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Error code:   TooBigContentError

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Dataset Card for ilovehentai9000/laion-is-still-closed-laion-source-lmao

Dataset Details

Dataset Description

Laion-5B Still closed
"fuck it. we do it ourselves."

This is a dataset of raw CommonCrawl of images.

We have not checked if these links even work. You're on your own. All we checked is that they contain alt text + some very simple metrics.


Just don't. Do look like I give a fuck what you do lol. If you don't like it, report the actual site to the authorities.


This contains a experimental run to show that "It works."


Skill issue. Also read the below for big corp users.

Special Notice

In light of recent AI Developments, we define the additional clauses:

  1. This applies only to the following corporations, organizations and thier related subsidaries as listed:
  • Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta, Microsoft, Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent, Huawei, Xiaomi, OpenAI, Stability AI, RunwayML, Anthropic, Midjourney
  1. Upon utilizing this dataset, you hereby affirm and declare that you:
  • Do not represent nor are affiliated with aforementioned corporations and organizations.
  • Assert that your use of this data is independent of any association with these entities.
  • To the extent of your understanding, belief, and knowledge, you guarantee that this dataset will not find its way into the possession of the aforementioned corporations and organizations through your actions.
  • By proceeding, you acknowledge and adhere to these terms, ensuring that your utilization of the data remains separate from any influence or connection to the aforementioned corporations and organizations.
  • In demonstrating your commitment to open-source principles, you pledge to publicly disclose all resulting datasets and scripts within one month (31 Days, 720 hours) of finalizing your model or pre-print, which ever comes first.
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