Minecraft wiki entry for Placement, associated text: Doors and trapdoors behave in unique ways. The flat side of each block acts as an opaque surface, allowing anything to be placed on it. However, all other sides act as transparent blocks. Because of this, many blocks that can be placed on doors and trapdoors do not stay in place if the door or trapdoor is opened or closed.
Minecraft wiki entry for Custom, associated text: generator: Generation settings used for the dimension. type: The ID of the generator (in this case, minecraft:debug).
Minecraft wiki entry for Historical_effects, associated text: 4n: have no visible inside faces and some fully bright outside faces 4n+1: both of the inside faces will be offset in the negative direction 4n+2: have no visible inside faces and some fully bright outside faces 4n+3: both of the inside faces will be offset in the positive direction
Minecraft wiki entry for Brigadier, associated text: Since 1.15, whenever the chat cursor is positioned at the start of a node after a whitespace character, command suggestion will say "Incorrect argument for command at position <position number>" instead of displaying the command suggestions, especially the command arguments that requires numbers or strings before parsing and the trailing spaces beyond the command argument list.[8]
Minecraft wiki entry for Adventure_survival, associated text: In the snowy tundra village, a furnace can be found in most houses, such as in small houses, medium houses and mason houses.
Minecraft wiki entry for VPS, associated text: Download and install Teamviewer on your server. During installation, when asked, select Yes to enable remote connection to the server. Now Teamviewer should be installed. Proceed to Extra's > Options. Proceed to the Security tab. Setup a password for unattended access. Set Access Control to Full access. If you wish, you can setup display quality in the Remote Control tab.
Minecraft wiki entry for Bed, associated text: Villagers always wake up on top of the bed, meaning they can suffocate if there isn't enough room above the bed.
Minecraft wiki entry for ED, associated text: Entity data Tags common to all entities[show] Tags common to all mobs[show] Pumpkin : 1 or 0 (true/false) - whether or not the Snow Golem has a pumpkin on its head.
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: Boats will no longer disappear when getting out of them after a long ride. (MCPE-108568) (MCPE-125388) Boat oars now have the same color as the Boat. (MCPE-150492)
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: Now, when their pumpkin is sheared from their head, that is saved with the game (previously it was just an in-memory visual effect).
Minecraft wiki entry for Egg_farming, associated text: The despawn timer (upper edge of diagram) is a dropper facing down over pressure plate. It works by dropping an item onto the pressure plate, which will turn off the torch and enable the clock until the item despawns. The block in front of the pressure plate helps avoid accidentally picking up the item as you pass near, but if you go close enough you can still pick it up and cut off the timer. Once you've built and connected the despawn timer, you can turn the lever back off, as the inactive timer will keep the clock disabled. The despawn timer's dropper can be loaded with any disposable item, such as surplus seeds or eggs. The block in front of the pressure plate is just to make it a little harder to accidentally pick up the item—glass will let you see if the item is on target, or has missed the pressure plate.
Minecraft wiki entry for Curing_a_zombie_villager, associated text: Curing a zombie villager grants you the Zombie Doctor achievement/advancement if it has not been obtained yet. If the cured villager has a profession, it permanently provides heavy discounts while trading to the player that cured them.‌[Java Edition only] There is also a heavy discount on Bedrock Edition with 1.16, another thing to keep in mind is that in Bedrock Edition, the discount spreads through the "talking" of villagers 16 blocks in a cube from the cured Villager.
Minecraft wiki entry for Time-saving_tips, associated text: If you need to build something of known dimensions, or place exactly some number of an item, adjust the size of the stack in your active slot before you start. This way, you can use the stack itself as a counter that automatically runs out at the desired measurement. For example, if you wanted to mark out a 40×50 rectangular area, fill an active slot with exactly 40 blocks. You can then place them without worrying about counting; once the stack runs out, you know you've placed exactly 40 blocks. In the other direction, fill the active slot with 49 blocks and place them. For lengths larger than 64 meters in one direction, either use stacks of 64 and then one final stack with the remainder, or size your stacks with round numbers of blocks. Use whichever method you find simplest.
Minecraft wiki entry for Redstone_computers, associated text: How fast can it do operations? Is it optimized to run its tasks? Custom designing and building a computer will significantly increase its speed as more redundant wiring and code could be switched to purpose-built hardware and software. This is apparent in some real-world supercomputers which are programmed to run one task very, very efficiently. The speed of computers in Minecraft is very slow, therefore a mod could be installed for the client to significantly increase the speed of the game, and therefore the computer.
Minecraft wiki entry for Galaxite, associated text: See who's the fastest in this unique racing game! Collect power-ups and use abilities against your opponents as you race through one of our many themed maps. Keep an eye out for scraps scattered throughout the track, you can grab those to upgrade your kart. Be the first across the finish line to claim your victory!*
Minecraft wiki entry for End_survival, associated text: Another advantage of living in the End, or at least going to gather chorus fruits, is to make a chorus fruit farm (The player can make it in the Overworld too). Chorus fruits can be used as food, items for making purpur blocks, and its popped variant also make end rod.
Minecraft wiki entry for Trapped_Chest, associated text: Trapped chests can be broken with any tool, but axes are the fastest. Items contained in the chest are dropped when the chest is broken. If one half of a large trapped chest is destroyed, the corresponding items from the destroyed trapped chest are dropped and the remaining trapped chest continues to function as a small trapped chest.
Minecraft wiki entry for Creating_shapes, associated text: To make a pyramid, first make a square and build a pillar in the middle to denote the height. Then start at the midpoint of one of the sides and build up by a number of blocks, and after every set of those blocks go in by one or two blocks and repeat until hitting the top. Then repeat on all 4 sides. Then, starting from the top, connect the 4 sides of each level of the pyramid with a square ring. Progress downward, each square bigger than the last, until hitting the bottom. For an even better pyramid, use stairs or slabs to smooth the angle. For a steeper pyramid, use a steeper angle, and vice versa.
Minecraft wiki entry for Snow_golems, associated text: Snow golems can also be used to farm snow, as they immediately replace snow on the block(s) that they are standing on. This can make a fast snow farm. For more information, go to Tutorials/Snow Farming
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: "Dandelion yellow", "rose red" and "cactus green" have been renamed to "yellow dye", "red dye" and "green dye", respectively.
Minecraft wiki entry for Panda, associated text: Pandas have different personalities: either normal, lazy, worried, playful, aggressive, weak, or brown.
Minecraft wiki entry for Building_micro_shelters, associated text: A micro shelter is a compact shelter that fits a large amount of utilities in a minimal amount of space. It can be built very quickly, and requires very few supplies to build.
Minecraft wiki entry for Resource_location, associated text: Resource locations are used as plain strings to reference blocks, items, entity types, and various other objects in vanilla Minecraft.
Minecraft wiki entry for Glowstone, associated text: Glowstone is a light-emitting block that occurs in branching structures, found hanging from ceilings and overhangs in the Nether.
Minecraft wiki entry for Pre-flattening, associated text: Up to 4 bits of special data are used for certain block and item types. Blocks that need more than 4 bits of data beyond the block ID use a block entity or are split into two blocks. Storage differs according to level format.
Minecraft wiki entry for Mechanisms, associated text: For this device, you can stand on a pressure plate and make splash potions shoot out of a dispenser. See the following steps for how to make it:
Minecraft wiki entry for Warped_Fungus_on_a_Stick, associated text: Issues relating to "Warped Fungus on a Stick" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.
Minecraft wiki entry for Huge_fungus_generation, associated text: A fungus will not grow if it is obscured by the height limit or if it is placed outside of the world.
Minecraft wiki entry for Statistics, associated text: The resource locations of statistics are in form of NAMESPACE:PATH as well, however, in which NAMESPACE is the resource location of a statistic type in form of namespace.path, NAME is the resource location of a statistic name in form of namespace.path.
Minecraft wiki entry for Cobblestone_farming, associated text: The upward facing piston is on level 0. The hole east of it contains redstone and is covered by any transparent block (glass shown for visibility). The redstone torch in the main section is temporary; once you've built the clock, place a lever on either input block (green wool), and flip the lever, then replace the torch with redstone dust. (This lever is turning the clock, and generator, off, so turning the lever on will stop the generator.) After building, flipping the lever again will run the generator, or do a bit of tidying-up: The rest of level 2 can be filled with any block, and you may want to cover the lava (and even the exposed repeater), with a slab.
Minecraft wiki entry for Things_not_to_do, associated text: Use a Fire Resistance splash potion, which can protect both the player and their mount. Use horse armor. Avoid Speed potions to help avoid running into lava or off cliffs.
Minecraft wiki entry for Block_and_item_duplication, associated text: This method makes mass-duplication possible with the use of a shulker box and moving the contents of one duplicated box to the other, thus doubling how much you get each time, until you are duplicating an entire box's worth of items. This does run the risk of massive lag in your world, by creating too many shulker boxes with contents. The effect may be even greater in online worlds such as realm servers. Be sure to transfer most items to regular chests after duplicating to avoid this.
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: Removed quotation marks from loading screen tips. Fixed the issue with ambient noises playing too frequently in the Nether (MCPE-69154). Renamed various blocks, and renamed JSON files to reflect changed block names (MCPE-65390). The “Change Emotes” button is no longer missing on Android devices (MCPE-69082). The "p" in "Pigstep" music disc is now capitalized (MCPE-70466). Adjusted hopper hitbox shape (MCPE-47541) Nether sprouts item texture no longer extends outside the bounds of an item frame when rotated.
Minecraft wiki entry for Ocean, associated text: A deep ocean, with an ocean monument in the background. View of an old pre-Java Edition 1.13 frozen ocean. Another view of a frozen ocean. A reef less area of a warm ocean, with some sea pickles. Another view of a deep lukewarm ocean. An example of the random temperature variation within frozen oceans. The darker areas are colder, and have snowfall and ice sheets; the lighter areas are warmer, have rainfall and unfrozen water. Same as the previous image, edited for better visibility. An example of an ocean before Aquatic Update. Sea pickles generating in an underground ravine. A wrecked ship in an iceberg at a frozen ocean. A small lukewarm ocean, looking like a bigger lake. A school of 6 cod swimming in an ocean. A ravine, shipwreck, ruin, and dolphins beneath the surface of an ocean. Looking down into a deep ocean.
Minecraft wiki entry for Version_history, associated text: 1 Java Edition 2 Bedrock Edition 3 New Nintendo 3DS Edition 4 Education Edition 5 Pi Edition 6 Minecraft Earth 7 Minecraft Dungeons 8 Minecraft Launcher 9 Legacy Console Edition
Minecraft wiki entry for Walls_and_buttresses, associated text: A gravity wall is simply a thick wall that uses its great mass to hold back the earth. A piling wall has reinforcing piles dug deep into the ground to give it strength. The piles may go down twice as far as the wall is high. A cantilevered wall is shaped like an L. Some cantilevered walls are anchored by the weight of the soil burying the horizontal part of the L. Otherwise they may be supported by their own strength, or by stays or counterforts. An anchored wall has cables or stays buried in the ground to help hold it in position.
Minecraft wiki entry for Iron_Ingot, associated text: Zombies, husks, and zombie villagers have a 2.5% chance of dropping either an iron ingot, carrot, or potato when killed by a player or tamed wolf. This is increased by 1% per level of looting. This gives iron ingots the following chances of dropping:
Minecraft wiki entry for Snow_Block, associated text: 1 Obtaining 1.1 Breaking 1.2 Natural generation 1.3 Chest loot 1.4 Crafting 2 Usage 2.1 Melting 2.2 Snow golems 2.3 Crafting ingredient 3 Sounds 4 Data values 4.1 ID 5 History 6 Issues 7 Trivia 8 Gallery 9 See also 10 Notes 11 References
Minecraft wiki entry for Kelp, associated text: Kelp can be placed underwater by hand, or anywhere by the use of commands such as /setblock. Placing it by hand gives it a random age value between 0 and 24. Kelp can be placed only in water source blocks or downward-flowing water, not horizontally flowing water.
Minecraft wiki entry for Create_a_Mac_OS_X_startup_daemon, associated text: When creating a Mac OS X startup daemon, it may work for some people, but not for others. Therefore, it is strongly recommended not to create one unless you know your way around Terminal and Console, and you have a good analytical mind that will tell you whenever you are doing mistakes. This article is more of a helping hand, so if you have no background knowledge on Terminal and Console, this article may not be very helpful.
Minecraft wiki entry for Purpur_Block, associated text: Times are for unenchanted tools as wielded by players with no status effects, measured in seconds. For more information, see Breaking § Speed.
Minecraft wiki entry for History, associated text: As an example, if a chunk in the chunk index at 1,0 (X,Z) reads 15 51 01 00 we can locate the chunk data within the file. First we get the decimal representation of the last three bytes which are in little-endian 51 01 00 equals 337 in decimal. Next we calculate the offset by multiplying our result by the size of a sector 337 * 4,096. Last we get the decimal representation of the first byte which is always 21 (0x15) and multiply it by the size of a sector 21 * 4,096. As a result, we know this chunk is located at the decimal offset of 1,380,352 and is 86,016 bytes in size.
Minecraft wiki entry for Phantom, associated text: When idle, phantoms fly around in a roughly circular pattern within 15 to 25 blocks of a player horizontally and within 24 to 35 blocks of a player vertically, leaving a trail of gray smoke while doing so. Their movement speed is one of the fastest of any mob, up to 20 blocks per second. They have a large search radius, targeting and following players from 64 blocks away‌[BE only][more information needed]. Once every 10-20 seconds‌[BE only][more information needed] they swoop down or up quickly to attack. If stopped or hurt during this action, the phantom retreats back to its original elevation. When a path to its original elevation is obstructed by a block, the phantom continues attempting to return to its original elevation until it either attacks or moves out from under the block. Phantoms do not attack an exposed player sleeping in a bed.
Minecraft wiki entry for Speedrun, associated text: Just as golf can be described as a nice walk spoiled by a little white ball, a glitchless speedrun can be a fun challenge spoiled by a little green pearl. Obtaining ender pearls is almost always going to be the most time-consuming part of any speedrun. Therefore, the priority should always be to kill endermen, and it's never too early to get your first ender pearl. After getting a weapon, listen for endermen in any caves you explore. Especially after entering the nether, look around for endermen as you search for the fortress. Ender pearls are considerably easier to obtain in the new 1.16 Nether Update, since Piglin trading has a chance of dropping many at a time. As such, it is also very important to craft gold armor and mine any gold you find in the nether. It can be easier to hunt endermen in the nether because there are fewer other mobs to fight, there are frequently a lot of easy places to fight without being hit (such as standing in a 2 block high space), and they can be abundantly found within warped forests. Leaving the nether with your blaze rods and ender pearls will help you start traveling in the direction of a stronghold right away.
Minecraft wiki entry for Curse_of_Binding, associated text: An item with Curse of Binding cannot be removed from any armor slot unless the player is in Creative mode, the player dies, or the item breaks. For items without durability, the player must die to remove the item, making removal in Hardcore mode impossible.
Minecraft wiki entry for Chalkboard, associated text: Water and lava flow around boards. Lava can create fire in air blocks next to boards as if the boards were flammable, but the boards do not burn.
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: 1.14 Pre-Release 1 is the first pre-release for Java Edition 1.14, released on April 10, 2019,[42] which optimizes the game and fixes bugs.
Minecraft wiki entry for Horn_(disambiguation), associated text: Horn Coral, a yellow variant of coral Dead Horn Coral Horn Coral Fan, a yellow variant of coral fans Dead Horn Coral Fan Horn Coral Block, a yellow variant of coral blocks Dead Horn Coral Block
Minecraft wiki entry for Huge_fungus, associated text: A huge crimson fungus generated on netherrack. Another huge crimson fungus generated on netherrack. A huge warped fungus in the warped forest. A small huge crimson fungus with a 3x3 stalk that generated on the roof of the Nether. The shortest huge fungus and the tallest huge fungus. A machine which splits huge fungus into multiple separate block streams
Minecraft wiki entry for Death_messages, associated text: <player> was squashed by a falling anvil Appears when the player is killed by an anvil falling on their head. <player> was squashed by a falling anvil whilst fighting <player/mob> Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob then killed by a falling anvil. <player> was squashed by a falling block Appears when the player is killed by a falling block (other than an anvil) modified to inflict damage. <player> was squashed by a falling block whilst fighting <player/mob> Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob then killed by a falling block modified to inflict damage. <player> was skewered by a falling stalactite Appears when the player is killed by a falling pointed dripstone. <player> was skewered by a falling stalactite whilst fighting <player/mob> Appears when the player is hurt by a player or mob and then killed by a falling pointed dripstone.
Minecraft wiki entry for Explorer_Map, associated text: There are three types of explorer maps: woodland, ocean, and buried treasure. The maps differ from a normal map, in that it shows the area's land-water outline, as well as an orange striated (striped) texture for areas below sea level, and the blank map texture for land above sea level. The maps show a section of land that contains a woodland mansion, monument or buried treasure respectively. This may not be the nearest such structure to the player. The structures are displayed as a small icon. If the player icon is smaller than it would be on a normal map, that means the player is a great distance away. When the player is less than 1027 blocks away from the map border, the icon returns to the proper size. When the player reaches the map's area of land (512×512), the map fills in like a normal map.
Minecraft wiki entry for Survival_in_an_infinite_desert, associated text: In theory, a small house with 5x5 walls needs 32-34 sand for the walls, plus 25 dirt or sandstone for the roof. In practice, you can get away with less. You could use 10 blocks in a 3 x 3 pattern above the floor space (not above the walls), plus 1 block on the wall to anchor that 3 x 3 to the wall = 10 blocks. You could clip the 4 corners (but not the middle) off the 3 x 3 block and reduce it to 6 blocks, but if you go down the minimum blocks and are using sandstone, don't make a mistake! It takes a long time to break sandstone with your hands, and breaking it doesn't drop a sandstone block, the block just gets destroyed.
Minecraft wiki entry for Traps, associated text: When the player chops down the tree, the TNT will be lit by the observer. The observer can be replaced by a lever and a NOT Gate if you are short on quartz.
Minecraft wiki entry for List_of_sediments, associated text: Dirt Path – grass, podzol, or coarse dirt that a path has been worn into Grass Block – dirt with grass growing in it; can support most plants Farmland – hand-tilled dirt ready for planting crops in Mycelium – clumped dirt and mushroom hyphae; only found on mushroom islands Podzol – the soil of old growth taigas and bamboo jungles; can support mushrooms and some plants
Minecraft wiki entry for Player_versus_Player, associated text: No matter how your opponent fights, they are bound to have some kind of weakness. Wastefully attacking where they are well defended won't work, and you will usually have to change your plan accordingly. Is he trying to use redstone? Douse it with water. Debuffing you with splash potions? Chug some milk. Shielding your arrows and tridents? Whip out the Piercing enchantment. Not even the heavily-geared Netherite player is invincible - you can bypass his armor with splash potions and tipped arrows. This also brings to the next point:
Minecraft wiki entry for Man-made_lake, associated text: 1 "Hole In the Ground" technique 1.1 How To: Deep Lake w/ Ease 1.2 How To 2 Deep Pool 2.1 How To 2.2 Deep Pool 2 2.2.1 How To 3 Pure Lake 3.1 Bottom up 3.2 Top Down 3.3 Creative Mode or Silk Touch enchantments Only 4 "There are currents!" 5 Swimming in a Lake 6 Taking Water From a Lake
Minecraft wiki entry for Water, associated text: Spreading water extinguishes fire and washes away certain types of items or placed blocks, causing them to drop as items and then carrying them along in the flow until the edge of the spread. Affected items include plants (except trees), snow, torches, carpets, redstone dust and some other redstone components, cobweb, end rods, heads, and flower pots.
Minecraft wiki entry for Compass, associated text: 1 Obtaining 1.1 Crafting 1.2 Natural generation 1.3 Trading 2 Usage 2.1 Crafting ingredient 2.2 Anvil usage 2.3 Trading 2.4 Enchantments 3 Sounds 4 Data values 4.1 ID 4.2 Item data 5 Advancements 6 History 7 Issues 8 Gallery 9 See also 10 References
Minecraft wiki entry for Advanced, associated text: If you are not going to modify something, do not add it to the pack. Keep path length to a maximum of 70 characters.
Minecraft wiki entry for Defeating_a_pillager_outpost, associated text: Build a bridge up to the top of the Pillager outpost. When you do so, get inside the top floor of the pillager outpost. Quickly seal off the stairway. Loot the chest and make your way up to where the bridge was on the roof, and quickly go down the bridge.
Minecraft wiki entry for Block_and_item_duplication, associated text: These are dupes that only work(ed) on singleplayer, either because you need access to manage the server, Paper/Spigot patched it, or most servers have plugins that let it not work.
Minecraft wiki entry for Diamonds, associated text: After crafting the enchanting table, small enchantments are possible, but to get Fortune, let alone Fortune III — the table's power must be boosted with bookshelves. 15 bookshelves are needed, requiring 45 books, in turn requiring 45 leather, 135 paper, and 90 planks, so having a tree farm is handy. See the Enchanting article for details of how to arrange those.
Minecraft wiki entry for Oak, associated text: An oak tree grown from a sapling within 2 blocks of a flower has a 5% chance of having a bee nest containing 2 bees.
Minecraft wiki entry for Legacy_village_mechanics, associated text: Then since the initial check failed, the bottom layer is ignored, and we perform the test again, this time checking for roof blocks only above (not level with) the green wool. This time, only the two spaces on the left-hand side of the image are covered. Since the "roof check" passed on this second try, the door counts as a house, and its "inside" is on the left where the more covered spaces are:
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: New statistics:[6] Damage Dealt (Absorbed) – damage_dealt_absorbed Damage Dealt (Resisted) – damage_dealt_resisted Damage Blocked By Shield – damage_blocked_by_shield Damage Absorbed – damage_absorbed Damage Resisted – damage_resisted Shulker Box Cleaned – clean_shulker_box
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: Fixed the food cooldown visual not being semi-transparent on the HUD (MCPE-55206) Ruined Portals under Ocean and Swamp biomes are no longer waterlogged and will spawn dry Primed TNT will no longer explode when spawned using '/summon' and the TNT Explodes game rule is disabled (MCPE-49044) Capped the freezing range of the Frost Walker enchantment to 8 blocks to avoid server unresponsiveness Farmer Villagers now do not pick up more than 8 stacks of items (MCPE-123412) Offset Maps held in hand relative to the screen's aspect ratio so it always stays close to the screen's edge and remains fully visible Fixed Monster Spawners that sometimes stopped spawning mobs when the chunks they were placed in were reloaded (MCPE-142285) The 'Iron Belly' achievement can once again be unlocked (MCPE-146036) Fixed Structure Blocks infinitely spawning the same entities when loading a structure (MCPE-137617) Players can no longer be hurt by their own armor enchantments such as Thorns (MCPE-142735) Food once again applies effects when eaten
Minecraft wiki entry for Mushroom_farming, associated text: This method involves breeding mooshroom cows or striking Mooshroom cows with lightning, and then shearing them for their respective mushroom type. 5 mushrooms will be dropped when sheared. This is a cheap and quick method to obtain large quantities of mushrooms in quick succession.
Minecraft wiki entry for Tutorials, associated text: Custom texture packs — texture packs are no longer used, resource packs use new file structure How to get a crash report (Outdated) — no longer works with the current launcher Water tram - Boat mechanics have been overhauled Managing slimes in superflat mode — slimes are no longer a plague Repeater reboot system — a glitch that existed in Beta only Update LWJGL (Legacy) — current launcher automatically updates libraries Custom lake — these methods are no longer needed since water is more obliging Water ladder — no longer works as given, water behavior has changed a lot since Beta Installing mods - Modloader — ModLoader is no longer supported by its creator Far Lands — they were removed in Beta 1.8 Instant wire — a glitch that existed in Beta Update Minecraft — updating and downgrading Minecraft is automatic in the new launcher Minecart booster — Minecart boosters were fixed shortly after the introduction of powered rails. Survival with no enabled data packs - Blocks no longer drop items when data packs are disabled with the Village & Pillage update. Door-based iron golem farming - Villages are no longer based around doors with the Village & Pillage update. Village chaining - Villages are no longer based around doors with the Village & Pillage update. Potion farming - Potion farming was patched in version 1.17.3 as a result of being too overpowered.
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: Inventory tab names, which appear in the description of items when in the Search tab, now display in boldface. Other information, such as tag names, are now displayed in boldface as well. Netherite ingots and netherite scrap have been moved next to iron and gold ingots.
Minecraft wiki entry for Block_and_item_duplication, associated text: This duplication glitch works on 1.16.5 multiplayer. It requires an elytra and firework rockets that deal damage to the player. If the rockets do not damage the player, the duplication will not work. Video below: (duplication glitch starts at 0:33)
Minecraft wiki entry for structure, associated text: Specifies whether including entities or not. If unspecified, defaults to true. Must be a boolean (either true or false).
Minecraft wiki entry for How_to_play, associated text: There are multitudes of commands that allow you to do amazing things. There are many sources out there that provide you with all of the info that you'll ever need.
Minecraft wiki entry for Georgiy_Gavrichev, associated text: He has been known for addressing technical lighting issues,[2] maintaining Data Fixer Upper[3] and working on Blaze 3D.[4]
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: Trapdoor collision now matches their visual shape. (MCPE-13451) Paintings can no longer be placed on top of item frames. Cactus blocks now break when next to lava. Flowers in snow now break properly and drop the correct item. (MCPE-30147) Falling blocks no longer break when falling on ice blocks and glass. Falling blocks are now broken by partial blocks that are placed above piston arms facing up. Mycelium no longer wrongly turns to dirt due to not having enough light.
Minecraft wiki entry for Advancement_guide, associated text: You can also get this advancement by traveling downwards 50 blocks, so you can get to the top of a tall end city (more than 50 blocks), and be hit by a shulker. You will be granted the Levitation effect. Next, get at least 8 blocks away from the end city, and then eat a chorus fruit. Because of the way chorus fruit teleportation works, it will teleport you directly on the ground, and you will get the advancement.
Minecraft wiki entry for Parity_issue_list, associated text: A tweet by now ex-community manager Aubrey Norris suggests that it is being worked on since at least early 2018.
Minecraft wiki entry for Village_mechanics, associated text: A village is defined through several mechanics: the village gathering sites, village radius, number of job sites, number of houses, population size (number of villagers), population cap (maximum number of villagers that can live in the village based on available housing and beds), cat population, and Iron Golem population. Players can use these mechanics to build artificial villages.
Minecraft wiki entry for Block_and_item_duplication, associated text: TNT duplication works in a similar way as rail duplication. A TNT block is BUD-powered, such that when the contraption is pushed by a piston, the TNT is updated and ignites into a primed TNT entity. Then, the piston moves the TNT from the list of TNT block left. This doesn't so much duplicate the TNT block as it creates free primed TNT entities from it without deleting it. Many TNT duplicators still work, but unless properly constructed will blow themselves up. TNT duplication is unreliable and will fail sporadically. This appears to have been patched in version 1.16.4 [verify]
Minecraft wiki entry for Redstone_music, associated text: Rhythm is another important factor of music, which is basically how long a note is held for. The next table shows how many redstone ticks, using repeaters, must go after a note block, depending on the tempo of the music, and what kind of rhythm the note is. Remember; the maximum number of ticks for one repeater is 4, so if you need more than 4 ticks, you need more than one repeater. Also, the numbers you see on top is the tempo of the music, which is how many beats there are in a minute.
Minecraft wiki entry for Gilded_Blackstone, associated text: Gilded blackstone generates as part of bastion remnants and can usually be found beneath bastion chests.
Minecraft wiki entry for Sword, associated text: The enchantments of the swords offered by villagers are the same as the ones obtained from an enchantment table at levels 5–19.
Minecraft wiki entry for 3CHP, associated text: Upon returning to the Overworld, the group stumble upon an endermen with a white scar, but ignore it and prepare for the End. The group then stumble upon a ship not seen in the vanilla game, which turns out to be filled with endermen. The group attack the endermen and destroy the ship with TNT.
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: Striders now have a separate texture mapping for each leg, and their leg textures are properly mirrored Created an updated biomes_client.json file for 1.16.100 that links each biome to a fog definition identifier Created /fog command for managing active fog settings for players; these fog settings override fog driven from the client such as biome location of player camera Created a json file for each fog definition which contains the new fog_start, fog_end, fog_color, and render_distance_type settings for parity with previous data and hardcoded values Added child object "volumetric" which contains density and media_coefficients objects. These hold the data values used for the volumetric fog.
Minecraft wiki entry for Chicken_Jockey, associated text: A rare variation of a zombie villager jockey, wearing full enchanted diamond armor and a enchanted iron sword in its left hand as of Village and Pillage.
Minecraft wiki entry for Raid, associated text: A player does not receive the Bad Omen effect when killing the patrol captain within a village. The captain is always a vindicator upon spawning, if possible.
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: Darkness A status effect triggered by the sculk shrieker, causing the player's camera to dim in brightness, thus limiting the vision of players. Lowers the gamma down at an equivalent of “Moody” while having this effect.
Minecraft wiki entry for Creating_a_challenge_map, associated text: Have criminals go into a cage and give them sets of equipment. Watch them fight. The winner gets freed and can keep the equipment. Best for medieval cities. Have a cow in the cage so the two people can get milk.
Minecraft wiki entry for Wither_(disambiguation), associated text: Withering - an enchantment exclusive for the Stone Swords and the Red Snakes of the Wither Skeletons.
Minecraft wiki entry for Farming, associated text: 1 Automation 2 Mob farming 3 Experience farming 4 Food and other crops 5 Block farming 6 Item farming
Minecraft wiki entry for 1CHP, associated text: The person mentions that after crafting a boat and attempting to leave the island for the first time, that it wouldn’t make that mistake again, this time supplying themselves with food, tools, a map, and a compass. The person begins rowing westward, away from the island, eventually going so far west that the white arrow on the map that the person has crafted had turned into a static circle. The person thinks about zooming out the map, but quickly realizes that it can’t be crafted unless there is solid ground. The person then continues rowing westward. Although feeling cold, the person stumbles upon land, but unknowingly crashes its boat into ice, slowly sinking to the bottom. The person is able to make it out alive, however, barely breaking the surface, but soon hears a drowned in the distance.
Minecraft wiki entry for Drops, associated text: Blocks marked with "T" need to be broken with a specific tool to drop anything (including experience). The Silk Touch enchantment doesn't remove this requirement. Where noted, Fortune can increase the number of dropped items or multiply it. Increase simply gives 0-lvl extra items. Multiplication happen with the following chances: Fortune I: 33% * 2 (33% more on average) Fortune II: 25% * 2, 25% * 3 (75% more on average) Fortune III: 20% * 2, 20% * 3, 20% * 4 (120% more on average) Container blocks (brewing stands, chests, dispensers, droppers, flower pots, furnaces, hoppers, jukeboxes, trapped chests and beacons) drop themselves when broken along with their content. All blocks not listed in the table above drop themselves when broken. Fortune doesn't affect their drop.
Minecraft wiki entry for Horse, associated text: All horses have three "equine stats" that vary from horse to horse: health, (maximum) movement speed, and jump height. These stats are created once the horse is born or spawned, and are not affected by food.
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: MC-242646 – Falling in the void and trying to respawn crashes the game. MC-242647 – Crash for blocks finding block states: Missing Palette entry for index 6.
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: Nether fossils New fossil structures have been added for the soul sand valley. These fossils are different from the Overworld fossils and generate random pieces of basalt instead of coal ore.
Minecraft wiki entry for Elevators, associated text: Once you are at the intended top of your elevator place signs two and four blocks below your feet. You cannot reach down 6 blocks so now you can start with the water sources. Put one on top of each sign, then ready your signs, more full buckets, and jump in. Use the swimming action to stay in the bottom-most water block and place signs further down the shaft, then place another water bucket above this last sign (depending on the size, you may have to keep returning to the top to reload your buckets and repeat until you get down to the bottom).
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: beta beta beta beta beta beta beta Notes and references
Minecraft wiki entry for Structure_Block, associated text: Custom Data Tag Name The name of the function to run. Igloo "chest" - sets the loot table for a chest beneath the structure block to "chests/igloo_chest" and sets the loot table seed dependent on the world seed. End city "Chest" - Sets the loot table for a chest beneath the structure block to "chests/end_city_treasure" and sets the loot table seed dependent on the world seed. "Sentry" - Creates a shulker at the location of the structure block. "Elytra" - Creates an item frame entity with an elytra item inside it at the location of the structure block. Woodland mansion "ChestSouth" - Sets the loot table for a chest that replaces the structure block to "chests/woodland_mansion" and sets the loot table seed dependent on the world seed. "ChestNorth" - Sets the loot table for a chest that replaces the structure block to "chests/woodland_mansion" and sets the loot table seed dependent on the world seed. "ChestEast" - Sets the loot table for a chest that replaces the structure block to "chests/woodland_mansion" and sets the loot table seed dependent on the world seed. "ChestWest" - Sets the loot table for a chest that replaces the structure block to "chests/woodland_mansion" and sets the loot table seed dependent on the world seed. "Mage" - Creates an evoker at the location of the structure block. "Warrior" - Creates a vindicator at the location of the structure block. Ocean Ruin "chest" - Creates a chest at the location of the structure block, setting its loot table to either "chests/underwater_ruin_big" or "chests/underwater_ruin_small", with seed dependent on the world seed. "drowned" - Creates a drowned at the location of the structure block.
Minecraft wiki entry for Ticking_area, associated text: This article is about the Bedrock Edition mechanic that keeps certain chunks updated continuously. For the similar mechanic in Java Edition, see Commands/forceload.
Minecraft wiki entry for Development_versions, associated text: MCPE-18181 Chorus plants now make the correct sounds. MCPE-19719 Maps zoomed out on an anvil now work the same for all players Fixed a crash when attempting to place any irrelevant item in Horse Armor slot using /replaceitem command Fixed several bugs with the /replaceitem command
Minecraft wiki entry for Block_of_Netherite, associated text: Blocks of netherite can be mined only with a diamond or netherite pickaxe. If a netherite block is mined with anything else, it drops nothing.