorrow and discuss Lauren's holiday.
Summarize this dialog: Harriette: Have you ever gone ghost hunting? ;o Jamie: Ghost hunting? Nah, not really... Have you? Harriette: Yeah, once when I was in high school! There was a run-down building in the neighbourhood and we went to investigate it with my friends Jamie: How was it? Did you find something? Harriette: We didn't see any ghosts, haha Harriette: But let me tell you that I never thought I'd freak out this much at hearing a cat meow Harriette: There's just something about the atmosphere... that makes you overreact and find normal but unexpected things really creepy Jamie: I guess that's part of the experience? :p Harriette: Yeah, if I could choose again, I'd probably still decide to go - I don't regret it! But I definitely wouldn't try something like that alone ^^; --- Summary:
Jamie has never gone ghost hunting but Harriette did with her friends once in high school. They did not see any ghosts and she only got frightened by a cat's miaowing.
Summarize this dialog: Jack: Kev, I need your help? Kev: What's up, mate? Jack: I can't get the application running. Kev: Have you switched the computer on? Jack: Very funny!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kev: OK. Sorry. I can see it's serious. Jack: Yeah, man. It is f**cking serious. Kev: I'll be with you right now. Jack: Thanks. --- Summary:
Jack needs Kev's help as he cannot get the application running.
Summarize this dialog: Dan: look, i'm sorry Dan: please text back Dan: I'll explain everything if you agree to meet up Angela: there's nothing to explain Dan: please Angela, hear me out first Angela: should i trust you Dan: let me show you why you should. Angela: Okay, meet me at school later Dan: Okay --- Summary:
Dan wants to apologize to Angela. They will meet at school later.
Summarize this dialog: Shaldona: WE ARE GONNA GET MARRIED ❤️❤️ Shaldona: <file_others> Shaldona: This is our mobile inviation for our wedding. Shaldona: Invitation* Piper: Hey. You haven’t sent me any messages for a few years. Piper: And now you are sending me your wedding invitation Piper: THROUGH MESSENGER? Shaldona: ..... Shaldona: Well.. Shaldona: I had no enough time to meet everybody and give this in person. Shaldona: Hope you understand. Piper: If you don't have time to give the invitation card in person but expect people go to your wedding Piper: Shaldona, if so, you are too greedy. --- Summary:
Shaldona sends mobile invitations to her wedding, as she has no time to give them in person.
Summarize this dialog: Paula: Can we meet with the new person soon? Ralph: Sure. In an hour okay? Paula: Perfect. --- Summary:
Paula and Ralph will meet the new person in an hour.
Summarize this dialog: Ania: Let's go together to the church tomorrow Kasia: what a wonderful idea! to praise Mary the Queen of Poland together! So beautiful Jan: Yes, let's do it! Zuzia: I don't think a boy should go with us, find yourself other friends, some boys Ania: I agree, it's inappropriate --- Summary:
Ania, Kasia, Zuzia and Jan want to go to the church tomorrow. Ania and Zuzia do not find it appropriate to go to the church with a boy.
Summarize this dialog: Harry: Where are you? i am outside Ema: coming just 2 mins... Harry: You told me you were ready.. you know movie has already started Ema: i am sorry give me 5 minss Harry: Damn! take foreverrr --- Summary:
Harry waits outside. The movie has already started but Ema needs another 5 minutes, which made Harry angry.
Summarize this dialog: Jeff: Do you know guys anything about the agreement? Vladimir: the most important is that they decided it's neither a sea nor a lake Vladimir: so it will have a special legal status Tanya: and they will completely divide the seabed up Jeff: sure, it's rich in resources Donald: yeah, mostly gas and oil Vladimir: and "between 80-90% of the world's caviar is sourced from the Caspian"!!! Jeff: hahaha, right! --- Summary:
In the agreement it was decided that it's neither a sea nor a lake and it will have a special legal status. They will also completely divide the seabed up. It's rich in resources, mostly gas and oil.
Summarize this dialog: Joe: This job is wearing me up Tim: Oh no! I thought you love it Joe: I do, but because of it they give me more work Sam: Shit, this sucks man, don't let it burn you out Tim: Exactly, like my friend Terry Joe: What did he do? Tim: Quit eventually, but he had trouble sleeping, constantly tired, and turned out to have an ulcer Joe: Fuck! I gotta slow down --- Summary:
Joe's job is wearing him up. Tim's friend Terry quit his job because he was burned out.
Summarize this dialog: Natalie: Have you been to this new club at Regents Street? Judy: I'm going there this weekend! Judy: I heard it's nice Denise: Yes! It's cool Denise: I was there a few times already Denise: I think it might be my new favourite club in town Denise: The DJ is awesome Judy: My friends were also praising the music Natalie: That sounds great. Natalie: I want to go. Natalie: Can I go with you Judy? Natalie: Are you going on Friday? Judy: Sure. Judy: I'm going on Saturday Judy: With Miranda and Helen. Natalie: Cool --- Summary:
Natalie is checking if it's worth going to the new club at Regents Street. Denise thinks the club is great. Judy's friends also recommend the place, so Judy is going there this weekend. Natalie will go to the club with Judy, Miranda and Helen on Saturday.
Summarize this dialog: Jamie: What do you think about doing those presentations in groups? Marlo: I’m so down man, I don’t wanna do it alone, it’s a lot of work Jamie: I know, interviews, then transcriptions, then compiling material, then writing Jimmy: Geeeeez, you guys are so right Jamie: I think we should talk to him to make like 3 presentations, so that gives us 3-4 people per team Alex: You guys are so not up to date:D Jamie: What you talking about? Alex: It’s already done, we have 2 groups, he send us subjects in email Jamie: LOL I was so convinced we gotta think of everything ourselves Alex: hahah nah Jimmy: Did he divide us too? Alex: No we gotta do it ourselves Jimmy: Girls v Guys? Jamie: hahahaha that’s gonna be fun, we kinda have parity right? Alex: Yeah I think so, I’m ok with that Marlo: But dudes, girls are so much better in this subject Alex: Thanks:D but I think you’ll manage Jamie: Ladies first, I give you right to choose first Alex: You give me rights:D that’s freakin new! THANK YOU Jamie: Just tryin to be a gentleman;) Jimmy: Yeah, you wish, you sexist pig:d Jamie: Hey, hey no name calling here! Ladies read it Jimmy: Oh you just diggin your own grave:D lol --- Summary:
Jamie, Marlo, Jimmy and Alex's teacher requires their class to divide into 2 groups, each making a presentation. The teacher sent them the presentation subjects via e-mail. Jamie, Marlo, Jimmy and Alex consider dividing the class into groups by gender.
Summarize this dialog: Nora: John, are you at school? John: yes, maths now Nora: I've just talked on the phone to your math teacher John: oh Theresa: yes, where are you? John: in the park Theresa: Wait there, we have to talk John: no, I'm leaving Theresa: wait for me! Theresa: We're your mothers! --- Summary:
John is in the park. He is leaving now.
Summarize this dialog: Louis: did you see all the people outside the book shop today? Louis: it was insane!!! Sara: YES!!! Sara: i saw a hugeeeeeeee crowd Sara: do you know what was going on? Louis: my friend told me this writer, this new writer... Louis: i can't remember his name... Louis: the one that writes about vampires Sara: dante kyle? Louis: no, the other one Sara: cole grant? Louis: YES!! my friends told me he was there signing copies of his books Sara: no big loss then Sara: i'm not a fan of his --- Summary:
There was a crowd outside the bookshop today. Cole Grant, who writes about vampires, was allegedly in the bookshop signing his books.
Summarize this dialog: Debbie: Help, I don't know which dress to buy! <file_photo> or <file_photo>? Kelly: The red one! It's beautiful. Denise: It is, but the green one will suit you better. Kelly: Why? Debbie looks good in red. Denise: She does, but in my opinion that dress would look better on someone taller. Deb needs a shorter one. Kelly: Right, I haven't thought about it. Debbie: So the green one? Denise: Definitely! Kelly: Yeah. But can you send me the link to the store? I'm considering buying the red one for myself :D Debbie: LOL, okay. Here's the link: <file_other> --- Summary:
Debbie can't decide between buying a red dress and a green one. On Kelly and Denise's advice she will buy the green one. Kelly is considering buying the red one for herself.
Summarize this dialog: William: are you still angry? Emilia: YES William: :( --- Summary:
Emilia is still angry.
Summarize this dialog: Mia: Could anybody help me to buy a flight ticket? Rebecca: Sure, but what's the problem? Mia: I don't have a credit card at the moment Mia: I've always used Peter's card, but now you know... I'd prefer not to Tom: you can use mine! Mia: Should I send you the link? Tom: Just send me the flight, company and your personal data that I may need Mia: great, so nice of you, thanks! --- Summary:
Tom will help Mia buy a flight ticket as she doesn't have a credit card and doesn’t want to use Peter's now. Tom needs the flight, company and your personal data.
Summarize this dialog: Hugh: can you recommend a good dentist? Hugh: I have a toothache and need a dentist urgently Andy: Im sorry mate Andy: try ProDent in the centre Andy: Dr Smith, Ive been a few times Hugh: thanks, mate! Wade: Ive heard all dentist in that clinic are good Wade: I need to go for a checkup too, havent been to a dentist for ages Hugh: You'd better go soon! Hugh: I also havent been for ages and now it hurts horribly Andy: You should go today Hugh: Im working late today Hugh: I'll call them straight away and arrange sth for tomorrow maybe Andy: good luck! Take care! Hugh: thanks, man --- Summary:
Hugh has a toothache and needs to go to the dentist. Andy and Wade recommend him dentists at ProDent. Hugh will call ProDent today.
Summarize this dialog: Ella: OMG! Noah: ??? Ella: Just got a text from my mom! Noah: ??? Ella: She won a hundred thou in the lottery! Noah: Get. Out. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ella: Yes!!! Christmas is gonna be good! LOL! Noah: Don't forget the little people! Ella: LOL! --- Summary:
Before Christmas, Ella's mom won a hundred thousand in a lottery. Both Ella and Noah are excited.
Summarize this dialog: Oli: Theres a car accident Katie: Where? Oli: On circle drive Oli: I tried to get to the Circle Mall Katie: Oh no Pavel: Its on the news now Pavel: Theres no deaths Katie: Thank god 👼 --- Summary:
There has been an accident on Circle Drive, neat Circle Mall. There are no fatalities.
Summarize this dialog: Rob: Hey there, what's up? Bob: Not much, watching the game. You? Rob: Same. Having a few people over. Rob: But the game is boring as fuck lol. That's why I'm writing Bob: Yeah, true that Rob: Any plans for the weekend? Bob: Most likely the usual - run some errands, cook some food, go out for a few beers. Nothing super interesting have appeared yet :) Rob: I've heard that Jim is planning to celebrate his birthday Bob: Oh right, his birthday is like next Wednesday? Rob: Yeah, normally that would make the next weekend a good time but he is going for a skiing trip with his family Rob: So he said that he might organize something this weekend Rob: Nothing super fancy - most likely a meetup with a few friends at some bar Rob: Would you like to come? Bob: Sure, that would be nice Bob: But he has not invited me, so I don't want to be rude Rob: Most likely because it is not a real party. When I see him I'll let him know :) Bob: That would be cool - I actually haven't seen him in person for a while now :) Rob: Yeah, facebook does that to people :) Bob: ok, take care and see you on weekend! Rob: yeah, see you then! --- Summary:
Rob and Bob are watching the game. Bob will run some errands on the weekend. Jim's birthday is next Wednesday. He might organize a meetup this weekend. Bob will see Rob on the weekend.
Summarize this dialog: Julie: Most of the people will be girls from the village 40+ Debra: i dont care, village girls are super cool Julie: it will be awesome to meet up again Debra: it is over the weekend and looking into my calendar it seems im available Julie: awesome! so youre on the list <3 Debra: <3 Julie: yeah, we'e gonna drink a little vodka :P Debra: :D Julie: go on debbie and share the event on your wall, we need some recognition haha Debra: brace yourself Jules :D how many people are coming? Julie: its 20 --- Summary:
Julie and Debra are discussing the event, there will be about 20 people, mostly girls from the village 40+.
Summarize this dialog: Ian: Did you hear? Kate: What happened? Ian: Mike had an accident on his motorcycle. Ian: He broke his leg --- Summary:
Mike's had an accident on his motorcycle and he's broken his leg.
Summarize this dialog: Avery: You went to Ethan's house? David: yeah I had to babysit Avery: Aww, how do you babysit, just curious David: I had to go through a lot :/ Avery: Was his sister naughty David: Tooo much Avery: Lol David: I will just refuse net time :/ Avery: As you wish David: :/ Avery: I just got his text David: What is he saying Avery: He is asking me to say thanks to you David: yeah whatever<3 Avery: He was saying that your phone was switched off David: Yeah i have just turned it on Avery: I have told him about that David: k Avery: Gotta go now --- Summary:
David was looking after Ethan's sister. Ethan is grateful. David won't do it again.
Summarize this dialog: Conrad: I'm outside the house Conrad: I forgot my keys... Rebecca: 💩 Tiffany: I'll be home at 10-11 Rebecca: I'm coming back even later Conrad: Oh no... Conrad: I'll wait in the coffee shop --- Summary:
Conrad can't enter the house because he forgot his keys. Since Rebecca and Tiffany are coming back late, he'll wait in the coffee shop.
Summarize this dialog: Clara: Did you notice that weird smell at Kasia's place last night? Ron: YES!!!!!! I didn't want to say anything about it, though. I didn't want to be rude. Clara: I think it was her 21 cats roaming around lol Ron: lol don't say that, those cats were cute. Clara: so what? they can still smell Ron: i think it was her sleazy boyfriend Clara: lol you're bad Ron: jk Clara: in all honesty I don't know what it was. Ron: i guess we'll never know --- Summary:
Clara and Ron are wondering what that weird smell at Kasia's place last night was.
Summarize this dialog: Jake: Holly ru coming tonight? Holly: tbh I don't feel well Holly: I think I caught flu Jake: oh no, I was so excited that everyone would be here Holly: I know, sorry Holly: but I srsly feel shitty.. --- Summary:
Holly is not feeling very well, so she's not coming to Jake's tonight.
Summarize this dialog: Jacopo: hey, did you have a favorite dinosaur growing up? Ludmila: yes, triceratops. why? Jacopo: i'll tell you why later. --- Summary:
Ludmila's favourite dinosaur when she was little was the Triceratops.
Summarize this dialog: Josh: Going to the pub tonight? Sean: sure, pick up some chicks! Logan: Please, behave Sean, I actually would like to meet some girls Sean: ?? Logan: don't bullshit around with you sexist comments, it's counterproductive --- Summary:
Josh, Sean and Logan are going to the pub tonight to pick up some girls. Logan doesn't want Sean to scare the girls away with his inappropriate comments.
Summarize this dialog: Liam: Dude you left your phone at my place? Indiana: what? I didn't -- using it right now Liam: shit whose is it then? :D Indiana: dunno --- Summary:
Someone left a phone at Liam's place, but it wasn't Indiana.
Summarize this dialog: Claire: Check this out :))) Claire: <file_other> Maria: !! Nicole: Absolutely perfect for you!! Claire: I guess so Claire: But it could be a bit darker, cause this color is not very vivid Nicole: Noooooo, I think this color is perfectly good for the bride Maria: And it's no that expensive :))) Claire: Yes, the price appeals to me xD Nicole: You should order that dress Nicole: I think you won't regret Maria: Don't hesitate, it's incredibly beauty!! Claire: Ok, if you say so :)) --- Summary:
Claire is ordering her wedding dress, adviced by Maria and Nicole.
Summarize this dialog: David: Hi victor how are you? Victor: i am fine thanks, what about you? David: very well thanks, i heard you have taken over Chris's company? is that true? Victor: Yes he was under huge debt, but he is still working as Director David: That is good, your running company at its old premises? Victor: No i sold off the office and accommodated them in my office, you know there is a lot of free space. David: yes i know. thats good to hear i was worried about Chris but really appreciate what you are doing. Victor: he was not willing to get help so i thought to do it this way.. and he can own it back anytime he wants David: God bless you Victor: Thanks, hows your business? David: its good but not too much work these days.. Victor: yes market is very slow.. David: yes expecting it to get better by the end of the year. Victor: really? we can hope for the best David: yes. --- Summary:
Victor took over Chris's company, which was under a huge debt. He sold the office and did some changes but Chris still works there as Director. David's business goes very slow but he expects it to get better by the end of the year.
Summarize this dialog: Patricia: Hello, here's the fair-trade brand I've been talking about <file_other> Elle: Oh, thanks! Florence: Looks great! Patricia: I'm glad, I hope you enjoy it. The quality's really great and knowing where it came from makes it easier to spend the extra dollar ;) Elle: I'll look into it :) Florence: Thx --- Summary:
Patricia is recommending a fair-trade brand to Elle and Florence.
Summarize this dialog: Abigail: Why didn't you attend the part last night? :/ Ethan: I am currently in Los Angeles dat's why it was impossible for me Abigail: When did you leave for LA? :o You didnt even tell me Ethan: Why did you wanted know about it ? Abigail: Well! you are my friend and I dont even know that you are outta town. Dont seems good Ethan: Don't worry. I would be back after 3 or 2 days Abigail: Let me know when you reach back Ethan: Sure. Will meet soon --- Summary:
Ethan didn't come to the party last night because he is in Los Angeles. Abigail didn't know about it. Ethan will be back in a couple of days, the he will reach out to Abigail.
Summarize this dialog: Stan: She replied :-) Dave: She did? Stan: <file_photo> Dave: Lucky you! Stan: I can't believe it! She's my dream come true! Dave: Good luck today! Where are you going to take her? Stan: Pat&Gill's Dave: Good choice. Let me know how it was :-) Stan: I will. Dave: In minute detail :-) Stan: Forget it! --- Summary:
Stan is meeting the girl of his dreams today in Pat&Gill's. Later he's going to tell Dave how his date went.
Summarize this dialog: Abby: Have you talked to Miro? Dylan: No, not really, I've never had an opportunity Brandon: me neither, but he seems a nice guy Brenda: you met him yesterday at the party? Abby: yes, he's so interesting Abby: told me the story of his father coming from Albania to the US in the early 1990s Dylan: really, I had no idea he is Albanian Abby: he is, he speaks only Albanian with his parents Dylan: fascinating, where does he come from in Albania? Abby: from the seacoast Abby: Duress I believe, he told me they are not from Tirana Dylan: what else did he tell you? Abby: That they left kind of illegally Abby: it was a big mess and extreme poverty everywhere Abby: then suddenly the border was open and they just left Abby: people were boarding available ships, whatever, just to get out of there Abby: he showed me some pictures, like <file_photo> Dylan: insane Abby: yes, and his father was among the people Dylan: scary but interesting Abby: very! --- Summary:
Miro speaks Albanian with his parents. His family left Albania illegally in 1990s.
Summarize this dialog: Julie: hey guys... could you just talk to me for a bit? I just watched this Japanese horror movie and I'm home alone and a little uneasy (aka scared shitless) Rose: Jesus, why on earth would you watch a Japanese horror, home alone at this hour? Julie: Cause I'm a fucking moron? Rose: Cause you're a fuckin moron. Paula: 5 point for Gryffindor, my friend. But in your defense, I always thought you were quite unaffected by horror movies. Julie: That's what I thought too! Paula: So what kinda movie was it? Julie: <file_other> Rose: seems pretty generic Julie: It's scarier than it looks. Rose: you know that japanese horror are the worst ones, right? Julie: I know that now. Paula: If... you want me to come over I can. Julie: omg really? <3 Paula: Yeah, sure, it's like 20 minutes by bike to your house, we can drink cocoa and watch "when harry met Sally" until we fall asleep ;) Julie: Omg Thank you so much, I love you! Rose: I wish I lived in your neighborhood :( Paula: We can chip in for an Uber for you :D Julie: Let's have a spontaneous sleepover :D Rose: Oh, man it's late, but why the hell not. Rose: I'll bring cookies for the cocoa :D Julie: yay :D --- Summary:
Julie has just watched a Japanese horror. She's alone at home and really scared. Paula and Rose are going to come to her place for a spontaneous sleepover. They'll drink cocoa and watch "When Harry met Sally." Rose will bring cookies.
Summarize this dialog: Lucy: 15. My little girl is 15. What should I do now? Where is the rule book? Patricia: Why? It's like yesterday she was 5 years old... Patricia: You know, you have like 15 years of preparation and it shouldn't come as a surprise :) Lucy: Pat, as a mother I'm not as good as I always wanted to be... Patricia: Don't exaggerate... Lucy: Are you numb to all emotions? How did you feel when Patrick turned 15? Patricia: I just don't see things as you do :) Lucy: :) --- Summary:
Lucy is panicking because her daughter is 15 now and she is not sure she is prepared as a mother.
Summarize this dialog: Dan: Guys, so are we going out on Sat? Tim: I'm ready when you are Chris: I'm OK too, in the centre right? Tom: I'm out guys sorry. Dan: come on Tom, what's wring this time Tom: told ya before. party at in-laws Chris: always the same story right Martin: right guys, so what time? Tim: start @8? finish. 8 if we're lucky Dan: yeah, i need to be home at 2 and ready to drive on Sunday noon Chris: so you takin it easy this time Martin: i guess i'd have to as well Tim: guys you sound like 60 yos Chris: Tim, are the last two standing or what? Tim: i gather Dan: you two will also grow up one day. --- Summary:
Dan,Tim, Chris and Martin will meet at 8. Dan and Martin will take it easy this time. Tom can't make it as he has a party at in-laws.
Summarize this dialog: Casey: <file_photo> Amelia: these are so nice!!! did you do them yourself? Kristen: wooow amazing Amelia: i want my nails done like that too! Casey: yeah i did it myself :D got a new nail polish but damn it took me nearly 4 hours lol Amelia: can you do it for us too? Kristen: pretty please! Casey: sorry you guys... it was a nightmare :( seriously 4 hours for nails is too much --- Summary:
Casey got a new nail polish and did her nails herself. It took her nearly 4 hours, so she won't do her friends' nails, as it takes too long.
Summarize this dialog: Kate: hey whats up Sharol: hii nothing much man.. so bored Kate: done with the assignment? Sharol: which assignment? Kate: that sociology one? Sharol: which ? what? i am lost Kate: omg dont tell me you forgot? Sharol: seriously i dont know what your talking about? Kate: haha! no wonder your bored girl Sharol: now would you please tell me which assignment? Kate: yes ! we had to find answers of the questions about feminist act.? remember Sharol: ohhh goodnesssss!!! i dont know how i forgot....................................... Kate: now dont waste time and do it Sharol: ya man. when is it due? Kate: Tomorrow.. Sharol: What! Kate: yes now stop all those what and why and get to work.... Sharol: yes i am... are you done? Kate: yes.... phewwwww Sharol: :( talk to you later babes Kate: haha.. i know i shouldnt be laughing but this is so funny... Sharol: i hate you! Kate: excuse me? i reminded you about assignment... Sharol: oh yesssss... i love you now let me work. bye Kate: lol ok byeee --- Summary:
Sharol forgot about her sociology assignment. She needs to research feminist act, and it's due tomorrow. Kate has already finished it, and she rushes Sharol.
Summarize this dialog: Linda: Hi Helen, was Jamie at school today? Helen: Yes, he was, but I've heard that Jack is sick again? Poor baby. Linda: I'm afraid so :( High fever and a terible cough Helen: Jamie had it all the time last year Linda: how did you get rid of it? Helen: I have this wonderful perdiatrician, doctor Tornez, he is great with kids and treats every case individually Linda: that's rare in these days - sometimes I think all doctors do is prescribe antibiotics :/ Helen: I know! But doctor Torez i quite different. You can find him at the City Medical Centre Linda: The one next to the mall? Helen: exactly Linda: Thanks! anyway, I just wanted to ask if there was any importans news concerning the school trip Helen: You haven't heard? It's off! Linda: What, why? Helen: Half of the class is sick... Linda: Oh no :/ --- Summary:
Jack had to miss school because he is sick. Jamie was sick a lot last year but he got better thanks to doctor Tornez at City Medical Centre, next to the mall. Linda learns the school trip has been cancelled as many students are sick.
Summarize this dialog: Tim: Seen mum 2day? Louise: Nope. she's with autn Grace Tim: oh yeah i forgot Louise: why u need her Tim: nothing important. ok for now Louise: ciao --- Summary:
Tim does not need mum for anything important at the moment.
Summarize this dialog: Caroline: I think his mother doesn't like me...;-( :-( Kate: how come?? Caroline: I just see it in her eyes... Kate: any example? Caroline: I just feel it... Caroline: hard to give any example. Caroline: I'm his first gf and she's jelous... Kate: what??? u r his first gf?? Kate: how old is he??? o_O ??? Caroline: 26 but he's a nerd. Caroline: he used to spend all the time at home.. Kate: so he lives at home with mummy?? LOL Caroline: yeah.. mummy and gramma Kate: fuck, really?? Kate: and u think he's normal? Caroline: he's an introvert... Caroline: it's a big house.. Kate: but has he ever lived somewhere else? Kate: u know shared flat, erasmus? Caroline: nope... Kate: he's really weird.. Caroline: he's just a nerd, but v.intelligent! Caroline: w8 , he's writing sth, will text u l8er. Kate: ok --- Summary:
Kate believes her boyfriend's mother dislikes her. He is a nerd who lives and has always lived with his mother and grandmother.
Summarize this dialog: Vincent: <file_photo> Damian: What happened to your lamp? Vincent: I broke it xD Vincent: With my bare hand Damian: You didn't do this just to show off did you? Vincent: Hahaha. xD No. Vincent: I was playing with my cat with a ribbon Vincent: And while raising my hand I just hit the lamp and the glass cover broke Damian: Shit happens. You ordered new one yet? Vincent: Yeah. Should be ready to pick up on Tuesday xD --- Summary:
Vincent's new lamp should be ready to be picked up on Tuesday.
Summarize this dialog: Nestor: I'm thinking of buying a new laptop Nestor: And it seems that now is a perfect time for it as Black Friday is coming Olaf: Hahaha Nestor: I haven't said anything funny, what's wrong with you Olaf: Everything's fine with me, you're just being silly Nestor: Why, cuz I want to save some money buying what I need when it's cheaper? Nestor: Do you actually know what Blak Friday is about? Olaf: Of course I know Olaf: It's a cunningly contrived sales pitch Olaf: Prices are thought to be reduced but in fact they're the same or even higher... Nestor: You're just repeating a stupid theory some people made up and try to convince others that it's based on facts Olaf: You're really naive... Olaf: <file_other> Olaf: Click on this link and see for yourself Olaf: This is one of the sites where people upload photos of the same product and its price 2 weeks before Black Friday and during the promotion Nestor: And how do I know whether it's a reliable source or not? Olaf: Carry out your own investigation Olaf: Go and check prices of the chosen products when the promotion is still on and check them again when the promotion is over Olaf: Simple Nestor: What if the laptop I want has been really cheaper and I'll miss a perfect deal? Olaf: Then I'll help you Olaf: I know a dude who sells almost new computers at very reasonable prices Nestor: So ask him to send the offer of what he has in stock to me first Nestor: If he can offer me a good deal, I'm going to the mall and starting investigation tomorrow Nestor: Deal? Olaf: Deal! Olaf: I'll call or text him and ask to contact you. Olaf: I'm sure he'll help you and you'll appreciate my advice :-) Nestor: We'll see about that --- Summary:
Nestor wanted to buy a laptop on Black Friday sales, but Olaf advise against it, as the prices in reality are not reduced. Nestor will check it if Olaf helps him to get a good deal from a guy he knows.
Summarize this dialog: Nancy: Yeah, but u can also read the news online ;) Phil: I know, but imagine - ur keen on technology and u get all the news in one place. Then u can choose what to read and what not. Nancy: Sounds sensible. Does it have something 4 fashion? Phil: Probably so. Not sure, though. Nancy: How about u, Vic? Vic: I still prefer Facebook. Had Twitter once, but the interaction with others is nothing compared with Facebook. Phil: Well, it's intended in a completely different way. Vic: What do u mean? Phil: IMO, Twitter is not for interacting like on Facebook, but for getting news fast and from reliable, more or less, sources. U can follow anyone and anyone can follow u. Vic: Still, on Facebook I can share stuff with my friends, join groups and talk about things that interest me. And I don't have to limit myself to 140 characters. Phil: 280. Still, a downside. OTOH, if ppl were able to write as much as they wanted, Twitted would get as cluttered as Facebook. Nancy: So no one uses 4 example Instagram? Vic: I do. Phil: Not 4 me. I don't post that many pictures online. Nancy: But u can follow ppl and see what they're doing or offering. There are also companies on Instagram. Phil: I know, but I'm more interested in news and gossip than seeing someone post a picture of their breakfast. Vic: That's not all ppl post on Instagram! Phil: So, what else? Vic: Depends on ur interest. I, for one, like to observe all the fitness accounts :) Phil: And does this motivate u to train? Vic: No, but it gives me hints what to do and what not. Nancy: What do u think about Tumblr? Phil: What? Vic: Heard about it, but never had an account. Nancy: It's a microblogging website. U can post blog entries, pictures and basically everything u want there. And ppl can observe u! Phil: Don't have that much time to write a blog. Vic: Me neither. Phil: Nancy, y do u ask these questions? ;) Nancy: I have my reasons ;) --- Summary:
Nancy asks Vic and Phil about various social media, which prompts them to discuss and compare the different platforms. Phil is not into Instagram but likes Twitter. Vic prefers Facebook over Twitter and likes Instagram. Phil and Vic both don't use Tumblr.
Summarize this dialog: Amanda: have you seen the guy with dreads? Peter: yes, so awkward! Dan: hahaha, very, but cool! Amanda: I'm not convinced --- Summary:
Amanda and Peter don't like what the man in dreads looks like, but Dan does.
Summarize this dialog: Sue: can you pick the car up after work tomorrow please James: yes and pay? Sue: yes I will transfer the money in James: ok x --- Summary:
James will pick up the car after his work tomorrow. Sue already have sent him money.
Summarize this dialog: Alice: Are you on the way Jess: I'm in a traffic jam Alice: oh, no, where? Jess: West Bronx Alice: :/ --- Summary:
Jess is in a traffic jam in West Bronx.
Summarize this dialog: Dima: hello! Nada: hey girl, what's up? Dima: I'm in a huge trouble, my laptop is broken and I have to deliver a translation tomorrow @9 😱😱 Nada: fuck what happened?? Dima: the stupid cat spilled coffee on it 😣😣 I'm freaking out! Dima: you still have your old laptop? is it possible to lend it to me please? Nada: no sorry, I've given it to my brother - but you're lucky! I've taken these two days off so you can take mine Dima: ooh man! thank you sooo much!!! if it weren't for Trados, I wouldn't be panicking :( Nada: no worries, it happened... but I always think about this... like man, we need some back up laptops! Dima: I know! but I always change my mind and spend the money elsewhere lol Nada: yeah, but it's like our only tool! so we need to invest in it Dima: yup, true ! Dima: can I come in an hour to pick it up? Nada: yes :) ttyl! --- Summary:
Dima's laptop is broken, as her cat spilled coffee on the laptop. Dima is worried, because she has to deliver a translation for Trados tomorrow. Dima will come to Nada in an hour to borrow Nada's laptop.
Summarize this dialog: Betty: so where did you go after? Kelly: we wander around and met more people from school Betty: anyone i know Kelly: well, yeah Betty: tell me!!!!! Kelly: guess... Betty: oh c'mon!! Kelly: guess who could pass THE pub at 2 am...? Betty: oh no!!! Kelly: oh yes!!! Betty: damned bastard Kelly: haha but we didnt talk almost, just hi-hi hows it goin Betty: tell me everything Kelly: he looked nice, standard Betty: was he with someone?.. Kelly: yes.... Betty: :/ Kelly: I'm sorry sweetie, i told him a few words, he heard from me a bit. Bastard Betty: thanks, babes, youre the best, youre my bestie Kelly: not at all love, he is such an ass! --- Summary:
Afterwards, Kelly wandered around and met some people from school. She also met him. They almost didn't talk and he was with someone.
Summarize this dialog: Anne: Hi darling, do you went to come for Easter? Adele: love to, i'm off on friday Anne: it's could be nice, i'll invite Louise too Adele: great, i'll bring you eggs, chocolat ones of course! Anne: thanks darling. --- Summary:
Anne is inviting Adele for Easter. Adele will bring some chocolate eggs.
Summarize this dialog: Melody: did you get your computer fixed yet? Peggy: no, im spending a lot of time using the library computers. Melody: do they know whats wrong with it? Peggy: might be something with the circuit board. they hope to have an answer tomorrow Melody: thats pretty serious. might be cheaper just to buy a new one Peggy: thats true. well see. Melody: if you need to get a new one, i highly recommend the mac model that i have Peggy: ok, good to know. i'll write if i have any questions Melody: youre probably due for a new one anyway, no? Peggy: you're right. 5 years is a long time to own one. Melody: yes, thats ancient by laptop standards Peggy: ok. i might just not bother getting it repaired after all. Melody: sounds like a good idea --- Summary:
Melody's 5-year-old laptop is broken. Tomorrow she'll know what's wrong. She won't be repairing it, because her laptop is too old. Instead, she'll buy a new one.