163 values
53 values
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
use strict; use warnings; use t::Util; exec_unittest('evloop');
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
#!/bin/bash eval "$(curl -q -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/coryb/osht/master/osht.sh)" cd $(dirname $0) jira="../jira" . env.sh PLAN 16 # reset login RUNS $jira logout RUNS $jira login # cleanup from previous failed test executions ($jira ls --project BASIC | awk -F: '{print $1}' | while read issue; do ../jira done $issue; done) | sed 's/^/# CLEANUP: /g' ############################################################################### ## Create an issue ############################################################################### RUNS $jira create --project BASIC -o summary=summary -o description=description --noedit --saveFile issue.props issue=$(awk '/issue/{print $2}' issue.props) DIFF <<EOF OK $issue $ENDPOINT/browse/$issue EOF ############################################################################### ## Testing the example custom commands, print-project ############################################################################### RUNS $jira print-project DIFF <<EOF BASIC EOF ############################################################################### ## Testing the example custom commands, jira-path ############################################################################### RUNS $jira jira-path DIFF <<EOF ../jira EOF ############################################################################### ## Testing the example custom commands, env ############################################################################### RUNS $jira env GREP ^JIRA_PROJECT=BASIC ############################################################################### ## Testing the example custom commands, argtest ############################################################################### RUNS $jira argtest TEST DIFF <<EOF TEST EOF ############################################################################### ## Testing the example custom commands, opttest ############################################################################### RUNS $jira opttest --OPT TEST DIFF <<EOF TEST EOF ############################################################################### ## Use the "mine" alias to list issues assigned to self ############################################################################### RUNS $jira mine DIFF <<EOF +------------+---------+------+----------+--------+----------+----------+----------+ | Issue | Summary | Type | Priority | Status | Age | Reporter | Assignee | +------------+---------+------+----------+--------+----------+----------+----------+ | $issue | summary | Bug | Medium | To Do | a minute | gojira | gojira | +------------+---------+------+----------+--------+----------+----------+----------+ EOF
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
package template; use strict; my %fields = { template => '', markF => '', markB => '', keywords => '', debug => 0, }; # $template = new template ("filename"); sub new { my ($that, $template) = @_; my $class = ref($that) || $that; my $self = { _permitted => \%fields, %fields, }; bless $self, $class; $self->_initialize($template); return $self; } sub _initialize { my ($self, $template) = @_; $self->_loadTemplate($template); } sub _loadTemplate { my ($self, $filename) = @_; if (open (TEMPLATE, "<" . $filename)) { binmode TEMPLATE; while (read TEMPLATE, my $buffer, 1024) { $self->{template} .= $buffer; } close FILE; } } # $replacement = $template->replace(\%keywords, $markF, $markB); sub replace { my ($self, $keywords, $markF, $markB) = @_; my $replacement = $self->{template}; $self->{keywords} = $keywords; $self->{markF} = quotemeta $markF; $self->{markB} = quotemeta $markB; $markF = $self->{markF}; $markB = $self->{markB}; my @arrays; $replacement =~ s/\?/\x08/sg; my @keys = keys %{$keywords}; foreach my $key (@keys) { my $value = $keywords->{$key}; pos($replacement) = 0; if (ref($value) eq 'ARRAY') { push(@arrays, $key) if ($replacement =~ m/$markF$key$markB/sg); } else { $replacement =~ s/$markF$key$markB/$value/sg; } } pos($replacement) = 0; my (@startOffsets, @endOffsets); my $startLoop = 'startLoop'; my $endLoop = 'endLoop'; while ($replacement =~ /$markF$startLoop$markB/g) { push @startOffsets, ((pos $replacement) - length '{startLoop}'); $replacement =~ /$markF$endLoop$markB/g; push @endOffsets, (pos $replacement); } my @replacements; for (my $i; $i < @startOffsets; $i++) { push @replacements, substr $replacement, $startOffsets[$i], $endOffsets[$i]-$startOffsets[$i]; } for (my $i; $i < @replacements; $i++) { my $replace = $replacements[$i]; my $text = $self->_expand($replace, \@arrays); $replacement =~ s/$replace/$text/sg; } $replacement =~ s/\x08/\?/sg; return $replacement; } # $expanded = _expand($text, \@keys); sub _expand { my ($self, $text, $keys) = @_; my $keywords = $self->{keywords}; my $markF = $self->{markF}; my $markB = $self->{markB}; my $replacement; my $expanded; my $firstFound; for (my $i; $i < @{$keys}; $i++) { my $key = $keys->[$i]; if (quotemeta $text =~ /$markF$key$markB/sg) { $firstFound = $key; last; } } my $array = $keywords->{$firstFound}; my $i; foreach my $value (@{$array}) { $replacement = $text; $replacement =~ s/\{startLoop\}//sg; $replacement =~ s/\{endLoop\}//sg; next if !($replacement =~ s/$markF$firstFound$markB/$value/sg); foreach my $key (@{$keys}) { next if ($key eq $firstFound); $replacement =~ s/$markF$key$markB/$keywords->{$key}->[$i]/sg; } $expanded .= $replacement; $i++; } if ($expanded) { return $expanded; } else { foreach my $key (@{$keys}) { $text =~ s/\{startLoop\}//sg; $text =~ s/\{endLoop\}//sg; $text =~ s/$markF$key$markB/none/sg;; } return $text; } }
[ "FSFAP" ]
[ "FSFAP" ]
[ "FSFAP" ]
BEGIN{ $l1=""; $l2="";} ($port,$pin) = ($_ =~ m/ return \((\(\(GPIO_.*IDR) & \(0x1 << ([0-9]+)\)/); if ($port){ ($tmp) = ($l2 =~ m/uint32_t (.*)\_get_state.*/); if ($tmp =~ m/sw[0-9]+/) { print "set \$tmp = &".$port."\n"; print "printf \"".$tmp."_reg {%#x}\\n\", \$tmp \n"; print "printf \"".$tmp."_pin {".$pin."}\\n\"\n"; } } $l2=$l1; $l1=$_;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
package Azure::Devices::ListBySubscriptionIotHubResourceResult; use Moose; has code => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str' ); has details => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str' ); has httpStatusCode => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str' ); has message => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str' ); 1;
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
use strict; use CXGN::Page; my $page=CXGN::Page->new('chr8d.html','html2pl converter'); $page->header('Chromosome 8'); print<<END_HEREDOC; <br /> <br /> <center> <h1><a href="chr8_split.pl">Chromosome 8</a></h1> <h3>- Section D -</h3> <br /> <br /> <table summary=""> <tr> <td align="right" valign="top"><img alt="" align="left" src="/documents/maps/tomato_arabidopsis/map_images/chr8d.png" border="none" /></td> </tr> </table> </center> END_HEREDOC $page->footer();
[ "Artistic-1.0" ]
[ "Artistic-1.0" ]
[ "Artistic-1.0" ]
package Devel::hdb::App::Stack; BEGIN { our @saved_ARGV = @ARGV; } use strict; use warnings; use Plack::Request; use base 'Devel::hdb::App::Base'; use Exporter 'import'; our @EXPORT_OK = qw(_serialize_stack); use Data::Transform::ExplicitMetadata qw(encode); __PACKAGE__->add_route('get', qr{(^/stack$)}, \&stack); __PACKAGE__->add_route('head', qr{^/stack$}, \&stack_head); __PACKAGE__->add_route('get', qr{(^/stack)/(\d+)$}, \&stack_frame); __PACKAGE__->add_route('head', qr{^/stack/(\d+)$}, \&stack_frame_head); sub stack { my($class, $app, $env, $base_url) = @_; my $req = Plack::Request->new($env); my $frames = $class->_serialize_stack($app, $base_url, $req->param('exclude_sub_params')); return [ 200, [ 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'X-Stack-Depth' => scalar(@$frames), ], [ $app->encode_json($frames) ], ]; } sub stack_head { my($class, $app, $env) = @_; my $stack = $app->stack; return [ 200, [ 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'X-Stack-Depth' => $stack->depth, ], [], ]; } sub stack_frame { my($class, $app, $env, $base_url, $level) = @_; my $req = Plack::Request->new($env); my $stack = $app->stack; my $frame = $stack->frame($level); my $rv = _stack_frame_head_impl($app, $frame); if ($rv->[0] == 200) { my $serialized_frame = _serialize_frame($frame, $base_url, $level, $req->param('exclude_sub_params')); $rv->[2] = [ $app->encode_json($serialized_frame) ]; } return $rv; } sub stack_frame_head { my($class, $app, $env, $level) = @_; my $stack = $app->stack; my $frame = $stack->frame($level); return _stack_frame_head_impl($app, $frame); } sub _stack_frame_head_impl { my($app, $frame) = @_; unless ($frame) { return [ 404, [ 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' ], [ $app->encode_json( { error => 'Stack frame not found' } ) ], ]; } return [ 200, [ 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'X-Stack-Serial' => $frame->serial, 'X-Stack-Line' => $frame->line, ], [ ] ]; } sub _serialize_stack { my($class, $app, $base_url, $exclude_sub_params) = @_; my $frames = $app->stack()->iterator; my @stack; my $level = 0; while (my $frame = $frames->()) { push @stack, _serialize_frame($frame, $base_url, $level++, $exclude_sub_params); } return \@stack; } sub _serialize_frame { my($frame, $base_url, $level, $exclude_sub_params) = @_; my %frame = %$frame; # copy if ($frame{autoload}) { $frame{subname} .= "($frame{autoload})"; } if ($exclude_sub_params) { $frame{args} = undef; } elsif ($frame{subroutine} eq '(eval)') { $frame{args} = []; } else { my @encoded_args = map { encode($_) } @{$frame{args}}; $frame{args} = \@encoded_args; } $frame{href} = join('/', $base_url, $level++); return \%frame; } 1; =pod =head1 NAME Devel::hdb::App::Stack - Get information about the program stack =head1 DESCRIPTION =head2 Routes =over 4 =item GET /stack =item GET /stack?exclude_sub_params=1 =item HEAD /stack Get a list of the current program stack. Does not include any stack frames within the debugger. The currently executing frame is the first element in the list. Returns a JSON-encoded array where each item is a hash with the following keys: package Package/namespace subroutine Fully-qualified subroutine name. Includes the package subname Subroutine name without the package included filename File where the subroutine was defined lineno Line execution is stopped on args Array of arguments to the subroutine wantarray Context this frame was called in serial Unique serial number for this frame The header X-Stack-Depth will have the number of frames in the stack. The caller may request the HEAD to omit the body/data and just get the headers. The deepest stack frame is reported as being in the subroutine named 'MAIN'. Values in the args list are encoded using Data::Transform::ExplicitMetadata If the param exclude_sub_params is true, then the 'args' value will be undef, useful to avoid serializing/deserializing possibly deep data structures passed as arguments to functions. =item GET /stack/<id> =item GET /stack/<id>?exclude_sub_params=1 =item HEAD /stack/<id> Get only one stack frame. 0 is the most recent frame in the debugged program, 1 is the frame before that. Returns a JSON-encoded hash with the same information as each stack frame returned by GET /stack. In addition, the header X-Stack-Line contains the current frame's line number, and the header X-Stack-Serial contains the current frame's serial. Returns a 404 error if there is no frame as deep as was requested. =back =head1 SEE ALSO Devel::hdb, Data::Transform::ExplicitMetadata =head1 AUTHOR Anthony Brummett <brummett@cpan.org> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2014, Anthony Brummett. This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the same terms as Perl itself.
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
#/usr/bin/perl -w open (OAI,"enssib_oai_pmh_perl.xml"); open (COLL,">enssib_oai_pmh_perl_collection.xml"); while (<OAI>) { $ligne=$_; if ($ligne !~ /^setSpec: Collection-/) { print COLL $ligne; } else { $collection=$ligne; chomp($collection); $collection=~s/^setSpec: //g; open (NOM,"nom_collections_themes_oai.txt"); #j'ouvre ici sinon il ne parcours qu'une fois le fichier, en gros il ne revient jamais au début du fichier ce qui est un gros problème si l'on veut chercher une chaîne while (<NOM>) { ($setSpec,$setName)=split(/\t/); if ($setSpec eq $collection) { print COLL "setName: ",$setName; } else { next; } } close (NOM); } } close (COLL); close (OAI);
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/env perl use 5.026; use Carp; use charnames qw{ :full :short }; use English qw{ -no_match_vars }; use File::Basename qw{ dirname }; use File::Spec::Functions qw{ catdir catfile }; use FindBin qw{ $Bin }; use open qw{ :encoding(UTF-8) :std }; use Params::Check qw{ allow check last_error }; use Test::More; use utf8; use warnings qw{ FATAL utf8 }; ## CPANM use autodie qw { :all }; use Modern::Perl qw{ 2018 }; use Readonly; use Test::Trap qw{ :stderr:output(systemsafe) }; ## MIPs lib/ use lib catdir( dirname($Bin), q{lib} ); use MIP::Constants qw{ $COMMA $SPACE }; use MIP::Test::Fixtures qw{ test_standard_cli }; my $VERBOSE = 1; our $VERSION = 1.00; $VERBOSE = test_standard_cli( { verbose => $VERBOSE, version => $VERSION, } ); BEGIN { use MIP::Test::Fixtures qw{ test_import }; ### Check all internal dependency modules and imports ## Modules with import my %perl_module = ( q{MIP::Qc_data} => [qw{ get_regexp_qc_data }], q{MIP::Test::Fixtures} => [qw{ test_standard_cli }], ); test_import( { perl_module_href => \%perl_module, } ); } use MIP::Qc_data qw{ get_regexp_qc_data }; diag( q{Test get_regexp_qc_data from Qc_data.pm v} . $MIP::Qc_data::VERSION . $COMMA . $SPACE . q{Perl} . $SPACE . $PERL_VERSION . $SPACE . $EXECUTABLE_NAME ); ## Given a valid regexp when file exists my $data_file_path = catfile( dirname($Bin), q{mip} ); my $recipe_name = q{mip}; my $regexp = q{perl -nae 'if ($_ =~ /\bour\s\$VERSION\b/xms) {print q{Got version};}'}; my $regexp_key = q{test_add_data_from_regexp}; my @regexp_returns = get_regexp_qc_data( { data_file_path => $data_file_path, regexp => $regexp, } ); my @expected_qc_data = q{Got version}; ## Then return array with single value is_deeply( \@regexp_returns, \@expected_qc_data, q{Got regexp return data from system call} ); ## Given a invalid regexp when file exist my @response = trap { get_regexp_qc_data( { data_file_path => $data_file_path, regexp => q{perl -e 'print STDERR q{Testing catching STDERR}'}, } ) }; is( $response[0], undef, q{Return undef when STDERR} ); like( $trap->stderr, qr/Testing\s+catching\s+STDERR/xms, q{Throw warning when STDERR} ); done_testing();
[ "Artistic-1.0-Perl" ]
[ "Artistic-1.0-Perl" ]
[ "Artistic-1.0-Perl" ]
#!/usr/bin/perl # # # This is a test for all data types handling. # # 2011-01-23 stefansbv # New version based on testlib and Firebird.dbtest # NOW and TOMORROW tests replaced with simple TIME and DATE tests # there is a separate test for them anyway use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use lib 't','.'; use TestFirebird; my $T = TestFirebird->new; my ($dbh, $error_str) = $T->connect_to_database(); if ($error_str) { BAIL_OUT("Unknown: $error_str!"); } unless ( $dbh->isa('DBI::db') ) { plan skip_all => 'Connection to database failed, cannot continue testing'; } else { plan tests => 32; } ok($dbh, 'Connected to the database'); # ------- TESTS ------------------------------------------------------------- # my %expected = ( VALUES => [ 30000, 1000, 'Edwin ', 'Edwin Pratomo ', 'A string', 5000, 1.125, 1.25, '2011-01-23 17:14', '2011-01-23', '17:14', 32.71, -32.71, 123456.79, -123456.79, '86753090000.868', ], TYPE => [ 4,5,1,1,12,4,6,8,11,9,10,5,5,4,4,-9581, ], SCALE => [ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3, ], PRECISION => [ 4,2,52,80,52,4,4,8,8,4,4,2,2,4,4,8, ] ); my $def = <<"DEF"; INTEGER_ INTEGER, SMALLINT_ SMALLINT, CHAR13_ CHAR(13), CHAR20_ CHAR(20), VARCHAR13_ VARCHAR(13), DECIMAL_ DECIMAL, FLOAT_ FLOAT, DOUBLE_ DOUBLE PRECISION, A_TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP, A_DATE DATE, A_TIME TIME, NUMERIC_AS_SMALLINT NUMERIC(4,3), NUMERIC_AS_SMALLINT2 NUMERIC(4,3), NUMERIC_AS_INTEGER NUMERIC(9,3), NUMERIC_AS_INTEGER2 NUMERIC(9,3), A_SIXTYFOUR NUMERIC(18,3) DEF for (split m/,[\r\n]+/ => $def) { my ($f, $d) = m/^\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)/; push @{$expected{NAME}}, $f; push @{$expected{NAME_lc}}, lc $f; push @{$expected{NAME_uc}}, uc $f; push @{$expected{DEF}}, $d; } # # Find a possible new table name # my $table = find_new_table($dbh); ok($table, qq{Table is '$table'}); # # Create a new table # ok($dbh->do("CREATE TABLE $table (\n$def)"), "CREATE TABLE $table"); # Prepare insert # my $NAMES = join "," => @{$expected{NAME}}; my $cursor = $dbh->prepare( "INSERT INTO $table ($NAMES) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); ok($cursor->execute(@{$expected{VALUES}}), "INSERT in $table"); ok(my $cursor2 = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table", { ib_timestampformat => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', ib_dateformat => '%Y-%m-%d', ib_timeformat => '%H:%M', }), "PREPARE"); ok($cursor2->execute, "EXECUTE"); ok(my $res = $cursor2->fetchall_arrayref, 'FETCHALL arrayref'); is($cursor2->{NUM_OF_FIELDS}, 16, "Field count"); do { my $i = 0; for my $t ( @{ $expected{DEF} } ) { my $e = $expected{VALUES}[$i]; if ( $t =~ /^FLOAT|DOUBLE(?: PRECISION)?|NUMERIC\(\d+,\d+\)$/ ) { ok( abs( $res->[0][$i] - $e ) < 1e-10, "$t ~= $e" ); } else { is( $res->[0][$i], $e, "$t == $e" ); } $i++; } }; is_deeply($cursor2->{$_}, $expected{$_}, "attribute $_") for qw( NAME NAME_lc NAME_uc TYPE PRECISION SCALE ); # # Drop the test table # ok($dbh->do("DROP TABLE $table"), "DROP TABLE '$table'"); # # Finally disconnect. # ok($dbh->disconnect(), "Disconnect");
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
#!/usr/bin/perl # ABSTRACT: Given master and subject database connections, an optional list of tables and non-default values, compare random entries within tables that have a primary key our $VERSION = 'v0.0.6'; ##~ DIGEST : dbab0e6fb51dc1b2f200fb22cc1aa780 use strict; use warnings; package Obj; use Moo; use parent 'Moo::GenericRoleClass::CLI'; #provides CLI, FileSystem, Common with qw/ Moo::GenericRole::FileSystem Moo::GenericRole::FileIO Moo::GenericRole::FileIO::CSV Moo::GenericRole::JSON Moo::GenericRole::DB Moo::GenericRole::DB::Abstract Moo::GenericRole::DB::MariaMysql Moo::GenericRole::DB::SQLite Moo::GenericRole::UUID /; sub process { my ($self) = @_; my $master_dbh = $self->dbh_from_def( $self->json_load_file( $self->cfg->{master_db_def} ) ); my $subject_dbh = $self->dbh_from_def( $self->json_load_file( $self->cfg->{subject_db_def} ) ); my @table_stack; if ( $self->cfg->{check_tables} ) { $self->sub_on_csv( sub { my ($row) = @_; push ( @table_stack, $row->[0] ); }, $self->cfg->{check_tables} ); } else { my $table_list_query = $master_dbh->prepare("show tables"); $table_list_query->execute(); while ( my $row = $table_list_query->fetchrow_arrayref() ) { push ( @table_stack, $row->[0] ); } } my $out_file = 'database_entry_compare_' . $self->iso_time_string(); $self->aref_to_csv( [qw/ table master subject /], $out_file ); for my $table (@table_stack) { my $master_sth = $master_dbh->prepare("select count(*) from $table"); $master_sth->execute(); my $master_row = $master_sth->fetchrow_arrayref(); my $subject_sth = $master_dbh->prepare("select count(*) from $table"); $subject_sth->execute(); my $subject_row = $subject_sth->fetchrow_arrayref(); if ( ref ($master_row) eq 'ARRAY' && ref ($subject_row) eq 'ARRAY' ) { unless ( $master_row->[0] == $subject_row->[0] ) ) { $self->aref_to_csv( [$table, $master_row->[0], $subject_row->[0]], $out_file ); } } else { $self->aref_to_csv( [$table, 'invalid comparison?'], $out_file ); } print "Checked $table $/" if $self->cfg->{vocal}; } } 1; package main; main(); sub main { my $self = Obj->new(); $self->get_config( [ qw/ master_db_def subject_db_def / ], [ qw/ check_tables / ], { required => { vocal => "show progress messages", master_db_def => "The 'Right' database", subject_db_def => "The db to consider", }, optional => { check_tables => "Specific set of tables to compare as opposed to 'all of them'", } } ); $self->process(); }
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# # Copyright 2020 Centreon (http://www.centreon.com/) # # Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets # the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for # service performance. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # package network::extreme::snmp::mode::hardware; use base qw(centreon::plugins::templates::hardware); use strict; use warnings; sub set_system { my ($self, %options) = @_; $self->{regexp_threshold_numeric_check_section_option} = '^(temperature|fan|poe|psu\.power|psu\.fan)$'; $self->{cb_hook2} = 'snmp_execute'; $self->{thresholds} = { psu => [ ['notPresent', 'OK'], ['presentOK', 'OK'], ['presentPowerOff', 'WARNING'], ['presentNotOK', 'CRITICAL'], ], fan => [ ['not operational', 'CRITICAL'], ['operational', 'OK'], ], slot => [ ['notPresent', 'OK'], ['testing', 'OK'], ['mismatch', 'WARNING'], ['failed', 'CRITICAL'], ['operational', 'OK'], ['powerdown', 'WARNING'], ['unknown', 'UNKNOWN'], ['present', 'OK'], ['poweron', 'OK'], ['post', 'UNKNOWN'], ['downloading', 'WARNING'], ['booting', 'WARNING'], ['offline', 'WARNING'], ['initializing', 'OK'], ['invalid', 'CRITICAL'], ], poe => [ ['initializing', 'OK'], ['operational', 'OK'], ['downloadFail', 'CRITICAL'], ['calibrationRequired', 'CRITICAL'], ['invalidFirmware', 'CRITICAL'], ['mismatchVersion', 'CRITICAL'], ['updating', 'OK'], ['invalidDevice', 'CRITICAL'], ['notOperational', 'CRITICAL'], ['other', 'CRITICAL'], ], }; $self->{components_path} = 'network::extreme::snmp::mode::components'; $self->{components_module} = ['fan', 'psu', 'slot', 'temperature', 'poe']; } sub snmp_execute { my ($self, %options) = @_; $self->{snmp} = $options{snmp}; $self->{results} = $self->{snmp}->get_multiple_table(oids => $self->{request}); } sub new { my ($class, %options) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(package => __PACKAGE__, %options); bless $self, $class; $options{options}->add_options(arguments => {}); return $self; } 1; __END__ =head1 MODE Check Hardware (Fans, Power Supplies, Slot, Temperature, POEs). =over 8 =item B<--component> Which component to check (Default: '.*'). Can be: 'fan', 'psu', 'slot', 'temperature', 'poe'. =item B<--filter> Exclude some parts (comma seperated list) (Example: --filter=fan --filter=psu) Can also exclude specific instance: --filter=fan,101 =item B<--absent-problem> Return an error if an entity is not 'present' (default is skipping) (comma seperated list) Can be specific or global: --absent-problem=psu,1 =item B<--no-component> Return an error if no compenents are checked. If total (with skipped) is 0. (Default: 'critical' returns). =item B<--threshold-overload> Set to overload default threshold values (syntax: section,[instance,]status,regexp) It used before default thresholds (order stays). Example: --threshold-overload='psu,CRITICAL,^(?!(presentOK)$)' =item B<--warning> Set warning threshold for 'temperature', 'fan', 'psu.fan', 'psu' (syntax: type,regexp,threshold) Example: --warning='psu.fan,1.1,5000' =item B<--critical> Set critical threshold for 'temperature', 'fan', 'psu.fan', 'psu' (syntax: type,regexp,threshold) Example: --critical='psu,.*,200' =back =cut
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
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[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
package IPC::Run::Win32IO; =head1 NAME IPC::Run::Win32IO - helper routines for IPC::Run on Win32 platforms. =head1 SYNOPSIS use IPC::Run::Win32IO; # Exports all by default =head1 DESCRIPTION IPC::Run needs to use sockets to redirect subprocess I/O so that the select() loop will work on Win32. This seems to only work on WinNT and Win2K at this time, not sure if it will ever work on Win95 or Win98. If you have experience in this area, please contact me at barries@slaysys.com, thanks!. =cut =head1 DESCRIPTION A specialized IO class used on Win32. =cut use strict ; use Carp ; use IO::Handle ; use Socket ; require POSIX ; use Socket qw( IPPROTO_TCP TCP_NODELAY ) ; use Symbol ; use Text::ParseWords ; use Win32::Process ; use IPC::Run::Debug qw( :default _debugging_level ); use IPC::Run::Win32Helper qw( _inherit _dont_inherit ); use Fcntl qw( O_TEXT O_RDONLY ); use base qw( IPC::Run::IO ); my @cleanup_fields; BEGIN { ## These fields will be set to undef in _cleanup to close ## the handles. @cleanup_fields = ( 'SEND_THROUGH_TEMP_FILE', ## Set by WinHelper::optimize() 'RECV_THROUGH_TEMP_FILE', ## Set by WinHelper::optimize() 'TEMP_FILE_NAME', ## The name of the temp file, needed for ## error reporting / debugging only. 'PARENT_HANDLE', ## The handle of the socket for the parent 'PUMP_SOCKET_HANDLE', ## The socket handle for the pump 'PUMP_PIPE_HANDLE', ## The anon pipe handle for the pump 'CHILD_HANDLE', ## The anon pipe handle for the child 'TEMP_FILE_HANDLE', ## The Win32 filehandle for the temp file ); } ## REMOVE OSFHandleOpen use Win32API::File qw( GetOsFHandle OsFHandleOpenFd OsFHandleOpen FdGetOsFHandle SetHandleInformation SetFilePointer HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE createFile WriteFile ReadFile CloseHandle FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH FILE_BEGIN ) ; # FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN # FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM BEGIN { ## Force AUTOLOADED constants to be, well, constant by getting them ## to AUTOLOAD before compilation continues. Sigh. () = ( SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, ); } use constant temp_file_flags => ( FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY() | FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE() | FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH() ); # FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN() | # FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM() | my $tmp_file_counter; my $tmp_dir; sub _cleanup { my IPC::Run::Win32IO $self = shift; my ( $harness ) = @_; $self->_recv_through_temp_file( $harness ) if $self->{RECV_THROUGH_TEMP_FILE}; CloseHandle( $self->{TEMP_FILE_HANDLE} ) if defined $self->{TEMP_FILE_HANDLE}; $self->{$_} = undef for @cleanup_fields; } sub _create_temp_file { my IPC::Run::Win32IO $self = shift; ## Create a hidden temp file that Win32 will delete when we close ## it. unless ( defined $tmp_dir ) { $tmp_dir = File::Spec->catdir( File::Spec->tmpdir, "IPC-Run.tmp" ); ## Trust in the user's umask. ## This could possibly be a security hole, perhaps ## we should offer an option. Hmmmm, really, people coding ## security conscious apps should audit this code and ## tell me how to make it better. Nice cop-out :). unless ( -d $tmp_dir ) { mkdir $tmp_dir or croak "$!: $tmp_dir"; } } $self->{TEMP_FILE_NAME} = File::Spec->catfile( ## File name is designed for easy sorting and not conflicting ## with other processes. This should allow us to use "t"runcate ## access in CreateFile in case something left some droppings ## around (which should never happen because we specify ## FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE. ## heh, belt and suspenders are better than bug reports; God forbid ## that NT should ever crash before a temp file gets deleted! $tmp_dir, sprintf "Win32io-%06d-%08d", $$, $tmp_file_counter++ ); $self->{TEMP_FILE_HANDLE} = createFile( $self->{TEMP_FILE_NAME}, "trw", ## new, truncate, read, write { Flags => temp_file_flags, }, ) or croak "Can't create temporary file, $self->{TEMP_FILE_NAME}: $^E"; $self->{TFD} = OsFHandleOpenFd $self->{TEMP_FILE_HANDLE}, 0; $self->{FD} = undef; _debug "Win32 Optimizer: temp file (", $self->{KFD}, $self->{TYPE}, $self->{TFD}, ", fh ", $self->{TEMP_FILE_HANDLE}, "): ", $self->{TEMP_FILE_NAME} if _debugging_details; } sub _reset_temp_file_pointer { my $self = shift; SetFilePointer( $self->{TEMP_FILE_HANDLE}, 0, 0, FILE_BEGIN ) or confess "$^E seeking on (fd $self->{TFD}) $self->{TEMP_FILE_NAME} for kid's fd $self->{KFD}"; } sub _send_through_temp_file { my IPC::Run::Win32IO $self = shift; _debug "Win32 optimizer: optimizing " . " $self->{KFD} $self->{TYPE} temp file instead of ", ref $self->{SOURCE} || $self->{SOURCE} if _debugging_details; $self->_create_temp_file; if ( defined ${$self->{SOURCE}} ) { my $bytes_written = 0; my $data_ref; if ( $self->binmode ) { $data_ref = $self->{SOURCE}; } else { my $data = ${$self->{SOURCE}}; # Ugh, a copy. $data =~ s/(?<!\r)\n/\r\n/g; $data_ref = \$data; } WriteFile( $self->{TEMP_FILE_HANDLE}, $$data_ref, 0, ## Write entire buffer $bytes_written, [], ## Not overlapped. ) or croak "$^E writing $self->{TEMP_FILE_NAME} for kid to read on fd $self->{KFD}"; _debug "Win32 optimizer: wrote $bytes_written to temp file $self->{TEMP_FILE_NAME}" if _debugging_data; $self->_reset_temp_file_pointer; } _debug "Win32 optimizer: kid to read $self->{KFD} from temp file on $self->{TFD}" if _debugging_details; } sub _init_recv_through_temp_file { my IPC::Run::Win32IO $self = shift; $self->_create_temp_file; } ## TODO: USe the Win32 API in the select loop to see if the file has grown ## and read it incrementally if it has. sub _recv_through_temp_file { my IPC::Run::Win32IO $self = shift; ## This next line kicks in if the run() never got to initting things ## and needs to clean up. return undef unless defined $self->{TEMP_FILE_HANDLE}; push @{$self->{FILTERS}}, sub { my ( undef, $out_ref ) = @_; return undef unless defined $self->{TEMP_FILE_HANDLE}; my $r; my $s; ReadFile( $self->{TEMP_FILE_HANDLE}, $s, 999_999, ## Hmmm, should read the size. $r, [] ) or croak "$^E reading from $self->{TEMP_FILE_NAME}"; _debug "ReadFile( $self->{TFD} ) = $r chars '$s'" if _debugging_data ; return undef unless $r; $s =~ s/\r\n/\n/g unless $self->binmode; my $pos = pos $$out_ref; $$out_ref .= $s; pos( $out_ref ) = $pos; return 1; }; my ( $harness ) = @_; $self->_reset_temp_file_pointer; 1 while $self->_do_filters( $harness ); pop @{$self->{FILTERS}}; IPC::Run::_close( $self->{TFD} ); } sub poll { my IPC::Run::Win32IO $self = shift; return if $self->{SEND_THROUGH_TEMP_FILE} || $self->{RECV_THROUGH_TEMP_FILE}; return $self->SUPER::poll( @_ ); } ## When threaded Perls get good enough, we should use threads here. ## The problem with threaded perls is that they dup() all sorts of ## filehandles and fds and don't allow sufficient control over ## closing off the ones we don't want. sub _spawn_pumper { my ( $stdin, $stdout, $debug_fd, $binmode, $child_label, @opts ) = @_ ; my ( $stdin_fd, $stdout_fd ) = ( fileno $stdin, fileno $stdout ) ; _debug "pumper stdin = ", $stdin_fd if _debugging_details; _debug "pumper stdout = ", $stdout_fd if _debugging_details; _inherit $stdin_fd, $stdout_fd, $debug_fd ; my @I_options = map qq{"-I$_"}, @INC; my $cmd_line = join( " ", qq{"$^X"}, @I_options, qw(-MIPC::Run::Win32Pump -e 1 ), ## I'm using this clunky way of passing filehandles to the child process ## in order to avoid some kind of premature closure of filehandles ## problem I was having with VCP's test suite when passing them ## via CreateProcess. All of the ## REMOVE code is stuff I'd like ## to be rid of and the ## ADD code is what I'd like to use. FdGetOsFHandle( $stdin_fd ), ## REMOVE FdGetOsFHandle( $stdout_fd ), ## REMOVE FdGetOsFHandle( $debug_fd ), ## REMOVE $binmode ? 1 : 0, $$, $^T, _debugging_level, qq{"$child_label"}, @opts ) ; # open SAVEIN, "<&STDIN" or croak "$! saving STDIN" ; #### ADD # open SAVEOUT, ">&STDOUT" or croak "$! saving STDOUT" ; #### ADD # open SAVEERR, ">&STDERR" or croak "$! saving STDERR" ; #### ADD # _dont_inherit \*SAVEIN ; #### ADD # _dont_inherit \*SAVEOUT ; #### ADD # _dont_inherit \*SAVEERR ; #### ADD # open STDIN, "<&$stdin_fd" or croak "$! dup2()ing $stdin_fd (pumper's STDIN)" ; #### ADD # open STDOUT, ">&$stdout_fd" or croak "$! dup2()ing $stdout_fd (pumper's STDOUT)" ; #### ADD # open STDERR, ">&$debug_fd" or croak "$! dup2()ing $debug_fd (pumper's STDERR/debug_fd)" ; #### ADD _debug "pump cmd line: ", $cmd_line if _debugging_details; my $process ; Win32::Process::Create( $process, $^X, $cmd_line, 1, ## Inherit handles NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, ".", ) or croak "$!: Win32::Process::Create()" ; # open STDIN, "<&SAVEIN" or croak "$! restoring STDIN" ; #### ADD # open STDOUT, ">&SAVEOUT" or croak "$! restoring STDOUT" ; #### ADD # open STDERR, ">&SAVEERR" or croak "$! restoring STDERR" ; #### ADD # close SAVEIN or croak "$! closing SAVEIN" ; #### ADD # close SAVEOUT or croak "$! closing SAVEOUT" ; #### ADD # close SAVEERR or croak "$! closing SAVEERR" ; #### ADD close $stdin or croak "$! closing pumper's stdin in parent" ; close $stdout or croak "$! closing pumper's stdout in parent" ; # Don't close $debug_fd, we need it, as do other pumpers. # Pause a moment to allow the child to get up and running and emit # debug messages. This does not always work. # select undef, undef, undef, 1 if _debugging_details ; _debug "_spawn_pumper pid = ", $process->GetProcessID if _debugging_data; } my $next_port = 2048 ; my $loopback = inet_aton "" ; my $tcp_proto = getprotobyname('tcp'); croak "$!: getprotobyname('tcp')" unless defined $tcp_proto ; sub _socket { my ( $server ) = @_ ; $server ||= gensym ; my $client = gensym ; my $listener = gensym ; socket $listener, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $tcp_proto or croak "$!: socket()"; setsockopt $listener, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, pack("l", 0) or croak "$!: setsockopt()"; my $port ; my @errors ; PORT_FINDER_LOOP: { $port = $next_port ; $next_port = 2048 if ++$next_port > 65_535 ; unless ( bind $listener, sockaddr_in( $port, INADDR_ANY ) ) { push @errors, "$! on port $port" ; croak join "\n", @errors if @errors > 10 ; goto PORT_FINDER_LOOP; } } _debug "win32 port = $port" if _debugging_details; listen $listener, my $queue_size = 1 or croak "$!: listen()" ; { socket $client, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $tcp_proto or croak "$!: socket()"; my $paddr = sockaddr_in($port, $loopback ); connect $client, $paddr or croak "$!: connect()" ; croak "$!: accept" unless defined $paddr ; ## The windows "default" is SO_DONTLINGER, which should make ## sure all socket data goes through. I have my doubts based ## on experimentation, but nothing prompts me to set SO_LINGER ## at this time... setsockopt $client, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, pack("l", 0) or croak "$!: setsockopt()"; } { _debug "accept()ing on port $port" if _debugging_details; my $paddr = accept( $server, $listener ) ; croak "$!: accept()" unless defined $paddr ; } _debug "win32 _socket = ( ", fileno $server, ", ", fileno $client, " ) on port $port" if _debugging_details; return ( $server, $client ) ; } sub _open_socket_pipe { my IPC::Run::Win32IO $self = shift; my ( $debug_fd, $parent_handle ) = @_ ; my $is_send_to_child = $self->dir eq "<"; $self->{CHILD_HANDLE} = gensym; $self->{PUMP_PIPE_HANDLE} = gensym; ( $self->{PARENT_HANDLE}, $self->{PUMP_SOCKET_HANDLE} ) = _socket $parent_handle ; ## These binmodes seem to have no effect on Win2K, but just to be safe ## I do them. binmode $self->{PARENT_HANDLE} or die $!; binmode $self->{PUMP_SOCKET_HANDLE} or die $!; _debug "PUMP_SOCKET_HANDLE = ", fileno $self->{PUMP_SOCKET_HANDLE} if _debugging_details; ##my $buf ; ##$buf = "write on child end of " . fileno( $self->{WRITE_HANDLE} ) . "\n\n\n\n\n" ; ##POSIX::write(fileno $self->{WRITE_HANDLE}, $buf, length $buf) or warn "$! in syswrite" ; ##$buf = "write on parent end of " . fileno( $self->{CHILD_HANDLE} ) . "\r\n" ; ##POSIX::write(fileno $self->{CHILD_HANDLE},$buf, length $buf) or warn "$! in syswrite" ; ## $self->{CHILD_HANDLE}->autoflush( 1 ) ; ## $self->{WRITE_HANDLE}->autoflush( 1 ) ; ## Now fork off a data pump and arrange to return the correct fds. if ( $is_send_to_child ) { pipe $self->{CHILD_HANDLE}, $self->{PUMP_PIPE_HANDLE} or croak "$! opening child pipe" ; _debug "CHILD_HANDLE = ", fileno $self->{CHILD_HANDLE} if _debugging_details; _debug "PUMP_PIPE_HANDLE = ", fileno $self->{PUMP_PIPE_HANDLE} if _debugging_details; } else { pipe $self->{PUMP_PIPE_HANDLE}, $self->{CHILD_HANDLE} or croak "$! opening child pipe" ; _debug "CHILD_HANDLE = ", fileno $self->{CHILD_HANDLE} if _debugging_details; _debug "PUMP_PIPE_HANDLE = ", fileno $self->{PUMP_PIPE_HANDLE} if _debugging_details; } ## These binmodes seem to have no effect on Win2K, but just to be safe ## I do them. binmode $self->{CHILD_HANDLE}; binmode $self->{PUMP_PIPE_HANDLE}; ## No child should ever see this. _dont_inherit $self->{PARENT_HANDLE} ; ## We clear the inherit flag so these file descriptors are not inherited. ## It'll be dup()ed on to STDIN/STDOUT/STDERR before CreateProcess is ## called and *that* fd will be inheritable. _dont_inherit $self->{PUMP_SOCKET_HANDLE} ; _dont_inherit $self->{PUMP_PIPE_HANDLE} ; _dont_inherit $self->{CHILD_HANDLE} ; ## Need to return $self so the HANDLEs don't get freed. ## Return $self, $parent_fd, $child_fd my ( $parent_fd, $child_fd ) = ( fileno $self->{PARENT_HANDLE}, fileno $self->{CHILD_HANDLE} ) ; ## Both PUMP_..._HANDLEs will be closed, no need to worry about ## inheritance. _debug "binmode on" if _debugging_data && $self->binmode; _spawn_pumper( $is_send_to_child ? ( $self->{PUMP_SOCKET_HANDLE}, $self->{PUMP_PIPE_HANDLE} ) : ( $self->{PUMP_PIPE_HANDLE}, $self->{PUMP_SOCKET_HANDLE} ), $debug_fd, $self->binmode, $child_fd . $self->dir . "pump" . $self->dir . $parent_fd, ) ; { my $foo ; confess "PARENT_HANDLE no longer open" unless POSIX::read( $parent_fd, $foo, 0 ) ; } _debug "win32_fake_pipe = ( $parent_fd, $child_fd )" if _debugging_details; $self->{FD} = $parent_fd; $self->{TFD} = $child_fd; } sub _do_open { my IPC::Run::Win32IO $self = shift; if ( $self->{SEND_THROUGH_TEMP_FILE} ) { return $self->_send_through_temp_file( @_ ); } elsif ( $self->{RECV_THROUGH_TEMP_FILE} ) { return $self->_init_recv_through_temp_file( @_ ); } else { return $self->_open_socket_pipe( @_ ); } } =head1 AUTHOR Barries Slaymaker <barries@slaysys.com>. Funded by Perforce Software, Inc. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2001, Barrie Slaymaker, All Rights Reserved. You may use this under the terms of either the GPL 2.0 ir the Artistic License. =cut 1;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
######################################################################### # OpenKore - Packet Receiveing # This module contains functions for Receiveing packets to the server. # # This software is open source, licensed under the GNU General Public # License, version 2. # Basically, this means that you're allowed to modify and distribute # this software. However, if you distribute modified versions, you MUST # also distribute the source code. # See http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for the full license. ######################################################################## # Korea (kRO) # The majority of private servers use eAthena, this is a clone of kRO package Network::Receive::kRO::RagexeRE_2015_09_16; use strict; use base qw(Network::Receive::kRO::RagexeRE_2015_05_13a); 1; =pod //2015-09-16Ragexe packet_ver: 53 packet_keys: 0x17F83A19,0x116944F4,0x1CC541E9 // [Napster] 0x0869,7,actionrequest,2:6 0x093E,10,useskilltoid,2:4:6 0x0877,5,walktoxy,2 0x08AC,6,ticksend,2 0x0936,5,changedir,2:4 0x089C,6,takeitem,2 0x092F,6,dropitem,2:4 0x0934,8,movetokafra,2:4 0x085E,8,movefromkafra,2:4 0x022D,10,useskilltopos,2:4:6:8 0x0873,90,useskilltoposinfo,2:4:6:8:10 0x095A,6,getcharnamerequest,2 0x0942,6,solvecharname,2 0x087F,12,searchstoreinfolistitemclick,2:6:10 0x0817,2,searchstoreinfonextpage,0 0x0920,-1,searchstoreinfo,2:4:5:9:13:14:15 0x0881,-1,reqtradebuyingstore,2:4:8:12 0x0835,6,reqclickbuyingstore,2 0x092E,2,reqclosebuyingstore,0 0x0948,-1,reqopenbuyingstore,2:4:8:9:89 0x089B,18,bookingregreq,2:4:6 // 0x094F,8 CZ_JOIN_BATTLE_FIELD 0x0961,-1,itemlistwindowselected,2:4:8:12 0x0969,19,wanttoconnection,2:6:10:14:18 0x0924,26,partyinvite2,2 // 0x0938,4 CZ_GANGSI_RANK 0x089E,26,friendslistadd,2 0x0960,5,hommenu,2:4 0x0941,36,storagepassword,2:4:20 // New Packet 0x097F,-1 // ZC_SELECTCART 0x0980,7,selectcart,2:6 // CZ_SELECTCART =cut
[ "OpenSSL" ]
[ "OpenSSL" ]
[ "OpenSSL" ]
use Test::More; use_ok('Crypt::OpenSSL::Verify'); done_testing;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
=head1 LICENSE Copyright [1999-2015] Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and the EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute Copyright [2016-2022] EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. =cut package EnsEMBL::Web::TextSequence::Annotation::Exons; use strict; use warnings; use parent qw(EnsEMBL::Web::TextSequence::Annotation); sub annotate { my ($self, $config, $slice_data, $markup) = @_; my $slice = $slice_data->{'slice'}; my $exontype = $config->{'exon_display'} || ''; my ($slice_start, $slice_end, $slice_length, $slice_strand) = map $slice->$_, qw(start end length strand); my @exons; if ($exontype eq 'Ab-initio') { @exons = grep { $_->seq_region_start <= $slice_end && $_->seq_region_end >= $slice_start } map @{$_->get_all_Exons}, @{$slice->get_all_PredictionTranscripts}; } elsif ($exontype eq 'vega' || $exontype eq 'est') { @exons = map @{$_->get_all_Exons}, @{$slice->get_all_Genes('', $exontype)}; } else { @exons = map @{$_->get_all_Exons}, @{$slice->get_all_Genes}; } # Values of parameter should not be fwd and rev - this is confusing. if (($config->{'exon_ori'}||'') eq 'fwd') { @exons = grep { $_->strand > 0 } @exons; # Only exons in same orientation } elsif (($config->{'exon_ori'}||'') eq 'rev') { @exons = grep { $_->strand < 0 } @exons; # Only exons in opposite orientation } my @all_exons = map [ $config->{'comparison'} ? 'compara' : 'other', $_ ], @exons; if ($config->{'exon_features'}) { push @all_exons, [ 'gene', $_ ] for @{$config->{'exon_features'}}; if ($config->{'exon_features'} && $config->{'exon_features'}->[0] && $config->{'exon_features'}->[0]->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Exon')) { $config->{'gene_exon_type'} = 'exons'; } else { $config->{'gene_exon_type'} = 'features'; } } if ($config->{'mapper'}) { my $slice_name = $slice->seq_region_name; push @$_, $config->{'mapper'}->map_coordinates($slice_name, $_->[1]->seq_region_start, $_->[1]->seq_region_end, $slice_strand, 'ref_slice') for @all_exons; } foreach (@all_exons) { my ($type, $exon, @mappings) = @$_; next unless $exon->seq_region_start && $exon->seq_region_end; foreach (scalar @mappings ? @mappings : $exon) { my $start = $_->start - ($type eq 'gene' ? $slice_start : 1); my $end = $_->end - ($type eq 'gene' ? $slice_start : 1); my $id = $exon->can('stable_id') ? $exon->stable_id : ''; ($start, $end) = ($slice_length - $end - 1, $slice_length - $start - 1) if $type eq 'gene' && $slice_strand < 0 && $exon->strand < 0; next if $end < 0 || $start >= $slice_length; $start = 0 if $start < 0; $end = $slice_length - 1 if $end >= $slice_length; for ($start..$end) { push @{$markup->{'exons'}{$_}{'type'}}, $type; $markup->{'exons'}{$_}{'id'} .= ($markup->{'exons'}{$_}{'id'} ? "\n" : '') . $id unless ($markup->{'exons'}{$_}{'id'}||'') =~ /$id/; } } } } 1;
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/perl # 三种方式 # 匹配 m// (可以省去m) # 替换 s/// # 转化 tr/// # 1、匹配操作符 $bar = "I am runoob site . wecolme to ruboob site."; if($bar =~ /run/){ print "第一次匹配!\n"; }else{ print "第一次不匹配! \n"; } $bar = "run"; if($bar =~ /run/){ print "第二次匹配!\n"; }else{ print "第二次不匹配!\n"; } # 2、模式匹配修饰符 # i 忽略大小写 # m 多行模式 # o 仅赋值一次 # s 单行模式 # x 忽略模式空白 # g 全局匹配 # cg 全局匹配失败后,允许再次匹配字符串 # 3、正则表达式变量 # $`: 匹配部分的前一部分字符串 # $&: 匹配的字符串 # $': 还没有匹配的剩余字符串 $string = "welcome to runoob site"; $string =~ m/run/; print "匹配前的字符串:$`\n"; print "匹配的字符串: $&\n"; print "匹配后的字符串:$'\n"; # 4、替换操作符 # s/PATTERN/REPLACEMENT/; $string2 = "welcome to google site"; $string2 =~ s/google/lopscoop/; print "$string2\n"; # 5、替换操作修饰符 # i 同上 # m ^开始 $结束 # o 只执行一次 # s # x 空白忽略 # g 替换所有匹配 # e 替换字符串为表达式 # 6、转化操作符 # c 转化所有未指定符 # d 删除所有指定符 # s 把多个相同的输成字符缩成一个 $string3 = "welcome to lopscoop site"; $string3 =~ tr/a-z/A-z/; print "$string3\n"; $string4 = "lopscoop"; $string4 =~ tr/a-z/a-z/s; print "$string4\n"; #7、more regular #. 匹配替换行符以外所有字符 #x? 匹配0次或一次字符串 #x* #x+ #.* #.+ #{m} #{m,n} #{m,} #[] #[^] #[0-9] #[a-z] #[^0-9] #[^a-z] #^ #$ #\d #\d+ #\D #\D+ #\w #\w+ #\W #\W+ #\s #\s+ #\S #\S+ #\b #\B #a|b|c #abc #/patten/i
[ "Artistic-1.0-cl8" ]
[ "Artistic-1.0-cl8" ]
[ "Artistic-1.0-cl8" ]
use Test::More tests => 20; use lib 'lib'; use Text::NSR; my $nsr = Text::NSR->new( filepath => 't/test.nsr' ); my $records = $nsr->read(); use Data::Dumper; print Dumper $records; is( scalar(@$records), 8, "parsing test file without fieldspec returns 8 entries"); is( ref($records->[0]), 'ARRAY', "record 0 is an array"); is( scalar(@{$records->[0]}), 4, "record 0 array has 4 keys"); is( scalar(@{$records->[1]}), 4, "record 1 array has 4 keys"); is( scalar(@{$records->[2]}), 4, "record 2 array has 4 keys"); is( scalar(@{$records->[3]}), 5, "record 3 array has 5 keys"); is( scalar(@{$records->[4]}), 4, "record 4 array has 4 keys"); is( scalar(@{$records->[5]}), 3, "record 5 array has 3 keys"); is( scalar(@{$records->[6]}), 4, "record 6 array has 4 keys"); is( scalar(@{$records->[7]}), 4, "record 7 array has 4 keys"); $nsr = Text::NSR->new(filepath => 't/test.nsr', fieldspec => ['f1','f2','f3','f4'] ); $records = $nsr->read(); is( scalar(@$records), 8, "parsing test file with fieldspec returns 8 entries"); is( ref($records->[0]), 'HASH', "record 0 is a hash"); is( scalar(keys %{$records->[0]}), 4, "record 0 hash has 4 keys"); is( scalar(keys %{$records->[1]}), 4, "record 1 hash has 4 keys"); is( scalar(keys %{$records->[2]}), 4, "record 2 hash has 4 keys"); is( scalar(keys %{$records->[3]}), 5, "record 3 hash has 5 keys"); is( scalar(keys %{$records->[4]}), 4, "record 4 hash has 4 keys"); is( scalar(keys %{$records->[5]}), 3, "record 5 hash has 3 keys"); is( scalar(keys %{$records->[6]}), 4, "record 6 hash has 4 keys"); is( scalar(keys %{$records->[7]}), 4, "record 7 hash has 4 keys");
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
#Je plaatst de tekst tussen " "-tekens.
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
% This file is part of the Attempto Parsing Engine (APE). % Copyright 2008-2010, Kaarel Kaljurand <kaljurand@gmail.com>. % % The Attempto Parsing Engine (APE) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it % under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software % Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. % % The Attempto Parsing Engine (APE) is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT % ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR % PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with the Attempto % Parsing Engine (APE). If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. :- module(drs_to_owlswrl, [ drs_to_owlswrl/2, drs_to_owlswrl/4 ]). :- use_module(drs_to_owlswrl_core, [ condlist_to_dlquery/2, condition_oneof/3, condlist_axiomlist_with_cheat/3 ]). :- use_module('../drs_to_drslist', [ drs_to_drslist/2 ]). :- use_module('../drs_to_sdrs', [ drs_to_sdrs/2 ]). :- use_module('../../logger/error_logger', [ add_error_message/4, clear_messages/1 ]). :- use_module(drs_to_owldrs, [ drs_to_owldrs/2 ]). :- use_module(transform_anonymous, [ transform_anonymous/2 ]). /** <module> Attempto DRS to OWL 2/SWRL translator Translate an Attempto DRS into Web Ontology Language (OWL 2), or if this fails then to Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL). If the translation fails then we search for errors by traversing the respective structure (e.g. implication) again. Note that the error capture is not completely implemented. Sometimes the translation simply fails and no explanatory messages are asserted. @author Kaarel Kaljurand @version 2010-11-14 @license LGPLv3 TODO: == - general: - put "tricks" into a separate module - low priority: add a trick: if a DRS maps to a SWRL rule which uses sameAs/differentFrom, but replacing these with normal object properties would make the rule expressible directly in OWL (probably SubPropertyOf with property composition), then replace these with ace:equal/ace:differ-from (with equivalent definitions) and express the rule in OWL syntax. - allow: - URGENT: John likes at least 3 cars that Mary likes. (wrong translation) - URGENT: Which member of Attempto is a productive-developer? (currently fails) - URGENT: support: What are the countries that contain Paris? - Every man is a human and sees the human. - John's age is not 21. - John's age is 21 or is 22. - Every man owns something that is "abc". (because we do allow: Every man owns "abc".) - For everything X for every thing Y if X likes Y then X does not hate Y. - Every dog hates every cat. (MAYBE) - Mary eats some grass. (because we do allow: Everybody that eats some meat is a carnivore.) - Every lady's pets are nothing but cats. (instead to/in addition to: Every lady's pet is nothing but cats.) - Every lady is somebody whose pets are more than 3 cats. (instead/in addition to: Every lady is somebody whose pet is more than 3 cats.) - John likes more than 3 women that own a car. - Every man is himself. (currently generates SWRL, but we could generate nothing in this case) - check: - if the syntax is according to the spec: DataProperty, DataValue, DataType - Are the following equivalent, if so then handle all of them (currently some are rejected): -- t(166, 'No city overlaps-with a city that is not the city.'). -- t(167, 'Every city overlaps-with itself or does not overlap-with a city.'). -- t(168, 'If a city overlaps-with something X then X is the city or X is not a city.'). - better error messages for: - No card is valid. - Every man does not have to cook a chicken. - Every singular is every singular. (from the log) - top-level negation - top-level disjunction - RDF/XML (deprecated): - There is something X. If X likes Mary then John sees Bill. (fails to be translated to RDF/XML) - What borders itself? (otherwise OK, but fails to be translated into RDF/XML) - improve: - implement namespaces support, i.e. each name should actually be a term ':'(NS, Name) - better support for anonymous individuals (don't numbervar the DRS, this would make things easier) - seems to be fixed: - John owns a car. John is a man. What is it? == */ %:- debug(d). %:- debug(owldrs). %:- debug(sentence). % Operators used in the DRS. :- op(400, fx, -). :- op(500, xfx, =>). :- op(500, xfx, v). %% drs_to_owlswrl(+Drs:term, -Owl:term) is semidet. %% drs_to_owlswrl(+Drs:term, +IRI:atom, -Owl:term) is semidet. %% drs_to_owlswrl(+Drs:term, +IRI:atom, +Comment:atom, -Owl:term) is semidet. % % Converts an Attempto DRS into OWL 2/SWRL. % In the beginning, the DRS is modified by drs_to_owldrs/2 in order to make % the processing more straight-forward. % % @param Drs is an Attempto DRS % @param IRI is a IRI relative to which all class names are to be interpreted % @param Comment is a comment to be inserted into the resulting ontology (currently ignored) % @param Owl is an OWL ontology in the form 'Ontology'(IRI, Axioms) where Axioms % is a list of axioms that correspond to the DRS conditions, in OWL FSS (Prolog notation) drs_to_owlswrl(Drs, Owl) :- ontology_iri(IRI), drs_to_owlswrl(Drs, IRI, Owl). drs_to_owlswrl(Drs, IRI, Owl) :- drs_to_owlswrl(Drs, IRI, 'Ontology from an ACE text.', Owl). drs_to_owlswrl(Drs, IRI, Comment, 'Ontology'(IRI, Axioms)) :- debug(sentence, "ACE: ~w~n", [Comment]), drs_to_drslist(Drs, DrsList), maplist(drs_to_owlswrl_x, DrsList, AxiomList), append(AxiomList, Axioms). drs_to_owlswrl(_, _, _, 'Ontology'('', [])). drs_to_owlswrl_x(Drs, Axioms) :- copy_term(Drs, DrsCopy), clear_messages(owl), drs_to_sdrs(DrsCopy, SDrsCopy), drs_to_owldrs(SDrsCopy, OwlDrs), numbervars(OwlDrs, 1, _), debug(owldrs, "OWL DRS: ~q~n", [OwlDrs]), drs_to_axioms(OwlDrs, Axioms), !. % If the DRS corresponds to a DL-Query drs_to_axioms(Drs, Axioms) :- process_question(Drs, Axioms). % If the DRS corresponds to a set of OWL and/or SWRL axioms drs_to_axioms(Drs, Axioms) :- findall( ref_oneof(X, OneOf), ( member(Condition, Drs), condition_oneof(Condition, X, OneOf) ), RefList ), debug(sentence, "Toplevel: ~w~n", [RefList]), condlist_axiomlist_with_cheat(Drs, RefList, AL), transform_anonymous(AL, Axioms). % Only a single question is accepted, but it % can be preceded and followed by declarative sentences. % Examples: % John owns a car. Mary owns the car. What is it? % John owns a car. Mary owns the car. What is it? Bill sees the car. % John owns a car. Mary owns the car. What is it? Bill sees John. process_question(Conds, AxiomList) :- select(question(QConds), Conds, RConds), !, append(QConds, RConds, FlatConds), debug(d, "~w~n", [FlatConds]), clear_messages(owl), catch( ( condlist_to_dlquery(FlatConds, Class), AxiomList = ['SubClassOf'(Class, owl:'Thing')] ), Catcher, ( AxiomList = [], parse_exception(Catcher, Message, Lemma, SId/TId), add_error_message(owl, SId-TId, Lemma, Message) ) ). parse_exception(error(Message, context(_Pred, query(_, Lemma)-Id)), Message, Lemma, Id) :- !. parse_exception(error(Message, context(_Pred, _Arg)), Message, '', ''/''). %% ontology_iri(?IRI:atom) % % @param IRI is the prefix for ACE words used as OWL names % ontology_iri('http://attempto.ifi.uzh.ch/ontologies/owlswrl/test').
[ "0BSD" ]
[ "0BSD" ]
[ "0BSD" ]
#!/bin/sh # $FreeBSD: head/tools/regression/pjdfstest/tests/open/07.t 211352 2010-08-15 21:24:17Z pjd $ desc="open returns EACCES when O_TRUNC is specified and write permission is denied" dir=`dirname $0` . ${dir}/../misc.sh echo "1..23" n0=`namegen` n1=`namegen` expect 0 mkdir ${n0} 0755 expect 0 chown ${n0} 65534 65534 cdir=`pwd` cd ${n0} expect 0 -u 65534 -g 65534 create ${n1} 0644 expect 0 -u 65534 -g 65534 chmod ${n1} 0477 expect EACCES -u 65534 -g 65534 open ${n1} O_RDONLY,O_TRUNC expect 0 -u 65534 -g 65534 chmod ${n1} 0747 expect EACCES -u 65533 -g 65534 open ${n1} O_RDONLY,O_TRUNC expect 0 -u 65534 -g 65534 chmod ${n1} 0774 expect EACCES -u 65533 -g 65533 open ${n1} O_RDONLY,O_TRUNC expect 0 -u 65534 -g 65534 chmod ${n1} 0177 expect EACCES -u 65534 -g 65534 open ${n1} O_RDONLY,O_TRUNC expect 0 -u 65534 -g 65534 chmod ${n1} 0717 expect EACCES -u 65533 -g 65534 open ${n1} O_RDONLY,O_TRUNC expect 0 -u 65534 -g 65534 chmod ${n1} 0771 expect EACCES -u 65533 -g 65533 open ${n1} O_RDONLY,O_TRUNC expect 0 -u 65534 -g 65534 chmod ${n1} 0077 expect EACCES -u 65534 -g 65534 open ${n1} O_RDONLY,O_TRUNC expect 0 -u 65534 -g 65534 chmod ${n1} 0707 expect EACCES -u 65533 -g 65534 open ${n1} O_RDONLY,O_TRUNC expect 0 -u 65534 -g 65534 chmod ${n1} 0770 expect EACCES -u 65533 -g 65533 open ${n1} O_RDONLY,O_TRUNC expect 0 -u 65534 -g 65534 unlink ${n1} cd ${cdir} expect 0 rmdir ${n0}
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
package Slim::Utils::Prefs; # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, # version 2. =head1 NAME Slim::Utils::Prefs =head1 SYNOPSIS use Slim::Utils::Prefs; my $prefs = preferences('plugin.demo'); $prefs->set('pref1', 1); or $prefs->pref1(1); $prefs->get('pref1'); or $prefs->pref1; $prefs->client($client)->set('clientpref1', 1); or $prefs->client($client)->clientpref1(1); $prefs->client($client)->get('clientpref1'); or $prefs->client($client)->clientpref1; $prefs->init({ 'pref1' => 1, 'pref2' => 2 }); $pref->remove( 'pref1' ); $prefs->migrate(1, sub { $prefs->set('skin', Slim::Utils::Prefs::OldPrefs->get('skin') ); 1; }); $prefs->setValidate('int', 'pref1'); $prefs->setChange(\&myCallback, 'pref1'); =head1 DESCRIPTION Object based preferences supporing multiple namespaces so the server and each plugin can have their own preference namespace. Supports both global and client preferences within a namespace. This implementation stores preferences in YAML files with one YAML file per namespace. Namespaces of the form 'dir.name' are saved as filename 'name.prefs' in sub directory 'dir'. Preferences for plugins are expected to be stored in namespaces prefixed by 'plugin.' =head2 Each preference may be associated with: =over 4 =item validation function to verify the new value for a preference before setting it =item on change callback to execute when a preference is set =back =head2 Each namespace supports: =over 4 =item migration functions to update preferences to a new version number (each namespace has a global and per client version number) =back =head1 METHODS =cut use strict; use Exporter::Lite; use File::Path qw(mkpath); use Getopt::Long qw(:config pass_through); use Slim::Utils::Prefs::Namespace; use Slim::Utils::Log; our @EXPORT = qw(preferences); my $log = logger('prefs'); my $path; # path to directory where preferences are stored my %namespaces; # we need to check for prefsdir being set on cmdline as we are run before the server parses options Getopt::Long::GetOptions('prefsdir=s' => \$path); $::prefsdir = $path; $path ||= Slim::Utils::OSDetect::dirsFor('prefs'); my $os = Slim::Utils::OSDetect->getOS(); $os->migratePrefsFolder($path); my $prefs = preferences('server'); # File paths need to be prepared in order to correctly read the file system $prefs->setFilepaths(qw(mediadirs ignoreInAudioScan ignoreInVideoScan ignoreInImageScan playlistdir cachedir librarycachedir coverArt)); =head2 preferences( $namespace ) Returns a prefs object for the namespace $namespace. It is usual to prefix plugin namespaces with "plugin.", e.g. preferences('plugin.demo'). =cut sub preferences { my $namespace = shift; return $namespaces{$namespace} ||= Slim::Utils::Prefs::Namespace->new($namespace, $path); } =head2 namespaces( ) Returns an array of all active preference namespaces. =cut sub namespaces { return [ keys %namespaces ]; } sub init { my $sqlHelperClass = $os->sqlHelperClass(); my $default_dbsource = $sqlHelperClass->default_dbsource(); my %defaults = ( # Server Prefs not settable from web pages 'bindAddress' => '', # Default MySQL bind address 'dbsource' => $default_dbsource, 'dbusername' => 'slimserver', 'dbpassword' => '', 'dbhighmem' => sub { $os->canDBHighMem() }, # assuming that a system which has a lot of memory has larger storage, too 'dbjournalsize' => sub { $os->canDBHighMem() ? 50 : 5 }, 'cachedir' => \&defaultCacheDir, 'librarycachedir' => \&defaultCacheDir, 'securitySecret' => \&makeSecuritySecret, 'ignoreDirRE' => '', # My Music menu ordering 'rank-BROWSE_BY_ARTIST' => 35, 'rank-BROWSE_BY_ALBUM' => 30, 'rank-BROWSE_BY_GENRE' => 25, 'rank-BROWSE_BY_YEAR' => 20, 'rank-BROWSE_NEW_MUSIC' => 15, 'rank-PLUGIN_RANDOMPLAY' => 13, 'rank-BROWSE_MUSIC_FOLDER' => 10, 'rank-SAVED_PLAYLISTS' => 5, 'rank-SEARCH' => 3, # Extras menu ordering 'rank-PLUGIN_PODCAST' => 35, 'rank-PLUGIN_RSSNEWS' => 30, 'rank-PLUGIN_SOUNDS_MODULE_NAME' => 25, 'rank-GAMES' => 20, # Server Settings - Basic 'language' => \&defaultLanguage, 'mediadirs' => \&defaultMediaDirs, 'playlistdir' => \&defaultPlaylistDir, 'autorescan' => 0, 'autorescan_stat_interval' => 10, 'dontTriggerScanOnPrefChange' => 1, # Server Settings - Behaviour 'displaytexttimeout' => 1, 'checkVersion' => 1, 'checkVersionInterval' => 60*60*24, # enable auto download of SC updates on Windows only (for now) 'autoDownloadUpdate' => sub { $os->canAutoUpdate() }, 'noGenreFilter' => 0, 'noRoleFilter' => 0, 'searchSubString' => 0, 'ignoredarticles' => "The El La Los Las Le Les", 'splitList' => ';', 'browseagelimit' => 100, 'groupdiscs' => 1, 'persistPlaylists' => 1, 'playtrackalbum' => 1, 'reshuffleOnRepeat' => 0, 'saveShuffled' => 0, 'composerInArtists' => 0, 'conductorInArtists' => 0, 'bandInArtists' => 0, 'variousArtistAutoIdentification' => 1, 'useUnifiedArtistsList' => 0, 'useTPE2AsAlbumArtist' => 0, 'variousArtistsString' => undef, 'ratingImplementation' => 'LOCAL_RATING_STORAGE', # Server Settings - FileTypes 'disabledextensionsaudio' => '', 'disabledextensionsvideo' => '', 'disabledextensionsimages' => '', 'disabledextensionsplaylist' => '', 'prioritizeNative' => 1, 'disabledformats' => [], 'ignoreInAudioScan' => [], 'ignoreInVideoScan' => [], 'ignoreInImageScan' => [], # Server Settings - Networking 'webproxy' => \&Slim::Utils::OSDetect::getProxy, 'httpport' => 9000, 'bufferSecs' => 3, 'remotestreamtimeout' => 15, 'maxWMArate' => 9999, 'tcpConnectMaximum' => 30, # not on web page 'udpChunkSize' => 1400, # only used for Slimp3 # Server Settings - Performance 'disableStatistics' => 0, 'serverPriority' => '', 'scannerPriority' => 0, 'precacheArtwork' => 1, 'customArtSpecs' => {}, 'maxPlaylistLength' => sub { $os->canDBHighMem() ? 2500 : 500 }, 'useBalancedShuffle' => sub { $os->canDBHighMem() ? 1 : 0 }, # Server Settings - Security 'filterHosts' => 0, 'allowedHosts' => sub { require Slim::Utils::Network; return join(',', Slim::Utils::Network::hostAddr()); }, 'csrfProtectionLevel' => 0, 'protectSettings' => 1, 'authorize' => 0, 'username' => '', 'password' => '', 'insecureHTTPS' => main::ISWINDOWS ? 1 : 0, # Server Settings - TextFormatting 'longdateFormat' => q(%A, %B |%d, %Y), 'shortdateFormat' => q(%m/%d/%Y), 'timeFormat' => q(|%I:%M %p), 'showArtist' => 0, 'showYear' => 0, 'guessFileFormats' => [ '(ARTIST - ALBUM) TRACKNUM - TITLE', '/ARTIST/ALBUM/TRACKNUM - TITLE', '/ARTIST/ALBUM/TRACKNUM TITLE', '/ARTIST/ALBUM/TRACKNUM. TITLE' ], 'titleFormat' => [ 'TITLE', 'DISC-TRACKNUM. TITLE', 'TRACKNUM. TITLE', 'TRACKNUM. ARTIST - TITLE', 'TRACKNUM. TITLE (ARTIST)', 'TRACKNUM. TITLE - ARTIST - ALBUM', 'TRACKNUM. TITLE from ALBUM by ARTIST', 'TITLE (ARTIST)', 'ARTIST - TITLE' ], 'titleFormatWeb' => 0, # Server Settings - UserInterface 'skin' => 'Default', 'itemsPerPage' => 50, 'refreshRate' => 30, 'coverArt' => '', 'artfolder' => '', 'thumbSize' => 100, # Server Settings - jive UI 'jivealbumsort' => 'album', 'defeatDestructiveTouchToPlay' => 4, # 4 => defeat only if playing and current item not a radio stream # Bug 5557, disable UPnP support by default 'noupnp' => 1, ); if (!main::NOMYSB) { # Server Settings - mysqueezebox.com $defaults{'sn_sync'} = 1; $defaults{'sn_disable_stats'} = 1; } # we can have different defaults depending on the OS $os->initPrefs(\%defaults); # add entry to dispatch table if it is loaded (it isn't in scanner.pl) as migration may call notify for this # this is required as Slim::Control::Request::init will not have run at this point if (exists &Slim::Control::Request::addDispatch) { Slim::Control::Request::addDispatch(['prefset', '_namespace', '_prefname', '_newvalue'], [0, 0, 1, undef]); } unless (-d $path) { mkdir $path; } unless (-d $path && -w $path) { logError("unable to write to preferences directory $path"); } # initialise any new prefs $prefs->init(\%defaults, 'Slim::Utils::Prefs::Migration'); # perform OS-specific post-init steps $os->postInitPrefs($prefs); # set validation functions $prefs->setValidate( 'int', qw(dbhighmem dbjournalsize) ); $prefs->setValidate( 'num', qw(displaytexttimeout browseagelimit remotestreamtimeout screensavertimeout itemsPerPage refreshRate thumbSize httpport bufferSecs remotestreamtimeout) ); $prefs->setValidate( 'dir', qw(cachedir librarycachedir playlistdir artfolder) ); $prefs->setValidate( 'array', qw(guessFileFormats titleFormat disabledformats) ); # allow users to set a port below 1024 on windows which does not require admin for this my $minP = main::ISWINDOWS ? 1 : 1024; $prefs->setValidate({ 'validator' => 'intlimit', 'low' => $minP,'high'=> 65535 }, 'httpport' ); $prefs->setValidate({ 'validator' => 'intlimit', 'low' => 3, 'high' => 30 }, 'bufferSecs' ); $prefs->setValidate({ 'validator' => 'intlimit', 'low' => 1, 'high' => 4096 }, 'udpChunkSize'); $prefs->setValidate({ 'validator' => 'intlimit', 'low' => 1, }, 'itemsPerPage'); $prefs->setValidate({ 'validator' => 'intlimit', 'low' => 2, }, 'refreshRate' ); $prefs->setValidate({ 'validator' => 'intlimit', 'low' => 25, 'high' => 250 }, 'thumbSize' ); $prefs->setValidate({ 'validator' => 'intlimit', 'low' => 0, }, 'startDelay' ); $prefs->setValidate({ 'validator' => 'intlimit', 'low' => 0, }, 'playDelay' ); $prefs->setValidate({ 'validator' => 'intlimit', 'low' => 0, 'high' => 1000 }, 'packetLatency'); $prefs->setValidate({ 'validator' => 'intlimit', 'low' => 10, 'high' => 1000 }, 'minSyncAdjust'); $prefs->setValidate({ 'validator' => sub { $_[1] ne '' } }, 'playername'); $prefs->setValidate({ 'validator' => sub { !$_[1] # covers undefined, 0 or '' cases || ($_[1] =~ /^\d+$/ && $_[1] >= 10) } }, 'maxPlaylistLength'); $prefs->setValidate({ validator => sub { foreach (split (/,/, $_[1])) { s/\s*//g; next if Slim::Utils::Network::ip_is_ipv4($_); # allow ranges à la "" if (/(.+)-(\d+)$/) { next if Slim::Utils::Network::ip_is_ipv4($1); } # 192.168.0.* s/\*/0/g; next if Slim::Utils::Network::ip_is_ipv4($_); return 0; } return 1; } }, 'allowedHosts'); $prefs->setValidate({ 'validator' => 'intlimit', 'low' => 0, 'high' => 100 }, 'alarmDefaultVolume'); $prefs->setValidate({ 'validator' => 'intlimit', 'low' => 1 }, 'alarmSnoozeSeconds'); $prefs->setValidate({ 'validator' => 'intlimit', 'low' => 0 }, 'alarmTimeoutSeconds'); $prefs->setValidate({ validator => sub { my $regex = $_[1]; # try to compile the regex to validate it eval { qr/$regex/ }; if ($@) { return; } elsif ($regex =~ /.+\.([^.]+)$/) { my $suffix = $1; return grep(/^$suffix$/i, qw(jpg gif png jpeg)); } return 1; } }, 'coverArt', ); # mediadirs must be a list of unique, valid folders $prefs->setValidate({ validator => sub { my $new = $_[1]; return 0 if ref $new ne 'ARRAY'; # don't accept duplicate entries my %seen; return 0 if scalar ( grep { !$seen{$_}++ } @{$new} ) != scalar @$new; foreach (@{ $new }) { if (Slim::Utils::Misc::isWinDrive($_)) { # do nothing - on Windows we're going to accept a drive letter without folder } elsif (! (-d $_ || (main::ISWINDOWS && -d Win32::GetANSIPathName($_)) || -d Slim::Utils::Unicode::encode_locale($_)) ) { return 0; } } return 1; } }, 'mediadirs', 'ignoreInAudioScan', 'ignoreInVideoScan', 'ignoreInImageScan'); # set on change functions $prefs->setChange( \&Slim::Web::HTTP::adjustHTTPPort, 'httpport' ); # All languages are always loaded on SN $prefs->setChange( sub { Slim::Utils::Strings::setLanguage($_[1]) }, 'language' ); $prefs->setChange( sub { Slim::Control::Request::executeRequest(undef, ['wipecache', $prefs->get('dontTriggerScanOnPrefChange') ? 'queue' : undef]) }, qw(splitList groupdiscs useTPE2AsAlbumArtist) ); $prefs->setChange( sub { Slim::Utils::Misc::setPriority($_[1]) }, 'serverPriority'); $prefs->setChange( sub { Slim::Utils::Text::clearCaseArticleCache(); Slim::Control::Request::executeRequest(undef, ['wipecache', $prefs->get('dontTriggerScanOnPrefChange') ? 'queue' : undef]) }, 'ignoredarticles'); $prefs->setChange( sub { if ( $_[1] ) { require Slim::Utils::Update; Slim::Utils::Update::checkVersion(); } }, 'checkVersion' ); $prefs->setChange( sub { if ( !$_[1] ) { require Slim::Utils::Update; # remove the server.version file to stop update notifications Slim::Utils::Update::setUpdateInstaller(''); } }, 'autoDownloadUpdate', 'checkVersion' ); if ( !main::SCANNER ) { $prefs->setChange( sub { return if Slim::Music::Import->stillScanning; my $newValues = $_[1]; my $oldValues = $_[3]; my @new = grep { !defined $oldValues->{$_}; } keys %$newValues; # trigger artwork scan if we've got a new specification only if ( scalar @new ) { require Slim::Music::Artwork; Slim::Music::Import->setIsScanning('PRECACHEARTWORK_PROGRESS'); Slim::Music::Artwork->precacheAllArtwork(sub { Slim::Music::Import->setIsScanning(0); }, 1); } }, 'customArtSpecs'); $prefs->setChange( sub { my $new = $_[1]; my $old = $_[3]; Slim::Music::Import->nextScanTask if $old && !$new; }, 'dontTriggerScanOnPrefChange' ); } if ( !main::SCANNER ) { $prefs->setChange( sub { my $newValues = $_[1]; my $oldValues = $_[3]; my %new = map { $_ => 1 } @$newValues; # get old paths which no longer exist: my @old = grep { delete $new{$_} != 1; } @$oldValues; # in order to get rid of stale entries trigger full rescan if path has been removed if (scalar @old) { main::INFOLOG && logger('scan.scanner')->info('removed folder from mediadirs - trigger wipecache: ' . Data::Dump::dump(@old)); Slim::Control::Request::executeRequest(undef, ['wipecache', $prefs->get('dontTriggerScanOnPrefChange') ? 'queue' : undef]); } # if only new paths were added, only scan those folders else { foreach (keys %new) { main::INFOLOG && logger('scan.scanner')->info('added folder to mediadirs - trigger rescan of new folder only: ' . $_); Slim::Control::Request::executeRequest( undef, [ 'rescan', 'full', Slim::Utils::Misc::fileURLFromPath($_) ] ); } } }, 'mediadirs'); $prefs->setChange( sub { my $newValues = $_[1]; my $oldValues = $_[3]; my %old = map { $_ => 1 } @$oldValues; # get new exclusion paths which did not exist previously: my @new = grep { delete $old{$_} != 1; } @$newValues; # in order to get rid of stale entries trigger full rescan if path has been added if (scalar @new) { my %mediadirs = map { $_ => 1 } @{ Slim::Utils::Misc::getMediaDirs() }; if (!scalar grep { $mediadirs{$_} } @new) { main::INFOLOG && logger('scan.scanner')->info("added folder to exclusion list which is not in mediadirs yet - don't trigger scan: " . Data::Dump::dump(@new)); } else { main::INFOLOG && logger('scan.scanner')->info('added folder to exclusion list - trigger wipecache: ' . Data::Dump::dump(@new)); Slim::Control::Request::executeRequest(undef, ['wipecache', $prefs->get('dontTriggerScanOnPrefChange') ? 'queue' : undef]); } } # if only new paths were added, only scan those folders else { foreach (keys %old) { main::INFOLOG && logger('scan.scanner')->info('removed folder from exclusion list - trigger rescan of new folder only: ' . $_); Slim::Control::Request::executeRequest( undef, [ 'rescan', 'full', Slim::Utils::Misc::fileURLFromPath($_) ] ); } } }, 'ignoreInAudioScan', 'ignoreInVideoScan', 'ignoreInImageScan'); $prefs->setChange( sub { require Slim::Music::PlaylistFolderScan; Slim::Music::PlaylistFolderScan->init; Slim::Control::Request::executeRequest(undef, ['rescan', 'playlists']); }, 'playlistdir'); $prefs->setChange( sub { if ($_[1]) { Slim::Control::Request::subscribe(\&Slim::Player::Playlist::modifyPlaylistCallback, [['playlist']]); for my $client (Slim::Player::Client::clients()) { next if Slim::Player::Sync::isSlave($client); my $request = Slim::Control::Request->new($client, ['playlist','load_done']); Slim::Player::Playlist::modifyPlaylistCallback($request); } } else { Slim::Control::Request::unsubscribe(\&Slim::Player::Playlist::modifyPlaylistCallback); } }, 'persistPlaylists'); # Rebuild Jive cache if VA setting is changed $prefs->setChange( sub { Slim::Schema->wipeCaches(); }, 'variousArtistAutoIdentification', 'composerInArtists', 'conductorInArtists', 'bandInArtists', 'useUnifiedArtistsList'); $prefs->setChange( sub { Slim::Control::Queries->wipeCaches(); }, 'browseagelimit', 'ignoreDirRE'); } $prefs->setChange( sub { my $client = $_[2] || return; Slim::Player::Transporter::updateClockSource($client); }, 'clockSource'); $prefs->setChange( sub { my $client = $_[2] || return; Slim::Player::Transporter::updateEffectsLoop($client); }, 'fxloopSource'); $prefs->setChange( sub { my $client = $_[2] || return; Slim::Player::Transporter::updateEffectsLoop($client); }, 'fxloopClock'); $prefs->setChange( sub { my $client = $_[2] || return; Slim::Player::Transporter::updateRolloff($client); }, 'rolloffSlow'); $prefs->setChange( sub { my $client = $_[2] || return; if ( $client->display ) { $client->display->renderCache()->{'defaultfont'} = undef; } }, qw(activeFont idleFont activeFont_curr idleFont_curr) ); $prefs->setChange( sub { my $client = $_[2] || return; $client->setAnalogOutMode if $client->can('setAnalogOutMode'); }, 'analogOutMode'); $prefs->setChange( sub { foreach my $client ( Slim::Player::Client::clients() ) { if ($client->isa("Slim::Player::Boom")) { $client->setRTCTime(); } } }, 'timeFormat'); if (!main::NOMYSB) { # Clear SN cookies from the cookie jar if the session changes $prefs->setChange( sub { if (!$_[1]) { Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork->shutdown(); } # XXX the sn.com hostnames can be removed later my $cookieJar = Slim::Networking::Async::HTTP::cookie_jar(); $cookieJar->clear( 'www.squeezenetwork.com' ); $cookieJar->clear( 'www.test.squeezenetwork.com' ); $cookieJar->clear( 'www.mysqueezebox.com' ); $cookieJar->clear( 'www.test.mysqueezebox.com' ); $cookieJar->save(); main::DEBUGLOG && logger('network.squeezenetwork')->debug( 'SN session has changed, removing cookies' ); }, 'sn_session' ); $prefs->setChange(sub { my $newValue = $_[1]; if ( UNIVERSAL::can('Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::PrefSync', 'shutdown') ) { Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::PrefSync->shutdown(); } if ( $newValue && $prefs->get('sn_session') ) { require Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::PrefSync; Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork::PrefSync->init(); } }, 'sn_sync'); $prefs->setChange( sub { Slim::Utils::Timers::setTimer( $_[1], time() + 30, sub { return unless $prefs->get('sn_session'); my $isDisabled = shift; my $http = Slim::Networking::SqueezeNetwork->new(sub {}, sub {}); $http->get( $http->url( '/api/v1/stats/mark_disabled/' . $isDisabled ? 1 : 0 ) ); }, ); }, 'sn_disable_stats'); } # Reset IR state if preference change $prefs->setChange( sub { my $client = $_[2] || return; Slim::Hardware::IR::initClient($client); }, qw(disabledirsets irmap) ); } =head2 writeAll( ) Write all pending preference changes to disk. =cut sub writeAll { for my $n (values %namespaces) { $n->savenow; } } =head2 dir( ) Returns path to preference files. =cut sub dir { return $path; } =head2 SEE ALSO L<Slim::Utils::Prefs::Base> L<Slim::Utils::Prefs::Namespace> L<Slim::Utils::Prefs::Client> L<Slim::Utils::Prefs::OldPrefs> =cut # FIXME - support functions - should these be here? use FindBin qw($Bin); use File::Spec::Functions qw(:ALL); use Digest::MD5; sub makeSecuritySecret { # each Logitech Media Server installation should have a unique, # strongly random value for securitySecret. This routine # will be called by the first time the server is started # to "seed" the prefs file with a value for this installation my $hash = new Digest::MD5; $hash->add(rand()); my $secret = $hash->hexdigest(); if ($log) { main::DEBUGLOG && $log->debug("Creating a securitySecret for this installation."); } $prefs->set('securitySecret', $secret); return $secret; } sub defaultLanguage { return Slim::Utils::OSDetect->getOS->getSystemLanguage; } sub defaultMediaDirs { my $audiodir = $prefs->get('audiodir'); $prefs->remove('audiodir') if $audiodir; my @mediaDirs; # if an audiodir had been there before, configure LMS as we did in SBS: audio only if ($audiodir) { # set mediadirs to the former audiodir push @mediaDirs, $audiodir; # add the audiodir to the list of sources to be ignored by the other scans defaultMediaIgnoreFolders('music', $audiodir); } # new LMS installation: default to all media folders else { # try to find the OS specific default folders for various media types foreach my $medium ('music', 'videos', 'pictures') { my $path = Slim::Utils::OSDetect::dirsFor($medium); main::DEBUGLOG && $log && $log->debug("Setting default path for medium '$medium' to '$path' if available."); if ($path && -d $path) { push @mediaDirs, $path; # ignore media from other media's scan defaultMediaIgnoreFolders($medium, $path); } } } return \@mediaDirs; } # when using default folders for a given media type, exclude it from other media's scans sub defaultMediaIgnoreFolders { my ($type, $dir) = @_; my %ignoreDirs = ( music => ['ignoreInVideoScan', 'ignoreInImageScan'], videos => ['ignoreInAudioScan', 'ignoreInImageScan'], pictures => ['ignoreInVideoScan', 'ignoreInAudioScan'], ); foreach ( @{ $ignoreDirs{$type} } ) { my $ignoreDirs = $prefs->get($_) || []; push @$ignoreDirs, $dir; $prefs->set($_, $ignoreDirs); } } sub defaultPlaylistDir { my $path = Slim::Utils::OSDetect::dirsFor('playlists'); if ($path) { # We've seen people have the defaultPlayListDir be a file. So # change the path slightly to allow for that. if (-f $path) { $path .= 'Squeezebox'; } if (!-d $path) { mkpath($path) or msg("Couldn't create playlist path: $path - $!\n"); } } return $path; } sub defaultCacheDir { my $CacheDir = Slim::Utils::OSDetect::dirsFor('cache'); my @CacheDirs = splitdir($CacheDir); pop @CacheDirs; my $CacheParent = catdir(@CacheDirs); if ((!-e $CacheDir && !-w $CacheParent) || (-e $CacheDir && !-w $CacheDir)) { $CacheDir = undef; } return $CacheDir; } sub makeCacheDir { my $cacheDir = shift || $prefs->get('cachedir') || defaultCacheDir(); if (defined $cacheDir && !-d $cacheDir) { mkpath($cacheDir) or do { logBacktrace("Couldn't create cache dir for $cacheDir : $!"); return; }; } } sub homeURL { logBacktrace('Slim::Utils::Prefs::homeURL is deprecated. Please use Slim::Utils::Network::serverURL() instead.'); require Slim::Utils::Network; return Slim::Utils::Network::serverURL() . '/'; } sub maxRate { my $client = shift || return 0; my $soloRate = shift; # The default for a new client will be undef. my $rate = $prefs->client($client)->get('maxBitrate'); if (!defined $rate) { # Possibly the first time this pref has been accessed # if maxBitrate hasn't been set yet, allow wired squeezeboxen and ALL SB2's to default to no limit, others to 320kbps if ($client->isa("Slim::Player::Squeezebox2")) { $rate = 0; } elsif ($client->isa("Slim::Player::Squeezebox") && !defined $client->signalStrength()) { $rate = 0; } else { $rate = 320; } } # override the saved or default bitrate if a transcodeBitrate has been set via HTTP parameter $rate = $prefs->client($client)->get('transcodeBitrate') || $rate; if ($soloRate) { return $rate; } if ( $rate != 0 && logger('player.source')->is_debug ) { main::DEBUGLOG && logger('player.source')->debug(sprintf("Setting maxBitRate for %s to: %d", $client->name, $rate)); } # if we're the master, make sure we return the lowest common denominator bitrate. my @playergroup = ($client->syncGroupActiveMembers()); for my $everyclient (@playergroup) { my $otherRate = maxRate($everyclient, 1); # find the lowest bitrate limit of the sync group. Zero refers to no limit. $rate = ($otherRate && (($rate && $otherRate < $rate) || !$rate)) ? $otherRate : $rate; } # return lowest bitrate limit. return $rate; } 1; __END__
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
use strict; use warnings; use FileHandle; my $dir = '/hps/nobackup2/production/ensembl/anja/vep_data/output/grch37/'; my $previous_release = file2hash("$dir/production_test_95_37.out"); my $new_release = file2hash("$dir/production_test_37.out"); foreach my $key (keys %$new_release) { foreach my $pop (keys %{$new_release->{$key}}) { if (!exists $previous_release->{$key}) { print STDERR "Key doesn't exist in prev $key\n"; } else { if (!exists $previous_release->{$key}->{$pop}) { print STDERR "Pop $pop dosen't exist for $key\n"; } else { my $old_af = $previous_release->{$key}->{$pop}; my $new_af = $new_release->{$key}->{$pop}; if ($old_af == $new_af) { next if ($old_af == 0); print STDERR "=====$key $pop $old_af $new_af\n"; } if ($old_af == 0) { print STDERR "$key $pop $old_af $new_af\n"; next; } my $increase = $new_af - $old_af; my $precent_increase = ($increase/$old_af) * 100; print STDERR "$key $pop $old_af $new_af $precent_increase\n"; } } } } sub file2hash { my $file = shift; my $hash = {}; #Uploaded_variation Location Allele Gene Feature Feature_type Consequence cDNA_position CDS_position Protein_position Amino_acids Codons Existing_variation Extra #rs772603749 12:63042271 G ENSG00000111110 ENST00000228705 Transcript my $fh = FileHandle->new($file, 'r'); while (<$fh>) { chomp; my @values = split("\t"); my $Uploaded_variation = $values[0] || 'Uploaded_variation'; my $Location = $values[1] || 'Location'; my $Allele = $values[2] || 'Allele'; my $Gene = $values[3] || 'Gene'; my $Feature = $values[4] || 'Feature'; my $key = join("_", $Uploaded_variation, $Location, $Allele, $Gene, $Feature); if (defined $values[13]) { my @extra = split(';', $values[13]); foreach (@extra) { if (/^gnomAD/) { my ($pop, $freq) = split(/=/); $hash->{$key}->{$pop} = $freq; } } } } $fh->close; return $hash; }
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
{ am_pm_abbreviated => [ "\N{U+0635}", "\N{U+0645}", ], available_formats => { Bh => "h B", Bhm => "h:mm B", Bhms => "h:mm:ss B", E => "ccc", EBhm => "E h:mm B", EBhms => "E h:mm:ss B", EHm => "E HH:mm", EHms => "E HH:mm:ss", Ed => "E\N{U+060c} d", Ehm => "E h:mm a", Ehms => "E h:mm:ss a", Gy => "y G", GyMMM => "MMM y G", GyMMMEd => "E\N{U+060c} d MMM y G", GyMMMd => "d MMM y G", H => "HH", Hm => "HH:mm", Hms => "HH:mm:ss", Hmsv => "HH:mm:ss v", Hmv => "HH:mm v", M => "L", MEd => "E\N{U+060c} d/\N{U+200f}M", MMM => "LLL", MMMEd => "E\N{U+060c} d MMM", MMMMEd => "E\N{U+060c} d MMMM", "MMMMW-count-few" => "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0623}\N{U+0633}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0648}\N{U+0639} W \N{U+0645}\N{U+0646} MMMM", "MMMMW-count-many" => "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0623}\N{U+0633}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0648}\N{U+0639} W \N{U+0645}\N{U+0646} MMMM", "MMMMW-count-one" => "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0623}\N{U+0633}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0648}\N{U+0639} W \N{U+0645}\N{U+0646} MMMM", "MMMMW-count-other" => "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0623}\N{U+0633}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0648}\N{U+0639} W \N{U+0645}\N{U+0646} MMMM", "MMMMW-count-two" => "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0623}\N{U+0633}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0648}\N{U+0639} W \N{U+0645}\N{U+0646} MMMM", "MMMMW-count-zero" => "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0623}\N{U+0633}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0648}\N{U+0639} W \N{U+0645}\N{U+0646} MMMM", MMMMd => "d MMMM", MMMd => "d MMM", MMdd => "dd\N{U+200f}/MM", Md => "d/\N{U+200f}M", d => "d", h => "h a", hm => "h:mm a", hms => "h:mm:ss a", hmsv => "h:mm:ss a v", hmv => "h:mm a v", ms => "mm:ss", y => "y", yM => "M\N{U+200f}/y", yMEd => "E\N{U+060c} d/\N{U+200f}M/\N{U+200f}y", yMM => "MM\N{U+200f}/y", yMMM => "MMM y", yMMMEd => "E\N{U+060c} d MMM y", yMMMM => "MMMM y", yMMMd => "d MMM y", yMd => "d\N{U+200f}/M\N{U+200f}/y", yQQQ => "QQQ y", yQQQQ => "QQQQ y", "yw-count-few" => "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0623}\N{U+0633}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0648}\N{U+0639} w \N{U+0645}\N{U+0646} \N{U+0633}\N{U+0646}\N{U+0629} Y", "yw-count-many" => "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0623}\N{U+0633}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0648}\N{U+0639} w \N{U+0645}\N{U+0646} \N{U+0633}\N{U+0646}\N{U+0629} Y", "yw-count-one" => "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0623}\N{U+0633}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0648}\N{U+0639} w \N{U+0645}\N{U+0646} \N{U+0633}\N{U+0646}\N{U+0629} Y", "yw-count-other" => "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0623}\N{U+0633}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0648}\N{U+0639} w \N{U+0645}\N{U+0646} \N{U+0633}\N{U+0646}\N{U+0629} Y", "yw-count-two" => "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0623}\N{U+0633}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0648}\N{U+0639} w \N{U+0645}\N{U+0646} \N{U+0633}\N{U+0646}\N{U+0629} Y", "yw-count-zero" => "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0623}\N{U+0633}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0648}\N{U+0639} w \N{U+0645}\N{U+0646} \N{U+0633}\N{U+0646}\N{U+0629} Y", }, code => "ar-YE", date_format_full => "EEEE\N{U+060c} d MMMM y", date_format_long => "d MMMM y", date_format_medium => "dd\N{U+200f}/MM\N{U+200f}/y", date_format_short => "d\N{U+200f}/M\N{U+200f}/y", datetime_format_full => "{1} \N{U+0641}\N{U+064a} {0}", datetime_format_long => "{1} \N{U+0641}\N{U+064a} {0}", datetime_format_medium => "{1}, {0}", datetime_format_short => "{1}, {0}", day_format_abbreviated => [ "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0627}\N{U+062b}\N{U+0646}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0646}", "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+062b}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0627}\N{U+062b}\N{U+0627}\N{U+0621}", "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0623}\N{U+0631}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0639}\N{U+0627}\N{U+0621}", "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+062e}\N{U+0645}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0633}", "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+062c}\N{U+0645}\N{U+0639}\N{U+0629}", "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0633}\N{U+0628}\N{U+062a}", "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0623}\N{U+062d}\N{U+062f}", ], day_format_narrow => [ "\N{U+0646}", "\N{U+062b}", "\N{U+0631}", "\N{U+062e}", "\N{U+062c}", "\N{U+0633}", "\N{U+062d}", ], day_format_wide => [ "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0627}\N{U+062b}\N{U+0646}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0646}", "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+062b}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0627}\N{U+062b}\N{U+0627}\N{U+0621}", "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0623}\N{U+0631}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0639}\N{U+0627}\N{U+0621}", "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+062e}\N{U+0645}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0633}", "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+062c}\N{U+0645}\N{U+0639}\N{U+0629}", "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0633}\N{U+0628}\N{U+062a}", "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0623}\N{U+062d}\N{U+062f}", ], day_stand_alone_abbreviated => [ "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0627}\N{U+062b}\N{U+0646}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0646}", "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+062b}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0627}\N{U+062b}\N{U+0627}\N{U+0621}", "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0623}\N{U+0631}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0639}\N{U+0627}\N{U+0621}", "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+062e}\N{U+0645}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0633}", "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+062c}\N{U+0645}\N{U+0639}\N{U+0629}", "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0633}\N{U+0628}\N{U+062a}", "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0623}\N{U+062d}\N{U+062f}", ], day_stand_alone_narrow => [ "\N{U+0646}", "\N{U+062b}", "\N{U+0631}", "\N{U+062e}", "\N{U+062c}", "\N{U+0633}", "\N{U+062d}", ], day_stand_alone_wide => [ "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0627}\N{U+062b}\N{U+0646}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0646}", "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+062b}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0627}\N{U+062b}\N{U+0627}\N{U+0621}", "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0623}\N{U+0631}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0639}\N{U+0627}\N{U+0621}", "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+062e}\N{U+0645}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0633}", "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+062c}\N{U+0645}\N{U+0639}\N{U+0629}", "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0633}\N{U+0628}\N{U+062a}", "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0623}\N{U+062d}\N{U+062f}", ], era_abbreviated => [ "\N{U+0642}.\N{U+0645}", "\N{U+0645}", ], era_narrow => [ "\N{U+0642}.\N{U+0645}", "\N{U+0645}", ], era_wide => [ "\N{U+0642}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0644} \N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0645}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0627}\N{U+062f}", "\N{U+0645}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0627}\N{U+062f}\N{U+064a}", ], first_day_of_week => 7, glibc_date_1_format => "%d %b, %Y %Z %I:%M:%S %p", glibc_date_format => "%d %b, %Y", glibc_datetime_format => "%d %b, %Y %I:%M:%S %p", glibc_time_12_format => "%Z %I:%M:%S %p", glibc_time_format => "%Z %I:%M:%S %p", language => "Arabic", month_format_abbreviated => [ "\N{U+064a}\N{U+0646}\N{U+0627}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0631}", "\N{U+0641}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0631}\N{U+0627}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0631}", "\N{U+0645}\N{U+0627}\N{U+0631}\N{U+0633}", "\N{U+0623}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0631}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0644}", "\N{U+0645}\N{U+0627}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0648}", "\N{U+064a}\N{U+0648}\N{U+0646}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0648}", "\N{U+064a}\N{U+0648}\N{U+0644}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0648}", "\N{U+0623}\N{U+063a}\N{U+0633}\N{U+0637}\N{U+0633}", "\N{U+0633}\N{U+0628}\N{U+062a}\N{U+0645}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0631}", "\N{U+0623}\N{U+0643}\N{U+062a}\N{U+0648}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0631}", "\N{U+0646}\N{U+0648}\N{U+0641}\N{U+0645}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0631}", "\N{U+062f}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0633}\N{U+0645}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0631}", ], month_format_narrow => [ "\N{U+064a}", "\N{U+0641}", "\N{U+0645}", "\N{U+0623}", "\N{U+0648}", "\N{U+0646}", "\N{U+0644}", "\N{U+063a}", "\N{U+0633}", "\N{U+0643}", "\N{U+0628}", "\N{U+062f}", ], month_format_wide => [ "\N{U+064a}\N{U+0646}\N{U+0627}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0631}", "\N{U+0641}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0631}\N{U+0627}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0631}", "\N{U+0645}\N{U+0627}\N{U+0631}\N{U+0633}", "\N{U+0623}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0631}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0644}", "\N{U+0645}\N{U+0627}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0648}", "\N{U+064a}\N{U+0648}\N{U+0646}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0648}", "\N{U+064a}\N{U+0648}\N{U+0644}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0648}", "\N{U+0623}\N{U+063a}\N{U+0633}\N{U+0637}\N{U+0633}", "\N{U+0633}\N{U+0628}\N{U+062a}\N{U+0645}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0631}", "\N{U+0623}\N{U+0643}\N{U+062a}\N{U+0648}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0631}", "\N{U+0646}\N{U+0648}\N{U+0641}\N{U+0645}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0631}", "\N{U+062f}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0633}\N{U+0645}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0631}", ], month_stand_alone_abbreviated => [ "\N{U+064a}\N{U+0646}\N{U+0627}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0631}", "\N{U+0641}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0631}\N{U+0627}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0631}", "\N{U+0645}\N{U+0627}\N{U+0631}\N{U+0633}", "\N{U+0623}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0631}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0644}", "\N{U+0645}\N{U+0627}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0648}", "\N{U+064a}\N{U+0648}\N{U+0646}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0648}", "\N{U+064a}\N{U+0648}\N{U+0644}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0648}", "\N{U+0623}\N{U+063a}\N{U+0633}\N{U+0637}\N{U+0633}", "\N{U+0633}\N{U+0628}\N{U+062a}\N{U+0645}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0631}", "\N{U+0623}\N{U+0643}\N{U+062a}\N{U+0648}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0631}", "\N{U+0646}\N{U+0648}\N{U+0641}\N{U+0645}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0631}", "\N{U+062f}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0633}\N{U+0645}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0631}", ], month_stand_alone_narrow => [ "\N{U+064a}", "\N{U+0641}", "\N{U+0645}", "\N{U+0623}", "\N{U+0648}", "\N{U+0646}", "\N{U+0644}", "\N{U+063a}", "\N{U+0633}", "\N{U+0643}", "\N{U+0628}", "\N{U+062f}", ], month_stand_alone_wide => [ "\N{U+064a}\N{U+0646}\N{U+0627}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0631}", "\N{U+0641}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0631}\N{U+0627}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0631}", "\N{U+0645}\N{U+0627}\N{U+0631}\N{U+0633}", "\N{U+0623}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0631}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0644}", "\N{U+0645}\N{U+0627}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0648}", "\N{U+064a}\N{U+0648}\N{U+0646}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0648}", "\N{U+064a}\N{U+0648}\N{U+0644}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0648}", "\N{U+0623}\N{U+063a}\N{U+0633}\N{U+0637}\N{U+0633}", "\N{U+0633}\N{U+0628}\N{U+062a}\N{U+0645}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0631}", "\N{U+0623}\N{U+0643}\N{U+062a}\N{U+0648}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0631}", "\N{U+0646}\N{U+0648}\N{U+0641}\N{U+0645}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0631}", "\N{U+062f}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0633}\N{U+0645}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0631}", ], name => "Arabic Yemen", native_language => "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0639}\N{U+0631}\N{U+0628}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0629}", native_name => "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0639}\N{U+0631}\N{U+0628}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0629} \N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0645}\N{U+0646}", native_script => undef, native_territory => "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+064a}\N{U+0645}\N{U+0646}", native_variant => undef, quarter_format_abbreviated => [ "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0631}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0639} \N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0623}\N{U+0648}\N{U+0644}", "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0631}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0639} \N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+062b}\N{U+0627}\N{U+0646}\N{U+064a}", "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0631}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0639} \N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+062b}\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+062b}", "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0631}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0639} \N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0631}\N{U+0627}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0639}", ], quarter_format_narrow => [ "\N{U+0661}", "\N{U+0662}", "\N{U+0663}", "\N{U+0664}", ], quarter_format_wide => [ "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0631}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0639} \N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0623}\N{U+0648}\N{U+0644}", "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0631}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0639} \N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+062b}\N{U+0627}\N{U+0646}\N{U+064a}", "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0631}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0639} \N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+062b}\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+062b}", "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0631}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0639} \N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0631}\N{U+0627}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0639}", ], quarter_stand_alone_abbreviated => [ "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0631}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0639} \N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0623}\N{U+0648}\N{U+0644}", "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0631}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0639} \N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+062b}\N{U+0627}\N{U+0646}\N{U+064a}", "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0631}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0639} \N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+062b}\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+062b}", "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0631}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0639} \N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0631}\N{U+0627}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0639}", ], quarter_stand_alone_narrow => [ "\N{U+0661}", "\N{U+0662}", "\N{U+0663}", "\N{U+0664}", ], quarter_stand_alone_wide => [ "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0631}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0639} \N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0623}\N{U+0648}\N{U+0644}", "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0631}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0639} \N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+062b}\N{U+0627}\N{U+0646}\N{U+064a}", "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0631}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0639} \N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+062b}\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+062b}", "\N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0631}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0639} \N{U+0627}\N{U+0644}\N{U+0631}\N{U+0627}\N{U+0628}\N{U+0639}", ], script => undef, territory => "Yemen", time_format_full => "h:mm:ss a zzzz", time_format_long => "h:mm:ss a z", time_format_medium => "h:mm:ss a", time_format_short => "h:mm a", variant => undef, version => 38, }
[ "Artistic-2.0" ]
[ "Artistic-2.0" ]
[ "Artistic-2.0" ]
#!./perl BEGIN { unshift @INC, 'lib'; require 'test.pl'; } $| = 1; use warnings; use Config; plan tests => 3; # this is essentially the same as a test on a lexical filehandle in # t/io/open.t, but done in a separate test process against a standard # filehandle # check that we can call methods on filehandles auto-magically # and have IO::File loaded for us { is( $INC{'IO/File.pm'}, undef, "IO::File not loaded" ); ok( eval { STDOUT->autoflush(1); 1 }, 'STDOUT->autoflush(1) lives' ); ok( $INC{'IO/File.pm'}, "IO::File now loaded" ); }
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
#!/usr/bin/perl # Obeyed env variables: # OXI_TEST_ONLY (Str: comma separated list of tests dirs/files) # OXI_TEST_ALL (Bool: 1 = run all tests) # OXI_TEST_COVERAGE (Bool: 1 = only run coverage tests) # OXI_TEST_GITREPO (Str: Git repository) # OXI_TEST_GITBRANCH (Str: Git branch, default branch if not specified) use strict; use warnings; # Core modules use Cwd qw( realpath ); use File::Copy; use File::Path qw( make_path ); use File::Temp qw( tempdir ); use FindBin qw( $Bin ); use Getopt::Long; use IPC::Open3 qw( open3 ); use List::Util qw( sum ); use Pod::Usage; use POSIX ":sys_wait_h"; use Symbol qw( gensym ); # # Configuration # my $clone_dir = "/opt/openxpki"; my $config_dir = $ENV{'OXI_TEST_SAMPLECONFIG_DIR'} || die "OXI_TEST_SAMPLECONFIG_DIR is not set"; # Exit handler - run bash on errors to allow inspection of log files # sub _exit { my ($start_bash, $code, $msg) = @_; if ($start_bash) { print STDERR "\n==========[ ERROR ]==========\n"; print STDERR "$msg\n" if $msg; print STDERR "You may now inspect the log files below /var/log/openxpki/\n"; print STDERR "To finally stop the Docker container type 'exit'.\n\n"; system "/bin/bash", "-l"; } else { print STDERR "\n$msg\n\n" if $msg; } exit $code; } sub _failure { my ($die_on_error, $code, $msg) = @_; return $code unless $die_on_error; my $start_bash = not $ENV{OXI_TEST_NONINTERACTIVE}; _exit $start_bash, $code, $msg; } sub _stop { my ($code, $msg) = @_; _exit 0, $code, $msg; } # $mode: # code - hide output and return exit code # capture - hide output and return it as string instead, exit on errors # show - show output and return nothing, exit on errors sub execute { my ($mode, $args, $tolerate_errors) = @_; $args = [ split /\s+/, $args ] unless ref $args eq "ARRAY"; my $output = ($mode eq "show") ? ">&STDOUT" : gensym; # gensym = filehandle # execute command and wait for it to finish my $pid = open3(0, $output, 0, @$args); waitpid($pid, 0); my $die_on_error = not ($mode eq "code" or $tolerate_errors); my $output_str = ref $output eq "GLOB" ? do { local $/; <$output> } : ""; return _failure($die_on_error, -1) if $? == -1; # execute failed: error message was already shown by system() return _failure(!$tolerate_errors, $? & 127, sprintf( "'%s' died with signal %d: %s", $args->[0], ($? & 127), $output_str )) if ($? & 127); return _failure($die_on_error, $? >> 8, sprintf( "'%s' exited with code %d: %s", $args->[0], $? >> 8, $output_str )) if ($? >> 8); return if $mode eq "show"; return $output_str if $mode eq "capture"; return 0; } sub git_checkout { my ($env_repo, $branch, $commit, $target) = @_; my $repo = $ENV{$env_repo}; _stop 100, "Please specify either a remote or local Git repo:\ndocker run -e $env_repo=https://...\ndocker run -e $env_repo=/repo -v /my/host/path:/repo ..." if $repo !~ m{ \A ( / | (https?|ssh):// ) }msx; my $is_local = not $repo =~ / \A (https?|ssh): /msx; # local repo from host (if Docker volume is mounted) if ($is_local) { # stop unless $repo is a mountpoint (= device number differs from parent dir) _stop 101, "Path specified in $env_repo is not a mountpoint" unless (-d $repo and (stat $repo)[0] != (stat "/")[0]); $repo = "file://$repo"; } my $code = execute code => [ "git", "ls-remote", "-h", $repo ]; _stop 103, "Repo $repo either does not exist or is not readable" if $code; # # Clone repository # print "- Cloning repo into $target ... "; my @branch_spec = $branch ? "--branch=$branch" : (); my @restrict_depth = $commit ? () : ("--depth=1"); execute capture => [ "git", "clone", @restrict_depth, @branch_spec, $repo, $target ]; if ($commit) { print "Checking out given commit... "; chdir $target; execute capture => [ "git", "checkout", $commit ]; } print "\n"; # # Informations # printf " Repo: %s%s\n", $ENV{$env_repo}, $is_local ? " (local)" : ""; printf " Branch: %s\n", $branch // "(default)"; printf " Commit: %s\n", $commit // "HEAD"; # last commit's message chdir $target; my $logmsg = execute capture => [ "git", "log", "--format=%B", "-n" => 1, $commit // "HEAD", ]; $logmsg =~ s/\R$//gm; # remove trailing newline ($logmsg) = split /\R/, $logmsg; # only print first line printf " » %s «\n", $logmsg; return $is_local; } sub git_is_based_on { my ($code_dir, $branch) = @_; my $temp_coderepo = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); # get commit id of $branch in official repo `git clone --quiet --depth=1 --branch=$branch https://github.com/openxpki/openxpki.git $temp_coderepo`; chdir $temp_coderepo; my $commit_id_develop=`git rev-parse HEAD`; chdir $code_dir; my $exit_code = execute code => [ 'git', 'merge-base', '--is-ancestor', $commit_id_develop, 'HEAD' ]; # exit codes: 1 = develop is no ancestor of HEAD, 128 = commit ID not found return ($exit_code == 0); } my $mode = "all"; # default mode $mode = "all" if $ENV{OXI_TEST_ALL}; $mode = "coverage" if $ENV{OXI_TEST_COVERAGE}; my @test_only = split ",", $ENV{OXI_TEST_ONLY}; $mode = "selected" if scalar @test_only; my @tests_unit; my @tests_qa; if ($mode eq "all") { @tests_unit = "t/"; @tests_qa = qw( qatest/backend/api2 qatest/backend/webui qatest/client ); } elsif ($mode eq "selected") { @tests_unit = grep { /^t\// } map { my $t = $_; $t =~ s/ ^ core\/server\/ //x; $t } @test_only; @tests_qa = grep { /^qatest\// } @test_only; } # # Test arguments and repository # print "\n####[ Run tests in Docker container ]####\n"; # # Code repository # print "\nCode source:\n"; my $local_repo = git_checkout('OXI_TEST_GITREPO', $ENV{OXI_TEST_GITBRANCH}, $ENV{OXI_TEST_GITCOMMIT}, $clone_dir); _stop 104, "Code coverage tests only work with local repo" if ($mode eq "coverage" and not $local_repo); # # Config repository # print "\nConfiguration source:\n"; my $config_gitbranch = $ENV{OXI_TEST_CONFIG_GITBRANCH}; # auto-set config branch to develop if code is based on develop if (not $config_gitbranch) { print "- no Git branch specified\n"; print " - checking if code is based on Github branch 'develop': "; if (git_is_based_on($clone_dir, 'community')) { print "yes\n"; $config_gitbranch = 'community'; } else { print "no\n"; print " - checking if code is based on Github branch 'master': "; if (git_is_based_on($clone_dir, 'develop')) { print "yes\n"; $config_gitbranch = 'develop'; } else { print "no\n"; print " --> assuming private repo based on 'community'\n"; $config_gitbranch = 'community'; } } } git_checkout('OXI_TEST_CONFIG_GITREPO', $config_gitbranch, $ENV{OXI_TEST_CONFIG_GITCOMMIT}, $config_dir); # # List selected tests # print "\n"; my $msg = $mode eq "all" ? " all tests" : ($mode eq "coverage" ? " code coverage" : " selected tests:"); print `figlet '$msg'`; printf " - $_\n" for @test_only; # # Grab and install Perl module dependencies from Makefile.PL using PPI # print "\n====[ Scanning Makefile.PL for new Perl dependencies ]====\n"; my $cpanfile = execute capture => "/tools-copy/scripts/makefile2cpanfile.pl $clone_dir/core/server/Makefile.PL"; open my $fh, ">", "$clone_dir/cpanfile"; print $fh $cpanfile; close $fh; execute show => "cpanm --quiet --notest --installdeps $clone_dir"; # # Database setup # print "\n====[ MySQL ]====\n"; my $dummy = gensym; my $pid = open3(0, $dummy, 0, qw(sh -c /usr/sbin/mysqld) ); execute show => "/tools-copy/testenv/mysql-wait-for-db.sh"; execute show => "/tools-copy/testenv/mysql-create-user.sh"; # if there are only qatests, we create the database later on if ($mode eq "coverage" or scalar @tests_unit) { execute show => "/tools-copy/testenv/mysql-create-db.sh"; execute show => "/tools-copy/testenv/mysql-create-schema.sh"; } # # OpenXPKI compilation # print "\n====[ Compile OpenXPKI ]====\n"; ## Config::Versioned reads USER env variable #export USER=dummy chdir "$clone_dir/core/server"; `perl Makefile.PL`; `make`; # # Test coverage # if ($mode eq "coverage") { print "\n====[ Testing the code coverage (this will take a while) ]====\n"; execute show => "cover -test"; my $cover_src = "$clone_dir/core/server/cover_db"; use DateTime; my $dirname = "code-coverage-".(DateTime->now->strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S')); my $cover_target = sprintf "/%s/%s", $ENV{OXI_TEST_GITREPO}, $dirname; if (-d $cover_src) { system "mv", $cover_src, $cover_target; if (-d $cover_target) { `chmod -R g+w,o+w "$cover_target"`; print "\nCode coverage results available in project root dir:\n$dirname\n"; } else { print "\nError: code coverage results could not be moved to host dir $cover_target:\n$!\n" } } else { print "\nError: code coverage results where not found\n($cover_src does not exist)\n" } exit; } # # Unit tests # if (scalar @tests_unit) { print "\n====[ Testing: unit tests ]====\n"; execute show => "prove -I ./t/lib -b -r -q $_" for @tests_unit; } exit unless scalar @tests_qa; # # OpenXPKI installation # print "\n====[ Install OpenXPKI ]====\n"; print "Copying files\n"; `make install`; # directory list borrowed from /package/debian/core/libopenxpki-perl.dirs make_path "/var/openxpki/session", "/var/log/openxpki"; # copy config `mkdir -p /etc/openxpki && cp -R $config_dir/* /etc/openxpki`; # customize config use File::Slurp qw( edit_file ); edit_file { s/ ^ ( (user|group): \s+ ) \w+ /$1root/gmsx } "/etc/openxpki/config.d/system/server.yaml"; execute show => "/tools-copy/testenv/mysql-oxi-config.sh"; # # Database (re-)creation # execute show => "/tools-copy/testenv/mysql-create-db.sh"; execute show => "/tools-copy/testenv/mysql-create-schema.sh"; # # Start OpenXPKI and insert test certificates # `mkdir -p /etc/openxpki/local/keys/`; execute show => "/usr/local/bin/openxpkictl start"; execute show => "/tools-copy/testenv/insert-certificates.sh"; # # QA tests # print "\n====[ Testing: QA tests ]====\n"; chdir "$clone_dir/qatest"; my @t = map { my $t = $_; $t =~ s/ ^ qatest\/ //x; $t } @tests_qa; execute show => "prove -I ../core/server/t/lib -I ./lib -l -r -q $_" for @t;
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
package Minesweeper; use strict; use warnings; use Exporter qw<import>; our @EXPORT_OK = qw<annotate>; sub annotate { my ($minefield) = @_; return undef; } 1;
[ "ClArtistic" ]
[ "ClArtistic" ]
[ "ClArtistic" ]
use utf8; package SemanticWeb::Schema::RVPark; # ABSTRACT: A place offering space for "Recreational Vehicles" use Moo; extends qw/ SemanticWeb::Schema::CivicStructure /; use MooX::JSON_LD 'RVPark'; use Ref::Util qw/ is_plain_hashref /; # RECOMMEND PREREQ: Ref::Util::XS use namespace::autoclean; our $VERSION = 'v14.0.1'; =encoding utf8 =head1 DESCRIPTION A place offering space for "Recreational Vehicles", Caravans, mobile homes and the like. =cut =head1 SEE ALSO L<SemanticWeb::Schema::CivicStructure> =cut 1;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
{ am_pm_abbreviated => [ "AM", "PM", ], available_formats => { Bh => "h B", Bhm => "h:mm B", Bhms => "h:mm:ss B", E => "ccc", EBhm => "E h:mm B", EBhms => "E h:mm:ss B", EHm => "E, HH:mm", EHms => "E, HH:mm:ss", Ed => "E, d", Ehm => "E, h:mm a", Ehms => "E, h:mm:ss a", Gy => "y G", GyMMM => "MMM 'de' y G", GyMMMEd => "E, d 'de' MMM 'de' y G", GyMMMd => "d 'de' MMM 'de' y G", H => "HH", Hm => "HH:mm", Hms => "HH:mm:ss", Hmsv => "HH:mm:ss v", Hmv => "HH:mm v", M => "L", MEd => "E, dd/MM", MMM => "LLL", MMMEd => "E, d 'de' MMM", MMMMEd => "E, d 'de' MMMM", "MMMMW-count-one" => "W'\N{U+00aa}' 'semana' 'de' MMMM", "MMMMW-count-other" => "W'\N{U+00aa}' 'semana' 'de' MMMM", MMMMd => "d 'de' MMMM", MMMd => "d 'de' MMM", MMdd => "dd/MM", Md => "d/M", d => "d", h => "h a", hm => "h:mm a", hms => "h:mm:ss a", hmsv => "h:mm:ss a v", hmv => "h:mm a v", ms => "mm:ss", y => "y", yM => "MM/y", yMEd => "E, dd/MM/y", yMM => "MM/y", yMMM => "MMM 'de' y", yMMMEd => "E, d 'de' MMM 'de' y", yMMMM => "MMMM 'de' y", yMMMMEd => "E, d 'de' MMMM 'de' y", yMMMMd => "d 'de' MMMM 'de' y", yMMMd => "d 'de' MMM 'de' y", yMd => "dd/MM/y", yQQQ => "QQQ 'de' y", yQQQQ => "QQQQ 'de' y", "yw-count-one" => "w'\N{U+00aa}' 'semana' 'de' Y", "yw-count-other" => "w'\N{U+00aa}' 'semana' 'de' Y", }, code => "pt", date_format_full => "EEEE, d 'de' MMMM 'de' y", date_format_long => "d 'de' MMMM 'de' y", date_format_medium => "d 'de' MMM 'de' y", date_format_short => "dd/MM/y", datetime_format_full => "{1} {0}", datetime_format_long => "{1} {0}", datetime_format_medium => "{1} {0}", datetime_format_short => "{1} {0}", day_format_abbreviated => [ "seg.", "ter.", "qua.", "qui.", "sex.", "s\N{U+00e1}b.", "dom.", ], day_format_narrow => [ "S", "T", "Q", "Q", "S", "S", "D", ], day_format_wide => [ "segunda-feira", "ter\N{U+00e7}a-feira", "quarta-feira", "quinta-feira", "sexta-feira", "s\N{U+00e1}bado", "domingo", ], day_stand_alone_abbreviated => [ "seg.", "ter.", "qua.", "qui.", "sex.", "s\N{U+00e1}b.", "dom.", ], day_stand_alone_narrow => [ "S", "T", "Q", "Q", "S", "S", "D", ], day_stand_alone_wide => [ "segunda-feira", "ter\N{U+00e7}a-feira", "quarta-feira", "quinta-feira", "sexta-feira", "s\N{U+00e1}bado", "domingo", ], era_abbreviated => [ "a.C.", "d.C.", ], era_narrow => [ "a.C.", "d.C.", ], era_wide => [ "antes de Cristo", "depois de Cristo", ], first_day_of_week => 1, glibc_date_1_format => "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y", glibc_date_format => "%m/%d/%y", glibc_datetime_format => "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y", glibc_time_12_format => "%I:%M:%S %p", glibc_time_format => "%H:%M:%S", language => "Portuguese", month_format_abbreviated => [ "jan.", "fev.", "mar.", "abr.", "mai.", "jun.", "jul.", "ago.", "set.", "out.", "nov.", "dez.", ], month_format_narrow => [ "J", "F", "M", "A", "M", "J", "J", "A", "S", "O", "N", "D", ], month_format_wide => [ "janeiro", "fevereiro", "mar\N{U+00e7}o", "abril", "maio", "junho", "julho", "agosto", "setembro", "outubro", "novembro", "dezembro", ], month_stand_alone_abbreviated => [ "jan.", "fev.", "mar.", "abr.", "mai.", "jun.", "jul.", "ago.", "set.", "out.", "nov.", "dez.", ], month_stand_alone_narrow => [ "J", "F", "M", "A", "M", "J", "J", "A", "S", "O", "N", "D", ], month_stand_alone_wide => [ "janeiro", "fevereiro", "mar\N{U+00e7}o", "abril", "maio", "junho", "julho", "agosto", "setembro", "outubro", "novembro", "dezembro", ], name => "Portuguese", native_language => "portugu\N{U+00ea}s", native_name => "portugu\N{U+00ea}s", native_script => undef, native_territory => undef, native_variant => undef, quarter_format_abbreviated => [ "T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", ], quarter_format_narrow => [ 1, 2, 3, 4, ], quarter_format_wide => [ "1\N{U+00ba} trimestre", "2\N{U+00ba} trimestre", "3\N{U+00ba} trimestre", "4\N{U+00ba} trimestre", ], quarter_stand_alone_abbreviated => [ "T1", "T2", "T3", "T4", ], quarter_stand_alone_narrow => [ 1, 2, 3, 4, ], quarter_stand_alone_wide => [ "1\N{U+00ba} trimestre", "2\N{U+00ba} trimestre", "3\N{U+00ba} trimestre", "4\N{U+00ba} trimestre", ], script => undef, territory => undef, time_format_full => "HH:mm:ss zzzz", time_format_long => "HH:mm:ss z", time_format_medium => "HH:mm:ss", time_format_short => "HH:mm", variant => undef, version => 37, }
[ "Artistic-1.0-Perl", "ClArtistic" ]
[ "Artistic-1.0-Perl", "ClArtistic" ]
[ "Artistic-1.0-Perl", "ClArtistic" ]
package IPC::Transit::Internal; use strict;use warnings; use IPC::SysV; use IPC::Msg; use POSIX; use vars qw( $config ); { my $queue_cache = {}; sub _initialize_queue { my %args = @_; my $qid = _get_queue_id(%args); if(not $queue_cache->{$qid}) { $queue_cache->{$qid} = IPC::Msg->new($qid, _get_flags('create_ipc')) or die "failed to _initialize_queue: failed to create queue_id $qid: $!\n"; } return $queue_cache->{$qid}; } sub _remove { my %args = @_; my $qname = $args{qname}; my $qid = _get_queue_id(%args); $queue_cache->{$qid}->remove if $queue_cache->{$qid}; unlink _get_transit_config_dir() . "/$qname"; } sub _stat { my %args = @_; my $qid = _get_queue_id(%args); _initialize_queue(%args); my @heads = qw(uid gid cuid cgid mode qnum qbytes lspid lrpid stime rtime ctime); my $ret = {}; my @items = @{$queue_cache->{$qid}->stat}; foreach my $item (@items) { $ret->{shift @heads} = $item; } $ret->{qname} = $args{qname}; $ret->{qid} = $qid; return $ret; } } sub _drop_all_queues { foreach my $qname (keys %{$config->{queues}}) { _remove(qname => $qname); } } sub _stats { my $ret = []; _gather_queue_info(); foreach my $queue_name (keys %{$config->{queues}}) { push @$ret, IPC::Transit::stat(qname => $queue_name); } return $ret; } sub _get_transit_config_dir { my $dir = $IPC::Transit::config_dir || '/tmp/ipc_transit/'; return $dir; } sub _lock_config_dir { my $lock_file = _get_transit_config_dir() . '/.lock'; my ($have_lock, $fh); for (1..2) { if(sysopen($fh, $lock_file, _get_flags('exclusive_lock'))) { $have_lock = 1; last; } sleep 1; } if(not $have_lock) { _unlock_config_dir(); sysopen($fh, $lock_file, _get_flags('exclusive_lock')); } #we have the advisory lock for sure now } sub _unlock_config_dir { my $lock_file = _get_transit_config_dir() . '/.lock'; unlink $lock_file or die "_unlock_config_dir: failed to unlink $lock_file: $!"; } sub _gather_queue_info { _mk_queue_dir(); $config->{queues} = {} unless $config->{queues}; foreach my $filename (glob _get_transit_config_dir() . '/*') { my $info = {}; open my $fh, '<', $filename or die "IPC::Transit::Internal::_gather_queue_info: failed to open $filename for reading: $!"; while(my $line = <$fh>) { chomp $line; my ($key, $value) = split '=', $line; $info->{$key} = $value; } die 'required key "qid" not found' unless $info->{qid}; die 'required key "qname" not found' unless $info->{qname}; $config->{queues}->{$info->{qname}} = $info; } } sub _queue_exists { my $qname = shift; _mk_queue_dir(); return $config->{queues}->{$qname}; } sub _get_queue_id { my %args = @_; _mk_queue_dir(); my $qname = $args{qname}; #return it if we have it return $config->{queues}->{$qname}->{qid} if $config->{queues} and $config->{queues}->{$qname}; #we don't have it; let's load it and try again _gather_queue_info(); return $config->{queues}->{$qname}->{qid} if $config->{queues} and $config->{queues}->{$qname}; #we still don't have it; get a lock, load it, try again, ane make #it if necessary _lock_config_dir(); eval { #now re-load the config _gather_queue_info(); #if we now have it, unlock and return it if($config->{queues} and $config->{queues}->{$qname}) { _unlock_config_dir(); return $config->{queues}->{$qname}->{qid}; } #otherwise, we need to make one { my $file = _get_transit_config_dir() . "/$qname"; open my $fh, '>', $file or die "IPC::Transit::Internal::_get_queue_id: failed to open $file for writing: $!"; my $new_qid = IPC::SysV::ftok($file, 1); print $fh "qid=$new_qid\n"; print $fh "qname=$qname\n"; close $fh; } _unlock_config_dir(); }; if($@) { _unlock_config_dir(); } _gather_queue_info(); return $config->{queues}->{$qname}->{qid}; } sub _mk_queue_dir { mkdir _get_transit_config_dir(), 0777 unless -d _get_transit_config_dir(); } #gnarly looking UNIX goop hidden below { my $flags = { create_ipc => IPC::SysV::S_IRUSR() | IPC::SysV::S_IWUSR() | IPC::SysV::S_IRGRP() | IPC::SysV::S_IWGRP() | IPC::SysV::S_IROTH() | IPC::SysV::S_IWOTH() | IPC::SysV::IPC_CREAT(), nowait => IPC::SysV::IPC_NOWAIT(), exclusive_lock => POSIX::O_RDWR() | POSIX::O_CREAT() | POSIX::O_EXCL(), nonblock => POSIX::O_NONBLOCK(), }; sub _get_flags { my $name = shift; return $flags->{$name}; } } 1;
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
/* --- Copyright University of Sussex 1993. All rights reserved. ---------- > File: C.x/x/pop/auto/popc_declare.ph > Purpose: Identifier declarations for POPC in this directory > Author: John Gibson, Mar 13 1993 */ uses-now popxlib; library_declare_section '$usepop/pop/x/pop/auto/' section; weak global constant macro ( XtN, ); weak global constant procedure ( XpmImportString, XptAncestors, XptArgList, XptBusyCursor, XptBusyCursorFeedback, XptCheckArgList, XptCheckDisplayPtr, XptCheckInt, XptCheckProcedure, XptCheckString, XptCheckUnsignedInt, XptCheckWidget, XptCheckWidgetClass, XptChildren, XptCoerceSaveString, XptCursorPlaneOn, XptDoesBackingStore, XptGarbageCursor, XptGeometrySpec, XptImportAny, XptImportCacheRef, XptImportKeySymTable, XptImportScreenPtr, XptImportWindow, XptImportXEventPtr, XptImportXrmDatabase, XptIsLiveType, XptIsType, XptIsValidCallback, XptLiveTypeCheck, XptNewCursorPlaneCursor, XptParseGeometry, XptPopImportProcedure, XptPopValue, XptResourceInfo, XptShellOfObject, XptSpecifyResourceInfo, XptSyncDisplay, XptTypeCheck, XptWMShellCoords, XptWidgetCoords, XptWidgetTree, XtDisplay, XtNLookup, fast_XptWidgetOfObject, fast_XtDisplayOfObject, fast_XtFree, fast_XtIsSubclass, fast_XtIsWidget, $-Xpt$-ConsAccess, $-Xpt$-ConstraintResources, $-Xpt$-Get_class_resources, $-Xpt$-Get_resource_struct, $-Xpt$-PopValueTypes, $-Xpt$-WidgetResources, ); /* Next declaration necessary only for access/conversion procedures, and other procedures on which top-level closures are created. */ declare_updater XpmImportString, XptImportAny, XptImportCacheRef, XptImportKeySymTable, XptImportScreenPtr, XptImportWindow, XptImportXEventPtr, XptImportXrmDatabase, ; weak global constant xtApplicationShellWidget, xtCoreWidget, $-Xpt$-RES_NOT_SET, ; weak global vars procedure ( XptBusyCursorChangeTrap, ); endsection; end_library_declare_section; #_INCLUDE '../lib/popc_declare.ph'
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# Generated by default/object.tt package Paws::CostExplorer::SavingsPlansCoverageData; use Moose; has CoveragePercentage => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str'); has OnDemandCost => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str'); has SpendCoveredBySavingsPlans => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str'); has TotalCost => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str'); 1; ### main pod documentation begin ### =head1 NAME Paws::CostExplorer::SavingsPlansCoverageData =head1 USAGE This class represents one of two things: =head3 Arguments in a call to a service Use the attributes of this class as arguments to methods. You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the calls that expect this type of object. As an example, if Att1 is expected to be a Paws::CostExplorer::SavingsPlansCoverageData object: $service_obj->Method(Att1 => { CoveragePercentage => $value, ..., TotalCost => $value }); =head3 Results returned from an API call Use accessors for each attribute. If Att1 is expected to be an Paws::CostExplorer::SavingsPlansCoverageData object: $result = $service_obj->Method(...); $result->Att1->CoveragePercentage =head1 DESCRIPTION Specific coverage percentage, On-Demand costs, and spend covered by Savings Plans, and total Savings Plans costs for an account. =head1 ATTRIBUTES =head2 CoveragePercentage => Str The percentage of your existing Savings Plans covered usage, divided by all of your eligible Savings Plans usage in an account(or set of accounts). =head2 OnDemandCost => Str The cost of your AWS usage at the public On-Demand rate. =head2 SpendCoveredBySavingsPlans => Str The amount of your AWS usage that is covered by a Savings Plans. =head2 TotalCost => Str The total cost of your AWS usage, regardless of your purchase option. =head1 SEE ALSO This class forms part of L<Paws>, describing an object used in L<Paws::CostExplorer> =head1 BUGS and CONTRIBUTIONS The source code is located here: L<https://github.com/pplu/aws-sdk-perl> Please report bugs to: L<https://github.com/pplu/aws-sdk-perl/issues> =cut
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# # Copyright 2021 Centreon (http://www.centreon.com/) # # Centreon is a full-fledged industry-strength solution that meets # the needs in IT infrastructure and application monitoring for # service performance. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # package cloud::azure::storage::storageaccount::mode::health; use base qw(cloud::azure::management::monitor::mode::health); use strict; use warnings; sub check_options { my ($self, %options) = @_; $self->SUPER::check_options(%options); $self->{az_resource_namespace} = 'Microsoft.Storage'; $self->{az_resource_type} = 'storageAccounts'; } 1; __END__ =head1 MODE Check Storage Account health status. (Usefull to determine host status) =over 8 =item B<--resource> Set resource name or id (Required). =item B<--resource-group> Set resource group (Required if resource's name is used). =item B<--warning-status> Set warning threshold for status (Default: ''). Can used special variables like: %{status}, %{summary} =item B<--critical-status> Set critical threshold for status (Default: '%{status} =~ /^Unavailable$/'). Can used special variables like: %{status}, %{summary} =item B<--unknown-status> Set unknown threshold for status (Default: '%{status} =~ /^Unknown$/'). Can used special variables like: %{status}, %{summary} =item B<--ok-status> Set ok threshold for status (Default: '%{status} =~ /^Available$/'). Can used special variables like: %{status}, %{summary} =back =cut
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
#! /usr/bin/perl -w # MD5: bbe1ccae72895f2e22791ea049aba410 # TEST: ./rwsetcat --cidr ../../tests/set1-v4.set | ./rwsetbuild | ./rwsetcat --cidr use strict; use SiLKTests; my $rwsetbuild = check_silk_app('rwsetbuild'); my $rwsetcat = check_silk_app('rwsetcat'); my %file; $file{v4set1} = get_data_or_exit77('v4set1'); my $cmd = "$rwsetcat --cidr $file{v4set1} | $rwsetbuild | $rwsetcat --cidr"; my $md5 = "bbe1ccae72895f2e22791ea049aba410"; check_md5_output($md5, $cmd);
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
#!/usr/bin/env perl # Copyright 2017 Elasticsearch Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. use strict; my $command = "mk_audit_syscalls.pl ". join(' ', @ARGV); sub fmt { my ($num, $name) = @_; print "\t\t$num: \"$name\",\n"; } my $base_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linux-audit/audit-userspace/4d933301b1835cafa08b9e9ef705c8fb6c96cb62/lib"; my @tables = ( "aarch64", "arm", "i386", "ia64", "ppc", "s390", "s390x", "x86_64", ); sub downloadTable { my ($arch) = @_; `curl -s -O ${base_url}/${arch}_table.h`; } sub readTable { my ($file) = @_; # Read syscall number to name mapping. open(FILE, $file); my %num_to_name; while(<FILE>){ # Example: _S(14, "rt_sigprocmask") if(/^_S\((\d+),\s+"(\w+)"/){ $num_to_name{$1} = $2; } } close FILE; return %num_to_name; } print <<EOF; // Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor // license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with // this work for additional information regarding copyright // ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under // the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may // not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, // software distributed under the License is distributed on an // "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY // KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the // specific language governing permissions and limitations // under the License. // Code generated by $command - DO NOT EDIT. package auparse // AuditSyscalls is a mapping of arch names to tables of syscall numbers to names. // For example, x86_64 -> 165 = "mount". var AuditSyscalls = map[string]map[int]string{ EOF foreach my $arch (sort @tables) { downloadTable $arch; my %num_to_name = readTable("${arch}_table.h"); print "\t\"${arch}\": map[int]string{\n"; foreach my $syscall (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %num_to_name) { my $name = $num_to_name{$syscall}; fmt($syscall, $name); } print "\t},\n"; } print <<EOF; } func init() { // Add "aliases" to ppc for ppc64 and ppc64le. They share the same tables. ppcTable, found := AuditSyscalls["ppc"] if !found { panic("missing ppc syscall table") } AuditSyscalls["ppc64"] = ppcTable AuditSyscalls["ppc64le"] = ppcTable } EOF
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % This file is part of VivoMind Prolog Unicode Resources % % VivoMind Prolog Unicode Resources is free software distributed using the % Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) - Public Domain Dedication % license % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Last modified: March 15, 2012 % % Original Unicode file header comments follow /* # PropList-6.1.0.txt # Date: 2011-11-30, 01:49:54 GMT [MD] # # Unicode Character Database # Copyright (c) 1991-2011 Unicode, Inc. # For terms of use, see http://www.unicode.org/terms_of_use.html # For documentation, see http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr44/ */ unicode_other_lowercase(CodePoint) :- ( var(CodePoint) -> % generate code point pairs unicode_other_lowercase(CodePointStart, CodePointEnd), between(CodePointStart, CodePointEnd, CodePoint) ; % try first-argument indexing first unicode_other_lowercase(CodePoint, _) -> true ; % look for a code point range that includes the given code point unicode_other_lowercase(CodePointStart, CodePointEnd), between(CodePointStart, CodePointEnd, CodePoint) -> true ). % ================================================ unicode_other_lowercase(0x00AA, 0x00AA). % Other_Lowercase # Lo FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR unicode_other_lowercase(0x00BA, 0x00BA). % Other_Lowercase # Lo MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR unicode_other_lowercase(0x02B0, 0x02B8). % Other_Lowercase # Lm [9] MODIFIER LETTER SMALL H..MODIFIER LETTER SMALL Y unicode_other_lowercase(0x02C0, 0x02C1). % Other_Lowercase # Lm [2] MODIFIER LETTER GLOTTAL STOP..MODIFIER LETTER REVERSED GLOTTAL STOP unicode_other_lowercase(0x02E0, 0x02E4). % Other_Lowercase # Lm [5] MODIFIER LETTER SMALL GAMMA..MODIFIER LETTER SMALL REVERSED GLOTTAL STOP unicode_other_lowercase(0x0345, 0x0345). % Other_Lowercase # Mn COMBINING GREEK YPOGEGRAMMENI unicode_other_lowercase(0x037A, 0x037A). % Other_Lowercase # Lm GREEK YPOGEGRAMMENI unicode_other_lowercase(0x1D2C, 0x1D6A). % Other_Lowercase # Lm [63] MODIFIER LETTER CAPITAL A..GREEK SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER CHI unicode_other_lowercase(0x1D78, 0x1D78). % Other_Lowercase # Lm MODIFIER LETTER CYRILLIC EN unicode_other_lowercase(0x1D9B, 0x1DBF). % Other_Lowercase # Lm [37] MODIFIER LETTER SMALL TURNED ALPHA..MODIFIER LETTER SMALL THETA unicode_other_lowercase(0x2071, 0x2071). % Other_Lowercase # Lm SUPERSCRIPT LATIN SMALL LETTER I unicode_other_lowercase(0x207F, 0x207F). % Other_Lowercase # Lm SUPERSCRIPT LATIN SMALL LETTER N unicode_other_lowercase(0x2090, 0x209C). % Other_Lowercase # Lm [13] LATIN SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER A..LATIN SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER T unicode_other_lowercase(0x2170, 0x217F). % Other_Lowercase # Nl [16] SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE..SMALL ROMAN NUMERAL ONE THOUSAND unicode_other_lowercase(0x24D0, 0x24E9). % Other_Lowercase # So [26] CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER A..CIRCLED LATIN SMALL LETTER Z unicode_other_lowercase(0x2C7C, 0x2C7D). % Other_Lowercase # Lm [2] LATIN SUBSCRIPT SMALL LETTER J..MODIFIER LETTER CAPITAL V unicode_other_lowercase(0xA770, 0xA770). % Other_Lowercase # Lm MODIFIER LETTER US unicode_other_lowercase(0xA7F8, 0xA7F9). % Other_Lowercase # Lm [2] MODIFIER LETTER CAPITAL H WITH STROKE..MODIFIER LETTER SMALL LIGATURE OE % Total code points: 183
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w print "hello world\n";
[ "Apache-1.1" ]
[ "Apache-1.1" ]
[ "Apache-1.1" ]
#!/usr/local/bin/perl use Config; use File::Basename qw(&basename &dirname); use Cwd; # List explicitly here the variables you want Configure to # generate. Metaconfig only looks for shell variables, so you # have to mention them as if they were shell variables, not # %Config entries. Thus you write # $startperl # to ensure Configure will look for $Config{startperl}. # This forces PL files to create target in same directory as PL file. # This is so that make depend always knows where to find PL derivatives. my $origdir = cwd; chdir dirname($0); my $file = basename($0, '.PL'); $file .= '.com' if $^O eq 'VMS'; open OUT,">$file" or die "Can't create $file: $!"; print "Extracting $file (with variable substitutions)\n"; # In this section, perl variables will be expanded during extraction. # You can use $Config{...} to use Configure variables. print OUT <<"!GROK!THIS!"; $Config{startperl} eval 'exec $Config{perlpath} -S \$0 \${1+"\$@"}' if \$running_under_some_shell; !GROK!THIS! # In the following, perl variables are not expanded during extraction. print OUT <<'!NO!SUBS!'; =head1 NAME h2xs - convert .h C header files to Perl extensions =head1 SYNOPSIS B<h2xs> [B<-ACOPXacdfkmx>] [B<-F> addflags] [B<-M> fmask] [B<-n> module_name] [B<-o> tmask] [B<-p> prefix] [B<-s> subs] [B<-v> version] [headerfile ... [extra_libraries]] B<h2xs> B<-h> =head1 DESCRIPTION I<h2xs> builds a Perl extension from C header files. The extension will include functions which can be used to retrieve the value of any #define statement which was in the C header files. The I<module_name> will be used for the name of the extension. If module_name is not supplied then the name of the first header file will be used, with the first character capitalized. If the extension might need extra libraries, they should be included here. The extension Makefile.PL will take care of checking whether the libraries actually exist and how they should be loaded. The extra libraries should be specified in the form -lm -lposix, etc, just as on the cc command line. By default, the Makefile.PL will search through the library path determined by Configure. That path can be augmented by including arguments of the form B<-L/another/library/path> in the extra-libraries argument. =head1 OPTIONS =over 5 =item B<-A> Omit all autoload facilities. This is the same as B<-c> but also removes the S<C<use AutoLoader>> statement from the .pm file. =item B<-C> Omits creation of the F<Changes> file, and adds a HISTORY section to the POD template. =item B<-F> I<addflags> Additional flags to specify to C preprocessor when scanning header for function declarations. Should not be used without B<-x>. =item B<-M> I<regular expression> selects functions/macros to process. =item B<-O> Allows a pre-existing extension directory to be overwritten. =item B<-P> Omit the autogenerated stub POD section. =item B<-X> Omit the XS portion. Used to generate templates for a module which is not XS-based. C<-c> and C<-f> are implicitly enabled. =item B<-a> Generate an accessor method for each element of structs and unions. The generated methods are named after the element name; will return the current value of the element if called without additional arguments; and will set the element to the supplied value (and return the new value) if called with an additional argument. Embedded structures and unions are returned as a pointer rather than the complete structure, to facilitate chained calls. These methods all apply to the Ptr type for the structure; additionally two methods are constructed for the structure type itself, C<_to_ptr> which returns a Ptr type pointing to the same structure, and a C<new> method to construct and return a new structure, initialised to zeroes. =item B<-c> Omit C<constant()> from the .xs file and corresponding specialised C<AUTOLOAD> from the .pm file. =item B<-d> Turn on debugging messages. =item B<-f> Allows an extension to be created for a header even if that header is not found in standard include directories. =item B<-h> Print the usage, help and version for this h2xs and exit. =item B<-k> For function arguments declared as C<const>, omit the const attribute in the generated XS code. =item B<-m> B<Experimental>: for each variable declared in the header file(s), declare a perl variable of the same name magically tied to the C variable. =item B<-n> I<module_name> Specifies a name to be used for the extension, e.g., S<-n RPC::DCE> =item B<-o> I<regular expression> Use "opaque" data type for the C types matched by the regular expression, even if these types are C<typedef>-equivalent to types from typemaps. Should not be used without B<-x>. This may be useful since, say, types which are C<typedef>-equivalent to integers may represent OS-related handles, and one may want to work with these handles in OO-way, as in C<$handle-E<gt>do_something()>. Use C<-o .> if you want to handle all the C<typedef>ed types as opaque types. The type-to-match is whitewashed (except for commas, which have no whitespace before them, and multiple C<*> which have no whitespace between them). =item B<-p> I<prefix> Specify a prefix which should be removed from the Perl function names, e.g., S<-p sec_rgy_> This sets up the XS B<PREFIX> keyword and removes the prefix from functions that are autoloaded via the C<constant()> mechanism. =item B<-s> I<sub1,sub2> Create a perl subroutine for the specified macros rather than autoload with the constant() subroutine. These macros are assumed to have a return type of B<char *>, e.g., S<-s sec_rgy_wildcard_name,sec_rgy_wildcard_sid>. =item B<-v> I<version> Specify a version number for this extension. This version number is added to the templates. The default is 0.01. =item B<-x> Automatically generate XSUBs basing on function declarations in the header file. The package C<C::Scan> should be installed. If this option is specified, the name of the header file may look like C<NAME1,NAME2>. In this case NAME1 is used instead of the specified string, but XSUBs are emitted only for the declarations included from file NAME2. Note that some types of arguments/return-values for functions may result in XSUB-declarations/typemap-entries which need hand-editing. Such may be objects which cannot be converted from/to a pointer (like C<long long>), pointers to functions, or arrays. See also the section on L<LIMITATIONS of B<-x>>. =item B<-b> I<version> Generates a .pm file which is backwards compatible with the specified perl version. For versions < 5.6.0, the changes are. - no use of 'our' (uses 'use vars' instead) - no 'use warnings' Specifying a compatibility version higher than the version of perl you are using to run h2xs will have no effect. =back =head1 EXAMPLES # Default behavior, extension is Rusers h2xs rpcsvc/rusers # Same, but extension is RUSERS h2xs -n RUSERS rpcsvc/rusers # Extension is rpcsvc::rusers. Still finds <rpcsvc/rusers.h> h2xs rpcsvc::rusers # Extension is ONC::RPC. Still finds <rpcsvc/rusers.h> h2xs -n ONC::RPC rpcsvc/rusers # Without constant() or AUTOLOAD h2xs -c rpcsvc/rusers # Creates templates for an extension named RPC h2xs -cfn RPC # Extension is ONC::RPC. h2xs -cfn ONC::RPC # Makefile.PL will look for library -lrpc in # additional directory /opt/net/lib h2xs rpcsvc/rusers -L/opt/net/lib -lrpc # Extension is DCE::rgynbase # prefix "sec_rgy_" is dropped from perl function names h2xs -n DCE::rgynbase -p sec_rgy_ dce/rgynbase # Extension is DCE::rgynbase # prefix "sec_rgy_" is dropped from perl function names # subroutines are created for sec_rgy_wildcard_name and sec_rgy_wildcard_sid h2xs -n DCE::rgynbase -p sec_rgy_ \ -s sec_rgy_wildcard_name,sec_rgy_wildcard_sid dce/rgynbase # Make XS without defines in perl.h, but with function declarations # visible from perl.h. Name of the extension is perl1. # When scanning perl.h, define -DEXT=extern -DdEXT= -DINIT(x)= # Extra backslashes below because the string is passed to shell. # Note that a directory with perl header files would # be added automatically to include path. h2xs -xAn perl1 -F "-DEXT=extern -DdEXT= -DINIT\(x\)=" perl.h # Same with function declaration in proto.h as visible from perl.h. h2xs -xAn perl2 perl.h,proto.h # Same but select only functions which match /^av_/ h2xs -M '^av_' -xAn perl2 perl.h,proto.h # Same but treat SV* etc as "opaque" types h2xs -o '^[S]V \*$' -M '^av_' -xAn perl2 perl.h,proto.h =head2 Extension based on F<.h> and F<.c> files Suppose that you have some C files implementing some functionality, and the corresponding header files. How to create an extension which makes this functionality accessable in Perl? The example below assumes that the header files are F<interface_simple.h> and I<interface_hairy.h>, and you want the perl module be named as C<Ext::Ension>. If you need some preprocessor directives and/or linking with external libraries, see the flags C<-F>, C<-L> and C<-l> in L<"OPTIONS">. =over =item Find the directory name Start with a dummy run of h2xs: h2xs -Afn Ext::Ension The only purpose of this step is to create the needed directories, and let you know the names of these directories. From the output you can see that the directory for the extension is F<Ext/Ension>. =item Copy C files Copy your header files and C files to this directory F<Ext/Ension>. =item Create the extension Run h2xs, overwriting older autogenerated files: h2xs -Oxan Ext::Ension interface_simple.h interface_hairy.h h2xs looks for header files I<after> changing to the extension directory, so it will find your header files OK. =item Archive and test As usual, run cd Ext/Ension perl Makefile.PL make dist make make test =item Hints It is important to do C<make dist> as early as possible. This way you can easily merge(1) your changes to autogenerated files if you decide to edit your C<.h> files and rerun h2xs. Do not forget to edit the documentation in the generated F<.pm> file. Consider the autogenerated files as skeletons only, you may invent better interfaces than what h2xs could guess. Consider this section as a guideline only, some other options of h2xs may better suit your needs. =back =head1 ENVIRONMENT No environment variables are used. =head1 AUTHOR Larry Wall and others =head1 SEE ALSO L<perl>, L<perlxstut>, L<ExtUtils::MakeMaker>, and L<AutoLoader>. =head1 DIAGNOSTICS The usual warnings if it cannot read or write the files involved. =head1 LIMITATIONS of B<-x> F<h2xs> would not distinguish whether an argument to a C function which is of the form, say, C<int *>, is an input, output, or input/output parameter. In particular, argument declarations of the form int foo(n) int *n should be better rewritten as int foo(n) int &n if C<n> is an input parameter. Additionally, F<h2xs> has no facilities to intuit that a function int foo(addr,l) char *addr int l takes a pair of address and length of data at this address, so it is better to rewrite this function as int foo(sv) SV *addr PREINIT: STRLEN len; char *s; CODE: s = SvPV(sv,len); RETVAL = foo(s, len); OUTPUT: RETVAL or alternately static int my_foo(SV *sv) { STRLEN len; char *s = SvPV(sv,len); return foo(s, len); } MODULE = foo PACKAGE = foo PREFIX = my_ int foo(sv) SV *sv See L<perlxs> and L<perlxstut> for additional details. =cut use strict; my( $H2XS_VERSION ) = ' $Revision: 1.21 $ ' =~ /\$Revision:\s+([^\s]+)/; my $TEMPLATE_VERSION = '0.01'; my @ARGS = @ARGV; my $compat_version = $]; use Getopt::Std; sub usage{ warn "@_\n" if @_; die "h2xs [-ACOPXacdfhkmx] [-F addflags] [-M fmask] [-n module_name] [-o tmask] [-p prefix] [-s subs] [-v version] [headerfile [extra_libraries]] version: $H2XS_VERSION -A Omit all autoloading facilities (implies -c). -C Omit creating the Changes file, add HISTORY heading to stub POD. -F Additional flags for C preprocessor (used with -x). -M Mask to select C functions/macros (default is select all). -O Allow overwriting of a pre-existing extension directory. -P Omit the stub POD section. -X Omit the XS portion (implies both -c and -f). -a Generate get/set accessors for struct and union members (used with -x). -c Omit the constant() function and specialised AUTOLOAD from the XS file. -d Turn on debugging messages. -f Force creation of the extension even if the C header does not exist. -h Display this help message -k Omit 'const' attribute on function arguments (used with -x). -m Generate tied variables for access to declared variables. -n Specify a name to use for the extension (recommended). -o Regular expression for \"opaque\" types. -p Specify a prefix which should be removed from the Perl function names. -s Create subroutines for specified macros. -v Specify a version number for this extension. -x Autogenerate XSUBs using C::Scan. -b Specify a perl version to be backwards compatibile with extra_libraries are any libraries that might be needed for loading the extension, e.g. -lm would try to link in the math library. "; } getopts("ACF:M:OPXacdfhkmn:o:p:s:v:xb:") || usage; use vars qw($opt_A $opt_C $opt_F $opt_M $opt_O $opt_P $opt_X $opt_a $opt_c $opt_d $opt_f $opt_h $opt_k $opt_m $opt_n $opt_o $opt_p $opt_s $opt_v $opt_x $opt_b); usage if $opt_h; if( $opt_b ){ usage "You cannot use -b and -m at the same time.\n" if ($opt_b && $opt_m); $opt_b =~ /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+/ || usage "You must provide the backwards compatibility version in X.Y.Z form. " . "(i.e. 5.5.0)\n"; my ($maj,$min,$sub) = split(/\./,$opt_b,3); $compat_version = sprintf("%d.%03d%02d",$maj,$min,$sub); } if( $opt_v ){ $TEMPLATE_VERSION = $opt_v; } # -A implies -c. $opt_c = 1 if $opt_A; # -X implies -c and -f $opt_c = $opt_f = 1 if $opt_X; my %const_xsub = map { $_,1 } split(/,+/, $opt_s) if $opt_s; my $extralibs; my @path_h; while (my $arg = shift) { if ($arg =~ /^-l/i) { $extralibs = "$arg @ARGV"; last; } push(@path_h, $arg); } usage "Must supply header file or module name\n" unless (@path_h or $opt_n); my $fmask; my $tmask; $fmask = qr{$opt_M} if defined $opt_M; $tmask = qr{$opt_o} if defined $opt_o; my $tmask_all = $tmask && $opt_o eq '.'; if ($opt_x) { eval {require C::Scan; 1} or die <<EOD; C::Scan required if you use -x option. To install C::Scan, execute perl -MCPAN -e "install C::Scan" EOD unless ($tmask_all) { $C::Scan::VERSION >= 0.70 or die <<EOD; C::Scan v. 0.70 or later required unless you use -o . option. You have version $C::Scan::VERSION installed as $INC{'C/Scan.pm'}. To install C::Scan, execute perl -MCPAN -e "install C::Scan" EOD } if (($opt_m || $opt_a) && $C::Scan::VERSION < 0.73) { die <<EOD; C::Scan v. 0.73 or later required to use -m or -a options. You have version $C::Scan::VERSION installed as $INC{'C/Scan.pm'}. To install C::Scan, execute perl -MCPAN -e "install C::Scan" EOD } } elsif ($opt_o or $opt_F) { warn <<EOD; Options -o and -F do not make sense without -x. EOD } my @path_h_ini = @path_h; my ($name, %fullpath, %prefix, %seen_define, %prefixless, %const_names); my $module = $opt_n; if( @path_h ){ use Config; use File::Spec; my @paths; if ($^O eq 'VMS') { # Consider overrides of default location # XXXX This is not equivalent to what the older version did: # it was looking at $hadsys header-file per header-file... my($hadsys) = grep s!^sys/!!i , @path_h; @paths = qw( Sys$Library VAXC$Include ); push @paths, ($hadsys ? 'GNU_CC_Include[vms]' : 'GNU_CC_Include[000000]'); push @paths, qw( DECC$Library_Include DECC$System_Include ); } else { @paths = (File::Spec->curdir(), $Config{usrinc}, (split ' ', $Config{locincpth}), '/usr/include'); } foreach my $path_h (@path_h) { $name ||= $path_h; $module ||= do { $name =~ s/\.h$//; if ( $name !~ /::/ ) { $name =~ s#^.*/##; $name = "\u$name"; } $name; }; if( $path_h =~ s#::#/#g && $opt_n ){ warn "Nesting of headerfile ignored with -n\n"; } $path_h .= ".h" unless $path_h =~ /\.h$/; my $fullpath = $path_h; $path_h =~ s/,.*$// if $opt_x; $fullpath{$path_h} = $fullpath; # Minor trickery: we can't chdir() before we processed the headers # (so know the name of the extension), but the header may be in the # extension directory... my $tmp_path_h = $path_h; my $rel_path_h = $path_h; my @dirs = @paths; if (not -f $path_h) { my $found; for my $dir (@paths) { $found++, last if -f ($path_h = File::Spec->catfile($dir, $tmp_path_h)); } if ($found) { $rel_path_h = $path_h; } else { (my $epath = $module) =~ s,::,/,g; $epath = File::Spec->catdir('ext', $epath) if -d 'ext'; $rel_path_h = File::Spec->catfile($epath, $tmp_path_h); $path_h = $tmp_path_h; # Used during -x push @dirs, $epath; } } if (!$opt_c) { die "Can't find $tmp_path_h in @dirs\n" if ( ! $opt_f && ! -f "$rel_path_h" ); # Scan the header file (we should deal with nested header files) # Record the names of simple #define constants into const_names # Function prototypes are processed below. open(CH, "<$rel_path_h") || die "Can't open $rel_path_h: $!\n"; defines: while (<CH>) { if (/^[ \t]*#[ \t]*define\s+([\$\w]+)\b(?!\()\s*(?=[^" \t])(.*)/) { my $def = $1; my $rest = $2; $rest =~ s!/\*.*?(\*/|\n)|//.*!!g; # Remove comments $rest =~ s/^\s+//; $rest =~ s/\s+$//; # Cannot do: (-1) and ((LHANDLE)3) are OK: #print("Skip non-wordy $def => $rest\n"), # next defines if $rest =~ /[^\w\$]/; if ($rest =~ /"/) { print("Skip stringy $def => $rest\n") if $opt_d; next defines; } print "Matched $_ ($def)\n" if $opt_d; $seen_define{$def} = $rest; $_ = $def; next if /^_.*_h_*$/i; # special case, but for what? if (defined $opt_p) { if (!/^$opt_p(\d)/) { ++$prefix{$_} if s/^$opt_p//; } else { warn "can't remove $opt_p prefix from '$_'!\n"; } } $prefixless{$def} = $_; if (!$fmask or /$fmask/) { print "... Passes mask of -M.\n" if $opt_d and $fmask; $const_names{$_}++; } } } close(CH); } } } my ($ext, $nested, @modparts, $modfname, $modpname); (chdir 'ext', $ext = 'ext/') if -d 'ext'; if( $module =~ /::/ ){ $nested = 1; @modparts = split(/::/,$module); $modfname = $modparts[-1]; $modpname = join('/',@modparts); } else { $nested = 0; @modparts = (); $modfname = $modpname = $module; } if ($opt_O) { warn "Overwriting existing $ext$modpname!!!\n" if -e $modpname; } else { die "Won't overwrite existing $ext$modpname\n" if -e $modpname; } if( $nested ){ my $modpath = ""; foreach (@modparts){ mkdir("$modpath$_", 0777); $modpath .= "$_/"; } } mkdir($modpname, 0777); chdir($modpname) || die "Can't chdir $ext$modpname: $!\n"; my %types_seen; my %std_types; my $fdecls = []; my $fdecls_parsed = []; my $typedef_rex; my %typedefs_pre; my %known_fnames; my %structs; my @fnames; my @fnames_no_prefix; my %vdecl_hash; my @vdecls; if( ! $opt_X ){ # use XS, unless it was disabled open(XS, ">$modfname.xs") || die "Can't create $ext$modpname/$modfname.xs: $!\n"; if ($opt_x) { require Config; # Run-time directive warn "Scanning typemaps...\n"; get_typemap(); my @td; my @good_td; my $addflags = $opt_F || ''; foreach my $filename (@path_h) { my $c; my $filter; if ($fullpath{$filename} =~ /,/) { $filename = $`; $filter = $'; } warn "Scanning $filename for functions...\n"; $c = new C::Scan 'filename' => $filename, 'filename_filter' => $filter, 'add_cppflags' => $addflags, 'c_styles' => [qw(C++ C9X)]; $c->set('includeDirs' => ["$Config::Config{archlib}/CORE"]); push @$fdecls_parsed, @{ $c->get('parsed_fdecls') }; push(@$fdecls, @{$c->get('fdecls')}); push @td, @{$c->get('typedefs_maybe')}; if ($opt_a) { my $structs = $c->get('typedef_structs'); @structs{keys %$structs} = values %$structs; } if ($opt_m) { %vdecl_hash = %{ $c->get('vdecl_hash') }; @vdecls = sort keys %vdecl_hash; for (local $_ = 0; $_ < @vdecls; ++$_) { my $var = $vdecls[$_]; my($type, $post) = @{ $vdecl_hash{$var} }; if (defined $post) { warn "Can't handle variable '$type $var $post', skipping.\n"; splice @vdecls, $_, 1; redo; } $type = normalize_type($type); $vdecl_hash{$var} = $type; } } unless ($tmask_all) { warn "Scanning $filename for typedefs...\n"; my $td = $c->get('typedef_hash'); # eval {require 'dumpvar.pl'; ::dumpValue($td)} or warn $@ if $opt_d; my @f_good_td = grep $td->{$_}[1] eq '', keys %$td; push @good_td, @f_good_td; @typedefs_pre{@f_good_td} = map $_->[0], @$td{@f_good_td}; } } { local $" = '|'; $typedef_rex = qr(\b(?<!struct )(?:@good_td)\b) if @good_td; } %known_fnames = map @$_[1,3], @$fdecls_parsed; # [1,3] is NAME, FULLTEXT if ($fmask) { my @good; for my $i (0..$#$fdecls_parsed) { next unless $fdecls_parsed->[$i][1] =~ /$fmask/; # [1] is NAME push @good, $i; print "... Function $fdecls_parsed->[$i][1] passes -M mask.\n" if $opt_d; } $fdecls = [@$fdecls[@good]]; $fdecls_parsed = [@$fdecls_parsed[@good]]; } @fnames = sort map $_->[1], @$fdecls_parsed; # 1 is NAME # Sort declarations: { my %h = map( ($_->[1], $_), @$fdecls_parsed); $fdecls_parsed = [ @h{@fnames} ]; } @fnames_no_prefix = @fnames; @fnames_no_prefix = sort map { ++$prefix{$_} if s/^$opt_p(?!\d)//; $_ } @fnames_no_prefix; # Remove macros which expand to typedefs print "Typedefs are @td.\n" if $opt_d; my %td = map {($_, $_)} @td; # Add some other possible but meaningless values for macros for my $k (qw(char double float int long short unsigned signed void)) { $td{"$_$k"} = "$_$k" for ('', 'signed ', 'unsigned '); } # eval {require 'dumpvar.pl'; ::dumpValue( [\@td, \%td] ); 1} or warn $@; my $n = 0; my %bad_macs; while (keys %td > $n) { $n = keys %td; my ($k, $v); while (($k, $v) = each %seen_define) { # print("found '$k'=>'$v'\n"), $bad_macs{$k} = $td{$k} = $td{$v} if exists $td{$v}; } } # Now %bad_macs contains names of bad macros for my $k (keys %bad_macs) { delete $const_names{$prefixless{$k}}; print "Ignoring macro $k which expands to a typedef name '$bad_macs{$k}'\n" if $opt_d; } } } my @const_names = sort keys %const_names; open(PM, ">$modfname.pm") || die "Can't create $ext$modpname/$modfname.pm: $!\n"; $" = "\n\t"; warn "Writing $ext$modpname/$modfname.pm\n"; if ( $compat_version < 5.006 ) { print PM <<"END"; package $module; use $compat_version; use strict; END } else { print PM <<"END"; package $module; use 5.006; use strict; use warnings; END } unless( $opt_X || $opt_c || $opt_A ){ # we'll have an AUTOLOAD(), and it will have $AUTOLOAD and # will want Carp. print PM <<'END'; use Carp; END } print PM <<'END'; require Exporter; END print PM <<"END" if ! $opt_X; # use DynaLoader, unless XS was disabled require DynaLoader; END # Are we using AutoLoader or not? unless ($opt_A) { # no autoloader whatsoever. unless ($opt_c) { # we're doing the AUTOLOAD print PM "use AutoLoader;\n"; } else { print PM "use AutoLoader qw(AUTOLOAD);\n" } } if ( $compat_version < 5.006 ) { if ( $opt_X || $opt_c || $opt_A ) { print PM 'use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS);'; } else { print PM 'use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS $AUTOLOAD);'; } } # Determine @ISA. my $myISA = 'our @ISA = qw(Exporter'; # We seem to always want this. $myISA .= ' DynaLoader' unless $opt_X; # no XS $myISA .= ');'; $myISA =~ s/^our // if $compat_version < 5.006; print PM "\n$myISA\n\n"; my @exported_names = (@const_names, @fnames_no_prefix, map '$'.$_, @vdecls); my $tmp=<<"END"; # Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export # names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead. # Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants. # This allows declaration use $module ':all'; # If you do not need this, moving things directly into \@EXPORT or \@EXPORT_OK # will save memory. our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ qw( @exported_names ) ] ); our \@EXPORT_OK = ( \@{ \$EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } ); our \@EXPORT = qw( @const_names ); our \$VERSION = '$TEMPLATE_VERSION'; END $tmp =~ s/^our //mg if $compat_version < 5.006; print PM $tmp; if (@vdecls) { printf PM "our(@{[ join ', ', map '$'.$_, @vdecls ]});\n\n"; } $tmp = ( $compat_version < 5.006 ? "" : "our \$AUTOLOAD;" ); print PM <<"END" unless $opt_c or $opt_X; sub AUTOLOAD { # This AUTOLOAD is used to 'autoload' constants from the constant() # XS function. If a constant is not found then control is passed # to the AUTOLOAD in AutoLoader. my \$constname; $tmp (\$constname = \$AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*:://; croak "&$module::constant not defined" if \$constname eq 'constant'; my \$val = constant(\$constname, \@_ ? \$_[0] : 0); if (\$! != 0) { if (\$! =~ /Invalid/ || \$!{EINVAL}) { \$AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD = \$AUTOLOAD; goto &AutoLoader::AUTOLOAD; } else { croak "Your vendor has not defined $module macro \$constname"; } } { no strict 'refs'; # Fixed between 5.005_53 and 5.005_61 if (\$] >= 5.00561) { *\$AUTOLOAD = sub () { \$val }; } else { *\$AUTOLOAD = sub { \$val }; } } goto &\$AUTOLOAD; } END if( ! $opt_X ){ # print bootstrap, unless XS is disabled print PM <<"END"; bootstrap $module \$VERSION; END } # tying the variables can happen only after bootstrap if (@vdecls) { printf PM <<END; { @{[ join "\n", map " _tievar_$_(\$$_);", @vdecls ]} } END } my $after; if( $opt_P ){ # if POD is disabled $after = '__END__'; } else { $after = '=cut'; } print PM <<"END"; # Preloaded methods go here. END print PM <<"END" unless $opt_A; # Autoload methods go after $after, and are processed by the autosplit program. END print PM <<"END"; 1; __END__ END my $author = "A. U. Thor"; my $email = 'a.u.thor@a.galaxy.far.far.away'; my $revhist = ''; $revhist = <<EOT if $opt_C; # #=head1 HISTORY # #=over 8 # #=item $TEMPLATE_VERSION # #Original version; created by h2xs $H2XS_VERSION with options # # @ARGS # #=back # EOT my $exp_doc = <<EOD; # #=head2 EXPORT # #None by default. # EOD if (@const_names and not $opt_P) { $exp_doc .= <<EOD; #=head2 Exportable constants # # @{[join "\n ", @const_names]} # EOD } if (defined $fdecls and @$fdecls and not $opt_P) { $exp_doc .= <<EOD; #=head2 Exportable functions # EOD # $exp_doc .= <<EOD if $opt_p; #When accessing these functions from Perl, prefix C<$opt_p> should be removed. # #EOD $exp_doc .= <<EOD; # @{[join "\n ", @known_fnames{@fnames}]} # EOD } my $meth_doc = ''; if ($opt_x && $opt_a) { my($name, $struct); $meth_doc .= accessor_docs($name, $struct) while ($name, $struct) = each %structs; } my $pod = <<"END" unless $opt_P; ## Below is stub documentation for your module. You better edit it! # #=head1 NAME # #$module - Perl extension for blah blah blah # #=head1 SYNOPSIS # # use $module; # blah blah blah # #=head1 DESCRIPTION # #Stub documentation for $module, created by h2xs. It looks like the #author of the extension was negligent enough to leave the stub #unedited. # #Blah blah blah. $exp_doc$meth_doc$revhist #=head1 AUTHOR # #$author, E<lt>${email}E<gt> # #=head1 SEE ALSO # #L<perl>. # #=cut END $pod =~ s/^\#//gm unless $opt_P; print PM $pod unless $opt_P; close PM; if( ! $opt_X ){ # print XS, unless it is disabled warn "Writing $ext$modpname/$modfname.xs\n"; print XS <<"END"; #include "EXTERN.h" #include "perl.h" #include "XSUB.h" END if( @path_h ){ foreach my $path_h (@path_h_ini) { my($h) = $path_h; $h =~ s#^/usr/include/##; if ($^O eq 'VMS') { $h =~ s#.*vms\]#sys/# or $h =~ s#.*[:>\]]##; } print XS qq{#include <$h>\n}; } print XS "\n"; } my %pointer_typedefs; my %struct_typedefs; sub td_is_pointer { my $type = shift; my $out = $pointer_typedefs{$type}; return $out if defined $out; my $otype = $type; $out = ($type =~ /\*$/); # This converts only the guys which do not have trailing part in the typedef if (not $out and $typedef_rex and $type =~ s/($typedef_rex)/$typedefs_pre{$1}/go) { $type = normalize_type($type); print "Is-Pointer: Type mutation via typedefs: $otype ==> $type\n" if $opt_d; $out = td_is_pointer($type); } return ($pointer_typedefs{$otype} = $out); } sub td_is_struct { my $type = shift; my $out = $struct_typedefs{$type}; return $out if defined $out; my $otype = $type; $out = ($type =~ /^(struct|union)\b/) && !td_is_pointer($type); # This converts only the guys which do not have trailing part in the typedef if (not $out and $typedef_rex and $type =~ s/($typedef_rex)/$typedefs_pre{$1}/go) { $type = normalize_type($type); print "Is-Struct: Type mutation via typedefs: $otype ==> $type\n" if $opt_d; $out = td_is_struct($type); } return ($struct_typedefs{$otype} = $out); } # Some macros will bomb if you try to return them from a double-returning func. # Say, ((char *)0), or strlen (if somebody #define STRLEN strlen). # Fortunately, we can detect both these cases... sub protect_convert_to_double { my $in = shift; my $val; return '' unless defined ($val = $seen_define{$in}); return '(IV)' if $known_fnames{$val}; # OUT_t of ((OUT_t)-1): return '' unless $val =~ /^\s*(\(\s*)?\(\s*([^()]*?)\s*\)/; td_is_pointer($2) ? '(IV)' : ''; } # For each of the generated functions, length($pref) leading # letters are already checked. Moreover, it is recommended that # the generated functions uses switch on letter at offset at least # $off + length($pref). # # The given list has length($pref) chars removed at front, it is # guarantied that $off leading chars in the rest are the same for all # elts of the list. # # Returns: how at which offset it was decided to make a switch, or -1 if none. sub write_const; sub write_const { my ($fh, $pref, $off, $list) = (shift,shift,shift,shift); my %leading; my $offarg = length $pref; if (@$list == 0) { # Can happen on the initial iteration only print $fh <<"END"; static double constant(char *name, int len, int arg) { errno = EINVAL; return 0; } END return -1; } if (@$list == 1) { # Can happen on the initial iteration only my $protect = protect_convert_to_double("$pref$list->[0]"); print $fh <<"END"; static double constant(char *name, int len, int arg) { errno = 0; if (strEQ(name + $offarg, "$list->[0]")) { /* $pref removed */ #ifdef $pref$list->[0] return $protect$pref$list->[0]; #else errno = ENOENT; return 0; #endif } errno = EINVAL; return 0; } END return -1; } for my $n (@$list) { my $c = substr $n, $off, 1; $leading{$c} = [] unless exists $leading{$c}; push @{$leading{$c}}, substr $n, $off + 1; } if (keys(%leading) == 1) { return 1 + write_const $fh, $pref, $off + 1, $list; } my $leader = substr $list->[0], 0, $off; foreach my $letter (keys %leading) { write_const $fh, "$pref$leader$letter", 0, $leading{$letter} if @{$leading{$letter}} > 1; } my $npref = "_$pref"; $npref = '' if $pref eq ''; print $fh <<"END"; static double constant$npref(char *name, int len, int arg) { END print $fh <<"END" if $npref eq ''; errno = 0; END print $fh <<"END" if $off; if ($offarg + $off >= len ) { errno = EINVAL; return 0; } END print $fh <<"END"; switch (name[$offarg + $off]) { END foreach my $letter (sort keys %leading) { my $let = $letter; $let = '\0' if $letter eq ''; print $fh <<EOP; case '$let': EOP if (@{$leading{$letter}} > 1) { # It makes sense to call a function if ($off) { print $fh <<EOP; if (!strnEQ(name + $offarg,"$leader", $off)) break; EOP } print $fh <<EOP; return constant_$pref$leader$letter(name, len, arg); EOP } else { # Do it ourselves my $protect = protect_convert_to_double("$pref$leader$letter$leading{$letter}[0]"); print $fh <<EOP; if (strEQ(name + $offarg, "$leader$letter$leading{$letter}[0]")) { /* $pref removed */ #ifdef $pref$leader$letter$leading{$letter}[0] return $protect$pref$leader$letter$leading{$letter}[0]; #else goto not_there; #endif } EOP } } print $fh <<"END"; } errno = EINVAL; return 0; not_there: errno = ENOENT; return 0; } END } if( ! $opt_c ) { print XS <<"END"; static int not_here(char *s) { croak("$module::%s not implemented on this architecture", s); return -1; } END write_const(\*XS, '', 0, \@const_names); } print_tievar_subs(\*XS, $_, $vdecl_hash{$_}) for @vdecls; my $prefix; $prefix = "PREFIX = $opt_p" if defined $opt_p; # Now switch from C to XS by issuing the first MODULE declaration: print XS <<"END"; MODULE = $module PACKAGE = $module $prefix END foreach (sort keys %const_xsub) { print XS <<"END"; char * $_() CODE: #ifdef $_ RETVAL = $_; #else croak("Your vendor has not defined the $module macro $_"); #endif OUTPUT: RETVAL END } # If a constant() function was written then output a corresponding # XS declaration: print XS <<"END" unless $opt_c; double constant(sv,arg) PREINIT: STRLEN len; INPUT: SV * sv char * s = SvPV(sv, len); int arg CODE: RETVAL = constant(s,len,arg); OUTPUT: RETVAL END my %seen_decl; my %typemap; sub print_decl { my $fh = shift; my $decl = shift; my ($type, $name, $args) = @$decl; return if $seen_decl{$name}++; # Need to do the same for docs as well? my @argnames = map {$_->[1]} @$args; my @argtypes = map { normalize_type( $_->[0], 1 ) } @$args; if ($opt_k) { s/^\s*const\b\s*// for @argtypes; } my @argarrays = map { $_->[4] || '' } @$args; my $numargs = @$args; if ($numargs and $argtypes[-1] eq '...') { $numargs--; $argnames[-1] = '...'; } local $" = ', '; $type = normalize_type($type, 1); print $fh <<"EOP"; $type $name(@argnames) EOP for my $arg (0 .. $numargs - 1) { print $fh <<"EOP"; $argtypes[$arg] $argnames[$arg]$argarrays[$arg] EOP } } sub print_tievar_subs { my($fh, $name, $type) = @_; print $fh <<END; I32 _get_$name(IV index, SV *sv) { dSP; PUSHMARK(SP); XPUSHs(sv); PUTBACK; (void)call_pv("$module\::_get_$name", G_DISCARD); return (I32)0; } I32 _set_$name(IV index, SV *sv) { dSP; PUSHMARK(SP); XPUSHs(sv); PUTBACK; (void)call_pv("$module\::_set_$name", G_DISCARD); return (I32)0; } END } sub print_tievar_xsubs { my($fh, $name, $type) = @_; print $fh <<END; void _tievar_$name(sv) SV* sv PREINIT: struct ufuncs uf; CODE: uf.uf_val = &_get_$name; uf.uf_set = &_set_$name; uf.uf_index = (IV)&_get_$name; sv_magic(sv, 0, 'U', (char*)&uf, sizeof(uf)); void _get_$name(THIS) $type THIS = NO_INIT CODE: THIS = $name; OUTPUT: SETMAGIC: DISABLE THIS void _set_$name(THIS) $type THIS CODE: $name = THIS; END } sub print_accessors { my($fh, $name, $struct) = @_; return unless defined $struct && $name !~ /\s|_ANON/; $name = normalize_type($name); my $ptrname = normalize_type("$name *"); print $fh <<"EOF"; MODULE = $module PACKAGE = ${name} $prefix $name * _to_ptr(THIS) $name THIS = NO_INIT PROTOTYPE: \$ CODE: if (sv_derived_from(ST(0), "$name")) { STRLEN len; char *s = SvPV((SV*)SvRV(ST(0)), len); if (len != sizeof(THIS)) croak("Size \%d of packed data != expected \%d", len, sizeof(THIS)); RETVAL = ($name *)s; } else croak("THIS is not of type $name"); OUTPUT: RETVAL $name new(CLASS) char *CLASS = NO_INIT PROTOTYPE: \$ CODE: Zero((void*)&RETVAL, sizeof(RETVAL), char); OUTPUT: RETVAL MODULE = $module PACKAGE = ${name}Ptr $prefix EOF my @items = @$struct; while (@items) { my $item = shift @items; if ($item->[0] =~ /_ANON/) { if (defined $item->[2]) { push @items, map [ @$_[0, 1], "$item->[2]_$_->[2]", "$item->[2].$_->[2]", ], @{ $structs{$item->[0]} }; } else { push @items, @{ $structs{$item->[0]} }; } } else { my $type = normalize_type($item->[0]); my $ttype = $structs{$type} ? normalize_type("$type *") : $type; print $fh <<"EOF"; $ttype $item->[2](THIS, __value = NO_INIT) $ptrname THIS $type __value PROTOTYPE: \$;\$ CODE: if (items > 1) THIS->$item->[-1] = __value; RETVAL = @{[ $type eq $ttype ? "THIS->$item->[-1]" : "&(THIS->$item->[-1])" ]}; OUTPUT: RETVAL EOF } } } sub accessor_docs { my($name, $struct) = @_; return unless defined $struct && $name !~ /\s|_ANON/; $name = normalize_type($name); my $ptrname = $name . 'Ptr'; my @items = @$struct; my @list; while (@items) { my $item = shift @items; if ($item->[0] =~ /_ANON/) { if (defined $item->[2]) { push @items, map [ @$_[0, 1], "$item->[2]_$_->[2]", "$item->[2].$_->[2]", ], @{ $structs{$item->[0]} }; } else { push @items, @{ $structs{$item->[0]} }; } } else { push @list, $item->[2]; } } my $methods = (join '(...)>, C<', @list) . '(...)'; my $pod = <<"EOF"; # #=head2 Object and class methods for C<$name>/C<$ptrname> # #The principal Perl representation of a C object of type C<$name> is an #object of class C<$ptrname> which is a reference to an integer #representation of a C pointer. To create such an object, one may use #a combination # # my \$buffer = $name->new(); # my \$obj = \$buffer->_to_ptr(); # #This exersizes the following two methods, and an additional class #C<$name>, the internal representation of which is a reference to a #packed string with the C structure. Keep in mind that \$buffer should #better survive longer than \$obj. # #=over # #=item C<\$object_of_type_$name-E<gt>_to_ptr()> # #Converts an object of type C<$name> to an object of type C<$ptrname>. # #=item C<$name-E<gt>new()> # #Creates an empty object of type C<$name>. The corresponding packed #string is zeroed out. # #=item C<$methods> # #return the current value of the corresponding element if called #without additional arguments. Set the element to the supplied value #(and return the new value) if called with an additional argument. # #Applicable to objects of type C<$ptrname>. # #=back # EOF $pod =~ s/^\#//gm; return $pod; } # Should be called before any actual call to normalize_type(). sub get_typemap { # We do not want to read ./typemap by obvios reasons. my @tm = qw(../../../typemap ../../typemap ../typemap); my $stdtypemap = "$Config::Config{privlib}/ExtUtils/typemap"; unshift @tm, $stdtypemap; my $proto_re = "[" . quotemeta('\$%&*@;') . "]" ; # Start with useful default values $typemap{float} = 'T_DOUBLE'; foreach my $typemap (@tm) { next unless -e $typemap ; # skip directories, binary files etc. warn " Scanning $typemap\n"; warn("Warning: ignoring non-text typemap file '$typemap'\n"), next unless -T $typemap ; open(TYPEMAP, $typemap) or warn ("Warning: could not open typemap file '$typemap': $!\n"), next; my $mode = 'Typemap'; while (<TYPEMAP>) { next if /^\s*\#/; if (/^INPUT\s*$/) { $mode = 'Input'; next; } elsif (/^OUTPUT\s*$/) { $mode = 'Output'; next; } elsif (/^TYPEMAP\s*$/) { $mode = 'Typemap'; next; } elsif ($mode eq 'Typemap') { next if /^\s*($|\#)/ ; my ($type, $image); if ( ($type, $image) = /^\s*(.*?\S)\s+(\S+)\s*($proto_re*)\s*$/o # This may reference undefined functions: and not ($image eq 'T_PACKED' and $typemap eq $stdtypemap)) { $typemap{normalize_type($type)} = $image; } } } close(TYPEMAP) or die "Cannot close $typemap: $!"; } %std_types = %types_seen; %types_seen = (); } sub normalize_type { # Second arg: do not strip const's before \* my $type = shift; my $do_keep_deep_const = shift; # If $do_keep_deep_const this is heuristical only my $keep_deep_const = ($do_keep_deep_const ? '\b(?![^(,)]*\*)' : ''); my $ignore_mods = "(?:\\b(?:(?:__const__|const)$keep_deep_const|static|inline|__inline__)\\b\\s*)*"; if ($do_keep_deep_const) { # Keep different compiled /RExen/o separately! $type =~ s/$ignore_mods//go; } else { $type =~ s/$ignore_mods//go; } $type =~ s/([^\s\w])/ \1 /g; $type =~ s/\s+$//; $type =~ s/^\s+//; $type =~ s/\s+/ /g; $type =~ s/\* (?=\*)/*/g; $type =~ s/\. \. \./.../g; $type =~ s/ ,/,/g; $types_seen{$type}++ unless $type eq '...' or $type eq 'void' or $std_types{$type}; $type; } my $need_opaque; sub assign_typemap_entry { my $type = shift; my $otype = $type; my $entry; if ($tmask and $type =~ /$tmask/) { print "Type $type matches -o mask\n" if $opt_d; $entry = (td_is_struct($type) ? "T_OPAQUE_STRUCT" : "T_PTROBJ"); } elsif ($typedef_rex and $type =~ s/($typedef_rex)/$typedefs_pre{$1}/go) { $type = normalize_type $type; print "Type mutation via typedefs: $otype ==> $type\n" if $opt_d; $entry = assign_typemap_entry($type); } $entry ||= $typemap{$otype} || (td_is_struct($type) ? "T_OPAQUE_STRUCT" : "T_PTROBJ"); $typemap{$otype} = $entry; $need_opaque = 1 if $entry eq "T_OPAQUE_STRUCT"; return $entry; } for (@vdecls) { print_tievar_xsubs(\*XS, $_, $vdecl_hash{$_}); } if ($opt_x) { for my $decl (@$fdecls_parsed) { print_decl(\*XS, $decl) } if ($opt_a) { while (my($name, $struct) = each %structs) { print_accessors(\*XS, $name, $struct); } } } close XS; if (%types_seen) { my $type; warn "Writing $ext$modpname/typemap\n"; open TM, ">typemap" or die "Cannot open typemap file for write: $!"; for $type (sort keys %types_seen) { my $entry = assign_typemap_entry $type; print TM $type, "\t" x (5 - int((length $type)/8)), "\t$entry\n" } print TM <<'EOP' if $need_opaque; # Older Perls do not have correct entry ############################################################################# INPUT T_OPAQUE_STRUCT if (sv_derived_from($arg, \"${ntype}\")) { STRLEN len; char *s = SvPV((SV*)SvRV($arg), len); if (len != sizeof($var)) croak(\"Size %d of packed data != expected %d\", len, sizeof($var)); $var = *($type *)s; } else croak(\"$var is not of type ${ntype}\") ############################################################################# OUTPUT T_OPAQUE_STRUCT sv_setref_pvn($arg, \"${ntype}\", (char *)&$var, sizeof($var)); EOP close TM or die "Cannot close typemap file for write: $!"; } } # if( ! $opt_X ) warn "Writing $ext$modpname/Makefile.PL\n"; open(PL, ">Makefile.PL") || die "Can't create $ext$modpname/Makefile.PL: $!\n"; print PL <<END; use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; # See lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm for details of how to influence # the contents of the Makefile that is written. WriteMakefile( 'NAME' => '$module', 'VERSION_FROM' => '$modfname.pm', # finds \$VERSION 'PREREQ_PM' => {}, # e.g., Module::Name => 1.1 (\$] >= 5.005 ? ## Add these new keywords supported since 5.005 (ABSTRACT_FROM => '$modfname.pm', # retrieve abstract from module AUTHOR => '$author <$email>') : ()), END if (!$opt_X) { # print C stuff, unless XS is disabled $opt_F = '' unless defined $opt_F; my $I = (((glob '*.h') || (glob '*.hh')) ? '-I.' : ''); my $Ihelp = ($I ? '-I. ' : ''); my $Icomment = ($I ? '' : <<EOC); # Insert -I. if you add *.h files later: EOC print PL <<END; 'LIBS' => ['$extralibs'], # e.g., '-lm' 'DEFINE' => '$opt_F', # e.g., '-DHAVE_SOMETHING' $Icomment 'INC' => '$I', # e.g., '$Ihelp-I/usr/include/other' END my $C = grep $_ ne "$modfname.c", (glob '*.c'), (glob '*.cc'), (glob '*.C'); my $Cpre = ($C ? '' : '# '); my $Ccomment = ($C ? '' : <<EOC); # Un-comment this if you add C files to link with later: EOC print PL <<END; $Ccomment $Cpre\'OBJECT' => '\$(O_FILES)', # link all the C files too END } print PL ");\n"; close(PL) || die "Can't close $ext$modpname/Makefile.PL: $!\n"; # Create a simple README since this is a CPAN requirement # and it doesnt hurt to have one warn "Writing $ext$modpname/README\n"; open(RM, ">README") || die "Can't create $ext$modpname/README:$!\n"; my $thisyear = (gmtime)[5] + 1900; my $rmhead = "$modpname version $TEMPLATE_VERSION"; my $rmheadeq = "=" x length($rmhead); print RM <<_RMEND_; $rmhead $rmheadeq The README is used to introduce the module and provide instructions on how to install the module, any machine dependencies it may have (for example C compilers and installed libraries) and any other information that should be provided before the module is installed. A README file is required for CPAN modules since CPAN extracts the README file from a module distribution so that people browsing the archive can use it get an idea of the modules uses. It is usually a good idea to provide version information here so that people can decide whether fixes for the module are worth downloading. INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other modules and libraries: blah blah blah COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Put the correct copyright and licence information here. Copyright (C) $thisyear $author blah blah blah _RMEND_ close(RM) || die "Can't close $ext$modpname/README: $!\n"; warn "Writing $ext$modpname/test.pl\n"; open(EX, ">test.pl") || die "Can't create $ext$modpname/test.pl: $!\n"; print EX <<'_END_'; # Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with # `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl test.pl' ######################### # change 'tests => 1' to 'tests => last_test_to_print'; use Test; BEGIN { plan tests => 1 }; _END_ print EX <<_END_; use $module; _END_ print EX <<'_END_'; ok(1); # If we made it this far, we're ok. ######################### # Insert your test code below, the Test module is use()ed here so read # its man page ( perldoc Test ) for help writing this test script. _END_ close(EX) || die "Can't close $ext$modpname/test.pl: $!\n"; unless ($opt_C) { warn "Writing $ext$modpname/Changes\n"; $" = ' '; open(EX, ">Changes") || die "Can't create $ext$modpname/Changes: $!\n"; @ARGS = map {/[\s\"\'\`\$*?^|&<>\[\]\{\}\(\)]/ ? "'$_'" : $_} @ARGS; print EX <<EOP; Revision history for Perl extension $module. $TEMPLATE_VERSION @{[scalar localtime]} \t- original version; created by h2xs $H2XS_VERSION with options \t\t@ARGS EOP close(EX) || die "Can't close $ext$modpname/Changes: $!\n"; } warn "Writing $ext$modpname/MANIFEST\n"; open(MANI,'>MANIFEST') or die "Can't create MANIFEST: $!"; my @files = <*>; if (!@files) { eval {opendir(D,'.');}; unless ($@) { @files = readdir(D); closedir(D); } } if (!@files) { @files = map {chomp && $_} `ls`; } if ($^O eq 'VMS') { foreach (@files) { # Clip trailing '.' for portability -- non-VMS OSs don't expect it s%\.$%%; # Fix up for case-sensitive file systems s/$modfname/$modfname/i && next; $_ = "\U$_" if $_ eq 'manifest' or $_ eq 'changes'; $_ = 'Makefile.PL' if $_ eq 'makefile.pl'; } } print MANI join("\n",@files), "\n"; close MANI; !NO!SUBS! close OUT or die "Can't close $file: $!"; chmod 0755, $file or die "Can't reset permissions for $file: $!\n"; exec("$Config{'eunicefix'} $file") if $Config{'eunicefix'} ne ':'; chdir $origdir;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
=head1 LICENSE Copyright [1999-2015] Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and the EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. =cut package EnsEMBL::Web::Object::HelpLink; use strict; use parent qw(EnsEMBL::Web::Object::DbFrontend); ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### Inherited method overriding ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### sub manager_class { ## @overrides return shift->rose_manager(qw(Website HelpLink)); } sub show_fields { ## @overrides return [ 'page_url' => { 'label' => 'Page URL', 'type' => 'string', 'notee' => 'e.g. Gene/Location' } ]; } sub show_columns { ## @overrides return ['page_url' => 'Page URL']; } 1;
[ "Artistic-1.0" ]
[ "Artistic-1.0" ]
[ "Artistic-1.0" ]
use utf8; package AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::Site; # Created by DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader # DO NOT MODIFY THE FIRST PART OF THIS FILE =head1 NAME AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::Site - Site definitions =cut use strict; use warnings; use Moose; use MooseX::NonMoose; use MooseX::MarkAsMethods autoclean => 1; extends 'DBIx::Class::Core'; =head1 COMPONENTS LOADED =over 4 =item * L<DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::DateTime> =back =cut __PACKAGE__->load_components("InflateColumn::DateTime"); =head1 TABLE: C<site> =cut __PACKAGE__->table("site"); =head1 ACCESSORS =head2 id data_type: 'varchar' is_nullable: 0 size: 16 =head2 mode data_type: 'varchar' default_value: 'private' is_nullable: 0 size: 16 =head2 locale data_type: 'varchar' default_value: 'en' is_nullable: 0 size: 3 =head2 magic_question data_type: 'varchar' default_value: '12 + 4 =' is_nullable: 0 size: 255 =head2 magic_answer data_type: 'varchar' default_value: 16 is_nullable: 0 size: 255 =head2 fixed_category_list data_type: 'varchar' is_nullable: 1 size: 255 =head2 sitename data_type: 'varchar' default_value: (empty string) is_nullable: 0 size: 255 =head2 siteslogan data_type: 'varchar' default_value: (empty string) is_nullable: 0 size: 255 =head2 theme data_type: 'varchar' default_value: (empty string) is_nullable: 0 size: 32 =head2 logo data_type: 'varchar' default_value: (empty string) is_nullable: 0 size: 255 =head2 mail_notify data_type: 'varchar' is_nullable: 1 size: 255 =head2 mail_from data_type: 'varchar' is_nullable: 1 size: 255 =head2 canonical data_type: 'varchar' is_nullable: 0 size: 255 =head2 secure_site data_type: 'integer' default_value: 1 is_nullable: 0 size: 1 =head2 secure_site_only data_type: 'integer' default_value: 0 is_nullable: 0 size: 1 =head2 sitegroup data_type: 'varchar' default_value: (empty string) is_nullable: 0 size: 255 =head2 cgit_integration data_type: 'integer' default_value: 1 is_nullable: 0 size: 1 =head2 ssl_key data_type: 'varchar' default_value: (empty string) is_nullable: 0 size: 255 =head2 ssl_cert data_type: 'varchar' default_value: (empty string) is_nullable: 0 size: 255 =head2 ssl_ca_cert data_type: 'varchar' default_value: (empty string) is_nullable: 0 size: 255 =head2 ssl_chained_cert data_type: 'varchar' default_value: (empty string) is_nullable: 0 size: 255 =head2 acme_certificate data_type: 'integer' default_value: 0 is_nullable: 0 size: 1 =head2 multilanguage data_type: 'varchar' default_value: (empty string) is_nullable: 0 size: 255 =head2 active data_type: 'integer' default_value: 1 is_nullable: 0 size: 1 =head2 blog_style data_type: 'integer' default_value: 0 is_nullable: 0 size: 1 =head2 bb_page_limit data_type: 'integer' default_value: 1000 is_nullable: 0 =head2 tex data_type: 'integer' default_value: 1 is_nullable: 0 size: 1 =head2 pdf data_type: 'integer' default_value: 1 is_nullable: 0 size: 1 =head2 a4_pdf data_type: 'integer' default_value: 0 is_nullable: 0 size: 1 =head2 lt_pdf data_type: 'integer' default_value: 0 is_nullable: 0 size: 1 =head2 sl_pdf data_type: 'integer' default_value: 0 is_nullable: 0 size: 1 =head2 html data_type: 'integer' default_value: 1 is_nullable: 0 size: 1 =head2 bare_html data_type: 'integer' default_value: 1 is_nullable: 0 size: 1 =head2 epub data_type: 'integer' default_value: 1 is_nullable: 0 size: 1 =head2 zip data_type: 'integer' default_value: 1 is_nullable: 0 size: 1 =head2 ttdir data_type: 'varchar' default_value: (empty string) is_nullable: 0 size: 255 =head2 papersize data_type: 'varchar' default_value: (empty string) is_nullable: 0 size: 64 =head2 division data_type: 'integer' default_value: 12 is_nullable: 0 =head2 bcor data_type: 'varchar' default_value: '0mm' is_nullable: 0 size: 16 =head2 fontsize data_type: 'integer' default_value: 10 is_nullable: 0 =head2 mainfont data_type: 'varchar' default_value: 'CMU Serif' is_nullable: 0 size: 255 =head2 sansfont data_type: 'varchar' default_value: 'CMU Sans Serif' is_nullable: 0 size: 255 =head2 monofont data_type: 'varchar' default_value: 'CMU Typewriter Text' is_nullable: 0 size: 255 =head2 beamertheme data_type: 'varchar' default_value: 'default' is_nullable: 0 size: 255 =head2 beamercolortheme data_type: 'varchar' default_value: 'dove' is_nullable: 0 size: 255 =head2 nocoverpage data_type: 'integer' default_value: 0 is_nullable: 0 size: 1 =head2 logo_with_sitename data_type: 'integer' default_value: 0 is_nullable: 0 size: 1 =head2 opening data_type: 'varchar' default_value: 'any' is_nullable: 0 size: 16 =head2 twoside data_type: 'integer' default_value: 0 is_nullable: 0 size: 1 =head2 last_updated data_type: 'datetime' is_nullable: 1 =cut __PACKAGE__->add_columns( "id", { data_type => "varchar", is_nullable => 0, size => 16 }, "mode", { data_type => "varchar", default_value => "private", is_nullable => 0, size => 16, }, "locale", { data_type => "varchar", default_value => "en", is_nullable => 0, size => 3 }, "magic_question", { data_type => "varchar", default_value => "12 + 4 =", is_nullable => 0, size => 255, }, "magic_answer", { data_type => "varchar", default_value => 16, is_nullable => 0, size => 255 }, "fixed_category_list", { data_type => "varchar", is_nullable => 1, size => 255 }, "sitename", { data_type => "varchar", default_value => "", is_nullable => 0, size => 255 }, "siteslogan", { data_type => "varchar", default_value => "", is_nullable => 0, size => 255 }, "theme", { data_type => "varchar", default_value => "", is_nullable => 0, size => 32 }, "logo", { data_type => "varchar", default_value => "", is_nullable => 0, size => 255 }, "mail_notify", { data_type => "varchar", is_nullable => 1, size => 255 }, "mail_from", { data_type => "varchar", is_nullable => 1, size => 255 }, "canonical", { data_type => "varchar", is_nullable => 0, size => 255 }, "secure_site", { data_type => "integer", default_value => 1, is_nullable => 0, size => 1 }, "secure_site_only", { data_type => "integer", default_value => 0, is_nullable => 0, size => 1 }, "sitegroup", { data_type => "varchar", default_value => "", is_nullable => 0, size => 255 }, "cgit_integration", { data_type => "integer", default_value => 1, is_nullable => 0, size => 1 }, "ssl_key", { data_type => "varchar", default_value => "", is_nullable => 0, size => 255 }, "ssl_cert", { data_type => "varchar", default_value => "", is_nullable => 0, size => 255 }, "ssl_ca_cert", { data_type => "varchar", default_value => "", is_nullable => 0, size => 255 }, "ssl_chained_cert", { data_type => "varchar", default_value => "", is_nullable => 0, size => 255 }, "acme_certificate", { data_type => "integer", default_value => 0, is_nullable => 0, size => 1 }, "multilanguage", { data_type => "varchar", default_value => "", is_nullable => 0, size => 255 }, "active", { data_type => "integer", default_value => 1, is_nullable => 0, size => 1 }, "blog_style", { data_type => "integer", default_value => 0, is_nullable => 0, size => 1 }, "bb_page_limit", { data_type => "integer", default_value => 1000, is_nullable => 0 }, "tex", { data_type => "integer", default_value => 1, is_nullable => 0, size => 1 }, "pdf", { data_type => "integer", default_value => 1, is_nullable => 0, size => 1 }, "a4_pdf", { data_type => "integer", default_value => 0, is_nullable => 0, size => 1 }, "lt_pdf", { data_type => "integer", default_value => 0, is_nullable => 0, size => 1 }, "sl_pdf", { data_type => "integer", default_value => 0, is_nullable => 0, size => 1 }, "html", { data_type => "integer", default_value => 1, is_nullable => 0, size => 1 }, "bare_html", { data_type => "integer", default_value => 1, is_nullable => 0, size => 1 }, "epub", { data_type => "integer", default_value => 1, is_nullable => 0, size => 1 }, "zip", { data_type => "integer", default_value => 1, is_nullable => 0, size => 1 }, "ttdir", { data_type => "varchar", default_value => "", is_nullable => 0, size => 255 }, "papersize", { data_type => "varchar", default_value => "", is_nullable => 0, size => 64 }, "division", { data_type => "integer", default_value => 12, is_nullable => 0 }, "bcor", { data_type => "varchar", default_value => "0mm", is_nullable => 0, size => 16, }, "fontsize", { data_type => "integer", default_value => 10, is_nullable => 0 }, "mainfont", { data_type => "varchar", default_value => "CMU Serif", is_nullable => 0, size => 255, }, "sansfont", { data_type => "varchar", default_value => "CMU Sans Serif", is_nullable => 0, size => 255, }, "monofont", { data_type => "varchar", default_value => "CMU Typewriter Text", is_nullable => 0, size => 255, }, "beamertheme", { data_type => "varchar", default_value => "default", is_nullable => 0, size => 255, }, "beamercolortheme", { data_type => "varchar", default_value => "dove", is_nullable => 0, size => 255, }, "nocoverpage", { data_type => "integer", default_value => 0, is_nullable => 0, size => 1 }, "logo_with_sitename", { data_type => "integer", default_value => 0, is_nullable => 0, size => 1 }, "opening", { data_type => "varchar", default_value => "any", is_nullable => 0, size => 16, }, "twoside", { data_type => "integer", default_value => 0, is_nullable => 0, size => 1 }, "last_updated", { data_type => "datetime", is_nullable => 1 }, ); =head1 PRIMARY KEY =over 4 =item * L</id> =back =cut __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key("id"); =head1 UNIQUE CONSTRAINTS =head2 C<canonical_unique> =over 4 =item * L</canonical> =back =cut __PACKAGE__->add_unique_constraint("canonical_unique", ["canonical"]); =head1 RELATIONS =head2 amw_sessions Type: has_many Related object: L<AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::AmwSession> =cut __PACKAGE__->has_many( "amw_sessions", "AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::AmwSession", { "foreign.site_id" => "self.id" }, { cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 }, ); =head2 attachments Type: has_many Related object: L<AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::Attachment> =cut __PACKAGE__->has_many( "attachments", "AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::Attachment", { "foreign.site_id" => "self.id" }, { cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 }, ); =head2 bookbuilder_sessions Type: has_many Related object: L<AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::BookbuilderSession> =cut __PACKAGE__->has_many( "bookbuilder_sessions", "AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::BookbuilderSession", { "foreign.site_id" => "self.id" }, { cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 }, ); =head2 bulk_jobs Type: has_many Related object: L<AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::BulkJob> =cut __PACKAGE__->has_many( "bulk_jobs", "AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::BulkJob", { "foreign.site_id" => "self.id" }, { cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 }, ); =head2 categories Type: has_many Related object: L<AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::Category> =cut __PACKAGE__->has_many( "categories", "AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::Category", { "foreign.site_id" => "self.id" }, { cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 }, ); =head2 custom_formats Type: has_many Related object: L<AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::CustomFormat> =cut __PACKAGE__->has_many( "custom_formats", "AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::CustomFormat", { "foreign.site_id" => "self.id" }, { cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 }, ); =head2 global_site_files Type: has_many Related object: L<AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::GlobalSiteFile> =cut __PACKAGE__->has_many( "global_site_files", "AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::GlobalSiteFile", { "foreign.site_id" => "self.id" }, { cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 }, ); =head2 jobs Type: has_many Related object: L<AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::Job> =cut __PACKAGE__->has_many( "jobs", "AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::Job", { "foreign.site_id" => "self.id" }, { cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 }, ); =head2 legacy_links Type: has_many Related object: L<AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::LegacyLink> =cut __PACKAGE__->has_many( "legacy_links", "AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::LegacyLink", { "foreign.site_id" => "self.id" }, { cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 }, ); =head2 monthly_archives Type: has_many Related object: L<AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::MonthlyArchive> =cut __PACKAGE__->has_many( "monthly_archives", "AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::MonthlyArchive", { "foreign.site_id" => "self.id" }, { cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 }, ); =head2 redirections Type: has_many Related object: L<AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::Redirection> =cut __PACKAGE__->has_many( "redirections", "AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::Redirection", { "foreign.site_id" => "self.id" }, { cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 }, ); =head2 revisions Type: has_many Related object: L<AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::Revision> =cut __PACKAGE__->has_many( "revisions", "AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::Revision", { "foreign.site_id" => "self.id" }, { cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 }, ); =head2 site_links Type: has_many Related object: L<AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::SiteLink> =cut __PACKAGE__->has_many( "site_links", "AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::SiteLink", { "foreign.site_id" => "self.id" }, { cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 }, ); =head2 site_options Type: has_many Related object: L<AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::SiteOption> =cut __PACKAGE__->has_many( "site_options", "AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::SiteOption", { "foreign.site_id" => "self.id" }, { cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 }, ); =head2 text_internal_links Type: has_many Related object: L<AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::TextInternalLink> =cut __PACKAGE__->has_many( "text_internal_links", "AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::TextInternalLink", { "foreign.site_id" => "self.id" }, { cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 }, ); =head2 title_stats Type: has_many Related object: L<AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::TitleStat> =cut __PACKAGE__->has_many( "title_stats", "AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::TitleStat", { "foreign.site_id" => "self.id" }, { cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 }, ); =head2 titles Type: has_many Related object: L<AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::Title> =cut __PACKAGE__->has_many( "titles", "AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::Title", { "foreign.site_id" => "self.id" }, { cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 }, ); =head2 user_sites Type: has_many Related object: L<AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::UserSite> =cut __PACKAGE__->has_many( "user_sites", "AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::UserSite", { "foreign.site_id" => "self.id" }, { cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 }, ); =head2 vhosts Type: has_many Related object: L<AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::Vhost> =cut __PACKAGE__->has_many( "vhosts", "AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::Vhost", { "foreign.site_id" => "self.id" }, { cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 }, ); =head2 users Type: many_to_many Composing rels: L</user_sites> -> user =cut __PACKAGE__->many_to_many("users", "user_sites", "user"); # Created by DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader v0.07046 @ 2018-02-03 20:01:21 # DO NOT MODIFY THIS OR ANYTHING ABOVE! md5sum:emUAqdjyD58S+6sOj2+GJg =head2 other_sites Other sites with the same sitegroup id. =cut __PACKAGE__->has_many( other_sites => "AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::Site", sub { my $args = shift; return { "$args->{foreign_alias}.sitegroup" => { -ident => "$args->{self_alias}.sitegroup", '!=' => '' }, "$args->{foreign_alias}.id" => { "!=" => { -ident => "$args->{self_alias}.id" } }, }; }, { cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 }, ); use File::Spec; use Cwd; use constant ROOT => getcwd(); use AmuseWikiFarm::Utils::Amuse qw/muse_get_full_path muse_file_info muse_filepath_is_valid cover_filename_is_valid muse_naming_algo/; use Text::Amuse::Preprocessor::HTML qw/html_to_muse html_file_to_muse/; use Text::Amuse::Compile; use Date::Parse; use DateTime; use File::Copy qw/copy/; use AmuseWikiFarm::Archive::Xapian; use Unicode::Collate::Locale; use File::Find; use Data::Dumper::Concise; use AmuseWikiFarm::Archive::BookBuilder; use Text::Amuse::Compile::Utils (); use AmuseWikiFarm::Log::Contextual; use AmuseWikiFarm::Utils::CgitSetup; use AmuseWikiFarm::Utils::LexiconMigration; use Regexp::Common qw/net/; use Path::Tiny (); use JSON::MaybeXS (); use AmuseWikiFarm::Utils::Paths (); use Try::Tiny; use Encode (); =head2 repo_root_rel The location of the repository. It's hardcoded as 'repo/<id>' according to the system path separator. You have no reason to change this. =head2 repo_root The absolute location of the repository. Keep in mind that the absolute location is inferred with C<getcwd()> + C<repo_name>, so it's not safe to change directory and call this method. You can provide an optional argument to get the base (absolute or relative to the CWD). =cut sub repo_root_rel { my $self = shift; return File::Spec->catdir(repo => $self->id); } sub repo_root { my ($self, $base) = @_; if (defined $base) { die "repo_root doesn't accept an argument"; } return File::Spec->catdir(ROOT, $self->repo_root_rel); } =head2 compile_options Options to feed the Text::Amuse::Compile object. =cut sub valid_ttdir { my $self = shift; if (my $ttdir = $self->ttdir) { # sane names only please if ($ttdir =~ m/\A[0-9a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z_-]*[0-9a-zA-Z]\z/) { my $full_path = File::Spec->catdir($self->repo_root, $ttdir); if (-d $full_path) { return $full_path; } } } return; } sub compile_options { my $self = shift; my %opts = ( tex => 1, html => 1, bare_html => 1, epub => 1, zip => 1, ); if ($self->use_luatex) { $opts{luatex} = 1; } $opts{epub_embed_fonts} = 0; $opts{fontspec} = $self->fontspec_file; if (my $dir = $self->valid_ttdir) { $opts{ttdir} = $dir; } # passing nocoverpage, as we used to, would kill the coverpage # globally. If you really want that, you need a custom format. if ($self->nocoverpage) { $opts{coverpage_only_if_toc} = 1; } foreach my $ext (qw/siteslogan logo sitename opening papersize division fontsize bcor mainfont sansfont monofont beamertheme beamercolortheme twoside/) { $opts{extra}{$ext} = $self->$ext; } # if the logo has the sitename in it, skip it. if ($self->logo_with_sitename) { $opts{extra}{sitename} = ''; } $opts{extra}{site} = $self->canonical; Dlog_debug { "options are $_" } (\%opts); return %opts; } sub formats_definitions { my ($self, %opts) = @_; my @all = ({ code => 'epub', ext => '.epub', icon => 'fa-file-epub', # loc('EPUB (for mobile devices)'); desc => 'EPUB (for mobile devices)', oldid => "downloadepub", }, { code => 'html', ext => '.html', icon => 'fa-print', # loc('Standalone HTML (printer-friendly)'); desc => 'Standalone HTML (printer-friendly)', oldid => "downloadhtml", }, { code => 'tex', ext => '.tex', icon => 'fa-file-code-o', # loc('XeLaTeX source'); desc => 'XeLaTeX source', oldid => "downloadtex", }, { code => 'muse', ext => '.muse', icon => 'fa-file-text-o', # loc('plain text source'); desc => 'plain text source', oldid => "downloadsrc", }, { code => 'zip', ext => '.zip', icon => 'fa-file-archive-o', # loc('Source files with attachments'); desc => 'Source files with attachments', oldid => "downloadzip", } ); my %legacy_ids = ( pdf => 'pdfgeneric', 'a4.pdf' => 'pdfa4imp', 'lt.pdf' => 'letterimp', 'sl.pdf' => 'downloadslides', ); my @out; foreach my $custom ($self->custom_formats->active_only->all) { my $icon; if ($custom->is_epub) { $icon = 'fa-file-epub'; } elsif ($custom->is_imposed_pdf) { $icon = 'fa-columns fa-flip-vertical'; } elsif ($custom->is_slides) { $icon = 'fa-file-powerpoint-o'; } else { $icon = 'fa-file-pdf-o' } my $old_id; if (my $alias = $custom->format_alias) { $old_id = $legacy_ids{$alias}; } my $extension = $custom->format_alias || $custom->extension; push @out, { code => $extension, ext => '.' . $extension, icon => $icon, desc => $custom->format_name, oldid => $old_id, is_slides => $custom->is_slides, }; } push @out, @all; if ($opts{localize}) { log_debug { "Localizing descriptions" }; my $loc = $self->localizer; foreach my $i (@out) { $i->{desc} = $loc->loc_html($i->{desc}); } } return \@out; } sub bb_values { my $self = shift; # here the problem is that there is no 1:1 mapping, which kind of # sucks, but hey. my %out; my %map = (division => 0, bcor => 0, fontsize => 0, mainfont => 0, sansfont => 0, monofont => 0, beamertheme => 0, beamercolortheme => 0, nocoverpage => 'coverpage_only_if_toc', twoside => 0, ); foreach my $method (sort keys %map) { my $target = $map{$method} || $method; # special shitty case. if ($method eq 'bcor') { if ($self->bcor =~ m/0?([1-9][0-9]*)(mm)?/) { $out{$target} = $1; } } else { $out{$target} = $self->$method; } } my $valid; try { # validate if (my $bb = AmuseWikiFarm::Archive::BookBuilder->new(%out)) { $valid = 1; } } catch { my $err = $_; # scream, so we fix it log_error { "$err validating $_" } \%out; }; if ($valid) { return %out; } else { return; } } =head2 check_and_update_custom_formats Method to spawn the standard CF, bound to the site flags pdf/sl_pdf/a4_pdf/lt_pdf. Such flags are now informative only and are toggled on /settings/formats. This method is called after the insertion in the DB of a new site, at jobber startup and when visiting /settings/formats. Assert that all the formats are active, either by site flag or by format active, and never deactivate anything. Also assert that the custom formats are what they say they are. =cut sub fixed_formats_definitions { my %formats = ( pdf => { initial => { format_alias => 'pdf', # loc('plain PDF'); # loc('Plain PDF'); format_name => 'Plain PDF', format_priority => 1, }, fields => { bb_format => 'pdf', bb_imposed => 0, bb_twoside => 0, }, }, a4_pdf => { initial => { format_alias => 'a4.pdf', # loc('A4 imposed PDF'); format_name => 'A4 imposed PDF', format_priority => 2, bb_signature_2up => '40-80', }, fields => { bb_format => 'pdf', bb_imposed => 1, bb_papersize => 'a5', bb_schema => '2up', bb_cover => 1, }, }, lt_pdf => { initial => { format_alias => 'lt.pdf', # loc('Letter imposed PDF'); format_name => 'Letter imposed PDF', format_priority => 3, bb_signature_2up => '40-80', }, fields => { bb_format => 'pdf', bb_imposed => 1, bb_papersize => '5.5in:8.5in', bb_schema => '2up', bb_cover => 1, }, }, sl_pdf => { initial => { format_alias => 'sl.pdf', # loc('Slides (PDF)'), format_name => 'Slides (PDF)', format_priority => 4, }, fields => { bb_format => 'slides', }, }, ); return %formats; } sub check_and_update_custom_formats { my $self = shift; my %formats = $self->fixed_formats_definitions; my $guard = $self->result_source->schema->txn_scope_guard; foreach my $method (sort keys %formats) { my $alias = $formats{$method}{initial}{format_alias} or die; my $cf = $self->custom_formats->find({ format_alias => $alias }); unless ($cf) { my %insertion = %{$formats{$method}{initial}}; $insertion{active} = 0; my @fixed; foreach my $k (sort keys %{$formats{$method}{fields}}) { my $v = $formats{$method}{fields}{$k}; $k =~ s/bb_//; push @fixed, "$k:$v"; } $insertion{format_description} = "Standard format. Changes to these fields will be ignored: " . join(' ', @fixed); $cf = $self->custom_formats->create(\%insertion); # import the common stuff from the site $cf->sync_from_site; } die "Shouldn't happen" unless $cf; if ($self->$method) { if (!$cf->active) { log_info { "Activating CF " . $self->id . '/' . $cf->format_alias }; $cf->update({ active => 1 }); } } elsif ($cf->active) { if (!$self->$method) { log_info { "Setting $method flag for " . $self->id . '/' . $cf->format_alias }; $self->update({ $method => 1 }); } } else { log_info { "$method for " . $self->id . " is disabled" }; } Dlog_debug { "Enforcing $_ on " . $cf->format_name } $formats{$method}{fields}; $cf->update($formats{$method}{fields}); } $guard->commit; } sub known_langs { AmuseWikiFarm::Utils::Amuse::known_langs(); } sub known_langs_as_string { my $self = shift; my $langs = $self->known_langs; return join(' ', sort keys %$langs); } sub path_for_specials { my $self = shift; my $target = File::Spec->catdir($self->repo_root, 'specials'); mkdir $target unless -d $target; return $target; } sub path_for_uploads { my $self = shift; my $target = File::Spec->catdir($self->repo_root, 'uploads'); mkdir $target unless -d $target; return $target; } sub path_for_file { my ($self, $uri) = @_; return unless $uri; my $pieces = muse_get_full_path($uri); return unless $pieces && @$pieces && @$pieces == 3; # add the path piece by piece my $target_dir = File::Spec->catdir($self->repo_root, $pieces->[0]); unless (-d $target_dir) { mkdir $target_dir or die $!; } $target_dir = File::Spec->catdir($self->repo_root, $pieces->[0], $pieces->[1]); unless (-d $target_dir) { mkdir $target_dir or die $!; } return $target_dir; } sub path_for_site_files { my $self = shift; return File::Spec->catdir($self->repo_root, 'site_files'); } sub site_files { return shift->global_site_files->app_files; } sub thumbnails { return shift->global_site_files->thumbnails; } sub index_site_files { my $self = shift; my $dir = Path::Tiny::path($self->path_for_site_files); my $guard = $self->result_source->schema->txn_scope_guard; $self->site_files->delete; if ($dir->exists) { foreach my $path ($dir->children(qr{^[a-z0-9]([a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\.[a-z0-9]+$})) { my ($w, $h) = AmuseWikiFarm::Utils::Amuse::image_dimensions($path); my $stored = $self->site_files->create({ file_name => $path->basename, file_path => "$path", image_width => $w, image_height => $h, }); } } $guard->commit; return $self->site_files->count; } sub has_site_file { my ($self, $file) = @_; if (my $gfile = $self->site_files->find({ file_name => $file })) { return $gfile->file_path; } else { return; } } sub fontspec_file { my $self = shift; my $filename = 'fontspec.json'; if (my $file = $self->has_site_file($filename)) { return $file; } # search the current dir for fontspec.json elsif (-f $filename) { return File::Spec->rel2abs($filename); } else { return undef; } } =head2 repo_is_under_git Return true if the site repo is kept under git. =cut has repo_is_under_git => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Bool', lazy => 1, builder => '_build_repo_is_under_git'); sub _build_repo_is_under_git { my $self = shift; return -d File::Spec->catdir($self->repo_root, '.git'); } =head1 Site modes To check the site mode, you should use these methods, instead of looking at C<mode>. The filtered actions boil down to editing and publishing, where editing is also the creation of new texts. =cut sub available_modes { return { modwiki => 1, openwiki => 1, blog => 1, private => 1, }; } sub human_can_edit { my $self = shift; my $mode = $self->mode; if ($mode eq 'modwiki' or $mode eq 'openwiki') { return 1; } else { return; } } sub human_can_publish { my $self = shift; my $mode = $self->mode; if ($mode eq 'openwiki') { return 1; } else { return; } } sub is_private { my $self = shift; my $mode = $self->mode; if ($mode eq 'private') { return 1; } else { return; } } =head1 Create new texts =head2 staging_dirname The relative path to the staging directory. Hardcoded for now as 'staging'. =head2 staging_dir The absolute path to the staging directory, concatenating the C<staging_dirname> and the current directory. TODO: use a setting instead of the getcwd. =cut sub staging_dirname { return 'staging'; } sub staging_dir { my $self = shift; return File::Spec->catdir(ROOT, $self->staging_dirname); } =head2 create_new_text(\%params, $f_class) Using the parameters passed, create a new text and return its revision object or undef it couldn't be created. The second argument B<must> be C<text> or C<special>. Always return two values: the first is the revision object, the second is the redirection. If the revision could not be created, return undef as the first element and the error in the second. =cut sub create_new_text { my ($self, $params, $f_class) = @_; die "Missing params" unless $params; die "Missing f_class" unless $f_class; die "Wrong f_class $f_class" unless ($f_class eq 'text' or $f_class eq 'special'); # assert that the directory where to put the files exists my $staging_dir = $self->staging_dir; unless (-d $staging_dir) { mkdir $self->staging_dir or die "Couldn't create $staging_dir $!"; } # URI generation my $author = $params->{author} // ""; my $title = $params->{title} // ""; my $uri; if ($params->{uri}) { $uri = muse_naming_algo($params->{uri}); # replace the params with our clean form } elsif ($title =~ m/\w/) { my $string = "$author $title"; if ($self->multilanguage && $params->{lang}) { $string = substr($string, 0, 90) . ' ' . $params->{lang}; } $uri = muse_naming_algo($string); } unless ($uri) { # loc("Couldn't automatically generate the URI!"); return undef, "Couldn't automatically generate the URI!"; } # and store it in the params $params->{uri} = $uri; if ($self->titles->find({ uri => $uri, f_class => $f_class })) { # loc("Such an URI already exists"); return undef, "Such an URI already exists"; } return $self->import_text_from_html_params($params, $f_class); } =head2 import_text_from_html_params HTML => muse conversion =cut sub import_text_from_html_params { my ($self, $params, $f_class) = @_; die "Missing params" unless $params; die "Missing f_class" unless $f_class; my $uri = $params->{uri}; die "uri not set!" unless $uri; # the first thing we do is to assign a path and create a revision in the db my $pubdate = str2time($params->{pubdate}) || time(); my $pubdt = DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => $pubdate); $params->{pubdate} = $pubdt->iso8601; # documented in Result::Title my $bogus = { uri => $uri, pubdate => $pubdt, f_suffix => '.muse', status => 'editing', f_class => $f_class, # dummy as well, 40 years in the past f_timestamp => DateTime->from_epoch(epoch => 1), }; foreach my $f (qw/f_path f_archive_rel_path f_full_path_name f_name/) { $bogus->{$f} = ''; } my $body; my $error; if ($params->{fileupload}) { if (-f $params->{fileupload} && -T $params->{fileupload}) { $body = eval { html_file_to_muse($params->{fileupload}) }; if ($@) { log_error { "error while converting file upload: " . $@ }; # loc('Error converting the upload file. Is it an HTML file?'); $error = "Error converting the upload file. Is it an HTML file?"; } } else { log_error { $params->{fileupload} . " is not a text file!" }; # loc('The file uploaded is not an HTML file!'); $error = "The file uploaded is not an HTML file!"; } } else { $params->{textbody} //= "\n"; $params->{textbody} =~ s/\r//g; $body = eval { html_to_muse($params->{textbody}) }; if ($@) { log_error { "error while converting HTML: " . $@ }; # loc('Error while converting the HTML. Sorry.'); $error = "Error while converting the HTML. Sorry."; } } if ($error) { return undef, $error; } my $guard = $self->result_source->schema->txn_scope_guard; # title->can_spawn_revision will return false, so we have to force my $revision = $self->titles->create($bogus)->new_revision('force'); # save a copy of the html request my $html_copy = $revision->original_html; if (defined $body) { if ($params->{fileupload}) { copy ($params->{fileupload}, $html_copy) or die $!; } else { open (my $fhh, '>:encoding(utf-8)', $html_copy) or die "Couldn't open $html_copy $!"; print $fhh $params->{textbody}; print $fhh "\n"; close $fhh or die $!; } } my $file = $revision->f_full_path_name; die "full path was not set!" unless $file; # populate the file with the parameters open (my $fh, '>:encoding(utf-8)', $file) or die "Couldn't open $file $!"; foreach my $directive (qw/title subtitle author LISTtitle SORTauthors SORTtopics date uid cat slides sku source lang pubdate/) { $self->_add_directive($fh, $directive, $params->{$directive}); } # add the notes foreach my $field (qw/notes teaser/) { $self->_add_directive($fh, $field => html_to_muse($params->{$field})); } # separator print $fh "\n"; if (defined $body) { print $fh $body; } print $fh "\n\n"; close $fh or die $!; # save a copy as the starting file # see "new_revision" below die $revision->starting_file . ' already present' if -f $revision->starting_file;; copy($file, $revision->starting_file) or die $!; $guard->commit; return $revision; } sub _add_directive { my ($self, $fh, $directive, $text) = @_; die unless $fh && $directive; return unless defined $text; # usual washing $text =~ s/\r*\n/ /gs; # it's a directive, no \n # leading and trailing spaces $text =~ s/^\s*//s; $text =~ s/\s+$//s; $text =~ s/ +/ /gs; # pack the whitespaces return unless length($text); print $fh '#' . $directive . ' ' . $text . "\n"; } =head2 xapian Return a L<AmuseWikiFarm::Archive::Xapian> object =cut sub xapian { my ($self, %args) = @_; return AmuseWikiFarm::Archive::Xapian->new( %args, code => $self->id, page => $self->pagination_size_search, locale => $self->locale, # disable stemming for search on multilang environment stem_search => !$self->multilanguage, index_deferred => $self->show_preview_when_deferred, ); } =head2 collation_index Update the C<sorting_pos> field of each text and category based on the collation for the current locale. Collation on the fly would have been too slow, or would depend on the (possibly crappy) collation of the database engine, if any. Return the number of updates (both titles and categories); =cut sub collation_index { my $self = shift; my $collator = Unicode::Collate::Locale->new(locale => $self->locale); my $changes = 0; my $ttime = time(); my @texts = sort { # warn $a->id . ' <=> ' . $b->id; $collator->cmp($a->list_title, $b->list_title) } $self->titles->search(undef, { order_by => 'sorting_pos', columns => [qw/id sorting_pos list_title/] })->all; log_debug { "Sorting texts done in " . (time() - $ttime) . " seconds" }; $ttime = time(); # at least on sqlite, wrapping in a transaction drammatically # speeds things up because it doesn't hit the disk my $guard = $self->result_source->schema->txn_scope_guard; my $i = 1; foreach my $title (@texts) { if ($title->sorting_pos != $i) { $title->update({ sorting_pos => $i }); $changes++; } $i++; } log_debug { "Update texts done in " . (time() - $ttime) . " seconds" }; $ttime = time(); # and then sort the categories my @categories = sort { # warn $a->id . ' <=> ' . $b->id; $collator->cmp($a->sorting_fragments->[0], $b->sorting_fragments->[0]) or $a->sorting_fragments->[1] <=> $b->sorting_fragments->[1] or $collator->cmp($a->sorting_fragments->[2], $b->sorting_fragments->[2]) } $self->categories->search(undef, { order_by => 'sorting_pos', columns => [qw/id sorting_pos name/] })->all; log_debug { "Sorting categories done in " . (time() - $ttime) . " seconds" }; $ttime = time(); $i = 1; foreach my $cat (@categories) { if ($cat->sorting_pos != $i) { $cat->update({ sorting_pos => $i }); $changes++; } $i++; } # close the transaction $guard->commit; log_debug { "Update categories done in " . (time() - $ttime) . " seconds" }; return $changes; } =head2 index_file($path_to_file) Add the file to the DB and Xapian databases, first parsing it with C<muse_info_file> from L<AmuseWikiFarm::Utils::Amuse>. =head2 compile_and_index_files(\@abs_paths_to_files, $logger) Same as above, but before proceeding, compile it if it's a muse file and it's outdated. =cut sub get_compiler { my ($self, $logger) = @_; my $compiler = Text::Amuse::Compile->new($self->compile_options); if ($logger) { $compiler->logger($logger); } return $compiler; } sub compile_and_index_files { my ($self, $files, $logger, %opts) = @_; $logger ||= sub { warn $_[0] }; my $compiler = $self->get_compiler($logger); my (@active_cfs, @inactive_cfs); foreach my $cf ($self->custom_formats) { if ($cf->active) { push @active_cfs, $cf; } else { push @inactive_cfs, $cf; } } my (@muses, @images); foreach my $f (@$files) { my $file; if (ref($f)) { $file = $f->f_full_path_name; } # check if it's in place elsif (-f $f) { $file = File::Spec->rel2abs($f); } else { $file = File::Spec->rel2abs($f, $self->repo_root); } unless (-f $file) { die "File $file does not exists\n"; } my $relpath = File::Spec->abs2rel($file, $self->repo_root); unless (muse_filepath_is_valid($relpath)) { die "$relpath doesn't appear a valid path!"; } if ($file =~ m/\.muse$/) { push @muses, $file; } else { push @images, $file; } } foreach my $file (@images, @muses) { if ($file =~ m/\.muse$/) { # ensure that we properly migrated the PDFS to CF foreach my $cf (@active_cfs) { $cf->save_canonical_from_aliased_file($file); } # compile $compiler->compile($file) if $compiler->file_needs_compilation($file); } if (my $indexed = $self->index_file($file, $logger)) { if ($indexed->isa('AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::Result::Title')) { foreach my $cf (@inactive_cfs) { $logger->("Removed inactive format " . $cf->format_name . "\n") if $cf->remove_stale_files($indexed); } CUSTOMFORMAT: foreach my $cf (@active_cfs) { # the standard compilation nuked the standard formats, so we # have to restore them, preserving the TS. Then we # will rebuild them in the next job. $cf->install_aliased_file($indexed); next CUSTOMFORMAT if $opts{skip_custom_formats}; if ($cf->needs_compile($indexed)) { my $job = $self->jobs->build_custom_format_add({ id => $indexed->id, cf => $cf->custom_formats_id, }); $logger->("Scheduled generation of " . $indexed->full_uri . '.' . ($cf->valid_alias || $cf->extension) . " (" . $cf->format_name .') as task number #' . $job->id . "\n"); } } } } } $logger->("Updating title and category sorting\n"); my $time = time(); my $changed = $self->collation_index; $logger->("Updated $changed records in " . (time() - $time) . " seconds\n"); $self->generate_static_indexes($logger); my $now = DateTime->now; $self->update({ last_updated => $now }) } sub generate_static_indexes { my ($self, $logger) = @_; $logger ||= sub { return }; if ($self->jobs->pending->build_static_indexes_jobs->count) { log_debug { "Generation of static indexes already scheduled" }; $logger->("Generation of static indexes already scheduled\n"); } else { $self->jobs->build_static_indexes_add; log_debug { "Scheduled static indexes generation" }; $logger->("Scheduled static indexes generation\n"); } } sub list_files_for_mirroring { my $self = shift; my $cache = Path::Tiny::path($self->mirror_list_file); my $list; try { $list = JSON::MaybeXS::decode_json($cache->slurp) } catch { log_warn { "Failed to read cached mirror list $cache $_, refreshing" }; $list = $self->store_file_list_for_mirroring; }; return $list; } sub store_file_list_for_mirroring { my $self = shift; my $file = Path::Tiny::path($self->mirror_list_file); my $list = $self->get_file_list_for_mirroring; log_debug { "Writing mirror list into cache $file" }; $file->spew(JSON::MaybeXS::encode_json($list)); return $list; } sub get_file_list_for_mirroring { my ($self) = @_; my $root = Path::Tiny::path($self->repo_root); my @list = map { +{ file => $_, ts => (stat($root->child($_)))[9] || '', } } ('index.html', 'titles.html', 'topics.html', 'authors.html' ); my $root_as_string = $root->stringify; my $mime = AmuseWikiFarm::Utils::Paths::served_mime_types(); find({ wanted => sub { my $filename = $_; if (-f $filename) { my $ts = (stat($filename))[9]; my ($volume, $dir, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath(File::Spec->abs2rel($filename, $root_as_string)); my @fragments = grep { length($_) } (File::Spec->splitdir($dir), $file); Dlog_debug { "$filename: $_" } \@fragments; return if grep { !m{\A[0-9a-zA-Z_-]+(\.[0-9a-zA-Z]+)*\z} } @fragments; if ($fragments[-1] =~ m/\.([0-9a-zA-Z]+)\z/) { my $ext = $1; if ($mime->{$ext}) { push @list, { file => join('/', @fragments), ts => $ts, }; } else { log_info { "$filename denied, $ext not allowed" }; } } } }, no_chdir => 1, }, map { $_->stringify } $root->children(qr{\A[0-9a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z_-]*\z})); Dlog_debug { "List is $_" } \@list; return \@list; } sub index_file { my ($self, $file, $logger) = @_; unless ($logger) { $logger = sub { warn join(" ", @_) }; } unless ($file && -f $file) { $file ||= '<empty>'; $logger->("File $file does not exist\n"); return; } my $details = muse_file_info($file, $self->repo_root); # unparsable return unless $details; my $class = $details->{f_class}; die "Missing class!" unless $class; my %handled = ( image => 1, upload_pdf => 1, special => 1, special_image => 1, text => 1, ); die "Unknown class $class" unless $handled{$class}; if ($class eq 'upload_pdf' or $class eq 'image' or $class eq 'special_image') { $logger->("Inserting data for attachment $file and generating thumbnails\n"); my $attachment = $self->attachments->update_or_create($details); try { $attachment->generate_thumbnails; } catch { my $err = $_; Dlog_error { "Error generating thumbnails for $_" } $details; }; return $attachment; } # handle specials and texts # ready to store into titles? my $guard = $self->result_source->schema->txn_scope_guard; # by default text are published, unless the file info returns something else # and if it's an update we have to reset it. my %insertion = (deleted => ''); # lower case the keys my $fields = $self->title_fields; foreach my $col (keys %$details) { my $db_col = lc($col); if (exists $fields->{$db_col}) { $insertion{$db_col} = delete $details->{$col}; } } delete $details->{coverwidth}; $insertion{cover} = cover_filename_is_valid($insertion{cover}); # this is needed because we insert it from title, and DBIC can't # infer the site_id from there (even if it should, but hey). my @parsed_cats; if (my $cats_from_title = delete $details->{parsed_categories}) { my %cat_hash; foreach my $cat (@$cats_from_title) { # help dbic to cope with this $cat->{site_id} = $self->id; # check if there is an alias if (my $alias = $self->redirections->find({ uri => $cat->{uri}, type => $cat->{type}, })) { # check if the alias points to something if (my $acat = $self->categories->find({ uri => $alias->redirect, type => $alias->type, })) { # insert that instead $logger->("Alias for $cat->{name} found, using " . $acat->name . " instead\n"); foreach my $m (qw/name uri type/) { $cat->{$m} = $acat->$m; } } else { $logger->(sprintf("Alias %s defined, but no %s found in %s\n", $alias->uri, $alias->redirect, $alias->type)); } } # here we have to check duplicated categories after the # aliasing, which would trigger an exception. my $cat_hashed = $cat->{type} . '/' . $cat->{uri}; if ($cat_hash{$cat_hashed}) { $logger->("Duplicated $cat_hashed\n"); } else { $cat_hash{$cat_hashed} = 1; push @parsed_cats, $cat; } } } if (%$details) { $logger->("Custom directives: " . join(", ", %$details) . "\n"); } $logger->("Inserting data for $file\n"); my $title = $self->titles->update_or_create(\%insertion)->discard_changes; # handle redirections if (my $deletion_msg = $title->deleted) { if ($deletion_msg =~ m/^\s*redirect\:?\s+([a-z0-9-]+)\s*$/i) { my $target = $1; $logger->("Setting redirection to $target\n"); $self->redirections->update_or_create( uri => $title->uri, type => $title->f_class, redirect => $target, ); } } elsif (my $redir = $self->redirections->find({ uri => $title->uri, type => $title->f_class, })) { $logger->("Removing existing redirection to " . $redir->full_dest_uri . "\n"); $redir->delete; } # pick the old categories. my @old_cats_ids; foreach my $old_cat ($title->categories) { push @old_cats_ids, $old_cat->id; } my $name = $title->uri; $title->update_text_status($logger); # before setting them, update or create. This way, the latest # update will overwrite older one in case an error which maps to # the same uri is spotted. For example, "pinco pallino" => "Pinco # Pallino", without being stuck with the lower case. This of # course is also a bit of performance penalty but i guess it's # barely misurable on a normal run. foreach my $category (@parsed_cats) { $self->categories->update_or_create($category); } $title->set_categories(\@parsed_cats); # the final goal is to avoid the use of hardcoded text_count if ($class eq 'text') { # update the text structure $title->text_html_structure(1); my $pubdate = $title->pubdate; my @months; # populate if ($title->is_published) { if (my $pubdate = $title->pubdate) { push @months, { site_id => $self->id, month => $pubdate->month, year => $pubdate->year, }; } } $title->set_monthly_archives(\@months); } $title->muse_headers->delete; if (my $header_obj = AmuseWikiFarm::Utils::Amuse::muse_header_object($title->f_full_path_name)) { my %header = %{$header_obj->header}; foreach my $k (keys %header) { # prevent a mess if (length($k) < 255) { $title->muse_headers->create({ muse_header => $k, muse_value => $header{$k}, }); } } } $title->scan_and_store_links($logger) if $self->enable_backlinks; if (my $teaser_length = $self->automatic_teaser) { $title->autogenerate_teaser($teaser_length, $logger); } $guard->commit; # postpone the xapian indexing to the very end. The only piece # missing is the collation indexing, which changes anyway. $self->xapian->index_text($title, $logger); return $title; } =head2 title_fields Return an hashref with the keys set to each column of the Title row. =head2 list_fixed_categories Return an arrayref with the list of the fixed category, if they exist, or nothing. =cut sub title_fields { my $self = shift; my %fields = map { $_ => 1 } $self->titles->result_source->columns; return \%fields; } sub list_fixed_categories { my $self = shift; if (my $list = $self->fixed_category_list) { return [ split(/\s+/, $list) ]; } else { return; } } sub locales_dir { my $self = shift; return File::Spec->catdir($self->path_for_site_files, 'locales'); } sub lexicon_file { my $self = shift; return File::Spec->catfile($self->path_for_site_files, "lexicon.json"); } sub mirror_list_file { my $self = shift; return File::Spec->catfile($self->path_for_site_files, "mirror.json"); } has lexicon => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Maybe[HashRef]', lazy => 1, builder => '_build_lexicon'); sub _build_lexicon { my $self = shift; my $file = $self->lexicon_file; if (-f $file) { my $json = Text::Amuse::Compile::Utils::read_file($file); my $hashref = AmuseWikiFarm::Utils::Amuse::from_json($json); if ($hashref and ref($hashref) eq 'HASH') { return $hashref; } elsif ($@) { log_fatal { $@ }; } } return undef; } sub multilanguage_list { my ($self) = @_; my $list = $self->multilanguage; if ($list) { my @langs = grep { /\w/ } split(/\s+/, $list); my @out; my $check = $self->known_langs; foreach my $i (@langs) { if (my $label = $check->{$i}) { push @out, { code => $i, label => $label, }, } } return \@out; } else { return; } } sub supported_locales { my ($self) = @_; my $check = $self->known_langs; my @all = map { $_->{code} } @{ $self->multilanguage_list || [] }; push @all, $self->locale; my %out; foreach my $lang (@all) { if ($check->{$lang}) { $out{$lang}++; } } my @locales = sort keys %out; return @locales; } sub is_without_authors { my ($self, $logged_in) = @_; return !$self->categories->by_type('author') ->with_texts(deferred => $logged_in || $self->show_preview_when_deferred) ->first; } sub is_without_topics { my ($self, $logged_in) = @_; return !$self->categories->by_type('topic') ->with_texts(deferred => $logged_in || $self->show_preview_when_deferred) ->first; } has options_hr => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'HashRef[Str]', lazy => 1, builder => '_build_options_hr', ); sub _build_options_hr { my $self = shift; my $options = $self->site_options; my %opts; while (my $option = $options->next) { $opts{$option->option_name} = $option->option_value; } return \%opts; } =head1 SCANNING =head2 repo_find_files Return an hashrefs, where each key is the relative path to the file, and the value is the epoch timestamp in seconds. =cut sub repo_find_files { my $self = shift; my %files; my $root = $self->repo_root; find (sub { my $file = $_; return unless -f $file; my $relpath = File::Spec->abs2rel($File::Find::name, $root); if (muse_filepath_is_valid($relpath)) { die "Something is wrong here" if exists $files{$relpath}; $files{$relpath} = (stat($file))[9]; } else { warn "Discarding $relpath\n" if $relpath =~ m/\.muse$/; } }, $root); return \%files; } =head2 repo_find_tracked_files Return an hashrefs, where each key is the relative path to the file, and the value is the epoch timestamp in seconds. =cut sub repo_find_tracked_files { my $self = shift; my %files; my $root = $self->repo_root; foreach my $f ($self->titles, $self->attachments) { # ignore bogus entries without a timestamp (placeholders for revisions) my $abspath = $f->f_full_path_name; next unless $abspath; # ignore files in the staging area next unless $f->f_archive_rel_path; my $relpath = File::Spec->abs2rel($f->f_full_path_name, $root); if (muse_filepath_is_valid($relpath)) { die "Something is wrong here" if exists $files{$relpath}; $files{$relpath} = $f->f_timestamp_epoch; } else { warn "Discarding $relpath, not in the right directory\n"; } } return \%files; } =head2 repo_find_changed_files Compare the timestamp found in the tree with the ones stored in the db, and run a check. It return an hashref with three keys, C<changed>, C<new>, C<removed>. Each of them points to an arrayref with the list of relative paths. =cut sub repo_find_changed_files { my $self = shift; my $report = { new => [], changed => [], removed => [], }; my $in_tree = $self->repo_find_files; Dlog_debug { "Files are $_" } $in_tree; my $in_db = $self->repo_find_tracked_files; foreach my $file (keys %$in_db) { if (exists $in_tree->{$file}) { if ($in_tree->{$file} != $in_db->{$file}) { push @{$report->{changed}}, $file; } } else { push @{$report->{removed}}, $file; } } # and the other way around foreach my $file (keys %$in_tree) { unless (exists $in_db->{$file}) { push @{$report->{new}}, $file; } } return $report; } =head3 repo_git_pull($remote_name) Try to pull the remote git into the master branch (fast-forward only). You want to call C<update_db_from_tree> afterward. =head3 repo_git_push($remote_name) Try to push master into the remote git. =cut sub repo_git_pull { shift->_repo_git_action(pull => @_); } sub repo_git_push { shift->_repo_git_action(push => @_); } sub _repo_git_action { my ($self, $action, $remote, $logger) = @_; die "Wrong usage" unless $action; my @out; if (my $git = $self->git) { $remote ||= 'origin'; if ($remote =~ m/\A([a-z0-9]{2,30})\z/) { $remote = $1; # untainting tecnique from the old days } else { die "Invalid remote repo name $remote"; } # cfr. git remote my $fatal; if ($action eq 'push') { eval { @out = $git->push($remote, 'master'); }; $fatal = $@; } elsif ($action eq 'pull') { eval { $git->fetch($remote); # safe interpolation, as we checked it. @out = $git->RUN(log => "HEAD..$remote/master"); push @out, $git->pull({ ff_only => 1 }, $remote, 'master'); }; $fatal = $@; } else { die "Bad usage $action"; } # this is the standard error was ->ERR, now is ->error if (my $err = $git->can('error') ? $git->error : $git->ERR) { push @out, @$err if @$err; } if ($fatal) { push @out, $fatal->error; log_error { $self->id . ": Fatal error on $action $remote: " . join("\n", @out) }; } } else { push @out, "Not under git!"; } if (@out) { eval { my @decoded = map { Encode::decode('UTF-8', $_) } @out; @out = @decoded; }; @out = map { $_ . "\n" } @out; if ($logger) { $logger->(@out); } else { print @out; } } return @out; } =head3 update_db_from_tree($logger) Check the consistency of the repo and the db. Index and compile new/changed files and purge the removed ones. Pass the first argument (a sub ref) as logger to L<Text::Amuse::Compile> if present. =cut sub update_db_from_tree { my ($self, $logger) = @_; $logger ||= sub { print @_ }; my @files = $self->_pre_update_db_from_tree($logger); $self->compile_and_index_files(\@files, $logger); } sub _pre_update_db_from_tree { my ($self, $logger) = @_; $logger ||= sub { print @_ }; my $todo = $self->repo_find_changed_files; # first delete foreach my $purge (@{ $todo->{removed} }) { if (my $found = $self->find_file_by_path($purge)) { $logger->("Removing $purge from database\n"); $found->delete; } else { log_warn { "$purge was not present in the db!" }; } } $self->index_site_files; eval { if (my @generated = AmuseWikiFarm::Utils::LexiconMigration::convert($self->lexicon, $self->locales_dir)) { $logger->("Updated the following file from lexicon file:\n" . join("\n", @generated) . "\n"); } }; if ($@) { $logger->("Exception migrating lexicon to PO: $@"); } my @files = (sort @{ $todo->{new} }, @{ $todo->{changed} }); return @files; } =head2 find_file_by_path($path) Return a title or attachment depending on the path provided (or nothing if not found). =cut sub find_file_by_path { my ($self, $path) = @_; return unless $path; my $fullpath = File::Spec->rel2abs($path, $self->repo_root); if ($fullpath =~ m/\.muse$/) { my $title = $self->titles->find_file($fullpath); return $title; } else { my $file = $self->attachments->find_file($fullpath); return $file; } } =head2 git Return the Git::Wrapper object bound to the repo (or undef if it's not under git). =cut sub git { my $self = shift; return unless $self->repo_is_under_git; my $root = $self->repo_root; require Git::Wrapper; my $git = Git::Wrapper->new($root); return $git; } =head2 remote_gits Return a list of remote gits found in the repo. Each element is an hashref with the following keys: C<name>, C<url>, C<action>. =cut sub remote_gits { my $self = shift; my $git = $self->git; return unless $git; my @remotes = $git->remote('-v'); my @out; foreach my $remote (@remotes) { my ($name, $url, $action) = split(/\s+/, $remote, 3); if ($action =~ m/\s*\((.+)\)\s*/) { push @out, { name => $name, url => $url, action => $1 }; } } return @out; } =head2 remote_gits_hashref Return an hashref (empty hashref is no git or no remotes) with this structure: { origin => { fetch => $remotedir, push => $remotedir, }, other => { fetch => $repo, }, # .... } This is used for validation of actions. =cut sub remote_gits_hashref { my $self = shift; my @remotes = $self->remote_gits; my $out = {}; foreach my $remote (@remotes) { $out->{$remote->{name}}->{$remote->{action}} = $remote->{url}; } return $out; } sub add_git_remote { my ($self, $name, $url) = @_; my $git = $self->git; return unless $git; log_debug { "Trying to add $name and $url" }; my ($valid_name, $valid_url); if ($name =~ m/\A\s*([0-9a-zA-Z]{2,30})\s*\z/) { $valid_name = lc($1); } my $pathre = qr{(/[0-9a-zA-Z\._-]+)+/?}; if ($url =~ m{\A\s*(((git|https?):/)?$pathre)\s*\z}) { $valid_url = $1; } if ($valid_url && $valid_name && !$self->remote_gits_hashref->{$valid_name}) { log_info { "Adding $valid_name $valid_url" }; $git->remote(add => $valid_name => $valid_url); return $valid_name; } else { log_error { "$name and/or $url are invalid" }; return; } } sub remove_git_remote { my ($self, $name) = @_; my $git = $self->git; if ($self->remote_gits_hashref->{$name}) { $git->remote(rm => $name); return 1; } else { return; } } =head2 update_or_create_user(\%attrs, $role) update_or_create_user($username, $role) Create or update a user and add it to our user unless already present. If an hashref is passed, it must contain the username key with some value. Also, the sanity of the username is checked. Returns the User object. If the optional $role is passed, the role will be assigned, defaulting to librarian if not passed. =cut sub update_or_create_user { my ($self, $details, $role) = @_; $role ||= 'librarian'; # first, search our users my $username; if (ref($details)) { $username = $details->{username}; } else { $username = $details; $details = { username => $username }; } die "Missing username" unless $username; my $cleaned = muse_naming_algo($username); die "$username doesn't match $cleaned" unless $username eq $cleaned; # search the site my $user = $self->users->find({ username => $username }); if ($user) { my %query = %$details; delete $query{username}; if (%query) { $user->update(\%query)->discard_changes; } } else { # still here? check the existing userbase $user = $self->result_source->schema->resultset('User') ->update_or_create({ %$details })->discard_changes; $self->add_to_users($user); } # check the roles unless ($user->roles->find({ role => $role })) { $user->add_to_roles({ role => $role }); } return $user; } sub my_topics { my $self = shift; return $self->categories->by_type('topic'); } sub my_authors { my $self = shift; return $self->categories->by_type('author'); } =head2 update_from_params(\%params) If the params is valid, perform an update, otherwise return the error. =cut sub update_from_params_restricted { my ($self, $params) = @_; return unless $params; my %fixed_values = ( active => 'value', logo => 'value_or_empty', logo_with_sitename => 'value', canonical => 'value', sitegroup => 'value', ttdir => 'value', use_luatex => 'option', vhosts => 'delete', secure_site => 'value', secure_site_only => 'value', acme_certificate => 'value', ssl_key => 'value_or_empty', ssl_chained_cert => 'value_or_empty', ssl_cert => 'value_or_empty', ssl_ca_cert => 'value_or_empty', ); my $abort; foreach my $value (keys %fixed_values) { if (exists $params->{$value}) { log_error { "Restricted update passed a fixed value, $value, aborting" }; $abort++; } my $type = $fixed_values{$value}; if ($type eq 'value') { $params->{$value} = $self->$value; } elsif ($type eq 'value_or_empty') { $params->{$value} = $self->$value || ''; } elsif ($type eq 'option') { $params->{$value} = $self->get_option($value); } elsif ($type eq 'delete') { delete $params->{$value}; } else { die "$type is wrong"; } } if ($abort) { return; } else { return $self->update_from_params($params); } } sub update_from_params { my ($self, $params) = @_; Dlog_debug { "options are $_" } ($params); my @errors; # allwoing to set bare_html, we get the chance to the sloppy admin # to break the app, but hey... # first round: booleans. Here there is not much to do. If it's set, 1, # otherwise 0 my @booleans = (qw/logo_with_sitename cgit_integration secure_site active blog_style acme_certificate secure_site_only twoside nocoverpage/); foreach my $boolean (@booleans) { if (delete $params->{$boolean}) { $self->$boolean(1); } else { $self->$boolean(0); } } # strings: same here, nothing which should go too wrong, save for # the the length. my @strings = (qw/magic_answer magic_question fixed_category_list multilanguage theme ssl_key ssl_cert ssl_ca_cert ssl_chained_cert sitename siteslogan logo mail_notify mail_from sitegroup ttdir/); foreach my $string (@strings) { my $param = delete $params->{$string}; if (defined $param) { $param =~ s/\s+/ /gs; $param =~ s/^\s+//; $param =~ s/\s+$//; if (length($param) < 256) { $self->$string($param); } else { push @errors, "$string $param exceeds 255 chars"; } } else { push @errors, "$string is not defined!"; } } if ($params->{canonical} and $params->{canonical} =~ m/\A$RE{net}{domain}{-nospace}{-rfc1101}\z/) { my $canonical = delete $params->{canonical}; $self->canonical($canonical); } else { log_error { ($params->{canonical} || '') . "doesn't match" . $RE{net}{domain}{-nospace}{-rfc1101} }; push @errors, "Canonical is mandatory"; } # ranges my %ranges = ( division => [9, 15], fontsize => [10, 12], bb_page_limit => [10, 2000], # 2000 pages should be enough... ); foreach my $integer (keys %ranges) { my $int = delete $params->{$integer}; unless (defined $int and $int =~ m/^[1-9][0-9]*$/) { push @errors, "$integer $int doesn't look like an integer"; next; } my $range = $ranges{$integer}; if ($int < $range->[0] and $int > $range->[1]) { push @errors, "$integer $int is out of range"; } else { $self->$integer($int); } } # most critical: strings which need to have exactly defined values # 'mode' => 'modwiki', # 'papersize' => 'a4', # 'mainfont' => 'Charis SIL', # 'locale' => 'hr', # 'bcor' => '0mm' # these are select options, so just ignore wrong values my $mode = delete $params->{mode}; if ($mode && $self->available_modes->{$mode}) { $self->mode($mode); } else { push @errors, "Wrong mode!"; } my $locale = delete $params->{locale}; if ($locale && $self->known_langs->{$locale}) { $self->locale($locale); } else { push @errors, "Wrong locale!"; } # for papersize and fonts, we ask the bookbuilder my $bb = AmuseWikiFarm::Archive::BookBuilder->new(site => $self) ; my $ppsize = delete $params->{papersize}; if ($ppsize && $bb->papersize_values_as_hashref->{$ppsize}) { $self->papersize($ppsize); } else { push @errors, "Wrong papersize!"; } foreach my $fontfamily (qw/mainfont sansfont monofont/) { my $font = delete $params->{$fontfamily}; Dlog_debug { "Available fonts $_" } $bb->available_fonts; if ($font && $bb->available_fonts->{$font}) { $self->$fontfamily($font); } else { $font ||= "NONE"; push @errors, "Wrong $fontfamily $font!"; } } if (my $beamertheme = delete $params->{beamertheme} || '') { my %avail = map { $_ => 1 } @{ $bb->beamer_themes_values }; Dlog_debug { "available beamer theme $_ and $beamertheme" } \%avail; if ($avail{$beamertheme}) { $self->beamertheme($beamertheme); } else { push @errors, "Wrong Beamer theme: $beamertheme"; } } if (my $beamercolortheme = delete $params->{beamercolortheme} || '') { my %avail = map { $_ => 1 } @{ $bb->beamer_color_themes_values }; Dlog_debug { "available beamer color theme $_ and $beamercolortheme" } \%avail; if ($avail{$beamercolortheme}) { $self->beamercolortheme($beamercolortheme); } else { push @errors, "Wrong Beamer Color theme: $beamercolortheme"; } } my $bcor = delete $params->{bcor}; if ($bcor && $bcor =~ m/^([0-9]+mm)$/) { $self->bcor($1); } else { push @errors, "Invalid binding correction\n"; } my $opening = delete $params->{opening}; if ($opening) { my %avail_openings = map { $_ => 1 } @{ $bb->opening_values }; if ($avail_openings{$opening}) { $self->opening($opening); } else { push @errors, "Invalid opening!"; } } else { push @errors, "Invalid opening!"; } # unclear if it's enough to prevent a memory cycle. Probably it # is, as $bb goes away, which references $self. undef $bb; my @vhosts; # ignore missing vhosts if (my $vhosts = delete $params->{vhosts}) { @vhosts = grep { m/\w/ } split(/\s+/, $vhosts); if (@vhosts) { my @existing = $self->result_source->schema->resultset('Vhost') ->search( { name => [ @vhosts ], site_id => { '!=' => $self->id } } ); foreach my $ex (@existing) { push @errors, "Found existing vhost: " . $ex->name; } } } my @options; # these are numerics foreach my $option (qw/latest_entries_for_rss paginate_archive_after pagination_size pagination_size_search pagination_size_monthly pagination_size_latest pagination_size_category automatic_teaser /) { my $value = 0; if (my $set_to = delete $params->{$option}) { if ($set_to =~ m/([1-9][0-9]*)/) { $value = $1; } else { push @errors, "$option should be numeric"; } } push @options, { option_name => $option, option_value => $value, }; } # this is totally arbitrary foreach my $option (qw/html_special_page_bottom use_luatex html_regular_page_bottom left_layout_html right_layout_html top_layout_html bottom_layout_html footer_layout_html do_not_enforce_commit_message text_infobox_at_the_bottom freenode_irc_channel turn_links_to_images_into_images enable_video_widgets restrict_mirror show_preview_when_deferred lists_are_always_flat titles_category_default_sorting enable_order_by_sku enable_backlinks use_js_highlight edit_option_page_left_bs_columns edit_option_show_cheatsheet edit_option_show_filters edit_option_preview_box_height show_type_and_number_of_pages /) { my $value = delete $params->{$option} || ''; # clean it up from leading and trailing spaces $value =~ s/\A\s*//s; $value =~ s/\s*\z//s; push @options, { option_name => $option, option_value => $value, }; } my @site_links = ( $self->deserialize_links(delete $params->{site_links}, 'specials'), $self->deserialize_links(delete $params->{site_links_projects}, 'projects'), $self->deserialize_links(delete $params->{site_links_archive}, 'archive') ); if (%$params) { push @errors, "Unprocessed parameters found: " . join(", ", keys %$params); } # no error? update the db unless (@errors) { my $guard = $self->result_source->schema->txn_scope_guard; Dlog_info { "Updating site settings $_ " } +{ $self->get_dirty_columns }; $self->update; if (@vhosts) { Dlog_info { "Updating vhosts to $_" } +{ to => \@vhosts, from => [ map { $_->name } $self->vhosts ], }; # delete and reinsert, even if it doesn't feel too right $self->vhosts->delete; foreach my $vhost (@vhosts) { $self->vhosts->create({ name => $vhost }); } } $self->site_links->delete; Dlog_info { "Updating links to $_" } +{ from => [ map { +{ url => $_->url, label => $_->label, sorting_pos => $_->sorting_pos } } $self->site_links ], to => \@site_links, }; foreach my $link (@site_links) { $self->site_links->create($link); } Dlog_info { "Updating options to $_" } +{ from => [ map { +{ option_name => $_->option_name, option_value => $_->option_value } } $self->site_options ], to => \@options, }; foreach my $opt (@options) { $self->site_options->update_or_create($opt); } $guard->commit; $self->configure_cgit; } # in any case discard the changes $self->discard_changes; @errors ? return join("\n", @errors) : return; } sub configure_cgit { my $self = shift; my $schema = $self->result_source->schema; my $cgit = AmuseWikiFarm::Utils::CgitSetup->new(schema => $schema); $cgit->configure; } sub deserialize_links { my ($self, $string, $menu) = @_; my @links; return @links unless $string; my @lines = grep { $_ } split(/\r?\n/, $string); return @links unless @lines; my $order = 0; foreach my $line (@lines) { if ($line =~ m{^\s*(\S+)\s+(.*?)\s*$}) { push @links, { url => $1, label => $2, sorting_pos => $order++, menu => $menu, }; } } return @links; } sub serialize_links { my ($self, $menu) = @_; my $links = $self->site_links->search({ menu => $menu }, { order_by => [qw/sorting_pos label url/] }); my @lines; while (my $link = $links->next) { push @lines, $link->url . ' ' . $link->label; } if (@lines) { return join("\n", @lines); } else { return ''; } } sub translations_list { my $self = shift; # get all the texts my $rs = $self->titles->search({ f_class => 'text' }, { columns => [qw/uid title uri f_class/], order_by => [qw/list_title/], }); my %all; while (my $text = $rs->next) { my $uid = $text->uid || 0; # consider '', null and 0 all the same $all{$uid} ||= []; push @{$all{$uid}}, { full_uri => $text->full_uri, title => $text->uri, full_edit_uri => $text->full_edit_uri, }; } my @out; my @list = sort keys %all; foreach my $k (@list) { push @out, { uid => $k, texts => delete($all{$k}) }; } return \@out; } =head2 initialize_git If there is no repo, initialize a git one. =cut sub initialize_git { my $self = shift; my $root = $self->repo_root; if (-d $root) { warn "$root already exist, skipping the git initialization"; return; } mkdir $self->repo_root or die "Couldn't create " . $self->repo_root . " " . $!; require Git::Wrapper; my $git = Git::Wrapper->new($self->repo_root); $git->init; $self->_create_repo_stub; $git->add('.'); $git->commit({ message => 'Initial AMuseWiki setup' }); $self->configure_cgit; return 1; } sub _create_repo_stub { my $self = shift; my $root = $self->repo_root; my $gitignore =<<'GITIGNORE'; ?/??/*.pdf ?/??/*.a4.pdf ?/??/*.lt.pdf ?/??/*.epub ?/??/*.html ?/??/*.tex ?/??/*.log ?/??/*.tuc ?/??/*.aux ?/??/*.toc ?/??/*.ok ?/??/*.zip ?/??/*.status specials/*.pdf specials/*.a4.pdf specials/*.lt.pdf specials/*.epub specials/*.html specials/*.tex specials/*.log specials/*.tuc specials/*.aux specials/*.toc specials/*.ok specials/*.zip specials/*.status *~ GITIGNORE my $stub = "/* Empty by default, for local changes */\n"; my $gitignore_path = File::Spec->catfile($root, '.gitignore'); my $local_js_path = File::Spec->catfile($self->path_for_site_files, 'local.js'); my $local_css_path = File::Spec->catfile($self->path_for_site_files, 'local.css'); # create stub dirs foreach my $dir (qw/site_files specials uploads/) { my $target = File::Spec->catdir($root, $dir); mkdir $target or die "Couldn't create $target: $!"; } my %stubs = ( $gitignore_path => $gitignore, $local_js_path => $stub, $local_css_path => $stub, ); foreach my $file (keys %stubs) { open (my $fh, '>:encoding(UTF-8)', $file) or die "Couldn't open $file $!"; print $fh $stubs{$file}; close $fh or die $!; } } sub static_indexes_generator { my $self = shift; require AmuseWikiFarm::Archive::StaticIndexes; # pass a copy, so we avoid potential circular references return AmuseWikiFarm::Archive::StaticIndexes->new(site => $self->get_from_storage); } sub canonical_url { return shift->canonical_url_secure; } sub https_available { my $self = shift; return $self->secure_site || $self->secure_site_only; } sub canonical_url_secure { my $self = shift; if ($self->https_available) { return 'https://' . $self->canonical; } else { return 'http://' . $self->canonical; } } sub all_site_hostnames { my $self = shift; my @hostnames = ($self->canonical); push @hostnames, $self->alternate_hostnames; return @hostnames; } sub alternate_hostnames { my $self = shift; return sort map { $_->name } $self->vhosts; } sub full_name { my $self = shift; return $self->sitename || $self->canonical; } sub latest_entries_for_rss_rs { my $self = shift; return $self->titles->latest($self->latest_entries_for_rss); } sub latest_entries_for_rss { return shift->get_option('latest_entries_for_rss') || 25; } sub paginate_archive_after { return shift->get_option('paginate_archive_after') || 25; } sub freenode_irc_channel { return shift->get_option('freenode_irc_channel') || '#amusewiki'; } sub turn_links_to_images_into_images { return shift->get_option('turn_links_to_images_into_images') || ''; } sub restrict_mirror { return shift->get_option('restrict_mirror') || ''; } sub enable_video_widgets { return shift->get_option('enable_video_widgets') || ''; } sub lists_are_always_flat { return shift->get_option('lists_are_always_flat') || ''; } sub pagination_needed { my ($self, $count) = @_; return 0 unless $count; my $min = $self->paginate_archive_after; $count > $min ? return 1 : return 0; } sub get_option { my ($self, $lookup) = @_; if ($lookup) { return $self->options_hr->{$lookup}; } else { return undef; } } sub html_special_page_bottom { return shift->get_option('html_special_page_bottom') || ''; } sub html_regular_page_bottom { return shift->get_option('html_regular_page_bottom') || ''; } sub left_layout_html { return shift->get_option('left_layout_html') || ''; } sub right_layout_html { return shift->get_option('right_layout_html') || ''; } sub top_layout_html { return shift->get_option('top_layout_html') || ''; } sub bottom_layout_html { return shift->get_option('bottom_layout_html') || ''; } sub footer_layout_html { return shift->get_option('footer_layout_html') || ''; } sub titles_available_sortings { my $self = shift; return $self->titles->available_sortings( sku => $self->enable_order_by_sku, text_size => $self->show_type_and_number_of_pages, ); } sub validate_text_category_sorting { my ($self, $option) = @_; my @available = $self->titles_available_sortings; if ($option) { if (grep { $_->{name} eq $option } @available) { return $option; } } if ($self->blog_style) { return 'pubdate_desc'; } else { return $available[0]{name}; } } sub titles_category_default_sorting { my $self = shift; my $option = $self->get_option('titles_category_default_sorting') || ''; return $self->validate_text_category_sorting($option); } sub enable_order_by_sku { return shift->get_option('enable_order_by_sku') || ''; } sub enable_backlinks { return shift->get_option('enable_backlinks') || ''; } sub pagination_size { return shift->get_option('pagination_size') || 10; } sub pagination_size_latest { my $self = shift; return $self->get_option('pagination_size_latest') || $self->pagination_size; } sub pagination_size_category { my $self = shift; return $self->get_option('pagination_size_category') || $self->pagination_size; } sub pagination_size_search { my $self = shift; return $self->get_option('pagination_size_search') || $self->pagination_size; } sub pagination_size_monthly { my $self = shift; return $self->get_option('pagination_size_monthly') || $self->pagination_size; } sub automatic_teaser { my $self = shift; if (my $value = $self->get_option('automatic_teaser')) { if ($value =~ m/\A([1-9][0-9]*)\z/) { return $1; } } return 0; } sub show_type_and_number_of_pages { my $self = shift; return $self->get_option('show_type_and_number_of_pages') || ''; } sub text_infobox_at_the_bottom { return shift->get_option('text_infobox_at_the_bottom') || ''; } sub show_preview_when_deferred { my $self = shift; if ($self->get_option('show_preview_when_deferred')) { return 1; } else { return ''; } } sub use_luatex { my ($self) = @_; $self->get_option('use_luatex') ? 1 : 0; } sub do_not_enforce_commit_message { my ($self) = @_; $self->get_option('do_not_enforce_commit_message') ? 1 : 0; } sub use_js_highlight { my ($self, $force) = @_; if (my $langs = $self->use_js_highlight_value || $force ) { my @true_langs = grep { /\A[a-z]+\z/ } split(/\s+/, $langs); return AmuseWikiFarm::Utils::Amuse::to_json({ languages => \@true_langs }); } return ''; } sub use_js_highlight_value { my $self = shift; return $self->get_option('use_js_highlight'); } sub mail_from_default { my $self = shift; if (my $mail = $self->mail_from) { return $mail; } else { return 'noreply@' . $self->canonical; } } sub popular_titles { my ($self, $page) = @_; return $self->title_stats->popular_texts($page, $self->pagination_size); } =head2 serialize_site Return an hashref with the serialized site, with options, virtual host, etc. so you can call the resultset L<AmuseWikiFarm::Schema::ResultSet::Site> C<deserialize_site> call on this to clone a site. =cut sub _columns_with_no_embedded_id { my $row = shift; my $source = $row->result_source; my %cols = $row->get_columns; foreach my $col ($row->columns) { my %info = %{ $source->column_info($col) }; if ($info{is_auto_increment} or $info{is_foreign_key}) { log_debug { "Deleting $col $cols{$col} from $row" }; delete $cols{$col}; } } return %cols; } sub serialize_site { my ($self) = @_; my %data = $self->get_columns; foreach my $spec ($self->result_source->resultset->site_serialize_related_rels) { my ($method, @search_args) = @$spec; my @records; ROW: foreach my $row ($self->$method->search(@search_args)->all) { my %row_data = _columns_with_no_embedded_id($row); if ($method eq 'categories') { # add the description, if needed my @descriptions; foreach my $desc ($row->category_descriptions) { my %hashref = _columns_with_no_embedded_id($desc); push @descriptions, \%hashref; } if (@descriptions) { $row_data{category_descriptions} = \@descriptions; } } push @records, \%row_data; } if (my $ordering = $search_args[1]{order_by}) { if (@$ordering == 1) { my $order_by = $ordering->[0]; log_debug { "Ordering again by $order_by" }; @records = sort { $a->{$order_by} cmp $b->{$order_by} } @records; } } $data{$method} = \@records; } # then the users my @users; foreach my $user ($self->users) { my %user_data = _columns_with_no_embedded_id($user); foreach my $method (qw/roles bookbuilder_profiles/) { $user_data{$method} = [ map { +{ _columns_with_no_embedded_id($_) } } $user->$method->all ]; } push @users, \%user_data; } $data{users} = \@users; return \%data; } sub populate_monthly_archives { my $self = shift; my $guard = $self->result_source->schema->txn_scope_guard; # clear all $self->monthly_archives->delete; my $texts = $self->titles->published_texts->search({}, { columns => [qw/id pubdate/] }); while (my $text = $texts->next) { if (my $pubdate = $text->pubdate) { my $month = $self->monthly_archives->find_or_create({ month => $pubdate->month, year => $pubdate->year, }); $month->add_to_titles($text); } } $guard->commit; } sub bootstrap_themes { my $self = shift; my @themes = (qw/amusewiki amusecosmo amusejournal cerulean cosmo cyborg darkly flatly journal lumen readable simplex slate spacelab united /); return @themes; } sub bootstrap_theme { my $self = shift; my $theme = $self->theme || 'amusewiki'; my %avail = map { $_ => 1 } $self->bootstrap_themes; if ($avail{$theme}) { return $theme; } else { log_error { "Theme $theme not found! for site " . $self->canonical }; return 'amusewiki'; } } sub bootstrap_theme_list { my $self = shift; my @themes = map { +{ name => $_, label => ucfirst($_) } } $self->bootstrap_themes; Dlog_debug { "Themes are $_" } \@themes; return @themes; } sub xapian_reindex_all { my ($self, $logger) = @_; $logger ||= sub { return }; my $xapian = $self->xapian; my $newdir; my $titles = $self->titles->texts_only; unless ($titles->count) { $xapian->write_specification_file; return; } try { my $newdb = $self->xapian(auxiliary => 1); log_info { "Building new db against " . $newdb->xapian_dir }; while (my $title = $titles->next) { $newdb->index_text($title, $logger); } $newdir = $newdb->xapian_dir; log_info { "new xapian dir is $newdir" }; } catch { my $err = $_; log_error { "$err while rebuilding xapian index for " . $self->id }; }; if ($newdir and -d $newdir) { my $src = Path::Tiny::path($newdir); my $dest = Path::Tiny::path($xapian->xapian_dir); my $backup = Path::Tiny::path($xapian->xapian_backup_dir); log_info { "moving $dest to $backup and $newdir to $dest" }; try { $backup->remove_tree({ verbose => 1 }) if $backup->exists; # please note that this is not atomic, but it should be # really fast as it's a rename. I think we can afford a # couple of failed requests. At least for now. $dest->move($backup) if $dest->exists; $src->move($dest); $xapian->write_specification_file; } catch { my $err = $_; log_error { "$err while swapping xapian dbs for " . $self->id }; }; } else { log_error { "No newdir $newdir set for " . $self->id }; } } =head1 WEBSERVER options These options only affect the webserver configuration, but we have to store them here to fully automate that, without calling the script with different options which are not going to cover any case. They are stored in the C<site> table to enable a more straightforward setting from the sql monitor. (Say you have a wildcard cert for all the sites, you can just do a single update to set them). Please note that ssl_cert and ssl_ca_cert are not used anywhere, because we don't provide an apache config generator. But if there is the need for this, we have already the fields ready. =head2 ssl_key Used by both Apache and nginx. =head2 ssl_cert Used by Apache. =head2 ssl_ca_cert Used by Apache =head2 ssl_chained_cert Used by nginx (concatenation of the certificate and the CA certificate). =head2 secure_site_only This affects only the generation of the nginx conf =head1 EDITING OPTIONS Stored in the site_options table and wrapped here. Compare with User class. =over 4 =item edit_option_preview_box_height =item edit_option_show_filters =item edit_option_show_cheatsheet =item edit_option_page_left_bs_columns =back =cut sub edit_option_preview_box_height { my $self = shift; my $value = $self->get_option('edit_option_preview_box_height'); if (defined $value and $value =~ m/\A[1-9][0-9]*\z/) { return $value; } return 500; } sub edit_option_show_filters { my $self = shift; my $value = $self->get_option('edit_option_show_filters'); if (defined $value) { $value ? return 1 : return 0; } else { return 1; } } sub edit_option_show_cheatsheet { my $self = shift; my $value = $self->get_option('edit_option_show_cheatsheet'); if (defined $value) { $value ? return 1 : return 0; } else { return 1; } } sub edit_option_page_left_bs_columns { my $self = shift; my $value = $self->get_option('edit_option_page_left_bs_columns'); if (defined $value and $value =~ m/\A[1-9][0-9]*\z/) { return $value; } return 6; } sub update_db_from_tree_async { my ($self, $logger, $username) = @_; $logger ||= sub { print @_ }; my @files = $self->_pre_update_db_from_tree($logger); my $now = DateTime->now; return $self->bulk_jobs->reindexes->create({ created => $now, status => (scalar(@files) ? 'active' : 'completed'), completed => (scalar(@files) ? undef : $now), username => $username, jobs => [ map { +{ site_id => $self->id, username => $username, task => 'reindex', status => 'pending', created => $now, priority => 19, payload => AmuseWikiFarm::Utils::Amuse::to_json({ path => $_ }), } } @files ] }); } sub rebuild_formats { my ($self, $username) = @_; my @texts = $self->titles->published_or_deferred_all ->search(undef, { result_class => 'DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator', columns => [qw/id/], }); Dlog_debug { "Texts are $_" } \@texts; my $site_id = $self->id; my $now = DateTime->now; if ($username) { $username = AmuseWikiFarm::Utils::Amuse::clean_username($username); } # here we skip the rebuild_add method, because it would be a lot # slower to call $self->bulk_jobs->jobs->enqueue for each text. # They could be very well be thousands. Here, instead, the # creation is wrapped in a transaction and doesn't spawn objects # without reason. # loc('Rebuild') return $self->bulk_jobs->rebuilds->create({ created => $now, username => $username, status => 'active', jobs => [ map { +{ payload => AmuseWikiFarm::Utils::Amuse::to_json($_), site_id => $site_id, task => 'rebuild', status => 'pending', created => $now, priority => 20, username => $username, } } @texts ] }); } sub active_custom_formats { my $self = shift; my @all = $self->custom_formats->active_only; return \@all; } sub root_install_directory { AmuseWikiFarm::Utils::Paths::root_install_directory(); } sub mkits_location { AmuseWikiFarm::Utils::Paths::mkits_location(); } sub templates_location { AmuseWikiFarm::Utils::Paths::templates_location(); } sub localizer { my ($self, $locale_asked) = @_; log_debug { "Loading localizer" }; # there is no caching here. This should be called only outside the # web app if needed. my $locale = $locale_asked || $self->locale || 'en'; unless ($self->known_langs->{$locale}) { log_error { "Unknown locale asked: $locale, defaulting to en" }; $locale = 'en'; } require AmuseWikiFarm::Archive::Lexicon; return AmuseWikiFarm::Archive::Lexicon->new->localizer($locale, $self->id); } sub mailer { my ($self, @args) = @_; require AmuseWikiFarm::Utils::Mailer; return AmuseWikiFarm::Utils::Mailer->new(mkit_location => $self->mkits_location->stringify, @args); # please note that the catalyst config could have injected args. # If we call this, those settings will be ignored, hence we permit # argument passing) } sub send_mail { my ($self, $mkit, $tokens) = @_; foreach my $f (qw/to from cc/) { if (length($tokens->{$f})) { if (my $valid = Email::Valid->address($tokens->{$f})) { $tokens->{$f} = $valid; } else { log_error { "Invalid email for $f $tokens->{$f} for $mkit" }; $tokens->{$f} = ''; } } else { # 0 or undef length $tokens->{$f} = ''; } } return unless $tokens->{to} && $tokens->{from}; # check if the recipient is known to us and have a language # preference if (my $known_user = $self->result_source->schema->resultset('User') ->search({ email => $tokens->{to}, preferred_language => [ keys %{$self->known_langs} ], })->first) { $tokens->{lh} = $self->localizer($known_user->preferred_language); } else { $tokens->{lh} = $self->localizer; } $self->mailer->send_mail($mkit => $tokens); } after insert => sub { my $self = shift; $self->discard_changes; $self->check_and_update_custom_formats; }; __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; 1;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
package Bio::Graphics::Glyph::wiggle_density; use strict; use base qw(Bio::Graphics::Glyph::wiggle_data Bio::Graphics::Glyph::box Bio::Graphics::Glyph::smoothing Bio::Graphics::Glyph::xyplot ); sub my_description { return <<END; This glyph draws quantitative data as a heatmap. Higher-intensity parts of the feature will be drawn with more saturation. For this glyph to work, the feature must define one of the following tags: wigfile -- a path to a Bio::Graphics::Wiggle file wigdata -- Wiggle data in the Bio::Graphics::Wiggle "wif" format, as created by \$wig->export_to_wif(). coverage-- a simple comma-delimited string containing the quantitative values, assumed to be one value per pixel. END } sub my_options { { basedir => [ 'string', undef, 'If a relative path is used for "wigfile", then this option provides', 'the base directory on which to resolve the path.' ], z_score_bounds => [ 'integer', 4, 'When using z_score autoscaling, this option controls how many standard deviations', 'above and below the mean to show.' ], autoscale => [ ['local','chromosome','global','z_score','clipped_global'], 'clipped_global', 'If set to "global" , then the minimum and maximum values of the XY plot', 'will be taken from the wiggle file as a whole. If set to "chromosome", then', 'scaling will be to minimum and maximum on the current chromosome.', '"clipped_global" is similar to "global", but clips the top and bottom values', 'to the multiples of standard deviations indicated by "z_score_bounds"', 'If set to "z_score", then the whole plot will be rescaled to z-scores in which', 'the "0" value corresponds to the mean across the genome, and the units correspond', 'to standard deviations above and below the mean. The number of SDs to show are', 'controlled by the "z_score_bound" option.', 'Otherwise, the plot will be', 'scaled to the minimum and maximum values of the region currently on display.', 'min_score and max_score override autoscaling if one or both are defined' ], graph_type => [ undef, undef, 'Unused option', ], }; } sub pad_top { my $self = shift; my $overlap = $self->bump eq 'overlap'; return $overlap ?$self->Bio::Graphics::Glyph::xyplot::pad_top(@_) :$self->SUPER::pad_top(@_); } sub draw { my $self = shift; my ($gd,$dx,$dy) = @_; my $retval = $self->SUPER::draw(@_); if ($retval) { $self->draw_label(@_) if $self->option('label'); $self->draw_description(@_) if $self->option('description'); $self->panel->endGroup($gd); return $retval; } else { return $self->Bio::Graphics::Glyph::box::draw(@_); } } sub draw_coverage { my $self = shift; my $feature = shift; my $array = shift; if (! $array || ref($array) ne 'ARRAY'){ unshift(@_,$array); my @arr = (eval{$feature->get_tag_values('coverage')}); $array = $arr[0]; } else { $array = [split ',',$array] unless ref $array; } return unless @$array; my ($gd,$left,$top) = @_; my ($start,$end) = $self->effective_bounds($feature); my $length = $end - $start + 1; my $bases_per_bin = ($end-$start)/@$array; my @parts; my $samples = $length < $self->panel->width ? $length : $self->panel->width; my $samples_per_base = $samples/$length; for (my $i=0;$i<$samples;$i++) { my $offset = $i/$samples_per_base; my $v = $array->[$offset/$bases_per_bin]; push @parts,$v; } my ($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2) = $self->bounds($left,$top); $self->draw_segment($gd, $start,$end, \@parts, $start,$end, 1,1, $x1,$y1,$x2,$y2); } sub draw_segment { my $self = shift; my ($gd, $start,$end, $seg_data, $seg_start,$seg_end, $step,$span, $x1,$y1,$x2,$y2) = @_; # clip, because wig files do no clipping $seg_start = $start if $seg_start < $start; $seg_end = $end if $seg_end > $end; # figure out where we're going to start my $scale = $self->scale; # pixels per base pair my $pixels_per_span = $scale * $span + 1; my $pixels_per_step = 1; my $length = $end-$start+1; # if the feature starts before the data starts, then we need to draw # a line indicating missing data (this only happens if something went # wrong upstream) if ($seg_start > $start) { my $terminus = $self->map_pt($seg_start); $start = $seg_start; $x1 = $terminus; } # if the data ends before the feature ends, then we need to draw # a line indicating missing data (this only happens if something went # wrong upstream) if ($seg_end < $end) { my $terminus = $self->map_pt($seg_end); $end = $seg_end; $x2 = $terminus; } return unless $start < $end; # get data values across the area my $samples = $length < $self->panel->width ? $length : $self->panel->width; my $data = ref $seg_data eq 'ARRAY' ? $seg_data : $seg_data->values($start,$end,$samples); # scale the glyph if the data end before the panel does my $data_width = $end - $start; my $data_width_ratio; if ($data_width < $self->panel->length) { $data_width_ratio = $data_width/$self->panel->length; } else { $data_width_ratio = 1; } return unless $data && ref $data && @$data > 0; my $min_value = $self->min_score; my $max_value = $self->max_score; my ($min,$max,$mean,$stdev) = $self->minmax($data); unless (defined $min_value && defined $max_value) { $min_value ||= $min; $max_value ||= $max; } my $rescale = $self->option('autoscale') eq 'z_score'; my ($scaled_min,$scaled_max); if ($rescale) { my $bound = $self->z_score_bound; $scaled_min = -$bound; $scaled_max = +$bound; } else { ($scaled_min,$scaled_max) = ($min_value,$max_value); } my $t = 0; for (@$data) {$t+=$_} # allocate colors # There are two ways to do this. One is a scale from min to max. The other is a # bipartite scale using one color range from zero to min, and another color range # from 0 to max. The latter behavior is triggered when the config file contains # entries for "pos_color" and "neg_color" and the data ranges from < 0 to > 0. my $poscolor = $self->pos_color || $self->fgcolor; my $negcolor = $self->neg_color || $self->bgcolor; my $data_midpoint = $self->midpoint; $data_midpoint = 0 if $rescale; my $bicolor = $poscolor != $negcolor && $scaled_min < $data_midpoint && $scaled_max > $data_midpoint; my ($rgb_pos,$rgb_neg,$rgb); if ($bicolor) { $rgb_pos = [$self->panel->rgb($poscolor)]; $rgb_neg = [$self->panel->rgb($negcolor)]; } else { $rgb = $scaled_max > $scaled_min ? ([$self->panel->rgb($poscolor)] || [$self->panel->rgb($self->bgcolor)]) : ([$self->panel->rgb($negcolor)] || [$self->panel->rgb($self->bgcolor)]); } my %color_cache; @$data = reverse @$data if $self->flip; if (@$data <= $self->panel->width) { # data fits in width, so just draw it $pixels_per_step = $scale * $step; $pixels_per_step = 1 if $pixels_per_step < 1; my $datapoints_per_base = @$data/$length; my $pixels_per_datapoint = $self->panel->width/@$data * $data_width_ratio; my %temps; map{$temps{$_}++} (@$data); my %colorss = (); for (my $i = 0; $i <= @$data ; $i++) { my $x = $x1 + $pixels_per_datapoint * $i; my $data_point = $data->[$i]; defined $data_point || next; $data_point = ($data_point-$mean)/$stdev if $rescale; $data_point = $scaled_min if $scaled_min > $data_point; $data_point = $scaled_max if $scaled_max < $data_point; my ($r,$g,$b) = $bicolor ? $data_point > $data_midpoint ? $self->calculate_color($data_point,$rgb_pos, $data_midpoint,$scaled_max) : $self->calculate_color($data_point,$rgb_neg, $data_midpoint,$scaled_min) : $self->calculate_color($data_point,$rgb, $scaled_min,$scaled_max); my $idx = $color_cache{$r,$g,$b} ||= $self->panel->translate_color($r,$g,$b); $colorss{$idx} = $data_point; $self->filled_box($gd,$x,$y1,$x+$pixels_per_datapoint,$y2,$idx,$idx); } (keys %colorss); # Alleviate a silent crash somewhere in GD that causes density graph get drawn as a solid-colored box } else { # use Sheldon's code to subsample data $pixels_per_step = $scale * $step; my $pixels = 0; # only draw boxes 2 pixels wide, so take the mean value # for n data points that span a 2 pixel interval my $binsize = 2/$pixels_per_step; my $pixelstep = $pixels_per_step; $pixels_per_step *= $binsize; $pixels_per_step *= $data_width_ratio; $pixels_per_span = 2; my $scores = 0; my $defined; for (my $i = $start; $i < $end ; $i += $step) { # draw the box if we have accumulated >= 2 pixel's worth of data. if ($pixels >= 2) { my $data_point = $defined ? $scores/$defined : 0; $scores = 0; $defined = 0; $data_point = $scaled_min if $scaled_min > $data_point; $data_point = $scaled_max if $scaled_max < $data_point; my ($r,$g,$b) = $bicolor ? $data_point > $data_midpoint ? $self->calculate_color($data_point,$rgb_pos, $data_midpoint,$scaled_max) : $self->calculate_color($data_point,$rgb_neg, $data_midpoint,$scaled_min) : $self->calculate_color($data_point,$rgb, $scaled_min,$max_value); my $idx = $color_cache{$r,$g,$b} ||= $self->panel->translate_color($r,$g,$b); $self->filled_box($gd,$x1,$y1,$x1+$pixels_per_span,$y2,$idx,$idx); $x1 += $pixels; $pixels = 0; } my $val = shift @$data; # don't include undef scores in the mean calculation # $scores is the numerator; $defined is the denominator $scores += $val if defined $val; $defined++ if defined $val; # keep incrementing until we exceed 2 pixels # the step is a fraction of a pixel, not an integer $pixels += $pixelstep; } } } sub draw_plot { my $self = shift; my $parts = shift; my ($gd,$dx,$dy) = @_; my $x_scale = $self->scale; my $panel_start = $self->panel->start; my $feature = $self->feature; my $f_start = $feature->start > $panel_start ? $feature->start : $panel_start; my ($left,$top,$right,$bottom) = $self->calculate_boundaries($dx,$dy); # There is a minmax inherited from xyplot as well as wiggle_data, and I don't want to # rely on Perl's multiple inheritance DFS to find the right one. my ($min_score,$max_score,$mean,$stdev) = $self->minmax($parts); my $rescale = $self->option('autoscale') eq 'z_score'; my ($scaled_min,$scaled_max); if ($rescale) { $scaled_min = int(($min_score-$mean)/$stdev + 0.5); $scaled_max = int(($max_score-$mean)/$stdev + 0.5); my $bound = $self->z_score_bound; $scaled_max = $bound if $scaled_max > $bound; $scaled_min = -$bound if $scaled_min < -$bound; } else { ($scaled_min,$scaled_max) = ($min_score,$max_score); } my $pivot = $self->bicolor_pivot; my $positive = $self->pos_color; my $negative = $self->neg_color; my $midpoint = $self->midpoint; my ($rgb_pos,$rgb_neg,$rgb); if ($pivot) { $rgb_pos = [$self->panel->rgb($positive)]; $rgb_neg = [$self->panel->rgb($negative)]; } else { $rgb = $scaled_max > $scaled_min ? ([$self->panel->rgb($positive)] || [$self->panel->rgb($self->bgcolor)]) : ([$self->panel->rgb($negative)] || [$self->panel->rgb($self->bgcolor)]); } my %color_cache; my $flip = $self->{flip}; $self->panel->startGroup($gd); foreach (@$parts) { my ($start,$end,$score) = @$_; $score = ($score-$mean)/$stdev if $rescale; $score = $scaled_min if $scaled_min > $score; $score = $scaled_max if $scaled_max < $score; my $x1 = $left + ($start - $f_start) * $x_scale; my $x2 = $left + ($end - $f_start) * $x_scale; if ($flip) { $x1 = $right - ($x1-$left); $x2 = $right - ($x2-$left); ($x1,$x2) = ($x2,$x1); } my ($r,$g,$b) = $pivot ? ($score > $midpoint ? $self->calculate_color($score,$rgb_pos, $midpoint,$scaled_max) : $self->calculate_color($score,$rgb_neg, $midpoint,$scaled_min) ) : $self->calculate_color($score,$rgb, $scaled_min,$scaled_max); my $idx = $color_cache{$r,$g,$b} ||= $self->panel->translate_color($r,$g,$b); $self->filled_box($gd,$x1,$top,$x2,$bottom,$idx,$idx); } return 1; } sub _draw_coverage { my $self = shift; my $feature = shift; my $array = shift; $array = [split ',',$array] unless ref $array; return unless @$array; my ($start,$end) = $self->effective_bounds($feature); my $bases_per_bin = ($end-$start)/@$array; my $pixels_per_base = $self->scale; my @parts; for (my $pixel=0;$pixel<$self->width;$pixel++) { my $offset = $pixel/$pixels_per_base; my $s = $start + $offset; my $e = $s+1; # fill in gaps my $v = $array->[$offset/$bases_per_bin]; push @parts,[$s,$s,$v]; } $self->Bio::Graphics::Glyph::wiggle_density::draw_plot(\@parts,@_); } sub calculate_color { my $self = shift; my ($s,$rgb,$min_score,$max_score) = @_; $s ||= $min_score; return (255,255,255) if $max_score <= $min_score; # avoid div by zero my $relative_score = ($s-$min_score)/($max_score-$min_score); $relative_score = 0 if $relative_score < 0; $relative_score = 1 if $relative_score > 1; return map { int(255 - (255-$_) * $relative_score) } @$rgb; } sub min { $_[0] < $_[1] ? $_[0] : $_[1] } sub max { $_[0] > $_[1] ? $_[0] : $_[1] } sub record_label_positions { my $self = shift; my $rlp = $self->option('record_label_positions'); return $rlp if defined $rlp; return 1; } sub draw_label { shift->Bio::Graphics::Glyph::xyplot::draw_label(@_); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Bio::Graphics::Glyph::wiggle_density - A density plot compatible with dense "wig"data =head1 SYNOPSIS See <Bio::Graphics::Panel> and <Bio::Graphics::Glyph>. =head1 DESCRIPTION This glyph works like the regular density but takes value data in Bio::Graphics::Wiggle file format: reference = chr1 ChipCHIP Feature1 1..10000 wigfile=./test.wig;wigstart=0 ChipCHIP Feature2 10001..20000 wigfile=./test.wig;wigstart=656 ChipCHIP Feature3 25001..35000 wigfile=./test.wig;wigstart=1312 The "wigfile" attribute gives a relative or absolute pathname to a Bio::Graphics::Wiggle format file. The optional "wigstart" option gives the offset to the start of the data. If not specified, a linear search will be used to find the data. The data consist of a packed binary representation of the values in the feature, using a constant step such as present in tiling array data. =head2 OPTIONS The same as the regular graded_segments glyph, except that the following options are recognized: Name Value Description ---- ----- ----------- basedir path Path to be used to resolve "wigfile" and "densefile" tags giving relative paths. Default is to use the current working directory. Absolute wigfile & densefile paths will not be changed. autoscale "local" or "global" If one or more of min_score and max_score options are absent, then these values will be calculated automatically. The "autoscale" option controls how the calculation is done. The "local" value will scale values according to the minimum and maximum values present in the window being graphed. "global" will use chromosome-wide statistics for the entire wiggle or dense file to find min and max values. smoothing method name Smoothing method: one of "mean", "max", "min" or "none" smoothing_window integer Number of values across which data should be smoothed. bicolor_pivot name Where to pivot the two colors when drawing bicolor plots. Options are "mean" and "zero". A numeric value can also be provided. pos_color color When drawing bicolor plots, the fill color to use for values that are above the pivot point. neg_color color When drawing bicolor plots, the fill color to use for values that are below the pivot point. =head2 SPECIAL FEATURE TAGS The glyph expects one or more of the following tags (attributes) in feature it renders: Name Value Description ---- ----- ----------- wigfile path name Path to the Bio::Graphics::Wiggle file for vales. (required) densefile path name Path to a Bio::Graphics::DenseFeature object (deprecated) denseoffset integer Integer offset to where the data begins in the Bio::Graphics::DenseFeature file (deprecated) densesize integer Integer size of the data in the Bio::Graphics::DenseFeature file (deprecated) =head1 BUGS Please report them. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Bio::Graphics::Panel>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::arrow>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::cds>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::crossbox>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::diamond>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::dna>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::dot>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::ellipse>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::extending_arrow>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::generic>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::graded_segments>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::heterogeneous_segments>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::line>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::pinsertion>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::primers>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::rndrect>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::segments>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::ruler_arrow>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::toomany>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::transcript>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::transcript2>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::translation>, L<Bio::Graphics::Glyph::allele_tower>, L<Bio::DB::GFF>, L<Bio::SeqI>, L<Bio::SeqFeatureI>, L<Bio::Das>, L<GD> =head1 AUTHOR Lincoln Stein E<lt>steinl@cshl.eduE<gt>. Copyright (c) 2007 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory This package and its accompanying libraries is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL (either version 1, or at your option, any later version) or the Artistic License 2.0. Refer to LICENSE for the full license text. In addition, please see DISCLAIMER.txt for disclaimers of warranty. =cut
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
#!/usr/bin/env perl use FindBin; use lib "$FindBin::Bin"; use strict; use metadata; my %board; sub confstr($) { my $conf = shift; $conf =~ tr#/\.\-/#___#; return $conf; } sub parse_target_metadata() { my $file = shift @ARGV; my ($target, @target, $profile); my %target; open FILE, "<$file" or do { warn "Can't open file '$file': $!\n"; return; }; while (<FILE>) { chomp; /^Target:\s*(.+)\s*$/ and do { my $name = $1; $target = { id => $name, board => $name, boardconf => confstr($name), conf => confstr($name), profiles => [], features => [], depends => [], subtargets => [] }; push @target, $target; $target{$name} = $target; if ($name =~ /([^\/]+)\/([^\/]+)/) { push @{$target{$1}->{subtargets}}, $2; $target->{board} = $1; $target->{boardconf} = confstr($1); $target->{subtarget} = 1; $target->{parent} = $target{$1}; } }; /^Target-Name:\s*(.+)\s*$/ and $target->{name} = $1; /^Target-Path:\s*(.+)\s*$/ and $target->{path} = $1; /^Target-Arch:\s*(.+)\s*$/ and $target->{arch} = $1; /^Target-Arch-Packages:\s*(.+)\s*$/ and $target->{arch_packages} = $1; /^Target-Features:\s*(.+)\s*$/ and $target->{features} = [ split(/\s+/, $1) ]; /^Target-Depends:\s*(.+)\s*$/ and $target->{depends} = [ split(/\s+/, $1) ]; /^Target-Description:/ and $target->{desc} = get_multiline(*FILE); /^Target-Optimization:\s*(.+)\s*$/ and $target->{cflags} = $1; /^CPU-Type:\s*(.+)\s*$/ and $target->{cputype} = $1; /^Linux-Version:\s*(.+)\s*$/ and $target->{version} = $1; /^Linux-Release:\s*(.+)\s*$/ and $target->{release} = $1; /^Linux-Kernel-Arch:\s*(.+)\s*$/ and $target->{karch} = $1; /^Default-Subtarget:\s*(.+)\s*$/ and $target->{def_subtarget} = $1; /^Default-Packages:\s*(.+)\s*$/ and $target->{packages} = [ split(/\s+/, $1) ]; /^Target-Profile:\s*(.+)\s*$/ and do { $profile = { id => $1, name => $1, packages => [] }; push @{$target->{profiles}}, $profile; }; /^Target-Profile-Name:\s*(.+)\s*$/ and $profile->{name} = $1; /^Target-Profile-Packages:\s*(.*)\s*$/ and $profile->{packages} = [ split(/\s+/, $1) ]; /^Target-Profile-Description:\s*(.*)\s*/ and $profile->{desc} = get_multiline(*FILE); /^Target-Profile-Config:/ and $profile->{config} = get_multiline(*FILE, "\t"); /^Target-Profile-Kconfig:/ and $profile->{kconfig} = 1; } close FILE; foreach my $target (@target) { next if @{$target->{subtargets}} > 0; @{$target->{profiles}} > 0 or $target->{profiles} = [ { id => 'Default', name => 'Default', packages => [] } ]; } return @target; } sub gen_kconfig_overrides() { my %config; my %kconfig; my $package; my $pkginfo = shift @ARGV; my $cfgfile = shift @ARGV; # parameter 2: build system config open FILE, "<$cfgfile" or return; while (<FILE>) { /^(CONFIG_.+?)=(.+)$/ and $config{$1} = 1; } close FILE; # parameter 1: package metadata open FILE, "<$pkginfo" or return; while (<FILE>) { /^Package:\s*(.+?)\s*$/ and $package = $1; /^Kernel-Config:\s*(.+?)\s*$/ and do { my @config = split /\s+/, $1; foreach my $config (@config) { my $val = 'm'; my $override; if ($config =~ /^(.+?)=(.+)$/) { $config = $1; $override = 1; $val = $2; } if ($config{"CONFIG_PACKAGE_$package"} and ($config ne 'n')) { next if $kconfig{$config} eq 'y'; $kconfig{$config} = $val; } elsif (!$override) { $kconfig{$config} or $kconfig{$config} = 'n'; } } }; }; close FILE; foreach my $kconfig (sort keys %kconfig) { if ($kconfig{$kconfig} eq 'n') { print "# $kconfig is not set\n"; } else { print "$kconfig=$kconfig{$kconfig}\n"; } } } sub merge_package_lists($$) { my $list1 = shift; my $list2 = shift; my @l = (); my %pkgs; foreach my $pkg (@$list1, @$list2) { $pkgs{$pkg} = 1; } foreach my $pkg (keys %pkgs) { push @l, $pkg unless ($pkg =~ /^-/ or $pkgs{"-$pkg"}); } return sort(@l); } sub target_config_features(@) { my $ret; while ($_ = shift @_) { /arm_v(\w+)/ and $ret .= "\tselect arm_v$1\n"; /broken/ and $ret .= "\tdepends on BROKEN\n"; /audio/ and $ret .= "\tselect AUDIO_SUPPORT\n"; /display/ and $ret .= "\tselect DISPLAY_SUPPORT\n"; /dt/ and $ret .= "\tselect USES_DEVICETREE\n"; /gpio/ and $ret .= "\tselect GPIO_SUPPORT\n"; /pci/ and $ret .= "\tselect PCI_SUPPORT\n"; /pcie/ and $ret .= "\tselect PCIE_SUPPORT\n"; /usb/ and $ret .= "\tselect USB_SUPPORT\n"; /usbgadget/ and $ret .= "\tselect USB_GADGET_SUPPORT\n"; /pcmcia/ and $ret .= "\tselect PCMCIA_SUPPORT\n"; /rtc/ and $ret .= "\tselect RTC_SUPPORT\n"; /squashfs/ and $ret .= "\tselect USES_SQUASHFS\n"; /jffs2$/ and $ret .= "\tselect USES_JFFS2\n"; /jffs2_nand/ and $ret .= "\tselect USES_JFFS2_NAND\n"; /ext4/ and $ret .= "\tselect USES_EXT4\n"; /targz/ and $ret .= "\tselect USES_TARGZ\n"; /cpiogz/ and $ret .= "\tselect USES_CPIOGZ\n"; /ubifs/ and $ret .= "\tselect USES_UBIFS\n"; /fpu/ and $ret .= "\tselect HAS_FPU\n"; /spe_fpu/ and $ret .= "\tselect HAS_SPE_FPU\n"; /ramdisk/ and $ret .= "\tselect USES_INITRAMFS\n"; /powerpc64/ and $ret .= "\tselect powerpc64\n"; /nommu/ and $ret .= "\tselect NOMMU\n"; /mips16/ and $ret .= "\tselect HAS_MIPS16\n"; /rfkill/ and $ret .= "\tselect RFKILL_SUPPORT\n"; } return $ret; } sub target_name($) { my $target = shift; my $parent = $target->{parent}; if ($parent) { return $target->{parent}->{name}." - ".$target->{name}; } else { return $target->{name}; } } sub kver($) { my $v = shift; $v =~ tr/\./_/; if (substr($v,0,2) eq "2_") { $v =~ /(\d+_\d+_\d+)(_\d+)?/ and $v = $1; } else { $v =~ /(\d+_\d+)(_\d+)?/ and $v = $1; } return $v; } sub print_target($) { my $target = shift; my $features = target_config_features(@{$target->{features}}); my $help = $target->{desc}; my $confstr; chomp $features; $features .= "\n"; if ($help =~ /\w+/) { $help =~ s/^\s*/\t /mg; $help = "\thelp\n$help"; } else { undef $help; } my $v = kver($target->{version}); if (@{$target->{subtargets}} == 0) { $confstr = <<EOF; config TARGET_$target->{conf} bool "$target->{name}" select LINUX_$v EOF } else { $confstr = <<EOF; config TARGET_$target->{conf} bool "$target->{name}" EOF } if ($target->{subtarget}) { $confstr .= "\tdepends on TARGET_$target->{boardconf}\n"; } if (@{$target->{subtargets}} > 0) { $confstr .= "\tselect HAS_SUBTARGETS\n"; grep { /broken/ } @{$target->{features}} and $confstr .= "\tdepends on BROKEN\n"; } else { $confstr .= $features; } if ($target->{arch} =~ /\w/) { $confstr .= "\tselect $target->{arch}\n"; } foreach my $dep (@{$target->{depends}}) { my $mode = "depends on"; my $flags; my $name; $dep =~ /^([@\+\-]+)(.+)$/; $flags = $1; $name = $2; next if $name =~ /:/; $flags =~ /-/ and $mode = "deselect"; $flags =~ /\+/ and $mode = "select"; $flags =~ /@/ and $confstr .= "\t$mode $name\n"; } $confstr .= "$help\n\n"; print $confstr; } sub gen_target_config() { my @target = parse_target_metadata(); my %defaults; my @target_sort = sort { target_name($a) cmp target_name($b); } @target; print <<EOF; choice prompt "Target System" default TARGET_ar71xx reset if !DEVEL EOF foreach my $target (@target_sort) { next if $target->{subtarget}; print_target($target); } print <<EOF; endchoice choice prompt "Subtarget" if HAS_SUBTARGETS EOF foreach my $target (@target) { next unless $target->{def_subtarget}; print <<EOF; default TARGET_$target->{conf}_$target->{def_subtarget} if TARGET_$target->{conf} EOF } print <<EOF; EOF foreach my $target (@target) { next unless $target->{subtarget}; print_target($target); } print <<EOF; endchoice choice prompt "Target Profile" EOF foreach my $target (@target) { my $profiles = $target->{profiles}; foreach my $profile (@$profiles) { print <<EOF; config TARGET_$target->{conf}_$profile->{id} bool "$profile->{name}" depends on TARGET_$target->{conf} $profile->{config} EOF $profile->{kconfig} and print "\tselect PROFILE_KCONFIG\n"; my @pkglist = merge_package_lists($target->{packages}, $profile->{packages}); foreach my $pkg (@pkglist) { print "\tselect DEFAULT_$pkg\n"; $defaults{$pkg} = 1; } my $help = $profile->{desc}; if ($help =~ /\w+/) { $help =~ s/^\s*/\t /mg; $help = "\thelp\n$help"; } else { undef $help; } print "$help\n"; } } print <<EOF; endchoice config HAS_SUBTARGETS bool config TARGET_BOARD string EOF foreach my $target (@target) { $target->{subtarget} or print "\t\tdefault \"".$target->{board}."\" if TARGET_".$target->{conf}."\n"; } print <<EOF; config TARGET_ARCH_PACKAGES string EOF foreach my $target (@target) { next if @{$target->{subtargets}} > 0; print "\t\tdefault \"".($target->{arch_packages} || $target->{board})."\" if TARGET_".$target->{conf}."\n"; } print <<EOF; config DEFAULT_TARGET_OPTIMIZATION string EOF foreach my $target (@target) { next if @{$target->{subtargets}} > 0; print "\tdefault \"".$target->{cflags}."\" if TARGET_".$target->{conf}."\n"; } print "\tdefault \"-Os -pipe -funit-at-a-time\"\n"; print <<EOF; config CPU_TYPE string EOF foreach my $target (@target) { next if @{$target->{subtargets}} > 0; print "\tdefault \"".$target->{cputype}."\" if TARGET_".$target->{conf}."\n"; } print "\tdefault \"\"\n"; my %kver; foreach my $target (@target) { my $v = kver($target->{version}); next if $kver{$v}; $kver{$v} = 1; print <<EOF; config LINUX_$v bool EOF } foreach my $def (sort keys %defaults) { print "\tconfig DEFAULT_".$def."\n"; print "\t\tbool\n\n"; } } my %dep_check; sub __find_package_dep($$) { my $pkg = shift; my $name = shift; my $deps = ($pkg->{vdepends} or $pkg->{depends}); return 0 unless defined $deps; foreach my $dep (@{$deps}) { next if $dep_check{$dep}; $dep_check{$dep} = 1; return 1 if $dep eq $name; return 1 if ($package{$dep} and (__find_package_dep($package{$dep},$name) == 1)); } return 0; } # wrapper to avoid infinite recursion sub find_package_dep($$) { my $pkg = shift; my $name = shift; %dep_check = (); return __find_package_dep($pkg, $name); } sub package_depends($$) { my $a = shift; my $b = shift; my $ret; return 0 if ($a->{submenu} ne $b->{submenu}); if (find_package_dep($a, $b->{name}) == 1) { $ret = 1; } elsif (find_package_dep($b, $a->{name}) == 1) { $ret = -1; } else { return 0; } return $ret; } sub mconf_depends { my $pkgname = shift; my $depends = shift; my $only_dep = shift; my $res; my $dep = shift; my $seen = shift; my $parent_condition = shift; $dep or $dep = {}; $seen or $seen = {}; my @t_depends; $depends or return; my @depends = @$depends; foreach my $depend (@depends) { my $m = "depends on"; my $flags = ""; $depend =~ s/^([@\+]+)// and $flags = $1; my $vdep; my $condition = $parent_condition; next if $condition eq $depend; next if $seen->{"$parent_condition:$depend"}; next if $seen->{":$depend"}; $seen->{"$parent_condition:$depend"} = 1; if ($depend =~ /^(.+):(.+)$/) { if ($1 ne "PACKAGE_$pkgname") { if ($condition) { $condition = "$condition && $1"; } else { $condition = $1; } } $depend = $2; } next if $package{$depend} and $package{$depend}->{buildonly}; if ($vdep = $package{$depend}->{vdepends}) { $depend = join("||", map { "PACKAGE_".$_ } @$vdep); } else { $flags =~ /\+/ and do { # Menuconfig will not treat 'select FOO' as a real dependency # thus if FOO depends on other config options, these dependencies # will not be checked. To fix this, we simply emit all of FOO's # depends here as well. $package{$depend} and push @t_depends, [ $package{$depend}->{depends}, $condition ]; $m = "select"; next if $only_dep; }; $flags =~ /@/ or $depend = "PACKAGE_$depend"; if ($condition) { if ($m =~ /select/) { next if $depend eq $condition; $depend = "$depend if $condition"; } else { $depend = "!($condition) || $depend"; } } } $dep->{$depend} =~ /select/ or $dep->{$depend} = $m; } foreach my $tdep (@t_depends) { mconf_depends($pkgname, $tdep->[0], 1, $dep, $seen, $tdep->[1]); } foreach my $depend (keys %$dep) { my $m = $dep->{$depend}; $res .= "\t\t$m $depend\n"; } return $res; } sub print_package_config_category($) { my $cat = shift; my %menus; my %menu_dep; return unless $category{$cat}; print "menu \"$cat\"\n\n"; my %spkg = %{$category{$cat}}; foreach my $spkg (sort {uc($a) cmp uc($b)} keys %spkg) { foreach my $pkg (@{$spkg{$spkg}}) { next if $pkg->{buildonly}; my $menu = $pkg->{submenu}; if ($menu) { $menu_dep{$menu} or $menu_dep{$menu} = $pkg->{submenudep}; } else { $menu = 'undef'; } $menus{$menu} or $menus{$menu} = []; push @{$menus{$menu}}, $pkg; } } my @menus = sort { ($a eq 'undef' ? 1 : 0) or ($b eq 'undef' ? -1 : 0) or ($a cmp $b) } keys %menus; foreach my $menu (@menus) { my @pkgs = sort { package_depends($a, $b) or ($a->{name} cmp $b->{name}) } @{$menus{$menu}}; if ($menu ne 'undef') { $menu_dep{$menu} and print "if $menu_dep{$menu}\n"; print "menu \"$menu\"\n"; } foreach my $pkg (@pkgs) { my $title = $pkg->{name}; my $c = (72 - length($pkg->{name}) - length($pkg->{title})); if ($c > 0) { $title .= ("." x $c). " ". $pkg->{title}; } $title = "\"$title\""; print "\t"; $pkg->{menu} and print "menu"; print "config PACKAGE_".$pkg->{name}."\n"; $pkg->{hidden} and $title = ""; print "\t\t".($pkg->{tristate} ? 'tristate' : 'bool')." $title\n"; print "\t\tdefault y if DEFAULT_".$pkg->{name}."\n"; unless ($pkg->{hidden}) { $pkg->{default} ||= "m if ALL"; } if ($pkg->{default}) { foreach my $default (split /\s*,\s*/, $pkg->{default}) { print "\t\tdefault $default\n"; } } print mconf_depends($pkg->{name}, $pkg->{depends}, 0); print mconf_depends($pkg->{name}, $pkg->{mdepends}, 0); print "\t\thelp\n"; print $pkg->{description}; print "\n"; $pkg->{config} and print $pkg->{config}."\n"; } if ($menu ne 'undef') { print "endmenu\n"; $menu_dep{$menu} and print "endif\n"; } } print "endmenu\n\n"; undef $category{$cat}; } sub print_package_features() { keys %features > 0 or return; print "menu \"Package features\"\n"; foreach my $n (keys %features) { my @features = sort { $b->{priority} <=> $a->{priority} or $a->{title} cmp $b->{title} } @{$features{$n}}; print <<EOF; choice prompt "$features[0]->{target_title}" default FEATURE_$features[0]->{name} EOF foreach my $feature (@features) { print <<EOF; config FEATURE_$feature->{name} bool "$feature->{title}" EOF $feature->{description} =~ /\w/ and do { print "\t\thelp\n".$feature->{description}."\n"; }; } print "endchoice\n" } print "endmenu\n\n"; } sub gen_package_config() { parse_package_metadata($ARGV[0]) or exit 1; print "menuconfig IMAGEOPT\n\tbool \"Image configuration\"\n\tdefault n\n"; foreach my $preconfig (keys %preconfig) { foreach my $cfg (keys %{$preconfig{$preconfig}}) { my $conf = $preconfig{$preconfig}->{$cfg}->{id}; $conf =~ tr/\.-/__/; print <<EOF config UCI_PRECONFIG_$conf string "$preconfig{$preconfig}->{$cfg}->{label}" if IMAGEOPT depends on PACKAGE_$preconfig default "$preconfig{$preconfig}->{$cfg}->{default}" EOF } } print "source \"package/*/image-config.in\"\n"; if (scalar glob "package/feeds/*/*/image-config.in") { print "source \"package/feeds/*/*/image-config.in\"\n"; } print_package_features(); print_package_config_category 'Base system'; foreach my $cat (sort {uc($a) cmp uc($b)} keys %category) { print_package_config_category $cat; } } sub get_conditional_dep($$) { my $condition = shift; my $depstr = shift; if ($condition) { if ($condition =~ /^!(.+)/) { return "\$(if \$(CONFIG_$1),,$depstr)"; } else { return "\$(if \$(CONFIG_$condition),$depstr)"; } } else { return $depstr; } } sub gen_package_mk() { my %conf; my %dep; my %done; my $line; parse_package_metadata($ARGV[0]) or exit 1; foreach my $name (sort {uc($a) cmp uc($b)} keys %package) { my $config; my $pkg = $package{$name}; my @srcdeps; next if defined $pkg->{vdepends}; if ($ENV{SDK}) { $conf{$pkg->{src}} or do { $config = 'm'; $conf{$pkg->{src}} = 1; }; } else { $config = "\$(CONFIG_PACKAGE_$name)" } if ($config) { $pkg->{buildonly} and $config = ""; print "package-$config += $pkg->{subdir}$pkg->{src}\n"; if ($pkg->{variant}) { if (!defined($done{$pkg->{src}})) { print "\$(curdir)/$pkg->{subdir}$pkg->{src}/default-variant := $pkg->{variant}\n"; } print "\$(curdir)/$pkg->{subdir}$pkg->{src}/variants += \$(if $config,$pkg->{variant})\n" } $pkg->{prereq} and print "prereq-$config += $pkg->{subdir}$pkg->{src}\n"; } next if $done{$pkg->{src}}; $done{$pkg->{src}} = 1; if (@{$pkg->{buildtypes}} > 0) { print "buildtypes-$pkg->{subdir}$pkg->{src} = ".join(' ', @{$pkg->{buildtypes}})."\n"; } foreach my $spkg (@{$srcpackage{$pkg->{src}}}) { foreach my $dep (@{$spkg->{depends}}, @{$spkg->{builddepends}}) { $dep =~ /@/ or do { $dep =~ s/\+//g; push @srcdeps, $dep; }; } } foreach my $type (@{$pkg->{buildtypes}}) { my @extra_deps; my %deplines; next unless $pkg->{"builddepends/$type"}; foreach my $dep (@{$pkg->{"builddepends/$type"}}) { my $suffix = ""; my $condition; if ($dep =~ /^(.+):(.+)/) { $condition = $1; $dep = $2; } if ($dep =~ /^(.+)(\/.+)/) { $dep = $1; $suffix = $2; } my $idx = ""; my $pkg_dep = $package{$dep}; if (defined($pkg_dep) && defined($pkg_dep->{src})) { $idx = $pkg_dep->{subdir}.$pkg_dep->{src}; } elsif (defined($srcpackage{$dep})) { $idx = $subdir{$dep}.$dep; } else { next; } my $depstr = "\$(curdir)/$idx$suffix/compile"; my $depline = get_conditional_dep($condition, $depstr); if ($depline) { $deplines{$depline}++; } } my $depline = join(" ", sort keys %deplines); if ($depline) { $line .= "\$(curdir)/".$pkg->{subdir}."$pkg->{src}/$type/compile += $depline\n"; } } my $hasdeps = 0; my %deplines; foreach my $deps (@srcdeps) { my $idx; my $condition; my $prefix = ""; my $suffix = ""; if ($deps =~ /^(.+):(.+)/) { $condition = $1; $deps = $2; } if ($deps =~ /^(.+)(\/.+)/) { $deps = $1; $suffix = $2; } my $pkg_dep = $package{$deps}; my @deps; if ($pkg_dep->{vdepends}) { @deps = @{$pkg_dep->{vdepends}}; } else { @deps = ($deps); } foreach my $dep (@deps) { $pkg_dep = $package{$deps}; if (defined $pkg_dep->{src}) { ($pkg->{src} ne $pkg_dep->{src}.$suffix) and $idx = $pkg_dep->{subdir}.$pkg_dep->{src}; } elsif (defined($srcpackage{$dep})) { $idx = $subdir{$dep}.$dep; } $idx .= $suffix; undef $idx if $idx eq 'base-files'; if ($idx) { my $depline; next if $pkg->{src} eq $pkg_dep->{src}.$suffix; next if $dep{$condition.":".$pkg->{src}."->".$idx}; next if $dep{$pkg->{src}."->($dep)".$idx} and $pkg_dep->{vdepends}; my $depstr; if ($pkg_dep->{vdepends}) { $depstr = "\$(if \$(CONFIG_PACKAGE_$dep),\$(curdir)/$idx/compile)"; $dep{$pkg->{src}."->($dep)".$idx} = 1; } else { $depstr = "\$(curdir)/$idx/compile"; $dep{$pkg->{src}."->".$idx} = 1; } $depline = get_conditional_dep($condition, $depstr); if ($depline) { $deplines{$depline}++; } } } } my $depline = join(" ", sort keys %deplines); if ($depline) { $line .= "\$(curdir)/".$pkg->{subdir}."$pkg->{src}/compile += $depline\n"; } } if ($line ne "") { print "\n$line"; } foreach my $preconfig (keys %preconfig) { my $cmds; foreach my $cfg (keys %{$preconfig{$preconfig}}) { my $conf = $preconfig{$preconfig}->{$cfg}->{id}; $conf =~ tr/\.-/__/; $cmds .= "\techo \"uci set '$preconfig{$preconfig}->{$cfg}->{id}=\$(subst \",,\$(CONFIG_UCI_PRECONFIG_$conf))'\"; \\\n"; } next unless $cmds; print <<EOF ifndef DUMP_TARGET_DB \$(TARGET_DIR)/etc/uci-defaults/$preconfig: FORCE ( \\ $cmds \\ ) > \$@ ifneq (\$(IMAGEOPT)\$(CONFIG_IMAGEOPT),) package/preconfig: \$(TARGET_DIR)/etc/uci-defaults/$preconfig endif endif EOF } } sub gen_package_source() { parse_package_metadata($ARGV[0]) or exit 1; foreach my $name (sort {uc($a) cmp uc($b)} keys %package) { my $pkg = $package{$name}; if ($pkg->{name} && $pkg->{source}) { print "$pkg->{name}: "; print "$pkg->{source}\n"; } } } sub parse_command() { my $cmd = shift @ARGV; for ($cmd) { /^target_config$/ and return gen_target_config(); /^package_mk$/ and return gen_package_mk(); /^package_config$/ and return gen_package_config(); /^kconfig/ and return gen_kconfig_overrides(); /^package_source$/ and return gen_package_source(); } print <<EOF Available Commands: $0 target_config [file] Target metadata in Kconfig format $0 package_mk [file] Package metadata in makefile format $0 package_config [file] Package metadata in Kconfig format $0 kconfig [file] [config] Kernel config overrides $0 package_source [file] Package source file information EOF } parse_command();
[ "BSD-2-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-2-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-2-Clause" ]
%PS_Times_Bold = ( name => 'Times-Bold', widths => { "A" => 722, "AE" => 1000, "Aacute" => 722, "Acircumflex" => 722, "Adieresis" => 722, "Agrave" => 722, "Aring" => 722, "Atilde" => 722, "B" => 667, "C" => 722, "Ccedilla" => 722, "D" => 722, "E" => 667, "Eacute" => 667, "Ecircumflex" => 667, "Edieresis" => 667, "Egrave" => 667, "Eth" => 722, "F" => 611, "G" => 778, "H" => 778, "I" => 389, "Iacute" => 389, "Icircumflex" => 389, "Idieresis" => 389, "Igrave" => 389, "J" => 500, "K" => 778, "L" => 667, "Lslash" => 667, "M" => 944, "N" => 722, "Ntilde" => 722, "O" => 778, "OE" => 1000, "Oacute" => 778, "Ocircumflex" => 778, "Odieresis" => 778, "Ograve" => 778, "Oslash" => 778, "Otilde" => 778, "P" => 611, "Q" => 778, "R" => 722, "S" => 556, "Scaron" => 556, "T" => 667, "Thorn" => 611, "U" => 722, "Uacute" => 722, "Ucircumflex" => 722, "Udieresis" => 722, "Ugrave" => 722, "V" => 722, "W" => 1000, "X" => 722, "Y" => 722, "Yacute" => 722, "Ydieresis" => 722, "Z" => 667, "Zcaron" => 667, "a" => 500, "aacute" => 500, "acircumflex" => 500, "acute" => 333, "adieresis" => 500, "ae" => 722, "agrave" => 500, "ampersand" => 833, "aring" => 500, "asciicircum" => 581, "asciitilde" => 520, "asterisk" => 500, "at" => 930, "atilde" => 500, "b" => 556, "backslash" => 278, "bar" => 220, "braceleft" => 394, "braceright" => 394, "bracketleft" => 333, "bracketright" => 333, "breve" => 333, "brokenbar" => 220, "bullet" => 350, "c" => 444, "caron" => 333, "ccedilla" => 444, "cedilla" => 333, "cent" => 500, "circumflex" => 333, "colon" => 333, "comma" => 250, "copyright" => 747, "currency" => 500, "d" => 556, "dagger" => 500, "daggerdbl" => 500, "degree" => 400, "dieresis" => 333, "divide" => 570, "dollar" => 500, "dotaccent" => 333, "dotlessi" => 278, "e" => 444, "eacute" => 444, "ecircumflex" => 444, "edieresis" => 444, "egrave" => 444, "eight" => 500, "ellipsis" => 1000, "emdash" => 1000, "endash" => 500, "equal" => 570, "eth" => 500, "exclam" => 333, "exclamdown" => 333, "f" => 333, "fi" => 556, "five" => 500, "fl" => 556, "florin" => 500, "four" => 500, "fraction" => 167, "g" => 500, "germandbls" => 556, "grave" => 333, "greater" => 570, "guillemotleft" => 500, "guillemotright" => 500, "guilsinglleft" => 333, "guilsinglright" => 333, "h" => 556, "hungarumlaut" => 333, "hyphen" => 333, "i" => 278, "iacute" => 278, "icircumflex" => 278, "idieresis" => 278, "igrave" => 278, "j" => 333, "k" => 556, "l" => 278, "less" => 570, "logicalnot" => 570, "lslash" => 278, "m" => 833, "macron" => 333, "minus" => 570, "mu" => 556, "multiply" => 570, "n" => 556, "nine" => 500, "ntilde" => 556, "numbersign" => 500, "o" => 500, "oacute" => 500, "ocircumflex" => 500, "odieresis" => 500, "oe" => 722, "ogonek" => 333, "ograve" => 500, "one" => 500, "onehalf" => 750, "onequarter" => 750, "onesuperior" => 300, "ordfeminine" => 300, "ordmasculine" => 330, "oslash" => 500, "otilde" => 500, "p" => 556, "paragraph" => 540, "parenleft" => 333, "parenright" => 333, "percent" => 1000, "period" => 250, "periodcentered" => 250, "perthousand" => 1000, "plus" => 570, "plusminus" => 570, "q" => 556, "question" => 500, "questiondown" => 500, "quotedbl" => 555, "quotedblbase" => 500, "quotedblleft" => 500, "quotedblright" => 500, "quoteleft" => 333, "quoteright" => 333, "quotesinglbase" => 333, "quotesingle" => 278, "r" => 444, "registered" => 747, "ring" => 333, "s" => 389, "scaron" => 389, "section" => 500, "semicolon" => 333, "seven" => 500, "six" => 500, "slash" => 278, "space" => 250, "sterling" => 500, "t" => 333, "thorn" => 556, "three" => 500, "threequarters" => 750, "threesuperior" => 300, "tilde" => 333, "trademark" => 1000, "two" => 500, "twosuperior" => 300, "u" => 556, "uacute" => 556, "ucircumflex" => 556, "udieresis" => 556, "ugrave" => 556, "underscore" => 500, "v" => 500, "w" => 722, "x" => 500, "y" => 500, "yacute" => 500, "ydieresis" => 500, "yen" => 500, "z" => 444, "zcaron" => 444, "zero" => 500, }, kern => { "A" => { "C" => -55, "G" => -55, "O" => -45, "Q" => -45, "T" => -95, "U" => -50, "V" => -145, "W" => -130, "Y" => -100, "p" => -25, "quotedblright" => 0, "quoteright" => -74, "u" => -50, "v" => -100, "w" => -90, "y" => -74, }, "B" => { "A" => -30, "U" => -10, "comma" => 0, "period" => 0, }, "D" => { "A" => -35, "V" => -40, "W" => -40, "Y" => -40, "comma" => 0, "period" => -20, }, "F" => { "A" => -90, "a" => -25, "comma" => -92, "e" => -25, "i" => 0, "o" => -25, "period" => -110, "r" => 0, }, "G" => { "comma" => 0, "period" => 0, }, "J" => { "A" => -30, "a" => -15, "comma" => 0, "e" => -15, "o" => -15, "period" => -20, "u" => -15, }, "K" => { "O" => -30, "e" => -25, "o" => -25, "u" => -15, "y" => -45, }, "L" => { "T" => -92, "V" => -92, "W" => -92, "Y" => -92, "quotedblright" => -20, "quoteright" => -110, "y" => -55, }, "N" => { "A" => -20, "comma" => 0, "period" => 0, }, "O" => { "A" => -40, "T" => -40, "V" => -50, "W" => -50, "X" => -40, "Y" => -50, "comma" => 0, "period" => 0, }, "P" => { "A" => -74, "a" => -10, "comma" => -92, "e" => -20, "o" => -20, "period" => -110, }, "Q" => { "U" => -10, "comma" => 0, "period" => -20, }, "R" => { "O" => -30, "T" => -40, "U" => -30, "V" => -55, "W" => -35, "Y" => -35, }, "S" => { "comma" => 0, "period" => 0, }, "T" => { "A" => -90, "O" => -18, "a" => -92, "colon" => -74, "comma" => -74, "e" => -92, "h" => 0, "hyphen" => -92, "i" => -18, "o" => -92, "period" => -90, "r" => -74, "semicolon" => -74, "u" => -92, "w" => -74, "y" => -74, }, "U" => { "A" => -60, "comma" => -50, "period" => -50, }, "V" => { "A" => -135, "G" => -30, "O" => -45, "a" => -92, "colon" => -92, "comma" => -129, "e" => -100, "hyphen" => -74, "i" => -37, "o" => -100, "period" => -145, "semicolon" => -92, "u" => -92, }, "W" => { "A" => -120, "O" => -10, "a" => -65, "colon" => -55, "comma" => -92, "e" => -65, "h" => 0, "hyphen" => -37, "i" => -18, "o" => -75, "period" => -92, "semicolon" => -55, "u" => -50, "y" => -60, }, "Y" => { "A" => -110, "O" => -35, "a" => -85, "colon" => -92, "comma" => -92, "e" => -111, "hyphen" => -92, "i" => -37, "o" => -111, "period" => -92, "semicolon" => -92, "u" => -92, }, "a" => { "b" => 0, "g" => 0, "p" => 0, "t" => 0, "v" => -25, "w" => 0, "y" => 0, }, "b" => { "b" => -10, "comma" => 0, "l" => 0, "period" => -40, "u" => -20, "v" => -15, "y" => 0, }, "c" => { "comma" => 0, "h" => 0, "k" => 0, "l" => 0, "period" => 0, "y" => 0, }, "colon" => { "space" => 0, }, "comma" => { "quotedblright" => -45, "quoteright" => -55, "space" => 0, }, "d" => { "comma" => 0, "d" => 0, "period" => 0, "v" => 0, "w" => -15, "y" => 0, }, "e" => { "b" => 0, "comma" => 0, "g" => 0, "p" => 0, "period" => 0, "v" => -15, "w" => 0, "x" => 0, "y" => 0, }, "f" => { "a" => 0, "comma" => -15, "dotlessi" => -35, "e" => 0, "f" => 0, "i" => -25, "l" => 0, "o" => -25, "period" => -15, "quotedblright" => 50, "quoteright" => 55, }, "g" => { "a" => 0, "comma" => 0, "e" => 0, "g" => 0, "i" => 0, "o" => 0, "period" => -15, "r" => 0, "y" => 0, }, "h" => { "y" => -15, }, "i" => { "v" => -10, }, "k" => { "e" => -10, "o" => -15, "y" => -15, }, "l" => { "w" => 0, "y" => 0, }, "m" => { "u" => 0, "y" => 0, }, "n" => { "u" => 0, "v" => -40, "y" => 0, }, "o" => { "g" => 0, "v" => -10, "w" => -10, "x" => 0, "y" => 0, }, "p" => { "y" => 0, }, "period" => { "quotedblright" => -55, "quoteright" => -55, }, "quotedblleft" => { "A" => -10, "quoteleft" => 0, }, "quotedblright" => { "space" => 0, }, "quoteleft" => { "A" => -10, "quoteleft" => -63, }, "quoteright" => { "d" => -20, "l" => 0, "quotedblright" => 0, "quoteright" => -63, "r" => -20, "s" => -37, "space" => -74, "t" => 0, "v" => -20, }, "r" => { "a" => 0, "c" => -18, "comma" => -92, "d" => 0, "e" => -18, "g" => -10, "hyphen" => -37, "i" => 0, "k" => 0, "l" => 0, "m" => 0, "n" => -15, "o" => -18, "p" => -10, "period" => -100, "q" => -18, "r" => 0, "s" => 0, "t" => 0, "u" => 0, "v" => -10, "y" => 0, }, "s" => { "w" => 0, }, "space" => { "A" => -55, "T" => -30, "V" => -45, "W" => -30, "Y" => -55, "quotedblleft" => 0, "quoteleft" => 0, }, "v" => { "a" => -10, "comma" => -55, "e" => -10, "o" => -10, "period" => -70, }, "w" => { "a" => 0, "comma" => -55, "e" => 0, "h" => 0, "o" => -10, "period" => -70, }, "x" => { "e" => 0, }, "y" => { "a" => 0, "comma" => -55, "e" => -10, "o" => -25, "period" => -70, }, "z" => { "e" => 0, "o" => 0, } } ); 1;
[ "Artistic-1.0" ]
[ "Artistic-1.0" ]
[ "Artistic-1.0" ]
use Test::More qw/no_plan/; use Util::Any {Scalar => [qw/blessed weaken/]}; no strict 'refs'; ok(defined &weaken , 'weaken'); ok(defined &blessed , 'blessed'); my $hoge = bless {}; ok(blessed $hoge, "blessed test"); foreach (grep {$_ ne 'weaken' and $_ ne 'blessed'} @Scalar::Util::EXPORT_OK) { ok(! defined &{$_} , $_); } foreach (@Hash::Util::EXPORT_OK) { no strict 'refs'; ok(! defined &{$_} , $_) if defined &{'Hash::Util::' . $_}; } foreach (@List::Util::EXPORT_OK) { ok(! defined &{$_} , $_); } foreach (@List::MoreUtils::EXPORT_OK) { ok(! defined &{$_} , $_); }
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
package Paws::EC2::PurchaseRequest; use Moose; has InstanceCount => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Int', required => 1); has PurchaseToken => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', required => 1); 1; ### main pod documentation begin ### =head1 NAME Paws::EC2::PurchaseRequest =head1 USAGE This class represents one of two things: =head3 Arguments in a call to a service Use the attributes of this class as arguments to methods. You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the calls that expect this type of object. As an example, if Att1 is expected to be a Paws::EC2::PurchaseRequest object: $service_obj->Method(Att1 => { InstanceCount => $value, ..., PurchaseToken => $value }); =head3 Results returned from an API call Use accessors for each attribute. If Att1 is expected to be an Paws::EC2::PurchaseRequest object: $result = $service_obj->Method(...); $result->Att1->InstanceCount =head1 DESCRIPTION This class has no description =head1 ATTRIBUTES =head2 B<REQUIRED> InstanceCount => Int The number of instances. =head2 B<REQUIRED> PurchaseToken => Str The purchase token. =head1 SEE ALSO This class forms part of L<Paws>, describing an object used in L<Paws::EC2> =head1 BUGS and CONTRIBUTIONS The source code is located here: L<https://github.com/pplu/aws-sdk-perl> Please report bugs to: L<https://github.com/pplu/aws-sdk-perl/issues> =cut
[ "Artistic-2.0" ]
[ "Artistic-2.0" ]
[ "Artistic-2.0" ]
use strict; use warnings; { use Alien::FLTK2; use ExtUtils::CBuilder; my $AF = Alien::FLTK2->new(); my $CC = ExtUtils::CBuilder->new(); my $source = 'hello_world.cxx'; open(my $FH, '>', $source) || die '...'; syswrite($FH, <<'END') || die '...'; close $FH; #include <fltk/Box.h> #include <fltk/Style.h> #include <fltk/Window.h> #include <fltk/run.h> // fltk group named style bug extern fltk::NamedStyle * group_style; bool my_theme( ) { // Reset to fltk's default theme fltk::reset_theme(); // Change some widget's defaults int bgcolor = 0x43434300; int textcolor = 0xababab00; int selectioncolor = 0x97a8a800; fltk::Style * style = fltk::Style::find( "Slider" ); if ( style ) { style->color( bgcolor ); style->textcolor( textcolor ); style->buttoncolor( bgcolor ); style->textsize( 8 ); style->labelsize( 10 ); style->labelcolor( textcolor ); style->highlight_textcolor( 0xFFFF0000 ); } // this is broken... // style = fltk::Style::find( "Group" ); style = group_style; if ( style ) { style->color( bgcolor ); style->textcolor( textcolor ); style->buttoncolor( bgcolor ); style->textsize( 10 ); style->labelsize( 10 ); style->labelcolor( textcolor ); } style = fltk::Style::find( "Widget" ); if ( style ) { style->color( bgcolor ); style->textcolor( textcolor ); style->buttoncolor( bgcolor ); style->textsize( 14 ); style->labelsize( 14 ); style->labelcolor( textcolor ); style->selection_color( selectioncolor ); } // change down box to draw a tad darker than default fltk::FrameBox * box; box = (fltk::FrameBox *) fltk::Symbol::find( "down_" ); if ( box ) box->data( "2HHOOAA" ); return true; } int main( ) { fltk::theme( &my_theme ); fltk::Window *window = new fltk::Window(300, 180); window->begin(); fltk::Widget *box = new fltk::Widget(20, 40, 260, 100, "Hello, World!"); box->box(fltk::UP_BOX); box->labelfont(fltk::HELVETICA_BOLD_ITALIC); box->labelsize(36); box->labeltype(fltk::SHADOW_LABEL); window->end(); window->show( ); return fltk::run(); // create widgets normally. // Any widget with default settings gets the defaults we // just set. } END my $obj = $CC->compile('C++' => 1, source => $source, include_dirs => [$AF->include_dirs()], extra_compiler_flags => $AF->cxxflags() ); my $exe = $CC->link_executable(objects => $obj, extra_linker_flags => $AF->ldflags()); print system('./' . $exe) ? 'Aww...' : 'Yay!'; END { unlink grep defined, $source, $obj, $exe; } } =pod =head1 Author Sanko Robinson <sanko@cpan.org> - http://sankorobinson.com/ CPAN ID: SANKO =head1 License and Legal Copyright (C) 2009 by Sanko Robinson E<lt>sanko@cpan.orgE<gt> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of The Artistic License 2.0. See the F<LICENSE> file included with this distribution or http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0. For clarification, see http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_2_0_notes. When separated from the distribution, all POD documentation is covered by the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. See http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/us/legalcode. For clarification, see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/us/. =for git $Id$ =cut
[ "TCL" ]
[ "TCL" ]
[ "TCL" ]
#ifdef _TKDECLS #ifndef Tk_3DBorderColor VFUNC(XColor *,Tk_3DBorderColor,V_Tk_3DBorderColor,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_3DBorder border))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_3DBorderColor */ #ifndef Tk_3DBorderGC VFUNC(GC,Tk_3DBorderGC,V_Tk_3DBorderGC,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, Tk_3DBorder border, int which))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_3DBorderGC */ #ifndef Tk_3DHorizontalBevel VFUNC(void,Tk_3DHorizontalBevel,V_Tk_3DHorizontalBevel,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, Drawable drawable, Tk_3DBorder border, int x, int y, int width, int height, int leftIn, int rightIn, int topBevel, int relief))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_3DHorizontalBevel */ #ifndef Tk_3DVerticalBevel VFUNC(void,Tk_3DVerticalBevel,V_Tk_3DVerticalBevel,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, Drawable drawable, Tk_3DBorder border, int x, int y, int width, int height, int leftBevel, int relief))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_3DVerticalBevel */ #ifndef Tk_Alloc3DBorderFromObj VFUNC(Tk_3DBorder,Tk_Alloc3DBorderFromObj,V_Tk_Alloc3DBorderFromObj,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_Window tkwin, Tcl_Obj * objPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_Alloc3DBorderFromObj */ #ifndef Tk_AllocBitmapFromObj VFUNC(Pixmap,Tk_AllocBitmapFromObj,V_Tk_AllocBitmapFromObj,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_Window tkwin, Tcl_Obj * objPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_AllocBitmapFromObj */ #ifndef Tk_AllocColorFromObj VFUNC(XColor *,Tk_AllocColorFromObj,V_Tk_AllocColorFromObj,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_Window tkwin, Tcl_Obj * objPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_AllocColorFromObj */ #ifndef Tk_AllocCursorFromObj VFUNC(Tk_Cursor,Tk_AllocCursorFromObj,V_Tk_AllocCursorFromObj,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_Window tkwin, Tcl_Obj * objPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_AllocCursorFromObj */ #ifndef Tk_AllocFontFromObj VFUNC(Tk_Font,Tk_AllocFontFromObj,V_Tk_AllocFontFromObj,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_Window tkwin, Tcl_Obj * objPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_AllocFontFromObj */ #ifndef Tk_AllocStyleFromObj VFUNC(Tk_Style,Tk_AllocStyleFromObj,V_Tk_AllocStyleFromObj,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tcl_Interp * interp, Tcl_Obj * objPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_AllocStyleFromObj */ #ifndef Tk_BindEvent VFUNC(void,Tk_BindEvent,V_Tk_BindEvent,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tk_BindingTable bindingTable, XEvent * eventPtr, Tk_Window tkwin, int numObjects, ClientData * objectPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_BindEvent */ #ifndef Tk_ChangeWindowAttributes VFUNC(void,Tk_ChangeWindowAttributes,V_Tk_ChangeWindowAttributes,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tk_Window tkwin, unsigned long valueMask, XSetWindowAttributes * attsPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_ChangeWindowAttributes */ #ifndef Tk_CharBbox VFUNC(int,Tk_CharBbox,V_Tk_CharBbox,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_TextLayout layout, int index, int * xPtr, int * yPtr, int * widthPtr, int * heightPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_CharBbox */ #ifndef Tk_ClearSelection VFUNC(void,Tk_ClearSelection,V_Tk_ClearSelection,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, Atom selection))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_ClearSelection */ #ifndef Tk_ClipboardAppend VFUNC(int,Tk_ClipboardAppend,V_Tk_ClipboardAppend,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_Window tkwin, Atom target, Atom format, char* buffer))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_ClipboardAppend */ #ifndef Tk_ClipboardClear VFUNC(int,Tk_ClipboardClear,V_Tk_ClipboardClear,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_Window tkwin))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_ClipboardClear */ #ifndef Tk_CollapseMotionEvents VFUNC(int,Tk_CollapseMotionEvents,V_Tk_CollapseMotionEvents,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Display * display, int collapse))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_CollapseMotionEvents */ #ifndef Tk_ComputeTextLayout VFUNC(Tk_TextLayout,Tk_ComputeTextLayout,V_Tk_ComputeTextLayout,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Font font, CONST char * str, int numChars, int wrapLength, Tk_Justify justify, int flags, int * widthPtr, int * heightPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_ComputeTextLayout */ #ifndef Tk_ConfigureInfo VFUNC(int,Tk_ConfigureInfo,V_Tk_ConfigureInfo,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_Window tkwin, Tk_ConfigSpec * specs, char * widgRec, CONST char * argvName, int flags))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_ConfigureInfo */ #ifndef Tk_ConfigureValue VFUNC(int,Tk_ConfigureValue,V_Tk_ConfigureValue,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_Window tkwin, Tk_ConfigSpec * specs, char * widgRec, CONST char * argvName, int flags))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_ConfigureValue */ #ifndef Tk_ConfigureWidget VFUNC(int,Tk_ConfigureWidget,V_Tk_ConfigureWidget,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_Window tkwin, Tk_ConfigSpec * specs, int argc, CONST84 Tcl_Obj *CONST *objv, char * widgRec, int flags))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_ConfigureWidget */ #ifndef Tk_ConfigureWindow VFUNC(void,Tk_ConfigureWindow,V_Tk_ConfigureWindow,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, unsigned int valueMask, XWindowChanges * valuePtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_ConfigureWindow */ #ifndef Tk_CoordsToWindow VFUNC(Tk_Window,Tk_CoordsToWindow,V_Tk_CoordsToWindow,_ANSI_ARGS_((int rootX, int rootY, Tk_Window tkwin))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_CoordsToWindow */ #ifndef Tk_CreateAnonymousWindow VFUNC(Tk_Window,Tk_CreateAnonymousWindow,V_Tk_CreateAnonymousWindow,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_Window parent, CONST char * screenName))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_CreateAnonymousWindow */ #ifndef Tk_CreateBinding VFUNC(unsigned long,Tk_CreateBinding,V_Tk_CreateBinding,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_BindingTable bindingTable, ClientData object, CONST char * eventStr, Tcl_Obj *command, int append))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_CreateBinding */ #ifndef Tk_CreateBindingTable VFUNC(Tk_BindingTable,Tk_CreateBindingTable,V_Tk_CreateBindingTable,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tcl_Interp * interp))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_CreateBindingTable */ #ifndef Tk_CreateClientMessageHandler VFUNC(void,Tk_CreateClientMessageHandler,V_Tk_CreateClientMessageHandler,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tk_ClientMessageProc * proc))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_CreateClientMessageHandler */ #ifndef Tk_CreateErrorHandler VFUNC(Tk_ErrorHandler,Tk_CreateErrorHandler,V_Tk_CreateErrorHandler,_ANSI_ARGS_((Display * display, int errNum, int request, int minorCode, Tk_ErrorProc * errorProc, ClientData clientData))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_CreateErrorHandler */ #ifndef Tk_CreateEventHandler VFUNC(void,Tk_CreateEventHandler,V_Tk_CreateEventHandler,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window token, unsigned long mask, Tk_EventProc * proc, ClientData clientData))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_CreateEventHandler */ #ifndef Tk_CreateGenericHandler VFUNC(void,Tk_CreateGenericHandler,V_Tk_CreateGenericHandler,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tk_GenericProc * proc, ClientData clientData))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_CreateGenericHandler */ #ifndef Tk_CreateImageType VFUNC(void,Tk_CreateImageType,V_Tk_CreateImageType,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tk_ImageType * typePtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_CreateImageType */ #ifndef Tk_CreateOptionTable VFUNC(Tk_OptionTable,Tk_CreateOptionTable,V_Tk_CreateOptionTable,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tcl_Interp * interp, CONST Tk_OptionSpec * templatePtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_CreateOptionTable */ #ifndef Tk_CreateSelHandler VFUNC(void,Tk_CreateSelHandler,V_Tk_CreateSelHandler,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, Atom selection, Atom target, Tk_SelectionProc * proc, ClientData clientData, Atom format))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_CreateSelHandler */ #ifndef Tk_CreateStyle VFUNC(Tk_Style,Tk_CreateStyle,V_Tk_CreateStyle,_ANSI_ARGS_((CONST char * name, Tk_StyleEngine engine, ClientData clientData))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_CreateStyle */ #ifndef Tk_CreateWindow VFUNC(Tk_Window,Tk_CreateWindow,V_Tk_CreateWindow,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_Window parent, CONST char * name, CONST char * screenName))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_CreateWindow */ #ifndef Tk_CreateWindowFromPath VFUNC(Tk_Window,Tk_CreateWindowFromPath,V_Tk_CreateWindowFromPath,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_Window tkwin, CONST char * pathName, CONST char * screenName))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_CreateWindowFromPath */ #ifndef Tk_DefineBitmap VFUNC(int,Tk_DefineBitmap,V_Tk_DefineBitmap,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, CONST char * name, CONST char * source, int width, int height))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_DefineBitmap */ #ifndef Tk_DefineCursor VFUNC(void,Tk_DefineCursor,V_Tk_DefineCursor,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window window, Tk_Cursor cursor))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_DefineCursor */ #ifndef Tk_DeleteAllBindings VFUNC(void,Tk_DeleteAllBindings,V_Tk_DeleteAllBindings,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tk_BindingTable bindingTable, ClientData object))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_DeleteAllBindings */ #ifndef Tk_DeleteBinding VFUNC(int,Tk_DeleteBinding,V_Tk_DeleteBinding,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_BindingTable bindingTable, ClientData object, CONST char * eventStr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_DeleteBinding */ #ifndef Tk_DeleteBindingTable VFUNC(void,Tk_DeleteBindingTable,V_Tk_DeleteBindingTable,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tk_BindingTable bindingTable))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_DeleteBindingTable */ #ifndef Tk_DeleteClientMessageHandler VFUNC(void,Tk_DeleteClientMessageHandler,V_Tk_DeleteClientMessageHandler,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tk_ClientMessageProc * proc))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_DeleteClientMessageHandler */ #ifndef Tk_DeleteErrorHandler VFUNC(void,Tk_DeleteErrorHandler,V_Tk_DeleteErrorHandler,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tk_ErrorHandler handler))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_DeleteErrorHandler */ #ifndef Tk_DeleteEventHandler VFUNC(void,Tk_DeleteEventHandler,V_Tk_DeleteEventHandler,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window token, unsigned long mask, Tk_EventProc * proc, ClientData clientData))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_DeleteEventHandler */ #ifndef Tk_DeleteGenericHandler VFUNC(void,Tk_DeleteGenericHandler,V_Tk_DeleteGenericHandler,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tk_GenericProc * proc, ClientData clientData))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_DeleteGenericHandler */ #ifndef Tk_DeleteImage VFUNC(void,Tk_DeleteImage,V_Tk_DeleteImage,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, CONST char * name))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_DeleteImage */ #ifndef Tk_DeleteOptionTable VFUNC(void,Tk_DeleteOptionTable,V_Tk_DeleteOptionTable,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tk_OptionTable optionTable))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_DeleteOptionTable */ #ifndef Tk_DeleteSelHandler VFUNC(void,Tk_DeleteSelHandler,V_Tk_DeleteSelHandler,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, Atom selection, Atom target))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_DeleteSelHandler */ #ifndef Tk_DestroyWindow VFUNC(void,Tk_DestroyWindow,V_Tk_DestroyWindow,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_DestroyWindow */ #ifndef Tk_DisplayName VFUNC(CONST84_RETURN char *,Tk_DisplayName,V_Tk_DisplayName,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_DisplayName */ #ifndef Tk_DistanceToTextLayout VFUNC(int,Tk_DistanceToTextLayout,V_Tk_DistanceToTextLayout,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tk_TextLayout layout, int x, int y))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_DistanceToTextLayout */ #ifndef Tk_Draw3DPolygon VFUNC(void,Tk_Draw3DPolygon,V_Tk_Draw3DPolygon,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, Drawable drawable, Tk_3DBorder border, XPoint * pointPtr, int numPoints, int borderWidth, int leftRelief))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_Draw3DPolygon */ #ifndef Tk_Draw3DRectangle VFUNC(void,Tk_Draw3DRectangle,V_Tk_Draw3DRectangle,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, Drawable drawable, Tk_3DBorder border, int x, int y, int width, int height, int borderWidth, int relief))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_Draw3DRectangle */ #ifndef Tk_DrawChars VFUNC(void,Tk_DrawChars,V_Tk_DrawChars,_ANSI_ARGS_((Display * display, Drawable drawable, GC gc, Tk_Font tkfont, CONST char * source, int numBytes, int x, int y))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_DrawChars */ #ifndef Tk_DrawElement VFUNC(void,Tk_DrawElement,V_Tk_DrawElement,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Style style, Tk_StyledElement element, char * recordPtr, Tk_Window tkwin, Drawable d, int x, int y, int width, int height, int state))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_DrawElement */ #ifndef Tk_DrawFocusHighlight VFUNC(void,Tk_DrawFocusHighlight,V_Tk_DrawFocusHighlight,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, GC gc, int width, Drawable drawable))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_DrawFocusHighlight */ #ifndef Tk_DrawTextLayout VFUNC(void,Tk_DrawTextLayout,V_Tk_DrawTextLayout,_ANSI_ARGS_((Display * display, Drawable drawable, GC gc, Tk_TextLayout layout, int x, int y, int firstChar, int lastChar))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_DrawTextLayout */ #ifndef Tk_Fill3DPolygon VFUNC(void,Tk_Fill3DPolygon,V_Tk_Fill3DPolygon,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, Drawable drawable, Tk_3DBorder border, XPoint * pointPtr, int numPoints, int borderWidth, int leftRelief))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_Fill3DPolygon */ #ifndef Tk_Fill3DRectangle VFUNC(void,Tk_Fill3DRectangle,V_Tk_Fill3DRectangle,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, Drawable drawable, Tk_3DBorder border, int x, int y, int width, int height, int borderWidth, int relief))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_Fill3DRectangle */ #ifndef Tk_FontId VFUNC(Font,Tk_FontId,V_Tk_FontId,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Font font))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_FontId */ #ifndef Tk_Free3DBorder VFUNC(void,Tk_Free3DBorder,V_Tk_Free3DBorder,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_3DBorder border))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_Free3DBorder */ #ifndef Tk_Free3DBorderFromObj VFUNC(void,Tk_Free3DBorderFromObj,V_Tk_Free3DBorderFromObj,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, Tcl_Obj * objPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_Free3DBorderFromObj */ #ifndef Tk_FreeBitmap VFUNC(void,Tk_FreeBitmap,V_Tk_FreeBitmap,_ANSI_ARGS_((Display * display, Pixmap bitmap))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_FreeBitmap */ #ifndef Tk_FreeBitmapFromObj VFUNC(void,Tk_FreeBitmapFromObj,V_Tk_FreeBitmapFromObj,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, Tcl_Obj * objPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_FreeBitmapFromObj */ #ifndef Tk_FreeColor VFUNC(void,Tk_FreeColor,V_Tk_FreeColor,_ANSI_ARGS_((XColor * colorPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_FreeColor */ #ifndef Tk_FreeColorFromObj VFUNC(void,Tk_FreeColorFromObj,V_Tk_FreeColorFromObj,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, Tcl_Obj * objPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_FreeColorFromObj */ #ifndef Tk_FreeColormap VFUNC(void,Tk_FreeColormap,V_Tk_FreeColormap,_ANSI_ARGS_((Display * display, Colormap colormap))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_FreeColormap */ #ifndef Tk_FreeConfigOptions VFUNC(void,Tk_FreeConfigOptions,V_Tk_FreeConfigOptions,_ANSI_ARGS_((char * recordPtr, Tk_OptionTable optionToken, Tk_Window tkwin))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_FreeConfigOptions */ #ifndef Tk_FreeCursor VFUNC(void,Tk_FreeCursor,V_Tk_FreeCursor,_ANSI_ARGS_((Display * display, Tk_Cursor cursor))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_FreeCursor */ #ifndef Tk_FreeCursorFromObj VFUNC(void,Tk_FreeCursorFromObj,V_Tk_FreeCursorFromObj,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, Tcl_Obj * objPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_FreeCursorFromObj */ #ifndef Tk_FreeFont VFUNC(void,Tk_FreeFont,V_Tk_FreeFont,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Font f))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_FreeFont */ #ifndef Tk_FreeFontFromObj VFUNC(void,Tk_FreeFontFromObj,V_Tk_FreeFontFromObj,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, Tcl_Obj * objPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_FreeFontFromObj */ #ifndef Tk_FreeGC VFUNC(void,Tk_FreeGC,V_Tk_FreeGC,_ANSI_ARGS_((Display * display, GC gc))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_FreeGC */ #ifndef Tk_FreeImage VFUNC(void,Tk_FreeImage,V_Tk_FreeImage,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Image image))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_FreeImage */ #ifndef Tk_FreeOptions VFUNC(void,Tk_FreeOptions,V_Tk_FreeOptions,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_ConfigSpec * specs, char * widgRec, Display * display, int needFlags))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_FreeOptions */ #ifndef Tk_FreePixmap VFUNC(void,Tk_FreePixmap,V_Tk_FreePixmap,_ANSI_ARGS_((Display * display, Pixmap pixmap))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_FreePixmap */ #ifndef Tk_FreeSavedOptions VFUNC(void,Tk_FreeSavedOptions,V_Tk_FreeSavedOptions,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tk_SavedOptions * savePtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_FreeSavedOptions */ #ifndef Tk_FreeStyle VFUNC(void,Tk_FreeStyle,V_Tk_FreeStyle,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Style style))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_FreeStyle */ #ifndef Tk_FreeStyleFromObj VFUNC(void,Tk_FreeStyleFromObj,V_Tk_FreeStyleFromObj,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Obj * objPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_FreeStyleFromObj */ #ifndef Tk_FreeTextLayout VFUNC(void,Tk_FreeTextLayout,V_Tk_FreeTextLayout,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tk_TextLayout textLayout))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_FreeTextLayout */ #ifndef Tk_FreeXId VFUNC(void,Tk_FreeXId,V_Tk_FreeXId,_ANSI_ARGS_((Display * display, XID xid))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_FreeXId */ #ifndef Tk_GCForColor VFUNC(GC,Tk_GCForColor,V_Tk_GCForColor,_ANSI_ARGS_((XColor * colorPtr, Drawable drawable))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GCForColor */ #ifndef Tk_GeometryRequest VFUNC(void,Tk_GeometryRequest,V_Tk_GeometryRequest,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, int reqWidth, int reqHeight))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GeometryRequest */ #ifndef Tk_Get3DBorder VFUNC(Tk_3DBorder,Tk_Get3DBorder,V_Tk_Get3DBorder,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_Window tkwin, Tk_Uid colorName))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_Get3DBorder */ #ifndef Tk_Get3DBorderFromObj VFUNC(Tk_3DBorder,Tk_Get3DBorderFromObj,V_Tk_Get3DBorderFromObj,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, Tcl_Obj * objPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_Get3DBorderFromObj */ #ifndef Tk_GetAllBindings VFUNC(void,Tk_GetAllBindings,V_Tk_GetAllBindings,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_BindingTable bindingTable, ClientData object))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetAllBindings */ #ifndef Tk_GetAnchor VFUNC(int,Tk_GetAnchor,V_Tk_GetAnchor,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, CONST char * str, Tk_Anchor * anchorPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetAnchor */ #ifndef Tk_GetAnchorFromObj VFUNC(int,Tk_GetAnchorFromObj,V_Tk_GetAnchorFromObj,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, Tcl_Obj * objPtr, Tk_Anchor * anchorPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetAnchorFromObj */ #ifndef Tk_GetAtomName VFUNC(CONST84_RETURN char *,Tk_GetAtomName,V_Tk_GetAtomName,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, Atom atom))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetAtomName */ #ifndef Tk_GetBinding VFUNC(Tcl_Obj *,Tk_GetBinding,V_Tk_GetBinding,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_BindingTable bindingTable, ClientData object, CONST char * eventStr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetBinding */ #ifndef Tk_GetBitmap VFUNC(Pixmap,Tk_GetBitmap,V_Tk_GetBitmap,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_Window tkwin, CONST char * str))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetBitmap */ #ifndef Tk_GetBitmapFromData VFUNC(Pixmap,Tk_GetBitmapFromData,V_Tk_GetBitmapFromData,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_Window tkwin, CONST char * source, int width, int height))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetBitmapFromData */ #ifndef Tk_GetBitmapFromObj VFUNC(Pixmap,Tk_GetBitmapFromObj,V_Tk_GetBitmapFromObj,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, Tcl_Obj * objPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetBitmapFromObj */ #ifndef Tk_GetCapStyle VFUNC(int,Tk_GetCapStyle,V_Tk_GetCapStyle,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, CONST char * str, int * capPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetCapStyle */ #ifndef Tk_GetColor VFUNC(XColor *,Tk_GetColor,V_Tk_GetColor,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_Window tkwin, Tk_Uid name))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetColor */ #ifndef Tk_GetColorByValue VFUNC(XColor *,Tk_GetColorByValue,V_Tk_GetColorByValue,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, XColor * colorPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetColorByValue */ #ifndef Tk_GetColorFromObj VFUNC(XColor *,Tk_GetColorFromObj,V_Tk_GetColorFromObj,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, Tcl_Obj * objPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetColorFromObj */ #ifndef Tk_GetColormap VFUNC(Colormap,Tk_GetColormap,V_Tk_GetColormap,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_Window tkwin, CONST char * str))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetColormap */ #ifndef Tk_GetCursor VFUNC(Tk_Cursor,Tk_GetCursor,V_Tk_GetCursor,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_Window tkwin, Tk_Uid str))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetCursor */ #ifndef Tk_GetCursorFromData VFUNC(Tk_Cursor,Tk_GetCursorFromData,V_Tk_GetCursorFromData,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_Window tkwin, CONST char * source, CONST char * mask, int width, int height, int xHot, int yHot, Tk_Uid fg, Tk_Uid bg))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetCursorFromData */ #ifndef Tk_GetCursorFromObj VFUNC(Tk_Cursor,Tk_GetCursorFromObj,V_Tk_GetCursorFromObj,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, Tcl_Obj * objPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetCursorFromObj */ #ifndef Tk_GetElementBorderWidth VFUNC(int,Tk_GetElementBorderWidth,V_Tk_GetElementBorderWidth,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Style style, Tk_StyledElement element, char * recordPtr, Tk_Window tkwin))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetElementBorderWidth */ #ifndef Tk_GetElementBox VFUNC(void,Tk_GetElementBox,V_Tk_GetElementBox,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Style style, Tk_StyledElement element, char * recordPtr, Tk_Window tkwin, int x, int y, int width, int height, int inner, int * xPtr, int * yPtr, int * widthPtr, int * heightPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetElementBox */ #ifndef Tk_GetElementId VFUNC(int,Tk_GetElementId,V_Tk_GetElementId,_ANSI_ARGS_((CONST char * name))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetElementId */ #ifndef Tk_GetElementSize VFUNC(void,Tk_GetElementSize,V_Tk_GetElementSize,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Style style, Tk_StyledElement element, char * recordPtr, Tk_Window tkwin, int width, int height, int inner, int * widthPtr, int * heightPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetElementSize */ #ifndef Tk_GetFont VFUNC(Tk_Font,Tk_GetFont,V_Tk_GetFont,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_Window tkwin, CONST char * str))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetFont */ #ifndef Tk_GetFontFromObj VFUNC(Tk_Font,Tk_GetFontFromObj,V_Tk_GetFontFromObj,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, Tcl_Obj * objPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetFontFromObj */ #ifndef Tk_GetFontMetrics VFUNC(void,Tk_GetFontMetrics,V_Tk_GetFontMetrics,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Font font, Tk_FontMetrics * fmPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetFontMetrics */ #ifndef Tk_GetGC VFUNC(GC,Tk_GetGC,V_Tk_GetGC,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, unsigned long valueMask, XGCValues * valuePtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetGC */ #ifndef Tk_GetImage VFUNC(Tk_Image,Tk_GetImage,V_Tk_GetImage,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_Window tkwin, CONST char * name, Tk_ImageChangedProc * changeProc, ClientData clientData))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetImage */ #ifndef Tk_GetImageMasterData VFUNC(ClientData,Tk_GetImageMasterData,V_Tk_GetImageMasterData,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tcl_Interp * interp, CONST char * name, Tk_ImageType ** typePtrPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetImageMasterData */ #ifndef Tk_GetJoinStyle VFUNC(int,Tk_GetJoinStyle,V_Tk_GetJoinStyle,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, CONST char * str, int * joinPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetJoinStyle */ #ifndef Tk_GetJustify VFUNC(int,Tk_GetJustify,V_Tk_GetJustify,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, CONST char * str, Tk_Justify * justifyPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetJustify */ #ifndef Tk_GetJustifyFromObj VFUNC(int,Tk_GetJustifyFromObj,V_Tk_GetJustifyFromObj,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tcl_Interp * interp, Tcl_Obj * objPtr, Tk_Justify * justifyPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetJustifyFromObj */ #ifndef Tk_GetMMFromObj VFUNC(int,Tk_GetMMFromObj,V_Tk_GetMMFromObj,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_Window tkwin, Tcl_Obj * objPtr, double * doublePtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetMMFromObj */ #ifndef Tk_GetNumMainWindows VFUNC(int,Tk_GetNumMainWindows,V_Tk_GetNumMainWindows,_ANSI_ARGS_((void))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetNumMainWindows */ #ifndef Tk_GetOptionInfo VFUNC(Tcl_Obj *,Tk_GetOptionInfo,V_Tk_GetOptionInfo,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, char * recordPtr, Tk_OptionTable optionTable, Tcl_Obj * namePtr, Tk_Window tkwin))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetOptionInfo */ #ifndef Tk_GetOptionValue VFUNC(Tcl_Obj *,Tk_GetOptionValue,V_Tk_GetOptionValue,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, char * recordPtr, Tk_OptionTable optionTable, Tcl_Obj * namePtr, Tk_Window tkwin))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetOptionValue */ #ifndef Tk_GetPixels VFUNC(int,Tk_GetPixels,V_Tk_GetPixels,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_Window tkwin, CONST char * str, int * intPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetPixels */ #ifndef Tk_GetPixelsFromObj VFUNC(int,Tk_GetPixelsFromObj,V_Tk_GetPixelsFromObj,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_Window tkwin, Tcl_Obj * objPtr, int * intPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetPixelsFromObj */ #ifndef Tk_GetPixmap VFUNC(Pixmap,Tk_GetPixmap,V_Tk_GetPixmap,_ANSI_ARGS_((Display * display, Drawable d, int width, int height, int depth))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetPixmap */ #ifndef Tk_GetRelief VFUNC(int,Tk_GetRelief,V_Tk_GetRelief,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, CONST char * name, int * reliefPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetRelief */ #ifndef Tk_GetReliefFromObj VFUNC(int,Tk_GetReliefFromObj,V_Tk_GetReliefFromObj,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, Tcl_Obj * objPtr, int * resultPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetReliefFromObj */ #ifndef Tk_GetRootCoords VFUNC(void,Tk_GetRootCoords,V_Tk_GetRootCoords,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, int * xPtr, int * yPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetRootCoords */ #ifndef Tk_GetScreenMM VFUNC(int,Tk_GetScreenMM,V_Tk_GetScreenMM,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_Window tkwin, CONST char * str, double * doublePtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetScreenMM */ #ifndef Tk_GetScrollInfo VFUNC(int,Tk_GetScrollInfo,V_Tk_GetScrollInfo,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, int argc, CONST84 Tcl_Obj *CONST *objv, double * dblPtr, int * intPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetScrollInfo */ #ifndef Tk_GetScrollInfoObj VFUNC(int,Tk_GetScrollInfoObj,V_Tk_GetScrollInfoObj,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[], double * dblPtr, int * intPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetScrollInfoObj */ #ifndef Tk_GetSelection VFUNC(int,Tk_GetSelection,V_Tk_GetSelection,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_Window tkwin, Atom selection, Atom target, Tk_GetSelProc * proc, ClientData clientData))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetSelection */ #ifndef Tk_GetStyle VFUNC(Tk_Style,Tk_GetStyle,V_Tk_GetStyle,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, CONST char * name))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetStyle */ #ifndef Tk_GetStyleEngine VFUNC(Tk_StyleEngine,Tk_GetStyleEngine,V_Tk_GetStyleEngine,_ANSI_ARGS_((CONST char * name))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetStyleEngine */ #ifndef Tk_GetStyleFromObj VFUNC(Tk_Style,Tk_GetStyleFromObj,V_Tk_GetStyleFromObj,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Obj * objPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetStyleFromObj */ #ifndef Tk_GetStyledElement VFUNC(Tk_StyledElement,Tk_GetStyledElement,V_Tk_GetStyledElement,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Style style, int elementId, Tk_OptionTable optionTable))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetStyledElement */ #ifndef Tk_GetUid VFUNC(Tk_Uid,Tk_GetUid,V_Tk_GetUid,_ANSI_ARGS_((CONST char * str))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetUid */ #ifndef Tk_GetVRootGeometry VFUNC(void,Tk_GetVRootGeometry,V_Tk_GetVRootGeometry,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, int * xPtr, int * yPtr, int * widthPtr, int * heightPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetVRootGeometry */ #ifndef Tk_GetVisual VFUNC(Visual *,Tk_GetVisual,V_Tk_GetVisual,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_Window tkwin, Tcl_Obj *str, int * depthPtr, Colormap * colormapPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_GetVisual */ #ifndef Tk_Grab VFUNC(int,Tk_Grab,V_Tk_Grab,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_Window tkwin, int grabGlobal))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_Grab */ #ifndef Tk_HandleEvent VFUNC(void,Tk_HandleEvent,V_Tk_HandleEvent,_ANSI_ARGS_((XEvent * eventPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_HandleEvent */ #ifndef Tk_IdToWindow VFUNC(Tk_Window,Tk_IdToWindow,V_Tk_IdToWindow,_ANSI_ARGS_((Display * display, Window window))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_IdToWindow */ #ifndef Tk_ImageChanged VFUNC(void,Tk_ImageChanged,V_Tk_ImageChanged,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_ImageMaster master, int x, int y, int width, int height, int imageWidth, int imageHeight))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_ImageChanged */ #ifndef Tk_InitOptions VFUNC(int,Tk_InitOptions,V_Tk_InitOptions,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, char * recordPtr, Tk_OptionTable optionToken, Tk_Window tkwin))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_InitOptions */ #ifndef Tk_InternAtom VFUNC(Atom,Tk_InternAtom,V_Tk_InternAtom,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, CONST char * name))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_InternAtom */ #ifndef Tk_IntersectTextLayout VFUNC(int,Tk_IntersectTextLayout,V_Tk_IntersectTextLayout,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tk_TextLayout layout, int x, int y, int width, int height))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_IntersectTextLayout */ #ifndef Tk_MainLoop VFUNC(void,Tk_MainLoop,V_Tk_MainLoop,_ANSI_ARGS_((void))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_MainLoop */ #ifndef Tk_MainWindow VFUNC(Tk_Window,Tk_MainWindow,V_Tk_MainWindow,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_MainWindow */ #ifndef Tk_MaintainGeometry VFUNC(void,Tk_MaintainGeometry,V_Tk_MaintainGeometry,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window slave, Tk_Window master, int x, int y, int width, int height))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_MaintainGeometry */ #ifndef Tk_MakeWindowExist VFUNC(void,Tk_MakeWindowExist,V_Tk_MakeWindowExist,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_MakeWindowExist */ #ifndef Tk_ManageGeometry VFUNC(void,Tk_ManageGeometry,V_Tk_ManageGeometry,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, Tk_GeomMgr * mgrPtr, ClientData clientData))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_ManageGeometry */ #ifndef Tk_MapWindow VFUNC(void,Tk_MapWindow,V_Tk_MapWindow,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_MapWindow */ #ifndef Tk_MeasureChars VFUNC(int,Tk_MeasureChars,V_Tk_MeasureChars,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Font tkfont, CONST char * source, int numBytes, int maxPixels, int flags, int * lengthPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_MeasureChars */ #ifndef Tk_MoveResizeWindow VFUNC(void,Tk_MoveResizeWindow,V_Tk_MoveResizeWindow,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, int x, int y, int width, int height))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_MoveResizeWindow */ #ifndef Tk_MoveToplevelWindow VFUNC(void,Tk_MoveToplevelWindow,V_Tk_MoveToplevelWindow,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, int x, int y))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_MoveToplevelWindow */ #ifndef Tk_MoveWindow VFUNC(void,Tk_MoveWindow,V_Tk_MoveWindow,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, int x, int y))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_MoveWindow */ #ifndef Tk_NameOf3DBorder VFUNC(CONST84_RETURN char *,Tk_NameOf3DBorder,V_Tk_NameOf3DBorder,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tk_3DBorder border))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_NameOf3DBorder */ #ifndef Tk_NameOfAnchor VFUNC(CONST84_RETURN char *,Tk_NameOfAnchor,V_Tk_NameOfAnchor,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Anchor anchor))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_NameOfAnchor */ #ifndef Tk_NameOfBitmap VFUNC(CONST84_RETURN char *,Tk_NameOfBitmap,V_Tk_NameOfBitmap,_ANSI_ARGS_((Display * display, Pixmap bitmap))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_NameOfBitmap */ #ifndef Tk_NameOfCapStyle VFUNC(CONST84_RETURN char *,Tk_NameOfCapStyle,V_Tk_NameOfCapStyle,_ANSI_ARGS_((int cap))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_NameOfCapStyle */ #ifndef Tk_NameOfColor VFUNC(CONST84_RETURN char *,Tk_NameOfColor,V_Tk_NameOfColor,_ANSI_ARGS_((XColor * colorPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_NameOfColor */ #ifndef Tk_NameOfCursor VFUNC(CONST84_RETURN char *,Tk_NameOfCursor,V_Tk_NameOfCursor,_ANSI_ARGS_((Display * display, Tk_Cursor cursor))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_NameOfCursor */ #ifndef Tk_NameOfFont VFUNC(CONST84_RETURN char *,Tk_NameOfFont,V_Tk_NameOfFont,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Font font))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_NameOfFont */ #ifndef Tk_NameOfImage VFUNC(CONST84_RETURN char *,Tk_NameOfImage,V_Tk_NameOfImage,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tk_ImageMaster imageMaster))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_NameOfImage */ #ifndef Tk_NameOfJoinStyle VFUNC(CONST84_RETURN char *,Tk_NameOfJoinStyle,V_Tk_NameOfJoinStyle,_ANSI_ARGS_((int join))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_NameOfJoinStyle */ #ifndef Tk_NameOfJustify VFUNC(CONST84_RETURN char *,Tk_NameOfJustify,V_Tk_NameOfJustify,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tk_Justify justify))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_NameOfJustify */ #ifndef Tk_NameOfRelief VFUNC(CONST84_RETURN char *,Tk_NameOfRelief,V_Tk_NameOfRelief,_ANSI_ARGS_((int relief))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_NameOfRelief */ #ifndef Tk_NameOfStyle VFUNC(CONST char *,Tk_NameOfStyle,V_Tk_NameOfStyle,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Style style))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_NameOfStyle */ #ifndef Tk_NameToWindow VFUNC(Tk_Window,Tk_NameToWindow,V_Tk_NameToWindow,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, CONST char * pathName, Tk_Window tkwin))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_NameToWindow */ #ifndef Tk_OwnSelection VFUNC(void,Tk_OwnSelection,V_Tk_OwnSelection,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, Atom selection, Tk_LostSelProc * proc, ClientData clientData))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_OwnSelection */ #ifndef Tk_PointToChar VFUNC(int,Tk_PointToChar,V_Tk_PointToChar,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_TextLayout layout, int x, int y))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_PointToChar */ #ifndef Tk_PostscriptBitmap VFUNC(int,Tk_PostscriptBitmap,V_Tk_PostscriptBitmap,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_Window tkwin, Tk_PostscriptInfo psInfo, Pixmap bitmap, int startX, int startY, int width, int height))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_PostscriptBitmap */ #ifndef Tk_PostscriptColor VFUNC(int,Tk_PostscriptColor,V_Tk_PostscriptColor,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_PostscriptInfo psInfo, XColor * colorPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_PostscriptColor */ #ifndef Tk_PostscriptFont VFUNC(int,Tk_PostscriptFont,V_Tk_PostscriptFont,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_PostscriptInfo psInfo, Tk_Font font))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_PostscriptFont */ #ifndef Tk_PostscriptFontName VFUNC(int,Tk_PostscriptFontName,V_Tk_PostscriptFontName,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Font tkfont, Tcl_DString * dsPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_PostscriptFontName */ #ifndef Tk_PostscriptImage VFUNC(int,Tk_PostscriptImage,V_Tk_PostscriptImage,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Image image, Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_Window tkwin, Tk_PostscriptInfo psinfo, int x, int y, int width, int height, int prepass))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_PostscriptImage */ #ifndef Tk_PostscriptPath VFUNC(void,Tk_PostscriptPath,V_Tk_PostscriptPath,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_PostscriptInfo psInfo, double * coordPtr, int numPoints))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_PostscriptPath */ #ifndef Tk_PostscriptPhoto VFUNC(int,Tk_PostscriptPhoto,V_Tk_PostscriptPhoto,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_PhotoImageBlock * blockPtr, Tk_PostscriptInfo psInfo, int width, int height))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_PostscriptPhoto */ #ifndef Tk_PostscriptStipple VFUNC(int,Tk_PostscriptStipple,V_Tk_PostscriptStipple,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_Window tkwin, Tk_PostscriptInfo psInfo, Pixmap bitmap))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_PostscriptStipple */ #ifndef Tk_PostscriptY VFUNC(double,Tk_PostscriptY,V_Tk_PostscriptY,_ANSI_ARGS_((double y, Tk_PostscriptInfo psInfo))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_PostscriptY */ #ifndef Tk_PreserveColormap VFUNC(void,Tk_PreserveColormap,V_Tk_PreserveColormap,_ANSI_ARGS_((Display * display, Colormap colormap))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_PreserveColormap */ #ifndef Tk_QueueWindowEvent VFUNC(void,Tk_QueueWindowEvent,V_Tk_QueueWindowEvent,_ANSI_ARGS_((XEvent * eventPtr, Tcl_QueuePosition position))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_QueueWindowEvent */ #ifndef Tk_RedrawImage VFUNC(void,Tk_RedrawImage,V_Tk_RedrawImage,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Image image, int imageX, int imageY, int width, int height, Drawable drawable, int drawableX, int drawableY))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_RedrawImage */ #ifndef Tk_RegisterStyleEngine VFUNC(Tk_StyleEngine,Tk_RegisterStyleEngine,V_Tk_RegisterStyleEngine,_ANSI_ARGS_(( CONST char * name, Tk_StyleEngine parent))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_RegisterStyleEngine */ #ifndef Tk_RegisterStyledElement VFUNC(int,Tk_RegisterStyledElement,V_Tk_RegisterStyledElement,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tk_StyleEngine engine, Tk_ElementSpec * templatePtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_RegisterStyledElement */ #ifndef Tk_ResizeWindow VFUNC(void,Tk_ResizeWindow,V_Tk_ResizeWindow,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, int width, int height))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_ResizeWindow */ #ifndef Tk_RestackWindow VFUNC(int,Tk_RestackWindow,V_Tk_RestackWindow,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, int aboveBelow, Tk_Window other))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_RestackWindow */ #ifndef Tk_RestoreSavedOptions VFUNC(void,Tk_RestoreSavedOptions,V_Tk_RestoreSavedOptions,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tk_SavedOptions * savePtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_RestoreSavedOptions */ #ifndef Tk_RestrictEvents VFUNC(Tk_RestrictProc *,Tk_RestrictEvents,V_Tk_RestrictEvents,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tk_RestrictProc * proc, ClientData arg, ClientData * prevArgPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_RestrictEvents */ #ifndef Tk_SetAppName VFUNC(CONST char *,Tk_SetAppName,V_Tk_SetAppName,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, CONST char * name))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_SetAppName */ #ifndef Tk_SetBackgroundFromBorder VFUNC(void,Tk_SetBackgroundFromBorder,V_Tk_SetBackgroundFromBorder,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tk_Window tkwin, Tk_3DBorder border))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_SetBackgroundFromBorder */ #ifndef Tk_SetCaretPos VFUNC(void,Tk_SetCaretPos,V_Tk_SetCaretPos,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, int x, int y, int height))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_SetCaretPos */ #ifndef Tk_SetClass VFUNC(void,Tk_SetClass,V_Tk_SetClass,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, CONST char * className))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_SetClass */ #ifndef Tk_SetClassProcs VFUNC(void,Tk_SetClassProcs,V_Tk_SetClassProcs,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, Tk_ClassProcs * procs, ClientData instanceData))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_SetClassProcs */ #ifndef Tk_SetGrid VFUNC(void,Tk_SetGrid,V_Tk_SetGrid,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, int reqWidth, int reqHeight, int gridWidth, int gridHeight))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_SetGrid */ #ifndef Tk_SetInternalBorder VFUNC(void,Tk_SetInternalBorder,V_Tk_SetInternalBorder,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, int width))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_SetInternalBorder */ #ifndef Tk_SetInternalBorderEx VFUNC(void,Tk_SetInternalBorderEx,V_Tk_SetInternalBorderEx,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, int left, int right, int top, int bottom))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_SetInternalBorderEx */ #ifndef Tk_SetMinimumRequestSize VFUNC(void,Tk_SetMinimumRequestSize,V_Tk_SetMinimumRequestSize,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tk_Window tkwin, int minWidth, int minHeight))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_SetMinimumRequestSize */ #ifndef Tk_SetOptions VFUNC(int,Tk_SetOptions,V_Tk_SetOptions,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tcl_Interp * interp, char * recordPtr, Tk_OptionTable optionTable, int objc, Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[], Tk_Window tkwin, Tk_SavedOptions * savePtr, int * maskPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_SetOptions */ #ifndef Tk_SetTSOrigin VFUNC(void,Tk_SetTSOrigin,V_Tk_SetTSOrigin,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, GC gc, int x, int y))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_SetTSOrigin */ #ifndef Tk_SetWindowBackground VFUNC(void,Tk_SetWindowBackground,V_Tk_SetWindowBackground,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, unsigned long pixel))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_SetWindowBackground */ #ifndef Tk_SetWindowBackgroundPixmap VFUNC(void,Tk_SetWindowBackgroundPixmap,V_Tk_SetWindowBackgroundPixmap,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tk_Window tkwin, Pixmap pixmap))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_SetWindowBackgroundPixmap */ #ifndef Tk_SetWindowBorder VFUNC(void,Tk_SetWindowBorder,V_Tk_SetWindowBorder,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, unsigned long pixel))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_SetWindowBorder */ #ifndef Tk_SetWindowBorderPixmap VFUNC(void,Tk_SetWindowBorderPixmap,V_Tk_SetWindowBorderPixmap,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tk_Window tkwin, Pixmap pixmap))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_SetWindowBorderPixmap */ #ifndef Tk_SetWindowBorderWidth VFUNC(void,Tk_SetWindowBorderWidth,V_Tk_SetWindowBorderWidth,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, int width))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_SetWindowBorderWidth */ #ifndef Tk_SetWindowColormap VFUNC(void,Tk_SetWindowColormap,V_Tk_SetWindowColormap,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, Colormap colormap))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_SetWindowColormap */ #ifndef Tk_SetWindowVisual VFUNC(int,Tk_SetWindowVisual,V_Tk_SetWindowVisual,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, Visual * visual, int depth, Colormap colormap))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_SetWindowVisual */ #ifndef Tk_SizeOfBitmap VFUNC(void,Tk_SizeOfBitmap,V_Tk_SizeOfBitmap,_ANSI_ARGS_((Display * display, Pixmap bitmap, int * widthPtr, int * heightPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_SizeOfBitmap */ #ifndef Tk_SizeOfImage VFUNC(void,Tk_SizeOfImage,V_Tk_SizeOfImage,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Image image, int * widthPtr, int * heightPtr))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_SizeOfImage */ #ifndef Tk_StrictMotif VFUNC(int,Tk_StrictMotif,V_Tk_StrictMotif,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_StrictMotif */ #ifndef Tk_TextLayoutToPostscript VFUNC(void,Tk_TextLayoutToPostscript,V_Tk_TextLayoutToPostscript,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Tcl_Interp * interp, Tk_TextLayout layout))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_TextLayoutToPostscript */ #ifndef Tk_TextWidth VFUNC(int,Tk_TextWidth,V_Tk_TextWidth,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Font font, CONST char * str, int numBytes))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_TextWidth */ #ifndef Tk_UndefineCursor VFUNC(void,Tk_UndefineCursor,V_Tk_UndefineCursor,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window window))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_UndefineCursor */ #ifndef Tk_UnderlineChars VFUNC(void,Tk_UnderlineChars,V_Tk_UnderlineChars,_ANSI_ARGS_((Display * display, Drawable drawable, GC gc, Tk_Font tkfont, CONST char * source, int x, int y, int firstByte, int lastByte))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_UnderlineChars */ #ifndef Tk_UnderlineTextLayout VFUNC(void,Tk_UnderlineTextLayout,V_Tk_UnderlineTextLayout,_ANSI_ARGS_(( Display * display, Drawable drawable, GC gc, Tk_TextLayout layout, int x, int y, int underline))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_UnderlineTextLayout */ #ifndef Tk_Ungrab VFUNC(void,Tk_Ungrab,V_Tk_Ungrab,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_Ungrab */ #ifndef Tk_UnmaintainGeometry VFUNC(void,Tk_UnmaintainGeometry,V_Tk_UnmaintainGeometry,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window slave, Tk_Window master))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_UnmaintainGeometry */ #ifndef Tk_UnmapWindow VFUNC(void,Tk_UnmapWindow,V_Tk_UnmapWindow,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_UnmapWindow */ #ifndef Tk_UnsetGrid VFUNC(void,Tk_UnsetGrid,V_Tk_UnsetGrid,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_UnsetGrid */ #ifndef Tk_UpdatePointer VFUNC(void,Tk_UpdatePointer,V_Tk_UpdatePointer,_ANSI_ARGS_((Tk_Window tkwin, int x, int y, int state))) #endif /* #ifndef Tk_UpdatePointer */ #endif /* _TKDECLS */
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
#!perl # /* Copyright 2013 Proofpoint, Inc. All rights reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # */ # @INC now is like this: # /opt/pptools, PERLLIB-dirs, system-lib-dirs # I need to get rid of /opt/pptools # I need to save the dirs that came from PERLLIB # Put /opt/pptools/lib ahead of all the system libpath dirs # and put back PERLLIB dirs. Otherwise, you'll never be able # to override modules in /opt/pptools/lib # use lib '/opt/pptools/lib'; use Config; BEGIN { no warnings; if ($INC[0] eq '/opt/pptools') { shift(@INC); } my @perllib = (); my @saved_perllib = (); if ($ENV{'PERL5LIB'}) { @perllib = split(':', $ENV{'PERL5LIB'}); } elsif ($ENV{'PERLLIB'}) { @perllib = split(':', $ENV{'PERLLIB'}); } if (@perllib) { while ($perllib[0] eq $INC[0]) { push(@saved_perllib, shift(@perllib)); shift(@INC); } } my %libpath; for my $libpathkey (qw(archlib archlibexp installarchlib installprivlib installsitearch installsitelib privlib privlibexp sitearch sitearchexp sitelib sitelibexp sitelib_stem)) { my $libpath = $Config{$libpathkey}; if (-d $libpath) { $libpath{$libpath} = 1; } } for my $libpath (keys %libpath) { $libpath =~ s{^(.*?)(lib64|lib)}{/opt/pptools/$2}; unshift(@INC, $libpath); } unshift(@INC, '/opt/pptools/lib'); unshift(@INC, @saved_perllib); } 1;
[ "Artistic-2.0" ]
[ "Artistic-2.0" ]
[ "Artistic-2.0" ]
package Mojo::Promise::Role::Get; use Carp (); use Role::Tiny; our $VERSION = 'v0.1.4'; requires qw(ioloop then wait); sub get { my ($self) = @_; Carp::croak "'get' cannot be called when the event loop is running" if $self->ioloop->is_running; my (@result, $rejected); $self->then(sub { @result = @_ }, sub { $rejected = 1; @result = @_ })->wait; if ($rejected) { my $reason = $result[0] // 'Promise was rejected'; die $reason if ref $reason or $reason =~ m/\n\z/; Carp::croak $reason; } return wantarray ? @result : $result[0]; } 1; =head1 NAME Mojo::Promise::Role::Get - Wait for the results of a Mojo::Promise =head1 SYNOPSIS use Mojo::IOLoop; use Mojo::Promise; use Mojo::UserAgent; my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new; # long way of writing $ua->get('http://example.com')->result my $res = $ua->get_p('http://example.com')->with_roles('+Get')->get->result; # wait for multiple requests at once my @responses = map { $_->[0]->result } Mojo::Promise->all( $ua->get_p('http://example.com'), $ua->get_p('https://www.google.com'), )->with_roles('Mojo::Promise::Role::Get')->get; # request with exception on timeout my $timeout = Mojo::Promise->new; Mojo::IOLoop->timer(1 => sub { $timeout->reject('Timed out!') }); my $res = Mojo::Promise->race($ua->get_p('http://example.com'), $timeout) ->with_roles('Mojo::Promise::Role::Get')->get->result; =head1 DESCRIPTION L<Mojo::Promise::Role::Get> is a L<Mojo::Promise> L<role|Role::Tiny> that adds a L</"get"> method to facilitate the usage of asynchronous code in a synchronous manner, similar to L<Future/"get">. Note: Like in Future, L</"get"> cannot retrieve results when the event loop is already running, as that can recurse into the event reactor. Unlike in Future, this is true even if the promise has already been resolved or rejected, because retrieving L<Mojo::Promise> results always requires running the event loop. =head1 METHODS L<Mojo::Promise::Role::Get> composes the following methods. =head2 get my @results = $promise->get; my $first_result = $promise->get; Blocks until the promise resolves or is rejected. If it is fulfilled, the results are returned. In scalar context the first value is returned. If the promise is rejected, the (first value of the) rejection reason is thrown as an exception. An exception is thrown if the L<Mojo::Promise/"ioloop"> is running, to prevent recursing into the event reactor. =head1 BUGS Report any issues on the public bugtracker. =head1 AUTHOR Dan Book <dbook@cpan.org> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2018 by Dan Book. This is free software, licensed under: The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible) =head1 SEE ALSO L<Future>
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# Copyright 2020, Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. package Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V7::Services::CampaignFeedService::CampaignFeedOperation; use strict; use warnings; use base qw(Google::Ads::GoogleAds::BaseEntity); use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Utils::GoogleAdsHelper; sub new { my ($class, $args) = @_; my $self = { create => $args->{create}, remove => $args->{remove}, update => $args->{update}, updateMask => $args->{updateMask}}; # Delete the unassigned fields in this object for a more concise JSON payload remove_unassigned_fields($self, $args); bless $self, $class; return $self; } 1;
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
1 62 83 99 2 34 47 56 61 3 4 15 52 5 6 38 56 81 7 69 8 53 62 71 9 14 30 32 40 49 61 10 1 15 36 56 80 84 11 25 77 12 33 34 49 13 69 87 14 97 15 40 66 83 16 61 93 97 17 7 23 29 18 36 48 76 19 14 20 23 21 36 40 100 22 6 23 35 24 3 7 25 34 26 3 82 27 22 33 92 28 38 29 11 65 80 30 53 31 32 53 57 84 33 44 71 34 78 35 55 64 88 36 9 55 87 37 41 38 37 47 56 39 40 14 23 37 50 78 41 62 72 42 9 43 44 45 48 54 100 46 54 55 47 82 48 16 37 83 49 52 50 5 19 37 97 51 8 19 99 52 83 92 53 5 47 54 55 56 18 25 66 57 7 21 58 51 54 65 59 56 63 60 34 85 61 38 62 44 63 7 36 64 65 8 31 40 66 14 28 62 67 57 89 68 40 69 45 78 92 70 3 15 35 69 71 56 72 43 73 14 41 81 74 12 18 90 75 30 82 100 76 77 8 64 82 78 79 15 82 80 18 35 38 50 96 81 60 82 66 83 54 94 84 31 48 74 99 85 13 86 26 35 76 87 58 88 43 45 55 61 84 94 99 89 13 32 42 49 50 90 9 27 60 96 91 1 92 44 84 93 39 77 94 43 70 79 95 95 96 97 93 98 44 83 99 71 89 100 83
[ "curl" ]
[ "curl" ]
[ "curl" ]
#!/usr/bin/env perl #*************************************************************************** # _ _ ____ _ # Project ___| | | | _ \| | # / __| | | | |_) | | # | (__| |_| | _ <| |___ # \___|\___/|_| \_\_____| # # Copyright (C) 2010-2021, Daniel Stenberg, <daniel@haxx.se>, et al. # # This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which # you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms # are also available at https://curl.se/docs/copyright.html. # # You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell # copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file. # # This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. # ########################################################################### # # This script grew out of help from Przemyslaw Iskra and Balint Szilakszi # a late evening in the #curl IRC channel. # use strict; use warnings; use vars qw($Cpreprocessor); # # configurehelp perl module is generated by configure script # my $rc = eval { require configurehelp; configurehelp->import(qw( $Cpreprocessor )); 1; }; # Set default values if configure has not generated a configurehelp.pm file. # This is the case with cmake. if (!$rc) { $Cpreprocessor = 'cpp'; } my $verbose=0; # verbose mode when -v is the first argument if($ARGV[0] eq "-v") { $verbose=1; shift; } # we may get the dir root pointed out my $root=$ARGV[0] || "."; # need an include directory when building out-of-tree my $i = ($ARGV[1]) ? "-I$ARGV[1] " : ''; my $incdir = "$root/include/curl"; my $summary=0; my $misses=0; my @syms; my %doc; my %rem; sub scanenums { my ($file)=@_; my $skipit = 0; open H_IN, "-|", "$Cpreprocessor $i$file" || die "Cannot preprocess $file"; while ( <H_IN> ) { my ($line, $linenum) = ($_, $.); if( /^#(line|) (\d+) \"(.*)\"/) { # if the included file isn't in our incdir, then we skip this section # until next #line # if($3 !~ /^$incdir/) { $skipit = 1; next; } # parse this! $skipit = 0; next; } if($skipit) { next; } if (/^#/) { next; } if ( /enum\s+(\S+\s+)?{/ .. /}/ ) { s/^\s+//; chomp; s/[,\s].*//; if(($_ !~ /\}(;|)/) && ($_ ne "typedef") && ($_ ne "enum") && ($_ !~ /^[ \t]*$/)) { if($verbose) { print "Source: $Cpreprocessor $i$file\n"; print "Symbol: $_\n"; print "Line #$linenum: $line\n\n"; } push @syms, $_; } } } close H_IN || die "Error preprocessing $file"; } sub scanheader { my ($f)=@_; scanenums($f); open H, "<$f"; while(<H>) { my ($line, $linenum) = ($_, $.); if (/^#define +([^ \n]*)/) { if($verbose) { print "Source: $f\n"; print "Symbol: $1\n"; print "Line #$linenum: $line\n\n"; } push @syms, $1; } } close H; } opendir(my $dh, $incdir) || die "Can't opendir $incdir: $!"; my @hfiles = grep { /\.h$/ } readdir($dh); closedir $dh; for(@hfiles) { scanheader("$incdir/$_"); } my $errors = 0; for my $s (@syms) { if($s !~ /^(lib|)curl/i) { print "Bad symbols in public header files:\n" if(!$errors); $errors++; print " $s\n"; } } if($errors) { exit 1; } printf "%d fine symbols found\n", scalar(@syms);
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ############################################################################### # # Copyright 2006 - 2019, Paul Beckingham, Federico Hernandez. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included # in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # # https://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php # ############################################################################### import sys import os import unittest # Ensure python finds the local simpletap module sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) from basetest import Task, TestCase class TestCustomTagIndicator(TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): """Executed once before any test in the class""" cls.t = Task() cls.t.config("report.foo.description", "DESC") cls.t.config("report.foo.columns", "id,tags.indicator") cls.t.config("report.foo.labels", "ID,T") cls.t.config("report.foo.sort", "id+") cls.t("add foo +tag") cls.t("add bar") def test_default_indicator(self): """Verify default tag indicator (+) is shown""" code, out, err = self.t("foo") self.assertRegexpMatches(out, "ID.+T") self.assertRegexpMatches(out, "1\s+\+") def test_custom_indicator(self): """Verify custom tag indicator (TAG) is shown""" code, out, err = self.t("rc.tag.indicator:TAG foo") self.assertRegexpMatches(out, "1\s+TAG") if __name__ == "__main__": from simpletap import TAPTestRunner unittest.main(testRunner=TAPTestRunner()) # vim: ai sts=4 et sw=4 ft=python
[ "FSFAP" ]
[ "FSFAP" ]
[ "FSFAP" ]
# SUSE's openQA tests # # Copyright © 2019 SUSE LLC # # Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, # are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright # notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, # without any warranty. # Summary: Enable jeos-firstboot as required by openQA testsuite # Maintainer: Guillaume GARDET <guillaume@opensuse.org> use strict; use warnings; use base "opensusebasetest"; use testapi; use utils 'zypper_call'; use version_utils 'is_leap'; sub run { my ($self) = @_; my $default_password = 'linux'; my $distripassword = $testapi::password; my $reboot_for_jeos_firstboot = 1; my $is_generalhw_via_ssh = check_var('BACKEND', 'generalhw') && !defined(get_var('GENERAL_HW_VNC_IP')); if ($is_generalhw_via_ssh) { # Run jeos-firstboot manually and do not reboot as we use SSH $reboot_for_jeos_firstboot = 0; # Handle default credentials for ssh login $testapi::password = $default_password; # 'root-ssh' console will wait for SUT to be reachable from ssh select_console('root-ssh'); } else { # Login with default credentials (root:linux) assert_screen('linux-login', 300); type_string("root\n", wait_still_screen => 5); type_string("$default_password\n", wait_still_screen => 5); } # Install jeos-firstboot, when needed zypper_call('in jeos-firstboot') if is_leap; if ($is_generalhw_via_ssh) { # Do not set network down as we are connected through ssh! my $filetoedit = is_leap('<=15.2') ? '/usr/lib/jeos-firstboot' : '/usr/share/jeos-firstboot/jeos-firstboot-dialogs'; assert_script_run("sed -i 's/ip link set down /# ip link set down/g' $filetoedit"); } # Remove current root password assert_script_run("sed -i 's/^root:[^:]*:/root:*:/' /etc/shadow", 600); # Restore expected password, to be used by jeos-firstboot $testapi::password = $distripassword; if ($reboot_for_jeos_firstboot) { # Ensure YaST2-Firstboot is disabled, and enable jeos-firstboot in openQA assert_script_run("systemctl disable YaST2-Firstboot") if is_leap('<15.2'); assert_script_run("systemctl enable jeos-firstboot"); # When YaST2-Firstboot is not installed, /var/lib/YaST2 does not exist, so create it assert_script_run("mkdir -p /var/lib/YaST2") if !is_leap('<15.2'); # Trigger *-firstboot at next boot assert_script_run("touch /var/lib/YaST2/reconfig_system"); type_string("reboot\n"); } else { type_string(is_leap('<=15.2') ? "/usr/lib/jeos-firstboot\n" : "jeos-firstboot\n"); } } 1;
[ "BSD-2-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-2-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-2-Clause" ]
use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use 5.10.1; use strict; use LWP::UserAgent; use JSON; use Data::Dumper; use Client; my $c = Client->new({url => 'http://localhost:5000'}); say "Client->validate_syntax:".Dumper($c->validate_syntax("nic.fr")); =coment say "Client->version_info:".Dumper($c->version_info("test param")); say "Client->get_ns_ips:".Dumper($c->get_ns_ips("ns1.nic.fr")); say "Client->get_data_from_parent_zone:".Dumper($c->get_data_from_parent_zone("nic.fr")); say "Client->validate_domain_syntax:".Dumper($c->validate_domain_syntax("nic.fr")); my $frontend_params = { client_id => 'Zonemaster CGI/Dancer/node.js', # free string client_version => '1.0', # free version like string domain => 'afnic-2.fr', # content of the domain text field advanced_options => 1, # 0 or 1, is the advanced options checkbox checked ipv4 => 1, # 0 or 1, is the ipv4 checkbox checked ipv6 => 1, # 0 or 1, is the ipv6 checkbox checked test_profile => 'test_profile_2', # the id if the Test profile listbox nameservers => [ # list of the namaserves up to 32 {'ns1.nic.fr' => ''}, # key values pairs representing nameserver => namesterver_ip {'empty' => ''}, {'ns1.nic.fr' => ''}, ], ds_digest_pairs => [ # list of DS/Digest pairs up to 32 {'ds1' => 'digest2'}, # key values pairs representing ds => digest {'ds2' => 'digest2'}, ], }; my $id_test = $c->start_domain_test($frontend_params); say "start_domain_test: ".Dumper($id_test); say "--------------------------"; say "test_progress: ".Dumper($c->test_progress($id_test)); sleep(1); say "test_progress: ".Dumper($c->test_progress($id_test)); sleep(1); say "test_progress: ".Dumper($c->test_progress($id_test)); sleep(2); say "test_progress: ".Dumper($c->test_progress($id_test)); sleep(2); say "test_progress: ".Dumper($c->test_progress($id_test)); sleep(3); say "test_progress: ".Dumper($c->test_progress($id_test)); sleep(3); say "test_progress: ".Dumper($c->test_progress($id_test)); say "--------------------------"; say "get_test_results: ".Dumper($c->get_test_results( { id => $id_test, language => 'en' } )); say "--------------------------"; my $frontend_params1 = { client_id => 'Zonemaster CGI/Dancer/node.js', # free string client_version => '1.0', # free version like string domain => 'afnic-2.fr', # content of the domain text field advanced_options => 1, # 0 or 1, is the advanced options checkbox checked ipv4 => 1, # 0 or 1, is the ipv4 checkbox checked ipv6 => 1, # 0 or 1, is the ipv6 checkbox checked test_profile => 'test_profile_1', # the id if the Test profile listbox nameservers => [ # list of the namaserves up to 32 {'ns1.nic.fr' => ''}, # key values pairs representing nameserver => namesterver_ip {'empty' => ''}, {'ns1.nic.fr' => ''}, ], ds_digest_pairs => [ # list of DS/Digest pairs up to 32 {'ds1' => 'digest1'}, # key values pairs representing ds => digest {'ds2' => 'digest2'}, ], }; my $offset = 0; my $limit = 10; say "get_test_history: ".Dumper($c->get_test_history( { frontend_params => $frontend_params1, offset => $offset, limit => $limit } )); say "--------------------------"; =cut
[ "Artistic-1.0" ]
[ "Artistic-1.0" ]
[ "Artistic-1.0" ]
package # hide from PAUSE Test::Schema::Result::FooBaz; use strict; use warnings; use parent 'DBIx::Class::Core'; __PACKAGE__->table('foo_baz'); __PACKAGE__->add_columns( foo_id => { 'data_type' => 'integer' }, baz_id => { 'data_type' => 'integer' }, ); __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key(qw/foo_id baz_id/); __PACKAGE__->belongs_to( 'foo' => 'Test::Schema::Result::Foo', { 'foreign.id' => 'self.foo_id' } ); __PACKAGE__->belongs_to( 'baz' => 'Test::Schema::Result::Baz', { 'foreign.id' => 'self.baz_id' } ); 1;
[ "BSD-2-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-2-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-2-Clause" ]
#!/usr/bin/perl # This script implements the Joshua pipeline. It can run a complete # pipeline --- from raw training corpora to bleu scores on a test set # --- and it allows jumping into arbitrary points of the pipeline. my $JOSHUA; BEGIN { if (! exists $ENV{JOSHUA} || $ENV{JOSHUA} eq "" || ! exists $ENV{JAVA_HOME} || $ENV{JAVA_HOME} eq "") { print "Several environment variables must be set before running the pipeline. Please set:\n"; print "* \$JOSHUA to the root of the Joshua source code.\n" if (! exists $ENV{JOSHUA} || $ENV{JOSHUA} eq ""); print "* \$JAVA_HOME to the directory of your local java installation. \n" if (! exists $ENV{JAVA_HOME} || $ENV{JAVA_HOME} eq ""); exit; } $JOSHUA = $ENV{JOSHUA}; unshift(@INC,"$JOSHUA/scripts/training/cachepipe"); unshift(@INC,"$JOSHUA/lib"); } use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use File::Basename; use Cwd qw[abs_path getcwd]; use POSIX qw[ceil]; use List::Util qw[max min sum]; use File::Temp qw[:mktemp]; use CachePipe; # use Thread::Pool; # Hadoop uses a stupid hacker trick to change directories, but (per Lane Schwartz) if CDPATH # contains ".", it triggers the printing of the directory, which kills the stupid hacker trick. # Thus we undefine CDPATH to ensure this doesn't happen. delete $ENV{CDPATH}; my $HADOOP = $ENV{HADOOP}; my $MOSES = $ENV{MOSES}; delete $ENV{GREP_OPTIONS}; my $THRAX = "$JOSHUA/thrax"; die not_defined("JAVA_HOME") unless exists $ENV{JAVA_HOME}; my (@CORPORA,$TUNE,$TEST,$ALIGNMENT,$SOURCE,$TARGET,@LMFILES,$GRAMMAR_FILE,$GLUE_GRAMMAR_FILE,$TUNE_GRAMMAR_FILE,$TEST_GRAMMAR_FILE,$THRAX_CONF_FILE); my $FIRST_STEP = "FIRST"; my $LAST_STEP = "LAST"; my $LMFILTER = "$ENV{HOME}/code/filter/filter"; # The maximum length of training sentences (--maxlen). The threshold is applied to both sides. my $MAXLEN = 50; # The maximum span rules in the main grammar can be applied to my $MAXSPAN = 20; # The maximum length of tuning and testing sentences (--maxlen-tune and --maxlen-test). my $MAXLEN_TUNE = 0; my $MAXLEN_TEST = 0; my $DO_FILTER_TM = 1; my $DO_SUBSAMPLE = 0; my $DO_PACK_GRAMMARS = 1; my $SCRIPTDIR = "$JOSHUA/scripts"; my $TOKENIZER_SOURCE = "$SCRIPTDIR/training/penn-treebank-tokenizer.perl"; my $TOKENIZER_TARGET = "$SCRIPTDIR/training/penn-treebank-tokenizer.perl"; my $NORMALIZER = "$SCRIPTDIR/training/normalize-punctuation.pl"; my $GIZA_TRAINER = "$SCRIPTDIR/training/run-giza.pl"; my $TUNECONFDIR = "$SCRIPTDIR/training/templates/tune"; my $SRILM = ($ENV{SRILM}||"")."/bin/i686-m64/ngram-count"; my $COPY_CONFIG = "$SCRIPTDIR/copy-config.pl"; my $STARTDIR; my $RUNDIR = $STARTDIR = getcwd(); my $GRAMMAR_TYPE = "hiero"; # or "phrasal" or "samt" or "ghkm" # Which GHKM extractor to use ("galley" or "moses") my $GHKM_EXTRACTOR = "moses"; my $EXTRACT_OPTIONS = ""; my $WITTEN_BELL = 0; my $JOSHUA_ARGS = ""; # Run description. my $README = undef; # gzip-aware cat my $CAT = "$SCRIPTDIR/training/scat"; # where processed data files are stored my $DATA_DIR = "data"; # this file should exist in the Joshua mert templates file; it contains # the Joshua command invoked by MERT my $JOSHUA_CONFIG_ORIG = "$TUNECONFDIR/joshua.config"; my %TUNEFILES = ( 'decoder_command' => "$TUNECONFDIR/decoder_command.qsub", 'joshua.config' => $JOSHUA_CONFIG_ORIG, 'mert.config' => "$TUNECONFDIR/mert.config", 'pro.config' => "$TUNECONFDIR/pro.config", 'params.txt' => "$TUNECONFDIR/params.txt", ); # Whether to do MBR decoding on the n-best list (for test data). my $DO_MBR = 0; # Which aligner to use. The options are "giza" or "berkeley". my $ALIGNER = "giza"; # "berkeley" or "giza" or "jacana" # Filter rules to the following maximum scope (Hopkins & Langmead, 2011). my $SCOPE = 3; # What kind of filtering to use ("fast" or "exact"). my $FILTERING = "fast"; # This is the amount of memory made available to Joshua. You'll need # a lot more than this for SAMT decoding (though really it depends # mostly on your grammar size) my $JOSHUA_MEM = "3100m"; # the amount of memory available for hadoop processes (passed to # Hadoop via -Dmapred.child.java.opts my $HADOOP_MEM = "2g"; # The location of a custom core-site.xml file, if desired (optional). my $HADOOP_CONF = undef; # memory available to the parser my $PARSER_MEM = "2g"; # memory available for building the language model my $BUILDLM_MEM = "2G"; # Memory available for packing the grammar. my $PACKER_MEM = "8g"; # Memory available for MERT/PRO. my $TUNER_MEM = "8g"; # When qsub is called for decoding, these arguments should be passed to it. my $QSUB_ARGS = ""; # When qsub is called for aligning, these arguments should be passed to it. my $QSUB_ALIGN_ARGS = "-l h_rt=168:00:00,h_vmem=15g,mem_free=10g,num_proc=1"; # Amount of memory for the Berkeley aligner. my $ALIGNER_MEM = "10g"; # Align corpus files a million lines at a time. my $ALIGNER_BLOCKSIZE = 1000000; # The number of machines to decode on. If you set this higher than 1, # you need to have qsub configured for your environment. my $NUM_JOBS = 1; # The number of threads to use at different pieces in the pipeline # (giza, decoding) my $NUM_THREADS = 1; # which LM to use (kenlm or berkeleylm) my $LM_TYPE = "kenlm"; # n-gram order my $LM_ORDER = 5; # Whether to build and include an LM from the target-side of the # corpus when manually-specified LM files are passed with --lmfile. my $DO_BUILD_LM_FROM_CORPUS = 1; # whether to tokenize and lowercase training, tuning, and test data my $DO_PREPARE_CORPORA = 1; # how many optimizer runs to perform my $OPTIMIZER_RUNS = 1; # what to use to create language models ("berkeleylm" or "srilm") my $LM_GEN = "kenlm"; my @STEPS = qw[FIRST SUBSAMPLE ALIGN PARSE THRAX GRAMMAR TUNE MERT PRO TEST LAST]; my %STEPS = map { $STEPS[$_] => $_ + 1 } (0..$#STEPS); my $NAME = undef; # Methods to use for merging alignments (see Koehn et al., 2003). # Options are union, {intersect, grow, srctotgt, tgttosrc}-{diag,final,final-and,diag-final,diag-final-and} my $GIZA_MERGE = "grow-diag-final"; # Whether to merge all the --lmfile LMs into a single LM using weights based on the development corpus my $MERGE_LMS = 0; # Which tuner to use by default my $TUNER = "mert"; # or "pro" or "mira" # The number of iterations of the mira to run my $MIRA_ITERATIONS = 15; # location of already-parsed corpus my $PARSED_CORPUS = undef; # Allows the user to set a temp dir for various tasks my $TMPDIR = "/tmp"; # Enable forest rescoring my $RESCORE_FOREST = 0; my $LM_STATE_MINIMIZATION = "true"; my $NBEST = 300; my $retval = GetOptions( "readme=s" => \$README, "corpus=s" => \@CORPORA, "parsed-corpus=s" => \$PARSED_CORPUS, "tune=s" => \$TUNE, "test=s" => \$TEST, "prepare!" => \$DO_PREPARE_CORPORA, "name=s" => \$NAME, "aligner=s" => \$ALIGNER, "alignment=s" => \$ALIGNMENT, "aligner-mem=s" => \$ALIGNER_MEM, "giza-merge=s" => \$GIZA_MERGE, "source=s" => \$SOURCE, "target=s" => \$TARGET, "rundir=s" => \$RUNDIR, "filter-tm!" => \$DO_FILTER_TM, "scope=i" => \$SCOPE, "filtering=s" => \$FILTERING, "lm=s" => \$LM_TYPE, "lmfile=s" => \@LMFILES, "merge-lms!" => \$MERGE_LMS, "lm-gen=s" => \$LM_GEN, "lm-order=i" => \$LM_ORDER, "corpus-lm!" => \$DO_BUILD_LM_FROM_CORPUS, "witten-bell!" => \$WITTEN_BELL, "tune-grammar=s" => \$TUNE_GRAMMAR_FILE, "test-grammar=s" => \$TEST_GRAMMAR_FILE, "grammar=s" => \$GRAMMAR_FILE, "glue-grammar=s" => \$GLUE_GRAMMAR_FILE, "maxspan=i" => \$MAXSPAN, "mbr!" => \$DO_MBR, "type=s" => \$GRAMMAR_TYPE, "ghkm-extractor=s" => \$GHKM_EXTRACTOR, "extract-options=s" => \$EXTRACT_OPTIONS, "maxlen=i" => \$MAXLEN, "maxlen-tune=i" => \$MAXLEN_TUNE, "maxlen-test=i" => \$MAXLEN_TEST, "tokenizer-source=s" => \$TOKENIZER_SOURCE, "tokenizer-target=s" => \$TOKENIZER_TARGET, "joshua-config=s" => \$TUNEFILES{'joshua.config'}, "pro-config=s" => \$TUNEFILES{'pro.config'}, "params-txt=s" => \$TUNEFILES{'params.txt'}, "joshua-args=s" => \$JOSHUA_ARGS, "joshua-mem=s" => \$JOSHUA_MEM, "hadoop-mem=s" => \$HADOOP_MEM, "parser-mem=s" => \$PARSER_MEM, "buildlm-mem=s" => \$BUILDLM_MEM, "packer-mem=s" => \$PACKER_MEM, "pack!" => \$DO_PACK_GRAMMARS, "decoder-command=s" => \$TUNEFILES{'decoder_command'}, "tuner=s" => \$TUNER, "tuner-mem=s" => \$TUNER_MEM, "mira-iterations=i" => \$MIRA_ITERATIONS, "thrax=s" => \$THRAX, "thrax-conf=s" => \$THRAX_CONF_FILE, "jobs=i" => \$NUM_JOBS, "threads=i" => \$NUM_THREADS, "subsample!" => \$DO_SUBSAMPLE, "qsub-args=s" => \$QSUB_ARGS, "qsub-align-args=s" => \$QSUB_ALIGN_ARGS, "first-step=s" => \$FIRST_STEP, "last-step=s" => \$LAST_STEP, "aligner-chunk-size=s" => \$ALIGNER_BLOCKSIZE, "hadoop=s" => \$HADOOP, "hadoop-conf=s" => \$HADOOP_CONF, "optimizer-runs=i" => \$OPTIMIZER_RUNS, "tmp=s" => \$TMPDIR, "rescore-forest!" => \$RESCORE_FOREST, "nbest=i" => \$NBEST, ); if (! $retval) { print "Invalid usage, quitting\n"; exit 1; } # Forest rescoring doesn't work with LM state minimization if ($RESCORE_FOREST) { $LM_STATE_MINIMIZATION = "false"; } $RUNDIR = get_absolute_path($RUNDIR); $TUNER = lc $TUNER; my $DOING_LATTICES = 0; # Prepend a space to the arguments list if it's non-empty and doesn't already have the space. if ($JOSHUA_ARGS ne "" and $JOSHUA_ARGS !~ /^\s/) { $JOSHUA_ARGS = " $JOSHUA_ARGS"; } $TUNEFILES{'joshua.config'} = get_absolute_path($TUNEFILES{'joshua.config'}); $TUNEFILES{'pro.config'} = get_absolute_path($TUNEFILES{'pro.config'}); $TUNEFILES{'params.txt'} = get_absolute_path($TUNEFILES{'params.txt'}); $TUNEFILES{'decoder_command'} = get_absolute_path($TUNEFILES{'decoder_command'}); my %DATA_DIRS = ( train => get_absolute_path("$RUNDIR/$DATA_DIR/train"), tune => get_absolute_path("$RUNDIR/$DATA_DIR/tune"), test => get_absolute_path("$RUNDIR/$DATA_DIR/test"), ); if (defined $NAME) { map { $DATA_DIRS{$_} .= "/$NAME" } (keys %DATA_DIRS); } # capitalize these to offset a common error: $FIRST_STEP = uc($FIRST_STEP); $LAST_STEP = uc($LAST_STEP); $| = 1; my $cachepipe = new CachePipe(); # This tells cachepipe not to include the command signature when determining to run a command. Note # that this is not backwards compatible! $cachepipe->omit_cmd(); $SIG{INT} = sub { print "* Got C-c, quitting\n"; $cachepipe->cleanup(); exit 1; }; # if no LMs were specified, we need to build one from the target side of the corpus if (scalar @LMFILES == 0) { $DO_BUILD_LM_FROM_CORPUS = 1; } ## Sanity Checking ################################################### # If a language model was specified and no corpus was given to build another one from the target # side of the training data (which could happen, for example, when starting at the tuning step with # an existing LM), turn off building an LM from the corpus. The user could have done this # explicitly with --no-corpus-lm, but might have forgotten to, and we con't want to pester them with # an error about easily-inferrable intentions. if (scalar @LMFILES && ! scalar(@CORPORA)) { $DO_BUILD_LM_FROM_CORPUS = 0; } # if merging LMs, make sure there are at least 2 LMs to merge. # first, pin $DO_BUILD_LM_FROM_CORPUS to 0 or 1 so that the subsequent check works. if ($MERGE_LMS) { if ($DO_BUILD_LM_FROM_CORPUS != 0) { $DO_BUILD_LM_FROM_CORPUS = 1 } if (@LMFILES + $DO_BUILD_LM_FROM_CORPUS < 2) { print "* FATAL: I need 2 or more language models to merge (including the corpus target-side LM)."; exit 2; } } # absolutize LM file paths map { $LMFILES[$_] = get_absolute_path($LMFILES[$_]); } 0..$#LMFILES; # make sure the LMs exist foreach my $lmfile (@LMFILES) { if (! -e $lmfile) { print "* FATAL: couldn't find language model file '$lmfile'\n"; exit 1; } } # case-normalize this $GRAMMAR_TYPE = lc $GRAMMAR_TYPE; # make sure source and target were specified if (! defined $SOURCE or $SOURCE eq "") { print "* FATAL: I need a source language extension (--source)\n"; exit 1; } if (! defined $TARGET or $TARGET eq "") { print "* FATAL: I need a target language extension (--target)\n"; exit 1; } # make sure a corpus was provided if we're doing any step before tuning if (@CORPORA == 0 and $STEPS{$FIRST_STEP} < $STEPS{TUNE}) { print "* FATAL: need at least one training corpus (--corpus)\n"; exit 1; } # make sure a tuning corpus was provided if we're doing tuning if (! defined $TUNE and ($STEPS{$FIRST_STEP} <= $STEPS{TUNE} and $STEPS{$LAST_STEP} >= $STEPS{TUNE})) { print "* FATAL: need a tuning set (--tune)\n"; exit 1; } # make sure a test corpus was provided if we're decoding a test set if (! defined $TEST and ($STEPS{$FIRST_STEP} <= $STEPS{TEST} and $STEPS{$LAST_STEP} >= $STEPS{TEST})) { print "* FATAL: need a test set (--test)\n"; exit 1; } # make sure a grammar file was given if we're skipping training if (! defined $GRAMMAR_FILE) { if ($STEPS{$FIRST_STEP} >= $STEPS{TEST}) { if (! defined $TEST_GRAMMAR_FILE) { print "* FATAL: need a grammar (--grammar or --test-grammar) if you're skipping to testing\n"; exit 1; } } elsif ($STEPS{$FIRST_STEP} >= $STEPS{TUNE}) { if (! defined $TUNE_GRAMMAR_FILE) { print "* FATAL: need a grammar (--grammar or --tune-grammar) if you're skipping grammar learning\n"; exit 1; } } } # make sure SRILM is defined if we're building a language model if ($LM_GEN eq "srilm" && (scalar @LMFILES == 0) && $STEPS{$FIRST_STEP} <= $STEPS{TUNE} && $STEPS{$LAST_STEP} >= $STEPS{TUNE}) { not_defined("SRILM") unless exists $ENV{SRILM} and -d $ENV{SRILM}; } # check for file presence if (defined $GRAMMAR_FILE and ! -e $GRAMMAR_FILE) { print "* FATAL: couldn't find grammar file '$GRAMMAR_FILE'\n"; exit 1; } if (defined $TUNE_GRAMMAR_FILE and ! -e $TUNE_GRAMMAR_FILE) { print "* FATAL: couldn't find tuning grammar file '$TUNE_GRAMMAR_FILE'\n"; exit 1; } if (defined $TEST_GRAMMAR_FILE and ! -e $TEST_GRAMMAR_FILE) { print "* FATAL: couldn't find test grammar file '$TEST_GRAMMAR_FILE'\n"; exit 1; } if (defined $ALIGNMENT and ! -e $ALIGNMENT) { print "* FATAL: couldn't find alignment file '$ALIGNMENT'\n"; exit 1; } # If $CORPUS was a relative path, prepend the starting directory (under the assumption it was # relative to there). This makes sure that everything will still work if we change the run # directory. map { $CORPORA[$_] = get_absolute_path("$CORPORA[$_]"); } (0..$#CORPORA); # Do the same for tuning and test data, and other files $TUNE = get_absolute_path($TUNE); $TEST = get_absolute_path($TEST); $GRAMMAR_FILE = get_absolute_path($GRAMMAR_FILE); $GLUE_GRAMMAR_FILE = get_absolute_path($GLUE_GRAMMAR_FILE); $TUNE_GRAMMAR_FILE = get_absolute_path($TUNE_GRAMMAR_FILE); $TEST_GRAMMAR_FILE = get_absolute_path($TEST_GRAMMAR_FILE); $THRAX_CONF_FILE = get_absolute_path($THRAX_CONF_FILE); $ALIGNMENT = get_absolute_path($ALIGNMENT); $HADOOP_CONF = get_absolute_path($HADOOP_CONF); foreach my $corpus (@CORPORA) { foreach my $ext ($TARGET,$SOURCE) { if (! -e "$corpus.$ext") { print "* FATAL: can't find '$corpus.$ext'"; exit 1; } } } if ($ALIGNER ne "giza" and $ALIGNER ne "berkeley" and $ALIGNER ne "jacana") { print "* FATAL: aligner must be one of 'giza', 'berkeley' or 'jacana' (only French-English)\n"; exit 1; } if ($LM_TYPE ne "kenlm" and $LM_TYPE ne "berkeleylm") { print "* FATAL: lm type (--lm) must be one of 'kenlm' or 'berkeleylm'\n"; exit 1; } if ($LM_GEN ne "berkeleylm" and $LM_GEN ne "srilm" and $LM_GEN ne "kenlm") { print "* FATAL: lm generating code (--lm-gen) must be one of 'kenlm' (default), 'berkeleylm', or 'srilm'\n"; exit 1; } if ($TUNER eq "mira") { if (! defined $MOSES) { print "* FATAL: using MIRA for tuning requires setting the MOSES environment variable\n"; exit 1; } } if ($TUNER ne "mert" and $TUNER ne "mira" and $TUNER ne "pro") { print "* FATAL: --tuner must be one of 'mert', 'pro', or 'mira'.\n"; exit 1; } $FILTERING = lc $FILTERING; if ($FILTERING eq "fast") { $FILTERING = "-f" } elsif ($FILTERING eq "exact") { $FILTERING = "-e"; } elsif ($FILTERING eq "loose") { $FILTERING = "-l"; } else { print "* FATAL: --filtering must be one of 'fast' (default) or 'exact' or 'loose'\n"; exit 1; } if (defined $HADOOP_CONF && ! -e $HADOOP_CONF) { print STDERR "* FATAL: Couldn't find \$HADOOP_CONF file '$HADOOP_CONF'\n"; exit 1; } ## END SANITY CHECKS #################################################################################################### ## Dependent variable setting ###################################################################### #################################################################################################### # if parallelization is turned off, then use the sequential version of # the decoder command if ($NUM_JOBS == 1) { $TUNEFILES{'decoder_command'} = "$TUNECONFDIR/decoder_command.sequential"; } my $OOV = ($GRAMMAR_TYPE eq "hiero" or $GRAMMAR_TYPE eq "phrasal") ? "X" : "OOV"; # The phrasal system should use the ITG grammar, allowing for limited distortion if ($GRAMMAR_TYPE eq "phrasal") { $GLUE_GRAMMAR_FILE = get_absolute_path("$JOSHUA/data/glue-grammar.itg"); } # use this default unless it's already been defined by a command-line argument $THRAX_CONF_FILE = "$JOSHUA/scripts/training/templates/thrax-$GRAMMAR_TYPE.conf" unless defined $THRAX_CONF_FILE; mkdir $RUNDIR unless -d $RUNDIR; chdir($RUNDIR); if (defined $README) { open DESC, ">README" or die "can't write README file"; print DESC $README; print DESC $/; close DESC; } # default values -- these are overridden if the full script is run # (after tokenization and normalization) my (%TRAIN,%TUNE,%TEST); if (@CORPORA) { $TRAIN{prefix} = $CORPORA[0]; $TRAIN{source} = "$CORPORA[0].$SOURCE"; $TRAIN{target} = "$CORPORA[0].$TARGET"; } # set the location of the parsed corpus if that was defined if (defined $PARSED_CORPUS) { $TRAIN{parsed} = get_absolute_path($PARSED_CORPUS); } if ($TUNE) { $TUNE{source} = "$TUNE.$SOURCE"; $TUNE{target} = "$TUNE.$TARGET"; if (! -e "$TUNE{source}") { print "* FATAL: couldn't find tune source file at '$TUNE{source}'\n"; exit; } } if ($TEST) { $TEST{source} = "$TEST.$SOURCE"; $TEST{target} = "$TEST.$TARGET"; if (! -e "$TEST{source}") { print "* FATAL: couldn't find test source file at '$TEST{source}'\n"; exit; } } if ($FIRST_STEP ne "FIRST") { if (@CORPORA > 1) { print "* FATAL: you can't skip steps if you specify more than one --corpus\n"; exit(1); } if (eval { goto $FIRST_STEP }) { print "* Skipping to step $FIRST_STEP\n"; goto $FIRST_STEP; } else { print "* No such step $FIRST_STEP\n"; exit 1; } } ## STEP 1: filter and preprocess corpora ############################# FIRST: ; if (defined $ALIGNMENT) { print "* FATAL: it doesn't make sense to provide an alignment and then do\n"; print " tokenization. Either remove --alignment or specify a first step\n"; print " of Thrax (--first-step THRAX)\n"; exit 1; } if (@CORPORA == 0) { print "* FATAL: need at least one training corpus (--corpus)\n"; exit 1; } # prepare the training data my %PREPPED = ( TRAIN => 0, TUNE => 0, TEST => 0 ); if ($DO_PREPARE_CORPORA) { my $prefixes = prepare_data("train",\@CORPORA,$MAXLEN); # used for parsing $TRAIN{mixedcase} = "$DATA_DIRS{train}/$prefixes->{shortened}.$TARGET.gz"; $TRAIN{prefix} = "$DATA_DIRS{train}/corpus"; $TRAIN{source} = "$DATA_DIRS{train}/corpus.$SOURCE"; $TRAIN{target} = "$DATA_DIRS{train}/corpus.$TARGET"; $PREPPED{TRAIN} = 1; } # prepare the tuning and development data if (defined $TUNE and $DO_PREPARE_CORPORA) { my $prefixes = prepare_data("tune",[$TUNE],$MAXLEN_TUNE); $TUNE{source} = "$DATA_DIRS{tune}/$prefixes->{lowercased}.$SOURCE"; $TUNE{target} = "$DATA_DIRS{tune}/$prefixes->{lowercased}.$TARGET"; $PREPPED{TUNE} = 1; } if (defined $TEST and $DO_PREPARE_CORPORA) { my $prefixes = prepare_data("test",[$TEST],$MAXLEN_TEST); $TEST{source} = "$DATA_DIRS{test}/$prefixes->{lowercased}.$SOURCE"; $TEST{target} = "$DATA_DIRS{test}/$prefixes->{lowercased}.$TARGET"; $PREPPED{TEST} = 1; } maybe_quit("FIRST"); ## SUBSAMPLE ######################################################### SUBSAMPLE: ; # subsample if ($DO_SUBSAMPLE) { mkdir("$DATA_DIRS{train}/subsampled") unless -d "$DATA_DIRS{train}/subsampled"; $cachepipe->cmd("subsample-manifest", "echo corpus > $DATA_DIRS{train}/subsampled/manifest", "$DATA_DIRS{train}/subsampled/manifest"); $cachepipe->cmd("subsample-testdata", "cat $TUNE{source} $TEST{source} > $DATA_DIRS{train}/subsampled/test-data", $TUNE{source}, $TEST{source}, "$DATA_DIRS{train}/subsampled/test-data"); $cachepipe->cmd("subsample", "java -Xmx4g -Dfile.encoding=utf8 -cp $JOSHUA/bin:$JOSHUA/lib/commons-cli-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar joshua.subsample.Subsampler -e $TARGET -f $SOURCE -epath $DATA_DIRS{train}/ -fpath $DATA_DIRS{train}/ -output $DATA_DIRS{train}/subsampled/subsampled.$MAXLEN -ratio 1.04 -test $DATA_DIRS{train}/subsampled/test-data -training $DATA_DIRS{train}/subsampled/manifest", "$DATA_DIRS{train}/subsampled/manifest", "$DATA_DIRS{train}/subsampled/test-data", $TRAIN{source}, $TRAIN{target}, "$DATA_DIRS{train}/subsampled/subsampled.$MAXLEN.$TARGET", "$DATA_DIRS{train}/subsampled/subsampled.$MAXLEN.$SOURCE"); # rewrite the symlinks to point to the subsampled corpus foreach my $lang ($TARGET,$SOURCE) { system("ln -sf subsampled/subsampled.$MAXLEN.$lang $DATA_DIRS{train}/corpus.$lang"); } } maybe_quit("SUBSAMPLE"); ## ALIGN ############################################################# ALIGN: ; # This basically means that we've skipped tokenization, in which case # we still want to move the input files into the canonical place if ($FIRST_STEP eq "ALIGN") { if (defined $ALIGNMENT) { print "* FATAL: It doesn't make sense to provide an alignment\n"; print " but not to skip the tokenization and subsampling steps\n"; exit 1; } # TODO: copy the files into the canonical place # Jumping straight to alignment is probably the same thing as # skipping tokenization, and might also be implemented by a # --no-tokenization flag } # skip this step if an alignment was provided if (! defined $ALIGNMENT) { # We process the data in chunks which by default are 1,000,000 sentence pairs. So first split up # the data into those chunks. system("mkdir","-p","$DATA_DIRS{train}/splits") unless -d "$DATA_DIRS{train}/splits"; $cachepipe->cmd("source-numlines", "cat $TRAIN{source} | wc -l", $TRAIN{source}); my $numlines = $cachepipe->stdout(); my $numchunks = ceil($numlines / $ALIGNER_BLOCKSIZE); open TARGET, $TRAIN{target} or die "can't read $TRAIN{target}"; open SOURCE, $TRAIN{source} or die "can't read $TRAIN{source}"; my $lastchunk = -1; while (my $target = <TARGET>) { my $source = <SOURCE>; # We want to prevent a very small last chunk, which we accomplish # by folding the last chunk into the penultimate chunk. my $chunk = ($numchunks <= 2) ? 0 : min($numchunks - 2, int( (${.} - 1) / $ALIGNER_BLOCKSIZE )); if ($chunk != $lastchunk) { close CHUNK_SOURCE; close CHUNK_TARGET; open CHUNK_SOURCE, ">", "$DATA_DIRS{train}/splits/corpus.$SOURCE.$chunk" or die; open CHUNK_TARGET, ">", "$DATA_DIRS{train}/splits/corpus.$TARGET.$chunk" or die; $lastchunk = $chunk; } print CHUNK_SOURCE $source; print CHUNK_TARGET $target; } close CHUNK_SOURCE; close CHUNK_TARGET; close SOURCE; close TARGET; # my $max_aligner_threads = $NUM_THREADS; # if ($ALIGNER eq "giza" and $max_aligner_threads > 1) { # $max_aligner_threads /= 2; # } # # With multi-threading, we can use a pool to set up concurrent GIZA jobs on the chunks. # # TODO: implement this. There appears to be a problem with calling system() in threads. # # my $pool = new Thread::Pool(Min => 1, Max => $max_aligner_threads); system("mkdir alignments") unless -d "alignments"; if ($lastchunk == 0 || $NUM_JOBS == 1) { system("seq 0 $lastchunk | $SCRIPTDIR/training/paralign.pl -aligner $ALIGNER -num_threads $NUM_THREADS -giza_merge $GIZA_MERGE -aligner_mem $ALIGNER_MEM -source $SOURCE -target $TARGET -giza_trainer \"$GIZA_TRAINER\" -train_dir \"$DATA_DIRS{train}\" > alignments/run.log"); } else { system("seq 0 $lastchunk | $JOSHUA/scripts/training/parallelize/parallelize.pl --err err --jobs $NUM_JOBS --qsub-args \"$QSUB_ALIGN_ARGS\" -p $ALIGNER_MEM -- $SCRIPTDIR/training/paralign.pl -aligner $ALIGNER -num_threads $NUM_THREADS -giza_merge $GIZA_MERGE -aligner_mem $ALIGNER_MEM -source $SOURCE -target $TARGET -giza_trainer \"$GIZA_TRAINER\" -train_dir \"$DATA_DIRS{train}\" > alignments/run.log"); } my @aligned_files; if ($ALIGNER eq "giza") { @aligned_files = map { "alignments/$_/model/aligned.$GIZA_MERGE" } (0..$lastchunk); } elsif ($ALIGNER eq "berkeley") { @aligned_files = map { "alignments/$_/training.align" } (0..$lastchunk); } elsif ($ALIGNER eq "jacana") { @aligned_files = map { "alignments/$_/training.align" } (0..$lastchunk); } my $aligned_file_list = join(" ", @aligned_files); # wait for all the threads to finish # $pool->join(); # combine the alignments $cachepipe->cmd("aligner-combine", "cat $aligned_file_list > alignments/training.align", $aligned_files[-1], "alignments/training.align"); # at the end, all the files are concatenated into a single alignment file parallel to the input # corpora $ALIGNMENT = "alignments/training.align"; } maybe_quit("ALIGN"); ## PARSE ############################################################# PARSE: ; # Parsing only happens for SAMT grammars. if ($FIRST_STEP eq "PARSE" and ($GRAMMAR_TYPE eq "hiero" or $GRAMMAR_TYPE eq "phrasal")) { print STDERR "* FATAL: parsing doesn't apply to hiero grammars; You need to add '--type samt'\n"; exit; } if ($GRAMMAR_TYPE eq "samt" || $GRAMMAR_TYPE eq "ghkm") { # If the user passed in the already-parsed corpus, use that (after copying it into place) if (defined $TRAIN{parsed} && -e $TRAIN{parsed}) { # copy and adjust the location of the file to its canonical location system("cp $TRAIN{parsed} $DATA_DIRS{train}/corpus.parsed.$TARGET"); $TRAIN{parsed} = "$DATA_DIRS{train}/corpus.parsed.$TARGET"; } else { system("mkdir -p $DATA_DIRS{train}") unless -e $DATA_DIRS{train}; $cachepipe->cmd("build-vocab", "cat $TRAIN{target} | $SCRIPTDIR/training/build-vocab.pl > $DATA_DIRS{train}/vocab.$TARGET", $TRAIN{target}, "$DATA_DIRS{train}/vocab.$TARGET"); my $file_to_parse = (exists $TRAIN{mixedcase}) ? $TRAIN{mixedcase} : $TRAIN{target}; if ($NUM_JOBS > 1) { # the black-box parallelizer model doesn't work with multiple # threads, so we're always spawning single-threaded instances here # open PARSE, ">parse.sh" or die; # print PARSE "cat $TRAIN{target} | $JOSHUA/scripts/training/parallelize/parallelize.pl --jobs $NUM_JOBS --qsub-args \"$QSUB_ARGS\" -- java -d64 -Xmx${PARSER_MEM} -jar $JOSHUA/lib/BerkeleyParser.jar -gr $JOSHUA/lib/eng_sm6.gr -nThreads 1 | sed 's/^\(/\(TOP/' | tee $DATA_DIRS{train}/corpus.$TARGET.parsed.mc | perl -pi -e 's/(\\S+)\\)/lc(\$1).\")\"/ge' | tee $DATA_DIRS{train}/corpus.$TARGET.parsed | perl $SCRIPTDIR/training/add-OOVs.pl $DATA_DIRS{train}/vocab.$TARGET > $DATA_DIRS{train}/corpus.parsed.$TARGET\n"; # close PARSE; # chmod 0755, "parse.sh"; # $cachepipe->cmd("parse", # "setsid ./parse.sh", # "$TRAIN{target}", # "$DATA_DIRS{train}/corpus.parsed.$TARGET"); $cachepipe->cmd("parse", "$CAT $file_to_parse | $JOSHUA/scripts/training/parallelize/parallelize.pl --jobs $NUM_JOBS --qsub-args \"$QSUB_ARGS\" -p 8g -- java -d64 -Xmx${PARSER_MEM} -jar $JOSHUA/lib/BerkeleyParser.jar -gr $JOSHUA/lib/eng_sm6.gr -nThreads 1 | sed 's/^(())\$//; s/^(/(TOP/' | perl $SCRIPTDIR/training/add-OOVs.pl $DATA_DIRS{train}/vocab.$TARGET | tee $DATA_DIRS{train}/corpus.$TARGET.Parsed | $SCRIPTDIR/training/lowercase-leaves.pl > $DATA_DIRS{train}/corpus.parsed.$TARGET", "$TRAIN{target}", "$DATA_DIRS{train}/corpus.parsed.$TARGET"); } else { # Multi-threading in the Berkeley parser is broken, so we use a black-box parallelizer on top # of it. $cachepipe->cmd("parse", "$CAT $file_to_parse | $JOSHUA/scripts/training/parallelize/parallelize.pl --jobs $NUM_THREADS --use-fork -- java -d64 -Xmx${PARSER_MEM} -jar $JOSHUA/lib/BerkeleyParser.jar -gr $JOSHUA/lib/eng_sm6.gr -nThreads 1 | sed 's/^(())\$//; s/^(/(TOP/' | perl $SCRIPTDIR/training/add-OOVs.pl $DATA_DIRS{train}/vocab.$TARGET | tee $DATA_DIRS{train}/corpus.$TARGET.Parsed | $SCRIPTDIR/training/lowercase-leaves.pl > $DATA_DIRS{train}/corpus.parsed.$TARGET", "$TRAIN{target}", "$DATA_DIRS{train}/corpus.parsed.$TARGET"); } $TRAIN{parsed} = "$DATA_DIRS{train}/corpus.parsed.$TARGET"; } } maybe_quit("PARSE"); ## THRAX ############################################################# GRAMMAR: ; THRAX: ; system("mkdir -p $DATA_DIRS{train}") unless -d $DATA_DIRS{train}; if ($GRAMMAR_TYPE eq "samt" || $GRAMMAR_TYPE eq "ghkm") { # if we jumped right here, $TRAIN{target} should be parsed if (exists $TRAIN{parsed}) { # parsing step happened in-script or a parsed corpus was passed in explicitly, all is well } elsif (already_parsed($TRAIN{target})) { # skipped straight to this step, passing a parsed corpus $TRAIN{parsed} = "$DATA_DIRS{train}/corpus.parsed.$TARGET"; $cachepipe->cmd("cp-train-$TARGET", "cp $TRAIN{target} $TRAIN{parsed}", $TRAIN{target}, $TRAIN{parsed}); $TRAIN{target} = "$DATA_DIRS{train}/corpus.$TARGET"; # now extract the leaves of the parsed corpus $cachepipe->cmd("extract-leaves", "cat $TRAIN{parsed} | perl -pe 's/\\(.*?(\\S\+)\\)\+?/\$1/g' | perl -pe 's/\\)//g' > $TRAIN{target}", $TRAIN{parsed}, $TRAIN{target}); if ($TRAIN{source} ne "$DATA_DIRS{train}/corpus.$SOURCE") { $cachepipe->cmd("cp-train-$SOURCE", "cp $TRAIN{source} $DATA_DIRS{train}/corpus.$SOURCE", $TRAIN{source}, "$DATA_DIRS{train}/corpus.$SOURCE"); $TRAIN{source} = "$DATA_DIRS{train}/corpus.$SOURCE"; } } else { print "* FATAL: You requested to build an SAMT grammar, but provided an\n"; print " unparsed corpus. Please re-run the pipeline and begin no later\n"; print " than the PARSE step (--first-step PARSE), or pass in a parsed corpus\n"; print " using --parsed-corpus CORPUS.\n"; exit 1; } } # we may have skipped directly to this step, in which case we need to # ensure an alignment was provided if (! defined $ALIGNMENT) { print "* FATAL: no alignment file specified\n"; exit(1); } # If the grammar file wasn't specified if (! defined $GRAMMAR_FILE) { my $target_file = ($GRAMMAR_TYPE eq "hiero" or $GRAMMAR_TYPE eq "phrasal") ? $TRAIN{target} : $TRAIN{parsed}; if ($GRAMMAR_TYPE eq "ghkm") { if ($GHKM_EXTRACTOR eq "galley") { $cachepipe->cmd("ghkm-extract", "java -Xmx4g -Xms4g -cp $JOSHUA/lib/ghkm-modified.jar:$JOSHUA/lib/fastutil.jar -XX:+UseCompressedOops edu.stanford.nlp.mt.syntax.ghkm.RuleExtractor -fCorpus $TRAIN{source} -eParsedCorpus $target_file -align $ALIGNMENT -threads $NUM_THREADS -joshuaFormat true -maxCompositions 1 -reversedAlignment false | $SCRIPTDIR/support/splittabs.pl ghkm-mapping.gz grammar.gz", $ALIGNMENT, "grammar.gz"); } elsif ($GHKM_EXTRACTOR eq "moses") { # XML-ize, also replacing unary chains with OOV at the bottom by removing their unary parents $cachepipe->cmd("ghkm-moses-xmlize", "cat $target_file | perl -pe 's/\\(\\S+ \\(OOV (.*?)\\)\\)/(OOV \$1)/g' | $MOSES/scripts/training/wrappers/berkeleyparsed2mosesxml.perl > $DATA_DIRS{train}/corpus.xml", # "cat $target_file | perl -pe 's/\\(\\S+ \\(OOV (.*?)\\)\\)/(OOV \$1)/g' > $DATA_DIRS{train}/corpus.ptb", $target_file, "$DATA_DIRS{train}/corpus.xml"); if (! -e "$DATA_DIRS{train}/corpus.$SOURCE") { system("ln -sf $TRAIN{source} $DATA_DIRS{train}/corpus.$SOURCE"); } if ($ALIGNMENT ne "alignments/training.align") { system("mkdir alignments") unless -d "alignments"; system("ln -sf $ALIGNMENT alignments/training.align"); $ALIGNMENT = "alignments/training.align"; } system("mkdir model"); $cachepipe->cmd("ghkm-moses-extract", "$MOSES/scripts/training/train-model.perl --first-step 4 --last-step 6 --corpus $DATA_DIRS{train}/corpus --ghkm --f $SOURCE --e xml --alignment-file alignments/training --alignment align --target-syntax --cores $NUM_THREADS --pcfg --alt-direct-rule-score-1 --ghkm-tree-fragments --glue-grammar --glue-grammar-file glue-grammar.ghkm --extract-options \"$EXTRACT_OPTIONS --UnknownWordLabel oov-labels.txt\"", "$DATA_DIRS{train}/corpus.xml", "glue-grammar.ghkm", "model/rule-table.gz"); open LABELS, "oov-labels.txt"; chomp(my @labels = <LABELS>); close LABELS; my $oov_list = "\"" . join(" ", @labels) . "\""; $JOSHUA_ARGS .= " -oov-list $oov_list"; $cachepipe->cmd("ghkm-moses-convert", "gzip -cd model/rule-table.gz | /home/hltcoe/mpost/code/joshua/scripts/support/moses2joshua_grammar.pl -m rule-fragment-map.txt | gzip -9n > grammar.gz", "model/rule-table.gz", "grammar.gz"); } else { print STDERR "* FATAL: no such GHKM extractor '$GHKM_EXTRACTOR'\n"; exit(1); } } elsif (! -e "grammar.gz" && ! -z "grammar.gz") { # Since this is an expensive step, we short-circuit it if the grammar file is present. I'm not # sure that this is the right behavior. # create the input file $cachepipe->cmd("thrax-input-file", "paste $TRAIN{source} $target_file $ALIGNMENT | perl -pe 's/\\t/ ||| /g' | grep -v '()' | grep -v '||| \\+\$' > $DATA_DIRS{train}/thrax-input-file", $TRAIN{source}, $target_file, $ALIGNMENT, "$DATA_DIRS{train}/thrax-input-file"); # Rollout the hadoop cluster if needed. This causes $HADOOP to be defined (pointing to the # unrolled directory). start_hadoop_cluster() unless defined $HADOOP; # put the hadoop files in place my $THRAXDIR; my $thrax_input; if ($HADOOP eq "hadoop") { $THRAXDIR = "thrax"; $thrax_input = "$DATA_DIRS{train}/thrax-input-file" } else { $THRAXDIR = "pipeline-$SOURCE-$TARGET-$GRAMMAR_TYPE-$RUNDIR"; $THRAXDIR =~ s#/#_#g; $cachepipe->cmd("thrax-prep", "$HADOOP/bin/hadoop fs -rmr $THRAXDIR; $HADOOP/bin/hadoop fs -mkdir $THRAXDIR; $HADOOP/bin/hadoop fs -put $DATA_DIRS{train}/thrax-input-file $THRAXDIR/input-file", "$DATA_DIRS{train}/thrax-input-file", "grammar.gz"); $thrax_input = "$THRAXDIR/input-file"; } # copy the thrax config file my $thrax_file = "thrax-$GRAMMAR_TYPE.conf"; system("grep -v ^input-file $THRAX_CONF_FILE > $thrax_file.tmp"); system("echo input-file $thrax_input >> $thrax_file.tmp"); system("mv $thrax_file.tmp $thrax_file"); $cachepipe->cmd("thrax-run", "$HADOOP/bin/hadoop jar $THRAX/bin/thrax.jar -D mapred.child.java.opts='-Xmx$HADOOP_MEM' $thrax_file $THRAXDIR > thrax.log 2>&1; rm -f grammar grammar.gz; $HADOOP/bin/hadoop fs -getmerge $THRAXDIR/final/ grammar.gz; $HADOOP/bin/hadoop fs -rmr $THRAXDIR", "$DATA_DIRS{train}/thrax-input-file", $thrax_file, "grammar.gz"); #perl -pi -e 's/\.?0+\b//g' grammar; stop_hadoop_cluster() if $HADOOP eq "hadoop"; # cache the thrax-prep step, which depends on grammar.gz if ($HADOOP ne "hadoop") { $cachepipe->cmd("thrax-prep", "--cache-only"); } # clean up # TODO: clean up real hadoop clusters too if ($HADOOP eq "hadoop") { system("rm -rf $THRAXDIR hadoop hadoop-0.20.2"); } } # set the grammar file $GRAMMAR_FILE = "grammar.gz"; } maybe_quit("THRAX"); maybe_quit("GRAMMAR"); ## TUNING ############################################################## TUNE: ; # prep the tuning data, unless already prepped if (! $PREPPED{TUNE} and $DO_PREPARE_CORPORA) { my $prefixes = prepare_data("tune",[$TUNE],$MAXLEN_TUNE); $TUNE{source} = "$DATA_DIRS{tune}/$prefixes->{lowercased}.$SOURCE"; $TUNE{target} = "$DATA_DIRS{tune}/$prefixes->{lowercased}.$TARGET"; $PREPPED{TUNE} = 1; } sub compile_lm($) { my $lmfile = shift; if ($LM_TYPE eq "kenlm") { my $kenlm_file = basename($lmfile, ".gz") . ".kenlm"; $cachepipe->cmd("compile-kenlm", "$JOSHUA/src/joshua/decoder/ff/lm/kenlm/build_binary $lmfile $kenlm_file", $lmfile, $kenlm_file); return $kenlm_file; } elsif ($LM_TYPE eq "berkeleylm") { my $berkeleylm_file = basename($lmfile, ".gz") . ".berkeleylm"; $cachepipe->cmd("compile-berkeleylm", "java -cp $JOSHUA/lib/berkeleylm.jar -server -mx$BUILDLM_MEM edu.berkeley.nlp.lm.io.MakeLmBinaryFromArpa $lmfile $berkeleylm_file", $lmfile, $berkeleylm_file); return $berkeleylm_file; } else { print "* FATAL: trying to compile an LM to neither kenlm nor berkeleylm."; exit 2; } } # Build the language model if needed if ($DO_BUILD_LM_FROM_CORPUS) { # make sure the training data is prepped if (! $PREPPED{TRAIN} and $DO_PREPARE_CORPORA) { my $prefixes = prepare_data("train",\@CORPORA,$MAXLEN); $TRAIN{prefix} = "$DATA_DIRS{train}/corpus"; foreach my $lang ($SOURCE,$TARGET) { system("ln -sf $prefixes->{lowercased}.$lang $DATA_DIRS{train}/corpus.$lang"); } $TRAIN{source} = "$DATA_DIRS{train}/corpus.$SOURCE"; $TRAIN{target} = "$DATA_DIRS{train}/corpus.$TARGET"; $PREPPED{TRAIN} = 1; } if (! -e $TRAIN{target}) { print "* FATAL: I need a training corpus to build the language model from (--corpus)\n"; exit(1); } my $lmfile = "lm.gz"; # sort and uniq the training data $cachepipe->cmd("lm-sort-uniq", "$CAT $TRAIN{target} | sort -u -T $TMPDIR -S $BUILDLM_MEM | gzip -9n > $TRAIN{target}.uniq", $TRAIN{target}, "$TRAIN{target}.uniq"); if ($LM_GEN eq "srilm") { my $smoothing = ($WITTEN_BELL) ? "-wbdiscount" : "-kndiscount"; $cachepipe->cmd("srilm", "$SRILM -order $LM_ORDER -interpolate $smoothing -unk -gt3min 1 -gt4min 1 -gt5min 1 -text $TRAIN{target}.uniq -lm lm.gz", "$TRAIN{target}.uniq", $lmfile); } elsif ($LM_GEN eq "berkeleylm") { $cachepipe->cmd("berkeleylm", "java -ea -mx$BUILDLM_MEM -server -cp $JOSHUA/lib/berkeleylm.jar edu.berkeley.nlp.lm.io.MakeKneserNeyArpaFromText $LM_ORDER lm.gz $TRAIN{target}.uniq", "$TRAIN{target}.uniq", $lmfile); } else { # Make sure it exists (doesn't build for OS X) if (! -e "$JOSHUA/bin/lmplz") { print "* FATAL: $JOSHUA/bin/lmplz (for building LMs) does not exist.\n"; print " If you are on OS X, you need to use either SRILM (recommended) or BerkeleyLM,\n"; print " triggered with '--lm-gen srilm' or '--lm-gen berkeleylm'. If you are on Linux,\n"; print " you should run \"ant -f \$JOSHUA/build.xml kenlm\".\n"; exit 1; } # Needs to be capitalized my $mem = uc $BUILDLM_MEM; $cachepipe->cmd("kenlm", "$JOSHUA/bin/lmplz -o $LM_ORDER -T $TMPDIR -S $mem --verbose_header --text $TRAIN{target}.uniq | gzip -9n > lm.gz", "$TRAIN{target}.uniq", $lmfile); } if ((! $MERGE_LMS) && ($LM_TYPE eq "kenlm" || $LM_TYPE eq "berkeleylm")) { push (@LMFILES, get_absolute_path(compile_lm $lmfile, $RUNDIR)); } else { push (@LMFILES, get_absolute_path($lmfile, $RUNDIR)); } } if ($MERGE_LMS) { # Merge @LMFILES. my $merged_lm = "lm-merged.gz"; print "@LMFILES"; $cachepipe->cmd("merge-lms", "$JOSHUA/scripts/support/merge_lms.py " . "@LMFILES " . "$TUNE{target} " . "lm-merged.gz " . "--temp-dir data/merge_lms ", @LMFILES, $merged_lm); # Empty out @LMFILES. @LMFILES = (); # Compile merged LM if ($LM_TYPE eq "kenlm" || $LM_TYPE eq "berkeleylm") { push (@LMFILES, get_absolute_path(compile_lm $merged_lm, $RUNDIR)); } else { push (@LMFILES, get_absolute_path($merged_lm, $RUNDIR)); } } system("mkdir -p $DATA_DIRS{tune}") unless -d $DATA_DIRS{tune}; # figure out how many references there are my $numrefs = get_numrefs($TUNE{target}); # make sure the dev source exist if (! -e $TUNE{source}) { print STDERR "* FATAL: couldn't fine tuning source file '$TUNE{source}'\n"; exit 1; } if ($numrefs > 1) { for my $i (0..$numrefs-1) { if (! -e "$TUNE{target}.$i") { print STDERR "* FATAL: couldn't find tuning reference file '$TUNE{target}.$i'\n"; exit 1; } } } else { if (! -e $TUNE{target}) { print STDERR "* FATAL: couldn't find tuning reference file '$TUNE{target}'\n"; exit 1; } } # Filter the tuning grammar if it was requested (yes by default) and a tuned grammar was not passed # in explicitly. my $TUNE_GRAMMAR = (defined $TUNE_GRAMMAR_FILE) ? $TUNE_GRAMMAR_FILE : $GRAMMAR_FILE; if ($DO_FILTER_TM and ! $DOING_LATTICES and ! defined $TUNE_GRAMMAR_FILE) { $TUNE_GRAMMAR = $TUNE_GRAMMAR_FILE = "$DATA_DIRS{tune}/grammar.filtered.gz"; $cachepipe->cmd("filter-tune", "$CAT $GRAMMAR_FILE | java -Xmx2g -Dfile.encoding=utf8 -cp $JOSHUA/class joshua.tools.TestSetFilter $FILTERING -v $TUNE{source} | $SCRIPTDIR/training/filter-rules.pl -bus$SCOPE | gzip -9n > $TUNE_GRAMMAR", $GRAMMAR_FILE, $TUNE{source}, $TUNE_GRAMMAR); } # Pack the grammar, if requested (yes by default). This must be done after the glue grammar is # created, since we don't have a script (yet) to dump the rules from a packed grammar, which # information we need to create the glue grammar. if ($DO_PACK_GRAMMARS && ! is_packed($TUNE_GRAMMAR)) { my $packed_dir = "$DATA_DIRS{tune}/grammar.packed"; $cachepipe->cmd("pack-tune", "$SCRIPTDIR/support/grammar-packer.pl -T $TMPDIR -m $PACKER_MEM $TUNE_GRAMMAR $packed_dir", $TUNE_GRAMMAR, "$packed_dir/vocabulary", "$packed_dir/encoding", "$packed_dir/slice_00000.source"); # $TUNE_GRAMMAR_FILE, which previously held an optional command-line argument of a pre-filtered # tuning grammar, is now used to record the text-based grammar, which is needed later for # different things. $TUNE_GRAMMAR_FILE = $TUNE_GRAMMAR; # The actual grammar used for decoding is the packed directory. $TUNE_GRAMMAR = $packed_dir; } # Create the glue grammars. This is done by looking at all the symbols in the grammar file and # creating all the needed rules. if (! defined $GLUE_GRAMMAR_FILE) { $cachepipe->cmd("glue-tune", "java -Xmx2g -cp $JOSHUA/lib/*:$THRAX/bin/thrax.jar edu.jhu.thrax.util.CreateGlueGrammar $TUNE_GRAMMAR > $DATA_DIRS{tune}/grammar.glue", $TUNE_GRAMMAR_FILE, "$DATA_DIRS{tune}/grammar.glue"); $GLUE_GRAMMAR_FILE = "$DATA_DIRS{tune}/grammar.glue"; } else { # just create a symlink to it my $filename = $DATA_DIRS{tune} . "/" . basename($GLUE_GRAMMAR_FILE); system("ln -sf $GLUE_GRAMMAR_FILE $filename"); } # For each language model, we need to create an entry in the Joshua # config file and in ZMERT's params.txt file. We use %lm_strings to # build the corresponding string substitutions my (@configstrings, @lmweightstrings, @lmparamstrings); for my $i (0..$#LMFILES) { my $lmfile = $LMFILES[$i]; my $configstring = "lm = $LM_TYPE $LM_ORDER $LM_STATE_MINIMIZATION false 100 $lmfile"; push (@configstrings, $configstring); my $weightstring = "lm_$i 1.0"; push (@lmweightstrings, $weightstring); my $lmparamstring = "lm_$i ||| 1.000000 Opt 0.1 +Inf +0.5 +1.5"; push (@lmparamstrings, $lmparamstring); } my $lmlines = join($/, @configstrings); my $lmweights = join($/, @lmweightstrings); my $lmparams = join($/, @lmparamstrings); my (@tmparamstrings, @tmweightstrings); open CONFIG, $TUNEFILES{'joshua.config'} or die; while (my $line = <CONFIG>) { if ($line =~ /^tm\s*=/) { $line =~ s/\s+$//; my (undef,$grammarline) = split(/\s*=\s*/, $line); my (undef,$owner,$span,$grammar) = split(' ', $grammarline); if ($grammar =~ /<GRAMMAR_FILE>/ or $grammar =~ /<GLUE_GRAMMAR>/) { my $grammar_file = ($grammar =~ /<GRAMMAR_FILE>/) ? $TUNE_GRAMMAR : $GLUE_GRAMMAR_FILE; # Add the weights for the tuning grammar. my @features = get_features($grammar_file); foreach my $feature (@features) { if ($feature =~ /^\d+$/) { # dense feature push (@tmparamstrings, "tm_${owner}_$feature ||| 1.0 Opt -Inf +Inf -1 +1"); push (@tmweightstrings, "tm_${owner}_$feature 1.0"); } else { # sparse feature push (@tmparamstrings, "$feature ||| 0.0 Opt -Inf +Inf -1 +1"); push (@tmweightstrings, "$feature 0.0"); } } } else { # Add weights for any pre-supplied grammars. my @features = get_features($grammar); foreach my $feature (@features) { if ($feature =~ /^\d+$/) { # dense feature push (@tmparamstrings, "tm_${owner}_$feature ||| 1.0 Opt -Inf +Inf -1 +1"); push (@tmweightstrings, "tm_${owner}_$feature 1.0"); } else { # sparse feature push (@tmparamstrings, "$feature ||| 0.0 Opt -Inf +Inf -1 +1"); push (@tmweightstrings, "$feature 0.0"); } } } } } close CONFIG; my $tmparams = join($/, @tmparamstrings); my $tmweights = join($/, @tmweightstrings); my $latticeparam = ($DOING_LATTICES == 1) ? "SourcePath ||| 1.0 Opt -Inf +Inf -1 +1" : ""; my $latticeweight = ($DOING_LATTICES == 1) ? "SourcePath 1.0" : ""; my @feature_functions; if ($DOING_LATTICES) { push(@feature_functions, "feature_function = SourcePath"); } my $feature_functions = join("\n", @feature_functions); for my $run (1..$OPTIMIZER_RUNS) { my $tunedir = (defined $NAME) ? "tune/$NAME/$run" : "tune/$run"; system("mkdir -p $tunedir") unless -d $tunedir; foreach my $key (keys %TUNEFILES) { my $file = $TUNEFILES{$key}; open FROM, $file or die "can't find file '$file'"; open TO, ">$tunedir/$key" or die "can't write to file '$tunedir/$key'"; while (<FROM>) { s/<INPUT>/$TUNE{source}/g; s/<SOURCE>/$SOURCE/g; s/<RUNDIR>/$RUNDIR/g; s/<TARGET>/$TARGET/g; s/<LMLINES>/$lmlines/g; s/<LMWEIGHTS>/$lmweights/g; s/<TMWEIGHTS>/$tmweights/g; s/<LMPARAMS>/$lmparams/g; s/<TMPARAMS>/$tmparams/g; s/<FEATURE_FUNCTIONS>/$feature_functions/g; s/<LATTICEWEIGHT>/$latticeweight/g; s/<LATTICEPARAM>/$latticeparam/g; s/<LMFILE>/$LMFILES[0]/g; s/<LMTYPE>/$LM_TYPE/g; s/<MEM>/$JOSHUA_MEM/g; s/<GRAMMAR_TYPE>/$GRAMMAR_TYPE/g; s/<GRAMMAR_FILE>/$TUNE_GRAMMAR/g; s/<GLUE_GRAMMAR>/$GLUE_GRAMMAR_FILE/g; s/<MAXSPAN>/$MAXSPAN/g; s/<OOV>/$OOV/g; s/<NUMJOBS>/$NUM_JOBS/g; s/<NUMTHREADS>/$NUM_THREADS/g; s/<QSUB_ARGS>/$QSUB_ARGS/g; s/<OUTPUT>/$tunedir\/tune.output.nbest/g; s/<REF>/$TUNE{target}/g; s/<JOSHUA>/$JOSHUA/g; s/<JOSHUA_ARGS>/$JOSHUA_ARGS/g; s/<NUMREFS>/$numrefs/g; s/<CONFIG>/$tunedir\/joshua.config/g; s/<LOG>/$tunedir\/joshua.log/g; s/<TUNEDIR>/$tunedir/g; s/<MERTDIR>/$tunedir/g; # for backwards compatibility s/use_sent_specific_tm=.*/use_sent_specific_tm=0/g; print TO; } close(FROM); close(TO); } chmod(0755,"$tunedir/decoder_command"); # tune if ($TUNER eq "mert") { $cachepipe->cmd("mert-$run", "java -d64 -Xmx$TUNER_MEM -cp $JOSHUA/class joshua.zmert.ZMERT -maxMem 4000 $tunedir/mert.config > $tunedir/mert.log 2>&1", $TUNE_GRAMMAR_FILE, "$tunedir/joshua.config.ZMERT.final", "$tunedir/decoder_command", "$tunedir/mert.config", "$tunedir/params.txt"); system("ln -sf joshua.config.ZMERT.final $tunedir/joshua.config.final"); } elsif ($TUNER eq "pro") { $cachepipe->cmd("pro-$run", "java -d64 -Xmx$TUNER_MEM -cp $JOSHUA/class joshua.pro.PRO -maxMem 4000 $tunedir/pro.config > $tunedir/pro.log 2>&1", $TUNE_GRAMMAR_FILE, "$tunedir/joshua.config.PRO.final", "$tunedir/decoder_command", "$tunedir/pro.config", "$tunedir/params.txt"); system("ln -sf joshua.config.PRO.final $tunedir/joshua.config.final"); } elsif ($TUNER eq "mira") { my $refs_path = $TUNE{target}; $refs_path .= "." if (get_numrefs($TUNE{target}) > 1); my $rescore_str = ($RESCORE_FOREST == 1) ? "--rescore-forest" : "--no-rescore-forest"; my $extra_args = $JOSHUA_ARGS; $extra_args =~ s/"/\\"/g; $cachepipe->cmd("mira-$run", "$SCRIPTDIR/training/mira/run-mira.pl --input $TUNE{source} --refs $refs_path --config $tunedir/joshua.config --decoder $JOSHUA/bin/decoder --mertdir $MOSES/bin --rootdir $MOSES/scripts --batch-mira --working-dir $tunedir --maximum-iterations $MIRA_ITERATIONS --return-best-dev --nbest $NBEST --decoder-flags \"-m $JOSHUA_MEM -threads $NUM_THREADS $extra_args\" $rescore_str > $tunedir/mira.log 2>&1", $TUNE_GRAMMAR_FILE, $TUNE{source}, "$tunedir/joshua.config.final"); } # Go to the next tuning run if tuning is the last step. if ($LAST_STEP eq "TUNE") { next; } # prepare the testing data if (! $PREPPED{TEST} and $DO_PREPARE_CORPORA) { my $prefixes = prepare_data("test",[$TEST],$MAXLEN_TEST); $TEST{source} = "$DATA_DIRS{test}/$prefixes->{lowercased}.$SOURCE"; $TEST{target} = "$DATA_DIRS{test}/$prefixes->{lowercased}.$TARGET"; $PREPPED{TEST} = 1; } # filter the test grammar system("mkdir -p $DATA_DIRS{test}") unless -d $DATA_DIRS{test}; my $TEST_GRAMMAR; if ($TEST_GRAMMAR_FILE) { # if a specific test grammar was specified, use that (no filtering) $TEST_GRAMMAR = $TEST_GRAMMAR_FILE; } else { # otherwise, use the main grammar, and filter it if requested $TEST_GRAMMAR = $TEST_GRAMMAR_FILE = $GRAMMAR_FILE; if ($DO_FILTER_TM and ! $DOING_LATTICES) { $TEST_GRAMMAR = "$DATA_DIRS{test}/grammar.filtered.gz"; $cachepipe->cmd("filter-test", "$SCRIPTDIR/training/scat $GRAMMAR_FILE | java -Xmx2g -Dfile.encoding=utf8 -cp $JOSHUA/class joshua.tools.TestSetFilter $FILTERING -v $TEST{source} | $SCRIPTDIR/training/filter-rules.pl -bus$SCOPE | gzip -9n > $TEST_GRAMMAR", $GRAMMAR_FILE, $TEST{source}, $TEST_GRAMMAR); } } # Pack the grammar. if ($DO_PACK_GRAMMARS && ! is_packed($TEST_GRAMMAR)) { my $packed_dir = "$DATA_DIRS{test}/grammar.packed"; $cachepipe->cmd("pack-test", "$SCRIPTDIR/support/grammar-packer.pl -T $TMPDIR -m $PACKER_MEM $TEST_GRAMMAR $packed_dir", $TEST_GRAMMAR, "$packed_dir/vocabulary", "$packed_dir/encoding", "$packed_dir/slice_00000.source"); # $TEST_GRAMMAR_FILE, which previously held an optional command-line argument of a pre-filtered # tuning grammar, is now used to record the text-based grammar, which is needed later for # different things. $TEST_GRAMMAR_FILE = $TEST_GRAMMAR; # The actual grammar used for decoding is the packed directory. $TEST_GRAMMAR = $packed_dir; } else { $TEST_GRAMMAR = $TEST_GRAMMAR_FILE; } # Create the glue file. if (! defined $GLUE_GRAMMAR_FILE) { $cachepipe->cmd("glue-test", "java -Xmx1g -cp $JOSHUA/lib/*:$THRAX/bin/thrax.jar edu.jhu.thrax.util.CreateGlueGrammar $TEST_GRAMMAR > $DATA_DIRS{test}/grammar.glue", $TEST_GRAMMAR, "$DATA_DIRS{test}/grammar.glue"); $GLUE_GRAMMAR_FILE = "$DATA_DIRS{test}/grammar.glue"; } else { # just create a symlink to it my $filename = $DATA_DIRS{test} . "/" . basename($GLUE_GRAMMAR_FILE); if ($GLUE_GRAMMAR_FILE =~ /^\//) { system("ln -sf $GLUE_GRAMMAR_FILE $filename"); } else { system("ln -sf $STARTDIR/$GLUE_GRAMMAR_FILE $filename"); } } my $testrun = (defined $NAME) ? "test/$NAME/$run" : "test/$run"; system("mkdir -p $testrun") unless -d $testrun; $testrun = get_absolute_path($testrun, $RUNDIR); # If we're decoding a lattice, also output the source side path we chose my $joshua_args = $JOSHUA_ARGS; if ($DOING_LATTICES) { $joshua_args .= " -maxlen 0 -output-format \"%i ||| %s ||| %e ||| %f ||| %c\""; } foreach my $key (qw(decoder_command)) { my $file = $TUNEFILES{$key}; open FROM, $file or die "can't find file '$file'"; open TO, ">$testrun/$key" or die "can't write to '$testrun/$key'"; while (<FROM>) { s/<INPUT>/$TEST{source}/g; s/<NUMJOBS>/$NUM_JOBS/g; s/<NUMTHREADS>/$NUM_THREADS/g; s/<QSUB_ARGS>/$QSUB_ARGS/g; s/<OUTPUT>/$testrun\/test.output.nbest/g; s/<JOSHUA>/$JOSHUA/g; s/<JOSHUA_ARGS>/$joshua_args/g; s/<NUMREFS>/$numrefs/g; s/<SOURCE>/$SOURCE/g; s/<TARGET>/$TARGET/g; s/<RUNDIR>/$TARGET/g; s/<LMFILE>/$LMFILES[0]/g; s/<MEM>/$JOSHUA_MEM/g; s/<GRAMMAR_TYPE>/$GRAMMAR_TYPE/g; s/<GRAMMAR_FILE>/$TEST_GRAMMAR/g; s/<GLUE_GRAMMAR>/$GLUE_GRAMMAR_FILE/g; s/<OOV>/$OOV/g; s/<CONFIG>/$testrun\/joshua.config/g; s/<LOG>/$testrun\/joshua.log/g; print TO; } close(FROM); close(TO); } chmod(0755,"$testrun/decoder_command"); # Copy the config file over. $cachepipe->cmd("test-joshua-config-from-tune-$run", "cat $tunedir/joshua.config.final | $COPY_CONFIG -mark-oovs true -tm 'thrax pt $MAXSPAN $TEST_GRAMMAR' > $testrun/joshua.config", "$tunedir/joshua.config.final", "$testrun/joshua.config"); $cachepipe->cmd("test-decode-$run", "$testrun/decoder_command", $TEST{source}, "$DATA_DIRS{test}/grammar.glue", $TEST_GRAMMAR_FILE, "$testrun/test.output.nbest"); $cachepipe->cmd("remove-oov-$run", "cat $testrun/test.output.nbest | perl -pe 's/_OOV//g' > $testrun/test.output.nbest.noOOV", "$testrun/test.output.nbest", "$testrun/test.output.nbest.noOOV"); my $output = "$testrun/test.output.1best"; $numrefs = get_numrefs($TEST{target}); # Always compute the BLEU score on the regular 1-best output, since it's easy to do $cachepipe->cmd("test-extract-onebest-$run", "java -Xmx500m -cp $JOSHUA/class -Dfile.encoding=utf8 joshua.util.ExtractTopCand $testrun/test.output.nbest.noOOV $output", "$testrun/test.output.nbest.noOOV", $output); $cachepipe->cmd("test-bleu-$run", "java -cp $JOSHUA/class -Dfile.encoding=utf8 -Djava.library.path=lib -Xmx1000m -Xms1000m -Djava.util.logging.config.file=logging.properties joshua.util.JoshuaEval -cand $output -ref $TEST{target} -rps $numrefs -m BLEU 4 closest > $testrun/test.output.1best.bleu", $output, "$output.bleu"); # We can also rescore the output lattice with MBR if ($DO_MBR) { my $numlines = `cat $TEST{source} | wc -l`; $numlines--; $output .= ".mbr"; $cachepipe->cmd("test-onebest-parmbr-$run", "cat $testrun/test.output.nbest.noOOV | java -Xmx1700m -cp $JOSHUA/class -Dfile.encoding=utf8 joshua.decoder.NbestMinRiskReranker false 1 $NUM_THREADS > $output", "$testrun/test.output.nbest.noOOV", $output); $cachepipe->cmd("test-bleu-mbr-$run", "java -cp $JOSHUA/class -Dfile.encoding=utf8 -Djava.library.path=lib -Xmx1000m -Xms1000m -Djava.util.logging.config.file=logging.properties joshua.util.JoshuaEval -cand $output -ref $TEST{target} -rps $numrefs -m BLEU 4 closest > $testrun/test.output.1best.mbr.bleu", $output, "$output.bleu"); } # Update the BLEU summary. my $dir = (defined $NAME) ? "test/$NAME" : "test"; compute_bleu_summary("$dir/*/*.1best.bleu", "$dir/final-bleu"); compute_bleu_summary("$dir/*/*.1best.mbr.bleu", "$dir/final-bleu-mbr"); compute_time_summary("$dir/*/joshua.log", "$dir/final-times"); # Now do the analysis if ($DOING_LATTICES) { # extract the source my $source = "$testrun/test.lattice-path.txt"; $cachepipe->cmd("test-lattice-extract-source-$run", "$JOSHUA/bin/extract-1best $testrun/test.output.nbest.noOOV 2 | perl -pe 's/<s> //' > $source", $output, $source); analyze_testrun($output,$source,$TEST{target}); } else { analyze_testrun($output,$TEST{source},$TEST{target}); } } exit; # This target allows the pipeline to be used just for decoding new # data sets TEST: ; system("mkdir -p $DATA_DIRS{test}") unless -d $DATA_DIRS{test}; if (! defined $NAME) { print "* FATAL: for direct tests, you must specify a unique run name\n"; exit 1; } # if (-e "$DATA_DIRS{test}/$NAME") { # print "* FATAL: you specified a run name, but it already exists\n"; # exit 1; # } if (! $PREPPED{TEST} and $DO_PREPARE_CORPORA) { my $prefixes = prepare_data("test",[$TEST],$MAXLEN_TEST); $TEST{source} = "$DATA_DIRS{test}/$prefixes->{lowercased}.$SOURCE"; $TEST{target} = "$DATA_DIRS{test}/$prefixes->{lowercased}.$TARGET"; $PREPPED{TEST} = 1; } my $testrun = "test/$NAME"; system("mkdir -p $testrun") unless -d $testrun; # filter the test grammar my $TEST_GRAMMAR; if ($TEST_GRAMMAR_FILE) { # if a specific test grammar was specified, use that (no filtering) $TEST_GRAMMAR = $TEST_GRAMMAR_FILE; } else { # otherwise, use the main grammar, and filter it if requested $TEST_GRAMMAR = $TEST_GRAMMAR_FILE = $GRAMMAR_FILE; if ($DO_FILTER_TM and ! $DOING_LATTICES) { $TEST_GRAMMAR = "$DATA_DIRS{test}/grammar.filtered.gz"; $cachepipe->cmd("filter-test-$NAME", "$CAT $GRAMMAR_FILE | java -Xmx2g -Dfile.encoding=utf8 -cp $JOSHUA/class joshua.tools.TestSetFilter $FILTERING -v $TEST{source} | $SCRIPTDIR/training/filter-rules.pl -bus$SCOPE | gzip -9n > $TEST_GRAMMAR", $GRAMMAR_FILE, $TEST{source}, $TEST_GRAMMAR); } } # build the glue grammar if needed if (! defined $GLUE_GRAMMAR_FILE) { $cachepipe->cmd("glue-test-$NAME", "java -Xmx2g -cp $JOSHUA/lib/*:$THRAX/bin/thrax.jar edu.jhu.thrax.util.CreateGlueGrammar $TEST_GRAMMAR > $DATA_DIRS{test}/grammar.glue", $TEST_GRAMMAR, "$DATA_DIRS{test}/grammar.glue"); $GLUE_GRAMMAR_FILE = "$DATA_DIRS{test}/grammar.glue"; } if ($TUNEFILES{'joshua.config'} eq $JOSHUA_CONFIG_ORIG) { print "* FATAL: for direct tests, I need a (tuned) Joshua config file\n"; exit 1; } if ($DO_PACK_GRAMMARS && ! is_packed($TEST_GRAMMAR)) { my $packed_dir = "$DATA_DIRS{test}/grammar.packed"; $cachepipe->cmd("pack-test", "$SCRIPTDIR/support/grammar-packer.pl -T $TMPDIR -m $PACKER_MEM $TEST_GRAMMAR $packed_dir", $TEST_GRAMMAR, "$packed_dir/vocabulary", "$packed_dir/encoding", "$packed_dir/slice_00000.source"); # $TEST_GRAMMAR_FILE, which previously held an optional command-line argument of a pre-filtered # tuning grammar, is now used to record the text-based grammar, which is needed later for # different things. $TEST_GRAMMAR_FILE = $TEST_GRAMMAR; # The actual grammar used for decoding is the packed directory. $TEST_GRAMMAR = $packed_dir; } else { $TEST_GRAMMAR = $TEST_GRAMMAR_FILE; } # this needs to be in a function since it is done all over the place open FROM, $TUNEFILES{decoder_command} or die "can't find file '$TUNEFILES{decoder_command}'"; open TO, ">$testrun/decoder_command"; print TO "cat $TEST{source} | \$JOSHUA/bin/joshua-decoder -m $JOSHUA_MEM -threads $NUM_THREADS -c $testrun/joshua.config > $testrun/test.output.nbest 2> $testrun/joshua.log\n"; close(TO); chmod(0755,"$testrun/decoder_command"); # copy over the config file $cachepipe->cmd("test-$NAME-copy-config", "cat $TUNEFILES{'joshua.config'} | $COPY_CONFIG -mark-oovs true -tm/pt 'thrax pt $MAXSPAN $TEST_GRAMMAR' -default-non-terminal $OOV > $testrun/joshua.config", $TUNEFILES{'joshua.config'}, "$testrun/joshua.config"); # decode $cachepipe->cmd("test-$NAME-decode-run", "$testrun/decoder_command", $TEST{source}, $TEST_GRAMMAR, $GLUE_GRAMMAR_FILE, "$testrun/test.output.nbest"); $cachepipe->cmd("test-$NAME-remove-oov", "cat $testrun/test.output.nbest | perl -pe 's/_OOV//g' > $testrun/test.output.nbest.noOOV", "$testrun/test.output.nbest", "$testrun/test.output.nbest.noOOV"); if ($DO_MBR) { $cachepipe->cmd("test-$NAME-onebest-parmbr", "cat $testrun/test.output.nbest.noOOV | java -Xmx1700m -cp $JOSHUA/class -Dfile.encoding=utf8 joshua.decoder.NbestMinRiskReranker false 1 > $testrun/test.output.1best", "$testrun/test.output.nbest.noOOV", "$testrun/test.output.1best"); } else { $cachepipe->cmd("test-$NAME-extract-onebest", "java -Xmx500m -cp $JOSHUA/class -Dfile.encoding=utf8 joshua.util.ExtractTopCand $testrun/test.output.nbest.noOOV $testrun/test.output.1best", "$testrun/test.output.nbest.noOOV", "$testrun/test.output.1best"); } $numrefs = get_numrefs($TEST{target}); $cachepipe->cmd("$NAME-test-bleu", "java -cp $JOSHUA/class -Dfile.encoding=utf8 -Djava.library.path=lib -Xmx1000m -Xms1000m -Djava.util.logging.config.file=logging.properties joshua.util.JoshuaEval -cand $testrun/test.output.1best -ref $TEST{target} -rps $numrefs -m BLEU 4 closest > $testrun/test.output.1best.bleu", "$testrun/test.output.1best", "$testrun/test.output.1best.bleu"); system("cat $testrun/test.output.1best.bleu"); ###################################################################### ## SUBROUTINES ####################################################### ###################################################################### LAST: 1; # Does tokenization and normalization of training, tuning, and test data. # $label: one of train, tune, or test # $corpora: arrayref of files (multiple allowed for training data) # $maxlen: maximum length (only applicable to training) sub prepare_data { my ($label,$corpora,$maxlen) = @_; $maxlen = 0 unless defined $maxlen; system("mkdir -p $DATA_DIR") unless -d $DATA_DIR; system("mkdir -p $DATA_DIRS{$label}") unless -d $DATA_DIRS{$label}; # records the pieces that are produced my %prefixes; # copy the data from its original location to our location my $numlines = -1; foreach my $ext ($TARGET,$SOURCE,"$TARGET.0","$TARGET.1","$TARGET.2","$TARGET.3") { # append each extension to the corpora prefixes my @files = map { "$_.$ext" } @$corpora; # This block makes sure that the files have a nonzero file size map { if (-z $_) { print STDERR "* FATAL: $label file '$_' is empty"; exit 1; } } @files; # a list of all the files (in case of multiple corpora prefixes) my $files = join(" ",@files); if (-e $files[0]) { $cachepipe->cmd("$label-copy-$ext", "cat $files | gzip -9n > $DATA_DIRS{$label}/$label.$ext.gz", @files, "$DATA_DIRS{$label}/$label.$ext.gz"); chomp(my $lines = `$CAT $DATA_DIRS{$label}/$label.$ext.gz | wc -l`); $numlines = $lines if ($numlines == -1); if ($lines != $numlines) { print STDERR "* FATAL: $DATA_DIRS{$label}/$label.$ext.gz has a different number of lines ($lines) than a 'parallel' file that preceded it ($numlines)\n"; exit(1); } } } my $prefix = "$label"; # tokenize the data foreach my $lang ($TARGET,$SOURCE,"$TARGET.0","$TARGET.1","$TARGET.2","$TARGET.3") { if (-e "$DATA_DIRS{$label}/$prefix.$lang.gz") { if (is_lattice("$DATA_DIRS{$label}/$prefix.$lang.gz")) { system("cp $DATA_DIRS{$label}/$prefix.$lang.gz $DATA_DIRS{$label}/$prefix.tok.$lang.gz"); } else { my $TOKENIZER = ($lang eq $SOURCE) ? $TOKENIZER_SOURCE : $TOKENIZER_TARGET; my $ext = $lang; $ext =~ s/\.\d//; $cachepipe->cmd("$label-tokenize-$lang", "$CAT $DATA_DIRS{$label}/$prefix.$lang.gz | $NORMALIZER $ext | $TOKENIZER -l $ext 2> /dev/null | gzip -9n > $DATA_DIRS{$label}/$prefix.tok.$lang.gz", "$DATA_DIRS{$label}/$prefix.$lang.gz", "$DATA_DIRS{$label}/$prefix.tok.$lang.gz"); } } } # extend the prefix $prefix .= ".tok"; $prefixes{tokenized} = $prefix; if ($maxlen > 0) { my (@infiles, @outfiles); foreach my $ext ($TARGET, $SOURCE, "$TARGET.0", "$TARGET.1", "$TARGET.2", "$TARGET.3") { my $infile = "$DATA_DIRS{$label}/$prefix.$ext.gz"; my $outfile = "$DATA_DIRS{$label}/$prefix.$maxlen.$ext.gz"; if (-e $infile) { push(@infiles, $infile); push(@outfiles, $outfile); } } my $infilelist = join(" ", map { "<(gzip -cd $_)" } @infiles); my $outfilelist = join(" ", @outfiles); # trim training data $cachepipe->cmd("$label-trim", "paste $infilelist | $SCRIPTDIR/training/trim_parallel_corpus.pl $maxlen | $SCRIPTDIR/training/split2files.pl $outfilelist", @infiles, @outfiles); $prefix .= ".$maxlen"; } # record this whether we shortened or not $prefixes{shortened} = $prefix; # lowercase foreach my $lang ($TARGET,$SOURCE,"$TARGET.0","$TARGET.1","$TARGET.2","$TARGET.3") { if (-e "$DATA_DIRS{$label}/$prefix.$lang.gz") { if (is_lattice("$DATA_DIRS{$label}/$prefix.$lang.gz")) { system("gzip -cd $DATA_DIRS{$label}/$prefix.$lang.gz > $DATA_DIRS{$label}/$prefix.lc.$lang"); } else { $cachepipe->cmd("$label-lowercase-$lang", "gzip -cd $DATA_DIRS{$label}/$prefix.$lang.gz | $SCRIPTDIR/lowercase.perl > $DATA_DIRS{$label}/$prefix.lc.$lang", "$DATA_DIRS{$label}/$prefix.$lang.gz", "$DATA_DIRS{$label}/$prefix.lc.$lang"); } } } $prefix .= ".lc"; $prefixes{lowercased} = $prefix; foreach my $lang ($TARGET,$SOURCE,"$TARGET.0","$TARGET.1","$TARGET.2","$TARGET.3") { if (-e "$DATA_DIRS{$label}/$prefixes{lowercased}.$lang") { system("ln -sf $prefixes{lowercased}.$lang $DATA_DIRS{$label}/corpus.$lang"); } } return \%prefixes; } sub maybe_quit { my ($current_step) = @_; if (defined $LAST_STEP and $current_step eq $LAST_STEP) { print "* Quitting at this step\n"; exit(0); } } ## returns 1 if every sentence in the corpus begins with an open paren, ## false otherwise sub already_parsed { my ($corpus) = @_; open(CORPUS, $corpus) or die "can't read corpus file '$corpus'\n"; while (<CORPUS>) { # if we see a line not beginning with an open paren, we consider # the file not to be parsed return 0 unless /^\(/; } close(CORPUS); return 1; } sub not_defined { my ($var) = @_; print "* FATAL: environment variable \$$var is not defined.\n"; exit; } # Takes a prefix. If that prefix exists, then all the references are # assumed to be in that file. Otherwise, we successively append an # index, looking for parallel references. sub get_numrefs { my ($prefix) = @_; if (-e "$prefix.0") { my $index = 0; while (-e "$prefix.$index") { $index++; } return $index; } else { return 1; } } sub start_hadoop_cluster { rollout_hadoop_cluster(); # start the cluster # system("./hadoop/bin/start-all.sh"); # sleep(120); } sub rollout_hadoop_cluster { # if it's not already unpacked, unpack it if (! -d "hadoop") { system("tar xzf $JOSHUA/lib/hadoop-0.20.2.tar.gz"); system("ln -sf hadoop-0.20.2 hadoop"); if (defined $HADOOP_CONF) { print STDERR "Copying HADOOP_CONF($HADOOP_CONF) to hadoop/conf/core-site.xml\n"; system("cp $HADOOP_CONF hadoop/conf/core-site.xml"); } } $ENV{HADOOP} = $HADOOP = "hadoop"; $ENV{HADOOP_CONF_DIR} = ""; } sub stop_hadoop_cluster { if ($HADOOP ne "hadoop") { system("hadoop/bin/stop-all.sh"); } } sub teardown_hadoop_cluster { stop_hadoop_cluster(); system("rm -rf hadoop-0.20.2 hadoop"); } sub is_lattice { my $file = shift; open READ, "$CAT $file|" or die "can't read from potential lattice '$file'"; my $line = <READ>; close(READ); if ($line =~ /^\(\(\(/) { $DOING_LATTICES = 1; $FILTERING = "-l"; return 1; } else { return 0; } } # This function retrieves the names of all the features in the grammar. Dense features # are named with consecutive integers starting at 0, while sparse features can have any name. # To get the feature names from an unpacked grammar, we have to read through the whole grammar, # since sparse features can be anywhere. For packed grammars, this can be read directly from # the encoding. sub get_features { my ($grammar) = @_; if (-d $grammar) { chomp(my @features = `java -cp $JOSHUA/class joshua.util.encoding.EncoderConfiguration $grammar | grep ^feature: | awk '{print \$NF}'`); return @features; } elsif (-e $grammar) { my %features; open GRAMMAR, "$CAT $grammar|" or die "FATAL: can't read $grammar"; while (my $line = <GRAMMAR>) { chomp($line); my @tokens = split(/ \|\|\| /, $line); my $feature_str = $tokens[3]; my @features = split(' ', $feature_str); my $feature_no = 0; foreach my $feature (@features) { if ($feature =~ /=/) { my ($name) = split(/=/, $feature); $features{$name} = 1; } else { $features{$feature_no++} = 1; } } } close(GRAMMAR); return keys(%features); } } # File names reflecting relative paths need to be absolute-ized for --rundir to work. # Does not work with paths that do not exist! sub get_absolute_path { my ($file,$basedir) = @_; $basedir = $STARTDIR unless defined $basedir; if (defined $file) { $file = "$basedir/$file" unless $file =~ /^\//; # prepend startdir (which is absolute) unless the path is absolute. my $abs_path = abs_path($file); if (defined $abs_path) { $file = $abs_path; } } return $file; } sub analyze_testrun { my ($output,$source,$reference) = @_; my $dir = dirname($output); mkdir("$dir/analysis") unless -d "$dir/analysis"; my @references; if (-e "$reference.0") { my $num = 0; while (-e "$reference.$num") { push(@references, "$reference.$num"); $num++; } } else { push(@references, $reference); } my $references = join(" -r ", @references); my $runname = "analyze-$dir"; $runname =~ s/\//-/g; $cachepipe->cmd($runname, "$SCRIPTDIR/analysis/sentence-by-sentence.pl -s $source -r $references $output > $dir/analysis/sentence-by-sentence.html", "$dir/test.output.1best", "$dir/analysis/sentence-by-sentence.html"); } sub compute_bleu_summary { my ($filepattern, $outputfile) = @_; # Now average the runs, report BLEU my @bleus; my $numrecs = 0; open CMD, "grep ' BLEU = ' $filepattern |"; while (<CMD>) { my @F = split; push(@bleus, 1.0 * $F[-1]); } close(CMD); if (scalar @bleus) { my $final_bleu = sum(@bleus) / (scalar @bleus); open BLEU, ">$outputfile" or die "Can't write to $outputfile"; printf(BLEU "%s / %d = %.4f\n", join(" + ", @bleus), scalar @bleus, $final_bleu); close(BLEU); } } sub compute_time_summary { my ($filepattern, $outputfile) = @_; # Now average the runs, report BLEU my @times; foreach my $file (glob($filepattern)) { open FILE, $file; my $time = 0.0; my $numrecs = 0; while (<FILE>) { next unless /translation of .* took/; my @F = split; $time += $F[5]; $numrecs++; } close(FILE); push(@times, $time); } if (scalar @times) { open TIMES, ">$outputfile" or die "Can't write to $outputfile"; printf(TIMES "%s / %d = %s\n", join(" + ", @times), scalar(@times), 1.0 * sum(@times) / scalar(@times)); close(TIMES); } } sub is_packed { my ($grammar) = @_; if (-d $grammar && -e "$grammar/encoding") { return 1; } return 0; }
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
page 4001 "Intelligent Cloud Schedule" { SourceTable = "Intelligent Cloud Setup"; InsertAllowed = false; DeleteAllowed = false; Permissions = tabledata 4003 = rimd; layout { area(Content) { group(Schedule) { field("Replication Enabled"; "Replication Enabled") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; Caption = 'Activate Schedule'; ToolTip = 'Activate Migration Schedule'; } field(Recurrence; Recurrence) { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; Caption = 'Recurrence'; ToolTip = 'Specifies the recurrence of the migration schedule.'; } group(Days) { Caption = 'Select Days'; Visible = (Recurrence = Recurrence::Weekly); field(Sunday; Sunday) { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies whether to run on Sundays.'; } field(Monday; Monday) { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies whether to run on Mondays.'; } field(Tuesday; Tuesday) { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies whether to run on Tuesdays.'; } field(Wednesday; Wednesday) { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies whether to run on Wednesdays.'; } field(Thursday; Thursday) { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies whether to run on Thursdays.'; } field(Friday; Friday) { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies whether to run on Fridays.'; } field(Saturday; Saturday) { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies whether to run on Saturdays.'; } } field("Time to Run"; "Time to Run") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; Caption = 'Start time'; ToolTip = 'Specifies the time at which to start the migration.'; } } } } trigger OnModifyRecord(): Boolean begin if "Replication Enabled" and (Format("Time to Run") = '') then Error(NoScheduleTimeMsg); SetReplicationSchedule(); end; var NoScheduleTimeMsg: Label 'You must set a schedule time to continue.'; }
[ "ClArtistic" ]
[ "ClArtistic" ]
[ "ClArtistic" ]
use utf8; package SemanticWeb::Schema::Thesis; # ABSTRACT: A thesis or dissertation document submitted in support of candidature for an academic degree or professional qualification. use Moo; extends qw/ SemanticWeb::Schema::CreativeWork /; use MooX::JSON_LD 'Thesis'; use Ref::Util qw/ is_plain_hashref /; # RECOMMEND PREREQ: Ref::Util::XS use namespace::autoclean; our $VERSION = 'v14.0.1'; =encoding utf8 =head1 DESCRIPTION A thesis or dissertation document submitted in support of candidature for an academic degree or professional qualification. =head1 ATTRIBUTES =head2 C<in_support_of> C<inSupportOf> Qualification, candidature, degree, application that Thesis supports. A in_support_of should be one of the following types: =over =item C<Str> =back =head2 C<_has_in_support_of> A predicate for the L</in_support_of> attribute. =cut has in_support_of => ( is => 'rw', predicate => '_has_in_support_of', json_ld => 'inSupportOf', ); =head1 SEE ALSO L<SemanticWeb::Schema::CreativeWork> =cut 1;
[ "Artistic-2.0" ]
[ "Artistic-2.0" ]
[ "Artistic-2.0" ]
use v6.c; use lib <lib>; use Test; use File::Temp; use Statico; # Test requiring the module my $generator = 'Statico::Generator::Markdown'; try require ::($generator); ok ::($generator) !~~ 'Failure', "Required OK"; my $md-generator; my $data-path = tempdir; my $templates-path = tempdir; my $static-path = tempdir; my $build-path = tempdir; my $statico = Statico.new( data-path => $data-path, templates-path => $templates-path, static-path => $static-path, build-path => $build-path ); dies-ok { $md-generator = ::($generator).new() }, "Generator needs a Statico object"; ok $md-generator = ::($generator).new( statico => $statico ), "Can create a generator. Requires a populated Statico Object"; dies-ok { $md-generator.generate() }, "Needs markdown content"; ok $md-generator.generate( markdown => "# Test" ), "Can call generate with some valid markdown"; is $md-generator.generate( markdown => "# Test" ), "<h1>Test</h1>", "Check the result"; my $complex = q:to/END/; # Test ## More Test Test END is $md-generator.generate( markdown => $complex ), "<h1>Test</h1><h2>More Test</h2><p>Test</p>", "Complex Markdown"; # Test the directory spider generator $generator = 'Statico::Generator::DirList'; try require ::($generator); ok ::($generator) !~~ 'Failure', "Required OK"; my $expected-files = "/index.html : Index\n"; my $expected-dirs = "/directory/ : Directory\n"; my $expected-both = "{$expected-dirs}{$expected-files}"; my $list-generator; dies-ok { $list-generator = ::($generator).new() }, "Generator needs a Statico Object"; ok $list-generator = ::($generator).new( statico => $statico ), "Can create a generator"; dies-ok { $list-generator.generate() }, "Needs a path and a template"; spurt "{$templates-path}/dir.mustache", q:to/END/; {{#list}} {{url}} : {{title}} {{/list}} END mkdir "{$data-path}/directory"; spurt "{$data-path}/index.yaml", q:to/END/; title: Index content: | # Test END spurt "{$data-path}/_config.yaml", q:to/END/; test: true END is $list-generator.generate( dir => $data-path.IO, template => "dir" ), $expected-files, "Basic call makes sense"; is $list-generator.generate( dir => $data-path.IO, template => "dir", files => True, dirs => False ), $expected-files, "Set expected flags files on dirs off"; is $list-generator.generate( dir => $data-path.IO, template => "dir", files => False, dirs => True ), $expected-dirs, "Set expected flags files off dirs on"; is $list-generator.generate( dir => $data-path.IO, template => "dir", files => True, dirs => True ), $expected-both, "Set expected flags files on dirs on"; is $list-generator.generate( dir => $data-path.IO, template => "dir", files => False, dirs => False ), "", "Set expected flags files off dirs off"; done-testing;
[ "Artistic-1.0" ]
[ "Artistic-1.0" ]
[ "Artistic-1.0" ]
package SockJS::Transport::HtmlFile; use strict; use warnings; use base 'SockJS::Transport::Base'; sub new { my $self = shift->SUPER::new(@_); my (%params) = @_; $self->{response_limit} = $params{response_limit} || 128 * 1024; push @{$self->{allowed_methods}}, 'GET'; return $self; } sub dispatch_GET { my $self = shift; my ($env, $conn) = @_; my ($callback) = $env->{QUERY_STRING} =~ m/(?:^|&|;)c=([^&;]+)/; if (!$callback) { return [500, [], ['"callback" parameter required']]; } $callback =~ s/%(..)/chr(hex($1))/eg; if ($callback !~ m/^[a-zA-Z0-9-_\.]+$/) { return [500, [], ['invalid "callback" parameter']]; } my $limit = $self->{response_limit}; return sub { my $respond = shift; my $writer = $respond->( [ 200, [ 'Content-Type' => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8', 'Connection' => 'close', ] ] ); if ($conn->is_connected && !$conn->is_reconnecting) { my $message = $self->_wrap_message( 'c[2010,"Another connection still open"]' . "\n"); $writer->write($message); $writer->close; return; } $conn->write_cb( sub { my $conn = shift; my ($message) = @_; $limit -= length($message) - 1; $writer->write($self->_wrap_message($message)); if ($limit <= 0) { $writer->close; $conn->reconnecting; } } ); $conn->close_cb(sub { $writer->close }); $writer->write(<<"EOF" . (' ' x 1024)); <!doctype html> <html><head> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head><body><h2>Don't panic!</h2> <script> document.domain = document.domain; var c = parent.callback; c.start(); function p(d) {c.message(d);}; window.onload = function() {c.stop();}; </script> EOF $conn->write('o'); if ($conn->is_closed) { $conn->connected; $conn->close; } elsif ($conn->is_connected) { $conn->reconnected; } else { $conn->connected; } }; } sub _wrap_message { my $self = shift; my ($message) = @_; $message =~ s/(['""\\\/\n\r\t]{1})/\\$1/smg; return qq{<script>\np("$message");\n</script>\r\n}; } 1;
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
#!/usr/local/bin/perl #theme_prebody - called just before the main body of every page, so it can print any HTML it likes. #theme_postbody - called just after the main body of every page. #theme_header - called instead of the normal header function, with the same parameters. You could use this to re-write the header function in your own style with help and index links whereever you want them. #theme_footer - called instead of the footer function with the same parameters. #theme_error - called instead of the error function, with the same parameters. %letter_sizes = ( '100.gif', [ 10, 16 ], '101.gif', [ 11, 16 ], '102.gif', [ 6, 16 ], '103.gif', [ 10, 16 ], '104.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '105.gif', [ 4, 16 ], '106.gif', [ 5, 16 ], '107.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '108.gif', [ 4, 16 ], '109.gif', [ 14, 16 ], '110.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '111.gif', [ 11, 16 ], '112.gif', [ 10, 16 ], '113.gif', [ 10, 16 ], '114.gif', [ 6, 16 ], '115.gif', [ 8, 16 ], '116.gif', [ 6, 16 ], '117.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '118.gif', [ 10, 16 ], '119.gif', [ 13, 16 ], '120.gif', [ 10, 16 ], '121.gif', [ 10, 16 ], '122.gif', [ 8, 16 ], '123.gif', [ 7, 16 ], '124.gif', [ 4, 16 ], '125.gif', [ 7, 16 ], '126.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '177.iso-8859-2.gif', [ 10, 16 ], '179.iso-8859-2.gif', [ 7, 16 ], '182.iso-8859-2.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '188.iso-8859-2.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '191.iso-8859-2.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '192.gif', [ 12, 16 ], '193.gif', [ 12, 16 ], '194.gif', [ 11, 16 ], '195.gif', [ 12, 16 ], '196.gif', [ 12, 16 ], '197.gif', [ 12, 16 ], '198.gif', [ 13, 16 ], '199.gif', [ 12, 16 ], '200.gif', [ 7, 16 ], '201.gif', [ 8, 16 ], '202.gif', [ 8, 16 ], '203.gif', [ 7, 16 ], '204.gif', [ 6, 16 ], '205.gif', [ 5, 16 ], '206.gif', [ 7, 16 ], '207.gif', [ 7, 16 ], '208.gif', [ 11, 16 ], '208.iso-8859-9.gif', [ 13, 16 ], '209.gif', [ 10, 16 ], '210.gif', [ 13, 16 ], '211.gif', [ 13, 16 ], '211.iso-8859-2.gif', [ 13, 16 ], '212.gif', [ 12, 16 ], '213.gif', [ 13, 16 ], '214.gif', [ 13, 16 ], '214.iso-8859-9.gif', [ 13, 16 ], '215.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '216.gif', [ 13, 16 ], '217.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '218.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '219.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '220.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '220.iso-8859-9.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '221.gif', [ 11, 16 ], '221.iso-8859-9.gif', [ 5, 16 ], '222.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '222.iso-8859-9.gif', [ 11, 16 ], '223.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '224.gif', [ 10, 16 ], '225.gif', [ 10, 16 ], '226.gif', [ 11, 16 ], '227.gif', [ 10, 16 ], '228.gif', [ 10, 16 ], '229.gif', [ 11, 16 ], '230.gif', [ 16, 16 ], '230.iso-8859-2.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '231.gif', [ 10, 16 ], '231.iso-8859-9.gif', [ 10, 16 ], '231.iso.8859-9.gif', [ 10, 16 ], '232.gif', [ 11, 16 ], '233.gif', [ 11, 16 ], '234.gif', [ 11, 16 ], '234.iso-8859-2.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '235.gif', [ 11, 16 ], '236.gif', [ 6, 16 ], '237.gif', [ 6, 16 ], '238.gif', [ 6, 16 ], '239.gif', [ 7, 16 ], '240.gif', [ 10, 16 ], '240.iso-8859-9.gif', [ 10, 16 ], '241.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '241.iso-8859-2.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '242.gif', [ 11, 16 ], '243.gif', [ 11, 16 ], '243.iso-8859-2.gif', [ 11, 16 ], '244.gif', [ 11, 16 ], '245.gif', [ 11, 16 ], '246.gif', [ 11, 16 ], '246.iso-8859-9.gif', [ 11, 16 ], '247.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '248.gif', [ 10, 16 ], '249.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '250.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '251.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '252.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '252.iso-8859-9.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '253.gif', [ 10, 16 ], '253.iso-8859-9.gif', [ 5, 16 ], '254.gif', [ 10, 16 ], '255.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '32.gif', [ 6, 16 ], '33.gif', [ 4, 16 ], '34.gif', [ 7, 16 ], '35.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '36.gif', [ 8, 16 ], '37.gif', [ 13, 16 ], '38.gif', [ 11, 16 ], '39.gif', [ 3, 16 ], '40.gif', [ 6, 16 ], '41.gif', [ 6, 16 ], '42.gif', [ 7, 16 ], '43.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '44.gif', [ 4, 16 ], '45.gif', [ 6, 16 ], '46.gif', [ 4, 16 ], '47.gif', [ 7, 16 ], '48.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '49.gif', [ 6, 16 ], '50.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '51.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '52.gif', [ 10, 16 ], '53.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '54.gif', [ 10, 16 ], '55.gif', [ 8, 16 ], '56.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '57.gif', [ 10, 16 ], '58.gif', [ 5, 16 ], '59.gif', [ 4, 16 ], '60.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '61.gif', [ 10, 16 ], '62.gif', [ 10, 16 ], '63.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '64.gif', [ 12, 16 ], '65.gif', [ 12, 16 ], '66.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '67.gif', [ 12, 16 ], '68.gif', [ 10, 16 ], '69.gif', [ 7, 16 ], '70.gif', [ 7, 16 ], '71.gif', [ 13, 16 ], '72.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '73.gif', [ 5, 16 ], '74.gif', [ 8, 16 ], '75.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '76.gif', [ 8, 16 ], '77.gif', [ 12, 16 ], '78.gif', [ 10, 16 ], '79.gif', [ 12, 16 ], '80.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '81.gif', [ 13, 16 ], '82.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '83.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '84.gif', [ 8, 16 ], '85.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '86.gif', [ 11, 16 ], '87.gif', [ 14, 16 ], '88.gif', [ 11, 16 ], '89.gif', [ 11, 16 ], '90.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '91.gif', [ 5, 16 ], '93.gif', [ 6, 16 ], '94.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '95.gif', [ 9, 16 ], '96.gif', [ 6, 16 ], '97.gif', [ 11, 16 ], '98.gif', [ 10, 16 ], '99.gif', [ 10, 16 ] ); sub theme_header { local @available = ("webmin", "system", "servers", "cluster", "hardware", "", "net", "kororaweb"); my $module_name = &get_module_name(); my %module_info = &get_module_info($module_name); local $ll; local %access = &get_module_acl(); local %gaccess = &get_module_acl(undef, ""); print "<!doctype html public \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN\">\n"; print "<html>\n"; local $os_type = $gconfig{'real_os_type'} ? $gconfig{'real_os_type'} : $gconfig{'os_type'}; local $os_version = $gconfig{'real_os_version'} ? $gconfig{'real_os_version'} : $gconfig{'os_version'}; print "<head>\n"; if ($charset) { print "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" ", "content=\"text/html; Charset=$charset\">\n"; } print "<link rel='icon' href='$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/webmin_icon.png' type='image/png'>\n"; if (@_ > 0) { local $title = &get_html_title($_[0]); print "<title>$title</title>\n"; print $_[7] if ($_[7]); if ($gconfig{'sysinfo'} == 0 && $remote_user) { print &get_html_status_line(0); } } @msc_modules = &get_visible_module_infos() if (!scalar(@msc_modules)); print "</head>\n"; local $dir = $current_lang_info->{'dir'} ? "dir=\"$current_lang_info->{'dir'}\"" : ""; if ($theme_no_table) { print '<body bgcolor=#6696bc link=#000000 vlink=#000000 text=#000000 leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" '.$dir.' '.$_[8].'>'; } else { print '<body bgcolor=#6696bc link=#000000 vlink=#000000 text=#000000 leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" '.$dir.' '.$_[8].'>'; } if ($remote_user && @_ > 1) { # Show basic header with webmin.com link and logout button local $logout = $main::session_id ? "/session_login.cgi?logout=1" : "/switch_user.cgi"; local $loicon = $main::session_id ? "logout.jpg" : "switch.jpg"; local $lowidth = $main::session_id ? 84 : 27; local $lotext = $main::session_id ? $text{'main_logout'} : $text{'main_switch'}; print qq~<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" background="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/top_bar/bg.jpg" height="32"> <tr> <td width="4" nowrap><img src="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/top_bar/left.jpg" width="4" height="32"></td> <td width="100%" nowrap><a href="http://www.webmin.com"><img src="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/top_bar/webmin_logo.jpg" width="99" height="32" border="0" alt="Webmin home page"></a></td>~; if (!$ENV{'ANONYMOUS_USER'}) { if ($gconfig{'nofeedbackcc'} != 2 && $gaccess{'feedback'} && (!$module_name || $module_info{'longdesc'} || $module_info{'feedback'})) { print qq~<td><a href='$gconfig{'webprefix'}/feedback_form.cgi?module=$module_name'><img src=$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/top_bar/feedback.jpg width=97 height=32 alt="$text{'main_feedback'}" border=0></a></td>~; } if (!$ENV{'SSL_USER'} && !$ENV{'LOCAL_USER'} && !$ENV{'HTTP_WEBMIN_SERVERS'}) { if ($gconfig{'nofeedbackcc'} != 2 && $gaccess{'feedback'}) { print qq~<td><img src=$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/top_bar/top_sep.jpg width=12 height=32></td>~; } print qq~<td width="84" nowrap><a href='$gconfig{'webprefix'}$logout'><img src="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/top_bar/$loicon" height="31" width=$lowidth border="0" alt="$lotext"></a></td>~; } } print qq~<td width="3" nowrap> <div align="right"><img src="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/top_bar/right.jpg" width="3" height="32"></div> </td> </tr> </table>~; } local $one = @msc_modules == 1 && $gconfig{'gotoone'}; local $notabs = $gconfig{"notabs_${base_remote_user}"} == 2 || $gconfig{"notabs_${base_remote_user}"} == 0 && $gconfig{'notabs'}; if (@_ > 1 && !$one && $remote_user && !$notabs) { # Display module categories print qq~<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" height="7"> <tr> <td background="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/top_bar/shadow_bg.jpg" nowrap><img src="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/top_bar/shadow.jpg" width="8" height="7"></td> </tr> </table>~; # Get categories %cats = &list_categories(\@msc_modules); @cats = sort { $b cmp $a } keys %cats; $cats = @cats; $per = $cats ? 100.0 / $cats : 100; if ($main::theme_index_page) { if (!defined($in{'cat'})) { # Use default category if (defined($gconfig{'deftab'}) && &indexof($gconfig{'deftab'}, @cats) >= 0) { $in{'cat'} = $gconfig{'deftab'}; } else { $in{'cat'} = $cats[0]; } } elsif (!$cats{$in{'cat'}}) { $in{'cat'} = ""; } } #####Navigation Bar START##### print qq~<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" height="57" background="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/nav/bg.jpg"> <tr background="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/nav/bg.jpg"> <td width="6" nowrap><img src="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/nav/left.jpg" width="3" height="57"></td>~; foreach $c (@cats) { local $t = $cats{$c}; $inlist = "false"; foreach $testet (@available) { if ($testet eq $c) { $inlist = "true"; } } local $catdesc = $text{'longcategory_'.$c}; if ($in{'cat'} eq $c && $theme_index_page) { if ($inlist eq "true") { if ($c eq "") { print qq~<td nowrap><center><img src="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/cats_over/others.jpg" width="43" height="44" title="$catdesc"><br>~; &chop_font; print qq~</center></td> <td width="17" nowrap><img src="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/nav/sep.jpg" width="17" height="57"></td>~; } elsif ($c eq "webmin") { if (@_ > 1) { print qq~<td nowrap><center><a href=$gconfig{'webprefix'}/?cat=$c><img src="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/cats_over/$c.jpg" width="43" height="44" border=0 title="$catdesc"><br>~; &chop_font; print qq~</a></center></td> <td width="17" nowrap><img src="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/nav/sep.jpg" width="17" height="57"></td>~; } else { print qq~<td nowrap><center><img src="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/cats_over/$c.jpg" width="43" height="44" border=0 title="$catdesc"><br>~; &chop_font; print qq~</center></td> <td width="17" nowrap><img src="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/nav/sep.jpg" width="17" height="57"></td>~; } } else { print qq~<td nowrap><center><img src="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/cats_over/$c.jpg" width="43" height="44" title="$catdesc"><br>~; &chop_font; print qq~</center></td> <td width="17" nowrap><img src="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/nav/sep.jpg" width="17" height="57"></td>~; } } else { print qq~<td nowrap><center><img src="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/cats_over/unknown.jpg" width="43" height="44" title="$catdesc"><br>~; &chop_font; print qq~</center></td> <td width="17" nowrap><img src="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/nav/sep.jpg" width="17" height="57"></td>~; } } else { if ($inlist eq "true") { if ($c eq "") { print qq~<td nowrap><center><a href=$gconfig{'webprefix'}/?cat=$c><img src="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/cats/others.jpg" width="43" height="44" border=0 alt="$t" title="$catdesc"><br>~; &chop_font; print qq~</a></center></td> <td width="17" nowrap><img src="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/nav/sep.jpg" width="17" height="57"></td>~; } else { print qq~<td nowrap><center><a href=$gconfig{'webprefix'}/?cat=$c><img src="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/cats/$c.jpg" width="43" height="44" border=0 alt="$t" title="$catdesc"><br>~; &chop_font; print qq~</a></center></td> <td width="17" nowrap><img src="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/nav/sep.jpg" width="17" height="57"></td>~; } } else { print qq~<td nowrap><center><a href=$gconfig{'webprefix'}/?cat=$c><img src="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/cats/unknown.jpg" width="43" height="44" border=0 alt="$t" title="$catdesc"><br>~; &chop_font; print qq~</a></center></td> <td width="17" nowrap><img src="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/nav/sep.jpg" width="17" height="57"></td>~; } } } print qq~<td width="100%" nowrap>&nbsp;</td> <td nowrap>&nbsp;</td> </tr> </table>~; print qq~<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" background="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/nav/bottom_bg.jpg" height="4"> <tr> <td width="100%"><img src="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/nav/bottom_left.jpg" width="3" height="4"></td> </tr> </table>~; } if (@_ > 1 && (!$_[5] || $ENV{'HTTP_WEBMIN_SERVERS'})) { # Show tabs under module categories print qq~<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" background="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/nav/bottom_shadow2.jpg"> <tr background="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/nav/bottom_shadow2.jpg">~; if ($gconfig{'sysinfo'} == 2 && $remote_user) { &tab_start(); print &get_html_status_line(1); &tab_end(); } if ($ENV{'HTTP_WEBMIN_SERVERS'}) { &tab_start(); print "<a href='$ENV{'HTTP_WEBMIN_SERVERS'}'>", "$text{'header_servers'}</a><br>\n"; &tab_end(); } if ($notabs && !$_[5]) { &tab_start; print "<a href='$gconfig{'webprefix'}/?cat=$module_info{'category'}'>$text{'header_webmin'}</a><br>\n"; &tab_end; } if (!$_[4]) { local $idx = $module_info{'index_link'}; local $mi = $module_index_link || $module_name ? "/$module_name/$idx" : "/"; local $mt = $module_index_name || $text{'header_module'}; &tab_start; print "<a href=\"$gconfig{'webprefix'}$mi\">", "$mt</a>"; &tab_end; } if (ref($_[2]) eq "ARRAY" && !$ENV{'ANONYMOUS_USER'}) { &tab_start; print &hlink($text{'header_help'}, $_[2]->[0], $_[2]->[1]); &tab_end; } elsif (defined($_[2]) && !$ENV{'ANONYMOUS_USER'}) { &tab_start; print &hlink($text{'header_help'}, $_[2]); &tab_end; } if ($_[3]) { if (!$access{'noconfig'}) { &tab_start; print "<a href=\"$gconfig{'webprefix'}/config.cgi?$module_name\">", $text{'header_config'},"</a>"; &tab_end; } } local $t; foreach $t (split(/<br>/, $_[6])) { if ($t =~ /\S/) { &tab_start; print $t; &tab_end; } } print qq~ <td nowrap width="100%" background="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/nav/bottom_shadow2.jpg" valign="top"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" background="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/nav/bottom_shadow2.jpg"> <tr> <td><img src="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/unauthenticated/nav/bottom_shadow.jpg" width="43" height="9"></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table>~; if (!$_[5]) { # Show page title in tab local $title = $_[0]; print "<p><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=95% align=center><tr><td><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 height=20><tr>\n"; print "<td bgcolor=#bae3ff valign=top>", "<img src=$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/tabs/blue_left.jpg width=13 height=22 ", "alt=\"\">","</td>\n"; print "<td bgcolor=#bae3ff>&nbsp;<b>$title</b>&nbsp;</td>\n"; print "<td bgcolor=#bae3ff valign=top>", "<img src=$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/tabs/blue_right.jpg width=19 height=22 ", "alt=\"\">","</td>\n"; if ($_[9]) { print "</tr></table></td> <td align=right><table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 height=20><tr>\n"; print "<td bgcolor=#bae3ff>", "<img src=$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/tabs/blue_left.jpg width=13 height=22 ", "alt=\"\">","</td>\n"; print "<td bgcolor=#bae3ff>&nbsp;<b>$_[9]</b>&nbsp;</td>\n"; print "<td bgcolor=#bae3ff>", "<img src=$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/tabs/blue_right.jpg width=19 height=22", " alt=\"\">","</td>\n"; } print "</tr></table></td></tr></table>"; &theme_prebody; } } elsif (@_ > 1) { print qq~<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" background="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/unauthenticated/nav/bottom_shadow.jpg"> <tr> <td width="100%" nowrap><img src="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/unauthenticated/nav/bottom_shadow.jpg" width="43" height="9"></td> </tr> </table><br>~; } @header_arguments = @_; } sub theme_prebody { if ($theme_no_table) { print "<ul>\n"; } else { #print "<table border=0 width=95% align=center cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td background=$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/msctile2.jpg>\n"; print "<table border=0 width=95% align=center cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td bgcolor=#ffffff>\n"; print "<table border=0 width=95% align=center cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td>\n"; } } sub theme_footer { local $i; my $module_name = &get_module_name(); my %module_info = &get_module_info($module_name); if ($theme_no_table) { print "</ul>\n"; } elsif (@header_arguments > 1 && !$header_arguments[5]) { print "<br>\n</table></table><br>\n"; 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} sub tab_end { print qq~</td> <td background="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/tabs/bg.jpg" nowrap><img src="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/tabs/right.jpg" width="15" height="21"></td> </tr> <tr> <td nowrap><img src="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/tabs/right_bottom.jpg" width="12" height="4"></td> <td background="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/tabs/bottom.jpg" nowrap><img src="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/tabs/bottom.jpg" width="17" height="4"></td> <td nowrap><img src="$gconfig{'webprefix'}/images/tabs/left_bottom.jpg" width="15" height="4"></td> </tr> </table> </td>~; } sub theme_ui_post_header { local ($text) = @_; local $rv; if (defined($text)) { $rv .= "<center><font size=+1>$text</font></center>\n"; } if ($main::printed_unbuffered_header) { $rv .= "<hr>\n"; } elsif (!defined($text)) { $rv .= "<br>\n"; } return $rv; } sub theme_ui_pre_footer { local $rv; if ($main::printed_unbuffered_header) { $rv .= "<hr>\n"; } return $rv; } sub theme_error { &header($text{'error'}, ""); print "<br>\n"; print "<h3>",($main::whatfailed ? "$main::whatfailed : " : ""),@_,"</h3>\n"; if ($gconfig{'error_stack'}) { # Show call stack (skipping this function!) print "<h3>$text{'error_stack'}</h3>\n"; print "<table>\n"; print "<tr> <td><b>$text{'error_file'}</b></td> ", "<td><b>$text{'error_line'}</b></td> ", "<td><b>$text{'error_sub'}</b></td> </tr>\n"; for($i=1; my @stack = caller($i); $i++) { print "<tr>\n"; print "<td>$stack[1]</td>\n"; print "<td>$stack[2]</td>\n"; print "<td>$stack[3]</td>\n"; print "</tr>\n"; } print "</table>\n"; } if ($ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'} && $main::completed_referers_check) { &footer($ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'}, $text{'error_previous'}); } else { &footer(); } } sub theme_ui_print_unbuffered_header { $| = 1; $theme_no_table = 1; $main::printed_unbuffered_header = 1; &ui_print_header(@_); } # theme_ui_subheading(text, ...) # Returns HTML for a section heading sub theme_ui_subheading { return "<font size=+1>".join("", @_)."</font><br>\n"; } # theme_popup_header(title, headstuff, bodystuff) sub theme_popup_header { print "<!doctype html public \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN\">\n"; print "<html>\n"; print "<title>$_[0]</title>\n"; print $_[1]; print "</head>\n"; local $margin = $_[0] ? 2 : 0; print "<body bgcolor=#6696bc link=#000000 vlink=#000000 text=#000000 leftmargin=$margin topmargin=$margin marginwidth=$margin marginheight=$margin $_[2]>\n"; } sub theme_popup_footer { print "</body></html>\n"; } 1;
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
page 18493 "Subcontracting Order Subform" { AutoSplitKey = true; Caption = 'Subcontracting Order Subform'; DelayedInsert = true; LinksAllowed = false; MultipleNewLines = true; PageType = ListPart; SourceTable = "Purchase Line"; SourceTableView = where("Document Type" = filter(Order), Subcontracting = const(true)); layout { area(content) { repeater(Control1) { field(Type; Rec.Type) { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the document type of this document.'; trigger OnValidate() begin FormatLine(); end; } field("No."; Rec."No.") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the item number of this line.'; trigger OnValidate() begin Rec.ShowShortcutDimCode(ShortcutDimCode); NoOnAfterValidate(); FormatLine(); end; } field("Cross-Reference No."; Rec."Cross-Reference No.") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the cross reference number is linked with this line.'; Visible = false; trigger OnLookup(var Text: Text): Boolean begin Rec.CrossReferenceNoLookUp(); InsertExtendedText(false); end; trigger OnValidate() begin CrossReferenceNoOnAfterValidat(); end; } field("IC Partner Code"; Rec."IC Partner Code") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the IC partner code this order is linked to.'; Visible = false; } field("IC Partner Ref. Type"; Rec."IC Partner Ref. Type") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the IC partner reference number this order is linked to.'; Visible = false; } field("IC Partner Reference"; Rec."IC Partner Reference") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the IC pPartner reference this order is linked to.'; Visible = false; } field("Variant Code"; Rec."Variant Code") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the variant code of the item of this line.'; Visible = false; } field(Nonstock; Rec.Nonstock) { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies if the item of this line is non stock item'; Visible = false; } field("VAT Prod. Posting Group"; Rec."VAT Prod. Posting Group") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the VAT product posting group of the item this order is linked to.'; Visible = false; } field(Description; Rec.Description) { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the description of this line.'; } field("Drop Shipment"; Rec."Drop Shipment") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the if drop shipment is applicable in this line.'; Visible = false; } field("Return Reason Code"; Rec."Return Reason Code") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the return reason code this order is linked to.'; Visible = false; } field("Location Code"; Rec."Location Code") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the location code of this document.'; } field("Bin Code"; Rec."Bin Code") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the bin code of this document.'; Visible = false; } field(Quantity; Rec.Quantity) { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the quantity of this line.'; BlankZero = true; } field("Reserved Quantity"; Rec."Reserved Quantity") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the reserved quantity of this line.'; BlankZero = true; } field("Unit of Measure Code"; Rec."Unit of Measure Code") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the unit of measure code of the item of this line.'; } field("Unit of Measure"; Rec."Unit of Measure") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the unit of measure of the item of this line.'; Visible = false; } field("Direct Unit Cost"; Rec."Direct Unit Cost") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the direct unit cost of this line.'; BlankZero = true; } field("Indirect Cost %"; Rec."Indirect Cost %") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the indirect unit cost % of this line.'; Visible = false; } field("Unit Cost (LCY)"; Rec."Unit Cost (LCY)") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the unit cost (LCY) of this line.'; Visible = false; } field("Unit Price (LCY)"; Rec."Unit Price (LCY)") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the unit price (LCY) of this line.'; BlankZero = true; Visible = false; } field("Line Amount"; Rec."Line Amount") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the line amount of this line.'; BlankZero = true; } field("Tax Group Code"; Rec."Tax Group Code") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the tax group code of this line.'; Visible = false; } field("Line Discount %"; Rec."Line Discount %") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the line discount % of this line.'; BlankZero = true; } field("Line Discount Amount"; Rec."Line Discount Amount") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the line discount amount of this line.'; Visible = false; } field("Prepayment %"; Rec."Prepayment %") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the prepayment % of this line.'; Visible = false; } field("Prepmt. Amt. Inv."; Rec."Prepmt. Amt. Inv.") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies if this is prepayment amount invoice line.'; Visible = false; } field("Allow Invoice Disc."; Rec."Allow Invoice Disc.") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies if invoice discount is allowed in this line.'; Visible = false; } field("Inv. Discount Amount"; Rec."Inv. Discount Amount") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the invoice discount amount of this line.'; Visible = false; } field("Qty. to Receive"; Rec."Qty. to Receive") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the quantity that needs to be received.'; BlankZero = true; } field("Quantity Received"; Rec."Quantity Received") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the quantity received.'; BlankZero = true; } field("Qty. to Invoice"; Rec."Qty. to Invoice") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the quantity that needs to be invoiced.'; BlankZero = true; } field("Quantity Invoiced"; Rec."Quantity Invoiced") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the quantity invoiced.'; BlankZero = true; } field("Prepmt Amt to Deduct"; Rec."Prepmt Amt to Deduct") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the prepayment amount needs to be deducted.'; Visible = false; } field("Prepmt Amt Deducted"; Rec."Prepmt Amt Deducted") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the prepayment amount deducted.'; Visible = false; } field("Allow Item Charge Assignment"; Rec."Allow Item Charge Assignment") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies if item charge assignment is allowed.'; Visible = false; } field("Qty. to Assign"; Rec."Qty. to Assign") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the quantity that needs to be assigned.'; BlankZero = true; trigger OnDrillDown() begin CurrPage.SaveRecord(); Rec.ShowItemChargeAssgnt(); UpdateForm(false); end; } field("Qty. Assigned"; Rec."Qty. Assigned") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the quantity assigned.'; BlankZero = true; trigger OnDrillDown() begin CurrPage.SaveRecord(); Rec.ShowItemChargeAssgnt(); UpdateForm(false); end; } field("Job No."; Rec."Job No.") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the job number this order is linked to.'; Visible = false; } field("Job Task No."; Rec."Job Task No.") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the job task number this order is linked to.'; Visible = false; } field("Job Line Type"; Rec."Job Line Type") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the job line type this order is linked to.'; Visible = false; } field("Job Unit Price"; Rec."Job Unit Price") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the job unit price of this order.'; Visible = false; } field("Job Line Amount"; Rec."Job Line Amount") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the job line amount of this order.'; Visible = false; } field("Job Line Discount Amount"; Rec."Job Line Discount Amount") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the job line discount amount of this order.'; Visible = false; } field("Job Line Discount %"; Rec."Job Line Discount %") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the job line discount % of this order.'; Visible = false; } field("Job Total Price"; Rec."Job Total Price") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the job total price of this order.'; Visible = false; } field("Job Unit Price (LCY)"; Rec."Job Unit Price (LCY)") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the job unit price (LCY) of this order.'; Visible = false; } field("Job Total Price (LCY)"; Rec."Job Total Price (LCY)") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the job total price (LCY) of this order.'; Visible = false; } field("Job Line Amount (LCY)"; Rec."Job Line Amount (LCY)") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the job line amount (LCY) of this order.'; Visible = false; } field("Job Line Disc. Amount (LCY)"; Rec."Job Line Disc. Amount (LCY)") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the job line discount amount (LCY) of this order.'; Visible = false; } field("Requested Receipt Date"; Rec."Requested Receipt Date") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the requested receipt date of this order.'; Visible = false; } field("Promised Receipt Date"; Rec."Promised Receipt Date") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the promised receipt date of this order.'; Visible = false; } field("Planned Receipt Date"; Rec."Planned Receipt Date") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the planned receipt date of this order.'; } field("Expected Receipt Date"; Rec."Expected Receipt Date") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the expected receipt date of this order.'; } field("Order Date"; Rec."Order Date") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the order date of this order.'; } field("Lead Time Calculation"; Rec."Lead Time Calculation") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the lead time calculation of this order.'; Visible = false; } field("Planning Flexibility"; Rec."Planning Flexibility") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the planning flexibility of this order.'; Visible = false; } field("Prod. Order No."; Rec."Prod. Order No.") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the production order number this order is linked to.'; Visible = false; } field("Prod. Order Line No."; Rec."Prod. Order Line No.") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the released production order line number.'; Visible = false; } field("Operation No."; Rec."Operation No.") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the operation number linked with the subcontracting order.'; Visible = false; } field("Work Center No."; Rec."Work Center No.") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the work center number linked with the subcontracting order.'; Visible = false; } field(Finished; Rec.Finished) { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the subcontrcting order is in finished state.'; Visible = false; } field("Whse. Outstanding Qty. (Base)"; Rec."Whse. Outstanding Qty. (Base)") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the warehouse outstanding quantity (Base).'; Visible = false; } field("Inbound Whse. Handling Time"; Rec."Inbound Whse. Handling Time") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the Inbound Warehouse Handling Time.'; Visible = false; } field("Blanket Order No."; Rec."Blanket Order No.") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the blanket order number this order is linked to.'; Visible = false; } field("Blanket Order Line No."; Rec."Blanket Order Line No.") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the blanket order line number this order is linked to.'; Visible = false; } field("Appl.-to Item Entry"; Rec."Appl.-to Item Entry") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the apply to item entry this order is linked to.'; Visible = false; } field("Shortcut Dimension 1 Code"; Rec."Shortcut Dimension 1 Code") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the shortcut dimension 1 code this order is linked to.'; Visible = false; } field("Shortcut Dimension 2 Code"; Rec."Shortcut Dimension 2 Code") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the shortcut dimension 2 code this order is linked to.'; Visible = false; } field(Subcontracting; Rec.Subcontracting) { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the order is subcontracting order'; Visible = false; } field(SubConSend; Rec.SubConSend) { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the subcontracting order to send to vendor location'; Visible = false; } field("Delivery Challan Posted"; Rec."Delivery Challan Posted") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the number of delivery challan posted'; Visible = false; } field("Qty. to Reject (Rework)"; Rec."Qty. to Reject (Rework)") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the quantity to reject for rework'; Visible = false; } field("Qty. Rejected (Rework)"; Rec."Qty. Rejected (Rework)") { ApplicationArea = Basic, suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the quantity rejected for rework'; Visible = false; } field(SendForRework; Rec.SendForRework) { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the quantity send to rework'; Visible = false; } field("Gen. Bus. Posting Group"; Rec."Gen. Bus. Posting Group") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the GST specification of the involved customer or vendor to link transactions made for this record with the appropriate general ledger account according to the GST posting setup.'; } field("Gen. Prod. Posting Group"; Rec."Gen. Prod. Posting Group") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the GST specification of the involved item or resource to link transactions made for this record with the appropriate general ledger account according to the GST posting setup.'; } field("Qty. Rejected (C.E.)"; rec."Qty. Rejected (C.E.)") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the quantity rejected CE'; Visible = false; } field("GST Group Code"; Rec."GST Group Code") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; Editable = IsHSNSACEditable; ToolTip = 'Specifies the GST Group code for the calculation of GST on Transaction line.'; trigger OnValidate() var CalculateTax: Codeunit "Calculate Tax"; begin CalculateTax.CallTaxEngineOnPurchaseLine(Rec, xRec); end; } field("HSN/SAC Code"; Rec."HSN/SAC Code") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; Editable = IsHSNSACEditable; ToolTip = 'Specifies the HSN/SAC code for the calculation of GST on Transaction line.'; trigger OnValidate() var CalculateTax: Codeunit "Calculate Tax"; begin CalculateTax.CallTaxEngineOnPurchaseLine(Rec, xRec); end; } field("GST Group Type"; Rec."GST Group Type") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies if the GST group is assigned for goods or service.'; } field(Exempted; Rec.Exempted) { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies if the service is exempted from GST.'; trigger OnValidate() var CalculateTax: Codeunit "Calculate Tax"; begin CurrPage.SaveRecord(); CalculateTax.CallTaxEngineOnPurchaseLine(Rec, xRec); end; } field("GST Jurisdiction Type"; Rec."GST Jurisdiction Type") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies the type related to GST jurisdiction. For example, interstate/intrastate.'; } field("GST Credit"; Rec."GST Credit") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; ToolTip = 'Specifies if the GST Credit has to be availed or not.'; trigger OnValidate() var CalculateTax: Codeunit "Calculate Tax"; begin CurrPage.SaveRecord(); CalculateTax.CallTaxEngineOnPurchaseLine(Rec, xRec); end; } } } } actions { area(processing) { group("F&unctions") { Caption = 'F&unctions'; Image = "Action"; action("Calculate &Invoice Discount") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; Caption = 'Calculate &Invoice Discount'; ToolTip = 'Calculate Invoice Discount'; Image = CalculateInvoiceDiscount; trigger OnAction() begin ApproveCalcInvDisc(); end; } action("E&xplode BOM") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; Caption = 'E&xplode BOM'; ToolTip = 'Explode BOM'; Image = ExplodeBOM; trigger OnAction() begin ExplodeBOM(); end; } action("Insert &Ext. Texts") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; Caption = 'Insert &Ext. Texts'; ToolTip = 'Insert Extensed Tests'; Image = Text; trigger OnAction() begin InsertExtendedText(true); end; } group(DropShipment) { Caption = 'Drop Shipment'; Image = Delivery; action("Sales Order") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; Caption = 'Sales &Order'; ToolTip = 'Sales Order'; Image = Document; trigger OnAction() begin OpenSalesOrderForm(); end; } } group(SpecialOrder) { Caption = 'Special Order'; Image = SpecialOrder; action("Sales &Order") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; Caption = 'Sales &Order'; ToolTip = 'Sales Order'; Image = Document; trigger OnAction() begin OpenSpecOrderSalesOrderForm(); end; } } action("&Reserve") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; Caption = '&Reserve'; ToolTip = 'Reserve'; Ellipsis = true; Image = Reserve; trigger OnAction() begin Rec.ShowReservation(); end; } action("Order &Tracking") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; Caption = 'Order &Tracking'; ToolTip = 'Order Tracking'; Image = OrderTracking; trigger OnAction() begin ShowTracking(); end; } } group("&Line") { Caption = '&Line'; Image = Line; group("Item Availability by") { Caption = 'Item Availability by'; Image = ItemAvailability; action(Period) { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; Caption = 'Period'; ToolTip = 'Period'; Image = Period; trigger OnAction() begin ItemAvailability(0); end; } action(Variant) { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; Caption = 'Variant'; ToolTip = 'Variant'; Image = ItemVariant; trigger OnAction() begin ItemAvailability(1); end; } action(Location) { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; Caption = 'Location'; ToolTip = 'Location'; Image = Warehouse; trigger OnAction() begin ItemAvailability(2); end; } } action("Reservation Entries") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; Caption = 'Reservation Entries'; Image = ReservationLedger; trigger OnAction() begin Rec.ShowReservationEntries(true); end; } action(Dimensions) { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; Caption = 'Dimensions'; Image = Dimensions; ShortCutKey = 'Shift+Ctrl+D'; trigger OnAction() begin Rec.ShowDimensions(); CurrPage.SaveRecord(); end; } action("Item Charge &Assignment") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; Caption = 'Item Charge &Assignment'; ToolTip = 'Item Charge Assignment'; trigger OnAction() begin ItemChargeAssgnt(); end; } action("Item &Tracking Lines") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; Caption = 'Item &Tracking Lines'; ToolTip = 'Item Tracking Lines'; Image = ItemTrackingLines; trigger OnAction() begin Rec.OpenItemTrackingLines(); end; } group("Order Subcon. Details") { Caption = 'Order Subcon. Details'; Image = View; action(Send) { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; Caption = 'Send'; ToolTip = 'Send to Subcontrator'; Image = SendTo; trigger OnAction() begin ShowSubOrderDetailsDelForm(); end; } action(Receipt) { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; Caption = 'Receipt'; ToolTip = 'Receipt from Subcontractor'; Image = Receipt; trigger OnAction() begin ShowSubOrderDetailsReceiptForm(); end; } } } } } trigger OnAfterGetRecord() begin Rec.ShowShortcutDimCode(ShortcutDimCode); end; trigger OnDeleteRecord(): Boolean var ReservePurchLine: Codeunit "Purch. Line-Reserve"; begin if (Rec.Quantity <> 0) and Rec.ItemExists(Rec."No.") then begin Commit(); if not ReservePurchLine.DeleteLineConfirm(Rec) then exit(false); ReservePurchLine.DeleteLine(Rec); end; end; trigger OnNewRecord(BelowxRec: Boolean) begin Rec.Type := xRec.Type; Clear(ShortcutDimCode); end; var PurchHeader: Record "Purchase Header"; PurchPriceCalcMgt: Codeunit "Purch. Price Calc. Mgt."; TransferExtendedText: Codeunit "Transfer Extended Text"; ShortcutDimCode: array[8] of Code[20]; UpdateAllowedVar: Boolean; ViewModeMsg: Label 'Unable to run this function while in View mode.'; procedure ApproveCalcInvDisc() begin Codeunit.Run(Codeunit::"Purch.-Disc. (Yes/No)", Rec); end; procedure CalcInvDisc() begin Codeunit.Run(Codeunit::"Purch.-Calc.Discount", Rec); end; procedure ExplodeBOM() begin codeunit.Run(Codeunit::"Purch.-Explode BOM", Rec); end; procedure OpenSalesOrderForm() var SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; SalesOrder: Page "Sales Order"; begin Rec.Testfield("Sales Order No."); SalesHeader.SetRange("No.", Rec."Sales Order No."); SalesOrder.SetTableView(SalesHeader); SalesOrder.Editable := false; SalesOrder.Run(); end; procedure InsertExtendedText(Unconditionally: Boolean) begin if TransferExtendedText.PurchCheckIfAnyExtText(Rec, Unconditionally) then begin CurrPage.SaveRecord(); TransferExtendedText.InsertPurchExtText(Rec); end; if TransferExtendedText.MakeUpdate() then UpdateForm(true); end; procedure ShowReservations() begin Rec.Find(); Rec.ShowReservation(); end; procedure ItemAvailability(AvailabilityType: Option Date,Variant,Location,Bin) begin ItemAvailability(AvailabilityType); end; procedure ShowTracking() var TrackingForm: Page "Order Tracking"; begin TrackingForm.SetPurchLine(Rec); TrackingForm.RunModal(); end; procedure ShowDimension() begin Rec.ShowDimensions(); end; procedure ItemChargeAssgnt() begin Rec.ShowItemChargeAssgnt(); end; procedure OpenItemTrackingLine() begin Rec.OpenItemTrackingLines(); end; procedure OpenSpecOrderSalesOrderForm() var SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; SalesOrder: Page "Sales Order"; begin Rec.Testfield("Special Order Sales No."); SalesHeader.SetRange("No.", Rec."Special Order Sales No."); SalesOrder.SetTableView(SalesHeader); SalesOrder.Editable := false; SalesOrder.Run(); end; procedure UpdateForm(SetSaveRecord: Boolean) begin CurrPage.Update(SetSaveRecord); end; procedure SetUpdateAllowed(UpdateAllowed: Boolean) begin UpdateAllowedVar := UpdateAllowed; end; procedure UpdateAllowed(): Boolean begin if UpdateAllowedVar = false then begin Message(ViewModeMsg); exit(false); end; exit(true); end; procedure ShowPrices() begin PurchHeader.Get(Rec."Document Type", Rec."Document No."); Clear(PurchPriceCalcMgt); PurchPriceCalcMgt.GetPurchLinePrice(PurchHeader, Rec); end; procedure ShowLineDisc() begin PurchHeader.Get(Rec."Document Type", Rec."Document No."); Clear(PurchPriceCalcMgt); PurchPriceCalcMgt.GetPurchLineLineDisc(PurchHeader, Rec); end; procedure ShowLineComment() begin Rec.ShowLineComments(); end; procedure ShowSubOrderDetailsDelForm() var PurchaseLine: Record "Purchase Line"; SubOrderDetailsList: Page "Ord. Subcon Details Delv. List"; begin PurchaseLine.Reset(); PurchaseLine.SetRange("Document Type", Rec."Document Type"::Order); PurchaseLine.SetRange("Document No.", Rec."Document No."); PurchaseLine.SetRange("No.", Rec."No."); PurchaseLine.SetRange("Line No.", Rec."Line No."); PurchaseLine.FilterGroup := 2; SubOrderDetailsList.SetTableView(PurchaseLine); SubOrderDetailsList.RunModal(); end; local procedure NoOnAfterValidate() begin InsertExtendedText(false); if (Rec.Type = Rec.Type::"Charge (Item)") and (Rec."No." <> xRec."No.") and (xRec."No." <> '') then CurrPage.SaveRecord(); end; local procedure CrossReferenceNoOnAfterValidat() begin InsertExtendedText(false); end; procedure ShowSubOrderDetailsReceiptForm() var PurchaseLine: Record "Purchase Line"; SubOrderDetailsReceiptList: Page "Ord. Subcon Details Rcpt.List"; begin PurchaseLine.Reset(); PurchaseLine.SetRange("Document Type", Rec."Document Type"::Order); PurchaseLine.SetRange("Document No.", Rec."Document No."); PurchaseLine.SetRange("No.", Rec."No."); PurchaseLine.SetRange("Line No.", Rec."Line No."); PurchaseLine.FilterGroup(2); SubOrderDetailsReceiptList.SetTableView(PurchaseLine); SubOrderDetailsReceiptList.RunModal(); end; trigger OnAfterGetCurrRecord() begin FormatLine(); end; local procedure FormatLine() var GSTPurchaseSubscribers: Codeunit "GST Purchase Subscribers"; begin GSTPurchaseSubscribers.SetHSNSACEditable(Rec, IsHSNSACEditable); end; var IsHSNSACEditable: Boolean; }
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# Generated by default/object.tt package Paws::CloudFront::CookiePreference; use Moose; has Forward => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', required => 1); has WhitelistedNames => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Paws::CloudFront::CookieNames'); 1; ### main pod documentation begin ### =head1 NAME Paws::CloudFront::CookiePreference =head1 USAGE This class represents one of two things: =head3 Arguments in a call to a service Use the attributes of this class as arguments to methods. You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the calls that expect this type of object. As an example, if Att1 is expected to be a Paws::CloudFront::CookiePreference object: $service_obj->Method(Att1 => { Forward => $value, ..., WhitelistedNames => $value }); =head3 Results returned from an API call Use accessors for each attribute. If Att1 is expected to be an Paws::CloudFront::CookiePreference object: $result = $service_obj->Method(...); $result->Att1->Forward =head1 DESCRIPTION A complex type that specifies whether you want CloudFront to forward cookies to the origin and, if so, which ones. For more information about forwarding cookies to the origin, see Caching Content Based on Cookies (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudFront/latest/DeveloperGuide/Cookies.html) in the I<Amazon CloudFront Developer Guide>. =head1 ATTRIBUTES =head2 B<REQUIRED> Forward => Str Specifies which cookies to forward to the origin for this cache behavior: all, none, or the list of cookies specified in the C<WhitelistedNames> complex type. Amazon S3 doesn't process cookies. When the cache behavior is forwarding requests to an Amazon S3 origin, specify none for the C<Forward> element. =head2 WhitelistedNames => L<Paws::CloudFront::CookieNames> Required if you specify C<whitelist> for the value of C<Forward>. A complex type that specifies how many different cookies you want CloudFront to forward to the origin for this cache behavior and, if you want to forward selected cookies, the names of those cookies. If you specify C<all> or C<none> for the value of C<Forward>, omit C<WhitelistedNames>. If you change the value of C<Forward> from C<whitelist> to C<all> or C<none> and you don't delete the C<WhitelistedNames> element and its child elements, CloudFront deletes them automatically. For the current limit on the number of cookie names that you can whitelist for each cache behavior, see CloudFront Limits (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/xrefaws_service_limits.html#limits_cloudfront) in the I<AWS General Reference>. =head1 SEE ALSO This class forms part of L<Paws>, describing an object used in L<Paws::CloudFront> =head1 BUGS and CONTRIBUTIONS The source code is located here: L<https://github.com/pplu/aws-sdk-perl> Please report bugs to: L<https://github.com/pplu/aws-sdk-perl/issues> =cut
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
package Paws::Pinpoint::MapOfListOf__string; use Moose; with 'Paws::API::StrToNativeMapParser'; has Map => (is => 'ro', isa => 'HashRef[ArrayRef[Str|Undef]]'); 1; ### main pod documentation begin ### =head1 NAME Paws::Pinpoint::MapOfListOf__string =head1 USAGE This class represents one of two things: =head3 Arguments in a call to a service Use the attributes of this class as arguments to methods. You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the calls that expect this type of object. As an example, if Att1 is expected to be a Paws::Pinpoint::MapOfListOf__string object: $service_obj->Method(Att1 => { key1 => $value, ..., keyN => $value }); =head3 Results returned from an API call Use accessors for each attribute. If Att1 is expected to be an Paws::Pinpoint::MapOfListOf__string object: $result = $service_obj->Method(...); $result->Att1->Map->{ key1 } =head1 DESCRIPTION This class has no description =head1 ATTRIBUTES =head2 Map => ArrayRef[Str|Undef] Use the Map method to retrieve a HashRef to the map =head1 SEE ALSO This class forms part of L<Paws>, describing an object used in L<Paws::Pinpoint> =head1 BUGS and CONTRIBUTIONS The source code is located here: https://github.com/pplu/aws-sdk-perl Please report bugs to: https://github.com/pplu/aws-sdk-perl/issues =cut
[ "Artistic-2.0" ]
[ "Artistic-2.0" ]
[ "Artistic-2.0" ]
package Mojolicious::Command::Author::generate::obrazi; use feature ':5.26'; use Mojo::Base Mojolicious::Command => -signatures; use Mojo::File 'path'; use Mojo::Util qw(url_escape punycode_decode punycode_encode getopt encode decode dumper); use Mojo::Collection 'c'; use Text::CSV_XS qw( csv ); use Mojo::Loader qw(data_section); use Imager; my $_formats = join '|', map { $_ =~ /jpe?g/i ? 'jpe?g' : $_ } sort keys %Imager::formats; my $FILETYPES = qr/\.(?:$_formats)$/i; my sub _U {'UTF-8'} has description => 'Generate a gallery from a directory structure with images'; # our own log, used instead of 'say'. has log => sub { Mojo::Log->new(format => sub { "[$$] [$_[1]] " . join(' ', @_[2 .. $#_]) . $/ }); }; has usage => sub { shift->extract_usage . $/ . 'Supported formats: ' . $FILETYPES . $/ }; has from_dir => sub { path('./')->to_abs }; has images => sub { $_[0]->matrix->grep(sub { $_->[1] =~ $FILETYPES }); }; has _linked_images => sub { my $c = 0; my $images = $_[0]->images; return {map { $_->[1] => {self => $_, prev => $images->[$c - 1], next => $images->[$c + 1], id => ++$c} } @$images}; }; has categories => sub { $_[0]->matrix->grep(sub { !$_->[-1] && !$_->[-2] && $_->[1] =~ /$_->[0]$/ }); }; has files_per_subproc => sub { return int(scalar(@{$_[0]->images}) / $_[0]->subprocs_num) + 1; }; has csv_filename => 'index.csv'; has subprocs_num => 4; has template_file => ''; has obrazec_file => ''; has to_dir => sub { $_[0]->app->home->child('public') }; has publish_url => '/obrazi.html'; # Default titles and descriptions has defaults => sub { { author => 'Марио Беров', category_title => 'Заглавие на категорията', category_description => 'Описание на категорията', image_title => 'Заглавие на изображението', image_description => 'Описание на изображението' . $/ . ' Материали, размери,какво, защо - според каквото мислиш, че е важно.', } }; # An empty Imager instance on which the read() method will be called for every # image we work with. has imager => sub { Imager->new }; my @header = qw(category path title description author image thumbnail); # csv file contents has matrix => sub { c([@header]) }; # resized images has _processed => sub { c() }; # '1000x1000' sub max { if ($_[1]) { $_[0]->{max} = $_[1] && return $_[0] if ref $_[1]; ($_[0]->{max}{width}, $_[0]->{max}{height}) = $_[1] =~ /(\d+)x(\d+)/; return $_[0]; } return $_[0]->{max} //= {width => 1000, height => 1000}; } # '100x100' sub thumbs { if ($_[1]) { $_[0]->{thumbs} = $_[1] && return $_[0] if ref $_[1]; ($_[0]->{thumbs}{width}, $_[0]->{thumbs}{height}) = $_[1] =~ /(\d+)x(\d+)/; return $_[0]; } return $_[0]->{thumbs} //= {width => 100, height => 100}; } sub run ($self, @args) { getopt \@args, 'f|from=s' => \(my $from_dir = $self->from_dir), 'to=s' => \(my $to_dir = $self->to_dir), 'x|max=s' => \(my $max = $self->max), 's|thumbs=s' => \(my $thumbs = $self->thumbs), 'i|index=s' => \(my $csv_filename = $self->csv_filename), 't|template=s' => \(my $template = $self->template_file), 'o|obrazec=s' => \(my $obrazec = $self->obrazec_file), 'u|url=s' => \(my $url = $self->publish_url), ; if ($template ne $self->template_file and not -f $template) { Carp::croak("Template $template does not exist. " . "Please provide an existing template file."); } $self->template_file($template) if $template; if ($obrazec ne $self->obrazec_file and not -f $obrazec) { Carp::croak("Single image template $obrazec does not exist. " . "Please provide an existing template file."); } $self->obrazec_file($obrazec) if $obrazec; $self->from_dir(path($from_dir)->to_abs)->to_dir(path($to_dir)->to_abs)->max($max)->thumbs($thumbs) ->csv_filename($csv_filename)->publish_url(decode _U, $url); return $self->_do_csv->_resize_and_copy_to_dir->_do_html; } # Calculates the resized image dimensions according to the C<$self-E<gt>max> # and C<$self-E<gt>thumbs> gallery contraints. Accepts the utf8 decoded path # and the raw path to the file to be worked on. Returns two empty strings if # there is error reading the image and warns about the error. Returns filenames # for the resized image and the thumbnail image. sub calculate_max_and_thumbs ($self, $path, $raw_path) { state $imager = $self->imager; my $log = $self->log; my $img; my $image = [$raw_path->to_array->[-1] =~ /^(.+?)\.(.\w+)$/]; $log->info('Inspecting image ', $path); my $max = $self->max; my $thumbs = $self->thumbs; my %size = %$max; my %thumb_size = %$thumbs; my $fh = $raw_path->open(); unless ($fh->binmode) { $log->warn(" !!! Skipping $path. Error: " . $!); return ('', ''); } if (not eval { $img = $imager->read(fh => $fh) }) { $log->warn(" !!! Skipping $path. Image error: " . $imager->errstr()); return ('', ''); } else { $image->[0] = decode _U, $image->[0]; %size = (width => $img->getwidth, height => $img->getheight); %thumb_size = %size; if ($size{width} > $max->{width} || $size{height} > $max->{height}) { @size{qw(x_scale y_scale width height)} = $img->scale_calculate(xpixels => $max->{width}, ypixels => $max->{height}, type => 'min'); } if ($thumb_size{width} > $thumbs->{width} || $thumb_size{height} > $thumbs->{height}) { @thumb_size{qw(x_scale y_scale width height)} = $img->scale_calculate(xpixels => $thumbs->{width}, ypixels => $thumbs->{height}, type => 'min'); } } return ( punycode_encode($image->[0]) . "_$size{width}x$size{height}.$image->[1]", punycode_encode($image->[0]) . "_$thumb_size{width}x$thumb_size{height}.$image->[1]" ); } # Reads the `from_dir` and dumps a csv file named after the from_dir folder. # The file contains a table with paths and default titles and descriptions for # the pictures. This file can be given to the painter to add titles and # descriptions for the pictures using an application like LibreOffice Calc or # M$ Excel. sub _do_csv ($self, $root = $self->from_dir) { my $csv_filepath = decode _U, $root->child($self->csv_filename); my $log = $self->log; if (-f $csv_filepath) { $log->info("$csv_filepath already exists.$/" . "\tContinuing with resizing and copying images.$/" . "\tSome rows may be updated with filenames for resized images and thumbnails...$/"); return $self; } my $category = ''; my $defaults = $self->defaults; my $matrix = $self->matrix; $root->list_tree({dir => 1})->sort->each( sub ($e, $num) { $self->_make_matrix_row($root, $e, \$category, $defaults, $matrix, $log); } ); csv(in => $matrix->to_array, enc => _U, out => \my $data, binary => 1, sep_char => ","); path($csv_filepath)->spurt($data); return $self; } sub _make_matrix_row ($self, $root, $raw_path, $category, $defaults, $matrix, $log) { my $path = decode(_U, $_->to_string =~ s|$root/||r); if (-d $raw_path) { $log->info("Inspecting category $path"); $$category = decode(_U, $_->to_array->[-1]); push @$matrix, [ $$category, $path, "$defaults->{category_title} – $$category", $defaults->{category_description}, $defaults->{author}, '', '', ]; } elsif (-f $raw_path) { if ($_ !~ $FILETYPES) { $log->warn("Skipping unsupported file $path…"); return; } # for images without category - which are in the $root folder $$category = '' unless $path =~ /$$category/; push @$matrix, [ $$category, $path, "$defaults->{image_title} – " . path($path)->basename, $defaults->{image_description}, $defaults->{author}, $self->calculate_max_and_thumbs($path, $raw_path) ]; } } # Scales and resizes images to maximum width and height and generates thumbnails. sub _resize_and_copy_to_dir($self) { my $matrix = $self->matrix; my $csv_filepath = decode _U, $self->from_dir->child($self->csv_filename); if (@$matrix == 1) { # read the CSV file from disk to get calculated dimensions $matrix = c @{csv(in => $csv_filepath, enc => _U, binary => 1, sep_char => ",")}; $self->matrix($matrix); } my @subprocs; my $chunk_size = $self->files_per_subproc; my $images = $self->images->map(sub { [@$_] }); #copy while (my @chunk = splice @$images, 0, $chunk_size) { push @subprocs, $self->_process_chunk_of_files(\@chunk); } foreach my $s (@subprocs) { # Wait for the subprocess to finish $s->wait; } $self->log->info('All subprocesses finished.'); # Update image and thumbnail columns and write the new csv file my $_processed = $self->_processed; my $updated = 0; $self->matrix->each(sub { return unless $_->[1] =~ $FILETYPES; for my $i (0 .. @$_processed - 1) { if ($_->[1] eq $_processed->[$i][1] && ($_->[-1] ne $_processed->[$i][-1] || $_->[-2] ne $_processed->[$i][-2])) { ($_) = splice @$_processed, $i, 1; $updated++; last; } } }); if ($updated) { csv(in => $matrix->to_array, enc => _U, out => \my $data, binary => 1, sep_char => ","); path($csv_filepath)->spurt($data); my $copied = path($csv_filepath)->copy_to($self->to_dir); $self->log->info("$csv_filepath *updated* and copied to $copied"); } else { my $copied = path($csv_filepath)->copy_to($self->to_dir); $self->log->info("$csv_filepath copied to $copied"); } return $self; } sub _process_chunk_of_files ($self, $files = []) { my $log = $self->log; my $from_dir = $self->from_dir; my $to_dir = $self->to_dir; my $imager = $self->imager; Mojo::IOLoop->subprocess->run_p(sub($sub) { my $processed = []; for my $row (@$files) { my $raw_path = $from_dir->child(encode _U, $row->[1]); # Check for calculated dimensions and calculate them if missing. if (!$row->[-2] || !$row->[-1]) { ($row->[-2], $row->[-1]) = $self->calculate_max_and_thumbs($row->[1], $raw_path); } my $to_path = $to_dir->child($row->[1])->dirname; my $sized_path = $to_path->child($row->[-2])->to_string; my $thumb_path = $to_path->child($row->[-1])->to_string; my $html_path = "$sized_path.html"; if (-s $sized_path && -s $thumb_path && -s $html_path) { $log->info("$row->[-2].html, $row->[-2] and $row->[-1] were already produced. Skipping ..."); push @$processed, $row; next; } my (%sized, %thumb); @sized{qw(xpixels ypixels)} = $row->[-2] =~ /_(\d+)x(\d+)\./; @thumb{qw(xpixels ypixels)} = $row->[-1] =~ /_(\d+)x(\d+)\./; my $img; unless (-s $sized_path) { unless (eval { $img = $imager->read(file => $raw_path) }) { $log->warn(" !!! Skipping $row->[1]. Image error: " . $imager->errstr()); next; } unless (eval { $to_path->make_path({mode => 0711}); 1 }) { $log->warn("!!! Skipping $row->[1]. Error: $@"); next; } my $maxi = $img->scale(%sized); $maxi->settag(name => 'i_xres', value => 96); $maxi->settag(name => 'i_yres', value => 96); unless ($maxi->write(file => $sized_path)) { $log->warn("!!! Cannot write image $sized_path!\nError:" . $maxi->errstr); } else { $log->info("Written $sized_path"); } } unless (-s $thumb_path) { my $thumbi = $img->scale(%thumb); $thumbi->settag(name => 'i_xres', value => 96); $thumbi->settag(name => 'i_yres', value => 96); unless ($thumbi->write(file => $thumb_path)) { $log->warn("!!! Cannot write image $thumb_path!\nError:" . $thumbi->errstr); } else { $log->info("Written $thumb_path"); } } # Generate single image html file for sharing on social medias $self->render_obrazec_to_file($row, $html_path); push @$processed, $row; } return $$, $processed; })->then( sub ($pid, $processed) { # Executed in the parent process where we can collect the results and write the # new csv file, which can be saved in the $to_dir. # TODO: think if this is needed or we can just copy the initially produced # csv file to $to_dir. $log->info("PID $pid processed " . (scalar @$processed) . ' images!'); push @{$self->_processed}, @$processed; return; } )->catch(sub ($err) { $log->warn("Subprocess error: $err") if $err; }); } sub _do_html($self) { state $app = $self->app; my $categories = $self->categories; my $processed = $self->_processed; my $template_file = $self->template_file; my $tpl = $template_file || 'obrazi.html'; my $css_file = 'obrazi.css'; my $js_file = 'obrazi.js'; my $vars = { generator => __PACKAGE__, categories => $categories, processed => $processed, app => $app, thumbs => $self->thumbs, css_file => $css_file, js_file => $js_file, linked => $self->_linked_images, self => $self, }; $self->write_file($self->to_dir->child($css_file), $self->render_data($css_file => $vars)); $self->write_file($self->to_dir->child($js_file), $self->render_data($js_file => $vars)); if ($template_file) { my $html = Mojo::Template->new($self->template)->name($template_file)->render_file($template_file => $vars); $self->to_dir->child(path($template_file)->basename =~ s/\.ep$//r)->spurt(encode _U, $html); } else { $self->write_file($self->to_dir->child($tpl), encode _U, $self->render_data($tpl => $vars)); } return $self; } sub render_obrazec_to_file ($self, $img, $html_path) { state $obrazec_file = $self->obrazec_file; state $obrazec_data = 'obrazec.html'; state $mt = Mojo::Template->new(vars => 1, name => $obrazec_file || $obrazec_data); state $parsed = 0; my $categories = $self->categories; if ($obrazec_file && !$parsed) { $mt->parse(decode _U, path($obrazec_file)->slurp); $parsed = 1; } elsif (!$obrazec_file && !$parsed) { $mt->parse(data_section(ref $self, $obrazec_data)); $parsed = 1; } my $html = $mt->process( { generator => __PACKAGE__, self => $self, app => $self->app, img => $img, categories => $categories, linked => $self->_linked_images } ); path($html_path)->spurt(encode _U, $html) && $self->log->info("Written $html_path"); return; } 1; =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Mojolicious::Command::Author::generate::obrazi - Обраꙁи for your site – a gallery generator command =head1 SYNOPSIS Usage: APPLICATION generate obrazi [OPTIONS] Examples: ./myapp.pl help generate obrazi # This help mojo generate obrazi --from ~/Pictures/summer-2021 \ --to /opt/myapp/public/summer-2021 mojo generate obrazi --from ~/Pictures/summer-2021 \ --to /opt/some/static/site/albums/summer-2021 \ -x 800x600 -s 96x96 -t ./some/custom_template.html.ep Options: -h, --help Show this summary of available options -f, --from Root of directory structure from which the images will be taken. Defaults to ./. --to Root directory where the gallery will be put. Defaults to ./. -x, --max Maximum image dimesnions in pixels in format 'widthxheight'. Defaults to 1000x1000. -s, --thumbs Thumbnails maximal dimensions. Defaults to 100x100 pixels. -i, --index Name of the CSV index file to be generated and then read in the --from directory. -t, --template Path to template file. Defaults to embedded template obrazi.html. -o, --obrazec Path to single image template file for sharing on social media. Defaults to embedded template obrazec.html -u, --url Url where the gallery will be published. Defaults to '/obrazi.html'. =head1 DESCRIPTION L<Mojolicious::Command::Author::generate::obrazi> generates a gallery from a directory structure, containing images. The produced gallery is a static html file which body content can be easily taken, modified, and embedded into a page in any site. In addition the command generates a csv file on the first traversal of the directory structure, describing the images. This file can be edited. Titles and descriptions can be added for each image and then the command can be run again to regenerate the gallery with the modified titles and descriptions. This file can be further used by a helper — L<Mojolicious::Plugin::Obrazi/obrazi> to produce and embed the HTML for the galery into a L<Mojolicious> application. Please note that the helper is not yet implemented. The word B<обраꙁъ>(singular) means L<face, image, picture, symbol, example, template, etc.|https://histdict.uni-sofia.bg/dictionary/show/d_05616> in OCS/OS/OBG language. The name of the plugin is the plural variant in nominative case (обраꙁи). =head1 WORKFLOW 1. Images' owner and producer gives the direcory (probably zipped) to the command runner (a human yet). 2. The runner runs the command as shown in the SYNOPSIS. 3. The runner gives back the produced csv file to the images' producer. Fixes problems with ICC profiles etc. Notifies the producer for eventual naming convetions, possible problems. The producer fills in the description and titles in the comfort of L<LibreOffice Calc|https://www.libreoffice.org/discover/calc/> or MS Excel and returns the file to the command-runner. This may take some time. 4. The runner runs again the command with the modified csv file, reviews the produced file. Takes the HTML and puts it in a page on the Web. 5. The images' owner/producer enjoys the gallery, prise him/herself with it or goes back to the runner to report problems. 6. DONE or go to some of the previous steps. =head1 FEATURES Recursively traverses subdirectories and scales images (four at a time) to given width and height and produces thumbnails for those images. Thumbnail sizes can also be set. Produces an index CSV file which can be edited to add titles and descriptions for the images. Produces an HTML file with fully functional lightbox-like gallery, implemented only using jQuery and CSS – no jQ-plugins. Left/right keyboard buttons navigation to next and previous image. =head1 ATTRIBUTES L<Mojolicious::Command::Author::generate::obrazi> inherits all attributes from L<Mojolicious::Command> and implements the following new ones. =head2 categories my $cat = $self->categories->first(sub { $_->[0] eq $img->[0] }); A L<Mojo::Collection> instance, containing rows from the CSV file which are categories (directories). For this attribute to return meaningful data, C<$self-E<gt>matrix> must be already filled in from CSV file. =head2 csv_filename my $filename = $self->csv_filename; # index.csv my $обраꙁи = $self->csv_filename('gallery.csv'); The name of the CSV file which will be created in L</from_dir>. This file, after being edited and after the images are processed, will be copied together with the images to L</to_dir>. Defaults to C<index.csv>. Can be passed on the command-line via the C<--index> argument. =head2 defaults my $defaults_hashref = $обраꙁи->defaults; $обраꙁи->defaults->{category_title} = 'Def. Cat. title'; $обраꙁи->defaults->{category_description} = 'Def. Cat. description.'; $обраꙁи->defaults->{image_title} = 'Def. Image Title'; $обраꙁи->defaults->{image_description} = 'Def. Image description.'; $обраꙁи->defaults->{author} = 'John Smith'; These values go to the folowing columns in the produced CSV file. C<title, description, author>. They are supposed to be replaced by editing the produced file. TODO: Maybe allow these to be passed on the command line via an argument C<--defaults>. =head2 description my $description = $обраꙁи->description; $self = $обраꙁи->description('Foo'); Short description of this command, used for the application's command list. =head2 files_per_subproc my $files_num = $обраꙁи->files_per_subproc; $self = $обраꙁи->files_per_subproc(10); Number of files to be processed by one subprocess. Defaults to C<int($number_of_images/$self-E<gt>subprocs_num) +1>. The last chunk of files is the remainder — usually smaller than the previous chunks. =head2 from_dir $self = $обраꙁи->from_dir(path('./')); my $root_folder_abs_path = $обраꙁи->from_dir; Holds a L<Mojo::File> instance — absolute path to the directory from which the pictures will be taken. This is where the CSV file describing the directory structure will be generated too. The value is taken from the commandline argument C<--from_dir>. Defaults to C<./> — current directory — where the command is executed. =head2 imager my $img = $обраꙁи->imager->read(file=>'path/to/image.jpg') || die $обраꙁи->imager->errstr; my $self = $обраꙁи->imager(Imager->new); An L<Imager> instance. This is the images-processing engine, used by the command. =head2 images my $images = $self->images->map(sub { [@$_] }); #copy A L<Mojo::Collection> instance, containing rows from the CSV file which are image files, supported by L<Imager> and will be processed. For this attribute to return meaningful data, C<$self-E<gt>matrix> must be already filled in from CSV file. =head2 log my $log = $self->log; my $self = $self->log(Mojo::Log->new) A L<Mojo::Log> instance. By default it is not the same as C<$self-E<gt>app-E<gt>log>. Used to output info, warnings and errors to the terminal or the application log. =head2 matrix my $matrix = $self->matrix; # add an image push @$matrix, [ $category, $path, $defaults->{image_title}, $defaults->{image_description}, $defaults->{author}, $self->calculate_max_and_thumbs($path, $raw_path) ]; # add a category push @$matrix, [ $category, $path, "$defaults->{category_title} – $category", $defaults->{category_description}, $defaults->{author}, '', '' ]; $matrix->each(sub{...}); csv(in => $matrix->to_array, enc => 'UTF-8', out => \my $data, binary => 1, sep_char => ","); path($csv_filepath)->spurt($data); A L<Mojo::Collection> instance. First row contains the headers. This matrix is filled in while recursively searching in the L</from_dir> for images. Then it is dumped into the index CSV file. If the CSV file is already present, the data is read directly from it. =head2 max my $max_sizes = $self->max; # {width => 1000, height => 1000} $self = $self->max({width => 1000, height => 1000}); $self = $self->max('1000x1000'); A hash reference with keys C<width> and C<height>. Defaults to C<{width => 1000, height => 1000}>. Can be changed via the command line argument C<--max>. =head2 obrazec_file Path to template file for single html pages. Defaults to embedded template obrazec.html. Can be passed as argument on the command-line via C<--obrazec>. =head2 publish_url $обраꙁи->publish_url($string); # $self $обраꙁи->publish_url; # $string String. Url path or preferably full url, where the gallery will reside. Needed for link from individual images to the common gallery page and OpenGraph meta data. Can be passed as argument on the command-line via C<--url>. Defaults to C</obrazi.html> – rarely what you need. =head2 subprocs_num $self->subprocs_num; #4 $self = $self->subprocs_num(5); Integer, used to split the number of files found into equal chunks, each of which will be processed in a separate subprocess in parallel. Defaults to 4. See also L</files_per_subproc>. =head2 template_file my $self = $self->template_file('path/to/template.html.ep'); my $tpl = $self->template_file; Path to template file to be used for generating the HTML for the gallery. Defaults to embedded template obrazi.html. Can be passed as argument on the command-line via C<--template>. =head2 thumbs my $thumbs_sizes = $self->thumbs; # {width => 100, height => 100} $self = $self->thumbs({width => 100, height => 100}); $self = $self->thumbs('1000x1000'); A hash reference with keys C<width> and C<height>. Defaults to C<{width => 100, height => 100}>. Can be changed via the command line argument C<--thumbs>. =head2 to_dir $self->to_dir # path($app/public) $self = $self->to_dir(path('/some/folder')); A L<Mojo::File> instance. Directory, where the folder with the processed images will be put. Defaults to the C<public> forlder of the current application. Can be changed via the command line argument C<--to_dir>. It is recommended to pass this value unless all your images are into one root folder. The L</to_dir> directory is the root of your images' galery. =head2 usage my $usage = $обраꙁи->usage; $self = $обраꙁи->usage('Foo'); Usage information for this command, used for the help screen. At the bottom are shown the supported by L<Imager> image formats. =head1 METHODS L<Mojolicious::Command::Author::generate::obrazi> inherits all methods from L<Mojolicious::Command> and implements the following new ones. =head2 calculate_max_and_thumbs # img_1000x1000.jpg, img_100x100.jpg my ($img_filename, $thumb_filename) = $self->calculate_max_and_thumbs($decoded_path, $raw_path); Calculates the resized image dimensions according to the C<$self-E<gt>max> and C<$self-E<gt>thumbs> gallery constraints. Accepts the utf8 decoded path and the raw path to the file to be worked on. Returns two empty strings if there is error reading the image and warns about the error. Returns filenames for the resized image and the thumbnail image. See also L<Imager::Transformations/scale_calculate()>. =head2 run $обраꙁи = $обраꙁи->run(@ARGV); Run this command. =head2 TEMPLATES L<Mojolicious::Command::Author::generate::obrazi> contains four embedded templates: obrazi.html — template for a single page gallery, containing all images obrazec.html — template for single image html pages obrazi.css — template for CSS rules used in both html templates obrazi.js — JavaScript (jQuery) code for handling navigation and effecs in obrazi.html TODO: Maybe make the templates inflatable. =head1 DEMOS Here is a hopefully growing list of URLs of galleries produced with this software. L<Творби на Марио Беров|https://слово.бг/хѫдожьство/mario_berov.bg.html> — a gallery, presenting works of the Bulgarian Orthodox icon painter Mario Berov. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Imager>, L<Text::CSV_XS> L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<https://mojolicious.org>, L<jQuery – used for implementing the lightbox functionality|https://jquery.com/>, L<Chota (A micro (~3kb) CSS framework) – also used for the example implementation|https://jenil.github.io/chota/>. =cut __DATA__ @@ obrazi.css section > p { padding: 1rem 2.5rem; } section .card { background-position: center; background-repeat: no-repeat; max-width: <%= $thumbs->{width} + 15 %>px; height: <%= $thumbs->{width} + 15 %>px; overflow: hidden; /* Hide scrollbars */ cursor: pointer; /* filter: blur(3px); -webkit-filter: blur(3px); */ } section .image { width: 100% !important; height: 100% !important; background-position: center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: contain; background-color: rgba(11, 11, 11, 0.9); color: #fff; text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #000; position: fixed; box-sizing: border-box; left: 0; top: 0; display: none; z-index: 1024; cursor: default; } section .image h4 { margin-left: 0; } section .image h3.category { position: absolute; top: 0; right:0; padding: 1em; } section .image .meta { position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0; padding: 1em; width: 100%; } .image .prev, .image .next { position: relative; top: 0; padding-top: calc(100vh / 2 - 6rem / 2); font-size: 6rem; width: 5vw; height: 100%; border-radius: 10px; cursor:pointer; transition: background-color .5s; } .image .prev:hover, .image .next:hover { background-color: rgba(55, 55, 55, 0.9); } section[class^="idx"] { display: none; } h2, section.level2 { margin-left:2rem; } h3, section.level3 { margin-left:4rem; } h4, section.level4 { margin-left:6rem; } h2.button, h3.button, h4.button { display: block; text-align: left; } .sharer { display: inline-block; background-color: #3b5998; color: white; font-weight: bolder; font-family: Repo, sans-serif; border-radius: 10px; } .closer { position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; font-size: 6rem; color: white; background: transparent; } @@ obrazi.html <% use Mojo::File qw(path); my $p_url = $self->publish_url; my $url = Mojo::URL->new($p_url); %> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <meta name="<%= $generator %>" /> <title>Обраꙁи</title> <script src="http://dev.xn--b1arjbl.xn--90ae:3000/mojo/jquery/jquery.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://dev.xn--b1arjbl.xn--90ae:3000/css/malka/chota_all_min.css"> </head> <body> <h1>Обраꙁи</h1> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<%== $css_file %>" /> <section tabindex="0" class="obrazi"> % my $cols = int(12/2); #6 % my $idx = 0; % my $img_idx = 1; % for my $cat(['','',''], @$categories) { % my $images = $processed->map(sub {my $img = shift; $cat->[0] eq $img->[0] ? $img : (); }); % next unless @$images; % my $level = $cat->[1] =~ m|(/)|g; % $level += 1; $idx++; % if($cat->[2]) { <h<%= $level %> class="primary button" id="cat<%= $idx %>" data-index="<%= $idx %>"><%= $cat->[2] %></h<%= $level %>> % } <section tabindex="<%= $idx %>" class="idx<%= $idx %>" level="<%= $level %>"> <%= $app->t('p', $cat->[3]) if $cat->[3] %> % while(my @row = splice @$images, 0, $cols) { <div class="row"> <% for my $img(@row) { $img_idx++; my $prev = path($linked->{$img->[1]}{prev}[1])->dirname->child($linked->{$img->[1]}{prev}[-2]); my $next = $linked->{$img->[1]}{next} ? path($linked->{$img->[1]}{next}[1])->dirname->child($linked->{$img->[1]}{next}[-2]) : ''; %> <div class="col card" data-index="<%= $img_idx %>" title="<%= $img->[2] %>" style="background-image :url('<%= path($img->[1])->dirname->child($img->[-1])%>')"> <div class="image" id="<%= $img_idx %>" data-category_id="#cat<%= $idx %>" style="background-image: url('<%= path($img->[1])->dirname->child($img->[-2]) %>')"> <div data-index="<%= $img_idx %>" class="prev pull-left text-left text-light"> <a class="text-light" href="<%= $prev %>.html">⏴</a> </div> <div data-index="<%= $img_idx %>" class="next pull-right text-right text-light"> <a class="text-light" href="<%= $next %>.html">⏵</a> </div> <h3 class="category text-right text-light"><%= $cat->[2] %></h3> <div class="meta"> <h4><%= $img->[2] %></h4> <a class="button sharer pull-right" target="_blank" href="https://www.facebook.com/share.php" title="Споделяне">f Споделяне</a> <p><%= $img->[3] %></p> </div> <a class="button closer" href="<%= $p_url.'#cat' . $idx %>">🗴</a> </div> </div> % } </div> % } # end of while </section> % } # end for @$categories </section><!-- end section class="obrazi"--> <script src="<%= $js_file %>"></script> </body> </html> @@ obrazi.js jQuery(function($){ /* Clicking on a category title shows/hides the category's <section> element. Window.location reflects the current category #id. */ $('h1,h2,h3').click(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); let idx = $(e.target).data('index'); let section = $('section.idx' + idx); section.toggle('slow'); }) /* Clicking on a thumbnail opens a full-sized image in a 100%x100% screen-sized overlay box. Sets a more visible border on the thumbnail to remind the user where he/she was. */ $('section .card').click(function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); let self = $(e.target); let id = self.data('index'); $('#' + id).toggle('slow'); $('section .card').css({border:"0px"}); self.css({border: "1px solid #333"}); // let url = location.toString().replace(/#.*?$/,''); // location = `${url}#${id}`; }); /* Clicking anywhere on the full-sized image box (or on the X link, or on the Category title) toggles the visibility of the box. Effectively hiding it. */ $('section .card .image').click(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); $(e.target).toggle('slow'); }); $('.image > a.closer').click(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); $(e.target).parent().toggle('slow'); return true; }); /* To be bound to the keydown event, the sections need to have the attribute tabindex, set to a meaningful sequence. This event is handled for every <section>. It handles the right/left and up/down keypresses. When the corresponding key is pressed, the image box is replaced with the respectively previous or next image. */ $('section.obrazi').keydown(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); $('section .card').css({border:"0px"}); // close the currently visible image... let img = $('section .card .image:visible'); // alert(img.prop('id')); if(img.get(0) === undefined) return; if(e.key === 'Escape') { img.hide(); return; } let id = img.attr('id'); re_prev = /^Arrow(Left|Up)$/; re_next = /^Arrow(Right|Down)$/; // ... and open if(e.key.match(re_prev) ){ id--; } else if(e.key.match(re_next) ){ id++; } $('#' + id).toggle('slow'); $('#' + id).parent().css({border: "1px solid #333"}); // Changing the location hash somehow disables the keydown event // let url = location.toString().replace(/#.*?$/,''); // location = `${url}#${id}`; img.toggle(900); }); /* Pressing the right and left buttons in the image closes the image and opens the previous and next image. Location reflects the current image id. */ $('.image .prev, .image .next').click(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); let self = $(e.target); let img = self.parent(); let id = img.attr('id'); if(self.hasClass('next')) { id++; } else { id--; } $('#' + id).toggle('slow'); $('#' + id).parent().css({border: "1px solid #333"}); img.toggle(900); }); /* Parse the hash and scroll down to the appropriate section. */ let hash = window.location.hash; let category_id = hash.match(/(^#cat\d+)$/); let image_id = hash.match(/^(#\d+)$/); if( category_id !== null ) { // Click on the section button to expand it $(category_id[1]).trigger('click'); } else if(image_id !== null) { $($(image_id[1]).data('category_id')).trigger('click'); // Click on the thumbnail button to expand it $(image_id[1]).trigger('click'); } $('.meta > .sharer').each(function(){ //let base = location.toString().replace(/\/[^\/]+$/, ''); let url = $(this).parent().parent().css('background-image').replace(/.+?["']([^"']+?)["'].+/,'$1') + '.html'; let sharer_url = $(this).attr('href'); $(this).attr('href',`${sharer_url}?u=${url}`); }); $('.sharer').click(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); return true; }); }); @@ obrazec.html <% use Mojo::File 'path'; my $css_path = join '', map({'../'} @{path($img->[1])->dirname->to_array}), 'obrazi.css'; my $js_path = join '', map({'../'} @{path($img->[1])->dirname->to_array}), 'obrazi.js'; my $prev = path($linked->{$img->[1]}{prev}[1])->dirname->child($linked->{$img->[1]}{prev}[-2]) ->to_rel(path($img->[1])->dirname); my $next = $linked->{$img->[1]}{next} ? path($linked->{$img->[1]}{next}[1])->dirname->child($linked->{$img->[1]}{next}[-2]) ->to_rel(path($img->[1])->dirname) : ''; my $cat_id = 0; my $cat = $categories->first(sub { ++$cat_id && $_->[0] eq $img->[0] }); my $p_url = $self->publish_url; my $url = Mojo::URL->new($p_url); %> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="<%= $generator %>"> <title><%= $img->[2] %><%= $cat->[2]? '|' . $cat->[2] : '' %></title> <script src="<%= $url->path('/mojo/jquery/jquery.js') %>"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<%= $url->path('/css/malka/chota_all_min.css') %>"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="<%== $css_path %>"> <meta property="og:type" content="website" /> <% if($url->host) {%><meta property="og:site_name" content="<%= $url->host %>" /><% } %> <meta property="og:type" content="image"> <meta property="og:image" content="<%= $url->path(path($img->[1])->dirname->child($img->[-2])) %>" > <meta property="og:image:title" content="<%= $img->[2] %>" > <meta property="og:image:description" content="<%= $img->[3] %>" > <meta property="og:image:width" content="<%= ($img->[-2] =~/(\d+)x/ && $1) %>"> <meta property="og:image:height" content="<%= ($img->[-2] =~/x(\d+)/ && $1) %>"> <meta name="author" content="<%= $img->[-3] %>"> <meta name="description" content="<%= $img->[3] %>"> <meta name="author" content="<%= $img->[-3] %>"> </head> <body> <section tabindex="0"> <div class="image" style="display:block; background-image: url('<%= $img->[-2] %>')"> <a href="<%= $prev %>.html"><div class="prev pull-left text-left text-light">⏴</div></a> <% if($next) { %> <a href="<%= $next %>.html"><div class="next pull-right text-right text-light">⏵</div></a> <% } %> <h3 class="category text-right"> <a class="text-light" href="<%= $p_url . '#cat' . $cat_id %>"><%= $cat->[2] %></a> </h3> <div class="meta"> <h4><%= $img->[2] %></h4> <a class="button sharer pull-right" target="_blank" href="https://www.facebook.com/share.php" title="Споделяне">f Споделяне</a> <p><%= $img->[3] %></p> </div> <a class="button closer" href="<%= $p_url.'#cat' . $cat_id %>">🗴</a> </div> </section> <script> $('.meta > .sharer').each(function(){ let url = location.toString(); let sharer_url = $(this).attr('href'); $(this).attr('href',`${sharer_url}?u=${url}`); }); </script> </body> </html>
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
require '_h2ph_pre.ph'; no warnings qw(redefine misc); unless(defined(&_ASM_X86_UNISTD_32_H)) { eval 'sub _ASM_X86_UNISTD_32_H () {1;}' unless defined(&_ASM_X86_UNISTD_32_H); eval 'sub __NR_restart_syscall () {0;}' unless defined(&__NR_restart_syscall); eval 'sub __NR_exit () {1;}' unless defined(&__NR_exit); eval 'sub __NR_fork () {2;}' unless defined(&__NR_fork); eval 'sub __NR_read () {3;}' unless defined(&__NR_read); eval 'sub __NR_write () {4;}' unless defined(&__NR_write); eval 'sub __NR_open () {5;}' unless defined(&__NR_open); eval 'sub __NR_close () {6;}' unless defined(&__NR_close); eval 'sub __NR_waitpid () {7;}' unless defined(&__NR_waitpid); eval 'sub __NR_creat () {8;}' unless defined(&__NR_creat); eval 'sub __NR_link () {9;}' unless defined(&__NR_link); eval 'sub __NR_unlink () {10;}' unless defined(&__NR_unlink); eval 'sub __NR_execve () {11;}' unless defined(&__NR_execve); eval 'sub __NR_chdir () {12;}' unless defined(&__NR_chdir); eval 'sub __NR_time () {13;}' unless defined(&__NR_time); eval 'sub __NR_mknod () {14;}' unless defined(&__NR_mknod); eval 'sub __NR_chmod () {15;}' unless defined(&__NR_chmod); eval 'sub __NR_lchown () {16;}' unless defined(&__NR_lchown); eval 'sub __NR_break () {17;}' unless defined(&__NR_break); eval 'sub __NR_oldstat () {18;}' unless defined(&__NR_oldstat); eval 'sub __NR_lseek () {19;}' unless defined(&__NR_lseek); eval 'sub __NR_getpid () {20;}' unless defined(&__NR_getpid); eval 'sub __NR_mount () {21;}' unless defined(&__NR_mount); eval 'sub __NR_umount () {22;}' unless defined(&__NR_umount); eval 'sub __NR_setuid () {23;}' unless defined(&__NR_setuid); eval 'sub __NR_getuid () {24;}' unless defined(&__NR_getuid); eval 'sub __NR_stime () {25;}' unless defined(&__NR_stime); eval 'sub __NR_ptrace () {26;}' unless defined(&__NR_ptrace); eval 'sub __NR_alarm () {27;}' unless defined(&__NR_alarm); eval 'sub __NR_oldfstat () {28;}' unless defined(&__NR_oldfstat); eval 'sub __NR_pause () {29;}' unless defined(&__NR_pause); eval 'sub __NR_utime () {30;}' unless defined(&__NR_utime); eval 'sub __NR_stty () {31;}' unless defined(&__NR_stty); eval 'sub __NR_gtty () {32;}' unless defined(&__NR_gtty); eval 'sub __NR_access () {33;}' unless defined(&__NR_access); eval 'sub __NR_nice () {34;}' unless defined(&__NR_nice); eval 'sub __NR_ftime () {35;}' unless defined(&__NR_ftime); eval 'sub __NR_sync () {36;}' unless defined(&__NR_sync); eval 'sub __NR_kill () {37;}' unless defined(&__NR_kill); eval 'sub __NR_rename () {38;}' unless defined(&__NR_rename); eval 'sub __NR_mkdir () {39;}' unless defined(&__NR_mkdir); eval 'sub __NR_rmdir () {40;}' unless defined(&__NR_rmdir); eval 'sub __NR_dup () {41;}' unless defined(&__NR_dup); eval 'sub __NR_pipe () {42;}' unless defined(&__NR_pipe); eval 'sub __NR_times () {43;}' unless defined(&__NR_times); eval 'sub __NR_prof () {44;}' unless defined(&__NR_prof); eval 'sub __NR_brk () {45;}' unless defined(&__NR_brk); eval 'sub __NR_setgid () {46;}' unless defined(&__NR_setgid); eval 'sub __NR_getgid () {47;}' unless defined(&__NR_getgid); eval 'sub __NR_signal () {48;}' unless defined(&__NR_signal); eval 'sub __NR_geteuid () {49;}' unless defined(&__NR_geteuid); eval 'sub __NR_getegid () {50;}' unless defined(&__NR_getegid); eval 'sub __NR_acct () {51;}' unless defined(&__NR_acct); eval 'sub __NR_umount2 () {52;}' unless defined(&__NR_umount2); eval 'sub __NR_lock () {53;}' unless defined(&__NR_lock); eval 'sub __NR_ioctl () {54;}' unless defined(&__NR_ioctl); eval 'sub __NR_fcntl () {55;}' unless defined(&__NR_fcntl); eval 'sub __NR_mpx () {56;}' unless defined(&__NR_mpx); eval 'sub __NR_setpgid () {57;}' unless defined(&__NR_setpgid); eval 'sub __NR_ulimit () {58;}' unless defined(&__NR_ulimit); eval 'sub __NR_oldolduname () {59;}' unless defined(&__NR_oldolduname); eval 'sub __NR_umask () {60;}' unless defined(&__NR_umask); eval 'sub __NR_chroot () {61;}' unless defined(&__NR_chroot); eval 'sub __NR_ustat () {62;}' unless defined(&__NR_ustat); eval 'sub __NR_dup2 () {63;}' unless defined(&__NR_dup2); eval 'sub __NR_getppid () {64;}' unless defined(&__NR_getppid); eval 'sub __NR_getpgrp () {65;}' unless defined(&__NR_getpgrp); eval 'sub __NR_setsid () {66;}' unless defined(&__NR_setsid); eval 'sub __NR_sigaction () {67;}' unless defined(&__NR_sigaction); eval 'sub __NR_sgetmask () {68;}' unless defined(&__NR_sgetmask); eval 'sub __NR_ssetmask () {69;}' unless defined(&__NR_ssetmask); eval 'sub __NR_setreuid () {70;}' unless defined(&__NR_setreuid); eval 'sub __NR_setregid () {71;}' unless defined(&__NR_setregid); eval 'sub __NR_sigsuspend () {72;}' unless defined(&__NR_sigsuspend); eval 'sub __NR_sigpending () {73;}' unless defined(&__NR_sigpending); eval 'sub __NR_sethostname () {74;}' unless defined(&__NR_sethostname); eval 'sub __NR_setrlimit () {75;}' unless defined(&__NR_setrlimit); eval 'sub __NR_getrlimit () {76;}' unless defined(&__NR_getrlimit); eval 'sub __NR_getrusage () {77;}' unless defined(&__NR_getrusage); eval 'sub __NR_gettimeofday () {78;}' unless defined(&__NR_gettimeofday); eval 'sub __NR_settimeofday () {79;}' unless defined(&__NR_settimeofday); eval 'sub __NR_getgroups () {80;}' unless defined(&__NR_getgroups); eval 'sub __NR_setgroups () {81;}' unless defined(&__NR_setgroups); eval 'sub __NR_select () {82;}' unless defined(&__NR_select); eval 'sub __NR_symlink () {83;}' unless defined(&__NR_symlink); eval 'sub __NR_oldlstat () {84;}' unless defined(&__NR_oldlstat); eval 'sub __NR_readlink () {85;}' unless defined(&__NR_readlink); eval 'sub __NR_uselib () {86;}' unless defined(&__NR_uselib); eval 'sub __NR_swapon () {87;}' unless defined(&__NR_swapon); eval 'sub __NR_reboot () {88;}' unless defined(&__NR_reboot); eval 'sub __NR_readdir () {89;}' unless defined(&__NR_readdir); eval 'sub __NR_mmap () {90;}' unless defined(&__NR_mmap); eval 'sub __NR_munmap () {91;}' unless defined(&__NR_munmap); eval 'sub __NR_truncate () {92;}' unless defined(&__NR_truncate); eval 'sub __NR_ftruncate () {93;}' unless defined(&__NR_ftruncate); eval 'sub __NR_fchmod () {94;}' unless defined(&__NR_fchmod); eval 'sub __NR_fchown () {95;}' unless defined(&__NR_fchown); eval 'sub __NR_getpriority () {96;}' unless defined(&__NR_getpriority); eval 'sub __NR_setpriority () {97;}' unless defined(&__NR_setpriority); eval 'sub __NR_profil () {98;}' unless defined(&__NR_profil); eval 'sub __NR_statfs () {99;}' unless defined(&__NR_statfs); eval 'sub __NR_fstatfs () {100;}' unless defined(&__NR_fstatfs); eval 'sub __NR_ioperm () {101;}' unless defined(&__NR_ioperm); eval 'sub __NR_socketcall () {102;}' unless defined(&__NR_socketcall); eval 'sub __NR_syslog () {103;}' unless defined(&__NR_syslog); eval 'sub __NR_setitimer () {104;}' unless defined(&__NR_setitimer); eval 'sub __NR_getitimer () {105;}' unless defined(&__NR_getitimer); eval 'sub __NR_stat () {106;}' unless defined(&__NR_stat); eval 'sub __NR_lstat () {107;}' unless defined(&__NR_lstat); eval 'sub __NR_fstat () {108;}' unless defined(&__NR_fstat); eval 'sub __NR_olduname () {109;}' unless defined(&__NR_olduname); eval 'sub __NR_iopl () {110;}' unless defined(&__NR_iopl); eval 'sub __NR_vhangup () {111;}' unless defined(&__NR_vhangup); eval 'sub __NR_idle () {112;}' unless defined(&__NR_idle); eval 'sub __NR_vm86old () {113;}' unless defined(&__NR_vm86old); eval 'sub __NR_wait4 () {114;}' unless defined(&__NR_wait4); eval 'sub __NR_swapoff () {115;}' unless defined(&__NR_swapoff); eval 'sub __NR_sysinfo () {116;}' unless defined(&__NR_sysinfo); eval 'sub __NR_ipc () {117;}' unless defined(&__NR_ipc); eval 'sub __NR_fsync () {118;}' unless defined(&__NR_fsync); eval 'sub __NR_sigreturn () {119;}' unless defined(&__NR_sigreturn); eval 'sub __NR_clone () {120;}' unless defined(&__NR_clone); eval 'sub __NR_setdomainname () {121;}' unless defined(&__NR_setdomainname); eval 'sub __NR_uname () {122;}' unless defined(&__NR_uname); eval 'sub __NR_modify_ldt () {123;}' unless defined(&__NR_modify_ldt); eval 'sub __NR_adjtimex () {124;}' unless defined(&__NR_adjtimex); eval 'sub __NR_mprotect () {125;}' unless defined(&__NR_mprotect); eval 'sub __NR_sigprocmask () {126;}' unless defined(&__NR_sigprocmask); eval 'sub __NR_create_module () {127;}' unless defined(&__NR_create_module); eval 'sub __NR_init_module () {128;}' unless defined(&__NR_init_module); eval 'sub __NR_delete_module () {129;}' unless defined(&__NR_delete_module); eval 'sub __NR_get_kernel_syms () {130;}' unless defined(&__NR_get_kernel_syms); eval 'sub __NR_quotactl () {131;}' unless defined(&__NR_quotactl); eval 'sub __NR_getpgid () {132;}' unless defined(&__NR_getpgid); eval 'sub __NR_fchdir () {133;}' unless defined(&__NR_fchdir); eval 'sub __NR_bdflush () {134;}' unless defined(&__NR_bdflush); eval 'sub __NR_sysfs () {135;}' unless defined(&__NR_sysfs); eval 'sub __NR_personality () {136;}' unless defined(&__NR_personality); eval 'sub __NR_afs_syscall () {137;}' unless defined(&__NR_afs_syscall); eval 'sub __NR_setfsuid () {138;}' unless defined(&__NR_setfsuid); eval 'sub __NR_setfsgid () {139;}' unless defined(&__NR_setfsgid); eval 'sub __NR__llseek () {140;}' unless defined(&__NR__llseek); eval 'sub __NR_getdents () {141;}' unless defined(&__NR_getdents); eval 'sub __NR__newselect () {142;}' unless defined(&__NR__newselect); eval 'sub __NR_flock () {143;}' unless defined(&__NR_flock); eval 'sub __NR_msync () {144;}' unless defined(&__NR_msync); eval 'sub __NR_readv () {145;}' unless defined(&__NR_readv); eval 'sub __NR_writev () {146;}' unless defined(&__NR_writev); eval 'sub __NR_getsid () {147;}' unless defined(&__NR_getsid); eval 'sub __NR_fdatasync () {148;}' unless defined(&__NR_fdatasync); eval 'sub __NR__sysctl () {149;}' unless defined(&__NR__sysctl); eval 'sub __NR_mlock () {150;}' unless defined(&__NR_mlock); eval 'sub __NR_munlock () {151;}' unless defined(&__NR_munlock); eval 'sub __NR_mlockall () {152;}' unless defined(&__NR_mlockall); eval 'sub __NR_munlockall () {153;}' unless defined(&__NR_munlockall); eval 'sub __NR_sched_setparam () {154;}' unless defined(&__NR_sched_setparam); eval 'sub __NR_sched_getparam () {155;}' unless defined(&__NR_sched_getparam); eval 'sub __NR_sched_setscheduler () {156;}' unless defined(&__NR_sched_setscheduler); eval 'sub __NR_sched_getscheduler () {157;}' unless defined(&__NR_sched_getscheduler); eval 'sub __NR_sched_yield () {158;}' unless defined(&__NR_sched_yield); eval 'sub __NR_sched_get_priority_max () {159;}' unless defined(&__NR_sched_get_priority_max); eval 'sub __NR_sched_get_priority_min () {160;}' unless defined(&__NR_sched_get_priority_min); eval 'sub __NR_sched_rr_get_interval () {161;}' unless defined(&__NR_sched_rr_get_interval); eval 'sub __NR_nanosleep () {162;}' unless defined(&__NR_nanosleep); eval 'sub __NR_mremap () {163;}' unless defined(&__NR_mremap); eval 'sub __NR_setresuid () {164;}' unless defined(&__NR_setresuid); eval 'sub __NR_getresuid () {165;}' unless defined(&__NR_getresuid); eval 'sub __NR_vm86 () {166;}' unless defined(&__NR_vm86); eval 'sub __NR_query_module () {167;}' unless defined(&__NR_query_module); eval 'sub __NR_poll () {168;}' unless defined(&__NR_poll); eval 'sub __NR_nfsservctl () {169;}' unless defined(&__NR_nfsservctl); eval 'sub __NR_setresgid () {170;}' unless defined(&__NR_setresgid); eval 'sub __NR_getresgid () {171;}' unless defined(&__NR_getresgid); eval 'sub __NR_prctl () {172;}' unless defined(&__NR_prctl); eval 'sub __NR_rt_sigreturn () {173;}' unless defined(&__NR_rt_sigreturn); eval 'sub __NR_rt_sigaction () {174;}' unless defined(&__NR_rt_sigaction); eval 'sub __NR_rt_sigprocmask () {175;}' unless defined(&__NR_rt_sigprocmask); eval 'sub __NR_rt_sigpending () {176;}' unless defined(&__NR_rt_sigpending); eval 'sub __NR_rt_sigtimedwait () {177;}' unless defined(&__NR_rt_sigtimedwait); eval 'sub __NR_rt_sigqueueinfo () {178;}' unless defined(&__NR_rt_sigqueueinfo); eval 'sub __NR_rt_sigsuspend () {179;}' unless defined(&__NR_rt_sigsuspend); eval 'sub __NR_pread64 () {180;}' unless defined(&__NR_pread64); eval 'sub __NR_pwrite64 () {181;}' unless defined(&__NR_pwrite64); eval 'sub __NR_chown () {182;}' unless defined(&__NR_chown); eval 'sub __NR_getcwd () {183;}' unless defined(&__NR_getcwd); eval 'sub __NR_capget () {184;}' unless defined(&__NR_capget); eval 'sub __NR_capset () {185;}' unless defined(&__NR_capset); eval 'sub __NR_sigaltstack () {186;}' unless defined(&__NR_sigaltstack); eval 'sub __NR_sendfile () {187;}' unless defined(&__NR_sendfile); eval 'sub __NR_getpmsg () {188;}' unless defined(&__NR_getpmsg); eval 'sub __NR_putpmsg () {189;}' unless defined(&__NR_putpmsg); eval 'sub __NR_vfork () {190;}' unless defined(&__NR_vfork); eval 'sub __NR_ugetrlimit () {191;}' unless defined(&__NR_ugetrlimit); eval 'sub __NR_mmap2 () {192;}' unless defined(&__NR_mmap2); eval 'sub __NR_truncate64 () {193;}' unless defined(&__NR_truncate64); eval 'sub __NR_ftruncate64 () {194;}' unless defined(&__NR_ftruncate64); eval 'sub __NR_stat64 () {195;}' unless defined(&__NR_stat64); eval 'sub __NR_lstat64 () {196;}' unless defined(&__NR_lstat64); eval 'sub __NR_fstat64 () {197;}' unless defined(&__NR_fstat64); eval 'sub __NR_lchown32 () {198;}' unless defined(&__NR_lchown32); eval 'sub __NR_getuid32 () {199;}' unless defined(&__NR_getuid32); eval 'sub __NR_getgid32 () {200;}' unless defined(&__NR_getgid32); eval 'sub __NR_geteuid32 () {201;}' unless defined(&__NR_geteuid32); eval 'sub __NR_getegid32 () {202;}' unless defined(&__NR_getegid32); eval 'sub __NR_setreuid32 () {203;}' unless defined(&__NR_setreuid32); eval 'sub __NR_setregid32 () {204;}' unless defined(&__NR_setregid32); eval 'sub __NR_getgroups32 () {205;}' unless defined(&__NR_getgroups32); eval 'sub __NR_setgroups32 () {206;}' unless defined(&__NR_setgroups32); eval 'sub __NR_fchown32 () {207;}' unless defined(&__NR_fchown32); eval 'sub __NR_setresuid32 () {208;}' unless defined(&__NR_setresuid32); eval 'sub __NR_getresuid32 () {209;}' unless defined(&__NR_getresuid32); eval 'sub __NR_setresgid32 () {210;}' unless defined(&__NR_setresgid32); eval 'sub __NR_getresgid32 () {211;}' unless defined(&__NR_getresgid32); eval 'sub __NR_chown32 () {212;}' unless defined(&__NR_chown32); eval 'sub __NR_setuid32 () {213;}' unless defined(&__NR_setuid32); eval 'sub __NR_setgid32 () {214;}' unless defined(&__NR_setgid32); eval 'sub __NR_setfsuid32 () {215;}' unless defined(&__NR_setfsuid32); eval 'sub __NR_setfsgid32 () {216;}' unless defined(&__NR_setfsgid32); eval 'sub __NR_pivot_root () {217;}' unless defined(&__NR_pivot_root); eval 'sub __NR_mincore () {218;}' unless defined(&__NR_mincore); eval 'sub __NR_madvise () {219;}' unless defined(&__NR_madvise); eval 'sub __NR_getdents64 () {220;}' unless defined(&__NR_getdents64); eval 'sub __NR_fcntl64 () {221;}' unless defined(&__NR_fcntl64); eval 'sub __NR_gettid () {224;}' unless defined(&__NR_gettid); eval 'sub __NR_readahead () {225;}' unless defined(&__NR_readahead); eval 'sub __NR_setxattr () {226;}' unless defined(&__NR_setxattr); eval 'sub __NR_lsetxattr () {227;}' unless defined(&__NR_lsetxattr); eval 'sub __NR_fsetxattr () {228;}' unless defined(&__NR_fsetxattr); eval 'sub __NR_getxattr () {229;}' unless defined(&__NR_getxattr); eval 'sub __NR_lgetxattr () {230;}' unless defined(&__NR_lgetxattr); eval 'sub __NR_fgetxattr () {231;}' unless defined(&__NR_fgetxattr); eval 'sub __NR_listxattr () {232;}' unless defined(&__NR_listxattr); eval 'sub __NR_llistxattr () {233;}' unless defined(&__NR_llistxattr); eval 'sub __NR_flistxattr () {234;}' unless defined(&__NR_flistxattr); eval 'sub __NR_removexattr () {235;}' unless defined(&__NR_removexattr); eval 'sub __NR_lremovexattr () {236;}' unless defined(&__NR_lremovexattr); eval 'sub __NR_fremovexattr () {237;}' unless defined(&__NR_fremovexattr); eval 'sub __NR_tkill () {238;}' unless defined(&__NR_tkill); eval 'sub __NR_sendfile64 () {239;}' unless defined(&__NR_sendfile64); eval 'sub __NR_futex () {240;}' unless defined(&__NR_futex); eval 'sub __NR_sched_setaffinity () {241;}' unless defined(&__NR_sched_setaffinity); eval 'sub __NR_sched_getaffinity () {242;}' unless defined(&__NR_sched_getaffinity); eval 'sub __NR_set_thread_area () {243;}' unless defined(&__NR_set_thread_area); eval 'sub __NR_get_thread_area () {244;}' unless defined(&__NR_get_thread_area); eval 'sub __NR_io_setup () {245;}' unless defined(&__NR_io_setup); eval 'sub __NR_io_destroy () {246;}' unless defined(&__NR_io_destroy); eval 'sub __NR_io_getevents () {247;}' unless defined(&__NR_io_getevents); eval 'sub __NR_io_submit () {248;}' unless defined(&__NR_io_submit); eval 'sub __NR_io_cancel () {249;}' unless defined(&__NR_io_cancel); eval 'sub __NR_fadvise64 () {250;}' unless defined(&__NR_fadvise64); eval 'sub __NR_exit_group () {252;}' unless defined(&__NR_exit_group); eval 'sub __NR_lookup_dcookie () {253;}' unless defined(&__NR_lookup_dcookie); eval 'sub __NR_epoll_create () {254;}' unless defined(&__NR_epoll_create); eval 'sub __NR_epoll_ctl () {255;}' unless defined(&__NR_epoll_ctl); eval 'sub __NR_epoll_wait () {256;}' unless defined(&__NR_epoll_wait); eval 'sub __NR_remap_file_pages () {257;}' unless defined(&__NR_remap_file_pages); eval 'sub __NR_set_tid_address () {258;}' unless defined(&__NR_set_tid_address); eval 'sub __NR_timer_create () {259;}' unless defined(&__NR_timer_create); eval 'sub __NR_timer_settime () {260;}' unless defined(&__NR_timer_settime); eval 'sub __NR_timer_gettime () {261;}' unless defined(&__NR_timer_gettime); eval 'sub __NR_timer_getoverrun () {262;}' unless defined(&__NR_timer_getoverrun); eval 'sub __NR_timer_delete () {263;}' unless defined(&__NR_timer_delete); eval 'sub __NR_clock_settime () {264;}' unless defined(&__NR_clock_settime); eval 'sub __NR_clock_gettime () {265;}' unless defined(&__NR_clock_gettime); eval 'sub __NR_clock_getres () {266;}' unless defined(&__NR_clock_getres); eval 'sub __NR_clock_nanosleep () {267;}' unless defined(&__NR_clock_nanosleep); eval 'sub __NR_statfs64 () {268;}' unless defined(&__NR_statfs64); eval 'sub __NR_fstatfs64 () {269;}' unless defined(&__NR_fstatfs64); eval 'sub __NR_tgkill () {270;}' unless defined(&__NR_tgkill); eval 'sub __NR_utimes () {271;}' unless defined(&__NR_utimes); eval 'sub __NR_fadvise64_64 () {272;}' unless defined(&__NR_fadvise64_64); eval 'sub __NR_vserver () {273;}' unless defined(&__NR_vserver); eval 'sub __NR_mbind () {274;}' unless defined(&__NR_mbind); eval 'sub __NR_get_mempolicy () {275;}' unless defined(&__NR_get_mempolicy); eval 'sub __NR_set_mempolicy () {276;}' unless defined(&__NR_set_mempolicy); eval 'sub __NR_mq_open () {277;}' unless defined(&__NR_mq_open); eval 'sub __NR_mq_unlink () {278;}' unless defined(&__NR_mq_unlink); eval 'sub __NR_mq_timedsend () {279;}' unless defined(&__NR_mq_timedsend); eval 'sub __NR_mq_timedreceive () {280;}' unless defined(&__NR_mq_timedreceive); eval 'sub __NR_mq_notify () {281;}' unless defined(&__NR_mq_notify); eval 'sub __NR_mq_getsetattr () {282;}' unless defined(&__NR_mq_getsetattr); eval 'sub __NR_kexec_load () {283;}' unless defined(&__NR_kexec_load); eval 'sub __NR_waitid () {284;}' unless defined(&__NR_waitid); eval 'sub __NR_add_key () {286;}' unless defined(&__NR_add_key); eval 'sub __NR_request_key () {287;}' unless defined(&__NR_request_key); eval 'sub __NR_keyctl () {288;}' unless defined(&__NR_keyctl); eval 'sub __NR_ioprio_set () {289;}' unless defined(&__NR_ioprio_set); eval 'sub __NR_ioprio_get () {290;}' unless defined(&__NR_ioprio_get); eval 'sub __NR_inotify_init () {291;}' unless defined(&__NR_inotify_init); eval 'sub __NR_inotify_add_watch () {292;}' unless defined(&__NR_inotify_add_watch); eval 'sub __NR_inotify_rm_watch () {293;}' unless defined(&__NR_inotify_rm_watch); eval 'sub __NR_migrate_pages () {294;}' unless defined(&__NR_migrate_pages); eval 'sub __NR_openat () {295;}' unless defined(&__NR_openat); eval 'sub __NR_mkdirat () {296;}' unless defined(&__NR_mkdirat); eval 'sub __NR_mknodat () {297;}' unless defined(&__NR_mknodat); eval 'sub __NR_fchownat () {298;}' unless defined(&__NR_fchownat); eval 'sub __NR_futimesat () {299;}' unless defined(&__NR_futimesat); eval 'sub __NR_fstatat64 () {300;}' unless defined(&__NR_fstatat64); eval 'sub __NR_unlinkat () {301;}' unless defined(&__NR_unlinkat); eval 'sub __NR_renameat () {302;}' unless defined(&__NR_renameat); eval 'sub __NR_linkat () {303;}' unless defined(&__NR_linkat); eval 'sub __NR_symlinkat () {304;}' unless defined(&__NR_symlinkat); eval 'sub __NR_readlinkat () {305;}' unless defined(&__NR_readlinkat); eval 'sub __NR_fchmodat () {306;}' unless defined(&__NR_fchmodat); eval 'sub __NR_faccessat () {307;}' unless defined(&__NR_faccessat); eval 'sub __NR_pselect6 () {308;}' unless defined(&__NR_pselect6); eval 'sub __NR_ppoll () {309;}' unless defined(&__NR_ppoll); eval 'sub __NR_unshare () {310;}' unless defined(&__NR_unshare); eval 'sub __NR_set_robust_list () {311;}' unless defined(&__NR_set_robust_list); eval 'sub __NR_get_robust_list () {312;}' unless defined(&__NR_get_robust_list); eval 'sub __NR_splice () {313;}' unless defined(&__NR_splice); eval 'sub __NR_sync_file_range () {314;}' unless defined(&__NR_sync_file_range); eval 'sub __NR_tee () {315;}' unless defined(&__NR_tee); eval 'sub __NR_vmsplice () {316;}' unless defined(&__NR_vmsplice); eval 'sub __NR_move_pages () {317;}' unless defined(&__NR_move_pages); eval 'sub __NR_getcpu () {318;}' unless defined(&__NR_getcpu); eval 'sub __NR_epoll_pwait () {319;}' unless defined(&__NR_epoll_pwait); eval 'sub __NR_utimensat () {320;}' unless defined(&__NR_utimensat); eval 'sub __NR_signalfd () {321;}' unless defined(&__NR_signalfd); eval 'sub __NR_timerfd_create () {322;}' unless defined(&__NR_timerfd_create); eval 'sub __NR_eventfd () {323;}' unless defined(&__NR_eventfd); eval 'sub __NR_fallocate () {324;}' unless defined(&__NR_fallocate); eval 'sub __NR_timerfd_settime () {325;}' unless defined(&__NR_timerfd_settime); eval 'sub __NR_timerfd_gettime () {326;}' unless defined(&__NR_timerfd_gettime); eval 'sub __NR_signalfd4 () {327;}' unless defined(&__NR_signalfd4); eval 'sub __NR_eventfd2 () {328;}' unless defined(&__NR_eventfd2); eval 'sub __NR_epoll_create1 () {329;}' unless defined(&__NR_epoll_create1); eval 'sub __NR_dup3 () {330;}' unless defined(&__NR_dup3); eval 'sub __NR_pipe2 () {331;}' unless defined(&__NR_pipe2); eval 'sub __NR_inotify_init1 () {332;}' unless defined(&__NR_inotify_init1); eval 'sub __NR_preadv () {333;}' unless defined(&__NR_preadv); eval 'sub __NR_pwritev () {334;}' unless defined(&__NR_pwritev); eval 'sub __NR_rt_tgsigqueueinfo () {335;}' unless defined(&__NR_rt_tgsigqueueinfo); eval 'sub __NR_perf_event_open () {336;}' unless defined(&__NR_perf_event_open); eval 'sub __NR_recvmmsg () {337;}' unless defined(&__NR_recvmmsg); eval 'sub __NR_fanotify_init () {338;}' unless defined(&__NR_fanotify_init); eval 'sub __NR_fanotify_mark () {339;}' unless defined(&__NR_fanotify_mark); eval 'sub __NR_prlimit64 () {340;}' unless defined(&__NR_prlimit64); eval 'sub __NR_name_to_handle_at () {341;}' unless defined(&__NR_name_to_handle_at); eval 'sub __NR_open_by_handle_at () {342;}' unless defined(&__NR_open_by_handle_at); eval 'sub __NR_clock_adjtime () {343;}' unless defined(&__NR_clock_adjtime); eval 'sub __NR_syncfs () {344;}' unless defined(&__NR_syncfs); eval 'sub __NR_sendmmsg () {345;}' unless defined(&__NR_sendmmsg); eval 'sub __NR_setns () {346;}' unless defined(&__NR_setns); eval 'sub __NR_process_vm_readv () {347;}' unless defined(&__NR_process_vm_readv); eval 'sub __NR_process_vm_writev () {348;}' unless defined(&__NR_process_vm_writev); eval 'sub __NR_kcmp () {349;}' unless defined(&__NR_kcmp); eval 'sub __NR_finit_module () {350;}' unless defined(&__NR_finit_module); eval 'sub __NR_sched_setattr () {351;}' unless defined(&__NR_sched_setattr); eval 'sub __NR_sched_getattr () {352;}' unless defined(&__NR_sched_getattr); eval 'sub __NR_renameat2 () {353;}' unless defined(&__NR_renameat2); eval 'sub __NR_seccomp () {354;}' unless defined(&__NR_seccomp); eval 'sub __NR_getrandom () {355;}' unless defined(&__NR_getrandom); eval 'sub __NR_memfd_create () {356;}' unless defined(&__NR_memfd_create); eval 'sub __NR_bpf () {357;}' unless defined(&__NR_bpf); eval 'sub __NR_execveat () {358;}' unless defined(&__NR_execveat); eval 'sub __NR_socket () {359;}' unless defined(&__NR_socket); eval 'sub __NR_socketpair () {360;}' unless defined(&__NR_socketpair); eval 'sub __NR_bind () {361;}' unless defined(&__NR_bind); eval 'sub __NR_connect () {362;}' unless defined(&__NR_connect); eval 'sub __NR_listen () {363;}' unless defined(&__NR_listen); eval 'sub __NR_accept4 () {364;}' unless defined(&__NR_accept4); eval 'sub __NR_getsockopt () {365;}' unless defined(&__NR_getsockopt); eval 'sub __NR_setsockopt () {366;}' unless defined(&__NR_setsockopt); eval 'sub __NR_getsockname () {367;}' unless defined(&__NR_getsockname); eval 'sub __NR_getpeername () {368;}' unless defined(&__NR_getpeername); eval 'sub __NR_sendto () {369;}' unless defined(&__NR_sendto); eval 'sub __NR_sendmsg () {370;}' unless defined(&__NR_sendmsg); eval 'sub __NR_recvfrom () {371;}' unless defined(&__NR_recvfrom); eval 'sub __NR_recvmsg () {372;}' unless defined(&__NR_recvmsg); eval 'sub __NR_shutdown () {373;}' unless defined(&__NR_shutdown); eval 'sub __NR_userfaultfd () {374;}' unless defined(&__NR_userfaultfd); eval 'sub __NR_membarrier () {375;}' unless defined(&__NR_membarrier); eval 'sub __NR_mlock2 () {376;}' unless defined(&__NR_mlock2); eval 'sub __NR_copy_file_range () {377;}' unless defined(&__NR_copy_file_range); eval 'sub __NR_preadv2 () {378;}' unless defined(&__NR_preadv2); eval 'sub __NR_pwritev2 () {379;}' unless defined(&__NR_pwritev2); eval 'sub __NR_pkey_mprotect () {380;}' unless defined(&__NR_pkey_mprotect); eval 'sub __NR_pkey_alloc () {381;}' unless defined(&__NR_pkey_alloc); eval 'sub __NR_pkey_free () {382;}' unless defined(&__NR_pkey_free); } 1;
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
1 46 181 432 473 482 2 36 223 231 333 374 3 23 24 121 160 218 4 20 52 188 241 403 5 8 61 317 6 101 190 443 7 136 439 443 449 8 64 102 176 187 317 394 409 9 51 93 146 453 10 4 241 326 11 101 196 255 373 391 12 127 128 302 438 441 13 185 264 355 362 14 21 34 277 470 15 173 221 233 265 422 16 7 150 184 349 371 439 458 17 31 122 417 434 18 56 348 419 19 12 42 127 179 20 44 188 246 403 468 489 21 14 323 347 22 200 289 331 23 312 399 24 3 160 218 380 25 114 129 163 213 26 27 69 400 28 49 165 204 445 29 173 231 244 250 347 402 30 281 438 31 50 327 434 32 298 353 401 429 454 33 99 343 462 34 14 21 205 470 35 58 122 149 371 388 475 36 41 223 37 249 280 319 38 97 349 372 458 39 365 40 45 193 306 457 41 36 163 262 328 333 424 42 19 179 455 43 53 259 404 413 44 47 283 483 45 40 63 106 154 193 460 46 181 47 44 100 138 203 283 48 85 134 165 252 49 28 105 210 270 303 310 50 278 434 51 109 235 261 453 52 63 104 241 53 144 54 103 168 295 390 421 55 330 447 56 18 68 348 464 57 180 234 367 58 17 122 240 371 59 79 126 275 315 474 60 26 82 216 380 61 92 357 409 62 119 230 359 383 470 63 45 139 182 197 460 64 8 346 409 482 490 65 39 78 433 66 337 419 476 67 77 211 273 376 68 18 199 413 464 69 269 290 401 487 70 129 213 417 71 9 93 146 261 456 72 6 11 101 255 73 284 312 74 55 84 228 444 450 75 9 146 172 208 410 453 76 148 198 77 67 159 365 376 426 78 39 65 202 219 412 79 213 275 424 80 29 370 461 81 260 339 459 473 82 60 216 83 170 267 293 84 11 74 101 196 228 85 48 154 232 252 407 86 152 296 410 420 87 108 169 237 335 377 413 88 39 78 202 292 398 89 238 90 75 172 453 477 91 27 69 257 92 5 61 217 317 357 93 51 94 206 217 325 95 229 287 444 96 365 426 97 38 149 349 388 98 54 103 397 421 428 99 33 222 281 360 405 100 44 47 344 101 74 84 336 449 450 102 8 176 289 103 98 168 387 435 104 139 188 209 105 49 124 210 255 274 303 106 40 113 306 342 412 107 109 175 269 358 108 87 163 169 186 352 109 51 155 175 245 268 110 115 246 248 271 111 137 457 112 214 299 345 113 78 106 412 114 25 129 286 300 115 110 247 271 283 399 116 164 256 290 314 117 185 240 276 315 382 118 378 484 119 62 195 230 359 120 329 338 341 402 121 3 23 32 248 298 399 122 31 58 327 475 123 27 298 400 124 118 274 378 125 50 278 397 428 126 120 244 474 127 60 82 302 128 12 19 42 452 129 70 114 213 286 417 130 158 204 227 236 258 131 189 194 251 350 442 132 153 156 178 299 425 463 133 174 238 243 415 134 48 165 209 135 307 347 136 7 273 354 458 137 235 261 306 456 457 138 227 139 52 63 182 311 140 134 157 165 209 344 141 156 162 233 416 486 142 22 200 289 369 430 462 143 375 379 414 423 144 53 56 76 148 464 145 152 263 146 9 71 75 145 152 410 456 147 54 168 199 295 148 56 375 379 149 97 388 150 16 184 264 449 151 242 263 294 435 456 152 145 263 410 153 119 132 195 221 463 154 45 202 332 407 155 10 109 193 245 268 326 457 156 162 178 486 157 188 406 158 47 130 138 227 159 77 376 433 160 23 24 73 161 48 104 134 139 311 332 407 162 141 221 233 408 463 163 25 328 164 92 116 290 423 487 165 28 48 134 140 279 166 89 151 174 294 387 396 397 456 167 114 177 239 254 295 168 147 384 169 81 108 313 170 219 321 415 171 138 203 227 258 172 75 90 423 173 15 265 347 402 174 243 293 175 90 107 453 176 8 102 187 289 177 25 114 163 167 186 178 132 156 486 179 26 42 60 127 455 180 212 234 367 442 181 46 260 182 63 311 183 99 331 360 361 405 418 479 184 13 264 355 371 185 315 355 362 382 186 163 239 377 187 64 288 188 4 20 52 209 406 189 194 230 389 425 190 354 443 191 143 225 253 348 375 414 192 30 319 405 418 193 10 40 197 457 194 131 189 251 389 467 195 359 196 11 373 469 484 197 10 45 193 198 43 53 76 144 404 409 490 199 18 147 168 384 419 200 22 33 142 360 462 201 74 95 287 450 202 88 220 292 203 47 138 171 272 283 204 158 270 310 205 21 34 249 323 206 317 394 207 258 272 334 381 472 208 75 172 225 296 209 140 157 161 188 210 49 105 124 305 378 211 67 159 219 376 415 212 236 442 213 70 275 276 424 214 112 386 469 215 272 356 472 216 30 60 281 380 438 217 92 94 164 317 487 218 24 429 454 462 219 65 78 159 170 267 412 220 45 78 106 113 154 202 221 153 195 222 33 343 223 41 370 374 461 224 400 403 448 225 253 296 414 423 226 189 393 425 451 227 130 138 158 258 228 55 112 196 214 330 469 478 229 95 320 474 230 62 119 389 425 470 231 2 29 250 232 252 285 292 398 233 15 221 402 416 234 180 393 442 235 51 109 111 137 268 236 130 180 237 239 413 488 238 89 166 174 415 239 177 237 254 377 488 240 17 117 276 417 241 4 10 52 63 197 242 351 243 83 133 170 174 244 29 80 120 126 402 461 245 107 155 257 269 326 246 110 248 468 489 247 215 283 308 356 248 115 298 399 400 249 37 319 361 479 250 29 80 374 251 368 252 85 165 232 279 285 445 480 253 86 296 419 420 254 68 199 295 488 255 6 105 190 391 392 256 69 116 290 257 69 91 245 448 258 203 227 334 259 335 339 346 404 260 46 81 181 339 473 261 93 235 456 262 59 79 223 424 461 263 86 146 152 242 420 456 264 13 150 184 265 15 277 347 422 266 54 434 267 170 293 412 268 109 111 155 457 269 256 257 358 270 49 130 204 210 271 20 44 468 272 203 207 258 283 273 67 77 136 211 392 415 274 118 196 373 391 484 275 117 276 315 276 70 240 417 277 14 21 383 422 278 50 125 396 397 279 28 445 280 34 205 249 470 481 281 30 99 216 380 405 282 287 336 450 283 47 203 215 271 284 73 316 285 96 365 426 286 266 300 390 417 434 287 282 320 450 465 288 22 176 289 331 436 482 289 22 102 290 69 291 229 329 330 338 340 341 447 292 85 88 154 202 398 293 243 294 435 295 54 167 199 300 390 296 75 208 225 253 410 297 21 323 347 432 473 298 32 123 400 401 299 132 178 345 451 300 167 295 390 301 59 287 315 362 474 302 12 82 127 216 438 303 49 105 285 426 480 304 66 103 168 384 476 305 130 270 469 306 40 137 342 457 307 297 347 363 473 308 115 312 399 309 157 344 406 483 310 28 49 270 311 161 332 460 312 73 160 284 356 313 81 169 259 335 339 314 256 477 315 59 117 275 316 26 60 284 312 356 317 94 206 394 318 130 236 319 30 249 481 320 95 287 301 321 211 219 415 322 128 251 368 441 323 21 205 297 432 324 118 378 469 484 325 94 206 430 326 4 10 245 403 327 50 122 278 475 328 41 108 163 333 352 459 329 120 338 341 330 228 291 416 431 447 478 331 22 183 288 385 332 460 333 36 41 135 231 328 347 334 130 207 318 381 335 43 87 169 313 413 336 101 264 282 450 465 337 253 419 420 338 120 291 329 474 339 181 313 346 340 233 330 416 341 120 340 402 342 106 137 306 412 456 343 24 380 344 28 47 100 140 157 158 165 204 309 345 112 214 393 451 346 64 181 259 482 490 347 231 265 277 307 333 348 148 191 375 419 349 16 38 149 371 458 350 131 189 226 234 351 66 242 337 420 435 476 352 81 108 169 459 353 32 94 401 446 454 487 354 7 136 190 273 443 355 13 58 184 240 371 382 356 26 215 247 308 312 455 357 61 92 379 358 90 175 256 269 314 359 221 422 360 22 33 99 183 200 331 361 183 192 249 319 418 362 287 315 465 363 135 328 333 473 364 24 218 343 462 365 39 65 232 398 426 433 366 205 249 385 437 479 367 57 130 180 234 236 305 386 469 368 128 131 251 322 442 452 369 142 218 325 430 446 454 462 370 250 374 461 371 16 35 58 149 349 355 372 38 89 97 238 475 373 11 274 391 374 2 223 231 375 191 348 376 67 159 377 108 237 378 210 305 469 379 76 148 198 375 423 380 24 60 73 99 160 222 281 284 316 381 207 212 236 318 334 382 185 240 355 383 14 62 277 384 66 199 385 183 331 386 234 345 367 393 469 387 103 166 294 397 435 388 35 97 372 389 194 467 470 390 54 266 286 300 391 11 105 373 392 77 105 190 303 354 426 393 234 350 386 451 394 8 102 206 325 430 395 267 293 342 412 456 396 89 278 327 397 475 397 98 103 166 278 387 396 428 398 39 399 23 115 121 308 312 400 27 224 246 403 471 489 401 27 32 123 298 353 487 402 15 244 340 341 403 20 326 400 448 489 404 346 405 30 99 192 281 406 20 44 157 483 407 48 154 332 408 132 156 463 409 5 61 64 357 379 410 86 152 296 411 42 207 212 381 452 455 472 412 78 113 219 267 395 413 53 87 237 254 335 464 414 191 423 415 133 211 243 273 321 485 416 141 330 340 417 17 434 418 192 361 405 419 191 253 348 384 420 86 242 263 351 421 50 266 434 422 62 221 265 359 383 423 92 208 225 357 424 25 41 79 163 425 119 153 189 230 426 96 365 427 252 285 303 480 428 50 125 397 421 429 3 121 454 430 102 289 369 431 141 330 416 478 486 432 1 473 433 65 77 219 365 434 266 435 242 294 304 351 476 436 331 366 385 437 432 436 438 12 216 319 481 439 7 150 449 440 205 323 366 432 437 441 12 128 438 467 442 131 180 234 350 368 443 6 7 101 354 449 444 55 201 229 447 445 49 279 480 446 466 447 55 229 330 444 448 91 224 245 257 326 471 449 101 150 264 336 450 101 282 287 451 132 226 393 425 452 42 212 442 453 9 75 90 109 175 454 32 218 353 446 455 26 42 215 356 472 456 71 151 174 293 342 395 457 268 458 7 16 38 136 485 459 352 363 473 460 45 154 182 311 332 461 59 126 244 262 370 462 33 142 200 343 463 132 153 221 408 464 53 68 144 465 13 264 282 287 466 94 325 353 369 446 467 251 322 389 438 470 468 20 110 246 469 196 214 305 324 367 386 470 34 230 280 383 389 438 471 27 91 224 448 472 215 272 411 455 473 1 46 260 297 363 459 474 120 126 229 291 301 320 475 89 122 372 388 476 66 351 435 477 90 116 164 172 314 358 423 478 112 228 330 486 479 249 361 385 480 49 252 303 481 37 319 470 482 64 181 187 288 346 432 436 437 483 100 309 344 484 196 274 469 485 38 136 238 273 372 458 486 112 299 431 487 94 164 217 290 353 488 254 413 489 490 346 404 409
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
=head1 LICENSE Copyright [2018-2020] EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. =cut package Bio::EnsEMBL::DataCheck::Checks::XrefTypes; use warnings; use strict; use Moose; use Test::More; use Bio::EnsEMBL::DataCheck::Test::DataCheck; extends 'Bio::EnsEMBL::DataCheck::DbCheck'; use constant { NAME => 'XrefTypes', DESCRIPTION => 'Xrefs are only attached to one feature type.', GROUPS => ['xref', 'xref_mapping'], DATACHECK_TYPE => 'advisory', DB_TYPES => ['core'], TABLES => ['external_db', 'object_xref', 'xref'], PER_DB => 1, }; sub tests { my ($self) = @_; my $desc_1 = 'No xrefs are associated with multiple object types'; my $diag_1 = 'Xrefs are associated with multiple object types'; my $sql_1 = q/ SELECT external_db_id, db_name FROM external_db INNER JOIN xref USING (external_db_id) INNER JOIN object_xref USING (xref_id) GROUP BY db_name HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT ensembl_object_type) > 1 /; is_rows_zero($self->dba, $sql_1, $desc_1, $diag_1); my $desc_2 = 'GO xrefs are only associated with transcripts'; my $sql_2 = q/ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM external_db INNER JOIN xref USING (external_db_id) INNER JOIN object_xref USING (xref_id) WHERE db_name = 'GO' AND ensembl_object_type <> 'Transcript' /; is_rows_zero($self->dba, $sql_2, $desc_2); } 1;
[ "Artistic-2.0" ]
[ "Artistic-2.0" ]
[ "Artistic-2.0" ]
use Test::Arrow; my $arr = Test::Arrow->new; $arr->throw_ok(sub { die 'foo' }); $arr->throw_ok(sub { die 'bar' }, 'die bar'); $arr->name('die baz')->throw_ok(sub { die 'baz' }); $arr->throw(sub { die 'bar' })->catch(qr/^ba/); $arr->name('die bar')->throw(sub { die 'bar' })->catch(qr/^ba/); $arr->throw(sub { die 'baz' })->catch(qr/^ba/, 'die baz'); $arr->throw(sub { die 'bar' })->expect(qr/^ba/)->like; $arr->throw(sub { die 'bar' }, qr/^ba/); $arr->throw(sub { die 'bar' }, qr/^ba/, 'die bar'); $arr->done_testing;
[ "Apache-1.1" ]
[ "Apache-1.1" ]
[ "Apache-1.1" ]
package WebGUI::Help::PayDriver_ExpressCheckout; use strict; our $HELP = { 'cart summary template' => { title => 'cart summary template', body => '', isa => [ { namespace => "PayDriver", tag => "cart summary variables" }, ], fields => [], variables => [ { name => "proceedButton", required => 1, namespace => 'PayDriver', }, ], related => [ ], }, }; 1;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; # Core modules use Carp; use English; use Data::Dumper; use File::Basename qw( dirname ); use FindBin qw( $Bin ); # CPAN modules use Log::Log4perl qw(:easy); Log::Log4perl->easy_init($WARN); use Test::More; use Test::Deep; use Math::BigInt; use Data::UUID; # Project modules use lib "$Bin/../../lib", "$Bin/../../../core/server/t/lib"; use TestCfg; use OpenXPKI::Test::QA::More; use OpenXPKI::Test::QA::CertHelper; use OpenXPKI::Test; # # Init client # our $cfg = {}; TestCfg->new->read_config_path( 'api.cfg', $cfg, dirname($0) ); my $test = OpenXPKI::Test::QA::More->new({ socketfile => $cfg->{instance}{socketfile}, realm => $cfg->{instance}{realm}, }) or die "Error creating new test instance: $@"; $test->set_verbose($cfg->{instance}{verbose}); $test->plan( tests => 60 ); $test->connect_ok( user => $cfg->{operator}{name}, password => $cfg->{operator}{password}, ) or die "Error - connect failed: $@"; # # Init helpers # # Import test certificates my $oxitest = OpenXPKI::Test->new; my $dbdata = $oxitest->certhelper_database; $oxitest->insert_testcerts; =pod CERT_SERIAL Int|Str: decimal serial or hex (starting with "0x") PKI_REALM Str: default is the sessions realm, _any for global search STATUS Str: cert status, special status "EXPIRED" IDENTIFIER Str ISSUER_IDENTIFIER Str CSR_SERIAL Str SUBJECT_KEY_IDENTIFIER Str AUTHORITY_KEY_IDENTIFIER Str EMAIL Str: Suche mit LIKE SUBJECT Str: Suche mit LIKE ISSUER_DN Str: Suche mit LIKE VALID_AT Int: epoch PROFILE NOTBEFORE/NOTAFTER Int|HashRef: with SCALAR searches "other side" of validity or pass HASH with operator --> HashRef with BETWEEN, LESS_THAN, GREATER_THAN used in OpenXPKI::Server::Workflow::Activity::Tools::SearchCertificates CERT_ATTRIBUTES list of conditions to search in attributes (KEY, VALUE, OPERATOR) ORDER Str: column to order by (default: cert_key) --> remove "CERTIFICATE." LIMIT Int: limit results START Int: offset for results REVERSE Bool: Reverse ordering ENTITY_ONLY Bool: show only certificates issued by this ca (where CSR_SERIAL is set) my $query = { CERT_ATTRIBUTES => [{ KEY => 'system_cert_owner', VALUE => $self->_session->param('user')->{name}, OPERATOR => 'EQUAL' }], ORDER => 'CERTIFICATE.NOTBEFORE', REVERSE => 1, }; $self->logger()->debug( "search query: " . Dumper $query); my $search_result = $self->send_command( 'search_cert', { %$query, ( LIMIT => $limit, START => $startat ) } ); =cut # Checks if the given DB result ArrayRef contains the test certificates with # the given internal test certificate names. # If the last parameter is "ORDERED" then the order of the results will be # considered, otherwise not. sub search_cert_ok { my ($message, $conditions, @expected_names) = @_; my $val; # Only extract last element if it equals "ORDERED" (otherwise put it back and make term return 0) my $respect_order = (($val = pop @expected_names) eq "ORDERED") ? 1 : push(@expected_names, $val) && 0; my @hashes = map { superhashof({ SUBJECT_KEY_IDENTIFIER => $dbdata->cert($_)->subject_key_id }) } @expected_names; $test->runcmd_ok('search_cert', $conditions, "Search cert $message") or die Dumper($test->get_msg); cmp_deeply $test->get_msg->{PARAMS}, ($respect_order ? \@hashes : bag(@hashes)), "Correct result"; } $test->runcmd_ok('search_cert', { CERT_SERIAL => $dbdata->cert("alpha_root_2")->db->{cert_key} }, "Search cert without giving PKI realm"); is scalar(@{ $test->get_msg->{PARAMS} }), 0, "Should not return any results"; search_cert_ok "by serial (decimal) and PKI realm _ANY", { CERT_SERIAL => $dbdata->cert("alpha_root_2")->db->{cert_key}, PKI_REALM => $dbdata->cert("alpha_root_2")->db->{pki_realm} }, qw( alpha_root_2 ); search_cert_ok "by serial (decimal) and PKI realm", { CERT_SERIAL => $dbdata->cert("alpha_root_2")->db->{cert_key}, PKI_REALM => "_ANY" }, qw( alpha_root_2 ); search_cert_ok "by serial (hex) and specific PKI realm", { CERT_SERIAL => Math::BigInt->new($dbdata->cert("alpha_root_2")->db->{cert_key})->as_hex, PKI_REALM => $dbdata->cert("alpha_root_2")->db->{pki_realm} }, qw( alpha_root_2 ); # Custom ORDER $test->runcmd_ok('search_cert', { ORDER => "CERTIFICATE.NOTBEFORE" }, "Search and order by NOTBEFORE descending (default)"); my $last_value; my $sort_ok = scalar(@{ $test->get_msg->{PARAMS} }) > 0; # make sure certificates are returned while (my $cert = shift @{ $test->get_msg->{PARAMS} } and $sort_ok) { $sort_ok = 0 if ($last_value and $last_value < $cert->{NOTBEFORE}); $last_value = $cert->{NOTBEFORE}; } ok($sort_ok, "Certificates are sorted correctly"); # Custom ORDER not reversed $test->runcmd_ok('search_cert', { ORDER => "CERTIFICATE.NOTBEFORE", REVERSE => 0 }, "Search and order by NOTBEFORE ascending"); $sort_ok = scalar(@{ $test->get_msg->{PARAMS} }) > 0; # make sure certificates are returned while (my $cert = shift @{ $test->get_msg->{PARAMS} } and $sort_ok) { $sort_ok = 0 if ($last_value and $last_value > $cert->{NOTBEFORE}); $last_value = $cert->{NOTBEFORE}; } ok($sort_ok, "Certificates are sorted correctly"); search_cert_ok "by expired status", { STATUS => "EXPIRED", PKI_REALM => $dbdata->cert("alpha_root_1")->db->{pki_realm} }, $dbdata->cert_names_by_realm_gen(alpha => 1); search_cert_ok "by identifier", { IDENTIFIER => $dbdata->cert("beta_alice_1")->db->{identifier}, PKI_REALM => "_ANY" }, qw( beta_alice_1 ); my $test_identifier = $dbdata->cert("alpha_root_2")->db->{identifier}; search_cert_ok "by issuer", { ISSUER_IDENTIFIER => $test_identifier, PKI_REALM => "_ANY" }, $dbdata->cert_names_where(issuer_identifier => $test_identifier); search_cert_ok "by subject key id", { SUBJECT_KEY_IDENTIFIER => $dbdata->cert("alpha_root_2")->db->{subject_key_identifier}, PKI_REALM => "_ANY" }, qw( alpha_root_2 ); my $test_authority_key_identifier = $dbdata->cert("beta_root_1")->db->{authority_key_identifier}; search_cert_ok "by authority key id", { AUTHORITY_KEY_IDENTIFIER => $test_authority_key_identifier, PKI_REALM => "_ANY" }, $dbdata->cert_names_where(authority_key_identifier => $test_authority_key_identifier); search_cert_ok "by subject (exact match)", { SUBJECT => $dbdata->cert("beta_alice_1")->db->{subject}, PKI_REALM => "_ANY" }, qw( beta_alice_1 ); my $subject_part = join(",", (split(",", $dbdata->cert("beta_root_1")->db->{subject}))[1,2]); search_cert_ok "by subject (with wildcards)", { SUBJECT => "*$subject_part*", # will be similar to *OU=ACME,DC=OpenXPKI* PKI_REALM => $dbdata->cert("beta_root_1")->db->{pki_realm}, }, $dbdata->cert_names_by_realm_gen(beta => 1); search_cert_ok "by issuer DN (exact match)", { ISSUER_DN => $dbdata->cert("gamma_bob_1")->db->{issuer_dn}, PKI_REALM => "_ANY" }, qw( gamma_bob_1 ); my $issuer_dn_part = (split("=", (split(",", $dbdata->cert("gamma_bob_1")->db->{issuer_dn}))[0]))[1]; search_cert_ok "by issuer DN (with wildcards)", { ISSUER_DN => "*$issuer_dn_part*", # will be similar to *GAMMA Signing CA* PKI_REALM => "_ANY" }, qw( gamma_bob_1 ); search_cert_ok "by validity date", { VALID_AT => $dbdata->cert("alpha_root_1")->db->{notbefore} + 100, PKI_REALM => "_ANY" }, $dbdata->cert_names_by_realm_gen(alpha => 1); search_cert_ok "and limit results", { ORDER => "CERTIFICATE.SUBJECT", REVERSE => 0, LIMIT => 1, PKI_REALM => $dbdata->cert("beta_root_1")->db->{pki_realm}, }, qw( beta_alice_1 ); # LIMIT and START search_cert_ok "limit results and use offset", { ORDER => "CERTIFICATE.SUBJECT", REVERSE => 0, LIMIT => 2, START => 1, PKI_REALM => $dbdata->cert("beta_root_1")->db->{pki_realm}, }, qw( beta_bob_1 beta_datavault_1 ), "ORDERED"; # By CSR serial my $uuid = Data::UUID->new->create_str; my $cert_info = OpenXPKI::Test::QA::CertHelper->via_workflow( tester => $test, hostname => "acme-$uuid.local", requestor_gname => 'Till', requestor_name => $uuid, requestor_email => 'tilltom@morning', ); $test->runcmd_ok('search_cert', { CSR_SERIAL => $cert_info->{req_key}, PKI_REALM => "_ANY" }, "Search cert by CSR serial"); cmp_bag $test->get_msg->{PARAMS}, [ superhashof({ IDENTIFIER => $cert_info->{identifier} }) ], "Correct result"; # By PROFILE $test->runcmd_ok('search_cert', { IDENTIFIER => $cert_info->{identifier}, PROFILE => $cert_info->{profile}, }, "Search cert by profile") or diag Dumper($test->get_msg); cmp_bag $test->get_msg->{PARAMS}, [ superhashof({ IDENTIFIER => $cert_info->{identifier} }) ], "Correct result"; # By NOTBEFORE/NOTAFTER (Int: searches "other side" of validity) search_cert_ok "whose validity period started before given date (NOTBEFORE < x)", { NOTBEFORE => $dbdata->cert("alpha_root_1")->db->{notbefore} + 100, PKI_REALM => "_ANY" }, $dbdata->cert_names_by_realm_gen(alpha => 1); # chain #1 are expired certificates my $ar3nb = $dbdata->cert("alpha_root_3")->db->{notbefore}; search_cert_ok "that is not yet valid at given date (NOTBEFORE > x)", { # TODO #legacydb Using old DB layer syntax in "search_cert" NOTBEFORE => { OPERATOR => "GREATER_THAN", VALUE => $ar3nb - 100 }, PKI_REALM => $dbdata->cert("alpha_root_3")->db->{pki_realm} }, $dbdata->cert_names_by_realm_gen(alpha => 3); # chain #3 are future certificates search_cert_ok "whose validity starts between two given dates", { # TODO #legacydb Using old DB layer syntax in "search_cert" NOTBEFORE => { OPERATOR => "BETWEEN", VALUE => [ $ar3nb - 100, $ar3nb + 100 ] }, PKI_REALM => $dbdata->cert("alpha_root_3")->db->{pki_realm} }, $dbdata->cert_names_by_realm_gen(alpha => 3); # chain #3 are future certificates search_cert_ok "whose validity period ends after given date (NOTAFTER > x)", { NOTAFTER => $dbdata->cert("alpha_root_2")->db->{notafter} - 100, PKI_REALM => $dbdata->cert("alpha_root_2")->db->{pki_realm} }, $dbdata->cert_names_by_realm_gen(alpha => 2), $dbdata->cert_names_by_realm_gen(alpha => 3); # By CERT_ATTRIBUTES list of conditions to search in attributes (KEY, VALUE, OPERATOR) # OPERATOR = [ EQUAL | LIKE | BETWEEN ] # Note that the $uuid is used both in requestor name and hostname (subject) $test->runcmd_ok('search_cert', { CERT_ATTRIBUTES => [ { KEY => 'meta_requestor', VALUE => "*$uuid*" }, # default operator is LIKE { KEY => 'meta_email', VALUE => 'tilltom@morning', OPERATOR => 'EQUAL' }, ], PKI_REALM => "_ANY" }, "Search cert by attributes"); cmp_deeply $test->get_msg->{PARAMS}, [ superhashof({ SUBJECT => re(qr/$uuid/i) }) ], "Correct result"; # Test NOT_EQUAL operator $test->runcmd_ok('search_cert', { CERT_ATTRIBUTES => [ { KEY => 'meta_requestor', VALUE => "Till $uuid", OPERATOR => 'NOT_EQUAL' }, ], PKI_REALM => "_ANY" }, "Search cert by attributes"); cmp_deeply $test->get_msg->{PARAMS}, array_each( # Make sure the UUID does NOT match superhashof({ SUBJECT => code(sub { (shift !~ /$uuid/i) or (0, "UUID matched") } ) }) ), "Correct result"; # ENTITY_ONLY Bool: show only certificates issued by this ca (where CSR_SERIAL is set) $test->runcmd_ok('search_cert', { ENTITY_ONLY => 1, PKI_REALM => "_ANY", }, "Search cert only from this CA entity"); cmp_deeply $test->get_msg->{PARAMS}, array_each( superhashof({ CSR_SERIAL => re(qr/^\d+$/) }) ), "Correct result"; # Github issue #501 - SQL JOIN statement breaks when searching for attributes AND profile $test->runcmd_ok('search_cert', { CERT_ATTRIBUTES => [ { KEY => 'meta_requestor', VALUE => "*$uuid*" }, # default operator is LIKE { KEY => 'meta_email', VALUE => 'tilltom@morning', OPERATOR => 'EQUAL' }, ], PROFILE => $cert_info->{profile}, PKI_REALM => "_ANY" }, "Search cert by attributes and profile (issue #501)") or diag ref($test->error); cmp_deeply $test->get_msg->{PARAMS}, [ superhashof({ SUBJECT => re(qr/$uuid/i) }) ], "Correct result"; # Github issue #575 - search_cert fails on Oracle when order = identifier $test->runcmd_ok('search_cert', { CERT_ATTRIBUTES => [ { KEY => 'meta_requestor', VALUE => "*$uuid*" }, # default operator is LIKE { KEY => 'meta_email', VALUE => 'tilltom@morning', OPERATOR => 'EQUAL' }, ], ORDER => "IDENTIFIER", PKI_REALM => "_ANY" }, "Search cert by attributes and with ORDER = 'identifier' (issue #575)") or diag ref($test->error); cmp_deeply $test->get_msg->{PARAMS}, [ superhashof({ SUBJECT => re(qr/$uuid/i) }) ], "Correct result"; $oxitest->delete_testcerts; # only deletes those from OpenXPKI::Test::CertHelper::Database $test->disconnect;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
package Azure::RecoveryServices::ListByReplicationFabricsReplicationStorageClassifications; use Moose; use MooseX::ClassAttribute; has 'api_version' => (is => 'ro', required => 1, isa => 'Str', default => '2018-01-10', traits => [ 'Azure::ParamInQuery', 'Azure::LocationInResponse' ], location => 'api-version', ); has 'fabricName' => (is => 'ro', required => 1, isa => 'Str', traits => [ 'Azure::ParamInPath' ], ); has 'resourceGroupName' => (is => 'ro', required => 1, isa => 'Str', traits => [ 'Azure::ParamInPath' ], ); has 'resourceName' => (is => 'ro', required => 1, isa => 'Str', traits => [ 'Azure::ParamInPath' ], ); has 'subscriptionId' => (is => 'ro', required => 1, isa => 'Str', traits => [ 'Azure::ParamInPath' ], ); class_has _api_uri => (is => 'ro', default => '/Subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.RecoveryServices/vaults/{resourceName}/replicationFabrics/{fabricName}/replicationStorageClassifications'); class_has _returns => (is => 'ro', isa => 'HashRef', default => sub { { 200 => 'Azure::RecoveryServices::ListByReplicationFabricsReplicationStorageClassificationsResult', } }); class_has _is_async => (is => 'ro', default => 0); class_has _api_method => (is => 'ro', default => 'GET'); 1;
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
1 47 58 118 2 162 208 353 3 121 124 181 4 9 88 363 5 44 127 260 6 7 70 252 368 8 144 9 122 258 427 10 152 161 203 271 385 11 54 12 299 394 13 14 1 36 87 289 367 15 77 231 246 16 25 151 287 17 59 94 238 18 82 19 21 80 201 212 225 256 20 11 191 329 21 65 360 382 438 22 60 65 23 287 24 148 382 25 67 73 361 26 79 27 33 323 28 187 210 304 400 29 52 221 300 30 141 220 241 250 411 31 185 32 58 73 259 369 33 2 145 413 34 348 35 212 420 36 305 37 38 59 210 39 326 40 65 169 41 42 154 259 305 43 146 158 433 44 67 193 284 334 45 46 185 193 294 334 341 349 47 185 48 24 33 291 403 415 49 138 185 234 306 50 28 51 19 299 381 426 52 41 48 166 210 338 53 322 54 235 386 406 55 50 399 56 57 31 212 221 337 385 58 254 59 42 306 322 60 300 61 23 311 404 62 36 180 193 63 68 120 365 64 170 439 65 30 66 154 200 67 40 195 225 68 69 116 70 17 173 193 389 71 2 68 118 165 72 107 169 216 239 260 324 73 98 287 372 418 74 3 64 254 349 359 375 75 52 305 370 76 3 87 242 438 77 37 146 177 370 78 129 324 79 245 267 279 390 432 80 81 16 75 82 355 428 83 115 232 409 84 250 252 361 379 85 258 347 86 232 363 87 19 108 88 27 89 109 89 51 91 95 277 307 322 90 403 91 17 160 92 218 235 349 93 40 53 205 330 337 94 35 313 371 95 12 42 354 96 377 425 97 121 175 250 340 98 99 384 100 87 240 101 62 353 102 290 307 434 103 78 80 104 7 355 383 105 14 106 11 206 308 107 163 208 108 109 110 186 226 270 111 32 164 401 112 143 113 156 168 114 241 275 115 46 182 116 156 198 117 4 27 194 280 420 118 17 165 310 315 119 118 144 318 120 121 30 242 122 18 197 235 358 123 9 28 204 360 124 270 125 94 121 122 124 135 268 126 298 127 69 313 331 128 21 55 164 129 134 191 338 130 289 305 398 131 10 252 439 132 51 133 188 134 130 135 246 136 158 137 154 418 138 37 109 257 260 359 139 100 146 280 140 29 141 287 142 143 92 159 351 144 63 263 145 56 146 24 214 385 147 253 339 398 148 273 149 128 262 292 297 150 141 145 160 245 284 151 13 82 267 409 152 212 235 430 153 207 268 154 60 255 396 155 43 245 156 95 208 370 157 158 73 281 159 86 94 133 294 427 160 4 163 234 241 275 434 161 116 178 196 239 162 55 166 163 116 188 248 164 28 81 165 26 166 99 131 224 382 427 167 205 327 168 58 244 291 419 169 17 262 324 424 170 5 16 171 204 207 273 284 172 79 124 397 173 45 48 49 105 272 281 289 174 61 296 302 311 175 127 230 409 176 196 249 177 240 178 174 179 26 82 169 235 236 329 365 180 422 181 70 182 35 192 310 183 428 184 117 167 293 185 281 425 186 53 184 189 187 254 397 188 189 47 106 263 190 93 342 360 191 249 283 383 192 39 201 241 342 369 381 193 256 346 414 194 162 188 197 288 195 224 401 196 84 148 241 336 197 70 198 125 229 404 199 127 200 27 60 342 201 139 306 432 202 302 305 203 19 90 204 205 102 148 358 424 206 47 170 180 213 270 326 379 207 145 208 7 66 159 201 246 263 440 209 169 210 211 152 212 121 123 125 406 213 67 271 214 14 261 215 374 216 135 294 330 426 217 275 439 218 20 117 343 219 110 439 220 265 279 221 226 336 433 222 37 232 304 410 223 327 224 204 280 335 225 408 435 226 380 389 227 39 307 228 35 42 94 161 267 316 229 18 175 177 239 230 231 232 191 359 233 305 234 17 173 316 235 57 159 236 237 42 125 159 186 251 402 406 238 239 21 240 107 170 222 242 262 325 344 241 19 71 335 242 293 296 243 22 222 377 244 403 245 268 246 16 111 402 247 190 249 299 248 65 150 249 92 250 159 277 251 186 252 204 253 2 8 166 254 146 255 399 256 151 255 412 420 257 55 216 369 258 43 46 48 154 259 207 224 260 284 261 242 310 262 26 33 79 183 241 263 273 264 95 265 177 266 86 267 268 29 183 276 368 379 269 7 100 275 295 270 285 318 435 271 42 245 272 50 70 355 273 291 274 43 435 275 257 276 2 99 222 278 326 356 277 278 63 204 290 353 279 22 305 280 60 289 354 425 281 198 282 73 272 425 283 44 74 87 257 424 284 75 122 285 25 90 307 409 425 286 204 285 287 5 152 171 316 397 288 289 56 135 146 290 273 291 142 254 292 127 219 254 319 293 379 400 294 38 80 243 295 97 405 296 225 369 297 127 298 377 299 344 355 300 180 351 301 33 141 196 302 42 69 246 279 364 367 421 303 34 327 304 37 125 138 207 208 246 305 147 175 374 424 306 220 293 394 307 22 121 347 383 413 308 39 100 360 309 21 50 60 310 134 187 342 372 311 307 435 312 72 83 114 230 354 313 281 314 104 130 239 249 423 315 85 316 15 234 309 431 317 78 403 318 235 319 131 200 257 275 392 320 62 385 321 98 137 294 365 322 30 323 151 223 355 408 417 324 47 59 73 230 325 14 197 351 375 326 146 174 327 8 87 356 328 73 159 352 329 395 330 115 331 77 109 230 332 121 260 314 316 388 333 50 139 250 415 334 361 367 416 335 251 336 233 337 88 422 338 339 8 165 380 340 23 101 256 369 341 26 133 172 342 91 159 343 279 344 395 405 415 345 169 404 346 65 359 347 78 348 335 349 28 243 380 350 108 393 423 351 282 352 414 438 353 145 151 191 314 349 354 5 143 271 327 355 201 209 280 287 356 130 241 357 439 358 66 362 432 359 309 419 360 290 315 361 89 168 362 191 230 379 363 110 192 372 364 259 381 387 365 254 263 409 366 15 29 158 293 367 9 415 368 56 143 184 309 369 155 182 189 247 373 370 56 104 398 371 262 387 372 335 352 373 37 421 374 280 375 171 376 79 182 289 377 223 405 378 284 311 379 173 380 87 124 167 185 216 350 381 147 190 236 258 279 382 256 308 369 383 51 151 191 275 315 384 136 244 340 385 102 242 294 386 36 99 387 21 215 232 235 388 140 389 80 239 266 294 308 390 92 264 421 391 4 107 192 322 392 393 39 141 167 289 374 421 394 50 234 395 29 245 396 83 304 417 397 3 260 398 370 399 3 140 400 252 401 166 402 209 225 315 403 21 204 284 289 404 152 223 405 70 79 337 406 423 407 408 264 409 317 367 410 60 80 299 436 411 412 28 213 405 413 2 238 414 46 76 318 426 415 76 334 416 7 417 89 418 48 205 275 419 60 61 125 331 337 364 420 237 239 330 391 421 138 365 404 424 422 423 5 226 240 424 58 199 215 425 31 72 87 103 426 133 136 176 347 427 199 222 278 298 411 428 279 437 429 38 76 217 227 233 430 67 112 431 72 357 432 90 233 433 148 261 430 434 24 96 435 410 436 187 244 409 437 51 91 249 250 438 67 140 289 439 320 360 440 109 126 208 294 358
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
package Engine::Components::StatsTracker; use strict; use vars qw($ses $db $c $f); sub _check(\%\@\@) { my ($opts, $required, $defined) = @_; my %valid = map { $_ => 1 } (@$required, @$defined); my ($pkg, $fn, $ln) = caller(1); for(@$required) { die("Required option: $_ at $fn:$ln\n") if !defined($opts->{$_}); } for(keys %$opts) { die("Unknown option: $_ at $fn:$ln\n") if !$valid{$_}; } } sub registerEvent { my ($self, $event, $opts) = @_; if($event eq 'profits_received') { my @required = qw(usr_id amount stats); my @defined = qw(); _check(%$opts, @required, @defined); $db->Exec("INSERT INTO Stats2 SET usr_id=?, day=CURDATE(), profit_$opts->{stats}=profit_$opts->{stats}+? ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE profit_$opts->{stats}=profit_$opts->{stats}+?", $opts->{usr_id}, $opts->{amount}, $opts->{amount}); $db->Exec("UPDATE Stats2 SET $opts->{stats}=$opts->{stats}+1 WHERE usr_id=? AND day=CURDATE()", $opts->{usr_id}) if($opts->{stats} =~ /^(downloads|sales|rebills)$/); $db->Exec("INSERT INTO Stats SET paid_to_users=?, day=CURDATE() ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE paid_to_users=paid_to_users+?", $opts->{amount}, $opts->{amount}); } elsif($event eq 'payment_accepted') { return if $opts->{ignore_admin_stats}; $db->Exec("INSERT INTO Stats SET received=?, day=CURDATE() ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE received=received+?", $opts->{amount}, $opts->{amount}); } else { die("Unknown event type: $event"); } } 1;
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
page 4021 "GP Migration Settings List" { SourceTable = "GP Company Migration Settings"; SourceTableView = where(Replicate = CONST(true)); PageType = ListPart; InsertAllowed = false; DeleteAllowed = false; ModifyAllowed = true; Caption = 'Select company settings for data migration'; RefreshOnActivate = true; layout { area(Content) { repeater(Companies) { ShowCaption = false; field("Name"; Rec."Name") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; Editable = false; ToolTip = 'Name of the company'; Width = 6; } field("Global Dimension 1"; Rec."Global Dimension 1") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; Caption = 'Global Dimension 1'; ToolTip = 'Global Dimension 1'; Width = 10; } field("Global Dimension 2"; Rec."Global Dimension 2") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; Caption = 'Global Dimension 2'; ToolTip = 'Global Dimension 2'; Width = 10; } field("Migrate Inactive Customers"; Rec."Migrate Inactive Customers") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; Caption = 'Migrate Inactive Customers'; ToolTip = 'Specifies whether to migrate inactive customers.'; Width = 8; } field("Migrate Inactive Vendors"; Rec."Migrate Inactive Vendors") { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; Caption = 'Migrate Inactive Vendors'; ToolTip = 'Specifies whether to migrate inactive vendors.'; Width = 8; } field("Migrate Inactive Checkbooks"; MigrateInactiveCheckbooks) { ApplicationArea = Basic, Suite; Caption = 'Migrate Inactive Checkbooks'; ToolTip = 'Specifies whether to migrate inactive checkbooks.'; Width = 8; trigger OnValidate() var GPCompanyAdditionalSettings: Record "GP Company Additional Settings"; begin if not GPCompanyAdditionalSettings.Get(Rec.Name) then begin GPCompanyAdditionalSettings.Name := Rec.Name; GPCompanyAdditionalSettings."Migrate Inactive Checkbooks" := MigrateInactiveCheckbooks; GPCompanyAdditionalSettings.Insert(); end else begin GPCompanyAdditionalSettings."Migrate Inactive Checkbooks" := MigrateInactiveCheckbooks; GPCompanyAdditionalSettings.Modify(); end; end; } } } } trigger OnAfterGetRecord() var GPSegmentNames: Record "GP Segment Name"; GPCompanyAdditionalSettings: Record "GP Company Additional Settings"; begin GPSegmentNames.SetFilter("Company Name", Rec.Name); if Rec."Global Dimension 1" = '' then if GPSegmentNames.FindFirst() then Rec."Global Dimension 1" := GPSegmentNames."Segment Name"; if Rec."Global Dimension 2" = '' then begin GPSegmentNames.SetFilter("Segment Name", '<> %1', Rec."Global Dimension 1"); if GPSegmentNames.FindFirst() then Rec."Global Dimension 2" := GPSegmentNames."Segment Name"; end; Rec.Modify(); MigrateInactiveCheckbooks := GPCompanyAdditionalSettings.GetMigrateInactiveCheckbooks(); end; var MigrateInactiveCheckbooks: Boolean; }
[ "BSD-2-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-2-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-2-Clause" ]
package Sisimai::Lhost::MXLogic; use parent 'Sisimai::Lhost'; use feature ':5.10'; use strict; use warnings; # Based on Sisimai::Lhost::Exim sub description { 'McAfee SaaS' } sub make { # Detect an error from MXLogic # @param [Hash] mhead Message headers of a bounce email # @param [String] mbody Message body of a bounce email # @return [Hash] Bounce data list and message/rfc822 part # @return [Undef] failed to parse or the arguments are missing # @since v4.1.1 my $class = shift; my $mhead = shift // return undef; my $mbody = shift // return undef; my $match = 0; # X-MX-Bounce: mta/src/queue/bounce # X-MXL-NoteHash: ffffffffffffffff-0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 # X-MXL-Hash: 4c9d4d411993da17-bbd4212b6c887f6c23bab7db4bd87ef5edc00758 $match ||= 1 if defined $mhead->{'x-mx-bounce'}; $match ||= 1 if defined $mhead->{'x-mxl-hash'}; $match ||= 1 if defined $mhead->{'x-mxl-notehash'}; $match ||= 1 if index($mhead->{'from'}, 'Mail Delivery System') == 0; $match ||= 1 if $mhead->{'subject'} =~ qr{(?: Mail[ ]delivery[ ]failed(:[ ]returning[ ]message[ ]to[ ]sender)? |Warning:[ ]message[ ][^ ]+[ ]delayed[ ]+ |Delivery[ ]Status[ ]Notification ) }x; return undef unless $match; state $indicators = __PACKAGE__->INDICATORS; state $rebackbone = qr|^Included is a copy of the message header:|m; state $startingof = { 'message' => ['This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.'] }; state $recommands = [ qr/SMTP error from remote (?:mail server|mailer) after ([A-Za-z]{4})/, qr/SMTP error from remote (?:mail server|mailer) after end of ([A-Za-z]{4})/, ]; state $messagesof = { 'userunknown' => ['user not found'], 'hostunknown' => [ 'all host address lookups failed permanently', 'all relevant MX records point to non-existent hosts', 'Unrouteable address', ], 'mailboxfull' => [ 'mailbox is full', 'error: quota exceed', ], 'notaccept' => [ 'an MX or SRV record indicated no SMTP service', 'no host found for existing SMTP connection', ], 'syntaxerror' => [ 'angle-brackets nested too deep', 'expected word or "<"', 'domain missing in source-routed address', 'malformed address:', ], 'systemerror' => [ 'delivery to file forbidden', 'delivery to pipe forbidden', 'local delivery failed', 'LMTP error after ', ], 'contenterror' => ['Too many "Received" headers'], }; state $delayedfor = [ 'retry timeout exceeded', 'No action is required on your part', 'retry time not reached for any host after a long failure period', 'all hosts have been failing for a long time and were last tried', 'Delay reason: ', 'has been frozen', 'was frozen on arrival by ', ]; my $dscontents = [__PACKAGE__->DELIVERYSTATUS]; my $emailsteak = Sisimai::RFC5322->fillet($mbody, $rebackbone); my $readcursor = 0; # (Integer) Points the current cursor position my $recipients = 0; # (Integer) The number of 'Final-Recipient' header my $localhost0 = ''; # (String) Local MTA my $v = undef; for my $e ( split("\n", $emailsteak->[0]) ) { # Read error messages and delivery status lines from the head of the email # to the previous line of the beginning of the original message. unless( $readcursor ) { # Beginning of the bounce message or message/delivery-status part $readcursor |= $indicators->{'deliverystatus'} if index($e, $startingof->{'message'}->[0]) == 0; next; } next unless $readcursor & $indicators->{'deliverystatus'}; next unless length $e; # This message was created automatically by mail delivery software. # # A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its # recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed: # # kijitora@example.jp # SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT TO:<kijitora@example.jp>: # host neko.example.jp []: 550 5.1.1 <kijitora@example.jp>... User Unknown $v = $dscontents->[-1]; if( $e =~ /\A[ \t]*[<]([^ ]+[@][^ ]+)[>]:(.+)\z/ ) { # A message that you have sent could not be delivered to one or more # recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address failed: # # <kijitora@example.co.jp>: 550 5.1.1 ... if( $v->{'recipient'} ) { # There are multiple recipient addresses in the message body. push @$dscontents, __PACKAGE__->DELIVERYSTATUS; $v = $dscontents->[-1]; } $v->{'recipient'} = $1; $v->{'diagnosis'} = $2; $recipients++; } elsif( scalar @$dscontents == $recipients ) { # Error message next unless length $e; $v->{'diagnosis'} .= $e.' '; } } return undef unless $recipients; if( scalar @{ $mhead->{'received'} } ) { # Get the name of local MTA # Received: from marutamachi.example.org (c192128.example.net []) $localhost0 = $1 if $mhead->{'received'}->[-1] =~ /from[ \t]([^ ]+) /; } for my $e ( @$dscontents ) { # Set default values if each value is empty. $e->{'lhost'} ||= $localhost0; $e->{'diagnosis'} =~ s/[-]{2}.*\z//g; $e->{'diagnosis'} = Sisimai::String->sweep($e->{'diagnosis'}); unless( $e->{'rhost'} ) { # Get the remote host name # host neko.example.jp []: 550 5.1.1 <kijitora@example.jp>... User Unknown $e->{'rhost'} = $1 if $e->{'diagnosis'} =~ /host[ \t]+([^ \t]+)[ \t]\[.+\]:[ \t]/; unless( $e->{'rhost'} ) { if( scalar @{ $mhead->{'received'} } ) { # Get localhost and remote host name from Received header. $e->{'rhost'} = pop @{ Sisimai::RFC5322->received($mhead->{'received'}->[-1]) }; } } } unless( $e->{'command'} ) { # Get the SMTP command name for the session SMTP: for my $r ( @$recommands ) { # Verify each regular expression of SMTP commands next unless $e->{'diagnosis'} =~ $r; $e->{'command'} = uc $1; last; } # Detect the reason of bounce if( $e->{'command'} eq 'MAIL' ) { # MAIL | Connected to but sender was rejected. $e->{'reason'} = 'rejected'; } elsif( $e->{'command'} eq 'HELO' || $e->{'command'} eq 'EHLO' ) { # HELO | Connected to but my name was rejected. $e->{'reason'} = 'blocked'; } else { # Verify each regular expression of session errors SESSION: for my $r ( keys %$messagesof ) { # Check each regular expression next unless grep { index($e->{'diagnosis'}, $_) > -1 } @{ $messagesof->{ $r } }; $e->{'reason'} = $r; last; } unless( $e->{'reason'} ) { # The reason "expired" $e->{'reason'} = 'expired' if grep { index($e->{'diagnosis'}, $_) > -1 } @$delayedfor; } } } $e->{'command'} ||= ''; } return { 'ds' => $dscontents, 'rfc822' => $emailsteak->[1] }; } 1; __END__ =encoding utf-8 =head1 NAME Sisimai::Lhost::MXLogic - bounce mail parser class for C<MX Logic>. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Sisimai::Lhost::MXLogic; =head1 DESCRIPTION Sisimai::Lhost::MXLogic parses a bounce email which created by C<McAfee SaaS (formerly MX Logic)>. Methods in the module are called from only Sisimai::Message. =head1 CLASS METHODS =head2 C<B<description()>> C<description()> returns description string of this module. print Sisimai::Lhost::MXLogic->description; =head2 C<B<make(I<header data>, I<reference to body string>)>> C<make()> method parses a bounced email and return results as a array reference. See Sisimai::Message for more details. =head1 AUTHOR azumakuniyuki =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2014-2020 azumakuniyuki, All rights reserved. =head1 LICENSE This software is distributed under The BSD 2-Clause License. =cut
[ "ClArtistic" ]
[ "ClArtistic" ]
[ "ClArtistic" ]
package Mojo::mysql::Database; use Mojo::Base 'Mojo::EventEmitter'; use Carp; use Mojo::IOLoop; use Mojo::JSON 'to_json'; use Mojo::mysql::Results; use Mojo::mysql::Transaction; use Mojo::Promise; use Mojo::Util 'monkey_patch'; use Scalar::Util 'weaken'; has [qw(dbh mysql)]; has results_class => 'Mojo::mysql::Results'; for my $name (qw(delete insert select update)) { monkey_patch __PACKAGE__, $name, sub { my $self = shift; my @cb = ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE' ? pop : (); return $self->query($self->mysql->abstract->$name(@_), @cb); }; monkey_patch __PACKAGE__, "${name}_p", sub { my $self = shift; return $self->query_p($self->mysql->abstract->$name(@_)); }; } sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; $self->_cleanup_sth; return unless (my $mysql = $self->mysql) and (my $dbh = $self->dbh); $mysql->_enqueue($dbh, $self->{handle}); } sub backlog { scalar @{shift->{waiting} || []} } sub begin { my $self = shift; my $tx = Mojo::mysql::Transaction->new(db => $self); weaken $tx->{db}; return $tx; } sub disconnect { my $self = shift; $self->_cleanup_sth; $self->_unwatch; $self->dbh->disconnect; } sub pid { shift->_dbh_attr('mysql_thread_id') } sub ping { shift->dbh->ping } sub query { my ($self, $query) = (shift, shift); my $cb = ref $_[-1] eq 'CODE' ? pop : undef; # Blocking unless ($cb) { Carp::confess('Cannot perform blocking query, while waiting for async response') if $self->backlog; my $sth = $self->dbh->prepare($query); local $sth->{HandleError} = sub { $_[0] = Carp::shortmess($_[0]); 0 }; _bind_params($sth, @_); my $rv = $sth->execute; my $res = $self->results_class->new(db => $self, is_blocking => 1, sth => $sth); $res->{affected_rows} = defined $rv && $rv >= 0 ? 0 + $rv : undef; return $res; } # Non-blocking push @{$self->{waiting}}, {args => [@_], err => Carp::shortmess('__MSG__'), cb => $cb, query => $query}; $self->$_ for qw(_next _watch); return $self; } sub query_p { my $self = shift; my $promise = Mojo::Promise->new; $self->query(@_ => sub { $_[1] ? $promise->reject($_[1]) : $promise->resolve($_[2]) }); return $promise; } sub quote { shift->dbh->quote(shift) } sub quote_id { shift->dbh->quote_identifier(shift) } sub tables { shift->query('show tables')->arrays->reduce(sub { push @$a, $b->[0]; $a }, []); } sub _bind_params { my $sth = shift; for my $i (0 .. $#_) { my $param = $_[$i]; my %attrs; if (ref $param eq 'HASH') { if (exists $param->{json}) { $param = to_json $param->{json}; } elsif (exists $param->{type} && exists $param->{value}) { ($param, $attrs{TYPE}) = @$param{qw(value type)}; } } $sth->bind_param($i + 1, $param, \%attrs); } return $sth; } sub _cleanup_sth { my $self = shift; delete $self->{done_sth}; $_->{cb}($self, 'Premature connection close', undef) for @{delete $self->{waiting} || []}; } sub _dbh_attr { my $self = shift; my $dbh = ref $self ? $self->dbh : shift; my $name = shift; $name =~ s!^mysql!{lc $dbh->{Driver}{Name}}!e; return $dbh->{$name} = shift if @_; return $dbh->{$name}; } sub _next { my $self = shift; return unless my $next = $self->{waiting}[0]; return if $next->{sth}; my $dbh = $self->dbh; my $flag = lc $dbh->{Driver}{Name} eq 'mariadb' ? 'mariadb_async' : 'async'; my $sth = $next->{sth} = $self->dbh->prepare($next->{query}, {$flag => 1}); _bind_params($sth, @{$next->{args}}); $sth->execute; } sub _unwatch { Mojo::IOLoop->singleton->reactor->remove(delete $_[0]->{handle}) if $_[0]->{handle}; } sub _watch { my $self = shift; return if $self->{handle}; my $dbh = $self->dbh; my $driver = lc $dbh->{Driver}{Name}; my $ready_method = "${driver}_async_ready"; my $result_method = "${driver}_async_result"; my $fd = $driver eq 'mariadb' ? $dbh->mariadb_sockfd : $dbh->mysql_fd; open $self->{handle}, '<&', $fd or die "Could not dup $driver fd: $!"; Mojo::IOLoop->singleton->reactor->io( $self->{handle} => sub { return unless my $waiting = $self->{waiting}; return unless @$waiting and $waiting->[0]{sth} and $waiting->[0]{sth}->$ready_method; my ($cb, $err, $sth) = @{shift @$waiting}{qw(cb err sth)}; # Do not raise exceptions inside the event loop my $rv = do { local $sth->{RaiseError} = 0; $sth->$result_method }; my $res = $self->results_class->new(db => $self, sth => $sth); $err = undef if defined $rv; $err =~ s!\b__MSG__\b!{$dbh->errstr}!e if defined $err; $res->{affected_rows} = defined $rv && $rv >= 0 ? 0 + $rv : undef; $self->$cb($err, $res); $self->_next; $self->_unwatch unless $self->backlog; } )->watch($self->{handle}, 1, 0); } 1; =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Mojo::mysql::Database - Database =head1 SYNOPSIS use Mojo::mysql::Database; my $db = Mojo::mysql::Database->new(mysql => $mysql, dbh => $dbh); =head1 DESCRIPTION L<Mojo::mysql::Database> is a container for database handles used by L<Mojo::mysql>. =head1 ATTRIBUTES L<Mojo::mysql::Database> implements the following attributes. =head2 dbh my $dbh = $db->dbh; $db = $db->dbh(DBI->new); Database handle used for all queries. =head2 mysql my $mysql = $db->mysql; $db = $db->mysql(Mojo::mysql->new); L<Mojo::mysql> object this database belongs to. =head2 results_class $class = $db->results_class; $db = $db->results_class("MyApp::Results"); Class to be used by L</"query">, defaults to L<Mojo::mysql::Results>. Note that this class needs to have already been loaded before L</"query"> is called. =head1 METHODS L<Mojo::mysql::Database> inherits all methods from L<Mojo::EventEmitter> and implements the following new ones. =head2 backlog my $num = $db->backlog; Number of waiting non-blocking queries. =head2 begin my $tx = $db->begin; Begin transaction and return L<Mojo::mysql::Transaction> object, which will automatically roll back the transaction unless L<Mojo::mysql::Transaction/"commit"> bas been called before it is destroyed. # Add names in a transaction eval { my $tx = $db->begin; $db->query('insert into names values (?)', 'Baerbel'); $db->query('insert into names values (?)', 'Wolfgang'); $tx->commit; }; say $@ if $@; =head2 delete my $results = $db->delete($table, \%where); Generate a C<DELETE> statement with L<Mojo::mysql/"abstract"> (usually an L<SQL::Abstract> object) and execute it with L</"query">. You can also append a callback to perform operations non-blocking. $db->delete(some_table => sub { my ($db, $err, $results) = @_; ... }); Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running; =head2 delete_p my $promise = $db->delete_p($table, \%where, \%options); Same as L</"delete">, but performs all operations non-blocking and returns a L<Mojo::Promise> object instead of accepting a callback. $db->delete_p('some_table')->then(sub { my $results = shift; ... })->catch(sub { my $err = shift; ... })->wait; =head2 disconnect $db->disconnect; Disconnect database handle and prevent it from getting cached again. =head2 insert my $results = $db->insert($table, \@values || \%fieldvals, \%options); Generate an C<INSERT> statement with L<Mojo::mysql/"abstract"> (usually an L<SQL::Abstract> object) and execute it with L</"query">. You can also append a callback to perform operations non-blocking. $db->insert(some_table => {foo => 'bar'} => sub { my ($db, $err, $results) = @_; ... }); Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running; =head2 insert_p my $promise = $db->insert_p($table, \@values || \%fieldvals, \%options); Same as L</"insert">, but performs all operations non-blocking and returns a L<Mojo::Promise> object instead of accepting a callback. $db->insert_p(some_table => {foo => 'bar'})->then(sub { my $results = shift; ... })->catch(sub { my $err = shift; ... })->wait; =head2 pid my $pid = $db->pid; Return the connection id of the backend server process. =head2 ping my $bool = $db->ping; Check database connection. =head2 query my $results = $db->query('select * from foo'); my $results = $db->query('insert into foo values (?, ?, ?)', @values); my $results = $db->query('insert into foo values (?)', {json => {bar => 'baz'}}); my $results = $db->query('insert into foo values (?)', {type => SQL_INTEGER, value => 42}); Execute a blocking statement and return a L<Mojo::mysql::Results> object with the results. You can also append a callback to perform operation non-blocking. $db->query('select * from foo' => sub { my ($db, $err, $results) = @_; ... }); Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running; Hash reference arguments containing a value named C<json>, will be encoded to JSON text with L<Mojo::JSON/"to_json">. To accomplish the reverse, you can use the method L<Mojo::mysql::Results/"expand">, which automatically decodes data back to Perl data structures. $db->query('insert into foo values (x) values (?)', {json => {bar => 'baz'}}); $db->query('select * from foo')->expand->hash->{x}{bar}; # baz Hash reference arguments containing values named C<type> and C<value> can be used to bind specific L<DBI> data types (see L<DBI/"DBI Constants">) to placeholders. This is needed to pass binary data in parameters; see L<DBD::mysql/"mysql_enable_utf8"> for more information. # Insert binary data use DBI ':sql_types'; $db->query('insert into bar values (?)', {type => SQL_BLOB, value => $bytes}); =head2 query_p my $promise = $db->query_p('select * from foo'); Same as L</"query">, but performs all operations non-blocking and returns a L<Mojo::Promise> object instead of accepting a callback. $db->query_p('insert into foo values (?, ?, ?)' => @values)->then(sub { my $results = shift; ... })->catch(sub { my $err = shift; ... })->wait; =head2 quote my $escaped = $db->quote($str); Quote a string literal for use as a literal value in an SQL statement. =head2 quote_id my $escaped = $db->quote_id($id); Quote an identifier (table name etc.) for use in an SQL statement. =head2 select my $results = $db->select($source, $fields, $where, $order); Generate a C<SELECT> statement with L<Mojo::mysql/"abstract"> (usually an L<SQL::Abstract> object) and execute it with L</"query">. You can also append a callback to perform operations non-blocking. $db->select(some_table => ['foo'] => sub { my ($db, $err, $results) = @_; ... }); Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running; =head2 select_p my $promise = $db->select_p($source, $fields, $where, $order); Same as L</"select">, but performs all operations non-blocking and returns a L<Mojo::Promise> object instead of accepting a callback. $db->select_p(some_table => ['foo'] => {bar => 'yada'})->then(sub { my $results = shift; ... })->catch(sub { my $err = shift; ... })->wait; =head2 update my $results = $db->update($table, \%fieldvals, \%where); Generate an C<UPDATE> statement with L<Mojo::mysql/"abstract"> (usually an L<SQL::Abstract> object) and execute it with L</"query">. You can also append a callback to perform operations non-blocking. $db->update(some_table => {foo => 'baz'} => {foo => 'bar'} => sub { my ($db, $err, $results) = @_; ... }); Mojo::IOLoop->start unless Mojo::IOLoop->is_running; =head2 update_p my $promise = $db->update_p($table, \%fieldvals, \%where, \%options); Same as L</"update">, but performs all operations non-blocking and returns a L<Mojo::Promise> object instead of accepting a callback. $db->update_p(some_table => {foo => 'baz'} => {foo => 'bar'})->then(sub { my $results = shift; ... })->catch(sub { my $err = shift; ... })->wait; =head2 tables my $tables = $db->tables; Return an array reference with table names for this database. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Mojo::mysql>. =cut
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
main(X) :- var(X),print(var),nl,X=1. main(X) :- print(nonvar(X)),nl.
[ "Artistic-2.0" ]
[ "Artistic-2.0" ]
[ "Artistic-2.0" ]
package DateTime::Duration; BEGIN { $DateTime::Duration::VERSION = '0.61'; } use strict; use warnings; use Carp (); use DateTime; use DateTime::Helpers; use Params::Validate qw( validate SCALAR ); use overload ( fallback => 1, '+' => '_add_overload', '-' => '_subtract_overload', '*' => '_multiply_overload', '<=>' => '_compare_overload', 'cmp' => '_compare_overload', ); use constant MAX_NANOSECONDS => 1_000_000_000; # 1E9 = almost 32 bits my @all_units = qw( months days minutes seconds nanoseconds ); # XXX - need to reject non-integers but accept infinity, NaN, & # 1.56e+18 sub new { my $class = shift; my %p = validate( @_, { years => { type => SCALAR, default => 0 }, months => { type => SCALAR, default => 0 }, weeks => { type => SCALAR, default => 0 }, days => { type => SCALAR, default => 0 }, hours => { type => SCALAR, default => 0 }, minutes => { type => SCALAR, default => 0 }, seconds => { type => SCALAR, default => 0 }, nanoseconds => { type => SCALAR, default => 0 }, end_of_month => { type => SCALAR, default => undef, regex => qr/^(?:wrap|limit|preserve)$/ }, } ); my $self = bless {}, $class; $self->{months} = ( $p{years} * 12 ) + $p{months}; $self->{days} = ( $p{weeks} * 7 ) + $p{days}; $self->{minutes} = ( $p{hours} * 60 ) + $p{minutes}; $self->{seconds} = $p{seconds}; if ( $p{nanoseconds} ) { $self->{nanoseconds} = $p{nanoseconds}; $self->_normalize_nanoseconds; } else { # shortcut - if they don't need nanoseconds $self->{nanoseconds} = 0; } $self->{end_of_month} = ( defined $p{end_of_month} ? $p{end_of_month} : $self->{months} < 0 ? 'preserve' : 'wrap' ); return $self; } # make the signs of seconds, nanos the same; 0 < abs(nanos) < MAX_NANOS # NB this requires nanoseconds != 0 (callers check this already) sub _normalize_nanoseconds { my $self = shift; return if ( $self->{nanoseconds} == DateTime::INFINITY() || $self->{nanoseconds} == DateTime::NEG_INFINITY() || $self->{nanoseconds} eq DateTime::NAN() ); my $seconds = $self->{seconds} + $self->{nanoseconds} / MAX_NANOSECONDS; $self->{seconds} = int($seconds); $self->{nanoseconds} = $self->{nanoseconds} % MAX_NANOSECONDS; $self->{nanoseconds} -= MAX_NANOSECONDS if $seconds < 0; } sub clone { bless { %{ $_[0] } }, ref $_[0] } sub years { abs( $_[0]->in_units('years') ) } sub months { abs( $_[0]->in_units( 'months', 'years' ) ) } sub weeks { abs( $_[0]->in_units('weeks') ) } sub days { abs( $_[0]->in_units( 'days', 'weeks' ) ) } sub hours { abs( $_[0]->in_units('hours') ) } sub minutes { abs( $_[0]->in_units( 'minutes', 'hours' ) ) } sub seconds { abs( $_[0]->in_units('seconds') ) } sub nanoseconds { abs( $_[0]->in_units( 'nanoseconds', 'seconds' ) ) } sub is_positive { $_[0]->_has_positive && !$_[0]->_has_negative } sub is_negative { !$_[0]->_has_positive && $_[0]->_has_negative } sub _has_positive { ( grep { $_ > 0 } @{ $_[0] }{@all_units} ) ? 1 : 0; } sub _has_negative { ( grep { $_ < 0 } @{ $_[0] }{@all_units} ) ? 1 : 0; } sub is_zero { return 0 if grep { $_ != 0 } @{ $_[0] }{@all_units}; return 1; } sub delta_months { $_[0]->{months} } sub delta_days { $_[0]->{days} } sub delta_minutes { $_[0]->{minutes} } sub delta_seconds { $_[0]->{seconds} } sub delta_nanoseconds { $_[0]->{nanoseconds} } sub deltas { map { $_ => $_[0]->{$_} } @all_units; } sub in_units { my $self = shift; my @units = @_; my %units = map { $_ => 1 } @units; my %ret; my ( $months, $days, $minutes, $seconds ) = @{$self}{qw( months days minutes seconds )}; if ( $units{years} ) { $ret{years} = int( $months / 12 ); $months -= $ret{years} * 12; } if ( $units{months} ) { $ret{months} = $months; } if ( $units{weeks} ) { $ret{weeks} = int( $days / 7 ); $days -= $ret{weeks} * 7; } if ( $units{days} ) { $ret{days} = $days; } if ( $units{hours} ) { $ret{hours} = int( $minutes / 60 ); $minutes -= $ret{hours} * 60; } if ( $units{minutes} ) { $ret{minutes} = $minutes; } if ( $units{seconds} ) { $ret{seconds} = $seconds; $seconds = 0; } if ( $units{nanoseconds} ) { $ret{nanoseconds} = $seconds * MAX_NANOSECONDS + $self->{nanoseconds}; } wantarray ? @ret{@units} : $ret{ $units[0] }; } sub is_wrap_mode { $_[0]->{end_of_month} eq 'wrap' ? 1 : 0 } sub is_limit_mode { $_[0]->{end_of_month} eq 'limit' ? 1 : 0 } sub is_preserve_mode { $_[0]->{end_of_month} eq 'preserve' ? 1 : 0 } sub end_of_month_mode { $_[0]->{end_of_month} } sub calendar_duration { my $self = shift; return ( ref $self ) ->new( map { $_ => $self->{$_} } qw( months days end_of_month ) ); } sub clock_duration { my $self = shift; return ( ref $self ) ->new( map { $_ => $self->{$_} } qw( minutes seconds nanoseconds end_of_month ) ); } sub inverse { my $self = shift; my %p = @_; my %new; foreach my $u (@all_units) { $new{$u} = $self->{$u}; # avoid -0 bug $new{$u} *= -1 if $new{$u}; } $new{end_of_month} = $p{end_of_month} if exists $p{end_of_month}; return ( ref $self )->new(%new); } sub add_duration { my ( $self, $dur ) = @_; foreach my $u (@all_units) { $self->{$u} += $dur->{$u}; } $self->_normalize_nanoseconds if $self->{nanoseconds}; return $self; } sub add { my $self = shift; return $self->add_duration( ( ref $self )->new(@_) ); } sub subtract_duration { return $_[0]->add_duration( $_[1]->inverse ) } sub subtract { my $self = shift; return $self->subtract_duration( ( ref $self )->new(@_) ); } sub multiply { my $self = shift; my $multiplier = shift; foreach my $u (@all_units) { $self->{$u} *= $multiplier; } $self->_normalize_nanoseconds if $self->{nanoseconds}; return $self; } sub compare { my ( $class, $dur1, $dur2, $dt ) = @_; $dt ||= DateTime->now; return DateTime->compare( $dt->clone->add_duration($dur1), $dt->clone->add_duration($dur2) ); } sub _add_overload { my ( $d1, $d2, $rev ) = @_; ( $d1, $d2 ) = ( $d2, $d1 ) if $rev; if ( DateTime::Helpers::isa( $d2, 'DateTime' ) ) { $d2->add_duration($d1); return; } # will also work if $d1 is a DateTime.pm object return $d1->clone->add_duration($d2); } sub _subtract_overload { my ( $d1, $d2, $rev ) = @_; ( $d1, $d2 ) = ( $d2, $d1 ) if $rev; Carp::croak( "Cannot subtract a DateTime object from a DateTime::Duration object") if DateTime::Helpers::isa( $d2, 'DateTime' ); return $d1->clone->subtract_duration($d2); } sub _multiply_overload { my $self = shift; my $new = $self->clone; return $new->multiply(@_); } sub _compare_overload { Carp::croak( 'DateTime::Duration does not overload comparison.' . ' See the documentation on the compare() method for details.' ); } 1; # ABSTRACT: Duration objects for date math =pod =head1 NAME DateTime::Duration - Duration objects for date math =head1 VERSION version 0.61 =head1 SYNOPSIS use DateTime::Duration; $d = DateTime::Duration->new( years => 3, months => 5, weeks => 1, days => 1, hours => 6, minutes => 15, seconds => 45, nanoseconds => 12000 ); # Convert to different units $d->in_units('days', 'hours', 'seconds'); # The important parts for date math $d->delta_months $d->delta_days $d->delta_minutes $d->delta_seconds $d->delta_nanoseconds my %deltas = $d->deltas $d->is_wrap_mode $d->is_limit_mode $d->is_preserve_mode print $d->end_of_month_mode; # Multiple all deltas by -1 my $opposite = $d->inverse; my $bigger = $dur1 + $dur2; my $smaller = $dur1 - $dur2; # the result could be negative my $bigger = $dur1 * 3; my $base_dt = DateTime->new( year => 2000 ); my @sorted = sort { DateTime::Duration->compare( $a, $b, $base_dt ) } @durations; # Human-readable accessors, always positive, but use # DateTime::Format::Duration instead $d->years; $d->months; $d->weeks; $d->days; $d->hours; $d->minutes; $d->seconds; $d->nanoseconds; if ( $d->is_positive ) { ... } if ( $d->is_zero ) { ... } if ( $d->is_negative ) { ... } =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a simple class for representing duration objects. These objects are used whenever you do date math with DateTime.pm. See the L<How Date Math is Done|DateTime/"How Date Math is Done"> section of the DateTime.pm documentation for more details. The short course: One cannot in general convert between seconds, minutes, days, and months, so this class will never do so. Instead, create the duration with the desired units to begin with, for example by calling the appropriate subtraction/delta method on a C<DateTime.pm> object. =head1 METHODS Like C<DateTime> itself, C<DateTime::Duration> returns the object from mutator methods in order to make method chaining possible. C<DateTime::Duration> has the following methods: =over 4 =item * new( ... ) This method takes the parameters "years", "months", "weeks", "days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds", "nanoseconds", and "end_of_month". All of these except "end_of_month" are numbers. If any of the numbers are negative, the entire duration is negative. All of the numbers B<must be integers>. Internally, years as just treated as 12 months. Similarly, weeks are treated as 7 days, and hours are converted to minutes. Seconds and nanoseconds are both treated separately. The "end_of_month" parameter must be either "wrap", "limit", or "preserve". This parameter specifies how date math that crosses the end of a month is handled. In "wrap" mode, adding months or years that result in days beyond the end of the new month will roll over into the following month. For instance, adding one year to Feb 29 will result in Mar 1. If you specify "end_of_month" mode as "limit", the end of the month is never crossed. Thus, adding one year to Feb 29, 2000 will result in Feb 28, 2001. If you were to then add three more years this will result in Feb 28, 2004. If you specify "end_of_month" mode as "preserve", the same calculation is done as for "limit" except that if the original date is at the end of the month the new date will also be. For instance, adding one month to Feb 29, 2000 will result in Mar 31, 2000. For positive durations, the "end_of_month" parameter defaults to wrap. For negative durations, the default is "limit". This should match how most people "intuitively" expect datetime math to work. =item * clone Returns a new object with the same properties as the object on which this method was called. =item * in_units( ... ) Returns the length of the duration in the units (any of those that can be passed to L<new>) given as arguments. All lengths are integral, but may be negative. Smaller units are computed from what remains after taking away the larger units given, so for example: my $dur = DateTime::Duration->new( years => 1, months => 15 ); $dur->in_units( 'years' ); # 2 $dur->in_units( 'months' ); # 27 $dur->in_units( 'years', 'months' ); # (2, 3) $dur->in_units( 'weeks', 'days' ); # (0, 0) ! The last example demonstrates that there will not be any conversion between units which don't have a fixed conversion rate. The only conversions possible are: =over 8 =item * years <=> months =item * weeks <=> days =item * hours <=> minutes =item * seconds <=> nanoseconds =back For the explanation of why this happens, please see the L<How Date Math is Done|DateTime/"How Date Math is Done"> section of the DateTime.pm documentation Note that the numbers returned by this method may not match the values given to the constructor. In list context, in_units returns the lengths in the order of the units given. In scalar context, it returns the length in the first unit (but still computes in terms of all given units). If you need more flexibility in presenting information about durations, please take a look a C<DateTime::Format::Duration>. =item * delta_months, delta_days, delta_minutes, delta_seconds, delta_nanoseconds These methods provide the information C<DateTime.pm> needs for doing date math. The numbers returned may be positive or negative. =item * deltas Returns a hash with the keys "months", "days", "minutes", "seconds", and "nanoseconds", containing all the delta information for the object. =item * is_positive, is_zero, is_negative Indicates whether or not the duration is positive, zero, or negative. If the duration contains both positive and negative units, then it will return false for B<all> of these methods. =item * is_wrap_mode, is_limit_mode, is_preserve_mode Indicates what mode is used for end of month wrapping. =item * end_of_month_mode Returns one of "wrap", "limit", or "preserve". =item * calendar_duration Returns a new object with the same I<calendar> delta (months and days only) and end of month mode as the current object. =item * clock_duration Returns a new object with the same I<clock> deltas (minutes, seconds, and nanoseconds) and end of month mode as the current object. =item * inverse( ... ) Returns a new object with the same deltas as the current object, but multiple by -1. The end of month mode for the new object will be the default end of month mode, which depends on whether the new duration is positive or negative. You can set the end of month mode in the inverted duration explicitly by passing "end_of_month => ..." to the C<inverse()> method. =item * add_duration( $duration_object ), subtract_duration( $duration_object ) Adds or subtracts one duration from another. =item * add( ... ), subtract( ... ) Syntactic sugar for addition and subtraction. The parameters given to these methods are used to create a new object, which is then passed to C<add_duration()> or C<subtract_duration()>, as appropriate. =item * multiply( $number ) Multiplies each unit in the by the specified number. =item * DateTime::Duration->compare( $duration1, $duration2, $base_datetime ) This is a class method that can be used to compare or sort durations. Comparison is done by adding each duration to the specified C<DateTime.pm> object and comparing the resulting datetimes. This is necessary because without a base, many durations are not comparable. For example, 1 month may or may not be longer than 29 days, depending on what datetime it is added to. If no base datetime is given, then the result of C<< DateTime->now >> is used instead. Using this default will give non-repeatable results if used to compare two duration objects containing different units. It will also give non-repeatable results if the durations contain multiple types of units, such as months and days. However, if you know that both objects only consist of one type of unit (months I<or> days I<or> hours, etc.), and each duration contains the same type of unit, then the results of the comparison will be repeatable. =item * years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, nanoseconds These methods return numbers indicating how many of the given unit the object represents, after having done a conversion to any larger units. For example, days are first converted to weeks, and then the remainder is returned. These numbers are always positive. Here's what each method returns: $dur->years() == abs( $dur->in_units('years') ) $dur->months() == abs( ( $dur->in_units( 'months', 'years' ) )[0] ) $dur->weeks() == abs( $dur->in_units( 'weeks' ) ) $dur->days() == abs( ( $dur->in_units( 'days', 'weeks' ) )[0] ) $dur->hours() == abs( $dur->in_units( 'hours' ) ) $dur->minutes == abs( ( $dur->in_units( 'minutes', 'hours' ) )[0] ) $dur->seconds == abs( $dur->in_units( 'seconds' ) ) $dur->nanoseconds() == abs( ( $dur->in_units( 'nanoseconds', 'seconds' ) )[0] ) If this seems confusing, remember that you can always use the C<in_units()> method to specify exactly what you want. Better yet, if you are trying to generate output suitable for humans, use the C<DateTime::Format::Duration> module. =back =head2 Overloading This class overloads addition, subtraction, and mutiplication. Comparison is B<not> overloaded. If you attempt to compare durations using C<< <=> >> or C<cmp>, then an exception will be thrown! Use the C<compare()> class method instead. =head1 SUPPORT Support for this module is provided via the datetime@perl.org email list. See http://lists.perl.org/ for more details. =head1 SEE ALSO datetime@perl.org mailing list http://datetime.perl.org/ =head1 AUTHOR Dave Rolsky <autarch@urth.org> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2010 by Dave Rolsky. This is free software, licensed under: The Artistic License 2.0 =cut __END__
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
$ $MERLIN single errors -pp cat -filename test.ml <<EOF > let x : int = "hello" > EOF { "class": "return", "value": [ { "start": { "line": 1, "col": 14 }, "end": { "line": 1, "col": 21 }, "type": "typer", "sub": [], "valid": true, "message": "This expression has type string but an expression was expected of type int" } ], "notifications": [] } $ $MERLIN single errors -pp 'cpp -Wno-everything -E' -filename test.ml <<EOF > #ifndef FOO > let x : int = "hello" > #else > let x : int = 42 > #endif > EOF { "class": "return", "value": [ { "start": { "line": 2, "col": 14 }, "end": { "line": 2, "col": 21 }, "type": "typer", "sub": [], "valid": true, "message": "This expression has type string but an expression was expected of type int" } ], "notifications": [] } $ $MERLIN single errors -pp 'cpp -Wno-everything -E' -filename test.ml <<EOF > #ifdef FOO > let x : int = "hello" > #else > let x : int = 42 > #endif > EOF { "class": "return", "value": [], "notifications": [] }
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
package HTTP2::Draft::FrameStream; use 5.008; use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use base qw( IO::Async::SSLStream ); use HTTP2::Draft::Frame qw( :frames :settings :errors ); =head1 NAME HTTP2::Draft::FrameStream - Frame stream class based on IO::Async::SSLStreams =head1 VERSION Version 0.03 =cut our $VERSION = '0.03'; sub write_frame { my $self = shift; my $frame = shift; # HTTP2::Draft::hex_print( $frame->{wire} ); # TODO: do some checks $self->write( $frame->{wire} ); } sub read_frame { my $self = shift; my $buffer = shift; # print "read_frame\n"; # TODO: Do something about this magic number 8 if ( length( $buffer ) < 8 ) { # we do not have a full frame header yet return undef; } #HTTP2::Draft::hex_print( $buffer ); my $data = substr( $buffer, 0, 8 ); my $wire = $data; my $frame = HTTP2::Draft::Frame::unpack( $data ); # we need more data from the socket to get a full frame # this would be a GREAT place to check for too large frames if ( $frame->{length} + 8 > length( $buffer ) ) { return undef; } $data = substr( $buffer, 8, $frame->{length} ); $wire .= $data; # HTTP2::Draft::hex_print( $wire ); # TDOD: I do not like the special casing. if ( $frame->{type} == HEADERS ) { my $direction = $self->{conn}->{role} eq "server" ? "request" : "response"; my $inflator = $self->{conn}->{compressor}->{$direction}; $frame->data( $data, $inflator ); } else { $frame->data( $data ); } $frame->{size} = $frame->{length} + 8; return $frame; } =head1 SYNOPSIS Quick summary of what the module does. Perhaps a little code snippet. use HTTP2::Draft::FramerStream; my $foo = HTTP2::Draft::FrameStream->new(); ... =head1 EXPORT A list of functions that can be exported. You can delete this section if you don't export anything, such as for a purely object-oriented module. =head1 SUBROUTINES/METHODS =head2 function1 =cut =head1 AUTHOR Stephen Ludin, C<< <sludin at ludin.org> >> =head1 BUGS Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-http2-draft at rt.cpan.org>, or through the web interface at L<http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=HTTP2-Draft>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. =head1 SUPPORT You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc HTTP2::Draft::FramerStream You can also look for information at: =over 4 =item * RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here) L<http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bugs.html?Dist=HTTP2-Draft> =item * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation L<http://annocpan.org/dist/HTTP2-Draft> =item * CPAN Ratings L<http://cpanratings.perl.org/d/HTTP2-Draft> =item * Search CPAN L<http://search.cpan.org/dist/HTTP2-Draft/> =back =head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2013 Stephen Ludin. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the the Artistic License (2.0). You may obtain a copy of the full license at: L<http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0> Any use, modification, and distribution of the Standard or Modified Versions is governed by this Artistic License. By using, modifying or distributing the Package, you accept this license. Do not use, modify, or distribute the Package, if you do not accept this license. If your Modified Version has been derived from a Modified Version made by someone other than you, you are nevertheless required to ensure that your Modified Version complies with the requirements of this license. This license does not grant you the right to use any trademark, service mark, tradename, or logo of the Copyright Holder. This license includes the non-exclusive, worldwide, free-of-charge patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import and otherwise transfer the Package with respect to any patent claims licensable by the Copyright Holder that are necessarily infringed by the Package. If you institute patent litigation (including a cross-claim or counterclaim) against any party alleging that the Package constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, then this Artistic License to you shall terminate on the date that such litigation is filed. Disclaimer of Warranty: THE PACKAGE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES. THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT ARE DISCLAIMED TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY YOUR LOCAL LAW. UNLESS REQUIRED BY LAW, NO COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTOR WILL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THE PACKAGE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. =cut 1; # End of HTTP2::Draft::FramerStream
[ "BSD-2-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-2-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-2-Clause" ]
package MusicBrainz::Server::Form::Field::PartialDate; use MusicBrainz::Server::Translation qw( l ); use MusicBrainz::Server::Validation qw( is_valid_partial_date ); use HTML::FormHandler::Moose; use Date::Calc (); extends 'HTML::FormHandler::Field::Compound'; has_field 'year' => ( type => '+MusicBrainz::Server::Form::Field::Integer', deflate_method => sub { defined $_[1] ? sprintf '%.4d', $_[1] : undef }, ); has_field 'month' => ( type => '+MusicBrainz::Server::Form::Field::Integer', range_start => 1, range_end => 12, ); has_field 'day' => ( type => '+MusicBrainz::Server::Form::Field::Integer', range_start => 1, range_end => 31, ); =begin comment This is kind of hacky. If the user doesn't enter any data, the form will submit with: year => '' month => '' day => '' However, in this case we really need: year => undef, month => undef, day => undef =cut around '_set_value' => sub { my $orig = shift; my ($self, $value) = @_; $self->$orig({ map { $_ => !defined $value->{$_} || $value->{$_} eq '' ? undef : $value->{$_} } keys %$value }); }; sub validate { my $self = shift; my $year = $self->field('year')->value; my $month = $self->field('month')->value; my $day = $self->field('day')->value; return 1 if is_valid_partial_date($year, $month, $day); return $self->add_error(l('invalid date')); } 1;
[ "Artistic-1.0" ]
[ "Artistic-1.0" ]
[ "Artistic-1.0" ]
package t::test::fixtures; use strict; use warnings; use APISchema::DSL; sub prepare_bmi { APISchema::DSL::process { include 't/fixtures/bmi.def'; }; } sub prepare_family { APISchema::DSL::process { include 't/fixtures/family.def'; }; } sub prepare_user { APISchema::DSL::process { include 't/fixtures/user.def'; }; } sub prepare_author { APISchema::DSL::process { include 't/fixtures/author.def'; }; } sub prepare_status { APISchema::DSL::process { include 't/fixtures/status.def'; }; } sub prepare_boolean { APISchema::DSL::process { include 't/fixtures/boolean.def'; }; } sub prepare_example_null { APISchema::DSL::process { include 't/fixtures/example-null.def'; }; } 1;
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
[ "MIT" ]
=encoding utf-8 =head1 NAME Business::cXML::Credential - cXML credential =head1 SYNOPSIS use Business::cXML::Transmission; $msg = new Business::cXML::Transmission $incoming_cxml_string; print $msg->to->id; # Fetches Identity string from the To credential =head1 DESCRIPTION Object representation of cXML C<To>, C<From> and C<Sender> (default). =head1 METHODS See L<Business::cXML::Object/COMMON METHODS>. =head1 PROPERTY METHODS See L<Business::cXML::Object/PROPERTY METHODS> for how the following operate. =over =cut use 5.014; use strict; package Business::cXML::Credential; use base qw(Business::cXML::Object); use constant NODENAME => 'Sender'; use constant PROPERTIES => ( _note => undef, domain => 'NetworkId', id => ' ', secret => undef, useragent => undef, type => undef, lang => undef, contact => undef, ); use constant OBJ_PROPERTIES => ( contact => 'Business::cXML::Contact', ); use Business::cXML; use Business::cXML::Contact; use XML::LibXML::Ferry; sub from_node { my ($self, $el) = @_; $el->ferry($self, { # domain attribute is implicit # type attribute is implicit Credential => { # We will only consider the last Credential if there are multiples Identity => 'id', SharedSecret => 'secret', DigitalSignature => '__OBSOLETE', CredentialMac => '__UNIMPLEMENTED', }, Correspondent => { preferredLanguage => 'lang', # We will implicitly keep only the last Contact if there are multiples Contact => [ 'contact', 'Business::cXML::Contact' ], }, }); } sub to_node { my ($self, $doc) = @_; my $node = $doc->create($self->{_nodeName}); my $cred = $node->add('Credential', undef, domain => $self->{domain}, type => $self->{type}); $cred->add('Identity', $self->{id}); $cred->add('SharedSecret', $self->{secret}) if $self->{secret}; # UNIMPLEMENTED: DigitalSignature CredentialMac if ($self->{_nodeName} eq 'Sender') { $node->add('UserAgent', $Business::cXML::USERAGENT); } elsif (ref $self->{contact}) { $node->add('Correspondent', undef, preferredLanguage => $self->{lang}) ->add($self->{contact}->to_node($node)) ; }; return $node; } =item C<B<domain>> Mandatory, default: C<NetworkId> =item C<B<id>> Mandatory =item C<B<type>> Optional, expected to be C<undef> (default) or C<marketplace> =item C<B<lang>> Optional, in outgoing messages it is only used if contact information is defined. =item C<B<contact>> Optional, L<Business::cXML::Contact> object =item C<B<_note>> Private note. It will be lost in conversion back to cXML. Intended to help you store your own representation of the remote company during processing. =back =head3 C<Sender> adds: =over =item C<B<useragent>> Mandatory =item C<B<secret>> Optional =back =head1 AUTHOR Stéphane Lavergne L<https://github.com/vphantom> =head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Graph X Design Inc. L<https://www.gxd.ca/> sponsored this project. =head1 COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Stéphane Lavergne L<https://github.com/vphantom> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. =cut 1;
[ "ClArtistic" ]
[ "ClArtistic" ]
[ "ClArtistic" ]
#!perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use HTTP::Status qw/ :constants :is /; use HTTP::Request::Common; use Plack::Builder; use Plack::Test; my $handler = builder { enable "Security::Simple", rules => sub { my ($env) = @_; return $env->{PATH_INFO} =~ m{\.(php|asp)$}; }; sub { return [ HTTP_OK, [], ['Ok'] ] }; }; test_psgi app => $handler, client => sub { my $cb = shift; subtest 'not blocked' => sub { my $req = GET "/some/thing.html"; my $res = $cb->($req); ok is_success( $res->code ), join( " ", $req->method, $req->uri ); is $res->code, HTTP_OK, "HTTP_OK"; }; subtest 'blocked' => sub { my $req = GET "/some/thing.php"; my $res = $cb->($req); ok is_error( $res->code ), join( " ", $req->method, $req->uri ); is $res->code, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "HTTP_BAD_REQUEST"; }; subtest 'blocked' => sub { my $req = GET "/some/thing.php?stuff=1"; my $res = $cb->($req); ok is_error( $res->code ), join( " ", $req->method, $req->uri ); is $res->code, HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "HTTP_BAD_REQUEST"; }; }; done_testing;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
package Paws::QLDB::GetBlock; use Moose; has BlockAddress => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Paws::QLDB::ValueHolder', required => 1); has DigestTipAddress => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Paws::QLDB::ValueHolder'); has Name => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str', traits => ['ParamInURI'], uri_name => 'name', required => 1); use MooseX::ClassAttribute; class_has _api_call => (isa => 'Str', is => 'ro', default => 'GetBlock'); class_has _api_uri => (isa => 'Str', is => 'ro', default => '/ledgers/{name}/block'); class_has _api_method => (isa => 'Str', is => 'ro', default => 'POST'); class_has _returns => (isa => 'Str', is => 'ro', default => 'Paws::QLDB::GetBlockResponse'); 1; ### main pod documentation begin ### =head1 NAME Paws::QLDB::GetBlock - Arguments for method GetBlock on L<Paws::QLDB> =head1 DESCRIPTION This class represents the parameters used for calling the method GetBlock on the L<Amazon QLDB|Paws::QLDB> service. Use the attributes of this class as arguments to method GetBlock. You shouldn't make instances of this class. Each attribute should be used as a named argument in the call to GetBlock. =head1 SYNOPSIS my $qldb = Paws->service('QLDB'); my $GetBlockResponse = $qldb->GetBlock( BlockAddress => { IonText => 'MyIonText', # min: 1, max: 1048576; OPTIONAL }, Name => 'MyLedgerName', DigestTipAddress => { IonText => 'MyIonText', # min: 1, max: 1048576; OPTIONAL }, # OPTIONAL ); # Results: my $Block = $GetBlockResponse->Block; my $Proof = $GetBlockResponse->Proof; # Returns a L<Paws::QLDB::GetBlockResponse> object. Values for attributes that are native types (Int, String, Float, etc) can passed as-is (scalar values). Values for complex Types (objects) can be passed as a HashRef. The keys and values of the hashref will be used to instance the underlying object. For the AWS API documentation, see L<https://docs.aws.amazon.com/goto/WebAPI/qldb/GetBlock> =head1 ATTRIBUTES =head2 B<REQUIRED> BlockAddress => L<Paws::QLDB::ValueHolder> The location of the block that you want to request. An address is an Amazon Ion structure that has two fields: C<strandId> and C<sequenceNo>. For example: C<{strandId:"BlFTjlSXze9BIh1KOszcE3",sequenceNo:14}>. =head2 DigestTipAddress => L<Paws::QLDB::ValueHolder> The latest block location covered by the digest for which to request a proof. An address is an Amazon Ion structure that has two fields: C<strandId> and C<sequenceNo>. For example: C<{strandId:"BlFTjlSXze9BIh1KOszcE3",sequenceNo:49}>. =head2 B<REQUIRED> Name => Str The name of the ledger. =head1 SEE ALSO This class forms part of L<Paws>, documenting arguments for method GetBlock in L<Paws::QLDB> =head1 BUGS and CONTRIBUTIONS The source code is located here: L<https://github.com/pplu/aws-sdk-perl> Please report bugs to: L<https://github.com/pplu/aws-sdk-perl/issues> =cut
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
package Module::Install::Catalyst; use strict; use base qw/ Module::Install::Base /; our @ISA; require Module::Install::Base; use File::Find; use FindBin; use File::Copy::Recursive; use File::Spec (); use Getopt::Long (); use Data::Dumper; my $SAFETY = 0; our @IGNORE = qw/Build Build.PL Changes MANIFEST META.yml Makefile.PL Makefile README _build blib lib script t inc .*\.svn \.git _darcs \.bzr \.hg debian build-stamp install-stamp configure-stamp/; =head1 NAME Module::Install::Catalyst - Module::Install extension for Catalyst =head1 SYNOPSIS use lib '.'; use inc::Module::Install; name 'MyApp'; all_from 'lib/MyApp.pm'; requires 'Catalyst::Runtime' => '5.7014'; catalyst_ignore('.*temp'); catalyst_ignore('.*tmp'); catalyst; WriteAll; =head1 DESCRIPTION L<Module::Install> extension for Catalyst. =head1 METHODS =head2 catalyst Calls L<catalyst_files>. Should be the last catalyst* command called in C<Makefile.PL>. =cut sub catalyst { my $self = shift; if($Module::Install::AUTHOR) { $self->include("File::Copy::Recursive"); } print <<EOF; *** Module::Install::Catalyst EOF $self->catalyst_files; print <<EOF; *** Module::Install::Catalyst finished. EOF } =head2 catalyst_files Collect a list of all files a Catalyst application consists of and copy it inside the blib/lib/ directory. Files and directories that match the modules ignore list are excluded (see L<catalyst_ignore> and L<catalyst_ignore_all>). =cut sub catalyst_files { my $self = shift; chdir $FindBin::Bin; my @files; opendir CATDIR, '.'; CATFILES: for my $name ( readdir CATDIR ) { for my $ignore (@IGNORE) { next CATFILES if $name =~ /^$ignore$/; next CATFILES if $name !~ /\w/; } push @files, $name; } closedir CATDIR; my @path = split '-', $self->name; for my $orig (@files) { my $path = File::Spec->catdir( 'blib', 'lib', @path, $orig ); File::Copy::Recursive::rcopy( $orig, $path ); } } =head2 catalyst_ignore_all(\@ignore) This function replaces the built-in default ignore list with the given list. =cut sub catalyst_ignore_all { my ( $self, $ignore ) = @_; @IGNORE = @$ignore; } =head2 catalyst_ignore(@ignore) Add a regexp to the list of ignored patterns. Can be called multiple times. =cut sub catalyst_ignore { my ( $self, @ignore ) = @_; push @IGNORE, @ignore; } =head1 AUTHORS Catalyst Contributors, see Catalyst.pm =head1 LICENSE This library is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut 1;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # test_switch_config use strict; use OF::Includes; sub my_test { my ($sock, $options_ref) = @_; my $msg = get_config( $ofp, $sock ); # Verify that the miss_send_len is set to the correct default compare( "miss send len", $$msg{'miss_send_len'}, '==', get_of_miss_send_len_default() ); # As of OF v0.8.1, there was no default for flags - we assume 0 # (don't send flow expiration messages) compare( "flags", $$msg{'flags'}, '==', 0 ); # Now, we change the config and check that it has been committed # Set flag OFPC_SEND_FLOW_EXP, which has val 1, and should cause flow exps my $flags = 1; # Change miss_send_len from the default my $miss_send_len = 0x100; set_config($ofp, $sock, $flags, $miss_send_len); $msg = get_config( $ofp, $sock ); compare( "miss send len", $$msg{'miss_send_len'}, '==', $miss_send_len ); compare( "flags", $$msg{'flags'}, '==', $flags ); } run_black_box_test( \&my_test, \@ARGV );
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Getopt::Long; use FindBin qw($Bin $Script); use File::Basename qw(basename dirname); use File::Path qw(make_path); use Data::Dumper; use Cwd qw(abs_path); &usage if @ARGV<1; sub usage { my $usage = << "USAGE"; This script was designed to annotation protein or dna sequences by comparing to uniprot. Author: zhoujj2013\@gmail.com Usage: $0 query.fa dna/pep db.fa USAGE print "$usage"; exit(1); }; my $q = shift; my $type = shift; my $db = shift; my $prefix = shift; my $db_name = basename($db, ".fasta"); my $db_dir = dirname($db); my $bname = ""; if($q =~ /\.fa$/){ $bname = basename($q, ".fa"); }elsif($q =~ /\.fasta$/){ $bname = basename($q, ".fasta"); }else{ print STDERR "Please input the query file in fasta format and named with .fa or .fasta.\n"; exit(1); } #print "$bname\n"; `perl $Bin/fastaDeal.pl -cutf 16 $q`; `perl $Bin/create_shell.pl ./$bname $type $db`; `cat ./$bname/*.outfmt6 > ./blast.outfmt6`; `perl $Bin/extract_uniprot.pl $db_dir/$db_name.dat ./blast.outfmt6 > $prefix.dbs.txt 2>$prefix.dbs.err`; `perl $Bin/linkAnno.pl ./blast.outfmt6 $prefix.dbs.txt > $prefix.anno.txt 1>$prefix.anno.err`; print STDERR "all tasks done!\n";
[ "Artistic-2.0" ]
[ "Artistic-2.0" ]
[ "Artistic-2.0" ]
#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use FindBin; use Test::More; use Cwd qw/cwd/; use File::Temp qw/tempdir/; my @last_ran_params; my $last_ran_self_install; BEGIN { *CORE::GLOBAL::exec = sub { @last_ran_params = @_; }; } use App::MechaCPAN; require q[./t/helper.pm]; my $pwd = cwd; my $tmpdir = tempdir( TEMPLATE => File::Spec->tmpdir . "/mechacpan_t_XXXXXXXX", CLEANUP => 1 ); sub run_restart { @last_ran_params = (); undef $last_ran_self_install; local *App::MechaCPAN::self_install = sub { $last_ran_self_install = 1 }; App::MechaCPAN::restart_script; } # --directory { # Override some vars it uses to insulate from the prove process local *File::Temp::cleanup = sub { }; local $ENV{PERL5LIB}; local $ENV{PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT}; local @ARGV; local $App::MechaCPAN::PROJ_DIR = $tmpdir; my $exe_path = "$tmpdir/local/perl/bin"; my $lib_path = "$tmpdir/local/lib/perl5"; my $exe_bin = "$exe_path/perl"; my $fake0_bin = "$tmpdir/fake0"; my $pm = 'App/MechaCPAN.pm'; run_restart; is( scalar @last_ran_params, 0, 'restart_script without enough structure does nothing' ); # Build a fake structure { use File::Path qw/make_path/; make_path $exe_path; make_path $lib_path; open my $exe, '>', $exe_bin; print $exe "#!/usr/bin/env perl\nexit 0\n"; close $exe; chmod 0700, $exe_bin; open my $fake0, '>', $fake0_bin; print $fake0 "#!/usr/bin/env perl\nexit 0\n"; close $fake0; } run_restart; isnt( scalar @last_ran_params, 0, 'restart_script with enough structure does something' ); local $0 = $fake0_bin; run_restart; is( $last_ran_params[1], $0, '$0 can be manipulated' ); # Test relative and absolute paths for $0 { local $INC{$pm} = $fake0_bin; run_restart; isnt( scalar @last_ran_params, 0, 'Fully-contained; we can reasonably restart' ); is( $last_ran_params[0], $exe_bin, 'Fully-contained; reran with the new perl' ); is( $last_ran_params[1], $fake0_bin, 'Fully-contained; reran with the script' ); is( $last_ran_self_install, undef, 'Fully-contained; does not attempt to install itself' ); } { local $0 = "$fake0_bin-noit"; run_restart; is( scalar @last_ran_params, 0, 'Unfindable; we do not restart' ); isnt( $last_ran_self_install, 1, 'Unfindable; does not attempt to install itself' ); } { run_restart; isnt( scalar @last_ran_params, 0, 'Installed; we can reasonably restart' ); is( $last_ran_params[0], $exe_bin, 'Installed; reran with the new perl' ); is( $last_ran_params[1], $fake0_bin, 'Installed; reran with the script' ); is( $last_ran_self_install, 1, 'Installed; does attempt to install itself' ); } # Test self_install my $ran_install; local *App::MechaCPAN::Install::go = sub { $ran_install = 1 }; { is( -e "$lib_path/$pm", undef, "$pm doesn't exist before running" ); undef $ran_install; App::MechaCPAN::self_install(); is( $ran_install, 1, 'Self install with no $real0 attempts to install via cpan' ); is( -e "$lib_path/$pm", undef, "$pm still doesn't exist" ); undef $ran_install; App::MechaCPAN::self_install("$fake0_bin-noit"); is( $ran_install, 1, 'Self install with non-existant $real0 attempts to install via cpan' ); is( -e "$lib_path/$pm", undef, "$pm still doesn't exist" ); { local @INC = ("/tmp/notthere--$$"); BAIL_OUT(q{Cannot set @INC to a file that doesn't exist when it exists.}) if -e $INC[0]; undef $ran_install; App::MechaCPAN::self_install($fake0_bin); is( $ran_install, 1, 'Self install with a bad INC path attempts to install via cpan' ); is( -e "$lib_path/$pm", undef, "$pm still doesn't exist" ); } { local $INC{'App/MechaCPAN/notit'} = "/tmp/notthere--$$"; BAIL_OUT(q{Cannot set @INC to a file that doesn't exist when it exists.}) if -e $INC{'App/MechaCPAN/notit'}; undef $ran_install; App::MechaCPAN::self_install($fake0_bin); is( $ran_install, 1, 'Self install with a bad %INC entry will skip copy' ); is( -e "$lib_path/$pm", undef, "$pm still doesn't exist" ); } undef $ran_install; App::MechaCPAN::self_install($fake0_bin); is( $ran_install, undef, 'Self install with existant $real0 attempts to install via copy' ); # Check more than just $pm to make sure it reasonably got them all note("$lib_path/$pm"); is( -e "$lib_path/$pm", 1, "$pm finally does exist" ); is( -e "$lib_path/$pm", 1, "App/MechaCPAN/Install.pm finally does exist" ); is( -e "$lib_path/$pm", 1, "App/MechaCPAN/Deploy.pm finally does exist" ); is( -e "$lib_path/$pm", 1, "App/MechaCPAN/Perl.pm finally does exist" ); } } chdir $pwd; done_testing;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
# Copyright [1999-2015] Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and the EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute # Copyright [2016-2020] EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. use strict; use warnings; use File::Spec; use Test::More; use Test::Warnings; use Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::Utils::Test; eval { require Test::Perl::Critic; require Perl::Critic::Utils; }; if($@) { plan( skip_all => 'Test::Perl::Critic required.' ); note $@; } my $root = Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::Utils::Test::get_repository_root(); # Configure critic Test::Perl::Critic->import(-profile => File::Spec->catfile($root, 'perlcriticrc'), -severity => 5, -verbose => 8); my @all_files = Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::Utils::Test::find_all_files(); foreach my $f (@all_files) { next unless $f =~ /\.(t|p[lm])$/i; # Except the fake libraries next if $f =~ /\/fake_libs\//; critic_ok($f); } done_testing();
[ "Artistic-2.0" ]
[ "Artistic-2.0" ]
[ "Artistic-2.0" ]
# Verilog - Verilog Perl Modport # See copyright, etc in below POD section. ###################################################################### package Verilog::Netlist::ModPort; use Verilog::Netlist; use Verilog::Netlist::Net; use Verilog::Netlist::Subclass; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA); use strict; @ISA = qw(Verilog::Netlist::ModPort::Struct Verilog::Netlist::Subclass); $VERSION = '3.408'; structs('new', 'Verilog::Netlist::ModPort::Struct' =>[name => '$', #' # Name of the module filename => '$', #' # Filename this came from lineno => '$', #' # Linenumber this came from module => '$', #' # Interface is a member of userdata => '%', # User information attributes => '%', #' # Misc attributes for systemperl or other processors # comment => '$', #' # Comment provided by user _ports => '%', # hash of Verilog::Netlist::Ports _portsordered=> '@', # list of Verilog::Netlist::Ports as ordered in list of ports _nets => '%', # hash of Verilog::Netlist::Nets ]); sub delete { my $self = shift; foreach my $oref ($self->nets) { $oref->delete; } foreach my $oref ($self->ports) { $oref->delete; } my $h = $self->module->{_modports}; delete $h->{$self->name}; return undef; } ###################################################################### sub netlist { return $_[0]->module->netlist; } sub is_top {} # Ignored, for module compatibility sub keyword { return 'modport'; } sub logger { return $_[0]->netlist->logger; } sub find_net { my $self = shift; my $search = shift; my $rtn = $self->_nets->{$search}||""; #print "FINDNET ",$self->name, " SS $search $rtn\n"; return $self->_nets->{$search} || $self->_nets->{"\\".$search." "}; } sub find_port { my $self = shift; my $search = shift; return $self->_ports->{$search} || $self->_ports->{"\\".$search." "}; } sub find_port_by_index { my $self = shift; my $myindex = shift; # @{$self->_portsordered}[$myindex-1] returns the name of # the port in the module at this index. Then, this is # used to find the port reference via the port hash return $self->_ports->{@{$self->_portsordered}[$myindex-1]}; } sub attrs_sorted { return (sort {$a cmp $b} @{$_[0]->attrs}); } sub nets { return (values %{$_[0]->_nets}); } sub nets_sorted { return (sort {$a->name() cmp $b->name()} (values %{$_[0]->_nets})); } sub ports { return (values %{$_[0]->_ports}); } sub ports_sorted { return (sort {$a->name() cmp $b->name()} (values %{$_[0]->_ports})); } sub ports_ordered { my $self = shift; return map {$self->_ports->{$_}} @{$self->_portsordered}; } sub nets_and_ports_sorted { return Verilog::Netlist::Module::nets_and_ports_sorted(@_); } sub new_attr { my $self = shift; my $clean_text = shift; push @{$self->attrs}, $clean_text; } sub new_net { my $self = shift; # @_ params # Create a new net under this my $netref = new Verilog::Netlist::Net (direction=>'net', data_type=>'wire', @_, module=>$self, ); $self->_nets ($netref->name(), $netref); return $netref; } sub new_port { my $self = shift; # @_ params # Create a new port under this module my $portref = new Verilog::Netlist::Port (@_, module=>$self,); $self->_ports ($portref->name(), $portref); return $portref; } sub _link { my $self = shift; # Ports create nets, so link ports before nets foreach my $oref ($self->ports) { $oref->_link(); } } sub lint { my $self = shift; if ($self->netlist->{use_vars}) { foreach my $oref ($self->ports) { $oref->lint(); } } } sub verilog_text { my $self = shift; my @out = "modport ".$self->name." (\n"; my $indent = " "; # Port list my $comma=""; push @out, $indent; foreach my $oref ($self->ports_sorted) { push @out, $comma, $oref->verilog_text; $comma = ", "; } push @out, ");\n"; push @out, "endmodport\n"; return (wantarray ? @out : join('',@out)); } sub dump { my $self = shift; my $indent = shift||0; my $norecurse = shift; print " "x$indent,"ModPort:",$self->name()," File:",$self->filename(),"\n"; if (!$norecurse) { foreach my $oref ($self->ports_sorted) { $oref->dump($indent+2); } } } ###################################################################### #### Package return 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME Verilog::Netlist::ModPort - ModPort within a Verilog Interface =head1 SYNOPSIS use Verilog::Netlist; ... my $interface = $netlist->find_interface('name'); my $modport = $interface->find_modport('name') =head1 DESCRIPTION A Verilog::Netlist::ModPort object is created by Verilog::Netlist::Interface for every modport under the interface. =head1 METHODS See also Verilog::Netlist::Subclass for additional accessors and methods. =over 4 =item $self->comment Returns any comments following the definition. keep_comments=>1 must be passed to Verilog::Netlist::new for comments to be retained. =item $self->dump Prints debugging information for this modport. =item $self->find_port(I<name>) Returns Verilog::Netlist::Net matching given name. =item $self->find_port_by_index Returns the port name associated with the given index. =item $self->module Returns Verilog::Netlist::Interface the ModPort belongs to. =item $self->lint Checks the modport for errors. =item $self->name The name of the modport. =item $self->netlist Reference to the Verilog::Netlist the modport is under. =item $self->nets Returns list of references to Verilog::Netlist::Net in the interface. =item $self->nets_sorted Returns list of name sorted references to Verilog::Netlist::Net in the interface. =item $self->nets_and_ports_sorted Returns list of name sorted references to Verilog::Netlist::Net and Verilog::Netlist::Port in the modport. =item $self->ports Returns list of references to Verilog::Netlist::Port in the modport. =item $self->ports_ordered Returns list of references to Verilog::Netlist::Port in the modport sorted by pin number. =item $self->ports_sorted Returns list of references to Verilog::Netlist::Port in the modport sorted by name. =item $self->verilog_text Returns verilog code which represents this modport. Returned as an array that must be joined together to form the final text string. The netlist must be already ->link'ed for this to work correctly. =back =head1 DISTRIBUTION Verilog-Perl is part of the L<http://www.veripool.org/> free Verilog EDA software tool suite. The latest version is available from CPAN and from L<http://www.veripool.org/verilog-perl>. Copyright 2000-2014 by Wilson Snyder. This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License Version 2.0. =head1 AUTHORS Wilson Snyder <wsnyder@wsnyder.org> =head1 SEE ALSO L<Verilog-Perl>, L<Verilog::Netlist::Subclass> L<Verilog::Netlist::Interface> L<Verilog::Netlist> =cut
[ "Artistic-2.0" ]
[ "Artistic-2.0" ]
[ "Artistic-2.0" ]
package Prancer::Response; use strict; use warnings FATAL => 'all'; use version; our $VERSION = '1.04'; use Plack::Response; use Hash::MultiValue; use URI::Escape (); use HTTP::Headers; use Carp; # even though this *should* work automatically, it was not our @CARP_NOT = qw(Prancer Try::Tiny); sub new { my ($class, $env) = @_; return bless({ '_response' => Plack::Response->new($env), '_cookies' => Hash::MultiValue->new(), '_headers' => Hash::MultiValue->new(), }, $class); } # set a single header # or get all the keys sub header { my $self = shift; # if we are given multiple args assume they are headers in key/value pairs croak "odd number of headers" unless (@_ % 2 == 0); while (@_) { my ($key, $value) = (shift(@_), shift(@_)); $self->headers->add($key => [@{$self->headers->get_all($key) || []}, $value]); } return; } # get all the headers that have been set sub headers { my $self = shift; return $self->{'_headers'}; } # set a single cookie # or get all the keys sub cookie { my $self = shift; # return the keys if nothing is asked for return keys(%{$self->cookies()}) unless @_; # if given just a key then return that if (@_ == 1) { my $key = shift; return $self->cookies->{$key} unless wantarray; return $self->cookies->get_all($key); } # if we are given multiple args assume they are cookies in key/value pairs croak "odd number of cookies" unless (@_ % 2 == 0); while (@_) { my ($key, $value) = (shift(@_), shift(@_)); # take a moment to validate the cookie # TODO $self->cookies->add($key => [@{$self->cookies->get_all($key) || []}, $value]); } return; } sub cookies { my $self = shift; return $self->{'_cookies'}; } sub body { my $self = shift; # make the response be a callback if (ref($_[0]) && ref($_[0]) eq "CODE") { $self->{'_callback'} = shift; return; } # just add this to the body, whatever it is return $self->{'_response'}->body(@_); } sub finalize { my ($self, $status) = @_; $self->{'_response'}->status($status); # build the headers using something normal and then add them to the # response later. for whatever reason plack is being weird about this when # the same header name is being used more than once. though, i might be # doing it wrong. my $headers = HTTP::Headers->new(); # add normal headers for my $key (keys %{$self->headers()}) { for my $value (@{$self->headers->get_all($key)}) { $headers->push_header($key => $value); } } # add cookies for my $key (keys %{$self->cookies()}) { for my $value (@{$self->cookies->get_all($key)}) { $headers->push_header("Set-Cookie" => $self->_bake_cookie($key, $value)); } } # now add the headers we've compiled $self->{'_response'}->headers($headers); if (ref($self->{'_callback'}) && ref($self->{'_callback'}) eq "CODE") { # the extra array ref brackets around the sub are because Web::Simple, # which we use as the router, will not do a callback without them. by # returning an array ref we are telling Web::Simple that we are giving # it a PSGI response. from the Web::Simple docs: # # Well, a sub is a valid PSGI response too (for ultimate streaming # and async cleverness). If you want to return a PSGI sub you have # to wrap it into an array ref. # return [ sub { my $responder = shift; # this idiom here borrows heavily from the documentation on this # blog post, by tatsuhiko miyagawa: # # http://bulknews.typepad.com/blog/2009/10/psgiplack-streaming-is-now-complete.html # # this effectively allows the user of this api to stream data to # the client. # finalize will always return a three element array. the third # element is supposed to be the body. because we don't have a body # yet (it's in the callback), this uses splice to exclude the third # element (aka the body) and just return the status code and the # list of headers. my $writer = $responder->([splice(@{$self->{'_response'}->finalize()}, 0, 2)]); return $self->{'_callback'}->($writer); } ]; } # just return a normal response return $self->{'_response'}->finalize(); } sub _bake_cookie { my ($self, $key, $value) = @_; my @cookie = (URI::Escape::uri_escape($key) . "=" . URI::Escape::uri_escape($value->{'value'})); push(@cookie, "domain=" . $value->{'domain'}) if $value->{'domain'}; push(@cookie, "path=" . $value->{'path'}) if $value->{'path'}; push(@cookie, "expires=" . $self->_cookie_date($value->{'expires'})) if $value->{'expires'}; push(@cookie, "secure") if $value->{'secure'}; push(@cookie, "HttpOnly") if $value->{'httponly'}; return join("; ", @cookie); } my @MON = qw( Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ); my @WDAY = qw( Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat ); sub _cookie_date { my ($self, $expires) = @_; if ($expires =~ /^\-?\d+$/x) { # all numbers -> epoch date # (cookies use '-' as date separator, HTTP uses ' ') my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday) = gmtime($expires); $year += 1900; return sprintf("%s, %02d-%s-%04d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT", $WDAY[$wday], $mday, $MON[$mon], $year, $hour, $min, $sec); } return $expires; } 1; =head1 NAME Prancer::Response =head1 SYNOPSIS sub handler { my ($self, $env, $request, $response, $session) = @_; ... sub (GET) { $response->header("Content-Type" => "text/plain"); $response->body("hello, goodbye"); return $response->finalize(200); } } # or using a callback sub handler { ... sub (GET) { $response->header("Content-Type" => "text/plain"); $response->body(sub { my $writer = shift; $writer->write("What is up?"); $writer->close(); }); return $response->finalize(200); } } =head1 METHODS =over =item header This method expects a list of headers to add to the response. For example: $response->header("Content-Type" => "text/plain"); $response->header("Content-Length" => 1234, "X-Foo" => "bar"); If the header has already been set this will add another value to it and the response will include the same header multiple times. To replace a header that has already been set, remove the existing value first: $response->headers->remove("X-Foo"); =item headers Returns a L<Hash::MultiValue> of all headers that have been set to be sent with the response. =item cookie If called with no arguments this will return the names of all cookies that have been set to be sent with the response. Otherwise, this method expects a list of cookies to add to the response. For example: $response->cookie("foo" => { 'value' => "test", 'path' => "/", 'domain' => ".example.com", 'expires' => time + 24 * 60 * 60, }); The hashref may contain the keys C<value>, C<domain>, C<expires>, C<path>, C<httponly>, and C<secure>. C<expires> can take a string or an integer (as an epoch time) and B<does not> convert string formats like C<+3M>. =item cookies Returns a L<Hash::MultiValue> of all cookies that have been set to be sent with the response. =item body Send buffered output to the client. Anything sent to the client with this method will be buffered until C<finalize> is called. For example: $response->body("hello"); $response->body("goodbye", "world"); If a buffered response is not desired then the body may be a callback to send a streaming response to the client. Any headers or response codes set in the callback will be ignored as they must all be set beforehand. Any body set before a callback is set will also be ignored. For example: $response->body(sub { my $writer = shift; $writer->write("Hello, world!"); $writer->close(); return; }); =item finalize This requires one argument: the HTTP status code of the response. It will then send a PSGI compatible response to the client. For example: # or hard code it $response->finalize(200); =back =cut
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
package Azure::GraphRBAC::User; use Moose; has 'accountEnabled' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Bool' ); has 'displayName' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str' ); has 'givenName' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str' ); has 'immutableId' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str' ); has 'mail' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str' ); has 'mailNickname' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str' ); has 'signInNames' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'ArrayRef[Azure::GraphRBAC::SignInName]' ); has 'surname' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str' ); has 'usageLocation' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str' ); has 'userPrincipalName' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str' ); has 'userType' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str' ); has 'deletionTimestamp' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str' ); has 'objectId' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str' ); has 'objectType' => (is => 'ro', isa => 'Str' ); 1;
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
#!/usr/bin/perl # # Copyright 1995-2013 Diomidis Spinellis # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # use Time::Local; # LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %b # %...h: remote host # %...l: remote logname (from identd, if supplied) # %...u: remote user (from auth; may be bogus if return status (%s) is 401) # %...t: time, in common log format time format # %...r: first line of request # %...s: status. For requests that got internally redirected, this # is status of the *original* request --- %...>s for the last. # %...b: bytes sent. # %...{Foobar}i: The contents of Foobar: header line(s) in the request # sent to the client. # %...{Foobar}o: The contents of Foobar: header line(s) in the reply. # $monthcard{'Jan'} = '01'; $monthcard{'Feb'} = '02'; $monthcard{'Mar'} = '03'; $monthcard{'Apr'} = '04'; $monthcard{'May'} = '05'; $monthcard{'Jun'} = '06'; $monthcard{'Jul'} = '07'; $monthcard{'Aug'} = '08'; $monthcard{'Sep'} = '09'; $monthcard{'Oct'} = '10'; $monthcard{'Nov'} = '11'; $monthcard{'Dec'} = '12'; $downame{1} = 'Mon'; $downame{2} = 'Tue'; $downame{3} = 'Wed'; $downame{4} = 'Thu'; $downame{5} = 'Fri'; $downame{6} = 'Sat'; $downame{0} = 'Sun'; while (<>) { $logbytecount += length($_); chop; if (!( # ifweb.dimi.uniud.it - - [11/Mar/2002:22:31:30 +0200] "GET /pubs/conf/1999-ESREL-SoftRel/html/chal.html HTTP/1.1" 404 322 ($host, $logname, $user, $day, $month, $year, $hour, $minute, $verb, $url, $status, $bytes) = / ([-\w.]+)\s+ (?# Host) ([-\w]+)\s+ (?# Logname) ([-\w]+)\s+ (?# User) \[(\d+)\/ (?# Date) (\w+)\/ (?# Month) (\d+)\: (?# Year) (\d+)\: (?# Hour) (\d+) (?# Minute) [^]]+?\]\s+ (?# Rest of time) \"([-\w]+)\s* (?# Request verb) ([^\s]*) (?# Request URL) [^"]*?\"\s+ (?# Request protocol etc.) (\d+)\s+ (?# Status) ([-\d]+) (?# Bytes) /x)) { print STDERR "$ARGV($.): Unable to process: $_\n"; next; } if ($host !~ m/\.\d+$/) { ($topdomain) = ($host =~ m/.*\.(.*)/); $topdomaincount{$topdomain}++; ($domain) = ($host =~ m/[^.]\.(.*)/); $domaincount{$domain}++; } ($area) = ($url =~ m/^\/?([^\/]+)/); $area = '/' if ($area eq ''); $month = $monthcard{$month}; $date = $year . '-' . $month . '-' . $day; $accesscount++; $hostcount{$host}++; $urlcount{$url}++; $datecount{$date}++; $ltime = timelocal(0, 0, 0, $day, $month - 1, $year - 1900); $daynum = (localtime $ltime)[6]; $dowcount{$daynum}++; $hourcount{$hour}++; $areacount{$area}++; $bytecount += $bytes; $hostbytecount{$host} += $bytes; } print " WWW server statistics ===================== Summary ------- "; printf("Number of accesses: %d\n", $accesscount); printf("Number of Gbytes transferred: %d\n", $bytecount / 1024 / 1024 / 1024); printf("Number of hosts: %d\n", ($hostcount = grep 1, values %hostcount)); printf("Number of domains: %d\n", ($domaincount = grep 1, values %domaincount)); printf("Number of top level domains: %d\n", ($topdomaincount = grep 1, values %topdomaincount)); printf("Number of different pages: %d\n", ($urlcount = grep 1, keys %urlcount)); printf("Accesses per day: %d\n", $accesscount / ($datecount = grep 1, values %datecount)); printf("Mbytes per day: %d\n", $bytecount / $datecount / 1024 / 1024); printf("Mbytes log file size: %d\n", $logbytecount / 1024 / 1024); print ' Top 20 Requests --------------- '; $count = 0; foreach (sort {$urlcount{$b} <=> $urlcount{$a}} keys %urlcount) { last if ($count++ == 20); printf("%10d %s\n", $urlcount{$_}, $_); } print ' Top 20 Area Requests --------------- '; $count = 0; foreach (sort {$areacount{$b} <=> $areacount{$a}} keys %areacount) { last if ($count++ == 20); printf("%10d %s\n", $areacount{$_}, $_); } print ' Top 10 Hosts ------------ '; $count = 0; foreach (sort {$hostcount{$b} <=> $hostcount{$a}} keys %hostcount) { last if ($count++ == 10); printf("%10d %s\n", $hostcount{$_}, $_); } print ' Top 10 Hosts by Transfer ------------------------ '; $count = 0; foreach (sort {$hostbytecount{$b} <=> $hostbytecount{$a}} keys %hostbytecount) { last if ($count++ == 10); printf("%10d %s\n", $hostbytecount{$_}, $_); } print ' Top 10 Domains -------------- '; $count = 0; foreach (sort {$domaincount{$b} <=> $domaincount{$a}} keys %domaincount) { last if ($count++ == 10); printf("%10d %s\n", $domaincount{$_}, $_); } print ' Top 20 Level Domain Accesses ------------------------- '; $count = 0; foreach (sort {$topdomaincount{$b} <=> $topdomaincount{$a}} keys %topdomaincount) { printf("%10d %s\n", $topdomaincount{$_}, $_); last if ($count++ == 20); } print ' Accesses by Day of Week ----------------------- '; foreach (sort {$dowcount{$b} <=> $dowcount{$a}} keys %dowcount) { printf("%10d %s\n", $dowcount{$_}, $downame{$_}); } print ' Accesses by Local Hour ---------------------- '; foreach (sort keys %hourcount) { printf("%10d %s\n", $hourcount{$_}, $_); } print ' Accesses by Date ---------------- '; foreach (sort keys %datecount) { printf("%10d %s\n", $datecount{$_}, $_); }
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
[ "Apache-2.0" ]
package Paws::GameLift::DescribeEC2InstanceLimitsOutput; use Moose; has EC2InstanceLimits => (is => 'ro', isa => 'ArrayRef[Paws::GameLift::EC2InstanceLimit]'); ### main pod documentation begin ### =head1 NAME Paws::GameLift::DescribeEC2InstanceLimitsOutput =head1 ATTRIBUTES =head2 EC2InstanceLimits => ArrayRef[L<Paws::GameLift::EC2InstanceLimit>] Object containing the maximum number of instances for the specified instance type. =cut 1;
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
# !!!!!!! DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE !!!!!!! # This file is built by mktables from e.g. UnicodeData.txt. # Any changes made here will be lost! # # This file supports: # \p{InVariationSelectors} (and fuzzy permutations) # # Meaning: Block 'Variation Selectors' # return <<'END'; FE00 FE0F Variation Selectors END
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
[ "BSD-3-Clause" ]
:- op(601, xfx, (/)). :- op(601, xfx, (\)). :- multifile ccg/2, id/2. :- discontiguous ccg/2, id/2. ccg(1, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,an,an,'DT','O','O'), t(n,'Italian','Italian','JJ','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,became,become,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, ba(np:nb/n, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,world,world,'NN','O','O')), t((np:nb/n)\np,'''s','''s','POS','O','O')), fa(n, t(n/n,greatest,greatest,'JJS','O','O'), t(n,tenor,tenor,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(2, ba(s:dcl, t(np:thr,'There','There','EX','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np:thr, t((s:dcl\np:thr)/np,was,be,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,an,an,'DT','O','O'), t(n,'Italian','Italian','JJ','O','I-ORG')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,became,become,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, ba(np:nb/n, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,world,world,'NN','O','O')), t((np:nb/n)\np,'''s','''s','POS','O','O')), fa(n, t(n/n,greatest,greatest,'JJS','O','O'), t(n,tenor,tenor,'NN','O','O'))))))))). ccg(3, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Italian','Italian','JJ','O','O'), t(n,man,man,'NN','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:to\np),wants,want,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/np,be,be,'VB','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,great,great,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,tenor,tenor,'NN','O','O')))))))). ccg(4, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Some','Some','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Italian','Italian','JJ','O','O'), t(n,men,man,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,great,great,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,tenors,tenor,'NNS','O','O')))))). ccg(5, ba(s:dcl, t(np:thr,'There','There','EX','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np:thr, t((s:dcl\np:thr)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Italian','Italian','JJ','O','O'), t(n,men,man,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:to\np),want,want,'VBP','O','O'), fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/np,be,be,'VB','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,great,great,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,tenor,tenor,'NN','O','O'))))))))))). ccg(6, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'All','All','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Italian','Italian','JJ','O','O'), t(n,men,man,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:to\np),want,want,'VBP','O','O'), fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/np,be,be,'VB','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,great,great,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,tenor,tenor,'NN','O','O')))))))). ccg(7, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Some','Some','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Italian','Italian','JJ','O','O'), t(n,men,man,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,great,great,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,tenors,tenor,'NNS','O','O')))))). ccg(8, ba(s:dcl, t(np:thr,'There','There','EX','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np:thr, t((s:dcl\np:thr)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Italian','Italian','JJ','O','O'), t(n,men,man,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:to\np),want,want,'VBP','O','O'), fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/np,be,be,'VB','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,great,great,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,tenor,tenor,'NN','O','O'))))))))))). ccg(9, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Each','Each','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Italian','Italian','JJ','O','O'), t(n,tenor,tenor,'NN','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:to\np),wants,want,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/ (s:adj\np),be,be,'VB','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,great,great,'JJ','O','O')))))). ccg(10, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Some','Some','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Italian','Italian','JJ','O','O'), t(n,tenors,tenor,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),are,be,'VBP','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,great,great,'JJ','O','O')))). ccg(11, ba(s:dcl, t(np:thr,'There','There','EX','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np:thr, t((s:dcl\np:thr)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Italian','Italian','JJ','O','O'), t(n,tenors,tenor,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:to\np),want,want,'VBP','O','O'), fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/ (s:adj\np),be,be,'VB','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,great,great,'JJ','O','O'))))))))). ccg(12, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), fa(n, fa(n/n, t((n/n)/ (n/n),really,really,'RB','O','O'), t(n/n,ambitious,ambitious,'JJ','O','O')), t(n,tenors,tenor,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Italian','Italian','JJ','O','O'))))). ccg(13, ba(s:dcl, t(np:thr,'There','There','EX','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np:thr, t((s:dcl\np:thr)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, fa(n/n, t((n/n)/ (n/n),really,really,'RB','O','O'), t(n/n,ambitious,ambitious,'JJ','O','O')), t(n,tenors,tenor,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),are,be,'VBP','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,'Italian','Italian','JJ','O','O'))))))). ccg(14, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'No','No','DT','O','O'), fa(n, fa(n/n, t((n/n)/ (n/n),really,really,'RB','O','O'), t(n/n,great,great,'JJ','O','O')), t(n,tenors,tenor,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),are,be,'VBP','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,modest,modest,'JJ','O','O')))). ccg(15, ba(s:dcl, t(np:thr,'There','There','EX','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np:thr, bxc((s:dcl\np:thr)/np, t((s:dcl\np:thr)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),really,really,'RB','O','O')), ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,great,great,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,tenors,tenor,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),are,be,'VBP','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,modest,modest,'JJ','O','O'))))))). ccg(16, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Some','Some','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,great,great,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,tenors,tenor,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Swedish','Swedish','JJ','O','O'))))). ccg(17, ba(s:dcl, t(np:thr,'There','There','EX','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np:thr, t((s:dcl\np:thr)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,great,great,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,tenors,tenor,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Swedish','Swedish','JJ','O','O')))))))). ccg(18, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Many','Many','JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,great,great,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,tenors,tenor,'NNS','O','O')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),are,be,'VBP','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,'German','German','JJ','O','O')))). ccg(19, ba(s:dcl, t(np:thr,'There','There','EX','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np:thr, t((s:dcl\np:thr)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,great,great,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,tenors,tenor,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),are,be,'VBP','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,'German','German','JJ','O','O'))))))). ccg(20, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Several','Several','JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,great,great,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,tenors,tenor,'NNS','O','O')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),are,be,'VBP','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,'British','British','JJ','O','O')))). ccg(21, ba(s:dcl, t(np:thr,'There','There','EX','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np:thr, t((s:dcl\np:thr)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,great,great,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,tenors,tenor,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),are,be,'VBP','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,'British','British','JJ','O','O'))))))). ccg(22, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, fa(n/n, t((n/n)/ (n/n),'Most','Most','JJS','O','O'), t(n/n,great,great,'JJ','O','O')), t(n,tenors,tenor,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),are,be,'VBP','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,'Italian','Italian','JJ','O','O')))). ccg(23, ba(s:dcl, t(np:thr,'There','There','EX','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np:thr, t((s:dcl\np:thr)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,great,great,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,tenors,tenor,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),are,be,'VBP','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,'Italian','Italian','JJ','O','O'))))))). ccg(24, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'A','A','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,few,few,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,great,great,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,tenors,tenor,'NNS','O','O')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,sing,sing,'VBP','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,popular,popular,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,music,music,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(25, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Some','Some','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,great,great,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,tenors,tenor,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,like,like,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,popular,popular,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,music,music,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(26, ba(s:dcl, t(np:thr,'There','There','EX','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np:thr, t((s:dcl\np:thr)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,great,great,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,tenors,tenor,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:ng\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:ng\np, t((s:ng\np)/np,sing,sing,'VBP','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,popular,popular,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,music,music,'NN','O','O'))))))))). ccg(27, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Few','Few','JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,great,great,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,tenors,tenor,'NNS','O','O')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),are,be,'VBP','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,poor,poor,'JJ','O','O')))). ccg(28, ba(s:dcl, t(np:thr,'There','There','EX','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np:thr, t((s:dcl\np:thr)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,great,great,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,tenors,tenor,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),are,be,'VBP','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,poor,poor,'JJ','O','O'))))))). ccg(29, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Both','Both','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,leading,lead,'VBG','O','O'), t(n,tenors,tenor,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),are,be,'VBP','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,excellent,excellent,'JJ','O','O')))). ccg(30, ba(s:dcl, ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Leading','Leading','VBG','O','O'), t(n,tenors,tenor,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),are,be,'VBP','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,excellent,excellent,'JJ','O','O')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),are,be,'VBP','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,indispensable,indispensable,'JJ','O','O')))). ccg(31, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Both','Both','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,leading,lead,'VBG','O','O'), t(n,tenors,tenor,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),are,be,'VBP','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,indispensable,indispensable,'JJ','O','O')))). ccg(32, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Neither','Neither','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,leading,lead,'VBG','O','O'), t(n,tenor,tenor,'NN','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),comes,come,'VBZ','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,cheap,cheap,'JJ','O','O')))). ccg(33, ba(s:dcl, ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'One','One','CD','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,leading,lead,'VBG','O','O'), t(n,tenors,tenor,'NNS','O','O'))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Pavarotti','Pavarotti','NNP','O','O'))))). ccg(34, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Pavarotti','Pavarotti','NNP','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np:nb, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,leading,lead,'VBG','O','O'), t(n,tenor,tenor,'NN','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), t(s:dcl\np,comes,come,'VBZ','O','O'))), lx(np\np, s:adj\np, t(s:adj\np,cheap,cheap,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(35, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, fa(n/n, fa((n/n)/ (n/n), t(((n/n)/ (n/n))/ (s:asup\np),'At','At','IN','O','O'), t(s:asup\np,least,least,'JJS','O','O')), t(n/n,three,three,'CD','O','O')), t(n,tenors,tenor,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),will,will,'MD','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/np,take,take,'VB','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,part,part,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,concert,concert,'NN','O','O')))))))). ccg(36, ba(s:dcl, t(np:thr,'There','There','EX','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np:thr, t((s:dcl\np:thr)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,tenors,tenor,'NNS','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),will,will,'MD','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/np,take,take,'VB','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,part,part,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,concert,concert,'NN','O','O'))))))))))). ccg(37, fa(s:dcl, fa(s/s, t((s/s)/np,'At','At','IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,most,most,'JJS','O','O'))), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','O'), t(n,tenors,tenor,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),will,will,'MD','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, fa((s:b\np)/pp, t(((s:b\np)/pp)/np,contribute,contribute,'VB','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,their,their,'PRP$','O','O'), t(n,fees,fee,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(pp, t(pp/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,charity,charity,'NN','O','O')))))))). ccg(38, ba(s:dcl, t(np:thr,'There','There','EX','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np:thr, t((s:dcl\np:thr)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,tenors,tenor,'NNS','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),will,will,'MD','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, fa((s:b\np)/pp, t(((s:b\np)/pp)/np,contribute,contribute,'VB','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,their,their,'PRP$','O','O'), t(n,fees,fee,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(pp, t(pp/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,charity,charity,'NN','O','O')))))))))). ccg(39, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'An','An','DT','O','O'), t(n,'Irishman','Irishman','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Nobel','Nobel','NNP','O','O'), t(n,prize,prize,'NN','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,for,for,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,literature,literature,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(40, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'An','An','DT','O','O'), t(n,'Irishman','Irishman','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Nobel','Nobel','NNP','O','O'), t(n,prize,prize,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(41, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,'European','European','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), ba(n, t(n,right,right,'NN','O','O'), lx(n\n, s:to\np, fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,live,live,'VB','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))))))). ccg(42, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,'European','European','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,person,person,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(43, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,person,person,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), ba(n, t(n,right,right,'NN','O','O'), lx(n\n, s:to\np, fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,live,live,'VB','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),can,can,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,travel,travel,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),freely,freely,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,within,within,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(44, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,'European','European','JJ','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),can,can,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,travel,travel,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),freely,freely,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,within,within,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(45, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'All','All','DT','O','O'), t(n,'Europeans','Europeans','NNS','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,have,have,'VBP','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), ba(n, t(n,right,right,'NN','O','O'), lx(n\n, s:to\np, fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,live,live,'VB','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))))))). ccg(46, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,'European','European','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,person,person,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(47, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,person,person,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), ba(n, t(n,right,right,'NN','O','O'), lx(n\n, s:to\np, fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,live,live,'VB','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),can,can,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,travel,travel,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),freely,freely,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,within,within,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(48, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'All','All','DT','O','O'), t(n,'Europeans','Europeans','NNPS','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),can,can,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,travel,travel,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),freely,freely,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,within,within,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(49, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Each','Each','DT','O','O'), t(n,'European','European','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), ba(n, t(n,right,right,'NN','O','O'), lx(n\n, s:to\np, fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,live,live,'VB','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))))))). ccg(50, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,'European','European','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,person,person,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(51, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,person,person,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), ba(n, t(n,right,right,'NN','O','O'), lx(n\n, s:to\np, fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,live,live,'VB','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),can,can,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,travel,travel,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),freely,freely,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,within,within,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(52, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Each','Each','DT','O','O'), t(n,'European','European','JJ','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),can,can,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,travel,travel,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),freely,freely,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,within,within,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(53, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,residents,resident,'NNS','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,member,member,'NN','O','O'), t(n,states,state,'NNS','O','O'))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,have,have,'VBP','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), ba(n, t(n,right,right,'NN','O','O'), lx(n\n, s:to\np, fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,live,live,'VB','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))))))). ccg(54, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'All','All','DT','O','O'), t(n,residents,resident,'NNS','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,member,member,'NN','O','O'), t(n,states,state,'NNS','O','O'))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,individuals,individual,'NNS','O','O'))))). ccg(55, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,individual,individual,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), ba(n, t(n,right,right,'NN','O','O'), lx(n\n, s:to\np, fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,live,live,'VB','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),can,can,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,travel,travel,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),freely,freely,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,within,within,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(56, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,residents,resident,'NNS','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,member,member,'NN','O','O'), t(n,states,state,'NNS','O','O'))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),can,can,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,travel,travel,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),freely,freely,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,within,within,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(57, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'No','No','DT','O','O'), t(n,delegate,delegate,'NN','O','O')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,finished,finish,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,on,on,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(58, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'No','No','DT','O','O'), t(n,delegate,delegate,'NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,finished,finish,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(59, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Some','Some','DT','O','O'), t(n,delegates,delegate,'NNS','O','O')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,finished,finish,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,survey,survey,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,on,on,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(60, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Some','Some','DT','O','O'), t(n,delegates,delegate,'NNS','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,finished,finish,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,survey,survey,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(61, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Many','Many','JJ','O','O'), t(n,delegates,delegate,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, fa((s:dcl\np)/pp, t(((s:dcl\np)/pp)/np,obtained,obtain,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,interesting,interesting,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,results,result,'NNS','O','O')))), fa(pp, t(pp/np,from,from,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,survey,survey,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(62, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Many','Many','JJ','O','O'), t(n,delegates,delegate,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,obtained,obtain,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,results,result,'NNS','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,from,from,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,survey,survey,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(63, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Several','Several','JJ','O','O'), t(n,delegates,delegate,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,got,get,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,results,result,'NNS','O','O')), lx(np\np, s:pss\np, ba(s:pss\np, t(s:pss\np,published,publish,'VBN','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,major,major,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,national,national,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,newspapers,newspaper,'NNS','O','O'))))))))))). ccg(64, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Several','Several','JJ','O','O'), t(n,delegates,delegate,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,got,get,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,results,result,'NNS','O','O')), lx(np\np, s:pss\np, t(s:pss\np,published,publish,'VBN','O','O')))))). ccg(65, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Most','Most','JJS','O','O'), t(n,'Europeans','Europeans','NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,resident,resident,'JJ','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(66, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'All','All','DT','O','O'), t(n,'Europeans','Europeans','NNS','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,people,people,'NNS','O','O'))))). ccg(67, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'All','All','DT','O','O'), t(n,people,people,'NNS','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,resident,resident,'JJ','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),can,can,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,travel,travel,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),freely,freely,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,within,within,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(68, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Most','Most','JJS','O','O'), t(n,'Europeans','Europeans','NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),can,can,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,travel,travel,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),freely,freely,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,within,within,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(69, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'A','A','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,few,few,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,committee,committee,'NN','O','O'), t(n,members,member,'NNS','O','O')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,from,from,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Sweden','Sweden','NNP','O','I-LOC')))))). ccg(70, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'All','All','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,committee,committee,'NN','O','O'), t(n,members,member,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,people,people,'NNS','O','O'))))). ccg(71, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'All','All','DT','O','O'), t(n,people,people,'NNS','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,from,from,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Sweden','Sweden','NNP','O','I-LOC')))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,from,from,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Scandinavia','Scandinavia','NNP','O','I-LOC')))))). ccg(72, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, fa(np/np, t((np/np)/ (s:asup\np),'At','At','IN','O','O'), t(s:asup\np,least,least,'JJS','O','O')), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,few,few,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,committee,committee,'NN','O','O'), t(n,members,member,'NNS','O','O'))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,from,from,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Scandinavia','Scandinavia','NNP','O','I-LOC')))))). ccg(73, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Few','Few','JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,committee,committee,'NN','O','O'), t(n,members,member,'NNS','O','O')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,from,from,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Portugal','Portugal','NNP','O','I-LOC')))))). ccg(74, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'All','All','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,committee,committee,'NN','O','O'), t(n,members,member,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,people,people,'NNS','O','O'))))). ccg(75, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'All','All','DT','O','O'), t(n,people,people,'NNS','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,from,from,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Portugal','Portugal','NNP','O','I-LOC')))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,from,from,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,southern,southern,'JJ','O','I-LOC'), t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(76, ba(s:dcl, t(np:thr,'There','There','EX','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np:thr, t((s:dcl\np:thr)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,few,few,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,committee,committee,'NN','O','O'), t(n,members,member,'NNS','O','O')))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,from,from,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,southern,southern,'JJ','O','I-LOC'), t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC')))))))). ccg(77, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Both','Both','DT','O','O'), t(n,commissioners,commissioner,'NNS','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:to\np),used,use,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/ (s:ng\np),be,be,'VB','O','O'), fa(s:ng\np, t((s:ng\np)/np,leading,lead,'VBG','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,businessmen,businessman,'NNS','O','O')))))))). ccg(78, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Both','Both','DT','O','O'), t(n,commissioners,commissioner,'NNS','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:to\np),used,use,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/np,be,be,'VB','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,businessmen,businessman,'NNS','O','O'))))))). ccg(79, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Neither','Neither','DT','O','O'), t(n,commissioner,commissioner,'NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,spends,spend,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,lot,lot,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,home,home,'NN','O','O'))))))))). ccg(80, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Neither','Neither','DT','O','O'), t(n,commissioner,commissioner,'NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,spends,spend,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,home,home,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(81, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, fa(n/n, fa((n/n)/ (n/n), t(((n/n)/ (n/n))/ (s:asup\np),'At','At','IN','O','O'), t(s:asup\np,least,least,'JJS','O','O')), t(n/n,three,three,'CD','O','O')), t(n,commissioners,commissioner,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,spend,spend,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,lot,lot,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,home,home,'NN','O','O'))))))))). ccg(82, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, fa(n/n, fa((n/n)/ (n/n), t(((n/n)/ (n/n))/ (s:asup\np),'At','At','IN','O','O'), t(s:asup\np,least,least,'JJS','O','O')), t(n/n,three,three,'CD','O','O')), t(n,commissioners,commissioner,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,spend,spend,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,home,home,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(83, fa(s:dcl, fa(s/s, t((s/s)/np,'At','At','IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,most,most,'JJS','O','O'))), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,ten,ten,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,commissioners,commissioner,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,spend,spend,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,lot,lot,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,home,home,'NN','O','O')))))))))). ccg(84, fa(s:dcl, fa(s/s, t((s/s)/np,'At','At','IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,most,most,'JJS','O','O'))), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,ten,ten,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,commissioners,commissioner,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,spend,spend,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,home,home,'NN','O','O')))))))). ccg(85, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'An','An','DT','O','O'), t(n,'Irishman','Irishman','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Nobel','Nobel','NNP','O','O'), t(n,prize,prize,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(86, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'An','An','DT','O','O'), t(n,'Irishman','Irishman','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Nobel','Nobel','NNP','O','O'), t(n,prize,prize,'NN','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,for,for,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,literature,literature,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(87, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,'European','European','JJ','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),can,can,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,travel,travel,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),freely,freely,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,within,within,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(88, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,'European','European','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,person,person,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(89, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,person,person,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), ba(n, t(n,right,right,'NN','O','O'), lx(n\n, s:to\np, fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,live,live,'VB','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),can,can,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,travel,travel,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),freely,freely,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,within,within,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(90, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,'European','European','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), ba(n, t(n,right,right,'NN','O','O'), lx(n\n, s:to\np, fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,live,live,'VB','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))))))). ccg(91, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'All','All','DT','O','O'), t(n,'Europeans','Europeans','NNPS','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),can,can,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,travel,travel,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),freely,freely,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,within,within,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(92, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,'European','European','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,person,person,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(93, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,person,person,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), ba(n, t(n,right,right,'NN','O','O'), lx(n\n, s:to\np, fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,live,live,'VB','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),can,can,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,travel,travel,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),freely,freely,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,within,within,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(94, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'All','All','DT','O','O'), t(n,'Europeans','Europeans','NNS','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,have,have,'VBP','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), ba(n, t(n,right,right,'NN','O','O'), lx(n\n, s:to\np, fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,live,live,'VB','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))))))). ccg(95, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Each','Each','DT','O','O'), t(n,'European','European','JJ','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),can,can,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,travel,travel,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),freely,freely,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,within,within,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(96, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,'European','European','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,person,person,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(97, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,person,person,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), ba(n, t(n,right,right,'NN','O','O'), lx(n\n, s:to\np, fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,live,live,'VB','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),can,can,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,travel,travel,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),freely,freely,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,within,within,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(98, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Each','Each','DT','O','O'), t(n,'European','European','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), ba(n, t(n,right,right,'NN','O','O'), lx(n\n, s:to\np, fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,live,live,'VB','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))))))). ccg(99, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,residents,resident,'NNS','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,member,member,'NN','O','O'), t(n,states,state,'NNS','O','O'))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),can,can,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,travel,travel,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),freely,freely,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,within,within,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(100, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'All','All','DT','O','O'), t(n,residents,resident,'NNS','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,member,member,'NN','O','O'), t(n,states,state,'NNS','O','O'))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,individuals,individual,'NNS','O','O'))))). ccg(101, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,individual,individual,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), ba(n, t(n,right,right,'NN','O','O'), lx(n\n, s:to\np, fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,live,live,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),anywhere,anywhere,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),can,can,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,travel,travel,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),freely,freely,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,within,within,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(102, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,residents,resident,'NNS','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,member,member,'NN','O','O'), t(n,states,state,'NNS','O','O'))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,have,have,'VBP','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), ba(n, t(n,right,right,'NN','O','O'), lx(n\n, s:to\np, fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,live,live,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),anywhere,anywhere,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))))))). ccg(103, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'No','No','DT','O','O'), t(n,delegate,delegate,'NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,finished,finish,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(104, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Some','Some','DT','O','O'), t(n,delegate,delegate,'NN','O','O')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,finished,finish,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,on,on,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(105, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Some','Some','DT','O','O'), t(n,delegates,delegate,'NNS','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,finished,finish,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,survey,survey,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(106, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Some','Some','DT','O','O'), t(n,delegates,delegate,'NNS','O','O')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,finished,finish,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,survey,survey,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,on,on,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(107, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Many','Many','JJ','O','O'), t(n,delegates,delegate,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,obtained,obtain,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,results,result,'NNS','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,from,from,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,survey,survey,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(108, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Many','Many','JJ','O','O'), t(n,delegates,delegate,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, fa((s:dcl\np)/pp, t(((s:dcl\np)/pp)/np,obtained,obtain,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,interesting,interesting,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,results,result,'NNS','O','O')))), fa(pp, t(pp/np,from,from,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,survey,survey,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(109, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Several','Several','JJ','O','O'), t(n,delegates,delegate,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,got,get,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,results,result,'NNS','O','O')), lx(np\np, s:pss\np, t(s:pss\np,published,publish,'VBN','O','O')))))). ccg(110, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Several','Several','JJ','O','O'), t(n,delegates,delegate,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,got,get,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,results,result,'NNS','O','O')), lx(np\np, s:pss\np, ba(s:pss\np, t(s:pss\np,published,publish,'VBN','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,major,major,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,national,national,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,newspapers,newspaper,'NNS','O','O'))))))))))). ccg(111, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Most','Most','JJS','O','O'), t(n,'Europeans','Europeans','NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),can,can,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,travel,travel,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),freely,freely,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,within,within,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(112, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'All','All','DT','O','O'), t(n,'Europeans','Europeans','NNS','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,people,people,'NNS','O','O'))))). ccg(113, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'All','All','DT','O','O'), t(n,people,people,'NNS','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,resident,resident,'JJ','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),can,can,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,travel,travel,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),freely,freely,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,within,within,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(114, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Most','Most','JJS','O','O'), t(n,'Europeans','Europeans','NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,resident,resident,'JJ','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(115, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'A','A','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,few,few,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,committee,committee,'NN','O','O'), t(n,members,member,'NNS','O','O')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,from,from,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Scandinavia','Scandinavia','NNP','O','I-LOC')))))). ccg(116, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'All','All','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,committee,committee,'NN','O','O'), t(n,members,member,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,people,people,'NNS','O','O'))))). ccg(117, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'All','All','DT','O','O'), t(n,people,people,'NNS','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,from,from,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Sweden','Sweden','NNP','O','I-LOC')))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,from,from,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Scandinavia','Scandinavia','NNP','O','I-LOC')))))). ccg(118, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, fa(np/np, t((np/np)/ (s:asup\np),'At','At','IN','O','O'), t(s:asup\np,least,least,'JJS','O','O')), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,few,few,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,committee,committee,'NN','O','O'), t(n,members,member,'NNS','O','O'))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,from,from,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Sweden','Sweden','NNP','O','I-LOC')))))). ccg(119, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Few','Few','JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,committee,committee,'NN','O','O'), t(n,members,member,'NNS','O','O')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,from,from,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,southern,southern,'JJ','O','I-LOC'), t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(120, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'All','All','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,committee,committee,'NN','O','O'), t(n,members,member,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,people,people,'NNS','O','O'))))). ccg(121, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'All','All','DT','O','O'), t(n,people,people,'NNS','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,from,from,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Portugal','Portugal','NNP','O','I-LOC')))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,from,from,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,southern,southern,'JJ','O','I-LOC'), t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(122, ba(s:dcl, t(np:thr,'There','There','EX','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np:thr, t((s:dcl\np:thr)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,few,few,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,committee,committee,'NN','O','O'), t(n,members,member,'NNS','O','O')))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,from,from,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Portugal','Portugal','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(123, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Both','Both','DT','O','O'), t(n,commissioners,commissioner,'NNS','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:to\np),used,use,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/np,be,be,'VB','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,businessmen,businessman,'NNS','O','O'))))))). ccg(124, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Both','Both','DT','O','O'), t(n,commissioners,commissioner,'NNS','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:to\np),used,use,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/ (s:ng\np),be,be,'VB','O','O'), fa(s:ng\np, t((s:ng\np)/np,leading,lead,'VBG','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,businessmen,businessman,'NNS','O','O')))))))). ccg(125, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Neither','Neither','DT','O','O'), t(n,commissioner,commissioner,'NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,spends,spend,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,home,home,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(126, ba(s:dcl, ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'One','One','CD','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,commissioners,commissioner,'NNS','O','O')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,spends,spend,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,lot,lot,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,home,home,'NN','O','O'))))))))). ccg(127, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, fa(n/n, fa((n/n)/ (n/n), t(((n/n)/ (n/n))/ (s:asup\np),'At','At','IN','O','O'), t(s:asup\np,least,least,'JJS','O','O')), t(n/n,three,three,'CD','O','O')), t(n,commissioners,commissioner,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,spend,spend,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,home,home,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(128, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, fa(n/n, fa((n/n)/ (n/n), t(((n/n)/ (n/n))/ (s:asup\np),'At','At','IN','O','O'), t(s:asup\np,least,least,'JJS','O','O')), t(n/n,three,three,'CD','O','O')), t(n,commissioners,commissioner,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,spend,spend,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,lot,lot,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,home,home,'NN','O','O'))))))))). ccg(129, fa(s:dcl, fa(s/s, t((s/s)/np,'At','At','IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,most,most,'JJS','O','O'))), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,ten,ten,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,commissioners,commissioner,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,spend,spend,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,home,home,'NN','O','O')))))))). ccg(130, fa(s:dcl, fa(s/s, t((s/s)/np,'At','At','IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,most,most,'JJS','O','O'))), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,ten,ten,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,commissioners,commissioner,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,spend,spend,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,lot,lot,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,home,home,'NN','O','O')))))))))). ccg(131, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'A','A','DT','O','O'), t(n,'Swede','Swede','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Nobel','Nobel','NNP','O','O'), t(n,prize,prize,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(132, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,'Swede','Swede','NN','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,'Scandinavian','Scandinavian','JJ','O','O'))))). ccg(133, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'A','A','DT','O','O'), t(n,'Scandinavian','Scandinavian','JJ','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,won,'NN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Nobel','Nobel','NNP','O','O'), t(n,prize,prize,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(134, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Canadian','Canadian','JJ','O','O'), t(n,resident,resident,'NN','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),can,can,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,travel,travel,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),freely,freely,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,within,within,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(135, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Canadian','Canadian','JJ','O','O'), t(n,resident,resident,'NN','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,resident,resident,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'North','North','NNP','O','I-ORG'), fa(n, t(n/n,'American','American','NNP','O','I-ORG'), t(n,continent,continent,'NN','O','O'))))))))). ccg(136, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,resident,resident,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, fa(n/n, t((n/n)/ (n/n),'North','North','JJ','O','I-ORG'), t(n/n,'American','American','JJ','O','I-ORG')), t(n,continent,continent,'NN','O','O'))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),can,can,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,travel,travel,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),freely,freely,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,within,within,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(137, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'All','All','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Canadian','Canadian','JJ','O','O'), t(n,residents,resident,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),can,can,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,travel,travel,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),freely,freely,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,within,within,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(138, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Canadian','Canadian','JJ','O','O'), t(n,resident,resident,'NN','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,resident,resident,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'North','North','NNP','O','I-ORG'), fa(n, t(n/n,'American','American','NNP','O','I-ORG'), t(n,continent,continent,'NN','O','O'))))))))). ccg(139, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'All','All','DT','O','O'), t(n,residents,resident,'NNS','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, fa(n/n, t((n/n)/ (n/n),'North','North','JJ','O','I-ORG'), t(n/n,'American','American','JJ','O','I-ORG')), t(n,continent,continent,'NN','O','O'))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),can,can,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,travel,travel,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),freely,freely,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,within,within,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(140, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Each','Each','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Canadian','Canadian','JJ','O','O'), t(n,resident,resident,'NN','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),can,can,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,travel,travel,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),freely,freely,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,within,within,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(141, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Canadian','Canadian','JJ','O','O'), t(n,resident,resident,'NN','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,resident,resident,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'North','North','NNP','O','I-ORG'), fa(n, t(n/n,'American','American','NNP','O','I-ORG'), t(n,continent,continent,'NN','O','O'))))))))). ccg(142, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Each','Each','DT','O','O'), t(n,resident,resident,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, fa(n/n, t((n/n)/ (n/n),'North','North','JJ','O','I-ORG'), t(n/n,'American','American','JJ','O','I-ORG')), t(n,continent,continent,'NN','O','O'))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),can,can,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,travel,travel,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),freely,freely,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,within,within,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(143, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,residents,resident,'NNS','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,major,major,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,western,western,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,countries,country,'NNS','O','O')))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),can,can,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,travel,travel,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),freely,freely,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,within,within,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(144, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'All','All','DT','O','O'), t(n,residents,resident,'NNS','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,major,major,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,western,western,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,countries,country,'NNS','O','O')))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,residents,resident,'NNS','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,western,western,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,countries,country,'NNS','O','O')))))))). ccg(145, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,residents,resident,'NNS','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,western,western,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,countries,country,'NNS','O','O'))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,have,have,'VBP','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), ba(n, t(n,right,right,'NN','O','O'), lx(n\n, s:to\np, fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,live,live,'VB','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))))))). ccg(146, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'No','No','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Scandinavian','Scandinavian','JJ','O','O'), t(n,delegate,delegate,'NN','O','O'))), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,finished,finish,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,on,on,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(147, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Some','Some','DT','O','O'), t(n,delegate,delegate,'NN','O','O')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,finished,finish,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,on,on,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(148, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Some','Some','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Irish','Irish','JJ','O','O'), t(n,delegates,delegate,'NNS','O','O'))), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,finished,finish,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,survey,survey,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,on,on,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(149, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Some','Some','DT','O','O'), t(n,delegates,delegate,'NNS','O','O')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,finished,finish,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,survey,survey,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,on,on,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(150, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Many','Many','JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'British','British','JJ','O','O'), t(n,delegates,delegate,'NNS','O','O')))), fa(s:dcl\np, fa((s:dcl\np)/pp, t(((s:dcl\np)/pp)/np,obtained,obtain,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,interesting,interesting,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,results,result,'NNS','O','O')))), fa(pp, t(pp/np,from,from,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,survey,survey,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(151, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Many','Many','JJ','O','O'), t(n,delegates,delegate,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, fa((s:dcl\np)/pp, t(((s:dcl\np)/pp)/np,obtained,obtain,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,interesting,interesting,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,results,result,'NNS','O','O')))), fa(pp, t(pp/np,from,from,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,survey,survey,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(152, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Several','Several','JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Portuguese','Portuguese','NN','O','O'), t(n,delegates,delegate,'NNS','O','O')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,got,get,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,results,result,'NNS','O','O')), lx(np\np, s:pss\np, ba(s:pss\np, t(s:pss\np,published,publish,'VBN','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,major,major,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,national,national,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,newspapers,newspaper,'NNS','O','O'))))))))))). ccg(153, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Several','Several','JJ','O','O'), t(n,delegates,delegate,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,got,get,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,results,result,'NNS','O','O')), lx(np\np, s:pss\np, ba(s:pss\np, t(s:pss\np,published,publish,'VBN','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,major,major,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,national,national,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,newspapers,newspaper,'NNS','O','O'))))))))))). ccg(154, ba(s:dcl, ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Most','Most','JJS','O','O'), t(n,'Europeans','Europeans','NNS','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,resident,resident,'JJ','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),can,can,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,travel,travel,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),freely,freely,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,within,within,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(155, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Most','Most','JJS','O','O'), t(n,'Europeans','Europeans','NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),can,can,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,travel,travel,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),freely,freely,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,within,within,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(156, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'A','A','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,few,few,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,female,female,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,committee,committee,'NN','O','O'), t(n,members,member,'NNS','O','O'))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,from,from,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Scandinavia','Scandinavia','NNP','O','I-LOC')))))). ccg(157, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, fa(np/np, t((np/np)/ (s:asup\np),'At','At','IN','O','O'), t(s:asup\np,least,least,'JJS','O','O')), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,few,few,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,committee,committee,'NN','O','O'), t(n,members,member,'NNS','O','O'))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,from,from,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Scandinavia','Scandinavia','NNP','O','I-LOC')))))). ccg(158, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Few','Few','JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,female,female,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,committee,committee,'NN','O','O'), t(n,members,member,'NNS','O','O'))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,from,from,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,southern,southern,'JJ','O','I-LOC'), t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(159, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Few','Few','JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,committee,committee,'NN','O','O'), t(n,members,member,'NNS','O','O')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,from,from,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,southern,southern,'JJ','O','I-LOC'), t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(160, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Both','Both','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,female,female,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,commissioners,commissioner,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:to\np),used,use,'VBN','O','O'), fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/pp,be,be,'VB','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,business,business,'NN','O','O')))))))). ccg(161, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Both','Both','DT','O','O'), t(n,commissioners,commissioner,'NNS','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:to\np),used,use,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/pp,be,be,'VB','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,business,business,'NN','O','O')))))))). ccg(162, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Neither','Neither','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,female,female,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,commissioner,commissioner,'NN','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,spends,spend,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,lot,lot,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,home,home,'NN','O','O'))))))))). ccg(163, ba(s:dcl, ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'One','One','CD','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,commissioners,commissioner,'NNS','O','O')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,spends,spend,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,lot,lot,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,home,home,'NN','O','O'))))))))). ccg(164, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, fa(n/n, fa((n/n)/ (n/n), t(((n/n)/ (n/n))/ (s:asup\np),'At','At','IN','O','O'), t(s:asup\np,least,least,'JJS','O','O')), t(n/n,three,three,'CD','O','O')), fa(n, t(n/n,female,female,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,commissioners,commissioner,'NNS','O','O')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,spend,spend,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,home,home,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(165, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, fa(n/n, fa((n/n)/ (n/n), t(((n/n)/ (n/n))/ (s:asup\np),'At','At','IN','O','O'), t(s:asup\np,least,least,'JJS','O','O')), t(n/n,three,three,'CD','O','O')), t(n,commissioners,commissioner,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,spend,spend,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,home,home,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(166, fa(s:dcl, fa(s/s, t((s/s)/np,'At','At','IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,most,most,'JJS','O','O'))), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,ten,ten,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,female,female,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,commissioners,commissioner,'NNS','O','O')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,spend,spend,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,home,home,'NN','O','O')))))))). ccg(167, fa(s:dcl, fa(s/s, t((s/s)/np,'At','At','IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,most,most,'JJS','O','O'))), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,ten,ten,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,commissioners,commissioner,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,spend,spend,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,home,home,'NN','O','O')))))))). ccg(168, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'A','A','DT','O','O'), t(n,'Scandinavian','Scandinavian','JJ','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,won,'NN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Nobel','Nobel','NNP','O','O'), t(n,prize,prize,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(169, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,'Swede','Swede','NN','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,'Scandinavian','Scandinavian','JJ','O','O'))))). ccg(170, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'A','A','DT','O','O'), t(n,'Swede','Swede','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Nobel','Nobel','NNP','O','O'), t(n,prize,prize,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(171, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,resident,resident,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, fa(n/n, t((n/n)/ (n/n),'North','North','JJ','O','I-ORG'), t(n/n,'American','American','JJ','O','I-ORG')), t(n,continent,continent,'NN','O','O'))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),can,can,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,travel,travel,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),freely,freely,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,within,within,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(172, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Canadian','Canadian','JJ','O','O'), t(n,resident,resident,'NN','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,resident,resident,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'North','North','NNP','O','I-ORG'), fa(n, t(n/n,'American','American','NNP','O','I-ORG'), t(n,continent,continent,'NN','O','O'))))))))). ccg(173, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Canadian','Canadian','JJ','O','O'), t(n,resident,resident,'NN','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),can,can,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,travel,travel,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),freely,freely,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,within,within,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(174, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'All','All','DT','O','O'), t(n,residents,resident,'NNS','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, fa(n/n, t((n/n)/ (n/n),'North','North','JJ','O','I-ORG'), t(n/n,'American','American','JJ','O','I-ORG')), t(n,continent,continent,'NN','O','O'))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),can,can,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,travel,travel,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),freely,freely,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,within,within,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(175, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Canadian','Canadian','JJ','O','O'), t(n,resident,resident,'NN','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,resident,resident,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'North','North','NNP','O','I-ORG'), fa(n, t(n/n,'American','American','NNP','O','I-ORG'), t(n,continent,continent,'NN','O','O'))))))))). ccg(176, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'All','All','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Canadian','Canadian','JJ','O','O'), t(n,residents,resident,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),can,can,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,travel,travel,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),freely,freely,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,within,within,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(177, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Each','Each','DT','O','O'), t(n,resident,resident,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, fa(n/n, t((n/n)/ (n/n),'North','North','JJ','O','I-ORG'), t(n/n,'American','American','JJ','O','I-ORG')), t(n,continent,continent,'NN','O','O'))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),can,can,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,travel,travel,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),freely,freely,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,within,within,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(178, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Canadian','Canadian','JJ','O','O'), t(n,resident,resident,'NN','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,resident,resident,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'North','North','NNP','O','I-ORG'), fa(n, t(n/n,'American','American','NNP','O','I-ORG'), t(n,continent,continent,'NN','O','O'))))))))). ccg(179, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Each','Each','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Canadian','Canadian','JJ','O','O'), t(n,resident,resident,'NN','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),can,can,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,travel,travel,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),freely,freely,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,within,within,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(180, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,residents,resident,'NNS','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,western,western,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,countries,country,'NNS','O','O'))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),can,can,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,travel,travel,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),freely,freely,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,within,within,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(181, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'All','All','DT','O','O'), t(n,residents,resident,'NNS','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,major,major,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,western,western,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,countries,country,'NNS','O','O')))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,residents,resident,'NNS','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,western,western,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,countries,country,'NNS','O','O')))))))). ccg(182, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,residents,resident,'NNS','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,major,major,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,western,western,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,countries,country,'NNS','O','O')))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,have,have,'VBP','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), ba(n, t(n,right,right,'NN','O','O'), lx(n\n, s:to\np, fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,live,live,'VB','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))))))). ccg(183, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'No','No','DT','O','O'), t(n,delegate,delegate,'NN','O','O')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,finished,finish,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,on,on,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(184, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Some','Some','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Scandinavian','Scandinavian','JJ','O','O'), t(n,delegate,delegate,'NN','O','O'))), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,finished,finish,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,on,on,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(185, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Some','Some','DT','O','O'), t(n,delegates,delegate,'NNS','O','O')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,finished,finish,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,survey,survey,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,on,on,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(186, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Some','Some','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Irish','Irish','JJ','O','O'), t(n,delegates,delegate,'NNS','O','O'))), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,finished,finish,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,survey,survey,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,on,on,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(187, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Many','Many','JJ','O','O'), t(n,delegates,delegate,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, fa((s:dcl\np)/pp, t(((s:dcl\np)/pp)/np,obtained,obtain,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,interesting,interesting,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,results,result,'NNS','O','O')))), fa(pp, t(pp/np,from,from,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,survey,survey,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(188, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Many','Many','JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'British','British','JJ','O','O'), t(n,delegates,delegate,'NNS','O','O')))), fa(s:dcl\np, fa((s:dcl\np)/pp, t(((s:dcl\np)/pp)/np,obtained,obtain,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,interesting,interesting,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,results,result,'NNS','O','O')))), fa(pp, t(pp/np,from,from,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,survey,survey,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(189, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Several','Several','JJ','O','O'), t(n,delegates,delegate,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,got,get,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,results,result,'NNS','O','O')), lx(np\np, s:pss\np, ba(s:pss\np, t(s:pss\np,published,publish,'VBN','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,major,major,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,national,national,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,newspapers,newspaper,'NNS','O','O'))))))))))). ccg(190, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Several','Several','JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Portuguese','Portuguese','NN','O','O'), t(n,delegates,delegate,'NNS','O','O')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,got,get,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,results,result,'NNS','O','O')), lx(np\np, s:pss\np, ba(s:pss\np, t(s:pss\np,published,publish,'VBN','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,major,major,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,national,national,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,newspapers,newspaper,'NNS','O','O'))))))))))). ccg(191, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Most','Most','JJS','O','O'), t(n,'Europeans','Europeans','NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),can,can,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,travel,travel,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),freely,freely,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,within,within,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(192, ba(s:dcl, ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Most','Most','JJS','O','O'), t(n,'Europeans','Europeans','NNS','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,resident,resident,'JJ','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,outside,outside,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),can,can,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,travel,travel,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),freely,freely,'RB','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,within,within,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(193, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'A','A','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,few,few,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,committee,committee,'NN','O','O'), t(n,members,member,'NNS','O','O')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,from,from,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Scandinavia','Scandinavia','NNP','O','I-LOC')))))). ccg(194, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, fa(np/np, t((np/np)/ (s:asup\np),'At','At','IN','O','O'), t(s:asup\np,least,least,'JJS','O','O')), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,few,few,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,female,female,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,committee,committee,'NN','O','O'), t(n,members,member,'NNS','O','O')))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,from,from,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Scandinavia','Scandinavia','NNP','O','I-LOC')))))). ccg(195, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Few','Few','JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,committee,committee,'NN','O','O'), t(n,members,member,'NNS','O','O')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,from,from,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,southern,southern,'JJ','O','I-LOC'), t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(196, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Few','Few','JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,female,female,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,committee,committee,'NN','O','O'), t(n,members,member,'NNS','O','O'))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,from,from,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,southern,southern,'JJ','O','I-LOC'), t(n,'Europe','Europe','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(197, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Both','Both','DT','O','O'), t(n,commissioners,commissioner,'NNS','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:to\np),used,use,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/pp,be,be,'VB','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,business,business,'NN','O','O')))))))). ccg(198, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Both','Both','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,female,female,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,commissioners,commissioner,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:to\np),used,use,'VBN','O','O'), fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/pp,be,be,'VB','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,business,business,'NN','O','O')))))))). ccg(199, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Neither','Neither','DT','O','O'), t(n,commissioner,commissioner,'NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,spends,spend,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,lot,lot,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,home,home,'NN','O','O'))))))))). ccg(200, ba(s:dcl, ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'One','One','CD','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,female,female,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,commissioners,commissioner,'NNS','O','O'))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,spends,spend,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,lot,lot,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,home,home,'NN','O','O'))))))))). ccg(201, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, fa(n/n, fa((n/n)/ (n/n), t(((n/n)/ (n/n))/ (s:asup\np),'At','At','IN','O','O'), t(s:asup\np,least,least,'JJS','O','O')), t(n/n,three,three,'CD','O','O')), t(n,commissioners,commissioner,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,spend,spend,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,home,home,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(202, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, fa(n/n, fa((n/n)/ (n/n), t(((n/n)/ (n/n))/ (s:asup\np),'At','At','IN','O','O'), t(s:asup\np,least,least,'JJS','O','O')), t(n/n,three,three,'CD','O','O')), fa(n, t(n/n,male,male,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,commissioners,commissioner,'NNS','O','O')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,spend,spend,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,home,home,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(203, fa(s:dcl, fa(s/s, t((s/s)/np,'At','At','IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,most,most,'JJS','O','O'))), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,ten,ten,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,commissioners,commissioner,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,spend,spend,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,home,home,'NN','O','O')))))))). ccg(204, fa(s:dcl, fa(s/s, t((s/s)/np,'At','At','IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,most,most,'JJS','O','O'))), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,ten,ten,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,female,female,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,commissioners,commissioner,'NNS','O','O')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,spend,spend,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,home,home,'NN','O','O')))))))). ccg(205, ba(s:dcl, ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), conj(np\np, np, t(',',',',',',',','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), conj(np\np, np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','I-PER'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Anderson','Anderson','NNP','O','I-PER')))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,signed,sign,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(206, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,signed,sign,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(207, ba(s:dcl, ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), conj(np\np, np, t(',',',',',',',','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), conj(np\np, np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,several,several,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,lawyers,lawyer,'NNS','O','O'))))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,signed,sign,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(208, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,signed,sign,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(209, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Either','Either','NNP','O','I-DAT'), t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), conj(np\np, np, t(',',',',',',',','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), conj(np\np, np, t(conj,or,or,'CC','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Anderson','Anderson','NNP','O','I-PER')))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,signed,sign,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(210, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,signed,sign,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(211, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Either','Either','NNP','O','I-DAT'), t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), conj(np\np, np, t(',',',',',',',','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), conj(np\np, np, t(conj,or,or,'CC','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Anderson','Anderson','NNP','O','I-PER')))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,signed,sign,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(212, fa(s:dcl, fa(s/s, t((s/s)/s:dcl,'If','If','IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), conj(np\np, np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','I-PER'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Anderson','Anderson','NNP','O','I-PER')))), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np), t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),did,do,'VBD','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),not,not,'RB','O','O')), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/np,sign,sign,'VB','O','O'), rp(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O')), t(',',',',',',',','O','O')))))), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,signed,sign,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(213, ba(s:dcl, ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, fa(n/n, t((n/n)/ (n/n),'Exactly','Exactly','RB','O','O'), t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','O')), t(n,lawyers,lawyer,'NNS','O','O'))), conj(np\np, np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,three,three,'CD','O','O'), t(n,accountants,accountant,'NNS','O','O'))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,signed,sign,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(214, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Six','Six','CD','O','O'), t(n,lawyers,lawyer,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,signed,sign,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(215, ba(s:dcl, ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, fa(n/n, t((n/n)/ (n/n),'Exactly','Exactly','RB','O','O'), t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','O')), t(n,lawyers,lawyer,'NNS','O','O'))), conj(np\np, np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,three,three,'CD','O','O'), t(n,accountants,accountant,'NNS','O','O'))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,signed,sign,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(216, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Six','Six','CD','O','O'), t(n,accountants,accountant,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,signed,sign,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(217, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,representative,representative,'NN','O','O')), conj(np\np, np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,client,client,'NN','O','O')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,was,be,'VBD','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(218, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,representative,representative,'NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,was,be,'VBD','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(219, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,representative,representative,'NN','O','O')), conj(np\np, np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,client,client,'NN','O','O')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,was,be,'VBD','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(220, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,representative,representative,'NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,was,be,'VBD','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(221, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,representative,representative,'NN','O','O')), conj(np\np, np, t(conj,or,or,'CC','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,client,client,'NN','O','O')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,was,be,'VBD','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(222, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,representative,representative,'NN','O','O')), conj(np:nb\np:nb, np:nb, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,every,every,'DT','O','O'), t(n,client,client,'NN','O','O')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,was,be,'VBD','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(223, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,chairman,chairman,'NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,read,read,'VBD','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),out,out,'RP','O','O')), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,items,item,'NNS','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,on,on,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,agenda,agenda,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(224, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,chairman,chairman,'NN','O','O')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,read,read,'VBD','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),out,out,'RP','O','O')), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,every,every,'DT','O','O'), t(n,item,item,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,on,on,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,agenda,agenda,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(225, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,people,people,'NNS','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,were,be,'VBD','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O')))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,voted,vote,'VBD','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,for,for,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,new,new,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,chairman,chairman,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(226, ba(s:dcl, ba(np, t(np,'Everyone','Everyone','DT','O','O'), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,voted,vote,'VBD','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,for,for,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,new,new,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,chairman,chairman,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(227, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np/np,'All','All','PDT','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,people,people,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,were,be,'VBD','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O')))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,voted,vote,'VBD','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,for,for,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,new,new,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,chairman,chairman,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(228, ba(s:dcl, ba(np, t(np,'Everyone','Everyone','DT','O','O'), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,voted,vote,'VBD','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,for,for,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,new,new,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,chairman,chairman,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(229, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,people,people,'NNS','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,were,be,'VBD','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O')))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s\np)/ (s\np),all,all,'DT','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,voted,vote,'VBD','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,for,for,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,new,new,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,chairman,chairman,'NN','O','O')))))))). ccg(230, ba(s:dcl, ba(np, t(np,'Everyone','Everyone','DT','O','O'), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,voted,vote,'VBD','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,for,for,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,new,new,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,chairman,chairman,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(231, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,inhabitants,inhabitant,'NNS','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Cambridge','Cambridge','NNP','O','I-LOC')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,voted,vote,'VBD','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,for,for,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Labour','Labour','NNP','O','I-ORG'), t(n,'MP','MP','NNP','O','I-ORG'))))))). ccg(232, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,inhabitant,inhabitant,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Cambridge','Cambridge','NNP','O','I-LOC')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,voted,vote,'VBD','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,for,for,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Labour','Labour','NNP','O','I-ORG'), t(n,'MP','MP','NNP','O','I-ORG'))))))). ccg(233, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Ancient','Ancient','NNP','O','I-ORG'), t(n,'Greeks','Greeks','NNPS','O','I-ORG'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pss\np),were,be,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:pss\np, t((s:pss\np)/np,noted,note,'VBN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,philosophers,philosopher,'NNS','O','O')))))). ccg(234, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Ancient','Ancient','NNP','O','I-ORG'), t(n,'Greek','Greek','NNP','O','I-ORG'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,was,be,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,noted,noted,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,philosopher,philosopher,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(235, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Ancient','Ancient','NNP','O','I-ORG'), t(n,'Greeks','Greeks','NNPS','O','I-ORG'))), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pss\np), t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pss\np),were,be,'VBD','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),all,all,'DT','O','O')), fa(s:pss\np, t((s:pss\np)/np,noted,note,'VBN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,philosophers,philosopher,'NNS','O','O')))))). ccg(236, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Ancient','Ancient','NNP','O','I-ORG'), t(n,'Greek','Greek','NNP','O','I-ORG'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,was,be,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,noted,noted,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,philosopher,philosopher,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(237, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Software','Software','NNP','O','O'), t(n,faults,fault,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pss\np),were,be,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:pss\np, t((s:pss\np)/pp,blamed,blame,'VBN','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,for,for,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,system,system,'NN','O','O'), t(n,failure,failure,'NN','O','O')))))))). ccg(238, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,system,system,'NN','O','O'), t(n,failure,failure,'NN','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pss\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:pss\np, t((s:pss\np)/pp,blamed,blame,'VBN','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,on,on,'IN','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,one,one,'CD','O','O')), conj(np\np, np, t(conj,or,or,'CC','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,more,more,'JJR','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,software,software,'NN','O','O'), t(n,faults,fault,'NNS','O','O'))))))))))). ccg(239, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Software','Software','NNP','O','O'), t(n,faults,fault,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pss\np),were,be,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:pss\np, t((s:pss\np)/pp,blamed,blame,'VBN','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,for,for,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,system,system,'NN','O','O'), t(n,failure,failure,'NN','O','O')))))))). ccg(240, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, ba(n, ba(n, t(n,'Bug','Bug','NNP','O','O'), t(n\n,#,#,#,'O','O')), t(n\n,'32-985','32-985','CD','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,known,known,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,software,software,'NN','O','O'), t(n,fault,fault,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(241, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, ba(n, ba(n, t(n,'Bug','Bug','NNP','O','O'), t(n\n,#,#,#,'O','O')), t(n\n,'32-985','32-985','CD','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pss\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:pss\np, t((s:pss\np)/pp,blamed,blame,'VBN','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,for,for,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,system,system,'NN','O','O'), t(n,failure,failure,'NN','O','O')))))))). ccg(242, ba(s:dcl, ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'Clients','Clients','NNS','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,demonstration,demonstration,'NN','O','O')))), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pss\np), t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pss\np),were,be,'VBD','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),all,all,'DT','O','O')), ba(s:pss\np, t(s:pss\np,impressed,impress,'VBN','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,by,by,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, ba(np:nb/n, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,system,system,'NN','O','O')), t((np:nb/n)\np,'''s','''s','POS','O','O')), t(n,performance,performance,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(243, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,was,be,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,client,client,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,demonstration,demonstration,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(244, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pss\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), ba(s:pss\np, t(s:pss\np,impressed,impress,'VBN','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,by,by,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, ba(np:nb/n, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,system,system,'NN','O','O')), t((np:nb/n)\np,'''s','''s','POS','O','O')), t(n,performance,performance,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(245, ba(s:dcl, ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'Clients','Clients','NNS','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,demonstration,demonstration,'NN','O','O')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pss\np),were,be,'VBD','O','O'), ba(s:pss\np, t(s:pss\np,impressed,impress,'VBN','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,by,by,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, ba(np:nb/n, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,system,system,'NN','O','O')), t((np:nb/n)\np,'''s','''s','POS','O','O')), t(n,performance,performance,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(246, ba(s:dcl, ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Most','Most','JJS','O','O'), t(n,clients,client,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,demonstration,demonstration,'NN','O','O')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pss\np),were,be,'VBD','O','O'), ba(s:pss\np, t(s:pss\np,impressed,impress,'VBN','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,by,by,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, ba(np:nb/n, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,system,system,'NN','O','O')), t((np:nb/n)\np,'''s','''s','POS','O','O')), t(n,performance,performance,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(247, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'University','University','NNP','O','I-ORG'), t(n,graduates,graduate,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,make,make,'VBP','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,poor,poor,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'stock-market','stock-market','NN','O','O'), t(n,traders,trader,'NNS','O','O'))))))). ccg(248, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,university,university,'NN','O','O'), t(n,graduate,graduate,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(249, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(s:adj\np, t((s:adj\np)/ (s:to\np),likely,likely,'JJ','O','O'), fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/np,make,make,'VB','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,poor,poor,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,stock,stock,'NN','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,market,market,'NN','O','O'), t(n,trader,trader,'NN','O','O'))))))))))). ccg(250, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'University','University','NNP','O','I-ORG'), t(n,graduates,graduate,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,make,make,'VBP','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,poor,poor,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'stock-market','stock-market','NN','O','O'), t(n,traders,trader,'NNS','O','O'))))))). ccg(251, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,university,university,'NN','O','O'), t(n,graduate,graduate,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(252, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),will,will,'MD','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/np,make,make,'VB','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,poor,poor,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,stock,stock,'NN','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,market,market,'NN','O','O'), t(n,trader,trader,'NN','O','O'))))))))). ccg(253, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'All','All','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'APCOM','APCOM','NNP','O','I-ORG'), t(n,managers,manager,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,have,have,'VBP','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,company,company,'NN','O','O'), t(n,cars,car,'NNS','O','O')))))). ccg(254, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,an,an,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'APCOM','APCOM','NN','O','I-ORG'), t(n,manager,manager,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(255, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,company,company,'NN','O','O'), t(n,car,car,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(256, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'All','All','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'APCOM','APCOM','NNP','O','I-ORG'), t(n,managers,manager,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,have,have,'VBP','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,company,company,'NN','O','O'), t(n,cars,car,'NNS','O','O')))))). ccg(257, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,an,an,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'APCOM','APCOM','NN','O','I-ORG'), t(n,manager,manager,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(258, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, fa(n/n, ba((n/n)/ (n/n), t(s:adj\np,more,more,'JJR','O','O'), t(((n/n)/ (n/n))\ (s:adj\np),than,than,'IN','O','O')), t(n/n,one,one,'CD','O','O')), fa(n, t(n/n,company,company,'NN','O','O'), t(n,car,car,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(259, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, fa(n/n, t((n/n)/ (n/n),'Just','Just','RB','O','O'), t(n/n,one,one,'CD','O','O')), t(n,accountant,accountant,'NN','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,attended,attend,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(260, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'No','No','DT','O','O'), t(n,accountants,accountant,'NNS','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,attended,attend,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(261, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, fa(n/n, t((n/n)/ (n/n),'Just','Just','RB','O','O'), t(n/n,one,one,'CD','O','O')), t(n,accountant,accountant,'NN','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,attended,attend,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(262, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'No','No','DT','O','O'), t(n,accountant,accountant,'NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,attended,attend,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(263, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, fa(n/n, t((n/n)/ (n/n),'Just','Just','RB','O','O'), t(n/n,one,one,'CD','O','O')), t(n,accountant,accountant,'NN','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,attended,attend,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(264, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Some','Some','DT','O','O'), t(n,accountants,accountant,'NNS','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,attended,attend,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(265, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, fa(n/n, t((n/n)/ (n/n),'Just','Just','RB','O','O'), t(n/n,one,one,'CD','O','O')), t(n,accountant,accountant,'NN','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,attended,attend,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(266, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Some','Some','DT','O','O'), t(n,accountant,accountant,'NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,attended,attend,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(267, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, fa(n/n, t((n/n)/ (n/n),'Just','Just','RB','O','O'), t(n/n,one,one,'CD','O','O')), t(n,accountant,accountant,'NN','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,attended,attend,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(268, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Some','Some','DT','O','O'), t(n,accountants,accountant,'NNS','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,attended,attend,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(269, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, fa(n/n, t((n/n)/ (n/n),'Just','Just','RB','O','O'), t(n/n,one,one,'CD','O','O')), t(n,accountant,accountant,'NN','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,attended,attend,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(270, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Some','Some','DT','O','O'), t(n,accountant,accountant,'NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,attended,attend,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(271, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,signed,sign,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,one,one,'CD','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(272, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,signed,sign,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,another,another,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(273, ba(s:dcl, ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), conj(np\np, np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','I-PER'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,signed,sign,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','O'), t(n,contracts,contract,'NNS','O','O')))))). ccg(274, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,signed,sign,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','O'), t(n,contracts,contract,'NNS','O','O')))))). ccg(275, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,signed,sign,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','O'), t(n,contracts,contract,'NNS','O','O')))))). ccg(276, ba(s:dcl, ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), conj(np\np, np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','I-PER'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,signed,sign,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','O'), t(n,contracts,contract,'NNS','O','O')))))). ccg(277, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,signed,sign,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','O'), t(n,contracts,contract,'NNS','O','O')))))). ccg(278, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s\np)/ (s\np),also,also,'RB','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,signed,sign,'VBD','O','O'), t(np,them,they,'PRP','O','O'))))). ccg(279, ba(s:dcl, ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), conj(np\np, np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','I-PER'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,signed,sign,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','O'), t(n,contracts,contract,'NNS','O','O')))))). ccg(280, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,used,use,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,her,she,'PRP$','O','O'), t(n,workstation,workstation,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(281, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, ba(np:nb/n, lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')), t((np:nb/n)\np,'''s','''s','POS','O','O')), t(n,workstation,workstation,'NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pss\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), t(s:pss\np,used,use,'VBN','O','O')))). ccg(282, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,used,use,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,her,she,'PRP$','O','O'), t(n,workstation,workstation,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(283, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,workstation,workstation,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(284, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,used,use,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,her,she,'PRP$','O','O'), t(n,workstation,workstation,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(285, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,female,female,'JJ','O','O')))). ccg(286, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,student,student,'NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,used,use,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,her,she,'PRP$','O','O'), t(n,workstation,workstation,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(287, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,student,student,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(288, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,used,use,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,her,she,'PRP$','O','O'), t(n,workstation,workstation,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(289, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,student,student,'NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,used,use,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,her,she,'PRP$','O','O'), t(n,workstation,workstation,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(290, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,student,student,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(291, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,workstation,workstation,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(292, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'No','No','DT','O','O'), t(n,student,student,'NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,used,use,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,her,she,'PRP$','O','O'), t(n,workstation,workstation,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(293, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,student,student,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(294, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,used,use,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,workstation,workstation,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(295, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,attended,attend,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(296, ba(s:dcl, t(np,'She','She','PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,chaired,chair,'VBD','O','O'), t(np,it,it,'PRP','O','O')))). ccg(297, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,chaired,chair,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(298, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, fa((s:dcl\np)/pp, t(((s:dcl\np)/pp)/np,delivered,deliver,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O'))), fa(pp, t(pp/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','O')))))). ccg(299, ba(s:dcl, t(np,'She','She','PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s\np)/ (s\np),also,also,'RB','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, fa((s:dcl\np)/np, t(((s:dcl\np)/np)/np,delivered,deliver,'VBD','O','O'), t(np,them,they,'PRP','O','O')), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,an,an,'DT','O','O'), t(n,invoice,invoice,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(300, fa(s:dcl, t(s/s,'And','And','CC','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, t(np,she,she,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/np, t(((s:dcl\np)/np)/np,delivered,deliver,'VBD','O','O'), tr((s:_G34762\np)\ ((s:_G34771\np)/np), t(np,them,they,'PRP','O','O'))), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,project,project,'NN','O','O'), t(n,proposal,proposal,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(301, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,delivered,deliver,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O')), conj(np:nb\np:nb, np:nb, t(',',',',',',',','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,an,an,'DT','O','O'), t(n,invoice,invoice,'NN','O','O')), conj(np:nb\np:nb, np:nb, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,project,project,'NN','O','O'), t(n,proposal,proposal,'NN','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','O'))))))))))). ccg(302, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,committee,committee,'NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,chairman,chairman,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(303, ba(s:dcl, t(np,'He','He','PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pss\np),is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(s:pss\np, t((s:pss\np)/np,appointed,appoint,'VBN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,its,its,'PRP$','O','O'), t(n,members,member,'NNS','O','O')))))). ccg(304, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,committee,committee,'NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,chairman,chairman,'NN','O','O')), lx(np\np, s:pss\np, ba(s:pss\np, t(s:pss\np,appointed,appoint,'VBN','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,by,by,'IN','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,members,member,'NNS','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,committee,committee,'NN','O','O'))))))))))). ccg(305, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(s:pt\np, bxc((s:pt\np)/np, t(((s:pt\np)/np)/np,sent,send,'VBN','O','O'), tr((s:_G34420\np)\ ((s:_G34429\np)/np), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,most,most,'JJS','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,reports,report,'NNS','O','O'), t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER'))))))), lx(np, n, t(n,needs,need,'VBZ','O','O')))))). ccg(306, ba(s:dcl, t(np,'They','They','PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,on,on,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,her,she,'PRP$','O','O'), t(n,desk,desk,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(307, ba(s:dcl, t(np:thr,'There','There','EX','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np:thr, t((s:dcl\np:thr)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,some,some,'DT','O','O'), t(n,reports,report,'NNS','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,from,from,'IN','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,on,on,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, ba(np:nb/n, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), t((np:nb/n)\np,'''s','''s','POS','O','O')), t(n,desk,desk,'NN','O','O'))))))))). ccg(308, ba(s:dcl, ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'Two','Two','CD','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/pp,out,out,'IN','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,ten,ten,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,machines,machine,'NNS','O','O')))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np),are,be,'VBP','O','O'), t(s:ng\np,missing,miss,'VBG','O','O')))). ccg(309, ba(s:dcl, t(np,'They','They','PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),have,have,'VBP','O','O'), fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/ (s:pss\np),been,be,'VBN','O','O'), t(s:pss\np,removed,remove,'VBN','O','O'))))). ccg(310, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Two','Two','CD','O','O'), t(n,machines,machine,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),have,have,'VBP','O','O'), fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/ (s:pss\np),been,be,'VBN','O','O'), t(s:pss\np,removed,remove,'VBN','O','O'))))). ccg(311, ba(s:dcl, ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'Two','Two','CD','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/pp,out,out,'IN','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,ten,ten,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,machines,machine,'NNS','O','O')))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np),are,be,'VBP','O','O'), t(s:ng\np,missing,miss,'VBG','O','O')))). ccg(312, ba(s:dcl, t(np,'They','They','PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),have,have,'VBP','O','O'), fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/ (s:pss\np),been,be,'VBN','O','O'), t(s:pss\np,removed,remove,'VBN','O','O'))))). ccg(313, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Eight','Eight','CD','O','O'), t(n,machines,machine,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),have,have,'VBP','O','O'), fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/ (s:pss\np),been,be,'VBN','O','O'), t(s:pss\np,removed,remove,'VBN','O','O'))))). ccg(314, ba(s:dcl, ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'Two','Two','CD','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/pp,out,out,'IN','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,ten,ten,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,machines,machine,'NNS','O','O')))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np),are,be,'VBP','O','O'), t(s:ng\np,missing,miss,'VBG','O','O')))). ccg(315, ba(s:dcl, t(np,'They','They','PRP','O','O'), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np), t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),were,be,'VBD','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),all,all,'DT','O','O')), t(s:adj\np,here,here,'RB','O','O')), t((s\np)\ (s\np),yesterday,yesterday,'NN','O','I-DAT')))). ccg(316, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Ten','Ten','CD','O','O'), t(n,machines,machine,'NNS','O','O'))), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),were,be,'VBD','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,here,here,'RB','O','O')), t((s\np)\ (s\np),yesterday,yesterday,'NN','O','I-DAT')))). ccg(317, ba(s:dcl, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,took,take,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,machine,machine,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,on,on,'IN','O','O'), rp(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'Tuesday','Tuesday','NNP','O','I-DAT')), t(',',',',',',',','O','O'))))), conj(s:dcl\s:dcl, s:dcl, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,took,take,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,machine,machine,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,on,on,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Wednesday','Wednesday','NNP','O','I-DAT')))))))). ccg(318, ba(s:dcl, t(np,'They','They','PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, fa((s:dcl\np)/pp, t(((s:dcl\np)/pp)/np,put,put,'VBD','O','O'), t(np,them,they,'PRP','O','O')), fa(pp, t(pp/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,lobby,lobby,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(319, ba(s:dcl, ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), conj(np\np, np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','I-PER'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')))), fa(s:dcl\np, fa((s:dcl\np)/pp, t(((s:dcl\np)/pp)/np,put,put,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','O'), t(n,machines,machine,'NNS','O','O')))), fa(pp, t(pp/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,lobby,lobby,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(320, ba(s:dcl, ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), conj(np:nb\np:nb, np:nb, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','I-PER'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,his,his,'PRP$','O','O'), t(n,colleagues,colleague,'NNS','O','O')))), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,went,go,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(321, ba(s:dcl, t(np,'They','They','PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,hated,hate,'VBD','O','O'), t(np,it,it,'PRP','O','O')))). ccg(322, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, ba(np:nb/n, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), t((np:nb/n)\np,'''s','''s','POS','O','O')), t(n,colleagues,colleague,'NNS','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,hated,hate,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(323, ba(s:dcl, ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), conj(np:nb\np:nb, np:nb, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','I-PER'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,his,his,'PRP$','O','O'), t(n,colleagues,colleague,'NNS','O','O')))), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,went,go,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(324, ba(s:dcl, t(np,'They','They','PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,hated,hate,'VBD','O','O'), t(np,it,it,'PRP','O','O')))). ccg(325, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,hated,hate,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(326, ba(s:dcl, ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), conj(np:nb\np:nb, np:nb, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','I-PER'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,his,his,'PRP$','O','O'), t(n,colleagues,colleague,'NNS','O','O')))), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,went,go,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(327, ba(s:dcl, t(np,'They','They','PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,hated,hate,'VBD','O','O'), t(np,it,it,'PRP','O','O')))). ccg(328, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,hated,hate,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(329, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Each','Each','DT','O','O'), t(n,department,department,'NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,dedicated,dedicated,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,line,line,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(330, ba(s:dcl, t(np,'They','They','PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, fa((s:dcl\np)/pp, t(((s:dcl\np)/pp)/np,rent,rent,'VB','O','O'), t(np,them,they,'PRP','O','O')), fa(pp, t(pp/np,from,from,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'BT','BT','NNP','O','I-ORG')))))). ccg(331, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,department,department,'NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,rents,rent,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,line,line,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,from,from,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'BT','BT','NNP','O','I-ORG'))))))). ccg(332, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Each','Each','DT','O','O'), t(n,department,department,'NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,dedicated,dedicated,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,line,line,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(333, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,sales,sale,'NNS','O','O'), t(n,department,department,'NN','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, fa((s:dcl\np)/pp, t(((s:dcl\np)/pp)/np,rents,rent,'VBZ','O','O'), t(np,it,it,'PRP','O','O')), fa(pp, t(pp/np,from,from,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'BT','BT','NNP','O','I-ORG')))))). ccg(334, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,sales,sale,'NNS','O','O'), t(n,department,department,'NN','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,rents,rent,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,line,line,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,from,from,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'BT','BT','NNP','O','I-ORG'))))))). ccg(335, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'GFI','GFI','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,owns,own,'VBZ','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,several,several,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,computers,computer,'NNS','O','O')))))). ccg(336, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,maintains,maintain,'VBZ','O','O'), t(np,them,they,'PRP','O','O')))). ccg(337, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,maintains,maintain,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np/np,all,all,'PDT','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,computers,computer,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl/np),that,that,'WDT','O','O'), fc(s:dcl/np, tr(s:_G32932/ (s:_G32938\np), lx(np, n, t(n,'GFI','GFI','NNP','O','I-ORG'))), t((s:dcl\np)/np,owns,own,'VBZ','O','O'))))))). ccg(338, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,customer,customer,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,owns,own,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,computer,computer,'NN','O','O'))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,service,service,'NN','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,for,for,'IN','O','O'), t(np,it,it,'PRP','O','O')))))). ccg(339, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'MFI','MFI','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,customer,customer,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),that,that,'WDT','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,owns,own,'VBZ','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, fa(n/n, t((n/n)/ (n/n),exactly,exactly,'RB','O','O'), t(n/n,one,one,'CD','O','O')), t(n,computer,computer,'NN','O','O'))))))))). ccg(340, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'MFI','MFI','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,service,service,'NN','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,for,for,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np/np,all,all,'DT','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,its,its,'PRP$','O','O'), t(n,computers,computer,'NNS','O','O')))))))). ccg(341, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,customer,customer,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,owns,own,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,computer,computer,'NN','O','O'))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,service,service,'NN','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,for,for,'IN','O','O'), t(np,it,it,'PRP','O','O')))))). ccg(342, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'MFI','MFI','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,customer,customer,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),that,that,'WDT','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,owns,own,'VBZ','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,several,several,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,computers,computer,'NNS','O','O'))))))))). ccg(343, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'MFI','MFI','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,service,service,'NN','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,for,for,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np/np,all,all,'DT','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,its,its,'PRP$','O','O'), t(n,computers,computer,'NNS','O','O')))))))). ccg(344, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,executive,executive,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,had,have,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,laptop,laptop,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,computer,computer,'NN','O','O')))))), fa(s:dcl\np, fa((s:dcl\np)/ (s:to\np), t(((s:dcl\np)/ (s:to\np))/np,brought,bring,'VBD','O','O'), t(np,it,it,'PRP','O','O')), fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/np,take,take,'VB','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,notes,note,'NNS','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O')))))))). ccg(345, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,executive,executive,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,owns,own,'VBZ','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,five,five,'CD','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,different,different,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,laptop,laptop,'NN','O','O'), t(n,computers,computer,'NNS','O','O'))))))))))). ccg(346, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,took,take,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,five,five,'CD','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,laptop,laptop,'NN','O','O'), t(n,computers,computer,'NNS','O','O'))))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(347, ba(s:dcl, t(np:thr,'There','There','EX','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np:thr, t((s:dcl\np:thr)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'100','100','CD','O','O'), t(n,companies,company,'NNS','O','O')))))). ccg(348, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ICM','ICM','NNP','O','I-ORG')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,one,one,'CD','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,companies,company,'NNS','O','O'))))), conj((s:dcl\np)\ (s:dcl\np), s:dcl\np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,owns,own,'VBZ','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'150','150','CD','O','O'), t(n,computers,computer,'NNS','O','O')))))))). ccg(349, ba(s:dcl, t(np,'It','It','PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np), t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),does,do,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),not,not,'RB','O','O')), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/np,have,have,'VB','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,service,service,'NN','O','O'), t(n,contracts,contract,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,for,for,'IN','O','O'), ba(np, t(np,any,any,'DT','O','O'), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,its,its,'PRP$','O','O'), t(n,computers,computer,'NNS','O','O')))))))))). ccg(350, ba(s:dcl, ba(np, t(np,'Each','Each','DT','O','O'), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,other,other,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'99','99','CD','O','O'), t(n,companies,company,'NNS','O','O')))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,owns,own,'VBZ','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,one,one,'CD','O','O'), t(n,computer,computer,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(351, ba(s:dcl, t(np,'They','They','PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,have,have,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,service,service,'NN','O','O'), t(n,contracts,contract,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,for,for,'IN','O','O'), t(np,them,they,'PRP','O','O')))))). ccg(352, ba(s:dcl, ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Most','Most','JJS','O','O'), t(n,companies,company,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),that,that,'WDT','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,own,own,'VBP','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,computer,computer,'NN','O','O'))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,have,have,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,service,service,'NN','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,for,for,'IN','O','O'), t(np,it,it,'PRP','O','O')))))). ccg(353, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,cover,cover,'NN','O','O'), t(n,page,page,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(354, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'R-95-103','R-95-103','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(355, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,signed,sign,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,cover,cover,'NN','O','O'), t(n,page,page,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(356, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,signed,sign,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,cover,cover,'NN','O','O'), t(n,page,page,'NN','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'R-95-103','R-95-103','NN','O','I-ORG'))))))). ccg(357, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'A','A','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,company,company,'NN','O','O'), t(n,director,director,'NN','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, fa((s:dcl\np)/np, t(((s:dcl\np)/np)/np,awarded,award,'VBD','O','O'), t(np,himself,himself,'PRP','O','O')), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,large,large,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,payrise,payrise,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(358, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'A','A','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,company,company,'NN','O','O'), t(n,director,director,'NN','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(s:pt\np, t(s:pt\np,awarded,award,'VBN','O','O'), conj((s:pt\np)\ (s:pt\np), s:pt\np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/ (s:pss\np),been,be,'VBN','O','O'), fa(s:pss\np, t((s:pss\np)/np,awarded,award,'VBN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,payrise,payrise,'NN','O','O'))))))))). ccg(359, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/s:dcl,said,say,'VBD','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),had,have,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/np,hurt,hurt,'VBN','O','O'), t(np,himself,himself,'PRP','O','O'))))))). ccg(360, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/s:dcl,said,say,'VBD','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),had,have,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/ (s:pss\np),been,be,'VBN','O','O'), t(s:pss\np,hurt,hurt,'VBN','O','O'))))))). ccg(361, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/s:dcl,said,say,'VBD','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),had,have,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/np,hurt,hurt,'VBN','O','O'), t(np,himself,himself,'PRP','O','O'))))))). ccg(362, ba(s:dcl, t(np,'Someone','Someone','DT','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/s:dcl,said,say,'VBD','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),had,have,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/ (s:pss\np),been,be,'VBN','O','O'), t(s:pss\np,hurt,hurt,'VBN','O','O'))))))). ccg(363, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,spoke,speak,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')))))). ccg(364, fa(s:dcl, t(s/s,'So','So','RB','O','O'), fa(s:dcl, t(s:dcl/np,did,do,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER'))))). ccg(365, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,spoke,speak,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')))))). ccg(366, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,spoke,speak,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')))))). ccg(367, fa(s:dcl, t(s/s,'So','So','RB','O','O'), fa(s:dcl, t(s:dcl/np,did,do,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER'))))). ccg(368, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,spoke,speak,'VBD','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), rp(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,four,four,'CD','O','O'), t(n,o,o,'NN','O','O'))), t(rrb,'''clock','''clock','NN','O','O')))))). ccg(369, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,spoke,speak,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), rp(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,four,four,'CD','O','O'), t(n,o,o,'NN','O','O'))), t(rrb,'''clock','''clock','NN','O','O')))))). ccg(370, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,spoke,speak,'VBD','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), rp(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,four,four,'CD','O','O'), t(n,o,o,'NN','O','O'))), t(rrb,'''clock','''clock','NN','O','O')))))). ccg(371, fa(s:dcl, t(s/s,'So','So','RB','O','O'), fa(s:dcl, t(s:dcl/np,did,do,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER'))))). ccg(372, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,spoke,speak,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), rp(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,four,four,'CD','O','O'), t(n,o,o,'NN','O','O'))), t(rrb,'''clock','''clock','NN','O','O')))))). ccg(373, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,spoke,speak,'VBD','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), rp(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,four,four,'CD','O','O'), t(n,o,o,'NN','O','O'))), t(rrb,'''clock','''clock','NN','O','O')))))). ccg(374, fa(s:dcl, t(s/s,'And','And','CC','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,did,do,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), rp(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,five,five,'CD','O','O'), t(n,o,o,'NN','O','O'))), t(rrb,'''clock','''clock','NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(375, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,spoke,speak,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), rp(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,five,five,'CD','O','O'), t(n,o,o,'NN','O','O'))), t(rrb,'''clock','''clock','NN','O','O')))))). ccg(376, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/pp,spoken,speak,'VBN','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER'))))))). ccg(377, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np),is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(s:ng\np, t(s:ng\np,going,go,'VBG','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'))))). ccg(378, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),will,will,'MD','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/pp,speak,speak,'VB','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER'))))))). ccg(379, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/pp, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,spoke,speak,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')))), fa(pp, t(pp/np,on,on,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Monday','Monday','NNP','O','I-DAT')))))). ccg(380, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,did,do,'VBD','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),not,not,'RB','O','O')))). ccg(381, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,spoke,speak,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,on,on,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Monday','Monday','NNP','O','I-DAT')))))). ccg(382, fa(s:dcl, fa(s:dcl/ (s:pt\np), t((s:dcl/ (s:pt\np))/np,'Has','Has','NNP','O','I-PER'), lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER'))), fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/pp,spoken,speak,'VBN','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary?','Mary?','NNP','O','O')))))). ccg(383, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), t(s:dcl\np,has,have,'VBZ','O','O'))). ccg(384, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/pp,spoken,speak,'VBN','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER'))))))). ccg(385, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/pp,spoken,speak,'VBN','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER'))))))). ccg(386, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,students,student,'NNS','O','O')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,have,have,'VBP','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),too,too,'RB','O','O')))). ccg(387, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,students,student,'NNS','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),have,have,'VBP','O','O'), fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/pp,spoken,speak,'VBN','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER'))))))). ccg(388, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,went,go,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Paris','Paris','NNP','O','I-LOC')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,by,by,'IN','O','O'), ba(np, rp(np, lx(np, n, t(n,car,car,'NN','O','O')), t(',',',',',',',','O','O')), conj(np\np, np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,by,by,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,train,train,'NN','O','O')))))))))). ccg(389, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,went,go,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Paris','Paris','NNP','O','I-LOC')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,by,by,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,train,train,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(390, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,went,go,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Paris','Paris','NNP','O','I-LOC')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,by,by,'IN','O','O'), ba(np, rp(np, lx(np, n, t(n,car,car,'NN','O','O')), t(',',',',',',',','O','O')), conj(np\np, np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,by,by,'IN','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,train,train,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Berlin','Berlin','NNP','O','I-LOC')))))))))))). ccg(391, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,went,go,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Berlin','Berlin','NNP','O','I-LOC')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,by,by,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,train,train,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(392, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/pp, bxc((s:dcl\np)/pp, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,went,go,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Paris','Paris','NNP','O','I-LOC')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,by,by,'IN','O','O'), ba(np, rp(np, lx(np, n, t(n,car,car,'NN','O','O')), t(',',',',',',',','O','O')), conj(np\np, np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')))))), fa(pp, t(pp/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Berlin','Berlin','NNP','O','I-LOC')))))). ccg(393, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,went,go,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Berlin','Berlin','NNP','O','I-LOC')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,by,by,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,car,car,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(394, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np),is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(s:ng\np, ba(s:ng\np, t(s:ng\np,going,go,'VBG','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Paris','Paris','NNP','O','I-LOC')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,by,by,'IN','O','O'), ba(np, rp(np, lx(np, n, t(n,car,car,'NN','O','O')), t(',',',',',',',','O','O')), conj(np:nb\np:nb, np:nb, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,students,student,'NNS','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,by,by,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,train,train,'NN','O','O'))))))))))). ccg(395, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,students,student,'NNS','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np),are,be,'VBP','O','O'), ba(s:ng\np, ba(s:ng\np, t(s:ng\np,going,go,'VBG','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Paris','Paris','NNP','O','I-LOC')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,by,by,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,train,train,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(396, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,went,go,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Paris','Paris','NNP','O','I-LOC')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,by,by,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,car,car,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(397, ba(s:dcl, rp(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), t(',',by,by,'IN','O','O')), t(s:dcl\np,train,train,'NN','O','O'))). ccg(398, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,went,go,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Paris','Paris','NNP','O','I-LOC')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,by,by,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,train,train,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(399, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,owns,own,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,car,car,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(400, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,owns,own,'VBZ','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,one,one,'CD','O','O'))), t((s\np)\ (s\np),too,too,'SO','O','O')))). ccg(401, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,owns,own,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,car,car,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(402, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,owns,own,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,car,car,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(403, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,owns,own,'VBZ','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,one,one,'CD','O','O'))), t((s\np)\ (s\np),too,too,'SO','O','O')))). ccg(404, ba(s:dcl, t(np:thr,'There','There','EX','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np:thr, t((s:dcl\np:thr)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,car,car,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl/np),that,that,'IN','O','O'), fc(s:dcl/np, tr(s:_G29233/ (s:_G29239\np), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), conj(np\np, np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER'))))), t((s:dcl\np)/np,own,own,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(405, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,owns,own,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,red,red,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,car,car,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(406, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,owns,own,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,blue,blue,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,one,one,'CD','O','O')))))). ccg(407, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,owns,own,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,blue,blue,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,car,car,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(408, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,owns,own,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,red,red,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,car,car,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(409, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,owns,own,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,blue,blue,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,one,one,'CD','O','O')))))). ccg(410, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,owns,own,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,red,red,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,car,car,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(411, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,owns,own,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,red,red,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,car,car,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(412, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,owns,own,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,fast,fast,'RB','O','O'), t(n,one,one,'CD','O','O')))))). ccg(413, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,owns,own,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,fast,fast,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,car,car,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(414, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,owns,own,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,red,red,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,car,car,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(415, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,owns,own,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,fast,fast,'RB','O','O'), t(n,one,one,'CD','O','O')))))). ccg(416, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,owns,own,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,fast,fast,'RB','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,red,red,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,car,car,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(417, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,owns,own,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,red,red,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,car,car,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(418, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,owns,own,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,fast,fast,'RB','O','O'), t(n,one,one,'CD','O','O')))))). ccg(419, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,owns,own,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,fast,fast,'RB','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,red,red,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,car,car,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(420, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,owns,own,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,fast,fast,'RB','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,red,red,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,car,car,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(421, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,owns,own,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,slow,slow,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,one,one,'CD','O','O')))))). ccg(422, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,owns,own,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,slow,slow,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,red,red,'NN','O','O'), t(n,car,car,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(423, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,had,have,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,his,his,'PRP$','O','O'), t(n,paper,paper,'NN','O','O')), lx(np\np, s:pss\np, t(s:pss\np,accepted,accept,'VBD','O','O')))))). ccg(424, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np), t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),does,do,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),not,not,'RB','O','O')), ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,know,know,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),why,why,'WRB','O','O'))))). ccg(425, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/s:qem,knows,know,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(s:qem, t(s:qem/s:dcl,why,why,'WRB','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,had,have,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,his,his,'PRP$','O','O'), t(n,paper,paper,'NN','O','O')), lx(np\np, s:pss\np, t(s:pss\np,accepted,accept,'VBD','O','O'))))))))). ccg(426, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,spoke,speak,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')))))). ccg(427, fa(s:dcl, bxc(s:dcl/np, t(s:dcl/np,'And','And','CC','O','O'), t(s\s,to,to,'TO','O','O')), lx(np, n, t(n,'Sue','Sue','VB','O','O')))). ccg(428, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:to\np),spoke,speak,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), t(s:b\np,'Sue','Sue','VB','O','O'))))). ccg(429, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,spoke,speak,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')))))). ccg(431, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/pp, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,spoke,speak,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')))), fa(pp, t(pp/np,on,on,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Friday','Friday','NNP','O','I-DAT')))))). ccg(432, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/pp, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,spoke,speak,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')))), fa(pp, t(pp/np,on,on,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Thursday','Thursday','NNP','O','I-DAT')))))). ccg(433, fa(s:dcl, t(s/s,'And','And','CC','O','O'), fa(s:dcl, t(s:dcl/np,on,on,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Friday','Friday','NNP','O','I-DAT'))))). ccg(434, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/pp, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,spoke,speak,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')))), fa(pp, t(pp/np,on,on,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Friday','Friday','NNP','O','I-DAT')))))). ccg(435, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Twenty','Twenty','CD','O','O'), t(n,men,man,'NNS','O','O'))), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,work,work,'VBP','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Sales','Sales','NNS','O','I-ORG'), t(n,'Department','Department','NNP','O','I-ORG'))))))). ccg(436, fa(s:dcl, t(s/s,'But','But','CC','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,only,only,'RB','O','O'), t(n,one,one,'CD','O','O'))), t(s:dcl\np,woman,woman,'NN','O','O')))). ccg(437, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Two','Two','CD','O','O'), t(n,women,woman,'NNS','O','O'))), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,work,work,'NN','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'Sales','Sales','NNS','O','I-ORG'), t(n,'Department','Department','NNP','O','I-ORG'))))))). ccg(438, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Five','Five','CD','O','O'), t(n,men,man,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,work,work,'VBP','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),part,part,'NN','O','O')), lx(np, n, t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(439, fa(s:dcl, t(s/s,'And','And','CC','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,forty,forty,'JJ','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,five,five,'CD','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,women,woman,'NNS','O','O')))))). ccg(440, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Forty','Forty','NNP','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,five,five,'CD','O','O'), t(n,women,woman,'NNS','O','O')))), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,work,work,'VBP','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),part,part,'NN','O','O')), lx(np, n, t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(441, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,found,find,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,before,before,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')))))). ccg(442, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,found,find,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/s:dcl,before,before,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,found,find,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')))))))). ccg(443, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,found,find,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,before,before,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')))))). ccg(444, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,found,find,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/s:dcl,before,before,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,found,find,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')))))))). ccg(445, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:to\np),wants,want,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/s:qem,know,know,'VB','O','O'), fa(s:qem, t(s:qem/s:dcl,how,how,'WRB','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,many,many,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,men,man,'NNS','O','O'))), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,work,work,'VBP','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/n,part,part,'NN','O','O'), t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')))))))))). ccg(446, fa(s:dcl, t(s:dcl/np,'And','And','CC','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,women,woman,'NNS','O','O')))). ccg(447, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:to\np),wants,want,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/s:qem,know,know,'VB','O','O'), fa(s:qem, t(s:qem/s:dcl,how,how,'WRB','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,many,many,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,women,woman,'NNS','O','O'))), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,work,work,'VBP','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/n,part,part,'NN','O','O'), t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')))))))))). ccg(448, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:to\np),wants,want,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/s:qem,know,know,'VB','O','O'), fa(s:qem, t(s:qem/s:dcl,how,how,'WRB','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,many,many,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,men,man,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,work,work,'VBP','O','O'), ba(np, rp(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,part,part,'NN','O','O'), t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O'))), t(',',',',',',',','O','O')), conj(np\np, np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), t(np,which,which,'WDT','O','O'))))))))))). ccg(449, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:to\np),wants,want,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/s:qem,know,know,'VB','O','O'), fa(s:qem, fa(s:qem/ (s:dcl\np), t((s:qem/ (s:dcl\np))/n,which,which,'WDT','O','O'), t(n,men,man,'NNS','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,work,work,'VBP','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),part,part,'NN','O','O')), lx(np, n, t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O'))))))))). ccg(450, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,spoke,speak,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), ba(np, t(np,everyone,everyone,'DT','O','O'), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl/np),that,that,'IN','O','O'), fc(s:dcl/np, tr(s:_G27187/ (s:_G27193\np), lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER'))), t((s:dcl\np)/np,did,do,'VBD','O','O')))))))). ccg(451, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,spoke,speak,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')))))). ccg(452, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,spoke,speak,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')))))). ccg(453, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,spoke,speak,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), ba(np, t(np,everyone,everyone,'DT','O','O'), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl/np),that,that,'IN','O','O'), fc(s:dcl/np, tr(s:_G27037/ (s:_G27043\np), lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER'))), t((s:dcl\np)/np,did,do,'VBD','O','O')))))))). ccg(454, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,spoke,speak,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')))))). ccg(455, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,spoke,speak,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')))))). ccg(456, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/s:dcl,said,say,'VBD','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,wrote,write,'VBD','O','O'), rp(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O')), t(',',',',',',',','O','O')))), conj(s:dcl\s:dcl, s:dcl, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,did,do,'VBD','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),too,too,'RB','O','O')))))))). ccg(457, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/s:dcl,said,say,'VBD','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,wrote,write,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(458, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/s:dcl,said,say,'VBD','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,wrote,write,'VBD','O','O'), rp(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O')), t(',',',',',',',','O','O')))), conj(s:dcl\s:dcl, s:dcl, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,did,do,'VBD','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),too,too,'RB','O','O')))))))). ccg(459, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/s:dcl,said,say,'VBD','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,wrote,write,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(460, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/s:em,said,say,'VBD','O','O'), ba(s:em, fa(s:em, t(s:em/s:dcl,that,that,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,wrote,write,'VBD','O','O'), rp(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O')), t(',',',',',',',','O','O'))))), conj(s:em\s:em, s:em, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), fa(s:em, t(s:em/s:dcl,that,that,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,did,do,'VBD','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),too,too,'RB','O','O'))))))))). ccg(461, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/s:dcl,said,say,'VBD','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,wrote,write,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(462, ba(s:dcl, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,wrote,write,'VBD','O','O'), rp(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O')), t(',',',',',',',','O','O')))), conj(s:dcl\s:dcl, s:dcl, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/s:dcl,said,say,'VBD','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Peter','Peter','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,did,do,'VBD','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),too,too,'RB','O','O')))))))). ccg(463, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/s:dcl,said,say,'VBD','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Peter','Peter','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,wrote,write,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(464, fa(s:dcl, fa(s/s, t((s/s)/s:dcl,'If','If','IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,wrote,write,'VBD','O','O'), rp(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O')), t(',',',',',',',','O','O'))))), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,then,then,'RB','O','O'), t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER'))), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,did,do,'VBD','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),too,too,'RB','O','O'))))). ccg(465, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,wrote,write,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(466, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,wrote,write,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(467, ba(s:dcl, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:to\np),wanted,want,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/np,buy,buy,'VB','O','O'), rp(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,car,car,'NN','O','O')), t(',',',',',',',','O','O')))))), conj(s:dcl\s:dcl, s:dcl, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, t(np,he,he,'PRP','O','O'), t(s:dcl\np,did,do,'VBD','O','O'))))). ccg(468, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,bought,buy,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,car,car,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(469, ba(s:dcl, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:to\np),needed,need,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/np,buy,buy,'VB','O','O'), rp(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,car,car,'NN','O','O')), t(',',',',',',',','O','O')))))), conj(s:dcl\s:dcl, s:dcl, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), t(s:dcl\np,did,do,'VBD','O','O'))))). ccg(470, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,bought,buy,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,car,car,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(471, ba(s:dcl, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,represents,represent,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,his,his,'PRP$','O','O'), t(n,company,company,'NN','O','O')))), conj(s:dcl\s:dcl, s:dcl, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), fa(s:dcl, t(s:dcl/s:inv,so,so,'RB','O','O'), fa(s:inv, t(s:inv/np,does,do,'VBZ','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER'))))))). ccg(472, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,represents,represent,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, ba(np:nb/n, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), t((np:nb/n)\np,'''','''','POS','O','I-PER')), t(n,company,company,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(473, ba(s:dcl, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,represents,represent,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,his,his,'PRP$','O','O'), t(n,company,company,'NN','O','O')))), conj(s:dcl\s:dcl, s:dcl, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), fa(s:dcl, t(s:dcl/s:inv,so,so,'RB','O','O'), fa(s:inv, t(s:inv/np,does,do,'VBZ','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER'))))))). ccg(474, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,represents,represent,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, ba(np:nb/n, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), t((np:nb/n)\np,'''s','''s','POS','O','O')), t(n,company,company,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(475, ba(s:dcl, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,represents,represent,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,his,his,'PRP$','O','O'), t(n,company,company,'NN','O','O')))), conj(s:dcl\s:dcl, s:dcl, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), fa(s:dcl, t(s:dcl/s:inv,so,so,'RB','O','O'), fa(s:inv, t(s:inv/np,does,do,'VBZ','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER'))))))). ccg(476, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,represents,represent,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, ba(np:nb/n, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), t((np:nb/n)\np,'''','''','POS','O','I-PER')), t(n,company,company,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(477, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/s:dcl,claimed,claim,'VBD','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, ba(s:dcl, t(np,he,he,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),had,have,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/np,costed,cost,'VBN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,his,his,'PRP$','O','O'), t(n,proposal,proposal,'NN','O','O'))))), conj(s:dcl\s:dcl, s:dcl, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), fa(s:dcl, t(s:dcl/s:inv,so,so,'RB','O','O'), fa(s:inv, t(s:inv/np,did,do,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER'))))))))). ccg(478, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/s:dcl,claimed,claim,'VBD','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, t(np,he,he,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),had,have,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/np,costed,cost,'VBN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,his,his,'PRP$','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,own,own,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,proposal,proposal,'NN','O','O'))))))))). ccg(479, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/s:dcl,claimed,claim,'VBD','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, ba(s:dcl, t(np,he,he,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),had,have,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/np,costed,cost,'VBN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,his,his,'PRP$','O','O'), t(n,proposal,proposal,'NN','O','O'))))), conj(s:dcl\s:dcl, s:dcl, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), fa(s:dcl, t(s:dcl/s:inv,so,so,'RB','O','O'), fa(s:inv, t(s:inv/np,did,do,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER'))))))))). ccg(480, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/s:dcl,claimed,claim,'VBD','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, t(np,he,he,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),had,have,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/np,costed,cost,'VBN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, ba(np:nb/n, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), t((np:nb/n)\np,'''s','''s','POS','O','O')), t(n,proposal,proposal,'NN','O','O')))))))). ccg(481, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/s:dcl,claimed,claim,'VBD','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, ba(s:dcl, t(np,he,he,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),had,have,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/np,costed,cost,'VBN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,his,his,'PRP$','O','O'), t(n,proposal,proposal,'NN','O','O'))))), conj(s:dcl\s:dcl, s:dcl, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), fa(s:dcl, t(s:dcl/s:inv,so,so,'RB','O','O'), fa(s:inv, t(s:inv/np,did,do,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER'))))))))). ccg(482, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/s:dcl,claimed,claim,'VBD','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),had,have,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/np,costed,cost,'VBN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, ba(np:nb/n, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), t((np:nb/n)\np,'''s','''s','POS','O','O')), t(n,proposal,proposal,'NN','O','O')))))))). ccg(483, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/s:dcl,claimed,claim,'VBD','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, ba(s:dcl, t(np,he,he,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),had,have,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/np,costed,cost,'VBN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,his,his,'PRP$','O','O'), t(n,proposal,proposal,'NN','O','O'))))), conj(s:dcl\s:dcl, s:dcl, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), fa(s:dcl, t(s:dcl/s:inv,so,so,'RB','O','O'), fa(s:inv, t(s:inv/np,did,do,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER'))))))))). ccg(484, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/s:dcl,claimed,claim,'VBD','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),had,have,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/np,costed,cost,'VBN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, ba(np:nb/n, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), t((np:nb/n)\np,'''','''','POS','O','I-PER')), t(n,proposal,proposal,'NN','O','O')))))))). ccg(485, ba(s:dcl, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,man,man,'NN','O','O')))), conj(s:dcl\s:dcl, s:dcl, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,woman,woman,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(486, ba(s:dcl, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,represents,represent,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,his,his,'PRP$','O','O'), t(n,company,company,'NN','O','O')))), conj(s:dcl\s:dcl, s:dcl, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), fa(s:dcl, t(s:dcl/s:inv,so,so,'RB','O','O'), fa(s:inv, t(s:inv/np,does,do,'VBZ','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER'))))))). ccg(487, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,represents,represent,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,her,she,'PRP$','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,own,own,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,company,company,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(488, ba(s:dcl, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,man,man,'NN','O','O')))), conj(s:dcl\s:dcl, s:dcl, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,woman,woman,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(489, ba(s:dcl, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,represents,represent,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,his,his,'PRP$','O','O'), t(n,company,company,'NN','O','O')))), conj(s:dcl\s:dcl, s:dcl, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), fa(s:dcl, t(s:dcl/s:inv,so,so,'RB','O','O'), fa(s:inv, t(s:inv/np,does,do,'VBZ','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER'))))))). ccg(490, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,represents,represent,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, ba(np:nb/n, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), t((np:nb/n)\np,'''s','''s','POS','O','O')), t(n,company,company,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(491, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/s:em, t((s:dcl\np)/s:em,suggested,suggest,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(np:nb, ba(np:nb/n, lx(np, n, t(n,'Frank','Frank','NNP','O','I-PER')), t((np:nb/n)\np,'''s','''s','POS','O','O')), t(n,boss,boss,'NN','O','O')))), fa(s:em, t(s:em/s:dcl,that,that,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, t(np,they,they,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),should,should,'MD','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, bxc((s:b\np)/pp, t((s:b\np)/pp,go,go,'VB','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), ba(np:nb, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O')), rp(np\np, lx(np\np, s:adj\np, t(s:adj\np,together,together,'RB','O','O')), t(',',',',',',',','O','O'))), conj(np\np, np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Carl','Carl','NNP','O','I-PER')))))), fa(pp, t(pp/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(np:nb, ba(np:nb/n, lx(np, n, t(n,'Alan','Alan','NNP','O','I-PER')), t((np:nb/n)\np,'''s','''s','POS','O','O')), t(n,wife,wife,'NN','O','O')))))))))). ccg(492, fa(s:dcl, fa(s/s, t((s/s)/s:dcl,'If','If','IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, t(np,it,it,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pss\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:pss\np, t((s:pss\np)/s:em,suggested,suggest,'VBN','O','O'), fa(s:em, t(s:em/s:dcl,that,that,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), conj(np\np, np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','I-PER'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Frank','Frank','NNP','O','I-PER')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),should,should,'MD','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/ (s:adj\np),go,go,'VB','O','O'), rp(s:adj\np, t(s:adj\np,together,together,'RB','O','O'), t(',',',',',',',','O','O')))))))))), ba(s:dcl, t(np,it,it,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pss\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:pss\np, t((s:pss\np)/s:em,suggested,suggest,'VBN','O','O'), fa(s:em, t(s:em/s:dcl,that,that,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'Carl','Carl','NNP','O','I-PER')), conj(np\np, np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','I-PER'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Alan','Alan','NNP','O','I-PER')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),should,should,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,go,go,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),together,together,'RB','O','O')))))))))). ccg(493, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/s:em, t((s:dcl\np)/s:em,suggested,suggest,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(np:nb, ba(np:nb/n, lx(np, n, t(n,'Frank','Frank','NNP','O','I-PER')), t((np:nb/n)\np,'''s','''s','POS','O','O')), t(n,boss,boss,'NN','O','O')))), fa(s:em, t(s:em/s:dcl,that,that,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, t(np,they,they,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),should,should,'MD','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, bxc((s:b\np)/pp, t((s:b\np)/pp,go,go,'VB','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), ba(np:nb, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O')), rp(np\np, lx(np\np, s:adj\np, t(s:adj\np,together,together,'RB','O','O')), t(',',',',',',',','O','O'))), conj(np\np, np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','I-PER'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Carl','Carl','NNP','O','I-PER')))))), fa(pp, t(pp/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(np:nb, ba(np:nb/n, lx(np, n, t(n,'Alan','Alan','NNP','O','I-PER')), t((np:nb/n)\np,'''s','''s','POS','O','O')), t(n,wife,wife,'NN','O','O')))))))))). ccg(494, fa(s:dcl, fa(s/s, t((s/s)/s:dcl,'If','If','IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, t(np,it,it,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pss\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:pss\np, t((s:pss\np)/s:em,suggested,suggest,'VBN','O','O'), fa(s:em, t(s:em/s:dcl,that,that,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), conj(np\np, np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','I-PER'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Frank','Frank','NNP','O','I-PER')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),should,should,'MD','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/ (s:adj\np),go,go,'VB','O','O'), rp(s:adj\np, t(s:adj\np,together,together,'RB','O','O'), t(',',',',',',',','O','O')))))))))), ba(s:dcl, t(np,it,it,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pss\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:pss\np, t((s:pss\np)/s:em,suggested,suggest,'VBN','O','O'), fa(s:em, t(s:em/s:dcl,that,that,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, ba(np:nb/n, ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'Carl','Carl','NNP','O','I-PER')), conj(np\np, np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','I-PER'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Alan','Alan','NNP','O','I-PER')))), t((np:nb/n)\np,'''s','''s','POS','O','O')), t(n,wife,wife,'NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),should,should,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,go,go,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),together,together,'RB','O','O')))))))))). ccg(495, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/s:em, t((s:dcl\np)/s:em,suggested,suggest,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(np:nb, ba(np:nb/n, lx(np, n, t(n,'Frank','Frank','NNP','O','I-PER')), t((np:nb/n)\np,'''s','''s','POS','O','O')), t(n,boss,boss,'NN','O','O')))), fa(s:em, t(s:em/s:dcl,that,that,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, t(np,they,they,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),should,should,'MD','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, bxc((s:b\np)/pp, t((s:b\np)/pp,go,go,'VB','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), ba(np:nb, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O')), rp(np\np, lx(np\np, s:adj\np, t(s:adj\np,together,together,'RB','O','O')), t(',',',',',',',','O','O'))), conj(np\np, np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','I-PER'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Carl','Carl','NNP','O','I-PER')))))), fa(pp, t(pp/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(np:nb, ba(np:nb/n, lx(np, n, t(n,'Alan','Alan','NNP','O','I-PER')), t((np:nb/n)\np,'''s','''s','POS','O','O')), t(n,wife,wife,'NN','O','O')))))))))). ccg(496, fa(s:dcl, fa(s/s, t((s/s)/s:dcl,'If','If','IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, t(np,it,it,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pss\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:pss\np, t((s:pss\np)/s:em,suggested,suggest,'VBN','O','O'), fa(s:em, t(s:em/s:dcl,that,that,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, ba(np:nb/n, ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), conj(np\np, np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','I-PER'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Frank','Frank','NNP','O','I-PER')))), t((np:nb/n)\np,'''s','''s','POS','O','O')), t(n,boss,boss,'NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),should,should,'MD','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/ (s:adj\np),go,go,'VB','O','O'), rp(s:adj\np, t(s:adj\np,together,together,'RB','O','O'), t(',',',',',',',','O','O')))))))))), ba(s:dcl, t(np,it,it,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pss\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:pss\np, t((s:pss\np)/s:em,suggested,suggest,'VBN','O','O'), fa(s:em, t(s:em/s:dcl,that,that,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, ba(np:nb/n, ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'Carl','Carl','NNP','O','I-PER')), conj(np\np, np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','I-PER'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Alan','Alan','NNP','O','I-PER')))), t((np:nb/n)\np,'''s','''s','POS','O','O')), t(n,wife,wife,'NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),should,should,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,go,go,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),together,together,'RB','O','O')))))))))). ccg(497, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/s:em, t((s:dcl\np)/s:em,suggested,suggest,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(np:nb, ba(np:nb/n, lx(np, n, t(n,'Frank','Frank','NNP','O','I-PER')), t((np:nb/n)\np,'''s','''s','POS','O','O')), t(n,boss,boss,'NN','O','O')))), fa(s:em, t(s:em/s:dcl,that,that,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, t(np,they,they,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),should,should,'MD','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, bxc((s:b\np)/pp, t((s:b\np)/pp,go,go,'VB','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), ba(np:nb, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O')), rp(np\np, lx(np\np, s:adj\np, t(s:adj\np,together,together,'RB','O','O')), t(',',',',',',',','O','O'))), conj(np\np, np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','I-PER'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Carl','Carl','NNP','O','I-PER')))))), fa(pp, t(pp/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(np:nb, ba(np:nb/n, lx(np, n, t(n,'Alan','Alan','NNP','O','I-PER')), t((np:nb/n)\np,'''s','''s','POS','O','O')), t(n,wife,wife,'NN','O','O')))))))))). ccg(498, fa(s:dcl, fa(s/s, t((s/s)/s:dcl,'If','If','IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, t(np,it,it,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pss\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:pss\np, t((s:pss\np)/s:em,suggested,suggest,'VBN','O','O'), fa(s:em, t(s:em/s:dcl,that,that,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, ba(np:nb/n, ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), conj(np\np, np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','I-PER'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Frank','Frank','NNP','O','I-PER')))), t((np:nb/n)\np,'''s','''s','POS','O','O')), t(n,boss,boss,'NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),should,should,'MD','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/ (s:adj\np),go,go,'VB','O','O'), rp(s:adj\np, t(s:adj\np,together,together,'RB','O','O'), t(',',',',',',',','O','O')))))))))), ba(s:dcl, t(np,it,it,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pss\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:pss\np, t((s:pss\np)/s:em,suggested,suggest,'VBN','O','O'), fa(s:em, t(s:em/s:dcl,that,that,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'Carl','Carl','NNP','O','I-PER')), conj(np\np, np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','I-PER'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Alan','Alan','NNP','O','I-PER')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),should,should,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,go,go,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),together,together,'RB','O','O')))))))))). ccg(499, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/s:em, t((s:dcl\np)/s:em,suggested,suggest,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(np:nb, ba(np:nb/n, lx(np, n, t(n,'Frank','Frank','NNP','O','I-PER')), t((np:nb/n)\np,'''s','''s','POS','O','O')), t(n,boss,boss,'NN','O','O')))), fa(s:em, t(s:em/s:dcl,that,that,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, t(np,they,they,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),should,should,'MD','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, bxc((s:b\np)/pp, t((s:b\np)/pp,go,go,'VB','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), ba(np:nb, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O')), rp(np\np, lx(np\np, s:adj\np, t(s:adj\np,together,together,'RB','O','O')), t(',',',',',',',','O','O'))), conj(np\np, np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','I-PER'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Carl','Carl','NNP','O','I-PER')))))), fa(pp, t(pp/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(np:nb, ba(np:nb/n, lx(np, n, t(n,'Alan','Alan','NNP','O','I-PER')), t((np:nb/n)\np,'''s','''s','POS','O','O')), t(n,wife,wife,'NN','O','O')))))))))). ccg(500, fa(s:dcl, fa(s/s, t((s/s)/s:dcl,'If','If','IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, t(np,it,it,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pss\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:pss\np, t((s:pss\np)/s:em,suggested,suggest,'VBN','O','O'), fa(s:em, t(s:em/s:dcl,that,that,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, ba(np:nb/n, ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER')), conj(np\np, np, t(',',',',',',',','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'Frank','Frank','NNP','O','I-PER')), conj(np\np, np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','I-PER'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Frank','Frank','NNP','O','I-PER')))))), t((np:nb/n)\np,'''s','''s','POS','O','O')), t(n,boss,boss,'NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),should,should,'MD','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/ (s:adj\np),go,go,'VB','O','O'), rp(s:adj\np, t(s:adj\np,together,together,'RB','O','O'), t(',',',',',',',','O','O')))))))))), ba(s:dcl, t(np,it,it,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pss\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:pss\np, t((s:pss\np)/s:em,suggested,suggest,'VBN','O','O'), fa(s:em, t(s:em/s:dcl,that,that,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, ba(np:nb/n, ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'Carl','Carl','NNP','O','I-PER')), conj(np\np, np, t(',',',',',',',','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'Alan','Alan','NNP','O','I-PER')), conj(np\np, np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','I-PER'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Alan','Alan','NNP','O','I-PER')))))), t((np:nb/n)\np,'''s','''s','POS','O','O')), t(n,wife,wife,'NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),should,should,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,go,go,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),together,together,'RB','O','O')))))))))). ccg(501, ba(s:dcl, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'A','A','DT','O','O'), t(n,lawyer,lawyer,'NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,signed,sign,'VBD','O','O'), rp(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,every,every,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O')), t(',',',',',',',','O','O')))), conj(s:dcl\s:dcl, s:dcl, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), fa(s:dcl, t(s:dcl/s:inv,so,so,'RB','O','O'), fa(s:inv, t(s:inv/np,did,do,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,an,an,'DT','O','O'), t(n,auditor,auditor,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(502, ba(s:dcl, ba(s:dcl, t(np,'That','That','DT','O','O'), t(s:dcl\np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O')), conj(s:dcl\s:dcl, s:dcl, t(',',',',',',',','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, t(np:thr,there,there,'EX','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np:thr, t((s:dcl\np:thr)/np,was,be,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,one,one,'CD','O','O'), t(n,lawyer,lawyer,'NN','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,signed,sign,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np/np,all,all,'PDT','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,reports,report,'NNS','O','O'))))))))))). ccg(503, ba(s:dcl, t(np:thr,'There','There','EX','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np:thr, t((s:dcl\np:thr)/np,was,be,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,one,one,'CD','O','O'), t(n,auditor,auditor,'NN','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,signed,sign,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np/np,all,all,'PDT','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,reports,report,'NNS','O','O'))))))))). ccg(504, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,genuine,genuine,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,diamond,diamond,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(505, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,diamond,diamond,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(506, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,former,former,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,university,university,'NN','O','O'), t(n,student,student,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(507, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,university,university,'NN','O','O'), t(n,student,student,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(508, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,successful,successful,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,former,former,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,university,university,'NN','O','O'), t(n,student,student,'NN','O','O')))))))). ccg(509, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,successful,successful,'JJ','O','O')))). ccg(510, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,former,former,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,successful,successful,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,university,university,'NN','O','O'), t(n,student,student,'NN','O','O')))))))). ccg(511, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,successful,successful,'JJ','O','O')))). ccg(512, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,former,former,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,successful,successful,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,university,university,'NN','O','O'), t(n,student,student,'NN','O','O')))))))). ccg(513, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,university,university,'NN','O','O'), t(n,student,student,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(514, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,mammal,mammal,'NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,an,an,'DT','O','O'), t(n,animal,animal,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(515, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'four-legged','four-legged','JJ','O','O'), t(n,mammal,mammal,'NN','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,'four-legged','four-legged','JJ','O','O')), lx(np\np, s:adj\np, t(s:adj\np,animal,animal,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(516, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Dumbo','Dumbo','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,'four-legged','four-legged','JJ','O','O')), lx(np\np, s:adj\np, t(s:adj\np,animal,animal,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(517, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Dumbo','Dumbo','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pss\np),is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t(s:pss\np,'four-legged','four-legged','JJ','O','O')))). ccg(518, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Mickey','Mickey','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,small,small,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,animal,animal,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(519, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Mickey','Mickey','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,large,large,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,animal,animal,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(520, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Dumbo','Dumbo','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,large,large,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,animal,animal,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(521, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Dumbo','Dumbo','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,small,small,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,animal,animal,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(522, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Fido','Fido','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),not,not,'RB','O','O')), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,small,small,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,animal,animal,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(523, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Fido','Fido','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,large,large,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,animal,animal,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(524, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Fido','Fido','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),not,not,'RB','O','O')), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,large,large,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,animal,animal,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(525, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Fido','Fido','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,small,small,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,animal,animal,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(526, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Mickey','Mickey','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,small,small,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,animal,animal,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(527, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Dumbo','Dumbo','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,large,large,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,animal,animal,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(528, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Mickey','Mickey','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(s:adj\np, t(s:adj\np,smaller,smaller,'JJR','O','O'), fa((s:adj\np)\ (s:adj\np), t(((s:adj\np)\ (s:adj\np))/np,than,than,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Dumbo','Dumbo','NNP','O','I-ORG'))))))). ccg(529, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Mickey','Mickey','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,small,small,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,animal,animal,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(530, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Dumbo','Dumbo','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,large,large,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,animal,animal,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(531, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Mickey','Mickey','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(s:adj\np, t(s:adj\np,larger,larger,'JJR','O','O'), fa((s:adj\np)\ (s:adj\np), t(((s:adj\np)\ (s:adj\np))/np,than,than,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Dumbo','Dumbo','NNP','O','I-ORG'))))))). ccg(532, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'All','All','DT','O','O'), t(n,mice,mouse,'NNS','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,small,small,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,animals,animal,'NNS','O','O')))))). ccg(533, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Mickey','Mickey','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,large,large,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,mouse,mouse,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(534, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Mickey','Mickey','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,large,large,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,animal,animal,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(535, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'All','All','DT','O','O'), t(n,elephants,elephant,'NNS','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,large,large,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,animals,animal,'NNS','O','O')))))). ccg(536, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Dumbo','Dumbo','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,small,small,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,elephant,elephant,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(537, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Dumbo','Dumbo','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,small,small,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,animal,animal,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(538, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'All','All','DT','O','O'), t(n,mice,mouse,'NNS','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,small,small,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,animals,animal,'NNS','O','O')))))). ccg(539, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'All','All','DT','O','O'), t(n,elephants,elephant,'NNS','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,large,large,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,animals,animal,'NNS','O','O')))))). ccg(540, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Mickey','Mickey','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,large,large,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,mouse,mouse,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(541, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Dumbo','Dumbo','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,small,small,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,elephant,elephant,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(542, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Dumbo','Dumbo','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(s:adj\np, t(s:adj\np,larger,larger,'JJR','O','O'), fa((s:adj\np)\ (s:adj\np), t(((s:adj\np)\ (s:adj\np))/np,than,than,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Mickey','Mickey','NNP','O','I-PER'))))))). ccg(543, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'All','All','DT','O','O'), t(n,mice,mouse,'NNS','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,small,small,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,animals,animal,'NNS','O','O')))))). ccg(544, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Mickey','Mickey','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,large,large,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,mouse,mouse,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(545, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Mickey','Mickey','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,small,small,'JJ','O','O')))). ccg(546, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'All','All','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,legal,legal,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,authorities,authority,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,law,law,'NN','O','O'), t(n,lecturers,lecturer,'NNS','O','O')))))). ccg(547, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'All','All','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,law,law,'NN','O','O'), t(n,lecturers,lecturer,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,legal,legal,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,authorities,authority,'NNS','O','O')))))). ccg(548, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'All','All','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,fat,fat,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,legal,legal,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,authorities,authority,'NNS','O','O')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,fat,fat,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,law,law,'NN','O','O'), t(n,lecturers,lecturer,'NNS','O','O'))))))). ccg(549, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'All','All','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,legal,legal,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,authorities,authority,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,law,law,'NN','O','O'), t(n,lecturers,lecturer,'NNS','O','O')))))). ccg(550, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'All','All','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,law,law,'NN','O','O'), t(n,lecturers,lecturer,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,legal,legal,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,authorities,authority,'NNS','O','O')))))). ccg(551, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'All','All','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,competent,competent,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,legal,legal,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,authorities,authority,'NNS','O','O')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,competent,competent,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,law,law,'NN','O','O'), t(n,lecturers,lecturer,'NNS','O','O'))))))). ccg(552, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,fatter,fatter,'NN','O','O'), t(n,politician,politician,'NN','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,than,than,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER'))))))). ccg(553, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(s:adj\np, t(s:adj\np,fatter,fatter,'JJR','O','O'), fa((s:adj\np)\ (s:adj\np), t(((s:adj\np)\ (s:adj\np))/np,than,than,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER'))))))). ccg(554, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,cleverer,cleverer,'NN','O','O'), t(n,politician,politician,'NN','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,than,than,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER'))))))). ccg(555, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'John','John','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(s:adj\np, t(s:adj\np,cleverer,cleverer,'JJR','O','O'), fa((s:adj\np)\ (s:adj\np), t(((s:adj\np)\ (s:adj\np))/np,than,than,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Bill','Bill','NNP','O','I-PER'))))))). ccg(556, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Kim','Kim','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,clever,clever,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,person,person,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(557, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Kim','Kim','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,clever,clever,'JJ','O','O')))). ccg(558, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Kim','Kim','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,clever,clever,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,politician,politician,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(559, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Kim','Kim','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,clever,clever,'JJ','O','O')))). ccg(560, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'PC-6082','PC-6082','NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/pp, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),faster,faster,'RBR','O','O')), fa(pp, t(pp/np,than,than,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,'ITEL-XZ','ITEL-XZ','NNP','O','O')))))). ccg(561, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'ITEL-XZ','ITEL-XZ','NNP','O','O')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),fast,fast,'RB','O','O')))). ccg(562, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'PC-6082','PC-6082','NN','O','O')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),fast,fast,'RB','O','O')))). ccg(563, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'PC-6082','PC-6082','NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/pp, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),faster,faster,'RBR','O','O')), fa(pp, t(pp/np,than,than,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,'ITEL-XZ','ITEL-XZ','NNP','O','O')))))). ccg(564, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'PC-6082','PC-6082','NN','O','O')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),fast,fast,'RB','O','O')))). ccg(565, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'PC-6082','PC-6082','NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/pp, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),faster,faster,'RBR','O','O')), fa(pp, t(pp/np,than,than,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,'ITEL-XZ','ITEL-XZ','NNP','O','O')))))). ccg(566, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'PC-6082','PC-6082','NN','O','O')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),fast,fast,'RB','O','O')))). ccg(567, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'ITEL-XZ','ITEL-XZ','NNP','O','O')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),fast,fast,'RB','O','O')))). ccg(568, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'PC-6082','PC-6082','NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/pp, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),faster,faster,'RBR','O','O')), fa(pp, t(pp/np,than,than,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,'ITEL-XZ','ITEL-XZ','NNP','O','O')))))). ccg(569, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'PC-6082','PC-6082','NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,slow,slow,'JJ','O','O')))). ccg(570, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'ITEL-XZ','ITEL-XZ','NNP','O','O')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),fast,fast,'RB','O','O')))). ccg(571, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'PC-6082','PC-6082','NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(s:adj\np, t((s:adj\np)/ (s:adj\np),as,as,'RB','O','O'), fa(s:adj\np, t((s:adj\np)/pp,fast,fast,'RB','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,as,as,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,'ITEL-XZ','ITEL-XZ','NNP','O','O')))))))). ccg(572, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'ITEL-XZ','ITEL-XZ','NNP','O','O')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),fast,fast,'RB','O','O')))). ccg(573, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'PC-6082','PC-6082','NN','O','O')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),fast,fast,'RB','O','O')))). ccg(574, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'PC-6082','PC-6082','NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(s:adj\np, t((s:adj\np)/ (s:adj\np),as,as,'RB','O','O'), fa(s:adj\np, t((s:adj\np)/pp,fast,fast,'RB','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,as,as,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,'ITEL-XZ','ITEL-XZ','NNP','O','O')))))))). ccg(575, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'PC-6082','PC-6082','NN','O','O')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),fast,fast,'RB','O','O')))). ccg(576, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'PC-6082','PC-6082','NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(s:adj\np, t((s:adj\np)/ (s:adj\np),as,as,'RB','O','O'), fa(s:adj\np, t((s:adj\np)/pp,fast,fast,'RB','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,as,as,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,'ITEL-XZ','ITEL-XZ','NNP','O','O')))))))). ccg(577, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'PC-6082','PC-6082','NN','O','O')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),fast,fast,'RB','O','O')))). ccg(578, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'ITEL-XZ','ITEL-XZ','NNP','O','O')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),fast,fast,'RB','O','O')))). ccg(579, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'PC-6082','PC-6082','NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(s:adj\np, t((s:adj\np)/ (s:adj\np),as,as,'RB','O','O'), fa(s:adj\np, t((s:adj\np)/pp,fast,fast,'RB','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,as,as,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,'ITEL-XZ','ITEL-XZ','NNP','O','O')))))))). ccg(580, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'PC-6082','PC-6082','NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,slow,slow,'JJ','O','O')))). ccg(581, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'ITEL-XZ','ITEL-XZ','NNP','O','O')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),fast,fast,'RB','O','O')))). ccg(582, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'PC-6082','PC-6082','NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(s:adj\np, t((s:adj\np)/ (s:adj\np),as,as,'RB','O','O'), fa(s:adj\np, t((s:adj\np)/pp,fast,fast,'RB','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,as,as,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,'ITEL-XZ','ITEL-XZ','NNP','O','O')))))))). ccg(583, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'PC-6082','PC-6082','NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/pp, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),faster,faster,'RBR','O','O')), fa(pp, t(pp/np,than,than,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,'ITEL-XZ','ITEL-XZ','NNP','O','O')))))). ccg(584, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'PC-6082','PC-6082','NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(s:adj\np, t((s:adj\np)/ (s:adj\np),as,as,'RB','O','O'), fa(s:adj\np, t((s:adj\np)/pp,fast,fast,'RB','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,as,as,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,'ITEL-XZ','ITEL-XZ','NNP','O','O')))))))). ccg(585, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'PC-6082','PC-6082','NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(s:adj\np, t(s:adj\np,slower,slower,'JJR','O','O'), fa((s:adj\np)\ (s:adj\np), t(((s:adj\np)\ (s:adj\np))/np,than,than,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,'ITEL-XZ','ITEL-XZ','NNP','O','O'))))))). ccg(586, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,more,more,'JJR','O','O'), t(n,orders,order,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/s:dcl,than,than,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'APCOM','APCOM','NNP','O','I-ORG')), t(s:dcl\np,did,do,'VBD','O','O'))))))). ccg(587, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,some,some,'DT','O','O'), t(n,orders,order,'NNS','O','O'))))). ccg(588, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,more,more,'JJR','O','O'), t(n,orders,order,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/s:dcl,than,than,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'APCOM','APCOM','NNP','O','I-ORG')), t(s:dcl\np,did,do,'VBD','O','O'))))))). ccg(589, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'APCOM','APCOM','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,some,some,'DT','O','O'), t(n,orders,order,'NNS','O','O'))))). ccg(590, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,more,more,'JJR','O','O'), t(n,orders,order,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/s:dcl,than,than,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'APCOM','APCOM','NNP','O','I-ORG')), t(s:dcl\np,did,do,'VBD','O','O'))))))). ccg(591, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'APCOM','APCOM','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,ten,ten,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,orders,order,'NNS','O','O')))))). ccg(592, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, fa(n/n, fa((n/n)/ (n/n), t(((n/n)/ (n/n))/ (s:asup\np),at,at,'IN','O','O'), t(s:asup\np,least,least,'JJS','O','O')), t(n/n,eleven,eleven,'JJ','O','O')), t(n,orders,order,'NNS','O','O')))))). ccg(593, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,more,more,'JJR','O','O'), t(n,orders,order,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,than,than,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'APCOM','APCOM','NNP','O','I-ORG'))))))). ccg(594, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,some,some,'DT','O','O'), t(n,orders,order,'NNS','O','O'))))). ccg(595, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,more,more,'JJR','O','O'), t(n,orders,order,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,than,than,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'APCOM','APCOM','NNP','O','I-ORG'))))))). ccg(596, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'APCOM','APCOM','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,some,some,'DT','O','O'), t(n,orders,order,'NNS','O','O'))))). ccg(597, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,more,more,'JJR','O','O'), t(n,orders,order,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,than,than,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'APCOM','APCOM','NNP','O','I-ORG'))))))). ccg(598, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'APCOM','APCOM','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,ten,ten,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,orders,order,'NNS','O','O')))))). ccg(599, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, fa(n/n, fa((n/n)/ (n/n), t(((n/n)/ (n/n))/ (s:asup\np),at,at,'IN','O','O'), t(s:asup\np,least,least,'JJS','O','O')), t(n/n,eleven,eleven,'JJ','O','O')), t(n,orders,order,'NNS','O','O')))))). ccg(600, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,more,more,'JJR','O','O'), t(n,orders,order,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,than,than,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'APCOM','APCOM','NNP','O','I-ORG'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O')))))))). ccg(601, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'APCOM','APCOM','NNP','O','I-ORG'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(602, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,more,more,'JJR','O','O'), t(n,orders,order,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,than,than,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'APCOM','APCOM','NNP','O','I-ORG'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O')))))))). ccg(603, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, fa(n/n, ba((n/n)/ (n/n), t(s:adj\np,more,more,'JJR','O','O'), t(((n/n)/ (n/n))\ (s:adj\np),than,than,'IN','O','O')), t(n/n,one,one,'CD','O','O')), t(n,order,order,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(604, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),twice,twice,'RB','O','O')), ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, fa(n/n, t((n/n)/ (n/n),as,as,'IN','O','O'), t(n/n,many,many,'JJ','O','O')), t(n,orders,order,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,than,than,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'APCOM','APCOM','NNP','O','I-ORG'))))))). ccg(605, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'APCOM','APCOM','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,ten,ten,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,orders,order,'NNS','O','O')))))). ccg(606, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),twenty,twenty,'CD','O','O')), lx(np, n, t(n,orders,order,'NNS','O','O'))))). ccg(607, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,more,more,'JJR','O','O'), t(n,orders,order,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/s:dcl,than,than,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'APCOM','APCOM','NNP','O','I-ORG')), t(s:dcl\np,lost,lose,'VBD','O','O'))))))). ccg(608, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,some,some,'DT','O','O'), t(n,orders,order,'NNS','O','O'))))). ccg(609, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,more,more,'JJR','O','O'), t(n,orders,order,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/s:dcl,than,than,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'APCOM','APCOM','NNP','O','I-ORG')), t(s:dcl\np,lost,lose,'VBD','O','O'))))))). ccg(610, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'APCOM','APCOM','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,lost,lose,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,some,some,'DT','O','O'), t(n,orders,order,'NNS','O','O'))))). ccg(611, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,more,more,'JJR','O','O'), t(n,orders,order,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/s:dcl,than,than,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'APCOM','APCOM','NNP','O','I-ORG')), t(s:dcl\np,lost,lose,'VBD','O','O'))))))). ccg(612, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'APCOM','APCOM','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,lost,lose,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,ten,ten,'NN','O','O'), t(n,orders,order,'NNS','O','O')))))). ccg(613, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, fa(n/n, fa((n/n)/ (n/n), t(((n/n)/ (n/n))/ (s:asup\np),at,at,'IN','O','O'), t(s:asup\np,least,least,'JJS','O','O')), t(n/n,eleven,eleven,'JJ','O','O')), t(n,orders,order,'NNS','O','O')))))). ccg(614, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'PC-6082','PC-6082','NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/pp, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),faster,faster,'RBR','O','O')), fa(pp, t(pp/np,than,than,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'500','500','CD','O','O'), t(n,'MIPS','MIPS','NNS','O','O'))))))). ccg(615, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'ITEL-ZX','ITEL-ZX','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(s:adj\np, t(s:adj\np,slower,slower,'JJR','O','O'), fa((s:adj\np)\ (s:adj\np), t(((s:adj\np)\ (s:adj\np))/np,than,than,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'500','500','CD','O','O'), t(n,'MIPS','MIPS','NNS','O','O')))))))). ccg(616, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'PC-6082','PC-6082','NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/pp, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),faster,faster,'RBR','O','O')), fa(pp, t(pp/np,than,than,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,'ITEL-ZX','ITEL-ZX','NNP','O','I-ORG')))))). ccg(617, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,sold,sell,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'3000','3000','CD','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,more,more,'JJR','O','O'), t(n,computers,computer,'NNS','O','O')))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,than,than,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'APCOM','APCOM','NNP','O','I-ORG'))))))). ccg(618, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'APCOM','APCOM','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,sold,sell,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,exactly,exactly,'RB','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'2500','2500','CD','O','O'), t(n,computers,computer,'NNS','O','O'))))))). ccg(619, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,sold,sell,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'5500','5500','CD','O','O'), t(n,computers,computer,'NNS','O','O')))))). ccg(620, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'APCOM','APCOM','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, fa(n/n, t((n/n)/ (n/n),more,more,'RBR','O','O'), t(n/n,important,important,'JJ','O','O')), t(n,customer,customer,'NN','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,than,than,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG'))))))). ccg(621, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'APCOM','APCOM','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, fa(n/n, t((n/n)/ (n/n),more,more,'RBR','O','O'), t(n/n,important,important,'JJ','O','O')), t(n,customer,customer,'NN','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/s:dcl,than,than,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), t(s:dcl\np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'))))))). ccg(622, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'APCOM','APCOM','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, fa(n/n, t((n/n)/ (n/n),more,more,'RBR','O','O'), t(n/n,important,important,'JJ','O','O')), t(n,customer,customer,'NN','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,than,than,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG'))))))). ccg(623, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'APCOM','APCOM','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, fa(n/n, t((n/n)/ (n/n),more,more,'RBR','O','O'), t(n/n,important,important,'JJ','O','O')), t(n,customer,customer,'NN','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/s:dcl,than,than,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), t(s:dcl\np,has,have,'VBZ','O','O'))))))). ccg(624, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'PC-6082','PC-6082','NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),faster,faster,'JJR','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,than,than,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,every,every,'DT','O','O'), t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')))), lx(np, n, t(n,computer,computer,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(625, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'ITEL-ZX','ITEL-ZX','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,an,an,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG'), t(n,computer,computer,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(626, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'PC-6082','PC-6082','NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/pp, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),faster,faster,'RBR','O','O')), fa(pp, t(pp/np,than,than,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,'ITEL-ZX','ITEL-ZX','NNP','O','I-ORG')))))). ccg(627, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'PC-6082','PC-6082','NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),faster,faster,'RBR','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,than,than,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,some,some,'DT','O','O'), t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')))), lx(np, n, t(n,computer,computer,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(628, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'ITEL-ZX','ITEL-ZX','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,an,an,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG'), t(n,computer,computer,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(629, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'PC-6082','PC-6082','NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/pp, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),faster,faster,'RBR','O','O')), fa(pp, t(pp/np,than,than,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,'ITEL-ZX','ITEL-ZX','NNP','O','I-ORG')))))). ccg(630, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'PC-6082','PC-6082','NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),faster,faster,'RBR','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,than,than,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,any,any,'DT','O','O'), t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')))), lx(np, n, t(n,computer,computer,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(631, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'ITEL-ZX','ITEL-ZX','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,an,an,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG'), t(n,computer,computer,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(632, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'PC-6082','PC-6082','NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/pp, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),faster,faster,'RBR','O','O')), fa(pp, t(pp/np,than,than,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,'ITEL-ZX','ITEL-ZX','NNP','O','I-ORG')))))). ccg(633, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'PC-6082','PC-6082','NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/pp, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),faster,faster,'RBR','O','O')), fa(pp, t(pp/np,than,than,'IN','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,'ITEL-ZX','ITEL-ZX','NNP','O','I-ORG')), conj(np:nb\np:nb, np:nb, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,'ITEL-ZY','ITEL-ZY','NN','O','O')))))))). ccg(634, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'PC-6082','PC-6082','NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/pp, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),faster,faster,'RBR','O','O')), fa(pp, t(pp/np,than,than,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,'ITEL-ZX','ITEL-ZX','NNP','O','I-ORG')))))). ccg(635, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'PC-6082','PC-6082','NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/pp, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),faster,faster,'RBR','O','O')), fa(pp, t(pp/np,than,than,'IN','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,'ITEL-ZX','ITEL-ZX','NNP','O','I-ORG')), conj(np:nb\np:nb, np:nb, t(conj,or,or,'CC','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,'ITEL-ZY','ITEL-ZY','NN','O','O')))))))). ccg(636, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,'PC-6082','PC-6082','NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/pp, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),faster,faster,'RBR','O','O')), fa(pp, t(pp/np,than,than,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,'ITEL-ZX','ITEL-ZX','NNP','O','I-ORG')))))). ccg(637, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,factory,factory,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Birmingham','Birmingham','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(638, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s\np)/ (s\np),currently,currently,'RB','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,factory,factory,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Birmingham','Birmingham','NNP','O','I-LOC')))))))). ccg(639, fa(s:dcl, fa(s/s, t((s/s)/np,'Since','Since','IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1992','1992','CD','O','I-DAT'))), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/pp,been,be,'VBN','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Birmingham','Birmingham','NNP','O','I-LOC')))))))). ccg(640, ba(s:dcl, t(np,'It','It','PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),now,now,'RB','O','I-DAT')), lx(np, n, t(n,'1996','1996','CD','O','I-DAT'))))). ccg(641, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Itel','Itel','NNP','O','I-ORG')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,was,be,'VBD','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Birmingham','Birmingham','NNP','O','I-LOC')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1993','1993','CD','O','I-DAT')))))). ccg(642, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/np,developed,develop,'VBN','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,new,new,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,editor,editor,'NN','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,since,since,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1992','1992','CD','O','I-DAT')))))))). ccg(643, ba(s:dcl, t(np,'It','It','PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),now,now,'RB','O','I-DAT')), lx(np, n, t(n,'1996','1996','CD','O','I-DAT'))))). ccg(644, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,developed,develop,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,new,new,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,editor,editor,'NN','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1993','1993','CD','O','I-DAT'))))))). ccg(645, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(s:pt\np, t(s:pt\np,expanded,expand,'VBN','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,since,since,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1992','1992','CD','O','I-DAT'))))))). ccg(646, ba(s:dcl, t(np,'It','It','PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),now,now,'RB','O','I-DAT')), lx(np, n, t(n,'1996','1996','CD','O','I-DAT'))))). ccg(647, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,expanded,expand,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1993','1993','CD','O','I-DAT')))))). ccg(648, fa(s:dcl, fa(s/s, t((s/s)/np,'Since','Since','IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1992','1992','CD','O','I-DAT'))), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/np,made,make,'VBN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,loss,loss,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(649, ba(s:dcl, t(np,'It','It','PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),now,now,'RB','O','I-DAT')), lx(np, n, t(n,'1996','1996','CD','O','I-DAT'))))). ccg(650, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,made,make,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,loss,loss,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1993','1993','CD','O','I-DAT')))))). ccg(651, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(s:pt\np, fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/np,made,make,'VBN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,loss,loss,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,since,since,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1992','1992','CD','O','I-DAT'))))))). ccg(652, ba(s:dcl, t(np,'It','It','PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),now,now,'RB','O','I-DAT')), lx(np, n, t(n,'1996','1996','CD','O','I-DAT'))))). ccg(653, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,made,make,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,loss,loss,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1993','1993','CD','O','I-DAT')))))). ccg(654, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(s:pt\np, fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/np,made,make,'VBN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,loss,loss,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,since,since,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1992','1992','CD','O','I-DAT'))))))). ccg(655, ba(s:dcl, t(np,'It','It','PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),now,now,'RB','O','I-DAT')), lx(np, n, t(n,'1996','1996','CD','O','I-DAT'))))). ccg(656, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,made,make,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,loss,loss,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1993','1993','CD','O','I-DAT')))))). ccg(657, fa(s:dcl, fa(s/s, t((s/s)/np,'In','In','IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'March','March','NNP','O','I-DAT'))), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'1993','1993','CD','O','I-DAT'), t(n,'APCOM','APCOM','NNP','O','I-ORG'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,founded,found,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')))))). ccg(658, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,existed,exist,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1992','1992','CD','O','I-DAT')))))). ccg(659, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,conference,conference,'NN','O','O')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,started,start,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,on,on,'IN','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n:num,'July','July','NNP','O','I-DAT'), t(n:num,'4th','4th','CD','O','I-DAT'))), conj(np\np, np, t(',',',',',',',','O','I-DAT'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1994','1994','CD','O','I-DAT')))))))). ccg(660, ba(s:dcl, t(np,'It','It','PRP','O','O'), ba(s:dcl\np, ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,lasted,last,'VBD','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),'2','2','CD','O','O')), t((s\np)\ (s\np),days,day,'NNS','O','O')))). ccg(661, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,conference,conference,'NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/pp, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,was,be,'VBD','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),over,over,'IN','O','O')), fa(pp, t(pp/np,on,on,'IN','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n:num,'July','July','NNP','O','I-DAT'), t(n:num,'8th','8th','CD','O','I-DAT'))), conj(np\np, np, t(',',',',',',',','O','I-DAT'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1994','1994','CD','O','I-DAT')))))))). ccg(662, fa(s:dcl, t(s/s,'Yesterday','Yesterday','NN','O','I-DAT'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'APCOM','APCOM','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,signed,sign,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(663, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Today','Today','NN','O','I-DAT')), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), rp((s\np)\ (s\np), t((s\np)\ (s\np),'Saturday','Saturday','NNP','O','I-DAT'), t(',',',',',',',','O','I-DAT'))), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n:num,'July','July','NNP','O','I-DAT'), t(n:num,'14th','14th','CD','O','I-DAT')))))). ccg(664, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'APCOM','APCOM','NNP','O','I-ORG')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,signed,sign,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))), ba((s\np)\ (s\np), t((s\np)\ (s\np),'Friday','Friday','NNP','O','I-DAT'), conj(((s\np)\ (s\np))\ ((s\np)\ (s\np)), (s\np)\ (s\np), t(',',',',',',',','O','I-DAT'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),'13th','13th','NN','O','I-DAT')))))). ccg(665, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,left,leave,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/s:dcl,before,before,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), t(s:dcl\np,left,leave,'VBD','O','O')))))). ccg(666, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,left,leave,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/s:dcl,before,before,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Anderson','Anderson','NNP','O','I-PER')), t(s:dcl\np,left,leave,'VBD','O','O')))))). ccg(667, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,left,leave,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/s:dcl,before,before,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Anderson','Anderson','NNP','O','I-PER')), t(s:dcl\np,left,leave,'VBD','O','O')))))). ccg(668, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,left,leave,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/s:dcl,after,after,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), t(s:dcl\np,left,leave,'VBD','O','O')))))). ccg(669, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,left,leave,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/s:dcl,after,after,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Anderson','Anderson','NNP','O','I-PER')), t(s:dcl\np,left,leave,'VBD','O','O')))))). ccg(670, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,left,leave,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/s:dcl,after,after,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Anderson','Anderson','NNP','O','I-PER')), t(s:dcl\np,left,leave,'VBD','O','O')))))). ccg(671, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,present,present,'JJ','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/s:dcl,after,after,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), t(s:dcl\np,left,leave,'VBD','O','O')))))). ccg(672, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,left,leave,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/s:dcl,after,after,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Anderson','Anderson','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,present,present,'JJ','O','O'))))))). ccg(673, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,present,present,'JJ','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/s:dcl,after,after,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Anderson','Anderson','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,present,present,'JJ','O','O'))))))). ccg(674, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), t(s:dcl\np,left,leave,'VBD','O','O'))). ccg(675, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), t(s:dcl\np,left,leave,'VBD','O','O'))). ccg(676, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,left,leave,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/s:dcl,before,before,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), t(s:dcl\np,left,leave,'VBD','O','O')))))). ccg(677, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,left,leave,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/s:dcl,after,after,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), t(s:dcl\np,left,leave,'VBD','O','O')))))). ccg(678, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), t(s:dcl\np,left,leave,'VBD','O','O'))). ccg(679, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), t(s:dcl\np,left,leave,'VBD','O','O'))). ccg(680, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,left,leave,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/s:dcl,after,after,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), t(s:dcl\np,left,leave,'VBD','O','O')))))). ccg(681, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,left,leave,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/s:dcl,before,before,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), t(s:dcl\np,left,leave,'VBD','O','O')))))). ccg(682, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), t(s:dcl\np,left,leave,'VBD','O','O'))). ccg(683, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), t(s:dcl\np,left,leave,'VBD','O','O'))). ccg(684, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,left,leave,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/s:dcl,before,before,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), t(s:dcl\np,left,leave,'VBD','O','O')))))). ccg(685, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,left,leave,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/s:dcl,after,after,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), t(s:dcl\np,left,leave,'VBD','O','O')))))). ccg(686, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,revised,revise,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(687, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,revised,revise,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(688, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,revised,revise,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/s:dcl,before,before,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), t(s:dcl\np,did,do,'VBD','O','O')))))). ccg(689, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,revised,revise,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/s:dcl,after,after,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), t(s:dcl\np,did,do,'VBD','O','O')))))). ccg(690, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,revised,revise,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(691, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,revised,revise,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(692, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,revised,revise,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/s:dcl,after,after,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), t(s:dcl\np,did,do,'VBD','O','O')))))). ccg(693, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,revised,revise,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/s:dcl,before,before,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), t(s:dcl\np,did,do,'VBD','O','O')))))). ccg(694, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), t(s:dcl\np,swam,swam,'NN','O','O'))). ccg(695, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), t(s:dcl\np,swam,swam,'NN','O','O'))). ccg(696, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,swam,swam,'NN','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,before,before,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER'), t(n,swam,swam,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(697, ba(s:dcl, ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER'), t(n,swam,swam,'NN','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,after,after,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')))), t(s:dcl\np,swam,swam,'NN','O','O'))). ccg(698, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,swam,swam,'NN','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,shore,shore,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(699, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,swam,swam,'NN','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,shore,shore,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(700, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/pp, fa((s:dcl\np)/pp, t(((s:dcl\np)/pp)/pp,swam,swam,'NN','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,shore,shore,'NN','O','O')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,before,before,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER'), t(n,swam,swam,'NN','O','O'))))), fa(pp, t(pp/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,shore,shore,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(701, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,swam,swam,'NN','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,shore,shore,'NN','O','O')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/s:dcl,after,after,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,swam,swam,'NN','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,shore,shore,'NN','O','O'))))))))). ccg(702, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,present,present,'JJ','O','O')))). ccg(703, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,present,present,'JJ','O','O')))). ccg(704, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,present,present,'JJ','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/s:dcl,after,after,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,present,present,'JJ','O','O'))))))). ccg(705, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,present,present,'JJ','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/s:dcl,before,before,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,present,present,'JJ','O','O'))))))). ccg(706, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,present,present,'JJ','O','O')))). ccg(707, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,present,present,'JJ','O','O')))). ccg(708, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,present,present,'JJ','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/s:dcl,before,before,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,present,present,'JJ','O','O'))))))). ccg(709, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,present,present,'JJ','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/s:dcl,after,after,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,present,present,'JJ','O','O'))))))). ccg(710, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:ng\np, t((s:ng\np)/np,writing,write,'VBG','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(711, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:ng\np, t((s:ng\np)/np,writing,write,'VBG','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(712, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:ng\np, t((s:ng\np)/np,writing,write,'VBG','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/s:dcl,before,before,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:ng\np, t((s:ng\np)/np,writing,write,'VBG','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O'))))))))))). ccg(713, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), ba(s:ng\np, fa(s:ng\np, t((s:ng\np)/np,writing,write,'VBG','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/s:dcl,after,after,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:ng\np, t((s:ng\np)/np,writing,write,'VBG','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O')))))))))). ccg(714, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:ng\np, t((s:ng\np)/np,writing,write,'VBG','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(715, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:ng\np, t((s:ng\np)/np,writing,write,'VBG','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(716, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:ng\np, t((s:ng\np)/np,writing,write,'VBG','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/s:dcl,after,after,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:ng\np, t((s:ng\np)/np,writing,write,'VBG','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O'))))))))))). ccg(717, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), ba(s:ng\np, fa(s:ng\np, t((s:ng\np)/np,writing,write,'VBG','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/s:dcl,before,before,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:ng\np, t((s:ng\np)/np,writing,write,'VBG','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O')))))))))). ccg(718, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,left,leave,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/s:dcl,before,before,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, t(np,he,he,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,lost,lose,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,his,his,'PRP$','O','O'), t(n,temper,temper,'NN','O','O')))))))). ccg(719, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,lost,lose,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,his,his,'PRP$','O','O'), t(n,temper,temper,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(720, fa(s:dcl, fa(s/s, t((s/s)/s:dcl,'When','When','WRB','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, t(np,they,they,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,opened,open,'VBD','O','O'), rp(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,'M25','M25','NNP','O','I-ORG')), t(',',',',',',',','O','O'))))), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,traffic,traffic,'NN','O','O')), t(s:dcl\np,increased,increase,'VBD','O','O')))). ccg(721, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,lived,live,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Birmingham','Birmingham','NNP','O','I-LOC')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1991','1991','CD','O','I-DAT')))))). ccg(722, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,lived,live,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Birmingham','Birmingham','NNP','O','I-LOC')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1992','1992','CD','O','I-DAT')))))). ccg(723, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,wrote,write,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,his,his,'PRP$','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,first,first,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,novel,novel,'NN','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1991','1991','CD','O','I-DAT'))))))). ccg(724, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,wrote,write,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,his,his,'PRP$','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,first,first,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,novel,novel,'NN','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1992','1992','CD','O','I-DAT'))))))). ccg(725, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,wrote,write,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,novel,novel,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1991','1991','CD','O','I-DAT'))))))). ccg(726, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,wrote,write,'VBD','O','O'), t(np,it,it,'PRP','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1992','1992','CD','O','I-DAT')))))). ccg(727, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,wrote,write,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,novel,novel,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1991','1991','CD','O','I-DAT'))))))). ccg(728, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,wrote,write,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,novel,novel,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1992','1992','CD','O','I-DAT'))))))). ccg(729, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), ba(s:ng\np, fa(s:ng\np, t((s:ng\np)/np,running,run,'VBG','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,business,business,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1991','1991','CD','O','I-DAT'))))))). ccg(730, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), ba(s:ng\np, fa(s:ng\np, t((s:ng\np)/np,running,run,'VBG','O','O'), t(np,it,it,'PRP','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1992','1992','CD','O','I-DAT'))))))). ccg(731, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,discovered,discover,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,new,new,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,species,species,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1991','1991','CD','O','I-DAT'))))))). ccg(732, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,discovered,discover,'VBD','O','O'), t(np,it,it,'PRP','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1992','1992','CD','O','I-DAT')))))). ccg(733, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,discovered,discover,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,new,new,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,species,species,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1991','1991','CD','O','I-DAT'))))))). ccg(734, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,discovered,discover,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,new,new,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,species,species,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1992','1992','CD','O','I-DAT'))))))). ccg(735, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,wrote,write,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','I-TIM'), t(n,hours,hour,'NNS','O','I-TIM')))))))). ccg(736, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np),started,start,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:ng\np, t((s:ng\np)/np,writing,write,'VBG','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, ba(n, t(n,'8','8','CD','O','O'), t(n\n,am,am,'RB','O','O'))))))))). ccg(737, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),had,have,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/ (s:ng\np),finished,finish,'VBN','O','O'), ba(s:ng\np, fa(s:ng\np, t((s:ng\np)/np,writing,write,'VBG','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,by,by,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'11','11','CD','O','O'), t(n,am,am,'RB','O','O'))))))))). ccg(738, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,wrote,write,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','I-TIM'), t(n,hours,hour,'NNS','O','I-TIM')))))))). ccg(739, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, fa((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np), t(((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np))/np,spent,spend,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','I-TIM'), t(n,hours,hour,'NNS','O','I-TIM')))), fa(s:ng\np, t((s:ng\np)/np,writing,write,'VBG','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(740, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,wrote,write,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','I-TIM'), t(n,hours,hour,'NNS','O','I-TIM')))))))). ccg(741, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,spent,spend,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, fa(n/n, ba((n/n)/ (n/n), t(s:adj\np,more,more,'JJR','O','O'), t(((n/n)/ (n/n))\ (s:adj\np),than,than,'IN','O','O')), t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','I-TIM')), t(n,hours,hour,'NNS','O','I-TIM'))), lx(np\np, s:ng\np, fa(s:ng\np, t((s:ng\np)/np,writing,write,'VBG','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O')))))))). ccg(742, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,wrote,write,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','I-TIM'), t(n,hours,hour,'NNS','O','I-TIM')))))))). ccg(743, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,wrote,write,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,one,one,'CD','O','O'), t(n,hour,hour,'NN','O','O')))))))). ccg(744, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,wrote,write,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','I-TIM'), t(n,hours,hour,'NNS','O','I-TIM')))))))). ccg(745, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,wrote,write,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(746, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,discovered,discover,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,new,new,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,species,species,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','I-TIM'), t(n,hours,hour,'NNS','O','I-TIM')))))))). ccg(747, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, fa((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np), t(((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np))/np,spent,spend,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','I-TIM'), t(n,hours,hour,'NNS','O','I-TIM')))), fa(s:ng\np, t((s:ng\np)/np,discovering,discover,'VBG','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,new,new,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,species,species,'NNS','O','O'))))))). ccg(748, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,discovered,discover,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,new,new,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,species,species,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','I-TIM'), t(n,hours,hour,'NNS','O','I-TIM')))))))). ccg(749, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,discovered,discover,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,new,new,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,species,species,'NNS','O','O')))))). ccg(750, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,discovered,discover,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,many,many,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,new,new,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,species,species,'NNS','O','O')))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','I-TIM'), t(n,hours,hour,'NNS','O','I-TIM')))))))). ccg(751, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, fa((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np), t(((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np))/np,spent,spend,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','I-TIM'), t(n,hours,hour,'NNS','O','I-TIM')))), fa(s:ng\np, t((s:ng\np)/np,discovering,discover,'VBG','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,new,new,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,species,species,'NNS','O','O'))))))). ccg(752, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), ba(s:ng\np, fa(s:ng\np, t((s:ng\np)/np,running,run,'VBG','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,his,his,'PRP$','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,own,own,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,business,business,'NN','O','O')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','I-DAT'), t(n,years,year,'NNS','O','I-DAT')))))))). ccg(753, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, fa((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np), t(((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np))/np,spent,spend,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','I-DAT'), t(n,years,year,'NNS','O','I-DAT')))), fa(s:ng\np, t((s:ng\np)/np,running,run,'VBG','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,his,his,'PRP$','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,own,own,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,business,business,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(754, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), ba(s:ng\np, fa(s:ng\np, t((s:ng\np)/np,running,run,'VBG','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,his,his,'PRP$','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,own,own,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,business,business,'NN','O','O')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','I-DAT'), t(n,years,year,'NNS','O','I-DAT')))))))). ccg(755, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,spent,spend,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, fa(n/n, ba((n/n)/ (n/n), t(s:adj\np,more,more,'JJR','O','O'), t(((n/n)/ (n/n))\ (s:adj\np),than,than,'IN','O','O')), t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','I-DAT')), t(n,years,year,'NNS','O','I-DAT'))), lx(np\np, s:ng\np, fa(s:ng\np, t((s:ng\np)/np,running,run,'VBG','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,his,his,'PRP$','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,own,own,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,business,business,'NN','O','O'))))))))). ccg(756, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), ba(s:ng\np, fa(s:ng\np, t((s:ng\np)/np,running,run,'VBG','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,his,his,'PRP$','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,own,own,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,business,business,'NN','O','O')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','I-DAT'), t(n,years,year,'NNS','O','I-DAT')))))))). ccg(757, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,ran,run,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,his,his,'PRP$','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,own,own,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,business,business,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(758, fa(s:dcl, fa(s/s, t((s/s)/np,'In','In','IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','I-DAT'), t(n,years,year,'NNS','O','I-DAT')))), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,owned,own,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,chain,chain,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,businesses,business,'NNS','O','O')))))))). ccg(759, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,owned,own,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,chain,chain,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,business,business,'NN','O','O'))))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,for,for,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','I-DAT'), t(n,years,year,'NNS','O','I-DAT'))))))). ccg(760, fa(s:dcl, fa(s/s, t((s/s)/np,'In','In','IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','I-DAT'), t(n,years,year,'NNS','O','I-DAT')))), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,owned,own,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,chain,chain,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,businesses,business,'NNS','O','O')))))))). ccg(761, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,owned,own,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,chain,chain,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,business,business,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,for,for,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, fa(n/n, ba((n/n)/ (n/n), t(s:adj\np,more,more,'JJR','O','O'), t(((n/n)/ (n/n))\ (s:adj\np),than,than,'IN','O','O')), t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','I-DAT')), t(n,years,year,'NNS','O','I-DAT')))))))))). ccg(762, fa(s:dcl, fa(s/s, t((s/s)/np,'In','In','IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','I-DAT'), t(n,years,year,'NNS','O','I-DAT')))), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,owned,own,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,chain,chain,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,businesses,business,'NNS','O','O')))))))). ccg(763, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,owned,own,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,chain,chain,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,business,business,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(764, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,lived,live,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Birmingham','Birmingham','NNP','O','I-LOC')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,for,for,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','I-DAT'), t(n,years,year,'NNS','O','I-DAT'))))))). ccg(765, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,lived,live,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Birmingham','Birmingham','NNP','O','I-LOC')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,for,for,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','I-DAT'), t(n,year,year,'NN','O','I-DAT')))))). ccg(766, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,lived,live,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Birmingham','Birmingham','NNP','O','I-LOC')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,for,for,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','I-DAT'), t(n,years,year,'NNS','O','I-DAT'))))))). ccg(767, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,lived,live,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Birmingham','Birmingham','NNP','O','I-LOC')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,for,for,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np/np,exactly,exactly,'RB','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','I-DAT'), t(n,year,year,'NN','O','I-DAT'))))))). ccg(768, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,lived,live,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Birmingham','Birmingham','NNP','O','I-LOC')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,for,for,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','I-DAT'), t(n,years,year,'NNS','O','I-DAT'))))))). ccg(769, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,lived,live,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Birmingham','Birmingham','NNP','O','I-LOC')))))). ccg(770, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,ran,run,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,his,his,'PRP$','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,own,own,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,business,business,'NN','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,for,for,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','I-DAT'), t(n,years,year,'NNS','O','I-DAT')))))))). ccg(771, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,ran,run,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,his,his,'PRP$','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,own,own,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,business,business,'NN','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,for,for,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','I-DAT'), t(n,year,year,'NN','O','I-DAT'))))))). ccg(772, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,ran,run,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,his,his,'PRP$','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,own,own,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,business,business,'NN','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,for,for,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','I-DAT'), t(n,years,year,'NNS','O','I-DAT')))))))). ccg(773, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,ran,run,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,his,his,'PRP$','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,own,own,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,business,business,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(774, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,wrote,write,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,for,for,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','I-TIM'), t(n,hours,hour,'NNS','O','I-TIM')))))))). ccg(775, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,wrote,write,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,for,for,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,an,an,'DT','O','O'), t(n,hour,hour,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(776, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,wrote,write,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,for,for,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','I-TIM'), t(n,hours,hour,'NNS','O','I-TIM')))))))). ccg(777, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,wrote,write,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(778, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,discovered,discover,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,new,new,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,species,species,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,for,for,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,an,an,'DT','O','O'), t(n,hour,hour,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(779, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,discovered,discover,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,new,new,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,species,species,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,for,for,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','I-DAT'), t(n,years,year,'NNS','O','I-DAT')))))))). ccg(780, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,discovered,discover,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,new,new,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,species,species,'NNS','O','O')))))). ccg(781, fa(s:dcl, t(s/s,'In','In','IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'1994','1994','CD','O','I-DAT'), t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG'))), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,sent,send,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,progress,progress,'NN','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/n,every,every,'DT','O','I-DAT'), t(n,month,month,'NN','O','I-DAT')))))). ccg(782, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,sent,send,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,progress,progress,'NN','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, ba(n, t(n,'July','July','NNP','O','I-DAT'), t(n\n,'1994','1994','CD','O','I-DAT')))))))). ccg(783, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,wrote,write,'VBD','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,representative,representative,'NN','O','O')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/n,every,every,'DT','O','I-DAT'), t(n,week,week,'NN','O','I-DAT'))))). ccg(784, ba(s:dcl, t(np:thr,'There','There','EX','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np:thr, t((s:dcl\np:thr)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,representative,representative,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl/np),that,that,'IN','O','O'), fc(s:dcl/np, tr(s:_G8731/ (s:_G8737\np), lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER'))), bxc((s:dcl\np)/np, fc((s:dcl\np)/np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,wrote,write,'VBD','O','O'), t(pp/np,to,to,'TO','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/n,every,every,'DT','O','I-DAT'), t(n,week,week,'NN','O','I-DAT'))))))))). ccg(785, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,left,leave,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,house,house,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,quarter,quarter,'NN','O','I-DAT')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,past,past,'JJ','O','I-DAT'), lx(np, n, t(n,five,five,'CD','O','I-DAT')))))). ccg(786, ba(s:dcl, t(np,'She','She','PRP','O','O'), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,took,take,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,taxi,taxi,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,station,station,'NN','O','O'))))), conj((s:dcl\np)\ (s:dcl\np), s:dcl\np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,caught,catch,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,first,first,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,train,train,'NN','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Luxembourg','Luxembourg','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))))). ccg(787, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,lost,lose,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,some,some,'DT','O','O'), t(n,files,file,'NNS','O','O'))))). ccg(788, ba(s:dcl, t(np,'They','They','PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pss\np),were,be,'VBD','O','O'), ba(s:pss\np, t(s:pss\np,destroyed,destroy,'VBN','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/s:dcl,when,when,'WRB','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,her,she,'PRP$','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,hard,hard,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,disk,disk,'NN','O','O'))), t(s:dcl\np,crashed,crash,'VBD','O','O'))))))). ccg(789, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),had,have,'VBD','O','O'), ba(s:pt\np, ba(s:pt\np, fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/np,left,leave,'VBN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,house,house,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,quarter,quarter,'NN','O','I-DAT')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,past,past,'JJ','O','I-DAT'), lx(np, n, t(n,five,five,'CD','O','I-DAT'))))))). ccg(790, fa(s:dcl, t(s/s,'Then','Then','RB','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, t(np,she,she,'PRP','O','O'), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,took,take,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,taxi,taxi,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,station,station,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(791, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,left,leave,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,house,house,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/s:dcl,before,before,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, t(np,she,she,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, fa((s:dcl\np)/pp, t(((s:dcl\np)/pp)/np,took,take,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,taxi,taxi,'NN','O','O'))), fa(pp, t(pp/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,station,station,'NN','O','O'))))))))). ccg(792, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s\np)/ (s\np),always,always,'RB','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,delivers,deliver,'VBZ','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,reports,report,'NNS','O','O')))), t((s\np)\ (s\np),late,late,'RB','O','O')))). ccg(793, fa(s:dcl, t(s/s,'In','In','IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'1993','1993','CD','O','I-DAT'), t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,delivered,deliver,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,reports,report,'NNS','O','O')))))). ccg(794, ba(s:dcl, ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), lx(np\np, s:pss\np, t(s:pss\np,delivered,deliver,'VBD','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/pp, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,reports,report,'NNS','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),late,late,'RB','O','O')), fa(pp, t(pp/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1993','1993','CD','O','I-DAT')))))). ccg(795, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s\np)/ (s\np),never,never,'RB','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,delivers,deliver,'VBZ','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,reports,report,'NNS','O','O')))), t((s\np)\ (s\np),late,late,'RB','O','O')))). ccg(796, fa(s:dcl, t(s/s,'In','In','IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'1993','1993','CD','O','I-DAT'), t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,delivered,deliver,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,reports,report,'NNS','O','O')))))). ccg(797, ba(s:dcl, ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), lx(np\np, s:pss\np, t(s:pss\np,delivered,deliver,'VBD','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/pp, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,reports,report,'NNS','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),late,late,'RB','O','O')), fa(pp, t(pp/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1993','1993','CD','O','I-DAT')))))). ccg(798, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,arrived,arrive,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Paris','Paris','NNP','O','I-LOC')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,on,on,'IN','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','I-DAT'), t(n,'5th','5th','NN','O','I-DAT')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','I-DAT'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'May','May','NNP','O','I-DAT')), conj(np\np, np, t(',',',',',',',','O','I-DAT'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1995','1995','CD','O','I-DAT')))))))))). ccg(799, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Today','Today','NN','O','I-DAT')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','I-DAT'), t(n,'15th','15th','NN','O','I-DAT')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','I-DAT'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'May','May','NNP','O','I-DAT')), conj(np\np, np, t(',',',',',',',','O','I-DAT'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1995','1995','CD','O','I-DAT'))))))))). ccg(800, ba(s:dcl, t(np,'She','She','PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/pp, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),still,still,'RB','O','O')), fa(pp, t(pp/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Paris','Paris','NNP','O','I-LOC')))))). ccg(801, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/pp,was,be,'VBD','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Paris','Paris','NNP','O','I-LOC')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,on,on,'IN','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','I-DAT'), t(n,'7th','7th','NN','O','I-DAT')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','I-DAT'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'May','May','NNP','O','I-DAT')), conj(np\np, np, t(',',',',',',',','O','I-DAT'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1995','1995','CD','O','I-DAT')))))))))). ccg(802, fa(s:dcl, fa(s/s, t((s/s)/s:dcl,'When','When','WRB','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,arrived,arrive,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Katmandu','Katmandu','NNP','O','I-LOC')))))), ba(s:dcl, t(np,she,she,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),had,have,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/ (s:ng\np),been,be,'VBN','O','O'), ba(s:ng\np, t(s:ng\np,travelling,travel,'VBG','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,for,for,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,three,three,'CD','O','I-DAT'), t(n,days,day,'NNS','O','I-DAT')))))))))). ccg(803, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),had,have,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/ (s:ng\np),been,be,'VBN','O','O'), fa(s:ng\np, bxc((s:ng\np)/np, bxc((s:ng\np)/np, t((s:ng\np)/np,travelling,travel,'VBG','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,day,day,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/s:dcl,before,before,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, t(np,she,she,'PRP','O','O'), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,arrived,arrive,'VBD','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),in,in,'IN','O','O'))))), lx(np, n, t(n,'Katmandu','Katmandu','NNP','O','I-LOC'))))))). ccg(804, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,graduated,graduate,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'March','March','NNP','O','I-DAT')))), conj((s:dcl\np)\ (s:dcl\np), s:dcl\np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/ (s:pss\np),been,be,'VBN','O','O'), ba(s:pss\np, ba(s:pss\np, t(s:pss\np,employed,employ,'VBN','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),ever,ever,'RB','O','O')), t((s\np)\ (s\np),since,since,'IN','O','O')))))))). ccg(805, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/ (s:pss\np),been,be,'VBN','O','O'), ba(s:pss\np, t(s:pss\np,unemployed,unemploy,'VBN','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,past,past,'NN','O','O')))))))). ccg(806, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pss\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), ba(s:pss\np, ba(s:pss\np, t(s:pss\np,unemployed,unemploy,'VBN','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,some,some,'DT','O','O'), t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/s:dcl,before,before,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, t(np,he,he,'PRP','O','O'), t(s:dcl\np,graduated,graduate,'VBD','O','O'))))))). ccg(807, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Every','Every','DT','O','O'), t(n,representative,representative,'NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/np,read,read,'VBN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,this,this,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(808, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'No','No','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,two,two,'CD','O','O'), t(n,representatives,representative,'NNS','O','O'))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),have,have,'VBP','O','O'), ba(s:pt\np, fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/np,read,read,'VBN','O','O'), t(np,it,it,'PRP','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,same,same,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')))))))). ccg(809, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'No','No','DT','O','O'), t(n,representative,representative,'NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,took,take,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, fa(np/np, ba((np/np)/ (np/np), t(s:adj\np,less,less,'JJR','O','O'), t(((np/np)/ (np/np))\ (s:adj\np),than,than,'IN','O','O')), t(np/np,half,half,'PDT','O','O')), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), ba(n, t(n,day,day,'NN','O','O'), lx(n\n, s:to\np, fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/np,read,read,'VB','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O'))))))))))). ccg(810, ba(s:dcl, t(np:thr,'There','There','EX','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np:thr, bxc((s:dcl\np:thr)/np, t((s:dcl\np:thr)/np,are,be,'VBP','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),sixteen,sixteen,'JJ','O','O')), lx(np, n, t(n,representatives,representative,'NNS','O','O'))))). ccg(811, ba(s:dcl, t(np,'It','It','PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,took,take,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,representatives,representative,'NNS','O','O')), lx(np\np, s:adj\np, ba(s:adj\np, t(s:adj\np,more,more,'RBR','O','O'), fa((s:adj\np)\ (s:adj\np), t(((s:adj\np)\ (s:adj\np))/np,than,than,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), ba(n, t(n,week,week,'NN','O','I-DAT'), lx(n\n, s:to\np, fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/np,read,read,'VB','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,report,report,'NN','O','O')))))))))))))). ccg(812, fa(s:dcl, fa(s/s, t((s/s)/s:dcl,'While','While','IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:ng\np, t((s:ng\np)/np,updating,update,'VBG','O','O'), rp(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,program,program,'NN','O','O')), t(',',',',',',',','O','O')))))), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,came,come,'VBD','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),in,in,'IN','O','O')), conj((s:dcl\np)\ (s:dcl\np), s:dcl\np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, fa((s:dcl\np)/pp, t(((s:dcl\np)/pp)/np,told,tell,'VBD','O','O'), t(np,him,he,'PRP','O','O')), fa(pp, t(pp/np,about,about,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,board,board,'NN','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O')))))))))). ccg(813, ba(s:dcl, t(np,'She','She','PRP','O','O'), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,finished,finish,'VBD','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/s:dcl,before,before,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, t(np,he,he,'PRP','O','O'), t(s:dcl\np,did,do,'VBD','O','O')))))). ccg(814, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, ba(np:nb/n, lx(np, n, t(n,'Mary','Mary','NNP','O','I-PER')), t((np:nb/n)\np,'''s','''s','POS','O','O')), t(n,story,story,'NN','O','O')), ba(s:dcl\np, t(s:dcl\np,lasted,last,'VBD','O','O'), ba((s\np)\ (s\np), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/ ((s\np)\ (s\np)),as,as,'RB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),long,long,'JJ','O','O')), fa(((s\np)\ (s\np))\ ((s\np)\ (s\np)), t((((s\np)\ (s\np))\ ((s\np)\ (s\np)))/s:dcl,as,as,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np),'''s','''s','POS','O','O'), fa(s:ng\np, t((s:ng\np)/np,updating,update,'VBG','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,program,program,'NN','O','O')))))))))). ccg(815, fa(s:dcl, fa(s/s, t((s/s)/s:dcl,'Before','Before','IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'APCOM','APCOM','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,bought,buy,'VBD','O','O'), rp(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,its,its,'PRP$','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,present,present,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,office,office,'NN','O','O'), t(n,building,building,'NN','O','O')))), t(',',',',',',',','O','O'))))), ba(s:dcl, t(np,it,it,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),had,have,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/ (s:ng\np),been,be,'VBN','O','O'), ba(s:ng\np, fa(s:ng\np, t((s:ng\np)/np,paying,pay,'VBG','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,mortgage,mortgage,'NN','O','O'), t(n,interest,interest,'NN','O','O')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,on,on,'IN','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,previous,previous,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,one,one,'CD','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,for,for,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'8','8','CD','O','I-DAT'), t(n,years,year,'NNS','O','I-DAT')))))))))))). ccg(816, fa(s:dcl, fa(s/s, t((s/s)/s:dcl,'Since','Since','IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'APCOM','APCOM','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,bought,buy,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,its,its,'PRP$','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,present,present,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,office,office,'NN','O','O'), t(n,building,building,'NN','O','O'))))))), ba(s:dcl, t(np,it,it,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/ (s:ng\np),been,be,'VBN','O','O'), ba(s:ng\np, ba(s:ng\np, fa(s:ng\np, t((s:ng\np)/np,paying,pay,'VBG','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,mortgage,mortgage,'NN','O','O'), t(n,interest,interest,'NN','O','O')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,on,on,'IN','O','O'), t(np,it,it,'PRP','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,for,for,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, fa(n, fa(n/n, ba((n/n)/ (n/n), t(s:adj\np,more,more,'JJR','O','O'), t(((n/n)/ (n/n))\ (s:adj\np),than,than,'IN','O','O')), t(n/n,'10','10','CD','O','I-DAT')), t(n,years,year,'NNS','O','I-DAT')))))))))). ccg(817, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'APCOM','APCOM','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/ (s:ng\np),been,be,'VBN','O','O'), fa(s:ng\np, t((s:ng\np)/np,paying,pay,'VBG','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,mortgage,mortgage,'NN','O','O'), t(n,interest,interest,'NN','O','O'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,for,for,'IN','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,total,total,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','I-DAT'), ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'15','15','CD','O','I-DAT'), t(n,years,year,'NNS','O','I-DAT'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (np\np),or,or,'CC','O','O'), t(np\np,more,more,'JJR','O','O')))))))))))). ccg(818, fa(s:dcl, fa(s/s, t((s/s)/s:dcl,'When','When','WRB','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,got,get,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,his,his,'PRP$','O','O'), t(n,job,job,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,at,at,'IN','O','O'), rp(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,'CIA','CIA','NNP','O','I-ORG')), t(',',',',',',',','O','O'))))))), ba(s:dcl, t(np,he,he,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/s:em,knew,know,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:em, t(s:em/s:dcl,that,that,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, t(np,he,he,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np), t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),would,would,'MD','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),never,never,'RB','O','O')), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/ (s:pss\np),be,be,'VB','O','O'), fa(s:pss\np, t((s:pss\np)/ (s:to\np),allowed,allow,'VBN','O','O'), fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/np,write,write,'VB','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,his,his,'PRP$','O','O'), t(n,memoirs,memoirs,'NNS','O','O'))))))))))))). ccg(819, ba(s:dcl, t(np,'It','It','PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/s:em,case,case,'NN','O','O'), fa(s:em, t(s:em/s:dcl,that,that,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, ba((s:dcl\np)/np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),not,not,'RB','O','O')), conj(((s:dcl\np)/np)\ ((s:dcl\np)/np), (s:dcl\np)/np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), fc((s:dcl\np)/np, bxc((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np), t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),will,will,'MD','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),never,never,'RB','O','O')), fc((s:b\np)/np, t((s:b\np)/ (s:pss\np),be,be,'VB','O','O'), fc((s:pss\np)/np, t((s:pss\np)/ (s:to\np),allowed,allow,'VBN','O','O'), fc((s:to\np)/np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), t((s:b\np)/np,write,write,'VB','O','O'))))))), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,his,his,'PRP$','O','O'), t(n,memoirs,memoirs,'NNS','O','O')))))))))). ccg(820, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(s:pt\np, fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/pp,been,be,'VBN','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Florence','Florence','VB','O','O')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/ ((s\np)\ (s\np)),twice,twice,'RB','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,past,past,'NN','O','O')))))))). ccg(821, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),will,will,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,go,go,'VB','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Florence','Florence','NNP','O','I-LOC')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/ ((s\np)\ (s\np)),twice,twice,'RB','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,coming,coming,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,year,year,'NN','O','O'))))))))). ccg(822, ba(s:dcl, ba(np, lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,'Two','Two','CD','O','I-DAT'), t(n,years,year,'NNS','O','I-DAT'))), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,from,from,'IN','O','I-DAT'), lx(np, n, fa(n, t(n/n,now,now,'RB','O','I-DAT'), t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER'))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),will,will,'MD','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/ (s:pt\np),have,have,'VB','O','O'), ba(s:pt\np, fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/pp,been,be,'VBN','O','O'), fa(pp, t(pp/np,to,to,'TO','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Florence','Florence','VB','O','I-LOC')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), fa(((s\np)\ (s\np))/ ((s\np)\ (s\np)), t((((s\np)\ (s\np))/ ((s\np)\ (s\np)))/ (s:asup\np),at,at,'IN','O','O'), t(s:asup\np,least,least,'JJS','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/ ((s\np)\ (s\np)),four,four,'CD','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),times,time,'NNS','O','O')))))))). ccg(823, fa(s:dcl, fa(s/s, t((s/s)/ (s/s),'Last','Last','JJ','O','I-DAT'), t(s/s,week,week,'NN','O','I-DAT')), ba(s:dcl, t(np,'I','I','PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s\np)/ (s\np),already,already,'RB','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/s:em,knew,know,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:em, t(s:em/s:dcl,that,that,'IN','O','O'), fa(s:dcl, fa(s/s, bxc((s/s)/s:dcl, t((s/s)/s:dcl,when,when,'WRB','O','O'), conj((s/s)\ (s/s), s/s, t(',',',',',',',','O','O'), fa(s/s, t((s/s)/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), rp(np:nb, fa(np:nb, ba(np:nb/n, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,month,month,'NN','O','I-DAT')), t((np:nb/n)\np,'''s','''s','POS','O','O')), t(n,time,time,'NN','O','O')), t(',',',',',',',','O','O'))))), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),would,would,'MD','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/s:em,discover,discover,'VB','O','O'), fa(s:em, t(s:em/s:dcl,that,that,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, t(np,she,she,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),had,have,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/ (s:pss\np),been,be,'VBN','O','O'), t(s:pss\np,duped,dupe,'VBN','O','O'))))))))), ba(s:dcl, t(np,she,she,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),would,would,'MD','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/ (s:adj\np),be,be,'VB','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,furious,furious,'JJ','O','O'))))))))))). ccg(824, ba(s:dcl, t(np,'It','It','PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),will,will,'MD','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/np,be,be,'VB','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,case,case,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),that,that,'IN','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, fa((s\np)/ (s\np), t(((s\np)/ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,few,few,'JJ','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,weeks,week,'NNS','O','O'), t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER'))))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),will,will,'MD','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/s:em,discover,discover,'VB','O','O'), fa(s:em, t(s:em/s:dcl,that,that,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, rp(s:dcl, ba(s:dcl, t(np,she,she,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),has,have,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/ (s:pss\np),been,be,'VBN','O','O'), t(s:pss\np,duped,dupe,'VBN','O','O')))), t(;,;,;,;,'O','O')), conj(s:dcl\s:dcl, s:dcl, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, t(np,she,she,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),will,will,'MD','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/ (s:adj\np),be,be,'VB','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,furious,furious,'JJ','O','O')))))))))))))))). ccg(825, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'No','No','DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,one,one,'CD','O','O'), t(n,gambling,gambling,'NN','O','O'))), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s\np)/ (s\np),seriously,seriously,'RB','O','O'), t(s:dcl\np,stops,stop,'VBZ','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/s:dcl,until,until,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, t(np,he,he,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pss\np),is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t(s:pss\np,broke,break,'VBN','O','O'))))))). ccg(826, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'No','No','DT','O','O'), t(n,one,one,'NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),can,can,'MD','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, t(s:b\np,gamble,gamble,'VB','O','O'), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/s:dcl,when,when,'WRB','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, t(np,he,he,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pss\np),is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t(s:pss\np,broke,break,'VBN','O','O')))))))). ccg(827, ba(s:dcl, ba(np, t(np,'Everyone','Everyone','DT','O','O'), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np),starts,start,'VBZ','O','O'), t(s:ng\np,gambling,gamble,'VBG','O','O')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s\np)/ (s\np),seriously,seriously,'RB','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,stops,stop,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,moment,moment,'NN','O','O')), lx(np\np, s:dcl/np, fc(s:dcl/np, tr(s:_G3928/ (s:_G3934\np), t(np,he,he,'PRP','O','O')), bxc((s:dcl\np)/np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),broke,break,'VBN','O','O'))))))))). ccg(828, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'No','No','DT','O','O'), t(n,one,one,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np),starts,start,'VBZ','O','O'), t(s:ng\np,gambling,gamble,'VBG','O','O')))), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s\np)/ (s\np),seriously,seriously,'RB','O','O'), t(s:dcl\np,stops,stop,'VBZ','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/s:dcl,until,until,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, t(np,he,he,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pss\np),is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t(s:pss\np,broke,break,'VBN','O','O'))))))). ccg(829, ba(s:dcl, ba(np, t(np,'Everyone','Everyone','DT','O','O'), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np),starts,start,'VBZ','O','O'), t(s:ng\np,gambling,gamble,'VBG','O','O')))), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s\np)/ (s\np),seriously,seriously,'RB','O','O'), t(s:dcl\np,continues,continue,'VBZ','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/s:dcl,until,until,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, t(np,he,he,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pss\np),is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t(s:pss\np,broke,break,'VBN','O','O'))))))). ccg(830, ba(s:dcl, ba(np, t(np,'Nobody','Nobody','DT','O','O'), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),who,who,'WP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,asleep,asleep,'JJ','O','O')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s\np)/ (s\np),ever,ever,'RB','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/s:em,knows,know,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(s:em, t(s:em/s:dcl,that,that,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, t(np,he,he,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:adj\np),is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,asleep,asleep,'JJ','O','O')))))))). ccg(831, fa(s:dcl, t(s/s,'But','But','CC','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,some,some,'DT','O','O'), t(n,people,people,'NNS','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/s:em,know,know,'VBP','O','O'), fa(s:em, t(s:em/s:dcl,that,that,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, t(np,they,they,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),have,have,'VBP','O','O'), ba(s:pt\np, fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/ (s:adj\np),been,be,'VBN','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,asleep,asleep,'JJ','O','O')), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/s:dcl,after,after,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, t(np,they,they,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),have,have,'VBP','O','O'), fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/ (s:adj\np),been,be,'VBN','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,asleep,asleep,'JJ','O','O'))))))))))))). ccg(832, ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'Some','Some','DT','O','O'), t(n,people,people,'NNS','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/s:em,discover,discover,'VBP','O','O'), fa(s:em, t(s:em/s:dcl,that,that,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, t(np,they,they,'PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),have,have,'VBP','O','O'), fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/ (s:adj\np),been,be,'VBN','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,asleep,asleep,'JJ','O','O')))))))). ccg(833, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,built,build,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'MTALK','MTALK','NNP','O','I-ORG'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1993','1993','CD','O','I-DAT')))))). ccg(834, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,finished,finish,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'MTALK','MTALK','NNP','O','I-ORG'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1993','1993','CD','O','I-DAT')))))). ccg(835, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), ba(s:ng\np, fa(s:ng\np, t((s:ng\np)/np,building,build,'VBG','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'MTALK','MTALK','NNP','O','I-ORG'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1993','1993','CD','O','I-DAT'))))))). ccg(836, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,finished,finish,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'MTALK','MTALK','NNP','O','I-ORG'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1993','1993','CD','O','I-DAT')))))). ccg(837, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,from,from,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'APCOM','APCOM','NNP','O','I-ORG'))))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1993','1993','CD','O','I-DAT')))))). ccg(838, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1993','1993','CD','O','I-DAT'))))))). ccg(839, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), ba(s:ng\np, ba(s:ng\np, fa(s:ng\np, t((s:ng\np)/np,winning,win,'VBG','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,from,from,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'APCOM','APCOM','NNP','O','I-ORG')))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1993','1993','CD','O','I-DAT'))))))). ccg(840, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1993','1993','CD','O','I-DAT'))))))). ccg(841, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,owned,own,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'APCOM','APCOM','NNP','O','I-ORG'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), fa(((s\np)\ (s\np))/ ((s\np)\ (s\np)), t((((s\np)\ (s\np))/ ((s\np)\ (s\np)))/np,from,from,'IN','O','I-DAT'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1988','1988','CD','O','I-DAT'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,to,to,'TO','O','I-DAT'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1992','1992','CD','O','I-DAT'))))))). ccg(842, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,owned,own,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'APCOM','APCOM','NNP','O','I-ORG'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1990','1990','CD','O','I-DAT')))))). ccg(843, ba(s:dcl, ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), conj(np\np, np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','I-PER'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,left,leave,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(844, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,left,leave,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(845, ba(s:dcl, ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), conj(np\np, np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','I-PER'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,left,leave,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(846, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,left,leave,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,meeting,meeting,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(847, ba(s:dcl, ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), conj(np\np, np, t(',',',',',',',','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'Anderson','Anderson','NNP','O','I-PER')), conj(np\np, np, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','I-PER'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')))))), t(s:dcl\np,met,meet,'VBD','O','O'))). ccg(848, ba(s:dcl, t(np:thr,'There','There','EX','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np:thr, t((s:dcl\np:thr)/np,was,be,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,group,group,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,people,people,'NNS','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/ (s:dcl\np),that,that,'WDT','O','O'), t(s:dcl\np,met,meet,'VBD','O','O')))))))). ccg(849, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/s:em,knew,know,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:em, t(s:em/s:dcl,that,that,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),had,have,'VBD','O','O'), ba(s:pt\np, fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/np,won,win,'VBN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1992','1992','CD','O','I-DAT')))))))))). ccg(850, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1992','1992','CD','O','I-DAT')))))). ccg(851, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/s:em,believed,believe,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:em, t(s:em/s:dcl,that,that,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:pt\np),had,have,'VBD','O','O'), ba(s:pt\np, fa(s:pt\np, t((s:pt\np)/np,won,win,'VBN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1992','1992','CD','O','I-DAT')))))))))). ccg(852, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1992','1992','CD','O','I-DAT')))))). ccg(853, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:to\np),managed,manage,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/np,win,win,'VB','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1992','1992','CD','O','I-DAT')))))))). ccg(854, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1992','1992','CD','O','I-DAT')))))). ccg(855, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:to\np),tried,try,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:to\np, t((s:to\np)/ (s:b\np),to,to,'TO','O','O'), ba(s:b\np, fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/np,win,win,'VB','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1992','1992','CD','O','I-DAT')))))))). ccg(856, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1992','1992','CD','O','I-DAT')))))). ccg(857, ba(s:dcl, t(np:expl,'It','It','PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np:expl, fa((s:dcl\np:expl)/s:em, t(((s:dcl\np:expl)/s:em)/ (s:adj\np),is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,true,true,'JJ','O','O')), fa(s:em, t(s:em/s:dcl,that,that,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1992','1992','CD','O','I-DAT'))))))))). ccg(858, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1992','1992','CD','O','I-DAT')))))). ccg(859, ba(s:dcl, t(np:expl,'It','It','PRP','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np:expl, fa((s:dcl\np:expl)/s:em, t(((s:dcl\np:expl)/s:em)/ (s:adj\np),is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), t(s:adj\np,false,false,'JJ','O','O')), fa(s:em, t(s:em/s:dcl,that,that,'IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1992','1992','CD','O','I-DAT'))))))))). ccg(860, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,won,win,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))), fa((s\np)\ (s\np), t(((s\np)\ (s\np))/np,in,in,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'1992','1992','CD','O','I-DAT')))))). ccg(861, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, fa((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np), t(((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np))/np,saw,see,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER'))), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/np,sign,sign,'VB','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(862, fa(s:dcl, fa(s/s, t((s/s)/s:dcl,'If','If','IN','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,signed,sign,'VBD','O','O'), rp(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O')), t(',',',',',',',','O','O'))))), ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,his,his,'PRP$','O','O'), t(n,heart,heart,'NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), t(s:ng\np,beating,beat,'VBG','O','O'))))). ccg(863, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/s:dcl,saw,see,'VBD','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, ba(np:nb/n, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), t((np:nb/n)\np,'''','''','POS','O','I-PER')), t(n,heart,heart,'NN','O','O')), t(s:dcl\np,beat,beat,'VBD','O','O'))))). ccg(864, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, fa((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np), t(((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np))/np,saw,see,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER'))), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/np,sign,sign,'VB','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(865, fa(s:dcl, fa(s/s, t((s/s)/s:dcl,'When','When','WRB','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,signed,sign,'VBD','O','O'), rp(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O')), t(',',',',',',',','O','O'))))), ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,his,his,'PRP$','O','O'), t(n,heart,heart,'NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:ng\np),was,be,'VBD','O','O'), t(s:ng\np,beating,beat,'VBG','O','O'))))). ccg(866, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/s:dcl,saw,see,'VBD','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, ba(np:nb/n, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), t((np:nb/n)\np,'''','''','POS','O','I-PER')), t(n,heart,heart,'NN','O','O')), t(s:dcl\np,beat,beat,'VBD','O','O'))))). ccg(867, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, fa((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np), t(((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np))/np,saw,see,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER'))), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/np,sign,sign,'VB','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(868, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,signed,sign,'VBD','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(869, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, fa((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np), t(((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np))/np,saw,see,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER'))), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/np,sign,sign,'VB','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(870, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,chairman,chairman,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG'))))))). ccg(871, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,saw,see,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,chairman,chairman,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), ba(np, lx(np, n, t(n,'ITEL','ITEL','NNP','O','I-ORG')), conj(np:nb\np:nb, np:nb, t(conj,sign,sign,'NN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))))))))). ccg(872, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Helen','Helen','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, fa((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np), t(((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np))/np,saw,see,'VBD','O','O'), ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,chairman,chairman,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,department,department,'NN','O','O'))))), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/np,answer,answer,'VB','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,phone,phone,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(873, ba(s:dcl, ba(np:nb, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,'The','The','DT','O','O'), t(n,chairman,chairman,'NN','O','O')), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/np,of,of,'IN','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,department,department,'NN','O','O')))), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,person,person,'NN','O','O'))))). ccg(874, ba(s:dcl, t(np:thr,'There','There','EX','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np:thr, t((s:dcl\np:thr)/np,is,be,'VBZ','O','O'), ba(np, t(np,someone,someone,'DT','O','O'), fa(np\np, t((np\np)/s:dcl,whom,whom,'WP','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Helen','Helen','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np),saw,see,'VBD','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/np,answer,answer,'VB','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,phone,phone,'NN','O','O')))))))))). ccg(875, ba(s:dcl, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, fa((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np), t(((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np))/np,saw,see,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER'))), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/np,sign,sign,'VB','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))))), conj(s:dcl\s:dcl, s:dcl, t(conj,and,and,'CC','O','O'), ba(s:dcl, fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,his,his,'PRP$','O','O'), t(n,secretary,secretary,'NN','O','O')), fa(s:dcl\np, t((s:dcl\np)/np,make,make,'VB','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,a,a,'DT','O','O'), t(n,copy,copy,'NN','O','O'))))))). ccg(876, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, fa((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np), t(((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np))/np,saw,see,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER'))), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/np,sign,sign,'VB','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O')))))). ccg(877, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), fa(s:dcl\np, fa((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np), t(((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np))/np,saw,see,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER'))), ba(s:b\np, fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/np,sign,sign,'VB','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))), conj((s:b\np)\ (s:b\np), s:b\np, t(conj,or,or,'CC','O','O'), fa(s:b\np, bxc((s:b\np)/np, t((s:b\np)/np,cross,cross,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),out,out,'RP','O','O')), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,crucial,crucial,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,clause,clause,'NN','O','O'))))))))). ccg(878, ba(s:dcl, lx(np, n, t(n,'Smith','Smith','NNP','O','I-PER')), ba(s:dcl\np, fa(s:dcl\np, t((s\np)/ (s\np),either,either,'CC','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, fa((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np), t(((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np))/np,saw,see,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER'))), fa(s:b\np, t((s:b\np)/np,sign,sign,'VB','O','O'), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), t(n,contract,contract,'NN','O','O'))))), conj((s:dcl\np)\ (s:dcl\np), s:dcl\np, t(conj,or,or,'CC','O','O'), fa(s:dcl\np, fa((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np), t(((s:dcl\np)/ (s:b\np))/np,saw,see,'VBD','O','O'), lx(np, n, t(n,'Jones','Jones','NNP','O','I-PER'))), fa(s:b\np, bxc((s:b\np)/np, t((s:b\np)/np,cross,cross,'VB','O','O'), t((s\np)\ (s\np),out,out,'RP','O','O')), fa(np:nb, t(np:nb/n,the,the,'DT','O','O'), fa(n, t(n/n,crucial,crucial,'JJ','O','O'), t(n,clause,clause,'NN','O','O'))))))))).