A radio station airs hourly news updates every morning. Each update consists of exactly five reports—two of general interest: international and national; and three of local interest: sports, traffic, and weather. Each update must be structured as follows: There are exactly two segments, the first segment containing three reports and the second segment containing two. Within each segment, reports are ordered by length, from longest to shortest. Each segment contains at least one report of local interest. The national report is always the longest of the five reports. The sports report is always the shortest of the five reports. The international report is always longer than the weather report.
Which one of the following CANNOT be true?
[ "The international report is the first report in the first segment.", "The national report is the first report in the first segment.", "The national report is the first report in the second segment.", "The weather report is the first report in the first segment.", "The weather report is the last report in the second segment." ]
A radio station airs hourly news updates every morning. Each update consists of exactly five reports—two of general interest: international and national; and three of local interest: sports, traffic, and weather. Each update must be structured as follows: There are exactly two segments, the first segment containing three reports and the second segment containing two. Within each segment, reports are ordered by length, from longest to shortest. Each segment contains at least one report of local interest. The national report is always the longest of the five reports. The sports report is always the shortest of the five reports. The international report is always longer than the weather report.
The order of the reports is fully determined if which one of the following is true?
[ "The international report is the last report in the first segment.", "The national report is the first report in the first segment.", "The national report is the first report in the second segment.", "The sports report is the last report in the second segment.", "The weather report is the last report in the first segment." ]
A radio station airs hourly news updates every morning. Each update consists of exactly five reports—two of general interest: international and national; and three of local interest: sports, traffic, and weather. Each update must be structured as follows: There are exactly two segments, the first segment containing three reports and the second segment containing two. Within each segment, reports are ordered by length, from longest to shortest. Each segment contains at least one report of local interest. The national report is always the longest of the five reports. The sports report is always the shortest of the five reports. The international report is always longer than the weather report.
If the traffic report is the first report in the first segment, then which one of the following could be true?
[ "The international report is the first report in the second segment.", "The national report is the second report in the first segment.", "The weather report is the second report in the first segment.", "The weather report is the first report in the second segment.", "The weather report is the last report in the second segment." ]
On a single day, a realtor will show a client five houses, exactly one house in each of five neighborhoods—Quarry, Riverton, Shelburne, Townsend, and Valencia. Each house will be shown to the client exactly once. The order in which the houses are shown is subject to the following constraints: The house in Riverton must be shown either first or second. The house in Townsend must be shown either first or fifth. The third house shown must be the house in Quarry or the house in Valencia. The house in Quarry cannot be shown either immediately before or immediately after the house in Shelburne.
If the house in Quarry is shown fourth, which one of the following must be true?
[ "The house in Riverton is shown first.", "The house in Riverton is shown second.", "The house in Shelburne is shown second.", "The house in Townsend is shown first.", "The house in Valencia is shown third." ]
On a single day, a realtor will show a client five houses, exactly one house in each of five neighborhoods—Quarry, Riverton, Shelburne, Townsend, and Valencia. Each house will be shown to the client exactly once. The order in which the houses are shown is subject to the following constraints: The house in Riverton must be shown either first or second. The house in Townsend must be shown either first or fifth. The third house shown must be the house in Quarry or the house in Valencia. The house in Quarry cannot be shown either immediately before or immediately after the house in Shelburne.
The order in which the houses are shown is fully determined if which one of the following is true?
[ "The house in Quarry is shown third.", "The house in Riverton is shown first.", "The house in Shelburne is shown second.", "The house in Townsend is shown fifth.", "The house in Valencia is shown fourth." ]
On a single day, a realtor will show a client five houses, exactly one house in each of five neighborhoods—Quarry, Riverton, Shelburne, Townsend, and Valencia. Each house will be shown to the client exactly once. The order in which the houses are shown is subject to the following constraints: The house in Riverton must be shown either first or second. The house in Townsend must be shown either first or fifth. The third house shown must be the house in Quarry or the house in Valencia. The house in Quarry cannot be shown either immediately before or immediately after the house in Shelburne.
If the house in Shelburne is shown earlier than the house in Quarry, which one of the following must be true?
[ "The house in Quarry is shown fourth.", "The house in Riverton is shown second.", "The house in Shelburne is shown first.", "The house in Townsend is shown fifth.", "The house in Valencia is shown third." ]
On a single day, a realtor will show a client five houses, exactly one house in each of five neighborhoods—Quarry, Riverton, Shelburne, Townsend, and Valencia. Each house will be shown to the client exactly once. The order in which the houses are shown is subject to the following constraints: The house in Riverton must be shown either first or second. The house in Townsend must be shown either first or fifth. The third house shown must be the house in Quarry or the house in Valencia. The house in Quarry cannot be shown either immediately before or immediately after the house in Shelburne.
Which one of the following could be true?
[ "The house in Quarry is shown first.", "The house in Quarry is shown fifth.", "The house in Valencia is shown first.", "The house in Valencia is shown second.", "The house in Valencia is shown fifth." ]
On a single day, a realtor will show a client five houses, exactly one house in each of five neighborhoods—Quarry, Riverton, Shelburne, Townsend, and Valencia. Each house will be shown to the client exactly once. The order in which the houses are shown is subject to the following constraints: The house in Riverton must be shown either first or second. The house in Townsend must be shown either first or fifth. The third house shown must be the house in Quarry or the house in Valencia. The house in Quarry cannot be shown either immediately before or immediately after the house in Shelburne.
If the house in Valencia is shown third, which one of the following must be true?
[ "The house in Quarry is shown fourth.", "The house in Riverton is shown second.", "The house in Shelburne is shown first.", "The house in Shelburne is shown fourth.", "The house in Townsend is shown fifth." ]
On a single day, a realtor will show a client five houses, exactly one house in each of five neighborhoods—Quarry, Riverton, Shelburne, Townsend, and Valencia. Each house will be shown to the client exactly once. The order in which the houses are shown is subject to the following constraints: The house in Riverton must be shown either first or second. The house in Townsend must be shown either first or fifth. The third house shown must be the house in Quarry or the house in Valencia. The house in Quarry cannot be shown either immediately before or immediately after the house in Shelburne.
Which one of the following, if substituted for the constraint that the house in Riverton must be shown either first or second, would have the same effect on the order in which the houses are shown?
[ "The house in Riverton cannot be shown fourth.", "The house in Riverton must be shown earlier than the house in Valencia.", "The house in Valencia must be shown either third or fourth.", "The house in Quarry must be shown either immediately before or immediately after the house in Riverton.", "If the house in Townsend is not shown fifth, then it must be shown immediately before the house in Riverton." ]
Five artifacts—V, W, X, Y, and Z—recovered from a sunken ship are each known to have originated in Iceland, Norway, or Sweden. These artifacts, together with the surviving fragments of a cargo list, have enabled historians to determine the following: W and Y originated in the same country. X originated in Norway or Sweden. More of the artifacts originated in Iceland than in Norway. If V originated in Iceland, then Z originated in Sweden.
Which one of the following could be an accurate matching of the artifacts to their origins?
[ "Iceland: V, W Norway: X Sweden: Y, Z", "Iceland: W, Y Norway: none Sweden: V, X, Z", "Iceland: W, Y Norway: V, Z Sweden: X", "Iceland: V, W, Y Norway: Z Sweden: X", "Iceland: W, X, Y Norway: Z Sweden: V" ]
Five artifacts—V, W, X, Y, and Z—recovered from a sunken ship are each known to have originated in Iceland, Norway, or Sweden. These artifacts, together with the surviving fragments of a cargo list, have enabled historians to determine the following: W and Y originated in the same country. X originated in Norway or Sweden. More of the artifacts originated in Iceland than in Norway. If V originated in Iceland, then Z originated in Sweden.
If Y and Z originated in Iceland, then what is the minimum number of artifacts that originated in Sweden?
[ "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four" ]
Five artifacts—V, W, X, Y, and Z—recovered from a sunken ship are each known to have originated in Iceland, Norway, or Sweden. These artifacts, together with the surviving fragments of a cargo list, have enabled historians to determine the following: W and Y originated in the same country. X originated in Norway or Sweden. More of the artifacts originated in Iceland than in Norway. If V originated in Iceland, then Z originated in Sweden.
Which one of the following CANNOT be true?
[ "V and X both originated in Norway.", "V and Y both originated in Iceland.", "W and Z both originated in Iceland.", "W and Z both originated in Sweden.", "W and Y both originated in Norway." ]
Five artifacts—V, W, X, Y, and Z—recovered from a sunken ship are each known to have originated in Iceland, Norway, or Sweden. These artifacts, together with the surviving fragments of a cargo list, have enabled historians to determine the following: W and Y originated in the same country. X originated in Norway or Sweden. More of the artifacts originated in Iceland than in Norway. If V originated in Iceland, then Z originated in Sweden.
If W and X originated in Sweden, then which one of the following must be true?
[ "None of the artifacts originated in Norway.", "None of the artifacts originated in Iceland.", "V originated in Sweden.", "Z originated in Iceland.", "Z originated in Sweden." ]
Five artifacts—V, W, X, Y, and Z—recovered from a sunken ship are each known to have originated in Iceland, Norway, or Sweden. These artifacts, together with the surviving fragments of a cargo list, have enabled historians to determine the following: W and Y originated in the same country. X originated in Norway or Sweden. More of the artifacts originated in Iceland than in Norway. If V originated in Iceland, then Z originated in Sweden.
Exactly how many of the artifacts are there any one of which could have originated in Norway?
[ "one", "two", "three", "four", "five" ]
Five artifacts—V, W, X, Y, and Z—recovered from a sunken ship are each known to have originated in Iceland, Norway, or Sweden. These artifacts, together with the surviving fragments of a cargo list, have enabled historians to determine the following: W and Y originated in the same country. X originated in Norway or Sweden. More of the artifacts originated in Iceland than in Norway. If V originated in Iceland, then Z originated in Sweden.
Which one of the following CANNOT be true?
[ "Only V originated in Sweden.", "Only V and Z originated in Sweden.", "Only W and Y originated in Sweden.", "Only X and Z originated in Sweden.", "Only V, W, X, and Y originated in Sweden." ]
The employees of the Summit Company—J, K, L, and M—work a four-day workweek from Monday through Thursday. Every Monday, work begins on four raw workpieces, each of which is worked on for four consecutive days. On any given day, an employee works on exactly one workpiece. At the beginning of each workday after Monday, each workpiece is transferred from the employee who worked on it the previous day to another one of the employees, who will work on it that day. Workpieces cannot be transferred in any of the following ways: From J to M. From K to J. From L to J.
Which one of the following describes four transfers of workpieces that could all occur together at the beginning of a particular workday?
[ "From J to K; from K to L; from L to M; from M to J", "From J to K; from K to M; from L to K; from M to J", "From J to L; from K to M; from L to J; from M to K", "From J to L; from K to J; from L to M; from M to K", "From J to M; from K to L; from L to K; from M to J" ]
The employees of the Summit Company—J, K, L, and M—work a four-day workweek from Monday through Thursday. Every Monday, work begins on four raw workpieces, each of which is worked on for four consecutive days. On any given day, an employee works on exactly one workpiece. At the beginning of each workday after Monday, each workpiece is transferred from the employee who worked on it the previous day to another one of the employees, who will work on it that day. Workpieces cannot be transferred in any of the following ways: From J to M. From K to J. From L to J.
Which one of the following transfers must occur at the beginning of any workday that is not a Monday?
[ "From J to K", "From J to L", "From K to L", "From L to M", "From M to J" ]
The employees of the Summit Company—J, K, L, and M—work a four-day workweek from Monday through Thursday. Every Monday, work begins on four raw workpieces, each of which is worked on for four consecutive days. On any given day, an employee works on exactly one workpiece. At the beginning of each workday after Monday, each workpiece is transferred from the employee who worked on it the previous day to another one of the employees, who will work on it that day. Workpieces cannot be transferred in any of the following ways: From J to M. From K to J. From L to J.
If one workpiece is worked on by only two of the four employees in the course of an entire workweek, those two employees must be
[ "J and K", "J and L", "K and L", "K and M", "L and M" ]
The employees of the Summit Company—J, K, L, and M—work a four-day workweek from Monday through Thursday. Every Monday, work begins on four raw workpieces, each of which is worked on for four consecutive days. On any given day, an employee works on exactly one workpiece. At the beginning of each workday after Monday, each workpiece is transferred from the employee who worked on it the previous day to another one of the employees, who will work on it that day. Workpieces cannot be transferred in any of the following ways: From J to M. From K to J. From L to J.
If L works on the same workpiece both on Tuesday and on Thursday, which one of the following must be true about that workpiece?
[ "J works on it on Monday.", "K works on it on Monday.", "M works on it on Monday.", "J works on it on Wednesday.", "K works on it on Wednesday." ]
The employees of the Summit Company—J, K, L, and M—work a four-day workweek from Monday through Thursday. Every Monday, work begins on four raw workpieces, each of which is worked on for four consecutive days. On any given day, an employee works on exactly one workpiece. At the beginning of each workday after Monday, each workpiece is transferred from the employee who worked on it the previous day to another one of the employees, who will work on it that day. Workpieces cannot be transferred in any of the following ways: From J to M. From K to J. From L to J.
Which one of the following could be true about the Tuesday?
[ "Transfer from J to K and from K to M occur.", "Transfer from J to L and from L to M occur.", "Transfer from J to M and from M to J occur.", "Transfer from K to L and from L to K occur.", "Transfer from K to L and from L to M occur." ]
A company employee generates a series of five-digit product codes in accordance with the following rules: The codes use the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4, and no others. Each digit occurs exactly once in any code. The second digit has a value exactly twice that of the first digit. The value of the third digit is less than the value of the fifth digit.
If the last digit of an acceptable product code is 1, it must be true that the
[ "first digit is 2", "second digit is 0", "third digit is 3", "fourth digit is 4", "fourth digit is 0" ]
A company employee generates a series of five-digit product codes in accordance with the following rules: The codes use the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4, and no others. Each digit occurs exactly once in any code. The second digit has a value exactly twice that of the first digit. The value of the third digit is less than the value of the fifth digit.
Which one of the following must be true about any acceptable product code?
[ "The digit 1 appears in some position before the digit 2.", "The digit 1 appears in some position before the digit 3.", "The digit 2 appears in some position before the digit 3.", "The digit 3 appears in some position before the digit 0.", "The digit 4 appears in some position before the digit 3." ]
A company employee generates a series of five-digit product codes in accordance with the following rules: The codes use the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4, and no others. Each digit occurs exactly once in any code. The second digit has a value exactly twice that of the first digit. The value of the third digit is less than the value of the fifth digit.
If the third digit of an acceptable product code is not 0, which one of the following must be true?
[ "The second digit of the product code is 2.", "The third digit of the product code is 3.", "The fourth digit of the product code is 0.", "The fifth digit of the product code is 3.", "The fifth digit of the product code is 1." ]
A company employee generates a series of five-digit product codes in accordance with the following rules: The codes use the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4, and no others. Each digit occurs exactly once in any code. The second digit has a value exactly twice that of the first digit. The value of the third digit is less than the value of the fifth digit.
Any of the following pairs could be the third and fourth digits, respectively, of an acceptable product code, EXCEPT:
[ "0, 1", "0, 3", "1, 0", "3, 0", "3, 4" ]
A company employee generates a series of five-digit product codes in accordance with the following rules: The codes use the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4, and no others. Each digit occurs exactly once in any code. The second digit has a value exactly twice that of the first digit. The value of the third digit is less than the value of the fifth digit.
Which one of the following must be true about any acceptable product code?
[ "There is exactly one digit between the digit 0 and the digit 1.", "There is exactly one digit between the digit 1 and the digit 2.", "There are at most two digits between the digit 1 and the digit 3.", "There are at most two digits between the digit 2 and the digit 3.", "There are at most two digits between the digit 2 and the digit 4." ]
Exactly three films—Greed, Harvest, and Limelight—are shown during a film club's festival held on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Each film is shown at least once during the festival but never more than once on a given day. On each day at least one film is shown. Films are shown one at a time. The following conditions apply: On Thursday Harvest is shown, and no film is shown after it on that day. On Friday either Greed or Limelight, but not both, is shown, and no film is shown after it on that day. On Saturday either Greed or Harvest, but not both, is shown, and no film is shown after it on that day.
Which one of the following could be a complete and accurate description of the order in which the films are shown at the festival?
[ "Thursday: Limelight, then Harvest; Friday: Limelight; Saturday: Harvest", "Thursday: Harvest; Friday: Greed, then Limelight; Saturday: Limelight, then Greed", "Thursday: Harvest; Friday: Limelight; Saturday: Limelight, then Greed", "Thursday: Greed, then Harvest, then Limelight; Friday: Limelight; Saturday: Greed", "Thursday: Greed, then Harvest; Friday: Limelight, then Harvest; Saturday: Harvest" ]
Exactly three films—Greed, Harvest, and Limelight—are shown during a film club's festival held on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Each film is shown at least once during the festival but never more than once on a given day. On each day at least one film is shown. Films are shown one at a time. The following conditions apply: On Thursday Harvest is shown, and no film is shown after it on that day. On Friday either Greed or Limelight, but not both, is shown, and no film is shown after it on that day. On Saturday either Greed or Harvest, but not both, is shown, and no film is shown after it on that day.
Which one of the following CANNOT be true?
[ "Harvest is the last film shown on each day of the festival.", "Limelight is shown on each day of the festival.", "Greed is shown second on each day of the festival.", "A different film is shown first on each day of the festival.", "A different film is shown last on each day of the festival." ]
Exactly three films—Greed, Harvest, and Limelight—are shown during a film club's festival held on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Each film is shown at least once during the festival but never more than once on a given day. On each day at least one film is shown. Films are shown one at a time. The following conditions apply: On Thursday Harvest is shown, and no film is shown after it on that day. On Friday either Greed or Limelight, but not both, is shown, and no film is shown after it on that day. On Saturday either Greed or Harvest, but not both, is shown, and no film is shown after it on that day.
If Limelight is never shown again during the festival once Greed is shown, then which one of the following is the maximum number of film showings that could occur during the festival?
[ "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven" ]
Exactly three films—Greed, Harvest, and Limelight—are shown during a film club's festival held on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Each film is shown at least once during the festival but never more than once on a given day. On each day at least one film is shown. Films are shown one at a time. The following conditions apply: On Thursday Harvest is shown, and no film is shown after it on that day. On Friday either Greed or Limelight, but not both, is shown, and no film is shown after it on that day. On Saturday either Greed or Harvest, but not both, is shown, and no film is shown after it on that day.
If Greed is shown exactly three times, Harvest is shown exactly twice, and Limelight is shown exactly once, then which one of the following must be true?
[ "All three films are shown on Thursday.", "Exactly two films are shown on Saturday.", "Limelight and Harvest are both shown on Thursday.", "Greed is the only film shown on Saturday.", "Harvest and Greed are both shown on Friday." ]
Exactly three films—Greed, Harvest, and Limelight—are shown during a film club's festival held on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Each film is shown at least once during the festival but never more than once on a given day. On each day at least one film is shown. Films are shown one at a time. The following conditions apply: On Thursday Harvest is shown, and no film is shown after it on that day. On Friday either Greed or Limelight, but not both, is shown, and no film is shown after it on that day. On Saturday either Greed or Harvest, but not both, is shown, and no film is shown after it on that day.
If Limelight is shown exactly three times, Harvest is shown exactly twice, and Greed is shown exactly once, then which one of the following is a complete and accurate list of the films that could be the first film shown on Thursday?
[ "Harvest", "Limelight", "Greed, Harvest", "Greed, Limelight", "Greed, Harvest, Limelight" ]
A cruise line is scheduling seven week-long voyages for the ship Freedom. Each voyage will occur in exactly one of the first seven weeks of the season: weeks 1 through 7. Each voyage will be to exactly one of four destinations: Guadeloupe, Jamaica, Martinique, or Trinidad. Each destination will be scheduled for at least one of the weeks. The following conditions apply to Freedom's schedule: Jamaica will not be its destination in week 4. Trinidad will be its destination in week 7. Freedom will make exactly two voyages to Martinique, and at least one voyage to Guadeloupe will occur in some week between those two voyages. Guadeloupe will be its destination in the week preceding any voyage it makes to Jamaica. No destination will be scheduled for consecutive weeks.
Which one of the following is an acceptable schedule of destinations for Freedom, in order from week 1 through week 7?
[ "Guadeloupe, Jamaica, Martinique, Trinidad, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Trinidad", "Guadeloupe, Martinique, Trinidad, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Jamaica, Trinidad", "Jamaica, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Jamaica, Trinidad", "Martinique, Trinidad, Guadeloupe, Jamaica, Martinique, Guadeloupe, Trinidad", "Martinique, Trinidad, Guadeloupe, Trinidad, Guadeloupe, Jamaica, Martinique" ]
A cruise line is scheduling seven week-long voyages for the ship Freedom. Each voyage will occur in exactly one of the first seven weeks of the season: weeks 1 through 7. Each voyage will be to exactly one of four destinations: Guadeloupe, Jamaica, Martinique, or Trinidad. Each destination will be scheduled for at least one of the weeks. The following conditions apply to Freedom's schedule: Jamaica will not be its destination in week 4. Trinidad will be its destination in week 7. Freedom will make exactly two voyages to Martinique, and at least one voyage to Guadeloupe will occur in some week between those two voyages. Guadeloupe will be its destination in the week preceding any voyage it makes to Jamaica. No destination will be scheduled for consecutive weeks.
Which one of the following CANNOT be true about Freedom's schedule of voyages?
[ "Freedom makes a voyage to Trinidad in week 6.", "Freedom makes a voyage to Martinique in week 5.", "Freedom makes a voyage to Jamaica in week 6.", "Freedom makes a voyage to Jamaica in week 3.", "Freedom makes a voyage to Guadeloupe in week 3." ]
A cruise line is scheduling seven week-long voyages for the ship Freedom. Each voyage will occur in exactly one of the first seven weeks of the season: weeks 1 through 7. Each voyage will be to exactly one of four destinations: Guadeloupe, Jamaica, Martinique, or Trinidad. Each destination will be scheduled for at least one of the weeks. The following conditions apply to Freedom's schedule: Jamaica will not be its destination in week 4. Trinidad will be its destination in week 7. Freedom will make exactly two voyages to Martinique, and at least one voyage to Guadeloupe will occur in some week between those two voyages. Guadeloupe will be its destination in the week preceding any voyage it makes to Jamaica. No destination will be scheduled for consecutive weeks.
If Freedom makes a voyage to Trinidad in week 5, which one of the following could be true?
[ "Freedom makes a voyage to Trinidad in week 1.", "Freedom makes a voyage to Martinique in week 2.", "Freedom makes a voyage to Guadeloupe in week 3.", "Freedom makes a voyage to Martinique in week 4.", "Freedom makes a voyage to Jamaica in week 6." ]
A cruise line is scheduling seven week-long voyages for the ship Freedom. Each voyage will occur in exactly one of the first seven weeks of the season: weeks 1 through 7. Each voyage will be to exactly one of four destinations: Guadeloupe, Jamaica, Martinique, or Trinidad. Each destination will be scheduled for at least one of the weeks. The following conditions apply to Freedom's schedule: Jamaica will not be its destination in week 4. Trinidad will be its destination in week 7. Freedom will make exactly two voyages to Martinique, and at least one voyage to Guadeloupe will occur in some week between those two voyages. Guadeloupe will be its destination in the week preceding any voyage it makes to Jamaica. No destination will be scheduled for consecutive weeks.
f Freedom makes a voyage to Guadeloupe in week 1 and a voyage to Jamaica in week 5, which one of the following must be true?
[ "Freedom makes a voyage to Jamaica in week 2.", "Freedom makes a voyage to Trinidad in week 2.", "Freedom makes a voyage to Martinique in week 3.", "Freedom makes a voyage to Guadeloupe in week 6.", "Freedom makes a voyage to Martinique in week 6." ]
A cruise line is scheduling seven week-long voyages for the ship Freedom. Each voyage will occur in exactly one of the first seven weeks of the season: weeks 1 through 7. Each voyage will be to exactly one of four destinations: Guadeloupe, Jamaica, Martinique, or Trinidad. Each destination will be scheduled for at least one of the weeks. The following conditions apply to Freedom's schedule: Jamaica will not be its destination in week 4. Trinidad will be its destination in week 7. Freedom will make exactly two voyages to Martinique, and at least one voyage to Guadeloupe will occur in some week between those two voyages. Guadeloupe will be its destination in the week preceding any voyage it makes to Jamaica. No destination will be scheduled for consecutive weeks.
If Freedom makes a voyage to Guadeloupe in week 1 and to Trinidad in week 2, which one of the following must be true?
[ "Freedom makes a voyage to Martinique in week 3.", "Freedom makes a voyage to Martinique in week 4.", "Freedom makes a voyage to Martinique in week 5.", "Freedom makes a voyage to Guadeloupe in week 3.", "Freedom makes a voyage to Guadeloupe in week 5." ]
A cruise line is scheduling seven week-long voyages for the ship Freedom. Each voyage will occur in exactly one of the first seven weeks of the season: weeks 1 through 7. Each voyage will be to exactly one of four destinations: Guadeloupe, Jamaica, Martinique, or Trinidad. Each destination will be scheduled for at least one of the weeks. The following conditions apply to Freedom's schedule: Jamaica will not be its destination in week 4. Trinidad will be its destination in week 7. Freedom will make exactly two voyages to Martinique, and at least one voyage to Guadeloupe will occur in some week between those two voyages. Guadeloupe will be its destination in the week preceding any voyage it makes to Jamaica. No destination will be scheduled for consecutive weeks.
If Freedom makes a voyage to Martinique in week 3, which one of the following could be an accurate list of Freedom's destinations in week 4 and week 5, respectively?
[ "Guadeloupe, Trinidad", "Jamaica, Guadeloupe", "Martinique, Trinidad", "Trinidad, Jamaica", "Trinidad, Martinique" ]
A cruise line is scheduling seven week-long voyages for the ship Freedom. Each voyage will occur in exactly one of the first seven weeks of the season: weeks 1 through 7. Each voyage will be to exactly one of four destinations: Guadeloupe, Jamaica, Martinique, or Trinidad. Each destination will be scheduled for at least one of the weeks. The following conditions apply to Freedom's schedule: Jamaica will not be its destination in week 4. Trinidad will be its destination in week 7. Freedom will make exactly two voyages to Martinique, and at least one voyage to Guadeloupe will occur in some week between those two voyages. Guadeloupe will be its destination in the week preceding any voyage it makes to Jamaica. No destination will be scheduled for consecutive weeks.
Which one of the following must be true about Freedom's schedule of voyages?
[ "Freedom makes a voyage to Guadeloupe either in week 1 or else in week 2.", "Freedom makes a voyage to Martinique either in week 2 or else in week 3.", "Freedom makes at most two voyages to Guadeloupe.", "Freedom makes at most two voyages to Jamaica.", "Freedom makes at most two voyages to Trinidad." ]
There are exactly three recycling centers in Rivertown: Center 1, Center 2, and Center 3. Exactly five kinds of material are recycled at these recycling centers: glass, newsprint, plastic, tin, and wood. Each recycling center recycles at least two but no more than three of these kinds of material. The following conditions must hold: Any recycling center that recycles wood also recycles newsprint. Every kind of material that Center 2 recycles is also recycled at Center 1. Only one of the recycling centers recycles plastic, and that recycling center does not recycle glass.
Which one of the following could be an accurate account of all the kinds of material recycled at each recycling center in Rivertown?
[ "Center 1: newsprint, plastic, wood; Center 2: newsprint, wood; Center 3: glass, tin, wood", "Center 1: glass, newsprint, tin; Center 2: glass, newsprint, tin; Center 3: newsprint, plastic, wood", "Center 1: glass, newsprint, wood; Center 2: glass, newsprint, tin; Center 3: plastic, tin", "Center 1: glass, plastic, tin; Center 2: glass, tin; Center 3: newsprint, wood", "Center 1: newsprint, plastic, wood; Center 2: newsprint, plastic, wood; Center 3: glass, newsprint, tin" ]
There are exactly three recycling centers in Rivertown: Center 1, Center 2, and Center 3. Exactly five kinds of material are recycled at these recycling centers: glass, newsprint, plastic, tin, and wood. Each recycling center recycles at least two but no more than three of these kinds of material. The following conditions must hold: Any recycling center that recycles wood also recycles newsprint. Every kind of material that Center 2 recycles is also recycled at Center 1. Only one of the recycling centers recycles plastic, and that recycling center does not recycle glass.
ch one of the following is a complete and accurate list of the recycling centers in Rivertown any one of which could recycle plastic?
[ "Center 1 only", "Center 3 only", "Center 1, Center 2", "Center 1, Center 3", "Center 1, Center 2, Center 3" ]
There are exactly three recycling centers in Rivertown: Center 1, Center 2, and Center 3. Exactly five kinds of material are recycled at these recycling centers: glass, newsprint, plastic, tin, and wood. Each recycling center recycles at least two but no more than three of these kinds of material. The following conditions must hold: Any recycling center that recycles wood also recycles newsprint. Every kind of material that Center 2 recycles is also recycled at Center 1. Only one of the recycling centers recycles plastic, and that recycling center does not recycle glass.
If Center 2 recycles three kinds of material, then which one of the following kinds of material must Center 3 recycle?
[ "glass", "newsprint", "plastic", "tin", "wood" ]
There are exactly three recycling centers in Rivertown: Center 1, Center 2, and Center 3. Exactly five kinds of material are recycled at these recycling centers: glass, newsprint, plastic, tin, and wood. Each recycling center recycles at least two but no more than three of these kinds of material. The following conditions must hold: Any recycling center that recycles wood also recycles newsprint. Every kind of material that Center 2 recycles is also recycled at Center 1. Only one of the recycling centers recycles plastic, and that recycling center does not recycle glass.
If each recycling center in Rivertown recycles exactly three kinds of material, then which one of the following could be true?
[ "Only Center 2 recycles glass.", "Only Center 3 recycles newsprint.", "Only Center 1 recycles plastic.", "Only Center 3 recycles tin.", "Only Center 1 recycles wood." ]
There are exactly three recycling centers in Rivertown: Center 1, Center 2, and Center 3. Exactly five kinds of material are recycled at these recycling centers: glass, newsprint, plastic, tin, and wood. Each recycling center recycles at least two but no more than three of these kinds of material. The following conditions must hold: Any recycling center that recycles wood also recycles newsprint. Every kind of material that Center 2 recycles is also recycled at Center 1. Only one of the recycling centers recycles plastic, and that recycling center does not recycle glass.
If Center 3 recycles glass, then which one of the following kinds of material must Center 2 recycle?
[ "glass", "newsprint", "plastic", "tin", "wood" ]
There are exactly three recycling centers in Rivertown: Center 1, Center 2, and Center 3. Exactly five kinds of material are recycled at these recycling centers: glass, newsprint, plastic, tin, and wood. Each recycling center recycles at least two but no more than three of these kinds of material. The following conditions must hold: Any recycling center that recycles wood also recycles newsprint. Every kind of material that Center 2 recycles is also recycled at Center 1. Only one of the recycling centers recycles plastic, and that recycling center does not recycle glass.
If Center 1 is the only recycling center that recycles wood, then which one of the following could be a complete and accurate list of the kinds of material that one of the recycling centers recycles?
[ "plastic, tin", "newsprint, wood", "newsprint, tin", "glass, wood", "glass, tin" ]
A researcher is evaluating exactly four medicines: W, X, Y, and Z. The only side effects the medicines can have are fatigue, headaches, palpitations, and sweating. The researcher knows the following to be true of the medicines side effects: Each medicine has at least one side effect. No medicine has both fatigue and palpitations as side effects. Medicine Z has no side effect in common with any of the other medicines. Medicines W and X have exactly one side effect in common. Fatigue is a side effect of medicine W. Palpitations are a side effect of medicine X. Sweating is not a side effect of medicine Y.
If sweating is not a side effect of medicine X, then which one of the following statements must be true?
[ "Fatigue is a side effect of medicine Y.", "Headaches are a side effect of medicine W.", "Headaches are a side effect of medicine Y.", "Headaches are a side effect of medicine Z.", "Palpitations are a side effect of medicine Y." ]
A researcher is evaluating exactly four medicines: W, X, Y, and Z. The only side effects the medicines can have are fatigue, headaches, palpitations, and sweating. The researcher knows the following to be true of the medicines side effects: Each medicine has at least one side effect. No medicine has both fatigue and palpitations as side effects. Medicine Z has no side effect in common with any of the other medicines. Medicines W and X have exactly one side effect in common. Fatigue is a side effect of medicine W. Palpitations are a side effect of medicine X. Sweating is not a side effect of medicine Y.
If sweating is not a side effect of medicine Z, then which one of the following statements must be true?
[ "Fatigue is a side effect of medicine Y.", "Headaches are a side effect of medicine W.", "Headaches are a side effect of medicine Y.", "Headaches are a side effect of medicine Z.", "Palpitations are a side effect of medicine Y." ]
A researcher is evaluating exactly four medicines: W, X, Y, and Z. The only side effects the medicines can have are fatigue, headaches, palpitations, and sweating. The researcher knows the following to be true of the medicines side effects: Each medicine has at least one side effect. No medicine has both fatigue and palpitations as side effects. Medicine Z has no side effect in common with any of the other medicines. Medicines W and X have exactly one side effect in common. Fatigue is a side effect of medicine W. Palpitations are a side effect of medicine X. Sweating is not a side effect of medicine Y.
Which one of the following statements could be true?
[ "Fatigue is a side effect of medicine X.", "Fatigue is a side effect of medicine Z.", "Headaches are a side effect of medicine X.", "Palpitations are a side effect of medicine W.", "Palpitations are a side effect of medicine Z." ]
A researcher is evaluating exactly four medicines: W, X, Y, and Z. The only side effects the medicines can have are fatigue, headaches, palpitations, and sweating. The researcher knows the following to be true of the medicines side effects: Each medicine has at least one side effect. No medicine has both fatigue and palpitations as side effects. Medicine Z has no side effect in common with any of the other medicines. Medicines W and X have exactly one side effect in common. Fatigue is a side effect of medicine W. Palpitations are a side effect of medicine X. Sweating is not a side effect of medicine Y.
If medicines W, X, and Y have a side effect in common, then which one of the following statements must be true?
[ "Fatigue is a side effect of medicine Y.", "Headaches are a side effect of medicine W.", "Headaches are a side effect of medicine Z.", "Palpitations are a side effect of medicine Y.", "Sweating is a side effect of medicine W." ]
A researcher is evaluating exactly four medicines: W, X, Y, and Z. The only side effects the medicines can have are fatigue, headaches, palpitations, and sweating. The researcher knows the following to be true of the medicines side effects: Each medicine has at least one side effect. No medicine has both fatigue and palpitations as side effects. Medicine Z has no side effect in common with any of the other medicines. Medicines W and X have exactly one side effect in common. Fatigue is a side effect of medicine W. Palpitations are a side effect of medicine X. Sweating is not a side effect of medicine Y.
If medicine Y has more than one side effect, then which one of the following statements must be true?
[ "Headaches are a side effect of medicine Y.", "Palpitations are a side effect of medicine Y.", "Sweating is a side effect of medicine W.", "Palpitations are not a side effect of medicine Y.", "Sweating is not a side effect of medicine Z." ]
Tracy's Flower Shop delivers exactly six types of flowers—lilacs, magnolias, orchids, roses, tulips, and violets. Exactly six deliveries are made over a period of two consecutive days—Friday and Saturday. Three deliveries are made each day, at three different times each day—10 A.M., 2 P.M., and 4 P.M. Each of the six deliveries involves only one of the six types of flowers. The deliveries are made in accord with the following: The violets are delivered on Friday. The lilacs are delivered at some time before the tulips. The violets are delivered at some time before the magnolias. The orchids and the roses are delivered on the same day as one another.
Which one of the following could be an accurate list of the flowers in the order in which they are delivered, from first to last?
[ "magnolias, lilacs, violets, orchids, tulips, roses", "orchids, violets, roses, lilacs, magnolias, tulips", "roses, orchids, lilacs, tulips, violets, magnolias", "violets, orchids, magnolias, lilacs, tulips, roses", "violets, roses, orchids, tulips, magnolias, lilacs" ]
Tracy's Flower Shop delivers exactly six types of flowers—lilacs, magnolias, orchids, roses, tulips, and violets. Exactly six deliveries are made over a period of two consecutive days—Friday and Saturday. Three deliveries are made each day, at three different times each day—10 A.M., 2 P.M., and 4 P.M. Each of the six deliveries involves only one of the six types of flowers. The deliveries are made in accord with the following: The violets are delivered on Friday. The lilacs are delivered at some time before the tulips. The violets are delivered at some time before the magnolias. The orchids and the roses are delivered on the same day as one another.
If the roses are delivered on Friday at 2 P.M., then each of the following could be true EXCEPT:
[ "The violets are delivered on Friday at 4 P.M.", "The tulips are delivered on Saturday at 2 P.M.", "The orchids are delivered on Friday at 4 P.M.", "The magnolias are delivered on Friday at 4 P.M.", "The lilacs are delivered on Saturday at 2 P.M." ]
Tracy's Flower Shop delivers exactly six types of flowers—lilacs, magnolias, orchids, roses, tulips, and violets. Exactly six deliveries are made over a period of two consecutive days—Friday and Saturday. Three deliveries are made each day, at three different times each day—10 A.M., 2 P.M., and 4 P.M. Each of the six deliveries involves only one of the six types of flowers. The deliveries are made in accord with the following: The violets are delivered on Friday. The lilacs are delivered at some time before the tulips. The violets are delivered at some time before the magnolias. The orchids and the roses are delivered on the same day as one another.
If the magnolias and the lilacs are delivered on Saturday, then which one of the following could be true?
[ "The orchids are delivered on Friday at 2 P.M.", "The orchids are delivered on Saturday at 10 A.M.", "The roses are delivered on Saturday at 4 P.M.", "The tulips are delivered on Friday at 4 P.M.", "The tulips are delivered on Saturday at 10 A.M." ]
Tracy's Flower Shop delivers exactly six types of flowers—lilacs, magnolias, orchids, roses, tulips, and violets. Exactly six deliveries are made over a period of two consecutive days—Friday and Saturday. Three deliveries are made each day, at three different times each day—10 A.M., 2 P.M., and 4 P.M. Each of the six deliveries involves only one of the six types of flowers. The deliveries are made in accord with the following: The violets are delivered on Friday. The lilacs are delivered at some time before the tulips. The violets are delivered at some time before the magnolias. The orchids and the roses are delivered on the same day as one another.
Which one of the following could be an accurate list of the flowers in the order in which they are delivered, from first to last?
[ "lilacs, roses, orchids, violets, tulips, magnolias", "magnolias, violets, lilacs, orchids, roses, tulips", "orchids, lilacs, violets, magnolias, roses, tulips", "orchids, roses, violets, magnolias, tulips, lilacs", "roses, violets, orchids, lilacs, tulips, magnolias" ]
Tracy's Flower Shop delivers exactly six types of flowers—lilacs, magnolias, orchids, roses, tulips, and violets. Exactly six deliveries are made over a period of two consecutive days—Friday and Saturday. Three deliveries are made each day, at three different times each day—10 A.M., 2 P.M., and 4 P.M. Each of the six deliveries involves only one of the six types of flowers. The deliveries are made in accord with the following: The violets are delivered on Friday. The lilacs are delivered at some time before the tulips. The violets are delivered at some time before the magnolias. The orchids and the roses are delivered on the same day as one another.
Which one of the following could be true?
[ "e lilacs are delivered on Saturday at 4 P.M.", "The magnolias are delivered on Friday at 10 A.M.", "The magnolias are delivered on Friday at 2 P.M.", "The tulips are delivered on Friday at 10 A.M.", "The violets are delivered on Saturday at 4 P.M." ]
Tracy's Flower Shop delivers exactly six types of flowers—lilacs, magnolias, orchids, roses, tulips, and violets. Exactly six deliveries are made over a period of two consecutive days—Friday and Saturday. Three deliveries are made each day, at three different times each day—10 A.M., 2 P.M., and 4 P.M. Each of the six deliveries involves only one of the six types of flowers. The deliveries are made in accord with the following: The violets are delivered on Friday. The lilacs are delivered at some time before the tulips. The violets are delivered at some time before the magnolias. The orchids and the roses are delivered on the same day as one another.
If the tulips are delivered on Friday, then which one of the following CANNOT be true?
[ "The magnolias are delivered on Friday at 2 P.M.", "The magnolias are delivered on Saturday at 4 P.M.", "The orchids are delivered on Saturday at 10 A.M.", "The roses are delivered on Saturday at 4 P.M.", "The violets are delivered on Friday at 4 P.M." ]
Tracy's Flower Shop delivers exactly six types of flowers—lilacs, magnolias, orchids, roses, tulips, and violets. Exactly six deliveries are made over a period of two consecutive days—Friday and Saturday. Three deliveries are made each day, at three different times each day—10 A.M., 2 P.M., and 4 P.M. Each of the six deliveries involves only one of the six types of flowers. The deliveries are made in accord with the following: The violets are delivered on Friday. The lilacs are delivered at some time before the tulips. The violets are delivered at some time before the magnolias. The orchids and the roses are delivered on the same day as one another.
If the magnolias and the orchids are delivered on the same day, then which one of the following could be true?
[ "he roses are delivered on Friday.", "The lilacs are delivered on Saturday.", "The tulips are delivered on Saturday.", "The orchids are delivered before the violets.", "The violets are delivered before the lilacs." ]
Tracy's Flower Shop delivers exactly six types of flowers—lilacs, magnolias, orchids, roses, tulips, and violets. Exactly six deliveries are made over a period of two consecutive days—Friday and Saturday. Three deliveries are made each day, at three different times each day—10 A.M., 2 P.M., and 4 P.M. Each of the six deliveries involves only one of the six types of flowers. The deliveries are made in accord with the following: The violets are delivered on Friday. The lilacs are delivered at some time before the tulips. The violets are delivered at some time before the magnolias. The orchids and the roses are delivered on the same day as one another.
If the tulips are delivered after the roses, then which one of the following must be true?
[ "The magnolias are delivered on Friday.", "The tulips are delivered on Saturday.", "The magnolias and the tulips are delivered on different days.", "The orchids and the tulips are delivered on different days.", "The tulips are delivered after the orchids." ]
During a seven-year period, an amusement park builds exactly seven roller coasters—the Firecracker, the Gobbler, the Hurricane, the Jackrabbit, the Lasso, the Niagara, and the Pretzel. No two roller coasters are built in the same year. Each roller coaster is either steel or wooden. The following conditions must apply: The Pretzel is built in the second year. The roller coaster built in the first year is steel, and the one built in the seventh year is wooden. The Lasso is built after the Firecracker. The Jackrabbit and the Gobbler are built before the Hurricane. Exactly two of the roller coasters built after the Hurricane are steel. Wooden roller coasters are not built in any two consecutive years.
Which one of the following could be the order, from first to last, in which the roller coasters are built?
[ "Gobbler, Jackrabbit, Pretzel, Hurricane, Firecracker, Lasso, Niagara", "Jackrabbit, Pretzel, Gobbler, Hurricane, Lasso, Firecracker, Niagara", "Jackrabbit, Pretzel, Gobbler, Hurricane, Niagara, Firecracker, Lasso", "Niagara, Pretzel, Gobbler, Jackrabbit, Hurricane, Firecracker, Lasso", "Niagara, Pretzel, Jackrabbit, Hurricane, Gobbler, Firecracker, Lasso" ]
During a seven-year period, an amusement park builds exactly seven roller coasters—the Firecracker, the Gobbler, the Hurricane, the Jackrabbit, the Lasso, the Niagara, and the Pretzel. No two roller coasters are built in the same year. Each roller coaster is either steel or wooden. The following conditions must apply: The Pretzel is built in the second year. The roller coaster built in the first year is steel, and the one built in the seventh year is wooden. The Lasso is built after the Firecracker. The Jackrabbit and the Gobbler are built before the Hurricane. Exactly two of the roller coasters built after the Hurricane are steel. Wooden roller coasters are not built in any two consecutive years.
Which one of the following roller coasters must be steel?
[ "Firecracker", "Gobbler", "Hurricane", "Jackrabbit", "Lasso" ]
During a seven-year period, an amusement park builds exactly seven roller coasters—the Firecracker, the Gobbler, the Hurricane, the Jackrabbit, the Lasso, the Niagara, and the Pretzel. No two roller coasters are built in the same year. Each roller coaster is either steel or wooden. The following conditions must apply: The Pretzel is built in the second year. The roller coaster built in the first year is steel, and the one built in the seventh year is wooden. The Lasso is built after the Firecracker. The Jackrabbit and the Gobbler are built before the Hurricane. Exactly two of the roller coasters built after the Hurricane are steel. Wooden roller coasters are not built in any two consecutive years.
If the Firecracker is built in a year immediately after a year in which a wooden roller coaster is built, then which one of the following must be true?
[ "The Gobbler is wooden.", "The Hurricane is wooden.", "The Firecracker is built in the sixth year.", "The Jackrabbit is built in the third year.", "The Lasso is built in the sixth year." ]
During a seven-year period, an amusement park builds exactly seven roller coasters—the Firecracker, the Gobbler, the Hurricane, the Jackrabbit, the Lasso, the Niagara, and the Pretzel. No two roller coasters are built in the same year. Each roller coaster is either steel or wooden. The following conditions must apply: The Pretzel is built in the second year. The roller coaster built in the first year is steel, and the one built in the seventh year is wooden. The Lasso is built after the Firecracker. The Jackrabbit and the Gobbler are built before the Hurricane. Exactly two of the roller coasters built after the Hurricane are steel. Wooden roller coasters are not built in any two consecutive years.
Each of the following roller coasters must be built before the Lasso EXCEPT:
[ "Firecracker", "Gobbler", "Hurricane", "Jackrabbit", "Niagara" ]
During a seven-year period, an amusement park builds exactly seven roller coasters—the Firecracker, the Gobbler, the Hurricane, the Jackrabbit, the Lasso, the Niagara, and the Pretzel. No two roller coasters are built in the same year. Each roller coaster is either steel or wooden. The following conditions must apply: The Pretzel is built in the second year. The roller coaster built in the first year is steel, and the one built in the seventh year is wooden. The Lasso is built after the Firecracker. The Jackrabbit and the Gobbler are built before the Hurricane. Exactly two of the roller coasters built after the Hurricane are steel. Wooden roller coasters are not built in any two consecutive years.
If the Jackrabbit, the Hurricane, and the Firecracker are built in three consecutive years, in that order, then each of the following must be true EXCEPT:
[ "The Firecracker is built before the Niagara.", "The Gobbler is built before the Jackrabbit.", "The Hurricane is built before the Niagara.", "The Niagara is built before the Lasso.", "The Pretzel is built before the Jackrabbit." ]
On Tuesday evenings, the Community Center offers one session of each of the following six introductory classes: gymnastics, jazz dance, kung fu, meditation, tennis, and yoga. No other introductory classes are offered on Tuesdays. Each class is scheduled for exactly one hour, beginning at 5 P.M., 6 P.M., 7 P.M., or 8 P.M. Tuesdays schedule conforms to the following conditions: Yoga begins later than jazz dance but no later than kung fu. Meditation begins at the same time as exactly one other introductory class. No other introductory class begins at the same time as gymnastics. At most one of the other introductory classes begins later than gymnastics.
Which one of the following could be an accurate schedule of the Tuesday introductory classes?
[ "5 P.M.: jazz dance, meditation 6 P.M.: yoga 7 P.M.: gymnastics 8 P.M.: kung fu, tennis", "5 P.M.: jazz dance 6 P.M.: meditation, tennis 7 P.M.: yoga 8 P.M.: gymnastics, kung fu", "5 P.M.: jazz dance, meditation 6 P.M.: yoga 7 P.M.: kung fu, tennis 8 P.M.: gymnastics", "5 P.M.: jazz dance, tennis 6 P.M.: meditation 7 P.M.: kung fu, yoga 8 P.M.: gymnastics", "5 P.M.: tennis, yoga 6 P.M.: jazz dance, meditation 7 P.M.: gymnastics 8 P.M.: kung fu" ]
On Tuesday evenings, the Community Center offers one session of each of the following six introductory classes: gymnastics, jazz dance, kung fu, meditation, tennis, and yoga. No other introductory classes are offered on Tuesdays. Each class is scheduled for exactly one hour, beginning at 5 P.M., 6 P.M., 7 P.M., or 8 P.M. Tuesdays schedule conforms to the following conditions: Yoga begins later than jazz dance but no later than kung fu. Meditation begins at the same time as exactly one other introductory class. No other introductory class begins at the same time as gymnastics. At most one of the other introductory classes begins later than gymnastics.
If meditation is scheduled to begin later than tennis, then which one of the following could be true of the schedule?
[ "Jazz dance begins later than meditation.", "Kung fu begins later than gymnastics.", "Meditation begins later than kung fu.", "Tennis begins later than kung fu.", "Tennis begins later than yoga." ]
On Tuesday evenings, the Community Center offers one session of each of the following six introductory classes: gymnastics, jazz dance, kung fu, meditation, tennis, and yoga. No other introductory classes are offered on Tuesdays. Each class is scheduled for exactly one hour, beginning at 5 P.M., 6 P.M., 7 P.M., or 8 P.M. Tuesdays schedule conforms to the following conditions: Yoga begins later than jazz dance but no later than kung fu. Meditation begins at the same time as exactly one other introductory class. No other introductory class begins at the same time as gymnastics. At most one of the other introductory classes begins later than gymnastics.
Which one of the following introductory classes could be the only class scheduled to begin at 5 P.M.?
[ "yoga", "tennis", "meditation", "kung fu", "gymnastics" ]
On Tuesday evenings, the Community Center offers one session of each of the following six introductory classes: gymnastics, jazz dance, kung fu, meditation, tennis, and yoga. No other introductory classes are offered on Tuesdays. Each class is scheduled for exactly one hour, beginning at 5 P.M., 6 P.M., 7 P.M., or 8 P.M. Tuesdays schedule conforms to the following conditions: Yoga begins later than jazz dance but no later than kung fu. Meditation begins at the same time as exactly one other introductory class. No other introductory class begins at the same time as gymnastics. At most one of the other introductory classes begins later than gymnastics.
Which one of the following introductory classes CANNOT be scheduled to start at 6 P.M.?
[ "gymnastics", "jazz dance", "kung fu", "meditation", "tennis" ]
Meena has six colored pencils—green, maroon, orange, red, white, and yellow. She sketches a drawing using exactly five of the six pencils, one pencil at a time. The following conditions must hold: No pencil is used more than once. Either the maroon or the yellow pencil is not used. The red pencil is used at some time before the green. The red pencil is used at some time before either the orange or the yellow, but not before both. The green pencil is used at some time before either the maroon or the white, but not before both.
Which one of the following could be an accurate list of the pencils used, from first to fifth?
[ "orange, green, red, maroon, yellow", "red, green, orange, white, maroon", "red, orange, maroon, white, green", "white, red, orange, green, maroon", "white, yellow, orange, green, red" ]
Meena has six colored pencils—green, maroon, orange, red, white, and yellow. She sketches a drawing using exactly five of the six pencils, one pencil at a time. The following conditions must hold: No pencil is used more than once. Either the maroon or the yellow pencil is not used. The red pencil is used at some time before the green. The red pencil is used at some time before either the orange or the yellow, but not before both. The green pencil is used at some time before either the maroon or the white, but not before both.
Which one of the following could be true?
[ "The maroon pencil is used first, whereas the white is used second.", "The white pencil is used first, whereas the green is used second.", "The yellow pencil is used first, whereas the orange is used second.", "The yellow pencil is used first, whereas the orange is used fourth.", "The yellow pencil is used fourth, whereas the maroon is used fifth." ]
Meena has six colored pencils—green, maroon, orange, red, white, and yellow. She sketches a drawing using exactly five of the six pencils, one pencil at a time. The following conditions must hold: No pencil is used more than once. Either the maroon or the yellow pencil is not used. The red pencil is used at some time before the green. The red pencil is used at some time before either the orange or the yellow, but not before both. The green pencil is used at some time before either the maroon or the white, but not before both.
Which one of the following CANNOT be the color of the fifth pencil used?
[ "green", "maroon", "orange", "white", "yellow" ]
Meena has six colored pencils—green, maroon, orange, red, white, and yellow. She sketches a drawing using exactly five of the six pencils, one pencil at a time. The following conditions must hold: No pencil is used more than once. Either the maroon or the yellow pencil is not used. The red pencil is used at some time before the green. The red pencil is used at some time before either the orange or the yellow, but not before both. The green pencil is used at some time before either the maroon or the white, but not before both.
Which one of the following could be an accurate list of the pencils used, from first to fifth?
[ "maroon, green, white, red, orange", "maroon, red, green, white, yellow", "red, green, orange, white, yellow", "red, white, orange, green, maroon", "white, red, maroon, green, orange" ]
Meena has six colored pencils—green, maroon, orange, red, white, and yellow. She sketches a drawing using exactly five of the six pencils, one pencil at a time. The following conditions must hold: No pencil is used more than once. Either the maroon or the yellow pencil is not used. The red pencil is used at some time before the green. The red pencil is used at some time before either the orange or the yellow, but not before both. The green pencil is used at some time before either the maroon or the white, but not before both.
Which one of the following CANNOT be the color of the third pencil used?
[ "green", "maroon", "red", "white", "yellow" ]
Meena has six colored pencils—green, maroon, orange, red, white, and yellow. She sketches a drawing using exactly five of the six pencils, one pencil at a time. The following conditions must hold: No pencil is used more than once. Either the maroon or the yellow pencil is not used. The red pencil is used at some time before the green. The red pencil is used at some time before either the orange or the yellow, but not before both. The green pencil is used at some time before either the maroon or the white, but not before both.
Suppose that the condition that either the maroon or the yellow pencil is not used no longer holds. If all other conditions remain in effect, then which one of the following could be an accurate list of the pencils used, from first to fifth?
[ "maroon, red, green, orange, yellow", "maroon, yellow, red, green, white", "orange, green, red, yellow, maroon", "orange, red, maroon, green, white", "white, red, green, maroon, yellow" ]
A bird sanctuary contains birds of at least two of the following six kinds—kingfishers, mynas, peacocks, robins, sparrows, and woodpeckers. No other kinds of birds are in the sanctuary. The following conditions must hold: Woodpeckers are not in the sanctuary if mynas are. Peacocks are not in the sanctuary if robins are. Either robins or woodpeckers, but not both, are in the sanctuary. Woodpeckers are in the sanctuary if kingfishers, sparrows, or both are in the sanctuary
Which one of the following could be a complete and accurate list of the kinds of birds in the sanctuary?
[ "kingfishers, mynas", "peacocks, woodpeckers", "kingfishers, robins, sparrows", "mynas, peacocks, robins", "mynas, peacocks, sparrows" ]
A bird sanctuary contains birds of at least two of the following six kinds—kingfishers, mynas, peacocks, robins, sparrows, and woodpeckers. No other kinds of birds are in the sanctuary. The following conditions must hold: Woodpeckers are not in the sanctuary if mynas are. Peacocks are not in the sanctuary if robins are. Either robins or woodpeckers, but not both, are in the sanctuary. Woodpeckers are in the sanctuary if kingfishers, sparrows, or both are in the sanctuary
What is the maximum number of the kinds of birds that could be in the sanctuary?
[ "two", "three", "four", "five", "six" ]
A bird sanctuary contains birds of at least two of the following six kinds—kingfishers, mynas, peacocks, robins, sparrows, and woodpeckers. No other kinds of birds are in the sanctuary. The following conditions must hold: Woodpeckers are not in the sanctuary if mynas are. Peacocks are not in the sanctuary if robins are. Either robins or woodpeckers, but not both, are in the sanctuary. Woodpeckers are in the sanctuary if kingfishers, sparrows, or both are in the sanctuary
If both kingfishers and sparrows are in the sanctuary, then each of the following could be true EXCEPT:
[ "Exactly three kinds of birds are in the sanctuary.", "Exactly four kinds of birds are in the sanctuary.", "There are peacocks in the sanctuary.", "There are robins in the sanctuary.", "There are woodpeckers in the sanctuary" ]
A bird sanctuary contains birds of at least two of the following six kinds—kingfishers, mynas, peacocks, robins, sparrows, and woodpeckers. No other kinds of birds are in the sanctuary. The following conditions must hold: Woodpeckers are not in the sanctuary if mynas are. Peacocks are not in the sanctuary if robins are. Either robins or woodpeckers, but not both, are in the sanctuary. Woodpeckers are in the sanctuary if kingfishers, sparrows, or both are in the sanctuary
If there are no kingfishers in the sanctuary, then which one of the following must be true?
[ "There are no sparrows in the sanctuary.", "There are no woodpeckers in the sanctuary.", "There are peacocks in the sanctuary.", "At least three kinds of birds are in the sanctuary.", "At most three kinds of birds are in the sanctuary" ]
A bird sanctuary contains birds of at least two of the following six kinds—kingfishers, mynas, peacocks, robins, sparrows, and woodpeckers. No other kinds of birds are in the sanctuary. The following conditions must hold: Woodpeckers are not in the sanctuary if mynas are. Peacocks are not in the sanctuary if robins are. Either robins or woodpeckers, but not both, are in the sanctuary. Woodpeckers are in the sanctuary if kingfishers, sparrows, or both are in the sanctuary
If there are no robins in the sanctuary, then which one of the following is a kind of bird that CANNOT be in the sanctuary?
[ "kingfishers", "mynas", "peacocks", "sparrows", "woodpeckers" ]
A bird sanctuary contains birds of at least two of the following six kinds—kingfishers, mynas, peacocks, robins, sparrows, and woodpeckers. No other kinds of birds are in the sanctuary. The following conditions must hold: Woodpeckers are not in the sanctuary if mynas are. Peacocks are not in the sanctuary if robins are. Either robins or woodpeckers, but not both, are in the sanctuary. Woodpeckers are in the sanctuary if kingfishers, sparrows, or both are in the sanctuary
If peacocks are in the sanctuary, then which one of the following must be true?
[ "Exactly two kinds of birds are in the sanctuary.", "Exactly three kinds of birds are in the sanctuary.", "Exactly four kinds of birds are in the sanctuary.", "There are no kingfishers in the sanctuary.", "There are no mynas in the sanctuary." ]
Last year, seven stores—Faroj's Appliances, Good Buy, Intelligent Office, LANs for Less, Networks Unlimited, Silicon Village, and Uptown Computing—each sold exactly 100, 200, 300, 400, or 500 computers, consistent with the following conditions: Good Buy sold exactly the same number of computers as Networks Unlimited did. Intelligent Office sold exactly the same number of computers as Uptown Computing did. Neither Faroj's Appliances nor Silicon Village sold exactly the same number of computers as any other store. LANs for Less sold more computers than Uptown Computing did. Intelligent Office sold more computers than Good Buy did.
Which one of the following could be an accurate matching of the stores to the exact number of computers each sold last year?
[ "Faroj's Appliances: 100; Good Buy: 200; Intelligent Office: 300; LANs for Less: 400; Networks Unlimited: 200; Silicon Village: 500; Uptown Computing: 300", "Faroj's Appliances: 100; Good Buy: 200; Intelligent Office: 400; LANs for Less: 300; Networks Unlimited: 200; Silicon Village: 500; Uptown Computing: 400", "Faroj's Appliances: 500; Good Buy: 200; Intelligent Office: 300; LANs for Less: 400; Networks Unlimited: 500; Silicon Village: 100; Uptown Computing: 300", "Faroj's Appliances: 500; Good Buy: 300; Intelligent Office: 200; LANs for Less: 400; Networks Unlimited: 300; Silicon Village: 100; Uptown Computing: 200", "Faroj's Appliances: 500; Good Buy: 300; Intelligent Office: 400; LANs for Less: 200; Networks Unlimited: 300; Silicon Village: 500; Uptown Computing: 100" ]
Last year, seven stores—Faroj's Appliances, Good Buy, Intelligent Office, LANs for Less, Networks Unlimited, Silicon Village, and Uptown Computing—each sold exactly 100, 200, 300, 400, or 500 computers, consistent with the following conditions: Good Buy sold exactly the same number of computers as Networks Unlimited did. Intelligent Office sold exactly the same number of computers as Uptown Computing did. Neither Faroj's Appliances nor Silicon Village sold exactly the same number of computers as any other store. LANs for Less sold more computers than Uptown Computing did. Intelligent Office sold more computers than Good Buy did.
Which one of the following stores CANNOT have sold exactly 400 computers last year?
[ "Faroj's Appliances", "Good Buy", "Intelligent Office", "Silicon Village", "Uptown Computing" ]
Last year, seven stores—Faroj's Appliances, Good Buy, Intelligent Office, LANs for Less, Networks Unlimited, Silicon Village, and Uptown Computing—each sold exactly 100, 200, 300, 400, or 500 computers, consistent with the following conditions: Good Buy sold exactly the same number of computers as Networks Unlimited did. Intelligent Office sold exactly the same number of computers as Uptown Computing did. Neither Faroj's Appliances nor Silicon Village sold exactly the same number of computers as any other store. LANs for Less sold more computers than Uptown Computing did. Intelligent Office sold more computers than Good Buy did.
Which one of the following stores CANNOT have sold exactly 200 computers last year?
[ "Faroj's Appliances", "Good Buy", "Intelligent Office", "LANs for Less", "Silicon Village" ]
Last year, seven stores—Faroj's Appliances, Good Buy, Intelligent Office, LANs for Less, Networks Unlimited, Silicon Village, and Uptown Computing—each sold exactly 100, 200, 300, 400, or 500 computers, consistent with the following conditions: Good Buy sold exactly the same number of computers as Networks Unlimited did. Intelligent Office sold exactly the same number of computers as Uptown Computing did. Neither Faroj's Appliances nor Silicon Village sold exactly the same number of computers as any other store. LANs for Less sold more computers than Uptown Computing did. Intelligent Office sold more computers than Good Buy did.
Which one of the following must be true?
[ "Faroj's Appliances sold more computers last year than Good Buy did.", "Intelligent Office sold more computers last year than Silicon Village did.", "LANs for Less sold more computers last year than Faroj's Appliances did.", "Silicon Village sold more computers last year than Good Buy did.", "Uptown Computing sold more computers last year than Networks Unlimited did." ]
Arbutus College owns exactly four houses that it leases to faculty or students. Of these houses, no two are exactly the same distance from Arbutus's campus, and each house is either a student house (occupied entirely by students) or a faculty house (occupied entirely by faculty). The lease length for each house is one, two, or three semesters. The following conditions must hold: No student house has a three-semester lease. At least two houses each have longer leases than does the house closest to campus. Every student house (if there are any) is farther from campus than any faculty house (if there are any).
Which one of the following could be a complete and accurate list of the leases of the student houses, ordered from the student house closest to campus to the student house farthest from campus?
[ "one semester, one semester", "two semesters, three semesters", "one semester, two semesters, one semester", "one semester, two semesters, two semesters, one semester", "one semester, two semesters, three semesters, two semesters" ]
Arbutus College owns exactly four houses that it leases to faculty or students. Of these houses, no two are exactly the same distance from Arbutus's campus, and each house is either a student house (occupied entirely by students) or a faculty house (occupied entirely by faculty). The lease length for each house is one, two, or three semesters. The following conditions must hold: No student house has a three-semester lease. At least two houses each have longer leases than does the house closest to campus. Every student house (if there are any) is farther from campus than any faculty house (if there are any).
If the house farthest from campus has a lease longer than that of each of the other houses, then which one of the following could be true?
[ "Each faculty house has a two-semester lease.", "Exactly two houses each have a one-semester lease.", "Exactly three houses each have a two-semester lease.", "None of the houses has a one-semester lease.", "None of the houses has a two-semester lease" ]
Arbutus College owns exactly four houses that it leases to faculty or students. Of these houses, no two are exactly the same distance from Arbutus's campus, and each house is either a student house (occupied entirely by students) or a faculty house (occupied entirely by faculty). The lease length for each house is one, two, or three semesters. The following conditions must hold: No student house has a three-semester lease. At least two houses each have longer leases than does the house closest to campus. Every student house (if there are any) is farther from campus than any faculty house (if there are any).
What is the maximum number of houses that could all be student houses with two-semester leases?
[ "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four" ]
Arbutus College owns exactly four houses that it leases to faculty or students. Of these houses, no two are exactly the same distance from Arbutus's campus, and each house is either a student house (occupied entirely by students) or a faculty house (occupied entirely by faculty). The lease length for each house is one, two, or three semesters. The following conditions must hold: No student house has a three-semester lease. At least two houses each have longer leases than does the house closest to campus. Every student house (if there are any) is farther from campus than any faculty house (if there are any).
Which one of the following must be true of the two houses that are neither the house farthest from campus nor the house closest to campus?
[ "At least one of them has a lease the same length as that of the house closest to campus.", "At least one of them has a lease longer than that of the house closest to campus.", "At least one of them has a lease shorter than three semesters.", "Neither of them is a student house.", "Both of them are student houses" ]