But not a whit more .
Baina ez gehiago.
What a great way to spend 4 units of your day .
Ondo pasatu dugu lau unitate horiekin.
The movie is hardly a masterpiece , but it does mark Ms. Bullock 's best work in some time .
Film hau ez da artelana, baina denbora luzez emakumeak egin du lan hori.
As simple and innocent a movie as you can imagine .
Imaginatu dezakezun film sinple eta inozoena.
This is a movie you can trust .
Film hau fidagarria da.
Passionate , irrational , long-suffering but cruel as a tarantula , Helga figures prominently in this movie , and helps keep the proceedings as funny for grown-ups as for rugrats .
Grinaz , arrazoirik gabe, ero moduan, odol hotzean egokitu da, baina ez da ergela. Helga protagonista da, animalia eskoziar bat, jaioberriei egiten diena zoriona.
`` It 's all about the image . ''
" Dena irudiari buruz " .
Vividly conveys the passion , creativity , and fearlessness of one of Mexico 's most colorful and controversial artists -- a captivating drama that will speak to the nonconformist in us all .
Mexikoko artista klasikoen artean oso ezaguna den artista pasionatuaren sormenari eta ausardiari loturiko obra bat da.Sorginkeriak gure barnean dauden ezkongabeak harrituko ditu .
Hollywood Ending is not show-stoppingly hilarious , but scathingly witty nonetheless .
"Ezkonaurreko Hollywoodekoa" ez da guztiz barregarria, baina bai barregarria.
Maybe Thomas Wolfe was right : You ca n't go home again .
Beharbada Thomas Wolfek arrazoi zuen esanez: "Ezin zara etxera bueltatu".
A compelling yarn , but not quite a ripping one .
Istorio interesgarria, baina ez bikaina.
On the Granger Movie Gauge of 1 to 10 , The Powerpuff Girls is a fast , frenetic , funny , even punny 6 -- aimed specifically at a grade-school audience .
"The Powerpuff Girls " , 1etik 10era azkarragoak zirenak. ironikoak, dibertigarriak.
The film has several strong performances .
Filmak hainbat pertsonai du garrantzia handia.
I 've never bought from telemarketers , but I bought this movie .
Ez dut inoiz erosi film bat, baina bai film hau.
Perfectly pitched between comedy and tragedy , hope and despair , About Schmidt instead comes far closer than many movies to expressing the way many of us live -- someplace between consuming self-absorption and insistently demanding otherness .
Komedia eta tragedia, itxaropena eta etsipenaren artean kokatzen dituena ... Schmidtena ez da film asko bezain ona bizitzeko eta gutako askok nahi dugun bezala bizitzeko; auto-kontzientzia eta bestelako bizitza eskatzeko.
The funny thing is , I did n't mind all this contrived nonsense a bit .
Bitxia da, baina bost axola zitzaidan zentzugabekeria hori.
( Shyamalan ) turns the goose-pimple genre on its empty head and fills it with spirit , purpose and emotionally bruised characters who add up to more than body count .
Generoa aldatzen du, burua hutsik geratzen da... espirituz, asmoz eta emozionalki, pertsonaia osatuz.
A sexy , peculiar and always entertaining costume drama set in Renaissance Spain , and the fact that it 's based on true events somehow makes it all the more compelling .
Mozorro sexy eta xelebrea da ... Espainiako Errenazimentuan kokatua eta egiaren indarrez zuzendua.
An entertaining documentary that freshly considers arguments the Bard 's immortal plays were written by somebody else .
Dokumentala plazaratu du , interesgarria da eta argumentu kontzeptuak aurkezten ditu. Bardoren lanak beste norbaitek idatzitakoak dira.
A highly spirited , imaginative kid 's movie that broaches neo-Augustinian theology : Is God stuck in Heaven because He 's afraid of His best-known creation ?
Filmean agertzen dena sinesmen faltsuak dira, nere ustez baina:
Call it magic realism or surrealism , but Miss Wonton floats beyond reality with a certain degree of wit and dignity .
Magia errealaren ala surrealismoaren aurrean jarri zara. Wonton andereak bizitasun eta izaera zientifikoaz hitz egiten du.
Raimi and his team could n't have done any better in bringing the story of Spider-Man to the big screen .
Raimi eta bere taldea ez dira sasoi onean egongo "Spiderman" pantaila handira ekartzeko.
The director explores all three sides of his story with a sensitivity and an inquisitiveness reminiscent of Truffaut .
Zuzendariak hiru alderdiak erakusten ditu: Truffauten senar-emazteen arteko harremana eta elkarrekiko interesa.
Well-acted , well-directed and , for all its moodiness , not too pretentious .
Antzezpen ona, zuzendaritza ona eta, batez ere, joera ona.
It 's a satisfying summer blockbuster and worth a look .
Udako arrakasta handi bat da eta ederki dago ikusita.
Boomers and their kids will have a Barrie good time .
Jendeak ongi pasatzen du Barrie eta besteekin.
Real Women Have Curves wears its empowerment on its sleeve but even its worst harangues are easy to swallow thanks to remarkable performances by Ferrera and Ontiveros .
"Emakumeek benetan dituzten ariketak" hasieran, baina ez da hasi eta "arazoak dituzten ariketak" bukatu arte. Baina, arnasbide onenak ere gainditu ditu Ferrerak eta Ontiverok.
Ultimately , `` MIB II '' succeeds due to its rapid-fire delivery and enough inspired levity that it ca n't be dismissed as mindless .
Azkenean , "MIB II "k arrakasta izan zuen , bere hitzaldiak azkarrak eta adierazpen ausartak zirela eta ezin zitekeela tontakeriatzat jo.
Stage director Sam Mendes showcases Tom Hanks as a depression era hit-man in this dark tale of revenge .
Sam Mendesek Tom Hanks antzezten du ... depresioaren garaiko hiltzaile gisa, ... eta bere mendekuaren kontakizun ilunean.
Sitting in the third row of the IMAX cinema at Sydney 's Darling Harbour , but I sometimes felt as though I was in the tiny two seater plane that carried the giant camera around Australia , sweeping and gliding , banking and hovering over some of the most not
Baina batzuetan, ematen zuen bi gizoneko hegazkin horretan nengoela ... kamerarekin zorabiatzen zen bakarra ...
The real charm of this trifle is the deadpan comic face of its star , Jean Reno , who resembles Sly Stallone in a hot sake half-sleep .
Film honen helburua pertsonaia irribarretsua bihurtzea da. Jean Reno izar famatuaren irudia, Sly Stallone dirudi.
What 's so fun about this silly , outrageous , ingenious thriller is the director 's talent .
Film barregarri honek zera du onena: ...zure talentua.
Watching a Brian DePalma movie is like watching an Alfred Hitchcock movie after drinking twelve beers .
Brian DePalma film bat ikustea da Alfred Hitchcock ikustea, 12 garagardo edanez gero.
Strip it of all its excess debris , and you 'd have a 90-minute , four-star movie .
Filma itzazu eta alferrik galdu 90 minutu 4 izarreko filma egiteko.
As it is , it 's too long and unfocused .
Luzeegia, eta argiegia.
An immensely entertaining look at some of the unsung heroes of 20th century pop music .
XX. mendeko musikarako istorioak ezkutatu dituen grabazioaren parte da.
This familiar rise-and-fall tale is long on glamour and short on larger moralistic consequences , though it 's told with sharp ears and eyes for the tenor of the times .
Erronken istorio ezaguna da glamour handikoa baina txikia eta ondorio moral handikoa. Nahiz eta kontatzen den denboraren poderiozko adimenarekin eta begiekin.
This beautifully animated epic is never dull .
Marrazkiek ez dute batere aspertzen .
Brian Tufano 's handsome widescreen photography and Paul Grabowsky 's excellent music turn this fairly parochial melodrama into something really rather special .
Brian Tufanoren kamera eta Paul Grabowskyren musika tradizionalak... landuko du produkzio honek, oso originala.
It makes compelling , provocative and prescient viewing .
Ikuspuntu interesgarria eta probokatzailea da.
A thoroughly entertaining comedy that uses Grant 's own twist of acidity to prevent itself from succumbing to its own bathos .
Komedia ukitu ederra da; Grantek bere buruari sekulakoa su eman ez dion zerbait sortu du .
Using a stock plot , About a Boy injects just enough freshness into the proceedings to provide an enjoyable 100 minutes in a movie theater .
100 minutuz zinema batean pasatzeko adina grabazio erakusten dute " Mutilaren inguruan " filmak.
What Eric Schaeffer has accomplished with Never Again may not , strictly speaking , qualify as revolutionary .
" Ez berriro inoiz " , Eric Schaefferrek egindakoa, ezin da esan " Iraultza "
But it 's defiantly and delightfully against the grain .
Baina aurka egiten zidan eta nire kontra jartzen zen , horrela deitzen nion.
The hard-to-predict and absolutely essential chemistry between the down-to-earth Bullock and the nonchalant Grant proves to be sensational , and everything meshes in this elegant entertainment .
Bullock izar erdikoaren eta Grant etxegabearen arteko... harreman ezin hobeak... harrigarriak dira.
A positively thrilling combination of ethnography and all the intrigue , betrayal , deceit and murder of a Shakespearean tragedy or a juicy soap opera .
-Eta nahasketa aparta egiten du bai etnografiarekin bai intriga eta traizioarekin. baita xakearen tragediaren traizioa eta hilketa eta saponada emankor baten nahasketa ere.
Mr. Clooney , Mr. Kaufman and all their collaborators are entitled to take a deep bow for fashioning an engrossing entertainment out of an almost sure-fire prescription for a critical and commercial disaster .
Clooney jauna eta Kaufman jauna eta beren lankideak... oso arduratsuak dira... eta ondorioztatu dute filmak ondo atera direla... baina aldi berean oso txarra dela.
Definitely funny stuff , but it 's more of the ` laughing at ' variety than the ` laughing with . '
Oso dibertigarria , baina ez da barregarria. "Berezitasuna" baino ez da.
Easily the most thoughtful fictional examination of the root causes of anti-Semitism ever seen on screen .
antisemitismoaren ikerketa sakonena da.
A real winner -- smart , funny , subtle , and resonant .
Benetako irabazlea: bizkorra , dibertigarria , delikatua eta sentikorra.
Family portrait of need , neurosis and nervy negativity is a rare treat that shows the promise of digital filmmaking .
Familiaren portreta, neurosi eta negatibitatearen emozioak irudikatzen dituena, filmak digitalaren etorkizuna dakarrena.
The pitch must have read like a discarded House Beautiful spread .
Etxe Zuriko liburuak bezala irakurriko zenituen.
Uplifting as only a document of the worst possibilities of mankind can be , and among the best films of the year .
Aurtengo filmerik onenetakoa da.
Director David Jacobson gives Dahmer a consideration that the murderer never game his victims .
David Jacobson zuzendariak uste du Dahmer delako hiltzaile horrek... ez duela harremanik inorekin.
The film has a terrific look and Salma Hayek has a feel for the character at all stages of her life .
Film oso polita da. Salma Hayekek bizitzaren garai guztietan ezagutu du bere pertsonaia.
A decided lack of spontaneity in its execution and a dearth of real poignancy in its epiphanies .
espontaneitate hutsa eta froga faltagatik.
The performances are remarkable .
Antzezpen bikaina da.
It 's Burns ' visuals , characters and his punchy dialogue , not his plot , that carry waydowntown .
Burnsen diseinua eta personalitateak zeuden. ...eta bere hizketaldiak ez ziren harropuzte askorako...
As literary desecrations go , this makes for perfectly acceptable , occasionally very enjoyable children 's entertainment .
Haurrentzako jostailuzko liburu bat bezalakoa da. Batzuetan, ez da hain txarra.
You 'll forget about it by Monday , though , and if they 're old enough to have developed some taste , so will your kids .
Astelehenean ahaztu egingo duzu eta zure seme-alabek ere .
While I ca n't say it 's on par with the first one , Stuart Little 2 is a light , fun cheese puff of a movie .
Stuart Little 2: Egia esan ez da lehenengoa bezain ona. baina ez dago gaizki.
Strange , funny , twisted , brilliant and macabre .
Bitxia , jatorra, maltzurra, azkarra eta ikaragarria.
A genuinely moving and wisely unsentimental drama .
Drama hunkigarria da oso . Eta sentimenduetan ez dago batere ongi.
Heaven is a haunting dramatization of a couple 's moral ascension .
Zerua dramatika bat da bikote baten askatasun moralaren inguruan.
The Mothman Prophecies is best when illustrating the demons bedevilling the modern masculine journey .
"Profeta txikien profeziak"... "...haiek dira gizonaren egunerokoaren... "...profeziak"...
Plays out with a dogged and eventually winning squareness that would make it the darling of many a kids-and-family-oriented cable channel .
Kable bidezko telebista kate handiena bihurtuko litzateke .
An entertaining British hybrid of comedy , caper thrills and quirky romance .
Britainiar bat barregarria, kartsua, humorez eta erromantiz betea.
Alain Choquart 's camera barely stops moving , portraying both the turmoil of the time and giving Conduct a perpetual sense of urgency , which , for a film that takes nearly three hours to unspool , is both funny and irritating .
Alain Choquart-en kamera ez zen gelditzen, eta orduaren biolentzia irudikatzen zuen, eta baita Conduct-i presakeria bat ematea ere, zeina, hiru orduko filmazioarekin, barregarria eta mingarria den.
Mostly Martha could have used a little trimming -- 10 or 15 minutes could be cut and no one would notice -- but it 's a pleasurable trifle .
Martak utziko zituen dena bere lekuan. 10 edo 15 minutuan ikusiko zenituen. txikizio bat.
The only pain you 'll feel as the credits roll is your stomach grumbling for some tasty grub .
Azken ekitaldia bakarrik geratuko zaizu ... janariaz kexu zaudenean.
Hardly an objective documentary , but it 's great cinematic polemic ... love Moore or loathe him , you 've got to admire ... the intensity with which he 's willing to express his convictions .
Ez da oso dokumental ona baina polemika ikaragarria da. Moore maite duzula edo ez , miretsi egin behar duzu . Bere sentimenduak adierazten dituen intentsitatea aintzat hartu behar da.
The mark of a respectable summer blockbuster is one of two things : unadulterated thrills or genuine laughs .
Udako arrakasta handi bat lortzeko, bi gauza egin behar dira:
The film is visually dazzling , the depicted events dramatic , funny and poignant .
Film hau ikus-entzunezko arrakastatsua da. Gertaerak dramatikoak dira , dibertigarriak eta bihotz-altxagarriak.
A directorial tour de force by Bernard Rose , ivans xtc .
Bernard Rose-ren zuzendaritzako produkzio bat ikusi dugu.
is one of this year 's very best pictures .
aurtengo argazkirik onena da.
What makes the movie work -- to an admittedly limited extent -- is the commitment of two genuinely engaging performers .
Film honek arrakasta badu , nahiz eta muga bat izan , bi pertsonaia elkarren artean biltzen dituen zerbait da .
Weaver and LaPaglia are both excellent , in the kind of low-key way that allows us to forget that they are actually movie folk .
Weaver eta LaPaglia harrigarriak dira ... bazterrak nahasten dizkigute ... eta ez dugu haiek filmatzeko ohiturarik.
Even the digressions are funny .
Dibertimenduak ere barregarriak dira.
Mr. Spielberg and his company just want you to enjoy yourselves without feeling conned .
Spielberg jaunak eta bere lagunek nahi dute zuek ondo pasatzea. Iruzurrik egin gabe.
And they succeed merrily at their noble endeavor .
Eta beraien poztasunerako egindako ahaleginak zirriborratzen dituzte.
Melodrama with a message .
Melodrama bat da, mezu batekin.
A perfectly pleasant if slightly pokey comedy .
Oso komedia atsegina da, baina nahasgarria.
Coppola 's directorial debut is an incredibly layered and stylistic film that , despite a fairly slow paced , almost humdrum approach to character development , still manages at least a decent attempt at meaningful cinema .
Coppolaren estreinaldia hain da estiloz eta sormenz beteta , non, pausoa moteldu arren ia-ia aho zabalik uzten baitu pertsonaia garatzeko orduan, zinemaren esanahia ukatzen duen esperimentu bat da.
At the end , when the now computerized Yoda finally reveals his martial artistry , the film ascends to a kinetic life so teeming that even cranky adults may rediscover the quivering kid inside .
Azkenean , Yoda egileak bere arte martzialak aurkeztu dituenean film hau hain da txundigarria ... pertsona helduek ere irentsi dezaketela bere barruan dagoen izua.
Wang Xiaoshuai directs this intricately structured and well-realized drama that presents a fascinating glimpse of urban life and the class warfare that embroils two young men .
Wang Xiaoshuai zuzendariaren eskutik hainbat film daude. Filmean ageri dira hiri-bizitzaren zati interesgarriak. Bi gazte elkarren artean borrokan.
It 's hard to imagine anybody ever being `` in the mood '' to view a movie as harrowing and painful as The Grey Zone , but it 's equally hard to imagine anybody being able to tear their eyes away from the screen once it 's started .
Zaila da irudikatzea jendetza bat " Munstroak" bezala urduritzen den filma ikustea eta baita buruko minak ere. Baina ez da erraza sinistea filmaketa amaitzen denik.
Bogdanovich taps deep into the Hearst mystique , entertainingly reenacting a historic scandal .
Bogdanovichek Hearsten misterioak argitzen ditu ... eskandalu historiko baten antzezpenarekin.
A moving tale of love and destruction in unexpected places , unexamined lives .
Maitasun eta hondamendi istorio bat. Ezusteko lekuetan, eta jendea zain.
Clooney directs this film always keeping the balance between the fantastic and the believable ...
Clooneyk film hau zuzentzen du, fantastikoa eta sinesgarria elkarrengandik bereizten duten gauzak.
Even if you do n't understand what on earth is going on , this is a movie that will stimulate hours of post viewing discussion , if only to be reminded of who did what to whom and why .
Filma horrek orduak emango ditu eztabaidan, eta gogoraraziko dizu nork egin zuen zer eta zergatik.
... a lesson in prehistoric hilarity .
...hau da, prehistoriako umorearen aitzindaria.
A fantastically vital movie that manages to invest real humor , sensuality , and sympathy into a story about two adolescent boys .
Film hau bizia emateko modukoa da. bi nerabe gazte azaltzen dira, bakoitza bere emozio eta grinekin.
Lawrence plumbs personal tragedy and also the human comedy .
Lawrence ... tragedia pertsonal eta giza komedia bat ere badauka.
Though a capable thriller , somewhere along the way K-19 jettisoned some crucial drama .
Gai da thriller bat egiteko, baina nolabait K-19ak atzera bota du funtsezko drama bat.
Just about the surest bet for an all-around good time at the movies this summer .
Udako laprastada eta haizea.
It would be disingenuous to call Reno a great film , but you can say that about most of the flicks moving in and out of the multiplex .
" Reno " film bikaina zela esatea gezurra litzateke. Baina sarrerak eta opariak desagertzen dira , eta dena azaltzen da.
This is a movie that is what it is : a pleasant distraction , a Friday night diversion , an excuse to eat popcorn .
Film hau da... ..dibertimendu atsegina. Ostiral gauetako grabaketa.
There is a certain sense of experimentation and improvisation to this film that may not always work , but it is nevertheless compelling .
Esperimentazio eta inprobisazio eza handia dago film honetan baina ez da beti erraza izaten.
The Four Feathers has rewards , from the exoticism of its seas of sand to the fierce grandeur of its sweeping battle scenes .
Lau Haizetara ailegatzean ... ekaitz gogorrak eta itsasoetako hondar txuriko txingarrak egongo dira.
A delicious , quirky movie with a terrific screenplay and fanciful direction by Michael Gondry .
Film zoragarria da, eta Michael Gondryren gidoi aparta.