[ { "id": "DS.d100.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Cyclo(His-Pro) promotes cytoprotection by activating Nrf2-mediated up-regulation of antioxidant defence." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 104 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d100.s1", "type": "", "text": [ "Here, we addressed this issue and found that cyclo(His-Pro) triggered nuclear accumulation of NF-E2-related factor-2 (Nrf2), a transcription factor that up-regulates antioxidant-/electrophile-responsive element (ARE-EpRE)-related genes, in PC12 cells." ], "offsets": [ [ 105, 356 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d100.s0.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "Cyclo(His-Pro" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 13 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "65137" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d100.s0.e1", "type": "protein", "text": [ "Nrf2" ], "offsets": [ [ 53, 57 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O54968" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q60795" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d100.s1.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "cyclo(His-Pro" ], "offsets": [ [ 150, 163 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "65137" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d100.s1.e1", "type": "protein", "text": [ "NF-E2-related factor-2" ], "offsets": [ [ 199, 221 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O54968" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q16236" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q60795" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d100.s1.e2", "type": "protein", "text": [ "Nrf2" ], "offsets": [ [ 223, 227 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O54968" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q60795" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d100.s0.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d100.s0.e0", "arg2_id": "DS.d100.s0.e1", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d100.s1.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d100.s1.e0", "arg2_id": "DS.d100.s1.e1", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d100.s1.i1", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d100.s1.e0", "arg2_id": "DS.d100.s1.e2", "normalized": [] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d101.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "In women, Plg levels were higher in individuals with diagnosed ischemic heart disease (IHD) and increased with triglycerides (TG) and glucose level." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 148 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d101.s0.e0", "type": "protein", "text": [ "Plg" ], "offsets": [ [ 10, 13 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P20918" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q01177" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d101.s0.e1", "type": "compound", "text": [ "glucose" ], "offsets": [ [ 134, 141 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "206" }, { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "5793" }, { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "64689" }, { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "79025" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d102.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "To investigate overnight variations in absolute values and patterns of cytokines including interleukin 6 (IL6) and tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha) in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and to relate any changes to those occurring in blood cortisol." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 248 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d102.s0.e0", "type": "protein", "text": [ "interleukin 6" ], "offsets": [ [ 91, 104 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P41693" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d102.s0.e1", "type": "protein", "text": [ "IL6" ], "offsets": [ [ 106, 109 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O35736" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P05231" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P26892" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P26893" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P29455" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P41323" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P41683" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P41693" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P46650" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P51494" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P79341" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q25BC2" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q28319" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q28747" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q28819" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q2MH06" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q5I6E3" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q6V919" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q865W7" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q865X6" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8MKH0" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q95181" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9MZR1" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9XT80" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d102.s0.e2", "type": "protein", "text": [ "TNFalpha" ], "offsets": [ [ 145, 153 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O35734" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O77510" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O77764" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P01375" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P04924" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P06804" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P13296" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P16599" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P19101" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P23383" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P23563" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P29553" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P33620" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P36939" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P48094" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P51435" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P51742" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P51743" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P59684" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P59693" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P59694" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P59695" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P79337" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P79374" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q06599" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q19LH4" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q1G1A2" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q1WM27" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q2MH05" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q539C2" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q75N23" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8HZD9" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8JFG3" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8MKG8" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8WNR1" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9BEA1" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d102.s0.e3", "type": "compound", "text": [ "cortisol" ], "offsets": [ [ 239, 247 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "5754" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d103.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Using a cell culture model of synaptic NMDA receptor-dependent synaptic potentiation, we find that this is mediated exclusively by NR2B-containing N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors, as implicated by NR2B-specific antagonists and the use of selective vs. non-selective doses of the NR2A-preferring antagonist NVP-AAM077." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 316 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d103.s0.e0", "type": "protein", "text": [ "N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors" ], "offsets": [ [ 147, 177 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P35439" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9R1M7" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d103.s0.e1", "type": "compound", "text": [ "NVP" ], "offsets": [ [ 305, 308 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "4463" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d103.s0.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d103.s0.e1", "arg2_id": "DS.d103.s0.e0", "normalized": [] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d104.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Dexrazoxane protects against doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy: upregulation of Akt and Erk phosphorylation in a rat model." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 124 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d104.s0.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "Dexrazoxane" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 11 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "30623" }, { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "71384" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d104.s0.e1", "type": "protein", "text": [ "Akt" ], "offsets": [ [ 81, 84 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P31750" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8INB9" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d104.s0.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d104.s0.e0", "arg2_id": "DS.d104.s0.e1", "normalized": [] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d105.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Intracellular oxidative status was assessed by analysis of GSH/GSSG levels and time course of ROS production and glutathione reductase (GR) activity." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 149 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d105.s0.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "GSH" ], "offsets": [ [ 59, 62 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "124886" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d105.s0.e1", "type": "compound", "text": [ "GSSG" ], "offsets": [ [ 63, 67 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "65359" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d105.s0.e2", "type": "protein", "text": [ "glutathione reductase" ], "offsets": [ [ 113, 134 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O15770" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P06715" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P11804" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P23189" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P41921" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P43783" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P48638" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P48639" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P70619" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P78965" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q60151" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q6BPI1" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q6C5H4" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q6FRV2" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q6HA23" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q74ZK4" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q873E8" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q94655" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d106.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "A recently discussed cardiovascular risk factor, asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA), is known to act as an endogenous inhibitor of endothelial nitric oxide synthase." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 165 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d106.s0.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "asymmetric dimethylarginine" ], "offsets": [ [ 49, 76 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "123831" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d106.s0.e1", "type": "compound", "text": [ "ADMA" ], "offsets": [ [ 78, 82 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "123831" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d106.s0.e2", "type": "protein", "text": [ "nitric oxide synthase" ], "offsets": [ [ 143, 164 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O61309" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O61608" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q27571" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9I9M2" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d106.s0.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d106.s0.e1", "arg2_id": "DS.d106.s0.e2", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d106.s0.i1", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d106.s0.e0", "arg2_id": "DS.d106.s0.e2", "normalized": [] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d107.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "The net exercise-induced increase in 6-keto-PGF (1alpha) concentration, expressed as the difference between the end-exercise minus pre-exercise concentration positively correlated with VO(2max) (r=0.78, p=0.004) as well as with the net VO(2) increase at exhaustion (r=0.81, p=0.003), but not with other respiratory, cardiac, metabolic or inflammatory parameters of the exercise (minute ventilation, heart rate, plasma lactate, IL-6 or TNF-alpha concentrations)." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 461 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d107.s0.e0", "type": "protein", "text": [ "PGF" ], "offsets": [ [ 44, 47 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P49763" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9XS47" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d107.s0.e1", "type": "compound", "text": [ "lactate" ], "offsets": [ [ 418, 425 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "612" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d107.s0.e2", "type": "protein", "text": [ "IL-6" ], "offsets": [ [ 427, 431 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O35736" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P05231" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P08505" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P20607" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P26892" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P26893" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P29455" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P41323" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P41683" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P41693" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P46650" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P51494" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P79341" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q25BC2" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q28319" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q28747" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q28819" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q2MH06" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q5I6E3" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q6V919" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q865W7" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q865X6" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8MKH0" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q95181" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9MZR1" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9XT80" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d107.s0.e3", "type": "protein", "text": [ "TNF-alpha" ], "offsets": [ [ 435, 444 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O35734" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O77510" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O77764" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P01375" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P04924" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P06804" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P13296" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P16599" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P19101" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P23383" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P23563" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P29553" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P33620" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P36939" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P48094" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P51435" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P51742" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P51743" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P59684" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P59693" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P59694" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P59695" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P79337" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P79374" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q06599" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q19LH4" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q1G1A2" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q1WM27" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q2MH05" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q539C2" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q75N23" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8HZD9" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8JFG3" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8MKG8" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8WNR1" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9BEA1" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d108.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Adenosine A(3) receptor agonist N(6)-(3-iodobenzyl) adenosine-5 '-N-methyluronamide (IB-MECA) has been tested from the point of view of potentiating the effects of hematopoietic growth factors interleukin-3 (IL-3), stem cell factor (SCF), granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) on the growth of hematopoietic progenitor cells for granulocytes and macrophages (GM-CFC) in suspension of normal mouse bone marrow cells in vitro." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 495 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d108.s1", "type": "", "text": [ "Significant elevation of numbers of GM-CFC evoked by the combinations of IB-MECA with IL-3, SCF, or GM-CSF as compared with these growth factors alone has been noted." ], "offsets": [ [ 496, 662 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d108.s2", "type": "", "text": [ "Combination of IB-MECA with G-CSF did not induce significantly higher numbers of GM-CFC in comparison with G-CSF alone." ], "offsets": [ [ 663, 782 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d108.s3", "type": "", "text": [ "Joint action of three drugs, namely of IB-MECA+ IL-3+ GM-CSF, produced significantly higher numbers of GM-CFC in comparison with the combinations of IB-MECA+ IL-3, IB-MECA+ GM-CSF, or IL-3+ GM-CSF." ], "offsets": [ [ 783, 980 ] ] } ]
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[ { "id": "DS.d111.s0.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d111.s0.e4", "arg2_id": "DS.d111.s0.e1", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d111.s0.i2", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d111.s0.e2", "arg2_id": "DS.d111.s0.e1", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d111.s0.i3", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d111.s0.e4", "arg2_id": "DS.d111.s0.e0", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d111.s0.i5", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d111.s0.e2", "arg2_id": "DS.d111.s0.e0", "normalized": [] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d112.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Treatment of H9c2 cell with low concentrations of Dox causes alterations in fibrous structural proteins including the nuclear lamina and sarcomeric cardiac myosin, as well as mitochondrial depolarization and fragmentation, membrane blebbing with cell shape changes, and phosphatidylserine externalization." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 305 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d112.s0.e0", "type": "protein", "text": [ "structural proteins" ], "offsets": [ [ 84, 103 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q04765" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q04766" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d112.s0.e1", "type": "compound", "text": [ "phosphatidylserine" ], "offsets": [ [ 270, 288 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "445141" }, { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "6323481" }, { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "44147587" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d113.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "We monitored bcr-abl transcript levels by quantitative real time PCR in 50 tunisian patients treated with imatinib for chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase for a median of 29 months (3-60) after they started imatinib." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 222 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d113.s0.e0", "type": "protein", "text": [ "bcr" ], "offsets": [ [ 13, 16 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P28246" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P45123" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d113.s0.e1", "type": "protein", "text": [ "abl" ], "offsets": [ [ 17, 20 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P00520" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P00522" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d113.s0.e2", "type": "compound", "text": [ "imatinib" ], "offsets": [ [ 106, 114 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "5291" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d113.s0.e3", "type": "compound", "text": [ "imatinib" ], "offsets": [ [ 213, 221 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "5291" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d114.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "The non-covalent interaction of brilliant red (BR) with lysozyme was investigated by the UV spectrometry, circular dichroism (CD) and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC)." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 173 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d114.s0.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "brilliant red" ], "offsets": [ [ 32, 45 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "5483782" }, { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "6085493" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d114.s0.e1", "type": "protein", "text": [ "lysozyme" ], "offsets": [ [ 56, 64 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O64362" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O80288" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O80292" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P00720" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P03706" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P07540" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P09963" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P10439" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P11187" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P13656" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P15057" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P19385" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P19386" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P21270" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P23472" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P23473" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P27359" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P33486" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P37715" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P39046" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P51771" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P62692" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P62693" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P68920" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P68921" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P81241" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P82174" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P82175" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P83673" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q27650" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q37875" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q37896" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q48603" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q7SID7" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9CIT4" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9T1X2" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9ZXB7" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d114.s0.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d114.s0.e0", "arg2_id": "DS.d114.s0.e1", "normalized": [] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d115.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Recent studies suggest that crystals of monosodium urate (MSU), deposited in joints of patients with acute gouty arthritis, activate the NACHT domain, leucine-rich repeat and pyrin domain-containing protein (NALP)3 inflammasome." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 228 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d115.s0.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "monosodium urate" ], "offsets": [ [ 40, 56 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "1175" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d115.s0.e1", "type": "compound", "text": [ "leucine" ], "offsets": [ [ 151, 158 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "857" }, { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "6106" }, { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "439524" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d115.s0.e2", "type": "protein", "text": [ "pyrin" ], "offsets": [ [ 175, 180 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O15553" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9JJ25" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9JJ26" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d115.s0.i1", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d115.s0.e0", "arg2_id": "DS.d115.s0.e2", "normalized": [] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d116.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Nicotine, muscarine, and chlorpyrifos induced the phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 116 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d116.s0.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "Nicotine" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 8 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "942" }, { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "89594" }, { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "157672" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d116.s0.e1", "type": "compound", "text": [ "muscarine" ], "offsets": [ [ 10, 19 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "9308" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d116.s0.e2", "type": "compound", "text": [ "chlorpyrifos" ], "offsets": [ [ 25, 37 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "2730" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d116.s0.e3", "type": "protein", "text": [ "extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1" ], "offsets": [ [ 69, 109 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P21708" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P27361" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P28869" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P42525" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q63844" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d116.s0.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d116.s0.e1", "arg2_id": "DS.d116.s0.e3", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d116.s0.i1", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d116.s0.e2", "arg2_id": "DS.d116.s0.e3", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d116.s0.i2", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d116.s0.e0", "arg2_id": "DS.d116.s0.e3", "normalized": [] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d117.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Adult bone marrow (BM)-derived insulin-producing cells (IPCs) are capable of regulating blood glucose levels in chemically induced hyperglycemic mice." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 150 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d117.s1", "type": "", "text": [ "Treatment with benfotiamine activated glucose metabolism in INS-1 cells in high-glucose culture conditions, and appeared to maximize the BM-derived IPCs ability to synthesize insulin." ], "offsets": [ [ 151, 334 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d117.s2", "type": "", "text": [ "Benfotiamine was not shown to induce the glucose receptor Glut-2, however it was shown to activate glucokinase, the enzyme responsible for conversion of glucose to glucose-6-phosphate." ], "offsets": [ [ 335, 519 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d117.s3", "type": "", "text": [ "However, in cells where the pentose phosphate pathway was blocked by oxythiamine treatment, there was a clear downregulation of Glut-2, glucokinase, insulin, and GAPDH." ], "offsets": [ [ 520, 688 ] ] } ]
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[ { "id": "DS.d118.s0", "type": "", "text": [ ") and two oxygen tensions (5 and 20%) were compared for their ability to sustain blastocyst survival and IFNT production from days 8 to 11 post-insemination." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 157 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d118.s1", "type": "", "text": [ "In conclusion, culturing blastocysts of cattle in a 5% oxygen environment with M199 containing serum sustains embryo viability and permits constitutive and inducible IFNT production." ], "offsets": [ [ 158, 340 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d118.s2", "type": "", "text": [ "Incubation in 20% oxygen increases IFNT production." ], "offsets": [ [ 341, 392 ] ] } ]
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[ { "id": "DS.d119.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Histologic examination investigated deposition of extracellular matrix (ECM) including collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid (HA), fibronectin, and decorin in the lamina propria of the scarred vocal folds." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 202 ] ] } ]
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[ { "id": "DS.d120.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "A series of novel bis-pyridinium oximes connected by bis-methoxymethyl benzene, 1,4-bis-methoxymethyl (cis)-but-2-ene and 1,4-bis-methoxymethyl but-2-yne linkers were synthesized and their in vitro reactivation efficacy was evaluated against diisopropyl phosphorofluoridate (DFP) inhibited acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and compared with the established antidote 2-PAM and obidoxime." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 381 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d120.s0.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "methoxymethyl benzene" ], "offsets": [ [ 57, 78 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "10869" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d120.s0.e1", "type": "compound", "text": [ "diisopropyl phosphorofluoridate" ], "offsets": [ [ 242, 273 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "5936" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d120.s0.e2", "type": "protein", "text": [ "acetylcholinesterase" ], "offsets": [ [ 290, 310 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q867X2" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q867X3" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q86GC9" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q92081" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d120.s0.e3", "type": "protein", "text": [ "AChE" ], "offsets": [ [ 312, 316 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O42275" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O62763" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P04058" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P07140" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P07692" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P21836" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P22303" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P23795" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P36196" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P37136" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P56161" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q27677" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q29499" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q867X2" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q867X3" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q869C3" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q86GC8" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q86GC9" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q92035" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q92081" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9DDE3" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d120.s0.e4", "type": "compound", "text": [ "obidoxime" ], "offsets": [ [ 371, 380 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "107688" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d121.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "In-vitro regeneration of sarin inhibited electric eel acetylcholinesterase by bis-pyridinium oximes bearing xylene linker." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 122 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d121.s1", "type": "", "text": [ "A series of bis-pyridinium oximes connected by xylene linker were synthesized and their in-vitro reactivation potential was evaluated against acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibited by nerve agent, sarin." ], "offsets": [ [ 123, 325 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d121.s2", "type": "", "text": [ "Among the synthesized compounds, alpha,alpha'xylene-bis-(3,3'-(hydroxyiminomethyl) pyridinium) dibromide (3b) was found to be most potent reactivator for AChE inhibited by sarin." ], "offsets": [ [ 326, 504 ] ] } ]
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[ { "id": "DS.d122.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Of the compounds synthesized, compound 2a, which has a primary amide at warhead region of the inhibitor most potently inhibited mu-calpain with an IC(50) value of 2.81+/-1.26 microM, which is ca." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 195 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d122.s0.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "compound 2a" ], "offsets": [ [ 30, 41 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "398803" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d122.s0.e1", "type": "protein", "text": [ "calpain" ], "offsets": [ [ 131, 138 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P27730" } ] } ]
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[ { "id": "DS.d123.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Recent studies have focused on possible functional disorders of the enteric nervous system within the abomasal wall, since cattle with abomasal displacement have an increased activity of neuronal nitric oxide synthase, as well as decreased acetylcholine sensitivity." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 266 ] ] } ]
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[ { "id": "DS.d124.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Earlier publications have suggested a possible role for the efflux transporter breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP) in acquired resistance to disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) such as leflunomide and its metabolite A771726 (teriflunomide)." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 255 ] ] } ]
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[ { "id": "DS.d125.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Inhibition of cytidine deaminase by zebularine enhances the antineoplastic action of 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 108 ] ] } ]
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[ { "id": "DS.d126.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "An individual's response to fludarabine may be influenced by the amount of CD4 (+) and CD8(+) T-lymphocyte suppression." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 119 ] ] } ]
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[ { "id": "DS.d127.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "We hypothesise that arginine aspartate acts as a chemical or pharmacological chaperone, and suggest amino acid supplementation as a possible therapy in PDHA1 mutations with mild phenotypes." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 189 ] ] } ]
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[ { "id": "DS.d128.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "mRNA expressions of matrix metallopeptidase-9, inducible nitric oxide synthase and pro-inflammatory cytokines interleukin-1 beta and tumour necrosis factor-alpha in EAN sciatic nerves were greatly decreased by administration of minocycline as well." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 248 ] ] } ]
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[ { "id": "DS.d129.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Then the review evaluates the involvement of KARs activated by the endogenous agonist glutamate in the generation and propagation of epileptiform activity." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 155 ] ] } ]
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[ { "id": "DS.d130.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Glutamate cysteine ligase (GCL), synthesizing gamma-glutamylcysteine from glutamate and cysteine, is the rate-limiting enzyme in glutathione (GSH) biosynthesis." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 160 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d130.s0.e0", "type": "protein", "text": [ "Glutamate cysteine ligase" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 25 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O68838" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P0A6W9" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P0A6X0" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P32477" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P57485" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P58994" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P61379" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q09768" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q20117" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q57KV3" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q5E7F8" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q5LYY5" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q5M3J8" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q5PF10" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q65RX0" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q66E64" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q6ANW2" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q6D1T4" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q6LMV1" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q71VZ1" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q72RD4" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q7MHS5" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q7N7A4" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q7W3F2" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q7WES2" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q82ZG8" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q87LS2" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q88AR1" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q88R90" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q88UW5" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q89AD8" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8D2V5" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8DC38" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8DW15" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8DXM9" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8E399" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8EBF9" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8F4D5" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8X0X0" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8X900" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8XK30" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8Y3R3" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8Z4D6" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8ZBU2" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q926X7" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q97IV1" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9CM00" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9HF78" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9HTY6" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9KUG5" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9NFN6" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9W3K5" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d130.s0.e1", "type": "protein", "text": [ "GCL" ], "offsets": [ [ 27, 30 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P28676" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8NEA9" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q96IK5" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d130.s0.e2", "type": "compound", "text": [ "gamma-glutamylcysteine" ], "offsets": [ [ 46, 68 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "123938" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d130.s0.e3", "type": "compound", "text": [ "glutamate" ], "offsets": [ [ 74, 83 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "611" }, { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "23327" }, { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "33032" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d130.s0.e4", "type": "compound", "text": [ "cysteine" ], "offsets": [ [ 10, 18 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "594" }, { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "5862" }, { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "5360637" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d130.s0.e5", "type": "compound", "text": [ "glutathione" ], "offsets": [ [ 129, 140 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "124886" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d130.s0.e6", "type": "compound", "text": [ "GSH" ], "offsets": [ [ 142, 145 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "124886" } ] } ]
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[ { "id": "DS.d131.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "We observed that lactacystin inhibited the proteasome activities and increased the level and insolubility of different tau species, including phosphorylated tau." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 161 ] ] } ]
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[ { "id": "DS.d131.s0.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d131.s0.e0", "arg2_id": "DS.d131.s0.e1", "normalized": [] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d132.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Serine and cysteine proteases proved to be suitable tools for the production of amino acids and peptides conjugated to 4-aminoantipyrine, whereas metalloproteases do not seem to be very qualified for accepting this nucleophile." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 227 ] ] } ]
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[ { "id": "DS.d133.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Role of serotonin 5-HT1A receptors in the antidepressant-like effect and the antinociceptive effect of venlafaxine in mice." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 123 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d133.s1", "type": "", "text": [ "The present study was undertaken to evaluate the potential role of 5-HT1A receptors in the antidepressant-like effect and antinociceptive effect of venlafaxine." ], "offsets": [ [ 124, 284 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d133.s2", "type": "", "text": [ "These findings show that 5-HT1A receptors play differing roles in modulating the antidepressant-like and antinociceptive effects of venlafaxine in the models investigated." ], "offsets": [ [ 285, 456 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d133.s3", "type": "", "text": [ "In contrast, the antinociceptive effect of venlafaxine is probably potentiated due to the blockade of somatodendritic 5-HT1A receptors in the same raphe nuclei, facilitating the descending monoaminergic pain control system." ], "offsets": [ [ 457, 680 ] ] } ]
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[ { "id": "DS.d133.s0.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d133.s0.e1", "arg2_id": "DS.d133.s0.e0", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d133.s2.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d133.s2.e1", "arg2_id": "DS.d133.s2.e0", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d133.s3.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d133.s3.e0", "arg2_id": "DS.d133.s3.e1", "normalized": [] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d134.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Moreover, beta-glucuronidase hydrolysis of baicalin sequentially yielded glucuronic acid and baicalein as confirmed by co-TLC with authentic samples." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 149 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d134.s0.e0", "type": "protein", "text": [ "beta-glucuronidase" ], "offsets": [ [ 10, 28 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P05804" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d134.s0.e1", "type": "compound", "text": [ "baicalin" ], "offsets": [ [ 43, 51 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "64982" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d134.s0.e2", "type": "compound", "text": [ "baicalein" ], "offsets": [ [ 93, 102 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "5281605" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d134.s0.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d134.s0.e2", "arg2_id": "DS.d134.s0.e0", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d134.s0.i1", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d134.s0.e1", "arg2_id": "DS.d134.s0.e0", "normalized": [] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d135.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "The effect of this diet alone or after 2 weeks of treatment with rosiglitazone or glimepiride on glucose homeostasis, lipid profile, and levels of resistin and leptin was studied." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 179 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d135.s1", "type": "", "text": [ "Rosiglitazone corrected the altered parameters measured, except for liver TGs ; similarly, glimepiride reinstated the inverted parameters but raised insulin level and, consequently, the HOMA index." ], "offsets": [ [ 180, 377 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d135.s0.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "rosiglitazone" ], "offsets": [ [ 65, 78 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "77999" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d135.s0.e1", "type": "compound", "text": [ "glimepiride" ], "offsets": [ [ 82, 93 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "3476" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d135.s0.e2", "type": "protein", "text": [ "leptin" ], "offsets": [ [ 160, 166 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O02750" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O93416" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q28603" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q95189" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q95234" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d135.s1.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "Rosiglitazone" ], "offsets": [ [ 180, 193 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "77999" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d135.s1.e1", "type": "compound", "text": [ "TGs" ], "offsets": [ [ 254, 257 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "2724387" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d135.s1.e2", "type": "compound", "text": [ "glimepiride" ], "offsets": [ [ 271, 282 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "3476" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d135.s1.e3", "type": "protein", "text": [ "insulin" ], "offsets": [ [ 329, 336 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P01314" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P01316" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P01319" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P01320" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P01324" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P01328" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P01330" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P01331" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P01334" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P01336" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P01340" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P07453" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P09476" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P09477" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P0C236" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P12703" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P12704" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P12708" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P13190" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P18109" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P29335" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P42633" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P67968" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P67969" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P67971" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P67973" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P67974" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P68243" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P68245" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P68987" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P68988" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P68989" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P68990" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P68991" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P68992" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P69046" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P69047" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P69048" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P81423" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P81881" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9TQY7" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d135.s1.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d135.s1.e2", "arg2_id": "DS.d135.s1.e3", "normalized": [] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d136.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "AZD0530 inhibited tumor growth in a manner independent of dose and inhibited phosphorylation of FAK and paxillin in a dose-dependent manner in a Calu-6 xenograft model." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 168 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d136.s0.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "AZD0530" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 7 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "10302451" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d136.s0.e1", "type": "protein", "text": [ "FAK" ], "offsets": [ [ 96, 99 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q00944" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q05397" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d136.s0.e2", "type": "protein", "text": [ "paxillin" ], "offsets": [ [ 104, 112 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P49023" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P49024" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q5R7I1" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q66H76" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8VI36" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d136.s0.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d136.s0.e0", "arg2_id": "DS.d136.s0.e1", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d136.s0.i1", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d136.s0.e0", "arg2_id": "DS.d136.s0.e2", "normalized": [] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d137.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Activation of ErbB3, EGFR and Erk is essential for growth of human breast cancer cell lines with acquired resistance to fulvestrant." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 132 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d137.s1", "type": "", "text": [ "Treatment with the EGFR inhibitor gefitinib preferentially inhibited growth and reduced the S phase fraction in the resistant cell lines concomitant with inhibition of Erk and unaltered Akt activation." ], "offsets": [ [ 133, 334 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d137.s0.e0", "type": "protein", "text": [ "EGFR" ], "offsets": [ [ 21, 25 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P00533" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P13387" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P55245" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d137.s0.e1", "type": "compound", "text": [ "fulvestrant" ], "offsets": [ [ 120, 131 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "104741" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d137.s1.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "gefitinib" ], "offsets": [ [ 167, 176 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "123631" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d137.s1.e1", "type": "protein", "text": [ "Akt" ], "offsets": [ [ 319, 322 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P31750" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8INB9" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d138.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Melatonin protects from hepatic reperfusion injury through inhibition of IKK and JNK pathways and modification of cell proliferation." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 133 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d138.s1", "type": "", "text": [ "Melatonin significantly improved animal survival and decreased transaminase levels, the indices for necrosis, liver damage, leukocyte infiltration, and iNOS expression." ], "offsets": [ [ 134, 302 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d138.s2", "type": "", "text": [ "At the same time, melatonin reduced the expression of both PCNA 0.05)." ], "offsets": [ [ 303, 373 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d138.s3", "type": "", "text": [ "Melatonin is hepatoprotective most likely via mechanisms including inhibition of IKK and JNK pathways and regulation of cell proliferation." ], "offsets": [ [ 374, 513 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d138.s0.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "Melatonin" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 9 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "896" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d138.s0.e1", "type": "protein", "text": [ "JNK" ], "offsets": [ [ 81, 84 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P92208" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q966Y3" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d138.s1.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "Melatonin" ], "offsets": [ [ 134, 143 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "896" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d138.s1.e1", "type": "protein", "text": [ "iNOS" ], "offsets": [ [ 286, 290 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O19114" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O46660" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O54705" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O62699" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P29477" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P35228" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P79290" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q06518" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q27995" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q28314" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q90703" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q92037" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q92091" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d138.s2.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "melatonin" ], "offsets": [ [ 321, 330 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "896" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d138.s2.e1", "type": "protein", "text": [ "PCNA" ], "offsets": [ [ 362, 366 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O01377" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O02115" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O10308" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O16852" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O27367" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O29912" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O58398" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O73947" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O82134" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O82797" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P04961" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P11038" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P12004" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P15873" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P17070" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P17917" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P17918" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P18248" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P22177" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P24314" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P31008" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P53358" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P57761" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P61074" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P61258" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q00265" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q00268" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q03392" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q43124" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q43266" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q57697" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q6B6N4" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q6KZF1" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q6LWJ8" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q74MV1" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q7T6Y0" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8PX25" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8TUF7" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8TWK3" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q979S2" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9DDF1" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9DEA3" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9HJQ0" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9HN45" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9M7Q7" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9MAY3" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9P9H8" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9PTP1" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9UWR9" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9UYX8" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9W644" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d138.s3.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "Melatonin" ], "offsets": [ [ 374, 383 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "896" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d138.s3.e1", "type": "protein", "text": [ "JNK" ], "offsets": [ [ 463, 466 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P92208" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q966Y3" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d138.s0.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d138.s0.e0", "arg2_id": "DS.d138.s0.e1", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d138.s1.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d138.s1.e0", "arg2_id": "DS.d138.s1.e1", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d138.s2.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d138.s2.e0", "arg2_id": "DS.d138.s2.e1", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d138.s3.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d138.s3.e0", "arg2_id": "DS.d138.s3.e1", "normalized": [] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d139.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Here, we report that the citrus bioflavonoid luteolin reduces amyloid-beta (Abeta) peptide generation in both human 'Swedish' mutant APP transgene-bearing neuron-like cells and primary neurons." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 193 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d139.s1", "type": "", "text": [ "We also find that luteolin induces changes consistent with GSK-3 inhibition that (i) decrease amyloidogenic gamma-secretase APP processing, and (ii) promote presenilin-1 (PS1) carboxyl-terminal fragment (CTF) phosphorylation." ], "offsets": [ [ 194, 419 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d139.s2", "type": "", "text": [ "As validation of these findings in vivo, we find that luteolin, when applied to the Tg2576 mouse model of AD, decreases soluble Abeta levels, reduces GSK-3 activity, and disrupts PS1-APP association." ], "offsets": [ [ 420, 619 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d139.s0.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "bioflavonoid" ], "offsets": [ [ 32, 44 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "5280805" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d139.s0.e1", "type": "compound", "text": [ "luteolin" ], "offsets": [ [ 45, 53 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "5280445" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d139.s0.e2", "type": "protein", "text": [ "APP" ], "offsets": [ [ 133, 136 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O73683" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O93279" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P05067" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P08592" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P0A3Z1" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P0A3Z2" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P0A3Z3" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P0A3Z4" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P12023" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P29216" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P47566" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P53601" }, { "db_name": 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[ { "id": "DS.d140.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Since biliverdin and bilirubin are downstream products of heme degradation by heme oxygenase (HO), it has been suggested that HO-activity protects against curcumin-induced apoptosis." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 182 ] ] } ]
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[ { "id": "DS.d140.s0.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d140.s0.e1", "arg2_id": "DS.d140.s0.e3", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d140.s0.i2", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d140.s0.e0", "arg2_id": "DS.d140.s0.e3", "normalized": [] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d141.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Here, we examine the effect of resistin on glucose uptake in human trophoblast cells and we demonstrate that transplacental glucose transport is mediated by glucose transporter (GLUT)-1." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 186 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d141.s1", "type": "", "text": [ "ERK1 and 2 activation stimulated GLUT-1 synthesis and resulted in increase of placental glucose uptake." ], "offsets": [ [ 187, 290 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d141.s2", "type": "", "text": [ "High resistin levels (50-100 ng/ml) seem able to affect glucose-uptake, presumably by decreasing the cell surface glucose transporter." ], "offsets": [ [ 291, 425 ] ] } ]
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[ { "id": "DS.d141.s0.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d141.s0.e0", "arg2_id": "DS.d141.s0.e1", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d141.s1.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d141.s1.e2", "arg2_id": "DS.d141.s1.e1", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d141.s1.i1", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d141.s1.e2", "arg2_id": "DS.d141.s1.e0", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d141.s2.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d141.s2.e0", "arg2_id": "DS.d141.s2.e1", "normalized": [] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d142.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "CpG methylation as well as histone H3 methylation of lysines 9 and 27 contribute independently to ARF gene silencing in adenocarcinoma cell lines and can be reversed by 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 192 ] ] } ]
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[ { "id": "DS.d143.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Gly-Pro-, Gly-Pro-Met- and Ala-Ala-Phe-N'-(2-hexyl-1,3-dioxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-benzo(de)isoquinolin-6-yl)-hydrazides are synthesized by guanidinium/uronium type condensing reagent and used as fluorogenic substrates to localize dipeptidyl peptidase IV and tripeptidyl peptidase I activities in mammalian tissue sections." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 316 ] ] } ]
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[ { "id": "DS.d144.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "However, increased blood glucose (200 mg/dl) significantly impaired the inhibitory effect of ASA (84% for GPIIb.005; 48% for P-selectin, P=NS)." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 143 ] ] } ]
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[ { "id": "DS.d145.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "The expressions of MCP-1 mRNA in renal tissues were markedly up-regulated in untreated diabetic rats, and these could be notably reduced by rosiglitazone treatment." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 164 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d145.s1", "type": "", "text": [ "In conclusion, rosiglitazone may have a potential therapeutic target in DN, which may be partly attributed to lowering of the expression of MCP-1 in the local kidney and the urinary excretion of MCP-1." ], "offsets": [ [ 165, 366 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d145.s0.e0", "type": "protein", "text": [ "MCP-1" ], "offsets": [ [ 19, 24 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P10148" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P13500" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P14844" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P28291" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P28292" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P42831" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P52203" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P61274" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P61275" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q08782" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9TTQ3" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d145.s0.e1", "type": "compound", "text": [ "rosiglitazone" ], "offsets": [ [ 140, 153 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "77999" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d145.s1.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "rosiglitazone" ], "offsets": [ [ 180, 193 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "77999" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d145.s1.e1", "type": "protein", "text": [ "MCP-1" ], "offsets": [ [ 305, 310 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P10148" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P13500" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P14844" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P28291" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P28292" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P42831" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P52203" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P61274" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P61275" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q08782" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9TTQ3" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d145.s1.e2", "type": "protein", "text": [ "MCP-1" ], "offsets": [ [ 360, 365 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P10148" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P13500" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P14844" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P28291" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P28292" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P42831" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P52203" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P61274" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P61275" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q08782" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9TTQ3" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d145.s0.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d145.s0.e1", "arg2_id": "DS.d145.s0.e0", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d145.s1.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d145.s1.e0", "arg2_id": "DS.d145.s1.e1", "normalized": [] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d146.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "The homomeric P2X (7) receptor is extraordinary in that in addition to distinctive localization and biological functions it exhibits several hallmark properties, for example, the receptor is potently inhibited by divalent cations such as calcium, magnesium, zinc and copper." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 274 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d146.s0.e0", "type": "protein", "text": [ "P2X" ], "offsets": [ [ 14, 17 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P13900" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P16604" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d146.s0.e1", "type": "compound", "text": [ "magnesium" ], "offsets": [ [ 247, 256 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "5462224" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d146.s0.e2", "type": "compound", "text": [ "copper" ], "offsets": [ [ 267, 273 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "23978" } ] } ]
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[ { "id": "DS.d147.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Replacement doses of hydrocortisone (HC) (10 mg/m2/day) failed to produce a feedback inhibition of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), and testosterone levels remained high." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 173 ] ] } ]
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[ { "id": "DS.d148.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Cadmium exposure diminished the activities of enzymatic antioxidants, superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione-S-transferase (GST), glutathione reductase (GR), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) as well as non-enzymatic antioxidant, reduced glutathione (GSH) and total thiols." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 330 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d148.s1", "type": "", "text": [ "On the other hand, the levels of oxidized glutathione (GSSG), lipid peroxidation, protein carbonylation, DNA fragmentation, concentration of superoxide radicals and activities of cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYP P450s) have been found to increase due to cadmium intoxication." ], "offsets": [ [ 331, 602 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d148.s0.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "Cadmium" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 7 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "23973" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d148.s0.e1", "type": "protein", "text": [ "superoxide dismutase" ], "offsets": [ [ 70, 90 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O50258" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d148.s0.e2", "type": "protein", "text": [ "SOD" ], "offsets": [ [ 92, 95 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O12933" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O22668" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O75007" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P24705" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P51547" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P93258" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q01137" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q27666" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9SM64" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d148.s0.e3", "type": "protein", "text": [ "catalase" ], "offsets": [ [ 98, 106 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O24339" 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[ { "id": "DS.d149.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "This paper describes (1) the preparation of the intact oligosaccharides from GM1 (II(3)NeuAcGgOse(4) Cer) and GbOse(4) Cer as examples to show the use of CGase to prepare intact glycan chains from GSLs, and (2) the specificity and detergent requirements of Rhodococcal EGCases for the release of glycan chains from different GSLs." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 330 ] ] } ]
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[ { "id": "DS.d150.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "The discovery of the PLN/HAX-1 interaction therefore unveils an important new link between Ca(2+) homeostasis and cell survival, with significant therapeutic potential." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 168 ] ] } ]
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[ { "id": "DS.d151.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "UFP-101 alone evoked effects similar to low N/OFQ doses, suggesting tonic inhibitory control over forelimb movement by endogenous N/OFQ." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 136 ] ] } ]
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[ { "id": "DS.d152.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Treating MCF-7 cells with AVE-1642 Qdots, but not unconjugated Qdots alone, downregulated IGF1R levels and rendered cells refractory to IGF-I stimulation." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 154 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d152.s1", "type": "", "text": [ "Our data suggest that AVE-1642 Qdots can be used to detect IGF1R expression and measure changes in cell surface receptor levels." ], "offsets": [ [ 155, 283 ] ] } ]
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[ { "id": "DS.d152.s0.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d152.s0.e0", "arg2_id": "DS.d152.s0.e1", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d152.s0.i1", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d152.s0.e0", "arg2_id": "DS.d152.s0.e2", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d152.s1.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d152.s1.e0", "arg2_id": "DS.d152.s1.e1", "normalized": [] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d153.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Although previous studies indicated reduced levels of sialic acid residues during apoptosis, elevated Sambucus nigra agglutinin (SNA) reactivity might be due to the degradation of high molecular weight glycoproteins (probably including cadherin) that masked the SNA-binding residues of the plasma membrane prior to apoptosis." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 325 ] ] } ]
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[ { "id": "DS.d154.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "We detected a marked decrease in target mRNA, an accumulation of short interfering RNAs (siRNAs), and a decrease in quercetin content relative to kaempferol in leaf tissues, indicating that sequence-specific mRNA degradation of the F3'H gene was induced." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 254 ] ] } ]
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[ { "id": "DS.d155.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Polyhydroxy phenolic compounds, such as flavonoids, vitamin E, rosmarinic acid and aristolochic acid, are able to inhibit PLA (2) from different sources." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 153 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d155.s0.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "vitamin E" ], "offsets": [ [ 52, 61 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "2116" }, { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "14985" }, { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "1548900" }, { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "1742129" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d155.s0.e1", "type": "compound", "text": [ "rosmarinic acid" ], "offsets": [ [ 63, 78 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "5281792" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d155.s0.e2", "type": "compound", "text": [ "aristolochic acid" ], "offsets": [ [ 83, 100 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "2236" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d155.s0.e3", "type": "protein", "text": [ "PLA" ], "offsets": [ [ 122, 125 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P0C1C0" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q01172" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q6CZT4" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d155.s0.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d155.s0.e1", "arg2_id": "DS.d155.s0.e3", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d155.s0.i1", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d155.s0.e0", "arg2_id": "DS.d155.s0.e3", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d155.s0.i2", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d155.s0.e2", "arg2_id": "DS.d155.s0.e3", "normalized": [] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d156.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Analysis of the protein domain features indicated typical conserved cysteine residues containing a single whey acidic protein (WAP) domain at the C-terminus." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 157 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d156.s0.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "cysteine" ], "offsets": [ [ 68, 76 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "594" }, { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "5862" }, { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "5360637" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d156.s0.e1", "type": "protein", "text": [ "whey acidic protein" ], "offsets": [ [ 106, 125 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P09837" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d156.s0.e2", "type": "protein", "text": [ "WAP" ], "offsets": [ [ 127, 130 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O46655" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P01173" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P01174" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P09412" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P09837" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9N0L8" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d157.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Cross-linked P2X (1/2) heteromers showed strongly reduced or absent function that was selectively recovered upon treatment with DTT." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 132 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d157.s0.e0", "type": "protein", "text": [ "P2X" ], "offsets": [ [ 13, 16 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P13900" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P16604" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d157.s0.e1", "type": "compound", "text": [ "DTT" ], "offsets": [ [ 128, 131 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "439196" }, { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "439352" }, { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "446094" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d157.s0.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d157.s0.e1", "arg2_id": "DS.d157.s0.e0", "normalized": [] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d158.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Permeabilization of K. marxianus cells in relation to beta-galactosidase activity was carried out using cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) to avoid the problem of enzyme extraction." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 185 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d158.s0.e0", "type": "protein", "text": [ "beta-galactosidase" ], "offsets": [ [ 54, 72 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O33815" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O52629" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O52847" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P00722" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P00723" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P06219" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P0C1Y0" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P14288" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P22498" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P23989" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P24131" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P26257" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P30812" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P50388" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P70753" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P77989" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P81650" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q1G9Z4" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q47077" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q48727" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q56307" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q59140" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q59750" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9K9C6" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d158.s0.e1", "type": "compound", "text": [ "ammonium bromide" ], "offsets": [ [ 119, 135 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "25514" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d158.s0.e2", "type": "compound", "text": [ "CTAB" ], "offsets": [ [ 137, 141 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "2681" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d158.s0.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d158.s0.e2", "arg2_id": "DS.d158.s0.e0", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d158.s0.i1", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d158.s0.e1", "arg2_id": "DS.d158.s0.e0", "normalized": [] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d159.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Although the levels of IL-4, IL-13, IL-10, and GRO/KC were affected by polymer implantation, but not dependent on a specific polymer, IL-6 and TNFalpha were significantly greater in those animals implanted with PEU and SR, materials that do not promote fusion." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 260 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d159.s0.e0", "type": "protein", "text": [ "IL-4" ], "offsets": [ [ 23, 27 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O77762" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P05112" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P07750" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P20096" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P30367" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P30368" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P42202" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P46652" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P47966" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P51492" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P51744" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P55030" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P79155" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P79339" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q04745" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q2PE74" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q3S4V6" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q58M18" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q60440" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": 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[ { "id": "DS.d159.s0.i5", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d159.s0.e6", "arg2_id": "DS.d159.s0.e4", "normalized": [] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d160.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine into newly synthesized DNA and the concentration of vinculin, beta-actin, osteopontin, and osteocalcin in cells on the scaffolds of all pore sizes were similar to the values obtained on standard tissue culture polystyrene, which indicated good biocompatibility of the scaffolds." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 313 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d160.s0.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "bromodeoxyuridine" ], "offsets": [ [ 17, 34 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "6035" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d160.s0.e1", "type": "protein", "text": [ "vinculin" ], "offsets": [ [ 87, 95 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O46037" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P12003" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P18206" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P19826" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P26234" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q04615" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q17162" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q64727" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d160.s0.e2", "type": "protein", "text": [ "beta-actin" ], "offsets": [ [ 97, 107 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O18840" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O42161" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O93400" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P15475" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P29751" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P48975" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P60706" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P60707" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P60708" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P60709" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P60710" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P60711" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P60712" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P60713" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P68143" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P79818" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P83750" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P83751" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P84336" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P84856" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q0PGG4" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q4L0Y2" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q5R1X3" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q711N9" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q71FK5" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q76N69" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q91ZK5" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9Y702" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d160.s0.e3", "type": "protein", "text": [ "osteocalcin" ], "offsets": [ [ 126, 137 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P02819" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P02821" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P02823" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P0C225" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P0C226" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P15504" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P28317" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P39056" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P81455" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P83005" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P83238" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P83473" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P83489" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P84348" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P84349" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P84350" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P84351" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q7LZI4" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8HYY9" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d160.s0.e4", "type": "compound", "text": [ "polystyrene" ], "offsets": [ [ 245, 256 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "7501" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d161.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "To determine the capabilities of previously used microsphere scaffold to deliver growth factors simultaneously, this work investigated a long-term (about three months) release of bovine serum albumin (BSA) from microsphere scaffolds fabricated by using two different polymers, poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV, 8% PHV), poly(lactide-co-glycolide) acid (PLGA, 5050) and a blend of PLGA and PHBV." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 412 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d161.s0.e0", "type": "protein", "text": [ "serum albumin" ], "offsets": [ [ 186, 199 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P21847" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P83517" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d161.s0.e1", "type": "protein", "text": [ "BSA" ], "offsets": [ [ 201, 204 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P02769" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d161.s0.e2", "type": "compound", "text": [ "poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate" ], "offsets": [ [ 277, 320 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "107801" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d161.s0.e3", "type": "compound", "text": [ "poly(lactide-co-glycolide" ], "offsets": [ [ 338, 363 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "23111554" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d161.s0.e4", "type": "compound", "text": [ "PLGA" ], "offsets": [ [ 371, 375 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "36797" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d161.s0.e5", "type": "compound", "text": [ "PLGA" ], "offsets": [ [ 398, 402 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "36797" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d162.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Prediction of CCR5 receptor binding affinity of substituted 1-(3,3-diphenylpropyl)-piperidinyl amides and ureas based on the heuristic method, support vector machine and projection pursuit regression." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 200 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d162.s1", "type": "", "text": [ "Quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) models were developed to predict for CCR5 binding affinity of substituted 1-(3,3-diphenylpropyl)-piperidinyl amides and ureas using linear free energy relationship (LFER)." ], "offsets": [ [ 201, 424 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d162.s0.e0", "type": "protein", "text": [ "CCR5" ], "offsets": [ [ 14, 18 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O62743" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O97878" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O97879" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O97880" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O97881" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O97882" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O97883" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O97962" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O97975" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P51681" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P56439" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P56440" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P56493" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P60574" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P61755" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P61756" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P61757" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P61813" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P61814" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": 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[ { "id": "DS.d162.s0.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d162.s0.e1", "arg2_id": "DS.d162.s0.e0", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d162.s1.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d162.s1.e1", "arg2_id": "DS.d162.s1.e0", "normalized": [] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d163.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "It is suggested that GABA acting through the GABA(A) receptor mechanism on the expression of GnRH gene and GnRH-R gene in the hypothalamus may be involved in two processes: the biosynthesis of GnRH and the release of this neurohormone in the hypothalamus." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 255 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d163.s0.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "GABA" ], "offsets": [ [ 21, 25 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "119" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d163.s0.e1", "type": "protein", "text": [ "GABA(A) receptor" ], "offsets": [ [ 45, 61 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P26714" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q08832" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9BLY8" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d163.s0.e2", "type": "protein", "text": [ "GnRH" ], "offsets": [ [ 93, 97 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P27429" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d163.s0.e3", "type": "protein", "text": [ "GnRH-R" ], "offsets": [ [ 107, 113 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O18821" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P30968" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P30969" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P32236" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P32237" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P49922" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q01776" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q19PY9" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8CH60" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8SPZ1" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9MZI6" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9TTI8" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d163.s0.e4", "type": "protein", "text": [ "GnRH" ], "offsets": [ [ 107, 111 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P27429" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d163.s0.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d163.s0.e0", "arg2_id": "DS.d163.s0.e3", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d163.s0.i1", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d163.s0.e0", "arg2_id": "DS.d163.s0.e2", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d163.s0.i2", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d163.s0.e0", "arg2_id": "DS.d163.s0.e1", "normalized": [] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d164.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "TT-induced increases in cortisol, adrenocorticotropic hormone and prolactin were reduced only after 3-h REC." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 108 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d164.s0.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "cortisol" ], "offsets": [ [ 24, 32 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "5754" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d164.s0.e1", "type": "protein", "text": [ "adrenocorticotropic hormone" ], "offsets": [ [ 34, 61 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P01189" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P01190" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P01191" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P01192" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P01193" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P01194" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P01196" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P01197" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P01201" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P06297" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P06298" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P06299" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P10000" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P11280" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P11885" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P19402" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P21252" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P22923" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P68000" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P68001" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P87352" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q04617" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q04618" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q91082" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9YGK2" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9YGK4" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9YGK5" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d164.s0.e2", "type": "protein", "text": [ "prolactin" ], "offsets": [ [ 66, 75 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P10765" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P22393" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P33089" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P33090" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P33091" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P43001" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d164.s0.e3", "type": "protein", "text": [ "REC" ], "offsets": [ [ 104, 107 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9UIJ5" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d165.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Quercetin inhibits vascular superoxide production induced by endothelin-1 : Role of NADPH oxidase, uncoupled eNOS and PKC." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 122 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d165.s3", "type": "", "text": [ "Furthermore, ET-1 increased intracellular O(2*)(-) production in all layers of the vessel, protein expression of NADPH oxidase subunit p47 (phox) without affecting p22 (phox) expression and lucigenin-enhanced chemiluminescence signal stimulated by calcium ionophore A23187." ], "offsets": [ [ 123, 396 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d165.s5", "type": "", "text": [ "Moreover, quercetin but not isorhamnetin, inhibited the increased PKC activity induced by ET-1." ], "offsets": [ [ 397, 492 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d165.s6", "type": "", "text": [ "Taken together these results indicate that ET-1-induced NADPH oxidase up-regulation and eNOS uncoupling via PKC leading to endothelial dysfunction and these effects were prevented by quercetin and isorhamnetin." ], "offsets": [ [ 493, 703 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d165.s0.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "Quercetin" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 9 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "5280343" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d165.s0.e1", "type": "compound", "text": [ "superoxide" ], "offsets": [ [ 28, 38 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "5359597" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d165.s0.e2", "type": "protein", "text": [ "endothelin-1" ], "offsets": [ [ 61, 73 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P05305" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q28469" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d165.s0.e3", "type": "protein", "text": [ "eNOS" ], "offsets": [ [ 109, 113 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P29473" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P29474" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P70313" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P79209" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P97270" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q28969" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q62600" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d165.s0.e4", "type": "protein", "text": [ "PKC" ], "offsets": [ [ 118, 121 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P05130" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P13677" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P13678" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P34722" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d165.s3.e1", "type": "protein", "text": [ "p47" ], "offsets": [ [ 258, 261 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O10300" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P08567" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P26642" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P34051" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q12802" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q91375" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9SZB9" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9Y240" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d165.s3.e2", "type": "protein", "text": [ "p22" ], "offsets": [ [ 287, 290 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O75935" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P03304" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P11691" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P15961" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P16342" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P17593" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P17594" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P19751" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P23169" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P24102" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P50629" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P50630" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P50631" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P50632" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P50633" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P50634" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P82796" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q05903" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q66198" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8V439" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8V6W7" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q91A29" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9PYA3" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d165.s3.e3", "type": "compound", "text": [ "calcium ionophore A23187" ], "offsets": [ [ 371, 395 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "1959" }, { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "11957499" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d165.s5.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "quercetin" ], "offsets": [ [ 407, 416 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "5280343" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d165.s5.e1", "type": "compound", "text": [ "isorhamnetin" ], "offsets": [ [ 425, 437 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "5281654" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d165.s5.e2", "type": "protein", "text": [ "PKC" ], "offsets": [ [ 463, 466 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P05130" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P13677" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P13678" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P34722" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d165.s6.e1", "type": "protein", "text": [ "eNOS" ], "offsets": [ [ 581, 585 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P29473" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P29474" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P70313" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P79209" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P97270" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q28969" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q62600" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d165.s6.e2", "type": "protein", "text": [ "PKC" ], "offsets": [ [ 601, 604 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P05130" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P13677" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P13678" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P34722" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d165.s6.e3", "type": "compound", "text": [ "quercetin" ], "offsets": [ [ 676, 685 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "5280343" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d165.s6.e4", "type": "compound", "text": [ "isorhamnetin" ], "offsets": [ [ 690, 702 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "5281654" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d165.s0.i4", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d165.s0.e1", "arg2_id": "DS.d165.s0.e2", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d165.s0.i5", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d165.s0.e0", "arg2_id": "DS.d165.s0.e2", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d165.s5.i1", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d165.s5.e0", "arg2_id": "DS.d165.s5.e2", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d165.s6.i1", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d165.s6.e4", "arg2_id": "DS.d165.s6.e1", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d165.s6.i2", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d165.s6.e4", "arg2_id": "DS.d165.s6.e2", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d165.s6.i3", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d165.s6.e3", "arg2_id": "DS.d165.s6.e1", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d165.s6.i5", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d165.s6.e3", "arg2_id": "DS.d165.s6.e2", "normalized": [] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d166.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "We hypothesized that variants in PCSK9 that lower LDL cholesterol levels are associated with reduced prevalence and incidence of peripheral artery disease (PAD)." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 161 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d166.s0.e0", "type": "protein", "text": [ "PCSK9" ], "offsets": [ [ 33, 38 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8NBP7" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d166.s0.e1", "type": "compound", "text": [ "cholesterol" ], "offsets": [ [ 54, 65 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "304" }, { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "5997" }, { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "6432564" }, { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "11025495" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d166.s0.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d166.s0.e1", "arg2_id": "DS.d166.s0.e0", "normalized": [] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d167.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "A series of 2-aryl-naphtho(1,2-d) oxazole derivatives have been synthesized and evaluated for PTP-1B inhibitory activity." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 121 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d167.s0.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "oxazole" ], "offsets": [ [ 34, 41 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "9255" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d167.s0.e1", "type": "protein", "text": [ "PTP-1B" ], "offsets": [ [ 94, 100 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O13016" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P18031" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P20417" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P35821" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d168.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "A new series of indanone and aurone derivatives have been synthesized and tested for in vitro AChE inhibitory activity by modified Ellman method." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 145 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d168.s0.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "indanone" ], "offsets": [ [ 16, 24 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "6735" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d168.s0.e1", "type": "protein", "text": [ "AChE" ], "offsets": [ [ 94, 98 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O42275" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O62763" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P04058" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P07140" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P07692" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P21836" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P22303" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P23795" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P36196" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P37136" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P56161" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q27677" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q29499" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q867X2" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q867X3" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q869C3" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q86GC8" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q86GC9" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q92035" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q92081" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9DDE3" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d169.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Polyunsaturated fatty acids differentially alter PGF (2alpha) and PGE (2) release from bovine trophoblast and endometrial tissues during short-term culture." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 156 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d169.s1", "type": "", "text": [ "Two studies tested the hypothesis that eicosapentaenoic (20:5omega3; EPA), docosahexaenoic acids (22:6omega3; DHA) or linoleic acid (C18 :2omega6; LIN) reduced bovine endometrial and trophoblast prostaglandin F(2alpha) (PGF (2alpha)) and prostaglandin E(2) (PGE (2)) release during short-term culture." ], "offsets": [ [ 157, 458 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d169.s0.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "Polyunsaturated fatty acids" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 27 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "56842239" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d169.s0.e1", "type": "protein", "text": [ "PGF" ], "offsets": [ [ 49, 52 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P49763" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9XS47" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d169.s0.e2", "type": "protein", "text": [ "PGE" ], "offsets": [ [ 66, 69 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q29458" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d169.s1.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "docosahexaenoic acids" ], "offsets": [ [ 232, 253 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "6433873" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d169.s1.e1", "type": "compound", "text": [ "linoleic acid" ], "offsets": [ [ 275, 288 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "5280450" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d169.s1.e2", "type": "compound", "text": [ "LIN" ], "offsets": [ [ 304, 307 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "96" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d169.s1.e3", "type": "protein", "text": [ "PGF" ], "offsets": [ [ 377, 380 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P49763" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9XS47" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d169.s1.e4", "type": "protein", "text": [ "PGE" ], "offsets": [ [ 415, 418 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q29458" } ] } ]
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[ { "id": "DS.d171.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "To get insight into the underlying mechanisms, we compared the ability of recombinant wild type and variant (D327N) SHBG to influence estradiol effects in MCF-7 breast cancer cells." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 181 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d171.s1", "type": "", "text": [ "D327N SHBG was more effective than wild type protein in inhibiting estradiol-induced cell proliferation and anti-apoptosis." ], "offsets": [ [ 182, 305 ] ] } ]
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[ { "id": "DS.d172.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Our results suggest that Ni(II)-induced changes in cytokine secretion by monocytes are diverse and may be influenced by Nrf2 but are not likely influenced by changes in whole-cell Trx1 levels." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 192 ] ] } ]
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[ { "id": "DS.d173.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "To test the hypothesis that increasing DHEAS levels is associated with improved insulin resistance in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 149 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d173.s0.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "DHEAS" ], "offsets": [ [ 39, 44 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "12594" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d173.s0.e1", "type": "protein", "text": [ "insulin" ], "offsets": [ [ 80, 87 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P01314" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P01316" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P01319" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P01320" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P01324" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P01328" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P01330" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P01331" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P01334" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P01336" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P01340" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P07453" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P09476" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P09477" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P0C236" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P12703" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P12704" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P12708" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P13190" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P18109" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P29335" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P42633" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P67968" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P67969" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P67971" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P67973" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P67974" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P68243" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P68245" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P68987" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P68988" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P68989" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P68990" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P68991" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P68992" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P69046" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P69047" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P69048" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P81423" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P81881" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9TQY7" } ] } ]
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[ { "id": "DS.d174.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Packed cell volume, total protein, creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, and sorbitol dehydrogenase concentrations decreased while foals were on PN, while serum chloride concentration increased." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 189 ] ] } ]
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[ { "id": "DS.d175.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "The gene expressions of CYP1A1 and CYP2E1 in the placenta increased significantly in nicotine-treated groups on GD 15 and GD 18, but returned to the level similar to the corresponding control on GD 21." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 201 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d175.s1", "type": "", "text": [ "In nicotine group, there was a decrease of mdr1a expression on GD 15, GD 18, and GD 21, with the most significant decrease on GD 15." ], "offsets": [ [ 202, 334 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d175.s0.e0", "type": "protein", "text": [ "CYP1A1" ], "offsets": [ [ 24, 30 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O42231" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O42430" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O42457" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P00185" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P04798" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P05176" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P33616" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P56590" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P56591" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P79716" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P98181" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q00557" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q06367" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q3LFU0" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q5KQT7" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q6GUR1" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q6JZS3" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q92039" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q92095" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q92100" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q92109" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q92110" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q92116" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q92148" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9W683" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9YH64" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d175.s0.e1", "type": "protein", "text": [ "CYP2E1" ], "offsets": [ [ 35, 41 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O18963" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P05181" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P08682" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P33266" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P51581" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P79383" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q6GUQ4" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d175.s0.e2", "type": "compound", "text": [ "nicotine" ], "offsets": [ [ 85, 93 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "942" }, { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "89594" }, { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "157672" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d175.s1.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "nicotine" ], "offsets": [ [ 205, 213 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "942" }, { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "89594" }, { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "157672" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d175.s1.e1", "type": "protein", "text": [ "mdr1a" ], "offsets": [ [ 245, 250 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P21447" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d175.s0.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d175.s0.e2", "arg2_id": "DS.d175.s0.e1", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d175.s0.i1", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d175.s0.e2", "arg2_id": "DS.d175.s0.e0", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d175.s1.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d175.s1.e0", "arg2_id": "DS.d175.s1.e1", "normalized": [] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d176.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "The present study was designed to understand the effects of sublethal concentrations of dichlorvos (DIC) on hematological constituent (red blood corpuscles, white blood corpuscles (WBC), mean cell volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, platelet counts, hemoglobin and hematocrite levels) and serum damage marker enzymes (aspartate aminotransferase, alanin aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, and lactate dehydrogenase) in rats at subacute period under laboratory conditions." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 519 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d176.s0.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "dichlorvos" ], "offsets": [ [ 88, 98 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "3039" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d176.s0.e1", "type": "protein", "text": [ "hemoglobin" ], "offsets": [ [ 222, 232 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P15160" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P17724" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P73925" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q03459" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d176.s0.e2", "type": "protein", "text": [ "hemoglobin" ], "offsets": [ [ 251, 261 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P15160" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P17724" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P73925" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q03459" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d176.s0.e3", "type": "protein", "text": [ "hemoglobin" ], "offsets": [ [ 251, 261 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P15160" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P17724" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P73925" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q03459" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d176.s0.e4", "type": "protein", "text": [ "aspartate aminotransferase" ], "offsets": [ [ 362, 388 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O33822" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O58489" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O67781" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O86459" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O93744" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P00509" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P14909" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P23034" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P44425" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P53001" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P58661" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P72173" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q4J8X2" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q55128" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q56114" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q56232" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q59228" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q60013" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q92JE7" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q972A2" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9V0L2" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9X0Y2" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9ZE56" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d176.s0.e5", "type": "protein", "text": [ "alkaline phosphatase" ], "offsets": [ [ 415, 435 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O60109" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P81800" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P83456" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d177.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Melatonin altered PHZ-induced responses significantly to a greater degree than vitamin E as evidenced by LPO status, SOD activity, and ABTS radical cation scavenging activity of antioxidants." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 191 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d177.s0.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "Melatonin" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 9 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "896" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d177.s0.e1", "type": "compound", "text": [ "PHZ" ], "offsets": [ [ 18, 21 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "7516" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d177.s0.e2", "type": "compound", "text": [ "vitamin E" ], "offsets": [ [ 79, 88 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "2116" }, { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "14985" }, { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "1548900" }, { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "1742129" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d177.s0.e3", "type": "protein", "text": [ "LPO" ], "offsets": [ [ 105, 108 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P22079" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P80025" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d177.s0.e4", "type": "protein", "text": [ "SOD" ], "offsets": [ [ 117, 120 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O12933" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O22668" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O75007" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P24705" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P51547" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P93258" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q01137" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q27666" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9SM64" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d177.s0.e5", "type": "compound", "text": [ "ABTS radical cation" ], "offsets": [ [ 135, 154 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "5464076" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d177.s0.i1", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d177.s0.e0", "arg2_id": "DS.d177.s0.e4", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d177.s0.i2", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d177.s0.e0", "arg2_id": "DS.d177.s0.e3", "normalized": [] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d178.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "The hydrolysis reaction of p-nitrophenyl butyrate catalyzed by lipases was followed with in situ UV/vis diode array spectrophotometry." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 134 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d178.s1", "type": "", "text": [ "Five enzymes-Candida antarctica lipase B and Fusarium solani pisi cutinase wild-type and three single-mutation variants-were tested as catalysts in homogeneous conditions and immobilized on zeolite NaY, on a polyacrylate support and as cross-linked aggregates." ], "offsets": [ [ 135, 395 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d178.s0.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "p-nitrophenyl butyrate" ], "offsets": [ [ 27, 49 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "75834" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d178.s0.e1", "type": "protein", "text": [ "lipases" ], "offsets": [ [ 63, 70 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q7M4U7" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d178.s1.e0", "type": "protein", "text": [ "lipase" ], "offsets": [ [ 167, 173 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q7M4U7" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d178.s1.e1", "type": "compound", "text": [ "NaY" ], "offsets": [ [ 333, 336 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "445523" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d178.s1.e2", "type": "compound", "text": [ "polyacrylate" ], "offsets": [ [ 343, 355 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "6581" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d178.s0.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d178.s0.e0", "arg2_id": "DS.d178.s0.e1", "normalized": [] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d179.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "At term, the impact of their coexposure was assessed by evaluating lipid peroxidation (LPO), activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione-S-transferase (GST), different ATPases and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in erythrocytes, serum glucose, and levels of glutathione (GSH) and glycosylated hemoglobin (GHb) in blood." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 365 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d179.s1", "type": "", "text": [ "Catalase was decreased with endosulfan and the coexposure, but not with arsenic, whereas GSH was decreased with arsenic and endosulfan, but not with the coexposure." ], "offsets": [ [ 366, 530 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d179.s2", "type": "", "text": [ "Na+-K+-ATPase activity was decreased in the endosulfan-treated and the coexposed birds." ], "offsets": [ [ 531, 618 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d179.s0.e0", "type": "protein", "text": [ "LPO" ], "offsets": [ [ 87, 90 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P22079" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P80025" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d179.s0.e1", "type": "protein", "text": [ "superoxide dismutase" ], "offsets": [ [ 107, 127 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O50258" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d179.s0.e2", "type": "protein", "text": [ "SOD" ], "offsets": [ [ 129, 132 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O12933" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O22668" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O75007" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P24705" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P51547" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P93258" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q01137" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q27666" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9SM64" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d179.s0.e3", "type": "protein", "text": [ "catalase" ], "offsets": [ [ 135, 143 ] ], 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[ { "id": "DS.d180.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "mRNA and protein levels of TNF-alpha, Fas, and caspase-8, which are closely related to cell apoptosis by a death ligand/receptor-dependent apoptosis pathway, were increased by L-carnitine treatment." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 198 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d180.s1", "type": "", "text": [ "In addition, L-carnitine treatment regulated mitochondria-dependent apoptosis pathways by inducing the up-regulation of caspase-9 and caspase-3 and the down-regulation of Bcl-2 in hepa1c1c 7 cells." ], "offsets": [ [ 199, 396 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d180.s2", "type": "", "text": [ "Taken together, the findings of this study have demonstrated that L-carnitine could induce apoptosis in hepa1c1c7 cells by regulating Fas ligands and inhibiting the expression of Bcl-2." ], "offsets": [ [ 397, 582 ] ] } ]
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[ { "id": "DS.d183.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Furthermore, supplementation of specific inhibitors of PAL, C4H and 4CL in elicited cell cultures led to suppressed accumulation of p-hydroxybenzoic acid, which opens up interesting questions regarding the probable route of the biosynthesis of this phenolic acid in C. nucifera." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 278 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d183.s0.e0", "type": "protein", "text": [ "PAL" ], "offsets": [ [ 55, 58 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O03979" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O04058" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O93967" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P10248" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P10731" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P11544" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P14166" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P14717" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P14925" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P19021" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P26600" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P35511" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P35512" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P45726" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P45727" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P45730" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P45731" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P45735" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P52777" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P83388" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P91268" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P97467" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q42609" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q43210" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9P2V4" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9PSN0" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d183.s0.e1", "type": "protein", "text": [ "C4H" ], "offsets": [ [ 60, 63 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O24312" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O81928" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P37114" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P37115" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P48522" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P92994" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q04468" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q42797" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q43033" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q43054" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q43067" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q43240" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q96423" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9AR74" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d183.s0.e2", "type": "protein", "text": [ "4CL" ], "offsets": [ [ 68, 71 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O11451" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O11452" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O11453" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O24540" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O54075" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O69140" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P17814" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P41636" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P42516" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P68763" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P68764" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P68765" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P69180" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P69181" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P69182" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P69183" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P69184" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d183.s0.e3", "type": "compound", "text": [ "p-hydroxybenzoic acid" ], "offsets": [ [ 132, 153 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "135" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d183.s0.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d183.s0.e3", "arg2_id": "DS.d183.s0.e0", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d183.s0.i1", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d183.s0.e3", "arg2_id": "DS.d183.s0.e2", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d183.s0.i2", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d183.s0.e3", "arg2_id": "DS.d183.s0.e1", "normalized": [] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d184.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Imatinib is transported by P-glycoprotein (P-gp) and Breast Cancer Resistance Protein (BCRP), however, the exact impact of these transporters on absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME) of imatinib is not fully understood due to incomplete data." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 262 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d184.s1", "type": "", "text": [ "In conclusion, P-gp and BCRP have only a modest effect on the ADME of imatinib in comparison to metabolic elimination." ], "offsets": [ [ 263, 381 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d184.s2", "type": "", "text": [ "The considerable drug-drug interaction observed with elacridar or pantoprazole is only partly mediated by inhibition of P-gp and BCRP and far more by the inhibition of other elimination pathways." ], "offsets": [ [ 382, 577 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d184.s0.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "Imatinib" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 8 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "5291" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d184.s0.e1", "type": "protein", "text": [ "glycoprotein" ], "offsets": [ [ 29, 41 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P08163" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d184.s0.e2", "type": "protein", "text": [ "Breast Cancer Resistance Protein" ], "offsets": [ [ 53, 85 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9UNQ0" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d184.s0.e3", "type": "protein", "text": [ "BCRP" ], "offsets": [ [ 87, 91 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9UNQ0" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d184.s0.e4", "type": "compound", "text": [ "imatinib" ], "offsets": [ [ 206, 214 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "5291" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d184.s1.e0", "type": "protein", "text": [ "BCRP" ], "offsets": [ [ 287, 291 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9UNQ0" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d184.s1.e1", "type": "compound", "text": [ "imatinib" ], "offsets": [ [ 333, 341 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "5291" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d184.s2.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "elacridar" ], "offsets": [ [ 435, 444 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "119373" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d184.s2.e1", "type": "compound", "text": [ "pantoprazole" ], "offsets": [ [ 448, 460 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "4679" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d184.s2.e2", "type": "protein", "text": [ "BCRP" ], "offsets": [ [ 511, 515 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9UNQ0" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d184.s0.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d184.s0.e4", "arg2_id": "DS.d184.s0.e3", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d184.s0.i1", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d184.s0.e4", "arg2_id": "DS.d184.s0.e2", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d184.s0.i2", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d184.s0.e0", "arg2_id": "DS.d184.s0.e1", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d184.s0.i3", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d184.s0.e0", "arg2_id": "DS.d184.s0.e3", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d184.s0.i4", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d184.s0.e0", "arg2_id": "DS.d184.s0.e2", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d184.s0.i5", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d184.s0.e4", "arg2_id": "DS.d184.s0.e1", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d184.s1.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d184.s1.e1", "arg2_id": "DS.d184.s1.e0", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d184.s2.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d184.s2.e1", "arg2_id": "DS.d184.s2.e2", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d184.s2.i1", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d184.s2.e0", "arg2_id": "DS.d184.s2.e2", "normalized": [] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d185.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "There is clear evidence for TREK-1 and TASK-1 in the heart and these channels are likely to regulate cardiac action potential duration through their regulation by stretch, polyunsaturated fatty acids, pH, and neurotransmitters." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 227 ] ] }, { "id": "DS.d185.s1", "type": "", "text": [ "TREK-1 may also have a critical role in mediating the vasodilator response of resistance arteries to polyunsaturated fatty acids, thus contributing to their protective effect on the cardiovascular system." ], "offsets": [ [ 228, 432 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d185.s0.e0", "type": "protein", "text": [ "TREK" ], "offsets": [ [ 28, 32 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O95069" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d185.s0.e1", "type": "protein", "text": [ "TASK" ], "offsets": [ [ 39, 43 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O14649" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d185.s0.e2", "type": "compound", "text": [ "polyunsaturated fatty acids" ], "offsets": [ [ 172, 199 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "56842239" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d185.s1.e0", "type": "protein", "text": [ "TREK" ], "offsets": [ [ 228, 232 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O95069" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d185.s1.e1", "type": "compound", "text": [ "polyunsaturated fatty acids" ], "offsets": [ [ 329, 356 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "56842239" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d185.s0.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d185.s0.e2", "arg2_id": "DS.d185.s0.e1", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d185.s0.i1", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d185.s0.e2", "arg2_id": "DS.d185.s0.e0", "normalized": [] }, { "id": "DS.d185.s1.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d185.s1.e1", "arg2_id": "DS.d185.s1.e0", "normalized": [] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d186.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Alumina ceramic particles, in comparison with titanium particles, hardly affect the expression of RANK-, TNF-alpha-, and OPG-mRNA in the THP-1 human monocytic cell line." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 169 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d186.s0.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "titanium" ], "offsets": [ [ 46, 54 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "23963" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d186.s0.e1", "type": "protein", "text": [ "RANK" ], "offsets": [ [ 98, 102 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9Y6Q6" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d186.s0.e2", "type": "protein", "text": [ "TNF-alpha" ], "offsets": [ [ 105, 114 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O35734" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O77510" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O77764" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P01375" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P04924" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P06804" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P13296" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P16599" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P19101" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P23383" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P23563" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P29553" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P33620" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P36939" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P48094" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P51435" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P51742" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P51743" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P59684" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P59693" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P59694" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P59695" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P79337" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P79374" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q06599" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q19LH4" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q1G1A2" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q1WM27" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q2MH05" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q539C2" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q75N23" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8HZD9" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8JFG3" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8MKG8" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q8WNR1" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9BEA1" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d186.s0.e3", "type": "protein", "text": [ "OPG" ], "offsets": [ [ 121, 124 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O00300" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d187.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Indirubin-3-oxime-induced growth inhibition was associated with induction of Cdk inhibitor p21, inhibition of cyclin D1 and activation of caspase-3." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 148 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d187.s0.e0", "type": "compound", "text": [ "Indirubin-3-oxime" ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 17 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "5326739" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d187.s0.e1", "type": "protein", "text": [ "cyclin" ], "offsets": [ [ 110, 116 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O01377" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O16852" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P04961" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P12004" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P17070" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P17917" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P17918" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P18248" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P22177" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P24314" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P31008" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P53358" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P61074" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q00265" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q00268" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d187.s0.i0", "type": "compound-protein-interaction", "arg1_id": "DS.d187.s0.e0", "arg2_id": "DS.d187.s0.e1", "normalized": [] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d188.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Three proteins, porcine somatotropin, bovine serum albumin, and immunoglobulin, as well as materials with a strong calorimetric glass transition (T(g)), that is, indomethacin and poly(vinypyrrolidone) (PVP), were studied by both TSC and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 277 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d188.s0.e0", "type": "protein", "text": [ "somatotropin" ], "offsets": [ [ 24, 36 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P10766" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P20391" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P20392" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P33092" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P34005" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P34006" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P34747" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P37885" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P55755" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d188.s0.e1", "type": "protein", "text": [ "serum albumin" ], "offsets": [ [ 45, 58 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P21847" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P83517" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d188.s0.e2", "type": "compound", "text": [ "indomethacin" ], "offsets": [ [ 162, 174 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "3715" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d189.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "The recombinant protein exhibited high PAL activity and could catalyze the conversion of L:-Phe to trans-cinnamic acid." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 119 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d189.s0.e0", "type": "protein", "text": [ "PAL" ], "offsets": [ [ 39, 42 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O03979" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O04058" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "O93967" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P10248" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P10731" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P11544" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P14166" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P14717" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P14925" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P19021" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P26600" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P35511" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P35512" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P45726" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P45727" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P45730" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P45731" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P45735" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P52777" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P83388" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P91268" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P97467" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q42609" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q43210" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9P2V4" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "Q9PSN0" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d189.s0.e1", "type": "compound", "text": [ "trans-cinnamic acid" ], "offsets": [ [ 99, 118 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "444539" } ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d190.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "Only the beta-lactamases of pI 5.4 and superior to 7.6 hydrolyze the cefotaxime." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 80 ] ] } ]
[ { "id": "DS.d190.s0.e0", "type": "protein", "text": [ "beta-lactamases" ], "offsets": [ [ 9, 24 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P80298" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P80545" }, { "db_name": "UniProt", "db_id": "P81173" } ] }, { "id": "DS.d190.s0.e1", "type": "compound", "text": [ "cefotaxime" ], "offsets": [ [ 69, 79 ] ], "normalized": [ { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "5479527" }, { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "5742673" }, { "db_name": "PubChem", "db_id": "6540461" } ] } ]
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[ { "id": "DS.d191.s0", "type": "", "text": [ "To investigate this relationship, we used actively growing young Sprague-Dawley rats and CKD-732, one of the angiogenesis inhibitor (AI) to reveal the relationship of angiogenesis in the effect of PTH." ], "offsets": [ [ 0, 201 ] ] } ]
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